BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henirs W. Sage 1891^.. :.444^ Cornell University Library K 840. W34 1897 The theory of contract in its social iii 3 1924 021 934 835 K Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tlie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE THEOEY OF CONTRACT ' IN ITS SOCIAL LIGHT Feinted by Tuekbull akd Spears FOE T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. London : Simpkin, Maeshali, Hamilton, Kbht ade mecum for landlords, their agents and tenants, by the use of which they will be enabled to thoroughly com- prehend the various clauses of an agricultural lease, and their respective rights and privileges under the same.' — Estates Gazette. 8 Law Books published hy T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. Savigny's Private International Law. Private International Law and the Eetrospective Operation of Statutes. A Treatise on the ConfJict of Laws, and the Limits of their Operation in respect of Place and Time. By Fribdrich Carl von Savigny. Translated, with Notes, by William Guthrie, Advocate. With an Appendix containing the Treatises of Bartolus, Molineeus, Paul Voet, and Huber. In demy 8vo, Second Edition, price 21s. ' Savigny, for the first time in modem days, brought to this subject original thought. In Savigny's system of the Roman Private Law, as at the present time, he devotes a volume to the consideration of Private International Law, in which he exhibits all the genius and power which have placed him at the head of scientific jurists in modem days, and given him a place equal to that occupied in former times by Cujacius.' — FraserU Treatise on the Law of Parent and Child. ' Savigny's System of Modern Roman Law is perhaps the greatest work on jurisprudence which our age has produced, and Mr. Guthrie has done good service by introducing one section of it in an English dress to English lawyers and students.' — Law Times. 'This second edition will obtain, as it deserves, the same favourable reception as the first; and Mr. Guthrie is entitled to no small thanks for the care wliich he has bestowed on the book.' — Scotsman. Guthrie's Select Cases. (First and Second Series : Two Vols.) Select Cases deciiled in the Sheriff Courts of Scotland. Collected by William Guthrie, Advocate, Sheriff-Substitute of Lanark- shire. In Two Volumes, in demy 8vo. First Series, price 20s.; Second Series, price 18s. net. ■ Mr. Guthrie Las done his work of editing with his usual exemplary care and skill. He has printed no rubbish, he has wasted no words, he has fished with a long net, but classified judiciously ; and he has always given the necessary information at the right place, keeping a steady eye to the readability and utility of his compendious compilation.' — Scotsman. ' We trust the present volume may have the wide circulation amongst Sheriffs and Sheriff Court practitioners which it unquestionably deserves.' — Journal of Jui-isprudeiice Bell on Arbitration. Treatise on the Law of Arbitration in Scotland. By John Montgomery Bell, Esq., Advocate. With an Appendix of Forms. In royal 8vo, Second Edition, price 21s. ' One of the most honest, accurate, and thorough of law books.' — Scotsman. ' III this work is contained every information at all connected with arbitration. . . . We have much pleasure in recommending the second edition of this useful work to the attention of the profession.' — Journal of Jurispi'ud^nce. Law Books published hy T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. 9 Mackintosh on the Roman Law of Sale. The Eoman Law of Sale. With Modern Illustrations. Digest XVIII. 1 and XIX. 1 Translated. With Notes and References to Cases and the Sale of Goods Bill. By James Mackintosh, B.A., Advocate, Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinburgh; late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford. In demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d. ' The care, thoroughness, and clearness which characterise this part of the work reflect the highest credit on Mr. Macliintosh's learning. . . . The book as a whole may be recommended to every one interested in its subject as a serviceable exposition of that branch of the law of Rome which is of most importance to a modern lawyer.' — Scotsman. ' The notes are extremely well done, and the Scotch law is everywhere clearly stated. The volume should fulfil its main object, to enable candidates for legal examinations to get up two important titles of the digest in an intelligent manner.' — Glasgow Herald, Watt's Legal Philosophy. An Outline of Legal Philosophy. By