Cornell XHniveusit^ OF THE IRew l^ork State Colleoe of Hartculture %j..3.o.fe..:£. Butter records of Jersey cows. 3 1924 002 960 205 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. BUTTER RECORDS -OF- Jersey Cows COMPILED BY F. M. CARRYL Passaic Bridge, N. J. ERRATA. First page, first column, 9th line from bottom, for Naomie's, read Naomi's. Third page, second column, 1st Une, for Agnopimoguk, read Aquopimoquk. Fourth page, first column, 25th line from top, for Minta, read Uinta. Also second column, 2d line from bottom, for Sutea, read Lutea ; 3d line, for Sara, read Lara ; 4th line, for Medrene, read Medrena. Skicth page, first column, 8th line from top, for 41.00, read 14.00. Also second column, 19th line from top, for Jesse, read Jessie. i Tenth page, second column, 35th Une from top, for Jesse, read Jessie. Eleventh pa^e, second column, 8th line from bottom, for Miami Rose, read Miami Prize. Thirteenth page, first column, 10th Une from bottom, for Princess, read Princess Rose. Fourteenth page, first column, 3Sd line from bottom, for Su Lee, read Su Lu. Also second colunm, 5th line from bottom, for Jesse, read Jessie. Fifteenth page, second colunm, 4th line from bottom, for Holland's, read Roland's. Eighteenth page, first colunm, 19th line from top, for Ninette, read Minette. Also S9th Une, for Jesse, read Jessie. Twentieth page, second column, S2d line from bottom, for Katie Bushf ord, read Katie Bash- ford. Twenty-third page, second column, Sd and 4th Unes from bottom, for Thomedale, read Thomdale. Twenty-siaith page, second column, S4th Une from bottom, for Jesse, read Jessie. Twenty-ninth page, first colmnn, S5th line from bottom, for Arawana Poppy, read Arawana Poppy. Thirtieth page, first column, 33d Une from top, for Fancy June, read Fancy Juno. Thirty-first page, second colunm, 21st Une from bottom, for Oclera, read Ochra. Thirty-third page, first colunm, 8th Une from top, for ZiteUa, read Zittella 3d. Forty-seventh page, second column, 34th and 35th lines, for Daisy, read Dairy. Forty-eighth page, first column, bottom Une, and second column, 1st and 5th lines, for Trudie, read Trenie. v Fifty-second page, first column, 9th Une from bottom, for Azelda Bd, read Azelda 3d. jPi/tt/-^/tA jpage, first column, 21st Une from top, for Albena, read Alhena; also 37th line, for Fautnie, read Fantine; also 13th Une from bottom, read^Lucky Belle 3d. Fifty-seventh page, first column, 11th Une from bottom, for Pet GifiEord, read Pet GiUord. Siactiethpage, second column, 6th Une from top, for Albena, read Alhena. Sixty-fourth page, second column, 11th Une from bottom, for OxaU's, read OxaUs. BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS, In offering this list of butter jrecorSs to the public, I have tried to have It correct, and be- lieve it to be so. Any en-ors found in it, if reported to me, as also any tests not included in it, ■will in the first case be corrected, and in the last, find due place in a future edition. When a name is preceded by a star, the test is a rated one of less than 7 days. I will be thankful for criticisms and corrections, and for full reports of new tests, which wiU be a more certain way of their being in a future edition than trusting to my seeing them in print. The list of sires includes every one that appears, to the fourth degree, in the pedigree of every cow who has made 14 lbs. , or better, in 7 days. The index includes every known 14 lb. cow. Those which do not refer back to some page in the book are imported cows whose pedigree is imknown, so that the index is a complete alphabetical list of every 14 lb. cow with her H. R. number and her record. In reading records, the left of the point is pounds, the right is ounces. F. M. C. 14.09X ABE LINCOLN 368. Son of Dick Swiveller 74 and Diana 67S. 1st sire of , Sylvia 687 15.08 3d sire of Roland's Bonnie 3d 18,054 19.03 4th sire of Jennie Dodo H. 14,448 31.08 HMa A. 3d 11,130 30.00 Hilda D. 6683 18.05 Nibbette 11,635 14.07 ABRAHAM 338. Son of Commodore 339 and Buttercup 4th 555. , 4th sire ( of CoromUa 8367 ACHMED 3115. Son of Vespucius 758 and CaramM 3737. 1st sn-e of Nellie Gray of Clermont 10,905 14. 01 ACTION 914. Son of VEh/npereur 461 and Nilsson 3441. 8d sire of Naomie's Pride 16745 - 15.03 ADMIRAL 373. Son of Saturn 94 and Bronx 306. 3d sire of Lema3634 15.13 Iola4637 - 15.03}^ Ideal 11,843 14.13>^ 3d -sire of Lemella 33,332 14.01^ 4th sire of Ideal Alphea 18,755 Alphetta 16,531 - 14.06 14.03Ji ADMIRAL 1337. Son of Dick Swiveller 74 and Flirt 336. 4th sire of Woodland Lass 3444 14.00 ADONIS 39. Son of Ned 30 and Dot 34. 3d sire of Canto 7194 Rosabel Hudson 5704 Lady Ives 3d 6740 Fandango 13,908 15.13 15.13 14.08 14.03 4th sire of Alfleda 6744 *Myra OveraU 10,317 16.04 14.00 A&AWAM 597. Sire on I. of^ Jersey dam Daisy of Ipswich 598. 3d sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 - 14.06 4th sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 AJAX 541. Son of Rob Roy 17 and Beauty 804. 3d sire of Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16. 03 3d sire of Lida Mullin 9198 16.08 Lizzie D 10,408 - 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. ALBERT 44. Son of Jerry 15 and FranMe 17. 1st sire of Lady Mel 3d 1795 Sl.OO Couch's Lily 3337 16.09 Lady Love 3d 3313 16. 08 Kitty Colt 3813 15. 09^ Fragrance 4059 - 15.03 Lady Brown 4th 6911 14.13 ♦Brightness SSll 14.00 Sd sire of Lady Gray of Hill Top 6850 18.13 BeUe GrinneUe 4073 - 18.08 Rosa MiUer 4333 - 17.07 Oktibbeha Duchess 4433 17.04 Jersey Crenm 3151 - 17.00 Lucky BeUe 3d 6037 16.14 Dusky 3536 - 16.10 *Kitty Lake 8350 15.08X Brightness 3d 14,834 15.05 OHe 4133 - 15.00 Bloomfield Lady 6913 14.13 Aroma 8518 14.07 Susette4068 - 14.04 Rarity 3d 7734 - 14.03 Maggie May 3355 14.03 Creamer 3467 14.01 Pretty 3536 14.00 3d sire of ♦Optima 6715 33.11 TeneUa6713 - 33.01i^ Croton Maid 5305 31. 11% Coimtess Potoka 7496 18. 15 Peggy Leah 3997 - 18.13 Lady Gray of Hill Top 6850 18. 13 May Blossom 5657 18.11 Summerline 8001 - 18.06 Cordelia Baker 8814 17. 09 Hepsy 3d 13,008 17.08 ValhaUa 5300 - 17.08 Arawana Queen 5368 16.09 BeUe of Paterson 5664 16. 06 CEnone8614 15.14 Edwina6713 15.13 Valeric 6044- 15.13 Fanny Taylor 6714 15.13 Princess BeUworth 6801 15. lOV *Kitty Lake 8350 15.08X Sign^na 7719 15.04 TJsilda 3d 6157 15.03W Aldarine 5301 - 15.01% Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 Mary Clover 9998 - 14.15 Duchess of Argyle 3758 - 14.13 Louvie3d6159 - - 14.13 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,641 14. 13 Jersey Cream 3d 8519 14. 13 BeU Rex 11,700 - 14.10 Princess Rose 6349 14.08 Deborana 4718 - 14 08 Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Mag^e C. 13,316 - 14.06 Jenme of the Vale 9553 - 14.06 Jeannie Piatt 6005 14. 04 Lottie Rex 18,757 14.04 Prince's Bloom 9739 14 03 Pet Rex 30,166 - - - 14 03% Lady Gray of HiU Top 3d 14,643 - 14.03 Rarity 3d 7734 - - 14 03 BeUe GrinneUe 3d 16,503 14.03 4th sire of Value 3d 6844 35.03H Fadette of Vema 3d 11,133 33.08% Fairy of Vema 3d 10,973 30. 03 J? HUda A. Sd 11,130 - 30.00 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 19. 13% TeneUa 3d 19,531 - 18.13 Rosy Kate's Rex 13,193 18.08 CordeUa Baker 8814 17.09 Maggie 3d 3331 - 17.08 Colt's La Blche 6369 17.03% Maggie Rex 38,633 - 17.00% Katie Bushford 15,983 17.00 PoUy Clover 7053 - 16.15 GrimieU Lass 11,859 16.10 SUvoretta 6853 - - 16.09 OMe's Lady Teazle 13,307 16.05 Alfleda6744 - 16 04 6azeUa3d9355 - - 16.03 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 16.03 Lady Cecelia 34,831 - 16.01 ♦Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 Rupertina 10,409 15.13% Elsie Lane 13,303 15.13 Orphean 4636 - - - 15 07 Lady Gray of HUl Top Sd 14,641 - 14. IS PhylUs of HiUcrest 9067 14. 13 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14 IS RoU of Honor 13,610 14. 13 Reception 3d 11,035 14 10 Euphorbia 11,339 14 09% Marpetra 10,384 - 14 06 Lady Clarendon 3d 17,578 14.05% SignetiUa 16,333 - 14.03% Gem of Sassafras 8434 - 14.03% Prince's Bloom 9739 - 14 03 Lady Gray of HiU Top 3d 14,643 14.03 Hurrah Pansy 13,153 14 01% Sadie's Choice 7979 14.00 ALBERT Sd 1835. Son of Albert 44 and Lady Ives 2d 4333. 1st sire of Rosa Miller 4333 - 17 07 Bloomfield Lady 6913 14. 13 ALBION 490. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Bonfanti 388. 1st sire of Patty of Deerfoot 15,331 16.00 Sd sire of Abbie Z. 3d 14,743 17 90 Deerfoot Girl 15,339 15 08 PoUy of Deerfoot 15,338 15.00 Dena of Deerfoot 15,335 14.08 Cressy of Deerfoot 15,334 14.00 3d sire of Roland's Bonnie 3d 18 054 - 19.03 ALDINE 1136. Son of Nelusko 479 and Gazelle of Mobile 1735. 1st sire of Lucky BeUe 3d 6037 16. 14 JuUa Evelyn 6007 - 15 15% Duchess Caroline 3d 6039 IsioS Bettie Dixon 45S7 - 15.00 StarkviUe Beauty 4897 14.00 Sd sire of Armon 10,863 - 16.13% Mountain Lass 13,931 14 09 Gilt Edge C. 1S,S33 - 14 03y BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. MiDnie Lee Sd 13,741 14.03 Theresa M. 8364 - 14.02 3d sire of Marpetra 10,384 14.06 ALLEGANY CHIEF 3818. Son of SigWJ-l 1170 and Corolla 4893. 1st sire of Gardimer's Ripple 11,693 19. ISK Euphorbia 11,339 ■ 14.09% ALLEGANY COUNT 3031. San of Beacon Comet 13tfe 1381 and Susan Maria 3048. 3d sire of Gardimer's Ripple 11,693 19. 13% ALMONT 3789. Son of Schinehon 1133 and Tina 3057. 1st sire of Kitty Potter 9898 18.05 ALPHEUS 1168. Son of Mercury 483 and Europa 176. Ist sire of Crust 4775 15.07% Sd sire of Little Torment 15581 33.03% Niva7533 - 15.08 Forsaken 7530 15.01 AMADEUS 1043. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Katy Didn't 3734. 3d sire of Litty 8017 - 14.00 AMIR KHAN 3S73. Son of Rajah 340 and Clytie 618. 1st sire of Ramilly 17,075 - - 14.00 ANTELOPE 1937. Son of Golden Ball 1474 and Safrano Rose 3676. 3d sire of Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 APIS 1306. Son of Golkvmore's Atlantic 739 and Un- dine 1864. 1st sire of Ida Bashaa 4735 18.00 APOLLO 108 J. H. B. San of Loyal 70 J. H. B. and Rose 1435 J. H. B. 1st sire of ♦Mabel of St. Mary's 8637 - Sd sire of Viva Le Brocq 13,703 Prize Rose 19,309 - BeUe Grinnelle 3d 16,503 18.03 17.07 15.01 14.03 AGNOPIMOGUK 808. Son of Suffolk 607 and Lady of Westbrook soil. 4th sire of Katie Bushford 15,983 17.00 ARAB 845. Son of Nimrod Sd 346 and Oarland 851. Isb sire of Lara 4306 17.08 Sd sii-e of Jeanette Montgomery 5177 SO. 00 Silenta 17,685 15.10 SUene 4307 14.00 Jule 8640 14.00 ASGARD 1379. Son of Little Joker 693 and Celestine 3389. 1st sire of Typha 5870 16.11 ASTYANAX 889. Son of Gen. Scott 46 and Big Duchess 58. Sd sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 - 16.13 ATHOL 631. Son of Prince 55 and Isabel 1575. 3d sii-e of Urbana 5597 16.00 4th sire of Com 10,504 16.03 AUTOCRAT 1065. Son of Yankee 1003 (37 J. H. B.) and Forget^Me-Not 636 J. H. B. 3d sire of Nibbette 11,635 14.07 BABYLON 4738. Son of Jacob 1377 and Echo 3d 5785. 1st sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 17.08 BADEN BADEN 3973. Son of Duke of Greyholdt 1035 and Moose 4136. 1st sire of Miss Baden Baden 14,760 - 14.14% BALBOA 1S44. Son of Duke of Greyholdt 1035 and Ibex 37S4. 1st sire of Verbena of Fernwood 9088 15.00 Sunny Lass 6033 - 14.07 BALSORA S357. Son of St. Martin 1483 and Bella 5354. 3d sire of Ahnah of Oakland 11,103 16.14 BeUe Thome 13,869 - - 14.11 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. BALTIMORE BOY 837. 4th sire of Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Violet of Oakland Pyrrha6100 - 16.14K 2080. Goldthread 4945 - 16.09 1st sire of Miss Willie Jones 6918 16.04 Tfl<1y Oaks 3d 5S46 - 15.03 Gazella 3d 9355 16.03 Sd sire of Com 10,504 16.03 BeUe of Millf ord 7445 14.07 Zalma 8778 15.05 Faustine 10,354 14.143^ Pet Rex 20,166 - 14.033^ BARKER'S DANDY 3756 . Nellie Gray of Clermont 10,905 14.01 Son of Dandy Dinmont 1058 and Dido Hurd 3581. 1st sire of Kate Daisy 8304 BASHAN 3D 363. 14.04 Son of Bashan 146 and Oceana 635. 3d sire of BARON 289 J. H. B. Miss Willie Jones 6918 Com 10504 16.04 16.03 Son of Farmer's Glory 5196 (374 awd Perry Farm Maid 178 J. 1 J. H. B.) Zalma 8778 - 15.05 I.B. Faustine 10,354 14.14K 1st sire of Pet Rex 30,166 14.03X Baron's Rosette 25,988 15.04 4th sire of Idalene 11,841 Marvel 13734, 15.081^ 6AR0NET 2240. 15.01 Son of Lord lAsgar 1066 and Amelia 484. 1 o^ oi-r*/^ ^\.-^ BEACON COMET 675. ±36 Sire oi ♦Variella 6337 24.01 Son of Comet 130 and Jersey Belle No. 2 1537. Chamomilla 7553 16.10 ♦Pulsatilla 7551 16.03 3d sire of Bonnie 3d 5743 14.11J^ Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 Minta5743 14.10 4th sire of Gardinier's Bipple 11,963 19.13>i BARONET 307 J. H. B. ' Forsaken 7530 15.01 1st sire of Queen of Ashantee 2d 16,657 14.031^ BEACON COMET 13TH 1381. Son of Beacon Comet 675 and Zilla 1693. BARNEY 1491. 3d sire of 1st sire of Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 19.13K *Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 - 17.08 Thornedale Belle 5365 2d sir* of 14.08 BEAU 586. Son of Gen. R. E. Lee 208 and Lina Car- Jeanette Montgomery 5177 Thornedale Belle 3d 10,459 30.00 roll 1497. 15.15 3d sire of Lydia of Libby 11,698 15.03 3d sire of *Dora O. 11,703 17.03 Almah of Oakland 11,103 16.14 3d sire of BeUe Thome 13,369 - 14.11 *Miskwa 15,472 19.06 BASHAN 33. BEAUCLERC 1883. Son of Bill 50 and Violet 23 Son of Scion 1033 and Favorita 3198. 3d sire of 1st sire of Lobelia 2d 6650 14.06 NeUda 3d 8327 15.01M 4th sire of 3d sire of HiUside Gem 16,640 30.00 Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 Elsie T,flne 13,303 15.12 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14.08 BECKWITH'8 BULL 39. Lilly Cross 13,796 14.03 Son of Santa Clans 30 and Palestine 36. 3d sire of BASHAN 146. Rene Ogden 1568 15.00 Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Beauty 309. 4th sire of 3d sire of Medreue 3939 17.13 Ida Bashan 4735 18.00 Sara 4306 - 17.08 Miss Willie Jones 6918 16.04 Sutea 4563 16.03 Lady Penn 5314 16.00 Kalmia 4661 . 15.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. BEECHNTJT 109. Son of Bliicher 2d 103 and Fanny 78. 3d sire of Gold Lace 10,736 - 14.13 3d sire of Dudu of Linwood 8336 16. 15 Gtold Mark 10,737 14. 14 4th sire of Dora Doon 13,909 - 15.00 BEESWAX 1931. Son of Wethersfield 966 and Lilly 3578. 1st sire of Cordelia Baker 8814 17.09 Maijy Clover 9998 14. 15 3d sire of Percie 14,937 16.13 BEE'S WING 59, J. H. B. 1st sire of Daisy Sd 15,761 - 15.08 BEL CALIPH 1433. Son of Belisario 640. and Calliope 1336. 1st sire of Mollie Garfield, 13,173 18.07 BELLINI 1017. iSon of Belisario 640 and Enid 1483. Ist sire of Bellini's Maid 15,170 IS.OIJ^ Bellini La Biche 15,091 14. 14>^ Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06^ BELISARIO 640. Smi of Pilot Boy 488 and Flora 1433. 3d sire of Mollie Garfield 13,173 18.07 Renalba 4117 - 17.04>i Bellini's Maid 15,170 15.01% BeUini's La Biche 15,091 14. 14K Magnibel7976 - 14.13 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06% BEN BUTLER OP BOVINA 3034. Son of Vernumt 893 and Bertha 2d 3364. 1st sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 16. 09 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15.04 BEN OGDEN 1545. Son of Ben Rajah 795 and Duchess of Ogden 1567. 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 BEN RAJAH 795. Son of Rajah 340 and Eliza 619. 1st sire of Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 14.01 3d sire of Calendine 9415 17.09 Dudu of Linwood 8336 16.15 Cosetta 15,991 14.11 Walkyrie 5708 14.01 3d sire of Dora Doon 13,909 15.00 Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 - 15.00 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 BEN WESTON, 3111. Son of Hamilton 1074 and Etta 1756. 3d sire of Lottie Bex 18,787 14.04 BERKSHIRE HILLS 1583. Son of son of Hebe 873 and Thisbe 607. 1st sire of Gossip 6165 ■ - 16.07 BERLIN PRINCE 3360. Son of John Rex 3761 and Lady Mel 439. 1st sire of Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 16.08 BERTIE 367. Son of Pilot 3 and Fairy 10. 1st sire of Thisbe 607 15.13 3d sire of Thisbe 3d 3801 - 19.01% Lutea 6563 16.03 ' Kalmia 4561 - 15.00 3d sire of Kaoh 18,980 - 17.08 Safrano 4568 - 17.08 Mhoon Lady 6560 17.03 Auria4567 . 16.13 Gossip 6165 - - 16.07 Cenie Wallace 8d 6557 15.04% Plorry Keep 6556 - 14.14 Mountain Lass 18,931 14.09 Bintana 9837 14.03% Erith 4564 14.00 4th sire of Volie 19,465 18.01 TagUoni9183 14.01 BERTRAND 664. Son of Lancaster 149 and Bertie 1471. 1st sire of Epigaea 4631 - 14,07 BERTRAM 1883. Son of Scion 1033 and Favorita 3198. 1st sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 BIJOU 65 J. H. B. 1st sire of Patterson's Beauty 4760 18. 00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 2d sire of Bertha Morgan 4770 19.06 MoUie Brown 7831 16.00 3d sire of Lydia Dan-ach 4903 17.14 BILL 50. 3d sire of Hattie 2d 2901 - 8d sire of ♦Clematis 3174 Rene Ogden 1568 AbbieZ. 14,002 Sal Soda 3721 Belle of Ogden Farm 1570 - 4th sire of Summerline 8001 Mirtha3437 - Mii-th's Blanche 19,572 Medrena 3939 *Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 - Abbie Z. 3d 14,742 - ♦Matindy 6670 Callie Nan 7959 Corn 10,504 Orphean 4636 Thoi-nedale Belle 5265 Lobelia Sd 6650 - Romp Ogden 3d 5458 BILL, JR., 182. Son of Bill 50 and Hattie 428. 1st sire of Hattie 2d 2901 2d sire of Sal Soda 3721 3d sire of Sununerline 8001 Orphean 4686 4th sire of Countess Potoka 7496 - 18. 15 Lady Gray of Hill Top 6850 18. 12 Belmeda 6239 18 12 Percie 14,937 - - 16.12 Gem of Sassafras 8434 14.03J^ BILLING'S BULL 38. 3d sire of Attractive Maid 16,925 16. 13 4th sire of Dudu of Linwood 8336 16. 15 Attractive Maid 16,925 16 18 Canto 7194 - 15. is Rene Ogden 1568 15.00 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14 08 Fandango 12,908 14.03 BISMARCK 292. 1st sire of Tilda 3720 15.00 Zina 1434 14.00 2d sire of Haven's Bess 7329 24 11 Maggie Rex 38,263 IZOOW Polynia 10,753 16.07 Deborana 4718 14.08 41.00 21.00 15.00 14.11 14.07 14.00 18.06 17.13)i 17.13X 17.12 17.08 17.00 16.03 16.03 16.02 15.07 14.08 14.06 14.01 14.00 14.07 18.06 15.07 3d sii'e of Hazen's Bess 7329 34. 11 Hazen's Nora 4791 30.04 Silveretta 5852 - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7297 - 16.04V Alhena 15,995 16.03 CEnone8614 - 15.14 Tobira 8400 15.13 Orphean 4636 - 15.07 Champion Chloe 12,255 15.053^ Dairy C. 12,337 15.00)^ Coromlla 8367 - 14.09>J GHt Edge C. 13,333 - 14.083^ Maggie May 3d 12,926 14.06 Maggie C. 13,316 - 14.06 Minnie Lee 3d 13,941 14.03 Therese M. 8364 14.02 Webster's Pet 4103 14.02 Beauty Bismarck 4967 14.01 Jesse Leavenworth 8248 - 14.00 4th sn-e ot Value 3d 6844 35.03M Tenella 3d 19,531 18.12 Behneda 6339 - - 18.13 Katie Bushford 15,983 17.00 BeU Rex 11,700 - 14.10 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,641 14. 13 Kate Daisy 8204 - - - 14.04 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,643 14.03 Hurrah Pansy 12,158 14.01^ * Myra Overall 10,317 14.00 Baby Buttercup 10,888 14.00 BISMARCK 1423. 1st sire of Trudie 2d 4084 15.00 2d sire of Pyrrha6100 16.14V Beauty Bismarck 4967 14.01 3d sire of Nimble 22,335 14,10 , BISMARCK 2d 351. Son of Bismarck 293, and Creampot 460. 3d sire of Katie Bushford 15982 17.00 4th sire of HiUside Gem 16,64o 20.00 BLACK IMPERIAL 355. Son of Derby 253 and Bronx 306. 1st sire of Zampa 2194 - 18.00 2d sii'e of Valma Hoffman 4500 31 09 Maple Leaf 4768 - 14. 12 3d sire of Oak Leaf 4769 17. lo Lady Penn 5814 16 00 Celia BeUe 5865 14.03 4th sire of Goldthread 4945 16 09 Euphorbia 11,229 14.09}^ BLACK KNIGHT 1759. / 2d sire of Enid 3d 10,782 14.07>^ BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. BLACK PRINCE OF HANOVER 8873. Son of Rioter 2d 469 and Leda 799: 1st sire of *Blossom of Hanover 13,655 *Lanice 13,656 17.08 17.08 BLACK ROGER 326. 4th sire of Panatilla 4778 Bessie S. 5003 18.03 16.00 / BLONDIN 1934. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Daisy of Jersey 4576. 8d sire of GazeUa 3d 6037 16.03 Atricia6039 15.03 3d sire of Countess Coomassie 19,339 15.08>i Son of Blondin 1934 and Belle of Jersey 363. BLONDIN 3d 1935. 1934 and 1 363. 1st sire of GazeUa 3d 6037 Atricia 6039 16.03 15.03 BLUCHER 48. 3d sire of *Mica 1983 - 15.13 Myrtle 3d 311 15.13 Copper 1979 - 15.07 T-illy Cross 13,796 14.03 3d sire of *Mical983 - 15.13 Myi-tle of Ridgewood 7858 14.01 4th sire of HiUside Gem 16,640 30.00 Belmeda 6339 18.13 Lida Mullin 9198 16.08 Elsie Lane 13,303 15.13 Canto 7194 15.13 Lady Bidwell 10,303 15.13 Gold Lace 10,736 14.13 Little Sister 11,666 - 14.13 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14.08 Aroma 8518 - 14.07 Kate Daisy 8304 - 14.04 Lilly Cross 13,799 14.03 Lizzie D. 10,408 - 14.00 Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5059 14.00 Miami Prize 8100 14.00 BLUCHER Sd 103. Son of Blncher 48 and Belle Bower 306. 1st sire of Myrtle 3d 311 15.13 3d sire of Myrtle of Ridgewood;7858 14.01 3d sire of Belmeda 6339 18.13 Lida MuUin 9198 16.08 Canto 7194 - 15.13 Elsie Lane 13,303 15.13 Gold Lace 10,736 14. 13 Little Sister 11,666 14.1.3 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14. 08 Aroma 8518 14.^)7 Kate Daisy 8804 ■ - 14.04 Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 14.00 Lizzie D. 10,408 14.00 Miami Prize 8100 14.00 4th sire of Dudu of Linwood 8336 - 16.15 Alfleda6744 . 16.04 Pierrot's Picture 13,481 - 16.00 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,673 15.13 Gold Mark 10,737 14.14 Gold Princess 8809 14. 18 *Myra Overall 10,317 14.00 BLUE DICK 166. 3d sire of Joan d'Arc 3163 16. 133^ BLUETOOTH 1831. Son of St, Helier 45 and Silene 4307. 1st sire of Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 15.08 BOBBY 308 J. H. B. Son of Vertumnus 161 J. H. B. and Young Rose 43 J. H. B. 1st sire of Fear Not 3d 6061 16.08 BON TON 1656 Son of Autocrat 1065 and Bonfanti 388. 3d sire of Nibbette 11,635 14.07 BOX 1011. Son of Oakland 33 and Buttercup 2d 1100. 3d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 13 4th sire of Jemiie of the Vale 9553 - 14.06>^ BRANDTWINE 64. Son of Chieftain 65 and Juno 130. 4th sire of Magnibel7976 14.13 BRAVY 1933. Son of St. Helier 45 and Helve 4565. 1st sire of Nannie Fitch 9143 14.04 BRAXTON 1715. Son of Pertinatti 713 and Brunette Lass 1780. 3d sire of Daisy Brown 13,313 17.06 BRIGAND 1899. Son of Khedive 1051 and Lenore 2d 713. 8d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. BRIGHT 308 J. H. B. 1st sire of Moggy Bright 25,891 16.06 BRISTOL CHIEF 1496. Son of Wethersfleld 966 and Judy 691. 1st sire of SummerUne 8001 18.06 BRITON 919. Son of Royal Rob 598 and Maud of Ipswich 1347. 3d sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 4th sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 BROKER 873. Sire on T. of Jersey, dam Nora 389. 1st sire of Christmas Nannie 4075 19.07 BRONX BASHAN 145. -Son of Bashan 146 and Bronx 306. Sd sire of Ida Bashan 4735 - 3d sire of GazeUa 3d 9355 Nellie Gray of Clermont 10905 - 4th sire of NeUie Gray of Clermont 10905 18.00 16.03 14.01 14.01 BROOESIDE 1104. Son of Roderick 138 and May 355. 3d sire of YeUow Locust 10679 14.103^ BROTHER JACK 4043. Son of Cinnabar 1739 andPhoedra 3561. 1st sire of ZiteUa Sd 11,933 - 17 08W . Malope 2d 11,933 15. 