CORNELL <^<<^ univer:ity r LIBRARY Cornell University Library F 42C5 H96 + History of Cheshire and Suiiivan countie 3 1924 028 812 596 olin Overs DATE DUE Irileri In brary GAYLOHD PRINTED IN U.S.A ¥}< Cornell University Library The original of this bool< is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. HISTORY OP CHESHIKE#SULLIYAS COUNTIES. NEW HAMPSHIRE. EDITED BY D. HAMILTON HURD. PHILADELPHIA. J. W. LEWIS & CO. 1886. ]a^ PREFACE. In presenting this work to the pubhc, the publishers claim that they have at least endeavored to faithfully fulfill their promises. The most competent persons have been employed in the preparation of the work, and it is sincerely hoped that readers in the various towns of the counties will find the narratives of their special localities interesting and instructive. The work has been com- piled from authenticated and original sources. The preparation of the " History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties " upon the within elaborate plan imposed upon both editors and publishers a task of no small magnitude, and one which they have keenly felt. They submit the work to the public trusting that their just expectations may be fully realized. The Publishers. CONTENTS. CHESHIEE OOUE'TY. CIIAPTEK piOj I. GENERAL HISTOEY 1 II. BENCH AND BAR 9 III. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS 20 TOWN HISTORIES. PAGE ALSTEAD . 114 CHESTBRFIELI) ■ . . . , 123 DUBLIN 180 FITZWILLIAM 200 GILSUM 207 HARRISVILLE 210 HINSDALE 357 JAFFRET .220 KEBNE 24 MARLBOROUGH 231 MARLOW 314 NELSON 318 PAGE RICHMOND 322 RINDGB ■ • ■ • , 332 EOXBURY. . , ;.:.>. ; 329 STODDARD 331 SULLIVAN ,■ ■ ■ ■ 340 SUBKY ; 342 TROT 346 SWANZBY 375 WALPOLE 408 WESTMORELAND . 457 WINCHESTER. 54 STJLLIVAI^ OOUIfJ'TY. CHAPTER ' PAQR I. GENERAL HISTORY 3 II. BENCH AND BAR 4 TOWN HISTORIES. PAGE ACWOETH ■ ■ • 19 CHARLESTOWN 23 CLAREMONT . . . . • ^ CORNISH 1*1 CROYDON 1*" GOSHEN 18* GRANTHAM 1™ LANGDON. 1*1 PAOB LEMPSTEE 185 NEWPORT 200 PLAINFIELD 310 SPRINGFIELD 317 SUNAPEE ■• 336 UNITY 384 WASHINGTON 391 APPENDIX 406 V ILLUSTRATIONS. CHESHIRE COUNTY. PAGE Appleton, Jesse E 191 Ball, David .• 682 Boyden, Elijah...: 302 Boyden, I'lederic 368 Briggs, Oliver L 522 Bnffum, C.T 106 Biiflum, Haskell 618 Burt, William H 15 Carpenter, Algernon S 112 Cole, Theodore 520 Dickenson, Ansel j. 584 Elliot, J : 104 Esty, Henry 524 Faulkner, E. A 12 French, ABvJah 516 PrOBt, KufuB S ■•■;.. 300 Fuller, John H 108 Graves, Josiah G : *54 Greenwood, Colonel W. H 304 Halle, "William, Ex-Govemor 367 PAGE Hale, Samuel W 107 Harris, Gordis D 109 Hemenway, Luther 306 Holbrook, Daniel H , , 110 Holbrook, John J ,. Ill Knowlton, James 311 lane, F. F 11 Leonard, LeviW 193 Map (outline) of Counties 1 Map — ^plan ofWestmoreland _ 466 McCoUester, Kev. S. H , 295 Patten, Daniel W 528 Robertson, George , 371 Stearns, John 374 Thompson, Albert 525 Turner, JamesB 583 Twitchell, Dr. Amos 113 White, Shubael 627 Whitney, Charles 308 Winch, Nathan '. 310 SULLIVAN COUNTY. PAGE Adams, Daniel N ^^ Baker, Edward D ^^ Balcom, George L " ^^1 Barton, L. W ..: ^"^ Clark, Judge William ^^^ Colby, Ira '- ^^ Dunbar, George W ^^^ Eastman, Charles H ^^ Farwell, George N ■■ ^^^ Fisher, Leonard P ^^^ Freeman, P. C ^^ Goodhue, David P ^^^ Gobs, B. F ~ "' Graves, L. J ^^'^ PAGE Hall, Eufus 178 Hatch, Mason .....: 298 Howard, Rev. Lewis 359 McDaniel, Charles 363 Parker, H, W , 9 Quimby, Samuel 368 Bichards, Josiab ■ ,... 138 Runals, A • 382 Sanborn, Thomas 300 Smith, Alvah 194 Swett, JohnL 297 ToUes, Nathaniel 135 Wait, A. S •, 16 vii BIOGRAPHICAL, CHESHIRE COUNTY. PAGE Ai)pleton, Jessie R 191 Ball, David , 582 Boydon, Elijah 302 Boydeu, Frederic 368 Briggs, Oliver L 522 Buffnm, Caleb T 106 Buffum, Haskell ol8 Bnit, Charles W 19 Burt, Lieutenant-Colonel William II 15 Carpenter, Algernon S 112 Cliamberlalii Family 513 Cole, Theodore '. 520 Dicldnsori, Ansel .' 584 Elliot Family , 104 Esty, Henry 624 Faulkner, Hon. F. A 13 Faulkner, Francis A 12 French, Abijah 516 Frost, KufusS ......j '. 300 Fuller, John H 108 Graves, Josiah G 454 Greenwood, Colonel W. H....: 304 Gustine, Edward 113 PAGE Halle, William 36T Hale, Ex-Governor Samuel W 107 Harris, Cordis D 109 Hemenway, Luther 306 Holbrook, Daniel H ; 110 Holbrook.J. J ; : Ill Horton, Edgar K , 630 Horton, Egbert C 630 Knowlton, James , 311 Lane, F. F 11 Leonard, Levi W. C 193 McCoIIester, Bev. S. H 295 Patten, Daniel W 528 BobertBon, George 371 Stearns, John 374 Thompson, Albert 526 Turner, Family 583 Twitchell, Dr. Amos 113 White, Shubael 527 Whitney, Charles 308 Wilkinson, Solon, S 313 Winch, Nathan .'310 SULLIVAN COUNTY. PAGE Adams, Daniel N ■- '^^^ Baker, Edward D ^^ Balcom, George L. Barton, L. W. ^"^ Clark, William ^^^ Colby,Ira ^^ Dunbar, George W ^"^ Eastman, Charles I-I , Farwell, George N ■ ^^ Fisher, Leonard P : '^P Freeman, P. ^^ 177 Goss, BeiyaminF '■" Goodhue, David P ^^^ Graves, L. J ■ ^^^ PAGE Hall, Eufus 178 Hatch, Mason 298 Howard, Eev. Lewis 359 McDaniel, Charles 363 Paiker, H, W Paris, Sherman, residenceof. 33 Quimby, Samuel ; 358 Bichards, Josiah 138 Bunals Family (the) 382 Sanborn, Thomas. 300 Smith, Alvah ■ 194 Swett, John L 297 ToUes, Nathaniel 135 Wait, Albert S 16 iz fo^o HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ^1^®=:^ CHAPTEE I. GENERAL HISTORY. BY WILIAKB BILL. Geographical — Topographical — Geological — Botanical — Manufactures — Courts and County Buildings — County Officers — Aboriginal Occupancy — Population from 1867 to 1880. Geographical. — The province of JSTew Hampshire was divided into five counties in 1771. One of these was named Cheshire, deriving its name from a county in the west of England, cele- brated for its manufacture of cheese; hence, the name originally. Keene and Charlestown were made the shire-towns. July 5, 1827, the county was divided, the northern portion taking the name of Sullivan County. This division left Cheshire County with its present limits, situate in the southwestern part of the State, bounded on the north by Sullivan County, east by Hillsborough County, south by the State of Massachusetts, and west by the west bank of the Connecticut River. It extends its greatest length thirty-one miles north and south, and twenty-six miles in extreme width east and west. It contains twenty-three towns, eight of which were incorporated in the reign of George II., — namely, Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Keene, Richmond, Swanzey, Walpole, "Westmoreland and Winchester, — ten in the reign of George III., — namely, Alstead, Dublin, Fitzwilliam, 1 Gilsum, Jaffrey, Marlow, Nelson, Rindge, Surry, Stoddard, — and five under the govern- ment of New Hampshire, — namely, Harris- ville, Marlborough, Roxburv, Sullivan and Troy. Topographical. — The surface of Cheshire County is greatly diversified. From the valley of the Connecticut on its west to the towering: height of Grand Monadnock on the east, rising to an altitude of three thousand one hundred and eighty-six feet, is a succession of hill and valley and plain, in various places of great natural beauty. Numerous lakes and ponds feed a network of streams of greater or lesser extent. The Con- necticut River is the largest stream in both State and county. Rising among the mountains of the extreme north of the State, it flows in a southerly direction, forming the boundary line on its west low-water bank between the States of New Hampshire and Vermont ; thence, pass- ing through the States of Massachusetts and Connecticut, it empties into Long Island Sound. Its valley is noted for its productiveness. Ex- cluding the falls, the average fall of the river is about one and one-half feet to the mile. At Bellows Falls its descent is forty-nine feet, furnishing ample power for manufacturing uses. Other streams lend beauty and utility to the surface of the county, the principal of which are the Ashuelot, Cold and branches of the 1 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Contoocook. The Ashuelot Eiver, risiag in numerous ponds in Washington, Sullivan County, flowing in a southwesterly direction through the towns of Marlow, Gilsum, Surry, Keene, Swanzey, Winchester and Hinsdale, where it empties into the Connecticut, is one of the most important manufacturing streams in the State. All along its course are many im- proved water-powers. It is fed by branches from ponds that have been converted by dams into reservoirs, and thereby affording many water-powers of themselves. One of these rises in Stoddard and flows through the northwest corner of Nelson, southeast corner of Sullivan and northwest corner of Roxbury to Keene, and one from Dublin through Marlborough to South Keene, where it joins the branch from Stoddard. Another stream comes from Troy, flowing through the southwest corner of Marl- borough and joins the Ashuelot in Swanzey. The Ashuelot is about forty miles in length, from its source to the Connecticut ; falls about one thousand feet, and drains a basin of three hundred and seventy-five square miles, or two hundred and forty thousand acres. Tlie Cold River, rising in Sullivan County, flows, in a southwesterly direction, seventeen miles through Alstead and Walpole, and furuishes water-power to a limited extent. It drains a basin of sixty thousand acres nearly. The branches of the Contoocook River, in the eastern portion of the county, furnish some good water-powers. The Partridge Brook, rising in Lake Spofford, flows through Chester- field and Westmoreland, where it empties into the Connecticut, is a rapid stream, falling five hundred feet in its course of nearly six miles, and affording constant water-power, but only partially utilized. In a tabulated form we give the principal bodies of water in the county, with area of each in square miles and decimals thereof, with altitude in feet above the sea, and towns where located, — Area. Altitude. Warren Pond, Alstead 0.5 550 Spofford Lake, Cheaterfleld 1.0 738 Breed Pond, Nelson 0.7 1250 Woodward Pond, Roxbury 0.3 1150 Swanzey Pond, Swanzey 0.2 Stacy Pond, Stoddard 0.7 Area. Altitude. Spoonwood Pond, Nelson 0.25 Long Pond, Nelson and Hancock 1.2 1338 North Pond, Harrisville 0.2 1218 Geological. — When, in the beginning, this planet, earth, was hurled, revolving, into space by the power of an Almighty hand, a seething, fiery, gaseous mass of molten elements, it gradually took form from its revolutions, and thereby consistence and compactness. In the pro- gress of centuries the surface became crusted over, holding within its bosom a mighty mass of molten matter, frequently convulsed by throes of sufficient power to elevate mountain heights and depress to ocean beds, separating, disintegrating and mixing the earth's crust in a manner to print in ineffaceable characters the great story of the Creation, — a creation not yet completed. In Cheshire County we find those characters frequent and prominent. Briefly — very briefly, for space forbids otherwise — we will endeavor to sketch a few of the more prominent " Foot- prints of the Creator." From the elementary or molten period the earth passed into the igneous period. We now see the unstratified rocks, of which the enduring granite is the low- est of the series and the great frame- work of the earth's crust, and by far the most abundant, rising to the greatest heights, thrown up by the subterranean forces. From an endless monotonous plain these forces are now operat- ing with a power beyond all human conception to transform this plain into a broken surface, from mountain peak to ocean bed. Of granite Cheshire County contributes her full share of earning the sobriquet of the "Granite State." Her quarries of granite are unsurpassed. The coarser granites are of the oldest formation. Cotemporary with the beginning of the igneous period, the atmosphere, heavily charged with minerals in a gaseous form, condensing from the effect of the cooling eartli' was deposited, forming another coating of rock material. This was the vaporous period. So far the earth had been surrounded by an atmosphere so dense and dark that the light of star nor moon nor sun could penetrate. Now the progress of creation was ripe for the settling of the atmospheric moisture into the hollows of GENEEAL HISTORY. the earth. It became nearly covered with water. This is the aqueous period. Then came the long, cold night, when the summer sun failed to thaw the snow and ice that gathered in mighty masses, covering mountains in height, forming glaciers of continental extent, that planed and transformed the rugged volcanic surfaces into new vestments, and printing its history in characters the plainest of all. An enormous mass of ice, thousands of feet in depth, moved down the valley of the Connecticut, grinding, crushing, planing its way. A tributary glacier flowed down the Ashuelot Valley. This mass of ice pressed so heavily downward as to compact the earth into the lower hill, or, what is generally known, and appropriately so, as hard pan. This ice-sheet carried along in its track huge fragments of detached rock, which, grinding and rounding, it deposited in the form of boul- ders, generally upon the higher lands. In var- ious places they are plentiful. The glaciers moved in a southeasterly direction, and this movement must have resulted from a different chorography of country than exists at the present time. The interior of the continent must have been elevated many feet. This elevation and after-depression must have been of slow prog- ress. This movement is still operating in var- ious places. As the glacier moved down the valley, hard-rock fragments were frozen into •the bottom of the ice-sheet-; these, driven along by fearful power, acted as chisels or gouges, deeply scratching the ledges along the course of its progress. These strias are everywhere found. Mount Monadnock is striated from base to brow. Mr. G. A. Wheelock,a local geologist of repute, entertains the belief that this mountain was an island in a sea of icebergs, which struck equally strong upon the northwest and southeast sides. Could our rocks be uncovered from the over- lying earth, they would generally show the result of their mighty planing and rounding in their striffi. Now the continent slowly depresses, a geological spring-time dawns, a warmer climate prevails, the vast fields of ice and snow melt rapidly, mighty floods pour down the valleys with resistless fury. Changes impossible to be wrought by a moving river of ice, mountain- high, are easily effective before a rushing torrent of water. Now comes the era of modified drift, with its deposits of stratified, water-worn gravel, sand, clay or silt, an era extending from the departure of the great northern ice-sheet down to the present time. The glacial or drift period embraces two eras, — the drift and the alluvium. The former is characterized by re- peated elevations and depressions. It was then a " foundering land, under a severe sky, beaten by tempests and lashed by tides, with glaciers choking its cheerless valleys, and with countless icebergs brushing its coasts and grating over its shallows." The alluvium era witnesses the per- fection of the earth to an extent that fits it as the proper abode of man. " From harmony — from heavenly harmony — This universal frame began ; From harmony to harmony, Through all the compass of the notes it ran, The diapason closing full in man." The eastern portion of the county is a prime- val ridge, though it was submerged at times, and is underlaid by the oldest rock formations. This ridge belongs to a chain of ridges that was the first to appear above the ocean. The de- pression of the Connecticut Valley, that embraces a large portion of the county, carries with it the later rocks, and has been, and is, the source ot drainage of the highlands to the northward. The eastern part of the county, comprising portions of Jaffrey, Dublin, Harrisville, Nelson and Stoddard, rests upon the edge of a large area of porphyritic gneiss. Another area of it forms the elevated and rugged portions of the towns of Chesterfield, Swanzey, Winchester and Hinsdale, while it appears in Fitzwilliam, Jaf- frey and Marlow. A variety of gneiss known as the protogene gneiss extends from the State line, through Winchester, Eichmond, Swanzey and Keene, to Surry, where it changes its form and extends to and into SuUivan County. In Surry and Keene the protogene is often found of a deep red color. Encircling this protogene we find hornblende, schist, and, girting this, quartzite. A large surface area of the Montal- ban schist in one tract extends from Stoddard to the State line through the towns of Eindge, Fitzwilliam, Eichmond, Troy, Jaffrey, Marlbor- HISTORY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ough, Roxbury, Sullivan, Nelson and Stoddard. These rocks are feldspathic and ordinary mica schist. The mica is seen in large spangles, either black or white. In Rindge a variety is found in which quartz predominates, heavily charged with iron pyrites, that decomposes when brought in contact with the atmosphere ; the rock crumbles and the soil is colored reddish- yellow from the presence of the iron peroxide. The Montalban rocks in Cheshire County are supposed to be of the same age with that which composes the summits of the higher White Mountains. A band of micaceous quartzite, full of fibrolite, two miles wide, crosses the towns of Marlow, Alstead, Gilsum and Surry, carrying gigantic veins of granite, in which the mica plates are large and of commer- cial value. For many years they have been mined in Alstead for glass. The latest group of rocks so far found in the county are known as the Coos group. Its constituents are quartz- ite, argillite and calcareous schist. A large area of Walpole is covered by the former, and it is fomid in all the towns adjoining the Con- necticut River. Mount Wantastiquet, in Hins- dale and Chesterfield, is composed of argillaceous and mica schist. The eruptive rocks are very sparingly represented in this county. The only eruptive rock of any extent in the valley of the Connecticut in this county is found in West- moreland and forms most of the hill southeast of the west depot. Inclosed in the Montalban schists of Fitzwilliam, Troy, Marlborough and Roxbury we find oval deposits of eruptive granite. These are extensively quarried, and are held in high repute for building and monu- mental purposes. Permeating Surry jNIountain are veins of quartz, bearing metalliferous depos- its. A large outlay has been expended in eiforts to mine it, but not, so far, with success. De- posits of infusorial silica, formed of decayed organisms, are found of excellent quality in various places and especially so in Fitzwilliam. Bog iron-ores of the nature of ochre occur at Chesterfield, Walpole, Jaffrey and Surry. Botanical. — From papers prepared by William F. Flint, B.S., of Winchester, we glean the following facts relating to the botany of Cheshire County. Altitude has much to do in the distribution of plants. A large part of the area of the county has an altitude of more than five hundred feet above the sea-level. Following the trend of the Montalban rocks, in the eastern part, of the county we find vege- tation of the Canadian type. In the valley of the Connecticut and of its tributaries we find a larger number of species, some characteristic of Southern New England. The county was formerly covered by a dense forest, through which the sun scarcely penetrated at mid-day. Along the valleys of the Connecticut and Ashuelot Rivers were forests of the finest white pine, the most valued of our timbers, and reserved by King George in his grants of the several townships for His Majesty's navy. His officers provoked the displeasure of the early settlers by carving their " broad arrows " on the tallest mast-trees. The higher lands were covered with heavy growths of hemlock, maples, birches, beeches and red oak, while belts of spruce were common. The original forest presented the same characteristics as at the present day, save the restrictions imposed by the lumberman. The old pine forests are represented by thick, thrifty growths of their saplings. These are general all over the county. Their conversion into wooden-ware has been and is a source of a large industry and of much wealth. Next to the pine, the hemlock is the most frequently found of any conifer; originally they competed with the pine in diameter and height. In the cold swamps of the river towns and throughout the eastern towns we find the black spruce and the balsam fir, and upon the dry drift knolls and sandy plains we find the pitch-pine. In the cold peat swamps and springy lands of Fitzwilliam, Rindge and Jaifrey we find the tamarack in abundance. A variety of the yew, generally known as the " ground hemlock," is common. Pa.ssing from the sombre evergreen, we turn to the deciduous trees, presenting every phase of change, from the leafless branches of winter-time to the delicate green of spring the full foliage of summer and the gorgeous hues of autumn, when nature's artist paints with every conceivable shade of color in tints that art cannot produce, and giving to the American GENERAL HISTORY. forests a beauty nowhere else to be found. Of the deciduous trees, the maple is the best represented. The white maple is mostly found in the valleys, upon the intervale lands. The red maple is common everywhere. The rock or sugar maple is the largest of the genus, is found in all of the towns, and fills an impor- tant part in the economy of the county, furnish- ing both sugar and timber. The largest groves of the rock maple are found in the northern and eastern towns of the county. Gilsum, particularly, is noted for its manufacture of sugar. The birch is generally found, but attains its fullest development in the eastern towns. The gray and black birch are more common in the southern and southwestern towns, while the yellow and \vhite birch are found everywhere. The bass is quite common upon the banks of the river terraces. The black cheriy and the white ash are found sparingly in nearly all the deciduous forests. Confined to a strip of territory five to ten miles wide, bordering the Connecticut Kiver, we find the elm, chestnut, white oak, black oak aud three species of the hickory. The red oak is very generally distributed. Upon the alluvial soil of the Connecticut we find the Cottonwood, the butternut and the balm of Gilead, or balsam poplar. Two species of the poplar are found, — the one of small dimensions, often springing up in great abundance where woodlands are cut a^vay ; the other, the black poplar, is of more pretentious proportions. In spring its young leaves are clothed with white down, that can be seen a long distance, and thereby readily distinguished. Of the shrubby plants, the heath family has about twenty species in the county. This is a family distin- guished alike for beauty and abundance of bloom, and for economic purposes. Included in this family are two cranberries, three species ol blackberry and the huckleberry. The rhodo- dendrons are the finest of the heaths. The maximum species is found in Fitzwilliam and Richmond. To this family belongs the kal- mias, including the mountain laurel, found in the southern portion of the county. The rose family is numerously represented. Of the herbaceous plants we have a large family. Wild flowers abound everywhere. The space of this article will not permit us to mention but few of the species of vegetation with which the Creator has made glad our fields and forests. Soil and Staple Peoductions. — Natur- ally, in a county so greatly diversified in eleva- tion by valleys, plains and hills, we should find the soil varying materially ; even the intervale lands along the several streams bear very little similarity in fineness or productiveness. Often we see the lesser streams dividing lands of striking dissimilarity and of natural fertility. The intervale lands along the Connecticut River are proverbial for grain-growing capa- city. Some of the finest farms in the entire State are found in the four towns bordering upon this stream. Along the Ashuelot Valley are extensive plains, whose soils widely vary, and, lacking the dense fogs of the former stream, is subject to later frosts in the spring and earlier in the autumn. Many fine farms, however, are found along this stream. The uplands are of a granitic nature, and, as a general rule, far less productive than in former times ; much of it is too rough for cultivation, and is better adapted to the growing of timber than of grain. The plain lands are easier to cultivate, but require the best of husbandry to produce satisfactory results. Judicious drainage has converted many un- sightly, worthless swamps into the best of grass lands. The census of 1880 conveys an idea of the county staple productions. With 2836 farms, embracing an area of 233,845 acres of improved land, there was grown 14,165 bushels of barley, 2416 bushels of buckwheat, 150,788 bushels of Indian corn, 90,774 bushels of oats, 3958 bushels of rye, 2666 bushels of wheat, 55,660 tons of hay, 214,809 bushels of potatoes, 141,218 pounds of tobacco, and orchard pro- ducts to the value of $57,877. These farms supported 4109 horses, 7 mules, 2222 working oxen, 7792 milch cows, 13,147 neat-stock, 24,296 sheep and 4788 swine. The stock products for the year were 128,670 pounds of wool, 181,281 gallons of milk, 732,610 pounds of butter and 63,376 pounds of cheese. HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Notwithstanding the large amount of grain grown within the county, the consumption of Western grain has yearly been steadily and heavily increasing. Manufactures. — Cheshire County is, to a considerable extent, engaged in manufactures ; the southern portion of the county especially so. Here the wooden-ware business found its early home and abiding-place, contributing largely to the prosperity of several towns. The ^\•aters of the Ashuelot and of its tributary streams move a large amount of cotton and woolen machinery, while the manufacture of pottery, shoes, leather, paper, lumber and ma- chinery receives considerable attention, con- siderable investment and the employment of many people. At Walpole is located an extensive brewery. The census of 1880 enumerated 317 manufacturing establishments in this county, with an invested capital of $3,758,815, giving employment to 4523 hands, whose wages amounted to $1,299,427. The total value of raw material used was $4,502,889, and the total product was $7,768,943. Courts and County Buildings. — From the division of the county, in 1827, Keene has been the shire-town of Cheshire County. Here the Inferior Court held its first session in October, 1771, and the Superior Court in September, 1772. These first sessions were, undoubtedly, held in the old meeting-house that stood in the northeast corner of Central Square and opposite Gerould's block. For ten years following the erection of the present Congregational Church, in 1786, the courts were held therein. The centre pews and seats I were removed temporarily during the session, and a bench and a table, called a har, substi- tuted for the use of the judges and lawyers. The first building especially erected for the purpose of a court-house stood near the old meeting-house, and was built in 1796. It was built mainly through individual enterprise. It rendered service for twenty-eight years, when it was sold, moved and converted into dwellings. The next court-house was erected in 1824-25. Its site is now occupied by the north end of Gerould's block and the block of F. F. Lane, Esq., upon the corner of Central Square and Winter Street. The county, for the considera- tion of five dollars, secured a deed of this site, of Joseph Dorr, March 20, 1824, with a stipu- lated condition that the lot should be used for county purposes only. The condition having been broken, a suit was brought against the county for the recovery ol the lot and building thereon by the owner of the reversionary right, Samuel Wood. This suit was protracted for six years. Finally, at the March term, 1856, Wood's executoi-s secured judgment, and the lot passed from the possession of the county. The present court-house lot was secured in five different purchases, — namely, from Henry Coolidge, April 13, 1840, two thousand six hundred square feet for nine hundred dollars ; from Abijah Wilder a lot north and west ot above-named lot, July, 1848, for one thousand dollars ; again of the same party, in 1857, an additional tract for two thousand dollars ; and, in 1858, another tract. Having secured a lot, the county proceeded to erect the present house. Commenced in 1858, it was completed in Feb- ruary, 1859, at a cost of nearly twenty-eight thousand dollars. Thomas M. Edwards, oi Keene, Nelson Converse, of ^Marlborough, Sam- uel Isham,of Gilsum, were the committee having the supervision of its erection. Gridley J. F. Bryant was the architect and Joel Ballard the contractor. This building, although considered at the time amply sufficient for all coming wants of a com-t-house, still already it is appar- ent that more room will be required in the not distant future. In 1884 the county erected a spacious, costly, and elegant jail upon lots pur- chased of J. H. Elliot, long known as " the old glass-factory lot." When this lot is com- pleted and adorned as contemplated, together with all the conveniences and extras that a lib- eral outlay of money could procure in the plans of the buildings, then the convict class will in- deed have a most elegant residence. Upon the opening of the new jail the House of Correction was removed from Westmoreland and located therein. Without ^numerating the names of the several justices of the several courts, we will give a list of the several clerks of courts as being more particularly identified with the county, — GENERAL HISTORY. Clerks of Coukts. Common Pleas. Simeon Jones, October, 1771, to April, 1775. Thomas Sparhawk, April, 1779, to September, 1812. Salma Hale, September, 1812, to April, 1834. Superior Court of Judicature. George King, 1772 to 1778. George Atkinson, 1778 to 1780. Samuel Shurburne, 1780 to October, 1781. Nathaniel Adams, October, 1781, to October, 1816. For Both Courts. Salma Hale, May, 1817, to April, 1834. Henry Coolidge, April, 1834, to April, 1843. Leonard Biscoe, April, 1843, to December, 1857. Edward Farrar, December, 1857, to the present date. Judges of Probate. Simeon Olcott, from 1771 to 1775. Thomas Sparhawk, from 1775 to 1789. John Hubbard, from 1789 to 1802. Abel Parker, from 1802 to 1823. Samuel Dinsmore, from 1823 to 1831. Aaron Matson, from 1881 to 1835. Frederick Vose, from 1835 to 1841. Larkin Baker, from 1841 to 1864. Silas Hardy, from 1864 to 1874. Harvey Carlton, from 1874 to 1876. Josiah G. Bellows, from 1876 to the present date. Registers of Probate. Thomas Sparhawk, 1771. Ichabod Fisher, 1775. Micah Lawrence, 1785. Samuel Stevens, from 1793 to 1823. Frederic A. Sumner, from 1823 to 1827. Asa Parker, from 1827 to 1833. Elijah Sawyer, from 1833 to 1847. George F. Starkweather, from 1847 to 1851. George W. Sturtevant, from 1851 to 1857. Calvin May, Jr., from 1857 to 1859. Silas Hardy, from 1859 to 1863. George Ticknor, from 1863 to 1866. Allen Giffin, from 1866 to 1871. Frank H. Hies, from 1871 to 1873. Dauphin W. Buckminster, from 1873 to 1880. Henry O. Coolidge, from January, 1880, to the present date. Registers of Deeds. Josiah Willard, from 1771 to . James Campbell, from to 1824. Lewis Campbell, from 1824 to 1837. John Foster,' from 1837 to 1838. Charles Sturtevant, from 1838 to 1845. Isaac Sturtevant, from 1845 to 1846. ^Appointed to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Lewis Campbell.] Barton Skinner, from 1846 to 1852. Charles Sturtevant, from 1852 to 1853. Harvey A. Bill, from 1853 to 1855. Charles Sturtevant, from 1855 to 1859. Calvin May, from 1859 to 1862. Isaac W. Derby,'' from 1862 to 1864. John J. Allen, from 1863 to 1883. Charles C. Buffum, from 1883 to present date. High Sheriffs. Previous to 1878 this office was appointive. Subse- quent to this date Ralph Holt held the office from June, 1879, to January, 1880. Horace A. Perry, from 1880 to the present date. Road Commissioners. 1845. — Barton Skinner, Jonathan K. Smith, Asahel I. Humphrey. 1846.— Jonathan K. Smith, Aaron P. Howland, Daniel W. Farrar. 1852. — Augustus Noyes, Jonathan S. Adams, Jon- athan Harvey, Jr. 1853. — Augustus Noyes, Lanson Robertson, Samuel Slade, Jr. 1854. — Samuel Slade, Jr., Laban Rice, Edmund Jones. 1855. — Nelson Converse, Arvin Aldrich, John Sy- monds. County Commissioners. John A. Prescott, 1857; Lanson Robertson, 1858 ; Willard Adams, 1859; Samuel Atherton, 1860; Aaron P. Howland, 1861; Jonathan S. Adams, 1862; Sum- ner Knight, 1863; Zebulon Converse, 1864; David A. Felt, 1865; Sumner Knight, 1866; H. O. Coolidge, 1867; Franklin H. Cutter, 1868; Joshua B. Clark, 1869; Aaron Smith, 1870 ; John Humphrey , H871 ; Alonzo A.Ware, 1872; Willard Bill, Jr., 1873 ; Joseph B. Abbott, 1874; Charles H. Whitney, 1875; George C. Hubbard, 1876; Charles R. Sargeant, 1877; Gard- ner C. Hill," 1878. Subsequent to the change of the Constitution the following have been elected : 1878.— Charles R. Sargeant, Gardner C. Hill, Levi A. Fuller. 1880.— Levi A. Fuller, Joseph B. Abbott, George \V. Stearns. 1882.— Joseph B. Abbott, George W. Stearns, Al- fred W. Burt. 2 Resigned in 1863 and .John J. Allen was appointed in his place November 10th. He was elected in 1864 and re- signed in 1883. 'Resigned, and Aaron Smith was appointed to the va- cancy. *Prior to the constitutional change of 1878 the county commissioners held their office for a term of three years, and one was elected annually to fill the vacancy of a re- tiring member. At the present time three are chosen biennially. HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1884.— Joseph B. Abbott, Alfred W. Burt, Elbridge Kingsbury. Internal Improvements. — The early set- tlement of Cheshire County came from the southward. The Connecticut Eiver was its highway. It had been the favorite highway of the Indian. It was the first highway of the settlers of the valley and country adjacent thereto. At first the bark canoe plied upon its waters ; then came the rude flat-boat, followed by boats of more perfected proportions, spread- ing to the breezes winged sails, and, lastly, attempts, but not of practical success, of steam- propellers. At one time boating and rafting assumed considerable proportions upon the river, but upon the construction of the railroad lines it passed away. Undoubtedly the first experiments at steamboating were made upon the Upper Connecticut as early as 1793 by Cap- tain Samuel Mory, and some years prior to Fulton's operations. In 1827 a steamer named the " Barnet" ascended the river from Hartford to Bellows Falls, creating no little curiosity as it came puffing up the river. In after-years other attempts at steamboating were made upon the Upper Connecticut, but were not of long duration. Aboriginal Occtupancy. — That portion of the Connecticut River valley north of the Deer- field River in Massachusetts was claimed and occupied by a tribe of Indians known as the Squakheags. Their territory included Cheshire County as far as the Monadnock Mountain to the east. So far as known, it was not a strong tribe, and does not bear a conspicuous position in aboriginal history. It probably was closely allied to some of the surrounding tribes, notably with the Nashaways, who lived upon the Nashua and Merrimack Rivers. The Squak- heags continued to occupy this vicinity until 1720, when it appears that they disbanded, a large portion of whom must have passed to the northward and joined the St. Francis tribe in Canada. This tribe, in later years, in junc- tion with the French, were especially active in spreading desolation throughout this sec- tion, of which the sketches of the several towns relate. Tradition has handed down to us the many favorite resorts in the county which the Indians were wont to frequent for hunting and fishing purposes. 1-3 02 GO 3^£ cd£. pi" • C' ■ • a' a' ^' • a a m - so P B p » 45 o fP CP fP, CT). o a'c'cr m H ^ ^ a e a a P p p go ^1 "^ *^ I-" !5 22 ^1 >i 5 'i -t a *-t o 5'g-og.S. 'S- 1^ ^- hH " o i^. ^ o OS OS C71 »^ CO h^ Oa 00 cp bO ~^ Oi QO OO CO O bO W I— 1-1 to >-i fcO o to O t-* h*^ CO Qo CJi M" to l-i l-i Oi rf»" OS oa CO C71 to Oi OO rf:* I-* . bO to Ol .^ 1-1 -^ Ol OO *•. I-* CO 00 00 ►^ CO Oo . hth C7t Oi (-1 -J CO CO O CS 1-1 03 (Xf^tt^. O rf*. OS to B s s e 1-1 g|g3 o 3- o en . to to OS 4^ CO OS -< OJ o * g5-<|t-ii-iboosCObO Ofl^i-'Cn-aj^OtO >^05CncnCco cji 00 h-i to OS -^ 05 --* en to ■ o o OO H-i OO , CO rfi.. O 1-1 h-i OS CD OS ^ to cn to Oi h-* OS Cji en OS Cn 1-1 to ' CO CD O -^ to CO to O i-ieo--ico".OOt4^rfk.CO sO'^cooiCnh-rfi. totooenH->oios--i|-i h-iwH-i fcO(~i OqsCD0500CnC?l)-iOstOCOOOOSODOSCOCD cnt(^*^-~ai-icocnenfcoa-. o*^hUfco--jcnS fcO-acoOsOiCDCniDbOCO^oJSltoI^^^lS^ l»h-DO (— ' H-i h-i|— I K-ii_ii_i P'tfc'T'oocncocooooososwtoco^tSL^ cnoscnoscni-ioioiOsMcnciosKSoKi^ WJt-itO to h-l l-i»-i 1-Lp.ii_ii_i bOOso--^k-iCnrf>.i-ibObor^-^-acoo?^^ osco*.cooiosooeno4^o5oco-^M^w oicnQo>-cccoos^4^toSe;t?oo5oloc2M ^^ (-1 1-1 t-i ^ i^ ^^ . OtOQoMOsCOCOOS.— r-QO-si^iKSl:^!:^ cDcnwosto-i^oSMo^^^SSK^S? -4oso-5osoo-4^rf.^g;^S^r:^;::igj^ o o 1-1 Co M- to CO OS oa OO CO cno 1-1 to ts3 ^ Cn-f^-J OS CO 00 OO CO 00 C3S Cn CO O ^J Cjl CO 4^ Cn O 00 en CO to O CO CO f CO Co o o ► 00 OO h-1 Cn h ^ 1-1 I-* to I— 4^ to h-i i-i OS OO »(^ OO OS OS rf>- O OO h-i h-i en Co H-> 00 OS I-* O OO CO CD CO l-i rfa. CD rf:h _ I-' 1-1 to h-i OS 1-1 to h-i OS O OS OS 1-1 1-1 H-iMOO 1-1 _ h-1 1-1 to 1-1 OS to to o cn *»■ to 1-1 rf^ i:n to CO OO OS CD OS CO O *-» htk Cn OS ^j OS im OS OS Cn Cn 4^ ^ ►^- O C3S rfi. OS po 03 CO to CO toooo en OS to O *». OS McocoosX* OS *fc, OS rfk 00 J^H^COtNStO CO »U CO 00 1-* O O O CD CO 4. 0.00 0.1^0. to O.^S?g^gS5g^ggggSe|g§ SETTLEMENT.-Ithas been before stated that settlement came upward from the south alons the Connecticut River; but it was retarded again BENCH AND BAR. and again beaton back, mainly through the animosity and depredations of Indians. Reach- ing the mouth of the Ashuelot, it appears that it left the Great River. Reaching Upper Ashuelot (now Keene), in 1734, the same year it took root at Lower Ashuelot (Swanzey), Earlington (Winchester). Some two years after, in 1736, a settlement was made at Hinsdale, and later in the towns above on the Great River. Until the close of the Revolutionary War settlement proceeded slowly ; it then took a new impetus and proceeded rapidly. We insert on the preceding page a census table, containing a tabulated statement showing the movement of population of the several towns in Cheshire' County at each census since 1767, inclusive, with dates of incorporation and first called names. In 1861 the tocsin of war sounded high and loud over a startled land, and the wires flashed the dread news that armed rebellion had fired upon Sumter's fated walls. In the great up- rising of the North that followed, in the defense of the nation, Cheshire County responded to every call for troops with alacrity. On South- ern soil it shed its best blood in order that the country might live. The lapse of time has dimmed in part the remembrance of the heroism of that hour, but we now enjoy the fruits of no- ble effort and of victory won. The following table shows the number of soldiers furnished by each town in response to the several calls, the number of soldiers who were killed or died in the service and the amount of municipal war loan awarded to each town, — Killed Municipal Towns. Soldiers, and Died. War Loan. Alstead 98 ... $8,375.00 Chesterfield 85 20 7,416.67 Dublin.. 91 25 9,100.00 Fitzwilliam 101 45 7,991.67 Gilsum 57 ... 5,400.00 Hinsdale 112 ... 10,533.33 Jaffrey 119 ... 9,933.33 Keene 404 25 37,900.00 Marlborough 56 ... 5,600.00 Marlow 52 18 4,866.67 Nelson 69 6 5,981.67 Richmond 68 14 5,050.00 Eindge 86 16 8,250,00 Koxbury 17 ... 1,633.33 Stoddard 66 8 5,358.00 Towns. Soldiers. Sullivan 26 Surry 32 Swanzey 148 Troy 54 Walpole 145 Westmoreland 82 Winchester 134 Killed and Died. 12 6 5 10 10 Municipal War Loan. 2,600.00 2,666.67 12,325.00 4,425.00 12,650.00 7,975.00 12,866.67 CHAPTER II. BENCH AND P.AR. Among the earliest members of the legal pro- fession in this section of New England was Elijah Williams, a native of Deerfield, Mass., who settled in Keene in 1771. During the Rev- olution his sympathies were with the mother- country, and after the battle of Lexington he joined the British in Boston. He died in Deer- field. Hon. Daniel Newcomb settled in Keene in 1778 and commenced practice there in 1783. He was appointed chief judge of Cheshire County in 1790; was justice of the Superior Court of Judicature from April 6, 1 796, to 1 798. He was the first State Senator from Keene. He died July 14, 1818. Hon. Peter Sprague was an early lawyer in Keene. He became prominent here in 1792. He was elected to Congress in 1797 and re- elected in 1799. He died in 1800. Noah Cooke settled in Keene in 1791, and remained in practice there until his death, on October 15, 1829. He was admitted as an at- torney in 1784. Hon. Samuel Dinsmoor was born in Wind- ham July 1, 1766. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1789, and settled in Keene in 1792. He was appointed postmaster in 1808, and in 1811 was elected to Congress. He held numerous positions of trust and responsibility, and was elected Governor of New Hampshire in 1831, 1832 and 1833. He died March 15, 1835. Among those in practice in Keene from 1794 to 1813 were Hon. Samuel Hunt (member of Congress), David Forbes, Samuel West, Noah R. Cooke, Foster Alexander, Lockhart Willard, 10 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Elijah Dunbar, Samuel Prescott, Setli New- comb, E. Butterfield and AVm. Gordon. Hon. James Wilson commenced practice in Keene in 1815. He graduated at Harvard University in 1789, and was admitted to the bar in 1792. In 1809 he was elected to Con- gress. He died January 4, 1839. Mr. Wilson was a lawyer of distinguished ability, and had but few equals in the State. Joseph Buffum, Jr., commenced practice in Keene in 1816. He was elected to Congress in 1819. Levi Chamberlain. was one of the leading lawyers in New Hampshire. He held various official positions, and in 1849 was the Whig can- didate for Governor. He was a member of the Peace Congress in 1861. He died August 31, 1868. He was in stature tall, elegant in manner, genial and witty. Joel Parker was admitted to the bar in Keene in 1817. He was appointed justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature from January 8, 1833, and was chief justice from June 25, 1838, to June 24, 1848. He was subsequently professor of law in Harvard for a period of twenty years. The following were in practice in Keene in 1818 : Noah Cooke, Samuel Dinsmoor, Foster Alexander, Elijah Dunbar, Joseph Buffum, Jr., James Wilson, Levi Chamberlain, Elijah Parker, Joel Parker, Fr. Gardner and Thomas M. Edwards. Elijah Parker was a graduate of Dartmouth College and a prominent lawyer in Keene for many years. Thomas M. Edwards graduated at Dart- mouth in 1813. He was born in Providence in 1795, and was brought here by his parents at an early age. He was postmaster in Keene from 1817 to 1829; was member of Legisla- ture, Presidential elector, member of Congress, and was first president of the Cheshire Rail- road. He was a prominent citizen of Keene, a thorough scholar, an able lawyer and a success- ful financier. He was a man of great energy and executive ability. He died May 1, 1875. Samuel^ Dinsmoor, Jr., son ot Governor Samuel Dinsmoor, was a prominent and in- fluential citizen. He was clerk of the Sen- ate in 1826, 1827, 1829 and 1831 ; he was postmaster at Keene, cashier of the Ashuelot Bank and later its president, and was Governor of New Hampshire in 1849, 1850 and 1851. He died February 24, 1869. General James Wilson commenced prac- tice in Keene in 1823. He was one of Keene's most active, prominent and esteemed citizens. Except the years 1838 and 1839, when he was a candidate for Governor (and 1833), he was in continuous service in the Ijegislature from 1825 to 1840. In 1828 he was Speaker of the House. He was elected to Congress in 1847 and re- elected in 1 849. Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion he was offered a brigadier-general's commission, which ill health prevented him from accepting. He represented Keene in the Legislature in 1870 and 1871. Phinehas Handbrson was born in Am- herst, Mass., December 13, 1778. He studied law in the office of Hon. George B. Upham, of Claremont, Soon after his admission to the 'bar he established himself in Chesterfield, at that time one of the most flourishing towns in the State. He was president of Cheshire bar from the time of the organization of the county until his death, March 16, 1853. He removed t« Keene in 1833. Hon. Levi Chamberlain speaks of him as " one of the most respectod and influ- ential members of the profession, and that influ- ence was the result of his faithful, upright and able performance of duty." The various public trusts to ^vhich he was repeatedly called by those who knew him best show in what estimation he was held by his fellow-citizens. His only son, Henry C. Han- derson, served as captain in the war ; was after- wards postmaster in Keene, where he dw\ in 1874. His seven daughters are still living; two unmarried in the homestead in Kccnc. (See town history of Chesterfield for additional facts.) ' Salma Hale was a woU-known lawyer of Keene, highly respected and esteemed. He was deeply interested in matters pertaining ti) the history of Keene, and prepared the "Annals of Keene," a volume of rare interest. Beside holding other official positions, he was elected a member of Congress. William P. Wheeler was a lawyer who ranked with the ablest in the State. He was BENCH AND BAE. 11 lulmitted to practice in 1842 and settled in Keene, where he remained until his death, in May, 1876. He was county solicitor for ten years, and in 1855 and 1857 was a candidate for Con- Faenum Fish Lane, now the oldest membei of the Cheshire County bar, and for several years president of the Cheshire County Bar As- sociation, was born in Swanzey, N. H., March 15, 1816. The first one of this family to settle in New Hampshire was his great-grandfather, Elkanah Lane, who came from Norton, Mass., about the middle of the eighteenth century, purchased land in Swanzey, became a farmer and was a resident of the town and left numerous de- scendants. He was a man of perseverance and sterling honesty of purpose and thought. His son Samuel inherited the farm of his father, married Scott and had five sons, — Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel and Luther, — and one daughter, Lucy. He served in the War of the Kevolution, and although a man of quiet and unassuming manners, was a sturdy patriot and loyal citizen. He died about 1835, aged eighty-four years. Ezekiel, his fourth son, was born in Swanzey in 1790. He settled on a fiirm ad- joining the ancestral homestead and was a life-long resident of the town. He was a kind husband, good citizen, and, like his father, a man of retiring disposition. He married, early in life, Rachel, daughter of Farnum and Eachel (Thayer) Fish. (Farnum Fish was a native of Massachusetts, but for many years a citizen ol Swanzey. He was an energetic farmer and man of note, and one of the controlling spirits of the town, and with commendable pubUc spirit endeavored to advance its interests. He received the highest respect from his fellow- townsmen, who elected him to various town offices. He held the commission of justice of the peace for many years and was a captain of militia. He accumulated consider- able property, consisting of real estate. He died about 1829.) Of the ten children of Eze- kiel and Rachel (Fish) Lane, eight are now living. Farnum Fish Lane commenced life without any of the adventitious aids that are usually supposeil to assist in gaining distinction. A farmer's boy, his early years, until he reached the age of six- teen, were passed on the farm assisting in the work. Then his aspirations for an education could no longer be restrained, and, leaving home, he engaged as a farm laborer and com- menced working and saving for that object. After attending various academies, principally at New Ipswich and Hancock, he taught school for six winters, and, thinking, with Sydney Smith, that " the law is decidedly the best pro- fession for a young man if he has anything in him," he entered the office of Thomas M. Ed- wards, of Keene, as a law student. He ap- plied himself with diligence and assiduity to the study of his chosen profession, and, in July, 1843, was admitted to the bar, and since that time has been actively employed in the labors of the law. He commenced practice in Winchester, and, in 1846, moved to Walpole and Avas there for three years. In 1849 he became a resident of Keene, and has advanced agreeably and pros- perously. He is a member of Social Friends Lodge, F. and A. M., and of Cheshire Royal Arch Chapter of Keene. Mr. Lane married, October 30, 1846, Harriet Locke, daughter of John and Harriet (Locke) Butler, of Winchester. Their cliildren are Helen L., who married Augustus Lucke, of Sherbrooke, Canada, and Emily B. Mr. Lane was a Whig until the organization of the Republican party, with which he has ever since acted, but never as a mere partisan, or a politician using politics for personal ends. The law has been his sole profession. He has never sought a public office, and yet he has been rewarded with the fullest trust and confi- dence of the people. For ten years he held the office of county solicitor, and was also county treasurer. He was elected to the Legislature from Walpole in 1847 and 1848, and tlien again from Keene in 1862 and 1863, that criti- cal period in the country's history when the war-clouds darkened the horizon and legislative responsibilities were heavy. He is probably best known as a sound and wise counselor, one who labors diligently on his cases, making the 12 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. most complete and exhaustive research before attempting to present his case or give an opinion. As an advocate, he uses nothing like splendid action or boisterous demonstration, but, what is of far more account, clear, potent, sober thought, carrying conviction to the mind that can or cares to think There comes with what he says the feeling always of an earnest, candid man, saying nothing for mere effect, and only what the case justly warrants. By reason of this gen- eral confidence, inspired by manner and method, he is always a powerful antagonist, who has the ear and confidence of both judge and jury. Al though, as before mentioned, the oldest member of the Cheshire County bar, he is still in full practice, with more vigorous health than he has enjoyed for years. Fkancis a. Faulkner. — The Faulkner family occupies quite an historic place in New- England annals. "Mr. Edmond Faulkner, the emigrant, was one of the purchasers and first settlers of Andover, Mass., which was bought from the Indians about January, 1646, for £6, and a coat." The following extract from the will of Francis Fauconee, Gent., of King's Cleave, Southampton, England, made September 1, 1662, and proved 21st May, 1663, connects him beyond doubt with this honorable English family. " Item : I give and bequeath to my brother, Edmund Fauconor, that is living in New England, £200 of lawful money of England." This family is entitled to bear arms as follows : "Arms — Sable, three falcons argent, beaked, legged and belled or Crest — A garb or (or gules), banded, argent. The name Faulkner was va- riously spelled in those days, and in this will it has as many spellings as the word occurs times. The " Mr." was of significance as a title of respect, and showed the possessor to be of an English family of consequence. But three or four in Andover were entitled to bear it. Edmond Faulkner was married by John Win- throp to Dorothy Robinson, Febniary 4, 1647, at Salem. This was the first marriage recorded of an Andover citizen. He was a man of edu- cation, energy and distinction, and connected closely and prominently with all public affairs. He was one of the ten freeholders who founded the church in Andover in 1645. He kept the first inn, which was burned in 1676 by the In- dians, and died January 18, 1686-87. His son Francis, " husbandman," named doubtless from the maker of the King's Cleave will, born 1657, died 1732; married, October 11, 1675, Abigail, daughter of Rev. Francis Dane, who was min- ister of Andover for nearly half a century. Her name is prominent in connection with the witch- craft delusion. She was accused of " The felony of witchcraft," found guilty and condemned to death, but through the efforts of her many powerful friends was not executed, although for more than eleven years the sentence of death hung over her. She stands out one of the brightest and strongest figures on that dark page of history. [See for full account " Bailey's His- torical Sketches of Andover, Mass."] This worthy and sorely-tried couple left three sons, Edmund, Ammiverhammah and Paul, of whom the second removed to Acton, Mass., in 1786, erected mills, and became a manufacturer, dying August 4, 1756. His son, Francis, born in Andover September 29, 1728, died in Acton, Mass., August 5, 1805. For thirty-five years town clerk of Acton, member of the Provincial Congress of 1774, a member of the Committee of Safety, and several important conventions of the Revolution, in all these positions he proved himself a man of sound judgment and culti- vated mind, and an able legislator. He held a military commission under George III., but be- came an ardent patriot, and one of the foremost opposers of the oppressive acts of Great Britain. Early in 1775 he was elected major of a regi- ment organized to oppose English invasion. At sunrise of the ever memorable 19th of April, he marched with a considerable number of men to resist the British troops then on their way to Concord. He participated in that historic engagement, and the pursuit of the British to Charleston. [See Shattuck's " History of Concord."] He was lieutenant-colonel of the Middlesex militia, which reinforced the Con- tinental army at the occupation of Dorchester Heights, March, 1776, and commanded the regiment which guarded the prisoners of Bur- goyne's surrender on the march to Cambridge. By his second wife, Rebecca, daughter of Cap- tain Kies, of Brookfield, a participant in that ^^ ^ iryjlH. TawT^U J^ A JL^t.^^/^^^ BENCH AND BAR. 13 bloody engagement known as Lovell's figlit, he had eleven children, the oldest of whom was Francis, of Billerica, one of the pioneer woolen manufacturers in New England. He was born January 31, 1760, died February 12, 1843. He was twice married and had twelve children. By his first wife, Elizabeth Jones, were Charles, born September 6, 1785, died in Calcutta, August, 1809, and Francis, who was born at Watertown, Mass., February 29, 1788, came to Keene in 1809 or 1810. June 10, 1818, he married Eliza, daughter of Eli Stearns, of Lancaster, Mass. He died November 29, 1842. His wife died October 5, 1869. Their children who lived to maturity were Charles S., born May 17, 1819, died July 28, 1879; Elizabeth J., born May 25, 1822; Francis A.; William F., born July 7, 1831, died May 1, 1874. Francis Faulkner was one of the early manu- facturers of New Hampshire, in which business he continued until his death, in 1842. He was a man of sterling integrity, generous and wise in public matters, as in private. He was loved and respected by all; an ardent supporter of the Unitarian Society, of which he was one of the founders. Hon. Francis Augustus Faulkner, son of Francis and Eliza (Stearns) Faulkner, was born in Keene, N. H., February 12, 1825. As a youth he was studious, and, in 1841, went to that celebrated preparatory school, Phillips Ex- eter Academy, where he acquitted himself with ability and was fitted for college. He graduated with honor at Harvard University in the class of 1846, which numbers among its members such distinguished names as Hon. George F. Hoar, Prof Francis J. Child, Prof George M. Lane, Dr. Calvin Ellis and Henry A. Whitney. The friendships and associations thus formed were among the warmest and highest of his life, and his love for the classics and general literature there acquired continued all his days, and showed itself in his public and private life. Choosing the law for his profession, he began its study in 1847 in the office of Hon. Phinehas Handerson, of Keene, and, in connec- tion therewith, attended the Harvard Law School. He was admitted to practice at Keene, at the September term of court in 1849, and immediately formed a partnership with William P. Wheeler, which firm, as Wheeler & Faulkner, first appeared upon the docket at the May term, 1850, and from that time for nearly thirty years enjoyed a remarkably extensive and successful practice, and was engaged in nearly every case of prominence or importance tried in Cheshire County. To the honorable and leading position taken by the firm much was due to Mr. Faulkner. During his active practice Mr. Faulkner ac- complished an amount of work which excited the wonder and admiration of the court and his asso- ciates at the bar. To a finely-organized brain was united robust, health and untiring industry, and an ardent love for his profession. These, with his correct and methodical habits, made labor almost a pleasure, which success only in- creased, while defeat did not diminish it. During the life of Mr. Wheeler the unassuming nature of Mr. Faulkner, acknowledging the high ability of his partner as an advocate (and he was rarely, if ever, excelled in this county), preferred to take the more laborious, but unpre- tending, work of preparing their causes, both for trial of facts and on questions of law, and of drawing all pleadings and formal papers, leaving Mr. Wheeler to present them to the court. He was always thoroughly prepared in season for every cause in which they were engaged, whether before the jury or the court, and his patient research, accurate knowledge and pains- taking care made his papers and briefs models of skill and learning, and of great weight with the court. When circumstances caused him to appear as an advocate, it was at once seen that he had far more than ordinary power in that capacity. Always dignified and courteous, he depended upon fairness and ability to win his causes, never resorting to anything like a trick. He displayed a peculiar power of sifting evidence and dis- closing the truth, and knew where his strength lay and how to use it. His memory was retentive, his knowledge of human nature quick and accurate, and in his judgment of the character of a client or witness he was seldom at fault. His arguments to court or jury were concise and vigorous, abounding in 14 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. apt illustrations and citations, expressed in earnest, simple language, but conveying a logic which was convincing. When once engaged in a case he made his client's cause his own and served him with rare fidelity to the end. As an advisor he was careful in forming his legal opinion, often giving to a question time and critical study entirely out of proportion to its pecuniary importance ; but when his opinion was formed he firmly adhered to it, and was rarely obliged to modify it. His temperament and cast of mind were pre-eminently judicial, and if he had found it compatible with his wishes to have accepted the position on the bench of the Supreme Court, to which he was appointed, and again solicited to take, his in- timate knowledge of all matters of practice and procedure would have been found of great use and his decisions have been a valuable addition to the legal literature of the State. Mr. Faulkner represented Keene in the State Legislature in 1851, 1852, 1859 and 1860; was chosen moderator twenty-two times, successively, in town-meeting, from 1857 to 1863, and was an alderman in the first city government ; was county solicitor from 1855 to 1860; commissioner of enrollment during the Rebellion; was ap- pointed associate justice of the Supreme Court in 1874, but declined to serve; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1876, and held various other positions of honor and trust. He was largely interested in the social busi- ness and financial life of Keene; was a director of the Cheshire National Bank and the Ashuelot National Bank, and succeeded Mr. Wheeler as president of the Cheshire Provident Institution. Highly valued as a financial advisor, many sought and were profited by his judicious counsel. In politics he was a stanch Republican, one of the strongest local leaders of that party, and a prominent member of the State and County Committees. His upright character, strong per- sonality, positive convictions and popularity gave him influence in all circles, and there was no one whose counsel was more sought in emer- gencies and whose judgment and foresight did better service in seasonably detecting threatened evils and in devising the best means for the general good. During the years of anxiety and sacrifice of the great Civil War he labored loy- ally for the cause of the Union, and, by his un- tiring enthusiasm, able counsel and personal ef- forts, did much more for the cause than he could have done in any other way. In religion he was a Unitarian and an active member of the society at Keene, whose liberality in all channels of religious influence was never found wanting. Mr. Faulkner married, December 18, 1849, Caroline, daughter of Hon. Phinehas Handerson. He was very happy in his domestic life, and those who did not see him in his home can hardly be said to have really known him. It was there that he threw off the burdens and per- plexities of his busy life and found the only re- laxation he ever allowed himself — in the society of his wife and children. They lovingly remember how his natural buoyancy and love of fun, repressed by hours of exacting business, at home showed itself in play- ful jokes and in humorous anecdotes, and in join- ing, with the spirit of a boy, in all the games and spoi-ts of the children. His house was always open and he enter- tained with a generous hospitality. His wide circle of friends and acquaintances brought many distinguished people as his guests, and Mrs. Faulkner, a lady of culture, who survives him, presided with a quiet dignity over his household and made the charm of the home circle com- plete. Their surviving children are Francis Child, Arthur and Charles Henry. Mr. Faulk- ner died at his residence in Keene May 22, 1879. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted by the Cheshire County bar as a tribute to his memory : " In the course of Diviae Providence, a most useful and honorable member of our profession, Mr. Francis A. Faulkner, has been taken Irom us by death The occasion is such as excites in us much and deep feel- ing, which it is natural and right should find some appropriate expression, and, therefore, according to the usage which has long prevailed, the bar gives ex- pr^sion to such feelings by the following resolutions : 1 That m the death of Mr. Faulkner the profes- sion has been deprived of ope of its ablest and most useflil members, whose learning and ability, inspired and guided by the truest integrity, have singularly illustrated and adorned the bar of the State and coun try. His modest and unassuming manners have had BENCH AND BAR. 15 no small influence in cultivating the professional amenities and courtesies, whicli add so much to the pleasure of professional life, and redeem it from the opprobrium which in other times and places has been brought upon it by the unrestrained excesses of pro- fessional zeal. " 2. That we tender to the family of Mr. Faulkner our most respectftil and earnest sympathy." LiETJT-CoL. William Heney Buet, son of Willard and Martha (Wood) Burt, was born in Westmoreland, N. H., May 24, 1824. He was descended from New England families of honor and respectability. His paternal line of descent is derived from James Burt, who sailed from London, England, to the Barbadoes in 1635, and from there to Newport, R. I. (1639), afterwards to Taunton, Mass., where he was surveyor of highways in 1645, and took the oath of fidelity in 1654. His will was proven March 2, 1681. The line to Colonel William H. is James (1), James (2), Thomas (3), Henry (4), Samuel (5), Willard (6), William H. (7). On the maternal side he derived from the Wood family, well known in the Plymouth colony, and through his maternal grandmother, Martha (White) Wood, he was connected with one of the White families so prominent in New Eng- land history. Family tradition gives him as a lineal descendant of Peregrine White, of May- flower fame, but the stern realities of record seem to deny this, and to show his real White pro- genitor to be one who, in pointof worth, character and position, stood even higher, — John White, the wealthiest pioneer and proprietor of Lan- caster, Mass., an Englishman of education, who was in Salem in 1639. " His descendants have almost universally held a respectable po- sition in society and in the church. Some have risen to distinction in military and civil life." ^ The line of descent is most probably John (1), one of the first planters, captain, etc. ; Josiah (2), selectman, deacon, captain, etc. ; Josiah (3), representative, selectman, moderator and dea- con ; Jotham (4), probably the Major Jotham White mentioned in " History of Charlestown, N. H.," as quartermaster in Revolutionary War ; Martha (5), married Jonathan Wood, of Westmoreland, formerly of Fitchburg, Mass., 1 History of Lancaster. 1785 ; Martha (Wood) Burt (6) ; William H.(7). Colonel Burt inherited a strong vitality from his ancestors, who, for several generations, were quiet agriculturists. [His grandfather, Samuel Burt, married Olive Lincoln, in Taunton, Mass., in 1787 (she was descended from two leading families of that place, Lincoln and Leonard), and settled in Westmoreland, N. H., as a pioneer, accompanied by a brother and a sister. These all attained great ages, Samuel dying in 1850, almost ninety, and Olive in 1843, in her eighty-third year.] William passed his early years with his parents, who lived with his grandparents on the old homestead. He had the privileges of the district schools of those days, which, for the re- sult attained in self-reliance, mental discipline and strength of thought, have had few equals, and, attended as they were by scholars ambi- tious to excel, instructed by capable teachers, and aided by the healthful discipline and at- mosphere of home-life, brought forth good fruit. His brother and sisters ranked high as scholars, and the children were stimulated by their mother's influence to improve all oppor- tunities for intellectual culture. She, a woman of rare intelligence and ability, especially de- sired her sons to be liberally educated, and labored untiringly to guide and direct them in the paths of knowledge and virtue. Her warm sympathy and influence encouraged their aspira- tions for higher education, and her impress was beneficial in no common measure to her chil- dren. When he was nineteen, William began teach- ing winter terms of schools, and also became interested in the study of phrenology and phys- iology, and qualified himself to lecture in the smaller places adjacent to his home, and was quite successful. He carved, from a rough piece of sandstone, with his jack-knife, a speci- men head, which was creditable alike to his ar- tistic skill and his understanding of phrenology. He cherished a hope that he might fit himself for a professional life, and attended three terms at Mount Csesar Academy, at Swanzey, N. H., after he was twenty-one, engaging in the in- terim in farm labor and as a daguerrean artist. 16 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. His ardor for professional honors was lessened, however, by the experience o^ his older brother, Charles, who found his way as a law-student steep and difficult. The frugal life of the home circle did not avail to eke out the slender re- sources of the farm sufficiently to pay the ex- penses of college-life. When twenty-two, Wil- liam, after carefully considering which of the two courses he should choose, — a college educa- tion, which would leave him heavily in debt, or a mechanical pursuit, which would give him personal independence, — reluctantly decided for the latter, at once went to Worcester, Mass., ap- prenticed himself to a carpenter and worked at house-carpentering and in a car-shop until 1850. In the meantime, October, 1848, he married Hannah L. Williams, of Amherst, Mass., who died in 1852. Anticipating greater opportunities in the new land of California, Mr. Bart, with money loaned by friends who had learned the honesty and firmness of his character, sailed from New York, April 1, 1860, for San Francisco. Here he had varying changes, ill health, and, finally, good business success. After the death of two of his sisters, — Mrs. Martha M. Goodnow, Feb- ruary 3, 1852, and Mrs. J. Elizabeth Beals, August 10, 1852, — Mr. Burt decided to return to New Hampshire, "study law and be near his grief-stricken parents. He had, through his industry and prudence, acquired sufficient prop- erty to admit of his doing this, and, in Septem- ber, 1852, he came to Keene. Receiving kind encouragements from the lawyers whom he con- sulted, he became a student of Hon. Levi Chamberlain, a leading member of the bar, and passed a creditable examination in April, 1854. California offering more favorable opportunities for advancement, he sailed thither again in May, 1854. Here he enjoyed the advantages of the extensive practice of the Hon. James Wilson, in whose office, at San Francisco, he was domiciled, and was admitted to practice as attorney and counselor-at-law February 9, 1855. He returned East, afl«r a year and a half, by the Nicaragua route. On the Isthmus an epi- sode occurred which shows the character and self-reliance of Mr. Burt, and the impression he made upon others. The Nicaraguans deemed the disembarking and unarmed passengers a band of Walker's filibusters, and attacked them fiercely. Eight persons were killed, sev- eral were wounded. Mr. Burt received bullet- holes in his clothing, but no wounds. At their request, he at once assumed the leadership of the passengers, and, by his efforts, imposing appearance and persistent exertions, succeeded in getting the company to the Atlantic without further molestation. On his arrival in Keene he married Ann Louisa Davis, of Dublin, November 8, 1855, and passed the winter with his parents, who had removed there from Westmoreland in 1854. He was admitted to practice at the Novem- ber term of the Supreme Court, in Keene, 1855. The wonderful tide of emigration to the West interested him, and before returning to the Pacific coast he concluded to enjoy a pleasure- trip with his wife in the Western States. Leav- ing Keene, April 19, 1856, they visited his brother in Detroit, and from there went to Dav- enport, Iowa, visiting old friends along the way. In June they started up the Mississippi and stopped at various points, arriving at last at Stillwater, Minn., where resided a brother law-student. This was a pleasant summer resi- dence, and, to oblige his friend, who was called away for a brief period, he consented to attend to his practice until his return. The absence was prolonged by illness, and Mr. Burt became so much connected with the business as to be unable to leave, and continued in a steadily in- creasing and valuable practice until the break- ing out of the great Civil War. He was ad- mitted as counselor-of-law and solicitor in Chancery at St. Paul, Minn., January 13, 1857. He was a member of the State Legislature of Minnesota in 1862; served on committees — Federal relations, military affairs — and was chairman of the judiciary committee. From the time that Fort Sumter was at- tacked Mr. Burt believed that his duty lay in joining the defenders of the Union, but val- uable interests were in his keeping, and he could not desert his clients. He, however took no new cases unless the stipulation was made BENCH AND BAR. 17 that he could give them np at any time. Un- der the call for six hundred thpusand men, August 6, 1862, Governor Ramsey divided Minnesota into districts and appointed recruit- ing officers. One of his commissions named "William H. Burt as recruiting officer for the farming districts of Washington and Chisago Counties, with rank of second lieutenant. This was accompanied by orders to enlist a company for the Seventh Minnesota. Mr. Burt was on his way to dinner, August 7, 1862, when he received the notice of the appointment. He did not return to his office, but assigned to his wife the care of his papers and went at once to duty. He was enrolled and mustered into ser- vice at St. Paul August 8 th, and August 9th began to form his company. He enlisted a full company — ninety-eight men — and reported for duty at Fort Snelling August 17th. His com- pany elected him captain August 19, and he was commissioned August 21, 1862. His was appointed color company (C), and ordered into immediate service. The defenseless condition of the frontier in consequence of the removal of all regular sol- diers and movable armament, and the departure of the five regiments of volunteers, exposed the State to the horrors of Indian warfare. A con- spiracy of Indian tribes, led by the war-chief of the Dakotahs, Little Crow, inaugurated the " Minnesota Massacre." Prompt and de- cided action was required to suppress it. The new recruits, inexperienced and poorly equipped, were called upon to protect the State. August 26th, Captain Burt was ordered to march with Companies C and I to Fort Ripley. From there his company was ordered to Chippewa Agency to guard the government stores and show the Chippewas the futility of any at- tempt at rebellion. A " council of peace " with this tribe was soon held at Fort Ripley, Cap- •^ tain Burt being chosen one of the members by the Governor, and by its action peaceful rela- tions were continued with the tribe. In this Captain Burt rendered good service. A special session of the Legislature was called to consider the condition of affairs, and Captain Burt was particularly requested by the Governor to attend as a member, and by special order he was 2 placed on detached service for that purpose and to secure the needed clothing for the poorly- clad members of his company, who had hur- riedly left their homes in summer dress, ex- pecting, after receiving a good military outfit, to enjoy a short furlough. The Legislature closed its session, the milita,ry clothing was promised ; two days were taken for his person- al matters, in which time his books, papers and business were transferred to agents, his office vacated, and he was on his way to rejoin his company. His life hereafter was to be given to his country in hard and exhausting service, which finally sapped the strong vigor of his stalwart manhood and caused his untime- ly death. The Seventh Minnesota was assigned to duty as guard of the Sioux prisoners at Man- kato, where Captain's Burt's detachment joined them, and, November, 24, 1862, his company was mustered into the United States service. The military commission convened sentenced three hundred of the captives to close confinement and thirty-nine to death. Thirty-eight of these brutal murderers were simultaneously ex- ecuted by hanging, December 26, 1862. Cap- tain Burt, as officer of the day, received great credit for his services in carrying out this im- portant order. After guarding the three hun- dred prisoners until spring. Captain Burt, with his company, was detailed as military escort to convey the Sioux to Rock Island, which was successfully done. He also took part in the campaign of the summer of 1863 against the hostile Indians and captured Wo-wi-nap-a, the son of Little Crow. This expedition drove the scattered hostiles beyond the Missouri, and the troops reported at Fort Snelling September 16, 1863. The Seventh was now ordered to St. Louis, whereit served until April 20, 1864, Captain Burt being commissioned major November 6, 1863. He was detailed as a member of a general court- martial to be convened April 14, 1864 ; but as his regiment was ordered South, he pre- ferred to go with it. The first station was Paducah, Ky., which place they guarded till June 19th, when they were ordered to Mem- phis, and assigned to the Third Brigade, First 18 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, under Gene- ral A. J. Smith. From this time the service was hard, exhausting marching, coupled with deprivations and splendid fighting. In the desperate three days' battle of Tupelo, Miss., July 12th, 13th and 14th, the regiment won high honors ; at the Tallahatchie, August 7th and 8th, again gained praise. In September the First Division made one of the hardest marches of the war, in pursuit of General Price, through Arkansas and Missouri, — three hundred and twenty miles in nineteen days on ten days' rations. Another march ensued across the entire State of Missouri, the troops wading through mud and snow, and fording icy rivers. The corps participated in the great battle at Nashville, December 15th and 16th, and after- wards joined in the pursuit of Hood through Tennessee. They then weut to Clifton, Tenn., next to Eastport, Miss., then to New Orleans, and in March, 1865, to Dauphin Island, where the army was reorganized for the siege of Mo- bile. March 20, 1865, the corps was landed on the east side of Mobile Bay, and on the 25th marched to invest Spanish Fort, the principal eastern defense of Mobile. This fort was in- vested March 27th, and reduced April 8th. The Seventh was constantly under fire, and bore the greater part of the labor and exposure of the siege. After the surrender of Fort Blakely, April 9th, Mobile was occupied by the Union army. The Sixteenth Corps broke camp for a march to Montgomery, April 13th. From there the Third Brigade went to Selma, Ala., where the Seventh did garrison duty until it was ordered North to be mustered out of service, and left Selma July 20th, and marched to Vicksburg. From there Major Burt was sent in advance of the regiment, first to St. Louis, then to Fort Snelling, Minn., to prepare muster-out rolls, and thus expedite the discharge of the men. The troops were discharged August 16, 1865, at Fort Snelling. Originally possessed of a strong constitution, the exposure of army life exhausted Major Burt's vitality, and although the surgeons rec- ommended a " sick leave " as absolutely essen- tial to recuperate his strength, it was not granted by the corps commander, as such an efficient officer could not be spared. To him the muster out came too late. He returned to Keene ; but health never returned, and while on a visit to his only surviving sister (Mrs. Shar- lot A. West), at Worcester, Mass., he died, March 15, 1866. He was commissioned brevet lieutenant-colonel United States volun- teers by President Johnson, March 20, 1866, the rank to date from April 8, 1865, " for gal- lant and meritorious services at the siege of Spanish Fort, Mobile Harbor, Alabama." Colonel Burt was a superior man. His ideal of life and its duties was high. He felt a sense of obligation to make the best use of all his faculties, and amid all discouraging circum- stances he preserved unweakened his integrity and independence. The structure of his char- acter was systematic, solid and substantial, and his manhood was firmly and compactly put to- gether. He had a tenacity of purpose that, with his positive nature, carried him to suc- cess where weaker men would have failed. His religious nature developed as a principle of right and duty, making him conscientiously honest and honorable in all the relations of life. Irreproachable in character, he scorned everything low and groveling, stood on the highest plane of temperance and purity, and won the enduring esteem of his associates. He was a devoted son, a strong friend and a valu- able member of society. The following estimates, from those well qualified to judge, will show his proper stand- ing as a man, soldier and lawyer. Governor Marshall, who served as lieutenant- colonel and colonel of the Seventh, and general of his brigade, wrote to Colonel Burt from the executive chair of Minnesota, December 29, 1865, — " I am glad this long-delayed commis- sion (lieutenant-colonel) has been issued. You well earned such recognition of faithful ser- vice." From an article in the St. Paul Press, writ- ten by a prominent gentleman of Minnesota, we make this extract,— "He loved the profession of his choice and applied himself to its study with a zeal and intensity rarely excelled. His ability and industry soon secured for liim an BENCH AND BAR. 19 extensive practice and a position at the head of the bar at which he practiced, and he was retained on one side or other of almost all canses of impoi-tance. 0\ving to the character of the business of the St. Croix Valley and the financial crisis of 1857-58, the litigation was extensive and of a most important character. This brought him in contact with the best legal minds of the State, and as well at nisi -prius as at the bar of the Supreme Court he was re- garded as among the best lawyers of the State. He was true to his client, and identified him- self, even to a fault, perhaps, with the cause he advocated. He was a man of exemplary habits and strict integrity. He was very reticent and his manners were somewhat abrupt, but a little familiarity with him discovered behind this ex- terior a heart alive to the kindliest sympathies of our nature. Lieutenant-Colonel Burt served three years as an officer of the Seventh Min- nesota Volunteers, — first as captain of Com- pany C, and during the last two years as major of the regiment. His record as an officer was a most honorable one. Indeed, his life was sacrificed to his determination to remain on duty with his regiment until it should be mus- tered out. He never asked for a leave of ab- sence. He was at the post of duty always. At the battle of Tupelo, iliss., July, 1864 ; at the Tallahatchie, in August ; in the campaign in Arkansas and Missouri after Price's army, in the fall of 1864; at the battles of Nashville, in December, where he conducted with distin- guished gallantry the skirmish line of his brigade ; at the siege of Spanish Fort, in the Mobile campaign, in March and April, 1865, he performed the whole duty of a soldier and an officer. For these services he was recommended by General Marshall and honorably promoted by commission from the President as brevet Lieutenant-colonel United States Volunteers." The eminent jurist, Judge S. J. E. McMil- lan, writes, March 26, 1866, in a letter to Mrs. Burt, — "The relations of your husband and myself during a period of seven or eight years brought us much in contact, and affiarded me ample opportunity of estimating his character. During all my acquaintance with him I havi ever had for him the highest regard and re- S])ect. He was a man of strict iutegrity aud uprightness in his private and professional rela- tions, and as a lawyer I regard him as one of the ablest in the State. His professional ability secured him a retainer in almost all the impor- tant causes in the court at the bar of which he practiced, and brought him in contact with the leading lawyers of the State, and placed him in circumstances calculated to try every ele- ment of his character, and through all he bore himself manfully, and acquitted himself with great credit. Fraud, dishonesty and chicanery he abhorred, and when presented in the course of his professional duty, he pursued it unre- mittingly. He was prompt and punctual in everything he had to do, and I do not remember an instance where a cause in which he was en- gaged, was called for trial, that he was uupre- pared through any laches of his own. You may well cherish his memory with pride." Charles W. Burt, oldest son of Willard and Martha (Wood) Burt, and only brother of Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Burt, was born in Westmoreland, N. H., November 6, 1820. He attended, supplementary to his course at district schools. Mount Csesar and Lebanon Academies, and two years at Norwich (Vt.) University. He was a thorough student, stood high in his classes, and was a popular teacher of district schools for some years. He studied law with Hon. Levi Chamberlain, was admitted to the bar at Keene, and prac- tised his profession at Colebrook, N. H., from 1848 to 1854, when he removed to Detroit, Mich., and engaged in practice. In 1855 he formed a partnership with A. B. Maynard, Esq., of that city, which continued until the untimely death of Mr. Burt, April 11, 1859. Mr. Maynard says of him, — "During our en- tire partnership our relations were of the pleas- antest character. He was a gentleman of decided ability, and no young lawyer in the city had a better reputation, both for legal learning and ability and for the purity and uprightness of his character. In his habits he was simple and unassuming, and remarkable for his industry. Had his life been spared, he would, in my judgment, have stood at the very head of the bar of Michigan as a learned, 20 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. able and conscientious lawyer." From the re- port of a meeting of the Detroit bar we ex- tract, — " Leading lawyers paid brief, but feel- ing and earnest, tributes of respect to the personal worth of Mr. Burt, and of regard for his high personal character. They spoke of him as they knew him, — as the modest, retiring, yet self-reliant man ; as an earnest seeker after truth and justice at all times; as the determined hater of what was vicious and wrong ; as the warm-hearted, sympathetic man and friend, making sacrifices (when he hoped to accom- plish good) which few would have done, and that' few knew of; as the untiring, indefatigable student, the lawyer, of sound judgment, exten- sive research and of growing, solid reputation. These tributes paid to one who had not reached life's mid-space were as sincere, hearty and flattering expressions of opinion as have ever been paid, within our knowledge, to a young member of the Detroit bar, and, coming from the senior members of the profession, attest the professional worth and great promise of Mr. Burt." Among other members of the bar are men- tioned J. Henry Elliot, George A. Wheelock, C. C. Webster, Edward Farrar (clerk of courts, police justice and ex-mayor), F. S. Fiske, Har- vey Carleton, Don H. Woodward, Horatio Col- ony (ex-mayor), Silas Hardy (ex-judge of Pro bate), C. F. Webster, George Ticknor, Hiram Blake, L. W. Holmes, E. P. Dole, Francis C. Faulkner, Daniel K. Healey, Alfred T. Batch- elder (mayor), C. H. Hersey and J. P. Abbott. (For additional notices, see town histories). The present members of the Cheshire bar are as follows : Edward Farrar (clerk of court), of Keene ; John T. Abbott (Hersey & Abbott), of Keene ; Alfred T. Batch- elder (Batchelder & Faulkner), of Keene; Hiram Blake, of Keene; Edmund P. Dole (Lane & Dole, also county solicitor), of Keene ; William Henry El- liot, of Keene ; Francis C. Faulkner (Batchelder & Faulkner), of Keene ; Silas Hardy, of Keene ; Daniel K. Healey, of Keene ; Farnum F. Lane (Lane & Dole), of Keene ; 0. Fred. Webster, of Keene ; Leon- ard Wellington, of Keene; Don H.Woodward, of Keene ; Hosea W. Brigham, of Winchester ; Edmund M. Forbes, of Winchester ; E. J. Temple, of Hinsdale Josiah G. Bellows (also judge of Probate), of Walpole Bolivar Lovell, of Walpole ; E. M. Smith, of Alstead Amos J. Blake, of Fitzwilliam; Jesse B. Twiss, o Jaflfrey. Betired Members of the Cheshire County Bar. George A. Wheelock, of Keene; John Henry El- liot, of Keene; Horatio Colony, of Keene; Harvey Carlton, of Winchester ; John H. Fox, of Jaffrey. CHAPTER III. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. BY HIRAM BLAKE. Cheshire Railroad.— No event in the history of Cheshire County has resulted in such substantial benefit to its inhabitants as the construction of the Cheshire Railroad. From 1830 to. 1840 the manufacturing in- terests of the county had largely increased. Woolen and cotton-mills had been erected on many of the numerous streams within the county, affording excellent water-power. Considerable forests of excellent timber yet remained ready to be converted into lumber. Various kinds of wooden-ware were manu- factured, and ready markets for these commod- ities were found in Boston and other towns on the New England seaboard. The difficulty of transporting heavy freight by the slow process of horse-power was a serious drawback to these enterprises, and the want of railroad communication within the county began to be seriously felt. As early as 1840 the subject of a railroad through the country began to be earnestly dis- cussed. A charter for the Cheshire Railroad, extend- ing from the State line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire to Bellows Falls, Vt., was obtained December 27, 1844. On July 1, 1845, it was consolidated with the Winchendon Railroad Company, chartered in Massachusetts, March 13, 184.5, and extending from South Ashburnham, Mass., to the New Hampshire line. This consolidated line forms the Cheshire corporation as it exists at the present time. The opening of the road was the occasion of great rejoicing to the citizens of Keene and INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 21 Cheshire County. The event was celebrated in Keene with great splendor May 16, 1848. The day was unusually fine, and about five thousand people, from different parts of the county and vicinity, attended the celebration. A train from Boston, consisting of fifteen cars well filled with people, drawn by two pow- erful engines, gaily decorated with flags, ever- greens and flowers, arrived at half-past one P.Ji. Its approach was announced, when four miles from town, by the discharge of a gun two miles distant. This was followed by others stationed along the line, and as it entered the town it was welcomed by the ringing of bells, the cheers of thousands and the rapid discharge of cannon. The Suffolk Brass Band, of Boston, accompa- nied the train and furnished excellent music for the occasion. A large procession proceeded to the town hall, where a meeting of the stockholders was held ; after which the procession was reformed and marched back to the depot, where fifteen hun- dred people partook of a sumptuous banquet prepared by the citizens of Keene. After dinner Hon. Levi Chamberlain, in an appropriate speech, welcomed the assemblage to Keene. Hon. Thomas M. Edwards, president of the corporation, followed ; after which speeches were made and sentiments offered by many eminent citizens of Boston and other parts of New England. At the hour of de- parture the train moved off on its way to Bos- ton amid the cheers of the assembled multitude. The remaining portion of the road, from Keene to Bellows Falls, Vt., was completed January 1, 1849. The Cheshire Eailroad is the connecting-link between Boston {via Rutland) and Burlington. It extends through the county from Winchen- don, Mass., through the southwest corner of Rindge, through Fitzwilliam, Troy, Marlbor- ough, Keene, southwest corner of Surry, "West- moreland and Walpole, where it crosses the Connecticut River at Bellows Falls, in Vermont. The entire length of the road is fifty-three and one-half miles. Within the county it is forty-two and three-fourths miles. It is one of the most thoroughly-constructed roads in the cv,untry. Its bridges, culverts, and abut- ments, built of cut granite, are models of civil engineering. The general management, from the beginning, has been excellent, and its opera- tion unusually free from accidents. The cost of the road and equipments amounted to $2,717,535.26. The annual receipts for 1884 were $586,685.02 ; the expenditures for the same year, $463,575.79. Four gentlemen have acted as presidents of the road during its existence of thirty-seven years, namely, Hon. T. M. Edwards, Thomas Thatcher, E. Murdock, Jr., and Hon. William A. Russell. Superintendents, B. F. Adams, L. Tilton, E. A. Chapin and Reuben Stewart ; Treasurers, C. J. Everett, F. W. Everett and F. H. Kings- bury ; Master Mechanics, David Upton, George W. Perry and F. A. Perry. Mr. Stewart, the present superintendent, is a veteran in the service of the company. He commenced his service for the road in 1845, and was employed three years in its construc- tion. He subsequently served as ticket agent, general freight agent, cashier and auditor. He was assistant superintendent for two years un- der Mr. E. A. Chapin, and has held the ofiice of superintendent for the past twenty years AsHUELOT Railroad. — Before the comple- tion of the Cheshire Railroad measures for build- ing a railroad through the fertile and populous valley of the Ashuelot River were already taken. The Ashuelot Railroad was incorporated July 10, 1846, and the first meeting for organization under the charter was called at Winchester May 27, 1848. John H. Fuller, Esq., of Keene, M^as chosen president ; Francis Boyden, of Hinsdale, clerk. In November, 1849, the company contracted with Messrs. Boody, Ross & Co., of Spring- field, Mass., for building the road, and the work was speedily pushed to completion. On the 9th of December, 1850, the road was opened for public travel. This road extends from Keene to South Ver- non, Vt., a distance of twenty-three and three- fourths miles. Its length in Cheshire County is twenty-three miles. As it leaves Keene it passes through Swan- zey, Winchester and the southern part of Hins- 22 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. dale ; thence crossing the Connecticut Eiver at South Vernon, Vt. It follows the beautiful valley of the Ashuelot Eiver, which affords abundant water-power, a considerable portion of which is improved and a great variety of manufactures is carried on. The road is of a very light grade and one of the best-constructed roads in New England. In 1850 the company leased the road to the Connecticut River Railroad for a term of ten years, from January 1, 1851, at a rent of thirty thousand dollars per year. At the expiration of this lease it was leased to the Cheshire Railroad until January, 1865, at twelve thousand dollars per annum. The road continued to be operated by the Cheshire Company until April 21, 1877, when it was again leased to the Connecticut River Road at a rental of thirty per cent, of its gross earnings, under which management it now re- mains. The cost of the road, with equipments, to 1875, amounted to five hundred thousand dollars. The receipts and expenditures are included in the accounts of the Connecticut River road. Sullivan County Railroad. — The Sulli- van County Railroad, extending from Bellows Falls, Vt., to Windsor, in the same State, a distance of twenty-six miles, was incorporated July 10, 1846, and completed February 5, 1849. This road crosses the Connecticut River at Bellows Falls, and, running mainly through Sullivan County, N. H., recrosses the river at Windsor. Nearly two miles of this road run through the northwest portion of Walpole, in Cheshire County, where the growing village of North Walpole is situated. This road is operated by the Connecticut River Railroad, and with the latter forms a part of the Central Vermont system. Concord and Claebmont Railroad. — The original charter for this road, extending from Concord to the Sullivan Railroad, in or near the town of Claremont, was obtained June 24, 1848. The corporation, as it now exists, is a con- solidation of the Contoocook Valley, Merri- mack and Connecticut Rivers and Sugar River Railroads. The first-named branch extends from Hop- kinton, through Henniker, to Hillsborough Bridge, a distance of fifteen miles. This road was also chartered June 24, 1848, and com- pleted in December, 1849. The Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers por- tion, constructed under the original charter, extends from Concord, through Hopkinton, Warner, the southern portion of Sutton, to Bradford, a distance of twenty-seven miles. It was completed July 10, 1850. The Sugar River portion extends from Brad- ford, through Newbury, in the county of Mer- rimack, and through Sunapee and Newport, to Claremont Junction, on the Sullivan Railroad, a distance of twenty-nine miles. It was incor- porated July 2, 1866, and completed for travel in September, 1872. The consolidation of the three branches above mentioned was effected October 31, 1873, and the entire length of the road is seventy-one miles. Its length in Sulivan County is about eighteen miles. It is now under the same man- agement as the Northern Railroad. MoNADNOCK Railroad. — The Monadnock Railroad was incorporated December 13, 1848; tlie charter was revived July 6, 1866. It was completed for travel June 10, 1871, and ex- tends from Winchendon, Mass., through Rindge and Jaffrey, to Peterborough, a distance of fif- teen and four-fifths miles. Its length in Che- shire County is about ten miles. Leaving Winchendon, it passes through a low valley between the hills in Rindge until it reaches the head-waters of the Contoocook River, near the village of West Rindge. It then follows down the valley of Contoocook to East Jaffrey, and thence to Peterborough. The Upper Contoocook furnishes consider- able water-power. Cotton and wooden-ware mills are located along its course in Rindge and Jaffrey, and this road has been of great benefit to these towns. The cost of this road amounted to the sum of $366,829.47. The annual receipts for 1884 were $27,342.39 ; the expenditures for 1884 $22,009.01. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 23 J. Livingston, of Peterborough, was its first president, and C. A. Parks, of Jaffrey, treas- urer. After its completion it was operated by the company until October 1, 1874, when it was leased to the Boston, Barre and Gardiner road for ninety-nine years. The lease was transferred to the Cheshire Railroad January 1, 1880, for six years, at a rental of twelve thousand dollars per annum, with the option of extending the same for fif- teen years thereafter. The road is still operated by the Cheshire Company. Manchestbe and Keene Railroad. — This road was incorporated July 16, 1864 ; its charter was extended June 24, 1870, and June 26, 1874. It leaves Keene and runs easterly through the southwest corner of Roxbury, through Marlborough and Harrisville, to Hillsborough County line ; thence through Hancock to its terminus, at Greenfield. Its entire length is twenty-six miles ; its length in Cheshire County is nearly thirteen miles. The scenery along the route, for variety and grandeur, is equal to any in the State. The building of the road was commenced in the summer of 1876, and after considerable delay, occasioned by the failure of contractors, it was completed on the 29th of November, 1878. The last spike was driven by Hon. Samuel W. Hale, one of the directors of the road. On the following day an engine and well- filled passenger-car passed over the road, and its arrival in Keene was witnessed by a large num- ber of spectators. April 30, 1880, the Supreme Court, in be- half of the bondholders, appointed George A. Ramsdell, of Nashua, receiver, who repaired and commenced running the road. On the 1st of September, 1880, the mortgage trustees took possession of the road by order of court, and operated it until October 26, 1881, when it was sold by them at auction for one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to Hon. S. W. Hale, who afterwards transferred his title to the Boston and Lowell and Concord Railroads, which corporations continued its oper- ation. It is now in good repair and forms a part of the Boston and Lowell system. HISTORY OF KEENE. CHAPTEE I. Geographical— Original Grant by Massachusetts — First Proprietors' Meeting — Laying out the Grant — Early Votes — First Settlements — The Pioneers — The Indian Troubles — Building of the Fort — Josiah Fisher killed by Indians — Further Depredations of the Savages — The Settlement Abandoned. The town of Keene lies near the centre of the county and is bounded as follows : On the north by Westmoreland, Surry and Gilsum ; east by Sullivan and Roxbury ; south by Swan- zey and west by Chesterfield and Westmoreland. The territory embraced within the bounds of the present town of Keene, together with a por- tion of Sullivan and Eoxbury, was one of the Massachusetts grants, made in accordance with a vote of the General Court of that province of July, 1733. On the 19th of October following a committee, consisting of Joseph Kellogg, Tim- othy Dwight and William Chandler, was ap- pointed to lay out the townships on Ashuelot River forthwith. They reported in February, 1734, and the township was lotted in May or June following. The first proprietors' meeting was held in Concord, Mass., June 26, 1734, and in September following Jeremiah Hall, Daniel Hoar, Josiah Fisher, Elisha Root, Nathaniel Rockwood, Seth Heaton and William Puffer vis- ited Upper Ashuelot, as the place was called, and held a proprietors' meeting. They did not ar- rive at the line of the township until late in the evening of the 18th, the day to which the meeting was adjourned; and, as soon as their pilot informed them they had passed it, they opened the meeting and adjourned to the next day. At the meeting held the next day a vote was passed that the whole of the intervale land in 24 the township should be surveyed, and that half of it should be lotted out in two inclosures, one so situated as to accommodate the fifty-four house-lots laid out on the village plain, the other so as to accommodate the nine house-lots laid out on Swanzey line. A committee was also appointed " to search and find out the best and most convenient way to travel from the upper unto the lower township." At this period Upper Ashuelot was a frontier settlement, in the bosom of the wilderness. It was, of course, most exposed to savage incur- sions, and was liable to suffer, in their ex- tremity, all those distresses and calamities which may be alleviated, if not prevented, by the assistance and good offices of others. Its near- est neighbor was Northfield, twenty miles dis- tant ; Winchester, which was first granted, not being then settled, or containing at most not more than two or three huts. The next meeting of the proprietors was held at Concord, Mass., on the last Wednesday of May, 1735. The committee appointed to sur- vey the intervale land made a report. The lots they had laid out contained eight acres ; and, as they were not all equal in quality, the propri- etors voted that certain enumerated lots should have qualification, or allowance, to consist of from two to four acres each, and appointed a committee to lay out these allowances. The practice of qualifying lots, thus introduced, was afterwards pursued, and occasioned great irreg- ularity in the future allotments of land. At this meeting a committee was appointed " to join with such as the lower town propri- etors shall appoint, to search and find out whether the ground will admit of a convenient road from the two townships on Ashuelot River down to the town of Townsend." KEENE. 25 At a subsequent meeting, held in September of the same year, in the township, the propri- etors were assessed in the sum of sixty pounds, and a committee was " appointed to bill out this money according to the proprietors' directions." It appears by the record, that the- mode of biUii^ out the money remaining in the treasury was often practiced. A committee was also ap- pointed to lay out a road to the saw-mill place, which is about three-quarters of a mile north from the house-lots. A vote was also passed offering one hundred acres of " middling good land " and twenty-five pounds to any person or persons who would engage to build a saw-mill, and saw boards for the proprietors, at twenty shillings per thousand, and slit-work for £3 10.9. per thousand. John Corbet and Jesse Eoot appeared and undertook to build the mill, and a committee was thereupon appointed to lay out the land. The mill was to be finished by the 1st day of July, 1736. Under date of May, 1735, appears a record of the expense of laying out the second division of lots. The surveyor was allowed fifteen shillings (seventy cents), four others were allowed twelve shillings and two others ten shillings per day. On the 30th day of September, 1736, a meet- ing of the proprietors was opened, according to appointment, at the house-lot of Joseph Fisher, but was immediately removed to the house of Nathan Blake. This house was probably the first erected in the township. A committee was appointed "to agree with a man to build a grist-mill," and they were authorized to offer "not exceeding forty pounds encouragement therefor." The proprietors also voted to build a meeting-house at the south end of the town street, at the place appointed by the General Court's committee, to be forty feet long, twenty feet stud and thirty-five feet wide, and to lay boards for the lower floor — the house to be finished by the 26th day of June, 1737. At the same meeting a vote was passed to widen the main street, which was originally but four rods wide. It provided that, if the pro- prietors of the house-lots on the west side of the street would surrender four rods in depth on the end of their lots adjoining the street, they should have it made up in quantity in the rear. This proposition was acceded to, and to this measure the village is indebted for its broad and elegant main street. No person had hitherto attempted to remain through the winter in the township. Those who came in the summer to clear their lands brought their provisions with them, and erected temporary huts to shelter them from the weather. In the summer of 1736 at least one house was erected ; and three persons, Nathan Blake, Seth Heaton and William Smeed, — the two first from Wrentham and the last from Deerfield,— made preparations to pass the winter in the wilderness. Their house was at the south end of the street. Blake had a pair of oxen and a horse, and Heaton a horse. For the support of these, they collected grass in the open spots ; and in the first part of the winter they employed them in drawing logs to the saw-mill, which had just been completed. Blake's horse fell through the ice of Beaver Brook and was drowned. In the beginning of February their own provisions were exhausted, and to obtain a supply of meal, Heaton was dispatched to Northfield. There were a few families at Win- chester, but none able to furnish what was wanted. Heaton procured a quantity of meal ; but before he left Northfield the snow began to fall, and when, on his return, he arrived at Win- chester, it was uncommonly deep, and covered with a sharp crust. He was told "that he might as well expect to die in Northfield and rise again in Upper Ashuelot, as ride thither on horseback." Remembering the friends he had left there, he nevertheless determined to make the attempt, but had proceeded but a short distance when he found that it would be impos- sible to succeed. He then returned, and directed his course towards Wrentham. Blake and Smeed, hearing nothing from Heaton, gave the oxen free access to the hay, left Ashuelot, and on snow shoes proceeded either to Deerfield or Wrentham. Anxious for their oxen, they returned early in the spring. They found them near the Branch, southeast of Carpenter's, much emaciated, feeding upon twigs and such grass as was bare. The oxen recognized their owner, and exhibited such pleasure at the meeting as drew tears from his eyes. 26 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. At a meeting of the proprietors, held May 12, 1737, they voted to assess sixty pounds on the proprietors of the house-lots for the purpose of hiring a gospel minister, and chose a committee to agree with some meet person to preach the gospel among them. This meeting was ad- journed, to be held at the meeting-house place on the 20th of May. On the day appointed it was there opened, but was immediately removed to the intervale land, and there a vote was passed that another division of meadow land should be made. A committee was also chosen to "rep- resent this propriety in applying to, and receiv- ing of, the Honourable, the General Court's committee for this township, the money granted to said proprietors when they shall have the frame of a meeting-house raised, and forty proprietors settled on the spot." The next meeting was held at the meeting- house frame, June 30th. Jeremiah Hall was recompensed for his services in searching for and laying out a road to Townsend, and two others were added to the committee appointed to apply to the General Court's committee "for the one hundred pounds" mentioned in the proceedings of the last meeting. It was also voted "that no meeting of the proprietors be held, for the future, but at this place, so long as there shall be seven proprietors inhabiting here." At a meeting held October 26th a vote was passed that the "worthy Mr. Jacob Bacon should draw for the second division of meadow land, for the whole propriety." This is the first time that the name of Mr. Bacon, who was the first settled minister of the town, is mentioned in the records. At the same meeting a vote was passed to lay out one hundred acres of upland to each house-lot or right. The proprietors were to draw lots for choice, and he who drew No. 1, was to make his pitch by a certain day; and those who drew the successive numbers on suc- cessive days, excluding Sundays, thus " giving every man his day." Each lot was surveyed by a committee, in such place and in such shape as the proprietor drawing it directed. Some of the plans recorded in the proprietors' records exhibit figures which Euclid never imagined, and probably could not measure. Common land was left in every part of the township, in pieces of all sizes and shapes. Although the whites were at this time at peace with the Indians, yet, deeming it not pru- dent to remain without some means of defense, the proprietors at this meeting voted that they would finish the fort, which was already begun, and that every one that should work or had worked at said fort should bring in his account to the surveyor of highways and should be al- lowed therefor on his highway tax-bill. This fort was situated on a small eminence a few rods north of the present residence of Lemuel Hay- ward. When completed it was about ninety feet square ; there were two ovens and two wells in the inclosure. It was built of hewn logs. In the interior, next to the walls, were twenty barracks, each having one room. On the out- side it was two stories high, in the inside but one, the roof over the barracks sloping inwards. In the space above the barracks were loop-holes to fire from with muskets. There were two watch-houses, one at the southeast corner and one on the western side, each erected on four high posts set upright in the earth ; and for greater safety, the whole was surrounded by pickets. January 7, 1740, a meeting of the proprietors was held. In the warrant calling it, an article was inserted " To make such grant or grants of land to such person or persons as they shall think deserve the same for hazarding their lives and estates by living here to bring forward the settling of the place." Upon this article the following vote was passed, which probably gives the names of nearly all the men then residing in the township and the number of dwellings erected : " Voted, to grant ten acres of upland to each of the persons hereafter named, viz. : Jacob Bacon, clerk; Josiah Fisher, Joseph Fisher, Nathan Blake, William Smeed, Seth Heaton, Joseph Ellis, Ebenezer Nims Joseph Guild, Joseph Richardson, Isaac Clark Ed- ward Dale, Jeremiah Hall, Ebenezer Force, Daniel Haws, Amos Foster, Ebenezer Day, Beriah Maccaney, Jabez Hill, Obed Blake, Jeremiah Hall, Jr David Nims, Timothy Puffer, Ebenezer Daniels, Nathan Fairbanks, John Bullard, David Foster, Solomon Richardson, Abner Ellis, Benjamin Guild, Asa Rich- KEENE. 27 ardson, Ebenezer Hill, Samuel Fisher, Ephraim Dor- man, Timothy Sparhawk, Jonathan Underwood, John Andrews, Samuel Smith, Samuel Daniels (39), and to such other persons having an interest here, who, from the first of next March to March, 1742, shall make up the quantity or space of two years in living here, and build a legal dwelling-house, to the number of sixty, including those before mentioned." A rumor of war having reached the town- ship, the proprietors, February 25th, voted that they would build another fort whenever seven of the proprietors should request it. It is not known that this fort was ever built. They also voted that there should be allowed for every man who should work upon the forts eight shillings, and for every pair of oxen four shillings, per day. The long and spirited contest between the provinces of Massachusetts and ISTew Hamp- shire, respecting the divisional line between them, had been carried before the King in Coun- cil, and, in 1740, a decision was made that from a point three miles north of Pawtucket Falls the line should run due west until it reached His Majesty's other governments. This left Upper Ashuelot far within the boundaries of New Hampshire. Upon this subject the proprietors, on the 3d day of October, held a meeting, and the following proceedings appear upon their records : "The proprietors being informed that by the deter- mination of his majesty in council, respecting the controverted bounds between the province of Massa- chusetts and New-Hampshire, they are excluded from the province of the Massachusetts Bay, to which they always supposed themselves to belong. "Therefore, unanimously voted that a petition be presented to the King's most excellent majesty, set- ting forth our distrest estate, and praying we may be annexed to the said Massachusetts province. "Also unanimously voted, that Thomas Hutchin- son, Esq., be empowered to present the said petition to his majesty, and to appear and fully to act for and in behalf of this town, respecting the subject matter of said petition, according to his best discretion." Mr. Hutchinson had previously been ap- pointed the agent of Massachusetts to procure an alteration of the order in Council. He made a voyage to England, but failed to accomplish the object of his agency. On the 10th of July, Deacon Josiah Fisher was killed as he was driving his cow to pasture. The road leading up the river then left the main street by Mr. Lamson's tan-yard, led along the margin of the meadow, back of his house, crossed West Street a few rods west of Aaron Hall's house and continued up the river, near the adjoining low land, until it came upon the route of the present tm-npike above Deacon Wilder's house, now occupied as a tavern. Fisher was found dead and scalped in the road, near where the Lamson Block now stands, and it was supposed that the Indian who shot him was concealed behind a log which then lay within the present limits of Mr. Lamson's gar- den. He had a brass slug in his wrist, which, iit the time, was conjectured to have been cut from a warming-pan that had lately been lost by one of the inhabitants. In the early part of the year 1746 the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts sent a party of men to Canada, for what purpose was not generally known. On their return they passed through Upper Ashuelot. On arriving in sight of the settlement they fired their guns. This, of course, alarmed the inhabitants, and all who were out — and several were in the woods making sugar — hastened home. From some cause or other sus- picion was entertained that a party of Indians had followed the returning whites, and for sev- eral days the settlers were more vigilant and more circumspect in their movements, seldom leaving the fort, except to look after their cattle, which were in the barns and at the stacks in the vicinity. Early in the morning of the 23d of April, Ephraim Dorman left the fort to search for his cow. He went northwardly, along the borders of what was then a hideous and almost imper- vious swamp, lying east of the fort, until he arrived near to the place where the turnpike now is. Looking into the swamp, he perceived several Indians lurking in the bushes. He immediately gave the alarm, by crying " In- dians ! Indians ! " and ran towards the fort. Two, who were concealed in the bushes between him and the fort, sprang forward, aimed their pieces at him and fired, but neither hit him. They then, throwing away their arms, advanced towards him ; one he knocked down by a blow, which deprived him of his senses ; the other he 28 HISTORY OP CHESHUIE (X)UNTY, NKW IIAMI'SIUHK. «uzwl, iuid, being a strong umn and ahlt' ^^'l•estler, tried his strength and skill in his favorite mode of "trip and twiteh." He toiv his antagonist's blanket from his shoulder, leav- ing him nearly naked. He tlien seized him by the arms and body ; but as he was painted and greased, he slipped from his grasp. After a short struggle, Dorman quitted him, ran to wards the fort and reaiihed it in safety. When the alajt-ni was given, the greater })art of the inhabitants were in the fort ; but some had just left it to attend to tlieir eattle. Vap- tiiin Simms, the commander, as was the custom t'very morning before prayers, Avas reading a chapter in the Bible. He immediately exclaimed, " Hush out, and assist those who are out to gi't in ! " Most of the men immediately rushed out, and each ran where his interest or ail'eetions led him ; the remainder chose positions in the fort, from which they could fire on the enemy. Those who were out, and within heai-iug, instantly started for the fort ; and the Indians, from every direction, rushed into the street, fill- ing the air with their usual horrid yell. Mrs. McKenny had gone to the barn, near where Miss Fiske's house now stands, to milk her cow. She was aged and corpulent, and could only walk slowly. When she was within a few rods of the fort, a naked Indian, probably the one with whom Dorman had been wrestling, darted from the bushes on the east side of tJie street, ran up to her, stabbed her in the back, and crossed to the other side. She continued walking, in the same st(!ady pace as before, until she had nearly reached the gate of the fort, when the blood gushed from her mouth, and she fell and expired. John Bullardwas at his barn, below Dr. Adams' ; he ran towards the fort, but the instant he arrived at the gate, he received a shot in his back. He fell, was carried in and expired in a few hours. Mrs. Clark was at a barn, near the Todd house about fifty rods distant. Leaving it, she esjiicul an Indian near her, who threw away his gun and advanced to make her a })risoner. She gathered her clothes around her waist, and started for the fort. The Indian pursued ; tlie woman, animated by cheers from her friends outran her pursuer, who skulked back for his gun. Natlian lilake was at his barn, near N\here his son's house now stands. Hearing the cry of Indians, and |tresiiniing his barn would be burnt, lie determined that his cattle should not be burnt with it. Throwing open his stable-door, he let them l(H)se, and presnin- ing his retreat to the fort was cnit oil", went out at a bank-door, intending to placi' iiiniself in ambush at the only ))!aee when^ the rivei' eouhl bo crossed. He had gone but a few steps when he was hailed by a parly of Indians con- cealed in a sh()|) between him and the street. Ijooking back, he perceived soxeral guns jxiinted at him, and at this instant sevcn-al Indians started up from tiieir plaices of concealment near him, upon which, tljeling himself in tlu'ir power, he gave himsi^IC up. They shook hands with him, and to the remark he made that he had not yet breakfasted, they smilingly replied that " it nuist be a jwor Englishman whoeoidd not go to Canada without his breakfast." Pass- ing a cord around his arms above the elbows, and fastening them close to his body, they gave him to the care of one of the party, who (con- ducted him to the woods. The number of Indians belonging to the party was supposed to be about one hundred. They eanie near the fort, on every side, and fired whenever they supi)osed their shot would he effectual. They, however, neither killed nor wounded any one. The whites iired wlu^ncvt'i' an Indian presented himself, and several ol" them were seen to fall. Before noon the savages ceased firing, but they remained several days in tlie vicinity. The guns first fired were heard at the fort in Swanzey, the commander of which immediately sent an expi-ess to WintOiester, witii iidormation that the Indians had made an attack ui)on Upper Ashuelot. From Winchester mi express was sent to the next post, imd soon from post to post to Northampton, where (\)l(mol Pomeroy conunan.led. Collecting idl the troops and miUtia ther(^ iuid pressing all the hoi'ses in the |>la<^e, he instantly, at their head, set out for Upper Ashuelot, and on his way added to his number all the disposable force in tluc interme- diate settlements. In little more than Cortv- eight hours from the time th(! exjiress stalled KEENE. from Swau/.ov ht\ with tour or tivo humli-eil moH, arriveil at Upjvr Asluulor. the ilistaiioo down and bsu'k IxMusi- at lea^t niuety mih^. The an'ival so *vH^n of this ivliof was as imex- jHX>twl as it N\ as gi-atitying to the settlers. The noxt niornino- Poinen\v sont out his men to s^'our the \\ahh1s in seaivh of Bhike, While tht"se Mxuv al^sout the Indians again showevl thtnusohes on the metidow southeast of the fort, where they killeil a number of ettttle. To iw-jiU the tt\x^j>~, an ahu"m wsis firei\. but was not heard. In the ai\ernoon they returned unsuix'esstiil, and that evening Mr. Bnllard and Mrs, MeKenny weiv biiritxl. The next morn- ing they found the traek of the Indians, and followed it until tl>ey e;»me to the place of their encampment at night. This was east of Beei'h Hill, not tar tt-om the pivsent residence of Cap- tain Chapman. It appearing that they dis- persed, when deputing firom this place, they wvre pursued no fiirther. Colonel Pomeroy, on his way back to the fort, foimd that a hous*^' belonging to a Mr. Heatou, and standing near the place wheie his s«.m"s house now stands, had been burnt. Among the ashes they disovnei-e^i human bones, and the leg of an Indian, imcon- t of a ftdlen tiw. and, kx>king- fm-ther, espieil him }x>i\'hcd high ujx^u the limb of a largv tive, mending his elotht^. His pei-sonal apiK«rani"e indieatwl that he had not receiveil the benefit of shaving, nor ablution, for n\onths. They compelleil him to descend, brought him to the fort, let.1 him to the i.>tiieers' quartei-s, and, with mock formality, introduced him to all the offi^vi-s and gvntlemen of the part)-. Apprehending no further danger to the s^^ttlei's. Colonel Pomeroy tmd his men returnetl to their homes. In the early jxirt of May the s;inie or another jvirty of Indians hovered about the settlement, watching for an op}x>rtunity to make prisoners and to plunder. For several sutvessive nights the watch imaginetl tliat they heard some person walking arotuul the fort. When it came to the turn of young Melveunv, whose mother had lieen killetl, to watch, he declared he should fire on hearing the least noise without the fort. In the dead of night he thought he heard some person at the picket g-:^te, endeavoring to ascertain its strength. Having loaded his gun, as was usual among the first settlei-s of the country, with two balls and several buckshot, he fired throitgh the giite, which was made of thin boards. In the morn- ing blood ^-as discovered on the spot and also a number of beads, supposed to have been cut, bv the shot, from the wampum of the Indian. The inhabitants remaineil in the fort until not otherwist^ concealed. The number, as near j March or April, 1747. About this time they ,is could be asotrtaine^l, w-as nine, and one or i pxssed an informal vote, releasing Mr. BacoUj two wwe burnt in the barn of Mr. Blake. | their minister, from all his obligations to them, The next dav inquiry was made for Mark and resolved to abandon the settlement, which Ferrv. the hermit. As he did not reside amvmg them, and had never performed the duties of relation, frieml or companion to any resolirtion was immediately executed. Soon after, a party of Indians visitei^l the place and bivrnt all the buildings, except the mill on ot' the settlers, they felt little si>Ucitade for his Beaver Brook and the house in which the &te J but, Odonel Pomeroy ottering to send a ! miller had residtxi party of men, they agreevi to send a pilot to the place where they supposed he might be Ir has been already mentioned that Mr. Blake, when ctiptured, was pinioned and con- foand. This was Ferry meadow, on the ducted by an Indian into the wootls. After stream calM Ferrv Brtx.k, within the present I travehng about two miles they came to a small, limits of Su]li^-an."whithe^ he had repaired, as ! stony brvx>k. The Indian si-xixxl to drink, to a place of sjtt'etv. when driven bv the flood I and, as Blake's hands were not confined, he fiom hk «ve from Bullard's Island, They thought he could easily take up a stone and found his horse confined under the shelter of 1 beat out his brains. He silently prayeil ter 30 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. direction, and his next thought was that he should always regret that he had killed an Indian in that situation, and he refrained. No particulars of his journey to Canada have been obtained, except that he passed by Chdrles- town. At Montreal he, with another prisoner of the name of Warren, was compelled to run the gauntlet. Warren, receiving a blow in the face, knocked down the Indian who gave it, upon which he was assaulted by several, who beat him unmercifully, making him a cripple for life. Blake, exhibiting more patience and fortitude, received no considerable injury. He was then conducted to Quebec, and thence to an Indian village several miles north of that place, called Conissadawga. He was a strong, athletic man, and possessed many qualities which procured him the respect of the savages. He could run with great speed, and in all the trials to which he was put, and they were many and severe, he beat every antagonist. Not long after his arrival at the village the tribe lost a chief by sickness. As soon as his decease was made known the women repaired to his wigwam, and, with tears, sobs and clamorous lamentations, mourned his death. The funeral ceremonies performed, the men sought Blake, dressed him in the Indian costume, and invested him with all the authority and privileges of the deceased, as one of the chiefs of the tribe and as husband of the widow. In the family to which he now stood in the relation of father there were, as he has often remarked, several daughters of uncommon beauty. Yet, notwithstanding this good fortune, he still had difficulties to encounter. The tribe was divided into two parties, his friends and his enemies. The former consisted of the great mass of the tribe, who respected him for qualities to which they had not equal pre- tensions ; the latter, of those who were envious of his success and had been worsted in their contests with him. These, to humble his pride, sent far into the northern wilderness, and pro- cured a celebrated Indian runner to run against him. At the time assigned, the whole tribe assembled to witness the race, and a French- man, from Quebec, happened to be present. Perceiving the excitement among then, he ad- vised Blake to permit himself to be beaten, intimating that fatal consequences might ensue if he did not. The race was run, and Blake, as advised by the Frenchman, permitted his antagonist to reach the goal a moment before he did. He persisted, however, after his return from captivity, in declaring that he might have beaten him if he had tried. The event of the race restored harmony to the tribe, and Blake was permitted to live in peace. But, remembering the family he had left, he felt anxious to return to his home. After much intercession, the tribe proposed that if he would build a house like those of the English, he should be permitted to go to Quebec. Pre- suming that, when there, he could more easily obtain his liberty, he gladly acceded to the proposition. With such tools as the Indians possessed he prepared the necessary timber, splitting the boards from the tree, and soon completed his task. He then went to Quebec and gave himself up to the French. He had been there but a short time, when his Indian wife came in a canoe to reclaim him. He re- fused to return, but, she soliciting and even demanding him, he declared to her that, if he should be compelled to set out with her, he would overturn the canoe and drown her, upon which she concluded to return without him. In the fall the French commandant gave Blake his election to pass the winter, as a laborer, with a farmer in the vicinity of Quebec, or be confined in the common gaol. He chose the latter, and had no reason to regret his choice, as he had a comfortable room and sufficient rations assigned him. He remained in confinement until spring, when his liberation was procured. KEENE. 31 CHAPTER II. KEENE— (ConJmtted). Close of the Indian Troubles — Return of tlie Settlers — Up- per Ashuelot Again Occupied — Incorporation of the Town — Captain Jeremiah Hall Appointed Agent — The First Petition for Incorporation, in 1751, not Granted —The Petition of 1753— Charter Granted April 11, 1753 — First Meeting of Proprietors — The Town Revisited by Indians. The year 1750 witnessed the return of the settlers to the Upper Ashuelot, from whence they had been driven a few years previously by the merciless Indian war which was carried on by King Philip. Upon the reoccupation of the place the set- tlers at once decided to present a petition to the Governor for the incorporation of the territory, and the first movement for the incorporation of the town by the State of New Hampshire was under date of February 11, 1750, when Captain Jeremiah Hall was appointed to pre- sent the case to the Governor as follows : " We whose Names are Hereunto Subscribed In- habitants of the upper Ashuelot for a Long time Labour under many Great Difficulties for want of Town Priviledges we Do Therefore Hereby Constitute and Impower our Trusty friend Cap' Jeremiah Hall to Represent our Difficulties to his Excellency the Governor of New Hampshire and to Any Others Con- cerned In that affair that we may be Incorporated Into a Town and Likewise we give power to him to Chuse a man to assist him In the affaires "Upper Ashuelot February y' 11'" 1750 "William Smeed Ebenezer Day Ebenezer Nims Gideon Ellis David Nims Michaell Medcalf Ephraim Dorman Michaell medcalf jr Nathan Fairbanks Oliver Medcalf Joseph Elles Abijah medcalf Jonathan Underwood Jabez Hill John Eogers David Foster Nathan Blake Amos Foster " "We the Subscribers Do hereby Impower Cap' Jeremiah Hall to Pertition In our behalf for the Upper Township on Ashuelot Eiver where we Dwell to his Excellency the Governour of New Hampshire and all Concern'd in that affair In the same form that it was laid out by the Massachusetts "Upper Ashuelot Feb'^ 11'" 1750 Nathan Fairbanks Joseph Elles Nathan Blake Ebenezer Day Gideon Ellis Michael Medcalf David Foster Oliver medcalf Michaell medcalf jr Abijah medcalf Samuell Hall Jesse Hall " "William Smeed Ebenezer Nims David Nims Ephraim Dorman Jabez Hill Jonathan underwood John Eogers Elijah Dorman February 20th, Benjamin Guild was chosen to assist Captain Hall in " Petitioning His Ex- cellency " as follows : " We whose Names are Hereunto Subscribed Being Propriators of the Upper Ashuelot Township so called Do hereby Impower M' Benjamin Guild to joyne with Cap' Jeremiah Hall in Petitioning His Exelency the Govoner of the Province of New Ham- shire He observing the Instructions Given by others of the Propriators to the said Cap' Hall " Wrentham Feb' 20'" 1750 " John Whiting William Hancock Daniel Haws Samuel Danils Joseph Fisher Esther Messenger Samuel Fisher Jonathan Whiting Benjamin Guild Jacob Bacon Obediah Blake Nath" Fairbnks Ebenezer Daniells Abigail Guild Nathaniel Ware Eobert Blak Hannah Dale Seth Heaton Abner Ellis Elijah Blake Asa Eichardson Josiah Fisher for the Sarah Greene hares ofAaron Joseph Eichardson Fisher Daniell maceene Nathan Bucknam " The following is the first petition for the in- corporation of the town, 1751 : " To His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq' Gov- ernor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majestys Province of New Hampshire and to the Honorable his majestys Councill for said Province " The Petition of Jeremiah Hall and Benjamin Guild in behalf of them Selves and others Inhabitants Setlers and Proprietors of a certain Tract of land Called the upper Township on Ashuelot River in the Province of New Hampshire on the East side of Con- necticut Eiver (a plan of which Tract of land is here- with presented) most humbly Sheweth, that in the year 1737, in virtue of a Grant from the massachusets Government, a plantation was begun on said Tract of land — That in the year 1738 a minister was settled there and a meeting house built — That before the last Indian War with the Indians there were Thirty one Dwelling houses built on said Tract of land Sundry barns and a Fort of near a hundred foot square having eighteen fire Rooms within said fort a Saw mill and Grist mill built — that the setlers and others who were preparing for setling there before the Indian War had made large Improvements there and laid out their Substance in doing the Same— 32 HISTORY OF CHBSHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " That in the Spring of y" year 1747 — The Indians burnt down all the dwelling Houses there except four — also burnt down all the Barns but one also burnt down the meeting house and the Fort also much houshold Stuff and killed Considerable Cattle Horses Sheep and Swine That the s^ Settlers and Proprietors are returned and returning on to the said Tract of land in order to cultivate and Improve the same and in case a peace Continues with the Indians in a few years there will be forty or fifty familys in case there was an Incorporation — Wherefore your Petitioners most humbly Pray your Excellency and Honours to Incorporate the s"* Tract of land agreeable to the bounds thereof by the plan annexed and grant to your Petitioners and others their Constituents such Im- mutys and Privileges as other Towns Enjoy in this Province & your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c " March y" 4'" 1750-1 " Jeeemiah Hall. " Benjamin Guild." This petition, however, was not granted, and, February 2, 1753, the following petition was presented and a charter was granted April 11, 1753, under the name of Keene, probably in honor of Sir Benjamin Keene, of England, who at that time was minister from England to Spain : " Uppee Ashualot Feb" y" 2" 1753 " We whose names are underwritten Do hereby Authorize and Impower our Trusty Friend M' Ephraim Dorman to Prefer a Petition to his Excel- lency the Governour of New Hampshire for a Town- ship known by the Name of the Upper Ashuelot and to Pray his Excellency to Grant a Charter of this Land to the Inhabitants and others Concerned in said Lands and to Insert a Clause in said Petition Praying his Excellency that if it might be Consistent with his Pleasure he would Insert a Clause in his Charter whereby every man may be Intitled to those Lands which he Thought himself to be the Honest owner of he Paying the Charges that have arisen on said Lands to Prevent Endless Law-Suits and other Difficulties Impending over us and to set forth in said Petition the Great Cost and Expence we have been at in Build- ing two Forts and Defending the Kings Lands and the Great Losses we have Sustained by the Enemy as set forth in the Petition Lodged with M' Atkinson Secretary and to take the Names Lodged with M' Livermore and annex to said Petition "Jeremiah Hall David Nims William Barnes Ebenezer Day Ebenezer Daniells William Smeed Jabez Hill Ebenezer Nims Timothy Harington Isaac Clark Daniel Twitchel Nathan Blake Amos Foster Michael medcalf ju Titus Belding Samuel Reed Benjamin Larrabee David Foster Benjamin Twitchell Joseph Elles Gideon Ellis Eleazer Sanger Jonah French " The first meeting of the proprietors, under this charter, was held at Keene, on the first Wednesday of May. Votes were passed grant- ing to Benjamin Bellows one hundred and twenty-two Spanish milled dollars for his ser- vices and expenses in obtaining the charter; and to Ephraim Dorman eight dollars for going to Portsmouth ; raising one hundred and twenty- two pounds, old tenor, to procure preaching : and granting to Theodore Atkinson, the sec- retary of the province, three hundred acres of land. The first town-meeting was held May 2, 1753, and the following officers were chosen: Selectmen, Ephraim Dorman, Michael Metcalf and William Smeed; Town Clerk, David Nims; Treasurer, David Nims; Constable, Ebenezer Nims ; Surveyors of Highways, Gideon Ellis and Isaac Clark; Hog-Reeves, Jonah French and William Barran; Fence- Viewers, Lieutenant Seth Heaton and Nathan Blake ; Field-Drivers, John French and Samuel Hall. Benjamin Bellows was moder- ator of this meeting. The inhabitants immediately directed their attention to the concerns of religion. As a place for public worship, they erected a building of slabs, the earth serving as a floor ; and with the inhabitants of Swanzey they made a joint arrangement for the settlement of a pastor. In the warrant calling a town-meeting, to be held June 13th, is the following article : " To see if they (the freeholders, etc.) will make choice of the Rev. Mr. Carpenter for our minister." From the expressions here used it is probable the church had already acted on the subject. At the meeting Mr. Carpenter was chosen ; the sum of "fifty pounds, silver money, at six shil- lings and eight-pence the ounce, or equivalent in our own province bills," was offered him as a settlement; and the town engaged to find him, yearly, twenty cords of fire-wood. A contract was subsequently made with Mr. Carpenter, which was to continue in force three years and KEENE. 33 in which it was stipulated that he should receive from Keene a salary of twenty-six pounds, lawful money. He also officiated as the minister of Swanzey. In December the inhabitants voted to build a meeting-house, forty-five feet long and thirty- five wide, and agreed to set it at "the crotch of the roads, so called, one road leading up the river, and the other across the river to Ash Swamp." But in January, 1754, " in consideration of the unfitness of the ground, and the exposedness to fire, and to the enemy, in case of a war," they voted to set the house "on the road that goeth from the town street to the mills, on the highest ground, between the causeway, by William Smeed's, and the bridge, by the clay-pits,'' Smeed lived where Dr. Twitchell, Sr., resided, and the bridge was north of what was known as Colonel Perry's store. In this year the savages again committed acts of hostility. Some time in the fall an express arrived at Keene bringing information that a party of the enemy had appeared in the vicinity of Penacook (Concord), where they had killed and captured several whites. This was in the afternoon. The inhabitants imme- diately assembled, and appointed several persons to keep guard through the night, directing them to walk continually from the house of David Nims (near Lewis Page's house, in Prison Street) to the meadow gate (near Mr. Carpenter's), and agreed immediately to com- plete the fort, the rebuilding of which had already been commenced. The next day every one able to labor went to work upon the fort, and soon prepared it for the reception of the settlers. When traces of Indians were discovered near any of the frontiers it was the custom to fire, as an alarm to all within hearing, three guns in regular a.nd quick succession. If heard at any of the posts, it was answered in the same man- ner ; if not answered, the alarm was repeated. In June the people of Westmoreland, discover- ing traces of Indians, fired an alarm, which was heard at Keene. A body of men was im- mediately sent to their relief; but they returned • without discovering the enemy. That they were lurking in the vicinity and that they fol- lowed home the party from Keene is probable, as the next day they captured Benjamin TM'itchell. He had been to Ash Swamp ; on his return he took with him a tub, which, it is supposed, he carried upon his head. This tub was afterwards found on the east bank of the river, near where the mills now stand ; and there the Indians probably seized him. He was conducted up the river ; in the meadows west and north of Dea- con Wilder's the Indians killed several oxen, a horse and colt. The colt was cut up and the best pieces of meat carried off. In this meadow they left a bow, made of lever-wood, and sev- eral arrows. They encamped for the night in McCurdy's meadow, in Surry, where foui- crotclied sticks were discovered driven into the ground in such positions as led to the belief that to each was confined one of the limbs of the prisoner. The party then proceeded to Que- bec, where Twitchell met with Josiah Foster and his family, who were captured at Winches- ter. For the honor of Foster, the particulars of his capture should be recorded. Returning home one evening, he found his house in the possession of Indians, who had captured his wife and children. He could have escaped ; but he determined to give himself up, that he might share their fate and have an opportunity to alleviate their sufferings. He accompanied them to Quebec, carrying his wife on his back a great part of the way. There they remained until, being ransomed, they were sent by water to Boston. Twitchell was put on board the same vessel ; but, being taken sick, he was set on shore and died in a few days. A month or two afler wards a party of In- dians were discovered in the meadow south of the town line by the people of Swanzey. They, with four soldiers to guard them, were coming in a body, and armed, to work in the north meadows. The soldiers, who were in advance, heard a rustling in the bushes, and one, suppos- ing it to be caused by a deer, fired his musket at the spot. The Indians, supposing they were discovered, rose and fired at the soldiers, who, frightened, ran to the quarter now called Scot- land. The people, coming up, saw the Indians, 34 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. attacked them, and drove them to the plain west of the factory. An express was instant- ly sent to Keene, and a party of fifteen men under Captain Metcalf went out to meet them. This party went first to the foot of the hill, beyond Mr. Heaton's, supposing the Indians would there cross the Branch. Kemaining there a short time without discovering any In- dians, a Mr. Howard proposed to go to another ford still farther up. Josiah French, a shrewd man, observed, " Those who wish to meet with the Indians had better stay here ; I feel no de- sire to see them, and will go over the hill with Howard." It was agreed to go over the hill ; but no sooner had they reached the top of the nearest eminence than they discovered nine In- dians crossing at the ford they had left. They lay in wait for them a few hours, but did not see them afterwards. Returning to the fort, Howard received no mercy from the men, women and children within it. Several days afterwards the men went in a body, and armed, to hoe Mr. Day's corn, near Surry, and discov- ered that an old house in that neighborhood had been burnt ; it was supposed to have been set on fire by the same party of Indians. Afterwards, but in what year is not recol- lected, another, and the last, party of Indians made a visit to Keene. The inhabitants had cleared and fenced a large common field consist- ing of about two hundred acres, which was used as a cow pasture, and the access to it was by a path which led southwardly along the high ground east of the place where the turnpike and Baker's lane unite. When driving their cows to this pasture, it was the custom of the inhabitants not to go in the path, for fear of a surprise, but on one or the other side of it. Early one morning they came suddenly upon a party of Indians, concealed in thick bushes and busily engaged in mending their moccasins. They instantly started up and escaped. It was afterwards ascertained that the leather with which they were mending their moccasins bad been stolen the night before, from a tannery at Walpole (or Charlestown). CHAPTER III. KEENE — {Continued). WAE OF THE KEVOLUTION.l First. Reference to the War in Town Records— Vote to get Stock of Powder, Lead and Flints— Keene in the Battle of Lexington— Tories— Bohea Tea— Various Resolutions — List of Patriots— Battle of Bennington- Captain Mack's elortie — Elijah Williams— His Return to Keene — Un- pleasant Reception — List of Foot Company in Keene in 1773— Alarm-List of 1774. The first reference on the town records to the War of the Revolution is under date of 1774. In a warrant calling a town-meeting to be held the 26th of September the following articles were inserted : " To see if it be the mind of the town to provide ammunition for a town stock, and grant money for the same ; " and " To see if it be the mind of the town to sign the covenant and engagement, which was sent and recomiuended by the committee of corre- spondence, relating to the non-importation agree- ment." ' Upon the first article the town " Voted, to get a stock of ammunition for the town, viz. : 200 lbs. of good gunpowder, 400 lbs. of lead, and 1200 flints ; and to raise twenty-four pounds, lawful money, for providing said articles." Upon the other article the following pream- ble and vote were adopted : " Whereas the towns in this province have chosen members to rep- resent them in a General Congress of all the colonies, now sitting at the city of Philadelphia, to consult and determine what steps are neces- sary for the colonies to adopt. Voted, therefore, not to sign the non -importation agreement until we hear what measures said Congress have agreed upon for themselves and their constitu- ents." October I7th, Captain Isaac Wyman and Lieutenant Timothy Ellis were chosen delegates to attend the County Congress at Walpole. No information concerning the object or proceed- ings of this Congress has been obtained. In the winter of this year Elijah Williams, Esq., instituted a suit against a citizen of Keene, the writ being in the form then usual, commenc- 'Extracted from "Hale's Annals.' KEENE. ing, "George the Third, by the grace of God, King," etc. Immediately afterwards a large number of people, many coming from the neigh- boring townsj assembled at Keene, seized Wil- liams and took him with them to their place of meeting, which was a barn standing by itself in a field. They required him to stop the suit, and to promise that he would issue no more writs in the name of the King. Perceiving he had no alternative, he complied, and was then set at liberty. On the 4th of January, 1775, at a legal town- meeting, the inhabitants " Voted, to come into the measures recommended by the Continental Congress, in their association agreement." They chose, agreeably to said advice, Isaac Wyman, Timothy Ellis, Thomas Baker, Dan Guild and William Ellis a Committee of Inspeccion. They also chose Isaac Wyman to represent the town at the meeting to be held at Exeter on the 21st day of said January, for the choice of dele- gates to the Continental Congress. At a town-meeting held February 23d, Cap- tain Isaac Wyman was chosen "to represent the town in the General Assembly, holden at Portsmouth, on the said 23d day of February, and so, day by day, during their sessions." On the 1 9th of April was fought the battle of Lexington. The instant that news of the battle arrived in town, \\hich was in the fore- noon. Captain Dorman, who then commanded the militia, called upon Captain Wyman. "The regulars," said he, "have come out to Concord, have killed six men, and the battle was raging when the messenger started. What shall be done?" "Send expresses," said Cap- tain Wyman, " to every part of the town, notify- ing the inhabitants to meet, forthwith, on the green, and be governed by their decision." Ex- presses were sent, the citizens met in the after- noon, and a vote was unanimously passed that a body of men should be sent to oppose the reg- ulars. The question was asked, " Who shall lead them ? " Captain Wyman was nominated, was chosen, and, though far advanced in years, cheerfully consented to go. Volunteers were then called for, and about thirty presented them- selves. Captain Wyman directed them to go home immediately and prepare provisions for their use, "for," said he, "all the roads will be full of men, and you can procure nothing on the way ; " and he then appointed sunrise the next morning the time, and his house the place of rendezvous. At sunrise they met, and im- mediately started for Concord. In the after- noon General Bellows, Colonel John Bellows and Thomas Sparhawk arrived from Walpole, and, riding to his house, inquired for Captain Wyman. Being answered that he had started at sunrise, at the head of a company of men, they exclaimed, "Keene has shown a noble spirit!" and hastened onwards. They were soon followed by a party of men from Walpole. At an informal meeting of the inhabitants, held on the 27th of April, they chose Timothy Elli.s a delegate to meet the committee at Exeter, and to sit, as a member, in the Provincial Congress, whenever they convene. He ex- pressed his willingness to accept the of&ce, but declared that he had not, and could not, in season, procure money enough to bear his ex- penses. The inhabitants, thereupon, "Voted, that he miglit draw from the treasury four pounds, lawful money." Soon after the battle of Lexington several Tories, among whom was Elijah Williams, Esq., left this vicinity, and joined the British in Boston. In the warrant calling a town-meeting on the 7th day of December, one of the articles was, " To see if it be the mind of the town, that the names of those persons who buy, sell or make use of Bohea tea be advertised in the public prints." At the meeting, held on the day ap- pointed, this article passed in the negative ; but a committee of inspection was appointed to see that the resolves of the Continental Congress be complied with. After dismissing two other articles, relating to the troubles of that period, the town unanimously adopted the following resolves, which may be termed the Statute Law of Keene. And here it may be proper to state that no judicial courts were held in the county from 1774 to 1778. " Whereas, by the unhappy disputes now subsisting between Great Britain and the American Colonies, the laws of several of tliem have been entirely sub- verted, or wholly neglected, to the great detriment of 36 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. society, and of individuals, whereby many disorderly persons, taking undue advantage of the times, as a cloak to put their revengeful designs in execution, do wickedly and maliciously threaten to abuse and destroy the persons and property of many of the good and wholesome inhabitants of the land, and the executive power being thrown by; and the Con- gresses, neither Continental or Provincial, have, as yet, found out or published any method or system of government, for the security of our persons or prop- erty ; and until such a system as they in their wisdom shall see fit, or some other be proposed, — " We, the inhabitants of the town of Keene, in the county of Cheshire, and province of New-Hamp- shire, legally convened, being desirous of order and good government, and for the security of our lives, persons and property, do pass the following Resolves : " 1st. It is Resolved, that a committee of three good and steady men of the town be chosen to act upon, and a proper officer appointed to prosecute the Resolves hereafter mentioned. "2d. Whereas, profane cursing and swearing are highly provoking to Almighty God and offensive to every true Christian, which we fear, if not discount- enanced, will provoke the Divine Majesty to bring heavy judgments upon us, and still heavier, deliver us up to the desire of our enemies ; to prevent cursing and swearing, be it Resolved, that if any person or persons shall profanely curse or swear, and shall be thereof convicted before the committee, by sufficient witnesses or by confession of the party, every such offender shall forfeit and pay to the committee, for the use of the poor of said town, a sum not exceeding three shillings, nor less than one ; according to the repeatedness of the offence, and pay cost of prosecu- tion, which cost shall be ascertained by the committee before whom the person shall be convicted, and in case any person, convicted as aforesaid, shall refuse to pay the sum or sums so forfeited and adjudged, he, she or they shall be immediately committed to the comnion gaol not exceeding ten days nor less than three for said forfeiture, and until he pay all just- costs. " 3d. Whei-eas, it is highly necessary that every person of able body should betake himself to some honest calling, and not mis-spend their time in loiter- ing and tippling in licensed houses or elsewhere in this town, to prevent which, "Be it Resolved, that if any person or persons, fit and able to work, shall refuse so to do, but loiter and mis-spend his or their time, wander from place to place, or otherwise misorder themselves, by drinking or tippling in any of the licensed houses or elsewhere in this town, after nine o'clock at night, or continue in any of the aforesaid houses above the space of one hour, unless on necessary business, all such persons being convicted of any of the aforesaid articles before said committee, by sufficient witnesses, shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay to the said committee, for the use of the poor of said town, the sum of two shillings, and all just costs of trial, which shall be adjudged by said committee, and in case any person, convicted as aforesaid, shall refuse topay the sum or sums so forfeited and adjudged, he or they shall be committed to the common gaol, there to remain not exceeding ten days, nor less than three days, for said forfeiture, and until he pay all just costs. "4th. Whereas, persomal abuse tends to promote ill blood and discord among society, to prevent which, be it Resoloed, that if any person or persons shall smite, or strike, or threaten to abuse or destroy the person or property of another, he or they so oflTend- ing shall, for the first offense, pay to the said com- mittee, for the use of the poor of said town, the sum of five shillings, and costs of prosecution, and double that sum for the second offense, and for the third or any after offense, shall be imprisoned or publicly whipt, according to the judgment of the committee before whom they are convicted, and in case any per- son, beiijg convicted as aforesaid, shall refuse to pay the sum or sums so forfeited and adjudged, he or they shall be committed to the common gaol, there to re- main not exceeding ten days nor less than four, for said forfeiture, and until he pay all just costs. "5th. Further be it Resolved, that if any person or persons shall presume to purchase, or bring into this town, any teas, of what sort soever, until the minds of the Congress respecting that article shall be fully known, shall forthwith deliver up such teas to one or more of the committee, to be stored by them and kept for the owner until the minds of the Congress be known respecting that matter, and in case any person shall refuse to deliver up said teas, the com- mittee have power to imprison him until he does. " 6th. And for the better execution of all and every the foregoing articles, it is Resolved, that all and each of the said committee shall have full power and authority to bring before them any of the inhabitants of this town, or any person residing in said town, that shall offend in any of the foregoing resolves, and upon his or their own views, or other sufficient con- viction of any such offense, to impose the fine and penalty for the same, and to commit the offender until it be satisfied. " 7th. It is likewise Resolved, that the officer ap- pointed shall have power and authority to carry any person that shall be found trespassing in any of the foregoing particulars, before said committee for trial, and, if need be, may command aid and assistance in discharging his trust, and any person refusing, to give aid or assistance, as aforesaid, he or they shall forfeit the sum of three shillings for every offence, and have their names inserted in the public Gazette as un- friendly to good order. "And all masters and heads of families in this town are hereby directed to take effectual care that their KEENE. 37 children, servants and others under their immediate government do not trespass in any of the foregoing particulars. " Chose Thomas Baker, Eliphalet Briggs and Dan Guild as a committee to judge, determine and act up- on said Resolves and put them in execution, and chose Elijah Blake officer for the purpose mentioned in said Resolves." This extract informs the reader of the origin of the Committee of Safety for the State, and enables him the better to understand the follow- ing document : " To the Selectmen of Keene : "Colony of New Hampshire. "In Committee of Safety, April 12th, 1776. "In order to carry the unwritten Resolve of the Hon'ble Congress into Execution, You are requested to desire all Males above Twenty-One Years of Age, (Lunaticks, Idiots, and Negroes excepted,) to sign to the Declaration on this paper; and when so done to make return hereof, together with the Name or Nailies of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly, or Committee of Safety of this Colony. " M. Weaee, Chairman. " In Congress, March 14, 1776. "Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions and Councils, or Commit- tees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed, within their respec- tive Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, Or who have not associated, and re- fuse to associate, to defend by Arms the United Colo- nies, against the Hostile Attempts of the British Fleets and Armies. " Extract from the Minutes. (copy.) " Chaeles Thompson, Sec'y. " In consequence of the above Resolution, of the Hon. Continental Congress, and to show our Deter- mination in joining our American Brethren, in de- iending the Lives, Liberties and Properties of the In- habitants of the United Colonies, " We, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with Arms oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies against the United American Colonies. " Thomas Frink. Nathan Blake. Eliphalet Briggs, Jr. Josiah Richardson. Joseph Blake. Daniel Kingsbury. Dan Guild. Eli Metcalf. Ichabod Fisher. Bartholomew Grimes. David Willson. Benjamin Balch. Ebenezer Day. John Dickson. Naboth Bettison. Abraham Wheeler, Jr. James Wright. John Houghton. Thomas Wilder, Isaac Wyman. David Foster. Ephraim Dorman. Seth Heaton. Andrew Balch. Gideon Ellis. Thomas Baker. Benjamin Archer. Joseph Ellis. Simeon Washburn. David Nims. Elisha Briggs. Benjamin Archer, Jr. Samuel Wood. Eliphalet Briggs. Nathaniel Briggs. Elijah Blake. Uriah Willson. .lohn LeBourveau. David Foster, Jr. Timothy Ellis. Gideon Tiffany. Jesse Hall. Michael Metcalf Jesse Clark. Gideon Ellis, Jr. David Nims, Jr. Abraham Wheeler. William Ellis. Joshua Osgood. Nathaniel Kingsbury. Reuben Daniels. Reuben Partridge. Cephas Clark. Ebenezer Carpenter. Timothy Ellis, Jr. Eliakim Nims. Caleb Ellis. Joseph Willson. Davis Hewlett. Timothy Ellis ye 3d. Benjamin Willis. Samuel Chapman. John Balch. Abijah Metcalf. Henry Ellis. Luther Bragg. Seth Heaton, Jr. Josiah Ellis. Benjamin Osgood. Ebenezer Newton. Daniel Willson. Ezra Harvey. David Harris Obadiah Blake, Jr. Zadoc Nims. Isaac Clark. Silas Cook. Nathan Blake, Jr. Nathan Rugg. Stephen Larrabee. Robert Spencer. Ebenezer Cook. Joshua Ellis. Jotham Metcalf Moses Marsh. Simeon Clark, Jr, Benjamin Ellis. Ashahel Blake. Samuel Bassett. Jedediah Wellman. Jonathan Heaton. Simeon Ellis. Benjamin Ellis. James Crossfield. Joseph Ellis, Jr. Thomas Baker, Jr. Thomas Wells, Achilles Mansfield. Royal Blake. William Gray. Aaron Gray, Jr. John Daniels. Samuel Daniels. Jedediah Carpenter. William Goodenough. Adin Holbrook. Hezekiah Man. Jeremiah Stiles. Samuel Hall. Jonathan Archer. Abraham Pond. Silas French. Eliphalet Carpenter. Benjamin Willard. Jacob Town. John Day. Peter Rice. Isaac Esty. Jonathan Dwinell. Thomas Dwinell. John Connolly. Abijah Wilder. Zadoc Wheeler. Daniel Snow. William Nelson. Israel Houghton. William Woods. Asaph Nichols. Elisha Ellis. Thomas Fields. Michael Sprought. Benjamin Tiffany. James Eddy. 38 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAiVirSHIRE. " Agreeably to the within direction, we have re- quested all in this Town to sign, as herein set forth ; and hereto annexed the names of all those who Re- fuse to sign within Declaration, viz.: "Maj. Josiah Willard. Lt. Benjamin Hall. Dr. Josiah Pomeroy. Samuel Wadsworth. Robert Gilman. John White. Eleazer Sanger. Abner Sanger. Thomas Cutter. James Perkins. Benjamin Osgood, Jr. John Swan. James Hunt. " Eliphalbt Briggs, Jr., ] g^i,^,^,^ " Josiah Richardson, " Joseph Blake, " Daniel Kinsbury. J of the Town nf Keene." The representatives of the General Assembly having desired their constituents to nominate justices of the peace, the inhabitants, April 3d, " Voted, unanimously, that it is the mind of this town that Colonel Isaac Wyman be appointed." August 2d, " Captain Eliphalet Briggs vt^as chosen a delegate, to meet with other delegates at Walpole, to consult and agree upon such methods as shall be thought necessary for the general good, and our mutual defense and safety." This convention was called by order of a sub-committee of the several Committees of Safety in the county. The following memorandum is copied from the records of this year, 1777 : " Whereub, orders were sent from the Court to the Selectmen, desiring them to assist the commanding officers of the militia in the town, by causing a town- meeting to be called, in order to raise men for the Continental army during the war, in obedience to which, a legal meeting was warned, and the town met on the 31st of March, made several proposals for en- couragement, and voted thirty pounds to each man, if a sufficient number would turn out, but as not any appeared, the meeting was dismissed and nothing voted that was conclusive or valid." In May or June a court, appointed by the Committee of Safety in the county, was held at Keene, before whom were brought the princi- pal Tories in the county, to be tried for their offenses or opinions. It has not been ascer- tained who were members of this court, but Benjamin Giles, of Newport, and Colonel Hammond, of Swanzey, were probably two. The Tories were guarded by a body of men, of whom Mr. Floyd, of Walpole, was commander. The court sat nearly two weeks before they came to any decision ; and it was supposed by :, at the time, that the object of this delay some, „. , - , . was that the violent Whigs, by whom they were surrounded, might become weary and dis- perse, and leave them at liberty to give a more lenient judgment than was demanded. In the end the court decided that the Tories should be confined to their farms, and give bonds for their good behavior. At a town-meeting held June 11th a com- mittee was chosen " to state the price of articles, labor, &c.,as the law directs." The town "Fofed to pay to each man that has or shall enlist into the Continental army, for the term of three years, or doing the war, to make up the quota "of this town, the sum of thirty pounds, exclu- sive of the bounty given by this State ; and also to allow those that have done service in the war heretofore, in the same proportion as fifty- six pounds is for three years ; and a committee was chosen to make an exact proportion of what every man had done in the war, in time past, in order that an exact assessment may be made for the above said charge." Mrs. Sturtevant, who is the widow of Cor- nelius Sturtevant, Jr., the printer, was born in 1770, and is now living with mental faculties bright and vigorous, well remembers that, in early girlhood, when going to school from West Street to the school-house just south of the old Ralston house, she passed the old jail, standing near where the Emerald House now stands. It was made of hewn logs, with a small hole for a window. She and her com- panions often stopped to hear a Mr. Baxter, who was confined there, sing the " Vicar of Bray." This Baxter was a Tory, lived in Surry or Alstead, and was probably then confined for Toryism. Tradition speaks of him as wealthy for the time, bold, reckless, fond of enjoyment and of defying public opinion. He doubtless sang the " Vicar of Bray " to reproach and pro- voke the rebels outside for having deserted their King and sworn allegiance to the new govern- ment. He emigrated to Nova Scotia. The battle of Bennington was fought this year. On the fall of Ticonderoga urgent calls came from the Americans in that region to the KEENE. 39 people of Vermont and New Hampshire to hasten to their assistance. Major Ellis, Josiah Richardson, Joshua Du- rant and others immediately crossed the Green Mountains, and soon found themselves in front of the Hessian breastwork, sustaining and re- turning an incessant fire. The major, some- what excited, ordered a charge, and himself and most of his men leaped over, among whom was Durant. The Hessians wavered, scattered and fled. Durant pursued a party of three, and gaining fast upon them, the hindmost turned back, their muskets at this moment touching each other. Durant fired first and killed his antagonist. While reloading, the other two turned back upon him. He wrenched his bayo- net from his gun, seized one by the collar, and was about to stab the other, when both called for quarter and surrendered themselves prison- el's. The three were brothers. For many years afterwards Durant occasionally wore, as trophies, a waistcoat and silver-mounted breast- pin taken from the man he had killed. Mr. Richardson came home with the glory of having captured three Hessians. He allowed the world to believe the story to be true, as in fact it was, but to his friends he admitted that, either from terror or dissatisfaction with their condition, they appeared to be not veiy unwill- ing captives. In December, in town-meeting, Captain Stiles, Captain Howlet and Jabez Fisher were succes- sively chosen representative, and each declined accepting the office; Timothy Ellis was then chosen and consented to serve. The town " Voted to empower the representative to act in behalf of the town in the choice of delegates to the Continental Congress." A similar vote was af- terwards annually passed, from which it may be inferred either that the town did not con- sider their representatives had authority, or that the latter were unwilling to act in this behalf without such a vote. At a meeting held January 17, 1778, the in- habitants, " after reading and conferring upon the Articles of Confederation of the Continental Congress, voted that it is the minds of the town that they be established by this State. " Voted, further to instruct the representative to use his influence in the General Assembly that a free and full representation of every town in this State take place to a Convention, to meet at such time and place as the General Assembly shall appoint," to form a plan of government for said State. Chose Captain Stiles, Major Ellis and Cap- tain Griswold delegates to meet at Surry, and consult with the delegates of the other towns. April 27th, Jeremiah Stiles was chosen a delegate to meet in the convention to be held at Concord for the purpose of forming a Con- stitution and plan of government for the State. At a meeting held March 2, 1779, the town " Voted that the selectmen be a committee to give the representative instructions to use his influence that the delegates from this State to the Continental Congress lay claim to the New Hampshire Grants, so called, provided that Congress will not confirm the same into a new State." In this year Captain Mack, of Gilsum, probably incited by some of the zealous Whigs in Keene, collected a party with a view of ap- prehending several Tories who resided here, and who were suspected of furnishing the enemy with provisions. On the evening of the 30th of May ' they assembled at Partridge's tavern, near Wright's mills, on the road to Surry. In the night Mack sent forward several men with directions to place themselves separately at the doors of those houses where the Tories resided, and prevent their escape. At sunrise he rode into Keene, at the head of his party with a drawn sword ; and when he came to the house of a Tory he ordered the sentinel standing at the door to "turn out the prisoner." The prisoner being brought out and placed in the midst of his party, he proceeded onward. Having gone through the street, collected all of them and 1 The first line of a song, remembered by an aged citizen, fixes the day when this party visited Keene : " On the thirty- first of May, Appeared in Keene, at break of day, A mob, both bold and stout." Those wlio lived in these times well rememlier that the muses were not silent iiniiil the din of arms. 40 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. searched their cellars for provisions, of which he found little, he returned to the tavern of Mr. Hall, and confined them in a chamber. But, when he first made his appearance, information was sent to Mr. Howlet, who then commanded the militia, of the commotion in the village. He instantly sent expresses to warn his company to appear forthwith in the street, with their arms and ammunition. They came about the middle of the forenoon, were paraded, facing south, in front of the meeting- house, then standing south of where it now does — on a line with the north line of West Street — and. were ordered to load their guns with powder and ball. Mack paraded his com- pany across the street from the tavern to the Watson house, facing their antagonists. Col- onel Alexander, of Winchester, who then com- manded the regiment, had been sent for, and now came. He asked Captain Mack if he in- tended to pursue his object. " I do," replied he, "at the hazard of my life." "Then," said the colonel, emphatically, " you must prepare for eternity, for you shall not be permitted to take vengeance, in this irregular mode, on any men, even if they are Tories." This resolute speech cooled the ardor of many. After deliberating a while. Mack ordered his party to face about, and led them a short distance southward ; and the militia then went into the meeting-house. Not long afterwards the mob faced about again, and marched silently by the meeting-house, towards Surry ; but though silently, they did not march in silence, for the women, as they passed, furnished noisy and lively music, on tin pans and warming-pans, until they disap- peared from view. At a meeting held July 7th the town chose " a committee to hire and agree with five men to serve in the Continental army, on the best terms they can ;" and the same committee were empow- ered to hire two men for the Rhode Island ser- vice, at the town's charge. October 20th the town voted- to raise three hundred and thirty pounds for paying the charge of raising men for the defense of the State of Rhode Island, and the sum of four hundred and thirty-one pounds for the charge of I'aising men for the Continental service. June 27 1780, the town voted to give fifty dollars (as it is valued and stipulated in the act of court) to each able-bodied man that will engage in the Continental service, in behalf of the town, for the space of six months. In the warrant calling a town-meeting, to be held July 20th, the following article was inserted : " Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly of this State, each town is obliged to provide (monthly) a quantity of beef for the use of the Continental army, for the space of five months; therefore to see what method the town will take to procure said quantity of beef." At the meeting the town voted "to raise eleven thousand three hundred and nine pounds of beef, each person to have liberty to pay his equal pro- portion thereof in beef, or to pay so much money in lieu thereof as h'e was taxed in the last State and Continental tax." On the 24th of January, 1781, the selectmen, reciting that, " by a late act of the General As- sembly, each town is oblige to furnish their quota of men for the Continental army as soon as possible," called a meeting, to be held Febru- ary 7th, "to see what method the town Avill take to raise their quota." At a meeting thus called the following votes were passed : " Voted, to choose a committee to make an average of what service each man has done heretofore, as to hiring men or going per- sonally into the service of the United States." Upon further consultation and consideration, it was voted to postpone the average to some future time, and " Voted, to divide the ratable inhabit- ants of the town into twelve equal classes, and each class to procure a man to serve iu the Con- tinental army the space of three years, or during the war, upon their own charge, as soon as may be." At a meeting held April 16, 1782, the town voted to choose a comuiittee to make an account of the service each man has done in the present war, and make an average, so that each man may have credit for what he has already done; and also to divide or class the inhabitants into twelve equal classes (credit for what e;ich man has done to be given him), and each class to provide, or hire, a man for the space of three KEENE. 41 years, or during the war, upon their on cost; said classes to be so made that each pay equal taxes. At a town-meeting held June 19, 1783, the town " Voted, unanimously, that the representa- tive be instructed to use his influence that all who have absented themselves from any of the United States of America, and joined with, or put themselves under the protection of, the ene- mies of the United States, be utterly debarred from residing within this State." This vote was passed at the request of the representative, Daniel Kingsbury, to be instructed on the sub- ject. The treaty of peace with Great Britain hav- ing secured to the Tories the privilege of return- ing to this country to collect their debts and and settle their affairs, Elijah Williams, Esq., came to Keene for that purpose in the begin- ning of this year. His appearance here so ex- asperated the zealous Whigs that they seized him and carried him before Thomas Baker, Esq., a justice of the peace. What were the charges against him, or whether any charges were exhibited, has not been ascertained. The justice, perhaps with a view to protect him from outrage, ordered him to recognize for his appearance at the Court of Sessions, to be held at Charlestown, in April, and committed him to the custody of the sheriff. With this the pop- ulace were not satisfied, and they discovered an intention of assaulting and beating him ; but he was surrounded and guarded to his lodgings by the old and the young men who happened to be present. The animosity of the Whigs, aggravated probably by the arts of those who were in- debted to him, was, however, so great that they determined he should not thus escape their ven- geance. On the day before that appointed for the sitting of the court a party concealed them- selves in the pines near Fisher Brook, intend- ing, when he passed with the sheriff, to get him into their power. The sheriff passed without him, relying upon the promise he had made to appear at court the next day. This circum- stance excited their suspicions ; they came im- mediately into the street, seized Williams at his lodgings, and, placing him in the midst of them, repaired to a tavern in Ash Swamp. When he arrived there two bundles of black- beech rods were produced, from which it ap- peared that a plan had been concerted to compel him to run the gauntlet, with the view, proba- bly, of inducing him, by such harsh treatment, again to leave the country. But by this time a large number of considerate citizens had as- sembled and arrived at the tavern. A proposi- tion was made that the whole subject should be referred to a committee. A committee was ap- pointed ; their report was too favorable to Wil - liams to suit the majority, and was rejected. Another committee was appointed, who reported that he should leave the town the next day and leave the State the next week. This report was agreed to; but the minority, still dissatis- fied, privately sent out messengers, to collect more of their friends. This being communi- cated to those who were disposed to protect Williams, they advised him to retire imme- diately. An attempt was made to prevent him from mounting a horse, which had been offered him by a friend. A conflict ensued, in which the horse was overthrown, and several persons were knocked down with clubs. He at length, however, mounted, with the assistance of his friends, and rode through the crowd, which continued to oppose him. The next day he repaired to Charlestown, and presented himself to the court, which thereupon passed the following order : " That Elijah Williams, Esq., now in the keeping of Isaac Griswold, by virtue of a mittimus from Thomas Baker, Esq., continue in the custody of the said Isaac until he shall have transacted the business upon which he came into this part of the country, and then be permitted to leave this State, upon his good behavior, without further molestation." After settling his affairs Williams repaired to Nova Scotia. Shortly after, in consequence of ill health, he returned to Deerfield, his native town, died, and was buried by the side of his ancestors. The following is a list of the foot company in Keene in 1773: " Lieut. Benjamin Hall. Ensign Michael Metcalf. Clerk Simeon Clark. Joseph Gray. Samuel Hall. Jesse Hall. 42 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Serj. Elijah Blake. Serj. Thomas Baker. Serj. Isaac Esty. Serj. Jede. Carpenter. Corp. Dan Guild. Corp. Joseph Blake. Corp. Abijah Metcalf. Benjamin Archer. Jonathan Archer. Ashael Blake. John Brown. Elisha Briggs. John Balch. Benjamin Balch, Jr. Luther Bragg. Samuel Bassett. John Burt. Nathan Blake, Jr. Obadiah Blake, Jr. Royal Blake. Naboth Bettison. Thomas Baker, Jr. John Pray Blake. Cephas Clark. Seth Clark. Eliphalet Carpenter. Ebenezer Carpenter. Samuel Chapman. Silas Cook. Isaac Clark. Simeon Clark, Jr. Jonas Clark. John Day, Jr. John Daniels. Reuben Daniels. John Dickson. Addington Daniels. Ebenezer Day, Jr. Jacob Day. James Dean. Timothy Crossfield. Joseph Ellis, Jr. Gideon Ellis, Jr. Simeon Ellis. Timothy Ellis (3d). William Ellis. Caleb Ellis. Stephen Esty. James Eady. Henry Ellis. Benjamin Ellis. Benjamin Ellis, Jr. Joshua Ellis. Jabez Fisher. Silas French. David Foster, Jr. Peter Fiskin. Aaron Gray, Jr. Peter Hubbert. Seth Heaton, Jr. John Houghton. Joseph Hills, Davis Howlet. Ziba Hall. Jonathan Heaton. Luther Heaton. Nathaniel Kingsbury. Daniel Kingsbury. Stephen Larrabee. Daniel Lake. Ezra Metcalf. Jonathan Metcalf. Moses Marsh. Eli Metcalf. Daniel Metcalf. William Nelson. David Nims, Jr. Ebenezer Newton. Asahel Nims. Eliakim Nims. Zadock Nims. Alpheus Nims. Joshua Osgood. Benjamin Osgood, Jr. Amos Partridge. Jonathan Pond. AbiaDhar Pond. Nathan Eugg. Josiah Richardson. Eleazer Sanger. Abner Sanger. Robert Spencer. Jeremiah Stiles. Richard Smith. John Swan. Jacob Town. Joseph Thatcher. Abraham Wheeler, Jr., Joseph Willson. William Woods. Oliver Wright. Jedediah Wellman. David Willson. Daniel Willson. Thomas Wells. John White. James Wright. Zadock Wheeler. Walter Wheeler. Samuel Wadsworth. Abijah Wilder. Jonathan Wheeler. Thomas Wilder. Thomas Morse. Ephraim Leonard. Peter Daniels. William Goodenow. Luke Metcalf. John Griggs. Isaac Wyman, Jr. " Errors excepted. " Ephbaim Dokman, C. " To Col. Josiah Willaed, Keene, August 7, 1773." The following is the alarm-list belonging to Keene : Lieut. Seth Heaton. Dea. David Foster. John Day. Abraham' Wheeler. Nathan Blake. Joseph Ellis. Uriah Wilson. Ebenezer Nims. David Nims. Gideon Ellis. Lieut. Andrew Balch. Aaron Gray. Ebenezer Day. Eliphalet Briggs. Benjamin Archer. Capt. Isaac Wyman. Doct. Obadiah Blake. Lieut. Timothy Ellis. Thomas Frink, Esq. Doct. Josiah Pomeroy. Doct. Gideon Tiffany. Elijah Williams. Israel Houghton. Samuel Woods. Samuel Daniels. Jesse Clark. Joseph Brown. Robert Gillmore. Obadiah Hamilton. Peter Rice. Elisha Ellis. Isaac Billings. Josiah Ellis. Timothy Ellis, Jr. Ichabod Fisher. William Gray. Benjamin Hall, Jr. Benjamin Osgood. Nathaniel Hall. Samuel Woods, Jr. John Connolly. Samuel Colhoun. Ebenezer Cooke. Daniel Snow. Eliphalet Brigga, Jr. CHAPTER IV. KEENE— {Contirmed). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. First Congregational Church— Second Congregational Church— Unitarian Church— Baptist Church— St. James' Church— Methodist Church— Roman Catholic Church. The First Congregational Church.— The first reference to the ecclesiastical history of the town found on the old proprietors' records is under date of September 30, 1736. At a proprietors' meeting held at Keene, then known as the township of the Upper Ashuelot, September 30, 1736, it was voted "that they will build a Meeting-house at the upper township on the Ashuelot, so called, 40 feet long, 20 feet stud, and 30 and 5 feet wide, at the south end of the town street (to underpin, cover and KEENE. 43 inclose the same, and lay down boards for the lower floor), at the place appointed by the Gen- eral Court's committee ; and that Messrs. Jere- miah Hall, Samuel Daniels, Joseph Richardson, Stephen Blake and Josiah Fisher be a com- mittee to build or let the same ; and to see that said work be completely performed by the 26th day of June next." The first pastor was the Rev. Jacob Bacon. He was called to settle as the minister of the new plantation May 5, 1738, and was ordained October 18th of the same year. The committee who presented the call consisted of Jeremiah Hall, David Foster, Isaac Clark, Josiah Fisher and Ebenezer Nims. The church was organized October 18, 1737, and soon after David Foster and Josiah Fisher were appointed deacons. Rev. Mr. Bacon was dismissed in 1747. The town was chartered in 1753, and at the first meeting held under the new charter it was voted to build a meeting-house of slabs for tem- porary use, and in the following December it was voted to build a meeting-house forty-five feet long and thirty-five feet wide. This house was erected on the common and used till the fall of 1786, when it was removed to the west side of the common and rebuilt as the court-house of Cheshire County. The second house of worship was erected in 1786, and was an enterprise of no small magnitude for those early days. The pews were bought in anticipation of its being built and were generally paid for in cattle, which were sold at great discount. The following items are extracted from the records of the building committee : " To a journey in February, 1787, to Sutton, Frank- lin and Boston, to purchase oil, glass and vane, £1 4s. Od. "To a journey down with 27 head of cattel to Wrentham, December, 1787; also, a journey to Provi- dence to buy the glass for the meeting-house ; and expense of keeping said cattel, £5 3s. lOd. " May, 1788. — To a journey to Providence after the glass; to caning glass from Providence to Wrentham ; also, a journey from Providence to Boston, 19s. Id. " Paid for cattel more than they sold for in cash, • £16 18s. 5d. " To cash to defray the expenses of Samuel Heaton down to Wrentham after the glass for the meeting- house, wagon and two horses, £1 18s. 4c(. " Paid Mr. John Ward & Co., Providence, for glass, £88 5s. 4d" The pews sold for £941 5s. Raised by tax, four hundred pounds. The building committee consisted of Lieu- tenant Benjamin Hall, Deacon Daniel Kings- bury, Major Davis Howlet, Mr. Benjamin Anher, Lieutenant Reuben Partridge, Mr. Abi- jah Wilder and Mr. Thomas Baker. The pews were sold at auction, as follows : PEWS ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE. £ S. • Daniel Newcomb, Esq., No. 15 18 Abijah Wilder, No. 20 18 10 Daniel Newcomb, Esq., No. 17 18 Benjamin Hall, No. 18 18 10 James Wright, No. 62 17 Thomas Baker, Jr., No. 19 16 10 Nathan Blake, Jr., No. 61 16 10 Abel Blake, No. 57 15 10 Isaac Billings, No. 46 15 10 Josiah Richardson, No. 34 16 Aaron Ernes, No. 16 15 Colonel Timothy Ellis, No. 63 15 10 Thomas Baker, Esq., No. 14 15 Benjamin Hall, Esq., No. 47 14 Aaron Willson, No. 24 14 Israel Houghton and ] jj^ 25 14 Elisha Briggs, J Alpheus Nims, No. 9 14 David Howlet, No. 21 14 Isaac Blake and I -^^ 27 14 Joseph Blake, ) Eoyal Blake, No. 60 14 Thomas Field, No. 26 15 Asa Dunbar, Esq., No. 35 14 Alexander Ealston, No. 83 14 John Swan, No. 59 13 10 Luther Ernes, No. 36 13 10 Jotham Metcalf, No. 28 13 10 Daniel Kingsbury, No. 56 13 10 Eeuben Partridge, No. 31 12 10 John Houghton, No 30 12 Cornelius Sturtevant, No. 45 12 Elijah Dunbar, No. 10 12 Abraham Wheeler, Jr., No. 3 11 10 Eliphalet Briggs, No. 48 H John P. Blake andjjj^j 29 10 10 Andrew Slyfield, J David Nims, Jr., No. 8 10 10 William Woods, No. 11 H 10 Benjamin Archer, No. 51 10 Benjamin Hall, No. 49 10 Eli Metcalf, No. 12 10 10 44 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Benjamin Balch, No. 50 10 Isaac Griswold, No. 44 10 Daniel Newcomb, Esq., No. 1 10 10 Ebenezer Day, No. .5.5 10 ThaddeuB Metcalf, No. 13 10 Ephraim Wright, No. 42 10 10 David Wilson, No. 22 10 10 Joshua Dnrant, No. 64 10 Eri Kichardson, No. 23 10 John Dickson, No. 43 10 Bamnel Bassett, No. 7 10 David Foster, No. 53 10 Asahel Blake, No. 32 10 Jesse Clark, No. .52 10 Hananiah Hall and 1 -jj- -^ 10 Samnel Osgood, J Josiah Willard, No. 6 10 Josiah Willard, No. 41 10 John Stiles, No. 4. 10 10 Joseph Brown, No. 39 10 Bartholomew Dwinell and 1 -^ 10 John Stiles, i Daniel Wilson, No. 38 10 Dan Guild, No. 2 10 Simeon Clark, No. 37 12 10 Josiah Willard, No. 40 10 PEWS IX THE GAI>LEEY. Thomas Baker, Jr., No. Vi 9 10 Stephen Chase, No. 16 8 10 Benjamin Kemp, No. 10 9 10 Timothy Balch and ( ^^^ jy ^^ Ebenezer Bobbins, ) Elisha Brig^, No. 1-5 7 10 Eliakim Nims, No. 11 7 ]0 Daniel Newcomb, Esq., No. 8,.. 7 Elisha Bri^B, No. 12 „ 6 10 Bcaijamin Willis, Jr., No. 20 6 1.5 Isaac Kllin^, No. 6 6 1-5 Elisha Brig^, No. 14. 6 1-0 Asa Ware andl^-^^^g ^. ^^^ Jonas Osgood, i Daniel Kingsbury, No. 19. 6 0-5 Eliphalet Bri^*, No. 21 6 Elisha Brig^, No. 7 .5 10 Nathaniel French, No. 9 .5 Millet EUis, No. 22 4 10 Daniel Newcomb, Esq., No. 18. 7 Elisha Briggs, No. 2.5„ 4 0-5 Abijah Wilder, No. 24. 9 B«iben Partridge, No. -5 4 05 Thomas Field, No. 4._ 4 10 Alexander McDaniels, No. 2 4 0-5 Eliphalet Brig^, No. 3 4 0.5 Timothy Baldi, No. 1 .5 The pew-^ "n the fl'x>r I'rixty-three) i*r>ld for seven hundred and eighty-nine pounds ; those in the gallery (twenty-five) for sixty pounds ; the whole number for eight hundred and forty- nine pounds, — about three thousand dollars. This church was remodeled in 1 828 and sev- eral times since. Mr, Bacon's successor as pastor was Ilev, Ezra Carjjenter, who was installed October 4, 17o-i, over the united church of Keene and Swanzey, He remained about seven years. At the separation of Keene from Swanzey the Keene Church was organized with fourteen male membere, and June 11, 17fil, Kev. Clement Sumner was ordained as pastor. He officiated about elevrai years, and was succeeded, in 1777, by Eev- Aaron Hall, He was orrlained Feb- ruary 18, 1778, the church at this time consist- ing of seventy-seven members, Mr. Hall officiated as pastor thirty-seven years. He died August 12, 1814. During his ministty two hundred and eleven membere were received into the church. Kev. David Oliphant was the next pastor, installed May 24, 181.5. He remainerl about three years and was succeeded by Rev. Z. S. Baretow, D,D.,who was ordained -July 1, 1818, Dr. Barstow'** pastorate covered a period > — T}ji> fe/xnety was organized Mansh 18, 1824, by an as^x-iation of sixty-nine men, under the statute of the State of New Hampshire. It t^xA the designation of « Keene Congregational Soci.rt>." Mr. Gerjrge Tilden is now, and has \jeeo for some years, the only survivor .jf that on^inal membership. Among the original JUrr. wniiam <>m« Wbtte. KEENB. 45 members were Samuel Dinsmoor and Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr. (each Governor of New Hamp- shire), Thomas M. Edwards (late a member of Congress), Salma Hale (member of Con- gress) Silas Perry (the Revolutionary soldier), John Elliot, Aaron Appleton, John Prentiss, Francis Faulkner, James Wilson, Jr., William Lamson, Sumner Wheeler and Benjamin F. Adams ; and Phineas Handerson, in 1836, and William L. Foster, in 1842, added their names. Levi Chamberlain was a punctual attendant, although his name is not on that early list. The time-honored deacons, Samuel Wood, Jr., and Adolphus Wright, are there, — the one serv- ing upwards of twenty-nine and the other thirty- five years, — fitly succeeded in office by John Clark, who also served (until his death) nearly twenty-seven years. Add to such names among the departed, as chronicled above, the sons of Francis Faulk- ner, who, in a business career or at the bar, achieved renown; or men like William P. Abbott, of Nashua, who, thirty years ago, joined the parish heart and hand ; and it be- comes evident that its influence has left its mark upon the community. And yet, without the scores of earnest, faithful, indastrious men with their households, who have adorned a more quiet career, the society could not have let its light shine as it has. Rev. William Orne White says : " I deemed myself fortunate in succeeding, in 1851, such ministers as Thomas Russell Sullivan and Abiel Abbot Livermore, one of whom had given nine and a half and the other thirteen and a half years to the parish, and had left behind them the record of earnest work, and that ' good name ' which ' is better than precious ointment.' " The church edifice was enlarged by one-third its space and remodeled in 1867-68. Early in 1869, through the gift of one thou- sand dollars by the late Charles Wilson, the germ of the Invalids' Home was planted, which by subsequent bequests of five thousand dollars and upwards from the late Mrs. Rebecca H. Cooke, and one thousand dollars from the late John J. Allen, as well as through numerous sub- scriptions and the co-operation of frieiids iji other parishes in Keene, has been enabled to reach its present state of efficiency. Nearly five thousand dollars were paid to- wards the missionary efforts of the American Unitarian Association by members of the parish during the twenty-seven yeai's of Mr. White's ministry, besides contributions to Freedmen's Schools, the New Hampshire Or- phans' Home and other charities. Mr. White's predecessor had been eminently faithful to this department of parish exertion. Mr. White recorded two hundred and thirty- one baptisms, all but a very few being in Keene. In Keene or its vicinity he officiated, during his pastorate, at nearly five hundred burials. It is proper to add that the Keene Athenaeum (precursor of the Keene Public Library) owed its origin largely to efforts of persons of our own parish. Yet, in saying this, the cor- dial co-operation — during the war and at other times — of generous-hearted souls in all the parishes, in the behalf of the soldiers, freed- men, etc., cannot be forgotten. Baptist Church.' — Baptists from Middle- borough, Mass., located in the east part of Westmoreland, where they constituted a church in 1771. This family spread into the west part of Keene. Here a church of the same faith was recognized by an ecclesiastical council on the 9th day of September, 1816, consisting of thirteen members. It was gathered under the ministry of Rev. Charles Cummings. The church was received into the Dublin Baptist Association in October of that year. A small meeting-house, with square pews and a gallery, was built that autumn. It was situated in that part of the town known as "Ash Swamp," and dedicated December 25, 1816.^ Worship was continued here, at irregular periods, under many discouragements, till 1838, when Baptist preach- 1 By Rev. William H. Eaton, D.D. 'This meeting-house was built mainly through the agency of David Carpenter, whose son, Caleb Carpenter, paid largely toward the removal of the debt on the new house on Court Street. The frame of the old house still exists, in part, in the dwelling-house on the corner of Middle and Summer Streets, now owned by Mr. James Donnelly. The bell is still preserved and is now used in the new church. 46 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ing was commenced in the village. The effort was so successful that a brick meeting-house, forty-five feet by sixty-eight and a half feet, on "Winter Street,'- was dedicated September 17, 1839. The interest in the village was started and the house built under the efficient labors of Eev. John Peacock. He baptized forty-six during the year and a half of his ministry. Rev. Mark Carpenter, late of Mil- ford, was publicly recognized as pastor of the church on the 22d of April, 1840, and dis- missed on the 3d of October, 1844, having baptized sixty into the fellowship of the church. He was succeeded by Mr. Horace Richardson, of Cornish, a recent graduate of Newton Theo- logical Institution, who was ordained May 7, 1845. He was dismissed April 1, 1846. After him Rev. Gilbert Robbins,- late of Rumney, took charge of the church, commencing his labors in August of that year. He remained here eleven years, tendering his resignation in June, 1857. It was a time of sowing and not of reaping, though he had the privilege in one associational year of baptizing twenty- two. In 1853 a convenient two-story parsonage, with a small barn, was built on the west side of Court Street, about one-half mile from the meeting-house. The lot measured sixty-six feet front, with an average depth of about one hundred and fifty-five feet. The land and buildings cost sixteen hundred and fifty dollars. In October of 1857, Rev. Leonard Tracy be- came the pastor, and in June of 1863 gave up his charge, respected and beloved by all. In the mean time he baptized twenty-six. In the autumn of 1863 the attention of the people was directed to Mr. William N. Clarke, of Caze- novia, N. Y., a recent graduate of Hamilton Theological Seminary, and he was ordained the pastor January 14, 1864. He remained here five years and a half, in which time he baptized twenty-two and gave a moral impulse to the church. While he was here a uew organ was iThe building committee for the house on Winter Street were Levi Willard, William Stowits and Amasa Brown. The house remains on its original location, though oc- cupied for secular purposes. purchased, costing twelve hundred and fifty dol- lars. He closed his labors here May 9, 1869. He was succeeded by Mr. Austin V. Tilton, a graduate of Newton Theological Institution, and a son of Rev. J. D. Tilton, of Milford. He was ordained September 30, 1869, and con- tinued his labors here till May 5, 1872. He " labored for direct spiritual fruit," and had the satisfaction of adding to the church, by baptism, twenty-five in less than three years of his ministry. On the 26th of May, 1872, Rev. William H. Eaton, D.D., late of Nashua, was invited to be- come pastor. After spending about two months with the people he accepted the call. He was in- stalled September 1st. The question of a new house of worship had been under discussion for sometime. After the settlement of Dr. Eaton the question was soon revived. All felt that extensive repairs must be made on the old house, or a new house must be built. The lat- ter plan was finally agreed upon with great unanimity. A lot was purchased on the east side of Court Street, known as the Abijah Wil- der estate. It included a two-story dwelling- house on the corner of Court and Vernon Streets, which was set aside as a parsonage, while the other was sold for five thousand two hun- dred dollars. After disposing of some of the land on the east side of the Wilder lot, the re- mainder, with the dwelling-house, cost ten thousand five hundred dollars. Ground was broken for the new church on the 3d day of June, 1873, with appropriate reli- gious services. The house was dedicated May 12, 1875. It is made of brick, aud measures, in the main body, fifty-nine by one hundred and four feet. The recess is twenty-eight and a half by fourteen feet. The spire rises to the height of one hundred and sixty-seven feet from the ground, surmounted by a gilded weather-vane five feet high. The style of architecture is Romanesque. The auditorium is in the second story, and easily accommodates seven hundred and fifty people. It is finished in ash and black walnut. The orchestra is in the rear of the pulpit. There is a small gallery over the front vestibule ; there are six beautiful memorial win- dows, three on each side. The acoustic proper- KEENE. 47 ties of the house are excellent. The rooms on the first floor consist of chapel, vestry, parlor, kitchen, pantry, toilet-room, etc. The whole house is well-proportioned, substantially built, conveniently arranged and tastefully decorated. It cost, with furniture, exclusive of the land, fifty-two thousand dollars.^ The building of this house of worship was followed by great financial depression in the community, which imposed a very heavy debt upon the church and society, which was borne with a commendable degree of patience and fortitude. They paid for all home expenses, on an average, about seven thousand dollars a year, for twelve years, and they now have the reward of having their valuable church property nearly free of debt. Since 1872 the numerical increase of the church has been small, yet fully equal to any other period of the same length, with one exception. During Mr. Eaton's ministry, thus far, fifty-one have been added by baptism and fifty-eight by letter. Still, the diminution by deaths and re- movals has been almost equal to the additions. However, the church, through its entire history, has gradually increased from the original thir- teen, in September, 1816, to one hundred and ninety-six, in March, 1885. The Sabbath-school, comparatively, is large and promising, consisting of eighteen teachers, two hundred and eighty scholars, with an aver- age attendance of about one hundred and thirty- five. The library numbers eight hundred and fifty volumes ; A. G. Sprague, superintendent. St. James' Church.^ — Strictly speaking, the history of St. James' Church, Keene, dates from the year 1858. Previous to this time, however, services had been held from time to time, as opportunity offered, by various visiting clergymen. For instance, the Rev. Mr. Leonard, rector of St. Paul's Church, Windsor, Vt., visited Keene, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dunham and other parishioners, and held several services in the village some time in the year 1816. ^ The building committee for the new church on Court Street were Reuben Stewart, Moses Ellis, Dauphin W. Comstock, Joseph Foster and John Flynn. The arcliitect was S. S. Woodcock, Boston, Mass. ■' By Rev. W. B. T. Smith, Soon after this visit the regular services of the church were conducted for several weeks, probably by the Rev. Mr. Leonard, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Moss, of Newburyport, Mass., in the "old court-house," then standing on the site of what is now called Gerould's Block. Among the citizens favoring this undertaking were Elijah Dunbar, Esq., and Dr. Thomas Edwards. Their .services, however, soon ceased. An occasion of marked interest was the fun- eral of Hon. Ithamar Chase, father of the late Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase. The funeral service was held in the Congre- gational house of worship, and was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Strong, of Greenfield, Mass., August 11, 1817. This is supposed to have been the first funeral service ever conducted in Keene according to the rites of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It was largely attended, and is said to have created a very favorable impression of the church. Bishop Griswold, of the Eastern Diocese, once visited Keene, confirming Dr. and Mrs. Ed- wards. The Rev. Mr. Barber, rector of Union Church, West Claremont, occasionally ofiiciated in Keene, and administered the sacrament of Holy Baptism. From time to time, also, ser- vices were held in town by the Rev. Nathaniel Sprague. The Rev. Dr. Sprague was a native of Keene, and improved every opportunity of extending the knowledge and influence of the church in these parts. Happily, a memorial window was placed in St. James' Church in 1864, when the building was completed, which serves to keep alive the memory of the many good words and works of this faithful servant of Christ. The Rev. Henry N. Hudson, of the Diocese of Massachusetts, also held a series of services in Keene in the summer of 1850. These services were sustained by a distin- guished layman residing in Boston,— the late Henry M. Parker, — and were at first held in the town hall ; but this room proved to be too large and expensive for the present undertaking, and, after much delay and difficulty, Mr. Hud- 48 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. sou succeeded in securing a more suitable room. This was in the second story of an unoccupied building belonging to the late Hon. James Wilson. This room Mr. Hudson himself took great pleasure in putting in order, making the furni- ture with his own hands, except the settees, which, greatly to his regret, he was obliged to purchase, which, he observes, was the most un- pleasant part of it all. The room was large enough to accommodate about seventy-five individuals. Services were held here regularly through the summer and early fall, on Sundays, morning and evening, and on Saints' days. These services were well attended and excited considerable interest in church methods. Mr. Hudson rented a small musical instrument, and he remarks that by the good will and favor of some worthy young people, he had " the benefit of a competent choir and reasonably good music." Mr. Hudson's work was at length interrupted by a call from Bishop Chase to supply his own place as rector of Trinity Church, Claremont, while he himself was absent doing episcopal duty in the Diocese of New York. There was no attempt to organize a parish in Keene at this time, and when Mr. Hudson was released from duty at Claremont it seemed to him to be impracticable to resume this mission- ary iindertaking. And although occasional services had been held from time to time in private houses, by different visiting clergymen, nothing further was done looking to the estab- lishment of the Episcopal Church till the sum- mer of 1858. On June 24th of that year (St. John Bap- tists' Day) the Right Eeverend Carlton Chase, D.D., bishop of the diocese, visited Keene, held evening service and preached. He was encouraged, by the expressed wishes of those he met, to attempt the permanent es- tablishment of the services of the church. Accordingly, he invited the Rev. Edward A. Renouf, then assistant minister at St. Stephen's Church, Boston, Mass., to visit Keene and act as his missionary for a few weeks. Mr. Renouf at once accepted the invitation, and, with the assistance of the Rev. Dr. Fuller, also of the Diocese of Massachusetts, services were soon begun, and, being well attended, were continued regularly through September and October fol- lowing. At length Mr. Renouf resigned his pcsition at St. Stephen's, and directly after Easter, 1859, undertook entire charge of the work. Mean- while he purchased the estate where he now re- sides (1885), and, in July of the same year, re- moved thither with his family. On May 13, 1859, the parish of St. James' Church was duly organized and the usual ofBcers chosen. May 15th certain friends of the church bought of the Cheshire Railroad Company the lot now occupied by the church edifice, for the sum of thirteen hundred dollars, and deeded it to the parish. May 18th the Rev. E. A. Renouf was called to be rector of St. James' Church, and at once accepted the call. May 25th this parish was admitted into union with the Convention of the Diocese of New Hampshire, and was represented in that convention by Mr. H. Brownson, as lay dele- gate. On Sunday, August 7th, the Holy Com- munion was celebrated in this parish for the first time. On the Sunday following (August 4th) the Sunday-school was organized with four teachers and sixteen pupils present. In October, 1860, plans for a stone church, with seating capacity of about five hundred, were sub- mitted for approval by C. E. Parker, architect, of Boston, Mass., at an estimated cost not to exceed twelve thousand dollars, which, after some modifications and no small difficulty and delay, were at length agreed upon, and ground was broken Ascension Day, May 14, 1863. The corner-stone was laid by the bishop of the diocese, assisted by the rector and several clergymen of this and the Diocese of Vermont, June 30, 1863, at which time an able address was delivered by the Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, D.D., rector of Grace Church, Manchester, N. H. The building was completed and made ready for use during the following summer. The first service was held in it August 21, KEENE. 49 1864 ; but the chancel furniture and other ap- pointments were still incomplete, and there re- mained an unliquidated debt of seven thousand dollars, which delayed for several years the service of consecration. On April 17, 1868, the Eev. Mr. Renouf tendered his resignation of the rectorship, to take effect on the 31st of May following. During Mr. Renouf's rectorship of nine years there were of baptisms in St. James' par- ish, 95; confirmations, 58; admitted to Holy Communion, 96 ; marriages, 32 ; burials, 64. The whole amount of offerings, exclusive of the cost of the church building-lot, was seven thou- sand nine hundred and fifty-nine dollars. The Rev. George W. Brown was called to be rector October 19, 1868. During his rec- torship the church was decorated within, and, after prolonged effort, the money needed to liq- uidate the debt was raised, the late Hon. Wil- Uam P. Wheeler having pledged one thou- sand dollars toward the whole amount needed, provided the parish would raise the rest. Ac- cordingly, the church was consecrated by Bishop Niles, November 22, 1877. Mr. Brown resigned the rectorship April 13, 1879. May 9th of the same year the Rev. A. B. Crawford was called to be rector, and resigned April 9, 1882. June 19, 1882, the Rev. Floyd W.Tomkins, Jr., rector of St. Paul's Church, Minneapolis, Minn., was called to be rector of St. James' Church ; accepted, and entered upon his duties as rector September 1, 1882. Mr. Tom- kins resigned March 1, 1884, in order to accept a call to Calvary Chapel, New York City. September 15, 1884, the Rev. W. B. T. Smith, rector of Union Church, West Clare- mont, was called ; accepted, and entered upon his duties as rector Sunday, November 23, 1884. Geace Methodist Church was organized in November, 1835, with thirty members. The present church edifice was erected in 1869 at a cost of forty thousand dollars. Roman Catholic Church. — There is also " a Roman Catholic Church here, with Rev. J. R. Power as pastor. 4 CHAPTER V. KEEK E— (Cunlmued). BY WILLIAM S. BEIGGS. The Cemeteries — Gravestone Inscriptions — Historical Notes — Reminiscences. To guard properly, and care for the resting- places of our dead is alike the dictate of affec- tion, Christianity and our common humanity. This is the duty first of friends and families ; but these all die, while the towns, the State, remain. I find in the records of the proprietors of the town of Keene that it was voted, February 23, 1762, that the neck of land where Isaac Clark and Amos Foster were buried be appro- priated and set apart for a burying-place for the town. This lot, I think, must be the one now belonging to the farm of Captain Robin- son, at the lower end of Main Street. Captain Ephraim Dorman, one of the original proprie- tors of the town, living in Keene in 1738, died here in 1795, and was buried in this place. This burying-ground was probably used by the town to bury their dead for more than thirty years. The burying-ground on Washington Street was not used, as I can learn, until about 1795. Visit our beautiful new cemetery on Bea- ver Street; look at the costly monuments in granite and marble, the beautiful trees and flow- ers, planted by the hand of affection ; ask that mourner that is shedding tears above the new- made grave, or the present owner of any of the lots in this beautiful place, if they could believe any one that should tell them that in less than one hundred years all these monuments will be removed far from this place, the graves all leveled and the grounds ploughed and planted, and the bones of their dear ones go to fertilize the soil, that a good crop of corn and potatoes might be raised, — no one would believe this story ; and he that was bold enough to tell it would be looked upon as a false prophet, or one that should be confined in an insane asylum as a dangerous person. Yet this same thing has been done in this very goodly town of Keene. On that neck of land set apart by the 50 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. fathers, and at that time (1762) the owners of the town, these men, with their wives and chil- dren, were buried ; costly monuments (for the times) were erected, with their good deeds and their virtues inscribed thereon ; for many years their graves were strewn with flowers, and tears were shed for the loved ones by their chil- dren's children ; but can one of the descend- ants of these patriots tell where the bones of their ancestors now rest ? Not one of them ; for their monuments have been removed, the ground leveled, ploughed and planted, as any other part of the farm, and their dust goes to enrich the land. Could towns be made to suifer, as indi- viduals, for wrong-doing, I don't know of any penalty too great to be imposed on the town of Keene for this great wrong. I remember more than forty years ago hearing the old people talking about the old burying-ground, and saying that it was a disgrace not to protect it ; but nothing was done until the annual town- meeting March 12, 1844, when "William Lam- son (a man who, while living, always protested against the desecration of these graves) made the following communication to the meeting : " Mr. Edwards (Thos. M. Edwards, moderator) : I intended to request the selectmen to insert in the warrant for this meeting, ' To see what the town will do with the old burial-ground on the farm now owned by Sam'l Kobinson, Esq.' There is a bottom of a stone wall that once enclosed it, but in such a condi- tion that cattle walk over it; many of the grave- stones have been broken off, but few are now stand- ing ; one of these is that of Capt. Dorman, whose life is the history of our town. I now present this, hoping that the town will choose a committee to ex- amine into its situation, and make a report at our next town-meeting. I would recommend that the committee be elected from our citizens advanced in life, and who may know something of the history of the town." A committee was appointed at this meeting consisting of Calvin Chapman, Salma Hale and Aaron Hall. At the annual town-meeting held March 11, 1845, the subject -was referred to the same committee, who were authorized, if they deemed it exi^edient, to fence the old bury- ing-ground at the expense of the town. No- thing was done that year. At the annual town- meeting March 14, 1846, it was voted that the selectmen be directed to cause a proper fence to be constructed around the old burying-ground near Mr. Robinson's, at the south end of Main Street, " provided Mr. Eobinson consents, and the expense shall not exceed seventy-five dol- lars." Nothing was ever done — why, I know not ; but I think it was ascertained that the town had lost their rights in the " bones of the original owners." After this the grave-stones that could stand alone were taken up and set against the fence; and those that knew the graves know them no more. A few years ago Mr. Stephen Barker, then having the care of the new cemetery, to save the few remaining monuments (thirteen in nimiber) caused them to be removed to the new cemetery and set up in good order just north of the receiving-tomb. On one of these monuments you may read, "Here lies the Body of Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Clement and Mrs. Eliza- beth Sumner, who departed this life Feb. 26th, A.D. 1767." Now I propose to add to this inscription — " I once lived, I died and was bur- ied, but where my bones are now crumbling into dust no mortal man can tell." Now who was this Captain Ephraim Dorman, whose life Mr. Ijamson said was the history of the town ? I have searched the records of the proprietors of the town of Keene, and find that he was bofn in 1710 and lived in Keene in 1738 ; in 1740 the proprietors voted him and thirty-eight others ten acres of upland for hazarding their lives and estate by living here to bring forward the settling of the place. The following is an extract from the " An- nals of Keene," published in 1826 : " Early in the morning of the 23d of April, 1746, Ephraim Dorman left the fort in search for his cow. He went northwardly along the borders of what was then a hideous and almost impervious swamp, lying east of the fort, until he arrived near the place where the turnpike now is. Looking into the swamp he perceived several Indians lurking in the bushes. He immediately gave the alarm by crying ' Indians ! In- dians !' and ran towards the fort. Two who were concealed in the bushes between him and the fort sprang forward, aimed their pistols at him and fired, but neither hit him. They then, throwing away their arms, advanced towards him ; one he knocked down by a blow, which deprived him of his senses ; the other he seized, and, being a strong man and ' able wrestler, tried his strength and skill in his favorite KEENE. 51 mode of ' trip and twitch.' He tore his antagonist's blanket from his shoulders, leaving him nearly naked. He then seized him by the arms and body, but as he was painted and greased, he slipped from his grasp. After a short struggle Dorman quitted Mm, ran towards the fort and reached it in safety." Ephraim Dorman was one of the original proprietors to call the first legal town-meeting in Keene. At this meeting, held on the first Wednesday of May, 1753, it was "Voted that the sum of eight dollars be paid to Ephraim Dorman for his services in going to Portsmouth on business relating to the charter. Voted to Benjamin Bellows one hundred and twenty-two Spanish milled dollars for his services and ex- penses in getting the charter of Keene. Voted to raise one hundred and twenty-two pounds, old tenor, for the use of preaching the present vear. Chose Ephraim Dorman one of the assessors of the town." At the second meeting Dorman was one of a committee to see that the proprietors' title to lands in the township be lawful and good ; if so, to give them liberty to have them recorded in the proprietors' " Book of Eecords." Feb- ruary 23, 1762, he was on a committee to draw lots for a division of lands among the proprie- tors of the town. March 7, 1769, he was moderator in town-meeting. In 1773 he was captain of the foot company of Keene, number- ing one hundred and forty-six men ; was also one of the first to start a company for the seat of war after the fight at Lexington, April 19, 1776. Now does not this man deserve a monument of marble or bronze, with this inscription on it : "He gave his property, his life, his all, to Keene?" Captain Ephraim Dorman died in Keene May 7, 1795, aged eighty-five. To show the contrast in patriotism one hundred years ago, as compared with tlie present time, read the following : " At a town-meeting held in Keene Sept., 1773, voted to give Dea. David Foster liberty to lay out three acres of land on the West Beach Hill, in the common land, in such place as he may choose, in recompense for his services done for the proprietary in eight years past." * The following are the inscriptions copied from the thirteen old slate monuments brought from the old burying-ground, and now in the new cemetery. I have numbered them to keep them distinct : No. 1. — Elizabeth Sumner. No. 2. — William Sumner. No. 3. — In memory of Abner, son of Mr. Nathan Blake, who died July 7th, 1766, in the 6th year of his age. No. 4. — Here lies the body of Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Eevd. Clement and Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner, who departed this life Feb. 26th, A. v. 1767, aged 7 years and 4 days. '■ In the midst of life we are in death. O happy child, how soon thy race was run ! Now free from anxious care and sorrow. While with thy Saviour and forever blest." No. 5. — In memory of ye Widow Betsey Fair- banks, ye wife of Capt. Nathan Fairbanks ; she deed . Feb. ye 26th, 1772, in ye 69th year of her age. No. 6. — Here lies the body of William, eldest son of the Eev. Clement and Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner, who died December 13th, 1765, the day of his birth. "Time how short, eternity how long !" No. 7. — " In memory of Mrs. Zipporah, wife of Mr. Ezra Harvey, who deed. Oct. ye 30th, 1778, in ye 27th year of her age. No. 8. — In memory of Zipporah, daughter of Mr. Ezra Harvey and Elizabeth his wife ; she died Janu- uary 21st, 1778, aged 2 years 7 mo. 21 dayes. No. 9. — In memory of David Baker, son of Thomas Baker, Esq., and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who died January ye 2'7th, 1789, in ye 20th year of his age. " Time was I stood where thou dost now, And viewed the dead as thou dost me ; Ere long thou'lt lie as low as I, And others stand and look on thee." No. 10. — Capt. Ephraim Dorman, died May 7th, 1795, aged 85. Capt. Dorman was one of the first settlers and an original proprietor of the town of Keene. No. 11.— Mrs. Hepzibah Dorman. No. 12. — In memory of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Genl. James Reed, who departed this life August 27th, 1791, in the 68th year of her age. " There's nothing here but who as nothing weighs. The more our joy the more we know it's vain ; Lose then from earth the grasp of fond desire. Weigh anchor and some happier clime explore." Mrs. Abigail Eeed. No. 13.— Memento Mori. This stone is erected to perpetuate the memory of Madam Euth Whitney, who departed this life in the 72d year of her age. She was successively married to the Eevd. David Stearns, of Luningburg, and the Eevd. Aaron Whit- ney, of Petersham, both of whom she survived. For diligence, patience, piety and knowledge, she was 52 HISTORX OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. eminently distinguished. As this stone cannot tell all her virtues, suffice to say that as a wife, she was prudent and faithful ; as a mother, discreet and ten- der; as a neighbor, friendly and charitable; as a Christian, intelligent and exemplary. A life thus spent terminated with composure on the first of No- vember, 1788. " The righteous shall be had in everlasting remem- brance." The old burying-ground on Washington Street has been used as a place for burying the dead since the year 1788. I remember almost every one that has been interred here in the last fifty years, and the number is between two and three thousand. As I first remember it, it was surrounded on all sides with a stone wall, the same kind that may be found to-day on almost all our hill farms. There was a small building in the back part of the yard, painted black, to keep the tools in for digging the graves, also for storing the biers. There were two biers, one for aduKs and one for children. At a funeral the coffin was placed on the bier, and a black cloth, called a pall, spread over it. Eight persons were selected, called the pall-bearers, four to carry the body, the other four to walk on before to assist when necessary, the mourn- ers and friends following behind on foot. Thus the funeral procession moved along until it reached the grave, when the last ceremony was performed, the church bell tolling all the while. In those days the bell was also tolled in the morning of the day of the funeral as a notice to the people of the town that a funeral was to take place on that day. After striking the bell a few times in the morning of the day of the funeral, the age and sex was struck, — if for a male, one blow ; if for a female, two ; then the number of blows corresponding to the number of years the person had lived. So the bell tolled its story and those hearing its sound could tell who was to be buried on that day. About 1830 the tombs on the west side of the yard were built ; those on the south some years later. These tombs were used for many years, but it was always a very unpleasant duty to open them ; coffins would soon decay and fall in pieces, and many times in the spring of the year I have known the snow to melt and run in at the door and cause the bodies to float around. There are probably at this time the remains of about one hundred bodies in these tombs. These receptacles for the dead are now but seldom used. I will begin on the right- hand side as we go in through the gate, and give the names of the owners and inscriptions on their tombs : No. 1. — Phinehas Fisk. No. 2. — William Lamson. No. 3.— Thos. Edward and John Hatch. No. 4.— John Elliot. No. 5. — David Carpenter. No. 6. — Noah Cooke. No. 7.— F. Faulkner and E. Montague. No. 8.— Aaron Hall. No. 9. — C. Chapman, D. Heaton, J. Towns. No. 10.— J. Wright, E. Wright, E. Wright (2d). On the left-hand side : No. 1. — Samuel Dinsmoor. No. 2. — James Wilson. No. 3.— John H. Fuller. John H. Fuller died Feb. 24, 1869, aged 77 yrs. and 4 mos. Pamelia, wife of John H. Fuller and daughter of Kev. E. Conant, died July 27, 1829, aged 30. Foster A., their infant son, 1829. Sarah A., their daughter, December 25, 1838, aged 19. James G., their son, Jan. 25, 1853, aged 27. In memory of Lucius D. Pierce, Attorney at Law, Winchendon, Mass., died May 8, 1858, aged 38. Fred K. Bartlett, Attorney at Law at St. Croix Falls, Wis., died Dec. 1, 1858, aged 39, husbands of Lucy and Sophia, daughters of John H. Fuller. No. 4. — Charles G. Adams. No. 5. — Joseph Dorr and Ormand Dutton. No. 6.— Eli Metcalf, died August 3, 1835, aged 85. Elizabeth Metcalf, died Feb. 13, 1842, aged 86. They gave their whole property in charity. No. 7.— S. Hastings, L. B. Page, A. Dodge. No. 8. — Abel Blake and Nathan Dana. In May, 1853, just before the centennial cel- ebration came off, the tombs, being in rather a dilapidated condition, through the efforts of Rev. Z. S. Barstow and others, were put in good condition and whitewashed, so as to appear decent on that occasion. I think nothing has been done to them since. In 1847 the town voted to build a new fence around the yard ; so the old wall was removed and the present fence put up ; the old black hearse-house has since been taken away. In 1855 the town purchased of Thomas M. Edwards what was then called the old muster- field, for the new cemetery on Beaver Street KEENE. 53 and many of the remains have been removed from the old grounds to the new, as the old yard was nearly full. The writer at the time the land for the new cemetery was bought was one of the selectmen of the town, and, with a few, urged the necessity of purchasing more land, — that is, going as far as Beach Hill, — but the very wise men told us that this lot would answer for fifty years at least. On one of the first monuments we see in going into this old cemetery we read, " To preserve from oblivion the memory of Wm. M. Pierce." Now it was from this old grave-stone that I selected my text, and by copying the inscrip- tions on all of the monumeqts, will do my share towards preserving them. I will let each stone tell its own story, and should there be among your readers those that find the name of a dear relative or friend among this long list, I am confident they will do what they can towards keeping the old burying-ground on Washing- ton Street sacred. Let it be a pleasant place for us to visit while living, and a safe place for our bones when dead. When this last shall take place, we will simply leave this injunction to body-snatchers and gossips : " Let our dead alone — ^resurrecting neither our bodies nor our faults." I have arranged the list alphabeti- cally, also giving the oldest date first in each case: No. 1. — In memory of Lt. Daniel Adams, who died Oct. 27th, 1813, aged 59 yrs. No. 2.— Children of B. F. and L. E. Adams : Mary Jane, died Feb. 18, 1834, aged 2 yrs. ; Julie Ann, died July 1, 1837, aged 1 yr. ; Frank Benjamin, died Dec. 5, 1842, aged ^ yrs. No. 3.— Abigail Adams, died Aug. 4, 1841, aged 72 yrs. No. 4.— Elijah Adams, died Dec. 31, 1862, aged 76 years. No. 5.— Amanda Adams, wife of Elijah Adams, died July 25, 1852, aged 66 years. No. 6.— Hannah T. Fowler Adams, wife of Levi M. Adams, died Aug. 25, 1850, aged 27. No. 7. — D. Adams (marble monument). No. 8.— Daniel Adams, M.D., died June 9, 1864, aged 90 yrs. 8 mos. 10 days. No. 9.— Nancy Adams, wife of Dr. Daniel Adams, died May 14, 1851, aged 70 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days. No. 10.— Edward Knight Aldrich, son of Dunbar •Aldrich, died March 27, 1831, aged 1 yr. 8 mos. No. 11.— Abbott (marker). No. 12. — Mary Ann Abbott, daughter of Daniel and Polly Abbott, died Sept. 20, 1831, aged 6 years 20 days. " The fairest flower soon fades away." No. 13. — Frank Fisk Albee, son of John J. and Harriet M. Albee, died Aug. 13, 1854, aged 4 mos. and 22 days. No. 14. — Ella Maria, daughter of John J. and Harriet M. Albee, died Oct. 14, 1855, aged 3 weeks. No. 15. — Harriet Fisk Albee, wife of John J. Albee, died July 23, 1858, aged 34 years. No. 16.— Capt. Eliphalet Briggs, died Oct. 11, 1776, aged 42 yrs. No. 17.— Mary Cobb, wife of Capt. Eliphalet Briggs, died June 9, 1806, aged 69 yrs. No. 18.— Eliphalet Briggs, died March 23, 1827, aged 62 yrs. No. 19. — Elizabeth Briggs, wife of Eliphalet Briggs, died March 23, 1819, aged 49 yrs. " Virtue alone is happiness below." No. 20. — Polly Briggs, died July, 1795, aged 3 yrs. ; Sally Briggs, died July, 1795, aged 9 mos. ; daughters of Eliphalet and Elizabeth Briggs. No. 21. — Eliza S., daughter of Eliphalet and Emma Briggs, died Aug. 2, 1839, aged 14 yrs. No. 22. — Briggs (granite monument). No. 23.— Eliphalet Briggs, ob. June 13, 1853, aged 65 yrs. No. 24.— Lucy Briggs, ob. Dec. 19, 1845, aged 57 yrs. No. 25.— Sarah W. Briggs, ob. July 10, 1873, aged 43 yrs. No. 26. — Nancy A. Briggs, wife of William S. Briggs, died Feb. 14, 1868, aged 46 yrs. No. 27.— Daniel Adams Briggs, born Feb. 21, 1847, died May 26, 1847. No. 28.— Ellen Briggs, daughter of L. H. and E. H. Briggs. No. 29.— Mary A., wife of Joseph W. Briggs, and daughter of Josiah Colony, born Sept. 14, 1825, died April 11, 1859. No. 30.— Wilder Briggs, died March 15, 1827, aged 34 yrs. Charles S., son of W. and Sally Briggs, died May 20, 1827, aged 4 mos. Sally Briggs, wife of Wilder Briggs, died May 20, 1851, aged 66 yrs. No. 31.— Louisa Briggs, 1788 (granite marker). No. 32.— Elijah Blake, died April 3, 1791, aged 7 mos. No. 33.— Parley Blake, died August 29, 1797, aged 6 weeks and 4 days. " And these babes must pay their due. Sure riper years must pay it too." No. 34.— Mrs. Sally E., wife of Capt. Abel Blake, who died July 16, 1803, aged 40 yrs. " Death is a debt to nature due. Which I have paid, and so must you." No. 35.— In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of 54 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Mr. Nathan Blake, who died July 19, 1804, aged 83 years. " Let me not forgotten lie, Lest you forget that you must die." No. 36.— Mr. Nathan Blake, died August 4, 1811, in the 100th year of his age. No. 87.— Euel C, son of Euel and Betsey Blake, died Feb. 5, 1818, aged 11 mos. and 23 days. No. 38. — Mary Ann, daughter of Rufus and Betsey Blake, died Oct. 26, 1838, aged 16 yrs. and 4 mos. No. 39. — Elizabeth C, daughter of Euel and Betsey Blake, died Nov. 13, 1838, aged 18 yrs. and 1 mo. No. 40. — Sarah R., daughter of Ruel and Betsey Blake, died March 20, 1834, aged 7 yrs. and 8 mos. No. 41. — Stephen A., son of Ruel and Betsey Blake, died Oct. 31, 1835, aged 6 yrs. and 10 mos. No. 42. — -James, son of James and Ruth Buflum, died May 27, 1837, aged 6 yrs. and 5 mos. No. 43. — Charles, son of James and Ruth Buifum, died June 25, 1837, aged 1 yr. and 1 mo. No. 44. — Susan, daughter of James and Ruth Buf- fum, died March 3, 1840, aged 6 weeks. No. 45.— Mary B. Buffum, died Aug., 1869, aged 47 yrs. No. 46. — Ruth Bliss, wife of James BuflFum, died Nov. 23, 1853, aged 51 years. In this old burying-ground on Washington Street have been buried many of our friends that we like to keep in remembrance ; and amon^ them the name of one who, while in life, said the last words at the grave of more of the dead lying here than any man now living — the Rev. Dr. Z. S. Barstow, who for fifty years was the pastor of the old Congregational Church. The inscription on his tombstone tells the whole story better than I could do it. Also may be found the name of Deacon Elijah Carter, one of Dr. Barstow's good deacons; also of the Hon. Ith'r Chase, the father (I have been told) of the late Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase. All, I think (that ever knew her), will agree with me in saying that the line on the monument of Miss Eliza Carter was strictly true. Although she had passed her three-score years and ten, " She was always young." The names of Hon. Levi Chamberlain, the two Dinsmoors (Samuel and Samuel, Jr.), Lieutenant Charles B. Dan- iels, who gave his life for his country. Miss Catherine Fiske, the founder of Keene Female Seminary, and many other names that we have known and respected will be found in this number. Also the name of Miss Lydie Beals, aged one hundred and two years, the oldest in this burying-ground. No. 47.— Thomas Baker, died July 15, 1806, aged 76. " No more my friends, don't mourn tor me, I'm gone into eternity. Make sure of Christ while life remains. And death will be eternal gain." No. 48. — Sarah Baker, wife of Thomas Baker, died April 24, 1807, aged 75. No. 49.— Benjamin F. Brown, died May 28, 1851, aged 43. No. 50. — Benjamin F. Brown, adopted son of B. F. and C. Brown, died August 7, 1839, aged 4 years. No. 51. — Sarah Brown, died January 26, 1843, aged 84. No. 52.— Dea. Amasa Brown, died March 22, 1843, aged 73. No. 58. — Lucy C, daughter of Wm. and Ann W. Brown, died March 20, 1844, aged 7 years. No. 54.— Ann W. Fiske, wife of William Brown, died July 24, 1854, aged 55. No. 55. — Eunice Brown, died Aug. 7, 1847, aged 39. No. 56. — In memory of Amasa Brown, who died April 13, 1847, aged 80 years. No. 57. — In memory of Hannah, wife of Amasa Brown, who died January 4, 1847, aged 70 years. No. 58. — Dea. Lebanon Brown, died July 21, 1846, aged 35. No. 59.— Polly Brown, died Aug. 7, 1856, aged 64. No. 60.— Mrs. Susan Brown, died May 22, 1857, aged 61. ' No. 61. — James, son of William and Anna Blacka- dore, died Aug. 15, 1817, aged 2 years and 3 months. "Frail as the flower that blossoms but to die." No. 62.— Sally Bond, daughter of John G. and Sally Bond, who died Sept., 1809, aged 7 months. No. 63.— Mrs. Lydie Beals, died Feb. 13, 1816, aged 102. No. 64. — Charles Barnhart, died June 7, 1829, aged 32. No. 65.— David Barker, died Aug. 7, 1829, aged 33. No. 66.— David S. Barker, died at Havana, Cuba, June 24, 1843, aged 21. No. 67.— Miss Hannah, daughter of Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Sarah Blanchard, died Nov. 25, 1832, in her 81st year. No. 68.— James, son of Nathan and Harriet Bassett, died July 1, 1833, aged 8 years and 9 months. No. 69.— Samuel Bassett, died Nov. 8, 1834, aged 81. No. 70.— Martha; wife of Samuel Bassett, died June 19, 1842, aged 86. No. 71.— Jemima C, wife of Geo. A. Balch died Sept. 2, 1850, aged 45. No. 72.— George W., son of Geo. A. and Jemima Balch, died April 1.3, 1848, aged 15 years. KEENE. 55 No. 73.— Artemas A. Boyden, died April 30, 1844, aged 23. No. 74.— Emily C, daughter of John and Celecta H. Bowker, born Jan. 12, 1842, died Sept. 26, 1849. " Beautiful, lovely. She was but given, A fair bud on earth To bloom in Heaven." No. 75. — Ellen C, daughter of John and Celecta H. Bowker, born Feb. 9, 1851, died Dec. 30, 1853. " So fades the lovely blooming flower." No. 76. — Sarah Abbie Bridgman, died July 12, 1850, aged 2 years and 7 months. No. 77. — Frank, son of Edward and Sarah E. Bow- tell, died March 25, 1852, aged 1 year and 4 months. No. 78.— George Burrell, died Dec. 24, 1853, aged 34. No. 79. — Mary Ann Pitchard, wife of C. A. Brooks, died Dec. 4, 1854, aged 33. No. 80. — Lovey Ann, wife of Courtney Bingham, died April 16, 1871, aged 69. " Asleep in Jesus.'' No. 81.— Eev. ZedekiahS. Barstow, D.D., for fifty years pastor of the First Congregational Church in Keene, ordained July 1, 1818, resigned his pastorate July 1, 1868, died March 1, 1873, aged 82 years and 5 months. " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day." Elizabeth Fay Barstow, for fifty-one years the wife of Eev. Z. S. Barstow, died September 15, 1869, aged 77 years. " She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness. Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he prai.-eth her, and let her own words praise her." Timothy Dwight, eldest son of Rev. Z. S. and Elizabeth F. Barstow, died Dec. 22, 1820, aged 5 months. Elizabeth Whitney, only daughter of Rev. Z. S. and Elizabeth F. Barstow, died Jan. 3, 1832, aged 7 years and 4 months. No. 82.— Z. S. B. (marble marker). No. 83.— E. F. B. (marble marker). No. 84.— James Crossfield, died Feb. 25, 1853, aged 75. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." No. 85.— Hannah, wife of James Crossfield, died May 18, 1809, in the 58th year of her age. No. 86.— James Crossfield, died June 21, 1811, in the 60th year of of his age. No. 87. — Roxana, wife of James Crossfield, died May 20, 1856, aged 64. "There is rest in Heaven." No. 88.— Emily J., daughter of K. and R. G. Crossfield, died April 29, 1854, aged 19 years and 6 months. No. 89. — Lestina, wife of Samuel Crossfield, died April 2, 1857, aged 31. No. 90. — Here lies the body of Mrs. Clarinda, wife of Mr. Daniel Chapman, and daughter of Mr. Aden Holbrook, who died Dec. 6, 1812, aged 29. No. 91.— Calvin Chapman, born July 28, 1776, died Aug. 3, 1855. No. 92. — Sarah Nims, wife of Calvin Chapman, born May 9, 1777, died Feb. 22, 1834. No. 93. — Calvin Chapman, Jr., born Jan. 11, 1803, died Oct. 26, 1872. No. 94.— David W. Chapman, died March 31, 1852, aged 45. " Tread lightly where thy father sleeps. Within his cold and narrow bed. For one his bridal vigil keeps. Above the wept and sainted dead. Tread lightly by his narrow tomb. And o'er it plant the gentle flowers, In a far brighter land than ours.'' No. 95. — Rebecca, wife of David W. Chapman, died Aug. 9, 1856, aged 43. No. 96. — George, son of David W. and Rebecca Chapman, died March 25, 1838, aged 2. No. 97. — Warren, son of David W. and Rebecca Chapman, died June 17, 1851, aged 12. No. 98. — Sophronia S., wife of King B. Chapman, died Nov. 18, 1849, aged 29. No. 99. — Mary Ann, daughter of King B. and Sophronia S. Chapman, died Aug. 4, 1849, aged 4 years. No. 100. — Jonathan C. Carpenter, died Sept. 24, 1815, aged 2 years 8 months and 8 days. No. 101. — Mira H. Willard, wife of Caleb Carpen- ter, died March 12, 1857, aged 49. No. 102.— David W., died Sept. 18, 1832, aged 2 years and 10 months ; Julia E., died Jan. 23, 1843, aged 3 years and 11 months ; children of Caleb and Mira H. Carpenter. No. 103.— The Hon. Ith'r Chase, died Aug. 8, 1817, aged 55. " And now. Lord, what is my hope — Truly my hope is ever in thee." No. 104.— Eliza Carter, born in Dublin March 5, 1792, died in Keene Dec. 7, 1864. "She was always young." No. 105.— In memory of Charles Carter, died Oct. 20, 1817, aged 29. " There is rest in Heaven." (Masonic emblem.) No. 106.— The grave of Dea. Elijah Carter, who died Feb. 2, 1835, aged 71 years. " Go, happy spirit, seek that blissful land. Where ransomed sinners join the glorious band 56 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Of those who fought for truth, blest spirit, go, And perfect all the good begun below." No. 107.— Mary, wife of E. Carter, died Nov. 16, 1839, aged 28. No. 108.— Benaiah Cooke, died Aug. 8, 1852, aged 52. No. 109.— Josiah Cooke, died Sept. 11, 1834, aged 2 years. No. 110.— Mary Eliza Cooke, died Aug. 17, 1837, aged 3 years. No. 111.— George Cooke, died Feb. 6, 1838, aged 9 months. No. 112.— Frederick Cooke, died Aug. 9, 1842, aged 14 months. No. 113.— Mary E. Cooke, died Jan. 7, 1855, aged 15 years and 10 months. No. 114.— Harriet W. Cady, died Oct. 9, 1841, aged 43. No. 115.— Eev. Eeuben Collins, of the M. E. church, died Dec. 24, 1842, aged 32. No. 116.— Comfort Conner, died May 14, 1826, aged 37. No. 117.— My husband, John S. Currier, died July .31, 1844, aged 32. No. 118. — Coolidge (granite monument). No. 119.— Henry Coolidge, obt. 1843, aged 55. No. 120.— Caroline C. Coolidge, obt. 1846, aged 33. No. 121. — Lawson Coolidge, obt. 1849, aged 41. No. 122.— George H. Coolidge, born Feb. 15, 1811, died Jan. 26, 1868. No. 123.— Hannah Taylor, wife of Josiah Colony, died June 30, 1846, aged 51. " The memory of the departed is endeared as a de- voted wife, a kind and affectionate parent, a regardful neighbor. A calm and serene death followed a quiet and contented life." No. 124. — Harry, son of Henry and Mary Colony, died Sept. 12, 1855, aged 10 months and 26 days. No. 125. — George E., son of Willard and Priscilla Clark, died Aug. 18, 1847, aged 24. " No pain nor grief, no anxious fear. Invades thy bounds ; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleep here, While angels watch its soft repose." No. 126.— Ebenezer Clark, died Aug. 1, 1848, aged 77 ; Eunice, his wife, died April 14, 1865, aged 87. No. 127.— Sands Caswell, died Nov. 10, 1851, aged 29. No. 128. — Mrs. Nancy Crandell, daughcer of Wil- liam Esty, died March 25, 1852, aged 60. No. 129.— Jesse Corbett, died Aug., 1866, aged 76. No. 130.— Betsy Twitchell, wife of David Carter, died Jan. 20, 1853, aged 80. No. 131. — Levi Chamberlain, died Aug. 31, 1868, aged 80 years. " How calm he meets the friendly shore Who lived adverse to sin !" No. 132.— Harriet A. Goodhue, the dearly beloved wife of Levi Chamberlain, died June 26, 1868, aged 67. " The guileless soul, the calm, sweet trust. Shall have a large reward." No. 138.— Elijah Dunbar, Esq., died May 18, 1847, aged 87. No. 134.— Mary E., wife of Elijah Dunbar, died Nov. 29, 1838, aged 70. No. 135.— Polly, daughter of Elijah and Mary Dunbar, died May 25, 1795, aged 4 years ; Laura Elizabeth, daughter of Elijah and Mary Dunbar, died Jan 11, 1810, aged three years. No. 136. — Mary Ann Dunbar, died June 2, 1820, aged 20. No. 137.— Mrs. Hannah Dunn, died Oct. 8, 1828, aged 84. " The sweet remembrance of the just. Shall flourish when they sleep in dust." No. 138. — Asa Duren, died April 5, 1871, aged 69. No. 139. — Maria V. Wood, wife of Asa Duren, died May 18, 1854, aged 64. No. 140. — Augustus, son of Asa and Maria Duren, died Nov. 5, 1829, aged 7 months and 12 days. No. 141.— Cynthia Duren, died April 22, 1861, aged 61. No. 142. — Dinsmoor (marble monument). Samuel Dinsmoor, born July 1, 1766, died March 15, 1835, aged 68 ; Mary Boyd, wife of Samuel Dins- moor, and daughter of Gen. George Eeed, of London- derry, died June 3, 1834, aged 64; Mary Eliza, daughter of Samuel and Mary Boyd Dinsmoor, and wife of Eobert Means, of Amherst, born Dec. 2, 1800, died August 16, 1829, aged 28 ; Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr., born May 8, 1797, died Feb. 24, 1869, aged 69 ; Anna Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr., and daugh- ter of Hon. William Jarvis, of Weathersfleld, Vt., born June 30, 1818, died July 17, 1849, aged 31. No. 143.— Samuel Dinsmoor, died March 15,1835, aged 68. No. 144. — Mary Boyd, wife of Samuel Dinsmoor, died June 3, 1834, aged 64. No. 145. — Mary E. Dinsmoor, wife of Eobert Means, died Aug. 16, 1829, aged 28. No. 146. — Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr., died Feb. 24, 1869, aged 69. No. 147. — Anna E. Jarvis, wife of Samuel Dins- moor, Jr., died July 17, 1849, aged 31. No. 148.— Julie A. Fiske, wife of William Dins- moor, died Jan. 4, 1854, aged 39. No. 149. — Abiathar Dean, died Oct. 2, 1832, aged 64. No. 150.— George C. Dean, died Oct. 2, 1885, aged 35. No. 151. — To the memory of Charles B. Daniels born Aug. 30, 1818, graduated at the W. P. Military Academy June, 1836, was mortally wounded while KEENE. 57 gallantly leading his company in the assault of the enemy's works at Molino Del Eey, Mexico, Sept. 8, 1847, and died of his wounds in the city of Mexico Oct. 27, 1847, aged 31 yeara. "By the purity of his life and fidelity to the de- mands of his profession, he adorned it by his valor, he fulfilled its sternest demands." No. 152. — To the memory of Jabez W. Daniels, horn Aug. 1, 1876, died Oct. 7, 1852, aged 82 years. " A just man who walked in all the commandments of the Lord blameless." No. 158. — To the memory of Eleanor Daniels, born May 6, 1773, died June 29, 1863, aged 90 years. No. 154. — Caroline E. Daniels, daughter of Warren and Caroline C. Daniels, died Feb. 25, 1836, aged 8 months. No. 155. — Davis (granite monument). No. 156.— Abby Z., daughter of H. and A. T. Da- vis, died July 29, 1853, aged 5 months. No. 157. — Lucian H., died Dec. 16, 1845, aged 1 year; Ella A., died Aug. 31, 1849, aged 8 months ; children of Henry and Allura Davis. No. 158. — -Allura T., wife of Henry Davis, died Sept. 14, 1863, in her 34th year. No. 159. — Mary G., wife of John B. Dowsman, died Feb. 10, 1838, aged 28 years. No. 160.— Martha Ann, died Feb. 8, 1838, aged 5 years 9 months ; Mary Jane, Feb. 17, aged 3 years 3 months ; Chas. Warren, March 11, aged 9 months ; children of Charles and Ann D. Dwinnell. " The fairest, loveliest sons of earth. Like charms may fade away ; But o'er their memory shed a tear, That cannot e'er decay." No. 161. — Cyrus Dickey, who died while a member of the senior class in Dartmouth College, Sept. 30, 1840, aged 26. " True excellence ripens but in Heaven." No. 162.— Chas. Dunbrack, died March 2, 1844, aged 72. A native of Edenburgh, Scotland, and for many years a resident of Halifax, N. S. No. 163. — Catherine, wife of Henry Dowdell, died June 19, 1850, aged 35. No. 164.— Eliza, wife of Wm. Dort, died Sept. 10, 1852, aged 25. No. 165. — Lucretia Dawes, born in Boston, Mass., May 23, 1788, died in Keene, N. H., Oct. 20, 1855. " He that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live." No. 166.— Mr. Timothy Ellis, who died March 30, 1814, aged 66. No. 167. — In memory of Mrs. Beulah Ellis, who died May 22, 1822, aged 73. No. 168.— Joshua Ellis, died Aug. 31, 1838, aged 53. No. 169. — Parker Ellis (on pine board). No. 170. — George Andrew, son of Geo. L. and Susan Ellis, died Sept. 23, 1863, aged 24 years 6 months. " Rest, dearest sufferer, rest in Jesus' arms." No. 171. — Paulina Tucker, daughter of Nathaniel Evans, died Jan. 25, 1831, aged 4 yrs. No. 172.— Harriett Wiggen, wife of Nathaniel Evans, died July 5, 1835, aged 36. No. 173. — Harriett K., wife of Nathaniel Evans, died June 8, 1842, aged 34. " I leave the world without a tear. Save for the friends I hold so dear; To heal their sorrows Lord descend. And to the friendless prove a friend." No. 174. — Eebecca A., wife of Geo. W. Emerson, died April 27, 1835, aged 25. No. 175.— George W. Emerson, died Dec. 28, 1829, aged 2 years; George W. Emerson, died Sept. 6, 1830, aged 7 months; children of Geo, W. and Rebecca A. Emerson. No. 176. — In memory of Mr, Charles Pitch, who died Feb. 18, 1800, in his 30th year. " It is hard to leave our friends behind, And fair earth's bounteous sweets ; The place where man is first consigned. And where man his dear partner meets ; But we must all submit to fate. And when our call is pronounced upon. We must leave our world and state. And go to regions above unknown." No. 177.— John Fitch, died June 22, 1848, aged 87. No. 178.— Lydia Fitch, wife of John Fitch, died May 28, 1870, aged 84. No. 179. — In memory of Caroline, daughter of Mr. Waltrous and Mrs. Mary Fairchild, who died Dec. 10, 1819, aged 11 years. No. 180. — Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Phinehas Fiske, deceased July 11, 1821, aged 31. No. 181. — Catherine Fiske, founder and principal of the Female Seminary in Keene, N. H., for 38 years a teacher of youth, died May 20, 1837, aged 53. " Reader, whoe'er thou art, do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God." Azuba Morse, the mother of Catherine Fiske, died Nov. 9, 1837, aged 72. No. 182. — David Gilman Forbes, who died Feb. 5, 1822, aged 21. " In bloom of youth behold he dies." No. 183.— John Foster, died Feb. 7, 1854, aged 57 ; Sophia, wife of John Foster, died April 20, 1832, aged 36. No. 184. — William, son of Joseph and Mary Fos- ter, died March 15, 1833, aged 8. " So fades the lovely flower Ere half its charms are shed ; 58 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Cut down in an untimely liour And numbered with the dead." No. 185. — Harriett P., daughter of the Rev. S. Farnsworth, late of Hillsborough, died March 22, 1841, aged 6 years. No. 186. — Frost (granite monument). No. 187.— Amanda Frost, died 1845, aged 28. No. 188.— Julia S. Frost, died 1844, aged 17 months. No. 189. — My husband, Harlow Frost, died Nov. 25, 1865, aged 49. No. 190. -Our Willie, Willie H. Frost, son of Har- low and Eliza W. Frost, died March 28, 1843, aged 2 years 5 months. No. 191. — Eoxana Allen, wife of Jason French, died Nov. 5, 1852, aged 35. No. 192. — Abigail Wood, widow of Eleazer Furber, died July 15, 1853, aged 55. No. 193. — Jehoshiphat Grout, who departed this life Sept. 26, 1806, aged 53. No. 194. — This monument is erected to the memory of Mrs. Anna, wife of Mr. J. Grout, who departed this life Aug. 9, 1810, aged 57. No. 195.— James Gibson, died April 26, 1846, aged 88. " Not lost, but gone before." No. 196.— Eliza K , wife of Caleb S. Graves, died March 18, 1845, aged 35. " Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are. While on his breast I lean my head And breath my life out sweetly there." No. 197. — John B., son of A. C. and L. Greeley, born March 9, 1848, died March 10, 1849. No. 198.— George W. B., son of A. C. and L. Gree- ley, born Aug. 9, 1852, died Aug. 7, 1853. No. 199. — Oscar S., son of Edward S. and Mary Greenwood, died July 17, 1850, aged 2. " Dearest babe, thy days are ended. All thy sufferings now are o'er. No more by our care befriended. Thou art happy evermore." No. 200. — Sibyl, wife of Benjamin Good, died Jan. 13, 1854, aged 25 years. " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." No. 201. — Reuben B., son of Benjamin and Sibyl Good, died December 26, 1850, aged 2 years and 10 months. No. 202. — Edwin, son of Benjamin and Sibyl Good, died Jan. 27, 1851, aged 4 years and 1 month. No. 203.— Cornelius C. Hall, died Nov. 25, 1815, aged 39; Fanny Hall, daughter of Cornelius and Slizabeth Hall, died Dec. 21, 1806, aged 3 years. No. 204.— Ednie G., daughter of Henry C. and Ellen F. Hall, died Oct. 12, 1846, aged 4 months 6 days. " Sleep on, sweet babe, And take thy rest, God called thee home, And he thought best." No. 205.— H. M. (granite stone). No. 206.— Major Davis Howlet, died Feb. 23, 1817, aged 79. No. 207. — In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Major Davis Howlet, who died April 1, 1826, aged 85. No. 208. — Davis, son of Davis Howlet, died June 21, 1799, aged 79. No. 209.— Mr. Davis Howlet, died Aug. 25, 1824, aged 50. No. 210. — Mr. William Heaton, who died Dec. 29, 1822, aged 33. No. 211. — Mary Eliza, daughter of Oliver and Louisa Heaton, died June 29, 1837, aged 4 years 6 months. No. 212. — Louisa S., wife of Oliver Heaton, died Dec. 23, 1843, aged 45. No. 213. — This monument erected to the memory of Miss Mary Holbrook, eldest daughter of Mr. Elihu and Mrs. Mary Holbrook, who died March 27, 1806, aged 14 years. " Stay, thoughtful mourner, hither led To weep and mingle with the dead ; Pity the maid who slumbers here, And pay the tributary tear. Thy feet must wander far to find A fairer form, a lovelier mind. An eye that beams a sweeter smile, A bosom more estranged from guile, A heart with kinder passions warm, A life with fewer stains deformed, A death with deeper sighs confess'd A memory more beloved and bless'd." Here will be found many old, familiar names ; among them, that of Betsey Nurss Leonard, who was born only two years later than the organization of the town of Keene, 1755, and lived to be more than one hundred years old. I remember her as a very pleasant old lady. JNIrs. Houghton, her daughter, is still living on Court Street. Mrs. Leonard on her one hun- dredth anniversary received her friends. Elijah Knight, Esq., kept the old tavern now owned by Miss Kate Tyler, on Court Street. When I was a boy he died in the Fuller house, on Washington Street. Stephen Harrington and his son, Asaph, both were model hotel-keepers and known everywhere. Stephen Harrington was born in Lexington, Mass., only six months after the battle, in 1775. Major George Ingersoll KEENB. 59 who was born in 1754, and who was twenty- one years old when the Declaration of Indepen- dence was declared ; E,ev. George G. Ingersoll, D.D., whom to know was to love and respect ; also the name of Daniel Hough, whom I re- member as a merchant in Keene, whose store was just south of the Eagle Hotel, now a part of the hotel ; also the name of Luther L. Hol- brook, my old friend and shop-mate, and a long list of names that we like to remember. No. 214.— L. L. Holbrook, died at Keeseville, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1844, aged 29. Francis A. wife of L. L. Holbrook, and daughter of Abijah Wilder, died Nov. 10, 1851, aged 35 years. " There is rest in Heaven." No. 215. — Betsey, daughter of Rufus and Dorothy Houghton, died Oct. 26, 1809, aged 2 years 8 months and 3 days. " See the dear youth just enter life. Bud forth like a flower in May ; Stay long enough to seal our hearts. Then smile and die away." No. 216. — In memory of Dr. Dan Hough, who de- parted this life Feb. 26, 1828, aged 49. No. 217. — Louisa Ellis, wife of Luther Howe, died March 21, 1835, aged 54. No. 218.— Louisa Howe, died Sept. 21, 1854, aged 41. No. 219.— Mary A., wife of Sylvester Haskell, died April 14, 1835, aged 33. No. 220.— Charles C, only son of Charles and Isabell Hirsch, died Aug. 29, 1842, aged 16 months 11 days. " Eest, sweet babe, thy days are ended. Quick thy passage to the tomb ; Gone, by angel bands attended, To thy everlasting home." No. 221. — Stephen Harrington, born in Lexington, Mass., Nov. 22, 1775, died Oct. 25, 1847. No. 222.— Mary Prescott, wife of Stephen Harring- ton, died Aug. 16, 1862, aged 80. No. 223.— Asaph Harrington, died May 26, 1867, aged 57. No. 224.— Alfred Hebard, obt. July 12, 1848, aged 32. No. 225.— Rufus, son of Josiah and Sophronia Hayden, died Dec. 25, 1853, aged 5 years 9 months. No. 226.— John Hoar, died June 24, 1846, aged 33. No. 227.— Mary Ann, wife of John Hoar, died July 16, 1846, aged 30. , No. 228.— John E., died Sept. 15, 1840, aged 4 months ; Albert A., died June 30, 1845, aged 5 weeks; children of John and Mary Ann Hoar. No. 229.— Daphne Hoar, born Feb. 25, 1811, died Jan. 31, 1873. No. 230.— Jason Hodgkins, died July 24, 1856, aged 30. No. 231. — Harriet M., wife of Jason Hodgkins, died May 2, 1854, aged 23. " She died and left me This spot, this calm and quiet scene. And those who saw her smile in death No more may fear to die." No. 282.— Lovina Holman, died Nov. 17, 1856, aged 27. No. 233. — Sacred to the memory of Caroline H. Ingersoll, who was born at West Point, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1797, died at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 12, 1812, aged 15 ; also, Mary Ingersoll Adams, wife of Charles Adams; Esq., who was born at West Point, N. Y., May 5, 1799, died at Burlington, Vt., May 4, 1832, aged 33 ; both daughters of George and Martha Ingersoll. "Strangers and pilgrims here, our home is in Heaven." No. 234. — Martha Goldthwait Ingersoll, widow of Major George Ingersoll, born in Boston, Mass., July 7th, 1764, died in Burlington, Vt., April 24th, 1839, aged 74 years. No. 235. — The remains of Major George Ingersoll, late of the United States Army; born at Boston, Mass., April 2d, 1754, died at Keene July 16th, 1805, aged 51 years. " In that high world which follows this May each repeat in words of bliss — We're all, all here." No. 236. — Ingersoll (marble monument). Rev. George Goldthwait Ingersoll, D.D., son of Major George and Martha G. Ingersoll, born in Boston, Mass., July 4, 1796, died in Keene, N. H., Sept. 16, 1863. " Hope which entereth within the vail." Allen Parkhurst, son of Rev. Geo. G. and Harriet P. Ingersoll, born Nov. 10, 1823, in Burlington, Vt., died Sept. 8, 1859, in Keene, N. H. No. 237. — George and Harriet (marker). No. 238. — George P. Ingersoll (marker). No. 239. — Allen P. Ingersoll (marker). No. 240.— Joseph Ingalls, died Oct. 12, 1858, aged 83. No. 241. — Mrs. Lucy Ingalls, wife of Joseph In- galls, died Oct. 12, 1822, aged 49. No. 242. — Anna L., wife of Joseph Ingalls, died July 24, 1850, aged 58. No. 243.— John, sou of Joseph and Anna Ingalls, died Dec. 29, 1851, aged 18. No. 244. — In memory of John, son of Moses John- son, who died April 22, 1795, aged 7. No. 245.— Mary A., daughter of Cliarles and Harriet G. Jones, died Oct. 6, 1839, aged 15 months. 60 HISTORY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 246. — Josepheus H., daughter of Sylvester and Elizabeth Jones, died June 14, 1839, aged 13 months. No. 247. — Harriet E., daughter of Sylvester and Elizabeth Jones, died March 6, 1840, aged 3 years. No. 248. — Widow Abial Keyes, who died Aug. 19, 1807, aged 78 years. No. 249.— Zebadiah Keyes, died Sept. 16, 1859, aged 83. No. 250. — Sybel, wife of Zebadiah Keyes, died March 15, 1851, aged 70. No. 251. — Fanny, daughter of Mr. Zebadiah and Mrs. Sybel Keyes, died Aug. 19, 1812, aged 2 years and 7 months. No. 252. — Sally Ann, daughter of Zebadiah and Sybel Keyes, died Aug. 20, 1833, aged 19 years and 7 months. No. 253. — Mary Ellen, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Keyes, died April 13, 1852, aged 5 years and 10 months. No. 254.— Ezra Kilburn, died March 27, 1853, aged 85. No. 255. — Leverett, son of Edmund and Julia Kimball, died June 7, 1826, aged 18 months. " With anxious care each art was tried The lovely flower to save. But all in vain — the shaft of death Consigned it to the grave." No. 256. — Children of Charles and Euby O. Kings- bury. Charles Edward, died Aug. 28, 1838, aged 15 weeks. No. 257.— Stella Maria, Sept. 19, 1843, aged 14 months. No. 258.— Charles Edward, died March 29, 1849, aged 5 days. No. 259.— Stella Maria, died Oct. 1, 1853, aged 8 years. No. 260.— Cyrus Kingsbury, died June 30, 1863, aged 65. No. 261. — Eachel, wife of Cyrus Kingsbury, died March 26, 1843, aged 38; John S., their son, died March 16, 1843, aged 8 months. No. 262. — Sarah, daughter of C. and E. Kingsbury, died Aug. 12, 1849, aged 9 years. No. 263.— Elijah Knight, Esq., died 1842, aged 86. No. 264.— Martha Knight, died 1847, aged 73 years. No. 265.— John McKoy, died May 20, 1842, aged 43 years. No. 266. — Here are the remains of James Lanman, who died the 22d day of June, A.D. 1809, aged 60 years, formerly deacon of the church in Brattle Street, Boston. " Faithful to his family, to his friends and to the church of God. The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish while they sleep in dust." No. 267.— Miss Hannah Lanman, born in Cam- bridge, Mass., Jan. 3, 1750, died Jan. 16, 1837, aged 81. No. 268.— Sacred to the memory of Susan Dawes Lanman, wife of Daniel Gilbert, of Boston, and only child of James and Susanna Lanman, who died Aug. 5, 1851, aged 25. " Blessed are the pure in spirit." No. 269. — Mrs. Lydia Lebourveau, died April 6, 1846, aged 83. No. 270. — In memory of Emily, daughter of Mr. George W. and Mrs. Betsey Lebourveau, who died Oct. 26, 1822, aged 16 months. " Sleep on, sweet babe, And rest secure ; Thy body's safe, Thy soul's sure." No. 271. — George W. Lebourveau, died June 25, 1828, aged 40 years. No. 272.— Capt. John Leonard, died April 27, 1829, aged 76. No. 273. — Betsey Nurss Leonard,^ wife of Capt. John Leonard, born April 27, 1755, died Dec. 7, 1855, aged 100 years 7 months and 10 days. No. 274. — Eowland Sumner Leonard, son of Joseph B. and Euth H. Leonard, born Aug. 31, 1840, died May 25, 1841, aged 8 months and 25 days. " Shed not for him the bitter tear. Nor sorrow with a vain regret; 'Tis but the casket which lies here, The gem in Heaven is sparkling yet." No. 275. — Lawrence Leonard, died Sept. 15, 1843 aged 40. No. 276. — Mary, daughter of John and Hannah Lawrence, died April 19, 1843, aged 7. Np. 277. — Alvin Lawrence, died Dec. 19, 1849, aged 25 years. No. 278.— In memory of Thaddeus MacCarty, Esq., who died Nov. 21, A.D. 1802, aged 55 years. No. 279.— In memory of William, son of Doctor Thaddeus and Mrs. Experience MacCarty, who died Feb. 4, 1797, aged 13 years. No. 280.— Martha, wife of Benjamin Mann, Esq., died May 17, 1808, aged 65. No. 281.— Charlotte Mundell, died Nov. 15, 1828, aged 18. No. 282.— This marble was erected by Mr. Gilbert Mellen to preserve from oblivion the memory of his affectionate consort, Mrs. Mary Mellen, who died April 26, 1814, aged 42. " Interred within this silent grave she lies Mouldering dust obscured from human eyes. Her soul has sweetly fled to realms above Where vice and woe are not, but all is love." 1 This lady rode from Keene to Boston and back In the cars after she was one hundred years old. How many women of the present day will do it ? KEENE. 61 No. 283.— Cyrus Mulliken, died Dec. 31, 1840, aged 44. No. 284.^Mary, wife of Cyrus Mulliken, died April 16, 1846, aged 39. No. 285.— Harriett Mulliken, born Aug. 26, 1828, died March 22, 1867, aged 38. . " This is but the mortal part." No. 286.— Alexander Milliken, died May 14, 1854, aged 74. No. 287. — Martha, wife of Abijah Metcalf, died May 11, 1838, aged 40. No. 288.— Capt. Henry N. Metcalf. " 'Tis sweet to die for one's country. Henry N. Metcalf, Co. F, N. H. Vols., killed at Gettysburg July 2, 1863, aged 30. No. 289. — Martha Wood, daughter of Abijah and Martha Metcalf, died Aug. 20, 1865, aged 27. No. 290. — Eebecca, wife of M. Metcalf and mother of Josiah and Eebecca Capen, died May 16, 1851, aged 88. No. 291. — In memory of Elizabeth W. May, who died June 16, 1835, aged 15 years. " Happy soul, thy days are ended. All thy mourning days below ; Go, by angel guards attended, \ To the sight of Jesus, go." No. 292.— Salome, wife of Silas May, died April 22, 1845, aged 27. No. 293.— Harriett C, daughter of Wm. and Al- ' mira Marsh, died March 10, 1837, aged 3 years and 3 months, jjo 294.— George Marsh/ died Feb. 14, 1851, aged 38. No. 295. — Mary E., wife of George Marsh, died May 20, 1859, aged 41. No. 296.— Charles H., son of G. and M. E. Mars'h, died April 9, 1841, aged 15 months. j^o, 297.— Sophia Munn, died Oct. 3, 1842, aged 5 months ; Emeline Munn, died Nov. 24, 1843, aged 4 months and 11 days ; children of John D. and Eliza- beth Munn. jfo, 298.— Geneve S., daughter of Abel H. and Mary S. Miller, died Aug. 26, 1845, aged 13 months and 10 days. No. 299.— Mary J., daughter of Isaac and Sarah ' ' Ann Mason, died Sept. 2, 1845, aged 9 months and 16 1 1 days. i No. 300.— Francis M., son of Isaac and Sarah Ann I Mason, died July 15, 1848, aged 7 years 10 months and 7 days. No. 301.— Harriet A., daughter of John and Ma- » tilda W. Mason, died Dec 16, 1853, aged 12 years and 2 months. ,1 George Marsh was killed on the Cheshire Railroad by ' being crushed between a car and a platform of a freight '' depot ia Keene. " Too soon thou art gone, thou loved one, And left thy dearest friends to mourn." No. 302.— John W., son of John and Matilda W. Mason, died May 6, 1855, aged 18 yrs. No. 303. — Sabra, wife of Jonathan Mansfield, died Dec. 1, 1849, aged 58. " Dear friends, weep not for me, I'm free from pain and care ; The Lord has called me hence. And I his blessings share." No. 304. — Jonathan E., son of Laton and Lydia Martin, died March 14, 1849, aged 14 months. " Thou destroyeth the hope of man." No. 305. — Here lies the body of George Newcomb, son of Daniel Newcomb, Esq., and Sarah, his wife. He was born Oct. 16, 1783, admitted a member of Dartmouth College Aug. 28th, 1792, and drowned in Ashuelot River June 10th, 1796. " Cropped like a rose before 'tis fully blown. Or half its worth disclosed. Fate gave the word, the cruel order sped. And George lies numbered with the dead." No. 306. — Daniel Newcomb, M.D., was born April 2d, 1785, and died May 13, 1809. " He healed others — ^himself he could not heal." No. 307. — Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah New- comb, wife of Daniel Newcomb, Esq., and daughter of the Eev. David Stearns, of Lunenburg. She was born April 25th, 1758, and died Nov. 13th, 1796, in the 39th year of her age. " How loved, how valued once, avails thee not. To whom related or by whom begot, A heap of dust alone remains of thee, 'Tis all thou art, and what we all must be." No. 308. — Daniel Newcomb was born at Norton, Mass., 1746 ; was graduated at Harvard College 1768 ; settled at Keene as attorney-at-law 1778 ; was chief justice of the county court and senator in the State legislature ; died at Keene July 14, 1818, aged 72. " He neither sought nor declined honours.'' No. 309.— Here lies the body of Seth Newcomb, who was born Oct. 20, A.D. 1786, died Oct. 31st, 1811, aged 25 years, whose life, though short, was active ; too much devoted, however, to the world, and too little to his Maker ; and not till the chastening hand of providence was in mercy extended to him did he duly estimate the importance of faithfully examin- ing the evidence of Christianity ; but severe and long- continued sickness induced reflection and inquiry, and the result was regret that his conduct had been so long influenced by worldly views, and full conviction of the truth of our holy religion ; and he died, as he believed, a humble and penitent sinner, resting his hopes of pardon and salvation on the merits of his Eedeemer. 62 HISTORY OP CHESHIEB COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 310. — Haunah Newcomb was born at Boston, Mass., 1769, died at KeeneSept. 2, 1851, aged 82 years. "Her children arise and call her blessed." No. 311.— Everett Newcomb, died Sept. 10, 1837, aged 50 years. No. 312.— Sarah E. Newcomb, died June 19, 1873, aged 81. No. 313 — Hannah Newcomb, died June 7, 1870, aged 46. No. 314. — Phinehas Nurse (granite monument). No. 315.— Miss Susan Nurse, died Nov. 8, 1848, aged 26. No. 316.— Sibyl Norton, died July 3, 1822, aged 19 months. No. 317.— James K. Norton, died Feb. 4, 1823, aged 6 months. No. 318.— James H. Norton, died July 3, 1826, aged 6 months. No. 319.— Drusilla S. Norton, died Nov. 2, 1832, aged 5 years and 6 months. No. 320.— Horace J. Norton, died Nov. 30, 1832, aged 2 years and 8 months. No. 321.— John L. Norton, died Feb. 18, 1847, aged 12 years. No. 322.— Roswell Nims, died April 24, 1855, aged 71. No. 323.— Sally, wife of Eoswell Nims, died Oct. 24, 1857, aged 68. No. 324.— Koswell Nims, Jr., died Sept. 25, 1838, aged 25. No. 325. — In memory of Mr. David Nims, who died July 21, 1803 (age is not plain). No. 326. — In memory of Mrs. Abigail Nims, wife of Mr. David Nims. She died July 13, 1799, aged 80 years. No. 327. — In memory of Capt. Alpheus Nims, who died June 8, 1804, aged 49 years. Also, George, died Oct. 8, 1796, aged 6 years ; Nabby, died Aug. 9, 1794, aged 15 months ; Eliakin, died Sept. 5, 1796, aged 16 months; Josiah Eichardsgn, died March 16, 1801, aged 7 months ; Alpheus, died March 8, 1802, aged ^ days ; children of Capt. A. Nims. No. 328.— Abigail, wife of Alpheus Nims, died April 9, 1816, in her 49th year. No. 329. — Erected in memory of George, son of Alpheus and Abigail Nims. He died at Getersburg, Virginia, Dec. 31, 1818, aged 20 years and 6 months. ' No. 330.— Esther Newell, died Sept. 14, 1867, aged 69. " Dear mother, gone to rest." No. 331.— John Newell, died Sept. 25, 1850, aged 51. " A husband dear, a father kind, Has gone and left his friends behind ; Has gone, we trust, to realms of light, Where all Christ's followers will unite." No. 332.— Charles William, an infant, died July 21, 1841 ; Sarah Ann, died Nov. 19, 1853, aged 9 years and 3 months ; children of Wm. A. and Susan D. Norwood. " Peace to their ashes, may they sleep In arms of heavenly love. And when our pilgrimage is o'er, We hope to meet again." No. 333.— Freddy, died Jan. 12, 1856, aged 8 months ; Carrie J., died Jan. 10, 1857 ; children of Chester and Caroline Nichols. " Sleep on, sweet babes, and take thy rest, God early called, for He knew best." No. 384. — Mr. Thomas Ocington, who departed this life Oct. 3, 1814, in the 21st year of his age. " Happy the soul that does in Heaven rest, Who with his Saviour he is ever blest ; With heavenly joys and raptures is possessed, No thought but his God inspires his breast." No. 335.— Samuel Osgood, died July 11, 1828, aged 71. No. 336.— John Osgood, died April 7, 1828, aged 50. No. 337.— Ellen, daughter of Thomas and Char- lotte C. Grady, died June 29, 1858, aged 11 months and 25 days. " Thy home is Heaven." No. 338. — To preserve from oblivion the memory of William M., son of Mr. William and Mrs. Abigail Pierce, who died Feb. 8, 1812, aged 1 year. " Sweet babe, a dying father wept for thee. Its mother kind mourned the sad decree ; To Jesus this little child is gone. For of such is the kingdom of Heaven." No. 339. — Sacred to the memory of Mr. William Pierce, who departed this life March 8, 1812, aged 43. " Not prudence can defend, nor virtue save Our dying bodies from the silent grave ; Tho' mouldering in the dust this friend must lie. His soul immortal can never, never die." No. 340.— Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. William Pierce, born Oct. 28, 1775, died Feb. 2, 1818, aged 42. " Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return." No. 341.— His own epitaph. Here lie the mortal remains of John Prentiss, born in Eeading, Mass., March 21, 1778. He established the Mw Hampshire Sentinel in 1799, and conducted it principally 49 years. Died June 6, 1873, aged 95. " He lived— he died— Behold the sum, The abstract of the historian's page !" No. 342.— Here rest the remains of Diantha A., wife of John Prentiss. She died March 1, 1856, aged 74. ' . e " She has gone to the day-break. Where the shadows flee away."— ^Sb;. Song. No. 343.-In memory of Pamelia Mellen, third daughter of John and Diantha Prentiss, who died Oct. 9, 1820, aged 13 years and 4 months KEENE. 63 " Tell those who sigh O'er some dear friend's untimely doom That all must die ; She whom they saw laid in the tomb, In God's own paradise may bloom." No. 344. — In memory of Ellen Sophia, fourth daughter of John and Diantha Prentiss, who died Dec. 28, 1825, aged 14 years and 8 months. " Dust to its narrow home beneath. Soul to its place on high ; They that have seen thy look in death, No more may fear to die." No. 345. — Edmund S., son of John and Diantha Prentiss, died May 28, 1846, aged 26. No. 346. — Sacred to the memory of George A. Prentiss, commodore United States Navy, son ol John and Diantha Prentiss, who died April 8, 1868, aged 59. " His hands are folded on his breast. The long disquiet merged in rest. How sink the brave who sink to rest. By all their country's wishes blest." No. 347. — Geo. W. Prentiss, of New York, died Feb. 28, 1829, aged 37. No. 348.— Charles P. Perkins, died Dec. 4, 1850, aged 46. No. 349.— Mary F. Perkins, died Aug. 14, 1853, aged 49. r No. 350. — Mary L., daughter of Charles P. and [ Mary F. Perkins, died Sept. 5, 1832, aged 2. No. 351. — Charles Henry, son of Charles P. and Mary F. Perkins, died June 1, 1838, aged 5. No. 352.— Ferdinand Freckle, died Nov. 19, 1833, aged 39. No. 353.— Ann C. Parsons, died Feb. 10, 1833, aged 21. " She was amiable, unassuming, conscientious, and faithful in the discharge of duty. The grave of the young, whose health and vigor promised many com- ing years, teaches the living the importance of a con- stant trust in God, thus to be prepared for afiliction, disease and death. No. 354.— James Parker, died April 27, 1862, aged 73. ;" No. 355. — Martha, wife of James Parker, died July '( 28, 1850, aged 64. I No. 356. — Sarah E., daughter of James and Martha Parker, died Dec. 14, 1838, aged 17. , " Dearest sister thou hast left us, ; And thy loss we deeply feel ; ► But 'tis God that has bereft us ; He can all our sorrows heal." No. 857.— Jonathan Parker, died Aug. 28, A. D. jj 18d.T, in the 56th year of his age. jii No. 358.— Hepsibeth, wife of Jonathan Parker, died Nov. 21, 1848, aged 84. No. 359.— Esther P., wife of L. B. Page, died Feb. 27, 1870, aged 70. No. 860.— Alden L., son ofL. B. and E. P. Page, of Co. C, 2d Keg. Maine Vols., died July 4, 1862, aged 25. No. 361.— Esther L., daughter of L. B. and E. P Page, died May 5, 1841, aged 7 years. No. 362.— Roxanna Plantain,^ died June 26, 1843, aged 46. No. 363. — Putnam (granite monument). No. 364. — Edward Poole, a native of Danvers, Mass., died May 7, 1847, aged 34. No. 365.— Helen Poole, died Nov. 17, 1846, aged 22 months. No. 366.— Hannah K. Perham, wife of Geo. W. Perham, died at Nashville, N. H., Oct. 8, 1849, aged 28. No. 367. — Relief, wife of Samuel Payson, died July 13, 1857, aged 79. " In that bright world which follows this. May each repeat in words of bliss. We're all, all here." No. 868. — Ella F., daughter of James H. andSusan Payson, died May 1, 1855, aged 2 years and 4 months. " Safe in Heaven, and so soon." No. 369.— Hulda Pond, born Aug. 7, 1777, died March 23, 1864. No. 870.— Mrs. Sarah McNiel, wife of David Rich- ardson, died April 2d, 1814, aged 24. No. 371. — Hon. Josiah Richardson, died Feb. 20, 1820, aged 74. No. 372. — Artemas Richardson, died Nov. 4, 1845, aged 51. No. 873.— Charles Richardson, died Jan. 20, 1848, aged 16. No. 374.— Martha M. Richardson, died April 6, 1868, aged 26. No. 375. — Alexander Rolston, a native of Falkirk, lied March 29, 1810, aged 64. "lu my distress I called my God, When I could scarce believe him mine ; He bowed his ear to my complaint. Then did his grace appear divine.'' No. 876. — Jannett, wife of Alexander Rolston, a native of Falkirk, Scotland, died June 11, 1833, aged 85. No. 377.— Levi Russell, died Sept. 21, 1881, aged 31. Eliza Emeline Russell died Nov. 16, 1832, aged 5 years and 9 months ; Mary F. W. died Jan. 29, 1832, aged 7 months; daughters of Levi and Elizabeth Russell. No. 378. — Rebecca A. Martin, wife of Jeduthun Russell, died Feb. 17, 1863, aged 74. 1 She was colored and once o. slave. 64 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 379.— Jonathan Eand, died Feb. 11, 1838, aged 76. No. 380. — Anna, wife of Jonathan Rand, died July 26, 1858, aged 85. No. 381.— William Rand, died Dec. 23, 1837, aged 25. No. 382. — Emily A., daughter of Isaac and Julia A. Rand, died Feb. 22, 1847, aged 6 months. No. 383. — Harriet Louisa, daughter of Isaac and Julia A. Rand, died June 8, 1857, aged 13 years. No. 384. — Betsey H., wife of Elisha Rand, died April 7, 1851, aged 50. No. 385. — Lydia G., wife of Elisha Rand, died Sept. 21, 1855, aged 46. No. 386. — Ezra Rider, born in Dublin, died Aug. 11, 1850, aged 64. " Even so those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him at his coming." No. 387. — Isaac Redington, died Sept. 5, 1854, aged 83. No. 388.— Mercy D. Redington, died Jan. 29, 1860, aged 85. No. 389. — In memory of Jeremiah Stiles, Esq., who died December 6, A.D. 1800, aged 56 years. No. 390. — Erected in memory of Mrs. Mary, relict of Jeremiah Stiles, Esq., who died March 22, A.D. 1810, in the 29th year of her age. No. 391. — Death loves a lofty mark. Here lies the body of Peleg Sprague, Esq. He was born in Rochester, Mass., Dec. 10, 1756. Gradu- ated at Dartmouth College in the year 1787, was chosen a member of Congress in the year 1797, and died April 20, 1800, in the 44th year of his age. " What tho' we wade in wealth or soar in fame. Earth's highest station ends in here he lies. And dust to dust concludes her noblest song." No. 392. — To the memory of David, son of Peleg Sprague, Esq., and Mrs. Rosalinda, his wife, born Nov. 12, 1796, and died May 15, 1797. No. 393.— Abner Sanger, died Oct. 1, 1822, aged 83. No. 394.— Rhoda Sanger, died June 28, 1811, aged 75. No. 395. — Sarah Fisher, widow of Cornelius Stur- tevant, Jr., died at Piketon, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1821, aged 50. Henry, their son, died at Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1812, aged 17. No. 396.— Sarah, died Dec. 15, 1832, aged 29; Maria, died Feb. 24, 1804, aged 6 years ; daughters of Cornelius Sturtevant. No. 397.— Isaac Sturtevant, died July 1, 1863, aged 62. Caroline Maria, died Oct. 12, 1849, aged 9 years ; Anna, died Aug. 19, 1847, aged 3 months; daughters of I. and L. E. Sturtevant. "Suffer little children to come to me." No. 398.— Milo Stone, who died July 16, 1834, aged 33. No. 399.— Charles Adams, son of Milo and Eunice E. Stone, died June 29, 1834, aged 7 months. No. 400.— John Snow, died Dec. 18, 1845, aged 75. No. 401.— Sally, widow of John Snow, died May 6, 1856, aged 79. No. 402.— Esther, daughter of John and Esther Snow, died Jan. 8, 1836, aged 31 ; Cyntha, daughter of John and Esther Snow, died April 3, 1840, aged 19. No. 403. — Lucretia M., only child of George M. and Olivia I. Snow, died June 3, 1844, aged 3 years and 11 months. No. 404. — Gustavus A., son of John and Jerusha Snow, died July 9, 1839, aged 9 months and 8 days. No. 405.— Luther Smith, died Oct. 21, 1839, aged 73. " Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." ^ No. 406. — Sarah, wife of Luther Smith, died June 7, 1858, aged 90. No. 407. — Rosina Smith, died Jan. 2, 1850, aged 43. No. 408. — Sarah, daughter of Luther Smith, died Nov. 25, 1864, aged 64. No. 409. — Cline Smith (granite monument). No. 410.— Augustus A. Smith, died Aug. 8, 1843, aged 64. No. 411.— Stephen Sibley, died Jan. 18, 1846, aged 49. No. 412. — Esther, wife of Stephen Sibley, died March 25, 1872, aged 70 years and 9 months. No. 413.— Albinus Shelley, died Sept. 22, 1848, aged 40. No. 414.— John L. Staples, died April 28, 1855, aged 47. No. 415.— Eliza A., wife of John L. Staples, died Jan. 10, 1851, aged 42. No. 416. — Jerusha, wife of Curtis Spaulding, died Jan. 7, 1852, aged 54. No. 417.— George N., son of N. E. and M. E. Starky, died Feb. 10, 1852, aged 6 years. No. 418.— Mary E., daughter of N. E. and M. E. Starky, died March 24, 1852, aged 8. No. 419.— Sacred to the memory of Susan G. Sel- fridge, who departed this life Sept. 28, 1841, aged 62. " The last tribute of filial love. " I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Sa- viour. He that liveth and believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die." '■' 1 Luther Smith was the old clook-taaker ; he dropped down dead while going Into his house. 2 The Rev. Abial A. Liverraore caused this beautiful trib- ute to be engraved on this marble. KEENE. 65 No. 420.— Thomas Thompson, born April 6, 1785, died June 4, ]857. No. 421. — Here rests the mortal part of Mrs. Thirza, wife of Mr. Thomas Thompson, whose virtues en- deared her to her family, friends and acquaintances ; she died May 11, 1822, aged 36. No. 422. — Betsy, wife of Thomas Thompson, born March 1, 1786, died Aug. 1, 1857. No. 423. — In memory of Thirza Elmira A., daugh- ter of Thomas and Thirza Thompson, who died Sept. 19, 1836, aged 17. " Sleep, sister, sleep, for now the dawn Of brighter day has met thine eye. The hand of death has gently drawn The curtain of another sky." No. 424. — In memory of Thomas Thompson, who died Feb. 24, 1813, aged 71. No. 425.^Widow Sally Thompson, died April 21, 1840, aged 81. No. 426. — Julia A., wife of Thomas C. Thompson, died January 2, 1850, aged 32. " True excellence ripens but in Heaven." No. 427. — Augusta, daughter of A. and H. Thomp- son, died Feb. 27, 1832, aged 4 years. No. 428.— George, son of A. and H. Thompson, died Jan. 5, 1850, aged 27. No. 429.— Sarah, daughter of A. and H. Thompson, died March 30, 1849, aged 19 years and 10 months. No. 430.— Aaron Thompson, died March 10, 1847, aged 57. No. 431. — Hannah, wife of Aaron Thompson, died Nov. 30, 1848, aged 57. No. 432. — Thompson (granite monument). No. 433.— Mary Ann, daughter of A. and H. Thomp- son, died Nov. 6, 1843, aged 26. No. 434. — Sarah Athea, daughter of Joshua C. and Caroline Thompson, died March 21, 1854, aged 2 years 11 months and 7 days. " Blossomed to die, O, do not weep. Suppress that sigh, I sweetly sleep." No. 435.— Harry Towne, died June 8, 1826, aged 24. No. 436.— Ephraim Towne, died March 24, 1849, aged 68. No. 437.— Harriet W., wife of Joseph S. Towne, died Feb. 11, 1852, aged 36. No. 438. — In memory of George E. Towne, who died Nov. 6, 1851, aged 30. No. 489.— Elvira, daughter of George E. and Mar- tha M. Towne, died Sept. 11, 1850, aged 1 year 5 months and 21 days. " Shed not for her the bitter tear. Nor give the heart to vain regret, * 'Tis but the casket that lies here. The gem that fills it sparkles yet." 5 No. 440.— Stephen Trask, died Aug. 7, 1830, aged 66. No. 441.— Ezekiel H. Trask, died May 10, 1830, aged 25. No. 442.— Walter Taylor, died Aug. 30, 1852, aged 64. No. 443.— Milla, wife of Walter Taylor, died Oct. 9, 1839, aged 52. No. 444.— Harriet G. Taylor, died Dec. 8, 1837, aged 21. " Hope is a pledge of glorious rest. To weary mortals given, A flower we cultivate on earth. To reap the fruit in Heaven." No. 445.— Harriet Ada Tilden, died Oct. 16, 1844, aged 18. No. 446.— Elijah Turner, died May 26, 1845, aged 58. No. 447.— Wm. H. Turner, died July 2, 1825, aged 26. "With silent lips to Heaven we give him up. Submissively we take the cup, 'Tis bitter, but 'tis given.'' No. 448. — Little Georgie — George 0., son of H. U. and M. P. Thatcher, died Sept. 9, 1863, aged 9 months. No. 449.— John G. Thatcher, died June 26, 1842, aged 56. No. 450.— John Thurstain, died July 30, 1845, aged 78. No. 451.— Koswell Thurstain, died April 29, 1850, aged 42. Francis W., William C, Julia A., Lyman C, children of Eoswell and Frances Thurstain. No. 452. — Twitchell (marble monument). No. 453. — Amos Twitchell, born in Dublin April 11, 1781, died May 26, 1850. No. 454. — Elizabeth Goodhue, wife of Dr. Amos Twitchell, died Oct. 24, 1848, aged 60. No. 455. — William Torrance, aged 39 years. Born in Enfield, Mass., Dec. 1, 1815; graduated at Amherst College in 1844 ; for years instructor of Keene Acad- emy and the first principal of the High School ; died Feb. 3, 1855, universally lamented. " The pure in heart shall see God." His pupils in grateful remembrance of his virtues have erected this monument. No. 456.— Elizabeth Wright, died March 14, 1799, aged 52. No. 457.— James Wright, died May 3, 1811, aged 61 years. Martha Wilder died March 16, 1819, aged 85. No. 458.— Adolphus Wright, born June 13, 1785, died Nov. 23, 1864. " Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. No. 459. — Mrs. Jerusha, wife of Mr. Adolphus Wright, died March 17, 1828, aged 48. 66 HISTORY OP CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 460.— Sylvia, wife of Adolplius Wright, died Dec. 19, 1866, aged 79 years and 11 months. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." jfo. 461.— In memory of George Andrew, youngest son of Adolphus and Jerusha Wright, who died Jan. 29, 1819, aged 6 years and 6 months. No. 462.— Gustavus Wright, died Dec. 5, 1834, aged 27. No. 463.— George Andrew, died Oct. 25, 1824, aged 3. Frederick Wm., died March 7, 1827, aged 16, sons of Adolphus and Jerusha Wright. No. 464.— Mr. Ephraim Wright, died Dec. 24, 1821, aged 66. No. 465.— Sophronia Wright, died July 5, 1821, aged 20 months. Sophronia, died Aug. 12, 1822, aged 1 month, daughters of Mr. Ephraim and Mrs. Charity Wright. No. 466.— Alba Wright, died Dec. 5, 1851, aged 35. No. 467.— Betsy, wife of Salmon Wright, died Oct. 3, 1837, aged 27 years. No. 468. — Sewell J., eldest son of Salmon and Betsy Wright, died Aug. 31, 1837, aged 2 years and 3 months. No. 469.— Franklin H., son of Salmon and Betsy Wright, died Oct. 8, 1837, aged 1 year and 1 month. No. 470.— George Wells,' died July 25, 1803. No. 471.— William Wyman, died April 27, 1811, aged 36. No. 472.— Mary, wife of William Wyman, died Nov. 4, 1813, aged 40. No. 473.— Hannah, wife of Josiah Ward, died Aug. 13, 1815, aged 32 years. She was the daughter of Eben Philips, of Grafton, Mass. " Sleep soft in dust, wait the Almighty's will ; Then rise unchanged and be an angel still." No. 474.— William Woods, died March 23, 1812, aged 83. No. 476. — In memory of Naome, wife of William Woods, who died Sept. 9, 1815, aged 73. No. 476.— Elijah Woods, died June 19, 1852, aged 74. No. 477.— Sally, wife of Elijah Woods, died Oct. 9, 1844, aged 66. No. 478.— Joshua Woods, died Oct. 26, 1820, aged 65. No. 479. — Charlotte E., wife of Oren Woods, died Dec. 9, 1834, aged 21. Dinah, wife of Oren Woods, died Dec. 21, 1850, aged 39. No. 480.— Samuel Wood, born 1764, died 1846. Abi- gail Wood, his wife, born 1767, died 1848. Children of S. and A. Wood : Abigail, born 1793, died 1795 ; ' This young man was drowned in the Ashuolot Eiver. There was formerly a picket fence with cedar posts around this grave ; one of the posts still standing, having done service over seventy years. Harriet, born 1800, died 1802 ; James, born 1807, died 1809; Sophia D., born 1804, died 1819; Mary A., born 1810, died 1831. No. 481.— Deacon Samuel Wood, born at Westfield, Mass., Jan. 3, 1791, died Dec. 29, 1854. No. 482.— Emily, wife of Dea. Samuel Wood, born at Lancaster, Mass., July 27, 1796, died April 10, 1857. No. 483.— Martha Wyman, born Dec. 27,1818, died Aug. 27, 1819 ; John, born Aug. 27, 1820, died July 8, 1832 ; Elizabeth Newell, born Feb. 20, 1821, died July 8, 1844; Samuel, born Feb. 20, 1824, died March 29, 1824 ; Martha Ann, born March 1, 1825, died Sept. 30, 1825 ; Abigail Fosdick, born July 4, 1820, died Sept. 29, 1826; children of Samuel and Emily Wood. No. 484. — Laura Ann, daughter of Almon and Jane Woods, died Jan. 9, 1843, aged 1 year and 6 months. No. 485. — Ann E., daughter of Henry and Susan Woods, died June 11, 1857, aged 11 years and 6 months. No. 486. — In memory of Mrs. Bial, wife of Mr. Jo- siah Willard, who departed this life March 31, 1805, in the 26th year of her age. No. 487. — Jennett, daughter of Eoswell and Eliza- beth Willard, died March 2, 1816, aged 15 months. No. 488.— Edwin T. and George C, children of Henry and Sally Willard. No. 489.— Allie Winnefred Willard, died March 14, 1869, aged 2 years 1 month and 15 days. " This star went down in beauty, Yet 'tis shining now In the bright and dazzling coronet That decks the Saviour's brow." No. 490.— Henry W. Willard, of the First New Hampshire Cavalry, died at Annapolis, Md., March 3, 1865, aged 16 years and 6 months. No. 491.— Solomon E. Willard, died June 26, 1854, aged 30; Eunice Trask, his wife, died Oct. 3,1857, aged 33. No. 492.— Daniel Watson, died June 17, 1837, aged 76. No. 493. — Susanna, wife of Daniel Watson, died Feb. 26, 1860, aged 83 years. No. 494. — Eliza, daughter of Daniel and Susanna Watson, died July 19, 1817, in the 24th year of her age. No. 495. — In memory of Capt. David Wilson, who died Dec. 5, 1818, aged 70 years. No. 496.— Mrs'. Ellenor, wife of David Wilson and late widow of Samuel Chapman, died Aug. 26, 1828, aged 84 years. No. 497.— Mrs. Becca Wilson, died Feb. 27, 1831, aged 50 years. No. 498.— Harriet ,C., daughter of Joseph and Roxanna Wilson, died Oct. 29, 1829, aged 10 months. No. 499. — Charles Wilson, died May 5, 1845, aged 49 years. KEENE. 67 No. 500. — An infant daughter of Charles and Flora S. Wilson, horn and died Aug. 28, 1852. No. 501. — C. D. Wilson, wife of Norman Wilson, died Oct. 21, 1846, aged 38 years. No. 502. — Granite monument, David Wilder, Ca- leh Wilder and Lucy Go wing. No. 503. — Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary, wife of John Wilder. She was born the 5th of June, 1781, and died Oct. 20, 1809, in the 29th year of her age. " How loved, how valued once avails thee not. To whom related or by whom begot ; A heap of dust alone remains of thee, 'Tis all thou art and what we all must be.'' No. 504. — In memory of our father, Abel Wilder, died April 3, 1862, aged 91 years and 7 months. No. 505. — In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Abel Wilder, who departed this life July 19, 1813, aged 36 years. No. 506. — Azel, son of Dea. Abijah Wilder, born Nov. 23, 1788, died April 9, 1860. " There remaineth a rest to the people of God." No. 507. — Elvira Warner, wife of Azel Wilder, horn March 2, 1792, died Jan. 28, 1863. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord ; they rest from their labors and their works do follow them." No. 508. — Charles Johnson, son of Azel and Elvira Wilder, died Dec. 28, 1818, aged 2 years and 4 months. No. 509. — Azel Bradley, son of Azel and Elvira Wilder, born April 3, 1825, died April 30, 1826. No. 510.— Lucius E. Wilder, died Oct. 23, 1843, aged 25. No. 511. — Lauretta, youngest daughter of Azel and Elvira Wilder, died May 12, 1848, aged 18 years. No. 512. — Charles J. Wilder, first lieutenant Com- pany H, Thirty-ninth Eegiment Illinois Volunteers, killed in action at Derbytown Eoad, Va., Oct. 13, 1864, aged 43 years. Elmina N., widow of Charles J. Wilder, died Oct. 15, 1867, aged 44 years. No. 513.— Edward Warner, son of Edward B. and^ M. A. Wilder, born Feb. 4, and died Oct. 18, 1864, aged 8 months and 14 days. " Little Warner, if my tears fell 'tis not for pain I weep, I know that safe in Heaven God will keep The little babe that with me went to sleep." No. 514.— Dea. Abijah Wilder, died Jan. 9, 1835, aged 83 years, who was forty-eight years an esteemed officer in the church. Mrs. Tamer, fourth wife of Dea. A. Wilder, died Dec. 16, 1834, aged 85 years. Sarah, his first wife, died March 8, 1780, aged 28 years. Martha, his second wife, died IVEarch 28, 1774, aged 37 years. Bulah, his third wife, died Dec. 27, 1788, aged 31 years. "These all died in faith." No. 515.— Martha Wilder, died Jan. 27, 1864, aged 82. " Beloved as daughter, sister and friend, She hath done what she could. " During forty-three years Superintendent of the Sabbath-school. Her house was ever open to the disciples of Christ for prayer, and her labors were abundant for the poor, the sick and the afilicted. These things shall be told of her for a memorial." No. 516. — Erected to the memory of Dr. Joseph Wheeler, who died April 23, 1826, aged 46 years. No. 517. — Erected in memory of Mr. Lynds Whee- lock, who died May 28, 1825, aged 41. No. 518. — Sarah F., wife of Lynds Wheelock, died Oct. 12, 1839, aged 46 years. No. 519. — Sacred to the memory of Sophia Penne- man, daughter of Mr. Lynds and Mrs. Sally Wheelock, who died Aug. 22, 1819, aged 2 years. No. 520. — Adeline, daughter of Lynds Wheelock, died April 17, 1829, aged 4 years and 4 months. No. 521.— David Warren, died Feb. 15, 1835, aged 7 weeks. Susan K., Jan. 9, 1840, aged 2 years and 7 months, children of David and Lydia Warren. No. 522. — Julia, daughter of Luther and Lucinda White, died Sept. 22, 1846, aged 4 weeks and 2 days. "Ah ! lovely babe, no sooner mine Than God the gift reclaim ; The loss is ours, the gain is thine. Thy bosom knew no stain.'' No. 523. — (Granite monument.) Selden F. White, born April 16, 1812, died Nov. 22, 1867. Emily W., born May 21, 1815, died Dec. 11, 1857. John, born Feb. 2, 1837, died Sept. 2, 1837. Emily A., born Nov. 29, 1843, died May 26, 1844. Jennie A., born Dec. 15, 1851, died Dec. 20, 1853. No. 524.— Betsey, wife of Shubael White, died May 1, 1838, aged 28. No. 525. — Miss Palmira Warner, died April 26, 1840, aged 50 years. No. 526.— Alva Walker, died Oct. 25, 1842, aged 47 years. No. 527.— Emily N., wife of Benj. E. Webster, of Boston, Mass., died June 13, 1845, aged 26 years. " Beloved friends, prepare to meet thy God." No. 528.— Mary E., wife of E. W. Winchester, died May 22, 1845, aged 21 years. " Known only to be loved." No. 529.— Julia A., daughter of E. W. and M. E. Winchester, died Aug. 25, 1848, aged 4 years and 10 months. ]Sfo_ 530.— Miriam, wife of Nathan Willey, died June 7, 1847, aged 67. No. 531.— Seth Willey, died March 14, 1863, aged 59. No. 532.— Charlotte C, wife of Eoswell Weeks, died at Winchester Aug. 6, 1851, aged 55 years. " I am not lost, but gone before." 68 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 533.— Ella, daughter of Thos. H. and Martha W. Williams, died Nov. 25, 1854, aged 3 years, 1 month and 15 days. The Old Graveyard at Ash S^^'AMP, NEAR THE JosiAH Sawyek Place. — I learn from an old citizen that the land for this bury- ing-ground was given to the district by a man that formerly owned the Sawyer place (probably Abraham Wheeler), and that his neighbors and friends turned out and built the stone wall around it, the place having been used ever since by the inhabitants of this part of the town for a place to bury their dead. Near the entrance on the right, as you go in, is the Ingersol family tomb ; it has not been opened for many years. I have been told that it has been the custom for a long time to bury the poor and friendless in a row on the extreme west part of the yard, and here you will find a long row of " God's poor;" but my religion teaches me that when the last trump shall sound, many that were buried here will have as clear a record as others that have costly monuments, and had more friends while on earth. Among the list of names found on the mon- uments in this old yard will be found many that took an active part in the first settlement of the town, and at this day, although more than eighty-eight years have passed since the first in- terment, may be found many of their descend- ants owning or living on the farms of their ancestors. The old burying-ground has always been kept in good order, improvements con- stantly being made, and now, by taking a few rods of land on the north, south and west sides, it would be sufficient for the needs of this part of the town for another century. The follow- ing is a list of the interments in this cemetery, with the inscriptions upon the tombstones : No. 1.— Sarah F. Eichardson, wife of Niles Aldrich, died June 3, 1853, aged 22. "A wife and mother gone To a better world we trust ; Angels, watch ye round her tomb. And guard her peaceful dust. " Dearest partner, how I miss thee. And deplore thy loss on earth ; Though while here I loved thee deeply, Now I feel and know thy worth, " And may we, while we mourn the blow, With filial reverence kiss the rod. And feel that though she's lost below. Our daughter, sister, lives with God. " Dear as thou wert, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee, One thought shall check the starting tears- It is that thou art free." No. 2.— Polly, wife of Calvin Allen, died Dec. 31, 1863, aged 63. "We mourn thy loss." No. 3.— Frank, son of H. H. and F. J. Ashcroft, died April 17, 1871, aged 17 days. " Many hopes lie buried here." No. 4.— Daniel Bradford, died April 21, 1838, aged 67. No. 5. — Erected to the memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Daniel Bradford, Esq., a native of Duxbury, Mass., who died Nov. 21, 1823, aged 51 years. No. 6. — Miss Emily, daughter of Daniel and Sarah Bradford, died June 3d, 1815, aged 17. " Various are the shafts of death." No. 7.— Thomas Baker,i died April 2, 1842, aged 89. No. 8. — Betsey, wife of Thomas Baker, died Sept. 12, 1889, aged 75. No. 9. — In memory of Emily, daughter of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Betsey Baker, who died March 17th, 1813, in the 9th year of her age. " So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail solace of an hour ; So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die." No. 10. — Two infant sons of David and Amanda H. Baker, died Oct. 2, 1829, and March 29, 1831. " Departed innocence to memory dear. Shall oft receive the tribute of a tear. While fond affections mourn thy early tomb." No. 11. —David Baker, died April 20, 1868, aged 72 years and 8 months. " Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." No. 12.— Solomon Blake, died Oct. 30, 1809, in the 32d year of his age. No. 13.— Dr. Obadiah Blake,^ died June 22, 1810, in the 92d year of his age. • Thomas Baker, in 1773, belonged to the Foot Guard of Keene ; In 1775 he, with Don Guild and Eliphalet Briggs, was chosen a committee to put in execution certain resolves passed by the town, among them one to prevent profane cursing and swearing ; also to prevent everybody from spending their time in tippling-houses and being out after nine o'clock at night. 2 Dr. Obadiah Blake belonged to the Alarm-List of Keene in 1773; he also was chosen one of a committee to hire a minister in 1761. The Rev. Clement Sumner was settled about this time, and this committee was voted twelve pounds, lawful money of the Massachusetts Bay, for the trouble and charges in providing for the ordination. KEENE. 69 No. 14. — Lydia, wife of Dr. Obadiah Blake, died June 28, 1810, aged 77 years. " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." No. 15. — In memory of Eoyal Blake, born June 30, 1756, died Oct. 9, 1827. No. 16. — In memory of Phillis, wife of Royal Blake, born Nov. 3, 1768, died Sept. 6, 1827. No. 17.— Eli Blake, died July 14, 1837, aged 70 years. No. 18. — Deliverance, wife of Eli Blake, died April 14, 1845, aged 70. No. 19. — Joseph Brown, died Jan. 3, 1836, aged 71. No. 20. — Keziah, his wife, died Jan. 3, 1836, aged 72. No. 21.— Ami Brown, died Sept. 27, 1858, aged 88. Mary E., wife of Ami Brown, died Oct. 23, 1853, aged 87. No. 22. — Hepsey, daughter of Ami and Mary E. Brown, died Oct., 1803, aged 2 years and 9 months. " Sleep on, sweet child, And take thy rest, God hath pronounced Such children blessed." No. 23.— Hepsey Brown, died April 6, 1831, in the 24th year of her age. " Hear what the voice of Heaven proclaims For all the pious dead ; Sweet is the savor of their names. And soft their sleeping bed." No. 24.— Allen Brown, died July 10, 1840, in the 31st year of his age. " I leave this world without a tear, Save for the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend. And to the mourners prove a friend." No. 25. — Wealthy M., wife of Allen Brown, died June 29, 1840, in the 28th year of her age. " Stop each fond parental tear. And each fraternal sigh. She is freed from all her troubles here To dwell with God on high." No. 26. — Sylvia E., wife of Joseph Brown, died Jan. 10, 1857, aged 51. " Go, peaceful spirit, rest. Secure from earth's alarms. Go sleep upon the Saviour's breast, Encircled in His arms. " We weep to see thee die. We mourn thy absence yet, may we meet thee in the sky. And there our tears forget." No. 27.— Calvin Brown, died Aug. 31, 1826, in the 35th year of his age. " My flesh shall slumber in the ground . Till the last trumpet's joyful sound. Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise," No. 28.— John F. Brown, died May 18, 1827, in the 34th year of his age. " Is this the lot that all must die? Will death no ages spare ? Then let us all to Jesus fly. And seek for refuge there." No. 29.— Squire Brown, died Dec. 18, 1829, aged 31. " Dear companion, now in your bloom. Behold me mouldering in this dark tomb; When God doth call us, all must go, Whether we are prepared or no." No. 30. — Esther Billings, consort of Mr. Isaac Bil- lings, died June 1, 1806, aged 64 years. No. 81.— Sarah Borsh, died April 1, 1852, aged 6 weeks. No. 32.— Edmund Beebe, died July 3, 1848, aged 40. " Weep not for me." No. 38. — Lucinda C, wife of Edmund Beebe, died Nov. 7, 1855, aged 53. " Dearest mother, thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that hath bereft us ; He can all our sorrows heal." No. 34.— Charles E., died Nov. 3, 1836, aged 5J months ; Elthea Amelia, died March 3, 1846, aged 18 months, children of Edmund and Lucinda C. Beebe. " Farewell, dear idol of our hearts. To thee short life was given. Thy morning broke most sweetly here. Thy evening closed in Heaven." No. 35. — Jane M., daughter of Edmund and Lu- cinda C. Beebe, died Nov. 11, 1857, aged 16 years and 2 months. " Friends nor physicians could not save, My mortal body from the grave, Nor can the grave confine me here — When Jesus calls I must appear." No. 36.— Hannah C, wife of Stilman Buss, died Sept. 13, 1849, aged 37 years. jfo. 37. — Mary Jane,daughter of Stilman and Han- nah C. Buss, died April 11, 1852, aged 13 years. " Farewell, dear Mary, thou art gone To join thy mother dear. And left thy friends to mourn alone In this cold world so drear. " But, Mary dear, we hope to meet. In that world above. Where those dear friends have gone before. Where all is peace and love." j^o_ 38.— Ferdinand, son of Stilman and Hannah C. Buss, died April 7, 1854, aged 9. " Farewell, sweet one in Heaven, Where thou art shining now, 70 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. I know that sin and sorrow Are banished from thy brow." Xo. 39.— Calvin Bragg, died March 1, 1810, aged 42 years. No. 40. — Sally, wife of Aaron Gary and forraer wife of Calvin Bragg, died Aug. 1, 1840, aged 62 years. No. 41.— Huldah Bragg, died Dec. 10, 1818, aged 18. No. 42. — Mary, daughter of Eoswell and Eachel Bragg, died May 16, 1841, aged 8 years and 4 months. No. 43.— Eliza Bragg, died Sept. 29, 1872, aged 68 years 5 months 29 days. " Gone but not forgotten." No. 44.— Wm. Britton (2d), died Jan. 28, 1836, aged 02 years. A native of Mansfield, Mass. No. 45.— Sarah S. Banks, died July 2, 1836, aged 26 years. No. 46. — Eosdelino, daughter of Theodore and Betsy Bolio, died July 3, 1854, aged 1 year and 12 days. " Weep not ; to mourn it is not meet. For all that's earthly sure will fade ; Look then above and hope to greet Thy loved one now an angel made." No. 47.— Andrew H. Blodgett, died May 3, 1872, aged 58 years. No. 48.— Charles A. Bates, son of J. M, and Eliza Bates, died June 16, 1866, aged 11 years and two months. " Dearest Charlie, thou hast left us." No. 49.— John Colony, died June 24, 1797, aged 67 years. No. 50.— Milly, wife of John Colony, died Jan. 24, 1811, aged 77 years. No. 51.— Timothy Colony, died Aug. 29, 1836, aged 72 years. No. 52.— Sarah, wife of Timothy Colony, died April 27, 1853, aged 82 years. No. 53.— Mary, daughter of Timothy and Sarah Colony, died Aug. 22, 1819, aged 26. No. 54.— George, son of Timothy and Sarah Colony, died Feb. 4, 1820, aged 9 years. No. 55.— Lockhart, son of Timothy and Sarah Col- ony, died December 23, 1823, aged 23 years. No. 56.— Lucy H., wife of Charles K. Colony, died April 21, 1856, aged 36 years. " I go to my Father." No. 57.— Georgoett C, daughter of C. K. and L. H. Colony, died July 16, 1846, aged 10 months. " Beautiful and lovely. She was but given, A fair bud to earth. To bloom in Heaven." No. 58.— Eoscoe C, son of C. K. and L. H. Colony died April 8, 1848, aged 2 months. " Thou art gone, dearest boy, Love's bright cord riven, Thou hast joined little sisters Now angels in Heaven.' No. 59. — In memory of Lovey, daughter of Je.sse Clark, Jr., and Delano Clark, who died Jan. 22, 1800, aged 15 years and 8 months. No. 60. — In memory of Fanny, daughter of Jesse Clark, Jr., and Delano Clark, who died Sept. 20, 1799 aged 1 year and 1 month. No. 61. — In memory of Mrs. Betsey, relict of Dea. Simeon Clark, who died Aug. 5, 1817, aged 86 years. No. 62.— Gideon Clark, died Sept. 6, 1859, aged 73 years. No. 63. — Delano Ware, wife of Gideon Clark, died Oct. 22, 1867, aged 76 years. No. 64. — Mary M., daughter of Gideon and Delano Clark, died Oct. 6, 1825, aged 2 years. No. 65.— Franklin G. Clark,' died Jan 23, 1837, aged 21 years. No. 66. — Charles S., son of W. and 0. Crane, died March 8, 1854, aged 6 months. No. 67. — Charles Cooke, died Aug. 18, 1824, aged 57 years. No. 68. — Mary, widow of Charles Cooke, died Nov. 23, 1852, aged 81 years. No. 69.— Harriet M., daughter of Charles and Har- riet Cooke, died Aug. 19, 1818, aged 3 years and 7 months. No. 70.— Nancy C. Miller, wife of Wm. P. Cochran, died Jan. 9, 1871, aged 51 years 1 month and 21 days. No. 71. — Austin, aged 4 years and 4 months ; Cor- nelia, aged 2 years and 6 months — children of Wm. P. and Nancy C. Cochran, died Jan. 9, 1854. No. 72.— William E., son of Wm. P. Cochran, died Nov. 25, 1874, aged 19 years 9 months and 1 day. No. 73.— John Chamberlain, died Aug. 29, 1870, aged 75 years. No. 74.— Sylvia P., wife of John Chamberlain, died Oct. 28, 1852, aged 55 years. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth." No. 75.— John Chamberlain, died Aug. 12, 1849, aged 19 years and 9 months. "Eemember thy Creator in the days of thy youth." No. 76.— Nancy, wife of John Chamberlain, died June 10, 1822, aged 24 years ; Olive H., wife qf John Chamberlain, died April 15, 1826, aged 34 years. ' I was an apprentice with Franklin G. Clark in my fath- er's old shop on Washington Street. At the end of his ap- prenticeship Clark started in the stage, with one of my sisters and her young child, for Troy, N. V. The stage was overturned, Clark killed, and my sister and child badly hurt. ' KEENE. 71 No. 77.— Elisha Chamberlain, died June 11, 1840, in tlie 78th year of his age. " Thy virtue and thy worth Shall fond remembrance cheer, And ease the aching heart. That drops the falling tear.'' No. 78. — Susannah, wife of Elisha Chamberlain, died May 16, 1846, aged 80 years. No. 79.— Ellen E., daughter of Wm. and Mary Chamberlain, died March 18, 1847, aged 3 years. No. 80.— Thonas Dwinell, died July 9, 1866, aged 76. Arabella, died Aug. 26, 1865, aged 75, wife of Thomas Dwinell. No. 81.— Thomas Dwinell, died April 14,1888, aged 84. No. 82. — Sarah, wife of Thomas Dwinell, died Nov. 29, 1845, aged 84. No. 83. — Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas and Sazy Dwinell, died 26 July, 1811, aged 13 years 3 months and 12 days. No. 84. — Charles F., son of Benjamin and Fanny Dwinell, died April 24, 1838, aged 7. No. 85. — Mary Ann, wife of Oren Dickinson, died April 20, 1840, aged 31. No.. 86. — Elvie, daughter of Oren and Emily Dick- inson, died Dec. 13, 1858, aged 2 years 2 months and 12 years. " She is gone, aye gone forever. Dead to earthly grief and care ; But she lives in God's own kingdom, We will hope to meet her there.'' No. 87. — Elmer F., son of Oren and Emily Dickin- son, died June 17, 1864, of wounds received in battle near Petersburg, Va., aged 23. A member of the 23d Reg. Mass. Vols. "He dwelleth in heaven, yet deep in our hearts, His image is grown and now departs ; And while we yet linger we watch and we wait. Till death who has parted again shall unite.'' No. 88. — In memory of James Daniels, who died April 25, 1814, aged 53. No. 89.— Ezra Daniels, died, Sept. 3, 1835, aged 75. No. 90.— Charles Daniels, died March 6, 1849, aged 46. Minna, his wife, died Dec. 29, 1861, aged 59. No. 91. — John D., son of Charles and Minna Dan- iels, died Aug. 23, 1845, aged 3 years and 9 months. No. 92.— Bethiah, wife of Dea. Eli Dort, departed this life June 10, 1833, aged 71. No. 93.— Arvill, wife of Obed Dort, died June 3, iks, aged 37. "The storm that wrecks the wintry sky No more disturbs her calm repose. Than Summer evening's latest sigh. That shuts the rose." (Erected by an affectionate son). No. 94. — Lewis Edgar, son of Obed and Louisa Dort, died May 5, 1854, aged 4 years and 6 months. "My precious boy, a short farewell; 'Tis hard to part with thee. But God beheld thee far too pure For our own society. " We miss thy lovely face. Thy sweet and prattling voice ; Lone and sad your mother is. Without her lovely boy. "Dear mother, weep not; tears will hide My glory from thy view ; For soon you'll follow me. And then we'll string the harp anew." No. 95. — Hannah, consort of Mr. Joshua Durant, died October 10, 1798, aged 48. No. 96.— Mrs. Cynthia Emery, died June 5, 1823, aged 31. No. 97.— Archelaus Ellis, died Feb. 26, 1845, aged 67. No. 98. — Mrs. Polly Houghton, wife of Archelaus Ellis, died July 26, 1865, aged 85. " We lay thee down with many a sigh. In the cold lap of Mother earth ; But thy remembrance shall not die. Nor the dear memory of thy worth. No. 99. — Miss Fanny, daughter of Archelaus and Polly Ellis, died March 10, 1832, aged 17. No. 100. — Mrs. Charlotte, daughter of Archelaus and Polly Ellis, died Jan. 9, 1835, aged 21. No. 101. — Elmina D., wife of Eugene S. Ellis, died March 1, 1872, aged 57 years 10 months and 25 " Mother at rest in Heaven." No. 102.— Mary E., died Sept. 11, 1841, aged 10 months ; Franklin E., died Jan. 18, 1843, aged 10 months ; children of Eugene S. and Elmina D. Ellis. " Here lies the grief of a fond mother and the blasted expectations of an indulgent father. They lived be- loved and died lamented." No. 103.— Georges. Ellis, died Oct. 29, 1872, aged 52 years 7 months and 10 days. " Father at rest." No. 104.— Nathaniel Ellis, died Nov. 16, 1857, aged 28. " Dearest husband, thou has left us ; Still thy loss I deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all my sorrows heal. "Yet again I hope to meet thee. When the day of life is fled; Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee. Where no farewell tear is shed." Eosa Jane, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah J. Ellis, died April 12, 1858, aged 1 year and 3 months. 72 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Sweet little Rose, have you gone To join your father dear? Though hard to part, we must not mourn, But hope to meet you there." No. 105.— Daniel Fisher died March 30, 1859, aged 72. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." No. 106. — Susan Shaw, wife of Daniel Fisher, died Aug. 8, 1864, aged 66. No. 107. — Thomas S., son of Daniel and Susan Fisher, died Feb. 26, 1836, aged 7 months and 7 days. No. 108. — Daniel H.,son of Daniel and Susan Fish- er, died Jan. 2, 1841, aged 18 years and 11 months. No. 109. — Loring S., son of Daniel and Susan Fish- er, died Sept. 3, 1850, aged 18 years and 6 months. No. 110. — David Foster, died 7 Jan., 1798, aged 42. No. 111. — Mary, wife of David Foster, died March 30, 1833, aged 77. No. 112. — Sally, daughter of Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Foster, died 24 Aug. 1798, in the 2d year of her age. No. 113. — Betsey, daughter of Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Foster, died 7 Nov. 1810, aged 27 years. No. 114. — In memory of Mrs. Nancy Foster, who died Nov. 11, 1824, in the 31styear of her age. No. 115.— Polly Foster, died 26, 1848, aged 57. No. 116.— Samuel Foster, died Dec. 3, 1848, aged 67. No. 117. — In memory of Abijah Foster, who died April 2, 1822, aged 59 years. No. 118. — In memory of Artemisia, wife of Abijah Foster, who died Jan. 8, 1837, aged 71. No. 119. — In memory of Capt. George A. Foster, who died Aug. 15, 1839, aged 41. No. 120.— Elijah W. Felt, died March 20, 1865, aged 72. No. 121.— Ruth, wife of Elijah W. Felt, died March 24, 1855, aged 62. ' No. 122.— Susan D., wife of A. 0. Field, born Aug. 17, 1844, died April 23, 1866. Edward 0., son of A. O. and S. D. Field, born Jan. 1, 1866, died March 11, 1866. No. 123.— John Grimes, died Jan. 24, 1843, aged 80. No. 124.— Mary S., relict of John Grimes, died Aug. 22, 1847, aged 82 years and 10 months. No. 125.— John Grimes, Jr., son of Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Grimes, died 3 Sept., 1813, in the 22d year of his age. No. 126.— Our mother, Mary Grimes, wife of the late Jotham Stearns, died Feb. 3, 1875, aged 79 years and 3 months. No. 127.— Alexander Grimes, died April 13, 1876, aged 87 years 10 months and 23 days. No. 128.— Abigail, wife of Alex. Grimes, died Sept. 25, 1869, aged 81 years and 6 months. "Asleep in Jesus." No. 129. — Alexander, son of Alexander and Abigail Grimes, died Sept. 19, 1826, aged 3 years 3 months and 11 days. No. 130.— George Grimes, died Sept. 3, 1865, aged 65. No. 131. — Sarah A., daughter of George and Har- riet Grimes, died Dec. 12, 1845, aged 7 years and 8 months. No. 132.— Hannah Grimes, died March 11, 1876, aged 78 years and 9 months. No. 133.— Betsey Grimes, born July 20, 1786, died Feb. 20, 1875, aged 88 years and 7 months. '■ We miss thee." No. 134. — Jesse Grimes, died Sept. 30, 1861, aged 69. No. 135. — Lucinda Grimes, died April 14, 1875, aged 78 years 3 months and 23 days. " She said, when speaking of Jesus : 'He has been a very precious Saviour to me, the chief among ten thousand and the one altogether lovely.' " No. 136. — Thomas Henry, son of Thomas and Nancy E. Grimes, died Sept. 27, 1854, aged 2 weeks and 4 days. No. 137.— Ulysses G., died Nov. 9, 1872, aged 2 years 11 months and 21 days. Twin children of Chauncy A. and Cornelia E. Grimes. Infant daugh- ter died Nov. 19, 1869. " I take these little lambs, said he. And lay them in my breast ; Protection they shall find in me, In me be ever blest." ^ No. 138.— Aaron Gary, died Dec. 24, 1845, aged 75. No. 139. — Sally, wife of Aaron Gary, and former wife of Calvin Brown, died Aug. 1, 1840, aged 62. No. 140.— Asaph L. Graves, died Sept. 6, 1849, aged 25. " Happy soul, thy days are ended. All thy mourning days below ; Go, by angel guards attended. To the sight of Jesus, go. " Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo ! the Saviour stands above, Shows the purchase of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love." No. 141.— Emily B., wife of Sewell Gurler, died Aug. 18, 1863, aged 50. "Farewell, dear friend, whose tender care Has long engaged my love ; 'The Grimes family were a long-lived race. You may count up twelve here whose aggregate ages foot up eight hundred and seventy years, an average of more than sev- enty-two years. What other family can say as much ? KEENE. 73 Your fond embrace I now exchange For other friends above." No. 142.— Esther M., daughter of S. and E. B. Gurler, died June 24, 1868, aged 29 years and two months. No. 143.— Jacob Hart, died Feb. 19, 1856, aged 80. " My flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." No. 144. — Rachel Haynes, wife of Jacob Hart, died July 11, 1858, aged 72. " My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning." No. 145. — George J., son of Nehemiah and Ma- randa R. Hart, died Dec. 23, 1867, aged 23 years 4 months and 15 days. " How we loved him !" No. 146.— Fred H., son of W. H. and Nancy S. Hadley, died April 28, 1872, aged 21. " I am the resurrection and the life." Frankie, son of W. H. and N. S. Hadley, died Aug. 9, 1864, aged 11 years. " Frankie. " Oh, our darling Frankie, Thou art gone to-day. Where no flowers wither. No roses fade away." No. 147.— William H. Hadley, died . Nancy S., his wife, died June 26, 1875, aged 56 years. " Hadley— Father and Mother." No. 148.— Jonathan Houghton, died April 8, 1849, aged 72. " Father." ]Sro. 149.— Nabby, wife of Jonathan Houghton, died Aug. 4, 1861, aged 81. " Mother." No. 150.— Abijah Houghton, died Dec. 22, 1831, aged 84. No. 151.— Alice M., wife of Henry D. Houghton, died July 28, 1874, aged 28 years and 9 months. " Free from all life's ills and troubles, Passed beyond the billow's foam. Anchored on the rock eternal. She at last is safe at home." No. 152.— Mrs. Martha Harvey, died Aug. 2, 1837, aged 74 years. " Mother." Henry, adopted son of Henry and B. H. Mason', died Sept. 18, 1837, aged 4 years and 7 months. No. 153.— Francis S. Wilson, wife of Geo. W. Ham, died Sept. 15, 1867, aged 32. Sammie, son of George W. and Francis S. Ham, died Feb. 24, 1864, aged 4 years and 13 days. No. 154.— Nancy S., wife of F. Holman, Esq., died Oct. 26, 1845, aged 25. "'Tis finished, the conflict is past, The Heaven-born spirit is fled ; Her wish is accomplished at last. And now she's entombed with the dead." No. 155.— Daniel Holbrook, died June 10, 1831, aged 67. "My friends, come drop a mournful tear Upon the dust that slumbers here ; And when you read this state of me, Think of the glass that runs for thee." No. 156. — Joanna, wife of Daniel Holbrook, died Dec. 29, 1820, in the 54th year of her age. "Stoop down my thoughts that used to rise. Converse awhile with death ; Think how a gasping mortal lies. And pants away his breath." No. 157.— Emily N., daughter of A. and M. H. Kingsbury, died Aug. 13, 1855, aged 3 months. No. 158.— Mary L., daughter of A. and M. H. Kingsbury, died May 3, 1864, aged 4 mos. No. 159. — Arathusa Smith, wife of Isaac Lingsey, died Jan. 25, 1858, aged 58. No. 160.~Gharlie F., son of Luther and Abby Moon, died April 26, 1856, aged 2 years. No. 161.— Eliza J., wife of Frank M. Messinger, only daughter of John and Sarah L. Smith, died March 11, 1877, aged 19 years 8 months and 9 days. " Eliza, asleep in Jesus.'' No. 162. — Emma 0. Mason, died Sept. 4, 1875, aged 18 years and 7 months. Solon S. Mason, died April 9, 1871, aged 9 years. " Sister and Brother." No. 163.— Henry Mason, died Jan. 25, 1870, aged 83. " Husband, Father." No. 164. — Angeline G., wife of Simeon Mason, died May 5, 1862, aged 38. No. 165.— Hepsibah, relict of Capt. Thaddeus Met- calf, died May 1, 1851, aged 87. " My flesh shall rest in hope." No. 166.— Capt. Thaddeus Metcalf, died April 11, 1823, aged 64. " There is rest in Heaven." No. 167.— William H. Metcalf, M.D., died at Amoskeag, N. H., Sept. 3, 1842, aged 35. "Time flies and eternity is thine." No. 168.— William Norton, died April 6, 1855, aged 64. "In your patience possess your souls." No. 169.— Nathan H., son of Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Deba Pond, died 15 Feb., 1800, aged 10 years. jjo. 170.— In memory of Mr. Joab Pond, who died Feb. 23, 1820, aged 65. No. 171.— Joanna, wife of Mr. Joab Pond, died 19 Oct., 1806, in the 52d year of her age. 74 HISTORY OP CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Go home, my friends, and cease from tears. Here I must lie till Christ appears. Eepent in time while time you have, There's no repentance in the grave." No. 172.— Mr. John Plumley, died 5 Nov., 1810, aged 33 years. " Go home, my friends, and cease from tears, Here I must lie till Christ appears. Eepent in time while time you have. There is no repentance in the grave.'' No. 173. — Abigail, wife of Ebenezer Perry, died Jan. 5, 1875, aged 82. Ebenezer Perry, died June 7, 1846, aged 64. " Earth's sweetest music on his dull ear falleth. With an unheeded tone ; Yet heareth he the still small voice that calleth, Come, for thy task is done." (Erected by G. W. Perry.) No. 174.— Martha Eichardson, wife of Geo. W. Perry, died July 2, 1857, aged 38. " Earth's love we know has passed away. Exchanged for love of Heaven more pure. But thine for us without decay. Deathless, immortal, shall endure. "Thou'lt greet us when at length we come, From sorrow, sin and death set free ; Eeceive us to thy Heavenly home, To share its holy joys with thee." No. 175.— Lewis S., son of C. K. and Millusa A. Pemberton, died March 6, 1859, aged 1 year 2 months and 3 days. " Little Lewis dear, Short is the time that intervenes. And we thy face shall see." No. 176.— (Marble monument.) Alden S. Page, born Aug. 27, 1802, died Sept. 5, 1873. Harriett A., died March 4, 1832, aged 1 year 7 months and 14 days. Edgar A., died April 8, 1835, aged 2 years and 23 days. Louisa H., died March 4, 1846, aged 1 year and 10 months. No. 177.— Mariette E., daughter of John E. and Mary A. Preckle, died Aug. 11, 1847, aged 7 months. " Thou sweet and cherished babe, adieu ; Thy stay on earth was short ; But thou wilt live in memory's view. And never be forgot." No. 178.— Zachary Taylor, son of John E. and Mary A. Preckle, died Oct. 5, 1849, aged 10 months and 22 days. " Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade. Death came with friendly care ; The opening bud to Heaven conveyed. And bade it blossom there." No. 179.— Lucretia A., wife of Amos Eichardson (2d), died Dec. 4, 1854, aged 35. "Am I prepared?" No. 180. — (Granite monument.) Barzilla Eichardson, died April 19, 1850, aged 57. " Wife, children, oh, how dear ! My pains were cruel and severe ; My pains are past, I am at rest, God orders all things for the best. " Then rest in hope, ye stricken band. Till Jesus welcomes you above ; There will you rest in spirit land, The husband — Father of your love." No. 181.— Stephen Kussell, died Sept. 5, 1849, aged 82. No. 182. — Bridget, wife of Stephen Eussell, died March 5, 1844, aged 72. No. 183.— Sarah, wife of Dr. Dudley Smith, and daughter of Alex, and Abigail Grimes, died Dec. 17, 1875, aged 59. No. 184. — To our sister, Louisa F. Smith, died Aug. 23, 1868, aged 48. " Her trust was in Christ." No. 185.— Ehoda E., died Sept. 14, 1860, aged 17 years ; Willie T., died Jan. 1, 1853, aged 7 years ; Webbie D., died Jan. 17, 1853, aged 18 months ; chil- dren of Henry W. and Eunice D. Smith. No. 186. — William, son of Charles and Martha D. Slyfield, died Jan. 20, 1854, aged 1 year and 6 months. No. 187.— Jeduthun Strickland, died Jan. 6, 1843, aged 78. No. 188.— Josiah Sawyer, died July 5, 1876, aged 80 years 1 month and 16 days. " Father." No. 189.— Jane, wife of Josiah Sawyer, died Dec. 26, 1863, aged 64 years 10 months and 18 days. " Mother." No. 190.— Arvilla 0., wife of William W. Sawyer, died Sept. 6, 1848, aged 29. No. 191.— John G. Stearns, died Dec. 2, 1840, aged 22 years 4 months and 7 days. No. 192.— Samuel Towns, died Aug. 11, 1858, aged 77. No. 193.— Susan, wife of Samuel Towns, died Sept. 2, 1850, aged 63. No. 194.— Sarah E., daughter of Sam'l and Susan Towns, died May 6, 1855, aged 24 years. No. 195.— Maria E., wife of Andrew H. Towns, died July 30, 1849, aged 27. No. 196.— John Thayer, died March 19, 1833, aged 50. ' > "6 ■ No. 197.— Sally, wife of John Thayer, died June 14, 1857, aged 74. No. 198.— In memory of Daniel, son of Caleb and Chloe Washburn, who died Jan. 25, 1793, aged 8 days. No. 199.— In memory of Betsey, daughter of Caleb and Chloe Washburn, who died Nov. 17, 1800, aged 6 months. KEBNB. 75 No. 200.— William Winchester, died 11 Aug., 1808, aged 42 years. " Here calmly rest, escaped this mortal strife. Above the joys, beyond the waves of life, Fierce pangs no more thy faithful bosom stain. And sternly try thee with long years of pain. " Life's journey o'er, he closed the willing eye, 'Tis the great birthright of mankind to die ; Here mixed with earth his ashes must remain. Till death shall die and mortal rise again." No. 201. — Sarah Lawrence, consort of William Winchester, died Aug. 80, 1834, aged 31. No. 202.— Sarah Winchester, born Oct. 5, 1800, died May 24, 1850, aged 49. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." No. 203. — Eben Warner, departed this life Jan. 19, 1809, aged 53. No. 204.— Capt. Isaac Wyman, died April 8, 1835, aged 79. A soldier of the Revolution. No. 205 — Lucretia, wife Capt. Isaac Wyman, died 17 May, 1811, in the 53d year of her age. No. 206.— Capt. Asa Ware, died June 6, 1831, aged 80. No. 207. — Mary, wife of Captain Asa Ware, died Aug., 1796, aged 35. No. 208.— Solomon Woods, died Oct. 29, 1837, aged 65 years. No. 209.— Widow Elizabeth, relict of Mr. Thomas Wright, died 10 June, 1802, aged 89. No. 210.— William Wilson, died Aug. 26, 1854, aged 74. No. 211. — Erected in memory of Susannah, wife of Mr. William Wilson, who died April 24, 1804, aged 21. " Great God, I own thy sentence just. And nature must decay ; I yield my body to the dust, To dwell with fellow clay." No. 212. — Prudence, wife of William Wilson, died March 21, 1832, aged 53. No. 213. — Frances S., daughter of Aaron and Olive Wilson, died Dec. 26, 1834, aged 3 years 3 months and twelve days. No. 214. — Florence E., daughter of Joseph and Jo- anna Wilson, died Sept. 30, 1849, aged 3 years and 6 months. No. 215.— Fidelia N., wife of Benjamin Wilson, died Sept. 1, 1851, aged 21 ; also an infant babe, died Sept. 3, aged 3 months and 8 days. No. 216. — Mary E., daughter of Benjamin and Fi- delia N.Wilson, died Sept. 14, 1851, aged 2 years and 9 months. No. 217.— Joseph Wheeler, died July 26, 1867, aged 72 years 7 months and 4 days. " The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh." No. 218.— Betsy P., wife of Joseph Wheeler, died Feb. 11, 1864, aged 66. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." No. 219. — Solomon Woodward, died Dec. 9, 1838, aged 70. No. 220. — Susannah, wife of Solomon Woodward, died June 6, 1847, aged 75. No. 221. — William H., son of Solomon and Susan- nah Woodward, died May 30, 1812, aged 5 years. No. 222.— Susan Woodward, died June 24, 1840, aged 31. The Old Graveyard at the North Part of the Towjst. — Away back in the past, so far back that no man now living can remem- ber, lived in the town of Keene a man by the name of Israel Honghton. This was one hun- dred and twenty years, and more, ago. He owned many acres of land in the north part of the town. For love and affection, and that his son John might have lands that he could call his own, this good father deeded, in 1769, a farm, from his many acres in the north part, to his beloved son. This same John Houghton gave the land from this farm for the North Burying-Ground, as it was called, about one hundred years ago. This fact I learned from the late Mrs. Betsey Houghton, whose husband was a son of John Houghton. This Captain John Houghton for many years was a promi- nent man in Keene ; was one of the selectmen in 1787, and went from Keene and took part in the battle of Bennington, 1777. The last time I saw Mrs. Betsey Houghton, less than a year ago, she told ine this incident of Captain John : He left Keene for Bennington, and went around by the way of Albany, N. Y. Here he called on a notorious Tory, with whom he was well acquainted. The man being absent, he demanded of his wife only one large cheese (he was a farmer, and had plenty of them). She told him a rebel should never have one of her cheeses. He then told her if she refused he would let the boys in, and they would prob- ably take all she had ; so she repented, and he left with a big cheese. He returned safely to Keene from the battle-field, and here he lived to the age of seventy-two. He died August 15, 1818, and was buried in this old burying- ground that he had given to his neighbors so many years before. The interments in this old burying-ground are as follows ; 7G HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 1.— Boardwin Brown, died July 20, 1867, aged 60 years. Adeline E., wife of Boardwin l^own, died Sept. 6, 1871, aged 67. "We trust in God." • No. 2.— JIary C, daughter of Boardwin and Ade- line E. Brown, died Aug. 26, 1871, aged 33 years. " Gone home to rest." No. 3. — Julia A., daughter of Boardwin and A. E. Brown, died June 21, 1863, aged 23. " Leave y^ the body Beneath the cold sod, She hath gone homeward To dwell with her God." No. 4. — Ruth Batcheller, relict of Breed Batcheller, died June 26, 1840, aged 94. No. 5. — Lucius, son of Perley and Mary E. Balch, died Feb. 15, 1855. " One sweet flower has bloomed and faded. One dear infant voice is fled. One sweet lost bud the grave has shaded, Our loved Lucius now is dead." No. 6. — Erected to the memory of Mr. Caleb Chase, who died April 7, 1814, in the 26th year of his age. " Adieu, my friends, a long adieu. To earthly comforts and to you; My Jesus calls me for to go And leave all earthly things below. Adieu, my young companions all, From death's arrest no age is free. Take warning from my sudden call. And be prepared to follow me." No. 7. — Sacred to the memory of Capt. Stephen Chase, who died April 6, 1830, aged 67. No. 8. — In memory of Betsey, relict of Stephen Chase, died Aug. 12, 1850, aged 83. No. 9. — Sarah Louisa, daughter of Stephen and Louisa Chase, died Feb. 7, 1840, aged 5 years and 5 months. No. 10. — Juliette Selden, daughter of Stephen and Louisa Chase, died Sept. 20, 1849, aged 4 years and 6 months. " Weep not, to mourn it is not meet. For all that's earthly sure will fade ; Look thou above, and hope to greet Thy loved one, now an angel made." No. 11. — Ella Augusta, daughter of Stephen and Louisa Chase, died Sept. 26, 1849, aged 1 year and 8 months. " Dear parents do notTveep for me. My aching heart is now at rest ; From sin and sorrow I am free. And with my Saviour I am blest." No. 12.— Frank Henry, son of Stephen and Louisa Chase, died Sept. 23, 1856, aged 2 years, 5 months and 9 days. No. 13. — Edward S., son of Stephen and Louisa Chase, born Feb. 16, 1851, died June 2, 1860. No. 14.— Mary Jane, daughter of Stephen and Lou- isa Chase, born Sept. 15, 1838, died Oct. 30, 1860. No. 15. — Emily A., daughter of Stephen and Lou- isa Chase, died Dec. 15, 1867, aged 37. "Asleep in Jesus." No. 16.— Alba Chase, born July 13, 1812, died Nov. 18, 1874. " With us thy name shall live Through succeeding years, Embalmed with all our hearts can give, Our praises and our tears." No. 17.— Charles Chase, born July 17, 1803, died Aug. 4, 1866. " He hath gone home." No. 18.— Charles D. Chase, born Sept. 24, 1840, died at Jackson, Miss., July 20, 1863 ; member of 9th Reg. N. H. V. No. 19. — Lucia M., daughter of Charles and Han- nah Chase, died Oct. 3, 1859, aged 15 years, 2 months and 17 days. "We miss our dear Lucia." No. 20. — Charles E., son of Charles and Hannah Chase, died Sept. 15, 1839, aged 1 year, 11 months and 28 days. No. 21. — George M., son of Charles and Hannah Chase, died Dec. 20, 1842, aged 5 months. No. 22.— Ziba Chase, died July 7, 1850, aged 50. No. 23. — In memory of Stephen, son of Lt. Stephen Chase and Mrs. Betsey, his wife. He died June 8, 1797, in the 7th year of his age ; whose death was oc- casioned by the fall of a tree. " How short the span, Short from the cradle to the grave !" No. 24. — Hosea B., son of Hosea and Hannah D. Chase, died Sept. 26, 1839, aged 5 weeks. No. 25. — William H., son of Hosea and Hannah D. Chase, died Sept. 23, 1860, aged 16 years, 11 months and 23 days. " One less to love on earth. One more to meet in Heaven." No. 26.— Bela Chase, born Dec. 2, 1795, died Jan. 31, 1868, aged 72. No. 27.— Charlotte J., daughter of Albert and El- len M. Church, died Sept. 9, 1850, aged 2 years and 9 months. No. 28.— William D., son of Albert and Ellen M. Church, died Aug. 6, 1850, aged 3 years and 10 months. No. 29.— Nancy, widow of Elihu Dort, wife of George ^llen, died July 13, 1875, aged 76. No. 30.— David B. Dort, died Jan. 29, 1859, aged 44. t No. 31.— Charles F., died March 24, 1855, aged 2 years, 7 months and 28 days ; an infant son, died Oct. KEENE. 77 10, 1849, aged 6 days ; children of David B. and Frances A. Dort. " Bud for time, Blooming in eternity." No. 32.— Edward C, son of David B. and Frances A. Dort, died Feb. 10, 1861, aged 5 years and 5 months. " Too beautiful for earth, He soared to Heaven." No. 88. — Annie Durkee, wife of Almon Durkee, died July 20, 1875, aged 66. No. 34.— Betsey, wife of John Day, died May, 1805, aged 52. No. 35. — In memory of Mr. Ebenezer Day, who died Jan. 12, 1776, in the 60th year of his age. " Death conquers all." No. 36. — In memory of Mrs. Bathsheba Day, relict of Mr. Ebenezer Day, died Sept. the 5th, 1798, in the 73d year of her age. " Death is a debt to nature due. Which I have paid and so must you." No. 37.— Sabra Day, died Sept. 2, 1840, aged 74. No. 38.— Benjamin Dwinell, died July 29, 1805, aged 76. No. 39. — Mary, wife of Benjamin Dwinell, died March 5, 1820, aged 92. No. 40.— Henry Ellis,^ died Aug. 3, 1838, aged 90 years. " His mind was tranquil and serene. No terrors in his looks were seen, His Saviour's smile dispelled the gloom, And smoothed his passage to the tomb." No. 41. — Millitiah, relict of Henry Ellis, died April 30, 1850, aged 98. "She's traveled her appointed years. And her Deliverer's come, And wiped away his servant's tears, And took his exile home." No. 42.— Samuel Ellis, died Dec. 26, 1861, aged 81. No. 43.— Sally, wife of Samuel Ellis, died Nov. 14, 1865, aged 79. No. 44.— Milla Ellis, died Nov. 22, 1870, aged 87. No. 45.— John Farrar, died Oct. 23, 1856, aged 69. No. 46.— Martha E. Farrar, died March 30, 1852 ' aged 22 years. No. 47. — Sarah C, wife of Warren Foster, died March 15, 1841, aged 25. No. 48. — George Goodnow, died Sept. 4, 1866, aged 67. No. 49. — Marinda, wife of George Goodnow, died Jan. 28, 1865, aged 66. No. 50. — Hannah, daughter of George and Marinda Goodnow, died Aug. 23, 1858, aged 20. — g — ' Henry Ellis belonged to the foot company of Keene in 1773. No. 51.— Emina S., daughter of George and Marin- da Goodnow, died Aug. 6, 1866, aged 26. No. 52.— Mary F., daughter of George and Marinda Goodnow, died Oct. 17, 1872, aged 30. No. 53.— William Goodnow, died Feb. 4, 1867, aged 78. No. 54.— Sarah B., wife of William Goodnow, died July 12, 1843, aged 45. " Friends and physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave. Nor can the grave confine me here When Christ my Saviour shall appear." No. 55.— William K., son of William and Sarah B. Goodnow, died May 15, 1849, aged 22. No. 56.— Charles E., son of William and Sarah B. Goodnow, died Jlarch 14, 1855, aged 26. No. 57.— Emily Baker, daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Sarah Goodnow, died Sept. 22, 1832, aged 5 months. No. 58.— Daniel, son of Mr. William and Mrs. Sa- rah Goodnow, died March 16, 1832, aged 9 years. No. 59. — Mrs. Jlary, wife of Mr. William Goodnow, died Dec. 10, 1831, aged 69. No. 60. — Henry Goodnow, died Jan. 25, 1844, aged 60. "He's gone and left this world of sin. The dark and dismal shore ; We only part to meet again, And meet to part no more." No. 61. — William Goodnow, died March 22, 1809, aged 58. No. 62.— Charlotte Goodnow, died July 3, 1823, aged 21. No. 63.— Nancy Goodnow, died May 4, 1823, aged 27. No. 64.— Mary Goodnow, died April 26, 1818, aged 31. No. 65.— Sally Goodnow, died Jan. 28, 1872, aged 79. No. 66. — Hepsibah Goodnow, died Jan. 18, 1858, aged 73. No. 67.— Mary B. Goodnow, died Oct. 3, 1846, aged 28. No. 68. — Frances E., wife of Willard Gay, died March 30, 1842, aged 24. No. 69. — Nancy Graves, died Sept. 7, 1846, aged 80. No. 70. — Capt. John Houghton, died Aug. 15, 1818, aged 72. No. 71.— Belief Houghton, died June 14, 1841, aged 90. No. 72. — My husband. Wheelock Houghton died July 14, 1864, aged 86. No. 73.— Adin Holbrook, died Aug., 1843, aged 91. No. 74. — Mrs. Mary, wife of Adin Holbrook, died July 29, 1824, aged 66. No. 75.— Enos Holbrook, born Sept. 17, 1789, died Aug. 8, 1876. 78 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 76.— Mary K., wife of Enos Holbrook, born Sept. 19, 1790, died May 24, 1867. No. 77.— Sarah E. Holbrook, daughter of Enos and Mary K. Holbrook, born June 13, 1823, died Nov. 6, 1870. No. 78.— Clarinda A., daughter of Enos and Mary K. Holbropk, born Aug. 15, 1831, died Oct. 5, 1853. No. 79.— Nathaniel Kingsbury, died Jan. 26, 1803, in the 64th year of his age. No. 80.— In memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Nathaniel Kingsbury, who died Sept. 25, 1785, in her 47th year. No. 81.— Rebecca, wife of Nathaniel Kingsbury, died March 16, 1824, in the 64th year of her age. No. 82.— Capt. Samuel Kingsbury, died Oct. 10, 1863, aged 69. No. 83.— Sarah, wife of Capt. Samuel Kingsbury, died Oct. 18, 1863, aged 71. No. 84.— Delilah H., wife of Josiah Kingsbury, died Dec. 11, 1870, aged 49. No. 85.— In memory of Mrs. Zilpah Kilburn, wife of Mr. Jehiel Kilburn, who died Dec. 27, 1804, in the 22d year of her age. (Made by Moses Wright, of Rockingham,- price, six dollars.) No. 86.— George Mansfield, died Feb. 25, 1873, aged 52 years and 8 months. No. 87.— Susannah T., wife of George Mansfield, died March 1 8, 1864, aged 41. " Not lost, but gone before." No. 88.— Moses Moody, died Dec. 13, 1845, aged 42. " Man of the world, as you pass by. Look here beneath this clod I lie, And born of frail mortality, What your lot must surely be. And when ambition fills your breast. Think of my lonely place of rest." No. 89.— Frederic Metcalf, died Sept. 16, 1849, aged 81. No. 90.— Esther D., wife of Frederick Metcalf, died Feb. 27, 1847, aged 74. No. 91.— Betsey G. Metcalf, died July, 1741, aged 44. No. 92. — William F., son of William and Amanda Metcalf, born Dec. 9, 1839, died April 25, 1872. No. 93.— Our dear little Eddie. Died April 17, 1860, aged 5 years 1 month and 26 days. " Not lost but gone before." No. 94. — Infant son, aged 2 weeks. No. 95. — Harriet Mary, daughter of William and Amanda Metcalf, died Aug. 12, 1839, aged 1 year and 6 months. No. 96. — Harriet Mary, daughter of William and Amanda Metcalf, died Dec. 13, 1837, aged 2 years and 2 months. No. 97. — Edward G., son of William and Amanda Metcalf, died April 25, 1853, aged 9 years and 10 months. " Afiectionate in life, lovely in death." No. 98.— Levi Pond, died Oct. 8, 1870, aged 77. "We have kissed the pale lips forever closed, And laid him gently to rest." No. 99.— Our Mabel. Mabel E., daughter of A. and E. Pond, died March 24, 1868, aged 8 years and 7 months. " Mabel dear, how we miss Her gentle footsteps now. The low soft tones— the pleasant smile. The sweet and sunny brow. No. 100. — lu memory of Jonathan Pond,^ who died March 5, 1817, aged 77. No. 101. — In memory of Mrs. Thankful Pond, who diedSept.16,1821, aged77. No. 102.— Phinehas Pond, died June 12,1837, aged 70. No. 103.— Louis Pond, died Oct. 12, 1842, aged 71. No. 104.— Filister Pond, died Nov. 16, 1842, aged 61 years. No. 105. 59. -Philinda Pond, died Oct. 22, 1862, aged "My glass is run." No. 106. — Edmund J. Perham, member of the 9th Reg.N. H. v., died at Knoxville, Md., Oct. 26, 1862, aged 37. " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." No. 107. — Martha S., wife of E. J. Perham, born Nov. 10, 1836, died Feb. 13, 1860. " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." An infant of E. J. and M. S. Perham, born Feb. 7, died Feb. 9, 1860. No. 108.— Silas Perry,'' born April 14, 1763, died June 3, 1852, aged 89 years 1 month and 20 days. No. 109. — Catherine, wife of Silas Perry, died Jan, 4, 1830, aged 66. No. 110. — (Marble monument). PerrJ^. Joseph Perry,' born March 30, 1788, died June 17, 1865. Lydia Perry, his wife, born Feb. 23, 1787, died July 25, 1871. No. 111.— Aaron Reed, born April 30, 1791, died July 21, 1859. ' Jonathan Pond's name is on the muster-roll as belong- ing to the foot company in Keene in 1773, ' Silas Perry came to Keene ahout the year 1792, having enlisted in the war from Westminster, Mass. He was one of the guard at the execution of Major Andrfe. ^ Joseph Perry was a great mathematician besides a life- long Democrat. A short time before he died I asked him to explain to me the difference between a Republican and a Democrat. His reply was the ins and the outs. KEENE. 79 No. 112.— Diantlia P., born Feb. 10, 1824, died Aug. 7, 1852; Heniy W., born April 25, 1827, died March 19, 1832 ; Charles J., born April 15, 1832, died March 31, 1833, children of Aaron and Mary Eeed. No. 113.— Paschal E., died Dec. 3, 1812, aged 15 years ; George L., died Aug. 12, 1833, aged 8 years ; Lydia Ann, died May 26, 1833, aged 9 months, chil- dren of Obadiah and Mary Eeed. No. 114. — Cornelius Sturtevant,"^ died March 8, 1826, aged 91. No. 115. — Sarah, wife of Cornelius Sturtevant, died April 25, 1826, aged 88. No. 116. — In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Cornelius Sturtevant, of Plympton, Mass., died May 16, 1790, in the 89th year of her age. No. 117. — This monument is erected to the memory of Mr. Luke Sturtevant, who was instantly killed by the fall of a tree June 22, 1811, aged 43. " Eeader, behold as you pass by, As you are now so once was I ; As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me." No. 118. — Abigail, wife of Luke Sturtevant, died Sept. 19, 1839, aged 64. No. 119.— John A. Sturtevant, died July 11, 1832, aged 27. No. 120. — Abigail F., wife of Warner 0. Sturtevant, died June 13, 1843, aged 32. No. 121.— Luther Sturtevant, died Dec. 31, 1863, aged 89. No. 122. — Azubah, wife of Luther Sturtevant, died Dec. 15, 1849, aged 76. No. 123. — In memory of Maj. Isaac Sturtevant, who died July 5, 1816, aged 39 years. " Beneath the sacred honors of the tomb, In awful silence and majestic gloom ; The man of mercy conceals his head Amidst the silent mansions of the dead. No more his liberal hand shall help the poor, Relieve distress and soften joy no more." ' The Sturtevant family have been identified with the town of Keene almost from its first settlement to the pres- ent day. Cornelius Sturtevant was born in 1 735, only three years after the first settlement of the town (1732). Coming from Massachusetts to Keene when it was but a wilderness, he first settled just across the line in Gilsum, and lived in a log house ; his descendants are still living here, even to the fifth generation. Cornelius was a school- teacher as well as a farmer. He raised a large family. We of the present generation remember many of his grandchildren. George W., Isaac, Charles, Fanny, Luther, Linda, Warner and many more of them, all good, substan- tial citizen. Genl. John W. Sturtevant, a great-great-grand- son of Cornelius, is one of our leading citizens, a member of the firm of G. H. Tilden & Co. He is a member of the prteent Board of Education, and is also a representative from Keene in the Legislature. No. 124. — In memory of Jemima Tiffany, who de- parted this life Feb. 7, 1789, in the 78th year of her age. No. 125. — Erected to the memory of Mr. Joseph Turner, who died April 5, 1818, in the 75th year of his age. " My glass is run. Stop, traveller, don't heedless pass me by, But stop and shed a tear and heave a sigh. Here lies a man whose heart was kind and free. Who was ever loved with godlike charity." No. 126.— Isaiah Wilder, died in Gilsum Oct. 11, 1867, aged 85 years and 7 months. No. 127. — Saloma, wife of Isaiah Wilder, died Jan. 28, 1849,'aged 60. No. 128. — Juliette Augusta, daughter of David and Betsey Wood, died April 6, 1863, aged 12 years and 6 months. No. 129.— Ella Mariah, daughter of David and Betsey Wood, died March 11, 1863, aged 10 years and 6 months. No. 130.— Abijah Willson, died May 28, 1854, aged 86. No. 131. — Phebe, wife of Abijah Willson, died June 20, 1840, aged 73 years. No. 132. — Eebecca, wife of Abijah Willson, died Oct. 22, 1852, aged 74. No. 133.— Phebe, died Aug. 27, 1803, aged 2 years and 6 months. Uriah, died Sept, 8, 1803, aged 14 years and 8 months. Avery, died at Mobile, Ala., March 12, 1837, aged 29. No. 134.— George Willson, died Feb. 22, 1873, aged 03 years, 3 months and 3 days. " Gone but not forgotten." No. 135. — In memory of Eelief, daughter of Mr. Joshua Washburn and Hepsibah, his wife, who died Dec. 20, 1791, aged 2 years, 4 months and 20 days. " As I am now so you must be. Therefore prepare to follow me." No. 136.— George P. Wetherbee, died July 17, 1836, aged 20. No. 137.— Mr. Phinehas Wright, died May 6, 1812, aged 60. No. 138.— Mrs. Zilpah Wright, died Sept. 30, 1841, aged 85. Cornelius Sturtevant, Jr., published a newspaper in Keene called the Rising Sun, before the I^ew Hampshire Sentinel was started by Mr. John Prentiss. He left Keene, went into the army, and died in Piketon, Ohio, August 2, 1821, at the age of fifty. The late George W. Sturtevant was a small boy when his Uncle Luke was killed by the fall of a tree. He was told to get out of the way, as the tree might fall on him ; but, instead, his uncle was instantly killed. The present generation know but little of the trials and hardships of their ancestors ; their real life was, many times, stranger than fiction. 80 HISTOEY OP CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 139. —In memory of Fanny, daughter of Mr. Phinehas Wright and Zilpah, his wife, who died Aug. 5, 1803, in the 8th year of her age. In memory of Eoxana, daughter of Mr. Phinehas Wright and Zilpah, his wife, who died Aug. 5, 1803, in the 12th year of her age. No. 140. — In memory of Miss Rebecca Wright, daughter of Mr. Phinehas Wright and Zilpah, his wife, who died March 2, 1804, in the 25th year of her age. No. 141.— Caleb Wright, died Nov. 21, 1869, aged 75 years and 9 months. No. 142.— Sarah, wife of Caleb Wright, died Nov. 16, 1838, aged 42. No. 143.— Betsey P., wife of Charles Wright, died Dec. 20, 1858, aged 39. The Old Gkaveyaed on West Hill. — This graveyard is just off the road that leads to "Westmoreland, near Mr. Benjamin F. Foster's farm. Probably nine-tenths of the people in town are not aware that there is such a graveyard in Keene ; but those of us who have always lived here and have seen fifty winters or more, will, as we read the inscriptions on these monuments, have many of the old faces brought before us again. The most ancient monument in this yard is dated 1798; the latest, 1868. There are thirty-eight monuments in good condition ; there are two others whose in- scriptions are illegible, and quite a number of graves are marked with a granite head- stone with no inscription. On the thirty- eight monuments I find only five died under the age of five years ; two between twenty and forty; four between forty and fifty; thirteen between fifty and seventy ; seven between sev- enty and ninety ; and one lived to the great age of ninety-two, showing conclusively that the west side of the Ashuelot River is the healthiest part of Keene. The following is a list of the inscriptions upon the tombstones : No. 1.— Horatio S. Black, died Nov. 14, 1841, aged 3 years and 2 days. Charles H., died July 6, 1841, aged 6 weeks. Sebrina J., died June 1, 1840 ; chil- dren of S. and M. L. Black. No. 2.— Emma A., daughter of S. and M. L. Black, died Sept. 27, 1863, aged 2 years 10 months and 10 days. " Our little prattling Emma, Our loved and cherished one, Went home to dwell with Jesus At the setting of the sun." No. 3. — In memory of John Balch, who died March 15, 1824, aged 66. A Eevolutionary soldier. No. 4. — Lucy, wife of John Balch, died June 5, 1831, aged 69. No. 5.— Andrew Balch, died May 26, 1845, aged 58. No. 6.— Olive A. F., died July 23, 1822, aged 11 months. Philinda, died Sept. 3, 1826, aged 15 months ; daughters of Andrew and Louisa Balch. No. 7. — In memory of Eoslinda Balch, who died Aug. 23, 1824, aged 23. " That once loved form now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employ.'' No. 8.— Balcarras Craig, died May 6, I860, aged 63. No. 9. — Betsy, wife of Balcarras Craig, died Nov. 16, 1863, aged 80 years and 6 months. No. 10. — Lizzianna, daughter of Thomas and Eliz- abeth Craige, died July 23, 1856, aged 17 months and 2 days. " Sleep on, sweet babe, and take thy rest ; God called thee home when He thought best." No. 11.— William Dickinson, died Jan. 20, 1847, aged 62. No. 12. — Roxsalana, wife of William Dickinson, died Feb. 6, 1833, aged 44 years. No. 13. — Francis, son of Abraham and Mary Dick- inson, died March 28, 1847, aged 18 years and 8 months. " Beloved in life, lamented in death." No. 14.— Emery Dickinson, died Sept. 25, 1868, aged 57 years and 9 months. No. 15. — In memory of widow Sarah Eaton, who died Feb. 6, 1812, in the 24th year of her age. No. 16.— Thomas Gurler,died Oct. 9, 1858, aged 83. "The slumberer shall awake; the unsealed eye see its Redeemer, and although the worm destroy this body, yet the dead shall rise to immortality." No. 17.— Susannah, wife of Thomas Gurler, died Sept. 14, 1835, aged 57. " Blessed are they who die in the Lord." No. 18.— Granite (stone), 1798. No. 19.— Sarah, wife of John T. Harvy, died March 16, 1853, aged 48. No. 20.— Nabby, wife of Isaac Miller, died Aug. 17, 1830, aged 46. No. 21.— Joseph, son of Alonzo and Crissana May- nard, died May 8, 1838, aged 3 years and 6 months. No. 22.— Rufus Henry, son of Liberty and Clarrisa Page, died Dec. 26, 1856, aged 17 years 7 months and 11 days. No. 23.— Martha J., daughter of Liberty and Clar- risa Page, died Oct. 12, 1852, aged 1 year and 21 days. No. 24.— Simeon, son of Liberty and Clarrisa Page, died March 11, 1838, aged 6 months and 13 days. No. 25.— In memory of George, son of Mr. Levi and Mrs. Lucy Pattridge, who died January. 1803 aged 22 months. KEENB. 81 No. 26. — In memory of Mrs. Lydia Pattridge, who died November, 1798, aged 51. " Virtue now receive a reward, And every grace with sweet accord Shall now unite to praise the Lord, In hallelujahs to our God." No. 27.— Joseph Sylvester, died Feb. 16, 1824, aged 80 years. No. 28. — Mahitable, wife of Joseph Sylvester, died March 9, 1824, aged 70 years. No. 29.— Dea. Daniel Snow, died May 15, 1806, aged 80 years. No. 30. — Abigail, wife of Dea. Daniel Snow, died March 29, 1805, aged 75. No. 31. — Esther, wife of Dea. John Snow, died Feb. 20, 1820, aged 51. No. 32.— Silas Williams, died Oct. 21, 1829, aged 88 years. Erected by their daughter Elizabeth. " Gone but not forgotten." No. 33. — Charity, wife of Silas Williams, died March 26, 1859, aged 92 years. " Absent but dear." No. 34. — Esther P., daughter of Jason and Sally Williams, died Sept. 17, 1880, aged 4 years. No. 35. — Charles E., son of Jason and Sally Wil- liams, died March 16, 1886, aged 4 months and 16 days. No. 36. — Cynthia Jane, daughter of Jason and Sally Williams, died June 24, 1852, aged 18 years 11 months and 15 days. " Docir Cynthia, we loved thee." No. 37.— Eliphalet Wilber, died June 29, 1841, aged 57 years. " My children dear, as you draw near, Your father's grave you'll see. Not long ago I was with you, But soon you'll be with me." No. 38.— James Wilson, died May 14, 1837, aged 63 years. Eebecca, wife of James Wilson, died June 26, 1835, aged 46 years. The Old Graveyard at Ash Swamp. — At a meeting of the proprietors held February 23, 1762, it was voted that the neck of land where Isaac Clark and Amos Foster were buried be appropriated and set apart for a burying-place for the town. This land had been used for a burying-place for some years before 1762, but at this time it was set apart from the common land, by the original proprietors, to be forever kept as a burying-place. Here I find a monu- ment erected to the memory of Amos Foster, who died in March, 1761, so I am sure this neck of land is the one meant in the old records, 6 thus conclusively proving this to be the oldest place of burial in town. There are indica- tions to show that there have been buried in this old burying-place about one hundred ; but to-day there are but eleven monuments to be found, and on some of these the inscriptions cannot be made out, and in a few short years no monument will be left in this, the first bury- ing-place of the fathers of Keene, to mark the spot where their bones lie. Isaac Clark was buried in this burying-place, but no monument marks the spot. His home stood near where Mr. Leonard Wright now lives. Possibly there is not a soul now living in Keene to-day that cares a straw whether Isaac Clark ever lived or died ; but let us see what the original proprietors of the town thought of him, some one hundred and forty-six years ago (January 7, 1740). They voted to make such grant of land to such persons as they shall think desire the same, for hazarding their lives and estate by living here to bring forward the settling of the place. Under this vote Isaac Clark was granted ten acres of up- land. He was chosen at the first meeting of the proprietors, held on the first Wednesday of May, 1753, to survey the lands and run the bounds. (This was when the charter of the town was first adopted.) Isaac Clark died about 1761. His estate was settled by Bphraim Dorman, the man that called the first legal town-meeting Keene ever held. Isaac Clark once owned four hundred acres of land in Ash Swamp. The old records tell us that he was baptized in Boxford, Mass., February 1, 1713; lived in Ashuelot and Keene, N. H. His will was proved March 25, 1761. He married Mary Dorman, daughter of Ephraim Dorman, December 22, 1751. She died before 1761. He left no issue. In 1746, when Isaac Clark's wife was a girl, about one hundred Indians appeared in the town and killed a number of the inhabitants (this was the time they surrounded Nathan Blake's bam, making him prisoner and taking him to Canada). Mrs. Clark was at a barn some fifty rods distant ; leaving it, she espied an Indian near her, who threw away his gun and advanced to make her his prisoner, thinking it an easy 82 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. task to catch a white squaw. She gathered up her clothes around her waist and started for the fort, (near the Dr. Adams place, where Mr. Lemuel Hayward now lives). She, animated by cheers from her friends, outran her pursuer, who skulked back for his gun. Isaac Clark and wife were buried in this old burying-place, but in what grave no man can tell, as the marble that > marked the spot has entirely disappeared. The following is a list of the inscriptions on all the monuments now standing : No. 1. — In memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Royal Blake, who Dec'd Nov. ye 21st, 1779, aged 19 years. No. 2. — In memory of Joseph, son of Mr. Royal Blake ^ & Mrs. Hannah, his wife, he Dec'd Nov. ye 7th, aged 12 weeks. No. 3. — In memory of Mrs. Zipporah Blake, wife of Doct. Obadiah Blake, who Dec'd Feb. 25, 1785, aged 57 years.^ ' Royal Blake was a member of the foot company, 1773. He died October 9, 1827, aged seventy-one, and was buried in the old yard near the Sawyer place. 2 Clement Sumner was the first settled gospel minister of the town (April 27, 1761). Dr. Obadiah Blake was one of the committee to make the settlement. This committee was voted twelve pounds, lawful money of the Massachu- setts Bay, for the trouble and charge in providing for the counsel at Mr. Sumner's ordination ; also five pounds for paying Mr. Sumner for five weeks' preaching before his settlement. It was voted by the town this year that " the Rev. Mr. Sumner's salary be stated on commodities as they be now, and so from year to year. Commodities as they be now : wheat at 3s. 2^d. sterling per bushel ; pork at Sd. per pound ; beef at 2d. per pound ; Indian corn at Is. 8i. per bushel; rye at 2s. &d. per bushel; labour in the summer at 2s. per day." This was afterwards recorded upon the suggestion of Mr. Sumner that the article of beef was stated above the market price. Dr. Blake was one of the selectmen in 1762 ; he also belonged to the alarm-list in 1773. He has one grandson still living, — Mr. Cyrus Blake, now living in Newton, Mass., an old man. Justin D. Blake, of Ash Swamp, Oscar and Orman Colony, of the Cheshire Republican, and Joshua D. Blake, of Surry, are great- grandsons. The Blake family was noted for their great strength. Joshua D. Colony told me that on one occasion his father, with his horse and wagon loaded with one thousand brick, got stuck in the mud near where Deacon Binney used to live, and was about unloading, when Royal Blake came along and told him to hold on a minute. He crawled under the wagon and, putting his shoulder under the axle-tree, told Colony when he heard the old wagon crack to put on the lick. The load was lifted and he drove along. He was also known to take a barrel of cider out of his cart alone and carry it into the cellar. No. 4.— Dea. Simeon Clark,i ^jgd 9 Dec, 1793, aged 70. No. 5.— Unity Durant, Consort of Mr. Joshua Du- rant,^ died 29 Nov., 1781, aged 20. No. 6. — Here lies the Body of Mr. Naham, who Dec'd [the rest obliterated]. No. 7. — Ellis , Henry , Jedatiah Foster [the rest gone]. No. 8. — Here lies buried Mr. Amos Foster," who Dec'd March the 22, 1761, in the 40th year of his age. No. 9.— My Father. No. 10. — In Memory of Mrs. Hannah, Wife of Mr. John Grundy, Jun'r, who Dec'd Oct. 3, 1783, in ye 31 year of her age. "Here lies the grief of a fond mother. She was a dear and dutiful daughter, A kind wife and a tender mother. Reader, behold as you pass by, As you are living, once was I." No. 11. — In memory of Mary, Daughter of Jere- miah Stiles, Esq.,* & Mrs. Mary, his wife ; she Dec'd April ye 17, 1781, aged 1 Day. - He belonged to the foot company, 1773. In 1778 was paid £2 2s. 4d., balance for serving in the late war. ^ He lived on the Baker place. Ash Swamp. Our Mr. Joshua D. Colony was named after Mr. Joshua Durant, and to show that it meant something in those days, the boy was presented with a fine wool sheep. " Amos Foster left, by will, one-half of his property to the town. The value of the legacy is not known ; but, in August, 1762, the town voted that Mr. Sumner's settlement and his salary for the first year should be paid from this fund. * Jeremiah Stiles was the writer's great-grandfather. He was a man whom the town of Keene delighted to honor, for he was in some office in the town from February 15, 1769, until his death, December 6, 1800 — more than thirty years. He lived on the corner of Cross and Washington Streets, where Mr. Clark's house now stands. He be- longed to the foot company in 1773, to the Committee of Safety, 1776, was a representative of the town, delegate to the Constitutional Convention held at Concord, 1778, se- lectman, town clerk, assessor, petit and grand juryman, moderator in town-meeting, one of the committee to ar- range for the settlement of the Rev. Aaron Hall, and a subscriber to the fund to purchase the first town-clock ever in Keene, in 1797. He and his good wife, Mary, were buried in the old graveyard on Washington Street. Now will the present generation consent to have that neck of land set apart by the first settlers for a place to bury their dead be plowed up and planted, as was the ease of the old yard on the Robinson farm ? I can't yet quite be- lieve it, but time will tell. The town voted, March 3, 1789, to fence the several burying-places in the town and draw a committee of four for that purpose, who are hereby authorized to call on their neighbors to turn out and do said work without any cost or charge to the town. Chose Major WiUard, Michael Metcalf, KEENB. 83 CHAPTER VI. KEENB— (Conimtted). BANKING INTBBBST. The Cheshire National Bank — The Ashuelot National Bank — The Keene National Bank — The Citizens' National Bank — The Cheshire Provident Institution for Savings — The Keene Five-Cent Savings-Bank — Keene Guarantee Sav- ings-Bank. The Cheshiee Bank was chartered with a capital of $100,000, by the State of New Hampshire, in 1803, for a period of twenty years, or till 1824; then till 1844, and again till 1864, inclusive. The original corporators were Judge Daniel JSTewcomb, Noah Cooke, Esq., and Elijah Dunbar, Esq. John G. Bond, Judge Newcomb's son-in-law, procured most of the stock subscriptions, among which are the names of Samuel and Nathan Appleton, Eben Francis, Stephen Salsbury, John Bellows, Josiah Knapp and several others of Boston, Daniel Newcomb, John G. Bond, William Lamson, Moses Johnson, Alexander Ealston, Stephen Harrington, Eben Stearns, Joseph Hayward and Foster and Luther Alexander, of Cheshire County, with fifty-five others on the list. The first building for the bank was of brick, two stories high, and was taken down in 1847 to make way for the Cheshire Eailroad's pas- senger station. Daniel Newcomb was president from 1804 to 1811, when he resigned, and in the " war period," soon after, the bank struggled against insolvency till November, 1813, when Samuel Grant was chosen president and Na- thaniel Dana cashier, in place of Arba Cady (who was elected February, 1806, and whose predecessor was E. Dunbar), and a revival of credit and business secured. Mr. Grant was president till July, 1829, and Salma Hale, his successor, till March, 1842, at which time Levi Chamberlain was made president, and steps were taken to reorganize the bank under its amended charter, available from 1844 to 1864, inclusive. In this reorganization John Elliot Levi Pattridge and Captain John Houghton." A vote was passed, August 27, 1792, to fence the several burying- grounds ; also, in March, 1795, and July 25, 1795, the town was divided into districts for burying their dead. was chosen president; was succeeded in 1856 by Levi Chamberlain and in 1861 by John Henry Elliot, under whom, at the expiration of its charter, the bank was made national, with a capital of $200,000. James Henry Williams was cashier from 1841 to 1847, then Zebina Newell till 1855, then Eoyal H. Porter, when the bank's State charter expired. He continues to be cashier at this writing, with John Henry Elliot as president. The bank's present granite building was erected in 1847, and has all the modern defenses against invasion. The Ashuelot Bank, of Keene, was incor- porated January 2, 1833, with a charter for twenty years, and commenced business early in that year. The corporators named in the charter were John H. Fuller, Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr.. Phineas Fisk, John Elliot and Justus Perry, and the first meeting was held at Stephen Har- rington's hotel on February 19, 1833, wlien forty-rive additional members were admitted to the corporation, making in all fifty. The present banking-house was built in 1833, under the direction of John Elliot, at a cost of $2998.24. The first board of directors were Samuel Dinsmoor, John H. Fuller, Thomas M. Ed- wards, William Buffum, George S. Root, Phin- eas Handerson and Benjamin F. Adams, the last-named being the only surviving member. The first president was Samuel Dinsmoor, who served until his death, in 1835. He was succeeded by his son, Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr., who was continued in the office until he resigned, in 1853. Thomas M. Edwards was chosen president in 1853, and held the office till elected to Congress, in 1859, when he resigned, and William Dins- moor succeeded him, and was annually re-elected until his resignation, in 1869, when Mr. Ed- wards was again chosen, and held the office till his death, in 1875. George A. Wheelock was appointed president upon the death of Mr. Edwards, in 1875, and has been annually re- elected since. Two Governors of the State and one Repre- sentative in Congress are among the foregoing list of presidents of this bank. Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr., was cashier from 84 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. March, 1833, to June, 1835; Henry Seymour, from June, 1835, to August, 1836 ; Thomas H. Leverett, from August, 1836, to June, 1869; and Henry O. CooMge, from June, 1869, to the present time. The bank was rechartered December 17, 1852, and was converted into a national organi- zation February 17, 1865, under the name of " The Ashuelot National Bank of Keene," and its corporate existence has been extended to February 17, 1905. The original capital was $100,000. In July, 1876, it was increased to $150,000. The present board of directors consist of George A. Wheelock (president), Caleb T. Buf- fum, Charles J. Amidon, John M. Parker, Al- fred T. Batchelder, Henry O. Coolidge and Christopher Robb. Keene National Bank.' — The Cheshire County Bank was organized August 11, 1855. First Board of Directors, Zebina Newell, George Huntington, William Haile, Frederick Vose, Amos A. Parker, Lawson Robertson and Har- vey A. Bill ; Presidents, Zebina Newell, Fred- erick Vose, Edward Joslin ; Cashiers, George W. Tilden and J. R. Beal. Mr. Newell held the office of president from organization till his death, March 29, 1858. Succeeded by Frederick Vose, who held the office till his death, November 24, 1871. Succeeded by Edwin Joslin, the present incumbent. George W. Tilden held the office of cashier from first organization till his death, February 8, 1879. Succeeded by J. R. Beal, the present incumbent. It was organized as a national bank February 7, 1865. First board of directors: Frederick Vose, John Bowker, Edward Joslin, Amos F. Fiske, Reuben Stewart and Horatio Kimball. Original capital, $100,000; present cajpital, the same. Present board of directors : Edward Joslin, John Bowker, Elisha F. Lane, Josiah G. Bel- lows and Alfred T. Batchelder. This bank occupies its own banking-house, having purchased the building of Henry Pond when the Cheshire County Bank was organized ; rearranged and made substantial improvements to the building during the year 1883. Citizens' National Bank was incorporated September 18, 1875, and commenced business October 1, 1875, No. 2299, with a capital of $100,000. The first board of directors were William Haile, Henry Colony, Stephen D. Osborne, Caleb T. Buffum, James Burnap, Samuel W. Hale and Daniel W. Tenney ; President, Stephen D. Osborne; Cashier, Obed G. Dort. In January, 1878, Obed G. Dort was elected president and Henry S. Martin cashier, and continued in office until the present (1885). Present capital, $100,000 ; surplus, $25,000. Present officers : Obed G. Dort, president ; H. S. Martin, cashier ; Obed G. Dort, James Burnap, John Symonds, Elijah Boyden, Sam- uel W. Hale, Clark N. Chandler and William P. Chamberlain, directors. Cheshire Peovident Institution fob Savings was chartered in July, 1833, and organized August 13, 1833. The incor- porators were Thomas Bellows, Samuel Grant, John Wood, Salma Hale, Eliphalet Briggs, Justus Perry, Aaron Hall, Levi Cham- berlain, Azel Wilder, Abijali Wilder, Jr., John Elliot, Oliver Holman, J. Colony, Amos Twitchell, Charles G. Adams, Levi W. Leonard, John H. Steele, James Walker, Azel Hatch, Walter Tufts, Joseph Weeks, Larkin Baker, Elijah Carpenter, Levi Blake, Abner Boyden, William S. Brooks and George Tilden. The first officers were Amos Twitchell, presi- dent ; Justus Perry, first vice-president ; Abijah Wilder, Jr., second vice-president ; George Til- den, secretary and treasurer. First trustees : Salma Hale, John Wood, Levi Chamberlain, Larkin Baker, John Elliot, Phinehas Fisk, Azel Wilder, Walter Tufts, Levi Blake, Levi W. Leonard, Timothy Hall, Samuel Wood, Jr., Oliver Holman,,Thomas M. Edwards and Eliphalet Briggs. Board of investment : Justus Perry, John Elliot, Samuel Wood, Jr., Azel Wilder and Levi Chamberlain. The first deposit was made September 10, 1833, by Ashley Spaulding ; amount, $100. The following is a list of the presidents from 1833 to 1885: Dr. Amos Twitchell, from 1833 KEENE. 85 to 1853, deceased ; Hon. Salma Hale, from 1853 to 1856, resigned; Hon. Levi Chamber- lain, from 1856 to 1867, deceased; Hon. Sam- uel Dinsmoor, from 1867 to 1870, deceased; Hon. William P. Wheeler, from 1870 to 1877, deceased ; Hon. Francis A. Faulkner, Esq., from 1877 to 1880, deceased ; George Tilden, from 1880 to 1883, resigned; Edward C. Thayer, from 1883 to 1885, resigned ; George A. Wheelock, from 1885 — present incumbent. The secretary and treasurers : George Tilden, from 1833 to 1880; Oscar G. Nims, from 1880— present incumbent. The officers for 1885 are George A. Wheelock, president ; A. T. Batchelder, William S. Briggs, vice-presidents ; O. G. Nims, secretary and treasurer ; Trustees, John Henry Elliot, Henry C. Piper, R. H. Porter, Edward Farrar, F. C. Faulkner, J. R. Beal, George W. Stearns, C. J. Amidon, Barrett Ripley, J. G. Bellows, George H. Tilden, Silas Hardy, Reuben Stewart, F. H. Kingsbury and Frederick A. Faulkner ; Board of Investment, A. T. Batchelder, Barrett Rip- ley, R. H. Porter, J. R. Beal, Reuben Stewart ; Auditors, J. R. Beal, William S. Briggs, George H. Tilden, F. C. Faulkner and Silas Hardy. The Keene Five-Cents Savings-Bank was incorporated in 1868. The incorporators were as follows : John H. Fuller, Allen Giffin, Edward Joslin, John Grimes, Caleb T. Buifum, George Holmes, Dauphlin W. Buckminster, Samuel O. Gates, George W. Ball and Samuel Woodward. The first board of trustees were Edward Jos- lin, John Bowker, George W. Ball, Caleb T. Buffum, D. W. Buckminster, Clark F. Rowell, John Humphrey, George Holmes, Wm. Haile, O. Sprague, Elijah Boyden, Henry Colony, F. Vose, H. O. Coolidge and P. Batcheller. The first officers were John H. Fuller, presi- dent ; Samuel Woodward and Farnum F. Lane, vice-presidents ; O. G. Dort, treasurer. The presidents have been John H. Fuller, Far- num F. Lane, Samuel Woodward, Henry Colony and C. T. Buffum ; Treasurers, O. G. Dort and G. A. Litchfield. First deposit made by Nellie I. Rowell, Jan- uary 1, 1869 ; amount flO. The present deposits amount to $1,800,000. The officers for 1885 are C. T. Buifnm, president ; Edward Joslin, Elijah Boyden, vice- presidents ; G. A. Litchfield, secretary and treasurer ; Trustees, F. A. Perry, George W. Ball, H. O. Coolidge, Clark F. Rowell, John Humphrey, Don H. Woodward, N. O. Way- ward, John O. Jones, John B. Fisk, Obadiah Sprague, Elbridge Clarke, F. E. Keyes, Hiram Blake, Joseph B. Abbott and George C. Hubbard ; Board of Investment, C. T. Buffiim, Edward Joslin, F. A. Perry, J. O. Coolidge and Hiram Blake. Keene Guaranty Savings-Bank was incorporated in 1883, with a guaranty fund of |50,000. Farnum F. Lane, James Burnap, Henry Colony, John Symonds, Obed G. Dort, John E. Colony, John S. Collins, Charles L. Russell and Asa C. Dort, incorporators. The first board of trustees was composed of Henry- Colony, Obed G. Dort, Horatio Colony, Samuel W. Haile, Farnum F. Lane, George E. Colbrook, Clark N. Chandler, James Burnap, John S. Collins and George G. Davis. The first president was J. Burnap ; treasurer, O. G. Dort. The officers for 1885 are : President, J. Bur- nap ; Treasurer, O. G. Dort ; Trustees, James Burnap, John S. Collins, Horatio Colony, Clark N. Chandler, William P. Chamberlain, Charles H. Hersey, Obed G. Dort, George G. Davis, George E. Holbrook and Silas M. Dins- moor; Board of Investment, J. Burnap, O. G. Dort, William P. Chamberlain, C. N. Chan- dler and S. M. Dinsmoor. The first deposit was made October 1, 1883, amount, $25. Present amount of deposits, $225,000. Number of open accounts, six hun- dred. Deposits average $375 each. This bank was incorporated and organized on the new guaranty plan, the fourth of its kind in the States. A capital of $50,000 was subscribed and paid in, to be held as a special guaranty, that depositors should receive the principal which they deposited and the interest which the bank agrees to pay, the losses being chargeable to the guaranty fund. And as the deposits increase, the guaranty fund must be increased, and never fall below ten per cent, of the general deposits. 86 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The management of the bank is wholly in the hands of the owners of the guaranty fund (sub- ject to the banking laws of the State), and every officer must be a contributor to the said fund. CHAPTER VII. KEENE— ( Continued). EDUCATIONAL. First Vote Concerning Schools — Judge Daniel Newcomb's Private School— The High School of 1828— Teachera' Institute — Catharine Fiske's Female Seminary — ^The Keene Academy — The Academy and District Troubles — The High School. The first reference to educational matters found on the old town records is under date of 1764, when the town voted six pounds sterling to defray the charges of a school, and in 1766 it is " Voted that the security for the money given to the town by Captain Nathaniel Fair- banlis, deceased, the interest of which was for the use of a school in this town, be delivered to the care of the town treasurer and his successors in office for the time being." Judge Daniel Newcomb is credited by Josiah P. Cooke, Esq., in Hale's " Annals," with having founded a private school about 1793, mainly at his own expense, and as the best friend of " good learning " that the town had. "In 1821 the town records state that it is voted that the town will, at their annual meet- ing, in each year, choose five or more suitable persons to constitute a committee of examina- tion, whose duty it shall be to examine those persons who shall oiFer themselves as instructors of the public schools within the town ; and in 1823 it is voted that Zedekiah S. Barstow, Aaron Appleton, John Elliot, John Prentiss and Thomas M. Edwards be a committee to examine teachers, agreeably to the vote of the town." In 1828 we find, from the town records, that there was an endeavor to establish a High School, Rev. Z. S. Barstow, Rev. Thomas Rus- sell Sullivan, pastor of the Keene Congrega- tional (Unitarian) Society, General Justus Perry, Aaron Hall (son of the deceased minister of that name) and Azel Wilder being a com- mittee on that subject. It was also " Voted that the instructor of this school shall not en- deavor to inculcate, in school, doctrines peculiar to any one religious sect, nor distribute to his scholars any religious publication." It was agreed that " the school might be kept during the first year, seven, and during the second year, eight months, which," it was urged, " is at least three and four months longer than a school has usually been kept by a master." It appears from minutes kept by the late Dr. Bar- stow, secretary, that after two or three months spent in writing to the presidents of Dartmouth, Amherst, Middlebury and Yale Colleges, Mr. Edward E. Eels, a graduate of Middlebury College, was engaged as High School teacher for two months, at twenty-five dollars a month, independent of board. His term expired January 29, 1829. Subsequently, Mr. A. H. Bennett was the instructor for three months, "at forty dollars a month, including board." In 1845, and for a short time previous, a Teachers' Institute was established in the county by private subscription. On March 12, 1850, Keene voted seventy- five dollars for a Teachers' Institute, on condi- tion of the co-operation of other towns in the county. Reference to educational matters in Keene would be incomplete which did not chronicle the " School for Young Ladies and Misses," in which, under date of 1817, Miss Fiske and Miss Sprague advertise that they shall " pay all possible attention to the improvement of the mamiers, morals and minds of their pupils." April 11, 1811, Miss Catharine Fiske began her school in Keene, known as " The Female 'Seminary," conducting it for twenty-three years, with signal success, until her death, 1837. Miss Fiske had been engaged in teaching for fifteen years before coming to Keene. Rev. Dr. Barstow, in an obituary sketch, published in the Bostmi Recorder for September 1, 1837, estimates that during the thirty-eight years of her service, more than two thousand five hundred pupils aime under her care. He commends especially " her tact in eliciting the dormant energies of some minds, and the stimulus affi)rded to those KEENE. 87 that were apt to learn." Afterwards the late Mrs. Stewart Hastings and Miss Barnes, later Mrs. T. H. Leverett, were among the teachers associated with Miss Fiske in her school. Miss Withington conducted it for a while after Miss Fiske's decease. Keenb Academy. — In the year 1835 a movement was started for the founding of an academy in the town, and a committee, consisting of Eliphalet Briggs, William Lamson and Samuel A. Gerould were chosen to select a site and draft a plan for building. A subscription paper was circulated and one hundred and one subscribers were obtained. The site, corner Winter and Middle Streets; was selected, and in the fall of 1836 the building was completed. The academy was dedicated on Christmas eve, 1836, and opened early in 1837. The first board of trustees were Joel Parker, Amos Mitchell, Zedekiah S. Barstow, Abial A. Livermore, James Wilson, Aaron Hall, Azal Wilder, William Lamson, Elijah Parker and Eliphalet Briggs, of Keene ; John Sabin, of Fitzwilliam ; Elisha Kockwood, of Swanzey ; Alanson Eawson, of Boxbury ; ' Larkin Baker, of Westmoreland ; and Pliny Jewell, of Win- chester. The lot was deeded to the trustees by Abijah Wilder, May 24, 1839, and the papers were drawn under the direction of Joel Parker. The academy was understood to be an ortho- dox institution. Article 5th of the trust deed says, "The Trustees shall neither elect nor employ any person as Principal of said Acad- emy who is not a professor of religion in an Orthodox Congregational or Presbyterian Church, and who does not hold in substance the faith now held and maintained by the church of the First Congregational Society of Keene." It was also further stated that " The basement be used for a chapel by the First Congregational Church in Keene, and for no other purpose, they keeping it in repair. Also, the attic story for a singing hall for the church of said society, they keeping it in repair." ^ The first principal of the academy was Mr. « 1 It may be well enough to state, however, that a large proportion of the subscriptions to build the academy came from the members of the Congregational Church. Breed Batchelder, assisted by Miss Mary E. Parker and Miss Leverett. Mr, Batchelder remained until the spring of 1839. Mr. Batchelder's successors were as follows : Noah Bishop, from the spring of 1839 till the close of 1840; Abraham Jenkins, till the spring of 1841 ; Mrs. A. E. P. Perkins, till the autumn of 1844 ; Seneca Cummings, from the fall of 1844 to the spring of 1845 ; Miss L. H. Kim- ball, from the spring of 1845 to the fall of 1845 ; N. G. Clark, from the fall of 1845 to the spring of 1847; Wm. W. Blodgett, from 1847 till the spring of 1848 ; Mr. Woodworth, from 1848 to 1850; Wm. Torrance, from 1850 to 1853, being the last principal of the Keene Academy. Mr. Torrance was highly respected. He died here February 3, 1855, aged thirty- nine years. The erection of the academy buildings en- tailed a larger expense than was originally an- ticipated (three thousand five hundred dollars), and the amount required (one thousand dol- lars) was borrowed on the notes of Elijah Parker, Aaron Hall and Eliphalet Briggs, and the amount, with interest, was paid from the estates of these gentlemen by their administra- tors. Mr. Timothy Hall presented the academy a bell, and also the blinds of the building, and Mr. Eliphalet Briggs presented a set of globes, valued at one hundred dollars. In the spring of 1853 a committee of the associated school districts proposed to purchase the property for a High School. The first meet- ing of the trustees, to consider the proposition, was held at the academy April 28, 1853. Pres- ent — S. Hastings, William Lamson, Charles Lamson, Eliphalet Briggs, Daniel Aikens and Levi Chamberlain. At a subsequent meeting, held June 13, 1853, it was voted to lease the property to the districts for ten years, at an annual rent of two hundred and fifty dollars, the first three years' rent to be expended in repairs on the buildings. At the expiration of the lease it was renewed for three years, at three hundred and fifty dollars for the first two, and four hundred and fifty dollars for the third year. December 19, 1866, a committee, appointed by the districts, was chosen to select a lot for a 88 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. High School building, and the academy lot was decided upon ; and eight days later, December 27th, they made application to buy ; the trustees, however, refused to sell, claiming they had no authority. January 10, 1867, a petition was presented to the selectmen to lay out the lot, with the buildings, for the use of the High School. The trustees protested against the districts' tak- ing the property, but on the 30th of January, same year, the selectmen laid out the lot, for the use of the High School, and awarded six thousand one hundred dollars damages. The sum was not accepted, and the trustees applied to the Legislature, at the June session, for the incor- poration of the academy, and a charter was given. September 22, 1868, the subject came up for hearing before Judge J. E. Sargent, referee, with Hon. T. M. Edwards for plaintiffs and Hon. able W. P. Wheeler for defendants and the decision was in favor of the High School. The present officers and trustees of Keene Academy are as follows : "W. S. Briggs, pres- ident; S. S. Wilkinson, vice-president; E. H. Porter, secretary and treasurer ; W. S. Briggs, E. H. Porter, Solon S. Wilkinson, Bar- rett Eipley, George E. Holbrook, Isaac Rand, John Humphrey, Chas.Bridgman, S. G. Griffin, S. D. Osborn, Allan Gerould, Jr., Elisha F. Lane, S. Hale, Azro B. Skinner and I. JST. Spencer, trustees. Amount of the fund April 1, 1885, was, $22,731.36. The High School opened with Mr. Tor- rance as principal, and the principals from that time to the present have been as follows : Chas. E. Bruce, L. W. Buckingham, A. J. Bur- bank, S. H. Brackett, Hooper, and M. A. Bailey the present incumbent. CHAPTEE VIII. KBBNE— ( Continued). MISCELLANEOUS. Masonic — Odd-Fellows — Other Societies — Public Library The Press — The Sentinel — The Cheshire Republican — The New England Observer — Keene in 1831 — Post-Office Court-House — The King's Cannon — Manufacturing In- terests — Members of Congress — Goyernors — War of the Rebellion — Soldiers' Monument — Physicians — City of Keene — First Charter Election — Officers Elected Mayor's, Aldermen, Councilmen and Clerks to Present Time — Present OflScers. Social Feiejj-ds Lodge, F. and A. M. was chartered June 8th, 1825 ; but in 1827 the Morgan troubles began in Western New York, resulting in a strong Anti-Masonic party, which spread over the whole northern part of the country, continuing for ten years, when it ceased to exist. During this time Social Friends Lodge, with most of the other lodges in this part of the country, wound up its affairs and ceased to exist. In 1855 a few brethren having the interest of the craft at heart, began to talk up the matter of reviving Freemasonry in this town; so they met for rehearsals in Deluge Engine-House only one of them being able to answer a word of the lectures. They soon applied to the Grand Master for a charter ; he told them he could not give them a charter, because there Avas one already in existence. In the course of time John Prentiss succeeded in finding the old charter of 1825, wlien they were allowed by the Grand Lodge to go to work. Accordingly, the first stated communication was held April 9, 1856, in Odd-Fellows' Hall, where the meetings continued to be held until 1860, when the lodge leased and occupied the apartments in the east end of St. John's building. In 1868 the rooms were found to be too small for the growing order of Freemasonry, when the building was enlarged, and the lodge moved into a larger hall in the west end of the building, using the old hall for an armory and banquet hall. In 1869, owing to the rapid growth of the order, several of the older members, thinking it would be for the good of the craft to start an- KEENB. 89 other lodge, applied to the Grand Lodge, and a charter was granted for the Lodge of the Temple. In 1874 the Masonic apartments in St. John's building were again enlarged, by increasing the size of the lodge-room and adding a large ban- quet hall in the third story of the building. The following is a list of Past Masters : A. S. Carpenter was elected W. Master June 11, 1856. Barrett Ripley was elected W. Master April 26, 1858. A. S. Carpenter was elected W. Master again April 11, 1859. E. H. Porter was elected W. Master April 2, 1860. T. J. French was elected W. Master April 22, 1861. Don H. Woodward was elected W. Master April 14, 1862. Edward Gustine was elected W. Master April 18, 1864. S. S. Wilkinson was elected W. Master April 10, 1865. S. A. Carter was elected W. Master April 28, 1866. Horatio Colony was elected W. Master April 15, 1867. C. S. Coburn was elected W. Master April 6, 1868. L. J. Tuttle was elected W. Master April 11, 1870. 0. M. Holton was elected W. Master March 18, 1872. F. L. Howe was elected W. Master March 30, 1874. F. K. Burnham was elected W. Master March 29, 1875. H. W. Hubbard was elected W. Master March 20, 1876. Elisha Ayer was elected W. Master March 26, 1877. 0. M. Holton was elected W. Master again March 4, 1878. George A. Gordon was elected W. Master March 3, 1879. S. M. Ray was elected W. Master March 7, 1881. George H. Eames was elected W. Master March 6, 1882. George G. Dort was elected W. Master March 2, 1885. Lodge of the Temple received a dispen- sation April 6, 1869, from the Most Worship- ful Grand Master Alexander M. Winn, who appointed Brother A. S. Carpenter the first Master, Brother D. W. Buckminster as the first Senior Warden, and Brother Edward Farrar as the first Junior Warden. This new lodge was an offshoot of Social Friends Lodge. But little work was done by the lodge while under dis- pensation. At the annual meeting of the M. W. Grand Lodge, the June following, a petition was presented asking the Grand Lodge to grant a charter to this new lodge. There was opposition from some members of Social Friends Lodge to granting this charter, not in a factious spirit, but doubting the expe- diency or necessity of another lodge at Keene ; and it was argued with considerable force, by some Masons, that two lodges would be an in- jury instead of a benefit to Masonry. The weight of the evidence -presented to the Grand Lodge convinced them that the good of Masonry would be promoted by granting a charter. Therefore a charter was granted to the new lodge, to be called The Lodge of the Temple, to be numbered 88 and assigned to District No. 3. Soon after the formation of Lodge of the Temple business throughout the country became prostrated, and the eifect was such that very few petitions were presented to the lodge ; mider the circumstances, the lodge became financially embarrassed, so much so that its future life, prosperity and usefulness were anything but encouraging ; but by strict econ- omy during the prosperous times that followed, the lodge is now placed upon a solid foundation financially, having a membership of over ninety and every indication of a long and useful career. The relations that exist between Social Friends Lodge and Lodge of the Temple are of the most fraternal and pleasant character, and the idea that two lodges are not needed at Keene has, it is hoped, long since passed away. The following is a list of the Past Masters : A. S. Carpenter was appointed W. Master April 6, 1869. Thomas E. Hatch was elected W. Master Decem- ber 25, 1869. Edward Gustine was elected W. Master April 5, 1870. E. E. Lyman was elected W. Master April 4, 1871. Francis Brick was elected W. Master April 1, 1878. Daniel McGregor was elected W. Master June 5, 1875. John G. Stone was elected W. Master April 4, 1876. George J. Appleton was elected W. Master April 3, 1878. F. H. Whitcomb was elected W. Master April 6, 1880. George W. Flagg was elected W. Master April 4, 1882. O. G. Nims was elected W. Master March 28, 1884. 90 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Cheshire Eoyal Arch Chapter. — This chapter was reorganized Oct. 1 2, 1 8 59 . The High Priests have been : H. M. Streeter, 1859 ; Bar- rett Ripley, 1861 ; T. E. Hatch, 1863; J. H. Elliot, 1865 ; E. Gustine, 1867 ; S. A. Car- ter, 1869; E. Ayer, 1872; L. J. Tuttle, 1875; O. M. Holton, 1879 ; Geo. W. Flagg, 1881 ; J. B. Fisher, 1883 ; M. V. B. Clark, 1885. The chapter is in a flourishing condition ; its financial standing is sound, and its membership is about one hundred and fifty. More than five hundred members have been enrolled upon the books of this association of Masons since May 4, 1816, at which time it commenced to work in Keene under dispensation. The charter was granted to the Hon. John Prentiss, founder of the New Hampshire Sentinel, and E,ev. Brough- ton White, of Westmoreland, the latter becom- ing its first High Priest. The meetings were then held in Prentiss' (now Whitcomb's) block, in the attic of which may be found, to-day, a part of the old chapter furniture. The par- aphernalia, however, was taken to Iowa, and used in a chapter there by the late General James Wilson, who was High Priest of Cheshire Chapter for a number of years previous to its dormancy, which was brought about prior to 1835, by the Morgan excitement. The charter of Cheshire Chapter bears date of May 1, 1819, and was signed by Thomas Smith Webb, Dep- uty-General Grand High Priest, whose name is familiar to Free-Masons throughout the country and whose " Masonic Monitor " has found a place in every Masonic library. One hundred years ago Thomas Smith Webb was a book- binder on Main Street, Keene. Ho was ini- tiated as an Entered Apprentice December 24, 1790, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft December 27, 1790, and raised to the sublime degree of Master-Mason December 27, 1790, in Rising Sun Lodge, No. 4, Keene. Subse- quently he became very prominent as a Masonic author and ritualist. He elaborated the ritual of the Order of the Red Cross, and, by borrow- ing from the esoteric rituals of both the lodge and chapter, connected it with Masonry, and thus the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross became a part of the so-called American York Rite of Free-Masonry. The chai-ter of Che- shire Chapter was declared forfeited and ordered to be stricken from the Grand Chapter books, June 14, 1843, the chapter having failed to make return since 1835. It was restored Octo- ber 12, 1859. The early records are not extant, but are complete since the revival of the chap- ter, October 12, 1859, since which time the meetings have been continuous. There is also a council located here called St. John's Council, No. 7, with Josiah L. Seward, T. I. M. Hugh de Payens Commandeky.^ — In 1863 the matter of having a commandery of Knights Templar at Keene was agitated by the Masons of Keene and vicinity. At that time there were but a very few Knights Templar in New Hampshire. The Grand Commandery of the State had been formed. The Masons of this section were informed that it would be nec- essary that a certain number of Chapter Masons should take the Templar degree, then apply to the Grand Commandery for a dispensation or charter. It was found necessary to have the recommendation of some Sir Knight, who be- longed to some commandery and resided in this vicinity. Only one could be found. That was Sir Knight Oliver G. Woodbury, of Westmore- land. He was a member of Vermont Com- mandery, No. 4, Windsor, Vt. By the request of some Chapter Masons of Keene, Sir Knight Woodbury made arrangements with this com- mandery to confer the Templar degrees on the following Masons (as the records show) : Don H. Woodward, H. M. Streeter, Barrett Ripley, Elisha F. Lane, Edward Gustine, William S. Briggs, John H. Elliott, Edward Farrar, John A. Chamberlain. Noveniber 30, 1863, they started for Ver- mont to receive "the degrees. On arriving at Windsor they were informed that the Grand Commandery of Vermont considered it essential that the council degrees should be taken before receiving the Templar degrees. By a dispen- sation they received the council degrees in As- cutney Council, at Windsor, Vt., November 30, 1863. After receiving the council degrees they continued their journey to Hartford, Vt., where ' By Hon. E. Gustine. KEENE. 91 the meeting of tlio comiuandery was held at that time. At that early day of Templar Ma- sonry they had no particular place in the dis- trict for holding meetings. The officers desig- nated where and when the meetings should be held. Under such circumstances they did not always find suitable accommodations. On this occasion the meeting Avas held in the attic of the hotel. One window in the gable end, the rough boards and bare rafters were calculated to impress on the minds of the candidates the rough habit and course fare of our ancient Sir Knights. The kind and cordial greeting that was extended to them by the Sir Knights made the surroundings appear very pleasant. After two days of pilgrimage they returned to their homes, well pleased with the Sir Knights whom they had met and the Templar degrees. In 1866 the Sir Knights applied for a dis- pensation, which Avas granted by Eminent Grand Commander Charles A. Tufts, August 20, 1866, to Thomas E. Hatch, Edward Gustine and their associates. Sir Knight Hatch was ap- pointed by Grand Commander Tufts as his proxy to organize this new commandery, which was done September 7, 1866. It received its charter at the annual conclave of the Grand Commandery, September 25, 1866. Thomas E. Hatch was appointed its first Commander, and held the office one year. After procuring suitable jewels and regalia, on De- cember 4, 1866, the officers of Hugh de Payens Commandery, of Melrose, Mass., under the command of Eminent Sir Knight L. L. Fuller, visited this new commandery (of the same name) and assisted in conferring the degrees. At the annual assembly in 1867, Simon G. Griffin was elected Eminent Commander. In 1876, Solon A. Carter was elected Eminent Commander. In 1878, Solon S. Wilkinson was elected Eminent Commander. In 1880, Don H. Woodward was elected Eminent Com- mander. In 1883, Frank L. Howe was elected Eminent Commander, and is its present Com- mander. The several Commanders have been very efficient and satisfactory officers. The commandery was chartered in 1866 with nine cliarter members ; in 1884 it had a membership of one hundred and fifty. Accepted Scottish. Rite was organized August 7, 1884, under the authority of "The Supreme Grand Council, Sovereign Grand In- spector-General, 33d and last degree, for the United States of America." Bodies meet jointly, in St. John's Hall, third Thursday of each month. New Hampshire Consistory : Frank H. Whitcomb, 111. Com.- in-Chief. Cheshire Chapter Rose Croix : Frank L. Howe, M. W. P. M. Monadnock Council, Princes of Jerusalem : Brainard T. Olcott, M. E. S. G. M. Ashuelot Lodge of Perfection : Frank H. Whitcomb, T. P. G. M. ; George W. Flagg, Deputy for New Hampshire. Active members of the Supreme Council for New Hampshire, — George W. Flagg, 33° Deputy ; Frank H. Whitcomb, 33°; Brainard T. Olcott, 33°. The membership of these bodies is large, and the funds rate second in amount among the Masonic organizations in this city. Keene Natural History Society was organized October 23, 1871, and incorporated May 31, 1880. George A. Wheelock, presi- dent ; Samuel Wadsworth, vice-president ; D. W. Gilbert, secretary and treasurer ; C. F. Rowell, I. J. Prouty, W. R. Dunham, E. J. C. Gilbert and H. Blake, executive committee; Ira D. Gates, custodian. Keene Humane Society was organized December 18, 1875, and incorporated June 3, 1879. President, Charles H. Hersey; Vice- Presidents, C. T. Buffiim, E. A. Webb, A. B. Hay ward, E. A. Renouf, S. G. Griffin, Hora- tio Colony, Mrs. C. S. Falkner ; Directors, Horatio Kimball, A. B. Skinner, Mrs. C. T. Buffum, Mrs. S. D. Osborne, Mrs. C. Bridgman, Mrs. A. S. Carpenter, James Marsh, Mrs. O. G. Dort, Dr. G. B. Twitchell, Mrs. W. P. Wheeler; Secretary, Miss. E. Henderson; Treasurer, Clark F. Rowell ; Prosecuting Attorney, John T. Abbott. Invalids' Home was incorporated Novem- ber, 1874. President, Mrs. A. S. Carpenter; Directors, Mrs. G. D. Harris, Mrs. E. C. Thayer, Mrs. R. H. Porter, Miss E. J. Faulk- ner, Mrs. K. C. Scott, F. F. Lane ; Secretary, Miss B. M. Dinsmoor; Treasurer, I. N. Spencer. Public Schools.— The following gentlemen 92 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. compose the board of officers for Union School District : Kev. Edward A. Renouf, chairman of the Board of Education ; Wilton H. Spalter, sec- retary of the board ; Henry S. Martin, treasurer of the district; Wilton H. Spalter, agent of the district ; Ira D. Gates, janitor of High School building. The Board of Education is composed of the following : George Tilden, term expires March 1885 ; George A. Wheelock, term expires March, 1885 ; Henry S. Martin, term expires March, 1885 : Wilton H. Spalter, term expires March, 1886; Joseph B. Abbott, term expires March, 1886 ; Ira J. Prouty, term expires March, 1886 ; Eev. Edward A. Eenouf, term expires March, 1887 ; Charles H. Hersey, term expires March, 1887 ; John W. Sturtevant, term expires March, 1887. High School, Winter Street. — The High School building, completed in 1876, at a cost of fifty thousand dollars, is a model in architectural design, and will accommodate over three hun- dred pupils. In addition to the High School proper, there are four grammar ■ schools, of the first, second and third grades, kept in the build- ing. The instructors are Middlesex A. Bailey, A.M., principal; William F. Gibson, sub- master ; Miss E. M. Taft, assistant ; Miss Alice M. Whitcomb, assistant. Grammar Schools. — First Grade : High School building. Miss M. A. Wheeler, S. Liz- zie Green (assistant). Second Grade : Room 1 , High School build- ing. Miss Julia D. Hatch ; Room 2, High School building, Miss Helen M. Howard. Third Grade : Room 1, High School building. Miss Lizzie M. Nims ; Room 2, School Street, Miss Carrie R. Hutchins. Fourth Grade : Room 1, Centre Street, Miss Carrie E. Whitcomb ; Room 2, School Street, Miss Fannie M. Rhan ; Room 3, Church Street, Miss Sarah L. Bixby. Secondary Schools. — Lincoln Street, Flora E. Sargeant ; Main Street, Harriet A. Hemenway ; Pearl Street, Annie M. O'Connor; School Street, Gertrude E. Stone ; Washington Street, S. Annie Strong; Fuller School, Anna F. Downer. Primary Schools. — Lincoln Street, Jennie A. Tuttle ; Main Street, Anna E. Bates ; Pearl Street, Nan L. Hart ; School Street, Nellie M. Towne ; Washington Street, Hattie M. Metcalf ; Centre Street, Jennie S. Abbott ; Fuller School, Mary A. Conroy. Suburban Districts. — The schools not belong- ing to the Union District are ten in number, and are placed under charge of a superintendent. The superintendent of suburban schools is Gardner C. Hill. Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Beaver Brook Lodge, No. 36. — Eugene M. Keyes, N. G. ; D. H. Dickerson, V. G. ; Frank M. Davis, Rec. Sec; A. W. Dickinson, Treas. ; Frank E. Joy, Per. Sec. Friendship Rebehah Degree Lodge, No. 6. — Elsie M. Fay, N. G. ; Ella M. Griffith, V. G. ; Kate C. Ward, Rec. Sec. ; Abby J. Roby, Treas. ; Carrie L. Geer, F. Sec. Monadnooh Encampment, No. 10. — Clinton Collins, C. P. ; R. W. Ward, S. W. ; C. Pressler, H. P. ; Walter W. Glazier, Scribe ; Sylvester Spaulding, Treasurer. United Order of the Golden Cross. — Keene Commandery, No. 90, and Ashuelot Council, No. 833, Royal Arcanum, are situated here. Independent Order of Good Templars. — Refuge Lodge, No. 59, was organized Janu- ary 20, 1882. Keene Light Guard. — Company G. : Cap- tain, Francis O. Nims ; First Lieutenant, Edward P. Kimball ; Second Lieutenant, Charles W. Starkey ; Sergeants, Charles E. Joslin, D. H. Dickinson, William H. Reyoum, E. O. Upham, C. H. Clark. Company H. — Captain, George W. Fisher; First Lieutenant, Jerry P. Wellman ; Second Lieutenant, Frank Chapman ; Sergeants, E. A. Shaw, F. E. Barrett, O. G. Nims, Sumner Nims. Battalion. — This organization was organized October 17, 1877, and comprises Companies G and H of the Second Regiment. The follow- ing are the officers of the Battalion : Com- mander, Lieutenant-Colonel Fred. A. Faulkner ; Major, Albert W. Metcalf; Clerk, J. C. Reed ; Treasurer, Oscar G. Nims ; Executive Commit- KEENE. 93 tee, Frank Chapman, Jerry P. Wellmau, E. M. Keyes ; Committee on Arms, Equipments and and Uniforms, Captain G. W. Fisher, Cap- tajn F. O. Nims, Lieutenant C. W. Starkey; Armorer, W. W. Ross. A Post of the Grand Army of the Re- public was organized here in 1868 ; reorganized January, 1880. L. W. Foskett, Commander : L. H. Starkey, Senior Vice-Commander ; Ambrose A. Stiles, Junior Vice-Commander; William \V. Ross, Adjutant; L. D. Darling, Quarter- master ; H. W. Eastman, Officer of the Day ; J. S. Warner, Officer of the Guard ; Dr. G. B. Twitchell, Surgeon ; E. E. Bissell, Chaplain. Ancient Order op Hibernians was or- ganized April 5, 1874. Fire Department, 1885. — The officers are: Chief Engineer, George D. Wheelock ; Assist- ants, J. A. Batchelder, H. H. Barker, William H. Reyoum, C. L. Kingsbury, H. W. Harvey ; Clerk, C. L. Kingsbury. Keene Steamer and Hose Company, No. 1. — E.' S. Foster, captain ; H. H. Haynes, lieutenant ; J. P. Wellwan, foreman of hose ; G. H. Piper, engineer ; D. E. Ladd, assistant engineer ; H. W. Keyes, clerk ; M. V. B. Clark, treasurer. Deluge Hose Company, No. 1. — O. P. Applin, foreman ; Charles Balch, first assistant ; George F. Howe, second assistant ; Edward Stone, clerk; Charles G. Gilmore, secretary and treasurer; Fred. H. Towne, steward. Phcenix Hose Company, No. 4. — M. L. Lan- ders, foreman ; Wm. R. Wiggett, first assistant ; Charles S. Carkin, second assistant ; F. F. Stearns, clerk ; Frank P. Gaynor, secretary and treasurer ; F. N. Woods, steward. Washington Hooh-and-Ladder Company, No. 1. — Joseph E. Griffith, foreman ; George Blais- dell, first assistant ; E. A. Seaver, second assistant ; A. E. Fish, secretary and treasurer; Fred R. Smith, steward. Public Library.' — In the old " Annals of Keene," under date of 1815, we find this para- graph,— "We do not now stand apart from the rest of the world ; neither our position, nor the circumstances that surround us, present any features, grand, r&narkable or romantic. . . . The deeds of our an- 1 By Mrs. M. B. Osborne. cestors are interesting to us, not merely because they were the deeds of our ancestors, nor because they are viewed through the long vista of past time, but prin- cipally because they were performed by a few men of stout hearts and strong wills, amid perilous and re- markable circumstances ; and are appreciated by the vast importance of their consequences. Individuals are lost in the multitude, and a multitude excites no interest." And what is true of individuals is also true of institutions, — they have a history interesting to none, perhaps, outside of their own immediate vicinity, and yet the annals of a town or county would be incomplete without this record. Hence, this sketch of the Keene Public Library. The Keene Public Library had its beginning in 1859 in a joint stock-company, represented and sustained by an association of stockholders, each holding one or more shares at five dollars per share, subject to assessment annually. An- nual subscribers, by the payment of two dollars, were entitled to all the privileges of the library. In 1859 by-laws and a constitution were drawn up and subscribed to, as follows : " We, the undersigned, hereby associate ourselves together for the establishment of a library in Keene, under the corporate name of the ' Keene Public Li- brary,' agreeably to the preceding Constitution and By-Laws, for the objects and upon the conditions there- in expressed; and we hereby adopt said Constitution and By-Laws as a part of our articles of agreement. And we further agree that our first meeting be held on the 3d day of May, 1859, at the Town Hall in Keene, at 7J o'clock P.M., and be organized as the majority shall decide. " Wm. P. Wheeler. Geo. Cook. Farnum F. Lane. D. H. Sawyer. Leonard Bisco. Edward A. Webb. Geo. B. Twitchell. Gilman Joslin. John Henry Elliot. Wm. Henry Thayer.'' William S. Briggs. At the first annual meeting of the stockhold- ers a board of twelve trustees was elected, con- sisting of the same persons, with the addition of John Bowker. George B. Twitchell was chosen chairman, and William H. Thayer sec- retary (whose duty it should be to prepare a catalogue), and Leonard Bisco librarian, "the Trustees agreeing to pay him the sum of fifty dollars for the use of the room and the care and delivery of books, including all the duties of Librarian for one year." 94 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " On the opening of the Library, Sept. 3d, the Secretary read a brief address, which the Board agreed to publish in the Newspapers, with some alterations." The first sum voted for books was one hundred dollars. At the first annual meeting, in May, the treasurer's re- port represented the sum of two hundred dol- lars. Of the twelve gentlemen elected trustees, only four have departed this life. Those who remain hale and hearty to-day are F. F. Lane, Rev. William O. White, William H. Thayer, M.D., John Henry Elliot, George Cook, John Bowker, William S. Briggs and George A. Wheelock. In 1862 the following vote appears on the records : " Voted to appropriate two hundred and five dollars for the expenses of the ensuing year, — Ninety dollars for the purchase of books. Ninety dollars for the salary of Libra- rian and Twenty-five for rent, gas and inciden- tal expenses." Valuable gifts of books and public docu- ments were received from time to time. One hundred and fifteen dollars was the largest sum expended in any one year before the vote to transfer the library to the city, in 1875. A meeting was called September 19, 1874, to hear the report of the committee previously chosen by the stockholders (consisting of William P. Wheeler, George A. Wheelock and F. S. Strat- ton) to confer with a committee chosen by the city, in relation to surrendering the shares of the stockholders to the city, and take any action deemed necessary to transfer the library and any other property of the association to the city. The committee chosen by the city were William Dinsmoor, Asa Smith (councilmen), S. S. Wil- kinson (alderman), with full authority to con- summate the transactions ; and on February 1,1874, F. S. Stratton and George A. Whee- lock, on the part of the association, and William Dinsmoor, on the part of the city, met and for- mally transferred the library to the city, under the following conditions and regulations, viz. : " The city shall furnish suitable apartments, and for five years shall expend the sum of not less than three hundred dollars, and after that a sum of not less than five hundred dollars, for the purchase and repair of books, until such time as the Library shall receive an income of not less than one thousand dollars per annum." The city also voted to maintain " a free public library, which should be well equipped with standard, historical and general works, constitu- ting an armory in which our young men might furnish themselves weapons for the intellectual contests of the day, and every care should be exercised in its formation to guard its shelves strictly from worthless books." They also decreed that the joint standing committee should have charge and management of said library, appoint a librarian and define his duties and make all such rules and regulations as they shall deem proper.. Alderman Wilkinson and Councilmen Dinsmoor and Smith constituted that committee, and leased the rooms of the Social Union, and the books recommended, 433 in number, were purchased, which,, with the 2644 received from the association, made a total of 3077 volumes. The first librarian was Cy- rus Piper, who reported at the annual meeting valuable gifts of books, reports, public docu- ments, etc., and not a book lost during the year. In 1877 the city passed an ordinance "com- mitting the Library to a Board of Trustees consisting of six persons, three of whom may be ladies, and all to serve without compensa- tion, to be appointed as follows : two for one year, two for two years and two for three years, and at the expiration of the term of office of each two, their successors shall be ap pointed for three years." William P. Cham- berlain, Mrs. H. M. Hatch, A. B. Heywood, Mrs. M. R. Osborne, D. W. Gilbert and Mrs. E. J. C. Gilbert constituted the board of trus- tees, four of whom have remained on the board until the present time, and the librarian then, Miss Brooks, who succeeded her father after his decease, is still at her post. The mayor, in his review of the library the third year after its transfer to the city, depre- cated the fact " that so large a per cent, of the books read were fiction, revealing a frivolous taste prevailing in the community." In 1880 the Keene Public Library became a member of the Library Association, and the trustees availed themselves of the valuable aid affi)rded KEENE, 95 thereby to increase the efficiency of their library. The lack of two things had been a hindrance to its growth and prosperity, viz. : a proper classification of books and a catalogue that would be a more complete guide in the finding of books. In 1881 a large, commodious and well- lighted room was provided by the city in City Hall Block, and the books were renumbered and classified, according to their subjects. A card-catalogue had also been completed, based upon the same plan, and containing copious ref- erences to the contents of books, and an exhaust- ive analysisof the subjects treatedin them. A new method of keeping the record of books loaned and returned, has been adopted, which, in effici- ency and simplicity is much superior to the old ledger system, and lost books can be more easily traced. The book committee of three persons, chosen from the board of trustees, have always aimed to carry out the legitimate object of a pub- lic library — that of furnishing the means of in- struction and education, instead of amusement only, and have placed on the shelves works of an enduring character, such as should render it more valuable as it increases in size, instead of filling it with books of a sensational nature, which will become valueless when their short day has passed. Many valuable gifts have greatly enhanced the value of the library. And before closing this fragmentary sketch permit me to invite the citizens of our county, when visiting Keene for business or pleasure, to step into our Public Library, where our obliging and business-like librarian will show the admirable working of the card-cata,logue (which cost days and months of continuous labor), where the anxious seeker after some missing-link, with which to complete his essay or discussion, is directed straight to the hidden truth or historical fact, and thus much valuable time is saved. Then, passing on to the Reference Department, pause and look over the table covered with the best magazines, and if it chance to be out of school hours, you will see pupils seated around it, not to read the stories, but to glean choice bits of knowledge from the excellent articles on science, biography and travel, contributed by master-minds in our own and foreign lands. But the grandest portion of our library is the solid books of reference and excellent maps and charts. Here you will find the members of our higher grades of school, with pencil and note- book in hand, carefully noting facts and dates to aid them in acquiring the liberal education which is the birthright of every child in Keene. One who has been abroad many years said, on returning here to his native city, " I find the beauty of Keene greatly enhanced by her fine public and private buildings, her broad streets beautified and arched by the spreading branches of her noble elms ; but the crowning gem to me is her Public Library, with its almost faultless appointments." But this " beginning," we trust, is only the earnest of the future Public Library of Keene, when, through the munificence of our late gen- erous citizen, John Symonds, supplemented by the aid of both of our citizens, a fire-proof build- ing, with its library hall filled with light alcoves, holding their precious treasures, its well- appointed reading-room, its art gallery and museum of natural history, when the fifty-five hundred volumes shall be multiplied, it may be five times, it may be ten, and who knows, but a hundred-fold ! The present board of trustees are William P. Chamberlain, Dexter W. Gilbert, Charles H. Hersey, Mrs. E. J. C. Gilbert, Miss Kate I. Tilden, Mrs. M. R. Osborne ; Mrs. L. M. Converse, librarian ; Miss Z. B. Gilmore, as- sistant librarian. The Press. — The first newspaper in Keene was the New Hampshire Recorder and Weekly Advertiser, established by James D. Griffith in 1787. This was continued until March 3, 1791. The New Hampshire Sentinel was established in March, 1799, by John Prentiss, who was connected with it nearly half a century. His son, John W., became associated with him in October, 1828, and the paper was conducted under the firm-name of J. & J. W. Prentiss until June 20, 1834, when John Prentiss again appears to be the sole proprietor. In 1838 the firm again became J. & J. W. Prentiss. In 1847 J. W. Prentiss again assumed control, and soon after Alfred Godfrey became associated 96 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. with its publication, under the name of J. W. Prentiss & Co. July 6, 1855, the American News was united with the Sentinel, and the firm became A. Godfrey and G. S. Woodward. It was subsequently published by S. & G. S. Woodward; later by Thomas Hale, G. S. Woodward, Albert Godfrey and T. C. Eand. In July, 1865, the firm consisted of T. C. Rand, G. S. Woodward and Oliver L. French. In 1866 it was issued by George Ticknor & Co. From December, 1866, to 1868, Mr. French was the sole proprietor. Mr. T. C. Rand then purchased an interest, and the Sentinel was conducted by Rand & French until Sep- tember, 1872, when C. J. Woodward purchased an interest, and the paper was then issued by the Sentinel Publishing Company, which name has continued to the present time. No further change appeared in the ownership of the paper until March, 1880, when Mr. William H. Pren- tiss became a member of the firm, and the Sentinel is now published by Messrs. Rand, Woodward and Prentiss, under whose able management it has taken front rank among the leading journals of the State. It is Republican in politics. The Cheshire Republican, the leading Demo- cratic paper of Western New Hampshire, was established in Walpole, N. H., April 11, 1793, and removed to Keene November 14, 1828. It was originally called the Farmers' Museum. It has been successively published since its removal here by Nahum Stone, B. Cooke, H. A. Bill, Horatio Kimball, J. N. Morse and W. B. Allen, J. N. Morse, and Joshua D. Colony & Sons. The Republican came into the possession of Colony & Sons in 1878 and at once entered upon a prosperous era. They brought to the enterprise energy and ability, which soon became manifest. It is Democratic in politics and a fearless ex- ponent of the principles of that party. The following are obsolete publications: The Cheshire Advertiser, The Columbian In- former, The Rising Sun and the American News, The latter was merged with the Sentinel in 1855. The New England Observer was com- menced at White River Junction, Vt., January 1, 1878, as The Republican Observer. Thomas Hale, a veteran journalist, was its founder, and he continued to be its editor and publisher un- til June, 1880, when the subscription-list and material was purchased by a stock company and removed to Keene, and the paper was re- christened the New England Observer. Mr. Hale remained as its editor until the following spring, when he was succeeded by H. L. In- man, the manager, who has since filled both po- sitions. The New England Observer is Repub- lican in politics, but not in an organic sense, reserving the right at all times to believe that the good of all is preferable to the success of any party, when that party is clearly in the wrong. Keeste is 1831. — The first Directory of Keene was published in 1831, "with four original engravings." This Directory contained the names of thirteen streets and about five hundred people. The business interests, etc., at that time were represented as follows : Apothecaries.— ^..& H. Gerould, A. & T. Hall. Attorneys-at-Law. — Samuel Binsmoor, Jr., Elijah Dunbar, Thomas M. Edwards, Elijah Parker, Joel Parker, James Wilson, James Wilson, Jr. Booksellers. — J. & J. W. Prentiss, Geo. Lincoln. Baptist Church. — Rev. E. Hale, pastor. First Congregational Church. — Rev. Z. S. Barstow, pastor ; Elijah Carter, Thomas Fisher, C. H. Jaquith, Abijah Wilder, deacons. Keene Congregational Society. — Rev. T. R. Sullivan, pastor; Samuel Wood and Adolphus Wright, deacons. Engine Companies. — No. 1, John V. Wood, captain ; No. 2, J. B. Davis, captain. Insurance Agents. — Elijah Parker, Thomas M. Ed- wards, Justus Perry. Hotels. — Eagle Hotel, Stephen Harrington, proprie- tor ; Phoenix Hotel, John Hatch, proprietor. Taverns.— HejiXY Goodenow, Abigail Metcalf, Josiah Sawyer, J. & R. Shelly and Samuel Streeter. Zi6ra»-ie«.— Cheshire Athenaeum, Cheshire Theolog- ical Institute, Juvenile Library, Keene Book Society, Circulating Library, School Library. Livery /StoSte.— Stillman French, T. E. Sears. Manufacturers.— Peirj, Wheeler & Co., bottles; Adams, Holman & Button, A. & T. Hall, potashes ; Adams, Holman & Button, window-glass. Baker. — Amos Wood. Blacksmiths.— Aaron Bavis, J. Baniels, J. Towns N. Wilder, J. Wilson, N. Wood. Book-Binder. — George Tilden. Brick-Maker— Thomas M. Edwards. Butchers.— Ba,TkeT & McNiel. Carpenters.~N stthsiVi Bassett, S. Crossfield, K. Cross- field, John Fitch, E. Newcomb, Jotham Parker G. W. Sturdevant, John S. Thatcher. ' KEENE. 97 Chaise- Maker. — Thomas F. Ames. Clock-Maker. — Luther Smith. Clothiers. — Faulkner & Colony. Coopers. — Abel Angler, A. Dodge, Elisha Fassett, E. Hale, James Perry, Silas Perry. Glazier. — -Walter Taylor. Or avesf one- Maker. — Eliphalet Briggs. Own-Maker — John C. Mason. Hair-Dresser. — Adolphus Wright. Hatter. — Dexter Anderson. Hoe-Makers. — Aaron Davis, Azel Wilder. Last-Maker. — 0. H. Jaquith. Masons. — J. B. Davis, J. F. Locke, D. Marsh, J. Parker, 0. Wilson. Millers. — ^T. Dwinell, Jr., Faulkner & Colony, E. Holbrook, Geo. Page. Milliners and Dress-Makers.— Jemsha Brown, Misses Dodge, Harriet Keyes, Jane N. Leonard, Eliza R. Eidgway. Millwrights. — Enos Holbrook, George Page, Aaron Willson, Jr. Morocco-Dressers. — Harington & King. Pail-Makers. — S. Perry, J. Willson. Painters. — Gideon Clark, Charles Ingalls, Walter Taylor. Printers. — J. & J. W. Prentiss, N. Stone. Pump-Makers. — Page & Holman, Oliver Willson. Saddlery. — T. F. Ames, David Watson. Shingle-Maker. — George Page. Shoemakers. — Harington & King, C. H. Jaquith, Abijah Kingsbury, Wilson & Wade. Sleigh-Maker. — A. Wilder, Jr. Stone- Cutters. — A. Dickerson, J. Ellis. Tailors.— G. C. Dean, Montague & Wright, Mon- tague & Dinsmore. Tailoresses. — Mrs. Baker, Esther Page, Hannah Stiles, Mrs. Weldeu, Mary Wright. Tanners. — Harington & King, C. Lamson. Tinner. — J. P. Barber. Turners. — Page & Holman, A. Wilder. Jewelers. — J. Corbett, S. & H. Gerould, J. H. Pond, J. Ridgeway. Wheel-Head Maker. — A. Wilder. Wheelwright. — C. P. Perkins. Music and Musical Instruments. — George Tilden. Newspapers. — The Farmer's Museum, Nahum Stone, editor; New Hampshire Sentinel, J. & J. W. Prentiss, circulation, 1150. Physicians. — Charles G. Adams, J. B. Doiisman, Amos Twitchell. Saw-Mills. — Thomas Dwinell, Jr., Faulkner & Col- ony, Perry & Angier, J. Perry, George Page, Caleb Wright. The selectmen for this year were Eliphalet Briggs, Henry Coolidge and Thomas Thomp- son ; Eliphalet Briggs, clerk ; William Dins- more, postmaster ; Representatives, Aaron Hall and James "Wilson, Jr. 7 There were fourteen school districts, with six- teen teachers and seven hundred and sixty-eight scholars. The school money raised was thir- teen hundred and fifty dollars. The enterpris- ing business men, as evidenced by the adver- tisements in this pioneer Directory, were Thomas F. Ames, George Tilden, John C. Mason, Abijah Kingsbury, Adams, Holman & Dutton, Lamson & Dutton, A. & T. Hall, Evans & Perkins, Montague & Dinsmoor, Perry, Wheeler & Co., S. & H. Gerould and J. & J. W. Pren- tiss. It contained a view of the Congregational Church, Unitarian Church, Phoenix and Eagle Hotels. Post-Office. — The late Hon. Salma Hall, while compiling his " Annals of Keene," wrote to the Post-Office Department at Washington in relation to the first post-office in this town, and received the following letter in reply : " Owing to the destruction of a large part of the books and papers of the Department, by the fire of 1836, we have no means of giving satisfactory answers to the inquiries contained in your letter of the 5th inst. We are enabled, however, to state positively that, in the early part of 1795, Asa BuUard was the Postmaster at Keene, N. H. (then spelt Keen). His account, rendered for the quarter (or part of the quarter, possibly) ending 31st March, 1795, shows that the net proceeds of the oflBce for that quarter amounted to $1.36. The next quarter, it appears, they came up to $4.49. By the Auditor's records, which go back to 1775, it does not appear that any account, prior to the above, was opened with the office at Keene. From this circumstance, and the fact that Keene is not mentioned in the list of offices (about two hundred in number, and believed to be all then in operation in the United States), to which a circular of the Postmaster-General was sent, under date of 18th June, 1792, it seems very probable that Asa Bullard was the first Postmaster of Keene, and that he was appointed some time in the first quarter of 1795, or, possibly, in the latter part of 1794. " It appears, by a copy of a letter from the First Assistant Postmaster-General to Jeremiah Libbey, Esq., Postmaster of Portsmouth, N. H., dated 16th Sept., 1794, that ' Ozias Silsby's proposal for carrying the mail from Boston to Keen' had then just been ac- cepted ; and contracts were enclosed for execution. It is not stated when the contract was to go into oper- ation, nor how frequently the mail was to be conveyed. It seems that the route to Keene was by the way of Portsmouth ; and it is not probable that the service beyond Portsmouth was oftener than once a week, because it appears that, in winter, it was at that time but twice a week between Boston and Portsmouth. 98 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. How long the mail was in passing between the two places (Boston and Keene) we have not, from any of the existing records, been able to ascertain." ^ The KixCt's Cannon. — At the term of the Superior Court held in Keene in October, 1807, came on the trial of a prosecution instituted by the inhabitants of Walpole against certain citi- zens of Keene " for taking and carrying away, in the night-time, a piece of ordnance of the value of two hundred dollars, the property of said town of Walpole." For the better understanding of this matter, it is necessary to go back to a remote period of our history. In the early settlement of the country, on Connecticut River, four forts were erected on its banks, and each was supplied by His Majesty, the King of England, with a large iron cannon. These forts were numbered — that at Chesterfield being No. 1, that at Westmore- land No. 2, that at Walpole No. 3 and that at Charlestown No. 4. These cannons remained in those several towns after the achievement of our independence, were prized as trophies of victory, and made to speak in triumphant tones on every Fourth of July and other days of public rejoicings. Their reports sounded to the inhabitants of the adjoining towns as exulting claims to superiority, they having no such trophies to speak for them. That at Walpole was ^ left unguarded in the Main Street. In the spring of this year a citizen of Keene, then a youth, but since distinguished in the service of his country, having received an elegant sword for his gallant defense, in the War of 1812, of ' It has been ascertained that Asa BuUard was an officer in the Eevolutionary War — probably a captain, for he was so styled when he first came to Keene. While here he re- ceived an appointment in the militia which gave him the rank of major, and he was afterwards known as Major Bullard. He resided and kept the post-office in the rough- cast house formerly occupied by Elijah Dunbar, and now by Joshua Wyman. He afterwards removed to Walpole and kept tavern there ; and it was at his house that for some time the club of scholars and wits, who made them- selves and the Farmer^ Mmmm famous throughout the country, by their lucubrations, and consisted of Joseph Dennie, afterwards editor of Portfolio, at Philadelphia, Royal Tyler, afterwards chief justice of Vermont, Samuel Hunt and Roger Vose, both afterwards members of Con- gress, Samuel West and others, held their periodical sym- posiums. Fort Covington, near Baltimore, arranged a party who repaired to Walpole in the night, ' took possession of the cannon and brought it in triumph to Keene. The whole population of Walpole were in- dignant at being deprived, in this way, of their valued trophy, and determined to appeal to the laws to recover it. Several attempts to arrest the offenders proved abortive, but this only added to their zeal. A respectable citizen of Walpole was sent to aid the sheriff. Knowing that he whom they most wished to secure con- cealed himself whenever apprized that the officer was visible, they lay in ambush for him in the swamps south and west of his father's residence. It happened that Dr. Adams was at this time gunning, as was his frequent habit, in the same grounds. He saw them, and knowing that they saw him, he walked hurriedly away. They fol- lowed ; he hastened his walk, they theirs, until the walk became a run, and the run a race. His knowledge of the minute topography of the place enabled him to take such direction as might best suit his purpose. Methinks I see him now, lightly springing from hassock to hassock, from turf to log, now. and then looking back, with face sedate and eagle eye, to see how his pur- suers sped. By turning and winding he led them into a bog, and gained distance while they were struggling to gain firm foothold. They outran him, however, and arrested him at his door ; but were soon convinced they had not caught the right man, and returned, not the less irritated, to Walpole. Several of the delinquents were at length arrested and brought to trial. The court (Chief Justice Smith, afterwards Governor, presiding) decided that the said cannon was not the prop- erty of the said town of Walpole, and the de- fendants were discharged. It was immediately drawn near the court-house, loaded and fired. "May it please your honor," said Counselor Vose, " the case is already reported." This was the year in wltich the sufferings from the Embargo exasperated a large portion of the people of New England. It is worthy of note that the selectmen of Keene, on being legally requested so to do, called a meetino- of the qualified voters of the town "to take into KBENE. 99 consideration the present alarming situation of our country, to express our sentiments thereon and to adopt such measures for a redress of grievances as shall be thought expedient." It was the practice in Revolutionary times for towns to resolve and even act in their corporate capa- city in relation to public affairs ; but the in- stances have been few in which they have so done since the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. This instance is not now men- tioned to censure it. It might be attended with many good results if all the citizens of a town were to be called together occasionally to dis- cuss public measures. At such meeting all parties might be heard, and argument be com- bated by argument. At this meeting several resolutions were adopted, but no measures were determined on. The irritation of the people of Walpole at the loss of their valued trophy, or more, per- haps, at the manner in which they had been de- prived of it, continued unabated ; and they de- termined to take redress into their own hands. They had been informed that the cannon was concealed in a granary, in a back store, on the south side of West Street, near Main Street. On the evening of the 4th of July a plot was ar- ranged to regain possession of it. A confederate (a stage-driver) was sent immediately to Keene, in a huge stage-wagon, to gain information and take measures to facilitate the execution of the project. He ascertained that it was concealed in the place mentioned, bargained for some grain, and, at his suggestion, was allowed to take the key, that he might get the grain very early in the morning without disturbing the clerks. Returning immediately, he met on their way a cavalcade of about thirty, mostly young men, commanded by a military officer of high rank, and made his report. They left their horses in the cross-road, then fringed with bushes, leading from Court Street to Washing- ton Street, and in a few minutes entered the granary. The first motion of the cannon, the night being still, made a terrific noise. The town bell was rung and an alarm of fire was raised. The men in the granary la- bored for a time without success, and almost without hope. Outside, men were seen skulk- ing behind buildings and flitting from corner to corner. At length, by a desperate effort, it was lifted into the wagon, and the team hurried towards Walpole. At break of day they were welcomed home by the ringing of the bell and by the applause of a crowd awaiting in anxiety the return of their fellow-townsmen. In the mean time a large number of the citizens of Keene mounted their horses and pur- sued the returning party ; but fortunately they took the wrong road, and thus a desperate con- flict was avoided. A report was current, at the time, that they took the wrong road by design ; but this was pronounced a base and baseless slander. But the history of the King's cannon is not yet complete. It was soon afterwards furtively taken by a body of men from Westminster, Vt., to be used in celebrating the Declaration of Independence ; and was retaken, on a sudden on- set, by a large body of men from Walpole, the selectmen at their head, while actually in use for that purpose. It was afterwards taken by men from Alstead, and report says that it was, after that, appropriated by an iron founder and transmuted into implements of husbandry. Manufacturing Interests. — The Faulk- ner & Colony woolen-mill is one of the oldest es- tablishments of its kind in the State. The entire production of this mill is flannel. The founders of this interest have long since passed away, and the business is now conducted by their descend- ants. The Keene Furniture Company was estab- lished in 1868. This company employs about one hundred hands. Its principal owner is Edward Joslin; F. L. Sprague and C. L. Kingsbury are the managers of the business. The works are located in the Hope Steam Mill Company's buildings. The Cheshire Chair Company is also located in the buildings of the Hope Steam Mill Com- pany. It was organized January 1, 1869, and at present consists of Edward and C. E. Joshn and George W. McDuffee. The Keene Chair Company is also a large establishment, at South Keene, of which Hon. S. W. Hale is president. The celebrated "Clipper " mowing-machine is manufactured at South Keene. Among other 100 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. manufacturers are Nims, Whitney & Co., manu- facturers of sash, doors and blinds ; C. N. Tot- tingham & Co., manufacturers of sleighs. J. & F. French, manufacture the Keene sleigh. This business was commenced in 1839. Wil- kinson & McGregor manufacture the celebrated Keene harness. The Humphrey Machine Com- pany manufactures the I X L turbine water- wheel. A wheel costing ten thousand dollars was made at this establishment, in 1884, for a Low- ell mill ; pottery (J. S. Taft & Co.), brick, paint-brushes, impervious cans, etc., are also manufactured here. The Hope Steam Mill Company, in addition to supplying power for other manufacturers, manufactures pails, tubs, etc. ; John Simons, tannery ; Frank E. Foster, tannery ; Morse Bros., soap-works ; Upham's glue works. Members of Congress. — Keene has fur- nished six members of Congress : Peleg Sprague, Samuel Dinsmoor, Sr., Joseph Buffum, Salma Hale, James Wilson, Jr., and Thomas McKay Edwards. Governors. — Samuel Dinsmoor and his son, Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr.,^ have been the only Gov- ernors elected from Keene until 1882. In that year Samuel W. Hale was elected Governor. War of the Rebellion. — The first war- meeting was held in Keene April 20, 1861. The meeting was called to order by Hon. Levi Chamberlain, and the following officers were chosen : President, ex-Governor Samuel Dins- moor ; Vice-Presidents, ex-Governor William Haile, Colonel David Buffiim, Captain J. S. Adams, William P. Wheeler, Colonel Benjamin Read, Colonel T. A. Barker, F. A. Faulkner and Hon. Jacob Taylor ; Secretaries, George H. Tilden and A. S. Whitcomb. This meeting was an enthusiastic one, and one of the resolutions adopted at its close was " that we will encourage and sustain, with our approval and sympathy, and also with 'material aid,' 1 Levi Chamberlain oftlie Clieshire bar, was at one time the opposing candidate of the latter. Mr. Chamberlain, well knowing that in Keene the men of hie own political stripe preponderated, playfully suggested, with his charac- teristic mirth, that to avoid putting the State to so much trouble. Mr. Dinsmoor and he had best " leave the case out " to the decision of the friends and neighbors by whom they were best known. those citizens of our county Avho shall enroll themselves as soldiers in response to the recent call of the Governor." And most thoroughly was this resolution carried out. Keene respond- ed promptly to the call of her imperiled country. Rev. William Orne White, in speaking of this "war-meeting," in the admirable address delivered by him in Keene, July 4, 1876, says,— "It was a memorable scene, when, in the sunlight of the afternoon of May 20th, 1861, the late Ex-Gov- ernor Dinsmoor stood upon the platform erected for the occasion, on Central Square, and, in presence of a multitude, said, as he introduced to them Hon. James Wilson, still happily spared to us (both deco- rated with the red, white and blue) : ' Amid the gen- eral gloom which pervades the community there is yet one cause for congratulation, — that we at last see a united North.' Representing different political or- ganizations, these honored men served to typiiy the patriotism, which, in that trying hour, fused so many hearts in one. How the women, moved with a com- mon purpose, toiled week after week, year after year, in connection with the ' Soldiers' Aid Society,' or to help the benevolent work of the United States Sani- tary Commission ! ^ How like romance sound some of the surprises caused by the handicraft of the New Hampshire women.' A Dublin soldier-boy, in his distaiit hospital, gains strength to scan the names in- scribed upon his album-quilt, and is strangely stirred as the names grow more and more familiar, until at last he sees the handwriting of his own mother. " As we recall those memorable days, how that com- pany of the Second Regiment, moving forth from our railroad station, at the signal of prayer, comes back to our minds, and those tents of the New Hampshire Sixth, as for weeks together they whitened the plains beyond the Ashuelot ! How shall I speak of the cour- age, the patience, the devotion of such men ? I aban- don the attempt. In summer and winter, week in and week out, they have their perpetual orator. There he stands in brazen panoply of armor ! If you have never heeded, him, you will not heed me ! But in 2 So early as March 11, 1862, the town votes three thou- sand dollars for the relief of wives, children or parents of volunteers. 3 After the subsidence of the war five hundred dollars a year were paid by a combination of persons in the va- rious religious societies, for two or three years, to the " Keene Freedman's Aid Society.'' The "Ladies' Charita- ble Society " unites, as it has for many years, the sympa- thies of all the parishes. The " Invalids' Home " was founded chiefly by the aid of the "Keene Congregational (or Unitarian) Society, " its chief benefactor being the late Charles Wilson, who left to the Home the sum of one thou- sand dollars. KEENE. 101 his meditative attitude, to me he speaks, not wholly of the storm-cloud of hattle, nor of freedom dawning upon millions of a once enslaved race ; he seems to dream, besides, of brighter days for his country, days when ' men shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.' The time shall come when no living tongue among their comrades shall be left to tell of Lane and Leverett, of Metcalf and Flint, Crossfleld and Eugg, and Howard and Cheney, and their asso- ciates, who returned, not alive, to the dear old home ! One by one, all who bore part in the gigantic contest shall have passed onward. Yet even then, God grant that those silent lips may speak eloquently to the fu- ture dwellers in this happy valley, of those sons of Keene who, in behalf of their country, presented 'their bodies a living sacrifice.' " The record of Keene during the War of the Rebellion is one in which her citizens may justly feel a patriotic pride. Captain Henry C Han- derson recruited the first volunteers. The first company raised became Company G of the First Regiment, A. J. Sargent, captain. The follow- ing companies also went out from Keene : Com- pany A, Second Regiment, T. A. Barker, cap- tain ; Company F, Fifth Regiment, H. T. H. Pierce, captain ; Company E, Sixth Regiment, O. G. Dort, captain; Company I, Ninth Regi- ment, John W. Babbitt, captain ; Company G, Fourteenth Regiment, Solon A. Carter, captain. A portion of Company K, Third Regiment, was also from Keene. The Sixth Regiment was organized at Keene, commanded by Colonel Nelson Converse, and later by Colonel S. G. Griffin, afterwards ma-jor- general. A portion also of Company K, Third Regiment, was from this town. The following is the roll of honor : Captain Henry N. Metcalf, killed at Gettysburg. A. W. Heaton, died of wounds, May 25, 1862. William H. Hookins, died of wounds, July 25, 1862. G. H. Muchmore, first lieutenant, killed at second battle of Bull Eun. J. H. Jenks, sergeant-major, killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Edward E. Sturdevant, major, killed at Fredericks- burg. Henry Holton, died March 17, 1863. John A. Drummer, died December 9, 1861. John G. Darling, died. Henry White, died December 9, 1861. C. 0. Cheney, died February 26, 1862. Henry Flint, died October 16, 1862. George W. Marsh, drowned August 31, 1862. Henry Sprague, died August 17, 1863. C. D. Chase, died July 20, 1863. F. J. Leverett, died October 2, 1863. E. J. Perham, died October 26, 1862. C. E. Towns, died February 20, 1865. N. T. Dunn, died September 8, 1864. L. M. Parker, died June 20, 1865. Edwin Marvin, died December 15, 1862. E. F. Dickinson, died of wounds, .Tune 17, 1864. H. W. Willard, died March 3, 1865. Charles J. Wilder, killed October 13, 1864. Soldiers' Monument. — The first move- ment for the erection of a soldiers' memorial in Keene was started in 1868, when two thousand dollars was voted for the purpose, and a build- ing committee chosen. In August, 1870, an additional sum of five thousand dollars was voted, and a committee of five chosen to erect upon Central Square such a monument as they should think best. The monument stands at the extreniie south end of the park in Central Square, facing the south. It was designed by Martin Milmore, of Boston, and was cast by the Ames Manufactur- ing Company, of Chicopee, Mass. It consists of a bronze figure of a soldier, eight feet in height, standing at rest ; the butt of the musket is placed upon the ground, and, passing up between the right arm and the body, is sup- ported by the right hand, which is raised to- wards the shoulder and grasps the piece in a firm but pliant manner. The figure rests principally upon the right leg, while the left is advanced to an easy posi- tion, giving balance and repose to the whole. The drapery is that of a common soldier in the late war, including the overcoat, which was so useful in active service, and which now serves so admirably as a foil to the stiffiiess of the or- dinary costume and gives to the figure something of the grace necessary to a work of art. The pose of the figure is easy, at the same time firm and commanding. The countenance ex- presses that clear intelligence and sterling com- mon sense which distinguishes the true American volunteer, and the whole aspect of the statue is that of the courageous, ready, firm and patriotic citizen-soldier. The figure stands upon a pedestal 102 HISTORY OP CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of Roxbury granite, composed of the following sections : A lower base, seven and one-half feet square and fifteen inches high ; second base, six feet two inches square and eighteen inches high ; third base, five feet four inches square and nine inches high; fourth base, four feet ten inches square and twelve inches high. On these four bases rest the die, which is four feet square by five feet eight inches in height ; the whole sur- mounted by a cap, five feet four inches square and eighteen inches thick. On the south of the die is a bronze tablet, forty-eight by thirty- three inches, bearing the following inscription : " Keene will cherish in perpetual honor the mem- ory of her sons who fought for liberty and the integ- rity of the Republic. 1861-1865. " The honor of the heroic dead is the inspiration of posterity.'' The entire height of the pedestal is twelve feet ten inches, and the total height of the pedes- tal and statue twenty feet ten inches. Surround- ing the monument, and distant from it ten feet, is a granite curbing. The monument was dedicated October 20, 1 871, amid a large concourse of people. Many distin- guished guests were also present, among whom were General Kilpatrick, General Garfield, Gov- ernor Weston and staff, Mr. Milmore, of Boston, and others. The introductory address of the day was delivered by Major-General S. G. Griffin, who was president of the day. The presentation address was delivered by Dr. Geo. B. Twitchell, and Mr. Geo. H. Gilbert, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, responded with an address of accept- ance. The oration was delivered by General Judson Kilpatrick. Remarks were also made by Governor "Weston, Senator Patterson, General Garfield, Colonel Carroll D. Wright, Martin Milmore, Hon. Thomas M. Edwards, Hon. Ho- sea Parker, General Natt. Head, General M. T. Donahue and Hon. Peter Sanborn. Physicians. — The following physicians have practiced in this town : Dr. Daniel Adams, Amos Twitchell, Chas. E. Adams, (son of Dr. Daniel), Jos. Wheeler, Thaddeus McCarty, Daniel Hough, J. B. Douseman, George B. Twitchell, Smith, J. F. Jenison, Thos. B. Kitteredge, Dr. Cole, A. S. Carpenter, H. H. Darling, Ira Prouty, Wm. Geddes (deceased), Wm. R. Dur- ham, Geo. W. Flagg, I. J. Prouty, Dr. G. C. Hill, Mrs. G. C. Hill, G. H. Bridgman, S. M. Dinsmoor, A. B. Thurston and J. H. Leach. City of Keene. — The first meeting of the legal voters of Keene for the choice of city and ward officers was held on the second Tuesday in April, 1874, when the following officers were elected; and on the 5th day of May fol- lowing were duly clothed with administrative powers. 1874. Mayor : Horatio Colony. Aldermen : Ward 1, Horatio Kimball ; Ward 2, Edward Farrar ; Ward 3, Don H. Woodward ; Ward 4, Francis C. Faulkner ; Ward 5, Eeuben Stewart. City Clerk : Henry S. Martin. President Common Council : Henry H. Darling. Councilmen : Ward 1, Alanson S. Whitcomb, Fran- cis French, Franklin J. Ware ; Ward 2, Henry H. Darling, Miles S. Buckminster, George W. Holbrook ; Ward 3, Joseph R. Beal, James W. Dodge, Nathan G. Woodbury; Ward 4, Frederick H. Kingsbury, Leander W. Cummings, Charles N. Wilder ; Ward 5, William Dinsmoor, Oscar J. Howard, Horace Ham- blett. 1875. Mayor : Horatio Colony. Aldermen : Ward 1, Solon S. Wilkinson ; Ward 2, Edward Farrar ; Ward 3, Joseph R. Beal ; Ward 4, William P. Abbott ; Ward 5, Reuben Stewart. City Clerk : Frank H. Starkweather. President Common Council : Frederick H. Kings- bury. Councilmen : Ward 1, Francis A. Perry, Asa Fair- banks, William L. Davis ; Ward 2, George W. Hol- brook, Miles S. Buckminster, Asa Smith ; Ward 3, Allen Giffin, William H. Knowlton, Daniel H. Saw- yer; Ward 4, Charles N. Wilder, Frederick H. Kingsbury, Charles Shrigley ; Ward 5, Wilham Dins- moor, Reuben Hyland, Horace Hamblett. 1876. Mayor: Edward Farrar. Aldermen : Ward 1, Solon S. Wilkinson ; Ward 2, Thomas E. Hatch ; Ward 3, Joseph R. Beal ; Ward 4, William P. Abbott; Ward 5, Henry S. Martin. City Clerk : Frank H. Starkweather.' President Common Council : Charles Shrigley. Councilmen: Ward 1, Francis A. Perry, Asa Fair- banks, Samuel O. Gates ; Ward 2, Asa Smith, Oren 5. Gleason, Warren W. Mason ; Ward 3, William H. 1 City Clerk Starkweather having died in office June Ist, Lucius C. Doolittle was elected to fill the place August 8th following. KBENE. 103 Knowlton, Daniel H. Sawyer, William P. Chamber- lain; Ward 4, Charles Shrigley, Joaiah M. Wood- ward, Gardner C. Hill ; Ward 5, Horace Hamblett, Reuben Hyland, Edward C. Thayer. 1877. Mayor : Edward Farrar. Aldermen : Ward 1, George W. Ball ; Ward 2, Thomas E. Hatch ; Ward 3, Ira F. Prouty ; Ward 4, George H. Tilden ; Ward 5, Henry S. Martin. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President Common Council : Gardner C. Hill. Councilman : Ward 1, Benjamin D. Hutchins, James S. Taft, Luther Starkey ; Ward 2, Warren W. Mason, Oren S. Gleason, Orlen D. Pratt ; Ward 3, William P. Chamberlain, Jason French, Harvey Phillips ; Ward 4, Josiah M. Woodward, Gardner C. Hill, Joseph Wilson ; Ward 5, Edward C. Thayer, Frederick E. Robinson, George F. Sanborn. 1878. Mayor: Reuben Stewart. Aldermen : Ward 1, George W. Ball ; Ward 2, George K. Wright; Ward 3, Ira F. Prouty ; Ward 4, George F. Tilden ; Ward 5, Edward C. Thayer. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President Common Council : James S. Taft. Councilmen : Ward 1, Benjamin D. Hutchins, James S. Taft, Daniel R. Cole; Ward 2, James C. Whittle, Orlen D. Pratt, John W. Nye; Ward 3, Charles A. Gale, Jason French, Harvey Phillips; Ward 4, Norris G. Gurnsey, Jehiel Harlow, Joseph Wilson; Ward 5, George F. Sanborn, Cheever P. Felch, Laton Martin. 