W. A. Watt, M.A., LL.B., Member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. In post 8vo, price 5s. ' Mr. Watt never writes abstrusely, and his book shows far more acquaintance with the practical aspect of legal problems than is usually to be found in works professedly philosophical. The treatise is thus eminently well fitted to serve as an introduction to the study of its subject ; and recommends itself both to students of scientific jurisprudence and to lawyers of a thoughtful turn of mind.' — Scotsman. * We cordially welcome Mr. Watt's book. It is throughout well reasoned and well written ; it is never superficial, and it is never abstruse, and we venture to predict that it will be found of great service by all who are engaged in the study of legal science.' — The Scots Law Times. ' Mr. Watt discusses with admirable lucidity the nature and external development of law, the contents of modern law, — private, public, international, and scientific, — and the fundamental legal notions and their expression in a code. ' — The Speaker. Brunner's Sources of the Law. The Sources of the Law of England. An Historical Introduction to the Study of English Law. By Dr. H. Brunner, Professor in the University of Berlin. Translated from the German by W. Hastie, D.D. In crown 8vo, price 2s. 6d. ' Remarkable for its clearness, its erudition, and the succinct and perspicuous form in which it embodies matter that might have been expanded into a considerable volume. ... It forms an attractive and instructive means of passing from the study of general jurisprudence to that of the special system of the English l&w.'— Glasgow Herald. 10 Law Books published hy T. & T. Clark, Edinhurgh. Smith on the Poor Law. A Digest of the Law of Scotland, relating to the Poor, the Public Health, and other Matters managed by Parochial Boards. By John Guthrie Smith, Advocate. In demy 8vo, Third Edition, price 18s. ' The value of the work as an epitome of all the etatutory provisions with respect to the powers and duties of parochial boards has long been recognised.' — Scotsman, * The book has become in its former editions so well known and so much of a trusted guide and authority, and its author stands so high as one of the most efficient sheriffs in Scotland, and one of the most skilful, judicious lawyers at the bar, that it needs no commendation of ours.' — Glasgow Herald. *This volume will be found very useful, not only by the professional lawyers, but by laymen, to whom, as members of parochial boards and inspectors, the administration of the Poor and Public Health Law is entrusted.' — Journal of Jurispi'udence. Irons' Police Law. Manual of Police Law and Practice, comprising an Analysis of the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, with Notes of Decided Cases and Eelative Statutes, etc. By James Campbell Irons, M.A., S.S.C. One large Volume, 8vo, price 31s. 6d. ' To members of Local Authorities, Burgh Magistrates, and indeed to almost all who are personally interested in our municipal and local government, this book will be of great value.' — Scotsman. Neill's Maritime Causes. Forms of Proceedings in Maritime Causes before the Sheriff Courts in Scotland. By Egbert Neill, Solicitor and Notary Public, Greenock. In demy 8vo, price 8s. 6d. ' Mr. Neill's manual will be found to be of extreme value to lawyers in every mercantile community in Scotland ; they will find in the text of the work a clear statement of what the rights of their clients are, and in the annexed forms a trustworthy example of how these may be enforced.' — Glasgow News. 'It is impossible to fail to recognise in every page the observations of a good lawyer, who knows the theory as well as the practice in this branch of law with a completeness and accuracy much beyond what is common.' — Scotsman. Adam's Procedure Acts. An Abridgement of the Procedure Acts passed by the Supreme Courts in Scotland ; containing the Acts of Sederunt of the Lords of Council and Session, from January 1852 to October 1886, and the Acts of Adjournal of the High Court of Justiciary at present in force. With Notes and Eeferences. By Edwin Adam, M.A., LL.B., Advocate. 8vo, price 7s. 6d. ' These Acts are here collected for the first time. They deal with a number of points of great interest which constantly arise in criminal practice, and the authorities on which it is often difficult to find at a moment's notice. The present compilation will supply a felt want.' — Aberdeen Journal. Law Books published by T. & T. Clark, Edinbiorgh. 1 1 Shaw's Digest. Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland from 1800 to 1868; and, on Appeal, by the House of Lords, from 1726 to 1868. Being a New Edition of the Digest from 1800 to 1852, by Mr. Shaw ; and from 1862 to 1862, by Messrs. Macphekson, Bell, and Lamond, Advocates. Revised, Consolidated, and Continued to 1868 by Andrew Beatson Bell and William Lamond, Advocates. In Three Volumes, imperial 8vo, price £9, 9s. 'As this excellently designed and excellently executed handbook has already been the theme of a paper in the leading journal of Scotland, as remarkable for its great literary power as for its appreciation of the value of the book which it reviews, it is less necessary for us to encroach on our scanty space for the purpose of criticising the labours of Messrs. Bell and Lamond. No procurator-fiscal can do without it, and every lawyer engaged in criminal practice must constantly refer to it. No book can be compared to it for utility in its own branch of the law.' — Journal of Jurisprudence. The Article ' Crime ' in the above Digest may be had separately, price 5s. An Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland ; and, on Appeal, by the House of Lords, from July 20, 1867, to July 20, 1877. Compiled from the Session Cases, with References to the Scottish Jurist and Justiciary Reports, by A. E. Henderson, David Gillespie, and Henry Johnston, Advocates, assisted by J. Patten and G. R. Gillespie, Advocates. In One Volume, imperial 8vo, price 38s. And in continuation of the above, from July 20, 1877, to July 20, 1885. Compiled from the Session Cases. By Henry Johnston, C. C. Maconochie, and H. J. E. Fraser, Advocates. In One Volume, imperial 8vo, price 38s. ' We congratulate the compilers upon having produced, and the legal profession upon now possessing, through their honest labour, an elaborate and complete Digest of Cases. ' — Scotsman. Muirhead's Gains. The Institutes of Gains and Rules of Ulpian. The former from Studemund's Apograph of the Verona Codex. With Translation and Notes, and a Copious Alphabetical Digest. By the late James Muirhead, Professor of Roman Law in the University of Edinburgh. In demy 8vo, price 21s. 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Law Examination Manual for Students ; Containing Conveyancing, Scots Law, and Court Practice, in the form of Tables and Abstracts ; the Latin Maxims in Bell's and Erskine's Principles ; and Numerous Examples of the Examination Questions. Com- piled by William Whyte, S.S.C. In demy 8vo, price 5s. ' There can be no question of its usefulness as a means of mastering the contents of the text-books.' — Scotsman. ' The student will find here, without the waste of many laborious days, a much more handy means of refreshing his memory on the salient points in each subject of examina- tion than he could possibly expect to prepare for himself, and also a collection of questions sufficiently exhaustive to furnish a pretty effective test of his fitness for the ''final."' — Aberdeen Journal. ' The pages devoted to giving outlines of Court of Session and Sheriff Court practice ; the table of less familiar Latin maxims ; the selections of questions from examination papers ; and a copious index, add greatly to the ability of a manual which is evidently carefully compiled, and should be of great service to those for whom it is intended.' — Fifeshire Journal. Kant's Philosophy of Law. The Philosophy of Law. An Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as the Science of Right. By Immanuel Kant. Translated from the German by W. Hastie, D.D. In crown 8vo, price 5s. ' Mr. Hastie has done a valuable service to the study of jurisprudence by the produc- tion of this work. His translation is admirably done, and his introductory chapter gives all the information necessary to enable a student to approach the main body of the work with sympathy and intelligence. The work supplies a defect hitherto regretted in the literature of jurisprudence in this country.' — Scotsman. 'An epoch-making book in the history of Continental jurisprudence.' — Litci^ary World. Puchta's Science of Jurisprudence. Outlines of the Science of Jurisprudence. An Introduction to the Systematic Study of Law. Translated and Edited from the Juristic Encyclopaedias of Puchta, Friedlauder, Falck, and Ahrens. By W. Hastie, D.D. In crown 8vo, price 6s. ' It ought to be useful, and I shall have pleasure in recommending it. The translator has a wonderful talent for rendering the foreign idea in English of the best class. With " Puchta" he has been extraordinarily successful.' — Professor J. Muirhead. ' We had occasion some time ago to notice favourably Mr. Hastie's excellent ti-ansla- tion of Kant's " Philosophy of Law." .... He has now followed this up by a companion volume, entitled " Outlines of the Science of Jurisprudence," and made up of translations from the works of the chief German scientific jurists since the time of Kant. These two books are likely to exercise a considerable influence on the study of juris- prudence in England Every student of jurisprudence ought to read this preface carefully, for it is calculated to exercise a profound infiuence in enlarging and modifying his views.' — Literary World. Law Boohs puhlislied hy T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. 