10 3d sire/of Reality 16,537 15.03>^ BRUTUS WOODFORD 703. 3d sire of Hazalena's Butterfly 10,133 14.00 BROWN PRINCE 85 J. H. B. Son of Prince of Wales, I. of Jersey, and Browny 113. 2d sire of Nelly 6456 - 31 oo Fear Not 6059 - 1703 Coomassie 11,874 - 16 11 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 15!o3 3d sire of Nancy Lee 7618 j Fear Not 3d 6061 - 16 03 4th sire of Princess 3d 8046 - 46.13W Little Torment 15,581 33.031^ Ona7840 - SO. 13 *PuuohineUo 11,875 - 17.11}^ Young Garenne 13,641 17.08 DaisyBrown 1S,S13 - 17.06 Lady Velveteen 15,771 17.03 Odelle Sales 15,564 - 16.03 Les Cateaux Sd 15,538 16.01 Rose of Oxford 13,469 15. 14V Lady Kingscote 36,085" 15. 10 Romping Lass 11,031 - 15.00 Lady Vertumnus 13,317 14.10 Blonde 3d 9368 14.04 La Rouge 13,405 14.03 Daisy Queen 9619 14.00 Gazelle 15,961 14.00 Ada Minka 15,563 14.00 Lady Young 16,668 14.00 BROWNY 158 J. H. B. Son of Tom 77 J. H. B. and Fairy 964 J. H.B. 1st sire of Miss Browny 7288 16. 13 Beauty 7414 - - / 15.00 Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 14. 10 Lizzie C. 7713 14.00 2d sire of Variella of Linwood 10,954 14.01 BUCKSKIN 151. Son of Prince John 33 and Custard 331. 3d sire of Nellie 1507 , 14.03 3d sire of Beulah of Baltimore 3S70 14. 06}^ 4th sire of Jesse Lee of Labyrinth 5390 14. 07 BUFFER 3055. Son of Lord Monck 304 and Amelia 484. 1st sire of Pearl of St. L. 5537 - 14.03 Moss Rose of St. L. 5114 14.00X 2d sire of Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 36 13K Mermaid of St. L. 9771 35 13IJ Naiad of St. L. S4,965 - 32 033/ Rioter Pink of Berlin S3,665 19 14 Crocus of St. L. 8351 - 17.13 Judith Coleman 11,391 17.05 *Dido Miss 8759 - 17 01 Moth of St. L. 9775 16.03 Aleph Judea 11,389 - - 15.01% Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559 - 15 OIK Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18,674 14!l4 3d sire of Rose of St. L. 30,436 31 03V Rioter's Ruth 14,883 14; 13^ Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 BULLY BRONX 604. Son of Kearsarge 357 and Bronx 306. Sd sire of Hazen's Bess 7339 34 11 Goldthread 4945 16! 09 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. BURDELL 1087. BYRON 379. Son of Living Storm 173 and Belle 1835. Son of Mark Tapley 870 and Betty 683. 1st sire of Sd sire of Cascadilla3103 - 15,13 Jersey Queen of Baruet 4301 A. H. k - 19.18 Roland's Bonnie Sd'18,054 19.03 BURGUNDY 301. Snowdrop F. W. 16,948 14.08 Son oflsaao 43 and Mauve 706. Sd sire of CADMUS 4. OxaJis 606 - 15.00 Sd sire of 3d sire of Rose of Glenmore 3179 17. 10 Oxalis 3d 15,631 15.00 Embla 4779 17.08 4th sire of 3d sire of Rosa of Glenmore 3179 17. 10 Rosebud of AUerton 6353 19. 13 Embla 4799 17.08 Violet of Glencaim 10,881 14.04 Naomi Cramer 8638 - ■ 14.00 BURNSIDE 1334. 4th sire of Son of Hughes 954 and Clematis 3174. Rosebud of AUerton 6353 19. 13 1st sire of Lobelia 3d 6650 14.06 CAEN 8317. 3d sire of Son of Alpheus 1168 and Countess of Normandy 3675. Princess Shiela 7397 16.04K 1st sire of Lilly Cross 13,796 14.03 Niva 7533 - 15.08 3d sire of Lady BidweU 13,308 15. IS C^SAREA 314 J. H. B. 8d sire of BURNSIDE Sd S838. Royal Princes 3d 18,346 17.13 Son ofBumside 1S34 and Laurel 1973. Sd sire of CALIPH 1618. Lady BidweU 10,303 15.13 Son of Normandy 1046 and Rosette ofStaats- burg 3008. BUSTLER 137 E. H. B. 1st sire of Son of Bedesman 49 E. H. B. and Bustle, by *Myra OveraU 10,317 - 14.00 Rioter, 746. 3d sire of CALLIS 1696. La Belle Petite 5473 15.08 Son of Don 611 and Calliope 1336. 1st sire of BUTTERFLY 156. CaUie Nan 7959 16.03 Sire on L of Jersey, dam Newton Belle 355. 3d sire of Roy al Princess 3370 17. IS CAMERLENGO 3018. Son of Signal 1170 and Maiden of Jersey S786. 3d sire of 1st sire of Royal Princess 3d 13,346 17.13 Lady Clarendon 8d 17,578 14.05J< BUTTERMAKER 3098. CAMERON 339. Son of Ralph Guild 1917 and Sugar 4940. Son of Blucher 2d 108 and Calla 8d415. 1st sii'e of AroiAa 10,863 16. 13^ 3d sire of Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 14.00 BUTTER PRINT 1863. CANTATOE 1063. Son ofNelusko 479 and Mollie Horton 1734. Son of Willie Boy 434 and Daisy 2d S784 1st sire of 3d sire of Valerie 6044 - 15.13 Fair Starlight 1745 17.07^ BUTTER STAMP 101 J. m B. CARDINAL OF ROST,AND 3335. Son of Trust 163 J. H. B. and Sultane 7 Son of Majestic 2d 1801 and Amelia of J. H. B. Oreenwood 3139. 1st sire of 1st sire of Butter Star 7799 - 18.04J^ *Miskwa 15,473 19.06 Maid of Five Oaks 7178 1 5. 04 *Dora 0. 11,703 17.08 10 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. CAPT. DARLING 535. Son of Prince of Jersey 66 and Queen 1410. 3d sire of Lady Mel 2d 1795 21.00 Champion Chloe 13,255 15.05>i Bounty 1606 - 14.00 Lady Brown 433 14.00 ♦Brightness 2311 - 14.00 *AUen's Pawnette 3733 14. 00 4th sire of Value 3d 6844 35.0a}l ♦Optima 6715 33.11 Peggy Leah 3097 18.13 Kitty Potter 9893 18.05 Maggie 3d 3331 17. 08 Diny>le3348 - 16.11 CascadUla 3103 15.13 ♦Filbert 3630 - 15.13 ♦Kitty Lake 8350 15.08^ Romp Ogden 3d 4764 15.05 Brightness 3d 14,834 15.05 Lady Brown 4th 6911 14. 13 SUver Belle 4313 - - 14.00 ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105 14.00 CARELESS BOY 1297. Son of Sam Weller 371 and Diana 673. 1st sire of Hennie 3335 15.00 CARTER'S JERRY 3039. Son of Blucher 2d 102 and Creampot 2d 6738. 3d sire of Kate Daisy 8304 - 14.04 CARLO 5559. Son of Hero 136 J. H. B. and Pretty Maid 1493 J. H. B. 1st sire of Bdle Dame 3d 33,043 15. 08 Carlo's Fanny 14,951 14.00 CASH BOY 2348. Son of Rex 1330 and Dido of Middlefield 3416. -^ 1st sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13, 192 18 08 Maggie Rex 38,633 17.00K CASTOR 686. Son of Hudson 116 and Tote 867. 3d sire of Spring Leaf 5796 14.00 3d sire of Belle 3f Vermillion 8798 15 03 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14!o3 CATONO 3761. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Ona 7840. 1st sire of Elsie Lane 13,303 15.13 CECCO 1673. Son of Mercury 433 and Ceres 437. 1st sire of Ceccola 13,608 16.13 Idaletta 11,843 15.14W Idalene 11,841 15.08^ Ideal 11,843 14.1SJ^ Sd sire of Ideal Alphea 18,755 14.06 CHAMPION OP AMERICA 1567. Son of May Boy 705 and Pansy 1019. 1st sii-e of Silveretta 5853 - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7397 ] 6.04>^ Tobira8400 - - 15.13 Champion Chloe 13,355 15.05K Dairy C. 13.337 15.00X Coronilla 8367 - 14.09^ Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Maggie C. 13,316 14.06 Gilt Edge C. 13,333 14.03J< Mmnie Lee 3d 13,941 14.03 Therese M. 8364 14.03 Webster's Pet 4103 - 14.03 Jesse Leavenworth 8348 14.00 3d sire of Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,641 Bell Rex 1^,700 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,643 Hurrah Pansy 13,153 Baby Buttercup 10,888 14.13 14.10 14.03 14.01X 14.00 3d sire of Hillside Gem 16,640 La Pera 3d 13,404 30.00 14.08 CHAMPION OF HILLTOP 1839. Son of Champion of America 1567 and Katt Nickleby 3100. 1st sire of Lady Gray of Hilltop 3d 14,641 14. 13 Lady Gray of HUltop 3d 14.643 14.03 CHAMPION'S SON 3386. Son of Champion of America 1567 and WUl- ianCs Birdie 4659. 1st sire of Baby Buttercup 10,888 14.00 CHALLENGER 376. Son of Lord Lonsdale 305 and Jessie 980. 3d sire of Mary Clover 9998 14.15 4th sire of Mirth's Blanche 19,573 PoUy Clover 7053 17.131^ 16.15 c;harleston i. Sire on L of Jersey, dam Princess 836. 1st sire of Wybie 595 - 17.04 3d sire of Chenie 4570 16 no Thisbe 607 15 VX Ma Belle 4943 1500 Adina 1943 - 14 04 Belle of Ogden Farm 1570 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 11 3d sire of Thisbe Sd S301 19.01X Mamie Coburn 3798 17.08 ChamomiUa 7553 16.10 *BeUe of Inda 3867 15.0ix Ma Belle 4943 15.00 Adina 1943 - 14.04 Rose of Hillside 3866 - 14.03^ Maggie May 3355 14.03)^ Gut Edge Sd 4430 14.00 4th sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 - 30.04 Rosebud of AUerton 6353 19. 13 Lucky Belle '3d 6037 16. 14 Gossip 6165 - 16.07 Julia Bvelvn 6007 15.15X Valerie 6044 - - 15.13 Arawana Buttercup 6053 15.05 Arawana Poppy 6053 - 15.03 Bettie Dixon 4537 - 15.00 Plorry Keep 6556 - 14.14 Pride of the Hm 4877 14.08 BeUe of MilEord 7445 14.07 Lillian Morsar 10,364 - 14.03 Plamant 11,370 - 14.03 Ehnora Mostar 15.955 14.00 CHARLIE KITTREDGE 1347. Son of Joseph L. 148 and Countess Kittredge 3593. 1st sii'e of Gold Princess 8809 14. 13 CHELTEN DUKE 934. Son of Pilot, Jr. , 141 and Duchess 101. 3d sire of Jaquenetta 10,958 - - 14.06 CHELTENHAM 80. Son of Earl 81 and Juno 130. Sd sire of Silver Rose 4753 . - 16.14 3d sire of Sultana 3d 11,798 - 15.04 Woodland Margaret 6315 14. 10% Opaline 7590 - 14.10 4th sire of Goldthread 4945 16.09 CHIEF BARON 3984. Son of Chelten Duke 934 and Black Bess 1788. 1st sii-e of Jaquenetta 10,958 14.06 CHIEF JUSTICE 353. Sen of Sam Weller 371' and Dairy Maid 993. 3d sire of Hilda 3d 11,1S0 SO.OO Hilda D. 6683 18.05 CHIEF JUSTICE 3d 1643. Son of Chief Justice 353 and Hilda 943. 1st sire of Hilda D. 6683 18.05 CHIEFTAIN 65. Son of Prince of Jersey 66 and Snowdrop 100. 4th sire of Urbana 5597 - 16.00 Bathsheba S556 14.01 CICERO 7657. Son of Happy 311 J. H. B. and Fleur de VAir 13,703. 1st sire of *Pendule Sd 16,709 - 16.03 CINNABAR 1739. Son of Matchless 906 and Peredot 3388. 3d sire of Zittella 3d 11,933 17.08>^ Malope 3d 11,933 15.10 4th sire of Reality 16,537 - 15. 03^ CLAIMANT 84 J. H. B. Son of Lemon 170 J. H. B. and Daphne 1066 J. H. B. 1st sire of Nancy Lee 7618 36.08X Sd sire of Bohemian Gipsey 17,453 14.11 Lizzie C. 7713 - 14.00 3d sire, of Variella of Linwood 10,954 14.01 CLARENCE 596. Son of Prince of Orange 184 and Clara 1530. 3d sire of Pet Anna 1608 - 14.00 3d sire of Wehna 5943 - 17.08 Ebnor WeUs 13,068 - 14.00 4th sire of *Qtieen of Maple Dale Farm 7086 14. 14 Marpetra 10,384 14.06 La Rosa 10,078 - 14.00 CLEMENT 115 (61 J, H. B.) Son of Willie 13 J. H. B. and Clementine 333 J. H. B. 1st sire of Joan d' Arc 3163 16. 13^ Alice of Salem 5053 14. 08 3d sire of Ochra 3d 11,516 16.06J^ Lustre 3063 15.08}^ Buttery 3503 14.01 WitchHazBl 1360 14.00 Miami Rose 8100 14.00 3d sire of Eveline of Jersey 6781 18. 06 Conover's Beauty 13,650 18.00 Beeswax 9807 - - 17.05 Bella Donna 184 J. H. B. 16. 10 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16. 08 I Matindy 6670 16.03 13 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Dairy Pride 4th 5S1 J. H. B. Dairy Pride 6th 21,681 Rose of Oxford 13,469 Witch Hazel 4th 6131 Atricia 6029 Dora Doon 12,909 Aiice of the Meadows 20,748 Gold Princess 8809 ♦Woodland Margaret 6215 Opaline 7590 GUda 2779 Denise 8281 Litza 6338 Fandango 12,908 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 Pixie 4115 4th sire of Rosa of BeUe Vue 6954 Bonnie Yost 7943 Leoni 11,868 Young Garenne 13,641 Viva Le Brocq 13,702 - Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956 Maudine of EIrawood 8718 Dudu of Linwood 8336 Lida MuUin 9198 Gold Trinket 9518 - Lilly of Burr Oaks 11,001 Etiquette 4300 Grace Pelch 8291 Romping Lass 11,031 Rosy Dream 9808 Caroline 12,019 Jaquenetta 10,958 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 Lucetta 6856 Variella of Linwood 10,954 *Myra OveraH 10,317 - Gazelle 15,961 Lizzie D. 10,408 Elite 4299 Bellita 4553 16.00 16.00 15.14X 15.05% 15.03 15.00 14.12 14.12 14.10X 14.10 14.06 14.04}^ 14.03 14.03 14.01 14.00 18.073^ 18.02 18.02 17.08 17.07 17.07 16.15 16.15 16.08 16.02 15.13 15.08 15.00 15.00 14.13 14.08 14.06 14.05 14.03 14.01 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 1400 CLIFF 176. Son of Dick Swiveller 159 and Fanny 365. 1st sire of Thisbe 2d 3301 19.01% Sd sire of Estrella 3831 - 14.13 St Perpetua 3d 5557 14.00 3d sire of Gossip 6165 - 16.07 Lady Louise 4339 15.00 Gilt 4th 4208 14 00 Ramilly 17,075 14.00 Gilt Edge 3d 4430 14.00 4th sire of Cenie Wallace 3d 6557 15.04K Bettie Dixon 4527 15 00 Florry Keep 6556 14. 14 Gilt Edge a 13,333 14.03% Sasco BeUe 13,601 14.00 CLIFFS 390. Son ofSark 133 and Mollie 370. 4th sire of Milkoiaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 CLIFFORD 286. Son of St. Helier 45 and Heartsease 503. 1st sire of Reckless 3569 17.08 3d sire of Willis 3d 4461 - 16.03 Lebanon Daughter 6106 14.04 Lebanon Lass 6108 14.03 CLIFTON 6. 1st sire of ♦Clematis 3174 21.00 2d sire of *Clematis 3174 Lobelia 2d 6650 31.00 1406 3d sire of Princess Shiela 7297 - *Mica 1983 Lobelia 2d 6650 16.04% 15.13 14.06 4th sire of Princess Shiela 7297 Lady BidweU 10,803 Lobelia 3d 6650 - LiUy Cross 13,796 16.04% 15.13 14.06 14.03 CLIFTONDELL 1117. Son of Grey Friar 567 and Lady Bowen 354. 3d sire of Princess Mostar 9700 17.03 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 Elmora Mostar 15,955 14.00 CLIFTON MONARCH 3546. Son of Duke ofBloomfield 1544 and Zingara 1939. 1st sire of Elmora Mostar 15,955 14.00 CLIMAX 1349. Son of Major 883 and Flora 3317. 2d sire of Cascadilla 3103 15.12 CLIVE 319. Son of Potomac 153 and Dove 332. 3d sire of Maudine of Elmwood 8718 Fancy Juno 6086 Oitz8649 - Buttery 3502 16.15 - 15- 10 15.01 14.01 4th sire of Lady Cloud 19,358 Azelda 2d 7022 • 16.10 15.03 Queen of De Soto 12,318. *Myra Overall 10,317 14.13 14.00 CLIVE DUKE 1901. Son of Prize Duke 943 and Welcome Beautv 1368. '^ ' Oitz 8649 1st sire of 15.01 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 13 CLOVERINE 3510. Son of Grand Duke Alexis 1040 and Kitty Clover 1113. Rupertina 10409 15.12K COCKADE 1979. Son of Alpheus 1168 and Goaoanut 1694. ist sire of Forsaken 7530 15.01 COLONEL 76. 4th sire of Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19.07 Judy 691 - - 19.00 Countess Micawber 1759 16.08 Lucy Gray 3746 15.13 Helen 3556 15.09 Sylvia 687 15.08 Jersey 3360 - 15.06 Topsey Roxbury 7796 15.00 Angela 1683 14.02 COLONEL CROCKETT 1694. Son of Tom Dasher 430 and Capatolia 2069. 2d sire of Value 3d 6844 - 35.02^^4 Hurrah Pansy 13,153 14.01>^ COLLAMORE'S ATLANTIC 739. 3d sire of Ida Bashan 4735 Daisy of Belhurst 3114 18.00 16.08 16.03 Gazella 3d 9335 3d sire of Sasco BeUe 13,601 ~ 14.00 4th sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 17.08 COLT, JR. 825 Son of Rob Roy 17 and Maggie 2054. 1st sire of Chloe Beach 3931 3d sire o^ Hepsy 3d 13,008 Arawana Queen 5368 Princess Belworth 6801 Arawana Buttercup 6053 Usflda 3d 6157 Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 Louvie3d6159 BeUe Rex 11,700 Princess 6349 Jeannie Piatt 6005 Lottie Rex 18,757 Pet Rex 30,166 3d sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13,19^ Maggie Rex 38,633 Elsie Lane 13,302 - 4th sire of Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 14.08 17.08 16.09 15.101^ 15.05 15.033^ 15.00 14.13 14.10 14.08 14.04 14.04 14.03K 18."08 17.00X 15.12 16.03 COLUMBIAD 534. 2d sire of Alluring 5541 - 19.05 Aspirant 9272 - 14.07 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 14.06 Deoine 6343 14.03 3d sire of Dark Cloud 9364 15.03>^ COLUMBIAD 2d 1515. Son of Columbiad 534 and Celestia 1898. 1st sire of Alluring 5541 19.05 , Aspirant 9373 - 14.07 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 14.06 Deoine 4363 14.03 COMET 86. Son of Bryce 13 and Angelina Baker 13. 3d sire of Pansy of BeUwood 3d 8904 18.00 COMET 130. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam, English Beauty 449. . 1st sire of Abbie Z. 14,003 14.11 2d sire of Abbie Z. 3d 14,743 Silversides 3857 17.00 14.03 3d sire of NeUie Maitland4450 Etiquette 4300 - Irene of Short Hills 5137 Silversides 3857 Audi-ey 1447 - Vivalia 12,760 Elite 4299 16.00 15.08 14.06J^ 14.03 14.00 14.00 14.00 4th sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) BUoam 17,623 - Mamie Coburn 3798 Silvia Baker 7893 Countess Coomassie 19,339 Irene of Short HUls 5137 19.03 18.10 17.08 16.04 15.08K 14.063^ COMET 233. Son of Napoleon 235 and Duchess 550. 1st sire of Judy 691 Tilda 3730 3d sire of 3d sire of Peggy Leah 3097 - White Clover Leaf 4513 Duchess of Argyle 3758 Alice of the Meadows 20,748 Topsey K. 22,769 4th sire of Miss Blanche 2515 (10 days) PoUy Clover 7053 Alic« of the Meadows 30,748 19.00 15.00 18.13 17.15 14.13 14.13 14.00 30.09 16.15 14.13 14 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. COMMODORE 56. 4th sire of 1st sii-e of Hazen's Bess 7339 34.11 Efflp 523 19.11 Hazen's Nora 4791 30.04 Sd sire of Olie's Lady Teazle 13,307 16.05 CEnone 8614 15.14 Grace Sd 919 20.00 Webster's Pet 4103 - 14.03 Lara 4306 17.08 Lady Gray of HiU Top Sd 14,643 14.03 Oxalis 606 15.00 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 - 14.01 Heartsease 503 15.00 Beauty Bismarck 4967 14.01 3d sire of. Reckless 3569 Haddie 921 - 17.08 16.00 COMMODORE ROXBURT 1586. Silenta 17,685 15.10 Son of Roxbury 247 and Boquet 853. Oxalis 2d 15,631 15.00 3d sire of Memento 1913 14.05 Urbana 5597 16.00 Eureka McHenry 8341 14.00 Pansy 603 14.00 SUeiie 4307 14.00 COMPEER 2367. 4th sire of Son of son of Alphea 563 and Bella Donna Mirth's Blanche 19,572 17.13K 1727. Mirtha 3437 17.13X 1st sire of Rosa of Glemnore 3179 Reckless 3569 Embla4799 - 17.10 17.08 17.08 Porget-Me-Not-O 10,564 Sadie's Choice 7979 15.04 14.00 *Dora 0. 11,703 17.03 3d sire of Allie Minka 3983 14.06K Signetilia 16,333 14.03>^ Memento 1913 14.05 Cigarette 3849 Helve 4565 14.04 14.00 COMPETITOR 337. Naomi Cramer 8638 14.00 4th sire of Muezzin 3670- 14.00 Cascadilla 3103 - Mary Clover 9998 - 15.13 14.15 COMMODORE 339. Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 2d sire of Angela 1683 14.03 COMPO BOY 3880. 3d sire of -Son. of Signal 1170 and iMcilla 2735. Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 20.00K Su Lee 4705 17.15 1st sire of Vixen 7591 17.06 Gazella 3d 9355 - 16.03 Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 16.08 Reception 3d 11,035 - 15.08K ♦Pulsatilla 7551 16.03 Letitia 3977 15.05 Bathsheba 3556 14.01 COMUS 54. 4th sire of Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Diana 77. Roonan 5133 18.13 *Variella 6337 18.03% 1st sire of Lara 4306 17.08 Plenty 950 14.08 Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 16.08 3d sire of TJrbana 5597 Kate Gordon 8387 Lorella 13,913 Lucetta 6856 Litza 6338 16.00 15.15 14.07 14.03 14.03 Zampa 3194 Haddie 931 Turquoise 1129 Nelhe 1507 - 18.00 16.00 14.03 14.02 VarieUa of Linwood 10,954 14.01 3d sire of Pixie 4115 14.00 Beulah of Baltimore 3370 AUie Minka 2983 14.06)^ 14.063^ COMMODORE NUTT 36. 4th sire of Valma HoflEman 4500 Son of Emperor 2d 37 and Mignonette 6. 21.09 2d sire ' Olie 4133 ot 15.00 Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) - Conover's Beauty 13,650 - 19.03 18.00 Duchess of Argyle 3758 14.13 Cyrene 4th 480 17.01 Zina 1434 14.00 Ochra 2d 11,816 Cornucopia 3414 - Naomi's Pride 16,745 16.06K 3d sire of 15.13 ♦ Optima 6715 33.11 15.03 Polynia 10,753 16.07 Bessie Bidgely 8293 14.11X Alhena 15,995 - 16.03 Jesse Lee of Labyrinth 5390 - - 14.07 Cascadilla 3103 - 15.13 Celia BeUe 5865 14.03 Romp Ogden 3d 4764 15.05 Buttery 3503 - Ada Minka 15,563 14.01 Deborana 4718 14.08 14.00 * Churchill's Betsy 4105 14.00 Miami Prize 8100 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 15 COMTJS Sd 97. Son of Oscar 98 and Caroline 181. Sd sire of Cornucopia 3414 15. 12 4th sire of Dai-k Cloud 9364 - - 15.03>^ Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 - 14.06 CONCHA 1397. Son of Yankee 1003 and Phosbe 5th 3330. 8d sire of Armon 10,862 16.13M CONCORD 1405. Son of Harry 72 and Countess 3d 990. 2d sire of Moss Rose of W. F. 5194 - IS.OSJ^ Del of WiUow Farm 22,464 14.08 3d sire of Pavon 13,485 . 14.08 CONQUEROR 89 J. H. B. Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. and Prin- cesse 769 J. H. B. 1st sire of Lucilla Kent 8893 15. 10 3d sire of Lactine 10,680 - 17.01}^ COOMASSIE 1484. Son of Wethersfield 966 and Belle 1335. 1st sire of Deborana 4718 14.08 COSSACK 1159. Son of Clement 115 andDaffodil 335. 1st sire of Ochra 2d 11,516 - 16.06i^ COUNT 1403. Son of Czar 380 and Countess 114. 2d sire of Molly 3554 3d sire of Moss Rose of WiUow Fai-m 5194 Helen 3556 4th sire of Moss Rose of W. F. 5194 Pavon 13,485 Meines 8559 16.00 18.08K 15.09 18.08>^ 14.08 14.00 COUNT BISMARCK 733. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Z/uey 1837. 1st sire of Myth 2837 - 14.06 CCEUR DB LION 318. 1st sire of Maud Lee 3416 '- 33.00, Cornucopia 3414 15.12 Corinne 707 , 14.07 2d sire of VivaUa 12760 4th sire of Ochra 3d 11,516 14.00 16.06K CCEUR DE LION 140 J. H. B. 1st sire of Saragossa 33,019 15.03 COVENTRY 790. Son of Bill 50 aiid Cowslip 43. 3d sire of AbbieZ. 14,003 - 14.11 3d sire of Abbie Z. Bd 14,743 17.00 4th sire of Lady BidweU 10,303 15. 13 CROWN PRINCE OF WOODBURN 1311. Son of Hillhurst 1310 and Sincerity 3198. 3d sire of Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14. 14^ CRITIC 540. Son of Orange Peel 503 and Cannie 1359. 1st sire of GUda 3779 14.06 3d sire of Lily, of Burr Oaks 11,001 Grace Felch 8391 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 15.13 15.00 14.05 3d sire of Jenny DodoH. 14,448 - 4th sire of 31.08 Wakena 19,721 16.00 CZAR 351. Son of Pilot Boy 488 and Wanda 1433. 1st sire of Adina 1943 14.04 CZAR 373. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Jenny 686. 3d sire of Sylvia 687 15.08 3d sire of Chris-tmas Nannie 4075 - 19.07 Abbie Z. 3d 14,743 - 17.00 Countess Mleawber 1759 16.08 Patty of Deerfoot 15,321 16.00 Deerfoot Girl 15,339 - 15.08 Polly of Deerfoot 15,328 15.00 Dena of Deerfoot 15,325 14.08 Dolly of Lakeside 10,824 - 14.08 Daisy of Chenango, 18,583 14.07 Gilda 3779 - 14.06 Cressy of Deerfoot 15,334 14.00 4th sire of Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838 35.03 RoUand's Bonnie 3d 18,054 19.03 *Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 17.08 LUy of Burr Oaks 11,001 15. 13 Clara of Lakeside 10,837 15.00 16 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. PoUy of Deerfoot 15,338 Dolly of Lakeside 10,834 Thornedale Belle 5365 - Minnie of Scituate 17,839 15.00 14.08 14.08 14.04K CZAR 380. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam imported Judy. 3d sire of Molly 3554 - 16.00 4tli sire of Moss Rose of W. F. 5194 18.08K Helen 3556 - 15.09 Arawana Poppy 6053 - 15.03 Snowdrop F. W. 16,948 14.08 DAINTY BOY 3955. Son of Pierrot 636 and Dainty 796. 1st sire of Hattie Douglass 34,960 - 16.05 3d sire of BeUini's La Biche 15,091 14. 14>f DAIRY BOY 909. Son of Monmouth 310 and Danae Zd 1387. 1st sire of Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 DANA 3630 1st sire of Lucilla 3d 9786 16.08 14.03 DAN BUCK, JR., 383. Son of Jack Frost 31 and Clover 30. 3d sire of Duchess of Argyle 3758 14. 13 CMoe Beach 3931 14.08 4th sire of Hepsy 3d 13,008 - 17.08 Arawana Buttercup 6053 15.05 PriQcess Rose 6349 - 14.08 Jesse Leavenworth 8848 14.00 DANDY DINMONT 1058. Son of May Boy 705 and Hurd^s Fairy Queen , 3588. 8d sii-e of Kate Daisy 8304 14.04 DANIEL DERONDA 8391. Son of Thorough-bass 564 and Gazella 1880. 1st sire of Sasco Belle 13,601 14.00 DANIEL WEBSTER 403. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Flossa 393. 1st sire of Royal Princess 3370 17. 13 8d sire of Masena 35,733 - 30.07 Royal Princess 3d 13,346 17. 13 Silvia Baker 7893 16.04 DASH OF GLASTONBURY 1959. Son of Robbins 953 and Lady Dash 8533. 1st sire of *Kitty Lake 8350 15.083^ 8d sire of Cordelia Baker 8814 - 17.09 Phyllis of Hilicrest 9067 14. 13 Roll of Honor 13,610 14. IS DATE 3634. ^on of Dash of Glastonbury 1959 and Dillv 3537. 