1879. Mayor : Reuben Stewart. Aldermen: Ward 1, Horatio Kimball; Ward 2, George K. Wright; Ward 3, Jason French ; Ward 4, Norris G. Gurnsey ; Ward 5, Luther P. Alden. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President Common Council : Charles A. Gale. Councilmen : Ward 1, Charles F. Wilson, Franklin J. Ware, Fred. A. Barker; Ward 2, James C. Whittle, John W. Nye, Caleb Goodnow ; Ward 3, Charles A. Gale, Clark N. Chandler, Albert O. Pisk; Ward 4, Jehiel Harlow, Dexter W. Gilbert, Warren 0. Wil- son ; Ward 5, Cheever P. Felch, Laton Martin, James H. Smith. 1880. Mayor : Horatio Kimball. Aldermen : Ward 1, Charles F. Wilson ; Ward 2, Cyrus Piper ; Ward 3, Jason French ; Ward 4, Norris G. Gurnsey ; Ward 5, Edward B. Tarbell. City Clerk ; Lucius C. Doolittle. President Common Council : Dexter W. Gilbert. ^Councilmen : Ward 1, Hiram Blake, James Spencer, Milton M. Parks ; Ward 2, Jerry P. Well- man, James W. Russell, Charles W. Buckminster; Ward 3, Albert 0. Fisk, George W. McDuflfee, James H. Fisher ; Ward 4, Dexter W. Gilbert, George H. Richards, Charles W. Shedd; Ward 5, James H. Smith, Sylvanus A. Morse, Henry S. Coulliard. 1881. Mayor : Ira W. Russell. Aldermen : Ward 1, Charles F. Wilson ; Ward 2, Cyrus Piper ; Ward 3, George W. McDufFee ; Ward 4, Dexter W. Gilbert; Ward 5, Luther P. Alden. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President Common Council : George H. Richards. Councilmen : Ward 1, Milton M. Parks, James Spencer, Rufus Freeman ; Ward 2, Jerry P. Well- man, James W. Russell, Henry W. Nims ; Ward 3, James H. Fisher, Clark N. Chandler, Austin E. Howard ; Ward 4, George H. Richards, Charles W. Shedd, Zebina K. Graves ; Ward 5, Stephen L. Ran- dall, De Los C. Ball, Henry S. Coulliard. 1882. Mayor : Ira W. Russell. Aldermen : Ward 1, Ralph J. Holt ; Ward 2, George B. Twitchell ; Ward 3, George W. McDuffee ; Ward 4, Dexter W. Gilbert ; Ward 5, Luther P. Alden. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President of Common Council : Stephen L. Ran- dall. Councilmen : Ward 1, Rufus Freeman, Albert W. Shelden, Edwin M. Bullard ; Ward 2, Henry W. Nims, George L. Burdett, Charles L. Johnson ; Ward 3, Clark N. Chandler, Austin E. Howard, Charles Bridgman ; Ward 4, Zebina K. Graves, Clement J. Woodward, Charles H. Hersey ; Ward 5, Stephen L. Randall, De Los C. Ball, Henry S. Coulliard. 1883. Mayor : Horatio Kimball. Alderman : Ward 1, Silas Hardy ; Ward 2, George L. Burdett; Ward 3, George E. Holbrook; Ward 4, Frederick H. Kingsbury ; Ward 5, Reuben Hyland. City Clerk : Lucius C. Doolittle. President of Common Council : Charles H. Her- sey. Councilmen: Ward 1, James Marsh, Clark F. Bowell, Daniel C. Howard ; Ward 2, Walter W. Gla- zier, Asa M. Holt, Franklin H. Fay ; Ward 3, Austin E. Howard, Virgil A. Wright, Henry A. Stone; Ward 4, Clement J. Woodward, Charles H. Hersey, Charles Wright ; Ward 5, Leonard Wright, Marcus Ellis, Frederick A. Barker. 1884. Mayor: Horatio Kimball. Aldermen : Ward 1, Daniel C. Howard ; Ward 2, George L. Burdett ; Ward 3, Henry N. Stone ; Ward 4, Frederick H. Kingsbury ; Ward 5, Reuben Hy- land. City Clerk : Lucius 0. Doolittle. President of Common Council : Virgil A. Wright. 104 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Councilmen : Ward 1, M. V. B. Clark, Charles S. Coburn, Harrison E. Ward ; Ward 2, William E. Bur- dett, Franklin H. Fay, John Gould ; Ward 3, Henry GiiBn, Albert A. Woodward, Virgil A. Wright ; Ward 4, Charles Wright, Abel E. Johnson, Charles Abbott (2d) ; Ward 5, Frederick A. Barker, William H. El- liot, Parker C. Butler. 1885. Mayor : Alfred T. Batchelder. Aldermen : Ward 1, Daniel C. Howard ; Ward 2, Franklin H. Fay; Ward 3, Solomon F. Merrill; Ward 4, Caleb T. Buffum ; Ward 6, De Los C. Ball. City Clerk : Samuel Nims. President of Common Council: Charles S. Coburn. Councilmen : Ward 1, Charles S. Coburn, M. V. B. Clark, Harrison R. Ward ; Ward 2, John Gould, Syl- vester Spaulding, Charles E. Nims ; Ward 3, Albert A. Woodward, Henry GifBn, Charles Wright (2d) ; Ward 4, Joshua D. Stevens, Samuel A. Gerould, Jr., Henry M. Nims ; Ward 5, Parker C. Butler, Henry 0. Spaulding, Lester K. Styles. City Solicitor : John T. Abbott. City Treasurer : Henry O. Coolidge. City Marshal : Edwin E. Locke. Constables : Edwin 0. Keith and Edwin E. Locke. City Messenger : Edwin O. Keith. Police Justice : Edward Farrar. City Physician : Gardner C. Hill. Sexton : Henry Purcell. Superintendent of Water- Works and Sewers : D. H. Sawyer. Superintendent of Highways : Elmer A. Nims. Librarian : Mrs. Lizzie M. Converse. Assistant : Miss Zeolide B. Gilmore. Trustees of Public Library : D. W. Gilbert, Charles H. Hersey, William P. Chamberlain, Mrs. E. J. C. Gilbert, Miss Kate I. Tilden and Mrs. M. E. Osborne. Superintendent of Cemeteries : Henry Purcell. Overseer of the Poor : William L. Davis. Health Commissioners : Clark F. Rowell, George H. Bridgman, M.D., and Don H. Woodward. Asse.ssors : Sylvanus A. Morse, Daniel A. Brown and Daniel E. Cole. Collector: Luther P. Alden. Engineers of Fire Department : George D. Whee- lock (chief), John A. Batchelder, Henry H. Barker, William H. Eeyoum, Chester L. Kingsbury and Henry W. Harvey. Police Officers: William H. Eeyoum, Ira D. Gates, Jacob Staples, Henry H. Haynes, Edwin 0. Keith, James E. Livermore, Walter C. Fassett, Frederick L. Pitcher, Frank D. Griswold, Amasa Plastridge, Frederick H. Wilson and Joseph W. Cummings. Surveyors of Wood : Charles K. Pemberton, M. A. Stowell, C. A. Mason, Z. K. Graves, H. C. Fairbanks, John B. Fisher, S. L. Bartlett, G. H. Follansbee, Mortimer Eeardon, Eugene Seaver, S. H. Holman, T. H. Bolio and E. E. Gerould. Surveyors of Lumber: C. K. Pemberton, M. A. Stowell, C. A. Mason, S. H. Holman, H. R. Ward, J. Wilson, D. C. Thompson, M. E. Buckminster, O. C. Mansfield and Henry N. Stone. Weighers : H. P. Muchmore, H. A. Woodward, F. E. Foster, L. P. Alden, William March, George Giffin, L. W. Hammond and George E. Fuller. Selectmen : Ward 1, Charles W. Buckminster, Richard W. Ward, Herbert A. Davis ; Ward 2, Liberty W. Foskett, George C. Wood, Carlos L. Seavey; Ward 3, Albert W. Green, Frederick W. Chase, Al- bert Wright ; Ward 4, Oscar H. Fay, Theodore H. Bolio, Myron C. Ellis; Ward 5, Calvin H. Ellis, Charles H. Butler, John Driscoll. Moderators : Ward 1, James Marsh ; Ward 2, Charles G. Farrar; Ward 3, George E. Whitney; Ward 4, Zebina K. Graves ; Ward 5, Frederick L. Pitcher. Ward Clerks ; Ward 1, Ainsworth M. Nims ; Ward 2, George E. Poole ; Ward 3, Hosea Foster ; Ward 4, Michael L. Landers ; Ward 5, Frank E. Wheelock. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ELLIOT. Oenesia of a New England Branch of the Family, 1660 to 1880. The progenitors of the Elliot stock in Great Britain were undoubtedly of Norman origin, and their descendants have been for many cen- turies more or less conspicuous in English and Scottish annals. The name abroad carries for the most part a double I and a single t; but ia New England it is often shortened of an I, or lengthened by a t 1. Lieutenant Andrew Elliot, of Bev- erly, came from Somersetshire, England, with his family in the latter half of the seventeenth century; married (1) Grace, (2) Mary; was representative in 1690-92, and was one of the jurors on the Witch Trials. His will is dated February 26, 1703-4, and proved April 2, 1704, in which he mentions: 1st, Mary, his wife for forty years and more; 2d, his son William, his present wife, Mary, and children,— Andrew, William, John, Judith, Mary, Emma and Elizabeth ; 3d, his son Andrew, deceased, and his children,— Andrew, Samuel, Mercy and Grace; 4th, his daughter, Mary Woodbury, relict of Nicholas Woodbury; 5th, his daughter^ Btahie KEBNE. 105 Emma Blower, and her son, Andrew "Wood- bury ; 6th, grandchildren, Joanna and Andrew Woodbury, children of his son-in-law, Andrew A\^oodbury, deceased. — Essex Wills, VIII. 95. No record is found in Essex County of the births of his children, and they were probably all born in East Coker, in England, between 1650 and 1660. He had,— 1. Andrew, Jr., born , drowned off Cape Sable, September, 1688. II. A\'^illiam,^ born , his will proved February, 1721-22. III. Mary, married Nicholas Woodbnr}-. IV. Emma, married (1) Andrew Woodbury, (2) A. Blower. Andrew Elliot, Jr., married Mercy Shattuck December, 1680; had Mercy, 1681; Andrew 1683 ; Samuel, 1686 ; and Grace, 1687. Many of his posterity are recorded among the dis- tinguished citizens of Boston. 2. William Elliot,''' married Mary, daughter of Francis Brown, of Newbury. He had sons, — I. Andrew,' born March 3, 1682 ; died April 20th, same year. II. Andrew,' born March 14, 1683 ; had a large family.* III. William,' born September 14, 1685; had a large family.' IV. John,' born May 16, 1693 ; died April, 1751 ; and daughters : Judith, born March, 1688 ; Mary, born June, 1691 ; Emma, born May, 1697; and Elizabeth, born October, 1699. 3. John Elliot,' married (1) April 10, 1715, Elizabeth, daughter of Freeborn Balch, who died May 21, 1718. Their children were : I. Skipper,* born January 1, 1715-16; lived in Newbury. II. John,* born March 10, 1717 ; died June 25, 1781. * Into the large family, either of William or Andrew, grandsons of Lieutenant Andrew, and sons of William, most probably may be traced Elias Elliot, born 1707 ; married, 1729, Ruth Lawrence, of Groton ; had William, Oliver, Jeremiah, Elias and five daughters, and died in 1788. His son Oliver lived to the age of one hundred and two years. — sero in eoelum. Married (2), April 20, 1720, Hannah Waldron. Their sons were : III. Nathaniel," born March, 1721. IV. William,* born July, 1731 ; and daughters : Frances, born July, 1723 ; Eliza- beth, born June, 1725; Abigail, born June, 1729 ; and Hannah, born January, 1736. 4. John Elliot,* married Sarah (born 1720, died 1791) ; settled in Bradford, on the Merrimac, where his children were born ; subsequently lived a few years in Nottingham, and, in his old age, near his sons, in Mason ; sold, in April, 1764, land in Beverly inherited from his father ; died 1781. — ^ssea; County Deeds, Lb. X. p. 240. His sons were : I. John, Jr., born 1747 ; married Rachel ; had Andrew, William, David and two daughters ; died at Hudson. II. William, Rev., born December, 1748 ; married Dorothy Merrill, and had a son, William, Jr., and four daughters ; then mar- ried Rebecca Hildreth, and had seven sons — Israel, Joseph, Seth, Jesse, Samuel, Abel, Ad- dison David — and four daughters. III. Andrew, Deacon, born 1755 ; married Hannah Dakin ; had John, Andrew, George, Amos, William and five daughters; died 1811. IV. David,^ "Ensign," born 1751; died 1793; and daughters: Abigail, born 1750, married (1) A. Winn, (2) W. Barnes, (3) J. Dakin, had twelve children, died 1844 ; and Sarah, born 1753, married John Tarbell. 5. David Elliot.' — A soldier with his brother, John, Jr., in Captain Towne's com- pany, of Colonel Reed's regiment, at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. His company was discharged at the evacuation of Boston, the spring following; married (1) 1778, Hamiah, daughter of Deacon Benjamin Adams, of New Ipswich, born 1761, died 1789. Their chil- dren were : I. Hannah, born 1781, died 1855; married Amos Emory ; their children were : David El- liot, Eunice Adams, Eliza, Elijah, Harriet, Em- ily, Elvira, Hannah, Amos, Lucretia, Azro, Henry Everett, Henrietta. II. John," born 1783, died 1865. Married (2) Lucy Campbell, nhe Emory, born 1756, died 1846 ; their children were : 106 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. III. David, born 1790, died 1798. IV. Daniel, Dr., bora 1792, Dartmouth Col- lege, 1813; married Abby Greelee ; had two sons and two daughters, viz. : Augustus Gree- lee, Henry Bond, Lucy and Caroline; died 1865. 6. John Elliot.^ — Business life, chiefly with his maternal relative, Aaron Appleton, at Keene, manufacturing window-glass ; he was for many years President of the Cheshire Bank, at Keene ; married Deborah Bixby ; born 1787, died 1880, and had two sons and two daugh- ters, viz. : I. D. Maria, died, unmarried, in 1862, aged fifty-one. II. John Henry,' Harvard University, 1835, A.B. and A.M. III. James Bixby, married (1) Harriet R. Eames, who died 1868; had four sons and two daughters, viz. : James H., Harvard Univer- sity, 1864, Arthur N"., George B., Andrew R., Grace and Florence. Married (2) Jane Savage. IV. Frances, died an infant, 1818. 7. John Henry Elliot,' studied law ; bus- iness life was spent as treasurer, trustee and ac- tuary of the Ashuelot Railroad ; secretary and director of the Cheshire Railroad ; president of Cheshire Fire Insurance Company and of the Cheshire Bank ; and president or director in several other corporations. He was a member of the Executive Council of New Hampshire at the fall of the slaveholders' reign and the rise of the plutocratic rule of the nation. Rei- publiccB forma — laudare facilius quam evenire. Married, 1848, Emily Ann Wheelock, born 1821, died 1860 ; their children were: I. William Henry, Harvard University, 1872, A.B. andLL.B.; married, 1882, Mary Fiske Edwards. II. John Wheelock, Harvard University, 1874, A.B. and M.D. ; married 1883, Mary Lee Morse. III. Emily Jane, married, 1882, Tucker Daland ; Harvard University, 1873, A.B. and LL.B. IV. Russell Gray, died an infant, 1858. CALEB T. BUFFUM. Caleb Talbot Buffum, son of James and Ruth (Bliss) Buffum, was born in Royalston, Mass., June 4, 1820. His father, a farmer, married Ruth, daughter of Nathan Bliss, and had ten children, of whom six are living. (Na- than Bliss was one of the " embattled farmers of 1776," and attained a groat age— over ninety years.) James Buffum mo\'ed to Keene about 1830, where he now resides, aged ninety-two. Caleb, in his sixteenth year, went to learn the tailor's trade with Dinsmore, White & Lyon, a leading mercantile house of Keene. Remaining with them four years, he worked as journeyman one year, then, in 1841, he formed a co-partnership with Jonas Parker, under firm- title of Buffum & Parker, and commenced his long and successful business career as a clothier in Keene. For fifteen years this firm was one of the prominent mercantile houses of Keene, and conducted a large and prosperous business. Then Mr. Buffum, aspiring for a larger field and greater opportunities, closed his connection with the firm of which he had been so long a member and established himself in Boston as a wholesale dealer in clothing and furnishing goods. This new sphere of activity was highly congenial to Mr. Buffum's business nature, and had not his health failed, he to-day would doubtless be one of Boston's merchants ; but on account of his health he was compelled to dispose of his business interests in Boston, and go to Florida to recuperate. In the spring he returned to Keene, with his health greatly improved, and finding the bracing atmosphere of his own home to be more beneficial to him than that of Boston, he repurchased his old interest in the clothing business, and, with his brother formed the firm of C. T. & G. B. Buffum, and, with slight changes, this was con- tinued until January, 1871, when Mr. Buffum retired from active business. As a business man, Mr. Buffum has been energetic, far-seeing, saga- cious, careful and conservative. He never strained his credit and believed heartily in cash payments, and during liis entire business life never gave but one note in commercial transac- tions. His shrewd common sense and good v:'/-7'Z- KEENE. 107 judgment combined with his financial ability have made him a prominent factor in the moneyed institutions of Keene. He has been for several years a director of the Ashuelot National Bank. "When the Keene Five- Cents Savings-Bank was incorporated, in 1868, he was one of the incorporators, was made one of the trustees, and placed on the board of invest- ment, to which he has given much time, and of which he is now a valued member. January 1, 1876, he was elected president of the savings- bank and yet continues in that office. He is actively interested in the Lombard Investment Company, of Boston, Mass., and Creston, Iowa, of which he is a director. He has dealt somewhat in real estate in Keene and quite largely in Western and Florida lands. He is interested in, and officially connected with, several financial and monetary institutions in the West. Republican in politics, he represented the town of Keene two years in the State Legisla- ture, but has not sought official distinction or political preferment. He is an alderman of Keene the present year. In religious belief he is a liberal Unitarian, and a generous contribu- tor to that church of which he is a member. He has been much interested in the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and for a long term of years was president of the Keene Humane Society, resigning the position in 1884. Mr. BufFum married, first, April 19, 1843, Susan E., daughter of Lewis Gilmore, of Charlestown, N. H. ; she died December 21, 1854. They had one child, Ellen A., who died at the age of sixteen. He married, second, February 23, 1857, Sarah A., daughter of Asa Stratton, of Greenfield, Mass. The two chil- dren of this marriage were Fred. Lincoln, born November 14, 1860, died December 5, 1867, aged seven years, and Susie S., born April 19, 1865. Since his retirement from active business Mr. Buffiam has traveled extensively through- out the United States, having passed three winters in Florida, California and on the Pacific slope. He is a great lover of hunting and fishing, and enjoys the charms which a true lover of nature discovers in her varied creations. It is said of him, by one who knows him well, that " few men know better how to crack a joke, catch a fish or make life happier than Caleb T. Buffum." He has a fine collec- tion of mounted birds and animals, — trophies of his skill with gun and rod. To these have been added other specimens, the gifts of friends, and various minerals, geological and antiquarian objects of interest, the whole being arranged and classified with that system and order which is an essential part of Mr. Buffiim's nature, and to which he attributes his success in life. He possesses a strong personality, is leal and loyal in his friendships, and is a gentleman of broad and liberal views : consequently an ex- tremely agreeable social companion. He is kind and affectionate in his family relations, and a worthy citizen, whose character through life has been marked by honesty, integrity and honor ; he, to-day, holds no second place in the regards of his large circle of friends. EX-GOVBRNOE SAMUEL W. HALE. Ex-Governor Samuel W. Hale has been a well-known resident of Keene for more than a quarter-century. It was not his native place, but there he has spent most of his maturer years. He was born in Fitchburg, Mass., April 2, 1823, and is descended from Moses Hale, of Newbury, whose son, Moses Hale (2d), married Abigail Smith, of West Newbury, and came to Fitchburg to live about 1786. He there reared a family of children, the third of whom was Samuel Hale, who married Saloma Whit- ney, of Westminster, Mass. Both Moses Hale and his son Samuel were farmers by occupation, and the old homestead was situated on one of those magnificent hills which now overlook the thriving city of Fitchburg. Among these pleasant surroundings the boy Samuel Whitney Hale had his birth, and here, by vigorous out- door labor, a strong physical constitution was moulded. As is always the case, the early teachings of this home in moral and religious truths have exercised a constant influence in developing character. The advantages of the district school and town academy were the best to be had at home, 108 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. but they were improved until the boy graduated into the more extensive school of life's labors. At an early age he began to work on his father's farm, and continued to do so until, at the age of twenty-two, he left the parental roof to en- gage in business with his brother, already es- tablished in Dublin, N. H. There he remained until the year 1859, when he removed to Keene, then a busy town, awakened into life by new industries. He there began the manufacture of chairs, at first in a small way ; but, as the busi- ness prospered, enlarging it, until it became the South Keene Chair Company, which has con- ducted for many years an extensive trade. Mr. Hale, from time to time, became interested in various business enterprises. In 1879 he es- tablished the Ashuelot Furniture Company, which employed more than one hundred men, until it was destroyed by iire, in February, 1884. In 1882 he purchased the Lebanon "Woolen Mills, at Lebanon, IST. H. He became a director in the Citizens' National Bank of Keene and the Wachusett Bank of Fitchburg. The building of the Manchester and Keene Railroad, now a branch of the Bos- ton and Lowell, was a great undertaking, and required the most untiring energy and persever- ance. It was " confessedly a disastrous failure until Mr. Hale and his associates came to its rescue." They succeeded in carrying it to a successful completion. He was at one time treasurer of the Boston, Winthrop and Point Shirley Railroad, and subsequently president of the Boston, Winthrop and Shore Railroad. Ever since its organization, ex-Governor Hale has been a strong supporter of the Republican party. His first vote was cast for the Free-Soil candidate. During the struggles against sla- very, in discussion and in the War of the Rebel- lion, his advocacy of the principles of freedom and equality was uncompromising. In 1866 he was elected a member of the State Legisla- ture, and re-elected the next year. He was a member of the Governor's Council in 1869 and 1870, and a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1880. After a prolonged and exciting canvass he was nominated, in Septem- ber, 1882, to be the Republican gubernatorial candidate. The campaign was one of unusual interest, but, amid the general disaster which overtook the Republicans throughout the coun- try, Mr. Hale was elected Governor of New Hampshire. He filled the executive office for a term of two years, from June, 1883. Dur- ing his administration many important measures were adopted. Ex-Governor Hale has been known as a friend of every good cause. He is connected with the Second Congregational Church in Keene, and is a member of the Masonic order. He married, in 1850, Emelia M. Hay, of Dublin, and has two children, — a son, William S., of Keene, and a daughter, Mary L., the wife of Rev. William De Loss Love, of Hart- ford, Conn. For many years ex-Governor Hale has re- sided in the house built by ex-Governor Samuel Dinsmoor, on Main Street, Keene. JOHN H. FULLER. No history of Keene would be complete without more than a reference to John H. Fuller. Identified with every business de- velopment, the largest purchaser of wool in the county, when it was a common thing for a single farmer to raise from one to two thousand pounds, he was yet democratic and unconven- tional in all things, with an honesty that was never questioned. His son, John Quincy Ful- ler, furnishes the steel engraving accompanying this history as a son's tribute to the memory of a worthy father. The following sketch of Mr. Fuller was written by J. Henry Elliot, his associate and friend of years : John Houghton Fuller was of a family that emigrated from Lunenburg, in Massachusetts, to Walpole, in this county, some time in the final decade of the last century. He passed his minority in Walpole, and be- gan active life in a country store, first in Ches- terfield, then in Winchester and lastly in Keene, where he soon engaged in wool dealing, which became the main business of his after-life. While living in Winchester he was called to act as adjutant-general of the government forces stationed at Portsmouth in the closing season of the War of 1812 ; and it was there, -^V * hyA-H- PdiC'^iJ'- KEENB. 109 too, that he married a daughter of the Rev. Ezra Conant, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. He was the principal pro- moter and first president of the Winchester Bank, of the Ashuelot Railway and the Keene Five-Cents Savings-Bank. He reclaimed, at great expense, a large area of waste land in Keene, lying north of Cross Street and between Court and "Washington Streets — laid out and built streets, located a school reservation and aided many homeless families to secure homes upon wise and practic- able terms. He died suddenly in the winter of 1869 at the age of seventy-seven years, leaving a repu- tation of the highest type of old New England character and a well-to-do estate, that was in no way tainted or fused with false weights or measures. GOEDIS D. HARRIS. Arthur Harris, an Englishman, emigrated to America in the early part of the seventeenth century, as we find him a resident of Duxbury, Mass., in 1640, and he was one of the first set- tlers and one of the three original proprietors of Bridgewater. He died in Boston in 1693. He had four children, and of his numerous de- scendants, many have become distinguished in the various professions and callings for which then- natural talents and tastes have fitted them. The line to the present generation is Arthur, Isaac Abner, Abner, Abner, John, Wilder, Gordis D. Mr. Wilder Harris was formerly a resident, engaged in farming and the manufacture of lumber, of Chesterfield, N. H. ; in 1865 he re- moved to Brattleborough,Vt.,wherehe now lives. Although now, (April, 1885) nearly eighty-eight years old, Mr. Harris carries his years with all the activity and grace of a much younger man — the result of his vigorous constitution, busy life and temperate habits. He has always been warmly interested in religious matters, and is a liberal contributor to the support of the Methodist Church. His children are George Francis, born ♦March 7, 1818 ; Broughton Davis, born Au- gust 16, 1822 ; and Gordis Day. Gordis Day Harris, third child of Wilder and Harriet (Davis) Harris, was born in Chesterfield, N. H., October 29, 1824. His edu- cation was received at the common schools and academy of Chesterfield, in which town he learned the trade of carpenter. Believing a larger place would give more remuneration for his labor, he removed to Fitchburg, Mass., in 1845, where he established a home, marrying, October 29, 1848, Eunice B., daughter of Ziba ' and Nancy (Babbitt.) Albee, also of Chesterfield, and resided there for nineteen years. He first carried on carpentering and building for several years with success. He began his long and ex- tensive connection with railroad contracting in 1851, by taking a contract to build depots and turn-tables on the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad; and, by steady and rapid advances, he was soon holding contracts involving large amounts to build railroads. He was of strong physique, active, resolute and accomplished much labor. He always has had a pleasant frankness of manner, which won many friends. This had a happy influence in his business re- lations, which were highly satisfactory. In May, 1864, accompanied by his wife, he went to Cali- fornia, where he became a resident, and, with his accustomed activity, was soon connected with important business interests. He remained on the Pacific slope until October, 1872, passing most of that period east of the Sierras, pros- pecting and mining in the various States and Territories of California, Nevada, Idaho and Utah. His energy, pluck and perseverance were handsomely rewarded. July 4, 1870, he dis- covered in the Pilot Knob range of mountains, in the extreme west part of Utah, the valuable Tecoma mines, rich in carbonate of silver and lead. These were worked from the time of discover}- until September, 1872, when they were sold to Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall, of New York. Returning to New Hampshire, Mr. Harris made his home first in Chesterfield, and since 1873 in Keene, in close proximity to the scenes of his boyhood, where he has since resided. Although in possession of an ample compe- tency, Mr. Harris is of too active a tempera- ment to withdraw from business life. He is a no HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. member of the firm of Harris Brothers & Co., general contractors for the construction of rail- roads, public works and other operations of magnitude ; and, in company with his brother, Broughton D., he is now largely engaged in operating the famous Peach Orchard coal-mines, Peach Orchard, at Lowance County, Ky., which they purchased January 1, 1884. The daily output of the mines is at present four hundred tons. This amount they are proposing to soon raise to eight hundred or a thousand tons per day. Mr. Harris has been a pronounced Whig and Republican, casting his first vote for President in 1848 for General Taylor. He represented Chesterfield in the State Legislature of 1873, and Keene in that of 1881. He is a Unitarian in religious belief, and a member of Lodge of the Temple, F. and A. M., of Keene. Possessed of a powerful will, untiring energy and industry, and endowed with a high order of business talent, he has overcome all obstacles that confronted him. "With his strong physique and resolute nature, he has been a man of one purpose — ^his business. Generous, kind-hearted, public spirit- ed, energetic and wide-awake, Mr. Harris is a good representative of the clear-headed, ambi- tious, successful business men of Cheshire County. DANIEL H. HOLBROOK. It is probable that no other name is so inti- mately connected with the introduction of water into Keene and the construction and care of the water-works, in the mind of the public, as Daniel H. Holbrook, and it seems appropri- ate to give a space in this record to his life. Daniel H. Holbrook (7), son of John and Mercy (Hill) Holbrook, was born in Swanzey, N. H., January 8, 1806, and is consequently seventy-nine years old. He comes of an old Massachusetts family, dating in American resi- dence to the early days of the colony, and going back through centuries of honorable and dis- tinguished existence in England, where the family is entitled to bear arms. The first American emigrants of the name, and the pro- genitors of the greater number bearing the name to-day, were John and Thomas, brothers, who settled in Weymouth, Mass., in 1640. According to the best authorities attainable the following is the line to Daniel H. : John (1), was a man of consideration, had quite a family, and a son, John (2), who became a resident in Weymouth. His son, John (3), settled in Ux- bridge, where he was a man of public note, and entrusted with various offices. John (4) mar- ried, in 1732, a native of Mendon. John Hol- brook (6) was born in Uxbridge, Mass., in 1778, and was the son of John Holbrook (5), a farmer in the fertile valley of the Blatfkstone River. This farmer, John (6), married Rhoda Thay- er, of Mendon, a daughter of a promi- nent, numerous and honorable family of New England, and emigrated about the year 1800 to Swanzey, N. H., where he passed the remainder of his life. John (6) had a decidedly mechani- cal turn of mind and learned the trades of car- ;penter, joiner and wheelwright. In 1799 he 'enlisted as a soldier for nine months in the so- called French and Spanish War, to repel inva- sion. He married, in Mendon, Mass., Mercy, daughter of Daniel and Mercy (Howard) Hill. He was a skilled mechanic, and, after working at his trade for two years, he also removed to Swanzey, settling in the south part of the town, where, in process of time, he purchased land for a home, and erected buildings thereon. He lived to be about sixty, — dying May 7, 1838. Although a strong adherent to JefFersonian De- mocracy, he was not an active politician, but was much interested in military matters, and was influential in forming a company of men, who, like himself, were exempt from military service. In this company he held a lieutenant's commission, and was noted as a disciplinarian. His children who became adults were Rhoda, married Nathan Cheney, resided in Boston, where she died, leaving one child, Ellen ; Dan- iel Hill ; Abida, married Hiram BoUes, lived and died in Baraboo, Wis.; Sophia, married Carlostine Blake, and now lives in Keene (her two children, John H. and Nathan C, died when young men); Susan A., married Randall BoUes, lived and died in Swanzey (her chil- dren were Hiram H., M. Maria (Mrs. Angell), Abida A. (Mrs. Abijah Holbrook), Ellen e! (^^.j^yj^-^ ), KEENE. Ill (Mrs. Frederick Farr) ; Chloe, married James Pierce, lives in Sharpsville, Pa. (has children, Jonas J., Walter and Wallace (twins), Franklin, James B.); John ; Mercy H., married Ebenezer Flanders, of Hopkinton, Mass., and now lives in Henniker (Mrs. Mercy Holbrook was born July 1, 1800, and died in December, 1876). Daniel Hill Holbrook was named from his maternal grandfather, Daniel Hill, a worthy farmer of Mendon, Mass., — a man of strong physique and of strong mental qualities. He fought valiantly in the Continental army of the Revolution, and, at a hale old age, was gathered to his fathers, honored and mourned by all. Daniel Holbrook, until he was sixteen, was given such educational advantages as were af- forded by the old-time district schools, and was especially apt and ready in mathematics, ac- quiring such skill in mental calculations as to surprise even now many expert accountants. He labored with his father until 1825, both as a carpenter and farmer, when he went to Bos- ton, and was a witness to the imposing ceremo- nies attending the laying of the corner-stone of Bunker Hill monument. He remained in Bos- ton a year or two, then returned to Swanzey, and commenced that life of hard work which, united with good judgment and skill, during the course of years, built up not only financial prosperity, but also a character for integrity, ability and sterling common-sense. He became a farmer and also manufactured lumber, which latter business acquired, in time, large propor- tions. He purchased, in 1832, the mills known as Holbrook's Mills, which he rebuilt in 1845. He became, in connection with manufacturing, an extensive dealer in lumber, purchasing the product of other mills, filling many contracts with railroad corporations, sending many rafts down the Connecticut, and shipping largely to Keene, Brattleborough and other places. In 1865, his diligence and attention to business having met a satisfactory return, he sold his mill and removed to Keene, where he has since resided. He married, September 5, 1837, Caro- line, daughter of Josiah and Sophia (Lawrence) trime. She died December 5, 1880. Their children were Ellen S. (died young), Chloe P., John J. (see biography) and Frances V. (Mrs. D. M. Nichols). Since his residence in Keene, Mr. Holbrook has been most active in his connection with the water- works. In 1868 he was one of a commis- sion of five elected by the town to introduce water into the city, — build necessary dams, reservoirs, etc. The greater part of the super- intendence of this work fell upon Mr. Holbrook, and from that time to the present he has been prominently connected with it. He has been superintendent and commissioner, and in 1872 he successfully conducted the water under the Ashuelot River, and introduced the water on the north side. His wise judgment, practical experience and mechanical skill have been of great benefit to the city in this branch of public service. He consented to serve as assessor and supervisor of Swanzey in 1849, but could not spare time from his business to accept other proffered offices. He was a Jefifersonian in pol- itics until 1872, supporting the Democratic nominations. Since then he has acted indepen- dently of party. With a strong mind and well-preserved phy- sical powers, Mr. Holbrook is passing the closing years of his life, cheered by the affection of lov- ing daughters, and blessed with the esteem of a large range of acquaintance, who prize him for his sterling worth. JOHN JOSIAH HOLBROOK, A.JI. John Josiah Holbrook, only son of Daniel H. and Caroline (Prime) Holbrook, was born In Swanzey, N. H., December 10, 1844. He received an academic education, showing the true qualities of a successful student, at the sem- inaries of his native town and Townshend, Vt., and at the High School of Keene. He prepared for college at New London, N. H., and entered Brown University, from which he was gradu- ated in 1872, and where, as expressed by one of his university professors, "he distinguished himself above all others by his taste and aptitude for experimental science," and was an enthusi- astic and earnest worker. After graduation, with deep religious consecration, he pursued the three years' course of study at Newton (Mass.) 112 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Theological Seminary, completing his studies there in 1876. He had a special fitness, however, as a teacher of mathematics and natural sciences, and deeming that he could do efficient service in that sphere, and follow a useful path of religious duty in that direction, he became the professor of natural sciences and mathematics at N^ew London Academy. He showed great ability as an instructor, and, after two years' time, he removed to Keene, now his father's home. From 1879 until the time of his death, which occurred in Keene, March 24, 1884, he followed the profession of civil engineering and surveying. Mr. Holbrook was a ready writer, and did much valuable work for the press during a pe- riod of several years, and was frequently called to preach. His sermons were carefully consid- ered and showed a deep religious spirit, which was the foundation of his character. He was favorably known in Keene and in the commu- nity as a successful business man of Christian integrity. He took an active interest in public affairs, and in his business was brought into a pleasant relationship with many citizens of this county, both in public and private matters. He was a devoted and beloved teacher in the Sab- bath-school of the Baptist Church, of which he had been a valued member and earnest worker for eighteen years. There was never anything in Mr. Holbrook's life for his friends to regret, and there was much for them to bear in loving remembrance. He was exceptionally happy in his friends and asso- ciates, and signally so in the dear home circle, where his aged father and sisters now mourn his " going before." The following extract from a letter written by the E.ev. J. L. Seward, now a Unitarian clergy- man of Lowell, voices the sentiment of a large circle of sorrowing friends, " who knew him but to love him : " "I cannot forbear a word of sympathy and an expression of esteem for one whom I so greatly respected. His fine presence, scholarly mind and gentlemanly deportment were all cal- culated to attract friends and call forth their respect and approbation. From my first ac- quaintance with him our relations were cordial and agreeable. I valued his friendship and appreciated his worth. He was one of those noble men whose enjoyment is in the attainment of truth and knowledge; whose friends are not only their kins-people and acquaintances, but the great laws and truths which God has given for our study and contemplation in the great book of nature. I sympathized with his love for mathematics and natural science, and I respected his modesty, his manliness, his love of study and his devotion to duty." ALGEEJTON SIDNEY CARPENTER, M.D. Algernon Sidney Carpenter, M.D., after a long professional ' life, most of which was passed in Keene, died March 4, 1885. He was son of Dr. E. and Judith (Greene) Carpenter, and was born in Alstead, N. H., October 16, 1814. He descended from a somewhat noted medical faniily, his father having been an able and suc- cuccessful physician; and several uncles and other relatives were celebrated for their profes- sional skill. After an academic course he read medicine with his father, and then entered the medical college at Middlebury, Vt., graduating about 1837. He practiced his profession a short time in Gardner and Northfield, Mass., and then settled in Keene. In 1859, Novem- ber 30th, he married Jane F., daughter of Hon. Henry and Calista (Pond) Coolidge. They had two daughters, — Mary Algerniene and Caroline Sidney. Apart from his professional duties. Dr. Car- penter felt a deep interest in all that pertained to the welfare of Keene, and was a prominent factor in social circles. He possessed rare con- versational powers, expressing his thoughts with well-balanced and discerning intellect and ready wit. Few surpassed him in repartee, and his satire was keen and cutting. He took a great interest in, and gave much of his time to, Free- Masonry. In 1855, the Social Friends Lodge of that order having been for some time dor- mant, he caused its revival, and at that time was the only Free Mason in town who knew the work. He was Master of the lodge in 1856, 1857 and 1859. He was a charter member and first Master of the Lodge of the Temple. .j-^i^y^^?:^ &csU<-t'y ^ £¥j^^^-c-£^yi^ > > t c J Cc-c A Ac CC KEENB. 113 He was a member of Cheshire Royal Arch Chap- ter, St. John's Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Hugh de Payens Commandery of Knights Templar. In politics Dr. Carpenter was a constitu- tional Democrat ; he held to the doctrines of Thomas Jefferson, and wished to preserve the integrity of those principles which he consid- ered the guiding stars of the republic, and be- lieved in and earnestly advocated the success of the Democratic party as the only way to consum- mate the perpetuity of our national existence. But it is not as a citizen or politician that Dr. Carpenter demands our chief attention, but as the kind-hearted, successful physician. In his profession he occupied a foremost rank. He was a scholarly man, of quick perceptions, who made the case of his patients his own, and his success was due to his firmness, self-reliance, excellent judgment and discretion. He gained the confidence, esteem and regard of his pa- tients, and they believed in him thoroughly and completely. In those grave and desperate cases where life and death were struggling for the mastery, he was watchful and vigilant, skill- ful to meet any emergency or change, with the best remedial agencies. Although habitually cautious, he did not shrink from the responsi- bilities of his calling, and used the most heroic treatment if he deemed the case demanded it. Quackery, in all its forms, he most heartily de- spised. Like most men of positive nature, strong will and generous impulses, he made many de- voted friends and some bitter enemies. He was, for years, a landmark in this city, kind and charitable to the poor, genial and pleasant in his home and society, courteous in his inter- course with his medical brethren, and in many ways was one of the strong representative pro- fessional men of Cheshire County. EDWAED GTTSTINE. Edward Gustine was born in the town of Winchester September 2, 1819, the past twenty years of his life having been spent in Keene, where he now resides. His father, Edward Gustine, was a merchant. He received a com- mon-school education, learned the business of a machinist and has been mainly engaged since entering active life as a gas and water engineer. He has had contracts for extensive works, both gas and water, at different places in this State, Massachusetts, Vermont and New York, all of which have been carried out in a thorough and satisfactory manner. A decided Republican, though never an active politician, Mr. Gustine has not been largely in public life, but served as a member of the House in 1865 and again in 1875 and 1876, acting as chairman of the committee on State Prison the latter year, and was also a member of the Con- stitutional Convention. He subsequently repre- sented this district in the State Senate. He en- joys the full confidence of his fellow-citizens re- gardless of party, and whenever a candidate for of&ce, receives many votes of those opposed to him upon political questions. In the Senate he served upon the committee on incorporations, banks and manufactures, being chairman of the latter. He frequently participated in debates, and, although making no pretensions to oratory, his suggestions, practical in their character, were not without influence. Mr. Gustine married Miss Sarah H. "Worces- ter, of Lebanon, Me., by whom he has two children, — a son and daughter. The son, Ed- ward W. Gustine, is engaged in mercantile bus- iness in Keene. In religion he is a Unitarian and an active member of the society in Keene. He has long been prominent in the Masonic or- ganizations, local and State, having been Master of both lodges and High Priest of the chapter at Keene, and was Grand High Priest for New Hampshire in 1870 and 1871, and has held va- rious other honorable positions in Masonic bodies. Thoroughly public-spirited and a friend of all progressive enterprises, he has contributed in no small degree to the prosperity of the flourishing city in which he resides. DE. AMOS TWITGHELL. (See Appendix.) HISTORY OF ALSTEAD. CHAPTEE I. This town lies in the northern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : North, by Sullivan county ; east, by Marlow ; south, by Gilsum and Surry ; and west, by Walpole. The town was first granted by Governor B. Wentworth to John Towle and sixty-three others, by the name of Newton, December 28, 1752 ; about the same time the first grant was made of Ac worth, and probably for the same reason, as I believe no attempt was made to settle the town under this grant. It was re-granted, August 6, 1763, to Samuel Chase and sixty-nine others, by the name of Alstead, and settlements commenced soon after. In 1771 there were twenty-five or more fami- lies in town ; but some of the provisions of the charter not having been fulfilled, it was " extended" by Governor John Wentworth, January 25, 1772, in answer to a petition from the inhabitants. The Governor's reservation of five hundred acres was located in the northwest corner. Among the prominent men prior to 1800 were General Amos Shepard, Nathaniel Sartell Prentice, Absalom Kingsbury and Eev. Levi Lankton. Captain Jason Wait commanded a company in Col. Bedell's regiment in the Rev- olution. Petition foe a Geant of the Township, 1750. "To His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq. Capt" General & Governour in Chief in and over His Majesty es Province of New Hampshire. " The Humble Petition of us the subscribers for ourselves and our associates being in number Fifty one 114 Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioners are desireous of Setleing a Township in some of the unappropriated Lands in said province. "Wherefore your Petitioners Humbly Pray that your Excellency will be pleased to grant to your Pe- titioners a Township of the Contence of Six Miles Square in some of his Majestyes Land, in said Prov- ince of New Hampshire that are not allready appro- priated, Subjected to such orders and restrictions as Your Excellency in Your Great Wisdom Shall See Meete. And as in Duty bound they will ever pray &c. " John Fowle " Seth Blogqet "Boston Sep' 10, 1750. " Josiah Convers Arch* M°Neill John FuUton Robert Hill David Whiteing Jason Winship Thos. Draper Joseph Newhall William Fild Jacob March Samuel Winship Tho" Bennett Samuel Smith John Bishop John Botherick James Pierce David Comee John Skinner Jonathan Briant Jon' Bradish Nathan Newhall Benj" Bellknap Francis Whitemore E. Cotton Ebenezer Frances John Hill William Whitemore Isaac Kidder Abiel Richardson W^ Dunlap Ebenezer Shattuck Caleb Brooks Unite Moseley John Martin Will"" Maxwell Noah Richardson Sam' Servise John Douglass Benj' Furness Fran* Shaw William Crombie Will"" Fisher Nath' Wales Tim" Winship Joseph Scott Th° Lambert Ebenezer Field Isaac Fillebrown " The grant wa.s made December 28, 1752, to the foregoing persons and several others, but I ALSTEAD. 115 think no settlements were made under it, and none of these appear in the grant of 1763. Statement of Grievances, 1777. " The Inhabitants of the Town of Alstead in Town meeting assembled Feb. 4, 1777 to consider of matters of grievance to themselves and others to lay before the Hon^' Committee of the Council and House of the State of New Hampshire : Do mention the following articles as grievous to them and needing redress. — That the present assembly was not called according to the direction of the Hon"" Continental congress by a full and free representation thro, the State: for a number of Delegates from a part of the Towns of the State did without any previous notice, and before the advice of the Continental congress came to hand did set up a plan of representation, in our opinion, partial and defective, curtailing and abridging the privileges of many of the Towns in this part of the state, as the natural right of one Town is equal to that of another. " Further the present assembly in our opinion is not set up as the great Lawgiver and Author of Gov- ernment requires : His order is that Rulers be fearers of Him, haters of covetousness : whereas the present plan requires no religious or moral, but only pecuni- ary qualifications for posts of office, which serves to discourage virtue and to promote vice as conjoined with wealth : The method of choosing Councillors and Representatives has a tendency this way likewise, as by just implication every person paying rates man, woman or child, however immoral and wicked, may vote in the choice of members of the assembly, by which means if the majority are evil, as like approves of its like, the vile will bear rule over a state profess- ing true religion. The present plan of Government was set up while we were under the King of Britain, but now we are independent of him, and therefore a new form of Government ought as soon as may be to be erected, by a full and equal representation of every incorporated Town thro the State, and that the plan of the same be sent to each Town for their approba- tion, and that which the majority agree to, be con- sidered as the constitution of this State. The act past Septemb' 19 1776, we view as unintelligible, and by no means calculated to answer the end pretended of having an equal representation. The last assembly did not act a disinterested party or for the good of the State, in confining all places of trust as much as they could among themselves : or in rejecting Coll Hunt from being High Sheriff of this county, after his ap- pointment, even before he refused to accept, which, with the putting in of Coll Hale we suspect was done 'by the influence of a certain well known member in these parts. " Lastly the giving commissions for war, is another article of grievance, which is a thing unprecedented iji any free state, and s'' commissions are kept from the eye of the people, and they are unacquainted with the unlimited powers given ofiicers thereby, we have expressed these matters in a way to be understood, and hope that they will be attended to by your Honors as their importance and the Public good re- quires. "At y" aforesaid meeting was chosen Absalom Kingsbury & Jonathan Shepherd Jur. a committee for s* Alstead to present y° above to y° Hon'''" Com- mittee. " Test Absalom Kingsbbey Town Clerh " The foregoing is a True Copy of y° voate of the Town of Alstead as Matters of Grieveances to be laid before y' Hon' Committee from y" Hon"' Assembly of y" State of New Hampshire " Test Absalom Kingsbeky, Town Clerh "The Committees of Mario Surry & Westmoreland concur with ye within matter of Agreevencis.'' Petition of Peudence, the Wipe op Simon Baxter. " To the Hon"'" Counsel and assembly for the State of New Hampshire — the humble petition of Prudence Baxter of Alstead in the County of Chesire humbly shews and gives your Honours to be informed that your petitioner dos not send this prayer to your hon- ours for riches nor honours — but for mercy and I may say forfited mercy might be extended to Simon Bax- ter the husband of your petitioner — -who did in July 1777 go over to the enemy — but has ever sence the day he joined them been sorry for his fault — and has Repented his Erro with a flood of Tears — I dont mean to trouble your patiences with any thing but the Truth, and Capt Holmns of Walpole and Capt Gil- bert of Littleton Can and will if Called upon Testify that the s^ Baxter has for a Long Time past ben a friend to america and Capt Wait of this Town who is now in the army and has ben a prisoner with the enemy Can Testify the kindness ye s* Baxter shew to the prisoners of the united states and ever sence has had a Desire to Return and sware aligence to the united states and is now Detained in a flag in Boston harbour — and their does earnestly pray for mercy — and as their is none that is guilty has Less then he so none a fairer plea for pardon — o spair him I humbly pray — I ask not for his Estate — only for his Life under such Limitation as you in your wisdom shall see proper to alow — the s'* Baxter did while hear do his part in the war as my familey has sense with- out complaining — suffer him I humbly pray to be once more a subject of this state and have the Liberty 116 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of the oath of aligenoe to the united states — I Cair not how we Live or how we are fed, if he can hut have authoritive Liberty to Live in this state, the small [property] that we did possess shall with pleasure go only spair him — and as mercy is the Dealing of god and the Brightest Virtue of the human mind — o Let Baxter be one subject of your mercy — the glory of a merciful Deed is in proportion to the Crime for which the Deed of mercy was Extended. " The arms of america has spread Terrow thro the world — that their mercy might not be Confined or Limeted — I dto, in my husbands name. Lay myself and him att the foot stool of this state for mercy, and if we must perish we must perish there — as in duty bound shall ever pray "Alstead, December ye 14'", 1778. "Pkudence Baxter." Capt. Lemuel Holmes, of Surry, and Capt. Jason Wait, of Alstead, the men referred to in the foregoing, were prisoners of war in New York when Simon Baxter and his son William were with the enemy, and, being old neighbors, probably received favors from them. Simon Baxter's property was declared con- fiscated to the State ; and Isaac Temple, Timothy Fletcher and Absalom Kingsbury were ap- pointed commissioners on the same, with the latter as trustee, who made an inventory of his estate, which includes the following : " A part of the S"" Lot in the eighth Range, about 100 Acres, and one half of Lot N° 17 in the North Range of Lots in Alstead, and two acres in the Citidale [?] Lots — one Dwelling House in the Highway." Mrs. Baxter petitioned. May 13, 1778, with the " approbation of Abra" Brown, Nath' S. Prentice selectmen of Alstead," stat- ing that she had a large family of children, some of whom were small, and asked that the forfeiture of the estate might not be exacted. It seems that Simon Baxter left the flag- ship in some way, as he and Benjamin Baxter were taken from Alstead to Exeter about January 21, 1779, and delivered to the Com- mittee of Safety by Absalom Kingsbury, and was there confined in jail for some time. Confession of William Baxter. "I left home 28* of March 1778 & went to Cam- bridge there I found my father and he was to be ex- changed and said I must go with him I told him I Did not Love to Leave my mother he said I had better go with him & I finally concluded to go with him to Rhode Island which I Did when I got to Rhode Island I worked with one . . . seaven or Eight Days my father Did not Do any Business that I know of then he and I went to N York and had the Small pox together and was in N. York about A month then he told me I must go to Long Island and look out for myself and Dr. Pomroy [Doctor Josiah Pomeroy was an 'absentee' from Keene] would get me a place to live at and I went to Long Island with Dr. Pomroy and left my father at N York and I Lived with one Abraham Brinkrofi" about a week and then my father come to me and told me he Intended to Return to Cambridge for they Meaning the Regulars would not exchange him unless he would go into their servis & he said he would not Do that — ^he had Drawn Rations till then and because he would not go into the Regular Servis they stopt his Rations then he worked in the same house with me till we went on board the Carteal that lay at newtown and went to N York before we went from Newtown my father & Dr Pomroy went Somewhere and then my father Gave me five hundred £ N York Oun-ency and told me he had it of Dr Pomroy for which he told me he gave Dr Pomroy a note for twenty Pounds in hard money and my father told me to put it where the people of the house could not find it and said when we got back to Cambridge we could live well I told him we should be found out he was very angry with me & said he brought me to be a help to him but instead of that I was nothing but a plague and said he wished I was at home again — then we went to York and while we were waiting for the flag to come of I went to work to help Lode the Vesel and my father went Back to Dr. Pomroy at Newtown and when he came back he brought about A thousand Dollars More as near as I Can Remember and told me to hide it and said he was to have some more as soon as it was struck of and Signed — the Next Day he went of again and brought so much as with what he told me to hide the Day be- fore Made up A thousand pounds that I saw but how much more I Dont Know then he had some hard money and with that bought Cloathing to send by me to his famely — while we lay at N York one evening Benj- whiting Sam' Tarbull Will Stark Robt L. Fowle Blair two Cummins Benj" Trow my father and myself ware togather at Ju° Strouts in New York and I see Benj" Whiting have one thousand Dollars in forty Dollar bills and offered my father if he would take the Money and put it of att Cambridge or any- where in y" Country he would give him five hundred Dollars of it which my father took but told me he Re- ALSTEAD. 117 turaed it Back then the said Benjamin Whiting Said if he could not get any Body to fetch it Meaning the money he would fetch it himself for all the D'' Eebels would be overcome before Next year was out — the next Day we Sailed for Boston and after we had got to Boston I told my father I would not go back he said he believed I had as good go home and told me to take the Cloathing with me and carry it home to Mother and he counted some money to me vis ten forty Dollar Bills & Seaventeen twenty D° and about Ninety five Dollars in good Money and told me to be carefull I said I was afraid it would hurt me he said the money would do him no good and if I was like to be hurt by it I might burn it — and then I set of for Cambridge and went to Joseph Welches and he was going to Boston and said he wanted some paper money and Asked me if I had any that I could spare I told him yes and I gave him fifty six Dollars for a Joannes and he went to Boston and came and told me he had got a hors for me and a boy to Carry me to Littleton for twenty dollars and said if I would give him twenty more he would find another hors for my baggage and said he had some more hard money & if I would change fifty paper Dollars he would let me have another Joannes which I Did and if I would give him fifty six Dollars he would let me have two Guinnes which I Did I saw a hessian in Cambridge and changed fifty Paper Dollars for two Guinnes then I left Cambridge and went to Littleton and Cap' Gil- bert & I went to boston to Get my father out of the flag but Gerf Heath would not Permit him to come out & there I bought 3 yd' of Salloon & 3 yds of Lace & Exchanged 3 twenty Dollar bills then I returned to Cg,mbridge and there I Met a Negro fellow with a watch and I gave him four twenty Dollar bills and 2 Eight Dollar bills & one four Dollar bill for y" watch then I returned to Littleton & from there to Keen and got to Benj" Halls and his Son Annanias asked me if I had got any Catchett meaning counterfit money I told him yes he Looked on it and told me he would put it of for me & Eeturn me two thirds of it in good money which I consented to Do after that Zibia Hall his Brother asked me if I bad any Cat- chett I told him I had not for Anna' had got it he said he was the wrong Person to give it too for he would be to Ventersome I saw Anny after that he told me that Zibia wanted it for he had put of A large Some of it which if I mistake not was four Hundred Dollars & that 30 Dollars was returned Back which he could not put of So I went home and was Imme- diately taken up and then I sent my Brother Joseph to Anna hall for the money I left with him and he brought 7 forty Dol Bills & 1 twenty Do & 1 good Do & Keep' two I had Left ten forty Dollar Bills with him & one twenty — My Brother Joseph & I hid the money he brought from Anna" Hall in the barn Namely 7 forty Dollar bills & 1 twenty Do all the Money I mentioned in the foregoing Account that I have not Called good I suppose was Counterfit — while I was at Cambridge at Joseph Welches Welch In- quired of me About the Monmouth Battle & about y° Brittish troops I told him they Suffered a Good Deal he said the Eebels had it in there papers that they ware beat but he Did not Believe it and said he wished to God that he was at New York with his famely and Enquired if there was any Houses to be Let I told him yes but they ware very Dear he Ee- peated he Wished he was there Dear as they was — while I was in New- York I saw one Timothy Lovell of Eockingham and one Hubbard of Windsor in y' State of Vermont two Eefugees and they have both stole out since and I saw Lovell in Littleton and he told me not to Mention to any Body that he was out of New York for it might hurt him and would not Do me any Good and he enquired where Maj' Joseph Blanchard Lived & said he was going there to Holies but nobody suspected that Hubbard had been to N York that I know of and he now Lives peaceably at home as I have heard I Likewise saw one Joseph Durfey of New London in y° State of Connecticut in New York He said he Did not know what the Reb- ells would Do to him when he came out nor Did not care a D* t — d. "the foregoing Eelation is to the Best of my Ee- membrance the truth the whole truth and Nothing but the truth which I can attest before the Almighty God. " January 8'" 1779. " WiLLiAsi Baxter. "N.B. Said Baxter confessed that his brother Joseph told him that annanias Hall told him he put off a 40 Dollar bill to one Hall a sadler in Keen, in the following way the Sadler gave a good 40 Dollar Bill to said annanias to change into small Bills — and ann' said after taking the good Bill & could not change it, and then gave him a Counterfeit in Lieu.'' "William Baxter was arrested by Joel Chand- ler, constable, on a warrant from Nathaniel S. Prentice, taken before said Prentice, November 11, 1778, examined and sent to the General Assembly. At the examination before " Squire Prentice," Captain Lemuel Holmes testified as follows : "I Lemuel Holmes of Lawful age Testify and say, That as I was Prisoner on Longisland when William Baxter who Left his home in Alstead came their with 118 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. his father who came from Boston to Newyork s* William Baxter whilst he continued Their Lived with a farmer on Longisland & Laboured for him for hier and did not join in the Brittish servis or Draw Either Money or Provision from them to my knowledge but Lived in a Peacable Eetired manner with a farmer that appeared To be a friend to america : I further say that Simon Baxter father to ye a'^ William De- clared te me that he ordered his son away, and as he found it more Difficult to support him their Than he Expected he thought Best for him to Return : S'' William Baxter came to Longisland some time in June Last Past according to my Best Eememberance — further this Deponent saith not. "Alstead Nov.' ye 11, 1778. "Lemuel Holmes." This was sworn before Nathaniel S. Prentice. In House of Representatives, November 18, 1778, William Baxter was ordered to be de- livered to the sheriff, in order to be " sent back to New York by the first conveyance." It seems that he was not sent, however, but was admitted to bail, the bond requiring him not to go beyond the limits of Exeter. In May following he had a pass to go to Alstead and return in twenty days. In July he was granted a permit " to pass and repass from Portsmouth to Exeter on Business for the printers ; " and in April, 1780, he was employed by the Com- mittee of Safety to carry letters " to the County of Cheshire to call the General Court together," for which he was paid one hundred dollars. I think some allowance should be made for his conduct, on account of his age and his having been influenced by his father, although I think his statement relative to Dr. Ziba Hall was not true. Dr. Hall was a respectable physician in Keene for many years. "State of New Hampshire, Cheshiee, ss. " Alstead, Nov. 26, 1781. " Whereas the major part of the Selectmen of Surry refused to obey the within precept, being under oath to the State of Vermont, and having sent the same to the Selectmen of Alstead, the major part of whom likewise refused to obey the same on the same account. We the subscribers Selectmen for Alstead and Surry, and all the Selectmen in said Towns that acknowl- edge the jurisdiction of New Hampshire, did on the ninth of this instant November notify all the legal inhabitants of the towns of Surry, Alstead and Marlow within mentioned to meet at the house of Mr. Timothy Fletcher in Alstead on Monday the 26'" day of this instant Nov. at ten o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose within mentioned. Who being accordingly met made choice of Mr. Absalom Kingsbury to rep- resent them in the General Assembly within men- tioned. " Timothy Fletchee, Selectman for Alstead. " W" Russell, Selectman for Surry. " In Committee on Claims ) Concord June 13, 1783. J The Bounty paid by Alstead to & which has been deducted from David Abraham's account amounts to Thirteen pounds Thir- teen shillings " Attest JosiAH GiLMAN Treas." David Abraham served also for Gilsum. Petition about Taxes. "To the Hon"'" the council and house of Representa- tives for the State of New Hampshire. " The Petition of the Town of Alstead within said State Humbly Sheweth That considering the great Scarcity of a medium of currency we feel the greatest Impractibility of Discharging our Legal Taxes to the State to which we belong by cash. And as there is a number of Soldiers from amongst us that have Serv'' in the continental Service and a great part of there wages is yet due — the greater part of whom are Nesces- etated for present Relief and the produce of our Husbandry would be that that would grant them Re- lief perhaps as well as the cash — the former of which is in our Power to Relieve them with when the Latter is utterly out of our Power to Supply with at present — Therefore your Petitioners pray that they may be directed in a mode that your honours in your great wisdom Shall point to pay our Quotas of Taxes in arrears Imediately to the Soldier for the reasons above mentioned and your petitioners as in Duty bound Shall Ever pray. " Amos Shepheed ] Selectmen of " Nathan Fay j Alstead " John Wood r in behalf and " XiM" Fletchee J hy order of the Town " Alstead 29"' Sep' 1783." General Amos Shepherd was one of the lead- ing men of Alstead from 1777 until his death. He was noted for industry, economy, honesty and fidelity, and acquired a fortune for those days ; frequently held positions of trust in the town ; was elected State Senator in 1786, and re-elected fourteen times ; was president of that ALSTEAD. 119 body from 1797 to 1804 ; was a member of the Council in 1785. He died January 1, 1812. Petition of Nathaniel Shepheed, Deek-Eeeve. " To the Hon'"'" the council and house of Represen- tatives for the State of New Hampshire, " The Petition of Nattf Shepherd of Alstead in the county of Cheshire state aforesaid. " Humbly Sheweth " That whereas your petitioner was chosen by the Town of Alstead Deer reife for the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Eighty and your Petitioner in Prosecuting his trust in that oflEice under oath complained of one Elnathan Jenning as a person that had Broke the Law of the State in that case made and provided — Unto Nath' S. Prentice & Thomas Sparhawk Esqs Two of the Justices of s'' county as Directed in said act and your petitioner at a Large Expense of his own pursued the steps of the Law and made it appear to the said Justices that the said Jennings was actually guilty of killing Deer contrary to Law ; there Judgment accordingly was that he should pay a fine as the Law Directs which the one half thereof was promised by said act to the Prosecutor which relying on. the faith of the State he Expected, but to his great Surprise one of the said Justices Eeceived a Special order from the President of sd State forbiding him in any way or manner to Demand the Said fine of the said Jennings whereby he was and hath been ever since kept out of his Right as promised in s* act with an additional cost of his own Now your Petitioner prays that the aforesaid order maybe Revoked or that your Petitioner maybe Releived in some other way which your Hon" in your great wisdom shall think proper which your Petiti. oner Supposeth he hath an undoubted Right to Ex- pect. And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will Ever pray. "Nathaniel Shepheed. " Alstead 23* Oct' 1783." The said Jennings proved that he was in the Continental army three and one-half years, was driven from Long Island by the British on account of his loyalty, came to this State in July, 1779, did not know anything about the law, and was poor and needed the meat for the sub- sistence of his family. For these reasons Presi- dent Weare issued a special order to stay pro- ceedings. "'State of New Hampshire 1 To the Hon""^ general Cheshire ss. •» Assembly. " the petition of the inhabitants of the town of Al- stead in the County of Cheshire humbly sheweth that whereas there was in the year 1780 a Large sum of Continental Money Due from this Town to the state aforesaid — ^but for several Reasons (which would be irksome to us, as well as Disagreeable to your Honors, to mention at this Time we pass them) the aforesaid money was not paid into the Treasury in season as it ought to have been — but not out of any ill intention in us, in regard to the money, or in any manner to Defraud, or keep Back, what was really due from us, to the said state, the truth of which will appear, by reciting one or two paragrafts in one of our Town Meetings about that time. " the 1*' is this — ^that this Town will make a settle- ment with New Hampshire respecting all Debts that we have been with them in contracting " the second — ^Voted to chuse a Committee of three men to receive accounts from soldiers — (Viz) those that served the last campaign (meaning under the Author- ity of New Hampshire) as three months men, and six months men, and to take the said soldiers Receipts for the same money so paid, this last, as far as the money amounted, was to answer the first, and from which we humbly conceive, your honors will be Led to see, that the people in this Town have not been so opposed to the Laws and orders of the general As- sembly, as has been represented, and that the people have been, was then, and Now are, willing to pay there full Quotas of money to Defray the public charge — for in that great hurry, and heat of the people those two votes before Recited ware obtained — Your Honours are as sensable of the Extreem scarcity of money thro the state as we can be, and if the Treas- urer should be directed to call upon those two men in whose hands the aforesaid money now remains for so large a sum of hard money — your honours may Easily judge the fatal consequences it would prove to them and there fameleys. " We your petitioners therefore in the most humble manner prostrate our selves at the feet of the general Assembly humbly praying that your Honours would not in your wisdome and goodness by misrepresenta- tion impute too much iniquity to the good people in this Town— but make some proper allowancies for human frailty by extending compassion to those two men, and receive the money they had collected before the time Expired for receiving Continental money as has been done for other Towns in this county those two men aforesaid (viz) Nathan Fay, and Zebulon Crane are men of veracity who are at this time be- trusted with public honours from New Hampshire— and whose affidavits in all matters maybe relied on— this petition is not the prayer [of] one individual, but the voice of the people at Large in this Town— who 120 HISTOEY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. with Confidence in your Clemency, and Contrishon in our selves present this petition to your wise Consider- ation as in Duty bound shall ever pray. " Signed by order and in behalf of the inhabitants of the Town of Alstead. Alstead September 29'" 1783. Amos Shepherd ^ John wood I Selectmen Tim" Fletcheb J " Aocp'* & voted that the Selectmen Sign the Same in behalf of y° Town "Attest Nath' S. Peektice Town Clerk" In the House of Representatives, December 26, 1783, it was " Voted, That the prayer of said petition be so far granted as to receive the money which is now in the hands of Nathan Fay, one of the constables, amounting to £1536.. 18'.. 0. Continental Currency & that the treasurer discount the same out of the taxes called for from the Town of Alstead in the year 1780." The Council concurred the same day. Certificate of Selectmen about Taxes. " These may Certify that it appears by Samuel Kidders Tax bill for 1783— that Lot N° 5 in the Eighth Eange was Taxed in the war Tax two shillings and tenpence and N° 4 in the Tenth Eange three shillings and nine pence to the same tax — and to the state tax N" 5 in y= Eighth Range 3/10— and N° 4 in y' 10'" Range 5/ 2 — and in ye County Tax N° 5 in y» 8* Eange 1/ all in the said Kidders Tax bills who was constable for 1783 which said Lots belong to the Confiscated Estate of Simon Baxter an Absentee " £0 . . 16 . . 7. " Alstead January 21»« 1786. "Isaac Temple " Befj' Wood " Reuben Hatch " Joel Chandler " Portsm" Feby 14, 1786. " Eeceived an order for sixteen shillings and seven pence. " Amos Shepherd." In 1789, Gideon Delano and Eli Snow killed a wolf each in Alstead, for which they received a State bounty. Petition for Authority to Tax Non-Eesident Lands. " To the Hon"° Senate and house of Eepresentatives of the State of New Hampshire in general Court Selectmen Alstead Convened at Portsmouth on the 8" day of January A. D. 1790. " The Petition of the Selectmen of Alstead humbly sheweth that said Town hes a Large Shair of roads and Bridges to Support it being a Veri mountainous town and to ad to these burdon the County have lately laid out a Eoad through the Southeasterly part of said Town through the non-residents Land about three milds which is no advantage to said inhabitants therefore your petitioners pray that the Selectmen of said town lay a Tax of two pence per acor on all the nonresidence Land in Said town to be Laid out on the roads through there own Lands, or other ways as you in your great wisdom Shall see meet. " and we as in Duty bound shall ever pray. 1 in behalf of "Oliver Shepabd i- the Selectman ) of Alstead." January 11, 1790, the matter was before the House of Representatives, and a hearing ordered for the next session. January 21, 1791, a bill granting the author- ity asked for was passed and concurred in by the Senate. Eemonstrance against Setting Off a Parish. " To his Excellency the Governor and Hon"'" General Court of New Hampshire. " We the subscribers inhabitants of the Town of Alstead, being this day informed that a petition is circulating in the east part of this Town to the gene- ral Court praying to be set off as a Distinct parish ; Now we would inform the Hon"" General Court, that the situation of this Town is such that a Division would be hurtful to the whole on many reasons that might be given as the matter is suden and unex- pected to us till this date, and the Notice w& had accidental and the voices of the inhabitants have not been asked, and a day of hearing on the said petition might be a Large bill of Cost to this Town— we pray therefore that the .petition aforesaid might not have a hearing as in Duty bound shall ever pray. '' Alstead may 31'" 1793." " Eeuben Hatch. Nath" Man. Job Thompson, Jr. John Worster. Joel Chandler. Ebenezer Palmer. Asa Hatch. Paul Robins. Absalom Kingsbery. Josiah Crosby. Edward Waldo. Ephraim Kingsbery. Isaac Brown. Noab Vilas. John Eobbins. Moses Farnsworth. Joshua Wood. Lemuel Barker. ALSTBAD. 121 Josiah Robens. William tliompson. John Burroughs. Benj'' Baxter. William Slade. Elisha Kingsbery. Richard Emerson. Daniel Perin. John Slade, Jr. Daniel Waldo. Elkanah Stephens. Nath' Rust. David Hale. Frederick wardner. Isaac Cady. Judah Hatch. Phinehas Hatch. Joshua Crane. Asa Grant. Chr' Williams. Jonas Parke. Mason Hatch. John Fletcher. Jonathan King. Michel Grant. James Kingsbery. Nath' Clark. Tho^ Farnsworth. Nath' Cooper. Amos Shepard. William Simons. Abel Hebbard. Jacob Cheever. Sam' Slade. James Brown. Nathaniel Right, Junr. Azel Hatch. Jacob Wardner. Thomas Root. Josiah Cook. Dan' Williams. Joseph Cady. Josiah Cook, Jr. Joseph Peck. John Ladd. Rich" Beckwith. Luke Harris. Benj' Cutter. Jesse Watts. David Hodgman. Josiah Brooks. Roswell Waldo. Gideon Delano." Elias Brown. Remonstrance of Selectmen. " To his Excellency the Governor, the Hon*"" senate and house of representatives, in General Court Assembled, may it please your honors. " We, the Subscribers, Selectmen of the Town of Alstead, beg Leave to inform your Honors that this day we ware inform" that a Petition is now Circulat- ing in the East part of this Town praying to be set off as a distinct Parish, or otherwise, as the General Court may think proper. This matter has twice been before the inhabitants of this Town and twice Reject- ed by a Large majority, as a division of this Town at present would be very injurious to this Town in General, and they have not brought there petition before the inhabitents to know thejr minds on the matter. As selectmen and Guardians of the public affairs, we pray the petition aforesaid might not have a hearing. "Alstead, may 31*, 1793. " Isaac Temple, | Selectmen " Gliveb, Shepaed, J of Alstead." Petition eoe the Incoepoeation of a Re- ligious SociETy. " To the Honorable the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives for the State of New Hampshire in General Court Assembled. " The Petition of a number of Inhabitants of the Town of Alstead, in said State " Humbly Sheweth, — That whereas your Petition- ers, being a compact Society in one part of the Town, and some years past built them a meeting-house and settled them a Minister, when there was no other set- tled minister in the Town,> and have ever since paid a tax towards the support of their Society by them- selves, without being called upon to support the ministry any other way ; but still we find ourselves under some embarrassments, not having legal author- ity to call on one another for the taxes so made, and having got the approbation of the Town by their Vote in Town-meeting — legally appointed therefor — There- fore your Petitioners humbly pray that all those now paying taxes, or that may hereafter choose to pay taxes towards the support of the ministry & meeting- house, with us may be incorporated into a Society solely for that purpose. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will pray. " Alstead, 26'" Nov'., 1793. "Nath' S. Prentice. Larnard Mann. Isaac Kent. John Wait. Abel Phelps. Stephen Bridgham. Oliver Brown. Moses Blanchard. William Wood. Paul Gale. Laban Johnson. Sardis Miller. Spencer Brown. Thomas Wood. Solomon Prentice, Jr. Elijah Holbrook. Eli Harrington. Jon" Newton. Samuel Smith. Benj" Wood. Amaziah Wheelock. Asa Whitcomb. Elisha Gale. Abra" Brown. Sylvester Partridge. John Brooks. John Bryant. John Kent. Jonathan Atherton. Jesse Pay. John Wood. John Brimmer. John Bridgham. Eph"" Barnard. Daniel Newell. Sartell Prentice. Nathan Fay. Phineas Olds. Thomas Taylor. Samuel Ball. Jedidiah Johnson. Abel Childs. Thomas Wait. Jonas Newton." James Arch. The original was signed also by Abel Dut- ton, William Eichardson, Aristides Huestis, Timothy Child, Eleazer Miller. In House of Eepresentatives, December 31, 1793, a hearing wa.s ordered for the second "Wednesday of the next session ; meanwhile the petitioners were to post a copy of the petition in some public place in the town and deliver a 122 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. copy to the town clerk, which the foUowiDg certificates show was complied with : " Cheshire, ss. March ll'", 1794. This petition and order of Court thereon, was delivered to me this day, and this day I read it in open Town-meeting, in the Town of Alstead. " Isaac Temple, T: Clerk. " Agreeable to the order, herein contained, this Pe- tition and order of Court has ben Posted up in the Town of Alstead. "Tho' Taylor, " SiMOK Beooks, Jb.., " Job Thompson, Jr., " James Kingsbury, Sekctmen.' Vote of Town in Favor oe the Incorporation OF A Religious Society. "In a warrant. Legally executed, for calling a Town-Meeting in the Town of Alstead, on the nine- teeth day of Nov'"', Last past, was the following arti- cle (viz.) article 3'' : " To see if the Town will approve of the persons paying Taxes to the Rev'' Levi Lankton, to be incor- porated into a society by themselves, for the purpose of Maintaining their minister and Meeting-house. " In Town-Meeting, Nov"' 19'", 1793, article 3^ the Question being put wheather the inhabitants of this Town will approve of the persons paying Taxes to the Rev* Levi Lankton, to be incorporated into a society by themselves, for the purpose of Maintaining their minister and Meeting-house, passed in the affirma- tive. " A true copy of Record "Attest— Isaac Temple, T: Clerk. " Alstead, Dec"' 20'", 1793." " At the annual Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Alstead, holden March 10'", 1795. " Article 16*^,— To see if the inhabitants aforesaid will vote that the persons that now do or may here- after pay Taxes to the Rev" Levi Lankton may be In- corporated into a Society for the purpose of Soporting their Minister and Meeting-House. " Passed in the affirmative. "Alstead, May 13'", 1795. "Moses Hale, "Daniel Peein, " Abel Phelps, i ^Selectmen of " Jn" Brigham, Akiead. " Ephraim Kingsbery, " The above is a true copy of record. " Attest, Daniel Perin, Town Clerk" The foregoing petitions, etc., resulted in the incorporation of a society by the name of the Second Parish in Alstead, the act passing the House June 15, 1795, the Senate the next day, and receiving the approval of Governor Gilman, June 18, 1795. Petition of Elisha Kingsbery for Loan. "To the Honorable the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of New Hampshire, to be Convened at Amherst in said State on Wednesday, the fourth day of June, 1794. " Humbly Sheweth your Petitioner. " That your Petitioner did, in the year 1792, at great Expence, build a Linceed Oil Mill, and in the year 1793, on his own Expence, & on the same Dam build a Paper Mill, both which mills are nearly finished and do good business to the great advantage and benefit of the Public in this part of the State. That your Petitioner finds a great demand for his Paper, not only in this, but in the Neighbouring State of Vermont, so that not only the saving of the importation of that valuable article in this part of the State is made, but is also likely to bring a considera- ble Quantity of money into this part of the State. — That the demand for paper has increased so much that he finds himself unable to procure Stock sufficient to supply all his customers by reason of this great ex- pence in Constructing his works. " Therefore prays that your Honors would grant him the Loan of two hundred pounds for one or two years, upon security of the Mortgage of the Mill, to the state that he may be enabled to carry on his works to the better advantage of the publick and save the importation of those articles into this part of the State. And your Petitioner, as in Duty bound will ever pray. "Alstead, May 31=', 1794. " Elisha Kingsbery." The foregoing was before the Legislature June 9, 1794, and a committee appointed to consider the matter ; but I am unable to find any record of their report. — (Hammond.) HISTORY OF CHESTERFIELD. BY OEAN E. BANDALL. CHAPTER I. Geography and Geology. — Chesterfield is bounded on the north by Westmoreland and Keene, on the east by Keene and Swanzey, on the south by Winchester and Hinsdale, on the west by the Connecticut River, or, more strictly speaking, by Brattleborough and Dummerston, in Vermont. The area of the town, exclusive of the Connecticut, which flows along its western border for a distance of about six miles, is probably between forty-two and forty- four square miles. The first recorded per- ambulation of the town lines took place in 1793, at which time the line between Chester- field and Westmoreland was measured by Jonas Robbins, of the latter town, and found to have a length of "seven miles and three- fourths and forty-four rods," its direction being " east, 10° 131' south." The line running from the northeast corner of Chesterfield to the southwest corner of Keene was described as having a length of one mile and sixteen rods, and a direction of "south, 8° 30' east;" and the line running from the southwest corner of Keene to the northwest corner of Swanzey as having a length of two hundred and sixty-three rods, and a direction of "east, 8° 30' south." The line between Chesterfield and Swanzey was surveyed the same year by John Braley, and was described as having a direction (starting from the northwest corner of Swanzey) of "south, 33|-° west;" but its length was not stated. According to measurements made at a later date, this line has a length of nearly four and one-half miles. The same surveyor also surveyed, in 1793, the line that separates Chesterfield from Win- chester and Hinsdale, and found it to have a direction of " west, 10J° north," starting from the southeast corner of Chesterfield. The length of this line was also not stated, but it is about seven and seven-eighths miles. The surface of the town is, for the most part, hilly, the meadows and plains being compara- tively limited. At a few points on the Con- necticut there are small meadows and plains, some of the latter having an elevation of two hundred feet, or more, above the river. There are also small meadows in other parts of the town, through which flow some of the larger brooks. Wantastiquet, or West River Mountain, lies in the extreme southwest corner of Chesterfield and northwest corner of Hinsdale. This mountain rises abruptly from the Connecticut, and has an altitude of about twelve hundred feet above sea-level. From its summit, in the days of the early settlements, the Indians are said to have watched the operations of the settlers in the vicinity of Fort Dummer. Hence, the name of Indians' Great Chair has been applied to a particular portion of the summit of this mountain. The longer axis of Wantastiquet is nearly parallel to the river, and has a length of from three to four miles. There are several hills in the town worthy of 123 124 HISTORY OP CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. mention. Mount Pistareen, near Chesterfield Factory, has an altitude, probably, of about one thousand feet above the level of the sea. Streeter Hill, in the northwestern quarter of the town, is so called because it was at one time inhabited by several families of the name of Streeter. Its altitude is somewhat greater than that of Pistareen. Atherton Hill, in the eastern part of Chesterfield, received its name from the circumstance that Joseph Atherton settled on it in 1795. There are several other hills in the town that are higher than Streeter Hill. There are no large streams of water flowing through Chesterfield, but the Connecticut flows along its western border. Its height above sea-level, at a point opposite Brattleborough, is two hundred and fourteen feet. The largest brook, flowing wholly within the limits of the town, is Catsbane Brook. This stream rises in the low lands south of the Centre village, and in the vicinity of Barrett Hill, and flows in a northwesterly direction for the distance of about five miles, emptying into the Connecticut near the West village. The name of this brook can only be accounted for by the following tradition, which has been handed down from the first settlers : At a very early period in the town's history two men, who were traveling through the forest, stopped on the banks of the brook to eat their lunch. Having finished their pieal, one of tlie men said he wished to set out again on the journey. The other replied that he wished to take another draught of the water of the brook before leaving. "For yoiu- sake," said his companion (using at the same time certain emphatic words), " I wish this water had catsbane in it ! " He probably meant rats- bane. In all probability, this singular name was applied to the brook a number of years before the settlement of the town. Partridge Brook, in some respects the most important stream that has its origin in the town, is the outlet of Spafford's Lake. It takes the water of the lake from the "channel" near Factory village, flows a short distance in a southeasterly direction, then, turning sharply to the northward, plunges down through a deep gorge, and flows on, for a distance of about two miles, to the Westmoreland line. From the line it continues its course in a northwesterly direction through Westmoreland, for a distance of four miles, or more, and empties into the Connecticut near the county farm. It is certain that this brook was known by its present name before Chesterfield was settled, inasmuch as it was called Partridge Brook, in the proprietary records of West- moreland, as early as 1752. There are also several other brooks in Chesterfield of lesser importance. Spafford's Lake lies nearly in the centre of the northern half of the town. According to an estimate based on the proprietors' chart, or plan, this beautiful sheet of water has an area of about seven hundred square acres. This estimate may be somewhat too small ; but, from all the information the writer can obtain relating to this subject, it appears to him that the area of this lake cannot exceed one thou- sand acres. The shore of the lake is, for the most part, either sandy or rocky ; and its water is remarkably pure, being supplied, in great part, by springs beneath its surface. Pierce's Island, in the southwestern part of the lake, contains from four to six acres. Indian relics — principally stone pestles and arrow-heads — have been found on it. It is not known with certainty how the lake came by its name of Spafford's Lake, but the tradition has always been that a man of the name of Spafford once lived near its shore ; hence its name. There are good reasons for believing that the lake received its name before the town was actually settled, and that the Spafford who is said to have lived near its shore was a hunter, whose residence was only temporary. Catsbane Island, which lies about half a mile below the mouth of Catsbane Brook, in the Connecticut, is worthy of mention. This island CHESTERFIELD. 125 — which is in view from the lower ferry — con- tains but a few acres, and is principally noted as being, in all probability, near the place where the Indians crossed the river on their way to Canada, after having defeated Sergeant Taylor's party in July, 1748. It is possible, however, that the place called " Cattsbane," in Sergeant Taylor's diary, was the mouth of Catsbane Brook. Tlie rocks of Chesterfield belong principally to that group of rocks denominated by Professor C. H. Hitchcock the Coos Group, and consist of quartzite, gneiss, mica slate, mica schist, horn- blende rock and conglomerate. In the south- eastern quarter of the town there is found, in great abundance, a rock called porphyritic gneiss. This rock is not found in the western part of the town. No valuable minerals have been found in any considerable quantities ; yet, iron ore was discovered many years ago on Wantastiquet, and graphite, or plumbago, may exist in some localities. The so-called mine on Wantastiquet is in Hinsdale. Quartz is found in considerable quanties ; in one or two localities, in a pulverulent condition. Inferior specimens of tourmaline have also been found. Numerous evidences of the action of mov- ing ice in the Glacial Period exist in the town. In some locations the ledges are grooved and striated in a way peculiar to those regions that have been subjected to glacial action. Enor- mous boulders, evidently brought from a great distance, in some instances have been deposited upon the highest hills. Near the mouth of the Catsbane Brook are examples of river terraces. The height of the terraces in Chesterfield and Westmoreland va- ries from three hundred and fifty to four hun- dred feet above the sea. No fossils are known to have been discovered in Chesterfield, the rooks, for the most part, not being of a kind known as " fossiliferous." IXCOEPORATIOX ASD SETTLEMENT. Pend- ing the King's decision respecting the dividing line between Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire, the General Court of the former province granted upwards of thirty townships between the Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers. The township that lay just north of Arlington (which embraced a portion of the territory now belonging to Hinsdale and Winchester) and east of the Connecticut was called Township No. 1, and was nearly identical with the pres- ent township of Chesterfield. Townships Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 were accepted by the General Court of Massachusetts, November 30, 1736. Samuel Chamberlain, of Westford, Mass., was empowered, December 13, 1737, to call the first meeting of the proprietors of No. 1 for organi- zation. It is not known, however, that any settlement was attempted in this township under the Massachusetts charter. In fact, the incursions of the French and Indians into this part of the Connecticut Valley rendered any attempt to settle the new township extremely hazardous for some years subsequent to 1737. A treaty of peace between France and Eng- land was signed at Aix-la-Chapelle, October 7, 1748 ; but, in this country, hostilities did not wholly cease for some time ; for, June 20, 1749, the Indians assaulted No. 4, and carried off" Enos Stevens, son of Captain Stevens. In 1750, '61 and '52 there was peace in the Con- necticut Valley. Movements were now made to get the townships that had been chartered by Massachusetts, but which had been severed from that province by the final determination of the southern boundary of New Hampshire, rechar- tered by the government of the latter province. Some time in the year 1751, Josiah Willard, John Arms and fifty-six others petitioned Gov- ernor Benning Wentworth to recharter Town- ship No. 1. The following is a copy of the petition : "Province of 1 To His Excellency Benning Went- New Hamp'. J worth, Esq., Gov' in and over His Maj'5'° Province of Kew Hamp', &c., the Hon' His Maj'J= Council. " The Petition of the Subscribers Humbly Shews that Sundry of your Petitioners some years before the last Indian War had entered on a tract of Land 126 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Called N°. One, on the Easterly Side Connecticut River, and adjoining to the same next above Win- chester, under the Grant of the Massachusetts Bay, but since the Dividing line Between the s* Massa- chusetts and the Province of New Hamp"' has been ascertained by his Majesty, Wee find that the same falls within the Province of New Hampshire, and are Desirous to pursue our former Intention of making a Settlement there if we may be favored with a grant from his Majesty of that township, under Such Re- strictions as other Towns Holding under his Maj- esty in this Province. "Wherefore your Petitioners pray that a Grant may be made them of the said Township N°. one, in Such a way and manner as y' Excellency & Hon" See meet, & y' Peti" as in Duty Bound Shall ever pray—." In accordance with this petition, Governor Wentworth, with the advice and consent of the Council, granted a charter, February 11, 1752, to Josiah Willard and others, incorporating Township No. 1 under the name of Chester- field. Why this name was bestowed upon No. 1, when it was rechartered, is not known with certainty. It is probable, however, that the name was given to the town by Governor Wentworth and his Council, either in honor of the Earl of Chesterfield or the town of the same name in England. Certain circumstances lead to the belief that the name was bestowed in honor of the former. In the first place, the Earl of Chesterfield was a man of much note at the time the town was rechartered, having not only held important government offices, but having just brought about an important reform of the calendar, that took effect the same year (1752). He was also distinguished as an orator and writer. In the second place, it is well known that Governor Benning Wentworth was fond of naming towns in New Hampshire in honor of distinguished men and places in England. The names of the grantees of Chesterfield, as appended to the charter, were as follows : "Josiah Willard, Nathan Willard, Valentine But- ler, John Arms, John Arms, Jun'r, Oliver Butler, Oliver Willard, Oliver Willard, Jun'r, Josiah Wil- lard, Jun'r, Nathan Willard, Jun'r, Wilder Willard, John Moore, William Willard, Caleb Trobridge, William Lawrence, John Hunt, Simon Hunt, Jona- than Hubbard, Samuel Kennada, Solomon Willard, Billy Willard, Simon Cooley, Joseph Willard, Wil- liam Deen, Simon Stone, Peter Oliver, David Hub- bard, Thomas Pain, John Wheelwright, Nathaniel Wheelwright, Joseph Wheelwright, Jeremiah Wheel- wright, Simon Willard, Benj'a Lynd, John Spafibrd, Silas Spaflford, Sam'l Davis, Phineas Wait, Joanna Wetherby, Elias Alexander, John Brooks, James Whitney, Abraham Kendel, Benj'a French, Josiah Brown, Ebenez'r Day, John French, Jun'r, Sam'l Greeley, Will'm Spalding, Moses Gould, Will'm Down, Robert Fletcher, David Field, Sam'l Field, David Sterns, John Kendel, Daniel Kendell, James Stootley, His Excellency, Benning Wentworth, Esq.-, one tract of land to contain five hundred acres, one whole share for the Incorporated Society for the prop- agation of the Gospel in foreign parts, one whole share for the first settled minister of the Gospel in said Town, one whole share for a Glebe for the min- istry of the Church of England, as by law estab- lished. Samuel Wentworth, of Boston, Theodore Atkinson, Richard Wibird, Samuel Smith, John Downing, Sampson SheafFe, Jno. Wentworth." Theodore Atkinson was secretary of the province. Richard Wibird, Samuel Smith, Sampson Sheaffe and John Downing were members of the Council at the time the town- ship was regranted. Colonel Josiah Willard, the leading grantee, was, for many years, a resident of Winchester. The charter of Chesterfield is similar to those of other towns granted by Governor Went- worth. The township is described therein as follows : " All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being within our said Province of New Hampshire, containing by admeasurement twenty-three thousand and forty acres, which tract is to contain six miles square, and no more ; out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable lands by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers^ one thousand and forty acres free, according to a plan and survey thereof, made by our Governour's order, and hereunto an- nexed, butted and bounded as follows, — viz. : begin- ning and adjoining to a stake and stones near the bank of Connecticut river, which is the northwest- erly corner bound of a place called Winchester, thence running south seventy -eight degrees east upon Winchester line aforesaid, till it meets with the CHESTERFIELD. 127 western line of the lower Asliuelote, so called, then carrying all the breadth of land between the river of Connecticut aforesaid and the said Ashuelots, so far up northerly as will make the contents of six miles square, bounding on this extent by a stake and stones near the bank of the river, and thence running south, seventy-eight degrees east, till it meets with the Ash- uelots aforesaid." The charter provided that the township should be divided into seventy equal shares, and that a tract of land near the centre of the same should be " reserved and marked out for town lots," containing one acre each. Every grantee was entitled to one of these lots. In accordance with a provision of the charter, the town was surveyed (as were also "Westmoreland and Walpole at the same time) and a plan of it drawn by Josiah Willard and Benjamin Bellows. This plan was finished March 18, 1752, and is now in the office of the Secretary of State, at Concord. It shows that the general out- lines of Chesterfield were about the same when the first survey under the new charter was made as they are now. The line between Keene and Chesterfield, running from the northeast corner of the latter town to the south- west corner of the former, was stated to be about two hundred and twenty-five rods in length. The same line, as measured by Jonas Bobbins, in 1793, was found to be " one mile and six- teen rods" long, or one hundred and eleven rods longer than in 1752. From this circum- stance it might be inferred that this line had been lengthened before 1793, and that the line between Swanzey and Chesterfield, which was described in the original plan as being five miles and one hundred and eighty rods long, correspondingly shortened. No record of any such alterations in these lines has, however, been found. Owing to the loss of the proprietary records, nothing is known concerning the meetings of the proprietors of the town, or the business transacted at such meetings, save what is to be inferred from the proprietors' " chart," or plan of the town, which, fortunately, has been pre- served, and is in tolerably good condition. It is not known when or by whom this plan was made ; but it is evident that it was made as early as 1760 or 1761, inasmuch as the earliest deeds sometimes refer to it. Governor Wentworth's share (five hundred acres) lay in the northwest corner of the town, and is known at the present day as the Gover- nor's Farm. According to the plan, John Wentworth also had a share of three hundred acres. These two shares are indicated on the plan as " B. and J. Wentworth's shares," and formed a tract bounded on the north by West- moreland line and on the west by Connecticut River. It had an average length of about six hundred and eighty-seven rods and a width of two hundred rods. Aaron Smith, son of Moses Smith, the first settler, settled on Governor B. Wentworth's share about 1767, as did after- wards his brother, Benjamin Smith. John Wentworth's share was located just east of the Governor's Farm, and was purchased by "Wil- liam Randall in 1780. The glebe is not marked on the plan, but lay in the southeast quarter of the town. The minister's share consisted of lots No. 5 in the first, fifth and eighth ranges of lots, and the tenth house-lot in the ninth range. Concerning the location of the share reserved for the " In- corporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," nothing is known. Nor is it now known whether the " town- lots," mentioned in the charter, were ever laid out or not ; but it is certain that some of the hundred-acre lots, near the central part of the town, were divided into " half-lots," or " fifty- acre lots," which are sometimes designated in old deeds as " house-lots." A whole share consisted, nominally, of three lots, of one hundred acres each ; but is appears that most of the proprietors also owned one "house-lot" each. Although circumstances were apparently fa- vorable for immediately settling the new town- 128 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ship at the time the new charter was granted, no settlement was effected till nine years after- wards. The last French and Indian War, which soon broke out, rendered the establish- ment of new settlements in the Connecticut Valley, north of the Massachusetts line, ex- tremely difficult and hazardous. But the complete conq[uest of Canada by the English, in 1760, put an end to the incursions of the French and Indians, and peace once more reigned in the valley of the Connecti- cut. The grantees of Chesterfield, having been un- able to carry out the provisions of the charter within the specified time (five years), petitioned the Governor and Council for an extension of time, in order that their grants might not be forfeited. In accordance with this petition, the charter was " lengthened out," June 11, 1760. The term of one year was granted for the ful- fillment of the conditions imposed upon the grantees, which term was to be renewed annu- ally "till His Majesty's plenary instructions could be received." On the 20th day of February, 1761, Moses Smith, who at that time was said to be " of Hinsdale," purchased of Oliver Willard, of Brattleborough, one whole right, or share, in the township of Chesterfield, which right, or share, belonged to the said Willard by virtue of his being one of the grantees. The numbers of the lots were not given in the deed, but it is known that two of them were the lots numbered 14 and 15, in the sixteenth range ; the other was probably lot No. 1 1 , in the second range. Oliver Willard also owned house-lot No. 10, in the twelfth range. Having secured some of the best land in the new township, Moses Smith made preparations for establishing a home upon the same for him- self and family. Accordingly, in the month of "November, 1761, as the tradition has always been, he and his son-in-law, William Thomas, came up the Connecticut in canoes or boats, for the purpose of making the first settlement in the town of Chesterfield. The exact date of this event is uncertain, as it has been stated to be both the 15th and the 25th of November. Larkin G. Mead, Esq., who wrote a brief sketch of Chesterfield for the " Historical Collections," in 1822, adopted the latter date. There can be no doubt, however, that it was in the month of November, 1761, that the first settlement was effected by Smith and Thomas. Both men brought their families with them ; Smith's consisting, so far as known, of his wife Elizabeth, and his sons, Aaron, Moses, Amos, Joseph, Benjamin and Keuben. Of these sons, Aaron, the oldest, was about twentyrone years old ; Reuben, the youngest, was about three years old. Thomas' family consisted, prob- ably, only of himself and wife, Mary, Smith's daughter. Smith built a log cabin on lot No. 14, in the sixteenth range. The place where this stood is a short distance north of the present residence of his great-grandson, George Smith, and a few rods east of the highway, which, at this point, runs near the bank of the river. The site of the cabin is still indicated by a depression in the plain. Thomas erected his cabin near the river's bank, at a point about one mile and a half be- low Smith's " pitch." It stood a few rods east of the lower ferry, and a few feet north of the present highway leading easterly from the same. Its site is still marked by a depression in the earth, and a mound adjoining the depres- sion on its eastern side. This mound consists, in great part, of ashes and charcoal. When spring came, the work of clearing a patch for cultivation was probably begun, al- though the work of felling trees may have been prosecuted throughout the winter, when the weather permitted. On the 25th day of April, 1762, Thomas' wife gave birth to the first white child born in the town. This child was called Mary. She married Lemuel Stoddard. There are reasons for believing that the first CHESTERFIELD. 129 male child born of white parents in Chester- field was Lotan Hildreth, son of Jonathan Hildreth, born March 29, 1763. It is greatly to be regretted that the history of the town from the date of settlement to the year 1767 is almost a complete blank. The town records begin with the latter date; so that, on account of the loss of the proprietary records, as already stated, we have but little to guide us in our study of this period, save a few traditions and what can be gleaned from a few old deeds. It is certain, however, that a large number of families had become established in the town before 1767. In the spring of 1762, Captain Simon Davis, of Greenwich, Mass., and Abel Emmons settled in the western part of the town ; and some time the same year Peter Wheeler also came to settle. A saw-mill is also said to have been constructed this year by John Snow and Moses Smith. The pro- prietors granted two pieces of land to them, on condition that they should erect a mill, keep it in good repair for the following five years, and saw boards at as reasonable a rate as was done in other places. There is a tradition that, after the first boards were sawed, they were laid down so as to form a kind of rude floor, upon which the settlers danced, to celebrate the event. This mill was built on Catsbane Brook, in the western part of the town, and stood near the place where Warren W. Farr's house now stands. A grist-mill was also erected, at an early period, near this saw-mill. Both mills were carried away by a freshet in the summer of 1826. The following persons are known to have settled in Chesterfield before 1767 : Ephraim Baldwin and Jonathan Cobleigh, as early as 1763 ; Daniel Farr, Samuel Farr, and Nathan Thomas, as early as 1764; Jonathan Farr, Jr., and Timothy Ladd, in 1765; Eleazer Cobleigh and Silas Thompson, in 1766. Of course, the above-named settlers, with their families, constituted but a small part of the whole number that were in the town in the 9 year 1767, which year Chesterfield had three hundred and sixty-five inhabitants. Among those who had become residents before the last-mentioned date were Jonas Davis, Ebenezer Davison, Thomas Emmons, Jonathan and Samuel Hildreth, James Robertson, James Wheeler and Nathaniel Bingham. As already stated, the town records begin with the year 1767 ; but there are reasons for believing that town-meetings had been held an- terior to that date, the records of which have been lost. The following is a copy of the warrant for a town-meeting held on the second Tuesday in June, 1767 : "Pkovince of New Hampshiee. To Samuel Hildreth, constable in and for the town of Chesterfield : you are, in his majeste's name, here- by commanded to warn all the Inhabitans of Sd town to meet att the house of Jonas Daviss In Sd town, on the Second tuesday of June Next, att one o'clock in the afternoon, then and there to act on the following articels : " 1. To Chuse a moderator to govarn Sd meeting. " 2. To Se whether the Town will Raise money to Defray town Charges and hire Schooling. " 3. To See whether the town will hire preaching. " 4. to See whether the town will Except of the Eoads as they are now Laid out. "make Due Return of this warrant att or before Sd Day apinted for Sd meeting. " Dated Chesterfield may ye 14, A. D. 1767. " Simon Davis, ) " John Snow, Selectmen " Jonathan Hildeeth, j- of " ELEAzJiiE Cobleigh, I Chesterfield." " Ebenezee Davison, J At the meeting called by the above warrant Captain Simon Davis was chosen moderator. The sum of five pounds, lawful money, was voted to defray town charges, and the River road, running from Westmoreland line to Hins- dale line, was accepted. Several other new roads were also accepted at the same meeting. It appears from a brief record of a meeting held July 5, 1768, that the town voted to build a road " from the road that goes to Keene, 130 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. along by the potash [potashery], to the road that goes to Winchester." The record for 1769 is a complete blank. In 1770 the record begins anew, and from that time to the present is unbroken. On the 16th day of January, 1770, Josiah Willard, the leading grantee, was petitioned by thirteen of the inhabitants of Chesterfield to issue a war- rant for a meeting to be held in the following March. The petitioners stated that they had lost their " charter privileges " of holding town- meetings. At the meeting called in accordance with this petition Mr. Willard was present, and administered the oath of office to the offi- cers who were chosen. In 1773 the population of the town num- bered seven hundred and forty-seven persons, viz., — Unmarried men, sixteen to sixty 55 Married men, sixteen to sixty 109 Males under sixteen 224 Males sixty and upwards 12 Unmarried females 220 Married females 120 Widows 7 Slaves Total 747 In 1775 the number of inhabitants was eight hundred and seventy-four, viz., — Males under sixteen 241 Males sixteen to fifty, not in the army... 155 Males above fifty 30 Persons gone in the army 36 Females 412 Slaves Total 874 The settlers who came in during the first two or three yeai's after 1761 appear to have lo- cated, for the most part, in the western and central portions of the town ; but by the year 1770 they seem to have been pretty evenly distributed over its territory, except in the easternmost parts of the same. As nearly as can be ascertained, there were veiy few settlers in the southeast quarter of the town previous to 1780, especially in that part of it known as "Hardscrabble." From about 1780 to 1805, however, numerous settlers came into that quar- ter, which, in spite of its ruggedness and rocki- ness, has produced some of the best citizens of the town. The " JSTew Boston " District, which may be roughly defined as comprising the upper half of the valley of Leavitt's Brook, was partially settled before 1770. It appears to have pos- sessed its maximum number of inhabitants be- tween 1790 and 1800. A settlement was established at an early period on Streeter Hill, which had for many years a pretty numerous population. Even the " Dish Land," which lies to the northward of Streeter Hill, was once partially occupied by settlers. The earliest settlers built, of course, log houses ; but, John Snow's saw-mill having been erected in 1762, some of those who came after- wards built very small frame houses. As the families became larger, or as the owners became more prosperous, many of the log houses were replaced with better ones, or the small frame houses were enlarged. There is a tradition that, one or more winters in the early history of the town, some of the settlers in the western part of it were obliged to go almost to the extreme eastern part to get hay for their horses and cattle, drawing it home on hand-sleds. The hay thus obtained had been cut in certain swales, and consisted of wild grass. Wolves and bears were more or less trouble- some to the early settlers, sometimes killing their sheep, pigs and calves. Wolves appear to have been numerous at one time, and evep since the year 1800 have been occasionally killed in the town, as have also bears. It is said that John Darling, Sr., who first settled on Barrett Hill, used to hunt these animals for the bounty that was paid for their destruction, and obtained considerable money in this way. On one occasion a party of men from five towns assembled at the house of Abraham CHESTERFIELD. 131 Stearns, in the eastern part of the town, for a grand bear-hunt. They succeeded in kiUing one bear, for which Mr. Stearns (probably in his capacity of selectman) gave them, as boun- ty, a barrel of rum valued at twenty dollars ; and they remained at his house till they had drunk it all ! Though the early settlers were, in general, hardy and robust, they appear to have been as much afflicted by contagious and epidemic dis- eases as the latter generations, and probably more so. Especially was this the case with the children, who suffered much from scarlet-fever and what was then called " throat-ail," a dis- ease that appears to have been very similar to, if not identical with, diphtheria. Fevers of various kinds sometimes raged, causing many deaths among young and old. The crowding of large families into very small houses, and the want of means for combating disease, necessarily caused great mortality in the case of epidemic and contagious diseases. The records of deaths are so few and imper- fect that it is impossible to ascertain how many persons died in the town in any year when the mortality was unusually large ; but the little grave-stones occasionally found standing in a row, or near together, in the old cemeteries, are sad evidences of the mortality that sometimes existed among the children. How many were buried to whose memory no stones were ever erected no one can tell. Chestekpield During the War of the REVOLUTioisr. — At a town-meeting held in Chesterfield, January 17, 1776, it was voted to accept of the result of the General Congress held at Philadelphia in the autumn of the preceding year, and to pay this town's propor- tion of the expense of another Congress to be held in the same city the following May. Lieutenant Brown, Lieutenant Hinds, Nathan- iel Bingham, Silas Thompson and Ephraim Baldwin were chosen a committee " to draw up arflcles," and make return of the proceedings of the meeting to the Provincial Committee. In the warrant for the annual town-meeting, held on the 1st day of March, the same year, was the following article : " To see if the town will choose a committee, agreeable to the advice of the Continental Congress, whose business it shall be attentively to observe the conduct of all persons touching said Congress." Ensign Moses Smith, Deacon Silas Thompson and Lieutenant Jacob Hinds were chosen a com- mittee for the purpose stated in the warrant. On the 14th day of the next December a town-meeting was held, at which Archibald Robertson was chosen to represent Chesterfield and Hinsdale in the Provincial Congress, to be held at Exeter on the 21st day of the same month. Captain Shattuck, Aaron Cooper, Captain Hildreth, Ensign Smith and Lieuten- ant Fletcher were constituted a committee to give Mr. Robertson his instructions. Previous to September of this year (1775) thirty-six Chesterfield men went into the army, the most of them enlisting in Colonel James Reed's regiment. The " Army Rolls " in the office of the adjutant-general of the State show that this town paid bounties to the amount of £40 6s. 8d. to men who enlisted on account of the Lexington alarm. On the 14th of March, 1776, the General Congress passed the following resolution : " Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions and Councils, or Commit- tees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed, within their respec- tive Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, or who have not associated, and refuse to associate, to defend by Abms the United Colonies against the hostile attempts of the British fleets and armies." This resolution having been received by the Committee of Safety for the colony, it was transmitted to the selectmen of the towns throughout the whole colony, together with the following request : '"Colony of New Hampshire. "In Committee of Safety, April 12th, 1776. " In order to carry the underwritten Eesolve of 132 HISTORY OF CHE8HIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Honorable Continental Congress into execution, you are requested to desire all males above twenty- one years of age (lunatics, idiots and negroes excep- ted) to sign to the Declaeation on this paper ; and when so done to make return thereof, together with the name or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly or Committee of Safety of this Colony. "M. Weaee, Chairman." THE DECLAEATION. " We, the Subscribers, do hereby Solemnly engage and promise that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with Arms, oppose the Hostile proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies against the United American Colonies." The selectmen of Chesterfield, having re- ceived the "Declaration," sent the following reply to the Committee of Safety. The date of their letter is not given, but it must have been written before the 12th of June : " To the Honorable Committee of Safety or General As- sembly of the Colony of New Hampshire. " As soon as ever we received your Directions request- ing us to desire all the Males in this Town to sign to a Declaration (Lunaticks, &c., excepted) in obedience thereto we Immediately proceded to give publick No- tice of your Intentions and otherwise as we Thought would have the most effectual Tendency to have put into execution, in order that we might make a Return by our Representative, but having so short a Time for to accomplish the Matter in so great a Town, and be- ing unwilling to omit anything relating to our Duty and which might be for the Benefit of the Whole, we calmly deliberated on the matter, asked ye advice of our Representative and others of Sense and Steadi- ness, and as we were not limited to a certain Time to make a Return, we propose to make one as soon as it may be done with conveniency. " So rest your Humble Servts., " Ephm. Baldwin, ^ Selectmen " Michael Cebsey, I of "Sam'l Hildeeth, J Chesterfield." June 12, 1776, the selectmen made the following return : " In obedience to the within Declaration that we Bec'd from your Honors, we proceeded According to your Directions and the persons Names underwriten are those that Refuse to sign to the Declaration on your paper : " Capt. Jona. Hildreth. Eseek Earl. Lieut. Ephraim Whitney. Ebenezer Harvey. Ephraim Whitney. Elisha Walton. Eleazer Pomeroy. Ebenezer Cooper. Ebenezer Fletcher, Joseph Prentice. Sam'l Davis Converse. Silas Bennett. Sal. Keing [Sam'l King]. Jr. "Epb. Baldwin, " MosES Smith, Je., " Michael Ceesey, " Ephe'm Hubbaed, "Sam'l Hildeeth, 1 Selectmen of Chesterfield." names of those who signed the declaeation. Abraham Wood. John Pratt. Simon Davis. Nathaniel Bingham. Isaac Davis. Abel Ray. John Snow. Samuel Farr. Oliver Cobleigh. Nehemiah Merrill. Jonathan Farwell. Samuel Farr, Jr. Oliver Farwell. John Haskell. Silas Thompson. Ezekiel Powers. William Farwell. Silas Wood. Jonathan Davis. Obadiah Merrill. Warren Snow. William Henry. Ebenezer Streeter. Daniel Farr. William Thomas. Amasa Colburn. Daniel Baldwin. Thomas Harris. William Simonds. Douglas Robbins. Amos Smith. Ullainell Merrill. Josh Smith. Sherebiah Fay. [prob. Jos. Smith.] Zur Evans. Jonathan Farr, (4th). William Farr, Jr. Jonathan Farr, (3d). Ithamar Chamberlain. Thomas Farr. Caleb Johnson. Benjamin Hudson. Amos Streeter. Moses Smith. Abner Johnson. Josiah Streeter. Kimball Carlton. Michael Woodcock. Theodore Bingham. Jonathan Cobleigh. John Pierce. Jonas Stearns. Benjamin Colburn. Samuel Fairbanks. Ephraim Farr. Jonathan Farr, (2d). Isaac Farr. Josiah Lamb. Thomas Darby. Samuel Walker. Joseph Metcalf. Archibald Robertson. Martin Warner. Andrew Colburn. David Stooder, Jr. Lawrence Walton. [David Stoddard, Jr.] Phineas Brown. Samuel Peacock. John Sanderson. John Peacock. William Fisher. Ephraim Baldwin. Jonathan Hildreth, Jr. Michael Cressey. James Wheeler, Jr. Samuel Hildreth. Josiah Hastings. Moses Smith, Jr. CHESTERFIELD. 133 Andrew Hastings. Noah Emmons. Jonathan Cressey. Ephraim Wheeler. John Cobleigh. Joseph Higgins. James McElroy. Joseph Wheeler. James Wheeler. Zenas Fairbanks. Nathan Bishop. Isaac Hildreth. Israel Johnson. James Robertson. Elisha Eockwood. Dan Cobleigh. Aaron Farr. Peter Wheeler. Moses Ellis. Ephraim Hubbard. Amos Davis. John White. N."than Metcalf. Johj Bishop. Jonathan Cobleigh. Nathan Thomas. Abel Emmons. William Robertson. Edward Hildreth. James Davis. William Aires. David Stone. John Grandy. John Grandy, Jr. Increase Lamb. Abner Albee. Ebenezer Taft. John Richardson. Daniel Kinnison. Joel Whitney. David Farr. James Mansfield. Amos Hubbard. Jonathan Farr (1st.) Patrick McMichael. Abijah Kingsbury. Ebenezer Gail. Sylvanus Battey. Ebenezer Faver. Abijah Stearns. Matthew Gray. William Hildreth. James Reed. John Ellis. Oliver Hubbard. Michael Metcalf. Charles Johnson. Benjamin Smith. Samuel Fletcher. Abraham Farr. Enoch Streeter. One hundred and thirty-nine persons signed the declaration, and thirteen refused to sign. The declaration was known as the " Association Test," and, according to the returns that were made, was signed by eight thousand one hun- dred and ninety-nine persons in the colony of New Hampshire, while only seven hundred and seventy-three persons refused to sign. At a town-meeting held December 2, 1776, Michael Cressey was elected to represent the town in the Assembly that was to meet at Exeter the third Wednesday of the same month. Eev. Mr. Wood, Deacon Thompson, Lieutenant Fairbanks, Dr. Harvey and Lieu- tenant Eockwood were chosen a committee to give Mr. Cressey his instructions. In accord- ance with the vote passed on the 2d day of December, the committee chosen for that pur- pose gave Mr. Cressey these instructions : " To Mr. Michael Greasy, Representative fm- the Town of Chesterfield in the State of New Hampshire. " Sir : — Whereas it having pleased Almighty God to humble the people of this land, by permitting the tyrant of Great Britain and his minions, in the ful- ness of their rage, to prevail against them, by sub- verting the Civil Constitution of every Province in his late American dominions, affecting thereby the activity of Law and Justice and [promoting] the in- troduction of vice and profaneness, attended with domestick confusion and all the calamities attendant on the dissolution of the power of Civil Government which in this alarming progress have made it abso- lutely necessary for each state to separate itself from that land from whence their forefathers were exiled by the cruel hand of tyranny, and to form for itself, under the ruler of all the earth, such plans of Civil Government as the people thereof should think most conducive to their own safety and advantage ; not- withstanding the importance of an equitable system of Government, as it affects ourselves and our poster- ity, we are brought to the disagreeable necessity of declaring that it is our candid opinion that the State of New Hampshire, instead of forming an equitable plan of Government, conducing to the peace and safety of the State, have been influenced by the in- iquitous intrigues and secret designations of persons unfriendly, to settle down upon the dregs of Monarch- ial and Aristocratical Tyranny, in imitation of their late British oppressor. We can by no means imagine ourselves so far lost to a sense of the natural rights and immunities of ourselves and our fellow men, as to imagine that the State can be either safe or happy under a constitution formed without the knowledge or particular authority of a great part of its inhabi- tants; a constitution which no man knows the con- tents of except that the whole Legislative power of the State is to be entirely vested in the will and pleasure of a House of Representatives, and that chosen according to the Sovereign determination of their own will, by allowing to some towns sundry voices in the said House, others but one, and others none ; and in a Council of twelve men, five of which are always to be residents of Rockingham County, who by the assistance of two others of said Council, have the power of a casting voice in all State affairs. Thus we see the important affairs of the State liable to be converted to the advantage of a small part of the State, and the emolument of its officers, by reason of the other part of the State not having an equal or equitable share in the Government to counterbalance the designs of the other. You are therefore author- ized and instructed to exert yourself to the utmost to 134 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. procure a redress of the aforementioned grievances and in case they will not comply, to return home for further instructions. '' Solomon Haevbt, per order Com. " Chesterfield, December ye 12th, 1776." The iuhabitauts of Chesterfield were not alone in complaining of the injustice, as they regarded it, of the principle of representation that had been adopted. A number of towns in the western part of the State remonstrated against the form of government that had been assumed, and some of them refused to send representatives to the Assembly. It was asserted that every incorporated town, whether large or small, should be entitled to at least one representative ; and some towns maintained that there ought to be no Council to negative the proceedings of the House. At the annual town-meeting for 1777, held on the 6th day of March, Lieutenant Fairbanks, Jonathan Farr (2d), Lieutenant Robertson, War- ren Snow and Lieutenant Rockwood were chos- en a "committee of inspection and correspond- ence." In the warrant for this meeting was the following article : " To see if the town will write anything to ease any reflections cast on the Hon'ble Committee from the General Court, by a letter sent to said committee from this town." The vote on this article was in the negative. The " Hon'ble Committee from the General Court," mentioned in the warrant, was appointed December 30, 1776, "to take under consideration the difficulties and Grievances Sub- sisting and Complain'd of by Sundry Towns & People in the County of Grafton, & any other Towns, respecting the present Form of Govern- ment &c." The letter referred to was sent to this committee by the town committee. The following extract from this letter is apparently the portion that was regarded as " casting re- flections " on the General Court's com- mittee : " We beg therefore to be excused from holding any personal conference with you on the subject, as we deem it highly inconsistent with the Nature of adjusting grievances of any kind to oblige the aggrieved individuals to make separate and unconnected appearances to confer and make answers to matters respecting the whole : unless the assembly consider us as a number of captious individuals without con- nection or cause of complaint." Another town-meeting was called for June 12th. The warrant was preceded by an " intro- ductory address " to the inhabitants of the town, by Samuel Fairbanks and Elisha Rockwood. This address was as follows : " To the Inhabitants of Chesterfield : " Gentlemen : You are not ignorant of the calamities of this present day. Enemies without the state, and within ; and being of late often alarmed by hearing of many conspiracies of such persons aa were generally esteemed friendly to the American Cause and Freedom ; and also of the great oppression of some and rejoicings of others at the fall and under Vallument of the paper currency, and some rejecting :the Regulating Acts ; all the above said circumstances considered, with many others that might be oiTered, it appears necessary that every town should be furnished with full sets of officers, both selectmen and committees of correspondence; and, as one con- stable is gone, or going, out of town, there will be need of one in his room and stead,— we have thought fit by the advice of some and desire of others, to call the town together for the purposes hereafter men- tioned." The fourth article of the warrant that fol- lowed this address was, " To see if the town inhabitants will choose a committee of corre- spondence to unite with other towns in this day of distress, and use means to defend all our lawful rights." The constable referred to in the address was John Pierce. In June of this year (1777) Ebenezer Har- vey, Eleazer Pomeroy and Samuel King, all of Chesterfield, were brought before the " Court of Inquiry," at Keene, charged with being hos- tile to the United States. They were put by the Court under bonds in five hundred pounds each to remain within the limits of their respec- tive farms. The following is an extract from an address sent by the Chesterfield Committee of Safety to the General Court, relating to the per- jSons in question : CHESTERFIELD. 135 " To the Honorable Court of the State of New Hamp- shire : "The Committee of Safety of Chesterfield humbly sheweth this Hon"" House, that whereas sundry Persons, viz : Ebenezer Harvey, Elezor Pom- roy and Sam'l King, all of Chesterfield abovs", were some time in June last, summoned to appear before the Courtof Enquiry, at Keen, as being Enem- ical to the United States of America, and upon tryall were, found guilty of a misdemeanor against the State : — on which account they were fined and confined to their farms by Bond till that or some other Court or authority should set them at Liberty : — upon which they, or some of them, Beg'd the Favour of s'^ Court, that they might have y" Liberty of tak- ing the Oath of Fidelity to the States ; on which accompt Esq'' Giles went Immediately to Exeter, as we have been informed, and procured said oath or form of it, and sent to us by Sheriff Cook, of Keen, and our Direction was to take a justice of the Peace and tender s'^ oath to those confined per- sons, to y« end they might take it and performe ac- cordingly and be at Liberty ; and we followed the Directions of Esq'' Prentice and Esq' Wyman.' The aforementioned confined persons said they were will- ing to take y" said oath, if it came from lawful au- thority ; but they Disputed y" authority and paid no regard to Esq'^ Prentice Letter, which was to take the Oath of fidelity and be set at Liberty ; and as they were fully fixed in principal or will, they apply'd to Justice Baldwin and he liberated them. Again they apply'd to Esq' Wyman and notwithstanding they neglected to take the oath, he, said Justice, enlarged their bonds just so far as to serve their own turns ; — all which was contrary to y' advice of the Committee, except they would take y» oath of Fidelity to the States, and their bonds are just so far enlarged as to serve their own turns ; and when called upon to do any publick service, they say that they are confined, and so are excused : all which gives great uneasiness to many steady friends to America. . . . We do therefore pray your Honours to take these things into your wise consideration, and Dismiss or Confine the abovementioned persons, and that they be sub- jects of their duty and service in y° defense of our much oppress'd land. " Samuel Faiebank, ] Committee " Elisha Eockwood, |. of " James Eobeetson, j Safety. " Chesterfield, December y" 13th, 1777. "To the Hon^^ Court or Committee of Safety of this ,New Hampshire State, (a Copy near similar to the former petition.) Test." " Sam' Faiebank, Chaieman, Esquire Giles and Esquire Prentice, referred to in this petition, were probably Benjamin Giles, of Newport, a prominent member of the House of Representatives, and IS^athaniel Sartel Prentice, of Alstead. Esquire Wyman was undoubtedly Colonel Isaac Wyman, of Keene. April 6, 1778, the selectmen of Chester- field and the town Committee of Safety joined in recommending the discharge of Harvey, Pomeroy and King, without their taking the " oath of fidelity." Accordingly, they were discharged the next day by Justices Prentice and Wyman. Justice Baldwin, mentioned in the above address, was Ephraim Baldwin, of Chester- field. In a letter written by the Chesterfield committee to President Weare, dated November 3, 1777, Baldwin was accused of having pro- cured one of Burgoyne'? proclamations, and of " defending the part that the enemies of this land take." The committee added : " Great care and Pains was Improved with s'^ Justice to Convince him, and after Certain days the s"" Justice signed a Piece acknowledging to the Com' and all good People that he, s* Justice, had given the greatest Reason Imaginable to his friends and Neighbors to view him as unfriend- ly to his Country : and signing said Piece and Delivering it to the Chairman of the Committee, y" said Piece being on the Table before them, s* Justice takes the Piece without so much as ask- ing the Comm' or either of Them, and Betakes liimselfto another room and erases out some words, and was Putting in others, and being en- quired of why he did thus and so, he, said Justice, after some words, moved that all the matters of Dispute then depending between himself and Committee might be Transmitted to the General Court, &c." Esquire Baldwin was also accused of setting at liberty persons confined by the Court of Inquiry, of which he was a mem- ber. In the preceding September depositions were made by Anne Snow, Abial Johnson, John Sargent and Fear Sargent, his wife, relative to 136 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Tory sentiments expressed by Baldwin. Under date of the 5th day of the same month, Esquire Prentice, of Alstead, wrote a letter to him, remonstrating with him for the course he had taken and advising him to make a " public and free recantation" of his opinions, etc. This letter was formally approved, also, by Benjamin Bellows. September 25th, Esquire Baldwin made public acknowledgment of the truth of the charges brought against him, confessed sorrow for hLs conduct and promised to " improve the utmost of his power and skill in y° Defense of America." He furthermore stated that all that had been done by him that seemed to be hostile to the American cause had been done " entirely through Inadvertancy and Not from any good will to georg, the Brittish King." Notwithstanding this confession (which, as appears from the town committee's letter to President Weare, dated November 3, 1777, he was accused of trying to alter after he had signed it) the Committee of Safety of Chester- field petitioned the Legislature, February 6, 1778, to take some action with regard to Es- quire Baldwin's conduct. The 2d day of the following March the House voted "that Ephraim Baldwin, Esq., of Chesterfield, be cited to appear before the General Assembly, on the second Friday of their next session, to answer to a complaint exhibited to this Court against him by the Committee of Chesterfield, as speaking or acting in some measure Enemi- cal to the Liberties of the American States." If any action was taken by the Assembly respecting Baldwin's case, it was not recorded, for the journal of the House contains no further reference to the matter. August 16, 1779, the town voted not to accept the plan of government for the State that had been drawn up by a convention assembled at Concord for that purpose. The record states that it was "rejected by the number of fifty-two which were all [that were] then present." At a town-meeting held the 1st day of May, 1780, it was voted to raise eight thousand pounds to be expended on the highways. Each man was to be allowed twelve pounds per day for his own labor, and £7 4s. for the use of a yoke of oxen. This nominally enormous sum was doubt- less raised to make allowance for the great de- preciation of the currency. During the last tw^o or three years of the War of the Revolution Chesterfield seems to have fur- nished but a very few men for the military service of the United States, and several times refused to bear its proportion of the burdens of the war. For this reason fines were afterwards imposed upon the town. In a petition to the General Court, drawn up by the selectmen of Chesterfield, June 1, 1786, they used the following language in speaking of the fine that been imposed for deficiencies in the last quota of men : " As to that Point, we are conscious to ourselves, if the honorable House had been Rightly Informed of what we as a Town have done and performed in the war, our Fines might have been much abated ; But not casting ye blame on ye Honor- able Court, we blame ourselves for defects in ye Returns made by ye officers then improved." It is evident that Chesterfield's lukewarmness in the American cause during the last two or three years of the war did not arise from the prevalence of Toryism in the town, but rather from the disturbed state of affairs within its borders, caused by the memorable controversy about the "New Hampshire Grants." As already stated, Chesterfield paid bounties to the amount of £40 6s. 8d. to men who en- listed on account of the "Lexington alarm;" but the names of the men who received the bounties have not as far as known been fully ascertained. Soon after the battle of Lexington three regi- ments were organized in New Hampshire, the Third being commanded by Colonel James Reed, of Fitzwilliam. One company in this regiment was commanded by Captain Jonathan Whitcomb. In this company were the followmg Chesterfield men ; CHESTERFIELD. 137 Joseph Smith, fifer. Eleazer Jordan. Jonathan Farr. Joshua Farr. Eleazer Stoddard. Joseph Metcalf. Charles Johnson. Elijah Walton. Josiah Hastings. Elisha Walton. Eleazer Cobleigh, drumm'r. Ephraim Farr. Asa Gale. John Merrill. Benjamin Wheeler. Captain Whitcomb's company appears to have been at Medford, Mass., October 13, 1775, as at that date the men signed a receipt for money received "in lieu of coats promised by the Colony of New Hampshire." Another company in Colonel Eeed's regiment was under the command of Captain Jacob Hinds, of Chesterfield. The following men, besides Captain Hinds, belonged to this town: Ezekiel Davis, sergeant. Jacob Davis. David Stoddard, sergeant. Jacob Hinds, Jr. William Farwell, sergeant. Eichard Coughlan. [On one roll the last-named is put down as sergeant-major.] This company also appears to have be^n at Medford in October. The men in these two companies received wages ranging from six pounds to £8 lis. 5d. for terms of service varying from three months to three months, sixteen days. Captain Hinds received £19 4s. 3d. for three months and eight days' service. It is evident, however, that both companies served longer than the maximum time given in the pay-roll. Colonel Reed's regiment took part in the battle of Bunker's Hill, as it is commonly called. According to the "Army Rolls," a man named John Davis (or John Dawes, as given on one roll), of Chesterfield, a member of Reed's regiment, was killed in this battle, and Josiah Walton, also of Chesterfield, wounded. "With regard to the first-named, the writer has not been able to determine whether he really belonged to this town or not; the last-named may have been intended for Elijah Walton or Elisha Walton. It is not known how long the Chesterfield men in Reed's regiment remained in the service after October, 1775; but it is evident that some of them had returned home before June 12, 1776. Early in 1776 a regiment of New Hampshire men was raised for the defense of the western frontier of the State, and placed under the com- mand of Colonel Timothy Bedel. This regi- ment was at the " Cedars," in Lower Canada, in May of that year, where it was soon afterwards surrendered to the enemy by Major Butterfield, who had command at that time. One company of this regiment was commanded by Captain Daniel Carlisle, of Westmoreland, and contained at least four Chesterfield men, viz., — Aaron Smith, ensign. Thomas Gibbs, sergeant. Nathaniel Bacon, fifer. Eleazer Jordan, corporal. It is quite probable that there were several more men from Chesterfield in the same com- pany, but they cannot be identified with cer- tainty. The non-commissioned officers and privates received each, when mustered, one month's wages, a bounty of forty shillings, fifteen shil- lings for " blanket-money," and one penny per mile for "billeting." Their term of service probably did not exceed a year. The following is a copy of a sworn statement made by Thomas Gibbs respecting his losses at the " Cedars" : " I, the Subscriber, whose name is hereunder writ- ten, was in Coll" Timothy Beddell Regiment, But more espeshaly under the Command of major But- terfield, Commander at the Seaders, and was Capti- vated and Stripped by the Savage of the following Articles in y° year 1776. " Thomas Gibbs. £ s. d. "Thomas Gibbs lost one gun 21 1 New Sever Hatt 12 12 1 Brace Ink Stand 14 1 Powder home 110 1 Comb 3 6 1 Coat 16 16 Ipr Shoes 2 2 1 Snap Sack, 1 Bag 1 18 1 Canteen 7 £56 13 6" It appears from the record that Gibbs was not indemnified for his losses. 138 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gustavus Bingham. Amasa Colburn. John Peacock. Amos Pattridge. Nathaniel Sanger. William Day. In July and August of the same year, a reg- iment of New Hampshire men was raised, of which Joshua Wingate was colonel. One com- pany in this regiment was commanded by Cap- tain William Humphrey. This company con- tained the following Chesterfield men -. Joseph Metcalf, corporal. John Pratt. James Wheeler. Joseph Metcalf, Jr. Thomas Metcalf. Elijah Watson [Walton]. Perhaps the name of Ebenezer Porter should be added. This regiment was sent to reinforce the northern army in New York State. Most of the privates in Captain Humphrey's company received, each, advanced wages and bounties amounting to £9 18s. The time of service has not been determined, but it is certain that some of the Chesterfield men had returned home before May and June of the following year. One of the companies of Colonel Nahum Baldwin's regiment (raised in September the same year, and sent to reinforce the Continen- tal army in the State of New York) was com- manded by Captain John Houghton. It con- tained the following Chesterfield men : John Bishop. Jonathan Cressey. James Robertson. Jonathan Farwell. Josiah Hastings. Isaac Farr. Jonathan Farr. Nathan Thomas. Ezekiel Powers. Jonathan Farr (3d). Each man was paid six pounds in advance and allowed £1 13s. 4d. for two hundred miles of travel. The date of their discharge has not been ascertained, but most of the men from Chesterfield were at home early in the summer of the next year. Another regiment was raised in New Hamp- shire in December, 1776, for the same purpose as the two last mentioned. It was commanded by Colonel David Gilman. In Captain Fran- cis Towue's company, in this regiment, were at least two men from Chesterfield, viz. : Zenas Fairbanks (Jonas Fairbanks on one roll) and Aaron Farr. They each received wages from December 5, 1776, to March 12, 1777, amounting to £6 10s. 8d., and were allowed two pounds for foui- hundred and eighty miles of travel, at one pen- ny per mile. Amos Colburn, of Chesterfield, was commis- sioned second lieutenant in Colonel Alexander Scammel's regiment, November 7, 1776, and appears to have remained in the service till 1779, if not longer. Ebenezer Fletcher, of this town, was also first lieutenant in the same regiment, having been appointed January 15, 1777. November 11, 1776, William Lee, of Ches- terfield, was appointed lieutenant in Colonel Cilley's regiment and served till January 8, 1778. It appears from the following extracts from the journal of the House that, some time in June, 1776, the selectmen, or town Committee of Safety, made a requisition on the colonial authorities at Exeter for gunpowder for the use of the town : "Monday, June 17, 1776. — Voted to choose a com- mittee of this House to confer with a committee of the Honorable Board on the expediency of furnishing the town of Chesterfield with powder to defend them- selves against the attempts and assaults of all persons who appear by their conduct inimical to this Country, and to make report to this House as soon as may be , and that Captain Prentice, Major Bellows and Dr. Dearborn be the committee of this House for that purpose." " Tuesday, June 18, VIIQ.— Voted that half a barrel of gunpowder be delivered out of the powder-house in Exeter, to the selectmen of Chesterfield, on their order, for the use of said town of Chesterfield, and that the said selectmen of Chesterfield, or some person in their stead, give a receipt therefor, and promise to account with the treasurer of this Colony for the same." The honorable board concurred with the House in both votes. In the company commanded by Captain Waitstill Scott, of Westmoreland, (in Colonel Ashley's regiment), and which marched to Ticonderoga in May, 1777, were the following men who belonged to Chesterfield : CHESTEEFIELD. 139 James Robertson, first lieu- tenant. Samuel Davis, ensign. William Hildreth, ser- geant. Daniel Colburn, corporal. Daniel Farr, corporal. Eleazer Jordan. Joseph Metcalf. Amos Partridge (or Pat- tridge). Eli Partridge (or Pat- tridge). Samuel Stearns. Ephraim Farr. Thomas Farr. Jacob Farr. Charles Farr. John Sanderson. William Thomas. Nathaniel Walton. The most of Captain Scott's men served about forty days, and were discharged June 21st. They received pay at the rate of £4 10s. per month, and were allowed three pence per mile for marching to Tioonderoga, and two pence per mile for the return march. The distance, each way, was called one hundred and ten miles. The troops that went to Ticonderoga in May had scarcely arrived home when tidings were brought of the actual approach of Bur- goyne's army toward that important post. Again the New Hampshire militia was called upon to march to the rescue. One of the com- panies in Colonel Ashley's regiment was com- manded by Lieutenant Oliver Cobleigh, of this town, and nearly, or quite, all the men belonged also to Chesterfield. The roll of Lieutenant Cobleigh's company was as follows : Josiah Hastings, ensign. Jonas Davis, sergeant. Samuel Davis, sergeant. James Wheeler, sergeant. Ezekiel Powers, sergeant. Dan Cobleigh, corporal. Privates. Ebenezer Fletcher. Joseph Higgins. Elisha Walton. Henry Cressey. Joseph Higgins, Jr. Ephraim Amidon. Amos Smith. Aaron Smith. Martin Warner. Jonathan Starr (?) (prob- ably Farr). Jonathan Davis. Amos Davis. Jonathan Farr, Jr. Daniel Baldwin, Thomas Whitcomb. Isaac Hildreth. Benjamin Smith. Ebenezer Farr. Eleazer Stoddard. Jonathan Cressy, Jr. Joel Whitney. William CrafFord. Amos Streeter. John Peacock. The fortress at Ticonderoga was evacuated by the Americans on the 6th o^ July, so that the troops that started to its assistance were not in season to be of much use. Some of them learned of the evacuation before they had pro- ceeded a great way, and returned home. None of Lieutenant Cobleigh's men seem to have been absent more than thirteen days, and some not more than seven, four or three days. They all belonged to Chesterfield, with the possible exception of Thomas Whitcomb, Wil- liam Craffbrd (or Crawford) and Ephraim Amidon. The last-named was either of West- moreland or this town. Another company in Colonel Ashley's regi- ment was commanded hj Lieutenant James Robertson, of Chesterfield. The following Ches- terfield men, under command of Lieutenant Robertson, set out for Ticonderoga, June 29, 1777: Daniel Colburn. Samuel Davis Converse. Oliver Hobart (probably Hubbard). Zenas Fairbanks. Thomas Metcalf. Reuben Hildreth. Jesse Hildreth. Joseph Smith. Silas Thompson. Nathaniel Bingham. Andrew Hastings. Elisha Rockwood. Joseph Metcalf, Jr. Reuben Graves. Asa Metcalf. Moses Smith (who also ranked as lieutenant). Daniel Kennison, ensign. John Ellis, sergeant. Silas Richardson, sergeant. John Pratt, sergeant. Jonathan Farwell. John Davison. William Henry. Nathan Metcalf. Thomas Daby. Joseph Metcalf. Ebenezer Streeter. Asa Gale. Amos Partridge (or Pat- tridge). Samuel Walker. It is possible that a few more of the men who marched with Lieutenant Robertson also belonged to Chesterfield ; but the above-named are all that can be identified with certainty. The men of this company were absent, at the long- est, only thirteen days ; some of them not more than two or three days. One of the regiments in General Stark's brigade was commanded by Colonel Moses Nichols. The Eighth Company of this regiment was under command of Captain Kimball Carl- ton, of Chesterfield. The record says that this 140 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. company " marched from Chesterfield and towns adjacent, July 22, 1777." It took part in the battle of Bennington, on the 16th day of August following. The following are the names of men in this company who have been identified with certainty as belonging to this town : Josiah Hastings, ensign. Daniel Farr, sergeant. iSToah Emmons, corporal. Thomas Metcalf. Joseph Metcalf. Charles Farr. William Farr. Lemuel Stoddard. Jonathan Farr. Jonathan Hildreth, Jr. Theodoras Bingham. Amos Partridge (or Pat- tridge). Benjamin Streeter. Daniel Baldwin. Jacob Farr, Jr. Jonathan Cobleigh. Samuel Peacock. Amos Hobart (probably Hubbard). Aaron Fisk. Samuel D. Converse. According to tradition, John Pierce and others of Chesterfield (whose names are not now known), took part in the battle of Bennington as independent volunteers. Oliver Brown and Thomas Farr are said to have driven cattle for the use of the American army. The British captured the cattle, whereupon the two young men went into the ranks and served as soldiers. It has always been claimed that the roar of the cannon on that eventful day, was heard by several different persons in this town. It was heard, it is said, by the wife of Aaron Fisk, who lived on the hill west of Spafford's Lake. Greatly agitated thereby, she walked about the house as long as it continued. The most of Captain Carlton's men served two months and two days, and received pay at the rate of £4 10s. per month, each. Xo Chesterfield men are known to have been killed at this battle, and the names of those who were wounded, if any, have not been as- certained. In June, 1777, Gustavus Bingham and John Grandy, both of Chesterfield, enlisted ; but in what regiment has not been determined with certainty. Both were discharged .January 10 1778. The town paid bounties this year (1777) to the amount of £100 8s. In 1778 Chesterfield paid bounties to the amount of £66 13s. 9d. The name of only one of the men who enlisted this year has been ascertained, viz., John Hill, aged twenty-three years. He enlisted in Captain Wait's com- pany, Stark's regiment, and received, in May, a bounty of twenty pounds. In 1779 the bounties and mileages paid by the town to soldiers amounted to upwards of four hundred pounds. In the spring of this year the following Chesterfield men enlisted in Captain Ephraim Stone's company, Colonel Mooney's regiment : Jonathan Cressey. John Putnam. Martin Hildreth. Each received a bounty of thirty pounds, and eleven pounds for one hundred and ten miles of travel (to Providence). Colonel Mooney's regiment was raised for the defense of Ehode Island. In July, the same year, the following men enlisted for the town of Chesterfield : William Nichols. Phineas Hemenway. Thomas Woolev. David Pierce. Simon Pierce. They enlisted in the "Continental service" for the term of one year, and received a bounty of sixty pounds each. In the summer of 1780, Francis Crane, \Yilliam Lee, Eeuben Still, David Still, Nathan Dodge, all enlisted for the town of Chesterfield, and served a few months, at the Jeast. Crane, in a petition dated April 7, 1783, stated that, " being at Glasgo, in the Bay State, on or about the Twentieth of sd July [i.e., July, 1780], he, the Deponent Did by misfortune and axcident Cut off two of his Fingers and was thereby Dis- abled to go forward to the army, and was under the care of Doc: Primous, a noted and ap- proved Doctor & Surgeon, near four months, &c." The following is the doctor's certificate : " East wixdsoe, June the 27, 1782. "whereas, I was imployed to Doctr francis Grain, of said East Windsor, for the Los of too fingers and a CHESTEKPIELD. 141 weakness in his Breast which said Grain was unfit for Soldier's Duty from July, 1780, till January ; given under my hand. " Pkimous Manamit, Doctor." The following Chesterfield men also enlisted this year (1780) in Colonel Moses Nichols' regiment, raised for the defense of West Point : John Pratt (who appears Daniel Baldwin. to have been appoint- Noah Emmons. ed a lieutenant). Aaron Cressey. Ebenezer Safford. In October the same year, the British and Indians burned Eoyalton, Vt., and committed other depredations in the vicinity of that town. It seems that Captain Josiah Hartwell, perhaps of Chesterfield, with a few men from his town (whose names have not been ascertained), was among those who went in pursuit of the enemy. Captain Hartwell's pay-roll, " allowed by the General Court's special Committee in the lump," amounted to £37 14s. 4d The following is an extract from a petition sent to the Legislature by the selectmen of Chesterfield, dated June 1, 1786 : "... We would humbly inform this House, that we hired one Merifield Vicary, who served in Coll : Hazell's Eegt, and we have obtained his Dis- charge ; we also hir'd one Nath' Merrild [Merrill] for three years and also one Silas Ray, who served dur- ing y* war, — and your humble Petitioners beg we might have credit for what service we have done in y" war, &c." The Legislature allowed seventy-two pounds for Silas Ray. Merrill and Ray were members of Captain John Grigg's company. Colonel Scammel's regiment ; as were also Levi Farwell and John Daniels, both of Chesterfield. At a town-meeting held January 11, 1781, a settlement was made with Nathan Thomas and others for lead furnished for the use of the town on the occasion of a certain " alarm," in October, 1776. The cause of the " alarm " has not been ascertained. The following is a state- ment of the amount of lead furnished, together with the names of those who furnished it : Nathan Thomas, 6 pounds, 6 ounces; Noah Emmons, 1 pound, 12 ounces ; Abel Emmons, 3 pounds; Jonathan Farr (2d), 9 pounds, 8 ounces ; Captain Simon Davis, 9 pounds. It was voted to allow six Continental dollars per pound for the lead ! In August, 1794, Chesterfield "Voted to make up the soldiers' wages equal to forty shil- lings per month, including the pay which Con- gress has given them, exclusive of the cloth- ing." The names of but few Chesterfield men who were wounded or killed, or who lost their lives from any cause while serving their country in the struggle for independence, have been ob- tained by the writer. According to the town records, Nathan Bishop died in the army in 1777 ; David Stod- dard, Sr., went into the army, it is said, and never returned ; Elisha Bingham was discharged from the service and died while on his way home; Gustavus Bingham was also wounded in the head some time during the war, but re- covered. As already stated, John Davis (or Dawes) was officially reported as killed, and Jo- siah Walton as wounded, at Bunker's Hill ; but these two cases are somewhat in doubt. Chestbefield's Part in the Contbo- VEBSY ABOUT THE NbW HAMPSHIRE GeANTS. — The year 1781 will ever be memorable in the annals of Chesterfield on account of the ex- citement and strife that existed within its bor- ders, arising from what is known in the history of the States that took part therein as the " Controversy about the New Hampshire Grants." The government of New York claimed j urisdiction as far eastward as the Con- necticut, by virtue of a grant from Charles the Second to the Duke of York, in 1674. In spite of this claim. Governor Benning Went- worth, of New Hampshire, continued to grant townships west of the Connecticut, having made, up to 1764, inclusive, about one hundred and twenty-nine grants, including Brattlebor- ough, Bennington and many other now import- ant towns of Vermont. 142 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. After the establishment of the independence of Vermont, a majority of the inhabitants in a number of towns in the western part of New Hampshire were desirous of forming a union with the former State. Among the towns in favor of this project was Chesterfield, in which a bitter partisan spirit seems to have been en- gendered, that came near culminating in blood- shed. Two, at least, of the Board of Selectmen for the year 1781 belonged to what may be called the Vermont party. These were Samuel King, Jr., and INIoses Smith, Jr. By them a town- meeting was called, in the name of the " Gov- ernment and Good People of the New Hamp- shire Grants," to be held on Thursday, March 29th. The second article in the warrant for this meeting was, " To see if the town will agree to establish or accept of the union agreed upon between the Legislature of the State of Vermont and the Committee of the New Hamp- shire Grants, held at Windsor in February, 1781." The third article was, "To choose one or more members to sit in the Assembly of Vermont on the first Wednesday of April next, in case the union takes place, or in the Convention at Cornish on the aforesaid day, as the circumstances may require." At this meeting it was voted to accept the terms of union mentioned in the warrant, and Deacon Silas Thompson and Samuel King, Jr., were chosen to represent the town in the As- sembly of Vermont. The number of votes in favor of union with that State was ninety ; against, thirty-two. On the 2d day of May following another town-meeting was held, called, as the record states, " agreeable to the order of the State of Vermont." At this meeting Ephraim Baldwin was chosen town clerk. Sixty-nine men then took the oath prescribed by the law of Ver- mont, and proceeded to vote for chief judge, as- sistant judges, high sheriff, judge of Probate and justices of the peace, all for the "County of Washington, in the State of Vermont." At another meeting, held the 14th day of the same month, several more " freemen " were sworn in. The town was now completely in the posses- sion of the " Vermont party," and remained so during the rest of the year ; but the adherents of New Hampshire were by no means inactive, and stoutly opposed the proceedings of the ma- jority. On the 25th day of August, the same year, Nathaniel Bingham, Michael Cressey, William Lee and James Robertson drew up a memorial to the Council and House of Representatives of New Hampshire, in which they deplored the action of the partisans of Vermont, and gave the names of eighty of the inhabitants of Chesterfield who declared that they still re- garded themselves as subjects of New Hamp- shire. The memorialists concluded by begging for advice and protection, and subscribing them- selves as " loyal and affectionate subjects." On the 5th day of November following, in the evening, several of the inhabitants of Ches- terfield met at the house of Nathaniel Bingham, a short distance north of the Centre village, on what is now sometimes called Wetherbee Hill, for the purpose of nominating one or two per- sons to be commissioned as justices of the peace by the New Hampshire Legislature. While they were assembled for this purpose, Samuel Davis, of Chesterfield, acting as constable under the authority of Vermont, entered Mr. Bingham's house, with several others, and attempted to serve a " precept " on James Rob- ertson. Dr. Belknap says that the precept, or writ, was in an action of debt. Davis, how- ever, was not able to accomplish the object of his visit, on account of the opposition, as he al- leged, of Mr. Bingham and John Grandy, Jr. On the 12th of the same month warrants were issued for the arrest of Bingham and Grandy, " in the name and by the authority of the freemen of the State of Vermont," and they were soon after- wards committed to the jail in Charlestown, from which they sent a petition to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, praying for CHESTERFIELD. 143 relief. Bingham also sent a letter to the Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, containing a statement of the facts relating to his and Grandy's arrest and imprisonment. Colonel Enoch Hale, of Rindge, sheriff of Cheshire County, hav- ing been authorized by the Assembly to re- lease all the prisoners in the Charlestown jail confined by the Vermont authorities, endeavored to execute his commission without delay, but was himself arrested and committed to the same jail by a deputy-sheriff acting under authority of Vermont. The Vermont authorities, fearing that the New Hampshire government would attempt to accomplish with the aid of military force what the Cheshire sheriff had failed to do, sent a request to Samuel King, Jr., of this town, who was then serving Vermont as colonel of a regiment of militia, to hold his men in readi- ness to march " on the shortest notice." It ap- pears that King immediately took measures to get his men in readiness, for he was particularly zealous in his support of the cause of the "grants," and seems to have been ready to fight, if necessary. The following letter from Michael Cressey, of Chesterfield, to General Bellows, of "Walpole, gives some insight into the state of affairs in this town at that time : " SlE, — I Beg the Leave to inform your Hon'r that the Pertened Coll. King has sent out, By order, as I am informed from Doc. Page [sheriff of the so-called county of Washington], to Eaise his Rige'mt to op- pose New Hampshire, and that he Called the militia of this Town together yesterday to see who would fight against New Hampshire ; and that, as I am Credably informed, there was about sixty turned out as Vollenters for that Purpose, and the sed King Urged them in the strongest terms to Stand By one another, and by thire officers, for thire Eights against the State of New Hampshire, assuring them if they stood firm New Hampshire would not fight. It is also reported that he sent over to Captain Sarjants, at Brattilbrough, to assist, but what return unknown. Sir, I thought Proper to inform you of these move- ments, and I Pray Heaven to give both you and the State of New Hampshire wisdom to conduct matters wisely at such a Critical day as this. From your most obedient and Humble Sarv't., " Michael Cressey. "Chesterfield, Dec'ber ye 5th, 1781. " To Gen'al Bellows." Near the end of the month in which this let- ter was written, Colonel Samuel King was ar- rested by a New Hampshire special sheriff (Robert Smith), who started with him for Exeter ; but he had got no farther than Keene with his prisoner when he was set upon by a party of anti-New Hampshire men (the most of whom appear to have been from Chesterfield and Westmoreland), who rescued King (Jan- uary 1, 1782). King was soon afterwards re- arrested, but does not appear to have been kept long in confinement, as he was soon afterwards taking part again in town affairs. On the 1st day of January (at midnight), 1782, Captain Joseph Burt, of Westmoreland, wrote a letter to President Weare, of the Council, in which he stated that the party who had rescued King, in the morning of the same day, returned to Chesterfield and arrested Lieu- tenant (James) Robertson, whom they were dis- posed " to treat according to the custom of Ver- mont, — that is, by whipping him." Captain Burt's informant was Mr. Bingham's son, who said that a number of persons had been driven from their homes that night by the riotous Vermont men. The captain also added : " The triumphs of the Vermonts are great, and [they] say that New Hampshire dare not come like men, in the day-time, but like a thief, and steal a man or two away." The next day (January 2d) General Bellows also sent a letter to President Weare, depicting in very vigorous language the unhappy condi- tion of affairs in Chesterfield. After corrob- orating, in the main, the statements in Cap- tain Burt's letter, the general added : " I am credibly informed that there is in said Chester- field about an Hundred Persons who support said King, who Damn New Hampshire and all their authority to Hell, and say they (New Hampshire) can do nothing only in a mean, un- derhanded way. In short, they Defy all the authority and force of the State, and are deter- mined to support and maintain their usurped authority, maugre all attempts that have [been] U4 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. or shall be made to curb and restrain their usurpations. . . ." Such was the state of affairs in this part of the State, especially in Chesterfield, in the win- ter of 1781-82. Happily, however, through the intervention of Congress, this memorable controversy was brought to a close, and, on the 23d of February, 1782, the Vermont Assembly passed a resolution relinquishing all claims to territory lying within the prescribed boundaries of that State. Yet peace and harmony were by no means wholly re-established in the disaf- fected towns. Says Belknap : " Though cut off from their connection with Vermont, the re- volted towns did not at once return to a state of peace ; but the divisions and animosities which had so long subsisted continued to produce dis- agreeable effects." It having been definitely settled that Ches- terfield belonged to New Hampshire, upwards of thirty of the inhabitants and freeholders of the town made application to General Bellows, of Walpole, and William Lee, of Chesterfield, justices of the peace, to issue a warrant for the annual town-meeting for the year 1782. At this meeting, held the 6th day of March, the Vermont party still asserted its power, by elect- ing at least a majority of the principal town- ofBcers ; whereupon the minority submitted a vigorous protest. An event that occurred in September of the same year shows how bitter the opposition still was to the New Hampshire government on the part of some of the inhabitants of Chesterfield. When the Inferior Court met at Keene, that month, a party of anti-New Hampshire men, led by Samuel Davis, of Chesterfield, attempted to break it up. It appears, however, that Davis and his men soon found themselves out- numbered, and desisted from their undertaking. He, together with others, was arrested and put under bonds to appear at the next term of the Superior Court ; but they were afterwards dis- charged without punishment. The fact that it was thought necessary to send a military force into Chesterfield at one time, to aid in the collection of taxes, is further evidence of the hostility that was still manifested toward New Hampshire. It appears that Colonel Reuben Alexander, of Winchester, received orders "to raise the body of his regiment," or as many of his men as might be sufficient, and march them into Chesterfield on Tuesday, the 21st day of January, 1783, to assist in collecting taxes; but on account of the " clamor of the people," he feared to comply with the order, stating, as a further reason, that "the greater part that could be raised would turn out with intent to mutinize and confound our proceedings." Op- position to New Hampshire gradually died out, however, and for a whole century Chesterfield " has creditably performed her part in war and in peace." SoLDiEES Furnished by Chesterfield in THE Second War with Great Britain. — If any men enlisted from Chesterfield in the military or naval service of the United States in the years 1812 and 1813, their names are not known to the writer. September 9, 1814, Governor Gilman issued an order for the whole of the militia " to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's warning, completely armed and equipped ac- cording to law, and as well provided as possible with blankets and ammunition." An order had already been issued, two days before, for de- tachments from twenty-three regiments of the militia. These orders were received by the mi- litia with great enthusiasm, and were promptly obeyed. The men detached in accordance with the order of September 7th were duly organized into several regiments and battalions, which formed one brigade under the command of General John Montgomery. The first draft was made in Chesterfield September 13th. The names of the men thus obtained were as fol- lows : Amos Stone, sergeant. Eli Darling, corporal. Pnvales. Joshua Wiggins. Isaac Wetherby. CHESTERFIELD. 145 Francis Winch. Ezra Putney. Stephen Streeter, Jr. Roswell Metcalf. Montgomery Darling. These men were to serve three months, unless sooner discharged. They formed part of Cap- tain Nathan Glidden's company, in the First Regiment of detached militia, commanded by Colonel ISTat. Fisk, of Westmoreland. Cap- tain Glidden was of Unity. Eli Darling was discharged November 3d ; Joshua Wiggins and Isaac Wetherby, November 10th. Mont- gomery Darling was accidentally hit by a bayonet on the gun of a fellow-soldier, and lost the sight of one eye from the effects of the wound. He was discharged November 6th. The next draft was made September 26th, and the following men were obtained : Samuel L. Draper. Daniel Stearns. Elijah Lyons. John Bass. Philip Bacon. Lyman Toms [Tombs]. The men obtained by this draft formed a part of the company commanded by Captain Reuben Marsh, of this town, in the Second Regi- ment of detached militia. Ara Hamilton and Bradley Mead, also both of Chesterfield, were lieutenants in the same company. Captain Marsh and Lieutenants Hamilton and Mead went to Portsmouth with the detachment, which was five days in marching to that place. Samuel L. Draper went as a substitute ; but, on his ar- rival at Portsmouth, Captain Marsh procured for him the position of fifer for the company. John H. Fuller, then of Chesterfield, afterwards of Keene, was adjutant of the regiment to which Captain Marsh's company belonged. The men were to serve sixty days, but they were dis- charged a few days before the expiration of their term of service. Elijah Lyons was discharged November 3d. The British did not attack Portsmouth, as was anticipated, and the greater part of the troops that had assembled there were discharged before their term of service expired. Record of the Citizens of Chesterfield WHO Enlisted in the Military Service OF THE United States during the War of the Rebellion (1861-65). — On the breaking out of the War of the Great Rebellion the mili- tary spirit that had so long lain dormant was again aroused, and men of all political beliefs laid aside their differences for a while, and joined with one another in their efforts to sustain the general government in the attempt to put down the most formidable rebellion recorded in the annals of the world. Chesterfield furnished during the war upwards of one hundred and ten men for the Union army, of whom seventy-four were residents of the town ; the rest were not citizens of Chesterfield, but were hired by the town to fill its quota, or by individuals as sub- stitutes. Only one of the substitutes was a resident of Chesterfield ; the rest were mainly " brokers' men," and belonged, in great part, to the class of men so well known during the war as " bounty- jumpers." With very few exceptions, those persons who were citizens of the town at the time of their en- listment served till they were honorably dis- charged. The following record of the soldiers furnished by Chesterfield during the Civil War contains only the names of those who were actually resi- dents of the town at the time of their enlistment. It has been carefully compiled from the records of the town, from the reports of the Adjutant- General of the State, and from information de- rived from private sources. [Note. — When the cause of a soldier's discharge is not stated, it is to be understood that he was discharged by reason of expiration of term of service or termination of the war]. Norris E. Bancroft, private, Company F, Eighth Maine Infantry ; three years ; mustered in Au- gust 14, 1861 ; discharged January 18, 1866 ; served two years and twenty days as a re-enlisted veteran. Clinton A. Bancroft, private. Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mus- tered in September 28, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. Bradford Britton, musician. Company E, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in 146 HISTORT OF CHESHIRE COUXTY, XEW HAMPSHIRE. Xovember iS. ImU : discharged June 16, 1S62 : discharged for disability. George B. Britton, privatej Company E, Twentieth [ Massachiiseni Infsintry ; three years : mustered in August S. 1 S61 ; taken prisoner at the battle of Ball's Blnff, Va., October 21, 1S61, and con- fined at Mayo"s tobacco-fectory, Richmond, about three weeks, at Belle Island about six weeks, at Siiiisbury. X. C, about five months; transferred to Second United States Cayalry December 27, IS'52 ; captured again near Winch^ter, Va., Au- gust 16, 1>'>4. and confined, most of the time, at Salisbury, N. C, till February 22, 1S<>5. Boswell Butler, private. Company E, Sixth Xew Hampshire Infantry ; three years : mustered in November 2S. ISol; discharged June 16, 1S62; discharged for disability. , John H. Butler, private. Company A, Fourteenth i Xew Hampshire Infiintry; three years: mus- j tered in September 22, 1Sd2 ; discharged July S. ISw. Richard T. Cobb, private. Company B, Twelfth Mas- achusetts Infentry; three years ; enlisted April 23. 1>'51; discharged July S, 1Sd4: wounded in the chin ; taken prisoner at the banle of Gettys- burg July 1, 1S6-3. and confined at BeUe Island, near Richmond, Ta., till March S. ISiM. Warren Colburn. private. Eleventh Vermont In- fentry ; three years : enlisted October, 1S63 ; taken prisoner and died in the Rebel prison at Andersonville, Ga., October 4, lS6i Julius C. Converse, priyate. Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infentry; three years; mus- tered in December 29, 1863 ; discharged July S. 1SCK>. Xelson S. Crouch, private. Company F, First Xew Hampshire Cavalry; one year; mustered in February 2>, IJSo,- disduu^ed July 15. lSi>-5. Calvin G. Darling, private. Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infentry; three years; mus- tered in Sept. 23, lSt)2 ; discharged July S. 1S6.5. ! Murray Davis, private, Company F. Fourteenth Xew j Hampshire Infentry; three years ; mustered in December 2i>. IS.iS; discharged July IS, 1S65; 1 wounded in the left leg at the battle of Win- chester (or Opequan Creek), Va., September 19, 1 SW ; leg amputated. Xoyes J. Davis, private. Company H, Second Regi- ment Berdan's Sharpshooters; three years; en- listed December 2S. 1S61; served three years- transferred to Invalid Corps September 30, 1S(>3 ; wounded in the right wrist at the battle of ChancellorsvUle, Va. George P. Eddy, priTate, Company A, Second Xew Hampshire Infentry : three years ; mustered in May 31, 1>61; discharged Xovember 9, 1S62; discharged ftom Second Xew Hamj^shire Infentry for disability; re-enlisted in Second Ma^achu- setts Artillery August 7, IStiS ; discharged Au- gust 9, I'M?-?. John M. Farnum, private. Company F, Sixth Xew Hampshire Infentry; three years; mustered in December 29, 1>'!3; discharged Jannary 25,lSte; discharged for disability. Charles M. Farr. private. Company A. Second Xew Hampshire Infentry; three years; mustered in May 31, IJ'U ; discharged October 23, 1S62; first discharge tor disability ; re-enlisted for the town of Xewport, and was mustered in Company C, First Xew Hampshire Cavalry, April 11, lSi>l ; mustered out as first sergeant July 15, 1S<>5. Charles R. Farr, private. Company F. First Vermont Cavalry ; three years; mustered in Xovember 19, 1S61 ; discharged Xovember IS. lSi>4; promoted to commi^ary sergeant October 29, 1S62. Ransom C. Farr. private. Company F, First Vermont Cavalry ; three years ; mustered in Xovember 19, 1S61 ; discharged December 19, 1>62 ; first dis- charge for disability; drafted and mustered in Company G. First Xew Hampshire Cavalry, July 21. 1S64; promoted to sergeant; discharged July 15, 1865. Bradford C. Farr, private. Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infentry ; three years ; mus- tered in September 23. 1S«.^2; discharged Febru- ary 4, 1863; discharged for disability. Wesley O. Farr, private. Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infentry ; three years ; mus- tered in September 23, 1S62 ; discharged Janu- ary 20. 1J65 ; discharged for disability ; promoted to corporal February 1, 1S64:. Larkin D. Farr, private. Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infantar; three years; mus- tered in Dec 29, 1863 ; discharged July S, 1S<>5. Chancey S. Farr, private. Company F. Fonrteenth Xew Hampshire Infentry ; three years ; mus- tered in December 29, 1863 ; discharged July 26, 1865; captured at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va,, October 19, IStU. and confined in the " prison pen" at Salisbury, X*. C, firom Xovember 4th following till February 20, 1S65. Stephen P. Faulkner, private. Company C, Eight- eenth Xew Hampshire Infentry; one year; mustered in August 31, 1864; discharged June, 1865. CHESTERFIELD. 147 Janu's CI Kk'ld, private, Uompmiy 0, Sovontc^oiith United Stntos Infantry; three years; enlisted September 1(>, 18t;i ; discharged January 20, 1868 ; dischai-ged for disability. Francis A. Field, private. Seventeenth United States Infantry; three years; enlisted September !(!, 1861. Harrison F. Fislc, private, Company E, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; discharged August 25, 1802; dischargcHl for disability. Oscar T. Friiik, private. Company E, Second New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 17, 18G1. Calvin P. Gilson, uuisioiau, Company F, Fourteenth New Hanipsliire Infantry; three years; mus- tered in September 23, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. Walter \V. Glazier, private. Company C, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry ; one year ; mustered in August ;U, 1864 ; discharged JMay 1^0, 1865. James H. Gondrich (2d), private, Company F, First New Hampshire Cavalry; one year; mustered in March 8, 186r); discharged July 15, 1865. John F. Goodi-ich, private. Company A, Fourteenth United States Infantry; three years; mustered in September, 1864; served three years. John H. Goodwin, first sergeant, Company F, Four- teenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in September 28, 18t>2; discharged .Inly 8, 1865; promoted to second lieutenant February 17, 1865. Charles L. Harvey, private. Company F, Second New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mus- tered in September 2, 1861; discharged Novem- ber 2i>, 1862 ; discharged for disability. Foster W. Hastings, private, Comi)any F, Fourteenth Now Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mus- tered in September 2o, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865; promoted to corporal November 1, 1864. Herbert R. Hastings, })rivate, Company F, Four- teenth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 23, 18(!2; discharged August 18, 1863; discharged for disability. Eugene F. Hastings, corporal. Company A, Four- teenth New Hamp'*lii>"e Infantry; three years; mustered in September 22, 1862; discharged July 8, 1865. Hubbard \X. Henry, private. Company F, Four- teenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in September 28, 1862 ; died of disease at Alexandria, Va., February 7, 1864. Dwight L. Herrick, private, Company C, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry; one year; mustered in August 81, 1864 ; discharged June 10, 1865 ; promoted to corporal. Sidney B. Higgins, private. Company E, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in November or December, 1861 ; lirst discharge for disability; re-onlisted, and was mustered as ser- geant in the same company and regiment De- cember 24, 1868 ; promoted to first lieutenant Miwch 6, 1865 ; discharged July 17, 1865 ; wounded October 1, 1864. John W. Hildreth, private. Company E, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; discharged September 2!), 1862 ; discharged for disability. (ireorge L. Hildreth, private. Company E, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; uiustered in December 7, 1861; discharged July, 1862; dis- cliarged for disability. faylor E. Hill, private. Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mus- tered in September 23, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. I'Vank J. Holt, private. Company A, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry; one )ear; mustered in September 18, 1864; discharged Juno 10, 1865. Joseph Holt, private, Company F, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry; one year; mustered in October 28, 1864; discharged May 18, 1865. George Hopkins, enlisted in various organizations. \\'ayland N, Hosley, private, Company F, Fourth Vermont Infantry; three years; enlisted Sep- tember 2, 1861 ; discharged September 21, 1864 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps November 15, 1868. Henry H. Howe, sergeant, Company F, Fourteenth Xew Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 23, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. Barton Howe, Jr., private, Company C, Eighteenth New Hampsliire Infantry ; one year ; uuistered in August 31, 1864 ; discharged June 10, 1865. Robert .lackson, private, Seventh Connecticut Infan- try; mustered in September, 1864; wounded in the mouth. Charles B. Lewis, private, Company C, Seventeenth United States Infantry; three yeare; enlisted September 17, 1861 ; discharged January 21, 18ti8 ; fli-st discharge for disability; re-eulisted, and was umstered, for one year, as corporal in Company K, Eighteenth New Hampshire lufau- try, September 26, 1864; promoted to sergeant June 1, 1865; discharged June 10, 1865. 148 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Reuben A. Lewis, private, Company A, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry ; one year ; mustered in September 20, 1864; discharged July 8, 1865. Lucian O. Lincoln, corporal. Company F, Fifth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in October 23, 1861 ; discharged July 7, 1862 ; first discharge for disability; re-enlisted, and was mustered, for three years, in Company F, Four- teenth New Hampshire Infantry, October 2, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. Horace S. Lincoln, private, Company F, Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; muster- ed in July 28, 1864; discharged July 17, 1865; transferred to Company F, Sixth New Hamp- shire Infantry, June 1, 1865. James M. Martin, private, Company D, Second New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 17, 1861 ; died of disease at Harrison's Landing, Va., August 11, 1862. Henry J. McClenning, private.Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; muster- ed in September 23, 1862 ; died of disease at Washington, D. C, August 7, 1863. J. Milo Richardson, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry; did not leave the State ; soon discharged for disability. Daniel E. Robbins, private. Company F, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in November 28, 1861; served three years; re-en- listed as a veteran, and was mustered in the same company and regiment, January 4, 1864 ; dis- charged July 17, 1865 ; severely wounded in the head at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Otis SaflFord, private. Company K, Second New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 2, 1861 ; discharged July, 1864 ; re- enlisted and was mustered for one year in Com- pany F, First New Hampshire Cavalry, February 28, 1865 ; discharged July 15, 1865 ; wounded in the right leg at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Norman D. Safford, private. Company E, Fifth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; discharged October 6, 1862 ; first discharge for disability ; re-enlisted and was mustered for one year as sergeant in Company E, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry, Sep- tember 24, 1864 ; promoted to first sergeant April, 1865; discharged June 10, 1865. Leavitt W. Safibrd, private, Company F, First New Hampshire Cavalry ; one year ; mustered in March 16, 1865 ; discharged July 15, 1865. Otis H. Scott, private. Company F, Fifth New Hamp- shire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in October 23, 1861; discharged December 22, 1862; dis- charged for disability. George D. Scott, private. Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in September 23, 1862; discharged July 8, 1865. Henry Herbert Snow, private. Company F, Four- teenth New Hampshire Infantry; three years; mustered in September 23, 1862 ; discharged May 25, 1863 ; discharged for disability. James S. Stoddard, private. Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September 23, 1862; discharged July 8, 1865; promoted to corporal September 26, 1863 ; to sergeant, February 12, 1864; at the battle ot Winchester, Va., he was hit five or six times in different parts of his person and clothing, one bullet entering his mouth and knocking out several teeth. Edwin H. Streeter, private, Company I, Ninth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in August 15, 1862 ; discharged June 10, 1865 ; pro- moted to corporal March 1, 1865. Albert W. Streeter, private, Company I, Ninth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in August 15, 1862; died of disease at Falmouth, Va., February 6, 1863. Herbert N. Streeter (brother of Albert W.), private, Company I, Ninth New Hampshire Infantry; three years ; mustered in August 22, 1862 ; died of disease at Falmouth, Va., February 7, 1863 ; wounded in the hand at the battle of South Mountain, Md. Marshall S. Streeter, private. Company F, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in SeptemlDer 23, 1862 ; wounded in the left leg at the battle of Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864, and died from the effects of the wound at Baltimore Hospital, October 9th, the same year. Herbert B. Titus, Company A, Second New Hamp- shire Infantry ; three years ; discharged June 10, 1865; commissioned second lieutenant June 4, 1861 ; first lieutenant, August, 1861, and assigned to Company F ; promoted to major of the Ninth New Hampshire Infantry June 14, 1862 ; com- missioned colonel of the same regiment Novem- ber 22, 1862 ; discharged September 27, 1864, but reinstated by Special Orders No. 877, par. 18, War Department, November 1, 1864 ; at the battle Of Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862, he was severely wounded in the right shoulder ; March 15,1865, he was appointed brigadier-general by CHESTERFIELD. 149 brevet, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war.'' David B. Tyrrel, private, Company A, Second New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in August 24, 1861 ; discharged August 24, 1864. Everett C. Tyrrel, private. Company D, Second New Hampshire Infantry ; three years ; mustered in September, 1861; discharged May, 1863; dis- charged for disability. David S. Walton, Jr., private, Company I, First Ber- dan's United States Sharpshooters ; three years ; enlisted September 11, 1861 ; discharged Decem- ber 10, 1862 ; discharged for disability. Lyman H.Warren, private, Seventeenth United States Infantry; three years; enlisted September 16, 1861; appointed second lieutenant October 13, 1862 ; brevetted captain July 2, 1863 ; appointed captain October 25, 1865 ; slightly wounded in one of his feet at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; died at Houston, Tex., September 18, 1867. Alonzo W. Wheeler, private. Company F, First New Hampshire Cavalry; one year; mustered in March 8, 1865 ; discharged July 15, 1865. Of the seventy-four men whose names have been given above, none were killed in battle ; one died from the effects of a wound received in battle ; eleven were wounded and survived ; six died of disease. The amount of the bounties paid by the town during the war was twenty-four thousand six hundred dollars. Twelve persons were drafted and paid a com- mutation of three hundred dollars each, and twenty-seven furnished substitutes at an expense of from one hundred to four hundred dollars each. Increase and Decrease of Popula- tion. — A census taken by order of the provin- cial government in the year 1767 shows that Chesterfield then had 365 inhabitants. In 1773 the number of inhabitants was 747, of whom 400 were males. In September, 1775, the selectmen made an enumeration of the inhabit- ants of the town and found the number to be, including 36 men absent in the army, 874. Of this number, 462 were males. No slaves we're returned in these early censuses. During the "War of the Revolution many families came into the town from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. By the year 1786 the number of inhabitants had reached 1535, notwithstanding the unsettled state of affairs that existed in the town during the Revo- lutionary period. The number of inhabitants of the town in every tenth year since 1790 (inclusive) has been as follows : 1790, 1905; 1800, 2161 ; 1810, 1839; 1820, 2110; 1830,2046; 1840, 1765; 1850,1680; 1860, 1434; 1870, 1289 ; 1880, 1173. The District Schools. — The schools are mentioned for the first time, in the records of the town, in the warrant for a town-meeting held the second Tuesday in June, 1767. At that time the town had not been divided into school-wards, or districts, and what few schools there were, were taught in private houses. The sum of money raised for school purposes in 1767 (if any) was not recorded; but at the annual town- meeting in 1771 it was voted to raise fifteen pounds for the support of schools. From 1771 to 1779 the amount raised annually seems at no time to have exceeded fifty pounds. During the next five years the town was in a more or less disturbed condition, and little or no money appears to have been raised for the support of schools. In 1776 the town was divided into several school-wards, and each ward allowed to employ an instructor ; but it was not till 1787 that the town was divided into any considerable number of wards, nine- teen of them having been established that year. Frequent changes were made in the lines of these wards previous to 1815, about which time the term " district " was adoj^ted in the place of " ward." When or where the first school-house was built in Chesterfield has not been ascertained. It is doubtful if one was built before 1785. The oldest school-houses now standing appear to have been erected between 1800 and 1812. The one in District No. 7 is known to have been built about 1810. Before the building of 150 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. school-houses the schools were taught, as already stated, in private houses. At one time, near the beginning of the present century, the school in District No. 7 (the Hardscrabble District) was kept in Gibson Willard's barn. Many of the schools were much larger in the first quarter of this century than at present ; some of them, it is said, had nearly one hundred scholars each. In the winter of 1816-17 the little school-house in the district last mentioned is said, on good authority, to have been occupied by at least eighty pupils. The number of scholars in the district is now about fifteen. The largest dis-; trict in the town, No. 13 (which includes Ches- terfield Factory), has at present about sixty scholars ; the next largest. No. 1 (which in- cludes West Chesterfield), has about thirty-five. The average number of scholars attending school each year previous to 1847 has not been ascertained. Since that date the number for each fifth year has been as follows : 1847, 438 ; 1852, 342 (?) ; 1857, 436 ; 1862, 355; 1867, 300; 1872, 265; 1877, 225. The number of scholars enrolled in 1883 was 218. The amount of money raised yearly by tax-' ation for the support of schools was, from 1785 to 1798, usually one hundred pounds; from the latter date to 1805, four hundred dollars.' From 1805 to 1847 the amount raised annually appears to have varied from four hundred and forty dollars to eight hundred dollars; from 1847 to the present time it has been from eight hundred dollars to fifteen hundred dollars. Since 1829 each district has received annually a portion of the " literary fund," this town's share of which, for a number of years, has aver- aged not far from one hundred dollars. The greatest number of districts in which schools have been maintained since 1817 has been, apparently, sixteen ; at present the number is thirteen or fourteen. Chesterfield Academy. — On the 12th day of January, 1790, the New Hampshire Legislature passed an act entitled "An Act to incorporate an Academy in the Town of Ches- terfield, by the name of the Chesterfield Acade- my." In the preamble of this act it is stated that " the education of youth has ever been con- sidered by the wise and good as an object of the highest consequence to the safety and happi- ness of a People ; " also, that " Peter Stone, of Chesterfield, gentleman, and sundry other per- sons, have voluntarily contributed certain sums of money for the purpose of establishing and supporting a public school, or academy, in said Chesterfield." The first section of the act sets forth the object of the academy, namely, " the promoting piety and virtue, and the instruction of youth in such branches of useftil Literature as the trustees hereby appointed shall think proper to direct." The same section also empowered Rev. Abi'aham Wood, Solomon Harvey, phy- sician, Moses Smith, Esq., Silas Richardson, Zur Evans, Simon Willard and Abner John- son, gentlemen, all of Chesterfield, to act as trustees. The third section provided that " Abraham Wood and other trustees, as afore- said, and the longest livers and survivors of them, and their successors, be the true and sole visitors, trustees and governors of the said Academy, in perpetual succession forever." The fourth section fixed the number of trustees at not less than seven, nor more than eleven, and provided that the major part of them should be "laymen and respectable freeholders." In the sixth section provisions were made for the holding, by the trustees, of real and personal estate, provided the annual income from the real estate should not exceed five hundred pounds, and that from the personal estate should not exceed two thousand pounds, "both sums to be valued in silver, at the rate of six shillings and eight-pence by the ounce." It was enacted by the eighth, and last, section that all estate, both personal and real, held within this State for the use of the academy, should be exempt from taxation ; and that students of the academy should also be exempt from paying poll-tax. CHESTERFIELD. 151 It has usually been stated that the academy was not opened till August 14, 1794, but the records of the institution show that this state- ment is, in all probability, incorrect. August 31, 1791, the trustees voted to hire Sheldon Lo- gan " to instruct in the academy for the term of one year," and to give him eighty pounds for his services. July 4, 1792, they voted that the afternoon of every Wednesday, for the rest of the year, should be "a vacation." There could be no reason for passing the latter vote if the school was not already in operation. The date of the erection of the academy building cannot be ascertained, but it is certain that the petitioners for the incorporation of the academy, in their petition to the Legislature, stated that a sufficient sum of money had al- ready been raised "to erect a house of suffi- cient bigness in the town of Chesterfield, in which a Seminary may be kept, etc." The town also voted. May 6, 1790, to allow the trustees of the academy to put a building on the common for the use of the school. Whether the academy building was completed before August, 1794 (the school, in the mean time, being kept in some other house), cannot now be determined with certainty. For many years after its incorporation the academy had the reputation of being one of the best schools in the State, ranking second, it is said, to Phillips Academy, at Exeter. It was attended by students from all the neigh- boring towns, and some came from remoter places, even from the Southern States. Many of those who sought instruction at this insti- tution became, later in life, eminent in the var- ious trades and professions. It was a common practice, in the earlier years of the academy, for the trustees to grant the use of the academy building, and sometimes other property, to certain persons styled "adven- turers," on condition that they should employ an instructor and keep the school in operation. It seems that the property held by the trustees for the benefit of the academy never produced an income sufficient for its support ; and some- times this income and the tuition fees together amounted to less than the expenses. The prop- erty held by the trustees seems to have consisted almost wholly of real estate. This included, about the year 1800, a part, if not all, of the glebe-land, in the southeastern quarter of the town. In 1808 the Legislature passed an act grant- ing to the trustees the privilege of raising money by lottery for the benefit of the school. Elijah Dunbar, Benjamin Cook, John Putnam and Phineas Handerson were chosen managers of this lottery ; but the records of the academy do not show how much money was obtained in this way. The sum allowed by the act of the Legislature to be raised was five thousand dol- ^ lars ; but probably only a small part of this sum was ever actually obtained. The act was extended, however, by the Legislature in 1814. The number of "adventurers'' for the year last mentioned was one hundred, and the defi- ciency to be made up by them amounted to eighty-eight dollars and sixty-seven cents. September 11, 1818, the trustees voted "that Captain Benjamin Cook sell to the highest bid- der the privilege of selling liquor on the com- mon on exhibition day, and that the money so raised be applied to building the stage and paying Mr. Hardy a balance of about nine dol- lars due him for arrearages of board for the last year." The exhibitions that were given by the stu- dents of the academy during the period of its greatest prosperity were notable incidents in the history of the school, and even of the town. It was a part of the by-laws of the institution that no student should take part in these exhi- bitions until he had been a member of the school at least twelve weeks, unless he had had previous instruction in the art of declaiming under a competent teacher ; and all students to whom parts were assigned, in any public exhi- bition, were obliged to make careful preparation " in order to perform their parts accurately and 152 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. preserve the reputation of the Academy." The names of all the preceptors of the acad- emy from its incorporation till 1847 have not been obtained ; but some of them were as fol- lows : Sheldon Logan was, perhaps, preceptor 1791 -94. It is certain that he was engaged by the trustees for one year, beginning August 14, 1794, at a salary of one hundred pounds. John Noyes was preceptor two years, com- mencing his duties September 1, 1795. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College and at one time represented the Southern District of Ver- mont in the Congress of the United States. Broughton Wright (?) was preceptor one year from August or September, 1797. Levi Jackson, of Chesterfield, was preceptor 1799-1805. (See Biographical Notices.) Daniel Hardy taught at least one year, begin- ning in the autumn of 1805. Isaac Fletcher, a student of Dartmouth Col- lege, was preceptor in 1 808. He married, in 1812, Abigail, daughter of Peter Stone, Sr., of this town, and afterwards practiced law at Lyn- don, Vt. Jonathan Hartwell was preceptor in 1809. Asa Keyes was preceptor two years from April 16, 1810. He was a graduate of Dart- mouth College and became a distinguished law- yer. He died in Brattleborough, Vt., June 4, 1 880, at the great age of ninety-three years. His wife was Sarah, daughter of Asa Britten, Esq., of Chesterfield. McConihe appears to have taught six months in 1812. Otis Hutchins, of Westmoreland, was pre- ceptor two years at least, commencing in the autumn of 1812. He was again engaged in the spring of 1820 for the term of three years. His salarj' was to be raised in part by subscrip- tions, which could be paid in cloth, provisions, wood, etc. He died ia Westmoreland October 6, 1866. Elisha S. Plumb was preceptor 1815-16. Thomas Hardy was preceptor 1817-19. He was again engaged to teach in 1834 for the term of ten years, and was to receive as salary all the tuition fees. He wa.s also to have the privilege of selling books and stationery to the students. The trustees also agreed to provide twenty-five days' work each year for ]\Ir. Har- dy's farm. He was released from his engage- ment, at his own request, February 6, 1838. Mr. Hardy was one of the most efficient and respected teachers ever connected with the acad- emy. He was a graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege and spent many years in teaching. The entire number of persons under his instruction during his career as a teacher was six thousand seven hundred. He died March 3, 1864. George Freeman was preceptor three months in 1822 ; Rev. John Walker, six months or more in 1823 ; John Chamberlain in 1824. Josiah W. Fairfield was preceptor 1824-26. He was a native of New Boston, this State, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1827. He married Laura, daughter of Asa Britton, Esq. , of this town, in 1829, and settled in Hudson, N. Y., where he died, December 3, 1878. Edward P. Harris was preceptor 1827-28 ; Oliver M. Smith, 1830; James W. Emery, 1831. Charles L. Strong was preceptor 1832-38, and again in 1841-44. Mr. Strong was a grad- uate of Amherst College and was a teacher by profession. He married, in 1843, Prusha, daughter of Ashbel Wheeler, Sr., of Chester- field, and died in this town August 2, 1847. John E. Butler, of Jamaica, Vt., was an as- sistant teacher in 1833. He afterwards became a distinguished lawyer in the State of Vermont. Samuel H. Price was preceptor 1838-39 ; Nathan Kendall, 1845-47. Since 1850 the academy has not been in a flourishing condition and for several years has been closed. The original academy building stood on the southeastern part of the common, at the Centre village, a few rods from the old meeting-house. It was a two-story structure surmounted by CHESTERFIELD. 153 a belfry, iu which, however, there was no belL April 9, 1859, it was burned to the ground. A new building was erected the same year, having nearly the same location, by School District No. 5 and the trustees of the academy, conjointly, on condition that the same should be used both for the district school and a High School or academy. The Chtjeches.— TAe First Congregational Ohurah of Chesterfield was probably organized in 1771, but it is evident that a site had been selected for a meeting-house, on the common, as early as 1767 ; for, in the record of the ac- ceptance of a new road by the town that year, mention is made of the " meeting-house place." April 24, 1770, the town voted to raise one hundred pounds, to cover the meeting-house frame, that had already been erected. June 8, 1772, it was voted by the town to take seventy- five pounds of the money appropriated for the highways and use it in finishing the outside of the meeting-house. This building stood on the common, at the Centre village, about thirty-five feet south of the site of the present town-house, and was about sixty feet long and forty-five feet wide. It was two stories high, with two rows of windows, and originally had a porch on each end. The west porch, however, was removed in accordance with a vote passed by the town in 1815, and a projecting bell-tower built in place of it. The bell in this tower was rung on week-days at noon and at nine o'clock in the evening. All the town-meetings were held in this house from September, 1771, till it was burned down by an incendiary fire, March 1, 1851. It was also used by the students of Chesterfield Academy for their public exhibi- tions. The present Congregational meeting- house was occupied, for the first time, in No- vember, 1834. The first settled minister in Chesterfield was Abraham ^Yood (see Biogi-aphical Notices), who came from Sudbury, Mass., at the age of about twenty-four years, and was ordained pastor of the First Congregational Church December 31, 1772. For half a century Mr. Wood was the sole pastor of this church. Before Mr. Wood came to Chesterfield, John Eliot preached for a while " on probation ; " but, for reasons which he did not see fit to make public, he declined an invitation to become the settled pastor of the Congregational Church iu this town. After Mr. Eliot's declination the town voted (Octo- ber 12, 1772) to invite Mr. Wood to be their pastor, which invitation was accepted by him in a letter dated November 17, 1772. At a special town-meeting held the 7th day of the following December, preparations were made for the ordination of Mr. Wood. It was voted, — "1. That Thursday, the 81st day of the same month, should be the day on which the ordination was to take place. " 2. That Elisha Eoclcwood should have £8 for pro- viding and entertaining with victuals, drink, lodgings and horse-keeping the whole of the council of minis- ters, delegates and other gentlemen of distinction. " 3. That the sum of £9 should be raised to defray any expenses arising from the ordination. " 4. That the town concur with the vote of the church, to send invitations to other churches to assist in the ordination. " 5. That the window-caps of the meeting-house should be of straight, solid wood, with cornice on the front. " 6. That two or three Sabbaths a year should be granted to Mr. Wood, to enable him to visit his friends, so long as he should be the pastor of the church." For the first nineteen years of his ministry Mr. Wood received an annual salary of sixty-five pounds, which sum was raised to eighty pounds in 1792. From 1800 to 1822 the average sum raised yearly by taxation, for the support of preaching, was about two hundred and seventy- five dollars. After the latter date no taxes were assessed for the support of religious instruction. In the year 1800 the names of forty-seven tax- payers were recorded in the town records as being persons who were members of the "Universal Eestoration Society," and consequently ex- 154 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. empted (by the Bill of Rights) from paying min- ister rates. In 1802 the names of thii-ty-one tax-payers were recorded as being members of the " Eepublican Society," and, therefore, " not holden by law to pay taxes for the support of Congregational ministers." jNIr. Wood having become, a few months be- fore his death, unable to attend to his pastoral duties, Rev. John Walker was installed as col- league pastor April 30, 1823. Mr. Wood re- tained his ministry, however, till he died, Octo- ber 18, 1823. During his pastorate three hundred and twenty-four pei-sons united with the church, either by profession or by letter, including those who were members when he was ordained. The number of persons bap- tized was seven hundred and sixty-five. At the date of ^Ir. Walker's installation as col- league pastor the church had one hundred and thirteen members, and eight more were admitted during the year. Besides Rev. Abraham Wood, this church has had the following pastors : Rev. John Walker, from April 30, 1823, to April 22, 1829 ; Rev. Elihu Smith, May 23, 1832, to December 2, 1834 ; Rev. Josiah Ballard, Au- gust 5, 1835, till the following spring ; Rev. Hosea Beckley, 1836-42 ; Rev. Benjamin E. Hale, August 31, 1842, to November 11, 1847 5 Rev. Ebenezer Xewhall, July 23, 1852, to July 2, 1854 ; Rev. Jeffries Hall, April, 1858, to April, 1866; Rev. Albert E. Hall, November, 1882, to the present time. The " Universal Restoration Society " was or- ganized as early as 1798, and perhaps earlier. The annual meetings for the election of officers were regularly held for many years before the society was incorporated ; but services seem to have been held only occasionally. In June, 1818, fifty-five members of the society peti- tioned the Legislature for an act of incorpora- tion. The petition was granted, and an act passed incorporating Oliver Baker, Stephen Streeter and Jonathan Cochran, with their as- s()ciates and successors, into a society to be known as the " Universal Restoration Society." Previous to 1830 the Universalists held tlieir meetings for worship, for the most part, in school-houses and private dwellings ; for the town would not vote to allow them the use of the meeting-house at the Centre village, for any purpose whatever, till 1816, when they were permitted to hold a convention in it. January 2, 1830, it was voted by the town to grant the use of the meeting-house to the Universalists, every alternate Sunday, for one year. The same year, however, the house now occupied by them, at the "\Yest village, was built. The names of very few of the Univer.salist preachers who preached in Chesterfield before 1830 are now known. January 2, 1822, it was voted by the society to hire Robert Bart- lett, of Langdon, to preach on five Sundays during the year, provided he could be engaged for five dollars per Sunday. In 1823-26 the society appears to have had preaching only four Sabbaths each year. In April, 1828, arrangements were made to engage Rev. William S. Balch to preach every fourth Sunday during the year ensuing, if he could be engaged for eighty dollars. Since 1830 the Universalists of Chesterfield have usually held services in the meeting-house at the West village every alternate Sabbath, em- ploying a pastor in connection with societies in Winchester, Westmoreland, and Putney, Vt. The pastors of the Universalist Society have been, since 1830, as nearly as can be ascertained, as follows : Rev. Philemon R. Russell, about two yeai-s, between 1830 and 1835; Rev. Stephen A. Barnard (Unitarian), 1835-37 ; Rev. Charles Woodhouse, 1838-41 and again in 1843 ; Rev. William N. Barber, for a while between 1841 and 1843 ; Rev. Josiah Marvin, 1844-45 ; Rev. Edwin H. Lake, from about 1851-54 ; Rev. Hymen B. Butler, 1854-56 ; Rev. Sullivau H. :\I'Collester, 1857-62 ; Rev. Oliver G. Wood- bury, 1862-70 ; Rev. Joseph Barber, 1871-77 ; Rev. Hiram B. Morgan, 1878-81 ; Rev. Ed- CHESTEKFIELD. 165 ward Smiley, 1882-84; Rev. Winfield S. Wil- liams, 1884-5. Baptist Church. — No records of the Baptist Church of Chesterfield have been found, but it is known that Nathan Worden, a preacher of this denomination, settled in the town as early as 1787, and in 1819 a society was incorporated under the name of the " First Baptist Church." Several persons of the Baptist persuasion had an interest in the church built by the Univer- salists in 1830, and for a few years held ser- vices in it. This society has been extinct for many years. Methodist Episcopal Church. — The organiza- tion of the present Methodist Episcopal Society of Chesterfield dates from June 18, 1842. It is said that Jesse Lee visited the town as early as 1793, and from that time to the present it has been a " preaching-place." In 1796 the first circuit in New Hampshire was formed, called the " Chesterfield Circuit," and which had only sixty-eight members. The names of but few of the early Methodist preachers in this town are now known. Rev. Jonathan Nichols, of Thompson, Conn., preached here at an early period, and Rev. Martin Rutter is said to have preached his first sermon in James Robertson's house (now owned and occupied by his grandson, Timothy N. Robertson). One of the earliest Methodist preachers at Factory village is said to have been a Rev. Mr. House. In 1844 the Methodists built a meeting- house at the Centre village. Before that time they worshiped in private houses, school- houses and sometimes in the old Congregational meeting-house. Since 1839 the pastors of this society, as far as ascertained, have been as fol- lows : Rev. C. L. McCurdy, 1839-40 ; Rev. Alonzo Webster, 1842-43 ; Rev. C. Holman, 1848; Rev. D. P. Leavitt, 1852; Rev. E. Adams, 1853; Rev. J. Hayes, 1854-55; Rev. A. K. Howard, 1856-57 ; Rev. J. P. Stinch- field, 1858-59; Rev. N. Green, 1860; Rev. Thomas L. Fowler, 1861-67; Rev. W. H. Cummings, 1869 ; Rev. James H. Copp, 1870; Rev. N. Fisk, 1871 ; ' Rev. Andrew L. Ken- dall, 1872-75 ; Rev. Edward P. F. Dearborn, 1875-77 ; Rev. John A. Parker, 1877 ; Rev. William W. Le Seur, 1878-81 ; Rev. Julius M. Buffum, 1881-82 ; Rev. Thomas L. Fow- ler, at the present time. A Unitarian Church was organized in Ches- terfield about 1834, and existed a few years. It was composed, in part, of persons who had withdrawn from the Congregational Society. Rev. Stephen A. Barnard was pastor of this church in 1835, '36 and '37, preaching every alternate Sunday in the old meeting-house at the Centre village. As already stated, he also preached for the Universalists at the West vil- lage during the same years. The meeting-house at Factory village was erected in 1853. It is a " union " house (so- called), the expense of building which was de- frayed by the sale of pews, which were pur- chased by Congregationalists, Methodists and Universalists, on condition that each denomina- tion represented should have the privilege of using the house to a certain extent. For a number of years the Methodists have alter- nately held their services in this house and in their church at the Centre village. Manufactuees. — The manufacture of any kind of goods or wares has never been carried on very extensively in Chesterfield ; yet consi- derable manufacturing has been done in the eastern part of the town, and a less amount in the western. In December, 1805, Ebenezer Stearns, Moses Smith, Ebenezer Cheney and seventeen others were incorporated into a com- pany called the Chesterfield Manufactory, for the purpose of manufacturing "cotton yarn, cloth and woolens." At the June session of the Legislature in 1809 an additional act was passed empowering the corporation to raise the sum of fifty thou- sand dollars, to be employed as should be thought proper. It appears that the shares were fixed at one hundred dollars each, and that 156 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ebenezer Steams held, in 1809, ten thousand dollars' worth of the stock; the rest of the shareholders, of whom there were about twenty, held from five to fifty shares each. In 1810 the company erected a factory at the village, which has ever since been called " Factory Village," or " Chesterfield Factory," the latter being the correct post-office name. This building, which is one hundred feet long by thirty feet wide, and two stories high (ex- clusive of the basement), was built by Presson Farwell for seven hhndred dollars. For a few years after the factory was built cotton yarn is said to have been made in it ; then it was'closed for a while. In 1821, Cap- tain William S. Brooks, who settled in Ches- terfield that year, was chosen agent of the cor- poration, and began the manufacture of cotton shirting. Captain Brooks continued to manage the affairs of the corporation, as agent, till 1839, when he removed to Brattleborough ; but he re- tained his connection with the factory till 1850. The manufacture of shirting was afterwards continued in this factory for some time by Olney Goif and by Barton Skinner. The building was next converted into a manufactory of doors, window-sashes and blinds by R. Henry Hopkins and Horace Howe. It is used for this purpose at present by George L. Hamilton, who employs ten men. About 1820 the manufacture of "patent accelerating spinning-wheel heads" was begun at Factory village by Ezekiel P. Pierce, with whom were associated Asahel Porter and George Metcalf. The manufacture of these articles has since been conducted at that village by Jonathan S. Hopkins, Elliot P. and Samuel F. Hopkins, Ezekiel P. Pierce, Jr., Richard Hopkins, Jr., Sidney S. Campbell, Benjamin Pierce and Frederick B. Pierce. At one time duringthe Civil War Benjamin Pierce employed about seventy-five hands in this business. Spin- ning-wheel heads were also made at the West village for a while, many years ago, by Jcjhn Pierce and his son Alfred, and by Alanson and Alfred Chamberlain. In 1834 or 1835 the manufacture of augers, bits and gimlets was commenced, near the West village, by Joshua Richardson and Oliver B. Huggins, with whom appears to have been as- sociated E. P. Pierce, Sr. After a year or two they were succeeded by E. P. Pierce, Jr., and Charles Cross. Subsequently the business was carried on for a while, at the same place, by Pierce, Cross and Alonzo Farr. In 1836 or 1837 the making of bits, augers, etc., was begun at Factory village by Richard- son & Huggins. Afterwards the same business was carried on by George Goodrich alone, and by him and George Atherton for a few years. About 1853, Benjamin Pierce, who had pre- viously been employed by Richardson & Hug- gins, commenced the manufacture of bits, etc., in the same shop, having purchased it of Barton Skinner. For many years Mr. Pierce con- ducted the business alone, employing a consid- erable number of hands, and producing yearly a large number of bits, augers and other wood- boring tools. In 1870 his son, Frederick B. Pierce, began to manufacture the same kind of goods for his father (who conducted the sales of the same), having previously been in com- pany with R. Henry Hopkins for about two years. In July, 1882, F. B. Pierce was succeeded in this business by the Currier Brothers (Albert E. and F. Eugene), who give employment at present to twenty-three men. Their total pro- duction amounts to about one hundred and fifty thousand pieces per annum. F. B. Pierce is pretty extensively engaged in the manufacture of brush-handles at Factory village, employing at present about thirty hands. At the West village Olin R. Farr makes tables, and prepares stuff for boxes, brush-handles, etc. Other articles that have been made in Chesterfield, many years ago, but not to any great extent, are gunpowder, .scythes, hoes, pegs, etc. CHESTERFIELD. 157 Charles S. Kendall made pegs a few years in the building in which E. P. Pierce, Jr., for- merly manufactured spinning-wheel heads, and which has been used since 1866 by Ira P. Bux- ton for the manufacture of pail-staves, shin- gles, etc. In 1863, Rev. T. L. Fowler purchased the building at Factory village which had for- merly been used many yeai-s by Joshua Graves for a blacksmith's shop, and fitted it up for the manufacture of clothes-pins, and used it for this purpose until November, 1868, when he con- verted it into a saw-mill. In 1874, Mr. Fowler sold the mill to his son, Herschel J. Fowler, who engaged in the manu- facture of pail-staves. The latter afterwards erected a two-story building close to the old one, in which he manufactured packing-boxes. This building is now used by B. F. Pierce in the manufacture of paint and varnish brush handles. About 1815 (probably), David and William Arnold engaged in tanning hides at the Centre village. About 1817 their tannery was bought by Moses Dudley, who continued the business till about 1851. About 1832 Lloyd Stearns and David Arnold began the same business in the present tannery building at Factory village. Stearns removed to Illinois about 1835, when the busi- ness was continued by Arnold, at first associated with Nathaniel Walton for a few years, and then alone. From 1844 to 1865 this tannery was owned by Sumner Warren, now of Keene, who carried on a pretty extensive business. The business was afterwards continued for a while by Earl Warren, of Westmgreland. At present there is no tannery in operation in Chesterfield. There are now only three grist-mills in the town,— Bradford C. Farr's, at Factory village, Prusha W. Strong's and Warren W. Farr's, at the West village. Tlie largest saw-mill in Chesterfield was built by the Steam Mill Company, at the former vil- lage, in 1872. In 1878 this mill was burned, but was rebuilt the same year by James H. & George Goodrich. It has an engine of forty- five horse-power, and is now owned and run by James H. Goodrich. The Butlers' steam saw- mill is located on the upper part of Catsbane Brook ; O. R. Farr's and W. W. Farr's saw- mills are at the West village. Taverns and Hotels. — The earliest tav- erns were merely private houses situated near the principal highways, and whose owners availed themselves of the opportunity to add to the income derived from their farms by provid- ing food and lodging for hungry and weary travelers, and an abundance of spirituous and fermented drinks for the thirsty. After a while a law was passed compelling tavern-keepers and retailers of spirituous liquors to obtain a license from the selectmen. The first recorded licenses for this purpose were granted in 1792, in which year four persons were licensed as taveruers and one to sell spirituous liquors. It is not at all probable, however, that one person enjoyed a monopoly of the trade in strong drink that year. In 1793 there were only two licensed tavern- ers, while five persons were licensed to retail spirits; and in 1794 the number of tavern-keep- ers was three, the number of retailers of spirits remaining the same. In 1800 there were seven licensed tavern-keepers and only two licensed retailers of liquors. Among the earliest tavern-keepers were Oli- ver Cobleigh, Nathaniel Stone, Andrew Hast- ings, Abraham Stearns, Nathauiel Bingham and Ebenezer Harvey, Sr. Ebenezer Harvey's tavern stood on the site of the late Parker D. Cressey's residence at the Centre village, and was probably one of the old- est taverns in the town. In 1801, Levi Mead came to Chesterfield, from Lexington, Mass., and lived in the house now occupied by Roswell Butler, at the Centre village, which he kept as a tavern. In 1816 158 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. he built at the same village what was known for many years as the Mead tavern, and which is now called the Chesterfield Hotel. Since his death, in 1828, this tavern has had several dif- ferent owners, among them his sons, Bradley and Elias. From 1860 to 1868 it was owned and kept by Parker D. Cressey, and since 1876 it has been owned by Lucius Thatcher. The present hotel at Factory village, known as the Spaiford House, was built in 1807 by Elnathan Gorbam for a dwelling-house. It was first used as a tavern by Presson Farwell. Afterwards it was owned and kept many years by Samuel Burt, who, in 1867, sold it to San- ford Guernsey. In 1880, it was purchased of Mr. Guernsey by Walter J. Wheeler. Its present proprietor is Alfred L. Proctor. In 1831, Ezekiel P. Pierce, Sr., built a large stone house on the old Pierce homestead, near the lake, which he kept as a tavern several years. The tavern which Amos Smith kept near the river, in the northwestern quarter of the town, and which was afterwards kept by his son, George Smith, was frequented by boatmen and raftsmen in the days when merchandise was transported up and down the river by means of boats, and logs were conducted down in rafts. The same is true of the old Snow tavern, after- wards the town poor-house. The Prospect House, situated on an eminence near the southern shore of Spafford's Lake, of which it commands a fine view, was built in 1873 by the late John W. Herrick, of Keene. Since its erection it has been enlarged and other- wise improved. This hotel is kept open only during the summer, and is now owned by Hon. Charles A. Eapallo, of New York City, one of the judges of the Court of Appeals for the State of New York. It has been managed, since 1879, by A. R. Mason, of Keene. Post-Offices. — The post-of&ce at the Centre village (Chesterfield) was established August 12, 1802. The following persons have been postmasters at this village : Ebenezer Harvey, commissioned August 12, 1802. Asa Britton, commissioned November 16, 1810. Daniel Waldo, commissioned December 30, 1830. Warham R. Platts, commissioned October 4, 1833. Nelson W. Herrick, commissioned August 6, 1841. Warham E. Platts, commissioned September 11, 1843. Charles J. Amidon, commissioned May 29, 1849. Henry 0. Coolidge, commissioned April 2, 1851. Warham K. Platts, commissioned May 20, 1853. Henry O. Coolidge, commissioned August 10, 1861. James M. Herrick, commissioned February 27, 1867. Eomanzo C. Cressey, commissioned April 9, 1868. Murray Davis, commissioned October 24, 1873. James H. Goodrich (2d), commissioned October 6, 1875. ! Sewall F. Eugg, commissioned August 5, 1881. The post-office at Factory village (Chester- field Factory) was established January 12, 1828. The postmasters at this village have been as follows : George S. Eoot, commissioned January 12, 1828. I Horatio N. Chandler, commissioned December 14, 1835. Samuel Burt, Jr., commissioned July 28, 1838. Bela Chase, commissioned August 6, 1841. Samuel Burt, commissioned December 30, 1844. David W. Beckley, commissioned April 26, 1850. Samuel Burt, commissioned September 11, 1854. ■ David W. Beckley, commissioned July 20, 1861. James C. Farwell, commissioned January 15, 1866. The post-office at the West village (West Chesterfield) was established April 17, 1866, at which time James H. Ford was commissioned postmaster. He held the office till November, 1870. Since December 19, 18Y0, Emory H. Colburn has been postmaster at this village. Physicians. — The following are the names of some of the physicians who have practiced their profession in Chesterfield for longer or shorter periods : Dr. Elkanah Day, 1767 (or earlier) till ; Dr. Moses Ellis, before 1787 ; Dr. Samuel King, 1785 (or earlier) till ; Dr. Solomon Harvey, about 1775-1821 (or later) ; Dr. Barnard, about 1779 ; Dr. Joshua Tylei-, from between 1776 and 1781 till 1807; Dr. Oliver Atherton, from about 1787 till 1812; Dr. Prescott Hall, about 1806 ; Dr. CHESTERFIELD. 159 James R. Grow, about 1812 ; Dr. Oliver Baker, 1809-40; Dr. George Farrington, 1814-16; Dr. Joshua Converse, to 1833 ; Dr. Jason Farr, several years previous to 1825 ; Dr. Jerry Lyons, 1814-25; Dr. Philip Hall, a number of years previous to 1828 ; Dr. Harvey Car- penter, 1827 or 1828 till 1852; Dr. John P. Warren, 1842-44; Dr. Algernon Sidney Car- penter, 1841 ; Dr. John O. French, about ten years, from 1844 or 1845 ; Dr. John F. But- ler, 1854 to the present time; Dr. Daniel F. Randall, 1855 to the present time; Dr. Willie G. Cain, August, 1884, to the present time. Dr. George Farrington died in Chesterfield July 29, 1816, aged forty-seven years. The fol- lowing epitaph is inscribed on his gravestone in the old town burying-ground at the Centre village : " Here lies beneath this monument The dear remains of one who spent His days and years in doing good ; Gave ease to those oppress'd with pain ; Restor'd the sick to Health again, And purifi'd their wasting blood. He was respected while on Earth By all who knew his real worth In practice and superior skill. The means he us'd were truly blest — His wondrous cures do well attest. Who can his vacant mansion fill? Borne on some shining cherub's wing To his grand master, God and King, To the grand lodge in Heaven above, Where angels smile to see him join His brethren in that lodge Divine, Where all is harmony and love." Dr. John F. Butler is the son of Jonathan and Martha (Russell) Butler, of Marlow, and was born June 14, 1831 ; graduated at the Harvard Med- ical School March, 1854, and carae to Chester- field the next April. In the spring of 1864 he joined the Thirty-ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers as assistant surgeon, and served till the war closed, when he returned to Chesterfield. He married, in 1857, Julia, daughter of Rev. Silas Quimby, of Lebanon, and who died August 19", 1861. In 1863 he married Celia A., daugh- ter of John L. Brewster, of Lowell, Mass. Dr. Daniel F. Randall has resided in Ches- terfield since 1855, engaged in the practice of his profession. He was born May 24, 1829, and is the son of Menzias R. Randall, M.D., a veteran physician of Rehoboth, Mass. He graduated at the medical school in Woodstock, Yt., in 1852, and settled in this town in 1855, where he has ever since resided. He married Miss Amelia C. French, of Berkley, Mass. LaM'YBRS. — Hon. Phineas Handerson was probably the first lawyer who practiced his pro- fession in Chesterfield. His office was at the Centre village, where he resided from 1805 or 1806 till 1833, when he removed to Keene. (See Biographical Notices.) Hon. Larkin G. Mead, who read law with Mr. Handerson, also practiced in this town till 1839, when he removed to Brattleborough, Vt. (See Biographical Notices.) Charles C. AYebster, Esq., late of Keene, practiced law in Chesterfield from July, 1839, to January, 1846. Hon. Harvey Carlton, now of Winchester, engaged in the practice of law in this town from 1841 to 1854. Allen P. Dudley, Esq., now of San Fran- cisco, Cal., practiced law in Chesterfield a while previous to 1855, about which time he removed to California. William L. Dudley, Esq., commenced the practice of law in this town in 1846, but re- moved to California in 1849, and resides at present in Stockton, engaged in the practice of his profession. Spapfoed's Lake as a Summer Resort. — A brief description of Spafford's Lake has been given in another place. Though it had been for many years a favorite resort for local fisher- men and the students of tlie academy, and had occasionally been visited by pleasure-seekers from abroad, it was not till within the past twelve years that any measures were taken to establish a hotel, boat-house, cottages, etc., for the accommodation of persons who desire to with- draw from the noise and tumult of the " mad- 160 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ding crowd," and spend a few weeks in the quietness of the country. It is true that " Old Captain Bulky, *a sailor by trade. Who round the world many voyages had made," had a sail-boat on this lake many years ago ; as did afterwards Ezekiel P. Pierce, St., whose boat, sometimes manned by an experienced sea- man, was used more or less by sailing-parties for several years. Pierce's Island, too, has been for a long time a resort for students and others who desire to enjoy camp-life for a few days at a time. Nevertheless, as stated above, it wa^i not till within the past twelve years that people have resorted to the lake in large numbers (excepting, perhaps, a few instances) for recrea- tion and diversion, and for the holding of religious, and even political meetings. In 1873 the Prospect House, as mentioned in another place, was built by John W. Herrick, of Keene, and was designed for the accommoda- tion of persons who might come to the lake seeking health or pleasure. The boat-house, on the southern shore of the lake, was finished in 1875. Near it are a skat- ing-rink, dining-hall, lodging-house, etc., now managed by Frauk H. Farr, as is also the boat- house. On the southern and western shores are pretty extensive picnic-grounds. On the one west of the lake Lucius Thatcher has a large stable for horses, a lodging-house, restaurant and skating- rink. A number of individuals have also erected private cottages near the lake, which are occu- pied most of the time during the hot season. The little steamer " Enterprise," the con- struction of which was mainly due to the efforts of John W. White, was finished in 1876. " Her model was drafted by D. J. Lawlor, of East Boston, Mass. Her length is 40 feet, breadth of beam 15 feet, depth of hold 4 feet, ^ "Captain Bulky" was the sobriquet of Captain , who is said to have put the iirst sail-boat on the lake. draft 28 inches, diameter of propeller-wheel 32 inches. Her engine is of 8 horse-power, boiler of 12 horse-power. Her carrying capacity is about 125 persons, though upon occasion as many as 150 have been on board at a single trip." No serious accident has occurred on or about the lake since it has become popular as a resort, except the drowning of the musicians Conly and Keitzel. In the afternoon of Friday, the 26th day of May, 1882, George A. Conly, basso, and Her- man Reitzel, pianist, of Clara Louise Kellogg's concert company, were drowned in the lake while rowing for pleasure. These gentlemen, with others, came over from Brattleborough, where the company had an engagement to give a concert in the evening of the next day. Having procured a boat at F. H. Farr's boat-house, Conly and Reitzel started out, leaving the rest of the party on land, and were last seen by the latter off the northern point of the island. Not having returned at the proper time, fears were entertained for their safety, as a strong southerly wind was blowing, and the waves were running pretty high. Search was consequently made for them, and their boat found bottom upwards ; but not till the next day was unmistakable evi- dence obtained that they had been drowned. Vigorous efforts were then made to recover the bodies of the unfortunate men, by dredging, by firing a cannon, by exploding dynamite car- tridges in the lake and by the employment of various other devices. The bodies were not found, however, till they rose, Reitzel's being discovered floating \\"ed- nesday forenoon, the 7th day of the follow- ing June, and Conly's Wednesday morning, the 14th day of the same month. The latter was without coat or shoes, and had evidently made a desperate effort to save his own and, perhaps, his companion's life. The place of the disaster seems to have been about sixty rods northeast of the northern point of the island. Mr. Conly was a native of Southwark, now CHESTERFIELD. 161 part of Philadelphia, and M'as thirty- seven years old ; Mr. Eeitzel was a native of New York, and was only nineteen years old. Aged Persons. — The following is proba- bly an incomplete list of the persons who have died in Chesterfield at an age of ninety years or more : Mrs. Mary Hamilton, December 1^, 1842, aged ninety. Mrs. Lydia Cheney, April 4, 1859, aged ninety. Mrs. Orpha Presho, April 17, 1856, aged ninety. Thomas Dunham, March 20, 1870, aged ninety. Mrs. Sarah Johnson, December 31, 1837, aged ninety. Mrs. Sally Hinds, August 24, 1864, aged ninety. Asa Fullam, December 14, 1870, aged ninety. Mrs. Persis Dudley, January 13, 1885, aged ninety. Mrs. Judith Tyler, August 11, 1854, aged ninety- one. Elisha Eockwood, February 13, 1832, aged ninety- one. Mrs. Betsey Smith, January 26, 1863, aged ninety- one. Mrs. Sophia Day, November 11, 1883, aged ninety- one. Mrs. Grata Thomas, August 5, 1884, aged ninety- one. Samuel Hamilton, October 19, 1878, aged ninety- one. Jonathan Cressy, April 26, 1824, aged ninety- one. Mrs. Polly Spaulding, February 22, 1885, aged ninety-one (very nearly). Mrs. Mary Putnam, January 30, 1830, aged ninety- two. Stephen Streeter, Sr., March 11, 1845, aged ninety- two. William Clark, Sr., February 19, 1849, aged ninety- two. Amos Crouch, August 18, 1861, aged ninety-two. Mrs. Submit Sanderson, June 27, 1822, aged ninety- three. Ebenezer Robertson, April 22, 1882, aged ninety- four. Nathaniel Bacon, September 10, 1823, aged ninety- five. Mrs. Mary Titus, May 7, 1845, aged ninety-five. Mrs. Clarissa Norcross, May 30, 1877, aged ninety- five. Mrs. Rachel Jackson, March 12, 1836, aged ninety- SIX. Timothy Ladd, August 30, 1834, aged ninety-six. 11 John Butler, September 10, 1883, aged ninety- seven. Mrs. Esther Faulkner, November 29, 1876, aged one hundred and one years, one month, seven days. Mrs. Sarah Draper, December 19, 1863, aged one hundred and one years, five months, sixteen days. Mrs. Hannah Bailey, November, 1822, aged one hun- dred and four years, three months. The oldest person now living in the town is Mrs. Sophronia (Mann) Pierce, born in Smith- field, R. I., June 14, 1785. Civil List. — t.own clerks of chesterfield (1770-1885). Ephraim Baldwin, 1770 to 1784. Jacob Amidon, 1785 to 1799. Solomon Harvey, 1800 to 1817. Abraham Wood, Jr., 1818 to 1833. George H. Fitch, 1834 to 1835. Oscar Coolidge, 1836 to 1838. Nelson W. Herrick, 1839 to 1842. Warham E. Platts, 1843 to 1844. Sumner Warren, 1845. Harvey Carpenter, 1846 to 1848. John 0. French, 1849 to 1852. Henry O. Coolidge, 1853. Arza K. Clark, 1854. Henry O. Coolidge, 1855 to 1867. Hermon C. Harvey, 1868. Henry O. Coolidge, 1869. Hermon C. Harvey, 1870 to 1873. Murray Davis, 1874 to 1875. Edward P. F. Dearborn, 1876. Hermon C. Harvey, 1877 to 1882. ■ James H. Goodrich (2d), 1883 to the present time. SELECTMEN" OF CHESTERFIELD (1767-1885). 1767. — Simon Davis, John Snow, Jonathan Hil- dreth, Eleazer Cobleigh, Ebenezer Davison. 1768-69.— No record. 1770. — Jonathan Hildreth, Silas Thompson, Elka- nah Day, Thomas Emmons, Nathaniel Bingham. 1771. — Moses Smith, David Stoddard, Timothy Ladd. 1772.— Same as in 1771. 1773.— Zerubbabel Snow, Ephraim Baldwin, Mar- tin Warner. 1774.— Same as in 1773. 1775. — Nathaniel Bingham, Ephraim Hubbard, Stephen Carter, Moses Smith, Jr., John Davison. 1776. — Ephraim Baldwin, Michael Cressey, Sam- uel Hildreth, Moses Smith, Jr., Ephraim Hubbard. 162 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1777. — Samuel Fairbanks, Elisha Kockwood, James Robertson, Nathaniel Bingham, Jonathan Farr (2d). 1778. — Samuel Hildreth, Moses Smith, Abn«r Johnson, Kimball Carlton, Jacob Hinds. 1779. — Jonathan Hildreth, Oliver Oobleigh, War- ren Snow. 1780. — Michael Cressey, Elisha Rockwood, Andrew Hastings. 1781. — Moses Smith, Jr., Abner Johnson, Samuel King [Jr.]. 1782. — Samuel King [Jr.], Jonas Fairbanks, Ab- ner Johnson, Moses Smith, Eleazer Jackson. 1783. — Ebenezer Harvey, Eleazer Pomeroy, Elea- zer Jackson, Captain Davis, Lieutenant Fletcher. 1784. — Benjamin Haskell, Peter Stone, Amos Hub- bard. 1785. — Paul Eager, Jacob Amidon, Reuben Graves. 1786. — Martin Warner, William Hildreth, Ezra Day. 1787. — Eleazer Jackson, Michael Cressey, Benja- min Haskell. 1788. — Eleazer Jackson, Benjamin Haskell, Silas Richardson. 1789. — Moses Smith, Abner Johnson, Solomon Harvey. 1790.— Same as in 1789. 1791.— Same as in 1789. 1792. — Solomon Harvey, John Braley, James Wheeler. 1793. — Eleazer Jackson, Peter Stone, Silas Rich- ardson. 1794.— Same as in 1793. 1795. — Eleazer Jackson, Silas Richardson, Asahel Shurtleff. 1796. — Eleazer Jackson, Silas Richardson, David Stoddard. 1797. — Michael Cressey, Jacob . Amidon, Abraham Stearns. 1798. — Joseph Atherton, Benjamin Haskell, Oliver Brown. 1799.— Same as in 1798. 1800. — Eleazer Jackson, James Wheeler, Asahel Shurtleff. 1801.— James Wheeler, Asahel Shurtleff, Joseph Pattridge. 1802. — Martin Pomeroy, Joseph Pattridge, John Day. 1803. — Joseph Pattridge, John Day, Ebenezer Har- vey. 1804. — John Day, Ebenezer Harvey, Jr., Wilkes Richardson. 1805.— Same as in 1804. 1806. — John Kneeland, Abraham Stearns, Josiah Hastings, Jr. 1807.— Same as in 1806. 1808. — John Kneeland, John Putnam, Amasa Makepeace. 1809. — John Putnam, Joseph Atherton, Benjamin Cook. 1810. — John Kneeland, Amasa Makepeace, Josiah Hastings. 1811. — Joseph Atherton, Oliver Brown, Phineas Handerson. 1812. — John Kneeland, Oliver Brown, Levi Jack- son. 1813.— Same as in 1812. 1814.— Same as in 1812. 1815. — John Kneeland, Elijah Scott, Asa Pullam. 1816. — John Kneeland, Joseph Pattridge, Elijah Scott. 1817.^Joseph Pattridge, Benjamin Cook, John Day. 1818. — Benjamin Cook, John Day, Robert L. Hurd. 1819.— Same as in 1818. 1820. — John Kneeland, John Putnam, Robert L. Hurd. 1821. — John Kneeland, John Putnam, Nathan Wild. 1822. — John Kneeland, Nathan Wild, Nathaniel Walton. 1823.— Same as in 1822. 1824.— Same as in 1822. 1825.— Same as in 1822. 1826. — John Kneeland, John Putnam, Orlo Rich- ardson. 1827.— Orlo Richardson, Ezekiel P. Pierce, Na- thaniel Walton. 1828. — Orlo Richardson, Otis Amidon, Nathaniel Walton. 1829.— Nathaniel Walton, Otis Amidon, Abishai Wetherbee. 1830.— Otis Amidon, Abishai Wetherbee, John Harris. 1831. — John Harris, Otis Amidon, Joseph Holden. 1832. — Joseph Holden, Moses Dudley, John Har- ris. 1833.— Moses Dudley, Joseph Holden, Charles Con- verse. 1834.— Nathaniel Walton, Charles Converse, Orlo Richardson. 1835.— Orlo Richardson, Charles Converse, Moses Dudley. 1836.— Ezra Titus, Asa Marsh, Samuel Goodrich. 1837.— Samuel Goodrich, Chandler A. Cressey, Al- pheus Snow. CHESTERFIELD. 163 1838. — Ara Hamilton, Chandler A. Cressey, Al- pheus Snow. 1839. — Alpheus Snow, Reuben Marsh, Ara Hamil- ton. 1840. — ^Ara Hamilton, Oscar Coolidge, Mark Cook. 1841.— Same as in 1840. 1842. — Sam'l Goodrich, Reuben Marsh, N. Walton. 1843. — Ara Hamilton, Reuben Marsh, Nathaniel Walton. 1844. — ^Nathaniel Walton, Reuben Marsh, Samuel Burt, Jr. 1845. — Ara Hamilton, Alpheus Snow, Parker D. Cressey. 1846. — Nathaniel Walton, Parker D. Cressey, Jo- seph C. Goodrich. 1847. — Ezra Titus, Parker D. Cressey, Richard Hopkins, Jr. lg48._Samuel Burt, Jr., Warham R. Platts, Otis Wheeler. 1849. — Alpheus Snow, Moses Dudley, Arad Fletcher. 1850. — Chandler A. Cressey, Oscar Coolidge, Ben- jamin Pierce. 1851. — Warham R. Platts, John M. Richardson, Sumner Albee. 1852. — Joseph C. Goodrich, Arza K. Clark, George Chamberlain. 1858.— Arza K. Clark, Alpheus Snow, Joseph C. Goodrich. 1854.— James H. Goodrich, Reuben Porter, Asa Smith. 1855.— Ebenezer P. Wetherell, Olney Goff, Ransom Farr. 1856. — Arad Fletcher, John Heywood, John M. Richardson. 1857. — Same as in 1856. 1858.— Arad Fletcher, Richard H. Hopkins, Wil- liam Clark. 1859. — Same as in 1858. I860.— Rodney Fletcher, Henry O. Coolidge, Tru- man A. Stoddard. 1861.— Same as in 1860. 1862.— Rodney Fletcher, Charles C. P. Goodrich, George Goodrich. 1863.— DaTid W. Beckley, Arza K. Clark, Charles C. P. Goodrich. 1864.— Same as in 1868. 1865.— David W. Beckley, Henry O. Coolidge, Levi L. Colburn. 1866.— Same as in 1865. 1867._Henry 0. Coolidge, Eli R. Wellington, Frederick L. Stone. 1^68.— Samuel J. Pattridge, George Goodrich, John W. Davis. 1869.— George Goodrich, John W. Davis, James H. Goodrich. 1870.— James H. Goodrich, John B. Fisk, Murray Davis. 1871.— George Goodrich, James H. Goodrich, Mur- ray Davis. 1872.— Murray Davis, James H. Goodrich, Amos R. Hubbard. 1873.— Murray Davis, Amos R.' Hubbard, George S. Fletcher. 1874.— James H. Goodrich (2d), George S. Fletcher, John W. Davis. 1875.— James H. Goodrich (2d), John L. Streeter, George S. Fletcher. 1876.— John L. Streeter, Amos R. Hubbard, Wil- liam Atherton. 1877.— William Atherton, John L. Streeter, George Goodrich. 1878.— William Atherton, Murray Davis, George Goodrich. 1879. — Murray Davis, George Goodrich, David Holman. 1880.— Same as in 1879. 1881.— Murray Davis, Larkin D. Farr, David Hol- man. 1882.— Same as in 1881. 1883.— Same as in 1881. 1884. — Larkin D. Farr, Hazelton Rice, David Hol- man. 1885.— Larkin D. Farr, Warren H. Butler, William Atherton. REPRESENTATIVES OF CHESTERFIELD IN THE GENERAL COURT (1775-1885). 1775. Archb. Robertson. 1776. Michael Cressey. 1777. Michael Cressey. 1778. Michael Cressey. 1779. Nath. Bingham. 1780. None chosen. 1781. No representative in the New Hampshire Legislature, but Saml. King, Jr., and Silas Thompson represented the town in the Ver- mont Assembly. 1782. Samuel King [Jr.]. 1783. Samuel King [Jr.]. 1784. Samuel King [Jr.]. 1785. Ebenezer Harvey. 1786. Moses Smith. 1787. Moses Smith. 1788. Moses Smith. 1789. Benjamin Haskell. 1790. Moses Smith. 1791. Moses Smith. 1792. Eleazer Jackson. 1793. Eleazer Jackson. 1794. Simon Willard. 1795. Simon Willard. 1796. Simon Willard. 1797. Eleazer Jackson. 1798. Simon Willard. 1799. Benjamin Haskell. 1800. Benjamin Haskell. 1801. Simon Willard. 1802. Simon Willard. 1803. Simon Willard. 1804. Simon Willard. 1805. Simon Willard. 1806. Simon Willard. 1807. Simon Willard. 1808. Levi Jackson. 1809. Levi Jackson. 1810. Levi Jackson, 164 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1811. Levi Jackson. 1812. PMn. Hauderson. 1813. Phin. Handersbn. 1814. Benjamin Cook. 1815. Benjamin Cook. Phin. Handerson. 1816. Benjamin Cook. John Putnam. 1817. John Putnam. Joseph Atherton. 1818. John Putnam. John Kneeland. 1819. John Kneeland. Benjamin Cook. 1820. John Kneeland. 1821. Levi Jackson. 1822. John Kneeland. 1823. Ebenezer Stearns. 1824. Ebenezer Stearns. 1825. John Kneeland. 1826. John Putnam. 1827. Ezekiel P. Pierce. 1828. Orlo Richardson. 1829. Orlo Richardson. 1830. None chosen. 1831. Nathan Wild. 1832. Nathan Wild. 1838. Otis Amidon. 1834. Otis Amidon. 1835. Otis Amidon. 1836. Charles Converse. 1887. Charles Converse. 1838. Otis Amidon. 1839. Thomas Hardy. 1840. Oscar Coolidge. Ara Hamilton. 1841. Oscar Coolidge. Ara Hamilton. 1842. Jay Jackson. Edwin Sargent. 1843. Ara Hamilton. 1844. Jay Jackson. Nathaniel Walton. 1845. Ara Hamilton. John Pierce. 1846. Nathaniel AValton. Saml. J. Pattridge. 1847. None chosen. 1848. Harvey Carpenter. 1849. AlpheusSnow. John Harris. 1850. John Harris. David Day. 1851. David Day. 1852. Harvey Carlton. Saml. J. Pattridge. 1853. Jos. C. Goodrich. 1854. Jos. C. Goodrich. 1855. Ara Hamilton. 1856. Otis Amidon. 1857. Barton Skinner. 1858. Barton Skinner. 1859. Arad Fletcher. 1860. Arad Fletcher. 1861. J. M. Richardson. 1862. J. M. Richardson. 1863. C. C. P. Goodrich. 1864. C. C. P. Goodrich. 1865. Rich. H. Hopkins. 1866. Rich. H. Hopkins. 1867. Henry O. Coolidge. 1868. Jas. H. Goodrich. 1869. Jas. H. Goodrich. 1870. Warren Bingham. 1871. George Goodrich. 1872. C. C. P. Goodrich. 1873. Gordis D. Harris. 1874. John F. Butler. 1875. John F. Butler. 1876. John Harris. 1877. John Harris. 1878. Oran E. Randall. 1879. Oran E. Randall. 1881. Murray Davis. 1883. John L. Streeter. 1885. W. A. Pattridge. DELEGATES FROM CHESTERFIELD TO THE CONTEN- TIONS FOR REVISING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE. In 1791, Eleazer Jackson ; in 1850, Ara Hamilton and Moses Dudley ; in 1876, Jay Jackson. Dr. Solomon Harvey was the delegate from Ches- terfield to the convention that adopted the Federal Constitution in 1788. SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECK-LIST. Eleazer Randall, James H. Goodrich, Russell H. Davis, chosen November, 1878. John L. Streeter, Richard A. Webber, William Atherton, chosen November, 1880. Rodney Fletcher, John L. Streeter, Richard A. Webber, chosen November, 1882. Charles C. P. Goodrich, Amos R. Hubbard, Her- schel J. Fowler, chosen November, 1884. MEMBERS OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATE FROM CHESTERFIELD. Levi Jackson, 1812, '13, '14, '15. Phineas Handerson, 1816, '17, '25, '31, '82. Nathan Wild, 1833, '34. Murray Davis, 1885. Levi Jackson was also a member of the Council in 1816, '17. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Jacob Amidon, born in Mendon, Mass., in 1753 or 1754, was in college at the time of the commencement of the Revolution, but soon en- listed in the patriot army, and served during the most of the war, with the exception of twenty- eight months, during which time he was detained a prisoner on a British prison-ship. December 23, 1782, he purchased in Chester- field a portion of lot No. 5, in the eighth range, and probably settled in the town soon after- wards. He resided near the Centre village, on the farm afterwards t)wned and occupied many years by his son Otis, and built the house now owned by the TNIethodist Sooietv of Chesterfield, and used as a parsonage. He probably engaged in trade for a while after coming to Chesterfield, as he wa.s styled, in the deed of the land he had purchased in this town, a " trader." In 1785 he was chosen clerk of the town, and held the office, by successive elections, till 1800. He was also selectman in 1785 and 1797. His wife was Esther, daughter of Timothy Ladd. She died March 26, 1852, in her ninetieth year. He died February 11, 1839, aged eighty-five years. Otis Amidox, son of Jacob Amidon, born April 26, 1794, settled in Chesterfield, after his marriage, on the old homestead, and continued to reside here as long as he lived, engaging to some extent in agriculture, and, for a while, in trade at the Centre village. For many years he took a prominent part in the affairs of the CHESTERFIELD. 165 town and church, serving the former in the capacity of selectman in 1828, '29, '30 and '31, and representing it in the General Court in 1833, '34, '35, '38 and '56. For a long time, also, he held the office of justice of the peace, the duties of which he was well qualified to perform, and was one of the veteran '"Squires" of the town. He married, in 1825, Nancy, daughter of Benjamin Cook, and had only one son that lived to adult age — Hon. Charles J. Amidon, now of Hinsdale. He died July 22, 1866. Joseph Athertox, son of Oliver Atherton, of Plarvard, Mass., and a descendant of James Atherton, of Milton, Mass., was born August 15, 1750. He married, in 1771, Hannah Farnsworth, of Groton, Mass. June 28, 1794, he purchased, in Chesterfield, lots Nos. 11 and 12, in the fourth range, and soon after settled on one of them. The hill on which he lived, and on which he built a large dwelling, is now called " Atherton Hill." He was selectman in 1798, ';9, 1809, '11, and representative in 1817. He died April 4, 1839, "honored and respected by his neighbors and townsmen." Dr. Oliver Baker, son of Dr. Oliver Baker, born in Plainfield August 16, 1788, studied medicine in the ]\Iedical Department of Dart- mouth College, under Dr. Nathan Smith. In 1809 he settled in Chesterfield, where he prac- tised his profession till 1840. He then removed to West Hartford, Vt., where he remained about two years. He afterwards practiced in Plain- field, and in Windsor, Vt. He died at his daughter's home, in Plainfield, July 4, 1865. Ephrai-M Baldwin was in Chesterfield in 1763, in which year he bought land in this town. He was town clerk from 1770 to 1785, and selectman in 1773, '74, '76. He was also, for some time, justice of the peace. His name ap- pears for the last time on the tax-lists for 1790. (For an account of his citation before the New Hampshire Assembly, for alleged Toryism, see under " War of the Revolution). Nathaniel Bingham appears to have settled in Chesterfield as early as 1767. In the deed of the land purchased by him in this town he was styled a "cooper." He lived on Wetherbee Hill, a short distance north of the Centre village. He was selectman in 1770, '75 and '77 ; representative in 1779. (For an account of his arrest and imprisonment by Vermont officers, etc., see under " Controversy about the New Hampshire Grants "). He died April 26, 1802, in his seventy seventh year. Asa BRiTTON,born in Raynham, Mass., April 30, 1763, settled in Chesterfield in 1790 or 1791, near Spaffijrd's Lake. From this farm ]V[r. Brittou removed to Chesterfield village about the year 1805, where for manv years he was an active, energetic business man, merchant, sheriff, farmer, postmaster and justice of the peace. His business career was a successful one, and he acquired what in the country, in those early days, was considered a large property, which he enjoyed, and bestowed freely upon others, until past middle age. Soon after the year 1815 he met with business reverses, caused by the ab- sconding of two successive partners. Old Mrs. Brittoa, in after-days, used to tell with much gusto a story connected with this fact. Mr. Britton, or " Esquire Britton," as he was called, was a tall, large man, weighing, perhaps, two hundred pounds, and his success, of course, made him enemies as well as friends. On the occasion of the decamping of the second of his partners, while the village was ringing with the news of the gutted store and money-box, a party of gamins, instigated by the enemy, set the church-bell also ringing, and above the noise and confusion of the crowd, whicli the sound of the bell at that unusual hour had collected, was heard the cry, ever louder and louder, " Great Britton has fallen ! Great Britton has fallen ! " Mr. Britton died in Chesterfield, June 30, 1849. Capt. William S. Brooks, born in Med- ford, Mass., jNIarch 5, 1781, went on a voyage at sea with his uncle at the age of nine years. He was in France during the French Revolu- tion, and also at the time Napoleon the First 166 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. was at the height of his power. Once, when in the Cove of Cork, he was pressed into the English navy, and served six months in the royal frigate " Diamond." At another time, while cruising in the English Channel, he was captured twice in one day — first by the Eng- lish and then by the French. By the latter he was retained in prison six months, a part of which time was occupied in making sails for French ships. On his return from France, President John Adams appointed him a lieuten- ant in the navy, which office he declined. He was engaged for some time in commerce, as com- mander of a merchant-vesseli, at a period when the American flag did not always command of foreign nations the respect that it now does, and many were the adventures and " hair-breadth 'scapes" that he used to relate in the later years of his life. On retiring from the sea, he settled at Cam- bridge, Mass., where he was postmaster four years. In August, 1821, he came to Chester- field, and engaged in the manufacture of cotton goods at Factory village, in M'hich business he continued till 1850. In 1839, however, he removed to Brattleborough, but still retained his connection with the factory. He married, in 1807, Eleanor Forman, of Middletown, N. J. He died in Brattleborough, Vt., April, 1865. Charles Coxveese, son of Joseph Converse, and a descendant of Deacon Edward Con- verse, of Charlestown, Mass., was born Decem- ber 30, 1788. He spent the most of his life in Chesterfield, engaged in farming. For many years he was a justice of the peace, and held the office of selectman in 1833-35. He was also representative in the General Court in 1836-37. He died September 18, 1858. Oscar C( )f )i.iDtiE, son of Abraham Coolidge, of Marlborough, born July 22, 1798, settled in Chesterfield about 1824. He married, in 1824, Lovina Rockwood, of Fitzwilliam. For a period of about eleven years (till 1835) he was engaged in trade at the West village. He then removed to the Centre village, where he continued in the same business till his death, with the exception of oqe year, when he was in trade at Factory village. He also took an active part in the affairs of the town, and was selectman in 1840, 1841 and 1850 ; town clerk, 1836-38; representative, 1840 and 1841. He died March 4, 1862, having survived his wife but a few hours. His son, Henry O. Coolidge, resided many years in Chesterfield, but removed to Keene in 1869. He is cashier of the Ashuelot National Bank, of that city, and register of Probate for CJheshire County. Amos Crouch, born in 1769, son of John Crouch, of Boxborough, Mass., afterwards of Chesterfield, settled in this town in 1802 or 1803. In his youth he had no opportunity to attend school; nevertheless, he learned to read and to write his name. In his early manhood he had to contend with poverty and adversity, but by hard labor and exteme prudence suc- ceeded in gaining some property. He was noted for his promptness in paying his debts, and with him " the ' first ' of the month was always the first day. " A strict observer of the Sab- bath himself, he brought up his children to attend church, and would not allow them to play or visit on that day. He was married three times. He died August 18, 1861. JoHX Darling, from Winchendon, Mass., appears to have settled in Chesterfield in 1778, in which year he bought laud here. He was one of the party that made the famous march to Quebec in 1775, under com- mand of Benedict Arnold, through the wilder- ness of Maine. On this march the men suffered extremely from cold and hunger. John used to relate that, having one day found the leg of a dog that had been killed for food, he scorched off the hair and ate every morsel of flesh and skin that he could get from it. He declared that he never ate anything in his life that tasted better! At one time, while in the army, he came near dying of small-pox. He probably settled in Cliesterfield soon after buying his land CHESTERFIELD. 167 he and his wife (according to a tradition in the family) coming from Wincliendon on foot. His first wife (Sarah Blood, of Grotoa, Mass.) died in 1804. He afterwards married twice. He was an active, enterprising man, and at one time owned an extensive tract of timber-land in the "Winchester woods," from which he cut large quantities of lumber, sawing it in a mill erected for that purpose, then drawing it to the Con- necticut and rafting it down to Hartford. He died March 28, 1824, in his seventy-third year. Samuel Davis settled in Chesterfield as early as 1766. There are reasons for believing that he was the son of Samuel Davis, of Lunen- burgh, Mass., who was probably one of the grantees of Chesterfield. He owned much land in Chesterfield at different times, having pos- session, at one time, of a part of the " Governor's farm." (For the part that he took in the con- troversy about the "New Hampshire Grants," and for an account of his attempt to break up the Inferior Court at Keene, see under " Con- troversy about the New Hampshire Grants"). He appears to have removed from this town about 1790. Samuel Fairbanks was in Chesterfield in 1776, which year he signed the "Association Test." He was one of the town Committee of Safety, and appears to have been one of the most zealous patriots in the town. He was also selectman in 1777. In his will, made August 9, 1787, and proved June 16, 1790, he bequeathed all his property to his wife, for the support of his children, and named his son Zenas sole executor. He died April 14, 1790, in his seventy-first year. Marshall H. Fare, son of Ora Farr, born in Chesterfield January 16, 1817, was a car- penter by trade, and resided in Chesterfield till 1854, when he removed to Canada West (Ontario), where he engaged extensively in the construction of railway and other buildings. March 12, 1857, the train on which he was riding was precipitated into the Des Jardins Canal by the breaking of a bridge, near Hamilton, P. 0., and he received injuries that caused his death in a few hours. Dennie W. Faer, son of Worcester and Abial (Kneeland) Farr, born in Chesterfield January 7, 1840, was serving as a clerk in a store in Brattleborough, Vt., when the Civil War broke out. He soon enlisted in the Fourth Regiment of Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and was commissioned second lieutenant. August 13, 1862, he was commissioned captain of Company C, in the same regiment, in which capacity he served with honor. At the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864, he was killed by a shot that struck him in the head. Thomas Fisk, born 1774, son of John Fisk, of Framingham, Mass., and a descendant of Nathaniel Fisk, who came from England, came to Chesterfield in 1807, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son, John B. Fisk, Esq., building the large house in which the latter now lives. When about two years old he had an attack of scarlet fever, which caused him to be deaf and, consequently, dumb. He learned, nevertheless, to read, and to cipher in the four fundamental rules of arithmetic. At the age of fifty years he was admitted to the school for deaf-mutes, at Hartford, Conn., for the term of one year. He made rapid progress, and acquired knowledge that was of great use to him during the remaining years of his life. His wife was Lucinda Trowbridge, of Pom fret. Conn. He died July 25, 1861. Samuel Goodrich, born in Fitchburg, Mass., September 6, 1788, settled in Chesterfield in 1813, on the farm now owned and oc- cupied by Willard Henry, and where he con- tinued to reside till his death. He was a man of great industry and perseverance, and his life was one of ceaseless activity. Though not an extensive farmer, in comparison with some, he was nevertheless a successful one; and his suc- cess in this respect is a fine illustration of what intelligent and well-directed effort can accom- plish in overcoming natural obstacles. 168 HISTORY OF OHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. His wife was Hannah Cain, of Weymouth, Mass. In 1836, '37 and '42 he held the office of selectman. He died January 1, 1877. David W. Goodrich, from Gill, Mass., settled in Chesterfield about 1810. He was a cloth- dresser by trade, and had a mill on Catsbane Brook, at the West village. After following his trade for some years, he engaged in farming. His wife was Salome, daughter of Benjamin Wheeler. He died at the "Kneeland place" (now owned and occupied by his son, Charles C. P. Goodrich, Esq.), March 22, 1867. AA'iLLiAM Haile, son of John and Eunice (Henry) Haile, was born in Putney, Yt., May, 1807. At the age of about fourteen years he came to this town with his parents, but was soon afterwards taken into the family of Ezekiel P. Pierce, Sr., with whom he lived till he was about twenty-one years old. Having attended school about two years, he entered, in 1823, Mr. Pierce's store as a clerk. In 1827 or 1828 he borrowed a small sum of money and opened a store on his own account at the Centre village. With characteristic sagacity, he soon foresaw, however, that Hinsdale was destined to become a busy and thriving town on account of the abundance of power furnished by the Ashuelot River. He therefore, in 1834 or 1835, re- moved to that town, where he continued to en- gage in mercantile pursuits until 1846, when he became interested in the lumber business. In 1849 he began, as a member of the firm of Haile & Todd, the manufacture of cashmerettes. Afterwards the name of the firm was changed to that of Haile, Frost & Co., by which name it is known at present. Though extensively engaged in business, Mr. Haile took a prominent part in political affairs. With the exception of two years, he represented Hinsdale in the General Court from 1846 to 1854; was elected to the New Hampshire Sen- ate in 1854 and 1855, of which body he was also president the latter year, and was again elected representative in 1856. The next year he was elected Governor, to which office he was re-elected in 1858. In 1873 he removed from Hinsdale to Keene, where he had built a fine residence. He did not cease, however, to take an active part in business till his death, which occurred July 22, 1876. iSIr. Haile married, in 1828, Sabrana S., daughter of Arza Walker, of Chesterfield. Phixeas Haxdersox, son of Gideon and Abi- gail (Church) Handerson, was born in Amherst, Mass., December 13, 1778. He was born in his grandfather's house, which was torn down, when it was more than a hundred years old, to make room for the Agricultural College. While he was yet an infant his parents removed to Claremont, this State, his mother making the journey on horseback and carrying him in her arms. Having obtained what education the common schools of that town affiDrded, he began the study of law in the office of Hon. George B. Upham. In 1805 or 1806 he settled in this town, in which he practiced his profession till 1833. While a resident of Chesterfield he fre- quently held town and State offices. In 1811 he was selectman; in 1812, 1813 and 1815 he represented the town in the General Court ; in 1816 he was elected State Senator, an office to which he was re-elected in 1817, 1825, 1831 and 1832. He married, 1818, Hannah W., daughter of Rev. Samuel Mead, of Walpole. She died December 30, 1863. In 1833 he re- moved to Keene, where he continued the prac- tice of law. At the time of his death, in ilarch, 1854, he was president of the Cheshire bar. The Harris Fa:\[ily. — The founder of the Harris family in Chesterfield was Abner Harris, a probable descendant of Arthur Harris, who emigrated from England to America at an early period, and was living in Duxbur^, Mass., in 1640. Abner Harris came from Woodstock, Conn., and appears to have settled in Chester- field in 1777. His will M'as proved August 23, 1798. One of his sons was John Harris, who lived and died in Chesterfield. John married, in 1783, Hannah Colburn, of this town, and had a CHESTERFIELD. 169 family of eleven children, three of whom are now living, the youngest being more than eighty years old. The eldest of the three, Wilder Har- ris, bom May 11, 1797, now resides in Brattle- borough, Vt., but was a resident of this town till 186-5. Another son of John Harris and brother of Wilder Harris was John Harris, Jr. He was a farmer in Chesterfield, and married, in 1808, Lnna, daughter of Abel Fletcher, of this town. He was selectman in 1830-32, and represented the town in the Legislature in 1849-50. He died February 27, 185(5, aged seventy-one years. A third son of John Harris, Sr., was Norman Harris. He was engaged a number of years in mercantile business and in " packing " in Cali- fornia. He died at Bellows Falls, Vt., July 22, 1875, aged seventy-one years. Two other sons of John Harris, Sr., Ezekiel and Erastus, were farmers in Chesterfield dur- ing the greater part of their lives. Both died in Brattleborough in 1859. Capt. Ebenezer Harvky was of Northfield, Mass., in 1758, having come to that town from Sunderland. He appears to have removed from Northfield to Winchester, and from that town to Chesterfield. September 17, 1772, he pur- chased of Elkanah Day, of this town, a part of house-lots Nos. 5 and 5, in the tenth and eleventh ranges. This land was near the com- mon at the Centre village, which was mentioned in the deed as having been conveyed to the town. In June, 1777, he was sentenced by the "court of inquiry " at Keene to be confined to the limits of his farm and to pay a fine for al- leged hostility to the American cause. He appears also to have been a zealous partisan of Vermont in the controversy about the " New Hampshire Grants." He was selectman in 1783 and 1803 ; representative in 1785. He was the first postmaster in Chesterfield com- missioned by the United States, holding the office from 1802 to 1810. He died in 1810. One of his sons, Rufus Harvey, Sr., lived and died in Chesterfield. For many years he (Rufus) was a deputy sheriff for the county of Cheshire. Dr. Solomon Harvey was in Dummerston, Vt., in 1773, of which town he was clerk sev- eral years. He appears to have settled in Ches- terfield in 1775 or 1776, and to have taken an active part in the affairs of the town during the War of the Revolution. In 1788 he repre- sented Chesterfield in the convention that adopted the Federal Constitution. He was se- lectman in 1789-92; town clerk, 1800-17. He probably died in Chesterfield after 1820. Ben.j. Haskell was in Chesterfield in 1784. He appears to have settled on lot No. 12 or 13, in the thirteenth range. Justice of the peace; selectman, 1784, 1787, 1788, 1798, 1799; rep- resentative, 1789, 1799, 1800. Some of his de- scendants now live at Ascott, Lower Canada ; but whether he himself removed to that town has not been ascertained. He removed from Chesterfield, however, between 1816 and 1819. Eleazer Jacksox, supposed to have been a descendant of Edward Jackson, who came from London, England, and settled in what is now Newton, Mass, as early as 1643, was born May 12, 1736 In 1767 he was in Walpole, Mass., but afterwards removed to Wrentham, and thence, in 1771, to Dudley. He was originally a clothier by trade. October 6, 1778, he took a deed of eighty-two acres of land in Chesterfield, upon which he settled. This land is a part of the farm on which his grandson. Jay Jackson, now resides, and has always been, since 1778, owned by members of the Jackson family. He was selectman in 1782, '83, '87, '88, '93-'96 and 1800; repre- sentative in '92, '93, '97. In 1791 he was the delegate from Chesterfield to the convention for revising the Constitution of the State. He died November 11, 1814. His wife was Rachel Pond, who died March 12, 1836, at the great age of ninety-six years. One of his sons, Enoch Jackson, married Martha, daughter of Andrew Phillips, and lived on the paternal farm till 1837, when he 170 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. removed to Winhall, Vt., where he died at the age of nearly eighty-four years. He was a noted pedestrian and seldom made use of a horse in performing long journeys. His son, Jay Jackson, still resides on the ancestral farm, as mentioned above, and is a well-known farmer. Levi Jackson, son of Eleazer Jackson, was one of the most intellectual men that Chester- field has ever produced. Of him his nephew. Jay Jackson, writes as follows : " In a history of the towD of Chesterfield, justice to the memory of Hon. Levi Jackson seems to require something more than the bare mention of his name ; for probably no one has done more for the honor of the town, or to elevate the moral and intellectual standard of the community in which he moved. " The youthful years of Levi were principally spent in company with his father and brothers in clearing up and cultivating their new farm ; but he manifested a desire to obtain a better education than the common schools of that day were calculated to impart, audtold his father that he thought he might aiford to send one of his numerous family of boys to college. Improving his meagre common-school privileges, and dividing the remainder of his time between his labors upon the farm and his fireside studies, with the benefit of a few months at the then infant institution of Chesterfield Academy, he qualified himself for college, and entered Dartmouth in 1797, two years in advance. Graduat- ing in 1799, his services were immediately secured by the trustees of Chesterfield Academy as preceptor of that institution, which position he held for six con- secutive years. During this time the academy ac- quired an enviable reputation as a literary institution. Possessing a fine personal appearance, an unassumed dignity and firmness, yet easy and pleasant in his manners and conversation, it was said of him that he commanded both the love and the fear of his pupils and the respect of all. * " On retiring from the preceptorship of the acad- emy, he engaged in trade at Chesterfield Centre, and continued in that business during the remainder of his life. He was a member of the N. H. House of Representatives in 1808, '09, '10 and '11, and again in '21 ; a member of the State Senate in 1812, '13, '14, and '15, and of the Council in 1816 and '17. Modest and unaspiring in his deportment (unlike many of our modern politicians), the offices of honor and trust that he held were unbought and unsought by him, but be- stowed upon him by an appreciative constituency in consideration of his eminent qualifications for the same. " A man of temperate habits and strong constitu- tion, in the full strength and vigor of life and useful- ness, and with a prospect before him amounting to nearly a certainty that, if his life was spared, he would soon be called to fill the highest oflBce in the gift of the State, his unexpected death, which occurred August 30, 1821, at the age of 49, was a severe loss to the town, the State and the community, and brought deep mourning upon his family and friends ; but his memory will be cherished while virtue, honesty and intelligence are justly appreciated." Samuel King, son of Dr. Samuel King, ap- pears to have settled in Chesterfield about 1773. He probably came from Petersham, Mass. He was one of the most conspicuous characters in the history of the town. In 1776 he refused to sign the " Association Test," and in June, 1777, he was summoned before the " court of inquiry," at Keene, " as being inimical to the United States of America ; " was tried and sentenced to pay a fine and to be confined to the limits of his farm. When the contro- versy about the "Grants" was at its height, he espoused the cause of Vermont, and la- bored strenuously to effect the union of the disaffected towns with that State, and at one time held a commission as colonel in the Vermont militia. According to the rec- ords of the Superior Court of Cheshire Coiuity, he was indicted at the same time with Samuel Davis, for attempting to break up the Inferior Court in September, 1782 ; but this indictment was quashed. In 1781 he was chosen, to- gether with Deacon Silas Thompson, to repre- sent Chesterfield in the General Assembly of Vermont, and was selectman the same and the following year. In 1782, '83 and '84 he repre- sented the town in the General Court of New Hampshire. He died September 13, 1785, in his thirty-fourth year, and was buried in the old town grave-yard at the Centre village. In his will, which was made twelve days before his death, he devised the use of his farm to his father and mother, and made certain provisions respecting his sisters and children. The ap- praised value of his estate was £2497 9s. 4d. CHESTERFIELD. 171 JoHX KxEELAND, son of Timothy Kneeland, and brother of the celebrated Abner Knee- land, was born in Gardner, Mass., in 1766 or '67. He was a carpenter by trade, and helped build, in 1790, the large square house, near the West village, now owned and occupied by Ira D. Farr. He lived a few years after his marriage in Dnmmerston, Vt., but returned to Chesterfield about 1797. He resided many years on the farm now owned and occupied by Charles C. P. Goodrich, Esq., and which has long been known as the " 'Squire Kneeland farm." He was a justice of the peace for many years, and held the office of selectman longer than it has ever been held by any other person since the town was incorporated, viz. : 1806, '08, '10, '12-16, '20-26, or sixteen years in all. He was also representative 1818-20, '22 and '25. He died February 9, 1850. Benjamin Lloyd Marsh, son of Captain Reuben and Mary (Wetherbee) Marsh, was born in Chesterfield November 8, 1823. Wiiile a young man he went to Boston, and became, in 1851, a member of the great dry-goods firm of Jordan, Marsh & Co., the senior partner of which is Eben D. Jordan. Mr. Marsh re- tained his connection with this firm till his death, which occurred June 13, 1865, "having shared in all the struggles, vicissitudes and triumphs of the house." His brother, Charles Marsh, is still a member of the same firm. Levi Mead, son of Matthew Mead, was born in Lexington, Mass., October 14, 1759. Soon after the War of the Revolution began he enlisted in the American army, and served dur- ing the whole war. In 1782 he married Betsey, daughter of Joseph Converse, who settled in Chesterfield about 1794. In October, 1800, he purchased of Asa Brit- ton, of this town, what is known as the " Mead farm," having a frontage on the main street, at the Centre village, extending from the old " back road " (leading westward, and now dis- used) to the "Dr. Tyler place." In the spring of 1801 he came to Chesterfield with his fam- ily, and occupied the next house south of the Tyler place, which he kept as a tavern. In 1816 he built the present hotel at the Centre village, long known as the " Mead tavern." In 1802 he was appointed deputy sheriff for Cheshire County, and held this office many years. He died April 29, 1828. Larkin G. Mead, born in Lexington, Mass., October 2, 1795, was the son of Levi Mead. He was educated at the Chesterfield Academy and at Dartmouth College, and then read law with Hon. Phineas Handerson. For many years he was a prominent member of the Cheshire bar. He was a man of culture, and possessed rare business qualities. He was ever foremost in promoting the cause of education, and took great interest in the public schools. In 1839 he removed to Brattleborough, where he resided the remainder of his life, and where he con- tinued to practice his profession. He procured the charter for the first savings-bank in Ver- mont, now called the Vermont Savings-Bank of Brattleborough, and was treasurer of the institution about twenty-five years. In 1846 he was a member of the Vermont Senate. He died July 6, 1869. His wife was Mary Jane, daughter of Hon. John Noyes, of Putney, Vt. One of his sons is the well-known sculptor, Larkin G. Mead, Jr., who was born in Chesterfield January 3, 1835, but removed to Brattleborough with his parents in 1839. In 1862 he went to Florence, Italy, where he has since resided the greater part of the time. Among the most important of his works are the "Recording Angel," the colossal statue " Vermont," " Ethan Allen," "The Returned Soldier," "Columbus' Last Appeal to Isabella," " America," the bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln, "Venice, the Bride of the Sea," etc. John Pierce, came to Chesterfield from Groton, Mass., between 1770 and 1776. According to tradition, he served in the last French and Indian War. On coming to Ches- terfield, he appears to have located at what is 172 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. now the Centre village, where he may have kept a small store. At the same time he owned a large quantity of land in the town, much of which he is said to have sacrificed to the cause of liberty during the "War of the Revolution. Together with others of this town, he also took part in the battle of Bennington, probably as an independent volunteer. April 19, 1782, he purchased of Samuel Davis Converse the western half (the other half lying in 8pafford's Lake) of lot Xo. 12, in the tenth range, on which he built a house. Here he passed the remaining years of his life, erecting, after a while, a larger and more commodious house near the highway that formerly led from the Centre village to AVestmoreland. He died July 7, 1812, aged sixty-nine years. EzEKiEL P. PiEEc'E, SOU of John and Tabi- tha (Porter) Pierce, was born April 20, 1785, and spent the most of his life in Ches- terfield. About 1821 he opened a store at the Centre village, where he also kept a tavern for some time. He afterwards engaged in trade for a while at Factory village, and in London- derry, Vt. The first " patent accelerating wheel-heads," for spinning wool, that were made in Chesterfield, were manufactured by him at Factory village, probably about 1820. He also engaged to some extent in the manu- facture of bits and augers. In 1827 he repre- sented the town in the (leneral Court. He died May 23, 1866. Waeham R. Platts, son of Captain Joseph Platts, of Rindge, born July 18, 1792, married Sarah Harvey in 1821, and settled in Chester- field. For about twenty-one years he was post- master at the Centre village. He was also, for many yeai-s, a deputy sheriff for Cheshire County, and for a while sheriff of the county. He was always interested in the affairs of the town and in national politics. In 1848 and 1851 he held the office of selectman, and was town clerk in 1843-44. He died February 21, 1872. John Putnam, born in Winchester May 10, 1761, came to Chesterfield in his boyhood, and lived in the family of Ebeuezer Harvey, Sr. In 1779 he enlisted in Colonel Hercules Mooney's regiment, and served for a while. This regiment was ordered to march to Rhode Island. In 1801 he married Mary, daughter of Joseph Con- verse, and lived many years at the Centre vil- lage, in the large house that once stood near the south side of the common, and which was burned about 1845. Though he commenced life in very humble circumstances, he succeeded, by his sagacity and perseverance, in acquir- ing a considerable fortune, owning much tim- ber-land in the Winchester woods. For a number of years he was one of the trustees of the academy, and served the town in the ca- pacity of selectman in the years 1808, '09, '20, '21, '26. He also represented the town in the Legislature in 1816, '17, '18 and '26. Hedied November 17, 1849, at the age of eighty-eight years. Eleazer Randall, sou of Eleazer and Clarissa (Wheeler) Randall, was born in Ches- terfield February 27, 1820. Having learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, he en- gaged pretty extensively, from about 1850 till 1860, in the construction of railway and other buildings in Vermont, Western Canada and ^Michigan, being associated, most of the time, with Marshall H. Farr and his own brothers, — Shubel H. and George Randall. He married, in 1846, Elvira Rumrill, of Hillsborough Bridge. From 1860 till the time of his death he engaged in farming, in Chesterfield, on the farm that he had owned and managed since 1850, and which is now owned by his sons, Orau E. and Frederick R. Randall. He died July 30, 1882. Silas Ricttardson, a descendant of John Richardson, who came to this country from England, appears to have settled in this town about 1776, having come from Mendon, ^lass. He was one of the original trustees of Ches- terfield Academy, and was selectman in 1788, 1793-96. He died in 1803. His wife was CHESTERFIELD. 173 Silence Daniels, of Medway, Mass., and one of his sons, Orlo Richardson, married Nancy Wild, of this town, and settled here. In 1826-28, '34, '35, he (Orlo) also held the office of selectman, and represented the town in the Legislatnre in 1828-29. He died May 27, 1852. His son, John Milton Richardson, born November 25, 1807, is a farmer and jnstice of the peace in Chesterfield. Archibald R(>bertsox, born in Edinburgli, Scotland, in 1708, emigrated to America in 1754, with his wife, Elizabeth (Watson), and children, James, William, John (?) and Anna (?). Archibald and his wife were dissenters from the old-established Church of Scotland, and joined with the " New Disciples." Their names ap- pear among those of the subscribers for the new book of " Confession of Faith," a copy of which is noA\' in possession of their great-grand- son, Timothy N. Robertson. They came to Chesterfield (having lived a few years near Boston), after their son James had settled here, but just how long after has not been ascertained. December 14, 1775, Archibald was chosen to represent Chesterfield and Hinsdale in the " Provincial Congress " that was to assemble at Exeter the 21st day of the same month, being the first person ever chosen by the town for such purpose. After living here a number of years he removed to Brattleborough, or Ver- non, Vt. He died in Brattleborough in 1803. jA>rES Robertson, son of Archibald Robert- son, born in Scotland March 8, 1741, came to this country with his father in 1754. For a few years after coming to this country he worked in old Dunstable and vicinity, and, probably, also took part in the last French and Indian War. In the summer of 1762 he came to Chesterfield, and began to prepare a home for himself and future wife. The place where he built his cabin is about thirty rods west of the present residence of his grandson, T. N. Robertson. When the war broke out between the mother-country and the American colonies he ardently espoused the cause of the latter, though a Briton by birth. In September, 1776, he enlisted in Captain Houghton's company of Colonel Nahum Baldwin's regiment. In 1777 he was a lieutenant in Colonel Ashley's regi- ment, but the date of his commission has not been ascertained. He was, also, at one time a member of the town "Committee of Safety." During the controversy about the New Hamp- shire Grants he was firm in his opposition to the Vermont party, by some of whom he ap- pears to have been rather roughly treated. He died March 19, 1830. His first wife was Sarah Bancroft, of Dunstable (now Tyngsbor- ough), Mass. She died June 28, 1798, in her fifty -fifth year. Elisiia Roc'KW(jod, born in Groton, Mass., November 20, 1740, purchased in Chesterfield, in 1769, the larger part of house-lots Nos. 7 and 8, in the tenth range. In his deed he was styled " a clothier." He took a prominent part in the affairs of the town during the War of the Revolution, being one of the town Com- mittee of Safety in 1777. He also was select- man the same year and in 1 780. He died Feb- ruary 13, 1832. The Sargent Famua'. — The founder of the Sargent family in Chesterfield was Erastus Sar- gent, a great-grandson of Digory Sargent, of Massachusetts, who was killed by the Indians about 1704, and whose wife and children were captured and taken to Canada. Erastus mar- ried Annas, daughter of Warren Snow, of Chesterfield, and lived many^ years here, fin- ally removing to Stnkely, P. Q., where he died August 24, 1847, aged seventy-five years. One of his sons, Edwin Sargent, married Sally, daughter of David Stoddard, of this town, and lived here the most of his life. He represented the town in the General Court in 1842. One of his sons, Charles R. Sargent, engaged to a considerable extent, in his earlier years, in school-teaching ; but at the time of his death, which occurred in Hinsdale April 2, 1880, he was one of the commissioners of Cheshire County, to which office he had been twice elected. 174 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. V^^yi. Shurtt.eff came to Chesterfield from Ellington, Conn., in 1787, and died here in 1801. His wife was Hannah Cady, and one of his nine children was Roswell Shurtleff, born August 29, 1773. At the age of about nineteen years Roswell entered Chesterfield Academy, where he studied Latin, going through Ross's Grammar in just two weeks. One of his mates at the academy was Levi Jackson, who \vas afterwards his classmate and room-mate at Dartmouth College. After a while he took up the study of Greek, and went through the " Westminster Greek Grammar " in one week. In 1797 he and Jackson entered Dartmouth two years in advance, and graduated in 1799. From 1800 to 1804 he was tutor in that college ; from 1804 to 1827, professor of divinity; from 1827 to 1838, professor of moral philosophy and political economy. For nearly twenty years he was also college preacher, and pastor of the church on Hanover Plain. He was a man of great intellectual force, an excellent teacher and a devoted friend to all young men who were striving to obtain an education. He died at Hanover February 4, 1861, in his eighty- eighth year. Moses Sjiith, the first settler of Chesterfield, was of Leicester, Mass., in 1738, where he owned land purchased of John Nobles, of Norwich, Conn. In 1761 he was of Hins- dale, as was stated in the deed of the land which he purchased in Chesterfield that year. His wife was Elizabeth , who died July 20, in hersixty-first year. He was selectman in 1777, 1771-72. The inscription on his gravestone is as follows : " In memory of Ensign Moses Smith, the first settler in Chesterfield, who de parted this life Dec. y'' 30th, 1785, in y 75th year of his age." He was buried in the town graveyard, situated near the " river road " and a short distance south of the residence of Charles C. P. Goodrich, Esq. Moses Smith, Jr., son of Moses Smith, the first settler, married, in 1768, Phebe, daughter of John Snow, of Chesterfield. He was one of the first settlei-s in the eastern part of the town, having purchased, December 25, 1764, lot No. 12, in the sixth range. He was lieutenant in 1777, and justice of the peace for many years. He was also one of the original trustees of the academy. During the controversy about the '' New Hampshire Grants " he espoused the cause of Vermont, and at one time the New Hampshire government gave orders for his arrest. He held the office of selectman in 1775, '76, '78, '81, '89-91, and was repre- sentative in 1786-88, '90, '91. About 1824 he removed, with his son Moses, Jr., to Pike, Allegany County, N. Y., where he died about 1830, aged eighty-seven years. JoHX Snow appears to have settled in Ches- terfield in 1762, which year he and jNIoses Smith built the first saw-mill erected in the town. He probably lived on or near what was afterwards the town poor-farm. He un- doubtedly came from some town in Massa- chusetts. He was selectman in 1767, and died May 12, 1777, in his seventy-second year. One of his sons, Zerubbabel Snow, married Mary Trowbridge, of Worcester, Mass., and settled in Chesterfield before 1770. He was one of the selectmen in 1773-74, and died April 12, 1795, in his fifty-fourth year. Another son of John Snow, Warren Snow, married Amy Harvey, and settled in this town in 1769 or 1770, having come from Princeton, Mass. In 1777 he was a member of the "Com- mittee of Inspection and Correspondence" of Chesterfield, and selectman in 1779. He died in 1824. Alpheus Sxo\\-, a grandson of Zerubbabel Snow, was born in Chesterfield May 10, 1791. He married, in 1815, Salome, daughter of Perley Harris, of this town. In his youth he attended school only a few weeks ; nevertheless, by private study, he afterwards succeeded in acquiring an ordinary education. He had a special aptitude for arithmetic, and it is said that even persons who ought to have been his CHESTERFIELD. 175 superiors in this branch of mathematics some- times sought his aid in the solution of difficult problems. When a young man he learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for many years at the West village. He also engaged in farming, -living a long time on the farm now owned and occupied by Horace D. Smith. He was selectman in 1837-39, '45, '49, '53, and represented the town in the General Court in 1849. He died May 28, 1869. Ebenezee Stearns, born in 1776, son of Ebenezer Stearns, of Milford, Mass., appears to have come to Chesterfield about 1797. About 1800 he opened the first store at Factory village. In 1805 the Chesterfield Manu- facturing Company was incorporated, of which he was agent and treasurer most of the time from 1809 to 1821. He was an active, enterprising man, and did much to promote the welfare and interests of the village in which he lived. In 1823-24 he represented the town in the Legislature. He died October 11, 1825. David Stoddard may have come from Rut- land, Mass. He appears to have settled in Chesterfield about 1767, on the farm now owned and occupied by Truman A. Stoddard. Whether he was married more than once is not known ; but the name of the wife who came to Chesterfield with him was Joanna . He was selectman in 1771 and 1772, and in the spring of 1775 he enlisted in Captain Hind's company of the Third New Hampshire Regiment. According to tradition, he died while in the army. One of his sons, David Stoddard, Jr., mar- ried Sarah French, and lived on the paternal farm in this town. Peter Stone, a descendant of Simon Stone, who came to this country from England in 1635, was born in Groton, Mass., August 25, 1741. Id 1773 he married Abigail Fassett, of Westford, Mass. March 27, 1777, he pur- chased, in Chesterfield, of Silas Thompson, the farm on which the latter settled (consisting in part, at least, of lot No 12, in the thirteenth range). He appears to have come to this town with his family in 1778 or 1779. He built, at an early period, the house owned and occupied by the late Charles N. Clark. In 1790 he helped establish the academy. In his efforts (o aid others he became involved in debt, and was obliged to mortgage his farm, which he eventually lost. Though permitted to remain in the house which he formerly owned (being old and infirm), he chose not to do so, and passed his last days in the school-house that stood on the site of the present one in School- District No. 10. He died about 1820 (as nearly as can be ascertained), having survived his wife a number of years. Warken Stone, a grandson of Peter Stone, was born at St. Albans, Vt., in 1808, but came, at an early age, to Chesterfield, whence his father and mother had removed but a few years before. His early years were spent in manual labor, and in obtaining such education as the schools of the town afforded. As he approached manhood, however, the desire to pursue the study of medicine became so strong that he resolved to quit- the rural scenes of his youth and devote his life to that calling for which he had an especial fitness. Accordingly, he went to Keene and studied a while with the distinguished Dr. Twitchell, afterwards attending the medical school in Pittsfield, Mass., from ^vhich he graduated with the degree of M.D. in 1831. The next thing to be done was to find a suitable location for practicing his profession. Endowed by nature with a bold and enterprising spirit, he at last decided to seek his fortune in the far- distant regions of the South. He accordingly went to Boston, where, October 10, 1832, he took passage for New Orleans in the brig " Amelia." The brig was wrecked on Folly Island, near Charleston, S. C, but the passengers were rescued. Dr. Stone especially displaying on this occasion the firmness and presence of mind for which he was noted. Cholera also broke out among the passengers 176 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and tbat tin^tiie uauie does HO* OfCttr, ?o &r »f I haw seea, in aoy of rhe papifx^ of the i«v^>rietor>f or of the town^ip. It is commonly oadcY^^ diat the town iras named from Dublin. Irdaud. Why it ^ootd have been k not obvioBS, as it k pretty mani- fet diat^ b^T«e the incorporation o±' the town. in the instrument, by Th> for seventeen in DuWin, and that cireumstanee may have sec- \-ears suvwsisively. dnrii^ whkh time he ^vas tied the piMut. At all events, it is jiKt as hard I abo selectman ten ye.irs and town treaisurer some to teJl why it should tix have beea so named, part :f the time. He represented Dublin in s»KV it mtet necessarilv have some name, and l the convention of dele-^tes which met at Es- it tnicht as wdl be called DnbKn as atmMn^ j eter. May 17. 1775. He was likewise a noted rifse. ^h^.Imaster. Furthermore, he was the first In the deed of grant firom the pr«^aieti«s justice o±" the peace in the town. For some the towaehip was described as " North Mo«th'' or , p^raduig. TheuMsaey a^earstohavebeenex- the "- iS^uaaber " should laive hem applied, it is p^addl in the corirse of the sommer. as, in Sep- to be borne in mind that "Monadnoi^" was a uank^ of pretty extwiave use in these regions. Thi£> Biadge, othenrfee caltci-l Eowley Canada, w^ M«nadB0^ X \ 1 : Ja&ey, ealfed Middle M.Badnock. or sometimes Middletown, was MfMuadnoek, Xo. 2 : DubliD. or North Monad- nock, wiae Monadno**, No. 3 : FitxwiDiam, Monadnoek:, No. 4 : Marlbwroa^ called ob%^ iaeJIv New Marlbor<.uii:h. was Moaiadnock, No. o : Nzfem, iwrmerfy RKtef^eH, was M nad- noek. No. 6 ; Stoddard, whieh w»s Umeriek, was, it is jwesamed, Moaadnock, No. 7 : and Washir^oa. loimerly Camden, was Mooad- ■BcfcyNo. >. •T&e meeting fer the orgiuiizatiL-n ot the town, ondar the ehart«r,was called, as provided timber of the same vear. they voted to have a nMHith'^s pareachii^ that fall and granted nine pounds for the purpose. The whtde number of voters in Dublin in 1 770 was ob]^ twen^-three. A Ifet of these voters. c«tiSed by -J.seph Twitrfiell and J(^ Mtizzey. two of the* assessors of that year, con- taiie the tbll'.'win^ names : Levi Partridge, Thomas Morse. Eli Mjrse. "William 6rea»- wood, Joe^ii Ciieenwood, Josejrfi Adams. Asa NorcDiss. Henry Stpingman, Silas Stone, Ivory Perry. Samuel TwitoAeU, Moses AfasuHi, J el W^t, Joseph Twitoisdl, Ebeneaer Twitchell. Beuben M .rse. Itemiel Mcirse. B^ijamin Mason, Moses Adams, John Muaaey, Efcaaw Twiteh- elL Jodina Leabnd, Edward West Peny. 134 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, ITEW HAMPSHIRE. The qualification for a voter at that period was " twenty pounds estate to one single rate, beside the poll." Following is tax-list for 1771 : £ s. d. " Levi Partridge 2 6 Thomas Morse 3 10 6 EliMorse 3 1 6 Joshua Lealand 12 6 William Greenwood 3 7 Joseph Adams 2 6 6 Asa Norcross 1 15 Joseph Greenwood 2 2 Josiah Greenwood 14 6 Caleb Hill 11 6 Henry Strongman 2 6 Silas Stone 1 14 Ivory Perry 1 18 Isaac Bond 3 Samuel Twitchell 2 6 Moses Mason 1 9 Simeon Bullard 15 Joseph Twitchell 1 12 6 Benjamin Learned 110 Simeon Johnson 16 Moses Johnson 1 3 6 Ebenezer Twitchell 1 15 Joseph Morse 14 Eleazer Twitchell 13 Eeuben Morse 1 18 6 Thaddeus Mason 1 14 John Ranstead 18 Daniel Morse 1 16 Benjamin Mason 2 11 6 Daniel Morse '. 1 10 6 Moses Adams 4 8 William Beal 1 1 John Wight 19 6 JohnMuzzey 1 17 Elias Knowlton 1 6 John Knowlton 12 6 Robert Muzzey 1 8 Ezra Twitchell 1 15 6 Joseph Mason 10 David Johnson 18 Daniel Greenwood 18 Jonathan Knowlton 18 Samuel Ames, jun 4 Daniel Wood 18 3 Rufus Huntley 18 Nathaniel Bates 18 Gershom Twitchell 18 Joseph Turner , 3 Joseph Drury 4 Benoni Death 1 6 John Swan 4 Caleb Greenwood 2 ThomasMuzzey 18 John Morrison 1 6 "Sum total £72 18 6 "Or $246.42." The following is a list of prices in 1771 : " Dublin, July 10, 1777. — We, the subscribers, being appointed by the town of Dublin to state the prices of sundry commodities, transferrable from one person to another, having met and considered the matter, have resolved that the prices hereafter annexed shall be the prices for all such articles within our town. "Wheat, per bushel Rye and malt, per bushel Indian corn, per bushel Oats, per bushel Peas, per bushel Beans, per bushel Cheese, per pound Butter, per pound Carriage of salt, for every ten miles land carriage, per bushel Flax, per pound Sheep's wool, per pound Yarn stockings, per pair Men's all-wool cloth, well-dressed, per yard Men's farming labor, July and August, per month 3 And by the day May, June and September, per month... 2 And by the day April and October, per month 1 And by the day February, March and November, per month 1 And by the day December and January, per month Carpenters and house-joiners, per day Mill-wright and mason, per day Hay in the field, per ton 1 Hay after secured, per ton 2 Making men's shoes, per pair And others in proportion. Pasturing ahorse, per week Pasturing oxen, per week Pasturing a cow, per week A yoke of oxen, per day's work Pasturing a horse, per night Keeping a horse by hay, per night Oxen anight by grass Oxen a night by hay Two quarts of oats A meal of victuals Lodging, per night Boarding a man, per week Good flax-seed, per bushel s. d. 6 4 3 1 10 2 15 2 4 2 18 4 4 10 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 1 10 2 2 6 8 6 3 6 6 6 8 6 3 10 3 6 6 " Henry Strongman, "William Greenwood, Committee." Eeuben Morse and Moses Adams, members of the above committee, did not sign the report. DUBLIN. 185 CHAPTEE II, DUBLIN— {Continued). MILITARY HISTORY. War of the Revolution — Resolutions of the Town — The Asso- ciation Test — Names of Signers — List of Soldiers — War of the Rebellion — Names of Soldiers. "War op the Revolution. — The first refer- ence in the old town records to the War of the Revolution is under date of November 28, 1774, when twelve pounds was voted for town stock of ammunition. In March, 1775, the town chose a Committee of Inspection, who were to see that the resolves of the Continental Congress were enforced. " Dublin, July 25, 1775. — Whereas the Committee of Inspection in this town have this day met to con- sider of the complaint made by Ebeuezer Hill against Willard Hunt, wherein said Hill complains that said Hunt hath in an unjust manner seized his property in taking possession of some hay which he had on a meadow belonging to Samuel Ames, Jr.; and it ap- pears to us by evidence that the hay is Hill's property, and that Hunt hath seized on it in an unjust and vio- lent manner : " Therefore, Voted that said Hunt immediately de- sist and let said Hill enjoy his property, or he shall be treated as a disorderly person and an enemy to the peace and good order of society. " Voted that the above pass as a resolve of this com- mittee. '' Benja Mason, Chairman.'' In March, 1776, the Continental Congress passed a resolve recommending to the several assemblies, conventions and councils, or Com- mittees of Safety, of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be dis- armed, within their respective colonies, who were notoriously disafi'ected to the cause of America, or who refused to associate to defend, by arms, the colonies against the hostile at- tempts of Great Britain. A copy of this reso- lution was transmitted- to the selectmen of the several towns by the Committee of Safety for the colony of New Hampshire, with a circular from them bearing date April 12, 1776, of the following tenor : " In order to carry the unwritten Resolve of the honorable Continental Congress into execution, you are requested to desire all males above twenty-one years of age (lunatics, idiots and Negroes excepted), to sign the Declaration on this paper ; and, when so done, to make return thereof, together with the name or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly, or Committee of Safety of this Colony. " M. Weake, Chairman." The declaration referred to was as follows : " In consequence of the above Resolution of the Continental Congress, and to show our determination in joining our American brethren in defending the lives, liberties and properties of the inhabitants of the United Colonies : " We, the subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our power, at the risk of our lives and fortunes, with arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies against the united American Colonies. " John Swan. Silas Stone, jun. Richard Gilchrest. Ezra Morse. Thomas Morse. Isaac Morse. Eli Morse. Isaac Bond. Joseph Greenwood. Silas Stone. Moses Adams. Thomas Alden. Daniel Morse. Josiah Greenwood. Joseph Twitchel. Moses Greenwood. Ebeuezer Twitchel. James Rollins. Samuel Twitchel. James Chamberlain. Stephen Twitchel. Thomas Lewis, Simeon Johnson. Samuel Williams. Ivory Perry. Ebeuezer Hill. Benjamin Learned. Abijah Twitchel. John Morse. Nathaniel Bate. Henry Strongman. William Strongman. Joseph Adams. William Yardley. Benjamin Mason. John Wight. William Greenwood. Thomas Muzzey. Levi Partridge. Moses Pratt. Timothy Adams. Gershom Twitchel. Eli Greenwood. Caleb Stanford. John Knowlton. Jabez Puffer. Simeon Bullard. Phinehas Stanford. John Muzzey. Nathan Burnap. Moses Johnson. Gershom Twitchel, jun. Reuben Morse. Gardner Town. Richard Strongman. Oliver Wright." Ithamer Johnson. Dublin had four men, at least, at Bunker Hill, namely : Jonathan Morse, Richard Gil- 186 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Christ, Thomas Green and John Swan. The last-named of these, it is said by Mr. Dun- bar, in his " History of Peterborough," was on duty but not in the battle. Mr. Gilchrist prob- ably saved the life of his friend Green, who was severely wounded, bearing him off upon his back, in a fainting and almost expiring state, from the field of battle to Medford. Mr. Dun- bar puts down Gilchrist, Green and Swan as belonging to Peterborough. But they were all three taxed for a poll-tax in Dublin in 1775, and must, therefore, have resided here on the 1st of April of that year. Mr. Gilchrist, it is presumed, never lived in Peterborough. John Swan was one of the most patriotic citi- zens of the town. Jonathan Morse must have been out duiing the greater part of the war. The author of the " Memorial of the Morses " represents him to have been in the battles of Bunker Hill, Ben- nington, Ticonderoga and Monmouth, and to have signalized himself by deeds of daring and acts of magnanimity, some of which he re- counts, and concludes with saying, " In short, Jonathan was so humane and honest, so rough and ready, that, had he lived to this time, he might have been President of the United States." Thomas Hardy was in the service for some time. There is a note given to him by the se- lectmen, on behalf of the town, dated April 17, 1778, for sixty pounds, payable within ten months ; and one of like amount, date and tenor, to Jonathan Morse. In April, 1777, the town voted '• to give one hundred dollars to each man sent for to this town to join the three battaKons now raising in this State." In August of the same year they made a con- tribution of " material aid " to the cause, which, though not of great magnitude, was of a kind to make some noise in the camp. The receipt shows what it was : "Dublin, August 3, 1777. Received of the Com- mittee of this town, two tin kittles, for the yuse of Genral Starks Briggade, Prised 14 shillings. Re- ceived by me, " Samsoist Powers." At the March meeting, in 1779, a committee was chosen to hire three soldiers for the Con- tinental battalions during the war. The sol- diers were not forthcoming, it would seem. In February, 1781, a committee was chosen to hire the town's quota of men, to serve in the Con- tinental army for three years, or during the war, and empowered to engage, on behalf of the town, for payment of their hire. The three soldiers appear to have been found, eventually. One was Jonathan Morse ; one was John Stone. The terms on which the lat- ter was hired appear, in part, from a receipt given by him to the committee. It is dated March 19, 1781, and sets forth that whereas he had received from the committee three notes (the amount of them is not stated), for which he was to serve three years in the Continental army, unless sooner discharged, he promises that, if he does not serve above six months, he will have the contents of but one note ; if not above eigh- teen months, the contents of but two notes ; and if he is gone two years, he will have but two notes. Mr. Stone probably died in the war or soon after its close, as in December, 1788, the town passed a vote, " that the selectmen make such consideration to the widow Stone as they may think reasonable, on account of the advantage the town had of the depreciation ot her late husband's wages," — a very proper and honorable vote, certainly. The other soldier was probably Hart Balch, as we find that in November, 1787, the town voted him five dollars for the damage he had sustained by not having the land cleared ac- cording to bargain, which the town was to clear for him for his service done in the army. There is also a receipt of his, dated April 26, 1784, acknowledging the receipt from the town of keeping for a cow, fire-wood and house-room for one year. It was a part of the arrangement, that the soldiers' work upon their land, and the like, DUBLIN. 187 should be carried on in their absence by the town. In April, 1781, a committee was chosen to appraise the labor to be done for the soldiers for the year, and to divide the town into classes, " so that each man may know what he is to do and where to do it," — a very practical, common- sense reason. The same course was pursued in subsequent years. In 1783 the town voted to receive rye, at five shillings a bushel, for pay- ing the soldiers' hire. Rye, by the way, was common currency in those days. Not only did private individuals make their contracts payable in that article, but the town treasurer frequently gave and received, on behalf of the town, notes and obligations payable in the same way. To provide the means of supporting its sol- diers in the army, it became necessary for the State to levy taxes upon the towns. Some- times the taxation was in the nature of raising a stated amount of specific articles, instead of money. Thus, they had a "beef-tax;" and in August, 1781, an act was passed for supplying the Continental army with tea thousand gallons of West India rum, — of which the share assessed upon Dublin was forty-six and a half gallons. Any town neglecting sea- sonably to furnish its proportion was to for- feit " one Spanish milled dollar or other silver or gold equivalent, for each gallon in arrears." Instead of the West India, " good New Eng- land rum, in the proportion of six quarts of the latter to one gallon of the former," might be furnished as a substitute. It appears that Dublin, for some cause, failed to furnish its proportion of the article, — as the receipt of a deputy sheriff shows the payment, at a subse- quent time, by one of the selectmen, of the amount of the town's "rum-tax and cost," upon an extent, or execution. We can hardly, in view of the prevailing sentiments and customs of the times, pay our ancestors the compliment of supposing that their omission to provide the article, in specie, arose from any conscientious scruples on their part, as to the propriety of the use of it. The following is a list of Revolutionary sol- diers from this town : Jolin Swan. Richard Gilchrest. Thomas Green. Thomas Morse. John Morse. Henry Strongman. William Greenwood. Eli Greenwood. Reuben Morse. Eichard Strongman. Ithamer Johnson. Ezra Morse. James Chamberlain. Nathaniel Bates. Samuel Twitchell. Lieut. Robert Muzzey. Hart Balch. James Mills. Joshua Greenwood (1). Jonathan Morse. Micah Morse. Micah Morse (1) Jabez Puffer. Thomas Hardy. John Stone. Beiyamin Mason. CHAPTER III. DVBhm— {Continued). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Unitarian Church — Congregational Church — Physicians — Masonic — Post-Office— Social Library — Civil History — Town Clerks from 1771 to 1886— Representatives from 1790 to 1886. The First Congregational, Society (Unitarian). — The first meeting-house was built by the proprietors by taxes assessed upon their shares. At their first meeeting held in. the township, in September, 1764, they fixed the place where the meeting-house should stand " by marking a tree and cutting down several small trees, near the east line of the eleventh lot in the sixth range, where the land is to be set off for the purpose, as also for a burying- place and training-field." The spot thus selected, and on which the meeting-house was eventually built, is upon the high ground, across the old road, northerly from the burying-ground. Nothing appears to have been done about the matter the next year, and nothing the year suc- ceeding, beyond choosing a committee to measure off the ten acres and put up bounds. A meeting of the proprietors in May, 1767, is stated to have been " warned by Reuben Kidder, Esq., a justice of the peace, according 188 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. to law." He lived in New Ipswich, and at- tended and presided at the meeting, at an ex- pense to the proprietors of eight shillings, as appears by his receipt. Probably the import- ance of the business to be transacted induced them to take this precaution in order to pre- vent all chance for calling in question the validity of their doings. At this meeting they voted to build a meeting-house " fifty feet long, thirty-eight feet wide, and proportionable as to the height, " and chose Moses Adams, Henry Strongman and William Greenwood a com- mittee "to take care to effect the work." They also voted to raise four dollars by tax on each right, to build the meeting-house. They were not precipitate in entering upon the work, however, it would seem ; since, at their next meeting, which was in December, 1768, more than a year and a half afterwards, they tried a vote to see if the proprietors would reconsider their former vote relating to the dimensions of the meeting-house. But they re- fused to reconsider, and voted to build the house of the former dimensions, and also raised three dollars more on each share towards build- ing it. In February, 1771, they granted five dollars on each right to carry on the building of the meeting-house. These three assessments, amounting to twelve dollars on a share, or six hundred dollars in the whole, are all the money ever raised by the proprietors for the purpose. The proprietors of the township had expended about six hundred dollars upon the meeting- house by the year 1773. In April of that year they voted not to raise any more money at pres- ent for that purpose. This was the last meeting held by the proprietors, until, ten years later, September 11, 1783, a meeting was called " to see if the proprietors would finish building the meeting-house, or give it to the town ; " and it was voted to give it to the town as their prop- erty. At a town-meeting, held October 13th of the same year, it was voted to accept of the meet- ing-house as a donation from the proprietors. At the same time they voted to finish the house and sell the pew-ground in it, except one pew on the right hand of the pulpit. Precisely how much had been done to the meeting-house up to that time is not known. Doubtless it was only rough -boarded upon the outside. The pew- ground was planned out in 1773 ; but it is pre- sumed that no pews were built, and probably no pulpit till after the house came into the possession of the town. It had then been used for a meeting-house some twelve years, and Mr. Sprague had been settled six years. The pew-ground, as it was termed, which was the space upon the floor on which the pews were to be built, was sold, in separate lots, to the highest bidder, with the restrictions that no man be allowed to purchase a pew-lot but an inhabitant of the town; that the purchasers build the pews uniform, with handsome panel- work and a handsome banister on the top ; that pews on the walls of the house the owners should ceil up as high as the bottom of the windows ; and that the floor of the pews should not be raised above eight inches from the floor of the house. The purchaser was required to build his pew when called on by the committee appointed to finish the meeting-house, or he forfeited his lot. There was a further provision in these words : " Every person that owns a pew shall occupy no other seat in the meeting- house until his pew be as full seated as is com- fortable for those that seat it ; and, if any per- son owns more than one pew, he shall not shut it up and keep people from sitting in it. The amount expended at this time appears, from a paper entitled "The Account of what the Committee have laid out toward finishing the Meeting-House," to have been about six hundred dollars, — about the same sum that was originally laid out upon it. But this seems no to have fully satisfied everybody, since, in 1788, we find, in the town-meeting warrant, an article, "to see what method the town will take to finish the meeting-house." The article DUBLIN. 189 ■was, however, passed over "to some future meeting," and it is a grave question, — if, indeed, there be any question about it, — whether, in fact, the meeting-house was ever finished at all. The meeting-house was occupied in the win- ter of 1771. In 1808 it was voted " to build a new meet- ing-house," and a committee of nine were cho- sen " to pitch upon a place to set the meeting- house," This committee consisted of Samuel Twitchell, Esq., Asa Fisk, Jr., Eli Greenwood, Phinehas Gleason, David Townsend, Isaac Ap- pleton, Thaddeus Morse, Esq., John Moi-se and Aaron Appleton. They were required to make their report in August. No report was made in August, but in March, 1809, an article was inserted in the warrant " to see what method the town will take to agree where the new meeting-house shall be built, or act anything relating thereto." The article was dismissed. In March, 1810, the article was " to see if the town will build a new meeting-house, or repair the old one." This article met the same fate as that of 1809 ; but in August, 1810, the town chose " Esq. Griffin, of Packersfield ; Esq. Farrar, of Marlborough; Esq. Gates, of Han- cock ; Lieut. Buss, of Jaffrey ; and Mr. Oliver Carter, of Peterborough, to pitch upon a spot for the meeting-house to stand upon in this town." This committee reported November 26th, same year, and their report was accepted ; but the record does not say what spot they pitched upon for said meeting-house ; but it is supposed to have been north of Joseph Apple- ton's blacksmith-shop. At an adjourned meet- ing, November 28th, the town voted " to do something relative to building a new meeting- house." What was meant by " something" in the foregoing vote is manifest from the succeed- ing votes : " Voted to choose a committee to let out the putting-up of a frame for a meeting- house. Richard Gilchrest, Thaddeus Morse and Aaron Appleton were chosen for said com- mittee. Voted that the frame should be raised one year from next June. Voted that the said committee provide suitable underpinning stones and door-steps ; likewise materials suitable to cover the outside of the frame, and to have it done the same season that the frame is put up. Voted that the committee have liberty to get timber on the town's lands. Voted that the selectmen procure a deed of the meeting-house spot." From this time until 1817 the town was in a constant turmoil in relation to the site for the new meeting-house. It was finally located on School-House Hill, and was completed in 1818. This was used until 1852, when the present church was erected. The first pastor of the church was Rev. Jo- seph Farrar, who was ordained June 10, 1772, and remained until June 7, 1776. He was succeeded by Rev. Edward Sprague, November 12, 1777, who remained until his death, in 1817. Rev. Levi Leonard was ordained September 6, 1820. (He was author of the " History of Dublin," an excellent work of over four hun- dred pages, published in 1855.) He was suc- ceeded, in 1855, by Rev. William F. Bridge, who remained until 1865. Rev. George M. Rice was pastor from 1866 to 1881. Rev. H. D. Catlin was settled in 1881 and is the present pastor. Congregational Chuech. — In conse- quence of a disagreement of a number of the members of the First Church with the doctrines of Rev. Mr. Leonard, they requested, in 1827, letters of dismission, which were granted, and November 21, 1827, the present Congregational Church was organized with the following mem- bers : Stephen J. Woods, Abijah Richardson, Thomas Hay, Luke Richardson, Martha Woods, Lucy Hardy, Rebekah Hay and Elizabeth Richardson. While the Second Congregational Society oc- cupied the meeting-house their proportion of the year, the town refused to grant them the use of the town hall ; but, in 1 829, the town " Voted that the Second Congregational Society have leave to occupy the Town Hall twelve Sabbaths, and 190 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. that the First Congregational Society have the same privilege." In March, 1830, the vote of the town was, " that the Trinitarian Congregational Society in Dublin have leave to occupy the Town Hall for purposes of religious Avorship the ensuing year, on condition that they relinquish their privilege of occupying the new meeting-house on Sabbath-days, and insure the Town-House from injury by reason of their occupying the same." The society took the hall with the above condition, and occupied it till their brick church was completed, in 1836. In the mean time different preachers were employed. The Rev. Samuel Harris remained as the hired pas- tor two years. The church was dedicated in 1836, and the sermon on the occasion was preached by the Rev. Dr. Bouton, of Concord, N. H. Rev. James Tisdale, who graduated at Brown University, Rhode Island, was engaged in the summer of 1836, and remained three years. The pastors since that time have been as fol- lows; Henry A. Kimball, 1840-50; Alonzo Hayes, 1851-53; E. F. Abbott, 1855-61; Nathan Sheldon, 1861 ; Oscar Bissell, 1862- 63 ; Andrew J. Fosdick, 1867-69 ; Amos Hol- brook, 1872-73; John Bassett, 1875; Richard M. Burr, 1877-78 ; George B. Cutler, June 1, 1884, — present incumbent. Physicians. — The first physician in Dublin was Nathan Burnap, in 1776. Others have been, — Ward Eddy, A. Maynard, Benjamin Hills, Samuel Hamilton, Moses Kidder, S. H. Spalding, Asa Heald, Daniel Carter, J. H. Foster, S. S. Stickney, Dr. Eaton, R. N. Porter, J. G. Parker. Masonic. — Altemord Lodge No. 26 was char- tered June 14, 1815, with the following mem- bers : Amos Heald, Stephen Harrington, Rich- ard Strong, Adam Johnson, Levi Fisk, Joseph Hayward, Jr., Asa Fisk, Benjamin Hills and Alexander Millikin. A dispensation from the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire " empowered the said Amos Heald and others to assemble at Dublin as a Lodge of Masons, to perfect them- selves in the several duties of Masonry, to make choice of officers, to make regulations and by- laws, and to admit candidates in the first degree of Masonry, all according to ancient customs of Masonry, and to be called Altemont Lodge." This warrant of dispensation was to continue in full force and authority till the second Wednes- day of June, Anno Lucis 5816, unless the lodge was sooner installed. The first meeting, by virtue of this dispensation, was held at Free- masons' Hall in Dublin, July 3, A.L. 5815. The first officers were Amos Heald, Mas- ter ; Stephen Harrington, Senior Warden ; Richard Strong, Junior Warden; Asa Fisk, Treasurer ; Peter Tuttle, Secretary ; Levi Fisk, Senior Deacon ; William Warren, Junior Dea- con ; Aaron Lawrence, Joseph Gowing, Stew- ards ; David Ames, Jr., Tiler. May 7, a.l. 5816, it was " Voted to exclude the use of ardent spirit in this lodge, and substi- tute therefor crackers, cheese and cider." The lodge was subsequently removed to Peter- borough. The post-office in Dublin was estab- lished 1810 or 1814, with Cyrus Chamberlain, postmaster. The Dublin Social Library was established in 1793. Schools were held in the town at an early day, but the first school-houses were not erected until 1778, when it was voted to build two. Civil History. — The following is a list of town clerks from 1771 to 1886 : Joseph Greenwood, 1771, '72, '76, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92. Eli Morse, 1773, '74, '75. James Emes, 1793. Andrew Allison, 1794, '95, '96,^'97. Cyrus Chamberlain, 1798 to 1826 and 1834. Joseph Appleton, 1826, '27, '28, '29, '30, '31. Thomas Fiske, 1832, '33. Dexter Mason, 1835, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42. Asa Heald, 1843, '44, '45. Ebenezer Greenwood, 1846 to 1859. James A. Mason, 1859. Warren L. Fiske, 1860, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65 '66 '67, '69, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82 '83, '84, '85. /'cSd^ J?, c ^////Vt.' DUBLIN. 191 Thomas Fisk, 1868, '71, '72. Walter Harris, 1870. The following is a list of representatives from 1790 to 1886 : Keuben Morse, 1790. Samuel Twitchell, 1792, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97. Thaddeus Mason, 1795, '96, '97, 1800. John Morse, 1798, '99, 1809. Isaac Appleton, 1801, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '12, '16, '17. Andrew Allison, 1808, '18. Samuel Hamilton, 1810, '11, '13, '14, '15. Moses Marshall, 1819. John Taggart, 1820. Joseph Appleton, 1822, '23, '24, '25, '26. Samuel Adams, 1827, '28. Kufus Piper, 1829, '30, '31, '38, '40. John K. Smith, 1832, '33, '34, '39. Richard Strong, 1835, '36, '37. Calvin Mason, 1841, '42. Moses Marshall, 1843, '44, '45, '46. Thomas Fisk, 1847, '57, '58. Cyrus Frost, 1848, '49. Jacob Gleason, 1850, '51. Lovell Harris, 1852. Thaddeus Morse, 1853, '54. Dexter Mason, 1855, '56. Aaron Smith, 1859, '60, '64, '65, '66, '69, '70. Calvin Mason, 1861. Milan W. Harris, 1862, '63. Henry C. Piper, 1867, '68. Jesse R. Appleton, 1871, '72. James Allison, 1873, '74. Walter J. Greenwood, 1875, '76. Henry D. Learned, 1877, 78, '83, '84. Charles W. Gowing, 1879, '80. Warren L. Fiske, 1881, '82. 1885, not entitled to send a representative, — fro rata town. Dublin as a Summer Resort. — The high altitude, the invigorating atmosphere and the delightful scenery have caused Dublin to be- come quite noted as a summer resort. Many literary people find it a healthful place in which to rest, and several residents of New York City and Boston have erected »elegant summer residences under the shadow of Mount Monad- nqpk, upon the shores of the beautiful pond and in the village, from which is presented a charming view of the Lyndeborough Moun- tains and the intervening distance. The at- tractions are appreciated by numerous visitants, whose numbers are increasing annually. BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. JESSE R. APPLETON. The Appleton family is well known in New England and elsewhere, and many of its mem- bers are successful men in law, letters and lu- cre. Their names stand side by side with those of Lawrence, Adams and others prominent in Massachusetts. Jesse Ripley Appleton is a descendant in the seventh generation from Samuel Appleton, who came from England in 1636. Samuel (2), his son, was eleven years old at the time. Isaac (3), fifth child of Samuel (2), was born in 1664, at Ipswich, Mass. Isaac (4), his third child, was born in 1704, at Ipswich ; he married Eliz- abeth Sawyer. His son, Francis (5), married, had children, among them Francis, born May 28, 1759, at Ipswich, and Jesse, who became president of Bowdoin College. Francis (6), when about twelve years of age, removed to New Ipswich with his parents, but, in 1786, he settled in Dublin, N. H., and after three years he married, June 2, 1789, Mary Ripley, a de- scendant of William Ripley, the English emi- grant, who came to America and settled in Hingham, Mass., in 1635, and died in 1656. He had children, — John and Abraham. The line to Mrs. Appleton is William (1), John (2), Peter (3), Peter (4), Noah (5), who married Lydia Kent. (She had nineteen children, of whom seventeen lived to maturity. Mrs. Ly- dia Ripley died in 1816, aged ninety-one, leaving thirteen children, one hundred and five grandchildren and ninety-six great-grandchil- dren). Mary was the fifteenth child ; she was born September 3, 1766, and died August 2, 1840. 192 IIISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Francis Appleton made a home for himself and his wife on a lot of land worth about sev- enty dollars, given him by his father. He fulled the trees and cleared the land by persist- ent and laborious exertions, and brought good, cultivated fields out of the tangled wilderness, and became a farmer, as agriculture was the principal occupation of the people of the last century, — steady, industrious, solid citizens. Mr. Appleton and his wife, soon after their marriage, became members of the First Congregational Church, and, in 1795, Mr. Appleton was chosen deacon, which office he held thirty-six years consecutively. The following from the church records is worthy of place : " November 6, 1831. At a meeting of the church, after divine service. Deacon Francis Appleton tendered his resignation, upon which the following resolu- tion, offered by J. K. Smith, was passed unani- mously : Resolved, That in consideration of the long and faithful services rendered this church by Francis Appleton, in the office of deacon, his request to tender his resignation be accepted, and that, while we express to him our regret for his determination, we also express our gratitude and thankfulness for the fidelity with which he has discharged the duties pertaining to his office." Deacon Appleton was a quiet, unostentatious man, temperate, possessed of good common sense and eminent for his piety. His death occurred July 16, 1849. The children of Fran- cis and Mary (Eipley) Appleton were Mary, born September 22, 1792, married, February 16, 1813, Jonathan Warren ; Betsey, born Febru- ary 12, 1795, died September 11, 1798 ; Ash- ley, born December 23, 1796, married, January 27, 1823, Nancy, daughter of Captain Thad- deus Metcalf, of Keene ; Francis Gilman, born February 24, 1799, married, September 29, 1825, Mary Hayward ; Eliza, born May 28, 1801, married John Gould, of New Ipswich (they both died in 1840) ; Serena, born June 1, 1804, married, June 28, 1823, Thaddeus Morse, Jr.; Sophia, born November 15, 1806, mar- ried, April 13, 1841, Thomas Fisk ; Jesse Rip- ley Appleton, youngest child, was born April 25, 1809, in Dublin, and married, April 13, 1841, Louisa, daughter of Thaddeus and Ly- dia (Perry) Mason. She died November 3, 1844. He married, second, March 11, 1852, Abbie Sophia, daughter of Calvin and Rebecca (Kendall) Mason. (The Mason family is an old and highly respected one in New England.) Their children were Ellen R., born November 30, 1853, died September 14, 1859, and Charles F., born April 6, 1856, married Lillian G., daughter of Corydon and Abbie G. (Piper) Jones. They have two surviving children, — Ellen E. and Arthur T. Jesse Appleton was an apt and diligent schol- ar, and was making good progress in his studies when they were interrupted by a temporary loss of his voice, and out-of-door work seemed the best remedy. He left school, became a farmer, and succeeded to his father's estate in 1834, and has occupied the old homestead since, making many changes and improvements. Mr. Appleton became a member of the church be- fore he was twenty-five years old, and has been closely identified with it for many years and is known as an earnest and efficient Sunday-school worker. He was chosen deacon in 1852, whicii office he still holds. He contributes liberally to religious and benevolent objects. He has been a life member of the Unitarian Association, of Bos- ton, for many years, and is one of its generous contributors. He was a delegate to the Associa- tion at New York, where was organized the National Unitarian Conference ; his colleagues were Rev. Mr. Bridge and Colonel Jonathan K. Smith. From the inception of the Abolition movement Mr. Appleton was in close accord with it, as he believed the holding of human beings in bondage a grievous national sin, and consequently he has been a devoted Republican from the advent of that party into power, and as such was representative for the town of Dublin in the State Legislature for the term of 1871-72. Mr. Appleton is a quiet, retiring man, of un- E'^LirUIi'tDiJjiY / / WhniirlliHlhAfJFROMA IJAailEURErjTYFE Br JOHtf AAiUIPI'lJ:. ^, ^. \vy „ _E ^ D -% „ [u E ^tt) W i^ K? © , 'T^' f"^^-^ '- ■ ^ ^ {-. "r'~y_^c_ ^---v < ^' ^"■<- /:. DUBLIN. 193 assuming manners, in accord with the better class of the community in all matters tending to advance or improve the interests of his native town. Intelligent, thoughtful, fond of investigation, he keeps himself informed on all matters of public moment, and ever gives his support and assistance to those movements his careful proving shows to be for the public weal. It is from such and through such men that the perpetuity of republican institutions is assured in this country. No idea of personal advance- ment or striving for notoriety swerves them from following the right, and it is a satisfaction to record that the class of which he is a good type is not a small one, but embraces the truly patriotic and thinking men all over our land. Mr. Appleton is especially happy in his domes- tic relations, with an amiable and Christian wife as his co-worker and assistant in all good works. LEVI W. LEONARD, D.D.^ Of all those born in Dublin, the man of the most original and largely endowed mind was Amos Twitchell. His native faculties, his deep intuitions, his keen and quick perceptions and his wonderful fertility of resources would have given him anywhere in the world a foremost place among the most distinguished men of his profession. But down to the present period, the most valuable citizen of Dublin, the man of the most varied and important practical attainments, the man of the widest and truest culture, the man who has done more than any other for the intel- lectual, moral aud religious advancement and elevation of the people, was Levi W. Leonard. He was born in Bridgewater (South Parish), Mass., June 1, 1790, and died in Exeter, N. H., the 12th day of December, 1864. His early years were spent on his father's farm, but an accident unfitting him for the severe labors of the farm, he engaged in the, to him, more con- 'With an introduction by Rev. John H. Morison, D.D. 13 genial pursuits of a student. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1815, having held a high position in a class greatly distinguished for intellectual ability and scholarship. He was graduated at the Cambridge Divinity School in 1818, and was two years the preceptor of Bridge- water Academy. Early in the spring of 1820 he was asked to supply the pulpit in Dublin a few weeks. Considering the position he already held as a young man of uncommon ability and promise, it was said to him, " You will not wish to stay long, much less to settle." His reply indi- cated the deeper and more sterling qualities of his nature, in the leading idea of service, by which his life was governed. " I will go," he said. " Moreover, if I can serve them, if I can do good, should they give me a call, I will settle." The call was given, and on the 6th day of September, 1820, he be- came the minister of the First Congregational Church and Society in Dublin, and continued in the office more than a third of a century. In the pulpit, in the homes of his people, in the fields and by the waysides, as well as in his home, he pursued his manifold studies, and dis- pensed his rich and varied instructions. He wrote in a clear, compact style, using no super- fluous words, and never wearying his people by the undue length of his services. His appear- ance in the pulpit was that of one too deeply impressed by the responsibility of his position, and too much absorbed in his subject, to care or think about anything else. There was evidently no thought of himself, — the sweet token of hu- mility, — or if any such thought did occur, his manner would indicate an almost painful sense of his own inefficiency. Yet there was evidence of a thorough knowledge of his subject, and a decided conviction of the truth and importance of what he was saying. His intellectual aud moral faculties and attainments were of them- selves such that he could not speak otherwise than with authority, though without the least tincture of dogmatism. His devotion to his people, his all-absorbing 194 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. interest in them and whatever related to their well-being, and his constant efforts to do them good in every walk of life, especially his intelli- gent and loving intercourse with the young, and his labors for them and with them, gave him an influence and made him " a power working for righteousness," such as it is the privilege of very few men to attain to. The only instance corresponding to this of Dr. Leonard, that I have ever known, is that of Dr. Joseph Allen, of Northborough, Mass. From 1822 to 1853— thirty-one years — Dr. Leonard's name appears in the town records at the head of the school committee. And it is not too much to say that during the whole period he was the guiding mind and ruling spirit in whatever was done to produce the extraordinary advancement then made by the common schools of Dublin. In the report of 1850-51 he says, " The reading of this report closes the thirtieth year in which the chairman of your committee has been engaged in superintending the schools in this town. He has made to them more than a thousand visits. It has been a labor which he loved, and it will ever remain a source of gratifying recollection. He has not labored alone and unaided. . . Let the same harmonious action and the same spirit of improvement continue for another thirty years, and your schools will be so pei'fected that the period just closed will seem like a day of small things." How he labored among his people, doing for them the work which he loved to do, endearing himself to them, and inducing them to join him in his work of moral and intellectual improve- ment, till it had become to them also a labor of love, we may best learn from one who was born under his ministry, and who preached his funeral sermon. That sermon, by the Rev. J. C. Learned, then of Exeter, now of St. Louis, Mo., lets one into the secret of his influence, showing us the man and his work. Indeed, the man and his work were one. What he taught, that he did and that he was. "I prefer to speak of the man, less as the preacher of sermons. or as the author of educational works, or of contributions to natural science, or as the mover of benevolent associations, more as he appeared in his daily life. " The good man — as he lived and still lives in the hearts of his people ; the Christian man— whose graces made him honored by all who knew him, whose very presence seemed a regen- erating atmosphere, whose example was so spot- less that he seemed conformed to the image of the Master. " In this town Dr. Leonard has been pre-emi- nently one of the people. He was interested in their pursuits. Not neglecting his own profes- sion, he knew something of all others. The lawyer thought he must have studied jurispru- dence. He knew more of teaching than the teachers. He knew more of mechanism than the mechanics. And it was not long before the farm- ers found out that he knew more of agriculture and horticulture than they. So they were glad to seek his counsel. And no one came away without valuable suggestions; for, aside from his own accurate observations, the best periodi- cals and the latest books on science found their way into his library. There was no austerity in his manner to repel the humblest from approach- ing him ; there was no obtrusiveness to make any one feel that his advice must be acted upon, however freely given. Men were not slow to learn the value of his caution and sagacity. "Measures concerning the public interests of the town, if he did not originate them, were brought to him for his indorsement. Before they were set on foot they were talked over and modified in his study. And when there arose causes of dispute between neighbors, or of alienation in families, to whom could they more confidentially appeal than to him ? Each felt him so much a personal friend that there was no fear of favoritism. All believed in his kindness and uprightness and impartiality. He seemed a physician for their private griefs, and many times, more times than any of us can ever know, did this faith make them whole. DUBLIN. 195 "He was a most ardent aud true lover of chil- dren. You may infer from this what power he would obtain over the young in so long a minis- try. It was a natural instinct with him. His heart could not help reaching ont after the little ones ; and when once he had known them he never forgot them. Last summer he told me — and no one who knew him here, where he labor- ed so long, will doubt me — that when he went away from you there was no child of four years old in all the town whom he could not have called by name. And well do you know how greatly he won both their love and their respect. Never have I heard a young person who was a native of this town speak of him but with reverence. How could it be otherwise where his name had been a household word for more than a generation ? For more than thirty years, alike in summer's heat and winter's cold, he saw these children in their several schools. He knew what they studied ; he watched their progress ; he cared for them with a parental solicitude, as though in. some sense they were a household en- trusted to his influence. Every child knew him and was glad to see him, for he never went away without leaving some word of encouragement. "Latterly, as I have seen him often and talked with him, I have thought there were no children to him like Dublin children. Enfeebled in body as he had been for some time, his mind corre- spondingly lessened in its activity, he seemed to dwell much with the past. And the young men and the young women of this town — where they were and what they were doing — furnished a theme which never failed to arouse his interest and call forth his emotion. As I said before, he never forgot them. Often and often, have I been surprised to find how far out into the world he had traced them. Not unfrequently has he been able to tell me the fortunes or the fate of my own school-mates whom I had almost forgotten. And when a boy or a girl had done well, or their characters blossomed out with promise, it maRie the eye of the feeble old man grow bright, there came an honest pride to his heart — it was as though he shared the honor. And, my friends, it does not seem to me too much to say, that if any youth who has gone out from this community has won for himself a noble name or a lofty character, he is a debtor in no mean degree to the influence of that spirit which has so recently freed itself from the bondage of this mortal clay. "About a year and a half ago, after an absence of considerable time from these scenes of his life- work, he revisited them, you remember, for the last time. Almost M'orn out with exhaustion from the long stage-ride over the hills, unable to descend the coach-steps without help, he spied a little boy standing upon the threshold of the house near by where we stopped, when, forgetful of his weakness, away he tottered, his faoe all ra- diant with his accustomed smile, to take him by the hand and ask him who he was, for the mo- ment less mindful of older persons standing by. And in the room where he lived for several months, and where he died, I have seen, for weeks and weeks together, an open miniature lying upon his table ; and many times I have found him bending over it. It was the minia- ture of a little girl, now a woman grown. And when I have spoken to him of her : ' It looks as she did once,' he said. ' We thought it a good picture,' and tears ran down his cheeks — and they were tears of warmest affection. "Again, as showing the aesthetic side of his nature, he had more than an ordinary love for and apj)reciation of the beautiful. Fond as he was of the exact sciences, and little imagination as his sermons ever exhibited, he had an exqui- site taste for poetry. Let any one look over the files of the Exete)' Nevjs-Letter, for the eight years he was editor, and the selections will be ample proof of that. Then the collection of ' Christian Hymns,' which not long ago was used in more churches of our denomination than any other, of whose committee of compilation he was chairman, was in no small measure a testi- mony to the excellence of his taste in lyric verse. Moreover, I have been told that several hymns 196 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. in the collection are from his own pen, but char- acteristic of his modesty, his name never appears with them ; they are only ' Anonymous.'^ " He was a great lover of flowers, and culti- vated them with rare success. His garden was tastefully laid out and kept, and contained the most cherished varieties. Hon. John Prentiss, of Keene, writes me that he well remembers Dr. Leonard's ' display of dahlias when first introduced in the town hall at our county agri- cultural fair,' and adds, ' he doubtless obtained a premium.' Well do I remember what a marvel of beauty we school children thought that flower garden was, and lingered by the white railings that inclosed it with no indefinite longings. Our eyes had seen nothing like the minister's garden in splendor, and we thought its supplies must be inexhaustible. True, there were hundreds of flowers for which we knew no name, but the most unskilled of all could ask for and knew the value of roses and poppies and pinks and lark-spurs; and no one who asked was turned away empty-handed. But there was another means of obtaining a nose- gay more delicate than asking outright. " ' There is a country town,' says the author of ' The District School as it Was,' in a late work, ' one of the roughest in New England, which was favored with a clergyman who well understood the true methods of education. ' For convenience a list of Dr. Leonard's publislied works js subjoined, — 1826, "Literary and Scientific Class-Book ; " 1829, "Sequel to Easy Lessons;'' 1835, "North American Spelling-Book ; " 1844, " Remarks on Modes of Instruc- tion ; " 1844-63, "Reports of Schools in Dublin;" 1845, one of the compilers of the Hymn-Book entitled " Christian Hymns;" 1845, " Sermon on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Ordination ;" 1848, " The Natural and the Spiritual Man" (being No. 247 of the Unitarian Association Tracts); 1848, "Analysis of the Elementary Sounds of the English Language, -with a Charl, Etc.;" 1851, "A Lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction at Keene, N. H. (in a volume with other lectures delivered on the same occasion);" 1853, " Sermon at the Dedication of the New Meeting-House in Dublin ; " 1855, Editor of the " History of Dublin." Among other investigations, he devoted some of his leisure to entomology. Somehow, he in- spired the people of the whole town, more or less, with his spirit, and especially the young. All eyes were opened and sharpened to discover some new bug, or worm, or butterfly ; and hap- py was the boy or girl that could run with some prize of the kind to the minister, receive his thanks and get a peep through the microscope at the wonders.' ^ Besides the rewards named by this writer, he who brought a perfect beetle or butterfly received also a bouquet of flowers, and we always thought the flowers that came from that garden a badge of honor. With them came a kind word and a benignant smile, that lived many days in the child's heart. "Dr. Leonard was a thorough proficient in the natural history of insects. Most of you remem- ber tiers of glass cases or cabinets, disposed about his study, filled with flies, queer and com- mon, with bright beetles and enormous butter- flies. The late Chancellor Hoyt, of Washing- ton University, St. Louis, speaks of him as having ' contributed to the late Dr. Harris, his class-mate, not a few of the most important facts in his published works, and as being undoubt- edly at this time (1859) the best entomologist in the State.' ^ So, in like manner, mineral, bird and star, as well as insect and blossom, taught him Divine lessons, and served his pur- pose of doing good. " Last summer I called upon him one morn- ing, and he showed me a beautiful pond lily, one of the first of the season, which some one, thoughtful of his love of flowers, had given him. Nothing could have pleased him more, and as he spoke of it and perceived its perfume, he contemplated it with all the delighted interest of a child. He was not well that day, and I called again toward evening. He had lain down for the night, but he still held that same white lily 2 " Helps to Education," by Warren Burton, p. 177. * " Addresses, Lectures and Reviews," p. 140. DUBLIN. 197 in his hand, wilted, indeed, but its fragrance was not yet spent. To me, my friends, that flower seemed no unfit emblem of his life. " Dr. Leonard was a lover of goodness, and, therefore, a Christian. He gave himself to Christian work. And, if reports be true, few towns stood more in need of moral regeneration than Dublin at the commencement of his min- istry. It has grown into a proverb that minis- ters have little or no knowledge of human nature. Those who knew Dr. Leonard will need no further proof that the rule has had its exception. In that matter few had clearer vision than he. His acute observation was not limited to inanimate nature. He knew his man, and, therefore, when a work that required co- operation was to be accomplished, his confidence was not misplaced. "When he came here, in- temperance^ with its kindred evils, alarmingly prevailed. But gradually there came a change. A new power was felt among the people. It was an influence very quiet, but very persistent. Soon it became known that the study of the pastor was the centre from which it radiated. Afterwards he lectured upon temperance in all the school districts. Some men, in consequence, withdrew from the society. For about ten years he reduced his salary in proportion to the amount these paid him, that others might not be embar- rassed by a heavier assessment, and urged the cause more industriously than ever. In these latter days, my friends, you have a just pride in the result. I am not old, yet I have seen something of many towns, both small and great, and, comparing any that I have known or heard of with this, I have never had occasion to be ashamed of the moral character of the town in which I was born. " In the published correspondence of Theodore Parker occur these words of tribute, in a letter to Dr. Francis, in 1855: 'Here I am,' says Mr. Parker, ' rusticating in one of the nicest lit- tle towns in New Hampshire or New England. Go&d Dr. Leonard has written his natural piety all over the town and in all the people. How much a noble minister may do for mankind in such a town as this ! There are twenty-three copies of the New York Tribune, and nearly as many of the National Era, taken here. No rum in town, excellent schools, not eleven hundred inhabitants and twelve hundred dollars devoted every year to schools. I often mention Lincoln, Dr. Stearns' old parish for so many years, to show what a minister may do. Concord is also a good example; but Dublin, I think, will bear the palm from all the rest. But why is it that such eases are so rare ? There is not a town in New England but would rejoice to have such a minister as Dr. L. Why is it that we don't raise that sort of minister ? ' ^ " It matters little, perhaps, M'hat the the- ology of such a man may be ; for his life passes all theologies. No denomination can monopo- lize its benefits ; so we may be sure he was no sectarian or dogmatist. Yet his theological views were well-defined. He was educated in and belonged to the older school of Unitarians. But he ' believed with Kobinson, the teacher of the pilgrims, that God had more truth to break forth from His holy word.' He was the friend of a liberal and progressive faith, for he was the friend of independent thought. His words ded- icated this edifice in which we are assembled to religious uses. Many of you will remember when he said : ' Preaching, in order to be effec- tive or profitable, must be free. That which gives it life and energy, and without which it is but a vain parade, is this : that preachers be al- lowed to form principles of their own, and that what they say be the fruit of their own thought. Command a man to utter the thoughts and views of others, as they have been contained in confessions of faith, and threaten him at the same time with some temporal deprivation or spiritual denunciation if he ventures to follow his own conclusions and to proclaim his senti- ments, and you pass upon all he says a sentence ' Weiss' " Life and Correspondence of Tlieodore Parker,'' vol. i., p. o&l. 198 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. of death. You come to the sanctuary for in- struction, not merely to hear your own opinions declared and confirmed.' ^ " His theology excluded no sincere and de- vout and striving soul from Christian fellow ship. Ah, my friends, his faith was a good one to live by, if it produce so beautiful a life ; sure- ly a good one to die by, if a well-spent life can make death pleasant. Whatever value he placed upon any articles of belief, he did not forget to dedicate this house of God, with special words, to the love of charity, to the spirit of progress and liberty. He said, 'All mankind are brethren. When one is oppressed, all are implicated in danger. If one human being may suffer wrong with impunity to the wrong-doer, then all are exposed to the like fate. . . . Every church, therefore, every house consecrated to God and to Christ, should be open to the defense of human freedom and human rights.' What another has written of him is indeed eminently true : ' He was the friend of his race — yea, the friend of every race made in the image of God.' " Dr. Leonard was a benevolent man. You would know that from his very face. Without wealth, with only a competency, no one in need, no needy enterprise, made calls upon him in vain. When first he came here there were few juvenile books published. But he saw what a power for good they might be made to be. He obtained what he could from time to time, and when he made pastoral visits was seldom with- out some in his pockets for the children. There grew such an interest in the minister's collec- tion, and constantly, that a regular system of borrowing and lending was adopted, so that all might share alike. In three or four years there were as many as a hundred volumes in the min- ister's collection, and constantly visited by the children at the minister's house. Thus was formed what is supposed to have been the first • Discourse : Delivered March 2, 1853, p. 7. Sunday-school library in New England.^ It is true, however, that any cliildren in the town who wished to enjoy its privileges were free to do so. There was no spirit of exclusiveness in the pastor's heart ; every child was alike wel- come. " ' He tried each art, reproved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way.' "For many years he furnished all the text- books for the Sunday-school and gave each child a story-book when it closed for the winter. He gave hymn-books for the choir ; and in the common schools, for the sake of securing uni- formity of text-books, if any poor family was to suffer by the change, the required school- books were often supplied by him. Since he left Dublin, instance after instance of his private charities have come to light, unknown before. Said a family, which had suffered great adver- sity, not of his own parish, ' There has been no such friend to us ; we do not see what we shall do when he goes from us.' "Seldom was a man more richly endowed with 2 In aprivate letter to the sou of Dr. Leonard, the Hon. Thos. Fisk, of Dublin, who was a co-laborer with the latter in the cause of education and other good works in that town, and, although in his eighty-third year, still retains his mental vigor in a remarkable degree, after stating in substance that he thinks Rev. Mr. Learned has fallen into an error in calling this library the first Sunday-scliool library in New England, s&js "that the historian of Peterhoro' is mis- taken when he states in his work that, ' giving all due creditfor previous attempts to establish free public libraries, we think the claim of Peterboro' to be the first to have suc- ceeded in it is indisputable.' " Mr. Fisk 'goes on to say "that the first meeting held in Peterboro', in relation to it, was April 9, 1833. Your father (Dr. Leonard) instituted in Dublin the Juvenile Library, in 1822, eleven years before the Peterboro' library was organized, and it was, to all in- tents and purposes, a free public library throughout the town, and has been in successful operation ever since. To your father is due the honor of instituting the first free, public circulating library within my knowledge, and he ex- pended some three hundred dollars of his private means for books before others contributed to the expense. The Dublin Juvenile Library was founded in 1825, and since that time has been replenished annually by the voluntaty contributions of its members." DUBLIN. 199 patience and Christian resignation. With health never firm, seldom would those about him have discovered it from any word of his. Latterly, the premature infirmities of age bowed and par- alyzed him. In general, I do not think there was that acuteness of suffering which is often witnessed. But there was a greater or less de- gree of consciousness to the very last. For many months, from slight paralysis, it had been difficult for him to converse. He could not longer mingle in company, as he was wont, and it had inclined him to sit much by himself in his chamber. Yet no murmur was ever known to escape his lips. Yea, even when, towards the last, soreness and racking pains came upon him, those who stood by were astonished at his fortitude. There was not even a complaining look ; while, for the slightest efforts for his re- lief, his face lighted up with gratitude and af- fection. " There is a heroism that unflinchingly fronts the cannon's mouth and the deadly charge of battle. But to me that is a grander heroism that, with a sweet religious faith, utters no mur- mur in the face of lingering death." The degree of Doctor of Divinity was con- ferred upon Dr. Leonard by the corporation of Harvard University in 1849, and President Jared Sparks, in his letter announcing the honor, says : " I am happy to be the medium of communicating this testimony of the high esteem in which we hold your distinguished services in the cause of religion and education." It remains only to add that Dr. Leonard was twice married. His first wife was Elizabeth Morison Smith, daughter of Hon. Samuel Smith, the founder of Peterborough village. She died September 13,1848. Two children were the fruit of this marriage, — William Smith, born October 13, 1832, a graduate at Dart- mouth College in the class of 1856, and for the last twenty-five years a practicing physician in Hinsdale, N. H.; also Ellen Elizabeth, born June 25, 1846, who married Joseph H. Hough- ton, and has resided for many years in New Tacoma, Washington Territory. He married for his second wife Mrs. Eliza- beth Dow Smith, of Exeter, N. H., widow of Samuel G. Smith, and soon after removed to Exeter, where he passed the declining years of his life, assuming, for a time, the editorship of the Exeter News-Letter, and interesting himself in the schools and all other things pertaining to the public welfare. Yet Exeter was never a congenial abiding-place to him ; like a tree transplanted after it had reached maturity, he could not take root and thrive in a new soil, and as the evening shadows gathered around him, he yearned more and more for his old home, and so at last he was laid at rest in the ancient graveyard at Dublin, by the side of the wife of his best years and the mother of his children ; all around him the graves of his parishioners, for whom he had so many years broken the bread of life. In the shadow of the grand Monadnock, by the shore of the crystal lake he loved so well, a plain granite monument emblematical of his character, marks the last resting-place of this pure, noble and devoted minister of God. HISTORY OF FITZWILLIAM CHAPTER I. The township was granted by the Masonlan proprietors, January 15, 1752, to Roland Cot- ton and forty-one others, and was known by the name of Monadnock, No. 4. The conditions of the grant not being complied with, a re-grant was made to Colonel Sampson Stoddard and twenty-two associates, and it was sometimes called Stoddard's town until May 19, 1773, when it was incorporated by the Governor and Council by the name of Fitz William, in honor of an English earl. In 1760 settlements were commenced by James Reed (who afterwards commanded one of the New Hampshire regi- ments in Bunker Hill), John Fassett and Ben- jamin Bigelow. When the town of Troy was formed, June 23, 1815, about four thousand acres of Fitzwilliam territory was taken from the north part of the town and now constitutes a part of Troy. The line between this town and Rindge was estab- lished by an act approved June 17, 1847. Petition of Colonel Stoddaed Relative TO Incorporation. " To His Excellency John Wentworth Esqo Captain General Governor & Commander in Chief in & Over his Majestys Province of New Hamp", the Hon°''° his Majestys Council for Said Province — " The Memorial of Sampson Stoddard of Chelmsford in the County of Middlesex & in 200 the Province of the Massachusetts Bay Shews — " That there is a Tract of Land in the Prov- ince of New Hamp" of the Contents of about six Miles Square Granted by the Purchasers of the Right of John Tufton Mason Esq" to your Memorialists & Others Called the Township of Monadnock N" 4 — That the Greater part there- of is finally Vested in him, that he has at a Great Expence Settled a Very Considerable Number of Inhabitants thereon " Wherefore your Memorialist humbly prays that the Lands afores* may not be Incorporated into a Town & the Inhabitants there Infran- chised with all Town priviledges without their first Giving Notice to him of their Design of applying to y' Excell'' & honors and your Memorialist Shall (as in duty bound) Ever pray— " Sampson Stoddard "Portsm* July 11, 1768—" Incorporation of Towij^. — The following is a copy of the petition for incorporation : " To His ExceUency John Wentworth Esquire Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majestys Province of New Hampshire and Vice Admiral of the Same in Council. " The Petition of James Reed of Monadnock N° 4 in the County of Cheshire in the Province aforesaid Esq" and Clerk of the Proprietry of said Monadnock N" 4 unto your Excellency & Honors humbly Shews FITZWILLIAM. 201 " That your Petitioner together with Joseph Hemmenway and John Millins at a legal Meet- ing of s* Proprietors held in s* Monadnock N° 4 on the 31" of March last were chosen a Com- mittee to petition this Honorable Court to in- corporate the said Monadnock N" 4 into a Town- ship with the usual Priviledges and Franchises of other corporate Towns in the said Province for the following Reasons Viz' " That the Inhabitants of said Monadnock have settled a Minister & built a Meeting House and have a large Number residing there, besides others daily coming to settle there That they humbly conceive their Number intitles them to the Indulgence of this Hon"" Court as in the present Mode of Provincial Taxation, they are subject to the controul of the Selectmen of Neighbouring Towns, and they would humbly wish to have the Privilege of ch using Selectmen and other Town Officers of their own which would quiet the Minds of the Inhabitants and promote the Interests & good Government of s* Monadnock N° 4 — That being destitute of Town Privileges the Petitioners cannot legally warn out any vagrants that may come there, and many other Inconveniences Wherefore Your Petitioner in behalf of s* Proprietors humbly pray that this Hon"' Court would grant their Petition & as in Duty bound he & they shall ever pray — "James Reed " Committee man and Proprietors Clark " The town was incorporated May 19, 1773. Documentary History. — The following is a copy of the petition of Mrs. Clayes : " The Hon" Counsel and House of Representa- tives of the State of New Hampshire in General Court assembled — " The Humble petition of Abigail Clayes widow to the late Captain Elijah Clayes deceased of the 2d regiment of the New Hampshire Line — Urged by her distressed situation; begs your attention ; as she is left with a famley of small Children without any other meaus of subsistance but her own Industry for there support. Im- pelled by these Circumstances and the Horrid Idea of want, being fully impressed that the Honorable Body before this her petition will be laid, supported by there natural feelings as well as Justice and Humanity towards those in dis- tress ; will exert every nerve for so desirable an end ; as to soften as far as in their power the distress incident to the widows and Fatherless ; and Consequently extend their generosity to- wards her by a grant of half pay agreeable to an act of Congress of the IS"" of May 1778 in such Cases made and provided and renewed and extended the 24 August 1780 which will enable her to bring up her Children in some degree of decency and live above contempt, resting assured of your strict attention to this her Petition — Your Petitioner as in duty bound shall forever pray " Abigal Clayes" Elijah Clayes was captain of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment in 1777 ; Joseph Potter, of Fitzwilliam, was second lieu- tenant of the same company. GENERAL JAMES REED's PETITION. "Keene Decem'-'IS* 1780 " To The Hon"" Council & House of Repre- sentatives Convened att Exeter this twentieth Day of Decern*" for the State of New Hamp- shire — " The Petition of James Reed of Keene in the County of Cheshire Esq' Humbly Sheweth your Petitioner ingaged in the Sarvis of the united states in the year 1775 — Tho Exposed to many Dangers & hardships did continue in an intiar state of helth till after the Retreat from Canady — at the head of Lake George was voielently seazed with the Narves feavor that intiar ly Deprived him of his Eye sight & allmost of his hearing & exceeding weeke — which continued for a Number of munths altho no Pains nor cost was spaired for Recovery of sight or helth tho to no avail as to the sight — tho your Petitioner was Hon'' with a Commi- tion of Rank under Sarting Limetations of 202 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Established Pay finding the Depreciation of the Currency so greate & his Expences so high that he very eriy in the year 1778 Laid his case before the Hon*° Continental! Congress & having no Returne depreciation of the currency still increasing his helples Surcumstances by Reson of total blindness, — tho in sum meashure Recovered, as to helth and hearing — his Ex- pencive Surcumstances obliged him to Parte with a considerable Parte of his Real Estate (Viz) Half of the township of Errol in this State & six wrights in the township of Cam- bridge Purchased of M' Nath' Rogers which money was laid in his chest which by an act of this state he was obliged to give in to the assers to be Rated s* Rats Runing so high & the Depreciation so grate almost consumed the whole sum — whereupon your Humble Peti- tioner Petitioned this Hon*'" Corte for sum Relief by way of the avacuated Farms for which he had hazarded His Life & for the convenens of Exercise and sum oather Reasons mentioned to this Hon"° Corte Doct' Josiah Pomroyes of Keene as he was an absentee the Hon"" Corte was gratiously Pleased to make him a grante of a Parte of s* Farme in No- vember (1779) under sarting Limetations but as your Petitioner could not enter by vartue of s'- grante he was obliged to pay 350 £ L : M : [lawful money] for the use of s'' Farme untill the first Day of may (1781) s* Farme being now the Property of this State is to be inven- toreyed & sold att vandue — your Petitioner hath made inquiarey & finds that the s* Docf Pomroyes Purches was sum moar than Seven hundred Pounds & that the s" Estate owes Sum moar than Five hundred Pounds — the Proseser of one not of moar than Four hun- dred Pounds against a^ Estate will not give up the obligation shorte of the value in Silver money or att the common Exchange altho your Pettitioner has never Rec* any alowence from the Continent for the Depreciation in his established Pay altho he was obliged to pay the above 350 £ for the use of s" Farme one year out of the nomenal sum of Established Wages your Humble Pettitioner Prays this hon"" Corte to take all the above surcumstances under your wise consideration & grante your Pettitioner the Priviledge of Purchasing the whole of s* Farme without its being Exposed to Public vandue — or oatherwayes Relive as in Dute bound Shall Ever Pray. " James Reed B. G. " Attest Hinds Reed " General James Read was one of the early settlers of Fitzwilliam, and proprietors' clerk for some years. When news reached him of the battle of Lexington, he raised a company of volunteers and marched them to Medford ; was commissioned as colonel by the govern- ment of Massachusetts, and raised four com- panies of troops ; but, failing to obtain enough for a regiment, he went to Exeter, was com- missioned by the government of New Hamp- shire, had two companies of Stark's men turned over to him, and bravely commanded his regiment at the battle of Bunker Hill. He became totally blind, resulting from a fever contracted in the campaign of the following year in Canada, and thus the American cause lost the services of an ardent patriot, and a brave and determined officer. It will be understood that the foregoing petition is not his production, as he was blind at the time ; documents in his handwriting of an earlier date show that he was a man of good education for his time. After becoming blind, he occu- pied for a while the confiscated estate of Dr. Pomeroy of Keene, which was leased to him by the State. In March, 1782, Daniel Kings- bury and Thomas Baker were appointed to appraise the rental, and the following is their report (Hammond) : "Keene April 18* 1782. "We the subscribers being under oath to appraise the value of the Rent of the within mentioned Premises for the Term of one year have appraised the same at the sum of fourteen pounds, and it is our opinion that General FITZWILLIAM. 203 Read had expended the sum of six pounds in repairing the said Premises since he hath had the use & Improvement thereof — which sum of six pounds ought to be deducted out of the above mentioned fourteen pounds. " Tho= Baker " Dan' Kingsbuey "Sworn to before Calvin Feink [of Swanzey]." SOLDIEES' OeDEES. " To the Honourable John Taylor Gilman Esq" Treasurer & Receiver General of the State of New Hampshire — "Sir Please to pay to the Bearer what money is due to me as Wages & Clothing for twelve months service Done in the Continental army beginning June A. D. 1779 CoP George Reids Regiment Capt Rowels Company & this Shall be your Discharge for the same " Joseph Muzzey. " Test "AXXA WiLDEE "Abel "Wildee" [Acknowledged before Abel Wilder. — Ed.J Stephen Richardson was in First Regiment from February 23, 1781, to September 1, 1781, and in 1782 as corporal. Stephen White was in the same from February, 1781, to December, 1781, and again in 1782. Relative to General Read. " This may certify all whome it may con- searn that I was called to visit Brigadier Gen- eral Reed of Fitzwilliam in February A. D. 1777 and found him Intirely Blind and Labouring under many other Bodyly Infirm- aties at the same time wich Rendered him Incapable of taking care of himeselfe and he remaines Blind and in my opinion ever will. "Royalston January 19'" 1786. " Stephen Batchellee, Phydtion." Sylvanus Read's Petition. " To the General Assembly of the State of New Hampshire now sitting at Ports- mouth — " Humbly Shews — Sylvanus Read of Fitz- william in the s* State — That he served as adjutant of a Battallion of Troops raised in this state for the defense of the New England states &c and Commanded by Lieut Col° Stephen Peabody Esq. as appears by the Commission herewith presented — That your Petitioner is informed some allowance had been mad those officers on acc't of the De- preciating of the money they were paid in — Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that your Honors will order such Depreciation to be paid to your Petitioner as is Customary in Such Cases — and as in duty Bound shall ever pray &c " Dated Feb^ y« 2'^ 1786 " Sam' Kendall in behalf of the Petitioner " The foregoing petition was granted Feb. 21, 1786. Insteuctions to theie Repeesbntative, 1783. " At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitz William, held upon adjourn^ raent august 14'" 1783 ; Voted, To give their Representative for the ensuing Year, the fol- lowing Instructions — " To Major Elisha Whitcomb — "S" You being Chosen to Represent the Towns of Swansey and Fitz William for the present Year, in the general assembly of the State of New Hampshire ; The Town of Fitz William, a part of your Constituents, in Com- plyance with the request of said assembly, and from a Sense of Duty at this Critictal period, do now openly, candidly & Sincerely Speak, & instruct you, not only with respect to the article Recomended, but other things we con- ceive necessary to the well being of the Com- munity — " We shall begin with the Recommendation of the Honorable Congress, relative to an alteration proposed in the Eighth Article of the Confederation & perpetual union between the thirteen united States of America — 204 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Congress, we find, View it Expedient, & even Necessary that such an alteration, as they have Recommended, be made ; and the general assembly of this state appear to be of the same mind ; for they say, ' they are fully convinced of the Expediency & utility of the Measure ' — with all Due Defference to the collected Wisdom of the Continent, & of this State ; as we are called upon to shew our minds, we would say, that we have taken this matter into deliberate & mature consideration ; and are of opinion that the proposed alteration is neither Expedient or necessary — " "We conceive that it cannot be so just & equitable a mode of Proportioning Taxes, by the Number of Inhabitants of every age, Sex & condition, as by the Value of Land &c, which each State is possessed of, & which enables each State to pay the proportion — we apprehend, that, according to the present pro- posed method of Proportioning Taxes, there is a Door opened for some States to be eased & others burdened — but Reason Justice and Revelation Demand an Equality, that each State pay in proportion to what it is worth, and no more — " And as the Number of inhabitants accord- ing to the proposed alteration, is to be taken trieunially — and as it is found necessy for pro- portioning taxes within each State to take the Valuation of all Lands &c, we conceive that by the proposed alteration much needless Cost must arise to the good people of these States, already Loaded with Taxes; and know not which way to discharge them — nor can we think that the Numbering of Souls is a Justi- fiable method ; witness the conduct of David, & dismal consequences thereof ; left no doubt upon Sacred Record for national admonition — " We think it advisable, that one mode of Valuation, both as to polps & possession, should be adopted throughout the united States ; as this appears to us the most Rational & equitable plan that can be devised ; altho we are Sensible there can be no mode fixed upon. but that Some objections may be raised against it— " We do therefore recommend it to you. Sir to use your influence to prevent any alteration being made in the above mentioned Eighth article of the Confederation — " We Shall now take the Liberty to address you upon some other subjects, which we con- ceive important & necessary ; in our present Situation of affairs — " By a Resolution of Congress of the 21 of October 1780, we find they have promised the officers of the american army, half pay during life — & by a Resolve of said congress, bearing date March the 22 1783, they have engaged them five years full pay instead of the half pay promised before — upon which we would ob- serve, that we have ever been, and still are ready to Exert ourselves in Supporting our army; and to Reward those who have jeoparded their lives for us in the high Places of the field, fought our Battles, Bled in our Cause, and under God have been our defence — we are will- ing, we say, amply to reward them— 'none de- serve more highly than our Brave army; none shall have our Money more freely, So far as is Justly Due ; and if there has been any failure on the part of government in fulfilling their contracts, kt the injury and all their Just De- mands be made up to them as soon as may be ' — yea So cheerful & ready are we, to have them fully compensated for their services, y* we are willing if it cannot be otherwise effected, To allow Both officers & Soldiers, over and above their Stipulated wages, one years full pay — far be it from us to wrong our soldiers ; — we are desirous to settle honorably with them ; & sea- sonably & fully to discharge all our public & foreign Debts — " But we cannot see the reasonableness & Jus- tice of giving the officers of our army half pay during life, or full pay for the term of five years, after they are Discharged from the ser- vice—we think the soldiers who have born the Burden and heat of the day as well as the offi- FITZWILLIAM. 205 cers, have an equal Right to claim a share, in proportion to their pay — " We doubt not, but that Both oiEcers and sol- diers have suffered much in their Countries Cause — and the temporal Interests of many have herby been diminished ; an has not this been the case with thousands that have generally been at Home? — they have many a time been called off from their employments, been obliged to gird on the harness & take the field, for a time, in the common defence ; & why ought they not to be rewarded over & above their Stipulated pay, in proportion to the time they were gone & Services which they Performed ? — it appears to be as reasonable as that the officers of our army should thus be rewarded — " Besides do not the officers of our army hope & expect, .to share in the Blessings of Peace & independence ? we are willing they should ; why then are they not to Suffer with us, & lend a helping hand to support us under our Burdens? — we think they ought to be — & not make gov- ernment, instead of Being a Blessing, an un- supportable Burden to the people — " We cannot see, if they have a reasonable recompence for their services, why they do not stand upon an equal footing with their Brethren — we therefore request you, Sir, to use your in- fluence to prevent this pay being given to the officers of our army, as we cannot consent to it, or any thing that is so subversive of the Prin- ciples of american Revolution — " Further, we must Depend upon your Ex- ertions, and if need be that you Strain every nerve, to prevent the return of those persons called Tories, or absentees, who have withdrawn themselves from us, gone over to the Enemy & either virtually or actually taken up arms against us — & many of them shed the Blood of their Brethren — in the judgment of charity we can't but View them in an odious light — they deserve censure — yea many of them have long since, forfeited their heads as well as their es- tates to their countries Justice — we doubt not but their situation is disagreeable, & that things have turned out quite con trary to their wish & Expectation ; but are we to Blame for that? — had they chose it, they might have continued twith us, & enjoyed their estates, which we view hey have now forfeited, & all the priveledges & immunities of free citizens ; & Shared in the Blessings of independence — but they have chosen their side, & yve desire that they would abide their choice, & not Presume to trouble us any more — Friendship to them, & Safety to our- selves & dear Country, forbid them to be any more incorporated with us — we have sufficiently Proved them, & understand their temper & dis- position, by their inhuman & savage conduct towards us — we are convinced that we cannot put any confidence in them ; they have proved themselves traitors to their country ; can we then receive you into our Bosoms again ? by no means — let them therefore Depart, & repair to the frozen Regions of acadia, the Place Destined for them by their Royal Master, and Spend the rest of their days in deep Repentance for their Past follies — "And as Religion is much Decayed in our Land, the Lords Day shamefully profaned, the holy name of God abused, and all manner of Vice prevalent & Barefaced, we Expect that you will use your Best endeavors, to have such Laws enacted & put in Execution, as shall tend to suppress Vice, secure the honor of Gods holy name, & the Sanctification of the Sabbath, and to Promote Religion & useful Literature among us — " and that you give your constant & season- able attendance at Court, in the time of its Ses- sions, that neither your Constitutents, nor the Public may be come Sufferers by your neglect — but a word to the wise is sufficient — "At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitzwilliam on the 14 Day of this Instant, August — Voted that These Instructions' Should be Deliver to you Sir by the Hand of Ens" Samuel Kendall at your hous in Swansey " Fitzwilliam August 16'" 1783 "Atest Samuel Patrick Tmvn Clerk " 206 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Petition of General James Read. " To the Hon"* the Senate and house of Eep- resentatives convened at Concord — " The petitition of James Read most humbly sheweth — " That your petitioner, during the late pros- perous and glorious contest for liberty, in which he was conscientiously engaged, was unfortu- nately and totally deprived of the use of his eyes, a greater loss than which no mortal can sustain : That by painful circumstance he is al- together deprived of his usefulness to his Coun- try, and of every opportunity of procuring sus- tenance for himself and family, and the only consolation he receives, is, that America is be- come free, in part, through his struggles : That in this most deplorable situation of himself and family, your petitioner has heretofore frequently applied to the General Court, whom he con- ceives to be the guardians, the fathers of the people for assistance; but has hitherto most unfortunately failed in his just applica- tions : That he has in this unutterable distress, and frightful indigence, been constrained to put his dependence on the Constables for several years past, for succour and support, both for himself and family ; still looking forward with full hope and expectations that you, who are rightly stiled the redressers of grievances, would have concerted some effectual means for his livelihood, agreeable to resolves of Congress for that benevolent purpose — Wherefore your sup- pliant petitioner most humbly prays, that this Hon'° Court wou'd give him orders on said Constables which may fully answer for the Con- tinental tax due from said Constables and that the same be charged to the Continent agreeable to said Resolves — or otherwise relieve your pe- titioner's pitiful situation, as in your great wis- dom you may think best — "And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray — " James Read " Petition foe Incoepoeation of Libeaey. " To the General Court of the State of New Hampshire now Conven'd at Portsmouth hum- bly Sheweth Nahum Parker that he with a number of others Inhabitants of Fitzwilliam purchased a Collection of Books for a Social Library but find it necessary to be incorporated in order to realize the advantages Contemplated Therefore pray that they may be incorporated with such privileges as are usually Granted in such Cases, and as in duty bound will pray "Nov' 27'" 1797 " Nahum Paekee, for the purchasers " The petition was granted November 29, 1797. The Congeegational Chuech in this town was organized March 27, 1771, with the following members : Benjamin Brigham, Ben- jamin Bigelow, John Fassitt, Nathaniel Wilder, Caleb Minch and James Reed. The first pastor was Rev. Benjamin Brigham. The present pastor is Rev. John Colby. The Unitaeians have a society in the vil- lage, but no house of worship nor regular pas- tor. The Fiest Baptist Chuech was organ- ized in 1815. The first pastor was Rev. Arnot Allen. Rev. Andrew Dunn is the present pas- tor. The Methodist Episcopal Chuech was organized in 1867 by Rev. W. Morrill, the present pastor. There are two churches on this charge — one located at Howeville and the other at the Depot. HISTORY OF OILSUM. CHAPTEE I. The town of Gilsum lies north of the cen- tre of the county, and is bounded as follows : north by Marlow and Alstead, east by Stod- dard and Sullivan, south by Keene, and west by Surry. This town was originally granted to Joseph Osgood and seventy-one others, under the name of Boyle. None of these grantees, however, settled in the town and the grant was forfeited. The following is a copy of the petition for in- corporation : "To His Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq., Grov' of the Province of New Hampshire &c. " Humbly Shews— " The Petition of William Lawrence of Groton & Thomas Eead of Westford in the Province of the Massa"* That they together With fifty Six more of their Neighbours Are desireous of Setling a township in the Province of New Hampshire many of them not Having a SuflBciency of Lands in the Massachu- setts to Employ them Selves in Husbandry And have- ing Account of a tract of Land Yet ungranted by Your Excellency, that we Apprehend is Capable of Setlement (which Lyes Northerly of the Upper Ash- uelot and Westmoreland and Easterly from Walepool Adjoyning to those towns, and Extends Eastward to make the Contents of Six miles Square) and in case we may Obtain the favour of your Excellency in making us a grant on y" Conditions, Other of his Majesty s Lands there are Granted, Shall make a Spedy & Effectuall Setlement there. "Wherefore we pray that y' Excellency would See meet to favour us with Liberty to Survey the Same Under your directions, And that we may Obtain a Grant Accordingly And as in Duty bound Shall pray "William Lawrence. "Thomas Read. " Groton March 16 : 1752." Rechaeter of the Town. — The town was rechartered July 13, 1763, under the name of Gilsum.' The petition was as follows : " To His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq' Gov' & Commander in Chief in and Over his Majesty's Province of New Hamp° and to the hon'''° his Majesty's Council for Said Province. " The memorial of Thomas Sumner in Behalf of himself & Others Prop" in the Town of Boyle in Said Province, Shews. " That in the Year 1752 Your Excell'' & Honors Granted the Township of Boyle upon the Conditions & under the restrictions as Per Charter Declar'd — " That by the Intervention of the Late War your Memorialist" Constituents have been (till Very Lately ) Prevented from Doing the Duty, but Notwithstanding they have Sever'd & Drawn by Lotts the Said Tract of Land to & among all the Prop" that Many of Your Memorialists Constituents are now Actually Living with their familys on S'' Tract of Land & Many More Going Early in the Spring & there are Now Many Acres of Wheat Sowd there & In all Probability the Township Will be Intirely Settled According to the True & Intent & Meaning of the Grant by Next Summer But as the Time Prefix'd in the Grant Was Elaps'd & that Before it Was Possible (for the reason afores*) for 'em To Enter & Improve, they Conceive it Absolutely Necessary that Your Ex- cell^ & Honors (if you think fit) Sho* Grant a suspen- sion of the forfeiture & further indulge 'em with Such a Term of time as they may be Enabled to fulfill the Duty aforesaid & are Encouraged to Ask the fav' Be- cause your Exc'' & honors are Wonted To Endulge Prop" in the Like Circumstances & Your Memorial- ist Shall Ever pray — " Tho" Sumner. " Jan'' 24 1763." 1 The name originated as follows : Samuel Gilbert an J Thomas Sumner were prominent in procuring the grant. Their families were connected by marriage, and the town was named by taking (he first syllable of each name and coining the word Gilsum (7. W. Hammond). 207 208 HISTOEY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. This grant was made to Samuel Gilbert, Thomas Sumner and others. At the first meeting of the propi-ietors Thomas Pitken, Jr., was chosen moderator; Clement Sumner, proprietors' clerk ; and Sam- uel Gilbert, treasurer. The first settlers of the town were Jonathan Bliss and Josiah Kilburn, in 1762. March 9, 1769, the west part of the town was set off, and, with a portion of Westmore- land, incorporated into the, town of Surry. September 27, 1787, the southeast part of the town was set off, joined with portions of Keene, Stoddard and Packersfield (Nelson), and incorporated into the town of Sullivan. A dispute relative to the boundary line be- tween this town and Stoddard was settled by an act passed June 27, 1797, by which the " curve line of Mason's Patent " was made the dividing line of the two towns, and Gilsum lost another tract of land. In 1873 a few acres of land was taken from Sullivan and annexed to this town. Wae of the Revolution. — Gilsum did its full share in the War of the Revolution. In 1775 the town had a population of forty- nine males above sixteen years of age, and during the war furnished twenty men, as fol- lows : David Abraham. Dkvid Adams. Peter Beebe. David Bill. Stephen Bond. Iddo Church. Thomas Church. Josiah Comstock. Samuel Crame. Joseph French. War of 1812.— In men from Gilsum were Eoswell Borden. Iddo Kilburn. John Raymond. David Bill. Isaac Griswold. Brooks Hudson. Zadoc Hurd. Ebenezer Kilburn. Captain Elisha Mack. Thomas Morse. Jesse Smith. Ananias Tubbs. Frederick Tubbs. Samuel White. the War of 1812 seven in the service : — Jonas Brown. David Dort. Ira Ellis. Civil History. — The first town-meeting of which we have any account was held August 26, 1776, with Joseph Spencer, moderator, and Obadiah Willcox, clerk. Prior to 1789 the records of the town are missing. Timothy De- wey was clerk in 1787. The following is a list of clerks from 1789 to 1885 : Zadok Hurd, 1789. Robert Lane Hurd, 1790, '91, 1801, '02, '03, '04, '05, '11, '12. David Blish, 1792, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800. Josiah Hammond, 1806, '07, '08, '09, '10, '15, '16, '24, '25, '26, '27, '28, '29, '30, '31. Elisha risk, 1813. Obadiah Pease, 1814, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23. Luther Abbott, 1832, '33. David Brigham, 1834, '35. Israel B. Loveland, 1836, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44, '46, '47, '48, '49, '50, '51, '62, '53, '64, '56, '56, '57, '58. Allen Buster, 1845. M. L. Goddard, elected in 1856, but removed. Henry E. Eawson, 1859, '65, '66. Ezra Webster, 1860, '61, '62, '63, '64; died in oflScei Calvin Chandler, 1864. George Henry McCoy, 1867, '68, '69, '70, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77. John Gould, 1871. John A. Smith, 1878. Benjamin H. Horton, 1879. L. W. F. Mark, 1880, '81, '82, '83, '84, '85. Representives.—From 1789 to 1793 Gilsum Surry and Sullivan formed a representative dis- trict. Previous to this Gilsum had been classed with various towns. From 1795 to 1827 it was classed with Surry. Since 1825 the town has been entitled to one representative ; the list is as follows : Luther Whitney, 1827. Aaron Day, 1828, '29, '31. Josiah Hammond, 1830. Jehiel Day, 1832, '34. Allen Butier, 1833, '35. John Horton, 1836, '37. DavidBell, 1838, '39,'41. David M. Smith, 1840. William Kingsbury, 1842. E. K. Webster, 1843, '44. F. W. Day, 1846, '46. John Hammond, 1847, '48. Samuel Isham, Jr., 1849, '50, '56, '57. Amasa May, 1851, '52. David Ware, 1853. John Livermore, 1864. Ebenezer Jones, 1855. F. A. Howard, 1868. Ezra Webster, 1859, '60. D. W. Bill, 1861, '62, '74, '76. J. M. Chapin, 1863, '64, '67. H. E. Rawson, 1865, '66. GILSUM. 209 A. D. Hammond, 1868, '69. Allen Hayward, 1870, '71. J. S. Collins, 1872, '73. William L. Isham, 1875, '77. J. J. Isham, 1878. In November, 1878, Gilsum was classed with Sullivan, and Francis C. Minor was representa- tive. In 1880 Gilsum was classed Avith Sul- livan, and the representative was from the latter town. L. R. Guillow, 1882-83 ; George B. Rawson, 1884-85. Ecclesiastical.- TAe Congregational Church. was organized October 27, 1772 ; the first church building was erected and dedicated in 1794, and the first pastor was Rev. Elisha Fisk, installed May 29, 1794. Other pastors have been Revs. E. Chase, S. S. Arnold, Wil- liam Hutchinson, Henry White, George Lang- don, J. Tisdale, Ezra Adams, E. E. Bassett, Horace Wood, Silvanus Hayward and George W. Rogers, present pastor. The Methodist Church.— K Methodist Church was organized here, in 1843, by Rev. Samuel S. Dudley, and in 1848 a house of worship was erected at a cost of fourteen hundred and fifty dollars. The church was disbanded in about 1874, and the house sold to the town. Rev. John Gove was probably the first preacher of this faith here in 1801. The late Bishop Elijah Hedding preached here in about 1806. The Baptists also held services here for some time, but the church is now extinct. A Chris- tian Church also once existed in Gilsum, and also a branch of the Mormon Church, or " Lat- ter-Day Saints," both extinct. Physicians. — The first physician in Gilsum was Abner Bliss. Among other physicians were Benjamin Hosmer, Henry Kendrick, 14 Obadiah Wilcox, J. E. Davis, B. Palmer, Isaac Hatch, Dudley Smith, T. S. Lane, G. W. Hammond (he was one of the prominent men of the town and an eminent physician ; he was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1850, member of the State Senate in 1855-56, and died January 30, 1872, at the age of seventy years), K. D. Webster, C. C. Bingham, C. F. Kingsbury, A. H. Livermore, M. E. Loveland, A. R. Gleason and I. A. Loveland. Military Record, 1861-65. — The follow- ing were in the service from this town : Thomas W. Bingall. Joseph Collins. S. H. Howard. H. H. Nash. John A. Blake. S. W. Bridge. J. L. Davis. J. W. Everdon. A. E. Gleason. G. J. Guillow. Isaac W. Hammond. C. H. Harris. Franklin Nash. S. D. Nash. Drafted. Temple Baker. G. W. Bancroft. L. White. C. H. Wilcox. G. C. H. Deets. A. E. Howe. John Howard. M. J. Howard. E. G. McCoy. A. A. Morse. H. H. Nash. O. Nash. E. E. Koundy. F. W. Eoundy. H. E. Wilcox. Lucius Davis. Jotham Bates. C. W. Spooner. A. H. Waldron. The first three secured substitutes ; the fourth paid commutation of three hundred dollars. The following were also drafted : H. L. Bates. Joel Cowee. J. Guillow. G. H. McCoy. C. E. Crouch. All but the last-named secured substitutes. There were also, in addition to the above twenty- one substitutes furnished. HISTORY OF HARRTSVILLE. BY S. D. BEMIS. CHAPTER I. ■ The town of Harrisville was formerly a part of the towns of Dublin and Nelson, and incor- porated by an act of the Legislature in the year 1870. The following is that portion of the act defining its territorial limits : " An act to constitute the town of Harrisville from a part of the towns of Dublin and Nelson. " Section 1. That all that part of Dublin and all that part of Nelson lying within the following lines and boundaries to wit : Beginning at a stake marked ' D. M.,' standing in the line of Marlborough and Dub- lin at the southwest corner of lot No. 22, in the eighth range in said Dublin ; thence north the length of three degrees in the lines of Marlborough and Eoxbury, to the northwest corner of Dublin at a stake marked 'D. E.;' thence south, seventy-nine degrees and forty-live minutes east, seven rods to the southwest corner of the town of Nelson at a stake marked ' D. N.,' 1864 ; thence north, eleven degrees east, the length of one lot to a stake marked ' N. R., 1864 ' ; thence south, seventy-nine degrees and forty- five minutes east, to a stake standing on the east shore of Breed Pond, so called ; thence northerly on the east shore of said pond the length of one lot to a stake and stones ; thence south, seventy-nine degrees and forty-five minutes east, on the northerly line of lots in the third range in said town of Nelson from the north line of Dublin to a stake and stones stand- ing in the westerly line of the town of Hancock marked ' N. H. ;' thence south, twelve degrees and thirty minutes west, to the southwest corner of Hancock and the southeast corner of Nelson to a stake stand- ing in the wall ; thence south, seventy-nine degrees east in the line of said Hancock and Dublin eight hundred and seventy-nine rods to a stake and stones ; thence south on the line of Hancock and Dublin and Peterborough and Dublin to the southeast corner of No. 1, in the eighth range of lots in said Dublin, at a stake and stones; thence westerly on the south range- 210 line of range eight in said Dublin to the place of beginning : be and the same is hereby severed from the towns of Dublin and Nelson and made a body politic and corporate by the name of Harrisville.'' Section 7 of said act authonized Milan Harris, Darius Farwell, Milan W. Harris, or any two of them to call the first meeting of the town. Agreeably to the authority here given them they proceeded to call the first meeting of the town by posting the fol- lowing warrant : " (L. S.) The State of New Hampshire to the in- habitants of the town of Harrisville, as constituted by an act of the Legislature passed July 2, 1870, qualified to vote in town affairs : You are hereby notified to meet at Eagle Hall, in said town, on Satur- day, the thirteenth day of August next, at one of the clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following sub- jects : " 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meet- ing. " 2. To choose all necessary officers and agents for the present year. " 3. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary to defray the expenses of the town. " Given under our hands and seals this twenty-ninth day of July, 1870. "Milan Hariiis, ^ Authorized " Dakius Farwell, I. to call "Milan W. Haekis, said meeting." On the 13th day of August, 1870, agreeably to the above call, was holden the first town-meeting ever held in Harrisville. It was a bright, sunny day of the latter part of the summer, when nearly every voter in this new town assembled to take part, in this, their first town-meeting. Samuel D. Bemis was chosen moderator ; Stephen L. Eandall, clerk ; and Dar- ius Farwell, Samuel D. Bemis and George Wood were chosen selectmen ; and Hon. Milan HAREISVILLE. 211 Harris was chosen agent of the town to act with the selectmen in the settlement of affairs with the towns of Dublin and Nelson. At the annual town-meeting in 1871 the following were the town officers : Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Stephen L. Randall, clerk ; Darius Farwell, Samuel D. Bemis, selectmen ; Hon. Milan Harris, representative to Legislature. 1872. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Frank P. Ward, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, George Wood, George F. Tufts, selectmen; Samuel D. Bemis, rep- resentative to Legislature. 1873. — Darius Farwell, moderator; Stephen L. Eandall, clerk ; Darius Farwell, Zophar Willard, Luther P. Eaton, selectmen ; Hon. Milan Harris, representative to Legislature. 1874. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Stephen L. Eandall, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, Zophar Wil- lard, Luther P. Eaton, selectmen ; Aber S. Hutch- inson, representative to Legislature. 1875. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Charles G. P. Harris, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, Orlando Fogg, Joel F. Mason, selectmen ; Abner S. Hutchinson, representative to Legislature. 1876. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator; Charles 0. P. Harris, clerk; Samuel D. Bemis, Francis Strat- ton, Daniel W. Barker, selectmen ; Luke Tarbox, representative to Legislature. 1877. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Fred. Colony, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, George F. Tufts, Winslow Eoyce, selectmen ; Sylvester T. Symonds, represen- tative to Legislature. 1878.— Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Fred. Colony, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, George F. Tufts, Winslow Eoyce, selectmen ; Sylvester T. Symonds, representa- tive to Legislature. 1879.— Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; Fred. Col- ony, clerk; Darius Farwell, George Davis, George Wood, selectmen. 1880.— Samuel D. Bemis, moderator; George F. Tufts, clerk ; George Davis, Joel F. Mason, Aaron Smith, selectmen. 1881.— Samuel D. Bemis, moderator; George Davis, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, Charles C. Farwell, Everard C. Willard, selectmen ; George F. Tufts, representative to Legislature. 1882.— Francis Stratton, moderator ; George Davis, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, Charles C. Farwell, Ever- ard C. Willard, selectmen. 1883.- Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; George Davis, clerk ; Samuel D. Bemis, Charles C. Farwell, Everard C. Willard, selectmen; George F. Tufts, representative to Legislature. 1884.— Francis Stratton, moderator ; George Davis, clerk ; Charles 0. Farwell, Everard 0. Willard, se- lectmen. 1885. — Samuel D. Bemis, moderator ; George Da- vis, clerk ; Aaron Smith, Francis Stratton, Jacob G. Lakin, selectmen. In 1876, Samuel D. Bemis was chosen dele- gote to the convention to revise the Constitution. The number of votes cast for President have been as follows : 1872.— Horace Greeley, 66 ; U. S. Grant, 95. 1876.— Samuel J. Tilden, 101 ; R. B. Hayes, 93. 1880.— Winfield S. Hancock, 89 ; James A. Gar- field, 82. 1884. — Grover Cleveland, 73; James G. Blaine, 68 I scattering, 4. MaNUPACTUEING of WoODteN-WAEE AND LxJMBEE.~The manufacture of wooden-ware was first commenced in what is now Harrisville by George Handy and Nathaniel Greely, in 1838. Mr. Greely soon sold out to Mr. Handy, who continued the business many years. Handy did a business of about ten thousand dollars a year. About 1850 these mills were sold to Asa Fair- banks, who run them five years. Samuel "W". Hale, now ex-Governor Hale, came in posses- sion of them. In 1860 he sold them to El- bridge G. Bemis, by whom they were rebuilt and much enlarged and improved. He owned them about five years. They are now owned by Charles C. & Henry J. Farwell, by whom they have been further improved and the busi- ness greatly enlarged. Just below the factories, and near the Centre village, A. E. & M. K. Perry, in 1845, built a saw-mill and box-shop, and for a number of years did an extensive bus- iness in the manufacture of shoe-boxes. In 1855 this mill was destroyed by fire and rebuilt. It is now owned by Zophar Willard, who does a large business in the manufacture of clothes- pins, cloth-cases and dimension lumber. At this mill, when owned by the Messrs. Perry, a terrible accident occurred. Charles K. Mason, Esq., now one of the leading citizens of Marl- borough, while attempting to adjust a belt upon 212 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. a grindstone, had his left arm torn from his shoulder. In 1849, ElbridgeG. Bemis, George ^Y. Bemis and Sylvester T. Symonds erected a large wooden-ware shop just below the "Great Meadows," on the stream that takes its rise in Breed Pond, now called Silver Lalfe.' The year following they built a saw-mill upon the opposite side of the stream. Quite an exten- sive business was carried on here in the manu- facture of wooden- ware and lumber for a good many years, but the business is now so depressed that but little is done. These mills are now owned by S. T. Symonds, one of the original owners, and his son, Dana T. Symonds. In 1869 a newdam was built just above these mills, by the Breed Pond Company, which converts the "Great Meadows" into a reservoir. The first saw-mill in the west part of the town was built by Moses Adams, on lot eighteen, range ten. The second was erected by Eli Green- wood, and stood where the grist and saw-mill built by Lambert L. Howe, now stands. This mill was destroyed by fire in 1878. It has been rebuilt several times. In August, 1826, it was carried off by a cloud burst upon Monad- nock Mountain. This was the same night as the slide upon the White Mountains, which caused the destruction of the Willey family ; the mill was carried to the meadows below, almost intact, and from there up the stream from Breed Pond, which here intersects with it, opposite where the railroad depot now stands. There was no perceptible rise of water in the lat- ter stream except from the water which ran up from the overflow of the stream below. In 1834 a saw-mill was built by Robert Worsly and Lyman Russell, on land of Worsly, about one-fourth of a mile above the mill just de- scribed. It afterwards passed into the hands of Nathan & Heath, who added a clothes-pin shop. This mill has been demolished a number of years. Railroad. — For a great many years the project of a railroad from some point on the line of railroad running through the eastern and central part of the State, through this town to Keene, thereby connecting the eastern and western parts by rail, was from time to time considerably agitated. Several surveys previous to the year 1870 had been made, and the pro- ject was found to be entirely feasible. A com- pany was soon formed which offered to build the road, provided a gratuity of two hundred thousand dollars could be raised to assist them in its construction. With the exception of the town of Dublin, all the towns and the city of Keene upon the line of the road voted gratui- ties varying from two and one-half to five per cent, on their valuations. In Dublin several town-meetings were held, and while a majority of the voters voted for the gratuity, the requi- site two-thirds required by law could not be ob- tained. The people of the manufacturing por- tion of the town, which is now Harrisville, were unanimously in favor of the proposed gratuity, while those in the exclusively farming portion of Dublin, thinking that they might not receive quite as much benefit from a rail- road as their neighbors in the manufacturing part of the town, — a rather narrow view to take as a general rule — steadfastly refused to vote the gratuity. In consequence of this refusal, a peti- tion was presented to the Legislature of 1870 to sever that part of Dublin and Nelson de- scribed in this chapter, and have the same con- stitute a new town, to be called Harrisville, in compliment to the Messrs. Harris, who had been so largely instrumental in building up the manufacturing at the village ; this petition was favorably considered and a charter granted in accordance, which was received by great demon- strations of joy by almost every person within the limits of the new town On the 10th day of August, 1872, a town-meeting was held and a gratuity of five per cent, was voted almost unanimously. Owing to the great business de- pression which followed soon after, the matter was allowed to rest until 1876, when a perma- nent survey was completed and the work of grading commenced in August of the same HARKISVILLE. 213 year; before its completion, however, the funds of the company became exhausted, and the en- terprise remained at a standstill until 1878, when the road was completed, and trains com- menced to run. There are now four passenger- trains daily over the road, and a heavy business is done in the carrying of freight, with the bus- iness constantly increasing. There are three depots in town, — one at the east part, one at the Centre village and one at West Harrisville. The old towns run mail stages to Harrisville, and the benefit to this and the adjoining towns can best be estimated after we consider that we were formerly twelve miles from any railroad facilities. Harrisville would not part with her railroad for ten times five per cent. Business Statistics.' — Bethuel Harris, son of Erastus Harris, of Medway, Mass., came to this place A.D. 1786, destitute of pecuniary ability. He having bought his time of his father when eighteen years old, having learned (he carpenter's trade, worked at that business about five years, when he p^urchased two hundred and eighty acres of land lying partly in the town of Nelson and partly in Dublin, mostly woodland, which, in addition to his trade, he improved for five years. His wife was daugh- ter of Abel Twitchell, of Dublin, who was the first inhabitant of this place. Bethuel Harris had ten children,— six sons and four daughter.?. He continued his carpentering and agricultural business until 1813, when his health failed, being much troubled with sciatica. At this time he purchased water-power and a small building, and commenced, in a very limited de- gree, the business of manufacturing woolen goods, which, to a considerable extent, was done by hand, as power-looms and spinning were not known at that time ; but, in 1817, he increased the building and added machinery, putting his sons, as fast as old enough, at work in that busi- ness. In 1821 he built a large, three-story brick house, and moved from his farm down near his mill. This was the second dwelling 1 By Charles C. P. Harris, Esq. built near this water-power. In 1825, Bethuel, in company with his oldest son, Cyrus, built a commodious brick mill and filled it with im- proved machinery, increasing the business of manufacturing four-fold. They continued the business for six years, when his son Cyrus retired from the company ; Bethuel contin- ued alone for two years; when his son Cyrus returned and purchased a half-interest and continued the business for five years; Cyrus then retired and built a large brick store building, also a large stone mill on the water-power next below that of Bethuel Harris', in 1846-47, when, on the completion of the building, his health failed. Accordingly, he did not fill the building with machinery. On the 14th of April, 1848, said Cyrus Harris deceased. The mill which he built went into the possession of Colony & Sons. It has been successfully operated by them until the present time, they having improved and greatly in- creased the property. The present corporate name of the company is Cheshire Mills Com- pany. Bethuel Harris was born at Medway, Mass., August 14, 1769 ; he came to this place when but seventeen years old. After working with his father for some years, he commenced busi- ness on his own account at his trade. He was a man of much energy and decision of charac- ter, a just man and much respected among all his acquaintance. He persevered in whatever he engaged in, and, for the most part, was moderately successful. Although striving under many discouragements, yet he overcame many obstacles. He not only succeeded in carpen- tering and agricultural business, but he was the chief instrument in establishing the manufac- turing business, which has proved to be the business of the place, and has been continued by him, his sons and the Messrs. Colony up to the present time, in a great degree very success- fully. Bethuel Harris was not only a just, up- right and straightforward man, but, for a man of his pecuniary ability, which was very limited 214 HISTOKY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. at the first, he was very charitable and liberal, always showing his Christian faith by his works of generosity and liberality in every good cause, having in view the good of his fellow- beings both in this present and the future world, believing that faith without works is dead, being alone. He not only con- tributed about three thousand dollars for the erection of church buildings, but five years be- fore his decease gave the church, for a perma- nent fund, twelve hundred dollars ; he also pre- sented each of his children (ten in number) with a valuable slip, or pew, in the church ; also, he provided a family cemetery on what is called the Harrisville Island, presenting each of his children a nice and beautiful lot for their use and for their families', amounting, for slips and cemetery grounds, to nearly twelve hundred dollars. Therefore, we have a living evidence of the fruits of a devoted and just life of a hum- ble man. Very much more could be said of his private character and life, both public and private, but the writer, being a direct descendant from the said Bethuel Harris, refrains from saying anything further, hoping and trusting that his memory may long be revered by gen- erations yet to come in his lineage and descent. Milan Harris, second son of Bethuel Harris, at the age of thirty years, in the year 1829, pur- chased the old Twitchell water-power, at the Twitchell Pond (so called), on which was a saw and grist-mill, which he ran for one year, when he, in connection with Henry Melville, of Nelson, built a commodious brick mill, three stories high, in 1833 ; but, before the building was filled with machinery, his partner, Henry Melville, deceased. Said Harris continued in the completion of the mill, and put in one set of machinery f jr manufacturing woolen goods, and commenced manufacturing, and carried on the business for some three or four years, after which Almon Harris, the third son of Bethuel Harris, connected himself with Milan Harris in said business, when the company was known by the name of M. & A. Harris, who contin- ued the business successfully until 1846, when Almon Harris retired from the company and went to Fishersville, N. H., and built a large mill at that place and carried on the manufac- turing business very successfully during his life, some thirty years. After Almon Harris retired from the company of M. & A. Harris, Milan Harris continued the manufacturing business until 1858, when his oldest sou, Milan W. Harris, became associated with him. The company was then known by name of M. Harris & Co. until about 1872, when it was incorporated under the name of M. Harris' Woolen Manufacturing Company, and contin- ued until the corporation was dissolved, about 1882. Baptist Chuech.^ — So far as it can be as- certained, several families of the Baptist faith and order lived in the northwest part of the town, and in neighboring towns, at an early period. The first mention of the Baptist Society in the town records is found in the following article for a to-wn-meeting, to be held April 29, 1784: "To hear the plea of those who call themselves the Baptist Society, for being ex- cused from paying Mr. Sprague's salary, and to act anything relating thereto, as the town may see proper." Rev. Edward Sprague was the Congregational minister in the town at that time. In the petition presented to the town it was stated that the selectmen had rated them to Mr. Sprague for the year 1784, and they beg leave to tell them that they look upon it as an unjust and Teal grievance. At the town-meeting it was voted to excuse all those from paying Mr. Sprague's salary for the last year who had made a profession of the Baptist persuasion in this town, provided they bring a certificate from the clerk of their society that they were in communion with them before Mr. Sprague's salary was assessed, and they were excused for the present year. The Baptists in town at this time were a branch of the Baptist 1 Prepared by Rev. J. P. Chapin, of Pottersville, N. H. HAREISVILLE. 215 Church in Richmond, under the pastoral care of Elder Maturin Ballon (the grandfather of the late President J. A. Garfield), the first Baptist minister who preached in town. He preached his first sermon in the house of John Muzzy. He preached in town occasionally till the close of the year 1785. December 7, 1786, the Baptists in this town were set off from the church in Richmond, and formed into an independent church, composed of thirty members. The church, previous to 1797, held their meetings during summer in a barn ; in the winter around in private houses. After the formation of the church Rev. Isaiah Stone was employed as a minister for a season. Rev. Moses Kinney came next, August 23, 1787, and remained till 1794. He was highly esteemed by the people, and ten were added to the church. The next minister was Rev. Elijah Willard, who came into this region from Fitch- burg, Mass., to keep school, and also preached for the Baptists. They invited him to become their pastor, and he was ordained May 11, 1794, being forty-three years of age, and he re- mained their pastor till 1829, thirty-five years. His was the longest and most successful pas- torate the church ever enjoyed. He was highly esteemed and dearly beloved by the church and by the people generally till the day of his death, which occurred August 19, 1839, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. During his pas- torate ninety-eight were added to the church. In the third year of his pastorate the church built their first house of worship after the usual style of those days, — 1797. After the close of Elder Willard's pastorate Rev. Elias McGregory was sent to labor with the church by the State Convention, the church being in a very low state. Being well fitted for the work by his faithful and well-directed efforts, with the blessing of God, the church was revived. A Sabbath- school was started for the first time in the place, and has continued to the present time, and eighteen were added to the church. Rev. Mr. McGregory was succeeded by Rev. Clark Sibley, who was ordained June 2, 1831, and he remained about two years, adding fifteen to the church. He was succeeded by Rev. Harrison W. Strong, of whom tliere is no record. In 1837 fifteen members were dismissed to form a Baptist Church in Marlborough, which has since become extinct. During the period extending from 1833 to 1839 forty joined the church. February 23, 1839, James P. Apple- ton was ordained pastor, and he took nine into the church, and left May 1, 1840. D. P. French then supplied the church for a short time. On February 27, 1842, Rev. Henry Tonkin became the pastor of the church, and resigned March 29, 1843, twenty-six uniting with the church while he was pastor. In 1844 the old house of worship was taken down and erected on the corner opposite District No. 2 school-house. Rev. E. D. Farr and Milton "W. Ball supplied the church during this year and the following year, seven uniting with the church. Rev. Warren Cooper settled as pastor in August, 1845, and resigned in 1848, receiv- ing sixteen into the church. He was followed by Rev. Charles Cummings, who labored with much efSciency to build up the church. The church voted, December 15, 1849, to reorganize for the sake of a closer walk with each other and with their Ijord, but the initiatory steps for this measure were scarcely taken before their beloved pastor was suddenly taken from them by death. This sudden bereavement seemed to the smitten flock like a personal afiliction, and probably quickened their movements in reor- ganizing the church on a plan he suggested as more efficient in promoting their spiritual en- joyment and growth in grace. Sixty members renewed their covenant obligations at this time, February 2, 1850. Henry Archibald commenced his labors with the church August 4, 1850, and remained about two years, taking two into the church. Then Lyman Culver was settled as pastor. 216 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. July, 1852, and continued with them until the spring of 1856, receiving ten into the church. In the fall of 1855, Brother T. P. Briggs, a licentiate from the Baptist Church in Hins- dale, supplied the church for about six months. Although but twenty years of age, yet he was an earnest and faithful servant of Christ, and ten were added to the church. In May, 1856, Rev. W. W. Lovejoy began to supply the church one-half of the time for that year as pastor, and the next year he preached for them all the time, and remained with them till he died, in March, 1862. During his pastorate a parsonage was built (in 1857) and eighteen joined the church. In September, 1862, Rev. John Hunt became pastor of the church. In May, 1866, the church held a protracted meeting, and the pas- tor was assisted by Rev. W. W. Clark, of Keene. Nine united with the church while Brother Hunt was pastor. At the annual meeting of the society in March, 1867, they voted to remove their house of worship to its present locality and remodel it, and also to dispense with the services of the pastor while repairing the house ; therefore Rev. J. Hunt left, having been with them four years and a half. The house was removed and the alterations completed at the close of the year 1868, at the cost of nearly three thousand dollars. In March, 1869, Rev. G. S. Smith settled as pastor of the church, and remained until Feb- ruary 2.3, 1873, and nine were added to the church. In May, 1873, Rev. Charles Newhall became pastor of the church, and resigned in Septem- ber, 1877, but, by the request of the church, he continued to supply them till the close of the year. During the winter of 1874 the church enjoyed a gracious revival of religion, in which the pastor was assisted by Rev. E. A. Whittier, an evangelist from Lawrence, Mass. Thirty were added to the church while Brother New- hall was with them. From August 1, 1878, to February 15, 1880, J. W. Merrill supplied the pulpit. In December, 1880, the church invited Rev, J. T. Chapin, of Sutton, Mass., to become their pastor. He was in poor health during his term of service, and in May, 1884, he was obliged to resign, having received six into the church. September 7, 1 884, Rev. J. R. Has- kius, the Baptist State Missionary, suppKed the church for several Sabbaths, baptizing two. On December 7, 1885, this church was one hundred years old. During that time it has been served by twenty-three ministers, — fifteen pastors and eight stated supplies. The names of the deacons are John Knowl- ton, Elias Hemmenway, Charles Cummings, John Sprague, Joel Hart, Amos Sargeant and Micah Howe. Since the death of the two last, which occurred in 1871 and 1883, the church has not chosen any regular deacons. The whole number who haVe united with the church (including the thirty who formed the church) from December 7, 1785, to March 1, 1885, is four hundred and ninety-four ; present number, seventy. Library. — By a vote of the town at its an- nual meeting, in March, 1877, a public library was established and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was appropriated for the pur- chase of books ; this, with two hundred dollars donated by individuals, was taken by the com- mittee chosen by the town, consisting of Aaron Smith, Cyrus H. Hayward and Edwin P. Hunt, and four hundred and forty-five volumes were purchased ; since this about one hundred dol- lars annually has been voted by the town, which, with the sums given by individuals, has enabled the committee to purchase new books until the whole number of volumes in library now num- bers ten hundred and fifty-six. For the first three years a room in the house of John T. Farwell was occupied for a library, and Mrs. M. J. Farwell appointed librarian. In 1880, Henry Colony, Esq., of Keene, a former resi- dent of the town, gave a piece of land in the HARRISVILLE. 217 most central part of the village for a site upon which to erect a building ; soon after a building owned by the town in a remote part of the vil- lage was moved to this spot and fitted up. The present librarian is Miss Bell Hutchinson. The library is open to all citizens of the town on every Saturday afternoon and evening, and is patronized by nearly every individual in it, es- pecially by the young, to whom it is of inesti- mable benefit. POTTERSVILLE, OE WEST HAEEISVILLE. This village is situated in the northwest cor- ner of the town of Harrisville, and takes its name from the manufactory of brown earthen- ware, of which a large business was formerly done. Some five or six shops, employing a large number of hands, were at one time en- gaged in this industry. No business of this kind now exists. The cheapness of English white- ware and the low price of tin-ware has driven it almost entirely from the market. Sixty years ago brown earthen-ware was a kind of currency. Farmers in the vicinity of the potteries were glad to exchange their surplus products for it. They carried the ware to various parts of this and adjoining States and exchanged it for cash or such articles as were needed in their families. The first person to engage in the business was one by the name of Felton, from Danvers, Mass., and the last was John Clark, of East Cambridge, Mass. This village is now better known as West Harrisville, since the building of the Manchester and Keene Eail- road through the town, in 1878, and the naming of the station by the latter name. There are two saw-mills at this village and also two shops where wooden-ware has been manufactured to a considerable extent. Haeeisville Coxgeegatioxal Chuech.^ — In 1838 the population became more numer- ous, and Bethuel Harris proposed to his children that, as he was the first and most prominent cause,of increase of citizenship, he did not feel it I By Charles C. P. Harris, Esq. to be right for us to bring so many young peo- ple together without making an effort to give them some moral advantages and privileges, there being no church services within four miles ; therefore, the subject of furnishing a suitable place to accommodate occasional reli- gious services was proposed, and arrangements were made for building a house to accommo- date private schools and religious meetings. The building was completed in 1840, said Bethuel Harris contributing over two-thirds of the total expense, which was about one thousand dollars. At the time this vestry was built no one had supposed that a church would be organ- ized in this place for years. Bethuel Harris and his family belonged to the church at Nel- son. August 28, 1840, on account of existing circumstances, it was thought expedient and necessary by this community that, for the good and advancement of the cause of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, a new church should be organized. Therefore, Bethuel Harris and cer- tain individuals, members of the church at Nelson, nineteen males and twelve females, pe- titioned said church for a dismission for the ob- ject of being organized into a new church at this place; also for the church at Nelson to unite with them in calling an ecclesiastical coun- cil for the purpose of organizing them into a Second Orthodox Congregational Church ; said church voted to grant said petitioners' request September 1, 1840, and chose a committee to unite with them (said petitioners) in calling said council. Said committees voted to invite the following churches to act by their pastors and delegates on said council, viz. : Church at Swan- zey, N. H. ; church at Troy, N. H. ; church at Antrim, N . H. ; church at Warwick, Mass. ; and church at New Ipswich, N. H. Said council convened at Harrisville (so- called) September 22, 1840. Organized by chosing Rev. Elisha Rockwood moderator and Rev. Samuel Lee scribe. After hearing re- marks and statements from all interested, the council voted to hold a private session. In 218 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. private session the said council voted unani- mously that it is expedient to organize said pe- titioners as a distinct church, and that the coun- cil is now ready to proceed to the public services of organization, which services were held at this date, September 22, 1840. The church chose Cyrus Harris moderator. September 27, 1840, Rev. R. C. Hatch, of Norwich, Mass., acted as pastor, when thirteen were added, — four males and nine females, — making iu all forty- four members. The desk was supplied by dif- ferent neighboring pastors from September 27th until December 11, 1840, when the Rev. Jo- siah Ballard was employed as pastor for an in- definite time ; he continued his pastoral services until February 4, 1841, when he resigned. Rev. Mr. Tisdale supplied until April 15, 1841. April 18, 1841, Rev. O. C. Whiton commenced his labors as pastor for an indefinite time. At this time the subject of building a church edi- fice was proposed to the church by Bethuel Harris, with certain propositions, viz. : The church was to raise what they could to defray the expenses, and he, said Bethuel, would sup- ply what might be lacking. The church edifice was erected, a brick structure of good size, and finished by August 11, 1842, and it was dedi- cated at that date. The expense of said house was about thirty-five hundred dollars, Bethuel Harris paying about three-fifths of it. At the dedication of the church edifice the Rev. O. C. Whiton was installed over the church, to the great satisfaction of all interested, both church and people. AVhen the church gave him a call to settle with this church and people as pastor, his definite an- swer was, after much consideration and prayer for divine direction : " I have decided to Kve and labor with you, die with you and lay my bones with yours." October 17, 1845, Rev. O. C. Whiton died, greatly beloved by all who knew him ; his remains lay buried in the Island Cemetery, at Harrisville. His pastorate was about four and a half years ; thirty-one new members were added to the church under his pastorate. November 1, 1845, Rev. Jeremiah Pomeroy commenced his labors as acting pastor for an indefinite time; continued as such, giving good satisfaction to church and people for about three years and nine months, when he resigned. Twenty-three new members M^ere added to tlie church under his ministration. Rev. Daniel Babcock commenced his pastor- ate January 6, 1850, under contract for one year ; he closed his pastoral labors January 5, 1851 ; one new member was added during his pastorate. Rev. William G. Tuttle commenced preaching under license February 20, 1851 ; was ordained as pastor over church and society April 16, 1851, which position he filled to the entire satisfaction of all classes until August 22, 1860, about nine years, when, on account of failing health, he resigned his pastorate, and was, by council, dismissed, August 22, 1860. There were twenty-five new members added to the church under Mr. Tuttle's pastoral labors. Rev. A. Rawson, of Thompson, Conn., supplied the desk mostly to May 1, 1861. Rev. J. K. Bragg commenced as acting pas- tor for one year from June 1st, and closed his labors June 1, 1862. One was admitted under his pastorate. Rev. Mr. Marshall supplied the desk as acting pastor fi-om August, 1862, to August, 1863, according to contract. Rev. Mr. Cochrane supplied the desk from September, 1863, to September, 1864. Rev. Mr. Dexter (Methodist clergyman), of Marlborough, N. H., supplied the desk from September, 1864, to Jan- uary, 1865, to the satisfaction of all interested. Rev. Charles M. Palmer commenced preach- ing January 1, 1865, and continued preaching under license from Andover Seminary until December 8, 1868, when he was ordained pas- tor over the church and society ; he continued his pastorate until May 7, 1871, when, by his request, he was dismissed by council. There were twenty-three new members added to the church under his pastorate. Rev. Mr. Palmer was much beloved by the church and people of his charge. HAHRISVILLE. 219 Rev. Amos Holbrook commenced as perma- nent pastor November 19, 1871 ; he was elected moderator January 1, 1872. Rev. Mr. Holbrook's pastorate was very ac- ceptable to church and society ; he continued his labors as pastor in a most faithful manner until July 2, 1876, four years and ten months, when, on account of the circumstances of his family, he resigned July 26, 1876. There were added to the church under his pastorate fifty- eight new members. The desk was supplied from July 7, 1876, 7nosUy, to March 20th by Rev. Mr. Coolidge, of Hancock, N. H., to the entire satisfaction of the church and people. Rev. William Thurston commenced his services as acting pastor April 1, 1877, and con- tinued until June 29, 1879, at which date he resigned his pastorate. There were six new members added to the church during his pastor- ate. Rev. George Beckwith commenced his services as acting pastor October 31, 1879, and continued his services until April 1, 1881, when he resigned. There were five new members added to the church under Mr. Beckwith's pas- torate. Rev. George H. Dunlap, formerly of Charlestown, N. H., commenced his pastoral labors with this church May 1, 1881. There be- ing a union formed between this church and the Congregational Church at Nelson, Mr. Dunlap became acting pastor over the church at Nelson, the same as this church, performing all the pas- toral duties in both churches to the full satis- faction of both churches and peoples. Two new members have been added to the church at Harrisville since Mr. Dunlap became pastor. Total membership since organization is 220, of whom 103 have been dismissed by letter to other churches, 55 have died, and 11 have been excommunicated, leaving, at this date, (April 1, 1885) 61 members in regular standing, of which 20 are non-resident members, leaving 41 resi- dent members. Virtually, this church has been a missionary church, many having come here to labor in the mills, and, after being here for a time, united with the church ; afterwards, mak- ing their residences at other places, they asked and received letters of dismission and recom- mendation to other sister-churches. HISTORY OF JAFFREY. CHAPTER I. Geographical— Original Grant — Early Settlements^-Names of Pioneers — Incorporation of Town — First Town-Meet- ing — Officers Elected — Town Clerks — Representatives — Ecclesiastical History — Congregational Church— Con" gregational Church, East Jaffrey — Baptist Church — TJni" versalist Church — Schools — Lawyers — Physicians — War of the Kevolution— "War of 1812— War of the Rebellion — Post Offices— Banks— Population — Railroads. The town of Jaffrey lies in the southeastern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : North, by Marlborough and Dublin ; east, by Peterborough and Sharon ; south, by Rindge and Fitzwilliam ; west, by Fitzwilliam, Troy and Marlborough. It is fifteen miles from Keene, the shire-town of the county ; forty-five from Concord, the capital of the State ; and sixty-two from Boston, — seventy-eight by rail- road. The area is about twenty-two thousand acres ; about one thousand is covered with water, and the uninhabitable area of the mountain in Jaf- frey is about three thousand two hundred acres. The surface of the town is hilly and moun- tainous. The Grand Monadnock is situated in the northwest part of the town and south part of Dublin. Its highest peak is a little south of the line of Dublin, and has an altitude of 3186 feet above the level of the sea and 2029 feet above the centre of the town. The mountain is celebrated as a summer resort. 'Condensed mainly from "History of Jaffrey,'' a work of six hundred and fifty pages, by Daniel B. Cutter, pub- lished in 1880. 220 The town was granted by the Masonian pro- prietors, under the name of Middle Monad- nock, No. 2, November 30, 1749, to Jona- than Hubbard and thirty- nine others, resi- dents of HoUis, Lunenburg and Dunstable. The jNIasonian proprietors were residents of Portsmouth and vicinity, twelve in number, who purchased of John Tufton Mason, great- grandson of Captain John Mason, for fifteen hundred pounds, his right and title to a tract of land lying in New Hampshire, granted to said Captain John Mason by the Council of Plym- outh in 1629. The purchase was divided into fifteen shares, of which Theodore Atkinson had three shares, Mark H. Wentworth two shares, and Richard Wibbard, John Wentworth, John Moffat, Samuel Moore, Jotham Odiorne, George Jaffrey, Joshua Pierce, Nathaniel Meserve, Thomas Wallingford and Thomas Packer, one share each. Nine additional members were af- terwards admitted, and the shares increased to eighteen. The new members were John Rindge, Joseph Blanchard, Daniel Pierce, John Tufton Mason, John Thomlinson, Mathew Liv- ermore, William Parker, Samuel Solly and Clement March. The territory is described as " Extending from the middle of the Piscataqua river, up the same to the fartherest head thereof, and from thence northwestward until sixty miles from the mouth of the harbor were fin- ished ; also, through Merrimack river to the fartherest head thereof, and so forward up into the land westward until sixty miles were fin- ished, and from thence overland to the end of JAPPREY. 221 sixty miles accounted from the Piscataqua river, together with all lands within five leagues of the coast." Immediately after the purchase the above- described tract of land was divided by the pro- prietors into townships. Those around the Monadnock Hills, as the mountain was then called, were named Monadnocks, designated by numbers. After the survey of the township and the division of it among the proprietors, to en- courage settlement a bounty of one hundred and forty-two pounds was offered to the first five men who, with their families, should settle within one year from this date (June, 1750) and remain one year, and in the same proportion to one or more families complying with the above condition. Whether any settlement was made does not appear from any known record. A traditionary report makes it appear that a family by the name of Russell (Joel Russell) did attempt a settlement in the south part of the town, and while there had a son born, who was the first white child born in the township. Whe- ther he settled soon enough and remained long enough to receive the bounty does not appear. In 1752 we have a reliable account of a settle- ment by Moses Stickney, Richard Peabody and seven others, and that while there Simon Stick- ney, son of Moses, was born December 9, 1753, making him the first white child born in Jaffrey, aside from the Russell tradition. This settlement of Stickney and others proved a fail- ure, through fear of Indians, and they all left except a man known as Captain Platts, probably the pioneer of Rindge. The first permanent settlement was made about 1758 by John Grout and John Davidson. Grout settled on lot 20, range 10, and David- son on lot 21, range 3. Grout was a prominent man. He made, with Gilmore, an early report of the settlement of the town to the proprietors. He died in 1771. There is a tradition that he was buried where the meeting-house was after- wards built. John Davidson remained a per- manent settler, and died in 1811. It is also re- ported as true that his eldest daughter, Betsey, was the first white child' born in Jaffrey. List of the pioneers of Jaffrey, per report of Gilmore, Grout and Hale : John Borland. Joseph Caldwell. James Caldwell. James Caldwell, Jr. Thomas Caldwell. ■ • Chrysty. Daniel Davis. Joseph Duulap.' John Davidson.' Thomas Davidson. Thomas Emery. Fitch. Roger Gilmore.' John Gilmore.' John Grout.' Glover. Enoch Hale. Hale. John Harper.' Wid. Henderson. Joseph Hogg.' William Hogg.' Kohert Holmes. Jona. Hopkinson. David Hunter. Ephraim Hunt. John Little. Andrew McAlister. Alex. McNeil. William Mitchel. Munroe. James Nichols. Organ. Jona. Parker. ■ Russel. John Swan. William Smiley.' Joseph Turner.' William Turner.' Thomas Turner. Solomon Turner. Taggot. George Wallace. Thomas Walker. Robert Weir. Mathew Wright.' Leranus Wright. The settlement of many of the first inhabitants was of short duration. They seemed to be a log cabin population, fond of living in a forest. Most of them were Scotch-Irish from London- derry. Of those who became permanent set- tlers of that race, were John and Roger Gil- more, William Smiley, Joseph Turner, Joseph Hodge, William Turner and William Hodge. After the incorporation of the town a large emi- gration from Massachusetts purchased their lands, with all of the improvements, and became the permanent settlers of the town. Of the history of the settlers reported by Grout, Gilmore and Hale, but little is known. Alphabetically arranged, we find the first on the list to be John Borland. He was the first set- ' Permanent settlers, in SiSfORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tier in what is now East JaiFrey, and built the first mills in that place. In 1778 he sold his place to Deacon Eleazer Spofford, of Danvers, and left town. Four families by the name of Caldwell — James, James, Jr., Joseph and Thomas — were among the first settlers. When the town was incorporated, the name of James Caldwell ap- pears ou a committee chosen to procure preach- ing, and Thomas Caldwell is represented in Hale's report as the owner of a saw-mill on lot No. 22, range 5. Nothing more is known of the family of Caldwell. The name of Thomas Emery is found in Hale's report as the owner of the right of Nathaniel Pierce, which included the lot on which was built the ]Milliken tavern, afterwards the farm of John Felt, and now (1873) of Levi Brigham, and also the farm of Clarence S. Bailey. Solomon Grout settled on lot 13, range 9, — the Isaac Bailey farm, — and was road surveyor in 1774 and selectman in 1776. A Widow Henderson, by Grout and Gil- more's report, settled on lot 17, range 3, now the farm of S. Garfield. Jonathan Hopkinson's place of settlement is unknown. Robert Holmes was from Londonderry ; his brother Abram settled in Peterborough. He settled on lot 12, range 3, afterwards the farm of Joseph Thorndike, John Conant and Frank H. Cutter. The first frame house in JaiFrey is reported to have been built on that farm, per report of Grout and Gilmore. David Hunter settled on lot 5, range 6, after- wards the farm of David Gilmore, Esq., now (1876) the farm of Marshal C. Adams. When the first military company was organized he was chosen ensign. John Little settled on lot 15, range 4, now the farm of John Quin. He was highway surveyor in 1774. His successor appears to have been Simpson Stuart. Alexander McNeil settled on lot 12, range 5, and was, by tradition, the first inn-keeper in JaiFrey. From the town records, he appears to have been quite a prominent man. In 1774 he was chosen one of a committee to procure preach- ing, one of a committee to examine the accounts of the selectman and constable, and one of the committee to build the meeting-house. In 1775 he was one of the Board of Selectmen, and moderator of the annual town-meeting in 1776. In 1779, at the annual town-meeting, the town voted that Alexander McNeil should not keep tavern. He probably left town soon after. William Mitchel settled on lot 12, range 4, afterwards the farm of James Gage and his son, Jonathan Gage. Present owner, Michael D. Fitzgerald. In 1774 he was chosen auditor of accounts and deer-reeve; in 1775, surveyor of roads and sealer of leather; 1776, surveyor of roads. He probably left town in 1777 or 1778. Andrew McAlister settled on lot 14, range 4, afterwards the farm of John Briant, now owned by Samuel D. Jewell. James Nichols settled on lot 17, range 1, afterwards owned by Benjamin Cutter, Benjamin Frost, John Frost and John Frost, Jr. ; now uninhabited. John Swan was owner of lot 6, range 4 ; lot 5, range 5 ; and lot 21, range 6. On which lots he settled is not known. Thomas Walker was owner of lot 16, range 2 ; lot 7, range 6 ; lot 11, range 1. On which he settled is not known. George Wallace, settlement unknown. Robert Weir settled on lot 6, range 5. In 1 773, when the town was incorporated, he was chosen one of the auditors of accounts and high- way surveyor; in 1776 he was chosen town clerk and first selectman. Leranus Wright settled on lot 14, range 8. His successor was Francis Wright, inn-keeper. When the town was incorporated, in 1773, the town-meeting was held at his place. The farm is now owned by Dana S. Jaquith. Most of the early settlers were born in the State of Massachusetts, some in Londonderry JAFFREY. 