1 3 Barclay's Public-Houses Statutes. Public-Houses Statutes, with Notes, Decided Cases in England and Scotland, and Extracts from Commissioners' Report. Arranged by Hugh Barclay, IjIi.D., Sheriff-Substitute of Perthshire. In demy 8yo, Second Edition, with Additions, price 4s. (per post, 4s. 3d.). 'Will be found extremely useful to agents as well as justices.' — Fife Advertiser. Irons' Public-Houses Acts. Manual of the Public-Houses (Scotland) Acts, with Decisions thereon, References to Cases under the English Public-Houses Statutes, Notes relative to Appeal and Review in Scotland, and Appendix containing the Acts and Relative Forms. By James Campbell Irons, M.A., S.S.C., Edinburgh. Revised by E. Erskine Harper, Advocate. In demy 8vo, price 5s. (per post, 5s. 3d.). ' We consider this little work a model. . . . The style is clear and concise, and the different points are put with much discrimination.' — Daily Hevieiv. * Will be found specially valuable to those who have to do with the granting of public-house licences.' — Courant. Cook's Church Styles. Styles of Writs, Forms of Procedure, and Practice of the Church Courts of Scotland. By the late Rev. J. Cook, D.D. Fifth Edition. Revised and adapted to the present state of the Law of the Church (1882). By Rev. George Cook, B.D., Minister of Longformacus. In demy, 8vo, price 12s. ' The work has already proved an almost indispensable guide in Church Court pro- cedure, and we can confidently recommend this edition, as showing the way through the numerous changes and improvements of recent years.' — Courant. Local GoYernment Manual. 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A Treatise on the Law of Partnership and Joint-Stock Companies, according to the Law of Scotland ; including Private Copartneries, Common Law Companies, Kegistered Companies, Chartered Com- panies, Railway Companies, and others, formed under the Con- solidation Acts. By Francis William Clark, Sheriff of Lanarkshire. In Two Volumes, royal 8vo, price £2, os. ' It is a book which every practi.'^ing la"wyei" will find it for his interest to have beside him as a book of reference. The author's own ability and accuracy require no guarantee.' — Scotsman. Renton on Monomanie. Monomanie Sans D61ire. An Examination of ' The Irresistible Criminal Impulse Theory.' By A. Wood Renton, M.A., LL.B., of Gray's Inn, and of the Oxford Circuit, Barrister-at-Law. In demy 8vo, price 3s. 6d. ' This work will be read with interest by persons who have studied criminal juris- prudence.' — Dundee Advertiser. ' Mr. Eenton's criticisms are very able, and deserving of attention.' — Journal of Juris- p7~udence. The Land Rights of Scotland : Being a CoUectioa of the Entail, Conveyancing, and other Statutes relating to Land ; with Introductory Observations and Notes. By Hugh Cowan, Sheriff-Substitute of Renfrew and Bute. Second Edition. Revised and brought down to date by the Author. In demy 8vo, price 12s. Sheriff Court Practice. Practical Notes on the Jurisdiction and Forms of Process in Civil Causes of the Sheriff Courts of Scotland. By John M'Glashan, Esq., Solicitor in the Supreme Courts and Sheriff Court of Edinburgh. Fourth Edition, Revised, with Decided Cases, and an Appendix containing relative Enactments, Legislative and Judicial. By Hugh Barclay, Esq., LL.D., Sheriff-Substitute of Perthshire. In One Volume, royal 8vo, price 26s. A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Pro- missory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers' Notes, and Cheques on Bankers in Scotland ; including the latest English Decisions and Authorities applicable to the Law of Scotland. By Robert Thomson, Advocate. 