1st sire of Phyllis of HiEcrest 9067 14. 13 DEACON 393. Sd sire of Peggy of Staatsburg 3343 14. 1}{^ 3d sire of Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14.14>^ 4th sire of Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15.04 DEERFOOT BOY 1986. Son of Albion 490 and Daisy of Deerfoot 3183. 1st sire of Abbie Z. 3d 14,743 PoUy of Deerfoot 15,338 Dena of Deerfoot 15,335 Cressy of Deerfoot 15,334 DEFIANCE 196. 3d sire of Clematis of St. L. 5478 - Lily of St. L. 5130 3d sire of Sweet Briar of St. L. 5481 Jolie oftSt. L. 5186 - Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18,674 Uinta 5743 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 Pearl of St. L. 5537 Nordheim Creamer 9758 4th sire of Honeymoon of St. L. 11,331 - Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559 DERBY 853. Son of Jupiter 93 and Lop Horn 630. 3d sire of Zampa 3194 18.00 3d sire of Valma Hoffman 4500 31 09 Oak Leaf 4769 - 17.' 10 Miss WiUie Jones 6918 - 16.04 Maple Leaf 4768 14.13 Spring Leaf 5796 14!oO 4th sire of Oak Leaf 4769 17x0 Lady Penn 5314 - 16 00 Euphorbia 11389 . 14'oQV Celia Belle 5865 ijol 17.00 15.00 14.08 14.00 1403 14.00 33.18 15.13X 14.14 14.10 14.06 14.08 14.00 30.05X 15.01X BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 17 DBVILSHOOF 866. Countess Micawber 1759 16.08 Son of Ontario 865 mid Darkness 1S45. 1st sii-e of Sylvia 687 Jersey 3S60 15.08 , 15.06 Oak Leaf 4769 17.10 3d sire of Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19.07 3d sii'e of Ebon Edith 10,653 19.01 Euphorbia 11,339 14.09K Arawana Poppy 6053 15.02 3d Eire of Gilda 3779 14.06 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 19.133^ 4th sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 17.08 Jersey BeUe of Scituate 7838 25.03 Roland's Bonnie 2d 18,054 19.02 DIAMOND 155. Moss Rose of W. P. 5194 - Tiady Love Sd 3212 18.081^ 16.08 3d sire of Lily of Burr Oaks 11,001 15.13 Sylvia 687 Hennie 8335 15.08 Niva 7533 - 15.08 15.00 My Queen 13,614 - 15.08 Daisy of Chenango 18,583 - 14.07 Dolly of Lakeside 10,824 - 14.08 4th Rirft of Del of Wmow Parm 22,464 14.08 Forces Lee 5538 - 16.10 Minnie of Scituate 17,829 14.04X Snowdrop P. W. 16,948 Alice of Salem 5053 14.08 14.08 DICK SWIVELLER 159 Son of Sark 123 and Mollis 370. DIAMOND EARL 3116. 3d sire of Son of Longfellow 818 and Favorita of Thisbe 3d 3301 19.01)^ Queens Co. 2835. 3d sire of 1st sire of Estrella 3831 14.12 . Belle of Vermniion 8798 15.03 St. Perpetua 3d 5557 14.00 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 4th sire of Gossip 6165 16.07 Tfldy Louise 4339 - 15.00 DICK 118. Pride of the Hill 4877 14.08 Son of Prince Albert 119 and Beauty 338. Gilt Edge 3d 4420 14.00 9d ^ire of Ramilly 17,075 - Gilt 4th 4308 14.00 rW\A. dXJ, U \fX. - 14.00 Jo 5th S80 17.08 DICK SWIVELLER, JR., 376. DICK 181 J. H. B. Son of Dick Swiveller 74 and Twilight 977. 1st sire of 1st sire of Buckeye Lass 10,355 14.04 Countess of T,nkeside 13,135 19.07 Jersey 3360 15.06 DICK 333 J. H. B. 3d sire of 1st sire of Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19.07 Beauty of Jersey 7850 19.03 Gilda 3779 3d sire of 14.06 Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838 25.03 DICK 1410. Lily of Burr Oaks 11,001 15.13 Son of Count 1403 and Countess 114. Dolly of Lakeside 10,834 14.08 1st sire of Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.043^ MoUy 3554 16.00. 4th sire bf 3d sire of Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838 25.03 Moss Rose of W. P. 5194 18.08)^ 1 K nn Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 - - 31.08 JerseyQueenof Bamet4S01 A.H.B. 19.18 Helen 3566 15.09 Roland's Bonnie 3d 18,054 - BeUeof Scituate 7977 - 19.03 3d sire of 16.00 Moss Rose of W. P. 5194 18.08}^ Lass of Scituate 9555 15.14 Pavon 13,485 14.08^ Clara of Lakeside 10,837 15.00 Meines 3559 14.00 DoUy of Lakeside 10,834 - 14.08 4th sire of Snowdrop P. W. 16,948 Minnieof Scituate 17,839 - 14.08 - 14.041^ Meines 3d 7741 30.01 Del of "Willow Farm 33,464 Pavon 1S„485 14.08 14.08 DIOGENES 177. Son ofMcClellan 333 and Diana 673. DICK SWIVBLLER 74. Sd sire of Perces Lee 5538 16.10 Son of Major 75 and Flora 113. Snowdrop P. W. 16,948 14.08 Sd sire of 3d sire of Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19.07 Niva 75S3 - 15.08 18 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. DOCTOR H. 3132. Son of St. Mala, Jr., 733 and Julia 2d 4902- 1st sire of Lydia Darrach 4903 17. 14 DOCTOR SYNTAX 240 E. H.B, Son of Tindal 874 B. JS. B. and Fawn. 3d sire of Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 36.12}^ Ida of St. L. 24,990 30.02)^ Mermaid of St. L. 9771 25.133^ *AUie of St. L. 24,991 24.00 Naiad of St. L. 13,965 33.02X Niobe of St. L. 13,969 - 31.09>i Honeymoon of St. L. 11.221 30.05K Rioter Pink of Berlin 23,665 19.14 Crocus of St. L. 8351 17.13 Cowslip of St. L. 8349 - 17.13 Brenda of Elmhurst 10,763 17.04>^ Ninette of St. L. 9774 17.04 *Dido Miss 8759 17.01 Diana of St. L. 6636 16.08 Maggie of St. L. 9776 16.03 Moth of St. L. 9775 16.03 Minnie of Oxford 12,806 16.00 La Belle Petite 5472 16.00 Mavoumeen of St. L. 9777 15.07 May Day Stoke Pogis 38353 15.03 Nora of St. L. 12962 - 14.07 Jesse Brown of Maxwell 7266 14.07 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14.06 Nancy of St. L. 13964 14.05 4th sire of Rose of St. L. 30,436 • 31.03K Carrie Pogis 22,568 Rioter's Wora. 21,778 15.09 15.09 Maggie Sheldon 23,583 - 15.03 Rioter's Ruth 14,882 14.13 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 DODE 3057. Son of Emilus 2039 and lAzzie Rinqlina 5813. 1st sire of Queen of De Soto 12,318 14.13 DOLPHIN 343 E. H. B Son of Wapiti 937 E. H. B. andDoU {Daun- cey's). 3d sire of ♦Blossom of Hanover 13,655 17.08 *Tfl,nice 13,656 17.08 Miss WilHe Jones 6918 - 16.04 Pride of Corisande 5333 16.00 Gray Therese 5322 16.00 Myra2d6289 16.00 Zahna 8778 15.05 Faustme 10,354 14.14X Silversides 3857 14.03 Pet Rex 20,166 Robinette 7114 - 14.02K 14.01 saver BeHe 4313 14.00 4th sire of Colie8309 18.04 Typha 5870 - 16.11 PiQpail 16,530 15.11 Idalene 11,841 15.08>^ Porget-Me-Not-0. 10,564 15.04 Marvel 18,734 - Sadie's Choice 7979 l&M 14.00 DOLPHIN 3d 468. Son of Dolphin 342 E. H. B. and Vanity {Dauncey's). 2d sire of ♦ Blossom of Hanover 13,655 17.08 ♦Lanice 13,656 - 17.08 Miss Willie Jones 6918 16.04 Pride of Corisande 5323 16.00 Gray Therese 5323 - 16.00 Myra 3d 6389 16.00 ZaJma 8778 - - 15.05 Faustine 10,354 14.14X Silversides 3857 14.03 Pet Rex 30,166 14.033^ Robinette 7114 14.01 Silver Belle 4313 14.00 3d sire of Colie 8309 18.04 Typha 5870 Mlfpail 16,530 Idafene 11,841 - 16.11 15.11 15.08K Forget-Me-Not-O. 10,564 - 15.04 Marvel 13,734 - 15.01 Sadie's Choice 7979 14.00 4th sire of Smoky 13.733 Signetilia 16,333 - 14.09 14.03}^ DOMINO OP DARLINGTON 3459. Son of Sarpedon 930 and Beauty of Dar- lington5736. 1st sire of Robinette 7114 14.01 2d sire of ♦Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 DOM PEDRO 2092. Son of Iron Bank 1120 and Lebanon 2616. 1st sire of Dom Pedro's Julian 8631 16.00 DON 611. Son of Duke 610 and Fawn 476. 1st sire of Rene Ogden 1568 BeUe of Ogden Farm 1570 - 15.00 14.00 3d sire of Medrena 3939 ♦Matindy 6670 CaUie Nan 7959 - Romp Ogden 3d 5458 17.13 16.03 16.03 14.01 3d sire of Renalba 4117 Calypris 5943 Romping Lass 11,021 Pride of the HiU 4877 17.04K 15.093^ 15.00 14.08 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 Medrie Le Brocq 8888 Vivalia 13,760 - 21.03 14.07 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY tOWS. '19 DON 318. DUKE 1149. Son of Earl 219 and Doll 543. Son of McGlellan 333 and Daisy 3954. 2d sire of Sd sire of Alice of the Meadows 30,748 14. 13 Ebon Edith 10,653 - 19.01 DON PEDRO 137. DUKE 1400. Son of McClellan 35 and Katy Darling 843. Son of Mijor 75 and Susy 3551. 3d sire of 3d sire of Porget-Me-Not-O 10,564 - 15.04 Sadie's Choice 7979 - - - 14.00 Helen 3556 - 15.09 4th sire of 4th sire of Meines 3559 - 14.00 Signetilia 16,333 14.033^ DUKE 4TH 10 J. H..B. DON PEDRO OP BINGHAMTON 3974. 2d sire of Son of Vernon 1071 and Zodiac 1914. Eveline of Jersey 6781 18.06 1st sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 16.13 DUKE P. 6134. Son of Byron 279 and Dazzle 379. DON PIERROT 3876 1 ot". civo nf Son, of Pierrot 636 and Dainty 796. Xsu oil o UL Jersey Queen of Bamet 4201 A. H. B. 19.13 1st sire of Snowdrop F. W. 16,948 - 14.08 Mineola of Elmarch 8329 15. 15 DUKE GLENDALE 1819. DOTAJAH 3741. Son of Ben Rajah 795 and Dot 34. Son of Com. Roxbury 1586 and Fawn 850. 1st sire of 3d sire of Urbana 5597 - 16.00 Favorite's Rajah Rex 16153 15.00 DU K H: PHILIP 843. DOUBLE PRIZE 3117. Son of St Helier 45 and Duchesse 374. Son of Beauclero 1883 and Jewel Beauty 1st sire of 1668. Avis E. 9714 - 15.14 3d sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14. 06 DUKE pp BLQOMFIBLD 1544. DRUID 399. Son of Rioter 670 and Alice Bloomfield 1680. Son of Earl 81 and Jewel 336. 1st sire of 3d sire of Princess Mostar 9700 17.03 Princess Bowen 9699 14. 12 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5290 - 14.07 2d sire of DUKE 404. Elmora Mostar 15,955 - 14.00 ' Son of Jerry 15 and Gipsy 2d 737. 4th sire of DUKE OF BURLINGTON 1639. *Pedro Alphea 13,689 15.05 Son of Modeste's Maxse 1093 a >id Favorite of the Elms 1656. DUKE 610. 3d sire of Son of Garibaldi 609 and Alice 474. Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 3d sire of Rene Ogden 1568 - 15.00 DUKE OF DAFFODIL 1662. BeUe of Ogden Farm 1570 - 14.00 Son of Mack. 783 and Daffodil 307. 3d sire of 1st sire of M^rena3939 17.12 *Matindy 6670 16.03 Alice of the Meadows '30,748 14. 12 Callie Nan 7959 - 16.03 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 Litty 8017 - 14.00 DUKE OP DARLINGTON 3460. Son of Sarpedon 930 and Eurotas 2454. 4th sire of 1st sire of Renalba4117 : - 17.04^ Bomba 10,330 - - 21.11'.^ Calypris 5943 - 15.09^ Leah Darlington 13,836 15.05J^ Romping Lass 11,021 15.00 NazU 10,327 - - 15.03^ Pride of the HiU 4877 14. 08 *Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 - 14.01 so BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. DUKE OF FRAMINGHAM 15.31. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam White Rose 3771. 3d sire of Bet Arlington 8970 18. 11 Countess Queen 13,519 18.03 Pet Lee 7993 14.13 DUKE OF GRAYHOLDT 1035. 1st sire of Duenna's Duchess 5508 16. 10 Morlacchi 3735 14.00 3d sii-e of Phlox 16,399 - - 31.11 Verbena of Pemwood 9088 - 15.00 Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14. 14>^ Sunny Lass 6033 - 14.07 DUKE OF LEBANON 1880. Son of Nye 667 and Nancy Dawson 1379. 1st sire of Blossie Reynolds 6083 Home Matron 6707 3d sire of Royal Sister 13,457 - 16.033^ 14.00 14.11 DUKE OF MAPLEHURST 3390. Son of Duke of Patterson 1600 and Clari 4366. 1st sire of Litty 8017 - 14.00 3d sire of ♦Lenoreisa 16,333 31.00 DUKE OP OAKLAND 1984. Son of Black Knight 1759 and Sweetheart Enid Sd 10,783 4196. 1st sii-e of 14.07X DUKE OP OGDEN 310 J. H. B. 1st sire of Talebearer 34,535 - - 14.08 DUKE OP PATTERSON 1600. Son of Grand Duke Alexis 1040 and Kitty IJtty 8017 Clover 1113. 3d sire of ^Lenoreisa 16,333 3d sire of 14.00 31.00 DUKE OP PORTAGE 1370. Staatsburg ilestine 376! 1st sire of Son of Major of Staatsburg 679 and Lady Palestine 3769. Delia Belle 5865 14.03 DUKE OF RINDGE 1335. Son of Magnet 968 and Maid of the Mist 3546. 3d sire of ♦Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 DUKE OF SASSAFRAS 3431. Son of Rossman 1138 and Kizzie 3244. 1st sire of Gem of Sassafras 8434 14.03}^ DUKE OF SCITUATE 3633. Son of Pharos, Jr., 3631 and Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838. 1st sire of Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.04>^ DUKE OP SHREWSBURY 634. Son of Comet 130 and Jersey Belle No. 2 1537. 3d sire of Irene of Short Hills 5137 14.06>^ DUKE OP WELLINGTON 35. Ist^sire of Lassie 1134 " - 15.013^ 3d sire of Lucy Gray 3746 - IS. 13 3d sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 31.08 DUKE OP WELLINGTON 608. Son of Sark 133 and Jersey Belle 1536. 1st sire of Bounty 1606 14.00 3d sire of *Bonmari 7019 14.00 3d sire of ♦Belle of Inda 3867 - 15.01W Pet Anna 1608 - - 14.00 4bh sire of Webna 5943 - - 17 08 Katie Bushford 15,983 17 00 Pet Anna 1608 - 14 00 Elinor Wdls 13,068 - 14.00 DUKE OF WEYMOUTH S515 Son of Lopez 313 and Lilly Morgan 4752 3d sire of Niobe of St. L. 13,969 31.093^ EARL 81. Son of Monarch 82 and Europa 131 1st siie of Blanche 594 16.00 3d sire of lanthe 4563 19 11 * Rosa 663 i8'o6 Gyrene 4th 480 - 17 01 BeUe of Middlefleld 1516 16 03 Arietta 5115 - 15 00 Alice of Salem 5053 14!o8 3d sire of Chroma 4573 - - 30 06 Pyrola4566 - - - 18.06 Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 17.08 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. SI Silver Rose 4753 - 16.14 PattieMc. 8d4754 - 16.08 Zithey 9184 16.07 Nipheta 9180 16.00 Princess BeUworth 6801 15.10J^ 4th sire of Beeswax 9807 17.05 Busy Bee 6336 - 16.04 Blossie Reynolds 6083 Svatana 8d 11,798 16.03>^ 15.04 Charmer 4771 14.13 Renini 9181 14.103.^ Opaline 7590 14.10 Trenie 17,770 14.10 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5390 14.07 Belle of Milf ord 7445 - 14.07 Queen of Chenango 17,771 - 14.06 Plamant 11,370 - 14.03 Home Matron 6707 14.00 EARL 319. Son of Santa Ana 331 and Jessie 544 3d' sire of Alice of the Meadows 30,748 14. 12 EARL OF BROOKSIDE 1677. Son of Kago 1353 and Kosi 3431. Sd sire of La Pera 3d 13,404 14.08 EARL OP WILLOW GLEN 3043. Son of Majestic 2d 1301 and Queechy 3837. 1st sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 30. 14 ECHO 343. 4th sire of Miss Willie Jones 6918 16. 04 ECLIPSE 1449. Son of Sweepstakes 682 and Amelia 3d 1730 1st aire of Nordheim Creamer 9758 14. 00 EDDINGTON 460. 4th sire of Mamie Coburn 3798 17.08 *BeUe of Inda 3867 - 15.01K Rose of Hillside 3866 14.03}^ Maggie May 3355 Gilt Edge 2d 4430 14.02>^ 14.00 EMILITJS 3039. Son ofJachin 1220 tind Emma 2d 2356. 3d sire of Queen of De Soto 12,318 14.13 EMPEROR 5. 3d sire of *Sutliff's Rosy 4104 - 14.00 4th sire of Hepsy 2d 12,008 - 17.08 OUe4133 - - 15.00 Duchess of Argyle 3758 - 14. 13 Zina 1434 - - - - 14.00 ♦Churchill's Betsy 4105 - 14.00 EMPEROR 287. Son of Jerry 15 and Eve 2d 7S4. 1st sire of Actress 2311 - - 14.00 2d sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 16.09 Daisy of Clermont 3493 - 14.00 3d sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 16.09 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15.04 EMPEROR 338. Son of Roxtmry 347 and Anna 593. 3d sire of Epigsea 4631 - 14.07 EMPEROR 3d 37. Son of Emperor 5 and Fa/wn 35. 2d feire of *SutUff'B Rosy 4104 - 3d sire of Hepsy 3d 12,008 Olie 4133 - Duchess of Argyle 3758 Zina 1434 - ♦Churchill's Betsy 4105 4th sire of ♦Optima 6715 Silveretta 6852 Gossip 6165 - Polynia 10,753 - Princess Shiela 7297 Tobira 8400 Cascadilla 3103 Champion Chloe 13,355 Romp Ogden Sd 4764 Dairy C. 12,227 - Coronilla 8367 Deborana 4718 Maggie May 3d 12,936 Maggie C. 13,316 - Gilt Edge C, 13,233 Minnie Lee 3d 13,941 Webster's Pet 4103 Therese M. 8364 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 GHt 4th 4208 - ChurchiU's Betsy 4105 14.00 17.08 15.00 14.13 14.00 14.00 23.11 16.09 16.07 16.07 16.043^ 15.13 15.12 15.05K 15.05 15.01 14.09}^ 14.08 14.06 14.06 14.031^ 14.03 14.02 14.02 14.00 14.00 14.00 ESSEX OF STAATSBURG 892. Son of Governor 890 and Eve 5th 313. 2d sire of Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14. 14i^ EUCLID 520 Son. of Lawrence 61 and Golddrop 233. 1st sire of Ma Belle 4942 « 15.00 3d sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 - 16.13 BUTTER BEGOBDS OF JERSEY COWS. EXCELSIOR 647. Sd sire of Sono/JVed523 and Cushing's No 3 1638. Baron's Rosette 35,988 - 15.04 3d sire of. Gold Lace 10,786 14.13 FARO 1749. 3d sire of Son of Vermont 893 and Frankie 17. Gold Mark 10,727 14.14 3d sire of Almah of Oakland 11, 103 16. 14 EXCELSIOR OF JERSEY 949. 1st sire of FASHION 863. Lady Oxford 4860 (10 days) 33.03 4th sire of 2d sire of Maple Leaf 4768 - 14. 13 Grace Pelch 8891 - 15.00 Grace Davy 8S9S 14.03 3d sire of FAST BOY 3606. *Queen of Majple Dale Farm 7036 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.14 Son of Bon Ton 1656 and Artless 3992. ■1405 1st sire of Nibbette 11,685 14.07 EXPOUNDER 1148. Son of Gen. Behm 558 and Lorraine 1435. FAUST 503. Sd sire of Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Fanny 1343. Alice Herrick 8778 ■, 14.14 4th sii'e of EXPRESS 388. Wakena 19,781 16.00 3d sire of Panatella 4778 18 03 FAYETTE BOY 4737. Bessie S. 5003 16.00 San of Fancy Leo 3738 and Lady Pigot 5798. 4th sire of 1st sire of BeUe of Vermillion 8798 15.08 Lady Cloud 19,358 - 16.10 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 FIGARO 154. FAIRFAX 530. Son of Diamond 155 and Flirt 386. Son of Monmouth 210 and Copia 46. 3d sire of 8d sire of Alice of Salem 5053 - i4.08 Beeswax 9807 17.05 Busy Bee 6336 16.04 3d sire of PITZ 1988. Maudineof Elmwood 8718 16.15 Son of Pagan 1800 and Canary Bird 2d 4th sire of 4364. *" Girl 14,550 16.00 1st sire of Bet Arlington 8970 18. 11 FANCHON'S KING 8637. 8d sire of Son of Jersey King 879 and Fanchon 2d Countess Queen 13,519 18.03 1958. 1st sire of FLASH 8538. Countess Potoka7496 18.15 Son of Pierrot 636 and Belle of Farming- ton 911. FANCY LEO 3738. 1st sire of Son of Prize Duke 943 and Fan^ Son of Jerry 15 and Frankie 17. 3d sire of 3d sire of Perces Lee 5538 16.10 Negress 7651 - 14.00 Rosabel Hudson 5704 - 15.13 3d sire of Rosy Dream 9808 - 14.18 *Fawnette of Woodstock 8710 17.08 GEN. GRANT 1409. Enigma 5360 - Thomedale Belle 5365 15.06 14.08 Son of Harry 73 and Fanny 3565. 4th sire of 1st sire of Thornedale Belle 3d 10,459 - 15.15 Helen 3556 - - - 15.09 Lydia of Libby 11,698 15.03 24 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. GEO. WASHINGTON 696. Son of Sark 123 and Jura 2d 50. 4th sire of Goldthread 4945' - 16.09 Lady Penn 5314 - 16.00 GERALD 895. Son of Emperor 287 and Gipsy 319. 1st sire of Daisy of Clermont 3492 14.00 GIL BLA8 1193. Son of Mogul 532 and Cybele 136. 1st sire of Leonice 2d 8842 - 16.08 GILDEROY S107. ■Son of Magnetic 1428 and Jeanne Le Bas 2476. 1st sire of Chrome Skin 788 1 20. 10 Lactine 10,680 17.01}^ Daisy's Daughter 15.02 Sweet Sixteen 10,682 14. 15 Gold Mark 10,727 14. 14 YeUow Locust 10,679 14.10}^ Mary of Gilderoy 11,219 14.04 GILROY 1653. Son of Hamilton 1074 and Pet Gilford 3317. 1st sire of Euphonia 6783 16.003^ GINX 1536. Son of Ben Rajah 795 and Audrey 1447. 1st sire of Walkyrie 5708 14.01 GLENGARY 316. Son of Jupiter 93 and Edna 807 2d sire of ♦Katie Kohlman 7270 - 23 10 * Lass Edith 6290 17 00 *Myra2d6289 16 00 Trudie 2d 4084 15.00 4th sire of Renown 13,729 - 14.06 GOLDEN BALL 1474. SonofBrookside 1104 and St. Catherine 4,08. 4th sire of Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 GOLDEN LION 5239. Son of Ned Ives 3631 and Hannah Duncan Bd 4029. Percie 14,937 1st sire of 16.12 GOLD PRINCE 2181. Son of Landseer 331 and Myrtle 2d 211. 1st sire of Miami Prize 8100 - 14.00 2d sire of Gold Princess 8809 14. IS GOVERNOR 890. Son of Napoleon 291 and Grade 769. 2d sire of Empress 6th 3203 Goddess of Staatsburg 5353 3d sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 Lady Adams 2d 6529 Miss Baden Baden 14,760 4th sire of Almah of Oakland 11,102 17.09% 14.08 16.09 15.04 15.03 14.14>^ - 16.14 GOV. HAMPTON 3701. Son of The Hub 1009 and Calla 5th 2315. 3d sire of Marpetra 10,284 - 14.06 GRAND DUKE 665. Son of Pilot, Jr., 141 and Duchess 101. 3d sire of Wakena 19,731 - - 16.00 GRAND DUKE ALEXIS 1040. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Victorine La- chaise 2740. 1st sire of Chrissy 2d 7720 - - 16.14 Polynia 10,753 - 16 07 CoroUo4393 - - - 16.02 Countess Croton 5307 - 15 13 *Rosellen 5306 - 15.05 Roselaiae 7167 . 15.01 Cosette 3874 - - . 14 10;^ Hartwick BeUe 7732 - 14.08 2d sire of Tenella6712 -' 23 Olitf TeneUa 3d 19,531 18 13 Valhalla 5300 - 17. OO Belle of Patterson 5664 - - 16 06 Gold Trinket 9618 ia03 Rupertina 10,409 15 igt^' Azelda 2d 7022 - 15.03 Aldarine 5301 - 15 OV41 Alphea Jewel 33,331 14!00 3d sire of Fadette of Vema 3d 11, 133 22.08Vi Fairy of Vema 3d 10,973 - 20.035? HUdaA. 2dll,130 - 30.00 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 - 19 13U TeneUa 2d 19,521 - 18.13 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 16.03 Euphorbia 11,239 14 09}^ SignetUia 16,333 - . 14 03^ Litty8017 - 1400 Sadie's Choice 7979 - 14.00 4th sire of ■►Lenoreisa 16,333 91 00 Signetilia 16,333 . 14.03)^ BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. GRAY S44 J. H. B. Son of Duke 76 J. H. B. (Sweepstakes Duke 1905.) 1st sire of Handsome Myra 14,244 20.08 GRAY COAT 1105. Son of Yellow Skin 871 and St. Catherine 408. 1st sire of Lady Louise 4339 - 15.00 Gilt 4th 4208 - 14.00 2d sire of Sasco BeUe 13,601 14.00 GRAY EAGLE 174. Son of Living Storm 173 and Minnie 398. 4th sire of Jennie of the Vale 9553 - 14.06^ GRAY FRIAR 567. Son of Jupiter 92 and Alphea 171. 2d sire of Lady Alice of HiHcrest 7450 16.03 Pride of Corisande 5323 16.00 Gray Therese 5322 16.00 3d sire of Princess Mostar 9700 17.03 Lillian Mostar 10,864 - 14.03 Elmora Mostar 15,955 14.00 GRAY KING 169, J. H. B. 3d sire of Beauty of the Grange 7502 - 23.09 Eveline of Jersey 6781 18.06 ♦Violet of St. Ouens 8626 17.08 GRAYLOGE 740. Son of Gollamore's Atlantic 789 and Mu- dine 1864. 1st sire of Daisy of Belhurst 8114 16.08 3d sire of Countess Lowndes 26,874 17. 08 GREY WETHERSPIELD 1250. I 6th 181 ay ■ 418. 2d sire of Son of McClellan 6th 181 and Lucy Neal 3d - 418. Maggie 3d 8221 - 17.08 8d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 12 *ilyra Overall 10,317 14.00 GREY OF THE WEST 1317 J. H. B. Son of Grey King 169 J. H. B. 2d sire of ' Beauty of the Grange 7502 23.09 Evehne of Jersey 6781 18.06 ♦Violet of St. Ouens 8626 17. 08 GREY PRINCE 168 J. H. B. Son of Grey of the West 1317 J. H. B. 1st sire of Beauty of the Grange 7502 23.09 Eveline of Jersey 6781 - 18.06 ♦Violet of St. Ouens 8626 17.08 GROTON 2280. Son of Magnet 968 and Sallie 2640. 1st sire of Village Maid 7069 14.00 GUY FAWKBS 251 J. H.B. Son of Koffee 233 J. H. B. and Angelica 1738 J. H. B. 1st sire of Island Star 11,876 - 21.03 Mabel of Trinity 13,694 16.03 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 15.02 Auntybel 15,583 14.09 2d sire of ♦Pendule 2ct 16,709 - - 16.03 Queen of Ashantee 2d 16,657 14.08^ GUY MANNERING 698 Sire on L of Jersey, dam Brunette Lass 1780. 1st sire of Phlox 16,399 - 81.11 Fair Lady 6723 19.00 May Fair 5184 16.07 Cottage Lass 5382 14.08 2d sire of Fair Lady 6728 - 19.00 May Fair5184 16.07 GUY "WARWICK 1450. Son of Mercury 432 and Edith 3d 806. 1st sire of Honey Drop 10,033 - - 14.00J^ HADAD 848. Son of Hannibal 618 and Arango 1597. 1st sire of Naomi Cramer 8638 - 14.00 HADRIAN 1049. Son of Bronx Bashan 145 and Dinah 103 1. 2d sire of Nellie Gray of Clermont 10,905 14. 01 HALIFAX 681. Son of Defiance 196 and Hebe 489. 2d sire of Nordheim Creamer 9758 - - 14.00 / HAMILTON 1074. Son of Marius 760 and Emily Hampton 1912. 1st sire of Etiquette 4800 BelEta 4553 Elite 4299 15.08 14.00 14.00 S6 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Euphonia 6783 Percie 14,937 - Lottie Rex 18,757 3d sire of 3d sire of 16.00X 16.13 14.04 HAMPTON 491. Son of Black Imperial 355 and Lightfoot 461. 