223 N. H., some in England and some in Ireland. David Bailey was born in England ; John Davidson and William Smiley in Ireland. They were a race of hardy adventurers, inured to toil and hardship, fit inhabitants for a new township. They were mostly young men, un- married, in search of a future home. They made a purchase of land, cleared a few acres, built thereon a cabin or log house, returned to their original home, and there married and took with them their wives, with their household furniture, to the home in the forest, — a bridal tour full of hope and expectation of a rich future reward ; not only a reward of gold and silver, but one of a large progeny. In that they were not often disappointed, as the emigration from Jaffrey, in after-years, to the States of Vermont, New York, Ohio and most of the Western States, will abundantly verify. The sons and daughters of Jaffrey and their descendants may be found not only in town, but in most of the cities East and West, holding positions of wealth, honor and trust. Incorporation of Town. — The town was known by the names of Monadnock, No. 2, Middle Monadnock and Middletown, until it was incorporated by the Governor and Council, August 17, 1773, and named in honor of Hon. George Jaifrey, a member of the Council. The first meeting of the proprietors was held in the house of Joseph French, of Dunstable, January 16, 1750. The first town-meeting was held September 14, 1773, as follows : "Jaffrey Sept. 14,1773. " Then the Freeholders and Inhabitance of s* town being meet agreeable to the foregoing Warrant, " I'"? Choose Capt. Jonathan Stanley moderator to Govern s* meeting. " 2'3' Choose mr W" Smiley Town Clerk. "Choose Capt. Jonathan Stanley, First Selectman. "mr. W" Smiley Sec"* Selectman. " mr. Phineas Spaulding third Selectman. " Choose Mr. Eoger Gilmore, Tythingman. " Choose Hugh Dunlap and John Harper, Field- Drivers. " Choose John Davidson, Constable. " Choose Roger Gilmore, Eobert Wire and Samuel Sherwin a Committee to Count with the Selectmen and Constable. " Choose David Allen, W" McAlister, Robert Wire, Ephraim Hunt, W" Turner and John Gilmore, Soy- vors. " Choose Mr. W" Hogg and Mr Joseph Wright Fence Vewers." "Jaffrey Sep' 28. Then the Freeholders and In- habitance of s'* town being mett agreeable to the Fore- going Warrant, " 1'^ Choose Capt. Jonathan Stanley moderator to govern s'^ meeting. " i^^ Voted Eighty Pounds L : M : to be worked out on the Rods. " 3'^ Voted that Capt. Jona. Stanley, Alexander Mc-Neill and Jeames Caldwell be a Committee to Provide supplies of Preaching for s'* town. " 4'y Voted six Pounds Lawful Money to support the Gospel in said town. " The second Town Meeting held in s'* Town Sept. 28, 1773." The following persons appear to have been voters at the time of the organization of the town : 'David Allen. John T. Anderson. Stephen Adams. Thomas Adams. Jethro Bailey. Isaac Baldwin. John Borland. John Briant. Kendall Briant. Alpheas Brigham. Jona. Blodgett. George Clark. Jeames Caldwell. Henry Coffren. Joseph Cutter. Daniel Davis. John Davidson. Robert Dunlap. Hugh Dunlap. Thomas Emory. Wm. Fisher. John Gilmore. Roger Gilmore. Eobert Gilmore. Hiram Greene. Oliver Hale. John Harper, Ebn' Ingals. Jona. Jewett. John Little. Alex'' Mc-Neal. W" Mc-Alister. Peter Mc-Alister. W"" Mitchell. Samuel Milliken. W" Miliken. Dennis Orgon. Samuel Pierce. Jacob Pierce. Oliver Proctor. Jona. Priest. Daniel Priest. Daniel Priest (2''). W" Smiley. Jona. Stanley. David Stanley. Phineas Spaulding. Sam' Sherwin. Joseph Thorndike. Joshua Thorndike. W" Turner. Joseph Turner. Nathaniel Turner. Simon Warren. 224 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. John Hanley. Elias Hathorn. Eben' Hathorn. Elred Hetrech. Peter Warren. Isaac Wesson. Eph" Whitcomb. Robert Wier. Jason Hemingway. Matthew Wallace. ^y•^ Hogg. Sam' Woodbury. Joseph Hogg. Mathew AVright. David Hunter. Francis Wright. Ephraim Hunt. Joseph Wright." TOWN CLERKS. Wm. Smiley, 1773, 74, '75, '77, '83. Robert Weir, 1776. Roger Gilmore, 1778, '79, '95, '96, "97, '98, '99, 1800, '01. Adonijah Howe, 1780, '81, '82, '91, '92, '93, '94, 1802, '04, '06, '07, '08. Jedediah Sanger, 1785. Abel Parker,. 1789. Alex. Milliken, 1790. David Smiley, 1803, '04. David Page, 1805. Samuel Dakin, 1806, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15. Oliver Prescott, 1816. Wm. Ainsworth, 1817, '18, '19, '20, '21. Henry Payson, 1822, '23, '24. Thomas Adams, 1825, '26, '27, '28, '29, '30, '31, '32. Benj. Cutter, 1823, '24, '25, '26, '27, '28, '29, '42, '43, '44, '45, '46, '47. Jonas M. Mellville, 1840, '41. John Fox, 1848, '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56, 57, '58, '59, '60, '61, '62, '63. Joseph P. Frost, 1864, '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84 '85. EEPEESENTATIVES. Those marked (*) were born in .Jaffrey. Henry Coffeen, May 11, 1775, 'to third Provincial Congress at Exeter. William Smiley, 1784. John Gilmore, 1785, '86. Abel Parker, 1787, '91, '92, '93, '97, '99. Benjamin Prescott, 1790, '96, 1809, '10, '11, '12 '13 '14, '15, '16, '17. Joseph Thorndike, 1794, '95, '98, 1800, '01, '02, '03 Adonijah Howe, 1804, '05, '18, '19, '20, '21. David Page, 1806, '07. Laban Ainsworth, 1808. Oliver Prescott,* 1822, '23, '24, '25, '26. William Ainsworth,* 1S28, '29, 30. Levi risk, 1831,* '32, '83. John Conant, 1834, '35, '36. Edward Spaulding,* 1837, 38, '39. Samuel Patrick,* 1840. John Felt, 1841, '42, '43, '44, '45, '47. Laban Rice, 1846. Peter Upton, 1848, '49, '50. John Fox,* 1851, '52, '53, '54. David C. Chamberlin,* 1856, '57. John A. Prescott,* 1858, '59. Charles H. Powers, 1860, '61, '78. Samuel Ryan, 1862, '63. Frederick W. Bailey,* 1864, '65, '68, '69. Addison Prescott,* 1866, '67. Benjamin Pierce,* 1870, '71. Frank H. Cutter,* 1872, '73. Alfred Sawyer,* 1874, '75. Joseph W. Fassett, 1876, '77. Thomas Annett, 1879, '80. John H. Fox, present representative. STATE SENATOES, XATIVES OF JAFEEEY. Asa Parker, 1826, '27. Levi Fisk, 1835, '36. Ecclesiastical — Congregational Church. — The provisions of the Masonian grant required that a good, convenient meeting-house be built within six years from the date of the charter, and made provision for that purpose by a gift of three hundred acres of land. No meeting- house appears to have been built when the town was organized. The next year after, on the 26th day of April, the matter of building a meeting-house was brought before the town. The town voted " to build one on the common, near the senter this and the ensuing year." " Voted, s* house is to be forty feet wide. Fifty-five in Lenth. Posts twenty seven feet in Lenth. Roger Gilmore, William Turner Alex' Mc-Neill a Commit- tee to see the same affected, the above Committee to Vendue s'* house to the last bider." At a meeting in July following, the town " Voted, to Reconsider their vote in Building a meeting-house also their vote in Chose of Committee, then Voted s* meeting-house Sixty feet in Lenth, Forty five wide, the Posts twenty seven feet in Lenth also Voted to have a Porch at each end of s" hous. " Voted Mr. Roger Gilmore, Mr. Will"- Turner, Mr. Mathew Wallace be a Committee to see the work af- fected in Building s'' house. " Voted that the Com«' shall Expose s'' house to sail at Public Vendue by the first Wednesday of Sept next, also Voted that the Great timber of s" house be hewed by the first day of Decern' next, also Voted Fifteen JAFFREY. 225 Pounds L. M. towards building s** house, to be Paid by the first day of December Next, also Voted that s'' house shall be Eaised by the Middle of June Next at the towns Cost. Voted sixty Pounds to be Paid by the middle of June next towards building s* house. Also Voted that the whole cost shall be Paid by the first of June in the year 1776 as the afors'd house shall be Finished. That the Fraim be well under Pined with good stone and lime, and the outside all well Compleated, and Collored like Rindge meting-house, and lower floor lead Duble, and Pulpit like that in Rindge meting-house all the above work compleated by the middle of June 1776." The house was completed in 1799, and in the following year the warrant for town-meeting had following article : " To see if the town will make any allowance to Capt. Henry Coffeen for the Barrel of Rum that he paid for, which was expended at the Raising of the meeting-house. " Voted that the Selectmen settle with Capt. Cof- feen in behalf of the town." The church was organized May 18, 1780, with the following members : Kendal Briant and wife Mary, (Martin). John Briant. Daniel Emery and wife, Jane. Eleazer Spofibrd and wife, Mary (Flint). John Combs and wife, Bathsheba. James Gage and wife, Sarah (Lamson). Oliver Proctor and wife, Elizabeth. Isaac Bailey and wife, Susanna. Isaac Baldwin and wife. John Wood and wife. Nehemiah Greene and wife. James Haywood and wife, Keziah Haywood. Jonathan Priest and wife. Ephraim Whitcomb and wife, Elizabeth. Jerome Underwood and wife, Lucy (Wheat). John Eaton. William Slack. The first regular pastor of the church was Eev. Laban Ainsworth, who continued in service nearly fifty years. In 1831, E.ev. Giles Lyman was ordained as a colleague, and preached in town till 1837, when, on account of ill health, he received his disiflission. He married, December 14, 1835, Louisa Whitney, of Winchendon. 15 Josiah D. Crosby was settled in 1838, and dismissed in 1850. Leonard Tenney, settled 1845 ; dismissed 1867. John S. Batchelder, settled 1858 ; dismissed 1865. Eufus Case, settled 1868 ; removed 1875. The church has had no settled pastor since Mr. Case. The desk is at present supplied by Rev. W. W. Livingstone. The Congregational Church at East Jaffrey was organized in 1850 with twenty-three members. The pastors have been as follows : Rev. J. E. B. Jewett, George A. Adams, F. D. Austin, Silas W. Allen, D. N. Goodrich, "Wil- liam H. Dowden, J. C. Staples and E. J. Riggs. Baptist Church. — The Baptist Society in Jaffrey was formed in April, 1820, and on April 6, 1829, the following notice was pub- lished in the Keene Sentinel, viz. : " We, Benjamin Prescott, Alpheas Crosby, Paul Hunt and others, have formed ourselves into a Reli- gious Society, by the name of the First Baptist Church and Society in Jaffrey, and are hereby known by that name. " Joseph Joslin, Clerk." The church was formed May 28, 1814. PASTORS. John Parkhurst, 1818. Elder Cummings, 1825. Calvin Greenleaf, 1831-35. Appleton Belknap, 1835-46. E. H. Bailey, 1846-61 ; died January 4, 1868. Franklin Merriam, 1862-65. A. E. Reynolds, 1866-69. E. J. Emery, 1869-71 ; settled in Swanzey. J. S. Haradon, 1873 ; died August 4, 1875. Leonard J. Dean, 1875 ; a graduate of Newton Theological Seminary. T. C. Gleason, present pastor. The meetings of the Baptist Church and Society were held, as voted, in the school-house in District No. 1 till 1822. In 1819 the Bap- tists were no longer taxed for the support of the minister settled by the town, but had the privilege of using the same for the support of the one of their choice. The use of the meet- 226 HISTOKT OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ing-house for public preaching \v:is, in lS2i!, also divided bv the town among the diflerent denominations of Christians according to the valuation of their propei-ty. PVim this time the Baptists occupied the house their propor- tion :is assigned till 1839. On the 5th of Febraary, 1S20, the church voted to build a meeting-house near the house of Mr. Mellville, and chose Benjamin Preseott, Joseph Joslin and David Chadwick a commit- tee for that purpose. The house was completed and ready for use June 12, 1830, and dedicated June 30th. In 1873 the house was repaired, witli the addition of a vestry, and such other improve- ments as were deemed necessary. Unircrsalist Church. — The First Universal ist SocietA', Jaflrey, N. H., was organized Novem- ber 16, 1822. Captain John Stone wtis chosen moderator ; Caleb Searle, clerk ; John Cutter, treasurer ; Mr. John Cutter and Colonel Oliver Preseott, committee. I>elphus Skinner. Warren Skinner. J. D. Williamson. Kobe^t Bartlet. J. V. Wilson. Stillnian Clark. S. W. Squires. C. C. Clark. PASTORS. X. R. Wright and Andrew O. Warren. E. W. Coffin. J. P. MeCleur. W. J. Crosby. James H. Little. F. W. Bailey, present pas- tor. A church was formed in 1858. The present meeting-house was built in 1844. Schools. — In 1775, two years after the in- corporation of the town, eight pounds were raised for a scliool, to be divided into five parts. In Decembei- of tliat ye^w the town voted to sell one of the school lots and to use the inter- est on the proceeds of the sale for the support of a school. In 1777 the town voted to pay the interest of .£100 for two years for the use of a school; in 1778, £12 ; in 1779, A-200 (depre- ciated currency) ; in 1781, .£1000; in 1783, £50; in 1785, £50; in 1786, £30; in 1787, £40; in 1788, .£40; in 1789, £50 ; in 1790, £40; in 1791, £60; in 1792, i65; in 1793, £80 ; in 1794, £80 ; in 1795. $200 Federal money ; afterwards the town raised what the law required. A school was taught here by Josiah Forsaith from 1807 to 1800, inclusive. In 1832 Mellville Academy was incorpora- ted. The grantees were Asji Parker. Luke Howe and John Fox. It was named in honor of Jonas M. Mellville, who made a very liberal do- nation in aid of tlie enterprise. In 1833 a suit- able building was erected, which is now used for a school-house. The scliool was opened in the fiUl of 1833 under the instruction of Horace Herrick, prin- cipjil, and Miss Aui-elia Townsend, assist:int. He remained till 1836. The following individuals wei-e afterwarils employed as teaclvei^ : Eo^well D. Hitchcock, AYilliam Eaton, Harry Brickett, Charles Cut- ter, David C. Chamberlain, Sarali French. The academy continued in operation till the ©- tablishmejit of the Conant High School. In 1868, John Conant, Esq., of Jaffrey, gave the town the sum of seven thousand dollars, the interest of Mhich is to be used for the sup- port of a High School in said town. The town- house in the centre of the town was altei'ed and repiireil to meet the wants of the town. The lower story is used for the scliool and tlio upjxn* one for a town hall. In 1872 tlie schix>l \V!is openai for instruction. The present principal is A. S. Annis. Lawyers. — David Smiley, Samuel Dakin, William Ainsworth, Albert S. Sivtt, Clarence A. Parks and J. B. Twiss. Physicians. — Adonijah Howe, "Willis John- son, Abner Howe, M.D., Adonijali Howe, Jr., Luke Howe, D. C. Perry, Amtisa Kennio, S. L. Ricliardson, R. R. Perkins, A. J. Gibson, G. A. Phelps and O. H. Bradley. War of the RKvoLniox. — The follow- ing is a list of soldiers from Jaffrey in the Revolution : Ephraim Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Ober. William Osgood. JAFFREY. 227 Thomas Adams. Goorgo Atridge. Daniol Avery. Joseph Bates. Jonathan Blodgett. John Brian t. Alphoas Brigham. Asiiph Brigham. Joseph Brooks. Simeon Burt. Joseph Cutter. Moses Cutter. Nathan Cutter. James Cutter. John Davidson. Miitliew Davis. Jonathan lloan. Benjamin Dole. John Dole. Hugh Dunlap. Daniel Emery. Daniel Emery, Jr. James Freneh, Jr. Robert Cilmore. John Gilmore. IHidloy Critiin. Jacob Gould, Jr. John Hale. Lieutenant John Harper. Daniel Harper. Ebonezer Hathorn. James Haywood. Ebone/.er Ingals. Benjamin Jaeqnith. John Mathews. Benjamin Tresiott. Moses Peabody. Joseph Perkins. •laeob Pierce. Kendall Pierson. William I'ope. Jonathan Priest. Asa Priest. Oliver Proctor. James Reed. Abraham Ross. Hezaleel iSawyer. Jesse Snow. Michael Silk. William Smiley, Jr., died in service, at Tieondero- ga, 177G. Phiueas Spaulding'. Benjamin Spaulding. Jonathan Stai\ley. Samuel Stanley. James Stevens. ,)ohu Stone. Benjamin Stone. John Taggart. Jonathan Taylor. Peter Tower. Lieutenant William Tur- ner. Samuel Wier. Joseph Wilder. Ezra ^\'ilder. Ephraim Whitcomb. Elias Whitney. Cotton Whiton. Francis Wright. William MeAlister. The following- is a list of soldiers of the Revolution, not included in the above list, who settled in town during or atler the war : Stcplien Adams. Francis Mason. Lieutenant Oliver Bacon. Lieutenant .\bel Parker. Isai\c Bailey. Whitcomb Powers. Isaac Bailey, Jr. William Redfield. Hart Balch. Joseph Robbins. Jacob Baldwin. MosesStickney. Lieutenant Samuel Buss. Moses Stiekney (2d). John Cox. David Stratton. Thomas Dutton. James Turner. William Emery. Henry Thompson. Samuel Emery. Lieutenant Jerome Under- Xathan Fish. wood. Jonas Gerrv. Isaac Wesson. Thomas Goft'. Silas Wilder. Nathan Hunt. Abel Winship. John Lake. Ithamer Wheelock. Lieutenant Benj. Law- Thomas Wheelock. rence. Joseph Wright, Wak ov 1812. — The following soldiei-s from the town served in the War of 1812 : Oliver Warren, captain Daniel Adams, received S11.20 Thomas Chadwick, received 10.69 David Cluipliu, received 11.20 Ethan Cutter, received 4.50 Isaac Cutter, received 20.78 Samuel Duttun, received 11.00 James Eaton, received 11.20 Walter Eaton, received 11.20 Austin George, received 10.44 Robert Goti; received 9.33 Henry Hapgood, received 16.12 Stacy Hodskius, received 16.12 Jloses Hunt, received 16.12 Abel Nutting, received 16.12 Philip Peak, received 11.29 Moses Pierce, received 11,20 David Sawtell, received 11.20 Samuel Stratton, received 13.43 "War with jMexico, 18-16. — David Cutter and George F. Cutter from this town served in the Mexican War. ■^^'AE OF THE Rebelliox. — Number of men who enlisted and were in service was 151 ; number killetl in battle, 5 ; number who died in the service, 2o. Charles "W. Webster, quartermaster, Fourteenth Regi- ment. C. Frederick AVebster, tii-st lieutenant, Fourteenth Regiment ; promoted to quartermaster. Charles W. Adams, Second Regiment, Company A. Lysander A. Adams, Sixth Regiment, Company F. John Q. Adams, a marine ; died at Portsmouth. Benj. Abanton, Ninth Regiment, Company I. Warren F. Allen, Sixth Regiment, Company F. Henry A. Atherton, Sixth Regiment, Company E, Calvin Bailey. Sixth Regiment, Cempany F. Spencer L, Bailey, second lieutenant, Fourteenth Regiment, Almon AN' Bailey, Sixteenth Regiment ; died. Harvey X. Bailey, Troop D. Charles Baker. John F. Berrv. 228 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Christopher Bartenbach, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. Hiram Bennet, Troop B. John F. Briant, Second Regiment, Company A. Edmund Brady, Ninth Regiment, Company B. James T. Brown, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Samuel L. Bolles, Troop C. Alonzo Butterfield. Henry Buckwould, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. Jacob Buckwould, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Charles A. Carter, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Oscar Eugene Carter, died. John Caldwell, Eighth Regiment; died. Daniel M. Colburn, Ninth Regiment, Company I. Lysander J. Coudray, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. Edwin R. Cutter, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Edward E. Cutter, Fourteentli Regiment, Company G. Gustayus A. Cutter, Fourteenth Regiment. John C. Cummings, Sixteenth Regiment ; died. John W. Darling, died. Frank DeWier. Frederick Donaldson, Troop C. Charles W. Diamond, Second Regiment, Company C. James Dadwell, Sixth Regiment, Company E. Morty Downs, Tenth Regiment, Company K. James R. Douglass, Troop D. Charles D. Emery, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Charles Farouch. Eleventh Regiment, Company C. Luther W. Fassett, Sixteenth Regiment, Company E. Danvers C. Fassett, Heavy Artillery. Joel E. Fassett, Fourteenth Regiment, Company E. John Flynn, Eleventh Regiment, Company C. John Frost, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. George Gilmore, Ninth Regiment. William T. Gleason, Sixth Regiment, Company I. William H. Goodrich, Fifth Regiment, Company H. Theodore Hanscomb, Sixth Regiment, Company H ; promoted to captain. John S. Hartwell, Fourteenth Regiment. John H. Hartwell, Second Regiment, Company A. John Hecker. Horace J. Hill, Third Regiment, Company I. Peter Hogan. William Hoyt, Eleventh Regiment, Company I. Andrew Johnson, Ninth Regiment, Company K. Robert Jones, Troop. Joshua R. Joslln, Second Regiment, Company H. Henry H. Joslin, Second Regiment, Company H. Joseph H. Joslin, Second Regiment, Company A. Albert N. Joslin, Fifth Regiment, Company F. John F. Kidder, Sixth Regiment, Company E. Charles D. Kimball, Sixteenth Regiment, Comiiany F. Elisha A. Kingsbury, Sixth Regiment, Company E. Dexter B. Knowlton, Sixteenth Regiment. Joseph S. Lucy, Sixth Regiment, Company F ; died. David W. Lacy, Sixteenth Regimeut, Company I. Charles D. Law, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. John Leathere, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. George L. Lowe, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Andrew Lindsay, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. George H. Long, Troop D. Jerome W. Leighton, Fifth Regiment, Company F. Alvin H. Martin, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Chas. B. Merrifield, Fourteenth Regiment, CompanyG. John McCunn, Troop B. Lawrence Montgomery, Troop H. Henry F. Morse, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Nahum W. Mower, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Thomas S. Mower, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Barnard Mulligan, Troop A. Charles H. Nutting, Fourteenth Regiment. Edward N. Nutting, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. Jacob Newell, Jr., Sixteenth Regiment Company F. Henry C. Osburn, Fourteenth Regiment, CompanyG. James E. Petts, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Samuel Paine, Eleventh Regiment, Company C. Albert S. Pierce, Fourteenth Regiment. Henry Pierce. t Gurley A. Phelps, Fourteenth Regiment. Joel H. Poole, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. John W. Poole, Fourteenth Regiment. Ivers E. Pollard, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Levi Pollard, Second Regiment, Company A. Oren D. Presoott, Fourteenth Regimeut, Company G. George P. Preston, Sixth Regiment, Company K. Leonard Rand, Fourteenth Regiment, Company C. Jonas C. Rice, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Herbert C. Richardson, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. George W. Richardson, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. Darius P. Richardson, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. Edmund F. Ritchie, Second Regiment, Company A; died. Henry Ritchie, Sixth Regiment, Company E; died. Darius Ritchie, Sixteenth Regiment, Company I. George C. Ritchie, Sixteenth Regiment, Company L Abram Robins. William B. Robbins, Ninth Regiment, Company G. Alfred Robbins, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. William H. Wolf, Fourteenth Regiment, CompanyG. Benjamin Sanford, Sixth Regiment, Company D. Charles A. Sargent, Eleventh Regiment, Company 0. Grenville Shedd, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. JAFFEEY. 229 Leonard E. Spaulding, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. Austin A. Spaulding, Fourteenth Regiment, Com- pany G. Leander Spaulding. Alfred Spaulding. Daniel W. Stevens, Sixth Regiment, Company F. Henry A. Smith, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G ; died. Charles M. Smith, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Samuel A. Stratton, Sixth Regiment, Company F. Ira Smith, Sixteenth Regiment, Company I. Aaron Smith, Eighth Regiment. Henry Stevens, Sixth Regiment, Company C. Josiah Stebbins, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. George Steele, Sixth Regiment, Company F. Philip Stedman, Sixth Regiment, Company D. Levi E. Stedman, Eleventh Regiment, Company D. Elbridge G. Tarbox, Fourth Regiment, Company I. Jackson Taggart, died in prison. Martin Tehu, Troop C. Henry A. Thompson, wounded. Joseph S. Thompson, Fifth Regiment, Company K. Francis Thompson, Sixth Regiment, Company F. Henry A. Turner, Fourteenth Regiment, Company G. Albert S. Verder, Sixth Regiment, Company E. Charles W. Yerder, Fourteenth Regiment. Sylvanus "W. Waters, Sixth Regiment, Company K. Charles Wilson, Seventh Regiment, Company D. John Wilson, Eleventh Regiment, Company C. Frank Wetherbee, sharpshooters. Cxeorge F. Wilbur, Troop B. Edwin F. Wheeler, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. John F. Wheeler, Sixteenth Regiment, Company F. SOLDIEES IX SERVICE FOR OTHER STATES. Clarence S. Bailey, captain Massachusetts Cavalry. Henry H. Cragin, Ohio Volunteers. William L. Cutter, Iowa Cavalry. Benjamin F. Lawrence, Massachusetts Battery. Lucius Upton, Massachusetts Battery ; died. John R. Verder, Connecticut Volunteers. "Whole number of soldiers in service, one hundred and fifty-one. SOLDIERS KILLED IX BATTLE. Luther W. Fassett, Second Regiment, at Evansport, Va., April 2, 1862. Sylvanus C. Watera, Sixth Regiment, at Antietam, September 17, 1864. Frank Weatherbee, sharpshooters, at Antietam, Sep- tember 17, 1864. Henry Ritchie, Second Regiment, at Pegram House, Va., September 30, 1864. Charles Carter, Fourteenth Regiment, at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Whole number killed in battle, five. SOLDIERS WHO DIED IN THE SERVICE. Joseph Caldwell, Eighth Regiment, at Thibodeaux, La., 1862. Joel E. Fassett, Second Regiment, at JaiTrey. Edmund Ritchie, Second Regiment, at Philadelphia, October 2, 1862. Charles D. Emery, Fourteenth Regiment, at Wash- ington, November 14, 1863. Henry A. Smith, Fourteenth Regiment, at Poolsville, Md., January 7, 1863. Charles M. Smith, Fourteenth Regiment, at Pools- ville, Md., January 12, 1863. Almond W. Bailey, Sixteenth Regiment, at New Or- leans, June 7, 1863. John C. Cummin gs, Sixteenth Regiment, at Mound City, October 23, 1863. John W. Darling, Sixteenth Regiment, at Butte la Rose, La., May 17, 1863. Jacob Newell, Jr.. Sixteenth Regiment, at Baton Rouge, La., April 15. 1863. Hiram Bennet, cavalry, at Point Lookout, Md., Sep- tember 11, 1864. Daniel M. Colburn, Ninth Regiment, Virginia, No- vember 29, 1864. Chai-les A. Sargent, Ninth Regiment, at Salisbury, N. C, October 23, 1864. Leonard Rand, Fourteenth Regiment, at Camp Para- pet, May 28, 1864. Henry H. Cragin, 1864 ; an Ohio volunteer. Jackson Taggart, cavalry, at Andersonville, Ga., Sep- tember 21, 1864; grave No. 9460. John Q. Adams, at the Marine Hospital, 186- Lucius Upton, August 7, 1864 ; Massachusetts Bat- tery. Albert N. Joslin, Fifth Regiment. John F. Kidder, Sixth Regiment, at Alexandria, Va., November 11, 1862 ; grave No. 425. Harvey N. Bailey, cavalry^, at Westford, Mass., March 8, 1865. Joseph S. Lacy, Fifth Regiment, at Yorktown, Va., May 11, 1862. Oscar Eugene Carter, died. "Whole number died of disease, twenty-three. Post-Office. — Peter Lawrence was the firet postmaster. The oiSce was probably established during; the winter of 1801. April 1, 1846, the name of the office was 230 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. changed to Factory village, and located in that place. • On the 8th of December, Factory village was changed to East Jaffrey. The office at Jaffrey was re-established No- vember 6, 1846. Banks. — The Monadnock State Bank was in- corporated in 1850; capital, $50,000. John Conant was chosen president and Peter Upton cashier. Directors, John Conant, Benjamin Cutter, Jonas M. Mellville, James Scott, Rufus Haywood, Samuel Ryan, Jr., Solomon Allen. In 1855, John Fox was chesen president, and in 1857, James Scott, of Peterborough. In 1865 the Monadnock National Bank was incorpo- rated ; capital, $100,000. James Scott was chosen president ; Peter Upton, cashier. Ben- jamin Cutter was chosen president in 1870; cashier, Peter Upton. Peter Upton is the present president, and H. D. Upton, cashier. The present directors are Peter Upton, A. S. Coffin, B. D. Whitney, O. H. Bradley, Benjamin Pierce, Julius Cutter and John H. Cutter. Monadnock Savings-Bank was incorpo- rated in 1869. President, Oscar H. Bradley ; treasurer, Peter Upton ; the present trustees are O. H. Bradley (president), Benjamin Pierce, James S. Long, George A. Underwood, J. B. Stedd, J. T. Bigelow, Dexter Derby, C. B. Perry, John H. Fox, A. Sawyer, D, P. Emory, Julius Cutter and R. H. Kitredge. Population. — In 1775, at the beginning of the war, the number of inhabitants was 351. In 1783, 1033; in 1790, 1235; 1800, 1341; 1810, 1336 ; 1820, 1339 ; 1830, 1354 ; 1840, 1411; 1850, 1497; 1880, 1452; 1870, 1256; 1873, 1288 ; 1880, 1267. The Monadnock Railroad was completed and opened in June, 1871. The first trip, from Winchendon to Jaffrey, was made November 22, 1870. HISTORY OF MARLBOROUGH. BY EEV. S. H. MCCOLLESTEE. CHAPTER I. The early liistory of Marlborough, like that of the surrounding towns, is somewhat obscure and traditional. However, it is known that in the reign of King James I. Europeans came to this country and explored along the Merri- mack River, and that, as early as 1623, a settle- ment was made at Strawberry Bank (now Portsmouth). The settlers were few and mostly fishermen. Though the waters and lands in this region were inviting, immigration was slow because of the wildness of the country and the opposition of the Indians. In 1635 the Plym- outh Company, in order to promote settlements, divided up their property in New England among themselves before they surrendered their charter to the King, and the whole of what now constitutes New Hampshire fell to the lot of Captain John Mason, who was one of their number. He at once took steps to forward settlements and opened the way for them into different parts of the State. At his death, No- vember 16, 1635, his grandson, Robert Tufton, assuming the name Mason, carried on the work and was permitted to witness many new settle- ments along the streams and on the hills. At his departure he left his estate to his two sons, John and Thomas, who became of age about 1738. The entire State had now been surveyed and divided into townships. They at length ef- fected a sale of the unsettled parts to a company in the eastern division of the State, who be- came known as the "Masonian Proprietors." They soon directed their attention to lands about the Monadnock Mountain. No doubt, the ease with which these could be cleared, on ac- count of their elevation and the richness of the soil, attracted their attention, and so the way was opened for the settlement of eight townships around this grand old mountain. They were known as Monadnock No. 1, No. 2, etc. Marl- borough was Monadnock No. 5, and afterwards its name was changed to Marlborough by set- tlers who came from Marlborough, Mass. This brings us to the first settlement in town, which was by William Barker, a native of Westborough, Mass. He was one of the " original proprietors," and had drawn several lots in this division. Perhaps because of his financial interest, he was first led to explore the region in 1761, and select a lot on West Hill, on what is now a part of Troy. The next year he returned to the same place, with tools and provisions, to make a clearing for a future home. It is supposed he felled the first trees and con- structed the first camp in this then wild land. This must have been a lonely experience, by day and night. Still, he was ready to endure and persevere because of hope and promise. As his supply of provision was consumed, he turned his steps homeward, having made the beginning of a permanent settlement. In the spring of 1764 he returned and resumed his work of clearing, and built a log house, and so prepared the way for the removal of his family. Early in the ensuing fall, with his wife and three small children, they bid adieu to many kind friends and neighbors, and started on the long and trying journey to their new home. Their means of conveyance was an ox-team. This was a first-class mode of traveling at that 231 232 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. time. They found a passable road from West- borough to Winchendon, Mass., but from the latter place they were obliged to select their own way and get on as best they could through the extended forests. Just how long it took them to make this distance of less than twenty miles, without any beaten track, no record shows. We can but surmise they must have been thankful when their destiny was reached, 17th of September, with no disposition to re- trace their steps for the present. Now, see them in their rude home, really the first home in Marlborough. Their neighbors now are the bear and the bison, the wolf and the panther, the hawk and the partridge. Still it was home. Fancy could have but pictured to them better days and fairer scenes. They could have but felt they were sowing for others to reap. Noble adventurers they were, building better than they knew ! Isaac McAllister, not long after this first set- tlement, came hither to seek a spot for another home. His wife was a sister of Mrs. Barker, and so there were kindred attractions to draw these families near together. Mr. McAllister chose the lot which is known as the Deacon Farrar place. Here he made a log house, and before the winter set in it was occupied by his family, consisting of a wife and four children. This was the first settlement within the present limits of the town, and some four miles distant from Mr. Barker's. So, no doubt, during the winter of 1764-65 these two families comprised all the inhabitants of Monadnock No. 5. How little we can know of the hardships and strange experiences of these early pioneers! There must have been some other motives than those of the mere adventurer prompting them in their risks and severe undertakings. It would seem they desired 'to do so that others might enter into their labors and become greatly blest. It was even thus. From that feeble beginning what an outcome ! Generations have come and gone, but that simple, sweet home-life in the wild forest has been preserved and multiplied. The two homes have been supplanted by the many. Thus it is, — ^the log hut first, the cottage afterwards ; the rude first, the cultured last. The first-born in town was Dolly, the daugh- ter of Isaac and Hannah (Goddard) McAllister, during the first winter they passed in Marlbor- ough. Their family continued to increase till it numbered five girls and six boys. We can little guess how and where these children played, when and how much they went to school, or how they spent their Sundays. But this we know : that, in spite of wilderness and unfavoring fortune, they blossomed out into noble manhood and womanhood. How true it is, that " necessity is the mother of invention " and character as well! 1765. — If no Horace Greeley, as yet, had said, "Young man, go West," still it was "westward, ho!" with the young men even at this early date of our country's history. So one Silas Fife, a young man, in this year hav- ing heard of Monadnock No. 5, with gun in hand and a well-filled knapsack on his back, bade adieu to his old home in Bolton, Mass., and alone set out for what seemed an Eldorado to him. No doubt, he had experienced fairest visions in sleep and wakefulness of an enchanted land, whither his adventurous spirit was bound to lead him. At length he pitched his camp at the foot of the Monadnock Mountain, on what was afterwards known as the Deacon Baker place. Here he began at once to make for him- self a future home, having obtained a title of this section of land. The fish of the brooks and the game of the woods furnished him mostly with food. In the course of a few sum- mers he had converted a portion of the wilder- ness into a farm, where he was raising corn and potatoes; and, more than this, he had built a good log house, which was too large for himself to occupy alone. The cage and the food were ready for some fairy bird. Accordingly, he re- turned to his native town, — probably to his first love, whose wooing. had captured his heart long MARLBOROUGH. 233 ago, — and took for his bride Abigail Houghton. They were married in Boston, and then made their wedding tour to their new home under the shadows of the Old Monadnock. Just how they traveled and how long it took them to reach their destination no record states. It is certain they were not drawn by any iron steed with lungs of fire and breath of steam, nor whirled over a macadamized road in a coach- and-four at the rate of two-forty. But " where there is a will, there is a way," and so in due time they found themselves settlers in the new town, united in hand and heart, to serve the race and forward civilization. In 1765, Benjamin Tucker and wife, with five sons and two daughters, came from Leices- ter, Mass., and settled not far south of the spot where the old meeting-house stood. They were well suited to pioneering service. They seemed to be abundantly supplied with good common sense. Though deprived of school advantages, tliey made the most possible out of present op- portunities. It is impossible to decide whether fate or fortune led Mr. Tucker to select the spot for his home ; however, it turned out to be very fortuitous, for the great highway from Boston to Keene passed directly by it ; so the log house of small quarters was supplanted at length by a more imposing structure, which was used as a tavern. lis proprietor, by tact, integrity and congeniality, became popular as a public enter- tainer. This house was the place where the " Proprietors " delighted to meet for the trans- action of their business. No doubt, they were wont to have jolly experiences in their gather- ings, as well as discouraging adventures and almost insurmountable obstacles. It is fortunate they could laugh and weep, hope and fear, trust- ing all the while in an overruling Providence and willing for the right. Mr. Tucker acted an important part in the early public meetings, being often chosen as clerk, assessor or treasurer. This same year Daniel Goodnow, of noble stock, came from Marlborough, Mass., and took up his abode here. Juat where he first resided is not known, but probably in that part of the town which was afterwards set off" to Troy. He brought with him a wife and several chil- dren. If their history is somewhat deficient, we know they bequeathed good blood to after generations. During this year Abel Woodward and his family settled in town on what has been known as the Joslin place in later times. For some reason he thus early sought the valley for his home, while other settlers had pitched their camps or built their log huts on high grounds, It is difficult for us to guess the motives that prompted these early adventurers. Great dis^ parity of tastes and desires have always existed among men. Our forefathers could have been no exception to this law; accordingly, they sought the hill and the vale; they loved the mountain and the valley; they delighted in having homes on highland and lowland ; they were fond of the novel, the picturesque and the sublime ; so they were ready to dare and do for rising generations. We now can dimly sur- mise the trials they experienced and the hardr ships they endured for the sake of those whq should come after them. But they nobly wrought, and their names should be forever blessed. In 1766 the first town-meeting was held by the proprietors now settled in Monadnock No, 5. It convened at the house of Isaac McAHis^ ter. The object was to take steps towards lay- ing out roads through the township from Keene to Dublin, from Keene to Rindge and froni Swanzey to Fitzwilliam. They evidently were conscious of the fact that public roads are a necessity for civilization and progress. Indian trails and spotted trees may answer the turn of wild men, but they can never satisfy the wants of advanced humanity. Roads must be built before the school- house or the church can exist. As soon as highways were made to the feudal castles, or to pass near them, they gave place to Gothic cathedrals. The Orients built pyramids for the dead ; the Occidents built roads for the 234 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. living. As our forefathers opened up the first highways the straggling wigwams disappeared, and smiling cottages soon fringed the roads, thereby giving free course to commerce and the trains of wisdom and spiritual activity. How cheering it is that God works with men and crowds into their hearts vaster purposes and broader truths than, in their childish thoughts, they are wont to understand or appreciate ! In 1767 the first saw-mill was erected. We can hardly tell by whom or just when, but tra- dition says it was built at the confluence of the brooks near the school-house in District No. 4, and that Daniel Harrington controlled it. Dur- ing this year, it is said, Jedediah Maynard put up a frame house on what is known as the Artis Collins place, and which, in fact, con- stitutes a part of the house owned by his de- scendants at the present time. Another was built on the site of the Congregational Church by Abijah Tucker. These houses must have been quite a wonder in those days of log cabins, with their rude chimneys, thatched roofs and glassless windows. During this year the immi- grations to this town were much larger than they had been heretofore in the same period. Near the close of this year the Provincial Legislature required a census to be taken of the town, and the returns show that the population consisted of Unmarried men from 16 to 60 years of age 9 Married men from 16 to 60 years of age.... 16 Boys of 16 years and under 25 Men 60 years and above 1 Females unmarried 26 Females married 16 Total 93 This, we see, is quite a settlement to have been made in some three years in the wilds and woods of New England. During this or the following year a grist-mill and another saw-mill were built in the north part of the township, on what was afterwards known as the Richardson Brook. This was the first grain-mill in this region. Previously, the settlers had been obliged to go six and more miles to get their grain ground, following trails and roughest tracks. They must have learned what it was to earn their bread by the sweat of the brow. Stone relics of this old mill are to be seen at the present day. Its rudeness would bear a strik- ing contrast to the little machine which thumps away day and night in pumping and throwing water from the brook near where the old mill must have stood to buildings high on the hill. The last is better than the first ; the new than the old ; the cultivated garden than the wild morass. In 1769 the proprietors felt the time had come to direct their hands and hearts towards building a meeting-house. They made it bind- ing on every owner of land to bear his share of the expense in accomplishing this noble work. It appears that there was general interest felt in this enterprise. Their experience and self-sac- rifices tended to excite their religious natures, and make them feel dependent on God and de- sirous to obey his commandments. We imag- ine when they came together for worship, it was in sincerity and truth. So their united hearts must have stimulated each individual soul in those trying times, causing them to feel " how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." The Incorporation op the Town. — From 1770 to 1774 there was a large in- crease to the population ; so much so, that it was felt an application should be made to the Pro- vincial Congress for the right of incorporating the township into a town. A committee accordingly was chosen to this end, and in 1775 a charter, or grant, was obtained. Henceforth they chose town offices and raised means ac- cording to the laws of the State to meet the de- mands of the town. Now they were soon en- abled to complete their meeting-house, provide for preaching and support one or more schools. In naming the town, some desired it to be called Oxford, others Salisbury, others Worces- ter and still others Marlborough. But no doubt, the last name was decided upon because MARLBOROUGH. 235 so many had emigrated to it from Marlborough, Mass , and that old town was dear to their hearts, and for this reason they delighted to honor and commemorate it. The records show the new town was presided over from its inception with a good show of dignity and honesty. The majority seemed bound to have things about right. They were forced to have some officers for their protection which have become obsolete, and we nowadays cannot see why there was ever a demand for them, such as tithingmen, deer-reeves and hog- reeves. The office of tithingmen was brought from England here. Even in parts of Great Britain the office is still kept up. Its design is to preserve the Lord's day holy. So the duty of the tithingmen was to keep order in the house of worship, to prevent all unnecessary labor and travel on Sunday. They were honored with a badge of the office, and occupied a conspicuons place in the church, that they might discover any improprieties during the service. It was their privilege to speak out in meeting if they saw any laughing, swearing or roguery. They frequently thought they had sufficient cause to exercise their authority, or, at least, it was no uncommon thing for them to rebuke and chastise right in sermon-time. Only think of men, women and children sitting on hard boards for two or three hours during the forenoon service, and as long in the afternoon, listening oftentimes to prosy preaching and harsh singing ! Who could blame the old folks for nodding and the children for playing? If such were the order of Sunday service at the present day, we judge tithingmen would still be a necessity. Possibly, we are going to the other extreme, often preferring fift«en-minute essays for sermons which hit nowhere, and operatic music which pleases the head, but touches not the heart. Perhaps, in our haste, we give the French, even, a chance to say of us, " How the Americans rush out of their churches and their cars ! " The duty of the deer-reeves was to protect the deer so that they should not be destroyed at unseasonable periods, or be cruelly treated at any time. Would it not be well if we could have officers appointed in this age to protect the harmless birds and quadrupeds? Certainly, there is a demand for leagues to be formed to guard land and water, preventing cruelty to animals. The hog-reeves were of special importance when our town was new, for the swine were allowed to run at large, and were as much given to rooting then as now. However, the law was that they should be yoked and their noses wrung. This was frequently neglected ; so much damage would be done by their roving and root- ing. The duty of the hog-reeve was to see that these creatures were properly equipped for their liberty. For some reason it became the custom to elect the recently married to this office. If it were not esteemed very honorable, at times it was very onerous. This office was regarded as most essential for many years, and still stands on our statute books. / But public opinion, if it does not always create the laws, does execute them, if they are executed at all. For this rea- son we want public sentiment right, and then we will have good laws that can be put in force. The more we study and learn the facts of the first inhabitants of our town, the more we must be convinced that they were men of heroism and moral strength. They laid a good founda- tion ; they wrought grandly ; their example is worthy of imitation. As they felled the forest and dug up the soil, they sowed good seed, which is still yielding manifold. Their lives, as from some pure spring bursting from Mo- nadnock's lofty brow, have floated down to us on the currents of time, like the little boats, adorned with flowers and lighted with starry flames, which the South Sea Islanders set afloat on the seas to be borne to their descendants dwelling in fairer realms. So the flowers and lights of our ancestral past have filled our gar- dens with countless charms, and gilded our ways with brightest hopes. 236 HISTOKY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. CHAPTER II. MAR'LBOROVG'B— {Continued). THE KEVCLFTIONARY PEKIOD. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary War Marlborough was but sparsely settled. The census that was taken in 1775 gave three hundred and twenty-four inhabitants ; of this number, one hundred and forty-eight were fe- males and one hundred and four were boys under sixteen years of age ; so there could not have been more than sixty men qualified for military service. As British invasion was made on the 19th of April, 1775, the red-coats marched upon Lexington and Concord, and con- sternation and terrible anxiety spread through the whole land. Then we had no independent government ; at best, were only under colonial instructions. The total population of the coun- try then did not exceed three millions. But the first crack of British muskets and roar of British cannon, within our borders, startled our brave yeomanry throughout the land. Axes were dropped in the forests, plows were left in the fields, drums were beaten, bells were rung, muskets were snatched from over mantel-pieces, powder-horns and ball-pouches were slung over the shoulders, blankets were tied to the backs, men with determined minds and patriotic hearts were rushing to the fields of strife. Devoted wives and tender mothers could but weep bit- terest tears; still, they bid their noble husbands and brave sons go forth doing valiantly for God and country. Yes, a Stark quickly fled from his saw-mill at Londonderry, Putnam quit his farm at Pomfret without stopping to change his dress. All were bound to drive the enemy from our soil ; they were ready to tear down King George's §tatue and melt it into bullets to shoot down British invaders. If from earliest time there had been a tendency to reverence the King, and trace one's pedigree to a kingly source ; if the heroes of Homer de- lighted to call Olympus father ; if the historic families of Sparta and Macedon clung to the all-seeing Zeus as their progenitor ; if the great Julius Caesar fancied that he was the son of the beautiful Aphrodite ; if the old Teutonic tribes believed that there was a sacredness in being the subjects of kingly rule, — Americans were not to submit to any such delusion. They had suffered wrongs under the King as long as they could. Somehow they felt they must and would be free. At this sudden burst of martial flames the thirteen' colonies were remarkably free from Toryism. The Pilgrims and the Virginian adventurers had been here long enough to real- ize that America was bound to have a govern- ment of her own. Her lands, her waters, her climates and her skies were truly American, and why should not this be true of her political administration ? It was soon made evident, as her brave men sprung to arms and marched with quick step to fields of carnage and death, that it was to be a reality. Marlborough, with other towns of the Granite State, was not slack in assuming its share of hard- ships in the pending Revolution. If our town did not have any soldiers in the battles of Lex- ington and Concord, on account of being so re- mote from the seat of war, it did send forth Moses Tucker, Timothy Rodgers, Robert Worseley, Daniel Collins, Lieutenant James Brown and Pearson Newell, who were in the memorable battle of Bunker Hill, the 17th of June, 1775. At the close of this year, it is said, there were in the army in the vicinity of Boston from our town, sixteen men. After the evacuation of Boston by the Brit- ish a thousand soldiers left this post, under the leadership of Benedict Arnold, pressing their way toM'ards Quebec through the dense woods of Maine. They advanced to the Kennebec River and then embarked in boats, forcing their way with the greatest difficulty up the current to its head-waters ; thence they bore their boats, heavily burdened, across to the river Chaudifere and passed down to the St. Lawrence, six miles above Quebec. In this perilous experience the sufferings must have been beyond descrip- MARLBOROUGH. 237 tion. Several of our soldiers were among the number. Robert Worseley was one of them, who says they were terribly harassed by the Indians, and became so reduced in rations that they were forced to eat the leather of their shoes and cartridge-boxes. At one time, as they emerged from the woods a dog saluted them and they shot it. Mr. Worseley relates that " it fell to his lot to dress it, and as he was taking out the entrails, the famishing men snatched away the flesh, having for himself only what he could clutch in his hands." Although they ate the flesh raw, Mr. Worseley asserts that " it was the sweetest meat he ever tasted." In another company of this expedition, Mr. Worseley says, " some of the men came across the carcass of a hog, which was eaten quicker than he could tell a lie." Truly, those were times that tried men's bodies as well as souls. In July, 1776, a regiment of New Hamp- shire militia was raised to increase our army in Canada ; but a change was made, so that it was sent to Ticonderoga to aid in defending that part of our country. On the roll of this regi- ment we find the names of Benjamin Goodenow, Abel Woodward and Peter Tozer, who enlisted from Marlborough. In September of the same year another force was called for from New Hampshire to reinforce the army in New York, and in the following December it came under the immediate command of General Washing- ton. Among the names from our State we find those of Daniel Goodnow and Jonah Har- rington. In the spring of 1777 England decided to in- vade the States from the north with seven thousand troops besides a large artillery train and several tribes of Indians, all under the command of General Burgoyne. Accordingly, steps were at once taken by the colonists to en- list men for three years, or during the war. Our State was called upon to furnish one hundred and nineteen men ; the quota for Marlborough was six. Colvin Goodenow, Frederick Free- man and Reuben McAlister enlisted immediately and the town oifered a county which soon in- duced Adino Goodenow, Timothy Rogers and Jabez McBride to give in their names, thus meeting the demand made upon our town at this call. Peter Tozer joined the army not long after. These men were mustered into service and put into Colonel Scammel's regiment, in which Andrew Colburn, of this town, was lieu- tenant-colonel. This force was engaged in the battle of Stillwater and the men proved them- selves daring and loyal. Though they were in the thickest of the battle, they faltered not, but seemed bound to live or die for their country. Lieutenant-Colonel Colburn and Frederick Freeman were killed in this battle. All this while the British had been making ready to invade our land from the north ; and in the spring of this year, unexpectedly, they advanced towards Lake Champlain. As this became known it created great alarm and excite- ment ; and soon from all quarters of our land brave men were marching to confront and over- power the enemy. Twenty-three enlisted from Marlborough. As our forcesadvanced the enemy were induced to withdraw from Fort Ticon- deroga and along the shores of Lake Champlain, and so our soldiers were relieved for a time. But it was soon ascertained that General Bur- goyne had changed his plans somewhat and had resolved to march into Vermont, and on into New Hampshire, subduing New England, if possible. This startled and aroused the people again. The Legislature of our State was at once called together, and divided its militia into bri- gades, to be under the command of General John Stark and Colonel William Whipple to march forthwith into Vermont to co-operate with the forces from other States in driving the enemy beyond our borders. At this call Marlborough sent Isaac McAlister as sergeant, William Ten- ney as corporal, and John Tozer. These men participated in the battle at Bennington and in the surrender of Burgoyne. In September more soldiers were called for and our town supplied six more, who joined the^ 238 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. army at Saratoga, and were also present at the capitulation and the relinquishment of Bur- goyne's army. A fter this the base of action was changed on the part of our troops to that of Rhode Island, which was in the possession of the British. Arrangements had been made for a French fleet to allure and attract the attention of the English troops there towards the coast, while at the same time General Sullivan, in the summer of 1778, was to attack them on the land side. New Hampshire supplied a brigade to assist in this undertaking and our town fur- nished eleven of that number of soldiers. The next year the State called for five hundred men to fill up the three Continental battalions from the State. Captain James Lewis and Russell Oliver are the only names mentioned as going from Marlborough. The succeeding year no enlistments were called for, but in 1781 special efforts were put forth by the town to fill the quota assigned it. After overcoming some special difficulties, arising from the depreciation of the currency and the scarcity of hard money, the town was successful in complying with the State requirements, furnishing their full number of soldiers all through the Revolution. After the close of the war there were thirty-nine new settlers to the town, all of whom had served their country more or less, at different points and in different engagements, during the struggle with England. So, when this martial strife was over, Marlborough could count nearly a hundred names of brave citizens who had fought and bled for the freedom of our land. In camp and field, for the most part, they had proved them- selves patriotic and loyal soldiers All the way from Lexington and Concord, through the seven long, bloody, weary years, to the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown, our State and town did their full share to hasten peace and es- tablish one form of government. It was some- thing new under the sun. It is true there had been republics before. Athens was so re- garded when Phidias chiseled and Pericles declaimed, but she was really sustained by slaves. Rome was once proclaimed a republic, but serfdom reduced it to an empire. Florence and Genoa were pronounced republics, but aristoc- racy made them tyrants over adjacent cities and at length wrought their downfall. There were republics in Holland, whence came our free schools, but they crumbled away because founded on classes. It was reserved for our fathers to establish a republic on the basis of the equal rights of all men, and so construct a government as broad as humanity itself. This is what was really achieved by the hardships and triumphs of the Revolutionary War. We gladly acknowledge our Revolutionary heroes had inherited good blood and noble principles. Before Washington and Franklin were Moses, Socrates, Tell, Luther and Milton. Before Boston and Philadelphia were Jerusalem, Sparta, Venice, Genoa and Leyden. But it is right we should recognize the fact and rejoice that our fathers improved upon their patrimony, and ex- pressed for the first time faith in the right of self-government, in the government of the whole people. This was worth fighting for and dying for ! Blessed bestowments have we re- ceived from our pristine townsmen ! All honor to the Revolutionary heroes of Marlborough ! CHAPTER IIL MARLBOROUGH.— (Continited.) THE STATE ADOPTING ITS CONSTITUTION. In the infancy of the colonies the fear of the Indians and the trouble with Great Britain often called the people together in convention. From these small gatherings at length arose the Continental Congress, and from this last body sprung the Articles of Confederation, and out of these articles came our present Constitution of the United States. So this is an instrument of no hasty growth, but the outcome of neces- sity and trying experience. The Articles of Confederation were MARLBOROUGH. 239 not binding till they were approved and adopted by each of the States separately. This work was not completed and the new government put into operation till the 23d of March, 1781. This course of the States, together with many defeats, led England to become weary of the war, and, accordingly, Parliament decided upon closing it, and commissioners were chosen by both governments to make the terms of peace. The provisional articles were signed on the last day of November, 1782, and the final treaty was signed Septembers, 1783. The last of the British forces were withdrawn from our borders on the 25th of November, 1783 ; and on the 23d of December, Washington appeared in the Hall of Congress, at Annapolis, and resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of our army. As apparent peace had now come to our peo- ple, the different States began to examine with care the Articles of Confederation, with the view of forming State Constitutions that would be in harmony with the same and equal to the demands of the different States. These Consti- tutions were to be brought before the citizens in the various towns of a State and cautiously considered before their adoption. We see plain- ly the intention was to have the people make the laws by which they were to be governed. The few were not to rule the many any longer. New Hampshire took necessary steps to have these Articles of Confederation brought before its people as soon as practicable, and in June, 1784, its new plan of government was accepted and its Constitution publicly declared. So our State was still sovereign as to all its local in- terests. Although greater power was granted to the Confederation by the co-operation of these State-movements, still its power was too lim- ited to meet all the demands of a national gov- ernment. Its bonds of union were not suffi- ciently strong and close. For this reason the States found it essential to improve upon the Confederation by creating and adopting a Uni- ted States Constitution. This was not com- pleted and accepted by all the States till the 4th of ' March, 1789, on which day George Washington was elected the first President. The Constitution is truly one of the most remarkable papers ever produced. It is enough to immortalize the names of Jefferson, Frank- lin, Adams, Washington and others that were chief in bringing it forth. It is the outcome of the profoundest thought and the devoutest endeavors. Though it was felt and hoped that our coun- try would now be permitted to enjoy peace and prosperity, still our people soon learned to the contrary and found their rights were being tres- passed upon by foreign nations. They were particularly harassed along their borders and on the seas. Then, too, internal troubles sprang up because of differences of opinion in reference to State and national affairs. They were harassed in quarters by the Indians. But in spite of trials and struggles, the States, un- der the administration of Washington, exper- ienced striking growth. As he completed his second term as chief ruler the masses were glad to declare him " first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countiymen." During the Presidency of Adams and Madison internal and external storms of war threatened them, and in June, 1812, our country declared war the second time against Great Britian. Now meas- ures were at once taken to increase the army. Each State was called upon to furnish a certain number of men. New Hampshire's quota was three thousand five hundred. The forces of the States were divided into three divisions : The Army of the West, col- lected near Lake Erie ; the Army of the Cen- tre, brought together on the Niagara frontier ; and the Army of the North, centred on the shores of Lake Champlain. Marlborough was called upon to furnish eight soldiers. These at once enlisted without any draft being made, but they were so fortunate as not 240 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. to be called into the field. But in 1814 our Governor asked for troops to garrison the forts at Portsmouth, as British war-vessels were threatening our coasts. Accordingly, a draft was made and it fell to the lot of Etheel Par- menter, Benjamin Fife, Henry H. Cutler, Na- than D. Parker and Abner Fairbanks to ful- fill the demand, and they immediately complied and went to Portsmouth^ serving three months. Soon after this another call was made, and the town, offering a bounty, raised the following as volunteers : Moses Perkins, Stephen White, Ezekiel White, Darius Williams, Aaron Hodg- kins and Levi Gates, Jr. These men served six months and were honorably discharged. During this time thickening gloom seemed to be settling down upon our land, and active meas- ures were taken to have strong forces ready for marching orders at any moment. For this rea- son, all through the States, old and young, who were fitted to do military service, were being drilled and trained for the army. Marlborough was not behind in this work. Her sons were patriotic and daring. They laid in store pow- der and balls in large quantities, that they might be prepared for an emergency. During this year the battles of Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, Fort McHenry and New Orleans were fought. The signal victory gained at the last place closed the sec- ond war with Great Britain. New Hampshire had performed well its part, and Marlborough had fulfilled her duty in defending and preser- ving our republic. The spirit of liberty, some- how, was sure to blow aside the weeds of dis- cord in their pathway, and thereby open up to them the violets of peace. It was as water thrown upon Mosaic pavements, developing brilliant colors, gilding their track with the ra- diance of heaven. It was the mystic lyre that played sweetest music by their rustic hearths in spite of the din of war or the howl of wild beasts. Their course was difficulty, struggle, progress. The Rebellion. — Who of us that remember the spring of 1861 can refrain from expressing heartfelt gratitude to the braves dead and the braves living? As the echoes of Fort Sumter reached our ears, how men sprang to their arms ! Reared in peace, we coveted peace. But our country was threatened, our flag insulted and our Union likely to become dissevered. It seemed but a day before countless flags were floating from our house-tops, and almost every village and city in our State and northern land had become a rendezvous for the enlistment of volunteers. How soon camp-fires were seen blazing upon our hillsides and our fields were spotted with army tents ! Men went forth in earnest to drill on campus and make ready in haste for the war. Some could not stop to prac- tice with the sword and gun, but rushed to the field of strife with rusty bayonet and unbur nished blade. They were bound to stand by the old flag in its first and last tribulation. As soon as the sense of duty bid the braves go forth in defense of our country, what scenes followed ! Do we not witness the pallid face of the weeping wife? Do we not still witness the mother's arms about the neck of her son and the shake of the father's hand, as they bid their beloved " away to your country's call?" No- ble men, have you forgotten the wail of chil- dren as you kissed them, you knew not but for the last time, and hurried off to the perils of war and the din of the battle-field ? Young men, do you not recall the plighted vows made, or renewed, to some fair lover, or dear friend whom you were leaving, perchance, never to meet again this side of the dark river ? Quick- ly the first call of our now sainted Lincoln was filled. With no small degree of pride, it is our privilege to record the fact that Marlborough was the first town of Cheshire County to respond to this call. One of her sons, Thomas L. White, led the roll of enlistments to the First New Hampshire Regiment from our county. Two others soon followed, doing likewise, — James and John Totten. In the course of a few weeks a company was MARLBOROUGH. 241 raised at Keeue for the Second New Hamp- shire Regiment. The names below show who were in this regiment from our town a part or the whole of the time daring the war : Ehodolphus I. White. Lucius F. Hunt. Amos L. Corey. Mark Tens Greenwood. Cyrus E. Hardy. Augustus C. White. Milton G. Razey. Levi N. Converse. Daniel B. Woodward. William H. Tenny. James Newell. Merrick H. Ross. Amaziah Sawtelle. John Totten. Asa M. White. This regiment was engaged in more than twenty battles and lost in action more than eight hundred men. Most of the men from our town proved themselves valiant soldiers. Among others should be specially mentioned Levi N. Converse. He enlisted as a private, but was soon promoted, because of merit, to the rank of sergeant and then to that of lieuteuant-colonel . In the ordeal at Gettysburg he lost his right arm, and at the battle of Chapin's Farm a minie-ball went through the roof of his mouth, badly disfiguring his face. But from these wounds he remained in the hospital no longer than he was obliged to, before he wa-s in the active service again, and continued with his regiment until it was mustered out of service in Concord at the close of the -war. When the Sixth Regiment was raised, in the autumn of 1861, eighteen men from our town joined it, consisting of Nelson Converse. Oscar W. Farnum. Calvin Stone. Charles A. Field. F. H. Castone. John H. Priest. Edward F. Adams. Henry H. Atherton. William A. Russell. George H. Smith. Thomas L. White. Charles W. Pike. George V. R. Farnum. Francis M. Farrar. Arculus Vicar. Everett F. Gates. Charles L. Clarke. George Tilden. Nelson Converse, the father of Levi Con- verse, served as colonel of this regiment till he was forced to resign from ill health. Edward F. Adams was promoted from the ranks to captain. This regiment experienced much hard service in camp and on field. It per- 16 formed its part well in helping crush the Rebel- lion. When its complete history shall be writ- ten out, it will portray not a few heroic charac- ters and patriotic deeds. In 1862, at the raising of the Fourteenth Regiment of three years' men, the citizens of Marlborough supplied eighteen more soldiers, whose names are as follows : James Totten. Christopher Totten. William Collins. Enoch Foster. George H. Stone. George H. Stockwell. Alphonso A. Adams. Perley E. Collins. DelevanC. Richardson. Nathaniel P. Rust. Theodore Pope. Sumner L. McCollester. William H. Pierce. Luke Knowlton, Jr. Charles A. Mason. Edwin B. Matthews. Ebenezer T. Greenwood. Charles Knowlton. This was a marked regiment all through the war, and the " boys" in it from Marlborough won lasting honors by their heroism and faith- ful service. Some of them were killed on the field of battle, most of them were wounded, several died in hospitals and others were mus- tered out of service at the end of the war and are still living. Marlborough supplied in all for the war ninety-eight men. Of course, some of these were substitutes. But she was loyal to the calls made upon her and shed freely her share of blood to wipe out the stains of slavery from our soil and give fullest freedom to all dwelling within our borders. Can we not now rejoice in this ? Would we have it otherwise ? It is not a small thing that our devoted townsmen helped settle the question — we trust, for all time — that a republican government has permanency. Ah ! did our brave soldiers know for whom and for what they were making their great sacrifices as they were - marching upon fields of carnage? Nay, verily, not any more than Moses could have calculated the outcome of his leading the Israelites through the wilderness for so many years ; or the three hundred Spartans could have foreseen for what they climbed in the pass of Thermopylae to peri.shj or why the brave six hundred rushed into the jaws of death at 242 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Balaklava. Our noble heroes did infinitely more and better in living and dying for the pre- servation of our republic than they could have anticipated. Our country is now free from human slavery ; and what is this fact not worth ? It is worth all your hard-fought bat- tles, O American republic! It is worth all your prayers and anxieties, O sainted Lin- coln ! It is worth all your graves, O Gettys- bm-g ! O Arlington Heights ! O Chattanooga ! O Xorthern cities of the dead ! for it enables everv citizen • of our Union to ca^^t his own vote, nurture a free school in his brain and cherish the Declaration of Independence in his heart. CHAPTEE IV. MARLBOROUGH— (PoiKinued). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. No one can question but that physical environ- ments have much to do in the formation of character ; but still more have mental and re- ligious forces. Accordingly, as our early an- cestors came from the Highlands of Scotland and the cultivated lands of England, having been long trained to religious thought and feel- ing, they were naturally disposed to worship God. As plants depend on light, air, heat, moisture and soil for growth, so they seemed to feel these were essential to their outwai'd de- velopment, but the consciousness of a superin- tending Providence was still more demanded by their spiritual natures. This explains why, as the Pilgrims stepped upon Plymouth Eock, they bowed in sincerest worship ; why, as our State was first settled, provisi(jns were made for the worship of God ; why, as towns were char- tered, requirements were laid upon the people to build churches and provide for the support of the ministry. In our town measures weru taken before it.-- incorpiDratiou towards building a meeting-house. The people felt the necessity of having a Sab- bath home where they could assemble to wor- ship God unitedly. Scattered settlers in a wilderness, as well as voyagers far out upon the ocean, can but feel dependent and desirous of expressing their religious emotions at proper times and in suitable places to Him who holds them in His loving embi-ace. So, as early as 1770, a spot was selected as near the centre of the town as possible, and the fii-st church edifice in Marlborough was raised. It was fifty by forty feet on the ground, and high posted. At that raising there must have been a jolly time, for more than a barrel of the over-joyful was drunk. Then it was thought men could not build nor preach well without their "toddy." About this period a grant of land was set apart for the support of the ministry, and another grant for the first settled minister; but these were in an unimproved state, and situated near the meeting-house. This house was simply raised the first year, and roofed the next ; and before anything further was done to it, a religious ser- \\c& was held in it. The outside was not boarded till 1774, and it was not furnished ^vith glass windows and hinged doors till 1790, when it was regarded complete, though at this time it had no chimney nor steeple. To accomplish this work many severe struggles and much self- sacrifice had been required. They evidently, however, felt richly compensated as they assem- bled in that sacred place, offering up prayer and praise to God. It was not supplied with stoves till 1823. Its belfry was added in 1834, and the first bell of the town pealed out from its lofty t(jwer its strong, clear tones, for many years marking the hour of noon, calling the people to the seascms of worship, tolling the departure of those liaving "crossed the river" and the march to the tomb. The old meeting-house, if it has disappeared, still lives in the memories of many. It was truly the first meeting-house of our native town. Do you not see it in imagination, on the hill, ^\•ith its broad, open common, its long row of MARLBOROUGH. 243 horse-sheds and its thickly-crowded city of the dead ? It was well lighted within. How the l)ulpit, standing on the north side, towered above floor and even gallery ! The old sound- ing-board hung from the ceiling above it, and close underneath was the deacon's pew, with the communion table. Those box-pews, with their movable seats and high partitions, furnished with open work at the top toward the aisles, were quaint indeed, and would be curiosities to-day. Then those long front-gallery seats on three sides, backed by those elevated pews, would look strange to the young of the present age. But that church used to be crowded with worshippers. The staid people occupied the seats below, the large choir those in front above; the single men those on the west, and the un- married women on the east ; and the boys and girls took possession of the highest pews when they could, for in those they were mostly out of sight of minister and all the worshippers below. What long and forcible sermons were wont to be preached from the pulpit ! and what tremendous singing came down and went up from that gallery ! How the young folks often sported in those pews, and the hard-working and aged nodded as the minister preached an hour or an hour and a half long I The people demanded these protracted services morning and afternoon ; and for years they endured them, even in the winter, without any artificial heat save what might come from a few foot- stoves. During the time between the services the men would converse in squads by the horse- sheds, and the women would assemble in parties among the pews, and then politics, religion anil business matters would be discussed ! But the memories of that old church are sacred, and should always remain so. No doubt the pros- perity of our town is largely indebted to the early worship in that sacred place. However, so long as the people of the town were taxed for the support of preaching, the religkius progress was disturbed every now and then. They wanted liberty of conscience in spiritual as well as iu ci\il affairs. They nat- urally differed as to doctrines. Some were Calvinists, some Arminians and others Arians ; and the ministers strongly felt, at times, it would be no more than right that their views should be preached— occasionally, at least — in the old church. Now in 1819 a State law was enacted which met the demands, giving to the legal voters the privilege to decide how and when their ministe- rial tax should be paid. This encouraged the different sects in town to assert tlreir rights, and for each to claim the old meeting-house a por- tion of the Sabbaths for religious worship. Accordingly, a division was made, in keeping with the wishes of the people, and, in 1835, the proportion stood as follows for the year : Unitarians, one and two-third days; Baptists, six and two-third days ; Methodists, ten and one-third ; Congregationalists, thirteen ; Uni- versalists, twenty and one-half This method did not work well, for it tended to defeat the permanent settlement of a minister, and oc- casionally resulted in having no service in the church on Sunday. In 1778 the first minister. Rev. Joseph Cum- mings, of Topsfield, Mass., was settled in town. He was a graduate from Harvard University, and came well recommended. Still, at his in- stallment, some of the brethren chose to conse- crate him to the Gospel work here, hesitated and questioned the propriety of so doing from certain discoveries brought out during his ex- amination. Still, he was settled on a salary of $lo.3.33 annually. But before the end of the first year some disturbances arose ; however, a few members were added to the church, and several children were baptized. But people and pastor were dissatisfied with each other, and December 1, 1780, Mr. Cummings was for- mally dismissed. But after this he brought an action against the town for certain damages, and recovered some two hundred dollars. This controversy proved a great injury to religious growth in town, and for a few years the people 244 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NKW HAMPSHIRE. did not seem disposed to settle another minister. However, during this period, supplies were fur- nished by Revs. J. Dammon, John Ramming- ton, Elijah Leonard, Caleb Blake, Ebenezer Hill and Solomon Adams. Either of the last two the town and church would have been glad to settle. In 1792 Rev. Holloway Fish, of Upton, Mass., preached on trial, was called, and settled the same year as a Calvinist-Congregational minister. Mr. Fish was a native of Upton, a graduate from Dartmouth College in 1790. He was a fair scholar, of a serious turn of mind, and exemplary in his daily walk. He was plain and positive in his preaching. He enjoyed the confidence of his people generally. Dur- ing his pastorate of some thirty years, one hun- dred and seventy-eight were added to the church, and three hundred and three children were baptized. Mr. Fish died in town Septem- ber 1, 1824, aged sixty-two years, and was buried in the cemetery by the old meeting- house. At his death a separation took place between the town and church, and a new organization was made and denominated " The First Evan- gelical Congregational Society of Marlborough." At its inception thirty-seven men affixed their names to the constitution. In 1825 this new church gave a call to Rev. Salmon Bennett to settle with them, which was accepted on a salary of three hundred dollars a year. He was soon installed, and continued as their pastor for five years, and increased the church by twenty-five new members. After the dismission of Mr. Bennett, Rev. Erastus Curtis ministered to this church for one year, and it was without any pastor till 1835. But during this interim their organi- zation was changed, and, dispensing with the previous name, they assumed that of the Trini- tarian Congregational Society of Marlborough. In 1833 this organization voted to build a meeting-house exclusively for their own use. The money was raised by subscription. It was with somo difficulty that a site for tho building was decided upon; but the one was selected where it now stands, and the new church edifice was completed and dedicated October 29, 1834. At this time there were but few houses in the village, and the members of the church in the south part of the town found it hard to become reconciled to its present location. Nevertheless, this prejudice gradually wore away, and all at length were led to feel it was pleasantly and for- tunately situated. In 1835, Rev. Moses G. Grovenor was set- tled over this church. He was a man of ability and great will-force. He was a graduate from Dartmouth College and Andover Theological Seminary. His sermons exhibited study and originality. In delivery he was animated and at times eloquent. His pastorate lasted five years ; during this time thirty-two members were added to the church. He was a good- looking and appearing minister. His very presence implied that he was master of the sit- uation, whether in or out of the pulpit. He married, for his second wife. Miss Hannah D. Jones, a native of this town, and a graduate from Mount Holyoke Seminary. He died in Boston in 1879. In 1840, Rev. Giles Lyman was installed as pastor over this church. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1827, and from An- dover Theological Seminary in 1831. He ranked high in his academic and professional studies. By nature he was reserved and diffi- dent ; not robust physically, but regular and abstemious in his habits, so that he enjoyed such a degree of health as to enable him to ful- fill his duties. As a sermonizer, he was system- atic and careful in his thoughts and expression. His rhetoric was superior to his oratory. As a pastor, he was true and faithful, doing all in his power to bless his people. As a citizen, he was much respected and deeply interested in the schools and the general welfare of the town. For years he served on the School Board. He con- tinued his ministry here for twenty-eight years, MARLBOROUGH. 246 and during this time his cliurcli was bleft with an increase of one hundred and thirty-eight mem- bers. Of course, many in his church and in the town passed away during his long pastorate. But he was a true friend to the sick and the afflicted. He was loyal to his church and creed, doing his best to render the M'orld wiser and better. His chief concern was, as he ex- pressed it, to save souls. He ^\'as remarkably favored in his married relations, having a gifted and devoted helpmate in his Christian work. Mrs. Lyman was really a brilliant woman, in- fusing good cheer into the hearts of all with whom she wrought. The memory of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman will always remain sacred in the town of Marlborough. He departed this life in 1872. His immediate successor here was Rev. Henry H. Underwood, but he ministered to this people only some seven mouths. In 1869, Rev. Silas P. Cook preached on trial for a short period, and then was settled with a great unanimity of feeling on the |)art of the society, but at his own request he was dis- missed the following year. He was regarded as a young man of ability and promise. In 1870, Rev. John L. Merrill was called to this church and installed as its pastor the fol- lowing year. He is a native of Haverhill, this State. He was graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in 1856, at the age of twenty -three, and afterwards went through a divinity course in Princeton Theological Seminary. He made a good record in both of these institutions. Soon after leaving the seminary he was settled in Chanceford, Pa., where he continued his labors successfully for five years. Then for a year he was principal of the combined High Schools of Lancaster City, Pa. In 1866 he accepted a call to settle over the Congregational Church of Ac- worth, N. H., where he labored for four years with great success, till he was settled in Marlborough, where he is still endeavoring to do faithful ser- vioe to his church. Lie believes in progress ; however, he would not be classed with the new school of theology. He is strictly evangelical and thoroughly Presbyterian in his views. He so writes, preaches and lives as to be highly re- spected by his followers. jMr. Merrill has shown himself a real friend to the cause of education, having given consider- able time to the schools in town, and been a prominent factor in making improvements in methods and management. He has been an earnest advocate of temper- ance and other reforms. He has largely iden- tified himself with the interests of the town for the past fifteen years. During his ministry here extensive improvements have been made in his own church edifice, and a chapel vestry has been secured. His church has seemed to pros- ■ per under his leadership. The Congregational is the strongest church in town, representing the largest membership and the most wealth. They have a good brick church edifice, and a convenient and pleasant parsonage. The Methodist Church. — The first Methodist preaching in town was at the house of Daniel Emerson, in 1793, by the Rev. John Hill. Mr. Emerson was a Methodist by nature, and could not be satisfied with any other doc- trine or mode of worship. So he was ready to make self-sacrifices and do all in his power to introduce what to him seemed the best expres- sion of Christianity. History implies that the first Methodist preaching in the State was in this town. It is said that after that first meet- ing it was not long before there were several of the most respectable familes in Marlborough and adjoining towns formed themselves into a class and quite a number soon became members of this church, constituting the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Marlborough. At this time the Emersons, the Herricks, the Russells, the Richardsons, the Wakefields, Metcalfs and AVhites were among the most active workers. The meetings were held in private houses for some time. They had frequent revivals, and their numbers were greatly increased. As they 246 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. had not a mini.ster settled among tliem, they appointed one of their own members for a given time to lead them. Alfred IMetcalf, Ebenezer Herrick, Ebenezer Wallingford, Abner Russell and others served in this capacity. In 1842 a meeting-house was built at Pot- tersville (now West Harrisville), being consid- ered the most central place, as the Methodists then were situated. This was a decided achievement, for hitherto they had been obliged to hold their Quarterly Meetings in barns and groves. Regular Sunday services were now held in this church, and the Methodist cause advanced rapidly. Meetings continued to be held here till 1859, when Rev. Thomas L. Fowler was supplying this people with preach- ing; it was decided to hold the meetings on the Sabbath half of the time in the Baptist Church at the village, which was then unoccu- pied. This proved to be a fortunate movement, for the population had concentrated largely into the village, diminishing the number of inhabi- tants in the vicinity of Pottersville, and creating a demand for Methodist meetings where most of the people resided. Accordingly, steps were soon taken to purchase the Baptist Church, and with success ; so that the meetings were held all the time in the village. The meeting-house at Pottersville was sold and a parsonage was built in the village, giving this church superior advan- tages to what it had heretofore enjoyed. Thence- forth it experienced a gradual growth. It has sustained regular services on the Sabbath, and become a power among the other churches for good. Its preachers, for the most part, have been efficient ministers, doing excellent work for the church and the people generally. Among some of its earlier itinerant preachers were the famous Lorenzo Dow, Bishop Hed- ding and Martin Renter, who became a college president ; and among those assigned to this charge, laboring for a year or more, whose names are especially cherished, are Revs. Samuel S. Dudley, Ira Carter, Thomas L. Fowler, Cole and Dockerell. With scarcely an ex- ception, the many pastors over this church have been loyal to the temperance cause, and trul\- interested in the public schools and the common interests of the town. Every Christian Church seems to have a di- vine appointment and a special mission to ful- fill. Thus it is with the Methodists. By its zeal, devotion and perseverance, it has taken marvelous strides, and accomplished in a given time what no other church has ever achieved. In little more than a century it has come to sur- pass any other Protestant sect in its number of communicants and Sunday-school scholars. It consecrates some two new church edifices every day in the year. While all Christians cannot be Methodists, any more than all the stars can become planets, or all the flowers dahlias, still all must rejoice at the grand Christian work they are achieving and wish them a hearty "Godspeed!" The Baptist Church. — Among the earliest settlers of the town there were those who were of the Baptist persuasion, and previous to its incorporation Baptist meetings were occasionally held at private houses. It was not popular then to be a Baptist, and only those who were strong in the faith could endure the contumely that was often heaped upon them. But the sincere and thoughtful in heart and mind are quite certain to succeed in the end. Thus it was with these Christians. Their early leader was Elder Joseph Cummings, who was a man of moral fortitude and mental strength. Like Moses leading the children of Israel, he bid his followers " go forward," and they were obedient to the command. They were zealous in trying to have the town release them from helping support that form of worship which was not most congenial to their hearts. They persisted in this, with others, till they gained their object. After the meeting-house was built then they felt it would be no more than right that they should have the privilege of occupying it a portion of the time. They were among the first to move in this direction, and MARLBOEOUaH. 247 did not desist from their purpose until success crowned their eiForts. But after this, perhaps on account of location, several of the leading famlies went to Pottersville to worship, because a strong Baptist society — for those times — had been established there. For years Elder Charles Cummings and the venerated Elder Willard proclaimed the Gospel to the hosts that used to assemble from Sabbath to Sabbath in the old yellow meeting-house, which stood on the hill in Pottersville. These ministers preached as they were moved by the Spirit. Certainly it was with power and demonstration. They seldom failed to pound their Bibles sufficiently to keep their hearers wide-awake. In this old church was started one of the first Sunday- schools in New Hampshire. The text-book used in all the classes was the Bible. Then what an occasion it was to go forth to the river, not far off, to witness and experience a bap- tismal scene ! It was usually made solemn and expressive of joy. They thoroughly believed that in thus doing they were being baptized as was their Lord and Master. But after the Old Harbor had become quite a village, and the number of this faith had largely increased in town, in 1843, a Baptist edifice was built in the village. At this period and afterwards this church was very prosperous. Though its members did not represent great wealth, still they were earnest in their religious work. They preached and they sang with the Spirit. Among their ministers we forget not the Elder Charles Cummings, who was ad- vanced in years at that time. How veneraljle he looked as he stood in the pulpit ! His voice was expressive of a good heart, and his thoughts of a strong mind. He preached because he had something to say. The old and young loved Elder Cummings because he loved them. He went home rich to heaven, having laid up great treasures while on the earth. Another gifted preacher was Eev. A. L. Danforth. He ^\'as settfed in the town some four years. As a writer, he was free and easy, strong and original in thought, forcible and pleasing in delivery. He was graduated from Middleburg College and Newton Theological Seminary. He de- parted this life a few years after leaving Marl- borough. Still another minister who won the hearts of his people was Rev. Charles Clarke. He was a close student and more than an avei-age preacher. He was thoroughly inter- ested in every good cause and lent his influence for the right, fearless of consequences. His example is worthy to be followed and his name to be always cherished. Other able and efficient ministers served this people. At length reverses came to them through deaths and removals, so that they were unable to support stated preaching and finally were reduced to such a degree that their church-doors were per- manently closed. Possibly this church had fulfilled its mission. At least, it had accom- plished a good work. Many of its worshippers had been among the best people. If some of the earliest Separatists, or Baptists, in town, were opposed and persecuted, the latest have been respected and honored. The Universalist Chukch. — Among the early settlers of Marlborough there were a few who believed in the final restitution of all souls ; and near the beginning of the present century there was occasional preaching of this faith, but a record of the society reaches no farther back than 1805, at which time a constitution was framed. Previous to this period the laws of the State had not recognized Universalists as Christians, or allowed them the privileges of other religious bodies. To be a Universalist in those days required not a little moral forti- tude. But those true to conviction never go back on themselves. They feel to be on the Lord's side and are steadfast, — if men do cen- sure and ridicule, — following the call bidding them " come up higher." Of course there were and are some in this communion, as well as in all others, who profess to believe the faith, but fail to live it, thereby proving that they are not its disciples and should never be regarded as 248 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. its representatives. There is no other Chris- tian test than the one that the Master gave, " By their fruits ye shall know them." In 1816 the first constitution was revised. The meetings previous to this had been held in private buildings, and mostly in the house of Lieutenant Oliver Wright, near the old meet- ing-house. Among the earliest preacJiers of this faith in town were Revs. E. Paine, Elhauan Winchester, Zebulon and Adam Streeter. When this society came to share with others in oc- cupying the meeting-house, it had more frequent and stated services. Among the noted men who preached here about this time were Hosea Ballou, Sr., Thomas AVhittemore, D.D., I D. Williamson, D.D., Revs. Sebastian and Russell Streeter. In 1835, Rev. J. V. Wilson reorganized the society, and it numbered forty members, and this was but a small proportion of those who were wont to worship with this people. Their first Sunday-school was started at this time, and they also secured a library of some seventy volumes, treating of moral, historical and re- ligious themes. The tendency of the town now was towards the village. This was true of religious as well as secular affairs. Accordingly, this society began to hold meetings in the school-house in the village. This continued for some years, but the members so increased that more room was demanded, and in 1851 a wooden church was built by Asa Greenwood and others. Mr. Greenwood was a leading factor in this enter- prise. The house was dedicated the succeeding year, Rev. Lemuel "Willis preaching the sermon of consecration. Most of the pews were at once sold to individuals, and the rest were given at length to the Ladies' Society, connected with the church. Thus the Universalists possessed a convenient and pleasant Sunday home, most favorably sitiiati'd. From this time on they grew as never before. They were now able to hold services every Saltbath. Their Sunday- school was revived. AVhcu there should chance to be a minister wanting, a lay-service would be held on the Sabbath. Rev. Edwin Davis, a native of Marlborough, was the first settled minister in the new church. He so worked that it could never be said of him, " A man is not without honor save in his own country." After him came Rev. Warren A. Bassett, a young man of sterling qualities as to head and heart. He was suffered to minis- ter to this people only about a year before a fatal disease caused his departure to the higher life, leaving the sweetest memories to all who had known him. Rev. Judson Fisher was his successor, who proved himself an able and worthy Christian teacher. After him, Rev. Truman A. Jackson supjilied the pulpit for one year, who afterwards gave his life in behalf of his country. Then Rev. H. P. Osgood served this church as their leader for six years. He gave them good sermons and identified himself with the general interests of the town. After he left for another field of labor his place was filled by Rev. L. L. Ricord, A.M., a devout Christian man and scholar; but he was not physically strong, and before two years had passed he was obliged to give up his fav- orite calling and submit to the fatal disease that had been preying upon his system for years. In the midst of a sympathizing people the good man was translated, bequeathing to his family and the church a true Christian character and life. After the departure of Mr. Ricord, Rev. E. I. Swift ministered to this people for one year; and after this Rev. R. T. Sawyer, B.D., served them for another twelve months. His successor was Rev. H. W. Hand, B.D., remain- ing with them for three years. Under his ministry the seeds planted by others, and especially by Mr. Ricord, were so ripened that a church was formed, consisting of twenty- nine members. Mr. Hand continued in this charge for three years, and on his leaving, Rev. E. B. Burgess took his place and ministered faithfully to the welfare of the church till he MARLBOROUGH. 249 felt it his duty to resign, and he was followed by Rev. R. T. Polk, who continued in charge of this church for nearly five years. He gave his people excellent sermons and was a zealous worker in behalf of temperance and education. At the resignation of Mr. Polk, in the autumn of 1864, this church numbered some sixty members. In 1878, by subscriptions, a parsonage was built near the church edifice. In 1883, Rev. Edwin Davis, in honor of his father and mother, who were very strong Universalists and who, so long as they lived, did all they could in word or deed for their faith, presented this church with a fine- toned bell, — a most generous and appropriate gift. Again the society raised quite a sum of money and put a new and comely tower and steeple upon the church, suitable for the new bell. A town-clock is now attached to the bell. All enjoy the sweet tones as they peal out the hours of the day and the night and the calls for worship. Thus this society, from a small beginning and in spite of difficulties, has attained to an honorable position in town, and is represented by a respectable number of good Christian men and women. The Catholics. — At the present time there are some twenty Catholic families in town, and the initiatory steps have been taken towards building a church edifice for them. At least, a site has been secured for such a purpose. It can but be hoped that this may be consummated soon, if the Catholics are to remain in town ; for it would be much better for them to have a place where they could worship on the Sabbath, and so be more under the influence of the priest than they now are. This would make it better for the people generally, relieving them oftentimes of much anxiety. It is unfortunate for any not to have a place of worship, because such are likely to become lawless and immoral ; especially is this true of the Catholics, since they are so dependent on their religious leaders for direction and instruction. CHAPTER V. MARLBOROUGH— (CoTJ^mMed). EDUCATIONAL INTBEESTS. The early settlers of New England felt a deep interest in the cause of education. Their religion taught them that it is a duty to culti- vate inind and heart. They had realized the effects of ignorance and slavery of conscience in the mother-country. It would seem that they aimed to take advantage of the successes and failures of the past. Certainly, they would shun all obstacles possible. They did not be- lieve in aristocracy, but commonalty ; therefore they were not in favor of educating the few to the neglect of the many. They soon found there was something here in the new land, in the very air, light, soil and climate, congenial to their purpose. So they early built, not only the church, but the school-house ; they not only secured the minister, but the teacher. Here they opened the first public school of the world. It is true, classic Greece had produced eminent poets and philosophers ; sunny Italy had boasted of her arts and culture ; Spain had been noted for her institutions and libraries ; France had gloried in her arms and military exploits ; Eng- land had established her Oxford and Cambridge Universities ; but it had been left for America to surpass them all in founding the common school. This means, educate the whole people. Accordingly, laws were made in the first legis- latures of our land that every well child, after such an age, must be in school for so many months of each year, until he should become sixteen or eighteen years old. As our State was incorporated, this was one of its leading regu- lations, being extended to each town and re- quiring the same, as it should become settled, to allot a portion of land to school purposes. This was true of Marlborough. However, it is not supposed there was any public school in town for the first few years of its settlement. The inhabitants were then too scattered for the chil- dren to assemble in one place for instruction ; 250 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. but tradition assures us that they were taught privately in their homes. In 1770 the record shows that William Barker, Isaac McAllister and Richard Rob- berts were chosen a committee to expend the money accruing from the school land ; and it would seem several schools were in operation the following winter in different parts of the town. These must have been kept in private houses, as no school-houses had then been built. In 1777 the town was divided into four dis- tricts, and the succeeding year it raised five hundred dollars for the support of schools ; and the same year, because of the increase of population, another division was made as to districts, and measures were taken for building a school-house in each squadron, as it was called. Provision was made in case that any district should neglect its duty in this regard, the selectmen were to see that the work was done. In 1794 the conditions of the town had so changed that it was found necessary to redis- trict the town again, making eight in all. Three of these afterwards were set off to Troy when it was incorporated. Some of these schools were now large. The northeast district numbered sixty and more scholars, whose brick school-house stood close by the Cofran place. It would be a curiosity now to look upon school-houses like those first ones in town. As our fathers described them, with the great, big fire-places, the long, flat benches, the awk- ward desks, when they had any, were they not quaint, indeed? Their only ornamentations were those gashes and grotesque figures, the carvings of the boys, made when the master's back was towards them. What a striking con- trast these would make placed beside some of the elegant school buildings of the present day ! Then, those teachers, too, — men for the most part; and they were men in avoirdupois surely, — with their ponderous rulers, moving about the school-rooms or going round the districts to board. There were as many classes as there were different students. How the boys would rush out of doors at recess and loiter back as the call was given by thumping on the window ! But we may criticise those schools as much as we please; still, the scholars, for the most part, did learn to think, and did become noble men and women. From time to time the districts have been changed from necessity. After a portion of the town was set off to Troy and Roxbury there was a demand for eight districts, and for many years they were well supplied with chil- dren, and some of the rooms would be crowded in the winter. But several of them now are left almost destitute of scholars. It would seem the district system has had its day, and that some new method is demanded to meet the wants of our people. As the money raised for the support of the schools is being expended, it is not accomplishing the good it should. The districts must be abandoned and the schools supported in the centres where the scholars are ; and those living at a distance must be provided with means by the town, so that such scholars can enjoy the same educa- tional advantages that others do. It is not so now. In the small districts, where there are only from four to ten children, they cannot have good schools. In such there cannot be life enough to stimulate teacher and scholars. In the village the schools have been full, and often crowded, so that the seating capacity has frequently been increased. The old red school-house that stood near the Abner Boyden store used to be filled to overflowing some terms ; and when it was left for the new house, with its two rooms, which has been converted into the Congregational chapel, many felt that it was larger than what was demanded. But, at length, its rooms were crowded, and in 1874 this house was left for a new and commodious one, which was built the same year costing, with the modern improvements, some eight thou- sand dollars. This school has aimed to keep abreast of the times. Its present conveniences MARLBOROUGH. 251 afford the means for classifying and grading from the primary to the high grammar school. As the district system shall be given up in town, the demand for a High School, which is some- what pressing now, will be increased, and will be established, it is hoped, and right speedily, too. The town has received three legacies for the support of the schools, — one in 1828 from Abijah Tucker, of eighty dollars ; another from Lydia W. Wyman, in 1863, of five hundred dollars; and another from Asahel Collins, in 1883, of ten thousand dollars. Select schools have been taught in the village in the fall, until recently, for many years. These have been of a high order for the most part. They have been under the direction of ex- perienced teachers. Who of his old scholars does not recall with pleasure the name of Luther Norris, who was so tall and so scholarly, and who departed this life so unexpectedly ? Who that was so fortunate as to be under the tuition of Samuel Blanchard, A.B., does not think of him with grateful feelings? Then there were James B. Lane, A.B., Eansom JST. Porter, M.D., S. H. McColIester, A.M., Charles F. Kings- bury, A.M., Rev. C. E. Houghton, B.D., and others, who excelled as teachers. These schools were well attended. They numbered all the way from forty to a hundred scholars, many of whom have since become eminent in profes- sional life. Perhaps the most noted is Professor A. E. Dolbeare, of Tufts College, who ranks among the first scientists of America. Then there are Andrew C. Stone, B.L., a successful lawyer ; Joseph C. Shattuck, a superintendent of schools in Colorado; Daniel Woodward, M.D., and J. Q. A. McColIester, A.M., M.D., prosperous physicians. Ellen and Eliza Stone, Maria and Julia N. Wakefield, Harriet Hol- man and others, became famous teachers. The teachers who were natives of Marl- borough are many. Could they all be mar- shaled together, they would form quite an arniy — not to move onward with the pride and pomp of war, banners flying, martial strains resounding, guns cracking, cannon roaring, the victors shouting aloud and the conquered cry- ing for mercy. Not thus with this force. Their progress could not be compared to the march of warriors, but to an advance far more bril- liant in its triumphs, and to laurels more im- perishable. They would struggle mostly to develop thought, inspire joy and grow love for order and improvement. The ancient Persians, in educating the young, aimed at a fondness for valor ; the Athenians, at a love for the fine arts ; the Spartans, at physical endurance ; but these would aim at an education vastly more comprehensive — the development of the whole being. Their calling would be one of con- tinuous sacrifice. They would not be moved by a love of ease, nor of wealth, for their chosen calling proffers no such rewards. The best teachers have never been remunerated as are the cashiers in our banks, or the leading clerks in our mercantile establishments. Now, none can feel for a moment that a higher order of talent and culture is required to manage trade and stocks than is demanded to educate the young. The true teacher's vocation is high and holy. His fame is worthy to go down through the ages. His work will be beautiful when the statues of Phidias and the pictures of Raphael shall have passed into dust. It would be pleasant to hold up to view each one of all this host, were it possible. But for want of space and time we can at most scan but a few. One of the veterans is Colonel Cyrus Frost, who is still living, but has passed somewhat beyond four-score years. In his day he was classed among the best teachers. He taught a portion of the time for twenty years. Though he lived in the age of the birch and the ferule, still he was not wont to use them ; yet, he was successful in teaching the most difficult schools. The secret is, he was master of himself and loved teaching, and the unruly boys soon discovered this, and there- fore feared to " cut up," but became inspired 252 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. with his spirit. Such a teacher works for im- mortality. Jairus Collins, Esq., ranked among the best. He began to teach in 1835, and taught nearly fifty terms. He was a stirring teacher, that found no time to sit in the school-room. He was apt to teach and to govern. He kept his schools too busy in study and thinking to have much time for play. It is a question if his scholars ever doubted for a moment, while un- der his charge that he was master, or even dreamed of carrying him out of doors, as was frequently the custom to do with some teachers. He was verily the master of the situation when in the school, and bound to fixlfill his duty. Henry Clay Tenney, Esq., made himself prominent as a teacher. He was winning in his manners and gifted in imparting his thought, and natural to control. He was no repeater or machine in the school-room, but was truly a conveyer of knowledge. He taught, not only in our common but higher schools, with great success. John Q. A. McCollester, M.D., taught school for several years in public schools and in academies, proving that he was a teacher of " the manor born." His schools, like freighted cars, run still. He did not practice rushing the precocious and neglecting the dull scholars. He seemed to be aware that Bristol dia- monds are bright and pointed by nature, and yet are liable to be soft and worthless ; while those of India are naturally rough and hard, but become brilliants by abrading and polish- ing. Somewhat so he appeared to look upon his scholars, and treated them impartially. Joseph C. Mason, Esq., has devoted himself mostly to the work of education. The "West has been his field of labor, where he has won bright laurels as a teacher. He has served as superintendent of public schools in Missouri for several terms. Professor Joseph C. Shattuck has won his way to eminence as a pedagogue in Colorado. From the school-room he has advanced to a popular and efficient superintendent of public schools in his adopted State. He evidently has come to understand teaching and teachers, judging from his addresses before institutes and from his annual reports. Hannah Jones, a graduate from Mount Hol- yoke Seminary, followed teaching in this town and afterwards in Ohio for years. She strove to fit herself thoroughly for her work, and so long as she taught, it is said, she did not allow herself to go before her classes without special preparation. She reminds us of the gifted Arnold, who was asked why he always looked over those branches that he had taught for years before going into recitation. He replied that "he wanted his pupils to draw from a running stream and not from a stagnant pool." Miss Ellen Herrick taught for years in dif- ferent parts of the West, developing tact and fitness for instructing the young. She was quiet in her work, but her teaching told. It cannot be explained just how the sunlight colors the rose and paints the star, but it is done, and quietly too; thus it is with some teachers : they are still in their operations, but they accomplish great results. Miss Herrick comes under this class. Miss Maria Wakefield has honored the teacher's profession with years of faithful ser- vice in the school-room. She believed in ren- dering her school sunny and pleasant ; so she, like Speusippus of old, adorned it with the pictures of joy and hope, making it attrac- tive and beautiful. To her, education embraced a great deal ; so she wanted to do all she could to allure the young onward and upward in the paths of knowledge She would have the school-room, if she could have her way, the pleasantest place possible. Miss Harriet C. Holman was truly successful as a teacher of primary scholars. Somehow she was drawn to children and they to her. It was interesting to witness her in the midst of fifty or sixty bright-eyed boys and girls. If in school-hours, they would be busy on their seats MARLBOROUGH. 253 or active on the floor ; or if at recess, or when the school was not keeping, they were sure to be about her, having a happy time. The chil- dren were certain to love their school and make good progress in their studies. Miss Ellen R. Stone has been devoting her whole time to teaching for a quarter of a cen- tury in different parts of New England. She has taught fourteen years in one school in Boston, where she is now teaching She is a born teacher. As the sculptor can see his beau- ideal in the rough block of marble, so she be- holds in every child an immortal mind to be developed, and is skilled in bringing it out on the part of all who come under her charge. She is acquainted with the elementary and higher branches of learning ; so she has resources for illustrating and making plain her instruction. She has not sought schools, but they have sought her. She does not become rusty because she studies to keep up with the times; yea, ahead of them. Such teachers do not grow old, at least in feel- ing. She never uses the scholars' minds as mere mills in which to grind out so many books each term, but is sure to teach her pupils to think. She can never be accused of sticking to the text-book in recitation, or of asking leading- questions. She may be now classed as a model teacher. Miss Eliza A. Stone wrought in the teacher's vocation for several years with striking success. She became an adept in the school-room. She strove to follow nature, realizing that Avhile she has supplied the world with but a bushel of diamonds, she has furnished whole mountains of iron ; so she would give most abundantly of those things which the young need and can use. Really, there is no higher calling than that of the teacher. All honor to all who have served our town in this capacity ! May their names be so enshrined in hearts as to live when the granite of our hills shall have passed away ! How, if we would have our town prosper, we must cherish our schools. If we would show ourselves Christians and patriots, we must sus- tain and bless them. If they are not what Ave would have them, we must not find fault with them and then remain inactive, but we should set ourselves to work to remove the evils. The prosperity of our schools depends upon indi- vidual and united efforts. If we would sup- plant the failures with successes ; if we would have moral, mental and physical culture char- acteristic of every school-room, and the dis- tinguishing features of every scholar in our schools, we must foster and improve them. CHAPTER VI. MARLBOROUGH— (Co>i«OT«fd.) PHYSICIANS. The first physician to settle within the limits of Marlborough was Dk. Justus Pekey. Of the early life of Dr. Perry but little is known beyond the fact that he was a native of Barre, Mass., and studied medicine with Dr. Stephen Batcheller, Sr., of Royalston. He settled in Marlborough in 1786 ; and, possess- ing rare natural and acquired ability, he soon gained the reputation of a skillful physician, and for a few years did an extensive business. Unfortunately, however, he acquired the habit of using ardent spirits, which so increased as to dispalify him for the practice of his profes- sion. In 1796 he removed to the south part of the town and located in what is now the village of Troy. That his usefulness might not be lost to his fellow-men, an effort was made to re- claim him. He was induced to sign a temper- ance pledge and obligated himself to abstain from the use of all intoxicating drinks for one year. This pledge he faithfully kept; but, at the expiration of that time, he relapsed into his former dissipated habits, and, losing his prac- tice, returned the following year to the centre of the town, where he died in 1800. Dr. Kendall Beuce was a native of Marlborough, Mass. He was in this town as 254 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. a practicing physician as early as 1793. He remained here but a few years, and then re- moved to Washington, this State, where he con- tinued his profession for several years; then went to Peterborough, and from thence to Calais, Vt., where he died January 12, 1832. De. David Caetee was the next physician. He was a pupil of the celebrated Dr. Carter, of Lancaster, and came to Marlborough soon after the completion of his studies, in 1795. He was contemporary with the late Dr. Amos Twitchell, of Keene, and always remained on intimate terms with him. It was in this town, and in company with Dr. Carter, that Dr. Twitchell first commenced the practice of medicine. In his profession Dr. Carter reached no inconsid- erable eminence ; his practice extended much into adjacent towns and somewhat into places more remote. He removed to Peterborough in 1812, and from there to Dublin in 1820, where he died January 9, 1828. Dr. Carter was succeeded by Dr. Ephraim K. Frost, who commenced practice here soon after the removal of Carter from the town, in 1812. Dr. Frost was a native of Jaffrey. His early education was obtained in a school of three months each year ; later, from a course in Dartmouth College. He studied medicine with Dr. Carter, paying his way by teaching school. He remained in practice here some six years and then removed to Swanzey. He afterwards em- igrated to Lincoln, Neb., where he died in 1871. De. James Batchellee was born in Eoy- alston, Mass., June 5, 1791. He was the son of Dr. Stephen Batcheller, the first physician of that town, who established himself there in 1768, and continued in practice until his death, in 1829, at the age of eighty-three. Dr. James Batcheller spent his youthful days in his native town ; attended schools and academies ; then taught school two years in Pennsylvania. On his return he studied his profession with an elder brother, Dr. Stephen Batcheller, Jr., and after- ward attended medical lectures at Dartmouth, and took his degree of M.D. In May, 1818, he came to Marlborough by invitation from Eev. Halloway Fish, and established himself as a practicing physician. He was very social and was generally liked by the people as a man and physician ; was possessed of more than ordinary ability and was frequently called out of town for consultation. So extensive was his prac- tice that it required the services of three horses to enable him to visit his numerous patients. As a physician he ranked high, as is evident from the fact that he was honored for some time with the presidency of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Dr. Batcheller was widely known as a poli- tician. He was chosen Representative and Senator to the General Court of New Hamp- shire ; was also elected counselor, and performed the duties of each with honor to himself and benefit to his constituents. He was also a dele- gate to the convention to revise the Constitution of New Hampshire in 1850-51. He was no timid advocate of the cause of emancipation of the slave, and this, too, when it required strong nerves to stem the large majorities against him. At a meeting in Concord, for the purpose of discussing the anti-slavery question. Dr. Batch- eller and General Franklin Pierce (afterwards President of the United States) were pitted against each other. So well did the doctor ar- gue his side of the question, that he convinced his opponent, and, as they came out of the me3ting, Pierce slapped him on the shoulder and said, " Doctor, you are right ; but the time has not come yet." He was also a zealous advocate of the cause of temperance, and was one of the first to pro- claim the doctrine of total abstinence. After a residence of some thirty-seven years in Marlborough he removed to Fitzwilliam, to be near his sons, who had previously established themselves in business there. He obeyed some calls for about a year, when, his health suddenly failing, he gave up practice altogether. From tliat time he continued to become more and MARLBOROUGH. 255 more feeble in body and mind, and at length, helpless as an infant, gave up life without a struggle. Although he was not a college gradu- ate, he was well educated. He was quick in motion, rapid in speech and of untiring energy. He read much, thought much and continued to gain as well as impart knowledge. He was a man in the noblest sense of the terra, a pleasant companion, true friend, good neigh- bor ; and it may be truly said of him that the world was better for his having lived in it. Samttel a. Eichaedson was born in Dub- lin December 23, 1830. He was the youngest of four children, and the only son of Abijah and Mary (Hay) Richardson. His parents were of the old Dublin stock, — a little austere in manner, perhaps, as was the fashion of the time, but good types of those sturdy virtues, such as honesty, piety, industry and thrift, which characterized a former generation in that mountain-town. His early life was spent on his father's farm, assisting in its duties and la- bor, as was usual with farmers' boys of the period. The common schools of Dublin at that time were equal, if not superior, to any in Cheshire County, and the early education and training of the son were mostly gained in the somewhat famous School District No. 2, which has pi'oduced many young men who have made their mark in the various walks of life. The Rev. Dr. Leonard, who was singularly uner- ring in his estimates of young men, early marked him as a boy of promise, and one who would some day be heard from in the battle of life. The good doctor was wont, in his old age, to enumerate the scores of Dublin young men who had fulfilled the promise of their youth and his own prophecy of success, and "Dr. Sam" was always mentioned among the number. As young Richardson approached manhood he supplemented his common-school education with such higher advantages as could be ob- tained at the Hancock Literary and Scientific Institute, an institution quite flourishing in those days, and the Normal Institute, at Reed's Ferry. Beyond this, we are not aware that he enjoyed the benefit of any special school training before commencing the study of that profession to which he has devoted his life. He early conceived the idea of a medical education, and in the intervals of farm-work bent his mind and studies in this direction. He was obliged to rely almost entirely upon his own resources and earnings ; and we find him making the first decided move in this direction by attending a course of medical lectures at Philadelphia, in 1852. The following spring (1853) he entered his name as a student in the office of Albert Smith, M.D., LL.D., of Peterborough, at that time among the most eminent professors and medical teachers in the State. He attended a course of medical lectures at the Woodstock (Vt) Medical College in 1855. In July, 1855, he located as a physician in Marlborough, taking the place of Dr. James Batcheller. He quickly gained the esteem and confidence of the people and a fair share of the business. Not content, however, with his medical acquire- ments, in the spring of 1856, Dr. Richardson secured another physician to fill his place tem- porarily, and attended still another course of lectures at Albany, N. Y., receiving from that college the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He also spent some time as resident physician at the Albany County Almshouse Hospital. The six following years were busy ones to him. Having returned to Marlborough, he entered upon the full tide of a very extensive and successful prac- tice. His skill and good judgment were early recognized, and he was soon called to practice more or less in all the adjoining towns. In ad- dition to the arduous duties of his profession, he identified himself to a considerable extent with the manufacturing interests of the town. In 1862, when the cloud of civil war dark- ened our horizon. Dr. Richardson offered his services to his country, and, in September of that year, was appointed assistant surgeon of the Thirteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volun- 256 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. teers, of which Aaron F. Stevens (afterwards general) was colonel, and George B. Twitchell, M.D., of Keene, was surgeon. Under date of September 9, 1878, General Stevens says : " I desire to reaffirm now whatever you may find in my army reports favorable to Dr. Richard- son, or in appreciation of his talents, industry and professional accomplishments, his kindness of heart, and ever prompt discharge of his du- ties in camp, field or hospital. He was a man of superior talent and extraordinary resources, admirably adapted to public professional ser- vice, as well by his force of character and power of organization as from his professional knowledge and accomplishments." Samuel J. Martin, son of Jefferson and Ehoda (Davis) Martin, was born in Weston, Windham County, Vt., September 9, 1830. When three years of age his parents removed to Mount Holly, Rutland County, Vt., where he received his early education, dividing his time between his studies and farm-work. Previous to his seventeenth year his help was much need- ed at home, and he consequently had limited ad- vantages for study. At this time, however, he entered Black River Academy, at Ludlow, Vt., and spent two terms each year during two years, and for the next four years studied at the same place during one term of each. His studies during this time were confined to the English branches ; but he afterwards spent two terms at Chester Academy, and there pursued the study of Latin with other higher branches, earning money to defray his expenses by teach- ing penmanship and day-school. After leaving school he engaged in teaching, and continued it with the exception of one year — when he was in poor health — until his twenty-eighth year. He early developed a taste for the medical profession, but in his desire to enter it was op- posed by his father, who preferred that he should become a farmer. Accordingly, at the age of twenty-eight, he yielded to his father's wishes and purchased a farm with money a part of which he had earned by teaching. At the end of one year, becoming dissatisfied with farm- ing, he began the study of medicine at home under the direction of A. E. Horton, M.D., of Mount Holly. One year later he sold his farm and gave his entire attention to his studies, and, after three years' study and taking two full courses of lectures, graduated from the Eclectic Medical College of Philadelphia. He began his practice in February, 1863, at Marlborough, and remained there until April, 1866, doing a successful practice, and at that time removed to Walpole, N. H., and there, in addition to his practice, opened a drug-store with another gen- tleman, who managed the latter business, while he devoted himself chiefly to his profession. At the end of eighteen months, having lost everything, he closed out his interest in the drug-store and gave himself unremittingly to his studies and practice. The force of circumstances induced him to investigate the subject of homoeopathy, and, at the end of one year's observation and careful thought, he embraced the principles of that school. Not having recovered from his failure in the drug business, and desiring a larger field of action, he removed to the West in 1869. After spending four months looking for a place to settle, he established himself at Racine. Wis., where he has since resided, building up an ex- tensive practice and making for himself a most worthy reputation as a skillful practitioner. During his residence in Marlborough he was elected superintendent of public schools. He has filled the office two terms as vice-president and one term as president of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Wisconsin. He is also a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy and the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association. Dr. Martin has given much attention to self- culture and by extensive reading and observa- tion has acquired that knowledge of men and things which, with his excellent conversational powers, renders him a most agreeable and so- cial companion. This is but a brief outline of MARLBOROUGH. 267 the life and history of one who, though having many experiences in common with others, has yet given an example of continued effort and will-power that entitles him to an honorable mention in these pages. Dr. George L. Harrington, son of Leon- ard B. and Eunice G. Harrington, was born in Winchendon, Mass., November 11, 1844. In his childhood and youth he was quiet and un- assuming, yet always thoughtful, fond of bis books and anxious to gain knowledge. Hav- ing made the most possible out of his public- school and academic privileges, he became a medical student in the office of Professor Wal- ter Carpenter, of Burlington, Vt. Here he enjoyed peculiar advantages under the instruc- tion of a wise and experienced teacher. In due time he entered the Medical Department of the Vermont University and graduated in course M.D. In the winter of 1872 he settled in Marl- borough as a physician. Naturally enough, for the first two years he did not have a great run of practice. However, it became evident to those who early employed him that he was no quack, but one determined to establish himself in the confidence of the people by his works ; and so gradually he grew into public favor, all the while extending his professional work. Long since it became extensively known that, if he is not a man of many words, he is a man of second thought, keen discernment and sound judgment. He never has been known to praise himself or tell of wonderful cures and almost miraculous deeds wrought by his skill. Per- haps he has been too reserved and reticent at times for his own good and highest success. In the long run, no doubt, he will lose nothing from such a constitutional habit. The wise Soc- rates said he never had regretted keeping si- lence, but had often sorrowed for much speak- ing. From the fact he is an M.D., it is plain he does not think he knows it all, for he spends much time among his books and finds it a neces- sity to acquaint himself with the latest journals 17 and modern works of his profession. In the sick-room he is affable and naturally adapts himself at once to the situation of things. He seems to possess a ready faculty of reading dis- ease, and a willingness, in case he fails of its diagnosis in any particular instance, to acknowl- edge his lack of comprehending it. Such frank- ness is a virtue, and most commendable, espe- cially in a physician. So the sick under his charge can scarcely fail of trusting and confid- ing in him as a medical adviser. In not a few cases he has proved himself a skillful and cul- tured physician. Already he has won a good field of practice, and certainly his future is more promising than the present or the past. He has proved himself a useful citizen and a Christian gentleman. With truth it may be said of him that he is a true friend to the sick and a well-wisher to all in health. Dr. Nathaniel H. Merriam was born in Chelsea, Mass., October 24, 1854, but his father's family soon removed to Lexington, Mass., where they now reside. He graduated at Philips Academy, Andover, in 1874, and entered Amherst College in the class of 1878. His college course was interrupted by sickness, which became so persistent that he was obliged to abandon his graduation and remain at home for a considerable period. At the famous cele- bration of the centennial of the battle of Lex- ington, in 1875, he was on the staff of Colonel W. A. Tower, chief marshal of escort for Pres- ident U. S. Grant. At an early age he chose the profession of his late uncle. Dr. Nathaniel W. Merriam, of Maryland, and began his studies with the late Dr. Currier, a physician of note in Lexington. In 1876 he traveled in Great Britain and the Continent, returning with im- proved health ; attended lectures at Massachu- setts General Hospital, Harvard University. In 1878 he entered Dartmouth Medical Col- lege, where his abilities attracted attention, and he was appointed assistant to the chair of sur- gery, then occupied by Professor P. S. Conner, of Cincinnati, graduating in 1880. He married 258 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Miss E. L. Cottrell, daughter of Asa Cottrell, Esq., of Lexington, and entered into active practice in Marlborough, N". H., in 1880. He is a member of the New Hampshire State Medi- cal Association, and served as delegate from that society to the American Medical Associa- tion, at Washington, in 1884, and is a member of that body. He enjoys a large and successful practice in Marlborough, especially in surgery, to which he is enthusiastically devoted. CHAPTER VII. MARLBOROUGH— (Condnuerf). INDUSTRIES OF THE TOWN. Foe many years after the settlement of the township the excellent water-power afforded by the numerous streams running through the town was considered of little value, beyond what was used for the sawing of lumber and the grinding of grain. In Chapter II. allusion was made to the first saw-mill, built by Daniel Harrington, and the first two grist-mills, built by Joseph Collins and Abijah Tucker. Both of these had a saw-mill connected with them, thus rendering it comparatively easy for the settlers to obtain lumber for building purposes. The one built by Joseph Collins was sold by him, in 1771, to his brother-in-law, James Lewis, after which we hear no more of this mill, and it probably remained in existence only a few years. Mr. Tucker continued to carry on his mill until the infirmities of age compelled him to give up labor, after which he let the mill for several years to different parties. His mill-dam was the first obstruction placed across the river; and at that time it was no unusual sight, in the spring of the year, to see shad below the dam, which had run up from the Connecticut Eiver. About 1826 this mill came into the posses- sion of Charles Holman, who for many years carried on an extensive lumber business. In 1837, Mr. Holman erected the stone mill, which he continued to occupy until old age rendered him unfit for labor, and the mill then came into the possession of his sons-in-law, Messrs. Thurston & Wilkinson. In 18 — they built an addition to the mill, and put in ma- chinery for the manufacture of nailed and dove- tailed boxes and trunk-cleats. There was also a saw-mill built at an early date by Benjamin Tucker and his sons, a little below the outlet of Meeting-House Pond, on the site of the Whitney & Tarbell Mill, so called. A native poet of that day, whose rhym- ing gives evidence of considerable inventive genius, notices this mill in the following verse : " Tucker's boys built a mill, Half the time it did stand still ; When it went it made a noise ; Because it was built by Tucker's boys." The present mill was erected by William C. Mason and Nathaniel Tottenham in 1840, who intended to saw out chair-stock; but, failing in their design, the mill was left in an unfinished state till 1845, when it was purchased by Amos A. Mason and Charles E. Bemis, who finished the mill and commenced the manufacture of cane-seat chair-frames. In 1846, Mr. Bemis sold his interest in the business to Mr. Mason, who carried it on for several years. He was succeeded by different parties, each of whom remained but a short time, and about the year 1856 it came into the possession of Charles D. Tarbell and Jared I. Whitney, who for several years carried on an extensive lumber business in connection with the manufacture of chair-seat frames. In 1866, Mr. Tarbell sold his interest in the mill to Mr. Whitney, who continued the business some two or three years, and then sold to Mortimer M. Stowe. The mill is now in the possession of Amos A. Mason, and occupied by Miles Cudworth as a stave-mill. William Tenney, Sr., built a saw-mill, prob- ably about 1780, on the Baker Brook, about half-way between the bridge and the saw-mill since owned by Miles Cudworth. .The latter MARLBOROUGH. 259 mill was built by Eufus Brooks some tweDty years since. In 1867 he sold to Francis L. Mason, who used it as a saw-mill and also for the manufacture of clothes-pins. After the death of Mr. Mason, Miles Cud worth purchased the mill, and used it for the purpose of getting out pail-staves until it was burned, December 3, 1877. There was a saw-mill on the Roaring Brook, in Eoxbury, which is supposed to have been built by Bart Grimes. We have no account of the building of this mill ; but it must have been previous to 1800. This was afterwards owned by Esq. Holman. A saw-mill was erected by Jesse Hunting at the outlet of Cummings' Pond about 1800. It is said, when Mr. Hunting was building this mill, that old Mr. Tayntor (father of Jedediah), passing near the spot on his way through the woods, remarked to Mr. Hunting, " This is an excellent plase to build a mill, but where is your water ? " This meaning will be readily understood by all who are acquainted with the surroundings. About 1805, John Wiswall, Sr., built a saw- mill on the river, near what is now called the " Day Bridge." This, however, was washed away in a few years, and never rebuilt. About this time a mill was erected on the Marlborough Brook, upon the site of the old Harrington mill. This was owned by Jonathan "Whipple, who probably sold it to Joseph Wel- lington. When the latter left town it came into the possession of Captain John Lane, who con- tinued to own and occupy it until the great freshet of 1826, when it was carried away. Samuel Collins built a mill (probably a saw and grist-mill) at an early date on the site of the lower mill of the Marlborough Manufactur- ing Company. In 1803 this was owned by Daniel Fisk, who converted a part of it into a fulling-mill. In 1807 it was purchased by Ebenezer Hill, who did considerable business at dressing cloth. He remained here eight years, and then sold to John B. Farrar, who continued the business for several years, and then sold to Gilman & Nelson Converse, who used it as a lumber-mill. They also engaged in the manufacture of powder-kegs. In 1834 the building was destroyed by fire, and some time after the privilege passed into the hands of Asa Greenwood, who erected the main building, now standing, and engaged in the lumber busi- ness. Of the mills erected in the south part of the town, now within the limits of Troy, we can say but little beyond the fact that there was a grist- mill built by Phinehas Farrar, in 1784, a few rods above the Forestall mill. This was after- wards owned by Daniel Gould. Alexander Parkman also built a fulling-mill in that part of the town about 1778. Jacob Osborne is believed to have been the first to erect a saw- mill on the privilege now oc- cupied by Levi A. Fuller. As this was a part of the tavern property, it was bought and sold in rapid succession for many years. Mr. Fuller, the present owner, purchased it of his father in November, 1863. In the spring of 1872 this mill was destroyed by fire. Mr. Fuller imme diately erected a neat and substantial building, and is at present engaged in the manufacture of bail-boxes, pail-staves and coarse lumber. Some years since a mill was erected on the stream, a few rods below the above-mentioned Fuller mill, by Isaac Fuller, and was used for the manufacture of various kinds of wooden- ware. Osgood J. Bemis succeeded Mr. Fuller, and for several years manufactured pail-handles to some extent. In the fall of 1871 he lost the mill by fire, and built the present structure, which is now occupied by Levi A. Fuller, in connection with his other mill. In 1837, James Hobart built a saw and stave- mill on the Baker Brook, which was the one since owned by Aaron Mason. Hobart car- ried on the business for a short time ; but, not making it profitable, it passed into the hands of Mr. Mason, who retained possession of it until the destruction of the dam by the freshet of 260 HISTOKY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1869. The dam was never rebuilt, and the property soon passed into other hands. A part of the mill was taken down and the remainder converted into a barn. Some time previous to 1800, Samuel Collins built a grist-mill at what is now called " Marl- borough Glen." This was in use by Mr. Col- lins and his sons until 1830, at which time, being somewhat out of repair, it was deserted, and the same year Joseph Collins built the mill now owned by Osgood R. Wiswall, which he used as a grist-mill for a few years, and then, selling to George Harvey, removed farther down the river, and about the year 1840 com- menced to erect the one now owned by the late Barton Blodgett. Before it was completed Mr. Collins died, and the mill soon after came into the possession of Stillman Buss, under whose skillful management it soon won the name of being the best flouring-mill in Cheshire County, and was extensively patronized, not only by the people of the adjoining towns, but by those from a distance of more than twenty miles around, and so famous did this mill become that Mr. Buss was obliged, during a part of the time, to run it night and day. In 1861, Jede- diah T. Collins purchased an interest in the mill, which was carried on under the firm-name of Buss & Collins. After the death of Mr. Buss, Barton Blodgett bought one-half of the mill, and continued in company with Mr. Col- lins for several years, when he purchased of Mr. Collins his share, and continued to run it until his death. It is now owned by D. E.. & F. A. Cole. Eliphalet Stone erected a fulling-mill at the outlet of Stone Pond, on the site of the present saw-mill, at an early date. This was probably the first mill for dressing cloth within the limits of this town. Mr. Stone divided his time be- tween the farm and mill for many years, until, meeting with some reverses, he divided his property between his sons, Calvin and Shubael ; and Calvin, taking the mill, resumed the business of dressing cloth. He removed the old fiilling-mill to the oppo- site side of the road and converted it into a dwelling-house for his father ; built a saw-mill in place of it, and also a new fulling-mill a few rods below. Calvin Stone, Jr., with his brother Solon, succeeded their father in the business, and during their occupancy the fulling-mill was burned, and the present building ejected. Sev- eral diiferent kinds of wooden-ware have been manufactured here by different parties, such as clothes-pins, pail-handles, staves, etc., but at present little busineas is done. Josiah Fish built the mill now owned by James Townsend in 1813. This was used by him for a fulling-mill. He was succeeded by Calvin Page, who carried on the business suc- cessfully for several years. He also had a ma- chine for carding wool into rolls for the accom- modation of those who could spin. lu 1837, James Townsend purchased the mill and com- menced the manufacture of woolen yarn, which business he has prosecuted with success to the present time. He also makes hose, knit-jackets, sheep's-gray cloth, etc., and his goods are some of the best found in market. Pails. — Pails were first made in this town by Robert Carpenter, who commenced the busi- ness in the mill now owned by Osgood R. Wis- wall. The pail-lathe used by Mr. Carpenter was but a rude afiair, compared with those in use at present. It would now be considered a slow and tedious job to match the staves by hand and drive the hoops with a hand-driver ; but, thanks to the inventive genius of the Yankee, these obstacles have been overcome and the facilities for manufacturing pails greatly increased. Mr. Carpenter remained liere but a short time, and then, in company with Charles Cooledge, commenced pail-making where N. Winche's pail-shop now stands a building hav- ing been erected for that purpose by Calvin Page, who then owned the privilege. Jedediah T. Collins and others continued the pail busi- ness at the Collins mill till 1836, when it came into the possession of George Harvey, who car- MAKLBOROUGH. 261 ried on the business for seven years. During this time he built the house now owned by the heirs of Luther Smith. In 1843 he traded the house and mill to his brother James, taking in exchange the farm on which he now resides. The business was continued by James Harvey some two years ; but not being successful, and becoming somewhat involved in debt, the prop- erty passed into other hands. Carpenter & Cooledge carried on the business at the Page mill until 1832, when the firm, was dissolved, Mr. Carpenter going to Orange, Mass., where he again entered into the pail business on a more extensive scale. Mr. Cooledge returned to Troy and set up the same business, which he carried on for several years. Joseph Cum- mings now hired the Page mill and manufac- tured pails until April, 1834, when it was burned. The shop now owned by Nathan Winch was erected by Charles Gilbert and Cyrus Frost, who manufactured chairs there for sev- eral years. In 1837, Frost sold his share of the mill to George Holman. About this time they commenced the manufacture of pails. Silas Collester and Simeon Whitcomb soon after purchased an interest in the business, and Mr. GHbert retired. Mr. Holman soon sold to his partners, who continued the business until 1852, when they sold to Nathan Winch, who is still the proprietor. In 1837, Asa Bemis built a saw-mill on the South Branch, in con- nection with which the following year he com- menced to make pails. He continued in this busi- ness until the infirmities of age rendered him unfit for labor, when he sold his business to Amasa Fuller, Jr., who is the present owner. Pails were quite extensively manufactured at the brick mill now owned by the Marlborough Manufacturing Company. This was built in 1835, by G. & N. Converse, for a pail-factory. It soon passed into the hands of Asa Green- wood. He, in a short time, sold to Eobert Carpenter, who, in a few years, was succeeded by Nelson Howe ; and the business was success- fully conducted by him until 1859, when it was purchased by George Thacher, who continued the manufacture of pails till 1866, when he sold to Goodhue Tenney and Charles O. Whitney, who, in a short time, in connection with others, organ- ized as the Marlborough Manufacturing Com- pany. William Tenney commenced the pail and tub business in this town in 1853, at the lower mill of the Marlborough Manufacturing Company. He had previously had considerable experience in this branch of business, having prosecuted it with success in Swanzey, also in Winchen- don, Westminster and Ashburnham, Mass. In 1 864, having acquired a competency, he retired from the business, and was succeeded by D. W. & W. M. Tenney, who enlarged the factory, and by putting in more machinery increased their facilities for manufacturing both tubs and pails. They also did considerable at the lum- ber business. At the time of the decline in wooden-ware, in 1870, the Messrs. Tenney sold the mill to the Manufacturing Company, who converted it into a woolen-mill. In 1868, J. & L. Knowlton commenced pail-making in con- nection with their clothes-pin business, at first putting in only one lathe. Afterwards, giving up the manufacture of pins, they from time to time added more pail machinery, until they now have facilities for making from one hun- dred to one hundred and fifty thousand pails annually. In 1870 they erected a saw-mill on the opposite side of the river, which is used mainly for getting out their stock. Blanket-Mills. — The most important branch of industry, and that which has added most to the prosperity and growth of the town, is the manufacture of horse-blankets. The Monadnock Blanket Company was in- corporated in 1868, at which time they purchased the Holman Mill, and commenced the manufacture of horse-blankets. They have a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, em- ploy forty or fifty hands and produce from seventy-five to eighty thousand blankets yearly. The amount of their pay-roll is from thirteen to fifteen hundred dollars per month. 262 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Charles O. Whitney and Warren H. Clark commenced business in 1873, and formed what is now known as the Cheshire Blanket Com- pany. Their place of business is the mill which was erected by Mr. Whitney in 1869, and used by him as a chair-shop until, in company with Mr. Clark, it was fitted up for the manufacture of blankets. These enterprising men have added to their business "from time to time, until they now have an investment of not less than twenty thousand dollars, and facilities for pro- ducing fifty thousand blankets annually. They have fifty employes, and their pay-roll amounts to eleven hundred and fifty dollars per month. Thus it will be seen that in this little village there are annually manufactured no less than one hundred and seventy-five thousand horse- blankets, giving employment to one hundred and fifty hands. Breed Pond Compaky. — The facilities for manufacturing in the village have been greatly increased by the Breed Pond Company, which was incorporated in 1861. The object wastoflow the Breed Pond, so called, in Nelson, in order to form a reservoir. This company consisted of Charles Holman, Stillman Buss, Nelson Howe, Whitcomb & Collester, James Townsend, F. E. Thurston, George Handy and Fay & Joslin. These enterprising gentlemen immediately went forward and constructed a dam at an expense of about four hundred and fifty dollars, making a pond which covers about six hundred acres. In the fall of 1861, Stillman Buss and Jede- diah T. Collins constructed, attheir own expense, what is now called the "Little Eeservoir," near the Marlborough and Harrisville line. This was intended to save what water would otherwise be wasted at night. This came into the possession of the Breed Pond Company in 1864. As manufacturing increased, it was found that these two ponds were not sufficient to supply the demand for water, and another reservoir was builtatBemisville,in the autumn of 1868, which flows about one hundred and fifty acres. The construction of these ponds improved to a great degree the water power, and was the prime cause of the rapid growth of the village for the last ten years. In the autumn of 1877 the water-power was still further improved by building the reservoir at Marlborough Glen. James Knowlton super- intended the building of the dam, which is one of the largest and best constructed in this section. The whole length of this dam is two hundred and fifty-five fee.t ; length of roll-way, ninety-four feet ; extreme height, thirty-five feet ; height of roll-way, thirty-two feet. The material used in building was some thirty- five hundred tons of granite and other stone, and fifty-seven thousand feet of lumber, with three thousand pounds of iron ; the whole costing about three thousand dollars. The gate being closed at night, this reservoir receives all the water which would otherwise run to waste, and, being opened in the morning, enables the water to reach the mills at an earlier hour than formerly. The rapid descent of the stream at this point renders it one of the best water privileges in Cheshire County, and it is a surprise to many that this has remained so long unimproved;' but it is fondly hoped that the time is not far distant when some one will be enterprising enough to make the necessary improvements. Machinists. — Charles Buss commenced the machinist business in this town in 1847. The building he at first erected was but a small affair, and poorly adapted to the purpose. In the spring of 1852 his business had so in- creased that he was compelled to enlarge his shop ; but, before this was completed, it sud- denly took fire, and was entirely destroyed. Not disheartened, he immediately rebuilt, and enlarged his business, subsequently adding a foundry, thus enabling him to make his own castings, and turn off more work, and to better advantage than previously. But soon shop and foundry became too small for his rapidly-in- creasing business. A new foundry was set up ; and later he erected a neat and substantial MARLBOROUGH. 263 brick building in front of the old shop, which he filled with machinery, and commenced doing business on a larger scale. Here he manufac- tured nearly all kinds of wood-working ma- chinery, which merited the highest commenda- tion, and more than once won for the proprietor the proudest distinctions from various exhi- bitions. His rotary-bed planer, and Daniel's planing-machines, clothes-pin, tub and pail machinery, gauge and stretcher lathes, were all marvels of perfection, and always combined the latest improvements. These machines were shipped to all parts of the United States, and to several countries of the Old World. Not- withstanding his hard work and extensive trade, he was not altogether successful in busi- ness, and, when the " hard times " came on, he was unable to stem the current that set in against him, and, leaving his property in the hands of his creditors, he removed his machin- ery and tools to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is now doing an extensive business. Christopher Hodgkins commenced the ma- cliinist business in this town in 1854, in the second story of Franklin R. Thurston's blacksmith-shop. A fter continuing here a short time he removed to Keene, where, in company with John Knowlton, he manufactured the circular vent water-wheel, which was one of his own inventions. In 1857 he returned to Marlborough, and soon commenced the manu- facture of sewing-machines. Mr. Hodgkins is a man of more than ordinary mechanical ingenuity, and was soon able to make many improvements in sewing-machines, taking out no less than five different patents. After a few years he gave up that business, and turned his attention to manufacturing various kinds of wood-working machinery, some of which he has greatly im- proved. Several years since, he obtained a patent on improvements on water-rams ; a large number of these he has built, and has them in suc- cessful operation. In the fall of 1878 he pur- chased the shops formerly owned by Charles Buss, where he is now doing a good business. His last invention is that of a mowing-ma- chine. Knob Screws. — The patent knob screw is the invention of Mr. Charles H. Thurston, who is a natural mechanic. His tastes from a child have always run in this direction ; he could never see anything new in the mechanical line without trying to imitate it ; and his grand- father, Charles Holman, and his father, did everything in their power to encourage him, the former by furnishing him with lumber and the latter providing him with tools. The water- wheels and saw-mills which he and his constant companion, Asa C. Dort, constructed were not a few, as many can testify who knew them. When twelve years old, his father purchased for him a nice turning-lathe, allowing him to run it as he pleased, and on this he used to earn his own spending-money. He afterward learned the blacksmith's trade of his father in the " Old Stone Shop." For some time during the war he worked at the United States Armory at Springfield, Mass. From that place he re- turned to Marlborough, and, in company with Solon S. Wilkinson, engaged in the manufac- ture of boxes, trunk-cleats, etc., at the old Holman mill. It was while engaged in this business that he, in 1868, took out his first patent for a double gimlet pointed screw, with a slot in one end for a key, by which the slotted end could be firmly keyed in whatever article it was placed. The business of Messrs. Thurston & Wil- kinson not proving what they desired, the mill was sold by them to the Monadnock Blanket Company, in 1868. Mr. Thurston remained with the Blanket Company for some time ; but not liking the business, nor the confinement, he left, with the intention of developing the screw business. But about this time he made the acquaintance of James H. Fowler, then the suc- cessful manager of the Weed Sewing-Machine Company's business in Boston, who hired him for three and one-half years as a traveling salesman. He therefore had no opportunity to 264 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. do anything personally, more than to furnish plans for others with which to build a machine for making his patent screws ; but all attempts at constructing such a machine proved a failure, and every one who tried it said the screws could not be made that way. Mr. Thurston, feeling certain they could, obtained leave of absence for two weeks, and, with but one man to help him (Mr. C. "W. Healy), soon had the satisfaction of seeing his machine turn out perfect screws, and in a way he had been re- peatedly told it could not be done. The ma- chine is self-acting, and only requires to have the cutters kept in order, and a forty-foot piece of wire placed in it from time to time, which it rapidly converts into perfect screws. Mr. Fowler and Mr. Thurston became much attached to each other, and the former, seeing the screws, machines and other inventions growing out of the original patent, desired to take an interest in them, to which Mr. Thurs- ton finally consented. In the fall of 1873 they bought the building now occupied by Mr. Thurston, and commenced to manufacture the screws and also various articles in which they are inserted, such as hat and closet-pins, drawer and picture-knobs, door-stopS, etc. They carried on the business until October 12, 1877, when Mr. Fowler suddenly died. Since that time, Mr. Thurston has continued it alone. He is now engaged also in manufacturing the Companion Sewing-Machine, which is one of his own invention, and is not only one of the best, but is the simplest in the market. Saddle and Harness-Makers. — David Wilkinson, Sr., was the earliest workman at this trade in town. He was a success at the bus- iness. At length his son, David, being brought up to it, took his father's place, and carried it on. He removed the shop from the north part of the town to the village, where he worked for many years, educating his three sons to the bus- iness. They all excelled in workmanship. Their harness and saddles became known far and near. The two sons now living, are still interested in the business, and deserve to be classed among the foremost. Walter H. Bruce is the harness-maker now, working in the Odd- Fellows' Block. Carpenters and Btjilders. — Marlborough has always had its share of hewers of timber, framers and finishers of buildings. Perhaps Chas. Gilbert stood in the front rank in former days. At least he was an expert with the saw and plane. John Buss bore the name of a fin- ished carpenter; Ziba Nason could turn out a large amount of work in a day, and it was not slighted. Silas Collin could construct most anything he was asked to make. George Hol- man was skilled in remodeling, moving build- ings or completing them. Among the active carpenters of to-day is Alphonso A. Adams. For years he has led the van as a contractor. He sustains a high reputation of turning off work rapidly and in good style. Albert D. Sawyer has tact and quickness in his work. Andrew J. Emerson is excellent in using the smoothing plane and putting on the finishing touches. Mowry A. Thompson is true to his word in all he promises, and intends to give as much as he receives. Curtis W. Capron does good work. Alvin K. Martin is bound to understand all about the work he is to do. There are others who are skilled as builders in wood. Because of such carpenters, we can account for the many good, substantial and inviting buildings in Marlborough. Blacksmiths. — The first blacksmith in town was probably Jonathan Capron. His sons, Jonathan and Walter, learned the trade of their father, and followed it. Others who followed it were Levi Whitcomb, Captain Luther He- menway, Ezekiel Cudworth, George Stanley, Aaron Lembard, Ebenezer B. Wallingford, Jo- seph Cummings, Elijah Fitch, Williard Con- verse, Ambrose White. But the one Avho did the most business was Franklin E. Thurston. He built the stone shop now occupied by the Monadnock Blanket Company, which was well furnished foi- doing all kinds of blacksmithing. MARLBOEOUGH. 265 Mr. Thurston made his business pay, and be- came well off in the course of some twenty years. He was a good smith and is a reliable man. A few years since J. Clemens came to the village, and opened a shop, where he is doing successful business. McEoy & Jones have another shop in active operation. Shoejiakees. — Jonah Davis, among the early shoemakers, deserves to be classed among the best. He owned and worked in what has long been known as the Little Red Shop, close by the Abner Boyden store. Early and late he used to drive the pegs and draw the wax- ends. He was one that used to attend strictly to his own business. He was well-informed and social ; still, no loiterer was allowed to hang about his shop. The young that came in were wont to receive the best of advice and encouraged to be faithful in school and dutiful at home. Christopher Tilden, Charles McCollester, Gilbert Russell, Asahel Collins were devoted to this business for years. Charles Stay is the leading shoemaker now. In connection with his shop he has a store, in which he keeps a good assortment of various kinds of leather goods' The Geanite Quaeey. — A little west of the centre of the town is a ledge of fine and beautiful granite, which, for building purposes, is unequaled by any in the State. This was worked quite extensively for several years by Asa Greenwood, who erected all the granite buildings in the village, except the library, which was built of granite by Jonathan Jones, takeli from the same place. Mr. Jones purchased the quarry in 1850, and, in company with J. T. Collins, worked it more or less for eighteen years. Mr. A. G. Mann, of "Worcester, Mass., the present owner, purchased it in May, 1868, and that year shipped to Worcester from three to four thousand tons, besides what was sent to other places. In 1873 he shipped to Worces- ter six thousand and five tons ; to Lowell, one hundred and thirty-five tons ; to Boston, three hundred and sixty tons, besides small lots to other places. Add to the above figures the amount of wall-stone from the quarry, and it would amount to nearly ten thousand tons dur- ing that year. The most prominent buildings constructed of this granite are the Union Passenger Depot of Worcester, and the Plymouth Congregational Cnurcli of Worcester, which is one of the most substantial buildings in the city. The beauty of this granite is that it retains its color the best of any light-colored granite known, and is well adapted for either fine or rough work, and also peculiarly so for block paving and wide flagging or flat stones. Mr. Mann has recently sold his quarry to Webb & Bacheller, who are doing more upon it than has been done before. Another quarry has been opened within the last year, not far from the high railroad bridge, where paving-stones are being got out in large quantities. Stoees. — Marlborough has had its share of stores and trade. The supply has been equal to the demand. Formerly, in the north part of the town James Nason had a store ; within a mile of the old meeting-house, at different times, there were several. In one of these Joseph Sweetser commenced to trade as early as 1792. In the southern part of the town Samuel and Silas Fife carried on mercantile business for a time. But of all the early traders, Abner Boyden takes the lead. He was a superior man, to begin with, and went into business with the view of getting an honest living. He would deal as justly with children as with adults. By his life he made himself known as a reliable and useful man. He was regarded as one ac- curate in thought and sound in judgment. From a small beginning he advanced gradually to an extensive trade in dry-goods and groceries, and became a wealthy man for his time. At his death, in 1837, William and Elijah Boyden, his brothers, succeeded him in the then famous Borden store. They did honor to their pro- fession, and were very popular as merchants. They were both called to accept various oflices in 266 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the town, because of their capability, and of the faith the people had in them. In 1840 they built the stone store, where they continued in trade till 1852, when they sold out to G. D. Richardson, having been truly successful finan- cially, and especially in being universally re- spected as strictly honest and efficient business men. At present D. O. "Woodward and W. M. Nason are carrying on the trade in the same store. They have done, and are doing, a good business in the way of dry-goods. George G. Davis has a well-filled grocery- store in the Town Hall building. Fred. Adams has recently opened another grocery-store where Clinton Collins formerly did a large business in the same line. B. F. Merriam is a dealer in stoves, tinware, furnaces, etc., manufactur- ing many of his goods and doing plumbing- work. Charles Stay has a shoe-store. Miss Ellen A. Kuowlton deals in millinery and fancy goods. T. H. Mahon keeps a variety- store in the Odd- Fellows' Block. Farms and Farmers. — Agriculture in this town ranks, on an average, with that about the old Monadnock. Perhaps a third of the peo- ple are devoted to cultivating the soil. Many of these are good livers and some of them have become forehanded. It is true, the land is not wanting of stones, nor of a great diversity of surface ; nevertheless, it can mostly be appro- priated to cultivation and pasturage. It is sad that some farms which were among the best, should have become neglected, buildings rotted down or removed, and the fields allowed to grow up to brush and woods. As an excuse for this, it has been said the land is worn out, but science and modern developments are clearly showing this to be a mistake. Really, the resources of our land have scarcely begun to be developed to their fullest extent. The plea that our climate and soil cannot be used so as to make it pay is false. It is wrong to talk thus, especially to our young men, saying " You must go ^Vest, if you are to get a good living by tilling the land." !N"ow, there is something about our light, air, water and soil favorable to producing the best men and women. Just com- pare those who remain here and are industrious and faithful with those who emigrate to the West, and we are confident that in the end the former will be better off than the latter. This is the rule ; of course there are exceptions. We ought to realize that there are physical blessings among these hills and valleys which are not to be found in Ohio, Illinois or Califor- nia. Then, when we add to these the mental and moral advantages, we should cling to our native State and town, resolved that we will make the most possible out of these natural bestowments. In this way our lands would be utilized to a greater extent than they are, and made to pro- duce two blades where but one grows now. The wasted fields would be redeemed, the hills and back farms would no longer be deserted, men would not be standing idle at the corners of the streets in our villages and cities because spindles and looms had been stopped from over- production. Let our lands be improved as they should be, and this would do much to ward off hard times and level up society, so that capi- tal and labor would be more evenly balanced. No other investments in this world are so sure as those made in improved lauds, and the more owners of the soil, the better for the country. So, really, the highest hope for the prosperity of our town, as well as others, is based in no small degree upon the improvement of our farms. Therefore, let the stones be cleared from -our mowings and built into walls, for they make enduring fences ; let the muck be taken from our swamps and scattered upon our fields; let some of our sand-hills be spread over the low- lands ; let the fertilizers be freely used with other manures and enrichments, and what pro- gress would be made in farming, and what harvests would be gleaned from our fields ! Foremost among our farms is that of George Thatcher. The mowings, pastures and wood- land are well proportioned. The soil is uatur- MARLBOROUGH. 267 ally rich and is under a good state of cultiva- tion. In favorable seasons he has taken there crops of grass from the same land. All the grains, roots and fruit common to this climate flourish on this soil. Mr. Thatcher is a born farmer, though he has been successfully engaged in various kinds of business at different times. He is a native of Keene, born in 1815, but has long been an inhabitant of Marlborough and has come to be regarded as one of its old settlers. He is a man of good judgment and keen perception. Let him examine a farm, a wood- lot, a horse or an ox, and he can tell you all about it. It is safe for him to deal in lands or stock. No doubt at times he often wonders why others do not see as he sees; but he sees because he cannot help it. By industry and economy he has be- come one of the wealthiest men in to'nn. He has done much towards its improvements, and par- ticulai'ly its highways. In fact, he is the in- ventor of one of the best road-scrapers now in use. He is a man that tends to his own busi- ness, and so plans that his work is all the while advancing. Besides his pet farm, he is the owner of much real estate. He is the land- king in Marlborough, and a good one. Under his ruling the town will be greatly benefited and advanced. The Richardson farm is known as one of the best. Its acres are many and favorably situated. The cultivated portion occupies a handsome ridge sloping to the south. This is just suited to growing corn, grass and fruit. Then there is a fine intervale, or meadow^ with good pasturage. Besides these, it has a large apple orchard in an excellent state, and an extensive sugar-lot. This farm is now owned by Stilman Rich- ardson, who was born on it December 25, 1820. However, he left it after he became of age, and for a long while resided in Maine, but some years since he returned to the place of his birth, purchasing the old home, that he might im- prove it and spend the rest of his days upon it. And what a change he has produced ! The old buildings of his father have been supplied with new ones throughout. The wasted fields have been vastly more than redeemed. While Mr. Thatcher's is situated in the extreme southern, Mr. Richardson's is in the northern part of the town. The latter has illustrated that our soil may be made to produce thirty and sixty-fold. The intervale on the Connecticut River and the prairies of the West do not do any better than this, on an average. Mr. Richardson is a lover of good stock, and has his farm well supplied with it. He makes farming pay. Another attractive farm is that of Almon C. Mason. Though considerably elevated, still, it inclines for the most part to the south, and is warm land. It is a farm consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, well wooded, and the cultivated portions are free from stone, and smooth, so that the mower will run over the whole of it. Mr. Mason has been on it but a few years, and, though he came out of the store upon it, still, he is showing that it is natural for him to cultivate the soil, and that the true farmer can be as much of a man as the mer- chant. In short, who is so independent as the well-to-do farmer? Mr. Mason is a young man, born in Sullivan, N. H., February 27, 1849. He appears, really, to enjoy his calling. Wliy should he not ? It is one of the noblest among men. J. Kilburn Southwick also has a good farm, one of the warmest in town, and has long been noted for its fruits. Who has not heard of the pears, raw-ripes and grapes of Uncle Enoch White, who long lived on this place? Mr. Southwick and his father have made great changes for the better since it came into their possession, and are still improving it. It is now stocked with milch cows, which furnish a large portion of the village with milk. Mr. Southwick is interested in farming more from the fact, than any other, that he discovers so much in his work to illustrate geology, chem- istry, zoology, etc. Were it not that he could 268 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. find, while farming, some time for reading and study, he would not be likely to continue it very long ; but he so manages as to keep him- self posted in the affairs of the day, and to have the opportunity of pursuing, more or less, some course of history or branch of science. Thus, while the hands are at work, the mind has some- thing to do. This renders the employment pleasant, for there is consciousness of mental growth. By saving the odd moments, Mr. Southwick has become one of the best-informed men. He has had considerable to do in town matters. He is showing how the farmer can become a scholar while tilling the soil. He was born November 8, 1847 ; so he is in the prime of life, — religious, intelligent, honest, do- ing honor to his vocation. Among the many other good farms which deserve special mention, and would receive it .if space would permit, are those of Charles Ryan, Wilbur F. Wallace, Cyrus F. Greeley, Daniel Town, Eufus S. Frost, George A. Robinson and George L. Fairbanks. CHAPTER VIII. MARLBOROUGH— ( Continued). SHORT BIOGEAPHIES. Rev. Chahles Cummings, son of Rev. Joseph and Anna Cummings, was born in Sea- brook, N. H., September 23, 1777. At the age of two years his parents removed to Marlbor- ough, where he passed his childhood. He was married in 1798, and settled in Sullivan, and became the father of several children, who were an honor to their parents, — among whom is Mrs. Elijah Boyden, one of the most amiable, talented and highly-esteemed women in Marl- borough. It was about this time, or a little later, that he felt impressed that it was his duty to preach the gospel, as he understood it. He struggled with his convictions for several years, feeling deeply his incompetency for the work, having but a limited education, such as was furnished by the common schools of those early days ; but finding no rest for the body or peace for the mind, his strong convictions of duty prevailed. In 1805 he was licensed to preach by the Bap- tist board of ministers, and received ordination in 1810, in Sullivan, where he formed a church and labored for many years, all or a part of the time. He was also instrumental in organizing churches in Keene, Swanzey, Marlborough, Peterborough, Hillsborough, Lyndeborough and Antrim, and preached more or less in other towns in Sullivan, Hillsborough and Merrimack Counties. In 1820 he was called to the domestic mis- sionary work. He was truly one of the pio- neers in the ministry. A man of great energy and earnestness, not shrinking from any per- sonal sacrifice for the good of the cause he loved so well and labored so faithfully to sus- tain, nothing but utter inability could deter him from meeting his appointments, many times traveling until late in the night, and through the scorching heats and drenching rains of summer. He had a strong physical constitution, which enabled him to endure the arduous labors through which he passed. The following was copied from the Christian Watchman and Reflector some time after his decease. It is from the pen of Rev. G. Rob- bins, who officiated at his funeral, being at that time pastor of the Baptist Church in Keene. Speaking of his succesful labors in the ministry, he says : " He was a man of a kind, concilia- tory spirit, humble, prayerful and zealous in every good work, and he belonged to a class of men that ought never to be forgotten, — that class which performed the labors and endured the privations of the pioneers of our cause in this State." Aft«r his decease, which occurred in 1849, the Dublin Association, as an expres- sion of regard to his memory, passed the fol- lowing : " Resolved, That his faithful and arduous labors in MAELBOROUGH. 269 planting new churches in fields before unoccupied, and breasting the force of opposition commonly inci- dent to such a work, claims from us not only a tribute of high respect, but of affectionate and Chris- tian remembrance ; and, as life is still spared to us, may a sense of our increased obligations stimulate us to renewed devotion in the service of our di- vine Master." He never wrote his sermons ; but, in the early years of his ministry, he would select a text of Scripture before going to the field (for at that time he tilled the soil), and while laboring with his hands he mentally studied and wrought out his sermons. He had a strong, sympathetic nature, and possessed the power to move and sway his audience to a remarkable degree. It was no unusual thing to see the congregation bathed in tears. The last few years of his life he labored in Pottersville, and preached up to the last Sabbath but one before his death, which occurred in Roxbury, N. H., December 27, 1849, aged seventy-two years. Rev. Osgood Heeeick, son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Eaton) Herrick, was born in Marl- borough, November 19, 1799. He worked upon his father's farm until the age of fifteen, when he was placed in a store in Keene, where he remained until he was twenty-one, giving entire satisfaction to his employers. In the year 1818, at a time of great religious declension, Mr. Herrick and two others became subjects of the renewing influences of the Holy Spirit, and in the month of July of the same year united with the Congregational Church in Keene, under the pastoral care of Rev. L. S. Bastow. ' Soon after, he felt an ardent desire to become more extensively useful than he could in the business in which he was engaged. Accordingly, he resolved, as soon as circumstances would al^- low, to prepare himself for the ministry. In the spring of 1821 he commenced the study ol Latin, and in the fall of 1822 was admitted a member of Dartmouth College. As he al- lowed himself but little time for preparation, he entered college under many disadvantages, and conseqently severe study became necessary during his first collegiate year. It was during this year that his constitution was impaired and the foundation of that disease laid which resulted in his death. In the autumn of 1826 he graduated at Dartmouth College, being regarded as one of the most distinguished of his class. The fol- lowing year he was engaged in teaching in the State of Virginia. In 1827 he became a mem- ber of Andover Theological Seminary, where he remained the usual term of three years. On leaving the seminary he received a unan- imous call to become the pastor of the Congre- gational Church in Milbury, and on the 9th of December, 1830, was ordained and installed over that church and society. Ten days subsequent he was united in mar- riage to Miss Emily Wilder, of Keene. Mr. Herrick was a self-made man. By his own perseverance' he overcame difficulties from which most young men would have shrunk. By his industry and economy, he de- frayed nearly the whole expense of his educa- tion. Diligence and perseverance were among the most distinguisl^ing traits in his character. He was never idle. He felt the work of the ministry was too great and too important to admit indolence, and he felt too great an inter- est in the salvation of men and the honor of his Divine Master to be discouraged by any diffi- culties that were surmountable. Mr. Herrick's talents were more useful than splendid. He excelled rather in a clearness of rdind than brilliancy of imagination. His views were seldom confused or his conceptions feeble on any subject to which he directed his attention. He was a man of sound, practicable wisdom. He formed his opinions on subjects after taking a comprehensive view of their va- rious bearings, and generally with such preci- sion as not to have occasion to change. He was also a man of firmness of purpose, — did not form any plan of action without careful exami- nation and a conviction of duty ; but, when his 270 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. conclusions were formed, he was not waver- ing, and only on the presentation of weighty reasons did he desire to change. Cautious to resolve, convinced he was right, he firmly, and with all the energies of his soul, executed his res- olutions. His mind was well balanced ; and his facul- ties were not only well proportioned, but culti- vated in due symmetry. As a preacher of Divine truth, Mr. Merrick was clear, instruc- tive, energetic and expressive. He never aimed, in the solemn work of preaching the gospel, merely to amuse the fancy or gratify a fastidi- ous taste, but to enlighten the mind, arouse the conscience, affect the heart and save the soul. His manner of delivery was earnest and impres- sive ; his eloquence, that of clear thought, sound argument and ardent feeling. As a pastor, he was devoted and laborious, ever ready to coun- sel the afflicted, to instruct the inquirer, to en- courage and edify the saints ; as a friend, frank, affectionate and obliging. He died at Milbury, Mass., March 16, 1837. Asa Greenwood. — Should it be asked to whom is Marlborough most indebted for its important internal improvements, without hesi- tatancy the reply must be, Asa Greenwood. Though not a native of the town, still, as soon as he took up his abode here, which was in 1836, he began to put up stone structures. Nearly all the granite buildings and bridges in this vicinity were erected by him. He was a genius, and greatly given to mechanical inven- tion. He was remarkable for planning, and executing as well. He became skilled in work- ing on wood and stone. He aimed at thor- oughness; no work of his was slighted. Eeally, he builded for the ages. For centuries the generations to come will have the oppor- tunity of looking upon what he conceived and what he builded. In 1853 he removed to Illi- nois, where he resided till 1877, when he came to Dummerston, Vt., to visit his son, Colonel W. H. Greenwood, and so, with him, he was permitted to visit Marlborough once more and Dublin, his native town; and, on his return to his son's, he sickened and passed away, at the ripe age of four-score years. His remains were brought to Marlborough, and his funeral service was held in the church he built, and he was in- terred in the cemetery which originated with him. So his ashes rest as he longed to have them, — in Graniteville Cemetery, in the lot he selected and marked with a granite monument, bearing the name Greenwood ; but his epitaph is written in the hearts of all who knew him in lasting characters, telling of a generous and honest man, who thought for himself and lived for others, building better than he knew, by loving God and man. Cyrus Wakefield, son of James and Hannah (Hemenway) Wakefield, was born in Marlborough February 14, 1811. His father's farm was included in that territory which, the following year, was set off to make the town of Roxbury; hence the report that he was a native of Roxbury. The following condensed sketch of his life and character is taken from Eaton's " History of Wakefield and Reading," Mass. : "His father's occupation was that of a farmer, and thus his early associations were connected with the rugged discipline of a New England farm. " The executive and administrative qualities of his mind began to develop very early in life. There were numberless projects in his busy child-brain, to the accomplishment of which he bent, not only his own, but also the abilities of his brothers. "At an early age he grew restive. Some of his relatives had gone to other States, and, at times, would return to tell what they had seen and done in the great cities. His father's farm would seem now too small for his growing ambition. The successes of his friends kindled in his own bosom a generous emulation. He, too, would try his fortune in the great world outside. He had heard of the fame of Mr. Appleton, of Dublin, who had emerged from MARLBOROUGH. 271 obscurity like his own, but who was then widely known as a successful and an honorable merchant. What others had done he could do ; and he incessantly urged his views upon his father, who as constantly presented the other and darker side, showing how many who went to the city lost health, time and even character in their pursuit of wealth, and were ultimately obliged to return in disgrace to their native towns. But at the age of fifteen years, with his parents' consent, he went to Boston, declar- ing that he would achieve success and make a name of which his friends would be proud. "Arriving in Boston, he at first entered a small retail grocery-store of Messrs. Wheeler & Bassett, on Washington Street, but soon after secured a clerkship with Messrs. Stearns, Cobb & Winslow, on India Street. While in their employ he conceived the plan of doing busi- ness on his own account, since he had some time at his command not required by his em- ployers. His employers gave him the liberty to buy and sell empty barrels and casks. He attended evening schools, both of an academic and mercantile nature ; visited the various de- bating societies and churches; observed care- fully the habits of the people ; listened, so far as his time would allow, to the various courses of scientific lectures, for which his mind had a keen relish, and thus laid the foundation of what general knowledge he possessed. "In 1838 he formed a copartnership with his younger brother, Enoch H. Wakefield, which lasted until 1844. In the latter part of this partnership the fortunate sale of some rat- tan, thrown out as refuse from a ship, led to the foundation of the business which has since made his name famous all over the world. "In the year 1856, Mr. Wakefield resolved to begin the manufacture of cane in this coun- try, and to utilize, so far as possible, the whole of the material. " Commencing with a few machines, the in- crease of business soon compelled his removal to Wakefield, where his manufactories and store-houses now contain flooring of fifteen acres. "Among the many gifts to the town bearing his name, the Memorial Hall, costing one hun- dred thousand dollars, stands pre-eminent. " Mr. Wakefield was a man of iron will and resolute purpose, combined with great physical endurance. Energy, perseverance and an in- domitable courage in the face of almost in- superable obstacles were his prominent charac- teristics. He had a keen perception, and re- sults that other men reached by hard thought seemed to intuitively come to him. He knew human nature thoroughly, and could read a man at a glance. To those who knew him best he revealed at times a warm, genial and tender nature, though to a stranger he might seem distant. He was charitable, giving not only in large sums to public enterprises, but cheering the hearts of the poor with his gener- ous gifts. Many students struggling for an education remember with gratitude his timely aid. As a merchant, he was shrewd, industri- ous, persistent and careful in the details of his business. His character and deeds are thus epitomized in the resolutions adopted by his fellow-citizens on the evening after his death : " ' The valuable citizen, the prosperous merchant, the progressive leader in ornamental and architectural improvements, the friend and helper of education, the chief promoter of our local industrial pursuits, our munificent namesake, whose numerous and gen- erous benefactions will remain his enduring mem- orials.' " Mr. Wakefield died very suddenly on Sab- bath morning, October 26, 1873, at the age of sixty -two years and eight months." Rev. Cyrus Stone, son of Shubael and Polly (Rogers) Stone, was born in Marlborough June 9, 1793. Became a professing Christian at nineteen years of age, and remained a far- mer up to the age of twenty four years. His attention being then turned to the condition of the pagan world, he determined, after mature deliberation, to devote himself to the preaching of the gospel among the heathen. 272 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. He spent a year and a half at the Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, after which he en- tered Dartmouth in 1818, graduating in the class of 1822. Possessed of little means and receiving but slight help from others, he mainly supported himself, both in his preparatory and through his collegiate course, by his own exertions, laboring on the farm in summer, and in winter teaching in Fitzwilliam, Westminster, Vt., and other places. His influence in college and in all these places of temporary labor was decidedly felt as a Christian worker. After graduating at Dart- mouth he at once entered Andover Theological Seminary, graduating thence in the class of 1825. It being deemed by. the American Board desirable that their male missionaries to India at that time should be possessed of some med- ical knowledge, he spent the autumn of the same year at Hanover, N. H., in attendance on medical lectures. Early in 1826 hecontinued his medical studies at the Harvard Medical School, spending the year in their prosecution as well as in the performance of a large amount of re- ligious work in Boston and vicinity. During this year he was united in marriage to Miss Atossa Frost, daughter of Col. Joseph and Zilpha (Roberts) Frost, of his native town, and with her sailed from Boston for Bombay in the ship " Emerald " — Captain Heard — on the 7th of May, 1827, arriving safely in India in Sep- tember of the same year. In 1841, after four- teen years' service, he was compelled, by the state of his own as well as his wife's health, to return to America. He preached at various times in Bingham, Me., Harwich, Saugus, and East Bridgewater, Mass., and then located for several years in Melrose, Mass., seven miles from Boston, and engaged in the publication of the Mother's Assistant and Happy Home, monthly magazines of a religious character, and of books of a similar kind for families. His final work, however, was in the ministry. He was instrumental in founding and provid- ing with a permanent house a church in Beechwood, a portion of Cohasset, Mass.; and he was called to be the pastor of the flock he had gathered. Here he died on the 19th of July, 1867. Jairus B. Collins, M.D., son of Samuel and Lydia (Mathews) Collins, was born in Marlborough April 21, 1794. He studied medicine with Dr. Ephraim K. Frost, of this town, and at the completion of his studies, in 1822, he removed to Londonderry, Vt., where he was a successful physician up to the time of his death, which occurred February 3, 1851. JeeemlA-H Stone, M.D., son of Shubei and Polly (Rogers) Stone, was born in Marlborough November 2, 1798. He graduated at Dart^ mouth Medical College December, 1825. He commenced the practice of medicine in Tops- field, Mass., January 6, 1826, and remained thei'e eleven years. Finding a country prac- tice, with its long and tiresome rides, was im- pairing his health, he removed to New Bedford, and thence to Provincetown, Mass., in 1864, where he remained until his death, with the ex- ception of two years spent in Chatham. In town affairs he ever took an active inter- est, endeavoring to build up the place and ren- der it truly prosperous. Foremost in all good movements, he cordially espoused the cause of anti-slavery in its earliest days, when it was unpopular to be an Abolitionist. He was an ar- dent supporter of temperance, and an earnest worker in the Congregational Church, of which he had been a member since 1814. He was an honorary member of the Massachusetts Medi- cal Society. He was intolerant of quackery in every form and strict in his views of profes- sional etiquette. Prompt in decision, self-reli- ant in the emergencies of his profession, he in- spired and retained confidence in his skill. Though often abrupt in his manners, yet be- neath was a warm heart that beat in sympathy with the needy and oppressed. Earnest in his convictions, decided in his opinions and cheer- ful in his disposition, he carried the elasticity of MARLBOROUGH. 273 youth into the last years of his advanced life. Tall and erect, of powerful presence, he in- spired with hope the sick who sought his aid. To a naturally buoyant spirit was added the sustaining power of a strong and earnest religious faith, that made belief to him a bright and clear reality. He died April 23, 1875. Timothy L. Lane, M.D., son of John and Mary (Livingstone) Lane, was born in Marl- borough September 1, 1800. He studied med- icine with Dr. Batcheller. Attended school first at Groton, Mass., afterwards at Hanover, N. H., where he graduated in medicine in 1824. He located first at Sullivan, in 1825 ; removed to Lunenberg, Vt., in 1832 ; remained there until 1834, when he went to Gilsum, N. H., where he lived until 1838 ; from thence to Daysville, 111. ; practiced medicine there till 1841, and then removed to Fillmore, 111., and continued the practice of his profession until his death, September 4, 1849. Eev. William C. Whitcomb, son of Dea- con Simeon and Sally (Lincoln) Whitcomb, was born in Marlborough February 9, 1820. He was in his childhood singularly dutiful to his parents, never requiring discipline to enforce their commands; and in mature years was ever anxious, according to his means, to pro- mote their welfare. He received from them a religious training, and in 1837 united with the Congregational Church in this town. He pursued his literary and classical course at the academies in Jaifrey, Troy and Ashby. He earned his money to attend them by teach- ing, always living in the most economical way. He studied theology at Gilmanton Theo- logical Seminary, completing 'his course in 1847, at which time he was licensed to preach. He received several calls to settle in New Hampshire, but declined, as he wished to ob- tain further help for his work by attending the lectures of Professor Park, in Andover Theo- logical Seminary. He remained at Andover two years as a licentiate student. 18 May 1, 1851, he was ordained pastor of the church in Stoneham, Mass. May 1, 1852, he was married to Miss Harriet L. Wheeler, of Concord, Mass. In August, 1855, he was dis- missed, from the church in Stoneham, after which he labored with the churches in Globe village (South bridge), in North Carver and in Lynnfield Centre, all in Massachusetts. He received a commission as chaplain of the United States Hospital at Newbern, N. C, which bears the signature of Abraham Lincoln and Edward M. Stanton, dated July 5, 1862, which he held to the time of his death. His labors in Newbern, Portsmouth and Morehead City, N. C, were very abundant and interest- ing, and continued two and one-fourth years. In the summer of 1864 he came home on a furlough of some length. In September he returned to meet the sad effects of the yellow fever, brought treacherously by the enemy to our soldiers. Soon after his return he was attacked with malarial fever, and, before he had fully recovered, was taken with acute bronchitis, from the eifects of which he died at the hospital in Morehead City, October 29, 1864. Mr. Whitcomb's character was strongly marked, and he possessed many excelleucies. He had an untiring activity, always doing with his might what his hands found to do. He was in a remarkable degree frank and out- spoken, being incapable of disguise and know- ing little of concealment. But for nothing was he more distinguished than for a warm, loving heart. He set a value on friends, and was true in his friendships. That he had a devoted attachment to his family is seen in the fact that, when absent on his chaplaincy, his general practice was to write to them daily. He was a decided Congregationalist, but loved all Christ's disciples of every name — union among Chris- tians being a favorite theme. He cherished an affectionate remembrance of his native town, in evidence of which may be mentioned the gift of a bell for the school-house in the village a 274 HISTORY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. short time before his death. He loved the slave and the colored race, and from an early- age was ever ready, according to his ability, to aid the cause of emancipation. From the outbreak of the slaveholders' re- bellion he took a lively interest in the struggle ; and that he was able with so much cheerfulness to separate himself from a family he loved so well may be taken as evidence of true patri- otism . Mr. Whitcomb had qualities of mind and heart which could not fail to render him popu- lar and useful as a pastor. Much good, we are assured, was accomplished by his labors in connection with the churches to which he min- istered. But his active temperament and habits, his self-forgetfulness in his zeal to do good, his sympathy with the suffering, his cheerfulness, and readiness with thoughts and words for every occasion, seemed to fit him especially for the labors to which he was devoted, as hospital chaplain; and much was he loved by those who were the objects of his beneficent labors. Mr. Whitcomb was a pleasant newspaper correspondent. As an author, he published two volumes of original and selected matter in prose and poetry to comfort the bereaved. Although he fell in his prime, still he has left a full and useful life. Duncan Abel Baker was born April 8, 1797. Like most lads in this town at that early day, he was brought up on a farm. He possessed a good constitution, was athletic and energetic and seldom failed to accomplish the object of his desire. His educational advan- tages were mainly limited to the district school, which at that period was much less efficient than now. These advantages, however, were well improved, and he became one of the best and most advanced scholars in his district. Having mastered the branches taught in the district school, he was sent to an academy in New Salem, Mass., where he studied one term and then cornmenced teaching. For several years he taught school in the winter, and as- sisted his father on the farm in the summer. As a teacher, he was very successful, and his services were sought by the best and most de- sirable school districts. He married April 18, 1821, and located upon a farm in the adjoining town of Troy, and de- voted his attention to agriculture. His admir- able qualities of head and heart were soon recog- nized by his fellow-citizens, and he became one of the leading men of the town. His sound judgment, practical wisdom and general intelli- gence fitted him for any position in the com- rnunity, and he was consequently elected at dif- ferent times to almost all the civil offices in the town. He served the town some fifteen years as selectman, — the most of the time as chairman of the board, — and represented it in the Legis- lature of the State in the years 1840-42. In all the public positions he was called to fill he was faithful and honest, and none of his constituents ever had reason to feel that they had misplaced their confidence. He did a large amount of business in the set- tlement of estates. His ability and familiarity with the law fitted him for civil practice. After a long and useful life he died, September 26, 1878, calmly, and in the full assurance of a glorious immortality. Osgood Collestee opened his eyes upon life in this town February 12, 1815. He was born a singer and musician. He was the youngest of twelve children of Samuel aud Si- lence CoUester. He spent his boyhood on his father's farm and his youth in his brother Charles' shoe-shop. Becoming of age, he still worked at the shoe-bench, having become a skilled craftsman. It should be stated that he enjoyed fair advantages at the common schools, but, from his childhood, he exhibited remark- able musical talent. It wa^ as natural for him to sing as for the lark. His voice was as melo- dious as the nightingale's ; his ear was correct as to time, pitch and harmony. He began early to play the violin. At about the age of MARLBOROUGH. 275 twenty-five he commenced to give instruction in vocal music in his native town, and to lead the choir in the old church on the hill. Step by step he continued to advance, till demands were made upon him to teach singing-schools in and out of town. He was gifted with re- markable aptness and ability to instruct. As soon as he was financially able, he put himself under the tuition of Lowell Mason and other distinguished teachers and composers of music. After this he devoted himself entirely to teach- ing and the study of music. He became an efficient pianist as well as violinist. He sung for a series of years, on the Sabbath, in churches at Winchendon, Worcester and Fitchburg, Mass. He composed many popular pieces of music and compiled several singing-books. He, by his own efibrts, deservedly won the title Professor of Music. He was truly popular as an instructor in Teachers' Institutes in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He died in 1873, with the high reputation of being Marlborough's foremost son in the divine art of music. Rev. Luther Wiswall was born in Marl- borough, January 9, 1801. He early developed a thirst for knowledge, but had only limited educational privileges, having simply the ad- vantages of common schools till he was seven- teen years of age, after which time he attended two terms at an academy, and pursued his studies at home as he had opportunity. In 1822, Mr. Wiswall united with the Congregational Church. His activity in the church led to his election as deacon, and he also superintended the Sabbath-school for several years. In studying the Scriptures, to qualify himself for the duties of his office, he became interested in study for its own sake, and the thought often arose that he would like to preach the gospel. In 1829 he purchased a small farm, and the following year married and settled down in life as a farmer. But his mind was not at ease, and four years later he sold his farm and stock, removed to Maine and entered the semi- nary at Bangor, where he was graduated in 1836. The following year he was settled as pastor of the churches in Brooks and Jackson, Me. Here he labored very acceptably for four years, when he removed to Windham, in the same State, where he spent the remainder of his days. Mr. Wiswall's intellectual structure was of a marked character. He had great mental acuteness, was profoundly logical and of sound judgment. He was also a sound theolo- gian, and an able defender of the " faith once delivered to the saints. " Nor did he belong to that class of preachers who think it unprofit- able to preach the doctrines, the great vital truths of the gospel. He regarded them as the teachings of Infinite wisdom, fitted to the spiritual wants of men of all ages, countries and climes, and as the power of God unto salvation to all who cordially receive them. Socially, Mr. Wiswall was one of the most genial and companionable of men. A quiet wit, guided by strong common sense, added much to the pleasure of social intercourse with him. On the first Sabbath in March, 1885, he preached his last sermon and administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and dilring that service informed the people that he felt that it was the last time he should ever be with them on such an occasion, as he was growing more weak and feeble every day. And in this he was not mistaken, for only two weeks from that day he entered into that rest which re- mains for the people of God. Though late in entering the ministry, he lived to preach the gospel forty-seven years. Jaieus Collins. — New Hampshire would not be the Switzerland of America were it not for her granite hills, lofty heights, deep dells and hard soil. If she has not been remarkable for growing corn, she has been for producing men. There is something favorable in her climate and atmosphere to yielding full harvests 276 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of rugged human characters. If they are likely to be somewhat hard and rough, it is in a good sense, showing power of endurance and of overcoming the greatest difficulties. The subject before us is a good illustration of the granite stock. He was of hardy origin and good blood. He was brought up to push for himself; and he did push, whether sawing wood, or laying stone wall, or studying Colburn's arithmetic, or mastering Murray's grammar. He had a mind of his own and was bound to use it. He made the most he could out of his early school advantages, which were derived from the district school and from a short time in the academy. He seemed resolved upon becoming a teacher in the public schools ; and before he was of age he made his first trial, and with success, which was the beginning of a long series of terms in town and out of town. He soon earned the reputation of being a "thorough teacher." It appears as though more than half of the active men and women in town now were once his scholars. He has been and is still a thorough Marl- boroughite. He has been connected, more or less, with public affairs for the last forty years ; per- haps, no other man more so. He is now sixty- eight years of age, his birth having occurred April 13, 1816. He has been called to fill all the leading officers in town from that of mod- erator to that of legislator. For many years he has served on the School Board. He has held the office of justice of the peace since 1852. He, no doubt, has written more wills, settled more estates and done more probate business than any other one in town. He has been a workman at almost any craft ; so he has been one of the most useftil men in the village and town to do little and great jobs when peculiar tact and skill were required. He is noted for being accommodating. He has served as sexton for many years. He has strong religious convictions and has been ready to make sacrifices in their behalf. He was the prime mover and donor in building the parsonage and improving the church edifice of the Universalist Society. He long acted as Sunday-school superintendent and is still most loyal to his church. He is a stanch temper- ance worker and tobacco hater. He is a man that wants his way, because he feels it is right ; still, he is kind, obliging and evidently desirous to help all. It can be said of him, he is a use- ful man. Nelson Conveese, born October 10, 1810, married Sally M. Jones, September 10, 1829. His mother dying when he was but four years of age, he was placed in the family of a sister, where he remained until grown to manhood. Soon after his marriage he removed to Newport, Vt., and located on a farm. Two years later he returned to Marlborough and engaged in the mill business in company with his brother Gil- man. Losing their mill by fire soon afl^r commencing business, he then turned his atten- tion to book-making for a short time; but, find- ing the business not sufficiently remunerative, he gave it up, and became interested in the man- ufacture and sale of trusses and supportei-s, which business he continued until the comple- tion of the Cheshire Railroad, when he was ap- pointed station-agent at the Marlborough station. Subsequently he was transferred to the station at Bellows Falls ; but, finding the position au undesirable one to occupy, he gave it up and returned to Marlborough, and purchased the residence in the village which he still occupies. He then engaged in the stone-quarrying busi- ness, which he continued on his own account, and as agent for others, for many years, in the mean time purchasing and improving consid- erable real estate. His first wife dying in 1872, in 1873 he married, for his second, Mrs. Fannie M. Ever- ett, of Fitz William ; for the last ten years he has kept a public-house for the accommodation of travelers, but has sold no intoxicating liq- uors. Being a person of an active and sanguine te^nperament in early life, he naturally took the MARLBOROUGH. 277 lead in all enterprises of a public character. His military career commenced at the age of sixteen. In 1838, through his instrumentality probably more than that of any other individ- ual, the Marlborough Cadet Company was or- ganized, uniformed and equipped. He soon became its commander, and. from thence rose to the command of the Twelfth Regiment of the New Hampshire militia Re-entering the ranks again, he attained the position of major-general of the Third Division of the New Hampshire State Militia. Soon after the breaking out of the Rebellion, in the spring of 1861, he com- menced a weekly drill of all citizens of the town who chose to assemble for that purpose, thus preparing them for the duties of actual service, in case they were called for. In the autumn of that year he was appointed colonel of the Sixth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers. The regiment was organized at Keene, and left there in December for Wash- ington, and from there was sent to Cape Hat- teras. In consequence of severe and chronic indisposition, he was obliged to relinquish the active duties of the field, and, instead of asking for a furlough and continuing under pay from the government, he adopted the less selfish course, and resigned his commission at once. He has ofBciated as moderator in town-meet- ings for many years ; has held the office of se- lectman for three years, declining to serve again when elected ; he represented the town two years in the Legislature, was county commis- sioner for three years, and one of the building committee for erecting the present court-house at Keene. He has also held the office of deputy- sherifi" for six years, and was twice unanimously nominated by the county delegation for the office of sheriff of the county, but declined ac- cepting it, and has held the commission of jus- tice of the peace for thirty years. In all these positions his record has been an honorable one to himself and creditable to the town. shire |)isl-ri(H, in 1881, and during the campaign of that year served nccepl- ably as eli'rU and stenographer of lh<' Itepnbli- can Slate (!onimillee. lie was appoinl(Hl a dolcgalo from the Stale of New Ham|)sliirc to attend the funeral of Ocneral (irant, at New York, August, 1885. Tiiongh V(>nng in years, he has acceptably lilled nuuiy places of trust and responsibility. In hie home relations ho has always been loyal ; dutiful lis a son, wm-king with his father as stable-keeper, though oileii ehadng under the employment, which was always distasteful to him ; (!oiili(ling in the mother, who always eii- (M)urag<^d his literary work, making many wil- ling Ha(^i'ili(M's, Unit ho might have advantages; an aill'c^tionnl^' brotlic^r, a kind and generons- lu^arled friend. Jn r(^ligious thought he is Christian and liberal, seeking to bring the golden rule into practical life, thus calling around him many pleasant iicipiaintanees, yet ev(^r liirning to homo and home friends with the saiiK^ fresh, boyish sjiiril that has characiter- i/ed his whohi life. (Joiigressman ( iiillinger, speaking of Mr. 'i'ild(Mi, says: " Thoso who know him best, prophesy that he is destiiu^d to secure a leading place among the prominent and inlliK^iitial men of the State." CliAUM'-H A. Bkmih. — liilii is full of sur- prises. Wo read an author and w(^ imagine him of such dimensions and appearance; but when we chaiici^ to miu't him, how unlike th(! iniin we sujiposc^d in si/(^, mien and tempera- ment! Thus it is in our e.\])eriei)co. The great, man does not enter the gale at which we arc watching. The conimoii man makes him- self unexpectedly ('(piiil to some great eiiuu-- geiK^y, and wo wondt^r how it was jtossiblo. Thus it is; wo know not what the day or hour will bring forth ; wc must waitr and be sur- prisiid. In one of our humble homes, January 2!), 18 18, a ehiUI made its appearance that was V(^ry weh'ome, for \h' was the second born and lirst son. His early opport-iinities were not llatlering; his S(^liooI advantages were slight; for after he was fonrleen ho went lo only four short terms of school. Ho learned to read, write and spoil tolerably well, but he was a slraiig<'r lo grammar, as his schooling was linislied. But he early become fascinatod with biograjihy and history ; and it is said that when he was but ton years old ho road the hisl- tended in the inception. Then he organized a church, Sunday-school and weekly conference meetings, which prospered beyond the expecta- tions of the most sanguine. His pulpit efforts were thoroughly Christian, persuasive and elo- quent, and he soon became known as a more than ordinary preacher. His naturally strong descriptive powers, vivid imagination and clear statements made him popular as a public speaker, and he was called upon often to plead in the cause of temperance, and held a con- spicuous place as a powerful advocate. After having built up a firm .«ociety in connection with the college, he realized that his duties were too onerous, and he was instrumental in having a pastor settled over the society, thus relieving him of his double charge. Having served as president of the college for six years, he re- signed his office on account of failing health, and went abroad with his family for a year. At the close of his labors in this connection, Judge Tibbets, in behalf of the trustees and college, said on commencement day : " Six years ago, when we had completed this structure, grand in its proportions, strong in its foundations, and beautiful in its appearance as it was, we well kne\y that we had only begun the work of es- tablishing a college. It needed to be presided over by a man of learning, of experience, of character, and of devotion to the great cause of education ; not one to take charge of an old-es- tablished institution, whose character and repu- tation were already made and known, but to create and make a new name and character among the colleges of the land. " We sought you, and, after the most earnest entreaties, you accepted the position and you have not been found wanting. But, successful as have been your labors in the college, and as enduring as will be their results, I would speak of other fields where you are known, and where in your absence you will be missed. I see here to-day, and have seen elsewhere, the fruits of your labors for the downfallen and the poor. With others, you have sought to save the victims of the wine-cup from ruin, and the poor from suffering. You have extended to them the hand of fellowship. You have left the quiet of your home on week-days and on the Sabbath to bless them. These have found a friend in you, whose heart was warm, and whose purse was open to relieve their necessities. In all these characteristics and works you have shown yourself an accomplished educator, a high- minded, faithful man, a genuine Christian." In June, 1874, St. Lawrence University gave him the honorary degree of Doctor of Diviniiy. On Dr. McCollester's return to America, he was not much improved in health, and thought he would settle on his farm in his native town, where his honored parents had lived and died. But he was not allowed to continue there long. He was made to feel it was his duty to take hold of a new movement to establish a Univer- salist Church in the wide-awake village of Bel- lows Falls. He commenced laboring there in November, 1879, holding religious services on Sunday in a hall. After working with this people for six months, he started a subscription to raise money for a church edifice, and, although a few months previously, it was not known that there were MARLBOROUGH. 299 a dozen families in the place that sympathized with Universalism, yet in the course of a year there was quite a strong society, which rep- resented much financial ability, and money was readily raised to build a house of worship, and in less than two years from the time Dr. Mc- CoUester engaged in this work, a strong and united parish was worshipping in a new, com- modious and fine edifice, free from debt. He continued his work for three years with a most succ&ssful pastorate, and served the town of Rockingham as superintendent of schools for two years with great acceptance. At the close of his third year, having accomplished the special work which called him there, he re- signed his charge against the wishes of the peo- ple, and returned to Marlborough. But he did not remain there long, as there was work for him in another field, Dover, N. H., to revive Universalism. A new church edifice was just being completed, having been built by the late Hon. T. W. Pierce in memory of his revered and sainted parents. It is a unique religious edifice and bears the name of " Pierce Memo- rial Church." The doctor began his labors here January 11, 1883, when the church was dedicated. The spiritual building now com- meaced. Only a few in Dover were knowu as Universalists, but as the meetings were opened large numbers were in attendance, and in a short time eighty families were identified with the society as pew-holders. New organizations were made in all the different branches of church- work, and in a few months the " Pierce Memo- rial Church " was felt to be a working force in the city. As a man and a preacher. Dr. McCollester was popular and highly esteemed. He took hold of this enterprise with the view of start- ing a strong society, so as to call another pastor into a promising field, and at the end of his second year he desired to give up his charge, but the parish urged him to continue another year. More than a hundred families are now represented in his society. Since he began this work a parish, church, Sunday-school, " Ladies' Dorcas Society," " Young Folks' Brooks Asso- ciation" have been organized and systematized, so that they are now doing excellent religious labors. He tendered his resignation of this pastorate October, 1885, feeling that he had by his efforts placed the church on a strong footing, and that it would go on and prosper. Dr. McCollester in his ministerial service has enjoyed a marked degree of success. Wherever he has wrought in this direction he has left rich fruits of consecrated efforts. It has seemed to be his lot to start new religious enter- prises, to organize new elements and stimulate them with love to God and man. As a preacher he is earnest, clear and persuasive. His hearers feel his honesty and sincerity. He leaves no uncertainty as to his convictions and belief, which is in the widest Christian liberty. He is ready to give the " God-speed " to every follower of the Divine Master. His style of rhetoric is rhythmical, fervid and illustrative. His manner of delivery is sure to quicken the thought and captivate the feelings. He pos' sesses a remarkable power of making others see what he sees, and feel what he feels, and es- pecially is this true of his descriptions of places, men and things. Of late years he has laid aside his notes or manuscript in the pulpit, but never goes upon the platform without special preparation, so that he displays discipline of mind, power of language and oratorial ability. He is a student of nature, and exceedingly fond of the natural sciences as well as of the classics, and his discourses abound in illustrations from these sources, as also from history and his travels and experience in different countries. His temperament is poetical, his memory good, his intellect active, and his religious element highly developed. His qualities of voice are such as to please and move the heart and head. It is baritone in ordinary discourse, running into orotund in prayer. As he appears in the pul- pit he is free from cant, and evidently con- secrated to the work before him. In his prayer 300 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. there is adoration, fear, trust, petition, confession and those marks of earnest devotion which are the elements of true Christianity. In person, Dr. McCollester is of medium height, full- chested, with a well-proportioned body. His head is large and forehead prominent. His complexion is light, eyes blue, and hair brown. His face expresses honesty and firm- ness for the right. He is young mentally, as well as physically, and one would not think him to be over fifty. We can hardly under- stand how he could have worked and accom- plished so much, and yet be so well preserved, but it is the result of a pure heart, pure morals and a pure life. With all his other work, he is a writer of note, a frequent contributor to re- ligious and educational journals, and his vol- ume entitled "After-Thoughts of Foreign Travels " has passed through several editions, and received the highest encomiums from the press and such prominent men as Hiram Orcutt, LL.D., T. W. Bicknell, LL.D., Rev. J. G. Adams, D.D., and others. He is a graphic, enter- taining, suggestive and instructive writer. Dr. McCollester is an able man, strong in mind, strong in self control, strong in will, and strong in sympathy, true to all, without de- ceit or hypocrisy, and is loved most by those who know him best. In college and church he has proved himself a successful organizer and builder in mental and spiritual things. He has been, and is now, a power in the Uni- versalist denomination. " Men may come and men may go," but the work they do lives after them, and the institutions they plant, or aid in advancing, go on after they are gathered to their fathers, and generation after generation will have just reason to bless him as their bene- factor. Mrs. McCollester, a woman adorned with genial social qualities, quick sympathies, and all the graces of the true woman, has been a companion, helper, and comforter to her hus- band through all the labors and trials of their life. Of their five children, only one survives. Rev. S. Lee McCollester, who is also a Univer- salist clergyman, now settled over the church of that denomination in Claremont. He is much esteemed and beloved by his people, who find in him an earnest, faithful worker in the vineyard of the Lord. He has inherited qualities from his parents which promise for him success in his chosen field of labor. HON. KUFUS S. FROST. Hon. Rufus S. Frost, son of Joseph and Lucy (Wheeler) Frost, was born in Marl- borough July 18, 1826. His father passed away when he was but four years of age, and, in 1833, his mother, with her family, moved to Boston, where he was placed in school, making rapid progress in the different branches pursued. At length, that he might have better advantages, he entered the Newton Academy, where he ranked high in scholarship for one of his years. His perception was keen, his reflec- tion active, his temperament hopeful and poet- ical. As a boy, he was ambitious to do for himself, and, when but twelve years old, he went, as clerk, into the dry-goods store of Messrs. J. H. & J. Osgood, remaining with them until he was twenty-one, when he became a partner of J. H. Osgood, with whom he con- tinued in the most pleasant relations for five years. Subsequently he enjoyed partnership with other firms, but, in 1866, he became the head of his own business-house, taking younger associates into his firm, as the exigencies of the times demanded, and thus has continued to do to the present time, gradually increasing his business in manufacturing and selling woolen goods. Mr. Frost has depth and breadth of char- acter sufficient to do business on an extensive scale. His mind and heart are too large to do things by the halves. His conceptions and in- tuitions are clear and strong, enabling him to deal with men fairly and acceptably. It has always been his good fortune to be associated in l c^^/. ^'..^./ Mel ropoliiflii 'uJjlJsliiiLe, %. ".juf ^tlti^ :.q WF^i^'roT"k MARLBOROUGH. 301 business with noble men; and during nearly forty years that he has been in trade for him- self, though there have been striking ebbs and floods in the world of traffic, still he has moved on successfully, without failure or compromise, sustaining a high reputation for strict honesty and reliability. Mr. Frost now resides in Chelsea, Mass., where he has lived since he was fourteen years old, seeing a small village develop into a large city. He has always been active in its welfare, and was twice elected, with great unan- imity, as mayor, in 1867 and 1868, and was strenuously urged to hold the office longer. In 1871 and 1872 he served as State Senator. In 1873 and 1874 he was a member of the Gov- ernor's Council. In the fall of 1874 he was nominated and elected by the Republican party in the Fourth Congressional District to the Forty-fourth Congress. While in Congress he served in committee on railroads and likewise on freedmen's affairs. In all these civic rela- tions he did great honor to himself and his con- stituency. (For twenty-two years he has been director in one of the largest banks in Boston.) In 1877 Mr. Frost was unaimously elected as president of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, and was thus chosen for seven successive years. "Successful manufacturers are public benefac- tors, and merit the gratitude and praise of their countrymen. The nation that produces the most in proportion to its numbers will be the most prosperous and powerful. Protectionists seek to impress this truth upon the popular mind, to secure its adoption, as an axiom, by our national government. The United States possess all the natural advantages needed for the attainment of a result so desirable. It is the part of patriotism to turn these advantages to the best account, to differentiate the indus- tries of the people and to give employment to all classes of mind and capacity. Unfavorable disparities must be relieved by corrective cus- tom duties. Such views as these have actuated Mr. Frost and his honorable associates in their praiseworthy efforts to place our country in a position among the nations in which it will be second to none either in manufactures, arts or arms." Mr. Frost was nurtured in a Christian home, and in early life became a member of the Salem Church, Boston. When the First Congrega- tional Church of Chelsea was organized he was one of the original members. He at once identified himself with all the various activities of this society ; for years he led its choir and played the organ. He is an active worker in its Sunday-school, and was its superintendent so long as his health would permit of his serv- ing in that office. Though consecrated to his church, yet he is not bigoted. He is always clothed with a broad mantle of charity. He claims the privilege of thinking for himself, and is ready to grant this right to others. He is so constituted that the spiritual and material in his nature are nicely balanced, blending the ideal and practical in his life-work. Mr. Frost may be justly classed as a Christian reformer, ever ready to lift up the down-trodden and preach deliverance to the enslaved. His voice has been wont to be heard on public occasions in behalf of temperance, universal education, republican institutions and the spread of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. He is a pleasing speaker, being favored with a good voice and graceful mien, never being so material as to be cloddish, nor so aerial as to be vapory, but speaking out words and thoughts that are solid, nutritious and encouraging. Mr. Frost loves his native town and the home of his birth, delighting to cherish the spots made sacred by ancestral footsteps. Con- sequently, as soon as he could, he secured the old family homestead for a summer residence. It is beautifully situated, commanding an ex- tensive outlook in all directions. The old Monadnock, on the one hand, and the Green Mountains, on the other, stand out in bold 302 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. relief, while from its verandah is to be enjoyed the loveliest of rural landscapes. Below, and in the centre of all, is the neat, white vil- lage of Marlborough, with the Minniwawa winding through it, reminding one of the fair- est corals in richest emerald settings. Surely nature has been propitious to the Frost home ; and the deeds of true men and women have made it forever memorable. While Mr. Frost has a pleasant and inviting home at Chelsea, still it is apparent that he ex- periences the greatest delight whenever he visits the old family home, surrounded with its broad acres and its beautiful scenery. Certainly he is gladly welcomed by the citizens of Marlbor- ough whenever he goes there, for they realize that he loves and reveres the place of his nativity. This he has proved in various ways by worthy and generous deeds. He has kindly remembered its Congregational Church by fur- nishing it with a fine organ, and in liberally assisting its society and other religious bodies of the town. But his crowning work in behalf of Marlborough has been in presenting it with a most valuable library, including a fire-proof granite building, several thousand volumes of good books and a generous fund with which to replenish it annually. What a munificent gift! What an educational power I It is the highest charity, for it serves to quicken minds and strengthen hearts to help themselves. He who provides a town with a good library is doing a more lasting and grander work than those who builded the pyramids of the Nile or the Parthenon of Athens or the monument of Washington, at our nation's capitol. Such an one is building for the ages. His name will live and be cherished when stone and brass shall have wasted into dust, for it is being in- scribed on the Eternal walls, — " He lives in deeds, not years ; in thoughts, not breaths ; In feelings, not in figures on a dial." ELIJAH BOYDEN. Among the families which have been identified with the town of Marlljorough for many years that of Boyden is especially worthy of record. The Boydens are of English origin, and Thomas, of Ipswich, England, came to America in the "Francis," in 1634, and settled in Water- town, Mass. He had just attained his majority and was admitted as freeman, at Ipswich, in 1647, and later removed to Med field, where he died. Of his descendants, Elijah, of Walpole, Mass., came to Marlborough, N. H., in the spring of 1806, purchased the place known as the Aaron Stone farm. Tradition says he brought with him thirty-seven hundred dollars in silver, which he paid for the place. He was an inn-keeper and, in 1812, owned the first one-horse wagon seen in the town. He was a genial man, a good citizen and interested in whatever pertained to the welfare of the town and village. His wife was Amity Fisher, also of Walpole, Mass. Their children were Abner, George, Hannah, Oliver, Addison, William and Elijah. Mr. Boyden died July 22, 1814, aged fifty-two years. His wife survived him, dying October 29, 1841, at the age of seventy-six. Elijah Boyden, youngest child of Elijah and Amity (Fisher) Boyden, was born in Marl- borough, N. H., August 15, 1814, a few weeks after his father's death. Although never hav- ing the guiding care of a father, he had what is almost indispensable to the making of a good man — a good mother ; and Elijah's early child- hood was passed in the environment of her sweet and pure influence. At the age of fourteen he entered the store of his brother Abner, and remained there as clerk for about six years. During this time he formed correct business habits, and the ex- perience and training which he then received were of great practical use to him in after-life. His diligence and industry, combined with pleasant social manners, gained the confidence and good-will of the citizens of the town, and he was recommended for postmaster, to which office he was appointed when he was about eighteen. The duties of this position he dis- r ^^P'- Bn^ '■l^.A H FUt-chl^ ^«=c-^ MARLBOROUGH. 303 charged satisfactorily for nearly three years, when he resigned, being desirous of extending his business interests, and went to Boston, and, in company with Josiah L. Crosby, engaged in merchandising on Court Street. This firm car- ried on business successfully for two years and a half, when Mr. Boyden, on account of the death of his brother Abner, sold out his inter- est in Boston and returned lo Marlborough. After settling his brother's estate Elijah, in company with his brother William, took the stock of goods and store of his deceased brother and commenced trade under firm-name of W. & E. Boyden. In 1840 they erected and occu- pied their new store. In 1845, Mr. Boyden was again appointed postmaster, and held the office until 1852, when he resigned, and about the same time G. D. Richardson & Co. pur- chased the stock in trade of the Boyden brothers. In 1854, Mr. Boyden was appointed route mail-agent between Boston and Burling- ton, which office he continued to hold until 1860, when he resigned, and has since not been in active business life. Mr. Boyden married, April 5, 1838, Anna Gr., daughter of Rev. Charles and Mary (Hem- enway) Cummings. "Rev. Charles Cummings was born in Seabrook in 1777 and passed his childhood in Marlborough ; was married in 1798 and settled in Sullivan. He was licensed to preach, in 1805, by the Baptist Board of Ministers, and ordained, in 1810, in Sullivan. He was instrumental in organizing churches in Keene, Swanzey, Marlborough, Hillsborough, Lyndeborough and Antrim. In 1820 he was called to the domestic missionary work. He was a man of great energy and earnestness, not shrinking from any sacrifice for the good of the cause he loved so well and labored so faithfully to sustain. He was a man of a kind, concilia- tory spirit ; humble, prayerful and zealous in every good work, and he belonged to a class that ought never to be forgotten— that class which performed the labors and endured the privations of the pioneers of the cause of re- ligion. He never wrote his sermons ; but, in the early work of his ministry, he would select a text of Scripture before going to the field (for at that time he tilled the soil), and while laboring with his hands he mentally studied and wrought out his sermons. The last few years of his life he labored in Pottersville, and preached up to the last Sabbath but one before his death, which occurred in Roxbury, N. H., December 27, 1849." Mr. and Mrs. Boyden have an adopted daughter, Emelia, born No- vember 6, 1849, who married, September 27, 1872, Clark N. Chandler, of Keene, of the firm of Dort & Chandler, druggists. They have one child, Carl Boyden, born November 10, 1877. Mr. Boyden is a Democrat politically, and as such, in 1865 and 1866, he received the highest vote of his party for State Senator. He has always taken a deep interest in political mat- ters, and by extensive reading has kept himself thoroughly conversant with the politics of the country, though in no sense has he been an office-seeker ; and no political or other influence can move him which does not first convince his sense of right. Careful and conservative, his keen foresight and deliberate judgment make his advice and counsel of peculiar value. He is one of the vice-presidents of the Five-Cents Savings-Bank of Keene, and a director of the Citizens' National Bank of the same city. In town affiiirs he has taken an active part, and held many responsible offices of trust. He has held the office of justice of the peace for nearly thirty years. Universal ist in his religious belief, he has contributed liberally of his time and means toward the establishment of the church of his chosen faith, and his wife, a lady of marked superiority, has been an active worker in the Sabbath-school. A ready and fluent speaker, Mr. Boyden is often called upon on public occasions, and offici- ated as president of the day at Marlborough's Centennial celebration. 304 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden have had the advan- tages of intercourse with other countries. In August, 1878, they started on a voyage to Europe, and, after sojourning for a time in England and France, they wintered under Italia's sunny skies and completed their home- ward voyage in the May following. Soon after their return to Marlborough Mr. Boyden, at the urgent solicitation of his many friends and townsmen, gave an interesting account of their travels, in his social, pleasing and attractive style, and subsequently repeated the account in a large number of the towns in the county. Possessing an ability for the discharge of public duties, a well-balanced judgment, almost uniformly correct in its results, and an integrity of character that was never touched by whisper or reflection, Mr. Boyden was fitted to assume and administer all the duties to which he has been called. He is a good neighbor, a warm and welcome friend, a genial companion, a wise counselor and a worthy citizen. COLONEL WILLIAM HENRY GREENWOOD. William Henry Greenwood, the youngest sou of Asa and Lucy Greenwood, was born in Dublin, N, H., March 27, 1832, but his parents removing to Marlborough when he was but a few years old, his childhood was passed there. He was more than an ordinary boy, quiet in his manners, kind in disposition, persevering in effort and possessed of a strong will. He early showed a fondness for machinery and a skill with tools, and constructed many pieces of curious handicraft in his boyhood. He inherited his mechanical tastes from his father, who was remarkable for his inventive faculties, and did much to promote the improvement of Marl- borough during his residence there, and was a strong man, mentally and morally — all of which characteristics his children largely inherited. William H. remained at Marlborough until he was eighteen years old, attending the public schools and assisting his father in the various public works upon which the latter was en- gaged, when he entered the Norwich Univer- sity, Vermont, graduating in 1852. While at the university he easily mastered the higher mathematics, and the professor in that depart- ment, a gifted mathematician, was surprised ai the original solutions and developments which Mr. Greenwood would bring before the classes. In 1852 he went to Illinois, and was employed in the construction of the Central Military Tract Railroad, now the Burlington and Quincy. Upon the completion of that road he engaged upon what was then known at the American Central Railroad, and was with that interest when the great Civil War broke out. He en- listed in the fifty-first regiment Illinois Vol- unteers January 17, 1862, and was commissioned first lieutenant of company H from enlistment, and captain of the same company and regiment from May 9, 1863. But it was not as a line officer that Col. Green- wood made his mark. Soon after the battle of Stone River, General Rosecrans made inquiry for competent engineer officers to organize a topo- graphical service, and he was selected for this duty, and, for better facilities for seeing tlie coun- try, he was ordered to report to General Stanley, at that time chief of cavalry for the Army of the Cumberland. The relation then established continued to the end of the war. Colonel Green- wood remaining a part of this commander's military family until the fall of 1865. No of- ficer served in the Army of the Cumberland who was present at and participated in more battles, actions, affairs, skirmishes than Colonel Greenwood. The great battles in which he was an active participant embrace such names as Perryville, Stone River, Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, three months of Atlanta campaign (an almost continous fight, including Peach-Tree Creek, the assault on Kenesaw) ; finally, in the last great service of the Fourth Corps, the action at Spring Hill, the next day the battle of Franklin, and very soon the battle of Nashville, which ended the mission t^^-^^-^^-^'^" r/"-^ vr Marlborough. 365 of the Army of tlie Cumberland in tlie destruc- tion of Hood's army. It would be impossible to describe the value of such services as those rendered by Colonel Green- wood. The importance of having a staff officer who can not only carry out the orders of his commander, but, in a case of emergency, oric;- inate and execute plans, can be best appreciated by those having such an officer as Colonel Green- wood. His education and experience made him a master of topography. His coolness and dar- ing fitted him to carry out orders in the face of danger. He thoroughly understood field forti- fications and many times his commander retired safely to rest because he knew Colonel Greenwood liad charge of the work. In July, 1864, when General Stanley was appointed to the command of the Fourth Corps, Colonel Greenwood was com- missioned by the President lieutenant^colonel and inspector, to date from July, 1864. In this position he rendered important service in find- ing out the movements of the enemy, the dis- positions of his lines, the positions of his bat- teries. These were his constant employments, and his active, enterprising nature thrived in hard work, and detested ease and idleness. His faults, happily, were few, and were those of a man fearless and careless of danger. Many a time he rode miles through woods and thickets to communicate between detached portions of the troops, sometimes alone, or only with an orderly. Care for himself was the last thing to which to give thought. In July, 1865, the Fourth Corps landed in Texas, taking post at Victoria, Lavacca and San Antonio. Colonel Greenwood was put in charge of the Gulf and San Antonio Railroad, which had been destroyed by the rebel general John Magruder. With the burned and bended railroad iron, and such timber as could be gathered out of the Guadaloupe bot- toms, he soon had the cars running to Victoria, saving immense expense and labor. After com- pleting his work in Texas he was employed upon 'the Kansas Pacific Eailroad. He was appointed chief engineer of this road, and while 20 liolding this position he made surveys on the thirty-second and thirty-fifth parallels through to San Francisco. During his service for the company, he constructed one hundred and fifty miles of railroad in one hundred working days, and the last day laid ten and a quarter miles of track in 10 hours, — a feat, perhaps, never equaled in railroad construction. In 1870 he made the first general report in favor of nar- row gauge— three feet, i. e., — railroads, and was appointed general manager of construction of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. Upon completion of the first division of this railroad he was appointed general superintendent, and remained until the road was finished to Canon City. He next went to Mexico, in company with General W. S. Rosecrans and General W. J. Palmer, with a view of constructing a national railroad in that country. While engaged in this service he visited England and the Con- tinent in the interest of this road, but failing to get the concessions asked for from the Mexican government, he returned to New York, and established himself as a civil engineer. In May, 1878, he took charge of the construction of the Pueblo and Arkansas Valley Railroad, for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa F6 Com- pany, and in March, 1879, took charge of the Marion and McPherson Railroad. During his numerous surveys he had several encounters with the Indians, in which his war experience came well to hand. The hardships from cold, from hunger and exposure during this pioneer service in the railways of the great plains, were such as few men have experienced. As an engineer. Colonel Greenwood had few peers in his profession. No obstacle that nature had interposed, as it were, in frolicsome mood, in the canons and mountains of the West, deterred this engineer of science, of skill and daring, and railroad trains now run securely where before the wild mountain sheep feared to climb. The skillful capitalists who built these wonderful railroads of Colorado well appreciated his worth, and when the Sullivan and Palmer 306 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Companies undertook the International and Interoeeanic Eailroads from the City of Mexico to the Pacific coast, Colonel Greenwood was called as the most reliable man to locate the great work. It was while engaged in his work in Mexico that he was murdered near the public highway, at Rio Hondo, Mexico, on Sunday, August 29, 1880. The following letter received by General Stanley gives the details : " Colonel Greenwood was on his way to the capitol from his camp near Toluca, accompanied by Mr. Miller, engineer, and a servant, to pass the Sabbath with his family. About nine miles from Mexico, near Rio Hondo, he stopped at an inn. Here there were a number of men, who, seeing his horse, laid a plot to obtain possession of it. They rode ahead some distance, where they remained am- bushed ; and when Col. Greenwood approached alone, having ridden on ahead of his compan- ion and servant, they rushed out upon him, hoping that the frightened horse would throw his rider, and, in that way, they might obtain possession of the animal. This plot failed, and their only way to obtain the horse was to murder its master. His body was found on the roadside by Mr. Miller, a ball having pierced the right hand and body, leaving the impression that he had been shot while in the act of drawing his revolver. His horse, carbine and revolver were taken, but his watch and money were found upon his person. The assas- sins were probably disturbed in their act of plunder. His body was brought to the capitol and placed in the American Cemetery. The sad event was deeply deplored by every one here, where, by his many virtues, he had gained many warm friends. " P. H. Morgan, U. S. Legation. " Mexico, November 23, 1880." Thus perished all that was mortal of this earnest, good and brave man, who had seemed to have a charmed life, escaping the bullets of his enemies in war, passing unharmed through numerous attacks of Indians, enduring hardships from cold and hunger from which few could have survived. In tlie sjjring of 1882 his remains were brought from Mexico, and placed iu the cemetery at Dummerston, Vermont. Colonel Greenwood was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and had surveyed and superintended the construction of over 3000 miles of railroad. This was a great work for one man to do, only forty-eight years and a few months old at the time of his death. This quiet man, almost bashful in his modesty, had realized the object of his youthful ambition, and made himself a great engineer. His works are a monument to his great worth as a soldier, and as a man of practical science he was among the first. But there must be something said concerning Colonel Greenwood's domestic life, which was especially felicitous. May 19th, 1857, he married Evaline, daughter of Joel Knight, Jr., and Fanny Duncan (daughter of Dr. Abel Duncan, of Dummerston, Vermont), the fam- ilies of Knight and Duncan being among the most prominent and respected families in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood had no chil- dren, but adopted a beautiful little girl, who died some years ago. Her death was a great grief to them. In 1873 he purchased the farm which had been the property of the Knight family for several generations, and it is now the home of Mrs. Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood found in each other congeniality, sympathy and help. In war and in peace, wherever it was possible for her to reach him, by sea or by land, she was always near to cheer and encourage him with the love and devotion of the true wife. LUTHER .HEMENWAY. The records of the lives of many of our New England men may seem humble and unpretend- ing when compared with those more brilliant and world-renowned, but they are such only relatively. The farmer, the manu- ^cyj^^^-^^^' i^Ass"^-''^!- MAELBOROUGH. 307 facturer and the mechanic each has his place in the structure of society, and it requires the different individualities to give beauty and iinish to the whole. For more than a century the name of Hemenway has been a familiar and respected one in the town of Marlborough, and among the old and leading manufacturers, who deserve especial mention, is Luther Hemenway. The name is variously spelled on old records, as Hemingway, Hemmenway, Heninway, etc. The family was among the early settlers of Framing- ham, Mass., and was also of those who served their adopted country in her long and success- ful Revolutionary struggle with England. Ebenezer Hemenway, of Framingham, married Hannah Winch, May 17, 1711. Samuel, born in Framingham, August 3, 1724, married Hannah Rice. Their son, Ebenezer, born in Framing- ham, May 26, 1760, married, in 1786, Ruth, daughter of Amos and Mary (Trowbridge) Gates. She was born February 12, 1768. In 1787, Ebenezer Hemenway removed with his young wife to commence a life of activity and establish a home in Marlborough, N. H., and settled on what is now known as the Franklin Smith place. He took an intelligent interest in all the public movements of the town, giving of his time and means to forward the prosperity and welfare of its citizens. Congregationalist in liis religious belief, he was a member of that church for more than forty years. He was a man of sound judgment, Christian integrity, and was universally respected. He died Octo- ber 27, 1839. His widow died October 18, 1854. Luther, son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Gates) Hemenway, was born in Framingham January 2, 1787, and came to Marlborough with his parents when but six months old. He married, for his second wife, October 26, 1813, Eliza Cummings, of a family well-known and honored in New Hampshire. He was a black- smith by trade, and had a shop in Marlborough, and was familiarly known as Captain Hemen- w ay. He was a stanch man, an old-time Whig, interested in educational affairs, and was one of the number who formed the Social Library Association. He removed to Jaffrey, where he died February 13, 1872. Luther Hemenway, youngest son of Luther and Eliza (Cummings) Hemenway, was born in Marlborough January 15, 1827. He mar- ried, December 7, 1853, Mary C, daughter of Joshua and Eliza (Rice) Davis, of Roxbury. Their children were Mary Lizzie, born August 6, 1869, died September 26, 1860; George A., born October 28, 1861, was drowned August 21, 1864 ; Fred. D., born April 30, 1860 (he received the educational advantages of Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, and Commercial Col- lege, Boston); and Katie M., born September 27, 1871, died November 5, 1872. Luther Hemenway's education was acquired at the district schools, supplemented by two terms at Melville Academy, Jaffrey, to which place his father had removed. He improved his time and opportunities to the best of his ability, and remained with his parents until he was twenty-one years old, when he left home to engage in business pursuits, and came to Marlborough March 1, 1848, where he estab- lished himself with his brother Charles, and commenced making clothes-pins, having pre- viously invented a machine by which the man- ufacture was facilitated and cheapened. He remained with his brother two years and was then employed by Mr. Snow in the manufacture of boxes and toys. After continuing with him for about two years Mr. Snow failed, and Mr. Hemenway, by his prudence, economy and fore- thought, having laid up some money, he pur- chased the stock, and with a partner, E. M. Eveleth, under the firm-name of Eveleth & Hemenway, continued the business until 1861, some nine years, when Mr. Eveleth sold his interest to Mr. Hemenway, and he carried on the manufacture alone for four years. Geo. G. Davis was associated with him for a time, the firm-title being L. Hemenway & Co. Mr. Hemenway has also been engaged in other branches of manufacturing and is still doing 308 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. something in the line. He started life with a determination to accomplish something and to do honest work, and now he can feel that he has earned the right to rest, or at least to enjoy the success of his hard, unwearied labors of many years. Mr. Hemenway is a member of the Indepen- dent Order of Odd-Fellows, and has been an active worker and officer of the order, his mem- bership dating back over thirty years. As to his politics, prior to our Civil War he was a Democrat, but voted for James A. Garfield, and may now be considered an Independent Repub- lican voter. He is versed in the business affairs of the town, having served its interests as select- man for several years, and held other minor offices. His religious faith is that of the Uni- versalists. Mr. Hemenway is characterized by modest and unassuming manners, strong attachments, great love for his friends, and is a good neighbor, loyal citizen and a worthy example of what perseverance, diligence and fidelity can accom- plish. He belongs to that class of New Eng- landers who, while unostentatious and unpretend- ing, are yet the true benefactors of the commu- nity in which they live, in that they add to the material prosperity of their respective localities, and leave behind them tangible results of their life's work. CHARLES O. WHITNEY. In the year of our Lord 1634, John Whit- ney embarked in the " Elizabeth and Ann " from England for the shores of New England. He settled in Watertown, Mass., and his sons were John, Richard, Nathaniel, Thomas and Jonathan. Many of their descendants settled in Framingham, Mass., and, about the middle of the eighteenth century, several families mi- grated from Framingham, Mass., to New Hamp- shire. In 1771, John and Jonathan Whitney (brothers), of Framingham stock, came from Dunstable and located in that part of Fitzwil- liam now Troy. They lived for nine years in a log house, purchased land and afterwards built a house which was constructed for a tav- ern and kept by them for eight years, during which time they did a good business and ac- cumulated considerable property. They closed their house to the public in 1788 and turned their attention to farming, and continued to- gether for a few years, then divided their farm and other business interests. Jonathan moved to Hartland, Vt., in 1810. John resided on the farm until his death, in 1829. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and was in the famous battle of Bunlcer Hill. His wife was Mary Jones, of Framingham. The children of John and Mary (Jones) Whitney were Nathan, born in 1781, died in 1811 ; Polly, born 1783, married Luke Harris, died 1813; Sophia, born 1795, married Eseck Dexter, settled in the West; Lucy, born 1785, died 1794: Sally, born 1787, married George Farrar ; John, born 1789, married Augusta Fish, went West; Betsey, born 1792, married Luke Harris, died in 1858 ; Luke, born 1798, married Lovina White, settled on the Woodward farm, where he died in 1841, leaving three children, — Ann E., who married, November 27, 1862, Goodhue Tenney, of Marl- borough ; Charles O. ; and Francis L., a soldier in the great Civil War, who died in Washing- ington, D. C, from effect of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Charles O. Whitney was born May 4, 1838, in Troy, N. H. His father dying when he was but three years old, and the family being in humble circumstances, he went to live with his uncle, Ira Godding, of Troy, N. H., where he remained until he was about twelve years old, when Mr. and Mrs. Godding died and the young lad M'as thrown upon his own resources. Now commenced his hard struggle with the world for a living, and for the next four or five years Charles made his home in any family where his labor would suffice for his board and *^g ^' hyAHBj^-tcl'^^ MARLBOROUGH. 309 clothing. Of course, with all these adverse cir- cumstances, he had but little time or opportun- itv for education, but contrived to get a few weeks in the winter at the district school when there was not much out-door labor. Many a boy, situated in like manner, would have been disheartened and taken to evil ways, but he plodded on with quiet, patient industry, and when seventeen years of age he went to work for Charles Carpenter, of Troy, who manufac tured rakes and also carried on a saw and grist-mill. He remained with him about two years, and afterward went to Gardner, Mass., and worked two years for Haywood Brothers in their chair manufactory. All this time Mr. AVhitney was working diligently and assiduously, endeavoring to improve his mechanical skill. At the breaking out of the war, when the demand for fire-arms was largely increased, he went to Springfield, Mass., and worked for the United States government making muskets, continu- ing in this employment nearly two years. While in Springfield, November 27, 1862, he married Frances F., daughter of Hyman Bent, of Fitzwilliam, N. H. She was born October 27, 1838. In 1863 he returned to South Gardner, Mass., and was for a short time in the employ of M. Wright & Co., manufac- turers. But Mr. Whitney had conceived the plan of furthering his business interests, and his early life of labor had taught him prudence and economy, and he now determined to start in business on his own account, and, taking Eod- eric L. Bent, his brother-in-law, into partner- ship, under the firm-title of Whitney & Bent, he began chair manufacturing and carried this on for more than three years, with a fair per- centage of profit on the capital invested. In 1866, Mr. Whitney disposed of his interest in the business and moved to Marlborough, N". H., of which place he has since been a resident. In company with Mr. Goodhue Tenney, he boufht the brick mill belonging to George Thatcher, and they began manufacturing wooden pails, but, after three months' time, dis- posed of their stock and machinery, and, in con- nection with Dr. S. A. Kichardson, D. W. Tenney and Charles K. Mason, they formed a copartnership under name of Marlborough Manufacturing Company, and in the spring of 1867 they made the first horse-blank«ts manu- factured in Marlborough. This manufacture proved a most important branch of industry and added much to the prosperity and growth of the town. After three years Mr. Whitney withdrew from the company, purchased land, erected a building, and, creating a new ^^'ater- power, resumed chair manufacturing, which he carried on for a few years. In 1873, Mr. Whitney, with Warren H. Clark, formed what is now known as the Cheshire Blanket Company, and fitted up the mill, in which Mr. Whitney formerly made chairs, for the manufacture of blankets, and conducted this industiy. These enterj)rising men have added to their business from time to time, and in the spring of 1880 they greatly enlarged their manufacturing facilities by the erection of a new mill, forty by forty-five feet, two stories high, now making seven sets of machinery. They have a capital stock of $40,000 and can produce five hundred blankets a day. This firm is also largely engaged in the manu- facture of satinets, produces as many as twenty- five thousand yards per month, and the annual production, when running on full time, is three thousand bales. The children of Charles O. and Frances (Bent) Whitney are Frank R,, born in Gard- ner, Mass., August 29, 1866, died August 25, 1885 ; Charles W., born August 4, 1877; and Robert L., born September 10, 1880, in Marl- borough. Politically, Mr. Whitney has always been a Republican ; has served as selectman and in various other offices. He is an attendant of the Universalist Church, and his son Frank had, at the time of his death, been assistant superin- tendent of the Sunday-school for two years. 310 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ]Mr. Whitney has been and is a man of great industry, perseverance and pluck, and to him is due, in a large measure, the improvement of the water-power in Marlborough. He was one of twelve Odd-Fellows, mem- bers of Beaver Brook Lodge, of Keene, to form the Paquoig Lodge, which was instituted Janu- ary 13, 1869. He was also one of a committee of five to build the present Odd-Fellows' build- ing, which was occupied April 1, 1875, and dedicated the June following. Mr. Whitney's early manhood was one of hard toil, but, by persevering eiforts, from hum- ble beginnings, unaided, he has acquired a com- petency and stands well in the esteem of his fellow-townsmen, and is a good type of the self- made men of the Granite State. NATHAN WINCH. The Winch family was an old and much- respected one in the early days of the town of Framingham, Mass., and emigrants from Suffolk Co., England, bearing that name ajjpear on old records as early as 1643. In 1673, February 11, Samuel (1) Winch, of Framingham, the progen- itor of the branch now residing in Marlborough, N. H., married Hannah Gibbs. Samuel Winch was a useful and valued citizen. He was one of the original members of the church in Framingham, which was formed in 1701 ; he served as selectman in 17(39, tithingman in 1718, and died August 3, 1718, leaving a good name. His son Thomas (2), born in 1694, mar- ried Deborah Gleason, October 23, 1718, settled in Framingham, where he died September 22, 1761. Thomas (3), Jr., second son of Thomas and Deborah (Gleason) Winch, was born June 25, 1723; married, December 20, 1743, Elizabeth Drury. Caleb (4), son of Thomas, Jr., was born in Framingham, September 26, 1744, married IMehitable Maynard, and in 1768 si-ttled in that part of Fitzwilliam now Troy, N. H. He purchased laud, on which he was obliged to fell the trees and otherwise clear the place in order to bring it into a state of cultivation, built a log house, and became a good farmer. He owned about two hundred acres at one time. The children of Caleb and Mehitable (Maynard) Winch were Joseph, Xabby, Betsey, Thomas, John, Hetty, Nathan, Caleb, Ebenezer and William. Caleb Winch was a man of untiring energy and possessed great strength of character. He was one of the first to respond to his coun- try's call, and was a brave and patriotic soldier of the Revolution. He took part in the battle of Lexington, and was one of the attendants of the British in their inglorious retreat to Boston, and served his day and generation well. But unfortunately the memory of most of his ser- vices in defense of American liberty has per- ished with the generation of which he was an important factor. The historian of his adopted town thus writes of him : " He was an intel- ligent and useful citizen, and took a deep in- terest in all those enterprises which had for their object the improvement of his fellow-men. In nearly all of the public business of the town he acted a pVominent part, thus showing the estimation in which he was held by those who had the best means of knowing his real merits. ^Uthough not blessed with a liberal education, he possessed talents of a high order, and he has certainly left conspicuous 'footprints upon the sands of time.'" He died January 12, 1826. Nathan (5), born March 1, 1781, passed his early days with his parents on the farm, became a farmer and succeeded to the homestead. He married, first, Polly Davidson; she died in 1834, and he married Asenath, her sister. Some time after the death of his father he sold his farm and purchased the situation long known in Troy as the " Winch Place." He resided there until his death in 1851, aged 70 years. He was a Congregationalist in religious belief, and an active, worthy citizen. His children were Nathan, Mary (Mrs. Joscjph Putney), Calvin, and Arethusa (Mrs. Geo. Bucklin). Nathan Winch, son of Nathan and Polly MARLSOHOUGU. 311 (Davidson) Winch, was bom in Fitzwilliani, April 2, 1807. He improved his limited educa- tional advantages to the utmost, taught school four winters, and worked on the farm summers. He remained on the old homestead with his parents, assisting in the farm labors, until he reached his majority ; then he engaged in work in a factory for making pails, in Troy. Tiien, hav- ing the ambition that is characteristic of our New England boys to improve his circum- stances, he bought a water privilege in Swanzey, fitted up a building, and carried on pail manu- facturing for six years and then sold out his business. At this time, by his hard labor, unre- mitting industry, and by rigid economy, he had accumulated some money, and with the little he received from his share of the old homestead he was able to purchase a farm, which he did in Troy, and for seven years was occupied in farming. He then resumed manufacturing, and came to Marlborough in 1852, purchased a factory and continued until 1868, when he re- turned to Swanzey and was in the same busi- ness there, when his building was burned, and he removed to Marlborough and purchased an interest in his former business there, and after- wards became sole proprietor, continuing till May, 1881, when his son, George F., who is now in business, succeeded him. During his residence in Swanzey, Mr. Winch married, October 20, 1833, Abigail Bucklin, of Wallingford, Vt. Their children were Franklin B., died aged 15 years; Adelia, died aged 7 years; Dorothea, died July 31, 1872; George B., died aged 7 years ; and George F., born in 1850, married, November 6, 1873, Laura I., daughter of Gilman and Harriet (Atwood) Griffin. (They have one child, Abbie Amelia, born June 12, 1877.) Mr. Winch's first wife died April 23, 1867, and he married, second, Nancy Winzell, of Ashland, Mass. ; she died January 28, 1872. His third wife was Mrs. Lucinda Scoville, daughter of Jesse and Lucy (Emery) Stone. They were married August 6, 1872. Mr. Winch has been a man of persevering energy. Starting from an humble beginning, he entered upon manufacturing, and through it, with the labor of his hands, he has acquired a competency. Republican in politics, he has never been a political aspirant, but has been alive to matters of public interest. He served as selectman in 1847, in Troy. His religious belief is that of the Orthodox Congregationalists, and both his wife and himself are members of the church. He is of social disposition, a good neighbor, liberal and public-spirited and a use- ful citizen, and, at the age of seventy-eight, his intellect is clear, his perception keen as that of many much younger men. In his life Mr. Winch illustrates what may be accomplished by energy, patience, perseverance and industry. JAMES KNOWLTON". The Knowlton family belongs to the early history of New England ; for not more than two decades subsequent to the landing of the " Mayflower " at Plymouth, Mass., and the settlement of that town by the Puritans, we Snd, on old records of Essex County, Mass., that John Knowlton, the progenitor of the family bearing the name, was a freeman of Ipswich, in 1641. He died in 1654, leaving children bearing the names of John, Abraham and Elizabeth. His brother Thomas was also an inhabitant of Ipswich in 1648, and married, November 24, 1668, Hannah Grew. He was a man well Imown and respected in the com- munity, a deacon of the church and a prison- keeper. He died April 3, 1692. John (2), son of John (1), was a resident of Wenham in 1680. Among their ' descendants have been many prominent men in the law, ministry and other professions. Deacon John Knowlton, probably a lineal descendant of him whose name he bore, was born in Plolliston, Mass., January 24, 1745. He married Martha Jen- nings, April 20, 1769, and migrated to that part of Dublin, N. H., now known as West 312 ms^otiY of ciiEssmfi cotMTY, new iiAMt»sitmE. Harrisville, and became a farmer, as was the custom of most of the pioneers in that section of the country. His wife died August 7, 1797, and he married, February 19, 1798, Elizabeth, daughter of John Wight. Their son, Luke, who was born August 1, 1801, married Mercy Bemis, December 28, 1826. He succeeded to part of the old homestead, and remained in Dublin until 1849, when he came to Marl- borough. He was a stone-mason by tiade, and for manj^ years worked with Asa Greenwood. He was a good and worthy citizen, and a member of the Universalist Church. He died December 6, 1882, in the eighty-second year of his age. He had sons. Jamas and Luke. Luke enlisted, in 1862, in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, and served through the war, doing his duty like a brave and patriotic citizen. James Knowlton, oldest child of Luke and Mercy (Bemis) Knowlton, was_ born in Dublin, N. H., December 20, 1828. He mar- ried. May 23, 1854, Emily, daughter of Dexter and Abigail (Adams) Mason, of Dublin. She is a descendant of honorable New England families, is a lady of education and has been a successful school-teacher. Their daughter, Lilla M., was born April 16, 1857. James Knowlton had no other opportunities for obtaining an education than the common schools of his native town, but such time as could be given to that purpose was faithfully improved. He followed the trade of his father, that of stone-masonry, working for him until he had attained his majority, when he com- menced business life for himself. He was em- ployed on the work of the Burlington and Rut- land Railroad, and for three years superin- tended different gangs of workmen. He had a natural taste for mechanics, an ambition to im- prove his prospects and also add to his " stock in trade " of acquirements. He became a ma- chinist, and was engaged by J. A. Fay & Co. in setting up machinery, etc., remaining in their employ seven years. In 1862, Mr. Knowlton purchased of G. H. & S. "W. Stone their manufactory of clothes- pins in Marlborough, and carried on this manu- facturing for six years. In 1868 he com- menced making wooden pails, which he has continued until the present time, taking his brother Luke into partnership in 1865, under the firm-name of J. & L. Knowlton. The busi- ness has largely increased, the number of pails manufactured in 1884 being one hundred and ninety-four thousand. Mr. Knowlton is also a contractor and builder, and has been actively engaged in the erection of many of the houses in Marlborough of the present time. He superintended the building of the dam at the reservoir at Marl- borough Glen, which is one of the largest and best constructed in this section and is one of the best water privileges in Cheshire County. Thi' whole length of the dam is 255 feet ; length of roll-way, 94 feet; extreme height, 35_feet; height of roll-way, 32 feet. Material used, 3500 tons of granite and other stone, 57,000 feet of lumber, with 3000 pounds of iron ; costing about $3000. He superintended the building of the reser- voir dam at Bemisville in 1868, and in 1881 he built the dam for the so-called Dublin reservoir, on the Mount Monadnock Brook. This was the last reservoir constructed by the Breed Pond Company. It was built on a solid ledge, wholly of stone, is one-half mile at its widest point and flows back a mile and a half The length of the dam is 125 feet, height, 23 feet, and width on the bottom, 40 feet. Mr. Knowlton was a charter member of the Odd-Fellows' lodge in Marlborough, and has held the office of Noble Grand. Politically, his affiliations are with the Republican party, but he has never sought or filled any office in its gift, being entirely devoted to his business. In his religious preferences he is a Universalist, and was among the principal movers and pro- moters of the church of " faith and love " in Marlborough, and is a liberal contributor to its support. From childhood he has been strictly MARLBOROUGH. 313 temperate, and has never bought a glass of liquor. He is a strong, enterprising, progressive man, such an one as is needed in every community, and whose energy and influence are potent for action and advance. As a manufacturer and business man, he is a persistent, industrious, practical worker, careful in the details of his business, and his efforts have been rewarded with financial success. As a friend and neigh- bor, he is kind-hearted and social ; as an employ- er, considerate of the interests of his workmen ; as a citizen, he enjoys universal confidence and esteem, and is one of the representative men of Marlborough. SOLON STONE WILKINSON. Solon Stone "Wilkinson, was born in Marl- borough, March 22, 1828. It was his good fortune to come into this world in a very pleas- ant home. His father was kind and judicious ; his mother was affectionate and decidedly gifted in heart and mind. His childhood was passed on a farm, where the air was invigorating and the scenery strikingly beautiful. In the dis- trict school he was quite a favorite among his mates, being large-hearted and full of good nature. The boys used to enjoy hearing Solon laugh. In his studies he aimed to be faithful and did rank well as a scholar, excelling in declamation. He early learned the harness and saddler's trade of his father, who was emi- nently successful in this business for more than three-score years. Reaching his majority, he still continued working for his father, and going in company with him for several years, being highly esteemed as a citizen and a Chris- tain. At length he left Marlborough and settled in Keene, that he might have a larger field in which to work and trade. Here, for twenty years and more, he was at the head of an extensive business in manufacturing and selling harnesses, saddles, trunks, etc. Though closely confined to his calling, still he has found time to work in church, Sunday-school, the temperance cause and social ways, so as to make his influence felt for good, proving that he is living to render the world wiser and better. He was a popular adjutant-general on ex-Governor Hale's staff. He is naturally very social and genial ; accordingly, he makes hosts of friends. Not long ago he found it necessary to leave his store and trade, that he might not be so closely confined in-doors, and since the change he has been engaged with his brother, Warren S. Wilkinson, of Springfield, Mass., who has become a successful and wealthy gentleman, in manufacturing woolen goods in Marlborough. So he has come back to his native place to do business, but still resides in Keene, where he has a pleasa,nt home within and without. His wife was the daughter of Charles and Polly Holman, who delights in making her home most inviting. They have one, son who has advanced into manhood and is proving himself a blessing to his parents and the world. Mr. Wilkinson is large and well-proportioned in body, mind and heart. He is a worthy son of his native town. HISTORY OF MARLOW. CHAPTER I. The town of Marlow lies in the northern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : On the north, by Sullivan County ; on the east, by Sullivan County and the town of Stoddard ; on the south, by Gilsum, and on the west, by Alstead. The township was granted October 7, 1761, to William Noyes and sixty -three others, at which time it received its present name. The reservation of five hundred acres for Governor Wentworth was located in the south- west corner. The conditions of this grant were not wholly complied with, and the in- habitants, on the 30th of December, 1771, petitioned for an extension of the charter, which was granted January 24, 1772, for a term of three years. In the petition they stated that twenty-eight families were resident in town, and that five more were to settle the following spring. The grantees were residents of Connecticut, principally in the vicinity of the towns of Lyme and Colchester. Among the first settlers were Thomas and Samuel Gustin, Elisha and Solomon Mack, Jasper and Nathan Huntley and Joseph Tubbs. By an act passed June 21, 1797, all that portion of the town, as originally granted, lying east of the curve-line of Mason's patent, containing some four thousand acres, was de- clared to .be under the jurisdiction and a part of the town of Stoddard. An academy flourished here for some years, which was largely patronized by the inhab- 314 itants of the county and did a good work in the cause of education. The first town-meeting was held March 2, 1766, at the house of Samuel Gustin. Joseph Tubbs was chosen moderator and Samuel Gus- tin, clerk. The first selectmen were chosen March 16, 1766, viz. : Joseph Tubbs, Samuel Gustin and Martin Lord. The earliest buildings were erected near Baker's Corners, by John Gustin. Nathan Huntley settled near Marlow Hill and Joseph Tubbs in the south part of the town. The first meeting-house was erected in 1798, on Marlow Hill. It was taken down in 1845 and removed to the village and used as a Union Church. The Methodist Church also originally stood on Marlow Hill, and Rev. Peter Jacobs was the first minister. The Universalist Church here was organized in 1847, and the first pastor was Rev. N. R. Wright. There are now three churches iu town, — Christian, Methodist and Universalist. In the early days the people of the town were generally Baptist. A Congregational Church, with nine members, was formed here iu 1823, but was long since discontinued. The first physician in the town was, proba- bly. Dr. Isaac Baker. Others have been Thomas J. Stevens, Lyman Brooks, Reuben Hatch, Dr. Richardson, R. G. Mather and Marshall Perkins. In olden times. Baker's Corners was the cen- tre of business in the town, containing a store, potash manufactory and hotel. The first store was opened by a Mr. Lamphere on the " Hill," MARLOW. 315 and the hotel of most note was kept by Almon Smith, familarly known as " Peg Smith." The first hotel in the town was located at Baker's Corners, and Samuel Richardson was pro- prietor. The first store in South Marlow was opened by Joel Tenney. The first tannery in the town was built by Ward Ware. The first tannery at Marlow village was built by L. Huntly in 1835. This has been succeeded by the present large tanning establishment of Hon. James Burnap. DOCUMENTARY HISTOEY. Inventory of 1773. "A True Inventory of all the Poles and Ratable Estate in the Township of Marlow Taken this twenty Sixth day of April 1773 by us the Subscribers Select- men of Said Marlow " Thirty four poles — twenty Eight oxen — forty two Cows — fifteen three years old— Eight two year old — thirteen year old — two Horses — ^one hundred and forty four acers of Mowing Land — Seventy Nine acers of arable Land — Sixty four acers of paster Land — " A True List attest " NicoDEMES MiLLEE \ Selectmen of " Sam" Canfield J Marlow " province of New hampshire April y® 2&'^ 1773 " County of Cheshire ss parsonally appeared Nico- dems Miller and Samuell Can field Selectmen of Mar- low and made Soloom oath to the above Inventory by them Taken & Signed by them as above Is Just and True as there set down taken " Before me " B Bellows Justice Peace " Relative to the Election of Representative, 1776. "To the Honerabel Counsel & assembeley of the Colony of New hampshire to be Conveaned & as- sembled at Exeter on the third wensday of De- cember Instant. " The Petiteion of the Inhabetitants of the Towns of marlow Alsted and Surrey Humbeley Sheweth that where as it is the advice & Deriction of the Conte- nantel Congrace Eeletve to the asumeing Civel Gov- erment in this Coloney have advised and Dericted the Provenshal Congras of this Colony Preveus to their asuiming a forme of Ceviel Government that they at their Convenshon Do Grant worants for a full and free Election of Representetves in this Coloney & where as veeres Cuppleing of veraes Towns toGether in the wesetern Parts of Coloney and allowing but one Representetve to a Cuppling and we being Defer- antly Treted from the Mager Parts of this Coloney who are allowed a Representetive to Each Town and where as the Towns of marlow Alsted & Surrey are Towns InCorprated with all the Inverabel Privelig- eses & Emunities that any other Town or Towns Do or may In Joy In this Coloney & being thus Cuppled together as aforeSaid are abriged or Curtailed of the Privelig of Each EndeviDial Town Elecoting a Rep- resentetive which we Humbely Conceve Can not be Constred to be a full & free Election or Representa- tion of the Said Coloney agreabel to the advice of the Contenantal Congress above Resited we there fore your Humbel Petiteshers would be such the Honera- bel Counsel & House of Representetives that Preves to the further Preserving the Plan of Civel Govern- ment that there may worants be Granted for a full and free Election or Representation of Each of the Endvedial Towns above menchened Presewent to the advice of the Contenantal Congrace aforesaid thus Shall your Humbel Petisonors as In Deuty Bound Ever Pray. " Dated Coloney of Newhamsher Marlow Decem- ber 11'" A : D 1776 " Sam" Gustin " Absalom Kingsbeey " WooLSTON Beockway " Jonathan Smith Come" for marlow. Alsted & Surrey " Relative to the East Line of the Town, 1777. " Marlow Feby y^ 20'" 1777— " As there is a Report prevails in the Town of Mar- low that one oliver Parker a Reputed mover of sedi- tion in the Town of Stoddard hath got a petition Signd by a party to have some part of the East side of the Town of marlow (by the general Cort) set to Stoddard. " We the Select men of marlow in the State of Newhampshire. Beg Leve to Say Some thing in the Ears of the General Cort on this matter if y'' above Said petition is prefared — viz — that the incorporation of y'^ Town of marlow is older than y" incorporation of any Town adjoining to the said marlow — and we in y° Name of y" inhabitants of y° Town of marlow humbly Pray that the General Cort would not by any incorporation infringe on the Town of marlow without Giving Notice to the Inhabitants of the said marlow some time before hand — " If the above s'' petition be for paying Taxes only — the General assembly did on the 12"" Day of June 1776 pass a resolve that all those Rateable persons who live within the original east Line of marlow and their Estates thir. pay there Taxes to marlow untill 316 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Title of the Lands Disputable between the said Towns of marlow and Stoddard be Decided by Law or or by agreement between the said two Towns. " The Cause being So plain we shall not Trouble the Cort any Longer — Besting assured they will not act Contrary to this petition without first Notifying the Town of marlow and giving us a Day to Defend our Selves " Dated at marlow this 4* of march AD 1777^ " pr us " NicoDEMUS MiLLEE, 1 Select men "Abisha Tubs J of marlow' Relative to the Settlement of the East Line of the Toxvn, 1778. " State of Newhamshere Chesher County Marlow Feberay 3'* 1778 "as there is Still Remaining a Deficalty about the Colecting of Taxes in our town on aCount of the Clames of woshenton and Stoder by their Corpora- tions — Laping 'on our Town and the Charter and Corperation there of and as the Easter most Line of Said marlow is Desputed by Said Washenton & Stodderd and that it may be Setteled with out Defi- calty in a Legal Methard " we the Subscribers Select men of Said Marlow Do Bring our Requst and Petition to the Honorabel Counsel and assembely of this State that they would Derict to Sum method whereby those unhapey Defi- caltys may be Removed and if your Honours Should Think it Proper : we Should be Glad that Sum So- veyor & Chainmen that are Dis Entrested and In- hab tents of this County be apointed to Run the Loyns of Said marlow aCording to the Charter of Said Town and Esabilish the Lines and Bounds of Said Town that Such Desputes may be Removed for which we your Potishenors as In Deuty Bound would Humbely Pray " Ebee Lewis 1 Selectmen " William Ntjd ) of marlow " N : B as marlow is the oldest Charter of any Town that Joins on it we think it very improper that other Towns Should InCroach on our Rights & Priv- eliges &C " the within riten petetion is Excepted and by the town Voted to be Sent to the Honourable Counsil and Asemby " JONATH ROYCE town Clark " Relative to Taxes, 1784. " State of Newhampshire " The Petition of the Town of Marlow humbly Sheweth That in the Proportion taken in 1777 the Town of Marlow Sent in their Inventory according to the best of their Knowledge Includeing all within the Original Limitts of Said Town — after which the General Court by their Special order Resolv" that a certain part of the Land aforesaid with the Inhabit- ants thereon so far as the Masonian grant Extended Should pay their proportion another way whereby your Petitioners where Deprived of a Considerable part of their Strength which they Expected in pay- ing the Quotas of Taxes Laid on them in conse- quence of their Proportion and also was Doom" their Supose^ proportion in 1780 Including the Land aforesaid Therefore your Petitioner humbly Pray* that So much of their Taxes As hath been So Laid on them may be abated that they may only pay their Just proportion of Taxes in Said State which they Ever Desire to do and no more and your Petitioners as in Duty bound will Ever pray Nath" S Prentice in behalf of Said Town" Relative to East Line of the Town, 1798. " To the honarble Senate and hous of Representatives in Jeneral cort Convened at Concord on the thurd Wedingsday of this Instant November " your pertisherners humbley Shweth that whereas an act has Ben past Giving Juresdiction of a part of marlow to Stodderd to the grate deterament of said marlow and must unavoidable Ruen said town if Said act is not Reconsedered tharefore your portish- erners humbley prayeth that your honers will make thare Case your Case and then Consider wheather you would Be willing to have your towns Cut to peaces without the Concent of the inhabetents then your portisheners thinks they Shall be Abel By thare agent to Shew the unreasonable ness of that act which your portishoners thinks neaver would Ben past if the honerable Cort at that Time had farly un- derstod the situation of Both towns that Stoddard ia Biger without that Strip than marlow is with it by Reason of Washington Exersising Juresdiction over a Considerable part of said marlow and your portish- eners humbley prayeth that they may not Be tore to peases to Set up thare nabering towns thow they are willing to suffer with other Towns But not to be tore to peaces to set them up tharefore your portisheners humbley Requestes that act may Be Reconsidered and your portisheners as in duty Bound Shall Ever Pray " Marlow November 16* 1798 " Elisha Huntley ] Select " Abijah Mack ]■ Men of " Wells Way / marlow" MARLOW. 317 Remonstrance to the Establishment of the East Line as by the Act of 1797. " To the Honourable senate & house of Eepresenta- tives to be convened at Concord on the third Wed- nesday of November — " The Petition of the Proprietors of the town of Marlow humbley shews that the General court at their sessions in June 1797 sett off the southeast part of Marlow containing About four thousand acres of s" Marlow under the Jurisdiction of the town of Stod- dard haveing About twenty famylies on the same which we concieve was obtained by A Very wrong Representation of the Matters of fact And we your Petioner not thinking it necessary at that time to send in A written remonstrance against the town of Stod- dard petition fully believing that the honourable court would never take off from the lesser towns and to put to the Greater where the town taken off from the Inhabitants to be taken off had not Requested it but to their great Disappointment it was done, and we your Petioners being fully sensible that s'' Act being carried into effect according to the liberty the town of Stoddard have taken and mean to take by taxing our Lands under the Lay out of the Proprietors of s'' Stoddard which your Honours will be sensible lays a foundation for A continered multicipticity of Law- suits to the Groat damage of the publick and to the total Destruction of Many of Your Petitioners Interest on both sides and whereas the Proprietors of s* Stoddard as well as the town have taken the most unwearied paines to Defraud us and Arrest our Lands from us by every strategem that Depraved human nature could Invent and we are fully persuaded your honours when fully possest of the facts will not uphold them nor strengthen them in their inthusiasm but will Repeal s" Act and let us peaceably enjoy our Land as other Citizens do which is the humble prayer of your petitioners as in duty bound shall pray " Marlow June 4'" 1798 "Elijah Frink In Behalf of the Petitioners " * All that portion of Marlow lying east of the curve-line of Mason's patent was decreed to belong to Stoddard by an act passed June 21, 1797. HISTORY OF NELSON. CHAPTEE I. The town of Nelson is located in the eastern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : On the north by Stoddard ; east by Hillsborough County; south by Harrisville, and west by Sullivan and Roxbury. The township was granted by the Masonian proprietors, and went by the name of Monad- nock No. 6 until February 22, 1774, when it was incorporated and named Packersfield, in honor of Thomas Packer, of Portsmouth, one of the largest proprietors. In 1777 an attempt was made to have the name changed to Sullivan, which was unsuc- cessful. By an act passed September 27, 1787, a por- tion of the northwest part of the town, about two miles square, was combined with portions of Keene, Gilsum and Stoddard, and incorpor- ated into the town of Sullivan. The formation of the town of Roxbury, De- cember 9, 1812, took off the southwest corner of this town, and a portion of Keene and Marl- borough. The name of the town was changed to Nel- son, October 1, 1814, in accordance with a vote of the Legislature in Juneprevious. The boundary line between this town and Roxbury was changed June 15, 1820, a small tract of land being severed from the former and annexed to the latter town. June 25, 1835, the farm of Ebenezer Tarbox was severed from Stoddard, and annexed to Nelson. 318 Breed Batchelder, a Tory during the Revolu- tionary War, and Dr. Nathaniel Breed, com- menced settling the town in 1767-68. PETITION FOB AN INCORPOBATION OF THE TOWN, 1773. "Province of New Hampshire. " To Excellency John wentworth Esq'' Captain General-Govoner and Commander in Chief in and over Said Province and the Honourable his majes- tys Council for Said Province. " Humbly Shewes Breed Batcheller of monadnock, Number Six in the County of Cheshire and Province afore Said Gentleman, as agent for the Proprietors of Said monadnock, that the Said Proprietors & the Public Labour under many Disadvantages for want of the Said Proprietors being Incorperated into a Town, & Invested with Town Priviledges The Pro- prietors of Said monadnock this year are ordered to pay a Certain Sum, towards the Province Tax, which Cannot be assessed upon the Inhabitants of Said monadnock for want of Town officers to assess the Same " your Petitioner Conceives that an Incorporation of Said manadnock, would Greatly Encourage and faceletate the Settlement, & tend to the Good order thereof. — "Whereof he in there behalf, prays your Excellency & Honours, would incorporate Said Proprietors into a Town by the name of Packersfield and invest them with Town Privilidges, and your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will Ever pray " November 1*^ 1773— " Breed Batcheller agent" The town was incorporated by the Governor and Council, and named Packersfield, February 22, 1774. NELSON. 319 PETITION FOE CHANGE OF THE NAME OF THE TOWN, 1777. " State of New-Hampshire. " To the Honourable Council & House of Represen- titives in General Court assembled. " The Petition of the Inhabitants of Packersfleld Humbly Sheweth W hereas your Petitioners are by Charter obliged to hold their annual meeting in august which is a busy time of the year we desire your honours would order our annual meeting for the future to be in March, also that the name of our town may be altered to the name of Sulivan — Likewise as our town is Liable to be Divided at the Governours pleasure we pray that we may not be Divided without the Consent of the Major part of the town. ''and your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall Ever Pray " Packerfield December 22°i 1777 " Nath" Bbeed in the Name and behalf of the Town " The House of Representatives granted leave to " bring in a bill," but it was finally ordered " to lay for consideration." GEOEGE BEINTNALL'S OEDEE TO MAECH, 1778. " m' george Brintnall Sir " you are hereby ordered to march immedately to the Hon^ Committee of Safty or muster master genral at Exeter there to Receive your Billiten and Expence money as one Engage* in the Continental Servise for nine months according to the orders I Reciev* from Co' Enoch Hale "Packerfield may ye 5* 1778. " James Banceoft, Capt RELATIVE TO TAXES, TOWN EECOEDS, ETC., 1778. " To the Honorable the Counsil and assembly of the Estate of Newhamshire — " We the Subscribers Select Men of the Town of Packerfield in the Countie of Cheshire Humbly Re- quest Your Honours that You Would be Pleased to Grant them Some farther Time for Paying in the State tax for the Reasons following Viz — "first because We Receiv" the act for Making the tax but about a Week Past & the time is too Short to Sell the Lands Seacondly because Maj' Breed Batchel- lor who is Proprietors Clerk has absconded and Joyned the Enemy (tho we have searched) we can- not find the Plan or Records of the Proprietors Rights or the Publick Lotts therefore as the Greater Part of the Township is Owned by Persons Living Out of Town and Unknown to us We Cannot Make the Rates aecording to Law Without a Plan of the Town We Shall Endeavour to Git One from the Lord Proprietors Records — "Likewise We Would Request Your Honours to aquaint Us Whether the Late adition to an Act En- titled an act to assess Real and Personal Estates Viz all Other Real Estate Either Lands or Buildings Not Included in the first act is Likewise to be Rated in all Other Town and Parish Rates as Apprehend Was the Intent of the act but by a Clause in the act Seems Doubtful to Some what was Intended and Your Pe- titioners as in Duty Bound Shall Ever Pray " Packerfield Feby 9* 1778. " John Beown i Select Men of " Amos Skinnee J Packerfield " EELATIVE to ESTATE OF THOMAS PACKER, ETC., 1780. " To The Honourable Council and House of Repre- sentatives, of the State of New Hampshire, In gen- eral Court assembled. May it please your Honors. "The Petition of the Select Men of the Town of Packerfield humbly Sheweth. — Whereas the last general Assembly of this State was pleased to pass an Act, to Suspend the payment of the Taxes of the Lands of mr Thomas Packer, until the Dispute with respect to the last Will and Testament of his late Father, Thomas Packer Esq', is determined Which Act or Order of the said general Assembly involves the Town in much Difficulty, as by this Means We are prevented Settling with the Treasurer of this State, And receiving the Money ordered by Law to be paid by Sd Treasurer for the Beef which this Town has provided And sent to the Army. Therefore Your Petitioners humbly pray That your Honours would be pleased, to pass an Act or Order, That the Sd Suspended Tax, Should Answer So much with the Sd Treasurer, that the Town may draw their Proportion of money for the Beef which the Town has provided. And your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall ever pray "Packerfield Decern' 30'" 1780. " William Barker ] Select Men of the " John Beown J toitm of Packerfield " RETURN of EATABLE POLLS, 1783. " Pursuant to A Vote of the General assembly of the State of New Hampshire Directed to us we Re- turn Ninety Male poles paying a pole tax for them Selves within the Town of Packerfield "Packerfield November 10* 1783 320 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " To the General assembly for the State of New : Hampshire — " Samel Gbiffist, | Seket- " Consider Osgood, f men." RELATIVE TO A DIVISION OF THE TOWN FOE THE FORMATION OF SULLIVAN, 1786. " To the Honourable the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives for the State of New Hampshire in General Court Convean" At Portsmouth December A. D. 1786. '• The petition in behalf of the Town of Packersfeild Humbly Sheweth that your petitioners have ben Serv" With a Copy of a petition and order of Court thereon signed by a number of the Inhabitants of the Towns of Gilsom Stoddard & keen Seting forth in S'* petition that the Situation of a number of the Inhabi- tants of the Towns aforesaid Togather with Part of the inhabitants of the Town-of Packerfeild is such that they Cannot be accomedated with Privileges Equal to the other Inhabitants of their respective Towns, one Part of which Ascertion your Petitioners absolutely Deny Because there is not one Inhabitant on the Land in packersfeild Praid for in Said Peti- tion — " Althoug at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Packerfield in the month of March A. D. 1784 There was a Petition Sign* by a Number of the Inhabitants of the Towns of Gilsom Stoddard and Keen Prefferd in Said meeting praying that the Town of Packerfeild would Vote oiT a Certain part of Packerfeild to be Erected into a Town S* part to Contain Two Miles East and west and Two miles and a half North and South which would Contain one Eighth Part of Said Packerfeild and from the reasons offered at that Time and through the inadvertency of the People the prayer of Said Petition was granted upon Conditions that all the respective Towns Con- cern* ware mutually agreed thereto (Sence Which Period) not supposing that the petitioners referd to would obtain their request before the general Assem- bly) have proceeded to agree upon a Center for Erecting a meeting House and have made provision for the Same therefore if the Prayer to the Inhabi- tants of the town of Gilsom and others Preferd to the General Court Should be Granted it will be a means of removing the Present Center and frustrate our Design in Building a House for Public Worship and thro the Town into the uttermost Confusion imagin- able and as we look upon your Honours as Guardians of the State your Petitioners flatter themselves that your honours in your known Wisdom Will not Erect a New Town on the ruins of older ones : therefore your Petitioners pray that the prayer of the petition referd to may not be granted "As in Duty Bound Shall ever pray " Solomon Waedwell 1 Select men of '■ Solomon Ingalls > the town of "Pelatiah Day ) Packerfeild "Packersfeild Decem' 1st 1786" The northwest part of the town was severed, and, with portions of Gilsum and Keene, incor- porated into the town of Sullivan. petition of ruth batcheller, concerning her husband's confiscated estate, 1789. " State of New-Hampshire. — "To the Honorable Senate and House of Representa- tives In general Court assembled.— " May it please your Honors. The Petition of Ruth Bachellor of Packersfield, humbly sheweth. That your Petitioner is the Widow relict of Breed Batchellor Esq' late of S'* Packsrsfield — Deceased. Who in the Time of the Controversy with Britain, was dissatisfied with the Measures the States Adopted, in order to obtain their Liberties, and delivering themselves from the hands of the Britons, And there- fore Left his Wife, Children & Estate, and went to the British Army. Upon which the whole of his Estate, real & personal was Confiscated. And your Petitioner with her Children, was left in dis- tressing Circumstances, her Children being then Small, And unable to earn their Living, tho your Petitioner, by the Indulgence of the honorable Judge of Probates, has been for some Years past, indulged with the Improvements of the Home Farm, which when mr. Batchellor left it was new And ruff, the Fences made Chiefly of Timber, which now are mostly rotten And Decayed. And the Buildings are greatly decayed & impaired. By which our Habita- tions are rendered uncomfortable. And the profits of the Farm are greatly lessened and rendered insuffi- cient to afford the Family, with all their Labour & Industry a Comfortable Support. Therefore your Petitioner humbly Prays that your Honors would take into your serious Consideration the Case of a poor widow And a Number of Fatherless Children, and grant the said Home Farm to your Petitioner & her Children And to their Heirs forever. That they may be encouraged to repair the Buildings & Fences, by which the Farm may be rendered Capable of affording the Family a Support, And Your Peti- tioner as in Duty bound, shall ever pray.— " Packersfield June 2d, 1789. "Ruth Batcheller" NELSON. 321 lu House of Representatives, June 12, 1789, it was voted that Mrs. Batcheller have the use of the estate free of rent until the matter was finally settled. CERTIFICATE OF KUMBEU OF EATABLE POLLS, 1794. "This Certifies that their is in the Town of Pack- ersfield one Hundred and forty two Male Poles of twenty one Years of age and upwards paying a pole tax for them-Selves — " Sam' Griffin 1 Select Men " Amos Child J of Fackersfield " Packersfield June y' 2* 1794 " This Certifies that a legal Town Meeting held in the Town of Packersfield on the twenty eighth Day of April Last the Inhabitants Voted unanimously that the Selectmen of Said Town Petition the General Court at their next Session for leave to send a Eepre- sentative "Sam' Griffin T. Clerk " Packersfield June y» 2d 1794—" RELATIVE TO REPRESENTATIVE, 1794. "To His Excellency the Governer the Honorable Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the State of New-Hampshire to be Convened at Amherst on the first Wednesday of June next — 21 "Humbly Sheweth your Petitinors Inhabitants of the Town of Packersfield have for Some Years past been Classed with the Town of Dublin for Eepresen- tation that Said Dublin have now Come of age and Send a Eepresentative for them Selves by which means your Petitinors not having aSufiicient Number paying a pole Tax for them Selves are left Unrepre- sented — Therefore Pray your Honors to take our Case into your wise Consideration and grant us re- leafe in the Premises Either by Classing or Granting us leave to Send a Eepresentative by our Selves and your Petitinors as in Duty bound Shall ever pray &o — " Sam' Griffin 1 Select Men " Amos Child / of Packersfield " Packersfield June y= 2* 1794—" The Congregational Chtjech was organ- ized January 31, 1781, with Jacob Foster as pastor, who remained until November 23, 1791. His successors were Revs. Gad Newell, Josiah Ballard, Daniel French, W. P. Gale, A. H. Cutter, J. Ordway, E. Dow, J. Marsh, C. Willy, Mark Gould, T. W. Darling and G. H. Dunlap, our present minister. The present church clerk is V. C Atwood. HISTORY OF RICHMOND. CHAPTER I. Geographical— Original Grant— First Settlements— Names of Pioneers— The First Town-Meeting— Officers Elected —List of Voters at First Town-Meeting— War of the Revolution— List of Soldiers— Votes of the Town— War of 1812— List of Soldiers— War of the Rebellion- Names of Soldiers— Ecclesiastical History— Post-Offices —Physicians— CiTil History— Representatives — Town Clerks. The town of Richmond lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : North by Swanzey; east by Troy and Fitz- william ; south by Massachusetts and west by "Winchester. The township was granted February 28, 1752, to Joseph Blanchard and others, in sev- enty-one shares. In 1760, the grantees having represented that in consequence of trouble with the Indians they had been unable to comply with the con- ditions of the grant, an extension was granted " until His Majesty's Plenary Instructions shall be received." This extension was granted by the Governor and Council June 11, 1760. By the grant above mentioned, Richmond territory extended as far north as the northeast corner of Swanzey, there running to a peak. This triangular tract, with a base on Swanzey south line of three and one-half miles and forty rods, was severed from Richmond and annexed to Swanzey December 11, 1762. Another portion of the town was taken off June 23, 1815, combined with portions of Marlborough, Fitzwilliam and Swanzey, and incorporated into the town of Troy. 322 By an act approved July 2, 1850, the north- west corner of the town was annexed to Win- chester. The first permanent settlement of this town was probably made in 1671 or 1672. Mr. Bas- set in his recently-published " History of Rich- mond," says : There is a tradition that one Sylvester Rog- ers or Rocherson, from Rhode Island, in 1750, made a clearing of about an acre, on which he erected a strongly-built log-house, for the dou- ble purpose of a shelter and a defense against the Indians ; that he abandoned the premises after a few months and returned to Rhode Is- land, in consequence of information received from a friendly Indian of an intended visit of hostile savages lurking somewhere, it may be supposed, in the vicinity, and that the place where his clearing was made was on the farm afterwards settled by Jonathan Gaskill and now owned by Jesse Bolles. This story may be substantially true, with the exception of the date of the occurrence, which we are inclined to believe should be some years later — say 1754 or 1755 — when hostilities were resumed be- tween the French and English colonies, and this from the fact that there was no grant or survey of the township made prior to 1752, and that no rights of pre-emption were secured to squatters at that time. However this may have been, it matters little, as no permanent settlement was made ; the real question at issue being. When, where, and by whom was the first permanent settlement made ? Most of the RICHMOND. 323 evidence at hand bearing on the matter of time of the first comers indicate quite strongly that 1762 was the year when the tide of emigration commenced in force. Now Lemuel Scott, if we may credit the inscription on his grave-stone, was born 1763, and Philadelphia Kempton, daugh- ter of Stephen Kempton, was born in 1763, and these are reputed to be the first male and female children, of white parents, born in the town ; hence it is presumable that not many families, prior to this date, could have been here for any great length of time. Again, when Jacob Bump came to town there were but five fam- ilies in town, and he came after the birth of his eldest son, Stephen, who was born January 30, 1761. This is the statement of Mr. Nathan Bowen, a grandson of Mr. Bump, and is prob- ably the most reliable testimony to be had from any person now living touching the question of time. This would seem to fix the time of Mr. Bump's advent in 1761 or 1762, as his second son, Asa, was born in Richmond, January 29, 1763. Some deeds of the first settlers were record- ed in the Cheshire records, and among these the deed of Col. Josiah Willard to Thomas Wooley, who is supposed to be one of the very first in town, bears date of 1763, and the conveyance included the land on which he built his house ; but oral tradition says he was living on his place in 1758. He may have been the first permanent settler. Henry Ingalls bought in 1763; in fact, no deed has been found back of that date, but from tliis it may not be inferred that no one was here before that time. Probably but very few families made their advent here before 1762 ; and that the south- ern and western portions of the town were first occupied appears quite probable, as the towns adjoining on these sides had been to some extent settled, while on the eastern border what was called Monadnock, No. 4 and No. 5, remained an unbroken wilderness. Paths leading to Roya:lston, Warwick and Winchester were first made, by which the first immigrants came into town, and these were afterwards laid out and made into public roads, and portions of the same have so remained to the present time. We may safely assume that those who located on the old road leading from Winchester to Royal- ston were among the first that came, viz.: the two Casses, (John and Daniel), Azariah Cum- stock, John Dandley, Francis Norwood, Jacob Bump, Silas Gaskill, and Thomas Josslin, to- gether with some others that located away from this line, as John Martin, John Scott, Con- stant and David Barney, Thomas Wooley, Reuben Parker, Oliver Capron, Edward Ainsworth, Jonathan Gaskill, Jonathan Sweet, Jonathan Thurber, Ephraim Hix, Henry In- galls, Stephen Kempton, Jedediah and Jona- than BulFum, and many others who were here before 1765. These came mostly from Smith- field and Cumberland, R. I., and from Reho- both and Attleborough, Mass., as did the others that followed. The first town-meeting was held March 27, 1765, as follows : '• At a Legal meeting of ye free Holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Eichmond in the Prov- ince of New Hampshire Being Held at the house of John Cass Innholder in ye Town on ye 27th day of March A. D. 1765 Agreeable to the Charter of ye town Appointing the Last Wednesday of March to be the day for choosing town officers for the annual meeting. " Then voted and chose John Cass Moderator for this meeting. " Then voted that all free holders in ye town should have Liberty to vote in the choice of town officers. " Then voted and chose Daniel Cass town Clerk. "Then voted and chose John Cass, Daniel Cass, John Martin, Selectmen and assessors for this present year. " Then voted and chose Timothy Thompson, Con- stable. "Then voted and chose John Cass, Town Treasurer. " Then voted and chose John Dandley, Tithingman. "Then voted and chose Jonathan Gaskill, Survey- or of highways. " Then voted and chose Joseph Cass Surveyor of highways. " Then voted to dismiss this meeting. " John Cass, Moderator. 324 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. " Province of New Hampshire March ye 27th, A. D. 1765 the Persons Before named was sworn to the faithful discharge of their several offices Accord- ing to Custom. " JosiAH WlLLABD, Jus. Peace." LIST OF VOTERS AT THE FIRST TOWN-MEETING. Jonathan Atherton. Solomon Atherton. Moses Allen. Ezra Allen. Edward Ainsworth. Abraham Barrus. Jacob Bump. Constant Barney. David Barney. Joseph Barney. Jedediah Bnffum. Jonathan Buffum. Daniel Cass. Deacon John Cass. Joseph Cass. Thomas Crane. Azariah Cumstock. Azariah Cumstock, Jr. Moses Cumstock. Aaron Cumstock. Abner Cumstock. John Dandley. Jonathan Gaskill. Silas Gaskill. Sylvanus Harris. Uriah Harris. Anthony Harris. Ephraim Hix. Peter Holbrook. Henry Ingalls. Edmund Ingalls. William Josslyn. Thomas Josslyn. James Kingsley. Stephen Kempton. John Martin. Gideon Man. Oliver Mason. Elijah Meader. Keuben Parker. Israel Phillips. David Russell. Abraham Randall. Joseph Razee. John Robinson. Timothy Robinson. Daniel Read. David Read. John Scott. Jonathan Sweet. John Sprague. Timothy Thompson. Jeremiah Thayer. AUes Thayer. Nehemiah Thayer. Nathaniel Taft. Silas Taft. Jonathan Thurbur. Thomas Wooley. John Wooley. War of the Revolution. — The first ref- erence on the old town records in relation to the War of the Revolution was under date of April 6, 1775,—" Voted, To raise three pounds, eight shillings, which the Congress has sent for to this town." The first company from this town was under command of Capt. Oliver Capron, June 12, 1775, as follows : Capt. Oliver Capron. Lieut. David Barney. Sergt. Henry Ingalls. Sergt. Rufus Whipple. Sergt. David Russell. Corp. H. Thurber. Corp. Jas. Westcoat. Solomon Aldrich. William Aldrich. Nathan Barrus. Jeremiah Barrus. William Barney. Samuel Carpenter. Azariah Cumstock. John Ellis. John Garnsey. Privates. Abiel Knap. Eleazer Martin. Eli Page. Daniel Peters. Israel Peters. Timothy Robinson. David Shearman. Jeremiah Thayer. John Wooley. The following were in a Winchester com- pany in 1776 : I. Whipple, 2d Lieut. B. Ellis, Sergt. Daniel Whipple, Corp. J. Wcoley, Drummer. Privates. Simpson Hammond. Ebenezer Peters. James Tilson. John Garnsey, Jr. Moses Cumstock. Daniel Freeman. Abiel Knap. Barnard Hicks. James Westcoat. Caleb Ellis. Zebulon Streeter. Henry Ellis. Amos Hicks. Asa Hicks. Azariah Cumstock, Jr. Oliver Garnsey. Amos Garnsey. The following were in a Swanzey com- pany, viz. : Daniel Shearman. AUis Thayer. James Cook. David Barney. Jonathan Kingsley. Timothy Martin, Jesse Martin, Joseph Al- len and Benj. Starkey were in the service. At the town-meeting held on May 16, 1777, it was " Voted, That eight months constitute a turn in the service, and that a bounty of twelve pounds be given for said service. " Voted, Also, that all who have done Turns or parts of Turns in the war to have credit in the rates. " Voted, To allow the men their expenses, and pay for their time, that went to Cambridge on the alarm at time of the Concord fight in the year 1775. " Voted, To raise money to hire men to go into the service for eight months, or a longer time. Chose Isaac Benson, Capt. Capron and Constant Barney a committee to hire the men. " Dec. 3. Voted, to increase the bounty to soldiers to twenty-four pounds instead of twelve, for a Turn, or eight months, to be allowed in the rates." In Captain Davis Howlett's company, of EICHMOND. 325 Colonel Ashley's regiment, which marched from Keene May 4, 1777, to reinforce the Continen- tal army at Fort Ticonderoga, were Lieutenant Edmund Ingalls, Timothy Robinson, Ebenezer Barrus, Sylvanus Cook, John Ellis, Jonathan Kingsley, Israel Peters, Peletiah Razey, John Wooley, Jonathan Westcoat. These were prob- ably all from Richmond. The following company was enlisted in June, 1777, for the northern frontier : A Muster Roll of Capt. Oliver Capron's company, in Col. Samuel Ashley's regiment of militia, which marched to the relief of Ticonderoga, 1777. Capt. Oliver Capron. Sergt. Michael Barrus. Lieut. Henry Ingalls. Corporal John Ellis. Ens. Rufus Whipple. Drummer J. Woolley. Sergt. Sol. Atherton. Privates. David Barney. David Hix. Samuel Hix. Simeon Hix. Seth Ballou. Reuben Parker. Eliphalet Hix. Jeremiah Bullock. Stephen Kempton. Benjamin Ingalls. Jeffrey A. Barney. David Russell. Benjamin Thrasher. Jonathan Bosworth. Philip Aldrich. Asel Harris. Abner Aldrich. Samuel Carpenter. James Cook. Constant Barney. Oliver Barrus. Eli Page. Daniel Thurber. John Barrus. Othniel Day. William Goddard. James Shafter. Hezekiah Thurber. Samuel Hunting. Israel Whipple. Peter Holbrook. The following were in a company in the battles of Bennington and Stillwater : Lieut. Henry Ingalls. Corp. Samuel Hicks. Sergeant John Ellis. Privates. Benjamin Ingalls. Joseph Ingalls. Eli Page. James Westcoat. Eliphalet Hicks. John Wooley. James Shafter. Nathan Bullock. Jeremiah Bosworth. Peletiah Razey. James Cook. Peter Starkey. Jonathan Kingsley. Simeon Hicks. Jeffrey Barney. Reuben Parker. Jeremiah Barrus. January 14, 1778, it was " Voted to raise men for the Continental Service for the duration of this present war with Great Britain, or three years." " Chose Rufus Whipple, Edmond In- galls and Mr. Nicholas Cook a committee to hire said men." At the annual meeting it was " Voted That the Committee of Safety stand another year, or until another is chosen." June 15th it was "Voted Not to increase the bounty put on by the State." " Voted To raise three men to serve until the first of January next, unless soon discharged. Chose John Bar- rus, Daniel Read and James Westcoat a com- mittee to hire the men, and to pay the sum or sums the committee shall give for said men." " Walpole, February 13th, 1778. " This is to Sartifie the town of Richmond that Rufus Whipple hath got mustered Thirteen men for the town of Richmond to Sarve two years in the Co- nental Sarvis. Noah Porter. John Withy. Lewis Clisco. John Smith. Jeams Wier. Thomas Hunt. Jeams Marrel. William Taggart. " "Peleg Williams, Lieut. Jona. Willard, Esq. Samuel Royes. Asa Crasson. Henry Carter. Joseph Powers. Nathaniel Powers. Abner Powers. John Symonds. September 6th it was " Voted Not to allow the men credit that have done more than their proportion in the war with Great Britain." October 21st it was " Voted For the General Court to hire one man for said Richmond that is wanting for the Continental army for one year. June 4, 1781, it was " Fofec? To raise fourteen men under the State of Vermont. Chose Ed- mond Ingalls, Rufus Whipple and Noah Curtis a committee to hire said men, and to proceed in that method they shall think most to the advan- tage of said town." May 6, 1782, it was "Voted to proceed to raise twelve Continental men." The following is a summary of the service Richmond performed in men and money : 326 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. £ s. " In 1777— Continental men, 15, paid....465 " 1778 " " 13, " ...555 12 " 1779 " " 5, " ...180 " 1781— Frontiersmen 15, " ...162 10 War of 1812. — The town was represented in the War of 1812 by the following : John Cass, Jr. Moses Garnsey. Amos Howe. Cromwell Kelton. Townsend Parker. Daniel Thornton. Lewis Whipple.^ Henry Whipple. James Whipple. Dan. C. Bryant, Lieut, Carlton Bryant. Chauncey Bryant. Samuel Bryant. William Bufifum. Stephen Buffum. Jedediah Buffum (3d). Jared Ballou. Richard Boorn. Thomas Bryant. In other companies were : Noah Bisbee, Jr., Esq.^ Nathan Cass. Seth Bisbee.^ Aaron Martin. Daniel Man. Daniel Buffum. Stephen Man. Olney Ballou. Chandler Man. Benoni Ballou. Arnold Man. Samuel Barrus. Mordica Cass. Moses Tyler. Laban Cass. Joseph Jessop. Jesse Bishop. Nathan Perry (died). Townsend Parker. The following were drafted : Jacob Whitcomb. William Barrus. Chandler Man. Ellis Thayer. Thomas Goddard. Ellis Thayer (2d). Salmon Martin. Eli Page (2d) Samuel Barrus. Jeremiah Bolles. Martin Cass. Millens Barrus. Nahum Perry. Paul Jilson, Jr. Lewis Aldrich. Benjamin Newell. "War of the Rebellion. — The town re- sponded nobly during the War of the Rebellion. The following is a list of the soldiers from the town : Arlon S. Atherton, second lieutenant Company I, Third Regiment. Andrew S. Arnold, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Moses Allen, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment; killed September 19, 1864. 1 Noah Bisbee, Jr., and Lewis Whipple were killed, and Seth Bisbee was wounded, at the battle of Lundy's Lane, July 24, 1814. Frederick R. Bowen, Company A, Second Regi- ment. Edwin N. Bowen, first lieutenant Company I, Third Regiment. Henry R. Bowen, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Alfred R. Bowen, Company A, Second Regiment. William Brown. Charles Ball, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. Abner S. Barden, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. Otis A. Barrus, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment ; killed at Winchester, Va., September 16, 1864. Alden F. Ballou, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment ; died September 2, 1863. E. Napoleon Buffum, Company F, Sixth Regiment ; died of disease in Maryland, October 8, 1862. James H. Buffum, Company H, First Regiment. Albert Bolles, Second New Hampshire Cavalry. George A. Barrus, Company B, Eighteenth Regi- ment ; died June 16, 1863. Henry E. Ballou, Company B, Twenty-seventh Regi- ment, Massachusetts. Benjamin F. Barrus, Company I, Third Regiment ; died of wounds July 15, 1862. Henry R. Bolles, Company I, Third Regiment ; acci- dentally shot April 23, 1862. Albert E. Barrus, Company G, Eighteenth Regi- ment. Ira Marshall Barrus, Company I, Second Regiment, Massachusetts. John W. Barrus, Company I, Second Regiment ; Mas- sachusetts. John Bolles, Massachusetts Regiment ; died in Libby Prison. Artemas B. Colburn, Company F, Fourteenth Regi- ment ; died September 19, 1864. Roland M. Combs, Company C, Fourteenth Regi- ment. Reuben H. Combs, Company C, Fourteenth Regi- ment. Jarvis Cass, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment ; died at New Orleans June 20, 1863. Anson L. Cass, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Henry 0. Curtis, Company H, First Regiment; Heavy Artillery. Harvey G. Cheney, Company D, Second Regiment, Massachusetts. John Dingman, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Rufus Freeman, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. John H. Hitchcock, second lieutenant Company I, Third Regiment. Lorenzo Harris, Jr., Company F, Fourteenth Regi- ment. Caleb Harris, Company H, Thirty-sixth Regiment, Massachusetts; died October, 1864. KICHMOND. 327 Almon L. Jillson, Company G, FourteeDtli Regi- ment; died at battle of Laurel Hill, Va. Anson R. Jillson, Company A, Second Regiment, Massachusetts ; died at battle of Laurel Hill, Va. Silas F. Jillson, Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts ; died. Nathan M. Jillson, Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Massachusetts. Herman L. Lincoln, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Stephen W. Martin, Company I, Twenty-fifth Regi- ment, Massachusetts; died. George Martin, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. John A. Morse, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Ansel Macomber, Company F, Sixth Regiment. John E. Norwood, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. Benjamin Newell, Jr., Company F, Fourteenth Regi- ment ; died October 14, 1864. Daniel H. Pelkey, Company I, Third Regiment. Dexter Palmer, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment; died at Concord, N. H,, August, 1863. Nahum Putney, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment ; died at Algiers, La., June 12, 1868. John A. Paine, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment ; mustered October 23, 1862 ; mustered out, Au- gust 20, 1863. Warren S. Pickering, Company A, Eighteenth Regi- ment. Volney Piper, sergeant-major Company E, Fourth Regiment. Denzil Rice, sergeant. Company E, Third Regiment. Amasa W. Perry, Eleventh United States Infantry. John Starkey, Jr., first sergeant. Company F, Sixth Regiment ; died August 29, 1862. Walter A. Scott, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment; killed at Winchester, Va., September 29, 1864. Henry E. Tolman, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Jonas I. Thompson, corporal Company C, Fourth Regiment. Samuel Thompson, second lieutenant. Company F, Sixth Regiment. L. Warren Wright, adjutant Fourteenth Regiment. Stephen W. Williams, Company I, Sixteenth Regi- ment. William Whipple, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Vibbert Whipple, Company A, Second Regiment. Alfred P. Whipple, Company F, Second Regiment, Massachusetts. Julius M. Whipple, Company A, Second Regiment. S. Wright Wood, Company E, Sixth Regiment. The Fiest Baptist Church was organized in 1768. The present Baptist Church was or- ganized March 24, 1835, and the society No- vember 25, 1836. The Unitarian Church was organized in 1837, The Universalist Church was formed in April, 1837, and at dedication of their first house of worship, November 22, 1837, the sermon was preached by Rev. Hosea Ballou. Methodist Church. — The first Methodist Church in this town was organized in 1840 and dissolved in 1870. A second organization was effected in June, 1871. The Society or Friends also held meet- ings in this town. The first physician was Dr. Aaron Aldrich. Dr. Ebenezer Swan was here in 1776 ; died 1820. He was followed by B. Harkness, Amos Howe, Martin Brittan, John Parkhurst, George W. Hammond, Franklin Wallace, Lewis Ware, J. P. Willis, C. C. Wheaton, Alvin Ballou, L. Smith, S. P. French, C. J. Town, E. J. Dunnell, John Heard, J. E. Hardy, Geo. F. Shore. The celebrated Hosea Ballou was born in this town April 30, 1771, and here was born also Elizabeth Ballou, mother of the lamented President Garfield. " The site of the birth- place of Hosea Ballou is now a most attractive place in a valley scooped out from the rough hills and mountains of the Granite State, and known as Ballou's Dale, surrounded by the most romantic scenery, the beauties of which he used to dwell upon in after-years, and to sing their praise in verse. The neighboring country is of a bold and rugged character, and is to this day but thinly settled." PosT-OrncE. — The first post-office was es- tablished July 4, 1812, with Job Bisbee post- master. The following is the list from that time to the present : Job Bisbee July 4, 1812 Ono. T.Cass July 24,1829 Stephen Wheeler Aprl. 24, 1832 John Parkhurst Sept. 6,1837 Danford Tyler Nov. 10,1840 Jarvis Weeks July 8, 1845 Amos G. Bennett May 6, 1858 Daniel B. Spaulding July 16, 1861 328 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. L. W. Wright Dec. 19, 1870 Charles H. Lyon May 10, 1871 Amos Martin Mar. 7, 1873 Andrew Dodge July 12, 1876 Warren Kenop Aprl. 6, 1877 John E. Norwood Dec. 18, 1877 Charles Norwood May 7, 1883 The North Eichmond office was established September 15, 1853. The postmasters have been, — Harvey Martin Sept. 15, 1853 Edson Starkey June 16, 1856 Harvey Martin ., Oct. 30, 1856 Discontinued June 17, 1879 Ee-established July 3, 1879 Orlow E. Parsons July 3, 1879 Orlan H. Martin Aprl. 13, 1880 Civil History. — The following is a list of representatives from 1776 to 1885: Oliver Capron, 1776 and 1783. Daniel Read, 1777. David Barney, 1778. Noah Curtis, 1779 and 1782. Jonathan Gaskill, 1787, 1789 and 1790. Nathaniel Aldrich, 1810. Jonathan Atherton, 1814 to 1817 and 1819. Benjamin Newell, 1817, 1818 and 1820. Joseph Newell, 1824 and 1825. Jonathan Eawson, 1827 to 1830. Russell Whipple, 1831. Nahum Aldrich, 1837 to 1840. Jarvis Weeks, 1840 and 1841. Nicholas Cook, 1842, 1845 and 1846. Kendall Fisher, 1843 and 1844. Stephen Randall, 1847 and 1848. William Wright, 1849 and 1850. Willard Randall, 1851 and 1852. D. B. Aldrich, 1853 and 1854. Moses Tyler, 1793, 1796 to 1802. Rufus Whipple, 1794 and 1795. James Cook, 1802 to 1807. Joseph Weeks, 1807 to 1810, 1811 to 1814, 1821 to 1824, 1826, 1830, 1832 to 1835. Samuel P. French, 1855. John Starkey, 1856 and 1857. Abner Twitchell, 1858 and 1860. Asahel Kelton, 1859. Hosea B. Aldrich, 1861 and 1863. Asa H. Bullock, 1864. N. G. Woodbury, 1865 and 1866. Edson Starkey, 1867 and 1868. Asa H. Bullock, 1869 and 1870. Elbridge G. Bemis, 1871 and 1872. Andrew G. Willoby, 1873. Almon Twitchell, 1874. Edwin N. Bowen, 1875 and 1876. Joseph B. Abbott, 1877. Hiram P. Sprague, 1878. John E. Norwood, 1883 and 1884. The following is a list of town clerks from 1765 to 1885: Daniel Cass, 1765. Henry Ingalls, 1766 to 1792. Samuel Gaskill, 1792 to 1798, 1799 to 1802. David Ballou, 1798. Joseph Weeks, 1802 to 1822, 1823 and 1827. Jonathan Rawson, 1824 to 1827 and 1831. Benjamin Newell, 1828 and 1829. Ono. T. Cass, 1830. Jarvis Weeks, 1832 to 1836, 1837 to 1844, 1845, 1853, 1854, 1856 and 1857. Stephen Wheeler, Jr., 1836. Amos W. Newell, 1844, 1846, 1847 and 1855. Henry B. Swan, 1848 and 1849. William Bassett, 1850 to 1853. N. G. Woodbury, 1858, 1860 to 1865. D. R. Spaulding, 1859. Jarvis Ingalls, 1865 to 1871, 1880 to 1884. Amos G. Bennett, 1871 to 1875. Edward F. P. Dearborn, 1875 (one month). George W. Newell, 1876 to 1880. Almon Twitchell, 1884 and 1885. HISTORY OF ROXBURY. CHAPTER I. This town lies near the centre of the county and is bounded as follows : North by Sullivan ; east by Nelson and Har- risville ; south by Marlborough and west by Keeue. An attempt was made to form this town in 1796 from portions of Packersfield (Nelson), Dublin and Marlborough. A committee ap- pointed to examine the premises reported favor- ably, but it met with opposition from the towns it was to be taken from, and the scheme was defeated. A petition from the inhabitants " of the southwest part of Packersfield, north part of Marlborough, and east part of Keene," present- ed to the Legislature in 1812, asking to be incorporated into a town, was successful, the territory asked for being incorporated December 9th, of that year, as a town by the name of Roxbury. June 15, 1820, Samuel Griffin and his estate were severed from Nelson, and annexed to this town. • By an act passed July 1, 1868, the entire town of Roxbury was annexed to Keene : Propkling, said act should be adopted by a majority vote in each town. The act, how- ever, was not adopted, and Roxbury remains as it was. PETITION FOE AN INCORPORATION, 1796. " Your Petitioners inhabiting the south west part of Packersfield, the North part of Marlboro' — and North-west part of Dublin — " Humbly Shew " That they live very remote from the Center, but more so from the Meeting-Houses of their respective towns — " That the situation is such by reason of distance & bad Roads, that they cannot attend Public Worship &c. with any convenience — " That they are destitute of many Town preveliges. That some of their duties, as members of the several Towns are very burdensom — " That the town of Packersfield, has voted off a Tract of Land at the south west corner thereof and Marlboro' — has voted off a Tract at the North End therof for the purpose of making a Township — " That what has been voted off (in their opinion) is inadequate to make a^Township — " That your Petitioners have Petitioned the several Towns for a small addition to said grants, but without success — " That if the Tract of Land already voted off, with the addition of a small piece of Packersfield, Marlboro, and Dublin, might be Incorporated a distinct Town- ship it would be highly advantageous to your Petition- ers and the Public Interest. — " The prayer of this their humble Petition, therefore is, that your Honors would appoint a Committee to Examine the said Premises at the cost of your Peti- tioners — "And your Petitioners further pray, that the Com- mittee so appointed might be directed (if after due examination they Should think it reasonable to make a Township as afore said) to fix the Bounderies and make their report to the Honorable General Court, to be holden in June next — "And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray— " LoTT Cooke, in behalf of the Petitioners. — "9thDec., 1796— " 329 330 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. This petitition was referred to a committee, who reported as follows : KEPOET or COMMITTEE. "your Committee appointed in December th^ 8, 1796 to take into Consideration & vew the Situation of the Southwest part of Peckersfield and the North part of Marlborough &the Norwest part of Dublii as Set forth in the Petition of Lott Cooke and others. ." Report as follow^th, " Having Explored the above mentioned towns & the Situation of the premises pray'' for in the aforeS'' Pe- tition are of the opinion, that the prayer thereof be granted So far as that thay be incorperated as a town according to the Descriptions following " Begining at the Southesterly Corner of Sullivan then running Easterly till it Strikes the East line of Lot number Six in the fifth Range of Lots in the town of Peckersfild then running Southerly on S" line till it Strikes the Norwest corner of Lot N" 7 in the 2^ Range of Lotts in Peckersfield, then running Easterd- ly on the North Line of the 2'' Range till it Strikes Breeds pond so called then Southerly till it Strikes Dublin line, then on the north line of Dublin Bast- ardly till it comes to the northeastly corner of Lot N" 19 in the 10 Rang, thence Southerly on Sd line till it Strikes the Southesterly corner of Lot N" 19 in the 7 Rang in S* Dublin then Running Westerly on S'' line till it Strikes Marlborough East line, then taking thre . ranges of Lotts of the north End of Marlborough in- cluding two gores of Land one on the north line and the other ou the west line of S* Marlborough against Sd Ranges, and from the norwest corner of Marlbor- ough on the west line of Peckersfield to Sullivan South Line then Easterly on Sullivan South Line to the first menctioned bounds. " Dublin Apreel 12, 1797. " all which is Submitted by your Committee — "Nath' Emeeson " Benj' Peescott." The plan met with opposition, and was de- feated in June following. The Coxgregatioxal Church in this town was organized August 15, 1816, with Rev. C. Page pastor. He was dismissed on March 2, 1819, and from that time until 1837 the church was without a pastor. Rev. Alanson Rawson became pastor in May, 1837, and dismissed May 3, 1842. January 1, 1843, Rev. Ezra Adams assumed the pastorate and continued about six years. Other ministers have been Revs. B. Smith and S. H. Tolman. HISTORY OF STODDARD. CHAPTEE I. This town lies in the northeastern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : On the north by Sullivan County, on the east by Hills- borough County, on the south by Nelson and Sullivan, and on the west by Sullivan, Gilsum and Marlow. The township was granted by the Masonian proprietors to Colonel Sampson Stoddard, of Chelmsford, Mass., and others, and went by the names of Monadnock No. 7 and Limerick, until it was incorporated, November 4, 1774, and named in honor of Colonel Stoddard. Set- tlements were made in 1769 by John Taggart and others, who, for a time, obtained bread- meal in Peterborough and carried it to their homes on their backs. By an act passed Sep- tember 27, 1787, the southwest corner of the town was combined with portions of Gilsum, Keene and Nelson, and incorporated into the town of Sullivan. The lines of Gilsum and Marlow, as char- tered, extending some distance east of the curve- line of Mason's patent, as surveyed by Joseph Blanchard, and the west side of Stoddard, being said curve-line, caused a serious dispute as to which should have jurisdiction over the terri- tory in question. This was settled in favor of Stoddard June 16, 1797. June 25, 1835, the farm of Ebenezer Tar- box was severed from Stoddard and annexed to Nelson. The following Stoddard men were in First New Hampshire Eegiment : Samuel Morrison, enlisted January 1, 1777; dis- charged December, 1781. Richard Richardson, enlisted April 3, 1777 ; dis- charged April 5, 1780. Nathaniel Richardson, enlisted April 3, 1777 ; died June 24, 1777. The manufacture of glass-ware was carried on to same extent at South Stoddard for many years. WAEEANT FOB TOWN-MEETING, 1776. "By Virtue of an order from the Select men of Stoddard to me I Warn all the Freeholders and Gather inhabitants of the Town of Stoddard To meet att the Dwelling house of Ens" John Tenneys in Stoddard on Wednesday the twentieth Day of June next at Eleven oClock forenoon then and there to act on the following articles if they see fit " l"" To Chuse a moderator to govern Said meeting — " 2''' To See if the Town will Chuse a Selectman in the room of Isaac Kenney who was Chose that of- fice and refuses to Sarve the Town — " 8'^ To See if the Town will Chuse two Constables in the room of Ephraim Adams and Benoni Boyn- ton, who was Chose and refuse to Sarve y" Town " 4'^ To See if the Town will a gree to hire any preaching this present Summer — and Chuse a Com- • mittee for the Same — "5'^ To raise Such Sum or Sums of money as Shall be thot proper — " 6'^ To See if the Town will Chuse a Commitee to open Such of the propriators roads that was Laid out in this town before it was incorporated as shall be thot necessary " 7'y To See What the Town will Do in respect to Isaac Kenneys Taken as alls oath " 8'^ To have the Town agree where the preaching Shall be if they hire any " 9'y To see if the Town will Chuse a Commi'tee to reckon with oliver Parker and to receive his ac- compts and give him recipts — and to Demand of him the Said parker the Town Book of records 331 332 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. With the incorporation and all the records that are past "Stoddard may y' 22^ 1776 "Isaac Temple Town Clr" eemonsteance against the election of joseph eounseval. " Colony op Newhamp"' " to the Hon''''' Counciele and house of Representa- tives for s'' Colony — "the Petition and prayer of the subscribers Inhabit- ants of Stoddard in S'' Colony humbly Sheweth that m' Joseph Rounsivile may not have a Seat in Court for Reasons here mentioned firstly because he is not worth the money Seccondly because he is not leagly Chousen the Town not being warned to Chuse a Representitive But to Chuse a Comt" to Chuse one and accordingly he was Chosen by Comt""' "Stoddard August 2* 1776 "Jonathan Bennett joel Gilson Oliver Parker William Button John Button Isaac Kenney Asa Adams Moses Kenny " Thomas Adams DISOEDEB AT A TOWN-MEETING, 1776. "The Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants of Stoddard in the Colony afores" humbly Sheweth That on the Last Thursday of the month of march Last past at Stoddard afores* was held y" annual meeting, so called, for the Town afores'' when after Chusing by hand Vote The Town officers for the Ensuing Year (among which Officers were Two Constables Chosen) The Town Clerk and Selectmen then chosen utterly refused to permit the s" Constables to take the Oath of office, declaring that y" former Selectmien should make y= assesment, and the former Constables col- lect the same, for the Ensuing year, after the Trans- acting of which it was requested of the moderator to' Adjourn y" s" meeting, upon which he called a Vote to see if it was the mind of y" Inhabitants so to do who almost unanimously voted that s* meeting be not adjourned, but the moderator notwithstanding did declare the same adjourned untill y" Second day of may then next, at which Time a Number of your petitioners protested against y' proceedings of s* meeting for the Reasons afores" your Petitioners fur- ther shew that on the Twelfth day of June Instant a small Number of the Inhabitants of y« s" Town did meet Togetlier at a place never before that Time used for that purpose in a Tumultuous manner to the Number of about Eight persons to vote upon Sundry Articles and things in the notification herewith Ex- hidited, mentioned, by means of all which proceed- ings the utmost disorder and Confussion is introduced into y" s* Town, and the most unhappy Consequences are reasonably Expected to take place, wherefore your Petitioners (being a major Part of the Inhab- itants freeholders and others Legally Qualified to Vote in Town meetings) humbly pray your Honors to take this our Petition into your wise Consideration and to a point some Legal method for calling a meet- ing of y' Inhabitants of s" Town as soon as may be in order to transact y° necessary business of y° Town and restore peace and Harmony amongst the Inhab- itants or otherways to Grant us releif as to your Hon- ors shall seem fit, and your Petitioners as in duty bound shall Ever pray "Stoddard June 18, 1776. "John Button Ban iel Kenny Jonathan Bennett Moses Kenny Oliver Parker Samuel Parks Reuben Walton Ebenezer Wright Asa Adams Ephraim Adams John Joyner John N mther Joel Gilson Timothy Mather Moses Bennett Richard Emerson William Button Zach' Adams Joseph Bodge Thomas Adams Benoni Boynton Isaac Kenney " In House of Representatives, September 19, a hearing was ordered for the next session. SUMMONS TO OLIVER PARKER, 1776. "Stoddard may y' 22* 1776. " To Oliver Parker — you are hereby required to ap- pear att the Bwelling house of m' John Tennys in Stoddrad afore S" on Wednesday the fifth Bay of June next at Ten oClock fore noon then and there to make answer to a Complant Brought to us against yon wherein you appear inimical to america in a number of alegations fail not of apperence at your peril — as your neglect will be faithfully reported to the Com- mitee of Safty for the Colony of New Hampshire given under our hands at Stoddrd afore Said — " Alexander Scott \ Cominitee " Nathaniel Emerson V of safty " Amos Butterpield J for Stoddard" PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOWN COMMITTEE OF SAFETY, 1776. " Att a meeting of the Commitees of Safty for the Towns of Stoddard Camden and marlow met at the house of m' John Tenneys on the fifth Bay of June 1776 to hear and Examine into a Complaint Brought to us against one Oliver Parker of Stoddard— setting STODDARD. 333 forth the S'* parker to be inimical to america and ita Liberties Proceed and Chose m' Sam" Gustin Chair- man — " The inclosed Complaint is the same that was Brought to us, and has ben fully suported and proV— " upon which we Came to the following resolution viz — "1" it is the opinion of the Committees that y" s'^ parker is notoriously Disaffected to the american Cause — " 2'i' it is the opinion of the Commitees that the S" parker is so notoriously Disaffect" that he the S'* parker be Emedeately Disarmed from all instruments of war — "3'^ that the S* parker be Confin'» to the Lot of Land his house stands on on the penalty of being Sent to the Common goal of the County of Cheshire — or find good Bonds to the Sattisfaction of the Com- mitee of Safty in the Town of Stoddard " 4'^ all persons are forbid to have any Deleaings with y" S^ parker on y° penalty of being Consider"" enimies to america — " And furthermore while we ware setting a Com- plaint was brought to us by m' Nathaniel Emerson of Stoddard against the s* Parker setting forth that the s"* Parker fllloniously brock down his y" s"" Emersons fence and has continu* to do it for some days and turns his Cattle into his improvements — and a Cita- tion was sent to the s* Parker to appear and defend y° same, but he pay" no regard at all to the Summons but difies all authority to bring him to Justice (mean- ing y" Committee of Safety) — John Nois mather — Joel Gilson — Zach"' adams — Eli adams — and william Dutton all of Stoddard was Summon'* to appear as Evidences in the above Cause but refused to appear and seam'* to appear as abetters of the s"* Parker by their deniing the authority of the Committee— Treat- ing y= Committee with scurulous Language "By Order of the Several Committees "Attest "Sam" Gustin Chairman "Stoddard June y= 5'" 1776" " Stoddard June y= 5'" 1776 "Att a meeting of the Committees of Safety of Stoddard and marlow and Camden, met to try a cause depends between oliver Parker a reputed Tore, and the Liberty of America— y= said Parker being sited to appear on this Day, but defyes y^'authority of the Committee of Safety — and dos not appear — " A part of the evidence brought against said Parl^er was the following, which he acknowl- edged to have written to Mr. Boynton : " A Eeceipt to make a Whig— Take of conspiracy and the root of pride three handfulls two of ambition and vain glory, pound them in the mortar of faction and discord, boil it in 2 quarts of dissembling tears and a little New England Rum over the fire of Sedi- tion till you find the scum of folly wood to rise on the top, then strain it through the cloths of Eebillion, put it into the bottle of envy, stop it 'with the cork of malice, then make it into pills called Conspiracy of which take nine when going to bed say over your hypocritical prayer, and curse your honest neighbor in your bed chamber and then go to sleep if you can, it will have so good an effect that all the next day you will be thinking how to cozzen cheat lie and get drunk abuse the ministers of the Gospel, cut the throats of all honest men and plunder the Nation.'' Parker was committed to jail in Exeter, Nov. 2, 1778, and was under bonds not to go out of Cheshire County in 1782. PETITION OF OLIVER PAEKER : ADDRESSED TO THE COMMITTEE OP SAFETY, 1776. " Humbly sheweth Oliver Parker of Stoddard in the County of Cheshire in %^ Colony that he was upon y" S* day of June Current by Order of Certain Committees directed to be disarmed, and not to go from his Lot of Land on which he Lives, upon y' penalty of being Committed to y" County Goal, and by s* Committees deemed an Enemy to his Country, your petitoner avers and declares that s"* Committees had not y" least proof of his being inimical to his Country, but that they proceeded to act as they did with regard to him merely upon malice, and that he openly Challenges any person or persons whomsoever to prove the least thing against him with respect to his being in any way or manner disaffected to the Cause of Liberty, wherefore he prays your Honers to point out some reasonable and just method for him to make his Innocence in y' premises manefest, and to be Liberated from y" unjust decree of s" Committees — " June 18 1776 " Oliver Parker." SUNDRY INHABITANTS RELATIVE TO FOREGOING: AD- DRESSED TO THE Committee of Safety, 1776. "■ The Petition and Remonstrance of the Subscribers Inhabitants of Stoddard in s"* Colony sheweth, that We have for a Number of years been acquainted with Capt Oliver Parker of Stoddard afores"* and have Es- pecially since y° Unhappy War commenced betwixt Great Britain and the Colonya been personally Knowing to his Good disposition In the Cause of Liberty and that he has done his part as an Individual towards y*^ support of y' War and on Every Occasion as a military ofiicer obeyed orders and done what was required of him, notwithstanding which he was 334 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. Lately summoned to appear before Certain Commit- tees to answer a Complaint again him as an Enemy to America, and without letting him Know what y' Complaint was or to what he was to answer to they proceeded to confine him to that Lot of Land his house stands upon, and to order that no persons deal with him on pain of being deemed Enemies to their Country, now as your petitioners are certain that there was no grounds to found this resolution upon, but that mere malice and falshood directed y" whole proceedings, they pray that your Honors would re- verse y" afores'' unjust degree or by some means let y" matter be fairly and impartially determined. " Stoddard June 18 1776 " John Button Joseph Dodge Jonathan Bennett Isaac Kenne^ Reuben "Walton Daniel Kenney Moses Kenney Samuel Parks Benoni Boynton Ebenezer Wright Thomas Adams John IST Mather Joel Gilson Timothy mather William Button Richard Emerson John Joyner Zachariah Adams Asa Adams Isaac Barit." Moses Bennett The following, relative to a disputed line, was addressed to the General Assembly, 1776 : "The Humble prayer and petition of the Select men of Marlow and Stoddard, met to agree on some method to proceed in relating to a Contested Strip of Land claimed by both Towns — Came to the following agreement; viz: We humbly pray the General As- sembly would give us their advice in this Difficult matter and during the Dispute between Britain and the Colonies that is Wheather Stoddard shall Tax to their Western Bound called the patent or Curve Line — or Wheather marlow shall Tax to their Eastern Bound — or so far East as to in Clude all that first settled under their Charter for as we Expect to pay Taxes with the rest of our Breathern so Each Town claiming a right to Tax a few famileys will soon create Confutions and Divitions whioh we would by all means indevour to avoide, praying att the same time that the words (every person) might be Left out in their answer if they are pleased to give one — as was incerted in their former answer for as We appre- hend will give no Satisfaction — for this reason — one man will say he is under Stoddard when he is under marlow — and another will say he is under marlow wheu he is under Stoddard — so we pray that the ad- vice may Set some Bound for to gide us in this matter — that thereby we may Shun the Difficulty that has subsisted between the said Towns for some years past — and as is Duty Bound Shall ever pray — " Dated att Stoddard may y" 24'" 1776—- " Stephen Gee "j Selectmen " NicoDEMUs Miller j. of " Abisha Tubs j marlow " Alexander Scott i Select men " Nathaniel Emerson ) of Stoddard." The following is a petition of inhabitants living on the disputed land in 1776 : " To the Honourable Counsel and House of Repre- sentives for the State of New Hampshire — " We your Humble purticioners Beg Leave to In- form your Honours that we are in Great Dificulty by Reason of being taxed to two Towns Viz Stoddard and Marlow Altho we be Long to Stoddard and Live East of the Patten Line yet the Town of Marlow has taxed us a Considerable Number of years we Humbly beg your Honours to take the matter into Considera- tion and order where we shall pay our taxes for we are not able to pay to two Towns as we your Humble Purtitioners In Duty Bound Shall Ever Pray — " John N mather Dan Brockway Ebenezer Farley Timothy Mather Stephen Twitchel Isaac Barritt" Ephraim Brockway The following, relative to the disputed line, was addressed to the General Assembly in March, 1777 : '' Humbly Shew — "The Subscribers Freeholders & Inhabitants ot Stoddard in the County of Cheshire in said State — "That -your petitioners with Others entered into & upon a Certain Tract or parcel of land bounded Westerly on the Patent Line, so called, Easterly on the Society land, so called, and northerly on Monad- nock Number Eight and southerly on Monadnock Number Six of the Contents of about Six Miles Square called Monadnock Number Seven — "That in November 1774, the said Inhabitants prefer'd a petition to the then Governor and Council of said province, setting forth among other things, their Situation, and praying that the said lands might be Erected into -a Township, and the Inhabitants thereof Incorporated into a Body Politick, to have Continuance and succession forever — which petition was Granted, and Letters Patent in due Form ac- cordingly passed — "That in the Year last passed the Selectmen of the Towns of Marlow and Stoddard Unknown to STODDARD. 335 your PeUtioneri Applied to the General Assembly for Advice and Directions' Touching the Taxation of a Number of your petitioners who they said were settled under the Late Kings Grant of Marlow— That the order made in Consequence thereof Very Sensibly Affects them and is likely to create Great uneasiness which is the Bane of New Settlements — " That as your petitioners are settled within the undoubted Limits of Stoddard aforesaid they are unwilling to be taxed Else where and the Application aforesaid to the Late General Assembly was prema- ture ; — That the Right to the Soil your petitioners are Willing to Contest with any person at Common Law — " Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that Your Honours would not hold them to pay taxes to the Town of Marlow where they do not belong — (and as they are within a Town Corporate are under the Regulations of Law). That your Honours would not Interfere in their Title nor do anything that may seem to Affect the same; your petitioners pray — " Oliver Parker John Dutton Jonathan Bennett Joel Gilson Daniel Kenney Moses Bennett Zachriah Adams Th"'' Adams Reuben walton Moses Kenney John Joyner Samuel Parks William Dutton Isaac Kenney Richard Emerson Asa Adams Benoni Boynton Amos Taylor John N mather Timothy mather Salvenus Beckwith Benjamin Joseph Dodge Jr Joseph Dodge Elijah Morse Joseph O Taylor Isaac Barit Eph" Adams " ACTION OF THE LEGISLATURE. "In the House of Representatives March 21" 1777— "The Committee of both Houses on the petitions of Marlow and Stoddard made report that it is their Opinion that the Inhabitants living on the Lands in dispute between the Towns of Marlow and Stoddard do abide by the Resolve made by the General Court of this State on the 12 Day of June 1776, respecting Taxation until the matter in dispute be settled by Law or Agreement as therein mentioned — but that the said Inhabitants do Military duty in the Town of Stoddard as has been usual, signed Nich° Oilman Chairman which Report being read and Considered, Voted, that the same be received and accepted and that the said inhabitants govern themselves accord- ing. "Sent up for concurrence " John Dudley Speak' p temp' " In Council the Same Day read and concurred " E Thompson Secy " The result was in favor of Stoddard, their claim to all territory as far west as the curve- line of Mason's patent being allowed, thus tak- ing portions of the towns of Marlow and Gil- RELATIVE TO AN ALLEGED ILLEGAL TOWN- MEETING. "We the Subscribers Inhabitants of the Town of Stoddard Being Desirous of peace and unity — att all Times. But more Especially in these Days of Trou- ble and rebuke — When not only those who formerly Stiled them Selves our Parents. But our own Domes- tics are Levying war against us — and using all means to Bring us into and keep us in Divitions — which we would use all Lawfull means to put a Stop to, and to Cultivate good order and harmony among us and as authority is allways the only means whereby any part of the Community, when Greav* Can Lawfully have Redress — "We therefore Humbly pray the Hon"" General assembley for the Colony of New Hampshire, Would be Graciously pleased to Condecend to give us y" inhabitants of poor pensive Stoddard their advice — in Regard to our annual march meeting — ^held in this Town the 28"" Day of march Last past — the people being Legally Warned and met — the Votes Ware Called for — for a moderator — a motion Was made — Wheather it would not be Best and Quicker to Chuse him by nominating and Lifting up y° hand— the Question was accordingly put by one of the former Select men — past in the affermitive — and no objection made — after y" moderator was Chose — a nother motion was made to have all y" oather Town officers Chose by nominating and Lifting up the hand — ye modera- tor accordingly put y° Question and it passed in the affermitive — and no objection made in y° Least — and if there is any Law how to Chuse Town officers We Look upon this way to be y° Law — and if there is no Law we think the Town has a right (and it is neces- sary) to Say how they will proceed for that year or for that meeting — but we went on and Chose all our Town officers in peace Without any objection and after y" Choice of all y° officers was made — there Came on a Despute about a publick meeting house gpot — now there has been a Divition about y° meet- ing house ever Senee y" Town was Settled and when ever there was any thing to be acted upon Conceri - 336 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ing a meeting house — a Quaril insued — and So it was now. nothing Done but Disputing and hard words — a motion was made to have that article Dis- mised or y" meeting adjorned — ^but Could not be ob- tained — y' moderator Calling on them to proceed and Do business or he would adjorn y= meeting — Which after a While more Spent in Talk and Nothing Done, y' moderator Declair'' y' meeting Stand adjorn'' to the Second Day of may next — and no Sort of objection made all rested in peace till S'' 2'* Day of may — y" Select men being Sworn — and had Taken y" List or Valuation of the Town and now there is a party risen up against the meeting Saing it is invailed and on this reason that y"= officers ware voted in by nomina- ting and Denies, all y° authority of Town officers Oliver parker a Common Tore being y" ring Leeder — and We Supose about fourteen or fifteen have Sent to j' General Cort to have y' Said meeting Disanul'' and Void — But we pray y° Sd meeting may Stand good for many reasons — as y" Town has proceed in their public Business in many instances — and it Would put y' Town into y' utmost Confution to have ye meeting put by and as in Duty Bound Shall ever pray for your advice we are your Humble Consti- tuants — " Alexander Scott Eobart Prockter Silas Wright Thoms Adams John Eobbe Abel adams Caleb Wright James Willson David Eobbe John Farley John McDonald Amos Taylor Isaac Temple David Willson John Jackson Allan Speir Amos Butterfild John Taggard Abram morrison Ephraim Brockway David Scott Eobert Blood Nathaniel Emerson Silvanus Bikwith James Scott John Tenny " Eichard Eichardson JOHN ROBBE, WOUNDED SOLDIER, 1778. " Peterborough Jan? 1, 1778. " May it please your Honors " Permit me address you in behalf of Sarg' John Eobbe of Stoddard, in the County of Cheshire, and State Aforesaid, the said Eobbe being in the Engage- ment at Benningtown, under my Command, was there much Wounded & Disabled from Getting his Future Support beg Leave to Eecommend the said Eobbe to the Favour of the said state as your Honors in your Wisdom shall think fitt — am with due Bespect " your Honors moat Hum' Ser' " John Stark, B I) G " To the Hon'ble Council & Assembly for the Staf^' of New Hampshire — " John Robbe appealed to the inhabitants of Stoddard January 28, 1778, to ask the Legisla- tore for assistance, which they voted to do at a meeting February 2, 1778. They also by vote recommended Mr. Eobbe very highly. In House of Representatives, May 23, 1778, voted that said Robbe was entitled to half pay and thirty pounds for extra expenses. " State of New Hampshire May 23* 1778 " To Gilman Esq' E. G. Pursuant to a Vote of Council & Assembly pay Joth" Blanchard for John Eobb Six pounds towards s* Eobb" Expences in be- ing cured of a wound r* at Bennington — " M. Weare Preit " Richard Richardson, Soldier, 1782. — In a petition dated Stoddard, November 5, 1782, Richard Richardson slated that he " was out in the service of his country in the first three years' service in the present war." He further stated that he was paid in State notes, and held one for £43 18s., and one for seventy-three dollars, which he wanted paid. soldier's order, 1784. " Stoddard May 25'" y" 1784 " To the State Treasury of New Hampshire pleas to Pay Mr. Jacob Copling the ballance Due to me for the year 1781 and his Eeceipt on the back of this or- der Shall be your discharge from me you will find my name in Capt Caleb Robinsons muster roles "JosiAH Hardy" return of ratable polls, 1783. " Stoddard December y= 3* 1783 then apeerd Isreal towns Ephraim Adams and James Scott Selectman of Sd Stoddard and made Solem oath that att present there is in y' town of S* Stoddard one hundred and four Eattebel " Before me " J Eounsevel Just pece.'' RELATIVE TO THE FORMATION OF SULLIVAN, 1786. " Stoddard Dec' 4"" 1786 " at a legal meeting this day " Voted not to oppose the southwest corner of this Town being set off Keen, Packerfield, Gillsom &c "Attest: " Eleaz' Blake T : Clerk—" " Stoddard Novm' 10"' 1786 " This may ceertify, to whom it may concern — that we the Subscribers — have receiv'd of M' Ezra Osgood a Petition Sent to the General Court by a number of the Inhabitants of the Souwest Part of Stoddard " Ward Eddy ) Select vim " Peter Wright J of Stoddard" STODDARD. 337 The southwest part of the town was set off September 27, 1787, combined with portions of Keene, Gilsum and Nelson, and incorporated into the town of Sullivan. PETITION- FOE AUTHORITY TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO BUILD A MEETING-HOUSE AND REPAIR ROADS, 1787. " The Memorial of your Petitioners Humbly Shew- eth that : being Chosen a Committee by The Town of Stoddard, to Petition the General Court that a Tax of one penny p' Acre Annually to be laid on all the Lands in said Stoddard for three Years : to be Appro- priated Towards Building a Meeting House and re- pairing the Publick Roads Leading from Hancock to Marlow : likewise from John Taggards to Washing- ton line : Also from Israel Townses Esq', to Packer- field line, the leading Road to Keen — The first third part of Said tax to be Asses'd in the Year 1788 — " Your Humble Petitioners as in Duty Bound shall ever Pray — " May 21'" Anno Domini : 1787 " Israel Towne \ " Ephriam Adams I Committee " " Jacob Copland ) This petition was granted September 27, 1787. COMMITTEE TO LOCATE A MEETING-HOUSE, 1787. " Your humble pertisioners Beg leave to inform Your honours that the Town has Laboured under Dificalty for a Number of preceeding Years In re- guard to agreeing upon a Meeting house Spot, at a Leagal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi- tents of the Town of Stoddard Quallified to Vote in Town meeting Leagally warned and met for the fol- lowing purpose (Viz) " Voted to Chose a Committee finally to Determine where the Meeting house Shall be arected in this Town and for the same purpose Nominated Esq' Penniman of Washington and Sam' Griffen Esq' of Packerfied. Likewise m' John Muzzey of Dublin we Your humble pertisioners pray That the above said Committee may be appointed & Impowered accord- ing To the afour Said Vote and we Your humble pertisioners as in Duty bound Shall Every pray " Peter Wright ] Selectmen in " Israel Towne i behalf of the Town "Stoddard, September 8th, 1787." their report. " We Your Committee Within Named haveing Repaired to the Town of Stoddard, and Viewed the 22 Situation of said Town, & the Inhabitants thereof beg leave to report that it is our opinion that the Meeting- house there to be erected, be placed on the fifteenth Lot in the Ninth Range upon a Tract of land Given to y° Town of Stodard by John Tenney for a Meeting- house Spot burying Yard &c and We have Erected a Stake and Stones upon s'' Common for y" Bounds of Said Meetinghouse " p' Tho" Penniman, for y° Committe "octo'y'^31* 1787" petition for authority to levy a tax on non-resident lands, to build a road, 1794. " A Petition in behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Stodard in said State Humbly Sheweth " That your Petitioners are Situate on the Hight of land Betwixt the great Rivers Connecticut and Mire- mac where the land is very Mountanious and Rocky : which Causes our Roads to be Extremely Deficualt to make & Repair the Same: And whereas the Commit- tee appointed to lay a Road from Hales Bridge in Walpole to Macgregores Bridge in Gofestown : Hath laid out anew Road through the Said Town of Stod- ard which will be of Great Utility to the Public if opned and made Passable : But will lay an unsup- ortable Burthen on the Inhabitants in Said Town : as it passes through a large tract of unimproved land owned by Nonresidents and Remmote from the Set- tlement : which will Raise the Value of the land through which it Passes : and it appearing Reasona- ble that the owners of Said land Should assist in Oppening and Making passable the Same : and the like privildges Being granted to other Towns in Sem- meril Situation : We your Petitioners Humbly pray your Honnours to take our Case under your wise Consideration and grant that an Act may pass im- powering the Said Town of Stodard to lay a tax of two pence p' acre on all the land in Said town for the Sole Purpose of Making Passable the Roads and Bridges in said Stoddard : And your petitioner as in Duty Bound will Pray "Natha" Emerson "January 1 1794" Granted June 11, 1794, RELATIVE to the DISPUTED LINE BETWEEN THIS TOWN AND MARLOW, 1798. " The Petition of us the subscribers Humbly shews that the General Court at their session in June A D 1797 set off the south East Part of Marlow under the .Turisdiction of the Town of Stoddard, And we Your Petitioners living on s* Land being fully pursuaded that thair Honours would not have subjected us to so unreasonable a burthen had thay known our situa- 338 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tion & the true circumstances we are under the one part setling under Marlow have been at Great Ex- pence to defend our persons & Properties from the unjust demands made & Extorted from us by the Town of Stoddard and the other part being made to believe by the Unrighteous persuasions of Stoddard Proprietors that the Lands were theirs and thereupon we purchased of them at A Very dear rate, which took at that time of many of us all our properties And after living many Years in this Rough wilder- ness have been at the expence of every thing but life, And now we find that marlow holds their right of soil it being decided by Law And those of us that Purchased of Stoddard have to Purchase our Lands over again at A great price & have been subjected to A Large bill of cost in Disputing the title & the Town of Stoddard Refusing to pay any Part of s* expence aud we being fully sensible that stoddard cannot have any Accurate survey or knowledge of those Lands iiayed out under Marlow And that Stoddard and Marlow both Claim the Jurisdiction to part of s* Land on Account of their being two Curve Lines which will keep the Inhabitants in Vexetion & con- fiision. And being fully sensible that it will be for the Good & peace of us the Inhabitants to continue as we Really were within the Jurisdiction of Marlow And being fully sencible that stoddard left oflF two Ranges of their lots on their East line to Extend to the west on Marlow as the Proprietors of stoddard by that Conduct thought to git about nine or ten of Mar- low setlers to count for Stoddard in order to fulfil their Charter which we flatter ourselves will not be Justified. And Stoddard will be a much larger Town without any part of Marlow than Marlow will be they kolding the whole within their Charter, And there- fore on every principal of right, And for ourselves And Ofispring to injoy any degree of comfort we think it our duty to humbly pray your Honours to Repeal the fotegoing Act And let us remain in and under the Jurisdiction of Marlow As your Petitioners in duty bound shall ever pray. •' November 7*^ 1798 " Aaron Matson Bani Henry Ebenezer Blake Nathen Sam' Messinger Ephraim Brockway John Henery J' Ephraim Brockway Jur Nathaniel Gilson Joseph Brockway Timothy Bailey Isaac Barritt Ziba Henry Jesse Farley " ANOTHER DOCUMENT RELATIVE TO THE DISPUTED LINE, 1796. "The Petition of the inhabitants of the Town of Stoddard states that in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and fifty-Three the Town of Stoddard was Granted to Sampson Stoddard and others by the Masonian Proprietors and was bounded westward upon the head line of Maso- nian patent; that in the year Anno Domini 1773 they received their Charter of incorporation from his excellency Benning Wentworth Esq' which gave the Town of Stoddard jurisdiction over a cer- tain tract of land seven miles square lying east of said Patent or head line — ^that in the year Anno Domini 1762 the Town of Mario was granted and incorpora- ted which Grant intersected the Town of Stoddards Grant nearly Two miles whereby each Town had concurrent jurisdiction over the same territory — and thereupon application was made to the provincial assembly of New Hampshire to settle the Jurisdic- tional line between said Towns — And said assembly in the year A D 1776 resolved that said inhabitants should pay their taxes to the Town of Mario but should do military duty in the Town of Stoddard — That in the year A D 1777 application being made to the General assembly a second time to settle the aforesaid dispute they recommended by a special re- solve mentioning the Town of Washington and all other Towns in similar circumstances (of which Stoddard was one) that the inhabitants living on said strip or disputed Grant should pay their taxes to the Towns lying east of the head line of Masons patent untill the same should be fiirther settled and established by law — That in the year A D 1784 The Town of Mario petitioned the General assembly for an abatement of their taxes in consequence of the re- solve of the General assembly which passed in the year 1777 — upon which petition the General assembly then resolved that the Town of Mario be abated one fourth part of all their taxes from the year A D 1777 to the year 1784— and the Town of Mario have ever since that period relinquished all jurisdiction to the same land and have ever since omitted and refiised to make return of the same in their valuation— That the same has been uniformly since the year A D 1777 returned by the Town of Stoddard and set to their valuation — That large sums of money have been as- sessed since that period upon the inhabitants living thereon, and many lots of land there lying have been sold by the Collectors of Stoddard at publick vendue for the non-payment of taxes assessed thereon— In the year A D 1792 the Original Proprietors of Mario finding that the Masonian Proprietors had extended their bounds upwards of twenty miles farther west- ward than their original grant warranted— and in- tending to avail themselves if possible of the invalid- ity of the act which passed the General assembly in the year 1777— giving jurisdiction to Stoddard— STODDARD 339 Commenced Two actions of ejectment to recover pos- session of those lands which were sold at vendue by the collectors of Stoddard — and upon which lands the Proprietors of Mario had paid no taxes for upwards of twenty-five years — In which actions the Original Proprietors of Mario recovered possession against the vendue purchasers under Stoddard in consequence of a defect in the act which passed in the year 1777 giv- ing jurisdiction to the Town of Stoddard— We there- fore pray this Honorable Court to take into their wise consideration the circumstances and situation of the Town of Stoddard and if legal and constitutional to establish and confirm the doings of the Selectmen of Stoddard and ratify the assessments which have hitherto been made — And also to settle the Jurisdic- tional line between said Two Towns and give the Ju- risdiction of the strip so-called to the Town of Stod- dard if consistent with the Interest and happiness of both Towns — And also to settle the Jurisdictional line between Gilsom and Stoddard] "And your petitioners as. in duty bound shall ever pray— "Stoddard Dec e^" A D 1796 " Jacob Copeland Agent for Stoddard " The Hue was established in favor of Stod- dard June 16, 1797. Congregational Chuech. — This church was organized September 4, 1787, with seven members. The first settled pastor was Rev. A. Colton, October 15th, 1793, and re- mained until October 1, 1795. He was succeed- ed by E,ev. Isaac Robinson, D.D., January 5, 1803. He died in 1854 and was succeeded by Revs. Josiah S. Gay. S. L. Gerould, Savage, Ricket, Colburn, Southworth, and the present acting pastor, J. H. Thyng. HISTORY OF SULLIVAN. CHAPTER I. This town lies north of the central part of the county and is bounded as follows : North by Gilsum and Stoddard; east by Stoddard and Nelson ; south by Roxbury and Keene, and west by Gilsum and Keene. The town was incorporated September 27, 1787, and comprised territory severed from Stoddart, Gilsum, Keene and Packersfield (now Nelson). It was named in honor of Gen. John Sullivan, who was at that time President of the State. By an act approved January 10, 1794, the west line of the town was " lengthened out and continued south into the town of Keene 157 rods further than by the act of incorporation." July 7, 1874, a few acres of land were sev- ered from this town and annexed to Gilsum. The following is a copy of the petition for incorporation, addressed to the General Court in 1786: " Humbly shew your Petitioners, The Subscribers, Inhabitants of the Towns of Keene, Packersfield, Gil- som, and Stoddard. That they live remote from the centre of their respective Towns and by reason of dis- tance and bad roads are deprived of their town privi- leges — That they cannot enjoy these conveniences of public worship — That some of their duties as mem- bers of their several towns are by their situation very burdensom. — That if they might be incorporated into a seperate and distinct township it would be highly advantageous to them, and no detriment to the towns to which they now belong — That they are encouraged to hope that no objections will be made to their being thus incorporated unless by the town of Gilsom, and that those objections may be easily obviated. " The prayer of this their humble Petition therefore is — That the tract of land marked out upon the plan 340 herewith exhibited may be set off from the several Towns aforesaid into a distinct Township by the name of orringe and the Inhabitants of it incorporated as aforesaid — and Your Petitioners as in duty Bound shall ever pray. " August 22" 1786. " Inhabitants of Keene " Roswell Hubbard Zadock Nims Joshua Osgood Erastus Hubbard ^^Inhabitants of Packerfield " Grindal Keith Oliver Carter " Inhabitants of Stoddard " Burnam William Bumam Nathan Bolster Samuel Wyman Saml Seward Ezra Osgood Josiah Seward Elijah Carter " Inhabitants of Gilsom James Row Timothy Dimmock James Pratt Joseph Ellis William Cory Samuel Cory John Chapman Benjaman Chapman Benj" Ellis Simeon Ellis Nathan Ellis John Chapman Jun' Timothy Dewey Tho' Morse Jesse Wheeler Lockhart Willard Jonathan Baker John Dimick Joshua Cory Jonathan Heaton James Locke Juu' James Locke Ebenezer Birdit John Row" The following is the report of the committee on foregoing petition, 1787 : " We the Subscribers being a Committee Appointed by the General Court of this State to View the Cor- ners of Keene Packerfield Gilsom and Stoddard have- ing Viewed the primeces Beg Leave to Report, as their Opinion that the parts of Towns Petitioned for to be made into a Town lies Very Convenient for that purpose by Reason of being incompassed all Round with Mountains and Broken Land that is al- most impassable Besides their Lying Very Remote SULLIVAN. 341 from the Towns to which they Now Belong to— but it must Consequently, if incorporated into a New Town Leaves Some of the Towns from which those parts of Towns were Taken Especially Gilsome in a Broken and inconvenant Shape as may be made to appear by the Plan of s* Town if S'' Gilsome Could be acomedated by Being anexed to any other parts of Towns which Lies Joyning it is our opinion that it might be a Publick advantage and much for the ac- comedation and Benifit of the Petitioners " Alstead September y= 24, 1787 " Lem" Holmes " Absalom Kingsbery" " The Petition of the select Men of the towns of Keene and Sullivan in said State Humbly Sheweth — " That whereas in the year 1789 — an Act passed the General Court to Incorporate a town by the Name of Sullivan and in and by said Act the Bounds of Said town are Affixed and Determined — But as they will not Close agreeable to said Act — We your Humble Petitioners pray an Amendment may be made to Said Act, in the following manner (Viz) the West line of Said town to be lengthened South into Keene one Hundred fifty seaven Rods thence East twenty Eigth Degrees & 30 minutes South, to the East line of said Keene, thence North on said line to the Bounds from Which they set out from in said Act ♦ " and whereas by said Amendment the Lines will run as they ever were Expected to run by the town of Keene and likewise by said Petitioners for Sulli- van — It is the Humble Request of Said towns that said Amendment take Place — ^And your Petitioners as in Duty Bound Shall ever Pray " Keene Decem"- 20'" 1793 " Lock' Willakd ) Select Men " David Willson f of Keene " "Erasttjs Hubbaed I Select Men " Eliakim Nims j of Sullivan " This petition was granted January 10, 1794. petition foe the geant of a township: ad- dressed TO THE general COTJET, 1798. " The Petition of the subscribers, Inhabitents of the State of New Hampshire, Humbly Sheweth — '■ that your Petitioners being inform* that there is within the limits of this State lands as yet unlocated ; and your Petitioners being desirous to lay a founda- tion for the settlement of our Children within the bounds of there Native State. " We therefore pray that a township may be granted to your Petitioners, for actual Settlement un- der such restrictions and limits as your Hon' body may think propper, that we may not have the dis- agreeable Sight of Seeing our Sons Emigrating to other States and prehaps, Kingdoms — " And as in Duty bound will ever pray. "Sullivan, Nov'. 10'", 1798. " Roswell Hubbard. Thomas Powell, Jun. Elijah Carter. David Powell. W" Muzzy. Joseph Powell. Elijah Osgood. Jonathan Powell. Dan' Wilson, Jun'. Samuel Seward, Junr. Josiah Seward, Junr. Paul Farnsworth. W". Munroe. Theophilus Row. Oliver Carter. Joseph Seward. Erastus Hubbard. James Row. Joseph Ellis, Junr. Daniel Farnsworth. Roswell Hubbard, Jun'. Thomas Seward. Wi" Bridge. Ichobad Keith. Daniel Willson. Elijah Rugg. John Willson. Josiah Seward, gorge Nims. James Oomstick. James W. Osgood. Peter Barker. Charles Carter. . Abijah Seward. James Willson. Nathan Bolster. Calvin Nims. Isiah Willson. Olover Brown. Sam' Willson. Phelander Nims. Frederick Nims. Ezra Osgood. Samuel Seward. Elsworth Hubbard. Abel Carter. George Hubbard. Samuel Clarke. Thorn' Morse. Henry Carter." In 1790 the town voted £5 for preaching. The services were held in a barn until 1791, when a small house was erected, and in the same year £6 was raised for church purposes and in the following year £15. The church was organized October 17th, and consisted of twenty-two members. Among the first preach- ers were Lawrence, Brown, Woolly, Cotton, Eandall, Kendall, Stone, Clapp, Eaton, Wm. Muzzy, Josiah Peabody, Josiah "Wright, Al- anson Alvord, Thos. S. Norton. There are now three churches in this town, two Congregational and a Union Church. HISTORY OF SURRY. CHAPTER I. This town was incorporated March 9, 1769, and comprised territory severed from the towns of Westmoreland and Gilsum, largely from the latter. That portion taken from the former had been known as Westmoreland Leg. By the act of incorporation the first meeting ■was to be called by Peter Hayward, the first settler in town, and Ebenezer Kilburn had liberty to " poll off" with his estate to Gilsum. Surry was one of the towns that voted to unite with Vermont, and, in 1781, the majority of the selectmen refused to call a meeting for the election of a member of the Legislature, in obedience to a precept from this State, " being under oath to the State of Vermont." Lead and silver were discovered on Surry Mountain many years ago, and attempts have been made from time to time to mine the ore. A mine on the east side of the mountain, which is being worked at the present time by the Granite State Mining Company, produces gold, silver, copper and lead in considerable quan- tities. The town derived its name from Surry, in England. The following Surry men were in the First New Hampshire Regiment in the war of the revolution: Joshua Church, enlisted March 18, 1777 ; discharged April 30, 1780. Anthony Gilman, enlisted July 1, 1777 ; taken pris- oner. Samuel Liacomb, enlisted May 8, 1777 ; discharged December, 1779. Jacob Bonney, enlisted May 20, 1777; died July, 1778. 342 PETITION OF LEMUEL HOLMES : ADDRESSED TO THE GENEKAL COURT, FEBRUARY 10, 1780. " The Memorial of Lemuel Holmes, Captain of the Corps of Kangers — Humbly Sheweth, "That your Memorialist was captivated by the British Army on the 16* Day of November, A.D. 1776, at Fort Washington (so called) and carried into New- York, where he was detained a Prisoner untill the 20'" Day of September, A.D. 1778 ;— That during this Period your Memorialist had scarce any Allow- ances from the Continent & none from this State, & your Memorialist is led to suppose that the Reason of his being neglected by said State was, that thro' Mistake he was never returned as belonging to the said State ; — That your Memorialist was detained in NeV-York five Weeks after he was exchanged, for Want of Money to discharge his Billet, having had no Remittances for that Purpose ; — That after your Memorialist was permitted to leave New- York, (hav- ing previously been obliged to hire the Money to dis- charge his Billet) he was under a Necessity of taking a Journey to Philadelphia to procure said Money to be granted & remitted by the Honorable Continental Congress, which Journey cost him much time & nearly all the Money he had before received, which was seven hundred Dollars on Accompt. — And your Memorialist would also humbly represent in Behalf of himself & Samuel Silsby, Daniel Griswold & Wil- liam Haywood, Soldiers from said State in the Corps commanded by your Memorialist, that your Mem- orialist & the aforesaid Soldiers were considerable Sufferers by loosing several things at the time of their Captivity & by Expences afterwards arising from Sickness, the necessary Charges of getting Home & loss of time afterwards, as will more fully appear from the Accompt herewith transmitted. — Wherefore, your Memorialist, in Behalf of himself & the afore- said Samuel Silsby, Daniel Griswold and William Haywood, humbly prays this honorable Court to take SURKY. 343 the foregoing Memorial & Representation, together with the Accompt herewith transmitted, into their wise Consideration and act thereon as they in their Wisdom shall see just & proper ; — and your Memor- ialist as in Duty bound, shall ever pray, &c. — " Lemuel Holmes, Captain." " PETITION OF THOMAS DODGE, SOLDIER, 1783." " Humbly Shews, " Thomas Dodge, in the year 1777, he inlisted into the continental service for three years, for the town of Surry, in the county of Cheshire, and received from Said Town a Bounty of one hundred Dollars ; that he served during the whole term ; and when he applied to the treasury of this State for his Wages, the receipt he had given the Town of Surry for said Bounty was lodged against him and reducted out of his Wages — ^Your Petitioner therefore prays, that this Assembly will take his case into consideration and make an order to The Town of Surry to refund said hundred Dollars, or grant such other relief in the premises as to this hon*"'" Court shall seem expedient and proper — and your Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever pray. " Charlestown N". 4, Oct'. 24^ 1783— " Thomas Dodge." PETITION of LEMUEL HOLMES, SOLDIER : ADDRESSED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1782. "Humbly Sheweth, " The petition and memorial of Lemuel Holmes — of Surry in said State — that on the first day of Jan- uary, seventeen hundred seventy-six — your petitioner engaged as Lieutenant for the term of one year in the service of this and the United States — and on the sixteenth day of November following, was taken prisoner at Fort Washington — That previous to the captivity of your petitioner (viz) on the first of Sep- tember the same Year — I had an appointment by his Excellency Gen' Waahinton to the office of Captain — That by being made prisoner, your petitioner was prevented receiving a commission agreable to such appointment — but was, however, returned and ex- changed as such — after having continued prisoner in New York almost two years — That when released, your petitioner immediately applied to the Congress for direction and settlement of my accounts — ^and there received a small sum in Continental money on account — and was directed by Congress to apply to the state to which I belonged for a settlement of the whole — That your petitioner, in consequence, applied to the hon. Assembly of this State about two years since — but by a multiplicity of business or some other cause to me unknown — my said application was and has been since neglected — whereby a setlement of my ac- counts has never yet been effected, nor any sufficient payment or compensation rendered for the services and sufferings of your petitioner — That more over, your petitioner hath been informed that Congress ordered some allowance to be made to those super- numerary Officers who returned home — " Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your honors will take the several matters herein before suggested, into serious consideration — and point out some eligible method for a speedy settlement of my accounts — and whereby I may obtain the balance in my favor without greater cost and trouble — And that in the mean time your honors would direct and order a reasonable sum for my present relief and support — Or, other wise grant such relief and direction in the premises — as to your honors in wisdom may seem best. — "And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray " Lem" Holmes " Dated at Concord this 13* June 1782—" In House of Representatives, June 14, 1782, he was granted an allowance of thirty pounds, " hard money." The following is a petition of Lemuel Holmes, 1794 : " To the Honourable General Court of the State of New Hampshire convened at Amherst on the first Wednesday of June 1794 " The petition of Lemuel Holmes for himself and Samuel Silsby Niles Beckwith, William Hayward & Daniel Griswold all of the State afforesaid and County of Cheshire who are yet Living who were taken prisoners at fort Washington in the Year 1776 with your petitioners that Belonged to the State of New- hampshire and who have Never had any Compensa- tion for the time they were prisoners nor the Loss of their Baggage and arms and what is infinitely wors the Loss of their health and Constitutions : altho their accompts with mine were Considered by our Committee and Sent forward to Congress but were with many other State accompts not Considered So that we your petitioners are without any Eedress un- less your Honours will pleas to interpose in our Be- half and make a Grant of So much of the unlocated Lands in Said State as your Honours in Your Wis- dom may think Reasonable under Such Restrictions as to Setling as may Seem best for the State " and I Your humble petitioner will be under Such obligations to Survey and Settle Said Lands in Behalf of them as Shall be Reasonable as Your pe- 344 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. titioner has a Number of Sons who would Settle Said Lands which might be of Some Servis to the State but would Satisfy your petitioner that the State for which he has undergon too many hardships to men- tion think that his friends feel for his Misfortunes and will Compensate for his Losses " and your petitioner as in Duty bound will pray "Surry June y" 2* 1794. "Lemuel Holmes." Hon. Lemuel Holmes was lieutenant in a company of rangers from January 1, 1776, un- til the 1st of September following, when he was appointed captain by General Washington. On the 16th of November next following he was taken prisoner at Fort Wa'^hington and carried to New York, where he remained in captivity until September 20, 1778. He was town clerk of Surry for some years, and repre- sented Gilsum and Surry in the House of Representatives in 1784-86, 1789-92, He was elected a member of the Governor's Coun- cil in 1790 and held the office four years ; was a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cheshire until 1808, at which time he' was debarred from holding the office any longer by reason of having arrived at the age of seventy years. He lived for some years at the foot of Bald Hill, in Surry, and is described as being an agreeable and courteous gentleman, of strict integrity and a prominent man in his day. Subsequently he removed to Vermont, and tliere died. The following is relative to the collection of beef for the army, 1786 : "M"- Speeker Sir Whereas Co' Gideon of Exeter Was appointed a Collector of Beef for the year 1780 and under him John Mellen Esq' Collector for the County of Cheshire S" Mellen did in the year 1780 Collect 739 lb of Beef more than h'e Eecepted for to Co' Gideons and Because S" Returns do not agree with the Return on the Book the Treasurer Cant Credet the Town of Surry for any Part of the Beef which was Delivered to S'* Mellen therefore it is Motioned that the House Give orders that the Treasurer Receive Said Recepts and Credet the Town of Surry for the Same which the Treasurer is Ready to do upon Receiving the order «T, . , ^. "Lemuel Holmes Portsmouth F'" y» 22 1786 "Surry, Cap' Giddings returned 2600'" Beef" RETURN op ratable POLLS, 1783. "A return of the Male inhabitants of the Town of Surry of Twenty one years of age and upwards pay each one for himself a Poll-Tax " Eighty two " By order of the Select men "Lemu" Holmes Town Clerk" The following, relative to date of annual meeting, was addressed to the Council and House of Representatives in 1784 : " Humbly sheweth your Petitioners Thomas Har- vey Joshua Fuller and William Barran Selectmen for the Town of Surry for the year 1783 That whereas the Holding of Annuel Meetings on the Last Tues- days of March is attended by many inconveniencies, in consequence of the new Constitution taking place and the inconveniency of Holding it by adjournment by reason of its being so late in the Month " Therefore, We your Petitioners pray that if your Honours see fit would appoint the Annual Meeting to be held earlier in the Month of March for the Future " As in Duty Bound will ever pray " Lem" Holmes Town Clerk " by order of the Selectmen "Surry March 24"' 1784" By an act passed April 13, 1784, the time for holding the annual meeting was changed from the last Tuesday of March to the first Monday in the same month. DATE OF ANNUAL MEETING CHANGED, 1785. " State of New Hamp' " In the House of Representatives Feb" 23" 1785 " Whereas in and by an Act passed the IS*" of April A. D. 1784 it is Enacted that the Annual Meeting in the Town of Surry shall be held on the first Monday in March annually, but as the Inhabitants have not had Notice thereof, and the said first Monday so nigh that Legal notice connot be given of the business necessary to be transacted at said Meeting— There- fore — " Resolved that the Meeting for the Present year be held on the fourth Tuesday of March next and that the present Select men give notice in the usual man- ner of the time place & Design of Said Meeting and the Oflicers chosen at said Meeting are to give notice that the annual meeting of said Town is to be held on the first monday in March annually in future— " Sent up for Concurrence "Geo: Atkinson, Speaker " In Senate the same day read & Concurred "ETftOMPSON Sec" SUREY. 345 The following is a petition for authority to raise money by lottery to work a silver mine, 1786: " The Petition of the Subscribers Humbly sheweth that they have Discovered a place in Surry in the county of Cheshire, where they Are persuaded there is a Valuable Silver Mine, that they Wish to make an Experiment of the worth and Quantity of said Mine, that by the best computation they can make, it will cost three or four thousand Dollars, before they can reap any considerable advantage therefrom, that they conceive it would a very considerable advantage to the Publick, should they succede to their Eeason- able expectation, in opening said Mine, that it will be extremely Difficult, if not imposs-ible for them, to advance the necessary Expences for effecting the Same Experiment, that Encouraged by your Honours known Wisdom and Public Spirit ; ■ the Prayer of your Pe- titioners is that they or others as your Honors shall see fit may be Authorised by the help of a Publick Lottery for that purpose, to raise the sum of two thousand Dollars, or any other Sum that your Honours shall see fit, to assist them in opening the same, and they as in Duty bound shall ever pray. " Feb^ 1" 1786 "Jed'' Sanger ^ Committee in " Joseph Blake V behalf of the Owners " W" Russell J of said Mine." EEMONSTRANCE AGAINST THE INCOKPOEATION OF A BAPTIST SOCIETY, 1800. "We a Committee being appointed bythe Inhabit- ants of the town of Surry at a legal Meeting October 11, 1800, to remonstrate against the prayer of the Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants living in the southwest part of said Surry that they with others may be incorporated into a Religious Society to be called and known by the Name of the first Baptist Society in Westmoreland, beg leave to state " First, That the Town of Surry is but a very small Incorporation and have not one Inhabitant to spare without injuring said Town, there being not more than 80 Freeholders therein " Secondly, Those petitioning Inhabitants are not more than three and a half and some not more than two Miles from the Meetinghouse in said Surry "Thirdly, In their petition they have stil'd them- selves professors of Religion by the Denomination of Baptists, and to say the Truth, we are obliged to say, that not one of those petitioners belonging to Surry ever made any Profession of Religion of any Denom- ination that we know of, especially, Baptist — and we declare that whenever any or all of them shall have made a Publick Profession of Religion of any Denom- ination whatever contrary to our Denomination we will agreeably to the Constitution freely relinquish all Right of Taxing such Professors to the Support of our Minister •' Fourthly, We doubt in our minds whether the Motive of their thus petitioning is not more to an- swer sinister Views, such as forming a Center to ad- vance private property and continue small Disputes than to promote Harmony and good Order " Lemuel Holmes " John Stiles " JoNA' Robinson " Nathan Howard Pommittee" CONSENT OP SUNDRY PERSONS TO FOREGOING. " We whose names are hereunto subscribed, Inhab- itants of the Town of Surry hereby give our Consent to the Remonstrance of a Committee appointed by said Town against the Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants thereof, with others praying to be incor- porated into a Baptist Society as in our minds we doubt the Sincerity of some of those Petitioners be- longing to said Surry and that they do not duly con- sider the Consequence of an Incorporation " Lemuel Holmes Daniel Smith Nathan Howard Asa Holmes Abia Crane Calvin Hayward Philip Monro Jn° McCurdy Jonathan Smith Levi Fuller Ichabod Smith Cushman Smith Sylvester Skinner Asahel Harvey Abner Skinner John Stiles Eldad Skinner thos Harvey Jonathan Skinner Cyrus Harvey Obadiah Wilcox Eli Dort Moses Field Jona' Robinson." Asa Wilcox The society mentioned in the foregoing was incorporated December 10, 1800, and com- prised persons from the towns of Surry, Wal- pole, Westmoreland and Keene. There was originally a Congregational Church in this town, formed January 12, 1769, with Rev. Daniel Darling as pastor. Other pastors have been Rev. Perley Howe, Rev. G. S. Brown, Rev. Ezra Adams and vari- ous others. The Methodists now have a church in this town. HISTORY OF TROY. BT M. T. STONE, M.D. CHAPTEE I. Troy comprises an area of twelve square miles, four hundred and eighty-five acres and thirty-five rods, and had a population in 1880 of seven hundred and ninety-five. The total valuation, April 1, 1885, was $376,892; number of polls, 203; horses, 117; value, $7639 ; oxen, 52 ; value, $3207 ; cows, 201 ; value, $6208 ; other neat stock, 72; value, $1226; sheep. 34; value, $136; hogs, 5; value, $71 ; stock in trade, $28,640 ; bank stock, $1700 ; out of State, $700 ; interest money, $8722; mills and machinery, $15,000; real estate, $283,443. Our business is represented by one blanket- mill, one box-shop, one tannery, one chair-stock factory, two tub, pail and bucket manufectories, one wheelwright-shop and grist-mill, one livery- stable, one barber-shop, one shop for turning pail-handles, two general stores, one dealer in Yankee notions, two hotels, two churches and one semi-monthly newspaper. At what time the first settlement was made in this territory we have no authentic history. Dr. Caverly, in his history, published thirty years ago, says it was beyond the recollection of men then living. . About 1746, or a little later, the territory in the vicinity of Monadnock Mountain was pur- chased from the proprietors of Mason's grant, and were divided into townships, which were given the common name of Monadnock, but distinguished by different numbers. 346 Monadnock No. 4 was called Marlborough, and No. 5 Fit^william, and from these towns the larger part of the territory of Troy was taken. The first individual known to have settled within this territory was William Barker, a native of Westborough, Mass., who came here in the year 1761, and selected the location for his future home, supposed to be the spot now known as the Joel Holt place, on West Hill. He did not move his family until nearly three years later, they arriving at their new home in September, 1764. In 1770, a road having been built by his residence, he opened a public-house, the first in town, and which he kept for many years. Here, on April 2, 1776, a daughter was born, — the first child born in the town. During the next fifty years the population increased more or less rapidly, until the town contained quite a village, which commanded the trade for quite a distance around. The surface being hilly and uneven, it was inconvenient for the inhabitants to reach the centres of their respective towns, and having become accustomed to do much of their private business here, thought it would be for their con- venience to transact their public business here also, and the village, having been built up on the borders of two towns, was under a divided jurisdiction, which was not conducive to its prosperity, and these were the reasons urged for TROY. 347 an act of incorporation, which was granted by the Legislature in June, 1815, the town being formed from the southerly part of Marlbor- ough, the northerly part of Fitzwilliam and easterly parts of Richmond and Swanzey. The subject was first agitated in 1794, and for many years was opposed by the inhabit- ants of the different towns, the contest at times being exciting and interesting. The first town-meeting was held on the 20th of the July following when officers were chosen to hold office until the annual meeting in March. Chtjech History. — The first effiarts of our early settlers, after getting settled in their new homes, were directed to establishing and main- taining a Christian ministry. Most of them had been religiously educated, and placed a high estimate upon religious institutions, and even those who made no pre- tension to piety never thought of living with- out some one to officiate for them in the sacred office. Their first places of worship M^ere rude, but their hearts were in their work, and their zeal, energy and personal sacrifices might be profita- bly studied by their descendants. The first meeting-house was built about 1815, and stood on what is now the North Park. The next year the proprietors, in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars, relinquished to the town all their interest in the same, excepting the pews which had been sold to individuals. Some years later this building was moved to its present situation, and fitted up for a town hall. September 15, 1815, the Congregational Church was organized, ten men and their wives subscribing to articles of faith and covenant. The organizing council consisted of Rev. H. risk, of Marlborough ; Rev. John Sabin, of Fitzwilliam ; and Rev. Ezekiel Rich, an evan- gelist, who became the first pastor. He gradu- ated at Brown University, 1808, and Andover Theological Seminary; was installed Decem- ber 20, 1815, and remained pastor until July 18, 1818. He continued to reside in Troy until 1845. He died some years after at Deep River, Conn. November, 1819, a new religious society was formed by the name of the First Congregational Society of Troy, and was a party with the church in supplying the pulpit until 1824, when a new constitution was adopted, the society taking the name of the Congregational Society of Troy. Rev. Seth E. Winslow was employed as a stated supply three years, from 1820. After him Rev. Messrs. Peabody, Pitman and Erwin were employed for short periods. Rev. Stephen Morse, a graduate of Dart- mouth College, 1821, was installed second pas- tor, August 26, 1829, and was pastor until January 31, 1833. During this year preaching was maintained by supplies. On December 16th a new society was formed, called the Trinitarian Congregational Society of Troy. During the years 1834 and 1835 the present church was builti Previous to this time the church worshipped in the town hall with the Baptist society ; Rev. Jeremiah Pomeroy was installed third pastor and first of the new society, January 16, 1836, and was dismissed February 27, 1844. He was a graduate of Amherst College and Auburn Theological Seminary. Rev. Luther Townsend was ordained and installed March 5, 1845, and dismissed May 22, 1860. He graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1839, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1842. From this time until September, 1865, preach- ing was maintained by supplies, who were the Rev. Messrs. Easenon, Perry, Whitcorab, Jen- kins, Alexander, Miller, Brown, Spaulding, Roberts and Beckwith. Rev. Daniel Goodhue came in the fall of 1865, and remained until about April 1, 1868, Rev. Levi Brigham taking his place. He was 348 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. born in Marlborough, Mass., October 14, 1806; graduated at Williams College, 1833, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1836; commenced preaching in Dunstable, Mass., September, 1836; left Dunstable and com- menced preaching in Saugus, May, 1850 ; left Saugus and commenced preaching here, 1868, and remained pastor until September 12, 1876, \\'hen he moved to Marlborough, Mass., where he now resides. The services of Rev. James Marshall were secured in February, 1877 ; he ^as pastor until his death, which occurred in April, 1878. Eev. David W. Goodale became pastor September, 1878. He was born in Doug- lass, Mass., December 28, 1847 ; graduated from Monson Academy, 1871 ; Amherst College, 1875; Andover Theological Seminary, 1878. \Vas ordained and installed October 1, 1878. lie resigned in September, 1883, and moved to South Sudbury, Mass., where he now resides. He was succeeded by Rev. Josiah Merrill, the present pastor. The Baptist Church was organized Novem- ber, 1789, with a membership of twenty-five, &nd was called the Fitzwilliam Baptist Church. From this time until 1791 they were without regular preaching, being supplied by preachers of the neighboring towns. In 1791 Mr. Rufus Freeman was licensed to preach and did so for an indefinite time. Until 1836 they held their tneetings in schools and dwelling-houses. This year they united with the First Congregational Society in meeting at the town-house under the labors of Rev. Obed Sperry, and continued to do so until 1848, when their present house of worship Was erected, and dedicated January 17, 1849. The following-named ministers have served as pastors for terms varying from one to fourteen years : Revs. Rufus Freeman, Aruna Allen, Darius Fisher, D. S. Jackson, Obed Sperry, John Woodbury, P. P. Sanderson, Phineas Howe, A. M. Piper, A. B. Egleston, April, 1854, to April, 1865 ; Joseph B. Mitchell, April, 1855, to April, 1856 ; Thos. Briggs, May, 1856, to June, 1857 ; John Fairman, July, 1857, to February, 1859; C. D. Fuller, February, 1859, to March, 1860; Bille, March, 1860, to July, 1861 ; W. H. Chamberlain, August, 1861, to September, 1862. From this time until 1865 preaching was maintained by supplies, or by the individual members reading sermons. Rev. J. S. Herrick became pastor in 1865, and acted as such until failing health compelled him to resign, Feb- ruary 23, 1879, and was succeeded by his son, D. F. R. Herrick, who was ordained March 18, 1879. Failing health soon compelled him to resign, and preaching was again maintained by supplies ; Rev. Mr. Shaw supplying from August, 1880, until February, 1881 ; Rev. O. E. Brown was pastor from September, 1881, until November, 1884, and was succeeded by Rev. W. F. Grant, the present pastor. Educational, History. — In the grant given these townships, one lot of one hundred acres was reserved in each for the benefit of the schools. These lots were disposed of at an early period, and the interest expended for schools. In 1778 the interest of the Fitzwil- liam lot was five pounds, two shillings. There is no record showing that any money in addition to the above had been expended previous to this time, when one hundred pounds was voted to be raised by tax, and it was dealt out very sparingly, for two years after only twenty-five pounds had been expended. The building of a meeting-house, the sup- port of the ministry and the war, so occupied the public mind that but little attention was paid to the support of schools. Twelve pounds were raised in 1782, twenty pounds in 1785 and fifteen pounds in 1787, and probably ex- pended under the direction of the selectmen. In 1789 thirty pounds were raised. This year an effort was made to establish a grammar- school, but the article was " passed over " in town-meeting. In 1777 the town (Fitzwilliam) was divided into four equal squadrons for schooling ; re- districted in 1788, and, having become more TROY. 349 thickly settled, again re-districted in 1794. Up to this time there had been no school-houses, the schools having been kept in private rooms. The first school-house on land now in Troy was buih by Fitzwilliam in 1790, and stood on the east side of the road near the present resi- dence of Willard White. At the first meeting after the incorporation of the town a committee was chosen to regulate the school-districts, and they reported six. District No. 6 was so small that a school could be maintained but a few weeks in each year, and consequently little benefit was derived therefrom. It was united with No. 3 in 1831. In 1838 the town was again re- districted. District No. 1, or the Village Dis- trict, was divided, the northern half being called No. 1, and the southern half No. 2. No. 2 was changed to No. 3 ; No. 3 to No. 4 ; No. 4 to No. 5, and No. 5 to No. 6. In 1878 the selectmen and superintending school committee were instructed by the town to again reorganize the districts, which they did by making four districts of the six, consti- tuting a Village District and three out-districts ; the Village District to consist of Nos. 1 and 2, together with a larger part of Nos. 5 and 6, adding a part of No. 5 to No. 4, and part of No. 6 to No. 3, thus making four districts, as they are at present; No. 1 to contain three schools — one grammar and two primary — ^the school-house in No. 1 to be used for the north primary, that in No. 2 for the south primary, the grammar school to be in the room under the town hall. The citizens have at all times used their best efforts to promote the cause of popular educa- tion. For several years after the incorporation of the town the amount annually raised for the support of schools was two hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to the interest of the literary fund. This amount has been gradually raised until the present time, when the whole amount of school money is twelve hundred dollars. The whole number of different scholars at- tending school the past year was one hundred and sixty-two, — sixty-four boys, and ninety- eight girls, — with an average length of all schools for the year of twenty-one and nine- tenths weeks. Military History. — In everything calling for an exhibition of pure patriotism, disinter- ested benevolence, or the characteristics of good citizens, the names of the first settlers stand conspicuous. The following are the names of those from this town known to have enlisted in the American army during the War of the Revolution : Benjamin Tolman. Jacob Newell, Jr. Ezekiel Mixer. Pearson Newell. James Brewer. Caleb Winch. John Farrar, Jr. Peter Starkey. At the time when the bugle sound was first heard upon the battle-field of Lexington there were not more than twenty-five male inhabit- ants over twenty-one years of age, within the limits of what is now Troy, capable of bearing arms. Most of them were heads of families, who had just settled upon this wild land, and, however much inclined, they could not have left their fields for the camp, only at the expense of bringing upon their families a great amount of suffering. No men were more ardently attached to liberty, or to the leading measures of those days, than the early settlers of this town. The small number of enlistments should not be at- tributed to any want of patriotism, or indiffer- ence, for there can be no stronger claims upon man's services than those of his family, and next to this is his country, and justice and humanity forbid that the former should be sacrificed to the latter. In every instance where arrangements could be made to protect the families from extreme suffering, the opportunity was gladly accepted, and laying aside the implements of husbandry, the father hurried to the assistance of his coun- trymen. Some of them arrived at Lexington just in 350 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. time to dispute the progress of the British forces. They were at Bunker Hill and Ben- nington, at Stillwater and Ticonderoga. They all served honorably through the war, and fought nobly for the cause so dear to every heart. Benjamin Tolman, Ezekiel Mixer, Pearson Newell and John Farrar, Jr., took part in the battle of Bunker Hill. In the battle of Bunker Hill Tolman was in the thickest of the fight where, in a hand-to- hand conflict with a British soldier, his gun was wrenched from him ; but he stood his ground, defending himself as best he could with the weapons nature furnished him, until his com- mander, seeing his condition, brought him an- other musket, with which he continued to fight until ordered to retreat. Mixer served in the same company with Tolman, and by his side for over two years, both sharing alike the same pleasure and suffering. At the battle of Ben- nington, August 16, 1777, when the troops under General Stark made that ever memor- able charge which crowned the American army with victory. Mixer was shot in the body and carried from the field to a rude shelter, linger- ing in great agony until morning, when he expired. Pearson Newell sustained the loss of his gun, powder-horn and cartridge-box, for which he was afterwards allowed by the State two pounds, fourteen shillings. Toryism became so rife in the colonies that Congress, in March, 1776, took measures to dis- arm all persons disaffected to the cause of Ameri- can liberty, and passed a resolution upon the subject and sent it to all the colonies. In this State the Committee of Safety had the resolutions printed in circular form, and sent to every town in the State ; it read as follows : "Colony of New Hampshire, &c. "Committee of Safety, April 12, 1776. "To the se/eetmen of Monadnock, No. five: " In order to carry the underwritten Resolve of the Honorable Continental Congress into execution. you are requested to desire all Males above twenty- one years of age (lunatics, idiots, and negroes ex- cepted), to sign the Declaration on this paper, and when so done to make return thereof together with the name or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly, or Committee of Safety of this Colony. " M. Weare, Chairman." "In Congress, March 14th, 1776. " Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions and Councils or Committees of Safety of the United States immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America or who have not associated and refuse to associate to defend by Arms the United Colonies against the hostile attempts of the British Fleet and Armies. " Extraot from the minutes. " Charles Thompson, Secretary." "In consequence of the above Resolution of the Continental Congress and to show our determination in joining our American brethren in defending the lives, liberties, and properties of the inhabitants of the United Colonies : " We the subscribers do hereby solemnly engage and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our power, at the risk of our lives and fortunes, with Arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies, against the United American Colonies." This was signed by all the inhabitants in Troy except the following, and duly returned by the selectmen : William Barker, Jonathan Shaw, Icabard Shaw, Daniel Lawrence. The citizens of Troy were not behind their fellow-citizens in manifesting their patriotism when the hostile cannon boomed upon Fort Sumter, but, in common with the great majority of the people of the North, gave their support to the government. The following extracts taken from the records will show the action taken by the town : "May 8, 1861.— Foied, That the town guarantee to those that have or may enlist from this town, that their wages shall be made up to them so that the amount will equal twenty dollars per month, and that we will pay them ten dollars in advance at time of enlisting, said sum of ten dollars to be taken from their wages." "October 21, 1861.— Fofed, To instruct the select- TROY. 351 men to use any money, not otherwise appropriated, that may be in the treasury, or to borrow monies if necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act, in chapter 2480, Pamphlet Laws, 1861, authorizing cities and towns to aid the families of volunteers and for other purposes." "July 20, 1862.— Number of citizens liable to mili- tary duty, as enrolled by the selectmen, eighty-two. Number who were or had been in the U. S. service, twenty-eight.'' "August 27, 1862. — Voted, That we pay each re- cruit or volunteer who is accepted and mustered into the service of the U. S. for the war, unless sooner discharged, the sum of one hundred dollars. " Voted, That we pay fifty dollars in addition to the one hundred dollars, providing the town is called upon to furnish men to fill up the old regiments. " Voted, To limit the bounty to the number required to fill our quota and not to be paid until the men are mustered into the U. S. service. " Voted, That no bounty be paid to any man who receives a commission before leaving the state.'' The selectmen were authorized to borrow a sum of money suiBcienfc to meet these calls, not to exceed three thousand dollars. "September 21, 1S6S.— Voted, That the town pay the drafted men, who are, or may hereafter be drafted, for three years, or their substitutes, on or after being mustered into the U. S. service ten days, three hun- dred dollars, and the selectmen were instructed to borrow a sum not to exceed four thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying the foregoing vote into ef- fect. " Voted, That the selectman raised, if necessary, an additional sum not to exceed five thousand dollars for the same purpose." " December 5, 1863. — Voted, That the selectmen pay the citizens of the town who shall enlist for three years (until the quota is filled), the sum of three hun- dred dollars, on being accepted and mustered into service. " Voted, That the town assume the responsibility of paying the United States and State bounties to citi- zens of the town who shall enlist, on being mustered into service, and the selectmen were instructed to borrow ten thousand dollars for the purpose. " Voted, That the selectman hire recruits out of town, if it can be done satisfactorily, to help make up the quota of the town." "May 7, 1864:.— Voted, To pay the men that have already enlisted into the U. S. service under the present call for two hundred thousand men, three hundred dollars.'' " July 30, 1864.— Voted, That we pay volunteers, or enrolled men, or their substitutes, one hundred dollars for one year, and a corresponding sum for the number of years they may enlist, not exceeding three, if they are accepted and mustered into service, to fill up the quota of the town under the present call for five hundred thousand men, to be paid when mustered into service. "Voted, That we pay the drafted men or their substitutes, two hundred dollars, to be paid as soon as mustered into service. " Voted, That the selectmen borrow a sum not ex- ceeding six thousand five hundred dollars for the purpose. " Voted, To choose an agent to procu re substitutes. "Chose Edmund Bemis as said agent." "September 5, 1864. — Voted, To pay any that may volunteer from this town, to fill the quota; under the late call for five hundred thousand men, the sum of three hundred dollars in currency for one year." It is a matter of no little difficulty to obtain an accurate and authentic list of those who were citizens of the town who served during the four years' War of the Rebellion. The following record gives the names and history so far as can be obtained : John Amadon, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment; enrolled at Keene, N. H., October 5, 1861 ; died at Hatteras Inlet January 15, 1862. Henry J. Amadon, Company F, Fourteenth Regi- ment ; enrolled October 7, 1861 ; served three years and was in twenty-three battles ; discharged at Pegram House, Va., November 27, 1864 ; died at Troy July 27, 1867. James 0. Amadon, enlisted in Second Regiment, but was not accepted on reaching Portsmouth ; served all through the war in a private capacity. Frank Amadon, Company I, Eighteenth Regiment. Oren S. Adams, Second Regiment. Chas. H. Barrett, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment ; enlisted August 30, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865 ; killed at Stoddard. Lemuel W. Brown, Company F, Second United States Sharpshooters ; was transferred to Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863 ; discharged at Washington, D. C, November 26, 1864. William 0. Barns, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment; enlisted September 1, 1862 ; mustered out August 18, 1865. Frank Barnes, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment; enlisted August 25, 1862. 352 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. George I. Capron, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment; mustered in September 22, 1862; discharged at Savannah, Ga., July 8, 1865 ; died at Troy. Joseph F. Capron, Company A, Second Regiment; mustered in April 14, 1861 ; discharged October 22, 1861; re-enlisted in December, 1863, into First Regiment Connecticut Cavalry. Frederick P. Cutler, Company D, Second Regiment ; recruit; discharged March 22, 1863. Albert Cobb, Fifth Company, Heavy Artillery : mus- tered in September 5, 1864. This company was mustered at Concord, N. H., by Captain W. H. Graham, U. S. A., for one year. Nathan C. Carter, Company F, First New Hamp- shire Cavalry ; died at Troy, N. H., April 5, 1876. Robert Cosgrove, Company F, Sixth Regiment. George W. Clark, recruit. Second Regiment ; dis- charged September 22, 1863 ; died at Troy Jan- uary 1, 1864. Lewis Clement. George W. Derby, sergeant, Company F, Sixth Regi- ment ; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; drowned at Aquia Creek. Lorenzo Dexter, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Luther W. Fassett, Company E, Second Regiment ; recruit; killed by a rebel guerrilla at Evansport, Va., April 2, 1862. Fassett, with others, had been engaged in digging for a gun that had been abandoned and buried by the rebels. He, with a companion, started back from where the men were engaged in digging to procure some shovels which were stored in a building about a mile away. They were met by three rebels in citizens' clothes, who had been skulking in the bushes, and who confronted them with loaded carbines. Fassett immediately surrendered, but, notwith- standing this, they sent a bullet through his body, while his comrade made good his escape, and the guerrillas eluded all efforts to capture them. Danvers C. Fassett, Fifth Company, Heavy Artillery. Daniel M. Fisk, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Asa B. Fisk, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Jonas R. Foster, Fifth Company, Heavy Artillery. Ezekiel Haskell, Company F, Sixth Regiment ; mus- tered in November 28, 1861 ; was transferred to Company G, Seventh Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps ; discharged at Washington, D. C, Novem- ber 28, 1864; re-enlisted into Company I, Third Regiment ; discharged at Goldsboro', N. C, July 20, 1865; died at Troy, September 23, 1884. Nelson Haskell, Company F, Fifth Regiment; en- rolled September 19, 1861 ; discharged at Conva- lescent Camp, Va., December 20, 1862. Edward Harvey, Second Regiment. Jesse Hiscock, Company F, Sixth Regiment. George H. Kinsman, Fifth Company, Heavy Artil- lery. James Kaven, Company D, Third Regiment. Houghton Lawrence, Company D, Second Regiment- enrolled September 6, 1861 ; discharged at Wash- ington, D. C, July 15, 1862 ; died at Troy April 10, 1884. Center H. Lawrence, sergeant Company A, Second Regiment ; promoted to assistant adjutant-gene- ral. Alfred Lawrence, Company C, First New Hampshire Cavalry; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 19, 1864. Frederick Lang, Twentieth Indiana. John Lang, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. Frank Laraby, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment; enlisted August 25, 1862. Patrick McCaffrey, Company F, Second Regiment ; died July 8, 1862. Simeon Merrifield, Company A, Fourteenth Regiment; enlisted August 14, 1862 ; discharged May 17, 1865. Charles W. Philbrook, Company C, Fourteenth Reg- ment; enlisted August 11, 1862; discharged July 8, 1865. William L. Price, First Regiment. Albert Roby, Fifth Company, Heavy Artillery. Silas S. Stickney, recruit, Second Regiment ; died of wounds received July 2, 1863. Charles H. Struter, recruit. Second Regiment ; pro- moted to corporal ; re-enlisted. Charles Lyman Spooner, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment ; enlisted December 29, 1863 ; died at Savannah, Ga., July 7, 1865. Robert M. Silsby, Fifth Company, Heavy Artillery. Henry T. Smith, Fifth Regiment. Patrick Shehan, Company I, Sixteenth Regiment. George H. Stockwell, Company C, Fourteenth Regi- ment ; died at Troy July 20, 1863. Lorenzo B. Tolman, corporal Company F, Sixth Regiment. Samuel M. Thompson, first sergeant Company F, Sixth Regiment ; died at Troy. George W. Tupper, Fifth Company Heavy Artil- lery. Sidney E. Tolman, Company C, Fourteenth Regi- ment; enlisted August 15, 1862; discharged at Washington, D. C, July 20, 1863. Alonzo W. Tupper, Company A, Fourteenth Regi- TROY. 353 ment; enlisted August 14, 1862; wounded at Cedar Creek October 19, 1864; discharged July 8, 1865 ; died at Miller's Fallls, Mass., June 2, 1874. William H. Tenney, Company K, Second Regi- ment ; discharged October 8, 1862. Eobert A. Wheeler, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Curtis A. Whittemore, Company A, Fourteenth Reg- iment; enlisted August 15, 1862; discharged July 8, 1865 ; died at Fitchburg, Mass., Septem- ber 11, 1867. Frank Shattuck, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment ; enlisted August 28, 1862 ; discharged July 8, 1865. Physicians. — The first physician to settle here was Dr. Justice Perry, A^ho came in 1796 and practiced one year. He was a man of in- temperate habits, and after he decided to locate here he was persuaded to sign a temperance pledge, probably the first ever signed in town. By this he obligated himself to abstain from the use of all intoxicating drinks for one year, in con- sideration of which the citizens bound themselves to furnish him with a horse and all his medicines free of charge during the year. These condi- tions were faithfully fulfilled by both parties, but at the end of the year the doctor relapsed into his former habits, losing the confidence of the people, and in the following year he moved to Marlborough, where he died in 1799. ■He was succeeded by Dr. Ebenezer Wright, who came from Fitzwilliam in 1811, at the request of a few individuals of the village. He was here during the excitement attending the efforts to obtain the charter of Troy, and took an active part in those measures which resulted in the organization of the new town. He resided here until 1814, when he went back to Fitzwilliam, where he died in 1829. Dr. Charles W. Whitney, the third physi- cian, was born in Eindge, November 15, 1791, the son of Dr. Isaiah Whitney. In 1811 he commenced the study of medicine under the tutelage of his father. In 1813 spent six m(jnths in study and practice at Boston, and in December of same year commenced practice in Marlborough, Mass. Left Marlborough in 23 the spring of 1815, and, in October, started for Vermont to look up a place among the Green Mountains ; but not liking the appearance of the land or the people, he retraced his steps home- ward ; on arriving at the hotel here, he was invited by the proprietor to locate, which he decided to do after a few days' consideration He boarded three years at Colonel D. W. Far- rar's; built his house in 1818; married Mary, daughter of Samuel Griffin, of Fitzwilliam, and continued in active practice until feeble health and advanced years compelled him to relinquish it. Dr. Luke Miller succeeded Dr. Whitney, locating here in 1847, and practiced about six years. After leaving Troy he practiced in Winchendon and Fitzwilliam, and afterwards moved West, where he died some few years since. Dr. A. M. Caverly was the fifth physician. Born in London, November 28, 1817; grad- uated at Philadelphia College of Medicine, 1845. Located here in 1853 and practiced until 1863, when he moved to Pittsford, Vt., where he died a few years ago. While here he compiled and published a history of Troy, up to 1855. Dr. Daniel Farrar, the sixth physician, was born in Troy, May 29, 1836. He commenced practice in his native town some time in" 1863. Not being physically strong, he could not endure the rides over this hilly country and gave up the practice some time in 1865. He after- wards practiced in Leominster, Mass., where he resided until his death. He was succeeded by Dr. Daniel B. Wood- ward, who practiced until about 1868, when he removed to Ellenburgh, N. Y., where he now resides. The eighth physician was Dr. Benjamin H. Hartwell. Born in Acton, Mass., February 27, 1845 ; graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, March, 1868. Com- menced practice in Troy the May following and remained until March, 1869. He removed 354 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COIUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. to Ayer, Mass., where he has since resided, a highly-respected and successful physician. Dr. John Dodge came next from Springfield, Vt., but remained only a few months. Dr. Carl G. Metcalf was the tenth physician. Born in East Unity,' N. H., April 21, 1846 ; studied medi(!ine with Dr. Butler, of Lemp- ster, and Swett, of Newport, graduating at Albany Medical College in December, 1869. Commenced practiced in Troy in February, 1870, remaining until April, 1872, when he removed to Middleton, Mass., where he was located three years. Failing health re- quired a year's rest, aud in 1876 he located in Marlborough, Mass., where he resided until his death, November 1, 1884. He married, in August, 1872, Abbie A., daughter of Rev. Levi Brigham. The next physician to settle here was Dr. M. S. Ferguson, but he remained but a short time. The twelfth physician was Dr. Benjamin E. Harriman, son of ex-Governor Walter Harri- man. Born in Concord, October 20, 1854. He studied medicine with Dr. A. H. Crosby, of Concord ; attended lectures at the University of Vermont and Bellevue Hospital College, New York, and graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in November, 1877. He opened an office in Manchester, in the December following. Broke down in health in June, 1878, and passed the winter in Florida. He located in Troy in October, 1879, and once more attempted to prac- tice, but the labors of a country practice so wore upon him that he again succumbed and returned home the last of the following February, and passed peacefully away May 23, 1880. In April, 1879, he married Jessie B., daughter of Isaac W. Farmer, of Manchester. Dr. M. T. Stone was born in West Bosca- wen, N. H., July 28, 1854 ; studied medicine with Dr. F. A. Stillings, of Concord, and graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in No- vember 1879. Located in Troy in February, 1880; married, January 26, 1882, Cora M., daughter of Charles W. Whitney. Manttfactubes. — The principal manufac- turing industry is the Troy Blanket-Mills. In 1836 Luke Harris built a factory for the manufacture of woolen cloth on the site of the present box-factory, and which he ran until 1841. In 1851 Thomas Goodall, a native of York- shire, England, came to Troy and engaged in the manufacture of woolen cloth in the same mill, and afterwards of horse-blankets. The present company of Troy Blanket-Mills was formed in November, 1865, by J. H. Elliot, R. H. Porter and B. Ripley, of Keene, who bought of Goodall the old mill, now used as a box-shop, and all the other real estate and privileges owned by him. The mill at that time contained two sets of cards, two hand-jacks, nine looms and but one or two sewing-machines, the blankets being carried to the houses about town and made up there. The present brick mill was erected in 1869, and contained three sets of cards, jacks and looms. It was enlarged in 1877, and the ma- chinery of the old mill moved to it and the old mill abandoned. The mill was further enlarged in 1880, and now contains ten sets of cards, seven self- operating jacks, with fourteen hundred spindles and sixty looms, besides printing machinery and sewing-machines. About one hundred and ten hands are regu- larly employed, with a fortnightly pay-roll of about twelve hundred dollars. The present average production is ten bales, or five hundred blankets daily. The manufacture of wooden-ware has been an important industry for more than one hundred years, as one Thomas Clark commenced the manufacture of mortars, spools, plates, bowls and trays in 1779. The business is carried on at the present time by E. Buttrick & Co. and C. D. Farrar. In 1845 Edwin Buttrick became a partner with S. Goddard, and built their present shop. They were in company until the death of the TROY. 355 latter, after which Mr. Buttrick conducted the business alone for a number of years. The present firm consists of E. Buttrick and A. C. Dort, the latter becoming a partner in 1866. They give employment to twenty hands, and manufacture about twelve hundred cords of pine yearly into tubs and pails. Charles D. Farrar gives employment to eighteen men, and manufactures about one thousand cords of pine yearly, making all kinds of pails and buckets, holding from five to seventy pounds. In 1801 Aldrich & Barnard commenced the manufacture of scythes at the North End. In 1816 they were succeeded by Amos Sibley. In 1826 he built a new shop, the one now owned by Farrar. This shop was used as a peg-mill, and afterwards converted into a pail- shop. Mr. Sibley continued in business until 1844. In 1856 he sold his scythe-factory to Whit- comb & Forristall, who made it into a pail- > shop. This building was afterwards used as a pottery, and is now a store-house for the blanket- mills. The peg-mill became the property of D. W. Farrar, and for a number of years re- mained vacant. Mr. C. D. Farrar commenced manufacturing here in 1873. The manufacture of all kinds of locked cor- ner packing-boxes is carried on by O. C. Whit- comb in the old building formerly occupied by Troy Blanket-Mills ; he has done business here since 1883, giving employment to about twenty hands, the value of the yearly production being about twenty thousand dollars. The tannery is owned and run by R. M. Silsby. In 1782 or 1783, Jason Winch came here from Framingham and built a tannery on the site now occupied, and carried on the business for a few years, but, being unfortunate in it, he closed up the business and left town. In 1810 Lyman "Wright purchased the tan- nery. He soon built a new one, which stood nearly over the stream, and a little lower down than the present one. Some years after he moved it farther up-stream and toward the north, putting an addition on the east end, which is the principal part of the tannery of the present day. The business was afterwards carried on by Wright & Foster and Francis Foster. In 1869 the tannery passed into the hands of W. G. & R. M. Silsby. The former re- tired from the firm about two years ago. The capacity of the tannery is about fifteen hands, but at present only seven are employed in the manufacture of wax upper leather. George S. Colburn, of West Gardner, Mass., manufactures chair-stock, hubs, etc., on East Hill, employing from three to six hands. Webster Corey turns pail-handles at his shop on West Hill. The wheelwright business is conducted by Winthrop Knights at the North End: At difierent times, various enterprises have been carried on, with varying degrees of success, for longer or shorter periods. In 1812 Constant Weaver built a pottery, the first in town, and for many years this was an important industry, and earthen-ware of dififerent kinds has been made here until about three years ago, when, owing to the competition of large establishments, the business was aban- doned. In 1831 B. F. Grosvenor commenced making fur hats in the house now occupied by J. S. BUss. The business was afterwards carried on by E. P. Kimball, who served an apprenticeship under Grosvenor. Mr. Kimball carried on the business of tinsmith in the same house for a number of years, and at one time had ten ped- lars on the road. Miscellaneous. — Troy is situated ten miles southeast of Keene, on the Cheshire Railroad. The surface is very hilly and uneven ; the highest point is Gap Mountain, situated in the easterly part, and separated from Monadnock by quite a deep ravine. The broken surface aifords almost every va- 356 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. riety of soil, and there are some well-cultivated and productive farms. There are some quite extensive meadows in the eastern, and also in the western, part. The South Branch of the Ashuelot passes through the centre of the town. This rises from Rockwood Pond, in Fitzwilliam, flowing north, and receives many tributaries. The principal is the Ward Brook, which drains the westerly slopes of Monadnock and Gap Moun- tains. The greatest natural curiosity is, prob- ably, the falls in this brook. Within about one-half mile from the village the waters of this stream descend, within a few rods, from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet, so that in high water this cataract presents quite a sublime spectacle. The air is dry and pure, and the scenery is magnificent, and is the nearest point to the grand old Monadnock Mountain. We have two hotels, — the Monadnock, C. W. Abbott, proprietor, and the Kimball House, Charles Haskell, proprietor. The two stores are kept by E. P. Kimball & Son, and C. W. Whitney, and H. C. Newton deals in Yankee notions. In 1872 Mr. Newton commenced the pub- lication of the Home Companion, which was issued quarterly until 1876, monthly until July, 1885, and since, semi-monthly. Representatives. — The following gentle- men have served as Representatives for the years named : 1816-17. Daniel W. Farrar. 1818. Sylvester P. Flint. 1819. Daniel W. Farrar. 1820-22. Daniel Cutting. 1823. Daniel W. Farrar. 1824. Daniel Cutting. 1825. Daniel W. Farrar. 1826. Rev. Ezekiel Rich. 1827-28. Daniel Cutting. 1829-31. Daniel W. Farrar. 1832-33. Lyman Wright. 1834-35. Chester Lyman. 1836-37. Daniel Cutting. 1838-39. Jonathan Clark. 1840^2. Abel Baker. 1843-44. John W. Bellows. 1845. Jeremiah Pomeroy. 1846^7. Thomas Wright. 1848-49. John W. Bellows. 1850-51. Brown Nurse. 1852-53. Jotham H. Holt. 1854. Aldin Egleston. 1855-56. Lyman Wright. 1857-58. Joseph M. Forristall. 1859-60. Edwin Buttrick. 1861-62. A. M. Caverly. 1863-64. David W. Farrar. 1865-66. Edmund Bemis. 1867-68. Elisha H. Tolman. 1869-70. Augustus Hodgkins. 1870-71. Charles W. Whitney. 1873-74. George W. Brown. 1875-76. William N. Watson. 1877-78. William G. Silsby. 1879-81. Asa C. Dort. 1883. Charles W. Brown. 