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The Law of Highways in Scotland. By Hugh Barclay, LL.D., Sheriff-Substitute of Perthshire. In demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d. Decisions of the Supreme Courts of England and Scotland on the Liability of Proprietors, Masters and 'Servants, etc., for Eeparation of Injuries arising from Accidents and the Negligence of Parties; including Cases of Railways, Coal Pits, Road and Harbour Trusts, and Public Corporations. Condensed and arranged by William Hay, Solicitor. In demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d. Leading Ecclesiastical Gases decided in the Court of Session, 1849-1874. In demy 8vo, price 7s. 6d. net. CABINET LIBRARY OF SCARCE AND CELEBRATED TRACTS. 'The whole of these rare gems are recommended by their neat form and cheapness, and will now have a large circulation.' — Monthly Heview. 1. Sir James Mackintosh's Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations. Is. 6d. 2. Hon. Justice Story's Discourse on the Past History, Present State, and Future Prospects of the Law. Is. 6d. 3. Sir W, Scott's (late Lord StoweU) Judgment pronounced in the Consistory Court of London, in the Case of Dalrymple the Wife v. Dalrymple the Husband. 2s. 4. Sir W. Scott's Judgments pronounced in the Case of — 1. The Maria j 2. The Gratitudine. 2s. 5. Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool, on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain in respect to Neutral Nations. 2s. 6. Controversy respecting the Law of Nations ; specially relative to Prussia's Attachment of British Funds by way of Reprisal for English Captures. 2s. 7. The Eight Hon. Edmund Burke's Letter to a Noble Lord. Is. 3d. 8. Wamkonig's Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on the Law of Possession. Is. 8d. 9. Mittermaier on the Effect of Drunkenness on Criminal Eesponsibility. Is. 6d. 1 6 Law Books published hy T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. REPORTS. REPORTS OF CASES DECIDED IN THE COURT OF SESSION, TEIND COURT, COURT OF EXCHEQUER, AND HOUSE OF LORDS. SECOND SERIES, 24 vols. 1838 to 1862. £43, los. 6d. THIRD SERIES, 11 vols. 1862 to 1878. £28, 8s. 6d. FOURTH (CURRENT) SERIES. This Series commences with 20tli July 1873. HOUSE OF LORDS. House of Lords Ebports from 1726 to 1821 Eeported by John Ceaigie, J. S. Stewart, and Thomas S. Faton, Esqs., Advocates. 6 vols., £13. From 1821 to 1838. By P. Shaw, J. Wilson, C. Maclean, Esqs. 12 vols., £19. From 1840 to 1841. By G. Eobinson, Esq. 2 vols., £2, 10s. THE JUSTICIARY COURTS. Eeports of ('ases Tried in thk High Court of Justiciary, from 1826 to 1830. By David Syme, Esq., Advocate. £\, 2s. From 183.5 to 1841. By Archibald Swinton, E^q., LL.D., Advocate. 2 vols, royal 8vo, £3, 10s. From 1841 to 1845. By Archibald Broun, Esq., Advocate. 2 vols, royal Svo, £3, 16s. Prom January 1846 lo December 1848. By Patrick Arkley, Esq., Advocate. 1 vol. 8vo, £1, 14s. 6d. From January 1849 to June 1852. By John Shaw, Esq., Advocate. 1 vol. royal 8vo, £1, 16s. 6d. From June 1852 to December 1867. By A. F. Irvine, Esq., Advocate. 6 vols, royal 8vo, £10, 5s. From January 1868 to December 1885. By C. T. Coupeb, Esq., Advocate. 5 vols. royal 8vo, £11, 9s. From December 1885 to May 1893. By J. Cathcart White, Esq., Advocate. 3 vols. £6, 4s. From May 1893 to July 1895. By Edwin Adam, Esq., Advocate. Vol.1. £2, 3s. INDEX. PAGE 10 5 13 15 S 4 4 Adam's Acts of Sederunt, . Barclay's Justice's Digest, . Public-Houses Statutes, . Law of Hlgliways, . Bell's Arbitration, Commentaries, . Principles, Brown's Criminal Jurisdiction, 3 Conveyancing, 3 Brunner's Sources of the Law, . 9 Cabinet Library of Scarce Tracts, . 15 Oliisholm and Shennan's Local Govern- ment Act, . . .13 Clark on Partnership, 14 Coldstream's Procedure, ... 3 Cook's Church Styles, ... 13 Cowan's Land Rights, ... 14 Dickson on Evidence, .... 4 Digest of Decisions, 1867-85, . H Elliot's Erection of Parishes, ... 15 Eraser's Husband and Wife, ... 6 Master and Servant, . . 6 Goudy's Bankruptcy, . . . . 1 Grierson on Evidence, . . .4 Guthrie's Select Cases, . . . S Hay's Liability, . . ... 15 Poor Law Decisions, ... 15 Howden on Trusts, . . . 2 Irons' Police Law, Public-Houses Acts, Irvine's Game Laws, . Johnston's Crofters' Act, . Kant's Philosophy of Law, Leading Ecclesiastical Cases, Lorimer's Handbook, .... M'Glashan's Sheriff Court Pi^actiee, . Mackintosh's Roman Law of Sale, Muirhead's Institutes of Gains, . Nasmyth's Public Health Manual, . Neill's Maritime Causes, Puclita's Science of Jurisprudence, . Renton's Monomanie, .... Criminal Procedtire and Appeal, Reports :— Court of Session, House of Lords, Justiciary, etc., Savigny's Private International Law, Shaw's Digest, ... Smith's (J. G.) Law of Damages, Poor Law, (R. E. M.) Expenses, Steele on Landed Estates, . Stewart on Fishing, . Thomson on Bills, Watt's Legal Philosophy, . Whyte's Law Examination Manual, . PAGE 10 13 7 7 12 15 11 5 10 12 14 7 7 14 9 12