2d sire of Celia Belle 5865 14.03 HANNIBAL 618. 3d sire of Vieva 3d 7643 16.05 Avis E. 9714 - 15. 14 Naomi Cramer 8638 14.00 8d sire of Grace Davy 8393 14 03 Baby Buttercup 10,888 14.00 4tli sire of Bessie Ridgeley 8293 14. llj^ HAPPY 311 J. H. B. Son of Vertumnus 161 J. H. B. and Garenne 24,584. 1st sire of St. Jeaimaise 15,789 16.04 2d sire of *Pendule 2d 16,709 16.03 HARPADO 1859. Son of Knave 1856 and Betta 3075. 1st sire of Alfleda 6744 - 16.04 2d sire of Alfritha 13,678 15.03 HARRY 72. Son of Norman 73 and Bessie 111. 2d sire of Helen 3556 15.09 3d sire of Moss Rose of W. P. 5194 18 08i< Lady Love 3d 3312 - 16 08 My Queen 12,614 - 15 08 Del of WiUow F. 22,464 14 08 Meines 3559 - 14.00 4th sire of Pa von 12,485 - 14 08 Del of Willow P. 33,464 14. 08 HARRY 93. Son of Taintor's Bull of '58 306 and Sarnfs Dam 358. 3d sire of Jo 5tli 280 17.08 4th sire of Ida Bashan 4735 18.00 Vespucia V7,4A5 14.04 17.13>^ ,17.13M HARTPORD 52. Son of Pistol 58 and Fanny 72. 3d sire of Mirtha 3437 Mirth's Blanche 19,573 8d sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) - 19.03 Merry Burlington 7600 - 15.04 4th sire of Porsaken 7530 15.01 Coronilla 8367 14.09>^ HECTOR 129. Son of Prince Albert 119 and Victoria 349. 1st sire of Monmouth Duchess 3895 Countess of Warren 3896 2d sire of Warren's Duchess 4622 3d sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 4th sire of Countess Lowndes 26,874 - 14.07 14.00 16.01 19.04 16.00 14.07 17.08 HECTOR 260. Son of Potomac 153 and Promise 751. 4th sire of ' Jesse Lee of Labyrinth 5290 14.07 HECTOR 791. Son of Blucher 48 and Daisy 571. 1st sire of *Mica 1983 - 15 13 Lilly Cross 13,796 14.03 8d sire of Hillside Gem 16,640 30 00 LUly Cross 13,796 14.08 HECTOR 3814. Son of Reward 190 and Peace 380. 1st sire of Eureka McHenry 8341 - 14.00 HECTOR OP PLYMOUTH ROCK 886. 3d sire of Queen of De Soto 12.318 - 14.13 4th sire of Queen of De Soto 13,818 14.13 14.08 14.03 PaU Leaf 8587 Adora 18,569 HELIERO 478, Son of St. Helier 45 and Fanchette 66. PercesLee 5538 1st sire of 16.10 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 87 HERDSMAN 137. Son of Pilot 3 and Jenny 887. Sd sire of Xrrbaiia5597 - 16.00 Bathsheba 8556 14.01 4tb sire of Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 - - 16.08 HERO 90 J. H. B. jSon of Welcome 173 J. H. B., and Musique 1096 J. H. B. 1st sire of Daisy of St. Peters 18,175 80.053^ Jenny Le Brocq 9757 . - 14. 14 Cocotte 11,958 14.13 Satin Bird 16,380 14. 10 HERO 136 J. H. B. Son of Dick 171 J. H. B. and Cowslip 34 J. H. B. 3d sire of BeUe Dame 3d 38,043 - - 15.03 Carlo's Fanny 14,951 - 14.00 HERO 840. Sire J. P. Cushing^s Bull, dam Flora 8018. Sd sire of Duchess Caroline 3d 6039 - 15.08 HiaHLAND BLADE 3164. Son. of Wethersfield 966 and Chloe Daniels 8668. 1st sire of Jennie of the Vale 9553 14.06K HILLHURST 1310. 3d sire of Pansy of BeUewood 8904 - - 18.00 4th sire of Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14.14X HIMAN 78. Son of Brandywine 64 and Fawn 118. Sd sire of Magnibel7976 - ' 14.13 HINDOO 8388. Son of Noble 93 J. H. B. and Le OaUais' Mermaid 4954. 1st sire of , Maudine of Ehnwood 8718 - 16. 15 HOBART BULL 885. 4th sire of Beeswax 9807 - - 17.05 HOCKANUM 798 Son of Blucher 48 and Dewdrop 1158. 1st sire of Copper 1979 15.07 8d sire of Mica 1983 ^ 15.18 4th sire of Lady Bidwell 10,303 - 15.18 HOMER H. 3683. Son of the Squire 1898 and Cfilda 8779. 1st sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 81.08 HOPEWELL 136. 8d sire of May Blossom 5657 - - 18.11 *Pilbert3630 ■ - - 15.13 Beauty Bismarck 4967 - 14.01 4th sire of Alhena 15,995 - - - 16.03 HORNBEAM 3133. Son of Marius 760 and Emily Hampton 1913. 1st sire of Troth 6189 16.05 ■HOTSPUR 806. Son of Gen. R. E. Lee 808 and Duchess 895. 3d sire of Rosa of Glenmore 3179 17. 10 Embla 47'99 - 17.08 4th sire of Naomi Cramer 8638 - 14.00 HOUSATONIC 704. Son of Cliff 176 and Hebe 1177. 4th sire of BeUe of Vermillion 8798 15.03 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 HUDSON 116. 3d sire of Spring Leaf 5796 - 14.00 4th sire of BeUe of Vermillion 8798 15.03 Lillian Mostar 10,864 - 14.08 HUGHES 954. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Daffle 3533. 1st sirfi of Gentle of, Glastonbury 4651 - 14.00 8d sire of Colt's La Biche 6399 17.08^ Lobelia 8d 6650 14.06 3d sii'e of Princess Shielia 7397 - 16.043^ Alfleda6744 - - 16.04 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06^ Lilly Cross 13,796 - 14.03 Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 4th sire of 15.13 - 15.03 14.01K Lady Bidwell 10,303 Alfritha 13,673 Hurrah Pansy 18,153 38 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. KURD'S IVANHOE 1533. Son of Zp/ny 551 and Blooming Beauty 3584. 1st sire of Orphean 4636 15.07 3d sire of Belmeda6339 - 18.18 Gem of Sassafras 8434 14.03>^ HURRAH 3814.. Son of Col. Crockett 1694 and Village Girl 5744. 1st sire of Value 3d 6844 - 35.0Si5 Hurrah Pansy 13,153 14. 01^ HYPERION 589. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Spotless 1503. 3d sire of Hazalena's Butterfly 10,133 14.00 IKE PELCH 1393. Son of Critic 540 and Maid of Judah 3439. 1st sire of myof Burr Oaks 11,001 - 15.13 Grace Felch 8391 - - 15.00 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 3d sire of Wakena 19,731 16.00 INACHUS 938. Son of Rioter 2d 469 and Dido 1334. 4th sire of *Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 INDIAMAN 2071. Son of Vespueius 758 and Ibex 3724. 1st sire of Vespucia 17,455 14.04 3d sire of Vespucia 17,455 14.04 INTREPID 5511. Son of Mercury 432 and Clotho 3566. 1st sire of Pillpail 16,530 15.11 IRON BANK 1130. Sire on the I. of Jersey, dam Bird ie 2611. 1st sire of ♦Lebanon Wife 6102 18 09 "Willis 3d 4461 16.03 Vaniah 6597 - 15 09V Lebanon Daughter 6106 14.04 Lebanon Lass 6108 - - 14.03 3d sire of Blossie Reynolds 6083 16 031^ Dom Pedro's Julian 8631 16 00 Royal Sister 13,457 14. n Home Matron 6707 14.00 3d sire of Royal Sister 13,457 - 14.11 IRON DUKE 18 Son of Pilot 3 and Fairy 10. 3d sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 30.14 Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 - 17.08 Pattie Mc 3d 4754 - - 16.08 Charmer 4771 14.18 Epigsea 4631 14.07 Queen of Prospect 11,997 14.03 4th sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 - 30.04 Rosebud of Allerton 6352 19.12 *Matindy6670 16.03 Calypris 5943 15.09K Arawana Buttercup 6053 - Arawana Poppy 6053 Cosetta 15,991 15.05 15.03 14.11 Belle of Milford 7445 - 14.07 Violet of Glencaim 10,331 14.04 *Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 14.01 ISAAC 43. 3d sire of OxaJis 606 15.00 4th sire of Oxahs 3d 15,631 15.00 ISAAC B. 1951. Son of Matchem 747 and Athena 3152. 1st sire of Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16.03 2d sire of Lida Mullin 9198 16. 08 Lizzie D. 10,408 - - 14.00 ISHMAEL HURD 1548. Son of Major Tunxes 1547 and BucMs Kate 3463. 2d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 18 ISLANDER 561. Son of John Le Bos 398 and Ida 1441. 2d sire of Magnibel7976 14.18 3d sire of Chrome Skin 7881 30.10 Lactine 10,680 - 17.01X Daisy's Daughter - 15.03 Sweet Sixteen 10,683 14.15 Gold Mq,rk 10,737 - - 14.14 Yellow Locust 10,679 ' 14.101^ Mary of Gilderoy 11,319 14.04 ISLAND LORD 3388. Son of Antelope 1927 and Mulberry 2d 3199- 2d sire of Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 JACHIN 1330. Son of Yankee 1003 and Jennie 3d 8844. 3d sire of Countess Lowndes 86,874 - 17.08 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. ad JACK DASHER 938. Son o '■ Tom Dasher 430 and Judy 691. 1st sii-e of Peggy Leah 3097 - 18.13 Duchess of Argyle 3758 14. 13 Sd sire of PoUy Clover 7058 - - 16.15 JACK FROST 31. Son of Splendeus 16 and Jessie 88. , 3d sire of Princess of Mansfield 8070 New London Gipsy 11,667 15.08 14.08 4th sire of Peggy Leah 3097 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 13,483 Duchess of Argyle 3758 Chloe Beach 3931 18.13 16.10 14.13 14.08 JACK FROST OF ST. LAMBERT S419. Son of Buffer 3055 and Pride of Windsor 483. 1st sire of Coquette of aien Rouge 17,559 15.01J^ Honeysuckle of Sb. Annes 18,674 14.14 JACK HORNER 514. 1st sire of ♦Lady Caroline 3674 14. 14 3d sire of Mink Sd 3890- - 19.11 Oktibbeha Duchess 4483 17.04 Arawana Foppy 6053 15.03 Mink 3d 4868 - 14 09 Adora 18,569 - - 14.03 4th sire of Mhoon Lady 6560 - 17.03 Ochra 3d 11.516 16.06V Julia Evelyn 6007 15.15K Valerie 6044 - 15.13 Dairy C. 18,837 15.01 JACK LIBBY 3307. Son of Sweepstakes Duke 1905 and Alpha Sd 5353. 1st sire of Lydia of Libby 11,698 . - 15.03 JACOB 1377. Son of Oraylock 740 and Miss Jenkins 892. Sd sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 - 17.08 JAQUES 63 J. H. B. -Son of Stockwell 2d 84 J. H. B. 1st sire of Reception 8557 - - 19.08 8d sire of Dora Neptune 30,318 - SO.OOX Reception 3d 11,085 - 5 15.08}| JASON 1550. Son of Neptune of the Orange 1549 and Jessica of the Grange 3805. 3d sire of ♦Pedro Alphea 13,889 - 15.05 JASON, JR., 3370. Son of Jason 1550 and Lady ReynoMs 3808. 8d sire of ♦Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 JASON OF DEERFOOT 1636. Son of Jersey Boy 373 and Jessie 87lS. 3d sire of Percie 14,937 16.13 JASPER 850. Son of Clement 115 and Canary 387. Sd sire of Conover's Beauty 13,650 18.00 JAZEL 3501 (159 J. H. B.). Son of Sweepstakes Duke 1905 (76 J. H. B.) and Flying 18 J. H. B. 1st sire of Sweetrock 18,356 - 14. UK Jazel's Maid 11,011 h 14.06 JENKINS 888. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Juliana SS86. 3d sire of Dorothy of Bovina 9373 - 15.04 JERRY 15. Sd sire of Lady Mel Sd 1795 Couch's Lily 3837 Lady Love Sd SSIS Kitty Colt 3S13 Fragrance 4059 Goddess of Staatsbm-g 5353 ♦Brightness 3311 Actress 3311 3d sire of Lady Gray of Hill Top 6850 BeUe Grinnelle 4073 Rosa Miller 4333 Oktibbeha Duchess 4433 Jersey Cream 3151 - Luc^BeUe3d6037 Dusky S585 - Pride of Bovina 8050 ♦Kitty Lake 8350 - Brightaess 3d 14,884 Ohe 4133 Bloomfleld Lady 6918 Gold Princess 8809 Aroma 8518 Susette4068 - Rarity Sd 7734 - Maggie May 3355 Creamer 3467 Pretty 3536 Daisy of Clermont 3493 - Negress 7651 - Sl.OO 16.09 16.08 15.09X 14.13 14.08 14.00 14.00 18.18 18.08 17.07 17.04 17.00 16.14 16.10 16.09 15.08K 15.05 15.00 14.13 14.13 14.07 14.04 14.08 14.08 14.01 14.00 14.00 14.00 30 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 4th sire of *Optima6715 - 33.11 TeneUa6712 - - 23.01 J^ Croton Maid 5305 - 31. 11}^ Countess Potoka 7496 18. 15 Peggy Leah 3997 - - 18.13 Lady Gray of HiU Top 6850 - 18. 13 May Blossom 5657 • - 18.11 Summerline 8001 18.06 CordeUa Baker 8814 17.09 Hepsy 2d 12,008 ■ - - 17.08 ♦Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 17.08 Valhalla 5300 - - 17.00 Almah of Oakland 11,103 16.14 Pride of Bovina 8050 16.09 Arawana Queen 5368 - 16.09 Belle of Patterson 5664 16.06 CEnone8614- 15.14 Edwina67l3 - 15.13 Valerie 6044- - 15.13 Fanny Taylor 6714 - 15.13 Princess Belworth 6801 15. 10>^ Fancy June 6086 15. 10 *Kitty Lake 8S50 15.08J^ Signalana 7719 - 15.04 Dorothy of Bovina 9873 15.04 TJsilda 3d 6157 15.03^ Aldarine5301 - 15.01)^ Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 Mary Clover 9998 - 14.15 Miss Baden Baden 14,760 14. 14K Queen of De Soto 13,318 - 14. 13 Duchess of Argyle 3758 - ■ 14. 13 Louvie3d6159 - 14.13 Lady Gray of HiU Top 3d 14,641 14. 12 Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14. 12 Bell Rex 11,700 - 14.10 Princess Rose 6249 - • 14.08 Thornedale Belle 5265 14.08 Deborana4718 - 14.08 ■ Jennie of the Vale 9553 - 14.063^ Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Maggie C. 13,316 - 14.06 Jeannie Piatt 6005 14. 04 Vespucia 17,455 - 14.04 Lottie Rex 18,757 14.04 Prince's Bloom 9739 14.03 Pet Rex 30, 166 - 14.02i^ Lady Gray of HiU Top 3d 14,642 14.03 Rarity 2d 7724 - - 14.02 BeUe GrinneUe 3d 16503 14.03 JERRY 3d 513. Son of Jerry 15 and Eve 733. 3d sire of Fancy Juno 6086 15.10 Vespucia 17455 14.04 4th sire of Judith Coleman 11,391 - 17.05 Lady Cloud 19,358 16. 10 Aleph Judea 11,389 15.01% JERSEY 9. Sire on I. of Jetsey, dam Daisy 241. 1st sire of Rose 3d 339 16.00 2d sire of CowsUp 5th 849 15.04 Bd sire of Copper 1979 15.07 4th sire of Vixen 7591 *PulsatiUa 7551 Rene Ogden 1568 AbbieZ. 14.02 17.08 16.03 15.00 14.11 JERSEY BOY 92, J. H. B. Son of Welcome 172 J. H. B. and Sourie 1107 J. H. B. 1st sire of Oakland's Cora 18,853 19.093^ JERSEY BOY 373. Son of Czar 272 and Fanny 675. 3d sire of Christmas Nannie 4075 19.07 Patty of Deerfoot 15,331 16.00 Dena of Deerfoot 15,325 14.08 Daisy of Chenango 18,583 14.07 3d sire o( Polly of Deerfoot 15,328 - 15.00 4th sire of Countess Queen 13,519 18.03 Percie 14,937 ' - 16.12 JERSEY GOLDDUST 3134. Son of Young Yankee 63 J. M. B. and Clelie 2d 64 J. H. B. 3d sire of *Lady Golddust 2d 19861 14.01 JERSEY HERO 1488. Son of Bill 50 and Fanny 3703. 3d sire of ♦Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 - 17.08 Thornedale BeUe 5365 14.08 4th sire of Thornedale BeUe 3d 10,459 15.15 Lydia of Libby 11,698 - 15.03 JERSEY KING 879. Scm of Albert 44 and Grinnella 1303. 1st sire of 15.05 14.04 2d sire of Countess Potoka 7496 18. 15 Prince's Bloom 9739 14.03 Rarity Sd 7734 14.03 JERSEY LAD 147. Son of Comet 86 and Jjucy Neal 316. 3d sire of Pansy of BeUewood 2d 8904 18.00 White Clover Leaf 4512 17. 15 4th sire of Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 14.00 JERSEY PRINCE 1062. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Hattie 739. 3d sire of CeUa BeUe 5865 14.03 ♦Brightness 3d 14,824 Susette 4068 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 31 JESSE OF MOBILE 1038. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam, Blossom 3728. 3d sire of Roland's Bonnie Sd 18,054 - 19.0S JESTER 456. Son of Santa Ana 331 and Jessie 544. Sd sire of Maud Lee 3416 33.00 4th sire of Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 JEWELER 1385. Son of Mogul 533 and Jewel Beauty 2d 1701. 1st sire of Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 16. 03 3d sire of Thomdale BeUe 3d 10,459 - 15.15 Mitten 13,368 15.11 Alfritha 13,673 15.03 Belle Thome 13,369 14. 1 1 JIMMY 150, J. H. B. Son of Sweepstakes I>uke 1905 (76 J. H. B.) and Flora 813 J. H. B. 3d sire of Sweet Sixteen 10,682 14.15 JO BRADLEY 4640. Son of Pequdboc Chief 3663 and Village Girl 5744. 3d sire of ♦Wabash Girl 14,550- 16.00 JOHN ALLEN 1494. Son of Tom, Dasher 420 and Allen's Fawn- ette 3722. 3d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14.13 JOHN BROWN 67. Son of Prince John 33 and Victoria 104. 3d sire of Lady Brown 433 14.00 3d sire of Silver Rose 4753 - Champion Chloe 18,355 - Arietta 5115 - Lady Brown 4th 6911 - Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 . 16.14 15.05X 15.00 14.12 14.00 4th sire of Sultana Sd 11,798 - Bloomfleld Lady 6913 - ♦Woodland Margaret 6315 - Opaline 7590 Negress 7651 15.04 14, IS 14.10J^ 14.10 14.00 JOHN BULL 167. 3d sire of Avis E. 9714 - - 15.14 4th sire of Belle of Vermillion 8798 15. OS Oxalis 606 - - 15.00 JOHN BULL 358. 2d sire of Maid of Amboy 2929 - - 16.01 Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067 14. IS 3d sire of Maid of Amboy 3929 - 16.01 Lema3634 - 15.12 Iola4627 - - 15.03>^ Phyllis of HiUcrest 9067 14. 13 Roll of Honor 13,610 14.13 4th sire of Haaen's Bess 7439 34. 1 1 Miss Willie Jones 6918 16.04 • Zahna 8778 15.05 Faustine 10,354 14. 14^ Ideal 11,843 - 14.1S>i Roll of Honor 13,610 14. IS Pet Rex 30,166 liOSJ^ LemeUa 33,333 14.01)^ JOHN KNOX 3389. Son of Red Cloud Sd 3360 and Lady Pigot 2d 5798. 1st sire of Judith Coleman 11,391 - - 17.05 Aleph Judea 11,389 15.01% JOHN LE BAS 398 (71 J. H. B.). Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Patricia 189 J. B. B. 1st sire of Jeanne Le Bas 3476 15.08 3d sire of Topsey Roxbury 7796 15.00 Audrey 1447 - - 14.00 Woodland Lass 3444 14.00 3d sire of Chrome Skin 7881 - 30.10 *MoIlie Garfield 1S,17S - 18.07 PanateUa 4778 18.03 Oclera 3d 11,516 16.06)^ CaUie Nan 7959 16.03 Merry Burlington 7600 - 15.04 Sweet Sixteen 10,683 14.15 Gold Mark 10,737 14.14 Magnibel 7976 14.12 Cosetta 15,991 - 14.11 Yellow Locust 10,679 14.10K Mary of Gilderoy 11,319 Clover Top 9910 14.04 14.00 Village Maid 7069 14.00 4th sire of Chrome Skin 7881 30.10 Lactine 10,680 - 17.01X Daisy's Daughter (?) - 15.03^ Sweet Sixteen 10,683 14.15 Gold Mark 10,737 - - 14.14 Yellow Locust 10,679 14.10K Lottie Rex 18,757 - 14.04 Mary of Gilderoy 11,319 14.04 Walkyrie 5708 13.01 38 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. JOHN RIDGELY 3045. Son ofJToung Sir Davy 3034 and Button Sd 3160. 1st sire of Bessie Ridgely 8393 14. llj^ JOHN STREET 6156. Son of Douftie Prize 3117 and Flirt of Ips- wich 6607. 1st sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,688 ] 4.06 JOHN T. NORTON 177. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Lily 1. 8(1 sire of Lady Louise 4389 15.00 Gilt 4th 4308 14.00 4th sire of Bstrella3831 - 14.13 Gilt Edge 2d 4430 14.00 Sasco Belle 18,601 - 14.00 JOSEPH 3419. Sire on I. of Jersey, , dam Josephine 1631 J. B. B. Sd sire of GrinneU Lass 11,859 - 16.10 JOSEPH L. 148. Son of Jerry 15 and Qipsy 819. 3d sire of Gold Princess 8809 14.13 JOVE 179. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam St. Catherine 408. 3d sire of Lady Louise 4339 15.00 8d su'e of Cenie WaUace 3d 6557 15. 04^ Bettie Dixon 4587 15. 00 Sasco Belle 13,601 14.00 4th sire of TeUow Locust 10,679 14.10}^ JOVE, JR., 870. Son of Jove 179 and Hebe 4th 1180. 8d sire of Cenie Wallace 8d 6557 Bettie Dixon 4537 4th sire of Marpetra 10,384 JUPITER 98. Son of Saturn 94 and Rhea 1st sire of Europa 176 15.04}^ 15.00 14.06 JUNIUS 804. Son of Iron Duke 18 and Juno 2d 515. 1st sire of Bathsheba 3556 ' 14.01 8d sire of Cosetta 15,991 - 14.11 Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 14.01 4th sire of Dom Pedro's Julian 8631 - 16.00 3d sire of Eurotas 3454 - *Locusta 5148 Phaedra 3561 Nymphsea 5141 Torfrida 3596 Lass Edith 6390 Euphrates 9778 Lema 3634 Zalma 8778 - Purest 13,780 Clytemnestra 3455 - Reality 16,537 - lola 4637 Marvel 13,734 - Nimble 38,335 Smoky 13,733 - Ideal Alphea 18,755 - Renown 13,739 Richness 16,536 *Leda 799 - Alphea Star 16,533 Alphetta 16,531 Vestina2458 -. Lemella 33,333 - Ballet Girl 18,750 Alphea Jewel 33,331 EcEth 4th 817 - 3d sire of *Katie Kohlman 7370 Phaedra 3561 Nymphsea 5141 Colie8309 Zampa 3194 Zittella 3d 11,933 *BloESom of Hanover 13,655 *Lanice 13,656 - *Lass Edith 6290 Typha 5870, Lady Alice of HiUcrest 7450 Clytemnestra 3d 5868 - Gray Therese 5833 - Pride of Corisande 5333 *Myra 8d 6289 Bessie S. 5008 , PiUpail 16,530 Malope 3d 11,933 Idalene 11,841 Crust 4775 Purest 18,730 Reality 16,587 - Clytemnestra 3455 Trudie 3d 4084 '- Hebe 3d 3613 Faustine 10,354 Ideal 11,843 Estrella 8881 Hartwick Belle 7788 Richness 16,536 Renown 13,739 *Leda799 Kate Daisy 8304 Alphetta 16,581 - Bessie Bradford 7369 Lemella 33,333 - Robinette 7114 Honey Drop 10,083 Rioter Sd's Venice 3658 St. Nick's Flora 16,195 166. 15.00 33.07 81.07 19.13 18.07K 17.06W 17.00 16.05 15.18 15.05 15.04 15.03V 15.08W 15.03K 15.01 14.10 14.09 14.06 14.06 14.06 14.05K li.04}4 14.0S)i 14.03 14.01V 14.01 14.00 14.00 83.10 19.13 18.07^ 18.04 18.00 17.08>^ 17.08 17.08 17.00 16.11 16.03 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.11 15.10 15.08% 15.07 15.04 15.08}^ 15.031^ 15.00 15.00 14.143^ 14.18K 14.13 14.08 14.06 14.06 14.053^ 14.04 14.03K 14.03 14.01J< 14.01 14.00V 14.00 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 33 4th sire of *Katie Kohlman 7370 23. 10 Little Torment 15,561 S3.03X Bomba 10,330 - 21. 11^ VaJma Hoffman 4500 21.09 Nymphsea 5141 18.07X Oak Leaf 4769 17.10 Zitella 11,923 - 17.08>^ ♦Blossom of Hanover 13,655 17.08 ♦Lanice 13,656 - - 17.08 Princess Mostar 9700 17.03 *Lass Edith 6290 - 17.00 Miss Willie Jones 6918 -^ 16.04 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 - 16.03 Com 10,504 16.03 *Myra3d6289 - - - 16.00 Clytemnestra 3d 5868 - .16.00 Malope Sd 11,933 - - 15.10 Mva7523- - 15.08 Purest 13,730 - 15.04 NazOi 10,337 - - 15.03X Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 - 15.02 Forsaken 7520 - 15.01 Marvel 13,734 15.01 Lady Louise 4339 15.00 Maple Leaf 4768 - 14.13 Smoky 13,733 - - 14.09 Hartwick Belle 7732 - - 14.08 Ideal Alphea 18,755 14.06 Richness 16,536 - 14.06 Alphea Star 16,553 14.043^ Lillian Mostar 10,364 - 14.03 *Lady Golddust 2d 19,861 14.01 Robtuette 7114 - - 14.01 Gilt 4th 4208 - - 14.00 Spring Leaf 5796 - - 14.00 St. Nick's Flora 16,195 - 14.00 Alphea Jewel 23,331 14.00 Elmora Mostar - - 14.00 GUt Edge 3d 4430 - - - 14.00 JDPITEK 122. Son ofSark 133 and Jura 334. 3d sire of Jo 5th 380 17.08 3d sire of Ida Bashan 4735 18.00 4th sire of Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 16.03 GazeUa 3d 9355 16.03 Lady Pemi 5314 - 16.00 Gray Therese 5333 - 16.00 Oitz8649 - - - 15.01 JUPITER 983. Son of Gray Eagle 174 and Clover 3580. 3d sire of Jennie of the Vale 9553 - '- 14.06% EAGO 1353. Son of Sam Weller, Jr., 1352 and Victoria 3175. 1st sire of Masena 25,732 3d sire of La Pera 3d 13,404 30.07 14.08 KALULA 3859. Son of Lord Byron 707 and Lady Qwehdo- line 3873. 1st sire of La Pera 3d 13,404 14.08 KATJLBACH 185. Son of Uncle Pete Noz 186 and Katy Darling ad 435. 3d sire of Etiquette 4300 EUte 4299 15.08 14.00 3d sire of Rose of Hillside 3866 4th sire of Countess Lowndes 26,874 - 14.031^ - 17.08 KEARSARGE 357. Son of Bashan 146 and Lady Webster 638. 2d sire of Miss Willie Jones 6918 16.04 ' 3d sire of Pyrrha6100 - 16.143^ 4th sire of Haaen's Bess 7329 - - 94.11 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 - 19.ia>i Gold Thread 4945 - - - 16.09 Nimble 33,335 14.10 KHEDIVE 103 J. H. B. Son of Leo 198 J. H. B. 11,874. 1st sire of Princess 3d 8046 Ona 7840 Blonde 2d 9268 Daisy Queen 9619 2d sire of Oxford Kate 13,646 Little Torment 15581 Daisy Brown 13313 Princess of Ashantee 13,467 St. Jea^maise 15,789 Odelle Sales 15,564 - DSsire 9654 Rose of Oxford 13,469 Romping Lass 11,031 Ada Minka 15,563 and Coomassie 46.13WI 20.13 14.04 14.00 39.13 23.QSi4 17.06 16.05 ,ie.o4 , 16.03 16.03 15.14)i 15.00 14.00 KHEDIVE 1051. Son of Nye 667 and Fairy Sd 1413. 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 12,949 - 81.03 KING 238 J. H. B. 1st sire of King's Trust 18,946 18.00 KING HAROLD 344. Sire on L of Jersey, dam Mdbille 907. 1st sire of Belle of Middlefleld 1516 - - 16.03 34 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 3d sire of Princess Bellworth 6801 Chloe Beach 3931 - 15.10}^ 14.08 3d sire of Arawana Buttercup 6052 Princess Rose 6S49 15.05 14.08 4th sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13,19S Maggie Rex S8,6S3 18.08 17.00 J^ KING- OP FAIRVIEW 778. Son of Rob Roy 17 and Eugenie 793, 1st sire of Fair Starlight 1745 - Jersey Cream 3d 8519 3d sii-e of Katie Bashford 15,983 < - 3d sire of HiUside Gem 16,640 - OUe's Lady Teade 13,307 Mabel of Trinity 13,694 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 Auntybel 13,583 16.03 - 15.03 14.09 3d sire of *Pendule Sd 16,709 - Queen of Ashantee 3d 16,657 16.03 14.03K 17.07>^ 14.13 17.00 30.00 16.05 KING PHILIP 335. Son of Comet 130 and, Jura 334. 