1885. Edwin Buttrick. HISTORY OF HINSDALE. BY HON. J. M. STEBBINS. CHAPTEE I. Geographical — The Squakheags— Initial Events— First Set- tlements — Charter of the Town — First Town-Meeting — Officers Elected — Indian Troubles — Captain Ebenezer Hinsdale — Early Ecclesiastical History — Congregational Church — Universalist Church — Methodist Church— Bap- tist Church — St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. The town of Hinsdale lies in the southwestern part of Cheshire County, and is bounded as follows : On the north by Chesterfield, on the east by Winchester, on the south by Massachu- setts, and on the west by the Connecticut River, which separates it from Vermont. The Connecticut River, about midway between the north and south lines of Hinsdale, abruptly changes its southerly course and for a mile or more runs to the northeast, passing around Cooper's Point and Clary's Island, when it again changes its course to the southeast, and runs a half a mile in that direction to the mouth of the Ashuelot, and at Pomeroy's Island resumes its southerly course. The waters in this great bend of the Connecticut and at the mouth of the Ashuelot were known to the Indians as Squakheag — the spearing-place, or a place for spearing salmon. The name was also applied to the territory in the towns of Hinsdale and Vernon, Vt. The Squakheags were a numerous and powerful tribe, whose principal villages were on the plains and bluffs near the great bend in the river. They fortified Cooper's Point, the bluff sometimes, called Fort Hill, to which place they resorted when pressed or threatened by enemies, and from this hill could be seen the meadows and streams for a long distance above and below, from which they gathered their supplies of corn and salmon. The remains of the fort, and of their villages and granaries still exist, and the relics of the tribe, with their tools and weapons, are often found. Nawellet, a chief of the tribe, in 1687, granted to the proprietors of the town of Northfield, Mass., a tract of land which includes the territory within the limits of Hinsdale. The title to all land in Hinsdale is derived from grants from Nawellet and the town or pro- prietors of Northfield. As early as 1723 a highway two rods wide had been laid from Northfield to the Ashuelot, and this had been extended before 1740 to Merry's Meadow. The travel and transportation between Northfield and Fort Dummer, on the east side of the Connecticut, crossing the river above the mouth of Broad Brook, had made a passable roadway which led to settlements earlier on the east than on the west side of the river. Merry's Meadow, at the north of Fort Hill, took its name from Cornelius Merry, to whom the town of Northfield granted eleven acres of land at the south end of the meadow. The remainder of these meadow-lands was after- wards granted to eleven persons. Among these were Daniel Shattuck, Peter Evans and Robert Cooper, who afterwards built houses on their lands. The other grantees of these meadow-lands may have improved their lots, but are not known to have settled in the town. The first organization in the town was that of these proprietors, in 1736. Daniel Shattuck is supposed to have built, in 1737, the first house in the town. This was a 357 358 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. large log house, heavily timbered, and stood by a brook in Merry's ^leadow, on the farm lately of John Stearns. Another log house was soon built on the other side of the brook and the two buildings were connected by a plank palisade and surrounded by pickets. The place was long known as Fort Shattuek. The same year Robert Cooper built a log house just south of ^lerry's Meadow. In 1741, John Evans, of Xorthfield, built a house a mile south of the Ashuelot, near the burial-ground on the E. Stebbins farm. Evans' house wa^ fortified and served as a place of refuge for the few settlers on the west side of the river, and in 1742, Colonel Ebenezer Hinsdale built a fort and grist-mill on Ash Swamp Brook, north of ^lerry's Meadow. At this time Josiah Sartwell and Orlando Bridgman were living in houses built by them on the west side of the river above Hinsdale Fort; and Joseph Stebbins and Benoni Wright, south of the great bend. In 1745 all these settlers, except Colonel Hinsdale, had been driven from their homes by Indians; but in 1750 they had all returned to their farms and others came with them. Thomas Taylor had built a house a half a mile south of the Ashuelot, and Deacon Peter Evans, Jr., just below Merry's Meadow. Until 1740 Northfield claimed all the terri- tory of Hinsdale and Vernon as far north as Fort Hinsdale ; but a line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire was run in 1741, by which a tract of land four miles and one hun- dred and ninty-seven rods in width was cut off from Northfield. But this did not invalidate the title of the settlers or proprietors of the lands. Grants afterwards made by Northfield of lands lying north of the Ashuelot, " above the line of the Massachusetts governuient," were held to be good. The charter of Hinsdale, including land on both sides of the Connecticut, was granted Septembers, 1753. The first meeting was held September 25th. Orlando Bridgman was appointed chairman by the charter ; Daniel Shattuek, John Evans and Benoni Wright were chosen selectmen ; Colonel Ebenezer Hinsdale, clerk ; John Evans, treas- urer ; Caleb Howe, constable ; Joseph Stebbins, Jr., Thomas Taylor, surveyors ; Peter Evans, tythingman ; Josiah Willard, Hinsdale, Bridg- man, Howe and Stebbins committee to lot out land ; Aaron Cooper, field-driver. Of these, Bridgman, Howe, Stebbins, Wright and Wil- lard lived in Vernon, then a part of Hinsdale, subject to the jurisdiction of Xew Hampshire. The names above given were the founders of the town. Most, if not all, were early settlera of Xorthfield, whose ancestors had settled in Southern Massachusetts or in Connecticut a hundred years before. Most prominent of all the founders of the church and town was Colonel Ebenezer Hins- dale, from whom the town takes it name. lu February, 1704, a band of Indians and French- men fell upon the settlement at Deerfield, and after putting to death nearly fifty of the settlers, the remaining one hundred and fifty were hur- ried off on a long march to Canada. Among the captives were the Rev. John Williams, the redeemed captive, and jNIary Hinsdale, the mother of Colonel Ebenezer Hinsdale, who was born in 1706, on her return from captivity. He was educated at Harvard College, ordained in Boston, but never settled in the ministry. At an early age he was appointed chaplain at Fort Dummer, and in 1742 he built the fort which bore his name, and a grist-mill on tlie east side of the river, where he lived the greater part of his life. He was the owner of large estates both in Hinsdale and Deerfield. It was to him the first settlers first applied for aid in the times of peril. It was through him they appealed to the authorities and to distant settle- ments for assistance. In 1775 he applied to Governor Weutworth for aid, hostile attacks by Indians having been frequent on his fort and upon the settlers around him, stating " that they were loath to tarry here merely to be killed," and the year following he called on the Gov- hinshale. 359 ernor of Massachusetts for help, as the New Hampshire force had been withdrawn, and eighteen of the small number of settlers had that season been killed— yet he remained at his post. He was a brave and kind-hearted officer, and active in the affairs of the church and town. His wife was a daughter of Rev. John Wil- liams, of Deerfield, Mass., and they were both members of the church in that town. He con- fessed to that church in 1750, "to the sin of intemperate drinking," and the confession " was received without objection." He died soon after the settlement of the first minister in Hinsdale, and was buried at the old burial- ground above Fort Hill. The inscription on the tablet upon his grave is as follows : " Uaderneath Deposited is the body of Col. Eben- ezer Hinsdale, who, for his supernatural endowments, extensive learning and usefulness, not only in privato life, but in various important public oflBces, he sus- tained, was far known and admired. After a long ill- ness he died Jan. 6, 1763, in the 57th year of his age. Here also lies buried the body of Mrs. Mary Beals, the mother to Col. Ebenezer Hinsdale, who was born on her Return from captivity in Canada, with whom she lived a widow at the time of his death, which is thought to have brought on hers, ye morning after, when she died, Anno jEtatis, '83; her husbands were Lieut. Mahuman Hinsdale and Mr. George Beals. By the first she had two sons, Samuel and John. After this [whose] only child, Mrs. Abigail Hinsdale, died at Hinsdale, Aug. ]0, 1739, Anno iEtatis [4], was interred at Deerfield. Her still surviving partner, Mrs. Abigail Hinsdale, daughter of the Kev. John Wil- liams, of Deerfield, and worthy relict of Col. Ebenezer Hinsdale, now mourning the absence of these dear deceased relatives, has caused their names and des- tinies to be recorded together on this stone June 2, 1764." His widow married Colonel Benjamin Hall, and Colonel Benjamin Silliman, of Fairfield, Conn., was her third husband. She survived them all, and was buried by the side of her first husband in 1787. At a town-meeting held March 12, 1754, it was 'voted that Daniel Shattuck's house be the ])lace of meeting on the Lord's day. The set- tlers, or most of them, maintained their rela- tions to the church of Mr. Hubbard, in North- field, but held religious meetings at Hinsdale at the place above named, and afterwards at or near the homestead of the late Mr. Ide, south of Merry's Meadow, that location being conve- nient for the settlers on the west side of the Connecticut River. In 1754 the town voted to raise £46 4s. 6d. to defray the charges for preaching and other town expenses, and to tax lands to provide for the building of a meeting-house and the settle- ment of a minister; and a committee, of which Colonel Hinsdale was a member, was appointed to select a site for a meeting-house. But it was years before a minister was settled. Four years later the town voted " to coinplete the outside of a meeting-house and lay the under floor and hire preaching." In 1763, Orlando Bridgman, Peter Evans and Thomas Taylor were dismissed from the church in Northfield " to lie in the foundations of the church in Hinsdale." These men were fight- ing Christians ; each of them had more than once engaged in deadly conflicts with the In- dians. Captain Bridgman was a private in his youth in a company sent out from Northampton. He was afterwards a settler and soldier at North- field ; then third officer at Fort Dummer, and subsequently built the fort which bore his name in the north part of Vernon. Taylor was a shoemaker and a captain. In 1748, in passing from Northfield to Fort Dum- mer, when near Fort Hinsdale, he was sur- prised by a large band of French and Indians. After a desperate conflict he was captured and taken to Canada. On his release and return the General Court of Massachusetts awarded him fifty pounds for his bravery in that action. There are many legends of his daring adven- tures. Peter Evans was also a soldier. When a mere boy we find he joined a scou ting-party that went from Northfield in pursuit of Indians. He was chosen a tythingman at the first town- 360 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. meeting and was the first deacon of the church. It was probably at his log house that the first church was organized. At his fireside it was decided to call Rev. Bunker Gay to be the first pastor of the church ; and it was at or near his house, which stood under the bluff on which that pastor lived for more than fifty years afterward, where the congregations used to meet for wor- ship before and for years after the church was organized. It was upon this Peter that the little church at first mainly depended. These four foundation-stones, of which this Peter was by no means the least, are now represented by four church organizations and edifices in the town. In 1763, Mr. Gay, a graduate of Harvard in 1760, became pastor of the church, at a salary of forty-five pounds a year and a yearly increase of one pound a year till it amounted to fifty pounds a year, and one hundred pounds as a settlement and thirty cords of wood yearly. They settled a minister, but the building of a house of worship made little progress, partly because the people were poor and partly because the settlers on both sides of the river were liv- ing in the fear of again being driven away from their farms by the Indians as they had been be- fore. A young pastor of a congregation of frontier settlers threatened by savages, and struggling in peril and poverty for homes and subsistence in the wilderness, is not likely to succeed if he is merely a fine preacher or profound scholar. In that position something besides preaching is nec- essary for success. E\'en Jonathan Edwards failed in his ministry over a more promising congregation. The preaching of Mr. Gay is said to have been acceptable to his people. _ Some of his sermons were published, but he was more celebrated for the many quaint epitaphs attrib- uted to him than for his sermons. He was no- tably social and hospitable and a welcome and frequent visitor among his people, who were widely scattered. He is described as a thrifty parson, " passing rich on fifty pounds a year ;" but he could not have done so on his salary. Like his parishioners, he had his house to build, and that he might support himself and family and keep open house for his people and friends, he was compelled to spend much time in tilling his farm and garden. After a few years his parishioners, some of whom were sharp men, found it not easy to pay the parish dues. A meeting-house had been raised, but the windows were not put in nor the pews sold, when, in 1770, the town raised a committee to confer with Mr. Gay "and advise him to attend public worship more seasonably, and not employ so much of his time in secular employments, so as to hinder his studies and render him unfit and unable to per- form the ministerial function.'' It appears that the congregation or town was dilatory as well as the minister, as it was not until the November following that the town voted " to build pews in the meeting-house, glaze the house and sell the pews to the highest bidder." This was done. Among others were the following bids : Deacon Evans bid £2 6s. ; Mr. Gay, £4 12s. ; Mr. Jones, £7 10s. ; Jonathan Hunt, £6 18.9. ; A. Hunt, £3 IDs. ; O. Butler, £3 10s. ; Thomas Taylor, £4 10s. There was at times some dissatisfaction with the pastor, as was shown at a meeting when eighteen out of twenty-nine voted that he be continued in the ministry. In 1779 the salary voted was one thousand pounds in the depreci- ated currency of the time. Mr. Gay's connec- tion with the parish was dissolved in 1801, but his ministry continued until about the time of his death, in 1 81 5, under some arrangement with the members of the church and congregation by which he was "to take what they might choose , to give him." The old meeting-house erected on the sum- mit of what was known as Meeting-House Hill, \ on the road leading from Hinsdale village to Merry's Meadow, was given to Daniel H. Rip- ley to be used in rebuilding his factory in the village, which burned down in 1840. The fac- tory was again destroyed by fire and was re- placed by the mills now owned by Haile, Frost HINSDALE. 361 & Co. Some time before 1840 the Congrega- tionalists occupied tlieir church now standiug in the village. Governor Hunt and Dr. Cyrus Washburn, I living on the west side of the river, and on the ' east, Daniel Jones, Seth Hooker and Uriel Evans, were members of the parish at or be- fore the year 1800, giving character and promi- nence to the town and society. In 1801, Rev. Mr. Gay, for the sake of peace and in consideration of the agreement of the town to pay him five hundred dollars, absolved the town from its covenant with him as the pastor, but continued to supply in Hinsdale and 1 Vernon, on alternate Sundays, for six years ; and later in Hinsdale, as before stated, preach- ing until 1808 in the house first erected near the bank of the Connecticut River. Vernon, where the majority of the parishioners resided, having become a separate town, a second church edifice was erected on the summit of the hill on the road now known as Brattleborough Street. Perched on this hill, the steeple could be seen for miles beyond the State line in Northfield, and the bell, donated by Mrs. Marsh, daughter ( of Governor Hunt, could be heard on all the ' farms in southern Hinsdale and Vernon. The farmers, at first, were proud of their church as a landmark visible from afar ; but, having felt the burden of paying for it, were not disposed to burden themselves further with the expense necessary for the support of a regular preacher. It was, in fact, twenty-five years after the build- ing was completed before a pastor was settled. This period has been described as the dark ages of the church in Hinsdale. The early fathers had been set off to another parish, or had dis- appeared. The town had ceased to be a little conimunity of farmers, and became a field for the missionary. After the construction of a road up the Ashuelot Valley from the old ferry below Cooper's Point, great quantities of lumber were hauled to the landing to be rafted, giving employment to a number of raftsmen and lumbermen, who took up their abode in the town, and many boatmen were called here to aid in taking large boats up the rapids in the Connecticut, between the Ashuelot and West Rivers. In the first half of this century nearly all heavy merchandise was carried on these boats to the towns on or near the river-banks for more than a hundred miles above the State line. In seven miles above the landing in Hinsdale the river falls thirteen feet. From five to ten extra men were required to be taken on at Hins- dale to push one of these boats up the rapids ; and, at certain seasons, a number of upward- bound boats arrived at the landing daily to await the arrival of the SAvift-water men, as they were called. These easy-going, hardy boatmen, and many of the lumbermen, were given to merry-making, drinking and fighting. Their influence was opposed to the church and religion, and they never appeared to feel the need of either ; and the few inhabitants who saw the need of both were not able to support a regular pastor. After Mr. Gay, the pulpit was unsupplied for some years, except by some neighboring min- ister occasionally, when Rev. Mr. Low and Rev. Mr. Lawson supplied for a time, followed by Rev. Mr. Andrews, a Baptist clergyman, for the five years ending in 1821. In the mean time a Sunday school was organized, which numbered eighty members. The early church records having been de- stroyed, and the church suj^plied by ministers of different denominations, a council was held October 8, 1821, "to take into consideration the concerns of the Congregational Church in Hins- dale." The council found only four male and five female members of the original church, and these were reorganized under a confession of faith and covenant. From 1825 to 1832 the Home Missionary Society sent to the church as supplies Rev. Mr. Griswold, Rev. Mr. Smith and Rev. Mr. Longley. Rev. Eliphalet Strong, a graduate of Harvard in 1824, was ordained May 17, 1832, over a church of fifteen mem- 362 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. bers, which increased to fifty the next year. He was dismissed in 1835, and for a time was confined in an insane asylum, but recovered, and removed to Illinois. Rev. Joseph Marsh, a graduate of Dartmouth in 1824, was installed May 23, 1835. During his ministry the church occupied its new edifice, erected in the village in 1835, and forty-one were added to the church. He was dismissed the day his successor, the Rev. Gardner S. Brown, a graduate of Dartmouth, was ordained. Mr. Brown entered on his ministry with much enthusiasm. A young man, with a good voice, and other attractive personal qualities, he would have made an impression in any place. He seemed to feel sincerely what he often said in his pulpit with charaoteristic force, " Woe be imto me if I preach not the gospel !" At the outset he filled the pews with listeners, who were moved and impressed with his teachings, and many came to the fold, while the influence of the church for the first time in many years be- came the leading influence of the town. But the change was not all due to the preacher. The water-powers in the Ashuelot had called here a number of new men and families, which wrought a great change in the character of the place. Among these were Caleb Todd, who first began in this town the manufacture of woolen fabrics, and Pardon H. and Pliny Mer- rill, who constructed the canal and improved the upper falls, Colonel Levi Green, Jonathan Brown, William Haile, Dr. F. Boyden, Deacon Windsor Bowker and others, all of whom were business men of intelligence and character, young, or in the prime of life, desirous of bring- ing their homes under the influence that good schools and the church only can give. Besides these. Deacon A. Shattuck, Henry Hooker, William and Lewis Taylor and others, natives of the town, were active members of this church. All those who are named above, whether natives or not, took active parts in the affairs of the society and town, speaking in the evening meet- ings, in which the pastor encouraged them, until they acquired the art of speaking well, and there came to be less of exhortation than debate or discussion, more spirited than is usual on such occasions. The pastor was in the habit of pre- siding, never hesitating to criticise a speaker, or to stop him if he talked too long. At one of these meetings the Universalist minister at- tempted to speak, saying, "lu the peace of God there is liberty " " No liberty for you, sir, here," roared Pastor Brown, before another word could be uttered. The interest in religion could not, under the circumstances, long be confined to one society. Good men protested against what they called the insolence of the young pastor and the doc- trine of eternal punishment, which, they said, he made the principal part of his sermons and creed. Talk upon religious subjects prevailed in stores, shops and wherever men were in the habit of meeting, as well as in vestry meetings. The result was that the Universalist Church, organized a few years before, and until then languishing, had just lived, all at once revived. It began its new life by expelling an original member who was alleged to have used profane and abusive language, and averred that "he joined the society to bother a brother member," and, gathering in many converts, it completed, in 1840, the edifice the church now occupies. At this time there was a class of men — vil- lagers and farmers of much influence in the . town — who were in the habit of spending their evenings in the post-office and stores. Some of these men were quite intelligent and sensible, and, withal, very good talkers. They discussed, in little groups, politics, religion and local topics with much pleasantry, and often with a good deal of spirit. Among these, the man listened to with the most amusement was John Steams, a tall, swarthy young farmer, who lived on his farm two miles out of the village, where the original Shattuck built his fort. There was no end to his sallies and stories, and he could make sport of a loco-foco or a backslider vrithout of- fending his victims. There were others like HINSDALE. 363 him who were never found inside of a church, yet wcni not scoffers, but sought to make the most of life witli little thought of the hereafter. When a church-member faltered, or did aught amiss, they discovered and published it. This jjrobably led the churches to undue vigilance. At all events, cases of discipline were very coni- II ion, and for causes which would now not be d(!erriod to wari'ant it. In the hard-cider Presidential campaign in 1840 the vestry-meetings were nearly deserted for the gatherings in the stores and other public places, where Mr. Stearns talked to little groups which gathered about him, laughing at his political jokes and comments on current events, which were, perhaps, as good as the best in the newspapers of the present time. During this campaign a controversy arose be- tween Caleb Todd and the church, which ended, if it has yet ended, only upon the death of Mr. Todd more than thirty years afterward. The church record shows that Brother Todd made charges against Deacon Windsor Bowker. At a hearing before the church Deacon Bowker made no defense, and the church having decided against Brother Todd, and the latter having re- fused to abide by the decision, a council of pas- tors and delegates was called to consider the grievances between him and the church, and be- tween him and Deacon Bowker. Before the council assembled Deacon Bowker brought charges against Brother Todd, declaring "he had taken the gospel steps with him and had received no satisfaction." This matter was also referred to the council. The record shows thatan ecclesiastical council assembled November 3, 1840, but what action was taken in relation to any of the charges does not appear. But it does appear from the record that at a church-meeting, held February 3, 1841, charges were presented against Caleb Todd, on which he was excom- municated. What the charges were does not appear from the record, which only shows that charges and grievances were made or existed. If the charges were preserved or extended on the record, the real mutiny which led to the excommunication would not probably be disclosed. It has never been believed or sug- gested that the charges were for disgraceful conduct, or for any cause which might not be the result of some misunderstanding. Be that as it may, the excomnumication did not affect his standing as an upright citizen whose char- acter and integrity were such that he would readily liave been admitted into any church of the same faith, except that by which he was expelled. It may b6 that he could not yield to the pastor, whom he had antagonized, and the brethren who expelled him sincerely believed that there could be no harmony in the society while he remained. He bitterly complained of his excommunication as a personal disgrace, and obtained much sympathy in and out of the society. To the end of his life he begged to be taken back, but could never be brought to acknowledge 'that he had done wrong, nor could the brethren who expelled him; and both remained steadfast in the belief that they were right, until he died, in 1871, outside the pale of the church. The controversy after the excommunication continued, and it was aggravated with other causes of dissension. The will of James H. Davenport, a deceased brother, was contested by his heirs, and the case instead of being left to the decision of the courts, became a subject of contention in the church, in which the pastor became involved. The latter is reported to have said in his pulpit that " even the Almighty could not make two four, or break the will of man." No allusion was probably intended to any particular man or case, but some persons insinuated that the Avill referred to was the stubborn will of Caleb Todd, and others that it was the last will and testament of the de- ceased brother, that could not be broken. Whatever was intended, the effect under the circumstances, with other things, was to alienate both the friends of Mr. Todd and the heirs from the pastor and those sustaining him. The 364 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. will-case, after one or more trials in court, was compromised, and the will was not broken nor the dissensions stayed. In 1843 about a score of members (but only a part of the disaffected) asked to be dismissed from the church. A committee appointed to visit and labor with them performed their duty apparently without success. Their re- quest not being granted. Dr. Frederick Boy- den and others sent to the church a communica- tion declaring themselves " free and independ- ent of the church," and a dozen or more members were thereupon suspended or expelled and others soon after " cut off." A class of Methodists was then formed, in which a num- ber of those " cut off" found fellowship. At the next meeting of the church, action was taken for the dismission of the pastor. A council assembled April, 16 1844, and, accord- ing to the record, it was happy " to find that the church and pastor. Rev. G. S. Brown, have from the beginning been united in affec- tion and remained steadfast in maintaining, against a heavy pressure of hostile influences, the order and faith of the gospel;" but it adjudged that the relation between the pastor and his people should be dissolved. During the ministry of Mr. Brown much good work was done by the minister and con- gregation. Although they were upon some things divided, the people generally did not suffer their differences to impair the good feeling which prevailed among them or prevent them from co-operating heartily in whatever they thought might improve their social or religious condition. The children were greatly interested in the Sunday-school, which was well attended, and three times on Sundays the pastor preached, and preached well, to full pews. In his view, it was not the duty of a good shep- herd with soft words to lull his flock into dull contentment with their present condition so long as he could see higher and better pastures to which they might be led, but to lead them gently and kindly, if he could, and rouse and drive them, if need be, fighting for them or against them, if he must ; despite his faults and misfortunes, his influence, upon the whole, was good. He had many devoted friends in the congregation, among whom there was, under him, genuine harmony and good fellowship. Upon his dismission he retired forever from the ministry. After teaching for a time in Xew York he devoted the remainder of his life to the practice of medicine with success, and was buried in Alstead, his native town. Rev. Moses Gerould was installed October 30, 1844. His patient and faithful work in trying to heal the dissensions in the church was not wholly unsuccessful. Some of the suspended members, at their request, were restored ; others, having united with other churches, were quietly dropped. The bitter- ness which had existed between a few members of the church subsided, and the strife at least diminished. The Universalist, Baptist and Methodist Churches were organized before or during his ministry, and by reason of the differences, each had received some recruits from the original society. The religious inter- est greatly increased under Mr. Gerould's ministry. There was improvement in the at- tendance upon all the church services, and in the numbers uniting with the several churches. With the building of a railroad, in 1851, another element, the Catholics, came to stay. Their church is now, and is likely to be, one of the principal churches in the town. To the end of his ministry Mr. Gerould had the confi- dence and respect of all parties in every church, and, for his work as a pastor, a citizen and friend of education, he deserved the gratitude of the people of the town. He was dismissed Feb- ruary 2, 1853, and moved to Canaan, N. H. For two years following there was no settled pastor, Rev. William A. Patten sup- plying for a part of the time. Rev. Moses H. Wells was installed May 1, 1856. He is described as a most excellent man and faithful preacher. Xinety-one were HINSDALE. 365 added to the church during his ministry. At his own request, on account of failing health, his people, with much reluctance, were com- pelled to yield to his dismission August 31, 1865. Rev. J. S. Batchelder was installed March 6, 1866, and continued a ministry which was acceptable to his people for more than five years, until, at his request, he was dismissed, December 5, 1871. Rev. C. C. Watson was settled December 13, 1871, and, at his request, was dismissed October 30, 1877. Under him the interests of the church and society were carefully guarded, and the influence he exerted over his people was salutary and elevating. He was suc- ceeded by the present incumbent, Rev. Henry H. Hamilton, a graduate of Amherst and Andover, who was installed March, 1878. The society is now in a prosperous condition. The church numbers one hundred and fifty- three; the Sunday-school, one hundred and eighty-five ; the usual congregation, about three hundred and fifty to four hundred. The church edifice has recently been repaired and enlarged. The principal audience-room con- tains a large organ and sittings for four hun- dred and fifty ; the vestry, a small organ and seats for two hundred and fifty. The First Universalist Chukch of Hinsdale was organized by Ivory Soule and others. At the first meeting, held October 4 1833, Otis Doolittle was chosen moderator ' Pliny Smith, treasurer; Joab Davis, clerk ! Henry Ide, T. J. Pierce and Arad Cooper, trustees. They built their meeting-house, as above stated, in 1840. The church numbers about fifty, the congregation about one hundred and fifty. It has had many preachers, but none for a long term. The present incumbent is Rev. E. A. Reed. The Methodist Episcopal Church. — A class of eight members was organized in 1842, and in the first year was largely increased. The church now numbers seventy members ; the Sunday-school, eighty-five; the congrega- tion, one to two hundred. The church, built in 1875, has sittings for three hundred. The first minister, appointed in 1843, was Franklin Thurber. He was followed by Jared Perkins, Samuel McKean, Charles Chase, H. M. Matter- son, "VV. H. Jones, John Hillmau, A. C. Har- dy, Henry Dorr, Edward Bradford, A. C. Colt, F. J. Folsom and F. J. Felt. Baptist Church of Hinsdale. — A small Baptist society had long existed in the north part of the town. The Baptist Church of Hinsdale was organized, or reorganized. May 3, 1873, by Lemuel Liscomb, W. A. Horton, Ira Barrett, Thomas F. Dix, Zenophen Streeter, J. E. Randall, H. B. Streeter and others, and, with the aid of Mr. Esty, of Brattle- borough, soon after built the small brick church in the village. St. Joseph's Parish (Catholic), Rev. J. J. Holahan, pastor, was established in 1884. In this parish there are about ninety families. The Sunday-school numbers sixty ; the usual congregation, about three hundred. The new church, when finished, will accommodate four hundred. CHAPTER II HINSDALE— ( Continued). Manufacturing Interests— Military — Schools — Newspapers. Manufactures. — In the meadows and up- lands in Hinsdale for nearly six miles, near and along Connecticut River, there are some lands of the best quality, which were occupied and improved by the early settlers. The town is one of the smallest in extent in the State, including less than ten thousand acres. It extends south of the Ashuelot River about three miles. At the mouth of the Ashuelot it is less than a mile wide, and less than a quarter of a mile on the Massachusetts State line. A mountain range rises along the eastern border, extending into Winchester. The views from the roads on this range, with the Green Moun- HISTOKY OK niKSHlKJB IVINTY, NK\Y HAMPSHIUK. ijiius in tho (llstan^v :»nd tho Ions;- rivor wiiulinji tiiroiifflj iit:in\ milo-j of tho noaivr meadow*, tuv as Wain i fill and pictniVMiiio as an\ in tho vallov . AKivo tlie siivat IhmuI in tho (.\>iuu\-tioiit, and north of the Ashuolot, the town is fivin thiw to torn- milos in width, bnt a s;indy phun imoi>- vonos Wtwoon Morn's Moadow aiul tlio moun- tain- ontlto oast. TlioivaiY tow vorv g-iHxl tanns in tho town, and only a small jx>nion of tho wholo loiritoiv oan Ixm-sxIUhI o^hxI l?u"niinoino t:irin> havo IxMjat dosoitinl and ari> iisihI only for p;tsiinvs or aiv loll to urow up to wiHxl. rhoiv pn>K'»bly novor woiv moiv than litiy fa.tnilios at ono timo dm\ ing thoir support t'rom ai;rioultniv. Hv far tho larjixn- jvirt ot" tho population aiv luainiaituxl hy iho avails of ihoir labi^r in tho mills and shops ot' tho villagw Moro than sixty yoars ago Oaloh 'l\xld hogau iho mauufai'- tniv of woolon ovods. Ho wa.s svu\h\hU\1 by DaJt. 11. Kiploy. John PiHld, (.Jovornor William Hailo and Kufus 8. l'\\>st. Tho Inisiiuxss is now rt)utittued by Wufiis 8. I'nvst and William 11. Hailo, uiulor tho namo of tho Haile v\: Fiwst (.\Mnpany. manntaotnivi-s of oashmon^ttos and flaiutols, ompioyinj;- from two luntdroil and titty to thivo huudrixi j>orsons. C ,1. Amidon A' 8on, suiwssors of Rishop A' Hoydmi, mako tJjo s;inio kind ot' goods, and oniploy fixuu one hun- dixxl and twonty-tivo to ono huiidriHl and tlfty, Tho Rriglitwood Mills, ownc;.' — Tiio sohools ol' this town Ibilowod tho old distriot systom, and oarh was txuidiuHixl without irl'oivn(>o to any othor, with alxnit tho otlii';ioy and support tbnnd in othor towns, till i 1S77. whon t\vv> of tho thnx> . In 1S7S a town High S'hoi>l was ^urgHuiaed, whioh pi>v\xHl a mux^ssIuI and i»»|H>rtant oio- mont in tho sohixd systom. Its ostablishmont mailo a moiv thoi>>iigh oi-g-ani.'ation in tJ»o lowor sohtx>ls a iiiHvssity. that pupils ntight lx> Ix^ttor titto^l whon thoy oanto to tho High 8t'hixd. ami duritig tho noxt two yoaiv tho Thiixl Histriot in tho villagv was nnittxl with tho otl>or two, and tlio -soluxds WOIV thonnighly gnuKtl into two primary, two siH\Midary and ono grjuumar. In ISSl thodistriots woiv alH>li>iuHl and tho town systom adopttnl iu tlioir platv, so that now tho ontor sohools aiv put on a psir with tlnv-so in I tho villagi>, and IniuH- tho sysiom is mado moiv otboiont. than it tvnld Ih> undor tho old animgx^ j mout. This town was tho tirst in this »miny to adopt this systom, whioh tho last l^'gislatniv has mado univorsjvl throughout tlio 8t;iio. I Mii.uwKV.* — Tlio military spirit of this town ivspondod pivnipily to tho atiaok n|xu> i tho govonimont in 18(51, and on tho 11th of May tho potiplo votod to niiso litttXMi hiuuh^'tl dollai"s to fit out volnntiH'i's and oaiv tor tlioir I'amilios. .Vln-ady her sons wia-t- aroiisinl, and j somo of tbioin onlistod in tho 8iH'(Mu1 Now I Hamjvshiiv and othor ivgimont.s. t'ltiior nuvl- i ings followoil, at whioii tho pooplo showod tlioir intoivst in having tho Kobollion put down l\v their ivadinoss to o.-iiv tor and aid those who W(at> willing to ri.slv tlioir lives in doing it. <,")u tlio !>lh of August, l.*>(i2, imnuHliatolv . . . ' * t'oUowiiig the oall lor ihnv humh^xl thoustutd 111011, tile town volt>d to pay a bounty of (wo hnndnxl dollai"s to all who would enlist undor that oall, nuil to raise eiglil tlions)\nd d«)llni'%i to moot tho <>, tiiinking that tho ipiola of iho town was about forty. It was sixiu lotu'ncd that tiio iinota was only twenty. In the inoau timo the forty had enlisdil, liiirty-.soven of • ».Y t\ I', HiUI. Sru.^ hyj^il Bitctoe ^y '/Z/^^a^^. HINSDALE. 367 them in one day. Then came the questions, "Who shall go?" "Shall the whole bounty be paid ? " Many of the soldier boys had enlisted to go together, and said so in words not to be misun- derstood. After a somewhat heated discussion of the questions at issue for a few days, wiser counsels prevailed, and it was voted to pay the bounty to all who had enlisted. This satisfied the boys and proved the best course for the town in every way, for the extra men were set down to the credit of the town when it was not so easy to get men. Here, as throughout the North, the pulse of patriotism beat with a flush of fever during these days of a nation's peril. In October seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars was raised to aid the families of soldiers, and in the March following two thousand dollars ; and this aid continued to the close of the war. In the fall of 1863 the town voted a bounty of three hundred dollars to any who were mustered into the service of the na- tion. The whole number of men enlisted from this town is eighty-nine, who served in the following regiments : Fourteenth New Hamp- shire, 42 ; Eighteenth New Hampshire, 9 ; First United States Sharpshooters, 6 ; Fifth New Hampshire, 5; Second New Hampshire, 3 ; Sixth New Hampshire, First New Hamp- shire Cavalry and Eighth Vermont, each 2; Third New Hampshire, Second Vermont, Fourth Vermont, Ninth Vermont, Tenth Mas- sachusetts, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts, Sev- enty-ninth New York, Eighth Louisiana, Sev- enteenth United States Infantry and the Navy, 1 each ; and in unknown regiments, 8. Newspapers. — The Star-Spangled Banner was established here by Hunter & Co. in 1863, and was published until April, 1883. The Progress was started in 1884, and dis- continued in 1886. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. WILLIAM HAILE. William Haile, son of John and Eunice (Henry) Haile, was born in Putney, Vt., in May, 1807. In 1821 the family moved to Chesterfield, N. H., where the son attended school till he was sixteen years of age, when he entered the store of Ezekiel Pierce as a clerk. At the age of twenty-one, having borrowed a small sum of money, he opened on his own account a store in the Centre village of Chesterfield. Here he carried on business for the next seven years with success. While the population and trade of the town were continually diminishing, his own trade constantly increased. In 1834, with the little capital he had accumulated and a credit which greatly exceeded his capital in money, he opened a general country store in Hinsdale, in which he remained for the next fifteen years. His mercantile business in such a small village and trade centre was necessarily limited, but it is safe to say that few men in the same circum- stances and conditions could have accomplished more. He possessed qualities which in a mer- chant almost insure success and gave him credit , which was not " dependent on his possessions. With his strong personal attractions, his train- ing and natural aptitude for trade, his honesty and untiring devotion to business, it is not strange that he succeeded and prospered finan- cially in all his undertakings. From 1847 till his death he was actively engaged in the manu- facture of cashmerettes, repellents, flannels and other goods in Hinsdale, having for his part- ners at different times Caleb Todd, Daniel H. Ripley, John D. Todd and Eufus S. Frost. He was also interested in other enterprises and was an efficient officer in various local institu- tions. He took an active and prominent part in church affairs and was a member of a number of the principal benevolent societies. Though ex- tensively engaged in business, he took a promi- 368 HISTOKY OP CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. nent part in political affairs. With the exception of two years, he represented Hinsdale in the State Legislature from 1846 to 1854 ; was elected to the New Hampshire Senate in 1854^55, of which body he was also president the latter year, and was again elected Representative in 1856. The next year he was elected Governor, to which office he was re-elected in 1858. He was the first Governor of the State elected by the Republican party. In 1873 he removed from Hinsdale to Keene, where he had built a fine residence. He did not cease, however, to take an active part in business till his death, which occurred July 22, 1876. TREDEEIC BOYDEN, M.D.' The life-record of a physician, however dis- tinguished, is at best imperfect and fragmentary. The best years of manhood are spent in the practice of a laborious profession, among a Mmited circle of friends and patrons, and his fame and memory are often embodied in" the simple but impressive words, "the beloved physician." It is only now and then that a physician like him whose virtues we commemo- rate, by his long residence, by his talents and integrity, by his individuality and strong points of character, comes to be regarded as a promi- nent man in the community, n ot only within but outside of his profession, and his loss to be widely and deeply felt. Frederic Boyden was born at Deerfield, Mass., in the year 1810, and was therefore sixty-one years of age at the time of his death, which occurred November 11, 1871. An accident in early life prevented him from en- gaging in agriculture or mechanic arts and caused him to turn to the more thoughtful pur- suits of the student and scholar. Having selected the profession of medicine, he studied the prescribed time, and took his diploma at the Medical School of Harvard 1 By W. S. Leonard, M.D. University, then, as now, one of the first and best New England medieal colleges. He located in Hinsdale, and commenced practice about fifty years ago. For a quarter of a cen- tury he was the only physician permanently located in town; other doctors came and went away, some of them remaining for a year or two, but he had no competitor for any length of time. The requirements and the standard of medical education have changed much in the last third of a century, yet there can be no question but Dr. Boyden stood in the front rank among physicians of the time as a sound, well-read, self-reliant and skillful practitioner. In the best and busiest years of his practice he was associated more or less intimately with such men as the elder Dr. Twitchell, at that day one of the first physicians and surgeons in New England, also with Dr. Adams, of Keene, a physician of much eminence and skill. The co- temporary of such physicians. Dr. Boyden, in addition to his extensive knowledge, doubtless gained something from the great stores of ex- perience garnered up by these eminent men. Dr. Boyden was considered to have special skill in what is technically called diagnosis, or " the art of distinguishing one disease from an- other," and in prognosis, the judging of the progress and termination of disease by symp- toms. In these departments his judgment was particularly good. It has been said of him that it was very rare for a patient to recover when the doctor had pronounced the case hopeless, and on the other hand, a favorable opinion from him, as to the chances of recovery in a seem- ingly desperate case, gave encouragement and hope alike to patient and friends. It was thought the doctor -had unusual suc- cess in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases, in typhoid fever, as it prevails in the Connecticut and Ashuelot Valleys in autumn, in pneumonia and lung affections generally. The type and character of the same disease varies much in different sections of the country, and even in different localities in the same State, / ^/^-y^l^^Z^-^^^^ HINSDALE. 369 but Dr. Boyden, by his long experience and observation, understood perfectly every phase of the acute diseases which visit the Ashuelot Valley, and knew how to combat them. So far as the minor " ills which flesh is heir to " were concerned, the aches and pains which are un- comfortable but not dangerous, the doctor (especially in the later years of his practice) rather avoided the treatment of these. He did not want anything to do with them, but left them to be treated by younger and more en- thusiastic practitioners, who needed the ex- perience more than he;, but in severe cases, where life and death were balanced almost equally in the scale, here he was at home. He put his whole mind and energy upon the case, he selected his remedies with care, he gave his directions with precision, and he expected these to be followed out to the letter. It was in such emergencies that his skill and judgment were most clearly seen. Of all quacks, delusions and shams, of fancy practitioners who put on the livery of the regular physician to serve the purposes of em- piricism, Dr. Boyden had a wholesome ab- horrence. He would not fellowship with them, and by his practice and his influence he did all in his power to put down ignorant pretenders, yet no man was ever more free from a desire to have the reputation of making great cures than he. Like Dr. Biglow, he recognized the wonderful recuperative power of " nature in disease." He was never a great medicine-giver, but aimed in his treatment to assist nature rather than to drown out the ailment by heroic doses of drugs. Had the doctor given his whole attention to the profession of medicine he would undoubt- edly have ranked among the first physicians of the State, and as it was, though gradually be- coming more and more absorbed in other pur- suits, as the years went by, and reading com- paratively little of modern medical literature it was surprising to see how fresh he was upon all points, and how he frequently wrought out 24 in his own mind new methods and plans of treatment, which he could by no possibility have read in the books, and still were almost identi- cal with the latest and best modern authorities. Within three or four years of his death the doctor withdrew from the active duties of the profession, retaining only his consultation practice, and devoted himself more exclusively to his business as a manufacturer; yet he re- tained to the last his interest in medicine as a science, and in the rational treatment of disease. It must be not very far from forty years since Dr. Boyden made his first venture in business, outside of his profession as a physician. We learn that he was associated for short periods with several individuals, but his career as a manufacturer will perhaps date from the time when he formed a partnership with the late Sylvester Bishop, and carried on the manu- facture of cashmerett goods in a limited way, in a small building near the site of Amidon's factory. Mr. Bishop was a man of untiring industry and perseverance, conjoined to a remarkable up- rightness and probity of character. With- out doubt, there were seasons of discouragement to this firm, and the " hard times " pressed heavily upon them occasionally, as it does upon larger corporations ; yet this partnership con- tinued without interruption up to the date of Mr. Bishop's death, in 1864, — C. J. Amidon having previously been admitted as a partner in the firm, so that the business continued under the name of Boyden & Amidon. As a busi- ness man the doctor was prompt and energetic, bringing to bear upon the minutise of business transactions the same nervous energy which characterized his actions in everything else. He was a rigid economist, looking carefully after the details of his business personally rather than trusting this to others. It is a gratifying fact that he was successful pecuniarily, amassing a handsome fortune, and that he came to be regarded as a good manufacturer as well as a successful physician. 370 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEAV HAMPSHIRE. Dr. Boyden ever took a great interest in politics. He was first, last and always a Demo- crat. At a time when men were changing their political views for the sake of office or emolu- ment, the doctor stood firm as a rock by his original creed. He was not illiberal nor an extremist, unless we count it illiberal and ex- treme for a man to stand up boldly and fear- lessly for what he deemed the right, whether in religion or politics. He was one of the ac- knowledged leaders of his party, not only in his own town, but in this part of Cheshire County ; he served as postmaster under two or three Democratic administrations, the last time for four years under James Buchanan. He also represented the district in the Senate of New Hampshii-e a number of years ago. Irrespec- tive of party, he at one time or another filled almost all the offices within the gift of the town, and was ever considered a most able and effi- cient town officer, and those who differed most from him politically could but admire the sin- cerity of his convictions and the steadfastness of his faith in his own party. He became a member of the Masonic frater- nity about twenty-eight years ago, joining the Philesian Lodge, at Winchester, in company with several of his fellow-townsmen. He was one of the founders of the Golden Rule Lodge, in Hinsdale, and signed the petitions for a charter. He ever took a deep interest in Masonry, and especially in the prosperity of the lodge which he had helped to establish, and though declining all offices of honor and trust, yet there was no post within the gift of his brethren which he might not have received if he would have consented to accept promotion. Dr. Boyden was thrice married. His first wife was Charlotte Stearns, daughter of "Walter Stearns. She died September 5, 1848, aged twenty-nine years. His second wife was Julia K. Merrill, daughter of Pardon Merrill, an old resident and much esteemed citizen. The fruit of this union was one son, Freddy, who died in infancy. Julia died April 1, 1854, aged twenty- six years. His third wife was Delia H. Taylor, daughter of William Taylor, Esq., whom he married May 1, 1856. They had three chil- dren, — Ida Louise, James Everett and Alice. The two last-named died in infancy. Ida mar- ried, September 11, 1877, Eobert W. Day, a prominent citizen of Springfield, Mass., and a member of the widely-known firm of The Morgan Envelope Companj'. They have two living children^ — Pauline Boyden and Robert Frederic ; another daughter, Alice Louise, died in infancy. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Boyden removed to Springfield, Mass., where she noAv resides. In social life Dr. Boyden was remarkably genial and fond of mirth. He enjoyed a joke and a good story, and knew how to tell one effectively. There were those who thought him reserved and austere in manner, a few people who feared him, but it was because they did not know him well, for underneath a manner a little abrupt, the result of a peculiar nervous temperament, he possessed a genial disposition and a kindly heart : "For the lives that look so cold, If their stories could be told. Would seem cast in gentler mold, Would seem full of love and spring." The doctor never seemed to grow old. He was alike the companion of old and young men, adapting himself with equal facility to either, but remaining young and fresh in all his feel- ings and sympathies to the last. It is needless to speak of his integrity of character, of his un- swerving honesty, of his lionorable and upright dealing with his fellow-men, of his great per- sonal influence for good in the community, ever increasing as the years rolled by. In the good life which he lived was embodied his religion, — a religion eminently vital and practical, a re- ligion above all creeds and dogmas : " For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight. His can't be wrong whose life is in the right." In the summing up of a character so rounded ■ HINSDALE. 371 and perfected by the virtues of au honorable and useful life, we can exclaim with truth that " The elements So mixed in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, This was a man." - GEORGE EOBEETSON.' The Robertson family is of Scotch descent- The father, William Robertson, was born in Lasswade, Scotland, July 21, 1793. Little or nothing of his early life is known except that he served as an apprentice at the trade of a paper-maker for seven years, according to the old custom. He married Christenna Ross, of Edinburgh, February 14, 1817, and in 1818 or 1819 emigrated to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he resided about two years, working at his trade very likely, and then removed to Hartford, Conn., living there till the autumn of 1823, when he removed to Putney, Vt., engaging in the manufacture of paper in that little Vermont ■ town, and this was his home for most of the years following until, in his old age, he moved to Hinsdale, N. H., with his good wife, where they passed their declining years near the home of one of their sons. They are remembered by the present generation as most charming old peo{)le, whom age failed to reuder morose or querulous, enjoying the society of the young, — retaining always the Scotch dialect and the sturdy virtues of their Scotch lineage. Mrs. Robertson par- ticularly was one of the most delightful old ladies we ever recollect to have seen, — so brisk, so cheery and sympathetic, so fresh and young was she in all her feelings and impulses to the last. Seven children were the fruit of this union, viz.: Ann, Marion E., George, John, Jean N., Edwin R. and Christenna C. It is not our purpose to follow the fortunes of each of these descendants more than to say that they have all filled bravely and well their positions of duty in the world and preserved the honored name of Robertson •By W. S. Leonard, M. D. intact from dishonor, — worthy descendants of an honored father and mother ; but we desire to put on record a brief sketch of one of the sons, George Robertson, whose portrait appears in this history and who passed many years of a success- ful and honorable business life in Hinsdale. George Robertson was born in Hartford, Conn., April 19, 1822. The family moved to Putney, Vt., when he was less than two years of age. His boyhood and early life were un- marked by any unusual events. The common schools of the period were brief and the oppor- tunities of acquiring an education were very limited, and Mr. Robertson was wont to regret that better opportunities were not afforded him for acquiring an education ; as a young man, he was full of life and energy, fond of athletic sports, mirthful and endowed with a fair share of true Scotch grit and pluck. At an early age he began to work in his father's paper-mill with his brothers, so that he may almost be said to have been a paper-maker from the cradle to the grave. Before the older boys, George and John, were of age the father removed temporarily to Co- hoes, N. Y., and leased a paper-mill there ; after a short time, not satisfied with the outlook, he proposed to the sons that they should return to Putney, that he would re-buy the paper-mill there, give the young men their time, as was the fashion in those days, and transfer to them the whole charge of the mill, under the firm-name of George & John Robertson. This was ac- cordingly done, and the young men, not yet hav- ing attained their majority, went into business for themselves, and it is proof of the foresight and sagacity of their father that this firm con- tinued undisturbed for many years, and to-day John Robertson, the younger of the two sons, owns the same paper-mill. George Robertson moved to Hinsdale in 1849, but continued to be in partnership with his brother John at Putney until 1856, and his brother was in like manner a partner with him in the paper industry which George built up at Hinsdale. 3Y2 HISTOEY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. On locating in Hinsdale, Mr. Robertson bought, in company with others, a paper-mill which had been built by Thomas & Cutting in 1845, and at once commenced the manufacture of paper. This was destroyed by fire in 1851. He immediately rebuilt and resumed business ; again, in 1863, a destructive fire consumed the mill and machinery. After an interval he put up another mill and bad it in working order in 1866, but in 1881 an accident almost as serious as a conflagration overtook the firm ; by the bursting of what is called a rotary bleach the mill and a large portion of the machinery were laid in ruins. Such a series of misfortunes, which would have driven to despair many a brave man, had no effect to dishearten Mr. Eob- ertson. He knew no such word as fail. He commenced to rebuild at once, although it was late in the autumn, and the next spring found him ready for business again with a better mill and more extensive machinery than ever before ; so that, whereas in the early years of his business he could manufacture only about eight hundred and fifty pounds of paper a day, he could now, in 1882, turn out from four to five thous- and pounds in the same length of time. But this stout-hearted man of such indomita- ble energy and perseverance, who had the iron will and steadfastness of purpose to build up time and again a new business out of the ruins of the old, was overtaken at last by a most grave and lamentable accident, which ended his life in the midst of its best and busiest years. Two of his sons were building a new paper-mill on the Ashuelot iiiver,in the town of Winchester three miles above. On the after- noon of the 24th of May, 1882, he rode up to the site of the new works in process of erection, and while talking with his son, by some strange mishap, a huge derrick fell, and in its down- ward course struck him upon the head, fractur- ing the skull and causing injuries from which death ensued in a short time. So passed away, in the full maturity of his life, with strength unabated and the prospect of many years of usefulness in store for him, a man who for thirty-one years had pursued an honorable and upright business career in Hinsdale and won for himself a high position in all the re- lations' of life. In glancing at his life record and the various accidents and casualties therein recorded, one might naturally get a wrong im- pression of the every-day life of this good man and prominent citizen. The misfortunes which occasionally overtook him were, after all, mere specks in the pathway of a successftil career, so speedily did he rise above them, and there came to him in the intervals many years of uninter- rupted business prosperity and happiness. He was exceedingly happy in his family relations. He married. May 13, 1844, Abigail Wyman, of Jamaica, Vt., and the union was blest with six children ; two sons died in early childhood, and four are living, viz.: Frank W., George A., Edwin C. and Orren C, all of whom are married and follow the profession of their father. In reviewing the salient points in Mr. Rob- ' ertson's character we are impressed, first of all, with his intense energy, his grit, pluck and per- severance under difficulties. His life in this re- spect conveys an important lesson to all those who are disposed to give up and fold their hands because fortune seems against them. Ob- stacles and hindrances only made him put forth the more determined efforts to overcome them, and his success should be a means of inspiration to all young men who are compelled to be the architects of their own fortunes. Mr. Robert- son was ever a public-spirited man ; anything that was for the public good always received his cordial approval and aid ; without seeking office, he at one time or another filled many im- portant posts within the gift of the town. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and prominent in the councils of Golden Rule Lodge, In politics he was originally a Whig ; but when the wave of Know-Nothingism swept over New England, the sturdy Scotch instincts which he inherited from his ancestors could ill HINSDALE. 373 brook the dogma that a man must be born in any particular country in order to be of good standing in a party, and he sundered the old ties and united with the Democratic party, to which he adhered as long as he lived. He was a generous man, kind to the poor and ever ready to give to any benevolent object; his sympathies were easily enlisted and he never stopped to measure the length of his purse when any worthy enterprise called for aid. Said he to a gentleman who solicited a subscription for some meritorious project, "Put me down for such a sum as you think I ought to pay." Two or three instances have come to light when Mr. Robertson assisted worthy young men who were struggling to get a start in life, simply because he saw that they were worthy and needed aid, and in every case this assistance on his part was the means of insuring success in after-life to these young men, who remembered his timely generosity with gratitude. We have alluded elsewhere to the happy family relations of Mr. Robertson ; he was a devoted husband and a loving father. There seemed to be a community of interests one toward another, and a great unanimity in all that pertained to home happiness and domestic comfort. To his sons he was at once father, counselor, companion and friend, — entering into all their projects with the enthusiasm and interest of an elder brother, tempering the impulsive- ness of youth with his mature judgment and discretion. He was an active member of the Congrega- tional Church and Society for several years be- fore his death, and his piety was of that practical kind which found its best expression in works. His pastor, Rev. H. H. Hamilton, says of him : " He was for five years superintendent of the Sunday-school, and under his administration it was very successful. He was greatly interested in the children and had a way of gaining their aifections. To his pastor he was loyal and a kind" personal friend. As a Christian, he was positive in his convictions and an earnest seeker after truth. Religious experience to him was a reality ; his faith was strong and he was never troubled with doubts. He was converted late in life ; but the change was real, the work thor- ough; no one justly doubted the reality of the change or questioned his sincerity. We all mourn the loss of a large-hearted Christian man." And yet another personal friend puts on record these words : " With him honor and probity were garments for every-day wear ; his religious convictions, never unduly obtrusive, were not for Sunday ministration alone, but were his companions in the routine work and details of a busy life. His broad charity of thought was proverbial. He was ever ready to cast its mantle over the shortcomings of others. In practical every-day life he thus illustrated his entire sin- cerity and belief in the religion he professed." It is an incident often mentioned in these later years that the beautiful poem entitled " Over the River," by Nancy A. W. Priest, afterwards Mrs. Wakefield, was written by her in the summer of 1857, while an employ^ in the mill of George Robertson. This exquisite gem of poesy has found its way into many hearts all over the world, and given the writer, whose early death we have never ceased to deplore, an enduring fame in the annals of American litera- ture. We know not how we can more appropriately close this life-sketch than by quoting the con- cluding lines of another lyric by the same author, less famous, it is true, and not even found in the published volume of her poems, but nevertheless bearing the impress of a genuine poet. These seem pertinent to the close of the good life we have attempted to portray, and are, at once, a solace and a benediction, — " And I thought it were pleasant and sweet to die, To pass from this world of care and strife, To close on its sorrows my glazing eyes, To open again on a better life. And when we shall bow to the common fate, May we find that the life-paths our feet have trod, Lead up to the shining, pearly gates Of .the city whose builder and head is God." 374 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. JOHN STEARNS.^ In preparing a brief biographical notice of one of Hinsdale's oldest and most widely known citizens, whose portrait accompanies this sketch, it is proper to refer briefly to the genealogy of the Stearns family. It appears that Nathaniel Stearns, the grandfather, came from Hebron, Conn., and is supposed to have settled for a time in Northfield, Mass., and then removed to what is now Hinsdale. The first notice of him in the old town records is in 1774, where he is termed Lieutenant Stearns, and there is a record of his marriage to Dorcas Sanger, January 4th of that year. Walter, his eldest son, was born in the latter part of the same year, being the oldest of ten children. He married Thena Shattuckin August, 1797. And just here it is pertinent to trace out the re- mote ancestry of the Shattuck family, in order to show that the farm owned and occupied for so many years by John Stearns came down in a direct line of descent by way of the Shattuck race. Daniel Shattuck located in Merry's Meadow in 1736. He built a fort on both sides of the little brook where now stands the large barn built by John Stearns. This fort was assaulted and partly burned by the Indians in 1746. Daniel Shattuck had a son Daniel born in 1727. He was a soldier at Fort Dummer in 1756 and afterwards captain of a company at the battle of Stillwater in 1777. He died in 1809. This Daniel Shattuck had two wives, — Mary, daugh- ter of Stephen Smith, of Sunderland, Mass., and for his second wife, Lucy, widow of Martin Smith, of Amherst, Mass. He had seven chil- dren, among them a son named Makepeace, who married Lydia Grandy, and the last-named were the parents of Thena Shattuck, the wife of Walter Stearns. Walter Stearns was a resident of Hinsdale all his life, with the exception of seven years, from 1801 to 1808, when he resided in Dover, Vt. 'By W. 8. Leonard. He reared a family of thirteen children, namely : Fanny, Roxie, John, Emily, Rhoda, Elliot, Maria, Gracia, Nathaniel, Horace, Walter, Mary and Charlotte. Of this great family there remain s now only Maria, formerly wife of the late David Blancli- ard and later wife of the late Kimball C. Wor- den. She at present resides on Canal Street. Only two of the sons settled in town, Elliot, a farmer and for many years a prominent and highly-esteemed citizen, and John, the subject of this sketch. John Stearns was born in Hins- dale, August 10, 1801. Of his early life we can record little beyond the fact that he was reared a farmer, with the limited educational advantages which were the lot of farmer boys of that period ; but what he lacked in book knowledge he made up in tact, keen observa- tion and good judgment. On February 25, 1825, he was united in mar- riage to Esther Webster, of Northfield, Mass., a most estimable woman and aconnection of Noah Webster, of dictionary fame. It is most fitting that we trace his career from the time that he assumed the management and ownership of the large and productive farm which, until his time, had been in the hands of the Shattuck family, and which he bought and where he resided for more than half a century. Besides being a good farmer, he early turned his attention spe- cially to dealing in horses and cattle, and became widely known all through Northern New Eng- land as a shrewd and successful buyer and trader. He also dealt more or less in real estate, being one of the owners, with John Ray, of the old American House, at Braftleborough, and the Ashuelot House, at Hinsdale, was more than once his property. He may be said literally to have carved out his own fortune, and ere he had reached middle life he had amassed a hand- some property and was accounted one of the solid men of the town. In his day he wielded great influence in town affairs, and though never accepting any public office, yet he exercised a controlling power over all important measures. /. 1 1 /-l,-*-^ HINSDALE. 374 a It was a source of gratification to liim in his old age to compare the Hinsdale of fifty years ago, then a small hamlet with a few scattered houses, with the Hinsdale of to-day, an enterprising, thriving village, Avith its tasteful residences, prosperous manufactories and material wealth and prosperity, and to feel that he had contrib- uted not a little toward making the town what it is by his good judgment and far-sighted pru- dence and sagacity. In private life Mr. Stearns was a most genial companion, hearty, mirthful and given to hospitality. There is some subtle influence which imbues those men who possess broad acres, large barns and luxuriant meadow lands, who deal much and largely in horses and fat cattle, which tends to make them genial and overflowing with hospitality. For many years " Uncle John " and his good wife dispensed a golden hospitality at the old Stearns homestead, making their home a true New England home in the most ample sense, and it is sad to think how fast these sunny homes are disappearing from our country hill-sides and valleys, and that the sturdy virtues and generous, hospitable manners, of which these good people were the types, are gradually fading out of our Ameri- can life. Mr. Stearns had a keen perception of wit and humor, enjoyed a good joke or a laughable story and could himself tell one on occasion. Of this faculty the infirmities of age never bereft him, and many of his witty sayings and bits of quiet satire and humor will long be remember- ed among the local traditions of the town. Uncle John was not unmindful of the Scrip- tural injunction to increase and multiply and re- plenish the earth. A family of eight children was born to him, viz. : Jane R., Elvira, Dwiglit W., Janette, Franklin, Newton, Charles and Ellen. All of them are living ; all have fami- lies of their own and occupy honorable and use- ful positions in life. In the summer of 1878 the family circle was broken by the death of the toother, Mrs. Stearns, who passed away, after a lingering illness, at the ripe age of sev- enty-nine years, — a noble woman, who embodied in herself the household virtues of patience and unvarying kindness, and who was universally respected and beloved by all who knew her. The death of this faithful and devoted help- mate had a profound effect upon Mr. Stearns. It was a rending asunder the ties which bound him to this world. Already an old man, hg gradually withdrew more and more from the world without, and for the last year or two of his life rarely left the old homestead. His final sickness lasted only a few hours. He died on December 2, 1884, quietly and peacefully, under the roof that had shelter ed him so many years, surrounded by his children and friends. This sketch would be incomplete if we should neglect to mention some of the cotemporaries of John Stearns, — men who were more or less as- sociated with him in town affairs and whose loss Hinsdale has been called to mourn within the last fifteen or twenty years. First of all, there was William Haile, a na- tive of Chesterfield, coming here a young man, first a merchant and later in life a successful manufacturer. The town honored him, and honoi'ed itself the more, by sending him many times as its representative to the General Court. The Senatorial District pressed upon him the office of State Senator, and the State twice be- stowed upon him the highest honor within its gift, in electing him its Governor. One of the most polished and dignified presiding officers in the State, and as a citizen identified with all the interests of the town for many years, Hinsdale proudly claims him as her own, though the last years of his life were passed in a neighboring city. " And to add greater honors to his age Than man could give him, He died, fearing God." Next we may mention Dr. Frederic Boyden, the doctor par excellence for about a third of a century, later in life a successful mill-owner and manufacturer, but retaining his love for his chosen profession all his life long, — a man great- 374 b HISTOKY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ly honored and beloved, and whose death, in the full maturity of his mental vigor and in the midst of his usefulness, we have never ceased to deplore. Caleb Todd, prominently connected with town affairs for many years, a man of unusual personal presence, honest and firm in his opin- ions and beliefs, even though they leaned toward the unpopular side ; who believed that minori- ties were always in the right and majorities al- ways in the wrong, — a stately old gentleman, as we remember him, who, by common consent, was called by the old-lime title of " the 'Squire." Jonathan Browne, whom the young men oi this generation recollect as a man of quiet man- ner, moderate in speech and dignified in move- ment, who in his time had much to do in shap- ing the affairs and guarding the interests of the town. Sylvester Bishop, the manufacturer, a man of incorruptible integrity and honesty. Elihu Stebbins, the courteous gentleman, who was also a power in town matters in his day and held many positions of trust, which he fill- ed with fidelity and acceptance. Oliver Adams, who beneath a rough exterior concealed a heart as soft as a woman's, and pos- sessed a fund of good, sound common sense and integrity, which the young men of to-day would do well to seek after. A farmer, and a good farmer, before the days of agricultural colleges, mowing-machines or fancy fertilizers ; he knew how to make farming pay, and he did it by steady, persistent industry. John Stearns outlived all these prominent men whom we have briefly mentioned. It was pleasant to hear him in his old age speak of those his associates, aud, with a touch of his old humor, recount anecdotes of their peculiarities as well as their excellent traits. But there were two whose span of life was lengthened out even beyond Mr. Stearns, and whose deaths occurred within the limits of 1885, the year just closed, who are worthy of mention in the catalogue of Hinsdale's influential men of a past generation ; we refer, of course, to Henry Hooker and Lewis Taylor. Henry Hooker was Hinsdale's oldest citizen, being ninety-three years and eight months old at the time of his death, a descendant of Rev. Thomas Hooker, the first pastor of Cambridge, Mass., and a grandson of Rev. John Hooker, of Northampton. On his mother's side a grand- sou of Rev. Bunker Gay, the first minister of Hinsdale. At ninety, erect and vigorous, a gentleman of the old school, punctilious in dress and manner, and walking with an elastic step that younger men might well envy, — a man who could look back far enough through the vista of tiie past to remember when Mrs. Howe (after- wards Mrs. Toots) came in her old age to the house of his grandfather. Rev. Bunker Gay, to beg him to write out the narrative of the mas- sacre of her husband by the Indians, and the details of her captivity m Canada ; and this story, written in the most terse and vigorous English, can be found to-day in the old " American Pre- ceptor," a school-book which was in use iu our common schools early in the present century. Lewis Taylor, who died later in the year, de- served to be classed, as he was, among the best of a type of honest. God-fearing men, such as illus- trate and adorn the virtues they profess. He was for more than half a century a power in church and town affairs, and his voice and his influence were always on the side of truth and right. Mr. Taylor ever took a great interest in the early history of the Connecticut and Ash- uelot Valleys, especially the Indian traditions, and it is greatly to be regretted that, before the infirmities of age prevented, he did not put on record, in a permanent form, the interesting facts and data stored up in his memory. As it was, he contributed not a little toward the history of Northfield, Mass., and, better still, at his own expense, he caused to be erected the marble monument which marks the spot of the encounter of his ancestor. Sergeant Taylor, with the Indians. By so doing he has at the same time left a monument for himself, which will last through the ages. And so, with this brief mention of the co- temporaries of John Stearns, we close this imper- fect sketch. "Will the next generation emulate the industry, the thrift, the energy and enter- prise of these men, who leave behind them a re- cord of the good old-fashioned New England vir- tues which we may well aspire to follow ? HISTORY OF SWANZEY. BY COL. BENJAMIN BEAD. CHAPTER I. SwANZEY was first settled under the author- ity of Massachusetts. When the first settlement of the town was made the line between Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire had not been es- tablished, but it was assumed by Massachusetts that the territory was within its jurisdiction. The first authoritative movement made, which resulted in a settlement, was in 1732. In June of this year Governor Belcher, in his sketch to the Great and General Court of Mas- sachusetts, recommended that care be taken to settle the ungranted land. In the House of Representatives it was thereupon voted that there be seven towns opened, of the contents of six miles square, and the report located two of these seven towns on Ashuelot River, above Northfield. On the 1st of July, 1733, this vote was concurred in by the Council and con- sented to by the Governor. October 19, 1733, Joseph Kellogg, Timothy Dwight and William Chandler were appointed a committee to lay out forthwith the townships on Ashuelot River " unless they find that by rea- son of laying out the township granted to Colonel Willard and others (Winchester), the land remaining at Ashuelot River will not well serve for two townships, in which case they are directed to lay out only one on that river." In Februarv, 1737, the committee made a return to the General Court of a "plot of two town- ships, each of the contents of six miles squarp, situated on each side of Ashuelot River, above the tract of land lately granted to Colonel Jo- siah Willard and others, beginning at a spruce or white pine tree standing about midway be- t\yeen the south and east branches of said river, about five pearch east of the bank of the main river, and thence running each way as described on the plot." The report was accepted and the lands contained in said townships were declared to lie in and constitute a part of the county of Hampshire. The line thus established was the dividing line between Upper Ashuelot and Lower Ashuelot, and since Upper Ashuelot took the name of Keene, and Lower Ashuelot the name of Swanzey, this line has continued to be the dividing line between the two towns. To prepare the township for settlement, a committee was sent by Massachusetts in May, 1734, to lay out sixty-three house-lotB. The first step taken by the committee must have been to lay out a street or highway. They commenced on the south side of the South Branch, about thirty rods from where it meets the Ashuelot River, and then ran southerly up over Meeting-House Hill, and then down to the west side of the moat. The length of this highway was about a mile and a half. The house-lots that were laid out upon this road were about sixteen rods in width, and some forty rods in length. Thirty-two lots were laid out upon the west side, and thirty-one upon 375 376 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the east side. A few years after the lots were laid out the south lots on the east side were thrown up and two lots laid out on the west side at the south end, and several of the centre lots on the east side were altered by moving them back a number of rods in order to lay out on Meeting-House Hill a piece of land-common. The object of laying this land-common was to have a place to set a meeting-house, to have a burying-ground and a public common. The design of having sixty-three house-lots was to have sixty for actual settlers, and to have one lot for the first minister, one for the ministry and one for schools. After the house- lots had been laid out the township was ready for settlement, when sixty persons should pur- chase rights in the township, upon which to set- tle themselves or to settle one of their children. A share was one house-lot and one of the sixty- three lots of each division into which all of the land in the township was subsequently divided. The terms of admission were, that each set- tler should pay five pounds for a right ; that he should actually live on his land within three years after his admission, and continue there for the space of two years after in person, and with his family, if such he had ; that he should, with- in five years from his admission, build a house on his land of eighteen feet square and seven feet stud at the least, and within the same time sufficiently fence and till or fit for mowing eight acres of land ; and in case any settler fail of performance, his right to be forfeited, and the committee for admitting settlers were required to take of each at the time of admission a bond for twenty pounds for the use and benefit of the settlers in case he should fail to perform the conditions mentioned. The first meeting held by those who became proprietors of the township was at Concord, Mass., June 27, 1734. At this meeting Nathan- iel Hammond, of Littletown, was chosen mod- erator; Ephraim Jones, of Concord, clerk; John Flint, of Concord, Joseph Hill, of Biller- ica, Thomas Cutler, of Lexington, Eleazer Rob- bins, of Harvard, and Nathaniel Hammond, of Littletown, were chosen to manage the pruden- tial affairs of the township. The five pounds required of each proprietor for admission was to reimburse the province the money advanced to pay committees and the expense of the survey of the township and the house-lots and for building a house of public worship, or to be used as the General Court should order. The meeting of the proprietors that was held June 27th adjourned to meet in the township of Lower Ashuelot September 18th, at ten o'clock, forenoon. This meeting was adjourned to eight o'clock the next morning, to meet on house- lot No. 1. The division of the house-lots was made by drawing lots for them. The following are the names of the sixty proprietors, and the number of the house-lot which each drew : Josiah Dival, 1 ; Thomas Hapgood, 2 ; Thomas Kendal, 3; Samuel Bacon, 4; James Heaton, 5; John Haldin, 6 ; William Rogers, 7 ; John Mead, 8 ; Jo- seph Lee, 9; Daniel Brown, 10; Joseph Hill, 11; James Wallis, 12; John Flint, for his son, Ephraim Flint, 13; Elnathan Jones, 14; Benjamin Reed, 15; Benjamin Whitney, 17; Nathaniel Hammond, for his son-in-law. Chamberlain, 18; James Houghton, Jr., 19; John White, 20; John Muzzey, 21; Jonathan Prescott, 22; David Cutler, 23; John King, 24; Jo- seph Hill, Jr., 25 ; Robert Gumming, 26 ; Nathaniel Hammond, 27; James Henry, 28 ; Thomas Cutler, 29; Hezekiah Sprague, 30; Benjamin Heywood, 31 ; Jon- athan Hammond, by his father, 32 ; Joseph Haskel, 33; Eleazer Robbens, 34; William Whitaker, 35; Samuel Douglass, 36 ; Aaron Lyon, 37 ; Benjamin Thompson, 38; Nathaniel Whitemore, 39; Thomas Kendal, 40 ; Timothy Stearns, 41 ; John King, 42 ; John Lampson, 43 ; John Slorr, 44 ; John King, for his son, 45; John Mewharter, 46 ; Nathaniel Mattoon, 49; Ephraim Jones, 50; William Lyon, 51; Benja- min Farnsworth, 52; Oliver Wallis, 53; William Arms, 54; Charles Prescott, 55; Enos Goodale, 56; John Taylor, 57 ; Ebenezer Conant, 58 ; William Carr, 59; Thomas Heaton, 60; Thomas Kendal, 61 ; Sam- uel Doolittle, 62; Gardner Wilder, 63. School lot was 16, ministry lot, 47 ; minister's lot, 48. Some alterations were made in the house-lots by a committee chosen for that purpose in 1739. SWANZEY. 377 The following is the report of the committee, and the plan of the house-lots after the altera- tions had been made : " This Plan Describeth the House Lotts in ye Lower Ashuelot township so called laid out in part By Mr Nathaniel Dwight in May 1734 and since then agre- able to a -vote of ye proprietors theares Been Con- siderable alteration made in them from ye Waiey they Were first proposed to be Laid out by a Commit- tee chosen for that End (as appears by this plan) by Laying a peace of Land common for seting up an house for publick worship &c. and bounding the Eastwardly End of ye Lotts on ye Eastwardly side of ye Road on ye second and third Division Lotts and on ye Westerly side of ye Road thears sum variation made in ye roads betwen ye Lotts viz The Road of four Rods wide on ye south side of ye Lott is added to sd Lott in full satisfaction for ye Road of four Rods Wide taken out of ye north side of ye Lott No 25 which was don by agreament of ye committee and ye person who is ye present proprietor (or owner) of sd No 31 & 25 and Likewise by a free consent of ye present owner of ye Lott No 31 ye Road is turned in at ye North-Eastwardly Corner of it and Runs somthing angling Cross sd Lott Leaving part of it on ye south and south Eastwardly side of ye Road as appears by this plan Laid out in December, 1783, by Benj° Brown, surveyor. " Thomas Cresson, I " Samuel Gunn, I Committee." " Benj" Brown, J Three general divisions characterize the sur- face of Swanzey. The largest division is com- posed of that part which is elevated above the plains and meadows. It is of granite forma- tion, and much of it is quite uneven, although not so much so as to unfit a large proportion of it for farming purposes. There are many hills ; some of them are quite rugged and have an elevation of several hundred feet above the adjacent plains and meadows. Five of the most prominent of these elevations have been designated mountains. These are Mount Hug- gins, in the northeast part of the town ; Mount Chaisson, on the west side of Ashuelot River, about a mile and a half from the centre of the town ; Mount Csesar, near the centre of the towri ; Picket Mountain, in the southwest corner of the town; and Franklin Mountain, lying south of the Ashuelot River and being partly in Winchester. There are many hundred acres of plain land. The soil of these plains is generally rather light and dry, and is not well adapted to high culti- vation, but profitable crops of corn, rye, oats and buckwheat have been raised upon them, and to some extent they have been cultivated for the hay crop. It is supposed, by many, that the surface of the plains was formed when Ashuelot Valley was a lake, and that it was by the action of the water of the lake that the material which composes the surface of the plains was so finely distributed as is seen upon our level plains. The proportion of intervale and meadow-land to the upland in Swanzey is quite large, and the quality of the soil is in marked contrast. At some period large quantities of earth, com- posed largely of clay, were distributed over the valley, which was subsequently covered by the sand of the plains. The sand formation that covers the clay formation varies from a few inches to forty or fifty feet. In some places the clays come to the surface upon the upland. Where it does, the soil is of excellent quality. Since the Ashuelot Valley ceased to be a lake the rivers have been doing their work to mould the surface into its present formation. From hundreds of acres the sand has been removed, and in many places several feet of the clay earths. The result of these operations has given to the low lands of the town, in most cases, an excellent soil. The effect of the drift period is seen in many places. It is the most noticeable of any place in the town at East Swanzey. The distribution of boulders from our own hills and mountains, from those in adjacent towns at the north, and from some mountains far away have been very profuse. In many places they are very thick, and many of them quite large. Upon our plains and meadows they are not to be seen. The great amount of material dis- tributed through the valley since their distribu- 378 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tion has buried them in these places generally entirely out of sight. Of the forests of Swanzey, at the time the township was granted, the most extensive was white pine. Upon the plains it was the prin- cipal timber, and it constituted a large amount of the timber upon the intervales and hill lands and it was generally of excellent quality. Hemlock, next lo pine, was the most abundant. Large numbers of these trees grew upon the intervales, and many of them were of large size, and upon the hill land they constituted a large part of the timber, particularly in the valleys. Red oak was mingled amongst other forest-trees in most places. There was much good white-oak timber in the southwest part of the town, and in the southwest corner there was some chestnut. The soil of the intervales and meadow land was congenial for the growth of the elm. Many of these trees upon these lands were of majestic proportions. Black- birch, yellow-birch and white-birch were found in many places. The poplar was not an un- common tree. Rock-maple could not be con- sidered as one of the principal forest-trees, but upon some of the intervales and hills a suf- ficient number of them were found of good size, and so conveniently together as to make good sugar-orchards. White-maple was more widely diffused than the rock-maple, but less majestic. The shagbark walnut grew in many parts of the town, particularly about the centre and in the westerly part. Some of the hills were largely covered with beech. Hard-pine grew upon some of the plains, black -ash in the swamps, white-ash in some of the valleys amongst the hills, where the soil was rich. Of the wild animals, the early settlers of the town were familiar with the bear and wolf They knew that occasionally a deer, a cata- mount, a lynx was seen. Of the denizens of the larger rivers, they knew something of the habits of the salmon, the shad and the lam- prey eel. The great trouble of the early settlers were the Indians. It was some twenty years from the time that the first settlements were made before they could feel themselves not in danger from them. It is probable at first they were not much apprehensive of danger, but this feel- ing of security could not have been of long du- ration. As early as 1738 a fort had been par- tially built around Capt Nathaniel Hammond's house. November 6th, of this year, the pro- prietors voted that eighteen pounds of powder and thirty-six pounds of lead be purchased for a reserve stock. Subsequently, the proprietors voted to finish the fort around Captain Ham- mond's house, and a committee was chosen to see to the building of two more. The com- mittee were directed to build one of the two upon Meeting-House Hill, and the other around John Evans' house. Apprehensions of danger from the Indians continued to increase, and by the spring of 1797 they had become so grave that it was deemed necessary, for the safety of the in- habitants, to abandon the settlement. Such articles as could not be taken away were buried in the ground or concealed that they might es- cape destruction or being captured by the Indians. To have left the settlement under such circum- stances must have been very sad. It was full ten years from the time the settlement was commenced. During this time much hard work had been done, much land had been cleared of the heavy timber that was found upon it, houses had been built, roads had been laid out in different directions, and work enough done upon them to make them useful in pass- ing to and from the neighboring towns ; mills had been built and the building of a school- house had not been neglected. It is traditional history that only one building escaped destruc- tion by the hands of the Indians. The following list gives, as far as has been ascertained, the names of the inhabitants pre- vious to the abandonment of the township, with the year in which their names first appeared upon the records, and, as far as we are able, the place from which each came : SWANZEY. 379 Nathaniel Hammond, Littleton, Mass., 1737 ; Charles Lummia, Bolton, Mass., 1737 ; John Evans, Bolton, Mass., 1737 ; Samuel Farnsworth, 1737 ; Thomas Cres- sou, Sunderland, Mass., 1737; William Carr, Deer- field, Mass., 1737 ; Samuel Hills, Sunderland, Mass., 1737 ; Benjamin Jethro Eams, 1737 ; Benjamin Brown, Concord, Mass., 1738; Abraham Graves, Hat- field, Mass., 1738 ; Samuel Mitchel, 1738 ; David Beld- ing, 1738; William Grimes, Lancaster, Mass., 1738; Samuel Gunn, Sunderland, Mass., 1738 ; Nathaniel Gunn, Sunderland, Mass., 1738 ; Ephraim Jones, Concord, Mass., 1739 ; William Scott, 1739 ; Andrew Gardner, 1739; Charles Armes, 1740 ; Timothy Brown, Brookfield, Mass., 1740; Thomas Hammond, Little- ton, Mass., 1740; Rev. Timothy Harrington, 1741; Jonathan Hammond, Littleton, Mass., 1741 ; Nathaniel Hammond, Jr., Littleton, Mass., 1741 ; Eliakim King, 1743 ; James Heaton, 1743 ; Seth Heaton, Wrentham, Mass., 1744; Joseph Hammond, Littleton, Mass., 1744 ; Samuel Belding, 1745; Charles Eams, 1746; Samuel Chamberlain, 1746; Samuel Hills, Jr., Sunderland, Mass., 1746; Timothy Hammond, Littleton, Mass., 1746. It is evident from the above list of persons who settled in the township, that most of those who were grantees did not intend to settle in it. They might have become grantees to forward the settlement of new towns, or their motives might have been speculative. The above list includes only Nathaniel Hammond, Jonathan Hammond, James Heaton, Ephraim Jones and William Carr, who were original grantees. The first settlers of the town were much embarrassed by the result of the settle- ment of the boundary line between Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire. When they came here they had no doubt but the territory belonged to Massachusetts. On the 3d of October, 1740, they held a meeting to consider what should be done to relieve them from their embarrassed condition. The following extract, from the records of this meeting, discloses the general feeling of disappointment : " The proprietors being informed that by j" Deter- mination of his majesty in Council Eespecting y" Controverted bounds between y" province of y' Massa- chusetts Bay and New Hampshire they are Excluded from this province of y° Massachusetts Bay to y" which they always supposed themselves to belong therefore they unanimously voted that a petition be presented to y= King's Most Excellent Majesty setting fourth our Distressed Estate and praying we may be annexed to Y° said Massachusetts province also unanimously voted that Thomas Hutchinson E^q, be impowered to present y' said petition to his Majesty and to appear and fully to act for and in y" behalf of this town re- specting the subject matter of said petition according to his best discretion." By this establishment of the boundary line the inhabitants of the town not only lost the protection they had a right to claim from Massachusetts, but they also lost all legal claim to their lands vested in any act of that prov- ince. In the face of these discouragements, it is little wonder that they eventually left their possessions and fled to their former homes in Massachusetts. The exact time that the settlers commenced to return to the township is not known. It is probable that it was at the same time that the settlers commenced to return to Keene. The proprietors of the two townships up to this time seem to have moved simultaneously in all transactions connected with the settlement of the two townships. The proprietors of Upper Ashuelot held their first meeting at Concord, Mass., June 26, 1734. Those of Lower Ashuelot held their first meet- ing at the same place, June 27, 1734. Both of these proprietors' meetings were adjourned to meet in the respective townships the 18th of the following September. The two townships ap- pear to have been abandoned at the same time. The " Annals of Keene " contain the follow- ing in relation to the resettlement of that town : " In October, 1748, peace was declared between England and France. The Indians, however, con- tinued their depredations until June, 1749, and a treaty of peace was not made with them until Sep- tember of that year. " On the restoration of peace the settlers, who had been driven from their lands by the war, made prep- arations to return. The exact time when Upper Ashuelot was again occupied has not been ascer- tained. It was probably some time in 1750, — cer- tainly as early as 1751, as it is within the recollec- tion of Thomas Wells, now living, who came to reside 380 HISTOEY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. here in 1752, that eight or ten dwelling-houses had been erected." The settlers did not find, after their return, that they were relieved from apprehension of danger from the Indians. In 1754 the Indians were engaged in capturing individuals, destroy- ing property and causing a general alarm in the frontier settlements in the province of New Hampshire. In 1755 armed laborers with a guard of four soldiers went to work in the Great Mead- ows. The soldiers were in advance. They heard a rustling in the bushes and supposed that it was caused by a deer, and one of the soldiers fired at the spot. The noise proved to have been made by Indians. When the gun was fired the Indians supposed they were dis- covered and they fired at the soldiers. The laborers coming up, saw the Indians and attacked them and drove them to the plain at the north. An express was instantly sent to Keene and a party of fifteen men, under Captain Metcalf, went out to meet them. The Indians made their escape. This may have been the last time hostile Indians were seen in Swanzey. The place where these Indians were discovered in the meadow has been known from that time to the present as the Indian Meadow. The statement has been made in some pub- lished works that many of the inhabitants of Swanzey lost their lives at the hands of the In- dians. We do not think these statements are well authenticated. If any one was ever killed in the town, or if any inhabitant of the town was killed when away from the town, the fact does not appear in any of the town records, nor is there any traditional evidence who they were or where they were at the time. The only person who is known to Swanzey people to have suffered personal harm by the hands of the Indians was Thomas Cresson. He was born in 1722, and died in Swanzey in 1821, lacking but a little more than one year of being one hundred years old at the time of his death. His father, Thomas Cresson, came to Lower Ashuelot, when his son was a lad, from Sunder- land, Mass. Thomas Cresson, Jr., went with a party from about here for the protection of Fort Dummer, and was captured near that fort and carried to Canada. It was some three years after his capture that he was permitted to return. A number of persons are now living who re- member having seen Thomas Cresson in his old age. It is stated in Belknap's " History of New Hampshire " that Deacon Timothy Brown and one other gentleman was captured by the In- dians, and it is also stated in the same work that some women and children were captured in Lower Ashuelot ; names not given. Belknap's history is good authority. Lower Ashuelot was granted by New Hamp- shire as Swanzey, July 2, 1753, to the fol- lowing persons : Nathaniel Hammond. Abraham Graves.- William Grimes. Benjamin Grout. Thomas Cresson. Thomas Cresson, Jr. William Hill. William Cresson. William Carr. Elijah Graves. Samuel Belding. Eliakim King. Jonathan Woodcock. Joshua Graves. Abner Graves. David Belding. Timothy Brown. James Heaton. James Heaton, Jr. William Heaton. Samuel Hills. Nathaniel Hills. J. Woodcock, Jr. Jonathan Hammond. " Thomas Nutter. Ebenezer Hills. John Prat. Timothy Prat. Samuel Prat. Joseph Hammond. Thomas Hammond. Seth Gay. Asa Grout. Daniel Arms. Ebenezer Arms. Nathaniel Gunn. Wyat Gunn. Daniel Gunn. Ebenezer Sprague, Jr. Ebenezer Sprague. Joseph Merchants. Noah Bodman. Benjamin Shelding. Mark Ferry. Jonathan Tracey. John Tracey. Phinehaa Tracey. Jonathan Arms. Jonathan Bardwell. Oliver Wit. Oliver Hammond. Joshua Prime. Joseph Write. Benjamin Brown. Simon Davis. Samuel McClenon. Zebulon Balord. Stephen Nutter. CsBsar Freeman. Samuel Gaylon. James Blood, Jr. Christopher Grout. His Excellency B. Wentworth, Esq. SWANZEY. 381 All rights that were supposed to have been acquired by the proprietors from Massachusetts were confirmed to them by New Hampshire. Previous to the abandonment of the town more than half of the land had been divided among the proprietors. At a meeting held at Concord, Mass., October 9, 1734, the proprietors voted to divide the intervale land called the Great meadow, and so much of the intervale, on the South Branch, as lies below Town- House Bridge, into sixty-three lots, as equal as practicable in area and quality, and appointed Eleazer Bobbins, Nathaniel Hammond, Eph- raim Jones, Benjamin Read and Nathaniel Mat- toon as a committee to make such division. These lots averaged about eight acres each. At a meeting held at Concord, June 11, 1735, the committee appointed to make this second division made their report which was accepted, and the proprietors drew for their shares. At a meeting held in the township September 8, 1736, it was voted to make a division of twenty acres of the undivided lands to each owner of a house-lot, and appointed Nathaniel Hammond, Nathaniel Mattoon, James Heaton, Benjamin Haywood and Peter Evans a com- mittee to make said division. This called the third division of the intervale land, included most of the remaining intervale and meadow land in the township. The lots laid on the South Branch, above where the Town -House Bridge now stands, were called the South Branch meadows, those on the Pond Brook the Pond Brook meadows, those on the Ashue- lot River, above West Swanzey, the Mill mea- dows and those between West Swanzey and Westport were called the Hyponeco meadows. The lots of the third division were drawn October 27, 1736. At a meeting held at Concord, March 16, 1737, it was voted to make a fourth division of the undivided lands. These lots were laid out on the upland, about two-thirds of them being between the road which runs through the centre of the town and the road which runs from West Swanzey to Westport, on the east side of the river. The remaining third was laid where the road now runs from Town-House Bridge to Keene, and upon the hill east of this range of lots. Nathaniel Hammond, Benjamin Read, Samuel Chamberlain, Ephraim Jones and Nathaniel Mattoon constituted the committee for making this division. At a meeting held in the township, at the house of Captain Nathaniel Hammond, Sep- tember 7, 1737, it was voted to draw lots for the fourth division shares, and that he who should draw No. 1 should make his pitch on the morning of the 19th. He who should draw No. 2 should make his pitch on the after- noon of the same day and that this should be continued, making two pitches per day, until the division should be completed. In this divi- sion the lots each contained about sixty-five acres. At a meeting held at the same place, October 26, 1737, it was voted to make a fifth division, each lot to contain one hundred acres. This pitch was made in the following manner : The proprietor who drew the right to make the first pitch made his Selection in any part of the un- divided land he chose, and had his land laid out in form to please himself. Number two had the same privilege, and so on in numerical order. This resulted in farms being surveyed into all conceivable shapes. The marsh-meadov? lots must have constituted the sixth division. These lots were laid out in good form. A seventh division, each share to contain fifty acres, was made February 6, 1760. These shares were pitched in any place and in any shape that the proprietor might choose. A division of fifty acres was made April 18, 1774. The lots were pitched the same as the fifth and seventh were. A division of ten acres was made November 11, 1803 ; a division of nine acres was made June 7, 1809, and a divi- sion, being the last one, was made May 7, 1833, containing three acres. The time that the last division was made lacked but a little over a 382 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. year of one hundred years from the time that the first proprietors of the township drew lots for their house-lots. As Richmond was granted February 28, 1752, it contained a tract of land lying on the east of Swanzey, that extended to Keene line, that wag afterwards known as Richmond Gore. December 11, 1762, this gore was disannexed from Richmond, and annexed to Swanzey. The length of the west line of this gore was seven miles. The north line ran on Keene thirty rods ; the east line ran on Marlborough and Fitzwilliam six miles and one hundred and thirty rods ; the south line, which severed it from Richmond, was about three miles and a half in length. The original grant of the township of Lower Ashuelot, six miles square, and the annexation of Richmond Gore, gave to Swanzey all of the territory that the town ever contained. The present shape of the town is owing to having had land included within its bounds that had been granted for another township previous to being included within the bounds of Lower Ashuelot, and by having some of its territory taken to form the town of Troy, by having about three hundred and fifty acres annexed to Marlborough, and a small piece annexed to Keene. Those who first surveyed Lower Ashuelot could not have been aware that they in- cluded within its bounds a large tract of land that belonged to Winchester. Winchester's claim was good, as their grant was made pre- vious to the grant of Lower Ashuelot. The line, as first run, extended six miles from the southwest corner of Keene, south thirty-nine degrees, west to a corner, and thence east six miles. One can see by looking at the map of Swanzey that this survey carried the southwest corner of Lower Ashuelot far into Winchester. When Troy was incorporated, in 1815, a num- ber of hundred acres of the southeast corner of the Richmond Gore was taken from Swanzey to form that town. The north end of the gore had previously been taken from Swanzey and annexed to Marlborough. The Richmond Gore had been, previous to being annexed to Swanzey, surveyed into ranges and lots. The lots contained about one hun- dred acres each. At the time this gore was an- nexed to Swanzey but few, if any, settlements had been made upon it ; but the lots were taken up and settlement made quite fast afterwards. Nearly all of the territory that comprises No. 9 School District, the East Swanzey School District and the district in the hollow was in the Richmond Gore. The methods of managing the municipal affairs of Lower Ashuelot were very different from the present methods of managing town affairs. Money was raised by the proprietors to pay for preaching, for the support of schools, to build and repair roads and bridges, and for all municipal expenses by making an assess- ment equally upon the proprietors' shares. It made no difference whether the proprietor lived in the township or not, or whether any part of his land had been brought under cultivation and buildings erected upon it or not, he had to pay one-sixtieth part of the expenses of the township. Instead of town officers, committees were chosen by the proprietors for special pur- poses. After the township had been re-granted by New Hampshire, there was a change of meth- ods. Town-meetings were held and town offi- cers elected. From 1753 to 1885 there has been considerable change in the expenses of towns, in town officers and in the duties of towns. These changes may be shown by copies of town records. The New Hampshire charter made the fol- lowing reservations : " For His Excellency, Banning Wentworth, Esq., one tract of land, to contain five hundred acres, one whole share for the Incorporated Society for the Prop- agation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; one whole share for the first settled minister of the Gospel in said Town ; one whole share for a Glebe for the min- istry of the Church of England as by law established. SWANZEY. 383 " Voted March 4, 1766, to .build a good and suffi- cient pound, thirty-five foot square, in the highway at the end of John Frary's house. " At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Swanzey, legally met at the meeting-house in said Swanzey, on Tuesday, the fifth day of March, 1771, the meeting being opened, Capt. Joseph Hammond was chosen Moderator; then the meeting was ad- journed for the space of half an hour to meet at the house of Lieut. Johnathan Whitcomb. Ke-assembled at the time and place appointed. Thomas Applin was chosen Town Clerk; Thomas Applin, Samuel Hills, Benjamin Brown, David Elijah Groves, chosen Selectmen. Voted, that the Selectmen be assessors. Caleb Sawyer was chosen constable ; Capt. Joseph Hammond, chosen town treasurer; Thomas Ham- mond and Amasa Parker, chosen tythingmen ; Lieut. Joseph Whitcomb, Joseph Cummings, Henry Morse, David Belding, Eoger Thompson and Benjamin Brown, chosen surveyors of highways ; Elisha Scott and Elijah Belding, chosen fence viewers ; John Starkey, sen., deer-reef; Wyat Gunn, Ebenezer Hills and Jonathan Woodcock, Jr., chosen hogreaves ; Na- than Scott and Gardner Duston, chosen field Drivers; Samuel Belding, chosen sealer of leather. Voted, to accept of the settlement of accounts with Capt. Jon- athan Hammond as treasurer for the years 1768 and 1769, as presented to the town by the selectmen. " Voted, to raise forty pounds lawful money to make and repair road. " Voted, that labor at the roads be set at two shil- lings and eight pence per day, from the first day of Apr. to the first day of Oct, and the rest of the year at two shillings per day. " Voted, that swine may go at large on the common, yoked and ringed according to law, from the first of Apr. to the last of October. " Voted, to allow Mr. Elijah Graves fifteen shillings lawful money for his services as selectman. "At a meeting of the inhabitants of Swanzey in the Providence of New Hampshire, held at the meeting-house in said Swanzey, on Monday, the 8th day of May, 1775. " Voted, that Mr. Samuel Hills be appointed a Dep- uty to represent this town at the Convention of Dep- uties proposed to be held at Exeter, on the 17th day of this instant ; and that he be iully empowered and authorised in behalf of this town, to join with the Deputies of other towns in addopting and pursuing such measures as may be judged most expedient to pursue to restore the right of this and the other col- onies : and that he be empowered as aforesaid, to act for the space of six months if the said Convention of Deputies shall judge it to be necessary. " Voted, December 18, 1775, That it is the opinion of the town that Colo. Joseph Hammond, Maj. Elisha Whitcomb, Capt. Joseph Whitcomb, Jr., Capt. Jonathan Whitcomb, Mr. Thomas Ham- mond, Mr. Benjamin Brown and Lieut. Daniel Warner be chosen a Committee of Safety agreeable to the advice of the Continental Congress, and we ac- knowledge them a Committee of Safety for this town, and we approve of what they have acted in that ca- pacity. " Voted, March 4, 1777, to allow to Mr. David Belding twenty shillings for his time, trouble and ex- penses as a selectman last year, and to Colo. Ham- mond, Thomas Hammond and Elijah Groves nine shillings each for their services as selectmen last year ; to allow Thomas Applin twelve shillings for his service as selectman last year. " Voted at a special town-meeting, January 22, 1778, That this town approves of the Articles of Confedera- tion and perpetual union between the United States of America, as proposed by the Continental Congress, and desire that the same may be ratified and con- firmed. " Voted, That our Representative at the General Court be instructed to concur with the Representa- tives of the other towns in this State in appointing and calling a full and free representation of all the Deputies in this State for the sole purpose of framing and laying a permanent plan or system for the future government of this State agreeable to a vote of the General Court. " Voted, May 12, 1778, To send one man to meet with the Convention at Concord, the tenth day of June next, and Calvin Frink, Esq., was chosen. " Voted, March 2, 1779, To allow Calvin Frink twenty-five pounds as a reward for his services as Delegate for the town in the Convention, held at Concord, June 10, 1778." A town-meeting was held May 2, 1781, "to choose one or more persons, if the town shall think propper to convene at Concord on the second Tuesday in June next for the sole pur- pose of forming and laying a permanent plan or system of government for this State." At this meeting Rev. Edward Stoddard was chosen a delegate to represent the town in the convention. A town-meeting was held December 31, 1781, " to see if the town would accept of the Con- stitution or form of Government agreed upon by the Delegates of the people of this State in 384 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Convention, begun and held at Concord on the second Tuesday of June last." The question was put, " whether the voters present do accept of the Constitution or plan of Government as it has now been read ?" Thirty-one voted to accept it ; five declined voting either way, three of whom declared they had not perused it sufficiently ; two said they did not know whether they belonged to the State of New Hampshire or Vermont, and one objected against one article, viz., respecting the governor, that no man shall be eligible as governor more than three years in any seven. At a town-meeting held May 28, 1783, seventy-three voters were present, and voted on reconsidering the Constitution or plan of gov- ernment. Fifty-eight voted to accept the Con- stitution as it stood ; fifteen voted not to accept it without alteration. At a town-meeting held October 6, 1783, it was "voted, that it is the opinion of this town that, with respect to the proposed alteration of the eighth article of the Constitution of the United States, that each State ought to be taxed according to the wealth of each State ; but whether numbering the persons or taking the value of the land according to any mode of valuation that is practicable be the best way to ascertain the wealth of each State we are by no means able to determine, and do therefore con- fide in the wisdom and judgment of the Legis- lature of the State, to act as they shall think most just and equitable." Thomas Applin, Calvin Frink and Aaron Parsons were chosen a committee to draft in- structions to the delegate in the General Court. The first town-meeting held in Swanzey un- der the Constitution, which had been adopted, was held March 2 1784. The chief executive officer of the State under this Constitution was styled a President. The town officers elected at this meeting were: Moderator, Samuel Hills ; town clerk, Calvin Frink; selectmen, Isaac Hammond, David Belding, Jr., and Benjamin Hammond. Of the votes given for a president of the State, Meshech Weare had 10 ; George Atkin- son, 21 ; John Sullivan, 2. Of the votes given for two senators for Cheshire County, Thomas Applin had 14 ; Daniel Newcombe, 2 ; Calvin Frink, 27 ; John Bellows, 5 ; Simeon Olcot, 5 ; Benjamin Bellows, 1. " Voted at this meeting to grant forty-eight shillings to Eev. Mr. Goddard as a reward for his services as a member of the late Convention for forming a Consti- tution for this State. "Voted, to grant Capt. Samuel Hills fifteen shillings as a reward for his services as a member of the afore- said Convention. " Voted, March 1, 1775, to raise twelve pounds for the purpose of trimming the burying ground. " Voted, March 7, 1786, to raise £4 13s. Ip. to com- plete the fencing of the burying ground." At a legal meeting held October 30, 1786, a plan for emitting paper money by the General Court was read. The vote was unanimous against approving the measure. A committee was chosen for suggesting al- terations in the plan, consisting of Roger Thompson, William Grimes, Wyman Richard- son, Abraham Randall, Elisha Whitcomb, David Belding, Jr., and Ebenezer Hills. No- vember 13, 1786, the committee made the fol- lowing report : " That twenty thousand dollars be emitted on the same plan that the General Court proposed to emit the ten thousand pounds, with the addition to have it a tender for all debts due in this State and in lieu of the forty thousand pounds that the General Court proposed to emit on land security that the State notes, be called in, and the holder in heu of said notes to receive certificates of the same sum, in lieu of the same so that the interest of said notes may cease, and the certificates to be received in all out standingtaxes, seventeen voted in favor of the report, and two against it." A town-meeting was called December 4, 1786: " To see if the town would agree with some person to pay the last State tax required to be paid in facili- ties by the first of January next, and repay such per- son or persons in cattle or any other way they shall agree. SWANZEY. 385 " Voted, That the selectmen be impowered to agree with Mr. Nathan Capron wto has undertaken to pay said tax for the town " Voted, That the selectmen, together with Maj. Elisha Whitcomb, Ma,j. Jonathan Whitcomb, Lut. Samuel Wright and Mr. David Belding, Jr., be a committee to examine into the requests of several constables representing such assesments in their hands against such persons, as they have not had op- portunity to collect and make such an adjustment and abatement to such constables as they shall judge equetable." The foregoing votes shovf the financial con- dition of the town at that period. The war for Independance had been successfully prose- cuted and Independence achieved, but there had been no well-matured plans adapted for a State or for a General Government. The fi- nances of the country were in a deplorable condition, taxes were heavy in consequence of the war, the people were without money, and to pay their taxes was almost an impossibility. '■ Voted March 5, 1793, That each man be allowed four pence per hour for each hours actual labor at the highways, and two pence per hour for a plough, two pence per hour for each yoke of oxen, and one pence per hour for every cart used at said highway. " Voted, To allow Mr. Moses B. Williams six shil- lings for warning sundrey persons out of town." It appears to have been lawful at this time for towns to refuse a settlement to such persons as they thought might be likely to become a public charge. At the annual town-meeting, March 5, 1793, the following subject was taken into considera- tion: " Whereas, Mr. John Harvey and others, inhabi- tants of Swanzey, have requested said town that they would vote that they and their land may be annexed to the town of Marlborough, representing they live much more convenient to Marlborough Meeting- House than Swanzey, &c. " The town having considered of the said request, think the same to be reasonable therefore. " Voted, That Messrs. John Harvey, Kember Har- vey and Samuel Stearns, and the land whereon they dweir, and the land belonging to Mr. Timothy Har- vey be set oflFfrom the town of Swanzey and annexed to the town of Marlborough, said tract of land lies in the northeastwardly part of said Swanzey and is the most northwestwardly part of that gore of land which was set off from Eichmond to Swanzey, and is as follows, viz: Beginning at a heap of stones, being the southeast corner of the town ofKeene, then runs on said Keene west 8 degrees north, 32 rods to the old corner of Swanzey, then runs south, 34 degrees west on Swanzey old line 418 rods to a white pine tree, then runs east 20 degrees, 30 minutes ; south on com- mon land 212 rods to a stake and stone in the patent line, then runs on the patent line north 9 degrees, 30 minutes east, 418 rods to the first mentioned corner containing three hundred and five acres." At the annual town-meeting, March 13, 1832, the following was part of the business trans- acted. " Voted, To provide each soldier with \ pound powder on muster day. " Voted to hold the next annual meeting at the Baptist meeting-house." The collecting of all the taxes to be assessed in the town of Swanzey the ensuing year was then set up at public auction to be struck oif to the lowest bidder be to produce bonds to the accept- ance of the selectmen for the payment of the same into the state, county and town treasuries as directed by the Statesmen, and also to make a full statement with the town treasurer ten days before the annual town meeting in March, 1833, or to receive nothing for his services as collector for said year, and they were struck off to Jonathan Whitcomb, he being the lowest bidder, for the sum of |28.00, after which the said Whitcomb withdrew his bid when they were again set up on the same conditions as at first and struck off to Israel Brown, he being the lowest bidder, for the sum of |18.16. The following report shows the expenses of the town for the year prior to March 13, 1832 : " We, the undersigned, have carefully re-examined the books, receipts and orders of the past year and find the receipts into the treasury exactly as reported at the annual meeting, on the 13th instant, and we also present a more definite report of the disburse- ments from the treasury than was made at said meet- ing,— 386 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. "Paid for support of poor $244 62 " for schooling 673 61 " repair of Slate Bridge 8187 " Plank for other Bridges 39 24 " on account of Small Pox 22 75 " Non-Eesident Highway 00 00 " Taxes worked out 17 57 " Eunice Graves 15 26 " a Note for Blodget Place 38 60 " muster expenses & Powder 51 79 " Selectmen 54 91 " Sup. School Committee 15 26 " outstanding school Order 40 38 " other outstanding Orders 62 71 " Incidental Charges 6176 " Cash in Treasury 133 77 Total $1,653 98 " Out standing orders at the time of settlement, $20.51, which, deducted from the money on hand in the treasury, will leave a balance of $113.26. " Elijah Sawyer, "I Selectmen " Joseph Woodward, I of "Benjamin Hamblet, J Swanzey. " We, the undersigned committee, appointed at the last annual meeting to examine the selectmen's ac- count of money expended the last year, have attended to the business assigned us and report that the above statement of the selectmen we find to be correct, and not varying materially in the sum total from their first report. Their disbursements are in the present report more regularly classed, and we cheerfully give our sanction to the same, all which is submitted by " James Henry. " Amos Bailey. " Ephraim K. Frost." At a town meeting held November 5, 1832, to vote for electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Jackson elec- tors had 197 ; opposition, 116. Vote for electors, November 7, 1836 : Van Buren electors had 139 ; opposition, 45. At this meeting, November 7th, the sense of the voters was taken upon the State making an appropriation for an insane hospital ; twenty-five voted in favour of the measure and seventy-six against it. The following action was taken by the town upon the division by the State of the surplus revenue divided by the United States between the States. "State of New Hampshire. " Cheshire, Ss. "To the inhabitants of the town of Swanzey, in the county of Cheshire, in said State, qualified to vote in town afiairs " Greeting " You are hereby notified and warned to meet at the old meeting-house in said Swanzey on Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of February, 1837, at one o'clock p.m., to act upon the following subject: "To see if the town will vote to receive their share of the surplus money. " To see if the town will choose an agent to take the charge of said money. "To see what disposition shall be made of the money.'' At the meeting held in pursuance of the fore- going warrant the town — " Voted, To receive said surplus money, 112 voting in favour and 86 against. " Voted, To choose an agent to obtain and loan said money. " Voted, That Elijah Carpenter be our agent for the above purpose, and that he loan said money in sums not exceeding $300.00, nor less than $60.00 giving the town of Swanzey the preference and report his doings annually at the March meetings and voted said Car- penter be our agent during the pleasure of the town. " Voted, at the annual meeting for 1838 that Elijah Carpenter agent for said town to loan money of the surplus revenue pay the interest arising thereon into the town treasury, taking said treasurer's recept therefor." At the Presidential election in 1840 the Van Buren electors received 244 votes ; the Harrison electors, 143 ; the Birney or Abolition electors, 1. The one vote was the first vote ever cast at a Presidential election against slavery in the town. It was cast by John Withington, an old, stanch Democrat. Mr. Withington had be- come convinced that it was his duty to vote against slavery, and what he conceived to be his duty to do he would do it. The feeling against political action at that time was very strong, by both Whigs and Democrats. The Presidential election that year in Swanzey was probably the SWANZEY. 387 most exciting one ever held in the town. Nearly every voter in town voted. At the Presidential election in 1844, James K. Polk electors had 211 votes ; Henry Clay electors, 81 ; James S. Birney electors, 33. At this election the town voted upon the question of abolishing capital punishment, — 111 voted in favor, 184 against. "Voted, March 12, 1850, to repair the old meeting- house for a town-house. Chose Amos Bailey, David and Lyman Parker a committee to make the repairs. " Voted, That the committee expend a sum not ex- ceeding seven hundred and fifty dollars. The repairs made consisted in taking off the belfry on the west end, the porch on the east end, taking out the galleries, taking out the pews and the windows, cutting down the house several feet, putting in a new set of windows, finishing the inside and painting the outside. The votes cast for Presidential electors, No- vember 2, 1852, were as follows : Franklin Pierce electors, 232; Winfield Scott electors, 57 ; Free-Soil electors, 62. The twelfth article in the warrant for the an- nual town-meeting, 1854, was " To see what measures the town will take to pre- vent the setting off a part of Swanzey to Keene. Upon this article the town " Voted, That our Representatives be and are hereby empowered and authorized to employ, if they think it to be necessary, and engage council to defeat the petitioners in their attempt to be severed from Swan- zey and annexed to Keene.'' At the annual town-meeting, 1855, the town " Voted, That the Representatives be instructed to use all means in their power to prevent Swanzey Fac- tory Village from being set off to Keene and employ council if necessary." The vote for Presidential electors the first Monday in November, 1856, was as follows: Buchanan electors, 229; Eepublican electors, — ; Whig electors, 2. The votes for Presidential electors, Novem- ber 6, 1860, were as follows : Lincoln and Hamlin electors, 214 ; Douglass and Johnson electors, 195 ; Breckenridge and Lane electors, 18 ; Bell and Everett electors, 1. The votes for Presidential electors, November 8, 1864, were as follows : McClellan and Pend- leton, 260 ; Lincoln and Johnson, 154. During the Rebellion the town contracted a large debt to meet the requirement of the war. The money was principally used to pay bounties. At the commencement soldiers were obtained for small bounties, but as the war continued it be- came more diificult to obtain them, and large bounties were paid by the town. In 1864 as high as one thousand dollars was paid for three years' men, and five hundred dollars for one year. The financial condition of the town, Feb- ruary 17, 1866, is shown by the report of the selectmen as made out at that time, and it also shows the sources from which the loans were obtained, — Note at savings-bank, Keene $1,000.00 Note at savings-bank, Keene 6,000.00 Note at savings-bank, Keene 2,000.00 John W. Starkey's note 600.00 John W. Starkey's note 800.00 Nathan Winch's note 1,562.00 Enoch Howes' note 1,400.00 A. & J. Holbrook's note 750.00 Lewis Carpenter's note 500.00 A. Kingsbury's note 500.00 Mrs. Almira Hewes' note 50.00 r. C. Whitcomb's note 175.50 J. D. Ware's note 350.00 C. Dodger's note 300.00 Alvin Starkey's note 4,200.00 Emma Cass' note 300.00 William H. Knight's note 200.00 John Within gton's note 180.00 LukeEllors' note 107.00 John Starkey's note 300.00 Almira Sawyer's note 75.00 Note at savings-bank, Keene 2,000.00 Benjamin Pierce's note 7,000.00 John Starkey's note 500.00 Miss R. Williams' note 50.00 Congregational Society's note 120.00 A. Kingsbury's note 1,500.00 D. R. Marshal's note 800.00 Note, Calvin Bryant's estate 1,000.00 388 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Note, Calvin Bryant's estate 100.00 Charles Howard's note 600.00 Mrs. Hannah J. Clark's note 300.00 ■ C. Whitcomb & Co.'s note 10,000.00 Baley Corlis' note 250.00 J. N. Forrestall's note 350.00 Note to Aaron Dickinson's estate... 380.00 Francis Cook's note 1,000.00 Mrs. C. R. Harris' note 1,000.00 Henry S. Applin's note 800.00 Marshall Rixford's note 3,000.00 Zadock L. Taft's note 500.00 Asahel W. Dunton's note 500.00 Francis Hill's note 198.35 G. G. Willis' note 1,000.00 Martha L. Graves' note 250.00 F. C. Whitcomb's note 75.00 Noah Youngman's note 500.00 Ahas Cass' note 100.00 Zadock L. Taft's note 300.00 Lyman Holbrook's note 125.00 Mrs. Lucy A. Taft's note 326.00 Mrs. Maranda J. Holbrook's note... 75.00 Ahas Cass' note 200.00 Charles Marsh's note 100.00 Lewis Carpenter's note 600.00 Lemuel O. Hunt's note 400,00 Edward Dickinson's note 450.00 Clark H. Houghton's note 500.00 Eoswell Whitcomb's note 290.41 Wheeler & Falkner's note 179.97 0. E. Parson's note 300.00 Josiah Parson's note 300.00 Mrs. Susannah Bryant's note 100.00 David Pelkey'snote 300.00 Mrs. Arvilla S. Wilber's note 70.00 Mrs. Arvilla S. Wilber's note 350.00 Lewis H. Hunt's note 500.00 Zadock L. Taft's note 150.00 Note, Calvin Bryant's estate 160.00 George W. Eastman's note 300.00 Willard Adams' note 400.00 Orrin F. Oakman's note 100.00 Mrs. H. Wetherill's note 100.00 Mrs. Silence Starkey's note 150.00 Arza Higgins' note 150.00 E. 0. Whitcomb's note 200.00 J. C. Webber's note 60.00 S. W. Falkner's note 100.00 J. C. Webber's note 102.00 L. E. Starkey's note 300.00 D. M. Harris' note 50.00 Henry Abbott's note 300.00 Alvin Starkey's note 2,000.00 Mrs. Mary E. Partridge's note 250.00 Mrs. Christian Marble's note 250.00 Mrs. Sarah Willis' note 295.00 Estimated due town-officers for 1865 800.00 Ilstimated interest due on notes 850.00 Amount $64,494.56 Minus indorsements 572.70 $63,921.86 Asseta. Cash in the treasury $3,386.53 In the collector's hands 1,716.83 Due from State, soldiers' aid 925.77 Due from the county for the sup- port of N. J. Underwood 214.60 Due from general government boun- ties for nine men 2,160.00 $8,403.73 Total amount of liabilities $63,921.86 Total amount of assets $8,403.73 Indebtedness of the town, Febru- ary 17, 1866 $55,518.13 February 16, 1867 55,011.28 February 17, 1868 55,112.16 February 17, 1869 55,092.50 March 1, 1870 54,137.45 March 1, 1871 49,443.14 March 1, 1872 47,356.12 March 1, 1873 33,429.37 The town had received, previous to the time the foregoing report was made, twelve thousand three hundred and twenty-five dol- lars from the State, being the town's proportion of the amount assumed of the town's debts. Indebtedness of the town, March 1, 1874 $28,812.88 March 1, 1875 25,349.85 March 1, 1876 22,806.89 March 1, 1877 20,382.31 March 1, 1878 17,369.99 March 1, 1879 14,594.05 March 1, 1880 11,318.74 March 1, 1881 9,370.73 March 1, 1882 6,431.64 March 1, 1883 3,208.40 March 1, 1884 1,774.17 Probably there was about as many farmers in Swanzey in 1800, as there has been at any one time in its history. In a large SWANZEY. 389 number of places where there is an old cellar- hole, there was at that time a small house owned by an industrious farmer, who by hard work was clearing up his land and was supporting a large family. There was at this time a consider- able amount of travel through the centre of the town. Much of the travel from Cheshire County and Vermont going to Boston took this route. This travel consisted largely of farmers going to Boston to dispose of some of the sur- plus products of their farms. This travel was sufficiently large as to make it an object for some of the farmers to keep public-houses. One of these, which was quite a noted one, was on the hill in that part of Swanzey which was taken in 1815 to form the town of Troy. Other public-houses were kept at the Centre. It was the custom of large numbers of the farmers, in the fall of the year or in the early winter, to make up a load from the products of the farm, together with some articles that had been made by the wife or daughters, and go himself to Boston and market them, and make purchases of some of the principal articles that would be needed the coming year. Large num- bers of these loads were drawn by a single horse, some would make up a load for two horses, and in some cases oxen were brought into requisition. These loads were largely made up of a few hundred pounds of pork, a few tubs of butter, a number of cheeses, a box or two of poultry, a web of frocking and a piece of flannel. The return load would consist of a few bushels of salt, a few gallons of rum, a few gallons of molasses, a few pounds of tea, a jack-knife for each of the boys, and a piece of goods to make the wife a dress and some trinkets for the girls. This method of the farmers was not very ad- vantageous to the country trader, but still it left some business for him, and this business con- sisted almost entirely of taking in farm pro- ducts in exchange for goods, and sending these goods to a distant market to exchange for new stock of goods. Mills, both saw- mills and grist-mills, were regarded as a prime necessity at the very com- mencement of the settlement of the town. The following extract from a proprietors' meeting of March 16, 1737, testifies that the subject of building necessary mills was early entertained : " Voted That two hundred acres of land adjoining the Upper Great Falls in the Great Elver, to lay as conveniently as may be to said falls be laid out to Ephraim Jones his heirs and assigns at his or their cost upon condition that he the said Jones his heirs and assigns at his or their cost upon condition that he the said Ephraim Jones his heirs and assigns shall build a good saw-mill at said falls on or before the 15th day of August next and maintain it ten years at least and to saw for and sell boards to the proprie- tors, at the same price they generally do at other places said land to be laid" out by the committee and surveyor which shall be chosen to lay out the next division of land to include said fall reserving free liberty for the setting up of a grist-mill at said place when the proprietors shall think it necessary. If the said Ephraim Jones, his heirs or assigns (who are to have the liberty before any other) shall decline it, and if at the end of said ten years, or any time for- ward the said Jones, his heirs or assigns, shall neglect or refuse to keep up and maintain a saw-mill at said place then the privilege and conveniency for a saw- mill at said place to revert to the proprietors." The saw-mill was built by Jones, and there can be little doubt but that he subsequently built a grist-mill at the same place. These mills stood a few rods below the site of the present mills at West Swanzey. They shared the fate of the other buildings of the township at the hands of the Indians. Before the township was resettled after its abandonment, and there was propriety in rebuilding mills at this site, Mr. Jones had died, and mills have never been built at that site. Previous to 1760, Captain Joseph Whitcomb had taken up his residence at West Swanzey. He had five sons. Some of these, if not all, came with their father. They all became in- habitants of the town. Captain Whitcomb and sons obtained four acres of the two hundred acres on the west side of the falls, and erected 390 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. a saw and grist-mill, where the woolen-mill now stands. In 1800 these mills had been supplying the farmers with manufactured lumber, and grinding their grain for forty years. On June 1, 1769, David Belding, Elisha Scott, Joshua Graves and Abner Graves ob- tained a grant of fifty acres of land at Factory village, in consideration that they build at that place a saw and grist-mill within two years, and keep the mills in good repair for ten years and do work for customary prices. They ob- tained from the proprietors of Keene the right to take the water from the East Branch, through a canal, to furnish the water-power for their mills. John Whiteomb and sons built the first saw and grist-mill at East Swanzey, in about 1780. Captain Samuel Brown and Moses Board- man Williams had a fifty-acre lot pitched and surveyed at "Westport, June 2, 1774, which included the falls ; mills were erected there at an early date. Richard Stratton commenced the business of cloth-dressing previous to 1800 at West Swan- zey, and Colonel Elisha Whiteomb built a card- ing machine at East Swanzey at an early date. A tannery had been built and was in success ful operation at what was long known as the Blake tannery. Captain Timothy Bishop had at one time a small foundry on a brook up amongst the hills in the east part of the town. Carpenters, shoemakers and blacksmiths were scattered through the town. But it was to the farmers in the town up to 1800 that the mill- owners and the mechanics looked for employ- ment. The fact was that nearly every man in town was engaged in farming. The tavern- keeper, the trader, the mill-owner, the clothier, the carder, the carpenter, the shoemaker, the tanner, the blacksmiths, the nail- maker, the brick-makers had their farms. They carried on their farms to a great extent by exchanging their goods and their labor for labor to culti- vate lands already cleared and for clearing up more land. In 1800 there were many large and substan- tial houses in the town, many of more moderate proportions and not a large number of small framed houses and but a small number of log ones. Probably there never was much necessity for using the log house for any great length of time. Timber was abundant and of little value and plenty of mills to manufacture it. The oldest type of the best houses that had been built previous to 1800 was a two-story house in front and one-story at the back part. The plan was to have two good-sized front rooms on the lower floor and to have two good- sized chambers on the second floor. The centre of the rear part contained a large kitchen, and at the ends of it bed-room, pantry, cupboards, entries, etc. To accommodate the thr^e large rooms on the lower floor and the two front chambers, a very large chimney was built in the centre of the house. Another type, and one from which a larger number was built than from the first, was to have the same construc- tion upon the lower floor, but without the second story in front, A fashionable type for the best houses at a later date was to build with two stories and with a four-cornered flat roof. If it was built with two rooms upon each floor, it had usually a chimney at each end of the house. If it contained four rooms upon each floor, the chimneys were built between the front and rear rooms. From the standpoint of 1830 a considerable amount of business had been engaged in in the previous thirty years of a different character from that pursued previous to 1800. Perhaps the first business taken hold of was the weaving of cotton cloth by the women. It was a number of years after machinery had been put in operation in this country for spin- ing cotton yarn before the weaving of cot- ton cloth by the power-loom was successfully accomplished. During this time cotton yarn was made in the mills and distributed through SWANZEY. 391 the country to be woven by women. Large amounts of this work were done in Swanzey ; men went with teams to Ehode Island and obtained the yarn and put it out to be woven. There was in almost every house one or more looms and some of the family busy at work weaving. About 1810 a mill was built at the Factory village for making cotton yarn. Subsequently looms were put into the mill. In 1830 the mill was in active operation making cotton cloth. About 1820 a small amount of machinery was running at East Swanzey, by William Ryder, Phineas Stone and Henry Cooper, making cotton yarn. Between 1800 and 1830 an important busi- ness was commenced by the owners of saw- mills in manufacturing lumber for the princi- pal towns low down upon the Connecticut Hiver. There was at this time a large amount of superior pine timber in the town. In the winter a number of mills were heavily stocked with this timber. The mills at this time were all sash-mills, and, compared with the present circular-mills, lumber was sawn very slowly by them. To make up for this, they were kept running during the months of March, April, May and June, night and day. As soon as the lumber was sufficiently seasoned, teams were em- ployed to cart it to the bank of the Connecticut River, at Northfield, Mass., or Hinsdale. At these places it was packed into large rafts and floated down the river to such places as Spring- field, Hartford and New Haven, and there sold. The principal men engaged in this business were John Stratton, Major Benjamin Whit- comb, Moses Howard, Alvin Holman, John Chamberlain, Daniel H. Holbrook, Lyman Parker and Roswell Parker. This business was of great advantage to the farmers. Many of them owned considerable quantities of timber, which they could dispose of to the manufacturers for cash. Most of the farmers at this time had one or more pairs of oxen. These were usually kept busy in the winter, logging. Those who had timber of their own could cut and draw it themselves ; those who had not timber of their owq could usually find employment for themselves and teams by working for the mill-owners, who generally bought lots of standing timber and hired it cut and drawn. The lumber that was carted to Northfield, as most of it was, had to be drawn over North- field Hill. The road was rather steep upon both sides. That which was carted from East Swanzey had to be drawn over the Potter Hill and over the Fish Hill. Both of these hills were steep upon both sides. Most of the teams for carting had two yoke of oxen ; some would have an extra horse and some would be one pair of oxen and a horse. The loading of the wagons was most frequently done one day, that the team could start as quick as daylight the next morning. They would reach the river and unload before dark, and return home during the night. The prices paid for work, and the wagons and sleds used those times, were very different from the price paid for work at the present time and the wagons and sleds used. Four dollars for carting a load of lumber with two yoke of oxen, to Northfield, was about a fair price ; and in the winter, when a man got for himself and a pair of oxen for a day's work one dollar and twenty-five cents, he thought that he was fairly paid. The wagons used, most of them, were made with a wooden axle-tree skeined. Brakes for wagons were unknown in those days. As some of the hills were so steep on the road over which the lumber had to be carted that went to the river, one pair of oxen could not manage a load drawn by two yoke, and so a false pole was used, that both pair could hold back in going down the steep hills. The sleds had long run- ners, shod with wood. Another business introduced into the town was the working up the red oak timber into shocks. The business consisted in going into the woods, cutting down the best red oak trees. 392 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. sawing them up into blocks of the length of a stave for a molasses hogshead ; then in splitting these blocks up into staves ; then in shaving and jointing the staves ; then in binding them to make the bulge of the hogshead ; then in packing enough in a bunch to make a hogs- head, and bending them firmly together. They were then carted to Connecticut Eiver and transported down the river loaded on the top of a raft of boards or carried in a large boat made for transporting freight up and down the river. The shook market was at New Haven, Conn. There were men at that place who bought them and shipped them to the West Indies. The making of palm-leaf hats was intro- duced into the town previous to 1830, and at that time many of the women were busy mak- ing hats. Soon after 1800, if not before, the travel from Keene for Boston was diverted from the road that passed through Swanzey Centre. At first it went through Marlborough and Jaffrey ; but soon the turnpike was built through the east part of Swanzey, which soon became a great thoroughfare for freighting, for private traveling and staging. After the travel had left Swanzey Centre there was but little busi- ness for public-houses to do, that were on the road that passed through there ; but soon the Underwood tavern was built at the Factory village, which for a long time was popular and well patronized. Benjamin Page was born in 1792, and died when about sixty-six years old. During the time after he was twenty-one years old to the time of his death he was one of the marked men of the town. He was intensely in earnest to become rich, and was extremely visionary. These traits in his character led him to engage in many different branches of business. He at first en- gaged in trade at Swanzey Centre ; next he commenced to make woolen flannels at the place of his birth, the old Ephraim Page homestead. The spinning of the yarn for these flannels and the weaving was done at first by hand. A shop was built in which to do the work, and women were employed. His next move for making these goods was to purchase, at East Swanzey, the cloth-dressing business, and change the ma- chinery for making flannels. About 1830 the business of making flannels was given up, and machinery for making pails was put into the mill. This was the first of the pail-making business in Swanzey by machinery, and was nearly the first that was done anywhere. A very little had been done in Troy and Marlborough. We will now take a look at Swanzey as it was in 1830, and notice some things that dated a few years from 1830. The old growth pine timber was quite abund- ant. Large tracts could be seen of these stately forest-trees upon the plains and upon the hills. Many of these trees appeared in another form, which gave to the town a disagreeable aspect. At a time when pine timber was not considered of any value it was cut and burned up on the land. In cutting the timber upon land for the purpose of bringing it under cultivation, many large pine-trees would be found that it would be a great task to cut and burn up. The result was that many of these trees were left standing when the land was chopped, and were killed by the fire when the land was burned. And it was very frequent to find at this date, when cut- ting off a timber-lot, old, defective trees that were not worth cutting and would be left, and then fire would run through the lot and they would be killed. Such trees could be seen in all directions, some with bark on, some with it partly off and some with it all off; some of the trees would have limbs on ; some would have nearly all their limbs gone; some were black, having been burned after they had become partially dried. Nowhere in Cheshire County was to be found, in 1830, a road over which there was more staging, more teaming and more general travel- ing than the turnpike in the east part of Swan- SWANZEY. 393 zey. The travel by stage between Keene and Boston nearly all went over this road. In sum- mer soon after daylight, and in winter before daylight, four-horse stage-coaches would start and pass down over this road. In summer the stages from Boston would pass before dark, in winter it would be after dark. The passengers aboard the coaches would be made up usually of some from Keene, some from other towns in Cheshire County, many from Vermont, a few from the northeast of New York and frequently some from Canada. The teams that one would see on the road going south would be one of six horses, with a great load of bags of Vermont wool; then would be seen more frequently two-horse teams going the same way, some with loads of grain from the Connecticut Eiver towns, loads of butter and loads of cheese from Vermont. "When these teams came back, if they went through to Boston, they would be loaded with all kinds of merchandise for the traders, or such stocks as the manufacturers had to purchase for their special business. In those times people who went to visit friends went very generally with their own teams ; some would have a nice pair of horses and a nice carriage, some with a nice pair of horses and a farm-wagon, some with a nice horse and chaise, some with an ordinary horse and a common wagon. The old Underwood tavern at the Factory village, was a place where large numbers of teamsters and travelers were entertained. A number of Swanzey men at this time owned a nice chaise, about the only nice car- riages that were used. Of those who owned such a carriage was Rev. Ebenezer Colman, Hon. Elijah Belding, Hon. Elijah Carpenter, Major Ezekiel Page, Captain Levi Blake, Amos Bailey Esq., Captain Benjamin Brown, Captain David Holbrook, Israel Stanley, Alexander Perry and Alvah Thompson. The majority of the people rode in a com- mon 'wagon. These were made with a wooden axle-tree ; the body of the wagon was set square down upon the axle-tree, and the seats were set upon wooden springs. Rev. Ebenezer Colman was the minister of the Congregational Church and Society in 1830, who worshiped at what is the town-house, un- less the Universalists wanted it. This denomina- tion claimed the right, to use the house a portion of the time, and when they did the Congregation- alists worshiped at a hall, or a school-house. The Universalists had no regular minister, and used the house only occasionally as they em- ployed a minister for a few Sabbaths or as a minister of that denomination happened to be in town. At this time not so large a proportion of the people attended meeting on Sunday as they did iifty years previously, but going to church was more general than it is at present. Of those that did go, in the east part of Swanzey, most of them went to the Congregational meet- ings and in the west part of the town they went to the Baptist meetings. A large majority of the men that went to church were farmers. Raising of colts was an important part of the business of the farmers. The mare that raised his colts was used to carry the family to church. On Sunday one would see a large number of mares, with colts by their sides, hitched under the horse-sheds, or under a shade tree, or to a fence. A less number of the boys attended Sunday-school, than at the present time. Much of the intermission be- tween the morning and afternoon services would be spent by the boys in looking at the colts and ascertaining who had got the best ones. But the fun with the colts came after the meet- ing was out. They would be full of frolic, and get mixed up, to the annoyance of the men, and that would make fun for the boys. Priest Colman kept a mare from which he raised colts, and he could be seen week-days riding about town making calls with his mare hitched to his chaise, and her colt running by her side. Wages were low compared with the present 394 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. price paid for labor. Priest Colman's salary? we think, was three hundred dollars in money and his fire-wood a year, and he had a strong body, a vigorous mind, and was a good minister. Men would work on a farm in the summer, and keep school in the winter, for fifteen dollars a month. "Women would work for two dollars a week at teaching school or at house-work. The water-power in Swanzey consists of a fall of water at Westport of about ten feet of the Ash- uelot Eiver. The fall of the same river at West Swanzey is twelve feet. This is all the power that can be obtained from that river in the town. The water-power at the Factory vil- lage is obtained by bringing the water through a canal from the East Branch in Keene. After the water leaves the Factory village it has to flow about a mile before it enters the Ash- uelot River. It furnishes in its course an ex- cellent water privelege at Spragueville. The South Branch has no fall that furnishes power for some four miles from its mouth. Above this, to where it enters the town, there is considerable fall of water, and seven very good water privileges have been brought into use. The Swanzey Pond is the only natural pond in the town. It covers about one hundred acres. At the outlet of this pond there is one very good privilege. There have been two saw-mills on a brook that runs from Richmond north to Pond Brook and enters the South Branch. There have been two saw-mills on Hiponeco Brook, which is in the southwest corner of the town. There is a mill on Bridge Brook, in the southeast corner of the town, for manufacturing pail stock, and there was a mill at one time for making toy pails. Varey Brook is in the ex- treme west part of the town, and there was a saw-mill upon this brook for many years. A small brook runs by the house of Captain Ed- mond Storrs, upon which he has mills. We will give the names of the principal busi- ness men in the town, excepting the farmers, and the nature of their business and the places where they were located in 1830, or very ne^r that time. The mills at Westport were operated by John and Wetherbee Chamberlain. Benjamin H. Carl- ton was a clothier at the same place. B. C. Peters carried on the tailoring business. Major Benjamin Whitcomb owned the mills at West Swanzey, on the west side of the river ; John Stratton on the east side. Isaac Stratton was a clothier. Samuel Stearns, Luke & David Ben- nett, Porter Hills were in trade either at West Swanzey or Westport. Archer Campbell was operating the cotton-factory at the Factory village, and the other mills at that place. Dr. E. H^Frost owned the mills at Wilson Pond. Ezekiel Graves had a saw-mill at the Hollow, and Ira Taft a shingle-machine. Lyman & Roswell Parker had a saw and grist-mill at East Swanzey. Joseph Whitcomb had at the same place a shingle-mill and a carding-maehine. Henry Cooper and Israel Applin had a saw- mill. The cloth-dressing mill had at this time, or did soon after, pass into the hands of Benjamin Page, and was changed into a manufactory of pails. Who operated the saw-mill at Swanzey Pond we have not ascertained. John Perry and John Hills had saw-mills on the Sant Brook, Nathaniel Thompson, on Hiponeco Brook, and Daniel Varey on Varey Brook. Captain Levi Blake carried on the tanning business about a mile and a half south of the middle of the town, and employed four or five men at the business. Amos Bailey, at the Centre, employed three or four men making boots and shoes. Caleb Sawyer was the trader at the Centre. Two of the best-known-carpenters and builders in this vicinity at this time were Zadock L. Taft and his brother, James S. Taft. The following are the names of men and their business, which has intervened between 1830 and the present time : Alvin Hoi man was associated with John Cham- berlain at Westport in the lumbering business a number of years. He may have been there as early as 1840. Franklin Holman, a brother of SWANZEY. 395 Alvin, commenced the manufacturing of nest buckets at the same place about the same time, and continued the business for a number of years. After Mr. Chamberlain and the Holmans had discontinued business, the principal manu- facturing of the place was done by a company of which Stephen Falkner, Henry Holbrook and several others constituted the firm. About twenty years ago James Marsh and E. F. Read bought the mills and water-power, made some extensive repairs and commenced the manufacturing of pails. Mr. Marsh ul- timately bought out Mr. Read and has continued the business. It is many years, perhaps twenty-five, since the making of small boxes for the New York mar- ket was begun in the village. One of the first in the business was a Mr. Coborn. After him Mr. Henry Holbrook was in the business. Mr. J. Mason Read was the successor of Mr. Hol- brook, having purchased the machinery soon after Messrs. Marsh and Read bought the mills. Some two years since Mr. Read moved his machinery to Keene. Mr. Sylvanus Bartlett moved from Westport to Keene some three years ago. We think that he had been most of the time a resident of the village more than forty years previous. He opened a few years at the West; during his residence there he was much of the time in trade, and some of the time a manufacturer of wooden-ware. Jotham Frink, Stephen Falkner and Henry Abbott have been in trade here. E. F. Read was for some time associated with Mr. Marsh in trade. Until quite recently Mr. George Brooks had been with Mr. Marsh. We presume that it is fifty years since Ever- son Cook commenced trading at West Swanzey, and he may have continued in the business there twenty-five years. Much of this time he connected the tailoring business with his store. Of other men that have traded at this place are Jonathan and Hiram Whitcomb, Jotham Frink, Rev. Mr. Mason, Joseph Hammond, Joseph Ware, Paul F. Aldrich, Frank Snow, Russel & Whitcomb, and J. L. Parker. The tanning business at this place was begun by Isaac Stratton. It may have been thirty- five years ago. The business was continued many years by Mr. Stratton. Several years ago Asa Kendall purchased the establishment and did a large business at tanning until within two or three years ago. John Stratton, Jr., and his brother-in-law, Jotham W. Frink, bought the Whitcomb mill, on the west side of the river, not far from thirty years ago ; they subsequently built what is now a part of the woolen-mill. The mill was run by these men a number of years. E. F. Read and J. L. Parker have each been en- gaged a number of years in manufacturing wooden-ware here. Some of the time they were in company. Virgil Woodcock was born July 16, 1806, He learned the carpenter's trade of his father, Levi Woodcock. Soon after he reached his majority it was apparent that he was a good workman, was very industrious and was des- tined to be a man of business. He very soon had a number of men in his employ, and was taking contracts to build large buildings, such as meeting-houses, hotels, etc. His residence was at Swanzey Centre ; he there built a shop for his business and put in a steam-engine. It subsequently appeared that he took some of his contracts too low, which resulted in his becom- ing involved. Soon after gold was discovered in California he took an overland route to that place. He returned, after staying there a few years, having accumulated something of a prop- erty. The shop that he first built had been disposed of, and made into two dwelling-houses. Soon after his return from California he asso- ciated himself with Phinehas Stone, and they erected at Swanzey Centre a large mill, and put in steam-power sufficient to operate a saw-mill, a grist-mill, pail-works and machinery for manufacturing chair stock. The enterprise did not prove profitable, and the btisiness was con- 396 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tinued only a few years. Mr. Woodcock died July 18, 1875. A few years before his death he was interested in gold-mining at Plymouth, Vt. We have already mentioned that Benjamin Page commenced the manufacturing of pails by machinery at East Swanzey about 1830. Very soon after Mr. Page had got his first mill into successful operation he built a new mill on another privilege. This was where Wilder P. Clark's pail-shop now stands. Na- than Winch and Joseph Putney bought the old Whitcomb carding-mill a few years after Mr. Page commenced making pails and put in ma- chinery for making pails. They continued the business a short time and then sold out to Mr. Page. A few years later Mr. Page bought the Parker grist and saw-mills. He took out the grist-mill and put in pail machinery. This gave him the ownership of all the mills in the place, which he continued to hold until his death. He was connected with the pail busi- ness some twenty-seven years. Some of this time he was in trade at this place, and some of the time at the Centre. At one time he en- gaged in making friction matches ; at another time he went into the poultry business. His estate was settled and the mills sold in 1859. Since the sale of Mr. Page's property, and the time when the present proprietors came into possession of their respective mills, the following persons have been interested in opera- ting some one of the mills for a longer or shorter time making pails : Benjamin Read, Asa Clark, J. W. Murphy, Silas B. Patridge, John S. Sargent, Edward Woodward, Calvin Alexander and H. W. Mason. A. W. Banks and J. Ma.son Read owned one of the mills a number of years, and during this time they manufactured chair stock and pail-handles. The lower mill privilege at East Swanzey was brought into use by G. G. Willis and Nelson Howe about 1852 for manufacturing wooden- ware. They built a substantial dam, erected good buildings and equipped the mills with the best of machinery. Mr. Howe continued with Mr. Willis a few years as a partner, when he disposed of his interest to Mr. Willis. Mr. Willis left the premises after having been in possession some fifteen years. Nathan Winch and George F. Bucklin were the successors of Mr. Willis, but they continued in business but a short time, when they disposed of the estab- lishment to George F. Lane. Not far from 1858, Elkanah and Frederick Augustus Lane, two brothers, commenced work for a new manufacturing establishment about a half-mile above East Swanzey village. They subsequently manufactured chairTstock, pails and horse-blankets. It is now some years since anything has been done at this place. It is owned by E. F. Lane, of Keene. Not far from the time that the Lanes built this mill Batchellor & Bigelow built the mill at present owned by Edward Wilcox. Messrs. Batchellor & Big- elow did business at the mill but a few years. We presume that it is about thirty years since Ephraim Murdock, Jr., purchased the mill-site at the Factory village, where the old cotton- factory stood, and begun the making of pails, and continued the business up to the time of his death, which may have been five years ago. Mr. Murdock had for a time associated with Mr. William Nason, and he may have had others in company with him. Between the time that Archer Campbell op- erated the cotton-factory and the time that it was burned, it was run a short time by George Olliver. In 1840 it was being run by Jarvis Bates & Bros. ; later it was run by Barns Bros. In 1840, Daniel Kimball was the owner of the Underwood tavern and its manager. Later, Franklin Goodnow was in possession of the premises. For many years Daniel H. Holbrook was the owner of the saw-mill at the outlet of Swanzey Pond. He manufactured principally old-growth pine lumber and he shipped it largely to the markets low down on the Con- necticut river. Roswell Whitcomb built a mill upon Hypo- SWANZEY. 397 neco Brook to manufacture wooden-waro stock some years previous to 1860. He operated the mill a number of years with financial success. Moses Howard was born not far from the commencement of the present century. He died a number of years ago. During his life, after he reached his majority, he was engaged in various kinds of business : was a large far- mer ; dealt extensively in lumber, although not a mill-owner ; made shook and built bridges and roads. Colonel Henry Starkey and his son John were engaged many years in making shook. We will now give the present business situa- tion of the town. At Westport, James Marsh owns all of the water-power and the mills connected with the water-power, and uses the mills for making pails. He owns a store building for the sale of goods and the stock of goods. He owns a large number of dwelling-houses in the village. Jerome Field manufactures wooden-ware and uses steam-power. A considerable amount of granite is quarried on the side of Franklin Mountain, not far from the village. The business at West Swanzey consists of the woolen-mill, managed by Obadiah Sprague ; the wooden- ware business of Charles Russel and George E. Whitcomb ; the wooden-ware busi- ness of Frank Snow ; the box business of Solon Snow & Son; the box business of Obadiah Sprague and Orlow Parsons. Towns & Fames have a grist-mill. Solomon Fox has two stores, at which are kept a general assortment of goods. George Brooks deals in flour, grain and groceries. H. B. Evans keeps a livery stable. Frank Snow uses steam-power for his manufacturing, and furnishes power for Solon Snow & Son's box business and for the grist-mill. All the rest of the manufacturing in the village is done by water-power. A few years since Obadiah Sprague built at the place now called Spragueville two large, substantial mills. One was designed for a woolen-mill, the other for a saw-mill and for manufacturing lumber into merchandise. The mills were in operation but a short time before they were burned. The woolen-mill has not been rebuilt. The other has been, and a company consisting of Obediah Sprague, Charles Hawes and James L. Wright are manufacturing in it boxes and extension-tables. George Garfield bought the Murdock establish- ment at the Factory village after Mr. Mur- dock's decease and is doing an amount of busi- ness equal to that done by Mr. Murdock ; we presume, Mr. Orren Dickinson has been in busi- ness at this village a long time. Most of this time he has had a grist-mill and much of the time he has manufactured sash, doors and blinds. At present some of his sons are with him in the manufacturing business. A Mr. Howe owns the old Underwood tavern and keeps a public-house. The upper mill privilege on the South Branch is owned by E. F. Lane & Son and they manufacture flour- buckets. The next be- low is owned by Edward Wilcox and he makes boxes. The next privilege down the stream is owned by E. F. Lane. Of the four mill privileges at East Swanzey, there is at present mills upon three of them. The mill upon the other was burned two years since and has not been rebuilt. The upper one of those that are in use is operated by James M. Ramsdell for making different kinds of wooden-ware. The next one is owned by Wil- der P. Clark, of Winchendon, and he makes pails exclusively. The lower one is in posses- sion of George F. Lane & Sons ; they make buckets and pails. Mr. Lane the senior mem- ber of this firm, has been longer in the business of manufacturing wooden-ware than any other person now in the business in Swanzey. The mill that E. F. Lane now owns was formerly owned by him. The mill at the outlet of Swanzey Pond has been owned a number of years by the Lom- bards. They manufacture pail-stock, box- 398 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. stock and lumber generally. Walter Perry has a mill on a brook in the south part of the town. He uses both water and steam and makes pail and tub-stock and pail-handles. There is machinery in Swanzey for making wooden-ware and boxes sufficient to work eight thousand cords of timber, mostly pine, in a year. Most of this timber is obtained in the town. The large amount that is yearly cut does not appear to reduce the quantity. The timber used is almost exclusively second-growth pine. Since the commencement of using this kind of timber for making wooden-ware, large tracts of land have been left to grow up. It grows very fast, and, thus far, the supply has been equal to the demand. Probably there has been no time for the last fifty years when more acres of land in Swanzey were covered with growing timber than there is to-day. The owners of mills in Swanzey have suf- fered severely by fire. The cotton-factory at Factory village was burned. When George F. Lane owned the mills where E. F. Lane now owns he was twice burned out. The mill that was built by Elkanah and Frederick A. Lane, and which was used at last for making horse-blank- ets, was burned a number of years ago. Of the four mill-sites at East Swanzey, the upper one has been burnt off three times ; the next one below, twice ; the other two, once each. As we have before stated, Obadiah Sprague had two large and substantial new mills burned at Spragueville. Mr. Walter Perry has been once burnt out. Frank Snow, at West Swanzey, had a large mill, nearly new, burned. And we think that mills have been twice burned on the site now owned by James Marsh, at Westport. The aggregate loss from the burning of dry- houses at the wooden- ware establishments has been very great. The loss of a few hundred dollars by the burning of a dry-house has been a common occurrence since the wooden-ware business was commenced in the town. Swanzey has a niilitary record which is highly creditable. The history of the town during the Revolution shows that the public sentiment of the town was decidedly in favor of the Revolutionary cause. The following record shows the promptness with which the musket was shouldered on learning of the bat- tle at Lexington and Concord : A company consisting of one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, four corporals and fifty- two privates, marched from Swanzey at day- light on the morning of April 21st, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Ham- mond. (Vol. xiii. p.526.) Twenty-two of them enlisted at Cambridge for eight months, and the remainder returned after an absence of fifteen days. We do not claim that all of this company was composed of Swanzey men, but that they composed a large part of it there can be no doubt. One of those from Swanzey, who enlisted for eight months, was Captain Jonathan Whitcomb. He was made a captain, and his company was attached to Colonel Reed's regiment. The following gives the return of Captain Whitcomb's company June 14, 1775: onecaptain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, one fifer, fifty-one privates. A return of the com- pany June 21, 1775, showed that two of the number had been wounded. In 1777 the town of Swanzey " Voted that each man that shall, pursuant to orders from Colonel Ashley to Captain Whitcomb, en- list into the Continental army for three years, or during the war with Great Britain, shall be allowed and paid by the town £26, and also, that each man in this town that has already done service in the present war shall be allowed for the same in such proportion as shall be deter- mined by a committee to be appointed for that purpose, allowing a year's service at £13 6s. M." The committee for this purpose consisted of Thomas Applin, Calvin Frink, Samuel Hills, Daniel Warner, Henry Morse and Joseph Whitcomb, Jr., who reported as follows : SWANZEY. 399 " SwANZEY, Feb. 23, 1778. " We, the subscribers, being a committee appointed by the town to receive tlie accounts of such persons as have done or procured any service to be done in the present war, and to consider the same and make them such allowance therefore as we should think reasonable and just, and having attended the busi- ness whereto we were appointed, do find and report to the town as follows, viz : That we think it just and reasonable that there be allowed and paid as the town shall agree. " To John Aplin, for 3 days in the militia and 2 months to Bennington, £4 lis. Id. " David Belding, Jr., for a term in the militia to Otter Creek, £17 6«. " Samuel Belding, Jr., for service in the expedition to Canada, done by Annanius Tubs, £15. " Lieut. Moaes Belding, for 13 months' service in the army, £28 3«. 4d " Ensign Timothy Bishop, for 12 days in the militia to Cambridge, 2J months' service at Ticonderoga by hire, 1 month in the militia to Ticonderoga, and 12 days to Otter Creek, £10 4s. 2d. " Daniel Bishop, for 12 days in militia to Cam- bridge, 1 month to Ticonderoga, 12 days to Otter Creek and two months' service to Bennington, £9 2s. 6d. "Elijah Belding, for 12 days in militia to Cam- bridge and for 2J months by his brothers, £6 13s. 4d. " Eleazer Brown, for 1 months' service in the militia to Ticonderoga, done by Levi Durant, and 12 days service in the militia to Cambridge and 12 to Otter Creek, £4 15s. id. "Wright Brown, 2i months' service at York, £5 8s. 4rf. "Thomas Cresson, Jr., for a term in the militia to Cambridge, a month's service in militia to Ticonde- roga and 12 days to Otter Creek, and for service done by his son, £15 12s. 6d. " Nathan Cresson, for 1 month's service to Ticon- deroga and 4 months in the Continental service, £10 16s. 8d. " Joseph Cummings, for 9 days in militia to Cam- bridge, 2i months done by Enoch Cummings, and a term in militia to Otter Creek, and 2 months done by Simeon Taylor, £11 8s. 9d. "Thadeus Cummings, for 2J months by Enoch Cummings, £5 8s. 'Id. " Ephraim Cummings, for service in militia 5 days, and for 1 month and 6 days' service in the army, 1777, £2 19s. 6d. " Caleb Cook, for 4 months' service done by Ben- jamin Parker, £8 13s. id. " Greenwood Carpenter, for 2J months' service done by his son, £5 8s. id. " William Carpenter, for 2^ months' service to Ti- conderoga and 1 month at Cambridge, £7 lis. 8d. " Enoch Cummings, for 8J months' service at Cam- bridge 1775, also 12 days in militia to Otter Creek, 1777, £19 5s. lOd. "Nehemiah Cummings, same as above, £19 5s. lOd. " Nathaniel Dickinson, for 1 month at Ticonderoga and 4 months in the army, done by Henry Stevens, 1777, £10 I6s. 8d. "Joseph Dickinson, for 12 days in militia to Cam- bridge, 4 months in army by Henry Stevens, and for 12 days to Otter Creek, £11 6s. lOd. " Benjamin Day, 25 days in militia at Stillwater in 1777, and 4 months' service before he came to Swan- zey, £16 19s. lOd. "Joseph Day, 5 months at Ticonderoga and 12 days in militia to Otter Creek, £11 14s. 2d. " Amos Day, 10 months at Cambridge, £21 13s. id. " Joseph Durrant, 12 months in army, £26. " Levi Durant, 8 months at Cambridge, 1775, and 12 days in militia at Otter Creek, £18 4s. 2d. "John FoUett, Jr., 12 days at Cambridge and 1 month at Ticonderoga, £3 18s. id. " Calvin Frink, 4 months at Cambridge, 1775, and 1 month at Ticonderoga, 1776, £10 16s. 8d. " Joshua Graves, 5 months at Ticonderoga by hire, 1 month in militia at Ticonderoga and 5 days in militia, 1777, £13 7s. id. " Elijah Graves, Jr., for 3 days in militia, 1775, 10 months at Canada by Isaac Billings, 1 month at Ti- conderoga and 25 days at Stillwater, 1777, £26 Os. \ld. " Daniel Gunn, 12 months in army, £26. " Wyat Gunn, 12 days to Cambridge, 2J months at Ticonderoga, £7 3s. id. "Thomas Greene, 1 year and 8 months' in army, £43 6s. 8d. " Joseph Greene, 1 year and 8 months in army, £43 6s. 8rf. Abraham Griffith, 8 months in army at Cambridge, £7 6s. 8d. " Abner Graves, 1 month at Ticonderoga, £2 3s. id. " Charles Grimes, 12 days at Cambridge and 9 months in Continental Army by hire, and 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, £22 3s. Id. " Colo. Joseph Hammond, 9 days at Cambridge, 5 months in army by hire, and 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, £13 Os. 5d. " Thomas Hammond, 2J months by Joseph Ham- mond, Jr., and 2 months by Daniel Day, £9 15s. Od. " Isaac Hammond, in militia to Cambridge, and 2 400 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. months in army by Daniel Day, and going to Otter Creek, £6 19s. 2c?. " Edward Hazen, 12 days to Cambridge, and 12 days to Otter Creek, and for 2 months by his son, £6 19«. 2d. " Samuel Hills, 12 days to Cambridge, 12 days to Otter Creek by hire, 50 days in militia to Westward, 1777, and for money paid for town to hire men for Continental army, £12 lis. 2rf. " Ebenezer Hills, 10 months to Canada, £21 13s. id. " Nathaniel Hills, Sr., 8J months in army at Cam- bridge, £18 10s. 4rf. " Nathaniel Hills, Jr., 10 months in army at Can- ada, £21 13s. 4rf. " Joseph Holmes, 2 months in army at Bennington, £4 6s. 8d. "Dennis Hafferon, 10 months in army at Canada, 1776, £21 13s. 4d. " Michael Hafferon, 10 months in army at Canada, 1776, £21 13s. id. " Benjamin Hews, 6 months in army at Cambridge! 1775, £13. " Benjamin Hews, Jr., 6 months in army, 1776, £13. " Benjamin Hammond, 2 J months at York, 1776, £5 8s. 4d. " Joseph Hammond, Jr., 8J months at Cambridge, 1775, and for 1 month more at Cambridge, £21 Is. 8rf. " Charles How, 4 months at Cambridge, 1776, by hire, £8 13«. 4i. " Theodore How, 6 weeks at Winter's Hill, 1776, and 4 months at Cambridge, 1776, by hire, £11 18«. 4d. " Uriah How, 15 days in militia to Cambridge, 1775, 6 weeks at Winter's Hill, 1776, 5 days in 1777, and 2 months in army to Bennington, 1777, £10 2s. id. " Jethro Kimball, 12 days in militia at Cambridge, 1775, and 5 months in army at Ticonderoga, 1776, by hire, £12 lis. 8d. " Eli Kimball, to Cambridge in militia, and 1 year in Continental army, 1776, £27 18s. "Elkanah Lane, Jr., 4 months in army by his brother, and in militia to Ticonderoga, 1776, £10 16s. 8d. " Justus Lawrence, 2f months in army, 1777, £5 18«. "Lieut. Henry Morse, 2 J months in army at Ticon- deroga, 1776, and for money paid town to hire men for army, £12 5s. Id. "Jonathan Nichols, Jr., 1 month at Cambridge, 1785, and 2 months at Bennington, 1777, £6 10s. "Elijah Osgood, in militia to Otter Creek, and hir- ing Jonathan Woodcock 6 months for Continental army, £15 17s. 6d. '• Benjamin Olcott, 5 days in militia, 1777, and 2 months at Bennington, £4 14s. " Benjamin Hazen, 2J months at York and 12 days to Otter Creek, £6 5s. lOrf. "Aaron Parsons, 6 days in militia, 1775, 2J months in army at Ticonderoga, 1776, and 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, by hire, £7 3s. 4rf. "Samuel Page, 9 days in militia at Cambridge, 1775, £1 6s. 3d. " Josiah Prime, 6 months at Roxbury, 1775, £13. "Amasa Parker, 12 months in army that went to Canada with General Arnold, £26. " Simeon Puffer, 12 days at Cambridge, 1775, and 5 months in army that went to Canada, 1776, £12 lis. 8d. "Amos Puffer, 10 months in army to Canada, 1776, and 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, £22 10s. lOd. "Josiah Read, 2 months at Bennington, 1776, £4 6s. 8d. " Levi Rugg, 12 days to Cambridge, 1775, and 5 months at Ticonderaga, 1776, £12 lis. 8d. "John Rugg's heirs, 10 months in army to Canada, 1776, by said Rugg and 12 days to Cambridge, £23 8s. 7d. " Pentecost Stanley, 12 days at Cambridge, 1775, and 2J months in army at York, 1776, £7 3s. 4rf. " Elisha Scott, 4 months by Nathan Cresson, 1777, £8 13s. 4rf. " Nathan Scott, 5 days, in 1777, and 25 days at Westward, 1777, £2 3s. lOd. " Benjamin Starkey, 1 year by himself and others, £26. "John Starkey, 2J months at York by Benedict Webber, 1776, £5 8». 4d. " Enoch Starkey, for money paid to hire men for Continental army, £7 10s. "Joseph Starkey, 8 J months at Cambridge, 1775, and 1 month at Ticonderoga, 1776, £20 5s.8rf. "John Thompson, 2 months at Bennington by hire, £4 6s. 8d. "Roger Thompson, 2J months at Ticonderoga, 1775, by Josiah Prime, and 1 month at Ticonderoga, 1776, £7 lis. 8d. "Samuel Thompson, 12 days at Otter Creek by hire and 25 days in militia at Westward by hire, 1777, £2 13s. 6d. " Ebenezer Thompson, 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, and hiring Jonathan Woodcock six months for Con- tinental army, £15 17«. 6d. "Annanius Tubs, army at Canada, 1776, 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, and 2 months at Bennington, 1777, £11 7s. 2d. "Philemon Whitcomb, 4 months, in 1777, by Ben- jamin Parker, £8 13s. 4d. " Lieut. Daniel Warner, 10 days in militia in Cam- SWANZEY. 401 bridge, 1775, 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, and 9 months in Continental army by hire, £22 2s. 9d. " Capt. Joseph Whitcomb, 1 month to Ticonderoga, 1776, and 1 month in army at Westward, 1777, £4 6s. 8d " Captain Jonathan Whitcomb, 8 J months in Con- tinental army at Cambridge, 1775, £18 8s. id. "Maj. Elisha Whitcomb, 11 months and 8 days in army at Canada, 1776, and 12 days at Cambridge, 1775, and 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, £26 9s. 2d. "Abijah Whitcomb, 8 J months in army at Cam- bridge, 1775, £18 8s. 4a!. " William Wright, 2J months in army, 1776, by Wyat Gunn, and 15 days in militia, 1777, £5 18s. 8d. " Lieut. Samuel Wright, 12 days in militia at Cam- bridge, 1775, 2J months at York, and 2J months at Peeskill, 1776, £12 lis. 8d. " Cornelius Roberts, 1 year in Continental army, 1776, and 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, £26 17s. 6d. "Jonathan Woodcock, Jr., 1 month in militia to Ticonderoga, 1776, £2 3s. id. " Nathan Woodcock, 2 months, in 1777, by Daniel Day, £4 6s. 8d. "John Whitcomb, 12 days to Cambridge, 1775, 5 months at Ticonderoga, 1776, by hire, 1 month at Ticonderoga by himself, 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, and 2 months in army at the Westward, 1777, £19 19s. 2d. "James Wheelock, 10 months to Canada, 1776, £21 13s. id. "Moses Boardman Williams, 12 days at Otter Creek, 1777, and 2 months in army at the Westward, 1777, £5 4s. 2d. " Ensign James Heaton, 10 months in army before he came to Swanzey and 12 days militia to Otter Creek, 1777, £22 10s. lOd. "Benjamin Follett, 1 month in army at Cambridge, 1775, and 2 months in army at the Westward, 1777, £6 10s. "John Plene, 1 month at York, 1776, by hire, and 6 weeks at York by hire, £5 4s. " Samuel Heaton, 2i months at Peekshill, 1776, £5 8s. id. " Samuel Hills, Jr., 10 months in army to Canada, 1776, £21 133. 4a!. "Elkenah Lane, Sr., 15 days in militia to Cam- bridge, 1775, and 5 days in militia at another time, £13n!. "Samuel Lane, 1 month in militia at Ticonderoga, and 4 months in Continental army, 1777, £10 16s. 8d. " Jonathan Day, 2J months in army, 1777, by hire, £5 8«. id. " Daniel Day, 12 days in militia to Cambridge, 1775, £1 16s. "Nathaniel Potter, 12 days in militia to Cam- bridge, 1775, 2J months in army, 1777, by hire, and 12 days in militia to Otter Creek, 1777, £8 10s. " Stoddard Frazy, 2 months in army by hire, 1777, £4 6s. 8d. "Moses Griffith, 5 months in army at Ticonderoga, 1776, £10 16s. 8d. " William Grimes, 5 months in army at Ticonderoga, 1776, by hire, and 9 months in Continental army by hire, £30 6s. &d. " William Grimes, Jr., 12 days at Cambridge, 1775, 1 month to Ticonderoga, 1776, 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, and 9 months in army by hire, £24 5s. lOd. "James Grimes, 12 days to Cambridge, 1775, and 12 days to Otter Creek, 1777, £2 12s. 6d. "Andrew Nichols, 10 months in army to Canada, 1776, £21 13s. id. "Jonathan Hammond, 3 years in Continental army by hire, £78. " Timothy Brown Applin, 2 months in Continental army by hire, £4 6s. 8d. " Nathaniel Heaton, for service by Daniel Gunn, £10 10s. lid. " Ezekiel White, 4 months in army by hire, £8 13s. id. "David White, 2^ months in army by hire, £5 8s. id. " Kimber Harvey, service in army, 1777, £3 14s. 2d. " Willard Hunt, 8 months in army, £17 6s. 8d. "Pelitia Hazey, 6 weeks' service, £2 18s. £2d. " Thomas Applin, for money paid for town to pro- cure men for Continental army, £6 15s. 9d. " Benjamin Freeman, 4 months' service by his son, £8 13s. id. "John Frazy, 5 months and 12 days by his son Job, £11 14s. 2d. " Ephraim Harvey, for service by .Tames Green, £4 6s. 8d. " Timothy Harvey, 10 months in army to Canada, 1776, £21 13s. id. The foregoing list contains one hundred and twenty -seven names. The committee on the part of the town which made out the report of the services which each of them had done consisted of Thomas Applin, Calvin Frink, Samuel Hills, Daniel Warner, Henry Morse and Joseph Whitcomb, Jr., and was made February 23, 1778. The town voted, January 2, 1778, to choose a committee to use their utmost endeavor to pro- 402 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. cure the men wanted to make up our quota of men for the Continental army. The committee chosen consisted of EHsha Whitcomb, Joseph Hammond and Samuel Hills. The following extracts show that Swanzey had soldiers in the army later than 1777 : " This may Certify that Noah Parkis hath Due on my Bole for his Service at the North— and last year, seven Hundred and six pounds, ten Shillings, Conti- nental money which was made up only at Sixty -Seven for one of Two pounds per month for a private. "Epheaim Stone. " Keene, August 10th, 1781. " To the Town of Swanzey or whome it may Con- searn." The following petition of Swanzey soldiers was addressed to the General Court : " That your petitioners did in the year of our Lord 1779, Inlist as private soldiers in the Continental Ser- vice for one Year then next ensuing and did actually and faithfully perform one Year's Service in the present War and were Discharged from said Service in June, 1780, for which said Service your Petitioners have never yet Eeceived any wages either from the Continent or. this state and we Humbly apprehend that we are Justly entitled to a Reward for our Ser- vices equal to others in the same predicament. " Your Petitioners, therefore. Humbly pray, that this Honorable Court would take the Premises into their Consideration and grant us, your Petitioners, such a Competent Reward for our said services as in your Wisdom you shall think proper. " And as in Duty bound shall ever pray. "Antipas How. "Andrew Nichols. " Joshua Jewett Prime." " Swanzey, October 15th, 1784. " To the paymaster of the State of New Hamp- shire : "Sir: Pleas to pay to Mjr. Elisha Whitcomb, all the Wages and Depreciation that is due to me for My Servise in the Continental Army, in the Years 1777 and 1778 and his Receipt Shall be a Discharge from me in full. "Mores Belding." He was a lieutenant in Captain William Ellis' company, Scammell's regiment, and was discharged September 1, 1778. "I reced of Jonathan Whitcomb, thre pound Lawful Money as a hire, for Inlesting During the wor In the first New Hampshire Regt., and Do promis to Sarve for the Town of Swanzey During Said Term. " Amasa Parker, Sargt. "Jany 15th, 1780." " These may Certify whome it may concern, that we the Subscribers being a Committee appointed by the Town of Swanzey to procure Soldiers for the Continental Army in the Year 1778, did agree with Mr. Jonathan Woodcock, to Inlist into said Army for the Term of two Years, from Some time in February, 1778, and we never agreed with or Engaged him for any longer Time. "Samuel Hills, | "Joseph Hammond, [ «^'«^«'"'-" " It appears by the Books, that John Nicholson and John Bemis were allowed by the Committee of Safety, as Soldiers for the Town of Swanzey, in the Year 1782. It does not appear by any Books or returns when they were mustered. "J. GiLMAN." The following Swanzey men were in the First New Hampshire Regiment : Joel Andrews, enlisted May 12, 1778; discharged DecemTDer 31, 1780. Corporal John Cross, enlisted January ], 1778 ; dis- charged December 31, 1781. William Frankfort, enlisted January 9, 1778; died April 17, 1779. Levi Simmons, enlisted February 13, 1778; dis- charged December 17, 1780. Joseph Tucker, enlisted February 8, 1778; dis- charged December, 1780. Sergeant Amasa Parker and Solomon Hazel- tine were in Captain Benjamin Ellis' company in 1781 and in the First New Hampshire Regi- ment in 1782. The following is a copy of a bill for pastur- ing government cattle : " Swanzey, Dec. 20th, 1789. "Capt. John Jennison, Collector of Beef, Dr., to the Selectmen of Swanzey for Pasturing Beef Cattle as foUoweth (viz.) "For pasturing thirty-one Head of Beef cattle from the 16'" Day of July till the 7* of September, being Seven Weeks and four Days, at nine pence per Head per week £g igs. id. '■ For pasturing Nine head 2 weeks and four Days (viz.), from the Seventh of Sept. till the 25'" ig,. gd. SWANZEY. 403 " For Pasturing thirty-two Head from the 25 of Sept. till the H'" of Oct., be- ing two weeks and two Days " For Pasturing Twenty-two Head of Beef Cattle from the 11* of Oct. till the first day of Novem', being three ■ weeks " For keeping one Beef Creture from the first Day of Nov. till the 16'" of De- cember, being Six weeks, at 9'' per week.. Ms. 9rf. 4s. 6rf. £13 Is. 7d. "Joseph Dickinson ") Selectmen " David Belding, June. >• of " Calvin Fkink J Swanzey." A most exciting state of affairs existed in the westerly part of New Hampshire dnring some of the last years of the Revolution, and some of the following years, which was caused by a portion of the people becoming disaffected to- wards New Hampshire and wishing to unite with Vermont. The following statements, made by the selectmen of Swanzey to the General Court, show the state of affairs in the town: " The Selectmen of the town of Swanzey in behalf of themselves and the Town Humbly Shew " That under the Present unhappy Situation of our affairs in this part of the State, when most in many and many in all the Towns have revolted from under the Government and Jurisdiction of the State, bid- ding defiance to the Authority and Laws of the same. Absolutely Refusing to pay Taxes or to contribute any thing in any way or manner towards Raising men for the Continental Army, or Providing Supplies for the same. We find it extreemly Difficult for us to Comply with the Requisitions of the State, for, altho' the greatest part of the People in this Town Remain firm in their Allegiance to the state. Utterly averce to the late and present factious and Seditious conduct of a great (if not the greatest) part of the people in this Western part of the State. Yet our affairs are extreemly Embarrassed, for, if Taxes are Assessed, they cannot be Collected, as some will Refuse to pay, and if Constables or Collectors should Distrain Such Delinquents for their Rates mobs would Arise, and perhaps the power of the State of Vermont would be employed for their protection. "We have exerted ourselves as much as we could in order to Raise our Quota of Men for the Continen- tal Army, and Also for Six Months, but have not been able to compleat the former, nor to Raise any part of the latter, which Inability is owing princi- pally, if not Solely, to the confused Situation of this part of the State, And unless Something can be done for our Assistance it will be Absolutely Impossible for us to Raise men or money for the Service of the State. "We consider ourselves as Subjects of the state of New Hampshire, and are firmly Resolved to persist in our Allegiance and expect the protection of the State, without which we shall not be able to stand against the opposition that will be made. " We Humbly pray that your Honors would take the matter into your Wise consideration and make Such provision for our protection and Safety as that we may not be Obliged to Yield to unreasonable men and Measures. " Tho' Applin " Calvin Fkink Selectmen "Elijah Belding J- of " Isaac Hammond I Swanzey. " Elisha Whitcomb j "Swanzey, June 9, 1781." The following petition, relative to beef tax of 1784, was addressed to the General Court February, 1785 : " The Petition of the Selectmen and Assessors of the Town of Swanzey, in said State, for the year 1784, " Humbly sheweth, — " That whereas in the year 1781 the General Court of this State Ordered and directed the Selectmen of said Swanzey to Assess the Inhabitants of said Town their Quota of Beef for the Continental Army, which was accordingly done, and the greatest part of said Beef was paid by said Inhabitants, yet some were de- linquent. Refusing to pay their State Tax, Occasioned Principally by the Union of the Grants (so-called) with Vermont, by reason of which agreably to an Act of the General Court, said Swanzey was Ordered to pay a deficiency of said Tax and a fine for their De- linquency, both of which amounting to £137, which the Treasurer of this State, by his Warrant directed to the Selectmen of said Town, has ordered to be Assessed, which has not yet been complied with. Be- cause your petitioners think it very unjust to Assess, Levy and Collect the aforesaid Sum of those Persons who paid their Tax in due time, and your Petitioners have no Warrant to Assess said Sum on those that were Delinquent, and dare not venture to Assess said Sum, either on the whole or part of the Inhabitants, lest it should make great confusion, murmuring and Complaining among the People of Said Town. Your 404 HISTORi' OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Petitioners, therefore, most Humbly and earnestly pray that this Honorable Body would take the above Stated Case into their Serious consideration, and make such Order thereon as in their Wisdom they shall think most just and Equitable. " And as in Duty Bound shall ever pray. "Datid Belding, ( Selectmen & Jsses- " Isaac Hammond, \ sors of Swanzey." The following, relative to the beef tax, was addressed to the General Court December 13, 1786: "The Selectmen of Swanzey, in the County of Cheshire, humbly beg leave to lay before this Honor- able Body their Embarrassments as to Assessing the Doomage for this Town's Deficiency of Beef in the year 1781. Your Petitioners immediately on Eeceiv- ing Orders for collecting Said Beef, Assessed the Inhabitants of Swanzey, Seting the Beef at twenty- Seven Shillings per Hundred weight, and as your Petitioners were Sensible of the Importance of the Order of Court being complied with, they exerted themselves and Collected a considerable part of the Beef by the Set time, and would undoubtedly Col- lected the whole had it not been for a number of Politi- cal Heriticks in this and Adjacent Towns, who, by their Instigations and artful insinuations, Shook the AUegiancy (of the ignorant andunprincipaled part of the community) from the State of New Hampshire, and Attached them to the usurped State of Vermont, and the Imbecillity of Government was so great at that Day that your Petitioners thought it not wise to compel or use Coersive measures with those who would not freely pay their proportion of Said tax, and since the Energy of Government has increased and this Town has been caled upon to pay Said Tax, with a Doomage, the Selectmen have taken up the matter and find it Difficult, if not Irapossable, to make an Assessment for said Doomage in any way which will not blow up an unquenchable fire in this Town, for if we should Assess it on the Delinquents only, who in justice Ought to pay the Same, we Should in so doing do injustice, for a Number of said Delinquents are Removed out of this Town, and, consequently, out of the reach of an Assesment, and should an Asses- ment be made on the whole Town, it would be to make the Righteous be as the Wicked, which the Patriarch of the Hebrews Saith, is far from the Al- mighty. Your Petitioners, therefore, most Humbly pray this Honorable Body to take the matter into their wise Consideration, and either except of the twenty-Seven Shillings on the Hundred weight, which is already Assessed, and which may be Collected without Dificulty or Direct Your Petitioners in what manner to proceed, that they may escape the Publick Odium. " Isaac Hammond, J Selectmen of " Calvin Fhink, \ Swanzey. " In House of Rep. January 16, 1787, Voted that as there is great difficulty respecting the assessment for the deficiency of Beef in the Town of Swanzey, the Treasurer be directed, so far as respects said Beef Tax, to stay the Extent against said Town untill the first Wednesday of June next." Of the Swanzey men who rendered important services during the Revolution, Lieutenant- Colonel Joseph Hammond may be considered the most conspicuous. He marched immediately at the head of a company for the field of con- flict when he heard of the battle at Lexing- ton. He went with his regiment to Ticonderoga, being lieutentant-colonel under Colonel Ashley. He resigned his commission June 14, 1779. He was, however, employed in various ways during the war, acting as mustering officer, and at times in charge of the transportation of sup- plies to the army at Ticonderoga, etc. He was at home when the battle of Bunker Hill was fought. He knew that many of the Swanzey soldiers were with the army in that vicinity, and among them his son Joseph. When he heard of the battle he prepared to start im- mediately, that he might know the results of the battle. He started in the morning and rode through in a day, a distance of about ninety miles, and returned the following day. The following poem describes this famous ride : " Says old Colo. Hammond, ' I'd like to know The fate on the morrow of my son Joe ; I learn by the herald that rode by to-night, The unwelcome news of the Bunker-Hill fight; Nor doubt I a moment my son Joe was there. In fighting our foemen, to fight his full share; And I have resolved and approved of the plan To off on the morrow and learn what I can. So, wife, in the morning the breakfast prepare, While I catch and curry the old red mare ; Till then let us sleep — 'tis needful we rest — And dream what we may, we will hope for the best. The Colo, rose early and early prepared To start on his journey as he had declared. SWANZEY. 405 And soon in the door-yard the old mare was tied, ' All saddled, all bridled,' all fit for a ride. The Colonel's cocked-hat now he put on his head. His spurs on the heels of his boots, as he said : ' Wife, now my blue-coat and my doublet of buff. And I shall be rigged for the ride well enough.' The sun got up some minutes before The Colonel was ready to step from the door. And say to his lady ' good morn,' or ' good bye. Then thinking of Joseph, a tear in her eye. He reached for the bridle when started the mare And snorted, the Colonel looked so militaire ! He patted her neck as he stood by her side. To calm her a wee ere he got up to ride. Then sprang to the saddle, 'thout further delay. And like a knight errant he galloped away. From Swanzey, New Hampshire, thro' Fitzwilliam sped. Swift skim'd the red mare, and strong was her tread ; And onward, and onward, and onward she prest. No sign that she was weary — that she required rest ; Tho' sweating the heat, and oppressive the dust. She turned not; she stopped not to half quench her thirst. And ere Sol his car to the Zenith had run. The Colonel's long journey was more than half done. When looking ahead, lo ! the Colonel espied An inn-stand, inviting, close by the roadside ; To this he reined up for a little respite. And called for refreshments as would a bold knight ; ' Some oats for my mare and a drink at the spring, And as for myself, I'll a bumper of sling ! ' (For all liquored up in those days, you will find. To strengthen their courage and cheer up the mind). But short was his tarry, and, proud of her load. The old mare was prancing along the high-road ; On ! on through old Concord she gallantly sped, And onward she galloped through Lexington's town, A place on the road of fame and renown, And drew up at Charlestown, at Bunker Hill's side Before it was sunset, where ended his ride. And glad was the Colonel when Joseph he found. His limbs and his wind and his body all sound. And early next morning the red mare was seen. Her head up, her tail up, just leaving the green ; Her strength like an engine with fleetness combined, (The Colonel on forward and Joe on behind). So lightly she cantered and turned up the road. Not caring a ' fip ' for the weight of the load. She started for home with the Colonel and son, And ere it was sundown her day's-work was done. And how felt the mother when meeting with Joe, There's none but a mother can feel or can know ; And what think ye, reader, hadn't we here As goodly a rider as ' Paul Eevere ? ' " Swanzey furnished its full complement of soldiers for the War of 1812. Of those that went into the service, William C. Belding was killed at Chippewa Plains, July 6, 1814 ; Eufus Graves was killed at Bridgewater, Canada, July 25, 1814 ; a son of John Guild was killed in Upper Canada ; Joshua Prime, a lieutenant of marines, died at Sackett's Harbor March 1, 1813 ; Gains Cresson died a Burlington, Vt. ; and Benedict Arnold died at Portsmouth. The town's record in the War of the Re- bellion is as follows : " Voted September 21, 1861, that the selectmen be instructed to borrow from time to time such sums of money as may be wanted to pay the families or parents of soldiers, who have enlisted, or may here- after enlist in the service of the United States, the sum of one dollar per week for the wife, and one dollar per week for each child. " Voted March 11, 1862, to indemnify the select- men from all liability which they may have incurred or hereafter incur by paying money to the families of soldiers and instruct them to continue to pay to them in accordance with the State law, according to their best judgment. "Beaolved, August 11, 1862, That the town will pay two hundred dollars to each person who will enlist from the town to fill up her required quota (of a draft ordered by the President, August 4, 1862, of three hundred thousand troops for nine months), imme- diately on the mustering into service of such volun- teers, provided they received no bounty from gov- ernment, otherwise one hundred and twenty-five dollars. " Voted September 10, 1863, To raise three hundred dollars to pay to each of the soldiers, or their substi- tutes, ten days after they are mustered into the ser- vice of the United States. " Voted May 30, 1864, To pay the drafted men, or their substitutes, three hundred dollars each to fill all back quotas of said town under the last calls of the President of the United States. " Voted June 16, 1864, That the selectmen shall pay three hundred dollars to each of such persons as may enlist, or their substitutes, and be accredited to the town of Swanzey on any future calls for three-years' men. " Voted AngnsX, 13, 1864, To pay volunteers for one year, one hundred dollars ; for two years, two hun- 406 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. dred dollars ; for three years three hundred dollars ; and that the selectmen be, and are hereby authorized to borrow a sufficient amount of money to carry the above vote into effect. "Voted August 29, 1864, That the selectmen be, and are hereby authorized to pay bounties to citizen volunteers who have resided in the town three months as follows : five hundred dollars for one year, seven hundred and fifty dollars for two years and nine hundred dollars for three years, immediately on being mustered into the service of the United States. " Voted That the selectmen be, and are hereby authorized to pay bounties to drafted men or their substitutes to the full extent of the law as provided or that purpose. "Voted That the selectmen be, and are hereby authorized to procure an amount of money sufficient to carry out the object expressed in the above votes and at the best rates possible. " Voted That the selectmen be requested to interest themselves as much as possible in the matter of raising volunteers to fill the quota of this town. " Voted September 1, 1864, To indemnify the select- men against any liability which may arise by reason of said selectmen paying bounties of three hundred dollars to individuals who have furnished an accepta- ble substitute to count on the quota of the town since July 16, 1864. " Voted December 22, 1864, To pay to those persons who have or may furnish an acceptable substitute to fill the quota of the town on any future call the sum of one hundred dollars for one year, two hundred dollars for two years and three hundred dollars for three years. " Voted To pay bounties to citizens volunteers who have resided in the town three months or more, as follows : five hundred dollars for one year, seven hundred and fifty dollars for two years and nine hundred dollars for three years on being mustered into the service of the United States. The following persons contributed to fill the quotas of Swanzey by enlisting, or by furnish- ing substitutes, or by paying commutation when drafted : Charles R. Applin. Albert G. Read. Jonathan M. Holden. Allen B. Haywood. Anson Gilson. Samuel Hurd. Henry 8. Applin. Philo Applin. 26 David W. Hill. Sylvander Hovey. Demerit W. Stone. Harvey Sargent. Thos. N. Woodward. Daniel E. Woodward. Sanford BoUes. Leonard Lyman. William B. Marble. Daniel H. Holbrook. Albert Ballou. Charles Wheeler. Henry P. Read. Samuel Rockwood. Charles H. Sebastian. Edward P. Sebastian. Sidney Stone. Lowell W. Darling. Amasa Bourne. John Stone. Willard Bragg. George F. Trobridge Amos E. Cummings. Elliot Wright. Gardner Wheeler. Carlos Quinn. Samuel Quinn. Charles Quinn. Elbridge G. Prentice. Joseph Cross. George B. Richardson. Jeremiah Plummer. Cyrus F. Holbrook. Oliver L. Nash. Prescot D. Cobuni. Stilman D. Nash. Warren F. Allen. Horace Barney. George O. Knapp. John A. Bread. George W. Robinson. Thomas Burns. Aaron Dickinson. Cyrus W. Stanley. Benjamin Pomeroy. George Wilson. Bradley Hill. Amos D. Combs. George W. Johnson. Oratus Very. George Mattoon. Isaac Starkey. Charles H. Mcintosh. Henry Coburn. N. R. Smith. Aaron Sumner. Obed Holton. Thomas Christie. James L. Davis. Leonard S. Holden. Charles Barber. Sanford S. Wilber. Richard R. Ramsdell. Theodore Hovey. Oratus J. Very. Noyce G. Wheeler. Roswell O. Aldrich. Samuel Stephenson. Lyman C. Deeth. Aaron Lebourveau. George Jackson. Henry Hill. Asa C. Hemmenway. Obed Holton. Menzies E. Stratton. Benjamin F. Mead. William W. Starkey. Samuel Rockwood. Charles R. Applin. John L. Meserve. Alonzo D. Sumner. John A. Colby. WDliam Read. William Eastman. Michael Farrel. Harvey Thompson. John Barker. Thoma.s Smith. Frank Canovan. John Stewart. George Perkins George Davis. Thomas Karney. Sexton W. Williams. William Oakman. Silas W. Ballou. Albert R. Ballou. George A. Haywood. Charles Temple. Asahel W. Dunton. Moses D. Ballou. George H. More. Ansell B. Dickinson. John W. Taggard. Timothy Sherman. Henry S. Applin. Amos E. Cummings. Joseph Cross. Elbridge Prentice. John A. Bread. Aaron Dickinson. John F. Hunt. Orick L. Haskell. Warren A. Pickering. SWANZEY. 407 Charles H. Barber, Jr. John Barber. John S. Thayer. D. Brain erd Healey. George W. B. Caffre. A. W. Tupper. Amos Davis. Seamon A. Stone. Edward Boolittle. George P. Ward. Eli W. Raynolds. George I. Capron. Horace B. Starkey. William Sebastian, Jr. B. P. Lamson. Charles G. Gilmore. Samuel Mattoon. Charles W. Philbrook. William E. Thatcher. Charles W. Mattoon. William Stone. Chas. E. Stephenson. Charles H. Holbrook. Franklin Burbank. Dexter H. Thomas. Harrison E. Ward. D. L. M. Comings. Calvin Greenleaf. Luther Smith. Luther Beal. Willis Eeason. Cyrus F. Holbrook. Lincoln Wheelock. Henry D. Holbrook. Charles H. Gove. George B. Holbrook. A. D. Combs. Carrol D. Wright. Franklin C. Whitcomb. Daniel F. Healey. David Buffom (2d). Charles W. Scott. William N. Eipley. Ira A. Hooper. George W. Sweetzer. John P. Hill. Charles Marsh. Jotham M. Ballou. Martin Jewell. Lewis Carpenter. Nathaniel Bourn, Jr. J. Q. A. Wilson. Sylvander L. Hovey. Lemuel O. Hunt. Charles B. Blodgett. Benjamin F. Clark. Edward Dickinson. Jonas C. Waters. Clark H. Houghton. Fred. E. Sebastian. Oratus J. Very. George Burns. Daniel W. Clark. Charles H. Howard. George E. Whitcomb. J. N. Forrestall. George Willis. Lyman C. Willis. Charles Bowles. Josiah Parsons. Benj. H. Richardson. James C. Fames. Orloe E. Parsons. Thayer Thomson. George W. Eastman. James H. Alcott. Henry C. Clark. David Pelkey. Alvin W. Houghton. Edward P. Sebastian. George W. Ellis. Henry B. Davis. Charles S. Parks. Lewis Hunt. In the foregoing list several names appear twice, occasioned by the person re-enlisting. In some cases, where men furnished substitutes, his name appears and also the name of the substitute. We cannot give a correct list of those who were killed or wounded and of those who died while in the service or of those who never re- turned. Anson Gilson, .George F. Trobridge, John Stone, Thomas Burns, Aaron Dickinson were killed ; Lowell W. Darling died from the ef- fect of a wound ; Allen B. Haywood lost his right arm ; Daniel K. Healey was permanently disabled ; Albert Ballou and Francis C. Whit- comb were badly wounded. It is not known what became of Charles Wheeler and Joseph Cross. Eliot Wright, D. Brainard Healey, B. P. Lamson, David BufFum (2d), Demerit W. Stone, Sanford Bolles, Sanford S. Wilber and Henry S. Applin died. Amos D. Combs was a lieutenant in the Sixth Regiment and a captain in the Four- teenth Regiment ; David Bufiiim (2d) was a cap- tain in the Sixteenth Regiment. Carrol D. Wright was a lieutenant in the Fourteenth Regiment when it was organized and was promoted to colonel before he left the regiment. Many natives of Swanzey went into the army from other places, and of these it is known that Lyman Whitcomb, Lucius Whitcomb and Na- thaniel F. Lane were killed, and that Wallace G. Dickinson and Elmer F. Dickinson died while in the service. HISTORY OF WAI.POLE BY GEORGE ALDEICH. CHAPTER I. FROM 1749 TO 1760. The early history of any one town on Con- necticut River only is repeated in the early set- tlements of others located in the same vicinity, in the manner in which families lived, and also in the dangers by which they were beset by hostile Indians. Town lines were no barriers to the friendship that one settlement had for another. There were prominent motives which the early settlers had for a pioneer life. One was to better their condition and make a name for themselves ; and the other was to get away from the conventionalities of populous toM'ns into an atmosphere of freedom, — they could not brook restraint. Many of the early settlers of this town were from the State of Connecticut, who brought with them the frugal, industrious habits of the people of that State, and also the religious sentiments of the Puritans. Another class of settlers came from Londonderry, this state, who were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. They also were frugal, industrious people, and made the old rocky hills yield an abundance for man and beast. After the lapse of more than a century and a quarter, it is impossible for the historian to tell what character all the early settlers of this town bore, only from tradition. However, it is in- ferred from their acts found recorded in the records of the town, and such stray informa- tion as has been gathered from other sources, that most of the first settlers were men of great force of character, patriotic in their political 408 sentiments, strict in their religious observances, frugal and industrious. The intellectual attain- ments of the first settlers were not of a high order ; but in time men of culture took up an abode here. It may be that some of the first settlers left their country for their country's good and made a new home for themselves and families ; but this is not probable, for only one instance is known of a sheriff dogging the heels of a runaway, and that was Colonel Ben- jamin Bellows, who afterwards was the most prominent settler that ever settled in town. His great crime was this, he had not ready money sufficient to satisfy all his creditors be- fore he left Massachusetts. It is not positively known whether the Aborigines ever occupied permanently the terri- tory now embraced by the lines forming the town of Walpole or not ; but one thing is cer- tain, that annually, in the months of May and June, very large numbers collected in the vi- cinity of the Great Falls (now Bellows Falls), for the purpose of catching shad and salmon, it being the best fishing-ground to be found in all New Englaud. The blossoming of the shad-tree {Amelanchier Canadensis) was the signal for all the Indians for many miles around, and even from Canada, to gather about the falls for the purpose of catching shad and salmon. Multitudes of these fish would ascend the Con- necticut every spring, to deposit their spawn at its head and at the source of its tributaries. After a long-weary journey from the ocean the shad were barred further progress by the rapid flow of the water. In the basin below the rapids the shad would gather in myriad num- WALPOLE. 409 bers, and make futile attempts to ascend, but made a failure every time. The Indians, perched on the rocks below, with their scoop-nets, found no difficulty in ap- peasing their hunger during the shad season. In time the shad became discouraged in their attempts to ascend the main stream, when they would descend the river till a suitable tributary was found, which they would ascend and ful- iill nature's laws, and return to the salt water in August — shad poor. The salmou, more agile than the shad, bound on the same mission, would ascend the most rapid portion of the falls with apparent ease ; so rapid is the stream that an iron bar suspended over the current will not sink, but float on the water. It is said that salmon have been seen darting up this cascade with the speed of a locomotive, with two or three lamprey eels in tow, that had fastened themselves upon the sides of the salmon at the dawn of day by suction. There is sufficient evidence to warrant the conclusion that there were large numbers of Indians who lived a part, if not all the year, near the railroad station at Cold River. In the immediate vicinity and also a half-mile be- low, the plough-share of civilization has un- earthed Indian skeletons, spear-heads, arrow- heads, heaps of clam-shells and numerous other Indian relics, which, together with' the rude . carvings on the rocks below the Falls, are in- dubitable evidences of there having been a famous lodgment for Indians about this vicinity long before the pale-faces' eyes rested on this nat- ural landscape of beauty. One-half mile south of Cold Eiver is a spring of chalybeate waters, thought by the Indians to possess remarkable medicinal qualities. There was a tribe of In- dians who frequented this spring, called the Abanakees or Abanarquis (meaning the pines), from whom the spring derives its name. The Indians drank freely of the water and washed themselves all over with it, claiming it would cure cutaneous diseases. It might have been potent in its effects on the red-skins; but no one ever knew of any sanitary effects it had on white people. It is very offensive to most peo- ple, both in taste and smell ; one glass of it be- ing sufficient for a life-time with ordinary peo- ple, unless driven to the very verge of death from thirst. One hundred and thirty-six years ago, (in May or June), if a person with a good field- glass had been perched on the highest point of Fall Mountain (now called Kilburn Mountain), a bird's-eye view would have revealed to him, near where Cold River station now is, several scores of wigwams ; their dusky owners cross- ing and re-crossing the basin below the falls in their bark canoes ; while their squaws were on shore doing their drudgery ; their papooses wal- lowing in the filth around the wigwams, and the Indian maiden loitering about in the shade of the stately elms, stringing her ornaments and wampum. A few rods south from the In- dian camping-ground were the now fertile plains, then studded with dwarf pitch-pines and an uneven growth of white birch. In turning to the east, a gloomy forest of hemlock, which was the home of the gaunt, ravenous gray wolf, that made the night hideous with his howl, presented itself to view. In the far dis- tance down the river, a shadowy view of the towering pines on Boggy Meadow was seen. This is the most arable, productive section of the town ; but it was not cleared for more than eighty years after the first settlement of the town. The reasons were : first, the great amount of labor necessary to remove the heavy timber growing there and, secondly, the un- healthiness of the atmosphere which arose from decaying vegetable matter, producing malaria. The glass, when pointed to the southeast, would bring to view the highest elevation of land in town — Derry Hill — the altitude of which is more than thirteen hundred feet above the level of the sea. This tract of land was covered with a heavy growth of beech, birch and sugar-maple timber, which has been mostly cut off, and now a second growth is almost 410 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ready for the axe. On looking to the west, almost under one's feet is the narrow defile between Fall Mountain and Connecticut River, where the St. Francis Indians, from Canada, used to travel, before Walpole was settled, on their marauding expeditions to the border settlements in Massachusetts. Many were the captive whites who plodded along this narrow defile on their way to Canada, to be sold to the French, downcast, weary, footsore and hungry. The territory north of Walpole to Canada line was one unbroken, gloomy forest, excepting No- 4 (now Charlestown). Grame was plenty. There were the stately moose and his third cousin, the sprightly, graceful red deer, that lived on the scanty, uncut herbage of the openings in sum- mer and browsed on the twigs of deciduous trees in winter. The flesh afforded appetizing viands for the hungry pioneer. The huge, ungainly black bear was frequently met, seen moving about with his shuffling, plantigrade gait, hunt- ing for some fresh esculent or newly-fallen nuts from the beech-tree or acorns from the oak. Bear steak then, as now, was considered a delicacy. The smaller game embraced the raccoon, the gray and black squirrel, the quail and partridge — all of which the ready fowling- piece would bring to the sportsman's feet. The smaller streams were crowded with spotted trout, which had never been lured by the seducing fly of Isaac Walton. Among the carnivorous animals were the lynx, the wild-cat and c^- mount ; the latter had his lair on Fall Moun- tain. The woodlands wore a weird appearan?e — old decaying trees, which had fallen in every conceivable direction, fantastic forms of with- ered limbs and old standing trees, denuded of their bark, contrasted strangely with the fresh- ness of later youth. Reptiles sported in the slimy pools of the lowlands or crawled un- harmed over piles of decaying timber. The rattlesnake lay coiled asleep in some sunny nook, or was noiselessly drawing his hideous form over mouldering vegetation, in quest of some luckless frog. His general habitat, in summer, was in the vicinity of Cold River, but in winter he sought repose in the clefts of rocks on Fall Mountain. Nights were made hideous by the dismal moan of the catamount or the howl of the gray wolf, when hunger forced them in squads or packs to seek something to sustain life. Silence reigned by day, save oc- casionally the roar of the " Great Falls," or broken, perhaps, by the often-repeated tattoo of the male partridge, morning and evening cheer- ing his mate. The red man was the sole occupant of the soil, and was as wild as the savage beasts around him — a predatory vagabond, in constant war- fare with his own race ; seeking the destruction of the early settlers, or leading them into a captivity worse than death ; the bark of the white-birch his canoe ; strings of shells his ornaments, his calendar and his coin ; huts made of bended saplings and evergreen boughs, roofed with the skins, of animals and the rind of trees, his habitation ; leaves of the forest his bed ; his religion, if any, the adoration of na- ture ; his morals not much above the instinct of intelligent animals; disputing with them the occupancy of the forests, and dividing with the squirrel and bear the fruits of the hills — lazy, improvident, wicked. The Indian, naturally sullen, morose and mercenary in his disposition, and having been driven from time to time from the graves of his fathers, and his fishing and hunting-grounds by the encroachments of the whites, needed but little to incite him to plunder and the most cruel barbarity ; consequently he was found continually harassing the frontier settlements, in small predatory bands, burning the habi- tations of the early settlers, destroying their cattle, killing men, women and children or forcing them into captivity, where they would be held for many years away from their chil- dren and friends. It seems truly wonderful, to many persons in these " piping times of peace," that any one WALPOLE. 411 could be found who had the courage, hardihood or even temerity to plant himself in a howling wilderness, far removed from any friendly neigh- bor and almost under the tomahawk of merciless Indians, the white man's deadly foe. But when it is considered that many pioneers in a new country, like ours, had everything to gain and nothing to lose but their scalps ; that famili- arity with danger, as with everything else, breeds contempt ; that the early lessons of children in bygone days were the stories of murder, treachery, pillage and rapine perpe- trated by Indians ; that such stories were re- counted the hundredth time by the gray-haired grandsire to his grandson on his knee, so that at an early age the child became thoroughly schooled in the habits, artifices and wiles of the red man, and at manhood, being thus taught, he held the Indian in contempt, and believed he could check-mate his foe on his own ground ; wonder ceases that pioneers could be found, who were ready to brave the dangers of a pioneer's life. At any rate such persons were found, and among them was — John Kilbuen, who was born in Glaston- bury, Conn., 1704 ; consequently he was forty- five years old when he came to Walpole, in 1749. He had built himself a log cabin on the fertile intervale, about three-fourths of a mile south of Cold River, and about the same distance from the place where the Indians, in large numbers, sojourned in the summer through the .fishing season. His family consisted of himself, his wife, his daughter Mehitable (Het- ty) and his son John. Thomas Kilburn was the first settler of the name in this country, who came to America from England in 1635, bringing with him his wife and five children. John Kilburn, Sr. was the fourth remove from Thomas. The name of Kilburn can be found among the Eng- lish nobility to the time of Chaucer, and the line of descent can be directly traced from that time -to the present. The name is spelled in different ways by the old English families, as well as in this country ; but the sound is the same. Kilburn, Kilborn, Kylbourne, Kil- borne are some of the various ways the name is found spelled. The origin of the name is the same. The name is made up from two words, Kuh and Bourn, which signify, the for- mer cold and the latter water, — cold water. The coincidence of the names of the first two set- tlers of this town, meaning about the same thing, is quite singular ; Belle JEaio, pluralized, mean- ing beautiful waters, and Kule Bourn, meaning cold water or cold stream. What is in a name ? Kilburn had lived in town some three or four years before Colonel Benjamin Bellows settled in town, without communication with friend or foe ; although he had often sought intercourse with the Indians, they had studiously avoided him. Daring this period he had no rest day nor night. He was not only exposed to the inclemency of severe storms in his rude hut, and all the hardships and privations inci- dent to frontier life, but was living day and night in constant fear of the tomahawk or the scalping-knife. During the day he did not dare to go a few rods from his cabin without his gun, and at night his bed was the cold ground, a bear skin for his covering, and a cartridge box for his pillow ; nor did he dare camp two nights in the same place, while the Indians were lurking in ambush, ready to strike the deadly blow at the first opportunity. Many times during his absence they visited his cabin in the dead of night, and stole everything they could find and carry away. Some time in 1754, a company of Indians came down the river, landed above the falls and invited Kilburn to trade with them. He visi- ted their boats, bought some skins, and made some presents of flints, flour a7td fish-hooks. For a while the Indians continued to hunt and encamp about the neighborhood, and, as no mischief was done, he felt more secure as time passed on, the sight of wigwams becoming familiar to his eyes and the sound of guns an every-day occurrence to his ears. 412 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. In 1752, Colonel Bellows had become a settler in town and some others soon after, of whom more further on. In 1754, in the spring, a large Indian, by the name of Philip, who could speak a little broken English, visited Kilburn's cabin, in a friendly way, pretending to be on a hunting excursion, and in want of provisions. He was generously supplied with flints, flour and other articles and dismissed. Soon after it was ascer- tained, however, that this same wily scoundrel had visited all the frontier settlements with the same plausible story, and was suspected by all as a wolf in disguise. Governor Shirley, of Albany, sent word by a friendly IndiaJi that five hundred Indians were collecting in Canada, whose purpose it was to butcher and wipe out the entire population of the advanced settle- ments on Connecticut River. This news greatly disturbed Kilburn, but he did not leave his home nor lie down. He immediately went to work and built a palisade around his cabin with heavy timbers, firmly set upright in the ground, placed so near together that nothing larger than a cat could pass between the tim- bers. He purchased everything necessary for a prolonged siege, and then with stoical indiff- erence waited coming events, which had already cast their shadows before in the murders and depredations that had been committed by the savages in the neighboring settlements. Colo- nel Bellows had already become a settler and employed a large number of men to work for him, clearing the lands and in making other improvements ; among them was the building of a mill to grind corn and other grains. This mill was situated at a place now known as Blanchard's Falls, about a mile northeast from Colonel Bellows' residence. On returning from the mill to Bellows' Fort, as his residence was now called, the stream on which the mill stood had to be crossed, which was about thirty feet lower than the plain above, then covered with stunted pines, underbrush and ferns. A sketch of Walpole without the story of The Kilburn Fight would be like play- ing Hamlet with Hamlet left out. The Indians had learned that Colonel Bellows and his men were at work at his mill, and would return home some time during th'i day, and would be likely to follow the foot path across the plain, which was in front of what is now the residence of Willard T. Blanchard. The Indians had stationed themselves across this path in a semi- circle. About noon on the 17th of August, 1755, as Colonel Bellows was returning with his men, about thirty in number, each with a bag of meal on his shoulder and a carefully loaded fire-arm in his hand, on approaching the plain, their dogs ran up the bank and halted and began to growl and show other unmistak- able signs that something did not suit them. When fairly on the plain. Colonel Bellows' sagacity told him that redskins were close at hand. Colonel Bellows then coolly told his men to drop their sacks of meal, examine their flints, and at a signal from him give a whoop and drop down into the ferns. This manoeuvre brought every Indian to his feet, which gave Bellows' men an excellent opportunity to pick off his man. How many savages bit the dust at this time Avas not ascertained, for it is well known that an Indian will fight longer for a dead comrade than for a living one. If any were killed at this time, they were dragged away. The Indians were completely panic-stricken and they rushed down the steep bank to the west pell-mell, on to the meadow on which Kilburn's hut stood and hid themselves in the alders grow- ing there. Colonel Bellows and his men moved away from the scene in the direction of the fort, with much greater celerity than was their daily custom. Kilburn and his hired men, returning from their work to dinner, discovered the red legs of the savages in the alders, whereupon he quickened his steps to his hut to put things in order for a warm reception. The inmates of his cabin were himself and wife, a hired man by the name of Peak, his son John, then eigh- teen years old) and his daughter Mehitable WALPOLE. 413 (Hetty). After barricading his doors and win- dows and taking other necessary precautions, quiet reigned for a few minutes. During this quiet interval Kilburn's eyes were directed to the bank east of his cabin, where a foot-path ran down the hill to the intervale below. One hundred and ninety-seven Indians crossed this path in a very short time and stationed them- selves on the side-hill east of his cabin. Sub- sequently it was ascertained that as many more were lying in ambush at the mouth of Cold River. Silence was broken soon after by that " old wily, treacherous devil" Philip, who had visited Kilburn's cabin the summer before and had received presents from his hands, by his appear- ing, partly hidden behind a tree, and calling upon those in the house to surrender. Said he, " Old John, young John, come out here, I know you — we give you good quarter !" " Quarter !" vociferated old Kilburn, with a voice like thunder, that rang through every Indian's brain, and every valley around. " You black rascals, begone or we'll quarter you !" Who would have anticipated this more than Spartan reply, without tremor from a camp of four men hedged around by four hundred merciless savages with appe- tites sharply whetted for the blood of white men? Meanwhile, those ambushed at the mouth of Cold River liad joined their comrades gathered near Kilburn's home. After Philip had made his generous oifer of surrender to Kilburn, he returned to his tribe, and after a few minutes' consultation with them the terrifying war whoop was sounded convey- ing to the uninitiated the impression that all the imps of pandemonium had broken loose. Immediately a shower of leaden hail, from at least four hundred guns of the enemy, pene- trated and splintered the roof of our hero's cabin. Before the smoke had settled down from the enemy's guns, so as to obscure the surroundings, Kilburn espied an Indian of more than ordinary size leaning against the fence, partly hidden frona view. Kilburn seized upon this opportunity of getting the first return fire. He leveled his musket, pulled the trigger, and his human target dropped dead on the spot. Kilburn always maintained that this Indian was no other than that old scoundrel Philip. Our hero's enemies were on all sides of him, and while some of them kept up a continuous fire against the hut, without doing any harm, others were engaged in destroying his hay, grain and pigs, and making a general slaughter of his cattle, Kilburn and his men did not waste their ammunition, but resolved, that at every discharge of their mus- kets, every deadly missile should take effect. The defenders had several muskets in the cabin, which were kept hot by incessant firing. They had poured their powder into hats that it might be more convenient for loading their arms. Their bullets began to run low, when a happy thought struck them, which was to sus- pend blankets under the roof and catch the enemy's bullets, which the women recast and made them do double service, being immedi- ately sent back as an acknowledgment of their receipt. It was evident that Kilburn's bullets had a telling effect on his enemies, for they were not so bold as they were at the begin- ning of the siege, when they made the rash attempt to burst in the door ; they were only seen now, stealthily crawling from tree to tree and stump to stump, avoiding exposure as much as possible. From noon, on that memor- able day, the incessant firing and fiendish war-whoop dinned on the ears of all within hearing distance. At length the savages began to disappear one by one, and when the sun had shed its last lingering beams and the mantle of darkness hung over the scene, the Indians were gone. In a very short time the turmoil of the day was followed by almost deadly silence. No sounds were heard but the Au- gust cricket chirping his evening song and the melodious lullaby of the distant falls. Colonel Bellows and his men had heard the 414 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. firing all the afternoon, but none of them had the foolhardiness to go to the relief of Kilburn and his family. They would rather brave the taunts of cowardice than run the risk of losing their scalps, — it needed something more than the love of glory to stimulate a handful of men to meet four hundred savages on an open plain. Late in the evening, when all was still, Peter Bellows, the intrepid oldest son of the colonel, sallied forth to learn the fate of the Kilburns. Stealing along cautiously, figuratively with his heart in his mouth, he at length arrived at the door of his neighbor, made himself known and was at once admitted. He was the first to con- gratulate Kilburn on his wonderful escape and honor him for his bravery. He found that no one of the household had been injured but one, and that was Kilburn's hired man, Peak. He, by exposing himself needlessly in the early part of the engagement, received a wound in the hip, and as there was no surgical aid nearer than Northfield, Mass., forty miles distant, to care for him, he died the fifth day afterwards. Ever after this memorable fight, though the In- dians continued to harass the neighboring towns and settlements, they never again visited Walpole to molest the settlers. It has been said by some, and the belief has been fully shared by others, that the heroic defense made by Kilburn to save his family, as it dampened the courage of the savages, was the means of saving many valuable lives. Many years after the Kilburn fight, a story was told, which has a degree of plausibility on its fece, at least, and runs thus : A relative of our townsmen (the Blanchards) became ac- quainted with an old Indian chief, then living in the State of New York, whose name was Joshark Noshark, who formerly belonged to the St. Francis tribe of Indians. He told the Blanchards' relative that he was in the Kilburn fight, being a young man then nineteen years of age. His memory was unimpaired, and he gave a full and minute history of that eventful day. He described minutely the surrounding scenery, the falls, the mineral spring, the mountain and the red and yellow paints his tribe was in the habit of procuring to decorate their bodies. He said that Philip was killed in the early part of the fight, and, with many others killed, was buried south of the falls, — that Philip was buried in a spot removed from the rest of the tribe which were killed. After Philip's friends had dug a grave by using their hands and scaly stones, suiEciently deep for their purpose, they laid his remains in, and first covered the body with dirt, then a large flat stone was placed on him, then more dirt and finally with a covering of leaves, carefully spread over the whole, so that the whites might not discover his burial- place. He gave as a re,ason why Walpole was never after molested, that his tribe believed that the " Great Spirit " frowned on their con- duct after having been so well treated by Kil- burn. During the construction of the Cheshire Rail- road several human skeletons were exhumed, supposed to be Indians, and among them was one, buried under a flat stone, answering, by its huge proportions, the description formerly given of Philip. These bones were procured and wired together by one Dr. Robbins, of Bellows Falls, and are now in the possession of his family. It appears, from all the information in pos- session of the writer of this sketch, that John Kilburn had a grant of the township of Wal- pole, procured from the government of the State of New York. The authorities then of that State had about as much knowledge of the geography of this region as an average school- boy has of localities in Australia. The State of New York never held any jurisdiction on the east side of Connecticut River. The claim of New York to the soil of New Hampshire was a shallow pretense, based on the ignorance of those in authority at the capital of New York. Many people, sometimes, lose more from ig- norance than it would cost them to gain infor- WALPOLE. 415 mation. This was the case with John Kilburn, for Benning Wentworth was, at the time of Kilburn's advent in town, the Governor of the State of New Hampshire, and had been for eight years granting to parties all about in this vicinity, and as far west as Bennington, Vt. (from whose name Bennington is derived). Colonel Bellows knew to what government to apply for a charter, which he obtained in 1752, three years after Kilburn settled, who expected to be protected in his fancied rights by holding a valueless roll of parchment. Then came the "tug of war." Bellows was imperious and domineering, and Kilburn was sullen and un- yielding; the one had the State of New Hamp- shire to back him, the other nothing but his strong arm and indomitable will. A letter in the possession of the writer of this sketch, writ- ten by George Kilburn, the great-grandson of old John, states that after the quarrel had lasted for some years between the families, Bellows so far yielded as to make an offer to divide the town- ship with his great-grandfather ; but his reply Avas, " No ! I bought the land and paid my money for it ; I '11 have all or I '11 have none ! " After a while Kilburn became discouraged in trying to maintain a co"ntest so unequal, when he left town and settled in Springfield, Vt. ; Colonel Bellows then offered him fifty acres in one body, of any land in town ; Kilburn ac- cepted this offer, and located his future home where Oliver J. Hubbard now resides. He soon returned from Springfield, built himself a house and settled once more. The curious would be glad to know why he settled there. If he had an eye for the beauti- ful, the question is answered, for from an eleva- tion east of the house the most beautiful semicircular view is had that can be found in the surrounding country. When he moved into his new house he exclaimed, " Here I will live till I die, and no foe of any kind shall ever drive me away so long as I can hold a gun ! " The Kilburn and Bellows families lived neighbors in town nearly one hundred and twenty years, and never intermarried. At length one of the Bellows descendants, of the fourth generation, and one of the Kilburns, of the sixth generation, married ; and the mingled blood of the first two settlers courses the veins of their two children — a son and daughter. The Kilburns did not rise much above the surface till the fourth generation, through Elijah, old Kilburn's grandson. He had a large family — nine children, six of whom were boys, who were all respectable, thriving people, some of whom secured a large competency as mill-owners and superintendents. All have been leading men in communities where they have lived. There is no one by the name of Kilburn liv- ing in the town to-day, and but few descendants. Mr. Kilburn was a man of but limited edu- cation ; therefore he was not the peer of others more fortunate, who figured as town officers ; he only held some few minor positions in town. He was industrious, honest and brave, and he ' lived long enough to see his great-grandchildren on the stage, when, at a ripe okl age, he died, and was buried in the old cemetery north of the village, where a plain, substantial slab of granite marks the spot, with the following inscription : " In memory of John Kilburn, who departed this life for a better, April 8th, 1789, in the 85th year of his age. He was the first settler of this town in 1749." 1752. — A star actor will now be introduced to the reader, who, with his descendants, did more to settle the town, build her church edi- fices, foster education and the building of high- ways in the first twenty years after his advent, than all others put together. In fact, the influ- ence of this man and his family was felt in every movement made in town, even down as late as 1830. When one voter met another town- meeting day morning, he asked of the other, " Well, how are you going to vote to-day ?" His 41« HISTOKT OF CHESHIRE CO^^TY. ^i:v^" HAMPSHIRE. i^T xTse^ " I dim'i know- ; I havea": aslwd Ae CVxi- Besjamix Ei - : >>. mi» ^w«^ the fooDiler of die town. Ka:.ini: Vr«ir«xsrA. o.rr?;r r.? 01 ::r:i:-ii: *,::^ti::tr.:s on C«ane«irt« Kiver, oflri-i s~ an indnoeuMnt w Colonel BeJ- 1: ws anT c^dtt HBapppc^TWl©,i Isisdi &and in i i:::~ i\e::"J. Aritr kwkir^ aboat for Stw»e time, tbe ookkMid. £«■ T\cvs::i~ known onhr ro :.::iriSi:.i. <.>rff IL, bjr adrke of Br3i-:::j: Wesnr«-:a-ri.. G-.A^ em . r. rriiiTe,'. onto hi? k'Tini: ^-nl^ij.-ii. nhalMiaET^ of Sew H:,--.p>>-:rf. sr.i his ■Mgt*'?" * "f^"^^^ gwrera- nii->> in *^iial >iisro?> wl,"*; ::jk-v,o< are tat,tiva<« th:? jrs:;!. to r>r divided s~:~c :V«ii in fi^Lrx-siTesB diJrreni ?.'r./.re5, allihai irsci o<"-i".i in siiii. proTinee sj.:-.i :? in«>rp«rated as Walpi^ and the i-"r,i; -.ia-ts tk«i«of are ii-rrAv. ";..?;■,- and dedared iiiriT^i ::■ the priTi.ojres m" other towxiS in s.\)i proTinoe, atid AS s;-;:: .ss ihcrc sj siiU hare the and sh.^r. Ajs: hare a market <^«ened and ke{eting <.m" said :. :je by additional cuMvauon. on penalty of ^it^t- tire of h:s siiATt. -That all white and <«her } ..t-:ro« fit for oar royal navy, be i re>t r. o.i for .^sc, and ncme be cat or felled without >.:> :...<;•.>:;> < sy-,-, ;./. "iofnst., opMl same K'Tfriiare snd y -ii-sh-.i.:; t>fany ;urs of parliament 1"-. w or htTtAfrox ena^u-d. "ITiat before divis;;!, ni land, a traci or chutes' of township s;.;," be marked in t-own '.oisv. ^e of whi<-h sl-.:ih be allotted TO each irriiiTee of the o.Ti;:r.;s of one acre, yi ?>,.;■.:;: and payii^ ihereftw t«> us. ^t*., ft-w ten y t,-,rs, one ear of /Wjjmi ocirn annually oa the f.-s; day of Janoarr, if tawfellv demanded. inort- sitall be fifty :;i:v....fs rosi.'.c-. there. L'tHT of l:;i.i:r,.c two fsirs annnallv. I "Ereiy ^v-fOKTor. se::LW or inUhisMK^ ^aS I TkH ir d pay to -^s. A:., yesriy. aftw the exfaraakai ' «f ten yi-/-rs. v.ije jHW^amaZion EMaey, fc- eresy h««.ire.i s:rvs he s: owns. S;::i;^ cc ^ tsst-ss^es. and s-'inj r -■ «;Mi f.,r rreiij^r c* .ess tn,x. S;.^ X:dc yojjTf afrir iLr daw v>i ^ eltanier liie cr5:::oef r-.yrv*-,:;: ihsi, by ro.^or: of die India war? aiKl oaker cxv. a»3. 5.:5oIer,: ro^v*, n?. :: :j net pracn : U)Cf\d««« the lime is Krunieadl fiv«i Twar 10 rear until the condiikin? of ^ darter are itdfiUed. Thi> docnntenr :? dated Maroii 12. 17:'.. Ixir^ ibe Tear of tie ivicii of GxV^rci 111. Colon*! IkH.w? bud baik for hiiusilf aad fiutailv a halntaiion wliiciii \ras ;.f:vr^x-:.^o.^ viil^n. of wbiehi more £iniier on. On .;x:;:nc tbe town roo. rd> is fouBcL, bi ciL^mplianoe with the } rovijiiiis of the cbanar, ihe doinc? of the rrs-i To^»^r;-::>i\-:;Ei:, wiikiiw^if heJvi on tlK diiivl ATtvlutsday of MarA, ITT 2 Acvvrdin^ to d»e ; t.v:?:, :.^ rfihc doner, Oril- onel Bdlows was; tbe dn^: oKidenKvr. TW r..Oi:::nc was \»iiiioBi unajraat. and no reeoid i# foaud wbere ibe moedi^ was held. Thf i««d[ wri5 ;is fo-'.owf : 'At a meetinf held at Walpoie I- ^e FWkTinoe «f Sew HArj-jTshire a^reeaMe to Chait«ron thethiid Wedm-.^iiy «f M.^r.h Julv 1~:;, Bo&iamin B<&>ws ht:.i appointed >I v-iratw, — .dritToied and CSkk* theodore Atkins :. ils- . and BcwiaHiin Belk>ws f ; e,:- nien for si yeac lr.s.;,r.i:, S-tw ;.dly, Cfcis; Benjamin Kil'-.'ws Town CLvrs., thea ifi^ixussoi th« :rooj.a£- Ar.cs; Benjamin Belloos T.wa Ol.vt.'" 1 Tbe recorl of tbe u>w:>rj.v:;:.^ of lTrv> -.> ' proviA^y like tbe fowcoini- In 1T54 tbe ^r>: I part of tbe recnW i? tbe >wine ;v< tbe {Hv<«din$ : one,eiwpt tbat S.r.a, Jth.ison i> dto^ten nM»ier- ator, — I • S^o. dly ; .s. K; njamin B<» » ^ Sae., JohMM W.VLrOLK. 411 antj Robert Towker t^t-lectmea. l-i"* Chose Col. \VU- latvi rowu Clark. [The aame of Col. HeUows seemed to h.-tve bt;>eii m the tact that seven yeaf^ later eaeh settler wa^ ;i^- ses^or.1 one shilling to procure "a town-book to be kept fi.>rthe use- of the town,'' Wheu ob- tauHH,!, moist likely, the above itwrvls were trani?eribev,l into the new book fivm si.'uie lo«.ie*;> memoranda. The rtvx> of the town for the ticst three years weiv unJoubtevlly in the hanJwrititii; of (.\''kniel Bellows, but atler that time w\'re iu the handwriting of his son, Benjamin Bel- low s, Jr., although siguexl and atcesteJ by his fether till Benjamin. Jr.. wus chosen town elerk in l7o9, when he wa# only nineteen yeat^ of iigt;". He held the orli^v of town clerk from thft aKn-e date till 1795, exevpt two yoiu'^. 177> and 17S-, when AiuosBaKxx-kand >\Cio-.Uai\l supplanted him, — a j)eri(.H.l of thirty-tour yeiu-^. Theodore Ackins<.'a and Joseph Buineharvl. who appear ou the records the rirsc two years :ts s<.'leccinea, the former living in Londonderry, ami then stcreciu y of the province, aad the lat- ter (a bivther-in-law of the colonel) living in Dunstable, attending to his multifarious busi- ness tratisaccions there, probably, were not am- bitious enoui^h to tind their way through the slush, suow and blizzards of March without roaife, and guided only by blazevl ctees. to at- tend a towu-uieeting in the theu ioiant town of Walpole. Situi. ..K>hns>.ut and Robert Fowker. whose names tigure- li^ s<-ltvttuen the next year, died yearlings, for they do not appear on the town recorvls again. The Siuue year Colonel \ name is reeonled as towu clerk, — a maa who had the iutliut town of Winchester on his hands, and, eonstxiueutly. had bo rig u to meildle with towu affiiii-s iu NV'alpoIe. Encvh t\K'k, Vho wiks thoseii evnstable and surveyor of "hie wavs" the s;une year, together with Johnsi^iu and Powker as seUvttnen, — it is more than suspecttxl, :is theiv were bat four fatuities iu towu four \eurs Liter. — were mere men of SCtllW . Where was poor Kilburu these long years, when thetv was such a ^>aucttv of men? Pn.>b- ably he did not have then, if he ever did. an embriK'itig frieudsliip for Colonel Bellows— he, most likely, was at home cowu-iueetini:: days nursing his wrath to keep it warm, while, it may W, Colonel Bellows wus cosily septal before a warm fire roastiiiir his shins and smoking a com-ci^>b pipe. In Maah. 17oo. Benjamin Bellow-f was chosen moderator, towu clerk, seleecman and treasurer, and John Kilburn and IXuiiel Tw it- chel apjiear a;? associates of Colonel Bellows as selectmen : but before the month of March clostxl that year. \[f. Twttchel and a matt by the name of Flyut went back, east from Con- necticut Kiver. ou to the hills, for the pur^K^se of procuring s^^me bhiek-^ish timber for K^at ours, wheiv they were both found, shen and his heart taken out. cut in pieces and laid ou his breast. Ftyut was buried on the spot ; Twitcbel, having, was earned away and buried elsewhere, The exact spot where Flyut wits bariexl is about oue and a half miles n.^rtheast from Wal- pole Vi'lage. near the IMswsvtIle roael. a few iwls west. A small pile of stones, e"areles~iy thrown tocvcaer, m^arks the sp<.'c. It is s.iii,l that one Je>hn Flyut haei a Kiy Stare charter of this towu about 1742. Who kuou-s but the^ above-Biimed Flyut w-,is the man'? The inhahttanrs e>f the towu had already V a thrown into i'.-ea: excitement aud fear on learning that the savages had visited Charles- tow a in. Jutie, 17 "14. at an early hoar iu the mornini:. before the families had ariscc, and captori'.'c aud Lurryin^^ into captivity James Johnseiu, his wife atal th"ee ehildrea. ce.i:T:f aer with ivis wife* sister ,^\L- Willarvl', Fbeu- 418 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ezer Farnsworth and Peter Labaree. One Aaron Hosmer eluded a horrible fate by secret- ing himself under a bed. That event, with all the sufferings and hor- rors attending it, followed soon after by the killing of Twitchel and Flynt, and a few months later by the Kilburn fight, spread a mantle of gloom and awful suspense over the few settlers that had gathered in town ; but the murders of Twitchel and Flynt seemed to make a deeper and more solemn impression on the minds of the inhabitants, because the taking off of two of their neighbors in such a barbarous way was the first white blood known to have been shed in the immediate vicinity after the first settle- ment in town. The people at that time were very superstitious, and they believed the guar- dian angel of Twitchel was continually hover- ing over them, and warning them of the wiles of the savages, and calling upon them to avenge his murder. A rock in Connecticut River, a little south of the Cold River railroad station, may be seen at low water, where Twitchel used to fish with never-failing success. This rock, for many years, was held in religious veneration by the early settlers. There, even now, a good angler, with a few worms and a good deal of patience, may catch a generous fry. In 1745 a body of French and Indians, the latter twelve in number, attacked the garrison at the Great Meadows (now in Putney, Vt.), on the 12th of October, at noon. A brisk fight was carried on for an hour and a half, and one Indian was killed. The fort was defended with so much courage the enemy withdrew. In lieu of victory, they killed and drove off the cattle. Nehemiah How, who was cutting wood about eighty rods from the fort, was taken by the In- dians and no attempt was made to rescue him. As they were leading him away on the west bank of the river, opposite Boggy Meadow, they espied two men crossing the river in a ca- noe, when they fired and killed one of them, David Rugg, and the other, Robert Baker, made for the east shore and escaped. The Indians scalped Rugg and mounted the scalp on a long pole and carried it through Charlestown, in triumph, to Crown Point. This David Rugg was, without a shadow of doubt, the identical man who was buried on Boggy Meadow and the place is known to this day as " Rugg's Meadow." David Rugg, David Twitchel, Flynt and Pike (who lost his life at the Kilburn'fight) are the only four persons who ever lost their lives in town by the bullets of the merciless savages. Colonel Bellows was induced to come to Wal- pole to settle by the persuasions of Benning Wentworth (who was then Governor of the province), with whom Bellows was well ac- quainted, and who offered him (Bellows) extra inducements, for several reasons, viz. : One was the settlement of towns in the western part of the State, not only in Cheshire County, but in all the region roundabout, where he granted charters as plenty as blackberries in August. Another reason was, he found in Colonel Bel- lows just the man to push a new settlement on the frontier —a man of considerable culture and of great force of character ; and, lastly, he wanted to secure as large a missionary fund as possible by reserving five hundred acres of land in each grant, the income of which was to go the Episcopal Church, of which he was an ar- dent devotee. Wentworth, not having a very definite idea of the surroundings in the vicinity of the Great Falls, and supposing the land lying in the im- mediate vicinity of the falls to be the most val- uable for his purpose, on account of the shad and salmon fisheries, and to make the matter doubly sure, he consulted Colonel Bellows on the propriety of locating his missionary lot east of the falls. The colonel very honestly told him " that a plot located there would be of lit- tle use to him ; that it might make a good sheep pasture, but nothing better." It is presumed that the Governor suspected the colonel of a lit- WALPOLE. 419 tie sharp practice by undervaluing this plot ; therefore, Wentworth pitched his missionary lot on the top and east side of Fall Mountain, which is now a part of Langdon, but is to this day called " the Governor's sheep pasture." When Colonel Benjamin Bellows came to this town to settle, he brought with him his wife (whose maiden-name was Abigail Stearns) and five children. Their names were Abigail, who died in Northampton, Mass., when young ; Peter, Benjamin, John and Joseph, all born be- tween 1736 and 1744. The colonel buried his first wife November, 1757. She was the first tenant of the old buryiug-ground. The next year, in April, he married the Widow Mary Jennison, former wife of Jonathan Jennison, of Lunenburg, Mass. She bore him five children, viz. : Abigail, Theodore, Mary, Thomas and Josiah, born between 1759 and 1767. The E,ev. Henry W. Bellows, a great-grand- son of the colonel, says, in his " Memorial Mon- ograph," that, "The immediate cause of my great-grandfather's leaving Lunenburg was that he had become embarrassed in pecuniary matters, by being bound for others, and, in the great scarcity of money, was unable to meet the demands of his creditors. That he was pur- sued by the sheriff to the State line, and, once fairly over it, stopped and held a parley with the sheriff, stating that he had no disposition to avoid his obligations, but that a jail was a poor place in which to find means to pay debts; that he would soon return and liquidate all his ob- ligations." It is most certain that he lived up to his word, for he soon returned to Lunenburg to look after his interests there. When the colonel married the Widow Jennison, she had six children, all of whom came to Walpole with their mother and became the foster chil- dren of the colonel. The third and fifth of this family were boys, whose names were John and Jonathan, respectively. These boys both set- tled in town as farmers, and from them has sprung all the persons by the name of Jennison who ever lived in Walpole. There are none of 27 the descendants of John living in town to-day, although at one time there was quite a number. The descendants of Jonathan still remain in town. The habitation of Colonel Bellows was lo- cated on a slight elevation of land, where the dwelling and horse-barn of Thomas Bellows now stand. It was in the form of the letter L, each wing being one hundred feet in length and twenty feet in breadth, giving four thousand feet of floor-room. It was strongly built, of logs and earth, and was surrounded by a pali- sade. A lookout was constructed on the west end, commanding a limited view in each direc- tion. Here Colonel Billows lived for ten or more years with his numerous family, consist- ing of himself, wife and eleven children, which was afterwards increased by five more. His own large family and the numerous hired help he had about him required much forethought in order that the pot might be kept boiling. This habitation or fort was Colonel Bellows' private property, though a few State militia, it is said, were stationed there at one time, and Bellows was also presented with a huge iron cannon by the public authorities ; but there is no further evidence of its being a fort. For some time after Colonel Bellows settled in town he had to go to Northampton, Mass., to mill, going down with his corn in boats in the spring, and returning with his meal and other stores necessary, not only to feed his own fam- ily and hired help, but many families that re- sorted to his fort for protection, and all other comers and goers who wanted to appease their hunger or stay over-night. As soon as he could procure proper help and material, he builthimself a mill on Blanchard's Brook, before mentioned. Fi-om this mill, it is said, he supplied the early settlers of Langdon, Alstead and Lempster with meal for several years. They came and went on foot, and transported their meal on their backs sometimes ten or twelve miles, when a bushel of meal at the end of their journey would seem as heavy as four. 420 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. There were no stores kept in town at that early period, and the settlers had to go to Northfield, Mass., a distance of forty miles, to do their trading. They purchased their goods of one Aaron Burt, who was a wholesale ajid retail dealer. This Burt was the great-grand- father of Henry and Levi Burt, of this town. A set of Aaron Burt's account-books, ledger and journal, are in the possession of Henry Burt, of this toM'n, at this time more than one hundred and thirty years old. They are in a beautiful, round handwriting, and well preserved. In them are found charges made against no less than sixteen persons known to have been resi- dents of this town. It is curious to note, after the lapse of so many years, that those old ac- count-books should be brought forward to give the data by which one can gather who lived here and what, in a measure, was the general condition of the purchaser, financially and otherwise. If the goods bought were for household consumption, and were large and fre- quent, it showed that the purchaser had a large family and his credit was good ; if many dry- goods swelled the bill, the inference is that the family was composed largely of females. An inference could be drawn of the condition of every family. Colonel Bellows had frequent and large bills there. One was for a large bill of nails of all sizes. The account is dated the same year he built his new house, which, no doubt, were bought for that purpose. The last items charged on the colonel's bills were two casks of brandy and three barrels of rum. The purchase of these last items is strong evidence that the colonel was not a teetotaler. Jonathan Leavitt. — In those early days the settlement of a minister was the paramount subject of the settlers. They could no more do without their minister then their accustomed meals. He furnished their religious views, their brains and their morals. He was looked upon, by high and low, as superior to all others around him ; and due deference was paid him. He was settled for life, and a " minister's lot " was assigned to him as his own property in fee. Where this lot was first located is not positively known- but somewhere within the compass of Walpole village. But what a change one hundred years has wrought ! Now, if a minister preaches his honest sentiments, and they do not suit the conventional ideas of his society, he is called to a severe account for it; if he preaches even what he is hired to preach, the people find fault with him. Now, if he does well, he is esteemed, by most people, as being on a level with others who do as well. The fact is he preaches what the people like rather than what he would untrammeled preach, for he knows that he is settled on horse-back and the horse is liable to be led to his door at any moment with the request to mount and leave. It is related that a noted divine, who had held an unusually long pastorate, was asked one day, what was the secret of such success. He facetiously replied, " Well, I preach neither politics, temperance nor religion ! " FROM 1760 TO 1770. The first business of a public nature done in Walpole, other than choosing town officers, was to assess each settler twelve shillings, lawful money, to be worked out on the highway, at three shillings per day, if worked out before the 1st of September ; if not, two shillings per day thereafter. This was in 1761. At the time they assessed each settler seven shillings to pay for preaching, and " Voted that Benjamin Bel- lows, Esq., provide seats and other conveniences for the purpose." Previous to the above, in 1760, "At a legal meeting of the inhabitants, held at the fort in Walpole December 22d," the town voted to give Mr. Jonathan Leavitt a call to become their minister, and at the same meeting they also voted to give him the following encourage- ment and salary. The stipulations, as recorded, read thus : — " Voted to give Mr. Jonathan Leavitt Seventy five WALPOLE. 421 pounds, Sterling money of Great Britton, as an encour- agement to settle in the work of the ministry in said Town, the one half, that is thirty seven pound ten Shillings Sterling in three months after his Ordina- tion and the other half in nine months after his Or- dination, as also the Eight in the Town that is Re- served for the first settled minister in said place to be his, provided he accepts and settles in Said place." They also voted to give him — " For a Salory provided he settles in the work of the ministry in this Town of Walpole, namely to begin as thus for his first Year Thirty Seven pounds ten Shillings Sterling money of Great Britton and to rise three pound fifteen Shillings Sterling money each year annually to be added to said Salory till it amount to the sum of Sixty pound Like money there to stay at sixty pounds Sterling till there be Eighty Rateable poles in said Town Inhabitants belonging to said Town, then rise fifteen Shillings on Each pole that shall be added to said town till it makes the sum of seventy five pound Like money for Each year and then to stope and be the yearly Salory so Long as he the said Mr. Jonathan Leavitt shall continue to be the minister in said Town. " 5'^. Agreed and Voted that Each settler in and belonging to said town that is an Inhabitant and belonging to said Town pay the sum of two pound five Shillings Sterling money of Great Brittain for the Use of said settlement of Mr. Jonathan Leavitt and his first Year's Salory that is one pound ten Shillings toward his settlement and fifteen Shillings Toward his first Year's Salory and it is agreed and voted that May's Benjamin Bellows make up the rest of the sum of one hundred and Twelve pound ten Shillings Sterling being the money Voted for the settlement of Mr. Jonathan Leavitt and his first Years Salory if he accepts and settles in said Town." On the following February Mr. Leavitt replied to the above scholarly document, — "Walpole, February 20, 1761. " Being called upon by you the Inhabitants of this Place to settle among you in the work of the Gosple ministry and viewing it as my Duty, Do now in the Fear of God Depending on him by his Grace and spirit to assist me in the Faithful Discharge of this so Great a Truth comply with your call. Relying upon it that you will Do all on your part and in your Power to assist, Strengthen and encourage me so long as Go4 shall continue me with you. I say relying on this I do engage to settle among you, provided, that there shall nothing appear between this and the time of Ordination to forbid it, in which time I ex- pect that you will Lay out the right of Land through this town of Walpole which by Charter is given to the first settled minister in the Place. And in Testimony of this solemn engagement I here unto set my hand." " Jonathan Leavitt." The terms of Mr. Leavitt's settlement and salary were very liberal for those days, when there were so few to pay, there being but twelve or fifteen families in town at that time all told, and the purchasing power of money being three-fold of what it now is. Mr. Leavitt was ordained on the 10th day of the following June, and Sergeant Israel Cal- kins was paid two dollars for his services in procuring a minister to ordain Mr. Leavitt. Nothing more is heard of the parson till April, 1764, when the settlers called a town-meeting for the purpose of hearing the minds of the inhabitants on some difficulties that had arisen between the parson and his parishioners. The parishioners soon came to the conclusion that the services of their settled minister were no longer agreeable to their standard of moral- ity ; but how to get rid of him was an enigma, for ministers were then settled by written con- tract, which was binding, certainly, on the part of the town. The ministers generally held the towns responsible to the contract. The town chose a committee to wait on Mr. Leavitt and confer with him. In the mean time it was proposed to have a council ; but before the time the council was to meet, which was on the 20th day of May following, the above-named committee and the parson had arranged matters to the satisfaction of both parties. Mr. Leavitt released the town from all obligations to him in any way on the 27th day of May, 1764. The parson seems to have been in bad odor with his people, which caused the inhabitants to act very unanimously and with promptness, and Mr. Leavitt to submit to their decision with as quiet grace as possible. The full charges brought against Mr. Leavitt for his summary dismissal do not appear ; but 422 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. one was, the parson was caught one day in lead- ing home a runaway slave of his, a woman, by a rope around her neck, which was attached to the pommel of his saddle. Colonel Bellows, hearing of the outrage, declared, "That such cruelty should not be tolerated ;" that he " set- tled Parson Leavitt and would unsettle him." What became of the parson is not known. The town, after Leavitt's dismissal, hired one Jonathan Moore, who preached for the people some time. It is seen, from the above, that the long- smothered " Anti-Slavery " sentiment of the North thus early cropped out. The minister's slave and two others owned by a pious family were the only ones known to have been held in bondage in town. The paramount interest of the settlers was centred on building and furnishing meeting- houses, for more than a generation, as the town records abundantly show. Scarcely six months passed in this long time without town-meetings being called " to see what the town would do " in relation to meeting-houses. However, at length a vote was carried to build a meeting- house, which was located on land now occupied by John W. Hay ward — just in front of his wood-shed. This house was, in size, fifty-six feet in length by forty-two in breadth, and each set- tler, rich or poor, was assessed twelve shilling.?, or to work four days in putting up the frame. It is seen by this that the poor man's spiritual needs were as great as those of the rich then. It was provided that, if the means for raising the frame were inadequate, " Colonel Bellows was to make up the rest." This house was never completed, though meetings were held there for a long time, till the population of the town outgrew its size, when the people were again agitated about building and locating a new house. The people of the town were now restive without a settled minister among them, when one day a man twenty-eight years old, from Cambridge, Mass., and a graduate of Harvard, whose name was Thomas Fessenden, presented himself as a candidate for the vacancy. His preaching suited the people and they forthwith gave him a call. The following is a copy of the call to Thomas Fessenden : "Pkovince or New Hampshire. "Walpole, Sep. 26, 1766. "At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of said Walpole, held at the Meeting house in said Town, Firstly Chose Benjamin Bellows, Esq., Moderator. Secondly, Voted to give Mr. Thomas Fessenden a call to settle in the work of the ministry in said Walpole. Thirdly, Voted to give as an Encourage- ment to the said Mr. Thomas Fessenden one hundred and fifty pounds Lawful money Dollars, at Six Shil- lings Each, as a settlement, and said Bellows is to pay one-third of said settlement, and it is Purposed that the settlement be in two payments, half said sum in six months from his Ordination and the other half one year from his Ordination. Fourthly, Voted to give Mr. Fessenden, as a yearly Salary, for the first year Fifty pounds like money, and for the second year fifty-three pounds, and so rise three pounds a year for five years, then stand at Sixty Five pounds a year till there be one hundred settlers in said Wal- pole, or familys, to make up the hundred Inhabitants Properlj' called familys, then to rise to Eighty pounds Like money as above paid, and there to Continue at that sum yearly so long as the said Thomas Fessenden shall be our minister, and the People have Liberty to pay said Salary, if they see Cause, in good winter wheat that is Marchantable at four Shillings Per Bushel, Good Rye at three Shillings per Bushel and Good Indian corn at two Shillings p'r Bushel ; Gtood Beef at two p'r pence pound, or Good Pork at three pence p'r pound, the Pork being hoggs that weigh Eight schore and upwards, all which is to be De- livered at the house of Mr. Fessenden at the above prices." November 1, 1766, Mr. Fessenden presented to the town his letter of acceptance. It is quite lengthy, and would not be of much in- terest to the general reader, only in the indis- criminate and profuse use of capitals. It is more scholarly in its grammatical construction than Mr. Leavitt's. He calls the offer " Gren- erous," and clearly sees the hand of Providence WALPOLE. 423 in the imanimity of the people ; but he seri- ously objects t(j the manner of payment of his salary ; he wants one-half of it paid in money. He says " that more meat and grain than is needful for me to spend will, in order to pro- vide for my household, Oblige me to turn Marchant, so Divert me from my Studies and Proper Calling, and in the same Proportion Deprive you of my labor." He further states, in substance, that if his salary be paid one-half in money he will accept the call. Mr. Fessen- den was not unreasonable to require one-half in money, and the inhabitants saw the point was well made, and had the good sense to ar- range matters more satisfactorily to Mr. Pes- senden. He was ordained minister of the town January 7, 1767; but the records are silent in relation to the proceedings on that occasion. An account of the manners and customs of the people during Mr. Leavitt's pastorate was given by a Mrs. Watson, of Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of one John Fanning, who settled in Walpole at that time, on the place now owned by S. Johnson Tiffany. Mrs. Wat- son, when her father came here, was eight or ten years old; but when she returned, after many years of absence, to visit her early home, she was an old woman, but retained her facul- ties in a remarkable degree. The story runs thus: "We started from Stonington, Conn., to go to Otter Creek, Vt., in a sloop of our own and came as far as Hartford, where we purchased a pair of horses and wagon to convey us up on the east side of the river. The country as far as Chicopee was very fine. Hat- field was then but a small town, but the fields of grain were immense, without fences. At Sunderland the road was mountainous, and we had to purchase oxen to haul our goods. We then passed through a little village called Keene, and owing to the difficul- ties of traveling we stopped at No. 3, Walpole. My father built us a house of square timber and covered the roof with bark ; but the gable ends were left open for a time, so we could plainly hear, when sitting around our fire-side in the evening, the barking of foxes, the howling of wolves and the cries of the panther, which resembled a woman's in distress and (seemed) intended to decoy people into the woods. where those animals proved troublesome when not prevented by fire-arms. "The flesh of the deer and hear afforded the settlers a delicious repast. The approach of the lat- ter was very unceremonious and sometimes rude to strangers. Wild turkeys were trapped and shot, and quails and pigeons caught in nets in great numbers. The brooks were filled with trout and the river abounded in salmon and shad ; one of the latter was taken near the Falls with a rattlesnake's head in its mouth. An intercourse with wild animals was car- ried to an unusual extent in the numbers tamed. A brood of young raccoons were taught to suck a cat and play about the house like kittens, only more mischievous. The inhabitants then lived in the wilderness, as shown by her story of Mrs. Prichard, " who," she said, " was lost in the woods and subsisted, like wild beasts, on berries and the bark of trees twenty-one days." She started during a thunder-storm from a place called Jennison Hill, with a child two years old, to visit a neighbor's house. Leaving the path to avoid a large snake, she lost her way and was not seen again for just three weeks, when some men discovered her at the mouth of Cold River. "She fled at the sight of men, like a deer, but was overtaken and brought back to a house. Her clothes were completely torn off. After recovering her senses in a degree, she stated that her child died Jhe third day, and she buried it under a log. She said she heard the Indians' guns, and saw them several times in pur- suit of her (probably her friends, who spent several days looking for her), but she secreted herself so as to keep out of their way. That woman was living not a great many years since, in Westminster, Vt., in a state of mental aberration. In tearing down the chimney where she lived, her coveted old pipe was found in a sly nook. " At this time there were about twelve or fifteen log houses in town. The meeting-house was unfinished ; there was not a carriage in town, the traveling being performed on foot or horseback ; sometimes three or four children were carried in this way at a time, be- side a wife, on a pillion, and the upsetting of such a load was of frequent occurrence. Colonel Bellows was the most considerable man in town ; Peter, the colonel's oldest son, was then settled in Charlestown, where the people used often go to attend meeting. 424 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Mr. Leavitt, the minister in town, wore a large wig, full powdered, and when he entered the meeting- house the whole congregation rose to do obeisance to the man in black, who, in his turn, always responded with a formal bow. Powder was not worn on the hair by those who were contented with the use of the eelskin, which was considered as adding dignity to the wearer, in proportion to the size and length of the queue. " Officers of the militia wore cocked hats. Of the ladies, Mrs. Leavitt took the lead in dress ; at church she wore a full suit of lutestring, without any bonnet, holding a fan to shade the sun from her face, as was the fashion ' down country.' " Next to her were the daughters of Colonel Bel- lows, and their two half-sisters, Jennisons. They wore plain Quaker bonnets of black silk ; white or colored ones were not seen. To improve their figures, the ladies quilted their petticoats with wool, to make their hips show off to advantage, which contrasted with the smallness of their waists, painfully compressed with long stays. Home-made durants, camblets and serges, full of gay flowers of artificial needlework were fashionable articles. Stockings, of their own knitting, and high-heeled shoes, with buckles, were indispensable. " It was thought an improvement to beauty and elegance to expose the petticoat before throug a screen of lawn apron, the gown being left to swing open. The hair was all combed back, leaving no curls nor ringlets about the face. Instead of following the modern fashion of covering the back part of the head, their bonnets were so much pitched forward that the cap and back part of the head were exposed. " A large portion of pin-money was derived from the sale of golden-thread, ginseng and snake-root, which was procured by their own hands. Dr. Chase was the only physician." ' Soon after the town had settled Parson Fessenden in the ministry and on the farm (now called the Farr place), and also had built them- selves a house of worship (only in name), the settlers turned their attention towards the edu- cation of their children, something they so much needed themselves, for it is doubtful whether one in five of the population could read and write. Accordingly, in 1768, the town voted ^ The above narrative, in substance, was given by Mrs. Watson to Dr. Ebenezer Morse, of this town, about the year 1826. to have three schools, and for their support they voted fifteen pounds for winter schools, and the next year voted " to raise twenty-four pounds for schooling, and to form three districts." It appears that the population was now increasing, for the selectmen tot>k a census of the town and found in 1767, 308 inhabitants, divided thus, — 24 married men, from sixteen to sixty ; 52 un- married men, from sixteen to sixty ; 104 boys, under sixteen ; 1 man over sixty ; 72 immarried females ; 52 married females and 3 widows. It is seen, if the number of girls was equal to the number of boys, it was high time to make provision for schooling. Colonel Bellows intended to have the village in Walpole, near the fort ; but for some unac- countable reason the population "drifted" down the river, where the present village now is, — perhaps the reason was to be nearer the meet- ing-house, which then stood on "Uncle Si's" Hill. Be that as it may, the first school-house built was located where Josiah G. Bellows' house now stands, and is now the residence of Moses Q. Watkins, on Washington Square. This was No. 1. It is very easy to account for District No. 2 being located near the mouth of Cold River; it was the fertile intervale in that vicinity that made that region populous ; but why a population, so early, should have settled in the " Valley, " sufficiently large as to require a school-house there, is not so plain ; imless the nearness of the locality to Colonel BelloM's' mill was an inducement; for in early days the land was covered with a dense growth of hemlock timber ; the soil was wet, sterile and covered with angular boulders ; and, moreover, the " Valley " was the special home of the gray wolf, whose howls at night were the terror of mankind and domestic animals. The organization of school districts in town sufficiently indicates where the population was most dense, in the early settle- ment of the town, except District No. 14, which was taken from Nos. 1 and 2. The town has always exercised a watchful care over the educational interest of the rising WALPOLE. 425 generation within its borders. It began by raising fifteen pounds for schooling purposes, and has added to that sum from time to time till now (1885), when our school expenditure reaches more than five thousand dollars. The town about 1770 was comparatively quiet ; the Indians were no longer troublesome, the minister was preaching peace, the schools were well agoing, and no town-meetings were called but the annual one, where not much was done but the choosing of town officers. At those meetings were chosen two kinds of officers who do not appear on the town records now, — one was the tithingman, the other the deer reeve, of whom several were chosen of each kind. The tithingman was a kind of Sunday police. His duties were to see that order was maintained around the church on the Lord's day, and to prevent unnecessary traveling on Sunday. People were not allowed to labor in their fields on that day ; if they did, they were subjected to a large fine. The flesh of the deer was not only considered a delicacy, but was indispensable to the poor, as it affijrded them a large share of their meat diet; hence officers were chosen, called " deer reeves," to protect the does and fawns at certain seasons of the year from wanton, indiscriminate slaughter. FEOM 1770 TO 1780. This decade was marked by much feverish anxiety, deprivation and human suflering; the settlers had to live as they could. The ominous events which terminated in the Eevolutionary War began to cast their dark shadows before; but when the news came to Walpole of the battle at Lexington the quiet of the town was struck to its very foundation. Benjamin Bellows, Jr., better known as gen- eral, was then thirty-five years old, and was then, and during his whole life, the acknowl- edged leader in town, both from natural and acquired abilities. The next morning after hearing the news from Lexington, General Bellows, his brother John and Thomas Sparhawk mounted their horses, and started for the scene of blood. On arriving at Keene they inquired for one Cap- tain Wyman, and were told that he had started for Concord that morning at sunrise, with about thirty men. On hearing this answer they ex- claimed, " Keene has shown a noble spirit ! " and hastened onwards, soon followed by thirty- five men from Walpole. Those men were out about eleven days on that expedition. Walpole was not behind other towns in the State in furnishing men and means for the ser- vice and use of the Continental army ; nor were the families of soldiers neglected at home ; for the town records bear evidence that money was raised from time to time for the benefit of such families, and committees were appointed to see that they were made comfortable. The pay of the soldier was ten pounds for one year's service, or wheat at five shillings per bushel. In 1779 the town raised one thousand pounds to procure five soldiers for the army, but at this time it took twenty-four pounds of currency to purchase one in gold, and two years later it took twelve hundred pounds in the same currency to equal one in gold or silver. The exact number of men that went into the Continental service in this town cannot be as- certained from any available source ; but it is said that most of the able-bodied men served a longer or shorter period. General Benjamin Bellows, though he rose from the lowest office in the militia of the State to be a brigadier-general, was not long in the field. He was mostly engaged in raising troops for the United States service, and was one of the principal men in the State sought for when any aid to the national government was wanting. Twice he marched his own regiment to Ticon- deroga, — first in 1776, for a service of twenty- five days, and again, June 28, 1777, to reinforce the garrison there besieged by the enemy, when, according to the pay-roll, the time of service was only twelve days. Finally, he carried his regiment, September 21, 1777, to reinforce the 426 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Northern Continental army at Saratoga, un- der the command of General Gates, at the time when General Burgoyne surrendered. In the general's account with the government is found a charge for a horse killed in the service, but it does not state whether killed under him or not. It is said that " most of the men in town wentto Saratoga," and very likely they went with the general. Tradition says that quite a number of men who went with General Bellows to Sara- toga, went as scouts, and among them were two men whose names were Crane and Hall, the latter was nicknamed " Munn," but his proper name was Jonathan. They had on their way there a severe fight with a band of Indians. Crane had a hard tussle with an Indian single- handed, who was armed with a cutlass, and got his hand so severely cut that he was unable to use it ever afterwards. The victory was com- plete, for the scouts captured one hundred and fifty of the enemy. Old Munn was present when Burgoyne delivered up his sword, and exclaimed, " We've got you for breakfast, and we'll have Cornwallis for dinner ! " Thomas Bellows (the 'Squire), in speaking of the men who went to Saratoga from Walpole, and whose memory was remarkable, used to say that he could remember the names of twelve, when he would commence and name them till he reached the last one, when he would hesi- tate and, becoming impatient, would ejaculate, " No matter, he was a black man, any way ! " A squad of the "Walpole soldiers captured a boat belonging to the enemy, that contained barrels, which they supposed were filled with rum, but what was their chagrin when, boring into them with their bayonets, they were found to contain only 'porlc. August 16, 1777, was fought the battle of Bennington, and during the day the booming of the cannon was distinctly heard on the Wal- pole hills and also on the lowlands. The people were busily engaged in their harvest, but they dropped the sickle and scythe and left the wheat in the ground and the grass in the swath, put up a scanty supply of viands in their knap- sacks, took their guns and ammunition and started on foot for Bennington, where they found Molly Stark not a widow. Many trophies were brought home by the soldiers, which are sacredly kept as heirlooms by their descendants. The military suit of General Bellows is extant and intact. The writer of this sketch wore it several years ago on a certain festive occasion, and it fitted like a glove. Not many soldiers rose to distinction from Walpole, nor is it known that many were killed or wounded, but a descendant of John Merriam informed the writer that John Merriam, Jr., received seven bullets in the back part of his nether garments without a scratch; but what is more wonderful, he survived ! The same in- formant also stated that a tradition held in his family was, " at the time of the battle of Ben- nington three thousand troops from the eastern part of the State passed his great-grandfather's house on their way thither and drank at his well and filled their canteens with water, and then passed on to the top of the hill west, where one Josiah Goldsmith dined a portion of them on a very large fat ox." At a town-meeting, held December 9, 1776, Colonel Christopher Webber was chosen to rep- resent the town at Exeter, this State, and at the same meeting a committee was chosen to draft instructions for him, which he did not need. These instructions were submitted to the voters in town in due time for approval, and adopted, with the proviso that they should be submitted to a sub-committee,' " that they be made grammar." Whether the copy found in the town records is in the amended form or not, it is a literary curiosity, as it not only shows the educational status of the men of those days, but also their religious faith. In those instruc- tions Mr. Webber was particularly enjoined to use his influence with the Governor to have him appoint a " fast-day." Perhaps Colonel Web- WALPOLE. 427 ber did not fully understand the bearing of those " spirited instructions," as a certain writer called them ; but whether so or not, Mr. Web- ber paid no attention to them. He believed more in the efficacy of " canister and grape," than he did in prayer, in staying the progress of the enemy. When the colonel returned home he was confronted with threats of being brought to the bar of the town for his delin- quency; but his popularity did not wane, for the next spring he was triumphantly returned. Colonel Benjamin Bellows died July 10, 1777, and his civic mantle fell on his son Ben- jamin, by whom it was never tarnished. The general was then the acknowledged leader in town, and he retained his hold on the people as long as he lived. The colonel left to his nine children, by his will, a very large landed estate in Walpole and other towns in the vicinity. It appears by his will that he had given to his children a princely estate before he made it, the number of acres of land it is impossible to state, but by his will be bequeathed to each of his children the number of acres which follows, viz. : To Peter he gave seven hundred acres in Rockingham and six hundred acres in Walpole, in the north part ; to Benjamin, four hundred acres in the south part of the town ; to John, eight hundred acres in two lots ; to Joseph, seven hundred in Rindge, Mason and Fitzwilliam, besides unenumerated lands in Lunenburg, Mass. ; to Abigail, one hundred and thirty acres, with buildings ; to Molly, five hundred acres in Westminster, Vt ; to Josiah, five hundred acres in Walpole and thirty-three in Westminster, Vt. It is sup- posed he made suitable provisions for Thomas and Theodore before he died, for their names do not appear in his will. He also gave seventy acres, in Keene, to Mary Willard ; fifty acres in town to John Jennison and one hundred acres for a grammar school, but no one knows where it was located. The will was published in the time of the Revolutionary War, and prob- its conditions were such as could not be complied with at that time, and the land re- verted. He also gave one-ninth part of his remaining lands in Rockingham to each of his nine chil- dren ; the number of acres is not known. Thus it is seen, when Colonel Bellows died, he was in possession of from six to eight thousand acres of land, enumerated and unenumerated. He also gave his children one thousand and fifty pounds in money together with numerous cows, oxen, horses, and also household furni- ture, taken together, amounting to a large sum. In person Colonel Benjamin Bellows was tall and stout, weighing, a short time before his death, three hundred and thirty pounds ; but still he continued to ride about his farm on a strong sorrel horse, looking after his interests. He lived in a style that necessitated much activity and forethought to satisfy the daily demands of his own household, to say nothing of the numerous comers and goers. All were hospitably treated, both rich and poor, for he kept an open house, in one sense. A large oaken table in the kitchen under the house was always spread for his workmen ; but he maintained a separate table for his own family. He made four hundred barrels of cider annually and put down twelve barrels of pork every winter. Eggs were brought in by the half -bushel and salmon was so plenty that his hired men stipulated that they should not have it oftener than three times a week. In 1775, General Bellows was the captain of a military company in this town. It appears that Benning Wentworth had given charters to a large number of towns on both sides of Connecticut River indiscrimi- nately, and the grantees on the west side were at loggerheads with the authorities of New York, and a nest of towns settled in Marlborough, Vt., because the New Hampshire grantees could get no justice done them in the "York" courts. As time went on the evils grew no less, till, at length, the "Yorkists" undertook to hold a 428 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. court at "Westminster, Vt. ; but the grantees were determined they should not, and, accordingly, assembled in the court-house (unarmed) be- fore the time arrived for the opening of the court. This was in March, 1775. Soon the court arrived with the sheriff and his posse, and barely wedged themselves in. The court clearly foresaw that no business could be done, and adjourned ; but still the sheriff remained till about eleven o'clock at night on March 13th, when something precipitated the firing of the court party on the Green Mountain boys, which resulted in the killing of one William French and mortally wounding another person. The news of this killing spread like wild-fire over hill and through dale, and, before daylight the next morning, men from all quarters were seen going to Westminster, when, by noon, the vil- lage was filled with five hundred exasper- ated men, swearing vengeance on the perpetra- tors. FROM 1780 TO 1790. General Bellows (then captain) was imme- diately sent for to repair to Westminster as soon as possible with his company, to prevent more bloodshed. When there, he stationed his men out of sight of the crowd, but freely min- gled with it himself, counseling peace, law and order. Thus oil was spread on the troubled waters till the culprits could be hastened off to Northampton jail, the nearest one that would keep them. When the last beam of the setting sun touched the little village of Westminster that day it was as quiet as a Sabbath morning. Probably General Bellows served his country better on this occasion than on all his military campaigning put together. Vermont, now, had got rid of the pretended jurisdiction of New York over the territory east of the Green Mountains, and the Tories, who had been long sowing to the wind, were now reap- ing the whirlwind of retaliation from the New Hampshire grantees, who had long been tantal- ized and oppressed by them under the protec- tion of the " Yorkists." It would seem that sunshine was now smiling on the grantees ; but it was otherwise, for trouble had already com- menced between New Hampshire province and the province of Vermont. It appears that the settlers on the New Hamp- shire grants for fifty miles on the Connecticut River, were mostly from the same section of New England, namely, Connecticut ; and as there were no settlements then of importance east of the grants in New Hampshire for many miles, it was natural that the settlers on the grants should afiiliate ; hence the strange pro- ceedings. Sixteen towns in the vicinity of Cornish, N. H., joined the Vermont settlers through a convention held there, but owing to some mis- understanding they did not remain long. Yet, as the Vermont adherents numbered about one- half the population on the east side of the river and, the excitement continued, till at length a convention was called to meet at Charlestown, N. H., January 16, 1781, where all the New Hampshire grants were invited. The call was in printed circulars, setting forth that, if a certain named majority of the towns were in favor of forming a " union " with Vermont, the Vermont Assembly would ratify the proceedings. Each party was now on the alert, running up and down highways and by- ways, drumming recruits till the day of meet- ing. The convention was large and fully rep- resented, and the question set forth in the call was ably discussed pro et con for some time. At length a resolution was presented, which, if carried, would take from Vermont all the New Hampshire grants on the west side of the river — virtually annihilating the State of Vermont — which was carried by a large majority and gave the New Hampshire people much joy and hilarity. Ira Allen, of Vermont (brother of Ethan), was present on this occasion and was busy through the following night with his henchmen, conferring with his friends. When the convention assembled the next morning a motion was carried to recommit the WALPOLE. 429 report to a committee for emendation, that it might be in a suitable form for publication. When the committee submitted the amended form of the report for adoption, it was found that a clause had been inserted recommending the grants on the east side of Connecticut River to consolidate with Vermont, which surprised uone but those not in the secret. The question on its adoption was put and carried by an over- whelming majority. General Bellows and twelve others, a part of whom belonged to the Council and the others the Assembly of New Hampshire, left the con- vention in disgust, not without leaving a vigor- ous protest, however, against such base trickery. General Bellows was certainly outflanked this time ; but he knew where to strike his enemy where it was vulnerable, as Vermont had been for some time a petitioner to Congress for ad- mission as a sister State of the Union, but had not been admitted for the reason of the troubles on Connecticut River, of which Congress had been seasonably advised ; but now, after the foregoing outrage. General Bellows, with his influential friends at Exeter, represented the condition of affairs in a vigorous protest to Congress against Vermont's admission. In the mean time General Washington wrote a confi- dential, unofficial letter to Governor Chittenden, of Vermont, frankly stating that Vermont would not be admitted to embrace any territory east of Connecticut River. Now commenced, and was continued for a long period, a state of anarchy and confusion which beggars description. Lieutenant John Graves represented the town in the Vermont Assembly, at Windsor; General Bellows was confronted at home by large influential families, such as the Halls, the Hoopers, the Hutchins, Graves and many others; sheriffs were im- prisoned when doing their duty ; the judgment of courts -were set aside and attempts made to break them up ; majorities in towns of one party 'bulldozed the minorities, and no person knew whether he lived under the "bench" seal or that of the " rising sun." The people on the grants were carrying their revengeful feelings to such an alarming extent that the militia was called out in both States and held, for a while, ready for action. In the course of time the sentiments ot Washington's letter reached the Vermonters, which was a wet blanket to them. Then, when they became as anxious to rid themselves of their New Hampshire family as they were to get them, they did not " love Csesar less, but they loved Rome more," — i.e., to get into the Union. All parties had become weary of this unprofitable strife, from whence no good had come, but much that was disastrous. On the 11th of February, 1782, the Vermont Assembly was in session, and a resolution was introduced, in accordance with the expression of the Assembly previously made, and was pre- sented, voted on and carried, which was an af- firmative vote for the dissolution of the "union " of the grants.^ Now peace once more reigned, and, after a while, the people enjoyed life under their own vine and fig-tree, and resumed their accustomed vocations. The town at this time (1784) contained about twelve hundred inhabitants and had outgrown their meeting-house. For two years frequent ineffectual attempts were made to get a vote of the town to build a new one. Finally, in 1786, a vote was secured to build one, when a dis- agreement arose about its location. At length the town decided to build on land near where B. E. Webster now lives. The people had no settled plan of construction, but went on, from step to step, as the vote of the town dictated. When the wood-work was completed, they -were some time in agreeing what color it should be painted. Finally, straw color was adopted. To raise money to pay for its construction and finish, it was agreed to sell pews by " public vendue," and whoever would bid off a pew 'For a more elaborate statement, see " History of Wal- pole." 430 HISTOKY OF CHBSHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. should give a bond for security of payment. Connected with the building was a high tower, in which the bell was hung that (1885) greets our ears with its mellow tones now on the town-house. ApoUos Gilmore rung this bell for many years, morning, noon and night, and he was so punctual at his post that the say- ing was "he regulated the sun." The capacious lower floor was divided into little seven by four feet compartments, called pews, resembling a sheep-fold in the spring. Over the pulpit was suspended an oval, dome-like structure, sur- mounted with an emblematical device called a sounding-board, and on three sides ran a deep gallery which was not only a loft for the organ, but was divided into pews. The deacons' seats were built on the right and left-hand sides of the pulpit. Thus equipped, the people of the town all worshipped at one place, with no mod- ern isms to disturb them. The house was com- pleted in 1789. Till 1785 there was no way of crossing Con- necticut River only by ferry-boats, of which there were many. But one Enoch Hale, a citi- zen of Rindge, N. H., moved to town in 1784, obtained a charter of the Legislature and built a bridge in 1785, which connected "Walpole with Rockingham at Bellows Falls. This was the first bridge that ever spanned the Connecticut River, and no other was built on the river till 1796. It was considered a great undertaking and made Mr. Hale famous. This bridge passed into the possession of one Frederick William Geyer, and was a source of consider- able income. Geyer had a family, and a daughter of his was married to Richard D. Tucker. Tucker's wife at her father's death received this bridge as a portion of her legacy. Ever since that time it has been known as " Tucker's Bridge." In 1786 Walpole was dismembered of all the territory lying north of Theodore Atkin- son's line to Charlestown, measuring one mile and two hundred rods on its southern boundary. This territory included the " Governor's sheep pasture," which was set off to form the town of Langdon. This arrangement discommoded the settlers on the river, and the next year that portion now running north from Cold River, by legislative authority, was reannexed to the town. FEOM 1790 TO 1800. The succeeding ten years were those of plenty, happiness, hilarity and contentment; the virgin soil, with proper industry, produced an abundance for man and beast; the apple orchards, which had been planted twenty years before, had just come into a bearing condition of native fruit, and yielded abundantly every year. Colonel John Bellows had an orchard of thirty acres in extent. Every farmer had his apple orchard, and at every tenth farm was an old-fashioned cider-mill. Forty-eight hundred barrels of cider were made in 1795, which gave to each man, woman and child nearly four barrels each. A portion of this cider was distilled into cider-brandy at a distillery that stood where the High School building now stands, and owned by Colonel Caleb Bellows, the general's son. In one shape or another, this large quantity of cider found its way into the stomachs of the townsmen yearly, and for more than a quarter of century after- wards this brandy and cider-drinking was kept up, which formed the era of red eyes and blue noses. Families, when out of cider, considered themselves out of everything, and the man who could not putinto his cellar twenty barrels of cider yearly was considered poor, and the man who could not keep a sideboard filled with liquors was of no account. The meeting-house being completed, and large enough to accommodate all the people who went to church, assembled there week after week for a quarter of a century to listen to Thomas Fes- senden and Pliny Dickinson, and hear them preach their long-winded sermons, which often ran up to the tenthlies. The townsmen were taxed ^rorato for the sup- port of preaching whether they believed in the WALPOLE. 431 "standing order" of creeds and beliefs or not. There were agnostics in those days, as well as now, and what could induce all the people in cold weather, some of whom had to travel four or five miles on foot or horseback and sit through two long services in that unwarmed church, is more than can be guessed at, unless, to get their money's worth, for in many cases reluctant payment of taxes was creeping in. During thirty-five years that old church never was warmed, and by some church members it was considered sacrilege to warm a church. After the benediction, at noon, many of the par- ishioners repaired to thepublic-honseof Alexan- der Watkins, which is still standing and owned by B. E.Webster, and seated themselves in semi- circle around a blazing fire in his capacious re- ceiving-room. Parson Fessenden sometimes preached a cold sermon, and on those occasions he drifted with his parishioners to Uncle Alex's, as he was called, and then and there quaffed a generous quantity of flip with them. Then it was not considered derogatory for the cloth to take a little, just a little, for the "stomach's sake." Here the head of each family purchased a mug of flip, from which each member partook from the same mug, and for every mug sold Uncle Alex would add another stick of wood to the ah'eady hot fire ; so by the time for after- noon service the parishioners and parson were well warmed inside and outside to meet the chill of the afternoon. Parson Dickinson, who after this period be- came the town minister, was cast in a different mould from Parson Fessenden ; he considered the guzzling of cider, cider-brandy and the looking upon " wine when it was red" as dan- gerous to the morals and the well-being of his charge, and used his influence to discourage their use as a common beverage. He was not a free liver himself, and it is presumed never touched even wine without being urged by his parishioners. The lines of demarkation in society were clearly defined in those days. There were some families who had gained wealth by their shrewdness or otherwise, and who looked upon themselves as the salt of the town, but by the yeomanry as salt without its savor. These two classes had no affiliations in common. Then there was a literary coterie that affected wit, poetry and literature. This coterie was com- posed of such men as Royal Tyler, of Brattle- borough, Vt., who was afterwards chief jus- tice of that State; Samuel Hunt, afterwards member of Congress ; Samuel West, of Keene, a brilliant advocate, together with Joe Dennie, of this town, editor of the Farmers' Museum, and Roger Vose, who also was afterwards mem- ber of Congress, and others in town. The foregoing persons belonged to the club proper, while there were others who joined them in their symposiums occasionally, which were held at Major Ballard's, who kept a public-house here. This house was known far and wide as the Craft tavern.' The persons who joined this self-styled literary club occasionally were Dr. Heilliman, who came to this country with the Hessian soldiers in Revolutionary days, Al- pheus Moore, Dr. Spaulding and Jeremiah Mason, who was a young lawyer here then, but who afterwards became distinguished in his profession and well known throughout New England. One anecdote is related of him, when in prac- tice here, which is worth repeating. Mason was a malformed man, inasmuch as this : he was six feet, six inches in stature, with pedal extremities very long in proportion to his body, and when seated in one of the old-fashioned high-backed sleighs, with his youthful features, he very much resembled a boy. One day in mid- winter, when the snow lay deep on the ground, he started for Keene, over the hills in a high- backed sleigh, with robes well tucked around him. On the high land he met a burly, cross- grained teamster, who, by threats and billings- 1 Burnt down October 31, 1880. 432 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. gate, was bent on depriving Mason of his legal right to half of the road. He soon found that threats availed nothing ; so, with upraised whip, he approached this seeming boy to see what virtue there was in castigation. Mason now thought it time to put in a defense, and accordingly seized his whip with butt end forward, and began to rise up, with robes tumbling off, till up, up, he stood at full height before the appalled teamster, when he ejaculated, " You need'nt get up any more on yer ; there's enough neow ; I'll turn eout ! " He did so, Mason maintaining silence all the while. There is no other case to be found where the stature of a man sustained the statute of the State. The meetings of this club were held quite often, and when its members were assembled the old house was turned into a literary pande- monium ; boisterous hilarity prevailed ; all kinds of liquors were drunk to excess ; card- playing and kindred amusements obtained ; breaking of crockery and furniture were com- mon, and late or early suppers were indulged in, as the case might be. Parson Fessenden seemed to be a subject for ridicule by the wags — perhaps he had crossed their path from the pulpit. He was diminutive in size, and when dressed in the Continental garb of those days the wags fancied that he resembled the Jack of Clubs, an important card in their favorite game " Palm Loo," hence they dubbed him " Old Palm." At one time, when Joe Dennie was editor of the Museum (Walpole paper), which was printed in the building now occupied by Chapin & Burt, butchers, he was sought for at the tavern no less than twelve times for " copy " to finish an essay he was writing for the paper. The last time when " copy " was wanting he was engaged in a rubber of whist, when he said to his friend Tyler, " Here, Tyler, play my hand, while I give the devil his due ! " In a few minutes the essay was completed, although he was surrounded with confusion. Then there were the tradasmen and mechan- ics, who, though respectable as a class, were a kind of connecting link between aristocracy and the yeomanry. The yeomanry, M'hich composed most of the population, was content in honest labor and industry. As citizens, they cared for nothing but material gain and the comfort of their households ; they neither af- fected pride nor put on airs. The good old housewife and her daughters, with " rosy cheeks and bonny brows," spun the wool and flax, the former colored and woven into cloth for the entire outward garments of both sexes in the families, and the latter into bed-linen and under- garments. The hides of their slaughtered ani- mals were converted into various kinds of leather for home wear, by local tanners, of whom Daniel Bisco was one, whose tannery was located near where Henry J. Watkins now resides. This leather was made into shoes and boots in the kitchens of the farmers, by per- sons who went from house to house, with bench and kit, and made up a year's stock of foot-gear for a family at one time, and many a sixteen- years-old damsel's eyes glistened at a pair of cowhide shoes for the winter after going bare- foot through the summer. Shoes were all sewed then — ^pegged shoes were not seen till twenty years afterwards. This procedure of shoemakers (then called cordwainers), and a similar one pursued by females in cutting and making the clothing of men and boys in their midst, was called " whipping the cat." Colonel John Bellows furnished employment for a large number of females, by furnishing them with wool to spin into yarn. Their visits on horseback to return yarn and procure more wool were frequent and constant, and, with their horses tied around his house, made it resemble a public inn on some festive occasion. The colonel had multifarious dealings with the farm- ers, and it was said that his balance-sheet at the end of the year made always a favorable showing for himself. The common people then were bigoted, superstitious and ignorant ; they believed in WALPOLE. 433 lucky and unlucky days, and were rigidly guided by the phase of the moon in the planting of their seeds, the killing of pork and the wean- ing of calves and babies. One of those old wiseacres saw Judge Sparhawk, an enlightened townsman, sowing wheat one day, when he ac- costed him thus : " Judge, you won't raise an}- wheat ; it's the wrong time in the moon ! " The Judge replied, "I'm not sowing my wheat in the moon, s-i-r ! " Such is the force of education, that many oi our townspeople believe in those whims and notions to-day. Ignorant! Why not igno- rant? The common people had no means of acquiring knowledge ; although the town appropriated a sufficient sum of money yearly, still, there were no schools, only in name. The teachers for winter schools were hired for their physical strength, rather than mental qualifica- tions ; cultivated young men did not bite sharp at eight dollars per month and board round, to teach school in rural districts. Then there were no school-books worth}- of the name. They had the "New England Primer," the Bible, the " Psalter " and " Dodworth's Spell- ing-Book ; " there was no text-book on arith- metic, but, to supply the place, the teachers used to give their pupils practical " sums," and explain the why and the wherefore as best they could. Birch-bark was in common use to figure on, and also to write copies on. In this way some mastered the rudiments of arithmetic, while others advanced in reading, writing and spelling. English grammar was taught some, and in 1800 Morse's Geography was introduced as a study, but the work now would have no merits, only as a curiosity. The roads were only bridle-paths, most of them, although laid out ; the people had no use for carriage roads, for there were no carriages. Four-wheeled pleasure-wagons were not seen in town till twenty-five years later. There was no post-office in town till April 1, 1795, and Samuel Grant was appointed postmaster. Be- forethis time letters were taken from some central point and carried by a man called a " post-rider " to the persons directed on the letter. News- papers had no circulation, there was no free library, and very few books. found in farmers' houses. The almanac was in every house, and relied upon implicitly as a weather prognos- ticator. Under the circumstances, how could people be anything but ignorant? Still, those people were happy. They had seasons of en- joyment — their election and thanksgiving days, their apple bees and kitchen junkets, their husk- ing bees and quilting frolics, and, more than all, their burst of patriotism on the glorious Fourth. Well, if ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise ! On the 11th of April a new era of progress dawned on Walpole ; it was the publication of a live newspaper, and was issued from the press of Thomas & Carlisle, which was in the old building now standing at the corner of High and Main Streets, and occupied as a meat- market and tenement-house. At first it was called The New Hampshire Journal and Farm- ers' Museum. The size of the sheet was eighteen by eleven inches, the paper was course and dingy, and the type inferior and old-fash- ioned. Like other newspapers of the day, at its commencement there were no elaborate origi- nal articles in it. Snatches of news, a few deaths and marriages, some foreign intelligence four months old, a few lottery and other adver- tisements, some political effusions, an essay or so, "Spectator" fashion, and some racy anecdotes made up, figuratively, the oUapodrida. A few years later, however, the last page was sur- mounted with an engraving of a huge flower- pot, and underneath was printed in large cap- itals "The Dessert." In 1796, Joseph Dennie became his conductor, and he gathered around him a corps of brilliant writers, such as Royal Tyler, David Everett, Thomas Green Fessen- den, Isaac Story and others, whose abilities may be traced in its well-arranged folio pages. The above-named persons wrote for this paper just for the " fun of it," each striving to do his best 434 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. in order to gain notoriety or secure fame. Dennie confined his contributions, principally, to articles called the " Lay Preacher." They were essays on morality ; and such was the fame he acquired with his cotemporaries, that he was styled the "Addison of America." In the height of this paper's prosperity Dennie boasts of its being read by " more than two thousand persons ! " If poor Dennie could wake from his slumbers, what would he say of American journalism to-day? The publishers failed, Dennie left town, and the paper went into a de- cline. Various fortunes attended it till 1827, when Nahum Stone, a shoemaker, revived it, and continued it in Walpole till November 14, 1828, when it was removed to Keene, and now is published under the title of The Cheshire Republican. John Prentiss, who was then editor of the New Hampshire Sentinel, on learning that Stone was about removing to Keene, and knowing him to be a shoemaker, facetiously remarked, "Well, I hope he wont lose his awl (all). That old printing e.stablishment did a large business for those days in the way of printing books, if one can judge by the catalogues pub- lished in the Museum. The first American novel ever noticed by the English press was printed in this town. The printing establishment here gave employment to a large number of typos, who were, according to accounts, a set of bois- terous, drinking vagabonds. Joseph T. Buck- ingham worked in this office at one time six months, and he says in his autobiography, "they were the most miserable months of my life." This drinking, roistering life was not confined to the classes above noticed, but obtained with the rural population, who were wont to assem- ble Saturdays and on festive days at Major Bullard's, and xoU ten-pins, wrestle and get drunk or into a fighting condition. If neighbors had any old scores to settle, they took such days to settle them with fisticuffs in Bullard's bar- room. There was one Abraham Hall then liv- ing in town, who, it is said, possessed herculean strength. He was generally present at those broils, brought thither in an ox-cart, as there was no other conveyance for him by reason of his weight, whose avoirdupois was four hundred and twenty pounds at the age of sixty. He officiated as a physical umpire in the broils of his neighbors, when they got in close quarters, by seizing the belligerents by the napes of their necks and holding them asunder till their ire cooled off, or, if they proved restive under such restraint, he would butt their heads together until they cried enough. The eighteenth century closed with a very cold winter, and to-day (1885) there is but one person living in town who was born here in the last century. Thus it is seen that eighty- five years make nearly a clean sweep of all born before 1800. FROM 1800 TO 1810. About the year 1800 William Jarvis, of Ver- mont, was consul in Spain from the United States. He imported some merino bucks from that place, of which Joseph Bellows, a grandson of Colonel B. Bellows, purchased one and paid fifteen hundred dollars for him. Through this buck the farmers in town began immediately to improve the quality of their wool, by infusing the blood of this buck with their Irish flocks, till about 1825, when two brothers named Searles imported a flock of Saxony sheep into Boston, a few of which found their way into this town. In 1827 the same parties imported another lot into New England in the care of one Kreutchman, a German, one hundred of which were leased to Major Samuel Grant and Major William Jennison, who had formed a copartnership in sheep husbandry. By the terms of the lease the company was to have one- half the increase. Major Grant then owned the farm in the southeast part of the town known as the "Seven Barns," and Major Jennison owned the farm where William T. Ramsay now lives, both of which were admirably adapted to sheep husbandry. To improve their stock WALPOLE. 435 Grant & Jennison purchased a buck of the Searles and paid one hundred and ten dollars for him. He was known to the farmers by the euphonic name of " Old Haunch." A disease among the sheep, known as the foot rot, was brought with those Saxony sheep. The most assiduous care was necessary to protect those sheep from the cold of winter and the cold storms of spring and summer ; especially was this the case in yeaning-time, when the lambs had to be kept before a fire in the house. Wal- pole was in a perfect sheep craze, when her pastures were dotted with 16,000 sheep. Al- though the farmers got one dollar per pound for cleanly-washed wool, they soon found that the average fleece was not more than two and a half pounds, and, moreover, the carcass being small, it was worth but little for mutton. The farmers soon learned that they, under such conditions, were losing money, and there was as much of a craze to free themselves from the dilemma as there was to get into it, and meas- ures were immediately taken which restored their old breed. In 1802 or 1803 when New England was visited with that destroying scourge, the small- pox, Walpole was not exempt from it, and the inhabitants were dying daily. Several town-meetings were called for the purpose of taking the sense of the town on providing a pest-house, and giving license for vaccination ; but ignorant conservatism went strongly against both propositions, till at length Thomas Jeffer- son and a few leading men at Washington, who had tried vaccination in their own families, issued a circular to the people of the United States, setting forth its harmless effect on the patient and its potent effect in preventing the spread of the dread disease. The physicians and some of the leading men of Keene issued a similar circular to neighboring towns. Wal- pole then at once dropped its ignorant conserva- tism and permitted sanitary measures to be adopted, when soon the dreadful scourge had nothing to feed upon. At this time, 1803, a new newspaper was started, advocating the measures of Thomas Jefferson's administration. It was called the Political Observatory, and printed by David Newhall, with Stanley Griswold for editor. The proprietors were Thomas C. Drew, Elijah Burroughs, Amasa Allen, Alexander Watkins and Jonathan Royce, who were the first persons in town to cast a Democratic vote. In 1805 Parson Fessenden, who had been the town's minister thirty-eight years, and whose age was now sixty-six, had become physically and mentally worn out, and the town was anxiously looking about for some one to supply his place. Pliny Dickinson had occupied Mr. Fessenden's desk several Sundays and preached very ac- ceptably to the congregation, and the society looked forward to the immediate time when he would become the town's minister. Mr. Dick- inson had full knowledge of the sentiment of the parish, and he used it to further his ends, but did not succeed. The town called a meeting and voted to give Mr. Dickinson a call, and a salary of five hundred dollars per annum and some other things. The call was duly pre- sented to him with a request to return an answer at an adjourned meeting. The call was not loud enough ; he wanted six hundred dol- lars. He continued to postpone his answer at two meetings, in the mean time hoping to get the extra hundred. Mr. Dickinson's vacillating course was not well relished by the parish, and when he under- took further postponement at the third meeting, the parish peremptorily demanded an answer then and there. Mr. Dickinson clearly saw his little game was lost, when he immediately returned an answer accepting the proposal by the parish. At first he was settled as colleague of Mr. Fessenden ; but after Mr. Fessenden's death he became sole pastor. He continued to preach as the town minister until the disruption of the old church, in 1826. He preached for five hundred dollars a year during his pastorate, 28 436 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. brought up a large family of children, and when he died, in 1834, he left his family sixteen thousand dollars. He was a favorite with the Mite, but with the yeomanry it was otherwise, as proved by tradition and a singular document, published in 1826 and signed by sixty-six men, stating that they did not believe in the religious views held by Mr. Dickinson. He was very rigid in his church discipline, allow- ing no one to come to the communion-table but those of his faith. On one of those occasions two Amazonian Welsh girls, the daughters of Thomas Darby, a weaver by trade, who lived in the woods, just in the edge of Westmore- land, came to his church, and when the commu- nion service was served, they partook with the communicants. The parson, on learning before he left the church, who those strange personages were, and their place of domicile, declared he " would not have the sanctuary of the Lord so defiled," and before he had hardly swallowed his breakfast the next morning he mounted his horse and was on his way to their home. On arriving at the old log hut, he found old Tom busy with his shuttle, but the girls were gone. After stating his grievance, to the old man, to which he attentively listened, he replied : " Weel, weel, I'm soory, burned soory, for I've alius told my gals to keep oot of bad company ! " It is not stated how sud- denly the parson left. In 1806 West Street was built and the old brick store, which was burned in September 18 ±9. The following year (1807) the village bridge was built across the Connecticut, the third on the river. It was built by a corpora- tion, and the superstructure was on wooden piers. The same year a mail-coach passed through Walpole to Hanover, N. H., three times a week, thus receiving mail from Boston every other day. FROM 1810 TO 1820. At the beginning of this decade the New England States had witnessed the rise and pro- gress of a singular disease kno-wn as the spotted fever; but it was not considered contagious. This town was not exempt from its ravages, and many homes were made desolate. The first in- dication of an attack was, not infrequently, a sudden pain in the extremities, quickly spread- ing over the whole system, and fatally termi- nating within twenty-four hours. In the spring of 1812 several children died of it. The following March seven adults died of it in as many days. The whole number of deaths in town from this disease is not known, but many. This disease, then known as spotted fever, is now considered the same as cerebro- spinal meningitis. In the engagements of the War of 1812 none of the Walpole men participated ; but a com- pany under the command of Josiah Bellows (3d), twenty-eight in number, went to the de- fense of Portsmouth, in the fall of 1814. Eleven men also went under the command of Captain Warner. These companies were in service but a short time, and the trophies brought home and the laurels won were very few. Thomas Collins Drew, an unlettered, penni- less lad, born in Chester, this State, in 1762, came to this town with the Derry Hill settlers, and made Walpole his life home. By dint of perseverance, at the age of fifty he had accumu- lated some property, and was about building a substantial brick dwelling in the village — ^the brick being already on the grounds — but owing to a rupture with those to the " manor bom," he changed his mind and purchased a mile square of land in the northeast part of the town, now known as Drewsville, in 1810. He moved his brick thither and erected the hotel now owned by Thomas Taunt. The volume of water then in Cold River was three times what it now is, and was soon utilized in driving ma- chinery in cotton and woolen-factories, and also for many other needful purposes. Artisans flocked into the place, and stores sprang into being, which altogether, till 1835, made Drews- ville^ a lively place. This was the hey-day period Named for J. C. Drew. WALPOLE. 437 of Drewsville, and it is said the place did more business at that time than was done in Walpole village. Evidence of the thrift of the place once are seen in the large size of some of the old buildings ; but, like everything else, the place had its days of prosperity and those of decline. FROM 1820 TO 1830. As early as 1815 Jonathan H. Chase com- menced a new industry in the south part of the town, in the manufacture of sewed sole shoes in a small way, but in 1820 pegged work had ob- tained, and the shoe business began to increase, when Mr. Chase formed a copartnership with his brother-in-law, J. B. Kimball, of Boston, who furnished the leather and sold the shoes, while Chase manufactured them. In the course of twenty years several other firms engaged in the business, with varied success, till about 1835, when the business reached its maximum. Hun- dreds of men and women in town and adjoining towns found employment in the manufacture of brogans for the Southern market, while at the same time Jared Miller was manufacturing boots for the Western market. The sound of the shoe-hammer was heard, not only in the regular shops, but in very many of the rural homes, which gave one the impression of a miniature Lynn. Many of the workmen were young men, and a more roystcring set of fellows could hardly be found. They dressed in the finest Saxony cloth, with other extravagant dressings to match, and being clannish in their affiliations, they controlled the measures of the town. The town can now boast of but one solitary cobbler, occasionally making a pair of shoes. Meeting-house questions belonging to the town had slumbered now (1826) twenty-five years, but the subject was revived in 1825, and three meetings were called to see if the town would move the meeting-house into the village, which proposition was invariably voted dowii. The ostensible plea set forth was, by moving, the people would be better accommodated ; but the real purpose was to secure a place for Uni- tarian worship, the sentiments of which had ob- tkined a strong foothold in the village. At a town-meeting held October 6, 1826, those in favor of removal had secured the shoemakers and riff-raff of the village to vote with them by some sub rosa means, and a vote was declared in favor of removal, to the site where it now stands. It served the Unitarians about fourteen years, when it was converted into a town hall, and now, after forty years of service, the old ex- citement about town-houses is repeating itself. The removal was attended with much ill feeling, and it is said one man was crazed by the act. The defeated party, one hundred and fifty-three in number, signed a protest against its removal ; but it was noticed only as a brutum fulmen. The opposition party, composed of the old" faith, Universalists and agnostics, immediately formed themselves into a new society called "The Independent Congregational Society," and forthwith took measures to build a new house on the old site, which was completed within a year. For a few years the worshippers of the old faith struggled on ; but in 1836 the " union" was dissolved and the Universalists had full control. At once the preaching of universal salvation was commenced and continued at intervals for some eight years, when it died out altogether. The Universalists then made over their policies to bats and owls, which held pos- session till 1869, when the original proprietors rased the house and sold the remnants at a loss of ninety-six per cent., besides the interest on the investment. In 1826 another newspaper was started, called the Cheshire Gazette, edited and managed by one Francis Parton, which in size and general appearance would compare favorably with similar papers of to-day. It lived but one year. FEOM 1830 TO 1840. Those good people in town who lament over the degenerate times of to-day, on the liquor traffic and intemperance, have only to go back forty or fifty years and feel rejoiced that the 438 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. cause of temperance has made so much headway. Then there were six stores in town, a majority of which sold liquor. At one store fifty hogs- heads were sold annually, and if the other stores all put together sold as much more, an immense sale must have been made ; but the story is not yet told ; there were seven taverns in town, all in full blast, the tavern-keepers mak- ing it a point to sell as much liquor as possible. A* the lowest estimate of the liquor sold in town, it must have been a barrel to each voter. Eum was everywhere, — in the hay-field and in the shops ; at marriages and at funerals ; drunk by the high and the low, males and fe- males, boys and sometimes girls. Fortunate for New England, the "Washingtonian move- ment had just taken root, and the women put forth their potent influence to stay the progress of destruction. The damsels " boycotted " the young men by not allowing tipplers in their society, which effectually cured them. It is safe to say that not one-fifth as much liquor is sold in town to-day as was sold fifty years ago. The census of 1830 gave Walpole two thou- sand and thirty-foui- inhabitants, — the largest number as yet counted. The stir and bustle in- cident to the business of those years made the village a lively place. Teams were doing the work of railways now. Heavily-laden wagons were passing through, drawn by six and eight horses. One of eight horses went from here to Boston once a week to supply the traders with goods ; stage-coaches from all points were constantly arriving and departing, bringing and carrying away the mail, which was distributed at the post-office here. The crack of the jehu's whip could be heard at most any hour of the day ; coach passengers, generally, either break- fasted, dined or supped here ; pleasure-seeking travelers, with their teams, made a choice of this place to rest at night in summer ; in winter the old tavern was filled nights with teamsters going to and returning from Boston. Such was Walpole in this decade. PEOM 1840 TO 1850. This decade is void of any particular inci- dents that affected the people throughout the town. In the fall of 1843, at the time of the annual regimental muster, a company of soldiers called the "saucy six " was stationed on the Common which had been planted with shade-trees but a short time before with much care. Certain per- sons livingout of the village ever appeared to feel jealous of the village people or any improvements they might make within its limits. Accord- ingly, those miscreants took this occasion, headed by their captain, to uproot and destroy every tree growing there. It was found that no legal measures could reach these vandals, and the vil- lagers showed their indignation by hanging the captain in effigy. At the next session of the State's Legislature, through the effort of Fred- erick A^'ose, a stringent law was passed, protect- ing shade-trees on public grounds. Never be- fore were the citizens of the village more shocked than at this unprovoked vandalism. Subsequently, in 1855-56, Benjamin B. Grant and Thomas G. Wells replanted the Common and also planted the principal streets with about nine hundred elms and maples, which have not been molested and are vigorously growing, serving not only to beautify the village, but af- fording a grateful retreat from the midsummer's sun. In September, 1847, there was standing a large wooden building on Main Street, just north of Mad Brook, which extended east one hundred and seventy-five feet, with an L. The lower part was occupied by a tannery, founded in the eighteenth century by Daniel Bisco, but now owned and occupied by one Harvey Keed. The second story was occupied by the French Brothers, who afterward moved to Keene, as a carriage manufactory, and filled with all kinds of combustibles belonging to that business. In September of that year this building was totally consumed by fire. The owner sustained a heavy loss, without insurance. WALPOLE. 439 as the policy had just expired. Efforts were made to rebuild by subscription, but all proved futile. In September, 1849, another conflagration took place, which destroyed the old brick store in the village, which was built in 1806. This building M'as three stories high and sufficiently long for three capacious store-rooms, fronting east. It was occupied at the time by Tudor & Eockwood, Philip Peck and William G. Wy- man, merchants, a library, and by Frederick Vose, lawyer. The fire also reached three other buildings, which were consumed. As soon as possible new buildings were put up on the burnt district, to replace those destroyed. In 1855 this same site was burnt over, this time destroying two stores, a grocery and dwelling ; the last building was where the flames com- menced, through an illy-adjusted stove-pipe. In the course of a few months the buildings now standing on the site were built. In July, 1849, a charter was obtained for a savings-bank, which went into operation in 1850, and continued so until November, 1864, when it was robbed of $52,000 cash, and a large amount of securities of various kinds, by one Mark Shinborn, a Jew, and a "Westmore- land boy named George M. White. At the time of the robbery the deposits amounted to $108,045.58, besides a surplus of $3841.58, although it had met with some losses by poor investments. The robbery caused its winding up; but in October, 1875, a new bank went into operation, which is in existence now (1885). FROM 1850 TO 1885. Walpole, like other old, sleepy towns, did not furnish much material for the historian by decades; therefore the following thirty-five years will be embraced under the above head. One year after another passed, and the one was a counterpart of the other. Each was en- livened by the annual town-meetings, when the two rfearly evenly-balanced political parties did not meet on common ground. On those occa- sions large sums of money were expended bv the rival parties, and much bad blood was stirred up, severing neighborly amenities. This was the state of feeling when, on the 12th of April, 1861, Fort Sumter was fired upon by the direction of Jeiferson Davis, the leader of the Southern people in the great Eebellion in the United States. On the 14th instant the Presi- dent of the United States called for seventy-five thousand men to put down the Eebellion. Many young men had been told that the Southern people were a set of cowards, and that one Yankee was a match for four " secesh," which was believed by those who volunteered on the first call ; nor were they disabused of this belief till they had had a taste of Bull Eun, where " They went to fight, but ran away To live to fight another day." On the first call for volunteers five re- sponded ; on the second call in May following for eighty-two thousand fourteen enlisted.^ In September, 1862, thirty-one more eulisted, receiving one hundred dollars bounty from the town. The bounty for volunteers during the month of September was increased to one hun- dred and fifty dollars. In the spring of 1863 volunteering had nearly ceased, but the enemy was pressing hard, and more men must be had. A draft appeared now the only alternative, and consequently the President of the United States issued a proclamation for a conscription of three hundred thousand men on the 8th of May, 1863. Fifty-two men was the quota of this town, and volunteers could not be procured. An enrollment of all the men in town between the ages of eighteen and forty-five was made, and, probably, at no time in the town's history could there have been so many men found who heaped anathemas on their natal day. If they could have been born a little earlier, or a little later, all would have been well. When the 'The names of soldiers and other details cannot be given for want of space. See history of town. 440 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. draft was completed it was found that many of the uncoveted prizes had fallen to those who were not in a condition to comply with the de- mand. The drafted men had a choice of three ways to pursue, — one was to go, the second was to pay a commutation of three hundred dollars to the United States government, which would only clear them from the pending draft, and the third was to furnish a substitute, which was the one adopted, it is thought altogether. In this way, while the war part of the drafted man's bones might lie bleaching under a Southern sun, the real man was at home selling cotton cloth at seventy cents per yard. Those who were liable to be drafted breathed freer, but they soon found that, although they had got their feet out of the mud, they im- mediately found them deeper in the mire, for on the 18th of July following three hundred thousand more men were called for. This was a thunderbolt, because there was a less number to draw from. Town-meetings up to this time had been frequent, and many to raise money to pay bounties and provide for soldiers' families had been called, which were generally well attended by men of both politi- cal parties ; but now and until the close of the war there was but one party that attended the meetings, which was styled the "War Party." It was composed of parents who had sons liable to be drafted, and single men whose age did not exempt them from conscription. In order to fill quotas now, the town resorted to a new plan, which was to hire men outright for the service at the lowest price at the town's ex- pense. Meetings were frequent for this pur- pose. At one meeting a vote was passed au- thorizing the selectmen to procure men at any price; but was subsequently limited to oue thousand dollars. The prices paid were regu- lated by the law of supply and demand for substitutes, ranging from four hundred dollars to seven hundred and fifty dollars. Those men were a curse to the service rather than a benefit ; for it took one good soldier to keep two of the substitutes from running away, and he did not succeed in that. These men were of all nationalities, without patriotism, honesty or morality. " They went to war, and jumped away To 'list again where best 'twould pay." Some of those fellows were so adroit after getting their money that they never saw the army. The soldier's life, abstractly considered, is not a coveted one, and it is curious to note at . this late day some of the apparent reasons that in- duced the men in town to enlist as volunteers. It is not claimed that any of our men were destitute of patriotism, but many had no relish for the turmoils incident to a soldier's life; on the other hand, there were those whose whole being was wrapped in excitement and danger; those, generally, were the first to volunteer. Another and larger class of men felt it to be their duty to enlist, but were reluctant to leave their cheerful homes ; but the impending drafts hung over them like a pall. There were but two ways for them to do — one was to take their chances in a draft, or enlist as volunteers with a reasonable town bounty, which last was chosen, and at this time a large number en- rolled themselves in the New Hampshire Four- teenth Regiment, September 22, 1862. How- ever paradoxical it may seem, there was another class, small in number, of staid, sober, quiet young men, who hardly had ever heard the roar of the cannon, and who had never been a score of miles from home ; they were among the first to volunteer. This class must have been im- bued with true patriotism or a strong religious sense of duty, or it may be both, that induced young men to leave all that was cheerful and home-like to battle with the rough and danger- ous scenes of a soldier's life. Of the personal reminiscences of the men who participated in the Rebellion from this town there are but few, and those are too lengthy for insertion here. Most of those who returned did so with a clean soldier's record. WALPOLE. 441 No one achieved distinction, and but one was promoted from the ranks to corporal. There were one hundred and eighty-five per- sons credited to this town in all, volunteers and substitutes, as going into the service, of whom seventy-five were actual residents. Eight of the three months' men re-enlisted, nine died of disease, four were killed outright, eight wounded and six missing, while fifty-three of the substitutes are known to have deserted, and one volunteer from town — not a native — and eight were discharged on account of disability. There was but one volunteer from this town who gave his superiors any trouble, and he was from " auld Ireland." He entertained the vague fancy that a " free country " meant free rum, and when he got a sufficient supply to make him spiritually-minded he fancied himself a second Samson, and his soldier comrades had to take care of their heads and ribs. He was locked up a great portion of his time, where he had leisure to cogitate on the incongruities of American freedom. The indebtedness of the town in 1862 was five thousand three hundred dollars, and in 1866 it was forty-six thousand dollars ; and it is safe to say that forty thousand dollars of this sum was incurred in consequence of the war. In 1869 the town debt, to the amoufit of thirty- six thousand dollars, was funded, and is now (1885) all paid. In connection with the Rebellion was the Sanitary Commission, which took six more of our men, who discharged the duties assigned to them faithfully, from a physician to a teamster. When theCommission was fully organized, under the presidency of Eev. Henry W. Bellows, the women (good souls !) emulated their great-grand- mothers in ministering to the needs and com- forts of the soldiers in field and hospital, by sending them tid-bits for their appetites, and warm clothing to prevent colds and sickness. THE CHURCH. It appears by the old church records that a church was formed as early as 1767, but it does not appear who the members were till after the ordination of Thomas Fessenden. Jonathan Leavitt was ordained pastor June 10, 1761, and dismissed June 19, 1764. January 8, 1767, Thomas Fessenden was ordained, and a church was formed the same day, consisting of the following members, viz. : Thomas Fes- senden, Benjamin Bellows, John Graves, John Parmenter, William Smead, Jonathan Hall, James Bundy, Joseph Barrett, David Dennison, John Marcy, Samuel Holmes, Samuel Trott, John Kilburn, Jr., Timothy Delano and Na- thaniel Hovey, and the wives of ten of the above-named, making the number twenty-five. Eight years later the church numbered one hundred. During the active pastorate of Mr. Fessenden, of thirty-eight years, the number admitted to the church, by letter and pro- fession, was three hundred and sixty-five, and in that time he solemnized two hundred and ninety-nine marriages. The church was called "The First Congregational Church of Wal- pole," and the religious tenets of its members were like those of the Puritans. This Church in olden times was denominated " The Standing Order." The members were very strict in their observance of the Sabbath and the sanc- tuary, and in looking after each other with as- siduous care and concern, as will appear by the following transactions of the church. One Isaac Johnson was in the habit of taking a little too much " for the stomach's sake," and James Bundy felt disturbed. The transaction reads thus: "November 18, 1769. — James Bundy complained of Isaac Johnson for intem- perate drinking — supported. Voted, that he be suspended from spiritual privileges until he make satisfaction." He appeared, made confession and was restored to fellowship. On another occasion, October 11, 1770, " Nathan Bundy complained of Isaac Stowell as guilty of falsehood and theft, wherein he also him- self was an accomplice. Voted, io suspend both till it appears which is criminal." "They 442 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. afterwards make satisfaction and are restored." The above are but simply specimens of a large number of similar ones. In 1772 they " Voted, one shilling per pole to provide for the Lord's table, and those who refuse to pay the church tax be suspended." Every member of the church who committed any irregularities inconsistent with its discipline, whatever its nature, or whether male or female, was required to make open confession in the broad aisle at the preparatory lecture before communion. Mr. Fessenden was born in Cambridge, Mass., in 1739, graduated at Harvard in 1758, settled as minister of the town in 1767, and died May 9, 1813. His entire pastorate was forty-six years, eight of which he had a col- league. During this long period his labors were generally satisfactory to the town, but on one occasion, however, he preached a sermon (about the year 1800) which was of a political kind, that disturbed a portion of his hearers, and by them he was requested to make an apology the next Sabbath, which he promised to do. Accordingly, after his last sermon on the next Sabbath, he remarked, " I have been requested to apologize for some remarks I made in my last Sabbath's discourse, which I will willingly do ; if I said anything in that discourse that I did not mean to say, I am very sorry for it, and I hope this will be a sufficient apology." He had lived long enough in town to see two generations come upon the stage, when those of his age extended to him the brotherly hand, the youth reverenced him, the ungodly respected him and the children loved him. He lived at a period when pamphlet disquisitions were rife on the subjects of election, predestination and free agency, in which he found delight in dab- bling. In 1804 he wrote a book entitled, " The Science of Sanctity," which is said by theolo- gians to be the most erudite work on that sub- ject extant. It is said that he was a man of good nature and acquired abilities, full of life and anima- tion, jovial with the townspeople, good at repartee, and fond of social gatherings and their concomitants, — a good dinner and a mug of flip. After the death of Mr. Fessenden, Mr. Dick- inson was sole pastor till the disruption of the church, in 1826, before noticed, after which time he preached a few times in the old church in the village, then a few years in the new house on the hill, but never again had a settle- ment. He died August 27, 1834, of apoplexy, at the commencement dinner-table, in Amherst, Mass. Mr. Dickinson's life in Walpole was not altogether a pleasant one ; his austerity of man- ner made him many enemies ; but the uukindest cut of all was in his matrimonial alliance. He was born in Granby, Mass., in 1777 and consequently was twenty-eight years old when he was settled in town. He went to board with Colonel Caleb Bellows, a grandson of the founder of the town. The colonel then had a daughter, Mary Brown, who was five years old, born in 1800. Mr. Bellows did not like Mr. Dickinson, but tolerated him in his family. When ]V[ary arrived at the age of womanhood the colonel discovered a closer intimacy between his daughter and the parson than mere friend- ship, and he was wroth ; but when, soon after the discovery he had made, he learned that their bans were to be cried the following Sun- day, he was mad. His objections were : first, her youth ; second, tlie disparity of age ; and the third was that he did not like the man who was to be his son-in-law. When the next Sun- day arrived, Mr. Bellows was at church in season, and, when the congregation was all seated and the parson in his pulpit, N. Townsly, town clerk, cried the bans of Pliny Dickinson and Mary Brown Bellows. As soon as the last word had dropped from the lips of the crier, Mr. Bellows rose from his seat, as pale as a sheet, and, in an excited manner, cried out, " I forbid the bans ! I forbid the bans !" If a thunderbolt had struck the church, no WALPOLE. 443 greater shock would have been given to the congregation. Mr. Dickinson very calmly went through his day's service, and the next Sunday preached from the text : " I am a man of sorrows and not unacquainted with grief." The parties were bound for the state of mat- rimony, and a father's injunction and blasts of heated breath did not avail anything, and, con- sequently, the next nine days' thrill was the an- nouncement of their nuptials. When, where and by whom they were married no one living in town seems to know. She lived to be mar- ried to three husbands and had children by two. She outlived her husbands, and, in 1884 or 1885, died in Minnesota. The Uxited Religious Christian So- ciety. — In the year 1800 one Abner Jones, of Vermont, seceded from the Free- Will Baptists and began preaching through Vermont and New Hampshire a doctrine of his own, and gathered together many believers in the new doctrine. They denominated themselves Chris- tians. Edward B. Rollins, a convert of Jones', came to Walpole in October, 1817, and began holding meetings in private houses, barns and cider-mills. He was a powerful, persuasive preacher, and soon gathered a church in the " Hollow," which was formed in the December following. Jacob B. Burnham wag a convert of Rollins, who supplanted him (Rollins) in 1823, through some disagreement. The church was sundered, one portion adhering to Rollins, the other to Burnham. The Rollins party built a church at the foot of March Hill, which was ephemeral, and the Burnham party, in 1826, built the church now standing in the "Hol- low." Burnham continued to preach and bap- tize till 1845 or 1850. During Mr. Burnham's pastorate he gathered around him as large a number of communi- cants as any society in town had, and the church was filled every Sunday for a number of years. One word from Parson Dickinson's mouth did more to the building up of this society than all the influence of preaching, and that word was "defiled." Mr. Levi Allen, an admirer of Mr. Rollins, one day asked permission of Mr. Dickinson for Mr. Rollins to occupy his desk some day, that Mr. Dickinson's hearers might hear him preach. His reply was, " I should be very happy to please you, Mr. Allen ; but I cannot have my sanctuary defiled by such a man as Mr. Rollins." The men that followed Mr. Burnham, as preachers there, were Abiah Kidder, Jona- than Farnam, C. W. Martin, W. H. Ire- land, Jared L. Green, Seth Hinkley, David B. Murray, N. S. Chadwick, J. W. Woodward and Clark W. Simonds. The present pastor, H. M. Eaton, has done more missionary work in that vicinity than all others put together, although an old man. Walpole Toavn Congregational So- ciety.' — After the disruption of the old town church, in 1826, and when the religious caldron was boiling and seething hot, the Unitarians, under the guise of the old society's name, hired one Thayer, a kind of hybrid preacher, but those of the sterner faith kept aloof. This state of things continued till February 3, 1830, when a full-fledged Unitarian was or- dained. His stay was short, for it is found that, on May 23, 1833, Orestes A. Bronson was installed, who resigned in March, 1834. Horatio Wood was installed September 24, 1834, and resigned June 22, 1838. This was a period of prosperity for the Unitarians. The elite of the town all attended church, if for nothing more, to hear the good music, which was better then than it has been since that time. William Silsbee was ordained July 1, 1840, and resigned September 3, 1842. This year the present Unitarian Church was built, and Mr. Abiel Chandler presented the tablets. Martin W. Willis was ordained December 6, 1843, and resigned May 1, 1848. He was the first settled minister after the completion of the new house. 1 This is a misnomer. It should be " Unitarian." 444 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. William P. Tilden was installed September 27, 1848, and resigned January 1, 1855. Mr. Tilden was esteemed not only by his society, but by all the citizens in town, as the dissem- inator of good morals and the promoter of the best interests of the town. Mr. Lathrop was installed November 6, 1856, and preached one year, when a Mr. Ran- ney supplied the year following. Charles Bit- ter, an eccentric man, was installed November 3, 1858, and left after preaching a little more than one year, when Mr. C. T. Canfield sup- [)lied the desk, from January, 1860, to the fol- lowing June, after which Thomas Daws was installed, December 15, 1861, and resigned January 1, 1865. The same year Nathaniel Seaver, Jr., was ordained, November 23d, and resigned May 23, 1868. Russell N. Bellows supplied from October 18th, the same year, till October 1, 1869 ; and on the 10th of June following George Dexter was settled, who continued till May 3, 1873. The next minister was William Brown, who was installed in August, 1873, and resigned in August, 1883. The present incum- bent is Rev. John Williams, who was settled April 1, 1884. The First Congeegational Church AND Society in Walpole (Orthodox). — There were a number of persons in town who could not see their way with clearness through Unitarian spectacles, and they resolved to have a place of their own wherein to worship. Ac- cordingly, six of those people — -all but one as poor as church mice — formed themselves into a church and society, and immediately, through their own feeble eiforts and those of the Rev. Z. S. Barstow, of Keene, with the sister churches, procured funds sufficient to build the present church edifice, which was completed in 1833. It has since been raised one story and remodeled. Edwin Jennison, a grandson of Captain John, one of the first settlers, was the first to occupy its pulpit. He preached there till March, 1835, when, by reason of impaired health, he relinquished his charge to one B. B. Beckwith, who preached to the society less than ten months. For what reason he left his charge so soon is not known to the writer ; but the story current at the time was that the charges brought against him by the church were that " he wore a fashionable beaver, a frock coat and rode a horse through the streets on a galloping gait.- Abraham Jackson, who resembled the like- nesses of Old Hickory, was settled January 10, 1837, and dismissed June 5, 1845. August 6th, same year, Ezekiel H. Barstow was or- dained, and continued to be the pastor till De- cember 30, 1851, and Alfred Goldsmith was installed the same day, who continued with the society till March 7, 1853, when he was dis- missed and the society was without a settled minister till January 31, 1855. At the last- mentioned date John M. Stowe, of Hub- bardston, Mass., was settled and remained with his people till February 4, 1862, when he returned to his native home, soon to die from injuries received by a load of wood on a sled passing over him. Mr. Stowe was a man that had few enemies, and, like Mr. Tilden, of the Unitarian Church, was ever ready to lend his influence for the promotion of good in society. The society was without a settled minister till August 31, 1865, when Rev. Gabriel H. De Bevvice was settled, who remained till August 6, 1868. June 2, 1870, Rev. William E. Dickinson was settled, and dismissed March 31, 1875. Thomas S. Robie occupied the desk one year, from September, 1875. September 20, 1877, Frederick Lyman Allen was ordained and remained with the society till June, 1884. From September, the same year, till now (1885) W. H. Teel has supplied the desk. Methodist Episcopal Church. — In the summer of 1842, Increase S. Guild secured the appointment of John P. Prouty for Walpole station. During the next few years several preachers came and went, till 1845, when a WALPOLB. 445 chapel was built, now standing on Washington Square. Services were held there until 1860. During this period the ministers that officiated, twelve in number, lived on starvation diet, for the society was very poor, and depended largely on outside benevolence. The society fell to pieces in 1860, and the worshippers divided; one part joined the Orthodox and the others trusted themselves to the tender mercies of the Unitarians. Episcopal Society. — This society at Drews- ville was incorporated in 1816, under the name of the First Protestant Episcopal Society of Walpole. The first rector's name was Luman Foote. In 1836 the present stone chapel was built, and at the time of its consecration the original name was changed to St. Peter's Church. The Rev. E. A. Renouf is now its rector. Baptists. — In 1837 Samuel Nichols, a mer- chant of Drewsville, built a small chapel at that place for the use of a Baptist society formed there, but the society was short-lived, and now there are no Baptists in town. The Roman Catholics have a church at North Walpole, but it is not old enough to have a his- tory. MEN OF NOTE. Following are a few brief notices of men who have, by accident or otherwise, risen from the general level of their townsmen, and made themselves conspicuous members of society, and also of their descendants, whose influence has been felt in other places. For convenience, their names are arranged alphabetically. Amasa Allen came to this town in 1776 from Pomfret, Conn., a poor young man twenty- six years old, and commenced business as a merchant. He continued in the business some thirty years, and died at the age of seventy, leav- ing $75,000. He was very popular with the townspeople, and they elected him to represent them in the Provincial Legislature, at Exeter, seven times, and was State Senator in 1802-3. He was general of the State militia, and held numerous minor town offices. He gave the old church the organ, afterwards used by the Uni- tarian Society, and was present at the casting of our old town-bell (now intact) and dropped in the silver composing a portion of its metal. When he died his funeral was largely attended. Although married twice, he left no children. He lived in the house now owned by Mrs. Philip Peck, which he built. Aaron Allen was from Mansfield, Conn., and was an early settler. He was a farmer and owned a very large area of land in the south part of the town. He represented the town at Exeter in 1788-89. He held numerous town offices, his name occurring most frequently in the town records. His oldest son, Levi, was also popular with the people, and was so much engaged with town business, settling estates, etc., that he neglected his more paying business and became poor, when his pride forced him to move from town. Otis Bard well was born in Deerfield, Mass., October 17, 1792, and died March 27, 1871. He began life as a stage-driver ; but being a man that took good care of his earnings, he soon ac- cumulated money to own a team, when he formed a copartnership with George Hunt- ington. The firm soon owned all the mail- lines in the vicinity, at a time when their bids were the only ones for carrying the mails. The firm soon became well off. In 1849, when the Chesh- ire Railroad was completed, staging came to a stand-still. He then purchased a plot of land in Rutland, Vt., and built the well-known " Bardwell House." During the latter part of his life, owing to his financial standing in town, he was honored with financial trusts. When a stage-driver, in the month of January, 1819, in coming over Carpenter's Hill, he plucked blos- soms from an apple-tree and gave them to the lady passengers. Ben-iamin Bellows' was born May 26, 1712, and died July 10, 1777. He came to Walpole from Lunenburg, Mass., when he was forty years old and founded the town (1752), and for twenty-five years thereafter he was the 446 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. common centre, around which all the satellites moved. During these years he held two or three town offices each year. A general notice of his life in town may be found in the earlier pages of this sketch. Bexjajiin Bellows, Jr., was the second son of the founder. He seems to have had a greater controlling influence over the townspeople than any man who ever lived in town ; he was the Bellows among the Bellows'. His judgment was good and his word law among the towns- people. At his bare-headed nod the rough boys took their seats in the old church, and catch- penny showmen he drove from town on his own responsibility. He was town clerk thirty-two years, and held various other town offices. He was State Senator from his district, and also Councillor ; was chosen a member of the Con- stitutional Congress in 1781, but declined serv- ing. He was a member of the Convention that ratified the Federal Constitution of February, 1788. He was president of the Electoral College in this State in 1789, and again elected in 1797. In the State militia he rose from corporal to the command . of a brigade, and was colonel of a regiment during the Revolutionary -struggle. He is described as being six feet in stature and of dark complexion, courteous in manners, but firm in purpose, persuasive in language and ever kind to his neighbors. His education was mostly gained by observation, as the Bellows family were never considered book-worms. The saying formerly current was that, " If you shut up a Bellows in a room with books, if there is no other way of escape, they will go through the window." Seated in an easy chair in the chimney-corner of his own house,' neatly dressed in Continental garb, he rounded his pe- riod with his brother John, in discussing the gossip of the day over a clay pipe. He died June 4, 1802, aged sixty-two. Some mention has been made of his brother John and his son Caleb in the foregoing pages, both of whom were ' Now owned by Mrs. Prentiss Foster, active, influential men. John Bellows had one son, Josiah (2d), who had some influence in town in his way. He is remembered by the old citizens as being a smooth, fluent talker, and story-teller. On this account he obtained the sobriquet of " Slick Si.'' If anything was wanting in his stories, his conscience never troubled him in supplying the deficiency. Thomas Bellows, familiarly known as the " 'Squire," to whom the old colonel bequeathed his homestead, was an entirely different man in character from either of his half-brothers, Ben- jamin or John, in that he had little or no am- bition, only to be considered an honest man, which feeling in some instances he carried so far as to do injustice to himself. He was born 1762, the same year his father built his new house, now standing and occupied by his son Thomas. His name appears frequently in the town records as a town officer, and he was the first man to represent the town in the General Court after the adoption of the State Constitu- tion, in 1792. Early in 1794 he was appointed councillor for five years, and in 1799 sheriff for the county of Cheshire, an office which he held more than thirty years, and during this period he was haunted with the morbid idea that he might be called upon to hang somebody. He had an ample fortune left him, which he kept intact, but did not add much to it during Hfe. He manifested much interest in the welfare of his neighbors and townsmen, and had a strong penchant for not only knowing their business, but the business of all others. At times this matter was carried so far as to call forth ungen- erous rebuffs, which sorely grieved him. He was fond of conversation, but had an impedi- ment in his speech, which made it appear quaint and laughable to strangers. He was tall and gaunt, with a heavy face, and wore modest cloth- ing, which never could be made to fit. His memory was remarkable ; he could remember everything he ever saw, even to the first rat. In religion, he was a Unitarian. He lived a WALPOLE. U1 long life of purity, benevolence and charity, and was called to his fathers April 18, 1848. JosiAH Bellows, the tenth and youngest of the old family, and a stanch old Roman, was born in 1767, and died in 1846. In his youth- ful days, it is said, he scattered some wild oats, but after he married he toned down into an influential, reliable, good citizen. His vocation was a farmer. He represented the town in the State Legislature in 1809-10 and in 1819, and held many town offices. In his intercourse with the world he was taciturn, and in conver- sation monosyllabic almost to abruptness, which gave strangers a wrong impression of the real man, for he was a kind neighbor and public- spirited citizen. His older son, known as JosiAH Bellows (3d), was cast in a differ- ent mould from his father, and of more pliable metal. He was loquacious, urbane and yield- ing; he never meddled with the business of other people, yet no man has lived in town in later years that had a greater silent influence. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits more than thirty years ; was chosen Representative in 1823, '24, '25 ; captain of militia in 1814; postmaster from 1826 till 1840, when all the mail matter lodged in the town was contained in a box three by two feet, and when the num- ber of inhabitants was larger than at the present time. He also held many offices of honor and trust, both in town and county. He died January 13, 1842. Only one son is now left to represent him, Josiah G., who is now a prac- ticing lawyer in town and esteemed citizen. Henky Whitney Bellows, a great-grand- son of the founder, through Joseph and John, was born in Boston, Mass., June 14, 1814. He graduated at Harvard College in 1832 and com- pleted his divinity studies in 1837. On Janu- ary 2, 1838, he was ordained pastor of " All Saints' Church," in New York City, and held the place till his death, which occurred in Jan- uary, 1882. He was the only Bellows who ever gained a national reputation, and this was accomplished through the United States Sani- tary Commission as president during the Rebel- lion. He was widely known as a preacher, lec- turer and writer in his own denomination (Uni- tarian) and by others. In 1868-69 he wrote and published two octavo volumes of European travels, entitled " The Old World in its New Face," which will compare most favorably with any work of the kind extant. He contributed largely to the higher publications of the day and was known as a brilliant pulpit orator. Henry Adajis Bellows was born Octo- ber 25, 1803, and was the great-grandson also of Colonel Benjamin — through two Josephs. He commenced life poor. He, while a lad, attended an academy at Windsor, Vt., which in those days afforded no better educational advantages than those now had at our common schools. After remaining there a few months he entered the law-office of William C. Bradley, in West- minster, Vt., and on completing his law studies was admitted to the bar in Newfane, Vt., in 1826. The same year he was admitted to the bar in New Hampshire and commenced practice in Walpole. In 1828 he removed to Littleton, N. H., where he practiced his profession twenty- two years, when he removed to Concord, this State. He had now gained a high reputation as a lawyer throughout the State, and on the resignation of Judge Perley, September 23, 1859, he was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, and held the position till October 1, 1869, at which time he received the appointment of chief justice. His de- cisions and rulings in court were always sound, clear and logical. He was no politician, but was elected representative to the General Court three times — once from Littleton, in 1839, and twice from Concord, in 1856-57. He died very suddenly at his home in Concord, with but little premonition, March 11, 1873, of disease of the heart, just before his term of office would have expired by limitation. Without superior educational advantages, he rose to a high point of honor and trust. For his hon- esty of purpose he was esteemed ; for being 448 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. just he was honored ; and for his urbanity he was beloved. David Buffum was the seventh son of Joseph Buffum, of Walpole, and was born April 15, 1803. He came to Walpole in 1820 and was a clerk three years for his brother Wil- liam, who was a merchant here, and then formed a partnership with him in trade. From that time for about fifty years he was in business, sometimes with partners and at other times alone. In his position during this long period he became thoroughly acquainted with all the townspeople, and, in a measure, ex- ercised over them a controlling influence. His multifarious business relations admirably fitted him to form good judgments and give good ad- vice, which was largely sought for by many. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1849 and 1850, and, also, was a member of the convention called to revise the State Constitu- tion, in 1876. He is now an octogenarian, with few business cares, enjoying his otium cum dig- nitate. Geoege Carlisle was the son of John Carlisle, a shoemaker, and a great-grandson of David Carlisle, one of the early settlers. George began life a poor boy, but by his hon- esty and industry he won the esteem of Stone & Bellows, merchants here, who entrusted him with a large invoice of goods of, in, then, the Far West, Cincinnati, where he established himself in due course of time as a merchant. Exercis- ing good j udgment he purchased land from tim e to time with surplus money in the environs of the Queen City, M'hich soon rose in value mani- fold, and made him at the time of his death, which occurred in 1863, a very rich man. He is represented to have been a highly honorable business man, public-spirited and generous to his Walpole kindred. Thomas Collins Drew, in some respects was one of the most remarkable men who ever lived in town. He was born in the town of Chester, this State, in 1762. In boyhood an inmate of the almshouse in Portsmouth, adopted by one McNeal, of Londonderry, he ran away and joined the Continental forces, and after the war closed returned to McNeal. Mr. McNeal had no use for him, and sold his indenture to William T. Kamsey, a settler of this town, for a pair of old stags. He came home with Eam- sey, and at his majority or soon after married, when his wife taught him to read and write. He now put on the hai'ness and made a bold push for a livelihood, either by hook or by crook, and as years rolled on he grew in popularity with his townsmen, and was promoted colonel of the Twentieth Regiment of New Hampshire militia, and soon was elected, over those to "the manor born," to the State Legislature in 1802, and was re-elected in 1804, '05, '07, '08 and '09. He was then elected State Councillor two years. He had a great influence in town-meet- ings, being a fluent speaker. During those years he kept a public-house at the place which perpetuates his name, — Drewsville. In his old age he undertook to tend his bar on both sides at a time, which greatly bewildered him at times. None of his posterity are now living. Thomas Green Fessbnden, the oldest of the old parson's family, was born April 12, 1771, graduated in Dartmouth in 1796, studied law in the office of Stephen R. Bradley, in Westminster, Vt., and died in Boston, No- vember 11, 1837. He early commenced a lit- erary career, which he pursued through life, writing books and numerous pamphlets. He wrote and published a book in England satiriz- ing the medical faculty there. It had an im- mense sale in London, and was subsequently published in this country in three editions. It was entitled "Dr. Caustic." The work is a strange compound of erudition, doggerel verse and nonsense. In 1822 he commenced the publication of the New England Farmer, when he did not know enough about forming to hoe a hill of potatoes, and continued it fifteen years. For versatility of genius, ready wit, biting sar- casm and as a popular journalist, no native townsman has been his equal. WALPOLB. •449 John Graves, Jr., seems to have lieen a man of some local influence during the " border troubles " in the last century, as he was elected to represent the town at Windsor, Vt., at that period. Josiah G., his grandson, through Ster- ling, his father, studied medicine and removed to Nashua, this State, more than forty years since, and there became widely known as a skill- ful physician, and accumulated a handsome for- tune. He was born July 13, 1811, and is still living. Samuel Gra^'t, familiarly known as Major, was born at Watertown, Mass., in 1770, and came to this town soon after his majority, by trade a saddle-maker. He married the daughter of General Bellows, and at Bellows' death, in 1802, came in possession of a large farm in the southeast part of the town — her patrimony. This place was known as the " Seven Barns." Here, for many years, he extensively carried on sheep husbandry, owning at times a thousand sheep. By his strong will and conventional position in town, he secured a strong hold on his townsmen, and was elected to the General Court four times, viz. : in 1797, 1799, 1817 and 1838, besides holding many offices of trust. He is repre- sented to have been punctilious, exacting and unyielding in his intercourse with his neighbors. He died April 12, 1844. Aaron Hodskins, Jr., was born in town August 17, 1769. He was a farmer by occu- pation, but intellectually a strong man. He was generally known as "'Squire," and for many years, when in active life, was a potent factor in the civic affiiirs of the town. He was religiously a Universalist, and was the head and front of that society in town. His son, Asahel B., also belonged to the same denomination, was active in the cause, and also had some influence in local politics. Abraham Holland, who was the third phy- sician that settled in town, was born in Barre, Mass., in 1751, graduated at Dartmouth and studied medicine, and on completing his studies came to this town and commenced prac- tice about 1780. Three of his granddaughters, through his son Nathaniel, were married to Harrison P. and Hudson E. Bridge, who were Walpole boys, and who as men were citizens of St. Louis, Mo., where they accumulated very large fortunes. Foster Hooper, an orphan at an early age, was the son of Salmon Hooper, and the grand- son of Levi, one of the early settlers, was born April 2, 1805. He studied medicine, and in 1826 went to Fall River, Mass., where for more than a generation he enjoyed an extensive practice and was held in high estimation by all the medical fraternity. There were no public enterprises on foot in that city for more than forty years but Dr. Hooper had a controlling voice in them. He was chosen often to fill the civic offices of the place. His career, at his death, which occurred in 1870 from disease of the heart, left a more favorable lasting impres- sion than if he had been a member of Congress, which position was almost within his grasp at one time. Jonas Hosmer was a staid old church dea- con and farmer. He came to town from Acton, Mass., in 1 783,and remained here during life. He had eight children, seven of whom lived to ma- turity and all were highly respectable people. Five of the number were boys, and never were there five boys born in town in one family who could boast of a cleaner record from vice than those of Jonas Hosmer. Two of them, Eli and Elbridge, were widely known and esteemed school teachers ; Edwin followed farming, and Alfred and Hiram became practicing physicians. The latter became eminent in his profession in Watertown, Mass., and in other walks of life was a prominent citizen. He was the father of Harriet Grant Hosmer, the world-renowned sculptress, who was born in 1830. On her mother's side she is the great-granddaughter of General Benjamin Bellows. Aaron Prentiss Howland was the son of Charles Howland, a mechanic who lived in the " Valley," this town. He (Aaron) was born in 450- HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1801, and died July 9, 1867. He learnednhe trade of a carpenter, and soon after his majority became a master-builder, which business he fol- lowed for many years with varied success. In 1853-54 he represented the town in the Legis- lature, and aftewards became interested in poli- tics, and as a local wire-puller he never had an equal in town. He was first a Whig, then a Republican in sentiment, and, lastly, an un- flinching partisan. His word was law to his henchmen, and for years he figured as the cham- pion of opposition to the Democracy over the check-list at March meeting times, when there was always a " tempest in a tea-pot," and where he found that there were diamonds that cut dia- monds. He was United States district assistant assessor during and after the War of the Rebellion. During the last years of his life he exercised a potent influence in town and church affairs. Who living in town thirty years ago did not know the stirring, ubiquitous, money-making Aaron Prentiss Howland ? George Huntington, of whom mention has been made in connection with Otis Bard- well, was born in 1801, and died 1876. Early in life he kept the tavern in the village, and by his urbanity and enterprising qualities he won the esteem of his townsmen, who honored him with a seat in the State Legislature in 1835, '36, '37, and soon after was appointed sheriff of the county. He held several town offices, was a railroad and bank director for several years. In middle life he was one of the most comely, well- dressed and popular men in town, and was re- ported rich, as he paid the highest individual tax in town. In his business transactions, first impressions always served him ; he never used figures much ; but later in life impressions did not serve him, and his business went wrong, till at length a collapse came and he died com- paratively poor. De. Francis Kitteedge came to this town more than one hundred years ago, to set a broken bone of one of the Bellows family, from Tewksbury Mass., there being no competent surgeon to be found nearer. He remained till the fi acture was healed, and during the time was induced by Colonel Bellows to remove here. He was termed a natural bone-setter. He had sixteen children, and ten of his descendants be- came doctors. Jesseniah, one of his sons, became famous by compounding an unguent for old sores. It required but little study in those old days to become an M.D. There were many that knew little or nothing of surgery and all that was deemed necessary for common practice was to know how much blood to take from a patient in a fever, how much jalap to deal out for sick headache, and how much picra to give in mulligrub. There was but one of the ten above noticed who received a classical edu- cation, and none of them rose to be eminent in their profession, but through their combined social standing they had some influence. Jes- seniah (2d) was well versed in Free-Masonry, and had a commanding influence with, the craft, it is said. Jacob Newman Knapp, who died in this town July 27, 1868, in his ninety-fifth year, exercised a silent influence in town for more than fifty years, and more especially in the Unitarian Church. His son, Frederick Newman, rendered effi- cient service in the Sanitary Commission during the Rebellion. Hope Lathorp, was born in Tolland, Conn, about 1798, and learned the trade of planter. He came to Drewsville in 1819, where he followed that business a few years. He was appointed deputy sheriff soon after he came to Drewsville, and at the same time kept a public-house there. He was one of the direc- tors of the Connecticut River Rank, at Charles- town, N. H. and was its president when he died in 1878. For a number of years he was post- master at Drewsville and merchant at the same period. He was not a progressive man, his par- amount thoughts and energies being centred on the accumulation of money. At the time of his death his accumulations were large for the WALPOLE. 451 country, which were left to his two daughters. His wealth and shrewdness gave him some local influence, but beyond his own town he was but little known. Bolivar Lovell is the son of Aldis Lovell, who was a lawyer of some local repute in town at one time. Bolivar was born at Drewsville, August 30, 1826, and obtained only a common-school education at that place. At his majority he went forth into the world and found employment in Providence, E. I., as a clerk there for three years, when he returned to his native home and commenced the study of law in his father's office then at Alstead, about 1845. In 1847 he was appointed deputy sher- iff and while acting in that capacity he was still pursuing his law studies in the office of Lovell Wait, of Alstead. In 1855 he was appointed Sheriff for Cheshire County, which office he held for ten years. In 1862 he was appointed United States assessor of internal revenue for the Third New Hampshire District and held the office eight years. In 1869 he was admitted to the bar, and has since prac- ticed his profession, first in Alstead and now in this town. In 1873-74 he was elected a member of the Governor's Council. He is considered a safe reliable business man, and an honest lawyer. He is now (1885) still prac- ticing his profession at Drewsville, financially enjoying life's blessings. Dk. Ebenezer Morse was born in Dublin, this State, in 1785, graduated at Dartmouth in 1810, studied medicine and came to this town in 1813, a fully-fledged physician, when he put out his shingle on the northwest corner of the house now occupied by Frederick A. Wier. At the beginning of his practice he had Drs. John- son, Holland, Sparhawk and the Kittredges to contend with. Slowly he worked his way along, till, in the course of forty years, he had crossed the thresholds of three-fourths of the habitations of the people in town professionally and foiTned their favorable acquaintance, which gave his voice a listening ear in town affairs. 29 He was too conservative to be a leader and too proud to follow. He hated innovation, and the frivolities of fashion he despised. He clung to the past, — the old school-books and the old way of cooking were the best. He was a fine prose- writer, and the town is indebted to his pen for much of its early history. He courted the muses sometimes, but they did not return his advances with grace, he having no scruples about feet or length of line. He was once elected to the General Court and three times selectman, besides holding some other minor offices. An entire change came over him in the last years of his professional practice, which was this, — instead of dosing with blue pills, jalap and using the lancet, he thought bread pills, pure air, clean sheets and a good nurse were more efficacious in restoring health than any other means. He died December 30, 1863. Thomas and Isaac REoiNaxoN were re- spected and influential merchant-citizens in town in the earlier part of this century. They were in trade some twenty-five years. Isaac repre- sented the town in the State Legislature in 1813-14 and 1816. They both had families, but none of the blood remains in town to-day. Jonathan Royce first came to Marlow, but soon removed to Walpole, from Connecticut, at the time of the exodus from that State into the valley of the Connecticut, between 1775 and 1780, bringing his entire worldly effects on a hand-sled in the winter. He settled in the " Valley." The town records, for many years, disclose the fact, by the frequent occurrence of his name therein, that he was a man of good ability and that his services were much in de- mand. For many years he was justice of the peace.. He at one time, it was said, owned more poor land than any other man in town. Thomas Sparhawk. — In the year 1769 a man came to this town, thirty-two years old, from Cambridge, Mass., who was a graduate of Harvard, with the class of 1755, where he pur- chased himself a homestead, and remained through life as a very popular, high-minded. 452 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. well-educated, church-going citizen of the town, — ^that man was Thomas Sparhawk. He had not been long in town before his abilities were recognized and his influence felt. He was the first merchant in town, the settlers before that period having to go to Northfield, Mass., and make necessary purchases of one Aaron Burt, a wholesale and retail dealer there, of whom mention has been made. Mr. Sparhawk was the first man to represent the town at Exeter, in 1775, and was for many years judge of Pro- bate for the county of Cheshire, and also clerk of the court. He yearly held important offices in town, till the infirmities of age impaired his usefulness. He died October 31, 1803, and left his son Thomas to walk in his illustrious footsteps. Thomas, Jr., was born 1761 and died 1848. He was an active, influential towns- man, almost yearly holding some important office during his active life, and was honored by a seat in the State Legislature in the years 1795, 1796, 1798, 1801 and 1803, and was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1783. It is said that the conduct exhibited by his church brethren at the time the old building was removed so grieved him that he became alienated from church-going thereafter. He lived and died a man of strict piety and good works. Dr. George Sparhawk, a graduate of Harvard, in the class of 1777, came to this town between 1780 and 1790, and commenced prac- tice as a physician, but not being successful, and having some means, he purchased a large tract of land where George B. Williams now lives, and gave his attention to farming. From year to year he made additions to his landed estate, till he was the largest land-owner in town. Through his education and wealth com- bined, he had some influence ; otherwise not, for he had ever an itching palm for all the land adjoining his. He died in 1847, aged ninety years. EoGER VosB wa-s born in Milton, Mass., in 1763, graduated with the class of 1790, and came to this town a lawyer in 1793, where he remained in practice during his active life. He held many important offices in town for many years. He had no qualities that distinguished him at the bar from other lawyers, but is chiefly remembered as being the only member of Con- gress that Walpole ever had, and for being one of the coterie of wits heretofore mentioned. He was at one time an associate judge of the courts in this State, and also judge of Probate for the county of Cheshire. His son, Frederick, was born in town Novem- ber 2, 1801, and graduated at Harvard College in 1822. After studying the profession of law he commenced its practice in this town, and continued it through life. In 1847-48 he was a member of the State Senate, and in 1833 was a member of the House. He also held many important offices of trust and honor in the town, county and State, being for many years judge of Probate, bank commissioner, etc. As a lawyer he had a general reputation, being considered one of the soundest and best^read lawyers in the State. He was not a brilliant man, and he never attempted to argue a case of importance before a jury on account of having a constitutional timidity, which he never could overcome. In his habits he was peculiar, seldom appearing at social gatherings, and when in mixed company was always taciturn, but with a friend alone he was one of the most genial companions. In his intercourse with people he was considerate, always avoiding offense, which marked him as a true gentleman ; was public-spirited and be- nevolent, never letting his left hand know what his right hand was doing. Many funny sayings might be told of his, bearing the stamp of sly wit, which he inherited from his father. He died in New York in November, 1871, aged seventy years. His death was greatly lamented by his townsmen and all others who personally knew him. Colonel Christopher Webber was one of the earliest settlers in town, and during the Revolutionary struggle was one of its active, WALPOLE. 453 leading men. He represented the town at Exeter in 1776 and 1777, and for more than twenty years was one of the most efficient towns- men. He was captain of a company that went to Saratoga, under General Bellows. His de- scendants living in town, being of the fifth generation, knew but very little of him. Alexander Watkins was from Pomfret, Conn., and came to town about 1777 and set- tled as a tavern-keeper on the place now owned by Benjamin E. Webster. By his constant intercourse with the town's people, he acquired some influence. He had a family of eight children, seven of whom were boys. Two of the boys, Alfred and Hiram, studied medicine and located in Troy, N. Y., where they enjoyed an extensive practice. Al- fred was at one time mayor of the city. Hiram, the only one of the old family, is now living in town, a hale old octogenarian, having been born in 1801. The other five boys settled in town, and Alexander's descendants are now, and have been for years, the most numerous of any people in town. Most of this family have been industrious, good citizens, and have been local- ly influential. Other persons have lived in town, who per- haps are just as deserving as the foregoing ; but want of space forbids an account of them. Among them are the Biscos, Bonds, Barnetts, Bradleys, Stephen Rowe (who lived in town from 1818 to 1830), Burts, Campbells, Carpen- ters, Crehores, Dunshees, Eatons, Evanses, Fos- ters, Fishers, Fays, Fields, Griswolds, Gold- smith (Josiah), Jennisons, Johnson (Dr.), Kid- ders, Lymans, Lanes, Martins, Maynards, Mel- ishes, Putnams, Eussells, Seavers, Steamses, Starkweathers, Townsleys, Tudor (Henry S.), "Wightmans, Weirs, etc. Walpole to-day (1885). — The town of Walpole is situated in the northeast corner of Cheshire County, N. H., and is about nine miles long and four broad, with an area of 24,- 331 square acres of land, about eighty per cent, of which is under improvements, and more than one-half of the improved land is arableand of the best quality. Its population in 1880 was 2018 inhabitants, and would have been many less in number had it not been for the rapid influx of people of Irish descent, within a few years, in- to North Walpole, where now is a hamlet of more than five hundred people. The pursuits of the people are principally agricultural, there being but little water power in town. The in- voice of the town, taken April 1, 1884, for the purpose of taxation, was $1,431,244, including 598 polls, which is about the number of legal voters. The town has fourteen school dis- tricts, fifteen school-houses and eighteen schools, one of which is a High School, and the expendi- ture for school purposes, yearly, is about forty- five hundred dollars. The number of scholars is four hundred and sixty-one, and the average length of schools is twenty-nine weeks. There are five churches, to wit : Orthodox, Unitarian, Episcopal, Christian and Roman Catholic, all of which have men of ability for pastors. The traveling public can find lodging at four public-houses, buy goods at five stores and get their mail at two post-offices. There are two lawyers, five doctors, one brewery, doing a large business, and two summer boarding-houses, which are well filled during the hot season. There are several shops of minor importance that are very convenient for the people, which are found in every country town. Two livery-stables furnish fine teams for the fine drives about town, and for other purposes, at reasonable rates. The soils of the town on the river and table- lands east are fluviatile, while back on the hills they are more tenacious, being a heavy loam, with sometimes an admixture of clay ; most of the soils are arable and well suited to all kinds of farm crops in this region. Fruit-trees of all kinds produce well but the peach, which does not do well here now, but apple and pear-trees yield an abundant harvest. Much of the town is superimposed upon micaceous and argillaceous slate. The rocks 454 HISTOKY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. composing Fall Mountain are gneiss, sienite and mica slate, merging, in some places, into fibrolite, a very hard formation, which is almost inde- structible. A vein of serpentine has been found in the south part of the town and a bed of graphite • also, but the per cent, of iron is so great in it that it is uniit for commercial pur- poses. Peroxide of iron is found iu the north part of the town in considerable quantities. At- tempts were made at one time to utilize it, but proved futile. There is a fountain of chalyb- eate waters about two and one-half miles north of the village, called "Abarakee Springs," the name being derived from an Indian tribe that once, in bygone days, used to bathe in its waters for cutaneous diseases. There are a few angular and water-worn boulders scattered about town but, only one of magnitude. The town can boast of a free library of well-selected books, numbering three thousand volumes, which annually receives additions and is well patronized. It also has a savings bank, a tem- perance lodge, which is doing much good, and a lodge of Free-Masons, which was established June 13, 1827, called " Columbian Lodge, No. 63." The charter members were Christopher Lincoln, Wm. G. Field and Jesseniah Kittredge. The charter was surrendered to the Grand Lodge during the Morgan troubles and held by it till 1861, when it was applied for and ob- tained by Dr. Jesseniah Kittredge, Wm. Mitch- ell, Jacob B. Burnham, Dr. Hiram Wotkyns and sixteen others. Dr. Kittredge was elected Master of the new lodge and was re-elected several times. The second Master was George Rust ; third, Joshua B. Clark ; fourth, Samuel W. Bradford ; fifth, Abel P. Richardson /sixth, Geo. G. Barnett ; seventh, Curtis R. Crowel ; eighth, Geo. G. Barnett ; ninth, Abel P. Richardson ; tenth, Geo. B. Holland ; eleventh, Andrew A. Graves; twelfth, Rosalvo A. Howard. A Thief-Detecting Society was established here in 1816, and is in a flourishing condition now. The village has an efiicient Fire Depart- ment, and the young men of the town have formed a brass band. Geo, B. Williams has a fine stock farm, with a large herd of Jersey cat- tle, which it will richly pay the curious to visit. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JOSIAH G. GRAVES, M.D. Among the most honored names of medical men in New Hampshire during the last half- century is that of Josiah G. Graves. No his- tory of the State would be complete that did not give a sketch of one for so long a period identified as one of its representative physicians, and who, to-day, retired from practice, retains the vigor of middle life, the power of accurate thought and just and quick conclusion, the firmness of an honest and truthful nature and the suavity and courtesy of the gentleman ol the "old school." Josiah Griswold Graves, M.D., was born July 13, 1811, in Walpole, N. H., one of the loveliest villages of the beautiful Connecticut Valley. His father was a well-to-do farmer, and his mother a woman of superior mind and excellent judgment, who looked well to the ways of her household, as did the notable women of that period. Ralph Waldo Emer- son afiirmed that man is what the mother makes him. Much of truth as there undoubtedly is in that assertion, it does not tell the whole truth. Past generations, as well as the beloved mother, have contributed to the building of the man. Physical peculiarities, physical aptitudes and mental tendencies have been transmitted by the ancestors, and in the case of this mother and son, who shall say that the mother's nature, intensified by the inheritance of powers from progenitors strong physically and mentally, did not so influence the son as to make his successful career certain from the start, forcing him from the uncongenial vocation of a tiller of the soil WALPOLE. 455 into a mission of healing during a long range of years. From an able article in "Successful New Hampshire Men " we extract as follows : "Not having a fancy for farming, and thus acting contrary to the wishes of his father, he left home at the age of eighteen, M'ith his mother's blessing and one dollar in money, determined upon securing an education and fitting himself for the medical profession. He defrayed the expenses of his education by his own individual efforts and native will and industry, by teaching both day and evening, and was remarkably suc- cessful in his labors. Being a natural penman, he also gave instruction in the art of penman- ship." He commenced the study of his profession in 1829. He was a student in medicine in the office of Drs. Adams and Twitchell, of Keene, and subsequently attended medical lectures at Pittsfield, Mass., and graduated at the Medical Department of Williams College in 1834. Af- terwards he spent six months in the office of Drs. Huntington and Graves in Lowell. Dr. Graves commenced the practice of medi- cine in Nashua, N. H., September 15, 1834. At this time Nashua was a comparatively young town. It was but a brief period, however, be- fore the energy, determination and superior medical and surgical skill of the young physi- cian carved out for him an extensive practice. For forty years he followed his profession in Nashua and the adjoining region with untiring assiduity and with a success that has but few parallels. He loved his profession and gave to it his best powers. He was gifted in a remark- able degree with a keen insight into the nature of disease, and, of course, his success was in proportion to his fitness for his calling. He did not need to be told symptoms ; he knew by in- tuition where the break in the constitution was and how to rebuild and give new life. He was made for his profession, and not his profession for him, which is too often the case. After several years' practice, desirous of further im- provement, he took a degree at Jefferson Col- lege, Philadelphia. At the time of the Rebellion the Governor and Council of New Hampshire appointed him a member of the Medical Board of Examiners. Dr. Graves retired from active practice in 1871. He has been for many years a valued member of the New Hampshire State Medical Association. In 1852 he delivered an address before that body on a subject which was of the greatest moment, and at that time occupied the attention of the leading members of the medical profession in all manufacturing centres. This address was on " The Factory System and its Influence on the Health of the Operatives." It was bold, incisive and fearless, and won high praise for the careful investigation which it showed, its exhaustive treatment and its con- vincing logic. He took the ground (in opposi- tion to Dr. Bartlett, who stated that the death- rate of Lowell was less than the surrounding towns), that the young people went to the mills, and the old people stayed on the farms, and after a few years, when mill-life had broken their constitutions, the operatives returned to their birth-places and did not die in Lowell. Much care was taken in the preparation of the ad- dress. Factory after factory was visited, and hundreds of operatives consulted. The conclu- sions reached by Dr. Graves were accepted as correct. He has had a most remarkable practice in obstetrics, and has a complete record of five thousand cases. We give as an illustration of Dr. Graves' wonderful accuracy and system one fact well worthy the attention of all physicians. From his first day's practice he, every night, posted his books for that day^s business and now has the entire set bound in fine morocco, with all entries in his own clear writing and without a blot to mar the symmetry of the page. Every business transaction has been in- serted in his "diary," which is equal in accuracy to that famous one of John Quincy Adams, and many an old soldier has had occasion to thank 456 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dr. Graves for the facts derived from these books, by which he has secured his bounty, back pay or pension. Dr. Graves has been much interested in rail- roads, east and west ; has been a director in the Nashua and Lowell Railroad and other roads He is a director in the Faneuil Hall Insurance Company and in the Metropolitan Steamship Line, and is also connected with many other financial interests of a comprehensive character. He has a business office in Boston, and manages his large estate with as much foresight and sagacity as many younger men. He has always manifested a deep interest in the application of science to business purposes, believed firmly in the financial success of the electric light where many shrewd men considered it an impractica- ble scheme, and was one of the earlier investors in its stock. His faith has been munificently repaid, and he is now a large holder of the most valuable stock in this field. From the first, Dr. Graves has been in warm sympathy with the principles of the Democratic party as enunciated by Thomas Jefferson, An- drew Jackson and other leaders, and has fear- lessly, at all times and under all circumstances, championed what he believed to be for the " greatest , good to the greatest number," con- ceding with a broad liberality the same rights to every other citizen which he exercises him- self He has received the thirty-second degree of Masonry, and is a Unitarian in religion. He believes " in a Christian observance of the Sab- bath ; that Sabbath-schools should be supported, for on them rests the moral safety of the couq- try ; that the ' Golden Rule' should be the guide for all our actions.' " The family relations of Dr. Graves have been most felicitous. He married Mary Webster, daughter of Colonel William Boardman, of Nashua, in 1846. She was descended from two of the ablest New England families, — Webster and Boardman, — and was a most estimable and Christian lady. For many years she was a de- voted member of the Unitarian Church and an earnest worker in all good causes. Kind and sympathetic, courteous to all, with a quiet dig- nity and purity of demeanor, she was a cher- ished member of society and an exemplar of the highest type of Christian womanhood. She died December 26, 1883. " As a man, Dr. Graves is distinguished for his firmness. His opinions he maintains with resoluteness until good reasons induce him to change them. He means yes when he says 'yes,' and no when he says 'no.' He is a man of pos- itive character. It is needless to say that, while such a man always has enemies (as what man of ability and energetic character has not ?), he has firm and lasting friends, — friends from the fact that they always know where to find him. Among the many self-made men whom New Hampshire has produced, he takes rank among the first, and by his indomitable energy, indus- try and enterprise has not only made his mark in the world, but has achieved a reputation in his profession and business on which himself and friends may reflect with just pride." HISTORY OF WESTMORELAND. BY ■WILLARD BILL, JE. CH APTEE I. BOUNDARIES, GEOLOGY, FLOEA, ETC. The township of Westmoreland constitutes one of the four towns tliat border upon the Connecticut River within Cheshire County. It is bounded on the north for 1460 rods by Wal- pole ; on the east for 800 rods on Surry and 960 rods on Keene ; on the south for 390 rods on Keene and 2524 rods on Chesterfield, and upon the western low-water mark of the Connecticut River on the west. Its longitude is 72° 27' west from Greenwich and latitude 42° 48' north. It is of irregular outline, owing in part to the serpentine course of its river bound- ary. By the terms of the Wentworth grant, the township was to contain 23,040 acres or equivalent to six miles square; 1040 acres extra was allowed for highways and unimprovable lands. In 1769 a portion of this area — 1654 acres, known as the " Westmoreland Leg," ex- tending to the Ashuelot River — was taken by legislative enactment, with a portion of Gilsum, and constituted into the township of Surry. Its surface is hilly, but it has a considerable amount of intervale land. For the most part, the soil is productive and the town deservedly ranks high for agricultural purposes. It has no elevation of land particularly prominent above the others, and all bear a similitude of general outline. Geology. — Westmoreland presents to the geological student a field of much interest. Traces of a glacier are seen upon the striated rocks in different sections of the town, as it flowed, a mighty river of ice at least one thou- sand feet in depth from the icy throes of the north toward Long Island Sound, moving with the velocity of no more than twenty-five feet yearly, leaving in its wake vast deposits ot earth, or " till," in the form of smooth, sym- metrical, rounded hills. Round Hill, near the house of Mrs. G. W. Daggett, the Paine Pasture Hill, the hill north of the East Depot, are good illustrations. These are called lenticular hills. Southeast of the North Depot is an eruptive granitic hill. The valley of the Connecticut is of modi- fied drift formation, terraced by the action of the river. The higher terraces, like the site of F. G. Parker's house, are some four hundred feet above the level of the ocean, while the lower terraces, like the county farm, are some two hun- dred and fifty feet. Transported boulders are occasionally found. Some of these are visitors from Ascutney's stony bosom. Dunes formed of Champlain sands are found in four different localities. The most promi- nent of these is located nearly opposite the dwelling-house of Mrs. C. F. Brooks. In the southwest part of the town, on land of the J. L. Veasy estate, are to be seen a series of in- verted conical depressions that are suggestive of vent-holes to the earth's interior gases at an early age. At some former period the valley of the Connecticut must have been covered with a large body of water extending from the Wan- tastiquet barrier upon the south to Mount Kil- 457 458 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. burn upon the north. Then Partridge Brook discharged its waters into the lake before reach- ing the county farm meadow, and flowed over a rocky bed now plainly to be seen on the north side of highway, just west of the intersection of roads near the C Q. A. Brittori bridge. Near the house of G. J. Bennett is to be seen the suggestive journey of a huge boulder as it traveled unresistingly down the steep hill-side. The Harvey Pond is the only sheet of water in the town that can be called a natural pond, and this is of inferior extent. Of the many brooks flowing through the town, the Partridge Brook is by far the most important, being the outlet of Spofford Lake ; it enjoys the benefit of a large reservoir for its source, and having a descent of five hundred feet ere it reaches the Connecticut River, distant about six miles, it furnishes numerous water-powers. It is not known how it derived its name — a name given it previous io 1752. The Mill Brook rises in Walpole, flows through the East Parish and empties into the Connecticut River. It is a wild stream, but furnishes water-power to a limited extent, and was the first to be harnessed to the uses of man. Other streams of lesser size abound in different sections of the town. The rocks of Westmoreland belong princi- pally to the Coos Group, and consist of quarts zite, gneiss, mica slate, mica schist, hornblende rock and conglomerate. Granite is found in the east part, while quartz is often seen. In the southwest part is a vein of molybdena. There, in 1830, Samuel Lincoln expended con- siderable money in driving a horizontal shaft into the ridge of rock, with the view of strik- ing a richer vein than the outcrop ; his labor proved to be u'nremunerative, but for years it has been a favorite resort for specimen-seekers. At the Curtis mine, in the south part of the town, have been found beautiful specimens of fluor- spar. Flora. — The flora of Westmoreland does not differ essentially from that of neighboring towns. It wa.s formerly covered by heavy forests of pine, hemlock and the hard woods. The pine growing in the valley was in especial favor with His Majesty, and reserved by him in his grants. Nor does the fauna differ. In early times wolves were common, and some- times troublesome, while bears, panthers, lynxes and deer were by no means rare ; but these are now of the " things past." Until within recent years some of our brooks bore evidence of the curious handiwork of the beaver, whose dams survive their architects many years. No veno- mous reptiles have been known. In early years the shad and salmon abounded in the river and furnished an abundance of excellent food. But that was long ago. To-day the smiling face of a successful fisherman is, like angel visits, few and far between. CHAPTER II. WESTMORELAND— (Coj^maed). EARLY HISTORY. To the enterprise and energy of Massachu- setts do we owe alike the first settlement and the first incorporation of Westmoreland under the name of No. 2. The settlement of New England, commencing with the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620 upon Plymouth's icy shore, at first concentrated around Massachusetts Bay, from whence it wended its way backward and upward along the arterial rivers, which fur- nished the readiest communication with the older towns, and far the safest. But in those days settlement proceeded painfully slow, and utterly unlike the experiences of to-day in our Western States. Sixteen years after the coming of the Pilgrims, Springfield, Mass., was settled, in 1636. In 1654 it reached Northampton, and in 1670 Deerfield. Three years more and it had reached Northfield. Here it halted in its progress up the river for fifty-one years, until 1724, when Fort Dummer was built, a short distance north of the line that separates Vernon WESTMORELAND. 459 from Brattleborough. About seventeen years more pass away, and a settlement was com- menced, in 1741, in the present township of Westmoreland. Thus we see that more than a century elapsed before a settlement reached West- moreland from Springfield, Mass. Let us sui-- vey briefly the circumstances and enumerate some of the impediments in the way of more rapid strides of civilization upward along the most important water artery of New England, in the valley of the Connecticut. The colonies at this period were weak in re- sources and could not furnish an adequate base of supplies to meet the natural necessities of its distant frontier, — a frontier constantly ex- panding, and particularly exposed to the merci- less hostility of the Indians, whose thirst for blood was kept constantly inflamed by the in- trigues of the French, who had pushed their settlements along the St. Lawrence. During these times France and England were frequently engaged in warfare. There existed between them a deep-rooted national hatred. This feel- ing was brought to America by the emigrants from each country. Both nations pushed their settlements in America to their utmost capacity. They found the country inhabited by the red men. To them the French exercised a wise spirit of conciliation, and .easily moulded them into serviceable allies. The English, unfortunately, pursued a contrary course, and made of them implacable foes. The English sought to push their settlements from the south up the valley ; the French from the north, with their Indian allies, sought to beat them back, and thus the valley became a scene of imminent danger, both of life and property. Thus was settlement retarded ; at times driven back, now pushed forward, and, like a nicely-balanced beam, os- cillated to and fro, but slowly, yet surely, mov- ing up the valley. To the Massachusetts Legislature came the problem of how best to protect their frontier from "these depredations. It was a problem of difficult solution. It was successfully accom- plished, and in a way that furnished the best possible protection to an exposed, well-nigh de- fenseless frontier, and at the same time led the way to extending settlement farther back. At this time the settlements along the valley of the Connecticut constituted the extreme frontier. Westward to the Hudson no settle- ment broke the wilderness of unbroken forest. It was a long distance to the eastward through the primeval forests to the older towns upon and near to the Bay. Trails, marked by blazed trees, furnished the only communication thereto. Nor can we conceive of a greater contrast than the circumstances of living then and at the pre- sent day. Then the settler must keep constant watch both by day and by night. He 1 i ved, moved and labored under a cloud of constant peril. He needs must keep his fire-arms within easy reach of his daily toil. Even there, with the fullest precaution, he fell the prey to some Indian am- bush, his family massacred or, worse, led into captivity and his home destroyed. Along the frontier it was an absolute necessity to construct and maintain garrisons, or forts, and support a body of soldiers, whose duty was to scour the woods in quest of lurking savages, and to repel attack. This necessity led to the first incorpo- ration of the town, and, in after-years, settle- ments followed. As early as December 12, 1727, the Massachusetts Legislature considered the project of establishing a tier of townships to the north, as outposts against the raids of the Indians. No action, however, was taken, until June following, when it was voted to lay out these townships, to build a series of forts and to provide for each a small garrison of troops and a cannon. A committee was chosen to make the necessary survey. They were directed to lay out these towns eight miles north and five miles south of a straight line running from the northeast corner of Northfield to Dunstable (now known as Nashua), and thence up the Mer- rimack River to Rumford (now Concord). This committee was directed to act within reasonable time. Owing, no doubt, to the difficulty of the 460 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. work, they were unable to report until January 15,1736. With their repor(i they presented a recommendation " that, for further defense and protection, a line of towns be laid out from Rumford to Great Falls (now known as Bel- low's Falls), and from thence on the east side of the river to Arlington (now Winchester)." This recommendation was accepted by the Ijegisla- ture. A committee was chosen to make the necessary survey, who reported November 30, 1 736. This report was accepted, and the town- ship of No. 2 was thereupon chartered. Nathaniel Harris, of Watertown, Mass., was appointed to call the first meeting of the pro- prietors of No 2. Afterwards it was called Great Meadow, which name it retained until it was chartered by the New Hampshire Legisla- ture, when it took the name it now bears — AYestmoreland. The grantees under the Massa- chusetts charter were "Daniel How, Jethro Wheeler, Thomas Chamberlain, Moses Wheeler, Harriden Wheeler, Jr., Jethro Wheeler, Abner How, Josiah Foster, Joshua How, Meshach Taylor, Benjamin AUdridge, Jonathan Hil- drith, Joseph How, Daniel How, Junr., Nathan- iel Wooster, Jeremiah Hall " and possibly others. I know of no record whatever of any action taken by the grantees of No. 2. The presumption is that they did act, and that the records of their doings have been lost. Feb- ruary 2, 1737, No 2, with other townships adjoining, were placed in Hampshire County, " in order to have their title recorded, the King's peace preserved and common justice done." So far, the only inhabitants of " No. 2 " con- sisted of a few families of Abenaquis, or Abena- kees Indians, a small sub-branch of the Five Nations. It is said the meaning of this name is the Pines. Their wigwams were in the north part of the town,. on land now owned by Robert E. Green, beside a small brook afterward known as the Wigwam Brook. They remained for a brief time only, and on terms of amity with the pioneer white settlers. Four years pass away ; the long winter is broken ; beneath the genial rays of a spring- time sun the ice and snow had disappeared ; bud and leaf gave coloring to awakening nature, and the forest was teeming with the songs of the early spring birds. It is the spring of' 1741 . Embarked in four large bark canoes, came slowly up the river from Northfield the first settlers of No. 2. They land near the mouth of a stream afterward known as Mill Brook. The leader of the four families, Dan- iel How, selects the site of his future home, where now lives Fred G. Parker. Jethro Wheeler, another pioneer, selects the site for his dwelling just north of the railroad bridge, east of the house of John C. Farnham. The other two settlers, Philip Alexander and Thomas Crissen, locate between these two. It is certain that settlements were made at two other places in the township soon afterwards. Peter Hay- ward settled near the Ashuelot River in 1764. Upon " Canoe Place," since known as Canoe Meadow, father and son, both bearing the name of Jonathan Cole, and others, settled soon after the coming of How and others. The site of Cole's house was a few rods south of the house of Abel B. Cole, and it is worthy of mention that this pitch of Cole has always remained in pos- session of his descendants. The Cole family has been a prominent one in the town af- fairs in every generation. A few rods north, upon land of George R. Perry, was built a block-house, to which the settlers upon this meadow and vicinity could flee for refuge in times of danger. The first mention we find of " Canoe Place " is in a diary of Captain Kel- logg, who was commanding at Northfield No- vember 30, 1724. Tradition attributes the origin of the name from the custom of the Indians to secrete their canoes in the ravine near its southerly extrem- ity. This meadow was a famous spot for the Indians, and was one of their camping-grounds on their journeys up and down the river. Here game of all kinds abounded ; here food was easy to obtain and of good variety ; and this WESTMORELAND. 461 spot naturally became a favorite resting-place for the red man. Upon the west the river abounded, in those early days, with shad and salmon ; on the south the mountain resounded with the peculiar notes of the wild turkey. Hence the origin of its name. The brooks were teeming with innumerable trout leaping in the summer sun, and the curious beaver busily plied his unique workmanship, while through the forest gamboled the active deer. The block-house, as constructed in those early times, was more suggestive of strength than of architectural beauty. They were built of logs, or, rather, squared timbers, laid hori- zontally one above the other in the shape of an oblong or square, and locked together at the angles in a manner of.a log cabin. This struc- ture was roofed and furnished with loop-holes on every side, through which to observe and at- tack the enemy. The upper story usually pro- jected over the lower, and underneath this pro- jection other loop-holes were cut to enable those within to fire down on the assailants in case of a close approach. Of a similar construction were the houses of Daniel How and Jonathan Cole, and their re- spective associates. Strange as it may seem, portions of Howe's block-house are now in existence, preserved intact from the mutations of time. Howe's house was stockaded by hav- ing a circle of logs around it, set upright in the ground, for the purposes of defense. In 1744 war broke out between France and England. War between these nations was al- ways attended by a renewal of Indian hostilities. The valley of the Connecticut River became the scene of pillage and of murder. It was at once utterly unsafe for the scattered settlers of No. 2 to reside in their respective homes. Accord- ingly, the settlers of No. 2, Putney and West- minster united to build a stockaded fort upon the Great Meadow, in Putney, upon the site of the house formerly owned by Colonel Thomas White, near the landing of the ferry. Leading to this ferry (the first one in town) was a road to the Howe settlement. This fort was named Fort Hill. It was of oblong form, eighty by one hundred and twenty feet, built of yellow pine timber hewed six inches thick and laid up about ten feet high. Fifteen dwellings were erected within it, the wall of the fort form- ing the back wall of the houses. These were covered with a single roof, which slanted up- ward to the top of the wall of the fort. In the centre of the inclosure was a hollow square, on which all the houses fronted. On the north- east and southwest corners of the fort watch- towers were placed. A great gate opened on the south, toward the river, and a smaller one toward the west. The fort was generally gar- risoned by ten or twelve men. A cannon was furnished by the Massachusetts government that survived the fort many years. On a cer- tain Fourth of Jul}' occasion, within the memory of many of our older citizens, this old cannon was " brought out " at the South village by the boys, to utter its voice in celebrating the glories of the day. It was loaded excessively and wadded with grass, sand and various other materials suggested to the fertile imagination of boyhood. Upon being fired it exploded, and a fragment of the cannon was embedded in the house of Mrs. Burcham. Upon the comple- tion of the fort several of the inhabitants of No. 2 joined the garrison. These were David How, Thomas Chamberlain, Isaac Chamber- lain, Joshua AVarner and son, Daniel Warner, wife and son, Harrison Wheeler, Samuel Minot, Benjamin Aldridge and his son George, who afterward became a general. Colonel Jo- siah AV'illard, who owned the meadow, gave the use of the land as a consideration for building the fort and defending it during the war. The land was portioned out to each family, and the families were accustomed to work on their farms in company, that they might be better prepared to assist one another in the event of a surprise by the enemy. It was no rare event to hear the shouts of the Indians in its vicinity during the night. At one time they laid an ambush at 462 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the north end of the meadow; but the settlers, who were at work on an adjacent island, were fortunate in being warned by a dog of their presence, and escaped in a direction contrary to that by which they had come. On the 5th of July, 1743, a party of Ooron- dax Indians, from Canada, appeared upon the meadow. William Phips, an inhabitant of Great Meadow, as he was hoeing corn near the southwest corner, was surprised and captured by two of Indians and carried into the woods to the west. While ascending the steep hill-side, about half a mile from the fort, one of his captors returned for something left, leaving the prisoner in charge of his com- rade. Watching his opportunity, Phips struck down his captor with his hoe, which he had re- tained, and, seizing the gun of the prostrate savage, shot the other as he was ascending the hill. Phips thereupon started for the fort, but before reaching it was seized by three others of the same party, killed and scalped. Phips, but a short time previous, had married Jemima Sartwell, daughter of the owner of Sartwell's Fort, a lady whose beauty, goodness and sufferings afterwards come down to us, through the mists of many years, as " The Fair Captive." On the 12th of October following a body of French and Indians attacked the fort at mid- day. A brisk fight was carried on for an hour and a half. One Indian was known to have been killed, and, doubtless, others, as it was the custom of the Indians to conceal their dead. The fort was defended with so much spirit that the enemy were not able to take it or materially to injure it. They killed however or drove away nearly all the cattle in the vicinity. Nehemiah How, who was chopping wood about eighty rods from the fort, was taken by the Indians as they came. His capture was effected in full sight of the fort, but it would have endangered the lives of all in the garrison to attempt a rescue. As they were leading him away by the sideof the river they per- ceived a canoe approaching containing two men. Firing, they killed one of them, David Rugg, but the other, Robert Baker, made for the oppo- site shore and escaped. All three of these men belonged to the garrison. Proceeding far- ther, they passed three other men, who, by skulking under the bank, reached the fort in safety. One of them was Caleb How, the prisoner's son. Arriving opposite to Number Four they compelled their captive to write his name on a piece of bark and there left it. After traveling seven days to the westward they came to a lake, where they found five canoes laden with corn, pork and tobacco. Suspending the scalp of David Rugg upon a pole, they em- barked in the canoes and proceeded to Crown Point, from whence How was taken to Quebec, where he died. Belknap, in his History of New Hampshire, speaks of him " as an useful man, greatly lamented by his friends and fellow- captives." Soon after these occurrences the fort was evacuated and went to decay. While a treaty of peace between the hostile powers was signed at Aix-la-Chapelle, October 7, 1 748, the natural ferocity of the Indians had become so in- flamed that they kept up their forages into the next season. Meantime the long contention between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, respecting their boundary line, having been decided by the King, and thereby a large slice severed from the former and given to the latter province, in- cluding the township of Number Two, created the necessity of a new charter from the New Hampshire government. Upon the close of war settlement was rapid. At Portsmouth, in the Council chamber, on February 10, 1752, were assembled the Governor and his Council. The business that called them together was the consideration of sundry petitions from various towns lately severed from the Old Bay State, praying for incorporation under the New Hampshire government. Among them was one signed by Daniel How and Thomas Chamber- lain and others from Number Two. The following is a copy of their petition : WESTMORELAND. 463 " The Petition of the Subscribers hereunto most humbly Shews— That sundry of your Petitioners, Sometime viz, about Seven years before the last Indian War, Settled under the massachusets at a place call'd Number Two laying on the East side of Connecticut Kiver about fourteen miles above Fort Dummer (which by the late Running of the Boundary line be- tween New Hampshire and the Province of massa- chusets Bay falls within the Province of New Hamp shire) where they layd out their substance and that at their own cost and Charge for their Defence against the French and Indian Enemy on the opposite side of the Eiver they built a Fort — that after the Indian War broke out they were obliged to leave their Hab- itations and lost Considerable of their Substance — that since the late Peace with the Indians they have returned to the s* Place That Sundry of your Peti- tioners are Children of Such as Set down at said place at first and expended their money in making the first settlement there — That your Petitioners have been at least one hundred and fifty Pounds old Ten' Charge the last fall in making and Clearing Roads — That as they have No Incorporation — They labour under Insuperable Difficulty not being in a Capacity to raise any Moneys for any public use or service — And That unless they are enabled so to do, they shall be under an unavoidable necessity of leaving the said place and thereby loosing all they have been out there — " Wherefore your Petitioners most humbly pray your Excellency and Honours to make a Grant of the s'' Tract of land called Number two to your Petitioners And such others as your Excellency and Honours shall think proper so as to make up the number sixty four in all — and your Petitioners as in duty bound shall pray &c "Jan"' 30:'" 1750 "Daniel How Jethro Wheeler Thos Chamberlain Amos Davies Amos Davis jun' Jonas Davis Samuel Davis Ebenezer Davis moses Wheeler isaac chamberlain Josiah Chamberlen Hariden Wheeler Junr Jethro Wheeler Simeon Knight martin Severance John Brown William Moor Joshua How Beniamin Knights Silas Brown meshach Taylor John Alexander Daniel Shattuck Sener Enoch Hall Simon Hall Thomas Chamberlain Joshua Chambrlain jedidiah Chamberlain Job Chamberlain Aaron Davis beniaman alldridge Jonathan hildrith Joseph How Daniel How Junr Nathaniel Woods Jeremiah Hall Isaac Stone Abner How Josiah Foster Samuel Foster michal gibson John Sheilds Danil Sheilds " Severall of them have 2 & 3 rights apeice there- fore they have Entred Some of their Children as Chandler How Wheeler Ac" " Mem" " Maj Willard "Coll Willard 5 Rights "Maj'-ffowle- 3 rights "Philip alexander an original Grantee & Settler "rich'' Ward an old Grantee to be Entred This petition was forwarded to the Governor and his Council in 1750. The charter was granted February 12, 1762. The prayer of this petition alike with the others was granted, and Number Two received a new incorporation under the name of West- moreland, in honor of Lord Westmoreland, an intimate friend of Governor Wentworth. THE CHARTER. "Province of New Hampshire, George the second. (Seal). By the Grace of God, Great Brittain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of ye faith, &o. To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting: Know ye. That we of our special grace, certain knowlidge and mere motion, For ye due En- couragement of settling a New plantation within our said Province By and with ye advice of our trusty and well beloved Penning Wentworth, Esq. our Govenor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Province of New Hampshire in America and of our Council of ye said Province have upon the conditions and Reservations hereinafter made given and granted and by these Presents for us our Heirs and successors Do give and grant in equal shares unto our loving subjects Inhabit- ants of our said Province of New Hampshire and his Majesty's other governments and to their Heirs and assigns forever whose Names are Entered on this grant to be divided to and amongst them into seventy- two equal shares. All that Tract or Parcel of land situate lying and being Within our Province of New Hampshire containing by admeasurement 7wenty- three thousand and forty acres which Tract is to con- tain six miles square and no more, out of which an allowance is to be made for Highways and unim- proveable Lands, Rocks, Mountains, Ponds and Rivera 464 HISTOEY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. one Thousand and Forty acres free, according to a plan thereof made and presented by our said Gover- nor's orders and hereunto annexed. Butted and Bounded as follows, viz. : Beginning at a stake and stones at the Northerly corner of Chesterfield and running from thence South seventy-eight degrees East by Chesterfield to a stake and stones in Ashuelot Line ; from thence Northerly by Ashuelot Line to ye Northwest corner of ye upper Ashuelot (so called) ; thence North eighty-five degrees East Four miles to a stake and stones ; from thence North by ye Needle so far as that line runs parellel with ye first men- • tioned Line, will include between Connecticut River and ye Easterly Line aforesaid, the Contents of six miles square and if ye same be and is iucorporated into a township by the name of Westmoreland and that the Inhabitants ye do or shall hereafter inhabit said township — are hereby declared to be Enfi-an- chised with and intitled to all and every the Privi- leges and Immunities ye other Towns within our said Province by Law exercise and enjoy, and further that the said Town as soon as there shall be Fifty Families Resident and settled thereon shall have ye Liberty of holding Two Fairs one of which shall be held on ye and ye other on ye annually which Fairs are not to continue and be held longer than ye respective days following the said respective Days and as soon as ye said Town shall consist of Fifty Families a Jlarket shall be opened and kept one or more days in each week as may be thot most advan- tageous to the Inhabitants, also that ye first Meeting for ye Choice of Town oflicers agreeable to ye Laws of our said Province shall be held on ye second Wednes- day in March next, which meeting shall be notified by Mr. Thomas Chamberlain who is hereby also ap- pointed ye moderator of ye said first meeting which he is to notify and govern agreeable to the Laws and customs of our said Province and ye annual Meeting forever hereafter for ye choice of Such officers of said town shall be on the second Wednesday in March annually. To have and to hold the said Tract of Land as above expressed together with all the Priviledges and appurtenances to them and their respective Heirs and assigns forever upon the following conditions, viz.: That every Grantee his Heirs or assigns shall plant or cultivate five acres of Land within ye Term of five years for every Fifty acres contained in his or their share or Proportion af Land in said Township and continue to imjirove and settle ye same by addi- tional cultivations on Penalty of ye Forfeiture of his grant or share in ye said Township and its reverting to his Majesty his Heirs and successors to be by him or them regranted to such of his subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate ye same. That all white and other Pine Trees within ye said Township fit for Masting our Royal Navy be carefully preserved for that use and none to be cut or felled without his Majesty's special License for so doing first had and obtained upon ye Penalty of the Forfeiture of ye Right of such grantee his heirs or assigns to us our Heirs and Successors as well as being subject to the penalty of any act or acts of Parliament yt now are or hereafter shall be enacted. That before any Division of ye said Lands be made to and amongst ye grantees a tract of Land as near ye centre of ye Township as ye Land will admit of, shall be reserved and marked out for Town Lotts one of which shall be allotted to each grantee of ye contents of one acre, yielding and paying therefor to us our Heirs and successors for ye space of Ten years to be computed from ye date here- of, the Rent of one ear of Indian corn only, on the first day of January annually if lawfully Demanded, The first Payment to be made on ye first Day of January next following ye Date hereof. Every Pro- prietor, Settler or Inhabitant shall yield and pay unto us our Heirs and successors yearly, and every year forever from and after ye expiration of ye ten years from ye Date hereof namely, on ye First Day of January which will be on ye year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven Hundred and sixty-two. One shilling Proclamation money for every Hundred acres he owns, settles or Possesses and so in Proportion for a greater or Lessor Tract of ye said land which money shall be paid by ye Respective Persons abovesaid their Heirs or assigns in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth or to such officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same and this to be in Lieu of all other Rents and services whatsoever. In Testi- mony hereof we have caused ye seal of our said Prov- ince to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Penning Went- worth, Esq., our Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Province the Twelfth day of Feb'^' in ye year of our Lord Christ 1752 and in ye 25th year of our Reign. "B. Wentwoeth. "By his Excellency's Command with advice of Council. " Theodore Atkinson, Sec'y." The Dames of the grantees of Westmoreland are as follows : "Thomas Chamberlain, Benja. Aldridge, Daniel How, Jethro Wheeler, Daniel How, Jun'r, Caleb How, Abner How, Josiah Willard, Oliver Willard, Samuel How, John Arms, Valentine Butler, Samson Willard, John Fowl, James Fowl, Nathaniel Woods, WESTMORELAND. 465 Jeremiah Hall, Timothy Harrington, Josiah Foster, Edward How, Samuel Minot, John Fowl, Jur., Philip Alexander, Richard Ward, Nathaniel Harris, Corne- lius White, Ebenezer Turner, Samuel Livermore, Samuel Williams, Moses Hastens, John Chandler, Simeon Alexander, Ebenezer Hubbard, Joseph Har- ington, John Rugg, Thomas marshal, Ebenezer Hins- dale, Samuel Hunt, John Alexander, Enoch Hall, William Moor, Jethro Wheeler, Ju'r., Fairbanks Moor, Ju'r., Joseph Bellows, Herridon Wheeler, Isaac Chamberlain, Josiah Chamberlain, Joshua Chamber- lain, Amos Davis, Jedediah Chamberlen, Jonathan Cole, Mical Gilson, Simeon Knights, John Brown, William How, JonathaQ Cummings, Ju'r., John Chamberlain, John Taylor, Daniel Pearce, His Ex- cellency Benning Wentworth, Esq., one tract of land to contain Five Hundred acres which is to be ac- counted two of ye said shares, one whole share for in- corporated Society for ye Propagation of ye Gospel in foreign parts, One whole share for the first settled minister of ye gospel in said Town, One whole share for a Glebe for the ministry of ye Church of England as hy law established. Samuel Wentworth, of Boston ; Theodore Atkinson, Richard Samuel Smith, John Downing, Samson Sheaffe, John Wentworth, Ju'r., Esq., Stephen Chace, of New Castle." Of these grantees we have very limited knowl- edge. It is certain, however, that but a small por- tion of them were ever actual settlers. A num- bei- of names were placed in the list of grantees in reward for public and military services. Others were included through favoritism, and other reasons, no doubt. The grant was not satisfactory to the petitioners, inasmuch as it did not include as much territory as the old grant of No. 2 by some eight square miles. A strip two miles wide and four long was severed from its northern boundary and included in the grant to the Walpole petitioners. April 29, 1752, the following petition was forwarded to the Governor, but without avail : " May it please your Excellency with the Honour- able Counsil to Condesend to hear the humble Pete- tion of the Propriators and Inhabitants, of the Town of Westmorland. " The Province of the Massachusetts Enjoying the land on this part of this River which they then Claim'd as their property, consonant with which sup- posed Title wee petetioned for this Township, and he- ing granted, wee immediatly proceeded to a Settlement about Fourteen years since, when by the Running the Line of the Provinces wee fell within the Limmitts of your Excellencys Government, and by Renewed Pe- tition made to Your Excellency for a Renewed grant of the Land, wee have been favour'd with the same, but as wee Suspect not according to the Intention of Your Excellency and Honourable Counsil, for Major Willard and M' Bellows hath not Conform'd to our Original Grant from the Massachusetts nor according to our Intention, which was to abide by our Original Lines, which are at present destroy'd, for the upper line is removed near Two milles lower down the River from whence our grant first took place, in which lay our Meadows or entervails, with our second divisions and all our Improvements on them whith the hest part of our land and extending our line two milles lower down Includeing barren and Eockey BLills, no ' ways commoding the town, and then stretching the Line upon the north side of the Upper ashawhelock, which leaves us the barren land and mountains be- twixt us, which Lyeth so far distant from the Body of the Town, that will never Commode the same, and these our Grievances wee fear will disable this town, either for the maintaining the Gospel, or sufficient Inhabitants to withstand the Indians, now wee pray- eth for the Restoration and Confirmation of our Orig- inal Lines. " Wee would advertise your Excellency and the Hon'''" Counsil that when M' Bellows went with a Pe- tetiou for No"" 3 Called walpole, he enter'd a number of names leaving out the names of the Old propriaty of that Town, and particularly them that had Cleard part of their land, and built also, Offering them but Eaqual Encouragement with others never labouring there, and depriving them of their labour without sat- isfaction for the Same, and he went in with his Peti- tion which being granted him, he is suppos'd to have purchas'd of them whose names were inserted for a Small Consideration, and now will give but the small Encouragement of fifty Acres of Upland to each Set- tler, without any Entervail, and this Prejudices people against settleng there, having before interrupted the former propriarty in their Settleing and now discour- aging them after great expence, which wee fear will be Very detrimental to the Settleing of his and our Town — " Neither petetion we for the additional grant of any other land particularly the farm formerly granted to Lieutenant Gov' Taylor but only for the bair Lines which wee Enjoyd until the late Lines were Ran by the fore mentioned Gentlemen — " We would further Certifie Your Excelency and the Hon"'' Counsil that we ware the first petetioners 466 HISTOllY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. for land on this River, and have suffer'd the greatest Losses from the enemy by fire and Sword, and have hitherto stood the Heat and burthen of the day, and at last to be undone without the knowledge of Your Excellency together with the hon'"''' Counsil, who if truly knowing and fully understanding the same, wee hope from your now Goodness and Clemency will re- dress these our present difficulties which wee groan under and which is submitted By Your Excellencys humble Petitioners, who as in duty bound will ever Continue to pray for you. — " In the name and by the 1 ^ „ „ , ^ , , . Daniel How Consent of the Inhabitants r ^ , _, Jethro Wheeler & propriators on the opot, J "Benjamin Aldridge Joshua Chamberlin Amos Davis Thomas Chamberlin Daniel How Jun' John Warner Jethro Wheeler Ju' Herrodiam Wheeler Isaac Chamberlin Jehediah Chamberlin Caleb How Samuel How Edward How Abner How Simeon Alexander Phillip Alexander " P, S, M"^ Bellows hath Layd out his Town about Nine Milles long on the River but four milles wide at the Lower end, and but three milles wide at the upper end — "And the four milles wide, & Two Milles in length is run down in to our town that is the Occasion of our Grief— " Westmoreland April the 29" 1752." However favorable the conditions of the grant may have been, still, owing to the un- settled condition of the times, the depredations of the Indians, and other causes, the grantees were unable to fulfill the conditions of the charter, and, upon petition, the grant was ex- tended June 11, 1760. The survey of the town was made by Caleb Willard under the supervision of Joseph Bel- lows, of "Walpole, and Josiah Willard, of Win- chester, and a plan of the same drawn and com- pleted March 18, 1752. By referring to the plan, the reader will observe that the out- line of the town is about the same to-day as when first surveyed. The town, as first sur- veyed, extended from the Connecticut to, and even across, the Ashuelot River. In compliance with the conditions of the charter, the proprietors of the town laid out the " town lots " east of the house where formerly Captain Prentiss Daggett lived, now owned by Divididing Line detween WestmoreisnclS Wdlpoie S Miles i./0/iodii JOivididing ct^.XZT/1'l^^^^-^-''"' ynWods. Albert Chickering. It is now a pasture and is icnown as the seventy-acre lot. Tradition speaks of only one house having been built up- on it. This lay-out, however, was simply to make their title good by fulfilling the condi- tions of the charter. The proprietors of the town had their own views as to the proper lo- cation of the town lots, and proceeded to carry them out by laying out an eight-rod road or street, extending from Partridge Brook to Wal- pole town line. This street was narrowed to four rods in 1786. Its general course was nearly on the line of the present highway run- ning over Park Hill ; thence north of the house of Clarissa Chickering, east of the present liigh- way, by the house formerly occupied by D. Livingstone and by the house of R. T. Aldrich. As first laid out, the lots contained ten acres each; but this did not take all the land fronting upon the street, so, at a jiroprietors' meeting, March 31, 1752, it -was voted to double these lots, making twenty acres in each. A few house lots were laid out in other portions of the town. The tier of north lots extended to the meadow lots. In the subdivision of the town each pro- prietor, there being seventy-two, had a pitch lot WESTMORELAND. 