3d sire of Audrey 1447 - - 14.00 4th sire of Walkyrie 5708 - - 14.01 KING PIN 1878. Son of Mercury 433 and Edna 3cJ 668. ■ 1st sire of Bessie Bradford 7369 14.03 3d sire of Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 - 15.03 KNAVE 1856. Son of Hughes 954 and Dusky 3535 . 1st sire of Colt's La Biche 6399 17.03}^ 2d sire of AMeda6744 - 16.04 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06X 3d sire of AJfritha 16,673 15.03 KOBA416. Son of Bismarck 393 and Dahlia 401. 3d sire of CEnone86l4 - 15.14 3d sire of Thisbe 3d 19,531 18.12 KOPPEE 333 J. H. B. Son of Nonpareil 37 J. H. B. and Coomas- sie 11,874. 1st sire oti Young Garenne 13,641 GazeUe 15,961 17.08 14.00 3d siie of Island Star 11,876 31.08 LANCASTER 149. Sire on J. of Jersey, dam Bluebell 116. 3d sire of Epigasa 4631 14.07 LANDSBER 331. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam. Dazzle 379. 1st sire of Landseer's Fancy 2876 33.07^ 3d sire of Julia Walker 10,133 - 15.13 Rosabel Hudson 5704 - - 15.13 Rosy Dream 9808 - - - 14.13 Little Sister 11,666 - - 14.13 Queen Fannie 10,375 - 14.03 Miami Prize 8100 - 14.00 3d sire of Pride of Eastwood 10,337 - 30.13 *Mary Walker 11,303 - 18.13 Pierrot's Picture 13,481 - 16.00 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,673 - 15.13 Lady Hayes 10,136 - - 15.13 Gold ^Princess 8809 - - 14.13 Pierrot's Countess 13,480 - - 14.00 4th sire of Lady Hayes 10, 136 15. IS -LANDSEER 3d 788. Son of Landseer 331 and Sylph 615. 3d sire of *Mary Walker 11,303 - 18.18 3d sire of Lady Hayes 10, 136 15. 12 LAVAL 506. Son of Defiance 196 and lAsette 492. 1st sire of Lily of St. L. 5130 14.00 2d sire of Sweetbriar of St. L. 5481 - 33. 13 Jolie of St."L. 5136 - 15.13}^ Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14.06 Pearl of St. L. 5537 14.03 3d sire, of Honeymoon of St. L. 11,331 20.05>^ Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559 15.01X , 4th sire of Mermaid of St. L. 9771 25. 13X LAWRENCE 61 (84 J. H. B.). 1st sire of Memento 1913 14.05 Turquoise 1129 14.03 2d sire of Lady of Belle .Vue 7705 15. 1 1 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 36 Countess Gasela 9571 15.11 "Witch Hazel 4th 6131 15.053^ Ma BeUe 4943 15.00 Fall Leaf 8587 14.08 LoreUa 13,913 - 14.07 Allie Minka S988 - 14.06V Irene of Short Hills 5137 14.06K Cigarette 3849 14.04 Muezzin 8670 14.00 3d sire of Bonnie Yost 7943 18.03 Rosy Dream 9808 14.13 Ada Minka 15,563 14.00 4th sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 16.13 LE BROCQ'S PRIZE 3350. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Matin 1629 J. U. B. 1st sire of Viva Le Brocq 13,703 17.07 EcKpse 14,437 15.13 Prize Rose 16,309 15.01 Medrie Le Brocq 8888 14.07 Elinor Wells 13068 14.00 La Rosa 10,078 - - 14.00 Birdie Le Brocq 17S63 14.00 LE GELE 3694. Sire om /. of Jersey, dam Fairy 3d 4594. Sd sire of Countess Coomassie 19, 339 1 5. 08>^ LEMON 170 J. H. B. Son of Young Glory 137 J. S. B. and Pale Topsey 563 J. H. B. 1st sire of NeUy 6456 - 31.00 3d sii'e of Nancy Lee 7618 - 36.08^ Daisy of St. Peter's 18,175 30.053^ Miss Vermont 7698 - 16.05 Brenda 3035 J. H. B. 14.00 LEONIDAS 3010. Son of Signal 1170 and Geranium, 3963. 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 ■ L'EMPEREUR 461. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam, lAvely ll67. 4th sire of Naomi's Pride 16,745 15.03 LEO 198 J. H. B. Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. and Silver Star 315 J. H. B. 3d sire of Princess 3d 8046 Ona7840 - Blonde 3d.9368 BaUet Girl 18,750 Daisy Queen 9619 46.iax 30.13 14.04 14.01 14.00 3d sire of Oxford Kate 13,646 - 39. 13 Little Torment.15,581 S3.03>^ Daisy Brown 13,313 - - 17.06 Princess of Ashantee 13,467 16.05 St. Jeaunaise 15,789- - 16.04 Odelle Sales 15,564 16.03 Desire 9654 - - - 16.03 Rose of Oxford 13,469 15.14}< Romping Lass 11,031 15.00 AdaMiiia 15,563 14.00 4th sire of Elsie Lane 13i303 - 15.18 LINDO 333. Si *Churchm's Betsy 4105 14.00 3d sire of May Blossom 5657 18.11 Silveretta 6853 - - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7297 16. 04i^ Tobira8400 - - 15.13 Champion Chloe 18,355 15.053^ Dairy C. 12,337 - 15.01 Mary Glover 9998 - 14.15 Coronilla 8367 14.09^ Deborana 4718 14.08 Maggie C. 18,316 14.06 Maggie May 3d 12,9^6 14.06 Got Edge C. 18,333 , 14.03>^ Mianie Lee 3d 12,941 14. 03 Therese M. 8364 - 14.02 "Webster's Pet 4103 - 14.02 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 36 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 4th sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 80.04 Cordelia Baker 8814 17.09 PoUy Clover 705S 16. 15 Silveretta 6853 - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7S97 16.04>< AJhena 15,995 16.03 Tobira8400 - 15.13 Orphean 4636 - - 15.07 Champion Chloe 13,355 15.05>< Dairy C. 13,337 - 15.01 Mary Clover 9998 - 14.15 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 - 14.13 Lady Gray of HUl Top 14,641 14. IS BeU Rex 11,700 14.10 CoroniUa 8367 14.09K Maggie C. 12,316 14.06 Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Gilt Edge C. 18,333 34.03^ Minnie Lee 3d 13,941 14.03 Webster's Pet 4103 14. 03 Therese M. 8364 - - 14.03 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,648 14.03 Hurrah Pansy 13,153 14.01^ Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 LONGFELLOW 818. Son of Tancred 501 and Undine of Oyster Bay 1738. 1st sire of Bessie 8. 5003 16.00 3d sire of Belle of Vermillion 8798 15.03 Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 LOOKOUT 181 J. H. B. 3d sire of Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 16.03 LOPEZ 313. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Amy 395. 1st sire of Bertha Morgan 4770 MoUie Brown 7831 19.06 16.00 3d sire of Lydia Darrach 4903 "Violet of Glencaim 10,831 17.14 14.04 3d sire of Orphean 4636 15.07 4th sire of Niobe of St. L. 13,969 Behneda 6389 - Olie's Lady Teazle 18,307 Gem of Sassafras 8484 31.09>i 18.13 - 16.05 14.03K LORD ANGLESEA 4537. Son of Apollo 108 J. H. B. and Brunette Le Gros 9755. 1st sire of Belle Grinnelle 3d 16,503 - - 14.03 LORD ATLMER 1067. Son of Lord lAsgar 1066 and Pauline 494. 1st sire of Malia Ann 5444 IS.OOJ^ LORD BALTIMORE 743. Son of Fairfax 530 and Fides 51. 3d sire of MaudineofEhnwood8718 16.15 LORD BRONX 938. Son of Bully Bronx 604 and Sukey 2d 1834. 8d sire of Hazen's Bess 7339 24.11 LORD BRONX 3D 1730. Son of Lord Bronx 938 and Picture 1533. 1st sire of Hazen's Bess 7339 84. 11 LORD BYRON 707. Sire on L of Jersey, dam, Black Bess 1788 . 3d sire of La Pera 3d|13,404 14.08 LORD DERBY 303. Son of Stalwart 365 and Florien 660. 3d sire of NeUda 3d 8387 - 15.03>^ 4th sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 Lutea4563 - 16.03 *Kahnia4561 - - 15.00 LORD FRANCIS 1857. Son of IHerrot 636 and Fanny 73. 1st sire of Canto 7194 15.13 LORD LAWRENCE 1414. Son of Lawrence 61 and Lady Mary 1148. 1st sire of Lady of BeUe Vue 7705 - 15. 11 Countess Gasela 9571 15.11 Witch Hazel 4th 6131 15.05K Fall Leaf 8587 - 14.08 Lorella 13,913 14.07 8d sire of Rosy Dream 9808 14.13 LORD LISGAR 1066. Son of Victor Hugo 197 and Pauline 494. 1st sire of Sweet Briar of St. L. 5481 83. 13 JoUe of St. L. 5136 - 15.13K Duchess of St. L. 5111 - 15.13 Clematis of St. L. 5478 - - 14.03 3d sire of Ida of St. L. 84,990 - 30.03i< Mermaid of St. L. 9771 35.131^ *Allie of St. L. 34,991 - 34.00 Honeymoon of St. L. 11,331 30.05K ♦VarieUa 6337 - 18.03% MeUa Ann 5444 - - 18.00}| Cowslip of St. L. 8349 - 17.13 *Brenda of Elmhurst 10,763 17.04X BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 87 MinettB of St. L. 9774 GhamomJUa 7563 - Diana of St. L. 6636 *Pvilsatma 7551 Carrie Pogis 33,568 May Day Stoke Pogis 38,353 Coquette of G-len Rouge 17559 - Honeysuckle of St. Annes 18,674 Bonnie 3d 574S Uinta 5743 Nora of St. L. 13,963 Jessie Brown of MaxweU 7366 Moss Rose of St. L. 5114 3d sire of Mary Anne Of St. L. 9770 Naiad of St. L. 13,965 NiobeofSt. L. 13,969 Rose of St. L. 30,436 Rioter Pink of Berlin 33,665 Crocus of St. L. 8351 Judith Coleman 11,391 - *Dido Miss 8759 Carrie Pogis 35,568 Maggie Sheldon 33,583 Aleph Judea 11,389 Rioter's Nora 14,883 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 - 4th sire of Rioter's Beauty 14,894 17.04 16.10 16.08 16.03 15.09 15.03 15.01W 14.14 14.113^ 14.10 14.07 14.07 14.00K 36.13K 31.093^ 31.03X 19.14 17.13 17.05 17.01 15.09 15.08 15.01% 14.13 14.00 14.00 LORD LONSDALE 305. Son. of Premium 7 and Duchess 3. 3d sire of St. Nick's Flora 16,195 14.00 - 4th sire of Casoadilla 3103 15.13 Mary Clover 9998 14. 15 LORD MONCK 304. Son of Victor Hugo 197 and Pride of Wind- sor 483. 3d sii-e of Pearl of St. L. 5537 14.03 Moss Rose of St. L. 5114 14.00Ji 3d sire of Mermaid of St. L.,9771 35.13X Naiad of St. L. 13,965 - 33.03V Rioter Pink of Berlin 38,665 19.14 Crocus of St. L. 8351 17.13 Judith Coleman 11,391 17.05 *Dido Miss 8759 17.01 Moth of St. L. 9775 i6.oa! Aleph Judea 11,389 16.01% Coquette of Glen Rouge 17^559 15.01K Honeysuckle of St. Annes 18,674 14.14 4th sire of Rose of St. TiHmbert 30,436 31.033^ Rioter's Ruth 14,883 - 14.12 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 3d sire of Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 Countess Lowndes 36,874 Euphorbia 11,839 • 19.133^ 17.08 14.09}^ LORD OGDEN 69. Son of Adonis 39 and Big Duchess 68. 3d sire of Canto 7194 - Lady Ives 3d 6740 Fandango 13,908 3d sire of - 15.13 14.08 - 14.03 Alfleda 6744 Myra Overall 10,317 4th sire of 16.04 - 14.00 Alfritha 13,673 15.03 LORD NELSON 860. Son of Derby 353 and Knapp Cow 3173. 3d sire of Oak Leaf 4769 17.10 Maple Leaf 4768 - 14.13 Spring Leaf 6796 14.00 LORNB 6348. Son of Lord lAsgar 1066 and Favorite of St. Lambert 6118. 3d sire of Maggie Sheldon 33,683 15.03 LOYAL 108 J. H. B. Son of Yankee 1003 (37 J. H. B. and Stella 705 J. H. B. 8d sire of *Mabel of St. Marys 8637 - 3d sire of Viva Le Broeq 13,703 - Belle GrinneUe 3d 16,503 18.03 17.07 14.03 LOYAL SATURDAY 315 J. H. B. 1st sire of Highfleld Lass 33,036 14.01 LYMAN 793 Son of Hookanum 793 and Ann 1974. 3d sire of Lady BidweU 10,303 15. 13 MACGREGOR 3178. ' Sonof Rob Roy 17 and Pansy 7ih ISO. 1st sire of Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 6068 14.00 MACK 733. Son of Clement 115 and Sunflower 361. 1st sire of Buttery 3603 - 3d sire of 14.01 AHce of the Meadows 30,748 Litza 6338 Pixie 4116 14.13^ 14.03 14.00 3d sire of Bonnie Yost 7943 Leoni 11,868 Dudu of Linwood 8336 Lucetta 6856 *Myra OveraU 10,317 18.03 18.03 16.15 14.03 14.00 38 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 4th sire of Armon 10,863 - Dora Doon 18,909 16.13}^ 15.00 MAaNBT 968. Son of Mr. Micawber 556 and Mabel S544. 1st sire of Woodland Lass 3444 14.00 2d sii-e of Mink 3d 3890 Mink 3d 4868 - Village Maid 7069 19.11 14.09 14.00 3d sire of Mhoon Lady 6560 Julia Evelyn 6007 17.03 15.15>^ 4th sire of *Wabash Girl 14,550 Therese M. 8364 16.00 14.03 MAGNETIC 1438. Son of Islander 561 and Azalea 1443. 1st sire of Magnibel 7976 14. 13 3d sire of Clu-ome Skin 7881 SO. 10 Lactine 10,680 17.013^ Daisy's Daughter - -- 15.03 Sweet Sixteen 10,683 14.15 Gold Mark 10,737 14. 14 Yellow Locust 10,679 14. lOV^ Mary of Gilderoy 11,319 14.04 MAJESTIC 153. i^ire on I. of Jersey, dam Clio 45. 8d sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 20. 14 *Miskwa 15.473 19 06 *Dora O. 11,703 17.03 MAJESTIC 3d 1201. Son of Majestic 153 and Lurline 1335. 3d sire of Mary M. AUison 6308 30. 14 *Miskwa 15,473 19 06 *Dora O. 11,703 17.03 MAJOR 75. Son of Colonel 76 and Countess 114. 3d sire of Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19 07 Judy 691 - - 19.00 Countess Micawber 1759 16. 08 Lucy Gray 3746 15. 13 Sylvia 687 15.08 Jersey 3360 15.06 Topsy of Roxbury 7796 15.00 Angela 1683 - 14.03 4th sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 - 31.08 Miss Blanche 3515 (10 days) 30.09 Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 30. 001^ Countess of Lakeside 13,135 19.07 Ebon Edith 10,653 19 01 Su Lu 4705 17. 15 Vixen 7591 - Pattie Mc. 3d 4764 *Pulsatma 7551 Helen 3556 Letitia 3977 Arawana Poppy 6053 Tilda 3730 - GUda 3779 Bathsheba 3556 17.06 16.08 16.03 15.09 15.05 15.08 15.00 14.06 14,01 MAJOR 378. Son of Comet 333 and Duchess 550. 3d sire of Topsey K. 33,769 14.00 3d sire of Miss Blanche 3515 (10 days) 30.09 4th sire of Roland's Bonnie 3d 18,054 19.03 MAJOR 883. Son of Lord Lonsdale 305 and Major'' s dam 3337. 3d sire of Cascaddlla 3103 15.13 MAJOR ADAMS 1044. Son of Duke of Wellington 35 and Lavina 1079. 1st sire of- Lucy Gray 3746 15.13 3d sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 31.08 MAJOR OF STAATSBURG 679. Son of Napoleon 391 and Minnie 771. 3d sire of Celia Belle 5865 - 14.03 MAJOR TUNXES 1547. Son of Sir John 535 and Buolc's Lop Horn, 3463. 3d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 13 MALCOLM 71. Son of Harry 73 and Brenda 3d 107. 3d sire of Lady Love 3d 3313 16.08 My Queen 13,614 15.08 MANDARIN 1041. Son of Orange Skin 19 J. H. B. and Fille de I' Air 2474. 1st sire of PanateUa 4778 - 18.03 3d sire of Cosetta 15,991 14.11 MANFRED 510. Sire on L of Jersey, dam Mildred 1335. 3d sii'e of Ameda6744 - -. 1304 Nannie Pitch 9143 14^04 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 39 4th sire of MARK TAPLEY 370. Alfritha 13,673 15.03 Son of Sam Weller 371 and Meg 673. 3d sire of MARIUS 760. *Katie Kohlman 7370 - 33,10 Son of Willie Boy 434 and Lady Mary Lily of Burr Oaks 11,001 15,13 1148. 3d sire of 1st sire of *Effle 885 A. H, B. 83,13 Welma 5943 17.08 Jersey Queen of Baruet 4S01 A. H. B 19,13 Chenda 4599 - 15.09V Snowdrep P. W. 16,948 14.08 Calypris 5943 15.04K *Eva 883 A. H. B, 14.00 Bomnari 7019 14.00 3d sii-e of MARMION 359, ♦Optima 6715 ' 33.11 Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Sylph 615, Tenella6713 - S3.01X 1st sire of Croton Maid 5305 Vixen 7591 - 31.11X 17.06 Pet Anna 1608 14.00 Beeswax 9807 17.05 ' 3d sire of Valhalla 5300 17.00 Welma 5943 17.08 Belle of Patterson 5664 16.06 Mamie Coburn 3798 - 17.08 Troth 6130 - 16.05 *Belle of Inda 3867 15,01V Busy Bee 6336 16.04 Rose of Hillside 3866 14.033^ *Matiudy 6670 CEnone 8614 16.03 Elinor Wells 13,068 14,00 15,14 8d sire of Edwina 6713 15,13 Fanny Taylor 6714 Denise 8381 - 15.13 - 15.09 *Queen of Maple Dale Parm 7036 Marpetra 10,384 - 14,14 14,06 Et-iqjiette 4300 - 15.08 Signalana 7719 15.04 MARPETRO 3353, Jewel 3d (A. H. B.) Aldarine 5301 15.04 15.01K Son of Marius 760 and Pet Anna 1608, Dora Boon 13,909 15,00 1st sire of *Queen of Maple Dale P. 7086 14,14 Marpetra 10,384 14,06 Rosy Dream 9808 14,13 ♦Woodland Margaret 6315 Opaline 7590 Medrie LeBrocq 8888 14.10X 14,10 . MARQUIS 1401. 14,07 Sire on I. of Jersey, dam. Magnolia 3543, Marpetra 10,384 14,06 1st sire of Litza 6338 - 14,03 Meines ,3559 14,00 Fandango 13,908 14,03 3d sire of Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 BelUta 4458 14.00 Meines 3d 7741 30,01 EHte 4399 14.00 La Rosa 10,078 3d sire of 14.00 MARS 95, Padette of Vema 3d 11,133 Pairy of Verna 3d 10,973 S3.08K Son of Jupiter 93 and Edna 807, 30.03% 1st sire of Hilda A. 3d 11,130 - 30.00 *Edith 4th 817 14,00 Gardinier's Ripple 1 1 , 698 19.13>i 3d sire of Tenella 3d 19,531 - Attractive Maid 16,935 18.13 16.13 Hebe 3d 3615 - Bessie Bradford 7369 15,00 14,03 Percie 14,937 Gazella 3d 9355 16.13 16.03 Rioter 3d's Venus 3658 14,00 Euphonia 6783 16.00X 3d sire of Thoradale Belle 3d 10,459 15.15 Myra 8d 6389 16,00 Rupertina 10,409 15.13X Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 15,03 Mitten 13;368 - 15.11 Reception 3d 11,035 Alfritha 13,673 - - 15,08K 15,08 MARWELL 3118, Romping Lass 11,031 15,00 Son of Marius 760 and Annie Wells 1947. BeUe Thome 13,369 14,11 1st sire ot Euphorbia 11,339 - Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 - 14,09K 14,09 *Queen of Maple Dale Farm 7036 14,14 Jaquenetta 10,958, - 14,06 Lady Clarendon 3(i 17,578 14,05}i MATCHEM 747, Lottie Rex 18,757 14,04 Son of Mercury 483 and Azile 1356, SignetiUa 16,333 14,03X 3d sire of Variella of Linwood 10,954 14,01 Sadie's Choice 7979 14,00 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16,03 4th sire of 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 - Lida MuUin 9198 16,08 Signetelia 16,333 - 14.08>i T,iz7,Te D, 10,408 14,00 40 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. MATCHLESS 906. 3d sire of ZitteUa 3d 11,933 17.08K Malope ad 11,933 15.10 MAY BOY 705. Son of Bismarck 393 and Crocus 1787. 3d sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 30.04 Silveretta 6853 - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7397 16.043< Alhena 15,995 16.08 Tobira8400 15.18 Orphean 4686 - 15.07 Champion Chloe 13,355 15.05}^ Dairy C. 13,337 15.01 Coromlla 8867 14.09X Maggie C. 13,316 14.06 Maggie May Sd 13,936 14.06 GUt Edged. 13,334 - 14.08X Minnie Lee Sd 13941 14.03 Webster's Pet 4103 14. 03 Therese M. 9364 - 14.03 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 3d sire of Belmeda 6339 - - 18.13 Lady Gray of Hm Top Sd 14,641 14. IS BeU Rex 11,700 14.10 Kate Daisy 8304 - - 14.04 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,64S 14.03 Hurrah Pansy 13,158 ' 14.01^ Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 4th sire of HiUside Gem 16,640 - 30.00 La Pera 3d 18,404 14.08 MAY DXJKE 90. 4th sire of Vieva 3d 7643 16.05 , MAXSE 400. 3d sire of Sultana 3d 11,798 15.04 8d sire of Goldthread 4945 - 16.09 McCLELLAN 35. Son of Capt. Darling 585 and Angelina Baker 13. Sd sire of Lady Mel 3d 1795 - Champion Chloe 13,S55 Lady Brown 433 ♦Allen's Fawnette 3733 - - ♦Brightness 3311 . 3d sire of Value 3d 6844 Peggy Leah 3097 Eitfy Potter 9893 Maggie 3d 3331 Dimple 3348 - CascadUla 3103 ♦Filbert 3630 - ♦Kitty Lake 8350 ♦Brightness 3d 14,834 B,omp Ogden 3d 4764 Lady Brown 4th 6911 ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105 31.00 15.05W 14.00 14.00 14.00 35.03*1 18. IS 18.05 17.08 16.11 15.13 15.13 15.08i^ 15.05 15.05 .14.13 14.00 4th sire of Lady Mel Sd 1795 31.00 May Blossom 5657 18.11 Maggie 3d 3331 17.08 Jersey Cream 3151 17.00 Arawana Queen 5868 16.09 Silveretta 6853 - 16.09 Princess Shiela 7397 - 16.04>^ Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 16.03 Tobira8400 - - 15.18 Champion Chloe 13,355 - 15.05W Porget-Me-Not-0. 10,564 15.04 Dairy C. 13,337 15.01 OUe '4183 - 15.00 Mary Clover 9998 14. 15 Bloomfield Lady 6913 14.13 Coromlla 8367 14.093^ Deborana4718 - 14.08 Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Maggie C. 13,S16 14.06 Gilt Edge C. 13,333 14.08^ Minnie Lee 3d 13,941 14.03 Webster's Pet 4103 14. 03 Therese M. 8364 14.03 Creamer 3467 14.01 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 Baby Buttercup 10,888 - 14.00 McCLELLAN 333. 3d sire of Ebon Edith 10658 19.01 Perces Lee 5588 - 16.10 Snowdrop F. W. 16,948 14.08 4th sire of Niva 7533 15.08 McCLELLAN 3d 37. Son of MoOlellan 35 and Jenny 16. 3d sire of Lady Mel Sd 1795 Jersey Cream 3151 OUe 4133 Creamer S467 31.00 17.00 15.00 14.01 4th sire of Peggy Leah 3097 May Blossom 5657 Alfleda6744 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 Duchess of Argyle 8758 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 - Jersey Cream 3d 8519 18.13 18.11 16.04 16.03 14.13 14.13 14.13 McCLELLAN 4th 85. Son ofMcClellan 35 and IAl% 1. 1st sii-e of Lady Brown 433 14.00 3d sire of Lady Mel 3d 1795 Kitfy Potter 9893 ♦Filbert 3630 Lady Brown 4th 6911 - 31.00 18.05 15.13 14.13 3d sire of Arawana Queen 5368 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 Bloomfield Lady 6913 16.09 16.03 14.13 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 41 4th sii'e of Alhena 15,995 IiOUTie3d6159 16.03 14.13 McCLELLAN 6TH 181. Son of McClellan 25 and Pansy 6th 38. Sd sire of Maggie 3d 3331 17.08 3d sire of Maggie 3d 3331 - 17.08 4th sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 18 *MyTa Overall 10,317 - 14.00 MEDWAY 717. Son of Mr. Micawber 556 and Nellie 389. 1st sire of Mirtha3437 17. 13^ Medrena3939 17.13 3d sire of Medrie Le Brocq 8888 - ^ 14.07 MERCURY.433. Son of Jupiter 93 and Alphea 171. 1st sire of *Loci]sta 5143 31.07 Phaedra 3561 - 19.13 Nymphaea 5141- 18.07}^ Lerna 3634 15.12 Zalma 8778 15.05 Purest 13,730 15.04 Clytenmestra S455 15.03K ReaUty 16,537 Iola46S7 - 15.03>< 15.03X Marvel 13,734 15.01 Nimble 33,335 - 14.10 Smoky 13,733 14.09 Renown 13,739 - 14.06 Ideal Alphea 18,755 14.06 Richness 16,536 - 14.06 Alphea Star 16,533 - 14.04X Alphetta 16,531 14.08X Vestina 3458 14.03 Lemella 33,333 - 14.011^ BaUet Girl 18,750 - 14.01 Alphea Jewel 33,331 14.00 3d sire of ♦Katie Kohhnan 7370 33.10 Nymphsea 5141 }§RI^ Colie 8309 - 18.04 ZiteUa 3d 11,932 }l-9.^^ Lass Edith 6390 17.00 Clytemnestra 3d 5868 , *Myra 3d 6289 16.00 16.00 Bessie S. 5003 - 16.00 Pillpall 16,530 Mafope Sd 11,933 15.11 15.10 Idalene 11,841 }^-SS^ Crust 4775 - 15.07 Purest 13,730 15.04 Paustine 10,354 i^-ii^. Ideal 11,842 \Hl^ Hartwick Belle 7733 14.08 Richness 16,536 - 14.06 Alphetta 16,531 }!-Si^ Bessie Bradford 7369 14.03 Lemena 33,333 U.Qli4 Honey Drop 10,033 St. Nick's Flora 16,195 U.00}4 14.00 3d sire of Little Torment 15,581 Bomba 10,330 - ZitteUa3d 11,933 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 Com 10,504 - Malope Sd 11,933 Niva 7533 Purest 13,730 Nazli 10,337 ■ Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 Forsaken 7530 Marvel 13,734 Smoky 13,733 Renown 13,739 - Ideal Alphea 18,755 Alphea Star 16533 Robinette 7114 *Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 Alpliea Jewel 23,333 4th sire of Lida Mullin 9198 *Pedro Alphea 13,889 Reality 16,537 - Alphea Star 16,532 - Lizzie D. 10,408 23.03K 31.11X 17.08X 16.03 16.03 15.10 15.08 15.04 15.031^ 15.03 15.01 15.01 14.09 14.06 14.06 14.04K 14.01 14.01 14.00 16.08 15.05 15.03X 14.04K 14.00 MERRY ANDREW 719. Son of Monarch of Roxbury 499, and Mirth 92. 1st sire of Merry Bm-lington 7600 15.04 MERRY BOY 61 J. H. B. Son of Stockwell Sd 34 J. H. B. and Eva F. 638 J. H. B. 3d sire of Prize Clementine 10,323 Forget-me-not 5809 Deerfoot Girl 15,329 Energy 33,016 3d sire of *Punchinello 11,875 Lydiaof Libby 11,698 Forsaken 7530 Sweetrock 18,356 Jazel's Maid 11,011 15.13 15.08 15.08 14.05 15.03 15.01 14.11}^ 14.06 4th sire of St. Jeannaise 15,789 Sweet Sixteen 10,683 16.04 14.15 METACOMET 315. Son of Cliffs 390 and Bonnie 369. 3d sii'e of MUkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 METEOR 453. Son, of Cliff 176 and Gilt 1176. 1st sire of Estrella 3831 - 14.12 3d sire of Florry Keep 6556 - 14.14 43 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. MIANTONOMOH 730. Son of Dnke of Wellington 608 and Jura 334. 3d sire of Katie Bashford 15,983 17.00 4th sire of Hillside Gem 16,640 30.00 MICAWBER 4796. Son of Mr. Micawber 556 and Rosa of Lake- side 3d 10,841. 1st sire of Clara of Lakeside 10,837 - 15.00 DoUy of Lakeside 10,834 14.08 3d sire of Clara of Lakeside 10,837 15.00 MILO 590. Son of Lawrence 61 and Motto 80. 1st sire of AUie MiDka 3983 14.06X Cigarette 3849 14.04 Muezzin 3670 14.00 3d sire of Boimie Yost 7943 18.03 Ada Minka 15,563 14.00 MIRABEAU 3800. Son of Broivny 158 J. H. B. and Blossom of the Orange 6958. 1st sire of Variella of Linwood 10,954 14.01 MODESTE'S MAXSE 1093. Son of Maxse 400 and Modeste 3637. 4tli sli-e of Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 MOGUL 533. 3d sire of Mary M. AUison 6308 Rosebud of AJIerton 6353 Leonice 3d 8843 Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 GlendeUa 10,534 Merry Burlington 7600 - Violet of Glencaim 10,331 Queen of Prospect 11,997 - 30.14 19.13 16.08 16.03 15.13 15.04 14.04 14.03 3d sire of Rosebud'of AUerton 6353 - Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.13 19.03 4th sire of Thomdale BeUe 3d 10,459 Mitten 13,368 Alfritha 13,673 Belle Thome 13,369 15.15 15.11 15.08 14.11 MOGUL 568. 3d sii-e of Calendine 9415 Mary of Gilderoy 11,319 17.09 14.04 3d sire of Little Torment 15,581 33.03 MONADNOCK 358. Son of Bashan 146 and Lady Webster 638. 3d sire of Lady Penn 5314 , 16.00 3d sire of Goldthread 4945 16.09 MONARCH 83. 3d sire of Blanche 594 3d sire of lanthe 4563 Gyrene 4th 480 Belle of Middlefield 1516 Arietta 5115 ■ AHoe of Salem 5053 4th sire of Chroma 4573 Pyrola 4566 Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 Silver Bfcse 4753 ■ Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 Zithey 9184 *Nipheta 9180 Princess BeUworth 6801 MONARCH 165. 1st sire of Pansy 603 Helve 4565 Joan d'Arc 3163 4th sire of Nannie Pitch 9148 3d sire of 3d sire of 16.00 19.11 17.01 16.03 15.00 14.08 30.06 18.06 17.08 16.14 16.08 16.07 16.00 15.10>^ 14.00 14.00 16.13K 14.04 MONARCH OP ROXBURY 499. Son of John Le Bas 898 and Nellie 389. 1st sire of Topsey Roxbury 7796 15.00 Audrey 1447 - - 14.00 Merry Burlington 7600 15 04 Clover Top 9910 - 14.00 3d sire of Walkyrie 5708 14.01 MONITOR 878. Son of Rob Roy 17 and Emma 801. 1st sire of Belle Grinnelle 4073 - 18 08 White Clover Leaf 4513 17.15 3d sire of Belle Grinnelle 8d 16,503 14.03 3d sire of GrinneUe Lass 11,859 16 10 Lady Cecilia 34,831 16.01 Prince's Bloom 9739- 14.03 MONMOUTH 310. Son of Earl 81 and Lilac 340. 1st sire of Cyrene 4th 480 17.01 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 43 ad sii-e of 4th sire of Cerlta of Meadowbrook 5056 17.08 Marpetra 10,384 14.06 Pattie Mc 8d 4754 16.08 Therese M. 8364 14.03 3d sire of Beeswax 9807 17.05 MR. GUPPY 993. Busy Bee 6336 - 16.04 Son of Brutus Woodford 703 and Lkdy Blossie Reynolds 6083 16.03K 1775. Charmer 4771 - 14.13 Home Matron 6707 14.00 1st sire of 4th sire of Hazalena's Butterfly 10,133 14.00 Rosebud of AUerton 6353 , - 19.13 Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) - 19.03 MR. MICAWBER 556, Maudine of Elmwood 8718 16.15 1st sire of Alhena 15,995 Nelida 3d 8337 - 16.03 15.03}^ Countess Micawber 1759 16.08 Royal Sister 13,457 14.11 3d sire of Mirtha 3437 17.133^ MONSIEUR 1733. Medrena 3939 Clara of Tiakeside 10,837 17.18 15.00 Son of Vespucius 758 and Madame 1813. DoUy of T,n,keside 10,834 14.08 ■ 1st sire of Woodland Lass 3444 14.00 Azelda 3d 7038 15.03 3d sire of Mink Sd 3890 19.11 MOPSUS 1165. Clara of Lakeside 10,837 15.00 Son of Dolphin 2d 468 and Julie 1674. Richards Mink 3d 4868 Village Maid 7069 4th sire of 14.09 14.00 1st sire of Miss Willie Jones 6918 Paustine 10,354 16.04 14.143^ Mhoon Lady 6560 Julia Evelyn 6007 Medrie Le Brocq 8888 17.03 15.153^ 14.07 3d sire of Marvel 13,734 1.5.01 MR. TOODLES 377. 3d sire of MORLEY 644. Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 31:08 Son of Colonel 643 and Flirt 1633. Nibbette 11,635 ■ 14,07 4th sire of Bet Arlington 8970 18.11 MUCH ADO 3405. Son of Dash of Glastonbury 1959 and Dan' delion 3531. MORSE 847. 1st sire of Son of Vanguard 845 and Cowslip wanda2\l&. of Tona- Ron of Honor 13,610 14.18 Sd sire of MUSIC 118 J. H. B. Plcirinanna 9863 17.05 1 ct; ciT*o nf Vieva3d7648 16.05 Bella Delaiue 10,356 : 14.03 MOSCOW 3303. NAPOLEON 335. Son of Vermont 893 and Magna 5f7i 3541. Son of Major 75 and Brenda 789. 1st sire o^ 3d sire of T,ady Adams 3d 6539 15.03 Judy 691 - 19.00 Mary Clover 9998 14.15 MOTLEY 515. 3d sire of Son of Jack Homer 514 and Meg Merrilies Tilda 3730 15.00 1373. 4th sire of 3d sire of Peggy Leah 3097 18.18 Mink 3d 3890 19.11 Summerline 8001 - 18.06 Olrtibbeha Duchess 4433 17.04 Duchess of Argyle 8758 Topsey K. 33,769 - 14.13 Arawana Poppy 6053 15.03 14,00 Mink 3d 4868 14.09 Adora 18,569 14.03 NAPOLEON 391. 3d sii-e of 1st sire of Mhoon Lady 6560 Ochra 3d 11,516 - 17.03 16.06J^ Gipsey 5th 8353 17.03 Julia, Evelyn 6007 15.153^ 3d sire of Valerie 6044 15.13 Peggy of Staatsburg 3343 14.013^ Dairy C. 13,337 15.01 Daisy of Clermont 3493 14.00 44 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 3d sire of Empress 6th 3303 Goddess of Staatsburg 5253 Celia Belle 5865 4th sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 Lady Adams 3d 6539 Miss Baden Baden 14,760 Queen of De Soto 13,318 *Myra Overall 10,317 17.09M 14.08 14.03 16.09 15.04 15.03 14. 14)^ 14.13 14.00 NAPOLEON Sd 5S7. Son of Major 378 and Europa 558. ' 1st sire of Topsey K. 33,769 14 00 2d sire of Miss Blanche 2515 (10 days) 20.09 NARRAGANSETT 375. Son of Challenger 376 and Flora 3d 979. 3d sire of Polly Clover 7053 16. 15 4th sire of OUe's Lady Teazle 13,307 16. 05 NARRAGANSETT 536. Son of Comet 130 and Diana 261. 3d sire of NeUie Maitland 4450 16.00 NED 30. Son of Shaker 31 and Fanny 73. 3d sire of Myrtle 3d 311 15.13 3d sire of Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 14.01 4th sire of Behneda 6239 18 13 Lida MuUin 9198 - 16.08 Rosabel Hudson 5704 15. is Canto 7194 - 15 is Little Sister 11,666 14. is Lady Ives 3d 6740 14.08 Aroma 8518 - 14 07 Fandango 13,908 14.03 Miami Prize 8100 14 00 Lizzie D. 10,408 14.00 NED 533. 1st sire of Victoria 3175 16.01 3d sire of Gold Lace 10,736 14. 13 4th sire of Gold Mark 10,737 14. 14 NED BOOTH 1508. Son of Arab 245 and Hortense 3739. 3d sire of Alfleda 6744 - 16.04 4th sire of Alfritha 13,673 15.03 NED IVES 3631. Son of Beeswaso 1931 and Lady Ives 1708. 3d sire of Percie 14,937 16.13 NELSON 65 J. H. B. 2d sire of Miss Browny 7288 • 16.13 NELUSEO 479. Son of Rajah 340 and Nelly 55. 1st sire of Belle of Milford 7445 14.07 Magrie May 3255 14. 02 W GUt Edge 3d 4420 14.00 2d sire of Lucky Belle 3d 6037 16.14 Julia Evelyn 6007 15.151^ Valerie 6044 - - 15.13 Duchess Caroline 3d 6039 15.08 Bettie Dixon 4537 15.00 riorry Keep 6556 14. 14 Coronilla 8367 - 14.09 V Pride of the HiU 4877 14. 08 Maggie C. 12,316 11.06 Maggie May 2d 12,936 14.06 Starkville Beauty 4897 14.00 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 Armon 10,863 - 16.13W Mountain Lass 13,931 - 14.09 Gilt Edge C. 12,333 14.03^ Miuide Lee 2d 12,941 14.03 Therese M. 8364 14.03 VivaOia 13,760 14.00 4th sire of Marpetra 11,384 14.06 NEPTUNE 14 J. B. H. Son of Browrt Prince 85 J. H. B. and Fan F. 207 J. H. B. 1st sire of Coomassie 11,874 16.11 3d sire of Princess 2d 8046 46. ISJ^ Ona7840 - - 30.13 ♦Punchinello 11,875 17.11}^ Young Garenne 13,641 17.08 Lady Velveteen 15,771 17.03 Les Cateaux 3d 15,538 16.01 Lady Kingscote 36,085 15. 10 Lady Vertumnus 13,317 14.10 Blonde 3d 9268 - 14.04 La Rouge 12,405 14.02 Daisy Queen 9619 14.00 GaaeUe 15,961 - 14 00 Lady Young 16,688 14.00 4th sire of Oxford Kate 13,646 39.12 Little Torment 15,581 33 021^ Island Stai- 11,876 2l'.03 Daisy Brown 13,303 - 17.06 Princess of Ashantee 13,467 16!o5 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 45 St. Jeannaise 15,789 - 16.04 Mabel of Trinity 13,694 16.03 Desire 9654 - - 16.03 OdeUe Sales 15,564 16.03 Rose of Oxford 13,469 - 15. 14^ Queen of Ashantee 14,554 15.03 Romping Lass 11,031 15.00 AuntybS 13,583 - 14.09 Ada ikinka 15,563 14.00 NEPTUNE 830 J. H. B. Son of Noble 2d 256 J. H. B. and Dora 155 J. H. B. 1st sire of Dora Neptune 30,318 '- S0.00>^ NEPTUNE 843. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Lady Mary 3104. 3d sire of Rosa of Glenmore 3179 - 17. 10 Embla 4799 - 17.08 NEPTUNE OP THE GRANGE 1549. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Jersey of the Grange3807. 4th sire of *Pedro Alphea 13,889 - 15.05 NERO 13. 4th sire of Lottie Rex 18,757 14.04 NERO CHIEF 3951. Son of Pierrot 5th 1665 and Mite 3751. 2d sire of Olie's Lady Teazle 13,307 16.05 NERO CHIEF 4S17. Son of Nero Chief 2951 and Dolly Newell 4254:. 1st sire of Olie's Lady Teazle 12,307 16.05 NESTOR 773. Son of Albert 44 and Lady Mel 429. 2d sire of Louvie3d6159 - - 14.13 NESTOR 1834. Son of Prince John 33 and D. Buck's Glover 30. 1st sire of *BeUe of Bloomfield 4331 2d sire of Rosa Miller 4333 3d sire of Rosa MiUer 4333 - Bloomfield Lady 6912 14.00 - 17.07 17.07 14.13 - NEW WORLD 389. Sire on L of Jersey, dam, Ella 767. 3d sire of Beauty Bismarck 4967 14.01 NIMROD 28. Son ofBeokwith'sBull 29 and Youmg Duchess 41. 3d sire of Medi-ena 3939 17.12 Tiara 4309 17.08 ReneOgden 1568 - 15.00 Kalmia 4561 15.00 4th sire of Jearmette Montgomery 5177 20.00 Saf rano 4568 17.08 KaoU 18,980 17.08 Renalba4117 - 17.04K Mhoon Lady 6560 17.03 Auria 4561. - 16.13 Sflenta 17,^85 15.10 Calypris 5943 15.09X Florry Keep 6556 - Mountain Lass 12,921 14.14 14.09 Bintana 9837 14.03K Erith 4564 14.00 Jule 3640 14.00 Silene 4307 14.00 NIMROD 3d 346. Son ofNimrod 38 and Kitty Clyde 30. 2d sire of T,ara 4306 17.08 3d sire of Jeannette Montgomery 5177 - 20.00 Lutea 4563 16.03 Silenta 17,685 15.10 SUene 4307 14.00 Jule 3640 14.00 4th sire of Jeannie Piatt 6005 14.04 NIOBE DUKE 2364. Son of Jeweler 1385 and Niobe 6tft3516. 2d sire of Thomdale BeUe 3d 10,451 15. 15 Mitten 13,368 15.11 Altritha 13,673 - - 15.03 BeUe Thome 13,369 14. 11 NIOBE GRAND DUKE 4510. Son of Niobe Duke 2364 and Witch Hazel Bd 4875. 1st sire of Thomdale BeUe 3d 10,451 15.15 Mitten 13,368 - 15.11 Alfritha 13,673 - 15.03 BeUe Thome 13,369 14.11 NOBLE 104 J. H. B. Son of Sultan 58 J. H. B. and Handsom^e 265 J. H. B. 1st sire of Regina2d2475 - - 14.08 46 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 3d sii-e of Chrome Skin 7881 - SO. 10 Queen of Delaware 17,039 18.13 Garenne 1575 J. H. B. - 17.08 Cream of Sidney 17,038 - 17.02% Walkyrie 5708 - 14.01 3d sire of *Si]ltane 2d 11,373 23.08 Daisy of St. Peters 18,175 - 20.05}^ Oakland's Cora 18,853 19.09X Eeception 8557 19.08 Queen of Delaware 17,039 18.13 Merry Duchess 13,963 18.09}i Panatella 4778 18.03 Calendine 9415 17.09 Faith of Oaklauds 19,696 17.04 Pear Not 6059 17.03 Brunette Le Gros 9755 15.15 Lucilla Kent 8893 - 15.10 Fan of Grouville 7458 15.00 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 14.14 Cocotte 11,958 - 14.13 Satin Bird 16,380 - 14.10 Daisy of Chenango 18,583 14.07 4th sire of Princess 3d 8046 46.12X Ona7840 - - 20.13 Daisy, of St. Peters 18,175 - 30.053^ Dora Neptune 30,318 30.003^ Oakland's Cora 18,853 19.093^ Floribundus 3d 14.949 18.08 Lactme 10,680 17.01K St. Jeannaise 15,789 16.04 Fear Not 3d 6061 - 16.02 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J. H. B. 16.00 Brunette Le Gros 9755 15.15 Prize Clementine 10,323 15.13 Lucilla Kent 8892 - 15.10 Deerfoot Girl 15,329 15.08 Porget-me-not 5809 - - 15.08 Beauty 17,414 - Jenny Le Brocq 9757 15.00 15.14 Cocotte 11,958 i- 14.13 Cosetta 15,991 14.11 Energy 33,016 14.05 Blonde 3d 9368 14.04 B.allet Girl 18,750 14.01 Daisy Queen 9619 14.00 NONPAKEIL 37 J. H. B. NOBLE 901 (195 J. H. B.). Son of Nohle 104 J. H. B. and Fanny of Babylon 3345. 1st sire of Queen of Delaware 17,039 Cream of Sidney 17,028 Desire 9654 2d sire of Queen of Delaware 17,029 Cream of Sidney 17,028 18.13 17.02>^ 16.03 18.13 NOBLE 3d (356 J. H. B.). Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. and Lily 23 J. H. B. 2d sire of Dora Neptune 20,318 30.003^ S(m, of Orange Peel 139 J. H. B. and Les CateauxF. 487 J. H. B. 3d sire of Young Garenne 13.641 GazeUe 15,961 17.08 14.00 3d sire of Island Star 11,876 - Princess of Ashantee 13.467 Mabel of Trinity 13,694 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 Auntybel 12,582 31.03 16.13 16.03 15.03 14.09 4th sire of *Pendule 2d 16,709 Queen of Ashantee 3d 16,657 16.03 14.033^ NONQUIT 1391. Son of Mitley 515 and Primula 1338. 2d sire of Ochra 2d 11,518 - - 16.063^ NORAJAH 813, Son of Rajah 340 and Nora 434. 1st sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 - 20.04 Arawana Buttercup 6053 15.05 Arawana Poppy 6053 15.02 3d sire of Arawana Queen 5368 16.09 NORMAN 73. 4th sire of Lady Love 2d 2213 16.08 Helen 3556 - 15.09 My Queen 13,614 - 15.08 Del of Willow Farm 33,464 14. 08 Meines 3559 14.00 NORMANDY 1046. Son ofMaah 722 and Mischief 954. 2d sire of Kate Gordon 8387 15. 15 *Myra Overall 10,317 14.00 NORWOOD 1077. Son of Rosa 633 and Norina 1939. 1st sire of Goldthread 4945 16.09 NUTSHELL 739. Son of Neluska 479 and Fanny Ogden 1564. 1st sii-e of Pride of the Hill 4877 14. 08 2d sire of Vivali^ 12,760 ^ 14.00 NUTSHELL, JR., 1500. Son of Nutshell 739 and Guinevere 1484. 1st sire of Vivalia 12,760 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 47 NYE 667. Son, of Monmouth SIC and Niobe 99. 3d sire of Blossie Reynolds 6083 16. 03U Home Matron 6707 14.00 3d sire of Royal Sister 14,457 - - 14.11 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,959 31.03 OAK BLUFFS 908. Son of Monarch of Roixbury 499 and Jenny May 4:73. 1st sire of Caover Top 9910 14.00 OAKLAND 33. Son of Com. Nutt 36 and Cowslip 43. 3d sire of ♦Optima 6715 - 33.11 Romp Ogden 3d 4764 ' 15.05 3d sire of Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 4th sire of Romping Lass 11,031 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 15.00 14.13 OKUBO 1876 Son of Lawrence 61 and Maize 1588. 1st sire of Irene of Short Hills 5737 14.06K "OLD NOBLE" (I. OF J^. 1st sire of Regina33J. H. B. Soucique 68 J. H. B. 3d sire of 30.04 16.00 Regina 4th 13,733 RegiTia, 3d 3475 3d sire of 17.13)^ 14.08 Lisett6 483 J. H. B. Walkyrie 5708 - PiUe de I'Air 3474 16.04 14.01 14.00 4th sire of NeUy 6456 Reception 8557 Garennel575 J.H. B. Fear Not 6059 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J. H. Dairy Pride 6th 31,681 Atricia6039 Regina Sd 3475 Esperanza B. - 31.00 19.08 17.08 17.03 16.00 16.00 15.08 14.08 14.03 ■ OMAHA 483. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Omoo 1347. -1st sire of MetAh's Queen 4886 17.09 Bryant 4193 - 14.08 ONECO 918. Son of Uncos 638 and Toimg 'Fancy 97. 1st sire of Rosabel Hudson 5704 15. 13 ONTARIO 865. Son of Black Imperial 355 and Helen 3180. 1st sire of Maple Leaf 4768 Sd sire of Oak Leaf 4769 3d sire of Bet Arlington 8970 Euphorbia 11,339 4th sire of *Lenoreisa 16,333 - Gardioier's Ripple 11,693 Countess Queen 13,519 Countess Lowndes 36,874 Litty 8017 14.13 17.10 18.11 14.09K 31.00 19.13K 18.03 17.08 14.00 OPTIMUS 1607. Son of Sir Charles 131 and Carrie 3894. 1st sire of Warren's Duchess 4633 - 16.01 3d sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 • 19.04 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 14.07 3d sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 17.08 ORANG-E BUD 3978. Son of Orange Skin 1316 and Brown Gip- sey ad 5095. Sd sire of Corn 10,504 16.03 ORANGE PEEL 503 (139 J. H. B.) Son of Clement 115 (61 J. H. B.) and Cow- slip 330 J. E. B. 1st sire of Lustre 3061 15.08^ 3d sire of Daisy Pride 4th 531 J. H. B. 16.00 Daisy Pride 6th 31,680 16.00 Rose of Oxford 13,569 15. 14K Atricia6039 - 15.03 RoseS587 J. H. B. 14.10 GUda 3779 - 14.06 3d sire of Rosa of BeUe Vue 6954 18. 07J^ Young Garenne 13,641 17.08 MaryJane of Belle Vue 6956 17.07 Viva Le Brocq 13,703 17. 07 Gold Trinket 9518 - 16.03 Lilly of Burr Oaks 11,001 15.13 Belle Dame Sd 33,043 15.03 Grace Peich 8S91 •- - . 15.00 Caroline 13,019 - 14.08 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.05 Gazelle 15,961 14.00 . Lizzie 0. 7713 - 14.00 Carlo's Fanny 14,951 14.00 4th sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 31.08 Island Star 16,876 - - S1.03 Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 Mabel of Trinity 13,694 - 16.03 48 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Countess Gasela 9571 - 15.11 ORION 355. NeUda II. 8117 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 15.03X 15.03 Son of Junius 304 and Kitty Clyde 30. 3d sire of Naomi's Pride 16,745 15.03 Auntybel 13,583 - 14.09 Dom Pedro's Julian 8638 16.00 Bella Delaine 10,356 14.03 ORLEANS 533. ORANGE PEEL 864. Son of Warwick 364 and Daisy 656. Isfc sire of 1st sire of Valtna HofEman 4500 31. 09 Stanstead BeUe 4709 14. 11>^ 3d sire of ORLOFF 3143. Leonice 3d 8843 - 16.08 Son of Lord lAsgar 1060 and Ophelie 493. 3d sire of 1st sire of Nelida 3d 8337 15.033^ Carrie Pogis 33,568 15.09 ORANGE PEEL 3d 36 J. H. B. 3d sire of Niobe of St. Lambert 13,969 31.09^ Son of Orange Peel 139 J. H, B. Rose of St. Lambert 30,436 S1.03J^ 3d sire of Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 Rosa of Belle Vue 6954 - 18.07J^ Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956 Gold Trinket 9518 17.07 16.03 ORPHAN 891. Caroline 13,019 14.08 Son of Napoleon 391 and Olive 763. 3d sire of 1st sire of Countess Gasela 9571 15.11 Peggy of Staatsburg 3343 14.01>^ Naomi's Pride 16,745 15.03 BeUa Delaine 10,356 14.03 OSCAR 98. 4th sire of Son of Com/as 54 and Fawny 180. Corn 10,504 16.03 3d sire of Cornucopia 3414 15.13 ORANGE SKIN 19 J. H B. Son of Noble 104 J. H. B. and Longueville Queen 373 J. 3. B. OSSIPEE 679. Son ofBashan 146 and Islip 1764. 3d sire of 3d sire of *Sultane Sd 11,373 33.08 Lady Penn 5314 16.00 MeiTV Duchess 13,693 }§-S§^ PanatiUa 4778 18.03 OTHELLO 1114. 3d sire of Son of Tally Ho 880 and Theodora 1896. Cosetta 15,991 14.11 1st sire of ORANGE SKIN 1316 (337 J. H. B.). Dark Cloud 9364 15.03X Son of Orange Peel 2d 36 J. H. B. and Gloria 3144. OURI 3916. 1st sire of Son of Champion of America 1567 and ' Kate Nickleby 3100. Gold Trinket 9518 16.03 . 3d sire of 3d sire of ITaomi's Pride 16,745 15.03 Hillside Gem 16,640 30.00 Bella Delaine 10,356 14.03 3d sire of OXOLI 1933. Com 10,504 16.03 .Son of St. Helier 45 and Pyrola 4566 1st sire of ORAWAMPUM 3833. VoUe 19,465 - 18.01 Son of Tmnmy Grey 10,099 and Carrie 7th Kaoli 18,980 17.08 Zithey 9184 16.07 3016. Lesbie 9179 - 16.03 _ 1st sire of *Nipheta 9180 - 16.00 Corn 10,504 16.03 Reruni9181 14. 10^ Bintana9837 - - - 14.033| ORI 4386. Taglioni 9183 - 14.01 Son of Oxoli 1933 and Chenie 4570. Sd sire of 1st sire of Trudie 17,770 - 14.10 Plamant 11,370 14.03 Queen of Chenango 17,771 14.06 Flamant 11,370 . 14.03 3d sire of 3d sire of Trudie 17,770 14.10 Trudie 17,770 14.10 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 49 PADDY 899. 3d sire of 1st sire of Blanche 594 16.00 Cherry 3d (unreg.) 19.04K 3d sire of Sd sire of Value Sd 6844 25.03ii Cream of Sidney 17,028 3d sire of 17.08M lanthe 4562 Vixen 7591 19.11 17.06 Oktibbeha Durhess 4422 17.04 Queen of Delaware 17,039 18.13 Lucky BeUe 2d 6037 16.14 *PulsatiUa 7557 16.03 PADDY WILSON 3084. Maggie May 3355 14.03J^ Son of Bumside 3d 2838 and Lilao Hanmer 4382. 4th sire of Value 2d 6844 SS.OSii 1st sire of ♦Optima 6715 Tenella 6713 33.11 33.011^ Lady BidweU 10,303 15.12 Croton Maid 5305 Sl.llJ^ Chroma 4573 20.06 PADISHA 1623. Roonan 5133 18.13 Son of Rajah 340 and Grisette 596. Pyrola 4566 Jersey Cream 3151 18.06 17.00 1st sire of Valhalla 5300 17. CO Pet Lee 7993 14.13 Silver Rose 4753 16.14 Zithey 9184 16.07 T^ A i^ A TfcT '^ C\^\l~^ BeUe of Patterson 5664 16.06 PAGAN 1800. Urbana 5597 16.00 Son of Toung Pilgrim 302 and Eye Bright *Nipheta 9180 16.00 1331. Kate Gordon 8387 15.15 Sd sire of CEnone 8614 15.14 Edwina 6713 15.13 Bet Arlington 8970 18.11 Valerie 6044 15.13 3d sire of *Filbert 3630 15.13 Countess Queen 13,519 Litty 8017 18.03 14.00 Fanny Taylor 6714 Aldarine 5301 Olie 4133 15.12 15.01X 1500 4th sire of Maggie C. 13 316 Maggie May 3d 12.926 14.06 ♦Lenoreisa 16,233 31.00 14.06 Kate Daisy 8204 14.04 Litza6338 - 14.03 PAN 110. Variella of T,itiwood 10,954 14.01 Son of John Brown 67 and Pansy Sd S59 Creamer 2467 14.01 3d sire of Pixie 4115 14.00 Negress 7651 - 14.00 4.tli sire of PATERSON 4th 3400. *Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 17.08 Son of Pater son 11 and Sue 2d 65. Thoi-ndale Belle 5265 14.08 3d sire of Value 3d 6844 35.03iJ PANSY 184 J. H. B. 1st sire of PEDRO 3187. Queen of the North 17,973 14.00 Son of Domino of Darlington 2459 and Premium of Darlington 5572. PARTISAN S35. 1st sire of Son of Pluto 233 andPotowomut 1337. ♦Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 3d sire of Mirth's Blanche 19,573 17.13>^ PEQUABOC CHIEF 3662 Son of Wethersfield 966 and Mary Good- PASHA 64 J. H. B. enough 3068. Son of Rattler 30 J. B. B. 3d sire of 1st sii-e of OUe's Lady Teazle 12,307 16.05 Regina 4th 13,732 17.13>< 3d sire of Faultless 13,018 17.05K *Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 3d sire of FiUpail 16,530 15.11 PERSEUS 633. Son of Athol 631 and Diana 3d 499. PATERSON 11. 3d sire of Son of St. Clement 10, dam imported. TJrbana 5597 16.00 1st sire of 3d sire of CowsUp 5th 849 15.04 Com 10,504 16.00 50 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 4th sire of PICKWICK 3985. Corn 10,504 16.08 Son ofJascm of Deerfoot 1636, and Villette PERTINATTI 713. 3d sire of Son of Pilot, Jr., 141 and Pert 110. Percie 14,937 16.18 1st pire of , Beauty Renalba 4117 - 30.15 PHILIP SHERIDAN 984 17.04K Son of Living Storm 173 and Belle 1335. Romp Ogden 3d 4764 15.05 1st sire of Pixie 4115 14.00 *Churohill's Betsey 4105 14.00 3d sire of 3d sire of Roonnn 5133 - Leoni 11,868 18.13 18.03 Webster's Pet 4103 14.03 Boimie Tost 7943 - 18.03 4th sire of Dudu of T.inwood 8336 16.15 La Pera 8d 13,404 14.08 Kate Gordon 8387 15.15 Kate Daisy 8304 14.04 Lucetta 6856 14.03 3d sire of PIERCE'S DOM PEDRO 4373. Daisy Brown 13,313 Dora Boon 13,909 17.06 15.00 Son of Tarquin 750 and Sunbeam 393. Fall Leaf 8587 14.08 1st sire of Adora 18,569 14.03 Bohemian Gipsey 17,453 14.11 PERTINAX 1965. PIERROT 636. Son of Pertinatti 713 and Roxana 1761. 1st sire of 1st sire of *BeUe of Saybrook 6875 ^.^Al¥ Kate Gordon 8387 15.15 Elsie Brown 4031 Geranium 3963 14.06X 14.00 PETERKIN 3451. 3d sire of Son of King of Fairview 778 and Jersey *Mary Walker 11,303 Colt's La Biche 6399 18.13 17.03V Cream 3151. PoUy Clover 7058 16.15 1st sire of Pierrot's T,ady Bacon 18,488 16.10 Katie Bashford 15,983 17.00 Hattie Douglass 84,960 - T,ady Cecelia 34,881 16.05 16.01 3d sire of PieiTot's Picture 13,481 16.00 Hillside Gem 16,640 80.00 Mineolaof Ehnarch8389 - 15.15 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,673 15.13 PETER NORMAN 1338. Fanny Taylor 6714 - Julia Walker 10.133 15.13 15.13 Son of Yankee 1003 and Princess of Nor- Lady Hayes 10,136 15.13 mandy 3190. Canto 7194 15.13 Qrl sire of Palestina 4644 15.08 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15.04 Princess of Mansfield 8070 Bellini's Maid 15,170 15.03 15.01V Little Sister 11,666 14.13 PHAROS 3558. New London Gipsey 11,667 , 14.08 3d sire of Jennie of the Vale 9553 - 14.06>^ BeUe of Scituate 7977 T*ss of Scituate 9555 16.00 15.14 Palestine's Last Daughter 13,603 Lady Fanning 11,169 Rosy Kate 10,376 - 14.06 14.06 14.03 3d sire of Queen Fannie 10,375 14.03 Minnie of Scituate 17,889 14.041^ Rarity 3d 7734 14.03 Pierrot's Countess 13,480 14.00 PHAROS, JR., 3681. 