467 of one hundred acres, a meadow lot and a house lot, both of twenty acres each, and one hundred and fifty acres of common land. After making the seventy-two divisions, even with the gener- ous extras for roads and waste lands, it was found that there were some surplus lands left ; these were sold at " vendue." As settlement preceded the survey, the town was very irregu- larly subdivided. It was not deemed best to interfere with pitches already made.' The proprietors chose a committee, consisting of Daniel How, Jethro Wheeler, Thomas Cham- berlain, Benjamin Aldrich, Richard Ward, Ca- leb How and Joseph Hutchins, to lay out the house lots, the meadow lots and suitable roads. They were instructed, March 31, 1752, to meas- ure all the meadow land in the town and to compute one acre on the " Grate river " to be equal to two on the Ashuelot River. While we have no plan of their work, yet, from references found occasionally in old deeds, we conclude that they first surveyed a base line perpendicu- lar to the Chesterfield town line and extended it to the Walpole town line. This line, begin- ning at a stone monument in the Chesterfield line, passed near the intersection of roads west of the house of L. G. Wheeler ; thence east of Ebeuezer Leach's house, east of Henry Rodgers' house, and so on to Walpole line. From the base line to the eastward to Keene town line was the first division of lots ranged toward the east and lotted to the south. These lots were one hundred and sixty rods east to west and one hundred rods north to south. The second divi- sion of lots was incorporated into the town of Surry. From the base line to the meadow lots was the third division, which was lotted from lAn amusing anecdote is related of the origin of the se- lection of Benjamin Aldrich's pitch. As he was " viewing the landscape o'er" to make his selection, he paused upon a steep hill-side, leaning against an upturned free. While in this position, for some cause, the tree suddenly flew back, hurling Aldrich down the declivity, heels over head. In this manner he made his pitch, which has remained in the ownership of his descendants to the present day. The present owner is Arvin Aldrich. 30 the base line to the west and ranged from the Chesterfield line to the north. These lots were one hundred rods east to west and one hundred and sixty rods north to south. Governor Went- worth and his son's lot, comprising in all six hundred acres, was laid out in one body in the southeast corner of the town. It was one mile in length north to south and seventy -eight chains east to west. Adjoining upon the north came the school lot, and then the glebe. The minis- ter's lot tradition reports as near the house of F. M. Proctor. Governor Benning Wentworth had amassed a large fortune, a portion of it by questionable means. He virtually sold grants of townships to scheming proprietors, and reserved in each five hundred acres to himself. After his death, in 1770, the title to these lands began to be dis- puted. The Governor proposed in Council the question " Whether the reservation of five hun- dred acres in several townships by the late Gov- ernor Benning Wentworth in the charter grants conveyed the title to him?" Seven of the eight Councilors answered the question in the nega- tive, and the reserved lands were offered to pri- vate settlers. The glebe land the proprietors of the town divided among its thirteen soldiers that had served through the Revolutionary War, whereupon the church brought suit into court to maintain its proprietorship, and after a long and costly litigation secured the verdict in its favor. This suit cost the town about one thousand dollars. I am unable to ascertain the final disposition of the lot for the " Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of Ye Gos- pel in Foreign Parts." Probably a home de- mand absorbed it. The first meeting of the proprietors of the township of Westmoreland was held at the house of Thomas Chamberlain, March 31, 1752. Samuel Hunt was chosen moderator, Caleb How proprietors' clerk, and Joshua Warnen treasurer. These meetings were held by notifications posted in said town, in Northfield and in Winchester. 468 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. CHAPTER III. WESTMORELAND— (Cuntw.u d). THE VERMONT CONTKOVBRSY. The territory now compriaiDg the present State of Vermont was for a number of years claimed by New York, by virtue of a " Letter Patent," from King Charles II., in 1674, to the Duke of York, wherein was expressly granted all the lands from the Connecticut River to the east side of Delaware Bay. The provinces of Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire were in one, with one provincial govern- ment ; but September 18, 1679, the King decreed that they should be separated, but left the bound- ary line between the two in uncertainty, which occasioned a heated controversy, and another royal decree, "that the northern boundary of Massachusetts be a similar curve line, pursuing the course of the Merrimack River at three miles distance, on the north side thereof, beginning at the Atlantic Ocean and ending at a point due north of Pawtucket Falls ; and a straight line drawn from thence due west till it meets his Majesty's other governments." From this last clause New Hampshire inferred and claimed that her territory extended as far westward as Massachusetts. This claim would embrace nearly all of the present State of Vermont. To further add to the complications of the controversy, Massachusetts claimed a portion of the disputed territory, basing her claim upon the point that the royal decree could only af- fect particular grants of the Crown, and that New Hampshire embraced only the original grant to Mason, in 1629, which was bounded on the west by an uncertain located "curve line," which was not defined until it was sur- veyed, in 1787. The line, as surveyed, ex- tended from lot No. 18, in the town of Rindge, in a northeasterly direction to the town of Os- sipee. Between this line and the Connecticut River, and on both sides thereof, the territory was known as the New Hampshire Grants. Thus, three States at the same time were claim- ing the same territory. The Governor of New Hampshire at this time was Benning Went- worth ; he was a man full of ambition and decisive energy ; he heeded not the contending claims of Massachusetts and of New York, but proceeded to grant townships of land with a rapidity that numbered one hundred and thirty- eight townships prior to the year 1764, all west of the Connecticut River. The first town- ship granted he named after his own name — Bennington. These towns were also known as the New Hampshire Grants. The activity of Governor Wentworth naturally hastened the controversy to a conclusion sooner than it would otherwise have been. All the claimants naturally appealed to the King to have their respective claims verified by royal edict. In 1764 the King responded in favor of New York. Thereupon for a time the government of New Hampshire ceased in Vermont. New York regarding all grants made by Governor Went- worth as null and void, refused to compromise, and enacted laws hostile to the claims of the settlers, thus succeeded in arousing their bitter opposition, which culminated, • in 1777, in a declaration " That they would at all times con- sider themselves as a free and independent State," at the same time petitioning Congress to receive them into the Union as such. Hav- ing adopted a constitution, representatives as- sembled at Windsor for the first time in 1778. Representatives from .sixteen towns located upon the east side of the river made applica- tion to be admitted into the new State, claim- ing that the original grant to John Mason did not include their territory; and inasmuch as their existence depended on a royal commission, which was now annulled by the Revolution, they were free to choose their own rulers. These petitions met with favor from a conven- tion of the freemen of Vermont, assembled at Bennington June 11, 1778, and an invitation was extended " to any others that might choose to unite with them, should have leave to do so." WESTMORELAND. 469 Meschech Ware was now President of the province of New Hampshire. He remonstrated with the officers of the State of Vermont against this dismemberment of his province. In consequence, only ten towns on the east side of the river sent representatives to the next session of the Vermont Legislature. But the terms of union imposed by the Vermont Legisla- ture upon these New Hampshire towns were peculiar, inasmuch as it refused to receive them upon equal terms with the Vermont towns, by refusing to allow them to unite with Vermont counties already established, or to constitute anew. This action led to opposition, to dissent, to withdrawal from the Assembly, and to the calling of a convention of all the towns upon both sides of the river who favored the union, to meet at Cornish, N. H., December 9, 1778. In this movement Westmoreland participated, but not with unanimity. A respectable minority, under the leadership of Colonel Joseph Burt, was strongly in favor of the New Hampshire government. The following memorial, ad- dressed to the General Court in 1781, illus- trates fully the views of the minority party : This convention resolved to unite " to pursue such legal and regular measures as would secure to the Grants a satisfactory form of government without regard to any former limits." The pro- ject of forming a new State met with opposition on every side. The party in opposition in Westmoreland, it appears, were not so much opposed to the idea of the proposed new State as to the manner of formation. On the 8th day of June, 1780, they sent a memorial to the General Court of New Hampshire, signed by thirty-nine of its leading citizens, with Joseph Wilbore at its head, expressing dissent to the idea of secession, " but if the Confederated States Shall consent to erecting the New Hampshire Grants on both sides of the river into a new State, upon a just and equal footing, then we shall have no ob- jections." The Legislature of Vermont took active measures to dissolve it. The New Hamp- shire Legislature did not incline to relinquish one iota of its jurisdiction upon the west side of the river, and to make affairs all the more complicated, Massachusetts claimed a por- tion of the disputed territory. The matter was submitted to Congress, but without result. Under these ill-omened auspices the several towns upon both sides of the river persevered in forming the new State. A convention of delegates met at Walpole, November 15, 1780, "to compare opinions." Jonathan Cole and Joseph Wilbore were the delegates from this town. The result of this conference was " that the union of all the towns granted by New Hampshire was desirable and necessary," and recommended a convention be held at Charles- town, N. H., on the third Tuesday of January, 1781. It was a time of great excitement. Three parties were in the field of action. Each were eager for victory. The following statement, concerning matters in town at this time, is of interest : " Westmorland 13 Feb? 1781— " Sir— "Before this reaches you, you will undoubtedly hear of the disorder in this part of the State,— I find that people pretend to be actuated by several mo- tiveSj^^some say that the Court of New Hampshire are so Arbetary that they ought to brake from them, some say that New Hampshire had rather confine the State to the Mason Line, then have any of the Grants west of the Eiver ; but some more bold Enemies to the State and States, such as Capt Daniel Carlile of Westmorland who on the seventh of this Instant be- fore several witnesses, — Did declare, that for his part, he was for the Convention, not because he saw what they was after, but the more disorder the better in order to bring about a Revolution : for says he We must either be subject of France or Britton and for his part he chose Cheat Britton, and if the people would rise and drive the French from the Continent, he would go in parson, or contribute one hundred hard Dollars towards the same ; for says he, the people must throw of the authority, and then they could make a peace, for a peace with Great Britton was what he wanted and said, I am not, afraid to declare my sen- timents before your best Authority, for said he your Authority is weak and if three towns will Combine 470 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. together, the Authority dare not. medle with them, nor send for any Tax and as for myself says he I will pay no more Taxes to New Hampshire, for a Revolt, from Authority is what I want, and such like conver- »ation, this Cap' Carlile and some other disaffected persons have been very active by one means or other to lead the people to Act as inconsistant with and 1 think as much against their interest and the common good, as they could have acted ; this is not the only Town for I am well informed that the disaffected per- sons are all engaged in this new Plan, for seperating from New Hampshire, as they please to term it; but I believe it is more as Cap' Carlile desires it to be, to bring on all the disorder possible. He and some others are grone to very bold and I wish for heavens sake that Authority might take place and all our domestick Enemies might either be subjected to Au- thority or driven from us for they are the Pest.of So- ciety, and I think they are on the gaining hand in this part of the State — Sir I thought it my Duty, to inform your honor of this that you might be ac- quainted of what persons we have amongst us — "I am Sir " Your Honors most " Obed' and Hble Serv« "Joseph Buet *' The Hon*"' Mesheck Weaee " The following is a petition of sundry citizens against a union with Vermont, etc.; addressed to the General Court, 1781 : "The memorial of a number of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westmoreland in the County of Cheshire & State of New Hampshire: — Humbly sheweth — That your memorialist, ever Anxious to promote the grand cause of the United States of America, & par- ticularly the State of New Hampshire; and at all times have endevored to defend the same, and never sought by any means whatever, to leave the Govern- ment of New Hampshire by attempting to Joine with any other State, or Body of People; yet conterary to our will, there has been Votes obtained in many Towns in this Part of the State, to Joine Vermont so called : the Town of Westmoreland (at least a major- ity of it) has Voted to Joine with them. Your me- morialist conceive that such Votes are unconstutinal, therefore cannot be binding upon us : — We your me- morialist viewing ourselves as part of the thirteen confederated States, have a right to protection there- from, and particularly from the State of New Hamp shire, considering ourselves as part thereof; and your memorialists humbly pray, that we may be protected from the usurped Authority of Vermont or any un- constitutional Authority whatever. Hoping your Hon- ors will take our unhappy Situation, under your wise consideration and grant us such relief, as shall be most for ours and the States public good; — we beg leave to say that we are much exposed to the inroads of the Enemy — & in a defenceless State, through de- ficiency of Arms & irregularity of the Militia, accru'd by the unhappy Dispute,— Officers Ellected under the Authority of Vermont; some of which have been, in years past considered as inamical to the Liberties of America; altho they are very zealous for the inde- pendence of Vermont — we do not pretend to say that they are not good men now ; yet we are not without fears, that their designs are not, alXogether so friendly to the common Cause, Others who were under the Oath of Fidelity to the thirteen States, have dis- penced with their Oaths, & have sworn to support & maintain the Independence of another State; which conduct creates much copfusion in this part of the State. — We have entered our protest against their proceedings, and do appeal to the confederated States for protection ; wishing that our unhappy situation may be laid before Congress: — Altho those gentle- men that are for the New State, say that Congress, will not take up to determine any thing upon the matter. Nay some say, that Congress have no business to Do any thing more then to receive Vermont into confederation, they direct us to look upon the Other Side of the River, where the New York party have been waiting some years for protection from New York, and Congress, and cannot obtain it, they also add that we had better unite with them, & then Con- gress will establish the State ; but we had rather have the consent of the confederated States first, which if they shall determine that we leave the State of New Hampshire, & be erected into the State together with the grants, west of the river (which if done we trust will be upon a Just and equal footing) we shall have no Objections, in whose wisdom and prudence we confide, & as in duty bound will ever pray — " Westmorland June 8"" 1781 "Joseph Wilbur george Clark Elijah Temple David Witherell Joseph Burt Ebenezer gilbart Nath' Wilbore Levi goodanow Daniel Stone Simeon Proutey Job Wilbore Elias Chamberlain John Pierce William Brittin Jonas Butterfield Isaac Butterfield george Aldrich Francis Putnam Ephraim Lenord Philap Wilbore Elisha Wilbore Philip Wilbore Jur Joseph White Joseph Tompson WESTMORELAND 471 Ebenezer Brettun Caleb Aldrich Nath' Tinney Ephraim Wood John Snow Pendleton Brettun William Adams " David Brittin Jeams Brittin Ebnzr Brittin Ju Ezekal mixer Philap Brittin John Adams David Wilbore Nehemiah Browne But the controlling majority were in favor of forming a new State, however, to be called New Connecticut, to extend from the " curve line " to the Green Mountain range. With this pur- pose in view, Westmoreland sent to this conven- tion her representative, Joseph Wilbore. Forty-three towns were represented from the two States. December 5th, W^estmoreland chose Jonathan Cole for its delegate, with in- structions that in ease the convention allowed any member a seat in . the same without first taking the oath of fidelity to the United States to withdraw ; also that the grants on the east side of the river make a full and free represen- tation at the Court of New Hampshire. This convention appointed a committee to confer with the Vermont Assembly in reference to terms of union and adjourned to meet at Cor- nish in February, when the Assembly would be in session at Windsor, a few miles distant. The result of this convention was favorable to Vermont. On the 5th of February a town- meeting was called, which " Voted to accept of the proceedings of the Convention held at Charles- town, Jan. 16, 1781." The convention lay the matter before the Assembly in the form of a petition ; it received a favorable response, with a condition attached that two-thirds of the towns interested on both sides of the river, to a distance of twenty miles, should approve of the union, and adjourned to April. On assembling they found that the necessary number of towns had given a favorable vote, and the union was therefore consummated. Eepresentatives from thirty-five towns on the east side of the river took their seats as members. The towns south of the north line of Claremont and east of the river were organized into Washington County. After meeting at Bennington the following June, the Vermont Legislature assembled Oc- tober 11, 1781, at Charlestown. Captain Eph- raim Stone represented Westmoreland. The Lieutenant-Governor and one of the Councillors were chosen from the east side of the river. This Ijcgislature was a body of men of more than average intelligence. Its members were chosen for distinguished ability and prominence. Questions of momentous importance were be- fore it for action. A regiment of New Hamp- shire troops appeared under Colonel Reynolds ; he was promptly advised that his force was too small for conquest, too large for intimidation. He paade no attempt to disturb the session. Meantime, Vermont had applied for admission to the Union. Congress voted to admit her upon the condition that she relinquish the towns upon the east side of the river. This she re- fused to do. She had possession of nearly a third part of New Hampshire. This condition of things could not long continue. Nearly every town had its court and judicial officers duplicated, each acting under their respective State governments. In Chesterfield it ter- minated in a conflict of physical prowess. The New Hampshire government, now actively aroused, was making preparations to send troops into the revolted towns to put down the secession party. Upon the other hand, Ver- mont was equally vigilant. Dr. William Page, of Charlestown, was now sheriif of Washington County. He issued orders, December 1, 1781, to Colonel Chamberlain, Captain S. Nathan Frank- lin, John Cole and Jonas Butterfield, all of Westmoreland, to be in readiness, with their com- mand to march at short notice. Two Chesterfield men having been arrested and lodged in the Char- lestown jail by a Vermont sheriiF, the New Hamp- shire assembly authorized Colonel Hale, the sheriiF of Cheshire County to release them. In the attempt he was himself arrested by the Ver- mont sheriff and committed to the same jail. In retaliation, Sheriif Page was arrested and lodged in the Exeter jail. Civil war was now immi- 472 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. nent. In January, 178Si, New Hampshire ordered a thousand men into Cheshire County to support its civil officers; her Governor issued a proclamation ordering the people in the re- volting towns within forty days to go before some New Hampshire magistrate and sign an acknowledgment that the jurisdiction of New Hampshire extended to the Connecticut River. The Vermont government was equally active in maintaining her claims. The New Hampshire General Assembly had passed, August, 1781, an act obliging each town to provide monthly in- stallments of beef and rum for the use of the Continental army. Westmoreland, in common with the other re- volting towns, refused to pay the tax, upon the ground of non-recognition of New Hampshire authority. In consequence, a warrant was is- sued and served upon the town for the tax; the town voted not to pay it, and thereupon was fined, but so great was the feeling against the State that Colonel Reuben Alexander, who was ordered to raise the body of his regiment and march them to the execution of the act, was ap- palled by the clamor of the people to an extent that he feared to comply with his orders, and so reported. One Samuel King, a prominent Chesterfield revolter, having been arrested was followed to Keeae by numerous parties, includ- ing a party from Westmoreland under Captain Carlisle, who succeeded January 1, 1782, in rescuing the prisoner from the New Hampshire sherifF. On the same day General Washington wrote a letter to Governor Chittendon, informing him that it would be an indispensable preliminary of the admission of Vermont into the Union to relinquish its extension of territory, intimating that a refusal to accede to this request would be considered an act of enmity to the United States government, requiring the coercion by military power. On the 23d of February fol- lowing, the Assembly of Vermont, in session at Bennington, voted to accept the boundary as prescribed by Congress, on the line of the west- ern bank of the Connecticut River, and to re- linquish all claims to any territory east of said river. This ended the conflict. The disaffected towns quietly returned to their former State allegiance. For this concession Vermont ex- pected to be speedily admitted to the Union, but its hopes were deferred for nine years, dur- ing which time the humorists named her the " Future State." Thus the secession movement of the New Hampshire towns ended. And now as we look back over the long vista of the years and view the circumstances attending those stir- ring times, and as we weigh the character of the men therein engaged, as we consider that Westmoreland in common with her sister towns was of Massachusetts birth, whose infancy re- ceived her fostering protection ; and when we view upon the other hg,nd the cold negligence of New Hampshire, to care for children confided to her guardianship, by royal decree, upon her demand; we cannot wonder at the feeling that there was shown to exist, an honest belief, that they were free to elect another government, that • New Hampshire had no claim to their alle- giance, and they so acted in the direction of es- tablishing a firm and stable government for the people on both sides of the river. CHAPTER IV. WESTMORELAND— ( Cmitmued). ECCLESIASTICAL. THE OONGREOATIONAL CHURCH, KNOWN IN LATER TIMES AS THE UNITED CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. As has been stated in another chapter the citi- zens of Westmoreland, Putney and Westminster united in building a fort upon the Great Meadow in Putney. Here in times of peril the scattered settlers of these towns resorted for safety from Indian forages. Here they held their first religious services under the ministration of Rev. Andrew Gardner, who preached there for nearly three years. He had previously occupied the WESTMORELAND. 473 position of cliaplain and chirurgeon at Fort Dummer. He was noted for liis quaintness and eccentricity. It is related that upon a certain special occasion, at Fort Dummer, in view of disastrous events following Indian forages that were preceded invariably with surprise, he preached from the Revelation of St. John iii. 3 : " If, therefore, thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee." May 4, 1762, the proprietors of the town having met at the house of Thomas Chamberlain, voted " to build a meeting-house and to Set it on ye hill by Daniel Hows [Northeast corner of the Cole Cemetery — Ed.] to build it fifty feet long, forty feet wide and twenty feet post." A committee of five (5), with Josiah Willard as chairman, were chosen to superintend its erection. August 26, 1763, the town voted "to raise the sum of one pound, sterling money, on each original right in said town, to be laid out toward finishing the meeting-house, to be assessed in ye following manner, — five shillings on each house lot, mea- dow lot. Pitch and after rights." September 26, 1764, nine members from other churches signsd the first church covenant. This was on the fast previous to the ordination of Rev. William Goddard, which was held on the 7th day of November following. These members were William Goddard, pastor-elect, member of ye first church at Newtown ; Thomas Chamberlain, church at Newtown ; Joshua Warner, church at Harvard; Amos Davis, church at Peters- ham ; Samuel Minot, church at Chelmsford ; Robert Thompson, church at Reading; Benja- min Pierce, church at Attleborough ; Abner How, church at Amherst; Joseph Pierce, church at Wilmington." The council which ordained Rev. Mr. Goddard as the first settled minister in Westmoreland, consisted of Rev. Joseph JBuckminster, Rutland, Mass. ; Rev. Bulkley Piatt, Charlestown ; Rev. Clement Sumner, Keene ; Rev. Samuel Hedge, Warwick ; Rev. ' Joseph Sumner, Shrewsbury. At this council six members presented their letters, two desired to be admitted, thus constituting eight members beside their pastor. During the three years following twenty Avere admitted by letter and fifteen by profession, two were dismissed to the church at Westminster, and perhaps one or two had died, so that at the close of the year 1767 there were forty members. On the 17th of August, 1775, another council was convened, consisting of the pastors and delegates of the churches of Cornish, Walpole, Charlestown and Claremont agreeably to letters missive from the church and people joined by the pastors " to consider and give advice upon some matters of grievance subsisting between said pastor and people." The result was to dismiss Mr. Goddard. The town by vote concurring. It seems as though Mr. Goddard had served the church faithfully and wisely for eleven years. The grievance consisted of his " un- soundness " on account of adopting " the half- way covenant," an ism originating in North- ampton, Mass., early in this century. This doctrine was simply that " all persons of correct sentiments and sober life might profess religion and have their children baptized, though they did not come to the Lord's table. Possibly other differences arose. It was a time when political feeling ran high. The lines were closely drawn, and Mr. Goddard did not fully agree with the patriot party, in refusing to sign the " Test Oath." During the year 1776 the contest arose respecting a new location for the church. This society, the only one in town at the time, was composed mostly of Baptists and Orthodox ; the former were located in the northerly and easterly portions of the town, the Orthodox in the southerly and westerly por- tions : naturally the Baptists were in favor of retaining the old location. Those living in the east parish had, a short time previous, organized and held meetings, as will be seen elsewhere. The Orthodox were determined for a more southerly location. They composed the stronger party, but their pathway to success was far from 474 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. being strewn with " flowery ease." March 13, 1776, the town chose a committee consisting of Deacon Jonathan Cole, Captain Joseph Burt, Amos Pierce, Ebenezer Brittin and Captain Daniel Pierce, to make a new location. This was reported " to be on the top of the hill south of Mr. Job Chamberlain's at the corner where the road turns easterly that leads to Lieutenant Stone's," and the present location of the Park Hill Church Following Mr. Goddard came Rev. Jeremiah Barnard, who preached on pro- bation for about one year. April 14, 1777, the town voted " to give Mr. Barnard a call to settle in the work of the ministry in this town," and chose a committee, of which Jonathan Cole was chairman, to draft proposals. These were presented to the town at a meeting held May 13, 1777, and accepted. There was a settle- ment of £150, a salary of £66 13s. M., to be in- creased £5 yearly until it reached £80 ; if the families that paid rates should increase to one hundred, then he was to receive £10 more or £90, which sum was to remain his salary, in current money of the State. Farm- produce at this time was the standard of value, and this salary was computed on the basis of the following prices, viz. : Wool, 2s. 2d. @ ft). ; wheat, 6s. ; rye, 4s. ; corn, 3s. ; flax, Is. ; pork that weighs ten score and up- ward, 4id. The year 1777 was one of constant alarms from the threatened invasion of Bur- goyne and his army. Repeated calls came from the Vermont Committee of Safety for militia to repel the enemy. It was responded to with alacrity and so all was commotion. For a time, church affairs retired into the background and especially so the matter of the removal of the church building. The year 1778 wit- nessed the commencement of a struggle origi- nating from the unfortunate geography of the town in not having any one point adapted for a centre that was acceptable to the whole town. So the years bear witness of the lamentable fact of an indication to pull down, rather than to build up. To a large degree the church has been made to carry the load of sectional jeal- ousy. November 10, 1778, the town voted "to move the church to the place prefixed for it." This- vote was reconsidered on December 5th following. Then came a warm discussion rela- tive to the amount of respective ownei'ship of the now separate societies of the Baptists and Orthodox, resulting in a public sale of the church on the first Monday of January, 1779. The Baptists bid it off for seventy pounds. But this sale proved without avail, as the town voted, February 14th, "to reconsider all that had been done relative to the sale of the meeting- house." It also voted " to submit the whole matter to a disinterested committee to be se- lected by both societies, to be paid by the town, to consist of five persons, whose award should be binding upon all." Benjamin Bellows, Amos Babcock, Abraham Smith, Lemuel Holmes and Jesse Clark were selected for a committee, with Colonel Bellows for its chairman. This com- mittee was directed to meet March 3, 1779. Isaac Butterfield provided for them at an ex- pense of £7 16s., he being an inn-keeper at the time. A committee of six, consisting of Archelaus Temple, George Aldrich, Benjamin Pierce, Ephraim Stone, Joseph Wilbore and Daniel How, were to present the case before the committee of arbitration. Their award in brief was, " to appraise the house at one hun- dred and forty pounds, that the Orthodox So- ciety should have it, and that the Baptists should be paid their proportion of this sum, ac- cording to their valuation in said town for tax- ation, to be paid as soon as the next crop of grain becomes marchantable." Once more the town voted, August 12, 1779, to move the meeting-house, raising one thousand pounds to defray the expense thereof. Isaac Chamber- lain, Nathan Franklin, Waitstill Scott, John Cole and Reuben Kendall were chosen a com- mitee, to superintend its removal. This com- mittee acted promptly, and aided by " bees," made popular by a gift of a barrel of rum from Major Keep, an interested man for its re- WESTMORELAND. 475 moval they were numerously attended and the work of removal was quickly consummated. On the 16th day of September, 1779, the first meeting was held therein. Upon this site the building stands to-day ; it has withstood the buffetings of many angry storms both from within and without, but still stands a faithful sentinel overlooking a large extent of country. It cost to move and fit up the building the sum of £2388 lis. M., of which the sum of £514 18.S. Gd. accrued from sale of "pew ground." In addition thereto, there was considerable contributed by way of donation. This sum seems large, but we are to bear in mind that the currency at this time, known as Continental money, was depreciated in value ; it afterwards became worthless. As originally constructed, it was simply a plain building, without steeple or porch. Upon the new site, it took to itself, porches upon the east and west sides, with entrance upon the south side. Broad aisles and high-suspended galleries extended around the three sides of it. The pulpit was elevated and reached by winding stairs, over which was suspended a sounding- board, surmounted by a dove, cleverly carved from wood. In front and beneath the pulpit were the deacon's benches. The wall-pews were elevated above the body, and all had high backs, with spindle tops and railing on top. The seats were hung upon hinges ; these were raised in time of prayer, during which all must stand, and the clatter of falling seats at its close made no slight noise. This house was thoroughly well finished, bearing witness to the skillful handiwork of Steward Esty. This house remained in this form until 1827, when an addition of twenty feet was put on in front, the porches removed and a steeple erected. These porches were made into dwelling-houses. In 1853 it was worked over into its present form. About 1779 Rev. Mr. Barnard termi- nated his pastorate. Early in this year Rev. John Millens preached upon probation accept- ably, it would appear, as the town voted to give him an invitation to settle, but he declined to accept. During the latter portion of this year Rev. Daniel Farrington preached. For a few years there was no regular pastor ; sundry itin- erant preachers supplied the pulpit ; among them was Rev. Beniah Hudson. November 8, 1784, an invitation was extended to Rev. Joseph Davis. He did not see fit to settle, but supplied the pulpit for nearly two years. Mr. Davis, was an ordained minister, considerably advanced in years, and lived in Holden, Mass. He was noted for being an expert penman, and the records kept by him are in beautiful handwrit- ing. The year 1785 witnessed the beginning of a long and acrimonious struggle over the ministerial tax. So far it had been raised by the town, and went to the support of Orthodox preaching entirely ; persons of other persuasions, notably the Baptists, complained loudly of its in- justice, as well as illegality. After being submit- ted to divers committees of arbitration without success it was finally adjusted by raising the tax independent of the town. Following Mr. Davis came Rev. Mr. Lawrence, who preached a short time on probation. During the two years be- ginning in 1788, Rev. Mr. Mills preached a part of the time. He was followed by Rev. Allen Pratt, who was ordained October 6, 1790. Mr. Pratt was a graduate of Harvard College, of the class of 1785. His salary was to be one hundred pounds yearly, " to be paid J in cash and f in grass-fed beef at 16s. 8d. per cwt., or in grain ; wheat 4s. 8d!., rye 3s. id., corn 2s. 8d. per bushel." For nearly thirty-eight years Mr. Pratt offi- ciated as pastor of this church. Under his minis- try 273 joined the church. He baptized 289 persons, married 419 couples, and during his ministry 1043 died. In the winter of 1821-22 the church experienced the greatest revival within its history, the fruits of which was an increase of 80 to its membership, and 94 were baptized. January 1, 1828, Mr. Pratt having asked for a dismissal, a council was convened at his house, which granted his request. The same day a 476 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. new house having been erected at the South village was dedicated ; a new society of eleven members was formed, a call was given Mr. Pratt to become its pastor, it was accepted and all confirmed in one evening by the same council. He remained with the new society until 1837 ; after this he only occasionally officiated in the pulpit. It will be seen that his pastorate in this town extended over the long period of forty-seven years. Nor should we wish for further evidence to convince us that " Priest Pratt " was truly a remarkable man. In the early summer-time, from his cherished home, as the morning dews were kissing the bright green grass and the happy birds were warbling their songs of praise, as the morning sun was gilding the eastern hill- tops with golden light, his spirit took its up- ward flight. His work on earth was finished. He was buried in his chosen spot, which he had selected, inclosed and donated to the town for a cemetery, overlooking much of the field of his life's work. His tombstone records the date June 5, 1843. " He lived respected and died lamented." Rev. Otis C. Whiton, a graduate of Dart- mouth in 1815, followed Mr. Pratt as pastor of the First Church, commencing the Sabbath fol- lowing Mr. Pratt's dismissal. He was installed May 21, 1828, and was dismissed at his own re- quest January 1, 1833. He died at Harrisville October 17, 1845. From 1833 Rev.Ebenezer Chase preached two years. Under his ministry the church membership was largely increased. The two churches united in supporting the same minister, holding services in each house alter- nately until the house at the South village was destroyed by fire. In 1835 Sev. Clark Perry is found laboring here. Then came Rev. Thomas Riggs. He was installed December 30, 1835, and dismissed June 17, 1839. During the year 1840 Rev. Alanson Alvord supplied the pulpit. June 16, 1841, Rev. Robt.W. Fuller was ordained and was dismissed January 11, 1843, nearly fifty members were added to the church under his ministration. Rev. George W. Ash was ordained October 25, 1843, and dismissed March 11, 1846. Rev. Stephen Rodgers com- menced preaching August 6, 1846. For a time the society flourished, a parsonage was purchased, the church building was remodeled, but a day of trial was near; a portion of its members, mostly living in the south part of the town, withdrew and formed a new society at the South village. For a time it was war, bitter and unrelenting. Its effects were lasting and withering. We hasten, for we are on dangerous ground. Mr. Rodgers was dismissed in 1857. Following Mr. Rodgers came Rev. Charles Greenwood, who was ordained pastor November 5, 1857 ; dismissed January 27, 1859. Rev. Kiah B. Glidden commenced preaching January 29, 1860, was ordained to the ministry June 19, 1860, and re- mained till January 29, 1863. Rev. Solomon Bixby was acting pastor from February, 1863, to February, 1868. For the year ensuing Rev. Edward F. Abbott supplied the pulpit — 1868-69. For some years thereafter there was no regular preaching. In September, 1873, both churches united in employing as acting pastor Rev. C. K. Hoyt, then a recent graduate of the Auburn Theological School; he remained until May, 10, 1874. November 19, 1874, both churches formally consolidated in a single organ- ization. Rev. Charles N. Flanders, an An- dover graduate, was ordained as pastor Decem- ber 29, 1874, and was dismissed November 4, 1878. He was followed by Rev. F. J. Grimes in 1879, who was the acting pastor for nearly three years. Rev. Roswell Foster supplied the pulpit in 1884-85. The Fiest Congregational Church. — A society was organized under the above name May, 1852. The same year it built a house for public worship at the South village. This house was dedicated December 22, 1852. On the following Sabbath Rev. Robert W. Fuller commenced preaching in the new house. A church organization was instituted at an eccle- siastical council held December 26, 1852. This WESTMORELAND. 477 church was formed from sixteen members who had withdrawn from the old church and two others. The first meeting of this church was held February 9, 1853. On the 15th of the same month Abraham How and Oilman White were elected deacons; they had held previously the same position in the old church. This church was admitted into the Cheshire Confer- ence of Churches June 14, 1854. January 7, 1856, Mr. Fuller resigned his pastorship. Eev. Oscar Bissell followed him, his ordination oc- curring May 14, 1856; he was dismissed April 28, 1861. For two years thereafter Rev. E. B. Bassett was the acting pastor, commencing April 14, 1862. From May, 1864, to May, 1869, Eev. William Claggett was acting pastor. From the autumn of 1869 to September, 1873, Rev. Thomas L. Fowler supplied the pulpit. In 1873 this society joined the old society in holding services in their respective houses alter- nately, employing the same pastor, and have continued this relation to the present time. The Baptist Chuech. — A Baptist society was formed in East Westmoreland as early as 1771. Rev. Ebenezer Baily was ordained its first pastor, November 30, 1773. The members of this society mainly came from Middleborough, Mass., and were members of its first church. The first church building erected by this society was doubtless an unpretentious affair, and stood upon the opposite side of the common from school- house No. 2. January 3, 1789, this society voted to build a new house and to locate it west of the old house, and adjacent to the old site. This house was thoroughly built, and was completed October, 1790. Elder Baily's pas- torate was eminently a successful one. It ex- tended over thirty years. During his ministry this society was strong and influential. The following is the petition for the incorpo- ration of a Baptist society, addressed to the Gen- eral Coui-t June 4, 1800 : "Humbly Shew Your Petitioners, Inhabitants of the Towns of Westmoreland, Walpole, Surry and Keene, Professors of Religion by the Denomination of Baptists — That for many years last past they have assembled together for public Worship as a Baptist Society : and, for the more orderly and regular man- agement of the same — pray that they, with such others as may hereafter be admitted as members, may be incorporated into a religious Society to be called and known by the name of the First Baptist So- ciety IN W.ESTM0EELAND with sufficient power and authority to support and Settle a minister — to build and repair meeting Houses and to raise and Collect taxes for those purposes — To warn and hold meetings and to choose all proper officers for transact- ing and managing the Concerns of said Society and to make by Laws for regulating the same, provided the same are not contrary to the Constitution and Laws of the State — and for Liberty to bring in a Bill accord- ingly — Or, that the Honourable Court would make such Order on the premises as to them shall seem meet — and as in duty bound pray " Caleb Aldrich Jr Dudley Thomas W^ Brettun Daniel Wilber Sammuel Eobbins Paul Clark John Brown Ephraim Brown Asa Hancock Joseph Whitney Noah Fuller J' Stephen Bowker Eben' Wright John White Chever Fowler Levi Hancock John Chamberlain Benj' Leonard John Chamberlain J' Jonathan Wilber Levi Ware Oliver Wright Oliver Smith Jabez Straton Nehemiah Brown Philip Britton Cyrus Staples Benjamin Merryfield Joshua Fuller Benjamin Carpenter John Snow Elijah A. Hall Amos Brown Zephaniah Leach J' Samuel Woodward William Aldrich Jon" Winchester Rufus Smith Seth Bretun Joshua Hall " John Paul Nine of these petitioners were inhabitants of Surry. December 10, 1800, this society was incorpo- rated by legislative enactment, by the name of the First Baptist Society in Westmoreland. In 1810 Elder Nathan Leonard came from Sutton, Mass., and preached nearly four years. He is represented to have been an able pulpit orator and a smart business man. In June, 1818, Elder Simeon Chamberlain was ordained, but completed his pastorate before the close of the year. January, 1821, found Elder Hosea Trum- 478 HISTOEY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. bull first preaching to this society, over which he was ordained May 26, 1822. February 26, 1826, Benjamin Dean, Jr., was ordained at Swanzey as an evangelist, and accepted a call to labor with this society. For many years there was no preaching, except by itinerants. An act having passed the Legislature in 1848 relat- ing to the sale of meeting-houses in cases where they had not been occupied for the space of two years, led the way to a vote of the proprietors to sell this house about 1852. It was purchased by a union association, and removed and rebuilt into the present house at East Westmoreland. John B. Osborn was the contractor ; the con- tract-price was $1000, with the old house and some contributions of labor. This house was built, and is now owned as a union house. Each denomination is entitled to the occupancy of the house in proportion to their respective ownership. Here, for many years, E.ev. Jehiel Claflin has labored faithfully, and with deserv- ing credit. At the present time Rev. N. D. Parsons conducts one service weekly under Bap- tist auspices. In this house Rev. Mr. Bruce conducts one service weekly at the present time under the Christian creed auspices. In 1797 a chiu-ch building was erected in the Glebe Parish ; its site was on the rise of groimd upon the opposite side of the highway from the No. 4 school-house. This building was never completely finished and was removed to the Chesterfield Factory village in 1828 or 1829 and made over into the present bit-shop. Rev. Nathaniel Wilbur was the only regular preacher in this house, preaching about twenty years. I do not learn that any church organization was ever formed to worship in this house, or that Mr. Wilbur was ever ordained. This house was built and preaching maintained therein mainly by those of the Baptist persuasion. The Christian Church and Society in Westmoreland originated about the year 1818, mainly through the instrumentality of Elder Edward B. Rollins. This sect is an offshoot of the Free- Will Baptists, originating about the year 1800, from the preaching of one Abner Jones, of Vermont. Elder Rollins was one of the first to espouse this creed, and commenced his labors in this vicinity by founding a society in Walpole in 1817. He was at that time a young man of fine presence, an able and elo- quent speaker, gifted with a rich, musical voice, and especially effective in addressing his appeals clothed in Scriptural language. He possessed to a large degree those magnetic qualities that draw an ardent following. In 1 825 an unpre- tentious one-story building was erected in the East Parish for the use of this society. In this house Elder Moses Winchester, a convert to the preaching of Elder Rollins, preached for nearly thirty years. Elder Winchester possessed a natural gift for public speaking, and if he had been blessed with a liberal education would have ranked high among the pulpit orators of the land. He often lamented his lack of a thorough educa- tion. His life was truly an exemplary one in all the Christian graces. At the present time Rev. Mr. Bruce is offici- ating as elder of this society. For many years Deacon Gains Hall was its wise counselor and liberal supporter. It was largely through his liberality .and influence that its meetings were maintained and its society kept alive. The Univebsalist Church. — For some years prior to 1827 there existed a feeling and a desire on the part of many of the people liv- ing in the south part of the town to hold relig- ious services at the then newly-planted South village. Natiu-ally this feeling led to the con- templation of erecting a new church edifice. The south part of the town contained many influential men of means and ability who in- dorsed Universalism. So far they had met the Oi-thodox people as brethren, paying their pro- portion of ministerial taxes. The proposed new location received their approval and en- couragement. The people in the north part of the town and Hill village naturally opposed the removal. They looked upon its accomplish- WESTMORELAND. 479 ment as presaging a division of the church ; and upon the proposed new location with uncon- cealed hostility. It was clearly apparent that certain elements were working in the direction of making the South village the centre of the town for all gatherings. Sectional feeling ran high. Ambition en- kindled into a blaze, and the red-hot coals of agitation were kept fanned totheirintensest heat. About this time Josiah Knight, who lived where Mrs. S. A. Barker now lives, offered to give an acre of land for a site for a church building and for a common around it, upon the condition " that it should be devoted to this purpose and to no other, and so to remain forever." Afterwards he gave a strip of land for the horse-sheds. This offer naturally brought the agitation to a focus. Immediately subscription-papers in the hands of enthusiastic influential men soon secured sufficient means to erect a large and well-built edifice. It was built of brick, with galleries around three sides of it, and was completed in 1827, at a cost of $5343, about one-half of which was paid by the Universalists. It was built by Sherebiah Cowdery. It was dedicated January 1, 1828. Rev. Solomon Robinson, of Stoddard preached the dedication sermon. So a new church organization was formed and christened as the First Congregational Church. At the same time Rev. Allen Pratt left the pul- pit at the Hill village, where he had labored many years, and was ordained pastor of the new church. With him came his two deacons, Josiah Noyes and Abraham Howe. For a time the new society flourished, but it soon became ap- parent that it was composed of incongruous ele- ments. The Universalists goon demanded the use of the house a portion of the time for preach- ing of their faith. This demand was stoutly resisted by the Orthodox people. Thereupon a new contention arose. The contest waxed fierce, but it soon ended. On Sunday evening, March 1, 1838, an alarm of fire rang through the still night air. A sheet of fire was seen to burst out of the belfry of the church, and in a short time it lay a mass of blackened, smoulder- ing ruins. Suspicion declared the origin of the fire to have been incendiary, but it was never proved. Soon after the burning of this church the Orthodox people returned to the old church. The remains of the building, together with all the rights and privileges pertaining to the prop- erty, was sold at auction and purchased by Captain Wilson Gleason, in behalf of the Universalists, for one hundred and seventy-five dollars. They immediately commenced to erect a new edifice, nearly upon the old site, but of much smaller dimensions. The length of the new house is one foot less than the width of the old one. The same brick, foundation-stone and frontal steps were used. It was completed and dedicated in the the month of September, 1838. Rev. Charles Woodhouse, who had preached occasionally prior to this very acceptably to the Universal- ists of this town, preached the dedication ser- mon from the apt text, " The glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former saith the Lord." So far the Universalists had no regular organization, but on the 10th day of December, 1838, a meeting was held for this purpose, which adjourned to January 7, 1839. Meantime, a notice, as required by law, was published in the Farmer and Museum, a news- paper then published in Keene, as follows : " Notice is hereby given that Wilson Gleason, Has- kell Buffum, Barton Simmons, Stephen Barker, John Pierce and their associates have formed themselves into a religious society, to be known and distinguished by the name of the Universalist Society in Westmore- land, agreeably to the Statute in such case made and provided. Westmoreland, Dec. 11, 1838." At the adjourned meeting the organization was perfected by adopting a code of by-laws and choosing necessary officers. The list of mem- bers numbered thirty, and were as follows : Prescott B. Albee, Stephen Barker, Arba Barker, Tileston A. Barker, William Bennett, Snell Buffum, Erasmus Buffum, Haskell Buf- 480 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. fum, Calvin Q. A. Britton, Silas Brown, Na- than G. Babbittt, Elias Chamberlain, Amasa Chaffee, Caleb C. Daggett, Wilson Gleason, Clinton Gleason, Gilbert T. Heustis, Samuel How, Samuel How (2d) Reuben Kendall, Jotham Lord, John Pierce, Jotham L. Paine, Barton Simmons, Harlon H. Simmons, Barton Skin- ner, Timothy Skinner, Carlton Thayer, Samuel Torrey, Erastus Ware. The support of preach- ing was to be defrayed partly by subscription and the balance by taxation of the members, upon the basis of valuation of each as made by the selectman for general town pnrposes. But this plan of taxation soon proved unsatisfactory and in consequence some requested to have their names cancelled from membership. In 1845 the society voted to raise the necessary money entirely by voluntary subscription, and have pursued this plan until the present time. Rev. Charles Woodhouse was the first settled minis- ter over this society, preaching every Sabbath until 1841, two-thirds of the time until Jan- uary, 1843, and one-half of the time during the remainder of his ministry, which ended Jan- uary, 1844. Mr. Woodhouse possessed more than ordinary ability, and was especially noted for his aptness to fit himself for any occasion with credit to himself and general satisfaction to his hearers. His Christmas discourse of 1843 is still remembered as one of unusual abil- ity, and his memory is cherished by our older men, who remember him well with great re- spect. He was followed by Rev. Josiah Mar- vin, then a young man and a pupil of Mr. Woodhouse. He commenced his labors Janu- ary 1, 1844, preaching one-half of the time un- til 1848. For the ensuing year there was no regular preaching. Early in the year 1849 Rev. A. Scott became the pastor and remained one year. He was followed by Rev. Phineas Her- sey, who preached one year from May 16, 1850, one-half of the time. He was succeeded by Rev. E. H. Lake, who preached one-half of the time to January, 1855. Mr. Lake was quite popular as a pulpit orator and succeeded in drawing good audiences. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Sias, who remained one year. From this time to January, 1857, Rsv. Solomon Laws preached occasionally. Rev. S. H. McColles- ter was pastor from 1857 to 1862. The influ- ence of Mr. McCollester extended beyond the bounds of his own society and town even. He was active in the cause of education and excelled as a teacher. As a superintendent of schools none surpassed him and few, indeed, could equal him. His influence for improvement of com- mon schools was felt wherever he went. Dur- ing his residence here he was preceptor of the Valley Academy and was v«ry successful. His services at funerals were very satisfactory and of wide-spread demand. His removal from town was felt to be a public loss. In 1860 the society bought a piece of land of Col. T. A. Barker, and erected a parsonage thereon at an expense of $937.15. This was sold to W. R. Dunham, M.D., April 1, 1869, for twelve hundred dollars, and the place of Mary Paine pnrchased for .a like purpose for six hundred dollars. From 1862 to 1869 Rev. O. G. Woodbury was pastor, preaching one-half of the time. During the years 1869-70 Rev. Solomon Laws preached a portion of the time" In 1871 Rev. Joseph Barber commenced preach- ing one-half of the time and remained until 1877. Since then the pulpit has been supplied by Rev. Hiram B. Morgan, of Chesterfield, Rev. Edward Smiley and Rev. W. S. Williams, of Putney, Vt., in order named. CHAPTER V. WESTMORELAND— (Con(jflued). MANUFACTURING, SCHOOLS AND POLITICS. Westmoreland from its earliest settlement has been emphatically a farming town, although it possesses a considerable amount of water power, principally furnished by the Part- ridge Brook, and to a limited extent by Mill WESTMORELAND. 481 Brook and other lesser streams. As early as March 30, 1752, the proprietors of the town voted to give any person that would build a grist-mill in said town the sum of £150 and fifty acres of land on the Mill Brook, with the condition that the mill should be put into opera- tion by August 1st ensuing, and to be kept in good repair for ten years thereafter. A tax was imposed of six pounds, old tenor, upon each pro- prietor to defray the expense of building a mill, and for the building and repairs of the high- ways. Thomas Chamberlain and Samuel Minot, accepted the offer and built the first mill in town. Afterwards, for many years, it was known as the Granger mill. About the year 1800 it was rebuilt by its owner, Eldad Granger. For many years it was actively employed until it was suffered to go to decay. Previous to its coustruction the citizens of this town had to go to Hinsdale and to North Charlestown to do their milling. Mr. Sanford Granger informs me that he was told, when a boy, that the people had to go a long way " roundabout " to either mill in order to avoid the Indians, who were lurking in the valley. This was long before the advent of wheel vehicles, and the only means of con- veyance was on horseback, and at first the only roads were paths through the woods indicated by blazed trees. The first saw and grist-mill built upon the Partridge Brook was located above the bridge leading to the C. Q. A. Britton place. They were built prior to the Revolutionary War; by whom, I am unable to state. About 1800, Aristides Heustis purchased them and sold them to Captain Simeon Cobb, and from him they passed to his son. General Simeon Cobb. These mills were located upqn opposite sides of the stream. The saw-mill was on the south side and facing the south. In the grist-mill was a carding-machine, which had a large pat- ronage for many years. In 1808 a freshet car- ried away the dam and saw-mill, and the grist- mill went to decay. At the time the freshet struck the mill the saw was in operation and nearly through the log. Cobb remarked that he thought it would get through before it reached Hartford. Upon rebuilding, General Cobb lo- cated them below the bridge ; his son Albert superintended their erection, and his son-in-law, Aaron B. Woolley tended them many years. Farther up this stream, soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, Leonard Keep built a saw and grist-mill. For many years they were operated by Thomas McNeal. A short distance below on the stream McNeal had a linseed oil mill. This mill building, many years since, was re- moved and constructed into a dwelling-house, now occupied by J. P. Bennett. After passing through the hands of many proprietors, the saw and grist-mill, with adjacent land, were purchased by Leonard Wilcox, in 1875, under whose energetic administration they have been improved, and are doing a thriving business. Ebenezer Pierce rebuilt a grist-mill about the year 1842, and put therein a carding-ma- chine ; it has now gone into decay. A short distance above, David Johnson built a saw- mill in 1776. This mill afterwards was owned many years by Abiather Shaw, and has been actively employed to the present time. Still farther up the stream David French built a saw-mill, which has cut out a large amount of lumber and proved for many years a lucra- tive investment. This mill was built during or soon after the Revolutionary War. A grist- mill was erected by Nathan Franklin upon the Ox Brook previous to 1800, and was located at Mine Falls. Afterwards a company built a saw-mill on the site where the bridge now stands; both were swept away by a severe freshet. South of the house of Charles H. Leach form- erly stood a fulling-mill, built by one McMurphy about the close of the Revolutionary War where, under the charge of Nat. Fisk and Jimna Walker, each twenty years, and afterwards Henry Leach, considerable business was done at fulling cloth. About, if not, the first cut nails manufactured in this country were made in this shop. 482 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. In the year 1856 both dam and mill were swept away by a freshet, together with quite an amount of machinery. In 1859 Colonel D. W. Patten moved the Dean shop from Park Hill, and worked it over into a mill that was used for various purposes — at first for dressing lumber, then as a pail manufac- tory. In 1873, while repairing the building, it fell to the ground a mass of ruins. The same year, upon the same site, he erected the present building and built a stone cement dam. In 1862 Edwin J. Goodnow moved the Beebe house from the East Parish and fitted it into a mill for the manufacturing and dressing of lumber; afterward he put the old No. 4 brick school- house into his chimney and attached steam power. This mill is now doing a good busi- ness. At an earlier date Levi Chapin erected a saw- mill near and south of the house of S. H. Burt, but it has long since passed away. Below the lower bridge on Mill Brook, Ephraim Brown at an early date built a saw-mill. This mill passed into the hands of Major Butterfield, and soon after was burnt. Procuring lumber, he pro- ceeded to frame another building, but the tim- ber was burnt ere he could raise it. Both fires were the work of an incendiary. Above this site, and nearly opposite the house of J. AY. Keith, was another saw-mill, but by whom and when it was erected is to me unknown. The first mill on the site of the present mills of E. W. Bosworth was built about the year 1777, by Major Britton. At the time of its erection noble pine-trees stood so near and thick to the mill that logs enough for many thousand feet of lumber were rolled directly from the stump into the mill. Soon after the erection of this mill an ineffectual attempt was made to turn the pond of water that formerly stood upon Surry Summit (since drained by the building of the Cheshire Eailroad) into the Mill Brook. This mill was rebuilt in 1812 by Stephen and Kobert Britton, Gains and Joshua Hall. Henry Hall built the first grist-mill here, having previously run a small fulling- mill in the same building. Above, on land now owned by J. B. Hall, Charles C. Comstock built a saw-mill about 1845. Afterwards Mr. Comstock removed to Michigan, and in 1884 was elected a Representative in the United States House of Representatives. Other mills undoubtedly have been built that have not come to the notice of the writer. The list of different brick-yards and wheelwright- shops, like the ending of an auction bill, are " too numerous to mention." At one time Na- thaniel Wilber had a powder-mill south of the present East Parish Church. It is related that one evening, while Wilber was at work in his mill, for want of a candle-stick, he stuck his tal- low dip into an open barrel of powder; being busily engaged, ere he was aware his " dip " had burnt down to the improvised " stick." The next day he was lamenting the loss of nearly half of the barrel of powder, before he suc- ceeded in putting out the fire therein. At one time nail-making was quite an in- dustry, the State paying a bounty on hand-made nails. In order to illustrate the progress of the times, I insert the following certificate for illustration from many : " State of New Hampshire. " Cheshire Ss, Westmoreland, May ye= 30th, 1791. " We, the Subscribers, selectmen of s'' Westmore- land, hereby certify that Abiather Shaw of said West- moreland has since May one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, made and caused to be made in his workshop one hundred and Ninety Eight thousand of to Penny nales and one hundred and fifty-four thou- sand of four Penny nales and fourteen thousand of Twenty Penny nales and thirty five thousand of six penny nales, the whole of the above Nales were bona- fidely wrought and made in the shop of the aforesaid abathier by himself and hands in his Imploy. " Caleb Aldeich, i Selectmen of "David Hutchins. i WestmoreUnd. "Counter Signed by me Amos Babcock the Nighest Justis of the Peace to S* abiathers Work Shop." The bounty ou .same was eight pounds. Nor are we to forget another industry, em- WESTMORELAND. 483 ploying more hands than all the other manufac- turing industries of the town combined. The nimble hands of the women have contributed to keep together many a household with the ill- paid fruit of their patient toil in the braiding of palm-leaf hats. COMMON SCHOOLS. "Lift we the twilight curtains of the Past, And turning from familiar sight and sound ; Sadly and full of reverence let us cast A glance upon Tradition's shadowy ground; Sadly the few pale lights which glimmering round That dim strange land of Eld seem dying fast." Our earliest town records bear the date of 1775. For twenty-three years from the incor- poration of the town of Westmoreland, with the exception of a few scattered papers and brief proprietors' records, we have no " written story " to compile from. Here and there we get a little tradition clouded with much un- certainty. As the forefathers of the town lived and moved amid scenes of constant peril, of privation and hardship, it is not to be presumed that any great attention was given to common schools previous to the close of the Revolutionary War. Previous to 1784 the selectmen of West- moreland had made some provision for public instruction by employing sundry itinerant in- structors to teach the children of the town who are capable of learning to read, write, and cast accounts, also to instruct them once a week in some orthodox catechism. One pedagogue, by the name of Pettibone, occasionally came from Massachusetts on horseback and kept a private school in a dwelling-house that formerly stood near the present residence of Frederic Dean, was probably the first "to wield the birch" in Westmoreland. Probably the first school- house ever erected in town was in the south- west corner of the old cemetery, near the residence of Fred G. Parker. In early time^ the eaves of the church sheltered with fostering care the school-house. The earliest record we have been able to find of any action of the town relating to schools was a vote passed March 20, 1748, to divide the town into four districts, to 31 be called squadrons. Through individual enter- prise and public-spirit, six school-houses had previously been constructed in different portions of the town, and were located as follows : One nearly opposite the present No. 4 house ; one on the road leading from F. M. Procter's house to Chesterfield, near the south line ; one near the house of Adin T. Reed ; one at the Hill village; one on the north side of old highway, in the valley east of the present No. 9 house, and one probably near the present No. 11 house. These houses did not compare favorably with the comfoi-table provisions of the modern school- house. They were roughly boarded, low posted with " long benches that extended around the three sides of the room, with the exception of the door-way. The fourth side Was occupied by a high open fire-place, and clumsy chimney sometimes laid up with brick, but quite as often with stone, furnishing the most ample ventila- tion. Each row of benches to the rear was elevated upon a floor a step higher so that the back seats were virtually posts of observation. The smaller scholars were seated in front, and came more directly under the eye of the school- master than those seated in the rear, and doubt- less were made to feel the fall of the ponderous birchen ferule as a punishment for misdeeds in- stigated from the more secure back seats, furnish- ing an incentive to rise more potent than the desire to emerge from ignorance. Here were taught in primitive style, — reading, writing and arithmetic, and sometimes geography and grammar. But pedagogues capable of teaching the latter branches were rare. A necessary re- quirement of the teacher was the ability to manufacture a good pen from quills brought for that purpose by the scholars. This faculty must now be included among the lost arts. Nor were text-books in those times very common. A sjjelling-book, bound in boards, was con- sidered an acquisition, and the owner was rated rich among his fellows.' For many years Web- sters' spelling-book was universally used both as a spelling and reader. 484 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Its interesting stories are still related with kindling eye and animated voice by many of our older citizens. In 1790 Webster's old "Third Part" was published, then came the " American Preceptor," the Columbian Orator," the "English Reader," the "American First Class Book," "National Reader," "Easy Les- sons " and " Sequal to Easy Lessons," Pike's, "Adams," and Colburn's "Arithmetics," Morse's " Geography " and Murray's " Grammar " were also taught generally in later years. During the year 1789, an attempt was made to divide the town into twelve squadrons, and a commit- tee was chosen to make the divisions and to locate the school-houses. It appears that the committee performed their duty, for the town gave due credit by passing a vote to that effect, still from some cause did not adopt their report. The town was now gaining in population at the rate of nearly one hundred yearly. It had nearly double the population of to-day. Many sections of the towns were discommoded by dis- tance to school-houses. They clamored for greater facilities, and labored diligently to have their wants supplied. In 1792 the town voted to create a new school squadron, defining its boundaries, which were nearly the present bounds of No. 10. In 1794 the town choose Caleb Aldrich, Jr., William Hutchins and Nathan Babbitt a com- mittee " to make a new division of the town into schoolricks." They reported in favor of eight divisions, to be called school wards. They located the houses substantially as follows : First, at intersection of roads west of O. J. Ware's house. Second, near the house of F. G. Parker, in south- west corner of cemetery. Third, on the site of the present No. 10 house. Fourth, north and near A. Briggs' house, on east side of road. Fifth, at intersection of roads south of Frank Al- drich's house. Sixth, near Captain Theodore Coles' house. Seventh, near S. H. Burts' residence. Eighth, near Almon Craig's house. By this division a few families at the south- west and east parts of the town were not con- veniently accessible to a school-house, and to these few families the town gave their school money tax to be schooled out under the in- spection of the selectmen. Those in the extreme east part were far better accommodated by send- ing to the adjoining Surry school-ward. The following year, 1796, the town voted two hun- dred and forty pounds for the building and furnishing of school-houses, " to be divided according to what they pay," and to be effected by a committee chosen for that purpose. In 1798 the town voted to make a new division, and chose a committee for that purpose. They made eleven divisions. Beside creating three new wards they made considerable alterations in the bounds of the old wards, and numbered them differently. The new Ward 4 is nearly identical with the old Ward 7, and its house is on the same site. The new Ward 5 is nearly identical with the old Ward 6, with the same site for its school- house. The Sixth Ward school-house was located south of the house of Frank T. Aldrich. This ward is nearly the old Ward 5. The Seventh Ward house remains upon old site. The Eighth Ward house was now built on its present site. The Ninth Ward house location was left dis- cretionary with the district who removed it to the east side of the road near the southwest corner of the home-pasture of the J. N. Bart- lett estate. In 1846 it was removed to its present site. The new Ward 1 was formed from the di- vision of the old Ward 8 into the new Wards 1 and 2. Ward 8 house became Ward 2 house now and the Ward 1 house was built upon the site of the old Christian meeting-house. Af- terward it was removed to near the gateway leading to the house of Albert Chickering and was burnt. WESTMORELAND. 485 The Third Ward house was built at the in- tersection of roads near the site of the Alvin Chickering buildings. In 1815 this house was removed to the north side of the brook on east side of the road, near the house of Elmer T. Nims. In 1830, the present house was built on its present site. The new Ward 10, formerly a portion of Ward 2 and 3, retained the site and house of the old Ward 3. Ward 11 house was built on its present site. These wards remain essentially unchanged to-day. The committee making this division consisted of Seth Britton, Joseph BufFum, Na- thaniel Blanchard, Elias Gates, George Cobb, James Eobbins, Charles Church, Solomon Wheeler and Stephen Bowker. Their report was accepted and adopted by the town, and five hundred and fifty pounds were raised to build and repair school-houses. " Each ward was to have what they paid." March 19, 1798, the town chose a collector and a building-committee of three from each ward. Steward Esty, John Brown and Joseph Hunt were chosen to ap- praise the school-houses already built or partly so. Their report indicates but four houses ap- praised, namely : No. 10 house, $153.33 ; No. 9 house, $197.16 ; No. 2 house, $76.12 and No. 6 house, $58.83. In 1804 the town raised seven hundred dollars for schooling and an- nexed Steward Esty and Joseph Wilber to the Second Ward. Thus for twenty-one years the town has been variously divided into squadrons, ricks and wards. Previously to the year 1805, the care of the schools at first devolved upon the selectmen, afterwards upon the creation of wards, it was shifted to the responsibility of ward committees. In 1805 the Legislature established by statute the district system, which for many years worked favorably, but as our population lessens it fails to be as satisfactory. In 1807 Leonard Wilcox's real estate (then Thomas McNeal's) was taken from Ward 7 and annexed to Ward 10. In 1808 the Legislature provided for superintend- ing School committees, whose prescribed duties were to visit and inspect schools at such times as should be most expedient and in manner conducive to the progress of literature, morality and religion. March 15, 1816, Jotham Lord, one of the prominent men in the town, donated to the town the sum often dollars, upon the following conditions, which were accepted by vote of the town, May 17, 1817 " That the money was to be cared for by the Sev lectmen, by them to be let out, not exacting from any person in town more than 5 per cent, interest, which must be paid every three months. The town to have a prior right to the loan of the same, to be loaned upon good security, and kept until its annual gains and additions shall increase the sum to $2000, after which the town may appropriate the interest thereof to such purposes as they may think most useful to the town." For many years it has been deposited in the Cheshire Provident Institution, and now amounts (1884) to $757. 25. The general understanding is that it shall be devoted to the schools. At this same meeting the town voted to accept the donation of one thousand dollars from the will of Eliphalet Fox, upon the conditions that the intei-est be devoted toward the support of our schools. For many years this has been a peren- nial source of substantial aid to the cause of education, and, while the mists of years have obscured the history of Fox, still the town has ocxiasion to revere his name as a noble, public benefactor. In 1829 the town received from the State $1772.67. This is known as the Literary Fund. It came from a tax imposed by the State in 1821 of one-half of one per cent, on the capital stock of the banks. The interest there- on is by law devoted toward the support of the schools. In 1829 the Union District was formed (No. 12), from Districts No. 2 and 11, and the farms formerly owned by Isaac K. White and Gardner Knight were taken from No. 3 and annexed to No. 2. In 1830 the school-house in No. 3 was built on its present site. At the same time the farm of F. M. Procter was taken from No-. 4 and annexed to 486 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. No. 3, also the place of William Brown from No. 6, and also the present South village from No.. 10. From No. 3 the same year the Butter- field pasture was taken and annexed to No. 12 ; also the farm of Henry C. Cobleigh, from No. 9 to No. 8. In 1835 a committee M'as chosen to define the boundaries of the several school districts. It consisted of one member from each school district, namely, Larkin Baker, Henry Esty, I>una Foster, Increase Warren, Haskell Buffura, Barton Skinner, Calvin Q. A. Britton, Timothy Hoskins, Jr., Aaron Works, Otis Hutchins, David Livingston and Zenas Britton. Their work was accepted, and remains to-day the only written record of boundaries of school districts of legal force, excepting special changes since made by vote of the town and otherwise. In 1835 the No. 1 District was severed into two, and therefrom No. 13 formed. The matter of location of school houses in town, and especially in the East Parish, has been the fruitful subject for much contention for many years. In 1845 several lots of several owners and part of the present John B. Hall farm, were taken from No. 2 and annexed to No. 12. About 1870 school-house No. 1 was burn- ed. A difference of opinion arose respecting the proper site for a new house. The one chosen did not meet the desire of all, and the matter was settled by resorting to the county commis- sioners, who located the house in 1873 upon the present site. The following year the home- farm of J. E. Fuller was taken, by act of the Legislature, from No. 2 and annexed to No. 1. In 1884 the farm of Delana Norris was taken from No. 2 and annexed to No. 1. In 1879 Districts No. 1 and 13 were united. Numerous other changes have been made on the several school districts, but time and space will not admit of their enumeration. The liegislature of 1884 repealed this system, and the town became one district. In comparison with former years our schools have very largely decreased in numbers ; to- day we have no schools with eighty to one hun- dred and upwards of scholars as was formerly witnessed. Teachers would be rare indeed to-day who could be induced to take one of those old time schools to manage. It required more than common ability to manage them successfully then. Among the successfiil pedagogues of those earlier years were Barton Skinner, Otis Hutchins, Arvin Aldrich, Zenas Britton, Charles Butterfield, Larkin Baker and many others. Among them was one Nathaniel Wil- bore, commonly known as Priest Wilbur. It is related of him that upon a certain occasion while teaching the school in the present No. 2 district one of his scholars, John Bowker by name, having committed some misdemeanor, was sent out doors by Wilbur " to prepare for a flogging." Bowker proceeded to encase his body and limbs with birch bark over which he drew his clothes and presented himself for eas- tigation. Taking his switch in hand, Wilbur struck a blow around the culprit's legs. He was surprised to hear the rattling of the bark and to witness the illy-suppressed merriment of his victim. " What doesthismean ?" asked Wilbur. " It means," replied Bowker, " that I have obeyed your orders to prepare for a flogging, and I have to the best of my ability." It is said that Bowker escaped punishment that time. POLITICAL. In colonial times the only parties (other than local or personal) were the supporters and opposers of the royal prerogative. These were known as Whigs and Tories. In the war for independence the latter party became extinct as a party. Its most bigoted members fled from the country ; others, by concessions to the Whigs, remained surrounded, however, in an atmosphere of deep-seated hatred, oftentimes of persecution. In the convention that framed the Constitution first appeared the parties known as Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The former, under the leadership of Washing ton and the elder Adams, wished to strengthen WESTMOEELAND. 487 the general government at the expense of the individual States that entered into the Confed- eration. The latter party, under the lead of Jefferson and Madison, took the opposite view, and wished to maintain the independence of the individual States at all hazards. The re- sult was a compromise Constitution. Political history is the record of compromise. The per- petuity of any republican form of government is dependent upon the free exercise of the right of suffrage, under proper restrictions, of its nicely-balanced power, wielded by the advocates or the opponents of measures of public expedi- ency. After the adoption of the Constitution, in 1789, there was very little political excite- ment. Westmoreland was practically a politi- cal Federal unit for fifteen years. Parties had now assumed the names of Federalists and Republicans. In 1805 the Eepublicans carried the State; and the following year Westmoreland for the first time. The vote stood : For John Langdon, 146 ; Timothy Farrar, 62; John J. Gilman, 11. For the three years ensuing Governor Lang- don received a handsome majority. The result was reversed in 1809 and 1810, when Jeremiah Smith, the Federal nominee, carried the town. For some years a heavy vote was cast and evidently party feeling was active. This be- gan to subside in 1818. From 1810 to 1819 first one party was in the ascendancy, then the other, but always upon a light vote. In 1817 James Monroe became President, and the Fed- eral name disappeared from the political hori- zon. During his administration arose " the ir- repressible conflict " between liberty and slavery. This was a topic that forced itself for debate in every public place, at every private nearth, — a debate that waged stronger and stronger in the course of years and finally culminated in the firing upon Sumter and the War of the Rebellion. Following the disappearance of the Federal name came the Radicals and the Conservatives, but all were merged in the com- mon name of Eepublicans. When measures became obscure, candidates became conspicuous and served to excite contention. At this time David L. Morril was in the Senate of the United States from New Hampshire. Elo- quent and incisive of speech, he fearlessly stood up in the Senate Chamber and hurled his de- nunciations against the further extension of slavery. In 1825 Westmoreland complimented him with two hundred votes for Governor and none in opposition. In the warm controversy that ensued towards the close of Monroe's ad- ministration, respecting who of the five candi- dates in the field should be his successor, West- moreland voted unanimously for the Adams electors. In March, 1825, New England's fav- orite son was inaugurated the sixth President of the United States. Soon, party feeling be- came stronger and more acrimonious. Under the leadership of Adams and Clay, a new party- name appears, called the National Republican. In later years it took the name of Whigs, and still later, in 1856, it united with the anti- slavery party and took the old name of Repub- licans. Westmoreland, from the advent of the Whig party to the outbreak of the Rebellion, strongly leaned toward Democracy ; from that time it has generally been Republican, although generally very evenly divided. In a hasty review, let us now consider the part that Westmoreland bore in the several early Constitutional Conventions and the events connected therewith, preliminary to the final adoption of the Constitution of 1789. On May 9, 1775, Joseph Wilber was chosen a delegate to a convention which assembled at Exeter on the 17th of the same month. One hundred and two towns were represented by one hundred and thirty-three members. Post- ofEces were established, a committee of supplies for the army and a Committee of Safety were formed, and the provincial records secured, whereupon this convention adjourned Novem- ber 16th. On December 12, 1775, Heber Mil- ler was chosen representative to the Provincial Congress, to be held at Exeter on the 21st day 488 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of the same month, and Jonathan Cole, Benja- min Peirce, Archelaus Temple, Joseph Wilber, Waitstill Scott, John Cole and Amos Peirce were chosen a committee to give instructions to the representative. Ebenezer Britton was chosen a Committee of Safety. This Congress, without delay, drew up a new form of government, as- suming, on the 5th day of January, 1776, the name and authority of a House of Representa- tives, and chose twelve persons to form a separate branch of the Legislature, to be called the Council. All acts, to become valid, were to be approved by both branches. Each branch was to chose its own presiding officers, and both branches while in session performed ex- ecutive duties. During a recess of the Legis- lature a Committee of Safety was provided and chosen to perform executive duties. Meshech Weare was chosen president of this Council, and was ex-officio president of this Committee of Safety. For the first time this Congress adopted the name of- Colony of New Hampshire. Soon after the Declaration of Independence the name Colony was dropped and the name State sub- stituted. The warrant for a meeting to be held De- cember 13, 1776, was the first one to bear the heading of the State of New Hampshire. On January 31, 1777, the town voted "dissatisfac- tion with the present plan of government." While the particular grievance is not stated in any record, still it is safe to say that the town participated in the very general feeling exist- ing throughout the State that the legislative branches had assumed monarchical powers. On April 6, 1778, Archelaus Temple was chosen to attend the convention to be held at Concord, June 10th, to agree upon some system or form of government for the State. The plan that they proposed did not receive the ap- proval of the people. January 23, 1788, Archelaus Temple was chosen a delegate to a convention to be held at Exeter the ensuing month to consider the Fed- eral Constitution, and in behalf of the State to accept or reject it. June 21st it was adopted. On the 15th of December, 1788, was held the first town-meeting for the purpose of voting for representatives in the Congress of the United States and for electors of Presid ent and Vice-Presi- dent. Three representatives and five electors were voted for. The following is the record : Samuel Livermore, Benjamin West, Abial Foster each had the entire number of votes— name- ly, thirty-two — for representatives. For electors each of the following men received the entire vote cast, — twenty-seven : Joshua Wentworth, Benjamin . Bellows, Timothy Farrar, Ebenezer Smith, Barzaliel Woodward. The lightness of the vote is truly surprising, when we consider that during the eleven years that followed the year 1775 the population of Westmore- land increased rapidly. From 758 in 1775 it reached 1620 in 1786. The town was now booming with prosperity. This con- tinued until 1820, when, from various causes, the population began to decrease. The first election ever held for State and county officers was held under the new Constitution, March 3, 1784. The entire number of votes cast for President of the State were given to John Langdon, being 26. There were no votes cast for Senators. The Senatorial districts coincided with the coun- ties, and to Cheshire County was assigned two to elect. Archelaus Temple was chosen a delegate to a convention to be held at Concord, September 7, 1791. This convention proposed to the people for their ratification seventy-two amendments. Their purport does not now appear. August 27, 1792, the town " Voted to accept the amend- ments under the head of Senate, Governor and Council." This Constitution, with the several amendments adopted this year, remains substan- tially to the present time. WESTMOKELAND. 489 CHAPTEE, VI. WESTMORELAND— ( Continued). MILITARY HISTORY. I WOULD that I could write of the military history of Westmoreland with an approach to- ward completeness. The records of the town are missing from its incorporation to the year 1775. Of its eventful history during these twenty-tliree years we have only the most meagre and fragmentary evidence. Truly, we have oc- casion to mourn their loss. It is certain that Westmoreland was represented in the last French and Indian War, but how numerously we know not. Its citizens were frequently called upon to repel Indian forays, of which mention is made in another chapter. Joel Priest was a private in Rodgers' Rangers in the French and Indian War, and was present at the sacking of the St. Francis village in 1759 ; he was also a Revolu- tionary soldier, serving in Capt. Hawkins' com- pany in Colonel Bedel's regiment, also in Capt. Carlisle's company. In accordance with an act of the Provincial Congress, passed August 25, 1775, the selectmen proceeded to take a census of the town, the first after the State ceased to be a province, and the first made with any claim to accuracy. The result was a popula- tion of three hundred and fifty-seven, including thii'ty-eight persons gone into the army. The selectmen also report sixy-three fire-arms fit for use, and sixty-seven wanting to supply the town. This report, signed by Heber Miller, Archelaus Temple, Waitstill Scott, selectmen, bears date of October 26, 1775. Who were these thirty-eight men I can only write in part. The want of fire-arms, it seems, was not readily supplied, for we find recorded a petition bearing date of June 3, 1776 signed by the town Committee of Safety, — Joseph Burt, Ebenezer Brittou, Jr., John Chamberlain, — addressed to the Legislature or Colonial Committee of Safety as follows : " Gentlemen, we have Jest heard of the Retreat of our Nothard army Which Puts us in feere that the Savages Will Be Down upon our frontiers and we in this Towne Being very Short for ammunition as well as Sum armes Wanting: Have with our Naboring Towns agreed to Send mr Amos Babcock after armes and ammunition ; and we hope that we may Bee Saplied With those articals Without Which we Can- not Defend ourSelves Nor oure Country in order that each man have one Pound of Powder we Want in this Towne sixty wait and we Want fore hundred flints one hundred w' of Lead and Twenty guns Which Will Well aquip us for wor if mr Babcock Can Be Saplied With the above articals we the Subscribers Being the Committee of Safety for the Towne of West- moreland Will in Behalf of the Towne ingage the Pay." On the 14th day of March, 1776, General Congress passed a resolution which came to the selectmen in a form of a request from the Com- mitte of Safety of New Hampshire, " to require of all males above twenty-one years of age (lunatics, idiots and negroes excepted) to sign to the declaration on this paper; and when so done to make return thereof together with the name or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same to the General Assembly or Committee of Safety of this Colony." The declaration or pledge was as follows : " We the Subscribers do hereby solemnly Engage and promise that we will to the utmost of our Power at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes with Arms op- pose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies Against the United American Colonies.'' One hundred and thirty signed the declara- tion, as follows : Israel Amsby. Abiel Eddy. Benjamin Aldrich. Jonah Edson. Caleb Aldrich. Nathan Franklin. James Butterfield. Seth Gilbert. Ebenezer Britton. Gideon Gilbert. Ebenezer Bailey. Jonathan Goodnow. Joseph Burt. Edmund Goodnow. Ebenezer Britton (2d). Nahum Goodnow. William Brockway. Israel Goodnow. David Britton. Asa Goodnow. William Britton. Fortunatus Gleason. Luther Baily. James Gleason. Seth Britton. Benjamin Gleason. Jonas Butterfield. David Glasier. Enos Burt. Elias Gates. Caleb Briggs. Jonathan Holton. 490 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTr, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gideon Burnham. Moses Bennett. Ephraim Brown. Joseph Boynton. Daniel Blanchard. Moses Brown. Isaac Cobb. Daniel Cobb. Henry Chamberlain. John Chamberlain. Roger Gonant. Thomas Chamberlain. Jedediah Chamberlain Jonathan Cole, Jr. Aaron Chandler. John Cole. Jonathan Cole (3d). Increase Chamberlain. John Cooper. Isaac Chamberlain. Stephen Dutton. David Darby. Nathaniel Daggett. Josiah Dodge. William Day. John Doyle. Jeptha Dow. Eleazer Robbins. Robert Robbins. Ephraim Robbins. John Robbins. Jonas Robbins. Eleazer Robbins, Jr. David Robbins. David Robinson. Benjamin Rodgers. Micah Read. John Snow. Jonathan Sawyer. David Stacy. Waitstill Scott. John Scott. Jeremiah Tiukham. Alexander Trotter. Reuben Tarbell. Elijah Temple. Archelaus Temple. John Veazy. Daniel Whitman. And six refused to Rev. William Goddard. Leonard Keep. Job Chamberlain. William Hutchins. Abner How. Daniel How. Josiah Hacket. Samuel How. David Johnson. Daniel Johnson. Willis Johnson. Reuben Kendall. Daniel Keys. Ephraim Leonard. Jacob Leach. Sherebiah Leach. Zepheniah Leach. Josiah Leach, Jr. Aruniah Leach. Isaac Leach. Josiah Leach. Seth Leach. Nehemiah Man. David Nathernell. Benjamin Pierce. Ebenezer Pierce. Daniel Pierce. Amos Pierce. Joseph Packard. John Ranstead. Noah Whitman. Joseph Wilbore. Philip Wilbore. Nathaniel Wilbore. David Wilbore. Philip Wilbore (2d). Joseph White. Moses White. Esekiel Woodward. Jonathan Willis. Artemas Wille. Ephraim Wetherly. William Warner. Joshua Warner. Joshua Warner, Jr. Job Warner. John Warner. Henry Walton. Samuel Works. Harridon Wheeler. David Winchester. Jonathan Winchester. sign, namely, — Aaron Brown. Daniel Gates. John Butterfield. Why these six men refused to sign the Test Oath is not apparent. Three of them, at least were true patriots, and performed good service in the American cause, namely, — Keep, Brown and Gates, and there is no evidence whatever that the other three men were Tories. In 1767, prior to the Revolution, the militia in this part of the State from Massachusetts line as far north as Claremont and including New- port, were in one regiment, commanded by Colo- nel Josiah Willard, of Winchester. When the war came on Colonel Willard sided with the Tory party and his regiment was divided into two in August, 1775. To the First Regi- ment Westmoreland was assigned. The com- mand of this regiment was given to Samuel Ashley, Esq., of Winchester. Isaac Butterfield, of this town, was its major. This was afterwards known as the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment. The battle of Lexington, on April 19, 1775, aroused the people to a sense of their danger. At a convention held at Exeter, May, 20, 1775, it was voted to raise two thousand men in ad- dition to those already in the field, which would constitute a brigade of three regiments, under the respective commands of the fol- lowing colonels : Stark, Poor and Reed. The Eighth Company of Colonel Reed's regiment contained the following Westmoreland men, and was under command of Captain Jacob Hinds : Isaac Stone, lieutenant. Samuel White, corporal. George Aldrich, 2d do Nahum Goodenow, drum- John Cole, sergeant. mer. Caleb Aldrich, corporal. Privates. Ebenezer Aldrich. Thomas Amsden. Job Brittain. Ebenezer Chamberlain. Henry Chamberlain. Daniel Carlisle. David Darby. Silas Farnsworth. Samuel How. William Hutchins. Jude Hall. Ephraim Leonard. David Robbins. Eleazer Robbins. Samuel Robbins. James Simonds. David Wetherell. David Warner. Nathan Wilbore. John White. Job Warner. David Glazier. Aaron Whiting. John Ranstead. Caleb Balch. Ephraim Stone, Q. M. Sgt. WESTMORELAND. 491 This company consisted of sixty-five men, in- cluding its officers. Tlaese men were in the service for different periods, but none for a greater length of time under this company or- ganization thau three months and eight days. The privates received pay at the rate of forty shillings per month and were allowed for one hundred and ten miles travel at the rate of one penny a mile ; also, one pound and sixteen shil- lings for coat and blanket. This regiment was engaged in the memora- ble struggle at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, and together with another New Hampshire regi- ment, under Colonel Stark, repulsed two des- perate attacks made by the flower of the Brit- ish army, led by General Howe in person, and held their advanced position until their ammuni- tion was exhausted, and, having but a few bay- onets, they retreated in good order, but uncon- quered. On the 21st of June, 1775, four days after the battle, (>olonel Reed, at Winter Hill, made his regimental return, in which we find that Captain Hinds' company is credited with thirty-nine men fit for duty, two wounded, two sick, fourteen uninjured, one missing, five absent. These regiments were soon afterwards reor- ganized as " Continental troops," or regulars, and did excellent service at Trenton and Prince- ton. The following are interesting relating to Captain Hinds' company: " We the subscribers do Solemnly and Severally inlist ourselves as Soldiers ia the New Hampshire Service for the preservation of the Liberties of Amer- ica from the day of our Inlistment to the last day of December Next, unless the Servis should admit of a Discharge of a part or the whole sooner, which shall be at the Discretion of the Committy of Safety and we Hereby promise to submit ourselves to all the or- ders and Regulations of the army and faithfully to observe all such orders as we shall receive from time to time from our Superior officers. " John Ranstead Samuel How Caleb Balch David Glazure Job Warner Edward West, deserted Nathan Wilbur Aaron Whiton Nathaniel Whitcomb David Thompson Jonathan Thompson Ephraim Stone" Ebenezer Aldrich DaTid Wetherell Ephraim Leonard Benjamin Mi not Daniel Warner " Sept. 19th, 1775.— We the Subscribers do hereby acknowledge that we have received of Ichabod Rolins, Esq., Twelve Shillings, £. m'y each for a Blanket and Forty Shillings £ my each for one month's pay being inlisted in Captain Hinds' Company in Colonel Reed's Regiment. Nathaniel Whitcomb his David X Thompson mark his Jonathan X Thompson'' mark "John Ranstead Job Warner Ebenezer Aldrich Benjamin Minott Daniel Warner David Glazier his Aaron X Wheaton mark " We the Subscribers belonging to Captain Hinds' Company in Col. Reed's Regiment do hereby ac- knowledge that we have received of Timo. Walker, Jr., Four Dollars each man in full for the regimental Coats which was promised us by the Colony of New Hampshire. "Medford, Oct'. 4, 1775. " John Cole William Far well Richard Coughlan William Hutchins Nahum Goodenow Samuel Robbins Reuben Tarbell Luther Winslow Daniel Warner his Ira X Evans mark Elijah Elmer David Glazier Nathaniel Whitcomb Elijah Taylor his Israel X Thomas mark Daniel Carlile Moses Belding .Tosiah Powers Jonathan Barrit John W. Mitchel Henry Chamberlin Job Warner Ebenezer Aldrich hia Eleazer X Robbins mark Jude Hall Ephraim Stone Elijah Cooper Ebenezer Chamberlain his Nathaniel X Pettingil mark his James X Simmonds mark his John X Meginnis mark David Stoddard David Robbins his Jonathan X Thompson mark his Lemuel X Wentworth mark his David X Thompson mark Caleb Aldrich Jonathan Wright Elisha Belding" 492 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ezekiel Davis had a coat found by the colony. In the Ninth Company of same regiment Avas Nehemiah Brown. He returned in the fall of the year sick with a complication of diseases, in consequence of which he was put upon the half- pay list. His regiment participated in the bat- tle of Bunker Hill. The records show that Aldrich, White, Cole, Darby, How, Carlisle and others each lost a portion of their wardrobe at the battle of June 17, 1775. At an early hour in the morning of the last day of the year 1775, a small force of Amer- can troops, under Arnold and Montgomery, af- ter a march of incredible hardship, weakened by hunger, exposed to all the severities of a Canadian winter, appeared like spectres before the strongest fortified city in America. In a driving storm of hail and snow they made the des- perate attempt to take Quebec by assault. It was fated with defeat. It proved worse than that. The American forces were obliged to retreat, a scattering remnant. The news of its defeat, with all its detail of horrors, thrilled the American cause. January 20, 1776, the New Hampshire House of Repre- sentatives voted to raise one regiment of soldiers forthwith. This regiment consisted of eight companies 'and was placed under the command of Colonel Timothy Bedell to reinforce the Northern Continental army. Isaac Butter- field, of Westmoreland, was major. The Sec- ond Company of this regiment was commanded by Captain Daniel Carlisle, of Westmoreland' and contained the following Westmoreland men : Ephraim Stone, second Henry Chamberlain. lieutenant. Joshua Pierce. Timothy Butterfield, sergeant. Joel Priest. Caleb Thayer. Bezaleel Grandy. William Temple. Daniel Gates. Isaac Gibbs. Philip Alexander. Luke Aldrich. Thomas Amsden. Joel Aldrich. Jacob Staples. Isaac Stone. Ebenezer Chamberlain Ebenezer Aldrich. Enos Burt. John Rugg. Moses Brown. They arrived at a fort called The Cedai-s distant about forty-five miles to the southwest from Montreal. Colonel Bedell expecting an immediate attack, knowing that be was ill-pre- pared to resist successfully, left a part of his regiment, numbering four hundred men, under the command of Major Butterfield, and pro- ceeded himself to Montreal for reinforcements. Soon after. Captain George Forster, with five hundred British troops, appeared before the fort and demanded its surrender. Major But- terfield, upon consultation with his officere, de- cided that it would be without avail to with- stand the demand, having but a scant supply of ammunition, in a damaged condition, with a large number upon the sick-list, and all weak- ened from wintry exposure. He considered it best to capitulate, agreeably to the rules of war. This he did on the 19th day of May, 1776. Contrary to the terms of the surrender, his men were afterward treated in an inhuman manner, stripped of their clothing and some were murdered. Major Butterfield has been severely criticised, even by some of the men under his command, for capitulating without a fight; but it seems safe, at least, to presume that he endeavored to act wisely under the cir- cumstances. The following petition is of interest in con- nection with this brief sketch. It appears that but a few men signed this petition, and it is reasonable to suppose that if the feeling therein expressed, was generally entertained by all the men under command of Major Butterfield, that other and more numerously signed petitions would have been presented, — "To the Honourable the Council and house of Representatives to be conven'd at Exeter, in New Hampshire on the the 10" day of March 1779. " The Humble Petition and Remonstrance of the Company Commanded by Cap' Daniel Wilkins in Col° Beedels Reg' in Canada humbly sheweth that on y= 19*^ of May 1776 we unhappily fell into the hands of our unnatural and savage Enemy at the Cedars in Canada when Major Butterfield our commanding officer Capitulated with Cap' Foster of the British army to the great grief and surprise of said Company, WESTMORELAND. 493 on the following terms (viz) that we surrendered our- selves as prisoners of war and was to deliver up our arms which, accordingly we did and we was to have our packs and Baggage - and Cap' Foster Engaged not to suffer the savages to plunder or abuse us, nor suffer the British troops so to do. But contrary to the Rules of War, they inhumanly without regard to their promise, suffered the savages to rob and plunder .us of our packs and baggage, and strip us of our clothes off our backs and left us entirely naked, in this deplora- ble situation we were left in an enemies Country with- out money, clothing or friends that could contribute to our relief — Therefore your humble petitioners humbly pray that your honors would take the matter under your serious consideration and grant to each per- son a sum something adequate to the loss he sustained and your Petitioners will gratefully acknowledge the favor, and as in duty bound shall ever pray. "Signed by Robert Campbell and twenty-two others." I have seen no record of any action having been taken upon this petition. Relating to Captain CarUsle's company, we find the following receipts of interest : " Charlestown Feb. 24* 1776— Received of Jn" Bel- lows Esq' twenty-one Guns with Bayonets also twenty- one belts the Guns @ 45s. and the belts @ 5s. each If not returned to be accounted for according to the Custom of the Army, — " Dan' Carlisle, Captain of Col" Bedels regiment.'' "Charlestown February 24"" 1776— Rec* of John Bellows Esquire Five pounds five shillings & Seven pence for the travel of forty-five Men of my company to the place of mustering. 'P'M= Dan' Carlisle' Captain Daniel Carlisle remained with the northern army until after General Sullivan had assumed its command. Upon a march to the southward, Captain Carlisle was detailed to look up some boats to transport the troops across Lake Champlain. As the enemy had destroyed them all, Carlisle's search was conse- quently in vain, and he so reported to General Sullivan. He was ordered to make another search, and necessarily with the same result and j-eport. Sullivan thereupon flew into a passion, drew his sword and made a movement as if to strike Carlisle down. Carlisle instantly seized a gun from the hands of a soldier standing by his side, instantly leveled it at Sullivan's head, and, with a firm voice, informed Sullivan to lower his sword or die. Sullivan lowered his sword, but Carlisle was cashiered and sent home in disgrace. Nevertheless, Carlisle was a good soldier and a true patriot. The Third Company of this regiment was under the command of Captain Jason Wait, and included the following men from West- moreland . Nehemiah Gould, enlisted April 29, 1777; discharged August 10, 1778. David Johnson, enlisted April 16, 1777 ; discharged, December, 1781. Captain Jason Wait came to this town during the Revolutionary War from Alstead. He was a man of great physical strength and endurance. He rose from a private to a major, in times when promotion was only secured by merit. Captain Wait, together with his regiment, were held prisoners for a time. Upon the reorganizing of Colonel Stark's old regiment, April 7, 1777, Wait was made captain of Company 2, under Colonel Joseph Cilley, and served in this capacity during the years 1777, '78, '79. In 1780 he was promoted to major of his old battle-scarred regiment, and reinained with it to the close of the war. It is related that at the battle of Bennington he captured, alone, six Hessian prisoners. He was a noted fighter. He died in 1806, and was buried with the honors of Masonry in the Cole cemetery. In the autumn of 1776 a regiment was raised for Canada under Colonel Joshua Win- gate. As ensign of Company 6 we find Wil- liam Bennett. Later, another regiment was raised for the same destination under Colonel Nahum Baldwin. The Sixth Company was under the command of Captain John Houghton, and included the following men from West- moreland : Waitstill Scott, ensign. Edmund Goodnow. Samuel Cobb. Caleb Aldrich. Ephraim Leonard. William Britain. 494 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Nathan Franklin Jonathan Houtton.' John Chamberlin. David French. In the regiment raised to reinforce the northern army, under Colonel Isaac Wyman, of Keene, in August, 1776, I find its record to contain the following men credited to West- moreland : Benjamin Young Smith, Asahel Johnson, Jesse Nott and John Avril. New Hampshire raised a regiment of men in December, 1776, to reinforce the Continental army in the State of New York, under the command of Colonel David Gilman. These men received one month's advance wages, " a bounty of 20 shillings per month over the Stated wages — also two pence a mile for Travel & in lieu of baggage Waggons." The First Company was under the command of Captain Francis Towne, and included the following men from Westmoreland : Micah Reed, sergeant ; Jonathan Avery, Nathaniel Thomas, Philip Alexander, David Winchester, Jonathan Win- chester. Following the Declaration of Independence, the New Hampshire Assembly and Council proceeded, in September, by legislative act, to organize all male persons, with certain excep- tions, into a training-band and into an alarm- list ; the former comprising all able-bodied male persons in the State from sixteen years old to fifty, and the latter all male persons from sixteen to sixty-five years old. Negroes, mu- lattoes and Indians, together with certain per- sons occupying official positions aud in certain employments, were exempted from military ser- vice. Both classes were organized into com- panies and regiments, arid all were liable to do duty in case of an emergency. Every person, if able, was required to furnish at his own ex- pense his arms and accoutrements; otherwise the town in which he resided did so. The alarm-list included all persons between the said specified ages not included in the train- ing-band. The alarm was to be the firing of 'Probably HoltoD. three guns one after the other, by firing the beacon, or the drums beating the alarm. Early in May, 1777, express-ridei-s came into New Hampshire bearing the news of the approach of the British army upon Ticonderoga. Major- General Folsom, in command of the New Hampshire militia, called out portions of the reg- iments in the western part of the State to march immediately to the aid of the American army at that place. Accordingly, Colonels Bellows, Ashley and Chase marched their regiments to Ticonderoga. The alarm proving to be false, these regiments returned in about three M'eeks. Of this regiment, Westmoreland furnished its adjutant, Ephraim Stone, and its quartermas- ter, Leonard Keep. Captain Waitstill Scott, of this town, commanded the First Company of Colonel Ashley's regiment. Its roll contained the following Westmoreland men : Waitstill Scott, captain. Nathan Franklin, ser- geant. John Chamberlain, sec- ond lieutenant. Ephraim Sawyer, fourth sergeant. John Veazy, fourth corp. Nahutn Goodnow, drum- mer. Privates. Nathaniel Daggett. Shadrach Dodge. Timothy Goodnow. Abraham Gibbs. Oliver Gerry. Daniel Whitman. Benjamin Walker. John Warner. Ephraim Wetherell. Ezekiel Woodward. David Winchester. Thomas Hazleton. Israel Amsbury. Caleb Aldrich. William Akers. Joseph Boynton. Nehemiah Brown. Job Britton. Samuel Cobb. Increase Chamberlain, Calvin Chamberlain. Reuben Kendall. William Read. John Read. Solomon Robbins. Chesterfield and Hinsdale were repre- sented in this company. This company was discharged June 21st, having served forty days, and received pay at the rate of £4 10s. per month, with travel fees at three pence per mile out and two pence on return, computing the distance at one hundred and ten miles. Gen- eral Gates, in command at Ticonderoga, No- vember 9, 1777, wrote a letter to the officers WESTMORELAND. 495 and men of Colonels Bellows' and Ashley's reg- iments, returning thanks for the spirit and ex- pedition shown in marching upon the first alarm of threatened invasion. These men had barely got home when other expresses arrived with tidings that Burgoyne and his army had actually arrived within a few miles of Ticon- deroga and was about to invest the fated fort- ress. Immediately the militia was called to the rescue. From Westmoreland and vicinity a company of- sixty-three men marched, of whom the following were citizens of Westmoreland : John Cole, captain. Jonathan Holton, first lieutenant. Abial Eddy, second lieu- tenant. James Butterfield, en- sign. William Hutchins, ser- geant. Joseph White, sergeant. Jonathan Sawyer, ser- geant. Ephraim Sawyer, ser- geant. Job Warren, corporal. Moses Briggs, corporal. David Wetherell, corp. Nahum Goodnow, drum- mer. David Foster, fifer. Caleb How. David Bobbins. Eleazer Bobbins. Simeon Cobb. Simeon Duggett. Nehemiah How. Jonas Bobbins. James Gleason. John Doyle. Ebenezer Pierce. Benjamin Pierce. David Pierce. Samuel Works. Benjamin Extell. John Warner. Jonas Edson. Daniel How. John Snow. Privates. Elisha Wilber. Ephraim Witherell. Joseph Burt. Daniel Pierce. Leonard Keep. Luther Baily. John Bobbins. John Veazey. Amos Pierce. David Britton. Job Britton. John Eanstead. Eeuben Tarbell. Josiah Warren. Jonathan Cole. Caleb Aldrich. Ephraim Leonard. William Britton. Henry Chamberlain. Nathaniel Wilber Timothy Butterfield. This company left town June 28th, and marched to within five miles of Otter Creek, where an express informed them that the enemy had retired. They returned to No. 4, when they were- overtaken by orders to march to Ti- conderonda ; they responded to the call and got within three miles of Otter Creek, where they met the army on their retreat. These constant alarms and repeated marches served to work up military spirit and to ripen it for action. Nor did they have long to wait ; for Burgoyne, flushed with success, was prepar- ing to swoop, like a vulture, upon tlie New Hampshire grants. So far, before his triumph- ant marches the Continental troops vanished like autumn leaves before the gale. The Eng- lish ministry considered that New England was the heart of the rebellion ; her object was to sever it from the other colonies ; then to sub- jugate it. With this object in view, General Burgoyne detached Colonel Baum with fifteen hundred Hessians and Tories, with a large body of Indians, with orders to scour the country from Otter Creek to Rockingham ; thence down the river to Brattleborough, and then to return to Albany. Colonel Baum was directed to tax the towns along the line of his march with such articles as he wanted, and to take hos- tages for the performance of the demand; to seize horses, saddles and bridles, to the number at least of thirteen hundred ; the more the bet- ter. But the prospect of Indian depredations created the greatest commotion. The Vermont Committee of Safety again sounded the alarm. Express-riders were sent in all directions bear- ing a written missive of a few words, which, like the burnt and bloody cross of the Scotch highlanders, called the clans ready for action. During the French and Indian, as well as the Revolutionary War, an etfective arm of the military service was known as the Partisan Corps or the Rangers. Of the former of the two prominent partisan officers from Westmoreland, Major Benjamin Whitcomb, we know very little ; of the other, Captain George Aldrich, fortunately, more. Of him a short sketch, we trust, will not be amiss. His father was Benjamin Aldrich (formerly spelled Alldridge), one of the original grantees of the town. George was born in Walpole, Mass., March 13, 1738, and came to Westmore- 496 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. land with his father's family in 1743, living here most of the time until his decease, July 17, 1815. The year following their coming to this town, 1744, the French and Indian War broke out and it became hazardous to reside here. The Aldrich family then removed to Northfield, Mass., and remained until 1752. In 1755 the " Old French AVar," so called, broke out. The Great Meadow fort was garrisoned. For five years Greorge Aldrich did duty as a soldier therein. In 1758 he enlisted under Captain Barnard, of Deerfield, in Colonel Williams' regiment, under General Abercrombie, and was present at the disastrous battle of Ticonderoga. At the close of this campaign Aldrich returned and performed guard-duty for some time. At this time all Vermont was a wilderness ; no settler's house broke the wilderness' sameness. No settlement had been made in Walpole or Chesterfield. Of his services in the army fur- ther reference is given elsewhere. After the organization of the militia, after peace was con- cluded, he was appointed to the command of the Twentieth Regiment and afterwards of the brigade. He was not excelled as an officer. In 1805 he was a Presidential elector. In 1807, '08, '09, '10 he was a Senator from the Tenth District. He was repeatedly called to positions of public trust within the gift of the town and was ever a prominent and public-spirited citi- zen, and was one of the original members of the lodge of Free-Masons in this town, known as the Xew Jerusalem Lodge, No. 3. He married Azubah How, September 30, 1762, and reared a family of seven children. Each company consisted of not less than thirty men, and of none but such as were able- bodied and capable of the greatest endurance. Veterans in Indian warfare, habituated to dar- ing deeds and wasting fatigue alone, were a'd- mitted into this service. The duties of the Rangers were thas specified : " To scour the woods and ascertain the force and position of the enemy ; to discover and prevent the effect of his ambuscades and to ambush him in turn ; to acquire information of his movements by making prisoners of his sentinels ; and to clear the way for the advance of the regular troops." In this service Westmoreland took a promi- nent part. In a battalion of Rangers renowned for its effectiveness, under the command of Ma- jor Benjamin Whitcomb, of this town, she was represented certainly by twenty men, and there is no doubt by more, whose names are not at hand. Its First Company consisted of : Capt. George Aldrich. Sergt. Manassah Sawyer. Lieut. Jonas Butterfield. Corp. Elijah Temple. Lieut. David Goodenough. Drummer, Joseph How. Privates. Uriah Temple. Noah Levans. Samuel Britton. Perley Rogers. Nathaniel Whitcomb. James Eddy. William Martin. Abel Pierce. Selah How. Jeduthan Roberts. Asa Pratt. Francis A. Kerly. James Winton. During a portion of the time this battalion was in the service, Ephraim Stone was captain of the Second Company. All of these men were from Westmoreland. It consisted of three companies, and with few changes was thus or- ganized throughout the Revolutionary War and was dismissed in 1781. The field of operations of this battalion was extended ; from the upper valley of the Connecticut it circled through Canada to Lake Champlain and southward to the vicinity of Bennington. The nature of the service required of the Rangers necessarily made it impossible to trans- port camp equipage, and in consequence they experienced much suffering, and especially from the rigors of Canadian winters. Their march oftentimes was through or over snow four or five feet deep. At night their encElmpmerit often consisted of an excavation in the snow, into which were thrown boughs for their couch ; upon these they would' throw themselves, wrapped in their blankets, heads and points to economize space, with the stars above them for accompanying sentinels. It was a time of great despondency. The State was drained of both WESTMOEELAND. 497 men and money. It was the darkest hour of the Revolution. Tories were numerous and aggressive. It required the utmost vigilance of the Eangers to intimidate them and to prevent them from open acts of hostility. The New Hampshire Legislature was con- vened to meet this emergency. It could raise men, but before them stared an empty treasury, but— " As news of the Army's need was read, Then in the hush John Langdon said, Three thousand dollars have I in gold, For as much I will pledge the plate I hold. '' Eighty casks of Tobago rum ; All is the Country's ; the time will come, If we conquer, when amply the debt she'll pay ; If we fail our property's worthless. A ray " Of hope cheered the gloom while the Governor said, For a regiment now with Stark at its head ; And the boon we gained through the noble lender Was Bennington Day and Burgoyne's Surrender." The Legislature immediately proceeded to divide the State into two brigades, one of which was given to the command of John Stark. This brigade was composed of three regiments, one of which was under Colonel Nichols ; it was composed of ten companies, the Eighth of which went from Westmoreland. This company quickly responded to the call and assembled at Keep's hotel, on Park Hill, July 22, 1777. It is related that one Bobbins, a man of ardent temperament, was so enthused for the fray that he reached the point of assembling forgetful of his hat. The line of march was by the way of Charlestown. The roll of this company consisted of sixty-one men, some of' whom were from Chesterfield. It was the third company to report to General Stark, at Charlestown, and was complimented by him for their promptness and good appearance. Provisions being scarce at this place, Aaron Wheeler and Job F. Brooks, two of our thrifty farmers, each carried up to Charlestown a two- horse load of supplies. This company con- tained the following Westmoreland men : Amos Peirce, lieut. Jonathan Cole, corporal. Jonathan Holton, lieut. Sam'l Bobbins, corporal. Jonathan eawyer, Sergt. Benoni Tisdale, fifer. Ephraim SaWyer, Sergt. Ephraim Amidon. Elisha Belding. Nehemiah Brown. Simeon Cobb. Simeon Daggett. Daniel Glazier. Richard Haselton. William Haselton. Privates. Josiah Leach, Jr. Benjamin Pierce. Jonathan Robbins. Solomon Robbins. Eleazer Bobbins. John Robbins. John Ranstead. John Warner. As soon as a few hundred men had gathered at Charlestown Stark pushed on to Manchester, Vt., leaving orders to have the troops follow him as fast as they arrived. Here he was joined by Colonel Warner, with his Green Mountain Boys, and with his united forces pushed on, August 8th, for Bennington, where he arrived the next day. At this time Major Benjamin Whitcomb, with his battalion of Rangers, was stationed in Canada. His first captain, George Aldrich, was on his way to his battalion with recruits that he had enlisted in Westmoreland and vicinity. His route led him through Stark's vicinity. It so happened that they met the day before the battle of Bennington. Stark, believing that the morrow would witness a battle, easily prevailed upon Aldrich to remain over the ensuing day and to participate in its events. To Aldrich was given a major's com- mand, with instructions to drive back a body of Indians who were advancing upon one of Stark's flanks ; succeeding in this, he received orders to attack the north breast-work of the enemy. Aldrich, although a stranger to his command, was particularly an efficient officer, and one well calculated to inspire the confidence of his men. Arriving within seven rods of the breast-works. Major Aldrich ordered his men to fire, and then, with an Indian yell, rushed up to and over them, and victory was won. It is said that Aldrich alone captured three Hessian prisoners, which he brought into Stark's headquarters fully equipped. On the 13th Stark learned of the arrival of a de- tachment of Burgoyne's army under the com- mand of Colonel Baum at Cambridge ; he im- 498 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. mediately sent out Lieutenant-Colouel Gregg, of Colonel Nichols' regiment with a detachment of men, including a portion of Captain Carletou's company in advance, and followed the next day with his entire forces. He soon met Gregg retreating before an over- whelming force of Hessians, Tories and Indians in hot pursuit. Stark despatched the other por- tion of Captain Carleton's company, with others, to seize a lot of cattle in possession of the enemy, at Greenbush, some twenty-five miles southwest. Meeting with success, they had nearly reached the outposts of Stark's army, when, from a cottage beside the highway, a grief-stricken woman stepped out, and informed them that there was a band of two hundred Tories a short distance forward. Accordingly, they pro- ceeded cautiously until, reaching a brook, they halted to allow the cattle to slake their thirst, and John Ranstead, Benoni Tisdale, Nehemiah Brown and Solomon Bobbins proceeded in ad- vance as scouts to feel the way. They pro- ceeded but a short distance, when they were fired upon by the Tories, who were concealed in the bushes upon a rise of ground beside the highway. Eanstead fell pierced with sixteen bullets and Tisdale was shot through the lungs. No other Westmoreland man was killed ; but others were wounded, among whom was Lieu- tenant Jonathan Holton, a ball nearly tearing off his upper lip and passing out of his right cheek ; at the same time a buck-shot entered his left cheek and lodged near his right eye. The New Hampshire Assembly granted Holton, August 20, 1778, the sum of £11 6d and half-pay. Want of space forbids a more detailed account of the battle of Bennington, \vhich occurred August 16, 1777. The roar of the cannon was distinctly heard in our town. Its results gave new hope to our despairing armies. On the 1 8th of September following, Captain Carleton's company returned to their homes, having served in the field some two months. A number of men went from this town with this company, whose names were not on the company's roll. and whose number and names are not clearly known to the writer. Two Hessian prisoners taken at this battle, Abner Darby and Daniel Frazier, afterwards settled in this town. During the year 1777 the duty devolved upon New Hampshire to furnish many troops ; she con- tinued to keep her three regiments in the field, aside from those called out for special services and otherwise. In the rolls of the officers of the First Regi- ment, under Colonel Cilley, we find the following men from Westmoreland : Jason Wait, captain Company 2 ; William Hutchins, lieutenant. William Hutchins was born in Attleborough, Mass., December 18, 1749, and came to this town in 1772, settling upon the farm now owned by Willard R. Gline ; he remained upon this place one year, when he ]>urchased and moved to the farm now owned by his grandson, Otis Hutchins, where he died in 1838. He was an ardent patriot, and thereby became a mark of royal enmity. In 1773 a detachment of the King's troops from Westminster attempted to arrest a man for some offense not now known, who was living upon the farm now occupied by Lbrenzo Joslin, in Putney. The neighbors, including Mr. Hutchins, rallied in his behalf and suc- ceeded in defeating the intended arrest. In re- taliation, the troops seized the only cow of Mr. Hutchins and drove it away with them. He was among the first to enlist in the patriot cause. In Captain Hutchin's company we find Stephen Ijord, aged forty, enlisted April 19, 1777 ; also, David Johnson, Jr., aged twenty- one, enlisted June 6th. In Scammell's regiment, in Captain John Grigg's company, we find Josiah Powers, aged thirty-three, mustered May, 1777, for three years ; also, Calvin Chamberlain, mustered Feb- ruary 4, 1778. In February, 1781, we find Caleb Aldrich, sergeant in Captain Benjamin Ellis' company. In the Second Regiment, under Colonel Rice, we find Benj. Whitcomb, major; Geo. Aldrich, captain ; and Jonas Butterfield, lieutenant. WESTMORELAND. 499 The First New Hampshire Continental Eeg- iment was recruited and organized in April, 1777. Col. John Stark having resigned, Col. Joseph Cilley was appointed to its command. This regiment, with the Second and Third New Hampshire, was assigned to a brigade command- ed by General Sullivan, whose headquarters at this time were at Ticonderoga. The First Com- pany of the First Regiment was under the com- mand of Capt. Isaac Farwell, and contained many Cheshire County men, and James Simons^ from Westmoreland. The record speaks of him as being twenty-six years of age; is credited with eighteen miles mileage (from Westmore- land to Charlestown); he received twenty pounds bounty. Relating to him we find the following certificate : " Deeeifield 20 March 1781 " This may certify that James Simons has served in the Continental Army ever since the commencement of the War and by Reason of his Infirmity of Body he Rendered unfit for any further services and is there- fore discharged. Given under my Hand (Signed) John Staek, B Gener'" In October, 1780, the British and Indians burned Royalton, Vt., and committed other depredations in the vicinity. The alarm having reached this town, a company of militia im- mediately proceeded in pursuit of the enemy. The following petition explains itself. I can find no names of the soldiers who marched from this town under the command of Lieutenant Britton. "To the General Court : " I Ebenezer Britton Ju' of Westmoreland in Said state, do pray, and Humbly shew that I being a Lieut- enant in the melitia of this state in the year AD 1780 in October — at which time there wg,s a Call for the melitia to go forward and Repel the force of the Enemy who at that time burnt the town of Roylton — the Command of the Company whereof I was Lieu' devolving upon me I accordingly Endavoured to for- ward on the Company under my Command as quick aa possable and for the purpose of Conveying the baggage did impress Several horses one of which Was the property of M' Elisha Wilbore of westmbreland and of tlie value of ten pounds Silver money, which ' Sometimes written Simonds. Sum I have paid to the said Elisha wilbore— as an Equivelent for the said horse as the said horse while in Said Service Loaded and traveling fell and broke his Sholder and was thereby lost in the publick ser- vice — Your petitioner humbly prayeth that the Said sum of ten pounds — with the Interest thereon may be Allowed to him and paid out of the treasury of this' State. " EBENEZEE BRItTON " lAeut, " Sworn to before John Doolittle " Oct 18 1785 " The records'of th«» town are strangely deficient of any record of bounties paid to soldiers. From Hammonds' " Town Papers" we cull the follow- ing evidence that they were paid : " In Committee on Claims Mar. 15. 1783— " The Bounty advanced by Westmoreland to W" Martin is Nine pounds which sum has been deducted from his depreciation "Ex* Per JosiAH GtLMAN Jtjn'" " Concord June 22, 1786 " The Bounty advanc'd by the Town of Westmore- land to Solomon Robins a Soldier for one year, is Twenty two Pounds, which has been deducted from his depreciation " Ex'' Per JosiAH Oilman, Jue"' " December 10, 1779, the General Court voted to direct the treasurer to discount to Westmore- land five hundred and twenty-eight pounds for bounties advanced to its soldiers. In 1794, eleven years after the close of the War of the Revolution, on account of serious trouble with the Western Indians and the " Whiskey Rebellion " in the valley of the Mo- nongahela, caused by a law passed by Congress levying duty upon domestic distilled spirits, the President was compelled to call out the mil- itia, " fifteen thousand strong," with which to speedily quell the rebellion. New Hampshire voted four regiments of minute-men to beheld in readiness to march at any time, and the several towns were called on to furnish their proportion. December 8th, Westmoreland " Voted to raise the private soldiers' wages to forty shillings per month, including what Congress have voted to give, exclusive of clothing and rations, and non- commissioned officers in proportion, and to ad- 600 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. vance to each man now to be drafted one-half month advance pay in case they should be call- ed to march." The wages given by Congress was four dollars a month. The names of these men are not known. They were not called in- to action. WAR OF 1812-15. Relating to this war the records of West- moreland are singularly deficient. From feg- mentary evidence we have found, however, abun- dant proof that the town was not reluctant to respond to every call for men in defense of country and liberty. This war with Great Britain was declared June 19, 1812. Sep- tember 9th following, Governor Gilman ordered " the whole of the militia to be in readiness to march at a moment's warning." A detach- ment from twenty-three regiments was ordered to march to Portsmouth immediately. These men were organized upon arrival into a brigade, the First Regiment of which was under the com- mand of Nat Fisk, of Westmoreland, as Lieuten- ant Colonel commandant. This regiment was ordered out September 1 0, 1 8 1 4, for three m onths. Colonel Fisk was born in Framingham, Mass., in 1787, and came to Westmoreland in early- life and established himself in business as a clothier in the shop that formerly stood south of the house of Chas. H. Leach. Here he was successful. After a few years he opened a store in the village now known as Park Hill, where he became a successful merchant. He was ma- jor of the First Battalion of the Twentieth Regiment New Hampshire Militia. In 1814 he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel in the same regiment. In September of the same year he was appointed to the command of the First Regiment of detached soldiers for the defense of the sea- board, and was stationed as above. In 1830 he removed to his paternal homestead, in Framing- ham. About 1856, while on a visit to his daughter in this town, Mrs. Geo. F. Dunbar, he died suddenly of heart-disease, aged sixty-nine years. Under his command, in Capt. Marsli's company, we find Abial Bridges and Otis Briggs transferred from Capt. Warner's company to Jonathan Robbins'. In the same regiment we find in Capt. Oliver Warner's company, the names of Henry Mason, ensign ; Benjamin Brown, ser- geant; privates Jonathan Robbins and Otis Briggs ; all enlisted for three months from Sep- tember. In the Second Regiment, under Col. Steel, in Capt. James M. Warner's company, we find Lewis Reed, corporal; Elijah Barrows, drummer, and Privates Henry Bemis, Cephas Clark, Zera Hutchins, Jonathan Hall, Jr., Ed- mund Simmons, Aaron Wheeler, Carley Wheeler, Joseph Welborn. These men all enlisted for sixty days and were mustered September 25, 1814. In the Eleventh Regiment of United States Infantry, under Lieut.-Col. Bedel, recruited at Concord dur- ing the summer of 1813, we find the names of Timothy Aldrich, ensign, Caleb Briggs, Eph- raim Leonard, Benjamin How ; the latter was wounded in the leg in the battle of Chippewa. Doubtless others were enlisted whose names are not known or recognized by the compiler in the long army-rolls. On the 5th of September, 1792, the new Constitution was adopted. It contained im- portant provisions relating to the militia. In December following, an act was passed by the Legislature arranging the militia into regi- ments, brigades and divisions, describing their limits and number, etc. By this act the com- panies in Walpole and Westmoreland consti- tuted the First Battalion of the Twentieth Reg- iment. This regiment was placed in the Fifth Brigade of the Third Divison. This act was constantly undergoing revisions, and, in 1808, it was considerably simplified. The act passed this year provided that all free, able-bodied white male citizens of the State, from sixteen years to forty, should be enrolled, with certain exceptions. Nearly forty years passed, follow- ing this act, without radical changes in the militia laws. For many years Westmoreland possessed two companies of militia. The Light Infantry was popularly known as " the Old WESTMORELAND. 501 West Light." It was a company of men that, in all martial respects, ranked very high. For years it sharply competed with the "Keene Light" for the palm of superiority. For some years it was under the command of Captain Tileston A. Barker, who was very efficient in this work. This company furnished its own uniforms, but were provided with arms by the State. The remainder of the enrolled men com- posed the " Floodwood " company. They had no uniforms, and were obliged to fui'nish their own arms. Sometimes their movements bordered upon the grotesque. These companies were obliged to turn out at least twice each year for inspection of arms and for drill. "Training-days" were memorable days for all, both old and young. The splendid uniforms of the Light Infantry, the precision of all their movements, the pompous commands of the offi- cers, the shrill notes of the fife and the roll of the drum served to arouse all with enthusiasm. Regimental musters were held yearly, in the months of August and September, sometimes in this town; but these days, with their associa- tions, have long since passed away. But many of our older citizens still relate, with kindling eye and animated speech, the lively incidents of those days. WAR OF THE EEBELLIOjST. For many years prior to the breaking out of the War of the Great Rebellion, the military spirit of Westmoreland had Iain dormant. The news of the firing upon Sumter thrilled the heart of the North with martial fire anew. Then the men of the North, irrespective of party, hastened to defend the nation's honor ; to fight for home and kindred. The following is the record of the citizens of Westmoreland who enlisted in the military service of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 : Lewis W. Aldrich, mustered in Company I, Ninth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 15, 1862 ; promoted to corporal January 1, 1865; mustered out June 10, 1865. Lewis W. Aldrich, (2d), mustered in Company I, Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, August 15, 1862 ; mustered out June 10, 1865. William Aiken, mustered in Company I, Twelfth Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry, October 4, 1862; mustered out July 14, 1863. William C. Aiken, mustered in Company I, Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 18, 1862 ; wounded September 17, 1862 ; discharged for disability March 17, 1863. Charles L. Aiken, mustered in U. S. Navy. Amasa O. Amidon, mustered in Company E, Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, November 5, 1862, for nine months ; mustered out August 13, 1863. Tileston A. Barker, mustered as captain Company A, Second Eegiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, June, 1861 ; appointed lieutenant-colo- nel Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Vol- unteer Infantry, September 19, 1862; on general court-martial Washington, D.C., February 25, 1864, to February 5, 1865 ; honorably discharged February 5, 1865 ; breveted colonel September 13, 1866. Frank T. Barker, mustered as captain Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volun- teer Infantry, August 31, 1862 ; discharged April 21, 1864. Joseph Burcham, mustered in Company H, Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 17, 1861 ; discharged for disability September 20, 1862 ; re- enlisted in Company C, Fourteenth Eegiment, New Hampshire Volun- teer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; transferred to Company A, April 2, 1^63 ; discharged January 1, 1865. William J. Burcham, mustered in Company E, Sixth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, November 28, 1861 ; died at Hatteras Inlet, N. C, January 28, 1862. George H. Britton, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, August 8, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles H. Burgess, mustered in Company A, Four - teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862; discharged for disa- bility at Concord, N. H., December 11, 1862. David Curtin, mustered in Company G, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 23, 1862; discharged for disability December 31, 1864. 502 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. John Curtin, mustered in iirst lieutenant Company E, Sixtli Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, April 20, 1864; wounded June 3, 1864; discharged on account of wounds August 10, 1864. Patrick H. Curtin, mustered in Company E, Sixth Regiment, New Hanpshire Volunteer Infantry, November 28, 1861; wounded August 29, 1862; transferred to United States Volunteer Reserve Corp, May 2, 1863. Charles Campbell, mustered in Company F, Sixth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantryj November 28,1861 ; discharged February 2, 1863. Norton E. Chamberlain, mustered in Company D, Fifty-third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ; died at New Orleans May 16, 1863. William E. Clark, United States Navy. John Conner, United States Navy. Isaac W. Derby, mustered corporal in Company Aj Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, May 31, 1861 ; wounded July 21, 1861 ; discharged for disability August 25, 3861; mus- tered as lieutenant in United States Cavalry in 1863. Elisha Douglass, mustered in Company K, Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, December, 1863; wounded May 12, 1864; died from wounds May 17, 1864. Samuel E. Douglass, mustered in Company F, Sixth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, November 28, 1861 ; wounded August 29, 1862 ; died of wounds at Georgetown (D. C.) Hospital September 19, 1862. Charles L. Derby, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862; mustered out July 8, 1865. John C. Farnham, mustered in Company E, Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry ; discharged August 13, 1863. Edwin J. Goodnow, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862 ; wounded September 19, 1864 ; discharged on account of wounds Feb- ruary 8, 1865. Timothy M. Gary, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862; mustered out July 8, 1865. James K. Greeley, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantrry, September 22, 1862 ; wounded September 19, 1864 ; niustered out July 8, 1865, Charles P. Hall, mustered first lieutenant Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Vol- unteer Infantry, August 9, 1862; in charge of in- valid detachment under provost marshal Wash- ington, D. C, June to November, 1863 ; promoted to captain Company C, February 20, 1864; in command Fort Pulaski, Ga., March 5 to June 5, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Franklin J. Hall, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; promoted to corporal April 1, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. George Hall, mustered in Company I, Ninth Regi- ment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, De- cember 16, 1863; wounded' June 1, 1864; trans- ferred to Sixth New Hampshire Volunteer Infan- try, Junel, 1865 ; mustered out July 17, 1865. Aristides Heustis, mustered in Company A, Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, May 31, 1861 ; died at Summit House Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., December 23, 1862. Fay Keith, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 13, 1862 ; died in service. Samuel I. Leach, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; clerk for brigadier-quarter- master October, 1862 to April, 1863; promoted to corporal; clerk in Campbell General Hospital April, 1863 to July 21, 1865; transferred to United States Volunteer Reserve Corp, Decem- ber 5, 1863 ; mustered out July 21, 1865. Albert G. Leach, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; died of disease at Washing- ton, D. C, May 31, 1863. Charles H. Leach, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, August 14, 1862 ; died at Poolsville, Md., January 23, 1863. Leonard Lowe, mustered in Company I, Ninth Regi- ment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry ; killed at Petersburg Mine July 30, 1864. James B. Mason, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, August 14, 1862; transferred and pro- moted to first lieutenant in Thirty-first Regiment United States Cavalry Troop, February 14, 1864 ; wounded at Petersburg Mine July 30, 1864 ; dis- charged December 12, 1864. Amos S. Metcalf, mustered in Troop A, First Regi- ment, New Hampshire Volunteer Cavalry, March 25,1864: captured June 13,1864. WESTMOEELAND. 503 Leslie K. Osborne, mustered in Company E, Sixth Eegiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, November 28, 1861 ; mustered out November 27, 1864. William L. Pratt, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Isaac W. Eawson, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. William S. Starkey, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 27, 1862 ; died at Washington, D. C, May 13, 1863. Henry M. Staples, mustered musician Company A, Fourteenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 14, 1862 ; promoted to principal musician November 1, 1864; discharged July 8, 1865. Warren Streeter, mustered in Company F, Fourth Eegiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, Septem- ber 7, 1864 ; discharged June 6, 1865. Albert W. Streeter, mustered in Company I, Ninth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 15, 1862; died of disease at Falmouth, Va., February 6, 1863. Herbert N. Streeter, mustered in Company I, Ninth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August 22, 1862 ; died of disease at Aquia Creek, Va., February 7, 1863. Ezra F. Streeter, mustered in Company F, Fifth Eeg- iment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, Oc- tober 23, 1861 ; discharged for disability, April 30, 1862. Frederick A. Timothy, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volun- teer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Holland Wheeler, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 22, 1862 ; promoted to ser- geant January 27, 1864; wounded September 19, 1864; mustered out July 8, 1865. Sidney P. Winchester, mustered in Company A, Fourteenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, September 22, 1862; discharged for dLsability, March 27, 1863. Hiram Woodward, mustered in Company A, Four- . teenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, September 22, 1862 ; mustered out May 19, 1865. Edgar F. Wiley, mustered in Company I, Ninth Eegi- ment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, Aug- ust 15, 1862; wounded May 12, 1864; transferred to United States Veteran Eeserve Corps January 9, 1865. Sidney H. Young, mustered in Company A, Four- teenth Eegiment New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry, August 14, 1862 ; killed in battle Opequan September 19, 1864. Edwin Young, mustered in Company A, Second Eeg- iment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, May 31, 1861; promoted to sargeant May 1, 1863; mustered out June 21, 1864. The following is the list of non-resident sol- diers credited to "Westmoreland : William Miller. Charles Nelson. William Smith. William Thompson. George Wilson. Luther Jossely. Franklin Vose. James Bennett. Joseph Coyne. James Malone. John Brown. George Clark John Clark. John Coleman. Anton Crick. John Ervin. Henry Jacobs. Charles Johnson. James Smith. Joseph Williams. John Anderson. Walter Comstock. Jeremiah Carroll. James M. Janess. Bansom D. Pettingill. Mitchell Brennan. Simon Dyer. CHAPTERVII. WESTMORELAND— (ConiM lied). CIVIL HISTORY AND CENSUS. The following is the list of town officers from 1775, prior records are missing : MODERATOBS OF ANNUAL MEETINGS. Joseph Burt, 1775, '77, '78, '79, 1781, '88, '89, 1791, '92, '93, '95, '96, '98, '99, 1802, '3, '4, '5, '6, '8, '9, '10, '11, '12, '13, and '14,-26 years. Ebenezer Britton, 1776. Benjamin Pierce, 1780 to 1782. Isaac Chamberlain, 1783. George Aldrich, 1784. Nathan Franklin, 1785, '86, '97. Amos Babcock, 1787, '90, '94. Nathan Estabrooks, 1800. Joseph Buffum, 1801, '07. David Dwight, 1815, '16, '17. 504 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Jotham Lord, 1818, '19, '20, '21, '23, '24, '26, '27, '30, '31, '82, '33, '34, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42, ' — 21 years. Simeon Cobb (2d), 1822. Nathan Babbitt, 1825. Samuel Winchester, 1828 to 1829. Larkin Baker, 1843, '44, '46, '47. Charles F. Brooks, 1845. Tileston A. Barker, 1848, 49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57, '58, '64, '67, '70—14 years. George W. Nims, 1859, '60. Ebenezer Britton (2d), 1861, '65, '66, '68, '69, '71. Dexter Warren, 1862, '63, '74. Stephen B. Gary, 1872 to 73. WillardBill, Jr., 1875, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, — eight years. George W. Daggett, 1876. Arad Fletcher, 1877. TOWN CLERKS, Heber Miller, 1775, '76, '77, '78, '79, '80, 81, '82, '83. John Doolittle, 1784, '85, '86, '87, '88. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., 1789, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800, '1, '2, '3, '4, '5, '6, '7, '8, '9, '11. Daniel Brooks, 1810. Benjamin Snow, 1812, '13, '14. Joshua Britton, 1815 to 1816. Theophalas Hoit, 1817. Allen Pratt, 1818, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23, '24, '25, '26, '27. Larkin Baker, 1828, '29, '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40. Charles F. Brooks, 1841, '42. Nathan G. Babbit, 1843, '44, '45. Anson Cole, 1846, '47, '48, '49, '51, '52, '64. Timothy Hoskins, 1850, Alexander H. Wheeler, 1853. Dexter Warren, 1854, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59. Joseph Leonard, 1860, '61, '62. Henry F. Cowdery, 1863. Edwin J. Goodnow, 1864 to 1885. EEPEESENTATIVES. Joseph Wilber, 1775 and 1784. Heber Miller, 1776. Ebenzer Britton, 1777 and 1778. Joseph Burt, 1779, '80, '93, '94, '95, '96 ; 1781 voted not to send. Isaac Chamberlain, 1782, '83. Samuel Works, 1765, '86, Amos Babcock, 1787. Archilaus Temple, 1788, '89, '90, '91, '92 and 7. Alpheus Moore, 1798. Ezra Peirce, 1799, 1800, '01, '02, William Britton, 1803, '13, '14, '15. Joseph Buffum, 1804, '05, '06, '07. Job F. Brooks, 1808, '09. Broughton White, 1810. Ephraim Brown, Jr., 1811 and 1812. Daniel Dwight, 1816 and 1817. Simeon Cobb, 2d, 1818, '19, '21, '22, '23. Jotham Lord, Jr., 1820, '24, '35, '36. Larkin Baker, 1825 and 1826. Samuel Winchester, 1827 and 1828. Gaius Hall, 1829, '38. Barton Skinner, 1830, '31, '32. Timothy Hoskins, 1833, '34, '40. Charles F. Brooks, 1837 to 1839. Tileston A. Barker, 1842, '43, '52. John Albee, 1844 and 1845. Solomon Wilson, 1846, '47. John Pierce, 1847, '48. David Livingston, 1848 and 1849. Abijah French, 1850 and 1851. George W. Wheeler, 1853. Haskell Buffum, 1854 and 1855. Willard W. Pierce, 1856 and 1857. Isaac K. White, 1858 and 1859. Anson Cole, 1860 and 1861. Jedediah Sabin, 1862, '65. Daniel W. Patten, 1863 and 1864. Ebenezer Britton, 1866, '67, '68. Charles Knight, 1869 and 1870. Otis Hutchins, 1871.. Eobert L. Aldrich, 1872 aud 1873. Nelson Wilbur, 1874. Charles N. Quimby, 1875. John Mason, 1876. John A. Chamberlain, 1877. William J. Eeed, 1878. Oliver J. Butterfield, 1879. Theodore Cole, 1881 and 1882 ; Biennial Sessions. Eli E. Wellington, 1883 and 1884. Stephen H. Burt, 1885. SELECTMEN. 1775.— Heber Miller, Archelaus Temple, Waitstill Scott. 1776. — Heber Miller, Benjamin Pierce, Ebeneser Britton. 1777. — Joseph Burt, Amos Piwce, Ephraim Stone. 1778.— Joseph Burt, Ephraim Stone, Daniel Pierce. 1779.— Joseph Welbore, Nathan Franklin, William Hutchins. 1780,— Ebenezer Britton, Isaac Butterfield, Micah Read, WESTMOEELAND. 505 1781. — Jonas Butterfield, Abner Darbey, Israel Amsbury. 1782. Abiel Eddy, Benjamin Pierce, Joseph Burt, John Doolittle and Joshua Pierce. 1783. — Isaac Chamberlain, Ebenezer Britton, Samuel Works and Isaac Butterfield. 1784. — John Doolittle, Azariah Leach, William Hutchina. 1785. — George Aldrich, William Hutchins Azariah Leach. 1786. — George Aldrich, Nathan Franklin, Nathan- iel Wilbore. 1787.— Ezra Pierce, Samuel Cobb, Caleb Aldrich. 1788. — Ezra Pierce, Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Jonas Rob- bing. 1789. — Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Jonas Eobbins, George Cobb. 1790.— Caleb Aldrich, Jr., George Cobb, David Hutchins. 1791. — Caleb Aldrich, Jr., David Hutchins, Ezra Peirce. 1792. — Caleb Aldrich, Jr.. Ezra Pierce, Nathan Babbitt. 1793.— Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Nathan Babbitt, William Hutchins. 1794.— Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Ezra Pierce, Nathan Babbitt. 1795. — Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Nathan Babbitt, Abner Darby. 1796. — Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Joseph Buffum, Nathan Franklin. 1797. — Joseph Buffum, William Britton, Ezra Pierce, Joseph Burt, Daniel Cobb. 1798.— Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Nathan Babbitt, Ezra Pierce. 1799. — Joseph Buffum, William Hutchins, William Britton. 1800. — Joseph Buffum, William Hutchins, William Britton. 1801.— William Britton, Nat. Fisk, George Cobb. 1802.— William Britton, George Cobb, Nat. Fisk. 1803.— Nat. Fisk, Broughton White, Job F. Brooks. 1804.— Nathan Babbitt, John Wheeler, Jr„ Caleb Aldrich. 1805.— Job F. Brooks, Nat. Fisk, Robert Britton. 1806.— Job F. Brooks, Nat. Fisk, Robert Britton. 1837. — Job F. Brooks, Ephraim Brown, Jr., Robert Britton. 1808. — Ephraim Brown, Jr., William Britton, Levi Green. 1809. — William Britton, Levi Green, Moses Dudley. 1§10. — William Britton, Levi Green, Moses Dudley. 1811. — Joseph Buffum, Timothy Skinner, William Britton. 1812. — William Britton, Job. F. Brooks, Aaron Works. 1813. — Job F. Brooks, Aaron Works, Ebenezer Bailey, Jr. 1814. — Job F. Brooks, Aaron Works, Ebenezer Bailey, Jr. 1815. — Job F. Brooks, Ebenezer Bailey, William Arnold. 1816.— Job F. Works, Ebenezer Bailey, William Arnold. 1817.— Job F. Brooks, Simeon Cobb, Theophalus Hoit. 1818.— Job F. Brooks, Theophalus Hoit, Jotham Lord, Jr. 1819. — Theophalus Hoit, Jotham Lord, Jr., Gains Hall. 1820,— Theophalus Hoit, Gaius Hall, Abraham Howe. 1821.— Theophalus Hoit, Gaius Hall, Abraham Howe. 1822.— Job F. Brooks, Seth Hall, Jr., Aaron F. Daniels. 1823. — Aaron F. Daniels, Jimna Walker, Ebenezer Bailey. 1824. — Aaron F. Daniels, Jimna Walker, Ebenezer Bailey. ; 1825. — Jotham Lord, Jr., Jimna Walker, William Britton. 1826 — Jotham Lord, Jr., Jimna Walker, William Britton. 1827. — Jotham Lord, Jr., Jimna Walker, William Britton. 1828.— Nathan G. Babbitt, William Britton, Abel Gleason. 1829.— William Britton, Abel Gleason, Samuel Winchester. 1830 — Abijah French, Luna Foster, Aaron Works. 1831. — Abijah French, Luna Foster, Aaron Works. 1832. — Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 1883.— Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 1834.— Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 1835. — Sampson How, Austin Parker, Linus Aid- rich. 1836. — Sampson How, Austin Parker, Linus Aid- rich. 1837. — Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 1838.— Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 1839,— Abijah French, Aaron Works, Larkin Ba- ker. 506 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1840. — Aaron Works, Larkin Baker, Gauis Hall. 1841. — Larkin Baker, Aaron Works, HaskeU Buf- fum. 1842. — Haskell Buflfiim, James E. Ware, David Livingston. 1843.— Haskell Buffum, James R. Ware, David Livingston. 1844. — James R. Ware, Arby Barker, Augustus Noyes. 1845. — Arby Barker, Augustus Noyes, James P. Ware. 1846. — Charles F. Brooks, Arby Barker, Alexander H. Wheeler. 1847. — Charles F. Brooks, Alexander H. Wheeler, John Allbee. 1848.— Charles F. Brooks, Alexander H. Wheeler, John Allbee. 1849. — Timothy Hoskins, Jonas Wheeler, Jr., Nel- son Wilber. 1850. — Timothy Hoskins, Jonas Wheeler, Jr., Nel- son Wilber. 1851. — Timothy Hoskins, Zenas Britton, Arvin Aldrich. 1852.— Timothy Hoskins, Arvin Aldrich, Zenas Britton. 1853.— Arvin Aldrich, Addison Ware, Prentiss Dag- gett. 1854.— Addison Ware, Prentiss Daggett, Ezekiel Woodward. 1855. — Addison Ware, Zenas Britton, Robert T. Aldrich. 1856.— James R. Ware, Farly Norris, Caleb C. Dag- gett. 1857.— David Livingston, Farly Norris, Caleb C. Daggett. 1858. — David Livingston, Alfred Aldrich, George R. Perry. 1859.— Alfred Aldrich, George R. Perry, Ebenezer Britton. I860,— Ebenezer Britton, 2d, Jedediah Sabin, John A. Chamberlain. 1861. Jedediah Sabin, John A. Chamberlain, Gains K. Hall. 1862. — John A. Chamberlain Gains K. Hall, George W. Nims. 1863.— John A. Chamberlain, Jewett E. Buffum, Artemas Knight. 1864.— Jewett E. Buffum, Artemas Knight, Samuel D. Clark. 1865.— Ebenezer Britton, 2d, Joseph Shelley, George R. Perry. 1866.— Joseph Shelley, George E. Perry, Barton C. Aldrich. 1867. — Joseph Shelley, George R. Perry, Barton C. Aldrich. 1868.— Barton C. Aldrich, Willard Bill, Jr., Francis Snow. 1869.— Willard Bill, Jr., Francis Snow, Prentiss Daggett. 1870.— Willard Bill, Jr., William N. Patten, Jewett E. Buffum. 1871.— Willard Bill, Jr.. William N. Patten, Heber B. Cole. 1872. — Dexter Warren, Jasper Hall, Jewett E. Buffum. 1873. — Dexter Warren, Jasper Hall, Jewett E. Buffum. 1874. — Dexter Warren, Jasper Hall, Jewett E. Buffum. 1875.— Abel E. Johnson, William N. Patten, Solon Ohickering. 1876.— Charles Knight, Albert Thompson, George J. Bennett. 1877. — Charles Knight, Albert Thompson, George J. Bennett. 1878.— Willard Bill, Jr., Albert Thompson, Barton C. Aldrich. 1879.— Willard Bill, Jr., Barton C. Aldrich, Jewett E. Buffum. 1880.— Willard Bill, Jr., Barton C. Aldrich, Jewett E. Buffum. 1881.— William E. CuUen, John Works, Albert Thompson. 1882.— John Works, Jasper Hall, Oscar J. Ware. 1883.— John Works, Oscar J. Ware, Charles M. Scovell. 1884.— Oscar J. Ware, Charles M. Scovell, Oilman A. Converse. Census. — The following is the census statis- tics of Westmoreland from 1767 to 1800. 1767, 391 ; 1773, 698 ; 1775, 758 ; 1783, - ; 1786, 1621 ; 1790, 2018 ; 1800, 2066 ; 1810, 1937; 1820,2029; 1830, 1647; 1840,1546; 1850, 1678; 1860, 1285; 1870,1256; 1880, 1103. GovEENOE VOTE.— The following shows the number of votes cast for Governor in the most sharply contested elections to show the number of voters as compared with its population : 1838, 338; 1848, 313; 1860, 168; 1868, 307 ; 1876, 298. In early times and up to the year 1791, when an act was passed relieving them from that WESTMORELAND. 507 duty, the constables were by virtue of their office collectors of taxes. Every man in town was obliged, with certain exceptions, to serve as constable when chosen under the penalty of three pounds. The collection of taxes was, of course, to many an unpleasant service, and after the population became considerable it was very difficult to get constables who would willingly perform the duty. A small sum was allowed for the service. The town, March 13, 1782, voted to prose- cute Leonard Keep and Samuel How for not serving as constables. This course of discipline, however, did not work out the desired result, and a few years after we find the town committing generally the collection of taxes to the lowest bidder. In early times we find the town annually electing a board of " Tithing-Men," but this office has long since become obsolete. It was once considered an honorable and important position. Its duties consisted in enforcing the laws relating to the proper observance of the Sabbath day, by arresting travelers and by keep- ing rude boys quiet in meeting. Another town-officer was the deer-reeve whose duties consisted in the protection, at certain sea- sons of the year, of the deer that roamed in the forest. We find no mention of this town-officer after 1781. CHAPTER VIII. WBSTMOKELAND -(Conlinued). MISCELLANEOUS. Currency. — January 1, 1795, an act took effect, having passed in Congress February 20, 1794, abolishing the currency of pounds, shil- lings and pence, and from this date accounts were kept in dollars, dimes and cents ; after- wards in dollars and cents. The first settlers used very little money as a medium of exchange. Prices were based upon stipulated values of farm produce. Foreign gold and silver coins constituted the only lawful money. The great expense of the French and Indian Wars ex- hausted the treasury of the State and incurred a heavy debt upon the province. Necessity compelled the issue of paper money, but this through depreciation of value furnished only temporary relief. This depreciation was has- tened by the province joining the Revolution- ary party. Silver rapidly increased in value. In 1720 an ounce was worth seven shillings and six pence, in 1760 it was worth one hundred and twenty shillings. On the 10th day of May, 1775, Congress voted to issue paper cur- rency; this took the name of "Continental money." From the first it was a currency that did not inspire the fullest confidence. It was influential in depreciating the issues of the State and became itself worthless in a few years. It brought financial ruia to many, its baneful effects were felt by all. In this town into many houses it brought poverty in place of competency. In the year 1780, the condition of the Conti- nental Currency became truly deplorable ; we find that the town voted, March 8, to raise £4800 for highways, to be worked out at 15s. an hour. It was voted to pay Benjamin Aldrich £120 for eight weeks' board of a pauper child. FiNANCiAL.^ — In 1786, the Legislature hav- ing voted to submit certain propositions relative to the issuing of paper money for an expression of approval or of rejection by the people of the State, this town on the 15th of November, gave an expression of their views, as expressed in the following record : " The State of New Hampshire, " Westmoreland, November the IS"* day in the year of our Lord 1786 " agreeable to a request from the Legislative au- thority of this state the Inhabitants of s* Westmore- land on the afores* day of No' being legally assembled in town meeting for the purpose Collecting their opinions relative to the proposed plan sent out by the Hon' Court for making paper money — " !»"? the Question's being put by divideing the house to know the number for having paper money, 508 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and the number against it, there appeared to be forty for having paper money made, and twenty against it. " 2°^'y there appeared on aneother Division thereof to be thirty one against haveing paper money on the present propos^ plan : and t^ventyone for haveing it agreeable to s' plan.^ " 3*^'^ Nineteen of those that ware against money's being Emitted agreeable to y' propos* plan which is sent out — Voted that they would have a bank of money made of paper Equal to the sum of this states debt, on the following plan Viz to have it made a tender in all Cases or payments and to have it not on Interest, and to have it given out for to run twenty Years, and to have it sink one twentyeth yearly until it should be Dead " the above is a true Journal of the meeting afore- said "Attest John Doolittle Town Clerk of s* Westmoreland " Lawyees. — Westmoreland has never pre- sented a rich field for the legal fraternity. The number of resident practitioners of the law have been few. The name of Elijah Wollage is the first to appear upon our records. Furthermore than evidence that he was an influential man in our town affairs we are ignorant. Following him came, in 1791, Jeremiah Mason. He was born in 1768 in Connecticut, graduated at Yale in 1788, admitted to the bar in 1791 and began the practice of his profession in Westmoreland, where he remained three years and then removed to Portsmouth. He soon was recognized as the head of his profession in this State, M'hose bar, at that time, was then, and, perhaps, since, unequaled in this country. In the State Legislature and the United States Senate alike he was easily " the first and fore- most." Daniel Dwight followed him and prac- ticed many years. In 1816 and 1817 he represented the town and held, at different times, positions of public trust and confidence. Xathan Godfrey Babbitt also practiced law many years. He was born in Norton, Mass., February 12, 1787 ; came to this town about 1790. Joseph Buffum was born in Fitchburg, Mass., September 23, 1784, graduated at Dartmouth College, studied law and was admitted to the Cheshire bar. For some years he practiced in Keene and was elected a Representative in the XVIth United States Congress, where he served one term. Declining a re-election, he removed to his paternal homestead in this town where he lived many years, and died February 23, 1874, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. While adopting for many years of his life recluse habits, still he was known and respected by his townsmen generally as a man of sound judgment and of incorruptible hon- esty. Larkin Baker was born in this town Septem- ber 17, 1795, and remained until his decease, February 3, 1872. For many years his counsel was sought from far and near upon all legal matters. Possessed of a tenacious memory, an aptness for scholarship, he soon took a promi- nent place in both town and county. He held the commission of justice of the peace during nearly the whole of his business career, and transacted nearly all the business of the town in this line. He was assistant judge of the Court of Common Pleas seven years, judge of Probate for Cheshire Coui.ty twenty-two years, resigning in 1864 by reason of poor health, and held, at different times, all the offices within the gift of his native town. Paupers. — " The poor ye have always with you." The first record that relates to the poor is July 7, 1783,—" Voted that a woman, who resides at the house of Joshua Pierce, who is warned out of town, be carried out of town according to the directions of the law." At this time it was the common practice of the towns generally to warn out new-comers with the view to prevent their acquiring a legal settle- ment. This had to be done within a year after the person came into the town. It does not appear that Westmoreland practiced the pro- tection given by the law, as we find only one necessary record, " where it speaks of having warned out all indiscriminately, without regard to their condition or ability to support them- WESTMORELAND. 509 selves." For many years the paupers were let out to the lowest bidder, subject to the judg- ment of the overseers. In September 2, 1791, we find the following unique record : " Voted that Josiah Powers and widow Miller be vendued by the Selectmen to the lowest bidder at this meeting. Widow Miller struck off to Mr. Joseph Buffum for two shillings and nine pence per week, until March meeting next. Josiah Powers struck off to Mr. Elias Gates for one shilling and seven pence per week." In 1832 the town purchased of Nat Daggett his farm for a poor- farm, having raised $2000 for this purpose, and there supported its paupers until its sale, in 1874. The repeated changes in the law have been in the direction of throwing; more and more the burthen of the support of the poor upon the county ; this rendered town poor-farms an useless expense. In 1868 a county alms- house was located and built in this town. We can no more fittingly illustrate the quo- tation heading this brief article than by refer- ring to one of the town paupers by the name of Grace Goodnow, who died at the extreme old age of over one hundred and sixteen years, and was undoubtedly the oldest person within our town records. Cemeteries. — Without doubt the first cem- etery dedicated in Westmoreland for burial purposes was the one near the residence of F. G. Parker. Here, in the northwest corner of the yard, " Each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." Whether this yard was founded by private enterprise or at public expense, we know not ; but be that as it may, the good sense and taste exercised in selecting this beautiful site as the "city for the dead" must be unquestioned. The cemetery upon Canoe Meadow also bears an early date. About 1805 Nathaniel Daggett deeded the land to Nathan Franklin and others upon the condition that it be kept inclosed forever for the purposes of a cemetery. The lot had been used many years prior for the same purpose. The oldest inscription in this yard is that of Mrs. Amos Davis, bearing date of September 6, 1764. For years prior to 1832 two contiguous lots, divided by a stone wall, running north and south, near the residence of Willard R. Gline, were used for cemeterial purposes. Nathan Franklin owned the lot upon the east side ot the M'all, Phinehas Gline the one upon the west side. This year both gave their respective lots to the town in trust for the uses of a cemetery forever. The dividing wall was re- moved and the two lots inclosed in one. Soon after Edward Simmons built a private family- tomb therein. The oldest cemetery in the East Parish was situate east of the dwelling of F. W. and F. P. Hall, on the north side of the highway. For many years it has been uncared for, and in con- sequence has assumed the look of dilapidation. Though silent, still it speaketh in unmistakable language, forgetfulness. The cemetery now used in this parish origi- nated in a gift of a lot of land from Alfred Al- drich to certain individuals, upon the considera- tion that an inclosing wall should be built and maintained, and the lot to be used for the pur- poses of a cemetery. The inclosing wall was built in 1847. The sextons of this yard have been Alfred Aldrich, Liberty Page and Joshua Hall. Lemuel Wight was the first one buried therein. Aaron Gary, who built the inclosing wall, was the first one buried therein after its completion. The South Village Cemetery originated in 1851 from a gift of land for this purpose from John D. Brown. Already, though the years are brief since its inclosure, still how numerous its spires of marble to-day! The Pratt Cemetery was inclosed by Rev. Allen Pratt and deeded by him to the town in trust for this purpose. Bric-a-Brac. — From Sanborn's " History of 510 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire" we cull the following items of interest, relating to the years 1770, '71 : " In the summer of 1770 the valley of the Connecti- cut from Northfild, Mass., to Lancaster, N. H., was overrun by an army of greedy, loathsome, devastating worms. They were at maturity of the size and length of a man's finger. They moved from the northwest toward the southeast, completely covering the ground and devoured every green thing along the line of their march, except potatoes and pumpkins. Their march lasted about a month, when they suddenly disappeared, and no one knew when or how. Following them came vast clouds of pigeons. The air was literally filled with their immense numbers. They were caught by the wholesale, and were it not for the food they furnished, with potatoes and pumpkins raised and saved, the people must have perished from star- vation. " The following year (1771) was noted for the great- est freshet ever known on the Connecticut River. The water rose to an unprecedented height, sweeping down the valley with resistless fury, and leaving its mar? s that years have not effaced. So suddenly came the flood that all kinds of stock were caught and swept away in the raging torrent. Houses and families were swept away in many cases. Crops were destroyed, and again the valley-dwellers were doomed to much suffering. The experience of these two years naturally drove settlementto thehills for some years thereafter." The winter of 1798-99 was memorable for its severity. Snow came about the middle of No- vember and lasted late into the spring. The Sentinel speaks of snow being three feet in depth in the forest on the date of May 11th. The winter of 1810 was one of great contrast, there being no sledding until February 20th. The year 1804 was noted for its "great eclipse " of the sun. Commencing at 12 M., it lasted until three o'clock p.m. It occurred in June. It was so dark that fowls went to roost, thinking it to be nightfall, and many people were greatly alarmed. A local hurricane of great severity occurred in 1815. It seemed to commence near Hell Gate, in the southwest part of the town, and traveled in nearly an easterly direction. Along its way the forests were swept down like grass before the scythe. Passing over the buildings of Simeon Cobb, now occupied by George F. Hubbard, it struck the house, twisted it partly around, blew down the chimneys and materially injured it. The barns and out-buildings were laid low. At the time Mr. Otis Briggs was in the barn, but fortunately escaped by falling be- tween two large timbers that furnished protec- tion from the mass of debris above him. Mr. Lemuel Willis, then a young man, was walking near the house when the gale caught him up and bore him some sixty rods to the ridge of land, where it deposited him, unharmed from his aerial flight. The out-buildings on the Darius Daggett farm, now the estate of Lurana Wil- lard, were demolished. The dwelling-house did not escape considerable injury. Some barns on the farm north of E. Hunt's were laid low. The gale passed on in its work of devastation until it reached the glebe district, where it seemed to lose its fury. In early times, and until the advent of the present century, everybody rode horseback. The women had their side-saddles to ride by them- selves, or oftentimes the pillion, on which to sit behind the saddle, and hold on with arm around their escort. Nearly every door-yard had its horse-block from which more easily to mount. One Widow Ware, living in the East Parish, was the first owner of a carriage in town, somewhere about 1800. It had a covered body put upon a wooden axle, with a spring seat. About 1812 Ephraim Brown and Steward Esty purchased the first buggies brought into the town ; both were built by Wilder, of Keene. About 1832 leather thoroughbraces came into fashion, and in 1847 steel springs were introduced. October 4, 1810, a subscription paper was started to secure the sale of stock in the pro- posed Westmoreland Bridge, to be built at the present Britton's Ferry, then owned by Solomon Pobbins. The stock being readily taken, a corporation was legally formed and the contract of building the bridge, piers and all complete awarded to Peleg Kingsley, for six thousand dollars. The two piers were only raised to about low-water mark, upon WESTMOKELAND. 511 whicli rested a trestle of woodwork, support- ing the bridge. It was completed in the spring of 1812, and cost, including the land and franchise, |7945.39. In the spring of 1813, by reason of the ice freezing to the trestles, a rise of water lifted the same, which did not settle aright, and the structure fell a mass of ruins. It was rebuilt in 1814. In 1820 an elephant was forced hy piking to cross the river upon this bridge. He had nearly reached the end upon the east side, when a portion of the bridge, being somewhat decayed, gave way, and the poor beast fell with a despairing wail, that sounded high above the crash of timbers ; but he caught his trunk around some of the under-braces, which were fast, and there in raid-air he held on, all the time uttering the most piercing shrieks of fright; but this was of short duration ; his strength could not long support his pondrous weight, and he fell to the rocks beneath ; his back was broken, but life remained for a few days. The name of his driver was Roblin. He was killed. The ele- phant's skin was stuffed, and belongs to the Boston Museum. The bridge was repaired, but was soon washed away by a February freshet. It has never been rebuilt. In 1830 a bridge was built across the river about one mile above the Ferry, which proved to be a temporary affair. The year 1816 is memorable as the " cold year." Attending each month, excepting Au- gust, was a hard frost. On the 9th of June there was a snow-storm that extended to the sea-coast even. Very little corn was raised, and that of the poorest quality. Pigeons were very plenty, and furnished most of the meat for the inhabitants, who were in straitened circum- stances for food. Fodder was, so scarce that cattle were by some turned into the forest and compelled to browse for their living. From the older citizens we learn that the year 1826 was noted as the "grasshopper year." Early in summer the ground was covered, the air filled with this loathsome insect. They ruined the hay and out-crops, but, the autumn being favorable, a good crop of aftermath was secured, and our farmers were enabled to winter a portion of their stock. The other portion was sacrificed through necessity. Cows were sold for five dollars ; others were so reduced in flesh that they were slaughtered for their hides. In 1831 much interest was awakened all along the river towns in the experiment of steam- boating upon the Upper Connecticut. At this time the amount of boating between the upper towns and Hartford and New York was con- siderable. It was carried on by flat-boats fitted with sails. In time of no wind long ropes or " tow- lines " were thrown to men upon the shore, who " towed " the boat along the stream. This was a laborious work. There was an universal desire for something better; accordingly, the " John Ledyard " was fitted up at Springfield, Mass., to make the experiment of steam navi- gation. As this steamer proceeded on its voyage up the river its sight was welcomed with hearty demonstrations of favor. The inhabitants gathered upon the banks of the river to view the boat with hopeful curiosity. But these hopes were destined to disappointment, for the experiences of one season in backing off the numerous sand-bars were suificient to demon- strate that steamboating upon the Upper Con- necticut was impracticable. The year 1833 is spoken of on account of its wonderful display of celestial fire-works. On the 13th of November, from two o'clock until daylight, for three hours, the heavens were resplendent with myriad shooting stars, all emanating from near the zenith and following the arch of the sky. Some are represented to be as large as the moon, others but faint streaks of light. Its effect upon the people was curious ; some were impressed that the end of the world had come, some were excited to excessive relig- ious fervor, some were trembling with terror and others yielded to worldly abandonment. This year witnessed the culmination of a long con- 512 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tention over the Mill Brook highway. The selectmen upon petition had refused to lay out this road, whereupon its friends called upon the " Courts Committee," who had granted it. The town, nevertheless, at a meeting had by vote refused to build it, and by this action succeeded in being fined by the court. Thus being driven to the wall, the town chose Abijah French and Aaron Works a committee to let out the build- ing of the road and also to superintend its con- struction; but they raised no money for this object. But the road was soon built by Simeon Cobb, for some $1.50 per rod. In 1834 the town voted to borrow seven hundred dollars to complete the road. In 1783 the public feeling was very strongly opposed to Quakerism, as we find, September 4th, the town voting " that no Shaking Quaker be allowed to stay in this town one night, except at a public-house, and chose a committee of fifteen persons to see that the vote was put into execu- tion." Exception was made to inhabitants of the town who might entertain this faith ; their number was fewj however. Previous to 1787 no warrant for an annual town-meeting was considered to be complete without an article relating to swine. Generally the vote was to allow swine to run at larare, provided " that they be yoked and ringed ac- cording to law." To the traveler it was no uncommon sight to see his swineship upon the highway bearing the insignia of the law, his patent of nobility. In 1821 the town voted " that no swine be permitted to run at large in town, only such as the Wisdom of the Selectmen may permit." In 1822 the town forbid by vote to allow swine to run at large. January 23, 1782, the town voted "to pay a bounty until July 5th, of one shilling for killing an old crow and six pence for young crow that cannot fly" and "four pence per head for grown black-birds." About the year 1781, as Joshua Pierce was walking through the woods near the Gline Cemetery, in the shade of the evening, he was suddenly surprised by a bear close by his side. As Pierce was unarmed and Bruin seemed dis- posed to cultivate too intimate an acquaintance by walking upright, with four legs extended, as if desirous for an embrace that might not partake of the propriety of friendship. Pierce swung himself by means of the overhanging limbs into a tree-top and just escaped the enraged beast. He was forced all the long hours of night, however, to play the part of the prisoner until the approach of daylight, when Bruin, tired of his assumed role of guard, de- parted into the forest, and Pierce returned to his alarmed family. In after-years Pierce was wont to talk of this night as the longest with- in his experience. From the Reecyrder, a news- paper printed at Keene, bearing date of De- cember 30, 1788, we cull the following item : " We hear from Westmoreland that as a person was working in a field in that town last Friday, that he was surrounded by seven wolves, but receiving im- mediate assistance, he escaped their devouring jaws." Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Aldrich came from Abington, Mass., in 1768 or 1770, and were among the first settlers in the East Parish. Their place for many years was owned and occupied by a worthy descendant, Arvin Aid- rich, Esq. Mrs. Aldrich brought in her pocket some pear-seed."?, whicli she planted, and thus raised the first pear-trees in town. It is related, that one day, while visiting with a Mrs. Wood- ward a neighbor, who had called upon her, they were startled by an unusual uproar in the pig- sty. The women hastened to ascertain the cause, and were surprised at the sight of a huge bear in pursuit of porcine. Upon seeing the women Bruin retreated toward the hill to the eastward, followed by the intrepid women, who had seized the musket that always hung over the door of the early settler. But Bruin succeeded in eluding his pursuers, who were forced to return unsuccessful. Her husband upon his return informed them that the gun had no lock. WESTMOKELAND. 513 From the Sentinel of July 22, 1815, we find the following relating to General Aldrich : "About the year 1760, Gen. George Aldrich, while hunting deer in the winter-time, upon snow-shoes, had an engagement with an enraged buck, which had furiously attacked him after he had thrown his hatchet and missed his object. Aldrich had no other weapon, upon losing his hatchet, than his stout staff; this he used so effectively that he succeeded in killing his adversary without receiving any very serious injury to his own person. " Soon after, while returning home from hunting, he lodged the contents of his musket in the body of a catamount, which turned upon him full of fury ; but, fortunately having another bullet in his mouth, he had presence of mind to charge from his powder- horn and drop in a bullet, with one stamp of the breech carried the ball home and at the same time primed the piece. The ball was lodged in the head of the animal almost at the instant he was ready to leap upon his prey. "At another time his dog attacked a large moose. Knowing by the dog's barking that he had game of some kind, he proceeded, with his axe in his hand, to ascertain its nature. On seeing him the moose left the dog and made directly for him. His only resource was to ascend a tree which had fallen across another and which was near at hand. When the moose had got within two rods he threw his axe Indian fashion, which, turning once, lodged in the neck of the animal, which Instantly fell and bled to death." Conclusion. — In preparing this article ,1 have been actuated by the desire to save from oblivion some of the more important events in the history of my native town of Westmore- land. My work is now ended, but far from finished. The many duties pertaining to an active business life engross my time and strength. Yet I would linger a moment to ex- press the hope that, some time in the future, some one with a more facile pen and more time at com- mand may pursue the theme of our local his- tory with profounder study and with deeper research, stimulated, encouraged by public spirit to publish its fruitage in a more complete form, and here I would express my grateful acknowl- edgments to all who, in the years past, have illutnined the way with kindly words and assisting hands, and especially to Colonel D. W. Patten I owe my grateful acknowledgments for his helpful kindness, and to Hon. I. W. Hammond, the accomplished State historian, whose services have been to me invaluable. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. CHAMBERLAIN FAMILY. The Chamberlain family are of ancient origin and English descent, their ancestors bearing a coat-of-arms. Their lineage can be traced as far back as 1620, their first ancestor having come over in the " Mayflower," bearing the name of John Chamberlain. September 26, 1764, one of his descendants, named Thomas Chamberlain, with six others, names unknown, came to West- moreland, N. H., and united in signing the Church Covenant, the first step taken toward forming a Congregational Church in that place, they afterward uniting with the same. John Chamberlain, one of the original grantees of that town, was born in Newton, Mass.; married Eunice Edson, September 17, 1767. His fourth son, John, was born August 13, 1773; married Lycjia Brown, of West- moreland, October 6, 1796. She had a print costing a dollar a yard for her wed- ding-dress ; afterward, thinking it a sign that she would always be poor to be married in so costly a dress, she chose one of her own spinning and weaving; but he wore a suit of blue broad- cloth, knee pants with silver buckles and long silk stockings. The only one left of this gen- eration is their youngest daughter, Mary P. Chamberlain, born May 5, 1818, who married John B. Osborne, of Westmoreland, and is now living on the same place where she was born, in Westmoreland. Their oldest son, John, born November 7, 1800; married, in 1821, Mary Hall, of Westmoreland. She died February 16, 1826, leaving one son, John, who died about the age of two years. These gener- 514 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ations were all agriculturists and lived in the eastern part of Westmoreland, on the ancestral acres. He married, second, December 1, 1826, Caroline F. Farrar, born in Shirley, Mass., May 14, 1803. They lived in Westmoreland until 1849, when they moved to Keene, N. H. He died there October 13, 1875. He was a well- read man, deeply interested in all political and public questions. She died at Niagara Falls April 13, 1876. Their descendants are as fol- lows : John Adams Chamberlain, born Septem- ber 9, 1827, was the sixth in a direct line bearing the name of John Chamberlain. He always lived in Westmoreland, held many important offices of honor and trust in town and State which he never failed to fill with rare fidelity and was always prompt and punctual to the moment in all his engagements. He married January 1, 1852, Almira A. French, of West- moreland. He died April 29, 1880. Descendants, — Ella Maria, born October 9, 1853; married, December 25, 1878, Allen A. Barker, of Westmoreland. Descendant, — An- na Mabel, born July 3, 1885. Arthur French, born August 15, 1857; mar- ried, July 2, 1884, Lessie A. McChesney, of Detroit, Mich. Anna Cora, born January 25, 1859. Carrie Belle, born March 12, 1861 ; married, October 31, 1883, John G. Stearns, of Keene. Descendant — Perry Chamberlain Stearns, born March 12, 1885. Helen Mar. Chamberlain, born March 7, 1829 ; married, October 10, 1850. Albert Nash, of Keene ; reside at Niagara Falls. De- scendants, — Carrie Helen, born January 28, 1857; married, December 17, 1885, James M. Merritt of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Nina Belle, born June 28, 1865. Catherine F. M. Chamberlain, born February 24, 1831 ; married, September 9, 1851, Hiram M. Howard, of Swauzey, N. H. He died at his home, Niagara Falls, June 19, 1880. De- scendants, — Louisa Maria, born in Keene, July 13, 1852 ; died in Minneapolis, Minn., Novem- ber 4, 1872; Jennie Frances, born in Swanzey, February 24, 1856; died at Niagara Falls, February 7, 1880; Helen Williams, born at Niagara Falls, July 31, 1866. Adelaide L. Chamberlain, born February 10, 1833 ; married, November 8, 1853, David B. Stearns, of Keene ; reside in Keene. Descend- ants, — Helen Semira, born September 5, 1855- married, August 1, 1877, Dallas M. Pollard, of Chester, Vt. Descendants, — Margaret Ade- laide Pollard, born November 23, 1878 ; Ro- land Stearns Pollard, born May 19, 1881. Ellis E. D. Stearns, born August 27, 1857. Jotham Fred. Stearns, born August 17, 1864. Osburn Edson Chamberlain, born October 30, 1834; married, April 18, 1861, Lucie Up- ton, of Rochester, N. Y ; reside in Rochester. Descendants, — Mary Belle, born January 22, 1862 ; Carrie Helen, born January 29, 1865, died April 2, 1869; Addie Laura, born July 14, 1867, died March 9, 1869 ; Osburn Edson, born September 23, 1870 ; Laura May, born November 28, 1873; John David, born May 4, 1875; Lillie Minnie, born October 31, 1881; Frank Shaw, born May 17, 1884. George :P. F. Chamberlain, born August 26, 1836; married, October 12,1865, Jennie E. Hayden, of Rochester, N. Y. He died at Niagara Falls, March 3, 1871. She died at Rochester, June 18, 1878, leaving three chil- dren, — Helen Josephine, born August 31, 1867 ; George Hayden, born February 28, 1869 ; Noel Byron, born December 28, 1870. Caroline C. Chamberlain, born March 18, 1839; married, August 26, 1862, Almon Bolster, of Jaffrey ; reside in Keene. Descend- ants,— Lilian Adelaide, born December 27, 1866 ; Mabel Frances, born March 24, 1871. Isabel J. Chamberlain, born July 12, 1841; married, January 2, 1862, Josiah C. Richardson, of Keene ; reside in Jackson, Mich. Descend- ants, Leon Josiah, born February 22, 1868 ; Isabel Florence, born November 5, 1869, died June 23, 1876; Arthur Howard, born January 16, 1879. WESTMORELAND. 515 Noel Byron Chamberlain, born August 11, 1 843, enlisted in the Ninth New Hampshire Reg- iment of the War of 1861, and served to its close ; married, February 18, 1873, Delia Brigham Clarke, of Fredonia, N. Y.; reside in Buffalo, N. Y. Descendants, — Eleanor Risley, born May 30, 1879, died July 14, 1881. Frederic Delmer Chamberlain, born June 16, 1845, died September 1, 1849. Marion Lucia Chamberlain, born December 29, 1847, died September 9, 1849. GENEALOGY OF THE FRENCH FAMILY.^ First generation, — John and Grace French. John, born 1612; admitted as a freeman in Dorchester, Mass., 1639. Second generation, — Thomas and Elizabeth. Thomas, their seventh son, born in Brain- tree, Mass., January, 1657 ; married Elizabeth ; they had ten children. Third generation, — Abijah French, seventh child of Thomas French, born May 25, 1709, married Johanna Holbrook born December 21, 1712. Descendants : Mary French, born July 22, 1736 ; Jesse French, born December 15, 1737 ; Josiah French, born September 10, 1739; Abijah French, born February 14, 1741 ; Sarah French, born October 13, 1748 ;- Lois and Eunice French, born June 2, 1750; Joanna French, born August 23, 1752. Fourth generation, — David French, born December 7, 1755, died February 19, 1836. In Milford Mass., David French, son of Abijah French, married, in 1777, Lydia Twitch- ell, born in Milford, September 18, 1760 ; died in Westmoreland, N. H., April 4, 1798. They had eight children, — six sons and two daughters, — Sally, born December 21, 1779, married Mr. Lincoln, died June 30, 1807 ; Zeba, born June 28, 1781, married Martha Partridge, died Oc- 1 Collected and arranged from authentic familj records and other sources by J. A. French, of Keene, N. H. 33 tober 16, 1853, Bethel, Vt. ; Asaph, born June 25, 1 784, married Pede Partridge, died August 19, 1860, Royalton, Vt. ; Lotty, born August 12, 1786, married Asa Partridge, died July 5, 1861, Stockbridge, Vt. Fifth generation, — Abijah, born June 2, 1789, married Azubah Albee, died May 13, 1862, Westmoreland N. H. ; Maynard, born October 29, 1791, married Clarissa Pollard, died May 7, 1874, Barre, Vt. ; David, born Feb- ruary 16, 1794, married Delia French, died August 14, 1 864, Barre, Vt. ; Spencer, born July 6, 1796, married Lorena Chamberlain, died July 29, 1875, Gaysville, Vt. David French married for his second wife Hannah White, of Westmoreland, born October 3, 1777,* married September 10, 1799, died January 27, 1857. They had eight children, — seven daughters and one son, — Lydia, born April 27, 1800, married Mr. Stephen Rust, died January 28, 1824 ; Lois, born November 28, 1801, married Mr. Augus- tus Carroll; Ritte, born April 26, 1804, mar- ried Thaddeus Streeter, died December 4, 1863 ; Samuel, born July 13, 1806, died December 24, 1824, Westmoreland, N. H. ; Sally, born Feb- ruary 24, 1 809, married Daniel Patten, Keene, N. H. ; Dinah, born May 6, 1811, married Oren Woods, died December 21, 1850, Keene, N. H.; Harriett, born September 7, 1814, married Ronalds Leonard, Brattleborough, Vt. ; Mar- tha, born January 22, 1823, married Daniel Wheeler, died May 16, 1862, Bernardston, Mass. Abijah French, son of David French, in Westmoreland, December 15, 1814, by Rev. Allen Pratt, married Azubah, daughter of Ich- abod and Lona Albee. They had ten children, — five sons and five daughters, — Infant daughter, born December 21, 1816, died December 21, 1816 ; infant daughter, born July 23, 1818, died July 23, 1818 ; Lira Ann French, born January 4, 1 821, died Feb- ruary 15, 1821 ; Jotham Abijah, born July 22, 516 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1822, died April 25, 1825 ; Spencer Lincoln, born June 30, 1824, died October 1, 1827; infant son, born September 16, 1826, died Sep- tember 16, 1826 ; Almira Azubah, born Octo- ber 14, 1828 ; Madison, born December 19, 1830, died February 13, 1831 ; Eunice Mariah, born January 30, 1832, died November 21, 1848. Sixth generation, — JothamAbijak, born April 25, 1834. Married in Westmoreland, January 1, 1852, at nine a.m. by Rev. Stephen Eogers, John Adams Chamberlain and Almira A. French. Seventh generation, — Descendants : Ella Maria, born October 9, 1853, married Allen Barker, of Westmoreland, December 24, 1879; Arthur French, born August 15, 1857*, married Lessie McChesney, of Detroit, July ,2, 1884; Anna Cora, born January 25, 1859 ; Carrie Belle, born March 12, 1861, married John G. Stearns, of Keene, October 31, 1883. Married in Westmoreland, N. H., at eight P.M. October 31, 1883, by Rev. T. L. Fowler, John G. Stearns, of Keene, and Carrie B. Chamberlain, of Westmoreland. Eighth generation, — Descendant : Perry Chamberlain, born March 12, 1885. Married in Milford, Mass., September 20, 1866, Thursday, at two p.m. by Rev. James B. Thornton, Jotham A. French, of Keene, N.H., and Mary A. Ellis, daughter of Washing- ton and Amanda (Howard) Ellis, of Milford. Seventh generation, — Descendants: Gertie Maria, born August 4, 1868, died December 22, 1878; Bessie Mabel, born July 25,1871; Mary Bertha, born March 25, 1880. Married, Allen A. Barker and Ella Maria Chamberlain, December 24, 1879. Descendant : Anna Mabel, born July 3, 1885. ABIJAH FRENCH. History is the resum6 of the lives and events which are to-day among the things of the pres- ent, to-morrow those of the past, and in his- tory mention should be made of those whose personal qualities, business enterprise and moral worth have contributed to the wealth, knowledge and welfare of the community in which they lived, and to this number belongs Abijah French, of Westmoreland. The first American ancestors of this family were John and Grace French, — John, (1) born 1612. He emigrated to Dorchester, Mass., from England, prior to 1639, as he was admitted free- man that year. He afterwards, 1648, removed to Braintree, where he passed his life. His seventh child, Thomas, born January 17, 1657, married Elizabeth , about 1695. Their seventh child, Abijah, married Johanna Hol- brook. Of their nine children, David was the youngest. He married Lydia Twitehell, of Milford, Mass. He was a farmer, and fore- seeing future success and a better field for his labor in developing the new lands in the upper Connecticut Valley, he removed to Westmore- land, K H., in 1788, purchased lands and be- came an agriculturist. In that period of our country's history the means of locomotion were few and slow, and the moving was done with an ox-team. But David French possessed the true spirit of the typical New England farmer and pioneer, and although the country where he was to make his home was almost a prime- val wilderness, his pluck, persistency and per- severance soon accomplished the work of clear- ing a piece of land, erecting a dwelling-house and bringing his farm into a good state of cul- tivation. It is now occupied by his descend- ants, and is situated midway between West- moreland South village and Chesterfield Fac- tory village. His first wife, by whom he had eight children, died April 4, 1798, and he married, second, September 10, 1799, Hannah White, of Westmoreland. They had eight children. David French was a vigorous, stal- wart, positive man, and with his industry and other good qualities, it is no wonder that he acquired success, as well as a good name. Abijah French, son of David and Lydia (Twitehell) French, wa.s born on the homestead F r E^ 'l,yAH Bifc'^*' ■/i iJ^^-^^ WESTMORELAND. 51T in Westmoreland N. H., when everything was in a primitive state, and the country but sparsely settled. The facilities for educational advantages were few and rare, — the school-house a rough structure with slab seats, the school term limit- ed to a few months in the winter, when the farmer could not pursue his labor in the field. He was trained to work when a boy, and ac- quired those habits of industry, prudence and economy to which his success in life was mainly due. He remained with his parents until his majority ; then, contemplating marriage, he be- gan a house for himself, but, war being declared with Great Britain in 1812, he boarded up the windows of the yet unfinished house, and prepared to go to war. He did not go, however, as he was not drafted, so he finished his house and married, December 15, 1814, Azubah, daughter of Ichabod and Lona (Hayward) Alb'ee. Mr. French carried on farming, car- ing for his father and mother in their declining years, and succeeded to the homestead. He also owned a saw-mill, which his father had erected on a convenient mill privilege, and which for those days, before the era of many improvements and convenient machinery, did a wonderful work. The mill could be started on a log, the automatic machinery would set itself, and, without further aid, cut the whole log into lumber. He sawed lumber, drew it to the Connecticut Eiver, and rafted it to Hartford and other places. This he continued for many vears. In winter he drove his team to Boston, carrying his own produce and bringing in ex- change supplies for his own and neighbors' use. He kept things moving in every direc- tion that his ingenuity could devise, eating not the food of idleness, but gaining his bread by the sweat of his brow, and hence it was sweet and he knew how to estimate it. He was always a successful worker, a producer, not a mere consumer, and the example of such a man is provocative of force, industry and gen- eral prosperity in the community where he lives. In all matters of business he not only labored hard, but had a rare judgment and in a high degree, what is known in New England as " fac- ulty." He was captain of a cavalry troop of militia, and a strict disciplinarian. Democratic in politics, he represented Westmoreland in the State Legislature in 1850 and 1851. He was intrusted with the management and settlement of many estates, and was often selected as guardian to orphan children. He was select- man for the years 1830 to 1839, and held a commission of justice of the peace, and in all these various positions he discharged his duties faith- fully and to the satisfaction of his constit- uents. Mr. French was very systematic, industrious, economical, prudent and temperate, and so hon- est that everywhere he was known and marked for his sterling integrity. A strong man, of positive nature, he enjoyed to a high degree the confidence, friendship and love of the citi- zens of his native town, than whom none were more highly reverenced. He was an attendant of the Congregationalist Church, of which his wife was a valued member, and contributed largely to the support of the gospel. In all aifairs of public interest in town he was an ac- tive force, and worked zealously in all fields which his judgment told him were of Usefulness. He died May 13, 1862. His wife survived him many years, shedding the light of a Chris- tian example, and surrounded by the care and ministrations of kind and loving children until, in the fulness of time she, too, was gath- ered to her rest, December 19, 1884. IN MEMOBIAM. AZUBAH ALBEE FRENCH, DAUGHTER OP ICHABOD AND LONA ALBEB. WIFE OF ABIJAH FRENCH. BORN IN WESTMORELAND, N. H., FEBRUARY 21, 1795. WENT HOME TO HEAVEN DECEMBER 19, 1884. AGED 89 YEARS, 9 MONTHS, 28 DAYS, Mrs. Azubah French died at her home in West- moreland the 19th of December at 6 o'clock in the 518 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. afterQoon, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years and ten months. By the death of this estimable lady, the oldest inhabitant of the town passed away. But few remain with whom she was associated in mid- dle life, when she had an extensive acquaintance and Was much respected by all. She possessed many sterling qualties— good sense, prudent in speech, an obliging neighbor. She was kind to the poor and always ready to visit the sick and administer to their Wants. Her thoughtfulness of the welfare of others, her charities and kindliness of heart, will long be re- membered by the people of her native town. Although feeble for some years, her last illness was of short du- ration. She had ten children, five of whom died in infancy, two in their childhood years, and one cut down by disease in the midst of her youthful days. Only two survive her — Mrs. Almira A. Chamberlain, Of Westmoreland, and Jotham A. French, of Keene. Mrs. French's life was one of untiring industry. She hever ate the " bread of idleness'" She looked well to the ways of her own household, trained her children ih the paths of morality and religion, and they in turn have been dutiful and faithful to her, sparing no effort to make her declining years pleasant and happy. She united with the Congregational Church in July, 1831) and she has always been a consistent and worthy member. Only one survives her who was a member of the church at the time she united with it. S. " BLESSED AEE THE DEAD WHO DIE IN THE LORD." The last link (save that of a dear sister) that binds Iny heart to the maple-shaded home of my youth is broken. Our mother has gone. There is a sadness in the thought that I no longer have a mother here on earth. But I cannot murmur, for she was spared to us far beyond the allotted "three-score years and ten." In her departure one more of the life-long resi- dents of Westmoreland has passed the silent river and joined the happy throng of saints on the other Bide, and is now united to the loved ones who had gone before. At the age of twenty years she married, and lived with her husband forty-seven years, when, at the age of seventy-two, he passed away. They lived a happy life, though clruded by the loss of eight children during those many years of conjugal affection. For the last twenty-two years our mother has lived in the loneliness of widowhood, though sus- tained by the consolations of that religion which, for fifty-three years, has been the rule of her life. In 1873 ray sister's family moved into the old home to care for her and guide her footsteps gently down the decline of life. Never did she fully recover from the loss of her son-in-law, who was suddenly stricken down four years ago in the prime of life. His kindness and devotion were cherished to the very last. The death of her granddaughter, a short time before, also made a visible impression upon her gradually failing strength, and when, sixteen months before her death, in consequence of a fall, she could only get about her room in a wheel-chair, it became apparent that the sands of her life had nearly run out. On the seventy- fifth anniversary of her birth many of the relatives and friends gave her a pleasant surprise, celebrating the joyous occasion with music, supper, reading of a poem, etc., and have repeated it for the last fourteen years, with the exception of two years, when sickness in the family prevented. Several of those who were present at these annual gatherings have dropped one by one from the circle, but she was spared to see ninety years, save two months. In the hundreds of visits that I have made during the past twenty-thfee years, she has invariably met me with a mother's cordial greeting, and, on leaving, gave me a parting kiss, say- ing, " Good-bye. Come and see me again." Those oft-repeated words were the last that fell upon my ear from her lips. While I have been truly thankful that a kind Providence prolonged her life to a, ripe old age, she has been only "waiting and watch- ing " for the welcome summons, " Come unto me and I will give you rest." " The journey at last is o'er. And the struggles and toils are past. And the holy angels who led her on. Till the fight was fought And the victory won, Have carried her home at last." J. A. French. HASKELL BUFFUM. The Buffuni family has in many generations of the past been mostly agriculturists, indus- trious, careful individuals, doing their duties well in the sphere of life to which they were called. Here and there one of the family has drifted into other iields, professional, commer- cial or scholastic, and shown capabilities and powers which have won success, but the greater number have been "tillers of the soil." They have been men of good judgment, active tem- perament, broad and liberal in their views, and have performed their share of the public mat- ters of the town. This family is of English descent. Eobeit Buffum emigrated to America ^^ ftyAX nicc^" A t^ WESTMORELAND. 519 from Yorkshire, England, and settled in Salem, Mass., where his name was recorded in 1638. He died in 1679. His wife, Thomasine, was born in 1606, died in 1688. They had seven children. Their son Caleb, born in Salem, 1650, married Hannah, daughter of Joseph Pope, who came to America at the same time with Robert. Caleb died in 1731. Benjamin, son of Caleb, born 1686, married a Buxton. Joseph, his son, born 1717, died 1796, married Margaret Osborne, born 1719. Their son, Jo- seph, born in Smithfield, R. I., 1754, emigrated to Westmoreland in 1784, and lived in the south part of the town, and was a farmer. He married Sally, daughter of Elias Haskell, of Lancaster, Mass. They had seven sons, all of whom inherited the strong mind, persistent will and good common sense for which the family has ever been remarkable. Joseph BufFum lived in the latter part of the eighteenth century, when the demand was to live, and the question "how?" was answered by being brave, active and vigorous. All of these traits Mr. Buffum possessed, and with a wife having the same spirit as a helper, the children of this worthy couple were strong mentally as well as physically. Mr. Buffum died in Westmoreland in 1829 ; his wife sxirvived him, dying Septem- ber, 1848. Joseph, the oldest of these seven child- ren, was graduated at Dartmouth College, became a lawyer, was a member of Congress in 1818, and, at one time, postmaster at Keene, and a man of marked ability, dying unmarried. Sewell married Fanny Atherton, of Chesterfield ; they had two children, George and Frances A. Erasmus married Hepsy Thayer, of Westmoreland ; their children were Solon (of Staten Island), Alba, James, Sally, Mary and Jewett E. William married Mary Ann, daugh- ter of Thomas Gordon, of Sterling, Conn ; their children were William G., Rufus E., Joseph H., George D., Edward W. and Sarah Ann. Ha^ell. Solon, who died young. David, who married Mary, daughter of Hon. Thomas and Eleanor (Foster) Bellows; their children are Thomas B. and Ann Reynolds. Haskell Buffum, the fifth son of Joseph and Sally (Haskell) Buffum, was born in Westmore- land, September 29, 1795. A farmer's son, and one of a large family, he was early obliged to labor, and his opportunities for school educa- tion were limited to the district school, sup- plemented by one term at Chesterfield Academy. But a farmer's life does not necessarily include a life which excludes time for thought and reading; on the contrary, a farmer has ample time to think and digest what he has read ; for, as an old writer has well said, "a few books well studied and thoroughly digested nourish the understanding more than hundreds but gargled through the mouth," and, through life, Mr. Bnffum carefully improved his opportu- nities for reading and observation. He worked on his father's farm until he was about twenty- seven years old, then purchased one adjoining, and, with the care of his own place, superintend- ed his father's for many years, and was a dil- igent, persevering, hard-working and successful farmer. In April, 1820, Mr. Buffum married Seloma, daughter of Jonathan Wood. Mrs. Buffum was a woman of good thought, an almost unfailing memory, bright and cheerful in her manners and disposition. She died December, 1883, aged eighty-four years and three months. Their children were Haskell W., now at Walla Walla, Washington Territory ; he mar- ried Mary Burker, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; they have five children now living. Julia married Dr. Charles Lord, of Westmoreland, and settled in Shakopee, Minn.; they have seven children. Joseph married Maria A. Ramaley, of Pitts- burgh, Pa. ; of their seven children, five survive; the oldest, Dr. J. H. Buffum, is an oculist and aurist in Chicago, 111. Seloma married F. W. Jenkins, of Pittsburgh, Pa. ; they have five children. Mary A. married Jason D. Wheeler, of San Francisco, Cal. ; Caroline J. married Stephen H. Burt, of Westmoreland; she died 520 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. April 17, 1881; they had seven children. Sarah A. married John D. Eamaley, now living at St. Paul, Minn., has two children. Susan A., twin-sister of Sarah A., died aged four years. Coralinn H. married John Works (son of Aaron Works, of Westmoreland, a life-long resident of the town and a prominent man in business and social circles); they have had three children, Mary B. (died aged nine years), Walter L. and Frederick A. It was with this daughter, Mrs. Works, that Mr. Buffum passed his declining years. Mr. Buffum was a participant in the civil business of his native town, having been select- man and representative to the Legislature two terms. He was actively interested in the mili- tary organizations of the State, and carefully preserved his commissions of ensign, Fifth Com- pany, Twentieth Regiment of militia, received from Governor Plumer, June 30, 1819; that of lieutenant, dated March 24, 1821; and of cap- tain, August 16, 1822, signed by Governor Bell ; and his honorable discharge. Mr. Buffum died in his native town, March 11, 1885, aged eighty-nine years and five months. He was at the time of his death the oldest citizen in town, and it is worthy of especial note that, notwith- standing his advanced age, he continued in full possession of his clear mentality and vigor of intellect up to the last hours of his life. In his religious belief, Mr. Buffum was a Universalist, and from childhood a regular attefidant upon church services. He was a man of courteous manners, of cheerful and humorous disposition, most temperate habits, kind and affectionate in his family relations, and at the close of life's long day he could look back to labors well performed and forward to a well- earned rest from toil. To more than an ordinary degree Mr. and Mrs. Buffum enjoyed and deserved the love, honor and reverence of the community to whom for so many years their lives were as an open book, on whose pages naught was written but upright motives, charitable deeds, and actions in every way consonant with the teachings of the Golden Rule. Of the best type of the ster- ling New England character of the last genera- tion, long will their memory be cherished with devotion by their descendants, and the remem- brance of their lives rest like a sweet odor and a worthy example in the minds of the dwellers in Westmoreland. THEODORE COLE. The Cole families of Westmoreland, N. H., are descended from John Cole, of Hartford, Conn., who came from England in 1636, was a freeman in 1647, and died in 1685. He had three sons, — John, Samuel, and Nathaniel. Of Samuel's children, Jonathan, born 1696, was the youngest, and settled in Harvard, Mass. He had three sons, — Jonathan, born 1 730, who was one of the grantees of the town of West- moreland ; John, born in 1741, died 1786, set- tled in the north part of Westmoreland ; and Abijah, born 1732, married, about 1767; Sarah Kent, of Harvard, Mass., and died in Harvard, 1768, aged thirty-six years. Abijah left two sons, Abijah and Asa. Asa was born in 1768, the year of his father's death. His early boyhood was passed with an aunt, Mrs. Chamberlain, in Westmoreland. After his thirteenth year he worked with his step-father, Samuel Garfield, a millwright, at that trade, building and repair- ing many mills in numerous places in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine. In January, 1793, he married Anna Goldsmith of Harvard, Mass., and resided there for a year or more, then for seven years he made his home in Rindge, N. H., then removed to Westmore- land, and worked at his trade. He built the mills afterwards known as the Pierce Mills, and was manager of the property for a long time. About 1815 he proposed joining the colony which Ephraim Brown was organizing for a settlement in Ohio, but a severe hemorrhage compelled him to relinquish the plan. He made a trip to the coast of Maine, but without Jkl?vi^-t^^^<^ WESTMORELAND. 521 auy beneficial results, and returned to West- moreland where he died December 6, 1816, aged forty-eight years. " His wife, left with a large family of young children, proved herself a woman of abundant resource. She kept her children at home till they grew to be of ser- vice to others, when, one by one, they went their ways in life. She afterward married Amory Pollard, of Bolton, Mass., whom she survived. She died in Montpelier, Vt., Sep- tember 4, 1852, full of years, loved and honor- ed by her children and friends." Her burial- place is at Westmoreland. Asa and Anna (Goldsmith) Cole had eleven children, — Asa, who died 1872, aged seventy- nine; Richard G. — died 1864, aged sixty-nine; Sarah wife of Asa Farnsworth, died 1832, aged 35; Benjamin died at Chagres, Panama, 1850, aged 51 ; Anna Goldsmith, wife of Rev. Isaac Esty died 1872 aged 70 ; Fhilena died 1859, aged 55 ; John, (a whaling captain), died 1875, aged 68 ; Susan (married, first, Elihu Whitcomb, second, Orin Pitkin), died 1883, at Montpelier, Vt., aged 74; William, died 1830, aged 19; Theodore and Charles, who died (from injuries inflicted by a whale, while in command of a whale ship) 1853, aged 37. Theodore Cole, tenth child of Asa and Anna (Goldsmith) Cole, was born in Westmore- land, N. H., May 11, 1813. At the age of nine years he went to live in the family of Abijah French, a farmer and lumberman of Westmoreland. He lived with Abijah French until the summer of 1834, working on the farm summers and attending district school in the winter. In the spring of 1835 he left Westmoreland, to embark on the sea of active life. He went to New Bedford, Mass., the place then so celebrated for its great whaling interests and engaged as a seaman under the well-known master, Captain James Maxfield. His first voyage lasted eighteen months, and among the various points of interest at which they stopped were the Azores, South Africa, Madagascar, Comoro Islands and Isle of France. In April, 1837, he sailed under Cap- tain Shubael Hawes, ship " Frances Henrietta" (Charles W. Morgan, agent), and made a two years' voyage, going around the world, and touching at Cape of Good Hope, Van Diemen's Land, Pern ambuco, etc. In the fall of 1839, he set sail under the same master (Cap- tain Hawes), in the ship " Julian," (agents Hathaway & Luce), and cruised for some time on the Atlantic, stopping at Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. They then extended their voyage to the northwest coast of New Holland, Australia. At this point he left the "Julian," having filled the ship, and went on board the bark " Pacific " of Fairhaven, Captain Webb. They sailed south and southeast along New Holland, touching at Hobart Town, then east by New Zealand, then around Cape Horn, touching at St. Catherina, Brazil, arriving home in January, 1842. During all these years of seafaring life Mr. Cole had, by diligent and prompt attention to his duties, won the approval of his employ- ers and prepared the way for promotion, and at the age of thirty years he had circumnavi- gated the globe twice, and in May, 1843, as master of ship "Parachute," (Benjamin B. How- ard, agent), he began his third voyage around the world, stopping at the Sandwich Islands for recruits, thence north to the northwest coast, returned to Sandwich Islands for water, etc., thence to the South Pacific, around Cape Horn, returning to New Bedford in July, 1845. Captain Cole was married, in August, 1845, to Livilla, daughter of Captain Wilson Gleason, a lifelong resident of Westmoreland, and in October of the same year he sailed in ship " Marengo " (agent, Jonathan Bourne), touching at Cape Vei d, passing west around Cape Horn and on to the Sandwich Islands, from there to the coast of Kamtchatka. He was absent two years and eight months. In November, 1848, Cap- tain Cole sailed in ship "Cowper" (agent, B. B. Howard) on a long voyage for whales in the 522 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Arctic Ocean. Mrs. Cole accompanied hlna. They sailed direct for Cape Verd, down the coast of South America, west around Cape Horn, from thence to the Sandwich Islands, then, leaving his wife to await his return, he steered for Behring Strait, passing in June the western extremity of Oonalaska. He re- mained one season in the Arctic Ocean, discov- ering the Plover Islands, July 1 5, 1 849, although he never claimed the title or credit of a discov- erer. On his return to the Sandwich Islands, his wife rejoined him. They then sailed for Hong Kong, China, where they passed a month preparing for another Arctic voyage. From there they sailed through the Japan Sea and the Matsumai Strait, north along the coast of Kamtchatka stopping at Petropulaski, then to the Arctic Ocean, where Captain Cole com- pleted his cargo and started for home. The voyage of two years and a half, although full of interest and with opportunities of seeing many distant lands, and abounding in varied experience, was long to Mrs. Cole, and she heartily rejoiced when the spires and hills of New Bedford came in view, March 22, 1851, and she could once more stand upon land. Captain Cole had now for nearly sixteen years followed the sea continuously, and by his practicality, prudence aud perseverance had acquired a competency, and he decided to give up his maritime profession and enjoy the well- earned fruits of his labors but being naturally an energetic man, idleness was not to his taste, and he engaged in manufacturing and mer- chandising in Brattleborough, Vt., where he re- mained until 1859, then removed to Westmin- ster, Vt., and purchased a farm and lived there about seven years, identifying himself with the affairs of the town, which he represented in the Legislature of 1862. After leaving West- minster, he resided in Keene one year, and then made his home in Waverly village, Belmont, Mass., for nine years, in order to give his chil- dren the advantages of better educational fa- cilities. In 1876 he made a pleasure trip (prospecting) to California, Colorado and Wy- oming, then returned to Westmoreland, his na- tive place, where he has since resided, and em- ploys his leisure in farming. He was a member of the Legislature in 1881-82, as a representative of the Republican party, to which he has belonged since 1856, when he cast his vote for Fremont. The children of Theodore and Livilla (Glea- son) Cole were Frank T., born June 22, 1853 (he is a graduate of Williams College, Mass., and of Columbia Law School, New York,) now a practicing lawyer of ability in Columbus, Ohio; William H., born August 19, 1854, is a wheat farmer in San Joaquin County, Cal., mar- ried, June 3, 1883, Addie M. Greene (they have one daughter) ; Lucy Anna, born Febru- ary 29, 1856 (deceased); Sarah G., born Febru- ary 15, 1857 (died at the age of seventeen); and Richard G. born March 21, 1860 (died February 12, 1863). Captain Cole was a sea-capfain of pronounced ability, and a natural leader of men, and as shipmaster, merchant and farmer impressed others with a sense of his fitness to lead and direct, and was an important factor in the community where he resided. He. improved the opportunities of his later life for reading and study, so that men of a more liberal education wondered at his extensive and, ac- curate knowledge of history and general liter- ature, and his stories of the past showed observa- tion aud were full of life and humor. He was an able and good counselor to younger men, who often resorted to him for advice. Since 1876 he had been a member of the Congregational Church and contributed liberally to its support. Captain Cole was a kind husband and father, a loyal citizen and a good man. He died July 2, 1885. OLIVER L. BRIGGS. Of the successful men who have gone out from the " Old Granite State" to win fortune p 1 % i Jte>fc 1 ^. ^^^^mm^'r -'-^m^f W^ ^'-CL_. 4j l^ t_ o ^-^, / WESTMORELAND. 523 in the broad field of activity is Oliver L. Briggs, of Boston, Mass., a native of the town of Westmoreland, N. H. He comes of good Puritan stock, and in his business career has evinced many of the principles of the fore- fathers of our American republic. Caleb Briggs, his great-grandfather, was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 27, 1743, and married, for his first wife, Annie Luther. They had five children, two dying in infancy, and the three arriving to maturity were Delia, Lemuel and Luther. His second wife was Chloe French ; their married life continued for thirty-five years. He married, third, Mrs. Mercy Farr. Caleb Briggs came to West- moreland in 1770, where he died, in 1825, aged eighty-two years, having lived a long life of usefulness. Lemuel, his oldest son, was born in Reho- both, Mass., in 1767, and when three years of age he removed, with his parents, to West- moreland, N. H., when the now well-cul- tivated farms were a wilderness. He passed his early life aiding his father in clearing the land and tilling the soil and preparing a place to live. He was not finely, but strongly educated, receiving an education which was the best fitted for his sphere in life, and which, while it developed the muscles, also developed the mental powers, and gave to his descendants, a goodly inheritance of pluck, persistency and perseverance, which enabled them to accomplish their aim in life. In 1791 he married Polly Stephens, who bore him seven children, — Polly, Lemuel, Elenor, Luther, Amasa, Philander S. and Rhoda. Lemuel Briggs died in Westmoreland in 1868, after being a resident there for nearly ninety- eight years, aged one hundred years, nine mouths and nine days, having served his day and generation long and well. Amasa, the fifth child of Lemuel and Polly (Steph- ens) Briggs, was born in Westmoreland, and, following the occupation of his father, became an agriculturist. He married Sally Leonard. She was a descendant of the Leonard family, who were early settlere in Plymouth County, Mass., and prominent in England for many generations, coming from Leonard, Lord Dacre of England, and through two lines from Ed- ward III., viz., through John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester. Their children were Angeline (who died in infancy), Lucy and Oliver L. (twins ; Lucy died at the age of twenty), Ortensia (who married John E. Vazey, and had two children, Tensia and John E.), Alonzo (married Lilian Roberts of Boston) and Ly- man (married Alice Varney, and has one child, Margery). Oliver Leonard Briggs, the oldest son of Amasa and Sally (Leonard) BriggS; was born in Westmoreland, N. H., September 18, 1832. His early life, until he was eighteen, was passed at home, laboring upon the farm, and enjoy- ing the usual privileges of country common schools, and a few terms at High School. He was not strong physically, and unsuited to farm labor, and this fact, together with a laud- able ambition to go from home and make for himself a place in the world of industry, in- duced him at this time, (1850) to go to Bos- ton, and he commenced his successful business life. He, at first, accepted a position as clerk for his uncle. Philander S. Briggs, a West In- dia goods merchant ; he served him faithfully for a few years and then entered the store of James B. Dorr, on Tremont Street, as book- keeper, where he remained for some time, dili- gently attending to his duties, and living in a quiet manner, in order to accumulate something from his salary towards a capital of the future, and all this time his keen and inquiring mind was seeking to devise some way to enable him to enlarge his opportunities. At length he es- tablished himself in the wholesale and retail book trade, and in the meantime, believing that " Knowledge is wealth," or one of the ways to it, he supplemented his education by studying French and book-keeping, and graduated from 524 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Comer's Commercial College with a good rec- ord. He carried on this business successfully for about six years, when he moved to the south part of the city, and engaged in the manufac- ture of croquet sets, parlor billiards, and simi- lar games for children, for several years, and was financially successful. In 1870 he con- ceived the idea of going to Jacksonville, Fla., for the purpose of manufacturing fur- niture, but illness prevented him from carry- ing his plan into execution. In 1871, his health being re-established, he enlarged his plant, and commenced making full-size billiard tables. Their superiority being fully estab- lished, he has prosperously continued his en- terprise, and his tables are now found in private residences and popular resorts throughout the country, and Mr. Briggs has devised many me- chanical contrivances to keep pace with modern improvements, among others the attachment of an improved cushion, which he patented in October, 1871. Mr. Briggs married Mary S. Stone, a lady of culture and refinement. [She is the daughter of Rev. Cyrus and Abigail (Kimball) Stone. Mr. Stone was a native of Marlborough, N. H., a missionary in Bombay, India, and a writer of note. Mrs. Stone was a teacher there under the auspices of the American Board, and their daughter was born in India.] Mr. and Mrs, Briggs have one son, Frederick Huntington, aged nineteen years, who is now pursuing a collegiate course at Brown University, at Provi- dence R. I. Mr. Briggs is now in the full vigor of his manhood, enjoying the competency which he has acquired by his own unaided exertions, and he recalls with satisfaction his patient in- dustry and persevering energy in starting from an humble beginning upon a special line of manufacturing, through which he has gained so large a success as a business man. His prac- tical intelligence and common sense have been broadened by extensive travel in both continents, quickened by contact with men and rounded by constant use. In all respects, Mr. Briggs is a type of the bright, active, sagacious and honorable American, and his prosperity is due to his long-continued and well-directed applica- tion to business, and determination to have his products the best of their kind. HENRY ESTY. The Esty family is an old and respected one in the town of Westmoreland, having been resi- dents there for over a century. The name is variously spelled in old records, such as Estey, Eastey, Easty and Esty. The family is not a numerous one. Jeffrey Esty, the first Ameri- can ancestor of those bearing that name, settled in Salem, Mass., prior to 1637, and Edward Eastey, of Sutton, Mass., married Mehitabel, daughter of Stephen and Nancy (Dodge) Marsh, some time after 1750. Of their children, Ed- ward and Stewart Esty appear as the only ones mentioned in the records. We cannot fix the identity of these, by any documentary evidence, as connected with the Westmoreland Estys, but the latter branch originated in Sutton, and the similarity of the names would apparently be more than a mere coincidence. Be that as it may, we find that Steward Esty emigrated from Sutton, Mass., to Westmoreland, N. H., about a hundred years ago. Steward Esty passed his early life in Sutton, and when a lad, while plowing, he heard the firing at the battle of Bunker Hill. He worked for a few years at his trade of carpenter in Hudson, N. Y., and afterward came to Westmoreland, N. H., and made a home for himself and his wife, Mary (Brown) Esty, and settled on what is now known as the David Esty farm. He combined farm- ing with his carpentering, and was a successful and prosperous man. His brother Edward went to Maine and settled there. William made his residence in Brownington, Vt. David came to Westmoreland, was a farmer, resided in the town, and there died. Steward and Mary (Brown) Esty had five children,— John (who S>i^%AHnito1vJi- j^^^^^^y- ^^.^>^ ^C^-i^ WESTMORELAND. 526 was drowned when about fourteen years of age) ; Mary (married Niles Aldrich, of Westmore- land, and had four children) ; Nathaniel (married Lois Woodward, of Westmoreland; they had three children, — Betsy, deceased, Ed- ward and Emily, still living in Westmoreland) ; Clarissa (married Willard Bill, of Gilsum ; of their two children, one died in infancy, the other, Willard, is a resident of Westmoreland) ; Henry. Henry Esty, the youngest child of Steward and Mary (Brown) Esty, was born in West- moreland June 18, 1806. He was a studious boy, and diligently improved the meagre oppor- tunities for education the common schools offered, and while in his teens he taught school, and then availfed himself of the money acquired for more extended instruction, and at the age of twenty he took charge of a school in Surry, N. H. He afterward taught in Brattleborough, Vt., and two winters in the north part of West- moreland, and was a teacher in Keene when the superintending committee was Colonel Wil- son, Aaron Hall and the well-known and be- loved minister. Dr. Barstow. At the time of Henry's marriage his father made a division of his real estate among his child- ren, and, as was the custom in those days (for men of means to so arrange their property that some especial provision should be made for their future) he gave to Henry twenty-five acres ad- ditional, with the proviso that he should be the child of his old age, and Henry lived with his father until the death of the latter, in April, 1841 . Mr. Esty married in 1 835, Mary Ann Chamber- lain, of Pomfret, Vt. ; they had no children. She died in Westmoreland in 1852. He after- ward married Mrs. Julia A. Hubbard, of Wind- sor, Vt., who had two children, — Julia, who died at the age of nineteen, and Charles, now living in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Julia A. Esty died several years since. Mr. Esty has been a large real estate owner in Westmoreland, and once owned the land now comprising the village of East Westmoreland, and all the houses have been built within his recollection. At the time of the building; of the Cheshire Railroad Mr. Estey lived on the line of the road, and his house was rented as a depot, and destroyed by fire, probably occasioned by sparks from an en- gine, and it was only after three years' litigation that he obtained damages. He then purchased part of the old Wilbur place, remodeled the house, aiid it has since been his residence. His history of the building of the bridge across the Connecticut Eiver, and of the Cheshire road, also the difficulties attending the establishment of the East Westmoreland post-office, is very interesting and worthy of record. He was bondsman for the first postmaster, Mr. Wight, and appointed to the same office after Mr. Wight retired, although he did not attend to its duties personally. Mr. Esty is a man of great strength of charac- ter, keenness of understanding, business fore- sight, an original thinker, a fluent conversation- alist, well read and at home in the topics of the times. He has acquainted himself with the writings of Theodore Parker and others of the same thought. Althougli not a believer in any creed, he has always contributed to the sup- port of a church. His faith is that of the Spirit- ualists, believing that there is a medium of com- munication existing, however imperfectly de- veloped at present, between the spirits of those who have crossed the dark river and those remaining on the shores of time. ALBERT THOMPSON. Of the numerous emigrants who came to Plymouth, Mass., in the " good ship Ann " was John Thomson, who was born in the north of Wales in the year 1616, and came to A merica in the third embarkation from England, and ar- rived at Plymouth early in the month of May, 1622, being at that time in the sixth year of his age. The first knowledge we have of the name, with any certainty, is from the ancient record of heraldry. Then the name was familiarly known in England, Scotland and Ireland, and 526 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. each family spelled the name differently and selected a different badge of heraldry. The celebrated poet, James Thomson, was of this family, and Charles Thomson, the secre- tary of the Continental Congress in Revolu- tionary times. The north of Wales being- contiguous to Scotland, probably John Thomson was a descendant of the Scottish family. The letter p was not introduced into the name by his descendants until a century and a half had rolled away. John Thomson learned the trade of a carpenter, and tradition says he built the first framed meet- ing-house in Plymouth, Mass. He married Mary Cook, the daughter of Francis Cook, one of the first emigrants, in 1620. He afterwards lived in Sandwich and was a farmer, then moved to that part of Plymouth now Halifax and subsequently built a log house in Middleborougb, where he lived until his house was burned by the Indians. At the time of the Indian attacks he had a genera^ commission as lieutenant-commandant, not only in the field, but of garrison and all posts of danger. In the year 1677 he erected a frame house near where the former house was de- stroyed, and made a garrison of it. This house was the residence of the fifth generation. It was taken down in 1838, having been occupied one hundred and sixty years. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson were zealous, God-fearing people and were regular attendants of divine service. Their hour of rising, especially on Sunday morning, was four o'clock. The distance to church was thirteen miles, and it is recorded that his wife, on two Sabbaths in June, after breakfast took her child of six months old in her arms and walked to Plymouth, attended service and re- turned home the same day. The long, useful and industrious life of the Thomson patriarch closed June 16, 1696, when nearly eighty years old. He was buried in the first burying- ground in Middleborougb. Mary, his wife, died March 21, 1714, in the eighty-eighth year of her age. They had twelve children. The line of descent to Albert is, John (1), Jacob (2), Caleb (3), Caleb (4j, Caleb (5), Nathaniel (6), Albert (7). Caleb (5) was a great ship-builder and dealer in lumber in Plymouth, Mass. He mar- ried Mary Perkins. He died February 9, 1821. She died December 9, 1816. They had fifteen children, — Gaius, Sylvia, Jonah, Ansel, Na- than, Abigail, Serena, Alfred, Mary, Eliza, Caleb, Nathaniel (6), Joanna, Sabina and Fred- eric. Nathaniel was the twelfth child of Caleb and Mary (Perkins) Thompson. He settled in Swanzey, N. H., and became a farmer. He also carried on a saw-mill and dealt largely in lumber. He married, September 13, 1818, Annie Field. They had several children, — Ambrose, born May 30, 1819, and died July 3, 1829 ; Julia Ann, born September 18, 1821, died March 23, 1822; Julia Ann, born March 10, 1823, died May 21, 1849; Frederick M., born May 19, 1826, died February 1, 1859; Eliza, bbrn June 28, 1831, died December 25, 1850 ; Andrew J., born November 28, 1828, died May 24, 1829; Mary E., born April 20, 1834 (now Mrs. Britton); Albert (6); Lavina, born March 31, 1839 (Mrs. Charles F. Graves, resides in Fon du Lac, Wis). Albert Thompson, son of Nathaniel and Annie (Field) Thompson, was born in Swanzey, N. H., October 18, 1836. His early years were passed at home. He diligently and care- fully improved the educational advantages the schools of his native town afforded. His turn of mind being favorable to business enterprise and activity, at the age of fifteen he left Swanzey and went to Keene, where he i-emained for about eight years, a portion of which time he was engaged in the business of furnishing wood for the Cheshire Railroad, on his own account, and has handled a large amount of the wood supplied that road for about twenty-eight years. In 1860 he came to Westmoreland, and since that time has been closely identified with that town. In April, 1859, he married Carrie, daughter of Foster Wight, the first postmaster of East Westmoreland. They have had five children, — Abbie M., born September 1, 1860, WESTMORELAND. 527 died February 2, 1884; Omer G. and Olan A. (twins), born November 1, 1864 (Olan A. died August 31, 1865) ; Irving W., born August 9, 1874; and Clifton A., born January 31, 1877. ^Ir. Thompson built the store and the house where he now resides in 1867, for his brother-in- law, C. jNI. Wight, who carried on business for about two years, Mhen Mr. Wight, foreseeing a more successful future for his labors in the West, weut to Xori, Mich., where he has been very prosperous, and ]Mr. Thompson de- voted his attention and energy to the trade at home, and the results have been favorable. Other enterprises have also felt the impulse of his ability. He has been active in tlie lumber- ing business, alone and in company with his brother-in-law. Chandler Britton, for several years. It was mainly tlirough his eiforts that the "Centennial Hall" was built in East West- moreland, in 1876, and he has always been ready to advance any movement w-hich could promote the progress and further the interests of his adopted town. In everj' good work of public enterprise or of private charity he has never been found wanting to contribute his full share and more. In all respects he is a type of the active, sagacious and honorable American business man and possesses in a large degree all those qualities that constitute a most worthy citizen. Intelligent, conscientious, kind-hearted, obliging and industrious, ]\Ir. Thompson enjoys the esteem and confidence of the community, and is one of Westmoreland's representative men. SHUBAEL AVHITE. The White family are among the oldest in New England. The first ancestor was William White, who, with his wife, Susanna, was among that band of strong-hearted, valiant, zealous Puritans, united by a common bond of religious faith, who left their homes in England to brave the hardships and trials of an unknown coun- try in order there to find " Freedom to worship God !" They lauded at Plymouth, ^lass., in the winter of 1620, Avhere Peregrine, the son of William and Susanna, was born, on board the " ^Mayflower," after her arrival. His name was given him on account of the wanderings of the Pilgrims. William White was "a pious and active minister in Dorchester, England," and his descendants are generally known as in- fluential members of society, law-abiding citi- zens, prosperous, esteemed for their temperance, honesty and probity. The line to Shubael, the representative of the name in AA^estmoreland, is William (1), Peregrine (2), Daniel (3), John (4), Cornelius (5), Moses (6), Calvin (7), Shubael (8). Peregrine was one of tlie grantees of the town of Abington, Mass. The family are found afterwards in South Brookfield, Mass.; and John (4) was killed there by the Indians while making hay on the meadow near where the burying-ground is now ; Cornelius (5) was one of the grantees of the town of Westmoreland in 1752 ; Moses (6), son of Cornelius, came from Brookfield, Mai^., to Westmoreland, N. H., and was one of the first settlers of the town. He married, December 25, 1766, Dinah Stone. They had eleven children, — Sarah, born Novem- ber 16, 1767; Calvin, born July 29, 1774; Hannah, born October 3, 1777; Dinah, born November 14, 1779; Samuel, bom February 28, 1782; Cynthia, born June 1,1786; Orpha, born June 30, 1789 ; Eunice, born August 31, 1791; John, born June 1 2, 1 796 ; Bethuel ; Sol- omon. Moses White was a farmer and respected citizen, a deacon of the church and performed his duties faithfully. His wife died October 26, 1811, aged sixty-three years, and he mar- ried a second wife. He died March 6, 1829, aged eighty-six years. Calvin (7), son of Dea- con !Moses and Dinah (Stone) White, was born in Westmoreland, July 29, 1774. He married Sai-ah Richardson, of Chesterfield, N. H. They had eight children, — Gilman, born January 19, 1799, married Harriet Butterfield ; Persis. born November 15, 1801, died December 20, 1802 ; 528 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Mary, born January 18, 1805, married Francis Eussell ; Silas, born November 20, 1806, mar- ried Phoebe Thayer; Shubael; Betsy, born August 4, 1811, unmarried, died aged seventy- two years; Alfred, born October 17, 1813, married Sarah Litch ; Eunice, born November 23, 1816, married Qaleb W. Jaquith. Calvin White was a mechanic and made the old-fash- ioned mould-board wooden ploughs. He was an intelligent man, and held several minor town offices. He died April 11, 1843, aged sixty-nine; his wife survived him ten years, dying September 21, 1853, aged seventy-four. Shubael (8), son of Calvin and Sarah (Eich- ardson) White, was born in Westmoreland, May 27, 1809. During his early years he had the experience that the children of a family of humble circumstances of that day usually had— labor on the farm and limited school op- portunities. He learned the carpenter's trade, and remained in Westmoreland until he was of age. He passed the next five or six years in various places, and in 1836 he went to Keene. The same year he married, in Boston, Betsey Heustis, daughter of Simon Heustis, an old resident of Westmoreland. They had one child, William H., who is now a judge of Police Court at Junction City, Kan. He married, for second wife, Nancy L. Wilder, daughter of David Wilder, a native of Lancaster, Mass. She died February 26, 1883. They had two children, — Henry, born October 19, 1840, wa.s one of the victims of the great Eebellion, dying in service December 19, 1861, aged twenty-one years, and Charles M., born May 16, 1850. Mr. White is a man of quiet and unob- trusive manners, kind, cheerful and social in his disposition, faithful to duty and to the performance of trusts. He has served as over- seer of the poor for over eleven years, as col- lector of taxes for four years, and has held several minor town offices. At the time of the Civil War, when the first call came for seventy- five thousand men, Mr. White, although past middle age, responded promptly, and enlisted, as drum-major, in the Second New Hampshire Eegiment, and also served in the same capacity in the Sixth and Fourteenth Eegiments, and received his honorable discharge. Politically, he is a strong Eepublican. His religious belief is that of the Congregational Church, and he has been a consistent member of that body for many years, and is a worthy descendant of his " Mayflower " ancestor. DANIEL W. PATTEN. Genealogical history is customary in Europe to show the titles to honor and estate ; but in this country, where wealth and distinction depend almost exclusively upon one's own exertions and merits, it is a subject of necessity, mingled, however, with satisfaction, when we can trace our ancestors back through different generations to the first one who emigrated to America, and know that they were good and honorable men, whatever their station in life. John Patten came from Ireland, where he was born, to America in the early part of the eighteenth century, and settled in Norton, Mass., and married Abigail Makepeace. (The house they occupied is still standing in Norton, in a good state of preservation.) He possessed the strong, rugged nature of his nationality, together with patient endurance, and when, at the close of the Eevolutionary War, money had so depre- ciated in value that his small means were almost lost, his brave heart was not easily discouraged, and, with diligence and perseverance, he, with his four sons, worked early and late until they had paid for the farm, and Mr. Patten could start square with the world. He was by trade a nail-maker. His life in America was passed in Norton, where he died. His children were William, Samuel, Daniel, John, Abigail, Sarah, Lucy and Susan, who married a Jenks, and settled in Vermont. William, Abigail and Sarah never married. Lucy married Solomon Field. Daniel married; had three daughters. WESTMOKELAND. 529 Phoebe, Abigail, and Harriet ; Phoebe married Sumner Knapp;they had ten children. Abigail married Mason Stone, and had five children. Harriet married Daniel S. Cobb; had three children. Samuel married, family unknown. John, the first of the Patton family to settle in Westmoreland, was born in Norton, Mass., in 1755, and died in "Westmoreland, aged sixty years. lie was a blacksmith by trade, and a hard-working man. He married Jerusha Wood. Their children were Abigail (died young), Asa, Samson, Daniel, John, William and Sarah (who did not attain maturity). Asa married Cyntha Field and left Westmoreland, and made his home in Coventry, Vt., where he died. Samson moved to Maine, married and left numerous descendants. John married Nancy M. Smith, always resided in Norton, and died there. William married Elfrida Aldrich, of Westmoreland, and passed part of his life in Pomfret, Vt., but returned to Westmoreland, and was a resident there at the time of his death. Daniel, son of John and Jerusha (Wood) Patten, was born in Westmoreland, January 18, 1794. His early life and educa- tion was the usual one of the sons of farmers and mechanics. He learned the trade of a car- penter and pursued his vocation with diligence, and was a successful business man. A good citizen, but applied himself closely to his own affairs, and never sought publicity or office. He married, in 1820, Cyrena Shelley, daughter of Barnabas and Lydia (Cole) Shelley, of West- moreland, born February 24, 1797. They had two children, Daniel W. and George E., born March 21, 1828. Mrs. Patten died January 12, 1835. He married, second, Myra Hutchin, born May 13, 1803, and died January 25, 1859, leaving a daughter, Elmyra C, who lived to be twenty-three years old. For his third wife, Mr. Patten married Sally French, of West- moreland; she was born February 24, 1809, and died September 15, 1868. Daniel Warren Patten, the oldest son of Daniel and Cyrena (Shelley) Patten, was born in Westmoreland, February 24, 1822, and with the exception of four years' residence in Hins- dale, has always lived in his native town. Like multitudes of men, he passed his youth and early manhood assisting his father on the farm, besides working at his trade of carpentering. His school facilities were necessarily limited, but by close application he became a proficient scholar especially in mathematics. In nine cases out of ten, the men who have achieved distinction in politics or in the various lines of business activity have passed their early days in the shop or on a farm. Mr. Patten married, June 4, 1845, Elizabeth Howe Heustis, born February 1, 1822, daugh- ter of Gilbert T. and Martha (Hodges) Heustis, of Westmoreland ; she was a descendant, on her mother's side, of Samuel Howe, one of the first settlers of the town, and a granddaughter of Aristides and Prudence (Baxter) Heustis, of Surry, N. H. They have two children, — Ella E. (who married Albourne F. Abbott, of West- moreland, now living in Boston), and Martha C, who is with her parents. In 1849, Mr. Patten, desirous of advancing his business interests, went to Hinsdale, where he carried on the sash and blind manufacturing for four years ; he then returned to Westmore- land, and continued in the same line of work until 1856, when the flood carried away his shop containing stock and machinery ; but, with the same spirit of perseverance which char- acterized his great-grandfather, he rebuilt and engaged in the business, of planing and dressing lumber, and added to this the manufacture of wooden pails for some four or five years. He also engaged in civil engineering, and for twenty- five years has been employed in all parts of the county, and especially in his native town, where he has a comfortable home and a farm to which he gives his personal attention. His active interest and participation in mili- taiy organizations is shown by his several com- missions, which were given as follows : Ensign in the Westmoreland Light Infantry by Gov- 530 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ernor Hubbard, in 1843; first lieutenant by Governor Steel, in 1844; captain of the First Company Light Infantry, by the same Governor, in 1845; lieutenant-colonel of Twentieth Reg- iment New Hampshire Militia, by Governor Colby, in 1846 ; and colonel in the same regiment, by Governor "Williams, in 1847; and received his honorable discharge June 9, 1848. Mr. Patten has thoroughly believed in his native town, and with commendable public spirit has endeavored to work for its interests, and has been connected with its official duties in many departments. In 1860 he was assist- ant United States marshal, and took the census in Westmoreland, Chesterfield, Hinsdale and Swanzey, and has held several minor town of- fices. Politically, he is a Democrat, and be- lieves in the principles of Jefferson and Jackson, and was twice elected to the State Legislature on the Democratic ticket for the years 1863 and 1864. He has been several times nominated for State Senator, and for various county ofBces, receiving each time the cordial and full support of his party, but failing of election by the great predominance of the opposing party in this sec- tion of the State. He has been many years a justice of the peace. In his religious preferences he is a Univer- salist, broad and catholic in his views, and al- ways respecting the opinions of others. He is an intelligent and thoughtful man, has given great attention to historical research, and has rendered much valuable assistance to Mr. Willard Bill, the historian of Westmoreland. EUBEBT CHAMBERLAIN AND EDGAE KENDALL HOHTON. In that year made memorable by the battles of Buena Vista and Sacramento, and the severe famine in Ireland, which called from the United States such munificent donations of corn and potatoes to save the famishing, there was born to a pleasant home in Westmoreland, N. H., Egbert Chamberlain and Edgar Kendall Horton, twin sons of Dr. P. Manly Horton and Mary Ann Kendall — who were a glad surprise, looking so much alike that it was difficult to tell one from the other. Bright hopes at once centred in them, for they were of noble extraction. Their mother was from a superior family of English origin, eminently gifted in mind and heart. She was a true woman, always loyal to her family and well fitted to nurture and train her children for usefulness and success in the world. So long as she lived she richly blest her home. Their father, who is still living in advanced years, is mentally strong and of great physical endurance, inventive by nature and exceedingly apt in mechanical skill and works. The Horton pedigree reaches far back into English history, even to the period when the Romans occupied Brittany. The name itself signifies a cultivator, or adviser. All the way through this long line the families bearing this cognomen have left traces and impressions of genuine character and progress, The first of this name came to America as early as 1633, and one branch set- tled on Long Island and others in Springfield, and in the central part of Massachusetts. From the last have sprung the family under considera- tion. The Horton genealogy shows that they have been producers in cultivating the soil and originators in handicrafts and in scholarly attainments. Egbert and Edgar were fortunate in coming into this world in the midst of charming scen- ery. If New Hampshire is the Switzerland of America, Westmoreland is its Col de Balm, abundantly supplied with flowers in the sum- mers and snow blossoms in the winter. Its air is invigorating; its light, crystalline; its sur- face, rich and greatly diversified with hills, vales, woods, brooks, rivers, meadows, pastures and rural homes. So their young hearts could but drink in freely inspiration from all this wide-spread beauty and picturesqueness. They were cheerful and happy in their early years. As they began to attend school they at once exhibited traits of promise and scholarship. WESTMORELAND. 531 When they advanced from the common to the High School they expressed quickness of dis- cernment and readiness of comprehension, mas- tering the studies that they pursued. Eeaching manhood, they were of medium size, mental temperament and ambitious to do for them- selves. On leaving home they engaged as clerks in mercantile business at Keene, N. H. Edgar remained there for five years and then went to Providence, E,. I., M'here he continued in the same calling for ten years. Egbert tarried in Keene but a short time before he left for Green- field, Mass., where he devoted himself to photography till 1870, when he went to Prov- idence to follow the same business. In ] 878 he opened a studio for himself, and two years later he took in as partner his brother Edgar. Now, with their age, experience, taste, skill and love for art-works, they were prepared to excel iu photography, Egbert devoting himself to the art and Edgar to the business part, and so carry on the work with a high degree of success. Starting now on a basis of strict attention to artistic effect and a general excellence in detail, they have acquired the enviable position of lead- 34 ers in photographic art in Rhode Island, and to-day their business is second to none in New England, and represents to a large degree the wealthy and best patronage of the State. With the view of better meeting the demands of an increasing business, they have recently fitted up two entire floors of the large block at 87 West- minster Street for their work. These are not to be surpassed. The reception room is in- viting and elegantly furnished. Its walls are hung with specimen works iu oil and crayon. It is a model establishment of its kind, spacious, finely-lighted, and well adjusted in all its ap- pliances. The studio of the Horton Brothers is generally regarded as a valuable addition to the testhetic developments of Providence, and their business has come to be counted among the enterprising industries of the city. So, through ability, industry, perseverance, moral fortitude and culture, these young men have already attained to a high degree of success, giving assurance that they will still bestow by their good works greater honors upon their patronymic name, their profession, their homes and their country. HISTORY OF RINDGE. CHAPTER I. This township was granted by the Governor of Massachusetts December 9, 1736, O. S. The territory was surveyed by Nathan Hey- wood in November, 1738, and the grant con- firmed January 24, 1638, O. S. (February 4, 1739, X. S.) The grantees were soldiers or heirs of soldiers who participated in the expe- dition under Sir William Phipps to Canada in 1690, and were residents of Rowley, Mass., and vicinity ; hence the name of Rowley-Canada, by which the place was known until it was granted by the ]Masonian proprietors, February 14, 1749, and called Monadnock, No. 1. The town was incorporated February 11, 1768, and received its present name in honor of Daniel Rindge, then an influential member of the Council. Rindge took a prominent part in the Revo- lution, furnishing two regimental commanders, viz., Colonel Enoch Hale, born in Rowley, No- vember 28, 1733, a veteran of the French War, who was in public positions for many years, and died in Grafton, Vt, April 9, 1813 ; and Colonel Nathan Hale, born September 23, 1743, who was in the service from the breaking out of the Revolutionary War until he died a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, at Long Island, September 23, 1780. He was promoted for meritorious services to the rank of Colonel. The first settler was Abel Platts in about 1742. Revolutionaey War. Pay-roll of the men that went to Cambridge 332 in Captaitt Nathan Hale's company, at the time of the Lexington fight, April ye 1 9, 1 775 : £. s. d. Nathan Hale, captain 6 6 Francis Towne, lieutenant 1 10 Daniel Rand, ensign 1 10 James Crumble, clerk 1 10 Page Xorcross, sergeant 1 10 Samuel Stanley, sergeant 1 10 James Streeter, sergeant 1 10 Abel Stone, corporal 1 10 Benjamin Davis, corporal 6 6 Samuel Stone, corporal 66 Ezekiel Rand, drummer 6 6 Daniel Lake, Jr., drummer 6 6 Leme Page, fifer 66 JohnHanaford 1 10 Daniel Eussell 66 Nathaniel Ingalls 1 10 Nehemiah Towne 1 10 Jonathan Putnam 1 10 Samuel Eussell 1 10 Jeremiah Norcross 1 10 JoelEussell 66 John Buswell 1 10 Simeon Ingalls 6 6 Samuel Parker 6 6 Joseph Platts 1 10 Asa Brocklebank 1 10 Samuel Tarbell 66 KeubenPage 66 Abel Platts, Jr 1 10 Samuel Page 1 10 John Demary, Jr 6 6 Joseph Stanley 1 10 Aaron Easty 1 10 William Carlton 1 10 James Cutter 1 10 Simon Davis 6 6 RINDGB. 533 £ s. d. John Emory 1 10 Eaos Lake 66 Jeremiah Eussell 1 10 David Eobbins 1 10 Nathaniel Thomas 1 10 Oliver Bacon 1 10 Abraham Wetherbee 1 10 Benjamin Carlton 1 10 Nathaniel Russell 1 10 Jonathan Lovejoy 6 6 Joseph Wilson 1 10 Solomon Rand 1 10 Daniel Lake 6 6 Edward Jewett 1 17 4 Elisha Perkins 1 10 Ezekiel Lamed 1 10 Isaac Wood 1 10 George Carlton 1 10 This company marched to Cambridge. Sev- enteen returned after four days' service, and thirty-seven remained seventeen days; and it is probable that several of the latter did not re- turn to their homes before joining another com- pany from Rindge, which arrived in the vicinity of Boston about that time. In this company of fifty-four men were twelve who afterwards held commissions in the regiments raised in this State. This pay-roll is found upon the town records, and the payment was made by the town. Pay-roll of Captain Philip Thomas' com- pany, in Colonel James Read's regiment, to August 1, 1775. Time of entry, April 23, 1776. (Paid to each private seven pounds, two shill- ings, ten pence.) Those marked thus (*) are from other towns. Philip Thomas, Rindge, captain. John Harper,* lieutenant. Ezekiel Rand, Rindge, second lieutenant. Benj. Davis, sergeant. Godfrey Richardson.* Ezekiel Learned, sergeant. Jacob Hobbs. Simon Davis, sergeant. John Thomson. Jacob Peirce,* sergeant. Thomas Hutchinson. John Demary, corporal. Hezekiah Wetherbee. Simeon Ingalla, corporal. Caleb Winn. Jeremiah Russell, corporal. James Coffering.* Benjamin Lovering, Benjamin Beals. Daniel Lake, drummer. Peter Webster. Leme Page, fifer. Dudley Griffin.* Thomas Emory. Benjamin Dole.* Daniel Russell. Isaac Leland. Obediah Marsh. Richard Alexander.* Ezekiel Demary. Nehemiah Porter. Enos Lake. Hugh Gragg". Reuben Page. David Hale. Samuel Parker. David Davis. Timothy Rogers.* Henry Davis.* Ebenezer Ingalls. Jonathan Lovejoy. Joseph Wright.* George Carlton. Stephen Adams.* Isaac Adams. Joel Russell. Benjamin Burley. Thomas Henderson. Simeon Whitcomb. Benjamin Parker. Alexander Douglass.* John Dole.* The following are the articles lost, and the amount paid to the several men, in behalf of the colony, by Timothy Walker, Jr., the same person who formerly supplied the pulpit in this town : £ s. d. " Lieut. John Harper 12 Ens. Ezekiel Rand 3 16 4 Benjamin Davis 1 15 Benj" Lovering 4 6 Daniel Lake ■. '.. 4 00 Leme Page 6 8 Ezekiel Larned 2 14 Jacob Pierce 134 Simon Davis 1 4 John Demerry 7 Simeon Ingolls 2 14 6 Jeremiah Eussell 6 8 ObadiahMarsh 00 Benj" Beals 12 JoelRussell '5 4 DudleyGriffin 1 8 Thomas Emery 140 Plugh Gregg 17 Ezekiel Demerry 2 Benj' Dole 6 Reuben Page 112 Timothy Rogers 15 Richard Alexander 3 80 Caleb Winn 3 3 8 David Davis 6 12 Henry Davis 4 Nehemiah Porter 6 534 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. £ s. d. Peter Webster 1 12 8 Benj» Parker 2 Thomas Henderson 2 19 John Thompson 2 00 DavidHale 5 60 Isaac Adams 7 00 George Carlton 7 Jonathan Lovejoy 6 James Coffering 1 4S £5916 4" The articles lost, for which the above sums were allowed, will be seen in — "A list of Losses sustained in the Batal and Retreat on bunker hill, the 17th day of June, 1775, of Cap- tain Thomas' Company in the New Hampshire Reserves. Lieut. [John Harper] one hat. Ens'n [Ezekiel Rand] coat, two shirts one gun, iron strike sword, pr. hose. Sarg't Benjamin Davis a blanket, surtout one byanot. Sarg't Ezekiel Earned one gone [gun] one byanot & belt, one powder horn. Sarg't Simon Davis one coat. Sarg't Jacob Pierce a coat, a shag great coat & pack. Corporal John Demary one blanket, one byanot, one haversack. Corporal Simeon Inglas one Cartridge Box, one gun and & byanot, one powder horn, one blanket. Corporal Benjamin Lovering, Cadous Box & silke handkerchief. Drums & Fifers — Daniel Lake, [Jr.] one pair of suse [shoes] one blanket. Leme Page one shagge great coat. Richard Alexender caduse Box and a coate Thomas Hutchinson a pare of trowsors. David Davis a fine shirt, & a pare of yarn hose. Jonathan Lovejoy a surtout, four shirts, one coat, two waistcoats, one gun, three pare of hose, one pouch, neckcloth, one pr. of trousers, one cat.- Box, byanot. Nehimiah Porter a Byanot. Thomas Henderson 2 shirts, 2 pr. hose, coat & wast- coat & a pare of Lether breeches. James Cochran [Coffering?] blanket, pr. briches, pr. of hose a Rasor, havsack. Dudley Griffen a coat & shirt. Benjamin Beales, a shirt, two pr. of hose. Ezekiel Demary one pr. of hose. Reuben Paige a great cote and one shirt, 1 pr. of hose, 1 powder horn, one cartridge box, one wastcoat. Obadiah Marsh one shirt, one pr. of hose, one Havi- sack. Joell Russell 1 coat, 1 pr. Leather-briches, 1 pr. hose, two shirts, one hat, one powder horn, havesack. Jacob Hobbs one blanket. Timothy Rogers one shirt. Godfray Richison one pare of suses. Henry Davis one pare of trousers. Hugh Gregg one shag great coat, 1 shirt, 1 powder horn, Bulet pouch. Benjamin Dole lost Comp'ys bread (?). Peter Webster a felt hat and coat and 1 pare of Leather-briches, one shirt, one havsak and one Belet pouch. John Thompson one pair suses, one wast-coat, 1 shirt, 2 pr. of trousers, one neck-cloth, one Havesack, 1 pr. of hose, 1 gone & powder horn. George Carlton, Isaac Adams, and Jonathan Lovejoy, we the apprisors of this Company comput their loss of guns and other artikals to amount of £18, besid the loss of their lives or in captivity. Philip Thomas, Captain." The companies of the training-band and minute-men organized in this town were under the command of efficient officers. Their names and the date of their commissions appear in the following list. The dates are the earliest that can be given with a certainty of accuracy, yet a few of the officers may have been com- missioned previous to the date given, — Solomon Cutler, lieutenant, 1775 ; captain, 1777. James Crumble, lieutenant, 1776. Daniel Rand, ensign, 1775 ; lieutenant, 1776 ; cap- tain, 1778. Francis Towne, lieutenant, 1776 ; captain, 1776. Ebenezer Chaplin, ensign, 1776. Abel Stones, ensign, 1777. Page Norcross, lieutenant, 1777. Salmon Stone, ensign, 1777 ; captain, 1777. Ebenezer Davis, lieutenant, 1778. Benjamin Davis, ensign, 1778. Jacob Gould, lieutenant, 1778. Ezekiel Rand, ensign, 1878. RINDGE. 535 Asa Sherwin, captain, 1778. Othniel Thomas, lieutenant, 1777 ; captain, 1782. Isaac Wood, ensign 1779. Daniel Adams, ensign, 1880. Ebenezer Fitch, lieutenant, 1880. Benjamin Foster, lieutenant, 1779. Nathaniel Thomas, lieutenant, 1779. John Stanley, lieutenant, 1777. Samuel Tarbell, lieutenant, 1779. John Fills, ensign, 1782. At the annual meeting on the 21st day of March, Jonathan Sherwin, Edward Jew- ett, Abel Stone, Francis Towne and Daniel Rand were chosen " a committee of inspection and correspondence." The three first were al- so selectmen for the year. Two of this com- mittee having proved their efficient service in raising men and joining the forces in the field, and a third being absent a portion of the time in another line of duty, " a new committee of inspection, safety and correspondence" was chosen in September, consisting of Lieutenant Ebenezer Chaplin, Mr. Nathaniel Russell, Mr. Page Norcross, Lieutenant James Crumble and Mr. Jonathan Sawtell. Association Test. — The following signed the association test : Abraham Wetherbee. Jeremiah Towne. William Carlton. Nehemiah Towne. Benjamin Bancroft. Enoch Hale. Seth Dean. Edward Jewett. Jonathan Sherwin. W" Eussell. Jacob Hobbs. John Dean. Salmon Stpne. John Handsome. James Crumble. Samuel Tarbell. Nathaniel Page. Solomon Cutler. John Demary. John Hannaford. James Streeter. Samuel Paige, Jr. Jacob Gould. Caleb Huston. David Bobbins. John Thomson. Eleazer CofFeen. Benjamin Newman. Nehemiah Porter. Reuben Page. .John Lovejoy. Solomon Whitney. William Bobbins. Samuel Page. John Eills. Eliakim Darling. Jehosaphat Grout. Othniel Thomas. Daniel Lake. Jonathan Towne, Jr. John Page. John Townsend. Ebenezer Locke. Jeremiah Chapman. Nathaniel Russell. John Simonds. Amasa Turner. Nathan Hubbard. Abel Stone. John Whitaker. James Wood. Ebenezer Chaplin. James Cutter. John Emery. Solomon Rand. Joseph Stanley. Jonathan Sawtell. John Sherwin. Paul Fitch. James Philbrick. John Wetherbee. Ebenezer Davis. Daniel Rand. Jeremiah Russell. Joshua Webster. Benjamin Carlton. Samuel Stanley. Henry Godding. Joel Russell, jun'". Daniel Davis. Jonathan Ingalls. Caleb Winn. Samuel Walker. Ezekiel Learned. Daniel Eussell. Jeremiah Norcross. David Hale. Richard Tompson. Amos Davis. George Lake. James Carlton. Jeduthan Stanley. Nathaniel Ingalls. Samuel Russell. William Davis. John Fitch. Randall Davis. Joshua Tyler. Benjamin Moore. Samuel Sherwin. Richard Kimball. Benjamin Peirce. Samuel Whiting. Oliver Stevens. Isaac Wood. • Joseph Platts. Zebulon Convers. Simon Davis. Jonathan Putnam. Benjamin Lovering. Ebenezer Shaw. Abel Platts. Benjamin Gould. Elisha Perkins. Page Norcross. Aaron Esty. Richard Kimball, Jr. Stephen Jewett. Israel Adams, Jr. Nathaniel Thomas. Jonathan Ball. Nehemiah Bowers. Francis Towne. Moses Hale. Richard Davis. Deliverance Wilson. . Elijah Rice. John Gray. Gliver Gould. Ichabod Thomson. Jepthah Richardson. Barnabas Cary. John Lovejoy, Jr. John Buswell. Abel Platts, Jr. Timothy Wood. Simon Davis, Jr. Abel Perkins. Ezekiel Rand. Jonathan Towne. Israel Adams. Jabez Norcross. Joel Russell. Jonathan Parker, Jr. Thomas Hutchinson. Daniel Grag. Samuel Parker. Ezekiel Jewett. 536 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Daniel Adams. David Adams. Samuel Adams. Jonathan Parker. Simeon Ingalls. Henry Smith. Levi Mansfield. Asa Tyler. Samuel Adams. Abijah Haskell. This paper is one of uncommon interest. Besides preserving the names of many residents of the town, it makes known that there were no disloyal or timid men who failed to respond to the test of their patriotism. The proud fact is here recorded, " they have all signed," and no comment can render more intelligible this ex- pression of the sentiment of the town on the vital issues of the time. In addition to the names enrolled on this pledge, there were forty- five men in the service who were not permitted to join their townsmen in signing the test. A few of this number, however, were less than twenty-one years of age and would not have been requested to sign the paper if they had remained at home. These men not only as- serted their patriotism with their signatures, but with equal alacrity they proved their sin- cerity by joining the army whenever there was a call for soldiers to fill the ranks. During the ye^r there were ninety-one enlistments by resi- dents of this town. Of this number, forty-five enlisted for the year ; but the company rolls containing their namas have not been discovered and only a part of their names can be given. The list includes : Major (and later in the year Lieutenant-Colonel) Nathan Hale, Cap- tain Philip Thomas, Ezekiel Demary, Daniel Lake, Jr., Benjamin Beals, Isaac Leland, Ben- jamin Davis, Joseph Wilson, Daniel McCarr, Amos Ingalls, Asa Brocklebank, John Demary Jr., Josiah Ingalls, Jr., Ebenezer Muzzey, Thomas Emery, Obadiah Marsh, David Davis, Benjamin Burley, Benjamin Parker, Asa Wil- kins, Ebenezer Ingalls, Jonathan Sawtell, Jr., Ebenezer Newman, William Davis, and several others, whose names have not been ascertained with sufficient certainty to warrant their men- tion. After remaining several months with the army near Lake Champlain, they joined the army under Washington in Pennsylvania. A vote of the town, in December, to excuse from a per capita tax all those "who enlisted last winter until the first of January next," has reference to these men. In July of this year, Colonel Isaac Wyman's regiment of New Hampshire militia was raised to reinforce the army in Canada, but joined the Northern army, then commanded by General Gates, General Sullivan having made his successful retreat with the broken army of General Montgomery before their arrival. This regiment remained in the vicinity of Ticonderoga about five months, and suffered much from sickness. Captain Joseph Parker commanded the Eighth Company in this regi- ment, of which Daniel Rand, of Rindge, was first lieutenant. The roll contains fifteen men from this town, including one officer,— Daniel Eand, captain. William Russell. Samuel Parker. Reuben Page. David Hale. John Simonds. George Clark. John Stanley. Abel Jewett. John Handsome. Jeremiah Russell. Peter Thompson. Thomas Emery. Peter Webster. John Townsend. In September, Colonel Nahum Baldwin's regiment was raised to reinforce the army in New York. James Crumble was lieutenant in Third Company, which contained fourteen other men from this town, as follows : Benjamin Carlton. Jonathan Ingalls. Caleb Page. Francis Towne. Solomon Rand. John Page. Caleb Huston. Lemuel Page. Jonathan Ball. Nathaniel Thomas. James Wood. Nehemiah Towne. Samuel Chaplin. Richard Thompson. This regiment remained with the army, under the immediate command of General Washing- ton, on Long Island, and vicinity of New York, until late in the autumn, or the first of December. November 5, 1776, Caleb Huston died at Quaker Ridges, in the State of New York, leaving a wife and six children, who RINDGE. 537 resided in this town many years. This com- pany was commanded by Captain Abijah Smith, a resident of New Ipswich. He was the carpenter employed to build the first saw- mill in this town, in 1760. Early in December, still another regiment of New Hampshire militia, commanded by Colonel David Gilman, was sent to reinforce the disheartened army under General Washington. Francis Towne, of Rindge, was captain of the First Company, and Nathaniel Thomas is the only familiar name found upon the roll. They, in connec- tion with the forty-five men who had enlisted for the year, did good service for their country, participating in the triumph over the Hessians at Trenton, and in the memorable battle of Princeton. Although poorly clad and suffer- ing from the cold of winter, they remained with the army several weeks after their term of enlistment had expired. In the autumn of this year thirteen men enlisted in response to a sudden call for assist- ance at Ticonderoga, and were absent from three to six weeks. Their names have not been ascertained, and perhaps the company to which they belonged was not joined to any regiment. November 8th, John Martin enlisted " for during the war " in a company of rangers, commanded by Captain Benjamin Whitcomb, which was raised for the defense of the northern frontiers. Martin was in this service in 1781, and probably remained until the close of the war. " Sir " Rindge, Feb. 4, 1777. " In consequence of orders ReC* for raising 119 men to servein some one of the three Continental Batallions of this State for three years or during the war, they being proportined to the several Towns in my Reg', agreeable to some former return whicb, by there late returns, appeared to be Equal, we have therefore Proportioned them in the following maner. New Ipswick to raise 22 Dublin to raise 8 Rindge " " 17 Marlborough " ' 6 Jaffrey " " 14 Stoddard ' 6 Peterborough " " 14 Packersfield " ' ' 6 Temple " 13 Washington " " 4 Fitzwilliam " " 8 Sliptown ' 2 119 In April, 1777, Rindge returned sixteen men in Blodgett's company. Colonel Hale's regiment. Nine of them were, — Isaac Leland. Abijah Haskell. John Handsome. Samuel Whiting. Oliver Bacon. Thomas Hutchinson. Daniel Russell. Daniel McCarr. Samuel Godding. In Cloye's company, Hale's regiment were, — William Kendell. Jonathan Lake. David Brooks. Snow Boy ton. Enoch Dockman, in Drew's company. Ezekiel Demary, in Carr's company. Moses Thomas, in the Bay State service. A company of fifty-one men, under Captain Josiah Brown, of New Ipswich, was raised in this vicinity. Lieutenant Asa Sherwin, of Rindge, was second in command. The company was joined to Colonel Samuel Ashley's regiment, and May 6th marched for Ticonderoga, where they remained until all fears of an immediate attack were quieted, when they were ordered home atid discharged June 21st, after an ab- sence of six weeks. The men from Rindge in this service, fourteen in number, were as fol- lows : Jonathan Ingalls, orderly sergeant. Asa Sherwin, first lieutenant. David Adams. Amos Ingalls. Samuel Adams. Jonathan Parker. Moses Chaplin. Abel Platts. Samuel Chaplin. Joseph Stanley. John Emery. William Thompson. Moses Hale. Peter Webster. Pay-roll of part of Colonel Enoch Hale's regiment, which marched from the State of New Hampshire June 29, 1777, under com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Heald, to reinforce the garrison at Ticonderoga, — Salmon Stone, captain. Othniel Thomas, lieutenant. Samuel Tarbell, ensign. Thaddeus Fitch, quartermaster. Edward Jewett, sergeant. Hezekiah Hubbard. John Demary, sergeant. Enos Lake. Jonathan Sawtell, serg't. Simon Davis. Nathaniel Ingalls, serg't. Daniel Lake, Esq. Samuel Russell, corporal. Jacob Gould, lieutenant. 538 HISTOKY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ebenezer Newman, Lemuel Page, fifer. Paul Fitch. Henry Lake. David Robbins. Samuel Walker. Reuben Russell. Joseph Platts, Jr. Samuel Sherwin. Caleb Ingalls. " Sirs Corp. Oliver Gould. Samuel Stanley. Solomon Cutler, captain. John Demary, Jr. Samuel Chaplin. David Hale. Silas Page. Ezekiel Learned. Caleb Page. Abel Platts. " Keene, July y= S"*, 1777. "There is an express come to town, from Ticonde- roga this morning, that they are in Disstress for want of men, the enemy having made their appearance there. My Company being dismissed yesterday, I have not more than about Twenty men, if you think Proper to send more men from Rindge, I should be glad if you would send them on as fast as possible and likewise bring Provision with them, there being no Provision to be had at Charlestown. I will march with what men I have. " I remain your Humble Serv', " Salmos" Stone, Captain." " N.B.— The men that Rindge are the following : "Salmon Stone, captain. Othniel Thomas, lieut. Ensign Tarbell. Quartermaster Fitch. Sergeant Jewett. Lemuel Page. Henry Lake. Enos Lake. Simon Davis. Paul Fitch. Samuel Russell. are going to march from Caleb Ingalls. Jonathan Ingalls. Jonathan Sawtell. John Demary, Jr. Ebenezer Newman. Samuel Walker. Joseph Platts, Jr. Hezekiah Hubbard. Reuben Russell. Samuel Sherwin. David Robbins.'' Captain Josiah Browu, of Xew Ipswich, who commanded the company that responded to the alarm in May, had been home but a few days when the second alarm was given. He im- mediately raised another company, and by forced marches reached Charlestown the last day of June or the 1st day of July, where he re- ceived orders to return. While passing through Rindge, the 3d day of July, the date of Cap- tain Stone's letter, he was overtaken by an ex- press bearing intelligence similar to that received by the other returning companies. "Within ten miles of their home, this officer and twenty-six of his men instantly turned about, and with the company from Rindge soon joined the retreating army near Rutland. They were soon discharged and returned after an absence of nearly one month. During these rapid and unexpected movements in the field, the town and the patriot cause sustained a severe loss in the- capture of Colonel Nathan Hale. " Pay Roll of Capt. Salmon Stone's Company in Col. Nichols' Regiment, Gen'l Stark's Brigade raised out of the 14 Regiment of New Hampshire Militia, Enoch Hale, Colonel, which company marched from Rindge in said state July 1777 a,nd joined the Northern Continental Army at Bennington and Still- water. "Thaddeus Fitch, quartermaster of the regiment. Salmon Stone, Capt. John Stanley, second Lieut. Abel Stone, sergeant advanced to ensign. John Dean. William Davis. Eliakim Darling. Moses Hale, Jr. Ebenezer Ingalls. Elisha Perkins. David Robinson. Reuben Russell. David Sherwin. Henry Smith. Daniel Adams. Benjamin Beals. Amos Ingalls. Henry Lake. Joseph Platts. Reuben Page. Jonathan Sawtell, Jr. Peter Webster. Joseph Wilson." ' Pay Roll of Captain Daniel Rand's Company in Col° Daniel Moore's Regiment of Volunteers in the state of New Hampshire, joined the Northern Continen- tal Army under General Gates. Discharged at Sar- atoga October 18 1777 and allowed eight days to travel home, the distance being one hundred and sixty miles. Daniel Rand, Nathaniel Thomas, serg't John Demary, serg't Benjamin Beals, corp'l. Enos Lake, corp'l. Dan'lLake, Jr., drummer Lemuel Page, fifer. Jacob Gould. Caleb Page. Jeremiah Russell. Solomon Rand. Caleb Winn. Captain. . Henry Lake. Jonathan Lake. Samuel Chaplin. Reuben Russell. . Ebenezer Shaw Joshua Tyler. Amos Towne. Asa Wilkins. William Robbins. Hezekiah Wetherbee.'' KINDGE. 539 Joel Russell and James Philbrick were in another company in the same regiment. On the 3d of August John Handsome was killed at the outposts of the army, and Isaac Leland died on the 3d of the following month. The former was thirty-four and the latter forty years of age. Daniel Russell, another Conti- nental soldier, was wounded severely at the bat- tle of Stillwater, from which he did not recover sufficiently to be able to return to his company. James Crumble was appointed lieutenant and assigned to Captain Blodgett's company, in the Second Continental (or Colonel Nathan Hale's) Regiment, in the autumn of 1776, or early in the following year. He continued with his regiment until September 1st, when he received an injury from a fall from his horse. April 3, 1777, the town "Voted to Chose Richard Kimball moderator to govern said meeting. " Voted, to Raise the men, by a Rate, also to make an allowance to those that have done anything in the war and the allowance shall be as follows ; viz : " All those that have served in the army as long as may be thought to be their proportion for past service and for the present draught for three years, in the judgment of a Committee shall be excluded out of the rate. " Voted for the present draught & all others that have done any part of a Turn shall be a,llowed Credit as much to each months service as it shall cost per month for the seventeen men now to be raised or such of them as we shall hire for thirty-six months, which shall be made in the same Rate and the Credit de- ducted accordingly. "Also Voted to choose a Committee Of seven men to manage the same. " Chose Capt Solomon Cutler, Ens. Salmon Stone, Page Norcross, Enoch Hale, Eaqr., Capt. Francis Towne, Lieut. Daniel Rand & Edward Jewett, Com- mittee as afores^." "StaflfRoll of Col. Enoch Hale's regiment of vol- unteers, which regiment marched from the State of New Hampshire, and joined the Continental Army in Jlhode Island, August 1778. Two days are added to the time in service for travel home after discharge at Rhode Island. £ s. d. Enoch Hale, Colonel 36 1 8 Joseph Parker, Major 25 6 8 Isaac Howe, Adjutant 20 14 8 John Mellen, Quartermaster 15 15 4 Jonas Prescott, Surgeon 28 8 Simeon Gould, Sergeant Major 10 15 8 " Dr. Prescott had recently settled in Rindge. Subsequently he removed to Templeton, Mass., where he died, after a successful practice of many years. In this regiment were thirty-three men from Rindge, including officers. Lieut. Samuel Tarbell, in Capt. Cunningham's com- pany. Ensign Ezekial Rand, in Capt. Cunningham's com- pany. Ensign John Stanley, in Capt. Twitchell's company. Jonathan Sawtell, sergt. Solomon Rand. Nathaniel Thomas, corp. William Russell. Lemuel Page, fifer. Hezekiah Sawtell. John Simonds. John Demary. John Gray. Joseph Platts. Ezekial Learned. Samuel Stanley. Samuel Russell. William Carlton. Samuel Page. Ebenezer Platts. David Robbins. Thaddeus Fitch. Samuel Walker. Joseph Stanley. Benjamin Carlton. Henry Lake. Reuben Page. Amos Towne. Timothy Wood. John Emery. Jeremiah Norcross. Ephraim Holden. The private received £10 10s., at the rate of £5 per month. Another regiment in this expedition, com- manded by Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Pea- body, which remained in the service until the following December, included three soldiers, Abel Platts, Jr., and two others from this town. Other soldiers were, — Abel Jewett. Ensign Daniel Adams. Peter Webster. Barnabas Carey. David Robinson. John Buswell. J. Sawtells, Jr. Jas. Phillbrick. Abel Kimball. Amos Ingalls. Simeon Bruce. Joshua Hale. J. Lake. Samuel Walker. B. Dwinnel. Benj, Beals. Thos. Demary. Caleb Page. Ebenezer Platts. 540 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY. NEW HAMPSHIRE. War of the Rebellion. — The town of Rindge responded promptly to the call for men during this struggle, and the following is a list of those who were in the service : George W. Cragin. Henry E. Burritt. Henry E. Ballou. Oliver S. White. Albert S. Murphy. Hercules W. Eaymond. Charles Brown. Otave Demone. Horace C. Bennett. Oscar I. Converse. George W. Cragin. Andrew S. Ballou. Ambrose Butler. Henry E. Burritt. Morton E. Converse. Cyrus J. Clapp. George M. Cram. Augustus A. Chamber- lain. Henry H. Davis. John A. Durant. Christopher C. Deinary. James Fitz. Charles F. Gibson. Paul Greenleaf. John Hecker. Erastus D. Hall. John W. Hastings. Joshua T. Hunt. Jairus W. Hodge. George S. Kimball. Howard Rand. William H. Kugg. E. F. Eice. John I. Reynolds. James E. Richardson. Justin S. Richardson. Henry H. Sherwin. Nathan Smith. Walter W. Smith. Willard Simonds. Edward P. Stratton. David Stowe. J. Shaffee. Thomas R. Todd. George A. Whitney. Thomas S. Whitney. William L. Whitney. Leonard P. Wellington. Almon F. Nutting, James W. Russell. George Allen. Charles B. Brooks. Samuel W. Fletcher. William A. Kemp. George F. Gilmore. George Stearns. Julius Stratton. Charles W. Symonds. Marshall P. Wood. James B. Perry. Marion W. Converse. Darwin A. Smith. John L. Webster. Sargent A. Webster. George W. Lawrence. Wm. H. Parsons. Reuben A. Buzzell. The following furnished substitutes ; Clovis M. Converse. Conrad R. Converse. Eben B. Cutter. Henry S. Drury. William A. Hale. Lyman Hall. David L. Hubbard. Willard G. Jones. Prucius W. Manley. Augustus F. Symonds. Albert H. Thomas. J. Warren Wilder. John A. White. Henry C. Whitcomb. James B. Robbins paid commutation. A few months later Lyman Hale was drafted and furnished a substitute. Four surgeons from this town were in the service, — Dr. J. Homer Darling, Dr. George B. Jewett, Dr. Josiah Abbott and Dr. George J. Norcross. The town paid over thirty thousand dollars for bounties, besides increased incidental ex- penses of the period, and upwards of one thou- sand dollars, disbursed by the war committee, which was not assumed by the State. The se- lectmen during this period were : Martin L. Goddard, 1861. Benjamin Hale, 1861, 1862. Zachariah F. Whitney, 1861, 1862, 1863. Rodney A. Hubbard, 1862. Jason B. Perry, 1863, 1864, 1865. Joseph S. Wetherbee, 1863, 1864. Ezekiel Cudworth, 1864, 1865. Josiah Stratton, 1865. The Fiest Congregational Church was organized in 1765. Rev. Seth Payson, D.D., was first pastor. The pastors from that time to the present have been Revs. Seth Payson, D.D., Amos W. Burnham, D.D., F. G. Clark, E. J. Riggs and R. T. Wilton. The first church edifice was erected in 1764. The Methodist Church, West Rindge, was organized in 1827. The present pastor is Rev. Arthur W. L. Nelson. HISTORY OF WINCHESTER. BY GEORGE W. PIERCE, M.D. CHAPTEE I. Winchester is situated in the southwesterly part of Cheshire County, in latitude N". 42° 45', and longitude west from Greenwich 72° 25', and is bounded : Southwardly by the Massa- chusetts State line, opposite the towns of War- wick and Northfield ; eastwardly by the towns of Richmond and Swanzey ; northwardly by the towns of Swanzey and Chesterfield, and westwardly by the town of Hinsdale. It lies southwest from Keene thirteen miles, southwest from Concord, N. H., sixty-five miles, west from Boston, Mass., eighty miles, and east from Brattleborough, Vt., twelve miles. Its population in 1880 was two thousand four hundred and forty-four. As originally granted by the province of Massachusetts, June 21, 1733, the grant was nearly in the form of a reversed block letter L (q;), and lay to the northward and eastward of Northfield, and was bounded : '' Commencing at a corner on the Connecticut Elver, where the little brook, the first south of, and very near the, Liscomb Brook, so called, empties into the river. (This point is at the north end of the inter- vale now belonging to the farm of the late Obed Adams, in Hinsdale. This corner was also the south- westerly corner of a farm of five hundred acres in ex- tent, owned by Governor Jonathan Belcher, of Massa- chusetis.) Thence running up on the east bank of the Connecticut River, 4 miles 180 rods, to the point that is the present northwest corner of Hinsdale, and the southwest corner of Chesterfield, on this bank of the river and is just opposite the north end of the island at the Brattleboro' Toll-Bridge (so called), and includes the same ; thence running eastwardly 8 miles 180 rods ; thence sotithwardly 6 miles 132 rods ; thence west- wardly 2 m'les 160 rods; thence northwardly 5 miles 20 rods ; thence westwardly 3 miles 240 rods to the place of beginning." The exact description is : " Begining at y' River, at a maple-tree, the south- westerly corner of His Excellency's, Governour Bel- cher's, Farm (said to be the northern bounds of Northfield) ; from thence running up ye said Connec- ticut River Four miles and one-half and twenty rods, taking in two small Islands at the upper end ; from thence east twelve degrees, to ye south eight miles and a half and twenty (rods) perches, to an heap of stones ; then south six miles one-quarter and fifty-two rods, to an heap of stones ; then west two miles and an half, to a white pine-tree, marked ; from thence north eighteen and an half degrees, west three miles one-quarter and sixty perches, to a black-oak tree, marked ; then north one mile and an half and forty perches, to a heap of stones ; then west three miles and three-quarters, to the maple-tree, the first men- tioned bound. There is allowed about one rod in twenty for uneven land and swag of chain; also, there's al- lowed 739 acres for farms already Layed out, with two hundred acres allowance for ponds and rivers." This survey was made and completed by Joseph Blanchard, May 10, 1733, and was con- firmed by the House of Representatives of the province of Massachusetts June 21, 1733. This township, thus granted, was first called Earlington, but shortly the E dropped, and it became known as Arlington. This grant was made in response to a petition 541 542 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of Josiah Willard, Esq., and sixty-three others of Luueuburg, Mass., " To the Great and Gen- eral Court or Assembly for the Province of Massachusetts Bay held at Boston April 4, 1733." The petition reads : " A petition of Josiah Willard, Esq., and sixty- three others, praying for a Grant of a Tract of Land six mile square, Lying on the east side of Connecti- cut Eiver between Xorthfield and the Truck House, to be by them settled into a Township, under such regulations and upon such conditions as this Court in their wisdom shall judge most fit." And it met with the following response : " Ordered, that the prayer of the Petition be so far Granted as that ye Petitioners be allowed by a sur- veyor and chain-men, under oath, to lay out a tract of Land of the contents of six miles square, on the east side of Connecticut River, on the Northern Bounds of Northfield, under the limitations follow- ing, viz. . That the tract be Layed out and a plan thereof Presented to this Court for Confirmation within Eighteen months Next after the date of this Grant ; and that within six months next after the cotifirmation of the Grant, there be sixty-seven home lots to draw equal future divisions, and that there be within two years from the confirmation aforesaid, forty Families, settled on forty of the aforesaid Lots, each family having an house of eighteen feet square and seven feet stud at ye least, and four acres of Land fitted for plowing and mowing ; and that within three years from the Confirmation aforesaid. They build a Convenient House for the Publick Worship of God and settle a learned orthodox min- ister ; and that twenty-four Lots more be set- tled with a suitable family on each lot within Ten years ; and within two years from the Grant the Pe- titioners clear and make a convenient Traivailing Road of twelve feet wide, from Lunenburg to North - field, and build an House for receving and entertain- ing of Travilers on the said road, midway between Northfield and Lunenburg aforesaid ; and for encour- agement of a suitable family to settle in said House, it is resolved there be granted to him that will dwell in said House for the space of seven years from said Grant, one hundred and fifty acres of Land about midway on the road aforesaid, and that ye aforesaid petitioners be allowed, within six months from ye date of this Grant, by a surveyor and chain- men, under oath, to lay out the aforesaid one hundred and fifty acres, a plan thereof to be presented to this Court for confirmation within two months after the survey. And it is further ordered that three of the aforesaid sixty-seven Lots be for Publick use with all future divisions belonging to each ; one Lot for ye first settled minister; another to ye ministry, and the other to the use of schools, or therewith to ye first three settled ministers successively, each Lot to be disposed of either the one way or the other as ye pro- prietors or inhabitants shall think most for the pub- lick good of the Town. And it is further ordered that the petitioners be empowered to make such or- ders and rules as may be needful and conducive to bring forward the settlement according to the true interests and meaning of this order. And it is fur- ther resolved, that in case the petitioners do not well and truly comply with the terms and conditions aforementioned. The Lands hereby granted shall re- vert to ye Province and be and belong to it as if this Grant had never been. " In Council Read and Concurred, Consented to " J. Belcher." Northfield immediately claimed that there was an encroachment upon her territory to the extent of three thousand acres. On the same day the error was corrected, viz. June 21, 1783, and an act passed by the General Court of the province of Massachusetts confirming and establishing the survey of Timothy Dwight Esq., as made by him for the Northfield grant in 1685. This encroachment must have been upon the Northern end of Northfield and have included the Governor Belcher grant, as before mentioned, and have been a strip of the same width as this grant, viz., three hundred and ninety-seven perches on the Connecticut River, and have extended three and three- fourths miles eastwardly, which was just the width of the township of Northfield. So much of the original grant of Earliugton having been rendered null and void, and the equiva- lent of land thus granted through error was regranted elsewhere on the petition of the Earl- iugton grantees Thus the west boundary of WINCHESTER. 543 Earlington grant, upon the Connecticut River, was reduced from four miles, and one hundred and eighty rods to three miles and twenty-three rods ; and the west boundary, as it was bound- ed upon ISTorthfield, was lengthened from five miles and twenty rods to six miles and seventy- seven rods. This change in the boundary of the grant continued during the entire period of its existence as a plantation, and beyond, viz., till July 2, 1753. The grant was confirmed under date of June 21, 1733, as follows : " In the House of Representatives, June 21st 1733. Eead and accepted and voted that the Lands within deliniated and described, be and hereby are con- firmed unto ye said Josiah Willard, Esq., and the other Petitioners, their heirs and assigns respectively forever, Provided it exceeds not the quantity of six miles square and does not interfere with any former Grant and that ye Petitioners comply with ye con- ditions of ye Grant. Sent up for concurrence. " J. QuiNCY, Speaker. " In council June 21st 1733. Read and concurred and consented to "J. Belcheb." Having thus established the outlines of the plantation or township of Earlington the ac- tion of the House of Representatives of " the Province of Massachusetts Bay," of the date of April 25, 1733, became of force, it hav- ing then been " VoUd, that Col. Josiah Willard be and hereby is fully authorized and impowered to assemble and con- vene the Proprietors or Grantees of the Plantation lately made by this Court, of a tract of Land on the easterly side of the Connecticut River above North- field, at such time and place as he shall appoint, to choose a Moderator and Clerk and to make such orders and rules as may be proper and needful to bring for- ward the settlement of the plantation according to the condition of ye Grant. " Sent up for Concurrence. " J. QlJlNCY, Speaker. " In Council Apr. 25th 1733, Read and Concurred and consented to " J. Belchek." Colonel Willard, who, acting under the au- thority conferred upon him by the act of April 25th, issued the following warrant : "Persuant to an order of the Great and General Court, These are to warn and give notice to ye Grantees or proprietors of the plantation or Township Lately Granted by the Said Court on the East side of Connecticut River above Northfield, etc. That they assemble and meet at the House of Mr. Isaac Earns - worth, in Lunenburg on the fourth monday of may. Currant at one of the clock in the afternoon. To the end that being met and Duly formed. They may then and there chuse a Moderator and Clerk, and make such orders and Rules as may be thought need- ful, to bring forward the settlement of ye plantation, according to ye condition of ye Grant. Also to hear and accept the report of those persons Employed in Surveying and Laying out of the Township and Road, &c., and Impower some person or persons to present the plan thereof to ye General Court for Confirma- tion. Also to order payment of all the Charges that has arisen, in getting the Grant, Surveying the plan- tation, &c., and grant and Raise money for that pur- pose, or make such Grants of Land as shall be thought proper for that end, to any persons to whom the proprietors are Indebted. Also To Give such encouragement to any person or persons as shall be disposed to build a mill or mills in said plantation to accommodate the settlers, in money or Land as may be thought proper. Also to agree upon some way and method of clearing and making of a Traivailing Road from Northfield to Lunenburg, and raise money for that purpose, &c. Also to shew their minds con- cerning the purchasing the Farms lying within the Bounds of the Plantation and if they see cause to Grant money for that end and chuse and Impower proper persons to manage and transact any of the affairs afores'^ and also agree upon some proper method for calling of proprietors' meetings for ye future, and the place where they shall be held. " Dated May 9th 1833. " Josiah Willaed. " At a meeting of ye Proprietors or Grantees of the Plantation or Township.' Lately made by ye Great and General Court of ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay of a Tract of Landon ye East- erly side of Connecticut River, above Northfield, ' The words " or To waship' ' are crossed out inthe original. 544 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. held at Lunenburg May 28" 1733. Voted and chose Colonel Josiah Willard, Esq., Moderator, also voted and chose Benjamin Prescott, Esq., Pro- prietors Clerk. Voted and chose Col. Josiah Willard, Deacon Ebenezer Alexander, Capt. Johnathan Hub- bard, Joseph Kellog, Esq., and Capt. Edward Hart- well, be a committee, Directed and fhlly impowered to lay out in that part of the Township near the place called 'The Bow' and 'Mirey Brook,' At least forty-two House Lots, two of which be for Publick use, and that one Publick Lot be Layed out on or near the Great Eiver, and Twenty six more be Layed out near the one place or the other, as The Commit- tee shall judge best upon further viewing of the Land. That the Lots be Layed out in as defensible a man- ner as may be, and the least Lot to contain Thirty acres, and where the Land shall not be so good as the best, the Committee are to Lay out a gred,ter quantity or number of acres so that all the lots be equal in value in the Judgment of ye Comity, A due regard being had to their situation and other circumstances. That the Comif" employ in said service an able sur- veyor and take a plan of the Lots and after the work is accomplished a meeting of the proprietors be called. Lots made and each proprietor Draw his al- lotment ; and that the charges of the whole be paid upon a drawing of the Lots. Voted that this meet- ing be adjourned to Tomorrow morning at seven of the oclock. May 27"", The Proprietors met accord- ingly and passed the following votes, viz.: Voted that the Committee Chosen for Laying out the Lots, &c., be fully Impowered, In behalf of the Proprie- tors, to take sufficient Security and obligation of Mr. John Goss for his clearing and making a convenient Travailing Eoad of Twelve feet wide in best and most direct way from Northfield to Lunenburg that may be, according to ye order of Court &c., and to give the said Goss sufficient for the payment to him of a sum not exceeding One Hundred Pounds in Bills of credit, upon accomplishing of ye same as aforesaid, or upon the said Goss refusing to let out or cause the same to be done by some other person or in some other way at the charge of ye proprietors, and that the committee be Impowered to order payment of some part of the Cost, and charges thereof before ye whole work be finished. A Plan of the Township taken by Mr. Joseph Blanchard, Surveyor, with chain men under oath, being laid before the Proprie- tors and considered by them was accepted and voted that Col. Josiah Willard present the same to ye Great and Honorable Court in behalf of the proprie- tors for Confirmation. The accompt of Sundrey per- sons for Surveying and Laying out of the Township &c., was presented to ye Proprietors for allowance, which was Eead and Voted that the same be allowed and the sum of Thirty one Pounds, Ten Shillings be paid the accomptants in full discharge thereof, unan- imously voted that in consideration of the charge & expense Colonel Josiah Williard has been at in Procuring the Grant of the Township, viewing the Land &c., There be and hereby is Granted to the said Josiah Williard, his heirs and assigns forever, a parcel of Intervale Land Lying at ye upper part of ye Township above ye fort on the Great Eiver, To- gather with such quantity of Land adjoining there- unto as the committee that shall be appointed by the Proprietors to Lay out the same shall think fit, not incommoding the settlers or Grantees, with respect to their settlements or Land for their conveniency, for that and together with so much more Land as with what shall be Layed out upon ye Eiver as afore- said shall ammount to Three Thousand acres in the whole. To be Layed out at ye discretion of the Com- mittee that shall be appointed for that end so as not to incomode the first Lotts or Land that shall be thought proper for that purpose. Also voted that Mr. Ebenezer Alexander and William Syms, of Northfield, and Capt. Edward Hartwell, of Lunen- burg, be a committee to J^ay out and measure off the Land so Granted to Col. Willard &c. Voted thatthe committe for Laying out of Lots be directed to Lay out fifty acres of Land on some Stream as convenient to the place called the Bow as may be most suitable for the building of a saw-mill to be disposed of by ye Com aforesaid to any person that shall so soon as may be erect a saw-mill or mills there to accom- modate the settlers on condition such person or per- sons shall keep the same mill or mills in Good repair for the space of about Ten years, and that it be left to the Committee to Give such further encouragement to forward the same as they may judge most proper. The Com'" to take proper care that the price of Boards at such mill be not excessive, &c. Voted, That Two of ye Best places for mills, near the Great Eiver, be resorveyed and not Layed out into Lots till ye further order of the proprietors. Eobert Fysse, of Groton, came into the meeting and off* to under- take ye Buiding of a convenient Dwelling House for WINCHESTER. 545 the entertainment of Travailours, about midway from Lunenburg to Northfield, and inhabit the same agree- able to ye order of Court at his own cost and charge ; provided, he may be Intitled to ye one hundred and fifty acres of Land Granted by the General Court To such person as should so do. In consideration whereof, It is unanimously voted and agreed. That the said Fysse, his heirs & assigns, have & be Intitled to said Granted Land and benefit thereof, so far as Lyes with the proprietors ; Provided, he be at the charge of Laying out the same, &c. And in con- venient Time Enter Into Sufficient Bond, to Benja- min Prescott, Esq., In Trust for, and in behalf of ye Proprietors, for performance of what he has proposed as aforesaid, viz.: Build a Convenient Dwelling House for ye entertainment of Travelers, on the Road that shall be cleared from Lunenburg to North- field, about midway on the same within Two years, and Inhabit the same for the space of seven years, &c. as expressed in the Court's order. Also, voted and agreed, that when, and so often, as a meeting of ye proprietors shall be thought necessary, the Proprie- tors Clerk at ye Disire of any five of ye Proprietors signified in writing under their hands, shall & hereby is Impowered to post up notiiycations under his hand at the Towns of Northfield and Lunenburg, for the Proprietors to assemble at the Town of Lunenburg, fi-om time to time for the future. Expressing the business and occasion of such meeting fourteen Days before the time of meeting. And that the same shall be accounted sufficient Warning for a proprietors' meeting from time to time, Till the proprietors shall otherwise order. Voted, that there be assessed upon the Proprietors & paid in To Cap' Johnathan Hub- bard, hereby appointed to recieve the same, the sum of Fifty shillings by each proprietor of one full share, and in proportion by him that holds a Greater or Less Interest ammounting to the sum of One Hundred and Sixty-five Pounds in the whole, by the first Day of July next, for defraying the Charges arrison and that shall arrise in Ye Propriety. To be paid accord- ing to ye votes of the Proprietor's, according to said order ; and that William Syms and Deacon Ephraim Pearce be appointed and fully Impowered to collect a,ud pay in the same accordingly. That. . . any Three of them be appointed assessors and Directed and Im- powered to make and furnish the proprietors with Lists of the assessments, and prepare the warrants to collect and pay in the same. James Porter being a petitioner for the plantation, but his name being left out of ye Copy, and a motion being made & the Question whether the said James Porter shall be ad- mitted proprietor. It was voted in the affirmative. . . . " JosiAH WiLLABD, Moderator. " Entered and examined by " Benj" Prescott, Proprietors' Clerk." Having thus organized and formally accepted the grant, we find the proprietors next, through their committee, promptly engaged in laying out the forty-two house-lots at " The Bow and Mirey Brook," and the twenty-seven lots at the " Great River." This work was accomplished during the summer of 1733, as on the 23d of October in this year, the Proprietors assembled at the house of Capt. Jonathan Hartwell, . in Lunenburg, and after having chosen Col. Josiah Willard, moderator, — " Voted to pay the Committee, Surveyor & Chain- man for ye laying out of yee Lotts, &c., ammounting to fifty-nine pounds, nine shillings in full for their said services. " The Committee for Laying out of Lots in s'' Plan- tation Layed before the Proprietors Plans of ye Lots Layed out, which were approved and accepted. " A Plan of Seven Hundred and eighty-four acres, including Two small Islands in ye River Toyedout, as a part of the Three Thousand acres of Land Granted by ye Proprietors to Col. Josiah Willard, was Layed before the Proprietors." This report is as follows : "Oct. ye 3'*, 1733.— Then. Layed out by the Com"' appointed by ye Proprietors for that purpose 784 acres of Land, being part of the Three thousand acres granted by said Proprietors To Col. Josiah Willard, Situate and Lying in ye N. W. Corner of the Township Granted to the said Josiah Willard, Esq', and others, the said Proprietors begining at the Northwest Corner of said Township. Containing all the Land in said Grant Lying there from thence To a Red Oak Tree on ye east side of ye River against fort Dummer; Thence running east 12 dg' South 160 poles To a little Black Oak Tree ; from Thence run- ning north one deg" West 225 poles To a heap of stones ; Thence running east 11 deg' South 80 poles ; Thence running North 12 deg' East 300 poles to ye north Line of said Township ; Thence Running West 546 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 12 d north 357 poles to where it began. Two Small Islands in the Elver being Included therein, &c. "Nathas Hey wood, Surveyor. " Ebeistezee Alexandbb "] " William Syms [ Com''^" " Edwaed Haetwell J The proprietors also voted, " That there be allowed and paid To Col. Josiah Willard the sum of five pounds four shillings, and by him Repaid to ye Committe and others in full for their service in Laying out this part of the Land Granted him at ye last meeting, and that the remain- der of the Land then Granted him be Layed out at his own cost and Charge (he having consented and agreed thereto). "Then the Proprietors present preceded to draw their Lotts, which came out and were assigned them at ye Bow and the Great River, Respectively, as en- tered in the several Lists now Taken thereof, there be- ing Twelve Lots not yet drawn . . . (though these were assigned, as the following list shows). Of these Lots at the Connecticut River, Col. Josiah Willard drew No. 28, Isaac Farnsworth No. 15, Johnathan Hubbard No. 10, Charles Wilder No. 3, John Stevens No. 2, Josiah Willard, Jr., No. 1, Stephen Farnsworth No, 11, Edward Hartwell No. 4, John Johnson No. 26, John Waiting No. 22, Edward Hartwell, Jr., No. 14, Eleazer Heywood No. 27, Elisha Chapin No. 12, Shem Chapin No. 25, William Willard No. 21, Wil- liam Lawrence No. 5, Timothy Minot No. 17, John Keen No. 13, Nathan Heywood No. 8, Joseph Kellog, Esq', No. 19, Zechariah Field No. 7, John Brown No. 6, Daniel Shattuck No. 9, Timothy Dwight No. 16, Nathaniel Dwight No. 23, Joseph Severance No. 24, Rufus Honghton No. 18. Lot No. 20 being reserved for public use. At the Bow, or Ashuelot River, Noah Dodge drew Lot No. 7, Ephraim Pearce Lot No. 18, James Jewell Lot No. 27, Moses Willard Lot No. 3, James Hosley Lot No. 17, "Ephraim Wheeler Lot No. 4, William Jones Lot No. 12, Andrew Gardner Lot No. 16, Benjamin Prescott, Esq., Lot No. 40, Samuel Farnsworth Lot No. 21, Asael Hartwell Lot No. 2, Jonathan Willard Lot No. 29, Benjamin Bellows, Jr., Lot No. 23, Samuel Chandler, Jr., Lot No. 34, William Goss Lot No. 1, Silas Houghton Lot No. 33, Daniel Wright Lot No. 15, Benoni Wright Lot No. 9, Joshua Wells Lot No. 39, John Heywood Lot No. 22, Thomas Willard Lot Xo. 38, Francis Cogswell Lot No. 26, Jethro Wheeler Lot No. 20, Ephraim Wetherby Lot No. 30, John Prescott Lot No. 14, Ebenezer Alexan- der Lot No. 31, William Syms Lot No. 13, Nathaniel Chamberlin Lot No. 24, Elias Alexander Lot No. 37, Joseph Alexander Lot No. 32, Joseph Alexander, Jr., Lot No. 25, John Alexander Lot No. 41, Eben- ezer Alexander, Jr., Lot No. 36, John Ellis Lot No. 8, Oliver Doolittle Lot No. 28, James Porter Lot No. 11, John Summers Lot No. 10, Daniel Brown Lot No. 19, Edmond Grandy Lot No. 35, Benoni Moore Lot No. 42, and Lots No. 5 and 6 were left for public use." No further general action seems to have been taken by the proprietors during the late fall or winter of 1733-34 towards the settlement of their grant, yet it appears that individual pro- prietors were active in advancing their interests in the settlement, foremost of whom was Cap- tain William Syms, who had erected a house on his lot — " Lot No. 13, at ye Bow" — before the 30th of April, 1734. This lot was upon the north side of the mountain, now known as "Meeting-House Mountain," and contained thirty-five acres. It was the second house-lot laid out on " Long Hill," running east, and the first house-lot on the east at the beginning of "The 10 rod road." The southern line of the first east lot, that of John Prescott, and num- bered in the lay-out as " Lot No. 14," was, and is, the same line as now divides the pasture lands of Henry B. Robbins and Willard Jen- nings, the southwest corner of which is nearly opposite the premises now owned and occupied by Sewell Tafts. This lot contained thirty- nine acres and was forty-four perches wide. Its description is as follows : " House Lot No. 14 : at ye Bow ye most southerly lot in ye east range is John Prescott's, the contents of which is 39 acres : iJeginning at a certain stake set up for ye southeast corner of s* lot, and runs east 9 degr south on common land 165 rods to a stake ; then North 9 deg' east on common land 44 poles ; then west, 9 deg' North on Lot No. 13, 124 poles to a white- oak tree; then running west 18 deg' south, 18 poles to a stake ; Then running south, 43 degrs west, chief- ly on Lot No. 4, (That of Ephraim Wheeler, on which WINCHESTER. 547 are now situated the mills on the east side of the Ash- uelot River at Winchester Village), 44 poles to where it began. " Nathan Haywood, Surveyor." The description of lot No. 13, on which Cap- tain Lyons erected this, the first house erected within the bounds of and by any of the propri- etors of the Arlington grant, is as follows : " House Lot No. 13, at ye Bow on ye east side of ye long hill belonging to William Syms, ye Contents of which is 35 acres : beginning at a certain white- oak tree marked for ye southwest corner of ye said Lot, and running east 9 deg' south on Lot No. 14, 124 pole to a stake ; Then running north 9 deg"^ east on common land, 46 pole to a white-oak tree ; Then running west 9 deg' north on Lot No. 12, 124 pole to a Stake ; Then running south 7 degree West on ye ten rod road, 46 pole to where it began. " Nathan Haywood, Surveyor." This house was probably erected just a little north of the centre of the lot and only a few rods back from the road. The remnants of an old orchard are now standing very near where the writer remembers an old cellar to have existed when he " drove cows." But this has been within a few years obliterated, and what was then an old pasture whose surface was well covered with rocks and grew so much winter- green and hardback, that it would hardly sup- port one sheep to the acre, is now a fine mow- ing, and the opportunity is forever lost to us to point out to our children the exact spot where the humble dwelling of Captain William Syms, the pioneer settler of Winchester, stood. But we know very near where it stood, and can picture to them the humble hut of un- hewn logs, its chimney of mud and stones, to- gether with its forest surroundings. Sometime during the spring of 1735 the proprietors of Arlington set out on their migra- tion from Lunenburg to enter into their new possessions. The peculiar features of their journey have been quaintly and aptly described in a letter Avritten by one of those early pio- neers of civilization to a friend who had not joined in tlie effort. 35 " The land they purchased of the Indians, and with much difficulties, traveling through unknown woods and through watery scrampes (swamps), they discover the fitness of the place; sometimes passing through the thickets, where their hands were forced to make way for their bodies' passage, and their feete clamber- ing over the crossed trees which, when they missed, they sunk into an uncertain bottome in water and wade up to the knees, tumbling sometimes higher and sometimes lower. " Wearied withtoill, they at end of this meete with a scorching plaine, yet not so plaine but that the ragged bushes scratch their legs fouly even to wear- ing their stockings to their bare skins in two or three hours ; if they be not otherwise well defended with bootes or buskins their flesh will be tome. That some being forced to pass on without further pro- vision, have had the bloud trickle downe at every step, and in the time of summer the tiun casts such a reflecting heats from the sweet-feme, whose scent is very strong so that some herewith have been very nere fainting, although very able bodies to undergo much travell, and this is not to be indured for one day but many. They rest them on the rocks where the night takes them. There short repast is some small pittance of bread if it hold out; but as for drink they have plenty, the country being well watered in all places that yet are found out. Their further hardships is to travel sometimes they know not whither, bewildering indeed without sight of sun their compasse miscarrying in crouding through the bushes. They sadly search up and down for a known way, the Indian paths being not above one foot broad sothataman may travel many days and never see one. This intricate worke no whit daunted these resolved servants of Christ to go on with the work in hand ; But lying in the open aire while the watery clouds pour down all the night season and some times the driving snow dissolving on their backs, they keep their wet clothes warme with a continual fire till the renewed morning gave fresh opportunity of further travell. After they have thus found out the place of abode they burrow themselves in the earth for their first shelter under some hill-side casting the earth aloft upon timbers. They make a smoaky fire against the earth at the highest side and thus these poore servants of Christ provide shelter for themselves, their wives and little ones, keeping off" the short showers from their lodgings, but tjie 548 HISTORY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. long rains penetrate through, to their great disturb- ance in the night season. Yet in these poore wig- wames they sing psalms and pray and praise their God, till they can provide them houses, which is not wont to be with many till the earth, by the Lord's blessing, brings forth bread to feed them-, their wives and little ones, which with sore labours they attaine, every one that can lift a howe (hoe) to strike it into the earth, standing stoutly to their labours, and teare up the rootes and bushes, which the first yeare beares them a very thin crop, till the soued (sod) of the earth be rotten, and therefore they are forced to cut their bread very thin for a long season. But the liOrd is pleased to provide a great store of fish in the spring time and especially alewives about the bigness of herrings ; many thousands of these are used to put under their Indian come, which are planted in hills five foote asunder and assuredly when the Lorde created this come he had a special eye to supply these his people's wants with it ; for ordinarily five or six graines doth produce six hundred. " As for fiesh, they looked not for any in those times, unless they could barter with the Indians for venison or rackoons, whose flesh is not much inferior to lambe. The toill of a new plantation being, like the labors of Hercules, never at an end. Yet are none so barber- ously bent (under the Massachusetts especially), but with a new plantation they ordinarily gather into church-fellowship, so that pastors and people suffer the inconveniences together, which is a great means to season the sore labours they undergoe, and verily the edge of their appetite is greater to spiritual duties at their first communing in time of wants than after- wards. Many in new plantations are forced to go bare-foot and bare-leg, till later days, and some in frost and snow. Yet were they then very healthy ; there lonesome conditions was very grievious to some, which was much aggravated by continual feare of the Indians' approach whose enmeties were much spoken of. Thus the poore people populate this howling des- art marching manfully on (the Lord assisting) through the greatest difiiculties and sorest labours that«ver any with such weakness have done.'' We fix upon this date (the spring of 1735) of actual settlement, because a regularly called meeting of the proprietors wa.s held at the house of Mr. Samuel Hunt, in Northfield, on March 25, 1735, and the notifications for said meeting were regularly posted by the pro- prietors' clerk, Benjamin Doolittle, under date of ilarch 3, 1735, at Lunenburg and Northfield, respectively; whilst on July 21, 1735 the said Benjamin Doolittle, as proprietors' clerk, posted a regular notification of a meet- ing of the proprietors at Arlington and at Arlington only. This meeting was called to be and was held at the house of William Syms, on the last Tuesday (26th day) of August, 1 735, and Deacon Ebenezer Alexander was chosen moderator, whilst in all previous meetings of the proprietors Colonel Josiah Willard had been elected to that office. At this meeting the proprietors " Voted to raise the sum of one hundred pounds, ten shillings money or publick bills of credit. To be Levied on y" proprietors of y* House Lots at y" Bow & at y" Great River in Equal proportions on each lot : for encouragement of preaching y' Gospel in y" New-Township at y" place called y' Bow, in or- der to prepare a suitable & well qualified person to settle among them agreeable to y'' Courts order, & for encouragement of settling y" New-Township accord- ing to ye Courts order & y" said money to be appro- priated only & for y' use of providing such a meet person to preach y' Gospel among y= inhabitants of y'^ New Township afors'' & defraying y' Charges thereof & Then voted and chose y° Rev. Mr. Benjam in Doolit- tle, Deacon Ebenezer Alexander & Mr. Nathaniel Brooks assessors with full power to assess y° s* sum above granted upon y' proprietors according to y' vote aboves^, voted also & Chose Mr. Jeremiah Hall & Mr. James Jewell Collectors for y' proprietors, to gather in y' sum above granted & pay it in to y° pro- prietors Treasurer." " Voted that Deacon Ebenezer Alexander, Mr. Nathaniel Brooks and Mr. Jeremiah Hall be a com- mittee to order y* payment of y" above granted hun- dred pounds, ten shillings out of y' Proprietors' Treasury as is found due. Voted and chose y" Rev. Mr. Andrew Gardner, Mr. Nathaniel Brooks & Joseph Alexander, To Take y^ care of providing such a meet person as afore** to supply y' pulpit until y" s'' money be disbursed. Voted to make window-frames and casements, y' sash fashion for y' lower tier of windows in y= Meeting- House, with y' common sort of Dia- WINCHESTER. 549 mond Glass before wiater, provided timber may be had suitable for s'^ work, & y= Mr. Nathaniel Rock- wood & William 8yms be a committee to see y' y° s'^ work effected by y'* Time afore*'' & y= payment be made out of y" proprietors' Treasury, out of y" money formerly granted, y" accompts to be passed & payment ordered by y" Committee formerly appointed to pass contingent charges & Order payment of y". (This committee consisted of Deacon Ebenezer Alexander, William Syms and Jeremiah Hall.) " Voted that y° sixteen pounds agree'' to be paid to Mr. Billings for preaching 8 Sabbaths be allowed & paid out of y" hundred pounds and ten shillings above granted." The meeting-house had been erected during the late spring and early summer, as it was provided for by the proprietors at their meeting of March 25, 1735, when they voted, — '■ Also y' y" place appointed and returned upon y' plan of y° House Lot at y' Bow by y° Committe formerly chosen (this Committe consisted of Col. Josiah Willard, Capt. Johnathan Hubbard, Joseph Kellog, Esq., and Capt. Edward Hartwell) to lay out y' House Lot, be y" place appointed & fixed upon to set ye first Meeting-house." This location was upon House Lot, No. 5, and the exact point fixed upon was on Meeting-House Hill, where the house now occupied by Martin M. Baker stands. At this meeting (March 25th), the Proprietors voted "to build a Decent house for publick worship at ye Bow at ye place already voted to set it on, of these dimensions following, viz. : 40 feet in Length, & 32 feet in bredth & 18 feet be- tween joynts, & to inclose ye out side & finish y' roof of s" building & y" Doors, & provide boards for y" under floor, & lay ye sleepers & lay on ye boards a seasoning, & underpin y" s'' building. Voted to give Col. Josiah Willard y= sum of one hundred & eighty pounds money, or bills of credit, to enable him to build ye Meeting-House at y° Bow, so far as has been already agreed upon, & voted by y' Proprietors, by y'' Last day of July next ensuing. Provided y' he give sufficient bond for Security to some person in trust, y' he will perfect y= s" work to s* building, as already voted by the Last of July afore'". Voted and chose y" Rev. Mr. BenJ'" Doolittle a Trustee to & for y= use of y= Proprietors afor'", with full power To Take y' bond'for Security of Colonel Willard, to oblige him to perfect y" work towards y' building s'' Meeting-House as before voted, & to Prosecute s'' bond in case of fail- ure." At an adjourned meeting held on the next Friday, it was voted " that y" Rev. Mr. Andrew Gardner & Deacon Ebenezer Alexander, be a committee with y" Rev. Mr. Benjamin Doolittle to see & Determine wheather Colonel Josiah Willard builds y" Meeting- House agreeable to ye vote of ye proprietors both in time and manner, and upon his fulfullment of y" s'' vote to order y" delivery ofs'' bond &y'' payment of y° hundred & eighty pounds voted to him for s^ work." Precisely how many and who of the grantees were settled within the township at this date we are at present unable to say, though it is fair to presume that most, if not all, of those who are mentioned by name in connection with the administration of the affairs of the township had become residents. Of these were Deacon Eben- ezer Alexander, who drew lot No. 31, which is the first lot to the south and east of the old Ore Mountain road ; James Jewell, who drew lot No. 27 on Pine Plain, which is Very near the house- lot of Alvin Kempton ; Rev. Andrew Gardner, who drew lot No. 16 on Long Hill, which was on the east side of the ten-rod road and com- prised a part of the pasture of William R. Bul- lock, to the north of the present residence of Morrison Forbush 5 Joseph Alexander, who drew lot No. 32, which is now occupied in part at least by Deacon Levi Suben ; Captain William Syms, who has already been mentioned as the first actual resident of Arlington. Of others men- tioned, Colonel Joseph Willard never became a resident of the plantation which he had made such great efforts to secure and establish. He was born at Lancaster, Mass., in 1693. He early became a resident of Lunenburg, and was for many years commandant at Fort Dummer, (afterward known as the Truck-House) and he died as the record says, " on a journey from home, December 8, 1750, aged 58 years." He was described in a public journal " as a gentle- man of superior natural powers, of a pleasant, happy and agreeable temper of mind, a faithful friend, one that paid singular regard to the ministers of the gospel, a kind husband and 550 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tender parent. . . . His death is a great loss tothepublick, considering his usefulness in many respects, particularly on the western frontiers, where in the late wars, in his betrustments, he has shown himself faithful, vigilant and careful. Of late years he has had the command at Fort Dummer and always used his best endeavors for the protection of our exposed infant towns, and his loss will be greatly regretted by them." Prior to this time such buildings as had been constructed by the settlers had been of logs or rude frames covered with cleft boards, which were split from oak cuts from five to seven feet long and were from eight to ten inches wide, and about one and a half inches thick on the back. They were laid lapping and made a durable and a tolerably tight covering. The roofs were thatched, the material used being the tall meadow grass, which was to be found in the low-lands in abundance. One end of the hut was principally occupied by the chimney, a huge mass of stones piled up as a back for the fire-place, whilst a hole in the house-top let out the smoke. Eight or ten feet in width was a fire-place of moderate size. But now Colonel Josiah Willard erected a saw-mill on Roaring Brook, in accordance with an agree- ment entered into between himself, on the one part, and a committee of the proprietors, con- sisting of himself. Captain John Hubbard, Cap- tain Joseph Kellog, Captain Edward Hartwell and Deacon Ebenezer Alexander, on the other part, the terms of the agreement being as follows : "That one hundred acres of Land be given and granted Colonel Josiah Willard of Lunenburg, one half to be laid out at or near j° Place con- venient for erecting y" a"* mill or mills together with y' Grant of a suitable Stream and Pondage for a^ mill or mills and y" other half in some convenient Place Provided y" s'' Colonel Willard build a good SufBcient Saw-mill at or near y^ place Called y° Bow and keep it in Repair near y" space of ten years and saw Boards at a Eeasonable price : y° s* mill to be finished fit for service within y= space of four months from y« date of this vote (April 30. 1734) & y« s" Colonel Willard to be excused from building or keep- ing y' s"" mill in repair in Case y* settlers Desert y» Place or forbear to settle there in case of war & to build or repair y^ s*" mill on three months warning at any time upon y° desire of y= Proprietors & y" keep it in repair y' term aforesaid & y' y° Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdale Deacon Ebenezer Alexander & William Syms who had been chosen a Committee to Lay out y' hundred acres above mentioned to Colonel Josiah Willard no part of s* Grant to b e Laid on y" North- erly & westerly side of Ashewelat River & make Return of y' doings to y' Proprietors Clerk to be entered on the records." The return of the lay-out by the Committee is "A plan of sixty acres of Land at y" Bow in y" Township above Northfield lately Granted to Col Josiah Willard & Others Laid out to y" s^ Josiah Willard & Others by us y" subscribers a committee appointed for y' end, it being part of a grant of one hundred acres of Land made to him by y" Proprietors of s^ Township in May A. Dom 1734 for Encouragement to build a saw mill in s" place. It begins at a marked Hemlock on y" North Side of y" Brook called Roaring Brook about ten perches from y' s* mill & Runs No 43° w" 21 Perches to an heap of stones ; from thence No 3° w" 21 Perches to a marked Hemlock ; from s* Hemlock No 23° 30°" w" 40 Perches to a bunch of Maples; from s* Maples No 05° 00" east one hundred & fourty Perches to a marked pitch pine ; from thence East 05° s fifty two perches & a half to a marked tree ; from s^ marked tree south five Deg w" two hundred and four perches to another marked tree and from s* tree to y" place where it began. "Surveyed by y" needle of y" instrument & Platted by a scale of 40 Perches in an inch, October 24 A.D., 1734. Ebenezer Hinsdale Ebenezer Alexander, Wil- liam Syms, Surveyors' Comm"""." That this was the first saw-mill built in Arlington is hardly a matter of doubt. That the mill had been built before the lay- out or the fifty acres mentioned above is evidenced by the description of the same, wherein the mill itself is particularly mentioned, and further evidenced by the vote of the proprietors under date of April 30, 1734, when they "voted y' Colonel Josiah Willard Have Liberty granted him to build an House near y° Saw- mill for y" defense of it & settle a family in it to an- swer his obligation for one of those Lots he is obliged to settle' at y' Bow & perform y" other part of his obligation upon y^.Lot or on y" Land uearhis house. Further on, this same 30** of April the Proprietors WINCHESTEK. 651 voted that Fifty acres of Land being formerly granted by y° Proprietors for Encouragement for y' erecting of a mill or mills near y° Great Kiver and y'' s* fifty acres being now Laid out in two parts & Plans of y" Same now Laid before us & accepted & now ordered to be entred on y'= Proprietors' Book. Cap' Joseph Kel- log appearing to undertake y" same the Proprietors y" voted y' y= fifty acres of Land already Laid out at y' Great Eiver for mill Lots together with y" Stream included in one part of s'^ fifty acres be Granted to Cap'. Joseph Kellog provided y' he erect a good, suffi- cient saw-mill, fit for service in a convenient time at a year's warning, by order of y' Proprietors and Saw boards at a reasonable price." The descj"iption of this fifty acres of land is : "Plans for fifty acres of Land Surveyed & platted in two pieces or parts for a mill Lot near y° Great River. The one part butted and bounded as follows viz : Westerly on y" 22'' House Lot by a line extend- ing 105 poles N 20° Deg. E from a marked white-oak on y' southeast corner of s* Lot to a marked Tree. Northerly on proprietors' land or common land by a Line extending from s* marked Tree 42 poles E 20 Deg S to a stake in y° Boggy meadow. Easterly by a line extending from S* stake 105 poles S. 23 Deg west to y" meeting of two common roads. South- wardly on a highway by a line extending from S'* Cor- ner 34 poles west 20 deg N. to y° first mentioned White Oak. " N. B. — A high-way is to be allowed cross y° North East corner of this lot about five rods from y" corner as delineated in y'' plan subjoyned. The other part Lying on a Brook, called y" 2'' Brook, butted and bounded on undivided Land as follows viz: Easterly by a line extending East — 40° N. 85J poles from a marked chestnut tree on y° North end of an Hill called Chestnut Hill, to an Hemlock marked in a swamp standing by y° 2* brook. Northerly by a Line extending from S'' Hemlock No. 40 West 50 poles to a marked Hemlock by a Small Brook Westwardly by a line extending from y" last mentioned Hemlock West 40° South 85J Poles to a pitch pine tree on y" foot of an hill Southwardly by a Line extending from S" pitch pine S. 40° East, 50 poles to y" Chest- nut Tree first mentioned by y" Committes orders Surveyed and Platted Nov. IS^"" 1733, by me " Ebenezee Hinsdale." This mill must have been on Ash Swamp Brook (nowLiscomb'sBrook in Hinsdale), very near the Connecticut River, whilst the first mill must have been near the mouth of Roaring Brook, probably where the remains of an old dam may even now be discovered, as well as an old cellar near by. It is to be supposed that the first settlers of Arlington spoke of the Con- necticut River as " y" Great River," as a matter of custom that had extended to them through those settlers who, for more than a hundred years, had had their trading-posts and settle- ments upon its banks. The name of the river Connecticut is of Indian origin, and is derived from the words yuinneh tuh ut, the first meaning long, the second and last meaning river with waves ; and the Indians who lived upon its shores called all the land lying along its bor- ders Quinneh tuh ut. The river is two hun- dred and fourteen feet above the sea-level where it was included in the Arlington grant. As soon as the settlers could gather their first crops they spread a not uninviting table. Their breakfast usually consisted of bread and milk, varied with toasted brown bread and roasted apples, hasty pudding, sometimes sweetened cider and toasted bread and cheese. For dinner meat, turnips, greens, peas and beans in their seasons ; and for supper bean porridge, Indian pudding, boiled pork and beef, turnips and potatoes sometimes. In the summer their diet list was increased by an abundant supply of milk ; on Sundays they had but two meals, breakfast and supper. These were both more generous than were their week-day meals. For breakfast they had chocolate, coffee or Bohea tea (the first two sweetened with molasses, the last with brown sugar), pan-cakes, doughnuts brown bread, toast and some sort of pie; after the afternoon church service, their supper often consisted of roast fowl, goose or chicken, baked spare-rib, with vegetables and pie. The only flour they had was such as they sifted .from crushed wheat. In addition, they had a fairly abundant supply of venison and other wild 552 HISTORY OF CnESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. meats from the forests, also wild fowl, consisting of tiirkies, partridges and ducks. The streams abounded in food fish,— salmon, shad, herring, alewives, trout and all other vari- eties of fish now common to New England streams and ponds. Their stock consisted of a few horses, neat cattle, swine and poultry, and their prin- cipal crops were Indian corn and hay. Potatoes were not then grown as a general crop, and only became such about 1775; before this date three bushels was thought to be a large crop for a common farmer. The time of the men was fully occupied from the date of the completion of their rude dwellings in clearing fields for planting, in caring for such crops as they had been able to plant and in protecting their stock from wandering away into the wilderness and from the attacks of wild beasts. Their method of clearing the land was to cut up such brush and undergrowth of bushes as there might be, and to girdle the; large trees. This they did by chopping a narrow trench around the body of the tree, removing the bark about a hand's breadth in width, when, soon after, the tree would cast its leaves and remain after as a dead trunk, to de- cay in time. In laterand subsequent "(hearings " they felled the trees and left them to lie upon the ground till fairly seasoned, and then burned them as they lay, afterwards drawing together the remnants of un burned logs into huge heaps and again subjecting them to fire till completely consumed. The good housewife found her time completely consumed in the various duties in- cident to the wire of her family, besides making butter and cheese, which were articles of ex- change for " store-goods " with the nearest 4ocal merchant. In addition, she carded and spun her own yarns, from flax or wool, or both. She wove her own linen and wool cloth, whilst the garments of her children, her husband and her- self were the results of her own handiwork. In the fall (iach family would gather enough candle- wood for use in the winter evenings. This was hard or pitch-pine, sometimes stunted or dis- eased trees, or old knots which were full of pitch. A splinter would give a tolerable light — in fact, it was nil the light, except the blaze from the heartli, whicli most of the families hiul. Tallow-candlcs were used to some extent, but only when one was so fortunate lus to kill a fat beef. Oil was unknown. Their clothing was all of home-spun mate- rials, and for the men was a coat, vest, small- clothes and a fur hat or cap. Two suits were sufficient for a life- time (old men sometimes had a great-coat and a pair of boots in addition). For common wear they had a long jacket, or fly-coat, reaching half-way down the tliigh, striped jacket worn under the small-clothes, all made of flannel cloth, fulled, but not sheared ; flannel shirts and stockings, and leather shoes for winter. In summer they had a pair of wide trousers reaching half-way to the knees. Shoes and stockings were not worn summers by farm- ers or by young men. Boys, when out of thoir " petticoats," were put into small-clothes sum- mer and winter. The women wore flannel gowns in the winter, with stockings and calf-skin shoes. In the summer they wore wrappers, or shepherd dresses, with stockings and shoes, whilst for their best suit they had a oiilico or camlet gown, with short sleeves and ruffles for each arm, aprons of checked linen, white cotton or cambric caps with small ruffles. Travelling was all done on foot or horse- back, following paths through the forests designated by blazed trees. The settlers of Arlington were often obliged to take a sack of grain upon the shoulder and carry the same in this manner to mill at North- field, returning with "grist" in the same way. These first settlers of Arlington diligently applied themselves to the clearing and subdu- ing the rugged soil for tillage, the iinprovement of their buildings, increasing their farm stock, the construction of roads and bridges during these early years, without interruption Ironi the Indians or disturbance from the Stale. But, on the 22d of June, 17.']9, in the House of Kepresentatives of the province of Massachu- setts, it was WINCHESTER. 553 " Ordered, That Col. Josiah Willard, one of the principal inhabitants of the new Township called Winchester lying in the County of Hampshire, be and hereby is allowed and impowered io notiiy and warn the inhabitants of y° S* Township to assemble and convene in some convenient publick place in said Town to make choice of a town clerk and other Town Officers to stand until the anniversary meeting in March next. " Sent up for concurrence, " J. QtriNCY, Speaker. '• In GouncilJune 22M739 " Read and concurred, " Simon Fkost, Bep. Secy. " Copy Examined. " pr Simon Frost, Bept. Secy. " Consented to, " J. Belches." Under this order Colonel Willard called a meeting of the inhabitants of Winchester, as follows : "By virtue of an Order of the General Court of the Province of Massachusetts &c Dated June 22* 1739, to me directed for calling a meeting of the In- habitants of the New Town called Winchester, to make choice of a Town Clerk and other Town Officers. These are to notifie and warn the In- habitants of the Said Town of Winchester that they assemble and meet at the meeting House in said Town on Monday the twentieth day of August cur- rant, at eight of the clock in the morning to chuse a Town Clerk and other Town Officers to stand until the Anniversary meeting in March next. "Notified per Order of S* Court of the Massachu- setts. " JOSIAH WiLLABD. " Winchester August y' 14'" a.d. 1739." At this, the first town-meeting of Winchester (all prior meetings have been of the proprietors of the plantation of Arlington), Colonel Josiah Willard was chosen moderator ; Josiah Willard, Jr., town clerk ; Colonel Josiah Willard, Mr. Andrew Gardiner and Nathaniel Eockwood selectmen ; Simon Willard, constable ; Nathan- iel Chamberlain, tithingman ; Nathaniel Rock- wood, town treasurer ; Simon Willard, Samuel Taylor and Henry Bond, hog-reeves ; William Symes, Joseph Alexander and Nathan Fair- banks, fence- viewers ; Andrew Gardner and Josiah Willard, Jr., informers of all breaches of an act for the preservation of deer ; and Gershom Tuttle, pound-keeper. " The Persons above Named were all sworn to the faithful discharge of the Several offices whereto they were chosen. " Attest Josiah Willaed, Jk., " Town Clerk." The political peace of the inhabitants of Winchester was rudely disturbed by a royal decree dated August 5, 1740, definitely defining the boundary line between the provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. In 1652, in response to petitions to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, surveyors were employed, who traced the Merrimaok River as far north as the parallel of 43° 40' 12", and they reported the same October 19, 1652. This report was accepted, and the province of Massachusetts relinquished her claims to prov- ince land north of this line her new bounds on the Connecticut River being near the present boundary line between the towns of Claremont and Charlestown. This line Massachusetts maintained till 1740, when, after a long and acrimonious dispute between the two provinces, the whole question was referred by petition of the province of New Hampshire to His Ma- jesty, George II., who referred the same to the " Lords of Council of England," who decided in 1739 that the boundary line between the two provinces should be where it is at the present time. This finding was established by His Majesty's royal decree, bearing date, August 5, 1740, and the survey of the line was made by Richard Hazen in March and April, 1741. This decree defined the line as " beginning at the distance of three English miles north from the southerly side of the Black Rocks, at low- water mark (near the mouth of the Merrimack River), and thence running due west up into the mainland towards the south sea until it meets with his majesties other governments." This survey, 554 HISTOEY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. as made by Hazen, was a due east and west line with an allowance of ten degrees for the wester- ly variation of the needle, and severed the towns of Warwick and Xorthfield, leaving a portion of each with Winchester within the province of Xew Hampshire. ^Massachusetts did not quietly submit to being thus dismem- bered, and for years continued an agitation of the boundary line question, and the sympathies of the inhabitants of Winchester were largely with the mother province, naturally so, as they were Massachusetts born and bred, and all their political interests were best served by their re- maining citizens of that province, and for the further reason that the province of Xew Hamp- shire did not want them, for in the controversy between the two provinces respecting the bound- ary line it was the eastern end of the line, and not the western end, that was in dispute and that was thought to be of any value in the con- test. And it did not for a single moment oc- cur to either of them that the western extremity of the boundary would fall so far to the south- ward as to include these settlements ; and when Hazen pushed through the woods to the west, following his instructions of a due east and west 'survey, with the 10° allowance for the varia- tion of the needle, he gave a surprise to both provinces, and one that was not agreeable to either, Massachusetts being rudely awakened to the fact that she had lost the efforts and ex- pense of years in extending her .settlements up the fertile valley of the Connecticut River, and Xew Hampshire to the fact that she had citi- zens and settlements in her southwestern border that she did not want, but over which she must exercise maternal jurisdiction and have a foster- ing care, a people to whom she was a stranger, and with whom she had no means of communi- cation excepting she trespassed on the t«rritorv of her not very good-natured (at the time) sister province. She saw that slie must construct roads through the wilderness to be able to com- municate with them and that she must either es- tablish forts for their protection and supply them, or else appropriate those already erected by Massachusetts, all of which meant expense and effort to her when she felt that her former burdens were about all she could bear. The citizens of AMnchester felt that they had been severed from their mother province by an arbi- trary and unjust decree of their king and were un- cared for and unloved by their foster-mother, to whom they had been given. They were practically left to work out their own destiny, and to secure their own salvation if they were able. The peace of mind of these early settlers was about this time still further disturbed by the unfriendly relations rapidly developing be- tween France and Great Britan ; for they well understood that the French, who then held and occupied Canada, would incite the Indians to attack the frontier settlements of the English in case of war between the two countries, which would bring upon their de- fenseless heads a blow they were illy prepared to resist. In 1744 the anticipated condition of war between the two countries actually oc- curred, and the realities of war were upon them, — a war that in its plans and scope was that of the civilized white man, whilst in its details it was a war filled with all the savage brutalities of the uncivilized red man. Unprotected as they were by Xew Hampshire, and with only feeble and reluctantly-granted assistance from Massa- chusetts, these sturdy settlers resolved to defend themselves as best they could ; every oc- cupied house wa.s turned into a garrison, no man walked abroad unarmed and it soon be- came even unsafe to step outside a stockade to milk a cow or feed an animal. Their horses and cattle were killed, their harvests were de- stroyed and no field labor could be performed. After about a year of alternating hopes and fears, hopes that Xew Hampshire might af- ford them some protection or that the war might cease, fears for themselves and their families, — : they abandoned their settlements, and we can almost picture them to ourselves, a.s, in the au- WINCHESTER. 555 tumn of 1745, the procession of disappointed and almost discouraged settlers started out upon their journey to Lunenburg, the men grim and silent, the women dejected, the children alternately sober and joyous, — sober from sympathy and fatigue, joyous from bright an- ticipations of happiness in visiting the former home of their parents, so often mentioned, and the ever-varying scenes about them. On April 16, 1 747, a party of Indians under the command of Monsieur Debeliue, who had come down the Connecticut River from Canada to attack North- field, burned and destroyed all the buildings and property that had been abandoned by the set- tlej-s. During the period from the fall of 1745 to the spring of 1753, when the grantees of Win- chester returned to rebuild their desolated homes and to the cultivation of their wasted fields, occasionally a proprietor returned to maintain their rights to the soil unimpaired, and men from other settlements frequently visited the lo- cality and were often attacked by the Indians. On June 24, 1746, twenty Indians came to Bridgman's Fort, .two miles below Fort Dum- mer and attacked a number of men who were at work in a meadow. They killed William Rob- bins and Jonas Parker, and captured Daniel Howe and John Beeman. William Crison and Patrick Rugg were wounded, but both recov- ered. Howe killed one of the Indians before he was taken. On July 24, 1746, Col. Willard, with a team and a guard of twenty men who had come over from Fort Dummer to Hinsdale's Mill, were ambushed near the mill, but were able to re- pulse the Indians and return in safety to the fort. On August 6, 1746, thirty Indians came to Winchester and waylaid the road over against Benjamin Melvin's house. Several men had occasion to pass by, not knowing of the ambush, and were fired ujion, and Joseph Rawson was killed and Amasa Wright wounded. On Oc- tober 22, 1746, the Indians captured Jonathan Sartwell near Fort Hinsdale. Fort Hinsdale stood on what is now known as the Marsh place in Hinsdale. Its exact locality is very readily found, just a few rods south of the dwelling- house now standing on said place. On October 16, 1747, Lieutenant Perie Rambout, a young Frenchman, came as far south as the south bank of the Ashuelot River, about two miles below the village, where he and his Indians halted. Rambout, taking his gun, passed alone over a neighboring hill to the southward, where he was discovered by Captain Alexander, of Nortlifieid, Major Willard, of Winchester, and Dr. Hall, of Keene, who were all going towards Northfield. They met some cattle running as though pur- sued. Captain Alexander, being foremost, saw a Frenchman in the path coming towards him. When he (Rambout) saw them, he jumped out of the path, behind a tree and asked for quarter, in French; but Captain Alexander, not under- standing that language, fired, shooting him in the breast and he fell. He recovered himself and came up to Captain Alexander, whom he saluted handsomely, but he soon grew faint and they thought him mortally wounded, if not dying. They being afraid the Indians were near, and fearing pursuit, though they saw no one but Rambout, they knew he was not alone, and, taking his arms, hastened towards Northfield. The Indians, hearing the report of Alexander's gun, started directly and soon found Rambout alive and brought him to the river, where he had previously left them. Thinking hini to be mortally wounded, and fearing the pursuit of the English, they left him here and returned to Canada and reported him dead. The next morning Rambout revived and wandered to- ward Northfield. The first person he met was Captain Alexander, who had shot him. To him he surrendered. Alexander took him to Mr. Doolittle, in Northfield, who was a physi- cian and surgeon as well as a clergyman, who kept him till he recovered. After his wound was healed he was carried to Boston, where he was kindly entertained until he was exchanged, in February, 1748, for Samuel Allen, of Deer- 556 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. field, who was captured in 1746. In 1'747 the Indians burned Fort Bridgman, killed several and took others prisoners. On June 16, 1748, fourteen men were way- laid near the mouth of Broad Brook in going from Colonel Hinsdale's to Fort Dummer, and Joseph Richardson, William Bickford, Nathan French and John Frost were killed. William Bickford was only wounded, but died of his wounds later. William Blanchard, Benjamin Osgood, Mathew Wyman, Joel Johnson, Henry Stevens and Mark Perkins were captured. Daniel Farmer and three others escaped. One of the prisoners was killed by the Indians where they camped for the night. Upon one side of the monument erected in memory of Taylor and his men is this in- scription : " In memory of fourteen men who were waylaid by the Indians, near this place, June 16, 1748." July 3, 1748, the Indians waylaid the mill hear Fort Hinsdale, where Colonel Willard, with a guard of twenty men, had come to grind corn. Colonel Willard having placed his guards, they were soon fired upon. The colonel gave such loud and repeated orders to attack the enemy that they fled, leaving their packs and provisions, and he and his command re- turned to Fort Dummer in safety. On July 14, 1748, Sergeant Thomas Tay- lor, with a party of sixteen men, whilst on their way from Northfield to Keene, through the westerly part of Winchester, were attacked by about a hundred French and Indians, who, af- ter a sharp fight, killed Joseph Rose, Asail Graves, James Billings and Henry Chandler, and captured Sergeant Thomas Taylor, Jona- than Lawrence, Thomas Crison, Reuben Walk- er, John Edgel, David How, Ephraim Pow- ers, John Henry and Daniel Farmer. Robert Cooper and three others whose names are un- known, escaped. Two of the prisoners had been wounded in the fight and soon after their • capture were killed by the Indians with their clubs. The Indians took their prisoners up the east side of the Connecticut River and crossed to the west side about three miles above where West River empties into the Connecticut, and then made their way direct to Canada. This fight was about one mile below Fort Dummer, on the east side of the Coimecticut. As near as may be to the exact spot of the attack has been erected a neat monument in memory of the event, which bears this inscription : "In memory of Sergeant Thomas Taylor, who, with a party of sixteen men, was here overpowered by one hundred French and Indians, after heroic and bloody resistance, July 14, A.D. 1748. Four of their number were killed. Sg' Taylor, with eight others, several of whom were wounded, were taken prisoners, and four escaped." Though peace was declared between France and England October 7,' 1748, quiet in the Con- necticut Valley settlements did not ensue till several years later, for on July 22, 1755, the Indians attacked a party of men near Fort Hinsdale and killed and captured several of them. July 27, 1755, as Caleb Howe, Hilkiah Grout and Benjamin Gaffield, who had been hoeing corn in the meadow west of the river, were returning home a little before sunset to Bridg- man's Fort, they were fired upon by twelve In- dians who had ambushed their path. Howe was on horseback with two young lads, his children, behind him. A ball broke his thigh and brought him to the ground ; his horse ran a few rods and fell likewise and both lads were captured. The Indians, coming up to Howe, pierced his body with a spear, tore off his scalp, stuck a hatchet in hishead and'left him. He was found alive the next morning by a party of men from Fort Hinsdale ; and being asked by one of the party whether he he knew him, he answered : " Yes, I know you all." These were his last words, though he did not die till after his friends had arrived with him at Fort Hinsdale. Grout was so fortunate as to escape unhurt. But Gaffield, in attempting to wade through -the river at a ford, was unfortunately WINCHESTER. 557 drowned. Flushed with suocess, the Indians went directly to Bridgman's Fort and found only Mrs. Jemima Howe, Mrs. Submit Grout, Mrs. Eunice Gaffield and some children. • The women had heard the guns, but did not know what had happened to their husbands. Ex- tremely anxious for their safety, they eagerly awaited their coming; at length concluding, from the noise they heard without, that they had come, they unbarred the gate in a hurry to let them in, when lo ! to their disappointment and surprise, instead of their husbands, in rushed a number of hideous Indians, to whom they and their children became an easy prey, and from whom they had nothing to expect but a sorry captivity or death. Fourteen persons were made captives. On June 7, 1756, the Indians captured Jo- siah Foster, his wife and two children about one mile south of the present village of Win- chester. Foster's house was upon the norther- ly side of Ore Mountain and in plain view of the village. Foster was at work on the bridge near the mouth of Mirey Brook where the present bridge now stands, when the Indians made their attack. They made prisoners of his wife and two children, ransacked his house and killed his pigs. Whether it was the noise made by the pigs in their struggles for their liberty, or whether it was the feathers from the feather- beds that the Indians ripped open and scattered from an attic window, that attracted Foster's attention, is not certainly known, but he in some manner became aware of the condition of his family, and hastening home, surrendered himself as a prisoner that he might share with his wife the burdens of captivity. He and his family were taken to Quebec, in Canada, where they were met by Benjamin Twitchel, who was captured in Keene in 1755, and after months of privations and trials were set at liberty and sent to Boston, from whence they returned to their home in Winchester, wiiere -several of their descendants are now liv- ing. The Indians who had given the settlers so much trouble and had caused them such anxie- ties was the St. Francis tribe, that live just over the Canadian border, near the head-waters of the Connecticut River, living with whom was the remnant of the Sqiiakheags, the tribe that had formerly occupied the valley of the Ashue- lot. Their territory extended to the south, to the head-waters of the Miller's River ; eastward to the Monadnock Mountain, where they met the Nashua Indians ; northward to the head- waters of the Ashuelot, and westward about nine miles west of the Connecticut. This tribe had sold this, their inheritance, — a tract of country embracing about sixty-five thousand acres, — -to the whites, and had con- veyed the same by a deed bearing date of August 13, 1687. This deed was executed by Nawdet, who was the chief at that time of the tribe. The price paid these sons of the wilder- ness for their home, their hunting and fishing- grounds, was the munificent sum of " forty-five pounds sterling in trades-goods," — a sum equal to one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and eighty cents in our money. It must be said, in justice to this tribe of Indians, that after this sale of their lands to the whites, that, whilst they did not fully abandon the territory till 1720, a period of thirty-three years, they lived in peace and harmony with the whites to whom they had sold, and that it was only during a time of war that they acted as guides to the French and Canadian Indians in their expedi- tions against the English. Traditions declare them to have, been firm in their friendships to individual settlers, often warning them in ad- vance of threatening dangers. This tribe of Indians were enterprising, war- like and skilled in all the devices of Indian strategy. In size they were small giants, skeletons having been exhumed more than six and a half feet tall. They lived in separate villages, at such points as were most favorable for obtaining subsistence. They lived princi-. pally upon iJie fruit of the chestnut-tree, 558 HISTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. ground-nuts, corn,, pumpkins which were cut in strips and dried in the sun, and the flesh of animals taken in the chase or by trapping. They cooked their fish just a» they were taken from the water, and small animals were roasted whole, the entrails being considered an indis- pensable part of the roast. They understood the process and made maple sugar, and they also raised and >ised tobacco to some extent. They set frequent fires in certain portions of their domain to keep down the underbrush for cultivable fields. These were generally set in the fall after the leaves and seeds had fallen, and in this way not only the smaller trees were destroyed, but the larger ones were sooner or later killed. Thus they kept quite large areas treeless for the pur- poses of cultivation. It would seem, from the remains of their villages and defensive works, their granaries and cultivated fields, together with the large number of their burying-places discovered, that they must have been a prosper- ous and numerous people, and that they had occupied the country for many generations. We find them upon the war-path as early as 1675, when they had made successful attacks upon Deerfield and Xorthfield, following which they went into winter-quarters at a place called " Coasset," a little above the railroad station at South Vernon, Vt. Their successes had been so great that they deemed themselves secure from attack, — so secure that they sent a large party to the falls (Turner's) on the Connecticut River, below the mouth of Millei-'s River, to fish for shad, when, on the morning of May 19, 1676, about daybreak. Captains Turner and Holyoke, with about one hundred and sixty men, fell upon their camp and killed a great number of the Indians. But just as the soldiers were re- turning to their horses, which they had con- cealed " a little way back," it was reported that King Philip, with a large force of Indians, were coming to the rescue. This rumor greatly alarmed the whites and caused them to fall into disoixler, when the Indians immediately attacked them and killed Captain Turner and thirtv- seven of his men. The name of the tribe, "Squakheags," is a contraction of Xamus- Squam-aug-khige, and signifies spearing-place for salmon, and, from the peculiarities of their language and tribal affinities, they would seem to have been very closely related to the Nasha- ways, whose hunting-grounds joined theirs at " the Great Monadnock." At last the province of Xew Hampshire de- termined to recede from the unjust, if honor- able, position it had taken, when, just prior to the abandonment of the settlement. Colonel Willard wrote Governor Benning Wentworth : "Almost every man is upon the move in this part of the country. I have had no sleep these three nights, and have now nine families stope'' at my house. We have persuaded the bigger part of the people to tarry a little longer." He then asked that the settlements might re- ceive assurances of protection ; to which the province of New Hampshire replied, under date of May 3, 1745, through her General Court: " Fort Dummer is Fifty miles distant from any towns which have been settled by the Government of or the people of New-Hampshire. That the people had no rights to the lands which, by the dividing line, had fallen within New-Hampshire, notwithstanding the plausible arguments that had been used to induce them to bear the expence of the line, namely, that the land would be given to them or be sold to pay the ex- pence. That the charge of maintaining that Fort at so great a distance, and to which there was no com- munication by roads, would excede what had been the whole expence of the Government before the line was established, and, finally, that there was no dan- ger that these parts would want support, since it was the interest of Massachusetts, by whom they were erected (the Forts), to maintain them as a cover to their frontiers." They thus refused to protect their own, either from mercenary motives or a want of humanity, or an absolute inability to do what was required. Let us all believe it was the latter reason ; for, on Monday, July 2, 1753 : WINCHESTER. 559 " At a Council and General Assembly holden at Portsmouth. Present— His Excellency, Banning Wentworth, Esq., Governor, Theodore Atkinson, Rich- ard Wibird, John Downing, Samuel Sulley, Daniel Warner and Sampson Sheaffe, Esq". His Excellency laid before the Board the petition of Josiah Willard, Esq., for himself and in behalf of the settlers and claimers of a tract of land bounding partly on the Province line, partly on Northfield (so called) and partly on the Connecticut Eiver, called by the name of Winchester as the same was granted by the Mas- sachusetts Government. Praying for a grant of the said tract or township agreeable to their former sur- veys, divisions and partitions, &c., which being read at the Board by His Excellency, put the question to the Council when they would advise him to make a Charter agreeable to the petition. To which the Council did consent and advise." Upon which His Excellency issued the fol- lowing : " Province of New Hampshire. "George the Second, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c. " To all persons to whom the presents shall come, Greeting : Whereas sundry of our loving subjects before the settlement of the dividing line of our Province of New Hampshire aforesaid and our other Governments of the Massachusetts Bay, be- gan a settlement of a tract of land lying partly on Connecticut Kiver and partly on our said dividing line, Bnd made sundry divisions of and improvements upon the said tract of land and there remained until the Indian war forced them off and our said subjects being desirous to make an immediate settlement on the premises and having petitioned our Governor and Council for His Majesties Grant of the premises to be so made as might not subvert and destroy their former surveys and laying out in severalty made thereon as aforesaid. " Now know ye that we of our especial grace, cer- tain knowledge, and mere motion for answering the end above said, and for the due encouragement of settling the said Plantation by and with the advice of our trusty and well beloved Benning Wentworth, Esq'., our Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Province of New Hampshire in America, and of our Council of the said Province. Have upon the conditions and reservations hereafter made, given and granted, and by these presents for us our Heirs and successors, do give and grantunto our loving subjects, Inhabitants of our said Province of New Hampshire and His Majesties other Governments and to their heirs and assigns forever whose names are entered upon this Grant, to be divided to and amongst them into so many and such shares and proportions as they now hold or claim the same by purchase, contract, vote or agreement, made amongst themselves. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being within our said Province of New Hampshire containing by admeas- urement, twenty-three thousand and forty acres, which tract is to contain six miles square and no more, out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable Lands, by rocks, moun- tains, ponds and rivers, one thousand forty acres free, according to a plan thereof made and presented by our said Governor's order and hereunto annexed, butted and bounded as follows, viz. : bigining at a beach tree marked for the southwest corner of Rich- mond; from thence running west 10° N. on the Prov- ince Line four miles to the easterly line of North- field (so called); thence runs Northerly on said line to the northeast corner of Northfield aforesaid; then runs west on the aforesaid line of Northfield to Connecticut River ; thence running up said River to the southwest corner of Chesterfield; then runs south 73° East until that point intersects a line running North by the needle from the first mentioned found tree, and the same be and hereby is incorporated in Town by the name of Winches- ter, and the ' inhabitants that do or shall hereaf- ter inhabit said township are hereby declared to be enfranchised with and entitled to all and every the privileges and immunities that other towns within our said Province do exercise and enjoy. And furthermore, that the said town, as soon as there shall be fifty families residing there, shall have the liberty to open and keep a market one or more days in each week, as may be thought most advantageous to the inhabitants. Also, that the first meeting for the choice of town officers and other affairs, agreeable to the laws of our said Province, shall be held on the third tuesday in August next, which meeting shall be notified by Josiah Willard, Esq., .who is hereby ap- pointed the moderator of the said meeting, which he is to notify and govern agreeable to the laws and cus- toms of our said Province, and that the annual 560 HISTOEY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. meeting forever hereafter, for the choice of such officers for the said Town, shall be on the first tues- day of March, annually. " To have and to hold the said tract of land as above expressed, together with all the priviledges and appurtenances to them and their respective heirs and assigns forever, upon the following conditions, viz. : That every Grantee, his heirs and assigns, shall plant or cultivate five acres of land within the term of five years for every fifty acres contained in his or their share or proportion of land in the said Town- ship, and to continue to improve and settle the same by additional cultivations, on penalty of the forfeit- ure of his grant or share in said Township, and its reverting to his majesty, his heirs and Successors, to be by him orthem regranted to such of his subjects as shall efiectually settle and cultivate the same. That all white and other pine-trees within the said Township fit for masting our royal navy, may be carefully preserved for that use, and none to be cut or felled without his majesties especial license for so doing first had and obtained, upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such Grantee, his heirs or assigns to us, our heirs and successors, as well as be- ing subject to the penalty of any Act of Parliament, that are or shall be hereafter enacted. " Also, reserving the power of adding to or dividing the said Town, so far as it relates to incorporations, only to us, our heirs and successors, when it shall be necessary or convenient for the benefit of the inhabit- ants thereof Also, subjecting the unimprovable lands within this Grant to an annual tax of one penny to an acre, for two years from the date here- of, for the building a meeting-house, and settling a Gospel minister in said town. That before any further divisions of the land be made to and amongst the Grantees, a tract of land in the most commodious place the land will admit of shall be reserved and marked out for town lots, one of which shall be allotted to each Grantee of the contents of one acre yealding and paying therefor to us, our heirs and successors for the space of ten years, to be computed from the date hereof the an- nual rent of one ear of Indian corn only com- mencing on the first day of January next ensuing the date hereof, if lawfully demanded, and every Proprie- tor settled or inhabitant shall yield and pay unto us our heirs and successors yearly and every year forever from and after the expiration of the ten years from the date hereof namely on the first day of January which will be in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, one shilling Proclamation money for every hundred acres he so owns settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser tract of the said land. Which money shall be paid by the respective persons above said their heirs or assigns in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth, or to such Officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same and this to be in lieu of all other rents and services whatsoever. In wit- ness whereof we have caused the seal of said Province to be hereunto affixed. " Witness Benning Wentworth, Esq. Our Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Province. The second of July in the year of our Lord Christ 1753 and in the 27"" year of our reign. " B. Wentwoeth. " By his Excelencys command with advice of Coun- cil. " Theodore Atkinson, Sect. "Province of New Hampshire July 2* 1753, re- corded in the Book of Charters 169 page. "Theodore Atkinson, Sedt/." The names of these grantees of Winchester were : " Josiah Willard Samuel Ashley Joseph Ashley Simon Willard Nathaniel Rockwood Ebenezer Alexander Elias Alexander William Symus Benjamin Melvin John Ellis Jonathan Morton William Orvis John Summers Henry Bond William Temple Jonathan Parkest Samuel Whitemore Samuel Chickley Jr Benjamin Bird Francis Coggwell Nathan Willard Wilder Willard Elisha Boot Jacob Davis Samuel Taylor Davis Field James Jewell John Peirce Anthony Peirce Simon Peirce John Saylerman Thadeus Mason Nathaniel Foster Josiah Foster Thomas Greemon The Heirs of Joseph Lemous, deceased. Sarah Martin Joseph Burchard Daniel Lewis Benjamin Lynds Oliver Willard William Willard Valentine Butler WINCHESTER. 561 Jonathan Edwards James Rider Joseph Marrifield Nathaniel Hastings Jabez Hills Moses Chamberlain John More Hezekiah Wright Thomas Swetman Samuel Field Samuel Hunt John Brown Moses Belding Joanna Pierce Ebenezer Hinsdale William Hancock William Neagos Ephraim Tuttle Samuel Stone Martin Ashley Joseph Blanchard Timothy Minot Joshua Lyman "His Excelency Benning Wentworth, Esq', a tract of Land containing five Hundred acres. One- seventieth part of s'' tract of Land for the incorporated Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. One-seventieth part of the s'' tract for the lirst settled minister of ye Gospel in the s'^ Town. One-seven- tieth part of s^ Granted tract for a Glebe for the Church of England by law Established. " Thomas Hancock Gaius Field Palatia Webster John Allen Thomas Taylor " Province of New-Hampshire July 2^ 1758 entered & recorded in the Book of Charters page 171 & 172. "Per " Theo' Atkinson Secry." Having received these assurances of recogni- tion and protection from the provincial govern- ment of New Hampshire, the grantees and proprietors of Winchester, under date of August 21, 1753, proceeded to reorganize their town government, whch had been interrupted for a period of about seven years. The record of the meeting is as follows : "At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants and Grantees of the township of Winchester, held at the house of Major Josiah Willard Esq' in Winchester on tuesdny the twenty-first day of August agreeable to the Direction of the Charter of Said township where- by s'* Josiah Willard Esq is appointed moderator of Sai* meeting. " Voted and Chose Maj Josiah Willard Esqr Colo- William Symes Mr Samuel Ashley Selectmen and as- sessors for the remaining part of this year. Voted and chose Nath" Eockwood, Town Clerk. Voted and ' Col. Josiah Willard died December 8, 1750. chose Lieu' Simon Willard Town Treasurer. Voted and chose Benjamin Melvin Constable. " Voted, and chose Ebn' Alexander & Elias Alex- ander, Surveyors of Highways. Voted, and chose Josiah Foster and William Temple, fence-viewers. Voted, and chose John Ellis, hog-reeve. Voted, and chose Nath' Eockwood, Sealer of Waights and Measures. Voted, to adjourn this meeting for the space of an hour, and then met and Voted, raise the Sum of Seventy-five Pounds forPreeching and Mend- ing High-wayes and other Necessary Charges. Voted, that for high way worke four shillings and six pence to a man p' day, and two shillings for a Yoke of Oxen per day. Voted, that the proprietary affairs of this town be for the future transacted and carried on Sep- erately and Distinct, from Town affairs, and to this End, that Proprietary Meetings be Held from time to time, as shall be necessary, and all needful Proprie- tary oflncers be chosen. Voted, and cho.-e Major Josiah Willard, Esq', Proprietors' Clarke. Voted, and chose Lieutenant Simon Willard, Proprietors' Treasurer. Voted, and chose Major Josiah Willard, Nath' Eock- wood, Oliver Willard, assesors to assess the Penny Acre tax, Enjoyned by Charter on unimproved Lands. Voted, and chose William Willard Collector of S'^ Tax. Voted, and chose Major Josiah Willard, Col' William Symes, Lieu' Simon Willard, Lieu' Nathan Willard, Lieu' Elias Alexander, Samuel Ashley, Wil- liam Temple, or any three of them, to examine and Settle Claimes of the Grantees mentioned in the Charter. Voted, and chose Major Josiah Willard, Co'° Symes, Lieu' Simon Willard, Nathan Eock- wood, Samuel Ashley, Lieu' Elias Alexander and William Willard or any three of them a committee to Complete the Laying-out the divisions formerly granted, and to Lay out Suetable ways and Eoods. Voted, that no plan be put upon Eecord without being signed by at Leest fouer of Said Com'"' Chosen, Com- pleat the Laying-out The Said divisions formerly granted. Voted, that Maj' Josiah Willard be desired to Convey the Charter of the Township of Winches- ter Granted us, and Eequest that Gaius Field, and all others who can make out a fair Claim to any of the Lands Contained in Said Charter May have their names Entered Therein. Voted that all former acts and proceedings of the Proprietors, or those esteemed Proprietors, Eespect- ing the Divisions of the Lands Contained in the township of Winchester be Eatified and Confirmed, 562 niSTOKY OF CHESHIKE COUNTY, NEW IIAMPSHIKE. and be esteemed valid as tho' Now Transacted. Voted that House-Lot No. 6 at tlie Bow, being a Publick, be for the first Minister that shall be settled in the ministry in Winchester, together with all y" after Divisions, what have been or may be Granted to s* house and do in anywise belong to Said house- Lot. Voted that House Lott No. 2 at y° Great River, with all after Rigts and divisions to the same apper- taining, be for a Glebe for the Church. Voted that House Lott No. 20 at the Great River, be for the Incorporated Society for Propogating the Gospel in foreign parts. Voted to Give to the Hon"' Theodore Atkinson, Esq'', three hundred acres of the Lands Contained in y' Charter Granted us of the Township • of Winchester, and that the Com"^ appointed to Complete y' Laying out y* Divisions Granted be impowered to Lay out Said three hundred acres and return a plan to be Recorded. " Voted, that the Com'*' appointed to settle y" Claims of the Grantees be desired to Examine and find out what of Rates formerly Granted & made are yet unpaid and not allow the Claims of such Parsons to be Recorded as are found to have been deficient in y' Payment of said Taxes & Rates, as one y'= Claims of Such Lands as the former Claimes and owners thereof are found to have been deficient untill y' Re- spective Rates be paid. Voted and Chose Maj" Josiah Willard & Col'° W" Symes a Com"= To pro- vide a Minister. Voted that any Seven of the Pro- prietors of Winchester Requesting the Proprietors Clarke to Call a meeting, The s'' Clarke Posting up a notifycation in Said Winchester for a Meeting of Said Proprietors at Least fourteen Dayes before y' time Specified for Said Meeting Shall be Legal Warning and any Meeting in Consequence of such Warning Shall be a legal Meeting.'' At this point the meeting was evidently dis- solved, though the record does not state it. It ought not to be supposed that, though ab- sent from the settlement during the seven years last preceding the above recorded town-meeting, the proprietors were inactive or neglectful of their interests in the grant. Several meetings were held, evidently at which officers and com- mittees were chosen to protect their interest, as the following shows : "At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Towihip of Winchester in y° Province of New Hampshire, held at y° House of Moses Marsh inholder in Hadley on Tuesday the Tenth Day of April 1750 according to Notifycation published in one of y° weekly news Pa- pers agreable to a vote of S* Proprietors at their last meeting. Voted and Chose Maj" Josiah Willard Moderator for S* Meeting. Voted that Maj" Josiah Willard be desired to take y° Proprietors Book of Records into his care and keep it at his House in Win - Chester till y'' further order of S'' Proprietors. Voted that the Consideration of y° several articles contained in S^ Notifycation be refered till the Time to which this Meeting Shall be adjourned. Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday the Eighth day of May next to be holden at the House of Maj°' Josiah Willard in Winchester at Ten Oclock fore noon then and there to act upon the above mentioned articles. "Attest Josiah Willard Moderator. "And then met again upon S* adjournment May 8"" 1750 at time and plase. Voted on the second Article and Chose Josiah Willard jr Proprietors Clerk Voted on the 4 and 5 Articles and chose Colonel Josiah Willard, Josiah Willard Jun' Capt William Syms, Le' Elias Alexander, Sam' Ashley and William Willard as a Com- mitte to complete the house Lots at the great River, and all other Divisions that are to lay in s'' Township and to lay out highways and to make such alterations as shall be thought needfull and Return Plans of the Same and no Plan to put on Record without four of the Committe Signing s'' Plan. Voted on y" e"" Arti- cle, that any five of the Proprietors Requesting a Meeting of the Proprietors in writing sitting forth the articles, the Clerk be Directed to set up a Notifyca- tion insum Publick Place in Said Township, Fourteen Days before Said meeting. Then Voted to Dismiss this meeting. " Josiah Willard Mode'." " Hampshire, S. S., Jan^ 18th, 1751. " Then Major Josiah Willard, Esq., was sworn to the faithful Discharging of the office of a Proprietors' Clerk of Winchester, to which office he was Chosen by the s* Proprietors at their meeting in May 8"*, 1750. " Before me, " Seth Field, Just. Peace. " Entered and Examined " P' Josiah Willard, Proi" Clerk." WINCHESTEK. 563 "On the 2* of July, 1753, a petition of Ebenezer Hinsdale, Esq., in behalf of himself & Sundry persons inhabiting at a place called Northfield, lying on the north of the dividing line of the Province of New Hamp' and the Massachusetts Bay, praying that the Petitioners, &"=., may be incorporated & invested with town priviledges, &"., & in case such a charter is in- consistent with his Maj"°* Instructions that then the said tract with an adition of his Maj'^" unappropri- ated lands adjacent thereto, may be granted to the Petitioners, &=., agreeable to his Maj"'= s" Instructions, which petition was read, and also at the same time a letter signed by the Selectmen of that part of North- field aforesaid, that lyes in the Massachusetts Govern- ment, on the South side of the said dividing line sett- ing forth that they were informed that sundry persons were designing to petition for the above said lands lying on the north of the s'' dividing Line in which they were also interested, and praying they may be allowed time to petition for the said lands, &"., which the Council tools under consideration & passed the following resolve, viz. : that his Excellency be desired to suspend the making any grant of the premises for two months, and that the inhabitants of Northfield that live on the south side of the dividing Line, & in the Massachusetts Government be advised of this resolve by a letter from the Sec'*' that they may, if they see cause, petition for the said lands, & that if they do not, that then & in such case his Excellency be desired to make out charters for the same, agreeable to the above-mentioned petition of the inhabitants on the north side of said dividing Line. " At a Council, holden at Portsm", on Saturday, September 1", 1753. Present, — His Excellency B. Weutworth, Esq., Gov', Henry Sherburne, Esq., John Downing, Esq., Theodore Atkinson, Esq., Sampson Sheaflfe, Esq., Eich"' Wibird, Esq., Daniel Warner, Esq. A petition of the settlers and claimers of land in the north part of Northfield, so-called, who live on the south side of the Province Line, and also the petition of Ebenez' Hinsdale in behalf of himself & others claimers of Land in said Northfield, who live on the north side of the said dividing line as entred the 2^ day of July last, praying for a grant of the said tract of land lying on the North side of the s* dividing Line, agreeable to his Maj"" Instructions, &"., both of which was read at the Board as was also the king's attorney, & solicitors' opinion relating to these sort of grants, &"., and then his Excellency asked the Coun- 36 cil weither they would advise him to make out charters of grant for the same in such a manner that the present settlers & claimers may be invested in their rights, as they imagined they held the same before the running the said Province Line, to which the Council did advise and consent, as also that a strip of the King's Land should be added on the west side of the Connecticut River so as to include the farms of Sargeant and South, so-called. At a Council holden at Portsm", on Wednesday, September 5"", 1753. Present, — His Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq., Governor, Henry Sherburn, Esq., Theodore Atkinson, Esq., Rich'' Wibird, Esq., Sam' Smith, Esq., Sampson SheaiFe, Esq., Daniel Warner, Esq. Upon reading the petition of Ebenez'' Hinsdale, Esq', praying to have an alteration made in the dividing Line between the towns of Winchester & HinsdalCj for the better accommodating the inhabit- ants of both towns, with respect to the incorporation only, agreeable to the charter of the said townes, to which the Council did agree & consent, and advised his Excellency to grant a charter of Incorporation accordingly, agreeable to a plan exhibited, to begin eighty rods easterly on the Province Line from Con- necticut Eiver, & there to run north by the Needle." This new grant of September 5, 1753, cut off from the town of Winchester all that por- tion of the original grant of April 4, 1733, lying above the original bounds of Northfield as granted by the province of Massachusetts, or purchased from the Indians in 1672 (the land? of "Messamet") and 1687 (the lands of "Nawlet") that lay between the point of intersection of the north bound of Northfield with this new line, " due north by the needle," commencing at a point eighty rods on the "New Province Line" from the Connecticut River, and said river. It added to Winchester a strip of territory on the southwest corner, from the territory of Northfield, about three and a half miles in width on the new province line, four miles and one hundred and ninety- seven rods in length north, and about one and one-half miles in width at the old Northfield corner on the northeast, which was three and three-fourths miles from the Connecticut River, as originally established by the General Court 564 HISTORY OP CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of Massachusetts, June 21/ 1733. This new line served as the base for the survey of the town of Winchester in 1797. This survey is recorded as follows : " N. 2° W., Eight and one-half miles to Chester- field corner; thence E. 8° S. on Chesterfield line, five miles and ninety rods to Swanzy. On Swanzy and Richmond line Eight and one-fourth miles, South on Warwick, Mass., and Northfleld, Mass., W. 10° N. 8ix and one-fourth miles to Hinsdale corner on the Htate Line between New Hampshire and Ma.ssa- chusetts." This survey includes that portion of Rox- bury, or Gardiner's Canada (now Warwick, ^lass.), that lay above the new province line in 1753, and was, by the express terms of Win Chester's grant of that, included in said Win- chester's territory. This strip was two and one-half miles in length on the province line, and two miles and fifty-two rods on the Rich- mond line, the north bound being parallel with the province line. Hinsdale was thus established September 5, 1753, partly from* the old Northfield grant above the province line, and only in small part, whilst much the larger part was from the territory of Winchester, — territory that had been granted to her in 1733 by Massachusetts, and again in 1753 by New Hampshire. No formal action seems to have been taken by the proprietors or freeholders of Winchester in regard to this loss of or addition to her terri- tory, all the records of her town or pro- prietors' meetings being silent upon the subject. Having had her boundaries adjusted and her vested rights recognized by Xe^v Hamp- shire, her citizens immediately applied them- .-elves to the reconstruction of their dwellings, clearing new fields and improving the means of communication with each other and with the outside settlements. At their annual meeting held on Tuesday, the 5th day of March, Anno Domini, 1754, they voted " to raise the sum of seventy-five pounds. New Tenor, to defray y" charge of y" Ensuing year, to Pay for Preaching. Voted, that y Seventy-five pounds. New Tenor, Raised at our Meeting Last august, be Laid out in Mending ; highways, and the same allowance for Men and Teams as was then Voted them at S" meeting, and that there be a Rate made by it Self for the S'' Sum." The sum voted to be paid for work on the highways, August 21, 1753, was "Four shillings and sixpence to a Man p' Day, and two Shillings for a yoke of oxeu per Day." They also voted at a meeting held at the house of Major Josiah Willard, on April 22, 1754, to " Build a meeting-house, forty-four feet long, thirty-four feet wide and twenty feet posts, and to set the Meeting-house where it was before, upon the same hill ; and they chose Major Jo- siah Willard, Colonel William Syms; Lieu' Simon Willard, Ebenezer Alexander, Sam' . Ashley, a Com*" to build the Meeting-house." No decisive action was taken under this vote, :and the settlers remained without a meeting- house till 1760, when, at their annual meeting, : held at the house of Col. Josiah Willard, ISIarch '• 4, 1760, they voted again " to Build a Meeting- I house, forty-four feet in length and Thirty-four feet in Bredth, and' Twenty feet between 'joynts," " and to be shingled and Inclosed be- i fore the next winter." They then chose Colonel Josiah AVillard, Esq., Colonel William Symes and Lieutenant Samuel Ashley a committee to do the same. The committee evidently im- mediately proceeded to caiTy into eftect the vote of the town, and to a certain extent ac- iComplished their purpose, for the notification of ;the annual meeting of March 3, 1761, warns "all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Winchester, duely qualified to vote in Town affairs, to Meet at the Meeting-house in Said AVinchestcr," etc. This building was never fully completed, and was abaudoued in 1795 for the building which now stands in our public square, and is (jccu[)ied in part by the town as a town hall, and in part for religious purposes by the Universalist Church. Till 17G4 all the officers chosen by the pnjprietors, and WINCHESTER. 565 at the different town-meetiDgs, were, and were obliged to be, members of the Orthodox Church, else they could not be qualified to perform their official duties ; but .at a town-meeting held on the 6th of March, 1764, the right of men to hold office in Winchester regardless of creed was recognized ; for the warrant under which this meeting was held reads : "Province of New Hampshire. "To Eeuben Alexander, Constable for the Town of Winchester, in the Province of New Hampshire, Greeting : — In His Majesty's Name you are hereby required forthwith to warne all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Winchester to meet at the Meeting- House in S* Town of Winchester on Tuesday, t.he Sixth day of March next, at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon, to Chose Town Officers of All Denominations, to serve the Town this present year. . . "JOSIAH WiLLAED, ] "SAywEL Ashley, [^elecf^e,. of " Nath'l Rockwood, ) Winchester." At this meeting Colonel Josiah Willard was chosen moderator ; Nathaniel Kockwood, town clerk ; Colonel Josiah Willard, Esq., Ijieuten- ant Samuel Ashley and John Gould, selectmen and assessors; Colonel Josiah Willard, town treasurer; Samson Willard, constable; Joseph Dodge, Samson Willard and Hilkiah Grout, surveyors of highways ; Ensign Ebenezer Alexander, tithingman ; William Temple, John Peirce and Nathaniel Brown Dodge, fence-view- ers ; John Gould, deer-reeve ; Reuben Alexan- der and Isaac Temple, hog-reeves ; Ensign Ebenezer Alexander to take care of meeting- house ; all of whom were on the same day sworn " to the faithful discharge of their several offices. Before Josiah Willard, Justice of Peace." From the date of this meeting to the present time a man's religious belief or want of belief has not been made a critical test as to his fitness to serve the town of Winchester in an official capacity. Up to this date, from November 12, 1736, when the Rev. Joseph Ashley was settled as a minister of the gospel by vote of the j^roprie- tors, and for many succeeding years, the minis- ter was chosen by a direct vote in open town- meetings, and their compensation provided for by general taxation, in the same manner as other town expenses. In fact, the " minister " was one of the town officials. It was not till 1770 that the town found it; self able or in a situation to require a division of its school money, or the establishment of school districts in different sections of the town ; but this year a school was established near the meeting-house, one near Echobod Franklin's, and the other near where Mirey Brook road comes into the Country road, " Each District to Draw th^r own Proportion of money Granted for Schooling if laid out in Schooling. The Neighbourhood of Cap' Samuel Smith was also allowed to draw their proportion of money if they will lay it out in schooling ; Granted for schooling." " If these Parties do not lay out their money in schooling, they shall pay it to party or parties that do keep," was the vote, and " Twenty pounds. Lawful money," were appropriated for the support of schools, and John Gould, Ebenezer Alexander and Captain Samuel Smith were chosen a committee to " Transact the whole Business of the Schools." The first representative to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, which was convened at Portsmouth, May 22, 1771, was chosen in the person of Colonel Josiah Willard, Esq., at a meeting of the freeholders held on May 20, 1771. Colonel William Ashley was the next representative, and he was elected in 1774. In this year was also established the practice of exem^Dting from the payment of poll-tax per- sons of seventy years of age and upwards. Winchester bore zealously and generously all the burdens that fell to her share of the expen- ses of the Revolution and its war. She com- menced her active support of the Continental Congress by a vote, on September 19, 1774, directing that " Two pounds be taken out of the Treasury," and to be used " for the support of 566 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Delegates that are gone to Philadelphia." On the 12th of May, 1775, Captain Samuel Smith, Ensign Reuben Alexander, Nehemiah Houghton, Philip Goss, Jeremiah Pratt and John Alexander were chosen a Committee of Inspection. This committee was chosen under an article in the warrant, — " To see if the town would provide a convenient stock of powder and lead." Article 2 in the warrant for a meeting held Monday, June 1, 1775, reads, — " To see if the people will concur with what our "Provincial Congress has done in bearing our proportion of money in the support of the war," and the vote was "to pay the two thou- sand men agreable to the Congress, and to comply with what they have donfe." On the 7th of September, 1775, the se- lectmen, Reuben Alexander, Joseph Stowel and Nehemiah Houghton, issued a public re- quest, directed to John Stearns, one of the constables, in the following language : " Whereas, as the Provincial Congress has re- quired us to take an exact account of the fire-arms and powder that belongs to the town, wee therefore desire that each man would return the same to us." At a meeting held on the 12th day of De- cember, 1775, " Col. Samuel Ashley was chosen to represent the said Town of Winchester in general Congress, to be holden at Exeter on the 21st Day of December, 1775, and for the year insuing," and voted that he be instructed to do what is set forth in the warrant, viz. : Article 2d,- " To Elect one person having a Eeal Estate of the Value of two hundred Pounds, Lawful money, in this Colony, to Represent them in general Congress, to be held at Exeter on the Twenty-first day of De- cember Next, at three of the Clock in the afternoon, and to impower such Representative for the Term of one year. Their first meeting to Transact Such Busi- ness & Pursue Such measures as they may Judge Necessary for the pubUck good, and in Case there Should be a Recommendation from the Continental Congress that this Colony assume Government in any Perticular Form which will Require a house of Rep- resentatives, that they Resolve themselves into such a house as the said Continental Congress Shall Rec- ommend, and it is Resolved that no person be allowed a seat in congress who shall, by himself or any person for him. Before the Said Choice, Treat with Liquor any Electors with an apparent View of gaining their votes or afterwards on that account." This resolution incorporated in this warrant by the selectmen has a very familiar look; for influencing voters by oflFers of liquor, money or other prized or valuable considera- tions has been considered one, if not the o-reatest bane of modem politics. But we can- not otherwise than believe from the above- quoted language that our forefathers were given to the same weaknesses and wickedness as our- selves in this respect, for had not the evil been observed, and its pernicious effects noted, Reuben Alexander, Nehemiah Houghton and Joseph Stowel, as selectmen of Winchester in 1775, would never have resolved against its practice. The second article in the warrant for the meeting of January 20, 1778, reads, — " To see what method the Town will Come into Respect- ing Raising men to fill up our Cotto in the Continental army." The third, — " To see what method the Town will take Respecting the Vote of tlie House of Representatives, Passed Dec. 17, 1777, of call- ing a free Representation of all the People of this State for the Sole Purpose of Framing and laying a Permanent plan or System for tlie future Government of This State," and they " voted that the Town will make a Rate to hire our Quotto of men in the Continental Army, and that those that have been in the Service Shall Be alowed out of S* Rate as much P' month as we are obliged to give now P' month," and then " voted to Chuse a Commeetys to transact the business of hiring the above men and to make this Rate." Then " voted that this commety consist of Seven, and Lieut. Nehemiah Houghton, Jose^Ji Stowel, Mr. Enoch Stowel, L'. Benjamin Willson, Mr. Josiah Stebbins, Cap'. Rheuben Alexander and WINCHESTER. 567 Mr. Abraham Scott were chosen." They also " voted to instruct our Representative to call a free Representation of all the People in this State to Lay a Plan of Government for the future." On the 6th of April, 1778, they chose Colonel Samuel Ashley as a delegate to sit in the convention at Concord to form a plan of government for the State. At a meeting held on the 10th day of June, 1778 (which had but two days' notice), they voted "that those men that ingage for the Ser- vise agoing to Rhodisland State Shall be alowed as much per month as the Continental Soldiers, and to be alowed in the Rates in Like man- ner." On the 8th of July, 1779, the town " voted to raise the five men sent for from our Court for the Continental Service, and two for to go to Rhodisland State," and " to Hire these or the above men as the Continental men was in the year 1778, and the hire to be made into a Rate as was done then." On the 16th of September, 1779, the town voted on the question of " Excepting the Plan of Government Sent us by the Convention at Concord; 35 voted in the affirmative and 18 in the negative," — showing a voting population of fifty-three, which was probably the full vote of the town, as a question of such magnitude as the formation of a permanent State govern- ment, and one involving such questions of utmost moment as renouncing allegiance to one ruler and government, through rebellion, and accept- ing a new form of government and new rulers, establishing a new nation amongst the family of nations, would create such an interest as would be sufficient to cause every person en- dowed with the right of suffrage to exercise that right if it were possible for him to do so. ' On June 29, 1780, the town " voted to Hire the Continental men (Now sent for) In the same way and manor as formerly they was Hired, viz. : by a Town Tax," and Mr. Simon "Willard, Lieutenant Abraham Scott and Lieu- tenant John Alexander were chosen " a committe for the Purpose of Hireing Said Continental men." On the 5th of August they " Voted to raise the Beef sent for as our Quoto from our General Court." Also, " that the Selectmen should class the People of the town into classes in order for each class to provide their Quoto of s* Beef." Another requisition for soldiers having been made by Congress, it was " Voted, February 5, 1781, to raise the Continental men sent for by our Court, and to raise the above soldiers By a Rate as formerly, and Mr. Samuel Wright, Lt. Enoch Stowel, Mr. Daniel Smith, Lt. Abraham Scott and Mr. Nat"' Brown Dodge were chosen a committee for the above purpose." On the 28th day of March, 1781, the town " voted not to join with the State of Vermont." This vote was an answer to a request that had been presented to the voters of Winchester to join with Cornish, Lebanon, Enfield, Dresden, Canaan, Cardigan, Oxford, Lyme, Piermont, Haverhill, Bath, Lyman, Gunthwait, Apthorp, Landaff and Morristown, and form a union with Vermont. These towns, lying on the east side of the Connecticut River, had, on March 11, 1778, petitioned the new State of Vermont to be united with that State. Evidently this reply was not satisfactory to Vermont, for it appears by the fourth article of the warrant for a meeting to be held on April 21, 1781, that Ver- mont sought to exercise jurisdiction over Win- chester notwithstanding her emphatic refusal to join the attempt at union. The article reads, — " To see what notice the town will take of the warrant sent to our Constable from the State of Vermont." The vote was expressed in terse, emphatic language. " Voted not to join the union ^vith Vermont." The towns that did vote to join the Vermont union were Hinsdale, Charlestown, Claremont, Plainfield, Grafton, Lyme, Gunthwait, Surry, Acworth, Newport, Grantham, Dresden, Dorchester, Lan- caster, Gilsum, Lempster, Cornish, Marlow, Hanover, Haverhill, Piermont, Westmoreland, Saville, Cardigan, Lyman, Morristown, Bath, 568 HISTOKY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Croydon, Landaff, Lincoln, Richmond, Leb- anon, Alstead, Chesterfield, — thirty-four in all. On the 28th of May, 1781, the town " voted to Raise six men Lately sent for from the Court of New Hampshire, and to pay the above six soldiers forty shillings a month, silver money, or other money equivalent, upon their giving their orders upon the State Treasurer for the same, or any Part thereof, for the Town's se- curity, and that they would pay the six months & three months (men) with the money that is in the Constable's hands that was raised, and for which the Town was Taxed as Continental & State Tax, for the year 1780, and they are to Secure the Town as aforesaid." Evidently the town had begun to feel the burden of the war seriously, and to find it difficult to secure the men needful to fill her quota ; for in the war- rant for a meeting to be held on June 13, 1781, article second reads, — " To see what measures the town will come into to get our Proportion of Beef for. the use of the Continental Army." The third, — " To see if the Town will take any further measures in getting our (the) Soldiers for the Continental Service, and six months' men; "and it was voted "to Raise the Con- tinental Beef By a tax on the Inhabitants of the Town." A committee was chosen " to Look up Some Beef for the Present Necessity of the Army." Lieutenant John Alexander and Mr. Samuel Wright were chosen. Then it was voted " that the Comuiittee that was Chosen in a former meeting for to hire the Continental Soldiers should still Remain in that Station with some alteration, viz. : Droping Mr. N. Brown Dodge, and voting and chusing Ensg" John Curtis in his Room." This action did not seem to secure the desired result, as a meeting called for July 11, 1781, was to determine if " the Town will Hire the Continental men for six months if they cannot be got for a longer time," and "to see what method the town will take to supply the Town Treasury, seeing our money is Dead." At this meeting it was voted to " Raise the men sent for from the Court of New Hampshire for six months if they cannot Be had for a Longer time, and Eng° John Curtis, Mr. N. Brown Dodge, D° Asahel Jewell, Mr. Sam' Wright and Mr. James Franklin were chosen a cooimitte to hire said men." It was then voted to hire the above men, "money at the Rate of Rye being 3s. 4d. p' Bushel." On the lllh of December, 1781, the town voted to accept the new plan of government sent to us " for Exceptance or Amendment." At a meeting held on April 22, 1782, it was voted to hire a committee for the purpose of hiring the town's quota of Continental soldiers for three years. This committee consisted of Lieutenant Nath- aniel Oaks, Mr. Asa Alexander, Mr. Francis Verry and Mr. Moses Chamberlain. It would seem that not all the citizens of Winchester were considered thoroughly loyal to the cause of the new government, for we find Reuben Alexander, Samuel Wright and Simon Willard, selectmen, issuing their precept to James Frank- lin, constable, as follows : " State of New Hampshire, \ To James Franklin, " Cheshire, S. S. / one of the Constables of the Town of Winchester, greeting : In the Name of this State you are hereby Required forthwith to warn out Roger Hill, Jonathan Hill, Anthony Combs, Lydia Combs, Daniel Combs, George Hill, Joseph Hill, Barnabus Hill, Stephen Combs, Lydia Hill, Rosilla Hill, Phebe Combs, Prudence Combs, Rosilla Edmonds and the Widow, Anna Fassett, to Depart out of this Town within fourteen Days, or otherwise they will be Dealt with as the Law Directs ; and see that you make Return of this Warrant to the Clerk of the Court of the Quarter Sessions. " Given under our hands and Seal this tenth Day of Feb. A. D., 1783. " Rheitben Alexandee, ") " Samuel Weight, v Selectmen. " Simon Willaed, j "Winchester March 11, 1783.— This may certify that I have warned out all the Persons in the War- rant herewith committed to me. " James Feanklin, " Constable. " Attest, Paul Richaedson, Town Clerk." WINCHESTER. 569 On the 24th of March, 1783, the town was called upon to see if it would still continue the old Constitution till the 10th day of June, 1784, and they voted to continue the old form of gov- ernment till that date, or until a more perma- nent plan should take place. On the 15th of September, 1783, a new plan of government having been submitted, it was voted to adopt the same by a vote of forty-two. It is evident from the above that the close of the War of the Revolution found Winchester, both as to men and money, impoverished. Their quota of men for the Continental army had not been com- pletely filled, and the State had issued an " ex- tent " against her for a " very considerable sum of money," which the State had offered to com- promise and accept payment of in beef at " twen- ty-four shillings L" (lawful money) per hundred- weight," to secure her just dues, besides large amounts of admitted and contested claims in the hands of private individuals. The subject of a new meeting-house began to be agitated very soon after the close of the Rev- olutionary War, and it was decided, by vote of the town on October 1, 1792, "to build a new Meeting-House," and that it should be built " at the bottom of the Hill where the New School- House now standeth." Colonel Reuben Alex- ander, Captain Moses Chamberlain, Captain Daniel Hawkins, Captain Noah Pratt and Lieu- tenant John Butler were chosen a committee to inspect the building of said meeting-house, and they were instructed "to have it completed within three years from this Day." So much dissatisfaction having arisen in regard to the location of the new meeting-house, the question of re-locating was brought before the town on the 2d of December, 1793, and it was deter- mined by vote " to Set the meeting-house on the Nearest Spot to the Center that is Con- venient for the Inhabitants," and a committee consisting of Captain Daniel Hawkins, Mr. Francis Very and Captain William Humphrey were chosen "to see whei-e the Center of the Town is." This committee reported that the centre was " a Spot Northerly of and Near Mr. Ezra Conant's." This location was very near the location of a new house just erected by Mr. James E. Coxeter, at the junction of the roads leading from Mr. Asahel Jewell's and the one leading from Mr. Charles Jackson's to Win- chester. But this report and location was not accepted, and it was voted, December 24, 1793, by a vote of sixty-seven yeas to forty-six nays, "to locate the new meeting-house where the old meeting-house now stands." This last location, though the vote seems very decisive, did not give satisfaction, and the whole subject of loca- tion again came before the town on their meet- ing on the 24th of March, 1794, when Sanford Kingsbury, Esq., John Hubbard, Esq., and Colonel Samuel Hunt were chosen a committee "to say where the Meeting-House should stand," and they voted to raise money sufficient to build a meeting-house. This committee reported, 'April 14, 1794, that "the new Meeting-House Shall stand where the Red School-House now stands," and it was voted " to sell the Pews ' at Publick Vandue to the highest Bidder, and that if the Pews Sell for any more than to build Said Meeting-House and under-Pining and Raising and Liveling the Ground about said Meeting-House, Then the Remainder to be re- turned back to the Pew-holders in Proportion to what Each Pew cost," and Captain Daniel Hawkins was chosen " Vaudue-master." Colonel Reuben Alexander bought Pew No. 35, at £37 ; Lieutenant Abraham Scott, No. 44, at £35 ; Captain John Alexander, No. 47, at £27 10s.; Elijah Dodge, No. 1, at £26; Deacon Moses Chamberlain, No. 15, at £26 10s.; Dea- con Joseph Stowell, No. 14, at £24; Mr. John Butler, No. 16, at £26; Major Philip Goss, No. 17, at £24 IDs.; Caleb Alexander, No. 37, at £25; Mr. Stephen Hawkins, No. 39, at £25; Asa Alexander, No. 34, at £24 10s.; John Erskin, No. 45, at ^23; Jeremiah Pratt, No. 46, at £23; William Humphey, No. 11, at £21 10s.; John Curtis, No. 27, at £22; Ezra Parker, No. 38, at £23; Daniel Hawkins, No. 570 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 19, at £22; Justas Jewel, Xo. 26, at £22; Samuel Wood, Xo. 33, at £22; Waitstill Field, Xo. 12, at £21; Ebenezer Scott, Xo. 18, at £20 10.«.; David Hammond, Xo. ly, at £20 10«.; Rev. Ezra Conant, Xo. 22, at £20 ; Xoali Pratt, Xo. 40, at £20; Samuel Warreu, Xo. 2, at £18 ; Johu Hutchin.s, Xo. 31, at £15 ; Daniel Hawk- ins, Jr., Xo. 4.'3, at £17; Benjamin Kingman, Xo. 28, at £17 ; Henry Thayer, Xo. 29, at £16 10s.; John Follett, Xo. 42, at £16 lOs.; Xa- thaniel Lawrence, Jr., Xo. 41, at £16; Reu- ben Alexander, Jr., X(j. 4, at £16 10s.; Ziba Ware, Xo. 9, at £16 10s.; Theodotius Moore, Xo. 32, at £16 10s.; Benjamin Doolittle, No. 24, at £16; -Francis Very, Xo. 10, at £16; Jo.shua and Phineas Lyman, Xo. 20, at £16 ; James Scott, Xo. 30, at £17; Ebenezer Dodge, Xo. 21, at £16 •>.; Xoah Pratt, Xo. 25, at £16 ; Benjamin Melvin, Xo. 8, at £16 ; Calelj Alexander, Xo. 6, at £16; Miss Abigil Hos- Icins, Xo. 23, at £16 ; Tertius Lyman, Xo. 3, at £16 ; Jeremiah Pratt, Xo. 5, at £16 ; Eben- ezer Killam and Jonah French, Xo. 7, at £16. These pews were all in the body of the house. The pews in the gallery were sold to Abraham Scott, Xo. 11, at £17 IDs.; Xoah Pratt, Xo. 16, at £6 10s.; Johu Curtis, Xo. 4, at £13 ; John Erskin, No. 2, at £6 12.^.; Justus .Je\\'<4, Xo. 13, at £12 10s.; John Hatch, Xo. 20, at £6 12s.; Daniel Hawkins, Xo. 9, at £11 10s.; .James .Scott, Xo. 7, at £11; Xoah Pratt, Xo. 6, at £5 14s.; Elijah Butler, Xo. 15, at £11 ; Theo- dotius Moore, Xo. 5, at £5 lis.; Ziba Ware, Xo. 14, at £10 10s.; Xoah Pratt, Xo. 1, at £10 ; Johen Erskin, Xo. 3, at £10 ; Asa Alex- ander, Xo. 21, at £10 ; Jonas Hunt, Xo. 17, at £'i ; Moses Chamberlain, Xo. 19, at 9 ; John Follett, Xo. 18, at £8 10s.; John Hutchins, Xo. 10, at £8 10s.; Daniel Hawkins, Xo. 12, at £8 ; William Rixford, Xo. 8, at £8 ; the whole aggregating, £1139 48, or, in dollars, S5058.05. On the 12th of October, 1795, Captain Samuel Smith made a donation to the town of a bell for the new meeting-house which weighed 837 pounds. For this the town publicly and unanimously voted him their thanks. At this meeting the town voted to a clock for the new meeting-house, and appropriated the money " that the old meeting- house sold for to pay for it, with what may be subscribed." It seems that no great success at- tended the efforts of those interested in the pur- chase of a town clock for several years, for at a meeting held on the 5th of March, J 799, the subject was again before the town for action, and it was voted " that the money that the old meeting-house sold for should go towards pay- ing for a clock for the new meeting-house if made within one year," and as no further action is shown to have been had on the subject, it is fair to presume that the clock was marking time for the good people of Winchester by the morning of the New Year of 1800, as the old clock is well remembered by the writer, as well as by most of the older citizens now living. At this same meeting, in 1799, Samuel Smith, Esq., who had previously given the bell, tendered the town an organ, and it was " voted to accept the same and to provide a place in the Meeting- House for the organ, and to hire an organist." The town also voted Mr. Smith their thanks for the gift. This organ is now in existence, stored away in the loft connected with the town hall. It furnished masic for Sabbath services till during the present generation. A proper appreciation of the gift ; the historical recol- lections surrounding it ; the pride in the fact that it is one of the very first church organs, if not the first ever constructed, in this country ; that it was con.struc-ted in Winchester and by a citizen of Winchester, Henry Pratt, Es(j[., — all suggest its immediate removal from the dust and cobwebs that now cover and surround it, and the placing it in some secure yet accessible position, where it may be preserved for the edi- fication and veneration of succeeding genera- tions. It will be observed that the name of the second Colonel Josiali Willard has disappeared from amongst the names of those who wen' prominent in the municipal affairs of Win- WINCHESTEE. 5T1 Chester. The observino; ^ho frequent Ever- green Cemeterv have noticftl, standing near the centre of the little twt>-aore burving-ga>und. ?':. in the 71"' year oi his sjre. His birth and education. which were honorable, he iishon re'l not in iiU yriurh. A: an early period of his ejdsreiice he be- irin to dsiire ou the stage of lite. His disp-jsiri'^n and manners were enraging. His O'snaeiions nnmerous .in I respectable. His vocations vaxi:iLs and important. His nserlilness and influence equally eiZcss: ■ e. and the pres-ecT populous and flourishing; state ot the Western Terracories may be attributemmencement of the sertlemeut till the year lSlt> the Orthodox or C'.ingregationalist^ were the established church. Its miniscei> had been called by the town and dismissed by the town in open town-meeting, and they had been supp<.>rteil by the town and paid their salary from the public treasur.-, as all other demands against the town were paid. But ditiereuces of opinions up>u religious sub- jeLts had gradually developed in the minds of the people, and it wtis felt by many a grievous harvlship and an injustice to sati'er taxation for the supp.>rt of and the teaching of religious opinio'iis that were repugnant to their own, and when, in 1S04, it was desired to settle the Rev. Experience Porter, a pri,uest, as follows, was spread upon the records of the town : "We the Subscribers. Inhabents of the town of Winchester. Respectfully Sheiv to the Selectmen and other Inhabents of S.nid Winchester that inmatteis of Keiigi n we are and have been for C'.'usiderable Time difi'erent in sentiment from tho'se who are now about :o Setel a minister, viz., iMr. Porter, for their Teacher in Morality & Religion, & as we are not fully in Sen- timent with sai'l Porter & th'.ise of his Profession we :ak^ this early oportunity in this Public way to de- clare oar Decent from joining or in any way agreeing ti.T the Settlement of said Porter as our minister, or to be any way compeled to contribute the settle- I ment or maintenance of said Porter, and whereas we are willing our Xeighbo-rs sh.'nld injoy all their Priv- elei: with ourselves which the C'jnstitution of this State SOI wisely Proviles for the fi^e enjoyment of all its citizens, that no one Sect or Denomination of Religious Sentiment ShLHiId be in any Subordination to another, and Claiming that Wright to ourselves, we doe X'.-'W in the fulest manner Protest against being any way ohargable in our Persons or Estates Towards Settling. SupD'>rting or Dismissing Said Porter, wish- in; at the same time you may enjoy all that Christian liberty and enjoyment which the Gospel of our blessed 572 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. lord Jesus Christ gives to its true Believers, and that we may all be so happy as to studdy that which will make for peace and where by one may Edyfy a Nother. "We still hold and reserve our Prevelise in the meeting house with the rest of the Town. " Daniel Hawkins. Jeremiah Hatch. Daniel Holman. Abiather Dean. Benjamin Linkfleld. Elisha Holman. Jona French. Peter Robinson. Brown Taft. Francis Verry. David Verry. Daniel Verry. Sam' Hammond. Oliver Marble. John Willis. Asa Willis. Timothy Willis. Joshua Willis. Oliver Capron. Amos Adams. Daniel Adams. Johnathan Howard, Far- mer. Johnathan Howard, Car- penter. William Ripley. Levi Ripley. Mathew Bartlet. John Evans. John Curtis, Jr. John Erskin, Jr. Solomon Holton. Ebenezer Franklin. Samuel Goss Abraham Foster. Joel Miles. David Kelly. Walter Follet. John Duncan. Thomas Wheelock. Thomas Wheelock, Jr. Asa Wheeler. Charles Mansfield. Johnathan Howard, Jr. Benj. H. Whipple. Caleb Holbrook. Stephen Randall. Elisha Allen. Benj. Follet. Eliab Howard. John Howard. Amos Willard. Paul Willard. Amos Willard, Jr. Peter Willard. Joseph Marble. Levi Marble. John Capron. Francis Cooke. Stephen Franklin. Isaac King. Eldad Wright. Azariah Wright. Daniel Wise. John Morse. William Carlton. Rufus Burt. Bohen Holton. Luther Lawrence. Enoch Davis. Elihu Field. Leonard Field. Zachariah Field. Zachariah Field, Jr. Solomon Field. Elias Field. Nathan Bent. Aseph Hall. Ebenezer Hutchins. Simeon Wheelock. Seth Willard. David Tourtelot. Prentice Field. Peletiah Pomroy. Samuel Warren. Samuel Bond. Thomas How. Sylvanus Stowell. Jeremiah Bullock. William Young. William Young, Jr. Ephraim Taft. Micha Bent. Elisha Gunn. Caleb Alexander. John Taylor. Nathan Fassett. Philip Goss. Daniel Twitchel. Daniel Coon. Daniel Hawkins, Jr. Daniel Ashley. Thompson Thayer. George Farrington. Ebenezer Taylor. Moses Alton. Benjamin Flint. George Farrington, Asahel Jewel, Thomas Curtis. Joshua Cook. Reuben Bartlet. Abel Oldham. Jonathan Hill. Ephraim Hawkins. Noah Cadwell. Stephan Hawkins. Anthony Combs. Joseph Tuttle. John Erskin. Joseph Goodenough. Elisha Knapp. Daniel Severance. Jessa Brown. Amasa Woolley. Welcome Bartlet. Ebenezer Taylor, Jr. Cyrus Taylor. Ebenezer French. Thomas Gould. Guardians for John, Juliet, Persis andSusanah Butler.'' The town having conceded that it was un- just to levy a tax on such of her citizens for the maintenance of religious observances and cere- monies as were objectionable to them and that protested against such levy, were directly called upon to equalize the privileges of the different sects or denominations in the use of the town's meeting-house, and an article was in- troduced into the warrant for the meeting of January 5, 1810, as follows : " To See if the town will pass a vote to make a di- vision of the meeting-house to each denomination for their occupation according to the proportion of Taxes which they pay in said town, or act thereon as the town may see proper.'' Upon which article the town " Voted to di- vide the meeting-house according to their taxes, and to chose a Committee out of each denomi- nation to alot to each Denomination their pro- portion of the meeting-house," and they then chose Daniel Hawkins, Jr., Caleb Alexander, Elijah Stowel, Samuel Fassett and Enoch Stow- ell their committee for said purpose. This ar- WINCHESTER. 573 raugement continued until 1815, when the town refused by vote to settle the Rev. Mr. White, and then voted that the town consent that the Congregational Society of Christians in this town be incorporated as a Society. This act fully divorced the town from church affairs. Though the Universalists have continued to occupy some portion of the house, with slight interruptions, to the present time, it has been thus occupied under a right obtained by con- tract, for which they pay a valuable money consideration. Thus the Universalists saved the body (retaining the meeting-house), whilst the Congregationalists took charge of the spirit (having retained the church organization and records), whilst the Methodists, which were a growing sect, were left to provide both the body and spirit in constructing their own house of worship and in making their own records. The Congregational Church was formed November 12, 1736, with a membership of twelve, and the Rev. Joseph Ashley was ordained as pastor on the same day. He was a graduate of Yale College of the class of 1730. His pastorate continued until the settlement was abandoned on account of the war between France and England in 1747, a period of eleven years. During this pastorate there were added to the church membership fifty- one, making, with the original twelve, sixty-three names on the church-rolls. The Rev. Micha Lawrence, the second pastor, was ordained November 14, 1764, and was dismissed February 19, 1777. In politics Mr. Lawrence belonged to the King's party rather than to Congress, and he became known as a Tory. His dismissal was mainly because of his politics, Winchester being thor- oughly loyal to Congress. His pastorate con- tinued for a little more than twelve years. At its commencement the church membership had fallen to twenty-seven, and of these only eight were of the sixty-three members at the close of Mr. Ashley's ministry. The third pastor was the Rev. Ezra Conant, who was ordained Feb- ruary 19,1788, and dismissed November 11, 1807. His pastorate covered a period of a little more than eighteen years, during which the names of forty-seven members were added to the church rolls. Mr. Conant was a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1784. Mr. Conant took the pastorate of the church under very trying circumstances. His predecessor had been dismissed almost in disgrace for po- litical reasons, and he found the sentiments of the people over whom he was called to preside still divided, and the great questions of national and State government undecided. Mr. Conant felt the gravity of the situation in all its com- pleteness, and that his position in accepting the call to the ministry might not be misunderstood, he addressed a formal letter to the church and people of Winchester, in language as follows : " To the Church and People of Winchester. "Brethren and Friends: " As I have Eec* an Invitation to Settle within the work of the Gospel ministrey, I have taken it in Serious and Deliberate Consideration ; have Sought that Wisdom from above which is Profitable to Direct and have endevered thoroughly to weigh all Circum- stances attending it ; have also Consulted Judicious and Disinterested Persons on the important Occa- sion, and finally Considering the unanimity of the Church and People in giving the invitation and the encouragements that have been offered, I think it my Duty to accept and do now declare my acceptance of your invitation and shall endeavour faithfully to Dis- charge the duty of my office, but Sensible of my weak- ness to Discharge so arduous a task, I ask your Pray- ers for me that I may be enabled to Perform Accept- ably and that by our mutualy Persevering in Holey- ness and Righteousness and Cordially adhearing to the Doctrines of Christ we may Rejoice together in the Good Success of my Endeavours and that we through the whole Course of our lives may incessantly Strive to live according to the exact Rules of Christianity in endeavouring to advance the Redeemer's King- dom and in Spreading Peace and Tranquility around us, that so we may Finally be transmitted from the militant to the Church triumphant with a True testimony of our having advanced the Gospel of our Great Redeemer. 574 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " I am Bretheren and Friends your humble ser- vant " Ezra Conant, Jux^ " p.S. — My Friends living at a distance tis necessary that I Reserve (as I expect to be indulged) three or four Sabbaths yearly and which I doubt not you will Readily Grant. Yours as above. " E. C, Jr." Notwithstanding the prayerful efforts of Mr. Conant throughout his whole pastorate, he was dismissed in as deep, if not deeper, disgrace than his predecessor, Mr. Lawrence, for Mr. Lawrence's failure was purely political, whilst Mr. Conant's was entirely of a religious nature. He had been selected as a large and liberal- minded gentleman of learning, wisdom and piety, as a pastor to preside over a distracted congregation, one divided in politics and torn by dissenting beliefs. He had outgrown, as had many of his congregation, the bigotry of the past — a past that had placed an armed officer of the town at the meeting-house door, whose duty it was to arrest every person passing ex- cept upon an errand of extreme mercy, and compel them to listen to the prescribed theology. Mr. Conant sought, as he believed, a better way to reach the hearts of his hearers than by the exercise of arbitrary authority, though it had the sanction of civil law, or of the no less odious pressure of theological authority. For this dereliction of duty from the church stand-point, Mr. Conant was dismissed, charged, as we are informed by one of his successors, with having pursued such a course " that the spirituality of the church had nearly departed." The fourth settled pastor was the Rev. Experience Porter. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College, of the class of 1803, and he was ordained Novem- ber 12, 1807, and was dismissed February 20, 1810. During his pastorate forty-four names were added to the church-roll?^. He represented the theological views of those who opposed those held by ]Mr. Conant, and he failed signally in securing the approbation of the best religious intelligence of that day. The additions to the Congregational Church during his ministrations were the result of the efforts made by the Rev. ]Mr. Conant and associates, particularly the Rev. Jesse Lee, who was a Methodist prior to the dismissal of Mr. Conant. This religious denomination, when placed in the same position as the Methodists and Universalists regarding the use of the town meeting-house, vacated the same and held their meetings in the hall of the school-house, which stood near by. The society agitated the subject of a meeting-house exclu- sively their own for several years, till finally, in 1834, they had one completed, and it was dedicated November 25th, in that year. This building is now standing, and is occupied for the purposes and by the society that erected it. This society has the names of 167 members on its rolls. The Methodists commenced to be a power in religious matters in Winchester about 1800. The first settled minister of that denom- ination in town was Rev. Jesse Lee. In 1805 they commenced to build a house for them- selves, though it was never completed. It was never seated, and had no conveniences for warm- ing. In 1826 this society built a meeting- house, which they occupied for about sixteen years, when they constructed the present church now occupied by them. The building erected in 1826 is noW standing, having been removed from the site of the present church to the east, just across the road. It is now occupied in part by the town as an engine-house, the balance for storage purposes by private individuals. This society has the names of one hundred and twenty-seven members now on its rolls. The Universalists have continued to worship in the town meeting-house, though under a contract. About 1842 they extensively repaired the build- ing, filling in the open space between the gal- leries, which were upon the east and west ends of the house and upon the south side, in a manner to divide the old meeting-house into an upper aud lower room. The upper room thus secured they have occupied for church purposes since. The Universalist denomination had its beginning in Winchester with the beginning WINCHESTER. 575 of the present century, and from the fact that the Universalists of New England held a convention here in 1803, at which they adopted "Articles of Faith," and christened them " The Winchester Confession of Faith," this society and Winchester have always and are at the present of historical interest to this denomination. This society has the names of two hundred and thirty members on its rolls. The Catholics have a church edifice at Ashue- lot, which they erected in 1871, and have con- tinued to occupy till the present. This denomi- nation numbers two hundred and fifty upon its rolls of church membership. In 1810 dis- cussions upon the aggressions of England, par- ticularly upon the sea, had developed a feeling of retaliation throughout the whole country, but nowhere so strong as in New England, and the General Court of New Hampshire called upon the towns within her borders to provide themselves with military stores and ammunition. In response to this demand, Winchester voted, at a meeting held on the loth day of June, 1810, " To raise one hundred and twenty dollars to provide ammunition and camp-kettles agreeable to an act of Court," and then voted to set the house to deposit town stores in front of the burying-ground. But no- where does it appear that she was called upon further than to provide these materials against an emergency. No matters of historical interest transpired in Winchester from the date of the church controversy and its settlement till July 2, 1850, though the town had made constant progress in wealth, population and business enterprises. At this date an addition was made, largely at the instance of Alvin Scott, whose interests would be better served and whose property would be enhanced in value, to the territory of Winchester from the northwest corner of Eichmond. The act of annexation reads as follows : " Be it enacted by the Senate and'House of Repre- sentatives in General Court convened, That the tract of land contained within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of the town of Richmond and running southerly on the line di- viding Richmond from Winchester, three hundred and forty rods to the south line of the road leading from Hollis Narromore's house ; thence north 58° east to Swanzey line, south, at the north side of the new road leading from Swanzey to Winchester ; Thence on Swanzey south line three hundred and forty rods to the corner between Swanzey and Rich- mond, be and hereby is disannexed and separated from the town of Richmond and is annexed to and made a part of said town of Winchester as fully and amply to all intents as though it had been contained in and comprehended by the original grant, charter or incorporation of said Winchester." From this date the boundaries of Winchester have remained unchanged. Recapitulating, we find Winchester as it now is, to be made up of a portion of the original grant, a portion of what was Northfield, a smaller portion of what was originally Warwick (Roxbury or Gardiner's Canada) and a still smaller portion annexed from Richmond. From this date to the commencement of the War of the Rebellion Winchester's history was uneventful. But when it became manifest that treason, with arms in its hands, threatened the existence of the general government, and was determined at all hazards to secure a dismem- berment of the republic, Winchester, true to herself and in keeping with her traditions, took an advanced position amongst her sister towns in the State, to sustain and for the maintenance of the general government. At a meeting held on May 11, 1861, she adopted the following resolutions, which were presented by Marshal Kingman ; " Resolved, That the present crisis of our country's history calls for the united efforts of every loyal and patriotic citizen to sustain our State and National governments in their most active and energetic ef- forts to suppress treason, now existing in a portion of the United States. " Resolved, That we hail with joy the alacrity with which some of our young men have responded to the call of our Governor, for the enlistment of a military 576 HISTOKY OF CHESHIEE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. force to assist in the maintenance of our National Government. " Resolved, That the Selectmen of this town be in- structed to furnish each soldier now enlisted or that may hereafter enlist in the military service of the State, who are citizens of this town, with such a com- plete outfit as they shall deem necessary, and furnish each with such an amount of ready money as they may deem necessary, not exceeding ten dollars. " Resolved, That all soldiers who are citizens of this town, who have already enlisted or may here- after enlist in the service of the Government, shall be paid eight dollars per month during their time of service, and that this town will support and main- tain the families of all such as may enlist in the Country's military service, during their absence on duty. " Resolved, That the selectmen are hereby author- ized to borrow, for the use of the town, such sum or sums of money as shall be necessary to carry out fully the above resolutions.'' It was voted unanimously to adopt the reso- lution, thus pledging the io-wn to an active and energetic support of such measures as the State might adopt for the support of the general government in this issue. On the 9th of Au- gust, 1862, the town adopted the following resolution : " Resolved, That the town of Winchester pay to each Volunteer the sum of two hundred dollars when mustered into service, that may enlist to fill up our quota for the first call for 300,000, and one hun- dred and twenty-five dollars when mustered into service to each Volunteer that may enlist to fill up our quota for the second call for 300,000 men and provide that there is a company formed for one year so as to prevent a draft, each Volunteer shall receive two hundred dollars when mustered into the service of the United States." A committee of five was chosen to solicit enlistments. This committee consisted of George W. Pierce, EUery Albee, Theodore Ripley, H. A. Murdock and Ira W. Russell. On the 23d of August, 1862, the town voted to increase the bounty heretofore voted to be paid the nine months' men by the sum of seventy-five dollars, thus making the bounty two hundred dollars to each volunteer for nine months. September 19, 1863, it was " Voted, that the town pay drafted men or their substitutes three hundred dollars each ten days after they are mustered into the United States service, or fur- nish substitutes who are accepted and sworn in- to the service," and on December 5, 1863, it was further voted to " pay a bounty of three hundred dollars to Volunteers to fill the quota of the town." On the 25th of the same month it was voted " to advance the town, State and United States bounties to those who may enlist to make up our quota under the last call, and that the selectmen be instructed to borrow a suiEcient sum of money to carry out the above vote," and at this meeting the selectmen were instructed to buy or hire substitutes enough to fill the quota of said town under the last call of the United States for volunteers. On February 27, 1864, the town voted to pay the re-enlisted men from the town who were accredited to our quota the sum of three hun- dred dollars. On the 16th of June, 1864, the town " Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to procure the enlistment of as many volunteers as they may think necessary to apply on the anticipated call of the Government for more soldiers from this town, and pay such bounties as they think necessary," and on September 1, 1864, it was voted that the town pay three hun- dred dollars for one year's men, six hundred dollars for two years' men and nine hundred dollars for three years' men (citizens) to fill the quota of the town on the last call of the Presi- dent. Under the several calls of the general government for soldiers, the following enlisted to fill the town's quota and were mustered and assigneti to regiments: Nathaniel D. Davis, Company A, Second Regiment. George G. Davis, Company A, Second Regiment. Jno. W. Hammond, Company A, Second Regiment. Elbridge E. Jewell, Company A, Second Regiment. Geo. L. Pickett, Company A, Second Regiment. Chas. H. Shrigley, Company A, Second Regiment. Wm. H. Thorning, Company A, Second Regiment. Amasa W. Bowen, Company D, Second Regiment. WINCHESTER. 