3d sire of Son of Pharos 3553 and Blonde 378. Belmeda 6339 18.18 1st sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13,193 18.08 Kitty Potter 9893 18.05 Lass of Scituate 9555 15.14 Percie 14,937 - 16.13 8d sire of Pierrot's Lady Bacon 18,483 16.10 Minnie of Scituate 17,889 14.04X Lida MuUin 9198 Lady Cecelia 34,831 16.08 , 16.01 Pierrot's Picture 13,483 16.00 PHENOMENON 1147. Lady Hayes 10jl36 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,673 15.13 Son of F^celsior of Jersey 949 and Tilly 15.13 8408. BeUini's La Biche 15,091 14.14}< Yellonr Locust 10,679 14.10K 3d sire of Aroma 8518 14.07 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14.50 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06K BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 51 Rosy Kate 10,876 14.04 Uzzie D. 10,408 - 14.00 Pierrot's Countess 12,480 - 14.00 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 Rosy Kate's Rex 13, 193 18. 08 OWs Lady Teazle 13,307 16.05 PIERROT 3d 1669 Son of Pierrot 636 and Dainty 796. 1st sire of *Mary Walker 1 1,303 18. 13 JuHa Walker 10,133 15. 13 Palestina 4644 - - 15.08 Princess of Mansaeld 8070 15. 03 Little Sister 11,666 - - 14.13 New London Gipsey 11,667 14.08 Rosy Kate 10,376 14.04 Queen Fannie 10,375 14.03 3d sire of Belnieda6329 - - 18.13 Rosy Kate's Rex 13,198 - 18.08 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 12,483 16. 10 Lida Mullin 9198 - - 16.08 Pierrot's Picture 13,481 16.00 Lady Hayes 10,136 - - 15.13 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,673 15. 13 Aroma 8518 - - 14.07 Rosy Kate 10,276 14.04 Lizzie D. 10,408 - 14.00 Pierrot's Countess 13,480 14.00 3d sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13, 193 18. 08 PIERROT 5th 1665. Son of Pierrot 636 and Eugenie 2d 1623. 3d sire of OUe's Lady Teazle 13,307 - 16.05 PIERROT 7th 1667. Son of Pierrot 636 and Pet 811. 1st sire of Pierrot's Lady Bacon 12,483 16. 10 Pierrot's Picture 13,481 - 16.00 Lady Hayes 10,136 - 15.13 Pienet's Lady Hayes- 11,673 - 15.13 Palestine's Last Daughter 13,603 - 14.06 Lady Panning 11,169 - ■ 14.06 Pierrot's Countess 12,480 14.00 PILOT 3. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Juno 130. 2d sire of Silver Rose 4753 - 16.14 Thisbe607 15.12 3d sire of TMsbe2d2301 ReDalba_4117 - ChamomiUa 7553 - Lutea 4563 Romp Ogden 2d 4764 BeUe of Vermillion 8798 Kalmia 4561 + Woodland Margaret 6315 Opaline 7590 - Adina 1942 Pixie 4115 - 19.01X 17.041^ 16.10 16.03 15.05 ;15.03 15.00 14.10K 14.10 14.04 14.00 4th sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 ' 30.14 Roonan5133- - 18.12 Mollie Garfield 13, 173 18. 07 Leoni 11,868 - 18.03 Bonnie Yost 7943 18.03 KaoU 18.980 - 17.08 Safrano 4568 - 17.08 Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 17.08 Renalba4117- - ]7.04J^ Princess Moster 9700 17. 03 Dudu of Linwood 8336 16.15 Auria4561 - 16.13 Pattie Mc 3d 4754 16.08 Gossip 6165 16.07 Urbana 5597 - 16.00 Kate Gordon 8387 15. 15 Cenie WaUaoe 3d 6557 15.041^ BelUni's Maid 15,170 - 15.01>f Bellini's La Biche 15,091 14. 143^ Plorry Keep 6556 14. 14 Magnibel 7976 14.12 Charmer 4771 - 14.12 Mountain Lass 13,931 14.09 Epig8ea4631 - - 14.07 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06J^ Jaquenetta 10,958 14.06 Bintana 9837 - - 14.0B>^ Gem of Sassafras 8434 14. OZ^ Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 Lucetta 6856 - - 14.03 Queen of Prospect 11,997 14.03 Bathsh6ba2556 - 14.01 Ehnora Mostar 15,955 14.00 Brith4564 14.00 PILOT 57. Sife on I. of Jersey, dam Commerce 84. 3d sire of 18.00 16.00 4th sire of 14.05 14.03 14.00 Zampa 3194 Haddie 931 Memento 1913 Celia BeUe 5865 Muezzin 3670 - Naomi Cramer 8638 14.00 PILOT 183 J. H. B. Son of Khedive 103 J. H. B. 1st sire of Oxford Kate 13,646 - - 39.13 PILOT 3549. Son of Dick Swiveller 376 and Nellie 7825. 3d sire of Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838 25. 03 Dolly of Lakeside 10,824 14.08 3d su-e of Jersey BeUe of Scituate 7838 35.03 BeUe of Scituate 7977 16.00 Lass of Scituate 9555 - 15. 14 Clara of Lakeside 10,837 15.00 DoUy of Lakeside 10,834 14.08 Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.04% 4th sire of BeUe of Scituate 7977 16.00 f Lass of Scituate 9555 15. 14 Clara of Lakeside 10,887 15.00 Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.04% 52 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. PILOT BOY 488. Son of Pilot 3 and Marigold 840. 3d sire of Chamonulla 7553 - 16.10 Belle of Vermillion 8798 15.03 Adina 1943 14.04 3d sire of Mollie Garfield 13,173 18.07 Renalba4117 - - 17.04X Princess Mostar 9700 17.03 Bellini's Maid 15,170 - 15.01^ Bellini's La Biohe 15,091 14. 14^ Magnibel7976 - - 14.13 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06>^ Lillian Mostar 10,364 14.03 Elmora Mosiai- 15,955 - 14.00 PILOT, JR., 141. Son of Pilot 8 and Jenny 387. 1st sire of Silver Rose 4753 Sd sire of Renalba 4117 Romp Ogden Sd 4764 ♦Woodland Margaret 6315 Opaline 7590 - Pme 4115 3d sire of Roonan 5133 Leoni 11,868 Bonnie Yost 7943 - Dudu of Linwood 8336 Kate Gordon 8387 Jaquenetta 10,958 (Jem of Sassafras 8434 Lucetta 6856 4th sire of "Wakena 19,721 Dora Doon 13,909 FaU Leaf 8587 Adora 18,569 16.14 17.04}^ 15.05 14.10Ji 14.10 14.00 18.13 18.03 18.03 16.15 15.15 14.06 14.03K 14.03 16.00 15.00 14.08 14.03 PINE CLIFF 1106. Scmo/CTiJf 176 and St. Catherine 408. 1st sire of St. Perpetua 3d 5557 14.00 2d sire of RamiUy 17,075 - 14.00 PIONEER 368. Son of Potomac 153 and Candour 335. 4th sire of Armon 10,863 16.13)^ Aaelda 3d 7033 15.03 PISTOL 53. Son of Bill 50 and Fanny 44. 3d sire of Mirtha3437 - 17.13X Mirth's Blanche 19,573 17.13X S4th sire of liady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 Merry Burlington 7600 - 15 04 PLANET 1130. Son of Mack 733 and Maiden 1464. 3d sire of Armon 10,863 16.13)^ PLUTO 33a Son of lAndo 233 and Primrose 563. 3d sire of Mirth's Blanche 19,572 17. 13)^ POPE 738. Son of Bronx Bashaw 145, and Jude 1030. 3d sire of Nellie Gray of Clermont 10,905 14.01 I POTOMAC 153. Son of Com/us 54 and Clara 148. 1st sire of Nellie 1507 3d sire of Beulah of Baltimore 3270 3d sire of Cyrene4th480 Ochra 3d 11,516 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5390 Buttery 3503 Miami Prize 8100 4th sire of Conover's Beauty 12,650 Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 Maudine of Ehnwood 8718 Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 - Lily of Maple Grove 5079 Glendelia 10,534 Fancy Juno 6086 Oitz 8649 Alice of the Meadows 30,748 Gold Pi-incess 8809 Litza 6338 Buttery 3503 Pixie 4115 PREMIUM 7. 3d sire of Princess of Mansfiel d 8070 New London Gipsey 11,667 St. Nick's Flora 16,195 4th sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 13,483 14.03 14.06>^ 17.01 16.06W 14.07 14.01 14.00 18.00 17.08 16.15 16.08 16.03 15.13 15.10 15.01 14.13 14.13 14.03 14.01 14.00 15.03 14.08 14.00 16.13 16.10 PRIDE OF THE ISLAND 5416. 1st sire of Lenoreisa 16,333 - 31.00 Island Dots 17,003 14.09 PRINCE 55. Son of Commadore 56 and Duchess 83. 1st sire of Grace 3d 919 30.00 Oxalis606 - - . 15.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 58 3d sire of Reckless 3569 17.08 Haddie 931 - 16.00 *Belle of Inda 3867 15.013.^ OxaUs ad 15,631 Memento 1913 15.00 14.05 3d sire of Mirtha3437 - - 17.131^ Mirth's Blanche 19,593 17.13K Rosa of Glemnore 3179 17.10 Embla 4799 17.08 Reckless 3569 17.08 *Dora 0. 11,703 - 17.03 Allie Minka 3983 - 14.06K Maggie May 3d 13,936 14.06 Memento 1913 14.05 Cigarette 3849 14.04 Muezzin 3670 14.00 Naomi Cramer 8638 14.00 4th sire of MaryM. Allison 6308 30.14 *Miskwa 15,473 - 19.06 Bonnie Yost 7943 - 18.03 Mirth's Blanche 19,593 - 17.13K Plorinanna 9863 17.05 *Dora 0. 11,703 - 17.03 Urbana5597 - 16.00 Merry Burlington 7600 15.04 Dark Cloud 9364 15.033^ Allie Minka 3983 14.061^ Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 14.06 Cigarette 3849 - 14.04 Ada Minka 15,563 14.00 PRINCE 130. Son ot Dick 118 and Nellie Ely 336. 4th sire of Lady Alice of HiUcrest 7450 16.03 Gray Therese 5332 16.00 PRINCE 155 J. H. B. 3d sire of Royal Princess Sd 13,346 17.13 PRINCE 463. Son of Splendid 3 and Hebe 183. 3d sire of Dimple 3348 16.11 4th sire of 15.07 14.031^ Orphean 4636 Gem of Sassafras 3434 - PRINCE ALBERT 36. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Jewess 319. 4th sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 PRINCE ALBERT 119. 3d sire of Countess of Warren 3896 14.00 3d sire of Jo 5th 380 - - 17.08 Warren's Duchess 4633 - . 16.01 Monmouth Duchess 3895 14.07 4th sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 19.04 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 16.00 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 - 14.07 PRINCE CHARLES 816. Son of Prince 55 and Clara 148. 3d sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 30. 14 ■i^Miskwa 15,473 19.06 *Dora O. 11,703 17.03 Dark Cloud 9364 - 15.03^ Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 14.06 PRINCE JOHN 33. Son of St. Clement 10, dam imported. 3d sire of *BeUe of Bloomfleld 4331 14.00 3d sire of White Clover Leaf 4513 17. 15 Rosa Miller 4333 17.07 Nellie 1507 - 14.03 Lady Brown 433 14.00 *SutIiff's Rosy 4104 14. 00 4th sire of *Optmia6715 83.11 Hepsy Sd 13,008 17.08 Rosa Miller 4333 17.07 Cyrene 4th 480 17.01 Silver Rose 4753 16.14 Myrtle 3d 311 - 15.13 Romp Ogden 3d 4764 15. 05 Arietta 5115 - 15.00 Lady Brown 4th 6911 14. 13 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 1 3 Bloomfleld Lady 6912 14. 13 Beulah of Baltimore 3370 14.06^ Lobelia 3d' 6650 - 14.06 Beauty Bismarck 4967 - 14.01 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 *Churchill's Betsey 4105 14.00 PRINCE OF CROTON 3490. Son of Tocsin 1913 and Glendelia 4436. 1st sire of Princes' Bloom 9739 - 14.03 3d sire of GrinneUe Lass 11,859 16.10 PRINCE OF JERSEY 66. 3d sire of Bounty 1606 - - 14.00 4th sire of Lady Mel 3d 1795 31.00 Thisbe 2d 3301 19.01J^ Jo 5th 280 - - 17.08 Champion Chloe 13,355 15.053^ Bounij^ 1606 14.00 Lady Brown 433 14.00 *Bonmari 7019 - 14.00 ♦Allen's Fawnette 3733 - 14.00 ♦Brightness 3311 - - 14.00 Silver Belle 4313 - 14.00 54 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. PRINCE OF ROSE CROIX 1893. Son of Fairfax 530 and Minnie 398. 3d sire of *Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 PRINCE OP ORANGE 184. Son of Saturn 94 and Daisy 440. 3d sire of Mamie Cobum 3798 17.08 Pet Anna 1608 14.00 4th sire of "Welma5943 - 17.08 Elinor Wells 13,068 14.00 PRINCE OF SIDNEY 2665. Son of Noble 901 and Dahlia of Babylon 3346. 1st sire of Daisy of Chenango 18,583 14.07 PRINCE OF THE VALLEY 88 J. H. B. Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. and Queen of the Valley 740 J. H. B. 1st sire of Faith of Oaklauds 19,696 17.04 PRINCE OF WALES, I. OF J. Son of " Old Noble " and Duchess 34 J. H. B. Sd sire of LLsefcte 483 J. H. B 16.04 Jeanne Le Bas 3476 , 15.08 Fills de I'Air 3474 14.00 3d sire of Nelly 6456 - 31.00 Garenne 1575 J. H. B. 17.08 Fear Not 6059 - - 17.03 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J. H. B. 16.00 Dairy Pride 6th 31681 16.00 Atricia 6039 - 15.03 Queen of Ashantee 14,554 15.03 Regina 3d 3475 14.08 Esperanza 14.03 4th sire of Nancy Lee 7618 - S6.08K Chrome Skin 7881 - 30.10 ' Queen of Delaware 17,039 18. 13 Butter Star 7799 18.041< Regina 4th 13,733 17.13K Faultless 13,018 - 17.05K Faith of Oaklands 19,696 17.04 Fear Not 6059 - 17.03 Cream of Sidney 17,038 17.03M Fear Not 3d 6061 - 16.03 liUciUa Kent 8893 - 15.10 Maid of Fivd Oaks 7178 15.04 Fan of GrouviUe 7458 15 00 Walkyrie 5708 14.01 PRINCE OF WARREN 1513 Son of Southampton 117 and Golddrop 333. 1st sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 - 19.04 ConoTer's Beauty- 13, 650 18. 00 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 - - 16.00 Glendelia 10,534 - Mary of Bear Lake 6171 15.13 14.07 3d sire of Countess Lowndes 36,874 Witch Hazel 4th 6131 17.08 15.05>^ PRIOR 349. Son of Commodore 56 and Milly 536. 1st sire of Heartsease 503 15.00 3d sire of Pansy 603 - 14.00 3d sii-e of Reckless 3569 Helve 4565 17.08 14.00 4th sire of Joan d' Arc 3163 - Willis Sd 4461 Lebanon Daughter 6106 Lebanon Lass 6108 - 16.13)^ 16.03 14.04 14.03 PRIZE DXJKE 943. Son. of Clive 319 and Jersey Prize 1367. 3d sire of Fancv Juno 6086 15. 10 Oitz 8649 15.01 3d sire of Lady Cloud 19,358 16.10 PROGRESS 386 J. H. B. 1st sire of Beauty Romereil 36,090 18.09 PROXY 1714. Son of Pertinatti 713 and Roxana 1761. 3d sire of Fall Leaf 8587 - 14.08 Adora 18,569 - 14.03 PULASKI 1933. Son of John illen 1494 and Lady Orton 3667. Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14. 13 PURITANI 2375. Son of Barney 1491 and Milkmaid 3(i5176. 1st sire of Jeannette Montgomery 5177 30.00 QUAKER 887. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam, Queen of Staatsburg 3334. 3d sire of Siloam 17,633 - 18.10 Almah of Oakland 11,103 - 16 14 Kate Gordon 8387 - 15.15 Lady Adam 3d 6539 - 15.03 *Myra Overall 10,317 14.00 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 55 QUOGTJE 690. Son ofMonadnock 258 and Frisky 1470. 1st sire of Lady Penn 5314 16.00 Sd sire of Gtoldthread 4945 - 16.09 RAGHORN 175. . Son of Splendid 2 and Rose 394. 1st sire of Lady Ires 1708 18.00 2d sire of Lady Ives 3d 6740 - *BeUe of Bloomfield 4331 3d sire of Rosa MiUer 4333 Louvie 3d 6159 Kate Baisy 8304 4th sire of Rosa Mmer 4833 Percie 14,937 Albena 15,995 CEnone 8614 Bloomfield Lady 6912 Oonanl485 - Pautnie 1S71 Spirea 3915 Cbral 3707 RAJAH 340. 1st sire of 2d sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 Roonan 5133 Mamie Cobum 3798 Odelle Sales 15,564 Callie Nan 7959 Arawana Buttercup 6053 Arawaua Poppy 6053 Bellini's Maid 15,170 *Belle of Lida 3867 - Bellini's La Biohe 15,091 Pet Lee 7993 - Pride of the Hill 4877 Enid 2d 10,782 ♦Belle of Milf ord 7445 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 - Rose of Hillside 3866 - Maggie May 3255 Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 GUt Edge 3d 4420 ♦Ramily 17,075 3d sire of Dudu of Linwood 8336 Lucky Belle 6037 Arawana Queen 5368 Julia Evelyn 6007 Valerie 6044 - Calypris 5943 - Duchess Caroline 3d 6041 Bettie Dixon 4527 Cosetta 15,991 Coronilla 8367 - Prideof the Hill 4877 Maggie May 3d 12,926 Maggie C. 13,316 Walkyrie 5708 14.03 14.00 17.07 14.13 14.04 17.07 16.12 16.08 15.14 14.13 33.03X 15.06 14.00 14.00 20.04 18.12 17.08 16.03 16.03 15.05 15.03 15.011^ 15.013^ 14.14J^ 14.13 14.08 14.07X 14.07 14.06X 14.03X 14.03 14.01 14.00 14.00 16.15 j 16.14 16.09 15.15X 15.13 15.0 15.08 15.00 14.11 14 09K 14.08 14.06 14.06 14.01 Starkville Beauty 4897 - 14.00 VivaUa 13,760 - ■ - 14.00 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.08 Calendine 9415 17.09 Armon 10,863 - 16.13}^ Favorite's Rajah Rex 1^,153 15.00 Dora Doon 13,909 - 15.00 Mountain Lass 13,931 14.09 Gilt Edge C. 13,323 - 14.03i^ Minnie Lee 3d 13,941 - 14.03 Therese M. 8364 14.03 Vivalia 12,760 14.00 La Rosa 10,078 - 14.00 . RALPH 957. Son of St. Helier 45 and Ihi 671. 1st sire of Mhoon Lady 6560 - - 17.03 Cenie Wallace 2d 6557 15.04^ Florry Keep 6556 14. 14 RALPH GUILD 1917. Son of Planet 1130 and Myce 18.10. 3d sire of Armon 10,862 16.133^ RAMBLER OF ST. LAMBERT 5385. Son of Stoke Pogis Bd 3338 and Bessy of St. Lambert 5483. 1st sire of Rose of St. Lambert 30,436 30.083^ Rioter's Ruth 14,883 14.13 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 RAMCHUNDER 718. Son of Rajah 340 and Nelly 55. 1st sire of Mamie Coburn 3798 ^ - 17.08 , BeUe of Inda 3867 - - 15.013^ Rose of Hillside 3866 ^ 14.03J^ 3d sire of La Rosa 10,078 - 14.00 RANGER 1331. Son of Rival 395 and Rachel 1056. , 1st sire of Mhoon Lady 6560 17.03 Cenie Wallace 3d 6557 15.04)^ Florry Keep 6556 14. 14 RATTLER 30 J. H. B. 3d sire of Regina 4th 12,732 - 17.13>^ PaSltless 12,018 17.05^ 3d sire of Pillpail 16,530 15.11 ' RECTOR 1458. Son of Pertinatti 713 and Rotmna 2d 3532. 1st sii-eof Bonnie Yost 7943 - 18.02 Leoni 11,868 18.03 56 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Dudu of Linwood 8336 Lucetta 6856 - 16.15 14.03 Sd sire of Dora Doon 13,909 15.00 RED CLOUD 539. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Corona 1159. 3d sire of Fancy Juno 6086 15. 10 3d sire of Judith Coleman 11,891 - 17.05 Lady Cloud 19,358 16. 10 AlephJudea 11,389 15.01% RED CLOUD 3d 3360. Son i>f Red Cloud 539 and Famosa 1364. 1st sire of Fancy Juno 6086 15. 10 3d sire of Judith Coleman 11,391 17.05 Lady Cloud 19,358 16.10 Aleph Judea 11,389 15.013^ RED KNIGHT 666. ' Son of Orange Peel 139 J. H. B. and Ber gerette 3711 (303 J. H. B.) 3d sire of Charmer 4771 14.13 3d sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.02 Nelida3d8337 - - 15.03}^ REEFER 309. Son of Commodore 56 and Gazelle 187. 4th sire of *Dora 0. 11,703 17.03 REINDEER 1194. Son of Waterbury 1155 and Snowflakes 1004. 3d sire of Hepsy 3d 13,008 - 17.08 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 3d sire of Kitty Potter 9893 18.05 BeURex 11,700 14.10 RELIEF 150. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Charity 330. 4th sire of Alice of Salem 5053 .14.08 REMARKABLE 339 J. H. B. Son of Orange Pea 2d 36 J. H. B. 1st sire of Rosa of Belle Vue 6954 - 18.07V Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956 17. 07 Caroline 13,019 14.08 3d sire of Countess Gasela 9571 - 15.11 RENO 563. Son of Rajah 340 and Renella 63. 3d sire of Calypris 5943 15.09"^ REVENUE 1744. Son of Ben Rajah 795 and Regina 2d 2475. 1st sire of Calendine 9415 17 09 Cosetta 15,991 14.11 REWARD 190. Son of Commodore 56 and Faith 78. 3d sire of Eureka McHenry 8341 14.00 REX 71 J. H. B. Son of Orange Skin 19 J. H. B. and Reoina 33 J. H. B. 1st sire of *Sultane 3d 11,373 Merry Duchess 13,693 REX 1330. Son of Colt, Jr., 835 and Couch's 1st sire of Arawana Queen 5368 - ■" Princess BeUworth 6801 -" Usilda3d6137 - - -— ■_ Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 — " Louvie 3d 6159 - "?"" Bell Rex 11,700 Princess Rose 6S49 Lottie Rex 18,757 Jeannie Piatt 6005 Pet Rex 20,166 Hepsy 3d 13,008 .-^> I 3d sire of Rosy Kate's Rex 13,193 Maggie Rex 38.633 Elsie Lane 13,303 ;^ 3d sire of .: Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 33.08 18.09)^ Lily 3237. •^ 16.09 ^15.10>^ 15.031^ - 15.00 14.13 14.10 14.08 14.04 14.04 ' s 14.03« :" 14.00 18.08 17.00X 15.13 16.03 i RHODES' BULL 834. Sire one of J. T. Norton's bulls, dam Stanley Cow 3053. 3d sire of Maggie 3d 3331 17.08 3d sire of Maggie Rex 38,363 17. OOirf Chloe Beach 3931 14.08 4th sire of Hepsy 3d 13,008 - 17.08 Arawana Queen 5368 16.09 Princess BeUworth 680 1 15. 10}^ Arawana Buttercup 6053 - 15 05 Usilda3d6157 - - 15.03^ Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 Louvie 3d 6159 - 14 13 Bell Rex 11,700 1410 Princess Rose 6349 14 08 Chloe Beach 3931 1408 Lottie Rex 19,757 14.04 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 57 Jeaimie Piatt 6005 Pet Rex 30,166 14.04 14.08)^ RICHMOND 19. Son of Splendid 2 and Meg 838. 4th sire of Mollie Garfield 18,173 18.07 Lara 4306 - - 17.08 Renalba4117 - 17.04K Bellini's Maid 15,170 - 15.01K Bellini's La Biche 15,091 14. 14^ Magmbel7976 - - 14.13 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06^ Adina 1943 14.04 RIDGELY OF HAMPTON 3046. Son of Orange Skin 1316 and Button 3d 3160. 1st sire of Naomi's Pride 16,745 15.03 RINGLEADER 393. 1st sire of Miss Blanche 3515 (10 days) 3d sire of *Queen of Maple Dale Farm 7036 Village Maid 7069 4th sire of Alphea Star 16,583 RIOTER 670. 1st sire of Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653 Su Lu 4705 Letitia3977 . Lady Bloomfleld 4704 3d sire of 30.09 14.14 14.00 14. 04% 30.003^ 17.15 15.05 14.13K ♦Variella 6337 Princess Mostar 9700 Lady Bloomfleld 4704 Prince-ss Bowen 9699 LoreUa 13,913 Lucetta 6856 18.03% 17.03 14.133^ 14.13 14.07 14.03 3d sire of Jaquenetta 10,958 Elmora Mostar 15,955 14.06 14.00 RIOTER 746 E. H. B. Son of Pedlar 631 E. H. B. and Rita. 3d sire of Eurotas 3454 - 33.07 *Pet GifEord 3377 18. 04 J^ Torfrida 3596 17.06V Hebe 3d 3613 - 15.00 Rioter Sd's Venus 3658 - 14.00 3d sire of Colie 8309 18.04 *Lanice 13,656 17.08 *Blossom of Hanover 13,655 17.08 Pyrrha 6100 lS.14i^ Typha 5870 - 16.11 Euphrates 9778 - 16.05 4th sire of Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 - - 36 12}4 Bomba 10,330 - 31. UK La BeUe Petite 5473 - 17.08 Diana of St. L. 6636 16.08 Mage^e of St. L. 9776 16.03 Moth of St. L. 9775 16.03 Euphonia 6783 - 16.00% ♦Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 NazU 10,337 - 15.03% Nimble 33,335 14.10 Smoky 13,733 - 14.09 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14.06 *Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 14.01 RIOTER 3D 469. Son of Rioter 746 E. H. B. and "No. 78,'' Dauncy's Sale. 1st sire of Eurotas 3554 - *Pet Gilford 3377 Torfrida 3596 . Hebe 3d 3613 Rioter 3d's Venus 3658 3d sire of CoHe 8309 *Blossom of Hanover 18,655 *Lanice 13,656 Pyrrha 6100 - Typha 5870 Euphrates 9778 3d sire of Bomba 10,330 Euphonia 6783 *Pedro Alphea 13,989 Nazli 10,337 - Nimble 33,335 Smoky 13,733 *Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 33.07 18.04% 17.06% 15.00 14.00 18.04 17.08 17.08 16.14% 16.11 16.05 31.11% 16.00% 15.05 15.03% 14.10 14.09 14.01 ROANOEE 1448. Son of Beechnut 109 and Princess 366. 1st sire of Gold Lace 10,736 14,13 3d sire of Gold Mark 10,737 14.14 RIVAL 395. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Rosamond 1053. 3d sire of Village Maid 7069 14.00 4th sire of Lydia of Libby 1698 15.03 ROB 874. Son of Ringleader 393 and Elsie 1054. 3d sire of *Queen of Maple Dale Farm 7036 14. 14 3d sire of Alphea Star 16,533 14. 04% ROBBINS 953. Son of Albert 44 and Victoria 3(i 419. 1st sire of Dusky 3535 16.10 Pretty 3536 14.00 58 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 2d sire of *Kitty Lake 8350 3d sire of 15.08X Cordelia Baker 8814 - 17.09 €olt's La Biche 6399 17.03K Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067 14.13 Eoll of Honor 13,610 14.13 , 4th sire of AMeda 6744 16.04 Sjisie La Biche 3d 15,171 14.06>^ Hurrah Pansy 13,153 14.01X ROB ROY 17. 1st sii-e of Belle Hartford 2718 15.00 Eugenie 3d 1633 - 14.00 3d sire of Belle Grinnelle 4073 18.08 White Clover Leaf 4512 17.15 Pair StarUght 1745 - 17.07V Corolla 439S 17.04 *Belle of Saybrook 6875 15.01X Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14.13 Princess Rose 6249 - 14.08 Chloe Beach 3931 14.06X Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 14.00 St. Pei-petua 3d 5557 •- 14.00 3d sire of Countess Potoka 7496 18.15 Hepsy 3d 12,008 17.08 Katie Bashford 15,983 17.00 Arawana Queen 5868 - 16.09 LUy of Maple Grove 5079 16.03 Princess Bellworth 6801 15.103^ Arawana Buttercup 6053 15.05 Usilda3d6157 - 15.03k Parorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 liouvie 3d 6159 14.13 Bell Rex 11,700 14.10 Princess Rose 6249 14.08 Jeannie of the Vale 9553 14.063^ Jeanuie Piatt 6005 14.04 Lottie Rex 18,757 14.04 Pet Rex 20,166 - 14.033^ BeUe GrinneUe 3d 16,508 14.03 4th sire of Hillside Gem 16,640 20.00 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 19.13>i Rosy Kate's Rex 13,193 18.08 Maggie Rex 38,263 17.00>< GrinneUe Lass 11,859 16.10 Lida MuUin 9198 16.08 OHe's T,ady Teazle 13,307 16.05 Lady Cecelia 24,831 16.01 Elsie Lane 13,302 15.13 Euphorbia 11,229 Princes' Bloom 9729 14.093^ 14.03 Lizziq D. 10,408 14.00 RODERICK 138. Son of Blucher 48 and Lady Bowen 354. 4th sire of Yellow Locust 10,679 14.103^ ROGER 131. Son of Jupiter 133 and Jessie 1006. Ist sire of o 5th 280 17.08 3d sire of Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 16.03 Gray Therese 5822 16.00 Oitz 8649 15.01 ROLAND OF DEERFOOT 8363. Son of Albion 490 and Rose 2714. 