577 Myric M. Burpee, Company D, Second Kegiment. Abel W. Colegan, Company E, Second Regiment. Wm. Calkins, Company D, Second Kegiment. Lorenzo Calkins, Company D, Second Regiment. F. H. Chamberlain, Company E, Second Regiment. Herbert E. Cook, Company D, Second Regiment. Asa Deming, Company E, Second Regiment. Wm. Downing, Company C, Second Regiment. Jas. W. Felt, Company B, Second Regiment. Luther W. Fassett, Company E, Second Regiment. Eli Thayer, Company E, Second Regiment. Wm. L. Sprague, Company D, Second Regiment. Albert E. Sholes, Company I, Second Regiment. Chas. P. Hill, Company I, Third Regiment. George Bell, Company I, Third Regiment. Mitchell Bridge, Company I, Third Regiment. Elijah Hammond, Company I, Third Regiment. Arthur Hammond, Company I, Third Regiment. L. D. Hammond, Company I, Third Regiment. Freeman A. Lewis, Company I, Third Regiment. Wm. L. Weeks, Company I, Third Regiment. James Cooney, Company H, Third Regiment. Patrick S. Farren, Company C, Third Regiment. Geo. W. Newbold, Company I, Third Regiment. Edward O'Han, Company D, Third Regiment. John Hughes, Company C, Fourth Regiment. John Nichols, Company A, Fourth Regiment. Emers Gould, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Samuel E. Goss, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Frederick Barrett, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Orrin B. Curtis, Company F, Fifth Regiment. James T. Eaton, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Gregory Henfin, Company F, Fifth Regiment. George Hubbard, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Chas. B. Lawrence, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Nelson Wood, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Amasa Amidon, Company H, Fifth Regiment. Adrian Arew, Company G, Fifth Regiment. Joseph Booth, Company B, Fifth Regiment. John C. Clifford, Company H, Fifth Regiment. James Hagan, Company E, Fifth Regiment. Caswell J. Hall, Company I, Fifth Regiment. Charles Myers, Company H, Fifth Regiment. John Murphy, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Rienzi 0. Rich, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Thomas Riley, Company E, Fifth Regiment. James Sullivan, Company F, Fifth Regiment. Joseph Woodard, Company E, Fifth Regiment. John L. Winch, Company B, Fifth Regiment. E. P. Pierce, assistant surgeon, Sixth Regiment. John Hays, Company F, Sixth Regiment. James Houligan, Company F, Sixth Regiment. James Mulligan, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Joseph Worrell, Company F, Sixth Regiment. J. Whittemore, Company H, Sixth Regiment. Stephen Franklin, Company K, Sixth Regiment. Henry Blake, Company A, Sixth Regiment. John Burns, Company G, Sixth Regiment. James O. Uunnell, Company A, Sixth Regiment. William Davis, Company F, Sixth Regiment. Louis Eldred, Company C, Sixth Regiment. Henry Geoffray, Company A, Sixth Regiment. James Haven, Company I, Sixth Regiment. William Hill, Company I, Sixth Regiment. Edward Howard, Company A, Sixth Regiment. Patrick Lynch, Company A, Sixth Regiment. John Murphy, Company F, Sixth Regiment. William Martin, Company I, Sixth Regiment. Peter Olson, Company B, Sixth Regiment. Paul Syne, Company A, Sixth Regiment. William Stevens, Company A, Sixth Regiment. William Smith, Company C, Sixth Regiment. Henry Thompson, Company A, Sixth Regiment. Michael Willey, Company G, Sixth Regiment. Mathaias Evans, Company I, Seventh Regiment. Fred. C. Festland, Company I, Seventh Regiment. John Bridges, Company C, Ninth Regiment. Edward Crosby, Company E, Ninth Regiment. Richard Daley, Company E, Ninth Regiment. John B. Duchand, Company 0, Ninth Regiment. Francis Granville, Company H, Ninth Regiment. John Glanoy, Company C, Ninth Regiment. Buldof Hintman, Company K, Ninth Regiment. George H. Marsh, Company G, Ninth Regiment. Lucan Martenelle, Company K, Ninth Regiment. James Roberts, Company F, Ninth Regiment. Michael Sweney, Company A, Ninth Regiment. Henry Underwood, Company B, Ninth Regiment. W. A. Fosgate, Company B, Fourteenth Regiment. T. A. Ripley, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. C. L. Combs, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment. Wm. Combs, Company C, Fourteenth Regiment. G. G. Marden, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. J. F. Hunt, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. G. Norwood, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. C. G. Howard, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. N. Graves, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. N. B. Fosgate, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. 578 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. F. H. Wood, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. H. E. Baldwin, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. D. T. Swan, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. C. 0. Colburn, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. J. H. Bolton, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. J. Buffiim, Jr., Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment, F. H. Bufliim, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. C. W. W. Ball, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. C. A. Ball, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. L. E. Bent, Company F, Fourloenth Eegiment. L. Eaton, Jr., Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. P. Hays, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. H. E. Hutchins, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. L. E. Howard, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. W. A. Morey, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. J. H. Moore, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. V. Q. D. Murdoek, Company F, Fourteenth Eegt. R. E. Murdoek, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. G. H. Nims, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. C. Pratt, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. G. F. Perry, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. C. P. Eeede, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. F. Eoark, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. E. O. Smith, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. D. H. Thompson, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment H. F. Thayer, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. H. L. Wilbur. Company F, Fourteenth Regiment. H. A. Wood, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. H. F. Pratt, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. J. H. Doolittle, Company G, Fourteenth Eegiment. H. Colburn, Company F, Fourteenth Eegiment. W. A. Doolittle, Company C, Fourteenth Eegiment. F. B. Shepherd, Company G, Fourteenth Regiment. S. P. Fairbanks, Company A, Eighteenth Eegiment. L. S. Pickell, Company D, Eighteeiith Regiment. C. W. Verry, Company F, Eighteenth Regiment. G. W. Pierce, surgeon. First Cavalry. L. A. Thayer, Company B, First Cavalry. A. H. Bolles, Company C, First Cavalry. N. A. Bryant, Company C, First Cavalry. James H. Eaton, Company C, First Cavalry. George H. Munn, Company C, First Cavalry, John E. Morse, Company C, First Cavalry. Lucius P. Scott, Company C, First Cavalry. S. E. Hines, Company A, First Heavy Artillery. This ILst does not include all who enlisted from Winchester during the war, as many are known to have enlisted in neighboring States, and others were unassigned to regiments, and for the present their official records cannot be found. From the close of the War of the Ee- bellion there has been no special matter of historical importance in the aifaire of the town of Winchester. She has paid a debt of forty-two thousand dollars, a legacy of the war. She has improved her highways, bridges and public buildings. Her population has increased, whilst her citizens have ad- vanced in wealth, prosperity and intelligence. Her population in 1767 was 428 ; in 1773, 646 ; in 1780, 1103; in 1790, 1209; in 1800, 141.3; in 1810, 1478 ; in 1820, 1849; in 1830, 2052; in 1840, 2065; in 1850, 3296; in 1860, 2225 ; in 1870, 2097; in 1880, 2444. The first post-office was established in town in 1811, with Henry Pratt as postmaster. Jonas Bruce succeeded him April 16, 1813. Henry Pratt was reappointed December 1, 1817. Philip Ripley was appointed March 27, 1820. Calvin Burnap was appointed Febru- ary 19, 1831 ; Horace Peirce, July 10, 1841 ; Calvin Burnap, August 29, 1842 ; Allen Cross, April 9, 1849 ; Abel Hammond, November 26, 1852; John Severance, April 2, 1853; John A. Powers, December 22, 1856; William H. Gurnsey, June 28, 1861 ; George H. Snow, September 8, 1885. A post-office was established at West Win- chester January 4, 1833, with Horace Chapin as postmaster. He was succeeded by John G. Capron, September 1, 1836. Alvin W. Ball was appointed September 30, 1841 ; Jotham W. Finch, May 4, 1847; Samuel P. Fair- banks, January 19, 1849 ; John G. Capron, June 4, 1849 ; De Los C. Ball, April 8, 1852. The name of the office was changed to " Ashue- lot" February 10, 1854, at which date De Los C. Ball was reappointed. Edwin L. Putnam was appointed August 14, 1855; Horace Chapin, October 26, 1855 ; Jason C. Plummer, August 19, 1857 ; John L. Thayer, November 12, 1860; John L. Nickerson, May 5, 1862; WINCHESTER. 579 William Dickenson, November 7, 1864; Wright Wood, February 15, 1859; and Henry H. Pratt, April 20, 1882. The town supports twenty schools, under the town system, at a cost of six thousand dollars, including the expenses of the High School. This last is conducted under the provisions of the so-called Claremont Act. Its graduates are qualified to enter any of the higher institutions of learning in the country. It has two public libraries, — one at Winchester village proper, with three thousand volumes, that are being increased each year by town appropriations ; the other, a free library, called the " Dickenson Free Lib- rary," located at West Winchester. This has over five hundred volumes, and it is being increased each year by subscriptions and dona- tions. The Masonic fraternity have Philesian Lodge, No. 40, located at Winchester village; also. Prohibition Division S. T., No. 1, and the Grand Army of the Republic, " Edward N. Tafi't Post, No. 19." The Winchester Na- tional Bank is located at this village. It was first chartered as a State bank, under the title of the Winchester Bank, July 3, 1847. It was converted to a national bank, uuder the title of the Winchester National Bank, in 1865. As a State institution, its capital was one hundred thousand dollars, and it commenced operations with this amount as its capital when it became a national bank. In 1884 it in- creased its capital to two hundred thou- sand dollars. It was rechartered iu 1885 for twenty years. The Security Savings-Bank is also located in this village. It was chartered by the State August 3, 1881. Its deposits and surplus amount to one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. Its treasurer. Miss J. Grace Alexander, is probably the first lady ever en- trusted with such a position. The Ashuelot Eailroad, which was in process of construction in 1850, and was the cause of the large increase of population, as shown by that census, passes through the town, following the course of the 37 Ashuelot River. It has stations at Winches- ter, Ashuelot and Pisgah. It ruus one mixed train each way daily from Keene to South Vernon, Vt., and two passen- ger trains. The road is owned and controlled by the Connecticut Railroad Company. The American Telegraph Company have offices both at Winchester and Ashuelot, as also has the New England Telephone Company. Winches- ter village has t^venty stores, eight manufactories of boxes, pails and buckets, three blacksmith- shops, two livery stables, one hotel, two lawyers, one dentist and four physicians. The factory of Messrs. Dickenson, Seaver & Co. is located there ; its products consist of pails and buckets. They employ thirty-five hands and consume about two thousand cords of second-growth pine per annum. The mills of Dickenson & Baker are located on the Ashuelot River at this place. Their products are dimension lum- ber of pine, oak, hemlock and chestnut, and amounts to about six hundred and fifty thousand feet annually, employing twenty men. A. M. Hovvard's Box Manufactory employs thirty hands, with an annual out- put of four hundred thousand boxes. C. M. Norwood & Company's Box Manufactory also gives employment to fifteen hands, producing three hundred thousand boxes annually. The Winchester Box Manufactory employs twelve hands and produces annually two hundred and fifty thousand boxes. Dickenson & Munsel manufacture boxes, gi ving employment to fifteen hands, who produce three hundred thousand boxes yearly. Smith & Metcalf give employ- ment to eight men, and annually produce one hundred and fifty thousand boxes. Ashuelot, two miles west of Winchester village, has two stores, one hotel, a steam saw-mill, two blacksmith-shops and two livery stables. The Ashuelot Manufacturing Company is located here, and manufactures Union and Moscow beavers. The mill is of twelve sets of cards and gives employment to two hundred and fifty hands ; they produce four hundred 580 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. thousand yards of cloth each year. The Ashuelot Union Mills are located at Lower Ashuelot. They run four sets of cards and employ seventy-five hands; producing one hundred thousand yards Union beavers annu- ally. The Ashuelot ^yarp Company runs three thousand four huudred spindles, producing cotton thread, used as the warp in satinet and shoddy goods. They give employment to fifty hands. The steam saw-mill of Amos P. Tuffis, at Ashuelot, employs twelve men, producing two hundred thousand feet of pine, hemlock and chestnut lumber annually. The lumber mill of Ansel Dickenson, at Pisgah Station, gives employment to twenty-five hands, pro- ducing one million feet of dimension lumber annually. A box manufactory at this mill employs fifl;een hands, producing three hundred and fifty thousand boxes annually. It is under the control of Mr. Dickenson. Robertson Bros.' paper-mills are located at Pisgah Sta- tion. They produce annually 700,000 pounds of tis- sue, manilla and toilet paper, giving employ- ment to fourteen hands. The Broad Brook Steam Lumber-Mills, located about two and one-half miles north of Pisgah Station, give employment to. thirty-five hands, who produce an annual output of lath, shingles, boards and dimension lumber amounting to one million feet. At various other localities in the town, small lumber-mills, both steam and water, are in constant operation, twenty at least finding either a market or an outlet for their products at Winchester. The Ashuelot River enters the town near its northeast corner, and runs in a general southwesterly direction till it passes the village of Winchester, when it curves " The Bow " somewhat abruptly, and runs to the west and north, passing out of town very nearly in the middle of its western boundary. This river is one of the largest streams that flow into the Connecticut (" y° Great River ") from the Xew Hampshire side. It takes its rise in Washington, and drains that town, Stoddard, a portion of Antrim, Sullivan, Nelson, Surrv, Keene, Roxbury, Harrisville, INIarlborough, Swanzey, Troy, Richmond, a portion of Chester- field, Winchester, Hinsdale and a large portioD of Warwick, Mass. It receives during its course through town the waters of Broad Brook, which rises in Chesterfield, runs through the west part of town southwardly, draining the eastern slope of Mount Pisgah ; Mirey Brook, that rises on the east side of JMount Grace, in War- wick, Mass., and runs northwardly, receiving the waters of Roaring Brook about two miles from its mouth, and empties into the Ashuelot about one-half a mile below the centre of Win- chester village, and the waters from many other smaller streams. There are four lakes, or ponds, within the limits of the town ; the largest is Round Pond, located in its northwest corner. This body of water is of irregular form, about two and a half miles long by one mile in width. Near this pond is the Kilburn Pond and North Round Pond. Forest Lake, or Humphrey's Pond, as it was called prior to 1883, is situated about two miles northward from the Centre village. This body of water is about one mile in length by three-fourths of a mile in width. This lake has, within a few years, become a favorite r&sort during the sum- mer season for many of our citizens, who have erected several fine cottages upon its western bank. The streams and ponds of Winchester are well stocked with trout and other fish com- mon to New England waters, whilst, through the efforts of some of our citizens, seconded by the State Fish Commissioners, land-locked salmon and black bass have been introduced. The last have developed wonderfully, and it is not uncommon to take fish of this variety weighing from two to three pounds each. In the days of the early settlers the true salmon, shad, ale- wives and herring were abundant, frequenting the Ashuelot and its tributaries in large num- bers during the spawning season, returning to the sea in the autumn, only to return again in the spring. But private enterprise, through WINCHESTER. 581 the building of dams upon the river for manufacturing purposes, about and during the time of the Revolution, prevented the return of the fish to their accustomed breeding-places, and effectually excluded them from the river. This so disturbed the settlers who were not personally interested in the mills that they ad- dressed a petition in the following words to the General Assembly of the State : " To the Hon*', the General Assembly now sitting at Concord : "The petition of the Selictmen of the town of Winchester, homble sheweth, that the River called Ashewilet formerly produced a large number of Salmon and shad, with a variety of hook fish ; but of late, the corse of s* fish is intirely stopd by Reson of three Dams acrost said River, viz, — one in Hinsdale, one in Winchester, and one in Swanzey, which is a Greate Damage to this and the Neighbouring towns, and notwithstanding the Repeated Requests of the people in this Town to the owners of Said Dams to open a Corse for Said Fish, they still Refuse to Do it, which very much Disspleases the people in general, and if there is nothing dun to prevent it, there is a prospect of the people Rising in a hostile manner and puling Down Said Dams ; to prevent which, and to establish a free course for Said Fish, we beg your Honnours to take this matter under your wise con- sideration, and pass such an act as you in your wisdom shall think proper, and we in Duty Bound will ever pray. " Winchester, June 1st, 1784. " Simon Willaed, ] "John Alexander, " Paul Richardson, '' Prentice Willard, Upon which petition the General Assembly took the following action : "State op New Hampshire, " In the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1785, Upon Reading & Considering the foregoing petition, Voted, that the petitioners be heard thereon before the Gen' Court, on the Second Thursday of their next Session, & that in the Meantime the petitioners serve the Owners of the several Dams on Ashawillat River, in Winchester and Hinsdale, with a copy of the peti- 1" Selectmen.' tion & order of Court thereon, that they, or either of them, may then appear and shew cause (if any they have) why the prayer thereof may not be granted. " Sent up for Concurrence. " Geo. Atkinson, Speaker. " In Senate the same day read & concurred. " E. Thompson, Secy." This movement evidently miscarried, for we find a petition couched in almost the same identical language on June 3, 1786. This petition was signed by Daniel Ashley, Moses Chamberlain and Asa Alexander, as selectmen of Winchester ; and again another dated May 30, 1788, signed by Ezra Parker, Daniel Haw- kins and Asahel Jewell, selectmen of Winches- ter. The whole matter evidently ended in the cool courtesy offered by the Legislature, when they, " Upon reading and considering the foregoing peti- tion. Voted that the prayer thereof be Granted and that the petitioners have leave to bring in a Bill Ac- cordingly. " Sent up for Concurrence. " John Langdon, Speaker. "In Senate June 14, 1786,read and Non-concurred. " J. Pearson, Secy." The dams stood aud the fish came not back from the sea. In the early years of settlement wild animals were abundant, — bears, deer, the lynx, wolves, wildcats, foxes, raccoons, hedgehogs, skunks, woodchucks, weasels, squirrels (black, red, gray, striped and flying) — on the land, whilst the streams were frequented by the beaver, otter, mink and muskrat. Of these animals, only foxes, raccoons, hedgehogs, skunks, wood- chucks, weasels, and the gray, red, striped and flying squirrels remain. Occasionally an otter is seen, whilst mink and muskrats are quite abundant. The last bear of which there is record was killed in 1853 near Eound Pond. The forests afforded and now afford resting- places for owlsj hawks, crows, pigeons, par- tridges (the ruffed grouse), and all the song birds of New England. Wild geese and ducks 582 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. used to be abiindaut, but at the present ouly a few geese are seen, and those only that, having become weary in their migratory flight, alight for a period of rest. A few black and wood ducks still annually rear their broods of young in the most secluded nooks of the ponds and streams. The main agricultural productions are hay, corn, oats, rye, potatoes, some wheat, barley and buckwheat. Tobacco was at one time during the war a profitable crop, but ceased "to pay" when the Southern States were able to place their crop upon the market. Garden crops of peas, beans, turnips, carrots, cabbage, squash and melons are abundantly grown, whilst the orchards produce the apple, pear, peach, quince, red cherries and other small fruits. Grapes, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blue- berries and the strawberries grow, both native and cultivated, in great abuudauce. The forests are almost exclusively of second growth, and consist of pine, hemlock, oak, ash, beech, maple, birch, elm and walnut, whilst all the forest growths common to New England are to be found here. Winchester lies^ in what is believed to have been the bed of a lake that, some distant day in the past, included a large portion of what is now Cheshire County, and that found an outlet to the south in Warwick, Mass. But in some convulsion of nature the mountain chain that bound it in on the west was ruptured, and a new outlet was formed, draining what liad been before a submerged territory, leaving only the bed and course of the Ashuelot River in its stead. The town is hilly, with very little plain or level land, such as there is being found near the Centre village (" Pine Plain "), in tlie val- ley of Mirey Brook, on the banks of the river and in the southwesterly part of the town near the Connecticut River. The ranges of hills on the west, north and east of the Ashuelot extend in a northwardly and southwardly direction, whilst the range of hills upon tlie south of the river extend more nearly east and west. The valley of the Ashuelot here is about four hun- dred feet above sea level, and several of the mountain peaks in Winchester rise to an alti- tude of from six hundred to one thousand feet. The soil is such as is common to most New England hill towns. Upon the sides of the mountains and upon her cultivatable hills it is generally strong; but it is vejy strong and re- tentive of fertilizers, and when brought under cultivation produces large crops for many suc- cessive years. In the valleys and about the Centre village the soil is of a lighter character, and, being free from stones, is much easier to cultivate, producing as good crops as the hill lands, though it requires closer attention and more frequent cultivation. The bottom lands on the Ashuelot and Connecticut Rivers are very fertile and only require slight attention to secure abundant returns year after year. Winchester, in the one hundred and fifty-three years of her existence, has developed from an unbroken wilderness into a thriving and pros- perous town. She has always been loyal to her State and the government to which she belonged. She has always been loyal to her convictions of right in all matters pertaining to education, politics, religion and morals, and where her heart has been, there her purse has been also. She has never hesitated to stand with out- stretched hands, palms upwards, bearing in them the shining coins of her treasury, that she has showered in abundance on every cause where her sense of duty or patriotism called. The foundations of her prosperity are struck as deep as the granite that underlies her, whilst the structure she has and is building towers upward and ■ upward, keeping pace with the hopes and the aspirations of her citizens. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. DAVID BALL. Prominently identified with the active busi- ness life of the town of ^^'inchester, as well as OC-'!^^ WINOHESTEE. 583 every enterprise having for its object the gen- eral good of the community, may be found the name of Ball. In 1799 we find that Stephen Ball, a resident of Warwick, Mass., married Betsey Weld, of the same place, and to them was born David Ball, the subject of this sketch, October 7, 1801, and was the eldest of the family. His boyhood, like most youths of those days, was spent mainly at the home of his parents until about 1817 or 1818, when he came to Keene, N. H., and engaged as a clerk in mercantile business with Mr. Whee- lock ; from there he removed a few years later to the village of West Winchester, continuing in the same line of business with William F. Pulsifer, later as Pulsifer & Ball, Ball & Capron and D. & A. W. Ball. He married Fanny P. Capron, December 29, 1825. He was also identified with other kinds of business, being interested in purchasing real estate, the lumber business and later in manufacturing. Mr. W. F. Pulsifer, his partner, died Febru- ary 22, 1837, leaving for that time quite a large estate, of which disposition was made by will to his heirs in Boston. Mr. Pulsifer showed his confidence in Mr. Ball by making him executor of his will. About the year 1838 he, with his brother, John P., formed a co-partnership and commenced the manufacture of linseed oil, locating a branch pf their works in Pittstown, N. Y. This part- nership was continued actively for over twenty years, David attending the mill in West Win- chester, while his brother John gave his time and attention to the one in Pittstown. In 1840 David Ball purchased the woolen-mill located at what has since been known as Scotland, and which had been owned by Cyrus. Green wood. He continued to operate this until it was de- stroyed by fire in 1847, and it was not rebuilt by him, but a few years later he disposed of his interest in the power to a company who rebuilt the woolen-mill. ' In 1860 he againengaged in the manufacture of woolen goods in connection \jdth another party, having put the necessary machinery into the mill formerly used by D. & A. W. Ball as a pail-factory. In 1862 he purchased the interest of the other partner for fifteen thousand dollars and continued the business under the firm-name of D. Ball & Son. His death occurred Aug. 4, 1864". His children were D. L. C. Ball, Mrs. W. E. Thayer and Jennie E. Ball, all of whom sur- vived him. His wife died September 6, 1863. In reviewing the outlines of an active life such as Mr. Ball's has been, we cannot but ob- serve the energy and perseverance of the mail in the many interests with which he was contin- ually occupied. At one time in the mercantile business with his brother under the firm-name of D. & A. W. Ball, the manufacture of oil at two different points, an iron foundry, a coop- erage, a pail-factory, a saw and stave-mill and a woolen-mill, besides being actively en- gaged in all that pertained to the general bene- fit of the town where he resided. He was one of the original instigators of the Ashuelot Railroad and the Winchester Bank. The name of the village was changed to " Ash- uelot " through the efforts of his son, D. L. C. Ball, postmaster, in 1852, and has since been known by that name. The results of a life of this character speak more eloquently of its real worth and value to a community than any words of commendation which we might add, and the example of his integrity and uprightness will be long remem- bered by those who knew him. THE TURNER FAMILY. The first ancestor of James B. Turner to come to this country was William H. (1), who left England, with his widowed mother, when he was a small boy, and settled in Glastenbury. Conn. He married Mercy, oldest daughter of Reuben Risley. From this union there were 'two girls, who died single, and seven boys, — William H., (2) Jr., James B. (2), Chauncey Alanson (2), Robert (2), Sanford (2) and George 584 HISTORY OF CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. (2). These boys all married, reared families of children and lived each to advanced age. James B. Turner (2), the subject of this sketch, who was born February 16, 1791, passed his childhood in Glastenbury, Conn., and attending the district school of that place, he obtained a fair education. Young Turner early developed a fondness for the water, and his first business was that of a sailor on a coasting vessel that plied between Hartford and New York, chiefly, though he occasionally voyaged as far south as " the Carolinas " and elsewhere, as the neces- sities of the coasting trade demanded. He was a young man of good habits, and, by industry and frugality, he, while yet quite young, had saved a considerable sum of money. Alanson (2), a younger brother of James B., was early ap- prenticed to learn the trade of a clothier, and, by diligence and care, mastered all the details of the business, as carried on at that time. About the year 1817, these brothers, the one with considerable money and the other with a practical knowledge of the business, formed a copartnership for the manufacture of woolen cloth, and, coming to Ashuek)t, N. H., bought a water privilege, on the Ashuelot River, and a small building, in which the cloth business had been carried on in a small way, and, en- larging the buildings to meet their requirements, went to work. They soon established them- selves firmly in the business, and carried it on successfully for nearly forty years, adding im- proved machinery and, from time to time, enlarging their mill as the necessities of an increasing and profitable business demanded. Mr. Turner was prominent in the civil affairs of the town and filled nearly all of the various town offices and also represented the town in the General Court. In polities Mr. Turner was a Whig, and at the time of the organization of the Republican party he joined it and acted with it up to the time of his death. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church' and was liberal in the support of public wor- ship. May 10, 1 81 5, he married Milly, daughter of James and Jemima Galpin, and she borfe him eight children, — Martha J. (3), born July 5, 1816; William G. (3), born June 4, 1818, died August, 1846; Chauncey A. (3), born June 13, 1820, died August, 1821 ; Eunice H. (3), born November 30, 1822 ; Theresa A. (3), born February 1, 1826, died September, 1832; Aurelius B., (3), born June 23, 1828 ; James E. (3), born No- vember 19, 1830, died August, 1833; Arietta A. (3,) born February 28, 1834, died Decem- ber, 1847. Aurelius B. (3), (who furnished the engraving of his father for this work) learned the business of cloth manufacture in the mills of his father and uncle and finally succeeded them and be- came the proprietor of large manufacturing in- terests in the vicinity of the old mill. His educational advantages were such as were at that time found in the district schools. His first business was that of a manufacturer of satinets, in 1868, under the firm name of Turner & Raymond. In 1862 Mr. Raymond died, and the reorganized firm was Buell, Pratt & Turner, and they made union beavers, cotton-warp, wool and shoddy filling. The enterprise has been carried on under various firm changes up to the present time. The firm is now Thayer K^ ^p 1 >^/^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^1 ^^K. m ^■f^ ^^1 1^ J ^^^^^^^^^^^Bi^% ^ -V' ^^^9 ' ^'^^-tyAB.Ritcl'aJi- : BENCH AND BAR. 15 of Bishop Philander Chase, of Illinois, for whom he was named. He fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. ; entered Ken- yon College, at Gambler, Ohio, in 1825, and gradu- ated in 1829. He studied law with Judge J. H. Hubbard, at "Windsor, Vt., and for a short time was associated in business with him. He removed to Claremont in 1835 and engaged in the practice of his profession at that place, in what is known as the Lower village, that being at that time the business centre of the town. He very soon ac- quired an extensive and lucrative business, and early took rank as one of the leading lawyers in that part of the State. He was a pains- taking, fair-minded and upright man ; a man of sound judgment, a good and safe counselor. He possessed, in a very marked degree, the respect and confidence of the community. He was quiet and unassuming in his manners, a thorough gentleman of the old school, and extremely kind and generous towards the junior members of his profession. He was, for a short time, in business with Hon A. B. Wil- liamson, of Claremont ; also, with J. H. Fuller, Esq., who afterwards removed to Chicago and be- came one of the most distinguished lawyers in that part of the country. He was for a number of years, in the latter part of his professional career, associated in business with Hon. Milon C. Mc- Clure. At the death of Mr. McClure, in 1860, he retired from the active practice of his profession. He held many positions of trust and responsibil- ity; he was honored by his town as their represen- tative in the State Legislature, and was police jus- tice for a number of years, — from the formation of that court ; he was also, for many years, clerk of the Sullivan Railroad corporation. In religion, he was an Episcopalian, and from 1849 to the time of his death he was one of the trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New Hampshire. He was also the agent in New Hampshire for the trustees of donations of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In whatever position he was placed, he conducted himself with the utmost fidelity and good judgment. He was twice married, — first. April 30, 1838, to Sarah Norton, who died April 25, 1844; and second, June 4, 1846, to Martha Smith Norton, who still survives him. He had two children by his first marriage and none by his second. One of these died in infancy, and the other, Frederick N. Freeman, at twenty-eight years of age. He was a young man of much promise, a graduate of Norwich University and had studied the profession of law with his father. The loss of this son bore heavily upon him. After a protracted illness he died April 20, 1871. Edward Dimick Baker. — The Baker family is an old one in England, and comes from the common people of long ago. The name denotes the business followed in the early days in Eng- land. Many of the name won honorably the privilege of wearing arms, and they did good ser- vice in fields of battle and in peaceful pursuits. They were noted for persistence in what they con- sidered right and duty, and did not change from a position taken or an opinion formed without pretty good reasons. In the fifteenth century the Baker family possessed considerable property in the north of England, and were known as an in- dustrious and thrifty people. In 1650, at Ayles- bury, County of Bucks, there were a great num- ber of the name, who became followers of George Fox, the Quaker, and with him suffered impris- onment by the order of Cromwell. The first ancestor of Edward Dimick Baker, of whom there is any known record, was Jeffrey Baker, of England, where his son Joseph was born, June 18, 1655. It. is quite probable that the persecution of the Quakers, above alluded to, may have had something to do with his coming to this country, where he became an early resident of the New Haven colony. His son, Joseph, born April 13, 1678, was twice married, — first, to Hannah Pomeroy, by whom he had two sons, - Joseph and Samuel; second, to Abigail Bissell. By this marriage he had nine children, — John, Hannah, Jacob, Abigail, Ebenezer, Daniel, He- man, Titus and Abigail. Joseph (2d) died in 1754, and his wife, Abigail, in 1768. Heman 16 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. (third generation), born April 27, 1719, married Lois Gilbert, November 24, 1747. They had nine children, — Heman, Anna, Deborah, John, Oliver, Abigail, Lois, Delight and Lydia. Heman (4th) was taken prisoner by the British at New York, September 15, 1776, with one Joel Smith, and after three months' confinement both died of small-pox. Heman died January 21, 1777, at the age of twenty-nine years. Oliver Baker (4th) was born at Tolland, Conn. , October 5, 1755. He received a medical educa- tion, purchased a farm in Plainfield, N. H., where he was one of the earliest settlers, and practiced medicine and managed his farm during his life. He married Dorcas Dimick, March 23, 1780, and had eleven children, — Heman, Diantha, Zina and Lina (twins), Oliver, Semantha, Dimick, Dorcas, Lodema, Elizabeth and Mary. Dr. Oliver Baker died October 3, 1811. Dimick Baker was born in Plainfield, N. H., March 18, 1793. WhUe some of his brothers became physicians, he became an extensive and successful farmer. Married Hannah Colby, and had five children, of whom Edward D. was the second. Edward Dimick Baker was born at Meriden village, in the town of Plainfield, N. H., April 21, 1827. His father's farm being within half a mile of Kimball Union Academy, Edward had the ad- vantage of five years' attendance at this popular school, of which he made good use, working upon the farm during vacations and teaching winters. "When twenty-one years of age the subject of this sketch began the study of law at Enfield, N. H., with Hon. Nathaniel W. Wertgate, now of Haver- hill, N. H. He taught district schools winters and a High School autumns, and attended a telegraph- office, making the most of his time. He com- pleted his legal studies in the office of Hon. Henry A. Bellows, late chief justice of New Hampshire, and was admitted to the bar in Sullivan County in July, 1851 ; very soon after which he opened an office at Cornish Flat, where he continued in practice until October, 1855, when he removed to Claremont and formed a law partnership with Hon. A. F. Snow, which continued until Septem- tember, 1857. He passed the summer of 1857 near Topeka, Kan., then returned to Claremont, where he has since been in the active practice of his profession. He married, November 12, 1851, Elizabeth Ticknor. They have no children. Mr. Baker is a well-read, painstaking, careful and able lawyer He is earnest and industrious in the preparation and trial of causes entrusted to him. He prefers to keep his clients out of law- suits rather than involve them in protracted liti- gation. He always advises a fair and honorable adjustment of differences between parties, rather than the certain expense and the uncertain results at the hands of courts and juries. He has some of the Quaker elements of thrift and adherence to well-formed opinions, inherited from his ancestors, in his composition. ]Mr. Baker has considerable taste for literary pursuits, has read extensively and has been an occasional contributor to the pub- lic prints. In politics, Mr. Baker was always a Republican, though he was a delegate from New Hampshire to the mass convention, in 1872, which nominated Horace Greeley for President, his associate dele- gates being Colonel Henry O. Kent, of Lancas- ter, and Hon. Wm. H. Gove, of Weare. He has three times been chosen one of the representatives of Claremont in the New Hampshire Legislature, and is one of the present members ; has been a member of the Stevens High School committee and held some other minor offices. Mr. Baker is a large owner of real estate ; has been a successful financier ; has been always ready to accommodate his neighbors in want of pecuniary or other aid, and seems to take pleasure in helping those in need of assistance. Albert Scripture Wait was born at Chester, Vt., April 14, 1821. He is a son of General Daniel and Cynthia (Read) Wait. His father was an ensign in the War of lf^l2, a major-gen- eral in the Vermont militia, and before the Mor- gan excitement a prominent Free-Mason. The subject of this sketch studied law with the late Hon. Daniel Kellogg, at Saxton's River village, Vt.; was admitted to the bar in Windham County, p %^//- BENCH AND BAR. 17 Vt., in April, 1846, and soon commenced the prac- tice of his profession at Alstead, N. H., where he continued until May, 1857, when he removed to Newport, N. H., and was the law partner of the late Hon. Edmund Burke until 1867, when the partnership was dissolved, since when he has con- tinued the practice alone, and has been engaged in the trial of many important causes. In June, 1865, he received the honorary degree of A.M. at Dartmouth College. As a studious, pains- taking and profound lawyer he has but few equals in New Hampshire. During the ten years that he was a partner with Mr. Burke he argued orally the law points of most of the cases in which the firm was employed and which were carried before the full bench. His briefs have been considered able and exhaustive. A chief justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court once said to the writer of this sketch, that his court was very careful when Mr. Wait stated a legal proposition or laid down a principle of law, before antagonizing his positions. Some years ago the British govern- ment ordered the publication of a new edition of the work of Bracton upon the laws of England. On the issue of the first volume, Mr. Wait de- tected an error in the rendering of the original Latin into English, which not only misrepresented the author, but misstated the law. He addressed a letter to Sir Traverse Twiss, the editor, at London, suggesting the error. In the sixth and last vol- ume of the work there appeared in the Introduc- tion a very handsome and courteous acknowledg- ment of Mr. Wait's suggestion and also of the error to which it called attention. Bracton's work was written in the reign of King Henry III., and is the earliest general treatise upon the English law. The author is styled " The Father of thfe English Law." Mr. Wait has a decided taste for literature and science, and has given considerable attention to these subjects and pursuits, in some of which he is an enthusiast. He has a large collection of rare and valuable books devoted to these matters. From an early age he has been especially interested 2 in the science of geology and has an extensive cabinet of choice mineral specimens, the collec- tions of many years, illustrating this most fasci- nating science. He has written a great number of essays and delivered lectures upon various sub- jects. His lectures upon " American Antiquities," " Spectrum Analysis " and " Greek Character " have been highly commended. They have been delivered in Newport, Claremont and some other places, and that on " Greek Character " was de- livered before the New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. He delivered the historical address a;t the Centennial Celebration of the Congregational Church, at Newport, .on October 28, 1879, which was considered a very able performance, showing much patient labor and research. For many years Mr. Wait has been a Free- Mason and has a great love for the principles in- culcated by the order and an admiration for the work in its different degrees. He has been one of the most active and devoted members, and is said to be one of the most accomplished ritualists in the State. He has been Grand High Priest of the Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter, and, in 1878, was Grand Commander of the Grand Com- mandery of Knights Templar of New Hamp- shire. For several years he has been chairman of the committee on foreign correspondence of the Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge, and has written the reports of these committees, in which was discussed at considerable length the progress, the judicial aspect and the literature and improvement of the institution, established as it is in almost every section of the world, and as an- cient almost as civilization itself. These reports are among his most finished productions and have attracted much attention. He is regarded as au- thority in Masonic law in New England, if not throughout the entire country. In religion, Mr. Wait is a Congregationalist ; in politics, always a Democrat. He has three times been a candidate of the Democratic party for rep resentative for Newport in the Legislature, and twice for State Senator for his district. Each 18 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. time he received the full vote of his party, which, however, was not sufficient to elect him. In 1864 he was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago. Mr. Wait is a member of the New Hampshire Historical Society, the New Hampshire Antiqua- rian Society, the Webster Historical Society, lo- cated in Boston ; the New Hampshire Club and the American Bar Association. Mr. Wait has been three times married, — Octo- ber, 1849, to Caroline, daughter of Eev. Seth S. Arnold, of Acworth, N. H. She died in May, 1851. June 23, 1854, to Harriet E. Kingsbury, of Alstead, New Hampshire, who died February 21, 1873. December 22, 1880, to Ella O. Eno, of West- field, Mass., by whom he has one daughter. HISTORY OF ACWORTH. CHAPTER I. The town of Acworth lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded as follows : North, by Unity ; east, by Lempster ; south, by Cheshire County ; and west, by Charlestown and Langdon. This town was first granted by Governor Ben- ning Wentworth, December 28, 1752, to Colonel Sampson Stoddard, of Chelmsford, Mass., and sixty-nine others, by the name of Burnet, prob- ably in honor of Governor William Burnet. At this time white people could not live safely in this vicinity at any great distance from the fort at No. 4, (now Charlestown), on account of the Indians ; and the town, with others, was probably granted by Governor Wentworth with a view of asserting New Hampshire's claim to the territory, which was also claimed by Massachusetts, and at that time in dispute. No attempt was made to settle under this grant, and it was regranted, September 19, 1766, to Colonel Stoddard and sixty-four others, by the name of Acworth, probably in honor of the Governor's friend, Lord Acworth, of England. In 1767 three young men from Connecticut — William Keyes, Joseph Chatterton and Samuel Smith — located here and commenced clearing farms. The grant of 1766, being forfeited by the non-fulfillment of some of its provisions, was ex- tended by Governor John Wentworth, May 30, 1772, and was bounded as follows : " Beginning at a stake and stones & runs North two degrees West six miles and an half to a stake and stones, the South West corner of Unity, from thence running East by the needle five miles & three quar- ters to a stake and stones, from thence South by the needle six miles & an half to a stake and stones, from thence West by the needle five miles & J to the bounds first mentioned." In 1772 the town contained fourteen houses. Reasons for not wanting to be Classed for Representa- tive, and Vote of Town. " The reasons why we do not join with Towns of Unity, Acworth, Lemster, Saville, Croydin & New- port as we did the last year in chusing a Representa- tive is this : viz : then we Supposed they was to act only upon the present Exigencies of the Government, but now the case is much altered, the Honourable Contintal Congress has declared their independence of Great Britain therefore we think that the present as- sembly has not taken right methods in issuing out their precepts for the choice of Representatives and Counsellors for the year Ensuing, for in the first place they have as to Representatives in Some incor- porated Towns allowed two or three representatives, to others they have joined five or six towns togather, whereas we think every incorporated town ought to be represented by themselves. Then as to Counsel- lors in one Conty they have ordered five, in Some others two, and in one County but one, which we Look upon not according to liberty, for as this State is but one body we think they ought to be Chose by the people at large, and also they have or|dered that neither of these Shall have a Seat in the assembly without they have Real estate to the value of two hundred pound Lawful money, whereas we think every Lawfull elector is a Subject to be elected. " Voted that the above resons be Sent to the Coun- sell and assembly of this State which is to Convene togather at Exeter the third Wednesday of this instant and that the town Clerk Shal Sign it in behalf of the town. This done at a Legal town meeting. " Acworth December 9* A D 1776 " Tho* Putnam Mod' " A true Coppy attest Sam" Silsby town Clerk." 1& 20 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Certificate of non-receipt of Precept by the Selectmen. " To Whome it may Conciern. " This may Sertify that there wase No precept Come to us or to this town So fare as we know to rais one of the New Emmision taxes for the year 1781 also one of the specie taxes & there wase no act come to us or to this town to rais aney beef in the year 1781. " attest " Daniel Gkout i Select- " Isaac Foster J men. " acworth febu-^ ye 12"' 1781. Petition of John Duncan in behalf of the Town. " To the Hon"^ the Counsil & House of Representa- tives for the State of Newhampshire Convened at Exeter, Feb'? 26'^ 1783. " The petition of John Duncan of Ackworth in said State in behalf of said town Humbly Sheweth. " That Wherasyour Petitioner finds That there is an Extent issued against Said Town for nonpayment of a New Emmision Tax for the year 1781 as also for a specie Tax for the Same year Likewise for a Beef Tax for that year, for all which your Petitioner beg Leave to inform the Hon'''* Counsil that we never Received any Precept for assessing any of said Taxes : as will more fully appear by a Certifieate under the Hands of the Selectmen of Said Town. '• Wherefore your Petitioner prays That new pre- ceipts may Issue to the Sellectmen of Said Town for the assessment of the above said Taxes and as in Duty Bound Shall pray. "JOHX DUXCAX. "State of ) In the house of Representatives Feb- New Hamp. J ruary 26"' 1783. " Upon Reading & considering the foregoing Peti- tion Voted that the prayer thereof be granted. " Sent up for Concurrence. " John Dudley, Speaker. " In Council the same day read and Concurred. " E. Thompson, Secy." Memorial of John Duncan relative to Taxes of 1781. " To the Hon"' the Council & House of Represen- tatives for the State of Newhampshire Convened at Concord on the third wensday of December 1783. The memoriel of John Duncan in behalf of The Town of Acworth in Said State humbly Sueth That your memorialest on Feb"? ve 26"" 1788 Did Petition the Hon*"^ Court Laying before them the Dificultiea we Labor under in having Extents issued against Said Town : when we Never had aney act or Precept to inable the Selectmen to asses the Town in Said Tax. " One New Emmision for the year 1781 also a Spe- cie tax for the Same year Likewise for a Beef tax for the Same year, all that your memorialest then praid for wase to heave the present Selectmen inabled to asses the town in the above three taxes all which wear granted, as will apair Reference being had as to the above petition which is Now in heand & we pro- ceeded accordingly & ordered the Colector to pay unto the treasurar of Said State the three aforesaid taxes but altho we heave Colected State Securities to pay Said beef tax with interest according to Law yet the treshurar says he is Not willing to discount Said tax untill we fetch a resolve of Cort to inable him to take the"State Securities in Lu of the beef & if this resolve is Not granted to us we shal be obleged to take the State Securites from the Colector & rais another tax in Specie to pay for the beef tho we Never had aney pour to rais it which we are in Now ways able to do at Present altho our wills weare ever so good. " Therefore we pray your Honors to take our Case into your wise consideration & grant us Releef and as in duty bound Shall Ever pray. " Acworth Dec'"' ye 13* 1783. " John Duxcan." Petition for the Sight to Tax Non-ResidenU for Repair of Highways, etc. "Stateof NewHamp"! To the Hon. the Council & Ches"" S3. House of Representatives in Genneral Assembly at Con- cord Convened. "The petition of us inhabitants of Lemster, Unity and Acworth humbly Shews that your petitioners Living in a hill country where there is several Large Streams to Bridge and Roads to be made and main- tained at a Verry Great cost and charge, several of which is made through large tracts of Unimproved lands the Owners of S'' lands must Reap Great advantage our labor in advancing their interest yet they are freed by law from aney tax to highways whil your Petitioners Unimproved lands is Subjected thereto which is Surely unjust and oppressive. " Wherefore we pray your Honnors to take the matter under your wise consideration and Grant us Relieff by Passing an Act that S* Unimproved lands ACWORTH. 21 pay their proportion of all Highway taxes, otherwise that Roads and Bridges may be made and maintained through Unimproved Lands at the Charge of the Owners or in Such other way as to your hon' may appear just &c and your Petitionars as in Duty Bound Shall Ever pray " John Dttncan " in behalf of the petitioners." Selectmen's Petition about Beef, 1786. "AcwOETH June ye 1 1786 " To the Hou"" the Senate and House of Representa- tives Convened at Concord The first Wednesday in June instant " The Petition of the Selectmen of Acworth in be- half of said Town Humbly Sueth that in obedience to an act of Law Passed in this State the 27*^ of June 1780 calling on the Towns to furnish the States Col- lector with beef for the use of the army And on de- livering S'* beef & taking the Collectors recpt for The same (which is to S* Acworth 3,4i5 pounds) we should be Credeted for the Same in the Next years tax of New Emision Accordingly we Delivered 3425 pounds of beef and produced Our Recpts to the Treasurar But he tels us that the Collector Did not Return aney But 1925 pounds of beef and he will not Give us Credet without an order from this Hon" Cort and as we in obedience to your Hon" did deliver the full Sum of 3425 Pounds of Beef as doth apear by Recpts Now in hand and Likewise John Hubbard Esq" Testemony Theirfore We pray your Honers to take our Case into your Serious Consideration and as we are not to be accontabl for the Neglect of the States Collector in not Returning all the Beef he Collected, theirfore we Trist your Honers will Direct the Treshurar to Give us Credet for all the Beef we delivered and for the Remendar of the beef more than setls the New- emision tax we desier To have it Reducted from the Beef we ow in the Next year which is the year 1781 or aney other way in your wisdoms you shall think pro- per and we as in duty bound Shall Ever pray. " John Duncan " Daniel Geotjt j- "Amos Kiyes, J The allowance was granted. Petition for Authority to Tax Non-resident Lands. " Acworth September IS* 1787 " To the honorable Senate and house of Represen- tatives now sitting at Charleatown. The petition of Select- men." James Campbell in behalf of the inhabitants of the town of Acworth Humbly Sheweth That your Peti- tioner has been at great Expences in repairing roads and Building a Meeting-house which has greatly In- creased the value of lands belonging to Nonresidents, Granting this to be the Case your honors will Con- clude they Ought to contribute a small moity to de- fray the Charges that has or may arise. And we are further incouraged to ask, and expect your honors hearing and Assistance, as we had one bridge over Cold river burnt with fire. And another Carried off by Water, the buttmans of which cost us Sixty pounds, as we have been great Sufferers, therefore we pray your honors to consider our case and Grant that we may be enabled to asses and Collect Two pence on the acre of all lands lying in said Acworth belonging to Nonresident Owners. And we as in duty bound Shall ever pray. " James Campbell in behalf the inhabitants of the town of Acworth." " To the Honorable General Court of the State of New Hampshire. " The Petition of Matthew Wallace of Acworth humbly Sheweth that he was commited to Goal in Keene the tenth day of June last and not being able to pay the contents of the Execution — the Honorable the Justice of the Superior Court in October last ad- mited him to the Oath prescribed in an Act entitled an act for the ease and relief of Prisoners for Debt and ever since your Petitioner hath been and is now detained in the Goal in Keene aforesaid by his Mer- celiss creditor — and that your Petitioner hath a large family of small children who are in a suffering con- dition even for the Necessaries of life and your Peti- tioner in his present situation can afford no relief which must be peculiarly depressing to a Husband and a father and more easily felt than described — and your Petitioner is worth nothing and never like to be in his present situation and without a friend to pay the Debt and no one to Shew mercy to him in that way — Wherefore he most earnestly prays that this Honble court would pass an act to relieve poor prisoners in this Situation after they have paid the uttermost far- thing that creditors may not be suffered to triumph in the distress of an honest Debter and in the entire de- struction and Deaths of his Wife and Children " and as in duty bound will ever pray. " Keene prison June ye 1"' day 1792. " Matthew Wallace." 22 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The Congregational Church in Acworth was or- ganized March 12, 1773, with eight members, as follows : Henry Silsby, Bethiah Silsby, Thomas Putnam, Rachel Putnam, Samuel Silsby, Elizabeth Silsby, Dean Carlton, Anna Cross. During the first fifteen years the church was supplied by George Gilmore, David Goodale, Isaiah Kilburn and others. The first pastor was settled on the second Tuesday of November, 1789. The first meeting-house, erected in 1784, in front of the present house, was not ready for use till 1789. The present edifice was built in 1821. The Confession of Faith and Covenant were revised by direction of the church, and adopted in their pre- sent form by vote of the church, on the 13th of April, 1884. The following is a list of the pastors and min- isters : Rev. Thomas Archibald, ordained November 1789, dismissed June 13, 1794 ; Rev. John Kim- ball, ordained June 14, 1797, dismissed May 4, ] 813 ; Rev. Phineas Cooke, ordained September 7, 1814, dismissed February 18, 1829, died April 28, 1 853, buried in Acworth ; Rev. Moses Gros- venor, installed October 14, 1829, dismissed April 25,1832; Rev. Joseph Merrill, installed October 16, 1833, dismissed July 11, 1838; Rev. Thomas Edwards, installed August 19, 1841, dismissed February 16, 1843 ; Rev. R. W. Fuller, acting pastor, 1843-1845 ; Rev. Edwin S. Wright, or- dained January 7, 1846, dismissed March 10, 1856 ; Rev. Amos Foster, installed February 18, 1857, dismissed June 13, 1866 ; Rev. J. L. Mer- rill, installed June 13, 1866, dismissed March 1, 1870 ; Rev. S. V. McDuflfee, acting pastor, June 7, 1870-71 ; Rev. Nathan R. Nichols, ordained February 1, 1872, dismissed September 30, 1873; Rev. James Marshall, installed June 9, 1874, dis- missed April 25, 1877 ; Rev. Benjamin H. Laba- ree, D.D., acting pastor April, 187V — November, 1878 ; Rev. Albion H. Johnson, acting pastor, November, 1878— September, 1882 ; Rev. Edward G. Stone, acting pastor, November 26, 1882 to pres- ent time. HISTORY OF CHARLESTOWN. CHAPTER I. Geographical — Original Grant — The First Settlements — Names of Pioneers — The French and Indian War — Ex- posed Condition of the Settlement — Fort Erected — French and Indian Eaid — The Town Attacked^Seth Putnam Killed — Later Troubles — Incorporation of Town — Named in Honor of Commodore Sir Charles Knowles — First-Town Meeting — Officers Elected. The town of Charlestown lies in the western part of the county, on the Connecticut River, and 13 bounded as follows : On the North by Claremont ; East, by Unity and Acworth ; South, by Langdon ; West, by Connecticut River,- which separates it from Ver- mont. The first grant of the town was made by Massa- chusetts December 31, 1735. The first settlement was made in 1740 by David, Samuel and Stephen Earnsworth. They were, however, soon after fol- lowed by Isaac Parker and sons, Obadiah Sartwell, John Hastings, Moses Willard and Phineas Stev- ens, all of Massachusetts. Only three of the orig- inal proprietors became settlers. Captain Phineas Stevens, Lieutenapt Ephraim Wetherbe and Ste- phen Farnsworth. In consequence of its location on the frontier, and liable to Indian incursions, the settlement of the town was very slow. In 1774 there were not more than ten families. The town had been settled only about three years when it became apparent that a war was imminent, and the settlers began to adopt measures for their defense. A meeting was therefore notified on the petition of the following proprietors, viz.: David Farns- worth, Moses "Willard, Phineas Stevens, Isaac Par- ker, Jr., Obadiah Sartwell, John Avery and Charles Holden, for the purpose of " considering the present circumstances of afiairs and the danger we are in of being assaulted by an enemy, in case a war should happen between the kingdoms of Eng- land and France ; and to consider and transact what is proper to be done in respect of building and furnishing a fortification or fortifications in said township, for the defense and better security there- of." This meeting was notified by Dr. John Hast- ings, proprietors' clerk, and was held at the house of John Spaflferd, Jr., November 24, 1743. At this meeting, the erection of a fort having been decided upon, the following votes relating to the election of committees and other matters essen- tial to the carrying out of their design were passed : "1st. Voted — That John Hastings, Lieut. John Spafford and John Avery be a Committee to take ac- compts of men's labor at the Fort and to see the Fort completed. (To this Committee John Spafford, Jr., and Samuel Farnsworth were subsequently added.) " 2nd. Voted — That a Carpenter be allowed 9s., Old Tenor, per day ; each laborer 7s., per day, and a pair of oxen 3s. M., per day. Old Tenor. "4th. Voted — that the above Committee be Im- powered to finish or complete the Fort so far as they shall judge necessary and convenient. "5th. Voted — That the charge of building the Fort shall be assessed upon and paid by the proprie- tors. " 6th. Voted— That the Committee be allowed £5, 10s. Od., for setting up the house at the North- West corner of the Fort and Completing the same. 23 24 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " 7th. Vofed.— That the sum of £12 be allowed the Committee to be laid out to such workmen aa they shall agree with to fit up the house that was Lieut. Witherby's, so that it may be suitable to meet in, in such manner as the Committee shall think conve- nient. " 8th. Voted— That the sum of £300, Old Tenor, be assesssed on the proprietors of the Township, for the charge that has arisen in building a Fort, and for paying the charge that shall arise in completing the Fort so far that it may be convenient and defensible, and if all the £300 be not needful to be expended for finishing the Fort, the overplus to be laid out for other necessary uses for the good of the proprietors. "9th. Voted— That Capt. John Spafford, Lieut. Phineas Stevens and John Hastings be assessors to proportion the aforesaid sum of £800 on the proprie- tors of the Township. " 10th. Voted— That Samuel Farnsworth be a Col- lector to collect the aforesaid sum of £300, and de- liver it into the hands of the proprietors' treasurer. " 11th. Voted— That John Hastings be allowed 12 pounds for the benefit of his house, and the damage of his land, and the use of one of the rooms in the house now building on the east of the Fort, so long as it holds peace. He not to take his house from the Fort. "12th. Foied— That Capt. John Spafford, Lieut. Stevens and John Hastings be appointed a Commitee to keep the Port in repair, and take care that no per- son come to dwell in any of the houses within the Fort, but such as they, the said Committee, shall ap- prove. "13th. Voted— That Ensign Obediah Sartwell, Moses Willard and Lieut. Stevens be a Committee to pass accompts and order money out of the treasury to such persons to whom it may become due." Immediately subjoined to these votes there is found in the proprietors' records the following, but at what meeting passed is not apparent : " An acc't of what is allowed for houses and mate- rials for the Fort. " Voted — Capt. Spafford for his house and timber £23-0-0. "Voted— To Lieut. Stevens for his house, £35-0-0. " Voted— To Isaac Parker for stone, 46«,; Mantle- trees, 6s.; Clay, 8s.=£3-0-0. " Fo^ed— To Moses Willard for his house, £8-0-0; Stone, £l-6-0=£9-6-0. " Voted — To Lieut. Witherby for his house, £35-0 -0." The fort is said to have been built under the direc- tion of Colonel John Stoddard, of Northampton, Mass., who was for many years the principal military engineer on the Connecticut Eiver frontier, and had twenty years before superintended the build- ing of the block-house at Fort Dummer. That Colonel Stoddard was consulted and his counsel obtained is probable, though the fact does not appear in the proprietors' records. The fort was con- structed in the manner of other fortifications of the time, which were only intended to afford a d-'fense against musketry. It covered, says Rev Dr. Crosby, in his "Annals of Charlestown," about three-quarters of an acre, which dimensions, in the absence of any more definite measurement, we are under the necessity of receiving. This would make it about the size of Fort Dummer, which was one hundred and eighty feet on a side, it being built in the form of a square. The walls were made of large squared timbers, laid horizontally, one above the other, and locked together at the angles in the manner of a log cabin. Within the inclosure were buildings called province houses. These, before being inclosed in the fort, had been the houses of -Captain John Spafford, Captain Phineas Stevens, Lieutenant Moses Willard, Lieu- tenant Ephraim Wetherbe and John Hastings. In the inclosure was also a house, which was newly built, and which was situated in the northwest corner. Such was the preparation for their defense which the inhabitants of No. 4 took the precaution to have in readiness against the time of war, which they correctly anticipated would very soon come. The town remained unmolested until April 19, 1746, when it was visited by a party of about forty French and Indians, under the command of En- sign De Neverville, who took Captain John Spaf- ford, Lieutenant Isaac Parker and Stephen Farns- worth prisoners, and burnt the saw-mill and grist- mill which the proprietors had encouraged Cap- tain Spaflbrd to erect, and which had been in op- eration only about two years. The following ex- CHARLESTOWN. 25 tract of a letter from Uj^per Ashuelot (now Keene), dated April 23, 1746, relates to this affair : " We hear from No. 4, a new township to the westward, that three men, with a team of four oxen, having been at a saw-mill to fetch boards, were surprised by a party of Indians, and the men being missing are supposed to be either killed or made prisoners ; the oxen being found dead with their tongues cut out." They had been to the mill and were returning with their load, when an am- buscade was form d for them, into which they fell and were tat en captive. They were conducted to Canada, and, after a considerable time, were per- mitted to return to Boston under a flag of truce. The savages (says Rev. H. H. Sanderson, in his- " History of Charlestown "), having thus prosper- ously commenced their incursions, continued, dur- ing the remainder of the spring and summer, to make frequent inroads upon the frontiers ; and calamities followed many of the settlements thick and fast. The Indians were constantly on the alert to do all the mischief in their power, and no sooner had they done all the evil they could in one settlement, than they were off, in some unex- pected direction, to fall upon another. On the 2d of May, in less than two weeks from the time of the first inroad into No. 4, having attacked, in the meanwhile, the fort of Upper Ashuelot and vis- ited the neighborhood of Northfield and prowled around New Hopkinton, they again appeared in the place, and Seth Putnam, the first victim of In- dian vengeance, was killed. The following are the circumstances under which this happened : As the women, towards evening, were going out to do their accustomed milking, they were attended by Major Josiah Wil- lard, the son of the commander of- Fort Dummer, and several soldiers as a guard. On approaching the booth or barn, where the cows were stalled, they were immediately fired upon by a party of eight Indians, who were lying in concealment and awaiting their arrival. One shot took fatal effect on Mr. Putnam, but none of the others were in- jured. But as they saw Mr. Putnam fall, and, according to their custom, sprang forward fijr the purpose of scalping him, the major and his men fired upon them in turn, mortally wounding two of their number ; when, dragging their dying companions after them, they made a precipitate retreat. This event overspread the settlement with gloom, and excited in the minds of the inhabitants, as it well might do, the most anxious forebodings in relation to what was to come, and led them to realize, what was the fact, that there was to be, thenceforth, no safety, not even in the presence of an armed guard. For three weeks from this event the utmost ex- citement prevailed ; for, as the garrison was small and unequal to the repelling of any considerable force, the inhabitants stood waiting in constant ex- pectation of another of their incursions. But though the Indians were still active, and made their presence felt, during this time, at Contoocook, Lower and Upper Ashuelot, Bernardston, Cole- raine and Fort Massachusetts, they did not appear again at No. 4. For a long series of years this settlement was the scene of Indian and French depredations, which greatly retarded the settlement of the place. Incorporation of Town. — A petition for the incorporation of the town, signed by Phineas Stevens, was presented to the Governor and Coun- cil, although at what date is not stated in the petition. But in answer to this petition the town was chartered by the government of New Hamp- shire July 2, 1753. They named Charlestown in honor of Commo- dore Sir Charles Knowles, of the English navy. The name was probably suggested by Captain Phineas Stevens, in consequence of his having been presented with an elegant sword by the Eng- lish officer, as a tribute to his bravery in defending the fort at No. 4, April 4, 1747. The First Town-Meeting was held at the " fort," with Captain Phineas Stevens as modera- tor, August 14, 1753, when the following officers were elected : 26 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Voted, First : that John Hastings be the town rendezvous for the army of General John Stark. clerk. It was also, early in the war, a recruiting station. " 2nd. Voted, that there be three selectmen chosen The following is a list of Revolutionary soldiers : for the present year. The following persons held offices : " 3d. Voted, that Captain Phineas Stevens, John Hastings and Captain John Spafford be selectmen for Lieutenant-Colonel Sam- Captain Samuel Wether- the present year. uel Hunt. be. " 4th. Voted, that Captain Phineas Stevens be Lieutenant-Colonel Sam- Captain Abel Walker. the town treasurer for the present year. uel Stevens. Captain William Holden. " 5th. Voted, that Deacon Thomas Adams be con- Major William Heywood. Lieutenant Bradford stable for the present year. Quartermaster Jonathan Spafford. " 6th. Voted, that Ebenezer Putnam be tithing Willard. Lieutenant Seth Walker. man for the present year. Quartermaster Jotham Lieutenant Peleg Wil- " 7th. Voted, that there be a sufficient pound built White. liams. and set up in this town. Captain Isaac Farwell. Elijah Grout, commissary. " 8th. Voted, that John Hastings, jr., and Moses Captain Peter Page. Dr. David Taylor, sur- Wheeler be surveyors for the highways for the pres-- Captain Simon Sartwell. geon. ent year. Captain James Farns- Dr. William Page, sur- " 9th. Voted, that Nathaniel Parker and William worth. geon. Heywood be fence viewers for the present year. Privates. " 10th. Voted, that James Farnsworth and Ben- Joseph Farwell. Joseph Wood. jamin Allen be the field drivers for the present year. William Leighton. Samuel Atkins. "11th. Voted. That Lieutenant Isaac Parker be Abner Powers. William Osgood. the pound keeper. Simeon Powers. Comfort Towner. " 12th. Voted, that Nathaniel Parker and Sylvanus Nathaniel Powers. Moses Spafford. Hastings be hog-reeves for the present year. Benjamin Powers. John Hart. " 13th. Voted, that the hogs in town shall have Whitcomb Powers. Asa Walker. liberty to run on the common, for the space of three Lemuel Royce. Josiah Reed. weeks, provided that they be yoked and ringed. Matthew Grier. Joseph Spencer. " 14th. Voted, that this meeting be adjourned to 2 Joseph Powers. Oliver Hastings. of the clock, afternoon." Seth Putnam. Samuel Remington. Thomas Putnam. Oliver Farnsworth. Timothy Putnam. Daniel Elmore. Lewis Putnam. Thomas Rose. Jedidiah Eice. Moses Wheeler. CHAPTER II. John Sartwell. John Hastings, Jr. CHAKLESTOWN— ( Conlimied). John Beckwith. Eleazer Heywood. Oliver Cook. John Simonds. MILITARY HISTOEY. Eliab Gleason. Robert Rand. Levi Simonds. Thomas Dutton. War of the Revolution — Military Rendezvous Tlie Town John Cross. Calvin Judevine. a Recruiting Station — List of Revolutionary Soldiers Amasa Grout. Oliver Farwell. War of 1812— List of Soldiers— War of the Rebellion- Noah Porter. Prentice Barrows. List of Soldiers. Phineas Page. Samuel Gunnison. Nathaniel Holden. Gilbert Caswell. Charlestown warmly es[)oused the colonial Ebenezer Geer. Silas Porter. cause, and responded nobly both in men and Silas Simonds. William Willard. money. In consequence of its location it was Nathan Allen. Sylvanus Johnson. made a depot for military supplies, and was the Ebenezer Farnsworth. Richard Holden. CHARLESTOWN. 27 Moses Willard. Peter Labaree, Jr. Aaron Adams. Julius Silsby. War op 1812. — The following are the names of soldiers of Captain Nathan Glidden's company, belonging to Charlestown, enlisted September 13, 1814, for three months : Nathan Glidden, captain, Moses Judevine, first lieu- Unity, tenant, Charlestown. Privates. Guy Adams, Charlestown. W. Delano, Charlestown. J. F. Allen, Charlestown. J. Wheeler, Charlestown. C. Corbin, Charlestown. C. Miller, Charlestown. E. Darling, Charlestown. H. Bartlett, Charlestown. Moses Carpenter, Charles- Guy Carlton, Charles- town. town. In Captain James M. Warner's company : Jas. M. Warner, captain, P. Richardson, Charles- Acworth. town. L. Boutell, Charlestown. S. Steel, Jr., Charles- G. Hilton, Charlestown. town. S. Hunt, Charlestown. H. Spaulding, Charles- E. Henry, Charlestown. town. C. Perry, Charlestown. L. Willard, Charlestown. In Captain Josiah Bellows' company, enlisted September 26, 1814, for sixty days: Lewis Hunt, lieutenant, Levi Abbott, sergeant, Charlestown. Charlestown. Royal Bellows, Q. M. Ser- Nathan Putnam, corporal, geant, Charlestown. Charlestown. Privates. Seth Hart, Charlestown. J. Labaree, Charlestown. S. Y. Carlisle, Charles- John Dunsmoor, Charles- town. town. A. Watkins, Charlestown. E.Putnam, Charlestown. J. Adams, Charlestown. W. Henry, Charlestown. W. Powers, Charlestown. L. Osgood, Charlestown. S. Powers, Charlestown. L. Huntoon, Charlestown. J. Simonds, Ch arlestown. Wilber Andrews, Charles- H. Baldwin, Charlestown. town. The above company was stationed at Ports- mouth. The only person who enlisted in the Mexican War was John J. Moody, who was in the Ninth United States Infantry. War of the Rebellion. — The following is a list of soldiers from this town during the late Re- bellion : riEST EEGIMENT CAVALEY. David W. Parks, mustered in Troop A March 29, 1864. Edgar S. Wolf, mustered in Troop A March 19, 1864 ; wounded slightly August 25, 1864. John Williams, mustered in Troop A February 5, 1864 ; mustered out July 15, 1865. Enos P. Trussell, mustered in Troop C April 9, 1864 ; wounded and missing at Kearneysville, Va., Au- gust 25, 1864; lives in Richmond, Va. Royal H. Kendall, mustered in Troop C March 31, 1864; wounded severely August 25, 1864; mus- tered out July 15, 1865. Martin Maddigan, mustered in Troop H August 19,' 1864 ; mustered out August 14, 1865. William H. Keen, mustered in Troop L February 13, 1864. George H. Frost, mustered in Troop L February 13, 1864 ; missing at Winchester, Va., August 17, 1864; gained from missing; mustered out June 5, 1865. Richard R. Robertson, mustered in Troop L March 19, 1864; promoted to corporal June 30, 1865; mustered out July 15, 1865. Sidney Way, mustered in Troop L August 29, 1862 ; promoted to corporal. THIRD INFANTRY. George W. Constantine, enlisted in Company A, Third New Hampshire, August 22, 1861 ; re-en- listed February 22, 1864. Charles H. Derby, enlisted in Company A August 23, 1861 ; promoted to corporal ; mustered out Octo- ber 26, 1864. Sylvester Judd, enlisted October 8, 1863, for three years ; out July 20, 1865. FIFTH INFANTRY. (" No regiment," says the adjutant-general, " fought better, and few, if any, fought oftener. Wherever the Army of the Potomac met the enemy there lie the bones of men of the Fifth New Hampshire. No regiment from the State had so long a list of battles or mourns the loss of so many men. Its story is sad but glorious !") John G. Simonds, enlisted Company B, Fifth New 28 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hampshire, October 2, 1863 ; promoted to first lieutenant October 28, 1864. Charles Jenkins, Company B, D or S, for three years, October 2, 1863 ; promoted to corporal ; wounded June 3, 1864; promoted to sergeant; promoted to first lieutenant October 28, 1864. Winfield Scott Hassam, Company C^ D or S, for three years, August 9, 1864; mustered out June 28, 1865. Edmund B. Chadborn, enlisted in Company G Octo- ber 12, 1861, died at Ship Point, Va., April 24, 1862, George W. Brooks, veteran, re-enlisted in Company G February 19, 1864; promoted to corporal; captured June 2, 1864 ; mustered out June 17, 1865. A. C. Bemis, enlisted October 12, 1861, in Company G ; volunteer ; wounded slightly June 23, 1864 ; discharged for disability, no date. Joseph Brisland, enlisted December 10, 1863, for three years; transferred from Company G to Ninth New Hampshire Volunteers June 1, 1865; promoted to corporal July 1, 1865 ; mustered out July 17, 1865. James Dolon, Jr., enlisted in Company G October 12, 1861 ; discharged for disability at Concord, N. H., July 25, 1862. George H. Hackett, enlisted in Company G October 12, 1861 ; enlisted Fifth New Hampshire Volun- teers ; wounded at Gettysburg ; died of wounds at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., November 12, 1863. Webster Nash, enlisted in Company G, October 12, 1861 ; instantly killed at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1862. William Blake Robertson, enlisted in Company G, October 12, 1861 ; discharged March 25, 1862 ; died of consumption at Charlestown, N. H., Sep- tember 17, 1871. Otis Thompson, enlisted in Company G, under Cap- tain Long ; was instantly killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. William Woods, enlisted in Company G, February 19, 1864 ; promoted sergeant ; killed at Peters- burg, Va., June 17, 1864. Daniel Pierce, enlisted in Company G, October 12, 1861 ; discharged for disability January 8, 1863. George A. Wheeler, enlisted in Company G, October 12,1861; wounded December 13, 1862; died of wounds December 16, 1862. Lewis Holden, enlisted in Company G, March, 1862, for three years ; discharged soon after the seven days' retreat ; he then enlisted in the Eighth Connecticut Volunteers for three years ; served two ; was one of the first to enter Richmond ; after being discharged he enlisted in the United States Infantry ; served three years on Texas Frontier ; he was promoted to sergeant and dis- charged as such at Fort Ringgold, 1868. James C. Parrish, enlisted in Company H, Fifth Regiment, October 19, 1861 ; re-enlisted January 1, 1864. SIXTH IjSTPANTKY. William Milliken, enlisted in Company F, November 28, 1861 ; discharged for disability November 3, 1862. William Burns, enlisted January 4, 1864, in Company H ; mustered out July 17, 1865. John Conley, enlisted February 9, 1864 ; transferred from Company E to Eleventh New Hampshire, June 1, 1865 ; absent, sick, July 17, 1865. SEVENTH INFAKTRY. (The Seventh New Hampshire was in the terrible charge at Fort Wagner.) William Coffrin, veteran, enlisted in Company K, Seventh New Hampshire, February 29, 1864; promoted to corporal December 9, 1864; pro- moted to sergeant May 3, 1865 ; mustered out July 20, 1865. Henry G. Webber, enlisted August 26, 1862; pro- moted to adjutant ; died at Cincinnati, 0., April 12, 1873. NINTH INFANTRY. George R. Peasley, enlisted in Company G, September 18, 1862; wounded June 21, 1864. John R. Peasley, enlisted August 13, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps July 1, 1863. Charles N. Goodwin, enlisted in Company G, August 13, 1862 ; three years' volunteer ; promoted to corporal; wounded June 25,1864; absent and sick afterwards. Horace G. Kendall, enlisted in Company G, August 13,1862; three years' volunteer; wounded May 12, 1864; died of wounds at Washington, D. C, June 5, 1864; interred in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Frederic Royce, enlisted in Company G, June 13, 1862 ; three years' volunteer ; mustered out June 10, 1865. CHARLESTOWN. 29 William H. Royce, enlisted in Company G, June 13, 1862 ; three years' volunteer ; promoted to cor- poral ; wounded May 12, 1864; also wounded July 30, 1864; died of wounds at Fort Scliuyler, N. Y., August 17, 1864. Michael Torpy, enlisted in Company G, August IS, 1863, three years ; mustered out June 10, 1865. George W. Gibson, recruit and volunteer, enlisted in Company G, December 10, 1863; captured at Poplar Grove Church, Va., September 80, 1864; paroled October 7, 1864 ; mustered out May 22, 1865. George T. Ward, enlisted in Company G, August 14, 1862. Napoleon B. Osgood, enlisted August 19, 1862, for three years; mustered out June 6, 1865. FOUETEENTH INFANTRY. John Ashey, enlisted January 4, 1864, in Company I, for three years ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Lewis Ashey, enlisted January 5, 1864, in Company G, for three years ; mustered out July 8, 1865. The following were in Company B : Emanuel D. J. Bailey, enlisted May 12, 1864, three years' volunteer ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Henry E. Barrett, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; pro- moted to first sergeant September 24, 1862 ; to second lieutenant April 4, 1863 ; honorably dis- charged March 22, 1864. Frederick B. Andrews, enlisted September 22, 1862; was instantly killed in battle near Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864 ; he fills an unknown grave. Warren Abbott, enlisted September 22,1862; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Norman L. Adams, enlisted September 22, 1862; pro- moted to corporal April 14,1864; mustered out July 8, 1865; John Loren Adams, enlisted December 22, 1863 ; re- cruit, three years' volunteer ; mustered out July 8, 1865. James Bowman, enlisted December 23, 1868 ; wound- ed September 19, 1864; died of wounds at Win- chester, Va., November 4, 1864. William J. Bosworth, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; died in hospital of disease, at Washington, D. C, January 19, 1864. Patrick O'Brien, enlisted September 22, 1862; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. John F. Cooley, enlisted September 22, 1862; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. John Casey, D. or S., December 22, 1863, for three years ; mustered out June 6, 1865. Charles N. Corbin, December 22, 1863 ; drafted for three years ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Oliver Mitchell, enlisted December 29, 1863, for three years ; wounded September 19, 1864 ; discharged for disability at Manchester, N. H., May 8, 1865. Richard B. Cornwell, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; wounded Sept. 19, 1864, mustered out July 8, 1865. James W. Corbin, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; trans- ferred to Company A, November, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Chauncy L. Corbin, musician, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; honorably discharged at Concord, N. H., January 19, 1864, for disability. Henry Easter, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Hiram Green, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. John Hassam, enlisted October 9, 1862 ; died of dis- ease at Washington, D. C, July 31, 1863. Charles E. Holbrook, enlisted October 9, 1862 ; second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant, April 4, 1863 ; honorably discharged April 23, 1864. John King, enlisted September 22, 1862; mustered out July 8, 1865. John Kelly, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles H. Knapp, enlisted January 4, 1861 ; three years' volunteer ; mustered out July 8, 1865. George R. Knapp, enlisted September 22, 1862; pro- moted to corporal, February 1,1862; mustered out July 8, 1865. Patrick McKean, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Willard Lawrence, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; wounded September 19, 1864; died of wounds at Winchester, Va., September 26, 1864. Van Buren Leland, enlisted September 22, 1862; pro- moted to corporal December 9, 18G4 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. George H. Lynds, enlisted January 12, 1864; three years' volunteer ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles H. Melville, enlisted October 7, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Michael McMahon, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. 30 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. William McMahon, enlisted October 2, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Harlan P. Marshall, enlisted September 22, 1862; promoted to corporal June 1, 1866 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. George W. Parks, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Fred. S. Parks, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. Oi-son D. Putnam, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; died of disease at Natchez, Miss., July 22, 1864. Levi G. Richardson, enlisted September 22, 1862; died of disease in New York City October 22, 1864. Lucius Rumrill, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Stephen A. Spooner, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; promoted to corporal May 1, 1863 ; honorably discharged at Concord, N. H., January 16, 1865, for disability. Thomas O'SuUivan, enlisted September 22, 1862; honorably discharged at Concord, N. H., July 7, 1864, for disability. Erastus Smith, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; wounded slightly September 19, 1864 ; mustered out July 8, 1865. George A. White, enlisted September 22, 1862 ; mus- tered out July 8, 1865. Albert H. Tyrell, enlisted September 22, 1862; pro- moted to sergeant May 1, 1863 ; wounded Sep- tember 19, 1864; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles H. Wright, enlisted September 22, 1862; wounded September 19, 1864 ; mustered out May 24, 1865. Charles Smith, enlisted December 22, 1863 ; three years' volunteer ; mustered out July 8, 1865. FIRST EEGIMENT VOLUNTEER HEAVY ARTILLERY. Sylvester A. Hamlin, first sergeant, enlisted Septem- ber 7, 1864, for one year ; wounded at Fair Oaks ; mustered out June 15, 1865. William S. Gibson was two years in Massachusetts Second Regiment and two years in First Con- necticut. Nelson A. Rich, enlisted July 10, 1861, in a Vermont regiment; discharged September 16, 1864; re- enlisted February 7, 1865; discharged February 6, 1866 ; was in the Army of the Potomac. CHAP TEE III. CHARLKSTOWN— (CoiK/jiMerf). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Unitarian Church — Congregational Church— Methodist Episcopal Church — St. Luke's Church. Unitabiax Church. — The first church in this town was organized December 4, 1754, with Rev. John Dennis as pastor. His salary was fifty pounds. So great were the fears of the people of invasions by the Indians that his ordination was at Northfield, Mass. May 13, 1754, the town voted as follows : " Voted — 1st, that they will apply to Mr. John Dennis to settle in the work of the gospel ministry in this town ; and for the encouragement of the said Mr. Dennis to settle in this town, in the work of the gospel ministry, as aforesaid, " Voted — That the town will build for the said Mr. Dennis, a log-house of hewn timber, of the following dimensions ; viz. — the house to be thirty-six feet in length, and nineteen feet in width, and sixteen feet stud ; and to be jutted at the chamber in the common manner; and also to build, and setup a stack of brick chimneys, and a good convenient cellar ; and also to lay the lower floors, and find boards for the upper floors, and set up the partitions and doors to the lower rooms ; and also to board and shingle the roof of said house. " Voted — That the town will clear up a three-acre lot, No. 14, in the great meadow, fit for mowing ; and that they will plough, fit and sow with wheat four acres of a five-acre lot, No. 59, lying in the great meadow. " Voted — That the town will pay to Mr. Dennis the sum of fifty pounds, annually, lawful money, to be paid equal to silver at six shillings and eight pence per ounce, if he shall see cause in the work of the gospel ministry in the town, and also to provide his firewood, brought to his house and cut cord-wood length. " Voted — That there be five men chosen to carry and offer the proposals of the town to Mr. John Den- nis, and to receive his answer, and make return there- of to this meeting. " Voted — That John Hastings, Phineas Stevens, Esq., Mr. Andrew Gardner, Lieutenant Isaac Parker CHAKLESTOWN. 31 and Ensign David Farnsworth be a committee to carry the proposals of the town to Mr. Dennis, and receive his answer as aforesaid." At an adjourned meeting held May 22, 1754, the following was added : " Voted — That the town will raise the sum of eight pounds, lawful money of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, to defray the charge of transporting Mr. Dennis' family to this town, if the said Dennis shall accept the proposals the town has made ; and shall see cause to come and settle in the work of the gospel ministry among us." Mr. Dennis was dismissed March 31, 1756. The second minister of the town was Rev. Bulk ley Olcott. The following is the first account of hin^ in connection with his ministry in Charles- town : "At a legal meeting of the town, held at the Old Fort, on the 11th day of August, 1760, it was voted, that the town will choose a Committee to go and dis- course with Mr. Olcott, and see wliether he will be prevailed upon to stay and preach with us a longer time ; and that Lieutenant Isaac Parker, John Hast- ings, Seth Walker, Lieutenant John Sawyer, Mr. Seth Putnam, Captain John Spafford, Peter Labaree, (and) William Heywood, be a committee to discourse with Mr. Olcott on the premises." The salary offered was the whole of the right of land commonly called the ministerial right, which Mr. Dennis had relinquished, and one hundred pounds, lawful money of the province of Massachusetts Bay. But this salary was not satis- factory ; and, in addition to the ministerial right, in the place of the one hundred pounds, the fol- lowing votes were substituted : " Voted, that the town give Mr. Olcott the sum of forty-five pounds sterling, or silver or gold equivalent thereto, for the first year ; after the first year the town will add to his salary the sum of thirty shillings per annum, until his salary shall amount to the sum of sixty pounds sterling, or silver or gold equivalent : which sum to be his stated or standing salary during the time he shall continue to be our minister ; the one-half of the above-mentioned salary to be paid him at the end of half a year after he shall accept of our proposals ; the other half at the year's end and so yearly, the time he shall continue our minister." In addition to the above, it was " Voted, that the town will give or provide Mr. Olcott thirty cords of wood, annually brought to his door during the time he shall continue to be our minister : to begin to provide him his wood, as above said, at the time he shall keep house by himself" His ordination took place on the 28th of May, 1761. Such had been the changes in Oharlestown, owing to the war and the circumstances of the dis- mission of ]Mr. Dennis, that it was deemed best, at the ordination and installation of Mr. Olcott, that a new church should be organized, which was accordingly done. This consisted, so far as males were concerned, of Mr. Olcott and nine others, viz. : Isaac Parker, Seth Walker, Seth Putnam, Stephen Farnsworth, Ebenezer Putnam, Thomas Putnam, Joel Matthews, William Heywood and John Spafford. Of this church Ebenezer Putnam was installed the first deacon. The female members, owing to the loss of the church records, cannot now be ascertained. On the 11th of August, 1760, before the settle- ment of Mr. Olcott, the town voted to build a log house for public worship, of the following dimen- sions, viz. : thirty-four feet long, twenty feet wide, and eight feet between joints ; and to place it on Meeting-House Hill. They voted twenty pounds, lawful money, to be levied on the inhabitants for building the house, jwovided so much should be needed A committee was appointed to see to and forward the building, with directions that it should be completed by the last day of the following Sep- tember. On the 17th day of the following October the town voted to raise the further sum of ten pounds, lawful money, for the purpose of " finishing the house so far as to build seats, glaze the house, finish the pulpit, so far as needful, make window- shutters and calk the said house." The house was completed in 1768. Mr. Olcott became an efficient agent in helping forward the prosperity of the place. Under the 32 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. influence of his guiding and directing mind the church prospered, education made progress, and society became both more cultivated and orderly ; and he did much in every respect by his instrumen- tality for laying that foundation of prosperity and respectability which the town for a long series of years so abundantly enjoyed. He died June 26 1793. During a period of seventeen years the parish remained destitute of stated preaching. During the latter portion of this period, however. Rev. Daniel Foster supplied. He died in 1809. His successor was Rev. Jaazaniah Crosby, D. D., who was installed October 17, 1810. He became a Unitarian, and in 1835 a number of the church members, who could not follow his teachings, with- drew and organized what is now the Congregational Church. Dr. Crosby officiated until 1855, when he resigned the main charge of the parish, and had the following colleagues : Revs. Adam Ayer Edward Baker and L. Stone. He, however, as- sisted occasionally until 1863 He died December 30, 1864. He was succeeded by Rev. John M. Merrick, who commenced his labors April 1, 1879, and continued until his death, March 19, 1870. Rev. Eugene De Normandie became pastor July 1, 1871, and remained until April 1, 1876. He was succeeded by Rev. A. 8. Nickerson, who began his ministry June 1, 1876, closed Jufie 1, 1878; Rev. A. E. MuUett, began his ministry October 1, 1878, closed January 1, 1880 ; Rev. T. D. Howard, began his ministry March 1, 1880, and is the present pastor. Congregational Chuech. — The Congrega- tional Church was formed August 1, 1835, with thirty-five members who had withdrawn from the old church in consequence of the Unitarian views expressed by Dr. Crosby. The first pastor was Rev. Joseph Curtis, who remained about one year. His successors were Rev. John C. Wilder, J. De Forest Richards, from 1841 to 1851 ; Worthington Wright, from 1851 to 1855. After the dismission of Mr. AVright the church was without a settled pastor until 1874. The pulpit was supplied, how- ever, during this time by stated supplies, among whom were Revs. J. G. Wilson, Joseph Garland,- F. Shattuck, S. G. Tenney and Henry H. Saunder- son, from October 10, 1864, to October 10, 1873. Rev. George W. Kinne was installed April 29, 1874, and remained until April, 1876 ; Benjamin Labaree and Rev. Ezra Alden were temporary supplies until Rev. George H. Dunlap, from August 23, 1877, to March, 1881. Rev. George H. French has been the minister since April, 1881. The first services of this church were held in the old court-house until the erection of the church edifice, in 1839. Methodist Episcopal Church. — The first Methodist Society in this town was formed in 1801. A society was incorporated July 3, 1827, with the following members : Jacob Wright, Nathan Howard, John Metcalf, J. B. Hubbard and Thomas Whipple. The following is a list of pastors of the church : 1836, Rev. Zeb. Tvvitchel; 1837-38, Eev. Amos Kidder; 1839, Rev. Silas Quimby ; 1840^2, Rev. Benjamin C. Eastman; 1843, Rev. Samuel A. Gush- ing ; 1844, Rev. Amon S. Tenney ; 1845, supplied by Rev. G. W. Y. Rogers ; 1 846, by Rev. Thomas H. Rood ; 1847, Stephen Eastman ministered ; 1848, Eev. Jared Perkins; 1849, Rev. Richard Newhall ; 1850-51, Rev. Matthew Newhall ; 1852-53, Rev. Simeon P. Heath; 1854, Rev. Charles H. Chase ; 1855-56, Rev. Nelson Martin ; 1857, Rev. John English ; 1858-59, Rev. R. Edmund Danforth ; 1860-61, Rev. Joseph Faucet; 1862, supplied by the Rev. A. C." Button ; 1863-65, Rev. Silas Quimby ministered to them; 1866-67, Rev. Lucien W. Prescot ; 1868, Rev. Samuel J. Robinson ; 1869-71, Rev. Joseph H. Hilman ; 1872, Rev. Andrew L. Kendall'; 1873-74, Rev. Charles E. Rogers; 1875- 77, Rev. George F. Wells; 1878-80, Rev. Joseph Hayes; 1881-83, Rev. George N. Bryant; Rev. A. R. Lunt, from April, 1884, to present time. St. Luke's Church. — The Episcopal Church in this town was organized April 18, 1822, the chief movers in the enterprise being Roys Jones, Dr. Putnam Barron, Shaler Towner, Thomas and Daniel Whipple, James Meacham, David Parker and others. In 1829 the name of the church was changed to St. Luke's. < w Q »—* M Q O O w U K ■J < Z X [J u P CO £5 CHARLESTOWN. 33 The first rector was Rev. James B. Howe. His successors were Revs. George Richardson, Edward Ballard, Darius Barker, Henry S, Smith and Edward Livermore. From 1841 to 1860 there were no regular services held in town. In that year services were com menced, and March 23, 1863, a parish organization was effected with the following officers: Porter Spencer, senior warden ; George Olcott, Jr. , and Richardson RobertsoDj vestrymen. The church edifice was erected in 1863, and consecrated De- cember 11th of that year. It was beautifipd and enlarged in 1869. The first rector of the church was Rev. Francis Chase, who remained until May, 1874 He was succeeded by Rev. R. M. Berkeley, who officiated until May 30, 1882 ; Rev. Charles F. Sweet was rector from October 1, 1882, to May 1, 1883 ; Rev. Henry L. Phillips was in charge from July 1, 1883 to September 9, 1884 ; since which time the parish has had no settled rector. " WooDSiDE " — Charlestown is, as a town, not only of interest on account of the reminiscences of the exploits of early (^ays, when the valor of its inhabitants saved it from extermination by the merciless savages ; not only from the stern integ- rity, the industry, the perseverance and the intel- ligence of its settlers, the wealth of its productive farms, the charms of the picturesque mountain scenery and ever-changing views which so divers- ify the lovely Connecticut Valley ; not ouly from the massive intellects which, reared under the shadow of its hills and on the borders of its waters, have attained the fullness of ripe maturity and gone forth to occupy prominent positions of honor and distinction in the service of the State, and in the fields of law, literature, religion and science^ among whom the names of Gilchrist, Cushing, Ol- cott and Hubbard are conspicuous, but on account of the cultured taste that, combined with the kind profusion of nature, have made it a summer re- sort which those who are " to the manor born," and the stranger, tarrying for a brief period amid its beauties, alike pronounce one of the most en- joyable and attractive to be found in many a mile of distance, and to combine many of the lovely. features found by Dr. Johnson in his fabled " Val- ley of Rasselas." The magnificent elms, towering in arching columns of strength and beauty over the broad, clean streets, the quiet calm and restful- ness that here comes to soothe the tired spirit, the perfect healthfulness of the climate and the taste- ful residences and their artistic surroundings, all blend in painting upon the canvas of the mind a picture of rural joy and sylvan happiness which will not soon be obliterated. Among the loveliest of the homes so pleasantly and thickly scattered through the village is " Woodside," the residence of Sherman Paris, a business man of New York City, who, while traveling in 1867, passed a few days in Charles- town, became acquained with its beauties and pur- chased the " Old Olcott Place," with the view of keeping it as a country-seat, but, perceiving the rare advantages of the locality, he remodeled and enlarged the house for a permanent residence, laid out the grounds according to the most approved methods of modern landscape gardening, built ex tensive green-houses and graperies, a "pavilion," or summer-house, which, for lightness, neatness and beauty of its architecture, is, perhaps, unsur- passed by any structure of its kind in the country ; and, with his artistic tastes and the means to grat- ify them, he ha^ made "Woodside" and its sur- roundings " a thing of beauty and a joy " to every passer-by. Floriculture is here brought, as near as possible, to perfection, and the garden is not surpassed by any in New Hampshire. Imagine thousands upon thousands of the finest green-house flowers and plants, with their varied hues, placed into the open ground, and one may get something of a concep- tion of the sight which awaits the visitor. The luxuriant hedges are the wonder of the country — rivaling those of England — and are an object of interest to many English tourists, who are drawn to Charlestown especially to see them. But the pen of the writer cannot, in any adequate manner, describe the beauties and perfections of "Wood- side." It should be seen and enjoyed by every lover of the picturesque. 34 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. CHAPTER IV. CHARLE STO WN— ( Continued). Educational — First Schools — Early Votes of the Town — Private Schools — JIasonic History — Faithful Lodge, No. 12 — List of Physicians — Lawyers — Connecticut Eiver Bank — Connecticut Eiver National Bank — Robbery of Bank— The Town Hall— Civil History— Town Clerks from 1753-1885— Representatives from 1768-1885. Educational. — The first reference on the old town records to the subject of schools is under date of August 12, 1763, when it was " Voted 1st, on the 4th Article that the town will pay for schooling, viz. : Doct. Taylor and Samuel Stevens, Esq. Dissent entered, viz. : James Porter, Seth Walker, Jr., Simon Sartwell, Jos. Willard, Lieut. John Sawyer, James Nutting Willard, Moses Willard and James Farnsworth, all appeared and objected against the foregoing vote and paid for entering the same. " Voted 2d, on the 4th Article that there shall be a school kept in the town for the fiiture. " Voted 3d, on 2d Article that the school shall be kept in different parts of the town, in proportion to what each part shall pay towards said school. " Voted 4th, on 2d Article, that Messrs. Ebenezer Putnam, Samuel Stevens, Esq., and Simon Sartwell be a committee to see that the school be proportioned agreeable to the foregoing vote. " Voted 5th, on the 4th Article that the aforesaid committee be empowered to provide such school mas- ters or mistresses from time to time in the several parts of the town as shall be needful till our next an- nual meeting." In October, 1764,— " Voted that the school shall be kept in the differ- ent parts of the town, in proportion to what each part shall pay towards said school. Voted, that John Hast- ings, Jr., James Porter and Thomas Putnam be a committee, for regulating the above said school." There was a school by the vote of the town also in 1765. There is no further record of any school till 1769, when the following votes were passed at the annual town-meeting : " Voted on the 4th Article, that there shall be a school kept in the town. " Voted 2d, on said Article, that the school be kept in the different parts of the town, in proportion to what each part shall pay towards said school. " Voted 3d, on said Article, that it shall be left with the selectmen to proportion the school in the different parts of the town, and also to provide a school-mas- ter." In March, 1770, the sixth article in the town warrant was " To see if the town will provide for a school the wliole or part of the ensuing year and to vote on any other matter that shall be thought or found necessary." On this it was voted that a school be kept and the sum of twenty-seven pounds should be raised and assessed on the inhabitants for its benefit ; and that the town should be divided into three districts, each of which should draw its j)roportion of the money raised according to its other assessment, and, provided either district should fail to appro- priate its proportion to the use of a school, such proportion as was not thus appropriated was to be forfeited to such district or districts as should ap- propriate it to that object. Simon Sartwell, Cap- tain John Church and Elijah Grout were the committee to divide the town into districts. JVIessrs. Ebenezer Putnam, Elijah Grout and Peter Laba- ree were appointed a committee to provide a school for the north district; Messrs. Simon Sartwell, Seth "Walker and Joseph Willard for the south district, and Messrs. John Church, Lemuel Hast- ings and Abel Walker for the middle of the town. In the November following these votes the mid- dle district took measures to provide themselves with a school-house. The following is a list of persons employed upon the house from November 5 to November 12, 1770, and also an account of some materials furnished by individuals for the building : On this house Abel Walker worked eight days ; Joseph King, bricklayer, six ; Lemuel Hastings, four and a fraction ; Sylvanus Hastings, four ; John Simons (Simonds), Jonathan Wetherbe and Taylor Spencer, three each ; Peter Page, Elijah Parker, Peleg Williams, Landon Priest and Aaron Wil- lard, two each ; Bradstreet Spaflbrd, Barrat (pro- CHAKLESTOWN. 36 bably John Barrett) and Elisha Farwell, one each ; Stephen Alvord, three hours ; Samuel Hunt found five hundred feet of boards. In 1772, £50 were voted for schools; in 1773, £40 ; 1774, £40 ; 1775, £45 ; 1777, £45 ; 1778, £100; 1780, £45; 1781, £45; and 1782, £60 The schools have been liberally supported from that time to the present. Among the private schools which have existed in the town were those of Rev. Samuel Crosby, Rev. Daniel Foster, Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss Pratt. MASONIC. The first Masonic body in this town was called Vermont Lodge, which met for the first time here jSTovember 26, 1781. It was moved to Springfield, Vt, in 1788. Faithful Lodge, ,No. 12, was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts February 23, 1788. A second charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire April 30, 1800. It was in- corporated June, 1821. No convocations of the lodge were held from 1828 to 1862. The lodge was revived in 1862. List op Physicians. — John Hastings was one of the early inhabitants, and the earliest physician and surgeon of the township, and also one of its most distinguished and useful citizens Among others were David Taylor, William Page, Oliver Hastings, Thomas Bliss, Joseph Roby, Edmund Pelouze, Putnam Barron, Jacob Adams, John Duncan, Dr. Webber, Horace Saunders, Pliny Safibrd, Alexander Campbell, Hiram Hoyt, John W. Furbur, S. E Hale, Otis Russell Freeman, David H. Marden, Daniel Pierce, James Monroe Whitaker, David Comstock Moore, N. Grout Brooks, Dr. Frink, Dr. Leech, Dr. Pollard, Di-. Hall and Dr. Chandler. Lawyers. —Simeon Olcott, Benjamin West, Jo- seph Dennie, (a short time), Frederick A. Sumner, John C. Chamberlain, Samuel West (a short time), Samuel Hunt, Jr. (a short time), William Briggs, Henry Hubbard, George Olcott, John James Gilchrist, Edmund L. Cushing, Henry Hubbard, Jr., Alfred T. Batchelder (firm of Colby & Bat- chelder, since May 1, 1874). Banks.' — The first bank in Charlestown was chartered July 2, 1823, to continue until March I, 1844, under the name of "The President, Directors and Company of the Connecticut River Bank." Capital, $60,000, in one thousand shares of $60 each. The first meeting of the corporators was held in Hassam's Hotel July 10, 1824. The bank commenced business September 1, 1824. September 11, 1824, William Briggs was appointed a committee to build the vault and stone-work, and Horace Hall, Enos Stevens and Vyrling Lovell a committee to build the building, which was completed in 1825, and cost in all, including the vault, about $2400. George Olcott was cashier during the existence of the bank. He was appointed August 21, 1824. Preddents. Aaron Dean, from July 24, 1824, to December 5, 1824. Horace Hall, from December 5, 1824, to March 16, 1842. Enos Stevens, from March 16, 1842, to March 16, 1843. Samuel Crosby, from March 16, 1843, to the end. Directors. Aaron Dean, from July 10, 1824, till 1829. Horace Hall, from July 10, 1824, to March 16, 1842. ' Robert Band, from July 10, 1824, to the end. William Briggs, from July 10, 1824, to the end. Henry Hubbard, from July 10, 1824, to March 7, 1842. Enos Stevens, from July 10, 1824, to March 3, 1845. Vyrling Lovell, from July 10, 1824, to March 10, 1843. Samuel Crosby, from March 1, 1830, to the end. Isaac H. Wetherbe, from March 7, 1842, to the end. David Holton, from March 6, 1843, to the end. Samuel Webber, from March 6, 1843, to the end. Henry Hubbard, re-elected March 3, 1845, and served to the end. Seven directors were required by the charter. The average dividends of this bank during the 1 By George Olcott, Esq. 36 HISTORY OF Sri.LIVAN OOIXTY. NKW HAMP8U1UK. time it \v;\~ iu o^HMixtiou wore 7.1(56 j>er ivnt. jK^r annum. On final settlement it returueil to the $toiklu>lders it.s capital and twenty -tour svnd sovou- tenth* per cent, surplus piotits. At the time of the general susinnisioii. in ISoT, the bank determined not to suspend, and redeemed ! all its notes in s[>eoie — reducing their circulation to j^^iOiHl. re-issuing their bil's in August aud S-op- tember, l^o^'^. Bills of a new impression woiv issued in the latter month. i The seovmd bank in Charlestown was charteivil J June IS, 1S44, under the name of the " Conuecli- , cut River Bank," to continue until January 1, ISiv"). In approving the charter Governor John H. Steele s;iys, " I have signed the charter with reluctance — a reluctance arising from a doubt as to the constitutional right of any State to create a banking txnnpauy. See Article 1, Section 10, of the United States Constitution." The capital stock was originally §60,000 in one hundred shares of S600 each, which W!»s increased in 184^ to JS'IO.- 000, and in 185.3 to §100,000. The bank com- menced operations January 1, 184o. George Olcott, Esq . was cashier fi-om the be- ginning until his death, February 4, 18tU. His son, Gtxirge Olcott. Jr.. entered the bank as clerk in August. 18oo, was elected assistant cashier in 18(i'2, and at the death of his ftither was appointed cashier in his place, which office he held to the end of the charter. Pitfidaits. William Rrigg^?, from July 11, IS-to, to , 1S47. John W. Tappan, from March 1, 1S47, to Miuvh, 1S4S. Henry Hubbard, from M.ireh li, 1S4S, to March 5, IS-M. Samuel Webber, from Msu'ch o, ISel, to March 5, Hope Lathrop, from Mnrcli 6, lv~^oo, to the end. I>inctors. William Brigg-s, Febnuny 11, 1S47>. Samuel Hubbard, from Februiiry 11, 184<">, to March 4, ISeO. .Tolin W. Tappan, from February 11, 184r\ to March 6, 1S4S. Koswell Koi'crtsou, fn>m February 11, 1S4'>, to March 1. lS7>l!, Sauuiel Webber, flrom February 11, IS4"\ to Msreh o, 18-xi. Henry Hubbard, Jr., iWim February 11, 1S4">, to March ;i, 187U. Samuel Walker, fntm February 11. lS4-'>, to M;ir\>Ji 0. 18o4. Samuel St. .'ohu. Jr., frvnu March 1, 1847. to Marvh i!. 1848. Hope l.athit>p, frvnu Jlarch (!, 1848. to the end, Henry Hubbard, from March i>. 1848. to March 1, 18.M. Joseph W. Colburn, fn>m March 4, 18">0, to March 1. 18">:2. Royal Shumway, from March o. 18,'>1. to JIareh 1, Ljmsou Robertson, from Maivh ;5, 18-31. to March 1, I80::. Ansel Glover, from March 1, 18r>2, to the end, Asltbcl HaiuUn. tVom ^[arcll 1. ISo'J. to the eiul. Robert Elwell, from March 1, 18riJ, to the end. George M. Dickinson, fami March 1, 18e".?, to March 6, 18.">4. Ri^well Kebcrtsoii, from ^larcb i>, 18o4, to Matvh 1. I808. Jonathan Baker, from March o. KSr>r>, to the end. John W. fappau. from March 7>, 18.V>. to March :2, 18r>7. John M. Gliddcn, from March 'J. 18o7, to the ei\d, Samuel Walker, from Marcli 1, I808, to .Vpril 21, 1 8e8. Edmund L. Cashing, from .Vpril L'l, 18r>8, to March t;. i8(!4. Charles Willarvl, from March 0, 18(U, to the end. The number of directors was seven. Xovember 1. 1845, a dividend of §10 a shaiv was declared; March 2, ISlti, §'20; September 7, 18-lli, S-J4 : March 1, 1847, §'.'7 ; September t>, 1847, 4J per cent.: March 0, 1848, 4J per cent. From this time to Jlarch 3, 1851, the semi- auuunl dividends were four per cent, h^-om Sciv tcnihcr 1, 1851, to the end, in Sk>|)tember, 18l!4, they were three per cent. The bank, on final scttlc- uieiit, returned to the stockholders the full amouiit of the capital stock. The third bank iu Charlestown was orgnnized CIIAUIiKSTOWN. :!7 ilM(|cr I, he, liiuriiirUir llriilcil SI,mI,(.\m iiH " TIk'. ( Jmi iK^i'licdl, Itrivt^r Nnliiiiiiil limik," Ochihcr 21, \W\- (liipil.iil, l|10(),()00. I'lVHiilnil,, llojK^ LnlJiroii; ( 'iiHliicr, ( Jrorj^ri' Olcoli. IIoIm^iI I'llvvrll wiiH |iiTsi !>ii,lJii'(i|), S(!|il,ciiilirr liM, IH(1 1 ; (licii 1 )i'i'(^iiili('r ;n, IH7H. AliHi'l (Ihiviir, Si'lilmiilit'i- liH, ISdl; died Miircli, IH7!I. AHlibol lliuiiliii, IVoiii S(1|iI,rr 'JM, IKIll, Id Miircli "J.O, I.Sdri; r(!-i'ln('l,cil ,liiiniiii-y '.I, 1.S71!; ri'HiniK'il ill IH77. I'liidcli I IiuiiiiioikI WiwI, IVdiii Scplciiilicr ;iH, IHCil, |,d .liiiiiiiu'v 10, IHdri. Williiuil l>iiiiii., IVdUi ,11111111117 10, IHIifi, In Ndvciii- I, H, 1870. Itciijinuiii Wiiipjild, .liuiiiiu'y 0, I.SOd; died May 1.S71). (I,.di-nv OlcdU,, April .H, I8(i7. Cluii-lcH VVilliinl, .liiiiiiiii'.v !>, IK77, l.<) OcldliiT 211, ISSIl. ,ldlni(!. DiiiHiiidi'r, .liimiiiry II, IH7i(. l{,dlu'rl. I'llwi'll, .liiiiiiii.i'y II, 187!); difd .Iiiiiiniry, I SHI. William A. Iv'iiiid, .liuiiiary I!!, ISHO. RiclmnI lt.dlicrtKoii, Ocldlicr 20, IHS:i. lloHWoil lliiiitdtiii, .liuiiiiir.v 2;i, ISKI. Tiu' ilividi'iidM up In mid iiU'liidiiiK .Inly, I8,S0, were ten pi'r I'l'nl- j"''' nillHIiu. Siiic-i" l.lltll. l-inu^ lluiy lliivt' ln'i'ii ''i.!;l'l- I""'' ''''"'■■ 'I'lio (dinrlcr (il llir lliinl liiml< cxpirod Scplvm- Ikt IT), l«.S|, and iiM Unit siiiiio day llio liiiiiU Hliu'U'd (111 ilH riiiii-lJi Iwciily y<'iirs' cliiirlcr (lu' siuiio ••(licrrH, vi/., : .Inliii (). Diiisiiinrc, prrMidciit ; IMciuinl l!dli('i-ls(in, vicrprcHidciil, ; (5(MirM-(! OlciiU, ciihIiI"'!-; ''"l"' <'• l>inKiiii'i'''. HicliiU'd ivolmi-lrtoii. (iciirf^d OlcdU,, Williiuil A. Iiiiiid ulid IJuswrll I llllll.llOII, dil'rrtoi'H. TliiH hiuili wiiH ))rok(iii inln con- vention at Cornish, to which they invited all the towns in the vicinity of Connecticut River to send delegates. The convention met as suggested, but nothing important was done, and the feeling of resentment soon died away. Doubtless, this would have been the end of the diflSculty, had New Hampshire, after having re- claimed her revolted territory, manifested the same regard for justice toward Vermont which she had demanded and received from that State. Although the former union had been recently dissolved through the agency of Vermont people, , yet many towns east of the river were desirous of forming a second connection. " At a convention of delegates from the several towns in the county of Cheshire, in the State of New Hampshire, held at Walpole, in said county, on the 15th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, " Voted, That Dr. Page, Colonel Hunt, Captain Holmes, Daniel Jones, Esq., and Colonel Bellows be a committee to confer with gentlemen from any parts of the territory called New Hampshire grants, con- 68 HISTOKY OF SULLIYAX COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. cerning the jurisdiction of said grants, and to con- sider what i3 proper to be done by the inhabitants thereof relative to their jurisdiction, that the same ma)' be ascertained and established." This committee, after due consideration, reported favoring the union with Vermont, and in conclusion said: "We, therefore, earnestly recommend as the only means to obtain a union, preserve peace, harmony and brotherly love and the interest of the community in neutral, that a convention be called from every town within the said grants, to be held at Charlestown on the third Tuesday of January next, at one of the clock in the afternoon ; and that one or more mem- bers from each town be appointed with proper in- structions to unite in such measures as the majority shall judge most conducive to consolidate a union of the grants and effect a final settlement of the line of jurisdiction." This report was signed by B. Bellows, S. Hunt, D. Jones, L. Holmes and W. Page, as committee, and was accepted by the convention. In accordance with the recommendation of this report, a convention was held at Charlestown, January 16, 1781, consisting of delegates from forty three towns. In this movement Claremont played a part, and for a short season was regarded as within the jurisdiction of Vermont. On the 10th of February following, the convention made application to the Assembly of Vermont for a union of the grants on both sides of Connecticut River, setting forth the importance, necessity and justice of a permanent union of the grants on both sides of the river. They had good reasons for urging such measures. And, among others, it is to be remembered that only those towns which had been granted by Governor Benning Went- worth were engaged in the couflict with Xew York, which, ever since 1764, had attempted, not only to swallow them up in her jurisdiction, but also to compel them to repurchase their own fire- sides and acres, for the purpose of gratifying the insatiate avarice of the greedy minions of arbi- trary power, at which time these towns were cordially received by the State of Vermont, whose policy it certainly was at that time to gain such valuable accessions, in order to prevent the tear- ing asunder of what she already possessed. The Assembly of Vermont determined to receive the forty-three towns into her jurisdiction, and report was made as follows : " That this assembly is willing to receive the in- habitants of the Xew Hampshire grants, east of Con- necticut River and west of the JIason line, into union with this state, if we can agree on terms that shall be safe for the State and beneficial to the whole." A minority of the delegates to the convention at Charlestown, among whom were Oliver Ashlev and Matthias Stone, the delegates from Claremont, protested against the action of the convention as follows : ' "Ix CoxTEXTiox AT Charlestoavx, Jan. 18, 1781, " We, the subscribers, delegates from the several towns to which our names are affixed, wishing for and endeavoring to form a union of the Xew Hamp-. shire grants on both sides of Connecticut River, and contented thai they be annexed to Xew Hampshire or be a separate State, as Congress may judge proper; but thinking ourselves not authorized by our constit- uents to unite with the said grants, in the method re- solved by the said convention, and being of opinion that their proceedings have a tendency to weaken the reins of government — to retard the exertions of those who are engaged to oppose the public enemy — ^to in- troduce irregularity and disorder in the county of Cheshire, and not conducive to the end proposed ; think it our duty to protest against the proceedings of said convention." The other delegates, besides ilessrs. Ashley and Stone, of Claremont, who signed this protest, were those from Winchester, Walpole, Charlestown, Richmond, Keene, Alstead and Newport. About this time a petition was presented to the Vermont Assembly, by inhabitants living to the west of Vermont, for a like union with thsit State of the territory lying to the east of Hudson River. In this the petitioners prayed for protection against their enemies in Canada. It was the, evident de- sign of the Assembly of Vermont to form a large ' Copied from " Provincial and State Papers of Xew Hampshire," vol- x-, p, 393. CLAREMONT. 69 and powerful State out of their own territory, all the territory situated east of Connecticut Kiver, north of Massachusetts and south of latitude forty- five, and all the territory north of the line of Mas- sachusetts, and extending to Hudson River. Vermont having asked for admission to the Union, Congress did not look favorably upon her request while her controversies with New Hamp- shire and New York were unsettled, and, accord- ingly, on the 7th of August, 1781, passed the fol- lowing : " Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to confer with such person or persons as may be ap- pointed by the people residing on the New Hampshire grants, on the west side of the Connecticut Eiver, or by their representative body, respecting their claim to be an independent State ; and on what terms it may be proper to admit them into the Federal Union of these States, in case the United States, in Congress assembled, shall determine to recognize their inde- pendence, and thereof make report. "Resolved, That in case Congress shall recognize the independence of the said people of Vermont, they will consider all the lands belonging to New Hamp- shire and New York, respectively, without the limits of Vermont, aforesaid, as coming within the mutual guarantee of territory contained in the articles of confederation; and that the United States will, ac- cordingly, guarantee such lands, and the jurisdiction over the same, against any claims or encroachments from the inhabitants of Vermont, aforesaid." The committee chosen under the foregoing reso- lutions were Mr. Boudinot, of New Jersey; Mr. Vandyke, of Delaware ; Mr. Carroll, of Maryland ; Mr. Montgomery, of Pennsylvania ; and Mr. Ran- dolph, of Virginia. Mr. Madison was on the com- mittee who had drafted the resolutions. About the middle of August, Messrs. Jonas Fay and Ira Allen, representing Vermont west of the Connecticut River, and Bazaleel Woodbury, of Dresden (Hanover), representing the towns of the eastern union, who, on the 22d of June, immedi- ately after the formation of the western union, had been appointed agents to apply to Congress for the admission of Vermont into the Federal union, ar- rived in Philadelphia to gain their first knowl- edge there of what had been going on. The con- ference took place on the 18th of August, and, after a hearing upon and consideration of the sub- ject, the committee recommended to the adoption by Congress of the following : " Resolved, That it be an indispensable preliminary to the recognition of the independence of the people inhabiting the territory called Vermont, and their ad- mission into the Federal Union ; that they explicitly relinquish all demands of lands or jurisdiction on the east side of the west bank of Connecticut River, and on the west side of a line beginning at northwest cor- ner of the State of Massachusetts ; thence running twenty miles east of Hudson river, so far as the river runs northeasterly in its general course ; thence by the west bounds of the townships granted by the late Government of New Hampshire to the river running from South Bay to Lake Champlain ; thence along the said river to Lake Champlain ; thence along the waters of Lake Champlain to latitude 45 degrees north, excepting a neck of land between Massiskoy bay and the waters of Lake Champlain." This resolution was adopted by Congress, twelve States, being all except New York, voted for the adoption of the resolution. The Legislature assembled at Charlestown in October and in committee of the whole for the consideration of the Congressional resolutions, the subject was discussed for three days, when the fol- lowing resolution was adopted : " Resolved, Th.&t th.\i committee recommend to the Legislature of this State to remain firm in the princi- ples on which the State of Vermont first assumed government; and to hold the articles of union which connect each part of the State with the other invio- late." They then affirmed for the information of Con- gress that they would not submit the question of their independence to the arbitrament of any power whatever; but that they were willing, at present, to refer the question of their jurisdictional bound- ary to commissioners mutually chosen ; and when the State should be admitted into the American Union they would submit any such disputes to Congress. They elected nine commissioners on HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. their part to meet with similar commissioners from New Hampshire and New York. A long and, at times, bitter controversy fol- lowed, with but little prospect of a settlement of the difficulties. Finally', Governor Chittenden wrote a long and confidential letter, dated Decem- ber 14, 1781, to General Washington, giving a full history of the troubles and the causes of them. On January 1, 1782, General Washington replied at length, which had the effect to bring about a full and final settlement, and the admission of Ver- mont into the Federal Union, substantially on the basis of the resolution of Congress above quoted. The following is copied verbatim from " Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire," vol. x. page 483. PETITION or SUNDRY INHABITANTS OF CLAKE- MONT, PEAYING FOR SPEEDY RELIEF FR05I DIF- FICULTIES OF VERMONT INTERFERENCE. " To the HonorMe General Assembly or Committee of Safety for the State of New Hampshire : " We, the Inhabitants, as individuals, of the Town of Claremont Laboring under great difficulties on ac- count of the pretended claim of Vermont, & not being able to Hold Town meetings under jSTew Hamp- shire, we Humbly Eequest Directions how to proceed, as we are threatened in person & property, by their taxes and Laws, which we utterly refuse to submit too, they carry so high a hand that we must have speedy relief or must submit to their jurisdiction which will be very grievous to your petitioners and therefore we Humbly pray for a speedy answer. We are short in words & particulars as being sensible you are in some measure knowing to our circum- stances, & we your petitioners in Duty Bound shall ever pray. " Claremont, Jan'y 14, 1782. " Elihu Everts Josiah Stevens Henry Stevens Elihu Stevens Roswell Stevens T. Sterne Reuben Petty Jesse Matthews Josiah Rich Thomas Jones John Peckens Joseph Ives W'". Strobridge Bartlitt Hinds Gideon Lewis John West." David Rich The Vermont Legislature met at Bennington, and on the 11th of February, 1 782, the business relating to the east and west union was brought up for consideration, and Governor Chittenden laid before the House the letter of General Washington and other papers relating to the subject. On the 1 9th the Governor and Council and House of Rep- resentatives met in committee of the whole to take into consideration the resolution of Congress of the 20th of August and other matters relating to the union controversy. While in committee of the whole a motion was made — " That the sense of the committee be taken upon the following question, viz. : Whether Con- gress, in their resolutions of the 7th and 21st of August last, in guaranteeing to the respective States of New York and New Hampshire all ter- ritory without certain limits therein expressed, has not eventually determined the boundaries of this State ? " W^hich question, being put, was carried in the affirmative. The committee of the whole reported its doings to the House, which report, being read, was accepted and adopted, when on motion it was then resolved, " That this House do judge the Ar- ticles of Union completely dissolved. " And thereupon it was Resolved, That the west bank of the Connecticut River, and a line beginning at the northwest corner of the Massachusetts State from thence northward twenty miles east of Hudson's River, as specified in the Resolutions of August last shall be considered as the east and west boundaries of this State ; and that this Assembly do hereby relin- quish all claims and demand to and right of jurisdic- tion in and over any and every district of territory without said boundary liues ; and that authenticated copies of this Resolution be forthwith officially trans- mitted to Congress and the States of New Hampshire and New York respectively." Thus by the act of the Vermont Assembly the unions east and west were dissolved, under circum- stances and in such a manner as to preclude the prospect of their being again renewed. There were some in Claremont who were chagrined at the turn matters had taken in Ver- CLAREMONT. 71 mont, and the Tories were ever ready to play upon any emergency which gave the least indication of discord and disunion among the Whigs. Four different times in 1782— the first March 12th, and the last July 1st, — did the people meet before the business usually transacted at the annual meeting in March was fully accomplished. The last meet- ing was held in " ye barn of Msrs. Thomas and Timothy Dustin in said town after being legally warned." Elihu Stevens, Esq., was chosen mod- erator. Here it was " Voted to look into ye state of ye treasury." In 1784, by the treaty of peace with Great Britain, the Tories were allowed the privilege of returning to this country to collect their debts and dispose of their property. This was a favor valua- ble to many in Claremont, who had left in the be- ginning of the war and had kept themselves aloof or out of public view during its continuance. John Brooks, before spoken of, returned early this year, for the purpose above named. But he found no friends among his former acquaintances. In- sults and ridicule were heaped upon him whenever he went abroad. Disappointed, humbled and, it may be, vexed at this reception, he disposed of his effects and quickly left town. At the annual town-meeting this year Captain Benjamin Sumner was chosen to represent the town in General Assembly to be held at Concord, on the first Wednesday in June following. At a town-meeting held August 9, 1784, it was voted to appoint a committee " to treat with Captain Oliver Ashley to know of him whether he has fulfilled the demands of the State upon him for soldiers, and likewise to desire him to make out the pay- roll for the sudden alarm to guard the Frontier in the late war." At a town-meeting held in December, 1785, it was voted to " give the Rev. Augustine Hibbard a dismission from his church, and recommendation as a gospel minister." Also that " all his estate, both real and personal that he now possesses be freed from all taxes during his residence in Clare mont." The Baptist Society was first formed in this town during this year, but there was no stated preaching until the following year, when Rev. John Peckins was ordained. The formation of this new religious society increased the bitterness of feeling against the ministerial tax system. The members of the new society firmly but calmly re- fiised to conform to this requirement of the law, pleading that they were of a different denomina- tion. It was therefore deemed advisable to strike them from the grand list, and a vote was passed at a town-nieeting " that those people that call them- selves Baptists pay no more rates to the Congrega- tional order for the fewter." At a town-meeting held in August, 1780, it was voted that " we lay our claims for our private ex- penditures in the late war on special claims in- cluding our Vermont services." The town also voted that the " State make a bank of paper cur- rency." A committee of five was also chosen to give instructions to Sanford Kingsbury, Esq., the Representative to the General Court, " how and in what manner s'd money shall be made to answer the public best and also in what manner s'd money shall be drawn out of the treasury to answer the most valuable purposes." These steps were in accordance with a plan proposed by the " General Court Committee for emitting a paper currency." It would seem that there was not per- fect unanimity in regard to this plan, for on the 21st day of November a town-meeting was held in which the question was again tried and settled in favor of the plan, eighteen voting for and five against it. At this period the general govern- ment, as well as the States, was deeply involved in debt. " Silver and gold, which had been exten- sively circulated during the last years of the war, were now returning by the usual course of trade to those countries whence large quantities of nec- essary and unnecessary commodities had been im- ported." The country was entirely drained of specie, and Congress then possessing no power to lay imposts, there was no check to this universal flow from the public treasury. To remedy existing evils, taxa- tions upon polls and estates were resorted to, and 72 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. thus almost insupportable burdens were thrown upon the husbandman and the laborer. Hence arose a clamor throughout the State for the establishment of a paper currency. In every town was a party in favor of this measure. It was insisted that through this method life would be imparted to commerce and encouragement to agriculture, that the poor would thereby be pro- vided with means for the payment of their debts and taxes, and finally that it would work as an effectual check to the operations of speculators and monopolists. In conformity with a resolution of the New Hampshire Legislature, passed March 3, 1786, calling upon " the selectmen of the several towns, districts and parishes in this State " "to make a return of all the inhabitants within this State, on or before the second Wednesday of June next, viz. : the whole number of white and other free citizens ; inhabitants of every age, sex and condi- tion, including those bound to servitude for a term of years ; and also in a separate column, or class all other persons not comprehended in the foregoing description, except Indians not paying taxes." The following was the return from Claremont : "Males 487 Females 427 Slaves 3 Not inhabitants — transient persons now residing in said town. Males 23 Females 25 Total 965" To still the clamor and ascertain the real sense of the people upon this subject, the General As- sembly, in session at Exeter, September 13, 1786, formed a plan for the emission of fifty thousand pounds, to be loaned at four per cent, on land se- curities, and this to be a tender in payment of taxes, and for the fees and salaries of public offi- cers. The plan was sent to the several towns, and the people were requested to give their opinions in town-meeting for and against it, and to make re- turn of the votes to the Assembly at its next ses- sion. The plan did not meet with public appro- bation, a majority of the people having voted against it. The uneasiness grew to disturbance and riot, even so far that a band of men, armed with swords and muskets, attempted to intimidate the Legisla- ture during its session at Exeter. A few of the ringleaders were seized, the mob dispersed, and the people gradually settled dowri with the conclusion that industry in developing the resources of the country would soon afford adequate relief from present embarrassments and insure prosperity and permanent wealth. In 1787 the difficulties respecting the location of the Congregational meeting house were still unsettled. The town voted this year to hold public worship in the school-house that stands a few rods south of Atkins' Bridge. This is now, and for many years has been, known as the Upper Bridge. About this time Josiah Stevens, father of Josiah, Alvah and Paran Stevens, commenced trade in a little shed or temporary out-building, near where the Keyes house, now owned by Henry C. Noyes, stands. Young Stevens came to town with his father, Elihu Stevens, Esq., in 1775. He com- menced business with a very small stock of such goods as he thought would be most needed by the settlers, and increased his stock from time to time to meet the requirements of his customers. The bringing of the first hogshead of molasses and chest of tea into town was the occasion of wonder and excitement throughout the neighborhood, and some of the more prudent settlers, as tradition has it, declared that " it was a piece of foolish extrava- gance that would certainly come to no good." But the new merchant still kept on meeting with a moderate degree of success. In- a few years, the tide of business having shifled, Mr. Stevens moved his small store building across Sugar River on the ice, and located it near the Atkins Bridge, on the site now occupied by George N. Farwell's large brick block. Mr. Stevens built up a large busi- ness, and in many ways contributed to the growth and prosperity of the town, and for many years was the leading merchant of this vicinity. This year the town voted to raise " 80 pounds for CLAREMONT. 73 the repair of highways, and to allow 3 shillings per diem to able-bodied men, 18 pence per diem for a yoke of oxen, 8 pence for a plow, and 8 pence for a cart." Sanford Kingsbury was a prominent citizen of Claremont, and in 1789 was a member of the Ex- ecutive Council, of the State Senate in 1790 and 1791, and of the convention to revise the Consti- tution in 1791 and 1792. From the " Town Papers of New Hampshire " we copy the following petition for the incorporation of the Episcopal Society, verbatim : " To the honorable the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives in General Court convened Humbly shew "Benjamin Sumner & Ebenezer Rice — Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Claremont in the County of Cheshire that said Church has laboured under many and great inconveniences for want of an incorporation, they therefore pray your honors to in- corporate said society by law and make them a body politic capable of receiving and holding property both real and personal and to have & enjoy all the privi- leges and immunities belonging to a corporate body, and as in duty bound will ever pray " Claremont December 26th, 1793. " Beptj. Sumner, ) in behalf of " Ebenezee Rice, j the Church." " State of New Hampshire. " In the House of Representatives Jany 21 1794. " Upon reading and considering the foregoing peti- tion & the report of a Committee thereon, Voted that the prayer thereof be granted and that the Petitioners have leave to bring in a Bill accordingly. "Sent up for Concurrence. " Nathl. Peabody, Speaker. " In Senate the same Day Read and Concurred. " Nathl. Parker, Depij. Secy." In 1790 a complete census of the State was made by towns, and the following is the return from Claremont, as appears by the " Town Papers of New Hampshire:" "Males above 16 years of age 348 Males under 16 years of age 391 Females 692 Other free persons 2 Slaves 2 Total 1435" In 1783 the whole number of ratable polls in Claremont was 163. In 1885 the whole number of voters on the check-list-in town was 1250. The steady but gradual growth of the. town will be seen from the census of population each decade since 1775, when it was 523. In 1790, it was 1435; in 1800,1889; in 1810, 2,094; in 1820, 2,290 ; in 1830, 2,526 ; in 1840, 3,217 ; in 1850, 3,606; in 1860, 4,026; in 1870, 4,053; in 1880, 4,704. WATER-POWEE AND MANUFACTURES. One of the great advantages and sources ol wealth of Claremont is its superior water-power, derived mainly from Sugar River. This river is the outlet of Sunapee Lake, which is nine and a half miles long and from half a -mile to two and a half miles wide, and is eight hundred and twenty feet above Connecticut River, into which it empties in the town of Claremont. Sugar River is about eighteen miles long from its source to its mouth. It passes through the towns of Sunapee, Newport and Claremont. It is fed by what is called South Branch, which has its source in Lempster, Unity and Goshen ; the North Branch, coming from Springfield, Grantham and Croydon, both of which it receives in the town of Newport after passing the village of that town ; and other smaller streams along its course. But the river is chiefly supplied with water from Sunapee Lake, especially in dry times. The Sunapee Dam Company was incorpor- ated by the New Hampshire Legislature, Decem- ber 4, 1820. This company is composed of mill- owners in Claremont, Newport and Sunapee, who derive their motive-power from Sugar River. Among the rights granted by the Legislature was the right " to sink the outlet of Sunapee Lake at the s jurce of Sugar River to the depth of ten feet below the low-water mark of said Lake, and to erect and maintain a dam there, with suitable gates and flumes, to the height of said low-water mark, for the benefit of the mills and mill privileges." For many years Sugar River has furnished the power for a very large number of mills, represent- ing very many different industries in the towns through which it runs, and, at the present time, is 74 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the principal source of their wealth. Upon this water-power they depend for their future growth and prosperity. As above stated, the fall of this river is eight hundred and twenty feet. In the town of Claremont it falls three hundred feet or more, and there are thirteen excellent mill privi- leges on these falls. Upon many of these privileges are miUs upon both sides of the river, thus afford- ing opportunity to utilize the whole power. It is estimated that each foot of fall is capable of turn- ing one thousand spindles. There is a fall of two hundred and twenty-three feet in these thirteen privileges. The Sunapee Dam Company was duly organized immediately after the charter was granted, and suitable dam and other appliances were erected for the purpose of holding the water of Sunapee Lake in reserve for use at times of low water in the river, by mills along its course. This corporation has been kept up and the dam and other appliances erected have been maintained and improved from time to time. Whenever the lands about the lake have been flowed,, or other damage accrued from the erection of this dam, those in- jured have been compensated by the company, and in not a few instances the right to flow has been purchased. Without this great natural res- ervoir and the right to use it, granted by the Leg- islature, neither Claremont, Newport or Sunapee could have reached their present condition of wealth and consequent importance. Although this company has the right to draw the lake down ten feet below low-water mark, it has never been drawn to anything like that extent. The capital stock in mill property in Claremont is S685,000. The annual product from the different mills and manufacturing establishments is §1,256,- 000. The number of hands employed— males, females and children — is 912, and the annual pay- rolls amount to $275,000. Since 1820, when the Sunapee Dam Company was incorporated, the manufacturing business of Claremont, dependent upon water-power, with a few pauses and lapses, has gradually, but steadily, grown to its present proportions. The first real, earnest start in man ufacturing business did not occur until 1832. In 1879 the venerable Simeon Ide, who for many years — from 1834 — was prominently identified with the manufacturing interests of Claremont, pre- pared and published a little book, entitled, " The Industrifes of Claremont, New Hampshire, Past and Present," containing many valuable statistics, and but for him, probably, would not have been preserved for the benefit of present and future generations of such as are interested in the history of the growth of the town. From this publica- tion we gather many facts, it being the most relia- ble known source of information upon the subject embraced' in it. Mr. Ide says, speaking of the water-power : "From the statistics I have at hand, it would seem there was comparatively but very little use made of it previous to the year 1833-34. There was then at the upper fall. No. 1, a grist-mill on the south side of the river; on the third fall. No. 3, south side, a wool-carding and ftiUing-mill, carried on by "Wood- man & Elmer, and a furnace by Boswell Elmer ; and on the north side a small hand-making paper- mill, having two 120 lb. pulp-engines, and other necessary appliances of that day, in proportion, for making paper, owned and operated by Fiske & Blake, successors of the first paper-maker in Cheshire County, Colonel Josiah Stevens. On Fall No. 4 was a seven-feet dam, and till the 1st of January, 1833, only water enough was drawn fi-om it to move Timothy Eastman's bark-grinding machine. The Claremont Manufacturing Company's stove-fac- tory, on the south side, had recently been put in order to receive its machinery. On the fifth fall, east side of the river, was the Tyler saw and grist-mill; on the west side, a wool-carding, spinning, weaving and cloth-dressing factory. On the sixth fall, west side, Farwell's cotton-factory, with Billings' machine-shop in the basement or L, first put in operation in 1831; and on the west side, in 'the gully,' a small slate-sawing and planing-mill, operated by Curtis Stoddard. On Falls Nos. 7, 8 and 9, in 1832, not even a dam had been built, so far as I can learn. "Following the above order in a more minute historical descriptive view of the several present and former mill-sites in the village proper of Claremont the earliest date at which I find there had been any use made of that at Fall No. 1, north side of the river, was about the year 1800, when Stephen Dexter erected CLAREMONT. 15 a small building there, and he and his brother, Colonel David Dexter, carried on in it a scythe-making concern till about 1824. They also owned grist, saw and oil-mills, located on and near where the Monad- nock Mills Company's saw-mill now stands, which were run by water drawn from a low dam then standing about midway between Dams Nos. 1 and 2. On the decease of Colonel Dexter, in 1830, his son-in-law, Moses Wheeler, in 1831, succeeded the Messrs. Dexter in the several branches of business above stated, ex- cept the scythe-factory, as sole proprietor, and carried them on for several years. "In 1837-38 a two-story brick building took the site of the old Dexter scythe-shop, and was owned and occupied by the ' Claremont Carriage Company ' two or three years. Hard times finally put a stop to this company's operations, and soon afterwards their buildings were destroyed by fire. Paran Stevens, Timothy Eastman, Moses Wheeler, A. J. Tenney, T. J. Harris (agent), were of the company. In 1843- 44 the present three-story brick building was erected. It stood empty a few years, when John Fiske put into it cotton machinery ; run it two or three years ; then a Mr. Cozens bought the property, continued business but a short time, when the Monadnock Mills Company bought and continued its use as a cotton-mill until 1863, and then substituted the woolen for the old cotton machinery. This is the only factory on the north side of the river operated by power from Fall No. 1. " On the south side, in olden time. Colonel Josiah Stevens, it is said, built a one-story wooden building at the south end of the upper bridge, and put it into machinery for making paper." This must have been, according to Mr. Ide, prior to 1810. The building was burned about 1812, and the present two-story wood structure erected there, which, in 1831, was owned and occupied by David W. Dexter as a grist- mill. It was afterward used for various purposes, and is now the repair-shop of the Monadnock Mills Com- pany. Monadnock Mills Company.— This company ■was organized and commenced business in 1844. According to Mr. Ide, in 1831, Dr. Leonard Jar- vis obtained a charter from the New Hampshire Legislature for a manufacturing company in Clare- montj called the " Upper Falls Company." This company expended about twenty-five thousand dollars in the purchase of land, water-power, the erection of a large four-story factory building, tenement-houses, etc. They had only put up the walls, put on the roof and put in the windows and doors of the factory building, when their capital was exhausted. Then followed several years of discouraging times for all kinds of business, and these expensive buildings were unoccupied and were, of course, going to decay until 1843, when the whole property was sold to Messrs. Parker, Wilder & Co., of Boston, who organized the Monadnock Mills Company, put cotton n:achinery into the mill and commenced business in 1844. Henry Russell was agent and general manager for this company about two years ; he was succeeded by Jonas Livingston, who filled the place for seventeen years, when he resigned, and was suc- ceeded by Daniel W. Johnson, the present agent.- This company has had a general prosperity from its first organization, subject, of course, to fluctu- ations in trade, with other similar establishments. Its business facilities have been very greatly ex- tended by the purchase of water-power and land, the erection of new buildings and making improve- ments from year to year to meet the requirements of the times, until it is now the largest manufac^ turing establishment in this part of the State. It manufactures cotton-goods, sheetings from a yard to three yards wide, and Marseilles quilts. An extensive bleachery was added to the establishment in 1875. In addition to their own, they bleach large quantities of goods sent here from other States. This mill produces annually 2/255,500 yards of cotton cloth, from one to three yards widei, ninety-four thousand Marseilles quiltsj employs five hundred hands, and its average pay-roll is ten thousand dollars per month. The Sullivan Machine Company. — This company occupies the water-power from Fall No. 3, thirteen feet, which was formerly owned by Ros- well Elmer, who carried on a small iron-foundry, making castings for plows, stoves, potash kettles, etc. Mr. Elmer was succeeded by George W. Emerson, in a similar kind of business up to 1850, when he built a machine shop, now a part of one 76 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. of the buildings occupied by the present company. In 1851, D. A. Clay & Co., consisting of D. A. Clay and James P. Upham, leased the machine- shop and started a general machine business. Sub- sequently James P. Upham purchased the -nater- power and real estate, including the foundry of Mr. Emerson, made extensive additions to the buildings and facilities for doing business, which was continued for a few years by D. A. Clay & Co. In 1868 the Sullivan Machine Company, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, was organized, and purchased this property, — J. P. Upham (president), E. W. Love (treasurer), and Albert Ball (superintendent). These gentlemen owned most of the stock of the company. Mr. Love subsequently sold his interest to Charles B. Rice, who took Mr. Love's place as treasurer, and such is the organization at the present time (1885). This is an extensive and important establishment ; its buildings occupying an area of three or four acres. They manufacture a great variety of ma- chinery and machine tools. They manufacture the L)iamond drill, extensively used for quarrying marble and other stone, and take contracts for quarrying. They also manufacture the Tyler and Witmore turbine water-wheels, water-wheel regu- lators, shafting, gearing, pulleys, and all kinds of mill irons, paper roving-cans, flexible cop-tubes, and do mill iron repairing. They generally give employment to about seventy-five men, most of them first-class skilled workmen. The Claeemont Manufacturing Company. — This company's factory building, are located at Fall No. 4, twelve feet. Authorized capital, one hundred thousand dollars. It was chartered by the New Hampshire Legislature in 1832, and was the first company for manufacturing purposes organized by citizens of Claremont, and has been in continuous operation since its organization. Its factory buildings and tenement-houses were erected in 1832 and 1833. The walls of the factory buildings and a large two-story tenement- house are of stone, quarried within a few rods of their location. The original largest stockholders and most active managers of this company were Austin Tyler, Dr. Timothy Gleason, William Ros- siter and Timothy Eastman. They purchased about fifteen acres of land on the south side of the river. The business originally contemplated by this company was the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, and printing and writing-papers, and about the 1st of January, 1833, thev were prepared, with the requisite machinery and other appliances, to commence the manufacture of satinets and printing and writing-papers. In De- cember, 1834, Simeon Ide, then a bookseller, printer and publisher of a weekly paper at Windsor, Vt., sold to the Claremont Manufacturing Company his entire stock of books and the printing establish- ment, taking hjs pay in the stock of the company and came to Claremont and took the agency and general management of the concern, which he continued until 1858, and was succeeded by his brother-in-law, Edward L. Goddard. Mr. Ide sold his stock to his two sons, George G. and Lemuel N. Ide. Mr. Goddard continued as agent until 1867, when George G. Ide succeeded to the place, and continued in it until his death, in 1888, and he was succeeded by his brother, Lemuel N. Ide, who has since occupied the position of agent and manager. To make room for presses and other printing apparatus, the satinet machinery was sold to the Sullivan Manufacturing Company, an outgrowth of this company, then just started, at the lower fall. No. 8. After Mr. Simeon Ide took the management of the Claremont Manufacturmg Company's affairs, its business was the manufacture of books, — making the paper and doing the printing and binding. This business was continued until 1880, when the paper-mill building was destroyed by fire, since which it has not been rebuilt, but the printing and book-binding has been continued. For many years from fifty to eighty hands were employed in this establishment, but of late years the number has been considerably less. Sugar River Mills Company.— The mills of this company are at Fall No. 5, on the east side of the river. From the Upper Bridge, or from Fall No. 1, Sugar River runs nearly due west, but, between CLAKEMONT. 77 the Claremont Manufacturing Company's privi- lege and the next one below it, the river turns and runs nearly due south ; hence the reader will un- derstand why a part of the privileges named are said to be on the south and a part on the north side of the river, and so of those named as being on its north and west side. This Fall No. 5 has been known for several generations as the old " Tyler Mills " privilege. Benjamin Tyler, before referred to, one of the first settlers of the town, once owned all the water-power from Fall No. 1 to No. 9, both inclusive. He erected the first grist and saw-mills in town, at the west part, in 1766, and the old " Tyler Mills " on this privilege in 1785. He gave the latter to his son Ephraim on his coming of age, who continued to own them un- til 1836, when a company, consisting of three gen- tlemen of Keene and three of Claremont, bought the mills and mill-yard and appurtenances with the intention of removing the buildings, which were very old and dilapidated, and putting in their place suitable buildings for a first-class calico- printing establishment. In the spring of 1837 they commenced their preparations for building, but before they had proceeded far the financial panic struck the country, and the project was abandoned, never to be resumed. The old mills remained standing, and were rented to Mr. Tyler, their for- mer owner, and, by his administrator, to Lewig W. Randall and others until 1854, when the property was purchased by E. W. Sanborn, of Boston, and Abner Stowell, Aaron Button, Edward Brown and George Hart, of this town. In 1855 they erected the large three-story brick building for a grist- mill, and the saw-mill adjoining, now standing and in active operation. They put into the grist-mill eight run of stone, four flou ring-bolts, and, to pro- pel them, eleven Tyler turbine water-wheels. The work was done under the superintendence of John Tyler, then of West Lebanon, but now of this town, patentee and manufacturer. of the Tyler tur- bine water-wheel. This mill was designed for cus tom grinding and to manufacture flour from West- ern wheat, and it was said to be capable of making ten thousand barrels of flour per annum. These mills have been leased to various parties since they were built. The saw-mill is now leased and run by Messrs. Freeman, O'Neil & Tilden, and the grist-mill is being run by its owners. The Sugar Rivee Papek-Mill Company. — This company (capital stock, one hundred thousand dollars), owned mostly by citizens of Claremont, erected mills on Fall No. 6, twenty- two feet, east side of Sugar River, for the manufacture of print-paper, and commenced business in 1868. Since then some of the surplus earnings of the company have .been used for extending their works and adding modern improvements. It is now one of the most com- plete establishments of its kind in New Hamp- shire, and is capable of producing eight tons of excellent print-paper per day. This mill is now (June, 1885), filling a contract for four of five hun- dred tons of paper for J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass. They have had this contract for several years. The paper made by this mill is of such ex- cellent quality that it finds a ready market. John Tyler, before referred to, is a large stockholder, superintended the erection of the mill, and is pres- ident of the company ; John L. Farwell, treasurer ; John T. Emerson, agent. These gentlemen have occupied their positions since the organization of the company. This company has recently pur- chased of Reuben Shepardson what has been known as the Lafayette privilege, on the " Gully " on the west side of the river, and have tunneled through the rock of the island, formed by the main stream and this "Gully," two hundred and four feet, the tunnel being six feet square, taking the water that runs in the gully into their pond, thus getting the use of all the water that runs in the river. The Lafayette privilege had the right to take from the river, above the dam on privilege No. 6 and down this gully, one-half the water of the river, and return it to the main stream below the paper-mill dam. By this arrangement this company obviate, to a considerable extent, the use of steam to supplement their water-power. The Emeeson-Heywaed Peivilege. — On Fall No. 7, south side — the river has taken another turn and runs westerly — about 1842, George W. 78 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Emerson put up a one-story brick building, carried on the furnace business a few years, when it passed into the hands of Simeon Heyward, who did some furnace work, made horse and hand-rakes and va- rious other farm implements. The building was destroyed by fire in 1866, and the dam connected with it by flood soon afterward, since which no use has been made of this privilege. The Sullivan Manufacturing Company. — This company's drills are located on Fall No. 8, south side of the river. It was chartered about 1833 for manufacturing woolen goods, and its buildings erected the next year. The machinery, as before stated, was taken from the Claremont Manufacturing Company's mill, and they com- menced the manufacture of satinets In 1836 Or- mond Button, of Keene, was appointed agent of the company, and continued as such about three years. During the hard times, from 1886 to 1840, goods did not sell readily ; a large stock was accu- mulated, which was sold for less thdn it cost to produce it, and the mill was closed. Its capital, fifty thousand dollars, was exhausted, and the com- pany settled with its creditors in the best way it could. In 1844 Thomas Sanford and "William Rossiter got possession of the real estate and some of the machinery, and manufactured satinets and cassimeres until 1857, when the entire property was purchased by George L. Balcom, who has manufac- tured woolen goods there ever since. During the late war Mr. Balcom was very successful, and one year, under the United States internal revenue law, he paid the largest income tax of any man in New Hampshire. The Old Knife-Factoky Pktvilege. — This privilege is on the north side of the river, on Fall No. 8. The large three-story wooden building on this privilege was erected in 1836-37, by Dr. John S. Spaulding, but for what purpose it was to be used is not known. It stood empty, its inside but partially finished, until 1853, when Thomas Sanford, William Rossiter and some other gentle- men formed a company and manufactured table cutlery there for about five years, without pecuni- ary advantage to those engaged in the enterprise, and the business was abandoned Next, in 1866, the "Claremont Linen Company" put in ma- chinery for making linen toweling from the raw material, by a new process, but this was not a success, and, after two or three years of experi- ment, this business was closed up, and the mill was unused until 1877, when Herbert Bailey, of Enfield, this State, bought the property and en- larged, repaired, fitted the buildings and put in machinery for manufacturing knit-goods, employ- ing about forty hands and turning out goods to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars annually. Mr. Bailey has made this property into a fine establishment. The Lower Falls Company.— In 1836 this company, composed of gentlemen from out of town, bought a small farm of Jonathan E«ad, located below Fall No. 8, with the design of mak- ing a ninth fall of about twelve feet, by taking the water from the river by a canal. The canal was dug, a good foundation for a large factory building put in and building materials got upon the ground, when, in view of the threatened hard times for manufacturers, the enterprise stopped, the building materials were disposed of, and the ninth privilege has never been utilized. The Lafayette Privilege. — Going up the river, on the west side, the next privilege is at Fall No. 7, on the " Gully." In 1828 Arad Taylor bought this privilege of Bill Barnes. In 1836 the property was put on the market in thirty-two shares, of one hundred dollars each, which were soon taken, but it was not improved until 1844, when Chester Dunkley bought most of the shares and erected upon the privilege a tvfo- story wood building, which was used for various purposes until 1866, when Reuben Shepardson bought it, made extensive improvements, used it for various manufacturing purposes until the fall of 1884, when he sold it to the Sugar River Paper- Mill Company, as before stated. The Old M each am Factory was on Fall No. 5, opposite the Tyler Mills, and this factory is said to have been the first one built in Sullivan County for the manufacture of woolen goods. It CLAKEMONT. 79 was built in 1813, by Asa Meacbam. It vms a two-story wood building, and was occupied suc- cessively by Asa Meacham, Asa Meacham, Jr. Woodman & Eockwell, Wilson & Earl, and William Earl, all of whom manufactured woolen goods, until the spring of 1854, when the main building was destroyed by fire. The following year Simeon Ide bought the property ; a dry-shop and store-house escaped the fire ; the first he fitted up with water-power and rented it for various mechanical purposes, while he converted the other into a dwelling-house to rent. In 1859 Mr. Ide erected, on the site of the old factory building, a round brick structure, two stories high, and fitted it up with machinery, printing-presses, etc., for the making of books on contract fur city publishers. The breaking out of the war in 1861, and other unforeseen events, operated against this enterprise, and the building was rented for different mechan- ical purposes. It was purchased by Reuben Shepardson in 1883. What was the dry-shop was purchased by Ira Proctor and occupied by him as a sash, blind and door-shop until about 1873, when it was destroyed by fire. Freeman & O'Neill Manufactory. — In 1874 Messrs. Charles N. Freemen and David AV. O'Neill purchased the site of the Ira Proctor shop and erected upon it extensive wooden build- ings, and fitted them up with the most approved machinery and other appliances, at an expense of about ten thousand dollars, for the manufacture of stair-builders' supplies, of black walnut and other expensive woods, and telegraph pins and brackets of oak. They did a large and prosperous business, employing about forty hands, and marketing their products in almost every part of the country, until December 23, 1882, when their main building, valuable machinery, stock of foreign and domestic woods, manufactured goods, etc., were destroyed by fire. The loss was twenty-five thousand dollars ; insurance, twelve thousand dollars. They im- mediately commenced the erection of new build- ings, which were completed and ready for occu- pancy in August, 1883. Byron T. Tilden was taken into the firm soon after. They employ about seventy men, and do a business of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars per annum. The style of the firm is Freeman, O'Neill & Tilden. The Home Mill. — The three-story brick building now standing at Fall No. 4, north side of the river, was erected by the Claremont Manu- facturing Company in 1836, with the intention of using it for making fine writing-papers. The times did not favor the completion of the project, and the building was only so far finished as to protect the walls with roof and windows, until 1849, when a few of the stockholders of the Clare- mont Manufacturing Company bought it, together with one-half of the water-power, fitted it up with machinery for manufacturing cotton cloth, and sold the whole to George D. Dutton, of Boston. In 1852 Mr. Dutton sold a part interest to Arnold Briggs, a practical cotton manufacturer, of Woon- socket, R. I., and under the firm style of Arnold Briggs & Co. The business of manufacturing cotton goods was carried on until 1 875, when, by reason of there being but a limited demand for the goods made by this firm, the business was stopped. In 1876 Mr. Briggs died, subsequent to which the interest of Mr. Briggs' estate in the mill was pur- chased by Pierce, Harding & Co , of Boston, who ran it but a few months. In 1883, Messrs. May- nard and Washburn, gentlemen from Massachu- setts, bought the property, repaired the buildings, put in machinery for the purpose and have since been manufacturing shoes there. The Eastman Tannery.— In 1811, Timothy Eastman established a tannery on Fall No. 4, north side of the river, continued the business there un- til his death, in 1859, and was succeeded by his son, Charles H. Eastman. In 1870 the old build- ings were burned and new and larger ones were erected on the site. Charles H. Eastman con- tinued the business until his death, in 1879, since which the property has been unused. The real estate is now owned by Lyman Barnes. At Fall No. 1, north side of the river is the saw mill of the Monadnock Mills Company, and what 80 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. was known as the " Sunapee Mill," on the site of the Claremont Carriage Company's works, before referred to, which is now owned and operated as a cotton-mill, by the Monadnock Mills Com- pany. Between Fall No. 9 and the confluence of Sugar River with the Connecticut it is claimed that the former river falls about one hundred 'eet. On the north side of Sugar River, a mile or so below Fall No. 9, in 1852, Henry Russell and Dr. F. T. Kidder built a dam twenty feet high, erected a large one-story brick mill, put into it machinery for the purpose, and manufactured carpets there for a few months, when the business ceased and dam and buildings have disappeared. At West Claremont, Sugar River furnishes ex- cellent water-power. The fall there is about nine- teen feet. On the south side of the river, at this fall, about 1813, Dr. Leonard Jarvis erected a two- story wood building, and in it manufactured broadcloth for about fifteen years. After his death, which occurred in 1848, this property passed into the hands of his son, Russell Jarvis, who is its present owner. The broadcloth-factory was converted into a paper-mill more than twenty- five years ago ; it has been operated by the Clare- mont Manufacturing Company, N. Whitney, J. Peirce & Co., and is now run by its owner, making hanging and some other kinds of paper. On the same side of the river, and on the same privilege, Russell Jarvis has a saw mill and a grist-mill, now operated by H. W. Frost. The Faeeington Papee-Mjll. — On the same privilege, and drawing water from the same pond, but on the north side of the river, is a large, well- appointed paper-mill, owned and operated by the S. T. Coy Paper Company. This mill has been built within the last two years, on the site occupied fifty years ago, more or less, by Leonard and Hiram Gilmore, brothers, for a blacksmith-forge and trip-hammer shop, where they made axes and other edge-tools, carried on a general blacksmith- ing business and made heavy mill-irons for many years. Subsequently on this same spot was a paper-mill where straw wrapping-paper was made. owned and operated successively by Daniel F. Maynard and John S. Farrington. Colonel Benjamin Tylee's Smelting and Ieon-Woeking Establishment. — Simeon Ide is authority for the statement that " soon after build- ing his grist mill, in 1766, as before noted. Colonel Benjamin Tyler put a. dam across the river, a few rods where the Sullivan Railroad Company's ' High Bridge ' now stands, and built a small shop in which he had a forge, a trip-hammer and other tools for manufacturing mill irons and other heavy articles, from iron ore, which (I am told by one of his grandsons) he drew from a lot of ground just below the sc-called ' Dry Saw-Mill,' two or three miles north of Charlestown Street. Here he did a large and lucrative business for twenty years or more, employing (my said in- formant says), a great part of the time, some twenty or thirty hands. He died in 1814, aged eighty-one. " In 1800 Colonel Tyler put in operation, at or near the site of the Jarvis paper-mill, what was known as the ' Flax-Mill' in those days, the use of which was to prepare flax for the old hand spinning-wheel." BANKS. The Claeemont Bank, capital, $60,000, was in operation as early as 1826. The date of its charter is not known to the writer. Geo. B. Upham was president; James H. Bingham, cashier ; directors, Geo. B. Upham, John Tap- pan, Samuel Fiske, Leonard Jarvis, David Dex- ter, Phiueas Handerson, Godfrey Stephens. About 1842 Erastus Glidden became cashier. His business was wound up between 1844 and 1846. The officers at that time were George B. Upham, president ; Erastus Glidden, cashier ; Directors, George B. Upham, George N. Farwell, Ambrose Cossit, William H. Farwell, John W. Tappan, Nicholas Farwell, Samuel Glidden. Claeemont Bank, chartered and organized in 1848. Ambrose Cossit, president ; Uriel Dean, cashier ; Directors Nicholas Farwell, Am- brose Cossit, Issac F. Weshorbe, William Ros- CLAREMONT. 81 siter, George N. Farwell, Worchester Jones, Thomas Sanford. In April, 1851, Mr. Dean resigned and George N. Farwell was elected cashier in this place, and in March, 1853, his son, John L. Farwell, was elected assistant cashier. In March, 1856, Mr. Farwell resigned and John L. Farwell was elected cashier. On November 22, 1864, the organization was changed to the Claremont National Bank, under the laws of the United States. George N. Far- well, president ; John L. Farwell, cashier ; Di- rectors, George N. Farwell, Thomas Sanford, Nathaniel ToUes, Aurelius Dickinson, Lewis Perry, Jotham G. AUds, Charles H. Eastman. Present capital, $150,000. In October, 1881, provision was made for a vice-president, and John L. Farwell was elected to that position, and his son, George N. Farwell (2d), was elected cash- ier. Nicholas Farwell, who was a director in the old bank, was the father of George N., grandfather of John L., and great-grandfather of George N. Farwell 2d. It will thus be noticed that four generations of the Farwell family have been successfully and prominently connected with the financial history of Clare- mont ; and that at the present time the un- usual record is made of three generations occupy- ing official positions in the Claremont National Bank, viz. : George N. Farwell, president ; his son, John L. Farwell, vice-president, and his grandson, George N. Farwell (2d), Cashier. Sullivan Savings Institution was chartered by the New Hampshire Legislature in 1 838 ; organized in 1847, and commenced business in 1848. President, Ambrose Cossit; Treasurer, George N. Farwell. After the institution was organized and well started in business, Mr. Far- well resigned and Samuel C. Bailey was elected treasurer in his place. January 7th, 1882, Mr. Cossit resigned the presidency, and Timothy East- man was elected president, and George N. Far- well was again chosen treasurer. On January 2d, 1856, John L. Farwell was elected treasurer. At that time the deposits amounted to $134,265. 24. January 5th, 1859, Albro Blodgett was elected president, in place of Timothy Eastman, deceased. Jannary 2d, 1861, Albro Blodgett resigned and Jonas Livingston was chosen in his place. Mr, Blodgett was re-elected January 4th, 1865. Dan- iel W. Johnson was elected president January 5th, 1870. February 7th, 1874, Mr. Farwell resigned the treasurership, and Albert Rossiter was elected in his place. December 27th, 1882, Mr. Rossiter resigned, and John L. Farwell was re-elected. At the last annual meeting, January 7, 1885, the report of the treasurer showed Deposits, $1,- 116,932.91 ; surplus, $16,065.64 ; guaranty fund, $60,000. The whole number of depositors was 2852. These banks were originally located on Broad Street, on the site of the present residence of Geo. L. Balcom. In 1853 they were removed to the north end of Farwell's Block, Tremont Square. In 1876 these corporations united in erecting the building now occupied by them at a cost of $28.- 000. This was constructed with especial reference to the needs of the banks, and they took posses- sion in 1877. ECCLESIASTICAL. Congregational Church. —As has been stated the first denomination to have stated preaching and to settle a minister in Claremont was the Congregational, and the inhabitants of this faith were by far the most numerous when the town was first settled. Rev. George Wheaton was ordained and settled here February 19, 1772; died June 24, 1773. Rev. Augustine Hibbard was settled October 19,1774; dismissed December 28, 1785. The most reliable account we have of the first meeting-house is, that a building to be used as a Congregational meeting-house was erected near what is known as the Harvey Draper place, on the road to the Junction, in 1785 ; that in 1790 it was taken down and removed in pieces to the location of the present town-house, and there put together again, and the next year was finished inside. In 1808 the east tower and the front, or circular porr 82 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. tion were added. From that time until 1835, when the new Congregational Church, on Pleasant Street, was erected, this building was used both as a church and town-house. After that date its use for a church was abandoned. There was no settled pastor from the time of Mr. Hibbard's dismission until March 9, 1796, when John Tappan was ordained. He was dismissed in 1802. He was excommunicated from the church the following year, entered mercantile life, and remained in town until his death. For about two years, from August, 1803, Rev. Elijah Brainerd was acting pastor. Under him the church was re- organized by the adoption of more explicit articles of Faith and Covenant, and Rules of Discipline. The members of the church were enrolled for the first time, so far as appears, in 1 804. The names of sixteen male members and of twenty female members are recorded at that time. Rev. Stephen Farley was installed December 24, 1806. His pastorate closed April 4, 1819. The " Church Manual," published in 1879, says : " The first marked revival occurred in 1816 ; as a result fifty-four were added to the church on pro- fession of faith in that year. This work of grace, however, brought no peace. The pastor's attitude in relation to it was not satisfactory to those most active in promoting it, and he seems not to have enjoyed the confidence of the new converts. The result was divisions in the church and a painftil want of har- mony between the church and the society, the latter sympathizing strongly with the pastor. During the years 1819 and 1820 no new members were received. Not long after his dismission Mr. Farley became openly a Unitarian." The Claremont Congregational Society was formed February 20, 1806, and held its first meet- ing June 9th of that year. Up to this time parish meetings were called by the selectmen of the town, and the records kept by the town clerk. " The Congregational Society of Claremont " was incorporated June 20, 1815. "The society took the lead in calling the next pastor, Eev. Jonathan Nye. He received and accepted the society's call in the autumn of 1820. But it was not until the May following that the church was pre- vailed upon to accept him, and then not without many misgivings. He was installed June 6, 1821, not, however, to enjoy a quiet ministry. Those were day of discipline in more than a single sense, of which the aged speak with sorrow. The misgivings of the church proved too well founded. Mr. Nye was dis- missed in 1828." Tradition has it that after Mr. Nye was dis- missed from his pastorate, charges were preferred against him as an unworthy member of the church, and he submitted to a trial of considerable length. The charges seemed to have been substantiated by proof, and Mr. Nye was called upon for any answer which he might have to make. He arose, and in a very cool and respectful manner said, in substance, that he had listened very attentively to the proceedings, and while doing so it had oc- curred to him that if he was to be turned out of the church, it might be necessary for him to join first. The fact was that he had never been admitted as a member of the Congreeational Church. Difficulty arose again in the choice of a new minister. In a meeting of the society forty-two votes were cast in favor of calling Mr. Moses Thomas, a Unitarian, and but forty-four against. Mr. Elijah Paine was finally called by the church with the concurrence of the society, and ordained April 1st, 1829. His ministry was marked by earnest, evangelical preaching, and eighty were added to the church on profession of faith in 1830 and 1831. Strong ground was taken in the cause of temperance. It was voted in 1833, " That this Church admit no more members to her Communion as regular members, unless they first sign a pledge to abstain from all use of ardent spirits as a beverage." Mr. Paine was dismissed Nov. 14th, 1833. Rev. Tertius D. Southworth was installed June 18th, 1834. A Mr. Burchard was laboring as a revivalist at this period with neighboring churches, and Mr. Southworth was opposed to bis methods, and was thought to have hastened the termination of his pastorate, which occurred July 31st, 1838. CLAREMONT. 83 Rev. Robert F. Lawrence was installed January 16th, 1839. His labors seemed to be crowned with success, and more than forty were added to the church in that year. In 1842, in union meetings, the entire town was moved, and forty- one were added to this church. Another revival occurred in 1853. In 1840 twenty- eight members of the church, many of whom were thought to be good Christians, were suspended from church privileges, on ac- count of their having subscribed to a " Covenant of Christians, who, irrespective of religious denomi- nations, decide on cultivating unitedly holiness of heart and a millenial spirit." Some were sub- sequently restored, but thirteen were finally ex- communicated September 15th, 1841. Mr. Law- rence's ministry continued until January 24th, 1863, twenty-four years. Rev. Edward W. Clark was installed February 25th, 1864, and on account of failing health was dismissed June 10th, 1870. The following year the meeting-house was remodeled inside, and newly furnished. Rev. Levi Rodgers was or- dained and installed pastor October 19th, 1871. Mr. Rodgers resigned April 10th, and was dis- missed May 5th, 1880. Rev. A. J. McGown was called April 19th, 1881 ; installed pastor Novem- ber 10th, 1881 ; resigned on account of the death of his wife, September 24th, 1882 ; dismissed October 24th, 1882. Rev. Frank P. Tompkins was called to the pastorate December 26th, 1881, and was installed June 19th, 1883, since which he has labored with this church. Episcopal Church. — On the 28th of April, 1769, a memorial of the inhabitants of Clare- mont, addressed to the " Reverend Clergy of the Church of England and Missionaries of the venerable S. P. G. F. P., to be con- vened at New Milford, in the Colony of Con- necticut in Trinity week," and signed by Abel Bachelor, Her. Rice, Micah Potter, Cornelius Bro'oks, Benjamin Tyler, Ebeuezer Price, Daniel Warner, Levi Warner, Asa Leet, Benjamin Brooks, Benjamin Brooks, Jr., and Benjamin Rice, it was represented that " The land here is exceedingly burdened with tim- ber, which renders the cultivation of it very laborious. However, the little we have brought under cultivation is abundantly fruitful, so that (God willing) most of the necessaries of life will be plentiful. That some of us have numerous families of small children fit for schooling. The number of children under 16 years of age is 85. There are about two families of dissenters to one of ours. We are grieved at the thought of having them brought up in ignorance, and dread their becoming a prey to enthusiasts and being carried away by every wind of doctrine. We believe a good school lays the foundation for a sober, godly and righteous life; and since Samuel Cole, Esq., has been much employed in keeping school and is an inhabitant and proprietor among us (whose character and qualifications some of you know well), we humbly desire you would be pleased to represent our state to the venerable Society, and eadeavor that he may be appointed Catechist and Schoolmaster among us a few years till we have got over the first difiiculties and hardships of a wild, uncultivated country." During the two years preceding the date of this memorial the population had largely increased. The accessions were mainly Cougregationalists, and that continued to be the rule in after-years. The first minister of the Episcopal Church, Avho is known to have officiated here, was the Rev. Sam- uel Peters, of Hebron, Conn. He was a mission- ary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- pel, and, several years subsequently, was chosen Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont, though never consecrated. As early as 1768 he made an exten- sive missionary tour through Vermont, and, in the fall of 1770, he visited the towns along the Con- necticut River, both in New Hampshire and Ver- mont. Of the latter journey he gave the follow- ing account : " Upon the 10th of September I left Hebron, taking my clerk with me. We arrived among the poor im- migrants upon the 16th of said month. The bank of the west side of the river is in the government of New York, lately taken from New Hampshire gov- ernment — a territory now sufficient for two large 84 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. counties, viz.: Cumberland and Gloucester; the latter having only one independent teacher (poor enough), ihe former without any kind of a teacher. Yet in both counties are several thousand souls, who live without the means of grace, destitute of knowledge, laden down with ignorance and covered with poverty. On the east side of the river are many settlements begun whose inhabitants much resemble their neighbors in every uncomfortable property. Among these people I spent four weeks, traveling from place to place, preaching and baptizing, the people being careful to attend divine service, many waiting for a clergyman to reside among them, viz.: in the towns of Clare- mont, Straiford, Thetford, Moretown, Windsor, Orford, Haverhill, and being so nigh one another that one clergyman might accommodate the whole." There is no mention in this narrative of his having organized the church in Claremont at that time. In an article in the Churchman's Magazine, of August, 1805, it is stated that " this church was organized by the Eev. Samuel Peters, in or about the year 1771," and in the documentary history of the church in Vermont, it is positively asserted that in " 1771 he was on missionary duty in the western part of New Hampshire and organ- ized the church in Claremont." The first record of a parish or vestry-meeting in this town is as follows : " November, 1773. Being the first Vestry-meeting holden after the Rev. Ranna Cossit returned from England with Holy orders, at which Samuel Cole, Esq., was appointed clerk ; Captain Benjamin Brooks and Lieutenant Benjamin Tyler were chosen war- dens ; Daniel Warner, Asa Leet and Ebenezer Rice were chosen vestrymen." The late Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, D.D., then rector of Trinity Church, Claremont, in an histor- ical address, delivered at Union Church, West Claremont, on the occasion of the centenary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Claremont, September 27, 1871, and from which address much of our data is derived, said : "The discouragements and privations attending the position of a missionary over such an outpost in the wilderness may readily be conceived. They must have been great enough in periods of ordinary quietness, for his people were struggling, with small resources, under the necessity of lifting oflF, before they could mark the ground from which to derive their support, the burden of a dense forest, the growth of centuries. They had, also, first to pay their rate or tax, as did all the people of the town, for the sup- port of the Congregational order." Mr. Cossit said : " Dr. Hubbard was surrounded by constantly in- creasing numbers who were hostile to their faith and worship, which he was commissioned to uphold and defend. And, as for support for himself and family (to say nothing of the luxuries with which ministers, in those days, were in no danger of being pampered), he might pray for his daily bread, but, so far as human eve could see or human help appeared, the prospect was very dismal. We find, in the records, no men- tion, at the time of his settlement, of any salary be- yond the sum of thirty pounds sterling allowed him as missionary by the venerable society. But in 1777, at the Easter meeting, it ' was agreed by the Vestry to give the Rev. Banna Cossit thirty pounds lawful money for preaching the last year.' This proved too heavy a burden, and in 1778 they ' agreed to give Mr. Cossit fifteen pounds for the year ensuing.' " In January, 1781, they " agreed with the Rev. Ranna Cossit to give him thirty pounds for a year ending at Christmas, allowing him four Sundays to visit vacant churches. And the Rev. Ranna Cossit agrees to throw by all other business and apply himself to the work of the ministry." This probably continued to be his salary until he left. " The support, however, proved inadequate, with the utmost economy, to protect him from the galling bondage of debt. An anecdote is related of him, which appears authentic, and which I give as show- ing the power of patient endurance to develop a noble magnanimity. He had given his note to a prominent man and landholder in the town, to an amount about equal to his yearly income. He had already paid some small instalments upon the note, together with the interest, when, one day, his creditor called upon him and demanded the whole amount. Mr. Cossit replied that it was out of hia power to pay any portion of it immediately, but that when his salary became due he would pay a definite sum, which he named. This answer was not satis- factory; the whole sum must be paid at the time CLAKEMONT. 85 mentioned. The minister replied tliat it would be impossible. He must reserve enough to buy bread for his family. ' Unless you promise to pay me then,' said the creditor, ' I shall sue you at once and take all you have.' ' You can do that,' he answered. ' You can attach my furniture, my library and my horse; you can confine me in jail. But you will not obtain nearly enough from my effects to satisfy your claims, and you will put it out of my power, not only to sup- port myself and those dependent upon me, but to re- deem my pledge to you, which, God being my helper, shall certainly be fulfilled ia a reasonable time.' But the creditor clung to the pound of flesh, and, as he departed, he loudly proclaimed his intention to bring an execution that very night. Seeing him inexorable and blank ruin staring him in the face, the good man went to the door and called back the hard usurer, and said, ' My friend, if you are deter- mined to carry out this purpose you will need your note. When you were here to get the last payment which is indorsed on it, you inadvertently left it on my table. I have kept it safely. Here it is, sir.' It is hardly necessary to say that the note was not sued, and that the minister took his own time in which to pay it. But greater trials than these awaited both minister and people. " We can hardly estimate aright at this distant day, and in the midst of circumstances so greatly changed, the position in which churchmen found themselves at the breaking out of the Revolutionary War. The period of religious toleration had not arrived, and the spirit of ancient contests, which had raged for centuries in the old world and in a measure spent their force, was here revived in all its intense bigotry and malignity. It was not any fear of such men as Samuel Cole and Kanna Cossit, in a civil point of view, that led to their cruel persecution and abuse. Doubtless, they were loyal to the government, and most warmly attached to the Church of England. But they were peaceable, law-abiding men. There was no treachery or sedition in them. Their own principles taught them to obey the powers that be. While the great struggle was going on they could not be hired nor driven to take up arms against the King, neither would they take up arms, nor plot nor conspire against the lives and happiness of their fellow-citizens. They desired to remain quiet and await the decision of Providence. And when that decision came, if it were adverse to their hopes, they would be as faithful and obedient to the new govern- ment as they had been to the old. "The speaker is not attempting to defend their political position. His own ancestors, though church- men, were on the other side. The blood of a Revolu- tionary soldier flows in his veins, and he has been nurtured from infancy on the bread of liberty. It was not incompatible with church principles to espouse the cause of the Bepublic. When the civil power was shaken, under which they had reposed in safety, when the Provincial Governor had fled to the northern dominions of the Crown, then the storm l?urst on their defenseless heads.' " Dr. Hubbard read two letters, the first from Colonel John Peters to his brother, the Eev. Sam- uel Peters, in London, and the other from the Eev. Ranna Cossit. Colonel Peters' letter was dated Quebec, July 20, 1778, and was as follows : "Rev. Dr. Wheelock, President of Dartmouth Col- lege, in New Hampshire, in conjunction with Deacon Bay ley, Mr. Morey and Mr. Hurd, all justices of the peace, put an end to the Church of England in this State, so early as 1775. They seized me, Capt. Peters and all the judges of Cumberland and Gloucester, the Rev. Mr. Cossit and Mr. Cole, and all the Church people for 200 miles up the river (Connecticut), and confined us in close goals, after beating and drawing us through water and mud. Here we lay some time and were to continue in prison until we abjured the king and signed the league and covenant. Many died ; one of which was Capt. Peters' son. We were re- moved from the goal and confined in private houses at our own expense. Capt. Peters and myself were guarded by twelve rebel soldiers, while sick in bed, and we paid dearly for this honor ; and others fared in like manner. I soon recovered from my indisposi- tion, and took the first opportunity and fled to Cana- da, leaving Cossit, Cole, Peters, Willis, Porter, Sumner, Paptin, etc., in close confinement, where they had mise- ry, insults and sickness enough. My flight was in 1776, since which my family arrived at Montreal, and in- form me that many prisoners died; that Capt. Peters had been tried by court-martial and ordered to be shot for refusing to lead his company against the King's troops. He was afterwards reprieved, but still in goal, and that he was ruined both in health and property ; that Cossit and Cole were alive when they came away, but were under confinement, and had HISTORY OF SULLIYAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. more insults than any of the loyalists, because they had been servants of the Society, which, under pre- tense (as the rebels say) of propagating religion, had propagated loyalty, in opposition to the liberties of America." Mr. Cossit's letter to the secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel was as follows : New York, June 6, 1779. " I arrived in this city last Sunday, by permission, with a flag, and am to return in a few days. I trust the Society cannot be unacquainted with the perse- cutions the loyalists have endured in New England. I have been by the committee confined as prisoner, in the town of Claremont, ever since the 12th of April, 1775 ; yet God has preserved my life from the people. I have constantly kept up public service, without any omissions, for the King and royal family, and likewise made use of the prayer for the high court of parliament, and the prayer to be used in time of war and tumults ; have administered the Lord's Supper on every first Sunday in the month, except two Sundays that we could not procure any wine. The numbers of my parishioners and commu- nicants in Claremont are increased, but I have been cruelly distressed with fines for refusing entirely to fight against the King. In sundry places where I used to officiate, the church people are all dwindled away. Some have fled to the King's army for protec- tion ; some were banished ; and many died." Notwithstanding these persecutions, many of the most prominent inhabitants of Claremont sought the society and communion of the Episcopal Church. Amongst these were Benjamin Sumner, Daniel Dodge, John Marsh, John Marsh, Jr., John and Ichabod Hitchcock, James Steel, Bill Barnes, Joseph Norton, Abner Cole, Asa Jones, Timothy Grannis, William McCoy, Daniel Curtis, Abner Meiggs and Ambrose Cossit— sixteen fam- ilies. In 1785 the Rev. Rauna Cossit left this church and was appointed missionary at Sidney, in the Island of Cape Breton, where he remained until his death, in 1815. Union Church was erected in 1773, two years before the war. " It was built according to a plan furnished by Gov. John Wentworth. The Master Carpenter was Ichabod Hitchcock. The Governor promised to fur- nish the glass and nails when the work had reached a certain point. He also pledged them a good bell and organ. But the state of the country compelled him to flee before his promise was fulfilled. It also interrupted the work of building. Only the frame was erected and the roof and outer boarding put on, the floor laid and some temporary arrangements made for holding service in it in summer. And so it re- mained until August, 1789, when, according to a pre- vious vote, twenty-five pews were sold, in order to purchase the nails and glass wherewith to finish it. The frame of the church, constructed of the mighty forest trees then abundant, is exceedingly heavy and powerful, made of the strongest and best kinds of timber. It is said that on one occasion, in the early part of the present century, a tornado swept over the country while the people were assembled for divine worship. Among them was a Mr. Dodge, who had been employed as a carpenter when the frame was raised. He was a very large and strong man and had a seat near the door. When the trees began to fall about the building, many were greatly alarmed, and rushed for the door, where they found Mr. Dodge defending the passage, denying all egress, and with his brawny arm pushing back the crowd, saying : ' I know this frame. No wind can demolish it. Your only safety lies in keeping beneath its shelter.' I may as well mention here that the tower and belfry were added in the year 1800, and the whole church was re-covered, except the north side and part of the east end, and the entire exterior was painted. A bell weighing six hundred and eighty-two pounds was procured and hung in 1806, and an organ, whose whistling pipes were the wonder of our childhood, was subsequently placed in the gallery. In 1820 an addition of twenty feet was made at the east end ol the church, to accommodate the increa.sed congrega- tion. The original size of the church was fifty feet in length, and one hundred in width, with posts twenty feet high. "After the departure of the Eev. Mr. Cossit the church continued vacant several years, but the ser- vices were kept up by lay reading. Mr. Ebenezer Rice was 'chosen to keep the records, and also to read prayers and sermons, with liberty to call in what as- sistance he should think proper. " In 1784 the town voted to lay out four acres for CLAREMONT. 87 the use and benefit of the Episcopal Church, com- monly called the Church of England, for a church- yard, including the ground on which the Church now stands. In 1785 a service for the Holy Communion was procured, of pewter, which continued to be used until another of more valuable material was pre- sented by Hon. S. Kingsbury and Mr. Dustin in 1822. In 1787 an agreement was made with Mr. Abraham Towmlinson, aclergyman as I suppose, to read prayers and preach for a term of seven months, from the 8th of September to the next Easter. " July 14, 1785. It was voted to send letters to the clergy of Connecticut for better satisfaction about their connection with Bishop Seabury. October, 1785. Voted, to choose Mr. Bill Barnes to represent the Church of Claremont at the adjourned Conven- tion to be holden at Boston on the 26th of October inst. Voted to send our united thanks to the Conven- tion for taking pains to send us their doings. Voted a concurrence with their progress. April 28, 1791. Voted not to accede to the Constitution formed at Boston. Voted to adopt the doings or alterations of the Book of Common Prayer as proposed at Phila- delphia. In 1788 an arrangement was made with the Kev. Solomon Blakeslee to officiate as minister of the Church, on a salary of iifty-two pounds, with the use of the glebe, together with the rents then due thereon." Mr. Blakeslee is represented as an eloquent preacher, of easy address and exemplary conduct, possessing an unusual faculty for attracting people to him and the church. Such was his influence that thirty families from the Congregational So- ciety conformed to the Episcopal Church in one day. Mr. Blakeslee, at his own request, obtained a dismission in 1791, and removed to East Had- dam. Conn. In the town records of 1796 are certificates of the following gentlemen, most of whom professed to have united with the Episcopal Church, protest- ing against paying any more taxes for the support of the Rev. John Tappan, then minister of the Congregational Society, viz. : Elisha Shelden, Francis Chase, John Cotton, Peter Russell, Benj. Swett, Walter Ainsworth, Matthias Stone, Jonathan Emerson, John Stone, Asa Duns- more, Samuel Atkins, Joseph Wilson, Abel Dustin, Jonathan Shaw, Jr., Nicholas Carey, Christopher York, Josiah Rich, Stephen Barber, Roger Philips and Lemuel Dean. In the year 1794 this church was incorporated by act of the New Hampshire Legislature, with the name of Union Church. The records show that a parish meeting was warped for May 13, 1794, "to take into consideration a proposition made to them by Congregational people to join with them in hiring Mr. Whiting to be the min- ister for both Congregationalists and Episcopa- lians." Mr. Whiting was a Congregational min- ister. At the meeting referred to it was voted that they " would join with the Congregational people, provided they could agree upon the terms." Then it was voted to choose seven men as a committee to meet the other committee. " Chose Messrs. Bill Barnes, Ebenezer Rice, Am- brose Cossit, David Dodge, Sanford Kingsbui-y, John W, Russell and Captain George Hubbard. Voted, to authorize them to hire Mr. Whiting to officiate for such term as they should agree upon, as a candidate for settlement over the whole town, on the following conditions, viz. : ' 1st, That he re- ceive Episcopal ordination ' (as he had done Con- gregational), and ' 2d, That he officiate alternately at the church and at the meeting-house. That on these terms this society will agree that Mr. Whiting be settled over the whole town, and that the town reap the benefit of the public lands be- longing to the church so long as he continues to be our minister." The meeting was adjourned to the 20th of May. It then met and heard the report of the committee, which was, in substance, that the Congregational Society would not comply with the terms. The Rev. Daniel Barber became rector of this church in 1796, and continued here as such until 1818. He was a native of Symsbuiy, Conn., the birth-place of Bishop Griswold. Mr. Barber was born and educated a Congregationalist. He was ordained by Bishop Seabury at Middletown, Conn., October 29, 1786. He is reported to have been an eccentric character, doing and saying many queer things, and quite wanting in dignity. It is due to 88 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. him to say, however, that he kept the church to- gether for many years, and that it increased very considerably under his ministry. The rectorship of Mr. Barber ended disastrously to himself. lu 1817 his son, Virgil Barber, who had been already ordained both deacon and priest, joined the Roman Catholic Church. Soon the father began to use what influence he had in favor of that church, and to try to unsettle the minds of the people. While Mr. Barber still remained rec- tor — but rumors having arisen respecting his de- fection, and not a little dissatisfaction existing in consequence — at a meeting called for this purpose expressly (September 29, 1818), it was " Voted that the Rev. James B. Howe be hired to preach among us for such time as he will agree to, not ex- ceeding one year." November 12, 1818, " Voted to dismiss the Rev. Daniel Barber from the rectorship " April 19, 1819, called the Rev. James B. Howe to the rectorship, on a salary of seven hundred dollars. Mr. Barber remained here a few years and then went to Connecticut, and, finally, to Georgetown, D. C, where his daughter-in-law and two grand- daughters were in a convent. "His son, Virgil, came here as a Romish priest, with the evident design to proselyte and build the chapel opposite this church, with a school-room above, where he officiated on Sundays and taught the sons of his father's former parishioners during the week, for a number of years, without fruits so far as conversions to Romanism were concerned : the only family from this Church, I believe, that followed Mr. Barber in his apostacy was that of Mr. Noah Tyler, whose wife was a sister of Mr. Barber. The son of Mr. Tyler, William, became a Koman Catholic Bishop, and the daughter, Eosetta, the Lady Superior of a nunnery. Sanford Spaulding, also, who had married an Irishwoman, concluded to join his wife, and two ladies by the name of Alden went to the Roman Catholic Church. "The Rev. James B. Howe, who succeeded Mr, Barber, was born in Dorchester, Mass. He had been a successful classical teacher in Boston for some years previous to his ordination, which took place not long before his call to this parish. He was recom- mended by the Rev. Dr. Eaton, the venerable and excellent Rector of Christ's Church, Boston. About the time he assumed the rectorship, a large, round brick building, erected by a sort of ecclesiastical union in which I believe Universalism was the predominant element, standing on the present site of Trinity Church, Claremont village, was purchased as a chapel of Union Church, and therein, durhig the greater part of Mr. Howe's ministry, services were held alter- nately, one Sunday in this church, and the next in Trinity Chapel. Mr. Howe was a man of very differ- ent quality from his predecessor. He was truly a gentleman of the old school. Like Bishop Griswold, he continued to wear as long as he lived the long stockings and short clothes of the olden time. He was open, frank, hearty, courteous, sincere, true to his convictions of duty, earnest in his religious feelings. In short, he was a' man to win the confidence and affection of his people. Until the unfortunate strife arose as to the rights and interests between the two parts of the pariah, in which, from his position and residence, he was necessarily involved, no parish was more united or more cordially attached to their Rec- tor. There may have been individual exceptions, but they were rare. I believe that those who in the heat of controversy were bitterly opposed to him, will now, when these feelings have subsided, be ready to acknowledge his good qualities, his high-minded and noble Christian character. Very soon after he com- menced his ministry a large number of persons, headed by Colonel Josiah Stevens, a deacon in the Congregational Society, joined this parish. I find the names of over forty men, mostly heads of families, re- siding in or near Clareniont village, enrolled in 1819 among the voters in the parish meeting. The first confirmation during the rectorship, September 15, 1819, numbered forty-six. In 1824 this parish came into possession of a fund amounting to over five thou- sand five hundred dollars, devised by will of Major Oliver Ashley, one of the original proprietors of the town. The income of this fund was given for the support of a clergyman of this church. Thus this church, with the Ashley fund and the income of church lands, was provided with the means of abun- dant self-support, amounting to more than eight hundred dollars." ' There were local and other causes which finally resulted in a division of the parish. Mr. Howe's connection with the controversy which preceded CLAREMONT. 89 the division was such that the last years of his rec- torship was made very unpleasant for him and un- profitable for the church. He was dismissed peremptorily by the majority, who sympathized with the western portion of the parish, because they supposed him to sympathize wholly with the vil- lage portion, and, after a hearing before the stand- ing committee of the diocese, he was advised, on certain conditions, to resign. A new parish was formed in the village, and the Rev. H. S. Smith was called as assistant to the rector of Union Church Parish, and began his services there after Easter in 1838, officiating alternately there and in Trinity Church, Cornish, and so continued four years. After the resignation of Mr. Howe, Mr. Smith was elected rector of Union Church, which he held twenty-eight years, ending in 1871. He resigned on account of his age. Trinity Church. — The subject of a division of Union Parish, and establishment of a church at the village having been agitated for some time, at a special meeting at Union Church, August 26, 1843, it was " Voted that the Wardens are hereby authorized and directed in the name of Union Church, to convey by assignment of lease or other- wise, all the right, title and - interest of Union Church, and all privileges and appurtenances thereof, to Trinity Church in Claremont, in pur- suance of an article in the warrant." On September 20, 1843, the parish of Trinity Church, Claremont, was duly organized. Thirty- seven gentlemen, at that time, signed the Articles of Association ; others signed at later dates. Sep- tember 30th, of the same year, having adopted a code of by-laws, the parish proceeded to elect the following officers : James P. Brewer being clerk; Charles M. Bingham and Lewis Perry, wardens ; Philander C. Freeman, James M. Gates, Josiah Eichards, David W. Dexter and Charles Mitchell, vestrymen; John W. Tappan, treasurer; Thomas Leland, delegate to the Special Convention of the Diocese, at Concord, October 4, 1843. It was then " Voted, That the Wardens of this Church procure if they think practicable, from Union Church, a conveyance of Trinity Chapel and the land and all the appurtenances belonging to the same, to Trinity Church." April 8, 1844, P. C. Freeman was appointed by the parish meeting "an agent to attend to the transfer of Trinity Chapel, to the society of Trinity Church, from the mem- bers of Union Church, Claremont, N, H." The transfer was made prior to June 26, 1844. According to the " History of the Eastern Dio- cese," Trinity Church was received into union with the Diocese of New Hampshire, at the Spe- cial Convention at Concord, October 4, 1843, and its delegate took part in the election of the Rev, Carlton Chase, D.D., Bishop. The Rev. Eleazer A. Greenleaf officiated at Trinity Church from November, 1843, to Easter, 1844. On December 30, 1843, at a special meeting of the parish of Trinity Church, the fol- lowing resolution was offered by Thomas Leland, Esq , and was unanimously adopted : " Resoloed, As the sense of this Society, that the Wardens and Vestry of this parish be instructed to invite the Eev. Carlton Chase, D.D., to become Rec- tor of said parish, and to make such contract for his salary as they may think for the best interest of the Society. And, in case he accepts of such a call, to make all other arrangements proper for raising means for his salary, and for his institution as Rector." Dr. Chase accepted the rectorship of Trinity Church, and entered on its duty at Easter, 1844. His salary from the parish was five hundred dollars, At the annual convention in June, 1844, he re- ported sixty families, three baptisms and eighty- four communicants. The old Trinity Chapel, after having been used for the church service thirty-four years, was taken down in the early part of 1852. The corner-stone of the present edifice, on the same site, was laid on June 16, 1852, by Bishop Chase, assisted by the Eev. Henry S. Smith, rector of Union Church, Claremont, and the Rev. Marcellus A. Herrick, rector of St. James' Church, Woodstock, Vt. Under the corner-stone the following-named articles were deposited : 1. Printed copies of the journals of the Diocese of New Hampshire from 1843 to 1851, inclusive. 90 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2. A list of the communicants of Trinity Church from its organization in September, 1843, to June, 1852 — ^the whole number being one hundred and seventy two. 3. One number each of three religious newspapers published severally on or near the 12th of June, 1852, to wit: The Churchman, The Christian Witness and Advocate and The Calendar. 4. One number each of the newspapers published in Claremont village — the National Eagle and the Northern Adoocate. 5. A declaration, of which the following is acopy: " I, Carlton Chase, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, in the fifty-ninth year of my age, and in the eighth year of my episcopate — Millard Fillmore being President of the United States, and Noah Martin being Governor of New Hampshire — this sixteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, LAY THIS CORNER-STONE OF TRINITY CHURCH, and with my own hand make this deposite." 6. A schedule of donations from churches and in- dividuals abroad, to aid in the erection of Trinity Church. 7. An account of the organization of the parish, with a list of officers for the year 1852. Also, the names of the architects, Messrs. Wills & Dudley, of the city of New York ; of the builders, Messrs. Washburn & Nichols, of Albany, N. Y.; of the Building Committee, Messrs. Charles M. Bingham, Lewis Perry, Charles F. Long and Alvah Stevens. 8. A paper containing the names of subscribers and donors to the Building Fund, and stating gener- ally the terms of the contract for erection. The chancel window was the gift of All Saints' Church, New York. The cost of this church edi- fice was about seven thousand dollars. Additions and alterations since made have added consider- ably to that sum. It was duly consecrated by Bishop Chase, in the presence of the Convention of the Diocese, May 25, 1853. Bishop Chase resigned the rectorship of this church June 1st, 1868, as follows: " Diocese or New Hampshire. "To the Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church. "Bear Brethren : — Proceedings in the late Conven- tion, by which the Diocese assures my full support, and solicits for itself my undivided cares and labors, make it my duty to resign the Rectorship of your Church. This I beg leave now to do. And in doing it, I assure you, Brethren, that my connection of nineteen years with Trinity Church has afforded me innumerable occasions of happy and grateful remem- brance. As your Bishop I shall still be in your service, and shall be most happy at all times to do what I can for Trinity Church. " With much affection and respect, " Yours in most holy bonds, " Carlton Chase." At an adjourned meeting of the members of Trinity Church corporation, June 22, 1863, it was " Voted that the Wardens and Vestry be author- ized to tender the Eev. John M. Peck, of Warren, E. I., an invitation to officiate in this church as Pastor one year for the consideration of 800 Dol- lars as Salary." Mr. Peck accepted this invitation, and entered on his duties August 2, 1863. Subse- quently his salary was increased to one thousand dollars and the use of the rectory. He resigned in June, 1867. Mr. Peck reported to the con- vention in June, 1867, twelve baptisms, twenty confirmations and one hundred and sixty commu- nicants. On the 1st of August, 1867, the Rev. L G. Hubbard, D.D., took charge of Trinity Church. In 1871 the parish sold its rectory for three thou- sand dollars, and purchased the Dr. Robert Glea- son house and grounds adjoining the church lot for four thousand five hundred dollars. In 1884 the old buildings on this lot were sold for about one hundred and fifty dollars, to be removed, pre- paratory to building new. To the Convention of 1868, Dr. Hubbard reported ten baptisms, eleven confirmations, two hundred and one communi- cants and one hundred Sunday-school scholars. In September, 1866, George G. and Lemuel N. Ide presented to Trinity Church a bell weighing one thousand and fifty- seven pounds, and costing, with mountings, etc., five hundred and thirty-one dollars and sixiy-two cents, " for religious and church uses only." The following explains itself: CLAREMONT. 91 " Claremont, N. H., Dec. 19, 1871. " To the Sector, Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church : " Gentlemen : — I have had prepared a Memorial Tablet in memory of Rt. Rev. Carlton Chase, D. D., our late worthy Bishop and Rector, which I herewith offer for your acceptance, to be placed in the Chancel of the Church. " Very truly your associate in the Vestry, "Geo. L. Balcom." Dr. Hubbard, on account of ill health, was granted a vacation, his place being supplied by the society, and went to Europe, his expenses being paid by contributions of members of his parish and others. By reason of continued ill health. Dr. Hubbard resigned his rectorship March 31, 1875, to take effect the 1st of the following May. The Rev. C. R. Batcbelder, Rev. Mr. Pearson and others sup- plied until the Rev. Henry Ferguson was called and commenced his labors as rector the 3rd of March, 1878. On account of the poor health of Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Ferguson resigned in Decem- ber, 1880. The Rev. Charles S. Hale wis called, and commenced his rectorship at Easter, 1881. He resigned March 9, 1885, his resignation to take effect after Trinity Sunday, May 31, 1885. In February, 1882, a new organ was placed in the church, at an expense of $3150. In 1884 a choir-room was added to the church, which, with furnishing, cost $1375. A chancel choir of men and boys was organized in February, 1882. In August, 1884, a legacy of $8000 was received from the estate of Mrs. Carrie Evans, of Boston, with which to build a rectory for Trinity Parish, and it will be erected, at no very distant period, on the site adjoining the church lot. First Baptist Church. — In 1785 a Baptist society was formed in Claremont. There was no stated preaching, however, until the following year, when Rev. John Pickens was ordained. The formation of this new religious society in- creased the bitterness of feeling against the minis- terial tax system. The members of the new society refused to conform to the requisitions of the law, pleading that they were of a different denomination; The town records show that on September 6, 1785, "The Inhabitants of the Town of Clare- mont assembled at the dwelling-house of Mr. Ebenezer Rice in s'd Town," and " Voted on the fourth article in the warning that those people that call themselves Baptists pay no more rates to the Congregational order for the fewter." This secured from taxation, by the terms of the law, such persons as were conscientiously of a dif- ferent persuasion, and attended constantly public religious worship on the Lord's day. In July, 1776, a church of seventeen members was constituted and recognized. Mr. Pickens re- mained but a few months, under whose ministry the society flourished ; but after his removal, and for various reasons, it became extinct in a few years. In the fall of 1820, Rev. John Kimball labored three months as a missionary in Clare- mont. In January, 1821, the scattered members were brought together, and a church with seven- teen members was constituted. The names ot these members were as follows: Joseph Cum- mings, Thomas Warner, Ezra Smith, Jesse Bun- nel, Mehitabel Dodge, Milly Bunnel, Eunice Smith, Prudence Sweet, Betsey Bunnel, Ruth Bond, Prudence Richards, Hannah Cummings, Betsey Patrick, Lydia Wilkin.*, Sally Draper, Mehitabel Bunnel, Charlotte Petty. Under Mr. Kimball's labors the church mem- bership increased to fifty-four. The six following years the church was without a pastor and wor- shiped in a hall connected with Clark's tavern, on the north side of Sugar River. Notwithstanding the disadvantages endured in this time, there was an accession of several men of standing and wealth. In 1827 the First Baptist Society was formed, and a small chapel was built on the east side of High Street, which was occupied six years. In January, 1829, the Rev. Leonard Tracy was settled as the first pastor of the church, and his connection with it continued eight years, during which the "Manual," published in 1884, from which much information is derived, says " the 92 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAIMPSHIRE. foundation of much of its future prosperity were laid." In 1833-34, encouraged by the growth of the church and society, a lot at the junction of Main and Central Streets, where their handsome house of worship now stands, was purchased, and the erection of the building was commenced, which was completed and dedicated in November, 1834. The Eev. Darwin H. Eanney succeeded Mr. Tracy, and began his labors in March, 1838, and continued them until September, 1839, after which the pastorate was vacant until September, 1840, when Rev. J. M. Graves became pastor. He held the office about three years, during which it is recorded that " the church gained in strength and efficiency, although it did not increase in members." The Rev. William B. Jacobs succeeded to the pastorate in November, 1843, and "filled the office with fidelity for about three years." His successor was Rev. Thomas G. Wright, who began his labors in July, 1847. "Though the number of members decreased during this period, yet the character of the church was greatly im- ■ proved, and a foundation was laid for future suc- cess. Some long-standing difficulties were settled, disorderly members were removed, and the body became more homogeneous and harmonious.' ' He closed his labors with this church in June, 1851. The Rev. Oliver Ayer was settled in July, 1851. " His pastorate was the longest the church has yet enjoyed, — thirteen years, — and was blessed with seasons of refreshing from on high. The year 1858 was especially memorable in the number of accessions by baptism." Mr. Ayer, though not a noisy or very attractive preacher to the generality of hearers, was a man of culture and refinement ; his sermons were finished, sound and logical, setting forth in no questionable terms his belief in the doctrines he preached. No one who heard him could doubt his sincerity ; and no one who knew him, whether they subscribed to his peculiar doctrines or not, could fail to respect him as a citizen and clergyman. In October, 1864, Francis W. Towle was called to the pastorate of this church and ordained the following month. "During his pastorate the church enjoyed steady growth in numbers and resources. Early in 1872 the society began the work of enlarging and repairing its house of worship. A new vestibule, tower and chapel were built, the interior of the main house remodeled, refurnished and frescoed. The whole cost of the repairn exceeded nine thousand five hundred dollars. The service of dedication was held January 2, 1873." Mr. Towle resigned in July, 1873. Charles A. Piddock served as supply from October, 1873, became pastor in March, 1874, and was ordained the same month. His pastorate ex- tended to July, 1877. and " was characterized by revival spirit and work, and by numerous acces- sions to the church." Rev. Joseph S. Swaim was called to the pas- torate in October, 1877, and, having been ordained in Cambridge, Mass., " continued his labors until February, 1883, the church during this time being united and prosperous and steadily increasing in numbers." Rev. T. G. Cass was next called, and began his labors as pastor in April, 1883, and resigned, and was dismissed March 27, 1885. He was succeeded by Rev. Joseph H. Robbin, who was settled June 7, 1885. Methodist Episcopal Churcb. — The follow- ing facts are gathered mainly from a " Historical Sketch " by Rev. M. V. B. Knox, published in 1882: On the strength of hearsay, it is reported that the first sermon preached in Claremont by a Methodist was by Rev. Mr. Daniels, the first Methodist preacher who died in New England. He was buried in the adjoining town of Unity. Others say that the eccentric Lorenzo Dow, at the age of nineteen years, preached the first sermon delivered by a Methodist in this town, in the neighborhood known as Packershire. It is known that in the winter of 1798 Lorenzo Dow preached once in four weeks in what is called the Green Mountain District, and that his labors CLAREMONT. 93 resulted in some conversions and the formation of a class at the house of Mr. Robertson, who some- times acted as leader. Dow's eccentricities were finally thought unbearable, and " he was advised to leave the town, which he did in quite a charac- teristic manner. Riding to its line, with thoughts and maledictions, the results of which it may be impossible to tell, and the nature of which the last day alone may reveal, he dismounted and, rapping his shoes together, shook the dust of Claremont off them, solemnly declaring that he should never enter the town more until solicited by those who were anxious for his labors as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never being invited, he never did return, and his testimony thus feelingly given still remains." The -first organized Methodism in Claremont was a class formed of those who were converted under the labors of Dow, in the Green Mountain District. The leader was Eliakim Stevens. In 1801 Claremont was included in the new circuit of Hanover. A Quarterly Meeting is reported in Claremont, May 7, 1801, connected with which were nine baptisms. In 1802 the membership in Claremont consisted of Eliakim Stevens, Prudence Stevens, Eliphalet Robertson, Mary Robertson, Susanna Stevens, John Amidon, Dorcas Tolman, Susanna Stoddard, Cynthia Fiske, Hezekiah Mills, Phebe Farrington, Amos Stoddard and Betsey Howell. Under Rev. Elijah Willard's preaching a re- vival of religion occurred at Draper's Corners, several families being converted. Mrs. Mason, an influential lady, encouraged the work by opening her house to meetings. She became a Methodist, as also her d^,ughter Ethana, afterward the wife and widow of Rev. Caleb Dustin. A class was formed under the leadership of Jacob Smith, of Unity, a local preacher. In 1806 Rev. Caleb Dustin labored here suc- cessfully. From this time up to 1815 the Method- ists held their meetings at private houses, and wherever else they could find accommodations. In that year the Methodists, Universalists and Baptists united and erected a meeting-house on the spot where Trinity Church now stands. Dur- ing the year 1821 the Baptists and Universalists, who had owned and occupied this meeting-house^ jointly with the Methodists, sold their shares to the Episcopalians, who at once put the house under alterations and repairs. This was a great disappointment and inconvenience to the Method- ists, as the Episcopalians, owning two-thirds — a controlling interest — refused its occupancy to the Methodists for their fourth Quarterly Meeting, which was appointed for the 18th of August. As the day approached, Mr. Chase, of the Sullivan House, tendered the use of a large, new horse- barn, which he had just finished, for the meeting, and his dance-hall for the love-feast, and they were accepted. After this meetings were held for a time at Draper's Corner ; then in an old, red cabinet-shop at the north side of the Upper Bridge, on Wash- ington Street, and finally in the hall of the " Old Clark Tavern," on North Street, which was occu- pied about two years. " In this hall Wilbur Fisk and other able, godly men preached the word." In 1826 the Methodists of Claremont undertook to build for themselves a meeting-house, and in Quarterly Conference, held January 4th, it was " voted to raise a committee of three to estimate the sum and obtain subscriptions to build a meet- ing-house in Claremont." Nathan Howard, Thomas Davis and Eli Draper were appointed said committee. Eliakim Stevens, Nathan Howard, Thomas Davis, Asa Dinsmore and Eli Draper were constituted trustees. The enterprise was at once begun. A subscription paper, dated January 26, 1826, and headed as follows, was circulated : " Whereas, it is the duty of all that have means and opportunities to promote the public worship of Al- mighty God, and, whereas, the Society of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church in Claremont, N. H., labors under many inconveniences and embarrassments for want of a house of public worship, therefore we, the subscribers, promise to pay the sum set against each of our names, respectively, to the said Methodist So- ciety, or a committee which they shall appoint, to be by them appropriated for the erecting a free house of 94 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. public worship in or near the village, in said Clare- mont, of such dimensions as shall by them be judged suitable, and upon such principles as shall accord with the discipline and usages of their church." At an adjourned meeting held January 26, 1826, the following board of officers was chosen : Eliakim Stevens, president ; Nathan Howard, secretary ; Thomas Davis, treasurer and agent ; Asa Dinsmore, Nathan Howard, Eliakim Stevens, Thomas Davis, Harvey McLaughlin, trustees. At this meeting the society " voted to proceed to build a chapel for public worship," and that " Thomas Davis, Eliakim Stevens and Nathan Howard be a committee, whose duty it shall be to purchase a site for and superintend the building of said chapel." Mr. Austin Tyler, a man of no particular de- nominational affinities, magnanimously oflfered them a very eligible site on Sullivan Street, as a gift, which was gratefully accepted. '' When the timber was collected, the brethren, desirous of securing the blessing of God upon their humble effort, solicited the services of the Rev. Mr. Nye, the Congregational preacher, as their own was too remote on other parts of the circuit to be con- veniently called. Mr. Nye met them in the lot containing the scattered materials for the chapel, and solemnly invoked the divine aid on the workers and work." The meeting-house was raised, partly finished, and occupied for service through the summer season in this condition, the congregation sitting on rough seats, men on one side of the house, women on the other, while the carpenter's bench made the minister's pulpit. The house was finally completed and dedicated in De cember, 1829, the sermon being preached by Rev. B. R. Hoyt. The official members of Claremont voted, in 1833, a request to be separated from the other places, and constituted a separate appointment. At a Quarterly Conference, held at Unity, June 29, 1833, it was " voted that Charlestown and Clare- mont become stations." But the Quarterly Con- ference included Unity, Claremont and Charles- town until the Conference year of 1835-36. At the first Quarterly Conference the new sta- tion had formed itself into a missionary society. The first stationed preacher was C. W. Levings, but matters were not prosperous, and, at the Quarterly Conference of June 26, 1836, his dis- mission from the charge, at his own request, was assented to, and he left. John Jones, who followed Mr. Levings, "was successful in his work, but was greatly impeded by a long course of sickness. The people helped him in a characteristic manner. To meet the ex-, penses of his illness, the sum of seventy-three dol- lare and eighteen cents was raised, over and above his regular salary, and awarded him as a gift — this being the whole amount of expenses incurred by his sickness. He reported one hundred and nineteen members." The next year Moses Chase was the preacher, " and the place was favored with a revival of great power. So many were the additions, that he re- ported the membership at two hundred and twenty- one." At the annual meeting of the society, Septem- ber 4, 1837, " Charles H. Mann, Erastus Clark and Frederick A. Henry were made a committee to see how a house-lot could be bought and a par- sonage-house built." An adjourned meeting, held September 16th, of the same year, " Votedto proceed in the building of a house as soon as four hundred dollars should be raised." This sum was soon pledged, and Samuel Tutherly, William Proctor and Frederick A. Henry were appointed a build- ing committee. It was found necessary to enlarge the meeting-house, and it was decided to abandon the parsonage project for that time. The Quarterly Conference, in January, 1838, resolved itself into a domestic missionary society, auxiliary to the Domestic Missionary Society of New Hampshire. In that year Rev. William Hatch succeeded Mr. Chase in the pastorate. The Quarterly Conference, in May, "Resolved, in the opinion of the Quarterly Conference, that our Dis- cipline prohibits the use of intoxicating liquors, except as a medicine, and that no person ought to be received into the church unless he will live up CLAREMONT. 95 to this rule." The same Conference, in April, 1839, resolved, — "1. That in our opinion the use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage is sin. " 2. That if any member of our church in this place shall be guilty of so doing, such member or members ought to be dealt with according to the rules of disci- pline, unless speedy reformation renders it unneces- sary." Eev. James M. Fuller, in 1839, succeeded Mr. Hatch, and, at the close of the first year, reported a Sunday-school, with twenty four officers and teachers, one hundred and eleven scholars,, and three hundred volumes in the library. Mr. Fuller stayed two years, and reported the number of members of the church at two hundred and one. He was succeeded by Rev. Eleazer Smith. About this time the Second Advent or Miller ex- citement, manifested itself, threatening the interests of the church. In a 'Quarterly Conference, April 15, 1843, it was " Voted that those brethren who sustain meetings abroad are requested to refrain ; if not, they are invited respectfully to withdraw from the church," and G. W. Wilson, E. Clark, A. M. Billings and others immediately withdrew. At the close of his second year Mr. Smith reported two hundred and ninety members of the church. The New Hampshire Annual Conference — then including Vermont as well as this State — met at Claremont, for the first time, in June, 1843. The public services were held in the town hall. " On the Sabbath an immense audience assembled, fill- ing not only the town hall, but the grounds about it. The venerable Bishop Waugh, standing on a platform erected for that purpose at the south door, proclaimed with masterly efiect, in behalf of the ministry, ' We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord.'" Mr. Smith was succeeded in 1843 by Rev. Elihu Scott. " His first year's pastorate was greatly in- jured by the desolating influence of Millerism, defections in the membership multiplying so that he reported but one hundred and eighty members at the close of that year." At the end of his sec- ond year, Millerism having collapsed, Mr. Scott reported two hundred members of the church. At the close of Mr. Scott's term the Quarterly Conference, having tested the station system, " Voted to request the bishop to form Cl;< remont Station into a circuit, by adding one or more towns, and to send two or more preachers." But the ex- perience of a year or two under this plan reversed the request, and Claremont has since remained a station. In 1845 Rev. Silas Quimby succeeded Mr. Scott, and at the end of the year reported the member- ship at two hundred and thirty-three. Rev. Jus- tin Spaulding succeeded Mr. Quimby, remaining one year, and was succeeded by Rev. Jacob Stevens, in 1847, remaining on the charge about three-quarters of the year, when he retired on ac- count of poor health, and the year was filled out by Rev. Matthew Newhall, a supernumerary preacher. This year the Quarterly Conference " Voted to adopt a number of resolutions against the circus soon to be exhibited in thii place." It also voted to admit " a seraphim in the gallery." Rev. Joseph C. Cromack was the next preacher During his pastorate the church bought the house on Pleasant Street, now owned and occupied by Dr. F. C. Wilkinson, for a parsonage. In 1850 Rev. Lewis Howard succeeded Mr. Cromack, and in 1851 the Quarterly Conference ordered twenty- five dollars to be " paid to Jonathan Miner for leading the singing." On February 23, 1852, the society " Voted to build a new meeting-house, and that Samuel Tutherly be a committee to obtain subscriptions. Plans for the house were presented and adopted, and, at a meeting on March 6th, it was " Voted that the rent of pews go toward the preaching ; " and, at another meeting,, a week later, " T. Sanford, S. Tutherly and James Sperry were made a committee to dispose of the old meeting- house and lot, purchase a new lot, raise subscrip- tions and build a new meeting-house." This committee was also authorized to sell the parsonage, and the trustees were directed to hold the funds arising from that sale until they could build or purchase another, which was to be done within six 96 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. years. " The trustees were also authorized to use the money arising from the sale of the parsonage in the new church, with the interest of it to go for house-rent for the preacher." F. A. Henry and E. E. Bailey were added to the building committee ; subscriptions to the amount of $2,484.50 were soon obtained ; the old meeting-house was sold for $650, and the parsonage for §1,191 ; a new church- lot was purchased on Central Street ; a new meet- ing-house was erected, which, with furnishings, cost $5,601.76 The new " church was dedicated to the service of Almighty God, January 26, 1853, by Bishop Ormon C. Baker." During the building of the new meeting-house, and up to 1854, Eev. John McLaughlin was the preacher. The mem- bership at the close of his pastorate numbered two hundred and eighty one. Mr. McLaughlin was succeeded by Eev. Fred- erick A. Hewes, whose pastorate, for two years, was quite successful, and the church and society were strong and prosperous. The second session of the New Hampshire Conference was held in Claremont, in May, 1856, presided over by Bishop E S. Janes. The Conference sermon was deliv- ered by Eev. Elihu Scott, a former pastor. Eev. W. F. Evans succeeded to the pastorate in 1856. During his pastorale the debt that had remained on the church since its dedication was fully paid. Mr. Evans was succeeded, in 1858, by Eev. O. H. Jasper, D.D., a popular and powerful preacher, during whose pastorate of two years much good waa accomplished. In 1860, Eev. E. S. Stubbs took the place of Mr. Jasper. At the annual meeting of the society, 1860, it was voted that the church be lighted with gas ; and " Eli Smith was requested to furnish and take charge of singing, at his discretion, either in the gallery or in the congregation." In 1862, Mr. Stubbs was suc- ceeded by Eev. H. H. Hartwell. During his first year the Sunday-school increased from two hundred to two hundred and ninety-two, and the Sunday-school library numbered over a thousand volumes. The membership at the close of his second year, was reported at three hundred and twenty-four. Eev. S, G. Kellogg followed Mr. Hartwell in 1864. He preached here three years, in which time he preached three hundred and eighty sermons, attended sixty-nine funerals, and baptized eighty-one persons. In 1867, Mr. Kellogg was succeeded by E«v. D. C. Babcock. After a few months' service, he accepted the secretaryship of the New Hampshire State Temperance League, and Eev. C. W. Mil- ler supplied the remainder of the year. In 1868 Eev. S. P. Heath came and remained here two years, which " were crowned with substantial suc- cess." Following Mr. Heath came Eev. H. L. Kelsey, in 1870. During the years 1870 and 1871, a new, handsome two-story parsonage house was built on a lot adjoining the meeting-house lot, on Central Street, under the direction of Hon. C. H. Eastman, chairman of the board of trustees, assisted by Mr. Kelsey. The job was contracted to George H. Stevens for two thousand seven hun- dred dollars for house, barn and well. On the completion of the job, Mr. Stevens was paid some- thing in addition for extra work. The ladies of the church furnished the new house with carpets, stoves, tables, etc. In 1873, Eev. N M. Bailey succeeded Mr. Kelsey, and continued here for two years, with marked success. During his pastorate "it ap- pears that two women were elected on the board of stewards, — Mrs. Ann Perkins and Mrs Melissa Fitch. They served five yeais, resigning in 1879, in spite of all efil.rts to retain them." In 1875, Eev. E. E. Wilkins came in place of Mr. Bailey. " During his pastorate of three years, the people were pleased with him, and he with the people. His indefatigable pastoral labors were greatly appreciated." In 1878, Eev. Daniel Stevenson, D.D., succeeded Mr. Wilkins. "His sermons were of a high order." In the summer of 1879 he resigned his charge, and accepted a re-transfer to the Kentucky Conference, from which he had come to the New Hampshire Conference four years before. He entered on the presidency of the Augusta Seminary and Female College. Eev. M. V. B. Knox, of the South Kansas Conference, who was recuperating in Northern Vermont, was CLAKEMONT. 97 secured to fill out the remainder of the year. During the year 1879, Mrs. Julia A. D. East- man, widow of Hon. C. H. Eastman, to carry out an expressed wish of her late husband, donated the money (one thousand five hundred dollars) to erect a memorial chapel, sixty-one by thirty-nine feet, and paid for carpet and other furnishings, at a cost of about two hundred and fifty dollars more. It joins the church on the northeast cor- ner, and contains a vestry capable of seating two hundred and fifty people, large parlor, library and vestibule. It was dedicated December 22, 1880, by Presiding Elder George J. Judkins. In 1881 the Annual Conference was again held in Claremont, meeting April 20th. " Bishop Thomas Bowman presided with marked ability and success." Mr. Knox continued his pastorate until 1882, and was succeeded by Rev. Henry Dorr. During his first year here Mr. Dorr met with a serious accident. He was thrown from his carriage, injuring his foot or ankle so badly as to render amputation between the knee and foot necessary. In 1885 Rev. G. M. Curl succeeded Mr. Dorr. Junction Camp-Meeting Grounds. — In 1871 the subject of securing permanent camp-meeting grounds for the Springfield, Vt. , and Claremont, N. H., Methodist Conference Districts, began to be agitated. A preliminary meeting of commit- tees of those districts was held at Dr. O. B. Way's office in Claremont, on January 2, 1872. Rev. James Pike was chosen chairman, and Dr. Way, Secretary. A camp-meeting convention, consist- ing of all the preachers of the two districts, and one layman, from each charge, was held at Clare- mont Junction, June 2, 1872. Rev. James Pike was chosen chairman ; Rev. P. Wallingford, sec- retary, and Rev. J. H. Hillman, assistant secre- tary. Grounds of William Ellis, William Jones and D. Cauy, near the junction, were examined and purchases ordered. The first permanent officers consisted of the following gentlemen : President, Rev. James Pike, D. D. ; Vice-President, Rev. J. W. Guernsey ; Secretary, Rev. Philander Wallingford; Treas- urer, Dr. 0. B. Way ; Executive Committee, H. H. Howe, A. L. Jones, A. C. Davenport, Rev. H. W. Worthen, Rev. H. L. Kulsy. The first camp- meeting was held there the last week in Septem- ber, 1873. The ground had been cleared of trees and other obstructions, seats built, a preachers' stand erected, and several portly cottages were put up by societies and individuals. Good water has been brought to the grounds, and other im- provements have been made from year to year, so that it is quite an attractive place. Camp-meetings have been held there each year since 1873. First Universalist Church. — From a manu- al, prepared by the present pastor. Rev. Lee S. M'Collester, and published in 1853, the following facts in relation to this church are gathered : " The object of the formation of this church is the cultivation of Faith, Hope and Charity in our own hearts ; the diffusion of gospel truth and light among our fellow-men ; and a systematic application of Christianity in our daily life.'' There was occasional Universalist preaching in Claremont as early as 1824, by such eminent clergymen as Revs. Russell Streeter, Otis Skinner, Samuel Willis, Samuel C. Loveland, John Moore and others. The services were then and for several succeeding years held in the hall of the Sul- livan House. The church ever since occupied by this society was built and dedicated on the morn- ing of Wednesday, October 24, 1832. Rev. W. S. Balch was then the settled pastor. The services were conducted by the pastor, " assisted by Revs. T. F. King, J. Gilman, and John Moore, and formed the opening meeting of the first New Hampshire State Convention of Universalists ever held. This convention had its regular or- ganizing session in the afternoon of the day of the dedication, and continued through Thurs- day." " The first organization of the church occurred during Mr. Balch's settlement, probably about 1834. In March, 1836, Mr. Balch resigned and the following November was succeeded by Rev. J. G. Adams, who continued here fifteen months." Rev. John Nichols immediately followed Mr. 98 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adams and remained here until 1843. Rev. R. S. Sanborn followed Mr. Adams, and was imme- diately succeeded in July, 1 844, by Rev. O. H. Tillotson, who remained one year. Rev. Samuel Willis was settled in May, 1846, and remained about five years, during which special attention was given to Sunday-school work and to the per- fection of the organization of the church. Ac- cording to the records, " The form of church government contained in the Universalists' Guide, was adopted December 7, 1845, as the Constitution of the Universalist Church, of Claremont." Mr. Willis closed his pastorate in the fall of 1849. For the next few months the pulpit was supplied by Revs. A. A. Miner, O. H. Tillotson, W. S. Balch and Mr. Clark. Rev. J. D. Pierce was settled in February, 1850, and continued until May, 1855, and for about a year and a half the church was without a regular pastor, the pulpit being supplied by Revs. H. A. Philbrook, S. A. Spencer and some others, and by lay reading. Rev. Giles Bailey was settled in 1857 and continued until 1860. Rev. Carlos Marston fol- lowed in the spring of 1861. Rev. E. S. Foster was pastor from 1863 to 1865, and Rev. Asher Moore from July, 1867 to 1870. For a while Rev. T. Barron preached here and at North Charlestown, half the time at each place ; and in the early part of 1871 Rev. Eli Ballou occu- pied the pulpit. On May 7, 1871, Rev. C. E. Sawyer, having accepted a call to settle, preached his first sermon as pastor, and, on the morning of June 28th of the same year, he, with his young wife and wife's father, Mr. Sylvanus Gushing, of Abington, Mass., was drowned at Ashley's Ferry, in Connecticut River. Mr. Cushing came here to visit his daughter, who had been but a few weeks married, and on that morning, the skies being bright and the air balmy, Mr. Sawyer took a two-seated, cov- ered carriage, with one horse from a livery stable, and set out with his wife and father-in-law for a drive. They crossed Claremont Bridge into Ver- mont, drove down the river to Weathersfield Boro', and, it is supposed, attempted to ford Connecticut River at Ashley's Ferry with the sad result above stated. No one saw them enter the river, and no one of the party survived to tell how the distress- ing calamity happened. It was only left for con- jecture. The horse was also drowned. The following November Rev. S. P. Smith began a pastorate, which continued until September, 1873, and was followed in June, 1874, by Rev. Edward Smiley, who remained until March, 1881. During his pastorate special and efiective work was done in the Sunday-school. Rev. J. M. Johns was pastor from August, 1881, to October, 1883, "and was instrumental in causing the church to be remodeled at an expense of over seven thousand dollars, so that now it is one of the most complete church edifices in the State." The dedicatory services took place August 1, 1883, and were participated in by Drs. A. A. Miner and G. L. Demarest and Reverends J. M. Johns, E. Smiley, J. Eastwood and R. T. Polk. On January 6, 1884, Lee S. M'CoUester preached here for the first time, and soon after received and accepted a call to settle as pastor. He was then pursuing his theological course, which was not completed until the following June, when he came here and settled permanently. The New Hampshire Universalist Sunday-school and State Conventions met here on September 29th, contin- ued in session until October 2, 1884, and con- cluded with the ordination of Mr. M'Collester, who has since continued a most acceptable pastor. The church has given much care and attention to the Sunday-school connected with it. It was first inaugurated in 1832, during the pastorate of Rev. W. S. Balch, and for several years was kept up only during the warm seasons. In 1861 it began to hold its sessions through the whole year, and has so continued without intermission, whether the church had a settled pastor or preaching, or not, and is one of the valued institutions of the town. St. Maey's Church, (Catholic.) — An eligible lot on the north side of Central street was pur- chased and ground was broken in 1870 for the Church of St. Mary, under the pastorate of Rev. CLAREMONT. 99 G. Derome. In 1871 Father Derome was suc- ceeded by L. L'Moer, who in 1872 was replaced by Rev. M. Goodwin. Father Goodwin remained in Claremont but four months. Rev. M. Laporte took charge of the parish in July, 1872, and re- mained as pastor until November, 1873, at which time Rev. Cornelius O'Sullivan was appointed pastor. Rev. P. J. Finnegan has been in charge of the parish since that date. The church is not yet completed. It has already cost fully thirty thousand dollars. It is of brick. The style of the church is gothic, one hundred and forty-five feet long and forty-five feet wide. Within the last few years it has been thoroughly renovated; new pews have replaced the old ones; new altars have been built and set in place and the whole in- terior painted in fresco ; gas fixtures have been put in and the whole interior woodwork remodeled under the supervision of Architect Hira R. Beck- with, of Claremont. Under the pastorate of Father Finnegan this church seems to be very prosperous and useful. MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS. HiKAM Lodge, No. 9, F. and A. M., instituted June 25, 1798. The first officers of this lodge were Ithamer Chase, W. M. : Daniel Barber, S. AV. ; Ebenezer Rice, J. W. ; Stephen Dexter, Treas. ; Ambrose Cossitt, Sec. The officers for 1885 are Levi Johnson, W. M. ; Edward F. Houghton, S. W. ; W. A. Redfield, J. W. ; A. W. Hawkes, Treas. ; John W. Collins, Sec. ; Dudley T. Chase, Rep. to Grand Lodge; Herbert E. Fitch, S. D. ; James Richardson, J. D. ; Jacob Woodbury, Chap. ; Charles H. Long, Mar. ; Nor- man S. Bryant, S. S. ; Frederick M. Parmelee, J. S. ; George O. Woodcock, Tiler. Number of members, one hundred and twenty-one. Union Mark Lodge, No. 1, held by dispensa- tion from De Witt Clinton, G. G. H. P. of Gen. G. R. A. Chapter of U. S. A. First meeting July 13, 1818, at Zenas Hitchcock's Hall. Present, Stephen Blanchard, M. ; Stephen Rice, S. W. ; Nathan Bingham, J. W. ; T. T. Saxton, M. O. ; Zenas Hitchcock, S.. O. ; R. Elmer, J. 0. ; J. Rice, Treas. ; J. Alden, Sec. ; Charles Higbee, Jr., John Hitchcock, Jr., Stwds. ; John Tyler, Tiler ; B. Tyler, S. Higbee, J. B. Andrews. Webb Royal Arch Chapter, instituted July 11, 1821, by Thomas S. Bowles, G. H. P. of G. R. A. Chapter of New Hampshire. Jonathan Nye appointed High Priest; Nathan Bingham, King ; Godfrey Stevens, Scribe. The officers for 1885 are Francis F. Haskell, H. P. ; Wyllys A. Redfield, E. K, ; Levi Johnson, E. S. ; Frederick Hanbrich, Treas. ; John W. Collins, Sec. ; Hollis A. Jenne, C. H. ; Roswell W. Silsbee, P. S. ; Her- bert E. Fitch, R. A. C. ; Edward P. Houghton, Chap. ; Austin M. Webster, M. 3d V. ; Byron T. Tilden, M. 2d V. ; Frederick M. Parmelee, M. 1st V. ; George H. Stowell, S. S. ; John Lynch, J. S. ; George 0. Woodcock, Tiler. Number of mem- bers, seventy-eight. Columbian Council, No. 2, R. and S. M., in- stituted April 15, 1822. The following is a copy of the record of the organization of Columbian Council at Claremont, on the 15th of April, 1822, and of the meeting held May 20, 1822: "At a meeting held in Masonic Hall, Claremont, on Monday, 15tli April, A. L. 5822, for the purpose of es- tablishing a Council of Eoyal and Select Masters, the following Select Masters being present, viz. : James F. Dana, James Poole, Godfrey Stevens, Roswell Elmer, Nathan Bingham, Jonathan Nye, Joseph Al- den, Stephen Rice and Charles Higbe — James F. Dana presiding, " Voted, That it is expedient to form a Council of Royal and Select Masters at this place, in connexion with Webb Chapter, by the name of Columbian Council. "Opened a Council of Select Masters in due and ancient form. " Conferred the Degree of Royal Master and Select Master on Comp. Stephen Starbird and Daniel Taylor in due form. Received $3 each from Comp. Starbird and Taylor. "Proceeded to choice of Officers — result was as fol- lows, viz. : Companion Jonathan Nye, T. I. G. M Nathan Bingham, D. I. G. M. ; Godfrey Stevens, P. C. Roswell Elmer, C. of G. ; Stephen Starbird, G. S. Stephen Rice, Recorder; Daniel Chase, Treasurer. 100 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Voted, To choose a Committee of Three to prepare a Code of By-Laws. "Jonathan Nye, Nathan Bingham and Godfrey Stevens were chosen. "Voted, That the Fees for the Degrees conferred by this Council be Three Dollars — One Dollar for the Royal Master's and Two Dollars for the Select Mas- ter's Degree. " Conferred the Degrees of Royal Master and Se- lect Master on Comps. Daniel Chase and Daniel Bond, Jr., in due form. "Received Three Dollars each from Chase and Bond— $6.00. " Comps. Stevens, Nye and Bingham were chosen a committee to return thanks to Companions Dana and Poole for their assistance in establishing this Council ; also, to make them such compensation as shall be deemed proper. "Closed the Council in due form, and adjourned to the third Monday of May next. "Attest, G. Stevens. " May 20, 1822. — Met according to adjournment, and opened the Council in due form. " Present— J. Nye, T. I. G. M. ; N. Bingham, D. I. G. M. ; G. Stevens, P. C. ; R. Elmer, C. of G. ; S. Starbird, G. S. ; D. Chase, Treasurer; S. H. Sabin, Recorder, pro tern. ; also, Daniel Bond, Jr., and Sam- uel S. Mather. " Conferred the Degree of Royal and Select Master on Peter Niles, David Parker, James A. Gregg, Joel Goss and William F. Munger in due form. "Conferred the Degree of Select Master on David Hale in due form. ** ******** " Voted, to accept the code of By-Laws presented by Comp. J. Nye. " Closed the Council in due form. "Recorded by Godfrey Stevens." The officers of Columbian Council for 1885 are Edward F. Houghton, T. L M. ; Leland J. Graves, D. M. ; Hollis A. Jenne, P. C. W. ; Fred- erick Hanbrich, Treas. ; John W. Collins, Recor- der ; Hiram G. Sherman, C. G. ; Wyllys A. Red- field, C. C. ; James Holt, Chap. ; Hosea W. Parker, Mar. ; James Young, Stwd ; George O. Woodcock, Sent. Number of members, thirty- nine. Sullivan Commandeet, No. 6, instituted January 23, 1866, by Charles A. Tufls, G. C. of Grand Commandery of New Hampshire. Leland J. Graves, appointed E. C. ; Henry A. Redfield, Generalissimo ; Rev. A. K. Howard, C. G. The officers for 1885 are Hosea W. Parker, E. C. ; George H. Stowell, G. ; Frederick Hanbrich, C. G. ; James Holt, Prel. ; Charles H. Long, S. W. ; Hollis A. Jenne, J. W. ; John T. Emerson, Treas. ; John W. Collins, Recorder ; Henry Tubbs, Std. Br. ; Hiram G. Sherman, Std. Br. ; George 0. Woodcock, Warder; Edward F. Houghton, 3d G. ; John J. Dudley, 2d G. : Hira R. Beck- with, 1st G. ; Edward H. Jaques, A. and S. Number of members, ninety-three. ODD-FELLOWS. Sullivan Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O. F., insti- tuted October 23, 1845; resuscitated March 21, 1872. On the 13th of October, 1845, C. Williams and five others, members of White Mountain Lodge, No. 5, of Concord, and residents of Clare- mont, petitioned S. H. Parker, M. W. G. W., praying for a dispensation to form a lodge in Claremont, and on the 23d of that month the Most Worthy Grand Master deputized the R. W. Grand Secretary, G. H. H. Silsby, to open said lodge, by the name of Sullivan Lodge, No. 12, 1. O. O. F. Among the early members of the order in town were W. 0. C. Woodbury, Joseph Weber, Stephen Carleton, John Hendee, F. A. Henry, William Qark, Daniel J. Livingston, Lewis W. Randall, S. F. Redfield, John M. Gowdey, Philemon Tolles, Milon C. McClure and Nathaniel Tolles. The lodge continued in active and prosperous work for about twelve years, when, for various causes, the organization was abandoned. On March 21, 1872, the lodge was resuscitated by Amos Jones, the Most Worthy Grand Master at that time, and a new charter was granted to W. 0. C. Woodbury, John Hendee, Joseph Weber, Stephen Carleton, P. A. Henry, William Clark, D. J. Livingston and L. W. Randall; and the lodge has been in good and prosperous condition since then. In the summer of 1885 its hall was remodeled and refurnished, at an expense of about CLAREMONT. 101 twelve hundred dollars, and it has $2427.55 cash on hand. The officers, July, 1885, were H. R Whipple, N. G. ; W. E. Griffin, V. G. ; George D. Wolcott, Sec. ; Frederick Jewett, Treas. ; C. M. Leet, Conductor ; E. H. Woodman, Warden ; E. S. Carleton, I. G. ; M. B. Carpenter, O. G. ; C. E. Peabody, R. S. N. G. ; George H. Walling- ford, L. S. ]Sr. G. ; T. R. McQuade, R. S. V. G. ; S. I. L. Woodbury, L S. V. G. ; G. F. Spaulding, R. S. S. ; S. G. Straw, L. S. S. ; F. M. Par- melee, Chap. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Soon after the close of the War of the Rebellion Jarvis Post, No. 12, G. A. R., was organized in Claremont, but after a few years was disbanded. It was reorganized June 29, 1880, by W. H. D. Cochran and J. C. Linehan and comrades from Post No. 10, of Newport. It started the second time with twenty charter members. It had, in the summer of 1885, between seventy and eighty members ; owned the furniture of their hall ; had a good historical library, and a fund of about three hundred dollars. SCHOOLS. New school districts have been formed from time to time in town, as the population has increased. There are now, or rather were before the union of Nos. 1, 15 and 17, in the village, by majority vote of each district, in 1884, nineteen districts, which supported twenty-five schools ; the three districts now consolidated had graded schools, viz. : a primary, intermediate and grammar school each. In many respects the educational advantages of the town of Claremont are ex- cellent. Stevens High School. — In the summer of 1866, Paran Stevens, Esq., of New York City, a son of Josiah Stevens, one of the early inhabitants of Claremont, whose ancestors and relatives spent their lives here, and whose graves are in our cemeteries, proposed to donate the sum of ten thousand dollars to aid in founding a High School, provided that the town would appropriate a like sum for that purpose. In the autumn of that year a town-meeting was called to consider and act upon the subject, and the citizens, with great unanimity, voted to accept the donation offered by Mr. Stevens, with the conditions named, and voted to raise and appropriate fifteen thou- sand dollars, which, with the ten thousand dol- lars from him, was to be used to purchase a lot and erect a school building. Samuel P. Fiske, George N. Farwell, Nathaniel Tolles, Au- relius Dickinson and Benjamin P. Gilman were chosen a committee to carry out this object. The homestead lot of the late Hon. George B. Up- ham, corner of Broad and Summer Streets, and running back to Middle Street, containing nearly two acres, on which was then no building except a small law-office, which had been for many years occupied by the late Mr. Upham — one of the most eligible and valuable lots in town — was selected for the school building, and purchased of Col. John S. Walker, a son-in-law of Mr. Upham, for the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars. Materials were bought and other preparations made for the speedy erection of a brick High School building, forty-four by sixty-four feet on the ground, two stories high, with a French or Man- sard roof, which, as completed, is one of the most elegant, substantial and convenient edifices for the purpose for which it was built in the State. In it are four large school-rooms, large vestibules, basement for furnaces, fuel, etc., and an elegant hall in the upper story, the size of the whole building. The building is ample for the accom- modation of two hundred students. When com- pleted, the cost for site, grading, building, furni- ture and iron fence was $27,225.27. It was finished, furnished, and ready for occupancy the 1st of September, 1868. It is a credit as well to the wisdom and skill of the committee as to the town and its generous patron. Mr. Stevens, not to be outdone by the town, paid for the bricks for the building, for a portion of the iron fence, and in other ways contributed full half of the cost of the High School building and the lot on which it stands. Soon after the completion of the building he gave to the town ten thousand dollars towards a permanent fund 102 HISTOKY OF SULLI^'AN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHERE. for the support of the school, and also presented full life-size oil portraits of George Washington and Daniel Webster, painted by the best artists in this country and considered very valuable, which now hang in the hall of the school building, and a Chickering full concert grand piano. At his death, which occurred on the 2oth of April, 1872, Mr. Stevens by his will bequeathed forty thousand dollars, to be paid within two years of the time of his death, to be added to the ten thousand dollars before given, for a fiind, the interest of which is to be used for the support of the school. This forty thousand dollars has not yet been paid over to the town by the executors of the will, but it is said that it will be at no very distant day. Thus, it wLU be seen that Mr. Stevens' donations for the school which bears his name wiU amount to 865,000, 850,000 of which must forever remaiu as a fund for its benefit. At the annual town-mefeting in March, 1868, Edward L. Goddard, John S. Walker, Ira Colby, Jr., H. W. Parker and Hiram Webb — one from each religious society in town — were chosen the High School committee ; and it was voted to give to this new institution of learning the name of the Stevens High School. It was the ex- pressed wish of ilr. Stevens, and indeed of the people of the town generally most interested in its welfare and permanent success, that the school should be kept entirely free from anything like sectarianism, and that its exercises, instruction and management should be aKke acceptable to all religious denominations. The committee accord- ingly made a regulation that " The morning sessions shall begin with reading the Bible, singing and repeating the Lord's Prayer in concert by the whole school." The first term of the Stevens High School com- menced on the 7 th of September, 1868, with nine- ty-eight scholars who had reached the age of thirteen years, and had passed the requisite exam- ination, all but sixteen of whom belonged in town. There Ls a regulation that scholars from other towns may be admitted to this school by paying a moderate term fee. The teachers were Dr. X. Barrows, of Berwick, Me., principal, assisted by Miss Mary J. Wightman, of Claremont, and Miss H W. Freeley, of Springfield, Vt., and Mr. A. P. Wyman, as teacher of vocal music. At the close of the first term Miss Freeley resigned, and ^kliss Ruth P. Perkins, of Pomfret, Vt., filled her place, and she was succeeded in the third term by Miss A. H. Carleton, of Haverhill, N. H. At the close of the school year, in June, 1869, there was an examination by a committee consisting of the Rev. I. G. Hubbard, D.D., Hon. W. H. H. Allen, Rev. Francis W. Towle, Rev. Francis Chase and James P. Upham, Esq., which was creditable to teachers and scholars. Dr. N. Barrows continued as principal, with several different asistants, three years, and was succeeded by Mr. A. J. Swain. The course prescribed in this school is four years, at the end of which scholars who graduate and receive diplomas are fitted to enter almost any college. At the close of the fourth school year the examin- ing committee reported the school to have been eminently successfiiL The &itlifiilnes3 of the teachers and the deportment and diligence ot the scholars were mentioned in highly complimen- tary terms. Seven scholars — one boy and six girls — had not been absent or tardy during the year. A. J. Swain resigned October 4, 1880, his res- ignation to take efiect the middle of the fell term. His resignation was accepted, and R. S. Bingham was elected principal, and occupied the position to the end of that school year. In Sep- tember, 1881, L. S. Hastings took charge of the school as principal and has continued in that capacity since. The whole number of scholars who have graduated and been awarded diplomas, is one hundred and fifty-six, viz : YEAE. 1871... 1872... 1873... 1874... 1875... 1876... BOYS. GIBLS. TOTAL. .2 boys 10 girls 12 .2 boys Ogu-ls 2 .2 boys 6 girls 8 ..3 boys 7 girls 10 .1 boy 9 girls 10 ..8 boys 8 girls 16 CLAREMONT. 103 YEAK. 1877.... 1878.... 1879..., 1880.... 1881... 1882... 1883... 1884... 1885..., BOYS. GIKLS. TOTAL. •■5 boys 7 girls 12 ••5 boys 5 girls 10 ■ •■2 boys 4 girls 6 ...5 boys 6 girls 11 ...4 boys 6 girls 10 ...4 boys 9 girls 13 ...1 boy 6 girls 7 ...5 boys 9 girls 14 .10 boys 5 girls 15 Mrs. Mary B. Alden, of Claremont, who died on the 11th of November, 1869, by her -will be queathed her entire estate, amounting to about three thousand dollars, which, at the death of her husband, which occurred in 1874, was to make a fund, the interest of which is paid annually in three prizes to graduates of the Stevens High School. In 1872, Samuel P. Fiske, Esq., a brother- in-law of Paran Stevens, donated three hundred dollars, which, together with one hundred and fifty dollars appropriated by the town, was expended for the purchase of needed apparatus and books for the school. Others have made valuable dona- tions to the library and cabinet belonging to the school. Mrs. Harriet E. Tappan, of Claremont, who died October 3, 1873, left a will, in which was this clause : " To the Town of Claremont, in said County of Sul- livan, to be Kept Safely invested by said town, and the income thereof paid over annually to the Pruden- tial Committees of the several school districts in said town in proportion to the number of scholars, to be expended by said Committees in their discretion for prizes for' best scholarship and to enable indigent scholars to attend the High School in. said town." The amount thus bequeathed and paid over to the town by the executor of Mrs. Tappan's estate was thirty thousand dollars. This amount has been kept at interest, and the income expended according to the terms of the will. Prudential committees have generally given prizes in money to scholars in their several districts, for excellence of scholarship, deportment and constancy and punctuality of attendance upon school, so that any child, however backward or dull as a scholar, may get a share of this prize money. Union School District. — As has been before stated, the three districts in Claremont village, by their own act, were consolidated and made one district in 1884, and called "Union School Dis- trict.'' It is under the management of a Board of Education, composed of six gentlemen, chosen by the district. In 1884, O. B. Way, L. S. Has- tings, H. C. Fay, I. D, Hall, E. Vaughan and C. H. Weed were elected. The scholars are, un- der the present arrangement, which may be changed any time by the Board of Education, in five primary, three intermediate and one grammar school. The money apportioned to these three districts in 1884 was three thousand three hun- dred and seventy dollars and eighty cents, and of the Tappan fund for prizes one thousand two hundred and ninety-two dollars and sixty-seven cents. Fiske Feee Library. — In 1873, Samuel P. Fiske, a native citizen of Claremont, founded a free library in the following manner : " Deed oe Samuel P. Fiske to the Town of Claremont. " Know all men by these presents, That I, Samuel P. Fiske, of Claremont in the County of Sullivan and State of New Hampshire, do hereby give, grant and convey unto the town of Claremont, in said county, iu trust forever. Two Thousand volumes of Books, named and described in a Catalogue or Schedule, hereafter to be made, to constitute, with such other books as may hereafter be added by the donor, a lib- rary for the benefit of all the inhabitants of said town, and the members of Stevens High School in said Claremont, and to be known as Fiske Free Library. " This gift is made on condition that the said town of Claremont shall accept the same ; shall furnish a suit- able building, room or rooms in which to keep the same, and the same shall be kept in the upper hall or room of Stevens High School, until a more suitable place shall be provided therefor; shall at all times keep the same well insured against loss from fire; shall keep said books in a good state of repair, and shall replace with books of equivalent value any that may be worn out, lost or otherwise destroyed. And 104 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Committee of Stevens High School shall have the custody, control and management of said Library; purchase, arrange and catalogue the books, appoint a Librarian and make all needful rules and regula- tions for the management of said Library and the use of the books, all at the expense of the Town of Clare- mont ; and the said Town shall in like manner keep and care for and replace losses in all additions to or en- largements of said Library by said donor. " In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of August A.D. 1873. " Samuel P. Fiske [L.S.] (Witness) " Tea Colby, Jr. " W. H. H. Allen." The above deed was read at a town-meeting, held August 15, 1873, when the following resolu- tion was passed : " Resolved by the town of Claremont that we cor- dially accept the munificent gift of Two Thousand vol- umes of valuable books from Samuel P. Fiske, Esq., upon the conditions and terms of his deed of trust to said town of Claremont, dated August 7, 1873, hereby pledging to the donor that such conditions shall be faithfully complied with, on the part of the town, for the use and perpetuation of the Fiske Free Library." The following resolution was offered by Pren- tis Dow, and passed : " Besolved, That the Selectmen, of the town of Claremont are directed to pay the bills of Stevens High School committee for the insurance of the books donated by S. P. Fiske, Esq., and for any expense in- curred in providing a suitable location for the same, not exceeding in all the sum of one hundred dollars per annum." The location of the library in the upper story of the Stevens High School building, away from the centre of business, was found to be inconve- nient for readers, and, as a consequence, was un- satisfactory to Mr. Fiske. Early in January, 1877, Mr. Fiske invited gentlemen supposed to be most interested in the library to meet him for con- sultation as to the best means for making it more accessible to readers, and accomplish more fully the donor's wishes. A committee, consisting of John S. Walker, Otis F. R. Waite and Charles A. Piddock, was appointed to recommend a plan at a subsequent meeting, vrho made a report, recommending the pur- chase of the Bailey building, at the junction of Main and Sullivan Streets,for four thousand five hundred doUars, and that the second story be fitted up for the library at an expense not exceeding one thou- sand dollars; the money for the purpose to be borrowed from the Tappan School fund at six per cent, interest. The committee stated that the building was then rented for four hundred and ninety dollars ; that, after taking what would be required for the library, the remaining part of the building would rent for more than enough to pay the interest on the debt incurred. AJter some dis- cussion the meeting voted to recommend to the town, at its next annual meeting, to purchase the Bailey building for four thousand five hundred doUars, and fit it up and alter and repair it at an expense not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars. At the annual town-meeting, in March, 1877, it was " Voted, that a board of five Trustees be chosen by the Town, and be authorized to purchase in behalf of the Town the Bailey Building, so called ; to fit up such portion of the second story as may be necessary for the accommodation of the Fiske Free Library. Such purchase not to exceed Forty-five Hundred Dollars, and such alterations not to exceed the sum of twenty-five Hundred Dollars. And that the said Trustees be authorized to draw from the Tappan Fund for the requisite sum to carry out this order, and pay therefor from the rents of said building interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. And that said Board of Trustees, and their successors hereafter, have the custody of the Fiske Free Library, instead of the High School Committee. Or that said Board be further authorized, if in their judgment they think proper, to purchase and fit up some other building, not to exceed the sum heretofore named for said purpose." At the same meeting Daniel W. Johnson, Otis F. E. Waite, Alfred T. Bachelder, Ormon B. Way and Algernon Willis were elected and qualified as trustees of the Fiske Free Library. The trustees at once took a deed in the name CLAREMONT. 105 of the town of the Bailey building, paying there- for four thousand five hundred dollars. Before anything had been done by them toward altering and fitting up the building for the Library, a special town-meeting was held on the 28th of April, 1877, at which the following resolution was passed : " Resolved, That the Town Treasurer and Select- men be authorized and instructed to give the note or notes of the Town, at six per cent, interest, to the Trustees of the Tappan Fund, for the sum appro- priated at the last annual Town-Meeting for the purposes relating to the Fiske Free Library, not ex- ceeding in all the sum of Five Thousand Dollars." The trustees did not call for the five hundred dollars authorized to be expended for alterations, etc., and made no essential changes in the build- ing, and the Library remained in the High School building. At the annual town-meeting in March, 1878, the trustees reported : Eeceived and will be due for rents of Library building, April 1st, 1878, $420.00 Interest on $4500, one year, . . $270.00 Paid water rent and repairs, . . 12.74 282.74 Leaving a balance over interest, water rent and repairs of, . $137.26 At this meeting the town, on the recommenda- tion of the trustees, re-enacted its vote of 1877, and appropriated two thousand five hundred dollars to alter and repair the Library building. The trustees procured plans and specifications, and let the contract to do the work to Messrs. H. R. Beckwith and Levi R. Chase, of Clare- mont. The work was very satisfactorily done by them for a little more than two thousand three hundred dollars. The balance of the two thou- sand five hundred dollars was expended in furnish- ing the Library rooms Early in September, 1878, the books were moved from the High School building to the new rooms, about six hundred new books added, re- arranged and catalogued. At a meeting of the trustees on the 16th, Miss Abbie Field was chosen librarian, and has served faithfully in that capacity ever since. Messrs. Batchelder and Willis removed from town, and their places were filled by Messrs H. W. Parker and Ira Corby. Mr. Fiske made a will, giving to the town of Claremont nine thousand dollars — five thousand dollars to be expended in books as they should be needed, and as he pleased, should he live to expend that sum ; the balance, if any, at his death, to go into the hands of the trustees, to be expended by them for the same purpose, and the other four thousand dollars to be a fund to be invested by the trustees, the interest of which was to be used for the purchase of books. His wife, Miranda S. Fiske, in her will added one thousand dollars to this fund, making it five thousand dollars. Mr. Fiske died February 8, 1879, and Mrs. Fiske deceased May 27, 1882. At the death of Mr. Fiske there was found by a detailed account left by him, to be unexpended for books $1194.68. Books have been added to the Library from time to time by Mr. Fiske and by the trustees, so that the whole number of volumes is about four thousand volumes, many of them expensive books for reference. The advantages of such an institution as this can be realized only by those fortunate enough to enjoy them. War of 1812. — Soon after the declaration of war, in 1812, President Madison ordered the Sec- retary of War to request Governor Plumer, of New Hampshire, t,) order into the service of the United States, upon requisition of General Dear- born, such part of the quota of the militia of this State as he should deem necessary for the defense of the sea-coast of New Hampshire. During this war many Claremont men served for different periods, most of them in defenses of Portsmouth, and as minute-men, stationed at Concord and other places. The rolls of the oflicers and soldiers during this War of 1812-15 are very imperfect and in such a confused state that they are not to be relied upon, and town records are equally un- reliable ; therefore, it would be vain for any one, however diligent in research, or careful in giving 106 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. results, to undertake to vouch for the complete- ness or accuracy of any record which he might make of any town's participation in the scenes of that war. By the New Hampshire Adjutant-General's report, it therefore appears that Captain Joseph Kimball, of Plainfield, commande i a company, in which were the following-named men put down as of Claremont. They were all volunteers, and enlisted on the 12th of September, 1814, for three months : David Dean, ensign ; James Osgood, sergeant ; Isaac F. Hunton, Samuel Stone, John McDaniels, Charles C. Stewart, Benedict Taylor, Shaler Buel, Andrew Bartlet, Henry G. Lane, Beuj. Perkins, privates; Abijah Dean, waiter. Captain Reuben Marsh, of Chesterfield, com- manded a company, in which were the following men from Claremont, who enlisted September 26, 1814, for sixty days: Charles A. Saxton, Asa Baker, James McLaffin, James Fisher, and Samuel Petty. George "W. Fargo, of Claremont, enlisted in Captain Samuel Aiken, Jr.'s company, for sixty days, September 26, 1814, and was a waiter. Captain Aiken was of Chester. Where these companies served is not stated. WAR OF THE KEBELLION. The War of the Rebellion in the United States of America opened with an assault upon Fort Sumter on the 12th of April, 1861, and closed with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, then serving his second term as President of the United States, on the 14th of April, 1865. It is not necessary now to recount the causes, running through many years, which led to the insurrec- tion of the people of a portion of the States of the Union against the general government, and ar- rayed more than a million citizens in arms, invol- ving the expenditure of immense treasure and the loss of the lives of hundreds of thousands of the country's bravest and best men on either side, car- rying sorrow and mourning to many hearth-stones and multitudes of loving hearts. The causes have passed away ; the eflfects remain to be recorded on the page of history. While all these momentous events were trans- piring, the people of Claremont had their share in them. Their coffers were opened; their young men were sent forth with a blessing — some of them never to return, others to come home maimed or broken in health for life, and a few to return at the end of the great struggle, weary and worn, crowned with victorious wreaths. With great unanimity the men raised their voices in behalf of the cause of their country, and the women gave it their unbidden tears. On the 12th of April, 1861, South Carolina, having a few months previously, by her Legis- lature, passed an act seceding from the Union of States, commenced open hostilities by firing from James' Island upon Fort Sumter, garrisoned by Major Robert Anderson and about seventy men under his command. Fort Sumter was besieged for two days, her sources of supply cut ofi", when, on the 14th of April Major Anderson sur- rendered the fort to the rebels, himself and his command marching out and embarking on board the United States ship " Baltic " for New York. On the 15th of April President Lincoln issued a proclamation, stating that an insurrection against the government of the United States had broken out in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, and declared the ports of those States in a state of blockade. On the same day the President issued a call for seventy-five thousand three months vol- unteers, to aid in suppressing the rebellion against the government, and called upon New Hampshire for a regiment of militia. In response to this call of the President, on April 17th, Ichabod Goodwin, then Governor of New Hampshire, issued an order to Joseph C. Abbott, adjutant-general, to make proclamation, calling for volunteers from the enrolled militia of the State for one regiment of ten companies, each company to consist of three commissioned officers, four sergeants, four corporals and sixty-four pri- vates, with the requisite number of field and staff CLAKEMONT. lor oflBcers, to be uniformed, armed and equipped at the expense of the State, and to be held in readi- ness until called for by the United States govern- ment. Claremont was all on fire to do her share toward putting down the Rebellion. On the 18th of April William P. Austin enrolled his name as a soldier, took the oaths prescribed, and was on that day ap- pointed recruiting officer for the town of Clare- mont and vicinity. He at once opened an office for recruits, and entered upon his duties. Young men flocked in faster than they could be examined and sworn. Notice was issued for a meeting of citizens at the town hall on Friday evening, the 19th. At the hour appointed the building was filled to overflow- ing, ladies occupying the galleries. It was such a meeting of the citizens of Claremont, without dis- tinction of party or sex, as had seldom been held. The meeting was called to order by the venerable General Erastus Glidden, and Hon. Jonas Living- ston was chosen president ; Ambrose Cossit, Eras- tus Glidden, Walter Tufts, Thomas J. Harris, A. F. Snow, Josiah Richards and Albro Blodgett, vice-presidents; Edward L. Goddard and John M. Whipple, secretaries. On taking the chair Mr. Livingston made an enthusiastic and patriotic speech. Patriotic speeches were also made by H. W. Parker, Ira Colby, Jr., A. F. Snow, Benjamin P. Walker and Samuel G. Jarvis, who deposited one hundred dollars as the nucleus of a fund for the support of the families of those who should en- list. Rev. Messrs. R. F. Lawrence and R. S. Stubbs, William P. Austin and Henry G. Web- ber, of Charlestown, made stirring speeches. A. F. Snow, Otis F. R. Waite, John S. Walker, Joseph Weber, Simeon Ide and George W. Blod- gett were chosen a committee to prepare and re- port resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the town in regard to the Rebellion. The meeting was adjourned to the next evening. On Saturday evening the town hall was again crowded, and the excitement was on the increase. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Right Rev. Carlton Chase, D.D., Bishop of New Hamp- shire. The young men just enlisted by William P. Austin were marched into the hall, where front seats had been reserved for them, and met with an enthusiastic reception. As they entered, the audience rose to their feet and gave three hearty cheers. The president, Mr. Livingston, led the speaking, and was followed by Otis F. R. Waite, from the committee on resolutions, who reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : " Resolved, That all other considerations and issues are now absorbed in the one vital question, ' Shall our Government be sustained ?'-^a question of national life and independence, or of ignominious submission to the reign of barbarism and anarchy, or of unmiti- gated despotism. " JResolved, That the issues forced upon us by the South, and the only one presented, is the existence of any Government,-^and more directly of that Govern- ment under which the American people have lived and prospered for a period of eighty years. "Resolved, That for the maintenance and perpetuity of the priceless boon of civil and religious liberty, bequeathed by our forefathers iii the Constitution of ihis Union and the free institutions it guarantees, we would imitate their example in U^tiitedly and unre- servedly tendering to the Govetoment, if need be, 'our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors.' " Resolved, That in this first call to defend the Con- stitution and the laws at the point of the bayonet, we view with patriotic pride the ready response of the noble sons of New Hampshire and of New England, and the Middle and Western States. "Resolved, That while our neighbors are called to defend our flag abroad, we will fill their baskets and their stores, and protect their hearth-stones at home." Spirited and patriotic addresses were made by Charles H. Eastman, Thomas J Harris, Arthur Chase, Simeon Ide, Thomas Kirk, Otis F. R. Waite, Rev. Carlos Marston, Herman H Cum- mings, Oscar J. Brown and Edward D. Baker, when, after three rousing cheers for the "Stars and Stripes," and three more for the brave young recruits who were present, on motion of Ambrose Cossit, a committee, consisting of Ambrose Cossit, 108 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Simeon Ide and Thomas J. Harris, was appointed to petition the selectmen to call a town-meeting for the purpose of making an appropriation of two thousand dollars, or more, " for the support of the families of those of our fellow-citizens who have or who may enlist in defense of the country." The meeting then adjourned to the following Tuesday evening. On Tuesday evening, the 23d of April, the people again assembled at the town hall, which was densely crowded, and many were unable to gain admittance. This seemed to be the culmina- ting point of the excitement. General Erastus Glidden, in the absence of the president, occupied the chair. Patriotic songs were sung and fervent speeches made by John S. Walker, Chase Noyes, George W. Blodgett, William P. Austin, Henry Fitch and Rev. E. F. Lawrence. Frank S. Fiske, of Keene, special aid to the adjutant- general in the recruiting service, was present, and, being called upon, made an eloquent and stirring speech. Mr. Austin was present with fifty recruits. Immediately after the call of the President for troops, the ladies of the town bought large quantities of flannel and yarn, and went to work vigorously, making shirts and drawers and knit- ting socks for the soldiers. Forty or more met daily for this purpose at Fraternity Hall. George N. Farwell and Edward L. Goddard authorized William Clark, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, to furnish the families of volunteers with such provisions as they might need, in his discretion, and they would hold themselves per- sonally responsible for the same. Under these instructions families were helped to the amount of $222.27, which was afterward assumed by the town. On the 20th Otis F. R. Waite, of Qaremont, was appointed by Governor Goodwin general re- cruiting agent for the western part of the State, to act under orders from the military headquarters of the State. On the 29th he received the follow- ing telegram from the adjutant-general : " Close up the stations and come on with the recruits to- morrow, as proposed. Telegraph me that you will do so. Cars will be for you at Nashua." The recruits from other stations having been sent for- ward. Major Waite started from Claremont, on the morning of the 30th, with eighty-five men enlisted by William P. Austin. They left the village at six o'clock, and marched to the SuUivan Railroad station, followed by large numbers of relatives and friends of the recruits and other citizens. At seven o'clock, after a most touching leave-taking, which will not soon be forgotten by those who participated in or witnessed it. the company went on board the cars, which moved off amid the cheers of the three or four hundred people who had assembled to see their friends and fellow-citizens depart for the war. They went by way of Bellows Falls, Keene, Fitchburg, Groton [now Ayer] Junction, Nashua and Manchester, arriving at Concord about three o'clock in the afternoon. At every considerable railway station multitudes of people were assembled, who gave the men their blessing and cheered them on their way. Before leaving Claremont our citizens had pro- vided the recruits with a full day's rations of cold meats, bread, pickles, etc. It was understood that the men enlisted at Claremont would go in a company by themselves, and would have the privilege of choosing their own officers from their own number. Accordingly, when the company was full, they elected William P. Austin, captain ; John W. Lawrence, first lieutenant ; John Dean, second lieutenant ; Ziba L. Davies, third lieutenant; Homer M. Crafts, Baron S. Noyes, George H. Weber, Selden S. Chandler, sergeants; Edward E. Story, Charles H. Parmalee, Chester F. Tebbits and Joseph Richardson, corporals. The privates of this com; pany from Claremont were Oscar C. Allen. Lyman F. Parrish. Alfred Talham. Everett W. Nelson. Edwin M. Gowdey. Ralph N. Brown. Joseph Levoy. Charles H. Sprague. George P. Tenney. Henry W. Patrick. Joseph Peno. William H. Nichols. Ebenezer E. Cummings. Andrew J. Straw. CLAREMONT. 109 Charles W. Wetherbee. John W. Davis. John F. Wheeler. John Straw. Wyman R. Clement. George W. Straw. Alba D. Abbott. Charles M. Judd. Heman Allen. Henry S. Morse. Albert P. Russell. Charles E. Putnam. Charles F. Colston. Edward Hall. Jerome B. Douglass. James Dumage. William E. Parrish. Henry F. Roys. William H. Pendleton. Julius E. Heywood. Alanson F. Wolcott. William H. Blanchard. Anson M. Sperry. Warren W. Howard. Dennis Taylor. Lewis W. Ladneer. Albert E. Parmalee. Matthew T. Towne. J. Parker Read. Napoleon B. Osgood. Sylvester E. H. Wakefield. The other members of this company were from Acworth, Charlestown, Cornish and Unity. A finer company of men than those enlisted by Captain Austin did not enter the army as volun- teers. They enlisted from a sense of duty, the pay of privates being then but eleven dollars per month, and there was no offer of bounty from the town. State or United States. Before leaving town, citizens presented the dif- ferent recruits with dirk knives, revolvers, etc. At a large meeting at the town hall, on the eve- ning of the 29th, Lieutenant John W. Lawrence was presented with a sword by Sherman Living- ston. The presentation speech was made by H. W. Parker, and responded to in behalf of Lieu- tenant Lawrence by Ira Colby, Jr. George G. Ide, in behalf of the Claremont Manufacturing Company, presented each member of the company with a handsomely bound pocket Testament. The ladies gave to each two pairs of flannel drawers, two flannel shirts, woolen socks, towels, pocket handkerchiefs and needle-book well filled with useful articles. On arrival at Concord the company was sent to Camp Union ; but, being more than men enough already there for one regiment, they were sent to Camp Constitution, Portsmouth, where the Second Regiment was being organized. Under the call of the President for one regiment from New Hampshire, in ten days men enough had been enlisted and sent to rendezvous at Concord and Portsmouth for more than two. On the 3d of May the President issued a call for twenty thousand volunteers for three years, and New Hampshire was immediately ordered to take no more volunteers for three months, but to enlist, uniform, arm and hold, subject to orders from the War Department, a regiment of three years' men. In consequence of this order the alternative was presented to the recruits then at Camp Constitution to re-enlist for three years, or be discharged. Before this alternative was of- fered, however, the recruits were all re-examined by a surgeon, and those found physically disqual- ified for service were discharged. Among these were Edwin M. Gowdey, Charles F. Colston and Joseph F. Garfield, from Claremont. During the organization of the Second Regi- ment a misunderstanding arose between Captain Austin and one or two of the other ofiicers and some of the men, and the company was broken up. None of the officers chosen before the company left Claremont were commissioned. Captain Aus- tin and Lieutenant Lawrence returned home, and Lieutenants Dean and Davis re-enlisted for three years as privates. Forty-three of the men also re-enlisted for three years, and were put into dif- ferent companies, while the remainder were either discharged or sent to Fort Constitution, Ports- mouth Harbor, to serve out the term of their en- listment. On the 8th of May, agreeably to warrant, a town-meeting was held, at which a vote was unan- imously passed to appropriate a sum not to exceed twenty-five hundred dollars, to be paid to soldiers' families wherever and whenever it may be needed, and Albro Blodgett was chosen, with discreticm- ary power, to carry out the vote. Up to March, 1862, he paid out for this purpose two thousand seven hundred and ninety- seven dollars and twen- ty three cents. In most of the churches in town sermons were preached against the Rebellion, and prayers offered for the success of our arms in putting it down. There was an almost unanimous expression of 110 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. condemnation of the South, and political party lines seemed for a time to be almost obliterated. Every man of influence encouraged enlistments, and favored all reasonable projects for rendering aid to the families of such as had gone or might go to the war. Among the most zealous in the work of raising recruits and aiding families were many who, as Democrats, opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln for President. The ladies kept at work making articles needed by soldiers in hospitals and in the field ; frequent meetings were held during the summer, and a most patriotic spirit was manifested among the people. In July a company, called the Home Guard, was organized, consisting of over a hundred men, many of them past middle age, and among the most prominent citizens of the town, all desirous to do something for the cause of the country. The company chose the following officers : Arthur Chase, captain ; Edwin Vaughan, first lieutenant ; John M. Whipple, second lieutenant ; Ira Colby, Jr., Francis F. Haskell, Henry S. Parmalee, William D. Rice, sergeants ; Joseph Weber, John S. M. Ide, D. C. Colby and John Geer, corporals. The company had frequent meetings for driU, and made quite an imposing appearance. In June, 1861, the Legislature passed an act authorizing towns to raise money by vote to aid families of volunteers. About the 20th of July Governor Berry issued an order for enlisting, arming and equipping the Third Infantry Regiment for three years, or during the war, and Dr. E. C. Marsh was ap- pointed recruiting officer for Claremont and vicin- ity. He soon enlisted thirty-two men, twenty-two of whom belonged in Claremont. These men left Claremont for the rendezvous at Concord on the 19th of August. These recruits attended the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon, the 18th, and the Rev. R. S. Stubbs preached a sermon from the text,—" Stand fast in the faith; quit you like men; be strong." On other occasions Mr. Stubbs had, through his sermons, shown forth his unconditional loyalty and his entire devotion to the country ; but, on this occasion, when address- ing men who were about to take their lives in their hands and go forth to do battle for the coun- try, he was particularly eloquent and impres- sive. On the 20th of August the Governor issued an order to raise the Fourth and Fifth Regiments. Dr. E. C. Marsh was ordered to recruit for the Fourth, and Charles H. Long was authorized to raise a company for the Fifth Regiment, the men, when enlisted, to choose their own company offi- cers. All the men accepted and mustered into the service under this call were to receive from the State a bounty of ten dollars. The men enlisted by Mr. Long, making nearly a full company before leaving Claremont, made choice of the following officers : Charles H. Long, captain ; Jacob W. Keller, first lieutenant ; Charles O. Ballou, second lieutenant, who were subsequently commissioned by the Governor. The last of September Edwin Vaughan was ap- pointed recruiting officer, and enlisted several men, who were put into different regiments then being organized. On the 17th of February, 1862, news was re- ceived by telegraph of the capture of Fort Donel- son. The bells of the village were rung and the joy of the people was manifested in other ways. At the annual town-meeting in March, 1862, it was voted that the selectmen be authorized to bor- row a sum of money on the credit of the town, not to exceed five thousand dollars, as it may be needed, to aid the families of resident volunteers. Edward L. Goddard, Aurelius Dickinson and Alexander Gardiner were appointed a committee to designate what families were entitled to aid, and Sumner Putnam was chosen agent to pay out the money without compensation. On Sunday afternoon, June 22, 1862, a public meeting was held in the town hall as a demonstra- tion of respect for the brave Claremont men who had been killed at Fair Oaks and in other battles, or died in hospitals, and of condolence with their surviving relatives and friends. A committee of arrangements had been chosen, and other prepara- CLAREMONT. Ill tions made, at a previous meeting of citizens of the town. Otis F. E. Waite, chairman of the committee, called the meeting to order, briefly stated its objects and presided throughout. Rt. Rev. Carleton Chase, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, read selections from the Scrip- tures ; Rev. Carlos Marston made the opening prayer ; Rev. H. H. Hartwell delivered an address which had been carefully prepared, giving some account of each of those soldiers who had been killed in battle or died in hospitals, together with circumstances connected with the death of each. Short addresses were made by Rev. Oliver Ayer, Rev. R. F. Lawrence and Rev. Mr. Marstou, of Claremont, Rev. Mr. Piper, of Vermont, Rev. Mr. Greeley, a native of Claremont, then settled at Methuen, Mass., Rev. Paul S. Adams, of Newport, and others. On motion of Bishop Chase, Otis F. R. Waite was chosen historiographer to keep a record of events in Claremont, which had or should transpire dur- ing the war, having connection with it, with a view to its being published in book form after the war had closed. During the meeting several ap- propriate pieces were sung by members of the dif- ferent church choirs in town. The relatives and friends of deceased soldiers were assigned front seats, and this was made a kind of funeral occa- sion. The town hall was packed, and, being on Sunday, and clergymen of the several churches taking leading parts, made this one of the largest and most impressive meetings held in town during the war. Early in July E. W. Woodell was appointed a recruiting officer to enlist volunteers for regiments then being formed. On the 14th, in the evening, a meeting was held for the purpose of encouraging enlistments. Walter Tufts was chosen chairman and Joseph Weber secretary. Spirited speeches were made by D. C. Colby, Rev. Messrs. Lawrence and Marston, E. W. Woodell, George R. Lathe and others. Pursuant to a call by the selectmen, a meeting was held on the evening of the 19th of July. Jonas Livingston was chosen chairman and C, C. Church secretary. E. W. Woode'.l offered a series of resolutions reaffirm- ing confidence in the people, the Executive of the nation and in the army, and calling upon the people to aid in all practicable ways in raising men to fill the regiments in the field, and form new ones as they may be needed to meet the exi- gencies of the country. Patriotic speeches were made by Rev. Messrs. Marston and Lawrence, E. D. Baker, C. C. Church, E. W. Woodell and others. On the 25th of the same month another meeting, with the same object in view, was held. C. H. Eastman presided. It was voted to hold a general county war meeting at the town hall in Clare- mont, on the afternoon of the 2d of August following, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. On the 2d of August the town hall was crowded to its utmost capacity, and the village was full of citizens of the county. Henry Hubbard of Charlestown, son of the late Governor Henry Hubbard, presided, who, on taking the chair, made some patriotic and well-timed remarks in relation to the state of the country and the duty of loyal men. Nathaniel S. Berry, Governor of the State, James W. Patterson, member of Congress, James W. Nesmith, United States Senator from Oregon, A. H Cragin, United States Senator for New Hampshire, Peter Sanborn, State Treasurer, Cap- tain T. A. Barker, of the Second New Hampshire Regiment, Major H. B. Titus, of the Ninth New Hampshire Regiment, and other distinguished gentlemen from abroad, were present and made speeches. The hall was handsomely decorated with flags and other emblems appropriate for the occasion. This was one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in town. At a legal town-meeting on the 7th of August, the following votes were unanimously passed : " Voted, That the Selectmen be authorized to bor- row a sum of money, not exceeding five thousand dol- lars, to pay a bounty to citizen volunteers — the sum of fifty dollars to each — to fill the quota of three hun- dred thousand, when mustered into the United States service. 112 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Fofed, That the Selectmen be authorized to borrow a sum of money, not to exceed three thousand dollars, to pay a bounty of fifty dollars to each citizen volunteer who has or may enlist and be mustered into the United States service, to fill the last quota of three hundred thousand." During the month preceding August 12, 1862, recruiting had been opened in town by Orville Smith, of Lempster, Sylvanus Clogston, of Washington, and E. W. Woodell, of Claremont. Up to that date they had enlisted — Mr. Smith, thirty-five men ; Mr. Clogston, twenty-six men ; and Mr. Woodell, ten, a large share of whom were residents of the town. They were taken to Concord to fill old and help to form new regi- ments, as the men themselves might respectively elect. About the middle of August William H. Chaffin was authorized to recruit men in this town for regiments then being raised in the State, and opened an office that purpose. At a town-meeting on the 17th of September, 1862, it was " Voted to pay all resident citizens who have enlisted under the two last calls of the President, and previous to August 11, 1862, fifty dollars each when mustered into the United States service. Also all those who have enlisted since August 11, 1862, one hundred dollars each, when mustered into the United States service," and the selectmen were authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars to carry this vote into eflTect. At the annual town-meeting in March, 1863, the selectmen were authorized by vote to borrow not exceeding five thousand dollars, to aid families of soldiers, the selectmen to designate who were entitled to aid, and Sumner Putnam was chosen to pay out the money without remuneration. On Sunday, May 10th, a telegram was received in town announcing the capture of Richmond. It was read in the churches, bells were rung, cannon fired and other demonstrations of joy made. But it turned out that the telegram was not quite true. The surrender of Vicksburg was celebrated in Claremont, July 7, 1863. by the ringing of bells, firing of cannon, etc Edward F. Johnson, a son about twenty years old of Edwin Johnson, while assisting to fire the cannon, in Dexter Hill, was very severely injured by the premature discharge of the gun, losing the right hand and having the other badly mutilated, beside other injuries. Sub- sequently a considerable sum of money was con- tributed by citizens of the town for his benefit. On the 5th of August what was left of Company G, Fifth Regiment, came home on furlough. Out of eighty-one men who left town under Captain Long, in September, 1861, less than two years before, only twelve came home. Twenty-four had been killed in battle or died of disease, and the balance had either been discharged or were left behind in hospitals An ovation was given these twelve men at the town hall ; addresses were made by several gentlemen, and a handsome supper provided at the Tremont House, to which about fifty citizens sat down. After the eating had been finished spirited speeches were made, sentiments offered and the whole affair passed off" very pleasantly. On Thursday, the 6th of August, the President's thanksgiving for the success of our arms was observed. Business was generally suspended. Religious services were hold at the Baptist Church, the Congregationalists and Methodists uniting. All three of the clergymen took part and made addresses. On the 27th of August, 1863, the first draft in this Congressional District took place at West Lebanon. Ninety-seven men were drafted for Claremont, only four of whom, are — William S. Sturtevant, Jotham S. Toothaker, Charles H. Parmalee, and his brother, Edward A. Parmalee — entered the army. All the others were either rejected' by the examining surgeon as unfit for duty, paid commutation or furnished substitutes. On the 21st of September, in town-meeting, it was voted to pay drafted men, or their substitutes, three hundred dollars each, and the selectmen were instructed to borrow the money therefor. On the 7th of December the town offered a CLAREMONT. 113 bounty to her citizens who should enlist of three hundred dollars in addition to other bounties. At a previous meeting it had been voted to pay to each volunteer six hundred dollars, the town taking an assignment of the State and government bounties. At the annual town-meeting, in March, 1864, the selectmen were authorized to borrow a sum, not exceeding six thousand dollars, to aid the fam- ilies of volunteers and drafted men. Sumner Put- nam, as agent, had paid to families of soldiers the preceding year the sum of $5,558.39. In May, 1865, there was another draft at the provost-marshal's office. West Lebanon, to make up all arrearages, and thirteen men were drafted for Claremont, all of whom were exempted by the examining surgeon or furnished substitutes. In June eight more men were drafted for this town, to make up deficiencies in her quota under all calls, none of whom entered the army. At a town-meeting, on the 23d of June, it was voted to instruct the selectmen to " pay a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars to any person who has, or may hereafter, enlist and be mustered into the service of the United States, and counted on the quota of this town for the present or any future call." The selectmen were also instructed to bor- row a sum, not exceeding six thousand dollars, for this purpose, and to proceed forthwith to enlist men, as opportunity may offer, in anticipation of future calls. In August, 1864, the selectmen ofiered, for men to enlist into the army, bounties as follows : Two hundred dollars for one, and three hundred dollars for three years, besides the bounties ofiTered by the State and United States, amounting in all, for three years' men, to eleven hundred dollars. At the annual town-meeting, in March, 1865, by vote, the town treasurer was authorized to bor- row a sum, not exceeding seven thousand dollars, to aid the families of volunteers and drafted men. William E. Tutherly was appointed military agent to provide soldiers to fill all quotas of the town the ensuing year. On the morning of the 14th of April, 1865, news of the taking of Kichmond came by tele- graph, followed on Monday morning, the 19th, by this telegram : " Official. Lee and his whole army surrendered on Sunday afternoon. Gloria!" This was soon followed by a telegram from Gov- ernor Gilmore to the selectmen, ordering them to fire. one hundred guns, at the expense of the State, in honor of the overthrow of the Eebellion. Busi- ness was immediately suspended ; the stores closed; men, women and children were upon the streets ; all the church, mill and school bells were rung ; and the order of the Governor was executed em- phatically upon the common. Everybody rejoiced at the final overthrow of the greatest rebellion on record. A meeting was notified to be held at the town hall in the evening. At the appointed time the town hall was filled as it had seldom been filled before. The multi- tude was called to order by Charles M. Bingham, and Moses R. Emerson was chosen chairman, who stated the objects of the meeting and made some pertinent remarks. Rev. Edward W. Clark, pas- tor of the Congregational Church, opened the meeting with prayer. The congregation then united in singing, in a most thrilling manner, " Praise God from whom all blessings flow," to the tune of " Old Hundred." The glee club, under the direction of Francis F. Haskell, next sang a patriotic piece. Spirited addresses were made by Rev. Messrs. J. M. Peck, Edward W. Clark and E. S. Foster, Hosea W. Parker, Edward D. Baker, Ira Colby, Jr., and others. The audience arose and joined in singing "America," as it is sung only when its eloquence and beauty are fully felt by those who sing it. The meeting dissolved to witness a display of fireworks outside. Many of the public buildings and private residences were handsomely illuminated, and Jefferson Davis and John C. Breckinridge were burned in efiiegy on the common. On the morning of the 15th of April came a telegram announcing the assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States, the night before. This news turned the rejoicing of the loyal people of the North to sincere and deep 114 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. mourning. On Wednesday, the 1 9th of April, in accordance with recommendation from Washing- ton, and special proclamation of the Governor of New Hampshire, the funeral obsequies of the President were observed. Business of every kind was entirely suspended ; at twelve o'clock the church bells were tolled ; minute-guns were fired, and the people assembled at the town hall to pay their respects to the memory and worth of the murdered President, Abraham Lincoln. Never did the people of Claremont more sincerely mourn than on this occasion. Eev. Edward W. Clark read the Governor's proclamation and made the opening prayer. An appropriate piece was sung by the choir, under the direction of Francis F. Haskell. Rev. E. S. Foster read selections from Scripture ; Rev. F. W. Toole ofiered prayer ; ad- dresses were made by Rev. Messrs. S. G. Kellogg, Moses Kimball, of A^cutneyville, Vt., Foster and Towle, of Claremont, Albert Goss, of Auburn, N. Y., and Clark, of Claremont. The choir sang the hymn commencing " Why do we mourn de- parting friends?" to the tune of "China," and Rev. Mr. Kimball pronounced the benediction in the most solemn manner. SUMMARY. Whole number of volunteers from Claremont 370 Whole number of drafted men who entered army.. 5 Whole number of drafted men who furnished sub- stitutes 74 Whole number killed in battle 33 Whole number who died of wounds 14 Whole number who died of disease 20 Whole number who served to the end of the war... 85 Number of families who received aid from the town and State 173 Amount of town and State aid furnished to fami- lies $26,219.61" This summary includes all the Claremont soldiers who were connected with New Hamp- shire and other regiments whose history is known. Many re-enlisted, while others served in more than one organization, — some in three or four, — which, with substitutes furnished and commutation paid by men who were drafted, make the whole number four hundred and forty-nine, of soldiers put down to the town during the war. Claeemont's Quota. — The enrollment in Claremont, in April, 1865, embracing all male citizens of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years, liable to do military duty, was four hundred and thirteen. The whole number who entered the army and navy, from April, 1861, to April, 1865, was four hundred and forty-nine. This includes all enlistments, some of the men having enlisted two or more times, the drafted men who furnished substitutes and those who entered the army. The quota required to be sent from each town in the State under all calls for troops, from July, 1863, was proportioned to the number of enrolled militia, as above. Clare- mont's quota was set at one hundred and seventy- seven, and she furnished two hundred and six recruits, being an excess of twenty-nine over what she was required to furnish. Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Societies. — Immedi- ately after the assault upon Fort Sumter and the call of the President for seventy-five thousand volunteers, the ladies of Claremont manifested their zeal in the cause of their country by meeting at the house of Mrs. Susan J. Adams, to prepare bandages and other articles needed in army hospitals. In May, 1861, an urgent call came to the ladies for hospital stores and garments suitable for sick and wounded soldiers. A notice was published in the village papers inviting the ladies to meet in Fraternity Hall. At the appointed time a large number assembled. The meeting was called to order by Miss Elizabeth Sprague. Remarks were made urging the importance of organized and earnest efibrt to minister to the comfort of sick and wounded soldiers, and to give to our men articles of clothing not furnished them by the government. A society called the Ladies' Union Sewing Circle was organized by the choice of the follow- ing oflBcers : jNIrs. M. A. Metcalf, president ; Mrs. Edward L. Goddard, vice-president; Miss Eliza- beth Sprague, secretary and treasurer ; Mrs. Obed CLARBMONT. 115 D. Barnes, Mrs. Otis F. E. Waite, Mrs. Lewis Perry, Mrs. Charles H. Eastman, Mrs. Edward L. Goddard and Mrs. Mary Blanchard, committee to have special care and direction of the work. This society met at Fraternity Hall daily. The work at first was upon flannel garments and other articles for the men enlisted by Captain William P. Austin, a large portion of whom belonged in Claremont. Each man was furnished by this society with a pair of woolen drawers, undershirt, towels, pocket-handkerchiefs, woolen socks, pin- flat and needle-book, well filled with useful articles. By special contribution they raised $75 for rubber blankets, $8.38 for havelocks, and $13.29 for extra pairs of woolen hose. The ladies kept at work as well at home as at their stated meetings, throughout the summer, for soldiers and hospitals. In September Charles H. Long enlisted a company of one hundred men for the Fifth Regiment, all belonging in Claremont and vicinity, and each was furnished with bed- sack, towels, handkerchiefs and woolen hose. Auxiliary Sanitary Commission. — Early in October, 1861, the United States Sanitary Com- mission sent an appeal to the ladies of Claremont to organize an Auxiliary Sanitary Commission, in order the better to systematize their labors and the manner of sending forward and appropriating to their proper uses the fruits of their liberality and labor. In response to a call, the citizens met at Fraternity Hall on the 11th of October for this purpose. Simeon Ide, Thomas J. Harris, Joseph Weber, Mrs. Edward L. Goddard, Mrs. M. A. Metcalf and Mrs. Charles H. Eastman were ap- pointed a committee to canvass the town and secure the co-operation of all loyal women in this movement. An adjourned meeting was held on the 16th of October, when the committee submitted a plan of organization, making every lady in town, who would pay into the treasury one dollar, a member, and proposed the following list of officers, which plan and report were adopted : Simon Ide, presi- dent ; Mrs. Samuel P. Fiske and Mrs. Leonard P. Fisher, vice-presidents ; Thomas J. Harris, treas- urer ; Cyrenus S. Parkhurst, secretary ; Edward L. Goddard, Frederick T. Kidder, Arthur Chase, Mrs. M. A. Metcalf, Mrs. G. W. Lewis, Mrs. Obed D. Barnes, Mrs. Edward L. Goddard, Mrs. Charles H. Eastman and Mrs. Jotham G. Allds, directors. The directors appointed Mrs. Lewis Perry, Miss Marion Richards, Mrs. Francis Whitcomb, Miss Diantha Sargent, Miss Alice Jones, Mrs. James Goodwin, Mrs. James Brickett, Mrs. Otis F. E. Waite, Mrs. Stephen F. Rossiter, Mrs. David F. Tuterly, Miss Stella Wallingford, Miss E. M. Bond, Mrs. Albert O. Hammond, Mrs. Freeman S. Chel- Us, Mrs. Amos D. Johnson, Mrs. Robert R. Bun- nell, Mrs. Anson S. Barstow, Mrs. George W. Lewis and Miss Isabella D. Rice to solicit money, hospital stores — such as preserves, jellies, pickles, etc., or clothing — to fill a box which the society wished to send forward. For a time this organization received the active co-operation of the gentlemen holding the princi- pal ofiices, after which they seemed occupied with other matters, and early in the winter of 1861 the ladies took the management and funds of the soci- ety, ]V|rs. Samuel P. Fiske acting as president and Mrs. Edward L. Goddard as secretary and treas- urer. The Sewing Circle was a Union Sewing Circle in the fullest acceptation of the term. Love of country, love of the brave and noble soldiers who left their homes to fight our battles, to sufier and die in prison or hospital, helped these patriotic women to surmount every obstacle and forget all opposition and discouragement. A few ladies of Unity sent valuable contribu- tions, which were forwarded in the first boxes sent to Washington. The meetings were frequent, well attended, seemed to be pervaded by a solemn sense of the importance of the utmost diligence in the perform- ance of the work in hand, and pleasant to all in- terested in their object. Many ladies, whose names do not appear as having any special charge, were among the most active and efficient workers. Among the gentlemen in town most active and enthusiastic in aiding the ladies in their work, en- 116 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. couraging enlistments and helping soldiers and their families, was Et. Rev. Carlton Chase, Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire. He opened his house to the ladies, attended and addressed public meetings, and in other ways showed how much he had the cause of the country at heart. The ladies engaged in this society enlisted for the war, nor did they cease their efforts until Richmond was taken and the rebel armies had surrendered. During the existence of this auxil- iary society they sent thirty-three large boxes to the United States Sanitary Commission rooms in Washington and Boston, containing the following articles : 153 pairs woolen drawers, 195 woolen shirts, 373 cotton shirts, 29 pairs cotton drawers, 1029 towels, 901 handkerchiefs, 84 needle-books, 624 pairs of woolen hose, 221 woolen blankets, 333 quilts, 169 sheets, 244 pairs mittens, 39 com fort bags, 45 vests, 59 pillow-sacks, 139 bed-sacks, 261 pillows, 241 pillow-cases, 198 pairs slippers, 189 dressing-gowns, 51 havelocks, 2 collars, 1 mil- itary overcoat, 1 military dress coat, 1 pair mili- tary pants, 1 blouse, 1 linen jacket, together with large quantities of dried and canned fruits, pick- les, bandages, lint, linen and cotton pieces, 75 quarts of wines and 50 pounds of corn-starch, books and other reading matter, all of which was most generously given by the friends of the soldiers in every part of the town. They also sent to the Boston and Baltimore fairs, for the benefit of the soldiers, about one hundred and fifty dollars' worth of fancy articles, all of which were contrib- uted by the ladies of this society. The society received of its members and other individuals about twelve hundred dollars, four hundred dollars of which was realized from exhi- bitions, festivals and concerts. When they closed their labors, in the spring of 1865, there remained in the treasury one hundred and sixty dollars, which was placed at interest, to be appropriated for the erection of a monument in commemoration of Claremont's brave soldiers, who gave their lives for the country when she needed such sacrifice. At the commencement of the war the ladies of West Claremont formed themselves into a working band for the soldiers, and met together occasionally for work, tbough much was done at their homes. Large numbers of articles were sent to their desti- tation during the first few months through the so- ciety at the village, after which they sent the articles of their industry and benevolence direct to Washington. As no officers were chosen, no record of the money expended was kept for any length of time. The money used and articles given were from residents at West Claremont, ex- cept fifty dollars from the Sanitary Commission in the village in the winter of 1864-65, placed in the hands of Mrs. Wyllys Redfield, and expended for materials which were made up by the ladies. During the war not less than eight or ten barrels and boxes, filled with quilts, shirts, dressing-gowns, socks, dried fruity jellies, wines and many other articles, were sent by the ladies of West Clare- mont. Thanksgiving to Soldiers' Families. — In November, 1864, Charles M. Bingham, Nathaniel Tolles, Otis F. R. Waite, Samuel G. Jarvis and Walter H. Smith were chosen a committee to col- lect contributions, and distribute to families of soldiers, and others in town who were considered needy, provisions for Thanksgiving. Qtizens cheerfully contributed from their stores what was valued in money at $30.31, and, in money, $120.45, making a total of $150.76. The money received was carefully expended for provisions, which were distributed to one hundred and three families, ac- cording as the committee judged of their several needs. The articles carried to the different dwell- ings consisted of one hundred and fifty chickens, seventy-five roasts of beef, weighing from seven to fourteen pounds each, several pieces of fresh pork, a large quantity of butter, cheese, vegetables, groceries, etc. Soldiers' Mondment. — At the annual town- meeting, in March, 1867, it was voted to appropri- ate one thousand dollars for the erection of a monu- ment to those Claremont men who had been killed in battle or died in the army in the War of the Re- bellion, on condition that five hundred dollars should be raised by subscription, or otherwise, for CLAREMONT. 117 the same purpose. The Ladies' Sanitary Commis- sion appropriated the funds— about one hundred and sixty dollars, which they had on hand at the close of the war — to this object ; and the committee of arrangements for the Fourth of July celebra- tion in 1865 also appropriated about fifty dollars, which they had after paying expenses. In addi- tion to this, the ladies obtained in subscriptions not exceeding one dollar each — heads of families generally paid one dollar, and children of all ages twenty-five cents each — a sufficient amount to se- cure the town appropriation ; and these several sums, except the thousand dollars appropriated by the town, were placed at interest. At the annual town-meeting, in March, 1868, the further sum of two thousand dollars was voted for this object, provided that one thousand dollars should be raised by contribution or otherwise. At the same meeting Samuel P. Fiske, Benja- men P. Gilman, Edward L. Goddard, Charles H. Long and John L. Farwell were chosen a com- mittee to have the whole matter of the monument in charge. Early in August, 1868, Frederick A. Briggs, Oliver A. Bond, Hosea W. Parker, A. George Boothe, Wm. P. Farwell, James A. Cowles, Austin C. Chase and some other gentlemen, assisted by several young ladies, gave two very creditable dramatic exhibitions in aid of the Sol- diers' Monument Fund. A string baud extem- porized for the occasion, and under the joint leadership of Messrs. George "W. "Wait, of this town, and Henry A. Chiistie, of Christie and Wedger's Band, Boston, who had his home in Claremont, furnished some excellent music and contributed very much to the entertainment. The receipts from this source were about one hundred and fifty dollars. Subscription-papers were cir- culated, without limiting the amount that each might pay, and other means used to obtain a sufiicient sum to secure the last two thousand dollars voted by the town — making up the whole sum of forty-five hundred dollars. Many gentle- men subscribed very liberally, while others gave according to their means, and the required amount was secured. The committee decided to place the monument in the Park, and made a very favorable contract with Martin Milmore, of Boston, for a bronze monumental statue of an infantry soldier, at rest. When the monument and grounds were so nearly completed that a day could be fixed for the dedi- cation, the committee called a meeting of the citizens of the town, at the town hall, on the even- ing of July 17, 1869, to take measures for the arranging and carrying out of proper exercises. At this meeting Edward L. Goddard was chosen chairman, and Hosea W. Parker secretary. The following gentlemen were chosen a committee to have the whole subject of dedicating the monu- ment in charge : Samuel P. Fiske, Benjamin P. Gilman, Edward L. Goddard, Charles H. Long, John L. Farwell, Oscar J. Brown, John S. Walk- er, John F. Cossitt, Nathaniel Tolles, Hosea W. Parker, J. W. Pierce, Sherman Cooper, Henry Patten, Charles H. Eastman and William H. Nichols. At a meeting of the committee of arrange- ments, it was voted to dedicate the monument on the anniversary of the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864, when General Phil. H. Sher- idan, by his timely arrival on the field, changed a m defeat of our arms into a glorious victory, taking fifty guns from the enemy. It was also voted to invite Dr. J. Baxter Upham, of Boston, a native of the town, and a son of the late George B. Up- ham, to pronounce an oration. The committee appointed the following officers for the day of dedication : President, John S. Walker ; Vice- Presidents, Edward L. Goddard, George N. Far- well, Samuel G. Jarvis, Albro Blodgett, Daniel W. Johnson, James P. Upham, Arnold Briggs, Daniel S. Bowker, Edward Ainsworth, Charles M. Bingham, William E. Tutherly, Sylvanus S. Redfield, William Ellis, Fred P. Smith, Hiram Webb ; Secretaries, Joseph Weber, Arthur Chase ; Chaplain, Edward W. Clark ; Marshal, Nathaniel Tolles, who appointed for Assistants, Edwin W. Tolles, Edward J. Tenney, Sherman Cooper and George H. Stowell. He also appointed Otis F. R. Waite, Hosea W. Parker, William H. H. Allen 118 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and Francis F. Haskell to receive and attend -to the comfort of the invited guests. Invitations were extended by circulars to many prominent gentlemen, and by posters to the peo- ple generally, to be present and join in the cere- monies. The day was ushered in by a salute of thirty-seven guns and the ringing of bells at sun- rise. A large concourse of people, variously estimated at from five to ten thousand — among them many distinguished ladies and gentlemen from the eastern and middle portions of the State, assembled to do honor to the occasion. At half-past nine o'clock a.m. the invited guests were met at the station of the Sullivan Railroad and conveyed in carriages to the village. At ten o'clock a procession, consisting of invited guests and officers of the day in carriages, fire companies. Posts of the Grand Army of the Re- public and citizens, was formed on the Common under the direction of 'the marshal, and escorted by the Stearn Guards of Claremont, headed by the Claremont Cornet Band, marched through Broad, North, Maple, Elm, Union, Sullivan, Pleasant, Summer and Broad Streets, to the speaker's stand, at the east side of the Common, and facing the monumental statue to be dedicated. There was also a stand for the band and choir erected against the south wall of the Universalist Church. Arrived at the stand, the band performed a national air. The marshal, Nathaniel Tolles, called the assembly to order, and introduced Samuel P. Fiske, chairman of the committee of arrangements and also chairman of the monument committee, who made a short address, giving an account of the inception of the soldiers' monument to be dedicated and the work upon it to comple- tion, announced the officers and introduced the president, John S. Walker. The president called upon the chaplain, Rev. E. W. Clark, who in- voked the Divine blessing in fitting and eloquent terrns. The president delivered a short address, wel- coming, in weU-chosen words, aU who were present, as well those of the town and country as from more distant parts. He said that General Philip H. Sheridan had accepted an invitation to be present, and had been expected until that morning, when a telegram was received from him, explaining his inability to be with us. It con- cluded : " Please say to my old comrades and the good peo- ple in attendance how deeply I regret not being pres- ent with them to do honor to the memory of the gallant men from New Hampshire who fell in defense of the union and their rights." At the close of the president's address, the signal being given, the American flag, which had enveloped the bronze statue, was skillfully lifted therefrom by Samuel P. Fiske, chairman of the monument committee, assisted by Benjamin P. Gilman, raised to the top of the pole to which it was attached, and floated in the breeze over the monument. The orator. Dr. J. Baxter Upham, was then introduced, and delivered a very appropriate oration, in a voice that could be heard by those of the vast crowd most remote from the speaker. It was a most touching and eloquent tribute to the dead heroes commemorated by the monument. The speaker said, — " On the marble tablets in yonder Town Hall, which, from henceforth, shall be a memorial hall aa well, we may trace the names of seventy-three young men who fought in these armies and voluntarily laid down their lives upon the altar of their country — more than a seventh part of the four hundred and forty-nine, who, from first to last, enlisted here — so many, alas, in number, that there is not room for them upon the entablature of this or any common monument. I could wish it were possible to write them, one and all, in letters of living light, on the sides of those everlasting hills that they might be known and read of all men." After the oration, " America " was sung by the choir, under the leadership of Moses R. Emerson, The president then introduced Governor Onslow Stearns, who made a short address, followed with addresses by ex-Governors Walter Harriman, Frederick Smyth, United States Senator James W. Patterson, Colonel Mason W. Tappan and Hon. Jacob H. Ela. The exercises closed by the CLARBMONT. 119 singing, by the choir and all present, of that grand old ascription, " Be thou, O God, exalted high." The procession was then re-formed and marched to the Tremont House, where the invited guests, the committee of arrangements, officers of the day and citizens, in all about eighty, ladies and gentle- men, at four o'clock partook of a sumptuous dinner. Members of fire companies and posts of the Grand Army were liberally provided for by contributions of citizens, at the town hall, where tables were laid for about five hundred. After these had eaten, the doors were thrown open to the multitude, and not less than one thousand were fed in this way. There was a great quantity of food left, which was carefully gathered up and distributed to such as needed it. The Monument. — The monument consists of a handsome granite pedestal, seven feet high, sur- mounted by a bronze statute of an infantry volunteer soldier, in full regulation uniform, lean- ing in an easy and graceful way upon his gun. Beneath the statue, on the granite die, is the following inscription : " EEECTBD IN HONOB OF THE SOLDIERS OF CLAREMONT, WHO DIED IN THE REBELLION OF 1861-65, BY THEIR GRATEFUL FELLOW-CITIZENS, 1869." FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Receipts. E. L. Goddard, for Fourth of July committee of 1865: principal, $47.00; interest, $13.00 $60 00 Mrs. E. L. Goddard, Treasurer Auxiliary Sanitary Commission : principal, $150.00; interest, $41.25 191 25 From subscriptions of 1867 : principal, $642.72; interest, $95,87 738 09 Dramatic company 94 00 Subscriptions, 1869 970 63 Town appropriations for monument and park improvements, as per vote of 1867-68 3500 00 Total $5563 97 * Disbursements. Martin Milmore, for monument 4000 00 E. Batchelder, for granite curbing.... 250 00 Concrete walk and grading 807 28 Fence, $337.14; labor, $159.60 496 74 Total $5553 97 Memoeial Tablets. — The large number of those Claremont men who were killed in battle and died of wounds or disease while in the service, rendered the inscription of their names upon the monument impracticable ; therefore, marble tab- lets were erected in the town hall — bearing the following Roll of Honor, except that the date and manner of the death of each is added here, to perpetuate more fully their record : Oitizen Soldiers of Claremont who died for their Country in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65. Colonel Alexander Gardiner. 14th Eegt, N H. Vols. Mortally wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19,1864. Died of wounds Oct. 8, 1864. Captain William Henry Chaffin. Co. I, 14th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Cedar Creek, near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. Lieutenant Euel G. Austin. Co. A, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa», July 6, 1863. Died of his wounds at Baltimore, Md., July 26, 1863. Lieutenant Charles O. Ballou. Co. G., 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Lieutenant Egbert Henry Chase. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Beam's Station, Va., August 25, 1864. Lieutenant Samuel Brown Little. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Died of wounds at Falmouth, Va., December 24, 1862. Go. G, 5tb Eegt. N. H. Vols. Wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Died of wounds December 23, 1862. Lieutenant Henry S. Paull. Co. I, 14th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Cedar Creek, near Winchester, Va., Septemb er 19, 1864. 120 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lieutenant Heney D. Eice. * Co. G, 9th Kegt. N. H. Vols. Supposed killed at Poplar Grove Church, Va., September 30, 1864. Daniel S. Alexander. Co. F, 3d Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va., May 13, 1864. OscAE 0. Allen. Co. H, 2d Kegt. N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Phila- delphia, Pa., October 2, 1862. James P. Bascom. Co. G, 9th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Fal- mouth, Va., December 25, 1862. Samuel 0. Benton. Co. E, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed in battle at Ream's Station, Va., August 16, 1864. Horace Bolio. Co. F, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Amos F. Beadfoed. Co. G, 9th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Died of diphtheria at Paris, Ky., November 10, 1863. JOSIAH S, BeOWN. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. James Buens. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Chaeles F. Bueeill. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Chaeles E. Ballou. Died at Washington, D. C, of disease, February 18, 1864. Samuel S. Caeleton. Fourth Battalion, Mass. Eifles. Died at Claremont, N. H., January 23, 1867, of wounds received in battle. LuTHEB A. Chase. Co. G, 5th Eegt N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Wyman R. Clement. Co. H, 2d Regt. N. H. Vols.. Died of disease at Washington, D. C, August 1, 1861. Joseph Ceaig. Co. G, 5th Regt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Albeet G. Dane. Co. A, 3d Regt. N. H. Vols. Died while prisoner at Salisbury, N. C, February 3, 1865. ZiBA L. Davis. Co. H, 2d Regt. N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Fal- mouth, Va., January 12, 1863. James Delmage. Co. G, 5th Regt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1863. Edwaed E. French. Co. E, Berdan's Sharpshooters. Wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 19, 1864. Died of wounds September 7, 1864. John Gilbert. Co. F. 3d Regt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Deep Run, Va., August 16, 1864. Frederick W. Goddaed. Co. H, 44th Eegt. Mass. Vols. Died of disease at Pemberton Square Hospital, Boston, July 3, 1863. Lieutenant George Nettleton. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Died of wounds at Falmouth, Va., December 24, 1862. Charles B. Grandy. Co. A, 62d Eegt. N. Y. Vols. Died of disease at Washington, D. C, October 16, 1861. David H. Geannis. Co. A, 3d Eegt. N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Hilton Head, N. C, March 4, 1863. Chester F. Grinnels. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Charles A. Hart. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Elisha M. Hill. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Died of wounds received in battle, October 27, 1862. Damon E. Hunter. Co. G, 5th Eegt. N. H. Vols. Mortally wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1862., Died June 22, 1862. William L. Hurd. Co. F, 3d Eegt. Vermont Vols. Killed at the battle of Lee's Mills, Va., April 16, 1862. CLAREMONT. 121 John S. M. Ide. Co. E, Berdan's Sharpshooters. Killed in an en- gagement at Yorktown, Va., April 5, 1862. Joseph W. Kelly. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease on pas- sage from Fortress Monroe to Washington, in May, 1862. Walter B. Kendall. Co. F, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed in front of Peters- burg, Va., June 16, 1864. J. Fisher Lawrence. Co. H, 7th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Port Royal, S. C, August 8, 1862. Charles B. Marvin. Co. G, 9th Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed in the battle of Antietam, September, 17, 1862. Noah D. Merrill. Co. D, 2d Regt., N". H. Vols. Died of wounds received in battle, September 16, 1862. Edward F. Moore. Troop L, First New England Cavalry. Killed in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Horatio C. Moore. Co. F, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Mortally wounded in the battle of James Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Died June 19, 1862. Ransom M. Neal. Co. A, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Hil- ton Head, S. C, October 30, 1862. Everett W. Nelson. Co. H, 7th Regt., N. H. Vols. Wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. Died July 24, 1863. Charles H. Nevers. Co. G, 5th Eegt., N. H. Vols. Killed in battle at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862. Frederick A. Nichols. Co. F, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Mortally wounded near Bermuda Hundred, June 16, 1864. Died next day. Lyman F. Parrish. Co. H, 2d Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Manchester, N. H., February 20, 1863. William E. Parrish. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Wounded and taken prisoner in the battle of the Wilderness, and is supposed to have died at Andersonville. Joel W. Patrick. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Claremont, N. H., August 15, 1862. Joseph Peno. Co. 0, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of James Island, June 16, 1862. Charles E. Putnam. Co. H, 2d Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed in the battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. George H. Putnam. Co. G, oth Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. George Read. Co. G. 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Newark, N. J., September 9, 1862. Henry W. Patrick. Co. H, 2d Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Claremont, N. H., August 20, 1868. Edgar T. Reed. Co. G, 6 th Regt., N. H. Vols. Shot while attempting to arrest a deserter in the autumn of 1864. Willis Redfield. 15th Regt., Connecticut Vols. Died of yellow fever at Newbern, N. C, October 11, 1864. Charles D. Robinson. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. George E. Rowell. Co. H, 11th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Baltimore, Md., April 10, 1864. George W. Russell. Co. G, 9th Regt., N. H. Vols. Mortally wounded at the battle of Antietam, Va., September 17, 1862, and died next day. Ard Scott. Co. F, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Taken prisoner at Darbytown, Va., October 1, 1864. Died of star- vation and exposure at Salisbury, N. C, Novem- ber 20, 1864. Charles N. Scott. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H, Vols. Killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1862. Edward E. Story. Co. G. 6th Regt,, N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Hatteras Inlet, March 4, 1862. 122 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNT!', NEW HAMPSHIRE. Andeew J. Straw. Co. H, 2d Regt., N. H. Vols. Wounded at the battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, 1861, and is supposed to have died in the hands of the enemy. EOLAITD TAYLOE. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Mortally wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863, and died a few days afterward. Horace A. Tyrrell. 2d Regt., Mass. Cavalry. Died of disease on his way home, after discharge, December 30, 1865. Harvey M. Wakefield. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease in hos- pital, July 5, 1862. George O. Webb. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease at Camp Fair Oaks, Va., June 15, 1862. Charles W. Wetheebee. Co. G, 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. Killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1862. John F. Wheelee. Co. A, 2d Regt., N. H. Vols. Taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, 1861. Exchanged, and died on shipboard, between Salisbury, N. C, anfl New York. NoEMAir F. Whitmoee. Co. A, 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. Died of disease, occa- sioned by wounds, at Jacksonville, Fla., June 9, 1864. Augustus E. Woodbury. Co. H, 7th Regt., N. H. Vols. Taken prisoner at Olustee, Fla., February 10, 1864. Died at Ander- sonville, Ga., June 23, 1864. NEWSPAPEES. The National Eagle. — This paper was estab- lished in October, 1834, under the direction of a committee appointed at a Whig Sullivan County Convention, the year before. The first number was issued by John H. Warland, editor, and Samuel L. Chase, printer. In 1836 the establish- ment was purchased by John H. Warland and Joseph Weber. In 1842 Mr. Weber bought Mr. Warland's interest, and became sole proprietor and editor, and continued the publication of the paper until October, 1846, when Charles Young and John S. Walker bought the establishment, Mr. Walker taking charge of the editorial depart- ment. In 1849 Mr. Walker sold his interest to John H. Brewster, and the paper was published by Young & Brewster until April, 1854, when Otis F. R. Waite bought the establishment, and continued the business until 1860, when he sold out to John S. Walker. Mr. Walker sold to Simon Ide, whose successors have been Arthur Chase, Thomas J- Lasier, Hiram P. Grandy and H. C. Fay, its present editor and owner. The Northern Advocate. — This paper was started in Claremont, in June, 1849, by Joseph Weber, as a Free Soil paper, who continued its publication until November, 1881, when, by rea- son of advancing age, he sold the establishment to the present editor and proprietor, E. E. Mussey, who changed the title of the paper and called it The Claremont Advocate. The Compendium. — The publication of a liter- ary paper with this title was commenced in May, 1870, by S. H. Story, and printed one year as a ■yeekly. The publication was then discontinued until January, 1872, when it was resumed and published fortnightly until January, 1875. It was then changed to a monthly and called The Narrative, under which arrangement it has since been continued by Mr. Story. railroads. Sullivan Railroad, from Bellows' Falls, through Charlestown and Claremont, to Wind- sor, Vt. It connects at Bellows' Falls with the Cheshire Railroad for Boston, via Keene and Fitchburg; the Valley Railroad for New York, via Springfield and Hartford ; the Rutland for Montreal and the West ; at Claremont Junction with the Concord and Claremont Railroad for Concord and Boston, and at Windsor with the Central Vermont Railroad for St. Albans, Mon- treal and the West. The Sullivan Railroad was finished and opened for business in the fall of 1849. It is owned and operated by the Con- necticut River Railroad Company, a-i is also the CLAKEMONT. 123 Valley Railroad. It has a double track from Bellows' Falls to Charlestown. CoNCOED AND Claeemont Raileoad, from Claremont Junction, via Newport and Bradford, to Concord, where it connects with the Concord Railroad for Boston, and with the Northern and Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroads. At Contoocook it connects with the Monadnock, Pe- terborough and Hillsborough Railroad for Win- chendon, Mass., via Hillsborough and Peterbor- ough. The Concord and Claremont Railroad was opened to Claremont in September, 1872. "WiNDSOE AND FOEEST LiNE RaiLEOAD. — At the session of the New Hampshire Legislature, in 1870, a charter was granted for a railroad from Windsor, Vt., to Greenfield, N. H., there to con- nect with the Nashua and Wilton Railroad. Soon a company was organized by the grantees, and a route has been surveyed through Cornish, Clare- mont, Unity, Acworth, Lempster, Washington, Marlow, Stoddard and Hancock, to Greenfield, pronounced feasible, and it has been thought that a road would be built over this line at no very distant period. Claeemont and White Rivee Junction Raileoad. — ^In 1872 the New Hampshire Legis- lature granted a charter for a railroad from Clare- mont to White River Junction ; the grantees organized a company, and a route was surveyed from Claremont village through Cornish, Plain- field and Lebanon to White River Junction, Vt. It was found that a road could be built over the route surveyed at very moderate cost, and it has been thought that the many advantages to be gained by this road would ensure its construction-. OBITUARY. Brief notices are here given of a few Claremont men who were prominent in their time. Many others might be given of those equally deserving of them but for lack of room. Many have been spoken of in other connections in this history. Samuel Cole, Esq., graduated at Yale College in 1731, was among the early settlers of the town of Claremont, read the Episcopal service for several years, and was an instructor of youth for a considerable period. He died at an advanced age. De. William Sumnee came from Hebron, Conn., to Claremont in 1768. He was a useful and influential citizen. He died in town in 1778. Colonel Benjamin Sumnee, one of the early settlers, was a civil magistrate for many years ; died here in May, 1815. Colonel Joseph Waite was engaged in the French and Indian War, was captain of one of Rogers' company of rangers, and commanded a regiment in the Revolutionary War, died in October, 1776. Captain Joseph Tayloe, who was engaged in the Cape Breton, the French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars, was taken prisoner by the Indians in the summer of 1755, carried to Canada and sold to the French, resided in Claremont and died here in March, 1813, at the age of eighty- four years. The Rev. Daniel Baebee was born in Sims- bury, Conn., October 2, 1756. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Seabury October 29, 1786. He ofiiciated in difierent parishes in New York and Vermont until 1795, when he removed to Clare- mont and became the rector of what was subse- quently called Union Church. In 1801 he re- ceived the degree of Master of Arts from Dart- mouth College. He continued rector of this church until 1818. He then avowed himself a Roman Catholic, and conformed to that church. He remained in Claremont a few years and then went to Connecticut, and from there to George- town, D. C, where he spent the remainder of his days. The Rev. James B. Howe was born in Dor- chester, Mass., March 31, 1773. He graduated at Harvard College in 1794. He was ordained deacon November 25, 1817, by the Rt. Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, and priest by the same May 14, 1819. He was instituted rector of Union Church, Claremont, September 15, 1819, at a salary of seven hundred dollars. He resigned his parish August 4, 1843. He then resided in Boston about a year with his children, often 124 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAxMPSHIRE. ofBciatiag in Christ Church and in other churches where his services were needed. He died of apoplexy in a railroad car at Albany, N. Y., September 17, 1844, while on a journey to Indiana to visit his children. Colonel David Dextee was born in Smith- field, R. I., was a lineal descendant of Gregory Dexter and Rev. Chas. Brown of Providence R. I. He was a Captain in 1776 of Colonel Lip- pitt's regiment. Soon after the close of the war, probably between 1780 and 1790, he came to Claremont, married and had several children. In 1800 he and his brother Stephen erected a dam across Sugar River, at the upper fall, put up suitable buildings for grist, saw and oil mills and a scythe shop, all of which were run by water. This scythe shop was the first established in these parts, and was a great wonder in those days. The scythe business was continued until 1824, and the other branches of business above named by the brothers until the death of David in 1831, when they were succeeded by the late Moses Wheeler, a son-in-law of David. The Dexters subsequently became interested in other manufacturing enter- prises in Claremont. Colonel David Dexter was an enterprising and influential citizen of the town for about fifty years. He was one of the Select- men of the town for thirteen years, between 1800 and 1818, and chairman of the board every year from 1810 to 1818, both years included ; repre- sentative in the New Hampshire legislature in 1 814, and each succeeding year up to and includ- ing 1820 ; moderator of town-meeting many times, and a Director in the Claremont Bank several years. Colonel Benjamin Tyler, one of the first settlers of Claremont, before mentioned in con- nectiun with water power, etc., was a man of great prominence in various ways, was the in ventor and patentee of the Tyler Tub Wheel, the first Tub Wheel ever made, it was the only one that could be used under low heads of water. At one time he owned all the water power of Sugar River in Claremont. There was a demand for grist- mill stones, and in looking about for rock suitable for making them, he found it on Ascutney mountain, in Vermont, and bought a large tract of land on the south side of that mountain where was an abundance of the rock required, and entered into the manufacture of mill-stones, which he carried on for several years. He also manufactured scjrthes most extensively for those days. His works were on the south side of Sugar River, at West Claremont. After his death his two sons, Benjamin, Jr., and John succeeded to the business. They invented and manufactured a machine for thrashing grain and rice, and went south with it. This was the first threshing machine ever made. Austin Tyler, son of Ephraim Tyler, Jr., and grandson of Colonel Benjamim Tyler before men- tioned in this history, was born in Claremont, January 6th, 1790. He was one of the most active, enterprising and public spirited men in town in his time. He was several times a repre- sentative in the legislature, chairman of the board of Selectmen, and held other important town offices. He died August 12th, 1844. Dr. Leonard Jarvis was born in Boston, June 22, 1 774 ; graduated at the Boston Latin School and studied, medicine with his uncle. Dr. Charles Jarvis, of Boston. He came to Clare- mont and commenced the practice of his profession in the fall of 1795. He was quite famous as a physician and surgeon, and, for about twenty years, had a large practice in Claremont and sur- rounding towns. After that he engaged exten- sively in sheep breeding, wool growing and manu- facturing, but was often called in consultation with other physicians as long as he lived. He died February 9, 1848. Ambrose Cossit, was born in Claremont on August 28, 1785; was a son of Ambrose Cossit, and, at the time of the Centennial celebration, July 4, 1865, the subject of this notice was the oldest native citizen in town. He was president of the Claremont Bank from its organization, in 1848, until the organization was changed to Clare- mont National Bank, in 1864. He was appointed side or county justice of the courts for Sullivan county, January 8, 1833, and held that position CLAREMONT. 125 until the office was abolished by the remodeling of the courts in 1855. He died April 7, 1866. Isaac Hubbaed, son of George Hubbard, a Revolutionary soldier, was born in Tolland, Conn., July 28, 1770. In 1778 he came with his parents to Claremont and settled on the farm in the south- west corner of the town, now occupied by Isaac H. Long, a grandson of Isaac Hubbard, and the widow of Dr. I. G. Hubbard, a son of the subject of this notice. Isaac Hubbard spent his whole life, after eight years old, on that farm. He was an extensive and successful farmer and stock raiser. He raised a celebrated ox, called Olympus, of the Short Horn Durham breed, which, when six years old, January 4, 1838, weighed four thousand pounds. The following fall this ox was taken to England by a Mr. Niles, of Boston, his name changed to " Brother Jonathan," and put on exhi- bition. From England he was taken to France and exhibited there for a time, and then returned to England, where he was slaughtered. Mr. Hub- bard was several times elected to represent his town in the 'New Hampshire Legislature ; many years one of the selectmen of Claremont; was prominent in the Episcopal Church, and was re- garded as one of the solid and strong men of the town. He was a brother of Judge J. H. Hub- bard, of Windsor, Vt. He died January 28, 1861. Rt. Rev. Caelton Chase, D. D., son of Charles Chase, a well-to-do farmer, was born at Hopkinton, N. H., February 20, 1794. He grad- uated at Dartmouth College, second in his class, in 1817. During the last year of his college course he was baptized at Hopkinton, and united with the Episcopal Church. He read theology at Bristol, R. I., under the direction of Bishop Griswold ; was made a deacon in December, 1818 ; from May to July, 1819, he officiated at Springfield, Mass., and in September of the same year commenced his work at Bellows' Falls, Vt., officiating one-third of the time in St. Peter's Church, Drewsville, N. H., for a year or more, after which his whole time was given to Immanuel Church, Bellows' Falls. He was ordained priest by Bishop Griswold in Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., on September 27th, 1820. In 1839 he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Vermont. He continued rector of Immanuel Church until April 7, 1844. On October 4, 1843, Dr. Chase was elected Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire. He removed to Claremont early in 1844, and com- menced his duties as rector of Trinity Church the first Sunday after Easter of that year. He was consecrated Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New Hampshire, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, by the Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D., on October 20, 1844. By reason of advancing age and the requirements of the dio- cese, he resigned the rectorship of Trinity Church, June 1, 1863. He died at his residence iiT Clare- mont, on January 18, 1870. The Rev. Heney Sumnee Smith was born in Nashua, N. H., March 15, 1801. He entered Kenyon College, at Gambier, 0., but on account of the disorganized state of that institution, he did not graduate. He studied theology at Gambier ; was made deacon by Bishop Mcllvaine at Gam- bier, September 7th, 1833 ; ordained priest at Cleveland, 0., September 11, 1836, by Bishop Mcllvaine. Following his ordination, Mr. Smith officiated in several small parishes in the diocese of Ohio. At Easter, 1838, he became the assistant of the Rev. James B. Howe in Union Church, Claremont, one-half of the time; the other half he officiated in Trinity Church, Cornish. In 1842 Mr. Smith officiated in Cornish and Plainfield. He became rector of Union Church, Trinity Church having been organized at the village, in 1843, and continued in this office until his death, February 16th, 1872 — twenty-nine years. De. Silas H. Sabin, was born at Pomfret, Conn., July 3d, 1777. At an early age he went with his parents to Windsor, Vt., and worked on his father's farm until twenty years of age, after which he fitted for college, at Haverhill, N. H., and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1803. He studied medicine with Dr. Trask, at Windsor. He commenced practice at Straffi)rd, Vt., in 1807, subsequently at Windsor, until 1819, when he 126 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. came to Claremont and continued in practice until 1834, at which time he retired from active prac- tice. When in Vermont he was examining sur- geon in the war of 1812. In Claremont he was superintendent of schools several years. He was a man of fine literary acquirements and wrote and published many essays on various medical topics. He died in Claremont July 29, 1850. Hon. Alonzo B. Williamson was born at Woodstock, Vt., December 20, 1815. He Avas educated at Woodstock, Vt., academy ; studied law in Claremont with P. C. Freeman ; admitted to the bar in 1837 ; practised in Claremont from 1842 to 1844; then in Cornish, N. H., about a year, when he was appointed Postmaster at Clare- mont, which ofiice he held four years, at the end of this time he resumed the practice of his pro- fession and continued it in Claremont until his death. In 1850 he was appointed solicitor for Sullivan County, which he held five years. He was elected State Senator in 1852, and re-elected in 1858. He died March 19, 1860. The Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, D.D., was born in Claremont, April 13, 1818, and was a son of Isaac Hubbard, Esq. He graduated at Trinity College in 1839. He passed from college into the General Theological Seminary, New York, where he spent two years, and finished the prescribed course of study with Bishop Carlton Chase. While studying with Bishop Chase he officiated as lay reader at Drewsville and Bellows' Falls, Vt. He was ordained deacon in Trinity Church, Claremont, June 25, 1845. He served his deaconate at Vergennes, Vt., and received priest's orders from Bishop Chase in March 1847. The first four years of his priesthood he was rector of a church at Potsdam, N. Y. Then for several months he was assistant of the venerable Dr. Muhlenburg, in the Church of the Holy Com- munion, New York. In March 1852, he became rector of St. Michael's Church, Manchester, N. H., where he remained until February, 1866. The field was a missionary one, demanding great self- denial, patience, energy and wisdom, and affijrding a large amount of work. The growth of the parish was real and lasting. The great visible work of Dr. Hubbard was the erection of a beau- tiful stone church and a comfortable parsonage, to accomplish which he wrought with his own hands and superintended every detail. The strain upon him was very great and produced the usual result, and in the spring of 1866, by reason of mental and bodily exhaustion, he was compelled to resign his parish, and retired to his portion of his late father's farm in Claremont for rest. In August, 1867, he was sufficiently restored to ac- cept the rectorship of Trinity Church, Claremont, where he remained until Easter, 1875. During this period he was forced, by a recurrence of his former trouble to take a rest of six months, and through the kind instrumentality of a few friends he visited Europe. Again his health failed, and when he resigned and returned to his farm he did not expect to resume priestly labors. How- ever, in October, 1876, he began services at Union Church, without making any permanent engage- ment. The Easter following he felt able to accept the post of minister in charge for a year, and re- newed the engagement at Easter, 1878. On Passion Sunday, March 30, 1878, he drove to church with his family as usual, but on his arrival did not feel able to perform service, and started to return home in a sleigh, and expired very sud- denly on the way. Dr. Hubbard was one of the trustees of St. Paul's School, Concord, for twenty years immediately preceding his death. Paean Stevens, a son of Col. Josiah and Ma- tilda Stevens, was born in Claremont, September 11th, 1802. He pursued with great energy and perseverance whatever business enterprise he under- took. He had much to do from 1835 to 1837, in starting the improvement of the fine water-power afibrded by Sugar River. One of the first of his business enterprsies was the keeping of the Tremont House in Claremont, which was destroyed by fire, and the loss of four or five lives, in March, 1878. He made it famous for the excellence of its enter- tainment for travelers. In 1843, when thirty years old, Mr. Stevens leased the New England House. Boston, and kept it several years. Subsequently, CLAREMONT. 127 when the Eevere House was built by the Massa- chusetts Charitable Association, he was selected to manage it. At that time the Eevere House was the most magnificent hotel in the country, and Mr Stevens made it a success. He soon became inter- ested in the Tremont House, Boston, Battle House, Mobile, Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, and Con tinental, Philadelphia, all coming under his general management, and he became known as the great hotel man of America, and accumulated a large fortune out of these enterprises. In 1855 and 1866 he traveled extensively in Europe. In 1867 he was appointed one of the ten Commissioners to rep- resent the United States at the grand Paris Expo- sition. The last part of his life was spent in New York. For his endowment of the High School, see notice of that institution. Carl A. Volk, M.D., was born in Hamburg, near Frankfort, Germany, June 18, 1812. He came to America in 1834, and settled in Ohio. He came to Claremont in 1844, and had a large prac- tice as long as he lived Dr. Volk studied in Hei- delberg, and took the degree of M.D., from Dart- mouth College in 1859. He died in Claremont March 3d, 1883. Colonel Alexander Gardiner was born at CatskUl, N. Y., July 27, 1833 ; fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden; studied law with Shea & Kichardson, New York City; admitted to the bar in that city in 1856 ; was in Kansas about two years during the political troubles there ; came to Claremont in the spring of 1859, and opened a law-office with Edwin Vaughan ; continued in practice until September, 1862, when he was commissioned lieutenant in the Fourteenth Kegiment of New Hampshire Volun- teers ; promoted to major September 12, 1863, and to colonel of that regiment September 12, 1864. In the battle of Cedar Creek, near Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864, Colonel Gardiner was mortally wounded ; he remained in the hands of the enemy five hours, when the Union troops re- gained the ground and recovered the dead and wounded. He died of his wounds October 8, 1864, and his remains were buried in Claremont. Thomas Leland was born at Grafton, Mass., August 5, 1784 ; graduated at Middlebury, Vt., College in 1809 ; studied law in the office of Judge J. H. Hubbard, at Windsor, Vt. ; was admitted to the bar in 1812 ; was in practice at Windsor until 1834, when he came to Claremont and continued in practice until his death, March 3, 1849. He represented Windsor in the Vermont Legislature one or more terms. Charles Leland was a son of Thomas Leland; born at Windsor, Vt., July 28, 1817; was educated in the schools of his native town ; studied law with his father ; was admitted to the New Hampshire bar, and was in the practice of his profession at Claremont a few years. For the twenty-two last years of his life he was salesman for a New York drug-house. He died at Clare- mont March 28, 1884. John Kimball was born at Haverhill, N. H , September 30, 1796. He graduated at Dartmouth College, and studied law at Bath, N. H , in the office of Hon. Moses Pay son, and was admitted to the bar at Haverhill. He was in practice at Claremont from 1830 to 1839, and at Putney, Vt., from 1839 to 1870. He was twice elected to the New Hampshire Senate while he lived in Clare- mont. He represented Putney in the Vermont Legislature several years ; was twice State Senator for his district, and once president of the Senate. He died at Putney February 23, 1884. Hon. Philander C. Freeman was born at Plainfield, N. H., August 27, 1807. He gradu- ated at Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio ; studied law in the office of Judge J. H. Hubbard, at Windsor, Vt. He came to Claremont about 1838, opened an office and commenced the practice of his profession. He was a representative in the legislature from Claremont, and for several years was justice of the police court. He died April 20, 1871. Hon. Milon C. McClure was born in As- worth ; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1846 ; taught in the Claremont Academy two years ; was admitted to the bar in 1849 ; formed a law partner- ship with P. C. Freeman in Claremont, which was 128 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. continued until his death in 1860. In 1855 and 1856 he was a member of the Governor's council ; in 1857 and 1858 he was a representative from Claremont in the New Hampshire Legislature. Dr. William M. Ladd was born in Unity in the year 1813. He graduated at Kimball Union Academy studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. Charles Perry, in Rutland, Vt. ; attended lectures at the Vermont School of Medicine, where he took his degree of M.D. For the next ten years he was in the active practice of his profession at Townshend, Vt. He then came to Claremont. continued practice for a time, and then opened a drug store and continued in that business until his death, June 29, 1885. He was postmaster of Claremont for nine years, being appointed by Pres- ident Pierce. He was also commissioner of schools for Sullivan county for several years. BIOGRAPHICAL. Dr. Alvah R. Cummings was born in Acworth, August 27, 1826. He fitted for College at Marlow and Hancock academies. He studied medicine with Dr. WUliam Grout at Camden, Ohio, and Dr. J. N. Butler at Dempster. He attended lec- tures and took the degree of M.D. at Dartmouth College in 1852. He practiced at Topsham, Vt., and Washington, N. H., three years ; in the winter of 1855-56 he attended a course of lectures at the New York Medical College, and came to Clare- mont in March, 1856, and has been in practice here since that time. Dr. T. Elwoob Parker was born near West Chester, Chester county. Pa., December 16, 1854 ; he graduated March 10, 1880, from Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. He practiced at Parkerville, Pa., nearly four years, and came to Claremont in 1884. He formed a business con- nection with Dr. P. L. Mcintosh. De. Fred. L. McIntosh was born at New Marlboro', Mass., November 17, 1858 ; was edu- cated in Augusta, Me.; graduated at Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1880. He prac- ticed two years before he received his degree, came to Claremont in October, 1881, and in January, 1884, associated with him Dr. T. El wood Parker. Dr. James P. Holt was born in Claremont, June 19, 1853, and is a son of James Holt, late sheriff of SuUivan county. He graduated at Stephens High School in June 1873. He entered the drug store of Dr. W. M. Ladd and remained there about four years, the last two years of which time and the following year he studied medicine with Dr. O. B. Way. He took a medical course at Dartmouth College and graduated there Octo- ber 30, 1877. He then commenced practice in Claremont and continued until September, 1880, when he entered the Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Conn., and was there one year — six months as as- sistant and six months as house-physician and sur- geon. At the end of this time he returned to Claremont and resumed practice. In May, 1884, he bought a half interest in the drug store of Dr. W. M. Ladd. Dr. Ladd having died he became sole proprietor in July, 1885, and continues the practice of his profession. John Tyler is a son of Benjamin Tyler, Jr., and a grandson of Colonel Benjamin Tyler, before alluded to in different connections in this history. He (John Tyler) was born in Claremont, April 8, 1802, and is in his eighty-fourth year, hale and hearty, with memory clear, especially of events occurring sixty years ago. He is by trade a mill- wright, though he has not worked at it for several years. He lives upon his farm at West Clare- mont, within fifty rods of the spot where he was born, and in the first frame house ever built in Claremont. John Tyler (2d) is a son of John Tyler, and grandson of Colonel Benjamin Tyler. He was born in Claremont March 26, 1818. He learned the trade of millwright, serving an apprenticeship of seven years, and was then for eight years fore- man of the shop where he learned his trade. He then came to West Lebanon in 1850, for several years did a large business building mills, some- times employing fifty men. He returned to Claremont, where he has since resided, in 1872. In 1856 he invented and got patented the Iron Tyler Turbine Water Wheel, the first iron water wheel ever made, since which he has been granted CLAKEMONT. 129 nine patents for improvements on it. These ■wheels met with great favor from mill owners, and soon took the place of the old cumbrous and expensive wheels. More than five thousand of these wheels have been sold, and they are now running in most of the States and territories in the Union and in the Canadas. He is also the inventor and patentee of Tyler's Copper Cylinder Washer, for washing paper stock, and they are going into pretty general use. In 1872 Mr. Tyler built what is known as the Bible Hill Aqueduct, to supply Claremont village with pure spring water. It runs to over two hundred families. De. Samuel G. Jarvis, was born in Claremont, September 30th, 1816, and is a son of the late Dr. Leonard Jarvis. He studied medicine with the late Dr. Thos. B. Kittridge, then in practice in Claremont, and graduated at Jeiferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1838. Dr. Jarvis com- menced practice in Claremont in 1840, which he has since continued. Dr. Oemon B. Way, son of Gordon Way, was born in Dempster, N. H., March 22d, 1840 ; came to Claremont with his parents when four years old, and has since been a resident here, except two or three short intervals. He was educated at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. ; stud- ied medicine with the late Prof. A. B. Crosby, M.D., of Hanover, N. H., and the late Dr. Nath. Tolles, of Claremont, and graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in 1865, receiving the first prize for scholarship. He was in practice about eighteen months at South Acworth, N. H., and returned to Claremont in 1867, where he has since continued in the practice of his profession. In December, 1 873, he was appointed U. S. Examining Pension Sur- geon, and resigned in May, 1882. He was twice a member of the New Hampshire Legislature, and has served more than twenty years as Superinten- ding and High School Committee Dr. Clarence W. Tolles, son of the late Dr. Nathaniel Tolles, was born in Claremont, April 30th, 1846. He studied medicine with his father ; graduated at Bellevue Medical College in 1868 ; studied one year at University Medical College, London ; was associated with his father in prac- tice until the latter's death, in June, 1879, when he succeeded to the practice of the firm. Edwin Vaughan was born at Chelsea, Vt., Sep- tember 14th, 1832. He graduated at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., in 1855 ; com- menced study of law in 1854 ; entered the Law University at Albany, N. Y., in 1856, was admitted to the bar from that institution in 1857, and to the bar of the U. S. District Court for New Hamp- shire, in 1870. He commenced practice at Clare- mont, in company with the late Col. Alexander Gar- diner. Was married on the 20th of June, 1860, to Elizabeth L., daughter of the late Rev. S. G. Henry, of Springfield, Vt. Mr.' Vaughan enlisted in the New Hampshire Cavalry in December, 1861, passed through the several grades and was com- missioned Captain of Co. A., of his regiment, in March, 1864. He was Assistant Provost Marshal of the 8th Army Corps the last six months of' his service, and was stationed at Baltimore. He was discharged June 7th, 1865, and returned to practice in Claremont. He was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature in 1866 and 1867 ; U. S. Revenue Inspector in 1867 and 1868 ; mem- ber of the Chicago Republican Convention which nominated Gen. Grant for President in 1868 ; was appointed U. S. Consul at Contoocook, Canada, in April, 1869, which ofiice he held until 1881, when he returned to Claremont, and was appointed Judge of Probate for Sullivan County, June 7th, 1883. Dr. Leonard Jarvis, second son of Dr. Sam- uel G., and grandson of the late Dr. Leonard Jar- vis, was born in Claremont on July 29th, 1852.' He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1873, and at Harvard Medical School in 1882. He was House Physician at the Lying-in Hospital, Boston, four months, and House Surgeon at Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, fifteen months^ He com- menced practice in Claremont in May, 1884.' 130 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GEORGE N. FAEWELL. The Farwells of America, in a great measure, descended from Henry Farwell, the English emi- grant, who was one of the first settlers of Concord, Mass., where he was made "freeman "May 22, 1639. About 1655 he removed to Chelmsford, where he died in 1670. He had five children, — John, Joseph, Mary, Olive and Elizabeth. Nicholas Farwell, the first of the family in Claremont, N. H., was born May 5, 1781, probably in Marblehead, Mass., and removed with his parents while very young to Pickers- field (now Nelson, N. H.). His father was in greatly straitened circumstances, and the large family of boys were scattered in places that afibrded them chances for labor. Nicholas was apprenticed to a shoemaker, and, with very little opportunity to avail himself of rhe meagre educa- tional advantages afforded in that day, came up to manhood with a strong physique, a good knowl- edge of his trade, and habits of industry, stead- fastness and frugality — a worthy inheritance for his descendants. He married, April 20, 1803, Susan, daughter of Oliver Corey, and settled on a farm in the west part of Claremont, but, in 1813, he moved into the village and began the manu- facturing of ladies' shoes, and, by perseverance, energy and close application, was successflil, building up an industry of large proportions for that time and adding much to the prosperity of the community. He was also interested in merchandising and the manufacturing of cotton cloth at the Lower village. He erected a residence on Broad Street, now owned and occupied by Hermon Holt, Esq., who married a granddaughter, and lived there until his death, which occurred October 13, 1852, from heart-disease. His widow died September 25, I860. George N. Farwell, the oldest of thirteen chil- dren born to Nicholas and Susan (Corey) Farwell (only three of whom are living), was born in West Claremont February 18, 1804, attended the public schools until he was fourteen, then com- menced learning his father's trade and receiving the benefits of the public schools in the winter season. At his majority he went to St. Albans and engaged in the business of shoe manufactur- ing, but, after fifteen months, was induced by his father to return and enter into copartnership with him, after which he acquired the whole business, which he successfully followed for over thirty-five years, steadily increasing his productions, the standard of which was maintained and the reputa- tion of Farwell's shoes throughout Vermont and Northern New Hampshire, where his products were marketed by the country merchants, was well known. He gave employment to about one hun- dred persons. He married Sarah A., daughter of Louis and Khoda Rathbone McDonald, of Mid- dlebury, Vt., December 25, 1827, at Middlebury, the late Rt. Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, Bishop of Kentucky, officiating. Their children are James H., born June 25, 1829 ; John L., born March 1, 1834; and Susan L., born May 27, 1841. James H. is single. John L. married Martha Cooper, of Newark, Ohio, March 3, 1857. Their children are George Nicholas (2), bom January 3, 1858; Belle, born May 28, 1860; John L., Jr., born May 26, 1865 ; Sarah Caroline, born June 11, 1868. George Nicholas (2) was married, 4pril 18, 1880, to Anna L. Grosvenor, of Dubuque, Iowa, to whom was born Susan Breck, February 5, 1885. Susan L., youngest child of George N., married William Breck, October 7, 1868, to whom was born Sarah McDonald, born January 14, 1873. It will be noticed that, at the present time, four generations are living and all residing in Clare- mont. Sarah A., wife of George N., died February 11, 1876. She was a woman of superior strength and beauty of character, abounding in good works, generous, gentle and loving, a Christian wife and mother. A reverend acquaintance wrote of her, '{j/_/r. J-',:frr^r.r..-i-U ^^JUj.^ ^ CLAKEMONT. 131 "A lady of rare excellence and loveliness of character. God endowed her -with superior natural powers. She possessed quick discernment, sound judgment, good taste, wise discretion, well educated, refined, intelligent, amiable, sympa- thetic, hospitable and a true Christian woman, taking large Scriptural views of Christ, the re- demption of sinners and the atonement." In 1849 the Claremont Bank was incorporated. Mr. Farwell, being one of the incorporators, pro- cured the stock subscriptions and took a leading part in its organization ; afterwards was its cashier, and at this present time is its president, his son John L. being the vice-president and George N. (2), his grandson, its cashier. Mr. Farwell is the oldest director living of the original board. He was active and prominent in the organization of the Sullivan Savings Institution, was its first treasurer, and has been an active director since its organization, in 1848 (see chapter on Banks). Mr. Farwell has built several buildings in Clare- mont, — his present homestead on Broad Street in 1851, built on the lot his family only have occu- pied since 1828 ; also built the business block which bears his name in 1852 ; was treasurer of and one of the committee to erect the Stevens High School building. He has been one of the leading members of the Congregational Church for over half a century, represented the town in the State Legislature in 1868-69, acceptably filled many offices of trust, and occupies an exalted position in the esteem of a large circle of friends, who honor him for his many sterling qualities. Mr. Farwell is a man of dignified yet pleasant appearance, with clear intellect, happy tempera- ment, carries his more than four score years lightly, and, surrounded by his children, grand- children and great-grandchildren, who delight in doing him honor, he is passing the evening of his life, beloved and reverenced by the whole com- munity. GEORGE LEWIS BALCOM. In the words of an old philosopher, — " All men, whatever their condition, who have done anything of value, ought to record the history of their lives," and one who, entirely by his own eflbrts, has attained affluence and social position, and through all the changing events of a long business life has preserved his integrity unimpaired, well deserves the pen of the historian. George Lewis Balcom, son of Jonas and Mary (Richardson) Balcom, was born in Sud- bury, Mass., October 19, 1819. At the age of four years he removed, with his parents, to Low- ell, and received instruction in the private and High Schools of that place, and subsequently at- tended Westminster Academy (Mass.), where he acquired an education, which enabled him to enter Harvard University, at the early age of fifteen, in the class of 1839. At this time he had a powerful incentive to study, as his desire was to fit himself for professional life, and with his love for knowledge and natural taste for literary pur- suits, he might have been successful as a lawyer or theologian ; but, after two years of college life, the development of an affection of the throat obliged him to relinquish reluctantly his chosen life-work, and he left college to put himself in training for business. He must have possessed a brave heart, in the midst of a successful collegiate cour=e, to break off from all the associations and habits peculiar to the student and scholar, and commence at the foot of the ladder of business. At the age of seventeen, in 1837, he went to Bos- ton and entered a hardware-store, and was the youngest in rank, although by education amply qualified for a higher position ; yet, with the thor- oughness which was a strong characteristic with him, he preferred to pass through all the grada- tions from an errand boy to that of salesman, and mastering all the details of the trade. Thus prepared to enter the world of activity, on attaining his majority, Mr. Balcom left Boston, and went to Philadelphia, where he found em- ployment in the hardware business, and remained until 1846, when he returned to his native State. In 1847 he went to Proctorsville, Vt., and engaged as book-keeper in the woolen-mill of Gilson Smith & Co, and held that position until 1848, when, 132 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. through assiduous attention to his duties and a marked fidelity to the advancement of the inter- ests of his employers, he was soon promoted to the office of superintendent of the mill, and two years subsequently (1850) he became an owner and junior partner in the firm, under title of " Smith & Balcom," and continued business as such for seven years. Mr. Balcom married, October 20, 1845, Anna, daughter of Samuel and Anna West, of Philadel- phia. Their children were, — Samuel West, born in Philadelphia, June 26, 1849, died July 26, 1849 ; William Smith, born in Proctorsville, Vt , August 3, 1850, and Mary Anna, born April 28, 1854, died October 21, 1854. William Smith Balcom married, first, Mary Rufiher Bellas, Octo- ber 8, 1874 ; she died July 21, 1879, leaving one child, Bessie Richardson, born August 31, 1876. He married, second, Cecilia Chollett Sower, Janu- ary 17, 1883. They have had one child, George Lewis Balcom (2d), born August 20, 1884, died October 6, 1884. In 1857 Mr. Balcotn purchased the woolen-mill of Sanford & Rossiter (see chapter on Manufac- tures), and became a resident of Claremont. Since the mill passed into his ownership until the present time, — a period of twenty-eight years,— it has been run without cessation, — a notable and praiseworthy fact. He has, from time to time, entirely replaced the old with new and improved machinery, and has now truly a model mill. For several years during and after the War of the Rebellion, he also carried on his former manufac- tory in Proctorsville, Vt., and for a year or two, under the United States internal revenue laws, he paid a much larger income tax than any other individual in the State, though doubtless there was more than one person whose real income ex- ceeded his. It is not too much to say that the successful condition of this manufactory, which for more than a quarter of a century has given employment to a large number of workmen, is due, in a great measure, to the financial ability and untiring energy of Mr. Balcom. He takes a tindly interest ifl his employes, as they cap attest, giving them friendly counsel and advice, and often very substantial proofs of his care. He is not only a just, but thoughtful employer. Politically, Mr. Balcom affiliates with the Re- publican party. He represented Cavendish in the Legislature of Vermont in 1855 and 1856, and the extra session of 1857. He was also member from Claremont in the New Hampshire Legislature of 1883. In 1868 he visited Europe, traveling through France, Italy, Switzerland and Great Britain. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, is a generous and intelligent supporter of its affairs, and has been one of the trustees of Holderness School from its organization. He was a member of the Episcopal General Convention of 1871, and an alternate or member of all held since that year. His early predilections and tastes yet remain ; he is a student and a discrim- inating reader ; he takes a great interest in his- torical research, is a member of New Hampshire Historical Society, and is making a specialty of works on American history, of which he has a large number. His collection of New Hampshire historical works is, with a few exceptions, the largest in the State, and he has one of the most extensive and most valuable private libraries in Sullivan County. Although his life has been one of continuous business activity, Mr. Balcom has not remained a silent observer of events, or of the growth or pros- perity of Claremont, but has borne his part in all enterprises tending to promote the causes of mo- rality, religion and education, to further the inter- ests of society and to advance the sway of law and the prevalence of order. He has always acted upon the principle that whatever is worth doing at all should be done thoroughly and well. Un- ostentatious and unassuming, Mr. Balcom stands high in the esteem of the leading men in the com- munity and State, as one of New Hampshire's representative manufacturers. JUDGE WILLIAM CLAEK. Among the sons of Claremont, for many years identified with her mercantile, political and social ^1^ ^iyjLH-RiicMe. - ^ CLAREMONT. 133 relations, must be mentioned Judge Clark, who died in the town of his nativity. May 30, 1883. Judge William Clark descended from two early and prominent families of New Hampshire, being the son of Moses and Fanny (Patterson) Clark. His paternal and maternal ancestors were among the pioneers of Londonderry, his father removing from that town to Claremont, where William was born March 6, 1819, on the home- stead, situated about three miles from the village, on the old Newport road. His father was engaged in agricultural pursuits, and William passed his time until he became of age working on the farm and acquiring a good education from the district schools of the town. The in- struction he received was not seed thrown on stony soil ; his mind was active, inquiring, retentive and particularly receptive, and his future career showed that his advantages were well improved. At the age of twenty-one, pre- ferring mercantile life to that of a " tiller of the soil," he apprenticed himself to Eufus Carlton, in the meat business, and continued with him one year, after which he worked for Colonel Phil- emon ToUes, remaining with him three years, attending to his duties with a faithfulness which always characterized him. Having a good knowl- edge of the business, and being energetic and self-reliant, he entered trade for himself and con- tinued in this line for twelve years. His enter- prise was prospered, and he built up the largest business of the kind in the section ; had his meat-wagons running through all the neighbor- ing towns the entire year, and in the winter he drove from Claremont to Concord each week with supplies. In 1857, Mr. Clark disposed of his interest to Henry C. Cowles, whom he had taken as a partner a few years previously, and soon after entered into partnership with Albert H. Danforth, a wholesale flour and grain dealer, and continuing in trade until 1871, when he retired from a mercantile life of thirty years. During these years, however, Mr. Clark had found other channels for his active nature. He took a warm interest in political and public affairs, and his judgment, discernment and business abil- ity were recognized by his fellow-townsmen, and he was called upon to fill various offices of trust. In 1858 he was appointed selectman, and held that office fifteen years, ten of which he was chairman. In 1871, 1872 and 1873 he was town clerk, and the neatness and correctness of the records attest his care. He was appointed deputy assessor of internal revenue for this district in 1863, which position he held nine years. From 1851 he was largely engaged in probate business, and was entrusted with the administration of some of the largest and most important estates in Sullivan County, among them the "Cheshire Bridge Estate," the estate of Hon. John M. Glid- den and that of John Tappan. His good judg- ment, sagaciousness and keen insight of the char- acters of men, their tastes, sympathies, tempera- ment and prejudices, were of great advantage to him, and his administration in all cases was eminently successful, and he acquitted himself with credit, and to the approval of the interested parties. His adjustment of the Tappan estate some fourteen years since, whereby the town of Claremont came into the pos ession of the " Tap- pan Fund," was especially reputable. He was appointed judge of Probate for Sullivan County in 1876, and held the office at the time nf his death. His twenty-five years of experience in similar business was a fine preparation, and he was an able officer in his judicial capacity, and in no instance did the Supreme Court overrule his decision when appeal was taken. Judge Clark was for many years interested in the banking institutions of Claremont, was a large stockholder in them, and familiar with the details of their business. He was a director in the Clare- mont National Bank for fourteen years, and in the Sullivan Savings Institution for twenty-nine years, besides being for many years one of the loaning agents, and was first on the list of vice- presidents at the time of his death. Judge Clark married, January 15, 1855, Esther A. Bosworth, an estimable lady, who survives him. In the death of Judge Clark, Sullivan County 134 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. lost one of her best men, and Claremont a man who probably was more conversant with the aflfairs and history of the town than any other per- son. In his official capacity he was courteous, gentlemanly and dignified, and in the settling of complicated cases gave great satisfaction. In pri- vate life he was social and of pleasing manners. He did not make friends hastily, but a friendship once formed was lasting. He was kind to all, and his counsel and advice were sought and valued by many. For his prolonged business activities, his faithfulness to large responsibilities, his quick re- ply to the demands of charity or public weal, his unostentatious manner, his cordial and gentlemanly bearing, Judge Clark will be long held in kindly remembrance by the community of which he was so useful and worthy a member, and may his record prove a wholesome model to a rising gener- ation. HON. CHARLES H. EASTMAN. Hon. Charles H. Eastman, only child of Timothy and Eunice (Barnes) Eastman, was born in Claremont, N. H., June 20, 1819, and died in that town, August 4, 1879. Timothy Eastman was a resident of Claremont for many years, com- ing to the town in 1811. He was actively engaged in tanning and other important industries for nearly half a century, and, by the energy of his character and devotion to business, accumulated a fortune, and acquired the esteem and friendship of the community. During his latter years he was president of the Sullivan Savings Institution. He died in 1859, aged sixty-eight. Charles received the educational advantages of the schools of Claremont and vicinity, and, inher- iting the business characteristics of his father, early became a valuable assistant to him. From his mother, a deeply pious and devoted Christian, the young lad received lessons of piety which brought early and abundant fruit. When but twelve years oJd he united with the Congregational Church, and ever after was a worker in the King- dom of the Lord. When a little past his major- ity, Mr. Eastman became impressed with the con- viction that it was his duty to enter the ministry, and, when he was twenty- four, he had qualified himself for that labor, was ordained and became a member of the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. For over five years, in Manchester and elsewhere, until rm aifection of the throat caused his withdrawal from continuous ministerial labor, Mr. Eastman did earnest and faithful service in his chosen field. At his father's urgent request, Mr. Eastman then returned to Claremont and became a partner in the tanning business. This was a flourishing industry, employ- ing numerous people, and added greatly to the prosperity of the town. After his father's death, Mr. Eastman inherited the property and became extensively known as a leather manufacturer. He was prominent among the business men of this section and was a director of Sullivan Savings Institution. Mr. Eastman was early identified with the Re- publican party and did much to aid in the dissem- ination of the principles of that organization, and was pronounced in the support of the Union in the great Civil War. The duties of a member of the State Legislature at that period were ardu- ous and full of responsibility, and he did good ser- vice for his town as representative during the dark years of 1861-62. In the estimation of the people he was qualified for a higher position and greater truss, and, in 1863-64, he was a valued member of the Executive Council of Governor Gilmore. But it was not alone as a man of business and public office that we must speak of Mr. Eastman. His activity reached into other channels and his benevolence found many objects for his ready sym- pathy and liberal hand. In Methodist circles he was recognized as one of its strong pillars in Sulh- van County. As superintendent of the Sabbath- school of that church in Claremont for many years, he impressed himself upon the rising gener- ation in such a manner that the lessons of his life will not soon be forgotten. In everything looking toward the elevation of mankind and the better- ing of the world Mr. Eastman was an earnest participant. In temperance circles his voice and c ^ ^ng fhyA.H.R-iuy^'^^- h ^^^^z^^^j c/^ CLAREMONT. 135 his means were equally given to aid the good work, and his eye was quick to mark and his heart ready to relieve suffering. He was three times married, — first, to Harriet King, by whom he had one son, Charles E., an estimable young man, who died in the early prime of a life which promised a career of more than ordinary usefulness. As a teller of the Claremont National Bank for six years, the business men of the place had ample opportunity to know his value, and he was universally considered a thorough gen- tleman, of pleasant companionship, uprightness of character and strict integrity. Mr. Eastman's second wife was Abby King, a sister of his first wife. January 1, 1873, he married his third wife, Julia A. Diggins, of Charlestown, who survives him. As a speaker Mr. Eastman combined a fine presence and an easy flow of language, and at times, when the right conditions were present, was eloquent. He often appeared brusque to strangers, but further acquaintance showed that he had a kind and sympathetic heart, which won strong friendship. He was true to his conception of duty, and the energy and good judgment shown in his business operations were carried with success into his political, neighborhood, and religious relations. He was a faithful pastor, a faithful friend, a faith- ful thinker and counselor, and an exemplary hus- band. The Eastman Memorial Chapel, presented to the Methodist Church by Mrs. Eastman, is a pleasing memorial in being consecrated to good works and the service of the Lord. He labored and was ap- preciated in his life, and may the recollection of his labors stimulate others to renewed exertions, and rest like a holy influence upon other hearts and other minds. " Better than storied urn or animated bust" is such a monument of tender memories. NATHANIEL TOLLES, M. D. There is no more valuable member of"any com- munity than the intelligent and devoted physician. He is a benefactor of his race, and, when death takes from our midst an old, tried and reliable medical practitioner, one whom we have learned to look upon with regard, and whose professional skill and tender care of his suffering patients has won the esteem and love of all, we feel in our hearts and utter with our lips, " A good man is gone." Such an one was Nathaniel Tolles, M D., the fifth and youngest son of John Tolles. He was born in Weathersfield, Vt., September 17, 1805, and when thirteen years of age he came to Claremont with his parents, where his father engaged in agricultural pursuits. Nathaniel soon became a pupil in the Claremont Catholic Semi- nary, then a flourishing institution, located at the west part of the town, under the supervision of the Rev. Daniel Barber. He was fond of study from early life, and his time while at school was improved to the utmost. He was noted for cor- rectness of deportment, strict obedience to regula- tions, as well as for his constant attendance in his classes, and for thoroughness in the preparation of his recitations. He continued his studies here until he was fitted for college, but, naturally of a delicate organization, this close application im- paired his health, and he was obliged to relinquish his plan of a collegiate course, and turned his atten- tion to employment better adapted to him, and for several years was occupied in various ways — teach- ing in the winters, and in the summer months assisting his father in the labors of the farm, and also recreating by travel, but always holding steadfastly to his prior intentions to advance in the classics, and other departments of useful knowledge. In the spring of 1827, at the age of twenty -two, his health being re-established, he commenced the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. James Hall, of Windsor, Vt., with whom he con- tinued nearly two years, and then was a pupil of Dr. Charles G. Adams, of Keene. He attended medical lectures at Bowdoin College, and after- wards at Dartmouth, where he received the degree of M.D., November, 1830. He then obtained the position of resident physician in the South Boston 136 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Almshouse, where he remained for six months, having an opportunity to familiarize himself with disease, which proved of great practical use in after-life. While there he had the advantage of the superior medical instruction of the distinguished Dr Fisher. Thus fitted. Dr. Tolles commenced the practice of his profession in Reading, Vt., September, 1831, and, until March, 1841, was in continuous medical work. His field of labor was too far removed from any physician able to render him much aid in an emergency, or with whom he could advise ; consequently, he was obliged to depend upon him- self, and seek counsel of the learned and wise authors, many of whose publications were in his library. Thus being forced to self-reliance at this epoch of his medical career was the best school for him, as it developed his latent powers and was the key to his success. He studied, thought and practiced much in these ten years, and it was a valuable experience, and aided him in preparing for the wider and more important field he was destined to occupy as a physician and surgeon. In October, 1841, after six months of rest and recrea- ation. Dr. Tolles went to New York in order to prosecute his studies in the public institutions there. He witnessed hospital practice, and attended lectures in the University Medical College. In March, 1842, he located in Claremont, and was soon in possession of a large and lucrative practice, which he retained for nearly forty years. His reputation as a surgeon was quickly established, and he performed most of the surgical operations in this vicinity, and was often called as counselor with his brethren in the more important cases, both surgical and medical, coming under their care. A large number of young men pursued their medical studies under his direction, and their success reflected credit on their teacher. In his profession Dr. Tolles possessed all the traits and qualifications essential to its successful pursuit. Well grounded in its study, and keep- ing himself informed of the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment, he also possessed and retained those intuitive perceptions of disease without which, however well read, no physician can become a brilliant practitioner, and which formulated rules and the fashionable methods of modern professional education are doing so much to obliterate. With keen powers of observation and generalization, as the pilot foretells the weather from signs which his own experience has detected, but which he cannot describe, he skillfully read the character of a case under treatment, and often irrespective of the laws, which must neces- sarily be fallible as long as the medlca sckntia remains doubtful and imperfect. As it had been one of the great aims of his life to conquer disease, he strove to be definite in his observations, and diligent in the use of his leisure moments, and as a surgeon as well as physician he attained recog- nized eminence. Cool, bold, self-reliant, and strong in nerve, he only needed a wider field of action to win the highest honors in this department of his profession. He died with his armor on, only ceasing his labors a short time before his death, which occurred on the 24th of June 1879, in the seventy-fourth year of his ago. The high regard in which Dr. Tolles was held by his medical brethren will be best given by an extract from the resolutions adopted by the phy- sicians of Claremont, June 26, 1879 : "Resolved, That in the professional life, labors and character of Dr. Tolles, which extended over a full half a century, we have a commendable example of industry, of zeal, of usefulness and professional honor not often combined in a single life." Dr. Tolles was never a political or official aspi- rant, and yet he served ia other capacities than professional, as his marked abilities and services were demanded by his fellow-citizens in represen- tative places of trust and financial responsibility, but he never sufl'ered any official duties to inter- fere with his life-work. He was chosen Presiden- tial elector at the first nomination of President Lincoln (1860), and was a member of the Con- vention in 1876 to revise the Constitution of New Hamphire. He was elected a member of the first Board of County Commis-ioners (1858), and served One year as its chairman. He was one of the pro- .^^^S-e-ls^^ -^ ^rh^ixj-^MiJ), CLAREMONT. 137 jectors and committee of the Stevens High School building, was four years on its board of manage- ment, and one of the three trustees of the Stevens fund; he was one of the directors of the old Claremont Bank, and was chosen a director of the National Bank in 1864, and re-elected annually until his death ; he also held an official position in the Sullivan Savings-Bank from its foundation. In all these business and political relations he bore a character of fidelity and integrity, and ever retained the confidence and esteem of his fellow- townsmen. When a young man, he became a member of the Masonic fraternity, and ever after evinced the strictest fidelity to its obligations, and a very high regard for the order. His religious views were Scriptural, and though not associated with any body of Christian believers, he was a worshipper at the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a generous supporter of the institutions of religion. Dr. Tolles married, first, Frances J. Upham, of Weathersfield, Vt,; second, Jane Weston, daughter of Ezekiel Weston, Esq., of Rockingham, Vt., who survives him. She was a worthy companion, friend, counselor and assistant to her husband, and her many estimable qualities and Christian char- acter have endeared her to the community. Their two surviving children are Dr. C. W. Tolles (see notice elsewhere) and Frances J. Tolles. LELAND J. GRAVES, M.D. " The old school country doctors are rapidly passing away, and it is well that memories of their hardships, their toils and their efibrts to give us and ours health, should cluster about them, as ivy gently shields the venerable abbeys of our mother- country, and that the autumn of their lives should be a golden Indian summer, and that a niche should be kept for them in the history of the county and State where their laborious lives have been passed." Leland J. Graves, M.D., son of David J. and Mary (Leland) Graves, was born in Berkshire, Franklin County, Vt., May 24, 1812. His father was a native of Massachusetts, and settled in Berkshire as a farmer. His lot in life was hum- ble, his family was large, consisting of nine chil- dren, and living in a section distant from business and educational centres, the opportunities for the advancement of the children were necessarily lim- ited. They were all obliged to labor, and, until he was nearly seventeen years old, Leland partici- pated in the farm^work with no school privileges. This, however, instead of quenching his desire for an education, only made him long all the more ar- dently for the means of acquiring such knowledge as would lift him above the daily struggle for bread. In April, 1829, he let himself to his uncle, Cyrus Boynton, of Weathersfield, a farmer, with the stipulation that he should have three months' schooling per year. This life of hard labor, accom- panied by the utmost economy, was carried on, for four years, his father receiving all wages beyond what Leland needed for clothes. On attaining his majority, his first thought was school, and having made a good use of his scanty advantages, he was able to teach, which he did for nine successive winters, working at farming in the summer, and during the intervals attending academies at Ches- ter, Cavendish and Ludlow, and was fitted for col- lege at Ludlow. But this brave youth who had so manfully fought against poverty and hindrances, and was now just at the time when his hopes seemed about to be fulfilled, was doomed to a more bitter trial. His untiring labor and unceasing exertions, both in his school and on the farm, proved too much for his health, and a long disease held him prisoner during the four years " he had proposed to pass in college." On his recovery, having had am- ple time for counsel and deliberation, he decided to become a physician. He entered the office of Dr. Lowell, remaining with him for a year, and at- tending medical lectures at Woodstock, Vt. He then, in order for the more speedy advancement of his studies, became a private student under the charge of the eminent Drs. Crosby, Peaslee and Hubbard, and was graduated from the Medical De- partment of Dartmouth College, Mnj 10, 1842. Dr. Graves, at once. May 24, 1842, located for 138 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the practice of tis profession at Langdon, N. H., and commenced the arduous duties of a physician. But his labors were not confined to the little town of Langdon ; his services were in demand, as his skill became known, through a large extent of country, and he had an extensive practice in Langdon, Al- stead, Acworth, Walpole, Charlestown and else- where. His life was oft-times hard and dreary, toiling through summer's heat and winter's cold, with long, cheerless rides upon rough roads, over high hills, going without his needed rest in order to relieve the sufferer. The life of the true physician must necessarily be a self-sacrificing one, and he who justly claims this honored name must be en- titled to the esteem and appreciation of the com- munity, and for more than a quarter of a century Dr. Graves spent his time and strength in minis- tering to those in need of his skillful care and knowl- edge. He began life at the right end of the ladder, and had a good deal of capital in the shape of courage, faith and energy. He was honest, patient and manly, and was prospered, and also won the respect, friendship and love of the people among whom he had made his home, and after over a quarter of a century devoted to the welfare of the community, he concluded to take a rest from such incessant work, and in 1868 came to Claremont and purchased the home where he has since resided. It was his intention to retire from general practice, but he has attended the calls of some of his old families. Dr. Graves married, May 24, 1843, Caroline E., daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth (McEwen) Strow. Their children are Mary E. (now Princi- pal of the Acadia Female Seminary, "Wolfville, Nova Scotia, a position for which she was unusually well qualified, and which she has held for six years') ; Hattie M. (Mrs. James M. Coburn, of Kansas City, Mo. ; their two surviving children are Mary A. and Grace E.) and Agnes J. (who married Pascal p. Coburn, senior partner of Coburn & Dean, merchants of Claremont ; they have one child, Elizabeth A.) Mrs. Graves was a woman of superior mental endowments, and previous to her marriage was a successful teacher in the Unity " Scientific and Military School," where she gave great satisfaction. She was a highly conscientious and religious work- er, and had many of the Christian virtues which so round and complete character, and was universally esteemed, and when she died (August 29, 1885) a large circle mourned her loss. Dr. Graves is a member of the Connecticut River Medical Association and New Hampshire Medi- cal Association. Whig and Republican in politics, he represented Langdon in 1867 and 1868 in the State Legislature. He was not only a physician- As a laborer in scientific fields. Dr. Graves is known full well. He has pursued the study of geology and of botany with zeal. His botanical researches have been conducted from the forests of Maine to the Rocky Mountains, and few have been more conver- sant with the practical details or the scientific analysis of plants. He has made a large geological collection, which has taken years to gather. His eldest daughter inherits this taste, and has a col- lection of rocks, minerals, etc., systematically ar- ranged and labeled, which has been valued at sev- eral thousand dollars. Dr. Graves has impressed himself in numerous ways upon the community. He was a leading man in Langdon ; always took a prominent part in its public enterprises ; particularly promoted the cause of education, and was superintendent ' of schools for fourteen years. In religious belief he is a Baptist, and a valuable and consistent member of that church, in Springfield, for fifty years, but is now connected with the Claremont Church. Dr. Graves stands well among his professional brethren, has honored his social and official rela- tions, and enjoys the esteem of his many friends and acquaintances, and now, at the age of three- score years and ten, can enjoy the competency he has acquired. JOSIAH RICHARDS, M.D. The name Richards is of Welsh nationality, and in Europe it has long been illustrious, and the American family has produced many who have achieved distinction. Edward (1) was the j^cm^ c^'St^i 'i (/ gA'^AA^ CLAEEMONT. 139 founder of the branch now resident in Claremont. He was one of the proprietors of Dedham, Mass., in 1636-37, a man of importance and estate, and "lived a blameless life." He bequeathed the greater part of his estates to his second son, Nathaniel (2). His son Edward (3) inherited the homestead in Dedham, bore the title of lieutenant, and was a leading member of the church. Josiah (4), his second son, born in 1713, married Hannah "Whiting. They had fourteen children, — eight sons and six daughters ; four of the sons were soldiers in the Kevolutionary "War. Josiah (5) was in the battles of Bunker Hill and Monmouth, and served faithfully ; was promoted and received a pension. He married, 1778, Sarah Shuttle- worth, of Dedham ; settled in Washington, N. H. ; afterwards returned to Dedham, where he died, aged eighty-four years. Josiah Richards, M.D., son of Josiah and Sarah (Shuttleworth) Richards, was born at Washington, N. H., May 30, 1784; married, December 17, 1816, Emily Haskell, of Weathersfield, Vt., and had two children, — Marion and Helen ^^Mrs. Sullivan W. Healy). Dr. Richards died at Claremont January 29, 1871, in his eighty -seventh year. Mrs. Richards died November 17, 1882, aged eighty-seven years and three months. Dr. Richards was endowed with an active mind, of much more than ordinary strength and vigorous bodily powers, and, cognizant that his future standing in the busy world was dependent upon his own exertions, at the age of ten years he left New Hampshire for Massachusetts, where he made his home among his relatives, and availed himself of every opportunity to acquire an educa- tion. During his residence there he was especially favored with the acquaintance of a physician (Dr. Ames) of Dedham, who took a great interest in him, encouraged him in his studies, and to him he was probably indebted for the thought of making the profession of medicine his life-work. He had a natural taste for music, was a fine singer, and, by his aptness in teaching, was able to acquire the means for the thorough academic education which he received at Atkinson Academy. His medical studies were conducted under the charge of and with Dr. Cogswell, of Atkinson, and he acquitted himself with honor to his teacher and himself. Young, ardent and fond of his profession, he became known, and soon obtained a situation under the "United States government, in the land and naval hospital at Portsmouth. After faithful labor for a while, he was appointed assistant- surgeon in the naval service at Newburyport. This was during the War of 1812. The monotony of this service being hardly compatible with his active temperament, he secured a discharge, and entered the privateer service, where, on board of a daring cruiser, he found more congenial rela- tions. With two years of profitable experience, he returned to New Hampshire and attended the Medical Department at Dartmouth College, in order to complete his professional education, and was graduated in 1815. Jn 1816 he came to Claremont, and soon was in possessiop of a large and successful practice, in which he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his patients, and, for nearly half a century, was engaged in arduous medical labors, going in and out among the citizens as the trusted family friend and skillful, energetic and successful family physician. It is worthy of note that, in a large obstetric practice of years' duration, he never lost a case. In 1823 he built the house which he occupied until his death, and where his daughters now reside. Dr. Richards was a strong Federalist and Whig in his early years, and as strong a Re- publican during the latter part of his life, and represented Claremont three terms in the General Court. He was a member of the Episcopal Church for a long period, and a sound and logical reasoner as to his faith. When a young man he took great interest in Masonry, and gave it con - siderable attention. He possessed great mental powers, his range of reading was extensive, and he was an independent thinker. He was an active advocate of the cause of education, constant in attendance upon school meetings, and served for several years as prudential and superintending committee. In all the social relations of life, and in everything pertaining to the interests and ad- vancement of the local prosperity of the town, he was esteemed, and his influence was of value. He was a reliable citizen, a stanch friend, a kind neighbor, a devoted husband and father and a good man. This is a brief outline of the work and exper- ience of one whose services were appreciated, whose memory is revered by all of the old inhab- itants of Claremont, and whose life marks a prosperous epoch of her existence as a town. LEONAED p. FISHER. The ancestors of the Fisher family have for centuries, in England, held a good position in the great middle-class of society. Its members are entitled to bear arms. The name is derived from a common occupation, and found in several Ian- 140 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. guages, may have been a family name in England before the Norman Conquest Anthony Fisher, son of Anthony Fisher, of Syleham, Suffolk County, near the borders of Norfolk, England, settled in Dedham, Mass., in 1637. He had a wife and five children. It is said of one Thomas Fisher, who died in 1638, " that he contracted to build the first meeting-house in Dedham." Abram Fisher, a descendant of Anthony, of Dedham, a native of Natick, Mass., was born November, 1764, and emigrated to Claremont, X. H., about 1785. He came on horseback, accom- panied by his wife, Lucy Parkhuj-st, having lost nearly all of his property by the burning of his house in Natick. He engaged board for himself and wife, and at once set to work to make kitchen chairs. The money obtained from the sale of these was his capital to begin life here, and the sale of his only cow to pay for a frame, which he completed for a home, gave him an establishment in the town. He was a cabinet-maker by trade, and pursued that avocation for years, living in a plain, unpretending way, and brought up many apprentices. He had a small farm and a cider- mill, which ran by water-power, and at his death, February 8, 1851, left a moderate property (about nine thousand dollars). He was a very indus- trious and ingenious man, could " turn his hand " to anything, and in his ways was quiet, social and cheerful, with a happy, quaint philosophy. In politics a Democrat, he, it is said, cast the second Democratic vote in the town. A Universalist in religion, it is said he paid one sixth of the cost of erecting the first Universalist Church in Claremont. He once told his grandson, Leonard, " When you hire a boy to plow out corn or anything else, always pay him a little more than the regularprice. It will cost but a few cents, and he will respect you, and remember it when he grows to be a man." Mrs. Fisher died in 1815. They had one son, Josiah, born in 1784. Josiah was fond of me- chanics, and became a carpenter. He married, about 1805, Orena, daughter of Nathaniel and Rachel Goss. They had ten children, of whom seven are now living. By becoming responsible for the erection of a church, Josiah found his business much involved, and although an ener- getic man, he was not very stable in his plans ; so he determined to improve his condition in the far west of the Genesee Valley, N. Y., and went to Rochester, where he was offered a piece of land, now in the heart of the city, for five hundred dol- lars ; but he did not remain long there on account of the prevailing ague, and removed to York, Livingston County, which was ever aft«r his per- manent home, and where he died, in September, 1854. His wife survived him some years. Leonard P. Fisher, son of Josiah and Orena (Goss) Fisher, was born October 6, 1807, in the old-fashioned house in Claremont, N. H., now oc- cupied by him. Leonard joined his father in the wilderness of Western New York when about ten years old, and was brought up to be more famihar with work and tools than with books, and to know about dealing with logs and lumber, machinery and hard labor than with the learning of schools, of which he had but a limited acquaintance. When about twenty-two (June 2, 1829) he came to Clare- mont to make his home with his grandfather, and for over half a century has been a resident of the town, a producer, in an unpretentious way, and not a mere consumer of the results of the labor of others. He inherited his grandfather's estate, and has, in a large degree, preserved the old-time quaintness of the home-place. The old-feshioned clock, the large open fireplace, and many other features show the manner of life of those of other days. He has kept with advancing life a cheerful disposition and a kindly heart, together with a fiind of tradition and stories of the early days, which he delights to recount to appreciative listeners. Mr. Fisher married Nancy, daughter of Tisdale and Elizabeth (Fisher) Lincoln, who was bom in Pittsfield, Vt, May 17, 1815. Their six children are Nancy J., married Marvin S. Blood (deceased), has three children and resides in Charlestown, Mass. ; Charles A., resides in Claremont and has one child ; George L., a commission mSrchant in New York City ; Ai-ba C, in the same business in Boston ; Albert F., of Worcester, Mass. ; and Ed- win C, a photographer, now residing in Hinsdale, N. H. , has three children. Mr. Fisher, like his grandfather, is a Democrat and a Universalist. He cast his first Presidential vote for Andrew Jackson. He has been greatly interested in the welfare of the Universalist Church, and has contributed liberally to its support. He is very ingenious, can do a little of many kinds of practical business, has done much in his life in lumbering, has built several houses for himself and others, and always has been a busy, active, hard- working man, who wiU long be cherished by his descendants, and is a good type of the keen yeomanry of New England. HISTORY OF CORNISH. CHAPTER I. Cornish lies in the northwestern part of the county and is bounded as follows: North by Plainfield, east by Croydon, south by Claremont, and west by the Connecticut Eiver, which sepa- rates it frora Vermont. The township was granted June 21, 1763, to Rev. Samuel McClintock, of Greenland, and sixty-nine others. A proprietors' meeting was held in Greenland in August follow- ing, and the first meeting of the inhabitants was held in the town March 10, 1767. In 1765 several families, who came from Sutton, Mass., settled in the town. Captain Daniel Putnam and a family by the name of Dyke had lived there, the winter previous, in a camp built for the use of men who had been cutting masts for the royal navy. At a meeting of the inhabitants, held June 2, 1778, they voted to join the State of Vermont, in accord- ance with a vote of the convention held at Leb- anon, May 2, 1778. The first meeting-house was erected by the town in 1773, and occupied by the Congregational and Episcopal societies. By an act approved December 3, 1808, the line between this town and Grantham was established ; and by an act approved June 24, 1809, some territory was severed from Croydon and annexed to this town ; December 25, 1844, the town was enlarged by the annexation of a portion of Grantham. General Jonathan Chase was for many years a leading citizen of this town . He was muster-mas- ter for the men raised from his regiment for the Continental service, and held many important offices in the town. Settlements commenced in 1765, and in 1767 there were thirteen families in the town. It whs named from Cornish, England, from whence the ancestors of some of the proprietors and first set- tlers came, DOCUMENTARY HISTORY. James Vinton's EnUstment. " I James Vinton due Voluntairly Ecknowlege my Selef to have Inlisted as a Solgear Sarve in the State of New hampshear under, the Command of Cap' Sam' Pain for the tearm of Sex munth and acknowleg my selef to bee under the Rules and Regelation of the mearlity Laws as wetness my hand this 28 day of June 1780 " Jambs Vinton " S* Vinton is seventeen years of age 5 feet 5 inches high Jug* to he fit for the sarvis by Jon* Chase Col" Oornuh Men at Saratoffepnry without the right of Trial by Jury, that a new Allotment is Neces- sary, and by the latter a pt^se^on of Laud however wrongfully Obtained and kept eTentnally ASfecIs the Tittle— " Farther the Inhabitants of s* Territory do in a Lawless and Biotous Manner make Inroad on the Frcmtiers of this State, and take fiom hence the peae:iible Subjects of New Hampshire to their Piison, in Op@a Violation i% contempt- of the Good and wholsome Laws emmiiig Matthias Stone '■ Cornish, November "ElishaBead Jam^ Hunter Walter Foss Thimas Hall Nathaniel Hi^ins Thomas Lewey Ahel Stone Jif Danid Freeman Jabex Spicer JfdinBaitlen E»j°fi«9d John Lucas Jonatiian Read Jos^iEjnyon the 1st A D 1^^S John Cady Qtester CSiapman Nathan Hains Hez«kiah Iltch NathOBartlef Samud Riead Samuel Baitlet JoelHildreth Samuel Maickres Abel Johnson Jaxae? Ripley David Read Levi ^one t Sjniih 146 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Simon Blanchard Joshua Woodward Abel Stone Moody Hall Will" Ripley Jesse Johnson Reuben Jerald John Whitten Daniel Cole Nathan Whiting James Fitch Andrew Tracy Elisha Herrick John Spaulding Moses Barrows Moses Barrows, Jun' Eliphalet Kimball, Jun' James Ladieu Lovil Kimball Moses Chase Josiah Stone Samuel Fitch Will" Lewey David Smith " This Certifies that a Copy of the within Petition and order of the Court thereon was posted up in a public place in the towns of Cornish and Plainfield and also a Copy of the same delivered to the Select- men of each Town on the first day of December A D 1788 agreable to the order of Court — "In behalf of the Petitioners " Cornish December 20'" A D 1788 "Attest Will" Ripley " Reuben Jerald " In House of Representatives, November 8, 1788, a hearing was ordered for the next ses- sion. Belative to Paying Ministerial Rates. •' CoBNisH Decern' 19* 1788 "At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Cornish held the 25" of June A D 1783 the following Vote was pas^ — Viz — " That from and after the 29"" of Sept next no person Shall be held or bound by Civil Contract, to pay any taxes for the Support of the Gospel, unless he Shall previously Consent thereto. " a true Coppy attest "Caleb Chase, Town Clerk" " We the subscribers having formerly signed a pe- tition to the General Court for a Poll Parish in the Towns of Cornish and Plainfield having by more mature deliberation considered its prenitiaus affects and finding there is a promising prospect of this Town generaly uniting in one Society and being persuaded that a Pole Parish established here would grately im- pead said Union — do hereby resind from the above mentioned petition "As witness our Hands "Cornish Decern: 21«' 1788 " David Smith " John Lucas " Samuel Mackees " Moses Burrows " Documents relative to Nathaniel Curtice, Soldier. " The diposition of Moses Chase, Jur. of lawful age testifys and says — that I was in the Continental service in general gates Department and was knowing to Nathan' Curtice's being a soldier there in Cap° Waits Company and belonged to the artillery. " Moses Chase Je "The Diposition of Nathaniel Bartlet of lawful age testifyes and says — that I was in the army in general gates Department and in the year 1777 had knowledge of Nathaniel Curtises belonging to the army and Did the Duty of a soldier in the artillery " Nathaniel Baetlet " Daniel Chase testifies in a similar manner. They were in General Stark's command. Curtice was ruptured in the scrotum, so say " David Hall Sol" Chase, Physicians," of Cornish. Memoriai of Andrew Wiliins, Soldier. In a petition dated 1794, Andrew Wilkins, of Cornish, says that he was a soldier in Col- onel Bedel's regiment in Canada in 1776 ; was taken prisoner at the Cedars by the British and Indians, and the Indians " striped him oi all his clothes except one shirt and one pair of Breeches, also a very valuable gun," etc., all of the value of £10 10s., which he asks the State to pay. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Congregational Church. — The first Con- gregational Church in this town was organized September 29, 1768, with Eev. James Wellman as pastor, who remained until October, 1785, when the church was dissolved. In November of the same year a Congregational Church was organized in the eastern part of the town, with twenty-one members. Peace prevailed in this society until the subject of building a meeting-house came up for consideration in 1784. A house of worship was erected in the northwest part of the town in 1787 (never finished), and another m the centre of the town in 1788. The two churches were in a constant state of trouble until 1795, when the Rev. Bey Bell was installed pastor over both, and, in 1799, the church was united and harmonious. In this year a house of CORNISH, 147 worship was built on the hill in the centre of the town. The following is a petition for incorporation of a Congregational Society : " To the Hon"" General Court of the State of New- hampshire. "The petition of the subscribers Inhabitants of the Town of Cornish in the County of Cheshire in s" State Humbly Sheweth — That the diversity of sentiments in matters of religion (there being an Episcopal and a Baptist Society in s* Town) renders it difficult to build a Meetiug house & settle and maintain the Gospel Ministry among them as a Town. And whereas the People of different Sentiments are so in- termixed in their Settlements, that parish lines would not effect the desired purpose — ^your petitioners there- fore pray the General Court, to incorporate the Sub- scribers with such others as shall be disposed to join with them, into a Society by name of the Congregation- al Society in Cornish, with such privileges and im- munities as may enable them to erect and maintain in proper repair a House for public worship, and to raise and apply money for the support of the Gospel Minis- try amongst us — and with such other privileges as may be necessary for the well ordering of parish affairs,— " And as in duty bound shall ever pray. " Cornish November the 21st 1798 " Andrew Tracy Moody Chase James Gage Eeuben Jerrold Moses Harrington James Ripley W" Choate J' Benj. Corning Asa Coburn Jonath" Bingham Lemuel Tracy Nath' Huggins Philip Taber Eben' Martindale Jabez Spicer Ichabod Smith J' Elias Martindale Joshua Wyman Jacob Whipple James Hunter Thomas Williams Dudley Coburn Simeon Butterfield Josiar Stone Daniel Chase David Davis Moody Hall David Smith Thomas Hastings Elisha Herrick Samuel Fitch Benj" Smith Samuel Paine 10 Samuel Bartlet W" Bartlet Asa Coburn 2'"' Nathaniel Curtis James Harlow Frederick Bingham Samuel Whitton Edward Kimball Clement Chase ■W"Eipley Eben' Cobb Eliphalet Kimball, Jr. Nathan Rand Aaron Harrington Lovell Kimball Hezekiah Fitch Samuel Wickwire Benj° Dorr Thomas Hall Nathaniel Pierce Joseph Tabor Samuel Bartlet 2"" Isaac Simons Robert Nevins Abel Fairbanks Joseph Smith W" Lane Timothy W. Hall W° Choate " Thomas Lucy It was incorporated June 14, 1799. A new meeting-house was erected in 1841. The pastors, since Rev. Mr. Ball, have been as follows : Eevs. Siloam Short (supply), Joseph Rowell, F" W. Clary, A. Spaulding, Philander Bates, C. M' Palmer and J. T. Jackson ; also. Rev. P. D. Deming, a resident Baptist clergyman, preached for this people nearly two years. Episcopal Church. — An Episcopal Church was formed here in 1795. The following is the petition for the act : " To the Hon"" the Legislature of the State of New Hampshire, in general court assembled. The peti- tion of the subscribers members of the Episcopal Society in Cornish, in said State, humbly sheweth " That for many years, we who once composed the original society in said Town, have been subjected to great inconveniences, for want of public religious worship and instruction, by the desertion of a large part of the people of said Cornish, but are now unitedly associated, without infringing upon the peace or prosperity of any other society, and hope by the divine blessing, to become a regular & well ordered congregation. " Encouraged by the Hon"" Legislatures indulging other religious societies, with acts of incorporation, we hereby request that we may also be incorporated, by an act of General Court, by the name of Christ's Church, with power to receive, and hold property both real and personal, and to have and enjoy all other privileges and immunities belonging to a cor- porate body. And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray. — " Cornish May 20'" " 1794. "Caleb Chase ) ,„ , \ Wardens " Nathaniel Hall J "Dudley Chase "DiEE Spalding " Jonathan Chase r Vestrymen" " Andeew Wilkins " Solomon Chase 148 HISTOKY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 'This church was incorporated December 24, 1795, by the name of Trinity Church. Baptist Chuech. — The Baptist Church in Cornish owes its origin, under God, to the labors of Revs. Thomas Baldwin, afterwards of Boston, Mass., John Peake, of Windsor, Vt., and John Drew, of Hartford, Vt. These worthies made fre- quent visits into the town, preaching under the shade of some favoring tree, or in some barn, or school house, or private dwelling, as occasion offered, and, as a result of their efforts, the church was formed in 1789. The organization was effected by the Rev. Jedediah Hibbard, of Lebanon, N. H., July 1789, in a barn owned by Moses Barrows, about an eighth of a mile southwest of the summit of Fernald Hill, and about five rods north from the road. This road, though now little used, was then the great thoroughfare between Windsor and Boston. There were but nine constituent mem- bers, viz.: Samuel and Rebecca Meekers, Jonas and Zilpah Richardson, Moses and Elizabeth Barrows, Nathaniel Dustin, Elizabeth Thomson, and Charity Harlow. The last named survived all the rest, and died in 1868, in the one hundredth year of her age. Her memory was remarkably clear and strong, and many facts relating to the early days of the church were obtained from her. In 1790 six others joined the little company. Their meetings were held at private residences in different parts of the town. The oldest church records, now known to exist, bear date of June 24, 1791. Rev. Jedediah Hibbard was pastor, Moses Weld clerk and Samuel Hilliard deacon. They sustained preaching only a part of the time and were thrown wholly upon their own resources by the removal of their pastor to St. Arm and, P. Q., in 1795 Owing to the difficulty of sus- taining preaching, they attempted, at one time, to unite with the Plainfield, now the Meriden, Bap- tist Church ; at another time with the Newport Baptist Church ; and still another time with the Cornish Congregational Church, in the support of preaching. But failing of success in each case, they contented themselves with the services ren- dered by some of their own number — Deacon Sam- uel Hilliard at one time " improving his gifts," and Brother Uriah Smith at another. This con- tinued until 1803, when Rev. Ariel Kendrick be- came their pastor. He served them eighteen years, during which time they enjoyed three sea- sons of revival, and were greatly strengthened and blessed. I give the names of succeeding pastors, not including supplies, in their order : Simeon W. Beckwith, Gibbon Williams, Oliver Barron, David Burroughs, Nahum P. Foster, Phineas Bond, D. P. Deming, H. C Leavitt, G. S. Smith, G. A. Glines, J. K. Chase, D. Donovan. The church edifice, erected on a hill near the centre of the town, was dedicated in 1805. This house was taken down in 1818, and removed to its present site at Cornish Flat, and the sermons at both its dedication and rededication were preached by Rev. Aaron Leland, of Chester. Vt. The house was remodeled in 1846, and a spire was added to it and other important repairs made in 1883. The church gave letters of dismission to quite a number of its members for the purpose of organ- izing a Baptist Church in Claremont, N. H., in the year 1821, and sent its pastor. Rev. A. Kend- rick, and three of the brethren, to aid in the organ- ization. A goodly number of preachers of the gospel have also at various times gone forth from this church. Prominent among these may be named Rev. Geo H. Hough, missionary to Burmah, an associate of Judson both in labors and in a part at least of his prison sufferings. There were also Daniel F. and Horace Richardson, Calvin Baker, Charles H. Green and D. P. Deming, men of tried fidelity and devotion, of whom the last named has many times rendered the church valuable service and is still active in his sympathies with it. The church property includes a convenient and comfortable parsonage, with a good garden-plot of about half an acre of land. The grounds surround- ing the church are ample for all its wants, and a neat enclosure, adorned with shade trees, fronts it and forms the entrance to it from the centre of the village. COKNISH. 14« The membership, though greatly reduced and depleted by frequent removals to business centres, is now about one hundred strong. Kegular ser- vices are maintained, the Sunday-school is flourish- ing, and the outlook hopeful. Good libraries, to which valuable additions are made from time to time, are connected with both church and Sunday-school. Thus an eifort is made to foster a taste for good reading. May the foundations thus laid by good men and true sus- tain a superstructure worthy of the zeal and devo- tion of its founders, and continue a source of divine blessing to all future time. A Baptist Church was formed here in 1791. There is also a Methodist Church in the town at the Centre. The town has a population of eleven hundred and fifty-seven. Postmaster, Cornish, W. E. Deming; centre, G. E. Hilliard ; south, G. E. Fairbanks ; Cornish Flat, J. C. Boynton; physician, G. W. Hunt. The town is sixty miles northwest from Concord, and its railroad station is Windsor, Vt. HISTORY OF CROYDON. BY EDWARD "WHEELER. CHAPTER I. Ceoydon, in Sullivan County, N. H., is situ- ated on the highland between the Connecticut and Merrimack rivers, is bounded on the north by Grantham, east by Springfield and Sunapee, south by Newport, and west by Cornish. Area, twenty- six thousand acres; distance from Concord, the capital of the State, forty-four miles ; from Leb- anon, seventeen miles, and from Newport, nearest railroad station, seven miles. Much of its scenery is wild and picturesque The soil is diversified. That bordering on Sugar River is rich and pro- ductive ; as we rise gradually back upon the hills it yields excellent grass, wheat and potatoes, while, as we ascend still higher up the mountain sides, we find only pasturage and forests, and these are over- topped with lofty piles of granite. Mountains. — Croydon Mountain, which extends across the western part of the town, is the highest elevation in the county, being nearly three thou- sand feet above the level of the sea. It com- mands an extensive and one of the most beautiful prospects in the State, and its charms are attested by its many and enthusiastic visitors. The other elevations are the Pinnacle and Sugar Hill in the central. Baptist Hill in the southern. Pine Hill in the northern, and Baltimore and Camel's Hump in the southeastern part of the town. On the southern slope of the latter is a magnificent por- trait of the human face, known as "Aaron," sup- posed to be a sentinel placed there by the hand of a wise Providence to guide and protect a chosen people, the best view of which is obtained from the 150 old Croydon Turnpike, above the church, at the Flat. Ponds. — Long, Rocky Bound, and Spectacle in the eastern, and Govercor's in the southwestern part of the town, are the principal bodies of water, in some of which is excellent fishing. RiVEES. — The north branch of Sugar River flows through the town in a southwesterly direc- tion, and affords some of the best water-power in the vicinity, although but little utilized at the present time. The other principal streams are Beaver, Ash Swamp and Long Pond brooks. Villages. — Four Corners, being near the centre of the town and on the Croydon Turnpike, thus the great thoroughfare, and having a church, tav- ern, store, ofiices and shops, was once the centre of trade ; but railroads, diverting the travel, and the want of water-power, has caused its decline. East Village. — Situated on the north branch of Sugar River at the head of Spectacle Pond, and on the main road from Newport to Lebanon, con- tains the town hall, a postofiice, store, church, hotel, saw and grist-mill, carpenter and black- smith's shop. Here, also, is one of the best district schools in the county. Distant from railroad station, at Newport, seven miles, on the Concord and Claremont railroad. Croydon Flat is situated on the north branch of Sugar River at its junction with Beaver Brook, and at the head of the extended meadows below. Here is a church, store, post-office and various jnills and shops. From here large amounts of excelsior handles and lumber are shipped annually. Three CROYDON. 151 and one-half miles from railroad station, New- port. Charter. — The charter of Croydon, signed by Benning Wentworth, and countersigned by Theo- dore Atkinson, is dated May 31, 1763. The following are the names of the original proprietors of Croydon : Samuel Chase. Moody Chase. Ephraim Sherman. Daniel Marsh. James Wellman. Samuel Ayers. Antipas Hollan. Joseph Vinson. Enoch Marble. Timothy Darling. Jonathan Chase. Jones Brown. Thomas Dana. David Sherman. John Stow. Ebenezer Eawson. Moses Chase. Samuel Sherman. Seth Chase. James Richardson. Stephen Hall. Daniel Putnam. Daniel Chase. Samuel Dudley. Ephraim Sherman, Jr. William Dudley. John Temple. Abraham Temple. Samuel Chase, Jr. Benjamin Morse. Ebenezer Waters. James Whipple. Dudley Chase. Benjamin Morse, Jr. Gershom Waite. Joseph Mirriam. March Chase. John Whipple. Phineas Leland. Willis Hall. Luke Drury. Benjamin Wallis. Thomas M. Clening. Silas Hazeltine. Solomon Aldridge. Jonathan Hall. Daniel Chase, Jr. ' Eichard Wibird. Jonathan Aldridge. John Downing. James Taylor. Daniel Warner. Joseph Whipple. Stephen Chase. Silas Warring. Parsons. Solomon Chase. David Temple. Benjamin Wood. Solomon Leland. Caleb Chase. John Holland. Moses Whipple. William Waite. Benjamin Leland. They held their first meeting at Grafton, Mass., June 17, 1763; their first meeting in Croydon, January 17, 1798 ; their last, January 17, 1810. Settlement. — In the spring of 1766 Moses Whipple, Seth Chase, David Warren, Ezekiel Powers and others came to Croydon from Graf- ton, Mass., and made some preliminary prepara- tions for a settlement. Soon after their return. Seth Chase, with his wife and child, started for this place. This was the first family established in town. They arrived June 10, 1766, and three days after (June 13) commenced the erection of their log-cabin. On the 24th of the same month, Moses Whipple and David Warren arrived with their families. The next year Moses Leland and Ezekiel Powers came to town. In the autumn of 1768, four more families arrived, and in 1769 the tide of emigration, setting this way, soon made them respectable in numbers. The first town- meeting was held March 8, 1768. Mr. Chase erected his cabin about one-half mile southwest from Spectacle Pond, on the farm now owned by Moses Barton ; Mr. Whipple, on the swell of land between the Four Corners and East Village, on the farm of Horace S. Fowler, long known as the "Edward Hall place;" Mr. Warren, on the north side of the Pinnacle, near the cemetery ; Mr. Powers, on the Caleb K. Lov- erin farm, near the East Village, and Mr. Leland in the north part of the town, on the farm now owned by Charles H. Forehand. The Stowes and Metcalfs settled in the southwest part of the town, in a district called Brighton ; the Wheelers, Ja- cobs, Townes and Hagars, in the south part, on an elevation known as Baptist Hill ; the Kemptons, at the Flat; the Ryders, in the southeast part, and the Goldthwaits and Benjamin Barton, in the northwest part of the town. The Putnams settled near the centre of the town south of the Pinnacle ; the Halls, on the place where Peter Hurd now resides, on the west side of Sugar Hill ; the Coop- ers, on the northwest slope of Baltimore Hill. The pioneers were intelligent, honest, indus- trious and frugal, and were distinguished for more than an ordinary share of physical and men- tal endowments. As a result, it would be ex- pected that their descendants would possess more or less of the peculiarities of their parents. As a result of this inheritance, wherever you find them scattered abroad over the country, in whatever calling or profession, they usually maintain a high standard for proficiency and integrity, and reflect honor upon their native town. 152 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. MILITARY. The Revolution. — The sympathies of the first settlers of Croydon were early enlisted in the Revolutionary struggle. Soon after the Battle of Lexington, they sent Eleazer Leland and Abner Brigham to join the Provincial army ; enrolled a company of twelve minute-men ; raised eight pounds to purchase a town supply of ammunition, and chose Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Phineas Sanger, Abner Brigham and Joseph Hall a " committee of safety." In 1777 nine men from Croydon joined a company of militia, commanded by Captain Solomon Chase, of Cornish, and marched to Ticonderoga. Eight men joined the company of Captain Hardy, of Hanover, and united with the forces of General Stark, at Charlestown. Captain Moses Whipple, with a company composed partly of men from Cornish, " turned out " to stop the progress of Burgoyne. Croydon maintained its interest and contributed its full share of men and means until the close of the war. The following is an imperfect list of those citizens of Croydon who served in the Revolu- tionary War : Bazaleel Barton. Benjamin Barton. Abner Brigham. Cornel Chase. John Cooper, Jr. Joel Cooper. Sherman Cooper. Ezra Cooper. Benjamin Cutting. John Druce. Amos Dwinnell. Knoch Emerson. Timothy Fisher. Ezra Hall. Daniel Emerson. Edward Hall, Jr. Amos Hagar. Bazaleel Gleason. Jonas Cutting. James How. Abijah Hall. Stephen Powers. Uriaa Powers. David Powers. Samuel Powers. David Putman. Caleb Putman. Jacob Hall. Benjamin Sherman. Ezekiel Rooks. Daniel Rooks. David Stockwell. Phineas Sanger. John Sanger. Isaac Sanger. Robert Spencer. Benj. Swinnerton. Benj. Thompson. Greshorn Ward. Aaron Warren. Moses Warren. Moses Whipple. James Hall. Joseph Hall. Samuel E. Hall. Eleazer Leland. Eufiis King. Rufus Kempton. Phineas Newton. Thomas Whipple. Aaron Whipple. Isaac Woolson. Nathaniel Wheeler. Samuel Whipple. Seth Wheeler. Wae of 1812. — The following is an incomplete list of the citizens of Croydon who served in the war of 1812. Major, Abijah Powers. Ensign, Amasa Hall. Privates. Nathaniel Wheeler. Charles Cutting. Levi Winter. Isaac Cooper. Tyler Walker. Samuel Powers. Elijah Darling. Sibley Melendy. Abijah Dunbar. The Rebellion. — The following is an imper- fect list of those citizens who served in the Union army during the Rebellion : Chaplains Robert Stinson, Anthony C. Hardy ; Captains John W. Putman, E. Darwin Comings; Lieutenants Paine Durkee, Albert Miner, (wounded at Fair Oaks) ; Sergeants Oscar D. Allen, (wounded at Antietam, killed at Gettysburg), Lloyd D. Fore- hand, (wounded at Fair Oaks), John Blanchard, (wounded), Hiram K. Darling, William D..Angell, (died in the service) ; Corporals George E. Frye, (killed at Ohancellorsviile), Alvah K. Davis, Henry H. Haynes, Irving D. Tobie, Ephraim Plympton; Privates, Alonzo Allen (wounded at Fair Oaks), Thomas Ames, (died in service), George Angell, Jr., Sanford T. Barton, (wounded at Fair Oaks), Henry Barton, (killed in battle), Frederick J. Burge, William Bushy, Charles Baggatt, Charles L. Bryant, Rufus W. Clark, Alonzo C. Crooker, John Cabner, James P. Darling, (wounded), Warren K. Darling, Walter P. Darling, George S. Davis, (died), Robert Dinsmore, Leroy Forehand, Stephen G. Ford, George H. Good- hue, Jeremiah Haynes, Charles C. Howard, (wounded), Franklin J. Hersey, (killed at Fair Oaks), Philip Harding, (killed at second battle of Bull Run), Edward Hall, Hiram C. Hall, Charles N. Harridon, Herman Jacobs, Ambrose Jerome, Charles K. Jack- son, (died), John A. Johnson, W. Wallace Kidder, Thomas Mack, Abraham Nutting, Elias F. Powers, (died at Poolesville, Md., February 17, 1863), Charles CROYDON. 153 S. Partridge, Theodore H. Payne, Nathan Peyton, Isaac P. Rawson, George H. Ross, Albert F. Robblns, John Riley, Henry H. St.ockwell, (killed at Fair Oaks), John G. Stockwell, (died at Harper's Ferry), Henry S. Squires, Charles L. Stockwell, (mortally wounded), George N. Smith, George Tasker, Austin L. Whipple, (died in service), Emile Warren, (died at Andersonville Prison). A few of the above were substitutes, and not actual citizens of the town. Twenty-five of them enlisted in the early part of the war, and received but ten dollars bounty. They were all volunteers. The highest bounty paid by the town was one hundred dollars per year. No citizen of Croydon is known to have deserted from the army during the war. Many of them re-enlisted and served until the close of hostilities. The following are a few of the many natives of Croydon who enlisted from other places during the war : Chaplain Joseph Sargent, (died in the service) ; Surgeons Ira W. Bragg, (naval surgeon, died in the service), Sherman Cooper, David C. Powers, Marshall Perkins, Willard O. Kurd, Willard C. Kempton ; Captain Walter Forehand ; Lieutenant Edward Dow ; Sharp-Shooter Sergeant Walter P. Blanchard ; Priv- ates Leonard Barton, (mortally wounded in battle), Peter Barton, Hiram E. W. Barton, Edward W. Col- lins, (wounded at first Bull Run battle), David E. Eastman, Marshall P. Hurd, (killed at Antietam), Henry Humphrey, (died in the service), Orren Marsh, Simeon Partridge, Dexter Stewart, Stephen M. Thornton, John Thornton, George H. Thornton, (died in the service), Horace P. Hall. Croydon has furnished to the militia of the State -the following officers : Maj.-Gen. N. Emery. Colonels. Jarvis Adams. Calvin Kempton. Otis Cooper. Samuel Powers. Freeman Dunbar. Nathan. Wheeler, Jr. Daniel R. Hall. Moses Whipple. Majors. Abijah Powers. Lemuel P. Cooper. Peter Stow. The Croydon Light Infantry, and subsequently the Rifle Company, with their tasty uniforms and equipments and fine drill, were for many years a source of pride to the town. CHURCHES. CoNGEEGATiONALiSTS. — The first church was organized September 9, 1778, and was of the Pres- byterian order. The following are the names of its members : Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Isaac Sanger, John Cooper, Joseph Hall, Jacob Leland, John Sanger, Catherine Whipple, Rachel Powers, Mary Cooper, Anna Leland, Lydia Hall, Hannah Giles and Lucy Whipple. The first meet- ing-house was built in 1794, and in 1828 it was taken down and converted into a town hall. The first minister, Rev. Jacob Haven, was settled June 18, 1787, and he continued pastor until 1834, after which he remained senior pastor until the time of his death, which occurred March 17, 1845, at the advanced age of eighty-two years. A new and commodious church edifice was built in 1826, which was regularly occupied by the society until 1874 when it was closed. Rev. Eli W. Taylor, a native of Hinesburg, Vt., was installed pastor June 10, 1834 and was dismissed December 27, 1837. Aurelius S. Swift, of Fairlee, Vt., was or- dained May 16, 1888, and dismissed in 1841. After his removal the desk was supplied by Rev. Joel Davis, a native of Massachusetts, for several years, after which it was supplied by various clergymen until 1881. At the latter date the Methodists at East village united with them and settled Rev. D. W. Clark, who remained until 1883. He was succeeded by Rev.H. A. Goodhue. John Cooper, Esq., left a legacy of $350 to this church and Mrs. Rebecca Kendall one of $300. Free-Will Baptist. — In 1810 some thirty individuals united and formed a Free-will Baptist Church, with Elijah Watson as elder ; Eli Davis and David Putnam were appointed deacons. It continued to flourish for some time. At length it was given up and a larger portion of its members united with a then flourishing church at North- ville, in Newport. Methodist.— Preachers of the Methodist order 154 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. had often visited the town and organized classes, but it was not until 1853 that a church was formed. At that time a society comprising some thirty-six members, was organized. In 1854 they erected a meeting-house at the East Village, in which their services have since been held. The Rev. C. H. Lovejoy was their first pastor. He has been suc- ceeded by the Rev. Messrs. Hays, Russell, Tilton, Whidden, Griffin, Hardy, Draper, Rogers, Quim- by, Bradford, Fiske, Spaulding, LeSeur, Pickles and Windsor. In 1881 this church united with the Congregationalist and settled the Rev. D. W. Clark of the latter denomination. After a pastor- ate of two years he was succeeded by the Rev. H. A. Goodhue. Universalists. — From its earliest settlement Croydon contained many Universalists, and in 1832 a society was formed embracing some fifty members, who held their meetings in the town hall until 1854, when Paul Jacobs, Esq., a wealthy and liberal citizen of the town, built a house of worship at the Flat and gave it to the society. Rev. Rob- ert Stinson was the only settled pastor, but the desk has been supplied by able ministers of the denomination. Calvinistic Baptist. — Many individuals of this town have connected themselves with the Calvinistic Baptist society at Newport Village. Civil Histoey. Town Clerks.— The following is the list of town clerks from 1768 to 1885 inclusive. Moses Whipple, from 1768 to 1772. John Cooper, from 1772 to 1775. Moses Whipple, from 1775 to 1781. From 1781 to 1783, no records. Stephen Powers, from 1783 to 1789. Jesse Green, from 1789 to 1795. Jacob Haven, from 1795 to 1798. Eeuben Carroll, from 1798 to 1805. Benjamin Barton, from 1805 to 1806. Reuben Carroll, from 1806 to 1807. Jacob Haven, from 1807 to 1816. Stephen Eastman, from 1815 to 1816. Jacob Haven, froip 1816 to 1837. Benjamin Skinner, from 1837 to 1841. Daniel E. Hall, from 1841 to 1850. Nathan Hall, from 1850 to 1861. Daniel R. Hall, from 1861 to 1862. Dellavan D. Marsh, from 1862 to 1864. Nathan Hall, from 1864 to 1865. Dellavan D. Marsh, from 1865 to 1866. Alonzo Allen, from 1866 to 1883. Milon C. Cooper, from 1883 to 1885. Representatives. — The following is a list of the Representatives of Croydon, from 1800 to 1885, inclusive. 1800 Benjamin Barton. 1801 Samuel Powers. 1802 Samuel Powers. 1803 Benjamin Barton. 1804 Samuel Powers. 1805 Samuel Powers. 1806 Samuel Powers. 1807 Samuel Powers. 1808 Samuel Powers. 1809 Peter Stow. 1810 James Breck. 1811 James Breck. 1812 Samuel Goldthwait. 1813 James Breck. 1814 James Breck. 1815 Obed Metcalf. 1816 Nath. Wheeler, Jr. 1817 Stephen Eastman. 1818 Stephen Eastman. 1819 Stephen Eastman. 1820 Abijah Powers. 1821 Abijah Powers. 1822 Obed Metcalf. 1823 AbijahPowers. 1824 Amaaa Hall. 1825 Amasa Hall. 1826 Carlton Barton. 1827 Briant Brown. 1828 Briant Brown. 1829 Zina Goldthwait. 1830 Carlton Barton. 1831 Paul Jacobs. 1832 Hiram Smart. 1833 ZinaGoldthwait. 1834 Samuel Morse. 1835 Paul Jacobs. 1836 Alexander Barton. 1837 Alexander Barton. 1838 Joseph Eastman. 1839 Joseph Eastman. 1840 John Putnam. 1841 Calvin Hall. 1842 (None.) 1843 Alexander Barton. 1844 Lemuel P. Cooper. 1845 Lemuel P. Cooper. 1846 Buel Durkee. 1847 Euel Durkee. 1848 Lester Blanehard. 1849 Lester Blanehard. 1850 (None.) 1851 Pliny Hall. 1852 Pliny Hall. 1853 Alfred Ward. 1854 Alfred Ward. 1855 Freeman Crosby. 1856 Wm. M. Whipple. 1857 Martin A. Barton. 1858 Freeman Crosby. 1859 No choice. 1860 No choice. 1861 Paine Durkee. 1862 Daniel E. Hall. 1863 Daniel R. Hall. 1864 Den. Humphey. 1865 Den. Humphrey. 1866 Worthen Hall. 1867 Worthen Hall. 1868 Albina Hall. 1869 Albina Hall. 1870 Eras. D. Comings. 1871 Eras. D. Comings. 1872 Otis Cooper. 1873 Otis Cooper. 1874 Nath. P. Stevens. 1875 Nath. P. Stevens. CROYDON. 155 1876 John Blanchard. 1877 John Blanchard. 1878 George W. Dunbar. 1879 George W. Dunbar. 1880 George W. Dunbar. 1881 Hubbard Cooper. 1882 Hubbard Cooper. 1883 Daniel Ide. 1884 Daniel Ide. 1885 Sylv. G. Walker. The following is an imperfect list of those who have been called to represent other towns, and who received their political training in Croydon : Solomon Clement, Springfield, N. H. Orra C. Howard, Springfield, N. H. Amos Hall, Grantham, N. H. Adolphus Hall, Grantham, N. H. William Melendy, Springfield, N. H. James Breck, Newport, N. H. John B. Stowell, Newport, N. H. James Hall, Newport, N. H. Zina Goldthwait, Newport N. H. Edmund Wheeler, Newport, N. H. Levi W. Barton, Newport, N. H. Paul J. Wheeler, Newport, N. H. Henry Breek, Cornish, N. H. Orlando Powers, Cornish, N. H. Horace Powers, Morristown, Vt. John L. Marsh, Jefiferson Co., N. Y. Moses Humphrey, Concord, N. H. Aaron Barton, Piermont N. H. Hiram Smart, Jr., Plaistow, N. H. Orra Crosby Hardwick, Vt. Luther J. Fletcher, Lowell, Mass. Joshua B. Merrill, Barnstead, N. H. Sherburne Merrill, Colebrook, N. H. Alvin Sargent, Sanbornton, N. H. Charles Eowell, Allentown, N. H. John Ferrin, Morristown, Vt. Harrison Ferrin, Morristown, Vt. Nathaniel Cooper, Leon, N. Y. Alexander Barton, Ludlow, Vt. Jonas C. Kempton, Nashua, N. H. James W. Putnam, Danvers, Mass. George F. Putnam, Warren, N. H. William Breck, Claremont, N. H. Stillman Humphrey, Concord, N. H. Alvin Sargent, Holderness, N. H. Joseph Sargent, died in army. Daniel Warren, Waterbury, Vt. Selectmen. — The following is a list of the Se- lectmen of Croydon, from 1768 to 1885 inclusive : 1763. — Moses Leland, Moses Whipple, David Warren. 1769.— Moses Leland, Moses Whipple, Stephen Pow- ers. 1770.— Isaac Sanger, Moses Whipple, Stephen Pow- ers. 1771.— Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, David War' ren. 1772. — John Cooper, Moses Whipple, Stephen Pow- ers. 1773.— John Cooper, Moses Whipple, Benjamin Swin- nerton. 1774.— Moses Whipple, John Cooper, Stephen Pow- ers. 1775. — Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Phineas Sanger. 1776. — John Cooper, Moses Whipple, Benjamin Swin- nerton. 1777. — Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Phineas Sanger. 1778. — Stephen Powers, Benjamin Swinnerton, Joseph Hall. 1779. — Moses Whipple, John Cooper, Stephen Pow- ers. 1780. — Moses Whipple, John Powers, Benjamin Pow- ers, 1781. — Stephen Powers, Phineas Sanger, DaVid Put- nam. 1782. — John Cooper, Moses Whipple, Stephen Pow- ers. 1785. — Edward Hall, Stephen Powers, Phineas San- ger. 1786. — John Cooper, Edward Hall, Moses Whipple. 1787. — Stephen Powers, Benjamin Barton, Simeon Partridge. 1788. — Benjamin Barton, Jesse Green, David Putnam. 1789. — John Cooper, Benjamin Powers, Ezra Cooper. 1790. — Benjamin Barton, Abijah Hall, John Cooper, Jr. 1791.^Benjamin Barton, David Putnam, John Cooper. 1792. — Benjamin Barton, David Putnam, Samuel Powers. 1793. — Benjamin Barton, David Putnam, Samuel Powers. 1794. — Benjamin Barton, John Cooper, Jr., Nathaniel Wheeler. 1795. — ^Benjamin Barton, John Cooper, Jr., David Putnam. 1796. — Benjamin Barton, Thomag Whipple, David Putnam. 1797. — Samuel Powers, Simeon Partridge, Peter Stow. 156 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1798. — Benjamin Barton, John Cooper, Jr., Thomas Whipple. 1799. — Benjamin Barton, Samuel Powers, Simeon Partridge. 1800. — Benjamin Barton, John Cooper, Jr., Samuel Powers. 1801. — John Cooper, Jr., Peter Barton, John Nelson. 1802. — Benjamin Barton, Peter Barton, John Nelson. 1803. — Samuel Powers, Peter Stow, Peter Barton. 1804. — ^Peter Stow, Peter Barton, Barnabas Cooper. 1805.— Peter Stow, Samuel Goldthwaite, Peter Bar- ton. 1806. — Benjamin Barton, John Nelson, Stephen East- man. 1807.— Peter Stow, Obed Metcalf, Stephen Eastman. 1808. — Peter Stow, John Cooper, Asaph Stow. 1809. — John Cooper, James Breck, Asaph Stow. 1810. — John Cooper, James Breck, Stephen Eastman. 1811. — James Breck, Stephen Eastman, John Hum- phry. 1812.— James Breck, Stephen Eastman, Abijah Pow- ers. 1813.— Benjamin Barton, Stephen Eastman, Abijah Powers. 1814.— John Humphry, Obed Metcalf, Solomon Clem- ent. 1815.— James Breck, Benjamin Barton, Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr. 1816.— Benjamin Barton, Obed Metcalf, Stephen East- man. 1817. — Stephen Eastman, Abijah Powers, Ezra Gus- tin. 1818.— John Humphry, Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., Elisha Partridge. 1819.— Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., Edward Putnam, Zina Goldthwait. 1820.— Stephen Eastman, Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., Henry Breck. 1821.— Nathaniel Wheeler, John Humphry, Obed Metcalf. 1822.— Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., John Humphry, Obed Metcalf. 1823.— Stephen Eastman, Samuel Morse, Edward Hall. 1824.— Stephen Eastman, Abijah Powers, Edward Hall. 1825.— Abijah Powers, Stephen Eastman, Carlton Barton. 1826.— Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., Zina Goldthwait David Whipple. 1827.— Abijah Powers, Carlton Barton, Edward Hall. 1828.— Abijah Powers, Carlton Barton, Hiram Smart. 1829. — Carlton Barton, Benjamin Barton, John Bar- ton. 1830. — Hiram Smart, Briant Brown, John Barton. 1831.- Hiram Smart, Carlton Barton, Moses East- man. 1832. — Carlton Barton, Paul Jacobs, Zina Goldthwait. 1833.— Hiram Smart, James Hall, Jr., Lemuel P. Cooper. 1834.— Hiram Smart, Zina Goldthwait, Moses East- man. 1836.— Henry Breck, Zina Goldthwait, Moses East- man. 1836.— Carlton Barton, Lemuel P. Cooper, Calvin Hall. 1837.— Lemuel P. Cooper, Calvin Hall, John Put- nam. 1838.— Nathaniel Wheeler, Jr., John Putnam, Sher- burne B. Powell. 1839.— Lemuel P. Cooper, Calvin Hall, Peter Barton. 1840.— Calvin Hall, William C. Carroll, Sherburne B. Powell. 1841.— Hiram Smart, Euel Durkee, Calvin Kempton. 1842.— William C. Carroll, Euel Durkee, Freeman Crosby. 1843.— Hiram Smart, Lemuel P. Cooper, John C. Loverin. 1844.— Euel Durkee, John C. Loverin, Timothy G. Powers. 1845.— Euel Durkee, Timothy G. Powers, William Darling. 1846.— John Putnam, Josiah Ide, Moses Haven. 1847.— Timothy G. Powers, Moses Haven, Ariel Hall. 1848.— Lemuel P. Cooper, John Putnam, Martin A. Barton. 1849.— Euel Durkee, Paul J. Wheeler, Edmund Eow- ell. 1850.— Euel Durkee, Dellavan D. Marsh, Dennison Humphrey. 1851.— Martin A. Barton, Euel Durkee, Paine Dur- kee. 1862.— Euel Durkee, Dellavan D. Marsh, Hiram C. Brown. 1853.— Euel Durkee, Hiram C. Brown, Lemuel P. Cooper. CROYDON. 157 1854. — John Putnam, Delia van D. Marsh, Caleh L. Barton. 1855. — Daniel R. Hall, Otis Cooper, Elias Powers. 1856. — Hiram 0. Brown, Erasmus D. Comings, Mar- tin C. Bartlett. 1857.— Ruel Durkee, Martin C. Bartlett, Welcome P. Partridge. 1858. — Erasmus D. Comings, Dellavan D. Marsh, Albert G. Barton. 1859. — Ruel Durkee, Nathaniel P. Stevens, Hiram P. Kempton. 1860. — Ruel Durkee, Nathaniel P. Stevens, Hiram P. Kempton. 1861. — Ruel Durkee, John W. Putnam, Martin C. Bartlett. 1862.— Ruel Durkee, Nathan Hall, David E. Ryder. 1863.— Ruel Durkee, Nathan Hall, William W. Hall. 1864.— Ruel Durkee, William W. Hall, Daniel Ide. 1865.— Ruel Durkee, William W. Hall, Elias Powers. 1866.— Ruel Durkee, Elias Powers, Oliver C Fore-- hand. 1867. — Ruel Durkee, Caleb K. Loverin, Joshua A. Codman. 1868. — Ruel Durkee, Oliver 0. Forehand, John Blan chard. 1869. — Ruel Durkee, John Blanchard, James W. Davis. 1870. — Ruel Durkee, James W. Davis, George N. Smith. 1871. — Ruel Durkee, William W. Ryder, Andrew J. Sawyer. 1872. — Ruel Durkee, Dennison Humphrey, Francis Dodge. 1873. — Ruel Durkee, Dennison Humphrey, Francis Dodge. 1874.— Ruel Durkee, Francis Dodge, William W. Ryder. 1875. — Euel Durkee, William W. Ryder, Frederick Barton. 1876.— Ruel Durkee, William W. Ryder, Frederick Barton. 1877.— Ruel Durkee, William W. Ryder, Frederick Barton. 1878.— Ruel Durkee, Frederick Barton, Sylvester G. Walker. 1879.— Ruel Durkee, Sylvester G. Walker, Eugene A. Rowell. 1880.— Ruel Durkee, Sullivan J. Brown, Harrison Stockwell. 1881.— Ruel Durkee, Sullivan J. Brown, Harrison Stockwell. 1882.— Ruel Durkee, Harrison Stockwell, Dana W. Barton. 1883.— Hezekiah E. Hanson, William B. Kibby, Ruel D. Loverin. 1884.— Hezekiah E. Hanson, William B. Kibby Prentis S. Blanchard. 1885.— George W. Stockwell, Charles H. Forehand, John C. Loverin. Justices op the Peace and Quorum. The following is a list of the justices of the peace : Alonzo Allen. Martin A. Barton. Benjamin Barton, Jr. Leonard P. Cooper. John Cooper. James C. Grandy. Daniel R. Hall. Worthen Hall. Nathan Hall. Albina Hall. Paul Jacobs. Samuel Morse. Abijah Powers. Elias Powers. Benjamin Barton. Henry Hurd. John Barton. Dellavan D. Marsh. Solomon Clement. Stephen Power. Isaac Cooper. John W. Putnam. Otis Cooper. Sherburne B. Rowell. William Dodge. Benjamin Skinner. Ruel Durkee. Hiram Smart. Paine Durkee. Allen Town. Stephen Eastman. Moses Whipple. Joseph Eastman. Nathan. Wheeler, Jr. Charles H. Forehand. Paul J. Wheeler. Lyman Hall. William M. Whipple. INDUSTRIES. Hotels. — Benjamin Barton and Reuben Car- roll at Four Corners, and Nathan Hall, "William Allen and David A. Sargent, at the East village, have been hotel-keepers. Stores. — The following are among those who have been engaged in trade : William Cheney, Solomon Clement, Henry Breck, Peter Barton, Hiram Smart, at Four Corners ; Putnam & Cooper, Edward Hall, Ruel Durkee, Joel Ferry, George Dunbar and Rufus Hall, at East village, and James Breck, Simeon Edson, Stephen Eastman, Henry Hurd, James and Lyman Hall, Paul J. Wheeler, M. L. Barton, D. N. Adams, Daniel R. Hall, and Harriet Pillsbury at the Flat ; Edward 158 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hall, on the hill between Four Corners and East village. A store was run for awhile at the Flat by an association of individuals. Factories. — Woolen — Nathan Clark, Jr., and Samuel Morse at East village. Knife — Joel Ferry, East village. Starch — Paul Jacobs at the Flat. Kit Factory — Moses Humphrey at Flat. Excelsior — Pillsbury Brothers at the Flat. There was a distillery at the Flat, where cider brandy in quantities was made for a number of years by James Hall. Tanneries. — Rufus and Ruel Durkee at East Village, and Silas Kempton at Flat. The former was continued for many years. Blacksmiths. — Levi Dodge, Four Corners; Jas- per Back, John Spiller, Harry L.eeds, East vil- lage; Jacob Dwinnells, Leavit Humphrey, Obid Kempton, Gardner Woodbury, Dennison Hum- phry at the Flat; David Fletcher, in Brighton district, William G. Huntley. Shoemakers. — Perley Dodge at Four Corners ; Charles Day, David W. Frye, Mr. Pickernale, East Village ; Jeremiah Kempton, Chase Noyes, Silas Kempton at the Flat. Coopers.— Folansbee Carroll, John P. Carroll at Four Corners. Clothiers.— Israel Goodwin and Stephen East- man had an establishment at the Flat, and Nathan Clark one at East village. Cording.— James Perkins had a cording-mill at the Flat. Carpenters.— Joseph Kempton, Edward Kemp- ton, Obediah Dow, Jarvis Adams, Clark Stock- well, Joseph Eastman, William Darling, Charles Partridge, Hubbard Cooper, P. G. Minor, S. O. Powers, H. J. Hurd. Mills. — The first mill in town was a saw-mill at East village; soon after a grist-mill at the same place, both of which have been in continuous operation ever since, owned by William Sherman, Colonel Boyce, Joel Ferrey, Dana Boston and others. In 1815 James Perkins came from Leo- minster, Mass., and built a saw-mill and grist-mill at the Flat. The former, now owned by Humphrey & Hanson, turns out a large amount of lumber annually. Milliner. — Augusta V. Hall, Tailors. — Elizabeth Sanger, Susan Humphrey, Hannah Harding. Dr. D. D. Marsh had a laboratory for a num- ber of years at Four Corners. Literature. — Among those who have made contributions to literature are Samuel Read Hall who wrote a History of Vermont in 1827, a History of the United States in 1836, and numerous other volumes of interest, relating mainly to schools and educational matters. Baron Stow, D.D. , was editor of the Columbian Star at Washington, D.C , and was the author of several books and pamphlets, and wrote much for the public press. John Cooper, Esq., published an " Historical and Statistical Sketch of Croydon " in 18.52. Alanson L. Cooper, whose few foot- prints left indicate that, had his life been spared, he would have been a favorite with the muses. Hon. Cyrus Barton edited, with much ability, the New Hampshire Spectator, at Newport, N. H., and the New Hampshire Patriot, State Capital Rqiorter and Old Guard, at Concord, N. H. Vashti Towne, a sister of John, was a vigorous writer, as her contributions to the press, while at Washing- ton, D. C, amply testify. Rev. Luther J. Fletcher wrote " Gloria Patria " and several text- books, and contributed much to the journals of his denomination. Augusta Cooper Bristol indulges her pen freely, both in prose and poetry. A volume of the latter, embracing her choicest gems, was published in 1868. Alonzo Allen wrote " Croydon's Military Record." Edmund Wheeler published the " Croydon Centennial " in 1866, and the " History of Newport " in 1879. Solomon M. Whipple, M.D., was a member of the editorial staff of the New Hampshire Patriot for several years, and his address, while president of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and other matters have been published. Hubbard A. Barton early indicated a taste for literature, and, besides his many offerings to the press, he has been, and now is one of the editors and proprietors of the Argus CROYDON. 159 and Spet^ator, at Xewport, X. H. Sullivan Barton, ' a brother, has, from boyhood, been a liberal con- , tributor to the press. Elizabeth A. Harding, who wrote the " AYeloonie Ode at the " Centennial," indulges Iw^r pen in prose as well as verse. Mary Cooper Gardiner s " European Tnur," 18S4-^o, | indicates a ready pen and ripe scholarship. Josiah Ide makes irequent contributions to the weekly press .ind also to maiiy popular magazines of the day. James C Grandy is a ready writer, makes frequent contributions to the pre«, and is entitled to credit for valuable assistance rendered in pro- ducing this historical sketch, i Libra ET. — The Croydon Social Library { established in ISOtx It contained many standard ■ works of great merit, and exerted a decided influence in moulding the character of the yourg men of the town. Edvcatiox. — Early, the wife of iMv-^ses ^Vhipple, an intelligent lady, received the children of the ; first sett'ers at her house, and taught them fr«e of | charire. The first school-house, a small stri;ct\ire twenty feet square, was built in 1772, and eight pounds was raised for the purpose of education. The second district was formed in 17f 0. and one hundred and fifty dollars assessed for school pur- jKJses. In 1S34 the town w^as divided into ten dis tricts for school purposes. From the beginning Croydon has piid due attention to mental culture ; has taken much interest in the schools, and, for the mi ft part, has employed only the most compe- tent and efficient teachers and superintendents. The following are a few of the many noted teachers the town has ftirnished : Vashti Towne. Mrs. Harriet A. Loverin. Mrs. M Cooper Gardiner. Mrs. Nellie L.Barton. Mrs. Ellen C. Danforth. The following have been superintendants of schools : Jacob Haven. Moses Haven. Lemuel C. Cooper. John Cooper. Dellavan D. Mareh. Samuel Blanchard. Lemuel P. Cooper. Moses Haven. Baron Stow. Abijah Powers. Calvin Kempton. Moses Eastman. Samuel Powers. Griswold Ward. >Irs. Moses Whipple. Mk. General Emory. John Wheeler. Horace Power?. John Towne, Alexander Metcalf. Levi W. Barton. James Powers. Lyman Hall. Alonio Allen. Mrs. Anna W. Metcalf.. Mrs. Auirusta C. Bristol. William Barton. Hubbard A. Barton. Sullivan Barton. Harriet A. Loverin. Harriet Fowler. Phtsiciaxs. — Eeuben Carroll, Nathaniel Leav- itt, Dellavan D. Marsh, Ezra Gustiu. Williams Barton, Sherman Cooper, Albina Hall, and Drs. Alden and Cooper, have been resident practicing physicians. F. S. Putnam, son of Stillman .'after graduation at the dental college. oj>ened an office in town. He is now at Newport, N. H. The following is an imperfect list of native and former residents who have turned their attention to the medical profession : William Barton, born August oth, 1S20; graduated at Hanover, in 1S4-5; located at Croydon, N. H. Ira W. Bragg, born July 2S. 1S33 ; graduated at Harvard in 1n59 : located at Chelsea, Mass., died Oc- tober -1. IkU. Alanson L. Cooper, bom October lo, 1SC4; gradu- ated at Brunswici: 1S27: located at Auburn, N. Y. : died in 1S41. William F. Cooper, born September 20. ISOl : graduated at Brunswick; located at Kelloggsviile, N. Y. ; died in 1S47. Orville M. Cooper, born July iS. ISil ; graduated at Dartmouth in lS-1-5 : located at Hollis. N. H. ; died Elijah Cooper, graduated at Dartmouth in 1 J4o ; located at Newark, O., lS->4. Sherman Cooper, bom August 20, l^So ; graduated at New York Medical College in lS-x>; located at Claremont, N. H. Herman Cooper, born February 6, lS-59 ; graduated at Dartmouth; located at Meriden, N. H. Eeuben Carroll, died in 1 J4'.i. Albert CarroU, located at Bo>ton. Mass. Adolphus Cutting, born June 2?. ISll; graduated in IsSo. John L. Cain, born September 26, ls?7 : graduated at Dartmouth in 1SS3 : located at Grantham, N. H. 160 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. William B. Cain, born September 26, 1859; gradu- ted at Dartmouth in 1883 ; located at Chesterfield, N. H. William W. Darling, born November 20, 1834; grad- uated at Dartmouth in 1859; located at Newport, N. H. Ezra Gustin, born 1788 ; located at Croydon, N. H.; died October 29, 1818. Willard P. Gibson, born September 2, 1798; gradu- ated at Castleton in 1822 ; located at Newport, N. H. ; died October 23, 1837. Otis Gibson, born June 8, 1807; graduated at Woodstock in 1830 ; located at Wellsborc', Pa. Bushrod E. Gibson, located at Pomfret, Vt. John Hall, born October 3, 1814; graduated at Bowdoin in 1842 ; located at Newark, O. ; died in 1852. Silas Hall, born December, 1792 ; located at Mon- rovia, N. Y. Albina Hall, born October 16, 1800 ; graduated at Berkshire in 1823 ; located at Croydon, N. H. Dellavan D. Marsh, born May 8, 1808; graduated at Dartmouth in 1834 ; located at Croydon, N. H. ; died 1867. William W. Marsh, born July 29, 1850 ; graduated at Harvard. Frank D. Marsh, born October, 1852. Marshall Perkins, born March 13, 1823 ; graduated at Harvard in 1850 ; located at Marlow, N. H. Horace Powers, born October 28, 1807 ; graduated at Woodstock in 1832 ; located at Morristown, Vt. ; died 1867. David C. Powers, born June 30, 1822 ; graduated at Amherst in 1848 ; located at Auburn, N. Y. Darwin A. Stewart, born April 5, 1842 ; graduated at New York Medical College in 1869; located at Winona, Minn. Daniel Ward, born June 6, 1810; graduated at Castleton in 1834 ; located at Marsailles, 111. Griswold W. Wheeler, born February 22, 1808 ; graduated at Dartmouth in 1836 ; located at Perry- ville. Mo. ; died June 7, 1865. Solomon M. Whipple, born July 28, 1820 ; gradu- ated at Woodstock in 1849 ; located at New London, N. H. ; died 1875. Henry W. Brown, born November 15, 1847 ; gradu- ated at Harvard in 1873 ; located at Newport, N. H., died 1875. Carlos J. Adams, born September 17, 1837 ; gradu- ated at Ann Arbor in 1868 ; located at Chicago, 111. William H. Hurd, born August 29, 1829 ; graduated at Dartmouth in 1854 ; located at Carlton Place, Ont. Willard O. Hurd, born December 7, 1838 ; gradu- ated at Albany Medical College in 1860 ; located at Grantham, N. H. Willard C. Kempton, bom October 13, 1840 ; gradu- ated at Dartmouth ; located at Grantham, N. H. Lyman Hall, born in 1804 ; graduated at Dart- mouth in 1833 ; located at Cornish, N. H. ; died in 1862. Lawyers. — Samuel Morse was the only prac- ticing lawyer that ever located in town. He was a native of Dublin, N. H. ; graduated at Dart- mouth in 1811; came to Croydon in 1815; was elected representative in 1834, and delegate to Ihe Constitutional Convention in 1850; he died Jan- uary 1, 1865, aged eighty-one years. The following is an imperfect list of natives and former residents who have turned their attention to the legal profession : Levi W. Barton, born March 1, 1818; graduated at Dartmouth, New Hampshire, in 1848; located at Newport, N. H. Jonas Cutting, born November 3, 1800 ; graduated at Dartmouth, New Hampshire, in 1823; located at Bangor, Me. ; died August 26, 1876. Gershora Powers, born June 11, 1789; not a gradu- ate ; located at Auburn, N. Y. ; died June 25, 1831. Frankiin Putnam, born September 8, 1833; gradu- ted at Bowdoin, Maine, 1859 ; located at Kansas City, Mo. ; died November 3, 1865. George F. Putnam, born November 6, 1841; gradu- ated at Norwich, Vt., in 1866 ; located at Kansas City, Mo. Wilbur H. Powers, born January 22, 1849 ; gradu- ated at Dartmouth in 1875; located at Boston, Mass. William P. Wheeler, born July 31, 1812 ; graduated at Harvard, Massachusetts, in 1842 ; located at Keene, N. H. ; died May 10, 1876. Clergymen. — The following are among those who have given their attention to theology : Jacob W. H. Ames, born May 7, 1838; graduated at Wesleyan in 1864 ; located at Chelsea, Mass. ; died June 12, 1866. Otis Dunbar, born June 11, 1812 ; graduated at Dartmouth; located at Holderness, N. H. Lester H. Elliot, born August 1, 1835 ; graduated at Burlington in 1861 ; located at Winooski, Vt. CROYDON. 161 Luther J. Fletcher, born November 25, 1818; grad- uated at Norwich in 1841 ; located at Bath, Me. ; died January 20, 1884. Samuel R. Hall, born October 27, 1795 ; graduated at Academy Bridgeton, Me. ; located at Craftsbury, Vt. Josiah W. Powers, born June 19, 1799; graduated at Andover in 1837 ; located at Kennebunk, Me. ; died in 1839. Dennis Powers, born May 24, 1808 ; graduated at Amherst in 1835 ; located at Abington, Mass. Urias Powers, born May 12, 1791 ; graduated at Dartmouth in 1818 ; located at Big Lick, Va. ; died in 1870. Austin Putnam, born March 6, 1809; graduated at Dartmouth in 1827 ; located at Harnden, Conn. James W. Putnam, born December 15, 1822 ; grad- uated at Norwich; Danvers, Mass.; died November 3, 1864. Nathaniel F. Putnam, born February 2, 1839 ; grad- uated at Bowdoin in 1803 ; located at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Baron Stowe, born June 16, 1801 ; graduated at Columbian in 1825; located at Boston, Mass. ; died December 27, 1869. BIOGEAPHY. The following are brief sketches of a few of the promiDent individuals of the town. We should have been glad to have given a much more ex- tended list and a fuller account of these. Nearly every one of the old families have sons or daugh- ters, to whose achievements they point with just pride. Hon. Cyrus Barton was born December 25, 1795. He was able and popular as an Editor ; register of deeds for Sullivan County from 1827 to 1829 ; Presidential elector in 1832, 1836 and 1840 ; Senator in District No. 4, in 1833 and 1834 ; Coun- cilor in 1843; U.S. marshal in 1845; a member of the Constitutional Convention and president of the City Council of Concord in 1845. He died February 17, 1855, at Loudon, N. H., while making a political speech, falling into the arms of his opponent. Hon. Levi W. Barton, born March 1, 1818, a lawyer, graduated at Dartmouth. He was three years register of deeds, two years county solici- tor, five years a Representative and two years in the Senate ; in 1866 on committee to audit war indebtedness of the State, one of the committee to codify the New Hampshire laws, member of the Constitutional Convention, 1876, and in 1876 one of the Presidential electors. Williams Barton, M.D. was born August 6, 1820. He attended Unity and Kimball Union Academies, studied medicine with Drs. Coburn, Hall and Nichols, graduated at the Medical De- partment of Dartmouth College in May, 1845, and soon after commenced practice at Croydon, where he now resides. He was three years commissioner of common schools for Sullivan County, and a teacher of elocution at the Teachers' Institute. Hon. Lemuel P. Cooper, born July 18, 1803, is one of the most intelligent and progressive farmers in town. He has always taken a deep in- terest in the cause of religion and education, as well as politics. He was a popular teacher and superintendent, a trustee of the Industrial School of New Hampshire, twice a representative, twice in the Senate, and was at one time a candidate for Governor of the State. Hon. Ora Crosby, son of Prince, born Novem- ber 14, 1793, settled at Hardwick, Vt. He was a representative, a justice, judge of the County Court, director of the Danville Bank and president of the National Bank of Caledonia. As a finan- cier. Judge Crosby had but few equals. Jonas Cutting, LL.D., born November 3, 1800, graduated at Dartmouth and located at Bangor, Me. He had intellectual faculties of a high order ; was conscientious, adroit and learned ; was popular as a lawyer, and commanded the highest respect as a judge, ranking with the fore- most among the members of the bench. Hon. Euel Durkee, born July 14, 1807, a farmer, was much in office at home. Shrewd, self- poised, with an instinctive knowledge of human nature, he was for nearly a whole generation one of the most conspicuous managers in the Republi- can party of the State. His presence was always required during the sittings of the Legislature and at all conventions. It has been said that in caucus 162 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the lightning usually struck the aspirant towards whom his magnetic finger pointed. He died in July, 1885. Timothy C. Eastman, Esq., born May 30, 1821, was first a farmer at Croydon, then a milkman, with a hundred cows, at Cleveland, O., and is now the cattle-king of New York. He has a beautiful residence on Fifth Avenue, and, as a financier, he has been by far the most successful son of the town. He originated the plan of transporting beef to Europe in refrigerators, by means of which he presented the Queen with the quarter of beef as fresh as when taken from the slaughter-house at New York. Rev. Lutheb J. Fletchek, born February 25, 1818, a Universalist clergyman, has been located at Bufialo, Lowell and New York ; is a man of rare talent, a fine writer and an eloquent talker ; was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature, and once a judge. IsBAEL Goodwin was remarkable for his intel- lectual and social qualities. He lived at the Flat, and was a cloth- drefiser by trade. In 1824 he re- moved to Plainfield, Vt., where he represented that town in both branches of the Legislature. He was appointed judge, and removed to Mont- pelier, where he died. Nathan Hall, son of Edward Hall, Jr., re- sides at the Flat, and is a farmer by profession. He was moderator several years, town clerk twelve years, and County Commissioner three years. Captain Worthen Hall was born July 11, 1802. In 1827 he went to sea, and, being well adapted to the business, he followed that vocation for twenty-eight years. In 1855 he retired with a fortune, and settled at the Flat. In 1866-67 he was elected representative, which position he filled with credit to himself and honor to the town. Pliny Hall, son of Martin, born September 21, 1817, was a farmer until he was twenty-one ; a clerk in the store twelve years ; was U. S. assistant census marshal m 1850, 1870 and 1880; repre- sentative in 1851 and 1852, and county treasurer in 1855 and 1856 ; U. S. enrolling officer in 1864, and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1876. Died January 15, 1881. Bella VAN D. Maesh, M.D., was born May 8, 1818. He graduated from the Medical Depart- ment of Dartmouth College in 1834. He was in- terested in agricultural pursuits ; was treasurer of the County Agricultural Society in 1848 ; was often elected to town offices, and in 1889-40 was treasurer of Sullivan County. He died in 1866. Dr. Horace Powers, son of Urias Powers, born October 27, 1807 ; graduated at the Wood- stock Medical College in 1832 ; settled at Morris- town, Vt. ; was high sheriflf of Lamoille County in 1844 and 1845 ; represented his town in the Con- stitutional Convention in 1850 ; was a Senator in 1853 and 1854, and was director in the Lamoille County Bank. Elias Powers, son of Major Abijah Powers, is a man of intelligence, a respected farmer, a lover of fun and story-telling, an adept at angling, trap- ping and hunting. He has served the town twice as selectman and has been county commissioner three years. Orlando Powers was born May 5, 1810. In 1832 he removed to Cornish Flat, where he now resides. He has been town clerk of Cornish seven years ; was representative in 1844 and county treasurer in 1849-50. He has also been postmas- ter at Cornish Flat. Hon. Gershom Powers, son of John, was born June 11, 1779. After completing his studies he opened a law-office at Auburn, N. Y., where he had a successful practice. He was assistant jus- tice of Cayuga County Court, and at the end of three years he was elevated to the position of judge. In 1829 he was chosen Representative to Congress. He died January 25, 1831. Abigail Powers, daughter of Rev. Lemuel Powers, was born in 1798. In February, 1826, she married Millard Fillmore, late President of the United States. She was a lady highly re- spected for her intelligence, dignity and many vir- tues. Hon. Charles Rowell was bom in 1785. He removed to Allenstown, N. H., and served as CROYDON. 163 selectman of his adopted town twenty-four years ; representative to the Legislature four years ; county treasurer two years ; State Senator two years, and a justice of the peace from early manhood until his death, which occurred January 11, 1867. Baeon Stow, D.D., born June 16, 1801, grad- uated at Dartmouth and was settled in Boston. Having a pure heart, a vigorous intellect, an elo- quent tongue and attractive manners, he was the favorite son of the town, and was one of the most popular clergymen in the Baptist denomination. John Towne, son of John Towne, was born August 17, 1 805. In June, 1840, he was appointed Deputy Secretary of State, which office he held four years. He was register of deeds for Sullivan County from 1851 to 1854, inclusive. He was for many years a successful teacher and has been for a long time a prominent and respected citizen of Newport. Vashti Towne, a sister of John, born May 8, 1813, was educated at Kimball Union Academy ; taught school in her native town, three years at Norwich Institute, nine years at Portsmouth, Va., and fifteen years at Washington, D. C While at the latter place she had under her instruction the sons of President Lincoln and also those of Presi- dent Grant. She was an intimate friend of Mrs. President Fillmore, who was a relative. She died in 1869 at Newport, N. H. Captain Moses Whipple, son of Jacob, born at Grafton, Mass., in 1733, came to Croydon, 1766. His was one of the first three families that came to town. Being well educated, intelligent, distinguished for energy and decision of character, warm-hearted, hospitable and generous to all, he was well calculated to be what he indeed was, — a father to the town. No one in town was ever more trusted or respected. He filled many im- portant offices, and was chairman of the Commit- tee of Safety during tne Revolutionary struggle. William P. Wheelee, A.M., born July 31, 1812; graduated at Harvard; was for many years a prominent member of the Cheshire County bar; was twice appointed to a seat upon the bench of the Supreme Court, which he declined ; 11 was twice a candidate for Congress ; was president of the Keene Savings-Bank, and was a trustee of the New Hampshire Industrial School and of the Agricultural College ; died May 10, 1876. Paul J. Wheelee, son of Ceryl ; born Decem- ber 8, 1820 ; a merchant of Croydon ; settled in Newport ; was cashier of Sugar River Bank ; was moderator five years, a representative four years, a candidate for Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives in 1860; in 1862 was a candidate for Governor. He died in 1862. MISCELLANY. Casualties. — In 1770 Caleb, son of Seth Chase, the first settler in town, wandered into the forest, and was lost, and public opinion was di- vided as to the probable fate of the child ; some believed that he was captured and carried away by some straggling band of Indians, while others thought that he met his death at the .hands of a villainous white man. Isaac Sanger, another early settler, perished in attempting to cross Croydon Mountain. Alexander Metcalf, Jr., was killed by the fall- ing of a tree. Abijah Hall was drowned at Glidden Bridge in 1812. Two boys, sons of Thomas Whipple and Giles Stockwell, Sr., were drowned in Spectace Pond. On the 19th of April, 1828, the dwelling-house of Mr. Charles Carroll was burned, and two children perished in the flames. Dr. Reuben Carroll was thrown from a carriage in 1840, while going down the hill near where Caleb K. Loverin now lives, and was killed. A son of Nathaniel W. Brown was killed near the bridge at the East village, by the horse stumbling and falling upon him. In 1846 the wife of the Hon. Paul J. Wheeler was burned to death, by her clothes taking fire while warming herself by the stove. Mr. Cummings, an old gentleman, was found dead between the Flat and Coit Mountain. A son of Simeon Ames fell from a load of hay unto the handle of a pitchfork, which caused his death in a short time. 164 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. A son of Ira Bragg fell from a cart-tongue while riding, the wheel passing over him, killing him instantly. Another son was supposed to have been murdered out West. Ziba, son of John Cooper, was killed by a kick from a horse. A daughter of Carlton F. Hall fell into the river at the East village, and was drowned. A child of Rev. Jacob Haven was scalded to death by falling backwards into a pail of hot water. Asa Kelsey fell from a building and was killed. A son of Leonard N. Kempton fell into the mill-pond at the Flat and was drowned. A son of John Melendy was killed by the fall- ing of his father's chimney. A daughter of Robert Osburn fell into a brook, was carried under the causeway and drowned. A son of James Perkins was drowned in a brook near the Flat. A son of Ezekiel Powers was caught between two logs and crushed to death. Willard, son of Urias Powers, fell from the Glidden Bridge, while on his way from school, and wa^ drowned. A son of Jotham Ryder was killed by a cart- body falling upon him. The wife of David Rowell was killed by light- ning ; her infant was sleeping on her arm and escaped unhurt. Joseph Smart went out to catch his horse one Sunday morning, and soon after was found dead. Griswold, son of Aaron Whipple, was killed by running under an axe that was thrown from the frame of a building. In 1861 Edwin, son of Moses Whipple, while returning from the post-office at the Flat, one dark, rainy night, walked off from the bridge and met a horrible death amidst thte rocks and angry waters below. Epidemics. — The " canker rash " prevailed to an alarming extent amongst the children in 1795. Of twenty-four deaths that year, twenty were under fourteen yea,r3 of age. In 1813 the "spotted fever" made its appearance in a most malignant form, defying all medical skill, and cutting down the old and the young, the weak and the strong alike. Of thirty deaths in town that year, eighteen were from that disease. Secession. — In 1778 several towns on the east side of Connecticut River (Croydon included) renounced their allegiance to New Hampshire, and formed a connection with the new State of Ver- mont, which continued four years. Moses Whip- ple, Esq., was appointed a delegate to a conven- tion held at Cornish, and also chosen to represent the town in the Vermont Legislature, but before his arrival at the seat of government the Vermont Assembly had resolved that the western bank of the Connecticut River should be the dividing line between Vermont and New Hampshire, and the disaffected towns returned to their allegiance and domestic quiet prevailed. Population.— In 1775, 143; 1790, 537; 1800, 984; 1810, 862; 1820, 1060; 1830,1057; 1840, 956 ; 1850, 861 ; 1S60, 755 ; 1870, 652 ; 1880, 608. Longevity. — An incomplete list of those who have attained to ninety years of age or over Widow Marsh, 90 ; Mrs. Benjamin Cutting, 90 Widow Clement, 93; Mrs. Jotham Ryder, 94 Samuel Metcalf, 93 ; Widow Giles, 94 ; Samuel Marsh, 94; Widow A. Stockwell, 95; Capt. Nathan Clark, 90; Thomas Blanchard, 98; Widow Rumble, 100 ; Samuel Goldthwait, 93 ; Lydia Leland Powers, 92 ; Mrs. Timothy Fletcher, 95 ; Mrs. Luke Paul, 92 ; Achsnh Barton, 96. Dairies.— Croydon is an agricultural town and furnishes annually its proportionate share of farm products. It is distinguished mainly for the amount and excellence of its dairies. Among the earlier inhabitants most extensively engaged in the dairy business were Capt. Zina Goldthwait and John Barton, who had some fifty cows each, and Col. Nathaniel Wheeler, Paul Jacobs, Esq., and Gen. Nathan Emery, who had but a few less. In later years, Lemuel P. Cooper, Ruel Durkee, Caleb K. and Ruel D. Loverin, Oliver C. and Charles H. Forehand, Francis Dodge, Andrew J. Sawyer, William W. Ryder, Jame^ W. Davis and CKOYDON. 165 Frederick Barton were the prominent dairy- men. In 1849 some fifteen men from this town, lured by the prospect of a golden harvest, embarked for California, where they engaged in mining. Their hopes were not fully realized. The Croydon turnpike was chartered June 25, 1804, and built in 1 806. It extended from Leba- non to Washington. It was a fine road and a great convenience to travel, but not the pecuniary success anticipated. Music. — The Croydon Band, led by Baldwin Humphrey, composed of a large number of fine players, ranked among the first in the old Thirty- first Regiment. Among those eminent as singers are Moses Haven, H. E. W. Barton, E. Darwin Cummings, Charles Partridge, Mary Powers and Carrie N. Barton. The inhabitants of the town are unusually social, hospitable, neighborly and fond of entertain- ments, and hence the dances, huskings, apple-par- ings, quiltings and other neighborhood gatherings are frequent, fully attended and enjoyed. Centennial. — The Centennial celebration, which occurred June 13, 1866, was by far the largest and most notable gathering ever in town. All natives and former residents were invited. A salute was fired at dawn. At ten o'clock a pro- cession was formed, under the direction of Captain Nathan Hall, chief marshal, assisted, by William W. Ryder, Martin A. Barton and Major Dexter G. Reed, and escorted by the Croydon Band, led by Baldwin Humphrey, marched to the stand. Colonel Otis Cooper, chairman of the committee of arrangements, made the welcome speech, and introduced William P. Wheeler, of Keene, as president of the day, who, after an appropriate address, announced, successively, the following programme: Prayer by the Rev. Luther J. Fletcher; " Welcome Ode," by Lizzie P. Harding; a poem, by Augusta Cooper, Bristol ; oration, by Baron Stow, D.D., of Boston ; dinner, a sump- tuous repast. After which other addresses, full of reminiscences, humor and eloquence, were made by Hon. Levi W. Barton, of Newport ; William F. Cooper, of Kellogsville, N. Y. ; Thomas Whip- ple, Esq., of Charlestown ; Lemuel P. Cooper, of Croydon ; Moses Humphrey, of Concord ; Luther J. Fletcher, of Maine; Alexander Barton, of Boston ; Moses Haven, of Plainfield ; Solomon M. Whipple, of New London ; and Edmund Wheeler, of Newport. The following were the vice-presidents : Moses Humphry, Alexander Barton, L. W. Barton, Adolphus Hall, Calvin Hall, Ariel Hall, Ora Crosby, Freeman Cutting, Orlando Powers, Elom Marsh, Ruel Durkee, Samuel Blanchard, William E. Melendy, Elijah Ryder, Moses Haven, William F. Cooper, Hiram Smart, Jonas C. Kempton, Warren M. Kempton: Committee of arrangements: Otis Cooper, Reuben Cooper, Daniel R. Hall, Daniel Ryder, Worthen Hall, Barnabas C. Whipple, Cyrus K. Fletcher, John Cooper, Nathan Hall. BIOGRAPHIOAL SKETCH. GEORGE WILLIAM DUNBAE. The first known ancestor of the Dunbar family in America was Robert Dunbar, a Scotchman who, circumstances indicate, was one of the Scotch pris- oners sent over to the Massachusetts Colony in 1652, by Cromwell after the battles of Dunbar and Worcester. It is certain that this Robert Dunbar was the ancestor of the Dunbars of Abington and Bridgewater, if not of all bearing that name in New England. The family has always shown the characteristics which have so favorably distinguished the Scotch people. They are good, law-abiding citizens, with a frugal thrift and industry, a careful economy, and cautious and discriminating judgment in all the affairs of life. Samuel Dunbar was a native of Bridgewater, Mass., a farmer, prosperous and respected, and reared a family there, among whom was Elijah Dunbar, born in Bridgewater April 23, 1759, 166 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. graduated at Dartmouth College, studied for the profession of law, and began practice at Keene, N. H., 1790. He was at Claremont from 1797 to 1804, then reopened his office in Keene, was a magistrate, and represented Keene in the Legisla- ture in 1806-08 and '10. He was an officer for many years of the old Cheshire Bank at Keene, and one of the leading members of the Keene bar. He married Mary, daughter of Alexander Ralston, of Keene. His son, George Frederick Dunbar, was born at Claremont, N. H., September 9, 1793. He studied medicine with Dr. Twitchell (a famous physician of Keene, N. H.) and at Dartmouth Col- lege, started practice at Stoddard, but aftera short time removed to Westmoreland, where for fifty years he was the leading physician of the town. He married, 1818, Catherine, daughter of Nat Fisk, of Westmoreland. They had three sons and three daughters, — Mary Ann, married Horace Starkey, of West- moreland, and moved to Cherry Valley, 111., where she died, leaving two children, — Dr. Horace M. Starkey, a noted physician of Chicago, and Ella M. Amos T., married Emily Cook, of Boston, had two children ; both died young. He was for many years a merchant in Boston. In 1849 went to Cal- ifornia, had quite an adventurous career and final- ly died there. George W. (subject of sketch). Nat F. , married Hattie Gregg, an English lady, has one child living, Frederick ; resides at the old homestead at Westmoreland. Most of his life, however, since 1852 has been spent in the Califor- nia mining regions. Martha F., married Capt. Lewis Webster, of Westmoreland ; has four children ,-=- Jennie F., George D., Florence and Kate ; all are married, and all reside in Dunlap, Morris County, Kan., whither Capt. Webster removed and became the proprietor of a large sheep ranch. He is now deceased, and the widow resides with one of the children. Laura E., the youngest of the six children, died young. Genrge William Dunbar was born in Westmore- land, N. H., February 15, 1822. His education was obtained at the common schools of his native town, Keene, and the Academy at Framingham. His early life till his fourteenth year was spent on the farm. He was then apprenticed to Wil- liam Stowits, of Keene, to learn harness-making, and thus his time was employed till his nineteenth year, when a love of adventure led him to embark with Capt. Joseph Reynolds on a four years' whal- ing voyage. The cruise did not differ materially from the average whaling voyage in those times ; there were the usual hardships to be endured, the usual hair-breadth escapes ; but finally Mr. Dun- bar returned safe and sound to his native land with his curiosity thoroughly satisfied as to the "jolly life of a jack tar." He then went into partnership with his brother, A. T. Dunbar, in millinery business in Boston. This partnership continued about two years, which brings us to 1849, that ever memorable period, when the prose of life all over the world was eclipsed and for a time rendered irksome by the poetry of the newly discovered gold-mines of Cali- fornia. Mr. Dunbar, like thousands of others, be- came infected with the gold fever, and disposing of his interest in the millinery business, he em- barked on the schooner " Eudora " from Bangor, "around the Cape to California," where, after a tedious voyage, they arrived in September, 1849. He at once sought the mines, and as an Argonaut met with fair success. After nearly two years spent in mining, the longing to see the wife he had left behind overcame the attraction of the shin- ing dust, and he once more sought the granite hills of his native New Hampshire. After a perilous and adventurous trip across the plague-infected Isthmus he reached home, and for a time was en- gaged in the cutlery manufacturing business in Croydon. He soon exchanged his cutlery business, however, for a store, and became a village merchant in Croydon. In 1856 he again sought the land of gold, this time remaining three years and a half. Again his efforts as a gold-seeker were fairly suc- cessful, and once more returning to New Hamp CROYDON. 167 shire, he re-embarked in trade in Croydon, where he continued till 1882, when he retired from active business. Mr. Dunbar married, June 21, 1848, Sarah D., daughter of Elbridge and Hannah (Derby) Dix, of Hubbardston, Mass. They had four child- ren, — George W., resides at Andover ; Mary A., died when nine years of age; Infant (unnamed) dead ; and Charles D., resides at Roxbury, N. H. Mrs. Dunbar died March 31, 1873. Mr. Dunbar married, as his second wife, Marietta J., daughter of Abram S. and Lydia H. (Lovering) Philbrick, of Springfield, N. H., Octo- ber 8, 1874. Mr. Dunbar represented his town in the Legis- lature in the years 1878, '79, '80. He is now town treasurer, and has held that position since 1883. He is deacon of the Congregational Church, and has been clerk and treasurer of the same since the reorganization of the church in Croydon. He has been for a quarter of a century a member of Hiram Lodge, F. and A. M., at New- port, N. H., and is a member of the chapter at Claremont. In political faith he has always been a stanch Republican. HISTORY OF OOSHEN". CHAPTEK I. This town was formed from portions of Fishers- field (Newbury), "Wendell (Sunapee), Newport, Unity and Lempster, and incorporated December 27, 1791. The act of incorporation provided that the in- habitants of the portion taken from Lempster should continue to pay ministerial taxes to the support of the Rev. Elias Fisher, and did so until said provision was repealed, December 8, 1796. By an act approved June 22, 1797, the boun- dary lines of the town were established, and the same were in part changed June 17, 1806. A tract of land was severed from Unity, and annexed to Goshen, July 6, 1837. The portion of the town taken from Sunapee was fii-st settled in 1769, by Captain Benjamin Rand, William Lang and Daniel Grindle. Rev. Elias Maker's Certificate. " Lempster Sep' 14, 1796. " this may certify that if in case the Town of Lemp- ster see cause to give their consent that the People in that part of Goshen which was taken from Lempster should not be holden to pay any part of my Salary After the present Year, that I will not exact of S* Town any Augmentation of my Salary on Account of the increas of list on S* Inhabitants — "Elias Fisher " The Above is a true copy of an Original certificate lodged in the Town clerks Office (Lempster) "Attest James Bingham Town Clerk" Petition for Relief from paying Ministerial Taxes in Lempster. " To the Honourable Senate and House of Representa- tives to be Convened at Concord in the state of New 168 Hampshire on the fourth Wednesday of Nov' In- stant — "We your Petitioners Humbly Sheweth " As their is a Clause in an Act Entitled an Act to Incorporate a Town by the Name of Goshen Empow- ering the Selectmen of Lempster to Assess the Inhab- itants of that part of Goshen that formerly belonged to the Town of Lempster towards the Support of the Reverend M' Fisher so long as he shall remain the Minister of said Lempster and empowering the Col- lector of said Lempster to Collect said Taxes as though said Act of Incorporation had not been " We your Petitioners Inhabitants of that part of Goshen (formerly Lempster) being Taxed in both Towns towards the support of the Ministry makes it very Burdensom and having obtained the Consent of the Town of Lemster Humbly Pray that the Said Clause in Said Act may be Repealed' (and your peti- tioners have all the priviledges and Immunities that any other Towns Do Enjoy) or otherwise as your Honours in your Wisdom Seem meet And your peti- tioners as in Duty bound Shall ever pray " G«shen November y" 16"" 1796 " John Tomson Daniel marston Micah Morse Silas Smith Reuben Willey Allen Willey James Philbrook Hez'' Emerson Calvin Bingham Nathan Willey W" Story Na' Beckwith" In the House of Representatives, December 8, 1797, the aforesaid clause in the act of incorpora- tion was repealed. Vote of Lempster relative to Ministerial Taxes paid by Ooshen. " Town Clerks Office Lempster. " At a legal Town meeting held in Lempster on the first monday of Nov' AD 1796— GOSHEN. 169 " On reading and considering a Petition from the Inhabitants of Goshen — Voted that in case the inhab- itants of that part of Goshen which was taken from Lempster will punctually pay up all the taxes now made up Against them for the payment of the Eev'^ M' Fishers Salary, the Town will release them from paying any part of S" Salary in future " The above is a true copy taken from the Town Book of Record of S'' Lempster. Attest "James Bingham Tou-n Clerl — "' The first settlements were made here in about the year 1769, by Captain Benjamin Eand, Wil liam Lang and Daniel Griffin, whose sufferings were very severe. The crops of the first settlers were oftentimes entirely destroyed by early frosts, and it was necessary for the feeble settlement to procure grain from Walpole and other places. Many accounts are related concerning the sufier- ings of Captain Rand and family. In 1813 the town was visited with spotted fever, which carried off many of the inhabitants. Church services were first held in this town by Rev. Josiah Stevens, of the Congregational de- nomination, who came to reside in Goshen in about 1798. The Congregational Church was organized February 23, 1802, by Eev. Elihu Thayer. It consisted of seven members. The present pastor is Eev. H. H. Morse. There is also a Baptist Church in the town. Rev. D. M. Cleveland, pastor. Goshen responded promptly to the call for troops during the late Rebellion, and her record during that struggle is one in which her citizens may justly feel a patriotic pride. HISTORY OF GRANTHAM. BY L. D. DTJNBAK. CHAPTER I. The first charter for the town of Grantham was dated July 11, 1761, being the second town char- tered in what is now Sullivan County, Charles- town being the first. Owing to non-compliance with the terms of the charter, a second charter was granted in 1767. Upon petition to the General Court by Samuel Duncan, the name of the town was changed to New Grantham in 1788, which name it retained until 1818, when its original name was restored. The town, as originally laid out, was six miles square. About midway through the town, running northerly and southerly, was Croydon Mountain, making a natural division of the town into east and west parts, and upon the top of the mountain was the centre of the town. The boundaries of the town have been very much changed since that time, and the Grantham of to-day is very different geographically from the original Grantham, and much smaller in area, as well as in population. In 1836 a portion of territory lying in the north- east corner of the town was severed and joined to Enfield. In 1844 a portion lying in the south- west corner was taken off and annexed to Cornish, and in 1858, owing to the inconvenience of doing town business by reason of the mountain dividing the town, all that part lying west of the top of the mountain was set off to Plainfield. The following year a small territory lying between Grantham and Springfield, called the " Gore," which previously had been classed with Springfield for town busi- ness, was incorporated into Grantham, which helped in part to make up for the loss of territory we had sustained, and while not being an adequate 170 recompense in that respect, it made a pretty little town, containing an area less than two-thirds the original size of the town. The first settlement in Grantham was upon the west side of the mountain, in 1767. Among the first settlers were Ezra Buswell, Elijah Gleasoji, Abel Stevens, Francis Smith, esq., Ithamer Bart- lett, Job, Stephen and Caleb Colton, Jonathan Parkhurst, Jabez Bennett, Isaac Jenny, Ebenezer Burr, Rob't and Charles Scott, Samuel, John and Rob't Duncan, William Moulton, Ebenezer Steb- bins, Abner Johnson, Parker Carr, Joab V. Young, Willard Marcy, James Smith and William Hun- tington. These were all prominent and active in town and business affairs during their lifetime, and their descendants have been prominent and in- fluential citizens in this town and elsewhere, many of them being scattered into all parts of the country. Among the second generation from the first settlers and others who have been conspicuous among the inhabitants on the west side of the mountain, I will name Samuel Bean Cyrus Smith, Elias Smith, William C. Smith, Converse J. Smith, Joel Spaulding, Bryant and Asa Janney, Daniel G. Stickney, W. L. New- ton, John P. Chillis, Hiram L. Sleeper, Dan- iel L. and G. W. Smith, Orin T. and John Eaton, W. L. Martin and Nathaniel Wheeler William Johnson, Samuel Davis, Milton Buswell and Samuel C. Moulton. Ezra Buswell, who came to town in 1767, was town clerk, selectman and representative many years ; he had a family of nine children, and died at the age of eighty-eight His sons were all capable business men and filled places of public trust in the communities in which they resided. But two of them are now alive, — Oli- GRANTHAM. 171 ver B. and Hiram, the latter a resident of Warner, N. H. Oliver has always been a resident of Grant- ham, being now a venerable man of eighty-four years, hale and active. He has been respected and honored by his townsmen to a great degree ; has been town clerk for many years, selectman for four- teen years, a representative three years and Sena- tor two years. The settlement on the east side of the mountain ■was not made until a few years later than that on the west side. The first Settlement was made on Dunbar Hill, so-called from name of first settler, John Dunbar, who came with his family from Bridgewater, Mass., and at about the same time came Henry Howard. John Dunbar bought six hundred acres of land on this hill. In 1796 Ezekiel and Sylves- ter Dunbar and Isaac Newell came ; in 1797, Rich- ard Dodge ; in 1798, Daniel Stone ; in 1800, Abiel Howard, Uzziel Hay ward, Barzelin Hay ward came, all settling on or near Dunbar Hill. A few years later came Bradford Dunbar, Jonathan Nichols, * * John and Jesse Marsh and others. In 1793 Leavitt Hill was settled by Nathaniel Leavitt, who came from Exeter, N. H. He had eight sons and two daughters; all settled in the same neigh- borhood. Soon after Mr. Leavitt came, Samuel Alexander settled near him. Howe Hill was settled in 1813 by Ezekiel Howe. Among the early settlers on this side of the mountain were Francis Williams, Benjamin Clifibrd, Stephen Judkins, Daniel Britt, John and Joseph Sargent, Joseph Bean, David and Jonas Hastings, John Stocker, Richard Smith, Thomas Whipple, Deacon Joseph Goss, John Mel- lendy and Henry Eastman. Most of the early settlers lived to a good old age, as have their chil- dren. I will mention one instance of longevity among the early families. Abiel Howard had seven children, viz. : Inanthe, born February 25, 1799 ; Lewis, born December 4, 1802; Rachel, born May 29, 1805 ; Susan, born March 27, 1807 ; Abiel Howard, born October 16, 1810; Nathan Howard, born May 6, 1813 ; and Emma Howard, born April 8, 1815. They are all living at this date, the oldest being nearly eighty-seven and the youngest nearly seventy-one years. Rev. Lewis Howard, one of the number, being the oldest preacher in the New Hampshire Conference. Na- than Howard is a preacher in Iowa. Three of the above named are now living in Grantham. The Leavitt families were very large, and at one time there were nearly fifty of them who attended one school on Leavitt Hill. Seventeen of the Leav- itts were school-teachers, three were physicians, and one, William B., a professor of practical astronomy. He now resides in Grantham, and since the death of Dudley Leavitt, the originator of the " Leavitt Almanac," in 1858, he has made the calculations for this almanac, and has the copies all complete to 1897, and intends soon to have calculations completed to 1900. Nathaniel Leavitt died at the age of ninety- three years. Samuel Alexander had two sons — Ezekiel and Henry. Ezekiel died in 1881, aged eighty-eight years ; he was a soldier in the War of 1812. Henry Alexander is now living in town at the age of eighty -six years; Among the men most prominent in town in business afiairs, who have lived in Gtantham (and who are now dead), in addition to those above named, were Reuben Winter, Amasa and Adol- phus Hall, Deacon Seth Littlefield, Arden Hay- ward, Captain Nicholas Shaw, Colonel Francis Howard, Captain John Sargent, John N. Brown, David and John Frye, Carlton Barton, William Strocker, Captain Jonathan Brown, Henry How- ard and Edwin Sargent, and George Fowler, Eben Hayward, Oilman Colby, John Clark, Nathaniel L. Shedd, John Smith and George W. Bus- well. The first settlers of Grantham were an in- telligent, industrious and enterprising class of peo- ple, and they left many worthy descendants ; and the town has ever been noted for the sobriety and morality of its people. The first town-meeting ever held in Grantham was called upon the petition of ten of the inhabit- ants, and was held for the election of town officers, on the 12th day of March, 1776, at the house of Abel Stevens. The following were the officers elected : Abel Stevens, moderator ; Elijah Gleason, town clerk ; 172 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Abel Stephens, Ithamer Bartlett and Elijah Gleason, selectmen ; Job Colton, town treasurer ; Jonathan Parkhurst, constable ; Caleb Colton, tithingman ; Stephen Colton, hog-reeve. It appears that in its early infancy the town was called upon to furnish men for the Continental army, and a Committee of Safety was elected each year during the war. At a town-meeting held on the 7th day of December, 1776, the town voted a tax of five pounds to pay for military stores. At a town-meeting held on the 16th day of April, 1777, a call for men having been made, the town " Voted to give a bounty of fourteen pounds to each man the town had to furnish for three years, or during the war with Great Britain." Subsequently, on the 7th day of May, 1777, the above vote was " repealed" and instead, a vote was passed " to give every man yearly eight pounds for the two first years of service, and ten pounds two shillings for the third year." It appears that there was another call for men, for a town-meeting was called to be held at the house of Abel Spaulding, " early candle-lighting to-morrow evening, July 23, 1779." It was voted " to give six pounds to any man who ■will go into the service on the present call,'' and a committee was chosen to procure a man. Id the early history of the town money was scarce, and in 1778 the town voted to pay the selectmen for their services in produce ; and two. or three years later it was voted to raise fifty bushels of wheat to pay town expenses. In 1779, at a meeting held for the purpose, it was voted " to allow the west part of the town to join the east part of Plainfield to form a religious society, and that the highth of the ridge on the mountain in this town be the easterly line of said society. In 1779 a warrant was issued for the inhabit- ants to bring in their votes for Pel eg Sprague or Hon. Woodbury Langdon for member of Con- gress." There could not have been any third party men in those days. It appears that as early as 1779 there might have been " tax-dodgers," judging from a vote passed that year, by the town, " to put every man under oath when he brings in his list." In 1781 it was voted to " raise, victual and pay one man for one month, unless sooner discharged, for scouting on the frontier." It was voted to give ten silver dollars per month, or ten bushels of wheat, for the time the man remains in the service. In those days men got three shillings a day, " find themselves," and oxen one and sixpence, for work on roads, estimating corn at three shillings per bushel. The tax collector got four dollars a year for his services. In 1782 the town was divided, by vote of the town, into two classes, in order to raise the men for the Continental army, and a committee was chosen for the purpose — Abel Stevens, Elijah Gleason and Robert Scott. It appears that, in 1793, a requisition was made by the State upon this town for beef, and a com- mittee was chosen to procure it, — Robert Scott, Job Colton and Nathan Parkhurst. In 1793 the town was first divided into school districts, and twelve pounds was voted to maintain schools in the town. The first vote cast in Grantham for President of the colony of New Hampshire and for Senators was in 1784. The votes for President were: For Woodbury Langdon, twenty ; for George Atkin- son, one. In 1787 Samuel Duncan was chosen agent to go to the General Court, and a committee of three was chosen to give him instructions. From 1790 to 1804 this town was classed with Protectworth (afterward called Springfield) for the election of representative to the General Court, and the representative was taken, on alternate years, from each town. It appears that, after- ward, Grantham was classed with Cornish for the same purpose. A meeting was called to elect a representative for the two towns, and it was voted not to elect ; but, immediately thereafter, Cornish called a meeting and elected a representative, and afterward asked the town of Grantham for a share of the expense. Grantham refused to pay and appealed to the General Court for relief, and it was granted. GRANTHAM. 173 About the year 1800 a dispute arose between this town and the town of Croydon in relation to the boundary line between them, both towns claiming certain territory. After a long contro- versy, the selectmen of Grantham appealed to the General Court for a committee to establish the line. The petition was granted, but the committee failed to settle the dispute, and a second committee was appointed in 1807, who effected a settlement by dividing the territory in dispute, giving each town a part of it. The first public-house kept in town was on top of the mountain in 1802, and, as rum was an in- dispensable article in a hotel in those days, the selectmen gave the proprietor, John Quimby, a license " to sell spirituous liquors and to entertain travelers in a public manner, as the law directs." Soon after this a second house was opened, and, for several years, there were two public-houses on the mountain. After these houses were closed no hotel was kept in town until about 1860, when one was opened in the village, which was kept open until 1877, when it was burned down and has never been rebuilt. During the War of 1812 this town furnished its share of soldiers. It was voted by the town " to make up, to the detached militia, ten dollars per month, including what they receive from the government, to each private, from the time they are called into actual service, and the non-commissioned ofiicers are to receive as much from the town as the privates." The following-named persons, citizens of Grant- ham, served in the army during the War of 1812 : Henry Howard, Jr. , Josiah Leavitt (2d), Ezekiel Alexander, John Gage, Jason Trumbull, Thomas Smith. Isaac Drake and Allen Kidder, who soon afterward became citizens of the town, served at the same time. These are all dead. The widows of Allen Kidder and Ezekiel Alexander are yet alive and are residing in this town, each more than ninety years of age. At the time the old State militia of New Hampshire was in its glory, the town of Grantham took quite an active part in ■military affairs, having had two companies of fifty men each — the Rifle Company and the Light In- fantry Company. The Rifle Company was nicely uniformed and equipped; was well disciplined, and, under its first captain and organizer, Captain Francis Howard, who was a splendid officer, was considered the best military company in the old Thirty-first Regiment. Through the influence of Captain (afterward Colonel) Howard, the regimen- tal muster was held on Dunbar Hill one or two years. At that time — about 1828— and for many years thereafter, Dunbar Hill was the cntre of business in town, there being a store and black- smith-shop located there. Francis Howard was the store-keeper for many years. In those days all store goods were brought from Boston by horse- teams. Rum was sold in all the stores at that time The town had no railroad, but gave a thou- sand dollars to help build the Sugar River road, from which we are ten miles distant. The town of Grantham, during the late war, did her full share toward supporting the government, for she furnished more than her quota of men for the army. She furnished sixty -four men ; she paid liberal bounties, and, as a result, the town came out in debt about twenty-five thousand dollars, which has been gradually reduced until it is now ten thousand dollars. Below are the names of citizens of the town who enlisted into and served in the army : ' Stephen M. Thornton. Newton Clough. Jonathan Merrill. Daniel Clough.' Almon G. Lowell. Daniel C. Currier. Albert Eastman. John S. Gault. Beri Tobine.'^ Lyman P. Saunders. Benjamin F. Kinnerson. William H. H. Cowles. Samuel Currier. Lt. Lucius A. Buswell. Van Buren Woodbury.* Daniel Kennedy. Francis Howe.' Simeon E. Smith. Frederic H. Howe. David B Frye. Orlando W. Corliss. Albert B. Stocker. George H. Thornton.' Orrin A. Stocker. John G. Shedd.' Washington L. Howe. ; Roswell B. Walker. Nathan J. Hastings. 1 Several of these men re-enU.sted, so that they were counted twice in making our number sixty-four. 2 Died in service. 174 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. Charles H. Leavitt.^ Leonard F. Shaw. Wareham Miller.' Hubert Sleeper, M.D. Lt. Dudley J. Pillsbury.' Thomas B. Alexander. Thomas J. Morrill. Almon O. Leavitt, M.D. Horace Brown.' There was a Methodist Church in Grantham as early as the year 1800. Isaac Newell, Ezra Bus- well and Jacob Perkins were its stewards. The meetings were held in private houses or school- houses, and when these weuld not accommodate they were held in barns. In 1826 a meeting-house on Dunbar Hill, also one on the mountain, were completed and were dedicated. Rev. Giles Camp- bell preached the dedication sermon of the former, and Rev. J. W- Hardy that of the latter. Reuben Winter was the moving spirit in the building of the house on Dunbar Hill, and he was a liberal contributor to the support of preaching in the house for many years. The house upon the moun- tain was built near where the road to Meriden crosses the turnpike. Upon this turnpike in those days there was much travel, — six-horse stage- coaches, heavy teams, etc., — this being the main thoroughfare through town and on the direct route to Boston. There was a store and a hotel quite near, and a considerable population in the imme- diate vicinity. The house upon the mountain was occupied about twenty years, when the population had so changed as to make it necessary to move the church to North Grantham, which was done in 1855 and a neat and commodious house was built at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars The house on Dunbar Hill was occupied until 1860, when it was moved to the village, en- larged by the addition of a story underneath for a town hall. Previous to this the town had never had a town-house. This was made a very neat and pleasant church, remaining, as at the begin- ning, a union house. Rev. Paul S. Adams, of Newport, preached the dedication sermon and supplied the pulpit for sev- eral months. Elder J. W. Osborne, of the Chris- tian Church, East Grantham, supplied the desk for Died in service. sometime. Since 1866 the Methodist Society has occupied the house most of the time. There is a church edifice at East Grantham, built and oc- cupied by the Christian Baptists. This house was built about 1840, and meetings were regularly held in it many years, but of late it has not been used, except occasionally. The settled pastors over this church, were Rev. Mr. Palmer, Rev. J. W. Os- borne and Rev. Clark Symonds. Rev. John Young, of Sunapee, has supplied the desk for quite a share of the time when no minister has been set- tled over the church. I append herewith the names of the preachers and the date of their pastor- ate with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Gran- tham, — May May, May, May May, May, May, May May May May May, May May, May, May, May, May, May May, May May May, May, May, May, May, May, May May, May May , 1801, to May, , 1802, to May, , 1803, to May, , 1804, to May, , 1805, to May, , 1806, to May, , 1807, to May, , 1808, to May, , 1809, to May, , 1810, to May, , 1811, to May, , 1812, to May, , 1813, to May, , 1814, to May, ,1815, to May, , 1817, to May, , 1818, to May, , 1819, to May, , 1820, to May, , 1821, to May, , 1822, to May, , 1823, to May, , 1825, to May, , 1827, to May, , 1828. to May, ,1829 to May, , 1830, to May, , 1831, to May, , 1833, to May, , 1834, to May, , 1836, to May, , 1838, to May, , 1802, Rev. , 1803, Rev. , 1804, Rev. , 1806, Rev. , 1806, Rev. , 1807, Rev. , 1808, Rev. , 1809, Rev. , 1810, Rev. , 1811, Rev. , 1812, Rev. , 1813, Rev. , 1814, Rev. , 1815, Rev. , 1817, Rev. , 1818, Rev. , 1819, Rev. , 1820, Rev. , 1821, Rev. , 1822, Rev. , 1823, Rev. , 1825, Rev. , 1827, Rev. , 1828, Rev. , 1829, Rev. , 1830, Rev. , 1831, Rev. , 1833, Rev. , 1834, Rev. , 1836, Rev. , 1838, Rev. , 1841, Rev. Martin Rutter. Oliver Beal. John Broadhead. Elijah Willard. Hezekiah Field. Caleb Dustin. Warner Bannister. Caleb Dustin. Thomas Asbury. Philip Ayer. Charles Virgin. Harry Mowrey. Benjamin Shaw. Warren Bannister. Caleb Duptin. Erastus Otis. Jon. Paine. Orin Roberts. Joseph Kellum. Ezra Kellog. Hershel Foster. Joseph Kellum. Caleb Dustin. Benjamin Paine. J. Sylvester. G. Putnam. J. Hazeltine. N. Ladd. Amos Kidder. E. A. Rice. B. C Eastman. William J. Kidder. GRANTHAM. 175 May, 1841, to May, 1842, Rev. Jessie Boyden. May, 1842, to May, 1844, Eev. B. C. Eastman. May. 1844, to May, 1846, Rev. William Moran. May, 1846, to May, 1848, Rev. Abel Heath. May, 1848, to May, 1850, Eev. Daniel Lee. May, 1850, to May, 1852, Rev. Josiah Scarritt. June, 1852, to June, 1853, Rev. C. H. Lovejoy. June, 1853, to June, 1855, Rev. S. S. Dudley. June, 1855, to June, 1857, Rev. G. P. Warner. June, 1857, to June, 1859, Rev. O. W. Watkins. June, 1859, to May, 1860, Rev. L. H. Gordon. May, 1860, to April, 1865, Rev. Richard Newhall. May, 1865, to April, 1866, Rev. D. W. Barber. May, 1866, to April, 1868, Rev. Hugh Montgomery. May, 1868, to April, 1869, Rev. Silas Quimby. May, 1869, to April, 1872, Rev. B. P. Spaulding. May, 1872, to April, 1873, Rev. G. A. Tyrell. May, 1873, to April, 1875, Rev. Noble Fisk. May, 1875, to April, 1877, Rev. B. P. Spaulding. May, 1877, to April, 1879, Rev. G. S. Wentworth. May, 1879, to April, 1881, Rev. Thomas Winsor. May, 1881, to April, 1883, Rev. J. Wesley Bean. May, 1883, to April, 1885, Rev. G. H. Hardy. At the church at the village, — 1866 to 1868, Rev. Hugh Montgomery. 1868 to 1870, Rev. Silas Quimby. 1870 to 1872, Rev. W. H. Eastman. 1872 to 1873, Rev. G. A. Tyrell. 1873 to 1875, Rev. W. H. Eastman. 1875 to 1876, Rev. Noble Fisk. 1876 to 1878, Rev. W. W. LeSeur. 1878 to 1880, Rev. F. M. Pickles. 1880 to 1881, Rev. Thomas Winsor. 1881 to 1883, Rev. J. W. Bean. 1883 to 1885, Rev. G. H. Hardy. The follovping list contains the names of all the men who have represented the town in the General Court of New Hampshire : Samuel Duncan, 1787. Nathan Young, 1788. Samuel Duncan, 1789-92. Joab Young, 1794. R. Duncan, 1796-1800. Isaac Clement, 1804. EzraBuswell, 1805-6. James Smith, 1807-13, in- clusive. Ezra Buswell, 1814-15. James Smith, 1816. Ezra Buswell, 1817. James Smith, 1818. TJzziel Haywood, 1819. James Smith, 1820. Uzziel Haywood, 1821. Charles Gleason, 1822-23. Uzziel Haywood, 1824. James Smith, 1825. John Gove, 1826-27. Abiel Howard, 1828-29. Charles Gleason, 1830. John Gove, 1831. Amasa Hall, 1832. John Gove, 1833. Amasa Hall, 1834, '5, '6. Oliver B. Buswell, 1837- 38. Samuel Bean, 1839-40. Samuel C. Moulton, 1841 -42. William C. Smith, 1843- 44. Jonathan Brown, 1845- 46. Nicholas Shaw, 1847-48. ArdenHayward, 1849-50. Cyrus Smith, 1851-52. Reuben Winter, 1853. Jonathan Leavitt, 1854^ 55. George W. Smith, 1856. John Frye, 1858. John Leavitt, 1859. Adolphus Hall, 1860-61. William Stocker, 1862-63. Jos. P. Fowler, 1864-65. John Clarke, 1866-67. Wm.H.Eastman, 1868-69. Benj. F. Goss, 1870-71. Aaron L. Brown, 1872-73. Lorenzo D. Dunbar, 1874 -75. Edwin G. Eastman, 1876. Thos. B. Alexander, 1877. Joshua D. Hemphill, 1878 -79. Joseph Hastings, 1880. Albina H. Powers (bien- nial,) 1881-82. Rufus Hall, (biennial) 1883-84. William H. Miller, (bien- nial), 1885. John Leavitt, 1857. SENATORS. Samuel C. Moulton, 1845-46. Hon. Oliver B. Buswell, 1854-55. Hon. John P. Chellis, 1857-58. This town has furnished two State Senators, viz., Hon. Oliver B. Buswell and Hon. John P. Chellis, both now living ; and a former citizen of the town was at one time in the Minnesota Senate ; F. J. Stevens, now of South Framingham, Mass., is the gentleman. The town has furnished three county treasurers ; viz., Samuel C. Moulton Adolphus Hall and William C.Stroker; the last-named, however, at the time of his election was living in Sunapee. It has furnished also one high sheriif, John P. Chellis, while W. H. H. Cowles, who was a high sheriff of the county, had previously been a citizen of the town ; two county com- missioners, viz., Adolphus Hall and Horace F. Goss. The present solicitor of Rockingham County, Edwin G. Eastman, is a native of the town. The present register of deeds of Sullivan County is a native of Grantham. A. H. Powers, recently of the Board of Fish Commissioners of the State, is a citizen of the town. Leander F. Dodge 176 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. president of the Citizens' National Bank, of Newport, N. H., was born here and resided here until 1868. Almo O. Leavitt was a surgeon in the U. S. Navy during last war. Hubert Sleeper was a surgeon in the Sixteenth New Hampshire Regiment, and was taken prisoner. Only three of the natives of this town have adopted the law as a profession, viz., Hiram L. Sleeper, George Davis, and Edwin G. Eastman. Ten have chosen the medical profession. No physician ever settled in town until Dr. Sleeper came here about 1860. The people of the town being noted for their sobriety and law-abiding character, no lawyer ever deemed it wise to locate in the town until 1882, when one came but stayed only a few weeks, left, and has not been heard of in these parts since. But very little manufacturing of any kind has been done in town, for the reason that the water- power has never been developed, so as to make it accessible and permanent. There are many ponds in town, and with a comparatively small outlay of money, could be made a permanent water supply, sufficient for much business. There was at one time, and for many years, a tannery on the road from North Grantham to the mountain, occupied by the Clements and their successors. Later, about 1860, there was a hame manufactory at the village, owned by L. F. Dodge and W. H. H. Cowles; this afterwards went to Sunapee. Saw- mills have been very numerous, and immense quantities of lumber have been cut and drawn from town. Much of the soil of the town is good, but in parts rough and uneven. There is a very pretty little village, containing school-house, grist and saw-mill, two blacksmith-shops, three stores, beside a drug-store, church and town -house. Population of the town at different periods has been as follows : 1775, 74 ; 1790, 333 ; 1800, 713; 1810,864; 1820,1032; 1830, 1079; 1840,1036; 1850, 784 ; 1860, 649 ; 1870, 608; 1880, 540. Suicides ix Town. — Joseph Eastman, drowned himself in Eastman' Pond in 1812. The wife of Dvaid Stockwell committed suicide, 1817. March 13, 1865, Nathaniel Fisher cut his throat. Accidental Deaths in Town. — About the year 1791 two men by the name of Anderson were drowned in Anderson Pond, —so called after this occurrence. In 1809 a Mr. Miller was drowned in Miller Pond. In 1817 two sons (Bera and Jesse) of Jesse Marsh were drowned in the village mill-pond. In 1848 a son of Hollis Husey was drowned in the same pond. About the year 1860 a man by the name of Heath was killed by a log rolling upon him. In April, 1863, Eugene Brown, a son of Na- thaniel Brown, was killed by being thrown from a horse. October 22, 1867, Lieutenant Lucius A. Bus- well was fatally injured in a saw-mill in the town of Sunapee. In 1863 a son of Jonathan B. Hastings was fatally scalded. August 26, 1872, Wilmer Leavitt was drowned in Stocker Pond. January 19, 1874, Edwin Sargent, first select- man of the town at the time, was killed by being run over by a sled. April 13, 1874, James W. Nelson was found dead, having perished from cold while returning fi om the village the night before. October 15, 1874, Mrs. Lovina West was fatally injured by being thrown from a carriage. April 9, 1880, Lucy Green was found dead in bed. September 9, 1880, Sanborn Brown died in consequence of being thrown from a carriage. February 26, 1881, Joseph C. Burpee fell from a loft in his barn, and was fatally injured. April, 1882, Charles Wallace, son of William Wallace, was fatally scalded. October 15, 1884, George, son of George E. Hatch, was killed by the falling of a cart body upon him. GRANTHAM. Ill BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GOSS. Benjamiu T. Goss was born August 13, 1811, in that part of Springfield, N. H., now Grantham. The first known of the Goss family in America is that they were among the early settlers in the old Eye and Greenland colonies (so called). From there, as the tide of emigration set westward, their descendants emigrated from time to time until now the name, though not a common one, is found widely scattered throughout the States. Joseph Goss, the grandfather of Benjamin F., resided in Pittsfield, N. H., during the latter part of the last century. He was born April 5, 1758, and died in May, 1811. He twice married, — first, to Keziah Meades ; their children were William, Deborah, Betsey, Joseph, Robert, Molly, Lydia and Nathan. His second wife was Molly Towles ; their children were Miriam, Delia, Huldah, Hannah, Jonathan, David and Daniel. His will bears date 1809. Joseph Goss, Jr., the father of Benjamin F., was born in Pittsfield February 6, 1786. When he was a young man his father purchased a tract of land in Springfield, N. H., then comparatively a wilderness, and gave it to him. The deed to one hundred acres bears date 1803, and is from John Wendall, of Portsmouth, to John Goss, of Spring- field. He came from Pittsfield on horseback, with the usual equipment of a frontiersman— trap, gun, kettle, etc. — strapped on behind him. He was then about nineteen years of age ; he used to spend the summer months in Springfield clearing land and preparing a home for himself, and in winter return to his father's house, in Pittsfield. September 10, 1810, he married Mary Judkins, and from that time made his permanent home in Springfield. He was a fair representative of the pioneer yeomanry of the land, hardy, energetic, courageous and hopeful, and was, for those days, a successful man, and died possessed of a considera- ble property. In addition to his farming, he followed coopering, at which he did a good deal during the latter years of his life. In politics he was a Democrat until the organi- zation of the Republican party, when he became a Republican and so continued till his death. Being an uneducated man, he never sought office, although he was at one time selectman of his town, and held at other times various minor ofiices. He was for more than thirty years deacon of the Christian Church, and was a man much respected in the town. His children were Benjamin F. (subject of illus- tration) ; Joseph H., born May 21, 1819 ; Lewis H., born April 2, 1827. Mrs. Goss died January 11, 1832 ; he died November 21, 1866. Benjamin F. Goss was brought up on the farm and also worked at coopering with his father. He learned carpentering and joining, and when about twenty-four years old spent one year in Charles- town, Mass., working at brick-making. This occu- pation, however, did not prove congenial to his tastes, and he returned to his native town, pur- chased a tract of land adjoining his father's farm, on which he erected a saw-mill, and later on a residence. This was in 1838. In 1841 he sold the mill, and turned his attention to farming in the summer and coopering in the winter months, and in the mean time did something at lumbering. Mr. Goss has done more or less at coopering, and quite an extensive business at farming to the present time. About April, 1849, he exchanged farms with his father, and Benjamin F. built a large barn at the old homestead, and conducted the farm about five years, when the old gentleman sold the farm to his son Harrison, and Benjamin F. returned to his own place, his father removing to an adjoining farm which he had previously pur- chased. In March, 1864, Mr. Goss sold his home place, and moved to "Ryder's Corner," Croydon, where he resided two years ; he then purchased a farm in Grantham, on which he lived till his father's death, which occurred soon after. He then purchased the interests of the other heirs to the place on which his father died, removed there and has since made this his home. Mr. Goss was selectman of the town three years, and collector one year, when the territory now 178 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSEHRE. comprising Grantham was a part of Springfield. He was one of the first Board of Selectmen when the new town of Grantham was organized, and the following year was chosen chairman of the board. He then moved out of town. Upon his return to Grantham he was made selectman in 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872 and 1873, and was also town treasurer all these years. He then positively re- fused a re-election, and has since devoted himself exclusively to his private business. Prior to this, however, he twice represented the town in the State Legislature (1870-71), and was justice of the peace four years. He was executor of the wills of both his father and mother. He is a Republican in politics, and an attendant of the Christian Church. He has been an indus- trious and enterprising, and, where his judgment approved, a liberal man, helping forward every- thing which he deemed calculated to advance the interests or elevate the morals of the community. He married, March 4, 1831, Eliza, daughter of Zaccheus and Judith Pettengill, of Enfield. Her father died when she was but four years old, and Mrs. Goss spent most of her childhood and youth amongst strangers. "When Mr. Pettengill died, the widow was left with six children to care for, the eldest a girl of twelve years, the youngest an infant of six months ; the latter she kept with her, but for the rest she was compelled to find homes among strangers. She was a Sanborn before marriage, and a native of Deerfield, N. H. Mrs. Goss is a sprightly, cheerful and intelligent lady, and remarkably well preserved for one of her age. She was born October 26, 1807. They have had but two children — Horace F., born March 24, 1832, and Mary J., born October 22, 1838. She married David E. Ryder, of Croydon ; they have one child, a daughter, Meora E., born July 15, 1865. Horace F. married Almira J., daughter of Thomas and Fanny East man, of Springfield, May 15, 1858. They have three children— Fannie E., Mary E. and Adelbert W. ; the latter is now (1885) in a store in Chicago. Fannie E., the oldest daughter married Kirk D. Smith, of Grantham. Horace has twice represented the town of Springfield in the Legislature ; has been president of the Board of Selectmen several years, and county commissioner ten years. He was educated at Kimball Union Academy, at Meriden. His sister attended Union Academy, at Meriden, Proctor's Academy, at Andover, and Colby Academy, at New London. Both brother and sister have taught school several terms. Horace F. spent several years of his life in Springfield, but now resides in the village of Grantham. He has been very successful in business, and is an influential, useful and respected citizen. EUrUS HALL. The emigrant ancestor of Rufus Hall was Edward Hall (1), who was in America as early ,as 1636, at Duxborough, Mass. After residing at several places in Eastern Massachusetts, he finally settled at Rehoboth, Mass., in 1655, where he was number forty-one out of forty-nine persons who drew lots for meadow lands in the north part of the town. His wife was named Esther or Hester. They had eight children, of whom Benjamin (2) was the youngest. He was born in Rehoboth August 7, 1 668; married Sarah Fisher, of Wrent- ham, by whom he had eight children. He died in Wrentham August 26, 1726. His third child was Edward (3), born March 1698 ; he married, February 7, 1721, Hannah, daughter of Eleazer Fisher, of Wrentham. He was a sergeant, ensign and lieutenant, commissioned by the crown, and was in the colonial service. He removed to Ux- bridge, 1740, where he purchased two hundred acres of land for two thousand pounds. He died between November, 1764 and 1765. Of his seven children, Edward (4) was second, bom July 18, 1727, in Wrentham; married, 1748, Lydia, daughter of John and Sarah (Taft) Brown. They had a family of ten children, all of whom were born in Uxbridge. Four of his sons served in the Continental army. He, himself, was a Royalist from principle, was commissioned by the crown, and was a lieutenant in the colonial service. aRANTHAM. 179 About, or shortly prior to 1774 he removed to Croydon, N. H., with his ten children and a niece, Elizabeth Hall. Here he was frequently chosen to town offices, being constable, collector, moderator, and, in 1784,1785 and 1786, selectman of the town. He died in Croydon December 28, 1807, aged nearly eighty. Abijah (5) was the third child of Edward Hall, and was born June 7, 1754, and met death by drowning August 19, 1812. He married, first, about 1780, Sarah Read (or Reed) ; she died 1791. He married, second, August 12, 1792, Mary Read, of Northbridge, who survived him. He had the numerous family of seventeen children. He held the rank of captain, and was constable, collector, selectman, etc., of his town. Amasa (6), the sixth child, was born February, 1789 ; married, February 26, 1811, Rebecca L. Melendy. They had but three children — Adolphus, Rufus and Sally Read. Captain Amasa Hall was one of the most prominent men of his town. He served in the War of 1812-15 ; represented Croydon in the Legislature in 1824 and 1825 ; removed to Grantham, N. H., in 1829, where he served as se- lectman eight years ; represented Grantham in the General Court in 1832, '34, '35, '36, and was road commissioner for Sullivan County in 1841, and was a director of the First National Bank of Newport from its organization to the time of his death. As a business man he was very pushing and energetic and was more than ordi- narily successful for those times. He farmed quite extensively, traded in cattle, loaned money, and in various ways added to his possessions, and at his death left a large property. He died in Grant • hain August 22, 1869; Adolphus Hall (7) was born in Croydon, N.H., December 7, 1811. He removed to Grantham with his father in 1829, where he married, June 1, 1836, Sally Leavitt. Like his father, he was a successful and enterprising business man and a leader in all the public aifairs of the town. He was selectman of Grantham from 1859 to 1862, and I'epresented the town in the critical period of 1860 and 1861, when the tocsin of war had sounded and each State gathered together her wisest men for council. He was treasurer of Sul- livan County in 1865 and 1866, and was county commissioner and selectman of his town for the three years preceding his death, and was an in- cumbent of both offices at the time of his decease, October 12, 1876. He was a farmer, trader and lumber-dealer, and, for two years prior to his death, owned, in partnership with his son, and operated a saw and grist-mill in the village of Grantham. He had but two children, — Rufus and Elvira. He was a stanch Republican in politics, and an earnest, aggressive, active 'man in whatever he undertook. Rufus Hall (8) was born in Grantham, N. H., March 18, 1844. His boyhood and youth were spent in the employments usual to the sons of well- to-do and industrious New England farmers, and, as his father was also a merchant in a country village, remote from railroad facilities, considera- ble teaming was necessary to transport the goods to the store, and the country produce that was taken in exchange had to be conveyed to the rail- road. Rufus did much of this teaming, and, at intervals, was employed behind the counter in his father's store. In these various ways his time was employed until his majority, when he purch?sed his father's interest in the store, and, in company with Lorenzo Dunbar, who had purchased the in- terest of the other partner, — Mr. Dodge, — he began merchandising. This partnership continued about six years, when he sold his interest in the store to Mr. Dunbar, and for the four succeeding years de- voted himself exclusively to farming. All the time he had been conducting the store he had also been interested in the farm. In 1874 he, in company with his father, came into possession of a saw and grist-mill in Grantham, and they together operated this till his father's death, two years later. They were engaged quite extensively in milling and lumbering. Upon his father's decease he sold the mill and returned to farming. In 1882 he, in company with Chester Walker, purchased the store of G. W. Dunbar in Croydon, and very soon after purchased Walker's 180 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. interest, and. from that time to the present has con- ducted the business alone. His residence is still in Grantham, while his place of business is Croydon. Mr. Hall has held and faithfully discharged the duties of many positions of office and trust in his town. He was elected town clerk of Grantham in 1869, and, with an interim of two or three years, has held the position continuously since. In 1882 he represented Grantham in the State Legislature. He holds a directorship in the First National Bank of Newport, of which his grand- father was so long a valued officer. In politics he has not deserted the faith of his fathers, but is an ardentRepublican. He married, January 12, 1868, Francina D. Smith of Springfield. They have four children, — Leon A., born June 4, 1869; Villa E., born August 17, 1874 ; Earl E., born May 10, 1876; and Ralph A., born August 22, 1879. HISTORY OF LANGDON. CHAPTER I. The town of Langdon lies in the southwestern part of Sullivan County, and is bounded as follows : North, by Charlestown ; east, by Alstead and Ac- worth ; south, by Walpole and Alstead ; west, by Charlestown. The town was formed from territory taken from the towns of Charlestown and AValpole, and incor- porated January 11, 1787. It was named in honor of Hon. John Langdon, at that time Speaker of the House of Representatives. Settlements were made on territory now in this town by Seth "Walker in 1773, and by Nathaniel Rice and Jonathan Willard the year following. Rev. Abner Kneeland, who was ordained over a Universalist Church here in 1805, was one of the leading men in that denomination in New Eng- land for some years, and published a periodical de- voted to his peculiar tenets, called the Boston Investigator. In 1795 the town might have been extended to Connecticut River, but it refused, by vote, to accept the proffered addition. The following is a petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1879 : "State of New Hampshire May 27'" 1789— "To the Hon"" Senate and house of Representatives Conveined at Concord June 4'" 1789 " The petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Langdon Humbly Sheweth "That your petitioners are few in number and inhabit a new Town or District of land a con- siderable part of which Is owned by nonresident proprietors and that they are not able to make the necessary public Eoads and Bridges and in particularly a Bridge over Cold River so called which is very Rapid and in the Spring and Fall at high water is not passable and the Expence of build the Bridge and making said roads exceeds the ability of your petitioners They therefore most Humbly pray your Honors to Impower them to Leavy a Tax of one penny on each acre of the non resident proprietors Land in said town for the purposes aforesaid or grant your petitioners such other Relief as you in your Wisdom shall think Propper and your Petitioners as in Duty Bound Shall ever pray — "John Peouty ") Select Men for and in be- " Ezra Read V half of the Inhabitants " Jeremiah Howard J of the Town of Langdon "Langdon May 27'" 1789 "The Committee on the within petition Report a Tax of one penny be laid on each Acre of L^nd in said Town for one Year & they have leave to bring in a Bill accordingly " Nat Rogers for the Com " In House of Representatives, June 11, 1789, the report was adopted. Senate concurred. Petition for Special^ Tax to build a Meeting- House, 1793. " To the Honourable General Court of the State of New Hampshire to be holdec at Concord on first Wednesday of June Next — "The petition of the Select men of Langdon Humbly Sheweth — that whereas the Inhabitants of said town are aboute to Build a meeting House for the better Conveannance of meeting for publick worship &c as soon as thay think them Selves in a Sittuation to accomplish it and Considering that there is in said town Considerable Land of Non-residents which by building said meeting house will be likely to be more Value- 181 182 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. able, these are therefore to pray your Hounours to Grant Liberty for said town to Tax said Lands two pence on Each acre which money to be laid out toward said building whenever said town shall see fit to build said house or otherways Do as your Honours in your wisdom think best and your Petitioners as in Duty bound will Ever Pray "James Egerton \ Select men "Sam' Peouty V of "John Pbentiss J Langdon "Langdon May 27 1793" Vote of Town relative to extending its North Line, 1795. "At a Legal Town meetin in Langdon the third Day of march 1795 the following Vote was taken for extending Langdon North Line to the River Connecticut thare appeared to be thirty three Votes for extending said Line to said River and thirty against Extending said Line to said River at A Legal town meeting in Langdon May 11'" 1795, Called at the Requst of a Number of Free Holders to know the mind of the Town if thay Will have Langdon North Line Extend to the River Connecticut acording to the Vote Re- corded at our Last annual meeting or Not — thare appeared to be thirty seven Votes Not to Extendr ing said Line to s* River and twenty three Votes for extending said Line to said River "A Trew Coppey Record "attest — James Egerton Town Clark "Langdon May 13* 1795" The town of Charlestown had given its consent to the annexation of that portion of its territory lying between Langdon and Oonnecticut Kiver to the latter town, and the inhabitants residing there- on petitioned as follows to be thus annexed. Had this project succeeded, both towns would have been more symmetrical, and Langdon would have had a river front and a railroad within its borders. Petition in favor of Annexing Part of Charlestmm to Langdon. "To the Honorable the General Court of the State of New Hampshire to meet at Hanover the first Wednesday of June next — "We the Inhabitants of that part of the Town of Charlestown which lies between the west Line of the Town of Langdon and Connecticut River, Humbly Shew, that the Town of Charlestown, and the Town of Langdon having voted that the north Line of Langdon be extended to Connecticut River, your Petitioners Therefore Humbly pray that said north Line of Langdon may be extended westwardly to said river, and that all the Lands and Inhabitants of that part of Charlestown which lies west of Langdon west Line may be annexed to the Town of Langdon, and your peti- tioners as in duty bound shall ever pray "Charlestown May 27'" 1795. "Peter Bellows Jr— Rufus Guild Asahel Hunt W" Drown Asahel C. Porter Samuel Guild M. W. Hastings Samuel Bellows Elisha Putnam John Hodgkin" Peter Bellows But Langdon subsequently voted against the annexation, and the project failed. Congregational Church. — This church was organized in 1792 in a room in a grist-mill owned by Obediah Kingsbury, a short distance northward of the middle of the town. Among the early min- istei-s were Revs. Lazel, Hartwell, Spaulding and Taft. April 20, 1803, the town voted "to raise one hundred dollars for preaching, and that one-half be laid out for the Congregational order and the other half for the Universalist order." October 30, 1805, Rev. Abner Kneeland was set^ tied as pastor, and remained until 1811. In 1810 he was chosen representative to the General Court. The last money voted by the town for preaching was in 1819— one hundred and fifty dollars. In 1820 Rev. Ezekiel Rich was here as mission- ary, and the church was reorganized. From 1820 to the fall of 1834 there was no preaching. In 1834 Mr. Nelson Barbour, a student at Andover Theological Seminary, preached here; in 1835, Rev. S. Rogers. In this year a Union Church was formed with residents of Paper-Mill village and Drewsville, called the Union Congregational Church, and in 1838 services were held alternately at each of these two places. In 1839 Rev. John LANGDON 183 Wood came here as pastor. A writer in the work entitled " New Hampshire Churches," published in 1856, thus refers to Laogdon in 1839, — " The Sabbath was desecrated by hunting, fishing, and riding ; rum drinking general ; the only store- keeper in the town stated in a public meeting that for twelve years he had sold but a little short of one thousand dollars' worth of ardent spirits each year, and though some that he sold was carried out of town, yet he did not doubt but that enough had been brought into the town, to more than counterbalance what had been carried out, and this in a town of less than 700 inhabitants. The store was open on the Sabbath, and the minister, as he stood in the pulpit in the old meeting-house, could see carried away from there, jugs, scythes, codfish and other articles of mer- chandise. This view, together with the shouting of the boys and young men as they entered the galleries of the old church and seated themselves with their hats on, with Abner Kneeland's paper as an- instru- ment and disturbance, their often distorted faces and loud whisperings of approbation or disapproba- tion of the truths he (Rev. John Wood) uttered, led him to feel that he had not exactly found the valley of the prophet Ezekiel's vision, but the land of stern- est missionary necessities. A neighboring minister exchanged with him one Sabbath and was greatly annoyed by the improper conduct of the young people, and upon meeting Mr. Wood on the following morn- ing said, ' How is it possible that you stay in Lang- don ? I would not stay there for one thousand dollars a year.' This same writer states that on the following Sabbath, just as Mr. Wood was speaking his text, a young man came and rapped very hard with his fist upon the front-door, opened it, made a low bow, and sauntered to a seal, evidently expecting to witness a general smile." In 1839 the meetings of this church were held in Langdon, and February 11, 1840, the name was changed to the " First Evangelical Congrega- tional Church of Ch;-ist in Langdon." The first house of worship was dedicated Octo- ber 29, 1842. Eev. Mr. Wood remained until Jan- uary, 1819. Other clergymen have been Eevs. N. Barbour, Edwin Jennison, S. K. Arms. Rev. C. Taylor closed his labors with February, 1856. Rev. E. Jennison, March 12, 1856, to March 8, 1857. For the greater part of the year 1857 the pulpit was supplied by Rev. S. R. Arms, of Springfield, Vt. Rev. J. L. Arms, from March 11, 1858, to Ist of November, 1869. Andrew Jaquith then supplied and was ordained April 25, 1860, and preached here until August 27, 1864, when death removed him. Six Sabbaths were then supplied by as many different ministers, when Rev. Mr. Field preached three months. Rev. Job Cushman three months. Rev. Mr. Fisk, of Fisherville, N. H., two Sabbaths, when Rev. Moses Gerould became pastor, moving here No- vember 23, 1865, and preached until April 25 , 1869. July, August, September of 1869 a student from Andover Seminary, a Mr. Sprowls preached. In November, 1869 Clem A. Wilson, a Baptist, commenced and preached sixteen Sundays. William H. Cobb, a student of Princeton, (N. J.) Theological Seminary, held services for sixteen weeks, commencing the second Sabbath in May, 1870. Seth Hinkley, of the Christian denomination, then followed from May, 1871, to November, 1872. Rev. George F. Chapin commenced April 1, 1873, and continued until April 1, 1884. In the summer of 1884, Prof. Solon Albee held services from the middle of May until July, when J. M. Bufiiim was employed and held services until December. No services were held until May, 1885, when Rev. G. H. French commenced his labors and still continues. Langdon and Alstead Univeesalist So- cieties.^ — Perhaps we can in no better way com- mence this brief article than by quoting a few ex- tracts from an early history on Universalism. After speaking of Thomas Fessenden, who was pastor at Walpole from 1767 to 1813, as being a Universalist — though over the orthodox society — the historian says : "Rev. Jacob Mann, ordained and settled at Alstead in 1782, was dismissed May, 1789, in consequence of his erroneous and unsettled sentiments, he having embraced Univer- salism." " His successor, Samuel Mead, ordained and settled in 1791, was dismissed, in 1797, on ' By M. Addie Morse. 184 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. account of his unsettled doctrinal views, he having become a Universalist, publishing in 1796, a pam- phlet entitled, ' A faithful hint on the final reduc- tion and restoration of sinners.' " We find this reference to Langdon : " Rev. Mr. Taft also became a Universalist." These items indicate the beginnings of the Uni- versalist sentiment in these towns which ended in the organized societies. By consulting the only record that we have been able to secure, we find that as early as March 14, 1791, the first public meeting relative to a belief in Universalism was called at the house of Seth Walker, in Langdon, where a constitution was framed and adopted by thirty-four heads of families. Among the articles recorded at this meeting we read: "Agreed, if any one of our society should be oppressed or obliged to defend himself by law, on account of his religious senti- ments, that we will each one of us bear a part according to his ability." From this time forth meetings were held, many baptized, and the Lord's Supper observed. Among the ministers that from time to time labored with them we find Rev. Thomas Fessenden, Revs. Samuel Mead and Abner Keeland. The latter was ordained as the first pastor of the Langdon Church and society, December 10, 1805, remaining until September 22, 1810, at which time he preached his farewell sermon. Rev. Robert Bartlett was next settled over the society, remaining many years, preaching also one- third of the time at Alstead. March 5, 1821 the Langdon society, through a committee, agreed to receive the Alstead society as brethren in the faith, although it was not until October, 1839, that a constitution was adopted uniting the two societies, and since known as the Union Universalist Society of Langdon and Al- stead. In 1828 we find Rev. William Skinner settled here. After him. Rev. Mr. Randolph, who first resided in Langdon, and afterward at Alstead, severing his connection with the church in 1843. In September, 1844, the new church edifice at Alstead was dedicated. Rev. Joseph Barber being selected as pastor, preaching one-quarter part of the time in Langdon, which custom has con- tinued until the present time. Father Barber, as he is now reverently styled throughout the denomination, labored with this society for eleven years, and the old and the middle-aged here testify to the good accomplished by him during his pastorate. He resigned in 1853. At this time the society was the largest Universalist denomination, with one exception, in the State. Perhaps it will not be ami-s to say here, that in 1877, Father Barker, having closed his labors as a pastor, at the ripe age of seventy- six, returned to make Alstead his home. Here he lived for the remaining five years of life, beloved and respected by all parties and all denominations, and here he calmly and peacefully sank to his final sleep, and here his body was lain, among the people he loved and by whom he was admired. In 1857 Rev. Edwin Davis was settled. After him Rev. Judson Fisher, who remained five years, closing his pastorate in 1866. Rev. O. D. Miller next labored a number of months. Then Rev. Ephraim A. Read came one year. Then came Rev. Mr. Crosley for one year. Then Rev. Mr. Jenks, who remained three years. Later, Rev. L. F. Fortney, who reorganized the church, it having, from various causes, become weakened and separated, and he sought and did much to strengthen the society, and make the weak places strong. After some three years with this people he sought another field, and Rev. S. H. McCollester, D.D., who was the settled pastor at Bellows Falls, Vt., came here every Sabbath after- noon, and wa5 to all intents and purposes as much the pastor here as at his own particular parish. When his labors closed at Bellows Falls, and his place was filled by Rev. J. N. Emery, the same plan has been observed. Mr. Emery, though settled at the above-named village, speaks each Sabbath afternoon for this society, and at present the people are very harmonious and united. The society is becoming strong, and the church gain- ing new members ; the good work of universal salvation is going bravely and faithfully onward. HISTORY OF LEMPSTER. BY HELEN BINGHAM. CHAPTER I. The township of Lempster, originally six miles square, has an irregular surface, diversified with hills, valleys and mountains, afibrding, at different points, very fine and extensive views ; on a clear day, Mount Washington may be seen from an elevation on the estate of D. B. "Wheeler, Esq., a short distance east of the village. From whence the town received its name we are not informed, either by history or tradition, but, as the ancestors of the early settlers came from England, we may infer it had an English origin. From the State records we learn that the town- ship was granted January 1, 1753, to Samuel Clark Paine and others, under the name of Dupplin. No settlement was attempted or ex- pected under this grant, but, October 8, 1761, a re-grant of the territory was made to Benadum Gallup and others. The conditions of this grant "not being fulfilled in the matter of settlements, another was made, January 5, 1767, to Dudley Woodbridge and others, in sixty-seven equal shares; and tradition hath it that General Spencer, to whom this territory had been awarded for some military achievement, sent a young colored man named Tattan from East Haddam, Conn.*, as a pioneer to explore the then wilderness, with permission to settle if he pleased. This energetic son of Africa made his way by a line of marked trees, and, arriving near the banks of Cold River just at nightfall, weary and foot- sore, encamped with his dog and gun. When the rays 'of the morning sun lighted up the forests and hills, the place pleased him, and he commenced at once to erect a rude cabin, returning shortly for his wife ; his glowing accounts of the new El Dorado induced the immigration of other families, both from East Haddam and Windham, Conn. ; among the earliest was Deacon Elijah Bingham and Jabez Beckwith (first colonel appointed in the county). The apple-trees gnarled, and hoary with age, are still standing, the seeds of which young Tattan brought from his home, and Tattan's spring still quenches the thirst of man and beast as they pass along the highway. In 1772 there were eight families in town, and, two years later, they held their first town-meeting at the house of Elijah Frink, innholder, called by order of Benjamin Giles, justice of the peace. The legal voters were John Perkins, William Story, Timothy Nichols, Major Linkham, Silas Bingham, Elijah Bingham, Allen Willey, Elijah Frink, William Markham, William Carey and Jabez Beckwith. The first settlers were remark- able for their mental as well as muscular develop- ment, and for their independence of thought and action, as we see in their decided rejection of the plan of government of the State, which was re- ceived August 12, 1779. Why rejected, history does not tell. Their early homes were rudely biiilt of logs, the sunshine of hope gilding the otherwise dark interiors, glass windows being a too expensive luxury. Tradition informs us that the young bride of Captain Timothy Miner, possessed of much mechanical skill, whittled from soft, straight pine (of which there was an abundance in those days) some window-sashes, tying them with stout linen thread, and then substituting oiled paper for 185 186 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. glass, a pin-hole aiFording glimpses of the outer world ! In time, these primitive homes were sup- plemented by substantial framed dwellings; the earliest, being built by Colonel Jabez Beckwith in 1780, is still standing, with its gambrel roof and picturesque dormer-windows, although the six Lombardy poplars which graced its front have long since passed away. James, the son of Deacon Elijah Bingham, erected the most expensive house in town, having expended one thousand dollars on the foundation when it was ready for the frame. This old mansion is still standing, reminding one of the homes of the old English esquires, with its square roof, wide halls, spacious rooms and lofty ceilings ; here in the early days was heard the hum and buzz of wheels, and click-clack of loom, for the wool and flax raised on the large farm was manu- factured in the home. And not only was this music heard, but the family, possessing great musical talent, were in themselves both orchestra and choir, rendering with ease the works of Handel, Haydn and Mozart, piano, violin and flute being skillfully played. The settlement, in its infancy, sufl^ered from the incursion of wolves ; they made the nights hideous with their howls, often having severe battles, the morning light revealing the killed and wounded. A certain locality is still known as " Wolf Swamp." In 1778 the following vote was passed by the town : " Voted, that if any person , that belongs to the town, shall, by trapping, or any other way, Shall kill a grown wolfe in the town, or shall take a wolfe track in the town and follow him till he kill him, shall be en- titled to thirty Dollars for every such wolf he killed; to be paid out of the town Treasury." Until about 1782 the town joined with Acworth and Marlow in sending a representative to the General Court. During this time the following petition for a civil officer was sent to the Honor- able Council : " As their is a Veakency in Lancaster for a Justice of the Peace, I, as a Representative for that Town, have taken Sum pains to Inquire who is the fittest person for that Office, and the people Differ sum in sentiment. " But wm. Gary and mr. Elijah flrink is held up to vew as proper persons, Either of them, for that office. Leaving it to your Honours to apint One of them, as you in your wisdom think fit. "Concord, february 17th, 1785. "Daniel geout." From the early records we judge that Elijah Frink received the appointment, and, together with Colonel Jabez Beckwith, Elijah Bingham and Oliver Booth, were the prominent business men of the settlement. The second New Hampshire turnpike from Windsor, Vt., to Amherst, incorporated December 26, 1799, passing directly through the site chosen for the village, at once brought thrift and activity to the place, as it was the main thoroughfare to Boston for farmers and merchants from the northern portions of Vermont and New Hamp- shire. It was nothing uncommon to see thirty and forty teams in line, many having four and six horses This aflbrded ample custom to the three innkeepers of the village, besides, en route to Washington, one inn at the foot of Lempster Mountain and the other at the summit. In 1791 portions of Lempster, Newport, Unity and Sunapee were incorporated into a town by the name of Goshen, but not without much oppo- sition from the citizens of Lempster, on account of the extra tax on those who remained to support Rev. Mr. Fisher, and it was not agreed to until the persons living in the said northeast comer promised to continue their tax as formerly, and Mr. Fisher was to preach there a certain portion of the time. The following Continental soldiers were fur- nished by the town : Abner Bingham, Asahel Roundy, William Tattan, Matthew Grear and Bethuel Beckwith. Tradition informs us that one Niles Beckwith was at the battle of Bunker Hill, and carried the gallant Warren from the field; In amusing contrast to this was the con- duct of one Peter Lowell, who was also there, but LEMPSTER. 187 who, at the first booming of cannon, turned and fled,— never stopping till he reached his home, ninety miles awaj^ ! The following persons enlisted in the War of 1812, under the leadership of Lieutenant "William Gary (then a youth of nineteen), and were sta- tioned at Portsmouth: Daniel Eogers, Jeremiah Parker, Leonard Way, Jerome Strickland, Luther Eeed, Silas Chamberlain, Benjamin Chamberlain, Charles V. Ames, Timothy Scott, George Way, Willard Rogers, John Wheeler, Anson Wheeler. Afterward Captain William Gary was made major-general of the Third Division of New Hampshire Militia, for which position he seemed well-fitted by nature, — a massive frame, well-pro- portioned and of commanding presence. The attack upon Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, aroused all the cultivated and inherited patriot- ism of Lempster's sons, and there were early en- listments. The town voted a bounty of one hundred dollars to each volunteer, and three hundred dollars to each drafted man. Many meetings of the citizens were held, testifying of their interest in the welfare of the country. Nor were the wives and mothers less interested, organ- izing quite soon a Soldiers' Aid Society, in which were gathered from chest and closet the treasures of linen, spun and woven by the dear old grand- mothers; and many a box of bandages and dain- ties found its way to hospital and camp. A neat granite monument, erected by the town, commem- orates the memory of the fallen heroes. Quite early in the settlement, November 13, 1781, the First Congregational Church was organ- ized by the following members : Elijah Bingham, Thomas Scovell, Nathan Sewell, William Cary, Samuel Nichols, Shubael Hurd and Samuel Roundy. It is a matter of regret that the church records were lost when the old parsonage was burned in 1844. In March, 1779, the citizens agreed to unite with Acworth in hiring a minister, and to meet for Sabbath worship at the dwelling of Elisha Beckwith; also agreed to raise one hundred pounds of money on the ratable estate and polls " Dea. Elisah Bingham " uzzel hued " Cap' James Rogers " Cap' Jabez Beckwith of the inhabitants. At this meeting three choris- ters were chosen, — Timothy Nichols, James Bing- ham and Joseph Wood, Jr. June 5, 1787, the following call was given to Rev. Mr. Fisher : " Voted to give the Eev. Ellas Fisher a call to settle in this towa as a Gospel Minister. To give the Rev. Mr. Fisher thirty pounds in addition to the Minis- terial right of Land— the one half to be paid in Sep' 1788 the other half to be paid in Sep' 1789 to be paid in Labour and Materials for building—As IncoUrage- ment for settlement. And forty pounds the first year as Sallery, and rise Annually with the List Until it Amounts to Seventy pounds with the addition of Cut- ting and Drawing his fire Wood to the door Annually, his Sallery to be paid in Wheat at Six Shillings, Rye at four Shillings pr. Bushel, flax at Eight pence pri pound, Sheeps Wool at two Shillings pr. pound and any other kind of produce in like proportion. Chosen a Commit- tee to transmit a Coppyof the abo ve proceedings to the Sd. Mr. Fisher, and to ti'eat with him in conse- quence of the same " Oliver Booth, Moderator. " A true copy, attest, "James BinghAm, Town Clerk." Rev. Elias Fisher was ordained pastor over the First Congregational Church, September 26, 1787, and held this relationship till his death, March 22, 1831. In 1828 Charles M. Brown was in- stalled as colleague, and to meet the increased ex- pense the members of the church were assessed seventy-five per cent. At the time of Mr. Fisher's ordination there was no church edifice, and the services were held at the north end of the village, in front of the residence of Mr. Oliver Booth (now owned by John O'Brien), a platform being erected for the ministers and choir. Two choristers aspired to the honor of wielding the baton on that memorable occasion, the matter being decided by one of the authorities of the day. Those who knew Mr. Fisher in those early days describe him as having a petite figure, set ofi" to fine 138 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. advantage by his style of dress. Short breeches, long silk stockings, shoe and knee-buckles, and in later years, when hair grew thin, the now fashion- able black silk cap adorned his head. He had a fund of humor, and was quick at repartee. At times he was quite absent-minded and the old par- sonage floor had a well-defined path worn in its surface, where he used to pace back and forth, talking rapidly to himself; on one such occasion his wife says : " To whom are you talking, my dear?" quickly came the reply — "the wisest man in town." He was very successful as a min- ister and much beloved by his people, as his long pastorate attests. He requested that his place of burial should be on the western border of the cem- etery, that he might, as he said, " rise at the head of his people." Rev. Charles M- Brown, although a man of strong intellect and an excellent sermonizer, remained but a little over two years, his eccentricities proving a hindrance to his usefulness. For a space of four years the church was without a settled pastor, em- ploying the services of Rev. Broughton White; during the time of his stay there was a very exten- sive and interesting revival. Rev. Ebenezer Cole- man was installed December, 1834 ; dismissed September 25, 1838. In 1835 the Second Congregational Church was formed by the withdrawal of some of the members from the First, on account of disaffection at the lo- cation of a new church edifice built during Mr. Coleman's pastorate. Rev. S. H. Tolman succeeded Mr. Coleman, re- maining about five years, his ministry eminently successful. Rev. Daniel Sawyer was ordained May 13, 1846; it was during his ministrations that the parsonage was burned and rebuilt. Rev. Robert Page came in 1851, remaining five years, and dur- ing the time there were many additions to the church of young people. Rev. Robert Fuller suc- ceeded him, commencing his labors July 13, 1856 ; a very talented man, but a constant sufferer from bodily infirmities, so that he left preaching in 1860. Rev. Augustus Chandler came next in 1861. Rev. William H. Barrows, 1865. Rev. Benjamin Howe, 1867, succeeded by Rev. John Le Bosquet, who remained seven years; a very genial man and fine writer. He was followed by Rev. A. E. Hall who was ordained and installed November 12, 1880; dismissed June, 1881, — a change necessary for the restoration of health. The following persons have held the oiBce of deacon : Samuel Roundy, Elijah Bingham, Jacob Smith, Aaron Hardy, "William Cary, Eliot Cary, John Taylor, Alvah Smith, James H. Collins, A. B. Sabin, A. J. Mitchell, Joseph Marshall and James A. Evans. Reuben Roundy and Collins Hurd were deacons of the Second Congregational Church, which worshipped in a church edifice erected at the East village, in 1835. In 1822 Truman Booth, Nathan Booth, Charles More and Thomas More " petitioned not to be taxed for Mr. Fisher's support, as they were not of the same belief." Their petition was followed by that of twenty-eight others, and since about that time the minister's support has been by voluntary contribution, and, after the death of Mr. Fisher, aided by funds arising from the parsonage and farm bequeathed by him to the church and society. Until about 1794 the Sabbath services were held in- private houses and school-houses. Then the town voted to build a " meeting-house ;" but it was not until after repeated meetings and adjourn- ments that a site was at length decided upon, with which, it seems, no one was pleased, it being a rocky hill some rods northwest of Elijah Frink's. (The house is now owned by heirs of Oliver Davis.) After ground was broken and pews were sold, a vote was passed to change the location, but, on consultation with a lawyer, it was found that the change would nullify former contracts, and so the massive beams and rafters of the structure were raised on the hill; dimensions, forty by fifty feet, with two porches. Like all the old-time churches, it had square pews above and below ; high, bird's nest pulpit, resting upon one ornamental pilaster ; seats to the pews hung on hinges, so that they might be raised to afford convenient standing- place in prayer time. The " Amen " was the sig- nal for a rapid succession of slams, like the firing LEMPSTBR. 189 of musketry at old-fashioned trainings. The gal- lery ran around upon three sides, supported by fluted pillars. Here the people literally " went up to worship," regardless alike of heat or cold, ease or fatigue. In winter-time the house of Elijah Frink, at the base of the hill, would be filled with young and old seeking the fire at noon, the women replenishing their little foot-stoves from the large, open fire-place. The minister's foot- warmer was twice the usual size to admit of his standing upon it in the .pulpit. In 1822 this building was taken down and re-erected on the village green, with added bell-tower and spire, where it now stands, having defied the winds and storms of almost a century. This building, belonging, as it did, to the town, held the interests of other denominations, who felt it their right to have the use of the house a portion of the time. This led in time to the building, by the First Congregational Church and Society, of a new house of worship in the year 1835, and the disaffection resulting from its location (as has been mentioned) caused the withdrawal of some mem- ber^, who, uniting with Methodists and Universal- i-its, built a new church at the East village. Since then a small chapel has been erected by the Uni- versalists, nearly opposite, in which are held Sab- bath services during a portion of the summer, sup- ported by a fund left the society by Asa Way. Nothing very definite can he learned as to the early formation of a Methodist society. It appears there were quite early in the settlement occasional meetings conducted by itinerant clergymen. In 1823 Dr. Fiske, a presiding elder, came in town and visited every family. There followed soon a wonderful revival — one hundred conversions. Many joined the Methodist Church, and not a few the Congregational. Since 1835 the New Hampshire Conference has supplied the society with preaching, and they now have control of the house of worship at the East village. Among the prominent men in that so- ciety, we may mention, as the earliest, Edmund Perley, Abner Chase and Alden Gary; more re- cently, Henry Hurd and Albert Noyes. Mr. Perley had a large family of daughters, three of whom married distinguished ministers — Bishop O. Baker, A. A. Miner, D.D., and Rev. Mr. Field. Abner Chase's family has been styled the family of Levites, on account of its ministerial connec- tions. The eldest son, Charles Henry, has been a very successful clergyman for many years ; Minerva E. married Rev. L. D. Barrows, D.D. ; Eliza C, for many years a teacher both at Newbury, Vt., and Tilton, is the wife of Prof. C. S. Harrington, of Middleton College ; many of the grandchildren have married clergymen. Mr. Chase was one of the prominent business men of the town ; not only had a store, but carried on a farm, and in the early days paid some attention to raising mules, " whereby hangs a tale." It will be remembered that in the early days of Methodism everything superfiuous about dress was laid aside. Mr. Chase was conscientiously strenuous in the matter, often arguing the same with his neighbors On one such occasion his eldest daughter, about five or six years of age, listened quite attentively, till at last, reasoning in her own little mind, she says, "Why don't you cut off" Jack's ears then?" The early settlers were wide-awake and alert in educational matters. School-houses were erected, not like those of the present day, but rude, like the dwellings ; ceilings low, devoid of paint or plaster, the seats and desks rough-hewn slabs, with supports at either end, the chimney and wide-open fire-place fashioned of stones ; but, rude and rough as they were, they sent forth bright and energetic men and women, whose descendants have occupied positions of eminence and trust, and whose influ- ence will be felt to the latest generation It was not until 1795 that the town passed a vote to raise money for building school- houses. The schools were large, for in those days each home was blessed with many sons and daughters. The elder William Cary had seventeen children; Deacon Elijah Bingham, thirteen; and John Sabiu, who moved from Franklin Ct., in 1790, brought with him eleven children, and perhaps, as a bit of antique history, it will not be amiss to give 190 HISTOEY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the names of the latter : Lydia, Azariah, Jerusha, Cynthia, Temperance, Nabby, Pamelia, Wealthy, John, Jehediah and Benejah. Alden B. Sabin, a grandson of the elder John, is still living at the advanced age of eighty-one ; served three years as county commissioner; elected 1857. His only son, Wm. C, has held positions of trust in the town, and a granddaughter given satisfaction as superintendent of the school committee. As far as known, the earliest graduates from Dartmouth C!olleee were John Gary, Aaron Hardy and James Harvey Bingham, the latter graduating in 1800, being class-mate, room-mate and life-long friend of Daniel Webster, their correspondence covering a space of iifty years to a day. Mr. Bingham opened a law-office in Alstead, N. H., became cashier of Claremont Bank in 1826, and the last fifteen years of his life was a clerk in the Treasury Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. He was at one time es- teemed the best bass-viol performer in New Eng- land. Aaron Hardy went to South Carolina as teacher, and there died on the island of Edisto. John Gary was a teacher in New York. Other graduates from Dartmouth have been Homer Taylor, whose promised life of active usefulness ■was ended while at Andover Theological Seminary; Holmes T. Fuller, perhaps the most scholarly of Lempster's sons, now principal of the Polytechnic School in Worcester , Mass., (he has twice made the tour of Europe) ; Anson Keyes, a teacher in the Far- West ; George A. Butler, civil engineer in Chicago ; George F. Perley, a lawyer and music- teacher in Moorhead, Minn. ; Fred. C. Parker, a graduate from the Agricultural Department, Hanover, now a merchant in Acworth ; our latest graduate, Bertrand T. Wheeler, civil engi- neer, now in the employ of the Old Colony Rail Road Company. Hon.H. W. Parker, a prominent lawyer in Claremont, and for one term member of Congress ; also Walter Beckwith, teacher and superintendent of schools in North Adams, Mass., pursued their studies at Tufts College. Daniel B. Wheeler, a descendant of Deacon Elijah Bingham, was educated at various private schools in addition to what was furpi-ted by the public schools of Dempster, including Unity Academy as taught by Rev. A. A. Miner, and finishing his school course at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden. He soon commenced teaching, a vocation which he has made his life-work, and in which fie has been eminently successful. His connection with the public schools of Massachusetts covei"S a period of thirty years, the last fifteen of which was as master of the Shepard School, Cambridge. He was appointed by the Governor and Council, in 1863, a member of the New Hampshire Board of Educa- tion, being school commissioner for Sullivan Ci)unty. Like the Swiss mountaineer, Mr. Wheeler has returned to his native hills, and by taste and industry has made very attractive one of the pleasautest residences of the village, which, each summer, welcomes within its maple-shaded portal, Cora, the only daughter, a successful teacher of elocution. Tradition informs us of one Benjamin Way, a fine scholar, and one of the earliest teachers of Sanbornton Academy. Eight young men have become physicians, — Jesse Smith, Truman Abell, Justice Hurd, Eras- mus D. Abell, Yorrick Hurd, Wm. Hurd, Wil- lard Hurd and Carl A. Allen ; and the three de- nominations, Congregationalists, Methodists and Universalists, have sent out twelve ministers ; all efficient and successful ; perhaps the most distin- guished of the number is the Rev. A. A. Miner, D.D., of Boston. The earliest physicians of the town of which there is any record were Dr. Mer- rill and Dr. Mather. W e are informed by tradi- tion that the wife of Col. Jabez Beckwith sup- plied the place of physician in the early settle- ment, oftentimes making her visits by the aid of snow-shoes. Truman Abell succeeded Dr. Mather, and practiced until the failure of sight, when for a time his son Erasmus filled the position. About 1 842 or 1843 Dr. Pillsbury moved into town, remain- ing but a short time, his successor being J. N. Butler, who, for forty years, has held the post of physician in the town. Dr. Truman Abell was the author of an almanac, which was for many years issued from the press in Claremont. After his death it was arranged by his youngest son. LEMPSTEE. 191 Truman Wales. Dr. Abell had much mechanical skill, and, with the aid of Deacon John Taylor, constructed a piano, which, in tone, compared favorably with those of the early days. It should have been mentioned before this, when alluding to the educational advantages, that much is due a town library of some two hundred volumes, owned as early as 1800,— solid, substantial works of history and travel. These were read wiih avidity by even the children. Tradition informs us of the reading of " Josephus " and the eight volumes of Rollin's "Ancient History" by Arethusa Miner, at the age of nine years. The long winter evenings were whiled away in many a family in reading these books, aided, perhaps, by the comments and criticisms of the district school-teacher, who in those days was one sought from classic halls and able to teach as well as govern. In 1844 a room for select schools was made in the upper story of the old " meeting-house," supported at first by tuition ; afterwards the town voted a certain amonnt each year for the purpose, and after a town-house was built at the East village, schools alternated be- tween the two places. Teachers have been sought from Dartmouth and Meriden. Carl A. Allen, one of Lempster's sons, taught a number of terms very successfully, as also George E. Perley. The manufacturing interests of the town were never very extensive. The first mills built were saw and grist-mills. One in 1780, located on a branch of Cold Eiver, in " Cambridge Hollow," owned by Oliver Booth ; the second, a mill privi- lege allowed Samuel Locke, on a branch of Sugar River, in 1791. A tannery and shoe-shop were owned and carried on by Captain Timothy Miner. The tannery consisted of a few uncovered vats, and the shoe-shop the "gude wife's" kitchen. As means increased, a buildmg was erected for lime, curry and shoe-shop. At Captain Miner's death, in 1816, the business was continued by the late Hon. Alvah Smith and gradually increased until there were one hundred employes. It was here that calf-skins were first tanned with the hair on, being made into overshoes and boots, which found an extensive market. In 1854 the establishment wasburnedby an incendiary; the loss, thirty thou- sand dollars The business seemed so necessary to the prosperity of the place that, aided by the efibrts of the citizens, the shop was rebuilt on a larger scale and with the modern appliances for both shoe-shop and tannery. Subsequently this was burned, having been ignited by a spark from the furnace chimney. It has never been rebuilt. About sixty years ago John Cambridge and son, Philip, owned a factory in " Cambridge Hol- low " for dressing cloth — said to be the best in the county — turning out eight thousand yards an- nually. A blacksmith's stand and trip-hammer were owned by James Mitchell. Since then, for some years, there has been a carding-machine and machinery for manufacturing butter-tubs ; more recently the Keyes Brothers erected a large build- ing with steam-engine, where they made carriages and various other articles, but now there is no business there. At present the town has four shingle-mills, — one on a branch of Sugar River, owned by William T. Thissel ; one at the outlet of Cold Pond, owned by Charles Putnam ; Lewis Cutler's, run by steam ; another on the mountain, owned by the Pollards; and a fourth in " Cam- bridge Hollow.'' Perhaps there are none of the natives of the place whose life has been so closely identified with its interests and those of the county as that of the late Hon. Alvah Smith, son of Jacob Smith, one of the early settlers, and born in 1797. He re- mained upon his father's farm until eighteen years of age, only attending district school in winter ; but each hour of study was improved and many a mathematical problem he solved by the light of pine-knots. At the age of eighteen he was ap- prenticed to Captain Timothy Miner (whose daughter Arethusa he afterward married) as tan- ner and currier. At the death of his employer the business came into his hands ; but even now we find him employing each leisure hour in read- ing and study, and he always has a dictionary at hand. Although, by law, not liable to military duty, he was induced to take command of a vol- unteer company in the militia, from which he rose 192 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. by regular gradation to the office of inspector, and performed the duty of inspecting the Third Divi- sion of the New Hampshire Militia as reviewed by Governor David L. Morrill and Major- General William Gary. He served in many town offices — as superintending school committee, selectman. Representative, justice of the peace and quorum throughout the State ; active delegate to the con • vention at Bufialo, N. Y., which gave birth to the Free Soil party ; also a delegate to the Presiden- tial Convention in Philadelphia in 1856 ; two years member of the Governor's Council and of the board of trustees of the Insane Asylum ; eleven years Probate judge, only resigning, as the law required, at the age of seventy ; one y^ar Senator ; a director of Cheshire Mutual Fire Insurance Company from its commencement to the time of his death, in 1879 ; for four years State pension agent ; thirty-five years deacon of the First Con- gregational Church, with which he united at the age of twenty. His strong. Christian faith has been a sure support in every .time of trial ; even when he saw the labor of years reduced to ashes, he could thankfully say, •' The Lord reigns " A precious heirloom in the old home is a gold-headed ebony cane bearing the following inscription : "Presented to Senator Alvah Smith for his un- wavering fidelity to principle and right, by Eepubli- can members of the Legislature, June Session, 1871." Hiram Parker, Esq., a brother of Hon. H W. Parker, of Claremont, is one of our successful farmers and prominent citizens ; has been for some years a member of the State Board of Agricul- ture, which position he fills satisfactorily. He is at-present our village merchant. We would not forget that the town has had its hermit and its antiquarian. Some years since, the traveler, in making his way up Silver Moun- tain, would have found a rude hut, the home of one Jacob Hewes, who, through disappointment in matrimonial overtures, although well educated, relinquished the luxuries and even necessaries of life, and buried himself in the solitude of its rugged grandeur; nor do we think he ever bestowed one thought on the lovely views by which he was surrounded. Reuben Roundy, a grandson of one of the early settlers, had a passion for old literature, and would travel miles to find the complete set of any old magazine, pamphlet, almanac or spelling-book. When found binding them in volumes, a short time previous to his death, he refused one thou- sand dollars for the library thus collected, which now is scattered to. the winds. This history would be incomplete if no word was written of the pleasant township, — of its at- tractive drives, either winding in and out along the valleys, giving an intense sense of quiet and repose, broken by occasional glimpses of distant scenery, or over the hills and mountains, where can be had a bird's-eye view of the valleys, with their patches of cultivated ground and woodland, their lakelets set like gems among the greenery of the hills, the view bounded in the far distance by the range of the Green Mountains ; Ascutney, in the northwest, standing a little in advance, like a sentinel on duty. The principal village has but one street, running north and south, lined with elms and maples, among which the neat and tasteful cottages seem playing bo-peep with the passer-by. Around the village green are clustered the post-office, hotel, store, church and, towering above all, the old meeting-house, with its lofty spire and weather-vane, which has ever been true to all the winds of heaven. A little north of the village is a continuous line of lofty, wide-spreading maples, extending one- fourth of a mile, set out, about forty years ago, by Captain Martin Beckwith, a son of Colonel Jabez Beckwith, and the first white child born in the settlement, who lived to the advanced age of one hundred and one years and one month. These trees are a beautiful monument to his memory. The East village is nestled at the foot of the mountain, and is rendered attractive by Dodge's Pond, on the western border of which is the old town cemetery, much enlarged and improved the last few years, and containing many fine tablets and monuments. LEMPSTER. 193 The village has its two churches, town-house, hotel, post-office and store ; here also is the home of the poet, G. B. Griffith. The little hamlet on the western border of the town, formerly " Cam- bridge Hollow," has for the past year had its post-office called Keyes. Thus have the threads and thrums of the town's history been woven into an imperfect tissue, it may be, but one of perfect truthfulness, so far as thorough search of records and facts elicited by inquiry of the oldest citizens could make it. If any who should have a place here have been omitted, it has been through ignorance and the limited space allowed for the history, which, if written in detail, would itself fill a volume. EEPEESENTATIVES OP LEMPSTER. Oliver Booth, 1778. Elijah Frink, 1781-83. Elijah Frink, 1788. James Bingham, 1791-98. Jabez Beckwith, 1798- 1800. James Bingham, 1800-06. Jacob Smith, 1806-14. Shubael Hurd, 1814-17. Jacob Smith, 1817. Harris Bingham, 1818- 21. John Way, 1821-24. William Gary, 1824-27. Abner Chase, 1827-30. Alvah Smith, 1830-32. Daniel M. Smith, 1832- 35. Martin Beckwith, 1835- 38. Alvah Smith, 1838. Matthew Parker, 1839. Daniel M. Smith, 1840. No choice, 1841-42. Martin Beckwith, 1843. Benjamin Parker, 1844. No choice, 1845. Nathaniel B. Hull, 1846. No choice, 1847. Lemuel Miller, 1848-50. Aaron Miller, 1850-52. William B. Parker, 1852 -54. Jacob B. Richardson, 1854-56. James Booth, 1856. Jacob B. Richardson, 1857. Harvey Dudley, 1858. H. W. Parker, 1859-60. Ransom Beckwith, 1861- -63. Hiram Parker, 1863-65. Dennison Nichols, 1865. Nathan George, 1866-68.' Abram Bean, 1868-70. George Dame, 1870-72. E. B. Richardson, 1872- 74. TOWN CLERKS OF LEMPSTER. Allen Willey, 1774-77. Elijah Frink, l777. Allen Willey, 1778-82. Jabez Beckwith, 1782-86. James Bingham, 1786-98. Dr. Asa Merrill, 1798- 1803. Uzzel Hurd, 1803-10. Dr. Truman Abell, 1810- 16. Uzzel Hurd, 1816. Nath. Brainard, 1817-21. Abner Chase, 1821-26. Alvah Smith, 1826-30. Daniel M. Smith, 1830- 35. Amasa A. Gould. Abner Chase, 1836-39. David Thornton, 1839- 42. John S. Bingham, 1842. David Thornton, 1843- 45. Abner Chase, 1845-47. J. N. Brown, 1848. James Booth, 1849. T. Wales Abell, 1850. Abner Chase, 1851-58. Benoni Fuller, 1858. David Thornton, 1859- 60. Lemuel Miller, 1860-65. E. B. Richardson, 1865. Benoni Fuller, 1866. E. B. Richardson, 1867- 79. H. L. Thompson, 1879- 82. Josiah Hooper, 1882. F. C. Parker, 1883-86. William A. Bowen, 1885. SOLDIERS ENLISTED IN THE LATE CIVIL WAR. The following were three months' men, and each received ten dollars from the town : George S. Fletcher, re-enlisted in the Fifth Regiment. George Youngman. Judson Tandy. Carlos Wellman. Henry Morse, re-enlisted for three years. Second New Hampshire Regiment; killed in the first, battle of Bull Run. Henry Adams. Marshall P. Hurd, re-enlisted ; killed at Antietam. Timothy W. Bruce. Elisha A. Bruce, wounded at Fort Wagner. Nathan Calkins. John S. Currier. On another call for four thousand men, the fol- lowing enlisted : Wilson Thompson. Jerome Thompson. Stephen C. Smith. Charles B. Davis, wounded in foot; taken prisoner and released. T. J. Davis. Henry J. Davis, taken prisoner ; exchanged ; died from starvation. A bounty of one hundred dollars was offered to fill the town quota, and the following enlisted : Isaac M. Dodge, died of disease in camp. William E. Way. 194 HISTOEY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. William H. Wilcox. John Wilcox. Emerson D. Hurd, served one year; discharged for disability. George C. Bruce, died in camp. Almon J. Fletcher, discharged for disability, George Gunnison, died in camp. Luman Spencer, died in camp. Orville Smith, lieutenant. Company G; afterward captain ; killed in battle at Spottsylvania. Lucius A. Spencer, went into camp in Concord, and there died. George W. Libby, died in Washington, D. C. Francis P. Fletcher. Frank G. Pollard. Walter Scales. Albert Hutchinson, taken prisoner, but died at home. On another call two hundred dollars bounty- was offered, and the following enlisted : Jackson B. Herrick. Charles M. Carey. William Welsh. Joseph Barrett. Ceylon M. Dodge, three hundred dollars bounty. Benjamin T. P. Leeds, Heavy Artillery, stationed at Portsmouth. Albert B. Corey, Heavy Artillery, stationed at Ports- mouth. The following were drafted September, 1863 : John G. Smith. Henry Makepeace, stationed at Portsmouth. William C. Sabin. Leander Hill. Horace Gee. George Sargent. Levi C. Taylor, provided substitute. Alanson B. George, provided substitute. Henry Spalding. Alden Honey, provided substitute. Freeman Gordon, provided substitute. Hiram Parker, provided substitute. Augustus Chandler, provided substitute. Kimball Pollard, provided substitute. Isaac Blanchard, provided substitute. James Evans, provided substitute. Henry E. Huntley, provided substitute. William W. Huntoon, enlisted in cavalry and re- mained till close of war. William Bruce, drafted ; accepted; paid his bounty, then enlisted in cavalry. Abram Bean, enlisted in cavalry ; remained till close of war. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. HON. ALT AH SMITH. It is both interesting and instructive to trace the history of families ; to note the peculiarities of character that are transmitted from one generation to another. In searching the genealogical record of Hon. Alvah Smith on the maternal side, we find him descended from the Hurds, — also written "Herd" and "Heard." This family has been somewhat noted for physical strength, long life and military tastes. About 1635 John and Adam Hurd— brothers — came from England to Stratford, Conn. John appears to have been a land surveyor, and was " a man of education and influence." In 1644 he was appointed by the General Court to collect money in Connecticut for " the maynten- ance of scollars at Cambridge." He was for sev- eral years member of the Legislature in New Haven. Among his sons was Ebenezer, who re- moved to East Haddam, Conn., where he had a son, Justus, the maternal grandfather of the sub- ject of our sketch, and who emigrated with his wife and ten children to Gilsum, N. H., between 1770 and 1780 (date not certain). Asenath, his fourth daughter, born October 15, 1766, married, in 1790, Jacob Smith, born in the pleasant old township of Middleborough, Mass., and son of John and Sarah (Chipman) Smith. They both dying of small-pox when Jacob was but eight years of age, he was early apprenticed to a shoe- maker. We have not the date of his removal to Lempster, but it was probably soon after his marriage. His devotion to public interests is shown by the various responsible positions to which he was chosen by his townsmen. He was their representative from 1806 to 1814, and again in 1817. We learn his loyalty to the polls by his being taken from his LEMPSTER. 195 sick room of months and carried on a bed to cast his vote. He was deacon of the Congregational Church till 1822, when he moved to Potsdam, N. Y. There he was active in building up social, political, educational and religious interests in the then new county of St. Lawrence. We do not wonder, then, that Alvah, fourth son of Jacob and Asenath (Hurd) Smith, inheriting from the mother a vigorous constitution and strong will-power, and from the father sound judgment with moderation, should possess a character worthy a record in the history of the county. His early education was limited to the district school, never attending in summer after his ninth year, remaining at home until eighteen, freely lending his assistance in the maintenance of the family, his father being in feeble health, with lim- ited means, pecuniarily, but rich in the love and devotion of a wife and eight children ; of those eight but one is now living, — the youngest, Eliza beth (Smith) Banister, now in her seventy-ninth year, feeble in body, but with strong mentar facul- ties unimpaired. Young Alvah, arriving at the age of eighteen, was apprenticed to Captain Timo- thy Miner, tanner, currier and shoemaker. He dying the first year of service, the young apprentice was retained in business by Mrs. Miner, and served his time. On arriving at his majority he contracted for the tannery and shoe-shop, and was eminently successful, in time building up a large business, giving employment to one hundred operatives; new dwelling-houses were erected, and a store opened for the accommodation of his employ^. He made sales in Vermont, Massachusetts, New York and Illinois, and some of the time work was sent to the Southern States via Boston. It was in his tannery that calf-skins were first tanned with the hair on, the first one being an experiment by Joseph Marshall, one of Mr Smith's earliest apprentices, to oblige a townsman. This soon be- came quite a lucrative business, the skins thus tanned being made into overshoes and boots, which, being impervious to the water and very warm, found a ready market. On November 19, 1854, the shoe-shop and tannery were burned by an incen- diary, involving a loss of thirty thousand dollars. The business being so necessary to the interests of the town, the people lent their aid in rebuilding it on a large scale, adding the modern appliances and improvements. In April of 1863 this building was burned, hav- ing been ignited by a spark from the furnace chim- ney, and was never rebuilt. In all these years of business activity Mr Smith neglected no opportu- nity for the improvement of his mind, but spent all leisure moments in gaining information both as to political and religious movements. Not infre- quently the morning light revealtd the scorched newspaper, telling all too plainly that Mornheus had been robbed of rightful hours. His fellow- townsmen were not slow in appreciating his busi- ness capacities, bestowing upon him the honors ot office in their gift. He was town clerk from 1826 to 1880; Representative from 1830 to 1832; for some years selectman and superintending school committee, and often chosen to administer on and settle estates. While being thus favored by his town, he was made justice of the peace and quorum ; two years member of the Governor's Council and of the board of trustees of the Insane Asylum ; one of the directors and agents of the Cheshire Mutual Fire Insurance Company from its inception, retaining both until two years before his death, when he relinquished the agency. In 1856 he received the appointment of Probate judge, re- tiring in 1867 at the age of seventy, having ful- filled the trust with honesty and fidelity. He was also delegate to the Presidential Convention in Philadelphia in 1856. At the annual election in 1871 he received a few votes on the temperance ticket for Senator in Dis- trict No. 10. The person elected to that office (a Democrat) died before the Legislature met, and ac- cording to the Constitution, " the vacancy must be filled by joint vote of Legislature, for one of the two highest candidates voted for at the an- nual election ; '' he therefore became a candidate. The Democrats and Labor-Reformers united were a majority in the Legislature, and hoping he might 196 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. feel under obligation to go with them if elected by them, elected him. Although offered any office in the gift of the Legislature or Governor and any amount of money if he would vote with them in their revolutionary movements (as he held the balance in the Senate), he stood aloof from all their offers, and remained firm and true to the principles of liberty and equal- ity he had ever supported from early manhood. A precious heirloom in the old home is a gold- headed ebony cane,' bearing the following inscrip- tion: " Presented to Senator Alvah Smith, for his un- wavering fidelity to principle and right, by Repub- lican members of the Legislature, June session, 1871." He was State pension agent for four years, which would have proved a more lucrative position had not the infirmities of years made it necessary for him to employ extra help in the office. His well-known sound judgment procured him many calls as referee in difficult cases, not only in town, but in others in the county ; and after ma- ture deliberation he was always ready to give his opinion, except in cases where the differing parties were man and wife, where he considered a third party like the " fifth wheel to a coach," and advised for both forbearance and conciliation. Making himself well acquainted with points of law, he was many times solicited -to enter the bar, but knowl- edge of his own acquirements modestly forbade. Although the law would have exempted him from military duty, he was induced to take com- mand, in early life, of a volunteer company in the militia ; from which he rose in military gradation to the office of inspector, and performed the duty of inspecting the whole of the then Third Division of New Hampshire Militia, as reviewed by Gover- nor David Morrill and General William Carey, a fellow townsman. Mr. Smith was an active poli- tician in the State, but not what would be termed a bigoted, zealous partisan, always advocating and voting for those principles, measures and men that, from candid consideration, he thought were for the best good of the country and nation. In early days he was a Whig, and so great was the influence that went out from his manufactory that it obtained the name of " Whig Fort." At the birth of the Free- Soil party, at the Buffalo (N. Y.) Convention, to which he was sent as active delegate, he adopted Free-Soil principles as best suited to carry out his ideas of right, from which he could not be moved. His firm principles made him proof against politi- cal bribery, though the temptation once came when in straitened circumstances and declining years. When told at the time, '■' It is said every man has his price," he made quick reply, " One man has not." Feeling from his own experience the disad- vantages arising from a limited education he was thoroughly awake in educational matters, giving his children every help in his power, not only pat- ronizing the district and select schools of his own town, but giving them academical advantages. He was much interested in the " Teachers' Insti- tutes " in the county, and used his influence in their favor ; also was ever ready to procure the latest and most approved text-books for his fam- ily, and it was rarely that a book or map agent re- ceived from him the " cold shoulder " if his wares promised assistance in gaining knowledge. Being " fully persuaded by what he read by his own obser- vation and experience, that there was no nourish- ment in alcohol, and that an individual could do more and better work without it than with it," he early espoused the cause of temperance, becom- ing one of its most earnest advocates. His shop, raised in 1831, was the first building in town raised without rum. When he proposed the idea to the master-work- man, he at once said " It cannot be done." "Then," replied Mr. Smith, " Itshall not be raised." Theday came and with it scores of people, some from out of town, fully expecting a failure ; but, contrary to all expectation, every joist, beam and brace came in position with no other stimulant than hot coffee. It was a success in every respect and was not the last building raised on temperance principles. Mr. Smith was known throughout the county and State as an earnest temperance man, and was sent as county delegate to the World's Temperance LEMPSTER. 197 Convention in New York in 1853. He avoided the formation of bad habits. Being ordered by his physician (?) at one time to smoke, as soon as he realized he was becoming a slave to the vile weed, he at once and forever abandoned its use ; and, as an instance of his self command, he laid pipe and tobacco where he would see it each day. At another time he forsook the use of mor- phine, given to ease the pain of a fractured hip, although it cost him more than a week of sleepless nights. It is said by those who knew him from his earliest days that no profane or indelicate word passed his lips, and rarely an expletive, obeying the Scriptural injunction, " let your communication be yea, yea, and nay, nay," etc. His great will- power, guided by Christian principles, enabled him to keep in control a naturally violent temper, — an inheritance, perhaps, from his grandfather Hurd, of whom it is related by Gilsum's his- torian that at one time, before the settlement of the first minister, a black man came and offered him- self to preach. He was sent to Mr. Hurd (first _ clerk of the church), who was at work in the field. Whether thinking the proposal an insult to the people, or a sacrilege to the ministerial office, is not known ; but, in his indignation at the pre- sumption, he drove him out of the field with his cane. This same historian also states that Mr. Hurd's family are well remembered by the elder people for their activity in church and town affairs. A love for Christian principles, therefore, seemed hereditary in Mr. Smith. In early life he became a disciple of Christ, uniting at the age of twenty-three with the Congregational Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Elias Fisher, the town's first minister. His Christian character was a consistent one, carrying religion into the every- day acts of life, making him solicitous for the spiritual welfare of those around him, especially those in his employ and members of his household ; a constant attendant on divine service, despite heat or cold, sunshine or storm, taking his place as Sabbath-school superintendent, teacher or scholar, not' only attending himself, but sending his team around for those who had no conveyance; for over thirty years performing the office of deacon, resigning only when so obliged by infirmities. His seat in the weekly prayer-meeting was rarely empty, considering the hour thus spent among the " most precious of the week," although there were times when these duties involved a great sacrifice of bodily comfort ; but that these were appreciated by his pastors will be shown by the following ex- tract from a letter received from Rev. J. Le Bos- quet on his eighty-second birth-day : " I thank you for your unfaltering friendship and assistance in the work of God during the seven years of my resi- dence in your vicinity." Mr. Smith was remark- able for his fortitude, the severest pain seldom extorting a groan, never a complaint, his favorite expression at such times being " the Lord reigns," thus showing his belief and trust in an overruling Providence, As a neighbor and friend he was ever ready to oblige, often lending his name to his own detri- ment, as in one instance, in combination with other circumstances, it occasioned his failure, from which, owing to the perfidy of the assignee, he never recovered. Very free from suspicion, trying to do right himself, he thought the same of others ; showed no favoritism, using the same hospitality and courtesy to the poor as to the rich. It can with truth be said, that at his death, August 7, 1879, the town lost one of its most public-spirited men, for he not only lent his influence to all good schemes and measures, but aided pecuniarily — never giving grudgingly. Of Mr. Smith's personal appearance we have said nothing ; the likeness accompanying this sketch was copied from a photograph, taken at the age of sixty-nine. He had a fine military fig- ure, some inches over six feet in hight, strong feat- ures and a smile full of benevolence. The im- pression he left upon the minds of the youth of fifty years ago may be learned by an extract from " Backward Glances," written by L. P. Frost, for the Cold. River Journal, of May 8, 1885 : " In looking the Journal all thro', I found but one familiar name, Hon. Alvah Smith — how well I 198 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. remember him ! I used to think, nor has my mind changed since, he was the best-looking man I ever saw ; whether at church, as conductor of a funeral, or officiating at funerals when there was no clergyman in town, or standing in front of the pulpit in the old church on the common as mod- erator of the town-meeting, he had the same attractive, beneficent, noble, manly look ; take him all in all, I shall never look upon his like again." March 8, 1820, when twenty-three years of age, Mr. Smith married Arethusa, fourth daughter of Captain Timothy and Polly (Ames) Miner, a companion well fitted for the position she assumed at the early age of nineteen. Eight children were given them, — seven sons and one daughter. GENEALOGY. I. Milo (Smith), born Lempster, March 9, 1822 ; married, May 14, 1850, Mary Ann Chaffin, of Enfield, N. H. 1. George Alvah Smith, born Lempster, Feb- ruary 21, 1851 ; married, first, November 28, 1872, Alfaretta Sophronia Tyler, Manchester, N. H. ; died November 22, 1882; married, second, Delia Adelaide Clement, Manchester, June 18, 1884. 2. Ella Frances (Smith), born Lempster, Janu- ary 6, 1853 ; married, October 24, 1874, George Augustus Jackson, Boston, Mass. a. Milo (Jackson), born Boston, Mass. , January 16, 1876; died, January 19, 1876. 3. Gertrude Fremont (Smith), born Lempster, May 11, 1857 ; died Manchester, July 17, 1875; married, July 4, 1874, Leroy Alphonso Bartlett. 4. Ira Percy (Smith), born Hillsborough Bridge, October 12, 1859 ; married, July 14, 1881, Alice Pearson Chase, of Hillsborough Bridge. a. Gertrude Emma (Smith), January 1882. II. Norman (Smith), born Lempster, February 25, 1824; marrried, first, September 30, 1845, Rebecca Ward, Plainfield, N. H. ; died January 22, 1864. 1. Helen Arethusa (Smith), born Lempster, November 28, 1847 ; died Boston, Mass., March 18, 1875 ; married, October 19, 1870, Josiah Baker Small . a. Hila Helen (Small), born Boston, Mass., October 4, 1873. h. A da Rebecca Smith, bom Lempster, July 20, 1824 ; married, December 24, 1879, Josiah Baker Small; died, April 16. 1882. 2. Grace Ada (Small), born April 10, 1882. Norman married, second, Julia Etta Hammond, July 2, 1864, Framingham, Mass. 3. Minnie Etta (Smith), born Boston, October 1 , 1865 ; married, January 12, 1882, Solomon Lafay- ette Bradley. 4. Edward Alva (Smith), born Netawakee, Kan., December 31, 1870. III. Truman (Smith), bom Lempster, February 6, 1827 ; married, December 21, 1852, Arvilla Jane Gregg, Deering, N. H. 1. Imogene Virginia (^Smith), bora Lempster, October 27, 1853 ; married, June 18, 1872, Benja- main Emons, Wilmot Flat, N. H. a. Amelia (Emons), bom Wilmot Flat, August 14, 1876. h. Lina (Emons), bom Wilmot Flat, February 19, 1879. c. Eva (Emons), born Wilmot Flat, October 16, 1883. 2. Wallace Dana (Smith'), born Lempster, April 14, 1856 ; married, January 12, 1879, Mary Lizzie Allen, Concord, N. H. IV. Alvah (Smith), born Lerapster, March 22, 1830; died there, January 17, 1833. V. Orville (Smith), born in Lempster, March 11, 1832; died May 12,1864, at Spottsylvania, Va ; married, February 19, 1869, Julia Ann Pollard, Lempster. VI. Edward Payson (Smith), born in Lempster May 21, 1834 ; died there April 24, 1875 ; married, January 10, 1858, Jane Amelia Chester, Duds- well, C. E. 1. Frank Herbert (Smith), born in Athens, Ohio, May 19, 1863; died there January 29, 1865. VII. Dwight C. (Smith), born in Lempster September 20, 1836 ; married, September 20, 1859, Helen Maria Tracy, Acworth, N. H. LEMPSTEK. 199 1. Frederick Austin (Smith), born in Acworth June 9, 1861. 2. Willie Edward (Smith), born in Acworth September 16, 1864; died there November 19, 1864. 3. Alvah Dwight (Smith), born in Worcester, Mass., January 20, 1867; died there March 6, 1867. VIII. Marianna (Smith), born in Lempster September 8, 1838. Mr. Smith's descendants are filling honorable and useful positions in society. The eldest son, Milo, has, for many years, been in the employ of the United States and Canada Express Company, at Manchester. His son George Alvah is a skilled machinist for the railroad ; Ella Frances, a book-keeper in Boston ; and Ira Percy, the youngest, is salesman for an agricultural house in Boston. Norman, the second son, was associated with his father in business ; since its closing up has been in the employ of different parties. His eldest daughter, Helen Arethusa, was a graduate from the Normal School, Westfield, Mass., and a very successful teacher. The second, Ada Re- becca, was, for some years, book-keeper for Everett & Small, Boston, Mass. ; Minnie Etta, third daughter, is a fine pianist, while young Edward Alvah is still a student. Truman, now a farmer in Pittsfield, N. H., was a successful teacher ; also rendered his father invaluable service in the Pension OflSce. His sou, Wallace Dana, is a clerk in railroad ofiice. Concord. The daughter, Imogene, a model wife and mother. Orville, the fifth son, entered Wesleyan Univer- sity, Middletown, Conn., but was forced to leave on account of some trouble of the eyes. Was in Kansas at the time of her great trial, and, although prostrated with chills and fever, was carried upon his bed to the polls. Returning home, was chosen principal of Hopkinton Academy, which pleasant situation he left when our country called " to arms." Enlisting in the Ninth New Hampshire Regiment, was promoted to the captaincy of Company B, and fell in the battle of Spottsyl- vania, Va., while leading his men to charge, for he always said " come, boys." As soon as safety would permit, his remains were found by his comrades and buried at the head of his brave men who had fallen with him ; they now repose in the beautiful National Cemetery on Marye's Heights. Edward Payson, being in Ohio at the com- mencement of our Civil War, enlisted, and was commissioned lieutenant of the One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment, Company B, of Ohio Volun- teer Infantry ; was one of the Home Guard at the time of the Morgan raid ; afterward provost- marshal in West Virginia. At the close of the war, by reason of impaired health, went to St. Paul, Minn., and there became one of the con- tractors of the Northern Pacific Railroad. His health failing, he came to his father's home Feb- ruary, 1875, passing away the following April, a noble Christian man. Dwight C, the youngest son, employed in his father's shop, became an expert in the cutting of sole leather ; subsequently found employment in Hopkinton and Worcester, Mass. ; is now super- intendent in the shoe-factory of Critchell & Sibley, Belfast, Me. His only son, Frederick Austin, is a clerk in the Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Marianna, the youngest, is the only one of her father's family left in the old home, whose walls have echoed and re-echoed to the music of patter- ing feet, to the gleesomeness of childhood, to the many home gatherings on the nation's feast-day, and to the sadder home-comings when the loved were laid to rest. Hers has been the blessed mission to care for the aged parents as they passed so gently from earth to heaven. Mr. Smith had resided in the village of his na- tive town ever since his apprenticeship, erecting in 1824, an unpretentious brick cottage, shaded now by luxuriant maples, set out and fostered by himself and wife Within, there has always been true republican simplicity, and to the hospitable board the stranger and friend, the poor and needy were always welcomed. This home in the summer months is not only pleasant with the song of birds and perfume of floweis, but vocal with the merriment of childhood, it still being the favorite resort of the grandchil- dren and great-grandchildren, as well as many other family friends. HISTORY OF NEWPORT. BY JOSEPH W. PAKMELEE. CHAPTER I. It is matter of interest that in this year of grace, one thousand eight hundred and eighty- five, there are living many persons in the town of Newport whose grandfathers and grand- mothers were the disloyal subjects of George III. King, etc. It is also matter of interest and consideration to all residents of the town, native or adopted, and must so continue to be to the latest generation, that its local history reaches back into the colonial era, when New Hampshire was a royal province of Great Britain, with a royal Governor, whose pom- pous edicts were based upon a sovereignty that was not of the people. The first settlement of our town of Newport occurred at a most interesting period in Conti- nental affairs. The great contest for supremacy in America, between England and France, had been terminated by the results of the old French and Indian War, and the treaty of Paris, 1756-63. France sullenly retired and England dominated on the North American Continent from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Zone, and from ocean to ocean. The Indian tribes after nearly a hundred and fifty years of contact with the pale-faced invaders of their hunting-grounds — worsted at all points ; unable or unwilling to mingle with or oppose the progress of the civilization that had planted itself in New England — had taken up their dreary and desultory march towards the western sea — an anabasis that has continued for another hundred and fifty years. 200 A sentiment of dissatisfaction was gaining strength among the people of the colonies that in the near future was to burst out in revolu- tion and deliver them from the tyranny of the British government. With the peace to which we have referred there came to the people of the New England colonies a renewal and enlai'gement of their domestic industries. The populous condition of the older settlements invited an extension of their boundaries. The war-whoop and the war- dance, and the dusky savage, as a local element of population, had forever disappeared — a great and peaceful wilderness, full of magnificent possibilities, beckoned to their hardy sons and daughters, from its primeval solitudes. The shout that broke the silence when that green island of the southern sea first dawned upon the vision of Columbus, " Land ! land !" has been the key-note of American progress and civilization. It was only when the hand of labor appeared on the scene that permanent and valuable settlements were made in the New World. It was then that the forests began to disappear, and farms were opened and towns and villages were settled. It was land that the wise old farmers of Massachusetts and Connec- ticut wanted for themselves or their stalwart sons, and to this end they sought out the fairest valleys and the best-timbered uplands for in- vestment and occupation. The desirable character of the region of coun- try now known as Western New Hampshire became known to the people of the older and NEWPORT. 201 more populous colonies as early, at least, as the time of the French and Indian War, when the valley of the Connecticut River, from Massa- chusetts to Canada, was traversed by scouts and companies of armed men and captives, as the re- quirements of savage warfare sent them to and fro, between Southern New England and the St. Lawrence River. Again, the wealth derived from the capture of fur-bearing animals, as well as the excite- ments of the chase, has tempted men into re- gions beyond the coniines of civilization ; and thus the hunter and trapper have become pio- neers in the discovery of new lands and streams and regions hitherto unknown. It was undoubtedly in this way, and for this purpose, that the territory of the present town of Newport was first visited. Some time about the middle of the last cen- tury a famous hunter and trapper, Eastman by name, of Killingworth, Conn., is said to have left his home on a hunting expedition. Pushing his way up the Connecticut River, he came to a very considerable stream of water flowing in from the east, now known as Sugar River. Following the course of this tribu- tary, he penetrated these wilds, and, doubtless, came to the place where Newport village now stands, and set his traps in the meadows of the South Branch and its affluents. He was successful in his trapping, and, in due time, returned to Connecticut, laden with the skins of otter, beaver, mink and musquash, the spoils of these streams. The glowing accounts he gave of the natural resources of this section in fertility of soil, water- power, timber, healthfulness of climate, pictur- esque scenery and accessibility, made a deep im- pression upon his friends and induced them to set about securing a charter for a township in the interest of their families. He set out again on a similar expedition, from which he never returned. At an early period in the settlement of the town a human skeleton was found on land about a mile west from Newport village, now the farm of Reuben Haven, near a small stream of water much fre- quented by rodents and aquatic animals. This discovery was supposed to solve th,e mystery in regard to the fate- of the unfortunate Eastman, — the first white man that set foot upon the soil of Newport. In the mean time the Colonial Governor at Portsmouth, through his Surveyor-General, Isaac Rindge, had caused surveys of many townships to be made in the valley of the Con- necticut, claiming jurisdiction on both sides of the river, and was not without good knowledge of the quality and value of these lands. Mr. Barstow, in his " History of New Hamp- shire," makes the following statement as re- gards the Governor and people in relation to this matter : " The soldiers perceived the fertility of the soil, and immediately upon the cessation of iiostilities a great crowd of adventurers and speculators made applica- tion for these lands. Applications increased and the surveys were extended so rapidly that during the year 1761 not less than sixty townships were granted on the west and eighteen on the east side of the river. The Governor's coffers were filled by the fees; and scarcely had two years more elapsed before the num- ber of townships on the west side of the river amount- ed to one hundred and thirty-eight. A stream of emi- gration poured northward from Charlestown to Lan- caster and Northumberland, and settlements were soon extended to Claremont and Plainfield, Lebanon, Hanover, Lyme, Oxford, Newport, Lempster, Marlow and Alstead. The passion for occupying new lands seemed hardly exceeded by the passion for granting them. The soldiers to whom they had been promised for thejr meritorious services in conquering the coun- try from France were forgotten in the hasty covetous- ness of an avaricious Governor. Wentworth retained five hundred acres of land in each town to himself." The last statement may be correct in regard to other towns, but to mitigate his selfishness as much as possible, we may state that his acquisi- tion in Newport was a lot of two hundred acres. We may here observe incidentally the influ- 202 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ence of the more important water-courses of New Hampshire as regards its first settlement ; and how the Piscataqua and the Merrimack and the Connecticut, and their more important trib- utaries, became water-ways and high-ways far- ther and farther into the interior, and their allu- vial borders were first dotted with settlements. We may also perceive how entirely convenient it was for the people of Central Massachusetts and Connecticut to push their settlements up the valley of the beautiful river that came down to them from the borders of Canada. Of the set- tlers on the Merrimack and its western tributa- ries, the greater part were from Eastern Massa- chusetts. For years the peculiarities of these different classes of people were of so decided a character as to identify their origin. Both classes were in Newport. In view of the demands for progress and the general situatioB, a number of the enterprising citizens of New London County, Conn., and more particularly of Killingworth, one of its important towns, had obtained from the royal Governor of New Hampshire a charter for a township of land, as follows : [Seal.] " Province of New Hampshire George the Third by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland ; King De- fender of the Faith &c. "To all persons to whoni these presents shall come : Greeting. " Know Ye that We of our special Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion for the due encourage- ment of Settling a New Plantation within Our Said Province by and with the advice of Our Trusty and Well-beloved Benning Wentworth Esqr: Our Gov- ernor and Commander in Chief of Our said Province of New Hampshire in New England and of Our Council of the said Province, Have upon the Condi- tions and Reservations hereinafter Made, Given and Granted and by these Presents for Us Our Heirs and Successors do Give and Grant in Equal Shares Unto Our loving Subjects, inhabitants of Our said Province of New Hampshire and Our Other Governments and to their Heirs and Assigns for Ever, whose names are entered on this Grant to be divided to, and amongst them into Sixty Eight Equal Shares, all that Tract or Parcel of Land Situate lying and Being within Our said Province of New Hampshire Containing by Ad- measurement Twenty Three Thousand and Forty Acres, which Tract is to Contain Six miles square and no more Out of which an Allowance is to be made for Highways and unimprovable Land by Rocks, Ponds. Mountains and Rivers One Thousand and Forty Acres free according to a Plan and Survey thereof made by Our said Governors order and re- turned to the Secretarys Office and hereunto annexed Butted and Bounded as follows, Viz, Beginning at a Stake and Stones which stands South 78 degrees East at the distance of Six Miles and One Half Mile from the North Westerly Corner of Charlestown a town formerly Granted in this Province, and runs from the said Stake and stone North Eight degrees, East Five Miles and Seven Eighths of a Mile to a Stake and Stones, then South 60 degrees East Eight Miles and One Quarter of a Mile, then South Ten degrees West Six Miles to a Stake and Stones, then North Sixty Three degrees West Six Miles and One Quarter of a Mile to a Stake and Stones ; the Bound first mentioned being Six Miles and One Half Mile from the Bank of Connecticut River. " And the same be and hereby is Incorporated into a Township by the Name of Newport. And the In- habitants that do, or shall hereafter inhabit the said Township are hereby declared to be Enfranchised with and Intitled to all and Every the privileges and immunities that other Towns within Our Province by Law Exercise and Enjoy — And, further, that the said Town as soon as there shall be Fifty Families resident and settled therein, shall have the liberty of Holding two Fairs, One of which shall be on the And the other on the annually, which Fairs are not to continue longer than the respective follow- ing the said and that as soon as the said Town shall consist of Fifty Families, a Market may be opened, and kept One or more days in each week, as may be thought most advantageous to the Inhabit- ants. " Also, that the first Meeting for the choice of Town Officers Agreeable to the Laws of Our said Province shall be held on the third Tuesday of November next, which said Meeting shall be notified by Mr. George Harris who is hereby appointed the Moderator of the said First Meeting, which he is to Notify, and Govern Agreeably to the Laws and Customs of Our said Prov- NEWPORT. 203 ince, and the annual Meeting forever hereafter for Choice of such Officers for the Said Town shall be on the second Tuesday of March Annually — To Have and to Hold the said Tract of Land as above expressed, together with all Privileges and Appurtenances to them and their respective Heirs and Assigns forever, upon the following Conditions, viz. : "1st. That every Grantee, his Heirs or Assigns shall plant and Cultivate Five Acres of Land within the Term of Five years, for every Fifty Acres con tained in his or their share or proportion of Land in said Township, and to continue to improve and settle the same by Additional Cultivations, on Penalty of the forfeiture of his Grant or Share in the said Town ship, and of its Reverting to Us Our Heirs and Suc- cessors to be by Us or Them regranted to such of Our Subjects as shall effectually Settle and Cultivate the same. "2dly. That all white and other Pine Trees within the said Township fit for Masting Our Royal Navy, be carefully preserved for that Use — and none be Cut or felled without Our Special Lease for so do- ing first had and obtained upon the Penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such Grantee, His Heirs and Assigns, to Us Our Heirs and Successors as well as being subject to the Penalty of any Act or Acts oi Parliament that now or hereafter shall be Enacted — " 3dly. That before any of the Land be made to and among the Grantees, a Tract of Land as near the Cen- tre of said Township as the Land will admit of, shall be reserved and marked out for Town Letts, One of which shall be Allotted to each Grantee of the Con- tents of One Acre. "4thly. Yielding and Paying therefor to us Our Heirs and Successors for the space of Ten years to be computed from the date hereof the Rent of One Ear of Indian Corn only, On the Twenty-Fifth Day of December Annually, if lawfully demanded the first payment to be made on the Twenty-Fifth day of December, 1762. "5thly. Every Proprietor, Settler, or Inhabitant shall yield and pay unto Our Heirs and Successors yearly and every year forever from and after the Expi- ration of Ten years from the above said Twenty-fifth day of December, which will be in the year of Our Lord 1772, One Shilling Proclamation Money for every hundred Acres he so owns settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Tract of the Land, which Money shall be paid by the respec- tive Persons abovesaid their Heirs or Assigns in Our Council Chamber in Portsmouth or to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed to receive the same, and this to be in Lieu of all other Rents and Services whatsoever — In Testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of Our said Province to be hereunto affixed. " Witness, Benning Wentworth, Esqr., Our Gover- nor and Commauder-in-Chief of Our said Province the 6th day of October in the Year of Our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty-One and in the First year of Our Reign " B. Wentworth. "By His Excellency's Command with advice of Council. " Theodore Atkinson, Sec'y. "Province of New Hampshire Recorded in the Book of Charters, Page 221-222, 1761. " pr Theodore Atkinson, Sec'y. " A true Copy. " Benjn. Giles, Propritrs' Clark." The proprietors' record has a,planofthe town drawn in accordance with the royal grant as given by Isaac Rindge, surveyor-general of theprovince and copied by Benjamin Giles, the proprietors' clerk. There were some provisions afterwards considered by the proprietors, though not speci- fied in the charter, as follows : A lot of two hundred acres was reserved in the southwestern part of the town to be ac- counted as two of the before-named shares for the benefit of Governor Wentworth. Inaddition, one share was reserved for the " Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; " one share for a glebe for the Church of England as by law established; one share for the first settled minister of the gospel ; and one share for the benefit of a school in said town. That the grant of this township was origin- ally a matter of speculation is apparent from the fact that of the names of the sixty-one grantees to whom the charter was given, but one appears as an actual settler of the town. The settlers and owners of 1766 had evidently purchased their rights from the original gran- tees. 204 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The township of Newport thus granted is situated in the western part of the State, some forty miles northwesterly from Concord. Mathematically described, it is about 4.3° 30' north latitude, and 4° 30' longitude east from Washington City, and is bounded on the north by Croydon ; south, by Unity and Go- shen ; east, by Sunapee ; and west by Clare- mont. In regard to its physical aspects, the first point of interest and value is the splendid river system by which it is watered and drained, and from which Newport derives its importance as a manufacturing town. We have reference to the Sugar Eiver and its branches. The main stream of the Sugar has its source in a great natural reservoir of water lying some five or six miles to the eastward of the town, known as Sunapee Lake. This lake covers an area some ten miles long from north to south and on an average about three miles in width. Its resources are deep among the granite knobs on the great back-bone or ridge known as a part of the Apalachian system of high lands between the Merrimack and Connecticut Valleys, and its slopes forming on either side water-sheds to the rivers that flow through those valleys. The surface of the lake is estimated by com- petent engineers at an altitude of one thousand one hundred and three feet above mean tide- water in Boston Harbor, and some eight hun- dred and sixty feet above the bed of the Con- necticut River on a line eighteen miles due west in the town of Claremont. The fall of the river between the gates of the Sunapee Dam Company, at its lake outlet, and the valley at Newport is estimated at from three hundred and fifty to four hundred feet. Much of this power has been employed to good advantage by mills and manufactories; and more remains unimproved, awaiting the coming capitalist or man of enterprise and skill to build his shop or mill and control its idle force to some good purpose. In the Newport meadows the Sugar receives the waters of its South Branch, flowing north- wardly from Goshen, with its affluents from Lempster and Unity, and goes on for about three miles by the course of the stream to receive another principal tributary, the North Branch from Croydon and Springfield. The course of the stream then tends westerly to the rapids at North Newport, where it again takes up its rollicking career to Kellyville, and from thence to the meadows and fall in Claremont, and its confluence with the Connecticut. There are several other lesser tributaries o;t the Sugar in Newport, of which are Keed, Kim- ball, Perry and Comstock Brooks — some of them with water sufBcient to turn a mill, and all of them in times past the delight of the angler. The length of the Sugar River in its circui- tous course is estimated at about twenty-five miles, to accomplish some eighteen miles in a straight line. The waters we have sought to describe drain an area of some two hundred thousand acres of territory, and flow from twelve diflferent towns. Spreading out along the margins of these brooks and larger streams are ample meadows rising into uplands, and highlands, and hills, and ridges affording fertile lands for tillage, sweet pastures for sheep and cattle and horses, — abundant wood-lots and orchards of sugar- maple, on all of which efficient labor would find a reward. Another pleasant feature of the township is its diversified and beautiful scenei^. It would seem the result of design, rather than a chance survey, that so many desirable features should be found in a " certain tract or parcel of land," as regards meadow-lands, water-power and gen- eral situation. We might ask, " Why did not the compass of the original surveyor send the boundary lines in such a manner as to divide our meadows and water-power with Croydon or Goshen, instead of locating them in the heart of Newport?" The only answer to such a query would be that "these lines, which have fallen to us in such NEWPORT. 205 pleasant places, were indicated by the finger of Providence," and we have a " goodly heritage." Among the most prominent elevations outly- ing about the valley of Newport is Pike Hill, which appears to have been used as a signal station in the triangulation of the State by the Coast Survey, as shown by the weather-beaten staff upon its top. There appears also a geological wonder on the top of this hill, known to the natives as the Elephant E.ock, on account of its resem- blance in color and proportions to that huge Asiatic pachyderm. It rests upon the surface of the ground, and measures nearly one hun- dred feet in circumference and twenty-four feet in height. The altitude of its location is esti- mated at about one thousand five hundred feet above sea-level. When and how it was landed upon that granite knob is matter of grave speculation. It is known to antedate the arrival of any other first settler, and is at present the only original occupant of that hill. A little farther to the southwest is Wilmarth Ledge, a bold ridge, easily accessible and worth visiting for the sake of the magnificent views presented and the geological specimens that may be found there. Another immense conglomerate boulder or loggan, estimated to weigh from thirty to forty tons, receives many callers at its lodge on Clare- mont Hill, about forty rods north of the road. This rock is so poised upon the ground that it may be moved to and fro by the ordinary force of one hand. It is supposed to be a choice specimen lost out of the cabinet of some passing glacier in the olden-time. Of other curiosities in stone, reference might be had to the pot or well-holes in the ledges of the South Branch at Southville. There is no locality in Newport where the age of the world is more emphatically dis- played; no "Sermons in Stones" more im- pressive than are to be found there. Some time since' a couple of village philosophers selected one of the pot-holes, to which we have referred, for investigation. They prepared for the duty, and with syphon and other facilities for bailing and digging they removed the water and sand and gravel from a circular hole in the solid ledge to the depth of six feet, and varying from twenty-seven inches in diameter at the surface to forty-two inches at its greatest size. The shape of the chamber or cavity thus disclosed was somewhat like that of an egg, if made to stand upon its largest end ; and its capacity must have been at least one hundred and twenty-five gallons. The inside of this immense jug, so to speak, clearly indicated the spiral sweep of the water and pebbles as the wearing process went on during the ages and ages. In the northwestern part of the town, over- looking the valley of the Sugar on the south, stands a rugged elevation know as Blueberry Ledge, which, extending into Clareraont, be- comes Green Mountain. In this remote corner, sometimes known as the Cat Hole, are mines of plumbago and mica, which may attract further attention in the future. The views there are very fine. In the northern part of the town, beyond the bend in the river and its adjacent meadows, rises a huge swell of land known as Baptist Hill. Such tracts of upland, originally cov- ered with a growth of hard-woods, such as beech, birch, maple and oak, were considered very desirable by the early settlers as affording a soil of great strength and fertility, and not easily exhausted by cultivation. Across the valley of the North, or Croydon Branch of Sugar, in the northeastern section of the town, rising to an elevation of one thousand five hundred and eighty-eight feet above sea- level, is a rugged hill known as Coit Mountain ; and further on in an easterly direction is a simi- lar knob, distinguished as Bald Mountain. The tops of these hills are very delightful, af- fording, as they do, fine outlooks and desirable situations for summer parties. Lying along on the eastern side of the town and valley are the East Mountain and Thatcher 206 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hill, devoted to farms and agriculture, and abounding with pleasant situations. From many of the points thus described within the town lines, the observer may, with the natural eye, or aided by a field-glass, rise out of his local boundaries of town, county and State, to the contemplation of far-off views of surpassing interest and grandeur. Some eight miles to the north the summit of Croydon Mountain, the highest point of land in Sullivan County, looks down upon the Newport Valley from an altitude pf two thousand seven hun- dred and eighty-nine feet above sea-level ; and further to the northeast the clustering pinna- cles of the White Mountain group are dis- tinctly visible. On the east we have Kearsarge ^ in serene individuality, and the far-off lands of Maine. To the southeast the dark and rugged brow of Sunapee seems watching its own shadow in the crystal lake at its base. On the south are the Washington, Unity and Lempster hills, while the western horizon is outlined by a clear and well-defined view of the Green Mountain range of Vermont. Returning to the business affairs of the grantees ; no action appears to have been taken in regard to the distribution of these shares un- til some three years after the date of the charter. On December 26, 1764, a meeting of pro- prietors was held at Killingworth, and a com- mittee appointed, consisting of Stephen Wilcox, Robert Lane, John Crane and Isaac Kelsey, " to proceed to Charlestown (No. 4) and attend to the allotment of the shares," which ulti- mately took place at the house of John Hast- ings, Jr., on July 6, 1765. This committee was also authorized "to locate the Town Plott" in accordance with the pro- visions of the charter, and arrange convenient highways for the accommodation of the lot- owners. At a meeting held on the second Tuesday in March, 1766, another committee, consisting of Ebenezer Merrit, Deacon Jeremiah Clement and Stephen Wilcox, was appointed "to open a cart-road in Newport," and also "a road to the west end of said lotts," extending from lot No. 64, owned by Ezra Parmelee, northward to what was afterward, and still remains, the Jenks place. It was also " Voted that Mr. Morgan sell the boat owned by the proprietors, and that Stephen Wilcox proceed to Portsmouth and procure an extension of the charter," which was in hazard of forfeiture, through the non-compliance with its provisions — twenty-one shares had abeady (April, 1765) been sold at auction for this cause. It is matter of regret that we know nothing more, either by record or tradition, in regard to the " boat owned by the proprietors," for what purpose it had been used, and why it was sold. Up to this time, 1765-66, all that had been in settlement of the township was preliminary. The surveys, the grant, the allotment of shares, the trading and planning had mostly been ar- ranged, and all the characteristics and privileges and beauties of the new township were thor- oughly examined and understood. It is said that in the fall of 1765, after the drawing took place, a number of the men in- terested came to the promised land to spy it out, and make arrangements for the company that were to come the next spring ; that three of them remained to finish some extra work after their companions had left. At night they went to " Bragg's camp," which was at the northwest corner of the roads at the foot of Claremont Hill. The next morning a severe snow-storm came on. They were without food and obliged to follow their companions to No. 4, or remain and starve. While traveling through Unity, Mer- ritt, one of the party became fatigued and chilled, thought he could go no farther, and laid down to die. Kelsey, another of the party, who believed in severe remedies in such cases, cut sprouts and applied them vigorously to Merritt's person, whereupon he arose in his NEWPORT. 207 wrath to pursue and take vengeance on his persecutor. The exercise restored him to the use of his limbs and probably saved his life, and they reached Charlestown in safety. Early in the month of June, 1766, the first party of actual settlers and workers made their appearance in Newport. They came in from Charlestown (No. 4), which for several years had been the most northern outpost of civilization on the Con- necticut River. The descent on this place in September, 1760, when the Willard family were captured and taken to Canada, was among the very last of the French and Indian depre- dations in New England. It was at this time a resting-place and base of supplies for the surrounding country. From that point a traveled road and civil- ization disappeared from their view, and they took their way through the woods for about twenty miles, guided by blazed trees, on foot, as may be supposed, bearing their guns, am- munition, provisions, axes and extra clothing on their backs. It has been erroneously stated by writers on this subject that the wives of several of the party were with them at this time ; but such is not the fact, as will appear in the further progress of this sketch. In regard to the personnel of the party whom, as individuals, we now welcome to Newport, it is matter of regret that so little is known. They took no thought for their descendants and suc- cessoi-s, and were not posing before a future historian. Had it been otherwise, their private records would have been more ample. The oldest member of the party was Deacon Stephen Wilcox, whose ancestors were settled on the eastern end of Long Island, visible from the Connecticut shore, as early as 1685. He was born July 6, 1706 : married, May 10, 1733, Mary Hurd, and with their family of twelve children lived in Killingworth. He was at this time about sixty years of age. With him were two sons, — Jesse, born October 5, 1744 ; Phineas, born January 14, 1747. Uriah, who was not of the party, but came afterward, was born March 13, 1749, and consequently was about seventeen years of age. Here came also Samuel Hurd, whose wife (married 1757) was Lydia, the daughter of Stephen WilcOx. Stephen Wilcox was never a permanent resident of this town. His interest here and business was to place these sons and the son-in- law on lands— three hundred acres to each — he had acquired in accordance with the terms of the charter, or by purchase. His name is several times mentioned in con- nection with proprietary and town affairs, but he ultimately returned to Killingworth. Here came also Absalom Kelsey, about twen- ty-four years of age, who afterwards married Mercy Hill, of Killingworth, and Jesse Kelsey, his brother, born February 25, 1746, married, May 12, 1769, Hester Hurd, a sister of Samuel Hurd, before mentioned. Of this party was Ezra Parmelee, whose father was a neighbor of the Wilcoxs, Hurds and Kel- seys, and we believe a connection of some of them by marriage. Ezra, Jr., afterward mar- ried, May 1,1769, Sybil Hill, a daughter of James and Hannah (Nettleton) Hill, of Killing- worth, and a sister of Mercy, the wife of Absa- lom Kelsey. We have been careful in regard to these gen- ealogies, as frequent errors have been made which we desire to correct. We have thus specified seven members of the settling party, who apfiear to have been person- ally related or connected, and who made up a kind of family party under the supervision of Dea. Wilcox. The tradition in regard to this matter is that there were eight ; that they arrived at a point near the present four corners at the foot of Claremont Hill late on a Saturday evening. The probability is that they came to Bragg's unoccupied camp, abandoned the previous fall, and that Bragg himself was now one of their number. We would have known more about this matter had a generation of Braggs come down to the present from that early stock. 208 HISTOKY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. The tradition also runs, and we have no doubt of the truth of it, that the next day be- ing the Sabbath, religions services were held in the shade of a large birch-tree, and con- ducted by Deacon Stephen Wilcox. As to there being eight in the party, it mat- ters not ; others were on their way hither, of whom were Zephaniah Clark, Ebenezer Merritt, Daniel Dudley and others whose names will appear hereafter. The individuals of the party soon left the gen- eral encampment to occupy cabins or camps of their own construction, on their own lots. Jesse Wilcox came to lots 12 and 13, now the home- stead of Freeman Cutting ; Samuel Hurd to lot 14, on the north end of the plain, so-called; Jesse Kelsey to lands at the locality now known as Kelleyville. The place has since been owned by Deacon John Kelley, Richard Everett, John S. Parmelee and Geo. H. Towle. That neigh- borhood was soon known as " New City." Ezra Parmelee made his camp on lot No. 64, at the south end of the meadows, on the South Branch, not far from the present residence of George E. Dame. The meadow lands in that locality have been greatly changed in later years by the action of the water in times of freshet. Absalom Kelsey located at the south- west corner, and Benjamin Bragg at the north- west corner, at the cross-roads. Zephaniah Clarke erected a log cabin on the "plain," where R. P. Claggett now lives. It was the hostelry of the settlement. Ebenezer Merritt took possession of lot No. 5, afterwards owned by Benjamin Giles, and in later times by Jonas Cutting and Wm. Davis. The stalwart settlers wrought industriously through the season, chopping, burning, clear- ing and planting each on his five acres or more, as " nominated in the bond." The committee, of which Stephen Wilcox was chairman, undoubtedly pushed the opening of tlie cart-road towards Charlestown, their base of supplies. The road extended in a southwesterly direction over the Newport and Unity hills, with more regard to straight lines than grades, and was the first thoroughfare opened, though others had been projected. At that time the" woods abounded in game suitable for food, and the streams with trout and other kinds of fish. The breadstuffs, groceries and salt meats were transported with much labor from " No. 4," as it was almost al- ways called, and each settler took his turn in taking tlie trip and returning therewith. In the autumn of that year, 1766, they sowed win- ter grains in their clearings, raking it in as best they could by hand, and late in the season closed their camps, and returned to Killing- worth to spend the winter with their families and frieuds. Referring to the names and ages heretofore stated of several of the young men, it may reasonably be supposed that more or less of old-fashioned New England courting was before them during the winter. That the time was well applied the records hereafter will show. There is very little doubt but that the new set- tlement was deserted during the first winter, as Clark, Hurd, Bragg and Merritt had left their wives and all the young men their sweet- hearts in Connecticut. It may be observed in this connection that in the primitive days of Newport, and New England generally, the married state was en- tered upon early in life. The man and the woman who were to be made " one flesh " came together with a suitable equality of age and condition, and were thus better fitted to aid and comfort each other in all the possibilities of life that were before them. They reared large families of children, and were able to see them grow up around the family hearth-stone under good training and ex- ample, and finally push out into new fields of labor and usefulness, while yet the homestead was in full vigor, as a base of operations and encouragement. It was not, perhaps, good judgment that the sickly and weak-kneed members of the flock were oftenest educated and turned into the pro- NEWPOKT. 209 fessions; but from the standpoint of the parent of that period, muscle was the pre-emi- nent quality, and it was not considered wisdom or good policy to waste a healthy and vigorou^ young man in an oifice or a profession while there were savages to light, or forests to hew down and farms to open and cultivate. It was in those good old times that families were founded, as well as States ; and the men and women of the present turn with reverence and pride to the genealogies and memories of their New England ancestors and the old home- stead or burial-place, possibly to become a shrine or a Mecca, to some distinguished de- scendant from the Far West, who would establisli his lineage, or who has found his way to higli official position — perhaps the Presidency. In the spring of 1767 the Newport colony returned to their cabins and labors, in the build- ing up of their colonial town. They found that during tlieir absence the wild animals that hover about the borders of civilization had anticipated them in the gathering of the crops they had planted ; but undiseouraged, they pro- ceeded as before to chop and dig and build in the line of substantial progress. Several additional settlers were added to their number this year, among whom was Benjamin Giles, who came to be an inportaut factor in the general progress. He at once appreciated the wants of the settlement and proposed the build- ing of saw and grist-mills, at an eligible privi- lege on the main branch of Sugar River in the eastern part of the town. The want of facilities for the grinding of corn and grain and the sawing of logs into boards was very great, for reasons already stated. It may be of interest here to state that the present Granite State Mills, at Guild post-office and station, occupy the site of the Giles mills. Referring to the old records, we find that the first regular meeting of the proprietors in New- port'was held October 13, 1767, at the house of Jesse Wilcox. The meeting was called to order by Benjamin Bellows, of Walpole, one of "His Majesties Justices." Stephen Wilcox was chosen moderator ; Ben- jamin. Giles, clerk ; Samuel Hurd, Charles Avery, Zephaniah Clarl-: were chosen assessors; and Benjamin Giles, Amos Hall, Eben Mer- ritt, Samuel Hurd and James Church, a com- mittee " to lay out a second division of land." It is understood that the first division ex- tended across the meadows east and west, and the lots contained each fifteen acres. This meeting votes : " To lay out to each proprietor thirty-five acres, either at the east or west end of the lots already laid out. This meeting adjourned to the 16tli inst., at the house of Zephaniah Clark, inn-holder, etc., where it was " Voted : That Zephaniah Clark, Eben' Merritt, Benj° Bragg, Sam' Hurd and Jesse Wilcox, having families now in Newport, have each 80 acres of land, and also that any person who is a proprietor and becomes an in- habitant, with his wife, in said Newport by the first of July, 1768, shall be entitled to 80 acres; Others who have been in town, to improve the first division, 50 acres." This year (1767) there came a marked im- provement to the condition and prospects of the infant settlement consequent upon the arrival of the wives of several of the leading men, as indicated by the action of the town in awarding premiums to those having wives present, and to families who might be induced to settle in the town. Of those present, with wives, there ap- pears one newly constituted family — Jesse and Thankful (Stevens) Wilcox, who were married in Killingworth, June 11th, previous to their departure on their wedding-tour to Newport. A tradition is extant that the ladies of a party, on approaching the town by the new " cart- road," were offered a premium in a race for a boundary-tree, pointed out as on the town-line ; that two of the ladies won, and that Jesse Wil- cox thus became liable for two silver crowns, English money, to the two winners. This also 210 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. may have been the party that is said to have broken down somewhere on Pike Hill, in their efforts to reach Newport over the said " cart- road," and were compelled to camp out for the night. That these may have been the experi- ences of that wedding-party is altogether within the bounds of probability. We have heretofore announced the arrival of Benjamin Giles in the settlement, and his pro- posal to build mills. The following act of the town has reference to this proposition : " At an adjourned meeting holden on the 29th day of October, at the house of Zephaniah Clark, afores'', by the Proprietors of Newport afores*, Mr. Stephen Willcocks, Moderator, Voted, that Benjamin Giles, now Resident in Newport, have one hundred Acres of Land laid out by the proprietors' committee, to him, his heirs and assigns Forever, and to be so laid out as to secure to said Giles, his heirs and Assigns, that part of the East Branch of Great Sugar River, so called, near where said Giles is about to sett up a Corn-Mill and a Saw-mill, so that said Giles may build a Damm aCross said River with all the privileges o( said River, so far as is necessary for the benefit of s"" Mills, with the land Adjoining said River, so as to take in a sufficiency of Land for to sett said Mills and what may be convenient around the same, and also to be so laid out as to take a part of the White Pine Timber, and also to Procure a Pair of Mill Stones foi- said Giles at said Mills. Also that said Giles have a Tax, or Rate, to the Vallu of Four Days Labor on each Proprietors Right, or Share, the afores* Grants given for s'' Giles Encouragement towards his build- ing the afores"" Mills in Newport, afores''." In view of these considerations, the mills were built and ready for operation September 24, 1768. AVe have it traditionally that Ezra Parmelee, who was one of the youngest men of the settlement, took great interest in these mills and worked out his "Tax," and even more, with a great deal of cheerfulness ; that, when "Squire Giles" proposed to send to Charlestown for a mechanic competent to file and hang the saw, young Parmelee came for- ward and said " he could do it as well as any- body he could get from No. 4." He was, ac- cordingly, entrusted with the job. He improvised a vise by cutting a small tree so a.s to leave a high stump, the top of which he split in a manner to receive and wedge in the saw for filing; after which it was properly placed in the works, and the first log was made into boards in the presence of an applauding crowd, comprising, we believe, every man in town. The name and character of Benjamin Giles deserves more than a passing notice, and it may as well have attention in this place as any other. It is matter of regret that the data extant from which to construct a sketch of his life is so meagre and desultory. It is thus with many other interesting lives, whose only written his- tory is found upon the stone that marks the place of their long-buried remains. He died in 1787, at the age of seventy years. He must, therefore, have been born in 1717, and at the time of his arrival in Newport was fifty years of age. He was an Irishman by birth, and in the course of wanderings by sea and land had come to Groton, Conn., where he was settled, and from whence he came to Newport. His family consisted of daughters — two by a first marriage, and one by a second wife, lately de- ceased. Of the first, Mary married Christopher Newton, and Hannah was the wife of Isaac Newton. These Newtons were cousins and came to Newport in 1779, with their families, where they lived and died. The daughter of the second marriage, Ruth, came with her father to this town. She was possessed, in her own right, of considerable property, inherited from her mother. A third wife, whom he married after coming here, was Abigail Hubbard, of Charlestown, who survived him. There were no children by the last marriage. Benjamin Giles was a man of good natural ability, well educated, a fair estate with much experience in human affairs. He was, for the time and place in which he acted, a strong man, and his influence in all matters — social, political and religious — was controlling and recognized in all the affairs of the community. No name NEWPORT. 211 appears with more frequency upon the town records than that of Benjamin Giles. His influence was not confined to his own town, but extended to other towns, and was felt in the councils of the State. The differences between the colonies and the mother country already foreshadowed revolu- tion, and wisdom and intelligence were needed in all counsels. He was a lover of liberty, an enthusiastic friend of the patriot cause, a true Irishman with pronounced American proclivi- ties. After the downfall and flight of the royal Governor, John Wentworth, New Hampshire was without an organized State government. By a concerted movement on the part of the towns, a convention was called to meet at Exeter, 1775, '76, for the purpose of organizing a pro- visional government for the time, or during the war. To this convention Benjamin Giles was sent as representative by the six classed towns of Newport, Unity, Acworth, Lempster, Croy- don and Saville (now Sunapee). He was chosen by the House of Representa- tives (so called) of the State, or colony, one of a committee of twelve to constitute an Upper House, or Senate. Meshech Weare, the first Governor of the State, was the presiding officer of this body, an assembly to which only the ablest men in the State were called. In the year 1778 the controversy between New Hampshire and Vermont, in regard to the boundary line, assumed formidable propor- tions. Conventions were held at Cornish, Wal- pole and Windsor, Vt., to consider the matter. To these conventions he was sent as a delegate. He favored the claims of Vermont, as in- structed by the town, at a meeting held March 29, 1781, when it was voted " That the town of Newport join in Union with Vermont. That Benjamin Giles, Esq., be a delegate to represent the town of Newport in the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, to be held at "Windsor in April next ensuing. That Aaron Buel, Jesse Wilcox and Josiah Stevens be a commit- 14 tee to give instructions to the representative above named for his direction in the General Assembly of Vermont." At another town-meeting, held the same year, the town voted for State officers of Ver- mont, and the meeting was called in the name of the State of Vermont. The excitement in regard to this matter be- came so great that troops were called out and arrests were made. Benjamin Giles and Nath- aniel S. Prentice were arrested by the New Hampshire authorities, and Enoch Hale, the sheriff of Cheshire County, was arrested by the authorities of Vermont. Giles is said to have been rescued from the custody of Colonel Hale, in Charlestown, by the " people in a most ex- traordinary manner." This difficulty was afterward amicably set- tled and the town of Newport returned to its al- legiance to New Hampshire. The annual town-meeting of March, 1782, was called in the name of the State of New Hampshire ; otherwise the good people of New- port at this time might have rejoiced as citizens of the Green Mountain State. To close the eventful history of this most prominent citizen of Newport during the Revo- lutionary period, we may take the reader in imagination to the first burial-place of the town, where nearly all " the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep," and read from the stone that identifies his grave his " short and simple an- nals," — " Erected in memory of ye Honourable Benjamin Giles, Esquire, who, after serving his generation faith- fully in publick life, then departed this, in hopes of a better, December 9th, 1787. " Although I sleep in dust awhile, Beneath this barren clod, Ere long I hope to rise and smile To see my Savior God." Other reference is made to Benjamin Giles in the article on Congregational Church. As the settlement progressed it became neces- 212 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. sarj to lay out and cut out additional roads in every direction, in order to accommodate the people and facilitate communication with other towns. This work went on as the community ex- panded. It is not desirable that we go into details in regard to this matter. The present system of well-graded roads and safe and convenient bridges, over which people travel with so much satisfaction^ in easy and elegant carriages, is a growth and outcome of years of labor and expense, which may not at all times be properly appreciated. In regard to methods of travel in the early days of the town, it may be said they were in harmony with the roads and bridges or fording- places and the needs of the time. People went about much on foot and on horseback ; and the Women rode on pillions behind the men, or took the saddle best adapted to their purpose. With the forehanded, the oxen and cart furnished a turnout of great consideration. During the year 1768 we find no special records to suggest remarks. The inference is that the new town was reasonably progressing in its civil and social affairs. In 1769, February 2d, it appears that the proprietors, having failed to perform according to the conditions of the charter, which required them to cultivate live acres of land, in five years, for every fifty acres, had a further period of four years granted in which to fulfill these conditions. At that period, as stated by Governor Went- worth in his extension of the charter, fifteen families had settled in the town. This defalcation, and possibility of forfeiting the town charter, indicates a struggle against difficulties and obstacles which the people of this time can hardly appreciate. Whatever may be said against Governor Wentworth in general terms, it was certainly kind in him to favor them in their efforts for municipal existence. Ezra Parmelee, though a young man, had made good progress on lot No. 64. He had thus far spent his summers in his camp and clearing. The partner of his joys and sorrows, for the time being, was Ephraim Towner, who shared the comforts of his camp and aided him in his labors. Towner's lot, No. 66, was at the southeastern end of the meadows, and not far distant. When the season was over Mr. Parmelee closed his cabin and returned to his home in Connecticut. In the neighborhood of the Parmelee home- stead, at Killingworth, lived the Hill family. They were people in good circumstances, with sons and daughters, the oldest of whom was Sibyl, born October 10, 1746. She was now about twenty-two years of age, and the witchery of her name, or charms, had ensnared the heart of the young backwoodsman, Ezra Par- melee. They had grown up in the same society, at- tended the same school, heard the same preach- ing, and together they thought they might journey, not only to New Hampshire, but through life. We accordingly give place to the following record copied from the old church register at Killingworth. " On ye 1st day of May, 1769, Ezra Parmelee and Sibyl Hill were joined in ye Marriage Covenant by Rev. William Seward, Pastor of ye 2nd Church of Christ in Killingworth." Shortly after his marriage, leaving his bride at her father's, Mr. Parmelee returned to New- port, this time making the trip with oxen and cart laden with furniture and housekeeping articles, which, with a heifer that was driven along with the team, comprised the wife's " set- ting-out," or marriage portion. Accomplishing this somewhat tedious trip, he commenced with renewed energy to prepare a comfortable home for his wife, who was to come to him in the autumn. His house was placed on high land, near the " Potash Brook," so-called, west of the Unity road, a short dis- tance southward from the residence — 1885 — of NEWPORT. 213 George E. Dame. It was necessarily a homely structure, one story in height, framed and fashioned by his own hands. Having good mechanical ability, he constructed chairs and tables, which, with the articles brought from Killingworth, furnished the place very com- fortably. The labors in the field alternated with the work on the building, as the summer went on, and for the complete establishment of a home it only remained that a principal divinity should be installed among the house- hold gods. The autumn came, and with it the arrival of the bride, accompanied by the senior Parmelee. They came on horseback, Sibyl riding behind on a pillion. The distance traveled was about one hundred and eighty miles. There were but few women in the settlement, and as a matter of course the arrival of Mrs. Parmelee was an event of great interest and joy. The greeting of the neighbors was most cor- dial, to say nothing of the expectant husband, and the house-warming that followed was among the events of the twelvemonth. The Parmelee family were thus established in New- port. To Ezra and Sibyl were born, during the years from 1770 to 1793, three sons and five daughters. In 1793 Mr. Parmelee purchased the house and lands of Josiah Stevens, adjoining his premises on the north. The house which had sheltered the family for a quarter of a century was moved from the hill, and annexed to the more pretentious new house, built by Deacon Stevens, as an L part, where it still remains in good condition. The dwelling of the Parmelees was a seat of hospitality to visitors and strangers, ministers and people. Ezra and Sibyl lived to a great age, and it is to them and their descendants that we are indebted for much of the social and general history of the town. In their comfortable home, cared for by their children and friends, they descended into the vale of years, passing far beyond the allotted three-score and ten of human life, until, with bended forms and whitened locks, they stood upon the outer mar- gin of nearly an entire century ere they passed away. Ezra died January 18, 1838, in the ninety-third year of his age. Sibyl died April 6, 1838, in the ninety-second year of her age. William and Mindwell (Buel) Stanard came from Killingworth in 1768-69. The Stanards' farm was on the Croydon road. It descended to his son William, and next to his grandson Obed, who sold the estate to James Hall in 1836, and moved to Iowa. The first social party in the town of Newport was given by the Stanards, on New Year's day, 1770. Every inhabitant of the settlement was present. We know by " heresay " that Mrs. Ezra Parmelee was there with her first baby, — Rhoda, born November 1, 1770, and then two months old. The occasion was one of much enjoyment. Edwin O. Stanard, son of Obed, and great- grandson of William, is a prominent citizen of St. Louis, was Lieutenant-Governor of Missouri in 1868, and a member of the Forty-third Congress from that State. Jeremiah and Lucy (Whipple) Jenks came from Smithfield, R. I. They are said by their biographer to have "arrived in Newport on the 4th of July, 1776, and first established themselves on what is known as the Parmelee place, on the south road." This must have been but a temporary occupation. The deed of Mr. Jenks to lands "attests the purchase of one share of three hundred and forty acres on east side of Connec- ticut river (Newport), one sixty-eighth part of its territory" — a somewhat indefinite descrip- tion and difficult to locate. "Between 1778 and 1792 he made purchases of land from Josiah Stevens, Aaron Buel, James Church, Israel Bryan, Uriah Wilcox, Nathan Fisher and Stephen Perry, by which he became the largest landholder and the heaviest tax-payer in Newport." The Jenks homestead was located on what may have been called the North road, and is one of the few estates still owned and 214 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. occupied by descendants of the first proprietor. The Jenks family have always been prominent and valuable citizens of the town. Jeremiah and Love (Buel) Nettleton came from Killingworth in 1779, and located in the eastern part of the town. Mr. Netlleton was the proprietor of Bald Mountain and the adjacent lands to the river. These lands and their improvements descended to his son Aaron and his grandson, Jeremiah J). Nettleton, at whose death, December 8, 1852, the estate passed to other hands. The Nettletons were also for many years prominent in the social and civil affairs of the town. The grandsons of the first settler, Aaron, Jr., and Bela Nettleton, were many years in the mercantile business on the corner of Main and Sunapee Streets, where the " Nettleton Block," so called, now stands. The post-office was for many years located in their building, and they were successively post- masters. The original store building now fronts on Sunapee Street, and is occupied by the United States and Canada Express Company. The Stevens family, originally from Killing- worth, were in Newport at an early period — 1771. Josiah Stevens was born October 21, 1743; married Mary Gray, January 26, 1763. This family was settled on the place adjoining that of Edward Parmelee, on the north. There were eleven children, mostly daughters, born to them in the years from 1763 to 1785. Mr. Stevens was a well-educated man, a school- teacher, a deacon of the Congregational Church, and occasionally a town officer. He was in moderate circumstances, occupied a log cabin, and had pretty hard scrabbling to get bread and meat for so large and unproductive a fam- ily. Their principal resources were a somewhat unthrifty farm, a potashery, over on the brook that crossed the Unity road, not far south of this place, and to A\hich that at present emaciated stream is indebted for its euphonious name, " Potash Brook," and possibly some in- come from his Qccasional vocation as a teacher. The excellent wife and mother of all these children died September 26, 1787. A few months later Benjamin Giles also de- parted this life, leaving an attractive widow, possessed of considerable property, to mourn his departure. It is sufficient to state that in less than a twelvemonth the vacant chair in the family circle of the good deacon was filled by his wedding, May 15, 1788, the "Widow Giles. In consideration of his more prosperous cir- cumstances. Deacon Stevens set to work and built, for the time, a fine dwelling-house, locat- ing the same a few rods south of the old cabin. The style of architecture adopted, whether English, French, colonial or Renaissance, was peculiar to that period. The front elevation was of two stories, surmounted with a short roof, and the rear sloping from the ridge-pole, with a long roof to one story in height. There were many such constructions in New England. The north front-room was fitted up for a store, in which he had placed a stock of dry-goods, groceries, etc., and was doing business as a mer- chant. There was an apparent prosperity for a time, but at last it became evident that the combined incomes of his several undertakings were not equal to their advanced style of living ; and it was found desirable, if not necessary, to dispose of their real estate and various other interests. The family removed to Orwell, Vt., where, in a short time, their eight daughters were all re- spectably married and settled. Incidental to this, it is said that a wealthy and somewhat eccentric resident of that place. Colonel Austen, gave a social entertainment at his house, at which the eight daughters [and their eight husbands were all present by special invitation, as a social curiosity. Deacon Stevens afterwards took orders as a minister of the gospel, and, returning from Vermont, preached for a time in the neighbor- ing town of Goshen. His second wife, Abigail Giles, died March 15, 1800. After her decease Mr. Stevens went in the interest of the Society NEWPORT. 215 for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as a missionary to the fishermen on the Isles of Shoals. What remains of his some- what varied history may be best told by quoting from the marble tablet that covers the remains of himself and a third wife, to be found in the burial-place connected with a dilapidated meet- ing-house on Star Island, and which summer visitors have read and pondered over, and will continue so to do as time goes on, as follows : " In memory of Josiab Stevens, a faithful instruc- tor of youth, and Pious Minister of Jesus Christ, supported on this Island by the Society for Propaga- ting the Gospel, Died July 2, 1804, aged 64 years. Likewise Mrs. Susannah Stevens, his beloved wife, who died Dec. 10, 1810, aged 54 years." Josiah Stevens, Jr., son of the foregoing, re- mained a citizen of Newport and was a deacon of the Congregational Church until his death, in 1 844. He was the father of Josiah Stevens, some time Secretary of State, who became a citizen of Concord, where he died in 1869. Another son of the first Josiah, Edward, was drowned in returning by sea from Georgia, where he had been to visit a third son, Oliver, who had settled in Liberty County, Ga., where he has left descendants. The Stevens name, as descended from the first settler, has disappeared from Newport for many years. The Dudleys, of whom mention has been made, came from Saybrook. A stone may be found in the old cemetery bearing the following inscription : " In memory of Deborah Dudley, who died February 6, 1780, aged One hundred years ; " and another in memory of Daniel Dudley, who died in 1808, aged ninety-two years. Her son, who was the father of Daniel Dudley, Jr., also born in Saybrook, April 10, 1755, and three generations of Dudleys were early settlers of Newport, and the name still continues on the check-list. The Dudleys, father and son, built the first grist-mill in New- port village, in 1787. The original site is still occupied for that purpose. Ephraim Towner was another of the earliest settlers. We find his name connected with the ownership of lot No. 66, at the southeastern termination of the meadows on the South Branch. His house and mills were at a point near the Goshen road, where the present Pond Street diverges towards Southville. He left his name with the brook, while house and mills and all the Towner family have long since disappeared from Newport. Many other names early known in Newport have no succession. Zephaniah Clark removed from here to Newbury ; was also one of the first settlers of that town and its representative in the Legislature in 1785. The Braggs, Churches, Halls, Lanes, Merritts, Stanards, and some others, familiar to the oldest inhabit- ants, have disappeared, and can be known to the present only as we give them life in a towJi history. The wants of a more thriving community, 1772, required better accommodations for the transaction of the public business. A. building was also wanted for school purposes and a more appropriate place for public worship on Sun- days. Heretofore the people had resorted to private houses or barns for these purposes ; ac- cordingly, at a meeting of proprietors, held at the house of Jesse Wilcox, November 23, 1772, Daniel Dudley in the chair, it was voted to erect a building for the use of the town, and a tax of fifteen shillings was levied on each pro- prietor to meet the expense. It was stipulated that the building should be thirty feet long by twenty feet wide, with one fire-place, and that it should be ready for use by the next July, 1773. This first town hall of Newport was unique in its style of architecture and rudely con- structed. Its* roof descended from a common centre to each of the four sides. It is appropriate that we here present a de- scription of this building, given by one who saw it and used it, a native of Newport. We have reference to Eev. James Hill Parmelee, son of Ezra, born May 15, 1783. He was 216 HISTOKY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. graduated at Yale College in 1808, afterwards at the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J. ; was ordained to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church and spent the vigor of his life in connection with the missionary en- terprises of that church in the West and South, and died at his home on the Muskingum River, near Zanesville, Ohio, April 6, 1872, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. He was a gentle- man of fine culture and many experiences. The following is an extract from a letter writ- ten by him to the author of this sketch but a few months before his decease. He says, — " I know very little about Newport after the year 1798, and the few facts prior to that date lie scattered along the borders of an early memory. When quite a small boy, I remember standing round Mr. Reme- lee's knees, with other boys of my own age, in the old Proprietors' House to learn my letters. That stood on the Plain on which were the houses of Robert and Jesse Lane. It was covered with rough boards, like a barn, and my recollection is lively that they were fastened on with wooden pins. It was both school-house and meetinghouse. • " I was among the boys that lay on the boards above the beams, with our faces over the edge look- ing down at Mr. Remelee as he was preaching, and at the people as they sang good old Lenox and Weare and Wells. When the boys were too playful the Tithingman, of whom we were much afraid, would lift up his rough stick and rap upon the edge of the board.s, when we would be whist as mice. "Mr. Remelee was a good scholar, an able preacher and a man of much wit and humor. " Our neighbors were Absalom Kelsey, Jesse Wil- cox, Jesse and Robert Lane, Dea. Josiah Stevens, Dea. Elias Bascom and Uriah Wilcox, all with sons and daughters." He speaks of the ladies as follows : " It was not the fortune of the women of those days to be clothed in soft raiment, made compara- tively without hands, as is the privilege of the women of this day. For them were the spinuing-wheel and the loom to be run, as regular as the revolution of the seasons. There was the wool in the fleece and the cot.on in the seed to be cleansed and carded by hand- cards, and spun thread by thread. There were piles of flax also to be spun and woven into cloth. It was their ambition to show the highest pile of linen cloths, flannels and blankets, and their pride to ex- hibit long pieces of dressed cloth for family use. In recompense of this stern toil, their constitutions were clear of scrofulous diseases, the effects of indul- gence. They needed not the disguise of cosmetics, their teeth were like rows of ivoiy, their beauty bright, their morals free from the corruptions of fic- tion and their minds full of purity and innocence." In regard to the first newspaper which came to the town, he says, — "About the year 1790 appeared the first newspa- per which visited our community. It was called the Farmers' if Mseum, printed at Walpole, at that time the metropolis of this region. It was carried by post on a circuit through Charlestown, Claremont, Newport, Unity, Lempster and Acworth to Alste^d. " How impatient were we to see the weekly post ! (Read Cowper.) He was made welcome to a plate at the table and lodging all the way round. He was burdened with parcels and errands from one family to another and from town to town. In this was fore- shadowed in a small way the great system of ex- presses which extended throughout the land." The new town building became a rallying- point of great interest to the community. It was here the proprietors now came together, and the citizens of the town to regulate their muni- cipal affairs ; here the magistrate held his court ; here the children collected to receive instruction from appointed teachers ; here gathered on Sun- days the people in their tidy homespun apparel ; many on foot ; some on horseback ; the wife or daughter or sister riding behind, on a pillion, while, perhaps, a juvenile of the family may have had a front seat on the pommel of the saddle, or iu arms, or the long-horned oxen hauling a cart prepared with suitable seats and covering.?, were driven forth — a team such as Uzza drove out from Kirjath-jearim to the threshing-floor of Chidon in Old Testament times, and the whole family, and as many neigh- bors as possible, found transportation. At the annual meeting March 8, 1774, the town " Voted to build a bridge across the East NEWPORT. 217 branch of Sugar river, near the East End of the first division of lots." Fifteen pounds were raised to defray the expense, to be paid in labor or grain at market price. " Aaron Buel, Phineas Wilcox and Ezra Parmelee were chosen as a building committee to have charge of this work." The bridge was located on or near the site of the present bridge on Main Street. At the annual meeting March 13, 1775, the town " Voted to build a bridge over the South branch between lots No. 16 and No. 17 in the first division." Twenty-five pounds were ap- propriated for the expense. Amos Hall, Ebe- nezer Merritt and Aaron Buel were chosen a building committee. The bridge was built in October, 1776. This was the intervale bridge, now on Elm Street. On the 22d day of January, 1783, by the concurrent action of the town, Rev. John Remele was installed as the first pastor of the Congregational Church in Newport. A more particular account of the personal characteristics and ministry of Rev. Mr. Remele is given in connection with the article on the C ongregational Church, on another page of this sketch. That the clergy in the early New England times were called to secular trusts and duties, as well as sacred, and that they were greatly reverenced by parishioners and people, arose from the fact of their superior education and more general intelligence. During the residence of Mr. Remele in this town, as may be supposed, he mingled some- what in political affairs, and it is in this regard that we refer to him in this place. The colonies had achieved their independence. The con- vention for the formation of the Constitution of the United States had accomplished its work at Philadelphia, and it was now before the people of the States for ratification. At the New Hampshire State Convention held for this purpose at Exeter, in February, 1788, Rev. John Remele was chosen by the classed towns of Newport and Croydon as their representa- tive. The bias of public opinion in the State and the temper of the convention rendered its adoption doubtful, and the friends of the Con- stitution, without coming to a vote, caused an adjournment, to be reassembled at Concord in the month of June following. At the adjourn- ed meeting the matter was thoroughly discussed and the Constitution adopted. The vote in the convention stood 67 for adoption and 46 against, Mr. Remele voting with the forty-six. From our standpoint of time and intelligence we can hardly imagine any reasonable ground of objection to the Constitution under which the country has gone forward to so much of pros- perity and power. But there was a respectable minority in the convention, led by Joshua Ath- erton, of Amherst, that opposed its ratification. We propose to state one or two of these objec- tions in order that the position of our local mem- ber may be better understood. The first was the clause in regard to the African slave trade — providing for its abrogation after the year 1808, and prohibiting any action on the subject, be- yond a trifling tax on the importation of Afri- cans before that time. The discussion on this occasion involved the slavery question, which culminated three-quarters of a century later in the grandest civil war of modern times. An- other objection was that provision had not been made for a sufficiently strong government; but this and some others were of little consequence compared with the first. New Hampshire be- ing the ninth state to ratify, her action secured the establishment of our general government. Time has vindicated the strength of the Consti- tution and slavery has gone to the wall. In the year 1790 the census of Newport rep- resented a population of seven hundred and eighty souls. This increased population and a general prosperity demanded larger and more suitable accommodations, both secular and re- ligious. The good people of the town had no idea of living in houses of cedar and pine, while the Ark of the Testimony abode in the old 218 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. Proprietors' House, which had served them for nearly twenty years. Acfiordingly, at a meeting held November 7, 1791, it was " Voted that some land be procured from Mr. Absalom Kel- sey for the purpose of erectiug a meeting-house upon it." Christopher Newton, Jeremiah Jenks, Phineas Chapin, Samuel Hurd and Aaron Buel were appointed a committee to superintend the work. The site secured was a pleasant elevation of land, lying in the southeasterly of the four cor- ners at the foot of Claremont Hill. The com- mittee reported progress at an adjourned meeting, and the sum of two hundred pounds was appro- priated to pay Mr. Kelsey for the land, and commence the work. The building was raised June 26, 1793, and was soon in order for religious services and town-meetings. The new meeting-house and town hall were in due time appropriately finished. The ap- pointments of the interior accorded with the fashion of the times. There M^as the high pul- pit, flanked by the stairs, and the deacons' seats about half-way up ; the sounding-board sus- pended from the ceiling like a huge inverted toad-stool ; the square, high-backed pews, with panels, and open space about the top filled with turned pieces, which supported the rail. This meeting-house was occupied by church and town for about twenty years, and would prob- ably have maintained its position and character much longer had not the village or the busi- ness part of the town taken an unceremonious leave of it where it stood. The building was afterwards taken down and re-erected as a barn at a homestead on -the Unity road, where it still stands. The ornamental wood-work re- ferred to was incorporated into a door-yard fence on Main Street, at the south part of the village, where it remained many years. During the year 1770, and from that time forward, there was a coming in of new settlers from Massachusetts as well as from Connecticut. Many of them gathered upon Baptist Hill in a community which will have special attention in connection with a sketch of the Baptist Church. The smoke of their cabins and slashes arose from Pike Hill and Thatcher Hill, the East Mountain, from the slopes of Blueberry Ledge and the valley of the Sugar, towards Claremont. They were the Metcalfs, Wheelers, Cham- berlains, Wakefields, Pikes, Perrys, Osgoods, Peabodys, Dunhams, Bowmans, Fletchers, Saw- yers, Noyes, Richardses, Howes, Kelleys and many others of time-honored and worthy citi- zens, whose labors and influence aided in mak- ing for the town of Newport its good reputa- tion and place in comparison with other towns in the western part of the State. The fathers of the town, as heretofore stated, made liberal arrangements for a village and business centre on the western side of intervale. On the magnificent avenue they had pro- jected, eight rods in width and extending from Captain Parmelee's to the Jenks' place, were scattered the homes of the leading and wealthy men of the town. On the plain stood the Proprietor's House, and after a while, far- ther north, at the corners, stood the new Congre- gational meeting-house, and still farther on among the Lombardy poplars, rose the sightly residence of Rev. Abijah Wines, while stores and shops clustered about the corners at the foot of Claremont Hill. While all this was going on so pleasantly, a power they little appreciated or feared at the time was asserting itself among the rocks and alders not more than a mile distant, on the east- ern side of the valley, where stood the Dudley mill. This was no other than a water-power, and a mill to which came the farmers with their grists. And while the grinding was going on it was convenient to get the horse shod or the share sharpened, or something mended ; and the next thing in order was a blacksmith-shop, and the mill and the smithy begat other shops and trades. In the mean time the Croydon turn- pike, extending from Lebanon to Washington, had been opened — 1806 — to travel and traffic. NEWPORT. 219 This road passed through the town north and south on the eastern margin of the valley, cross- ing the main branch of Sugar River at right angles, and had become a thoroughfare between the northern towns and Boston. About the year 1790-92 Isaac Reddington erected on the northeast corner of the present Main and Maple Streets, in this village, the first framed building that appeared on the eastern side of the intervale, — the intervale road at that time and place crossing a highway that after- ward became the Croydon turnpike. A store- room was suitably arranged in the south end of this building, in which he carried on a mer- cantile business. The premises were otherwise occupied by Reddington as a public-house. In 1797 this establishment became, through pur- chase, the property of Jesse "Wilcox, Jr., who continued the hotel and store business, as here- tofore, until the time of his decease, February, 1811. The place remained in possession of the Wilcox family, and in course of time the three sons of Jesse, Jr., — Calvin, Albert and Jesse, — came to their majority and revived the mer- cantile part of the business at the old stand. Amos. Little was afterward connected with the senior Wilcox in trade at this stand. About the year 1835-36 the place was abandoned as a business location and became a tenaraent-house, known as the " old red store." In 1840-43 the store-room was fttted up as a hall and became the headquarters of the Millerites. Since 1865 the old store has given place to a handsome private residence. About the beginning of the present century Sylvanus Richards removed with his family from Dedham, Mass., to Newport, and settled on a tract of land in the western part of the town, on the main road to Claremont. Mr. Richards was, for a time, one of the largest land-holders and tax-payers in the town. In connection with his farming business he kept a wayside inn, where rest and refreshment awaited the weary traveler, — summer and win- ter, — man and beast. This was nearly three-quarters of a century before the neigh of the iron horse was heard in this part of New Hampshire, — a time when the people were dependent upon their own re- sources in regard to methods of travel and transportation. We may digress to illustrate some phases of life at this period. In the early winter season the forehanded up-country farmer loaded his sled, or cutter, or pung, with pork, poultry and other products of his farm, and drove independ- ently to Boston, Salem or Newburyport, and bartered, or sold, and invested the products of his load in dry-goods, fish, salt, rum, snuif, to- bacco and groceries generally, for family use during the year. The main roads leading to the sea-ports were busy, and the country inns and village taverns literally swarmed with pungs, sometimes called pod-teams, and their drivers. In course of time, as the country became more settled and the roads better improved, and business increased, the great six or eight-horse teams — or land schooners — came to be em- ployed in the carrying trade to and from the interior and the markets. To meet the wants of this travel and traffic, at convenient distances along the routes the wayside inn, as well as the more pretentious village hostelry, ojiened its hospitable doors. It was here the teamsters gathered after their day's drive, and around the glowing wood- fire cracked their jokes, while the firelight flashed upon the beams and panels and lattice- work that guarded the mysterious precincts from whence, over a bar of unusual height, were dispensed to the jolly circle the slings and toddies that inspired the festive scene, and which, for the time being, doubtless, more than matched the " slings and arrow of outrageous fortune." About the year 1812, Sylvanus Richards re- moved to the village and assumed the proprie- torship of the Rising Sun tavern, a public- house erected the year before by Gordon Buel, 220 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. He was succeeded by his son, Captain Seth Richards, who continued the business until March 1, 1826, when Captain John Silver be- came the proprietor of this famous hostelry. Mr. Silver afterward removed to the Eagle Hotel, and the Rising Sun came to a setting in a private house. The original Newport Hotel was built on the site of the present Newport House, corner of Main and Sunapee Streets, in the year 1814 by Colonel William Cheney. It was purchased and improved by Captain Joel Nettleton and remained in the hands of the Nettletons, father and sons, for more than a quarter of a century. It was burned in -1860, and the present building was erected the same year by the Messrs. Cross, then proprietors. The establishment was pur- chased by E. L. Putney, the present owner, in 1866, and is widely known as the Newport House. It has been a popular hostelry for more than seventy years. The Eagle Hotel, built by James Breck and Josiah Forsaith in 1825, remained a favorite house under various proprietors until 1856, when it was converted to business purposes. It was at the height of its popularity, under the proprietorship of John Silver, during the "hard cider" campaign of 1840. About the year 1810 Wm. Cheney removed his business from the west side to a location north of the bridge, the site of the present Richards Block, and thus the stores came over, and finally the meeting-houses surrendered and the victory was complete. In 1821 the Baptist meeting-house at Northville was abandoned and a new house of worship erected at the north end of the village common. In 1822 the Congregational Society erected the brick meeting-house at the south end, and the old house on the west side was left for town purposes exclusively — the union between church and state had been abrogated by the Legislature of 1819, and the ministers and churches of the different denominations were sup- ported by their several adherents and societies. The present county of Sullivan, comprising fifteen towns, was originally a part of old Cheshire County, which extended some sixty- five miles along the Connecticut River. The courts were held at Keene and Charlestown, alternately. The increased population and busi- ness of the upper towns were such that, on December 26, 1824, a law was passed by the Legislature removing the May term of the Supreme Court of Judicature from Charlestown to Newport. By an act of the Legislature, June 23, 1826, the question of dividing the county of Cheshire was submitted to the people of the several towns, and decided in favor of division. On July 5, 1827, an act irlcorporating the county of Sullivan was passed, to take effect the September following; and the question of establishing the shire-town of the new county as between Newport and Claremont was also submitted to the popular vote and decided in favor of Newport by a majority of three thou- sand seven hundred and twenty-eight votes. By consulting a map, it will be clearly seen that Newport is the geographical centre of the county, as nearly as can be practically attained. And still it was not without a struggle, even after so decisive a vote, that the courts were formally established there. Of those who were specially influential in the Legislature and otherwise in the organization . of the new county, and in making Newport its shire-town, were Colonel William Cheney, James Breck, James D. AV^alcott and other lead- ing citizens of the town and active business men. At a meeting held June 13, 1825, the town voted almost unanimously to raise the sum of two thousand dollars to assist in the building of a court-house and town hall ; the remaining one thousand five hundred dollars necessary to meet the estimated expense of the building to be raised by individual subscription. The lot on which the building was placed was purchased from Aaron Nettleton, Jr., for the sum of four hundred and ten dollars. NEWPORT. 221 A building committee, consisting of William Cheney, James Breck, James D. Walcott, was appointed to superintend the work. On Feb- ruary 11, 1826, Oliver Jenks, James D. Wal- cott and David Allen, selectmen of Newport, and Salma Hale, clerk of the court, certified that the new court-house was ready for occu- pation. This building, with desirable additions and improvements, was occupied as court-house and town hall until the year 1873, when it was con- veyed exclusively to the town and by the town to Union School District for a term of ninety- nine years and became the Central School building and the home of the Intermediate, Grammar and High Schools, of the district. The county jail at Charlestown continued to be occupied until April 1, 1842, when it was set on fire by one of the criminal inmates and destroyed. The same year a new jail was built in Newport at a cost of three , thousand three hundred dollars. It was reconstructed and improved in 1876 and again 1883. The necessity of a fire-proof building in which to locate the public offices and their im- portant books of record became more and more apparent ; accordingly, on August 1, 1843, the town voted to lease the southwest corner of the court-house common for the purpose of erecting a county building for officers and safes to be . held so long as used for that purpose. About the year 1871-72 the question of a new court-house became a subject for the consid- eration of the people of the town. There were obvious reasons that something must be done in that direction. In the first place, the building of 182.5-26 had been in use for nearly fifty years and had become somewhat dilapitated, out of style and unsatisfactory to the people of the count}'. Again, the town of Claremont, ever on the alert to become the shire-town, stood ready to furnish more suitable acc^ommodations for the courts without expense to the county — a plaus- ible consideration which it was not slow to ad- vance. The State had assumed the war debt of its towns, and the proportion which came to the town of Newport was about sixteen thousand dollars. It was thought advisable to appro- priate this money as far as it would go, to the building of a new town hall and county build- ing. A meeting was called and plans and estimates were presented and considered. After a some- what exciting controversy, a location was agreed upon, and the plan of Edward Dow, architect, of Concord, was adopted. The work of erect- ing the building was accomplished by W. L. Dow & Co., ajt an expense of about forty thou- sand dollars. This amount, over and above the value of the old county buildings, which were reconveyed, was paid by the town. The new building is said to be one of the most spacious and convenient for public uses to be found in the western part of the State. It stands as the concession of the town of New- port to the county of Sullivan. The Proprietor's House of 1773 and the spacious town halP and court-house of 1873 may illustrate in some degree the progress of the town of Newport during the one hundred years intervening. Colonel William Cheney, who established himself on Main Street as early as 1810, and whose name was so intimately connected with the social and public affairs of the town for many years, died June 15, 1830. He was suc- ceeded by his sons in the mercantile business he had successfully founded, who continued the same until the year 1835, when they disposed of the Cheney stand and stock, and removed from town. Captain Seth Richards, their successor, was a man of great personal activity and tact, and the business was continued by him, assisted by his sons, until about the year 1867, when he retired from active life. He died 1 Destroyed by fire Sunday morning, June 21, 1885,- since the above was written. 222 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. October 30, 1871, in the eightieth year of his age. The business was afterwards continued under the direction of the sons — Dexter and Abiathar Richards. As early as the year 1816 James Breck had erected the two-story brick store on the corner of Main and Elm Streets, opposite the Wilcox store and dwelling, and was a prominent mer- chant and man of affairs. For a long time previous to 1840 the river and the village bridge formed a dividing line between rival interests and rival parties in the village. The Rising Sun tavern and the Breck and Wilcox stores and some trades and shops clustered about the four corners at the south end ; and the Newport Hotel and the Cheney and Nettleton stores, with a like following, had a centre near the corner of Main and Sunapee Streets, at the north end, near the common. A contention as to which should be considered the most popular side of the river, or end of the town, largely prevailed, and each party had its supporters. The particular adherents of each side were grouped around these social and busi- ness leaders, Breck and Cheney, and the spirit of the Montagues and Capulets of Verona seemed to prevail. The appearance on the north side of an ur- chin from the south side, and viae versa, amount- ed to a challenge at single combat, or the jeers of a crowd. This feeling was carried into social relations and business affairs. When, on Mon- day afternoon, June 27, 1825, the nation's guest. General Lafayette, was escorted into town, en route from Concord to Montpelier, Vt., it appears from a record of the event found in the village paper of that time, that he was accorded a double reception, — first, by Colonel William Cheney at his residence on the north side of the river, and afterwards by James Breck, Esq., at his residence on the south side, the crossing at the bridge being under a tri- umphal arch, ornamented with flowers. Speeches and introductions were made at both houses, and Montagues and Capulets, and their wives and daughters and all their friends, were grati- fied and happy. But time and effort and capital and railroad proximities are superior to mere personal influ- ences and ambition, and Newport village has shaped itself accordinglj'^ in the later years, and rivalries of the character referred to have disap- peared. As indicating the growth of Newport at dif- ferent dates by the census returns, we find the population to have been as follows : 1767, 29; 1775, 167; 1790, 780; 1800, 1265; 1810, 1427; 1820,1679; 1830,1913; 1840,1958; 1850, 2020 ; 1860, 2077 ; 1870, 2163 ; 1880, 2612. From the first settlement of the town until the year 1824 no necrological records appear to have been naade. From 1824 to 1837 such statistics were carefully collected and published by Rev. John Woods, and from the latter date to Januaiy 1, 1885, by Dr. John L. Swett. From the facts thus gathered we find that for the sixty-one years prior to January 1, 1885, there were 2155 deaths in Newport, as fol- lows : Males, 955 ; females, 1059 ; sex un- known, 141. Of these, 591 were under ten years of age ; 184 between ten and twenty ; 214 between twenty and thirty ; 158 between thirty and forty ; 145 between forty and fifty ; 154 be- tween fifty and sixty ; 226 between sixty and seventy ; 250 between seventy and eighty ; 184 between eighty and ninety ; 48 between ninety and one hundred ; 1 over one hundred. It would be fair to estimate the number of dead in Newport from the beginning at about 3000. Of those who have reached the greatest lon- gevity since 1837 are: Mrs. Anna Wakefield, ninety-one years. Mr. Ezra Parmelee, ninety-two and a half years. Mrs. Ezra Parmelee, ninety-one and a half years. Mrs. Widow Dow, ninety-one years. Mrs. Brown, ninety-seven years. Miss Peggy Atwood, ninety-seven years. Mr. Daniel Stearns, ninety-three years. Colonel Phineas Chapin, ninety-three years. NEWPOET. 223 Mr. Samuel Goldthwait, ninety-three years. Deacon Philip W. Kibbey, ninety-three years. Mr. Daniel Wilmarth, ninety years. Mr. John Bertram, ninety-seven years. Mrs. Ruth Pike, ninety years. Mrs. Benjamin Whitcomb, ninety-four years. Mr. Jonathan Wakefield, ninety-six years. Mrs. Anna Locke, ninety-one years. Mr. John Baily, ninety-four years. Mrs. John Blake, ninety-five years. Mrs. Mary Hall, ninety-four years. Mrs. Mary Pike, ninety-two years. Mr. Joel Kelsey, ninety-nine years, seven months. Mr. Benjamin Whitcomb, ninety-four years. Mr. Moses Goodwin, ninety-four years. Mr. Joel McGregor, one hundred years, eleven months, twenty-two days. Deacon Isaac Warren, ninety-one years. Mrs. Boxy Newton, ninety-two years. Mr. Nehemiah Rand, ninety-two years. Mrs. Erastus Newton, ninety-one years. Mrs. Lois Colby, ninety years. Mrs. Samuel Barker, ninety years. Mrs. Thankful Wheeler, ninety-four years, six months. Mrs. Mahitable Cutte, ninety-three years. Mrs. Luke Paul, ninety-one years. Mrs. Sarah Perry, ninety-three years. Lemuel Osgood, ninety -two years. Rev. Ira Pearson, ninety-two years. Colonel Jessiel Perry, ninety-one years. Miss Lovina Reed, ninety-two years. Mrs. Lucy G. Rowell, ninety-five years. Amasa Edes, Esq., ninety-one years. Mrs. Abel Rowe, ninety-four and a half years, Mrs. Lois Fletcher, ninety-eight and a half years. The following table of altitudes was pre- pared a few years since by Richard S. Howe, a civil engineer of this town, who died Decem- ber 6, 1879, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. Feet Sunapee Lake above mean tide-water at Boston 1103 Sill, front door, new court-house, above mean tide water 822 Top Coit Mountain, Newport, above mean tide- water at Boston 1588 Croydon Mountain 2789 Sunapee 2683 Ascutney 3186 Kearsarge 2942 Agriculture has been a leading interest of a large majority of the people of Newport. The diversity of lands from the river-sides to the hill-tops, is such that nearly every crop grown in New England may find a congenial soil. The industry of the agriculturist has ever been rewarded by a fair degree of prosperity, but more so in the earlier years up to about the year 1840 or 1850 than subsequently. Those who will examine statistics in regard to this matter will find that in these later years there has been a falling off in the number of sheep and cattle, and in the aggregate value of our farm products. This state of things is not peculiar to New- port, but common to all the agricultural towns in New England, and its explanation is general and beyond the scope of this sketch. The fact that the valuation of the town of Newport has increased from year to year is due to the advancement of other interests founded on the natural resources of the town in the way of water-power. Sugar River has, in fact, se- cured to the town a permanent prosperity. The inventory of the town of Newport, as exhibited by the report of the selectmen for the year 1885, is as follows : Number. Value. Polls 665 $66,500 Horses 500 35,354 Mules 3 250 Oxen 182 8,010 Cows 766 18,315 Other neat stock 435 6,624 Sheep 1440 3,430 Hogs 86 685 Carriages 71 5,110 Land and buildings 824,650 Stock in public funds 11,300 Stock in banks, etc 67,400 Banksurplus 200 Money on hand and at int'rst ... 104,788 Stock in trade 92,186 Aqueducts, mills, and ma- chinery 72,350 Total $1,317,152 224 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. In point of valuation, Newport is the six- teenth of the cities and towns in the State, ac- cording to the new apportionment for the as- sessment of public taxes by act of 1883. The Sullivan County Agricultural Society held an annual fair in this town, October 1, 1851. The Sullivan Grange, No. 8, Patrons of Hus- bandry, was organized in November, 1873, and is now in successful operation. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Association was organized in September, 1874, and the first town fair under the direction of this society was held in September, 1875. With some ex- ceptions, these fairs have beea continued an- nually, and have been well sustained. The town hall and its surroundings have been ap- propriated for the exhibition of articles of do- mestic handicraft, works of art, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, implements of husbandry, etc., while the village park and the sheds of adjacent churches have been thronged with horses, colts, horned cattle, sheep and hogs, all awaiting examination by committees for the awarding of prizes. The discussions in the meetings of the grange and the association in regard to ways and means and methods in general farming and the man- agement of stock have awakened additional interest on these subjects and stimulated to bet- ter effort and more of success. We may refer to a time within the memory of many people, when the old industries of the household quietly disappeared ; when the hum of the spinning-wheel and the clack of the loom ceased; when the tailoress was no longer re- quired to cut and fashion from home-made cloths, the garments of the family; and the shoe- maker to come with his kit, and cut and ham- mer and peg until the shoes and boots for all sizes of feet were prepared for the winter sea- son,— a time when the " hatter's shop," and the " cabinet-maker's shop," and the " shoe-maker's shop," and the " tailor's shop," except so far as mending and cobbling and patching are con- cerned, closed their doors or supplied their shelves and counters and store-rooms with the ready-made from the great mills and manufac- tories filled with machinery and driven with steam or water-power, which as quietly monop- olized these and other industries of the home, peculiar to the first half of the century, and relegated the spinning-wheels and shuttles of our grandmothers to museums and garrets. In olden times the trades seemed more im- portant, and to have been sustained by men of more intelligence and ability than at present. The carpenters and joiners in a double sense helped to build up the town. Of the earliest of th&se was Ebenezer Merritt, whose name often appears in the early records. After Merritt came Daniel Wilmarth, who was succeeded in that line by his son, Jonathan M. Wilmarth, who is still a resident (1885). The lives of these three span the entire age of the town ; contemporary with them many other worthy names might be mentioned. The blacksmith's shop was perhaps the most important place in the neighborhood as a cen- tre of information. " Under the spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands ; The smith — a mighty man is he — With large and sinewy hands And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands." Here came his customers with shares to sharpen, chains to mend, and all sorts of jobs, and while the work was being done the news of the day, social affairs, politics and religion, were discussed in homely phrase, and the smith be- came the receptacle of many opinions and much local knowledge. Seth Chase is said to have been the first blacksmith in Newport. He was succeeded by the Churches (Samuel and Sam- uel, Jr.) and the Keiths (father and son), the Dwinels, McGregors, Deacon David B. Chapin and others. Captain John Parmelee, son of Ezra and Sibyl, served his time with Colonel David Dexter, of Claremont, and about the year 1803 NEWPOKT. 225 established a homestead and opened a shop for the manufacture of scythes on the South Branch of Sugar River at Southville, so called. He had a good water-power by which to propel the trip-hammer, grind-stone and other machinery necessary to his business. For more than thirty years he furnished largely of scythes to all the towns in the eastern part of the present county of Sullivan. In connection with this business he also cultivated a small farm. He was a pupil of Parson Eemele's in the old Pro- prietors' House and in his prime was the first of ficer of well-known Light Infantry company of the Thirty-First Regiment New Hampshire Mi- litia. He is remembered as a successful farmer, an ingenious mechanic and a worthy citizen. . He died October 31, 1839, aged sixty-one years. Newport in its time has had cabinet-makers, carriage-makers, brick-makers, shoe-makers, saddlers, tanners, tailors, hatters, coopers, ma- sons, marble and granite-workers, and all other necessary workers and machinists and architects to aid in its progress as a town. Reuben Bascom, a son of Elias, who came from Northfield, Mass., about the year 1779, established the first cloth-dressing business in Newport. His homestead was on the " South Road," and his water-power, where he had a fulling-mill and other machinery, on the South Branch, about a quarter of a mile up the stream from the mills at Southville. Every vestige of his enterprise there has long since disappeared. He married, 1786, Lydia Hurd, daughter of Samuel, the first female born in the settlement (June 7, 1768), and has descendants in town to perpetuate his name and memory. About the year 1800, Nathan Hurd put up a mill at a " privilege " a short distance above the present Sugar River Mills, where he carried on the business of carding, fulling and cloth- dressing until 1822, when he sold out to Elisha Kempton, who was succeeded by Philo Fuller, Oliver Comstock, Smith and Rockwell. The falls are now submerged in the upper end of the Richards mill-pond. . Oshea Ingram, who came to this town about the year 1820, was also engaged as a clothier for many years. His mill was on the canal, near the upper tannery. The hatting business was first represented here by James White, who is said to have car- ried on the trade in the back part of the house of Dea. Jesse Wilcox, as early as 1783. After White was Nathaniel Fisher, aud perhaps others. In the year 1818, Amos Little, a native of Springfield, born February 27, 1796, who had learned the trade in Hampstead, came to New- port and built a shop near the village bridge, where he carried on the business successfully for more than forty-five years, or uptothetimeof his decease, August 17, 1859. Since that time there has been no occasion for a hatting estab- lishment here, the market being fully supplied from the large manufactories in Massachu- setts and elsewhere. Mr. Little was prominent in town affairs, was selectman in 1839, and rep- resented the town at the General Court in 1842 and 1843. He was also a liberal and efficient member of the Baptist Church and society. From the time of Daniel Dudley, the first ex- pounder of the lapstone and the last in this town, the shoemaking trade has been represented by able and intelligent men. As a local interest, it had its climax about the years 1828-30, when John Russ and Samuel Belknap erected a build- ing opposite the Eagle Hotel, where they em- ployed from ten to fifteen hands in the manu- facture of boots and shoes. After that time the business was monopolized by the large estab- lishments in the cities and larger towns, to the detriment of the village mechanic. NEwroET Mii>LS. — The first cotton manufac- turing business was established in the town by Colonel James D. Walcott, who came from Rhode Island in the year 1812, and in 1813 erected a factory on the site of the present Dow wood-shop. He constructed the dam and canal, still in use, by which the water-power was ap- plied to machinery for the manufacture of cotton 226 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. yarn. Franklin Simonds afterward purchased the establishment and continued the business until 1831, when it was destroyed by fire, and ]\Ir. Simonds removed to Warner. Afterward, Moses Paine Darkee placed a building upon the site of the burnt factory, which was used as an oil-mill until 1844, when Ingram & Parks put in machinery for the manufacture of cloths, cassimeres, etc. It was afterward occupied by Solomon Deane for the manufacture of flannel, and by him sold to Abiathar Richards, in whose ownership it was destroyed by fire in 1872. In 1873 Wallace L. Dow & Co. erected a spacious building upon the premises and put in machinery for the manufacture of sash, blinds, doors and other articles in wood. In 1880 the establishment passed into the hands of Samuel H. Edes, and so continues. The Eagle Mills were built in the year 1822 by Farnsworth & Durkee, and first used for the manufacture of linseed oil ; afterward by James Breck & Co., for the manufacture of cotton yarn. In 1835 a company, incorporated by the Legislature and known as the Xewport Me- chanics' Manufacturing Company, occupied the premises for the manufacture of satinets. After running about two years the incorporated bubble burst. In 1838 Parks & Twitchell took the mill and commenced the making of cassimeres. In 1844 Thomas A. Twitchell succeeded to the business, enlarged the building and put in machinery for making broadcloths, cassi- meres, satinets, tweeds, flannels and fancy cloths. He was successful for a time, but ulti- mately became embarrassed, and, in 1854, sold out to the Eagle Mills Company. After a long pedigree of unsuccesses the Eagle Mills property was, in the year Lsijij, purchased by Samuel H. Edes, and has since been run by him for the manufacture of blue, mixed and twilled flannels. The Stgar River ]\IrLLS were built by Parley S. Coffin soon after he came to New- port (1840), and John Puffer. The interest of Puffer came, through David G. Goodridge, in 1853, into possession of Seth and Dexter Richards. In 1867 the senior Richards and P. S. Coffin retired from the concern, leaving Dexter Rich- ards sole proprietor. In 1872 Seth M. Rich- ards became interested in the business, under the firm-name of Dexter Richards & Son, and so continues. Enlargements and improvements have been made at various times, and the pro- duction of the mills annually exceeds one million yards of mixed twilled flannels. The Granite State Mills were built in 1867 by Perley S. Coffin and William Nourse, and were occupied by them in the manufacture of woolen goods until about 1881—82, when they passed into the hands of George C. Rich- ardson & Co., of Boston, by whom they are operated for the manufacture of various kinds of woolen goods. They occupy the site of the old Giles mills. In regard to the amount of water-power afforded by Sugar River, and the amount already utilized, we gather the following statis- tics from the report to the New Hampshire Legislature, recently made (1885) by John T. Abbott, of Keene, commissioner in relation to the effects of drawing off the waters of New Hampshire lakes and ponds to supply mills, etc. Regarding Lake Sunapee, he says that its outlet is the Sugar River, which flows from its westerly shore at Sunapee Harbor, through Sun- apee, Newport and Claremont, about eighteen miles, to the Connecticut River, in which dis- tance it falls between eight hundred and nine hundred feet. For many years it has furnished the power for a large number of mills, representing different industries, and is an important source of wealth to those places. In Sunapee the capital invested in mill property amounts to $31,300; the annual product, $81,000, while the waterfall connected with mills and their privileges is 168 feet. NEWPORT. 227 In Newport the capital invested is $297,000 ; the number of hands employed 315; stock in trade valued at $118,200; annual pro- duction, $602,500 ; monthly pay-roll, $6000 ; and the foil, 218.5 feet. In Claremout the amount of fall utilized by 13 privileges is stated at 223 feet in the aggregate 609.5 feet, which leaves nearly 300 feet of power running to waste. The capital in these mills has nearly all been invested with reference to using Sunapec Lake as a reservoir of water supply. The Sunapee Dam Company, which is in the interest and controlled by the mill-owners, has full con- trol, according to their charter, of these waters. The opposing interest comes from the hotels, steamboats and riparian proprietors about the lake, and is based on the fact that the region is becoming largely a summer resort, and much capital has been invested in this view, and it is damaging to these proprietors that the waters of the lake should be too much drawn out to the injury of their boating and other interests. The matter remains without much of con- cession on the part of the mill-owners, and is virtually unsettled up to this time. Up to the year 1871 the manufacturing and agricultural interests of Newport had achieved all the prosperity it was possible for them to attain without railroad facilities to enable them to compete successfully with other towns in the enjoyment of such facilities. As early as the year 1848 the Concord and Claremout Railroad Company had been incorp- orated, and in 1850 the road had been put in operation to Bradford. From Bradford to Newport the rugged character of the route was appalling to engineers and contractors and par- ticularly so to capitalists, who were expected to furnish money for the construction of the road. The enterprise here came to a stand. Further efforts, legislative and otherwise, to continue the work were made without success, and for twenty-one years the heavy-laden stages and team's continued to toil on over the weary roads, to and fro, waiting for some able and friendly 15 hand to establish a new order of things and re- lieve them. In the mean time the War of the Rebellion, that had absorbed the thought and muscle and capital of the country, had come and gone, and " enterprises of great pith and moment," that had long slumbered, were again revived, and day again dawned upon the Sugar River Rail- road Company. In the year 1866, mainly through the insti'u- mentality of Dexter Richards, then a member of the Legislature from the town, the Sugar River Railroad Company, now known as the Concord and Claremout Railroad Company, was chartered. The means to revive and continue the building of the road through to Claremout were furnished by the Northern Railroad Com- pany, aided by large assessments on the towns on the route of the road. The town of Newport, by official act, became responsible for the sum of $45,000, or about five per cent, on its valuation at that time. In addition to this amount, the further sum of $20,000 was required to assure the continuance and completion of the work. Of this amount Mr. Richards became liable for $11,000 and several other parties interested made up the re- maining $9,000. The assurance of $65,000 from the town of Newport secured the construc- tion of the road through to Claremout. On the 31st day of May, 1870, Captain Seth Richards, theh in the seventy-ninth year of his age, and Dr. Mason Hatch, in the eightieth year of his age, the former with spade and mattock and the latter with a gaily-painted wheelbarrow in which appeared a shovel, attended by a large number of enthusastic citizens, repaired to a point on the projected road near where the pas- senger depot now stands, and while the church- bells rang and cannon pealod, and the crowd cheered, those veterans picked and shoveled and wheeled the first ground broken in the continua- tion of an enterprise which, in its completion, has been of incalculable value to Newport and tlie neighboring towns north and south. 228 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The first train of cars crossed Main Street, in Newport, November 26, 1871. The road was soon aft^r completed to Claremont, and the first regular train from Concord to Claremont passed through Newport September 16, 1872. A telegraph connection was made by the Western Union Company with this town, by the way of Bradford, in July, 1866, and ex- tended to Claremont in October, 1873. Telephone lines, connecting with the towns north, south, east and west, and local about the village, were established in 1883-84. The business men of Newport have for many years enjoyed the facilities afforded by a sound banking institution. The Sugar River Bank was incorporated in 1853, with a capital of fifty thousand dollars. In 1858, Ralph JNIet- calf, the first president, removed from town and was succeeded by Thomas W. Gil more. In 1865 it was reorganized as a national bank, and the capital stock was increased to one hundred thousand dollars. In 1875 Mr. Gilmore re- tired and Dexter Richards was elected presi- dent and F. W. Lewis cashier, and so continue. The Newport Savings-Bank was incorporated in 1868. This bank has made semi-annual dividends of two and one-half per cent, from its organization. In April, 1885, it reported: deposits, $421,433.32; guaranty fund, $20,000; surplus, $10,538.85. CHAPTER II. SEWPORT— {Continued). MILITAKY. What we know about Newport during the Revolutionary struggle is confined to a few old records and traditions which we have been able to gather up, with a regret that they are not more complete. The town was young and small, but active, intelligent and full of patriotism. The popu- lation, in 1775, is stated at 157, and in 1790 fifteen years afterward, 780, so that a gradual increase must have continued during the seven years of the war. We are confident in stating that there was not a resident Tory within its lines. The first public act bearing upon military affairs appears under date July 20, 1775, sup- plemented by further consideration on August 7th following, when a town Committee of Safety was appointed, consisting of Benjamin Giles, Aaron Buel, Jesse Lane, Josiah Stephens, Robert Lane and Jesse Wilcox. Early in the year 1776 the Continental Con- gress enacted the following resolution, which was sent to each of the United Colonies : " Ix Congress, Marct 16, 1776. " Retohed, that it be recommended to the several Assemblies. Conventions and Councils, or Commit- tees of Safety of the United Colonies immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respec- tive colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, or who have not associated, and refuse to associate to defend by Arms the United Colonies against the Hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies. (Signed) "Charles Thompson, " Secy." The foregoing resolve came through Me- shech Weare, chairman of the Colonial Com- mittee of Safety, and was by him submitted to the towns as follows : "Colony of New Hampshire. " In Committee of Safety. " In order to carry the Resolve of the Hon'ble Con- tinental Congress into Execution, you are requested to desire all Males above twenty-one years of age- Lunatics, Idiots and Negroes excepted — to sign to the Declaration on this Paper ; and when so done to Make Return thereof, together with the name, or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same to the General Assembly, or Committeeof Safety of this Col- ony. " M. Weare, Chairman." The document submitted for signature is known as the " Articles of Association," and proceeds as follows : NEWPORT. 229 ■' Articles. " In consequence of the above Resolution of the Hon. Continental Congress and to show our deter- mination in Joining our American Brethren in de- ■ fending our Lives, Liberties and Properties of the In- habitants of the United Colonies. " We the subscribers do hereby solemnly engage and promise that we will to the utmost of our power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with Arms oppose the Hostile proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies against the United Colonies. " Benjamin Giles. Uriah Wilcox. Samuel Hurd. Phineas Wilcox. Jesse Kelsey. Nathan Woodbury. Benjamin Bragg. Jedediah Reynolds. Jesse Wilcox. Isaac Newton. Absalom Kelsey. Jesse Bailey. Joseph Buel. Jeremiah Jenks. Nathan Hurd. Ezra Parmelee, Robert Lane. Joel Bailey. James Church. Abraham Buel. Amos Hall. Jesse Lane. David Brown. Daniel Buel. Aaron Buel. Josiah Dudley. Josiah Stevens. Daniel Dudley. Ephraim Towner. Jedediah Reynolds, Jr. Semer Kelsey. Ebenezer Merritt. William Stanard. John Lane. "Newport, June 20, A.D. 1776— The Inhabitants of Newport that is requested {sic) have all signed the Association. " Josiah Stevens, 1 Selectmen " Samuel Hued, " Aaron Buel, [. of New- port." It is matter of interest to consider the pre- ceding thirty-four names not only as patriots, ready and willing with arms to oppose the hos- tile proceedings of the British fleets and armies, but as the fathers of the town and the male heads of every family then resident in New- port. Further on we find that, at a meeting of the inhabitants held on July 24, 1776, Samuel Hurd was chosen captain, Jeremiah Jenks lieu- tenant and Uriah Wilcox ensign. On August 16, 1776, the Committee of Safe- ty certify to the following report : " The number of able-bodied effective men in the township of Newport is Thirty-Six— the number of muskets fit for service is fourteen — the muskets that are not fit — five — which will be made fit forthwith — seventeen muskets wanted." May 27, 1777, at a town-meeting " Voted ■ To raise eighteen pounds, lawful money, to buy a town's stock of ammunition, viz. : forty pounds powder, one hundred pounds lead and ten dozen flints." About that time the war-cloud hung dark over Northern New England and New York. Burgoyne, with an army of about eight thou- sand men, was at the north end of Lake Cham- plain, preparing to cut his way through and meet another British army proceeding from New York, and thus separate New England from the Confederacy. Ticonderoga was in his path. The excitement in this particular section of the country was intense. This was the nearest approach to us on the north and west of " hostile British armies." The alarm company, or minute-men, from the towns were called out June 17, 1777. Officers of the alarm company in Newport were chosen as follows : Ezra Parmelee, capt. Isaac Newton, 2d lieut. Christopher Newton, Ist Joshua Warner, ensign, lieut. The names comprising the alarm company that left on June 29, 1777, for the defense of Ticonderoga are as follows : Capt. Ezra Parmelee and Nathan Hurd. officers as above. Absalom Kelsey. Matthew Buel. Ebenezer Merritt. Daniel Buel. Jesse Wilcox. Jeremiah Jenks. Abraham Buel. Jesse Lane. Stephen Hurd. Josiah Stevens. Thomas Lane. Joseph Buel. The capture of Ticonderoga by Burgoyne occurred July 6, 1777. Our men had started for its relief, but were detained at Charlestown, No. 4, or Bellows' Falls, in order that General Bellows might perfect his arrangements for the 230 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. march, and while there news came of the evacua- tion of the fortress by the Americans ; without proceeding farther, they were discharged and came home. The names of Revolutionary soldiers credited to this town are nearly as follows : Thomas Carr. Robert Durkee. John McGregor. Philip W. Kibbey. John Pike. Eichard Goodwin. William Haven. Jonathan Wakefield. Simeon Buel. Daniel Chapin. Theophilus Goodwin. Daniel Stearns. Robert Woodward. Samuel Thompson. Samuel Washburn. Amos Hall, Jr. Phineas Chapin. Solomon Dunham. Joel Kelsey. Samuel Sischo. Silas Wakefield. Elias Dudley. Joel McGregor. Jesse Kelsey. Josiah Wakoiield. Hezekiah Reynolds. Joel McGregor, whose name occurs in this list, was a native of Enfield, Conn., born No- vember 22, 1760. He enlisted in the Conti- nental army April 17, 1777, and was five years in the service. He was some eight months a prisoner in the "Old Sugar-House" in New York City, where he suifered much from cold and hunger. He died at his home, at North Newport, in November, 1861, aged one hundred and one years. Joel Kelsey, another of these patriots, was a native of Killingworth, born August 6, 1761. He enlisted in 1777 ; was also a British pris- oner in the same "Old Sugar-House," in New York, where he endured great hardships. After the war he married, January 12, 1786, Jemima Buel, of Connecticut, and settled on the East Mountain, where he died March 6, 1860, aged nearly one hundred years. Joel McGregor and Joel Kelsey, both Joels, and citizens of this town, were the two last names of Revolutionary heroes on the pension- roll of the State of New Hampshire. The War of 1812-14 does not seem to have been of particular interest to the people of New- port. We have no means of knowing how the enlistments were made, or any of the attending circumstances. The names of seventeen men are credited to Newport as soldiers in that war as follows: Samuel Hoyt. Jared Lane. Daniel Muzzy. Stephen Pike. David Reed. Zaccheus Shurtleff. Nathan Wilmarth, Sr. Hartford Wilmarth. Barnabas Brown. William Carr. Calvin Call. Charles Colby. Robert Durkee. Solomon Dunham. Daniel Dudley. Jacob Dwinells. Lama McGregor. Calvin Coyle, who died July 23, 1880, aged eighty-four years, was the last survivor of the number. The Mexican War of 1846-47 was regarded only in its political aspects in this remote cor- ner of the Union. This war was the result of the annexation of Texas, by which the area of slave territory was increased. Fifty thousand volunteers were called for by the government, and the recruits were mostly from the Southern States. It resulted, not only in a settlement of the Texas question, but in the acquisition of a large amount of Mexican territory on the Pa- cific coast, and, also, the defeat of the Whig party under the head of Webster and Clay. The war for the preservation of the Union received a most enthusiastic support in the town of Newport. A long-delayed crisis had arrived ; the time for argument had passed ; the resort to arms had come. The call of President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand volunteers received prompt attention. On the 22d of April, 1861, the citizens of the town, without distinction of party, crowded the town hall ; addresses were made, and with the utmost unanimity of feeling, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars was pledged for the fitting out and support of such as might volunteer to fill the quota of the town. This action was after- ward ratified at a meeting of the town legally warned. Ira McL. Barton, a young lawyer of the NEWPORT. 231 town, having received authority for the pur- pose, recruited the first company of volunteers for three months' service and was commissioned its captain. The company served its time in the First New Hampshire Regiment, under Colonel M. ^^' . Tappan. The town made appropria- tions during the war in aid of the volunteers amounting to $70,491.78. Each quota was promptly filled without the necessity of a draft for that purpose. Captain John B. Cooper did efficient service in recruiting and afterwards in the field during the war. The whole number of soldiers enlisted from the town during the four years of the war was two hundred and forty. Those that survived the conflict returned to receive the plaudits of the people, and the dead have not been forgotten. The country has not been ungrateful to its brave defenders. Liberal appropriations have been made by the govern- ment in their behalf, and for the support of their widows and children. The names of those enlisted are as follows : Ira McL. Barton, capt. Thomas Sanborn, sur. Dexter G. Eeed, 2d lieut. Edgar E. Adams, 1st lieut. Ervin T. Case, capt. John B. Cooper, capt. Chas. C. Shattuck, capt. Benj. E. Allen, capt. J. W. Hastings, capt. Edw. Nettleton, Ist lieut. Truman L. Heath, 1st lieut. Sumner F. Hurd, 1st lieut. P. H. Wellcome, 2d lieut. A. V. Hitchcock, q-m. John A. George, 2d lieut. Sam Nims, hos. std. Paul S. Adams, hos. std. Benj. Howe, 2d lieut. Jesse T. Cobb, Ist serg. Chas. H. Little, serg. M. W. Home. Moses Hoyt. Henry S. Howard. E. S. Home. Abiel L. Haven. Wm. A. Hutchinson. L. B. Hastings. Robert Harris. George Howard. A. C. Home. Hugh Higgins. Al amende Heath. Amos Hastings. Antoine Hockman, killed. Arthur H. Ingram. S, S. Ingalls. F. A. Johnson. E. B. Johnson. Chas. A. Jackson. William Kennedy, died of wounds. Wm. Delano, com. serg. Jas. M. Russell, serg. Austin Eeed, 3 mo., died. E. D. Whipple, serg. M. S. Wilcox, serg. Geo. A. Chase, serg. D. W. Home, serg. Wm. W. Page, serg. A. J. Hastings, q.-serg. Alvin A. Young. Sylvester Spaulding, serg. John R. Hall, lat serg. Gilford L. Hurd, serg. R. M. J. Hastings, corp. Chas. A. Puffer, corp. Chas. C. Gilmore, corp. Elijah Hutchinson, corp. Peter Crowell, corp. Chas. H. Crandall, serg. Edwin E. Miller, corp. Henry M. Haines, corp. Joel S. Blood, corp. Henry Tompkins, corp. E. C. Kelsey, corp. P. C. Hutchinson, corp. Bela H. Wilcox, corp. Hiram M. Austin, serg. Eichard W. Allen. Dexter W. Allen. George Anderson. Thos. Anderson. James Armstrong. Henry W. Badger. John W. Bradley. Nathan T. Brown. Geo. P. Beane, died. Hazen Barnard, wgr. Nathaniel Bright, corp. B. B. Barton. Wm. H. Belknap. Jonathan Blake. Josiah H. Bacon. Edgar Boyden. Albert Boyden, killed. Ziba C. Barton. George Bates. Clarke E. Craige. John Conners. Michael Crumney. Michael Kelliher. Geo. W. Kelsey. John C. Kelley. Eoswell J. Kelsey. Frank J. Latimer. Joseph Leeds, died. Frederick H. Lull. Edgar Lacy. Chester S. Marshall. Chauncey Marshall. Sullivan Marston. Perry Miner. John Munnegan. Peter McGlone. D. M. Marshall. James McCarty. Francis Mullen. Andrew J. Moody. Freeman W. Nourse. Joseph Nelson. Patrick Owens, S. B. Ordway. N. E. Osmer, killed. Edmund Parker. John Phillips, died. James C. Parish. John Peterson. J. S. Preston. Wm. H. Perry. Edwin A. Perry. Philander H. Peck, died. John M. Page. Clarence F. Pike. James C. Parker. Asahel Putnam. J. A. Putnam, died. Samuel L. Pike. Lucius P. Eeed. Wallace L. Reed. Davis B. Eobinson. John D. Eoberts. Elmidore Eoberts. Asa Eichardson. George C. Eoundy. Alonzo Eeed. George Eichardson. Preston Reed. J. P. Reddington, died. D. Z. Robbins. 232 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hial Comstock, died. Truman C Cutting. Warren Colby, killed. George Comstock. James Call. Alva S. Chase. Henry Cutting. Edward Cochran, killed. Chas. Collins. George F. Cram. Jonathan Crowell, died. Henry Currier, died. Wm. Collins. C. H. Comstock, died. Reuben Craige. E. F. Corbin. David Carlisle. J. E. Corey. John Canny. J. E. Dean, died. Frank P. Dudley. Ira C. Dowlin. Daniel Dowder. Lewis Daffer. H. W. Davis. Harry Downs. Pat Donohue. W. 0. Emerson, died. Wm. G. Egan. Frank Elkins. D. W. Fitch, died. George C. Foss, died of wounds. L. J. Fitch. W. H. Flanders. John Foote. C. F. Foote. C. M. Farr, serg. John Finnigan. C. H. Fellows. Ira P. George, wounded. Daniel W. George. A. P. Goodrich. J. E. Hutchinson. Geo. A. Hutchinson, died. Wm. Hoban. C. H. Hall, died. B. F. Haven, died in rebel prison. H. A. Eeynolds. John Eyan. Lawrence Reath. Oliver F. Stearns. Andrew J. Sawyer. Gardner Sweet. Ruel Swains. Israel Sanborn, died. Daniel Spaulding. Edward Siddell. Wm. S. Sischo. John H. Shattuck. Daniel L. Straw. Joseph Sennott. C. H. Stockwell. Moses P. Sinclair. Simon C. Smith. Chas. F. Smith. Wm. Snow. Arthur Sykes, died. William Smith. Chas. St. Clair. Eli Tompkins, died of wounds. Frank S. Taylor. Simon A. Tenney, corp. John P. Tilton. Patrick Tuffer. D. W. Thompson, died. Chas. C. Webber. Chas. D. Worcester. Sylvester B. Warren, corp. Albert Wright, died. Marcine Whitcomb. Richard A. Webber. A. A. Wyman. George Williams. Chas. E. Wiggin. James P. Wheeler, died in hands of the enemy. Calvin H. Whitney. Calvin \V. Wright. Wm. Wallace, corp. David G. Wilmarth. John Wilson. Charles Williams, died of wounds. Martin L. Whittier. Chas. B. York. John H. Hunter. Henry H. Haven, corp. Wm. C. Hurd. John C. Harris. Wm. A. Humphrey. George Williams. Thos. A. Gilmore, serg. Bela Nettleton. Willard Reed. The following natives of Newport were en- listed in other places, and served during the Civil War : George H. Cheney, on staff of General Nickerson, division provost-marshal. Mason W. Tappau, colonel First New Hampshire Regiment. Samuel J. Allen, M.D., surgeon in a Vermont regi- ment. Belah Stevens, surgeon at Washington, D. C. Joseph A. Chapin, hospital steward. M. V. B. Wilmarth, Third Michigan Cavalry. Milton E. Pike, Vermont Volunteers. Job Puffer, Fourteenth Connecticut Regiment. Elias B. Bascom, captain in the Fifth Iowa Regi- ment. ^7allace Bascom, Second Massachusetts; shot at Gettysburg. James Parmelee Bascom, Ninth New Hampshire. E. M. Kempton, Third New Hampshire. Hiram C. Hall, Croydon. Albert Nettleton, son of Daniel, First Regular Army. Commodore George E. Belknap, United States Navy. George W. Brown, volunteer, lieutenant United States Navy. Nathan T. Brovf n, master's mate. Charles J. Belknap, United States Navy. Henry S. Belknap, captain's clerk United States Navy. But one native, or citizen of Newport, was among those marked as deserters. Soon after the close of the war an institution or secret society, made up of Union soldiers, was organized by Dr. B. F. Stephenson, in Dakota, III., wrhich proved to be the first post of the " Grand Army of the Republic," as from that its posts and camp-fires have spread all over the land. Frederick Smythe Post, No. 10, was estab- lish in Newport in the spring of 1868. Its charter members were Major W. H. H. Allen NEWPORT. 233 Captain John B. Casper, B. E. Allen, Paul S. Adams, Charles H. Little and others. There are about seventy-five yt'terans connected with this post. The objects of the institution are " To cherish and keep alive the memory of our experiences during the war. To care for the disabled and unfortunate of our number and all worthy Union soldiers, their widows and orphans. To faithfully observe ' Memorial Day,' — May 30th, — and annually strew flowers and evergreens upon the graves of our departed com- rades. To foster a spirit of loyalty to our gov- ernment and honor its flag as the emblem of National Unity. The cardinal principles of the order are Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty." This institution proves to be a source of great interest and benefit to the veteran soldiers as they continue to gather at stated times around its camp-fires. The citizen soldier is indigenous to this coun- try. The necessity for a defensive attitude on the part of the colonists of America is apparent from the beginning. They were invaders, and as such were at all times subject to the assaults of the Indian people whose possessions they were grasping. There was no standing army to protect their advance as they pushed their settlements into the wilderness. They were dependent on their own craft and personal valor for the defense of themselves and their families. They carried their arms and ammunition to the clearings where they wrought and to the meeting-houses where they worshipped God, each individual the embodiment of a War Department and terrible as an army with ban- ners. They fought in the interest of the old coun- try through the Indian and French and Indian Wars, and aided largely in driving France from the possession of the Canadas. They then turned round and fought the mother-country until she was — we will not say pleased, but obliged to let them go with a benediction of objurgations. Hence the colonial people were a military people — a citizen soldiery, in the best sense of the term. After the Revolution the idea of order at home and defense from without centred in a militia system instead of a standing army, and to that end, and to keep alive and cultivate a martial spirit among the people, a State militia system was organized, which made it obligatory upon the citizens at a certain age to enrollment and the performance of militaiy duty. From this came the May trainings and the regimental fall musters that, year after year, for more than fifty years, disposed the citizen soldiery of this town and State in martial array and brought such delight to both sexes and all ages and con- ditions of our people as they looked upon the gay uniforms, waving plumes and martial evo- lutions of the companies belonging to the old Thirty-first Regiment upon the common, or listened to the harangues and witticisms of the peddlers and hucksters that swarmed upon its margins. Finally, the militia system of the State became a vehicle by which designing politicians sought influence and preferment. Its grand old mus- ters came to be little better than political and partisan mass-meetings, and the system was overthrown and abandoned in disgust. This was the situation when the Civil War burst upon the country. Since that time a new military system has been organized in the State, which has promise of usefulness for the time to come. In the spring of 1883, under recent legisla- tion, Company D, Second Regiment New Hamp- shire National Guards, was successfully recruit- ed and formed in the town of Newport. Col- onel White, of the Second Regiment New Hamp- shire National Guards came from Peterborough to preside at the organization of the new com- pany, to be known as the Newport Rifles. Ashton W. Rounsevel was chosen captain, Fred W. Cheney first lieutenant, and C. E. Dud- ley second Lieutenant. The building known as Bennett's Hall has been leased and fitted up as an armory and drill-room. The martial 234 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. spirit of our people will not be permitted to de- cline. The citizen, under certain regulations, should be instructed in the use of arms and tac- tics, and in nowise consent to delegate the na- tional defense exclusively to a standing army. Among the citizens of Newport who have held positions in the State militia are the fol- lowing : Ralph Metcalf, Governor and commander-in-chief. Edmund Burke, aid to Governor Hubbard. Edmund Wheeler, aid to Governor Williams. Martin W. Burke, aid to Governor Weston. Samuel M. Wheeler, aid to Governor Stearns. Edward Wyman, brigadier general Third Divi- sion. Simeon Wheeler, Jr., inspector, staff Brigadier-Gen- eral Wymau. Bela Nettleton, aid to Brigadier-General Carey. Benjamin F. French, quartermaster, Brigadier- Gen- eral Glidden. William H. Cheney, aid to Brigadier- General Glid- den. John S. Parmelee, aid to Brigadier-General New- ton. Henry E. Baldwin, quartermaster, staff of General Newton. David Dickey, brigade inspector, staff of General Wyman. Edmund Burke, inspector, staff of General Newton. Colonels. — Phineas Chapin, Erastus Baldwin, Wil- liam Cheney, James D. Walcott, Benjamin Carr, Jo- siah Stevens, Jr., Edward Wyman, Jessiel Perry, Charles Corbin, Jacob Reddington, Daniel Nettleton, Benjamin M. Gilmore. Majors. — Josiah .Stevens, Jesse Wilcox, Erastus Newton, John H. Patch, Josiah Wakefield, Cyrus B. Howe, Sullivan G. Pike. Adjutants.— Ca\y'm Call, Cyrus Barton, Edmund Wheeler, Simeon Wheeler, Francis Boardman, Lewis Smith, Hartford Sweet, John Day, Lyman Gould. The Thirty-first Regiment Xew Hampshire Militia, to which reference has been made, was comprised of citizens legally qualified to per- form military duty, from the towns of Goshen, Sunapee, Xewport, Croydon, Grantham and Springfield. The annual musters were held by appointment in the different tow^ns, but more frequently in Newport, on account of its central position and desirable parade-ground. The scenes and incidents in connection with these parades made a lasting impression upon the mind of the writer when a lad, and have been by him committed to verse, which is here pre- sented, to close this chapter on military affairs, in the following HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE BALLAD. CANTO I. As Time is ever on the wing We may as well rehearse, — And thus preserve, as best we can. In this our homely verse, — The annals of the "Thirty-first,"— That regimental corps. That grandly marched and counter-marched In the good old days of yore. Already much of interest Thai held the local ear. And caused a smile to lookers-on, Can never reappear. And hence we travel back in time Full fifty years or more To find a theme on which to rhyme. That ne'er was rhymed before. We hear again in memory The booming of the gun That broke the silence of the morn, And hailed the rising sun. While wide-awake and listening, Expectant youngsters lay, And heard the echoes crash along That told of muster-day. We hear the deep-toned biisso-drum. The stirring reveille ; " Ear-piercing fife," and clarionet. In martial revelry. We see the gorgeous Stars and Stripes Emblazoned on the sky, As from the flag-staff on the mall So gallantly they fly. NEWPORT. 235 Anon, the Wendall men arrived, At fat John Silver's Inn ; And drummer Stephen Scranton came, And fifer Asa Winn.' And there they took of sugared grog And smoked, and chewed, and spit, As independent yeomen could ; And plied their rustic wit. In later times, the Knowlton boys. Both standing six feet four, — In pride of strength and martial mien Led on this valiant corps. Then came the Goshen Infantry, No infants sure were there. With bayonets glittering in the sun, And banner high in air. And " John the Man," and " John the Boy,'' Ben Hand and Walker Lear, Accoutered as the law directs In rank and file appear. Some measured fully six feet four. And marched with powerful stride, While others, scarcely four feet six. Like ducklings, waddled wide. The canteens dangling at their side Smelt of Xew England rum. And tall Scott Tandy played the fife, — Short Sammy beat the drum. And John C. Calef,' then a lad, A youngster full of life, Came with these Goshen fusileers, And played the second fife ; And now, at nearly four-score years, With recollection clear. The legends of his early time Delights to quote and hear. And Belknap Bartlet, known to fame. And William Wonder (ful) Pike, Were members of that martial band , Prepared to blow and strike. 1 Musicians in the War of 1812-14. '' The two John Sholes, of Goshen. 3 Of Gloucester, Mass. Conspicuous among the rest Was Captain Maxfield seen. As in command he proudly strode. Along the village green. His white duck pants, somewhat too short. Were held by straps of leather From underneath his ample soles. And in his hat a feather. In Croydon, Grantham, all around, The morning gun was heard. And distant Springfield felt the sound. Or Pollard* sent them word. Thus early roused, the mountain boys. To thwart the morning fog, And brace their stomachs for the day Took lustily of grog. And Captain Stone, the Grantham chief, Was drier than the rest, And anxious comrades wiped his chin And straightened down his vest. CAISTO II. And on they came, the rank and file. Colonel and brigadier, And all the country folks that could From hamlet far and near. And here they met our flood-woods, formed In orderly platoons. Artillery, Light Infantry, And dashing, plumed dragoons. Those gallant troopers certainly Enrapt our youthful gaze, And well deserve in this our lay A stanza in their praise. Their broidered coats and epaulets, Brass buttons, sashes, straps, — And fiercest thing of all to see, Their frowning bear-skin caps. AVe know that jokes were often made, And sometimes gibes and jeers, At the expense of that brave troop. Not worth their horses' leers. » A newsy citizen. 236 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The troops sometimes lost their wits, Or heedless played the clown ; Their " stock " not all of Morgan breed Would sometimes tumble down. But horse and rider left their trail Along the sands of time, Else naught had been to gather up In this historic rhyme. "Advancing backwards " from the line, See Nathan Wilmarth (Jr.) stand, A stalwart form, '' an eye like Mars' To threaten and command." And stately was the plume that waved Upon his glossy tile, Before the " Old South Company " When formed in rank and file. He marched it up and down the street. That corps so truly brave, — And when the discipline grew slack. He "wished they would behave." Another feature of the day That gave the occasion tone. Was a distinguished windy band. Made up of Pikes alone. And Luther, Ransom, Calvin John, Sul, and Abiel D., Each on his favorite instrument Made thrilling harmony. While "Major Saxie," mace in hand, Most gorgeously arrayed, Pranced high before this pick'rell band To mark the time they played. And on the ground was Calvin Call, A man of some renown, A soldier of the " War of Twelve," A farmer of the town. A blue dress-coat he often wore, With buttons bright and flat, And on his head was always seen That famous bell-crowned hat. A man decided in his views, — Out-spoken, some would think, — He made his speech town-meeting days And sometimes took a drink. But other things we would discuss Instead of local trifles ; The Springfield men that marched so well And then the " Grantham Rifles." The Springfield Infantry came down And quartered on the ground, Behind the Baptist Meeting-house Where ample space was found. To form the company and drill, Or lounge in easy way. And find a solace for the toil That came with muster-day. But when Sam Robie came to griet From too much grog, 'tis said, His comrades laid his manly form Within a Baptist shed. Where, after hours of sweet repose, He roused himself to find His " company " had left for home, And he'd been left behind. He gazed into the fading light, And saw the glare of eyes ; At which his visage lengthened out, So great was his surprise. The monster proved a simple calf That in the stall was stayed, And like the ass of which we read Developed when he brayed. And what Sam did, and what he said, We may not here repeat ; But from the precincts of the shed He beat a swift retreat. CANTO III. In course of time the Croydoners, For some unworthy cause. Resolved to nullify and spurn Our wise militia laws. Then Captain Mitchell, of our town. By order of the State, Rode gallantly to Croydon Flat With martial pride elate. NEWPORT. 237 A posse comitatus went The captain to support, And bring the recreant Croydoners By force of arms to court. The Croydon ladies flew to arms, — Not Mitchell's we are sure, — But 'gainst his wicked legal wiles Their men-folks to secure. And Mrs. General Emery, A Minerva in command, Was constituted leader of That Amazonian band. She soundly rated " Newport folks " In words unfit to hear, And said she'd " drive such trash from town," And " splinter " Mitchell's ear. And short and sharp her orders were To "Nathan" ^ and the rest. That no delinquent Croydoner Should suffer an arrest. The men took refuge in the fields. The women, with much jaw, Stood to obstruct by force of tongues The process of the law. Then Sergeant Crooker, of our squad, Phil. Humphrey to restrain. Went charging through a patch of grass With all his might and main. And on his way he overturned A quadruped whose scent Would indicate his general course Whichever way he went. The upshot of this matter was, So runs the last report, That Mitchell and his men returned Disgusted to Newport. And of those braves, Charles Emerson, Who with the posse rode. Now lives to read these epic lines, Down on the Goshen Eoad. And now a scheme political Was foisted on the State, Involving rank and patronage We may right here relate. ^ Brigadier-General Emery. A citizen of great renown Was General John McNiel, The same who fought at Chippewa, A soldier true as steel. And when our worthy Governor Would honor John McNiel, He dubbed him Major-General With gorgeous sign and seal. Now superseding all our braves Wide-spread his orders flew To colonel of each regiment. To muster for review. Then up rose Colonel Reddington, And swore whate'er betide, Before his gallant "Thirty-first " McNiel should never ride. And John McNiel and Reddington, Defiant and irate. Remained, until their names were struck From roster of the State. But this digression here must end ; The regiment must form ; The common waits the grand parade — The day is bright and warm. CANTO IV. The adjutant, on prancing steed, As deep-toned bass-drum pealed, The companies in order ranged Upon the muster-field. The colonel, then, with aids advanced. Assuming the command. As, well-displayed, full in his view, The waiting squadrons stand. Anon the General and stafl' — A brilliant cavalcade — In buflfand and blue, and nodding plumes, Most gorgeously arrayed. Appear upon the tented field. And up and down the line They grandly ride, while colors dip And flashing swords incline. Then posted at the front they stand, While orders prompt and shrill. According to the manual For regimental drill, 238 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Find quick response along the line, And ordered arms respond ! The steel that glittered in the air Now thunders on the ground. We here may note an episode. Occurring, as appears. When Quartermaster Harvey rode That famous horse " Childiers." The steed, excited at the scene, Eegardless, it is said. Of bit and spur and pious talk, Rushed for the Sanborn shed ; And must have placed his rider bold In desperate condition. Had he not grasped his ample neck To strengthen his position. So " Childiers " to his stall was sent ; Another horse was brought. On which the gallant chevalier His waiting comrades sought. Again along the field of Mars Repeated orders flew, With note of preparation for Inspection and review. The Inspector-General passed on foot Through all the rank and file. To view the equipments of the men, From cowhide boots to tile. To each and all the companies A proper speech he made, As much to air his eloquence As shine on dress-parade. Next came a regimental move — A form in hollow square — And, as uncovered heads were bowed. The chaplain offered prayer. The General, as he had mind, With words of compliment. Or on some topic of the time Addressed the regiment. Perhaps he had an ".axe to grind," As politicians say, And wanted votes to turn the crank On next election day. On loud huzzas the eagle soared. As " Birds of Freedom " can, Clutching the arrows in his claws. To shield the right of man. Then burst the inspiring martial hymn From regimental band. Such as once thrill'd the patriot's heart. And nerved the yeoman's hand. Vet'rans were listening to those strains, — Old men with trembling hands That pined in British prison-pens. Or trod the Jersey sands. Once more they hear the bugle blast A nd words of high command, The muffled tramp of armed men Along the solid land. They see the serried squadrons move With gonfalons displayed, As in review they now salute The General and brigade. This mimic scene, these martial airs Rouse memories of the past Within the breasts of those old men. The loneliest and the last. Of that great host of patriots None grander can we trace Whose life-work made it possible To free the human race. They founded deep, they builded strong A home wide-spread and free, A " Sheltering Arms " for toiling men From lands across the sea. They come no more to our parades. Forsooth, in this, our day. The man who's seen a '' Pensioner " Must have himself grown gray. Their graves are scattered o'er the land. Some nameless and obscure, But with the millions they have blest Their memory will endure. And to those graves, wherever found. As sure as comes the spring, Each year on Decoration Day Fresh laurels will they bring. NEWPOKT. 239 CANTO V. While musing thus on " Pensioners," The Thirty -first— called "crack"— Has march'd down town, across the bridge, And now comes proudly back. Again deployed, the order rang Along the bristling line ; " 'Tention battalion ! Order arms ! " — The time had come to dine. And now the hungry musketeers Their burnished fire-arms stack. And on the grass all negligee Discuss the noon-tide snack. From haversack and tin canteen The rations disappear, And as they pass from hand to mouth They revel in good cheer. We well remember the sham fight That finished up the day. When red-coats and Americans Jousted in mimic fray. And when we heard the war-like din. The sounds of fife and drum. And saw the tumult all around, We thought old Mars had come. The cannon thundered on the right, Fierce rattled the platoons ; Against the ranks of infantry Came charge of light dragoons. Then came the painted savages. Led on by Calvin Call, Who ambush'd for the regulars Behind a high stone wall. And now old Indian "Thunderbolt" ' Burst whooping into view, With tomahawk and scalping-knife And all his savage crew. While valiant Captain Eoby, with The Wendall Light Brigade, Came down upon them in the rear And fearful havoc made. 'Personated by Oliver Emerson. And savage and Britishers Were routed in dismay, Else had our quiet village been To ravishers a prey. And thus, mimetic of the times . Of butchery and woe. That made New England history Two hundred years ago. Now let us sing, down with a king. And long live Liberty ! " A man's a man," as he has mind. Where all men may be free. And thus our verse has wander'd on. To note the grand display Of men, and arms, and things we saw, In military way. CANTO VI. But this was scarcely half the show That came that day to town ; And hence we join the motley crowd That wandered up and down. Here came, in holiday attire, Some quite unique in style. From all the regimental towns, The rural rank and file. Comprising types of human kind, From infancy to age — Both sexes, all conditions known On life's uncertain stage. And here they played their several parts Some gentle and well-bred. And others arrogant and loud, Or clownish and corn-fed. And some by cruel circumstance Deformed, or dumb, or blind. Were making capital of fate To move the pitying mind To deeds of charity and alms. And chuckling as they went. O'er Continental nine-pence made, Or e'en a copper cent. The Tontine on the village green — A stately wooden pile — Pillars and portico in front. In somewhat ancient style. 240 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Swarmed then with buxom, merry wives. And maidens fresh and fair, Who came to watch their soldier boys, Or rustic hearts ensnare. Along in front, upon some boards. Spread our for that intent, A jolly party might be seen Of African descent. And Tony Clark,' a sable wag. Plied well his rosin'd bow, While Wash, and Lyd, and Charlie Hall ^ Made saltatory show. Old Jesse Sherburn, near the inn. Dispensed his liquid blacking. An article that far outshone " The stuff made by McCrackin." The Ethiop wagged his sooty head In concert with his brush, And gather'd in the four pence-haps With what is termed — a rush. Barbaric faces thus were seen ; — And Ethiopian style In dress, dance, mirth and minstrelsy, A gaping crowd beguile. And rural lovers, hand-in-hand. Regardless of expense. Invested at the candy stand And posed against the fence. The peddler on his painted cart Became an auctioneer, And roared his wit as well as wares To throngs that gathered near. Thus were two-score of lusty throats, — Some gruff, some shrill and harsh, — Discordant croaking on a bid Like bull-frogs in a marsh ; 1 When a lad a waiter to General Brooks, of Massachu- setts, during the Revolution. He died in Warner aged one hundred years — a '' pensioner." ■■^ Said to have been brought to Boston by schooner " Star- ling" in a sugar hogshead, from the coast below Savannah, Ga., by a Mr. Knowlton, a brother-in-law of Deacon Jona- than Cutting, about 1836. "Wash" and "Lyd "were children of Tony. Charles Hall became the husband of Lyd. And Barlow knives, and buttons made By famous " Nathan Mann," Dutch'd quills, and soap, ne'er went so cheap. They said, " since time began." And Morgan's " Book on Masonry," Denounced by Masons — trash I Sold faster than the auctioneer Could take the "offered" cash. Here gathered round a fancy stand A close, attentive throng, — The game was Rouge-et-Noir, so called And some were betting strong. The more small change the boys put down The less they gather'd up. And realized the adage old Of slip 'twixt lip and cup. CANTO VII. Then came a grand saloon on wheels And famous "Old Blind Beers," With violin, and waxen show, — His main support for years. A rustic crowd, with wondering eyes And gaping mouths, stood round. As though they feared his effigies Would meet them on the ground. And Jane McCrae, and Helen Marr, And Mary, Queen of Scots, With glassy eyes, in wax despair Would wave their gory locks. A henchman tended at the door ; — Beers scraped his violin ; — The henchman made persuasive speech ; The curious entered in. The Olympian games were here revived As once in Ancient Greece, To test the vigor of their youth In " piping times of peace." Apart upon the green sward firm A party formed a ring. Where athletes strove for mastery In bouts of wrestling. Anon another crowd appears Engage in such exploits As jumping, turning somersaults, And some were pitching quoits. NEWPORT. 241 We also noted booth and stands Where, well disposed for sale, Were ginger-bread in cards, and fruits, And pies, and cakes, and ale. The thrifty farmer might be seen A tapster for the time. Serving new cider by the glass To turn an honest dime. Crowds gathered at the taverns, stores And dram-shops on the street. Where in fierce conflict with strong drink Some suffered sore defeat. There was no sham in such a fight, When men laid down their arms. And yielded in unmanly way To rum's beguiling charms. And now, in this our history One point to which we come Is, that the curse of mustei--day Was vile New England Rum. And as the judgment of "this court" We may still further find ; — It curses every other day. To millions of mankind. EXIT OMNES. The revelers, athletes, and the crowd The showman and his show. The seller and the sold disperse, In dusty guise they go. The pageantry of mimic war No longer stirs the town With martial pomp — no armed host Now marches up and down. But into gray and wrinkled eld ! — Into the shadowy years ! — The martial and the social throng Forever disappears. And as the echo of our song We hear in mystic chime Their muffled, solemn tramp ! tramp 1 tramp ! Into the jaws of Time. NoiK. — The old militia laws of New Hampshire were re- pealed by the Legislature in the year 1849, and since that date there has been no general military parade in Newport. CHAPTER III. NEWPORT— (ContMiiifd). CHURCHKS AND MUSIC. CV)N(;RECiATioNAT.. — The town of Newport was exceedingly fortunate in the personal char- acteristics of its first settlers. Every member of the party that arrived here from old Killing- worth, in June, 1766, as we have heretofore stated, was in himself an institution, with set- tled views on the subjects of religion, civil gov- ernment and social affairs. Unlike greedy adventurers who rush for mining regions to delve and spoil from place to place for immediate gain, they came to estab- lish homes and a community for themselves and their heirs and successors in the generations to come. We have seen how the party, under the di- rection, probably, of Deacon Stephen Wilcox, finished their tiresome joiu-ney from Charles- town and went into quarters, such as they found or improvised for the occasion, in the vicinity of the four corners at the foot of Claremont Hill. The next day being the Sabbath, their first collective act was that of prayer and praise to Almighty God, who had guided their steps hitherward. They first sought His blessing on the new settlement they were about to commence. For this purpose they are said to have gathered in the shade of a large birch-tree. It requires but little of imagination to sug- gest that their place of worship on that occasion may have been the site on ^vhich the first Congregational meeting-house was afterward erected. From that day they failed not to " assemble and meet together " on each Lord's day for so- cial worship after the manner of their ancestors. The religion of Christ depends not on the min- istrations of priest or prelate, but may be en- joyed wherever two or three are gathered to- gether in His name. They afterwards met in their camps and cabins ; one of their number 242 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. led the meetings and sermons were read from printed volumes. Since that first act of public worship in the town of Newport, the fire upon the altar has never ceased. This state of things continued for some six years, the first party being reinforced from year to year by new-comers who added strength and stability to the settlement. The completion of the Proprietors' House, in 1773, afforded a central and public place for re- ligious meetings. When the settlers first en- joyed the services of a regular minister is not fully ascertained. It must, however, have been prior to June, 1775, for in a warrant calling a meeting of the proprietors on the 29th of that month was an article, — " To see if the town will hire Mr. Ebenezer Sweetlaud to preach the gospel in Newport some time longer ; " and at an adjourned meeting the next day, it was "Voted, That Mr. Robert Lane, Mr. Daniel Dudley and Mr. Josiah Stevens be a commit- tee to treat with Mr. Eliezer Sweetland in re- gard to our employing him in some future time." The result of any negotiations with Mr. Sweetland does not appear on the record. It will be seen that the votes and negotiations in regard to the employment and compensation of ministers of the gospel were acts of the town as a body corporate. The support of a Congregational minister was obligatory upon the people without respect to difference of opinion or creed. After the year 1803 no compulsory action was taken by the town upon this subject. In that year a Congregational Society was incorporated by an act of the Legislature, which continued until 1828, when it was superseded by a general law in regard to church corporations. A complete and legal separation between the affairs of church and state came with the " Tol- eration Act," 1819, the passage of which by the Legislature caused a notable sensation through- out the State. In a warrant calling a meeting of the propri- etors, to be held on the 29th of April, 1778, was the following article, — viz. : " To see if the Town will agree to have Mr. Kendall stay and Preach with us." At the meeting thus ^v'arned, Robert Lane, Benjamin Giles and Josiah Stevens were chosen a committee to confer with Mr. Thomas Ken- dall " to see if he will continue a space of time to Preach the gospel in this town of Newport." At an adjourned meeting, on May 4th, "Voted, That Mr. Thomas Kendall stay and Preach in this Town, aiid the town to con- tribute every Sabbath for to Support it." Also "Voted, That the Com"" confer with Mr. Thomas Kendall to see if he will return to this town as soon as he can, with convenience, after he hath accomplished his purposed journey." Whether Mr. Kendall " continued a space of time," or whether he " accomplished his jour- ney" and returned does not appear on the record. At the annual meeting, March 9, 1779, it was " Voted, To see if the Town will choose a committee, in order to look out a candidate to settle with us in the work of the gospel min- istry." And at an adjourned meeting, on the 15th of the same month, it was "Voted, That Aaron Buel and Josiah Stevens be a committee to make application to Rev. Mr. Hall, of Keene, to look out for a candidate to settle in the work of the gospel ministry in the Town of Newport." Some thirteen years had passed away since the men of Killingworth appeared in Newport, and as yet no regular church organization had been effected. In view, therefore, of the present and prospective welfare of an increased and in- creasing population, and of greater efficiency in Christian work, and in order that the rites and ceremonies of the. church might exert their full and proper influence and be enjoyed in their midst, the good people of the town were impressed with the necessity of moving forward in this regard. The principles of a stern and true religion had been here in spirit from the commencement of the settlement. The time NEWPORT. 243 had now come when they should appear in form and by institution. To this end, on the 28th day of October, 1779, a meeting was held in accordance with previous notice and arrange- ment, when Eev. Aaron Hall, pastor of the church at Keene, and the only clergyman pres- ent, was chosen moderator, and Aaron Buel scribe. Articles of faith and discipline, and a church covenant previously drawn up, were then adopted as the canon of the new church. These rules and regulations exhibit educa- tion, ability and clear views of Christian faith and practice on the part of the founders of the church in this town. The covenant obligations then entered upon were of the most solemn character, to which were subscribed the following names : Robert Lane. Daniel Dudley. Daniel Buel. Aaron Buel. Elias Baacom. Matthew Buel. Josiah Stevens. Esther Buel. Susannah Dudley. Lydia Hurd. Eunice Bascom. Mary Stevens. Esther Lane. Jane Buel. Chloe Wilcox. Mary Buel. Following this church union it was " Voted, That all the parties thus subscribed, ' upon hearing each one's relation and experience, and ask- ing each one's forgiveness, receive each other into their love and fellowship.' " Voted : Yt Captain Samuel Hurd, Mrs. Jane Buel, Mrs. Chloe Wilcox, having heard their relations and experiences, and they having asked ye brethren's forgiveness, be taken into love and fellowship. "Benjamin Giles received as a member on con- dition that he get his letters." Brother Giles undoubtedly received his let- ters, as we hereafter find his name mentioned as one of the active members. On December 6, 1779, a committee was ap- pointed " to confer with Mr. Tracy and desire him to tarry and preach the gospel four Sab- baths longer, if they could discern a probability of his settling or a disposition in him to settle 16 with the people of this town, as a preacher, at some future time, if circumstances admitted of it ; if not, to proceed on his way." Though extremely desirous of having a set- tled minister, the people would not insist too much on Mr. Tracy's coming, and he was al- lowed " to proceed." Not long after this, a young man by the name of Samuel Wood was invited " to preach," and, at a meeting held August 7, 1790, it was voted " to ask the above-named gentleman to preach two Sabbaths longer on probation." On the 24th of the same month a call was given to Mr. Wood. He was offered £100 as settlement and £45 per year as salary, which was to be in- creased £5 per year until it reached £70. The call was not accepted. We learn from the town records in regard to values that thirty pounds in colonial money, at this time, was equal to one hundred silver dollars. It would seem, judging from the hints given in the records, that the revival which took place shortly after the formation of the church was due to the efforts of Mr. Wood, as during his sojourn in Newport some thirty members were added to the church. The ordinary details usually found in church records, consisting as they do of dealings with erring and refractory members, are of but little interest. If such records represented the entire work of the church instead of its purifying processes, our confidence in its efiiciency as a leading institution among us would necessarily weaken. But occasionally a matter arises of more than ordinary interest — ^and such is the one to which we are about to refer, as it became the subject of an ecclesiastical council, to which Rev. Aaron Hall, of Keene, and Rev. Pelatiah Chapin, of Windsor, Vt., were called to aid in its discussion and settlement. In the spring of 1781 a complaint was made by Brother Robert Lane, a prominent member, against Brother Benjamin Giles, another prom- inent member, " in ye following particulars :" 244 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. " 1st. For causing a book to be read in publick, published by Mr. Whitefield in which men in an un- fegenerate state are represented to be half beast and half devil. "2d. For speaking against profane swearing in publick." The record proceeds : " In ye first, Brother Giles appeared ready to de- fend Mr. Whitefield's description of unregenerate men as true. As to ye second charge. Brother Giles Vindicated his conduct, in public speaking, against profane swearing, as no ways out of character." The record continues : " The C^ found y* nothing in this view on brother Giles' part could be considered matter of offence in ye charges brought against him." Further on in the record we learn that Robert Lane, the complaining brother, was so much dissatisfied with the verdict of the church that he requested to have his relationship with it dissolved, and his request was formally granted. In considering the matter of the first charge we are satisfied the complaining brother would have the Unquestioned sympathy of all sensible people certainly in this, our time ; and how it was that Brother Giles, who was considered a foremost man as regards intelligence and ability, could consent to leave such an expression of opinion on the church records the reader of this generation will be unable to understand. In regard to the second charge, whereby the complaining brother felt aggrieved by being re- stricted in the use of profane language, he would find no justification in the public or private sentiment of our time. We may say, however, in explanation or extenuation of the position taken by Mr. Lane, that, up to the be- ginning of the present century, in this country and in England profanity was not regarded as incompatible with a Christian life, or as an out- rage against the church and good manners and an indictable offense at law. The efforts of the church, by the concurrent action of the town, to settle a minister were at last crowned with success. On January 22, 1783, Eev. John Eemele was duly installed as pastor of the Congrega- tional Church of Newport. By this he came in possession of a ti'act of land set apart by the charter of the town to the first settled minister. His salary was fixed at seventy pounds per an- num, which, according to a former estimate, would be $233.33 in silver money. According to all accounts, traditional and otherwise, Mr. Remele was a well-educated, genial man, an able preacher and a successful instructor of youth. Of his personal history, previous to his coming to this town, we have no knowledge. He was here with his wife, Anna Read, and their five children, the young- est of whom was born in Newport. The ministry of Rev. John Remele, not- withstanding his many estimable qualities, was not a success. During the more than eight years of his pastorate only thirteen members were added to the church. Grave charges were made against him on account of some social eccentricities, involving his moral character. His ministry practically ended some time before his dismissal, which formally occurred October 10, 1791. He afterward removed to Orwell, Vt., taking with him all the church records existing at the time, which must have contained the doings of the council by which he was dismissed, and consequently the evi- dences of his improper conduct, and, though much effort was made, they were never re- covered. In December, 1803, a vote was passed recit- ing the facts in the case, and a committee, con- sisting of Jesse Wilcox, Uriah Wilcox, Samuel Hurd, Phineas Wilcox and Ezra Parmelee, was appointed "to attend to this business," — i.e., the recovery or reconstruction of the church records. On the 28th of the following March the commit- tee reported that the call of the church was made in December, 1782, that it was concurred in by the town, and that, on January 17, 1783, the town, voted to have Mr. Remele ordained on January 22d. The report was accepted. This NEWPORT. 245 and a few loose papers, found in the archives of the society, partially restored the records. The church was much weakened by these trials, but their courage was good, and at a meet- ing held July 3, 1791, at which the council agreed on the dismissal of Mr. Kemele, it was " Voted, y' y" c'''' will reunite and go on together as a c"" according to y" plan and constitution y' it first settled upon in discipline, &c." After the dismissal of Mr. Remele the church remained without a settled minister some time over four years. In the mean time a good spirit prevailed. Jesse Wilcox was chosen a dea- con, and they had availed themselves of the services of itinerant preachers, or depended upon the ability local to the church, which was by no means of an inferior order. A new town and meeting-house had been erected more commodious in its proportions, and it remained to place a desirable pastor over the church. A painful accident occurred at the raising of the new meeting-house. A raising in those days, and particularly the raising of a meet- ing-house, was a matter of much importance and was liberally attended by people from the neighboring towns. Charles Seamans, a young man in the twentieth year of his age, had come over from New London, probably with others, to aid in the work and in so doing lost his life. Backus, in his " History of the Baptists," states that, " In June (26), 1793, an alarming Providence re- sulted in a revival of religion. The eldest son of Elder Job Seamans, Pastor of the Baptist Church in New London, came to Newport to assist in raising the frame of the Congregational Meeting-house. He fell from the top of it and soon died. The Spirit of God made use of it for good." A common gray stone, standing in the "old burial-ground," bears record of this sad event as follows : " In Memory of Mr. Charles Seamans, of New Lon- don, son of Kev. Job Seamans and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who, on the 26th of June, 1793, fell from the plate of the Meeting-house and expired in 4 hours, aged 19 years and 10 months. " Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me." On December 13, 1795, a call was extended to Mr. Abijah "Wines to become the pastor of this church. Abijah Wines was a native of Southold, on the eastern end of Long Island, born May 28, 1766. His parents and other members of the family came to Newport in 1781. When about twenty years of age, Abijah Wines had married Ruth, the youngest daughter of Benjamin Giles. The youthful couple and newly constituted family settled on land a short distance north of the cross-roads, in later years and still known as the Aiken place. After some years of labor on the farm, Mr. Wines, who was studious in habits and religiously in- clined, felt called to a higher work than that of grubbing roots and tilling the ground. It has come to us that in this new departure he was advised and encouraged by his excellent wife, and that it was at her suggestion that he entered upon a course of study — probably at first under the tuition of Rev. Mr. Remele, and was finally graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1794. He was the first alumnus of that institution from the town of Newport. He afterward pursued a course of theological train- ing and study with Rev. Dr. Emmons, of Franklin, Mass. Returning to Newport, he ac- cepted the call and pulpit of the Congregational Church. During this period of study and absence at college and in Massachusetts, Ruth, like her historic and Scripture namesake, who gleaned in the fields of ancient Boaz, Avith an energy that would appall the minister's wife of the present, wrought in her own fields, carried on the farm, personally superintending all the de- tails of its husbandry, selling the crops and paying her husband's expenses from the proceeds. It is said of her that she much preferred out-of- 246 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. door work to the domestic labors of the liouse- hold. In the course of her life in Newport she also became the mother of ten children. The pastorate of Eev. Mr. Wines continued until November 26, 1816, when he was dis- missed at his own request and accepted a pro- fessorship in the Theological Seminary at Ban- gor, Me., from which he retired at the close of the first year, and during the remaining years of his life was engaged in preaching the gospel on Deer Island, off the coast of Maine. Mr. Wines was a beloved pastor and a highly-esteemed and useful citizen. He died February 11, 1833, aged sixty-seven years. The church continued without a pastor about two years, when, on December 2, 1818, Rev. James R. Wheelock, a grandson of the first and a son of the second president of Dartmouth College, was called to its ministry. Mr. Whee- lock was an able and scholarly man, as one 'would suppose from his genealogy — an earnest Christian worker and preacher. It was in his time that the first Sunday-school was organized in connection with this church. Soon after his ordination an extensive revival was experienced, by which one hundred and forty-eight new mem- bers were added to the church. Mr. Wheelock's pastorate continued until February 23, 1823, when he was dismissed by a mutual council. Mr. Wheelock had many friends in Newport who felt that he had not been fairly treated in matters leading up to the council. The charges against him were of the most trivial character and were not sustained before the council. He was dismissed as a matter of policy and not of personal right, and it is apparent that he lefl the church in a most inharmonious condition. An ecclesiastical council was again called, with a view to correct this unhappy state of things. A fast was appointed on the 6th of November ; a paper was drawn up and signed by members containing mutual acknowledg- ments and on the 13th the church voted to extend a call to Rev. John Woods, who had already moved into town from Warner. The call was accepted and he was installed January 24, 1824. His salary was fixed at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum. It was in the year 1822, during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Wheelock, that the present brick meeting-house was erected. Mr. Woods took possession of its pulpit with the improving confidence of his people. How well he acquitted himself in all the duties incumbent upon him through a period of more than twenty-seven years is still in the memory of the Congregational people. There were added to the church during his pastorate three hundred and twenty-nine members. Mr. Woods was the pioneer in the temper- ence reform in this town. In 1841 the church adopted rules of total abstinence as a require- ment applicable to all members. On July 16, 1851, an ecclesiastical council convened for the purpose of dissolving the pas- toral relation with Mr. Woods at his own request, and at the same time Rev. Henry Cum- mings, a late graduate of Andover Theological Seminary, was installed as pastor of the church with a salary of seven hundred dollars per annum. The pastorate of Mr. Cummings continued for a period of fifteen years and was marked by an unusual degree of prosperity to the church and people, — one hundred and seventy new members were added. Mr. Cummings resigned his charge to accept a call to another and wider field of labor, and was dismissed by a council in regular order July 25, 1866. After the retirement of Mr. Cummings, Rev. G. R. W. Scott, also a graduate of Andover, supplied the pulpit for a time so acceptably that he was called to the regular pastorate of the church and duly installed September 17, 1868. It was during this pastorate, in 1869, that the old-time, elevated pulpit and high-backed pews were removed and the auditorium reconstructed more in accordance with modern ideas of com- NEWPOKT. 247 fort and convenience. A large and fine-toned organ was also placed in the choir, the gift of Deacon Dexter Richards, as a memorial of a beloved daughter who died in 1868, at the age of twenty years. In 1871 an additional structure of brick, of fair architectural proportions, was erected partly in the rear and connecting with the main build- ing, for use as a chapel, with parlors and a cuisine arranged for social meetings and gather- ings of the church and society. Rev. Mr. Scott was dismissed at his own request and accepted the pastorate of a church in Fitchburg, Mass., where he still remains (1885). At his suggestion Rev. E. E. P. Abbott came to supply the pulpit of the church until another pastor could be established. Mr. Abbott was a native of Concord, born September 20, 1841, was graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1863. He was for two years a student in the Theological Seminary in New York City and a graduate from Andover Theological Seminary in 1867. He was called to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Meriden, which he resigned in 1872, for the purpose of travel and study in Ger- many, where he spent a couple of years with his wife. His ministrations were so acceptable that he was finally called to the pastorate of the Newport Church and formally installed March 24, 1875. After a ministry of about ten years' duration^ he sent in his resignation, to take eifect March 1, 1884. On Sunday, 24th February, the auditorium and galleries of the venerable South meeting-house were packed to their utmost ex- tent to listen to his farewell discourse previous to his departure for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he now ministers over a Congregational Church. After the retirement of Rev. Mr. Abbott a call was extended to Rev. Charles N. Flanders to become the pastor of the church, which was duly -accepted and the installation services occurred on Wednesday, May 28, 1884, Rev. G. R. W. Scott, D.D., of Fitchburg, Mass., was chosen moderator of the council and took a leading part in the exercises. Mr. Flanders is a native of Bradford, Vt., born April 1, 1844, was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1871 and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1874. He came to the church from Wapping, Conn. Before closing this sketch, it is fit and proper that we take a backward glance along the line to the beginning in 1779, and call up the names and memories of the worthy men who have filled the diaconate of this church, of whom are Josiah Stevens, Sr., Jesse Wilcox, Uriah Wilcox, Moses Noyes, Elnathan Hurd, Josiah Stevens, Jr., Joseph Wilcox, Henry Chapin, David B. Chapin, whose bodies are buried in peace, but whose names and memories still live, and whose works of usefulness still abide in the church for which they labored, and whose prosperity and beauty was dear to them and to the community they sought to benefit by their good example. Our sketch now leaves the Congregational Church in the hands of Rev. C. N. Flanders, its pastor, and its present deacons. Dexter Richards and Rufus P- Claggett. Baptist Church. — During the year 1770 there came to this town and Croydon a number of settlers from Central Massachusetts. Some of them located on the high lands in the north- western part of Newport, and others on con- tiguous land in the southwestei-n part of Croy- deu, thus establishing an important neighbor- hood or colony across the line of the two towns. These people were mostly from Worcester County, where Baptist Churches had for many years been established, and as they were nearly all Baptists, the locality soon came to be known as Baptist Hill, and so continues to this time. Their centre of business, where they had a store, a school-house, a tannery . and mechanic shops, and where in the course of time timber was dra\vn and deposited for the purpose of 248 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. building a meeting-house, was on the road run- ning north from the pi-esent Northville ap- proaching and crossing the town line. The Wakefields, Havens, Metcalfs, Durkees, Cham- berlains and Wheelers of this town, and the Stows, Jacobs and others comprised this settle- ment — a thrifty and intelligent people, strong in the faith of their prototype, Roger Williams. For eight or nine years they abode in this new settlement, clearing land, opening farms, building houses and barns and increasing in basket and in store. Although scattered on the hill as sheep with- out a shepherd, they went not astray and fell into no neglect of their religious belief, failing not under any circumstances to gather in private houses and barns, and finally in the school-house after it was built, for religious services, depend- ing upon their own resources with the help of the Lord for edification and interest. Their number and wants accumulated until about the year 1779, when some of their lead- ing men and women sought the good offices of Rev. Caleb Blood, of Marlow, pastor of the nearest church of their denomination, to procure for them a "qualified religious teacher." At a meeting of the Warren Association (Rhode Island) of Baptist Churches, held at Leicester, Mass., September 8-9, 1778, a letter was read from Rev. Mr. Blood, setting forth the religious condition and necessities of this section of the country. This appeal, doubtless, reached the minds and hearts of former neisrh- hors and friends, still living in the old county of Worcester, from which they had come, mem- bers of the Baptist Church in Leicester, which was then half a century old. The following is copied from the minutes of that association for 1 778 : " A most presssing application being made in be- half of a vast extent of country to the northward al- most entirely destitute of ministerial helps, we have recommended it to our Elders, Jacobs, Ledoyt, Sea- mans and our Brother Eansome to visit and labor in those parts ; and they have undertaken to go ; and as the expense of their journey must be considerable, the Churches are earnestly requested to contribute to their support and send it to our next Association." These brethren proceeded to the task as- signed them. Benedict, the Baptist historian, tells us, that Elders Job Seamans of Attleborough, Mass., and Biel Ledoyt, of Woodstock, Conn., traveled up the Connecticut River as far as Woodstock, Vt., preaching on both sides of the river, but mostly on the New Hampshire side. Their coming was refreshing to the hearts of many, and an evident blessing fol- lowed their zealous and evangelical labors. Elder Ledoyt visited Newport and Croydon among other places, and preached to the little community of Baptists on Baptist Hill. It was undoubtedly through his influence that they were encouraged to associate themselves together in church fellowship, and in May, 1779, the Baptist Church of Newport and Croydon was organized. It was, however, soon after- ward known only as the Baptist Church of Newport. There were eight constituent members, as follows : Seth Wheeler. William Haven. Mrs. Seth Wheeler. Mrs. William Haven. Elias Metcalf. Ezekiel Powers. Mrs. Elias Metcalf. Mrs. Nathaniel Wheeler. It will be seen that this church was organized in the midst of the Revolutionary period of our country, when the minds of the people were absorbed in political affairs, the movements of armies, American and British, campaigns and battles, questions of victory or defeat; and every neighborhood had its representative in the ranks of the patriot army. The church, however, seems to have made some progress, for at the close of the war, 1783, though destitute of pastoral care, it had twenty-two members, a gain of fourteen during the first four years. Seth Wheeler, who is said to have been a man of decided ability and highly respected in the community, was chosen its first deacon, and for its general prosperity the church is greatly in- debted to his offices. Elias Metcalf was after- NEWPOET. 249 ward associated with him in the diaconate, and, under the leading of these good and wise men, it continued to flourish several years without a pastor other than those occasionally coming to them from other and more prosperous places. Their principal strength came from meeting together for prayer and Christian conference and exhortation, and the Spirit that is promised where two or three are gathered together. It would seem that Elder Ledoyt continued to hold in remembrance the church he had been instrumental in founding in this destitute re- gion, and that he revisited the places where he labored in 1778-79, to strengthen and establish the brethren in the faith. Be this as it may, after a lapse of twelve years he accepted a call to the pastorate, and was installed as first pastor of the Baptist Church in Newport. The sermon on the occa- sion was by Rev. Job Seamans, who afterward became pastor of the Baptist Church in New London. It is unfortunate for our sketch that we can- not give the exact dates and all the attending circumstances connected with this matter, from the fact that, on the night of January 11, 1816, the dwelling-house of Philip W; Kibbey, an oiBcer of the church and the custodian of its records, was destroyed by fire, with much of its contents, including the archives of the Baptist Church and society, covering the first forty-five years of its existence. The following passage from Backus' " History of the Baptists " will furnish some idea of the character of that old soldier of the cross. Elder Ledoyt, the '' qualified" founder and first pastor of this church. September 16, 1793, he writes in a letter to a friend : "It hath been a long, dark and cloudy night with me and people here, but glory to God, the clouds are dispersing fast. His work is begun among us : New- port and Croydon are greatly blessed. There have been forty souls hopefully converted in a few weeks among us. I have baptized twenty -nine in four weeks. The work appears still going on. I cannot be idle. It is out of my power to answer all the calls I have at this time; but I endeavor to do all I can. Being favored with health and the spirit of preaching, I as- cend the mountains easy. " There is a prospect of a glorious reformation in these parts. O may it spread far and wide ! God hath remembered my family also for good. My three eldest daughters I hope are converted, — the oldest seventeen years, the youngest ten years old are bap- tized. O bless the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together ! I never more sensibly needed wisdom than at present. " You will not cease to pray for me, dear brother, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might." In 1795 the church reported a membership of eighty-nine. Hitherto, as stated, it had wor- shiped in private houses, barns and the school- house. A barn is still standing by the river-side where Thomas Baldwin, afterward the dis- tinguished Baptist divine of Boston, preached a sermon which made a deep impression upon those who heard it. In 1798 the first meeting-house, in size forty by forty feet, was erected on land adjoining the cemetery grounds on the south at North New- port. The following description of that church edifice and the worship and the habits of the people, as they appeared in 1810, is from the pen of the late Baron Stow, D.D., of Boston : " I am in that plain edifice with a superabundance of windows, and a porch at each end ; with its eleva- ted pulpit, sky blue in color overhung by the sound- ing-board; with the deacon's seat half-way up the pulpit; with the square pews occupied by families; with a gallery containing one row of pews fronted by the singers' seats. " There is the horse-shed; there is the horse-block ; there are the horses with men's saddles and pillions, and a few women's saddles, but not a carriage of any description. " On occasions of baptism the whole congregation would go down the hill and, standing in a deep glen on the banks of Sugar River, would witness the cere- monies. Elias McGregor played the bass-viol. Asa, 250 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. a brother, led the choir, and his sisters Lucy and Lois sang soprano and alto. In that choir were Asaph Stow, Moses Paine Durkee, Philip W. Kibbey and more than one Wakefield." The church continued to prosper, and in the year 1 800 nine were added by baptism. In 1805 Mr. Ledoyt offered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted, and thus closed a successful pastorate of about fourteen years. He returned soon after to his former home and field of labor in Woodstock, Conn. He is de- scribed as " a man of moderate education, but of unusual natural ability." He was a shoe- maker and plied his trade as he found opportun- ity with considerable skill. A story is told of an unregenerate hearer, who afterward became a Christian, who was greatly annoyed at the great length of the hymns in connection with the public worship, and suggested that if Elder Ledoyt would only carry his bench and work into the pulpit, he might top a shoe while the choir were singing a hymn. Many people now living well remember when the Sabbath services continued to much greater length than at present, and when the sermons, forenoon and afternoon, furnished opportunity for the exercise of " an active patience." Elder Ledoyt was an energetic worker, and considered one of the most devoted men in the gospel ministry. He often expressed the hope that he might not outlive his usefulness. His wish was granted : he was suddenly taken away, being found dead in his garden, where he had been at work. We know very little of the Ledoyt family, other than what we are able to gather from the records of the church. They came, lived, loved, labored and passed away in the earlier days of the town far beyond the memory of this gene- ration. There is, however, one other memorial of their presence here, to which we may refer, that appeals to our humanity, — a grave. It may be found in the southeastern corner of the first burial-place of Newport, and across an interval of nearly a hundred years the record of a great sorrow may be read from that cold gray stone, as follows : " In memory of Miss Esther, Daughter of the Rev'd Biel Ledoyt and Mrs. Joanna, his wife, who after a long sickness, died February 10, 1792, aged 20 years and 10 months. "My loving friend, as you pass by On my cold grave pray cast an eye. As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me." In 1806 Rev. Thomas Brown was installed as second pastor of the church. He is said to have been a man of good ability, and highly respected in the community. His pastorate was attended with a good de- gree of success. During the year 1810 sixty- six were baptized, and eighty-five in all were added to the church. In 1812 the church reported to the Wood- stock Association, with which it was connected, a total membership of one hundred and eighty- three. About this time some misunderstanding occurred between Mr. Brown and a number of his parishioners, which caused him to resign his pastorate in 1813. In 1814, Rev. Elisha Hutchinson, formerly of Pomfret, Vt., and for some time a Congrega- tional minister, came to the pastorate of the church. . He was a member of the first class that was graduated from Dartmouth College. He is said to have been a man of great zeal and piety. During his ministry the church was greatly troubled for reason as follows : In 1816 a young man, named Solomon Howe, settled on or about Baptist Hill. His religious sentiments were of the Arminian school, in con- trast with the Calvinistic views of Mr. Hutch- inson. Their open discussions on this ubject caused a division of the church. The disaf- fected and larger party withdrew and formed an " Independent Baptist Church," with Mr. Howe for their pastor. The year following, two sets of delegates and NEWPORT. 251 the two ministers were present at the Associa- tion, which met at Mount HoUey, Vt., each claiming to represent the Newport Church. A committee was appointed by the associa- tion to visit Newport and investigate the matter. The following year, 1818, the church under the lead of Mr. Hutchinson was recognized as the legitimate church. After the resignation of Mr. Hutchinson, 1818, Rev. Leland Howard, pastor of the church at Windsor, occasionally supplied the pulpit. The labors of Mr. Howard are held in grate- ful remembrance. From November 8, 1818, to September 30, 1819, under his supervision, one hundred and ten members were added to the church, among them Alonzo King, who afterward entered the ministry, and, by request of the Baptist Missionary Society, wrote the Memoir of George Dana Boardman, and Baron Stow, afterward E.ev. Dr. Stow, of Boston. In June, 1819, mainly through the efforts of Colonel William Cheney, who was a convert under Mr. Howard, a charter was granted by the Legislature for " The First Baptist Society of Newport." The corporators were James D. Walcott, Elisha Hutchinson and Philip W. Kibbey. Its first meeting was held August 4, 1819. William Cheney was chosen moderator ; James D. Wolcott, clerk ; and William Cheney, Joseph Farnsworth and Ira Walker, wardens. Women were admitted to membership; the name of Deborah Stow, the mother of Baron Stow, being the first one recorded. In 1819, October, the church ordained Mr. Parsons, of Boston, as an evangelist. He preach- ed several months and was succeeded by Brad- bury Clay, of Nottingham West, who supplied for a time, but not as pastor. A revival began in June, 1820, in the New- port Academy under the care of Mr. Shedd, of Boston, and some twenty persons wei-e baptized by Rev. Ariel Kendrick, of Cornish, as the result of this awakening. During the year 1821, through the energy and enterprise of the leading men of the Bap- tist Church and society, a new house of worship of ample dimensions (sixty-four by forty-four) was erected on its present conspicuous site at the north end of the village park. On October 11th the church ceased its Sab- bath services in the old house at North New- port, and set apart the new house at the village as its future place for public worship^ Rev. J. Ellis preached the dedicatory sermon, from Haggai 2 : 9 — " The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts ; and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts." In July, 1821, Rev. Ira Pearson, of Hart^ land, Vt., came to the pastorate. He was a na- tive of Windsor, Vt., and was born September 28, 1791. It is matter of interest to state that when Rev. Biel Ledoyt came forward to receive the right hand of fellowship as the first installed minister, October 3, 1791, his dis- tinguished successor in the pastorate was five days old. Under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Pearson the church increased in number and strength. With a new house of worship and a new minis- ter, the people " had a mind to work," and the results were most cheering. In 1824 a mem- bership of two hundred and forty-nine was re- ported to the Woodstock Association. In 1828 the churches on the New Hampshire side of the Connecticut River seceded from the Woodstock Association, and the " Newport As- sociation of Baptist Churches" was formed, taking the name " Newport " on account of the central position and standing of this church. Since the Association was thus organized it has met with the Newport Church six times, viz : 1836, '42, '48, '55, '65, '79. During his first pastorate of fourteen years, which ended July 1, 1835, Mr. Pearson baptized nearly two hundred persons. In all this time the church was united and prosperous, and the pastor high- ly esteemed. 252 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. The Rev. Mr. Pearson removed to Chester, Vt., and became the minister of the church there. After his retirement from Newport the pulpit was supplied for a time by Rev. Edward Peterson, of Moriah, N. Y. In the spring of 1836 Rev. Orrin Tracy, of New London, took charge until January, 1838. In the mean time the anti-slavery agitation had become a fruitful source of discord in the community. It invaded the church ; parties were arrayed on either side and it seemed as though the religion of Christ was about to be overwhelmed by the fanatical spirit of the time. In its distracted condition the church turned to its former pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Pearson, as one who could guide it successfully out of its perilous condition. Seeing its great need he left the church at Ches- ter, became a second time pastor, March, 1838, of the Newport Church. In September of this year Mr. Pearson secured the services of Rev. Mr. Grant, and after Grant, Rev. Mr. Waldron. These were noted evangelists, and the attention of the church was thus diverted from the dis- cussion of ulterior questions and enlisted in a grand revival which brought unity, peace and concord to its councils. A hundred and forty new members were added. At the next meet- ing of the Association the church reported a membership of three hundred and sixty-three, the largest number heretofore reported. The results stated illustrate the good judgment of Mr. Pearson in the settlement of an unhappi- ness in the church. In 1841, the meeting-house waa reconstruct- ed by raising the auditorium in such a manner as to make space for a lower story, which was fitted up for school purposes, and occupied for several years by the Newport Academy. The room was also used for social meetings. The second pastorate of Rev. Ira Pearson continued four years and eight months, closing in Novem- ber, 1842. The two pastorates extended over a period of nearly nineteen years, during which time about four hundred additions were made to the church. After brief pastorates at Lowell and Plymouth, Mass., and at Milford, N. H., Mr. Pearson removed, in 1853, to Ludlow, Vt , where he continued nineteen years as pastor, and in 1872 closed a career as a set- tled minister, aggregating fifty-six years. On his retirement from active ministerial work, 1872, he selected the town of Newport, from all others known to him in New England, as the home of his declining years. His ninetieth birthday was celebrated August 28, 1881, by a grand ovation at the town hall. It will be seen that his life runs parallel, nearly, with that of our country under the Constitution, and with that of the Baptist Church during its first hun- dred years. He died August 22, 1882. Rev. Joseph Freeman, of Cavendish, Vt., came to the pastorate in 1842, and so continued until 1846. During his ministry the Millerite excitement prevailed, and it required much of skill and prudence to tide the church through the trial, and preserve its unity. Mr. Freeman was succeeded in 1847 by Rev. William M. Guilford, who continued until February, 1851. At this time the membership had become reduc- ed to one hundred and seventy-five. Rev. Paul S. Adams came from Georgetown, Mass., and commenced pastoral work here October 1, 1851. Mr. Adams was pastor of the church five years. During this time the memberehip was raised to two hundred and eighty. He was dismissed at his own request to the church in Brattleborough, Vt. At this crisis Rev. Ira Pearson was called a third time to the pastorate but declined. Rev. James Andem was called April 1, 1857, and installed June 18 and closed his labors in August of the following year. Rev. Mylon Merriam, of Sharon, Mass., was pastor from October 17, 1858, until September 4, 1859. The pulpit was then supplied by Rev. 5. G. Abbott, of Bradford. It appears on the record that on August 17, 1859, the church was "called to mourn the death of Brother Amos Little, one of its most ardent friends, firm supporters and main pillars." Rev. W. H. Watson, of West Acton, Mass., NEWPORT, 253 was settled in 1860, and dismissed in May, 1861. David T. James settled June 4, 1862; dis- missed in the spring of 1866. Rev. Foster Henry was settled July 8, 1866. He came here from Danvers, Mass. His labors were ac- ceptable to the people, and quite a number were added to the church. The parsonage was built during his pastorate — 1867 — at a cost of two thousand five hundred dollars, and in 1870 the church edifice was rebuilt at an expense of about nine thousand dollars. The corner-stone was laid by Rev. Mr. Pearson July 8th, with ap- propriate ceremonies. Rev. Foster Henry closed his pastorate of nearly six years on June 1, 1872. During his ministry thirty-two members were added to the church. Rev. Halsey C. Leavitt, of Governeur, N. Y., came to the pastorate October 1, 1872. The church prospered. In 1875 a new vestry was erected at an expense of about one thousand five hundred dollars. Mr. Leavitt closed his labors on the last Sunday in September, 1878. Sixty- five members were added during his ministry. Rev. Charles F. Holbrook, of Saco, Me., came to the pastorate January 1, 1879. The centennial anniversary of the church was cele- brated with appropriate services on September 23d of that year. After an interesting and successful ministry of somewhat over four years, Mr. Holbrook was dismissed, at his own request, to accept the pastorate of the Baptist Church at Hallowell, Me. Sixty members were added to the church while under his pastoral care. Rev. Frank T. Latham, of Sufiield, Conn., assumed the duties of the pastorate Aug.ust 5, 1883. His discourse on the occasion was from Luke 22 : 27 ; — " I am among you as one that serveth." The Baptist Church of Newport has the honor of having furnished twelve candidates for the Christian ministry, viz. : Baron Stow, D.D., Alonzo King, William Heath, Elias Mc- Gregor, Enoch and Elijah Hutchinson, John Learned, Simeon Chamberlain, F. W. Towle, Elijah Baker, Caleb Clark and Julius Leavitt. It has had fourteen deacons, viz. : Seth Wheeler, Elias Metcalf, Asaph Stow, Jeremiah Nettleton, Abel Metcalf, William Cheney, Jona- than Cutting, Joseph Farnsworth, Israel Kelly, Timothy Fletcher, Parmenas Whitcomb, James Tandy, Austin L. Kibbey, Henry A. Jenks. It is estimated that about one thousand mem- bers have been connected with it since its organ- ization , over one hundred years ago. Our sketch leaves its interests, spiritual and temporal, in the hands of Rev. F. T. Latham, pastor, and Henry A. Jenks, George F. Whitney and E. M. Kempton, deacons. The future will call upon them for an account of their stewardship. The Methodist Church in Newport traces its origin to an event of minor importance which occurred about the year 1815. It seems that Peter Wakefield, a resident of Northville, then a member of the Baptist Church, became dissatisfied with the stringent doctrines ad- vanced by Rev. Elisha Hutchinson, his pastor, in regard to election and the final perseverance of the saints. All efforts to reclaim him to Calvinistic views failed and he was dismissed from the church. At that time he had never heard a Methodist discourse or read a Method- ist book, but found himself, on examination, unconsciously in sympathy with the leading doctrines of Methodism. In this state of mind he sought spiritual aid and comfort from Rev. Elijah Hedding, afterward Bishop Hedding, who at that time preached occasionally in the town of Wendall (now Sunapee). At the suggestion of Father Wakefield he visited this town and, in all probability, preached the first Methodist sermon ever heard in Newport. In 1830 a class was formed con- sisting of six persons ; these brethren were af- terwards supplied by preachers from the Goshen Circuit. Of these were Eleazer Jordan, Guy Beck- ley Nathaniel Ladd, Amos Kidder, Joseph Baker, John Cummings and others, who preached to them in turn most of the Sabbaths 254 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. from 1829 to 1836. About the year 1840, ob- jections being made to their using the school- house, Father "Wakefield built a chapel in which religious services were held and which is still standing at Northville and open for the use of all evangelical Christians. In 1843 the Miller excitement brought disaster to this infant society, then in a flourishing condition. The only male members that proved faithful and consistent were Peter Wakefield and Nathaniel O. Page. The flock was scattered and they were cast down ; cast down, but not destroyed. Events afterward proved that Methodism had not yet accomplished its mission in Newport. About the year 1850 the dissensions that troubled the Congregational Church, then un- der the pastoral care of Rev. John Woods, re- sulted in the secession of quite a number of its influential members. Whether this departure was caused by a change of views in regard to creed or for merely personal reasons, we are not qualified to state. At all events, the seceders, with some disaffected Baptists, proposed a per- manent union with the Methodist remnant at Northville, which, being agreed upon, they asked the New Hampshire Conference for a preacher. Accordingly, in May, 1850, Rev. Warren F. Evans was stationed here and the Universalist Chapel secured as a place of wor- ship. On October 30, 1862, a society was organ- ized under the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, consisting of N. O. Page, I. B. Hurd, N. Batchelder, F. Kelley, James Baker, Abner Whipple, Jacob Robinson, Jo- seph Sawyer, Jr., Thomas A. Twitchell, Elna- than Hurd, Henry Chapin and their associates. Steps were taken to erect a church edifice, and a central site was selected on the east side of Main Street near the south end of the village park. Such was the progress of the work that on December 26, 1851, they were able to dedi- cate their house to the worship of Almighty God. Rev. Mr. Evans remained two years. They have since enjoyed the pastoral c^re and offices of Sullivan Holman, A. C. Manson, J. W. Guernsey, D. P. Leavitt, John Currier, James Thurston, S. G. Kellogg, C. M. Dins- more, Charles Young, C. W. Mellen, Charles E. Hall, Elijah R. Wilkins, O. H. Jasper, A. W. Bunker, John W. Adams and James Noyes. In 1854 a lot was purchased and a parsonage built at an expense of about two thousand dol- lars. About the year 1880 the church edifice was thoroughly reconstructed at much expense, and a convenient vestry erected and finished. A fine organ stands in the chancel and desirable im- provements have been made on the outlying grounds. The Methodist Church in Newport is one of the best-appointed in this section of the State. With such a record of prosperity, a rapidly- increasing membership, a large and flourishing Sunday-school, great good may be expected as a result of the rise and progress of the Method- ist Episcopal Church in this town. The Free-Will Baptist Church, which held a somewhat conspicuous place in this town for many years, grew out of a division in the Baptist Church at Northville, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Elisha Hutchinson, 1815-16. The first pastor of this denomination was Rev. Solomon Howe, a disciple of Arminius, and the leader of the opposition to Mi-. Hut- chinson. Mr. Howe was a native of Hillsborough and was licensed to preach at Washington, N. H., in 1815, and ordained in Newport July 5, 1819, and was here until 1827, when he re- moved to Smyrna, N. Y. That he suffered persecution as an outgrowth of the religious dissensions at Northville may be inferred from the following certificate, which has come to the knowledge of the writer, and which was publicly circulated about the year 1826. It is just to Mr. Howe that he should have the benefit of this vindication from a NEWPORT. 255 malicious charge. He died at the age of seventy-two, iu 1858. "We the undersigned having been appointed a committee to investigate an accusation brought by Mr. David Fletcher against Rev. Solomon Howe for taking apples from a tree belonging to Mr. W" Knapp on the 14 Oct. 1824, which accusation was supported on the part of Mr. Fletcher by the testimony of three of his children all being under 13 years of age. Mr. Howe in defence brought forward Mr. Knapp, and his wife, who testified that they gathered the apples from the aforesaid tree before the 15"' Sept. except- ing a few, probably less than one half bushel; and they further testify that their brother went to the tree on the 27"" of the same month with a basket to get some apples and did not bring home but a few. They thought it was impossible that there could be any apples there at the time the said Howe was accused of taking them from the fact that the tree stood in a pasture and the apples were ripe in the month of Au- gust. We therefore upon the above stated evidence and several circumstances connected therewith do unanimously report that in our opinion the said Howe is not guilty of the accusation. (Signed) " MoSES P. Duekee, " Joseph Kimball, " Silas Wakefield, Je., "Norman McGeegoe. " Newport, March 27, 1826." Other preachers after Mr. Howe were elders Elijah Watson, Mr. Goodale, L. H. Stevens and David Marks. For many years Nathaniel Wheeler and Abel Wheeler were deacons of this church, and afterwards Abel Wheeler, Jr., and Ira Wakefield. The organization and successful progress of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this town has had a tendency to gather up and appro- priate to itself the members of the Free- Will Baptist Society, and the organization has not been sustained since 1834-35. The Univeesalist Society of Newport. was organized February 11, 1830. Meetings were held at the town hall and court-room until 1837, when their chapel was built. Among those who have ministered to this so- ciety are Revs. John Moore, William S. and A. S. Balch, W. S. and Levi Ballon, Walter Har- riman (afterwards Governor of the State), Eze- kiel Dow, Lemuel Willis, Luther Walcott, Thompson Barron, J. T. Powers, Joseph Bar- ber and James Eastwood. The pastorate of Mr. Eastwood closed January 1, 1885, and the pulpit has since been vacant. The Unitarian Society was formed Sep- tember 30, 1873. Eev. G. F. Piper was called to the pastorate which he filled for one year. He was succeeded by Rev. A. S. Nickerson. During 1876-77 the Universalist chapel which the Society has occupied was reconstructed and modernized. In 1878 Rev. Geo. W. Patten was engaged as pastor. He continued about one year and had no successor. Roman Catholic. — In the development of the various interests which have added to the wealth and importance of the town of Newport, many people, individuals or in families, of Irish birth and others reared in the faith and forms of the Roman Catholic Church have come into town at different times as operatives or laborers, and by industry and economy ac- quired property and social standing, and become, collectively, an important element in political and religious affairs. The Church, ever mind- ful of the welfare of her children, has not, however, suffered them to wander beyond her protecting care. The first Roman Catholic service in this town was held in the year 1854. A mission was then established, of which the Rev. Father O'Sullivan, the pastor at Claremont, had charge, and regular services at stated times continued to be observed. During the ten years from 1873 to 1883 the mission occupied the old Masonic Hail, in Burke's building, near the bridge on Main Street. At length the increasing need for more con- venient accommodations for worship created a sentiment in favor of erecting a church edifice, and active measures for the accomplishment of this object were commenced. Three lots of 256 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. land — two by Dexter Richards aud one by Patrick Herrick — were donated, on which to erect the building, and on June 22, 1882, work on the foundation was commenced. The work was carried steadily and successfully forward, and on Christmas, December 25, 1882, services were held in the new bouse for the first time. The architect builder was Kira R. Beckwith, of Claremout. Its entire cost was five thousand six hundred dollars. The external appearance of the building is very attractive. It is of the Gothic style of architecture, and is located at the corner of Chase and Winter Streets, in the northeastern part of the village, and being situated on a commanding eminence, may be seen at quite a distance from, many surrounding points and approaches. The interior appointments of the house are very attractive. The frescoing, window stain- ing and the elegance of the altar, which was donated to the society by Mrs. Patrick Herrick, are especially noticeable. The formal dedication of this, (St. Patrick's) church took place in accordance with the forms and ceremonies of the Catholic Church, on Thursday, November 29, 1883. The sermon was preached by the Rt. Rev. Bishop James A. Healy, of Portland, Me. The Rev. P. J. Finnegan, of Claremont, has charge of the society in connection with his duties as pastor of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church at Claremont. Music wa.s early in Newport. It came with the fathers and mothers of the town, — a jolly party, considering their Puritan proclivities. But men and women must sing or acknowledge themselves fit for " treason, stratagems and spoils." From the earliest times the people of old Con- necticut have been noted as singers; and wherever they have gone in all the earth, they have continued to sing. In contrast with their vocal organs, to them musical instruments were high-priced and inconvenient. They had few harps to hang upon the willows. The harp of a thousand strings, with which they could work and sing, was all sufficient. The voice of song was undoubtedly heard in the worship under the tree on that first Sabbath morning after their arrival near the road-cross- ings across the intervale. We have heard how they sang Mear and Wells and others of these ancient tunes, at their meetings in the old Proprietors' House. We have also heard how neighboring families would come together for an evening, and in a circle around the great open fire-place, with back-log and fore-stick aglow with light and heat, blend the songs of Zion with their kindly social intercourse. Love-making and psalm-singing went hand-in-hand. In fact, they are going that way still. The shows known nowadays as "Old Folks' Concerts" affect to illustrate the manner of y° olden time in dress, as well as the rendering in nasal vocalization of the old contrapuntal music, apparently so exhaustive of breath and effort. Among the early singers were Matthew Buel, Philip W. Kibby and the McGregors and the Elder Aldolphus King. Of those who came afterward, 1825 to 1840, no one was more conspicuous, or did more for the advancement of musical culture in this community, than Elnathan Dureu, of Charlestown. He was a man whose whole being was enlisted in his work, aud he had the ability not only to illus- trate music as an art, but to fill it with spirit and understanding, and clothe it with elo- quent expressiveness. The music in our churches is, properly con- sidered, a part of public worship, and has been carefully sustained in all the years. The ma- terial out of which choirs are constructed has sometimesproved combustible, or explo.sive, and the cordial relations between minister, singers and people have been much strained, if not out of joint. But the retirement of some, and a wise reconstruction by those that remained, have resulted successfully. NEWPORT. 257 Such troubles have come and gone as clouds that sweep the sky, leaving an improved serenity in the atmosphere. A hindrance of years ago to the culture and progress of church music was an objection on the part of the more Puritanical of the brethren to the introduction of musical in- struments other than the pitch-pipe and tuning- fork, to aid the voices and fill up the harmony. The viol, and the harp, and the organ were re- garded as unsanctified, mechanical and devilish accessories to worship, unnecessary, if not sin- ful. Their inspiration and effect was to cause some of the more sensitive hearers to retire from the house of God with an emphasized alacrity. But this sentiment in our community has entirely disappeared, or remains only as a historical fact. The existence of an instrumental band in this town has been somewhat intermittent, particu- larly since the old militia system was aban- doned. But martial music in the later years has had good attention, especially since the organization of the " Newport Cornet Band," which consists of about twenty pieces, and is handsomely uni- formed and prepared to do good work at fairs, festivals, military parades and on other public or social occasions. Its services are well ap- preciated in this community. In 1879 a handsome band-stand was erected at a central position on the common, which af- fords a desirable opportunity for open-air con- certs during the summer months. The "Arion Quartett " is a society of long standing, and often appears at social gatherings, and sometimes has charge of the music on fu- neral occasions and at public meetings in the town hall in connection with the band, and is always well received. We might follow the musical sentiment of our people to their homes, in many of which are pianos and organs, and choice selections of church and secular music, with other evidences of musical culture, which is an important factor in the social and domestic life of our citizens. The first piano in Newport was brought here by Dr. John B. McGregor, about the year 1830, for the use of his daughters, one of whom, Mrs. Marion (McGregor) Christopher, was the organist of the Tabernacle Church, Eev. Dr. Taylor, Thirty-fourth Street and Broadway, New York City, for more than twenty-five years, up to 1885. The " Sullivan Musical Association " grew out of a large singing-school held in the Con- gregational Church in this town in August and September, 1872, under the direction of Wil- liam P. Dale, of Fitchburg, Mass. It is prob- able that Mr. Dale was here at the suggestion or invitation of Rev. Mr. Scott, then pastor of the Congregational Church. The class was made up of singers from the church choirs in Newport and the adjoining towns. Two or three concerts were given and the exercises otherwise were of great interest, so much so that at the close of the school the friends of musical culture and the lovers of music came together and organized the association above named. The of&cers then chosen were Rev. G. R. W. Scott, president; M. R. Emerson, vice-president ; Granville Pollard, treasurer ; Arthur B. Chase, secretary; Executive Com- mittee, — A. W. Perkins (Claremont), S. S. Bowers (Newport), M. B. Presby (Bradford), Alden Sabin (Dempster), E. D. Comings (Croy- don). Its officers dui'ing the succeeding years have been : 1874-75, M. B. Presby, president; Rev. H. C. Leavitt, vice-president. 1876-79, Rev. H. C. Leavitt, president ; Francis Boardman, vice-president. 1880-85, E. D. Comings, president; George E. Dame, vice-president. Granville Pollard and A. B. Chase have con- tinued to fill the offices of treasurer and secre- tary, excepting that Mr. Chase resigned in 1884, and H. P. Coffin was chosen in his stead. 258 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Executive Committee, 1885 : Newport, S. S. Bowers, A. S. Wait, Seth M. Richards, J. W. Parmelee, B. R. Allen, C. S. Partridge, H. P. Coffin; Croydon, E. D. Comings; Cornish, E. G. Kenyon ; Acworth, AV. S. Woodbury ; Sunapee, Nathan A. Smith ; Newbury, M. W. Cheney ; New London, A. C. Burpee ; Goshen, Mrs. James Trow ; Claremont, C. M. Leet, Miss M. E. Partridge ; Langdon, Martin Bas- com ; Lempster, George E. Perley ; Meriden, Josiah Davis, Converse Cole ; Sutton, John Merrill, Frederick Keezer ; Grantham, Rufus Hall ; Springfield, Jonathan Sanborn, Charles McDaniel ; Washington, George Brockway ; Plainfield, Willie Freeman ; Henniker, A. D. Huntoon ; Lebanon, D. J. Hurlbut, E. H. Thompson; Bellows Falls, C. L. Barber; Bradford, A. W. Chellis ; Salem, M. B. Presby. Musical Conductors : 1873, Solon Wilder, of Boston; 1874-79, L.O. Emerson, of Boston; 1880, J. P. Cobb, of Boston; 1881, L.O. Emerson, of Boston ; 1882-84, Carl Zerrahn, of Boston. Pianists : 1873, Mrs. J. P. Cobb, of Bos- ton; 1874, Mrs. Martha Dana Shepard, of Boston; 1875, T. P. Rider, of Boston ; 1876 to 1884, Mrs. Martha Dana Shepard, of Bos- ton. The executive committee have, from year to year, secured artists of distinguished ability in the leading vocal parts and as humorists and readers. The grand chorus of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred voices, comprising singers from church choirs and others gathered for instruction, is a notable feature of the Asso- ciation. The conventions are held annually at the town hall in Newport, and generally oc- cupy the last full week in the month of Au- gust. On account of the destruction of the hall, there was no convention in 1885. The record of the Association for thirteen years, finan- cially and otherwise, has been one of distin- guished success. Its tendency has been to im- prove the musical taste and culture of its patrons, and it has come to be one of the substantial and well-appreciated institutions of the town. The new town hall is expected to be in order for the convention of 1886. MASONIC. On the 12th of June, 1816, a dispensation was granted by William H. Underwood, Grand Master of Masons in New Hampshire, to Ar- nold Ellis and ten others, to form and open a Masonic lodge at Newport, by the name of Corinthian I,odge, No. 28. On the 21st of June following, the first meeting was held, when officers were chosen and the lodge was duly organized. The first regular communi- cation of the lodge was held at Colonel Luther Delano's hall on July 2, a.l. 5816, and the lodge was opened on the first degree of Ma- sonry. A charter was afterwards obtained from the Grand Lodge (November 12, 1816) and the lodge was duly constituted and its officers installed. On the records of this lodge may be found the initiatory step leading to temperance reform in Newport, when, at a regular meeting on the 1st day of September, 1818, it was " Voted, That no ardent spirits shall be hereaf- ter introduced into our lodge during lodge hours." The Corinthian Lodge was increased by the addition to its membership of many of the leading citizens of Newport and the adjoining towns, and continued to prosper until the time of the Morgan disclosures and abduction, which occurred in Western New York in September, 1826. The lodge continued to hold its monthly meetings with but feeble support until May, 1833, after which the charter was surren- dered. Mount Veenon Lodge. — Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 15, was originally located in the town of Washington. In the year 1848, by authority of the Grand Lodge, it was removed to Newport. Its first meeting here was held on the 10th of July, of that year. Brother Jonas Parker being Worshipful Master, Lewis Uu- NEWPOET. 259 derwood Senior Warden and John Gunnison Junior "Warden, all residing in the town of Goshen, and Daniel M. Smith, of Lempster, Secretary. At this communication Brother Harvey Huntoon, of Unity, acted as Senior Deacon; Naylor Starbird, of Newport, as Jun- ior Deacon ; Oliver Lund, of Newport, as Treasurer; and John Carr, of Newport, as Tiler; and Brothers John Silver, Harvey Huntoon, Naylor Starbird, Amos Little, Seth Richards, Oliver Lund and Mason Hatch, all formerly members of the Corinthian Lodge, were, on a vote by ballot, admitted members of Mount Vernon Lodge. On the removal of the lodge to Newport its meetings were first held in a hall prepared for its reception in the building known as " Matson Block," where it remained until the year 1872, when its increased membership and importance demanded more ample accommodations. In view of this state of things, arrangements were made with Dexter Richards, a member of the lodge, who prepared an elegant hall and ad- joining apartments for the use of the lodge, in the upper story of his building, known as Che- ney Block. On the 13th of November, 1872, this hall was publicly dedicated to the patron saints of the order by the Grand Lodge of the State of New Hampshire. From the period of its removal from Wash- ington the career of Mount Vernon Lodge has been attended with great prosperity and an ex- tended influence for good as inculcated by the Masonic creed and order. The names of those who have been Worshipful Masters, of the lodge since its removal to Newport are as fol- lows : Jonas Parker, 1848-49; Levi Underwood, 1849-60; Virgil Chase, 1850-51 ; John Puffer, 1851-52 ; Thomas Sanborn, 1852-58; James Karr, 1863-54; Benjamin M. Gilmore, 1854^56 ; D. W. Watkins, 1855-56 ; Charles H. Little, 1856-57 ; Charles Emerson, 1857-68; William E. Moore, 1858-60; Thomas San- born; 1860-61 ; Jonas Parker, 1861-62 ; John Young, Jr., 1862-65 ; Matthew Harvey, 1865-67 ; Albert S. Wait, 1867-69; David McLauchlin, 1869-71; Josiah 17 Turner, 1871-73 ; Henry M. Ingram, 1873-75 ; Arthur H. Ingram, 1875-76 ; John Young, 1876-77 ; F. A. Eawson, 1877-80; A. W. Eounsevel, 1880-83; Abia- thar Eichards, 1884. Present officers, 1885 : Worshipful Master, Abiathar Richards ; Senior Warden, F. P. Me- serve ; Junior Warden, E. Hatch Carr, Goshen ; Treasurer, F. A. Rawson ; Secretary, William H. Wright. Chapter op the Tabernacle. — On June 19, 1872, a dispensation was granted by Ed- ward Gustine, of Keene, Grand High Priest of the State, to A. S. Wait, of Newport ; John Young, of Sunapee ; Albina H. Powers, of Croydon ; and nine other Royal Arch Masons of Webb Chapter, at Claremont, to open a Roy- al Arch Chapter, at Newport, by the name of " Chapter of the Tabernacle," in which the three companions named were designated, re- spectively. High Priest, King and Scribe. At the convocation of the Grand Chapter of the State in May, 1873, a charter was granted to this chapter, and on the 19th of the follow- ing February it was duly constituted, and its officers installed. Incumbents as High Priests : A. S. Wait, 1872-76 ; A. W. Rounsevel, 1877 -80 ; George C. Edes, 1881-82 ; D. G. Chad- wick, 1882-84; Daniel P. Quimby, 1885. Present officers, 1885 : High Priest, D. P. Quimby ; King, F. A. Rawson ; Scribe, Henry M. Ingram ; Treasurer, Dexter Richards ; Sec- retary, Charles H. Little. ODD-FELLOWS. Sugar River Lodge, I. O. O. F., was instituted May 25, 1874, under the direction of M. T. Tottingham, Grand Master of the State, assisted by S. J. Osgood, D. G. M.; George A. Cummings, Grand Warden ; Joel Taylor, Grand Secretary ; Amos Jones, G. R.; R. M. Blanch- ard. Grand Marshal; and E. A. Cotting, Grand Conductor. The original petitioners for the lodge were Obadiah Johnson, W. H. Raymond, S. M. Richards, F. A. Rawson, George F. Livermore, S. C. Coffin, H. C. Tenney, W. S. Kempton, 260 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW H AMPS HIKE. L. A. Richardson, A. S. Chase, C. S. Par- tridge, A. W. Clarke, R. W. Tilton, G. H. Dar- ricott, H. P. Griswold, M. W. Burke, M. L. Whittier, C. H. Matthews and Charles H. Watts. From its institution until August 9, 1880, the lodge occupied a hall in the third story, north end of Richards' Block. Afterwards it removed to elegantly decorated and furnished apartments in the upper story of the towp hall, where the lodge first met August 16, 1880. This hall was dedicated October 4, 1880, by Grand Master John H. Albin, assisted by Dep- uty Grand Master Robie, Past Grand Masters George A. Cummings and Joseph B. Smart. These apartments were leased for a term of twenty-five years, and were the home of the lodge until June 21, 1885, when the town hall and most of its contents were destroyed by fire. The loss of the lodge in regalias, fixtures, fur- niture, etc., was estimated at about two thousand five hundred dollars, on which there was an in- surance of fifteen hundred dollars, which was paid over in due time. The lodge then leased for a term of twenty years a spacious hall and other apartments in the south end, third floor of Richards' Block, which were appropriately fitted up and dedicated to the uses of the order in December, 1885. In connection with this lodge the Stony Brook Encampment was instituted March 30, 1880. "Yisit the sick." The number of weeks of sickness reported during the eleven years of the existence of the lodge, and which have been visited as found necessary, is two hundred and fifty-two. "Relieve the distressed." The amount of cash paid for the relief of members of the lodge is nine hundred and twenty-one dollars. For sojourners in this jurisdiction of members of other lodges, which amount has been refund- ed, $109.25. " Bury the dead." Three brothers and ten sisters have been buried in accordance with the rules of the order. " Educate the orphan." No call has been made for this purpose, but the lodge stands- ready to fulfill this injunction whenever it shall be found necessary. Frank A. Rawson was elected Grand Master of the State in 1881, and in 1882-83, Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. CHAPTER IV. NEWPORT— (CorKmuedj. EDUCATION, MTERATl'RE AND THE PRESS. Education. — The value of intelligence flow- ing from mental culture was appropriately esti- mated by the founders of New England. The subject of education received early atten- tion in the town of Newport. Before the fam- ilias of the first settlers had increased to any great extent arrangements were made for school purposes. The first public building, the Pro- prietors' House, erected in 1772-73, was intend- ed in part as a public school-house. Referring to the earliest public record in regard to schools, we find the following : "March 8, 1784, Voted, That there shall be four pounds, lawful money, paid out of the town treasury towards the support of a school the ensueing sum- mer — to be paid in grain at the market price." The next year arrangements were made for two terms of school during the year, as follows : " March 14, 1775, Voted, To pay five pounds', law- ful money, worth of grain to support a school ; one- half is to support a school in the summer, and the other half in the winter. Wheat at five shillings per bushel and Rye at three shillings and nine-pence per bushel." Josiah Stevens, who came from Killingworth to Alstead in 1767, and to Newport in 1771, then a young man about thirty years of age, was the schoolmaster of that time. During the Revolutionary period, which af- ter this greatly enlisted the attention and ener- NEWPORT. 261 gies of the people, no public appropriations ap- pear to have been made for the support of schools, and for the time they were dependent on the private subscriptions of parties inter- ested. In 1783 and for some years after, Rev. John Remele, the first settled pastor of the Congrega- tional Church, oiSciated as teacher as well as preacher, and we are sure that he made good and lasting impressions upon the minds of his pupils, of whom the immediate progenitor of the writer was one. Another, Rev. James Hill Parmelee, refers to him as " a good scholar and teacher, and a man of much wit and humor." This was School District No. 1. As the years went on, and the population increased, other districts were organized. No. 1 extended from the " plain " to the Unity line. No. 2 covered the territory occupied by the village. No. 3 the region about Kelleyville. No. 4 the East Mountain. No. 5 the neighborhood of Guild Post-Office. No. 6 the vicinity of Northville. These districts were afterwards subdivided and in 1873 there were eighteen school districts in the town of Newport. In the spring of 1874 the village districts, four in number, in accordance with legislative acts for the establishment of graded schools in the larger towns as might be desirable to pro- mote the efficiency of school-work, voted in their several meetings to unite and form one district. To this end committees of three were ap- pointed from each district, to confer and settle upon the terms of this union. At a meeting of the people of the several districts, held May 13, 1874, the report of this general committee was considered and unanimously adopted, and Union School District was organized. Richard S. Howe, Edmund Wheeler and George R. Brown were, at the same meeting, chosen a committee to make arrangements in regard to school buildings and rooms, and take other necessary action to put the graded schools in operation. The erection of the new county building, in 1873, had thrown the old town hall and court- house out of use. It was apparent that these premises might be utilized for school purposes without much labor or expense. A town-meeting was called, at which it was voted unanimously to convey the same to Union District for the term of ninety-nine years, pro- vided they be put in suitable order, kept in good repair and that the district should main- tain therein for a term of not less than twenty weeks each year a grammar school, without ex- pense to the town, the inhabitants of other dis- tricts in town having the privilege of sending their scholars to any department of the school by paying a reasonable tuition fee. By arrangement there were to be four prim- ary departments, which were each to occupy the four school buildings heretofore used by the former districts. The old town hall was par- titioned oif and the Intermediate Department was assigned to the north room and the Gram- mar Department to the south room. The sec- ond floor of the building, formerly the court- room, was fitted up for the use of the High School. At first the affairs of the Union District came under the supervision of the superin- tending school committee of the town in com- mon with the outlying districts ; but, having assumed these proportions, it was thought ad- visable, for the sake of more independent action, to place the management of its aifairs in the hands of a Board of Education, elected by the district. Accordingly, at the next session of the Legislature, June, 1877, a special act was passed, authorizing such action, and at the an- nual school-meeting, in 1878, a Board of Edu- cation was elected, consisting of Edmund Wheeler, S. H. Edes, George W. Britton, T. B. Sanborn, A. S. Wait and George E. Dame. After some little practical experience the num- ber of persons comprising the board was found unnecessarily large, and it was reduced to three members, agreeably to the act. The term of 262 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. office being three years, the construction of the board is such that there is one retiring member each year, the vacancy to be filled by the elec- tion of one new member annually. The names of those who have served on the School Board are as follows : Richard S. Howe, 1874-75, two years. Edmund Wheeler, 1874-81, eight years. George B. Brown, 1874, one year. S. L. Bowers, 1875-77, three years. S. H. Edes, 1876-78, three years. George W. Britton, 1878-79, two years. Thomas B. Sanborn, 1878, one year. A. S. Wait, 1878, one year. George E. Dame, 1878, one year. Mrs. L. W. Barlow, 1879, one year. Miss Georgia E. Wilcox, 1880, one year. Mrs. Harriet S. Jenks, 1880-82, three years. Joseph W. Parmelee, 1881-85, five years. Dana J. Mooney, 1882-85, four years. David M. Currier, 1883-85, three years. The teachers who have had charge of the High-School are as follows : 1874. — George R. Brown, Emily Leavitt (assistant). 1875. — H. A. Hutchinson, C. E. Blake, George Dodge. 1876.— Cynthia F. Payne. 1876-77.— Herbert J. Barton. 1878.— Frank S. Hotaling. 1879-84.— Hartstein W. Page, Mattie M. Chellis (assistant). 1884^85.— Stephen A. Snow, Mattie M. Chellis (as- sistant). 1885-86.— Charles 0. Thurston, A.B., Carrie M. Deming (assistant). The graduates are as follows : 1877. — Fred. Allen, Frank Hanson, Isaac Stone. 1878.— Georgie Barnard, Addie Blood, Ella Foote, Lois Hurd, Emma Howe, Lillian Wells, Mary Wiley, John McCrillis, Frank Chellis, Fred. Nettleton. 1879.— Sadie Cutting, Etta Fletcher, Lillian Fletcher, May Howard, Alice Howe, Lillian Kemp- ton, Emma Nourse, Ralph Howard. 1880.— Kate Chellis, Nellie Clough, Zilpha Cut- ting, May Parker, Carrie Watts, Homer Graves, Charles Emerson, George Lewis, R. Wilkins. 1881. — Florence Barton, Nellie Chase, Loxa Ellia, Emma Gilmore, Margaret Gilmore, Grace Nourse, Grace Royce, Fred. Aiken, Fred. Carr, George A. Fairbanks, Henry Fletcher, Benjamin Pliny Holbrook Robert Jenks, Charles Eoyce, William Walker. 1882.— Alice Carr, Spedie A. Clough, Abbie R. Cut- ting, Cora B. Dodge, May E. Emmons, Leslie C. Hun- tress, Mary E. Reardon, Elmer H. Cutts, Charle.s V. French, John Herrick, Herman A. Kibbey, Charles Nutting, Philip Kobinson, John C. Silsby. 1883.— Frances W. Cutting, Rosa Bell Dodge, Julia Ann Herrick, Charles Edward Holbrook, Mary Leslie Jenks, Frank Eugene Warren. 1884.— John P. Reardon, Ora L. Walker. 1885. — William Fletcher, Joseph Chapin Kimball, Ralph Stevens Pollard, Fred. Truman Pollard, Frank Amasa Robinson, Charles Herbert Towle, Mary Beck, Stella May Britton, Viola Almira Cutting, Hattie Burt Haskell, Edith Abbie Mooney, Lizzie Viola Woodbury. Total, 79— boys, 38 ; girls, 41. In addition to the ordinary advantages for edu- cation afforded by the public schools, the people of Newport have sometime enjoyed oppor- tunities for a more advanced culture. Going back to the year 1819, we find an organization known a? the Newport Academy. This institution was authorized by an act of the Legislature, June 24, 1810. Its incorpor- ators were of the leading citizens of the town. It was for many years under the supervision of a board of trastees, consisting of James Breck, Joseph Farnsworth, James D. Woleott, John B. McGregor, Alexander Boyd and Hub- bard Newton. It had no permanent fund as a basis of support, but was dependent upon the tuition fees of the scholars, the trustees guaran- teeing the preceptor the sum of four hundred dollars per annum. The home of this institution was a two-story building, in white paint, occupying a lot on the south side of the present Elm Street, near the east end of the bridge across the South Branch. The lower floor was occupied by the school in District No. 2, and the upper story a.s the academy. The building was long known as the " White School-house," and was afterward NEWPORT. 263 moved to the present site of the Congregational parsonage and used for a vestry and school- house, and ultimately destroyed by fire No- vember 2, 1843. Thus perished the old White School-house, a noted structure in its day, towards which the recollection of many now living will turn with interest and pleasure. After the year 1834 the Newport Academy occupied the court-house, and sometimes the lower story of the Baptist meeting-house, which was fitted up for school purposes in 1841. From 1819 till 1873, when the High School in Union District took the place of the academy, there were thirty-five diiferent instructors or preceptors of the academy. The names of the preceptors of the Newport Academy are as follows : 1819.— William Shedd. 1820.— Christopher Marsh. 1821-23.— William Clark, A.B. 1825. — Amasa Edes, Harriet Cook. 1826.— Josiah Peabody. 1827.— William Heath. 1828.— William Claggett. 1829.— A. G. Hoyt, Miss S. Trask. 1829.— Kendrick Metcalf. 1833.— David Crosby (died in Nashua, 1881). 1835.— Ursula Kelley. 1839.— M. L. Eastman. 1840. — Susan Woodward. 1841. — Miss Colby (daughter of Governor Colby). 1842.— Sarah O. Dickey. 1845. — Abner S. Warner. 1848.— William M. Guilford. 1848.— J. C. Crooker. 1850.— Charles Chapin. 1851.— C. F. Kemick. 1852. — L. W. Barton, Lizzie F. Jewett (assistant). 1853.— Mary B. Fitz. 1853. — M. Bradford Boardman. 1855.— John Paul. 1857. — R. M. Gunnison. 1858. — H. F. Hyde, Miss A. C. Baker, assistant. 1859.— George P. Brooks, Miss F. A. Corbin (as- sistant). 1862. — Eugene Lewis, A. F. Gleason (assistant). 1862.— Sarah G. G. Gregg. 1863.— A. H. Kimball. 1865.— Mary Dwinell Chellis. 1866.— Alfred F. Howard. 1870.— George B. Brown, Miss Leavitt (assistant). 1873. — Susan C. Eastman. LiTERATUEE. — A careful estimate will show that of natives of Newport and others localized in the town since its first settlement, more than one hundred have been graduated from colle- giate institutions to engage in professional life and business affairs. Of some we have been able to give brief biographical sketches. To follow them all in their various departures we would be led to all parts of our own country, to other continents and the islands of the ocean, whither they have gone as soldiers, sailors, travelers and merchants, or as missionaries and educators. In these latter regards we would find the Moores in Burmah ; Miss Jane Eliza Chapin in China; the Rowells and Chapins in the Hawaiian kingdom ; and Miss M. Lizzie Cum- mings, a daughter of Rev. Henry Cummings, a former pastor of the Congregational Church, to her duties as a teacher in the Huguenot Semi- nary at "Wellington, Cape Colony, South Africa. Others have a record in the literature of the country, and of the earliest of these was Rev. Carlos Wilcox, born in Newport, October 23, 1794, a graduate from Middlebury College, Vermont, a Congregational minister at Hart- ford, and afterward at Danbury, Conn., where he died in 1827. He published a book of ser- mons and was the author of many poems of much merit. Sarah Josepha (Buel) Hale, who died in Philadelphia, April 30, 1879, and why had been for more than fifty years the approved editor of Godey's Lady's Book, was a native of Newport, where she was born October 24, 1788. She married, October 13, 1813, David Hale, an attorn ey-at-law, by whose early decease, in 1822, she was left in widowhood with limited resources and five children (the oldest not over 264 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. seven years of age) for maintenance and proper education. Her father, Gordon Buel, was not in circum- stances to aiford her any assistance. The gravity of her situation and future would have been appalling to one of less courage and ability. Up to this time her literary ventures had uot been outside the columns of the village paper, in which she occasionally appeared over the signa- ture of Cornelia, and it is not probable that she indulged in any higher aspirations as a Kttii- ateur. The outlook was in another direction. By the advice and aid of her best friends, she was induced to make arrangements with Miss Thyrza Hale, a sister of her deceased husband, for the prosecution of a business which seemed to promise more immediate and certain results. An advertisement in the New Hampshire Spec- tator of May 18, 1825, is authority as well as an interesting reminiscence in relation to this mat- ter. It states as follows : "New Fancy Goods and Millinery. Mrs. and Miss Hale Have just received from Boston and New York a supply of the most Fashionable Spring and Sum- mer Goods which they offer for Sale as cheap as can be purchased at any other store in this vicinity. Brown cambricks, Figured Gauze, Silk & Mourning Bonnets, Caps and Head-dresses of the latest and most approved patterns kept constantly on hand. Miss Hale and a young Lady with her who is well acquainted withMil- linary and Mantua-making will give constant atten- tion and cheerful attendance on all Ladies who please to favor them with their patronage. Feathers, Rags and Tow cloth received in payment for goods." At this crisis of affairs we find the future poetess, novelist, author aud compiler of some tweuty-two different literary works and com- pilations of great merit engaged in bartering silks, gauzes, bonnets, caps and head-drapes for country " truck and dicker." During the succeeding two or three years she, undoubtedly, found she had mistaken her calling. The busi- ness was not a success. The vista now opening before her was not festooned fancy goods, milli- nery articles, feathers or tow- cloth. Her literary abilities had come to be appre- ciated. In the year 1828 she was called to the editorial charge of the Ladies' Magazine, pub- lished in Boston, and discharged the duties of this responsible position until 1837, when this periodical was united with the Lady's Booh of Philadelphia ; she was afterward a resident of Philadelphia. The working of her long life was crowned with financial success, as well as popular favor, and she was able to educate her sons and daughters in the most prominent educational institutions of this country. She was a person of remarkable vitality, and had lived more than ninety years ; and at the time of her decease was the most widely-known and distinguished of the daughters of Newport. Horatio Hale, son of the foregoing, was born in Newport, May 3, 1817 ; was graduated from Harvard College, educated as a lawyer and admitted to the practice, in Chicago, in 1855. A man of letters, author, scientist ; was philolo- gist to the United States Exploring Expedition commanded by Captain Wilkes (1837), and has contributed largely to philological and ethnologi- cal science. The Baldwins were of Connecticut lineage. They were grandsons of Captain Samuel Church, whose ancestor is said to have decap- itated King Philip, of Mount Hope. Captain Church was an early settler of the town, and owned all the land in the village between Main Street and the river, north of the intervale bridge. Henry E. Baldwin was born December 19, 1815. We find him first as a youthful angler for trout in the Towner Brook ; afterward as a practical printer, engraver on wood, caricatur- ist, artist, humorist, editor of the New Hamp- shire Argus and Spectator, register of deeds and probate for the county of Sullivan, clerk of the State Senate, editor and proprietor of the Lowell Daily Advertiser, inspector in the Bos- ton Custom-House, and, finally, private secre- tary to Franklin Pierce, President of the NEWPOKT. 265 United States. He was a man of fine presence and agreeable personal qualities, and a versa- tile and able writer. He died in Washington, D. C, February 12, 1857. Samuel Church Baldwin was boru Septem- ber 15, 1817. He was associated with his brother, Henry E., in the management of the Argus and Speotcdor and the Lowell Advertiser. He was afterward (1844) proprietor of the Plymouth (Mass.) Rock, and twice elected to the Massachusetts Legislature. He ultimately returned to his native State and was proprietor of the New Hampshire Democrat, published at Laconia, where he died December 3, 1861. He was an able journalist and litterateur. Amos B. Little was a native of Newport, born February 16, 1841. He was educated princi- pally at the Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, and at Brown University, Rhode Island. He commenced the study of law, but an infirmity of deafness prevented the carrying out of his purpose in that direction. In 1845 he was appointed to a position in the Patent Office by Edmund Burke, then commissioner of patents. He was afterward promoted to the position of law clerk, and while in that, office codified and published the " Patent Laws of the United States." He was a vigorous political writer, and correspondent of the New Hampshire Patriot and other jour- nals of that time. He died October 1, 1862. Mrs. Mary Chellis Lund, nee Mary Dwinell Chellis, the name by which she is known in her writings, is an author of many books. An in- ferior boundary line only prevents her from being a native of Newport ; but, as her residence is here, and has been for many years, and her husband, S. F. Lund, is a lineal descendant of Stephen Wilcox, of old Killingworth, we may at least contend Avith our neighboring town for the honor of her intellectual life and growth, if not her birth. Her productions are mostly of a moral and religious character and are greatly prized for their good influence upon the young. They are found in all Sunday-school libraries. Commodore George E. Belknap, United States Navy, is a native of Newport, born January 22, 1832. In 1847 he entered the Naval Academy, at Annapolis. After gradua- tion from that institution, in 1854, we find him early in command of national vessels, asserting the honor and rights of his country, at different times and places, on all seas. During the Civil War he was conspicuous in many successful naval engagements on the Atlantic seaboard, earning his promotion in rank by sturdy achievement. In 1873 he was assigned to special duty by the Secretary of the Navy on the steam cor- vette " Tuscarora " in making deep-sea soundings across the Pacific from California to Japan, to determine the practicability of laying a cable between America and Asia. The published account ' of this cruise has attracted the pro- found attention of scientists in Europe and America. He was afterward in command of the navy- yard atPensacola until 1881, when he was or- dered to the Pacific Station, on the coast of South America, in command of the United States Steamer " Alaska," to protect the interests and, if necessary, vindicate the honor of the United States on that coast during the late hos- tilities between Chili and Peru. This cruise was continued (1882) to the Hawaiian kingdom and from thence to San Francisco, where the " Alaska " went out of commission. In 1883 he was detached from command of the "Alaska " and ordered to the Norfolk navy- yard as captain of the yard. He has also been assigned to special duty as president of the Torpedo Board, and also president of the Naval Commission, to examine the circum- stances connected with the construction of the "Dolphin" and determine its acceptance by the government. On June 1, 1885, Captain Belknap attained the rank of commodore and was ordered by the Secretary of the Navy to ' See United Service Quarterly for April and July 1879. 266 HISTOKY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the Naval Observatory at Washington as super- intendent. Commodore Belknap's reputation as an officer and a scientist is of the highest character. He is a fellow of the American Geographical Society ; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ; member of the New England Historic and Genealogical Society, Boston; member of the New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord ; companion First Class Military Order Loyal Legion, United States ; Knight Commander of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I., of the Hawaiian kingdom. I For further account, see Hamersly's " Naval Encyclopedia.") Edward A. Jenks, whose progenitors are said to have arrived in the town of Newport on the 4th of July, 1776, was born October 3, 1830, and while a printer, editor, incumbent of pub- lic office and at the head of the Republican Press Association of Concord has found oppor- tunity in the course of a busy life to scatter here and there leaves that have found places in the choice collections of verse that adorn our libraries. In the " New Hampshire Poets," compiled by Bela Chapin, there are over twenty names of poets, natives or residents of Newport. The Press. — In connection with other in- stitutions, the town of Newport has had the advantage of an ably-conducted newspaper press for a period of more than sixty years. In the year 1825 Cyrus Barton moved the New Hampshire Spectator, which he had estab- lished at Claremont, to this town. He was here severally associated with Dunbar Aldrich, B. B. French and Cyrus Metcalf, and finally removed to Concord, leaving the paper in the hands of French & Metcalf. ]\Ir'. French was also an attorney -a t-law and the first clerk of the courts for the new county of Sullivan. He was afterward clerk of the House of Repre- sentatives and commissioner of public buildings at Washington, where he died in 1870. Mr. Metcalf soon after withdrew from the paper and Simon Brown took his place. In 1833 Edmund Burke had located at Claremont and had established the New Hamp- shire Argus. In 1834 Mr. Burke removed his press to Newport. In 1835 the Spectator and Argus were united under the editorial manage- ment of Mr. Burke and became the New Hampshire Argus and Spectator. From 1838 to 1840 the paper was controlled by the Baldwins and William English. In 1840 the Argus and Spectator passed into the hands of Henry G. Carleton and Matthew Harvey, and so continued until April 1, 1879, a period of about forty years, when Hubbard A. Barton and W. W. Prescott became the proprietors of the paper and printing-office. About September 1, 1880, W. W. Prescott withdrew from the concern and his interest was assumed by George B. Wheeler. Barton & Wheeler continue the publication of the Argus, which has always been Democratic in its political character. The Northern Farmer and Political Adven- turer and the Northern Farmer and Horticul- turist, were published by Hubbard, Newton & Son during the years 1830 to 1833, and were discontinued. The first number of the Republican Chawr pion, Fred. W. Cheney, editor and proprietor, was issued in this town January 6, .1881. The Champion is ably conducted and, as its name implies, is devoted to the interests and prin- ciples of the Republican party. There have been other publications started in the town, which were of short continuance and no lasting benefit, of which it is not neces- sary to speak. Matthew Harvey came from Sutton to New- port in the year 1831, and from that time until his death, on January 31, 1885, at the age of seventy years, was connected either as appren- tice, journeyman or proprietor with the New Hampshire Argus and Spectator. He was a son of Colonel John Harvey and a nephew of Jonathan and Matthew, both members of Con- gress and the latter a Governor of the State and United States district judge. NEWPORT. 267 Mr. Harvey was devoted to his profession and in many respects had few equals as a journalist. He was a versatile and easy writer and a forci- ble speaker, — full of ready wit and fond of repartee. He had poetic ability of a high order and many efforts of his pen are extant. The files of the Argus for more than forty years will bear testimony to his genial character and ability as a humorist, a poet, a writer of entertaining locals and more dignified political articles. He was an esteemed and valuable citizen of the town during his fifty-four years of life in Newport. In the files of the New Hampshire Spectator, printed by Cyrus Barton in this town from fitly to sixty years ago, we find piquant essays and disquisitions on various subjects which illustrate in some degree the advanced liter- ary culture that existed among the people of Newport during that period. It is matter of regret that the names of the authors of these papers are concealed under signatures, classical, Scriptural and sometimes common-place, in such a manner as to destroy their identity. A pleasing social feature of that time was a " Coterie " made up of these literary yftung people, at the head of which was Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. The trystiug-place of this society was a gigan- tic elm, or, more particularly, a pair of elms, as the main body of the tree not far from the ground forked into divergent trunks, which rose high in air, interlocking their lofty branches in a widely spreading and reciprocal embrace. This tree, illustrating as it did the idea of dual- ity in unity, was considered emblematical of the married state and came to be known as the " Matrimonial Tree." It stood on a natural terrace, or elevation of land overlooking a delightful sweep of meadow, diversified with other elms and clumps of trees, and outlined by the " Sugar " in one of its graceful detours known as "the bend," its course bordered with alder and witch hazel, festooned with climbing vines. Upon the closely-mown sward, within the well-defined and ample shade of this druidical tree, at appointed times on golden summer afternoons, came the members of this aesthetic circle — the married with a well-sustained com- placence at their advanced social position ; and the single in all the incipient stages of the tender passion leading up to the connubial state. Without a great stretch of imagination, we might here group the pseudonyms from the Spectator as follows : Philo, Apollonius and Cornelia ; Gamaliel, Mentor and Minerva ; Mercuriiis, Theophilus and Thyrza ; Crito, Unus and Ariadne ; Jotham, Uncle Toby and Rebecca, and others whose exponents had been a letter of the alphabet, or an asterisk under which to conceal their real names. The tout ensemble of the individuals of the party, on such occasions, and their various pos- turings and movements in the refreshing shade of the twin, elms, are pleasantly suggestive of cliaracter and scenes in " As You Like It," where we find the Dukes and their retainers, Rosalind and Orlando, Celia and Oliver, Old Adams and the melancholy Jaques, love-making and philosophizing in the forest glades of Ardennes. Seats and tables were placed all about upon the smooth ground in picturesque disorder for the comfort and convenience of the members of the Coterie as they gave audience to dramatic performances, recitations and readings from books and magazines, or the productions of some of their leading spirits. In addition to the more dignified exercises, free scope was given to conversation, songs, merriment, wit and repartee. A most interesting episode in the routine of the afternoon was the withdrawal and investi- gation of the contents of a sly pocket, or covert place in or about the venerable tree which had become the receptacle of all manner of anony- mous contributions, personal, humorous and tender, — in prose and verse, the reading of 268 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. which added greatly to the interest of the occa- sion. The delectation of the physical as well as the intellectual nature was not disregarded at these assemblies. As the day declined, a fii'e was kindled under a significant-looking kettle, sus- pended from a tripod at convenient distance, and anon the smell of Bohea or Young Hyson, or both— fragrant and lively — filled the air. A symposium of tea-drinking, and a discussion of sandwiches, cakes and confections concluded the afternoon's entertainment. There are gray-haired men and women walk- ing about town in this year of grace, 1885, who, as small boys and girls with curious interest, hovered on the outer margin of the charmed circle we have affected to describe, as spectators ; and the gay appearance of these rural gather- ings on Captain Church's meadow, as seen from the Aiken hills, on the opposite side of the river, is still fresh in the memory of those who inhabited the old " Wines Manse " as children. How much the " Matrimonial Tree " did for the cause of social advancement can never be properly estimated. The woodman's axe and the scythe of Time closed the record from mor- tal ken long ago. With all our schools and superior advan- tages, we doubt if any society for social and mental culture, equal in scope and merit, has had any foothold or existence in this town since this Coterie disappeared; and are prone to be- lieve that the standard of literary attainment at this time must suffer in contrast with that of two generations ago. Edmund Wheeler, a long time citizen of this town, is a native of Croydon, where he was born August 25, 1814. He was educated at Kimball Union Academy, came to Newport in 1833 and engaged with his brother, William P. Wheeler, in the harness-making trade. In 1839, on the retirement of William P. to en- gage in the study and practice of law, he as- sumed, by purchase, the control of the business, which he successfully continued until 1866, when he sold out to Granville Pollard. Dur- ing a residence of more than fifty years Mr. Wheeler has ably sustained himself as an en- terprising and substantial citizen of the town. He Avas adjutant in the State militia, and for two years on the staff of Governor Williams. He has been twice a member of the Legislature, 1851-52, the latter year chairman of the com- mittee on incorporations, and taking an active part in all the leading measures before the House. He was director in the Sugar River Bank, and since in the First National Bank of Newport, and also in the Newport Savings- Bank. He was active in the organization of Union School District in 1874, and eight years on its Board of Education as chairman and other- wise. In his time he has published a book entitled the "Croydon Centennial," and in 1879, com- piled, edited and issued from the press an elab- orate " History of Newport," to which we are indebted for much statistical matter used in the composition of this sketch. Edmund Wheeler married, September 21, 1851, a daughter of Sherman Rossiter, of Clare- mont, and, second, Augusta L. Sawyer, of this town. His only son, George B., the issue of the first marriage, born Februaiy 4, 1854, is at present one of the proprietors of the New Hampshire Argus and Spectator. Joseph W. Parmelee, the writer of this sketch, is a native of Newport, born February 2, 1818. His ancestors were among the earliest English emigrants to this country. His paternal grandparents, Ezra and Sibyl (Hill), were of the first settlers of Newport. His parents, John and Phebe (Chase) Parmelee, were resi- dent at a locality on the South Branch of Sugar River known as South ville. He was a scholar in old School District No. 1, under several in- structors, and in 1833-34 at the Newport Acad- emy, under the tuition of the late David Crosby, of Nashua. Aftflr about a year at Kimball Union Academy his school-days terminated and NEWPORT. 269 he turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. In the year 1847 he removed to Charleston, S. C, and engaged with a substantial concern in the dry-goods trade— Wiley, Banks & Co.— into which he ivas afterward admitted as a suc- ceeding co-partner, and in which, up to the time of the Civil War, he had accumulated a fair estate that met with confiscation and ruin in that vortex of national and human affairs. From 1863 to 1879 he was identified with the Southern trade in connection with the house of H. E.Clafliu & Co., in New York City. During a varied business career he has found much time for reading and self-culture, has been a frequent contributor to the press, and has -writ- ten occasional poems, which have attracted some attention. Mr. Parmelee, since 1879, has resided in his native town, where his family for many years have had a homestead. He is much interested in the cause of education, has been for four or five years chairman of the Board of Education for Union District, and some time superintending school committee for the town. Mr. Parmelee married, August 13, 1851, Fran- ces Ann, only daughter of Amos Little, Esq., of Newport. Their children are Edward Little, born May 16, 1852, now a resident of Kansas City, Mo.; Francis Joseph, born June 27, 1857, a resident in New York City; and Anne, born June 1, 1860, resides with the family in New- port. CHAPTEE V. NEWPORT— (Continued). MEDICAL AND LEGAT. PROFESSIONS. Medical Profession. — The professions fol- low in the wake of civilization. The conditions in a new country subject the settlers to much of exposure and accident, the evils of which are sometimes greatly enhanced without the imme- diate aid of medicine or surgery, as prescribed and directed by skillful hands ; hence the im- portance of a doctor in a new settlement. There was no permanently settled physician in Newport until the year 1790. Previous to that time it was customary in critical cases to send to Charlestown for medical aid. We know traditionally that Captain Ezra Parmelee was dispatched to that place for a doctor to attend Mrs. Josiah Stevens, his neigh- bor, and that she died befoi'c he could come to her relief. There were women in the settlement who ministered to the wants of the afflicted with much of ability. They also possessed the neces- sary skill as midwives. Mrs. Jeremiah Nettle- ton is said to have been one of these, and to have traveled long distances on foot, sometimes using snoM'-shoes, to visit the sick. It is also said that she once traveled to New London on a hand-sled hauled by four men for the purpose of visiting a patient. Her daughter, Mabel, born November 15, 1762, in Killingworth, and who came to Newport with her parents in 1779, and became the wife of Aaron Buel, Jr., suc- ceeded her mother, and was the only physician in Newport for several years, and particularly successful in her practice. She was known in the later years of her life as Aunt Mabel, and is still remembered as a most estimable woman. About the year 1790 Dr. James Corbin, born in Dudley, Mass., 1762, established himself in Newport as a physician, and so continued until his death, January 16, 1826. In connection with his medical practice he improved a tract of land and erected substantial buildings on what continues to be known as Corbin Hill, between Newport village and Northville. A large part of this estate— that north of the river con- tinues in possession of his grandson, Austin Corbin, of New York. Dr. William Joslyn, a pupil of Dr. Corbin's, commenced practice in Newport in 1804 and after a residence of six years removed to Ver- mont. Dr. Arnold Ellis, born in Meriden, Conn., October 29, 1776, was in Newport early in the century, and engaged in the practice. His 270 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. preparation of bitters, for bilious disorders, was much esteemed. He was the first post- master (1810), and filled the office of town clerk in 1811. He was also by trade a tailor and a jeweler, and cleaned and repaired watches, a lover of music and a skillful performer on the violin. At a celebration of the Fourth of July, in 1827, Dr. Ellis had charge of the music. The band consisted of Arnold Ellis, violin ; John B. McGregor, bass viol; Abijah Dudley, clarionet ; Bela W. Jenks, bassoon ; Jere- miah W. Walcott, bugle ; Major David Harris, fife ; Major AYillard Harris, drummer. He re- moved to Sutton about this time, and from thence to Newbury, where he died at an ad- vanced age. Dr. John B. McGregor, a son of Lieutenant John McGregor, was born in this town Novem- ber 27, 1787; was a student in Dr. Corbin's of- fice ; a graduate of the Medical Department of Dartmouth College in 1809 ; commenced prac- tice here in 1810, and was the leading physi- cian of the town and a valuable citizen until his removal to Rochester, N. Y., in 1838, where he died September 14, 1865. Dr. Alexander Boyd, of Scotch-Irish de- scent, a native of Londonderry, born February 8, 1784, was in successful practice here for about a quarter of a century. He died Septem- ber 28, 1851. Dr. W. P. Gibson, a native of Croydon, was in the profession from 1830 to 1837, when he removed to Windsor, Vt., and took orders as a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He died in 1837, aged about forty years. Dr. William F. Cooper, also a native of Croydon, was settled here for about one year (1827), and removed to Kellogsville, N. Y., where he was engaged in a successful practice for more than fifty years. Dr. John L. Swett. (See biography.) Dr. Reuben Hatch, of Alstead, was in the practice 1808-09. Dr. Isaac Hatch succeeded to the office and practice of Dr. Gibson in 1837. His continu- ance here was short. He sickened and died in 1838, at the age of forty-three years. Dr. Mason Hatch. (See biography.) Dr. W. C. Chandler was in practice here from 1838 to 1841, when he removed to South Na- tick, Mass., and died in 1848, in the forty-sec- ond year of his age. Dr. Thomas Sanborn. (See biography.) Dr. James A. Greggs was in practice in New- port from 1855 up to the time of his death, in 1866. Dr. Wm. H. Hosmer was here for about a year, 1847-48, and removed to Concord. Dr. W. W. Darling, of the homoeopathic school of practice, was born in Croydon Novem- ber 20, 1834. Received his medical degree from Dartmouth in 1859, and has been in practice in Newport since 1869. Dr. David M. Currier, a native of Grafton, born September 15, 1840, received his medical degree from Dartmouth in 1867; came to this town in 1871, where he is engaged in a success- ful practice. Drs. Thomas B. and Christopher A. Sanborn, sons of Dr. Thomas Sanborn, were educated to the medical profession, and graduated from the Bellevue Medical College, New York City. They succeeded to the office and business of their father, and are engaged in a successful practice. Several other names might be mentioned in connection with the medical profession, but the continuance of the parties was of a temporary character and made little or no impression upon the community. Of the sons of Newport whose lives have been devoted to the medical profession and resulted in great usefulness to their fellow-creatures, there died in Morley Parish, Canton, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., on July 9, 1874, Ezra Parme- lee, M.D., in the seventy-fourth year of his age. Dr. Parmelee came of the old Killingworth stock that originally settled the town. He passed a jolly boyhood at the paternal homestead NEWPOKT. 271 near the South Branch, at South ville. Sum- mer and winter he was an attentive scholar at the old red school-house then standing on Pot- ash Hill, until he came to be fifteen or sixteen years of age, when he found employment in the store of James Breck, whose business occupied the premises on the southwest corner of Main and Elm Streets. A year or more in dry -goods and groceries failed to satisfy his ideal of a life- work, and consulting an inclination some time cherished, he determined to educate himself for the medical profession. After completing a course at the Newport Academy, he commenced the study of, medicine in the office of Dr. John B. McGregor, at that time one of the most eminent practitioners in this part of the State, and was afterwards with Dr. Caleb Plastridge, of East Lebanon, whose daughter he married. At less than twenty-three years of age — 1833 — Dr. Parmelee pushed out into the world, a graduate from the Medical Department of Dart- mouth, his diploma signed by the distinguished physiologist, Reuben D. Mussey. He located at first in the town of Warner, but afterward, through the influence of friends, and in view of a wider professional field, he removed, in 1839, to Morley, where, for more than forty- five years, he had been in the successful practice of his profession. Ira W. Peabody, M.D., a graduate of Dart- mouth College Medical Department of 1833, after a successful professional career, died at Binghamton, N. Y., August, 1877, aged sixty- nine years. Adolphus Cutting, born June 25, 1811, a medical graduate also of 1833, settled first in Ohio, and now lives retired from practice at La Grange, Ind. Leonard W. Peabody, M.D., born September 13, 1817, graduated from the Medical College at Woodstock, Vt., in 1843, and is now in suc- cessful practice at Henniker. He was member of 'the Legislature of 1885. Samuel J. Allen, M.D., born January 4, 1819, was graduated at the Castleton (Vt.) Medi- cal College in 1842, and received an honorary degree from Dartmouth in 1870. He has spent the most of his professional life at Hartford, Vt. He was a surgeon in the Union army during the Civil War. Noah Addison Chapin, M.D., born June 18, 1818, was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1845, and from the Medical Department at Yale College in 1849, and engaged in the practice of his professon at Winchester, where he died May 9, 1854, from poison received through a cut in the hand while performing an operation. Clifton Claggett, M.D., born September 12, 1807, had his early training at the Newport Academy; studied medicine with Dr. Alexander Boyd, his brother-in-law ; was graduated at Dartmouth in 1832, and settled at Northfield, Vt., where he still resides. Langdon Sawyer, M.D., born September 7, 1815, was graduated at the College of Medicine at Castleton, Vt., in 1843, spent one year at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, and settled in Springfield, Vt. In 1869 he received the honorary degree of M.D. from Dartmouth. He died in 1880. Carlos G. Metcalf, M D., born in 1846, was a student with Dr. J. L. Swett, and was grad- uated at the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Albany, N. Y., and is in practice at Troy, N. H. Alvah Paul, M.D., born July 14, 1805, was graduated at Castleton, Vt., and attained dis- tinction and wealth in his profession at Royal- ton, Ohio. Bela N. Stevens, M.D., born December 22, 1832, was a graduate of Dartmouth Medical College in 1854 ; was two years in the Marine Hospital at Chelsea, Mass., and five years a sur- geon in the Government Insane Hospital at Washington, where he died July 5, 1865. Mason A. Wilcox, M.D., born December 25, 1844, was graduated at the Detroit Medical College, 1868, and is now in practice in Col- orado. 272 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Elbridge G. Kelley, son of Deacon John Kelley, of Kelleyville, was born September 29, 1812; graduated at the Jefferson Medical Col- lege of Philadelphia, but made dentistry a specialty, and established himself at Newbury- port, Mass., where he attained a prominent position in his profession and as a citizen. He was a member of the Legislature, and twice mayor of the city. To him the precinct of Kelleyville, in the western part of the town, is indebted for its name. James H. Parmelee, son of John and grand- son of Ezra, was born March 2, 1820, at the precinct in Newport known as Southville, where his boyhood and school-days were passed, after which he went to New York City, and was for a time connected with the office of the Con- necticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, in Wall Street. He afterward turned his attention to dentistry as a profession, and opened an office in Brooklyn. In 1847 he married Abbie, a daughter of Colonel Levi Jones, of Amherst, and some years afterward came to Milford, N. H., and later to Manchester, where he con- tinued the business of his profession until the time of his decease, September 29,1879. His daughter, and only child, is the wife of Edward B. Waite, of Manchester. Dr. Parmelee was genial in his disposition and temperament, and drew around him warm friends wherever he went. He was an accomplished vocalist. William Wallace Hurd, a grandson of Sam- uel, one of the first settlers of the town, and son of Samuel, Jr., and Mary Ann (Corbin) Hurd, was born in Newport about the year 1820. He educated himself to the profession of dental surgerj', in which he has been engaged for many years in the city of New York. Henry Tubbs has been in the practice of dental surgery in Newport since 1860. He is a native of Peterborough, born February 24, 1831. His professional success, and his char- acter as a citizen during the quarter century of his residence here, entitle him to confidence and regard. He married, December 25, 1865, Mary Ann, a daughter of Charles Rogers^ of Sunapee, and they have children, — Annie L., born Aug. 3, 1868 ; Gertie M. bom Oct. 27,1874. Legal Profession. — The fact that no rep- resentative of the legal profession found encour- agement to settle in Newport during its first quarter of a century affi)rds much of argument in favor of the peaee and good neighborhood that existed among its people. The bickerings and misunderstandings, if any, among the people of that time were not beyond the reach of settlement by the good-will and consent of parties or their friends. An ordinary justice of the peace, or a magistrate of wisdom and ability, such as was found in Benjamin Giles, was equal to any requirement of the community. Caleb Ellis is said to have opened the first law-office in Newport. He was a native of Walpole, Mass., and graduated from Harvard College in 1793. After his admission to the bar he came to Newport, and it was here that in the year 1800 he received his first political advancement. From this town he removed to Cornish and to Claremont not long afterward. He was a representative from this district in Congress from 1805 to 1809, was a member of the Council, and in 1811 was elected to the State Senate. In 1813 he was appointed judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, and continued in that position until his death, which occurred May 9, 1816, in the forty-ninth year of his age. Hubbard Newton, son of Christopher and Mary (Giles), was the first native of the town that entered the legal profession. He was grad- uated from Dartmouth College in 1804; ad- mitted to the bar in 1806. Weare Tappan, Esq., was for a time associated with him pro- fessionally, and afterward removed to Bradford. Aside from the business of his profession, Mr. Newton took much interest in educational and literary affiiirs, and was some time editor of a weekly paper. He represented the t^ NEWPORT. 299 others, to leave the land of his nativity, cross the ocean and take up his residence in a wilder- ness, may be easily understood, as the non- conformity of the Puritans to the Established Church subjected them to mauy and grievous persecutions during the reigns of James I. and Charles I., from which they tied in disgust. Some time after his arrival he purchased of the Indians the original township of Fal- mouth, situated on the northeast part of Vine- yard Sound, in Barnstable County, Mass., where he settled, lived and died at an advanced age. He left three sons, — Joseph, Benjamin and Jonathan — who were the progenitors of nearly all of the name in the United States. The lineage of Dr. Hatch comes through, — 1st. Joseph(l), the English emigrant. 2d. Joseph (2), born in Falmouth, Mass., 1652. 3d. Ichabod, born in Falmouth, October 12, 1691, who'married Abigail Weeks. 4th. Joseph, born in Tolland, Conn., August 15, 1718, who married Sarah Stearns. This family came to Alstead, N. H., about the year 1770 and were of the first settlers of that town. 5th. Mason (1), born in Tolland, August 23, 1762, who married Mitty Brooks. This Mason came to Alstead with his parents when a child. 6th. Mason (2), born in Alstead, March 3, 1791, who is the subject of this sketch. Dr. Hatch commenced the study of medicine when about twenty years of age, first with Dr. T. D. Brooks, of Alstead, continuing his studies with his kinsman, Dr. Eeuben Hatch, of Hills- borough, and Dr. Charles Adams, of Keene, and was graduated from the Dartmouth Medical College. He first settled in Hillsborough, and was there engaged in good and successful business for more than twenty years, and to him the homes and roads, hills and dales of old Hills- borough were ever dear. On March 5, 1818, — the first year of his settlement there, — he married Apphia Andrews, born March 5, 1795. To them were born eight children, viz. : (1) Emily T., born April 1, 1819, died September 1839; (2) Abigail A., born February 6, 1821, died October, 1839 ; (3) Leonard, died in infancy ; (4) Sarah S., born June 19, 1824, married Sam- uel C. Baldwin ; (5) Louisa F., born April 10, 1827, married Dexter Eichards, of Newport; (6) Charles M., died in infancy ; (7) Ellen M., born September 19, 1834, married William IS ourse, of Newport ; (8) Caroline, died in in- fancy. There are no living male descendants of the name in his family. Dr. Hatch removed to Bradford in 1836, where he remained until the year 1838, when he came to Newport to occupy the place made vacant by the death of his brother. Dr. Isaac Hatch, who had been settled here about two years. After a successful professional career in New- port of nearly forty years, he died December 2, 1876, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. His wife, Apphia, the mother of his children, died September 18, 1855. He contracted a second marriage, November 12, 1856, with Mrs. Mary R. Day, of Cornish, who survived him several years. It is matter of gratification that hearts full of loving and filial regard have placed in this volume the ".counterfeit presentment" of Dr. Mason Hatch. It is also eminently fitting that a face which has been so familiar in the homes of Newport and the adjoining towns for nearly forty years prior to his decease, in 1876, should thus be placed on record in a book that is likely to be found in so many of these homes, and that one for whom a sincere per- sonal regard has been so widely entertained should be thus presented and preserved after his days of usefulness are past and his earthly career ended. Aside from his professional life, it is pleasant to find herein the likeness of one with whom we have been farailar as a neigh- bor and a citizen, and whose presence was always sunshine, — one who had a kind look, or word or incident for all with whom he met. We do not believe there lived in Newport or 300 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. the county of Sullivan an individual who ever felt inclined to take a street-crossing to avoid a meeting with Dr. Hatch. There was a vein of original humor about hifn that was not only amusing, but positively instructive. His joke, or story or comparison had a point that did not fail to tell upon the matter under consid- eration. Many of his apt sayings are still quoted with appreciative delight. It will be pleasing to greet on one of these pages the face of one whose head — to use a familiar expression — was " always level " in re- gard to matters and things generally. He despised shams and destroyed them with an emphatic " pshaw ! " There was a basis of good sense and judgment in the mental con- struction of the man that insured success in his own undertakings and made his opinion val- uable to other people. His medical practice was large, extending to the adjoining towns, and his tenderness and care and ability gave him success and a strong hold upon the feelings of his patrons. Profes- sionally, he was not given to technicalities, but stated matters iu terms within the comprehen- sion of patient and patron. It is very probable that his character in this regard, and which with him was perfectly natural, added to his popularity as a physician. By his industry and good management he acquired a handsome es- tate. His residence was pleasantly situated on Main Street, and his lands spread out over the intervales and the uplands near the village. He was a prominent and valuable citizen in all town affairs, and was twice called upon^l854 and 1855 — to represent the town in the State Legislature. His public character and private life were above reproach. In religious belief, he was true to the convictions which forced his ancestor to emigrate to this country, and lived and died a worthy and conscientious member of the Congregational Church. He is referred to elsewhere in this sketch of Newport. THOMAS SANBORN., M.D. Thomas Sanborn, M.D., the subject of this sketch, was a native of Saubornton, N. H., born September 26, 1811. He was a grandson of Benaiah Sanborn, — in his time, an eminent and highly-esteemed physician of that part of the State, — the only son of Christopher Smith Sanborn and a lineal descendant, in the fifth generation, of Daniel Sanborn, one of the first settlers of that town and from whom it derived its name. The early years of Dr. Sanborn were oc- cupied in the duties and privileges incident to the life of a New England farmer's boy of that period. He engaged in farm-work, attended the district school during the winter seasons, and the village academy, and thus came to adult age with a sound constitution, a clear head and a basis of general knowledge on which afterward to construct his valuable life-work. The death of his father, by drowning, which occurred when he was sixteen years of age, greatly increased his responsibility as a member of the family, but only to develop additional strength and excellence of character. A good son, with a careful regard for the happiness and welfare of his widowed mother and sister, he remained for five or six years at the homestead and industriously aided in the management of the farm and other family affairs. In the year 1831 he engaged for a time in a mercantile business in Lawrence, Mass., but the outlook in that direction was not at- tractive, and he turned from it to enlist in the study of medicine. It is more than probable that his course in regard to this matter took shape in accordance with the often-expressed wish of his grand- father that one of his grandsons might choose for his life-work the profession in which he had achieved so much of distinction and success. In 1833 he entered the office of Dr. Thomas P. Hill, of Sanboruton, and, after a term of study, attended on a course of lectures at the ■ J Z"^ 7-7 Z__ NEWPORT. 301 Maine Medical School, at Brunswick. The suc- ceeding five or six years were devoted to other affairs; but, in 1839, he resumed his medical studies, under the direction of his brother-in- law. Dr. W. H. Hosmer, of New London (now of Penacook), with whom he remained two years, in the mean time attending two courses of lectures at the Dartmouth Medical College. He was subsequently, for some time, under the patronage and instruction of Dr. Gilman Kim- ball, of Lowell, Mass. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth in 1841, and commenced practice in Goshen, where he re- mained until August, 1843, when he removed to Newport. After locating in this town Dr. Sanborn availed himself of lectures and hospital prac- tice at the Bellevue Medical Institution, in New York City, and applied himself with great assiduity to the continued study, as well as the practice, of his profession. A successful under- standing and management of the cases that came under his care and his conspicuous skill as a surgeon in due time won for him an extended and profitable patronage and a wide celebrity. In view of greater proficiency in many of the details of his professional work, Dr. Sanborn, in 1853, crossed the Atlantic and traveled ex- tensively in England, Scotland, France and Belgium, visiting their medical schools, hos- pitals and museums, returning to his home and friends in Newport with an increased intel- ligence, professionally, for the benefit of his patrons, and that enlarged view of men and things derived from foreign travel. Aside from his professional standing, he was a public-spirited and leading citizen of the town, which he twice represented — 1857, 1858 — in the State Legislature, to the satisfaction of a large constituency. Among the many distinguished surgical op- erations performed by Dr. Sanborn we take the liberty of referring to one which was re- ported in detail in the New Hampshire Journal of Medicine of May, 1855. It was a plastic operation for the relief of deformity resulting from a burn, it being one of the first in this part of the State which proved entirely successful. The subject was Jane Johnson, of Newbury, ten years of age. The burning occurred when she was four years of age and resulted in the following deformities : " Thick, uneven cica- trix, bending the chin down to the sternum, pulling the under-lip below the chin and ex- posing the mucous membrane ; everting the inferior eyelids ; twisting the neck so as to cause the face to look toward the right shoul- der ; bending the inferior maxillaries ; causing the inferior incisors to project. The mouth was kept constantly open and there was a continual flow of saliva, which she was entirely unable to retain. The assistance of the fingers was re- quired to retain the food in the mouth for mas- tication, the posterior molars only coming in contact." The friends report that " the wry neck is cured, the eye natural, exhibiting none of the deformity observed before the operation. The saliva is retained in the mouth, the food masticated without the aid of the fingers, and the patient continually improving in personal appearance." Dr. Sanborn took a decided stand in favor of the Union of the States, and manifested his patriotism in deeds, as well as words. In 1863 he was appointed surgeon of the Sixteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, and served with distinction in the Nineteenth Army Corps in Louisiana. After his return he was appointed United States army surgeon of this military department. He was a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society, the National Medical Asso- ciation and the Connecticut Medical Society. He was also a Past ]V[aster of the Mount Vernon Lodge of Masons. The social and domestic relations of Dr. Sanborn were ever of the most agreeable char- acter. He married, November 14, 1844, Har- riet, a daughter of Hon. David Allen, of this town. Their children were, — 302 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1. Harriet E., born October 30, 1845, died August 16, 1864. 2. Mary J., born March 16^ 1847, was edu- cated at Mount Holyoke Seminary, Mass., be- came the wife of Rev. George H. Ide, of Hopkinton, Mass., the mother of two chil- dren, — Carrie S., born June 2, 1872, Charles E., born January 22, 1874, and died January 26, 1876. 3. Thomas Benton, born July 9, 1852. 4. Christopher Allen, born April 5, 1855, married, September 16, 1885, Mary Braman, daughter of Hon. Augustus Mudge, of Dan- vers, Mass. 5. Kate A., born March 19, 1867. The Sanborns for many years owned and oc- cupied as a residence the place at present known as "Cheney's Block." After disposing of this property — 1872 — which came into use as the post-office and for other business purposes, they removed to a pleasant and otherwise desirable residence farther north on Main Street, oppo- site the Park, which continues to be the home of the family. Dr. Sanborn took great pleasure in being the owner of a farm — a sentiment that undoubtedly came along with him from his boyhood and early experiences — and in the producing of hay and grain and in the raising of cattle and horses. He first owned the place on Corbin Hill once occupied by Dr. James Corbin, and afterwards the Gordon Buell farm, near Guild Station and post-office, which remains in pos- session of the family. Dr. Sanborn was a thorough scholar, a man of the strictest integrity and possessed a remark- ably kind and genial disposition. He sought no place or preferment — the place and the pre- ferment sought him. His great experience, general reading and good judgment made him a safe practitioner in all departments of his profession, and a wise counselor professionally and in general affairs. His life in Newport covered a period of more than thirty years. His death occurred July 23, 1875, in the sixty- fourth year of his age. The decease of no citizen of the town has been more generally lamented. It is proper to state, in connection with this biography, that Dr. Thomas Sanborn has been worthily succeeded by his sons, Thomas B. and Christopher A. (see genealogy), who, first, under his careful influence and instruction, and, after- ward, under other instructors and in the best schools and hospitals of the country, have been thoroughly educated and taken their places in the medical profession, and are unitedly carrying on and extending the practice founded by their father. It is through their filial regard and loyalty to his name and memory that we are able to place his likeness and this brief record of his life upon the pages of this volume. HON. LEVI WINTER BARTON.' Ancestral excellence is an invaluable legacy. As a rule, " blood will tell," and the marked physical mental and moral traits of a promi- nent family are likely to re-appear in many successive generations. And added to this hereditary wealth comes the inspiration of a noble example, suggesting the possibility and the desirability of w6rthy, helpful living. The subject of this sketch was fortunate in this re- gard. In the garnered wealth of a vigorous, talented and virtuous ancestry, he has " a good- ly heritage." Levi W. Barton's parents were Bezaleel Barton (2d), and Hannah (Powers) Barton. The family of Power (or Le Poer, as former- ly written) was of Norman extraction, and set- tled in England at the conquest of that king- dom by the Normans, under William, Duke of Normandy, in the person of Power, or Le Poer, who is recorded in " Battle Abbey" as one of the commanders at the battle of Hastings, in 1066. Soon after Sir John Le Poer resided in Poershayse, Devonshire, England. In 1172 one of his descendants. Sir Roger 1 By Rev. J. W. Adams. c /'/, ^ / /- ^ ^. NEWPORT. 303 Le Poer, went with Earl Stoughton in his inva- sion and partial conquest of Ireland, where he greatly distinguished himself, and received large grants of land . He was the ancestor of a succession of distinguished men, among whom were Sir Nicholas Le Poer, who had a summons to Par- liament in 1375 as Baron Le Poer, and Sir Richard, Sir Peter, Sir Eustace and Sir Ar- nold Le Poer. The family was also a distinguished one in England, from the Norman Conquest down. In 1187 Richard Poer, of this line, high sheriff of Gloucestershire, England, was killed defend- ing the " Lord's day ;" and Sir Henry Le Poer distinguished himself greatly as a commander under the Duke of Wellington. This remarkable family has outlived the dynasties of the Conquerer, the Plantaganets, the Tudors and the Stuarts and flourishes yet. Since the time of Queen Elizabeth they have returned to their early orthography of Power, and finally, in America, here added " s," mak- ing it Powers. Walter Powers, the ancestor of all the Pow- ers families of Croydon, N. H., was born in 1639. He came to Salem, Mass., in 1654. He married, January 11, 1660, Trial, daugh- ter of Deacon Ralph Shepherd. He died in Nashoba in 1708. The town, in 1715, was incorporated by the name of Littleton (Mass.) Of the nine children of Walter and Trial Powers, the eldest, William, was born in 1661, and married, in 1688, Mary Bank. Of the nine children of William and Mary (Bank) Powers, William (2d), was born 1691 and married, 1713, Lydia Perham. Of the four children of William (2d) and Lydia (Perham) Powers, Lemuel was born in 1714 and married Thankful Leland, of Grafton, Mass., daughter of Captain James Leland. All except the eldest of their children settled in Croydon, and two of his sons served that town as soldiers in Revolution. Of the ten children of Lemuel and Thank- ful (Leland) Powers, Ezekiel was born in Graf- ton, Mass., March 16, 1745, and married, Jan- uary 28, 1767, Hannah Hall, of Uxbridge, Mass. Levi W. Barton was their grandson. They came to Croydon in 1767. He was a man of industry and indomitable energy. He died in Croydon November 11, 1808. His widow died October 21, 1835. Of the seven children of Ezekiel and Han- nah (Hall) Powers, Ezekiel,- Jr. (the first male child born in Croydon), was born May 2, 1771. He married Susannah Rice, January 18, 1790. Of the six children of Ezekiel, Jr., and Su- sannah (Rice) Powers, Hannah (mother of Levi W.) was born February 20, 1795, and married Bezaleel Barton, born in 1794. The Bartons are of English descent.' With - out undertaking to be precise as to the de- tails of kinship, we are able to identify the fol- lowing as among their earliest ancestry in New England : Marmaduke Barton was in Sa- lem as early as 1638. Edward was in Salem in 1640. Rufus fled from the persecution ot the Dutch at Manhattan, N. Y., and settled in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1640, and died in 1648. Mrs. Eliza Barton testified in an important case at Piscataqua, N. H., in 1656. Edward, undoubtedly the one living in Salem in 1640, and husband of Eliza Barton, came to Exeter, N. H., in 1657, and died at Cape Porpoise January, 1671. Benjamin Barton, of Warwick, son of Rufus Barton, married, June 9, 1669, Su- sannah Everton. Edward Barton, son of Ed- ward of Exeter, took the freeman's oath in 1674. Dr. John Barton, son of Dr. James Barton, married, April 20, 1676, Lydia Roberts, of Salem, Mass. James Barton, born in 1643, came to Boston, Mass., before 1670. He died in Weston, Mass., in 1729, aged eighty-six years. Samuel Barton (probably son of Dr. James Barton) was born in 1666. He testified in a witch case (in favor of the witch, be it said to his credit) in Salem, Mass., in 1691. Stephen Barton was at Bris- tol (then in Massachusetts) in 1690, 3(W HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Colonel William Barton, bom in Providence E. I., in 1747, — who with a small body of men crossed Narragansett Bay on the night of July 20, 1777, passed unnoticed three British ves- sels, landed, reached the quarters of the Eng- lish General Prescott, and captured him, for which history informs us he received from Congress the gift of a sword, a commission as colonel and a tract of laud in Vermont, — was a descendant of Samuel Barton and Hannah, his wife, ancestors of the Bartons, the early settlers of Croydon. They were living in Framingham, Mass., as early as 1690, and moved to Oxford, Mass., in 1716, where his will was proved September 23, 1738. Of their eight children, Samuel, Jr., was born in Framingham October 8, 1691 ; married. May 23, 1715, Elizabeth Bellows. He was one of the original proprietors of Sutton, Mass. He was a man of influence and held different positions of honor and trust in the town. Of his seven children Bezaleel was born in Sutton July 26, 1722, and married Phebe Carlton, April 30, 1747, — a lady noted for her beauty. Of the children of Bezaleel and Phebe (Carl- ton) Barton were Phebe (one of whose grand- daughters was the wife of Dr. Judson), Beza- leel, Jr., Benjamin and Peter. The father and sons moved to Royalton in 1764 and served that town as soldiers in the Revolution. Beza- leel, Sr., died in the service at Bunker Hill in 1775, aged fifty-three years. Bezaleel and Benjamin came from Sutton to Croydon in 1784 and Peter in 1793. From these have descended the numerous families in Croydon bearing their name. They were brave, sturdy men, inured to toil and danger, and they grappled manfully with the hardships of pioneer life. They gave up the endearments of home to receive in exchange the hardships and privations incident to a new settlement. Of Puritan stock, they inherited their love of justice, their devotion to pi'inciple and their contempt of toil and danger. Both they and their descendants occupied leading positions, and their history is interwoven most closely with the history of the town from its earliest days. Of the thirteen children of Peter and Hep- sibeth (Baker) Barton, born in Croydon, Beza- leel Barton (2d) was born July, 1 794, married Hannah Powers, daughter of Ezekiel Powers, Jr. and as we have before noticed, the first male child born in Croydon. Here the Barton and Powers genealogies unite. Of the children of Bezaleel Barton (2d) and Hannah (Powers) Barton, Levi Winters was born March 1, 1818. The father, a man of marked social qualities and frank and genial in his bearing, died before the son had reached his majority, and previous to this business had taken the father from home, so that most of the responsibilities of the fam- ily rested upon the mother. But it is no idle pun upon her maiden-name to say that she was a power in that household; her intuitive vision saw every material necessity of the family ; her unsurpassed executive capacity was equal to every demand, and what is quite as essential to the formation of a symmetrical character, her moral and religious precepts and example com- pelled a recognition of the claims of God and man. The sick and poor of her neighborhood were often greatly indebted to her for the wis- dom of her counsels, the abundance of her alms-deeds and the warmth of her sympathy. Universally venerated and esteemed, she died in Croydon September 14, 1881, aged eighty- six. Inheriting the best qualities of such an ancestry, moulded and inspired by such a moth- er and in boyhood acquiring his fibre in the severe but practical school of tireless industry, rigid economy, and heroic self-denial and self- reliance, we might anticipate for Mr. Barton a character and a career which would place him among the best and foremost citizens of his State and entitle him to an important chapter in its NEWPORT. 305 history. We hazard nothing when we say that he has made that anticipation a reality and that he has aiForded us another conspicuous ex- ample of what the humblest may achieve un- der the fostering genius of republican institu- tions. From the age of ten years till he left the district school at eighteen, his attendance was restricted to a short term in winter, and this with frequent interruptions. In all other parts of the year he was wholly engaged in manual labor. At eighteen he assumed the responsi- bility of his own education and support. He had no money, but he had what is better — courage and muscle. He went to work. His books were always near by, so that when there was a leisure moment, the "horny hands of toil " would grasp and his hungry mind would feast upon it. He would brook no discourage- ments. No hours were allowed to run to waste. Often on rainy days he would call on his old friend, John Cooper, Esq., book in hand, for instruction in the common branches, but never without receiving sympathy and encouragement. These efforts, supplemented by a term at the Unity Academy, then under the instruction of Alonzo A. Miner, now Doctor Miner, of Boston, qualified him to teach in the common schools. He now regarded his school-days closed, and cheerfully chose the occupation of a farmer. In 1839 he married Miss Mary A. Pike, of Newport, a young lady of great worth, who died in 1840, leaving an infant son, the late Colonel Ira McL. Barton. He placed his motherless boy in the care of his sister, who tenderly cared for and reared the child. The death of his wife was a severe blow to one in whose nature the domestic element is so marked. With the light of his home gone out, and with his life-plan destroyed, he seemed almost par- alyzed for a time; but the bent steel of his intense personality was sure to react. The second year after his bereavement he entered Kimball Union Academy to pursue a classical course, under that distinguished teacher, Dr. Cyrus Eichards. Having but one hundred dollars when he entered, he was compelled to teach winters and to toil with his hands during the summer vacations; but his uncompromising zeal carried him successfully through the three years' course. Few believed that he could com- plete a labor commenced and continued under such circumstances. We cannot repress our admiration for the young man whom neither bereavement nor poverty could crush, but who, in spite of the most disheartening circumstances, earns the right to stand in the front rank with his most brilliant competitors. Tliis he did. In the same spirit, and relying upon his own exertions for means, he entered Dartmouth Col- lege in 1844, and honorably graduated in 1848. His oration on graduation was highly com- mended by the public journals of the day. Being anxious to enter upon the practice of his chosen profession at the earliest possible day, he commenced the study of the law with Hon. Daniel Blaisdell, of Hanover, during his senior year. Immediately after graduating Mr. Barton commenced teaching the Canaan Academy, and at the same time entered as a student the office of Judge Kittredge, where he remained until January, 1851. While there he taught the Academy five terms, and was also appointed postmaster of Canaan. In the early part of 1851 he came to Newport and completed his legal studies with Messrs. Metcalf & Corbin, and was there admitted to the bar in the July following. In 1 854 he formed a law partner- ship with Hon. Ralph Metcalf, which continued until Mr. Metcalf was elected Governor. He then became the law-partner of Shepherd L. Bowers, Esq., with whom he was associated until 1859. Notwithstanding his extensive law practice, Mr. Barton has been engaged to a considerable extent in building, farming, stock-raising and fruit-growing. No man with equal means has contributed more to the growth and permanent 306 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. improvement of the village of Newport ; none have done more by their own personal industry to convert rough fields into attractive streets, luxuriant gardens and pleasant homes. Taught from childhood to cultivate the soil, he has, all along through his busy life, found his highest enjoyment in turning aside from the turmoil of professional labors to the more genial occupa- tion of agricultural pursuits. As evidence of his superior legal abilities, and of the public esteem in which he is held, we point to the following record : He was register of deeds for Sullivan County from 1855 to 1858 ; county solicitor from 1859 to 1864; representative to the State Legislature in 1863, 1864, 1875, 1876 and 1877, and State Senator in 1867 and 1868. During all these seven years of service in both Houses, he was a member of the judiciary committee, and for five years its chairman. In 1866 he was chairman of the board of commissioners ap- pointed by Governor Smythe to audit the war debt of the State. In 1876 he was a member of the convention which revised the State Con- stitution, and the same year was chosen elector of President and Vice-President of the United States ; Governor Harriman appointed him bank commissioner, but he declined the office. He was appointed by Governor Prescott in 1877 one of the commissioners to revise and codify the Statutes of New Hampshire. His many friends have hoped to see him elected to Congress ; it is conceded that his abilities and his fidelity to important public trusts reveal his eminent fitness for such a position ; but local divisions, for which he is in no ways responsible, have thus far prevented his nomination. In the legisla- tive caucus which nominated Hon. E. H. Rol- lins for United States Senator, INIr. Barton received a handsome complimentary vote with- out any effort on his part. When he commenced the practice of law in Newport, he found there able rivals for the honors of the profession, whose reputations were well established. I cannot better express the truth than to use the language of a writer who, speaking of this period of his life, says,— "The field seemed to be fully and ably occupied, buthis early training had made him self-reliant. Itsoon became apparent that he had come to stay, for, from the outset, his success was assured ; that he would bring to the discharge of the duties of his new posi- tion the same energy and devotion to principle which had hitherto characterized his actions. From that time to the present he has enjoyed the confidence of the public. As a counselor he is cautious and careful, dissuading rather than encouraging litiga- tion. As an advocate he is eloquent, zealous, bold and persistent. In the preparation and trial of causes he has few equals and no superiors at the Sullivan County bar. His faithfulness and devotion to the in- terests of his clients have often been a subject of re- mark. The late Hon. Edmund Burke, who was op- posed to him in many hard-contested cases, has been heard to say to the jury that his ' brother Barton's clients, in his own estimation, were always right and his witnesses always truthful ; in fact, his geese were always swans. ' " Mr. Barton's legislative experience began in 1863, — that intensely feverish period of the Rebellion. The Democratic party was repre- sented by its ablest orators and most skillful par- liamentarians. Never was a minority abler led by adroit leaders. They were artful, bitter and desperate. Although Mr. Barton was a new member, unused to the rules of the House, still he almost at once became the acknowledged leader of the majority. Wary and watchful, alert and forcible, Mr. Barton promptly and successfully met the assaults of the opposition, and sometimes "carried the war into Africa." The House soon acknowledged his leadership. Returned in 1864, his position was the same as in the former year. The soldiers will never forget his fearless advocacy of the measure al- lowing them the right to vote in the field. This cost him his reappointment as solicitor, as he openly denounced Governor Gilmore for his purpose and attempt, through the opposi- tion, to veto the bill. But he was not the man to sacrifice principle for the " loaves and fishee NEWPORT. 307 of office." In 1875 and 1 876 he was chairman of the Republican legislative caucus, the la- bors of which were both extremely difficult and important. In the sessions of 1876 and 1877 his atten- tion to business was such as to give him a com- manding influence in the House. Always in his place, he was ready to lend a helping hand to any needed work. At the close of the latter session, one who had watched his course as a legislator said, — " Barton, of Newport, is a man who brought with him an established reputation, and who has been one of the most prominent members of the House. He is a ready debater, quick to see a point and take it, pop- ular with his acquaintances and has had a large legis lative experience, which gives him the full measure of his ability. He was the most prominent champion of the Prison Bill, which he managed with great tact and carried to victory against odds which threat- ened at times to defeat it. If Sullivan County is per- mitted to name the successor of Colonel Blair as member of Congress, an honor which her reliable Re- publican majority seems to entitle her, he will doubt- less be the man." Not less complimentary was the Neiv Hamp- shire Statesman, whose chief editor was a mem- ber of the House, — " One of the best members of the House was Bar- ton, of Newport. Suave and considerate at all times, and willing to take a hand in any dis- cussion aflFecting the public weal, his cheerful, hearty voice striking in upon a dull or an acri- monious debate, had a pleasing and mollifying effect. Although careful and cautious, it cannot be assumed that he is not sufficiently aggressive in the maintenance of his convictions when they are as- sailed. Sometimes sharp in his personal sallies, they are singularly free from bitterness or malice, and no one, however much aggrieved at first, could hold re- sentment against him. Few members had more in- fluence in the House, and his advocacy of any meas- ure gave it strength. Perhaps the secret of his influ- ence with the House was due, in part, to the fact that he seldom got on the wrong side of a question. On all moral questions, also, he was sound, foremost with voice and influence and vote.'' His long and able legislative experience has never been stained by political corruption or by the betrayal of any moral question. John Cooper, Esq., in the Granite Monthly of May, 1879, has truthfully said, " Through all these years of political life he presents a record with- out a blemish." Mr. Barton is a man of commanding phy- sique and is well preserved by temperate living and total abstinence, from all intoxicants and narcotics. He is a man of fluent and agreea- ble speech, of fine conversational powers, and is the inspiration of every social circle which he enters. At home as well as abroad, in private as well as in public life, he is the invariable ad- vocate of every moral and social reform. He is an honor to the Masonic fraternity, whose principles he M'orthily represents. He is the warm and helpful friend of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which he belongs ; but he has an unaffected contempt for all sectarian narrowness. His sense of justice is intuitive, his sympathy quick, and in its exercise he re- gards neither state nor condition. The destitute and forsaken always find in him a true friend. From boyhood he has been an avowed and uncompromising opposer of slavery, and of whatsoever oppresses the masses, whether white or black. If he sometimes asserts and maintains his opinions with earnest- ness and warmth, he never does so with malice. In the advocacy of what he deems to be just he is never turned aside by motives of self- interest. He is kind as a neighbor, is strongly attach- ed to his friends, generous to his opponents and social with all. In 1852 he married Miss Lizzie F. Jewett, of Hollis, a cultured Christian lady. Her amiability, good sense and force of character render her every way worthy of her honored husband. Their " silver wedding" was ob- served in 1877 and was attended by a large circle of friends. Besides other tokens of ap- preciation bestowed at that time, Hon. Edmund 308 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Burke presented, iu behalf of the donors, an elegant silver service accompanying the presen- tation with remarks replete with friendship and good-will, to which Mr. Barton replied in a feeling and impressive manner. Their children are Herbert J., Florence F., Natt. L. and Jesse M. The eldest son, Her- bert J. Barton, was born September 27, 1853. He prepared for college at Tilton, and gradu- ated from Dartmouth in the class of 1876, standing fourth in a class of sixty-nine students. He has taught with great success the Newport High School, the High School of Waukegan, 111., and is now professor of Latin and Greek in State Normal University, at Normal, 111. In 1881 he was admitted to the bar of Illinois, at Chicago, and was associated with his father for one year, when he returned West and opened an oflfice at Winona, Minn. While here he accepted the offer of his present position. He is a fine scholar and a successful instructor. Florence F. graduated from the Newport High School in 1881, alid is a young lady of fine promise. Natt L. and Jesse M. are members of the Newport High School. They all have many of the elements which have contributed to their father's success. But I should do injustice to the memory of the patriot dead should I fail to speak briefly of the eldest son. Colonel Ira JNIcL. Barton. He was born, as we have said, iu 1840. Upon the remarriage of his father, in 1852, he became a member of his family, and was cared for with parental solicitude. He fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy and entered Dart- mouth in the fall of 1858, but the following year he became a law student in the office of his father, and assisted him as clerk in his labor as register of deeds. He commenced tfeaching school at the age of seventeen years, and taught five terms with marked success, securing high commendation from both parents and pupils. Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion, though but twenty-one years of age, he was the first man in Sullivan County to enlist. He recruited Company E, First New Hampshire Volunteers, and was commissioned its captain. At the ex- piration of the term of service he returned, and immediately commenced the enlistment of another company; was commissioned captain of Company F, Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers, known as the " Fighting Fifth." After serving in the Peninsular campaign, under General McClellan, where he won the commendation of his superior officers for bravery and for his care of his men, he returned home sick, but recover- ing, he enlisted a company of heavy artillery. He went with the men to Fort Foote, near Washington, D. C, as captain of Company B. In 1864 he was sent home to organize a regiment of heavy artillery, which he did, and was com- missioned by Governor Gilmore lieutenant- colonel. He was in command of Fort Sumner, in the defenses around Washington, at the time, of the assassination of President Lincoln, and was mustered out of service the summer follow- ing, at Concord. He was soon after appointed second lieutenant in Twenty-eighth Infantry of the regular army, and was ordered to Pine Bluff, Ark. He was promoted to first lieutenant of same company. In this capacity he served for two years, when he resigned and was appointed prosecuting attorney of the Tenth Arkansas Judicial Court. He remained in this position till he was appointed judge of the Criminal Court for that district and filled that office with marked ability for two years, when he resigned and took the position of editor of the Jeffersonian Republican, a Republican paper at Pine Bluff, where he remained until December, 1874. In the contest of Brooks and Baxter for Governor of the State, he commanded Baxter's forces. After this contest was settled and Baxter was declared Governor, he returned to Newport and entered into partnership with his father in the practice of the law, where he died January 19, 1876, before he had reached his thirty-sixth birthday. NEWPOKT. 309 Possessed of brilliant native talent, disci- plined and developed by intellectual culture, of generous, humane, '■ philanthropic impulses, of the nicest sense of honor, true, strong, unwav- ering in his friendship, he won for himself the highest esteem of the entire circle of his ac- quaintances. Soldiers always found him a true comrade and friend, and the needy and suffer- ing of all classes were sure of his sympathy and aid, and sorrow filled the breasts of all that his " sun went down while it was yet day." Mr. Barton, though now sixty-seven years of age, is in the active practice of his profession, constant and unremitting in his labors, whether in his office or upon his farm. His physical and intellectual forces are still strong and active. Conscious of his personal integrity and of the worthiness of his aims, happy in his family, honored by the community, and cheered by the favor of Providence, he may, with great pro- priety, congratulate himself that he has not lived in vain. And as he is still in the vigor of mature manhood, we may with reason hope that his fellow-citizens may for many years to come enjoy the benefits of his practical wisdom, and that his posterity may as nobly sustain the name of Barton as he has the name of those from whom he descended. HISTORY OF PLAINFIELD. CHAPTEE I. Plainfield lies in the northern part of the county and is bounded as follows : On the north by Grafton County ; on the east by Grantham ; on the south by Croydon and Cornish, and on the west by the Connecticut River, which separates it from Vermont. The township was granted August 14, 1761, to Benjamin Hutehins and fifty -nine others, the most of whom were from Connecticut. The first pro- prietors' meeting was held in Plainfield, in that State, from which this town derived its name. Set- tlements were made in 1764, and the town had a population of 308 in 1775. By an act passed June 23, 1780, the easterly portion of this town and the westerly portion of Grantham were united and erected into a parish for parochial purposes, by the name of Meriden. In 1856, July 12th, the Grantham portion of this parish was annexed to Plainfield. The ratable estate of the town in 1773 was about $375. The following is an inventory of that year : "Province of Newhampshire Cheshire sa. plainfield april 21" Anno Dom 1773— " The Inventory of the Eatable Estate In the town of plainfield Taken and made out By us the Select men of Sd plainfield The Whole of the Eatable Estate In plainfield amounts to Seventy five pounds fourteen Shillings Including Sixty one polls Sum total £75 : 14s— " Ben Kimball John Stevens Benjamin Chapman Amos Stafford " Sworn to before Francis Smith, justice of the peace. 310 Plainfield was well represented in the War of the Revolution. The following is a return of Cap. Rus- sel's company : "A Eeturn of Cap' Eussels Company with the Name Annexed— Plainfield May S'" 1777— " Cap Josiah Eussel Stutely Stafford S"' Maj John Stevens Beni° Gallop Serg' Dannel Kimball Ziba Eobberta Cor Benj- Cutler Bob' Scott Cor Timothy Cory Serg' Ebenezer Jinne Drum Benj" Chapman James Wilson flfer Sam' Farefield Walter Blois "the above Out from y" 3'' of may to 20"" June in y° whole 48 Days Cald 45 do No. 14 " Ensn Isaac Main Laben Hall Ser Thomas West Sam' Williams Cor Silas Gates Jo" Parker Dannel Short ■ Job Cotton Nites Cutler Elexandrew Petterew Oliver Addams " the above out from y'= 3* of May to IS"" June 46 Days Calld 43 Days No. 11 " Cor David Gitchel Duthan Kingsbury Littlefield Nash William Wilson Jo" Parker Jr Joseph Kimball Perla Eobberts " the above in y" Service from y" 3'' of may to y" 13"' of June 39 Days Calld 40 Days No. 7 "Abel Stone Out untill y« 20: of May 17 Days " Josiah Eussel out from y" 3'' of May to y' 14"' 11 Days" The following Plainfield men were at Saratoga : "Lieu' Eeuben Jerold Eeturn of the men that march from Plainfield to Sallatogue in Col° Chases Eegiment In Sep' 26 1777 with their names PLAINPIBLD. 311 Names Days in Service "Lieut Reuben Jerold 35 Serg' Elias Gates 32 Serg' William Cutler 32 Corp' Nathan Gates 16 Corp' Nathaniel Stafford 32 Drumm' Benj" Chapman 32 John Andres 32 Timothy Vinson 32 James Walker 32 Isaac Williams 32 Wilard Smith 82 Laban Hall 32 Christopher Hall 32 Zadoc Bloss 32 Rulaf Spalding 7 Stutley Stafford 7 Josiah Eushel 16 " Return of Baggage Horses "Lieu' Reuben Jerold 1 Horse 9 days Rulaf Spaulding 1 " 15 " William Cutler 1 " 15 " Hezekiah ffench 1 " 15 " Christopher Hall 1 " 15 " Job Cotton 1 " 15 " Capt Josiah Rushel himself and horse..6 days each Charles Spaulding dito ..2 " Abel Stafford dito ..3 " " Reuben Jerold paid feridges for 21 men and 6 horses going out at a /3 each 6s: 9d Returning home for feridges for 17 men 6 horses 5: 9 Reuben Jerold paid for Rum dealt out to the above men 5 quarts and 1 pint £3: 6: 0" The following is "A Return of the Quota of Continental men Belonging To Plainiield in Co' Jou"" Chases Redgerment : " Regt. Enlisted Capt Enl. Date Time Enl, in under for "Eiry Evans Col. Silly Farewell May 1777 3 years W. Willard' Dito House Dito Dito Negro Darock '' " " Lemuel Dean " Ebenezer Ginne^ " May 1778 Jon'" How Laban Hall " " 9 mos. Walter Blois Wills Kimball Peabody June 7 mos. John awlsworth " Joseph Kingsbury Bedel , May 1776 is now among the Engians or Regelors Prisoner "Josiah Russell Cap'" 1 Belonged in Hartford, enlisted for Plainfield. s Belonged in New Grantham, enlisted for FlainSeld. " Cap' Russels Return "A Return of the men of Plainfield in the Conti- nental servis "Wilder Willard Darick a Negro Lemuel Dean in Cap' Houses Comp " Eire Evens iu Cap' fairwell Comp " Jese Roberts Ziba Roberts Simeon Short Ephraim Dunlap Ebenezer Re in Connectticut Servis " M' Hall— with maj' waite " Asa Briggs — in the Bay State "Sept. 4, 1777." " Plainfield October y" 26"" 1778 " S' these may Inform You that the people appeared to Be Inanimous in the choice of Daniel Kimball tor an Ensign in Cap' Josiah Russells company and suppose he ought to Be Commissioned "these from your Humble Ser' " Francis Smith Maj"' "To Col" Jonathan Chase" Militaey Company. — The following is a peti- tion from inhabitants of Meriden to form a mili- tary company : " To his Honour Jonathan Chase Esq Col° of y" 1st Regiment in the 3'' Briggade in the State of Ver- mont. "The Petition of y° Soldiery and Alarm Men of the Parish of Meriden humbly Sheweth. " That your Petitioners being allways ready to obey military orders we with y" more boldness ad- dress your Honour on y" following subject. "That your Petitioners being contiguously situated and desirous as much as in us lies to promote Mili- tary skill and dissipline are very desirous to form a Military Company in s'' Parish which when it is con- sidered that Plainfield being very numerous having upward of one hundred men of the trained band N. Grantham very small not more than twenty-five and to make a Company in this Parish makes it respect- able and leaves a large Company in Plainfield we hope that your Honour will grant us our desire and issue orders accordingly — And your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever Pray " Meriden April 80'" 1781. " (iJharles Scott Perly Roberts W" Huntington Jesse Roberts James Jenne Simeon Pool Eben' Jenne John Packard Peter King Nathan Draper 312 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Isaac AVilliams Timothy Scott Eben' Brown Philip Hopkins Simeon Adams Walter Bloss Abraham Roberts Sample Gilkey Samuel Pool Jur Caleb Cotton Tho' Howard Philip Spaulding Alexander runalds Asa Bates John Kile Phillip Jorden Wilks Kimball Ben" Kimball Ammi Wilson Squier Wilson Elijah Gleason Hodges Cutler Lathrop ShurtleflF Nathan Parkhurst Oliver Adams Parley Hughes Zadok Bloss Job Steven Jabez Shapley Ephraim Kile Isaac Rice Rulaf Spalding Abel Stevens John Stevens Nathan Young Daniel Kimball Abel Stafford Isaac Jenne Ben. Gory Jonathan Parkhurst Joseph Kimball Samuel Bloss Thomas Gallup Ziba Roberts John Andrews Eliphalet Adams Lemuel Cotton Champion Spalding David Shapley Benjamin Gorden William Kile Nattf Stafford Joseph Spalding." Sample Gilkey Phillip Hopkins Ebe' Clough Daniel Kimball Abel Stevens Lemuel Cotton Nathan Parkhurst Jonathan Parkhurst Jesse Roberts Nathan Young Ziba Roberts Eben' Jenne Stephen Jinnings James Jenne Elijah Gleason Job Stevens Asa Bates Simeon Short Zadock Bloss Meriden Company, 1781. " We the Subscribers Inhabitants of the Parish of Meriden do Voluntarily form ourselves into a Com- pany of Militia which Company shall be called and known by the name of y" Meriden Company. And we do pawn our words and Honours that we will freely and cheerfully submit to such officers as y' Major part shall chuse " Meriden June y' 25*^ 1781 Hogges Cutler " John Andres Stiles Muncel Perley Roberts Thomas Gallop Oliver Adams Eliphalet Miner Be° Bugbee Elijah Johnson Simeon Pool Wi" Huntington Isaac Williams Walter Bloss Rulaf Spalding Be° Jorden Nathan Draper Ebe" Burr Stephen Sq Pettecrew Sam' Fairfield Isaac Rice John Stevens 3'' Wi" Kile Thomas West John Stevens Jur Peter King Be° Cory Sam' Pool Ju' Theophilus Howard Joseph Spalding Abel Stafford Eliphalet Adams Parley Hews Isaac Jenne Philip Jorden Sam' Eglestone Na'. Stafford Champion Spalding Philip Spalding Na' Taylor Robert Scott Charles Scott Na' Delano Peter Bugbee " 'Plainfield Feb' 27" 1781 " We whose Names are under Riten Do Voluntarily Inlist our Selves as Privit as Solders in Cap' Nelsons Comp to Escort and gard on the Fruntteers Near Conne' River and Ingage to obey our officers accord- ing to the Rule of war till the first Day of April Next if not sooner discharged as witness our hands " Ephraim Dunlap Steward how Job Williams Daniel Kimball " James Kelsy Soldiers' Orders. " Plainfield, Sept. 1^' 1784 " Sir Please to pay the bearer the whole of my wages for service in Cap' Steven's Company at West Point in 1784 " Phillips Wareen '• £7.16.4 " To the Treasurer of New Hampshire " " State of New Hampshire •' Plainfield 24 Aprill 785 " To M' Josia Gilman Paymaster General for said state S'. please to pay the Bearer hereof the wages due to me the subscriber for going into the service of s* state three months and a half to West Point in Cap' Abel Stevens Company in Col. Nichols Regiment in the year 1780 and this order shall be your Receipt for the same from your Humble Ser't " £8.19. June 14 •' Eben Joy " PLAINFIELD. 31S The following is a petition of sundry inhab- itants relative to taxes : addressed to the Gen- eral Court, 1785. " Humbly shew, " Elisha Read, Andrew Tracy, Jonathan Stevens, Walter Weld, David Allen, Jabez Balding, John Ost- ing, William Chote, Darius Spalding, Benjamin Jack- son, Daniel Earl, Benjamin Cole, Daniel Cole, Moses Weld, Daniel Hovey, Benj" Joy Jun', Ebenezer Sab- ings, Daniel Joy, Jesse Heath, Moses Brigham, Philip Spalding, Chapling Spalding, Gardner Dusting, John Dusting, Walter Smith, John Spalding, Barzilla Spalding, James Freeman, ElishaHerick,Rosil Minor, Benjamin Joy, Samuel Reed, Daniel Freeman, David Perry, Abel Benit, Ebenezer Cole, David Steavens, Abel Stone, John Cole, Daniel Robert, Aaron Palmer, Nathan Andrus, Eufus Wheeler, Elias Bingham & Cary all of Plainfield & Cornish in the County of Cheshire and said State — That your Petitioners have all removed into said Towns of Plainfield and Corn- ish from other States in the Union since the year 1780 at which time many of them were under Twenty One years of Age — that your petition'* have paid all their taxes in the several states whence they have removed up to the time of their Removal — That the Selectmen of s'^ Plainfield & Cornish have nevertheless assessed your Petitioners for all the Taxes of said Towns from the Commencement of the late War to the present year, thereby compelling them to pay over again Taxes for the years they had paid for before they came into this State and obliging Parents to Pay Taxes for their Children ever since they arrived to the Age of Ten years — That s'^ Selectmen have further endeavored to compell those of your Petitioners who have come of Age since they became Inhabitants of this State to pay Taxes from the year 1777 when many of them were no more than ten years old. — • " Your Petitioners are ready chearfully to pay all their taxes from the time they became inhabitants of their respective Towns and humbly conceive the Con- duct of said Selectmen to be flagrantly unjust & op- pressive and opposed to eVery principle of Equity. Wherefore they pray that your honors would be pleased to take their hard Treatment under your wise Consideration — that you would exempt them from paying Taxes towards the support of a Government, to which at the Time they ought to have been paid, they did not belong, and which can serve only to ease those who have refused to pay their Taxes in season ; or that your honors would take such other Order con- cerning the Premises as in your wisdom shall seem meet, and your Petition" as in Duty bound will ever pray. &o "John Pickering /or Pe^i&wers'' The following is a petition for a ferry, addressed to the General Court, 1785: "The petition of Joseph Kimball of Plainfield humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner hath been at the Expence of keeping a ferry across Connecticut River in Plainfield for upwards of five Years at y" mouth of water quecher River which ferry hath been verey expensive to Your petitioner in providing boats to Serve the publick for which he hath Rec'^ Little or no benefit, and expecting that in some future time it may be some profit wherefore your petitioner humbly prayeth that your Honours may take his case into your wise Consideration and grant to your petitioner the Exclusive right of a ferry begining at Lebenon South Line extending three miles down said River, to him his heirs and assigns, and Your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray "Joseph Kimball" In House of Representatives, February 10, 1786, the foregoing petition was granted. Tax on Governor Weniworth's Sight. " Plainfield Dec' y'' 10'" 1786 This may certify that the State Tax against Bening Wentworths Right of Land in Plainfield for y" years 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 amounts to three pounds twelve Shilling and the county tax for y' above Years is three shillings & Eight pence. "Att Sam" Fairfield, Constable. "Att David Perry 1 Selectmen For Charles Spaulding J Plainfield" Tlie following is a petition for a poll parish, 1788, addressed to the General Court: " The Petition of the subscribers inhabitants of the towns of Cornish and Plainfield, in the County of Chesire in said State, Humbly sheweth that the great diversity of Sentiments, in matters of Religion, and the jaring opinions concerning the most suitable place for Buildings for Religious worship, renders it impossible ever to effect such union in either of said Towns, as to enable them happily to settle and main- tain, the Gospel Ministry amongst them with that harmony which ought ever to reign in religious Soci- 314 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. eties, without a Division of said Towns into Parishes — and whereas the inhabitants of Different Sentiments, are so intermixed in their sentiments that Parish lines would not effect the desired purposes, Your petition- ers therefore pray the General Court, to grant to the subscribers, with such others as may hereafter be dis- posed to join with them, such privelidges and immu- nities of a Poll Parish as may enable them to erect and maintain in proper repair a place of Publick wor- ship and to raise and apply Money for the support of the Ministry among them, and with such other privi- leges as may be necessary for the well ordering of Parish affairs, — and as in Duty bound shall ever pray. "Cornish November the 1" AD 1788. " Thomas Hall Daniel Cole Moody Hall John Bartlet Abel Johnson David Smith Nath" Huggins Hezekiah Fitch Will" Eipley Nathan Whiting James Eipley Benj" Bead Thomas Lewey John Lucas Jesse Johnson Nath" Bartlet David Read James Fitch Elisha Read Samuel Fitch Sam'' Read Joseph Kinyou Jun' Andrew Tracy Simon Blanchard John Spaulding Samuel Bartlet Lovil Kimball James Hunter Elisha Herrick Joshua Woodward Reuben Jerald Joel Hildreth Josiah Stone Walter Foss James Ladieu , Abel Stone John Whitten Samuel Mackres Will" Lewey Abel Stone Jun' Moses Chase John Cady Nahum Chase Levi Stone Jonathan Read Daniel Freeman Eliphalet Kimball Jun' Chester Chapman Moses Barrows Joseph Smith Moses Barrows Jun' Jabez Spicer " Nathan Hains In House of Representatives, November 8, 1788, a hearing was ordered for the next session. Rank of Sundry Officers, 1788. " Elias Cady first Lieut April y" 27'" 1785, Capt May y'^ 8'" 1781 under Vermont " Jeremiah Spencer Capt April y^ 27"" 1785 in this State. "Capt May 8—1781 Vermont, Lt 1777 in this State "Joseph Smith Capt April y= 27'" 1785 in this State, first Lt Sep"' y' 5* 1775, in this State. " Jesse Willcocks Cap' April y° 27'" 1785 in this State 1" L' Sep' y= 5" 1775 in this State Capt May 8'" 1781 Vermont "Nathan Young Capt April y= 27'" 1785 in this State, Ensign May y' 8'" 1781 under Vermont— " Daniel Chase Capt April y" 27'" 1785 in this State, Second Lt Sep' 5'" 1775, first Lt Sep' 19"" 1775 all of this State " John Cook Capt April y" 27*" 1785 in this State, Ensign May y= 19'" 1775, Ensg July y" 1^' 1775 under Massach'^ "David Perry Capt April y' 27'" 1785 in this State, Second Lt " May y= 1" 1775, first Lt Dec' y= 2'' 1776 under Connecticut " John Quimby Capt April y» 27, 1785 in this State " State of Newhamp' Plainfield Jan? y" 15"" 1788 " To his Excellency the President and the Hon"'' the Council — " May it please Your Excellency and Honors I have called on the Captains of the Several Companies of the fifteenth Regiment of Militia to produce their Credentials in order to assertain their Rank, which is as heretofore mentioned, The reason of my making a return in this manner I was adviz'd to it by Gen' Chase and the other officers, therefore I hope to par- don'd not makeing a Return in usual form " From your most Obed' and Very Humble Servt "Joseph Kimbel, Maj' CD" The following is a petition relative to service in Revolution : " Humbly sheweth the Petition of Joseph Kimbal in behalf of the Town of Plainfield that the s" Town was called on for Eight men for the continental Ser- vice in the Year 1777— which they furnished and in the Year 1781, said Town was call'd on to furnish Eight men more of which said Town furnished two only one of which soon deserted the other served his time out which was during the War, Your Petitioner would further add that y= abovesaid Proportions were made by doomage, and that on examining the invoices of said Town in February 1786 it appeared that in-y" PLAINFIELD. 315 year 1777 Plainfields proportion was four men only, and as there is a large demand agt s* Town for defi- ciency of men in y'= Year 1781 Your petitioner prays that their overplus services done in 77, may be brought forward, and give creadit on the deficiency for the Year 81 or otherwise grant such relief as Your Hon- ors in their wisdom shall see cause to direct. And Your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray " Joseph Kimbal in behalf of s'' Town" In House of Representatives, June, 1791, the matter was postponed to the next session. The following is a petition of Amos Stafford for remuneration, addressed to the Legislature, 1795 : " The request of your Petitioner Humbly Sheweth that in the Cours of the war with Great Brittain in obedience to the orders of the Legeslator of the State of New-hampshire i did lay my Self out to obey their orders in assisting to' Raise men and aid them in their Mach to and from tyconderago with Provision & Pack hose and Raising thee three years men I did ad- vance money in the Cause to a Considerable amount and Spent my own time as one of the Committe of Safety for the town of Plainfield and in the time when Royaltown in Vermont was burnt by Indians I did by order of Generl Bellows Given meeby Capt Peter Page and Co" Abel walker of Charlestown to open my house and Stores and Delt out to A Large amount in Provi- sion and hors Keeping for four days and four Nights I I Nor my wife Could not get Leasur time to ondress to take rest for our house was full both Night and Day of men going up or Returning back all which I did in obedience to the orders of the State and Commanding officers of the State for the Support of the Cause then Depending and furthermore in obedience to the Re- quest of the State sent out to the towns to send in theire accounts in order for A Settlement with the Unighted States Congrees I did Exhibbit my account to Sanford Kingsbery Esq'.of Clarmont who was ap- pointed- to Receive the accounts of these towns along hear and he Excepted them as Sufficienly authentica- ted, and as I have allways paid my Proportion of tax to the State that has been Called for of Mee and as 1 have not received any pay for all the afore Cited Ser- vice and performances I pray this Honorable Boddy to Consider the Cause of the poor Petitioner 'Now humbly Requesting his part of the Ballanc Struck in favour of this State with the United States Congress as a Compensation for all my trouble as you in your wisdom may think Proper and as in duty Bound Shall Ever Pray— "As your humble Pittioner — "Amos Stafford" The following is a petition relative to grebe land, 1795: "The Petition of the Select Men of Plainfield Humbly Sheweth, That there is two Rites of Land Called the Glebe and Propagating Rites Lying in s* Town which at Present are no Benefit to the Town and Do not answer the End and Design of their Ap- propriation — " Therefore your Petitioners Prayer is that your Honours wou'd Take the Matter under your wise Con- sideration & Grant the Town the Privilege of Con- verting Either or both of the beforementioned Rites or the use of Either or both of them for the Support of the Gospel Ministry in s* Town or otherwise Grant as your Honours in your wisdom Shall See fit — " Dated at Plainfield November Y' 25"' AD 1795. " Zadoc Bloss I Select Men of "Chester CHAPiiAif j Plainfield." The following petition is from Kimball and Gallujj for authority to construct locks ; address to the General Court, 1796 : " Humbly Sheweth the petition of Joseph Kimball & Peres Gallop that there are falls in Connecticut River opposite the Town of Plainfield known by the name of Waterqueche falls which Renders the Navi- gation impasable with Boats which is very Injurious to those that do Business on said River therefore Your petitioners pray Your Honours to take the mat- ter under Your Wise consideration and Grant your petitioners the Exclusive Right of Locking s'^ falls, so that the Same be made Navigable for Boats &c under Such Regulations and Restrictions as Your Honours in Your Wisdom shall see cause to direct and Your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray " Concord Dec' l'^' 1796. " Joseph Kimball " Perez Gallup " Petition granted December 2, 1796. Th« following petition is for the incorporation of a library, 1797: " Humbly Sheweth Daniel Kimball that he with a number of others in the Parish of Meriden purchased 316 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. a Collection of Books for a Social Library but find it necessary to be incorporated in order to realize the advantages contemplated — Therefore pray that they may be incorporated with such privileges as are usually Granted in Such Cases, and as in Duty bound will pray "Nov' 27'" 1797 " Dan' Kimball /or the purchasers." The library was incorporated by the name of Meriden Library, December 11, 1797. EccLisiASTiCAL. — The first religious services in this town of which we have any record were held in 1771 by Mr. Isaac Smith of the Congregational order. From this time until 1804 services were held in private houses and at various other places. September 20, 1804, the First Congregational Church of AVest Plainfield was formed, and July 16, 1805, Rev. Micaiah Porter was settled as pas- tor. The present pastor of the Congregational Church at Meriden is Rev. Benjamin A. Dean. There are two Baptist Churches in the town, — one at Meriden, Rev. B. F. Lawrence, pastor ; and the other at Plainfield, Rev. J. A. Graham, pastor. About the year 1804 an Episcopal Church was organized here. The Methodists and Universal- ists have also held services in the town. The postmaster at Plainfield is William Hall ; at Meriden, Abbie F. Spaulding ; at East Plain- field, Kate Saltmarsh. Kimball Union Academy was incorporated June 16, 1813, and endowed with a permanent fund of $40,000 by Hon. Daniel Kimball. It is located in Meriden and is an educational institution of high character. The present principal is Mr. D. G. Miller. HISTORY OF SPRINGFIELD. BY CHARLES McDANIEL. CHAPTEE I. This town, at the time of its being granted to John Fisher, Esq. and fifty-nine others, of Ports- mouth, was in the county of Grafton, afterward Cheshire, now (1885) in Sullivan County, in lati- tude 43° 30', bounded north by Grafton, east by Wilmot and New London, south by Sunapee and New London, and west by Croydon, Grantham and Enfield. It was granted January 3, 1769, by the name of Protectworth. Its first settlement com- menced in 1772, by Israel Clifford, Ebenezer Lov- erin and Timothy Quimby. It was incorporated January 24, 1794, by the name of Springfield. By an act of the General Assembly passed June 20, 1817, a tract of land lying between this town and Enfield, called " Heath's Gore," was annexed to this town. In the year 1858, after a long-con- tested trial, a portion of the " Gore " was disan- nexed from this town and annexed to the town of Grantham by an act of the Legislature. Census Population of Springfield. — 1790, 21U; 1800, 570; 1810,814; 1820,967; 1830, 1192; 1840,1252; 1850,1270; 1860, 1021 ; 1870, 781 ; 1880, 732. The decrease of the popula- tion between 1850 and 1860 was in part due to the disannextion of the " Gore." Springfield is thirty-five miles from Concord, and ninety from Boston. Branches of the Sugar and Blackwater Rivers have their sources in this town ; the former empties into the Connecticut, the latter into the Merrimack. There are several ponds, viz.. Station, Baptist, Star, Gilman and Morgan. In the east part of the town is a granite quarry ; also mica mines abound in several sections, and were worked to some extent in 1810 to 1815, by Bowers, of Acworth. Since then several companies have been formed, among which the Mountain Mica Company and the Globe Mica Company are perhaps the most prominent. The land is rough and stony, but is adapted to the raising of potatoes, corn, oats and barley ; and even thirty bushels of wheat to the acre have been produced. In the spring of the year the leading industry is the making of maple sugar and syrup, tons of which are annually manufactured, being of a very supe- rior quality. During the past few years many labor-saving and improved machines and agricul- tural implements have been bought by the farmers and are now in general use through the town. Springfield and Grantham established a Union Fair in the year 1880, and have since holden one annually. This has served to act as a stimulus to the cause of agriculture. At the last fair one member exhibited two hundred and ten different varieties of apples, and another member gathered over one thousand bushels. Improved breeds of cattle, horses, sheep and swine are now quite com- monly owned. Better varieties of grain and vege- tables, with the raising of apples, grapes and small fruits, show that the farmers are alive and active in their calling ; while the profusion of flowers seen indicates plainly that the beautiful is being blended with the useful. CHAKTEB. "Province of New Hampshire Protectworth George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, etc. " Know ye that we of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, for the due encourage- ment of settling a new plantation within our said 317 318 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. province, by and with the advise of our trusty and well-beloved John Wentworth, Esquire, our Governor and Commander-in-chief of our said province of New Hampshire in New England and of our Council of the said province. Have upon the conditions and reservations hereinafter made, given and granted, and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give and grant in equal shares unto our loving sub- jects, inhabitants of our said province of New Hamp- shire and our other Governments, who have peti- tion'd us for the same, setting forth their readiness to make immediate settlement, and to their heirs and as- signs forever, whose names are enter'd on this grant, to be divided to and amongst them into Sixty equal shares, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being within our said province of New Hamp- shire containing by admeasurement twenty-five thou- sand five hundred and eleven acres and two rods, and is to contain something more than six miles square, out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable lands by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers, one thousand arid forty acres free, accord- ing to a plan and survey thereof, exhibited by our Surveyor-General by our said Governor's order, and returned into the Secretary's Ofiice, a copy whereof is hereunto annex'd, butted and bounded as follows, viz.: beginning at a beech tree standing at the south- east corner of Grafton ; from thence south thirty-nine degrees west two miles and forty-four chains on Mason's curve-line, so called; then south thirty-seven degrees west four miles and thirty-seven chains on the said curve-line ; thence turning off and running north seventy-four degrees west five miles and nineteen chains by Saville; then turning off and running north sixteen degrees east one mile and forty-four chains to a small rock-maple at the southerly corner of Grant- ham ; thence north thirty-one degrees east five miles and thirty chains by Grantham to a hemlock tree at the northeast corner thereof; thence turning off and running south seventy-two degrees east one mile to a hackmatack tree ; from thence on the same course, five miles and thirty-six chains and one-half to the beech tree at the southeast corner of Grafton began at. — "To have and to hold the said tract of land as above express'd, together with all privileges and ap- pertenances to them and their respective heirs and as- signs forever, by the name of Protectworth upon the following conditions, viz': (First) That the Grantees at their own cost shall cut, clear, bridge and make passable for carriages of all kinds, a road of eight rods wide thro' the said tract hereby granted, and this to be completed within three years from the date of this grant; on failure of which, the premises and every part thereof shall be forfeited and revert to us our heirs and successors to be by us or them re-enter'd upon and regranted to any of our loving subjects. " (Second) That the said Grantees shall settle or cause to be settled twelve families by the first day of July, 1774, who shall be actually cultivating some part of the land, and resident thereon; and to con- tinue making further and additional improvement, cultivation and settlement of the premises, so that there shall be actually settled and resident thereon sixty families by the first day of July, 1778, on pen- alty of the forfeiture of such delinquent's share, and of such shares reverting to us, our heirs and succes- sors, to be by us or them enter'd upon and regranted to such of our subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate the same. "(Third) That all white and other pine trees within the said township fit for masting our Royal Navy, be carefully preserv'd for that use ; and none to be cut or felled without our special license for so doing first had and obtained upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such Grantee, his heirs and assigns, to us, our heirs and successors, as well as being subject to the penalty prescribed by any present as well as future act or acts of Parliament. " (Fourth) That before any division of the land be made to and among the Grantees, a tract of land as near the centre of the said township as the land will admit of, shall be reserved and marked out for town- lots, one of which shall be alloted to each Grantee of the contents of one acre. " (Fifth) Yielding and paying therefor to us our heirs and successors on or before the first day of Jan- uary, 1774, the rent of one ear of Indian-corn only if lawfully demanded. " (Sixth) That every proprietor, settler, or inhabi- tant shall yield and pay unto us, our heirs and suc- cessors yearly and every year forever, from and after the expiration of one year from the above said first day of January, namely on the first day of January which will be in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, one shilling Proclamation money for every hundred acres he so owns, settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser tract of the said land; which money SPRINGFIELD. 319 shall be paid by the respective persons above said, their heirs or assigns in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth or to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed to receive the same ; and this to be in lieu of all other rents and services whatsoever. "The road of eight rods wide to remain reserved, but to be cleared and bridged as above expressed, only two rods wide. " In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed. Witness John Wentwoeth, esquiee our Governor, and Comman- der-in-Chief of our said Province of New Hampshire, the third day of January, in the ninth year of our reign and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. " By his Excellency's command with advice of Council. "George King, D: Sec'y. "Names of the Gfrantees of the Township of Protectworth. Daniel Fowle Esq' Robert Lewis Fowle John Dennett William Partridge Jun' George King Esq' Hall Jackson Esq' Thomas Martin Daniel Sherburne William Knight Temple Knight Joshua Wentworth Samuel Warner George Libbey Jotham Blanchard John Beck Giles Seaward Jun' John Churchill George Marshall George Marshall Jun' Alexander Welch John Ayers Ephraim Ham Foster Trefethen William Walker Roger Hayes William Jones Joseph Bass Gibbins Mase John Goatham Samuel Sherburne ' J. (L. S. Wentwoeth. " Recorded according to original Charter under the Province Seal this Seventh Day of August, 1775. " Attest Theodoee Atkinson, Sec'y." ' John Fisher Esq' Daniel Warner Esq' M. H. Wentworth Esq' Daniel Pierce Esq' Jon=' Warner Esq' Leveret Hubbard Esq' James Stoodley Esq' Ebenezer Russell Esq' Isaac Rindge Esq' John Hurd Esq' John Parker Esq' Samuel Ham William Yeaton Benjaman Yeaton Peter Curtis Richard Woods John White John Barter Stephen Cogan Samuel Grindell Daniel Gridell Samuel Tripe Robert Hart John Pierce William King John Marsh. George Craigie John Jackson Giles Seaward George Wentworth It appears from records and history that before the formation of counties, in 1771, all the courts were holden, and all public business was transacted, at Portsmouth, being then the largest town in the State ; therefore the following meetings were hold- en, and business in regard to the settlement of Springfield, then known as Protectworth, was transacted at said Portsmouth. " Province of ] Application having been made to New Hamps. I me, the subscriber, one of his Ma- jestys justices of the Peace for said Province, by more than one Sixteenth Part of the Proprietors of Protect- worth in said Province, to call a meeting of Said Pro- prietors to Act upon the following matters and Things, vizt.: 1" To choose a Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer ; 2'^'y To see what encouragement the Proprietors will give to twelve settlers who shall incline to settle in said Township ; 3'"^ To agree upon what roads shall be immediately laid out and clear'd to promote the settlement; 4'"^ To appoint some suitable person to allot out so much of said Township as the Proprietors shall think Convenient ; 5""^ To Confirm any Grants that may have been made by the present Proprietors of said Township ; 6'"^ To make any further Grants of Land as the Proprietors may find necessary ; 7'"^ To assess each Proprietors Right in Such a sum as may be found Sufficient to answer the Payment of any charges that have arisen, or may hereafter arise, in Consequence of any Services that may be voted ; gtnij rpp cjiooge a Collector for said Tax ; 9""5' To re- ceive, examine and allow of any accounts that may be laid before the Proprietors at Said meeting; 10*'^ To agree upon a method of calling all future meetings, and of adjourning the same. In Consequence of said Request I do hereby notify the Said Proprietors to meet at the House of Capt. Jacob Tilton, in said Portsmouth, on Friday, the 8"" of June next at 6 o'clock P.M., then and there to act upon the premises. " H Wentwosth Jus. Pac. " Portsmouth May 23, 1770." " Province of ] Pursuant to a notification from New Hamps. i Henry Wentworth Esq., one of his Majestys Justice of the Peace for said Province, warning a meeting of the Proprietors of Protectworth on the eighth day of June, 1770, the Said Proprietors have met accordingly and " Voted, That Jonathan Warner Esq. be moderator of this meeting. 320 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHlEE. " VoUd, That John Wendell Esq. be Clerk of this Proprietry. " Voted, That Jonathan Warner be the Treasurer of this Proprietry. " Voted, That John Fisher Esq. be impowered to treat with Darius Abbot, or others, to make a settle- ment in said Township with twelve Settlers. " Voted, That whereas the present proprietors have by Deed Conveyed to John Hurd Esq., twelve Thou- sand acres of land in the Township of Protectworth as by s^ Deed will appear. The same is hereby rati- fied, confirmed and declared to be the act of this Pro- prietry. " Voted, That two Sixtieth Parts of the ungranted Land in this township be granted, and is hereby granted, to John Wendell Esq. and his assigns, He or they performing all the settling duties required by Charter. " Voted, That the Clerk, upon application to him made by more than one Sixteenth Part of the Propri- etors, shall call any future meeting, giving fourteen days' notice of the same in the Mew Hampshire Ga- zette, or otherways, so that the Proprietors may hear of the same, and that in the absence of the Moderator he shall adjourn said meetings to such Convenient Time as may suit the Proprietors. " Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the Second Friday in July next, at this house. . " Jonathan Warnee Mod." " Friday, July 13, 1770.— Met as pr adjournment, and the Moderator not being present this meeting is further adjourned to Wednesday the Eighteenth instant at 3 o'clock P.M., at this house. " Attested Pr J. Wendell, Prop'r Clerk." " 1770, July 18th, met as pr adjournment. " Voted, That John Wendell Esq.'s account, amounting to One hundred and forty-three pounds, three shillings and Ten pence be allowed and paid by the Treasurer, being for sundry expenses for this Pro- prietry. " Voted, That the first twelve settlers shall have One hundred acres each to be laid out to them from the whole of the south Line of the Town toward the Cen- tre, provided they settle thereon with their Families in two years from this Date. " Voted, That John Wendell Esq. be empowered to procure a proper Surveyor to allot out Eighteen Lots of One hundred acres each, and to Establish and ascertain the dividing Line between the Township of Protectworth and Saville (now Sunapee. — Ed.), and to lay out all such necessary Eoads as he may find wanting. " Voted, That this meeting be dissolved, and it is hereby according dissolved. " Jonathan Wentwoeth, Mod." " The Proprietors of Protectworth to John Wendell. De. 1768 £. s. d. Nov 8 To Cash p'd 0:Corey for his Survey Bill 25 1769 Jany 10 To do pd V Eoyse for Plans &c 140 Deer 14 To do pdO Scott for Howard Survey 10 10 To my own time in Drawing Peti- tions Deed Ser's procuring the Charter 4 16 To do p'd Ferryman Drawing y= Charter 12 1770 Mch 21 To drawing deed to Hurd 6s., and Tin Case 2s. 60^ 's 6 June 8 To Cash pd Fawler advertising Meeting 12 " To Cash pd Tilton for Expences.... 14 To the Charges & Pees for y" Char- ter 100 L. My 143 3 10 "Errors Excepted " this 8'" June 1770 " Me John Wendell " "Dec. 17, 1772.— At a Proprietors meeting duly called at the house of Capt. Tiltons in Portsmouth. " Voted, That Jonathan Warner, Esq., be the Mod- erator. " Voted, That Daniel Ladds Survey of the Eighteen hundred acre lots be received, allowed and paid. "Voted, That only Such settlers as Mr. Wendell has agreed with shall have any of the hundred acre Lots Any votes notwithstanding as the Time limited to the first Twelve is expired & does now cease. "Voted, That a tax of fifty Shillings lawful Money be assessed, and it is hereby assessed on each Pro- prietors original share for defraying the Charges & Demands on this Proprietry. "Voted, That John Wendell, Esq., be the Collector of Said Tax and account with the Proprietors Treas- urer for the Same when it is by him received. SPKINGEIELD. 321 " Voted, Adjourned to Friday the 8"' of January, 1773. Adjourned to June 22, 1773. "John Wendell, Props Clerk." " June 22, 1773.— Met as pr Adjournment. " Whereas it is not so agreeable to those who incline to be Settlers in the Town, to take up any of the hundred acre lots laid out by Daniel Ladd as by his Survey returned, but had rather have Seventy-five acres in lieu thereof, to be laid out on an East and West Course through the Town on a road proposed to be laid out. Therefore, "Voted, That Mr. Wendell by Virtue of a former vote, as well as by this vote, be impowered to lay out a Eoad Eight rods wide through the Town on the South line of that Tract of Land which the Pro- prietors Sold to John Hurd, Esq., and which was purchased of Him by his Excellency Governor Went- worth, and as he has agreed to give away his propor- tionable Part for Settlement, Therefore, " Voted, That Mr. Wendell be further impowered to imploy proper Persons, to allot out as many Seventy- five acre Lots on Each Side of said line and Eoad, as the Distance through the Town will admit of, ex- cepting that he leaves two Lots together near the Centre of the Town, to be appropriated as the Pro- prietors may hereafter think proper ; and also that he imploys the Same person to lay out the Eighteen hundred acre Lots which the Governor proposes to give to Capt. Minot for twelve Settlers and to return a Survey at our next meeting. " Voted, That Mr. Wendell be impowered, and he is hereby impowered to give away twenty of the Said Seventy-five acre Lots to and amongst such Settlers and their Heirs as he Shall agree with, on certain conditions of Settlement to be by them performed. "Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to Oct. 7, 1773." " Oct. 7, 1773. — Met as pr Adjournment. " Voted, That the Return of Survey made by Mr. Zepheniah Clark and his associates of the marking out the great East and West road, and the allotment of the Seventy-five acre Lots, on each Side the Said Road, as also of his laying out the Governor's Eighteen hundred acre Lots, be accepted and their Bills for the Same, amounting to Eight Pounds four Shillings, be paid, and that the Same, together with Daniel Ladd!s former Survey, be both recorded by the Clerk. " Voted, That the Said Road be cut and cleared out one Rod wide through the Town, and that Mr. Wen- dell be impowered to get the Same done as soon as may be for the accommodation of the Settlers. " Voted, That the account of money paid by John Wendell, Esqr., for this Proprietry be allowed, amounting to Pifty-six Pounds Eight shillings L. Money, and that he be paid the Same with Interest upon this and his former account until the Treasurer shall be in Cash for the Proprietry. " Voted, That the Clerk record Said account. " Voted, That the Collector shall not make sale of any Delinquent Proprietors Eights till further orders. " Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to Nov. 13, 1773. Then to Feby 11, 1774. Then to Aug. 3, 1774." "August S^, 1774, Met as per Adjournment. "Fbi«d, That Daniel Clark and others account for cutting & clearing the East & West Road one rod wide, Six & half miles long, amounting to £15 2s., be allowed and paid by Mr. Wendell. " Voted, That as John Wendell, Esq., is largely in advance for this Proprietry, & that it does not suit him to let it remain so, he is hereby impowered to hire One hundred Pounds L. My on account of this Proprietry, who will account with him for the same. "Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to Friday the 24"" day of November next. " Jonathan Warner, Mod." " Mr. Daniel Clarks acct for Protectworth Roads : "To cutting out & clearing 6J miles of Eoad thro Protectworth @ 48s. per mile £15 12s." Ladd's survey and Zepheniah Clark's survey are both on record in full in the proprietors' rec- ord-book, which is in our town clerk's oiBce. The following is a copy of John Wendell's second bill. " D' The Prop' of Protectworth To John Wendell. 1772. Sept. To Cash pd D. Lad his Bill of Survey 18-100 Lots £6 lis Sd To my own time on said Business 3 12 1778. July 3. To my Horse & expence to Kingston w'" Settlers 2 11 6 " To Advance as a Bounty to send 7 Settlers 25 10 July 10. To Cash paid Clarke & CliflFord for 2 Horses for Settlers 6 July. To Cash gave for Rum 15'' 13 322 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. To Cash paid Clark, Lang, Kenis- ton, Muchmore and Sisco for their allotting the Govenors 18-100 acre 84 To my own Time, Horse & ex- pence ab' Said Business 3 12 To cash paid Nere Boyse for a Plan 6 L. Money... £56 8s Od " Errors excepted. "pr John Wendell. '' November, 24, 1774.— Met as per adjournment. " Whereas his Excellency Gov. Wentworth now owns that tract of Land which Messrs. Fisher, Warner & Wendell Conveyed to John Hurd, Esq., containing twelve Thousand acres, which is nearly equal to twenty-seven Shares or Eights in the Town. There- fore it is hereby voted That Twenty-seven of the Seventy-five acre lots on the north side of the great Eoad be drawn to twenty-seven original Pro- prietors, of whom Said Wendell, Warner & Fish- er bought the same & when so drawn, that they be entered in the Proprietors Book, and that in future those Rights shall be considered as belonging to the Governor, & subject to the Same Taxes & Terms of Settlement as the other Rights." " April 20, 1777.— Met as per adjournment. " Voted, That by reason of the Troubles of the Country and Many of the intended Settlers being called away into the army, the Time for Said Settlers is further prolonged for twelve months, from this Day." "Jan. 26, 1778.— Whereas Governor Wentworth for the benefit of the Settlement did agree with Capt. Minot, of Concord, to give him Eighteen Hundred Acre Lots to procure Settlers on the Same, which were accordingly laid out for him at the expense of this Proprietry as being a part of his proportion of settle- ment, and whereas the Governor also gave away a number of his Seventy-flve acre lots to Settlers, but before a proper conveyance was got of him, he unex- pectedly left the Government, and as the Said Minot did not fulfill his engagement by which the settle- ment has been greatly retarded and fallen heavy upon a few. Therefore " Voted, That a Representation be made to the General Assembly for Redress on this Matter, as well to the Settlers as those Proprietors who have done more Duty than others, and that the Same be pre- sented by the Moderator when he thinks proper. " Voted, that, if any person will undertake to build a Grist-Mill and Saw-Mill in twelve Months from this date. This Proprietry hereby engages to give them Thirty Pounds in Money, and the Mill Lot of Seven- ty-five Acres, provided they build the Same to the Satisfaction of Mr. Wendell, who is appointed for that purpose of Agreeing." "Aug. 29, 1778.— Voted, that the Collector proceed to notify the Delinquents to pay Their taxes already assessed, and in Default thereof, to make Sale of their Lands according to Law, and to pay the State Treasurer the State Tax for the last and present year." "Portsmouth, Dec. 20, 1778.— Foifed, that the fol- lowing Petition be presented by Jonathan Warner, Esq., Moderator of this meeting, to the Hon. Gener- al Assembly, and that the same be Signed by him in Behalf of this Proprietry, and a copy Attested by the Clerk be given thereof. "To the Hon"'" Council and House of Representa- tives for the State of New Hampshire in General Assembly convened, at Exeter. " The Memorial and Petition of the Proprietors of Protectworth, in the County of Grafton, in the State aforesaid, unto your Honors Humbly Shews, — " That John Wentworth, Esq., late Governor of New Hamphire, purchased Twelve Thousand Acres of Land in said Township, equal to Twenty-seven shares which were accordingly allotted out at the ex- pense of this Proprietry, and afterwards drawn to said Shares. That for Settlement of said Land, the Gov- ernor agreed to give away Eighteen Lotts of one hundred Acres each to setlers, and imployed Capt. J. Minot, of Concord, for that Purpose, and also gave away to sundry Persons several of his Seventy-five Acre Lots to be setled, but before he had executed his Deeds for the same, he quitted the Government, and Capt. Minot also failing in his Contract, the whole Burthen of the Settlement has fallen on ye Petitioners who have given away more than Twenty setling Lots, besides paying for public Roads, & allotting the Town, and the State Taxes for the years 1777 and 1778, whilst all the Proprietry, and State Taxes on the said Governor's Rights are wholly un- paid, and altho your Petioners have directed their Collector to proceed in the Sale thereof agreeable to Law, and notifications in the public Prints for that SPRINGFIELD. 323 purpose, yet as by the Sequestration & Confiscation Acts, the said Governor's Estate becomes forfeited. Your Petitioners out of Kespect to Government, have desired said Collector to desist in the Sale of the de- linquent Rights until they have the advisment of the Hon"''' Court, and they humbly pray your Honours to appoint a Committee to examine into the State of this Dependency, & to report thereon so as this Hon""" Court may grant such Relief thereon as may be found Reasonable. And that those Persons who have had Lots promised them by the Governor may be confirmed thereon, and that the said Eighteen Lots of one hundred Acres each designed for the set- tlement of the Town, may be disposed of by the Proprietors in the most Beneficial manner for the Settlement of the Town, and that the Seventy-five Acres on' which the Taxes have been laid, may be sold for payment thereof agreeable to Law, or other ways paid by an Order on the Treasury, and your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever pray. "Jonathan Warnee, Moderator. " Portsm" June 17th, 1780.— A true Coppy from the Records of the Proprietors of Protectworth. " Attested per John Wendell, p'' Clerk." "Friday, January 1, 1779. — Met as per adjournment. " Whereas, JohnWendell, Esq., hath agreed with Rob- ert Wadleigh Smith, David Bean, and Joseph Bean to give them that Seventy-five acre Lot of land in ProtectworthjWhich was intended for a Mill Privilege near the Centre of the Town, and their Choice out of any of the hundred acre Lots laid out by Daniel Ladd and Eighteen Pounds Lawful Money in Cash, in Consideration whereof they are to build a Saw Mill and Complete the Same by the last day of Sept. next in a workmanlike manner, at their proper Cost and expence and for their own use. Therefore it being fully considered on — " Voted, That the said agreement be confirmed and considered as the act of this Proprietry." "Portsmouth, June 14th, 1782. — Met as per Ad- journment. After considering the Subject of Taxes and the result of a conference with the Administrator or Trustee of Gov. Wentworth's Estate, and passing notes in relation thereto "Voted, That Judith Clifford, wife of Israel Clifford, jun'., Shall have fifty acres of Land out of some of the hundred acre Lots laid out, and that Prop'r to whom said hundred acres shall belong. Shall be made 21 good fifty acres some where else, — Said Land being voted in Consideration of her being the first female settler in the Town of Protectworth." At a meeting of the proprietors of Protect- worth, duly warned to meet at the house of John Wendell, Esq., at Portsmouth Plains, on the 14th day of April, 1789, at three o'clock in the after- noon, the following votes were passed : " Voted, Jona. Warner, Esq"', be the Moderator. " Whereas, the Inhabitants and settlers in said Town of Protectworth have not been provided by the Charter of said Town with a Ministerial Lot, which is a discouragement to said settlers and unprecedented in Charters, the said proprietors being willing to assist them with their Proportion towards that Pur- pose have, and do hereby consent and agree to vote and it is now " Voted, That the said Town shall have the choice out of any of the One Hundred acre (hundred acre) Lots to take Seventy-five acres to be for and as a Ministerial Seat forever, and for that use only, provi- ded said choice shall be made as near the centre of said south side as may be found proper for a settle- ment, and reserving a Road, and any Proprietors land which may be chosen for said purpose shall be made equally good by this Proprietry in any other lands after that he shall have executed a deed to said Town for said use. " Whereas, the inhabitants and settlers in said Town are destitute of a proper Place for a training Field, Burying ground and other Public uses and praying this Proprietry to grant them Five acres for y" said those purposes, and said Proprietors being disposed to comply with their request. Therefore " Voted, That if the said inhabitants can find Five acres within any of the Lots belonging to the Pro- prietors of said south side which shall be by the selectmen of said Town thought suitable for said use the Town shall have said five acres for said publick uses forever. Provided the same be laid out in a square form and shall be kept enfenced by said town so as not to Injure the Proprietor of said Lot out of which the same may be taken by laying the same common, and the Proprietor or owner of said Lot shall be satisfied for the same out of the proprietor's other Lands after he shall have executed a Deed of the same to said town for said uses.'' 324 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. THE TOWN EECOEDS OF PKOTECTWOETH. " Mar. y= 4, 1789. "State of New Hamp- ] ^hese to notify & warn (■all the legal voters of shire Cheshire, SS. J ^^^ ^^^^^^.^ ^^ p^^^^^^. worth to meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Loyerin in town, on the last Monday in this Instant March, at 2 o'clock P. M., there to act, as follows, viz. : " first, to choose a moderator to govern s* meeting. " 2d, to choose Town Clerk. "3d, to choose Selectmen, Constable and all other town officers as the law Directs, " 4th, to see how much money the town will raise to Repair highways for the year Insuing. " Given under our hands this the 15th Day of March, 1781. " This by order of Court. "Me. Giles. "Selectmen, of Protectworth.'' " Mr. Giles, Moderator. " The town of Protectworth being met together at time & place aforesaid Passed the following votes, viz. : "1st, by vote Chose Nathaniel Clark, town Clerk. " 2d, by vote Chose Izrael Clifford, ju', ] John Chouch, }■ Selectmen Nicholas Hardy, J " 3d, by vote Chose Sam'l Stevens, Constable. " 4th, by vote Chose Thomas Gordon, "1 Survairs of Israel Clifford, J highway. "5th, by vote Chose George Whicher, ) William Oorser, J " 6th, Voted to raise thirty Pounds L. M. to sup- port highway at Corn 8«.Pr. bushel & 3«. pr Day. "Attest: "Nathaniel Clark, Town Cl-erk." "March 13th, 1782.— Chose Benjamin Choat, Mod- erator; Nathaniel Clark, Town Clerk; Israel Clif- ford, Junr, David Hall & Nicholas Hardy, Select- men; John Chouch, Constable; Berley Hardy & Robert W. Smith, Sessars ; George Whicher & John Sawyer, Hawards ; ^ Nicholas Hardy, Town Treasurer ; Israel Clifford, Jun', Thomas Gordon, Survairs of highway.'' "March 81, 1783.— Chose John Sawyer, Mod.; 1 Hay-wards or field-drivers, whose duty was to take care of cattle, horses and sheep going astray, doing, damage, owners known or unknown. Nathaniel Clark, Town Cl'k ; John Couch, Birley hardy, John Quimby, Selectmen ; David Bean, Con- stable. Put to vote to see if the town will raise any money for Schooling and passed in the negative. Voted to raise money to Defray town Charges and for the Selectmen assess so much as they shall think Nes- sary.'' " March y" 2T, 1784.— Chose John Sawyer, Mod. ; Sam' Robie, Town Clerk ; John Chouch, Nicholas Hardy & Reuben Stevens, Selectmen ; Timothy Quimly, Constable. Put to vote to see if the town would carry in votes for a President and County Senator and Passed in y*" Negative — "S'My Voted that y- Selectmen should lay out Roads through town where Wanted." " March 7, 1785.— Chose Sam'l. Stevens, Mod. ; Sam'l. Robie, T. C. ; Sam'l Eobie, Israel Clifford, jr., & John Quimby, Selectmen. Voted to higher four Days Preaching this year & chose Ebenezer Loverin to hire said preaching." "Sept. 19, 1785.— Chose David Bean, Delegate, to attend a convention at Hanover. Voted to petition to General Court for a small land tax on Non-resident Land. Put to vote to see if the town would buy a Law book and Passed in the Negative." "December 15, 1785.— A Special Town meeting was called and l"ly. Chose Reuben Stevens, Modera- tor of said meeting : 2''ly, by Ballots Chose David Bean for a Justice of the Peace for said Town." "Dec. 30, 1785.— Special Town Meeting at the house of Capt. John Quimby. Voted to send Saml Robie as Delegate, with a number of others, on Con- vension y" 3* day of January next, at the house of Coll. Bruster, in Hanover." "March 27, 1786.— Benj. Choat, Moderator; Mose Elkins, Town Clerk ; Abraham Sanborn, Nathaniel Clark, & Sam'l Clay, Selectmen ; also chose Survairs of highways & Lumber, Sessors, Sealer of weights & measures, and hogg Reifs. Voted to send a Petition to the General Court for abatement of war tax. Chose Daniel Bean to carry in s'd Petition. It is understood that voting was practiced by proxy this year and that the Clerk was unable to write or read, but Sam'l Robie, post Clerk, officiated as Clerk for Mose Elkins, Town Cl'k, who was also the Pound- keeper." "Mar. 26, 1787.— Benj. Choat, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, T. C. ; Mathew Gault, Timothy Quimby & Sam'l Eobie, Selectmen. Voted to raise some money for SPRINGFIELD. 325 Schooling but no money for preaching this year. Chose Reuben Stevens tidings man ; Chose Abraham Sanborn, Grand- Juryman. Voted not to choose a Justice of the Peace. Chose a committee of three to examine Selectmen's ac'ompt. Special town meetings were called to elect Grand Juryman." " Mar. 31, 1788.— Israel Clifford, Jr., Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, T. Clerk ; Mathew Gault, James Carr Hazzard & Sam'l Robie, Selectmen. Voted to hier four days' preaching, and to raise 12£ for Schooling the Insuing year, to be paid in grain at 48 per bushel. Chose tidingsmen and Haywards as usual." "Dec. 9, 1788. — Voted, to build a meeting-house, and that it be set on that Lot of land that the Pound stands on in the Convenient place. Chose Timothy Quimby, Reuben Stevens and Israel Clifford Jun'., Committee men to build said meeting-house. Voted to see if the Town would build a school-house and Passed in the Negative." "Mar. SO* 1789.— Israel Clifford jr., Saml. Robie, T. Clerk ; Abraham Sanborn, Israel Clifford Jun'., Moses Richardson, Selectmen ; Abraham Sanborn, Representative for Protectworth and New Grantham. Voted for President of State, Senator & County officers (first time on record). Voted to raise S£ for Preaching & no money for Schooling this year." "Mar. 29, 1790.— Nathaniel Clark, Moderator; Saml. Robie, Town Clerk; Theodore Morse, Isaac Noyes & Nathaniel Clark, Selectmen. Voted to raise 3£ for Preaching & 6£ for Schooling. Voted to divide the town into districts for Schooling.'' "Aug. 30, 1790.— Voted for first time for Repre- sentative to Federal Congress." " March 28, 1791.— Israel Clifford, Jr., Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk; Theodore Morse, Israel Clifford, jun'., & Reuben Sanborn, Selectmen. By proces chose Samuel Dunkin, Esq. (Grantham), Rep. for Protect- worth & New Grantham. Voted to raise 6£ for Preaching and 6£ for Schooling, & Voted that each district build their own school-houses. All Town officers Sworn in Presence of the People. Samuel Duncan, Esq., chosen delegate by the District of Protectworth & New Grantham, to Convention, to revise State Laws, August 1, 1791 ; chose Nathaniel Clark to Serve on the Grand Jury at the Court of General Sessions, for one year, August 18, 1791." " Mar. 10, 1792.— Moses Richardson, Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk; Nathaniel Little, Jedediah Phil- brick & Theodore Morse, Selectmen. Voted to raise Six £ for Preaching, half time at Capt. Quimby's & half at Ebenezer Loverin's. Raised twelve £ for Schooling. Voted, That the Selectmen should em- ploy Tilly How to preach so long as the money raised will pay him, provided they can agree with him on reasonable terms. And that they hire Mr. How to teach the school so long as the money raised will pay him." "Nov. 20, 1792.— Selectmen Perambulated the town line, from S. E. corner of Grantham to N. W. Corner of Wendell (being 1st record of perambulating town lines)." " May 17, 1792. — First Petit Juryman elected at a Special meeting, John Noyes." " March 11, 1793. — Moses Richardson, Moderator ; Sam'l Robie, T. Clerk ; Town officers chosen by hand vote; Moses Richardson, Sam'l Robie, Capt. John Quimby, Selectmen ; Caleb Loverin, Constable and Collector, at (9) nine pence upon the pound. Voted to i-aise twelve pounds for schooling and not any money for preaching. Jedediah Philbrick, Repre- sentative for the towns'of New Grantham and Pro- tectworth. Selectmen approved of Jedediah Phil- brick, Charles Hogg and David Bean selling rum and all other spirituous liquors, by retail, being suitable men and living in suitable places to serve the publick; also, approved of Sam'l Clay selling rum, brandy and all other spirits, by the Retail, by the Gallon and any under, but not to mix with water." " State of New Hampshire. " In the year of our Lord one Thousand seven, hundred, ninety-four. " An Act to incorporate the Inhabitants of a place in the County of Cheshire, called Protectworth. Wiereas, the said Inhabitants have petitioned the General Court to be Incorporated, of which due notice has been given and no objection been made to the same, and it appearing for their benefit and just. " Be it, therefore, enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court convened. That there be, and hereby is, a township erected and In- corporated in the said County of Cheshire, by the name of Springfield, Bounded as follows: Begining at a Beech tree at the South-East corner of Grafton • from thence, runing South thirty-nine Degrees West two miles and forty-four chains, on the Curve Line so called; then South thirty-Seven Degrees West four miles and thirty-seven chains, on said 326 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. curve line ; then runing North seventy-four Degrees West five miles and nineteen chains, by Wendell; then runing North Sixteen Degrees East one mile and forty-four chains, to a small rock maple-tree at the southerly corner of New Grantham ; then North thirty-one Degrees East five miles and thirty chains, by said New Grantham to a hemlock-tree at the Northeast corner thereof; then runing South twenty- two Degrees East one mile to a small Hackmatack- tree ; then on the same course five miles and thirty- six chains, and one-half chain to the Beech-tree whence it began ; and the Inhabitants thereof erected into a body Politic, and are hereby invested with all the Powers, and Enfranchised with all the Eights, privileges and immunities which other towns in this State hold and enjoy. To Hold to the Said Inhabit- ants and their Successors for ever. And Mr. Jedi- diah Philbrick is hereby authorized to call a meeting of Said Inhabitants to choose all necessary and customary town-officers, giving Fourteen days notice of the time and place and design of said meeting. And said ofiBcers shall be and hereby are invested with all the powers of the like ofiicers in any other town in this State ; and every other meeting, which shall be annually held in said town for that purpose, shall be on the Second Tuesday of March for ever. "State of New Hampshire. In the House of Eepresentatives, January 21st, 1794. The foregoing Bill having had three Several Eeadings, passed to be Enacted. Sent up for Concurrence. "Nathl. Peabody, Speaker. " In Senate, January 23, 1794. This Bill having been Eead three times. Voted that the Same be Enacted. " Abiel Foster, President of the Senate. " Approved 24"' January, 1794. " JosiAH Bahtlett. " True Copy. "Nathaniel Parker, Dep'y Sec'y." "Agreeable to the foregoing act of Incorporation, Jedediah Philbrick warned the first annual Town Meeting in the town of Springfield to be holden Mar. 11"" 1794. Chose Jedediah Philbrick, Esq., Mod. Voted to chose Town Clerk and Selectmen by proxes. Moses Eichardson, Town Clerk ; Moses Eichardson, Israel CliflFord, Jun', Ens. Nathaniel Little, Select- men; Nathaniel Clark, Constable and Coll. at one penny per pound. Ebenezer Loverin as bondsman for said Clark was accepted. Chose Lieut. Sam'l Eobie, Sam'l Clay and David Bean Committee to ex- amine the Selectmen's accompt. Moses Eichardson, Town Treasurer; John Muzzey, Ebenezer Noyes, Eeuben Stevens, Charles Hogg and Dea" Stephen Kinsman, Surveyors of Highways ; Lieut. Sam'l Eobie and Moses Elkins, Tything-men ; Eliphalet Quimby and Timothy Quimby, Surveyors of Lumber ; Joseph Nichols and Eliphalet Quimby, hawards ; Israel Clif- ford, Junr., Capt. Eeuben Hoyt and Jonathan San- born, Fence Viewers ; Nicholas Hardy, Pound Keep- er; Lieut. Saml. Eobie, Sealer of Weights and Meas- ures; Saml. Clay, Sealer of Leather ; Stevens Colcord, Deer Inspector. All the above were sworn. Voted to raise Fifty pounds for Eepairing Highways, Twenty pounds for Schooling, Fifteen pounds for Preaching. Selectmen were chosen a Com. to lay out said money for preaching. " Voted to build a Pound twenty-five feet square with Hemlock or Pine Sills, Posts eight inches square and eight feet high, Eails to be Spruce, hewed or sawed, four Plates of Pine, twelve inches square eight good and suflicient Braces, and a Gate sufiicient for said Pound. The building of said Pound being set up at Vendue, was struck off' to John Loverin for three pounds six shillings, his having the three days work due from Moses Elkins, Jr. " The Hon"' John Taylor Gilman, 45 Votes for Governor ; Daniel Eand, Esq., 39 Votes for Counsel- lor ; John Bellows, Esq., 35 Votes for Senator ; John Hubbard, Esq., 38 Notes for County Treasurer; Ben- jamin Bellows, 36 Votes for Eecorder of Deeds. " Voted that the Selectmen find books for ye Town and a Standard of Weights and Measures. The fore- going is the principal part of this first Town Meeting. " The first Eecord of Inventory and Taxes which we find was during the present year, and against the following : Capt. Ephraim Kinsman. John Bachelor. Col. Aaron Kinsman. Zebb Gilman. Dea" Stephen Kinsman. Joseph Webster. James Eiddell. James McDaniel. James Eiddell, Jr. John Philbrick. Ephraim Colby. Thomas Challace. Capt. John Gaile. Silas Barker. Ebenezer Noyes. James C. Hazzard. Daniel Cilley. Stephen Sawyer. Ens. Nathaniel Little. John Sawyer. John Noyes. Eeuben Stevens. SPRINGFIELD. 327 Isaiah Johnson. Stephen Webster. Samuel Clay. John Karr. Eeuben Sanborn. Philip Colby. Lt. Saml. Robie. Moses Richardson. Joseph Nichols. Capt. John Quimby. Elisha Quimby. Deputy Bowman. Jacob Ferrington. Moses Elkins. Moses Elkins, Jr. Doc' Will" Phillips. Lt. Reuben Hoyt. Nicholas Hardy. Benjamin Hardy. Eben' Loverin. Caleb Loverin. Israel Clifford, Jr. Timothy Quimby. John Loverin. Nathaniel Clark. Osgood Taylor, Esq'. Jedediah Philbrick. Abraham Philbrick. Jonathan Young. Samuel Stevens. Eliphalet Quimby. Jerremiah Fogg, Esq. David Bean. Jasson Hazzard. Jonathan Stevens. Theodore Morse. Enoch Heath. John Heath. Daniel Beau. Dustin Cheney. Evan M. Heath. Thomas Davis. William Quimby. Jesse Davis. Daniel Richardson. Jonathan Dudley. Israel CliflFord. John Dudley. Stevens Colcord. Tristram Clifford. Jonathan Sanborn. Joseph Taylor. Moses Pillsbury. Joseph Pillsbury. Isaac Colby. Robert Hogg. Charles Hogg. Moses Merrill. John Stevens. John Muzzy. Biley Hardy. Daniel Philbrick. Samuel Evans. Amos Flood. Asa Kinsman. John Cilley. John Gilman. "The total County and Town Tax, £40 14«. llrf. ; School Tax, £10 7«. 6d. 2 far. ; Highway Tax, £51 5s. id.; Poll Tax, County and Town, 3s. 2i. 2 far.; School, 1*. 7d. 1 far. ; Highway, 4s. Total Poll Tax, 8s. M. 3 far. " Mar. 10, 1795.— Jedediah Philbrick, Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk ; Samuel Robie, Jonathan Sanborn, David Bean, Selectmen ; Nathaniel Clark, Cons. & Coll. ; Moses Richardson, T. Treas. ; Ens. Nathaniel Little chosen by the towns of Springfield and New Grantham, to represent the said towns in General Court. En» Philip Colby was elected Agent to get the plan of the Salisbury Meeting House. "We find by the Records, that previous to this, several families and persons had been warned out of town by the Selectmen." "Sept. 7, 1795.— Fo^ei to accept the plan of a Meeting House, as laid before the Town by En' Philip Colby, and that the Constitution of said Meeting House shall be as followeth (viz.) That when said house be built that any Gospel Minister or Preacher of any Denomination shall Preach in said house, he or they being of good caracter, at the Request of any Denomination in said Town, according to their num- bers." " Mar. 8, 1796.— Jedediah Philbrick, Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk ; Saml. Robie, Jedediah Philbrick, Nathl. Little, Selectmen ; Barachias Farnum, Cons. & Coll.; Moses Richardson, T. Treasurer. Hog- reeves were chosen this year in addition to other Town officers. Voted to raise forty pounds for school- ing, and no money for preaching. Robert Duncan of New Grantham was chosen to represent the Towns of New Grantham and Springfield in General Court." " Mar. 14, 1797.— Saml. T. Clark, Mod., and Select- men as in 1796 ; Nathaniel Clark, Cons. & Coll. ; Na- thaniel Little to represent New Grantham and Spring- field in General Court." "Aug. 28, 1797.— Prior to this, the Town Meetings have been holden at the bouses of Capt. John Quim- by and Sam^ Clay. To-day a Meeting is to be holden in the Meeting-house. Jedediah Philbrick, Mod. Secondly, brought in their votes for Pel eg Sprague, Esq'. 27 vote to Represent this State in Congress of the United States." " Oct. 30, 1797.— Moses Richardson, Timothy Quim- by and Israel Clifford, Jr., were chosen Committee- men to Convene with Mr. Ilibard and see on what terms he will supply us as a Minister." "Mar. 13, 1798.— The same Mod. Town Clerk & Selectmen as in 1796-97. Robert Duncan to repre- sent New Grantham and Springfield." " 1799.— Jedediah Philbrick. Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk; Saml. Robie, Nathaniel Little, Jedediah Philbrick, Selectmen. Jedediah Philbrick was chosen, to represent New Grantham and Springfield. It was voted to pay Rev. Solomon Hibard $100 for preaching two-thirds of the time during 1798, and in 1799 they voted to pay him $200 for the year, one-third being in cash and two-thirds in produce. The Meeting-House was Dedicated the last Wed. in Sept., 1799." " Mar. 1800.- Nathaniel Little, Mod. ; Saml. Robie, T. Clerk ; Theodore Morse, Nathaniel Little, Dr. Na- 328 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. thaniel Prentis, Selectmen. Voted to allow John Quimby, Jr., one dollar for taking care of meeting- house the past year. No Eepresentative elected." " 1801. — Jedediah Philbrick, Mod. Voted to choose all officers by hand vote. Saml. Robie, T. Clerk; Saml. Robie, Jedediah Philbrick & Dr. Nathaniel Prentis, Selectmen ; Osgood Taylor, Cons, and Collec- tor. Voted that the Selectmen make Mr. Dean some compensation for his services for the last Sabbath. (Nov. 13, 1800). In 1801 voted to raise Sixty Dollars for preaching and those who gave their names to Selectmen before the tax was made should have their proportion and the committee lay out the remainder for travelling preachers, unless they otherways agree. Samuel Robie, Representative for towns of New Grantham and Springfield. Voted to dispense with the services of the clerk of the New Grantham & Spring- field Representative district." " 1802.— Dr. Nathaniel Prentis, Moderator; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk ; Sam'l Robie, Nathaniel Prentis & Charles Hogg, Selectmen ; Reuben Sanborn, Col- lector of taxes at 7d. per £." "Nov. 18, 1802. — Called a special town Meeting chose a Moderator and voted to employ Mr. Rolfe to preach one day with us." " 1803.— Chose Capt. Charles Hogg, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, T. Clerk; Nathaniel Little, Capt. Charles Hogg, Capt. Philip Colby, Selectmen ; and Capt. Ca- leb Lovering, Constable and Collector at 6c. per £. Voted to chose a Committee of seven men to divide the town into districts for schooling, and that their pro- ceedings shall be valid. Chose Samuel Robie to rep- resent New Grantham and Springfield." " 1804.— Jedediah Philbrick, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk; Charles Church, Jedediah Philbrick, Sam'l Robie, Selectmen, who were sworn by Nathaniel Little, he being one of the old Selectmen. Daniel Gilman, Cons, and Coll. at 8Jc. per £." " Oct. 20, 1S04.— Voted to petition the General Court to allow the town of Springfield to send a Representa- tive inasmuch as New Grantham has notified us that they have constitutionally gained their freedom." " 1805.— Capt. Philip Colby, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk ; Sam'l Robie, Nathaniel Prentis, Samuel Little, Selectmen ; Thomas Colcord, Cons, and Coll. at 9J cts. per £." "Dec. 25, 1805.— FoW to build five school-houses before November next." " 1806. — Chose Capt. Reuben Hoyt, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk; Sam'l Little, John Quimby, Jr., Jedediah Philbrick, Selectmen ; Daniel Gilman, Cons, and Coll. ; Chose Lieut. Daniel Noyes to represent this town in General Cturt the ensuingyear, he being the first Representative chosen by Springfield alone." "1807.— Capt. Reuben Hoyt, Mod.; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk. Voted to choose a committee to exam- ine the Selectmen's accounts for last year, and said committee to report to-morrow ; they reported, and the report was accepted agreeably." " Sam'l Robie, Sam'l Little, John Quimby, Jr., Se- lectmen ; Daniel Noyes, Representative. Voted that the Collector of taxes shall be considered as Consta- ble, and the Collecting of Taxes be struck ofi" to the lowest bidder. Enoch Challis, Coll. at 6c. per £., (equal to $1.80 per $100)." " 1808.— Capt. Philip Colby, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk ; Sam'l Robie, Dr. Nathaniel Prentis, Lieut. Benjamin Colby, Selectmen ; Capt. Reuben Hoyt, Coll. at 2J cts. per dollar. Daniel Noyes, Esq., Representative." " Voted to build a Pound with stones." " May 2, 1808. — Sold the seventy-five acre lot gran- ted the town by the original proprietors for support of Preaching, at vendue to the highest bidder, being struck off to William Quimby at $6 per acre." " 1809.— Philip Colby, Mod. ; Sam'l Robie, Town Clerk; Sam'l Robie, Jedediah Philbrick, John Quimby, Jr., Telectmen ; Daniel Noyes, Representative. Voted to give Mr. Watson the interest on the town for his services the ensuing year, he being a Resident and Preacher ; Reuben Hoyt, Coll." "1810.— Jedediah Philbrick, Moderator; Nathl. Prentis, Town Clerk ; Capt. Benjamin Colby, Lieut. Sam'l Little, Jonathan Sanborn, Selectmen ; Capt. Reuben Hoyt, Coll. ; Daniel Noyes, Representative ; Nathl. Prentis, Town Clerk; Died Oct. 10, 1810, and Samuel Robie was elected to serve out the year." " 1811.— Jedediah Philbrick, Moderator; Sam'l Little, Town Clerk; Sam'l Little, Jedediah Philbrick, Moses Pillsbury, Selectmen ; Thomas Colcord, Coll. ($.014) 1 ct. & 4 mills per dollar; Col. John Quimby, Rep." " 1812.— Col. John Quimby, Mod. ; Sam'l Little, T. Clerk; Jedediah Philbrick, Esq., Capt. Benj. Colby, Ens. Andrew Pettingill, Selectmen ; Thomas Colcord, Coll.; Col. John Quimby, Representative. Chose Mr. JosiahBaily, Dr. Amasa Howard and David Col- SPRINGFIELD. 329 cord a committee to inspect schools, being the first on record." "1812, Oct. 10.— The Warrant for Presidential elec- tion contain the following Article and Request: To see what sum of money the inhabitence of this town will give each Soldier by the month who now stands at a minuits warning to bee Called out in Defence ol the Country. And it is earnestly Requested that no person should unnecessarily Bee Detained at Home on said day as it is a day when every man must show himself a friend or an enemy to his Country." "1813. - Chose Sam'l Robie Mod. ; Sam'l Little, T. Clerk; Sam'l Little, Benj. Colby, Jolin jMorrill, Se- lectmen ; Capt. Reuben Hoyt, Cons, and Coll., at 9 mills on a dollar ; David Colcord, Representative." "1814.— Sam'l Robie, Mod.; Sam'l Little, Town Clerk ; Sam'l Little, John Quimby, John Hoyt, Se- lectmen ; Ens. Andrew Pettingill, Cons. & Coll. ; Da- vid Colcord, Representative.'' " Voted to give Elder Elijah Watson the interest that arises from the town lot the year past and what will arise the year ensuing. Sam'l Little died in April, and April 25, at special town meeting, chose Col. John Quimby Town Clerk, ^ro tern." " May 16. — At special town meeting chose Jedediah Philbrick Town Clerk." " 1815.— Sam'l Robie, Mod. ; Jedediah Philbrick, T. C. ; Jedediah Philbrick, Moses Pillsbury and John Morrell, Selectmen. Chose Elder Elijah Watson Rep., and voted to give him the interest arising from the town lot the present year. David Colcord, Coll. & Cons." "1816.— Sam'l Robie, Mod.; John Quimby, Town Clerk. Voted to give Mr. Watson the interest on town lot. David Colcord, Representative, also Cons, and Coll." " 1817.— Chose David Colcord, Mod. ; John Quimby, T. C. ; John Quimby, John Stocker, John Caswell, Selectmen ; Moses Pillsbury, Coll. & Cons. ; Abner Johnson, Reuben Hoyt, Joseph Baily to examine the schools ; John Quimby, Rep." " 1818. — Dr. Abner Johnson, Mod. ; John Quimby, T. C. and Rep. ; John Quimby, John Stocker, Dr. Abner Johnson, Selectmen." " 1819.— David Colcord, Mod. ; John Quimby, T. C. and Rep. ; John Quimby, Moses Pillsbury, Reuben Hcfyt, Selectmen." " Voted not to raise any money for Preaching and the interest from the town lot be laid out to repair the meeting-house." " 1820.— David Colcord, Mod. ; John Quimby, T. Clerk; Reuben Hoyt, John Stocker, David Colcord, Selectmen ; John Stocker, Rep. " Voted to lay out the interest arising from the town lot for preaching, and the Selectmen be a committee, to lay out the same." "Sept. 20, 1820. — Selectmen approve of and license Jonathan Sanborn, Jr., Joseph Goss and Israel San- born to sell spirituous liquors on Muster day, near Jonathan Sanborn's, in Springfield." "1821.— Benj. Colby, Mod.; John Quimby, Town Clerk ; John Quimby, John Colby, Reuben Hoyt, Selectmen. Lt. Daniel Heath gave 8 mills on the dollar for the privilege of collecting taxes, and he was chosen Constable, John Quimby, Rep." " 1822.— Capt. Benj. Colby, Mod. ; John Quimby, Town Clerk ; John Quimby, Joseph Johnson, John Colby, Selectmen ; Sam' Stevens, Jr., Collector at one cent on the dollar ; John Quimby, Rep. " Voted to set up the support of Sally Robie at ven- due, by the week, for one year, should she live so long, while in health, and when sick the Town to pay the Doctor's bill, and was struck off to John Gilman, Jr., at twenty-one cents per week." "1823.— Benj. Colby, Mod.; Abner Johnson, Town Clerk; John Quimby, Reuben Hoyt, Benj. Colby, Selectmen ; Sam' Stevens, Jr., Coll. at 1 ct. on the dollar ; John Stocker, Rep. " Voted to have the Minister money equally divided among the different denominations of Christians in town, each person making known to the Selectmen to what denomination he belongs. " Voted, unanimously, that we receive Ebenezer Lit- tle and others as inhabitants of this town. " Voted, unanimously, to receive David Tewksbury and others, now belonging to Grafton, as inhabitants of this town." The object of the above votes was that those persons should be inhabitants of the town, as they were members of the Congregation alist Church here, of which Job Cushman was the pastor. "1824.— Chose Nathan Stickney, Mod.; Abner Johnson, T. Clerk ; John Quimby, Abner Johnson. John Stocker, Selectmen; Sam' Stevens, Jr., Coll., at one cent on a dollar. 330 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " Voted that the Selectmen should have thirty dol- lars for their services. " VoUd to choose a Committee to inspect schools, and chose Josiah Johnson, Joseph Nichols and Abner Johnson. " Voted, unanimously, to have the Court removed from Charlestown to Newport. Chose John Quimby, Rep." "Mar. 5, 1825.— Selectmen licensed Elihu Chase, W. Quimby and Langdon L. Hill to sell Wine, Rum, Gin and other spirituous liquors - by retail (either mixed or not) on the Common, near the Meeting- house, on Mar. S, 1825, and at no other time. " Langdon L. Hill also had permission to sell at his father's house in said Springfield. " Chose Nathan Stickney, Mod. ; Abner Johnson, T. Clerk; John Quimby, Solomon Clement, Reuben Hoyt, Jr., Selectmen ; Dr. Joseph Nichols, Treasurer ; Sam' Stevens, Jr., Coll. ; Joseph Nichols, Reuben Hoyt, Solomon Clement, Com. to Inspect Schools; John Quimby, Rep. Vendued the charge and sweep- ing of the meeting-house and care of the burying yard, and struck off to Moses D. Richardson at fifteen cents for the present year. " Voted to let the swine run at large." " 1826. — Elihu Chase again licensed to sell liquors on town-meeting day. Chose Nathan Stickney, Mod. ; Abner Johnson, T. Clerk ; Solomon Clement, Reuben Hoyt, Samuel Stevens, Jr., Selectmen ; John Quimby, Coll. ; Jos. Nichols, Treas. and Representative. " Voted to have Dr. Nichols' present of five dollars to the town placed in the town treasury." "1827 — Sullivan Co. was formed this year. Nathan Stickney, Mod. ; Abner Johnson, T. Clerk. " Voted to hear the report of Committee to inspect schools. John Quimby, Solomon Clement, James G. McAlwin, Selectmen ; Hiram French, Coll. at 1 J cts. per dollar ; Joseph Nichols, Treasurer and Rep. ; Job Cushman, Abner Johnson, Joseph Nichols, Commit- tee to inspect schools." " June 19, 1827. — Moses D. Richardson and Solo- mon Clement were licensed to mix and sell Rum, Gin, Brandy and Wine at their houses and buildings on Wed. the 20 of June inst." " 1828.— Reuben Hoyt, Mod.; John Quimby, T. Clerk ; John Quimby, Lewis Fisher, Hiram French, Selectmen ; Hiram French, Cons, and Coll. at lj% cts. per dollar ; also, chose Joseph Lear, Constable ; Levi Hill, Treas. Chose one man for school committee in each school district by town vote. John Quimby, Rep. " Voted to set up the poor at vendue to be struck off to the lowest bidder." " 1829.— John H. Williams, Mod. ; John Quimby, Town Clerk ; John Quimby, John H. Williams, John Field, Selectmen. James McDaniel, Cons, and Coll. at nine mills per dollar. Voted that the Coll. set- tle and pay over all taxes to the Treasurer at least ten days before the next annual town-meeting. Levi Hill, Treas. ; John Quimby, Rep. Voted to put the literary fund school money at interest apd expend the interest annually, and to be divided in the several school districts according to their school money in their districts. Voted to divide the time in the meeting house among the several Christian denominations. " October26, 1829.— Chose John H. Williams Town Clerk, Pro tern." " 1830. — Dr. Joseph Nichols, Mod. ; John Quim- by, Town Clerk; Solomon .Clement, Daniel N. Adams, Lewis Howard, Selectmen. Chose Nathan Stickney agent to look up back arrearages and that he have power to prosecute if they dont pay it over. James McDaniel, Coll. ; at let. per dollar. Moses D. Richardson, Treas. ; John H. Williams, Rep. Voted that each School District choose their own Committee. Voted to lay out the interest among the several Socie- ties according to their number of Polls in said Socie- ties. Voted that the time in Meeting house shall be divided according to the number of Polls in each So- ciety, and the Selectmen be the Committee to divide as aforesaid. Abner Johnson and D. N. Adams, Town Clerks Pro tern, at two special town meetings and re- corded by J. Quimby, T. Clerk. Voted that one hundred dollars of the Literary fund be expended for schooling, and chose Abner Johnson Agent to look up said Literary fund." " 1831. — Nathan Stickney, Mod. ; Joseph Nichols, Town Clerk ; M. D. Richardson, Treasurer ; Hi- ram French, Coll. ; Lewis Howard, Moses Pillsb ury, John Cambell, Selectmen ; Solomon Clement, Rep- resentative." "1832.— Sam. Colby, Mod.; Joseph Nichols, T. Clerk ; Solomon Clement, Joseph Lear, Moses At- wood, Selectmen ; Solomon Clement, Rep. ; M. D. Richardson, Treas. ; John Quimby, Coll. Chose a Committee to consider the subject of buying a farm for the support of the poor." SPRINGFIELD. 331 "1833.— Sam. Colby, Mod.; Joseph Nichols, T, Clerk ; John Fisk, Solomon Clement, John Morrill, Selectmen ; Joseph Lear, Treas. ; James McDaniel, Coll. ; Sam. Colby, Rep." "1834.— Nathan Stickney, -Mod. ; Joseph Nichols, Town Clerk; Joseph Nichols, Isaac Colby, James Noyes, Selectmen ; Joseph Lear, Coll. ; Saml. Quim- by, 2°*Coll. ; Sam. Colby, Representative. Voted to abate David Fuller, Jr. tax for 1833. Voted that the selectmen abate such other taxes as they think proper, that are in the hands of James McDaniel, Coll." Previous taxes appear to have been abated only by special vote of the town. " 1835. — Nathan Stickney, Mod. ; Joseph Nichols, T. Clerk ; Joseph Nichols, Saml. Quimby, Daniel N. Adams, Selectmen; Joseph Lear, Treas. ; J. McDan- iel, Coll. ; John Nichols, Rep." Auditors were first chosen this year. Previous to this a committee had been chosen to inspect the selectmen's accounts. " 1836.— Sam. Colby, Mod. ; Saml. Quimby, Town Clerk; Samuel Quimby, James McDaniel, Joseph Goss, Selectmen ; John Quimby, Treas. ; James Mc- Daniel, Coll. ; John Nichols, Representative. " May 25, 1836.— Voted to buy a Town farm. " Springfield , Mar. 26, 1836. — Personally appeared Saml. Quimby 2"^, James McDaniels, and Joseph Goss, Selectmen of the town of Springfield for the year ensuing, and took the following oath : We sev- erally solemnly swear that we will make a just and true appraisement of all ratable estate subject to as- sessment of public taxes in the town of Springfield at its full value in money, according to the best of our judgment. So help us God. "Before me, "John Quimby, " Justice of Peace." " 1837.— Sam. Colby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk; Joseph Nichols, Benjamin Colby, Kimball Haseltine, Selectmen ; Moses D. Richardson, Treas. ; Richard Sanborn, Coll. ; Saml. Quimby, 2'"', Rep. Chose James Noyes first agent to manage the con- cerns of the Poor Farm. Selectmen to buy stock for Poor Farm." "Aug. 1. — James Noyes declined; was elected agent." " 1838.— -Sam. Colby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk; Joseph Nichols, Benj. Colby, Sam. Colby, Se- lectmen ; Saml. Quimby, 2°", Rep. ; Richard Sanborn, Coll. Voted to pay the soldiers of Capt. Peasley's company, who did duty on Muster and Training days, one hundred dollars, and voted to raise said sum by tax." " 1839.^-Sam. Colby, Moderator; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk; Sam. Colby, Saml. Quimby, James McDan- iel, Selectmen ; Orra C. Howard, Rep. ; J. McDaniel, Collector. Voted to pay Eliakim Putney twenty-five dollars extra for his services on the Town Farm." " 1840.— Sam Colby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk ; Sam'l Quimby, James McDaniel, William Stocker, Selectmen ; Orra C. Howard, Rep. ; Richard Sanborn, Coll. " Nov. 2, 1840. — Voted that the selectmen furnish a suitable Standard for the 4"" Military Co., before the 4'" of Mar. next, and that they pay the Rifle Co. the same as the standard of Co. 4, and that the 4"' Co. and Rifle Co. meet on the Common on the 4"" of March next, to celebrate the inauguration of the President ; that the town furnish powder for the occa- sion and dinner for the soldiers belonging to both companies and dinner for all the spectators belonging to the town present on the occasion." " 1841.— Sam'l Quimby, Mod. ; Orra C. Howard, Town Clerk ; Sam'l Quimby, Joseph Nichols, William Stocker, Selectmen ; Daniel N. Adams, Rep. ; Rich- ard Sanborn, Coll. Check-List first used in election of Representative and State and County officers." "1842.— Sam'l Quimby, Mod.; Orra C. Howard, T. Clerk ; James McDaniel, Richard Sanborn, Joel Whittemore, Selectmen ; Daniel N. Adams, Rep ; James McDaniel, Coll." " 1843.— Francis M. Morrill, Mod. ; Orra C. How- ard, Town Clerk; Richard Sanborn, Sam'l Quimby, Ebenezer Nichols, Selectmen ; Joel Whittemore, Rep. ; Joseph Davis, Jr., Coll. There were four political parties for State officers this year. Demo- cratic having 170 votes, Whig 17, Liberty 8 and White 22." " 1844.— Orra C. Howard, Mod. ; Sam''l Quimby, Town Clerk ; James McDaniel, E. L. Nichols, James McAlvin, Selectmen ; James McDaniel, Representa- tive. "Oct. 23. — 4th New Hampshire Turnpike pur- chased by town award of County Commissioners for $383.00. Sold the cleaning of the Meeting-House to Reuben Robie, he being the lowest bidder, at I1.37J, 332 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and chose Sam Colby committee to see that the house is well cleaned, and he served free from any expense to the town. Jurors first drawn at Town Clerks office this year ; previous to this a special meet- ing of the voters was called." " 1845.— Orra C. Howard, Mod. ; Samuel Quimby, Town Clerk; Daniel N. Adams, James McAlvin, James McDaniel, Selectmen ; Orra C. Howard, Rep. ; Joseph Davis, Jr., Coll. Bids were rec'd for Collector of taxes and then elected." " 1846. — Orra C. Howard, Mod. ; Samuel Quimby, T. Clerk : Orra C. Howard, Joel Whittemore, Joseph Davis, Jr., Selectmen ; James McDaniel, Rep. ; Jos- eph Davis, Jr., Coll. Voted to raise $50, to be laid out on New road and not to pay over ($.75) seventy- five cents per day nor allow themselves any more." " 1847.— Sam'l Quimby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk; Sam'l Quimby, Joseph Davis, Jr., Amasa S. Abbott, Selectmen ; Joel Whittemore, Rep. ; John Baily, Collector." " 1848.— Sam'l Quimby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk ; Sam'l Quimby, Joseph Davis, Jr., Amasa S. Abbott, Selectmen ; Philander Loverin, Coll. ; Daniel N. Adams, Rep. ; D. N. Adams resigned, and Lewis Fisher elected to fill vacancy." " 1849. — Orra C. Howard, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, Town Clerk ; Daniel N. Adams, Joel Whittemore, William Stocker, Selectmen ; Philander Loverin, Coll. ; Lewis Fisher, Rep. Voted to raise ten dollars in aid of Teachers' Institutes, and Eld. Timothy Cole was correspondent in regard to same. John Wiggin had the cleaning of Meeting-house for seventy-five cents. Sept. 15, 1849, Joseph W. Hill and Phineas Messer drawn as jurors to attend U. S. Circuit Court at Exeter." " 1850. — Daniel N. Adams, Mod. ; Sam' Quimby, T. Clerk ; Joel Whittemore, William Stocker, Joseph Davis, Jr., Selectmen ; John C. Nichols, Coll. ; O. C. Howard, Rep. ; E. L. Nichols, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Sam' Quimby was chosen Delegate to at- tend the State Convention for the Revision of the Constitution of this State, at Concord, in November." " 1851. — Daniel N. Adams, Mod. ; Levi Richard- son, Town Clerk ; James McDaniel, Thomas East- man, Joseph W. Hill, Selectmen ; William Moran, Rep. ; John B. Hovey, Coll. ; John C. Nichols and Daniel N. Adams, Supt. Sch. Committee. Printed reports of Selectmen. " Voted, to move Meeting-house to grove near the Grist mill, the spot to be fitted ready to set said house by individuals, free from any expense to town. Jo- seph Nichols, Richard Sanborn, D. N. Adams, J. G. McAlvin and John B. Hovey were the Committee to select the site and report in substance : " That the said house can be moved for about $300. That the lower part be finished for a Town House, and the upper part for a Meeting House. That the Town and Meeting-house Society each pay half the expense of repairing and keeping in repair outside of house, and each party care for their own repairs on inside. Report adopted and accepted. Voted, to commence moving said house May 15, 1851." The first statistical school report on record was this year, — 185 weeks school, 14 districts, 393 pupils in winter and 211 in summer terms. Aver- age wages of male teachers, $11.59 per month and boarded ; of female teachers, $5.05 per month and boarded. Eleven male and three female teachers during winter. The road from Washburn's mill to Grantham town line was laid in 1851. "1852. — Sam' Quimby, Mod. ; Daniel N. Adams, T. Clerk; James McDaniel, William E. Melendy, Benjamin F. Goss, Selectmen ; William Moran, Rep. ; Moses H. Loverin, Coll. 265 voted State and Co. Ticket. " Voted to sell the Town farm and all personal property on Sat. Mar. 20. Chose Sam' Quimby and D. N. Adams Committee to sell and deed the same. "Voted that the Agency of Dr. Joseph Nichols be continued until the Town House is completed. " Voted to enlarge the burying ground and fence the same, so as to take in all of the town land. " Voted to have the Printed Town Reports include the report of the School Committee. "1853.— Sam. Colby, Mod.; Sam' Quimby, Town Clerk; Sam' Quimby, Benj. F. Goss, Sam Colby, Se- lectmen ; William Moran, Rep. ; Moses H. Loverin, Collector. Town paupers were kept by lowest bid- ders, and the cleaning of Town House by Tallant Boyce at 4 cts. M. H. Loverin resigned the office and Benj. F. Goss was appointed Coll. Apr. 18, 1853." " June 7, 1853. — D. N. Adams was appointed to col- lect balance of taxes in 1852 on account of the death of M. H. Loverin. Road laid from Wasburn's to 0. C. Howard's mill this year." "1854. — James McDaniel, moderator; Samuel SPKINGFIELD. 333 Quimby, town clerk ; Samuel Quimby, Benjamin F. Goss, James MoDaniel, selectmen ; William Moran, representative; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector. School district boundaries were changed by a committee chosen for that purpose." " 1855.— Samuel Colby, moderator; Levi Kichard- son, town clerk; James G. McAlvin, William P. Smith, Lorenzo Bailey, selectmen; Israel Sanborn, representative ; Kichard F. Sanborn, collector. Voted, that the selectmen's and school committee's reports be on separate pamphlets. Daniel N. Adams was chosen a special agent to investigate a pauper case in Jaf- frey. " Jonathan B. Smith appointed tax collecter May 10, 1855. "1856. — Orra G. Howard, moderator; Daniel N. Adams, town clerk ; Wm. E. Melendy, William D. Colby, Otis S. Haseltine, selectmen ; John Nichols, representative; D. N. Adams, collector. Voted, that every man give in his interest money under oath." "1857.— Orra C. Howard, moderator; Daniel N. Adams, town clerk; William D. Colby, Otis S. Hasel- tine, William Washburn, selectmen ; Charles McDaniel, supt. school committee ; John Nichols, representa- tive. Voted, that William Washburn and James McDaniel be a committee to buy a town farm and stock the same. D. N. Adams was appointed col- lector." " 1868. — 0. C. Howard, moderator ; Joseph Davis, Jr., town clerk; Daniel N. Adams, William Wash- burn, Smith N. Stevens, selectmen ; Richard F. San- born, supt. school committee ; William E. Melendy, representative ; Joseph Davis, Jr., Collector. Chose Austin Loverin, J. W. Hill and O. C. Howard com- mittee to buy town farm." "1859. — Orra C. Howard, moderator; Joseph Davis, Jr., town clerk ; Orra C. Howard, Joseph Davis, Jr., Daniel H. Peaslee, selectmen ; Richard F. Sanborn, supt. school committee; Wm. E. Melendy, representative; D. N. Adams, collector." " 1860. — Orra C. Howard, moderator ; Samuel Quimby, town clerk; Orra C. Howard, Daniel H. Peaslee, John E. Babbitt, selectmen ; Charles McDan- iel, supt. school committee; Samuel Stevens, rep- resentative; William Washburn, collector." " 1861.— Daniel H. Peaslee, moderator; Samuel Quimby, town clerk ; Daniel H. Peaslee, William P. Smith, Richard F. Sanborn, selectmen; Richard F. Sanborn, supt. school committee. Failed to elect a representative. William Washburn, collector and overseer of poor. Four roads were laid out in 1861 ; none built." "1862. — Orra C. Howard, moderator; John 0. Nichols, town clerk; Joseph Davis, Jr., Charles McDaniel, Carlton H. Melendy, selectmen ; E. R. Boyce, Charles V. Pillsbury, William D. Colby, supt. school committee ; Luke W. Blood, representa- tive; William Washburn, overseer of poor; D. N. Adams, collector. Several special meetings were held during the year in regard to furnishing soldiers for the United States' service in the War of the great Rebellion, the town paying two hundred dollars to each person mustered into the service; also, paying the soldiers' families the amount due them as 'State aid.' The selectmen were instructed to hire money to pay the above on the credit of the town. John E. Babbit, Elihu Chase, Dr. Valentine Manahan, Wil- liam Washburn, Jr., and Joseph Davis, Jr., were chosen a committee to encourage enlistments.'' "1863.— William P. Smith, moderator; John C. Nichols, town clerk; Charles McDaniel, Carlton H. Melendy, William P. Smith, selectmen; Daniel P. Quimby, supt. school committee; Luke W. Blood, representative; Joseph Davis, collector; John F. Hardy, overseer of poor. The town paid three hun- dred dollars to each drafted man, or his substitute, who was accepted and mustered into the United States' service ; also, paid the same sum to volun- teers. " November 26, 1863. — Joseph Davis, Jr., was chosen agent to act with selectmen to procure eleven men under call of October 17, 1863. " February 27, 1864. — Joseph Davis, Jr., was ap- pointed town clerk. "1864. — Samuel Quimby, moderator; Daniel H. Adams, town clerk ; Joseph Davis, Jr., William P. Smith, Jacob Messer, selectmen ; Daniel P. Quimby, supt. school committee; Jeremiah Philbrick, rep- resentative ; John F. Hardy, overseer of poor ; D. H. Adams, collector. "August 18, 1864.— Charles McDaniel was chosen agent to fill the town's quota under call of tne Pres- ident, July 18, 1864. The selectmen were instructed to hire a sufficient sum of money to furnish men to fill said quota, and pay it over to the agent, not ex- ceeding nineteen thousand dollars. " September 3, 1864. — Voted, to pay citizens who 334 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. enlist for one year one thousand dollars each as bounty. " December 7, 1864. — Voted, that the selectmen pay as a bounty to each enrolled man of this town who furnishes a substitute for three years, and to any townsman who may enlist in Hancock's corps as a veteran, and count on the quota of this town, three hundred dollars each, and pay the highest bounty allowed by law for volunteers who are not townsmen, and that the selectmen be authorized to hire, on the credit of the town, a sum of money not exceeding five thousand dollars; provided all the men so enlisted shall not exceed twelve in number." "1865. — Daniel N. Adams, moderator; Daniel H. Adams, town clerk ; Charles McDaniel, Jacob Messer, Stephen P. Colby, selectmen ; E. F. Sanborn, supt. school committee; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector. Voted, to instruct the selectmen to put three men into the United States army to fill our present quota." The whole money to pay war expenses was hired upon the credit of the town. The town debt at the close of the year 1862, exclusive of war expenses, was $270^37. At the close of 1871 the total indebtedness of the town, over and above availabilities, was $36,- 405,37. At the close of the year the total indebtedness, over and above availabilities, was $17,077.13. " 1866. — Daniel P. Quimby, moderator ; Daniel N. Adams, town clerk; Charles McDaniel, Stephen P. Colby, Joseph P. Bailey, selectmen ; Horace F. Goss, supt. school committee ; John M. Philbrick, rep- resentative ; Charles McDaniel, treasurer ; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector.'' " 1867.— Daniel M. Adams, moderator; David P. Goodhue, town clerk ; Charles McDaniel, Jacob Mes- ser, Charles V. Pillsbury, selectman ; James M. Da- vis, supt. school committee; Joseph Colcord, rep- resentative ; D. N. Adams, collector ; W. P. Smith, overseer of poor ; Charles McDaniel, treasurer." " 1868. — Daniel N. Adams', moderator ; David P. Goodhue, town clerk ; Joseph Davis, Jr., Charles V. Pillsbury, Edgar A. Washburn, selectmen : James M. Davis, supt. school committee ; Charles McDaniel, representative; Joseph Davis, treasurer; John C. Nichols, overseer of poor." " 1869. — Daniel H. Peaslee, moderator ; David P. Goodhue, town clerk ; Charles McDaniel, Horace F. Goss, Edgar A. Washburn, selectmen ; Daniel H. Adams was elected supt. school committee ; Levi F. Hill, representative ; Charles McDaniel, overseer of poor ; Sargent Heath, collector ; Charles McDan- iel, treasurer, and was appointed supt. school com- mittee." "1870. — Samuel Quimby, moderator; David P. Goodhue, town clerk; Charles McDaniel, Horace F. Goss, Sargent Heath, selectmen ; Elvin F. Philbrick, supt. school committee ; Levi F. Hill, representa- tive ; Sargent Heath, collector ; Charles McDaniel, treasurer ; Daniel H. Peaslee, overseer of poor.'' " 1871. — Daniel H. Peaslee, moderator ; David P. Goodhue, town clerk ; Charles V. Pillsbury, Sargent Heath, Jacob Messer, selectmen ; Charles McDaniel, supt. school committee; Lorenzo Bailey, repre- sentative ; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector ; Charles V. Pillsbury, treasurer." " 1872. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator ; Solomon H. Clement, town clerk ; Horace F. Goss, Charles V. Pillsbury, John S. Sanborn, selectmen ; Calvin W. Spencer, supt. school committee ; Lorenzo Bailey, representative ; H. F. Goss, treasurer ; Edgar A. Washburn, collector ; Charles McDaniel was chosen agent to sell town farm and personal property ; Mar- tin M. Wiggins was appointed town clerk, June 3, 1872." " 1873. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator ; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk ; Charles V. Pillsbury, Stephen P. Colby, Sargent Heath, selectmen ; Franklin Bailey, supt. school committee ; Horace F. Goss, represen- tative ; Edgar A. Washburn, collector." " 1874. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator ; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk : Charles V. Pillsbury, William M. Powers, Edgar A. Washburn, selectmen ; Charles McDaniel, supt. school committee; Horace F. Goss, representative ; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector ; David P. Goodhue, treasurer." "1875. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk ; Charles V. Pillsbury, William M. Powers, Albert Morrill, selectmen; Parker T. Smith, supt. school committee; John M. Phil- brick, representative ; D.P.Goodhue, treasurer; Jo- seph Davis, Jr., collector." "1876. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk ; Horace F. Goss, Albert Mor- rill, Henry T. Sanborn, selectmen ; Charles McDan- iel, supt. school committee; Daniel N. Adams, SPRINGFIELD. 336 representative; D. P. Goodhue, treasurer; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector ; D. N. Adams was chosen dele- gate to State Convention to revise the Constitution." " 1877. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator ; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk; Charles McDaniel, supt. school committee ; Horace F. Goss, Henry T. San- born, John H. Johnson, selectmen ; Hosea B. Chase, representative; D. P. Goodhue, treasurer; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector.'' " 1878. — Henry T. Sanborn, moderator ; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk ; Daniel N. Adams, William D. Colby, Horace W. Stevens, selectmen ; Charles Mc- Daniel, supt. school committee ; David P. Good- hue, representative and treasurer ; J. Davis, Jr. Under the new Constitution, the biennial election of representatives began, and D. P. Goodhue was chosen in November. Supervisors also elected." "1879.— Henry T. Sanborn, moderator; M. M. Wiggins, town clerk ; William D. Colby, Horace W. Stevens, John H. Johnson, selectmen; Charles Mc- Daniel, supt. school committee ; D. P. Goodhue, treasurer ; Joseph Davis, Jr., collector ; Moses O. Boyce, Tallent Boyce and Willard Eeed, investiga- ting committee on war ' accounts, which resulted in finding the charges against the selectmen and agents to be without any proof." "1880.— Henry T. Sanborn, moderator; M. M. Wiggins, town clerk ; Horace W. Stevens, John H. Johnson, Martin M. Wiggins, selectmen; Charles McDaniel, supt. school committee; Hosea B. Chase, representative ; Sargent Heath, collector ; James T. Colby, treasurer.'' " 1881.— Stephen P. Colby, moderator; Martin M. Wiggins, town clerk ; John H. Johnson, Martin M. Wiggins, Willard Eeed, selectmen ; Charles McDan- iel, supt. school committee; James T. Colby, treasurer ; Sargent Heath, collector." "1882.— Moses O. Boycej moderator; M. M. Wig- gins, town clerk; same selectmen, supt. school committee, treasurer and collector as in 1881 ; Joseph W. Hill, representative." " 1883.— Stephen P. Colby, moderator ; M. M. Wig- gins, town clerk; Herbert H. Messer, supt. school committee; John H. Johnson, Martin M. Wiggins, George W. Clark, selectmen ; James T. Colby, treas- urer ; Sargent Heath, collector." '''1884. — Moses O. Boyce, moderator; the same town clerk, selectmen, supt. school committee, treasurer and collector as in 1888. Henry T. San- born, representative." "1885.— Henry T. Sanborn, moderator; M. M. Wiggins, town clerk; John H. Johnson, Martin M. Wiggins, G. W. Clark, selectmen : David P. Good- hue, supt. school committee; James T. Colby, treas- urer ; Oscar F. Eastman, collector." KBVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. John Quimby, sergeant, enlisted April 23, 1775 ; three months and sixteen days Israel Clifford, enlisted May 4, 1775, three months and five days. Reuben Sanborn, mustered in June 9, 1775. Moses Perkins, mustered in June 3, 1775. Joseph Webster, mustered in June 8, 1775. Ebenezer Levering, mustered in June, 1775, Novem- ber 5, 1775, and November 23, 1776. Abraham Sanborn, lieutenant, mustered in Septem- ber, 1776. Enoch Heath Plastow, mustered in June 2, 1775, July, 1776 and March 7, 1777, for eight months. Timothy Quimby (Sandown), mustered in May 25, 1775, and July 9, 1776. Eliphalet Quimby sergeant, (of Salisbury), mustered in 1777, for three years. John Sawyer (Londonderry), mustered in February 8, 1776. Daniel Gilman, mustered in November 5, 1775, and July 9, 1776. Mathew Pettengill, lieutenant, (Pembroke, N. H.), mustered in December, 1775. John Burbank, corporal, mustered in November 5, 1775. Samuel Eobie, ninety days' man, mustered in Novem- ber 23, 1775 and October 19, 1776. Eeuben Stevens, mustered in July, 1776. James Boyce, mustered in August 23, 1776 and Feb- ruary 17, 1777. Ichabod Eobie, mustered in September 26, 1776 and December 30, 1776. James C. Hazzard, mustered in September 26, 1776. Jeremiah Quimby, mustered out December 16, 1776, two months and ten days. John Collins, mustered in December 6, 1776 ; mus- tered out December 7, 1777. Thomas Colcord, mustered in 1777, for thirty days. Eeuben Hoyt, mustered in March 31, 1777, for three years. 336 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Samuel Clay, mustered in 1777, for three years. Fsaiali Johnson, mustered out 1777, eight months. Jason Hazzard, Daniel Bean ; no date to be found at present. SOLDIERS OF WAB OP 1812. Adam Boyce. Isaac Colby. James Perkins. Stephen H. Heath. Jonathan Heath. Richard Loverin. James Hazzard. James Boyce. Joseph Morse. William Quimby. Nathaniel Heath. Tristram C. Hoyt. Isaac Morse.^ F. M. Morrill.' Levi Chaffin.' Lieut. Ephraim French.' John Silver.' Joseph Maxfield.' Dexter Stevens served in the Mexican War He died and was buried in Mexico. The vphole of the Revolutionary soldiers above recorded, except two, are buried in our cemetery at the centre of town. James Boyce was buried on farm of James T. Colly, on " Hogg Hill ; " John Collins, in Collins' burying-ground, on old road from Springfield to New London. When James Hazzard, soldier of 1812, was about to leave home for the war, his father's last words are said to have been : " James, don't you ever come home — shot in the back.'' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF REBELLION, 1861. Christopher Farney, Company G, Third Regiment; mustered in October 8, 1868. John Quigley, Company K, Third Regiment; mus- tered in December 24, 1864. Otto Richter, Company G, Third Regiment; mus- tered in October 8, 1863 ; missing at Deep Run, Va., August 16, 1864. Charles Radford, Company K, Third Regiment; mustered in December 22, 1864; mustered out July 26, 1865. James Theney, Company C, Third Regiment; mus- tered in October 14, 1863 ; promoted to corporal ; promoted to sergeant August 24, 1864; wounded October 7, 1864 ; discharged for disability, Octo- ber 20, 1865. 'Not residents when enlisted, but buried here in town. Augustus F. Russell, Company I, Fifth Regiment; mustered in October 15, 1861; discharged for disability, at Concord, N. H., February 6, 1863. Jacob Bure, Company G, Third Regiment ; mustered in October 8, 1863; captured at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 13, 1864. Fernand G. Lull, Company G, Third Regiment; mustered in October 8, 1863; died at Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 31, 1864. Hartwell Frink, Company C, Fifth Regiment; mus- tered in September 16, 1864 ; mustered out July 28, 1865. Thomas Mack, Company H., Fifth Regiment ; mus- tered in October 5, 1863. Charles Walker, Company C, Fifth Regiment ; mus- tered in October 2, 1863; absent without leave since April 2, 1865; no discharge furnished. James A. Chase, Company G, Sixth Regiment ; mus- tered in December 11, 1861 ; discharged at Prov- idence, R. I., April 20, 1863. James T. Colby, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mus- tered in November 28, 1861 ; promoted to corpo- ral; discharged at Washington, D. C, August 12, 1862. John M. Colby, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mus- tered in November 28, 1861; paroled prisoner; died of disease at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., September 29, 1862. Martin V. B. Davis, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mustered in November 28, 1861; missing at Camden, N. C, April 19, 1862; gained from missing; discharged at Concord, N. H., Septem- ber 18, 1862. Lewis G. Hilborn, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; died of disease at City Point, Va., November 15, 1864. George W. Hazelton, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mustered in November 28, 1861; discharged. Oliver M. Heath, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; missing at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862; gained from missing; died of disease at Emory General Hospital, Washington, D. C, September 16, 1862. Abraham Quimby, Company G, Sixth Regiment; mustered in November 28, 1861 ; discharged for disability at Roanoke Island, N. C, June 18, 1862. Joseph M. Robie, Company G, Sixth Regiment, mus- SPKINGFIELD. 337 tered in November 28, 1861 ; dischilrged for disa- bility at Camp Dennison, Ohio, January 25, 1864. James W. Whaler, Company G, Sixth Eegiment, mustered in November 28, 1861 ; discharged at Newport News, Va., September 23, 1862. Joseph V. Simouds, Company H, Sixth Eegiment, mustered in December 12, 1861 ; discharged for disability at Washington, D. C, January 19, 1863. George Birch, Company H, Sixth Eegiment, mustered in December 22, 1863 ; transferred from Company H, Ninth New Hampshire Volunteers, June 1, 1865; absent without leave July 17, 1865. Charles Johnson, Company C, Sixth Eegiment, mus- tered in December 9, 1863; transferred from Company C, Ninth New Hampshire Volunteers June 1, 1865 ; missing in action since September 30, 1864. Eeuben F. Stevens, Company F, Sixth Eegiment, mustered in December 23,1863; transferred from Company F, Eleventh New Hampshire Volun- teers June 1, 1865 ; mustered out July 17, 1865. George W. Austin, corporal, Company B, Sixth Eeg- iment, mustered in January 3, 1864 ; promoted to sergeant July 1, 1865 ; mustered out July 17, 1865. George Henry, Company G, Seventh Eegiment, mus- tered in September 21, 1864 ; mustered out July 20, 1865. Joseph C. Whittier, Company D, Seventh Eegiment, mustered in September 28, 1864 ; mustered out July 20, 1865. Albert Coles, Company D, Eighth Eegiment, mustered in December 20, 1861. Nicholas Bowen, Company D, Ninth Eegiment, mus- tered in December 22, 1863 ; died of exhaustion at Cumberland Gap, Ky., March 9, 1864. Charles Johnson, Company C, Ninth Eegiment, mus- tered in December 9, 1863 ; missing at Poplar Grove Church, Va., September 30, 1864; gained from missing ; transferred to Sixth New Hamp- shire Volunteers June 1, 1865. Peter Smith, Company K, Ninth Eegiment, mustered in December 22, 1863; wounded July 30,1864; transferred to Sixth New Hampshire Volunteers June 1, 1865. Peter Williams, Company D. Ninth Regiment, mus- tered in December 9, 1863. E. Freeman Sanborn, first lieutenant Company I, Eleventh Regiment, mustered in July 25, 1864; not mustered ; honorably discharged for disability as second lieutenant August 9, 1864. Francis Eichardson, Company E, Eleventh Eegiment, mustered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded slightly June 3, 1864 ; mustered out June 6, 1865. Francis Nichols, corporal. Company F, Eleventh Eeg- iment, mustered in August 29, 1862 ; promoted to sergeant ; discharged for disability at Concord, N. H., September 20, 1864. Robert A. Blood, corporal. Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 186^ ; wounded severely in his groin December 13, 1862 ; dis- charged for disability at Concord, N. H., May 11, 1863. John D. Colby, corporal, Company F, Eleventh Regi- ment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; discharged for disability at Frederick, Md., March 13, 1863. Charles M. Colby, musician. Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; died of disease at Covington, Ky., August 14, 1863. Moses J. Adams, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862; mustered out June 4, 1865. John Austin, Jr., Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded slightly May 18, 1864; captured July 30, 1864; released; mustered out June 4, 1865. Moses C. Colcord, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded severely May 26, 1864 ; promoted to corporal ; mustered out June 4, 1865. Ziba S. Eastman, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. Benjamin F. Hill, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; discharged for dis- ability at Camp Dennison, Ohio, January 20, 1864. Harrison M. Johnson, Company F, Eleventh Regi- ment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; promoted to sergeant ; mustered out June 4, 1865. David S. Luce, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862; wounded slightly May 12, 1864 ; discharged for disability Decem- ber 17, 1864. James Morrill, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded severely 338 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. June 19, 1864; transferred to Veteran Eeserve Corps September 16, 1864; mustered out June 28, 1865. Lovell W. Nichols, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 30, 1863 ; mustered out August 28, 1865. William Rowe, Company F, Eleventh Regiment; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; discharged for dis- ability at Washington, D. C, March 9, 1863. Merrill Robie, Company F, Eleventh Regiment; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1866. John Rollins, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mus- tered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded severely De- cember 18, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 1, 1863. Samuel Robie, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862; mustered out June 4, 1865. George B. Robie, Company F, Eleventh Regiment; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; wounded severely May 16, 1864 ; discharged for disability at Con- cord, N. H., June 7, 1865. John Saunders, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; died of disease on board transport August 9, 1-863. Henry T. Sanborn, Company F, Eleventh Regiment; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. Alexander Stevens, Company F, Eleventh Regiment; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. George R. Stevens, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; discharged for dis- ability at Camp Dennison, Ohio, February 13, 1864. Burnell K. Randall, musician. Company K, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in April 2, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. Hiram S. Barber, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in December 23, 1863 ; killed at Spott- sylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Darius K. Davis, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; promoted to cor- poral April 18, 1865 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. James M. Davis, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862; discharged for dis- ability at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., January 23, 1863. Otis S. Hazelton, Company F, Eleventh Regiment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; mustered out June 4, 1865. Sydney A. Hazelton, Company F, Eleventh Regi- ment ; mustered in August 29, 1862 ; died of dis- ease at Annapolis, Md., April 16, 1864. John Gilman, Company G, Twelfth Regiment ; mus- tered in September 11, 1862 ; wounded May 3, 1863 ; died of wounds at Washington, D. C.,May 23, 1863. James W. Lull, sergeant, Company F, Fifteenth Regi- ment ; mustered in October 10, 1862 ; wounded May 27, 1863 ; mustered out August 1 3, 1863 ; died in New York. George F. Colby, corporal. Company F, Fifteenth Regiment; mustered in October 10, 1862; died of disease at Carrollton, La., February 2, 1862. William M. Fowler, Company F, Fifteenth Regi- ment ; mustered in October 10, 1862 ; discharged for disability at Concord, N. H., April 14, 1862. Richard W. Heath, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment; mustered in October 10, 1862; mustered out August 13, 1863 ; sick at Wilmot. Joseph D. Loverin, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment; mustered in October 10, 1862 ; mustered out August 13, 1863. Gustavus Loverin, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment; mustered in October 10, 1862; died of disease at Carrollton, La., January 31, 1863. George McDaniel, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment; mustered in October 10, 1862; mustered out August 13, 1863. James K. Richardson, Company F, Fifteenth Regi- ment; mustered in October 10, 1862; mustered out August 13, 1863. John D. Washburn, Company F, Fifteenth Regi- ment ; mustered in October 10, 1862 ; mustered out August 13, 1863. First Begiment of Cavalry. Charles P. Bryant, mustered in March 21, 1865; mus- tered out July 16, 1865. Alban Bishop, mustered in April 4, 1865; mustered out May 6, 1865. Heavy Artillery. James McDole, Jr., mustered in September 29, 1863 ; discharged for disability June 1, 1864. John J. Quimby, mustered in September 7, 1863. SPKINGPIELD. 339 First Begiment of Heavy Artillery. James H. Hardy, mustered in September 7, 1863 ; mustered out September 11, 1865. John H. Prescott, mustered in September 7, 1863 ; mustered out September 11, 1865. Augustus G. Russell, mustered in September 7,1863; mustered out September 11, 1865. Abner J. Sanborn, corporal, mustered in September 7, 1864; mustered out June 15, 1865. Aldretl H. Fowler, mustered in September 7, 1864 ; mustered out June 15, 1865. Tristam F. Hoyt, mustered in September 7, 1864 ; mustered out June 15, 1865. Ebenezer S. Kibbey, mustered in September 7, 1864 ; mustered out June 15, 1865. George P. Sholes, mustered in September 7, 1864 ; mustered out June 15, 1865. Isaac D. Tenney, mustered in September 7, 1864; mustered out June 15, 1865. Andrew J. Young, mustered in September 7,1864; mustered out June 15, 1865. Veteran Reserve Corps. James T. Colby, mustered in September 6, 1864. James A. Chase, mustered in September 6, 1864. Albert H. Davis, mustered in September 6, 1864." Benjamin F. Hill, mustered in September 6, 1864 ; mustered out November 14, 1865. United States Sharpshooters, Company G, Second Begi- ment. Henry A. Colby, mustered in October 9, 1861 ; re- enlisted December 20, 1863 ; wounded at Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864 ; died at Washington, D. C, October 31, 1864, aged twenty-three years and nine months. Militia. — The people of Springfield took a deep and lively interest in military affairs. Among the early settlers were quite a number of Eevolutionary soldiers, who brought with them the military spirit and patriotism imbibed during that war. One man has been heard to say that he had used a barrel of ink when first sergeant in one of the companies in General Washington's army. It was considered an honor to hold a military commission, and those who were chosen captains and lieutenants retained these titles, and were honored with them during their whole life. As 22 early as 1820, General John Quimby, who had risen step by step from the ranks, was in command of the Fifth Brigade. For several years there were three companies, — North Company, South Com- pany and a company of Light Infantry. Two of these companies remained until 1840, when, becom- ing somewhat run down, it was thought something must be done to revive the military spirit, and through the exertions and influence of some public- spirited individuals, a company consisting of one hundred men was formed, who uniformed and equipped themselves, and by a special act of the Leg- islature received from the State Arsenal one hundred guns. They carried them on to the parade-ground, re- ceiving the plaudits of the field officers and others. The ofiicers and sergeants of that company, when formed, consisted of one physician, one ex-colonel, four ex-captains, two merchants, one postmaster, seven j ustices of the peace, besides all the smaller fry , and all were volunteers. This company retained its existence until the militia was abolished. Of all the oflScers and ser- geants of that company when formed, but one re- mains to tell the story, — the Hon. Daniel N. Adams. " Jan. 21, 1833. Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Concord, N. H. Sep. 4, 1833, 31st Eeg. 4th Co. Capt., Sam Colby, Clerk, Joseph Eichardson. " General Order. " Joseph Low, Adjutant and Inspector General. " W. H. Cheney, Adjutant of 31st Reg. "May 1834. Total in Co., 92. " Aug. 5, 1834. Samuel Quimby (2nd), Captain. " May, 1835. Aggregate, 116. " April, 1837. Benjamin Perley, Capt. " April 19, 1839. John Morrill (2nd), Clerk. "Mar. 16, 1844. Bela Howard, Capt. Joseph Davis, Jr. Clerk. "May 1,1846. Levi Eichardson, Capt. Eichard F. Sanborn, Clerk. " Mar. 20, 1847. Moses Johnson, Capt. Moses H. Loverin, Clerk. " Mar. 24, 1848. William H. Quimby, Clerk. "Mar. 7, 1849. John C. Nichols, Capt. Joseph Davis, Jr., Clerk, 340 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. " May, 1849. 100 Bayonets, Muskets and Eamrods, 52 Bayonets, Scabbards and Belts, Cartridge Boxes and Belts, Priming Wires and Brushes, 104 Spare Flints, 52 Knapsacks and 52 Canteens, 1 Eoll Book and 1 Orderly Book. " April, 1857. 148 Enrolled men." Churches, Pastoes, etc. — As will be noticed by the early records, the inhabitants of this town •were much inclined to support the church. When appropriations failed to support a preacher, or from any other cause, not having a preacher, meetings were holden constantly by laymen, Moses Eich- ardson reading from a " book of sermons " and leading in prayer while the singing was kept in full quantity by the interested citizens. Through the instrumentality of Daniel, son of Moses Rich- ardson, the first Sabbath-school was formed in the first school-house that was built in District No. 9, situated then on the old New London road, near the spot known as the " Devil's Den." Preachers we iind records of, as far back as Tilly How, teacher and preacher, " imployed " by the town to teach and preach. Then Rev. Salmon Hibbard, Congregational; Rev. Elijah Watson, Free- Will Baptist ; Rev. Job Cushman, Congregational ; Rev. Stephen Combs, Baptist; Rev. P. C. Hines, Free- Wid Baptist; Rev. W^m. Moran, Methodist; Rev. Bennett Palmer, Christian ; Rev. Timothy Cole, Christian ; Rev. Wm. H. Nason, Christian ; Rev. Jas. R. Phillips, Christian ; Rev. Lorenzo Bailey, Christian ; and Rev. Lewis Howard, Methodist, have been residents. Rev. Mr. Howard still lives here and preaches regularly, at the age of eighty-three years. Occasional or non-resident preachers that are called to mind, are Elder Ambrose, of Boscawen ; Rev. Edwin Burnham, ordained and preached here nearly a year ; Walter Harriman, ex-Gover- nor of New Hampshire, preached for the Univer- salist Society a few years part of time, and Rev. Joseph Sargent for a few times, and Rev. Robert Stinson one-fourth of time, also, for the Universalist Society. Rev. Geo. W. Gardner, of New London (Calvinistic Baptist), Rev. Walter Phillips, Rev. Wm. S. MorriU and son, Rev. Alvah H. Morrill, now of Stanfordville, N. Y., Philoman Clough and his son Newton, who were natives of the town, and many others have labored here to the general acceptance of the people. A flourishing Sabbath- school is still connected with the Union Church Society. A church was built and still stands upon the " Gore " annexed to Grantham. The church building at the centre, that was built and dedi- cated in 1799, and moved in 1851 from its origi- nal location on the five-acre town " Lot," occupied now as a cemetery, to its present location. It is a union house and contains our town hall. Rev. Daniel Noyes, Congregational, a native of this town, now and for a long time professor in Dart mouth College, at Hanover, preached the dedica- tion sermon at our church, after being repaired and moved to its present location. He was fol- lowed in the service by Rev. John Moore, Univer- salist, of Concord ; Rev. Reuben Sanborn was edu- cated at Harvard a Presbyterian; died in New York, 1830 ; Rev. Morrison Cross, now supposed to be living in the " West ;'' Rev. James Fowler, an " adopted " native of the town, a successful Universalist preacher in Tennessee ; Rev. Loren Webster, son of Mrs. D. N. Adams, is an Episco- pal clergyman at Ashland, N. H. Augusta A. Adams, oldest daughter of Hon. D. N. Adams, who is the only man in town that has served iri, the State Senate, was educated at Merideu, taught in New York and in Massachu- setts, and married Rev. Lucian B. Adams, and went to Turkey as a missionary and died there. Hotels. — Ensign Nathaniel Little built the first real hotel on the " French Place," on the great " East and West " road, east of where Chas. M. Noyes now lives. Daniel Noyes built the hotel where John S. Colby now lives, about the time the fourth New Hampshire turnpike was built, which was a " toll " road ; said hotel was af- terward occupied as such, and did a large business (often stabling one hundred horses as transient), by James Willis, Enoch Chellis, Ring, Nathan Stickney for some fifteen years, D. N. Adams, John Brown, John Nevins, J. S. Durgin, O. C. Howard and Wm. E. Melendy. SPRINGFIELD. 341 Sam'l. Little built a tavern upon the" height of the land " where Mrs. Wm. Bean now lives, known as the Calif place. After Mr. Little's death his widow, a very capable landlady, managed the house, after which it gradually became extinct, passing out of the Little estate. Dr. Joseph Nichols built where J. Davis, Jr., and Dr. D. P. Goodhue now resides, which was occupied during the most of the time of its being a " hotel " by D. N. Adams, being some thirty years in all, during which time it did a very large business. Merchants. — We have been able to find that several of our citizens have at different times been engaged in mercantile business, and give them as tradition informs us. Captain Deputy Bowman traded in the house now occupied by Joseph Davis, Jr ; Daniel Noyes, where L. L. Hill now lives, who afterwards built a store where J. S. Colby now lives; James Willis, at same store ; also Wm. E. Melendy at same place ; David Colcord, at four corners in house built by Timothy Quimby (2d), several years ; Moses Johnson and Solomon Clem- ent, at same store ; then said Clement built the building or store now occupied by Henry E. Quim- by, and traded there some twelve years ; since oc- cupied by Wm. Carroll, John H. Williams, How- ard & Knisley, John White, Merrill & Johnson, Howard & Melendy, and Joseph B. Prescott as a store. Joseph Colby traded where James H. Co- fran now lives; Benj. E. Woodman & Co., at Langdon L. Hill's ; also Nichols &. Adams, Adams & Clement, D. N. Adams, Kimball Haseltine and Dr. Abner Johnson. At the store now occupied by D. N. Adams & Son, which was built by Dr. Joseph Nichols and D. N. Adams some fifty years ago, Levi Richardson, now merchant in Frank- lin, was clerk two years and partner with D. N. Adams eighteen years, said Adams having been in the business some sixty years. T. Cole, J. E. Babbitt, Dr. A Johnson and others at different times and places. Mills and Brick- Yards. — The following are among the prominent mills that have been in use in town ; Lowell's mill was built in about 1775, near Mrs. Austin Loverin's present residence, and used for grinding corn, rye, etc. Robert Wadleigh Smith, Daniel and Joseph Bean built a " saw and grist " mill on land now occupied by M. C. Col- cord, west of the mill recently destroyed by fire, that was built by Edgar A. Washburn in 1869, which was forty by eighty feet, and con- tained circular, lathe, shingle and other saws, planing-machiue, etc. ; said Smith and Beans re- ceiving land and money as per votes from the Protectworth proprietry herewith recorded. McGregory and John Field erected a carding-mill near the above mentioned mills and it was after- wards occupied by Ebenezer Clough, now of Enfield. Seth Gay had grist and saw-mills on different sites, near where Gilman Smith now lives. Reu- ben Hoyt purchased the Lowell mill and occupied it several years, after which his sons Tristam and Reuben, Jr., rebuilt said corn or grist-mill nearly opfiosite where the church now stands, and built a saw-mill near or just below the mill now owned and used by James T. Colby ; also they built sub- stantial dams at the Station Pond, which now remain. Deacon Moses Richardson and Reuben Stevens built the " Old Spruce mill," about 1795, near the site where Sargent Heath's now stands ; and tra- dition informs us that said Richardson received fifty acres of land (as an inducement to build C. McDaniels Karr said mill), now contained in past- ure, and said Stevens fifty acres, about due east of the Hill Mica Ledge, near what is called " Scot- land." About 1833, Gilman Sawyer, of this town, built a shingle-mill just " across the line " in Wil- mot, where Josiah Johnson had a saw-mill. Deacon Philip Brown owned a large tract of timber-land in this town and Grantham, and erected a saw and shingle-mill on same spot where the Washburn mill stood about the years 1837-38, afterward in the hands of Joseph and Moses C. Colcord and others. About 1810, Samuel Little and John Karr built a saw-mill near top of " Sorrel Hill," on fourth New Hampshire turnpike; also had a brick-yard near by. Isaac Morse and D. Bean 342 HISTORY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. had another brick-yard opposite where E. A- "Washburn now lives, which furnished brick for many of the present houses in town. There was another yard near Gilman Pond, owned by Enoch Collins, Jr., and Captain Jona- than Loverin, who sent their brick, many of them, to New London. Elihu Chase built the shingle-mill afterwards owned by Alonzo Cross, and now owned by Alon- zo B. Putney, and, in company with Kimball Haseltine, the saw-mill now owned by F. P. George. Seth Fisher built a shingle and clapboard-mill where. A. J. Kidder's lower mill now stands. John W. Noyes, now of Chester, built the best- finished mill on turnpike, on land now owned by John F. Hardy, which was destroyed by fire when about ten years old. Shingle-mills of Kneeland Stocker and Joseph W. Hill also had their day, and passed away. Warren Johnson and CharlesD. Sargent, under the firm-name of Johnson & Sargent, erected dams and saw, shingle and clapboard-mills at the outlet of Morgan Pond, where they owned five hundred acres of heavy timbered land, in the year 1847, now owned by A. J. Kidder, of New London. Orra C. Howard, in 1848, purchased a very large tract of land of Nathan Stickney, of Con- cord, erected dwelling-houses and a costly mill — shingle, clapboard and saw — on the site of the " Old Spruce mill." After it had served its pur- pose, the machinery and frame were sold to diflfer- ent parties and carried away. In 1843 a company was formed, and built a nice and expensive grist-mill, opposite the church, which was operated by the company known as Station Mill Company for about seven years, when it was sold to Ebenezer L. Nichols ; afterwards in hands of Alonzo P. Nichols, then sold to Albert H. Davis and A. J. Sanborn, and was run by Richard T. Sanborn, who with A. H. Davis, built the present saw-mill, now owned by J. T. Colby. Said Station Company's grist-mill was sold and moved away in about 1870. Kneeland and William Stocker have for many years had a carriage-shop and wheelwright mills. their wheels being noted for perfection and dura- bility. Cowles, Gass & Co. also had a carriage manu- factory on the Sugar River Branch,, that was moved into Grantham, being on the Gore that, as elsewhere mentioned, has been annexed to Gran- tham. A " baker's dozen " or more of cider-mills have been erected, lived and died, or decayed, and only three now in the vigor of life remain, viz. : Sanborn's, Putney's and McDaniel's, with Boomer & Boschert, grater and press. There have been used in town three steam mills, — one near John Robie's, one in the Perly District, and one near the Eben Blood place. Physicians. — Dr. William Phillips, who lived on the farm owned by Levi S. Hill, is the first res- ident doctor, we are informed, who made a short stay here. Dr. Nathaniel Prentis served the town several years in different town ofiices and repre- sented the town in General Court, as appears by record and this history ; and he was surgeon of the Thirty-first Regiment New Hampshire Militia, and a man who was very much honored and respected by the community. He was killed, almost in- stantly, October 10, 1810, on his way home from Newport in company with his comrades — from " muster " — by being thrown from his horse near the Cornish road and A. P. Welcome's buildings in said Newport. His residence was on " Phil- brick Hill," on the farm now owned by George H. Cross. Dr. Samuel Flagg, a traveling physician, ministered to the " physical" ailments of the peo- ple for a short time. Dr. Amasa Howard was here in 1812, located near L. L. and L. F. Hill's, and, after a few years, was succeeded by Dr. Abner Johnson, father of Mrs. Ferona Howard, and owned the place now occupied by Rev. Lewis Howard. He remained in town until about 1835 and removed to Lowell, Mass. He, like Dr. Prentis, took an important position in State, town and society matters, and was a skillful practitioner. Dr. Joseph Nichols, a native of this town, born in the house now owned and occupied" by Joseph L. Brown, spent his life among his native hills. No SPRINGFIELD. 343 person labored more to benefit the town by im- proving the public roads, the schools and church than did Dr. Nichols. As a physician he had few equals about the country. He died in May, 1853. During Dr. Nichols' practice he sold out to one Dr. Copp, of New London, reserving the right to attend his relatives and personal friends when called upon. Dr. Copp, a well-read physician, after remaining in town a year or more, teaching singing and other branches, decided that Dr. Nichols had more " relatives and personal friends " than any other man he ever heard of, and left town for a clearer field of practice. Dr. Valen- tine Manahan, a native of New London, came here and commenced practice in 1851, having been fitted by tne medical schools of Philadelphia and other places. He never accepted any town or other office within the gift of the people, but labored earnestly politically, and was very success ful both in politics and medical practice, having had a very large circle of patients. He closed practice here in 1866, and, after looking over the Western country settled in Enfield, where he continues a very successful practitioner. Dr. D. P. Goodhue, a native of Dunbarton, after serving in the navy during the Rebellion, took Dr. Manahan's place as physician and still contin- ues to practice medicine here with great credit to himself, and has the entire confidence and sym- pathy of his townsmen. The following physicians, practicing elsewhere, were natives of this town : Joseph D. Nichols, died in Pennsylvania ; Dr. Moses C. Richardson, died in Marlborough, Mass.; Dr. John Robie, died in Corinth, Vt., where he had a large and successful practice ; Dr. Vanransellier Morse ; Dr. Willard Bowman, went to Vermont to practice ; Dr. Still- man Wood, practiced and died in Enfield; Dr. Moses C. Hoyt, emigrated westward ; Robert A. Blood, educated at Harvard Medical School is now practicing in Charlestown, Mass ; Charles A. Messer, a graduate of Dartmouth Medical School, is practicing at Turner's Falls, Mass, BIOGRAPHICAL. Bailey. — Joseph Bailey moved here from Old Haverhill, Mass., and married Sally Sanders, of Grafton. She brought a cow here in 1810, the descen- dants of which, with a few exceptions, have been white-faced and been in the Bailey family, and are now owned by Westley. Roxana Bailey married, first, John F. Youngman, of Lempster ; second, Moses Spaulding. John married Eliza Nich- ols and he died several years ago. Franklin mar- ried Eleanor Stevens, who died a few years ago. Lorenzo married Sarah A. Leavitt. He is at present temporarily located in Grafton, preaching there. His only son, John, lives on the place he formerly occupied. Westley married Ann Stevens. Nancy married Eli Spauling, and, after his death, the Rev. F. S. Bliss, a native of Cheshire, Mass. He was a very successful Universalist clergyman, preaching at Enfield, N. H., and Barre, Vt, for fifteen years. He died at Greensborough, N. C , March 23, 1873. Mrs. Bliss is now living in Cornish. Bowman. — Deputy Bowman married Sarah Philbrick, only sister of Abraham Philbrick, in 1795. She died in 1800, leaving two children, — Sarah and Walter. Sarah married John Loverin and had one child. Philander, who lived and died in town. Walter married and moved to Vermont Deputy Bowman married Margaret McClure, De- cember 2, 1802. The children were Willard, Joseph, Susanna, Sylvester, Deputy Casson, John, Oliver, Mary Ann, Margaret Maria, Elizabeth and Narcissa. Willard was a physician ; Joseph a successful lawyer, of Belfast, Me.; Sylvester a brewer, living in Boston ; Mary Ann, the only one living in town, is the wife of Phineas Messer ; they have three sons living, — Melvin, Charles and Sylvester. Narcissa married George Thompson, living in Lexington, Mass. BoYCE. — James Boyce and Adam Boyce were also among the first settlers, both of whom had many descendants, only two of which remain in town,— sons of James, — viz.: Talent, who, with a family, lives near Station Pond, and Moses O. and family on " Hogg Hill." Smith. — Israel Smith, a pioneer, had tJiree adopted boys, — Charles Carpenter, Jacob Smith 344 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and Josiah Chandler Williams— and four chil- dren of his own, — William Plunimer Smith, who died several years since ; Jonathan B. Smith, now living in town and one of the largest sugar- makers ; his twin sister Joanna, married Joseph Johnson, both died here ; and Blary W. Smith, born November 11, 1823. • PiLLSBURY. — Joseph Pillsbury came here at an early day, having eight children, only one of which now resides here,— Asa F. and his son, Amos H. Pillsbury. Said Joseph was drafted in the War of 1812, and Adam Boyce went as a substitute for him. Collins. — Some time about 1798, Enoch Collins came to this town from Salisbury, N. H., and settled in the south part of town, where Richard W. Allen now lives. He had four sons and three daughters, — Benjamin P., Enoch, Jr., Enos and John ; Mary lived in New York, Clarissa lived in Nebraska, and Nancy married George W. Craft and lived in New London ; she is alive now and a very smart old lady. None of his descendants now live in town but one granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Woodward. Enos Collins, Enoch's brother, came here before 1800, and died in 1817. He left a large family, who are now all dead but Mrs. Susan Robie, -who lives in Salisbury, N. H. He has but two descendants in town, — Henry T. Sanborn and John Robie. Joseph Collins, another brother, came here and raised a family of eight or ten children. He went from this town more than forty years ago to Stewartstown, N. H., and died there. One of his sons, Joseph, Jr., always lived in town, and died here when more than eighty years old. Only one of his descendants lives in town, Henry J. Collins, who is a blacksmith. Charles Collins settled here, and had four chil- dren, — Sarah, married Moses D. Richardson ; Nancy, married Nathaniel Loverin ; Hannah, married Benjamin D. Collins; and Charles, Jr., married Nancy McDaniel. They are all dead, and none of their descendants remain in town. Seth Collins, another brother, settled here, but moved to St. Albans, Vt., many years ago. Deacon John Collins and wife came to spend their last days with their children in town, and (lied here. All the Collinses lived in School District No. 9, on the old road leading to New London. They were honest, respectable people, and very indus- trious citizens. Colby. — Benjamin Colby, born in Hopkinton September 25, 1776. Abigail Eaton, his wife, born in New Salem March 9, 1776. They were married March 25, 1800, and moved on to farm bought of Robert Hogg, in the southwestern part of the town, three days after their marriage. They had seven children, — Benjamin, Jr., William D., Sally, Timothy, Eliza, James and Polly. Mrs. Colby died in 1852, and Mr. Colby in 1854. Benjamin Colby, Jr., born in 1801, married Polly L. Eastman, who was born in Weare in 1804, but moved to Springfield with her parents, Moses and Polly Eastman, in 1807. They moved on to the Colby place in 1851. They had four sons and one daughter, — Eliza, now stopping with her brother, James T., postmaster of West Spring- field. Stephen P. also lives in town. The old place still remains in the Colby name. William D. Colby, the oldest son, is an enterpris- ing farmer, living on " Sanborn Hill." He mar- ried Mahala Sanborn. They have five chilflren living, one of whom is a very successful teacher. Philip Colby, of Salisbury, married Abra Greeley, and settled on the west side of Colonel Sanborn's hill, near where the large elm-tree now stands. He afterwards bought out Stephen and John Sawyer, and built new buildings where Center F. Smith now lives, and died there in 1842. He took a prominent part in town oflBces, in building the meeting-house, also the fourth New Hampshire turnpike. He will be long re- membered by the old citizens. He had nine children, — John, Sally, Nancy, Bill, Rillah, Cinda, Sam, Clara and Sophia ; all are dead but Sophia. John, Bill and Sally lived in Rochester, N. Y. Nancy married I. Webster, of Wilmot ; she was thrown from a carriage and killed in 1828. Rillah married Joseph Severance, of SPRINGFIELD. 345 Derby, Vt., and died in Warner, N. H., in 1855 Sally, Cinda, Clara and Sophia never married. Cinda died in 1818 ; Clara in 1879. She was well known as a very industrious woman, and was highly respected by her townspeople. Sam Colby married Maria Adams, of Mason, and lived upon the farm owned by his father until 1870, when he sold it. He died in 1878 at his daughter's, Mrs. Leora M., wife of John H. Johnson. Leora died in 1883. Christopher C. resides in Manchester, N. H. John D. lives in Kansas. Charles M. died August 14, 1863, at Covington, Ky., while in the Union army. Henry A. died in Washington, D. C, from the effects of a wound. Sophia, the youngest of Philip Colby's children, still lives within a few rods of the paternal home, at the age of eighty-three years. CoLCOED. — Among the early bettlers were three brothers — Thomas, Stephen and Joseph Colcord. They married three sisters by the name of Bean, and came here from Candia. Thomas lived on the hill east of the Timothy Davis place. They had several children. Hittey and Sarah married and lived in Vermont ; Abigail married John Johnson, of Enfield, N. H. ; Nancy married John Heath ; Hannah married Andrew Pettingill. He lived in town, near Enfield, and died here, after which she married John Field and moved to the West. David married Milly Philbrick. He died and was buried in town. Jennie and Dolly died young, and Moses went West. Stephen lived where John Johnson now lives. Had four girls. Elvira married Reuben Hoyt ; lived and died in town. Hannah married Dr. Joseph Nichols. Their children were named Ann, Joe, Jeannette, Elizabeth, Frank and Ade line. None of them live in town. Mary married and lived in Vermont. Abigail married James Johnson. Had two daughters— Betsy Ann, now dead, and Elvira, now married and living in Grantham. Mrs. Johnson is now living in town. Joseph Colcord lived where Sylvanus Gross now lives. His children were Sam, Hittey, Thomas, Joseph, David, Stephen, Mahala and Dorinda. None living in town but Joseph. One son, Moses, by first wife, also lives here. His second wife was Betsy Gilman. Three only of their nine children are living. Hazzard. — James Carr Hazzard was born in Newbury, Mass. (now Newburyport), August 2, 1759. He enlisted in the army at the age of six- teen, calling himself eighteen. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill and in several other battles. He married, February 11, 1787, Betsy Greeley, daughter of Shubael Greeley, of Salisbury. They moved into town when there were but twenty families here, and endured the hardships and pri- vations of a newly-settled country. She sowed seeds from apples her father raised in Salisbury, and planted with her own hands the orchard that now stands on the farm (known as the " Town Farm "), owned by Sargent Heath. They had eleven children, — Anna Hazzard, born April 15, 1788 ; Mary Hazzard, born January 20, 1790; James Hazzard, born December 30, 1791 ; Ruth Hazzard, born February 12, 1794; Sarah Hazzard, born March 6, 1796; Asenath Hazzard, born February 12, 1798 ; Cyrus Hazzard, born April 15, 1800 ; Thirzah Hazzard, born June 28, 1802 ; Luther Hazzard, born December 28, 1804; Lucy Hazzard, born February 5, 1808 ; Thirzah Hazzard, born October 6, 1810. Anna Hazzard, when eighteen years of age, went to Salisbury, at Deacon Cate's, to learn. the tailor's trade; she gave three years' time. She married Jesse Fuller, of Lebanon, April 11, 1811. They moved to Lebanon and lived one year ; ' then they moved to Salem, Mass., where he was pro- prietor of the Boston and Salem baggage-wagons about seven years. He was returning from Boston one very dark night, when his wagon ran against a large heap of dirt which had been thrown from the town pumps, and he was instantly killed, April 18, 1822. His wife, Anna, was left with four small children. Abigail, who was known in this town as a successful teacher. John was sent to Hanover to learn the tanner's trade. He went to New York as a teacher ; married, lived and died there. Elizabeth S. was sent to 346 HISTOKY OP SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. Springfield to live with her grandparents, where she was brought up, and who prides herself of her Greeley descent. Lucius, the baby, his mother kept with her. He afterwards was a tailor in town ; he married for his wife Laurette F. Con- verse, of Lyme, N. H. ; he went to Troy, N. Y., on a visit to his brother's, and died. Mary Hazzard married Isaac Haselton ; lived in Springfield. They had three children — James, who died young, Rhoda, James. Rhoda lives in Webster, N. H. James Hazzard married a lady in Vermont ; went there to live. He had four children — Rosanna, Irena, Clara and Thirzah. Ruth Hazzard married Josiah Johnson, of Springfield. They had five children — Hannah, Beri, Samuel, Melinda, Mary. Two are now liv- ing — Hannah Johnson Noyes in Atkinson, N. H., and Mary Johnson Davis in Jafirey. Sarah Hazzard married Jonathan Stewart, and lived in Bow. They had nine children, only two living — Jonathan M. Stewart, dealer in carpets, at Concord, N. H. ; Marion Stewart Osgood, a dress- maker, at Concord, N. H. Asenath Hazzard married Jerry Lamborn, of Enfield, N. H. ; moved to Boonville, N. Y. They had three children, one living in New York in 1885. Cyrus Hazzard went to New York ; married and lived there. He had six children ; five are now living. Thirzah died when about two years old. Luther Hazzard went to New York as a teacher ; married and settled in Rensellearville, N. Y., where he lived until his death. He had one child. Lucy Hazzard married, first, a farmer, Giles Stockwell, of Croydon; married, second, Jonathan Emerson, of Lebanon, where she now lives alone at the age of seventy-seven years. Thirzah Hazzard married, first, Silas Kinsley, a merchant, and lived in Springfield. They had three children ; two are now living. Orenda lives in Stoneham, Mass., and works at dressmaking. Charles lives in California. He married for his wife Fran Hill, daughter of L. L, Hill, of Spring- field. She married for her second husband Colonel Beals, of Lyme, where she now lives at the age of seventy-four years. Lucy and Thirzah are the only ones left of the family. Elizabeth Fuller, wife of Joseph Davis, Jr., is the only one left in town of the descendants of the Hazzards. She had two children. Henry died at the age of sixteen. Abby is married and lives in Springfield. She is the wife of Dr. David P. Goodhue. Heath. — In the early days there was a family of seven brothers and sisters, who came here from Salem, Mass, — Evan M., Daniel, Enoch, John, James, Hannah and Rachel. Evan M. married Betsy Woodward and had seven childen, — Rhoda, Nathaniel, Jesse, Johnson, Enoch, Ira and Daniel. Rhoda first married David Bean, having two chil- dren, — Rhoda and David, — and then married Joshua Stevens, having three children, — Mary Ann, who married Joseph Robie, now living in town ; Nathaniel and Manley, who are dead. Na- thaniel married Margaret Streeter, of New York. They had eleven children, — Uriah, in the navy three years, married Mary E. Stevens, of Grafton, daughter of Barnard C. Stevens ; Elias and H. Johnson Heath went to Canada ; Betsy married Albert Swetland, of Providence, R. I.; Evan M. married Grace Loverin, now living in Salisbury, N. H.; Francis A. married Rhoda A. Heath, of Pittsburg, N. H., now living in Enfield ; Charlotte died in infancy ; Vensana married John Jeffers, who have only one child living, — Lizzie V., mar- ried to M. A. Burnham, — Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers hav- ing buried eight children with diphtheria; Rhoda A., widow of John Sanders ; Stephen S. died in the Union army ; and Charles J. died in town when eighteen years old. Jesse, son of Evan M., of Salem, married and died in New York. Johnson, son of Evan M., who married Nancy Sanborn, of Grafton, was the father of Monroe C. Heath, ex-mayor of Chicago, and of Warren and Calista, who are dead. Enoch, son of Evan M., married Polly Jones. Children were Diana, present wife of John F. Carter, of Andover; Nicanor, of Grafton ; Arville, wife of Joseph Whitcomb, of SPRINGFIELD. 347 Andover ; Josiah, died in Grafton ; Eoxanna, first wife of George Miller, who lives at East Canaan ; Aurilla, married Barauch Smith, of Grafton ; and Ora C, living in Orange. Ira, son of Evan M., married Kebecca Greeley ; had one child. Dan- iel, son of Evan M., married Sophia Baruhart, of Cornwall, Canada. Daniel's second wife is the present wife of Moses Leavitt, of Grafton. Dan- iel Heath, who came from Salem, lived on George Hill, in Enfield, and was the father of Dorset Heath. Enoch Heath, a soldier of the Revolu- tionary War, married Lizzie Stevens and lived where Russell Kidder now lives. Enoch's son, Samuel, married Mary Dearborn. Of their chil- dren, only Sarah Ann, wife of Samuel Maxfield, and John Heath, are now residents. Enoch's other son, Ezekiel, married Lucretia Babbitt and had one child. He then married Jerusha Fuller and had nine more, — Leonard, married, first, Sally Morgan, and, after her death, married Lydia Jane Hill; Levi married Priscilla Clifford, he died several years ago, and his widow and several chil- dren are living in town ; Enoch and Hiram died in Vermont ; George is a depot-master of Sharon, Vt ; William died in town ; Van Buren, the seventh son, died in Lowell, Mass.; Gerrard first married Hannah Hook, and second Rosalette Heath, now living in town ; and Narcissa, died in town. John, who came from Salem, married Dolly Davis, lived opposite M. C. Burnham's and died at the age of one hundred and seven years. They had fourteen children, — James, Dolly, John, Zac- cheus, Lydia, Marion, Nancy, Hannah, Jonathan, Edmund, Christopher, Polly, Rhoda and Phebe. Dolly married John Jeflfers, who came here from Hampstead. They had eight children. Mary Jeffers married Enoch Quimby; Phebe Jeifers married Samuel Sanders and is the present wife of Jeremiah Stevens ; Jacob Jefiers married Cathe- rine Kempton, of Croydon ; Stephen Jeffers died in Lyme ; John Jeffers married Vensana Heath ; David Jeffers married Melinda Cummings, of Colebrook ; Edward Jeffers married a Smith of Salisbury ; Polly Jeffers, died. John Heath mar- ried Nancy Colcord ; their children were named Alfred, Jonathan, Charlotte, Dorothy, Stephen and Martha. Hannah Heath married Daniel Bean ; had one child, Emeline, who married Nich- olas Hardy of this town. James, who came from Salem, married Hannah Clark and lived where J. C Pettengill now lives ; had three children, — Moses, lived in Wilmot; Lucinda, married John M. Philbrick, of this town ; and Mary, married Freeman Smalley, of Hanover. Hannah, who came from Salem, married Dr. Peaslee, of Alex- andria. One of his children is the present wife of Esquire John Austin. Rachel, who came from Salem, married Samuel George, commonly called " King George ;" had five children, none known to be living. Hogg. — Among the early settlers were Charles and Robert Hogg. Charles settled on a hill, which resulted in the name " Hogg Hill." We find from the records that James Hogg, the son of Charles and Hannah Hogg, was born in 1791 ; Polly Hogg, in 1793 ; Susannah Little Hogg, in 1796 ; Sophia Hogg, in 1799 ; Benjamin Franklin Hogg, in 1800 ; and Thomas Jefferson Church, son of Charles and Hannah Church, was born in 1802 ; and Charles Church, in 1805. None of their descendants are known to be in town. Robert Hogg, brother of Charles, lived opposite where James K, Richardson now lives. Robert Hogg, Jr , born in 1787, married Huldah Winter, November 17, 1808. They had one daughter, Margery. John Hogg, son of Robert, married Susanna Sanborn. Their children were Betsy Hogg, born in 1807 ; John Hogg, in 1810 ; James Hogg, in 1812; Joseph Hogg, in 1814; Moses Hogg, in 1816 ; Daniel Hogg, in 1820; and Israel and Mathew Harvey Johnson. Thus it ap- pears that John and Susanna Hogg had their names changed to Johnson some time after 1820. Betsy married Kneeland Stocker and died soon after. James married Abigail Colcord ; had two daughters, — Betsy Ann, who married Mark Burnham, died several years ago ; Elvira, married Dr. W. C. Kempton, and is now living in Grant- ham. Joseph married Joanna Smith. They had two children, — John, who married Leora Colby, 348 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ■who died, and he has recently married Kate Gault, of Arlington, Vt. ; and Susan, who married Rev. Warren Noyea, who has preached in town several times and now lives in Vermont. Moses and Daniel were blacksmiths in town and both died here. Israel married Huldah Sargent. He is dead and his widow now lives in town with her brother, Enoch Sargent. Harvey married Han- nah Sargent. They live in Concord, N. H. Kakr. — Samuel Clay married Hannah Karr. They came here from Candia, N. H., and settled on the Colonel Sanborn Hill, so-called. He served as a town officer and was licensed to sell rum, gin and brandy, but cautioned not to mix water with it. John Karr, of Candia, N. H., married Eliza- beth Murray, of Chester, N. H. They settled at an early date on what is called Colonel Sanborn's HilL Karr was a large, powerful man and fought wild beasts and witchea, Our informant remembers when a small boy, of looking on with fear and see- ing him destroy one with hot irons, but does not remember of seeing the dead witch. Old inhabit- ants claimed that Mr. Karr cleared more acres of land than any other man that settled in town. He had four sons and one daughter, Hannah, who never married^ and died in 1822 ; Samuel, married Nancy Greely, of New London, and lived and died therS; John, Jr., never married, lived at Concord the last of his life ; Mark lived and died at Epping, N. H. ; Joseph lived and died at Man- chester, N. H.,and has several children living there now. Mr. Karr built where Joseph M. Robie now lives, and died there in 1843. He has no descend- ants living in town. Kinsman. — In 1794 Captain Ephraim Kins- nian, Colonel Aaron, Deacon Stephen and Asa Kinsman, Joseph and James Riddle, Jr. , lived in that part of the town now called Fowler Town, then Kinsman Corner. It was about.six miles from the centre of the town, and an unbroken forest lay between them and the small settlement at the centre. The Kinsmans had lived there several years, but it Was not known to the people at the centre until Samuel Robie, Esq., and Captain John Quimby took a compass and went on an exploring expedi- tion, and, much to the surprise of both parties, found their neighbors. This was several years before 1794. John Morrill married Kinsman, and settled at an early date in this part of the town. He was a very worthy man, and " Let his moder- ation be known to all men." He had three sons, — Stephen, John, Jr., and Enos ; also two daugh- ters Stephen has been gone from town many years, but has one son living in Wilmot, the Rev. William S. Morrill. John Jr., and Enos still live in town, having sons and daughters living near them. Little. — Nathaniel Little was bom in Atkin- son, N. H., November 10, 1746; married Mary Carleton, of Plaistow, N. H. After living a time at Portland, Me., he purchased a farm and resided at Plaistow, N. H. About the year 1790 he removed with his younger children to this town, where he cleared wild lands and settled them upon farms. His daughter, Susan, married Osgood Taylor, who was a tavern-keeper at Springfield, Sandown and Hampstead, where he died. Samuel married Sally Pettengill, of this town, and built and kept a tavern at the James Calef place, on the turnpike. He died in 1814. Joseph married Sarah Webster, of Salisbury, and lived on a farm near Stockertown. He was a sea-captain, and died away from home, in 1820. Elizabeth married John Hoyt, and settled on a farm near the old Stickney tavern. John, at the age of twenty-two, left home and was not heard from for thirty years. He was a sea-captain, and died in 1840, unmarried. Amos, the youngest of thirteen children (the only one born in town), was born February 27, 1796; he lived with his father until he was fifteen years old, when he left home and learn- ed the hatters' trade. In 1818 he commenced the manufacturing of hats at Newport, N. H., and continued in the business until his death, August 17, 1859. Nathaniel Little (Senior) was in the Revo- SPRINGFIELD. 349 lutionary War, served as ensign, and was wounded at the battle of Saratoga. After the death of his son Samuel, in 1814, he went to Hampstead, N. H., to live with his oldest son, where he died, August 11, 1827. LovEEiN. — Eben Loverin and Lydia, his wife, came here about 1780 with six children,— John, Ebenezer, Caleb, Polly, Lydia and Hittey. They walked from Salisbury on snow-shoes, bringiilg the youngest in their arms. John Loverin mar- ried Betsy Hall, of Croydon, and lived there. Ebenezer Loverin married Polly Bliss, of Leba- non ; lived and died in town. Caleb Loverin mar- ried Mary Keniston, of Stratham. Polly Loverin married Joseph Nichols, father of Dr. Joseph, John, Phineas, Eben and Lydia. John Nichols married Betsy Stevens ; they had several children, only one of which, John C, is now living in town. Lydia Nichols married Cutting Greeley, of Salis- bury. Dr. Joseph Nichols married Hannah Colcord. He was a successful physician in town ; had several children, all away from town now. Eben Nichols married Sarah MeDaniel. Phineas Nichols taught over thirty years in the High School at Ports- mouth, N. H. Lydia Loverin married Dr. Nathaniel Prentis, who was instantly killed, leaving one daughter, now dead. Hittey Loverin married Abraham Philbrick, who came here from Kingston ; had nine children, — Sally, Milly, Abram S , Porter K., Jeremiah, John, Hittey, Olive and Lydia. Sally married James Noyes and lived in town. She is now eighty-seven years old, living in Buda, 111., with her daughter. Milly married David Colcord, who died, leaving two children, James and Ann (now Mrs. H. Hatch), both living in Lebanon. She died in 1882. Abram S. married Lydia Loverin, of Croydon, and had five children, — Henry, Horace, Marietta, Louisa and Betsy Jane. Henry lives in Manchester. Marietta in Croydon ; the others in town — Louisa living with her father, who is eighty-three years old. Porter K. married Nancy Hoyt, of Enfield, and lived in Wilmot. He died a few years ago. Jeremiah married Lydia Jane Sanborn and had four chil- dren, — James, Martha, Ellen and Orra, who is the only one living in town. His second wife was Mrs. Angle Williams, of Grafton; one child, Leona. John married, first, Lucinda Heath ; four chil- dren now living, — Loren, Elwin, Warren and Milly. All in town but Loren. Second, Sephina Morgan, of New London. He always lived in town, and died in 1880. Hittey married James MeDaniel. Olive married L. L. Hill. Only three children living, — Porter and Francis in California and Edson with his father in town. She died in 1883. Lydia married L. F. Hill. Always lived in town and have three sons, — Orin, Cyrus and Charles. Orin lives in Michigan. Jedediah Philbrick, of Kingston, brother of Abraham, married Hannah Thirston, March 19, 1794. Their children were Betsy, Samuel, Dolly, Lua, Anna, Dinah and Emily B. Anna married Ezra Pillsbury, and is now liv- ing in town, seventy-nine years old, and Emily is living in the West. Jonathan Loverin and wife came here from Candia and settled on the old New London road. They had eight sons, — Benjamin went to Vermont and died there; Nathaniel married Nancy Col- lins ; John married Sarah Bowman ; Prescott mar- ried Betsy Sawyer; Daniel married Sarah Russell ; Jonathan, Jr., married Mai one, from Salis- bury ; Ira married Mary A. Brigham, from Ver- ment ; Austin married Susan Kinsman, and after her death married Lovina Morrill. Only two of their children now living in town, — Ida L. and Sarah Ann, wife of George H. Morgan. Thorp. — Samuel Thorp, of Beverly, Mass., came here with Ephraim Morgan and helped clear land near Morgan Pond. Said Thorp and wife had five daughters. One married a Cressy, of Bradford ; one a Mr. Ward, of Lebanon ; Olive married Josiah Johnson, of Wilmot ; Hannah married John Silver ; Almina married Ebenezer Whittemore, of Wilmot. No descendants in town. McDaniel. — James MeDaniel we find was in 350 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. town before 1794, with a family of four children, — Mark, Daniel, John and Polly. He lived upon the same farm that is now occupied by Charles Mc- Daniel, but his buildings were upon the top of the hill, near what is known as the Whittemore house. John married Hannah Morse, of Kingston ; they were the parents of five children, — Abigail, Sarah, Daniel, James and Hannah. They moved to the house now occupied by Charles McDaniel, in J 808, from a house about twenty-five rods north of the present buildings. Abigail McDaniel, born 1799, March 25, married Stephen H. Heath. She died in 1834, leaving three boys, who are now dead. Sarah McDaniel, born February 21, 1803, married Eben L. Nichols. They both died in town, having reared a family of four sons, — Alonzo P., Leonard, Lyman L. and Lovell W., only one of whom is known to be living, Alonzo P. Nichols, now of Manchester, N. H. Daniel McDaniel, born March 28, 1804, went to Cherry Valley, Ohio, and married Eliza Greene. Three sons, Lanson, John and James survive them ; Lanson, now living in the mining region in Pennsylvania ; John, in Iowa ; and James in Rome, Ohio. James McDan- iel, born February 13, 1807, married, Novem- ber 24, 1833, Hittey L. Philbrick. He always lived in town, upon the old homestead, except while teaching a few terms in New York. He died in 1873, leaving four children, — Charles, Ann, George and Ellp. Charles married Amanda M. Quimby; Ann married S. H. Jackman, a graduate of Dart- mouth Ccllege, now living in Sacramento, Cal. ; George also lives in Sacramento, Cal. ; Ella is at present living on the " McDaniel " farm, with her mother, who is seventy- three years old. Hannah McDaniel, born April 14, 1813, is now licing at Enfield, N. H., as widow of Albert Currier. She has one son, Nathan, a graduate of Tufts College. Morgan.— Ephraira Morgan came here before 1795, from Beverly, Mass., and settled in the wil- derness, on land which is now owned by Jeremiah Philbrick and used as a pasture. He had seven chil- dren,— John, Ephraira, Richard, Sally, Ebenezer, William and Garry. John Morgan, bom August 31, 1791, married Betsy Richardson. They had three children, — Betsy, who is now living in Wake- field, Mass. ; Sally, who married Leonard Heath ; and Rebecca, who died in town. Ephraim Mor- gan married and raised a large family of children ; died in Francestown, N. H. Richard Morgan, died in the West, and Sally died here unmarried. Ebenezer Morgan, born March 14, 1801, married Abigail Rowe, of Candia, had six children, — Mary Ann, who married Charlton Woodbury, and lives in New London ; Sarah Jane, now living in Man- chester ; Richard S., married Messer, and lives in New London ; Ephraim D., married and living in Manchester; Ellen J. and Frank B., who are now living in town with their mother, who is nearly blind. William Morgan married Mary Ful- ler ; had four children, — Garry; George H , who married Sarah Ann Loverin, and lives in town ; Laura and Lucy, both living in Sunapee. Laura married Willard Chase, and Lucy, Alfred Mar- tin. Garry Morgan, born October 22, 1806, died in town. Messer. — Phineas jNIesser and wife, of New London, cleared the land where his sons Phineas and Jacob now live (also had one other son, John, died young). Louis married Darius Kidder. Mary died of consumption. Phineas married Mary A. Bowman, and have three children living, — Melvin, Charles and Syl- vester. Jacob married Mariett Burpee, of New London ; one child, Herbert H., also living in town. Notes. — Daniel Noyes married a Miss Ware, from Andover ; had two sons, — Hon. John W. Noyes, now living in Chester, N. H., and is president of Derry Bank; Daniel J. Noyes, of Hanover, who has long been a professor in Dart- mouth College Ebenezer Noyes, of Kingston, married Lydia Sawyer Plaistow. They settled in this town at an early date, on the place now known as the "Blood place;" afterwards lived on the turn- pike, where Lorenzo Dow now lives. Our inform- ant well remembers him as the " king of good fellows." They had no children of their own, but adopted several and gave them good homes. One SPRINGFIELD. 351 of the number was the late Gilman Sawyer, another Eliza Jane Phelps (now Mrs. Cheney), living in Plaistow, N. H. John Noyes, brother of Ebenezer Noyes, first came to this town from Kingston, when a boy six- teen years old; he came with Ensign Nathaniel Little and John Heath, in the fall of the year, and stayed some six weeks, cutting timber and clearing land, on the place now known as the " French place," where Little afterward built his tavern and lived. Noyes afterward married Elizabeth Webster, of Plaistow, and came and settled on the farm where Moses Noyes lately died, and now occupied by Charles M. Noyes. John Noyes drove the first yoke of oxen into town, bringing the first sheep, six in number, on an ox-sled from Plaistow. He followed the business of teaming many years, from this town to Boston, Salem, Haverhill and Newburyport, Mass. He had four sons and three daughters — James, Stephen, Eben, Moses, Polly, Sarah and Eliza, — all being dead but one, Mrs. Sarah Hall, of Lowell, Mass. He died in 1847. James Noyes married Sallie Philbrick, and died, leaving four daughters, — Ursula A., Caroline P., Milly and Sarah J. Milly died and was buried in town ; Ursula married Mr. Durham ; Caroline married M. G. Loverin, formerly of this town ; Sarah mar- ried Cyrus P. Mason. All are now living in Illinois. Stephen Noyes married Mary Jane Brown, and had five children, — John, Eliza, Eben, Mary I. and Jane E. Eben Noyes was married twice and lived in Boston ; his widow and children survive him. Moses Noyes married Susan Whitte- more, and had six children, — Ellen married Mc- Dole, and lives in Bedford ; Lydia married Mc- Dole, and is now dead ; Mary married Horace H. Philbrick, and lives in town ; William married and lives in Alexandria ; Charles married Helen Pattee ; he and Mrs. Mary Philbrick are the only descendants living in town ; Florilla married Horace Tilton, and lives in Alexandria; Polly married Kimball Loverin, of Croydon ; had nine children— Eliza, Mary, Martha, Lucy, Ann, Achsah Jane, John, Hiram and Caleb, Sarah married Calvin Hall, and had several- children. Eliza married John Brown. Perley. — Paul P. Perley, a native of Boxford, Mass., came here from Dunbarton about 1795 or 1796. He married Sally Story, of Dunbarton, and raised several children, — Sally, Betsy, Benja- min, Dolly A., Daniel, Jacob and Mary Ann. Sally married David Perkins, of Dunbarton; thence moved to Washington, N. H. Betsy married Benjamin Bunker, of New London, and lived in Wilmot. Benjamin first married Han- nah Adams, of New London, having one daugh- ter, Adelphia, now living in Vermont; second, Mrs. Eliza Gage Collins. They had two daugh- ters, — Augusta, married Edwin Messer, and Abby, not married, both living in New London. Dolly A. married Thompson Baxter, of Quincy, Mass., had a family of seven children. Daniel married, first, Mahala Gile, of Sutton. They had one daughter, Mary Ann, who. is now dead. Second, Mrs. Lucy Morrill Brown, who is now living in New London Jacob died in infancy. Mary Ann married Samuel Quimby, and still resides here, being the only one of the family now living. Daniel Perley always lived on the original Perley place, and Benjamin on an adjoining farm. Quimby. — Timothy Quimby married Shuah Sanborn, of Hawke. They came here soon after the Revolutionary War, and settled on two seventy-five-acre lots, the house being in what is now a pasture south of where Rev. Lewis Howard now lives. Their daughter Mary was born in December, 1795. In 1807 they bought of John Gould the place where their granddaughter now resides. Mary Quimby married Abner Johnson in 1817, he having located in Springfield as physi- cian prior to this. They had five daughters, — Rosina, Ferona, Peluna, Lorana and Jelana ; only three now living. They left town in March, 1835, and lived in Lowell, Mass. less than two years ; then settled in Saxonville, a village in Framing- ham, Mass., where he practiced pharmacy. He died in Derry, N. H., aged nearly eighty-nine years, with his daughter Rosina, who married Hon. W. H. Shepard. 352 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ferona married Samuel Soden, of Saxonville, and had one son, Arthur, living in Newtonville, Mass. Mr. Soden died in 1844, and in 1848 she married S. H. Clement. They had one daughter, Mary, who recently married Horace Metcalf, of Walpole, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Clement came back to the old homestead, which had remained in the family since 1807, a few years before his death, in 1872. In 1879 she married Rev. Lewis Howard, who has preached here most of the time since. Captain John Quimby, brother of Timothy Quimby, lived here in early times, having three sons, — John, Samuel and Timothy. John Quimby, born July 21, 1773, married Mary Bean in 1798 and had five children. Samuel Quimby, born in 1800, married Mary Ann Perley. When a- young man h,e and Sam Colby spent a few years in Kentucky, since which he always lived in town, and served in military and all town offices many years, in the Legislature and as deputy sheriff" They had three children, — Amanda M., who married Charles McDaniel ; Daniel P., who married Emily E. Adams, daugh- ter of Hon. D. A. Adams (after her death he married Etta Huntoon, now living in Newport, N. H.) ; Warren S. married Ellen E. Keniston, and live in Andover, N. H. Samuel Quimby died in 1872. Hannah Quimby died in 1806. Horace Quimby married Nancy Jones, and had several children while living in town ; moved to Manchester, where he died. Eri Quimby married Maee, of Boston, and went West. Lucinda S. Quimby married Gilman Loverin, of Loudon, and, after his death, married Amos Copp, of Sanbornton. She is now living in Man- chester with her son, Alberto Loverin. Mary Quimby, wife of General John Quimby, died May 20, 1820, and, February 4, 1824, he married Mehitable March. They had two daughters,— Mary and Augusta Ann, who mar- ried, and are now living in Illinois. Samuel, brother of General John Quimby, married Susan Gilman. Had three children, — Sally and Philinda, now dead, and William H., living in Enfield, N. H. Lieutenant Timothy, Jhe other brother of General John, married Lydia Eobie. They had only one son, Timothy Hendrick, now living ia town. He married Eliza Davis, of New London. They had six children, only two living in town, — Henry E. and Timothy H., Jr. Jeremiah Quimby, of Candia, came here about 1780 and married Margaret Smith, of Candia. Children were Jacob, Maroa, Hannah, Polly, Eliz- abeth, Mehitable, Abraham, Aaron and Jeremiah. All moved from here but Abraham and Jeremiah. Abraham, married Marion Jones, of Hawke. Children, — Leify, Enoch, Jones, Ruth, Betsy, Abraham and Jacob H. Abraham married Olive Randall, who died several years since, but he is still in town. Jacob H. married Nancy Russell and lives in Enfield. Jacob married Bean, of Candia ; had three children, — Irene, Joanna and Jacob. Aaron Quimby married Hannah Heath, daughter of Enoch Heath. Children, — Enoch, Louisa, Sarah, John, Maria, Aaron, Jere- miah, Hannah and Peter. Enoch was twice mar- ried and died in Cornish. Louisa is the present wife of Willis Hardy. Aaron now lives in Grant- ham in single blessedness. Jeremiah married Rhoda A. Sanborn ; when a young man he had the small-pox ; afterwards was a local preacher and died here in town, leaving two children, — Lydia Jennie, and Harris. Hannah married John T. Weeks. Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah and Margaret Quimby, married Nancy Jones, of Hawke. Their children's names were Charlotte, Nancy, Jeremiah and Irene. Nancy died several years since, Jeremiah married Belinda Hoyt, and Irene is the wife of John F. Hardy. Both fami- lies are now living in town. Richardson. — Moses Richardson was born in West Newburg, Mass., November 12, 1752. In early life he, with his parents, moved to Chester, N. H.; married, 1778, Sarah Chase, born Novem- ber 28, 1756. In 1788 he, with his family, moved to Protectworth, (now Springfield), N. H. His was the forty-second family then in town. He was SPRINGFIELD. 353 one of the early school-teachers in town and was chosen deacon of the Congregational Church, which position he held until his death, in ] 842, aged ninety years. The following children were born to them in Chester, N. H. : Jacob Chase Richardson, born February 21, 1779, died in Western New York in 1844 ; Moses D. Richard- son, born May 1, 1781 ; Prudence H. Richardson, born October 12, 1783, died October 23, 1857 ; Sarah Richardson, born August 31, 1788, married Theophilus Clough (she died October 22, 1863). The following were born in Springfield : Betsy Richardson, born August 2, 1791, married John Morgan of Springfield ; she died January 10, 1857. Daniel Richardson, born September 22, 1793, removed to "West Lebanon, N. H., in 1826, and died at West Lebanon, N. H. Lydia Rich- ardson, born February 11, 1796, married Asa Currier, of Raymond, N. H. ; she died in 1883. Joseph Richardson, born December 2, 1798, married Rhoda Stevens, November, 1824 ; he died in 1880. Moses D. Richardson, born in Chester, N. H., May 1," 1781, moved with his parents in 1791, when but ten years of age, to Protectworth (now Springfield), N. H., into the wilderness at what is now called Springfield Four Corners, and always lived on the same farm until his death, February 26, 1861, aged eighty years. He married, in 1809, Sarah Collins, born in Salisbury, July 18, 1787. They lived together in Springfield fifty-two years. She died at North Boscawen, June 11, 1872, aged eighty-five years. To them were born in Spring- field nine children, as follows : Laura Richardson, born November 10, 1810 ; married, in 1828, David Flanders ; she now living at Ilion, N, Y. Amos Richardson, born August 28, 1812 ; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1837 ; married, August 26, 1840, Ruth Freeman, of Han- over, N. H. ; was principal of Fryeburg, Me., Academy until 1845, when he removed to Free- hold, N. J., and established the young ladies' seminary; he became totally blind in 1855, but continued the management of the seminary until his death, in 1882. Moses C. Richardson, born September 24, 1814, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1841, attended the Harvard Medical School, and graduated at the University of New York City in 1845. He married, first, Harriet Farnsworth, of Bridgton, Me., August 23, 1846. Married, second, September 10, 1849, Mary S. Wingate, of Hallowell, Me. Married, third, Frances C. Ticknor, of New Marl- boro, Mass. ; he practiced medicine twenty-four years in Hallowell, Me., then removed to New Marlborough, Mass., where he died from rupture of a blood-vessel. Levi Richardson, born June 29, 1816, served as clerk for Shaw & Churchill, and B. & A. Latham, Lyme, N. H., from 1836 to 1840 ; then returned to Springfield ; served as clerk for D. N. Adams for two years ; then became a partner under the firm-name of Adams ,& Richardson ; married, September 28, 1843, Lucy Ann Gustin, of Croy- don, N. H. She died September 5, 1858. In 1860 removed to Franklin, N. H. ; married, August 2, 1862, Mary A. Currier, of Nashua, N. H. ; still living in Franklin, N. H. Lucinda Richardson, born May 5, 1818, married Calander Rathburn, now living at Dallas Centre, Iowa. David Richardson, born July 2, 1820, married Mary Hill, of Conway, N. H. ; on account of ill health was obliged to remove South, and located at Knoxville, Tenn. ; married, second, Laura Beardem, of Knoxville, Tenn. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, the noted rebel, general Longstreet, sent him an order to report at his headquarters at a late hour one evening, which order he obeyed. On his arrival at the general's quarters, the general told him his object in send- ing for him was to join their army. After listening to the general's proposition he firmly refused to obey. After his many threatenings, the general said that he was in his quarters, that his life was unsafe, and that he was liable to be shot, and made a move for his revolver, which lay on his table. David quickly drew his own revolver and told him to shoot if he dare. The general quieted himself, and said : " You are of good grit, just the man 354 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. we want ; but if we can't get you, we want your lumber," of which he had a large quantity. Terms were made and the lumber delivered. Shortly after General Burnside's army arrived, and General Harriman, with the Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers, was stationed in front of David's dwelling. During one of the battles his family were protected by retreating to the cellar. He died at Knoxville, Tenn., October 11, 1870. Sarah Richardson, born April 11, 1824, died November 24, 1839. Harriet Richardson, born November 20, 1826, married Marcus K. Houser, now living at North Boscawen, N. H. Martha Richardson, born September 15, 1828, now living at Dallas Centre, Iowa, married John "White, of Franklin, N. H. ROBIE. — Lieutenant Samuel Robie married Dor- othy Worthen ; came from Chester, N. H., and setr tied in this town at an early date. As the history will show, he was a very prominent man in town ofBces and in building the fourth New Hampshire turn- pike, being a director in that corporation many years. He also built many miles of the road, and, it is said, lost a large share of his property in the enterprise. He settled and lived on land now owned by Joseph L. Brown, at the Four Corners, and raised a large family of children — Dolly, Reuben, Sally, Samuel, Jr., Lydia, Nabby, Ruth, John, David, Mahala and Anne. Only two are living, — David, a hale old man, lives in Salisbury, aged eighty-one years, and Mahala D. Gay, living in New London, aged seventy-nine. He has four grandchildren living in town — Timothy H. Quimby, Joseph M. Robie, John Robie and Mrs. Fifield Sanborn ; also two in New London — John Robie and Mrs. Jonathan George. Lieutenant Samuel Robie died in 1822, and Dorothy, his wife, March 4, 1839. Uncle Ike Robie, a brother of Samuel Robie, came to the town in its early days. He was never married, was a tanner by trade, and had a small tannery on the shores of Station Pond, on land now owned by Levi F. Hill. He died about 1823. Sanbokk. — Reuben Sanborn, of Sandown, came to town prior to 1790 ; married Sarah Worthen, a native of Chester. They were the parents of ten children, viz. : Nabby, who married Moses Elkins, Jr.. and moved to Norwich, Vt. One of their sons, James F. Elkins, was the first superintendent of the Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad. David W. followed a seafaring life several years ; then engaged in mercantile business in New York City; afterwards moved to Newfane, Vt., married, and one of his sons, Myron Sanborn, was a high bailiff in Montreal at the time of his death. Dolly married Ezekiel Johnson, of Enfield, and after- wards moved to Vermont. Sally married Joseph Wright, of Thetford, Vt. Thomas S. married, moved to Canada, and was drowned there many years ago. Reuben, Jr., educated at Harvard College and at Old Andover, Mass., was a Presby- terian clergyman ; lived and died in Painted Post, N. Y.; he married Mary A. Wood, daughter of Rev. Joseph Wood, Windsor, N. Y. Betsy mar- ried George Harlow, of Cornish, lived many years, and died in Grantham, raising a large family. Polly married William Quimby, and both died in Norwich, Vt., where they had lived and reared a large family. Richard, commonly known as Colonel Sanborn, born in 1797, liveS here contin- ually, and died in 1875. He parried Alice S. Collins, who survived him seven years, a daughter of Enos Collins. There were born to them Thomas Henry, who died at five years of age ; Richard F., who married Minerva Collins ; she died in this town. Afterwards, said Richard F. married Helen Hatch, of Grafton, and now resides in Ashland, N. H. Henry T., now living in town, and representing said town in the New Hampshire Legislature, 1885. He has always lived in town, except two years in Haverhill, Mass., and served in the Union army of the " great Rebellion" three years, till the close of the war. He married Mary J. Sanborn, of Painted Post, N. Y. Reuben C, married Martha A., daughter of Rev. Timothy Cole. After her death he mar- ried Marion C. Cole, of AVhitefield, who now re- sides at Lake village ; said Reuben died in 1879. SPRINGFIELD. 355 He was in trade ia Haverhill, Mass., nine years, and clerk in the Cole Manufacturing Company, Lake Village, N. H., twenty years, just prior to his death. Abna J. married, first, Martha A. Kelsey, of New York ; second, Esther J. Knowles, of Epsom, N. H. ; third, Martha Evans, of Derry, N. H. He is now living with his third wife in Manchester, K H. Lydia A. married Albert H. Davis, descendant of Thomas Davis, one of the first settlers. They are now living in Lake village, N. H. Robert married Esther, daughter of Enos Collins ; moved to Sharon, Vt., some fifty years ago. Only one child survives him, — Hon. Nathaniel C. San- born, photographer, of Lowell, Mass. Two chil- dren were buried in infancy, in Springfield ; and David W. served during the War of the Rebellion, and died in Sharon, Vt James served in a Mass- achusetts regiment, died in Lowell, Mass., and buried at Warner, N. H., the residence of his wife. Sarah Alice married Geo. F. Heath, of Sharon, Vt. , descendant of Ezekiel Heath, of Springfield, N. H. ; she died several years ago. Jonathan Sanborn, of Kingston, married Betty, Smith in 1786. They lived and died where Jona- than Sanborn now lives. Their children were Susanna, Liza, Israel, Joseph, Jonathan, Reuben, Abram, Marsa, Smith, George W. and Jasper. Israel Sanborn married Goss, and had six children, — Stephen Colcord; Betsy; Lydia J., who married Jeremiah Philbrick ; Keziah, who married Chas. D. Sargent, now living in New London ; Rhoda, now the wife of Lorenzo Dow, and Jonathan, living on the old homestead, who married Emily Powell. After her death he married Sarah Stocker. Reuben Sanborn died in town. Marsa married, and moved from town. Smith Sanborn and Ma- hala, hifi wife, lived and died where Jonathan San- born now resides. They had four children, one being the wife of Wm. D. Colby. Jasper built the buildings, and lived opposite where Jonathan Sanborn lives. Joseph Sanborn, brother of Jonathan, married Abigail Smith in 1797 ; lived where Henry Pat- 23 ten now lives. They had eight children, and one of them. Chase Sanborn, lived and died on the homestead. His son, John S., now lives in Maine, and his daughter Nancy is the wife of W. H. H. Cowles, ex-sheriff" of Sullivan County. Abraham Sanborn was also among the first set- tlers, having eight children, only one of whom is now living in town, Fifield Sanborn, sixty-three years of age. The others were Hiram, Lavina, Alvin, Emily, Caleb, Clarissa and Ira. Joseph Webster, or better known as Gov. Web- ster, was a very celebrated potash and pearl-ash maker in his day. Raised a large family of chil- dren, but has no descendants in town now. Sawyer. — Stephen and John Sawyer came here from Plaistow, N. H. They were brothers to Mrs. Ebenezer Noyes, and first settled on the Sam. Col- by place. Sawyer Hill took its name from them. Not any descendants here. Davis. —Thomas Davis was born in Kingston, in 1767 ; married Sally Johnson and settled in the north part of town about 1800. They had four sons and two daughters. Their son Moses lived in town, and died when sixty-five years old, leav- ing three sons and a daughter, who is still living here, being the wife of James T. Colby. MtizzEY. — John and Hannah Muzzey lived where Mrs. Abigail Johnson now lives. He was a blacksmith, having ten children. Hannah mar- ried Mardin Gross, now living in New London. Their son Sylvanus is the only descendant living in town. PiLLSBUEY — Moses Pillsbury, born in 1771, married Hepsibah Greenough, September 26, 1794. Their children were Patty, Ezra, Greeno, Elizabeth, Jefferson, Lewis, Charles, Phebe, Moses and Betsy. Patty married James Boyce. Ezra married Ann Philbrick ; they have only one descendant living, J. B. S. Pillsbury, here in town. Greeno Pillsbury married Polly Stevens ; only one descendant, Lev- itt S., who now lives in town. Jefferson married, first, Eliza Colby ; after her death married Eastman, and lives in Enfield. Lewis married and died in Enfield. Charles married Lovina Clifford and had five children ; only one remains in town. 356 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Francis B. Pillsbury, who married Naomi Sargent. Phebe married Joseph Burpee and lives in Grant- ham. Moses married Green and lives in Grantham. Bean. — Daniel and Betty Bean, we find, were the parents of eleven children. One son, Moses, lived and died in town, and of his descendants here are Mrs. C. H. Melendy and Mrs. Wm. M. Powers. Hardy. — Nicholas Hardy and wife, who were among the pioneers had five children, — Benjamin, Biley, John, Susan and Samuel. Biley married a Miss Judkins and had six children ; no descend- ant in town except Mrs. J. C. Severance. John lived and died in town, having three children living now in town, — Mrs. Moses Bean, Nicholas G. Hardy and John P. Hardy. Stevens. — Two brothers, John and Samuel Ste- vens, settled on Philbrick Hill. Samuel lived and died where Joseph Colcord now lives. His chil- dren were named Polly, Hannah, Mehitable, Sam- uel, Betsy, Rhoda and Smith. Polly married Samuel Hoyt, of this town and had two children, — Alvin who mariiedDiantha Oilman; and Amy, who was deaf and dumb. Mehitable married John Brown, of Grantham. Samuel, Jr., married Anna Johnson, March 30, 1825 ; they had two children. He died in town in 1830, after which she married Fisher and moved to Grantham, where she is living at the age of ninety years. Betsy married John Nichols. They lived and died in town. Rhoda married Joseph Richardson. He died in town and she is now living with her son Willard, in Lowell, Mass. Smith Stevens married Maria Colby, having several children, none now living in town. John Stevens, born in Kingston in 1774, and Anna Judkins, born in Deerfield in 1777 were married in 1795. They had eight children,— Dolly, Sally, Polly, Peter, Almina, Prentis, Daniel Noyes and Eliza. None of their descendants are now in town. Prentis Stevens married Hannah Gross, of this town. Reuben Stevens came from Plaistow and settled in this town. He has carried a bushel of corn to be ground to Salisbury, twenty miles and back, in a day. He had seven children, — Jonathan, Reuben, Jr., James, Enoch, Sarah, Polly and Bathsheba. James died young, and Enoch was the youngest of the family and married Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah Quimby, and had a large family, — Samuel, Reuben, Jeremiah, Mehitable, Hannah, Jacob, Sally, Margaret Smith, Enoch S. and Eliza. Samuel married, first, Elizabeth Webster, of Kingston ; second, S. Silloway. They had four children, — Henry W., now lives in Grafton ; Sarah Jane, died aged twenty-seven years ; Mary E., married John Oilman, who died at Washing- ton, D. C., of wounds. She still lives in town. Horace W. Stevens married, first, Juline Pres- cott, of Grafton ; second, Caroline Gove, of Wil- mot; they now live in town. Samuel died in 1883; Reuben died in 1866. Jeremiah married, first, Nancy Quimby ; second, Mrs. Phebe Jeflfers Sanders, — still living at the age of eighty-five. Mehitable married, first, Jepthah Russell ; second, Asa F. Pillsbury ; now living in town. Hannah died. Jacob left four children,— Frances, Enoch, Mrs. Westley Bailey and Mrs. Russell Kidder ; now live in town. Sally married Barnard C. Stevens. Margaret S. married Jonathan C. Currier. Enoch S. died when thirteen years old. Eliza married Sargent Heath ; they have seven children now living. From the records of April 1, 1885, we find the selectmen assess taxes on twenty four thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven acres of land, and the total valuation of the town, as by them ap- praised, is one hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and forty- two dollars. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. DANIEL NOYES ADAMS. There is probably no name in American history fraught with more of interest to the student of our a^7^^ SPRINGFIELD. 35r institutions, progress and political annals than that of Adams. We have not been able to obtain indisputable data connecting Mr. D. N. Adams with the illus- trious family of Quincy, Mass., bearing that cognomen, which has furnished us two chief rulers ; but all the facts we have been able to obtain point to that conclusion. John Adams, grandfather of Daniel N., was a native of Eowley, Mass., and was one of the pioneer settlers of the town of New London, N. H., whither he came about 1780, having pur- chased a tract of land a mile square. He was one of the sturdy yeomanry of the land, and possessed, in an eminent degree, those sterling qualities of body and mind so necessary to those who spent their lives battling with the privations of the wilderness, to pave the way to the development and superior civilization which was to follow. Solomon Adams, the father of Daniel N., was also a native of Eowley, Mass., and came to New London with his father. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and, after the close of the War, was caj)tain of a company of State militia. His wife was Mary Sargent. Daniel Noyes Adams was born in New London, N. H., September 12, 1803. His boyhood was spent on the farm. When about eighteen years of age he went to Massachusetts, where he remained about a year ; returning to his native town , he clerked in a store a short time, when, determining to embark in mercantile pursuits for himself, he came to Springfield, N. H. (1825), and, in com- pany with Emory Woodman, began merchandiz- ing near where his pre.-ent store stands. From that time to the present he has been constantly engaged in that channel of trade, though not to the exclusion of other interests. After two years Mr. Woodman sold his interest to Dr. Joseph Nichols. This partnership continued seven or eight years, when Dr. Nichols retired, and a year or two later Levi Richardson became a partner with Mr. Adams, and so continued six or seven years. Since that time Mr. Adams has been alone. In addition to store-keeping, Mr. Adams has also been interested in hotel-keeping and farming. In 1841 he purchased a farm and tavern in Springfield; the latter he conducted many years, until the railroad was built to West Andover and the tide of travel turned ; later on he sold the farm. He at one time owned an interest in the grist-mill at Springfield, and has done more or less lumber business. Mr. Adams' business life has been crowned with success. He has been untiring in his energy, systematic in his methods and honorable ki his dealings, and, while he has won a well-deserved competence, he has also won that greater boon, — the sincere respect and esteem of those among whom his life has been spent. The respect in which he is held by his fellow-townsmen is amply evidenced by the fact that he has been so often chosen to the various positions of office and trust within their gift. He was elected selectman very soon after his settle- ment in Springfield, and has held that office a great many years since. Also that of town clerk, and, in fact, every otfice in the town repeatedly. He was representative to the State Legislature in 1841, '42 and '48, and again in 1876. He was county road commissioner in 1847 and '48, and was State senator in 1850 and '51. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention for the revision of the laws of New Hampshire, 1876. In political creed he has always been a staunch Democrat, and has been a member of the Baptist Church of New London since his sixteenth year. In his younger days he was much interested in militia matters, and was captain of a militia com- pany raised and organized in Springfield, and is now the only oflicer of the company surviving. He married (1832) Eliza, daughter of Job Williams, of Sunapee. They had three children, as follows: Susan Augusta, born 1833, graduated at Kim- ball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., spent several years teaching in the High School in Haverhill, Mass., and in academies at Frances- town, N. H., and Whitehall, N. Y. She married a minister named Lucian Adams, and settled for a time at Petersham, Mass. Thev then went as 358 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. missionaries to Syria, where she died, very much lamented by all who knew her, leaving no issue. Daniel Hamilton, born 1836, now in company with his father in the store. Emily Eliza, born 1840, was for a time a teacher in Colby Institute, New London, where she graduated. She married Daniel P. Quimby, and died, leaving no issue. Mrs. Adams died in 1851. Mr. Adams married, as his second wife, Calista A., daughter of Joseph ^nd Ehoda S. Kichardson, of Springfield (1852). To this marriage there were two children. Helen Frances, born 1855, married Waldo S. Chase (1875), and died, leaving one child, — Daniel Adams Chase. Jennie Josephine, born 1858, married Rev. Lorin Webster, rector of St. Mark's Church, Ash- land, N. H. ; they have one son. She was a graduate of the institution, Westfield, Mass. Mrs. Adams died October, 1860. Mr. Adams' third and present wife was Mrs. Sophronia Webster (nee Pierce), daughter of June and Sally Pierce, of Claremont. Her first husband was Lorin A. Webster, of Concord, N. H., whom she married 1852. She has one sou living. Rev. Lorin Webster, who, as before stated, married Mr. Adams' daughter, Jennie Josephine. Mr. Adams and Mrs. Webster were married November 26, 1865. By this marriage there is no issue. Mr. Adams has always taken much interest in the matter of education. Having in his own youth been deprived of the advantages of schooling, he determined to aflx)rd his children the facilities denied him, and eo gave each of his children a liberal education. Mr. Adams is certainly entitled to much credit for the energy he has displayed and the obstacles he has overcome. The story of his business life has been briefly told, but he has not devoted his life solely to business matters. He studied at home, at night and during leisure moments, and acquired, without the aid of schools a fair educa- tion. He has been, all his life, a great reader, and thus kept himself abreast of the times and thoroughly posted on the topics of the day ; and, in his declining years, derives much pleasure from his books and papers. SAMUEL QUIMBY. Capt. John Quimby came to the town of Spring- field, N. H., at an early date, being among the pioneer residents of that town. He was the father of Gen. John Quimby, who was by trade a carpen- ter and builder, a farmer to some extent, and a man of considerable influence and importance in town. He was twice married, — first, to Mary Bean, of New Grantham. Their children were Samuel, Hannah (died young), Horace, Eri and Lucinda S. Gen. Quimby's second marriage was to Mehi- table March ; they had two children, Mary and Augusta Ann, both now living (1885) in Illinois. Samuel Quimby was born on what is known as the " Hill Place,'' near Springfield cemetery, and about a mile from the village. His boyhood and up to the time of his majority was passed on the farm, in the mean time learning the carpenter's trade with his father. When about twenty-one years of age he went to Boston and helped build the dry dock at Charlestown navy-yard. After nine years spent there he went to Norfolk, Va., where for two years he worked at carpentering in the navy-yard at that place. He then returned to his native town, purchased a farm adjacent to the old homestead, and there the remaining years of his life were spent, farming being his chief voca- tion. He, like his ancestors, was much interested in military matters, and served in the State militia. He held repeatedly all the ofiices of his town, — rep- resented his town in the State Legislature at differ- ent times, was deputy sheriff several years, and in all these positions discharged the duties devolving upon him with the strictest fidelity. He was a man imbued with high principles of honor, far above petty intrigue or subterfuge. His opinions were clearly expressed, and with no doubtful meaning, when occasion required. The e-teem in which he was held by his fellow-townsmen is most amply evidenced by the various and contin- SPRINGFIELD. 359 ued public trusts which they so repeatedly placed in his hands. In politics he was a Republican. He married, January 15, 1835, Mary A., daughter of Paul and Sally (Story) Perley, of Springfield. Paul Perley was a native of Box- ford, Mass., but came with his parents when a child to Dun barton, N. H., where his youth and boyhood were spent. Soon after his marriage with Miss Story he came to Springfield, where he resided till his decease. The Storys are a family whose name occupies a conspicuous place in the annals of New England, and always in honorable connection. There were three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Quimby, — Amanda M., born January 10, 1837; married Charles McDaniel, of Springfield (for further mention, see McDaniel's biography in this volume). Daniel P., born Aug. 10, 1839 ; mar- ried, first, Emily E., daughter of Hon. Daniel N. Adams, of Springfield (see his biography); by this marriage there is no issue. Mrs. Quimby died December 13, 1875. Mr. Quimby married, sec- ond, Etta Huntoon; they have one son, Harvey W., born May 28, 1882. Daniel P. Quimby was elected register of deeds for Sullivan County, March, 1867, which ofiice he held four years. He was also engaged in mercantile business four years under the firm-name of Rawson & Quimby. He was express messenger on the Concord and Clare- mont Railroad ten years, and is now local express agent at Newport, N H., for United States and Canada Express Company, and is chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Newport. Warren S., born Dec. 3, 1846, married Ellen E., daughter of John W. Kenniston, of Andover, N. H. They have two sons, Vivian S. and John W. He is a merchant and resides in Andover. Samuel Quimby died January 7, 1872. KEY. LEWIS HOWARD. The name of Howard is another form of Har- vard or Hereward, and is identified with the most brilliant achievements in various departments of knightly and honorable service in England, and is one of the proudest families in that fair land. We extract the following early trans-atlantic his- tory of the family from Burke's " Heraldic Reg- ister," an English work, valuable for its learning, research and accuracy, and standard authority in family history : " Howard, Duke of Norfolk. — The illustrious House of Norfolk derives in the male line from William Howard, a learned and reverend judge, of the reign of Edward I., and with him the authentic pedigree commences. "Dugdale sought in vain amid the mists of remote ages for a clue to the family's earlier origin. The alliance of the judge's descendant, Sir Robert Howard, Knight, with Margaret, elder daughter of Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, was the source whence flowed to after generations ' all the blood of all the Howards.' Margaret de Mowbray was great-granddaughter and heiress of Thomas Plantagenet, surnamed Brotherton, eldest son of King Edward I., by Margaret, his second wife, daughter of Philip the Hardy of France. This great alliance may be regarded as the foundation-stone on which was erected the subsequent grandeur of the House of Norfolk ; but the brilliant halo which encircles the coronet of the Howards, owes its splendor to the heroic achievements of the successive chiefs on whom its honors devolved. John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, fell at Bosworth manfully adher- ing to Richard III.; his son, the Earl of Surrey, was the hero of Flodden, and the latter's grand- son is ever memorable as the first poet of his age. " The gentle Surrey loved his lyre ; Who has not heard of Surrey's fame ? His was the hero's soul of fire, And his the bard's immortal name.' " In more recent times the hereditary gallantry of the race continued to shine conspicuously forth, and to a Howard was reserved the honor of over- throwing the mighty power of Sj)ain, and crush- ing the ' Invincible Armada.' " In point of mere antiquity there are several nobles who far exceed the Howards. But what family pervades all our national annals with such 360 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. frequent mention, and often involved in circum- stances of such intense interest ? As heroes, poets, philosophers, courtiers, patrons of literature, state victims to tyranny, and feudal chiefs, they have been constantly before us for four centuries. ' In the drama of life,' says an eloquent writer, ' they have exhibited every variety of character, good and bad ; and a tale of their vices, as well as their virtues, is full of instruction and would excite anxious sympathy or indignant censure No story of romance or tragic drama can exhibit more incidents to enhance attention or move the heart, than would a comprehensive account of this house, written with eloquence and pathos.' On their escutcheon is the motto, 'Sola Virtus Invicta.' " John Howard, the first American ancestor of the Howards in Plymouth County, Mass., came from England and settled in Duxbury prior to 1643. He came to West Bridgewater in 1651, and was one of its proprietors and original settlers. He took the oath of fidelity here, 1657, was one of the first military officers of Bridgewater, and died in 1700. His descendants still own and live on the place where he first settled ; he always wrote his name Hayward, and so did his descendants till after 1700, and the early town records are con- formable to this spelling ; but for the last century or more it has invariably been written Howard. He kept the first " ordinary," or public-house in the town, and was a man of great strength of character, possessing much influence in the colony. None of the early settlers of Bridgewater has left more tangible results of his existence, nor more descendants ; and if he were permitted to visit the scenes among which his mature life was passed, he would find nothing in the conduct, character or worth of those who have borne his name for more than two centuries, that the grand old Puritan would severely criticise, and much in which he could take just pride. Rev. Lewis Howard, a descendant of the Purir tan, John Howard, and the subject of this writing, was born in West Bridgewater, Mass., December 4, 1802. He is the son of Abiel Howard (born March 28, 1771) and Kezia (Bartlett) Howard (born August 4, 1775). They were married March 12, 1795. Their children were lanthe, Lewis, Rachel, Susan, Abiel, Nathan, Emma and Cyrus. All but the first two were born in Gran- tham, N. H. Abiel Howard moved from West Bridgewater to Grantham, N. H., with his wife and two chil- dren, lanthe and Lewis, in the winter of 1804. He bought a farm of fifty acres, mostly wooded, with a small, cheap house and a temporary sort of barn, and here, where he first pitched his abode, he resided until his death. The history of pioneer life in New Hampshire has been too frequently written and graphically portrayed to need rep- etition here ; it was a struggle for existence, and Abiel Howard's experience was no exception to the general rule ; but by hard work and frugality he was enabled to rear his family and supply them with the necessities of life. Lewis, being the old- est boy, was very naturally trained in the labors of the farm, and when quite young was able to render eflScient aid in the struggle for life which was characteristic of tbose times. The father, Abiel, was noted for his industry and earnest toil, and was referred to as the standard for honesty in the community. " As honest as Uncle Abiel" was an oft-repeated reference in that section; and it is said that no happier or purer married life ever existed than that of Abiel and Kezia Howard. Abiel died April 7, 1852 ; Kezia, July 19, 1857. Lewis Howard, when about twelve years of age, with most of the young people of that vicinity, made a profession of religion, and was baptized ; but he, with many others, soon became somewhat indifierent to religious matters, and for many years the profession he had made exercised but little influence on his life, and he gave little thought to religious duty. June 26, 1826, he married Sally Stone, an estimable woman, who was born in Grantham, August 28, 1804. Mrs. Howard was a woman of rare intellectual and physical qualities, and a well-chosen helpmate ; and for more than half a century the streams SPRINGFIELD. 361 of their lives were united in one peaceful current, broken only by the death of Mrs. Howard, October 21, 1877. Soon after their marriage they removed to Springfield, N. H., where Mr. Howard taught school, farmed and was considerably engaged in public business. While here he was honored with the office of selectman two years, and was one year chairman of the board, an office of considerable responsibility, as in those times there were no supervisors, treasurer, or overseers of the poor, other than the selectmen. While living in Springfield he renewed his religious pro- fession, his wife also uniting with him in an attempt to lead a life of service to the Saviour. After a residence of five years in Springfield he had an opportunity to sell his farm to advantage, and returning to Grantham, purchased a part of his father's farm, which then consisted of one hundred and fifty acres ; here he lived six years, until he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church,and left his home in Grantham for new fields and different scenes. It was while living in Gran- tham that the anti-slavery question began to assume proportions. Mr. Howard was among the first in this section to espouse the cause of human liberty, and this proved to be a turning-point in his life. The discussson waxed warm, party feeling ran high on the subject, meetings were held and the question discussed pro and con in its various phases. Mr. Howard joined in the public debate, and here were first developed the latent powers he posse sed for public oratory. His advantages for an education were limited, indeed, so far as school- ing went, but he was blessed with studious, reading parents, and they taught him at home the rudi- ments of an education, and inspired in him a love of books; and books became his teachers. By the time he was twenty years of age he was qualified to teach, and did so winters till he was thirty-six years of age. So, when he became a public speaker he had a mind well stored with the kind of knowledge which could serve him. He became a candidate for the Legislature on the Anti-Slavery ticket, but of course was defeated, as the doctrine was at that time very unpopular among the masses, and its advocates were regard- ed as fanatics and dreamers. In July, 1839, he was received on probation as a minister in the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was stationed at Deer- ing to preach one-half the time at Deering and the other half at Hillsborough Bridge. We cannot devote space to refer at length to the various pastorates he has so worthily filled ; but the following is in brief a synopsis of his fields of labor, taken seriatim : Deering, Pembroke, Chi- chester,. Sandown, Bristol, Haverhill; then for two years had charge of the boarding department of New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College at Tilton ; then to Claremont, Nashua (Chestnut Street Church), then to Dover, after which he was for four years presiding elder on the Concord District, then Nashua (Lowell Street), Salem, Haverhill, Mass., Suncook, Lisbon, Ply- mouth, Antrim, Contoocook, Warren, Webster, Contoocook, alter which he was superannuated (1879) ; he then removed to Springfield, where he now resides, having supplied the pulpit in that town most of the time for five years. During all the long years of h's ministry it is said of him that no church ever diminished under his hands in num- bers or finances. He has won and held the respect and esteem of the intelligent class of the community wherever he has been stationed. His children are Emma Oryntha, born in Springfield, May 4, 1828, married W. M. Kempton, and died May 17, 1879, leaving three children ; Alonzo Dearborn, born in Springfield, February 17, 1832, married H. Augusta Jewett, November 27, 1855 (they have a son and daughter); Daniel Edson, born in Grantham, June 23, 1835, married Susan M. Pat- terson, August 18, 1858 (has one son); Nancy Elvira, born in Grantham, August 27, 1837, died in Haverhill, N. H., July 16, 1848. Mrs. H'jward died at Contoocook, October 21, 1877. Mr Howard married, as his second wife, March 25, 1879, Mrs. Ferona Clement, the widow of Solomon Clement, who died in Springfield, Au- gust 3, 1872, and daughter of Dr. Abner Johnson, who was born in Grantham, 1783 ; commenced the 362 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. I^ractice of medicine in Springfield, 1816 ; removed to Massachusetts, 1835, where he resided until near his death, which occurred at Derry, N. H., July 29, 1872. Dr. Abner Johnson was a promi- nent citizen of Springfield, respected and honored by his townsmen, who still cherish his memory. His daughter Ferona"s first marriage was with Samuel Soden, December 28, 1841. He died of consumption, March 18, 1844. Their son, Arthur H. Soden, was born April 23, 1843, and is now (1885) doing business in Boston. Her second marriage was with Solomon H. Clement, October 17, 1848. Mary, their daughter, was born in Hartford, Vt., February 26, 1851; married Horace C. Metcalf, February 26, 1885, of Walpole, Mass., where they now reside. After a long life spent in the service of God, the Eev. Lewis Howard is passing the autumn of his days pleasantly, hope- fully and cheerfully, blessed wi h good health, good friends and a good conscience. DAVID p. GOODHUE. The genealogy of David P. Goodhue is David Putney Goodhue, son of Jacob and Mary (Ager) Goodhue ; Jacob Goodhue, son of Seth and Eliz- abeth (Cogswell) Goodhue ; Seth Goodhue, son of Jacob and Joanna (Story) Goodhue ; Jacob Good- hue, sou of John and Ann (Cogswell) Goodhue ; John Goodhue, son of William and Hannah (Dane) Goodhue ; William Goodhue, son of Wil- liam and Margery (Watson) Goodhue, who came from Assington, Sufl'olk County, England, to America in the year 1635 and settled in what is now called Ipswich, Mass. David Putney Goodhue was born in Dunbarton, Merrimack County, N. H., January 10, 1838. He was the youngest of ten children and lived at home with his father until he was twentv-one years of age, except when away to work or at- tending school. In the spring of 1888, his father moved to Wilmot, N. H., where he resided for about fourteen years, when he moved to Boscawen, N. H., where* he resided until the time of his death in February, 1866. After moving to Bos- cawen, he worked six months in a year for Hale Atkinson, of Boscawen, for six years, during which time he only lost from two to five days' work from each year. During the winter he at- tended Elm wood Institute, on Boscawen Plains, two miles distant from his home, where he walked night and morning, however inclement the weather might be. After this he taught school three terms in Boscawen and one term at Sanbornton Square. When twenty-one years of age, he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. E. K. Webster, of Boscawen. He attended medical lectures at the University of Vermont and at Dartmouth College. From the last named place he received the degree of M.D. in 1863, after which he attended lectures in Philadelphia. He was appointed acting assistant surgeon in the United States Navy, January 4, 1864, and re- ported to Boston for duty, from which place he was ordered to the " North Carolina," at Brooklyn, until the " Chenango " was ready for sea. April 15, 1864, the " Chenango " sailed from New York, but, before reaching Sandy Hook, one of the boilers exploded, severely scalding thirty- four men and ofiicers, twenty-eight of whom died within a short time, although no one was killed instantly. The " Chenango " going out of commission April 21st, he was ordered to the " Nereus " the same day, and on the 23d sailed for the blockade off Fort Fisher (Wilmington), where he remained until September, when the " Nereus " came North and acted as convoy to one of the California steamers to Aspinwall and back. The " Nereus " having to be repaired, he was detached from her, October 4th, and was ordered to the " Maumee," which sailed the same day. After cruising ofl! the coast a few weeks, the " Maumee" joined the squadron off Fort Fisher, where she re- mained during both attacks and the capture of the fort. Dr. Goodhue was on shore duty at the fort for three days after it was captured. He then went with the " Maumee " up the river to Wilmington. After this the " Maumee " came to Hampton SPRINGFIELD. 363 Road?, and then up the James River, being the first gunboat up the river from Dutch Gap to Richmond. The " Maumee " was then ordered to Philadelphia, where she went out of commission, and the officers and men were detached, June 17, 1865, and placed on waiting orders. He was hon- orably discharged from the United States service Oct. 9, 1865. On his return home, his father being sick, he remained with him until his death, in February, 1866. On February 19, 1866, Dr. Goodhue came to Springfield, where he has since resided. On November 14, 1867, he was married to Abby J. Davis, of Springfield, the only child of Joseph Davis, Jr., and Elizabeth S. Davis. Mr. Davis was appointed a recruiting officer during the war and has been one of the prominent men in Springfield, being for several years one of the selectmen and collector of taxes, besides holding other offices. To Dr. and Mrs. Goodhue four children have been born, — David Henry, born October 20, 1868 ; Libbie Abbie, born February 10, 1874 ; Laurette May, born March 13, 1882, and died April 10, 1882 ; Lucia Frances, born October 5, 1883. Politically Dr. Goodhue is, and always has been, a Democrat. He was for several years town clerk, and afterwards town treasurer and one of the supervisors. He was chosen representative to the General Court in March, 1878, for one year, and also in November of the same year, under the re- vised constitution, for two years. He was one of the Democratic candidates for county commissioner for Sullivan County in the year 1880, and received a larger vote than any other candidate voted for on that ticket. He was for several years a mem- ber of the Democratic State and County Commit- tee, but for the past two years has not been actively engaged in politics. Professionally he is one of the oldest and repre- sentative members of the medical profession in the northeast part of Sullivan County, having been in Springfield about twenty years. As a practi- tioner he lias been very successful, both in medi- cine and surgery, his practice extending into many of the adjoining towns. He has been a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society for more than twenty years, and is also a member of the Centre District Medical Society, having been pres- ident of this society in the year 1883. When the Board of United States Examining Surgeons was formed at Newport, N. H., he was appointed one of its members, which position he now holds. He is respected by his brother practitioners as a man honorable in his profession and one who would scorn to do his brother wrong. He is em- phatically a believer in the " golden rule " in all things. As a citizen he is public-spirited and liberal, be- lieving that no one lives for himself alone. CHARLES McDANIEL. Charles McDaniel is descended from the Scotch McDaniels, who emigrated from the north of Ire- land to America in the early days of our colonial history. James McDaniel, the great-grandfather of Charles, is shown by the town records to have resided in Springfield, N. H., prior to 1794. He had at that time a family of four children, and the land on which he resided is now owned by Charles, having always been kept in the family. His buildings were upon the top of the hill, near what is known as the Whittemore house, in Enfield. His son John married Hannah Morse, of Kings- ton. They reared a family of five children, — Aba- gail, Sarah, Daniel, James and Hannah. Abagail married Stephen H. Heath, and had a family of four boys, none of whom are at present living. Sarah married Ebenezer L. Nichols. She also had four boys, only one of whom is now known to be living — Alonzo P., who resides in Manchester, N. H. Daniel moved to Cherry Valley, 0., and mar- ried Eliza Greene ; died, leaving three children. Hannah, the youngest of the children of John and Hannah, is now living in Enfield, N. H., the widow of the late Albert Currier. She has one 364 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. son, Iv^athan Currier, a graduate of Tufils College, and a successful teacher. James, the second son, was born February 13, 1807. He was brought up on the farm, and worked for a time at shoemaking, but soon aban- doned it. He was an earnest student, and was better educated than most of the young men of his town. He attended the academies of Salisbury and Meriden, and spent several years as teacher, both in his native State and in New York State. Returning to his native town, he tilled the an- cestral acres, and made this his chief pursuit through life. At his death the farm descended to bis son Charles, whose only daughter still resides at home. Thus we see through five generations the original homestead of James McDaniel, the pioneer, has remained in the possession of the family. The original tract consisted of sixty acres, but the family have been thrifty, enterpris- ing and energetic, and each generation has added to the original possession till the domain now com- prises nearly a thousand acres. James McDaniel, father of Charles, was a man of strong mental and physical mould, and in many respects, and for many years, was the leading man of his town. He married, November 24, 1833, Hittey L., daughter of Abraham and Hittey Philbrick, of Springfield. Their children were Charles, whose portrait herewith appears, and who is the author and compiler of the history of the town of Springfield, as it appears in this volume. Ann, married Samuel H. Jackman, of Sacramento, Cal., where she now resides. George, unmarried, also a resident of Sacramento, and Ella, unmar- ried, is a teacher, having taught twenty j'ears in New Hampshire and California, and resides with her widowed mother in Springfield. James McDaniel held at various times nearly all the different offices of his town, as will be seen by ref- erence to the general history of the town of Spring field in this volume. He took an interest in military matters, and was captain of a company in the State militia. He represented his town in the State Legislature, was an ardent Democrat in politics, and a Universalist in religious belief, but connected with no church. He died March 4, 1873. Charles McDaniel was born July 22, 1835, at the old homestead in Springfield. He was educa- ted at the district schools of his native town and at Andover, Canaan and New London Academies. After leaving school he farmed summers and taught winters. His first school was when he was but eighteen years of age, and from that time till he was nearly forty he taught from one to three terms per year. He made his home with his father, and, for many years previous to the latter's death, he had practical charge of the farm and estate. Upon the decease of his father he purchased the inter- est of the other heirs to the home-farm, and has continually added to and improved it to the pres- ent time. He married. May 31, 1862, Amanda M., daughter of Samuel and Mary A. Quimby, of Springfield. They have had five children, — Carl died in in- fancy ; Carrie died in her sixteenth year ; Cora, the only one living, bom December 27, 1864, now (1885) attending the State Normal School at Plymouth ; Catie Ann died in her eighth year, and Arthur Quimby died in his sixth year. The three children, Carrie, Catie and Arthur, died suddenly of malignant diphtheria, within a few days of each other in 1879. They were bright, intelligent, lovable children, and only those parents whose hearts are bound up in love for their offspring, and who have suflTered similar be- reavement, can fully conceive of the terrible blow to the grief-stricken father and mother. Charles McDaniel was chosen superintendent of schools for Springfield soon after his majority, and has held that position, more or less continuously, to the present time, and is now an incumbent of the office. In 1862 he was chosen selectman and overseer of the poor, which office he has held re- peatedly since, and as chairman of the Board every year except the first. During the War of the Rebellion he was ap- pointed special agent for securing volunteers for filling the quota of that town in the ranks of the SPRINGFIELD. 365 army. He has been town treasurer several years, and was a member of the Legislature in 1868. He is. a member of Social Lodge, P. and A.M., En- field, N. H., and one of its senior living members. He is also a member of the Chapter of the Taber- nacle, No. 19, Eoyal Arch Masons; overseer of New Hampshire State Grange, and Master of Montcalm Grange, No. 70, of Enfield. He is president of Grantham and Springfield Fair Asso- ciation, and for more than fifteen years has held a commission as justice of the peace, and has done considerable probate business in Sullivan and Grafton Counties. In 1885 he, with his wife and daughter, made a trip to California, and spent several months pleas- antly and profitably, visiting friends and traversing the various sections of the State, and informing himself in regard to its products, resources and general features. His mother has twice visited California, and has spent, in all, more than three years there. She returned with her son Charles from her last visit there, and, in course of the return trip, visited in Illinois an elder sister of hers, Mrs. Sally Flan- ders, who is now eighty-seven years of age, and, for one so advanced in years, a woman of rare vigor and intelligence, cheerful in spirit and philosphieal in mental temperament. A remark of hers to Mr. McDaniel will serve to illustrate the cheerfulness of her disposition. She said, apropos of some question or remark, "that this world was good enough for her to live in ; that she enjoyed life and felt content to remain here as long as pos- sible," — a rebuke to the pessimists of the day. HISTORY OF SUNAPEE. BY WILLIAM C. STUKOC. CHAPTEE I. IxTEODUCTiox. — It is fortuiiate that in attempting to write the history of a small town, the existence of which extends back but little over a century, we are not compelled to resort to the devices of the ancient writers of general history, such as conjuring up a she- wolf or some other friendly animal to act as foster- mother to our infant founders. The records we possess may, indeed, in some details, be imperfect, but there is enough to point out with suificient clearness the kind of men and women who aided by their labors the founding of our little municipality of six miles square. By an examination of some fragments of a proprietors' book, and the records in pos- session of the town clerk and selectmen, and other valuable aids, the following facts, among others, are found in regard to the settlement of the town: That that part of old Cheshire County, which is now included in Sullivan County, and bears the name of Sunapee, was granted by the colonial authorities on the 7th of November, 1768, to John Sprague and others, under the name of Saville. Four years later, or in 1772, it was settled by a small com- pany of emigrants from Rhode Island, and these first settlers were soon followed by an enterprising band from Portsmouth, N. H., who passed on their journey from the sea-board up the military road to " No. 4," now known as Charlestown, and thence to the south part of Sunapee. But the names of those first settlers 366 have become extinct, and few, if any, of their descendants remain in town. One of the female emigrants from Rhode Island ' has, however, left her name on a large rock near the outlet of Sunapee Lake, and which the inhabitants still call " Granny Howard," that being her maiden- name. On this rock she was wont to sit, day in and day out, plying her hook and line for the finny tribe, long before the introduction of black bass or land-locked salmon into this beau- tiful and romantic lake. This persistent femi- nine disciple of Izaak Walton was the maternal ancestor of the Scran ton family, well known in town fifty years ago. The geographical con- tour of Sunapee has remained substantially un- changed until the present day, containing, as it does, about fifteen thousand six hundred and. sixty-six acres, three thousand of which are covered by the western portion of the lake. The Sukface of the town is uneven and mainly hilly ; interspersed, however, are small patches of natural meadow, which yield a kind of wire or spear-grass, that, when cut early, is eagerly eaten by hungry cattle in winter, although it has been noticed that few animals ever become fat on this kind of fodder. The hills are found, when cleared of timber, to be largely covered by " wandered " boulders, the profusion of which, strewed in particular drifts or directions, would be suggestive to the eye of the scientest, no doubt, of a period when the surface of our earth was undergoing vast and perhaps sudden changes. These erratic blocks, and the smooth and sometimes eroded SUNAPEE. 367 ledges on which they now rest^ speak distinctly of a time when some transporting power, equal to a mighty glacier, dropped these huge but partially rounded lumps where they now lie, as no mere marine movement could be equal to the work of placing those ponderous monuments of a time when man was unknown in the mun- dane arena where we find them. But the soil, which had accumulated with course of ages among these granite boulders, is strong and pro- ductive, and for years after its first cultivation yielded immense crops of all kinds, — rye, corn, oats, barley, wheat and grass. The name was changed in April, 1781, to Wendell, that being the name of one of the original and principal proprietors, — John Wen- dell, of Portsmouth, — and it so continued until 1850, when, by an act of the Legislature of that year, it received its present Indian cognomen — Sunapee. This latter name, which had adhered to the lake and adjacent mountain, and which seems to be, after all, the most appropriate, is alleged by connoisseurs in the aboriginal tongues to be an Algonquin word signifying goose-lake ; and there is some corroboration of that assertion in the fact that a smaller pond at the north end of the lake proper still bears the name of " goose-hole." However that matter may be, there is no doubt that the lake was at one time the resort of large flocks of wild geese, this latter fact being attested by more than one aged citizen, who, although they have passed the limit of four-score and ten, are still clear-headed and communicative. The census of the town, in its earlier years, shows that it increased rapidly in population, for in five years from its first grant the number of inhabitants is given as 72; in 1786 it was 195 ; in 1790, 267 ; in 1800, 355 ; in 1810, 447 ; in 1820, 603; in 1830, 637; in 1840, 795 ; in 1850, 787; in 1860, 778; in 1870, 808; in 1880, 897. For almost thirteen years, or until 1781, the towawas known as Saville, and was then classed with the towns of Newport and Croydon ; and a meeting was held in this town April 23, 1778, at which Benjamin Giles, Esq., — a noted man at that time in Cheshire County,^was modera- tor and Samuel Gunnison was clerk. At this meeting Moses True, Esek Young and Samuel Gunnison were chosen selectmen of Saville. A meeting of the inhabitants was held, in con- junction with the towns of Newport and Croy- don, on the 5th of December, 1782, or a little over a year after Wendell had been adopted as the name of the town. " Benjamin Giles was chosen, by a unanimous vote, representative for the above-named towns for that year," meaning, of course, the next year, or 1783. Wendell was for several years classed with Goshen in the choice of representative, and was only able when the population reached over six hundred, or in 1824, to act alone in the choice of that officer, Thomas Pike, or Uncle Tom, as he was formerly called, being the first representative of Wendell. The names and dates of service of the persons who followed, up to the present time, are these : Thomas Pike, in 1825 ; Lieutenant John Young, in 1826-27; John Colby, in 1828; Joseph George in 1829; John Colby, in 1830; Samuel Knowlton, in 1831-32 ; John Colby, in 1833; Samuel Knowlton, in 1834; John Colby, in 1835; William Young, in 1836-37 ; John Colby, in 1838 ; Daniel George, Jr., in 1839-40; Charles Kodgers, in 1841-42; Moses F. Knowlton, in 1843-44; Hiram Sargent, in 1845-46; Bailey Pillsbury, in 1847-48; William W. Eastman, in 1849-50; John Hopkins, in 1851; Joseph G. Tucli er, in 1852-58 ; Josiah Turner, in 1854; Samuel Wells, 1855-56 ; John P. Knowlton, in 1857-58 ; Jos- eph P. Smith, in 1859-60 ; Daniel George, Jr., in 1861-62 ; Dennis G. Knowlton, in 1863-64; William Cant Sturoc, 1865-68; Daniel A. George, in 1869-70 ; Bradford Courier, in 1871-72 ; Daniel C. Eastman, in 1873-74; John A Tucker, in 1875-76; Jeremiah W. Morrill, in 1877-78 ; John Angell, 1879-81; Lyman Colburn, in 1882-83; John M. Cooper, in 1884-85. (The latter representatives since November, 1878, be- ing elected for biennial terms, the two-year system having been adopted by the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1876). Postmasters. — The successive postmasters. 368 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. covering a period of fifty years, are given in the subjoined list. During the first two decades of that time our mail accommodations were small and imperfect, consisting, in the beginning, of one mail a week, growing at length to twice and and three times, and finally to a daily delivery. At the present time we have four mails per day — an outgoing south at 7.30 a.m.; an incoming from the west at 9 a.m.; an outgoing west at 4 P.M.; an incoming from the south at 6 p.m. The Boston and other city dailies reach their sub- scribers regularly, and what is known in the cities at noon is in possession of the people of Sunapee in six hotirs from that time, and, if need be, by telegraph or telephone, instantly. The postmasters have been as follows : John Hopkins to 1844 ; John P. Knowlton to 1857 ; Franklin Morgan to 1861 ; Josiah Turner to 1866 ; John Young to 1870 ; W. C. Stocker to 1881 ; N. P. Baker to 1885; Charles A. Knowl- ton, appointed 1885. Medical Men.— Although it has, from the earliest period of our town history, been a cus- tom deeply-rooted in the minds of the people to call in the aid of the medical men at Newport, six miles distant, yet as early as 1815 a young doctor of the nauie of Caleb Buswell opened an office in town at the house of John Chase, Jr. Buswell was elected selectman and town clerk in 1817, but left town two years subsequent to the last-named date. He was followed bv Tiltou Elkins, who remained only three years, and Dr. James Corbin took his place and re- mained until about 1829, when John Hopkins, a native of Francestown, settled in town and commenced practice. Hopkins remained about thirty-five years, or until 1864. But in the mean time some younger practitioners had come in and taken a share of the business, as in 1857, Isaiah M Bishop, who remained till 1864. Dr. Hopkins removed to Vineland, N. J., and died there on the 24th of April, 1879, aged eighty-seven. Dr. Bishop removed to Bristol, X. H. In 1866 Ira P. George, son of Rodney George, and whose father was a native of Sunapee, be- gan practice as a physician, but only remained about three years, when he removed to Newport and finally to Nebraska. David M. Currier, a graduate of Dartmouth of 1867, came into town in 1868, and removed to Newport in 1871 where he is at present in good practice. The next doctor was Charles F. Leslie, from Maine a young man of great natural gifts, who com- menced practice here in 1874, and continued till 1883, when he left for Windsor, Vt. His place was soon filled by our present excellent physician, Edwiu C. Fisher. The Legal Peofession. — The lawyers' story is soon told in connection with Sunapee, the writer of this imperfect sketch of the town being the first to establish himself in town. He was admitted in 1855 and has enjoyed the en- couragement commonly falling to the lot of a village attorney, using his influence rather to suppress than to foment litigation. In 1879 George Dodge, having been admitted to the bar at Newport, settled in town to pursue his profession. About 1855 Abial Cooper Sargent, son of Charles and Sarah Sargent, was preparing him- self, after a collegiate course, for law, but pre- maturely fell a victim to consumption on the 14th of December, 1859, aged thirty. Churches and Religious Societies. — As early as 1800, Elder Nehemiah Woodward, a Congregationalist, was located on what was soon assigned, or granted, to him as the "min- ister's lot," being substantially the farm for many years and now_ owned by Gideon Angell, in the south part of the town. Religious ser- vices were, for about thirty years, held either in private dwellings, or in school-houses ; and there are many citizens still living who look back with satisfaction ou those devout gatherings in those primitive temples. Elder Woodward had finished his labors in town about 1815, when he removed to Westminster, Vt., where age compelled him to resign his work, although about 1824 he made a farewell visit to his old jj< SUNAPEE. 369 parish of Wendell; and, while his head and hand trembled with palsy, he once more preached in the red school-house in District No. 2. Meetings during those early times were also held at the dwelling-house of Elijah George, in the north part, and at other points, and the leading spirits in those lay-meetings were Fran- ces Smith, the progenitor of the Smith family, and Deacon Adam Reddinffton. On the 29th day of July, 1830, Elder Eli- jah Watson organized a Free-Will Baptist Church, having at the outset fourteen members, which, for twenty years, was the leading relig- ious society in town. The last survivor of that membership was Mrs. Mary Conant, widow of the late Josiah Conant. She was an exceed- ingly devout person, and bore with resignation the terrible affliction of total blindness for fifteen years, and died in 1879, aged eighty-nine. But no church edifice was erected until 1831, when the First Free Meeting-House at the Cen- tre was built. At an adjourned meeting of the legal voters held on the 1st day of June of that year, it was voted " that Nathaniel Perkins, Jr., Lieutenant John Young and Charles Sargent be the building committee;" and it was further voted, " that those who purchase pews shall pay for the same, one-half in money, the other half in grain." Even the hardy yeomanry of Sunapee had become liberalized in their views on religious freedom when they proceeded to form this church proprietary, so that they set foith in the preamble to the constitution, which they adopted for their guidance, the following principles : "Believing that public instruction in Piety and Religion has atendency to promote the best interests of society, and considering a suitable House for thepublic worship of the Deity a desirable object; believing, also, that each person has a right to worship God ac- cording to the dictates of his own conscience and rea- son, — We, the undersigned, agree to proceed to the building of a Meeting House in Wendell, free for all denorhinatiom of Christians, under the regulations of the following Constitution." This constitution consists of twelve articles, and under it the organization or proprietorship has been maintained, their annual meeting being held on the first Wednesday of January of each year. The officers for 1886 are: Moderator, Joseph Eussell; Clerk, William C. Sturoc; Standing Committee, Moses A. Young, Joseph Russell, John A. Tucker ; Janitor, Joseph Rus- sell. For twenty years there has been no stated and permanent minister engaged, but partial and occasional supplies have been had, chiefly from the Universalist denomination, and the house is used on all proper occasions. In 1832 a similar church edifice to that of the Centre was built in a like manner at the south part of the town, but of late years it has been but little occupied. In 1853 Rev. Joseph C. Emerson was sent by the New Hampshire Methodist Conference to this town, and was reappointed in 1854; but there had existed for years before that time a " class " of some dozen or more members. Chief among this little band were "Uncle" Andrew Young, the grist-miller, and his brother Captain William Young, both of whom will long be remembered for their marked traits of character. In 1855 Oseas S. Morris was appointed to supply Sunapee, and served one year. In the spring of 1856 J. C. Emerson was appointed again, and remained as local preacher and pastor for the four years following. In this year the first Methodist Episcopal Church was built and dedicated on the 29th day of October. Joseph Emerson closed his labors here with the spring of 1860, and went to Fisherville, N. H., where he became chaplain of the Seventh Regi- ment New Hampshire Volunteers. At the close of the war he went to Florida, where he died. Mr. Emerson was a man of varied gifts, a thorough organizer, with a deep insight into men and their motives. In April, 1860, Rev. J. W. Johnson was sent to Sunapee. He is remembered as a faith- 370 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIKE. ful and devoted minister, but his feeble health limited his effort and usefulness. During his second year he was able to preach only part of the time. He died here on the 12th day of April, 1862, and is buried in the Centre bury- ing-ground, and his wife, who survived him several years, also reposes in that " God's acre. ' In the spring of 1862 Eev. Joseph Hayes came to Sunapee as the ap})ointee of the Methodist Episcopal Conference, and during his pastorate of two years forty were added to the membership of the church. Mr. Hayes was succeeded in 1864-65, by Rev. L. L. Eastman. He was a man of considerable energy and true to his convictions of right- In 1866 Samuel J. Robinson became pastor. He M'as a young man fresh from the Biblical Institute, at Concord, N. H. He remained two years. He was followed in 1868 by L. W. Prescott, who remained three years. During his second year the church was enlarged and a vestry built. In the spring of 1871 W, H. Stuart received this appointment, but on the 15th of June, of this year, the church and vestry were totally con- sumed by fire, after the raging element had spent its force on shops and dwelling-houses on the south side of the highway, including those of John B. Smith, Moses L. Sargent, Isaac Ham- man and others. There was no insurance on the church property. During the summer services were held in the First Free Meeting-House, and a new church and vestry having been erected on a new founda- tion, where it now stands, the latter building was dedicated on the 27th of December, 1871. Mr. Stuart remained but one year and was re- placed by J. H. Hillman, who was pastor for two years, and was followed by S. E. Quimby, who remained three years. In 1877, B. W. Chase was the minister and served acceptably in that capacity for three years. 1880 found the Rev. S. C. Keeler laboring as preacher at this station, where, for two years, he enjoyed the esteem of the entire community. In 1882, Rev. S. G. Kellogg was sent by the Conference to this place, he having years before filled larger appointments in various portions of the State. His industry and ability place him high in the ministry. He is now on his third and, perhaps, final year. Native Pbeachees. — A few men, born and reared in Sunapee, have become preachers of the gospel, the first and most prominent name among which is that of John Young, now in his sev- entieth year, but still hale and robust. He has preached for forty years, and in most of the towns within a circle of twenty miles from Sun- apee. He was ordained as a minister of the Christian denomination on the 24th of October, 1850, and in the forty years of his ministerial service has attended eight hundred funerals and solemnized about half that number of mar- riages. Ezra S. Eastman, another self-made but vig- orous son of Sunaj)ee, had been a Baptist occa- sional preacher for quite a number of years, and died at the age of fifty-three, September 24, 1874. Edward R. Perkins is a preacher of the Methodist persuasion, forty-four years of age, and is at present preaching at Goffstown, N. H. He has marked ability for the pulpit, and is a son of whom Sunapee may well feel proud. Charles E. Rogers, son of Charles and Nancy Rogers, is fifty-seven years old, and is an ap- pointee of the Methodist Conference. He is a grandson of Colonel Samuel Rogers, one of the early settlers and for many years a prominent official of the town. Alden C. Abbott, who was born in Sunapee, April 5, 1848, is the son of Stephen and Sarah Abbott. He is also connected with the Method- ist body, having been stationed in Connecticut and Massachusetts, but was compelled, April, 1885, on account of a throat difficulty, to abandon preaching, for a time at least, and is now acting as an agent for a life insurance company. Joseph H. Trow is the sou of John and SUNAPEE. 371 Hannah Trow, and is about tliirty-eighfc years of age. He has been under appointment by the Conference and is preaching at Haverhill, N. H. John Batchelder was a son of Zachariah Batchelder, a graduate of Dartmouth and a minister of the Presbyterian denomination. He died in Iowa about 1870. Calvin R. Batchelder, another son of Zacha- riah, was an Episcopal clergyman, and died at Charlestown, N. H., February, 1879, aged sixty-seven years. MIIJTAEY. Revolution. — In regard to the soldiers, if any, who may have represented Saville — for that was the name of the town in pre-Revolu- tionary -times — the writer is in great doubt, al- though it is claimed by the descendants of the first settlers, whose names were Young, and who came from Smithfield, R. I., that they all participated in the War of the Revolution. Those first settlers were six in number, it is said, and their names are given as Abiather, Robert, Cornelius, Esek, Edward and James. There was also a half-brother to these six Youngs, Avho bore the name of Bryant, and tradition has it that he carried in one of his ankles a Revolutionary bullet through life. Our oldest records are silent on those soldiers. But when we come to the War of 1812 we are then treading on solid ground, the name, rank aud service of each man being set down beyond question or cavil ; and if the record had unfor- tunately been iucomplete, we have still with us the last lingering survivor of that memorable service in the person of our venerable fellow- townsman, Jacob C. Stickney, aged ninety, who will be found on the following list as a musi- cian, and whose mental faculties are still clear, if his physical powers give evidence of decay. Wah of 1812. — The following is a list of soldiers who enlisted from the town of Wendell (now-Suuapee) in the First Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of 1812, and 24 who went into camp at Concord, N. H., Feb- ruary 1, 1813: Samuel Rogers, 2d lieut. Amos George. John Gage, ensign. Thomas Lamb. William Gage, sergeant, James Young (2d). Scribner Huntoon, sergt. James Boyce. William Lamb, sergeant. Daniel Pickernell. Corbin Huntoon, mus. James Young. Jacob C. Stickney, mus. Samuel Pickernell. Joseph Avery. Hezekiah Peck. Joseph Chase, Jr. Ezek Young. Richmond Clapp.- Joseph Pillsbury. On the 12tli of September, 1814, a detach- ment of " three months' men " joined camp at Portsmouth, JST. H., as follows ; Nathan Rogers. Moses Follansbee. Charles Gage. Joseph Chase, Jr. On the 26th of the same month (September) a detachment of " sixty days' men " followed to Portsmouth : William Lamb. Moses Eastman. Edward Crosby. From the close of the War of 1812 to the outbreak of the Rebellion of 1861, a period of almost fifty years, Sunapee had sent forth no men to fight the minor battles that inter- vened, and her citizens had to content them- selves with pseudo-military displays under the military organizations of the State. The " Sunapee Guards," a company of the Thirty-first Regiment, Fifth Brigade, Third Di- vision, New Hampshire Militia, was organized in 1841, with William Young for its first captain ; Joseph Lear, ensign ; and Francis Smith, lieu- tenant. As a not inappropriate way of preserving the names of some of the stalwart yeomanry of Sun- apee of that period, and also as a brief but fair exhibition of the j3erson«eZ of that company, I here give the roster of 1846, that being about the middle period of the existence of that organiza- tion. Its last muster was held at Newport, in fall of 1851, and the writer of this sketch had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Captain 372 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. William Young beat the tenor drum with a perfection and vim that could not well be sur- passed. Commissi OTied Officers. Moses F. Knowlton, capt. John P. Knowlton, lieut. Abram Davis, ensign. Non- Commissioned Officers. D. G. Knowlton, 1st sergt. Janson George, 3d sergt. H. P. Muzzy, 2d »ergt. E. D. Cooper, 4th sergt. James Trow. Benjamin F, Young. Francis Smith. William Trow (2d). Francis 8. Trow- Nelson Chase. Kichmond C. Angell. Joseph G. Eastman. James Eastman. Eli Davis. John Colby. Robert Lear. Samuel Gardner, Jr. Solomon Bartlett. Edwin P. Stickney, Jesse E. George. Josiah Trow, Jr. Stephen Abbott. Andrew J. Kidder. Henry Remington. James W. Trow. Perkins Trow. Musicians. Willard C. Severance. Privates. Caleb B. Stevens. James R. Muzzey. Daniel C. Eastman, Jerome Blaisdell. Richard C. R. Cooper. Elias B. Abbott. Ezra Carpenter. William Gardner, Samuel G. Rider. Wells H. Davis. Joseph Young. Charles E, Rogers, Wilson S, George. James George. Samuel O. Baily, Benjamin Morrill, John Skinner, Warren Simmons. Charles F. Sargent. There was also at the same time an inde- pendent company, who carried the impressive name of " The Bold Rangers," but I have been unable to find its complete personnel, and can only give some of the successive captains, as Putney Roby, Moses A. Young, Moses C. Muzzey, all of whom have been saluted by their neighbors by these honorable titles. "War of 1861-65. — We come now to the War of the Rebellion, in which Sunapee, by enlistments and all the other modes of that eventful period, contributed her --full share. The following is the list of the men who enlisted into the service of the United States : Cornelius Y. Gardner. Nathaniel S. Gardner, Henry Young. Wilbur Young. Jeremiah W. Ladd. Samuel O. Bailey. Nathaniel Batchelder, Jr. Thomas Abbott. Josiah Trow. Samuel Thompson. John M. Colby. Oliver Young. Alfred Davis. Cyrus Thompson. George W. Haven. Samuel Abbott. Gilman Abbott. Charles D. Hopkins. Charles H. Watts. John Edminster. Perley Trow. William Thompson, Timothy Eastman. Nathan Young. William C. Eastman. W. H. Osborn. John T. Cotterell. Josiah Scott. Sylvester H. Powell. Frank Symmister. Jacob D. Sleeper. Charles Clement. Wilbury Leonard. In the mean time, and before the last call for men was made, some twelve substitutes were put in by inhabitants liable to the draft, or who were drafted, and the town sent twelve in a body on the call of 1863, and the following are the names given by this batch of substitutes : James Burke, William Sullivan. Alexander Peterson. Mitchell Benedict. George Woodman. Edwin Mathews. Thomas Leonard. James Keneif. George Johann. William Smith. Benjamin Williams. Isaac Brown. John Flanders enlisted in the navy. Education.— In the widest sense, this head covers a great deal more than the mere manage- ment of our common-school system, and if ta- ken in this extended meaning, the inhabitants of Sunapee are at least equal to any other rural community in New Hampshire. They discuss in the village stores the passing topics of inter- est with an average amount of intelligence, and hardly a man in town but takes one or more newspapers. Our interest in our schools cannot be less than that of our neighbors, for the to- tal school money the present year was : Literary fund and extra statute appropriation, $916.21. SUNAPEB. 3V3 There are nine school districts, and the total number of scholars in town is one hundred and sixty-one. Our school-houses are all in good condition, and some of them have been fitted up in the most modern style, giving the schol- ars of the present day mauy advantages as com- pared with their fathers and mothers of forty years ago. An act was passed at the last session of the Legislature abolishing the district system, and establishing the town system of schools ; but the prospect is, that the plan will meet with lit- tle favor in Sunapee. The constant tinkering with our common-school system, making expen- sive and unnecessary changes in text-books, and introducing into the schools, supported by the public taxes, what are called "higher" branches — these, with the general tendency among the would-be leaders in education to centralizing: o the management in the hands of a few, are among the mistakes of our time, which can only be remedied by an honest return to the princi- ples of the founders of our State system of edu- cation, namely : to secure to every child of the commonwealth, from the public purse, a knowl- edge of the elementary branches, which form the basis of special and more advanced courses to be procured at private expense solely. Prominent Families and Names. — Our check-lists displayed for a long course of years a few prominent names, and these would, in the natural current of things, change places — at one time the Angells would lead ; and then for a season the majority would fall to the Georges or to the Youngs. At our last annual meet- ings the Youngs had a plurality of fourteen names. Then a host of names less numerous make up the body of the list, such as the Sar- gents, Gardners, Eastmans, Smiths, Abbots, Colbys, Coopers, Bartletts, Trows, Know! tons and others. But in a sketch of this kind, which must necessarily be brief, we shall only be able to refer to a few of the pioneers in the settling of our town, and perhaps make an allusion to the descendants of some. The common ancestor of the Smiths was Francis, who came from Rowley, Mass., and settled in the north part of the town, not far from 1792. His death occurred on the 8th of May, 1829. But he left four children,— Nathan, Mary, John and Hepzibah. Nathan was the father of John B., Hepzibah, Joseph P. and Thomas Pike. Joseph Pillsbury Smith and Thomas Pike Smith still survive, Joseph hav- ing held office in town for twenty years, and being the chairman of the present Board of Se- lectmen. Thomas is a leading business man, a justice of the peace, and a man of unusual literary taste and ability. The writer has been nmch indebted to his careful preservation of many facts. John B. Smith was in all respects an extraordinary man. As an inventor he had no superior in New Hampshire, and his death, from paralysis, on the 19th day of October, 1884, left the whole community in sadness. Joseph George was the progenitor of the Georges of Sunapee, and had five sons, — Elijah, Samuel, Joseph, Daniel and Benjamin. Daniel was the founder of George's Mills, a subdivi- sion of our town at the upper or nortii end of Sunapee Lake. He was an excellent mechanic and miller, and specimens of his handiwork still remain, such as small and great spinning- wheels and reels. His son Daniel succeeded him in the grist-mill and became an able and popular citizen, acting as moderator of our town meetings for full twenty years, filling the office of representative for four years and discharging various other trusts with fidelity and accept- ance. His son Daniel A. George, the fourth from the common ancestor Joseph, is the present miller, and still operates on the old privilege and has many of the qualities of his progeni- tors. He has been moderator, selectman and Representative and is still in the vigor of life. Daniel George, the father of Daniel A. died suddenly, in 1864, aged fifty-six. The Youngs, as we have already intimated. 374 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. were of Rhode Island stock, and were early in town. They numbered, at the last census, for- ty-six persons. The Christian name of the oldest of the orig- inal settlers was Abiather, and he had sons, — Abiather, John, William and Andrew,— and the elder Abiather was the common ancestor of most of the name found in town to-day. Several of them held military commissions under the mi- litia laws of the State, and five at least of these descendants were in the Union army in the late Rebellion. Of Captain William Young, whom we have noticed elsewhere : — " He was every inch a soldier." He was also the best penman of his time, as the records still remain- ing will verify. The Chases were another of the pioneer families .who, with great energy, joined in sub- duing the wilderness and contributing to the enterprise and prosperity of the town. John Chase, the father of John Chase Jr. came to Wendell in 1784, and purchased a lot and a half at the outlet of Sunapee Lake, embracing every foot of land now covered by the village commonly designated " The Harbor," and reach- ing from the Runals Hotel to the Methodist meeting-house. John Chase, Jr., married, in 1 794, Elizabeth Rogers, sister of Colonel Sam- uel Rogers. They had children, — Richard Hills, Abigail, Sarah, Alvin, Elmira, Francis and Elizabeth. The elder John Chase was the first to erect and run a grist-mill in town, and during the above-named year (1794) he joined his son, John Chase, Jr., in the raising of the large two-story dwelling-house now modernized and owned by W. C. Sturoc ; Richard and Hills Chase left town when young men ; the first becoming a lawyer at A usable Forks, N. Y., and the last a physician at Syracuse, N. Y. Alvin Chase was remarkable for his many feats of skill after he was totally blind. He built, without aid, a chaise, the remains of which the writer has seen ; a cheese press, still in existence ; shingled the house where he lived, working on the roof in the warm nights of sum- mer, and accomplished many other things almost beyond belief. He died in June, 1834, aged twenty-seven years. Absent Natives. — Nearly sixty years ago quite a number of the families then in town and individual members of others removed to Ohio, and settled for the most part in the towns of Paiuesville and Concord, the latter name being established in honor of the capital of their na- tive State. Those emigrants were Huntoons, Youngs, Clapps and Chases. Without a single exception, they all rooted in their adopted soil and prospered, and many of them have made pilgrimages to their native town. And there have been some, without going so far as the flourishing West, who still revisit with great pleasure the good town of Sunapee, where they were born. One of this kind is William Robinson, of Sudbury Street, Boston, who, about fifty or more years ago, left with his little bundle under his arm, and, footing it all the way to Boston, began life without a cent. He is now the wealthy owner of mucli property, and of a flourishing business in com- pany with his two sons, who are an honor to their worthy father. But in more recent times there have been some who have gone from Sun- apee in pursuit of business or of honor. Wil- liam W. Eastman, now of Brooklyn, N. Y., a native of the town, and son of Ichabod East- man, was for many years a leading man in Suna- pee, and it was under his hands, as Representa- tive in 1849 and 1850, that the town received its present name. William, like his father, was an excellent general mechanic, and, in conjunction with B. P. Page, of Bradford, started on a large scale the manufacture of threshing-ma- chines in Sunapee, in the year 1847. He was afterwards warden of the New Hampshire State Prison. He has, in late years, been deeply in- terested in the oil business and other enterprises in Brooklyn. Charles H. Bartlett was born in Sunapee, October 15, 18:]'5. He is the son of John and Sarah J. Bartlett, both recently deceased. He SUNAPEE. 375 studied and was admitted to the bar of Hills- borough County in 1858. Mr. Bartlett was clerk of the New Hampshire Senate from 1861 to 1865, private secretary to Governor Smyth 1865 and 1866. In 1867 he was appointed clerk of the United States District Court in New Hamp- shire. In the same year he was elected solicitor for the city of Manchester, and declined a re- election in 1872. He was mayor of Manches- ter till February, 1873. He has held many other offices and trusts, and was president of the State Senate in 1883. Alfred T. Batchelder, youngest son of Nath- aniel and Sarah Batchelder, also claims Suna- pee as his birth-place. He is about forty-two years of age and is the present mayor of Keene, N. H., a graduate of Dartmouth and a lawyer by profession. The most prominent dentist in Concord, N. H., is George A. Young, son of Andrew and Ly- dia Young, of this town. He is acknowl- edged to be high in his profession. And in the same city will be found Moses F. Rogers, grandson of Colonel Samuel Rogers and brother of Rev. Charles E. He has been actively engaged in the express business for many years, and was deputy warden of the New Hampshire State Prison under John Foss. Two sons of the late Mark Dodge are also natives of Sunapee. Albert is an extensive grain dealer in Gloucester, Mass., and Parker a physician in the West. Caleb Colby, son of John Colby, is now a suc- cessful jeweler in New York City. He has a double claim on recognition here, having mar- ried a native of Sunapee, Mehitable Young, daughter of Lieutenant John. BusixEss Enterprises. — Although within easy reach of the excellent natural waterfalls at the head of Sugar River, the first settlers labored for some years under difficulties as to the con- veniences of saw-mill or grist-mill, and it was no uncommon thing in those early days of the settlAnent for the sturdy head of the family to start with his back-load of rye or corn, and proceeding through the then wilderness, by marked or spotted trees, reach the nearest mill. They were under the necessity, at one time, of going that way as far as "Number Four" (Charlestown). But an effiirt was soon made to remedy this evil, and on the 3d of December, 1782, I find, by a document of that date, the proprietors invited one Joel Bailey, of New- port, to accept of the gift of twenty acres of the " undivided land," as an inducement for the said Bailey to build a grist and saw-mill in Wendell. The signers of this instrument, partly in the form of a quit-claim deed, were as follows : Esek Young, John Sprague, John Call, John Gardner, Thomas Martin, David Call, John Bevins, John Wendell and Stephen Hardy. It does not appear that Bailey accepted of this offer made by those land-owners, and nothing was done in that direction till about 1784-85, when John Chase erected the first grist-mill, not far from the site of the Blodgett & Runals saw-mill of to-day. The entrance to the end of this primitive mill was by a steep descent immediately east of the present " Mill Hill " highway. Not far from 1800 a wooden dam was put across the river, just below where the Granite Hame- Works now stand, and a power formed at the first steep fall, and that site has remained the Harbor Grist-Mill ever since. A saw-mill was subsequently combined with the grist-mill, and the ownership has passed through numer- ous hands. At an early date it was the prop- erty of Hutchinson & Cheney ; then Jeremiah Newall and Jonas Cutting, Purmort & Stevens, Young & Cobb, Lowell T. Nute, Charles Stubbs, and the present owners, Purington & Bartlett. About 1820 a privilege was taken up some ways below the grist-mill, and below where William C. Stocker's excelsior-shop now stands. It was used by Hills, son of John Chase, Jr., at what was then called a clothing- mill, where home-made cloth was fulled and dressed. 376 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Jonathan "Wooster also pursued the business of carding and fulling and dressing cloth, and was followed by D. B. Colcord, the latter removing his shop to George's Mills, where he conducted the same for about twenty years, end- ing in 1845, since which time no such business has been done in town, the products of factories taking the place of the home-manufactured article. In 1842 the foundation of the present tannery was laid by George Keyser and David Haynes, and has been run by successive occupants. The water-power for the tannery was procured by throwing a dam across Sugar River just below the grist-mill dam, and at a subsequent period another dam was formed still farther down- stream, this last being now occupied by Wil- liam C. Stocker for the manufacture of excel- sior. About 1837 the substantial stone dam, just above the Harbor Bridge, was erected by a company of which Stephen D. Ford was the agent, but nothing was done on this dam until about 1844, when Christopher Cross, from Lowell, Mass., built the saw-mill on the south end of the " stone dam." • About the same time, Ephraim O. Whitcomb built a shop just below the Harbor Bridge, for the manufacture of bedsteads, and that business was pursued by various owners till 1852 or 1853, when Dexter Pierce went into the making of clothes-pins, and this shop, the basement of which was, in 1857, occupied by Royal Booth while he was constructing card-board machinery, took fire, and not only totally consumed that shop, but also the one on the north side of the river occupied by Abiather Young, for making shoe-pegs. The peg business was carried on by Abiather Young for years, until finally he oc- cupied the shop north of the saw-mill on the stone dam, and that, too, on the night of April 11, 1877, took fire and was completely de- stroyed. Since then the shoe-peg business has not been resumed. On the 18th of October of the same year (1877), Abiather died, aged fifty. It has been mentioned, in connection with the name of William W. Eastman, that a large shop was built in 1847 for the making of threshing-machines, although in a smaller shop, called the " red shop," Mi-. Eastman, in com- pany with James Perkins and others, had in previous years been in that business. This threshing-machine business was for a number of years, say from 1847 till 1870, a prominent in- dustry in Sunapee, till finally it fell into the hands solely of Major Josiah Turner, one of the first makers, who died of apoplexy, April 16, 1883. Since the death of Mr. Turner that business has also been entirely stamped out, and the last shop he occupied has been converted into a store-house for lumber. About 1852, John B. Smith having been previously engaged for a short time in different kinds of mechanical employment at the Har- bor, built a shop at the point now locally known as Smithville, and began making clothes-pins and inventing machinery for their rapid produc- tion ; he succeeded at last in constructing a ma- chine that would turn out one hundred and ten per minute, and by procuring patents on his various machines ac:3[uired a monopoly of the business. But his inventive genius was not satisfied with this narrow field, and he soon added a machine-shop and foundry for casting brass and iron, with all the necessary buildings for that varied business. He continued increas- ing and extending until quite a village had grown up around his works, when, on the 19th of October, he was struck with paralysis, from which he died, aged sixty-six. He had always been an earnest student of the science of astron- omy, and was tempted, in the pursuit of that study, to try his hand at telescope-making, in which he succeeded so admirably as to com- mand the admiration of men long skilled in that business. Solon W. Abbott runs a planing, tonguing and grooving-mill, and combines the making of coffins and caskets with his other business. Willis W. Trow has similar machinery and a good saw-mill. SUNAPEE. 877 Perkins & Alexander make hay-rakes of all kinds. There has, from the earliest times, been one or more blacksmiths in town. Nathaniel Per- kins, a man prominent in our town affairs sixty years ago, was, perhaps, the first, having his first shop not far from where George W. Colby now lives ; afterwards near his homestead, long known as the " Perkins place." His forge has, however, been cold for forty years. Moses Muzzey built his blacksmith-shop in 1818, on the eminence near George's Mills, known even now as Muzzey Hill. He died about thirteen years ago. Moses C. Muzzey, son of the above, opened a blacksmith's forge at the Lower village in 1840, and has continued ever since, having a partner a large share of the time in Amos D. Carnes. Asahel Lear has been a blacksmith at the south part of the town for more than a common life-time and still survives. Stores. — The stores in Sunapee have always been of the kind designated " country stores, " keeping a miscellaneous assortment, and taking the produce of the farmer in pay to a large ex- tent. In 1820, John Dane was keeping store in the house built by him for that purpose, and now owned by Solomon Bartlett, although among the older inhabitants it is still called the '■Dane House." About 1825, John Colby succeeded Dane, and by 1830 he built the store which stood for many years on what is now J. P. Knowlton's door-yard. Colby was succeeded by Marble, and he by Wadleigh, and the Knowlton Bros., Moses and John, were run- ning the business in 1844, and the latter con- tinued till about 1863. John was followed by D. G. Knowlton & Sons, and the store moved from the hill to its present location, at the west end of the hame-shop, where it is run by Knowlton & Sargent. The store and dwelling-house which was built by Josiah Turner, the under part of which was from'the beginning intended for store purposes, was first occupied by Eastman & Kelsey ; and the line of store-keepers who have filled up the thirty-seven intervening years have been nearly as follows : H. Stanton, Colby & Jones, Cut- ler & Wade, Jabe Thompson, Quimby & Simmons, Rawson, Ingram, Wm. C. Stocker and for the last fourteen years, N. P. Baker. In this store, since the election of Abraham Lincoln, or since 1861, the post-office has been kept till the present year. At the Lower village the successive store- keepers have been Marble, Wadleigh, Col- cord, Edson and the present owner, Joseph Russell. The "Granite Hame-Woeks."— In 1869, W. H. H. Cowles and Lucius Buswell, from Grantham, commenced to build the large shop now occupied for the manufacture of hames. While the building was being erected Mr. Bus- well was killed, and Mr. Cowles found a new partner in the person of George H. Bartlett, and some three years ago Mr. Cowles aban- doned the business and sold out his half-interest to Irwing G. Rowell, the firm now being Bart- lett & Rowell. They do a large business and employ about twenty hands. About ten years ago a tin-shop was started by Healy Cunningham, but on the 2d of April, 1884, he died suddenly, and the shop was ibr a short time vacant, but during the present year Fred. C. Keycs purchased the stock and shop, and has extended the business by the addition of stores and a general assort- ment of hardware. ACCIDENTS. The events happening in our midst of an accidental character have not been very frequent or unusual. The conflagrations of any impor- tance have all occurred within thirty years. In the winter of 1857 the two shops below tlie Harbor Bridge, one owned by Dexter Pierce and the other by Abiather Young, were both totally consumed; the fire originating in the basement of Pierce's shop and spreading north- ward across the river to Young's peg-shop. 378 HTSTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. On the 10th of June, 1871, the clothes-pin shop of John B. Smith took fire and soon spread to the adjacent dwellings, destroying those of Moses I^. Sargent and Isaac Harriman, and damaging the Methodist parsonage and totally consuming the church on the north side of the highway. The large shop which has been described as being built for the threshing-machine business, and in which shoe-pegs were now being manu- factured, took fire on the night of the 11th of April, 1877, and, although right on the river, for lack of any appliances to use the water was soon reduced to a heap of ruins. Drownings. — On a body of water as exten- sive as Lake Sunapee — nine miles by three — the number of deaths by drowning have been com- paratively few. If any loss of life occurred previous to 1800, the oldest inhabitants are unable to recall it, and the first of which we have any account is the death of Joel Fletcher, of New London, who came across with a neigh- bor in a " dug-out " or canoe made of half of a pine log. They came to procure clay from a clay-bed at the Harbor, near where the Wood- sum wharf now stands, and where a number of brick-kilns were subsequently burned for the building of the first chimneys in town. Fletcher and his companion had almost reached New London shore on their return when a sudden squall struck the boat, shifting the cargo of clay and. upsetting the frail craft. His companion swam on shore, but Fletcher was drowned. And this happened, as Aunt Betsey Knowlton informed me, when she was thirteen years old. This venerable lady, who was a sister to Thomas Pike, our first sole rep- resentative, and mother of the three Knowltons Dennis, Moses and John— died in July, 1881, at the advanced age of ninety-four. She retained her memory to the last, and passed away with the grandeur of a Eevolutionary matron. On 9th of September, 1821, the babe of J. Harvey Huntoon, who lived not far from the lake, was carried, with the bed on which it lay, into the lake by the memorable " hurri- cane " of that year, and the body was found in a few days drifted to shore, near "Job's Creek." In the spring of 1834, Josiah Currier, father of the late Bradford Currier and William Currier and Mrs. John Boyce, met his death by falling through the ice near the " Hedge- Hog Den," at the commencement of a terrific snow-storm that had begun just about sundown. His outcries were heard by Oliver Young who lived at that time on the farm on which Lake View House is built ; but Young was unable to reach him on account of the driving storm. It was nearly two months before his hat was found, when the snow had thawed away, giving a clue to the place where he went down. Not in the lake, but near it, in the river, on the 9th of March, 1882, Corana Eichardson, a boy six years old, was missed, and on a careful search his body was found in the river a little M^ay above the " stone dam." On Thursday, January 15, 1885, Leander Blodgett, of Newbury, started with a horse and wagon from the Chandler shore to go in the di- rection of "Pine Clifi"," and on his return must have dropped through a hole in the ice, as the seat of his wagon and the buffalo-robe were found near the hole. The water at that point was about fifty feet deep, but grapplings were pro- cured, and the body of the unfortunate young man, as also the horse and wagon, were soon drawn to the surface. A Fatal Shooting Affair.— On Thanks- giving day, 1828, as quite a number of the young men of the town were collected in the store of Colby & Newall, in the Dane House, one of the party, a Jonathan Marston, took up a gun that stood in the corner of the room, and resting it upon the shoulder of David Reddington, fired at random, fatally wounding Elbridge G. Sar- gent, youngest son of Deacon Moses Sargent, and injuring some others who stood in range. One of the injured .was Dennis G. Knowltop,- SUNAPEE. 379 from whom I had the relation of the accident. The buckle of the cap worn by the Sargent boy was driven into his forehead and twenty- two shot were extracted; but after lingering nine days he expired. In the fall of 1869, when the hame-shop was being built, the younger partner of the concern, Lucius Busswell, while in the saw- mill, superintending the sawing of the lumber for the building, was struck in the forehead by a heavy slab which caught on the circular saw, and killed, lingering only a few hours. He was a young man of excellent promise, son of Oliver and Deborah Busswell, of Grantham. The Huericahte. — Among the memorable events connected with this town, and without some notice of which a history would be incom- plete, was the terrific hurricane of the 9th of September, 1821, which swept across the north- easterly portion of the town, towards the lake, on its devastating path to the neighboring towns of New London, Sutton, Salisbury and War- ner. It tore up trees and carried them onward for miles, and what trees it did not entirely up- root it laid over, in many cases, almost to the ground. There are evidences still standing in old orchards over which this tornado passed, especially near Job's Creek, on the land sloping down towards the lake. During the day of that memorable Sunday it was unusually hot and sultry, clearly indicat- ing electrical forces, and about four o'clock in the afternoon the black clouds began to roll, soon followed by the roaring of the bronzy, ashen- colored bugle of the whirlwind, as it sped on to the southeast, on its errand of destruc- tion. The writer has had corroborative relation from several eye-witnesses of that terrible scene. It was noticed to start ap- parently from the south side of Grantham Mountain, striking and partly demolishing one habitation in Croydon ; thence onward through the northeast part of Sunapee, doing damage only to the forests and fences, until it reached the house and barn of J. Harvey Huutoon, near the west shore of the lake. It lifted the barn from its foundations and threw it in frag- ments down-hill towards the shore. It whirled the roof from the house and shattered to pieces all above the cellar, while a bed on which the youngest child was laid was snatched up and carried in the air to the centre of the lake and there dropped. A few days after, as Dr. Alexander Boyd, of Newport, with Moses Muzzey, the blacksmith of Wendell, and others were looking over the track of the destroyer, they noticed an object near the entrance of the creek, and, on reaching it, they found the body of the child, its little dress torn to shreds, and its head bruised and battered almost beyond recognition. Mr. Hun- toon and his wife, Naoma, removed soon after to Concord, Ohio, where they died not long ago, and where they had been visited several times by persons now living in Sunapee. They re- tained, as a sad memento of that dreadful and fatal day, a small piece of the baby's dress, which they had encased in a frame, under glass, with its brief but sorrowful legend. When Charles Dickens, the English novelist, visited the United States, some one related to him the above-named facts, and on that he built his story of "The Fisherman of Sunapee," which had the run of the magazines and newspapers of that time. The havoc of this tornado, which ended its course at the south base of the Kear- sarge Mountain, has been described by other writers, so far as it affected the other towns named; but no circumstantial account of its ravages in Sunapee has heretofore been written, and soon the observers of that startling event will be all numbered among the things that were ; although to-day the dismantled cellar of the Huntoon habitation may still be traced, and a few of the leaning apple-trees are still bearing fruit, they were partially borne down by that terrific gust, now sixty-four years ago. The Lake and its Surroundings. — We now reach a matter in the history of Sunapee 380 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. that, althoHgh we have made last, is not the least, but, in truth, the greatest, in regard to our material future,— the lake and its coaneo- tions. As early as 1820 a diarter had been granted by the Legislature to Josiah Stevens and others, giving them the right to draw and control the surplus waters of the lake for the behoof of " the owners of mills and mill privileges on Sugar River ;" and for many years the whole matter of the lake was comparatively but little noticed, the regulation of the drawing having fallen into the hands, almost entirely, of grow- ing mill interests at the extreme west end of Sugar River, where it empties into Connecticut River. All the intermediate mill-owners on the river had either become careless of their rights or they were ignored ; and this state of things ran along until about twenty years ago, when the importance of this beautiful sheet of water, as a navigable water, began to attract at- tention. The lake, before this time, bad been baptized by IST, P. Refers, as the Loch Lomond of Xew England. I remember when there was at Sunapee Harbor but one small row- boat. To-day there are probably not less than two hundred row and sail-boats, many of them of superior build and rig. In 1854, Timothy Hoskins, an ex-State Senator, and William Cutler built a horse- boat. Hoskins was interested in the saw-mill and Cutler in the tannery. It was capable of taking on parties of one hundred, but, after running for about eight years, it was broken up and portions of it can still be recognized. On the 4th of July, 1859, Austin Goings, of Xew Loudon, launched the first steamboat upon Sunapee Lake. It was a side-wheeler, the length of the keel being sixty-five feet. It could carry three hundred passengers. Its name was the " Surprise, But that point in the history of Sunapee had not arrived when a steamboat would pay, and, the war of 1861 coming on, Captain Goings enlisted and his boat was dismantled. From 1861 to 1876 nothing but row and sail-boats floated on Sunapee Lake, but the centennial year was appropriately heralded by the commencement of permanent steam naviga- tion on our lake. In this year the little steamer " Penacook " was purchased by N. S, Garduer and put upon the lake. When she was first run she had side-wheels and her machinery was very imper- fect ; but Captain Nathan Young, her present proprietor, has remodeled her, putting in a new engine and screw-propeller and changed her name to the " Mountain Maid." 1876 will also be memorable for the advent of the Woodsum brothers, Frank and Daniel, who came from Maine and built the snug, fine-looking and substantial steamer "Lady Woodsum," and have run her every summer since in connection with the trains arriving at Newbury. The " Lady Woodsum " can carry over a hun- dred passengers, and they have an attendant barge that will take a larger company. Mr, Craddock, the owner of " Liberty Island," has a small private steamer suitable for family parties, and used mostly for the con- venience of his family and boarders. For a few years past, since our leading lines of railroad have given special opportunities of summer travel, a want seemed to be felt, on the occasion of extra trains arriving at Sunapee Lake, for still further steamboat accommodation, and in the winter of 1884-85 a joint-stock com- pany was formed for the building of a large boat, and in the summer of 1885 the commo- dious boat named the "Edmund Burke" was launched upon the waters of Sunapee Lake with appropriate ceremonies witnessed by a great multitude of people. She was named in honor of the late Hon. Edmund Burke, who was the first projector of this enlarged enterprise, and who had in his life- time become deeply interested in the prosperity of Sunapee Lake as a place of resort ; having built him a nice cottage near the " Lake View," where, during a few of the closing years of his SUNAPEE. 381 life, he spent the summer seasons. He had also become the owner of the Lake View House and farm on which it stood. But his health failed, and he died on the 25th of January, 1882, aged seventy-three, and his large property fell mainly to his daughter, Mrs. Frances M. Dana, wife of Colonel George Dana, of Newport, who has in a faithful and energetic manner endeav- ored to carry out Mr. Burke's plans. The dimensions of this large propeller are eighty-seven feet in length, eighteen feet beam. She has a double deck, and is capable of carry- ing five or six hundred passengers. So far as it concerns boating on Sunapee Ijake, we have traced the matter up to date (1885) ; but on the shores of the lake great improvements have, in the mean time, been made. At Lake View some dozen cottages have been erected for summer occupancy; at Blodgett's four times that number ; this last being a pub- lie resort for camp-meetings and great gatherings. At "Pine Cliff" quite a number of attractive cottages have been built, and are fully occupied during the summer by their opulent owners. The Hotels only remain to be noticed in connection with the outcome of the town's prosperity and its probable future. " The Sunapee House " was built by C. Y. & N. S. Gardner, about forty years ago, and for some years was occupied as a tenement building ; but has for nearly thirty years been kept as a public-house. The present landlords are Lafayette and Frank Colby. This tavern is kept open throughout the year. The "Lake View House" was erected by Lafayette Colby in 1875, and was run by him for a few years. Mr. (Jolby was really the pioneer in the large hotel business connected with the in- creasing interest in the lake as a place of sum- mer resort. The "Eunals House" was built in 1877, by Albert Runals and John Y. Gardner. Mr. • Eunals died February 13, 1882, aged seventy-two, and the interest in the hotel is now held by his relict, Lucy Eunals, in conjunc- tion with Mr. Gardner. The accommodating power of these last two hotels does not differ greatly, being something like a hundred apiece ; and now the demand is for more hotels. Conjectures cannot be history ; but the un- mistakable indications are that Sunapee is des- tined to be an important place of summer resort ; and if the next decade shall be as fruit- ful of progress as the immediate past has been, a spectacle of improvement will be witnessed that at the present hour might be deemed im- possible. NAMES OF PRESENT BUSINESS MEN. Geanite Hame-Works.— George H. Bart- lett and Irving G. Eowell. Wheelwright. — Moses A. Young. Saw-Mills. — Franklin Blodgett, Edward E. Sargent, Solon W. Abbott, Willis W. Trow. Merchants. — Nathan P. S. Baker, Wil- liam Eussell, Joseph Eussell, Knowlton & Sargent. Manufacturer of Excelsior. — W. C. Stocker. Tanner. — Gabe T. Young. Livery Stables. — Frank Blodgett, Albert Huntoon. Shoe Stipfenings. — John A. Tucker & Son. Furniture, Etc. — Thomas P. Smith. Grist-Millers. — D. A. George, Puring- ton & Bartlett. Blacksmiths. — Asahel Lear, Moses C. Muzzey, Amos D. Carnes. Eakes and Handles. — James Perkins, George E. Alexander, Benjamin E. Sleeper. Machinist AND Founder. — Nathan Smith. TiN-SMiTH.^Fred. C. Keyes. Shoemaker. — Jeremiah W. Merrill. Butcher. — George S. Eeed. Carpenters and Joiners. — Stephen Wood- ward, John V. Sargent, Moses L. Sargent, Orren Cross. Wallets. — Moses L. Sargent. 3S2 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. THE RUNALS FAMILY. This branch of the Runals family traces its descent from Aj-rshire, Scotland. The geneal- ogy has been carefully traced, with great labor and research, by Rev. M. T. Runorels, A.M., Sanbornton, N. H. John Runals, the first descendant, settled in Dover, 1718, soon after moved to Durham (now Lee). His son Abraham is spoken of as a brave Scotch patriot. He, with five of his eight sons, served their country with distinction in the Revolutionary War. Jonathan, his seventh son, came to Concord ; married Dorothy Dimon; died 1779; settled as a clothier near Turkey River, in Concord ; soon after moved to Deering. Being the seventh son of his father's family he was consulted, ac- cording to the custom of the times, by hundreds of people for the cure of scrofula and other diseases. Samuel, eldest son of Jonathan and Dorothy Runals, was born in Concord, July 30, 1781 ; married, April 26, 1 809, Eliza Lovejoy ; was a millwright. He resided successively in Bradford, Hopkinton, West Boscawen, Mere- dith Bridge and other towns, as his business required. He came back to Concord, where he, with his companion, spent the remainder of his days, tenderly cared for by their children. Albert Runals, who is more immediately the subject of this sketch, was the eldest child of Samuel and Eliza Runals, and was born in Brad- ford, December 23, 1809. He, like most poor youths of his time, was early taught to labor for his support, and assist his father in the maintenance of his young family. His schooling was limited to three months in winter, earning his board by tending the stock for the farmers in the vicinity in which he lived. By perse- verance and industry he acquired a good com- mon-school education for his time. He bought h:s time of his father a few years previous to his majority, and began to carve his fortune. He engaged to some extent in the lumber busiuess, in which he was very successful. He purchased a farm in West Boscawen in 1835; built a house some two years later. He married Ann M. Colby, of Concord, a very estimable and worthy lady, and settled on his farm in West Boscawen. He also engaged quite extensively in the lum- ber business, and when the city of Lowell, Mass., was in its infancy he, with others, fur- nished large contracts of lumber for building contractors in Lowell, Mass., drawing the lum- ber to the foot of Sewell's Falls, in Concord, and rafting and taking it down the Merrimack River to Lowell, long before the advent of the steam-car from Concord to Lowell. In 1846 Mr. Runals, in connection with his brother, purchased building-lots in Lowell, and a few years later built tenement blocks, from which they received large profits in after- years. To Albert and Ann Runals were born two daughters, — Mary Maria, born June 10, 1836 ; Marcia Ette, born July 14, 1838. She married A. P. Bennett, of Concord, January 1, 1859, to whom were born two sons, — Frank R. and Eugene A. Bennett. Mr. Runals was a man of superior business ability, a good manager, safe counselor in pub- lic affairs, though he sought no office and held none until 1855, when he, with Mr. Winn, was chosen to represent the town in the State Legis- lature, and re-elected the following year. In the June session of the Legislature in 1860 an act was passed dividing the town of Boscawen, and forming the town of Webster, in the west part. In the following August, at their first meeting, Mr. Runals was chosen one of the selectmen, and the following March was re-elected ; also chosen to represent the town in the State Legislature ; was re-elected the follow- ing year. He held no office after this ; would accept none. His advice was frequently sought, freely given and safely followed by those who succeeded him in public office. SUNAPEE. 383 In the dull times of the "War of the Rebel- lion, Mr. Runals -was engaged principally in farming and stock and wool-growing. From the latter he received very large profits. His bright, worldly enjoyments were turned to sorrow in the death of his fondly-cherished daughter, Mrs. Bennett, whose death occurred on May 16, 1863. It was a severe blow to his tender heart and led him to accept Christ as his Redeemer. Nearly four years later he was called to mourn the loss of his dear companion, with whom he had lived in perfect happiness for more than thirty years, and of whom he could never speak without tears. She gently passed away on October 22, 1866. He married, October 3, 1867, Lucy J. Holmes, of Webster, a young lady of good abilities and firm Christian integrity, with whom he lived very happily to the close of his life. Their union was blessed with a daughter, Marcia Alice, born in Sunapee, September 12, 1878, who, with her mother, still resides at his late home in Sunapee. In 1868 Mr. Runals purchased lumber of parties in New London, cut and drew it across the lake to the mill of D. F. Emerys, in Suna- pee. The following year he purchased an in- terest in the mill and engaged extensively in the manufacture of lumber, boarding in the family of D. F. Emerys and others. He was called home to assist in the care of his only remaining daughter, who quietly passed away on February 20, 1872, thus severing the' last tie that held him to his first family. The following year he leased his farm and moved with his wife to Sunapee, where he had previously built a cottage ; he might almost be said to monopolize the lumber business in town and, indeed, in this section. He was the builder and joint-owner of the Runals House, drafting the plan of the building and superintending the work himself; it is a beautiful structure and a credit to its builder, and is now a popular sum- mer resort. Mr. Runals was for a short time engaged in the tannery business with Calvin Angle, also with J. T. Young at the time of his decease, and being a man of property and active disposition, he was always willing to lend a help- ing hand to every improvement and to aid in all benevolent enterprises. Mr. Runals was a man of cheerful, pleasant temperament ; he always had a kind word for every one; he was tem- perate in his habits, never using tobacco in any form or intoxicating drink as a beverage, to which is largely du£ his strong constitution and general good health. He was a domestic man ; home was the dearest place on earth to him, and wife the loved object of his affection and tender care, and little daughter the pride and joy of his home. Mr. Runals was not a member of any church organization, but he was a liberal sup- porter of the gospel and a constant attendant on divine worship. He was a member of the board of trustees in the Methodist Church where he resided, which office he held at the time of his decease. His busy, active life suddenly came to a close after a short illness of less than two days ; he was taken with erysipelas in the face on Sunday morning, and on Monday p.m. was seized with apoplexy and expired almost in- stantly on February 13, 1882, at the age of seventy-two years. In his death the town lost one of its most valuable and highly-esteemed citizens, and the business community one of its most active and enterprising business men ; the church and society its most able and willing supporter, and the poor and needy a kind benefactor. Our loss was his gain; he has his rewai-d in heaven. We have followed in this sketch the career of this noble man from poverty to wealth and po- sitions of honor and trust, and to-day his mem- ory is fresh in the hearts of his townsmen ; the general exclamation is, " No one can fill Mr. Runals' place." HISTORY OF UNITY. CHAPTEE I. This township was granted July 13, 1764, to Timothy Goodwin and others, to be di\'ided "into sach shares and proportions as the major part shall agree upon." The grant was made to enable some parties in Hampstead and Kings- ton to settle a dispute relative to some territory claimed by Hampstead parties under a grant from New Hampshire, and by Kingston parties under a grant from Massachusetts. Enough of the territory in this grant was to be transferred to the Kingston claimants to satisfy them. The controversy had created considerable bitterness, but was amicably settled by means of this grant, and the town was named in commemoration of the happy termination of the dispute. A portion of the town of Goshen, incor- porated December 27, 1791, was taken from this town, and another small tract was severed from Unity and annexed to that town July 6, 1837. By an act approved June 20, 1810, a tract of land, with inhabitants thereon, was sev- ered from the southwest corner of this town and annexed to Charlestown. December 29, 1828, a small tract of land, with the inhabitants thereon, was severed from the northwest corner of this town and annexed to Claremont. DocuMEXTAEY. — The following is the war- rant for town-meeting, 1779: " this Is to notify &" the Leagal Inhabitants paying taxes in the towns of acworth Lempster Savel Croy- 384 don Unity & newport to meet at the Dwelling house of Cap' Nathaniel huntoon in said Unity on the firstt tusday In December next at one of the Clock In the after noon. " l'^ to Chuse a moderator to Govern Said meeting '■ 2'*^ to Chuse one Good & LawfuU man to Represent them In the General Assembly to be held at Exeter for the year Ensuing also to Chuse two Good and Law- fuU men to Serve as members of the Councel for the Year Ensuing " November the 29 1779 " Amos Chase "j Sekct Men "JOXATHAJS^ GlIDDEIJ V of "John Lad J Unity." Colonel Benjamin Bellows, Jr., made a return of the company officers in his regiment March 15, 1776. The Ninth Company was located in this town and officered as follows: Captain, Nathaniel Huntoon ; First Lieutenant, Amos Chase; Second Lieutenant, Moses Thurston; Ensign, Simeon Giddens. Joseph Frost, aged twenty-six, was in First New Hampshire Regi- ment in 1778. Petition of Elijah Weed relative to Pettingill, 1785. " The petition of Elijah Weed in behalf of the town of Unity Humbly shews — "That the town of Unity did in the year 1777 hier one Jonathan Pettengal Be longing to S'' town a sol- dier who Inlisted Dureing the war and Sarved through the hole of the war for said town and through the Neglect of the select men he was not Return'' for said town, nor no other town, — therefore your Petitioner Prays that the town of Unity may be UNITY. 385 Credited for Said Pettengal and your Petitioner as in duty Bound shall Ever Pray "Conkord ocf 28* 1785" "Elijah Weed. Petition of Jonathan PettingiU, Soldier, 1777. " Unity May 8* A D 1777— "This May Certify whom it may Concern That I Jonathan Pettingall do Bargain & Engage to & with Amos Chase of Unity To do Eighteen Months Ser- vice in the Continental Army for him the Said Chase To be half the Town of three years that I am engaged for the Said Chase having Paid & Satisfied me for the Said Service as witness my hand the day & year abov* bis "Jonathan X Pettingall mark " Witness "Richard Beown." Deposition relative to Jona. PettingiU, 1786. "the depotion of me the Subscriber this may Sear- tify that I did in the year 1777 agree with Jonathan pettengal of this town to Serve as a Continatal Sol- dier for eighteen months as half a three years tower and paid him ten pounds for Said Serves attest per me "Abeaham Sandbokn " Unity January the 3 and 1786 " SvTorn to before Elijah Frink, justice of the peace. The following, relative to State tax, was ad- dressed to the Legislature, June session, 1786 : "The Petition of us the Subscribers In behalf of Ourselves and others of the Inhabitants of the Town of Unity — 'Humbly Shewelh— that Sence the Contest with Great Britton the Town afors* Have Been Greatly Embarrast by having a Considerable Number Enimical Persons to the Common Cause — so far as to Lead away from there Duty a number of S'* Inhabi- tants 80 far as to make a majority in said Town that the minor were Not able to act or transact any Busi- ness as a Town whereby no regualor Returns or Inven- tarories have been made for Some Years back and that in the Year 1780 there was no Invoice taken And the Town were doomed and Set Equal to the Towns of Croydon & Lempster whom have Sence Been abated the Seventh part of there Taxes and we are fully Sencatle that the Town of Unity ought to be Set much Lower than either of S'* Towns— and as the Town of Unity are now Unamously Returned to their Duty and are Determined to pay Up their taxes and have Sold a Great part of their Personal Estate for that purpose — " Wherefore we Pray Your Honors to take the Case into Your Wise Consideration, and make them Such A Batments as You in Your Wisdom Shall Se fit — and Your Petitioners as in Duty Bound shall Ever Pray " Cheshire ss Unity IS'" day Oc" 1785 "Charles Huntoon Amos Chase David Weed Joseph Huntoon Elijah Weed Joshua Bartlett Nathaniel Huntoon Abner Chase" The following is relative to warning a man out of town, addressed to the Legislature, 1786: " The petition of us the Subscribers, In behalf of the Town of Unity Humbly Sheweth That in Nov' ig* A D 1778 — there was a Warrant Insueed by the Selectmen of this Town to Caleb Huntoon he being Constable of S* Town Directing him to warn Dearbon Sweat & others forthwith to Depart out of S'' Town a Greeable to the Law of this State in Such Case Made and Provided and that Said Constable Did Serve Said Warrant But Being mis Laid was not Entred and Cannot Now be found and as this Town are Like to Suffer Greatly and to be put to Great Cost by Reason of The Failure of Said Warrant not being Entred on the files of the Court of General Session of the County of Cheshire — " Unless Your Honors will Interpose on our Behalf and Establish the Doings on Said Warrant as tho' Same had been actually Recorded In the Clark Office for which Your Peititioners as in Duty Bound Shall Ever Pray "Nathaniel Huntoon 1 Select men "Amos Chase V of "Matthias Baetlett J Unity. "Cheshire ss Unity June 9*^ 1786" Depositions relative to Dearborn Sweatt. "The Deposition of Amos Chase of Unity of Law- full age Testifieth and Saith on the 19* day of Nov"' 1778 — Charles Huntoon Elijah Weed and Amos Chase being Selectmen for Unity for the Year 1778 — Granted a warrent Under our hand and Seal to Caleb Huntoon he being Constable —- To warn Dearborn 386 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Sweatt and Others to Depart out of Unity a Greeable to the Law of this State in Such Case made and pro- vided — Your Deponant further Saith not "Amos Chase" Sworn to before Charles Huntoon, justice of the peace. "The Deposition of Caleb huntoon of Unity of Lawfull age testifyeth and Saith that Some time In the yeav 1778 I Received of the Select men of unity a warant to warn Dearborn Sweat and others to depart out of this town, which warant I Served and I Delivered the Said warant to amos Chase he being one of the Selectmen of unity Said Chase was In Charles town when I Deliver'' him the Said warant and I Saw Said Chase Deliver the Said warant to benjamine Giles Esq' and I heard Said Giles promis Said Chase to Deliver the Said warant to the Clerk of the General Sessions of the peace and further Saith not "Caleb Huntoon" Sworn to before Charles Huntoon, justice of the peace. " The Deposition of Elijah Weed of Unity of Law- full age Testifyeth and Saith on the 19'" day of Nov' 1778— Charles Huntoon Amos Chase and Elijah Weed Being Selectmen for Unity for the Year 1778, Granted a warant under our hand and seal to Caleb Huntoon he Being Constable To warn Dearborn Sweatt and others to Depart out of Unity a Greeable to the Laws of this State in Such Case made and Pro- vided—Your Deponent further Saith not — "Elijah Weede" Sworn to before Charles Huntoon, justice of the peace. Oath of Allegiance, 1787. "State of New Hampshire, Cheshire— ss " Unity October 23"' : 1787— "These may Certify that w£ the Subscribers hath taken the following oath of Allegiance and the oath of office — " I, John Huntoon, I, Stephen Gilman, I, Jonathan Gliddeii Jun' & I, Caleb Huntoon— Do truly and Sin- cerely acknowledge profess testify & Declare that the State of New Hampshire is & of right ought to be a free Sovereing & Independent State & Do Swear that I will bear faith & true allegiance to the Same & that I will endeavor to Defend it against all treacherous conspiracies & hostile attempts whatever: & I do fur- ther testify & Declare that no man or body of men hath or can have a Right to absolve me from the obli- gation of this oath Declaration or affirmation & that I Do make this Acknowledgement profession testi- mony, & Declaration honestly & truly according to the Common Acceptation of the foregoing words without any Equivocation mental evasion or Secret Reservation whatever — So help me God — witness our hands — ■ "John Huntoon "Stephen Oilman "Jonathan Glidden J' "Caleb Huntoon" Sworn to before Charles Huntoon, justice of the peace. Vote of the Town relative to the formation of Ooshen, 1790. " Unity January 14"" 1790 att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of S* Unity met att Time & place agreeable to warning of Said Meeting Firstly Cap' Moses Thirston Chosen Moderator to govern Said Meeting 21y Voted to Sett off at the East End of our Town to Extend West So Far as the East Side Line of the Lott N" 50 in the Second Rang of Lots with a Strate Line Far as the East Side north to Newport Town Line also South to Lemester Town Line to join in Union with a part of a Number of Towns Forming into a new Town — Viz. Lemester Newport Wendell & Fisherfield Sly — Voted to Divide Remander part ot this Town into Two Seperate Towns or Parrishes's According to quantity of Land by the plan of Said Town if it be Complied by the General Court of the State 41y — Voted to Choose a Commitee to Settle the Line Between the two Towns 51y — Cap' Moses Thirs- ton Charles Huntoon Esq' Jonathan Glidden Caleb Gilman & Lieu' Joishua Bartlett Chosen the above Commitee to Settle the Line in the Division of the Two Said Towns or parrishes " The within is a true copy taken out of Unity town Book of records " Attest Jonathan Glidden, Town Clerk" A portion of the town was taken to form the town of Gosheu, December 27, 1791. UNITY. 387 Vote relative to the foregoing, 1791. " This may Certify that att a Legal Town meeting held by an adjournment on the Ninth df Sep* AD 1791 " The Inhabitance met and Voted that the Town be Devided Voted and Agreed that the Line shall run on the North End of the first Rang North of Corys Koad in favour of a petition of William Story and others " Joseph Cutts Clerk protem' " September the 12"' AD 1791 " Petition relative to dividing the Town: addressed to the Legislature, 1791. '■' The Pertition of us the Subscribers Inhabitance of the town of Unity Humbly Sheweth — that if the In- habitence on the East End of this town Should Perti- tion your Honours to be Set off" with part of Several other towns as a Separate town we are perswaded your Honours will think it Reasonable that they Should Come as far west as the Court Committee Reportted Last Sesions agreeable to a plan taken by m' Jesse Lane of Newport Last fall and It is our opinion if it Should extend as much as fifty or Sixty Rods further west it would be for the benifit of this town and no damage to Said New town as there is a Very bad hill Running a Crost Said town and all East of Said hill will be much more Conveniant to the New town than to any part of this town— and we give it as our opinion that there ought to be a town Set ofi' Nearly agreeable to the S* plan of m' lanes as there Settuations is Such they Never Can be accommodated with the towns they are now incorporated with and we are Sensable it must be a great damage and Discuragement to them not to be incorporated as it much detars the Settle- ment in that part and the prayer of your Petitioners is that they may be set off as soon as you in your wisdom Shall See fit and we Shall Ever pray "Unity May 30'" 1791. " Amos Chase ] Selectmen "James Lad I of Unity " Josiah Moody Daniel moodey Richard moody Daniel Moody juner Jeremiah Glidden Josiah Moody juner Caleb Oilman James Bodwell Eliphalet Bodwell 25 Joseph Huntoon Ezekiel Challis Ephraim Cram Abner Chase Moses thirston Juner Amos T Huntoon William Weed Nath' Huntoon Ju' Rheuben Huntoon Jeremiah Dean Sanborn Cram osteen Pike Hezekiah Yong Amos Hall Abner Colby" Vote of Town relative to the foregoing, 1791. " Unity January 14* 1790— At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of s" Unity met at time and place agreeable to warning of s'' meeting — "1" Cap' Moses Thurston chosen Moderator to govern s^ Meeting — " 2"" Voted to set ofi' at the East end of our town, to extend west so far as the Bast side Line of Lot N" 50 in the Second range of Lots, with a Straight line to Newport town Line, also South to Lemster town Line to join in Union with a part of a N" of towns forming into a New town Namely Lemster Newport Wendal and Fishersfield — " Copyed from Unity town records — " Attest Sam' Chase town Clark. " Unity g'* June 1791." Remonstrance to foregoing : addressed to the General Court, 1791 : " The prayer of us a number of the inhabitants of the Town of Unity humbly sheweth that we are in- formed that a Petition was presented to your Hon- ours at your last Sessions at Concord, signed by a Number of Persons belonging to the Towns of Unity Lemster Wendell & Newport, Praying that the East part of s* Unity with a part of those other Towns mentioned in s* Petition Might be Incorporated into a Township distinct from those to which they now. belong — " Your Petitioners humbly shew that we have not had any publick notice of s* Petition, by any town meeting. But suppose that if our Selectmen have been serv'd with a Copy of s'' Petition and order of Court thereon, that it fell into two of our Selectmens, hands ^who from some self interested views, are de- sirous to part with the Land mentioned in s^ Petition and have kept it Secret, and not given the Town any notice of it — We your Petitioners think that it will be very hurtful to s* town of Unity, to Part with the whole of the Land Mentioned in s'^ Petition But as the Town did vote to Let s* Petitioners have a part in our Town, when they Petitioned for it in December 1789 we are willing that they should have the Land so voted to them, which was all the Land lying to the East of a straight Line ; running across s* Town 388 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Parallel to the East side Line of Lot No 50 in tlie Second Range — " And we beg leave to inform your Honours that to part with any More of s* Town would be very Hurtful to it on Many Accounts, Therefore we do in the most Humble manner Bequest your Honours, that the Prayer of s* Petition should not be Answered (so far as it respects s'' Town of Unity) by giving them any more Land off of our Town than we voted to Let them have — " And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever Pray — "Unity 24«' of November 1791— " Joshua Bartlett, Selectman of Unity. Simeon Glidden Jun' Amos Lamson Amos Buckmon Elias Buckmon David Peirce " Samuel Chase Nathaniel Huntune Samuel thurber Daniel Bachelder William Long John Huntoon Benjamin Smart Wilson Shaw. Moses Chase Benjmin Huntoon Joseph welch Joseph Huntoon Junr Benjmin Huntoon Junr Cornelius Clough Stephen Huntoon Matthias Bartlett Charles Huntoon Josiah Huntoon Reuben Huntoon Jun' Samuel Huntoon Jonathan Glidden Jacob Cram Samuel P. Glidden Joseph Glidden Petition for anew Town from Unity and Charlestown: addressed to the Legislature. "The Subscribers Inhabitants of the west part of Unity in the County of Cheshire, Humby show " That the Township of Unity extends about eleven miles east and west and about six miles north and south, that your petitioners are separated from the Inhabitants in the east part of said Town by a moun- tain running across The Town north and south which renders their connection very inconvenient, that bv Nickles Peirce Moses fifield Jacob Perkins Jonathan Glidden Jun' Jacob Smith Simeon Glidden Andrew Glidden Jacob Glidden James Dudley Barnabas Sincklear William Neal Ebenez' Barker Samuel Neal John Sleeper Abraham Samborn Isaac Livingston Jacob Bartlett Darbon Sweat" being separated from the east by a line on that moun- tain and annexed to the north part of Charlestown, a Town might be formed of the usual size, and its In- habitants well united — " They therefore pray that the west part of Unity and the north part of Charlestown may be incorpor- ated into a new Town, and as in duty bound shall ever pray " Unity April y' 28'" 1794 " Jon' Glidden J^ Jacob Smith Aaron Marshall Simeon Glidden Jur Joseph Glidden Jacob Glidden Simeon Glidden Nathaniel Lad Joseph Perkins Jabesh Perkins Jacob Perkins Lemuel Wright Elisha Perkins Jon" Dudley Samuel Neal James Dudley David Dudley James Dudley Junior William Neal Jur Derbon Sweat James Harwood Benjamin Webster James Lawrance Jeremiah Merrill Asaph merrill Stephen Bucknam " The following signed a remonstrance to the foregoing : ' Charles Huntoon Moses thirston Benj" Clough Phinehas Sanborn Enoch Johnson James Graves Barnabas Sinkler andrew Glidden James Bodwell Benjamin Mathes Josiah moody John Huntoon John Sleeper Charles Hunton 3" Asa Lampson Caleb Gilman Abner Chase John Bartlett Amos Chase Isaac Levingston Nicholas Parce Joshua Parce Sanborn Cram Jonathan Glidden Jonathan Glidden 3* Eliphalet Bodwell Jun' Asa Glidden Jacob Bartlett James Bodwell Joseph Whiston John Ladd Elias Bucknam Ebenezer Barker Enos Lamson Amos Lamson Abraham Sandborn Abraham Sandborn Junr Daniel Batchder Jacob shaw Wilson Shaw Saml thurber Nath' Huntoon John Bartlett Jonathan Bartlet Daiel Moody Jun Danil moody Jacob Glidden David Dudley UNITY. 389 James Dudley Junior Samuel Neal Ezra Smith James Harwood hezekiah yong Josiah huntoon Euben Huntoon epheram Cram Stephen Buckman " Amos Buckman Stephen Glidden Jacob Cram thomas Smith Jeremiah Glidden Amos T. Huntoon Joseph Huntoon Moses Fifleld Eichard Moody The project failed. Nathaniel Huntoon' s Account for furnishing Soldiers and receipt, July 12, 1777. " Sam' White— Browns Company Jonathan Ston dudley— Eobin.son Nattf frost— Bell Jonathan folsom — Drew wounded dogg — Eowel Eichard How — Eobinson Isaac morss — Eobinson Paul Sandborn — Eowel Philip Blasdel — Eowel moses Blacke— Eobinson John Cook— Bell "Victuals for the within Soldiers 13 meals... £0.13.10 toddy 2 &| ofmugs 0. 5. 6 £0.19. 4 " Eec* of Ebenezer Smith the sum of nineteen shil- lings and four pence L. M. for the expence of eleven Continental Soldiers who he ordered to be Eefresht at my house — for me "Nath' Hunton " unity July 12'" 1777." Petition of Joseph Huntoon, Soldier, 1779. "Unity March 2M 779— " To the Honourable the General Court — May it please your Honours — your humble petitioner prayeth to inform the Honourable General Court assembled in Behalf of the state of New Hampshire, that your petitioner hath served his Country in the present War (and the State of New Hampshire in particular) from the first Commencement thereof untill the Glorious Battle of Stilwater, in the Capacity of a Subaltron belonging to the Third Battl" of New Hampshire Troops Commanded by Colonel Scammell Esq' in battle Vitz at Stillwater I had the Misfortune to re- ceive a Wound in my arm, which hath proved so far fatal to me as to disinable me from doing Eegimental duty any longer, as may be Certified as by letter from Colonel Scammell, and also am not able to maintain my self and Family by my Labour, sufiiciently — You Humble petitioner prayeth your Honours will Con- sider him and Grant him the benefit of a Certain Act of the Honou' the Continental Congress made and provided for the purpose . . . "Joseph Huntoon" Huntoon was wounded October 7, 1777, at Stillwater. In House of Representatives, June 25, 1779, his name was ordered to be placed on the pension-roll at half-pay until further orders. Senate concurred. April 19, 1780, he peti- tioned to have the depreciation of his pay made up. March 30, 1781, he petitioned for some arrearages, and stated that his dwelling-house was burned " on the 16"" of February last," and that he thereby lost his house, furniture and provisions. He was appointed in 1781 a lieu- tenant in the battery at " Piscataqua Harbour." October 21, 1785, he again petitioned, stating that his half-pay was reduced in December, 1782, and asked to have it restored, as his right hand and arm were permanently disabled, and his family large. He petitioned again January 7, 1790, for arrearages. Petition relative to Richard Brown, Quartermaster. " To the Hon''^ the General Court of the State of New Hamp.shire. Oliver Tuttle and Mary his wife Humbly Shew^That Eichard Brown late of Unity in said state deceased, was a Quarter Master in the second New Hampshire Eeg' late in the service of the United States — That the said Mary was the wife, and is the sole administratrix on the estate of said Brown That the depreciation of wages, formerly due to the said Brown, have never been paid — Your Petitioners humbly pray, that your Honors will order all such depreciation (and other dues if any there be) to be paid to the said Mary Administratrix as aforesaid, or to the subscribers or either of them— and as in duty bound will ever pray " Oliver Tuttle " Claremont Nov' 14'" 1792— " Mary Tuttle administratrix." The Methodists have regular preaching here by A. E.. Lunt. 390 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The town of Unity furnished forty-nine men for the late war. Major Amos Perkins, now ninety-six years old, was one of the selectmen at the time. The State paid the town in bonds, forty-nine hundred dollars for forty-nine men, furnished under specific calls of the President. The Unity Mutual Fihe Insueance Company was formed in August, 1862, being in operation twenty-two years. Major Amos Perkins was president two years, and secretary and one of the directors twenty years. The present officers are Selem Sleeper, presi- dent ; Benjamin F. French, secretary ; Selem Sleeper, Benjamin F. French, Henry F. Stowell, Silas M. Gee and Levi A. Smith, directors ; Charles E.. Lewis, treasurer. Hon. Amos Perkins was a native of this town, and one of its prominent citizens. He was a farmer by occupation, but had filled many pub- lic offices, and was an ex-major of the old State militia. When a young man he was several times elected a Democratic representative to the Legis- lature. In 1845 he was chosen a member of the Executive Council of Governor John H. Steele of Peterborough. His associates in that office were Hon. Benjamin Jenness, of Deerfield, Hon. Josiali Bartlett, of Lee, Hon. William Parker of Francestown, and Hon. Caleb Blodgett, of Canaan, all of whom have passed away. It is interesting to note that the same year Moody Currier, of Manchester, the present Governor, was clerk of the Senate. Mr. Perkins had been treasurer of the town of Unity for about twenty-five consecutive years, and his annual reports, both in chirography and correctness, were most creditable models. He was the organizer of the Unity Mutual Town Insur- ance Company, and had always been its secretary. He was a gentleman of high exec- utive ability and of liberal public spirit, and during his life of almost a century, which was wholly passed in Unity, he enjoyed the univer- sal respect of men of all parties for his integrity and great worth. He died March 3, 1885. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. BY GEORGE M. GAGE, M.D. CHAPTER I. The township designated as Monadnock No. 8, in the line of towns which were laid out to establish, approximately, the western boundary of the lands belonging to the heirs of Mason, was granted in Woburn, Mass., in the year 1735, to a company of persons for the pur- pose of settlement. No steps were ever taken, however, by the grantees towards its settlement and the charter was forfeited. In the year 1752 it was again granted by the Masonian proprietors in Portsmouth to sixty- two persons, most of whom were residents of Massachusetts, and thirty-three of whom were residents of Concord, Mass. This company at once took steps to lay plans for the settlement of the township, to which they gave the name of New Concord. Innumerable meetings were held in Concord, Mass., and Boston, to discuss the plans, and many assessments were made to pay the necessary expenses. These debates were continued during a period of nearly six- teen years without any active measures being taken to settle the town, and the charter was revoked by the Masonian proprietors for non- fulfilment of its terms. It was granted the third time, in the spring of 1768, to Reuben Kidder, of New Ipswich, N. H., on the following terms: " One-third of the land surface of the town was to be reserved for the grantors ; ten families must settle in the township thefirstyear, and ten more families during the second and third years ; during each of the first three years ten convenient houses must be built, and three acres of land cleared for each family ; that all main roads be laid out three rods wide, and all cross-roads two rods wide, and no damage was to be allowed for land used for roads ; ten acres were to be reserved for a site for a meeting-house, school-house, burying-ground and training-field ; two hundred acres were to be reserved for the first settled minister, who should continue in the ministry until death or an honorable dismissal ; two hundred acres were to be reserved for a glebe for the use of a gospel minister forever ; two hundred acres were to be set apart for the support of schools forever; and all white pine trees suitable for masts were to be reserved for the king's use." The township, as originally granted, included not only the present township of Washington, but included lands now under the jurisdiction of Lempster and Bradford. Colonel Reuben Kidder, the grantee of the township, which was at first known as Monad- nock No. 8, then as New Concord, and, at the time of Kidder's grant, as Camden, was one of the first settlers of New Ispwich, N. H. He was possessed of great energy and superior busi- ness talentj and had' an ample fortune at his command. Under his direction the settlement of the town was immediately begun and carried on according to the spirit of the grant. The settlement of a new country is always at- tended with hardships and privations, and the pioneers of Camden found themselves beset by many difficulties. There were then no carriage- roads leading into the town, and the only means of conveyance was the backs of horses, the roads being distinguished by marked trees. The houses were hastily constructed of logs, until the time should come when saw-mills 391 392 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. could be erected. The township was covered by a heavy growth of timber of various kinds. In some parts of the town a white pine was found of a size which, at the present time, would be called gigantic. Many of the old houses now standing in town are finished with a quality of pine lumber equal to the best to be found in any market, and the immense stumps, still in existence, give us an idea of the size of the trees from which it was taken. The sugar maple was also found in great abundance, and of large size, and furnished years afterward ex- cellent keels for ships. Spruce and hemlock grew in great forests in almost- all parts of the town, while beech, birch, ash, oak and other valuable kinds of timber were everywhere to be found. Much of this magnificent growth of timber was considered by the settlers as an in- cumbrance which must be got rid of before the land could be prepared for cultivation, and was therefore cut down and burned, trunk and branch. The soil, rich from the accumulation of ages, and further enriched by the ashes of the burned forests, produced abundant crops of corn and other cereals. Flax was raised^ which was- manufactured at home into cloth for all kinds of garments for men,^ women and children. The table, at this time^ was supplied with food of a very plain but wholesome character, con- sisting principally of bean-porridge, corn-bread, meat and a few potatoes. Fruits, of necessity, were scarce at first, but the settlers showed their enterprise by planting large apple-or- chards, many of which remain to this date. Wild animals were numerous, including bears, wolves, and that noble animal, the moose, now never seen here, was sometimes found in this region. The streams and ponds were full of fish of fine quality. The speckled trout, always a favorite with fishermen, were very plenty in all the brooks and grew to a size which the S,ngler of the present day seldom sees. The early settlers of the town selected the hills west of the present village at the centre of the town, and the region bordering Millen and Ashiielot Ponds for their new homes. They were generally from the southern part of the State and from the neighboring towns of Mas- sachusetts, Probably more of the early settlers of the town came from Harvard, Mass., than from any other town, the SaiFords, Famsworths, Sampsons and Davises being among the num- ber who came from that town. John SafTord was born lu Harvard, Mass., and removed to Washington with his wife and oldest children, between the years 1769 and 1771,and settled on the hill west of the village at the centre of the town, and on the farm now owned and occupied by bis grandson, Joseph, and his gi'eat-grandsou, Joseph B. Safford. The family has always been of great respecta- bility and some of its members have been per- sons of note. Ward Safford (afterward Staf- ford) was a sou of the original John Safford, and was born in Washington after his father's settlement here. He prepared for college at Phillips Andover Academy and afterward graduated at Yale College, Dr. Dwight being at that time president of the college. He studied theology at Yale, and was for many years actively engaged in ministerial labors in vai-ious parts of the country, but principally in the city of New York, where he was very successfully engaged in missionary labors. His whole life was one of intense activity, and although it closed somewhat early, it had borne an abundant harvest for his Master. He died in Bloomfield, N. J., in 1851, in his sixty-third year. George Safford, a grandson of John and son of Mark Safford, was a graduate of Dartmouth College and became a successful teacher. At the time of his death, which occurred at the early age of twenty-eight, he was principal of the Mount Pleasant High School, in Nashua, N. H. The Farnsworth family also came from Har- vard, and was one of the earliest to settle in the WASHINGTON. 393 town. Probably the first of the name to settle in Camden was Simeon Farnsworth, Jr., who came from Harvard and settled near the foot of thd Safford Hill, west of the village at the centre of the town. He died in 1791, at the early age of forty-six years, leaving a large family of chil- dren. His grandsons, William and Cyrus K. Farnsworth, are at the present time prominent and respected citizens of the town. Most of the brothers and sisters of Simeon Farnsworth, Jr., sooner or later found their way to Wash- ington and made it their home. Simeon Farnsworth, Sr., father of the numerous sons and daughters who early came to Washington, himself came here to reside aboutthe year 1780. He died in 1805, aged eighty-eight. Abner Sampson was .an early settler, and came from Harvard, Mass. He settled on the old " county road " near Freezeland Pond, and was an inn-keeper. He subsequently removed to the village at the centre of the town and lived on the spot where John L. SafPord now resides. He died in 1797, at the age of fifty- four. Ward Sampson, son of Abner, was very prominent and influential in town affairs, and held many offices of trust. He died in 1850, aged seventy-seven, Ephraim, Ebenezer and Timothy Davis all came from Harvard, Mass., at an early date, though not until the town had been settled several years. Ebenezer and Timothy Davis were brothers and lived on the ridge of land extending northward from Lovell's Mountain. Ephraim Davis came to Washington about 1780 and lived for a time at the village on the ispot afterward known as the " Squire Sampson place ; " he afterward removed to the high land southwest of the village and resided on a farm on the Marlow road. Ephraim and Ebenezer Davis were both soldiers in the Eevolution before coming to Washington to reside. Joseph Eounssvel settled on the farm at the .centre of the town now owned by J. Henry Newman. He must have been one of the earliest inhabitants of the toWn. He appears to have resided, prior to his settlement here, in Middleborough, Mass., though the family had long resided in Freetown, Mass. He was a man of enterprise, and built a mill east of his residence, on what is now known as Water Street. He frequently held office, including that of Representative in the Legislature. He had sons, — Alden, Royal and John,— but none of the name now. reside in the town. Archibald White was probably a resident of the town soon after its settlement, if not one of the very first to arrive in town. He was a native of Pepperell, Mass., and came to New Ipswich, N. H-, in ]750. Pie was sent to Camden by Colonel Kidder, to whom the town had been granted, as his agent to look after his extensive interests. It is believed that it was largely through his influence that the name of the town was changed, in 1776, from Camden to Washington. The name of Washington was, as applied to towns, entirely new; no other town in the United States bore the name at the time the Ijegislature of New Hampshire changed the name of Camden to Washington. Archi- bald White was authorized to call the first town-meeting in Washington, and during his residence in town he was very frequently called to fill important offices. He resided on the high land west of the village at the centre, near the present residence of Jabez Fisher. Before his death he removed to Windsor, Vt. Jacob Burbank settled on the farm now owned by Edward W. Brooks, a mile and a half west of the centre of the town. He was, undoubtedly, one of the original settlers in town. He built a frame house prior to 1780, which is still occupied, and which is supposed to be the oldest house in town. His grandson. Rev. Justin E. Burbank, is a graduate of Dartmouth College, and after his graduation studied theology at Andover. In college he took high rank as e scholar, especially in his knowledge of the Greek language. He has paid much attention 394 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. to historical matters, especially to the history of Washington, his native town. Many facts con- tained in this sketch are made accessible to us through his labors. His present residence is Concord, N. H. The Severance family was another of the original, or very early ones to locate in town. The family came from the vicinity of New Ipswich, N. H., and consisted of Ephraim and sons, Daniel, Rufus, Abel, and daughter, Abigail. Where they first settled is not now known, but at an early date Daniel, Rufus and Abel all lived near the school-house at the east part of the town. Ephraim lived with his son Abel on the farm now the residence of Ziba Cram and Charles W. J. Fletcher. He removed to Tops- ham, Vt., where he died at a very advanced age. He was one of the first Board of Selectmen in Washington. David Severance was a Revolu- tionary soldier, and after he came to Washington resided just west of the school-house at the east part of the town, on a farm which he sold prior to 1800 to Nathaniel Gordon. Rufus Sever- ance lived on the farm now owned by Daniel L. Monroe, and which he sold to Abijah Mon- roe nearly seventy-five years ago. Many of the descendants of Rufus Severance are now residents of town, but the descendants of Daniel and Abel Severance are widely scattered, none being residents of the town. Simon and Peter Lowell were pioneers in the settlement of the town. They came from the vicin- ity of Groton, Mass., and settled some two miles west of the centre of the town, not far from the place where Charles Lowell, a grandson of Simon Lowell, now resides. Peter Lowell is said to have come into the town with one of the very first party of explorers, though he did not at that time permanently establish his residence here. The farm where Simon Lowell first settled afterward became the home of Thomas Peuniman, Esq., who came from Braintree, Mass., some years after the Revolutionary War. He was a man of wealth, and was a very promi- nent citizen of the town. Prior to his settle- ment in Washington he went to Canada and was present at the battle of Quebec, though he was not called upon to participate in the battle. He held office while a resident of the town, and bequeathed small funds to the First and Fourth School Districts, the income to be applied to the support of the schools. Between the years 1772 and 1774 Captain Jonathan Brockway settled in town. He came from Lyme, Conn., where he was married, in 1757, to Phebe Smith. He had been a sea- captain and had amassed an ample fortune. He came, bringing his wife and seven children, and settled at the west part of the town, near the outlet of Millen Pond, then called Brock- way's Pond. He is said to have purchased fifteen hundred acres. of laud, which he after- ward divided among his children, giving most of them good farms at the east part of the town. His ample fortune, combined with great energy, enabled him to carry on a large amount of business of various kinds. He built a grist-mill at the outlet of Millen Pond, some of the ruins of which remain to the present day. He also built a mill for the manufacture of linseed oil, and a distillery, where very poor whiskey was manufactured from potatoes. Later he built a saw-mill at the east part of the town, near the spot where Mason H. Carr's mill now stands, and erected a house near by. On the 8th of July, 1777, on the occasion of alarming news from Ticonderoga, he commanded a small company of nine men from Washington and vicinity, who marched toward the scene of war. They reached Cavendish, Vt., where they were ordered to return. At another alarm from Ticonderoga, July 13, 1777, he again marched at the head of a company of fourteen men to Otter Creek, Vt., where he met the American army retreating. Captain Brockway was a man of commanding presence. His towering form and broad shoulders made him an object of attention in whatever place he occupied. He lived to an extremely old age, and died in Jan- uary, 1829, at the home of his son Asa, in Brad- WASHINGTON. 395 ford. From hira are descended all the Brock- ways who have ever lived iu this and the adjoining towns. In the fall of 1775, Captain William Proctor and his wife, Mary, with three children, found their way through the forests to Washington from Chelmsford, Mass. He settled near Ashuelot Pond, on the farm where Cyrus K. Farns worth now resides, though for a short time previous he lived on a neighboring lot, the title to which proved worthless. He lived in that part of the town many years, but finally removed to the east part of the town, where h\,s son resided, and died February 19, 1846, at the age of ninety-nine years, lacking one day. The numerous families of Proctors who once resided at the east part of the town are descendants of his sons Israel and Isaac. His daughter Mary, who married Jonathan Brockway, Jr., and resided at East Washington, died at the remark- able age of one hundred and one years and eleven months. Captain Proctor was prominent in town affairs, and during the War of the Rev- olution was a soldier in the American army. Ebenezer Spaulding was born in Nottingham West, N. H. (now Hudson), March 27, 1750, and at the age of twenty-two removed to the southeast part of Lempster, where he settled. The region where he lived was then, and for many years afterward, considered a part of Washington, and he frequently held oiBce in Washington. He married Amy Eoundy, of Lempster, January 16, 1777. He removed to East Washington in 1807 and died July 1, 1808. His widow lived to the remarkable age of one hundred years, and died January 8, 1859. They left a large family of children, whose descendants are widely scattered. Eben- ezer Spaulding was a soldier in the Revolution, and was engaged in the battles of Bunker Hill and Ticonderoga. Although far removed from the seat of war, Washington sent a goodly number of men to fight for liberty during the War of the Revo- lution. William Mann, Nathan Mann aud Abel Merrill were enrolled in the First New Hampshire Regiment, April 1, 1777, and served three years, being discharged March 20, 1780. Asa Jackson was enrolled in the First New Hampshire Regiment April 18, 1781, and was discharged the following December. Wil- liam White was also enrolled in the same regi- ment January 1, 1777, and was discharged January 1, 1780, after a service of precisely three years. Ebenezer Spaulding, William Proctor, John Safford and Jonathan Brockway also rendered valuable service to their country daring the struggle for independence. Many of the early settlers of the town had partici- pated in the battles of the Revolution before their settlement here. The Severances, Jacob Wright, the Davises, William (rraves, Asa Pitts and Stephen Mead had all been actively engaged in the service of their country. Probably no family has occupied a more prominent position in town during the period of a hundred years than the Healy family. Joseph Healy, a son of John and Mary (Wright) Healy, was born in Newton, Mass., August 21, 1776, and removed to Washington with his parents in 1778. They settled in the southwest part of the town on a farm which is now deserted. During the most of his life he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, though for a time he was proprietor of the hotel at the centre of the town. He always resided in Washington, and during his active life was much engaged in public service. Besides fill- ing the various town offices to great acceptance, he also was a member of the State Senate in 1824, and was a member of the Governor's Council from 1829 until 1832. In 1825 he was chosen to represent his district in the Con- gress of the United States, where he remained four years. During his long life he was active in all measures which tended to promote the welfare of the town. He died October 10, 1861, aged eighty-five years. ' John P. Healy, a son of Joseph Healy, was born in Washington December 28, 1810. He 396 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. graduated at Dartmouth College in 1835, and afterward studied law with Daniel Webster, in Boston, Mr. Webster and his father being on very friendly terms. Not long after his admis- sion to the bar, in 1838, he became associated with Mr. Webster in the practice of law, and continued to be his partner until Mr. Webster's death. He served as representative in the Massachusetts Legislature 1840, 1849 and 1850, and was a member of the State Senate in 1854- He was appointed judge of the United States District Court for the district of California dur- ing Fillmore's administration, but declined the honor. In 1856 he was chosen city solicitor for Boston, which office he held without inter- ruption twenty-five years. In 1881 he was appointed to the newly-created office of corpora- tion council for Boston, which office he held at the time of his death. He died suddenly, Jan- uary 4, 1882. The other sons of Joseph Healy, viz. : Henry, Langdon and Sullivan W., were, during their residence in town, prominent citi- zens. With the exception of Langdon, who now resides in Brooklyn, N. Y., all are now dead. The early settlers, as a rule, realized the im- portance of religious instruction, and long be- fore a settled minister was employed the preach- ing of the gospel was maintained, at least a part of the time, at the town's expense. For many years a tax was assessed for the support of the gospel ministry, but not until about the year 1801 was permission granted to each denomin- ation to draw its share of the money raised for religious purposes. In the autumn of 1779, at a public town-meeting, it was voted to extend a call to Rev. George Leslie to settle in town as a minister of the gospel. A committee, con- sisting of Joseph Rounsevel, Samuel Copeland, Archibald White, Ebenezer Jaquith and John Saffi)rd, was chosen to make proposals for his settlement. They reported to the town that they should invite him to settle on the followino- terms: His salary should be fifty-five pounds per year so long as he should supply the pulpit. and that as pay he should receive rye at four shillings per bushel, Indian corn at three shil- lings per bushel, pork at four pence per pound, beef at two and one-half pence per pound, and other food and clothing sufficient to equal his salary. He was alsD, according to the grant of the town, to receive two hundred acres of land for himself and his heirs. Robert Mann was chosen to wait on Mr. Leslie, who was then residing at Ipswich, Mass., and get an answer to the proposals of the town. The offer was accepted, and he re- moved to Washington in the spring of 1780 and began his labors. George Leslie was born in Ireland about the year 1 728, but came to America in infancy. He was educated at Harvard University, and set- tled in Ipswich, Mass., as a minister of the gospel in 1850, where he continued to preach uuiil called to Washington, He is said to have been a man of much learning and ability. During his residence in Washington a professor- ship at Dartmouth College was tendered him, which he declined to accept. He continued to serve the people as pastor until his death, which occurred September 11, 1800, his pastorate having extended over a period of twenty years. The town placed a monument at his grave with the following Lnscriptipn : " Rev. George Leslie, died September 11, 1800, aged 72 years. He was a man of brilliant genius, great learning, and eminent piety and morality. This monument was erected by the town of Washington." In 1786 work was commenced on a meeting- house at the centre of the town, which was finished in 1789. It was the building which is still in use as a town-house. The church edifice wliich is now occupied by the Congregational Church was erected in 1840. Rev. John Lord was called by the town to preach in the year 1803, but remained but two and a half years. Broughton White was in- stalled as pastor December 22, 1818, and re- mained with the church twelve years. After the close of the Rev. Broughton White's pastor- WASHINGTON. 397 ate, the pulpit was occupied until 1844 by several different preachers, among them Moses Gerould, Lemuel Mason and T. Darling, but none of them were settled. In 1844 Rev. Johrf F. Griswold was called to the pastorate, and continued to supply the pulpit twenty-two years, closing his labors in 1866. His pastorate was the longest in the history of the church, exceeding that of Rev. George Leslie by two years. Mr. Griswold was a native of Green- field, Mass. He was a graduate of Yale College and of the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass. His first pastorate was at South Hadley, Mass., where he remained a long time. He was afterward settled at Fayetteville and Hartland, Vt., where he resided when called to the pastor- ate in Washington. He removed to Massachu- setts in 1866. His death occurred at Brooklyn, N. Y., February 15, 1872. During his long residence in Washington he won a large number of friends, and his name is a familiar one to many of the younger class at the present day who never enjoyed his acquaintance. Rev. Edward Basset succeeded Mr. Griswold, and remained two years under the employ of the Home Missionary Society. Rev. Mr. Clag- gett began his labors with the church in 1868, but death closed his pastorate in 1870. Rev. H. H. Colburn served as pastor from 1871 until 1878, though a part of his time was spent with the church in Stoddard. Since 1878 there has been no pastor, and at times no preacher, although the church is open for preaching during the summer, and a Sabbath- school meets each Sabbath of the year. The membership of the church has diminished much, so that at present there is but one male member, and a total membership of less than twenty. The settlement of the east part of Washington did not receive much attention prior to 1785. William Graves settled at the west part of the town, but removed, not far from 1785, to the east part of the town and built a log house in the field just west of Mason H. Carr's mill-pond, and near the rope-factory of Mcllvaine & Fletcher. He afterward built a frame house on the other side of the stream,which was after- ward the home of John Severance. Thaddeus Graves, a brother of William, settled on the old Mountain road, one mile and a half west of East Washington, and subsequently moved to the village, where he died. William and Thaddeus Graves were both natives of Sudbury, Mass., and came from that town to Washington. Wil- liam had been a soldier in the Revolution and was engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill. Ac- cording to the testimony of some, Thaddeus Graves was also a soldier of the Revolution. Charles Brown, a native of Stowe, Mass., settled at an early date where Moses Jones after- ward lived, and where still later, his son, Simon W. Jones, resided. Captain Jonathan Brockway had built a mill where Mason H. Carr's mill now stands, and a house near by ; and his son, Jonathan Brock- way, Jr., settled, about 1789, on the farm after- ward owned by Caleb Carr, and at present by his son, George W. Carr. The Severances settled short distances east and west and north of the school-house at East Washington. Caleb Woodward, who came from Bellingham, Mass., in 1787 to the west part of Washington, oh or near Oak Hill, remdved soon after to the farm where Jerome Hamden afterward lived, and where Deacon Francis P. Fletcher now resides Joseph Crane came from Milton, Mass., and settled on the southeast slope of Lovell's Moun- tain about theyear 1782 or 1783. He had a large family of children, all of whom except the oldest were born in Washington. His son Ziba, the only survivor of the family, still resides at East Washington at an advanced age. Most of the Cranes residing in Washington are descendants of Joseph Crane. John Vose also came from Milton a year or two before Joseph Crane and settled very near Joseph Crane. The family gradually found their way back to Boston, Milton and that 398 HISTOEY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. vicinity, and no one bearing the name of Vose has resided in town during the last fifty years. Whiting Vose, whose son, James W. Vose, is the head of the house of Vose & Sons, piano- forte manufacturers, of Boston, was born on Lovell's Mountain, where the family lived after they came from Milton. David Taber appears to have come from Tiverton, E. I. He lived and died on. the hill two miles south of East Washington. Church Taber, supposed to be a brother of David Taber, was at one time an influential citizen of the town. He resided at the southwest part of the town, on a farm now owned by Supply Barney. He was a carpenter, and is said to have done a considerable part of the work on the town-house when it was built, nearly a century ago. Benjamin Smith, a native of South Reading (now Wakefield), Mass., came to Hillsborough, N. H., about the year 1790. He afterward, in 1807, purchased about five hundred acres of land in Washington, on the south slope of the hills two and a half miles south of Washington, including the farms afterward owned by Joshua D. Crane, Nathaniel Smith, William Ayre and William Dole. Most of the Smiths now re- siding in town are his descendants. He continued to reside in Hillsborough until about the year 1827, when he removed to Washington. He died in Salisbury, N. H., in 1864. Lieutenant Ebenezer Wood came to Washing- ton from Littleton, Mass., about the year 1780 and settled on the farm now owned by Anson S. Powers, just west of Lovell's Mountain. He raised up a large family of eleven children, but the family is now widely scattered, John Wood and family and Elzina Wood being the only survivors in town. Ebenezer Wood was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. Colonel Jacob Wright was a native of West- ford, Mass., in 1758. At the age of sixteen he entered the Revolutionary army as a substitute for the man for whom he was employed. After his term of service expired he re-enlisted, and, including his first term of service, was engaged five years fighting the battles of his country. In 1783 he removed to Washington, having resided a short time previously at Hancock, ■N. H. He settled on the high land south of ALshuelot Pond. He resided in Washington until his death, which occurred in 1844. He was the father of four children. Many of his de- scendants fill positions of eminence and respon- sibility. Nathan Wright, a son of Colonel Jacob Wright, became a physician and practiced many years in Washington, but finally re- moved to Cambridgeport, Mass., where he died in 1853. Rev. Nathan R. Wright, a son of Dr. Nathan Wright, became a Universalist clergyman of note. He preached in Dunbarton and Hooksett, N. H., four years, and in 1843 became pastor of the Universalist Church at Washington, where he remained some years. Although advanced in age, he is still actively engaged in pastoral work at Lynn, Mass., being pastor of a parish containing four hundred and fifty families. Colonel Carroll D. Wright, a son of Rev. Nathan R. Wright and great-grandson of Col- onel Jacob Wright, has become eminent as a statistician, having been chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor in Massachusetts since 1873. In the War of the Rebellion he enlisted as a pri- vate in the Fourteenth New Hampshire Regi- ment, but rapidly rose to the rank of colonel of his regiment. Colonel Wright, though a na- tive of Dunbarton, came with his father to Washington at the age of three years, and spent most of his youth in this town. Probably the first physician who practiced in Washington was Dr. David Harris, who was in town as early as 1785, in which year he was elected town clerk, to which office he was re- elected many times. He was a fine penman, and his handwriting is clear and legible at this date, though written a hundred years ago. His fees for professional services were surpris- ingly small, being seventeen cents for a visit to any part of the town. He removed to New- port, N. H., and died May 10, 1830, WASHINGTON. 399 twenty-eight years. Dr. David McQuesten was for many years a practitioner of medicine at the centre of the town. His practice was ex- tensive, and he won a reputation for sliill throughout the whole town. He died in 1850 at the age of fifty-seven years. Dr. Austin Newton, who began the practice of medicine in Washington, studied with Dr. David McQuesten, of Washington, and with Prof Dixie Crosby, of Hanover, and graduated at the Dartmouth Medical School in 1840. He resided in Washington until his death, which occurred in 1853. The successor of Dr. New- ton was Dr. John Q. A. French, who had pur- sued the study of medicine with Dr. Newton, and at Yale College. Dr. French soon after removed to Hillsborough, where he is still suc- cessfully engaged in practice. Nearly a mile south of Washington Centre, on the road leading to Stoddard, Deacon Ebene- zer Jaquith settled at a very early date. He must have resided in town prior to 1 778, as he held of- fice that year. He was one of the first deacons in the Congregational Church which was organ- ized in 1780. The farm has passed from the hands of the Jaquith family and is now owned by Darius Y. Barnes. Some of the descendants of Deacon Jaquith still reside in town. Stephen Mead, who was born in the vicinity of Westford, Mass., came to Washington as early as 1780 and settled at the southwest part of the town on the farm now owned by Jerry Gleason. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and one of his brothers was killed at Bunker Hill. He married a sister of Colonel Jacob Wright, who also came to Washington to reside some .three years later. S. Newell Mead, a grandson of Stephen Mead, still resides in town. The Barney family came to Washington from Sudbury, Mass., as early as 1784 or 1785, and settled at the south and west parts of the town. Thomas Barney was the oldest of the name in town. He settled on the farm where Stephen FarnsWorth now resides. He had a son John, who came to Washington about 1784, and had four sons, — John Jr., Timothy, Levi and Sup- ply, who lived in the southwest part of the town. The Steele family came from Amherst, and re- sided at the south part of the town for a time, but finally removed to the district west of Lovell's Mountain. William Steele was thrown from his horse into a small brook near his home and was drowned. James Steele removed from Washington many years ago to Western New York. Nothing is known regarding the where- abouts of any of their descendants. Although the town early took measures for educating its youth, by appropriating money for the support of schools, it is believed that no school-houses were built prior to 1788. By vote of the town in 1788 each district was to be allowed to build its own school-house, but it is not certain that advantage of the privilege was very soon taken. In 1797 the town voted to raise sixty pounds of lawful money to build school-houses,, and chose a committee to build one at the centre of the town. Probably a house was also erected at the east part of the town about the same time, as it is certain that a school-house was standing there in 1800. In the course of time school-houses were erected in ten different districts in the town. The present number of school districts is nine, with a school house in each. The original school-houses were rude in comparison to the neat buildings now to be found in most parts of the town. A small, rough building, with small, high windows, too high to allow the pupils to look out ; a sloping floor, with seats rising one above another ; a huge open fireplace on one side of the room, and walls devoid of paint or paper, with few, if any, maps or other illustrative apparatus, give one a pretty correct idea of the school- houses of our grandfathers. The masters and mistresses of the primitive schools were a pe- culiar class, noted not only for their ability to instruct in the common branches of learning, but for their power to wield the birch. The stud- ies pursued by the majority of the pupils were reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and ge- 400 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ography, while a few of the more advanced received instruction in English grammar, and, in some instances, surveying. As has been said, much attention was paid to discipline. The schools were large, and were composed of boys and girls of all sizes and ages, from extreme youth to the age of manhood and womanhood. The un- lucky boy who seriously transgressed the school- master's rules was severely flogged or compelled to stand a long time on the floor, his knees un- bent and his finger on a nail in the floor, while the girl who neglected to thoroughly learn her lesson was seated on the dunce block as a means of punishment. These methods of discipline have given way to milder measures, much to the benefit of the pupils. Some of the best re- membered of the early teachers in town were- James Faxon, Edmund Davis, Alfred Gordon, Joseph W. Shedd, Solomon E. and Simon W. Jones. Atthe session of the Legislature in June, 1849, an institution of learning was incorporated in Washington, to be known as Washington Acad- emy. The same year Russell Tubbs, of Deer- ing, gave to the new institution one thousand dollars, to be used as a fund for the support of the school. In recognition of the generous gift, the name of the academy was changed to Tubbs Union Academy. In 1857 Mr. Tubbs increased the fund by an additional gift of five hundred dollars. The school was opened in the fall of 1849, with Dyer H. Sanborn as principal. He brought to the work a mind pecu- liarly adapted by nature to the work of instruc- tion, and enriched and strengthened by a liberal education. The school was a success from the start, and in the fall of 1850 one hundred and eighty-six students were in attendance. It remained under his care four years, when he was succeeded by C. G. Burnham, who remained but one term, and was himself succeeded by William Holt and Simeon D. Farnsworth, neith- er of whom remained long with the school. Since the resignation of Professor Sanborn the school has greatly declined, owing to the small amount of funds at its command. But, notwithstanding the number of pupils has been small, and most of them residents of the town, it has accom- plished a work of great usefulness. Its present principal is Frank P. Newman, who has man- aged the school to great acceptance since 1881. The Faxons were from Braintree, Mass. There were three brothers, — James, who first livexi in a house near the soldiers' monument and afterward on the Faxon Hill, near the vil- lage ; Azariah, who lived just east of the town- house, where Dexter Ball now resides ; and Francis, who lived on the hill two miles west of the village at the centre of the town and near the place where Thomas Penniraan re- sided. Azariah Faxon was engaged in trade during his residence in town. Before his death he removed to Vermont. Francis Faxon also removed to Vermont. James Faxon was a musician in the army during the Revolution, After coming to Washington he was engaged for a time in trade with his brother Azariah. He also was a noted school-teacher. His last days were spent on his farm on Faxon Hill. The Farwell family came from Groton, Mass., soon after the year 1780, and were prominent in town for many years. The Millens came from the vicinity of New Boston, N. H., prior to the year 1780. The family has always been prominent in town af- fairs. Some of the name are still residents of the town. Benjamin Newman came to Washington about the year 1791, from Deering, to which town he came from the vicinity of Woburn, Mass., about the year 1776. He settled in the mountain district, near the farm known as the Dinsmore. place. He was the father of eight children. His sons, Joseph and Benjamin, both spent their lives in Washington, and raised large families of children. Joseph settled on the farm now owned by Hiram Q,. Hoyt, and Ben- jamin, after residing in the mountain district a while after his marriage, removed to a farm near Long Pond. Some of the descendants of WASHINGTON. 401 Joseph and Benjamin Newman still reside in town. The Draper family came into town at an early date, David Draper having married Rebecca Healey, of this town, as early as 1785. The Draper family lived near the village and gave the name to " Draper Hill," which rises just north of the village. Jonathan Draper held office in town in 1778, and Samuel Draper also appears to have been in town in 1779. David Danforth was another of the pioneers of the town. He came to the town at a very early date and resided at the southwest part of the town. Probably the first lawyer to establish himself in business in Washington was David Heald, Esq. He was born in Temple, N. H., March 21, 1768, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1793. He studied law at Northampton, Mass., and came to Washington to reside about 1800, where he remained until his death, which occurred January 2,. 1841. He lived on the spot where the present house, belonging to the family, stands. He was a member of the Cheshire and Sullivan County bar forty years. He was a popular man, and represented the town in the Legislature twelve years. He was married in 1810 to Phebe Burbank, of Washington, by whom he had three children. Some years after Mr. Heald settled in Wash- ington, Abraham B. Story established himself in the practice of law at the centre of the town. He was a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1799, and was engaged a short time in the practice of law at Northwood, before he re- moved to Washington. He resided where Dex- ter Ball now resides. While a resident of the town he often held office. It is said that the present method of keeping the records of the town was introduced by Mr. Story. The settlers at the east part of the town, although too far from the centre to fully enjoy the religious privileges which the Congrega- tionalist Church there afforded, were particular to meet together in private houses for religious instruction and worship. Sometimes a sermon was read by one of their number, and at other times a preacher was employed, though not reg- ularly. In 1800 it was thought best to organ- ize a Baptist Church, as a majority of those interested were of that faith. Accordingly, the 2d day of October, 1800, a church was formed, composed of ten mem- bers. They continued to hold meetings in private houses and in the school-house until 1827, when a meeting-house, fifty feet long and thirty-eight feet wide, was erected on the spot were the present church stands. This church was occupied until 1844, when it was destroyed by fire. But the society were not discouraged, but immediately erected another building, of the same length as the first and two feet wider. This was occupied until 1877, when it shared the fate of the first edifice, being burned in April of that year. Before the next winter, in the autumn of 1877, a third house of worship, of the same dimensions as the other, but in some respects a finer building, was dedicated, and still stands, an ornament to the village and a great convenience to the church. The first settled pastor of the Baptist Churph in East Washington was Rev. Nathan Ames, who was ordained pastor on tlie day the first house of worship was dedicated, in 1827. He was a native of New Boston, N. H., where he was born in 1785. He began preaching in the vicinity of Newburyport, Mass., and in 1819 was called to the pastorate of a church in Sutton, N. H., where he remained several years. He was pastor of the church until 1834, and soon after the close of his pastorate he removed to Jamaica, Vt., where he died. The next pastor was Rev. David Gage, who was ordained in 1835. He was born in Wilton, N. H., December 26, 1809. He remained with the church ten years, closing his labors in 1845. From East Washington he removed to New Boston, where he preached some years. After closing his pastorate in New Boston, he 402 HISTOKY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIEE. entered the service of the ISTew Hampshire Baptist Convention as a missionary, beginning his labors in 1865, and continuing many years, a portion of the time as State missionary and financial agent for the Convention. His present residence is Manchester, N. H. After the resignation of Mr. Gage, Rev. D. P. Dunning, Rev. Nathan Chapman and Rev. Mr. Elliot each served as pastor a short time. In 1852 or 1853, Rev. Albert Heald became pastor of the church, and continued as pastor until 1865, when Rev. Eli P. Noyes was called, and remained three years. The next pastors were Rev. Horace G. Hubbard, Rev. G. D. Ballentine, Rev. Addison Browne, L. U. Anderson, Rev. L. M. Powers, Rev. William Beavens and Rev. E. A. Edwards, who is now pastor of the church. Since the pastor- ate of Mr. Heald all the pastorates have been short, none of them exceeding three years. Rev. E. A. Edwards, the present pastor, came to Washington from Beverly, Mass., in the fall of 1883, and under his call the church seems to be in a prosperous condition. The present membership exceeds eighty. In 1858 a Methodist Church was organized at East Washington. Rev. Tj. L. Dudley acted as preacher at the time the church was organ- ized, and was influential in its formation. Its first class consisted of eleven persons. Samuel A. Clogston was the leader of the first class. Meetings for public worship were held, in a small hall until the erection of a church edifice, in 1859. The first pastor after the formation of the church was Rev. B. E. Whipple, who was succeeded in 1860 by Rev. C. N. Lewis. During the year 1861 the pulpit was supplied by Revs. Hoppins, Brooks and Richardson. John H. Lane supplied in 1862 and a portion of 1863., Chester Dingman appears to have been employed during a portion of 1863. In 1864, C. Marshall Pegg, a young man of bril- liant talents, supplied the desk. About the year 1869, A. J. Roberts became pastor, and was followed by Rev. Mr. Dudley, who was the last settled pastor, the church, owing to deaths and removals, being unable to support a pastor. For a time the church edifice was occupied by the Free-Will Baptist Church, which was organized in East Washington, February 18, 1 873. Its first pastor was Rev. Edwin Smith, who was settled in 1874, the pulpit having been supplied the first year by Rev. G. B. Tewksbury. The original number of members was thir- teen, and of this number Samuel Fletcher and Aaron Peasley were chosen deacons. Mr. Smith remained with the church two years. Daring the time of Mr. Tewksbury's service and the pastorate of Mr. Smith there were many addi- tions to the church. After Mr. Smith's re- moval the church was without a pastor until the autumn of 1877, when Rev. Thomas H. Smithers became pastor, but resigned in the spring of 1878, much to the regret of the church. The same year John Willis became pastor of the church and continued his labors two years. He was an able man and labored faithfully for the good of the church and community. Since 1880 the church has had no settled pastor. The church has never owned a house of wor- ship, but its services have been held in a hall and in the Methodist Church. Near the beginning of the present century the First Universalist Society was organized in Washington. No churcli was organized, but the society provided preaching a considerable part of the time. About the year 1842 the town gave the society permission to finish a room for religious worship in the second story of the town-house, and after that time relig- ious services were held there until the weakened condition of the society made it unable to em- ploy a preacher. Among the preachers who have served the society may be mentioned Rev. David Cooper, Rev. Mr. Gilman, Rev. Lemuel Willis, Rev. Mr. Holden, Rev. Mr. Anderson, Rev. Mr. Palmer and Rev. Nathan R. Wright. David Cooper, although a preacher during his early WASHINGTON. 403 manhood, was for a time engaged in trade on the spot where Nathaniel A. Lull & Sons now trade. Later he resided on the farm now owned by Edward W. Brooks. He removed from town about fifteen years since and resided in Sutton the remainder of his life. He died in Sutton June 25, 1885, at the age of eighty-six years. A sketch of Rev. N. R. Wright will be found in another place. He came back to his native town to preach in 184.3 and remained thirteen years. He is at present actively engaged in ministerial labor in Lynn, Mass. Near the commencement of the present cen- tury several families settled in town and be- came influential and useful citizens. Nathaniel Gordon came from Bedford near the close of the last century, and after living a year at the west part of the town, removed to East Washington and purchased a farm, just west of the school-house, of Daniel Severance. He was familiarly known as Captain Gordon, and was greatly respected. He was one of the original members of the Baptist Church in East Washington. His son, Alfred Gordon, was a famous school- master in his day. He resided many years on the old homestead and then removed to Illinois, where he died at an advanced age. Jabin Fisher removed from Canton, Mass., to Washington early in the present century and lived where his son, the venerable Jabez Eisher, now resides. Jabez Eisher, just mentioned, was for many years successfully engaged in mercan- tile pursuits in Boston. He has preserved the old homestead, where he is passing his last days in quiet and peaceful retirement. Deacon Samuel P. Bailey came from Weare about the year 1803 and settled where his son Jesse E. Bailey now resides. He lived to the great age of one hundred years. His death occurred in 1880. Moses Jones moved from Hillsborough to Washington not far from the year 1815 and settled on the farm at East Washington, where his son, Simon W. Jones, afterward lived. He came to Hillsborough from Weston,. Mass. His sons, Solomon E., Simon W. and Nathan- iel G., were prominent citizens of the town. Solomon E. Jones was for many years engaged in trade in East Washington. Nathaniel G. Jones is still a resident of East Washington. Charles French settled where his son, Charles A. French, now resides in 1814. He raised a large family of children. His son, William B. French, was for some years engaged in trade at the centre of the town. David Lincoln came from Bedford in 1802, and purchased of a "Dr. Kelly" the farm which was afterward, for many years, the house of Isaac N. Gage. He was an active, stirring man in all business matters. For many years he drove a team between East Washington and Boston. He was a captain in the militia, and is spoken of, by those who remember him, as Captain Lincoln. He never had children, but his kind heart led him to adopt several, whom he cared for as if they had been his own. The Trains have long resided in town, and have been influential. The family were originally from Weston, Mass., from which town they came to Hillsborough, N. H., at an early date. Harry Train was the first of the name to settle in Washington. Charles and Henry Train, sons of Harry Train, have been prominent cit- izens of the town, the latter being for some years the proprietor of the hotel at the centre of the town, and representative to the Legislature. Arthur Train, another son of Harry Train, was for many years a very popular and successful physician in Virginia and Chicago. Samuel Cheney came from Henniker in 1805, and settled on the farm afterward owned by Joel Severance (2d). He was probably the first settler on that farm. His son, George W. Cheney, was a highly-respected citizen of the town. David Dole became a resident of the town about 1803 or 1804. He bought a farm of Jeremiah Bacon, near East Washington, where 404 HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE. he spent most of his life. Jeremiah Bacon, after selling his farm, removed to Hancock. Daniel Greenleaf, who was born in Haver- hill, Mass., in 1780, came from Concord, N. H., to Washington to i-eside just prior to 1820. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits, and had previously been in trade in Concord and Hebron. During his residence in Washington he served for a time as postmaster. The Greenleafs ofthisandthe adjoining towns are descendants of Daniel Greenleaf. Nathan Brainard removed from Lempster to Washington between the years 1823 and 1825, and engaged in trade at the centre of the town. He was also postmaster for a while. In 1834 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio. The firm of S. Brainard's Sons, music dealers and publishers, of Cleveland, are of this family, and is composed of the grandsons of Nathan Brainard. Seth Adams, a native of Mason, N. H., came to Washington at an early age, and married, in 1813, Comfort Barney, a native of the town. He was a woolen manufacturer, and, in company with his sons, Calvin and Nathan, established the first woolen-mill at the centre of the town, in 1843. Lewis Vickery removed from Lempster to Washington about the year 1815, and took up his residence on the Goshen turnpike, some four miles from Washington Centre. Prior to his residence in Lempster he had resided in Winchester, N. H., having removed from that town to Lempster in 1805. John risk, who was born in Hillsborouo-h in 1789, settled, in 1812, at East Washington, on the place now owned by Hiram J. Gage, His farm embraced what is now the eastern part of the village. Caleb Carr, also a native of Hillsborough, bought in 1818 the farm afterward owned by Jonathan Severance, near East Washington. He built the first house on the place. He still resides at East Washington, at the age of ninety-three. His sons. Mason H. and George H. Carr, are still residents of the town. Mason H. Carr has been engaged in the manufacture and sale of lumber in East Washington for more than forty years, owning the mill which is on the site of the first mill in the village, which was erected by his great-grandfather, Captain Jonathan Brockway. In 1850 Dr. George Hubbard settled in the practice of his profession at East Washington. He had, a year or two before, practiced there, but did not permanently locate until 1850. He remained until 1855, when he removed to Man- chester, and was succeeded by Dr. John Haynes, of Newbury. Dr. Hubbard was a man of much skill in his profession, and took high rank as a surgeon. In the War of the Rebellion he was long in the service as an army surgeon, and par- ticipated in many battles. After his retirement from the service of his country he engaged in practice in Lansiugburgh, N. Y., where he died. Dr. Haynes remained in practice until 1860, when he was succeeded by Dr. H. Monroe. Dr. Monroe was a native of Hillsborough, a graduate of Dartmouth College and of the Medical Department of the same institu- tion. He died in East Washington May 2, 1863, and was succeeded the same year by Dr. Silas M. Dinsmoor, a native of Antrim and a graduate of the School of Medicine con- nected with Columbian University, Washing- ton, D. C. He removed from East Washing- ton to Francestown in 1874. His present resi- derice is Keene, N. H. Much might be written of the brave men of Washington who participated in the struggle for the preservation of the Union during the great Eebellion, but space will not permit. Upwards of sixty men, including substitutes, more than thirty of whom were volunteers, went from this little town to fight the battles of their country, and twelve lost their lives in its defense. In 1866 the people of the town erected, on the village green at Washington Centre, a beau- tiful granite shaft, upon which are inscribed WASHINGTON. 406 the names of those who lost' their lives during the War of the Eebellion. This monument was one of the first of its kind to be erected in the State of Xew Hampshire. Edmund Davis, Jeremiah Fletcher and John May all settled in Washington near the begin- ning of the present century. Edmund Davis came from Hancock and was at first engaged in teaching. He afterward married a daughter of Deacon William Graves, and, with the exception of a very few years, their whole married life was spent in Washing- ton. He was a noted schoolmaster in his day, and was the first postmaster in East Wash- ington. John May also came from Hancock and first lived on the Goshen turnpike, nearly opposite the present residence of John L. Butterfield, where he kept a tavern. He afterward re- moved to the village, at the centre of the town, where he died. May Pond, near the place where he first resided, was so named on ac- count of his having resided near it. Jeremiah Fletcher came from New Ipswich and settled some two miles northwest of East Washington, where his son, Francis P. Flet- cher, afterward resided. The Fletchers, still residing in town, are his descendants. In the year 1869 a free public library was opened in Washington, known as the Shedd Free Library. It was founded by the bequest of Miss Sarah Shedd, a native and resident of the town, who bequeathed the sum of twenty- five hundred dollars as a fund for its support. Sarah Shedd was the daughter of John and Lydia Shedd, and was born in Washington April 29, 1813. Most, if not all, of the prop- erty which she acquired was obtained by hard labor in cotton-mills. JSTotwithstandiug her laborious occupation, she found time to devote to literary labor, and was the author of many poems, which have been gathered into a small volume. Miss Shedd died April 5, 1867. The library, to which yearly additions have been made, now contains about seventeen hundred volumes. In 1881, by the munificence of Mr.. L. T. Jefts, of Hudson, Mass., a beautiful library building, for the accommodation of the Shedd Free Library, was presented to the town. The building is of brick, with slate roof, and is thoroughly and beautifully furnished in every part. Mr. Jefts is a son of the late Benjamin and Olive (Reed) Jefts, of Washington. He was born in Washington April 4, 1830. His parents, being in moderate circumstances, were not able to assist him to any great extent either in matters of education or business. At the age of eighteen he obtained his father's per- mission to get an education, providing he was able to pay his own expenses. He left his home for the academy at Marlow, with thirteen dollars, the gift of his mother on her dying bed. After attending school at Marlow and Washington several years, paying his expenses in the mean time by teaching, he went to Mas- sachusetts and entered a store as clerk. After- ward he became one of the proprietors of a store in Assabet, Mass. In 1859 he engaged in the manufacture of shoes in Hudson, Mass., where he has since resided. Fortune has seemed to smile upon his endeavors, so that he has become the possessor of a large fortune. He represented the towns of Hudson, Stowe, Little- ton and Roxborough in the Legislature in 1883. At present he is president of the Hud- son National Bank, an institution with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. APPENDIX. CHESHIRE COUNTY. KEENB. De. Amos Twitchell, for so long a time the autocrat of surgery in New England, was born in Dublin, N. H., April 14, 1781. His father was Samuel Twitchell, one of the earliest set- tlers of Dublin, and his mother was Alice, daughter of Dr. Wilson, of Sherburne. Dr. Twitchell entered Dartmouth College in 1798 and graduated in 1802. From early childhood Dr. Twitchell's thoughts had been led to the profession of medicine, and during his college course his intimacy with Dr. Nathan Smith had tended still further to guide him on- ward in the same path. Upon leaving college he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Nathan Smith, at Hanover, N. H., and in 1805 commenced practice in the neighboring town of Norwich, Vt. Here he remained until 1807 or 1808, when he removed to Marlborough, N. H., and entered into partnership with his brother- in-law. Dr. Carter. In 1810 he removed to Keene and there labored for about forty years, gradually rising to a fame of which any one might have been proud. He was chosen a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society in 1811, and from that time until his death felt the liveliest interest in in it. Dr. Twitchell was solicited to accept a pro- fessorship in Dartmouth College, at Castleton, Vt., Bowdoiii College, Maine, and at the Uni- versity of A^'ermont, all of which flattering pro- posals he declined. Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, in his memoir of Dr. Twitchell, says, — 406 " Dr. Twitchell was no shadow of another nor the exponent of any set of opinions, but a living speci- men of what a great, self-relying mortal may become. He was possessed of infinite humor, of a strong, vig- orous intellect and a reverence for truth in speech and act which, while it made him always ready to ac- knowledge his own errors, likewise aroused his indig- nation against hypocrisy and pretense wherever seen. Joined to these traits, and in beautiful harmony with them, was his warm heart. Ardent in his attach- ment to friends through every stage of life, and wisely benevolent to those closely united to him, he went about daily doing good." He died May 26, 1860. SULLIVAN COUNTY. BENCH AND BAR. William H. H. Allen is a descendant from old Puritan stock. Samuel Allen came from Braintree, Essex County, England, and settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1632. With the first emigration from the Massachusetts Bay colony he went to Windsor, Conn., in 1635, and in that vicinity are many of his descendants. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame, was the fifth in the line of descent from Samuel, through his second son, and the subject of this sketch is the eighth in descent from Samuel, through his third son. Abel Allen, the great-grandfather of William H. H. Allen, came from Connectic;ut and settled in Surry, Cheshire County, N. H,, about 1760, and died there in 1808. His grandfather, Abel, was born in Windsor, Conn., in 1756, and came to Surry with his father and lived there until APPENDIX. 407 he died, in 1837. His father, Joseph Allen, was bom in that town in 1798. He lived there and worked upon his father's and other farms in the vicinity, availing himself of the limited advantages afforded by the public schools of that period and other means of education within his reach, until twenty-two years old, when he thought he had a call to preach, became a Meth- odist minister and coupled preaching in Surry and some other towns and farming together for a few years. In 1828 he removed to Winhall, a small town in Bennington County, Vt., bought a tract of rocky but productive land, erected a house and other buildings upon it, and divided his time between farming and preaching. It was on this farm that William H. H. Allen was born, on December 10, 1829. About 1832 his father sold the farm and took up preaching again in connection with farming. From 1839 to 1844 he lived with his family at Hartland, Vt., farming and preaching. In the latter year he returned with his family to Surry and remained there, farming until his death, in June, 1877, at the age of seventy-nine years. He represented the town of Surry in the New Hampshire Legislature in 1857, held sev- eral town offices and was many years a justice of the peace. His wife, who survived him un- til March, 1880, was Lyna, daughter of the late Daniel Abbott, of Surry. By her he had ten children, five of whom are still living. William H. H. Allen lived in his father's family, working upon farms and attending pub- lic schools a few months each year, until he was fifteen years old. From that time until he was nineteen he worked on farms summers, attend- ing academies at West Brattleboro and Saxton's River, Vt., and one term at Keene, N. H., falls, and teaching winters, until 1850. For a year and a half he was under the tutelage of Joseph Perry, of Keene, an accomplishad scholar and retired veteran teacher, and under his instruction completed his preparation for college. He en- tered Dartmouth College in 1851 and was grad- uated second in his class of fifty-one, Walbridge A. Field being first in 1855. Among his class- mates were William S. Ladd, of Lancaster, N.H., an ex-judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire ; Nelson Dingley, of Lewiston, ex- Governor and now member of Congress from Maine ; Walbridge A. Field, judge of the Su- preme Court of Massachusetts ; Greenleaf Clark, of St. Paul, ex-judge of the Supreme Court of Minnesota ; E. B. S. Sanborn, one of the New Hampshire railroad commissioners; Rev. Al- pheus Pike, D.D., now of Minnesota; the late Frank Robinson, who was a prominent lawyer at Dubuque, Iowa ; Samuel R. Bond, a distin- guished lawyer of Washington, D. C; and John K." Valentine, of Philadelphia, United States district attorney for Pennsylvania. Following his graduation, Mr. Allen was principal of a High School atHopkinton, Mass., until November, 1856, when he returned to Surry and read law in the office of Wheeler & Faulkner, of Keene, about a year; then went to Perrysburg, Ohio, and was superintendent of schools there until the summer of 1858. He commenced reading law at Hopkinton, and de- voted his spare time to it there and at Perrys- burg. He returned to Surry, soon entered the law-office of Burke & Wait, at Newport, N. H., and was admitted to the bar at the Sep- tember term of court for SuUivau County, in 1858. By general request of the bar, he was appointed clerk of the courts for Sullivan County in November, 1858, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of the late Thomas W. Gilmore, and took up his residence at New- port. He continued in this position, trying many referee cases and doing much other bus- iness now done by the judges, until September, 1863, when he was appointed paymaster in the army, which position he held until December, 1865. He was stationed at Washington, D. C. and paid soldiers in the Army of the Potomac, until May, 1865, when he went to Philadel- phia and paid discharged Pennsylvania soldiers. When he was discharged from the service he settled his accounts with the government with- 408 APPENDIX. out difficulty, returned to his home in Newport, opened an office and commenced the practice of his profession, which he continued with a good degree of success, there and at Claremont, N. H., until 1876, when he was appointed to -the Su- preme Court bench. He was appointed judge of Probate for Sullivan County in January, 1867, and held that office until July, 1874. During his term but three appeals were taken from his decisions, two of which were affirmed by the full bench of the Supreme Court, and the other one was not prosecuted. Judge Allen was appointed register in bankruptcy when the bankrupt law of 1867 went into effect, and held that office until 1876, when, by general request of the Sullivan County bar, he was appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, which po- sition he still occupies. His opinions will be found in the fifty-eighth and subsequent vol- umes of the " New Hampshire Law Eeports." In all the positions to which Judge Allen has been called he has discharged their various and often difficult duties with fidelity and to gen- eral acceptance. Judge Allen removed from Newport to Clare- mont, N. H, in 1868, where he has since re- sided. In politics he has always been a Re- publican. He is a Unitarian in belief, but has latterly attended the Episcopal Church. He was first married, in 1856, to Ellen E., daugh- ter of John Joslin, of Surry, by whom he had nine children. Two died in infancy and the other seven are still living. His wife died in Claremont in June, 1873. In October, 1874, he married Sally S., daughter of the late Dr' John Sabine, of Straffijrd, Vt. By this mar- riage he has no children. LEMPSTEE. Anson Keyes, mentioned as a trader, should be lawyer. He is practicing law in the West. There is a "Farmers' Club" and the "Or- der of Good Templars " which have done effi- cient work in the cause of temperance. GENERAL HISTORY. Census Table. — Tabulated statement, show- ing the movement of population of the several towns in Sullivan County at each census since 1767, inclusive, with dates of incorporation and first called name : IGOOOOiniOi-i'^COO^-t^MOST-IQO I CO OlOl^T-'OlOUiCCCOCOCOO.OOCOCr) rH r-t -^ r^ (Ml-. 00 C)T-ICO-^(Mr^ao-H0OCOO5^ODTl.CSC^CQC^i^0OCj i-tX^OiOt^tOCO-^ODOCOOt^OOOO r-( T-l ^ T-^ CM ^ ^ .-.^COOiHOl^iOeOONOt^T-tCv^ »0-^OOC0iC00t^O0J0iI>.»COi0 THr-ICOrH (Nr-.(Mt^ost^ocDasa5ir5c^t^(Mr-( I— iT-tCOrH r-i rHrHi-l r-li-i T-|CO-^t>.t^NOit^OiCOT-((Mt^OOifi Oc^cqcoiiit^l^cociT-iOOOcoioeo OiC30THOt--(?q-^0030^-COt^(M t^0050CD'X'COlOU3I^';D^Ol-^05 THi-iC<]rH.-( .-I r-ti-t tH C0rW'.#CC>eqe0i^CqTj. CO C^