3d sire of Roland's Bonnie 2d 18,054 19.03 ROLLA AZULINE 804. 2d sire of Starkville Beauty 4897 . 14.00 3d sire of Mountain Lass 12,931 14.09 Minnie Lee 2d 12,941 14.03 ROMEO 983. Son of Living Storm 173 and Nellie 3d 3577. 3d sire of Cordelia Baker 8614 17.09 Mary Clover 9998 14. 15 4th sire of Kate Daisy 8384 14.04 ROMEO OF NEEDHAM 8361. Son of Abraham 338 and Victoria 554. 4th sire of Roland's^Bonnie 3d 18,054 - 19.03 ROMULUS 181 J. H. B. Son of Hero 90 J. H. B. and Stella 705 J H. B. 1st sire of Bergerelia 15,546 14.01)^ ROSLAND 1553 Son of Prince Charles 816 and Belle 194. 2d sire of *Miskwa 15,473 19.06 ROSSMAlSfI1138. Son of Pilot, Jr., 141 and Rosa 133 Sd sire of Gem of Sassafras 8434 14.033^ ROXBURY 247. Son of Commodore 229 and Rose 709 1st sire of Angela 1683 - 14.02 2d sire of Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 20 OOK SuLu4705 17.15 Vixen 7591 - 17.06 Pattie Mc. 3d 4754 16.08 *Pulsatilla 7551 16.03 Letitia 3977 15.05 Bathsheba 2556 - 1401 BUTTER BEGOEDS OF JERSEY COWS. 59 3d sire of Roonan 5133 18.18% Variella 6337 18.03 Lara 4306 - 17.08 Pattie Uc. 3d 4754 16.08 Urbana 5597 - 16.00 Kate Gordon 8387 15. 15 LoreUa 18,913 14.07 Lucetta6856 - 14.03 Litza 6338 - 14.03 Variella of Linwood 10,954 14.01 Pixie 41 15 - - 14.00 4tli sire of Jeannette Montgomery 5177 80.00 Bonnie Yost 7943 18.03 Iieoni 11,888 - - 18.08 Dudu of Linwood 8336 16. 15 Urbana 559^- 16.00 SUenta 17,685 15.10 Fall Leaf 8587 14.08 Epigaea4631 - 14.07 Jaquenetta 10,958 14.06 Adora 18,569 14.03 Lucetta 6856 - 14.03 SUene 4307 14.00 Jule 3640 14.00 ROYAL ROB 598. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam lAlly of Ipswich 597. 4th sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 RUMSON 741. Son of Narragansett 536 and English Beauty 449. 1st sire of Nellie Maitland 4450 16.00 RUPERT 1456. Son of Pertinatti 713 and Roxana 1761. 1st sire of Roonan 5133 18.18 RUSS'S SAM 1709. Soil of Waterbury 1155 and Dewdrop 4101. 1st sire of *SutUfl's Rosy 4104 - 14.00 8d sire of ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105 14.00 3d sire of Webster's Pet 4103 - 14.03 SAILOR 169. 3d sire of Jersey 3360 - 15.06 Topsey Roxbury 7796 15.00 4th sire of Maud Lee 3416 33.00 SALADIN 447. Son of Cadmus 4 and Woodbine 517. 1st sire of Rosa of G-lenmore 3179 - 17. 10 Embla 4799 17.08 3d sire of Naomi Cramer 8688 14.00 SAM 403. Son of Comus 54 and Diana 77. 3d sire of AlUe Minka 3988 14.06"^ 3d sire of Valma Hoffman 4500 - 31.09 Naomi's Pride 16,745 15.08 Bessie Ridgely 8393 - 14.18 Ceba Belle 5865 - 14.03 . Ada Minka 15,563 14.00 SAM 980 Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Eugenie 798. 1st sire of Sal Soda 3781 14.07 Sd sire of Countess Potoka 7496 - 18. 15 Lady Gray of Hm Top 6850 18.13 Summerline 8001 - 18.06 Silveretta 6853 16.09 3d sire of Silveretta 6858 - - 16.09 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,641 14. 13 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,648 - 14.03 SAMSON 1079. Son of Waterpower 756 and Ocean Queen 1405. 1st sire of Merlette 4988 16.00 SAM "WELLER40. Son of Iron Duke 18 and Kitty Clyde 30.1 3d sire of Hazen's Nora 4791 - 30.04 . Arawana Buttercup 6053 15.05 -J Arawana Poppy 6053 15-03 Belle of Milford 7445 14.07 4th sire of Arawana Queen 5368 Coronilla 8367 - Maggie C. 18,316 - Maggie May 8d 13,986 16.09 14.09K 14.06 14.06 SAM WELLER 871. 3d sire of Hennie 3335 3d sire of Masena 85,733 HUda A. 8d 11,180 HUda D. 6683 Lily of Burr Oaks 11,001 Niva 7533 - Nibbette 11,685 Nordheim Creamer 9758 4th sire of Jersey Queen of Barhet4301 A. H. B. Roland's Bonnie 3d 18,054 Snowdrop F. W. 16,948 15.00 80.07 80.00 18.05 15.13 15.08 14.07 14.00 19.13 19.08 14.08 60 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. SAM WELLER, JR., 1353. Son of Sam Weller 871 and Nora 956. Sd sire of Masena 25,73S ^0.07 4th sire of La Pera Sd 13,404 14.08 SANCHO BOY 1576. Son of Jersey Boy 373 and Rose 3714. 3d sire of Countess Queen 13,519 18.03 SANS PEUR 301 J. H. B. Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. and Fanchon 1433 J. H. B. 1st sire of Pear Not 6059 17.03 Buttercup 17,885 16.08 Fan of GrouviUe 7458 15.00 3d sire of Pear Not 8d 6061 16.03 LuciUa Kent 8898 15.10 SANTA ANA 331. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Dolly 545. 3d sire of Maud Lee 2416 - 33.00 Gold Lace 10,736 14. 13 4th sire of Maud Lee 3416 - 33.00 Gold Mark 10,787 - 14.14 Alice of the Meadows 80,748 14. 13 ' SANTA CLAUS 30. Son of Jack Frost 31 and White Heart 63. 3d sire of Princess of Mansfield 8070 - New London Gipsey 11,667 3d sire of Peggy Leah 3097 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 13,488 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 4th sire of Dimple 3848 Myrtle 3d 811 ReneOgden 1568 Mary Clover 9998 BeU Rex 11,700 Litty 8017 , 15.03 14.08 18.13 16.10 14.00 16.11 15.13 15.00 14.15 14.10 14.00 SAPPER 1086. Scm of Partisan 835 and Silver Gray 1343. 1st sire of Miith's Blanche 19,573 17. 1S)4 SCION 1033. Son of Red Knight 666 and Cybele Sd 1370. 1st sire of Charmer 4771 14.13 8d sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.03 Nelida8d8887 - - 15.08)^ 4th sire of Countess Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 SCOTIA 1154. .Son of Litchfield 674 and Rosebud ith 477. 8d sire of Albena 15,995 16.03 SCROOGE 369. Son of SamWeller 871 and Siisie 959. 8d sire of Niva 7583 - 15.08 SARATOGA 135. 3d sire of Oitz8649 - - 15.01 Silver Belle 4313 - 14. 00 Gilt 4th 4808- 14.00 3d sire of EstreUaS831 - 14.13 Gilt Edge 3d 4480 14. 00 4th sire of Lady Louise 4339 15.00 Gut Edge C. 13,333 14.03}^ SARATOGA 8d 1878. Son of Saratoga 135 and Dainty 2d 348. 4th sire of Atlanta's Beauty ^8,949 31.03 SARK 183. Son of Prince of Jersey 66 and Belle 885. 3d sire of Bounty 1606 14.00 3d sire of Thisbe 3d 3301 Jo 5th 380 *Bonmari 7019 Silver Belle 4313 4th sire of Ida Bashan 4735 ForgetMe-Not-O. 10,564 *Belle of Inda 3867 - Estrella 8831 Irene of Short HUls 5137 Pet Anna 1608 - St. Perpetua 3d 5557 Vivalia 18,760 19.01>^ 17.08 14.00 14.00 18.00 15.04 15.01W 14.18 14.06X 14.00 14.00 14.00 SARPEDON 930. Son of Mercury 433 and Europa 176. 8d sire of Bomba 10,330 81.11i^ NazU 10.387 - - 15.031? Robinette 7114 - - 14 01 Lady Golddust 3d 19,861 - - 14.01 3d sire of *PedroAlphea 13,889 - 15.05 *Alphea 171 SATURN 94. 1st sire of 34.08 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 61 ad sire of Kate Daisy 8304 - 14.04 *Pet Gilford 3317 18.041^ Bessie Bradford 7369 14.08 Europa 176 *Leda 799 15.00 14.05i< Lemella 33,333 14.01% Robinette 7114 - 14.01 3d sire of Honey Drop 10,033 - 14.00% Pet Anna 1608 ■ 14.00 Eurotas S454 88.07 Rioter 8d's Venus 3658 14.00 *IiOcnsta 5143 81.07 St. Nick's Flora 16,195 - 14.00 Phaedra 3561 19.13 Nymphsea 5141 Oak Leaf 4769 Torf rida 3596 18.07>< 17.10 17.061^ SAUGATUCK 1144. Lass Edith 6390 17.00 Son of Manfred 510 and Rose Standish Euphrates 9778 - 16.05 1865. Grav Theresa 5382 16.00 3d sire of Leiia 3634 Zahna8778 - Purest 13,730 - 15.13 15.05 15.04 Ameda6744 - 16.04 Nannie Fitch 9143 - 14.04 Cl3rtemiiestra 3455 15.03>< 3d sire of lola 4637 - 15.0SX Alfritha 13,673 15.03 Marvel 13,734 15.01 Trudie 3d 4084 15.00 Maple Leaf 4768 14.13 SCHINCHON 1138. Nimble 33,335 Smoky 13,733 14.10 14.69 5^011 of Pierrot 636 and Beauty 804. Ideal Alphea 18,755 14.06 1st sire of Renown 13,739 Richness 16,536 14.06 PoUy Clover 7053 16. 15 14.06 3H eiro of *Leda 799 - Alphea Star 16,533 14.05X 14.04X Kitty Potter 9893 18.05 SUversides 3857 14.03 Alphetta 16,531 14.081^ SECOND DUKR OP HILLCREST 1086. Vestina3458 , Lemella 33,333 - 14.08 14.01X Son of Standard 553 and Picture 1533. Ballet Girl 18,750 - 14.01 3d sire of Alphea Jewel 33,331 Edith 4th 817 14.00 Roll of Honor 13,610 14. IS 14.00 Spring Leaf 5796 14.00 4th sire of *Katie Kohlman 7370 SECOND IRON DTJKE 803. 83.10 Son of Iron Duke 18 and Niohe 99. Phsedra 3561 19.13 3d sire of Nymphaea 5141 18.073^ Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 17.08 CoUe 8309 18.04 Charmer 4771 14. 13 Zampa 3194 - 18.00 Epigaea 4631 14.07 Zittella 3d 11,983 17.083^ *Lanice 13,656 17.08 *Blossom of Hanover 13,655 17.08 SEECONNET 1460. Mamie Cobum 3798 Lass Edith 6390 Typha5870 - 17.08 17.00 16.11 Scm of Miantonomoh 730 and Mamie of Newport 3013. Lady Alice of HiUcrest 7450 Euphonia 6783 16.03 8d sire of - 16.00J^ Katie Bashford 15,988 - - 17.00 Bessie S. 5008 16.00 3d sire of Myra 8d 6389 Pride of Corisande 5333 16.00 16.00 Hillside Gem 16,640 80.00 Gray Therese 5388 - 16,00 Clytemnestra Sd 5868 16.00 S^paU 16,530 Maiope 3d 11,933 15.11 SHAKER 81. 15.10 Son of Prince John 33 and Clover 30. Idalene 11,841 15.08>i 3d «iirft nf Crust 4775 15.07 U\A. SU G UX Porget-Me-Not-0. 10,564 15.04 Myrtle Sd 311 _ 15.12 Purest 13,730 - 15.04 4th sire of Clytemnestra 3455 Trudie 3d 4084 15.03% 15.00 Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 14.OI Hebe 3d 3613 15.00 Faustine 10,354 14.14% Ideal 11,834 14.13% SHARPSHOOTER 3406. Estrelln 8831 Smoky 13 J33 Ha.rtwick Belle 7783 14.13 14.09 14.08 Son of Em^ounder 1148 and Symphony 1400. Renown 13,789 14.06 1st sire of Richness 16,536 14.06 Alice Herrick 8787 14. 14 63 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. SHARPSHOOTER OP ATLANTA 3011. Son of Grand Duke Aleods 1040 and Zina 2d 3083. 1st sire of TeneUa 3d 19,531 38.13 SHELDON 5350. Son of Lome 5348 and Hebe of St. Lambert 5117. 1st sire of Maggie Sheldon 33,583 - 15.03 SHIRLEY 1613. Son of Mogvl 533 and Niohe 4th 509. 1st sire of Queen of Prospect 11,997 14.03 SIGNAL 1170. Son of Marius 760 and Pansy Morris 3060. 1st sire of *Optima 6715 33.11 TeneJla 6713 - 33.01}^ Croton Maid 5305 31.11^ Valhalia 5300 17.00 BeUe of Patterson 5664 16.06 CBnone8614 15.14 Edwina.6713 - 15.13 ' Fanny Taylor 6714 15. 13 Signalana 7719 15.04 Aldarlne 5301 15.01>^ 3d sire of Fadette of Vema 3d 11,133 33.08}^ Fairy of Verna 3d 10,973 30.03% Hilda A. 3d 11,130 - 30.00 Gardinler's Ripple 11,693 19. 18^ TeneUa Sd 19,531 18.13 Gazella 3d 9355 - - 16.03 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167 16.03 Rupertina 10,409 15.13}^ Reception 3d 11,035 15.08^ Euphorbia 11,339 - 14.093^ Lady Clarendon 3d 17,578 14051,^ Signetilia 16,333 - 14.03^ Sadie's Choice 7979 - 1400 3d sire of Atlanta's Beauty 13,949 31.03 Signetilia 16,333 - 14.033^ SIGNALDA 4037. Son of Signal 1170 and Alda 3873. 1st sire of Signetilia 16,333 14033^ SILVERLOCKS 546. 3d sire of Siloam 17,633 18.10 Silvia Baker 7893 - 16.04 Countess Coomassie 19,339 15.08}^ SILVERLOCKS, JR., 699. Son of Silverlocks 546, and Kathleen 1767. 3d sire of Siloam 17,683 18.10 Silvia Baker 7873 - 16.04 Countess Coomassie 19,339 15.08^ 4th sire of Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 SILVER MINE 1658. Son of Silverlocks, Jr. , 699' and Minerva 1539. 1st sire of Siloam 17,683 - - 18.10 Silvia Baker 7893 - 16.04 Countess Coomassie 19,339 - 15.08>^ SIMON PETER 1848. Son of Pansy's Albert 1008 and Brightness 3311. 4th sire of ♦Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 SIR CHARLES 131 1st sire of Violet 373 17.08 Carrie 3894 16.08 Julia 3893 16.08 , 3d sire of WaiTen's Duchess 4638 - 16.01 My Queen 13,614 - 15.08 Monmouth Duchess 3895 1407 Countess of "Warren 3896 14.00 3d sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 19.04 Warren's Duchess 4688 - 16 01 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 16.00 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 1407 4th sire of Dot of Bear Lake 6170 19.04 Countess Lowndes 86,874 17.08 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 1407 SIR DAVY 84 Sire on L of Jersey, dam Jersey Maid 94 1st sire of Beulah of Baltimore 3370 1406>3 8d sire of Bessie Ridgely 8393 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5390 ItJ^^ 3d sire of Grace Davy 8398 14.03 4th sire of Bessie Ridgely 8393 1411X SIR GEORGE OF ST. LAMBERT 6036. Son of Stoke Pogis 3(«'3338 and Pride of Windsor 483. 1st sire of Rioter's Nora 31,778 15.09 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 6S SIR JOHN 585. SOUTHAMPTON 117. Son of Paterson 11 and Daisy 2d 609. 1st sire of 4th sire of Witch Hazel 1360 14.00 Pattie Mc 3d 4754 - 16.08 3d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 - 14.18 Dot of Bear Lake 6170 19.04 Conover's Beauty 18,650 18.00 SIR SAMUEL CUNARD 3331. Countess Lowndes 36,874 17.08 Son of Scotia 1154 and Locuit 3631. Ida of Bear Late 6169 Glendelia 10,534 16.00 15.13 1st sire of Witch Hazel 4th 6131 - 15.05}^ Alhena 15,995 16.03 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 3d sire of 14.07 SISSON 33. Troth 6139 16.05 Son. of Splendeus 16 and Sisson's Dam 88. Glendelia 10,534 Etiquette 4300 - 15.13 15.08 4th sire of Honey Drop 10,033 - St. Nick's Flora 16,195 • 14.001^ Canto 7194 15.18 14.00 *Mica ],983 15.18 BeDita 4553 14.00 EUte 4899 14.00 SMOKW SMITH 4844. 4th sire of Son of Brigand 1899 and Selika 1805, Attractive Maid 16,985 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 Euphonia 6783 16.13 16.03 1st sire of / 16.00 J^ Atlanta's Beauty 18,949 - 81.03 Alfritha 6783 15.03 SMITH OP DARLINGTON 8458. SOUTHEY 517. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Premium of Son of Southampton 117 and Edna 2d 809. Darlington 5578. 3d sire of - 1st sire of Honey Drop ip,033 14.00>^ Anna Smith 10,384 - - 15.06 NeUie Darlington 5956 - 15.03 SPARKS 356. 3d sire of Son of Comus 54 and Henrietta 465. Bomha 10,330 81.11% 1st sire of 3d sire of Haddie 931 - 16.00 Robinette 7114 14.01 4th sire of SPLENDETJS 16. *Pedro Alphea 13889 15.05 3d sire of *Sutlifl's Rosy 4104 14. OO SONNAMRULA 3750 4th sire of Son of Omri 3916 and Silhweed 3300. Hepsy 3d 13,008 17.08 1 Kf, sirp of Palestine 3d 1104 16.04 J.QU sue \JL Hillside Gem 16,640 '80.00 Cowslip 5th 849 - Princess of Mansfield 8070 15.04 15.03 New London Gipsey 11,667- 14.08 SON OF ALPHEA 563. ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105 14.00 Son of Dolphin 3d 468 and Alphea 171. 1st sii-e of SPLENDID^3. Pride of Corisande 5333 - 16.00 1st sire' of Gray Theresa 5383 16.00 Rose 3d 913 16.00 Silversides3857 14.03 Sdsire of Silver BeUe 4313 14.00 Maggie Mitchell (unreg.) 18.03 Ladv Ives 1708 - 18.00 SON OF HEBE 878. Palestine 3d 1104 16.04 Son of Cliff 176 and Hebe 1177. Copper 1979 15.07 3d sire of 3d sire of Gossip 6165 16.07 Lady Ives 1708 18.00 Pansy of Bellewood 3d 890 ^ 18.00 SON OF ROSA 663. Maggie 3d 3881 Duslnr 8535 17.08 16.10 San, of Maxse 400 and Rosa 138. Couch's Lily 3337 16.09 1st sire of Canto 7194 15.13 Sultana 3d 11,998 - 15.04 Palestina-4644 OUe 4133 - ' 15.08 15.00 3d sire of Rene Ogden 1568 AbbieZ. 14,003 15.00 Goldthread 4945 16.09 14.11 64 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Lady Ives 3d 6740 - 14.08 Lady Pamiing 11,169 14.06 Fandango 18,908 - *Belle of Bloomfleld 4331 14.03 14.00 Zina 1434 14.00 Pretty 3526 14.00 4th sii-e of Tiandseer's Fancy 3876 33.07K Kitty Potter 9893 18.05 ■Mirth's Blanche 19,573 17.13}^ Medrena 3939 17.13 Maggie 3d 3321 17.08 Rosa MiUer 4333 - 17.07 Maggie Rex 28,363 17.001^ AbbieZ. 3d 14,743 17.00 Attractive Maid 16,925 16.13 Dimple 3248 16.11 Pride of Corisande 5323 16.00 CascadiUa 3103 - 15.13 Myrtle 3d 311 15.13 Gold Lace 10,736 14.13 Louvie Bd 6159 14.13 Duchess of Argyle 3758 Chloe Beach 8931 ,14.13 - 14.08 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14.08 Aroma 8518 - 14.07 Kate Daisy 8304 14.04 ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105 14.00 *Belle of Bloomfleld 4331 14.00 Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 14.00 SPLENDID 3d 125. Son of Splendid 3 and Topsy 238. 3d sire of Pride of Corisande 5333 16.00 SPRINGVALE 89. Son of May Duke 90 and Mayflower 146. 3d sire of Florinanna 9863 - - 17.05 Vieva 3d 7642 16.05 4th sire of Florinanna 9862 - 17.05 SPRINGVALE 3D 101. -Son. of Springvale 89 and Victoria 104. 3d sire of Florinanna 9863 - 17.05 4th sire of Mary M. Allison 6308 - 20.14 *Miskwa 15,472 19.06 Florinanna 9862 - 17.05 *DoraO. 11,703 17.03 Vieva 3d 7643 16.05 STALWART 265. 4th sire of Nelida 2d 8227 STANDARD 553. 1st sire of Maid of Amboy 3929 3d sire of Roll of Honor 13,610 15.03>^ 16.01 14.13 8TANSBURY 367. Son of Olive 319 and Plenty 950. 2d su-e of Buttery 3502- - 14.01 3d sire of Queen of De Soto 12,318 14. 13 STAR F. 8364. Son of Byron 379 and Sylvia 687. 1st sire of Roland's Bonnie 2d 19,054 19. 02 STATESMAN 2407. Son of Ccesarea 314 J. H. B. and Sylvie Simon 4-534. 1st sire of Royal Princess Sd 13,346 17.12 ST. CLEMENT 10. "■ Sd sire of Cowslip 5th 849 15.04 3d sire of Blanche 594 16.00 4th sire of Value 3d 6844 lanthe 4563 White Clover Leaf 45 :3 Rosa Miller 4333 Vixen 7591 ■ Oktibbeha Duchess 4433 ♦Pulsatilla 7551 Nellie 1507 Lady Brown 433 35.03J-i 19.11 17.15 17.07 17.06 17.04 16.03 14.03 14.C0 STELLA BULL 189. Son of Comet 86 and Stella 437. 4th su-e of Rose of Hillside 3866 14. ds^ ST. HELIER 45. 1st sire of Chroma 4573 - 20.06 Meiue's 3d 7741 30.01 lanthe 4563 - 19.11 Ebon Edith 10,653 19.01 *CmdereUa St. Helier 27,241 18.09 Pyrola 4566 18.06 Saf rano 4568 - 17.08 Auria4567 16.13 Lutea 4563 16.03 Chenie 4570 16.00 Kalmia4561 - 15.08 Oxa,li's 2d 15,631 - 15.00 Del of WUlow Farm 23,464 14.08 Pavon 13,485 14.08 Erith 4564 14.00 Helve 4565 14.00 Jule 3640 14.00 Silene 4307 14.00 2d sire of Chroma 4572 30.06 Fjrdla. 4566 Volie 19,465 18.06 18.01 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 65 Safrano 4568 17.08 Kaoli 18,980 - 17.08 Reckless 3569 17.08 Mhoon Lady 6560 17.03 Auria 4567 16.13 Perces Lee 5538 16.10 Zithey 9184 16.07 Lesbie9179 - 16.03 Nipheta 9180 16.00 Avis E. 9714 - 15.14 Saente 17,685 - Cenie Wallace Sd 6557 - 15.10 15.04X Bessie Bradford Sd 7371 15.03 Plorry Keep 6556 Renini 9181 14.14 14.10K Mountflin Lass 13,931 14.09 Renown 13,739 - 14.06 Jeaunie Piatt 6005 14.04 Nannie Fitch 9143 14.04 Bintana 9837 14.03K Flamant 11,370 14.03 Taglioni 9183 14.01 Erith 4564 14.00 3d sire of VoUe 19,465 18.01 KaoU 18,980 17.08 Zithey 9184 - 16.07 Willis 3d 4461 16,03 Lesbie 9179 16.03 Nipheta 9180 16.00 Silenta 17,685 - , - 15.10 Bessie Bradford 3d 7371 15.03 Renini 9181 - 14.10K Trenle 17,770 14.10 Renown 13,739 14.06 Queen of Chenango 17,771 14.06 Nannie Fitch 9143 - 14.04 Lebanon Daughter 6106 14.04 Bintana 9837 - 14.03K Flamant 11,370 - 14.03 Lebanon Lass 6108 14.03 Taglioni9183 14.01 4th sire of VoUe 19,465 18.01 EaoU 18,980 17.08 Zithey 9184 16.07 Lesbie 9179 16.03 Nipheta 9180 - 16.00 Silenta 17,685 15.10 Reality 16,537 15.031^ Renini 9181 14.103^ Trenie 17,770 - 14.10 Queen of Chenango 17,771 14.06 Bintana 9837 - 14.031^ Flamant 11,370 - 14.03 TagUom9183- 14.01 ST. MALO 486. 3d sire of My Queen 4886 17.09 Bryant 4193 14.08 Myth 3837 14.06 3d sire of Lydia Darrach 4903 17.04 La Pera Sd 13,404 14.08 ST. MALO, JR., 733. Son of St. Malo 486 and Bright Eye 1830. 3d sire of Lydia Darrach 4903 17. 14 ST. MARTIN 148 3. Si Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153 15.00 Rioter Pink of Berlin 38,665 19.14 ■Crocus of St. L. 8351 17.18 Cowslip of St. L 8349 17.13 ST. VALENTINE 3851. La Belle Petite 5473 17.08 Son of Mercury 438 and Clotho 8666. Brenda of Elmhurst 10,763 17.04X 1st sire of Minette of St. L. 9774 17.04 .A-kiJV Uj-L \J V/.L *Dido Miss 8759 - 17.01 Colie8309 18.04 Diana of St. L. 6636 16.08 8d sire of Maggie of St. L. 9776 Mofli of St. L. 9775 16.03 16.02 Smoky 13,733 14.09 Minnie of Oxford 13,806 16.00 "* La Petite Mere 3d 13,810 - 15.11 SUCCESS 3097. Mavourneen of St. L. 9777 15.07 Son of Lord Ogden 69 and Belinda 1188. May Day Stoke Pogis 38,353 15.03 1st sire of Jessie Brown of Maxwell 7366 - Nora of St. L. 13,963 14.07 14.07 Lady Ives 3d 6740 14.08 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14.06 Sd sii-e of Nancy of St. L. 13,964 14.05 *Myra OveraU 10,317 14.00 3d sire of Rioter's Nora 81,778 15.09 SUFFOLK 607. Carrie Pogis 88,568 Maggie Sheldon 23,583 15.09 15.03 Son of Comet 130 and Jersey Belle 1586. Rioter's Ruth 14,888 14.18 3d sire of Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 SHoam 17,633 18.10 ^■l".li civo r»f Silvia Baker 7893 16.04 Rose of St. L. 80,486 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 81.03K 14.00 Countess Coomasie 19,339 Irene of Short Hills 5137 15.08M 14.06>^ STOKE POGIS 3d 3338. SULTAN 58 J. H. B. Son of Stoke Pogis 1359 and MarjoramS239. Son of Prince of Wales and Flower 53 J. 1st sire of H. B. Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 36.13>< 1st sire of Ida of St. L. 34,990 30.033^ Lisette 483 J. H. B. 16.04 Mermaid of St. L. 9771 35.13X FUle de I'Air 8474 14.00 *Allie of St. L. 34,991 34.00 3d sire of Naiad of St. L. 13,965 ' Niobe of St. L. 13,969 - Honeymoon of St. L. 11,381 Rioter Pink of Berlin 83,665 Crocus of St. L. 8351 S3.08>i Sl.Ogirf 80.05K 19.14 17.13 Garenne 1575 J. H. B. Regina Sd 3475 Esperanza Negress 7651 17.08 14.08 14 03 14.00 Cowslip of St. L. 8349 17.18 3d sire of La Belle Petite 5478 17.08 Chrome Skin 7881 - 80.10 Brenda of Elmhurst 10,768 17.0^K Queen of Delaware 17,039 18.13 Minette of St. L. 9774 17.04 Butter Star 7799 18.04X *Dido Miss 8759 - 17.01 Panatella 4778 - 18.03 Diana of St. L. 6636 16.08 Regina 4th 13,738 - 17.131< Maggie of St. L. 9776 16.03 Garenne 1575 J. H. B. 17.08 Moth of St. L. 9775 16.08 Faultless 13,018 17.051^ Minnie of Oxford 18,806 16.00 Faith of OaMands 19,696 17.04^ Mavourneen of St. L. 9777 - - 15.07 Fear Not 6059 17.03 May Day Stoke Pogis 88,353 15.03 Cream of Sidney 17,088 17.081^ Nora of St. L. 18,963 Jessie Brown of Maxwell 7366 - 14.07 Lucilla Kent 8893 15.10 14.07 Enigma 5360 15.06 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 - 14.06 Maid of Five Oaks 7178 15.04 \ Nancy of St. L. 18,964 - 14.05 Panof Grouville7458 .15.00 3d sire of Walkyi-ie 5708 14.01 Rose of St. L. 30,436 81.031^ 4th sire of Rioter's Nora 81,778 15.09 Princess 8d 8046 46.18K Carrie Pogis 38.568 - 15.09 Sultane 2d 11,373 23.08 Maggie Sheldon 83,583 - Rioter's Ruth 14,888 15.03 Ona 7840 20.13 14.13 Daisy of St. Peters 18,175 30.05W Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 Dora Neptune 80,318 80.00K 3d sire of Oaklands Cora 18,853 19.09>>^ Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 Reception 8557 Queen of Delaware 17,029 19.08 18.13 STONEWALL JACKSON 84. Merry Duchess 13,693 Panatella 4778 18.09U 18.03 Son of Saturn 94 and Stonewall Jackson's Calendine 9415 17.09 Dam 18. Faith of Oaklands 19,696 17.04 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 67 Feai- Not 6059 St. Jeannaise 15,789 Pear Not ad 6061 - Brunette Le Gros 9755 FiUpaU 16,530 Mitten 13,368 - Lucilla Kent 8892 - Pan of GrouviUe 7458 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 Cocotte 11,958 Cosetta 15,991 Satin Bird 16,380 Blonde 3d 9368 BaUet Girl 18,750 Daisy Queen 9619 17.03 16.04 16.03 15.15 15.11 15.11 15.10 15.00 14.14 14.13 14.11 14.10 14.04 14.01 14.00 SUPERB 1956. Son of Pierrot 2d 1669 and Myrtle 2d 211- 1st sire of Belnieda6S29 18.13 Lida MuUin 9198 16. 08 Aroma 8518 14.07 Lizzie D. 10,408 14.00 SWEEPSTAKES 683. Son of Tarn CShanter 381 and Susie 959. 3d sii'e of Nordheim Creamer 9758 14.00 SWEEPSTAKES DUKE 1905 (76 J. H. B.). Son of Merry Boy 61 J. H. B. and Superb 353 J. H. B. 1st sire of Prize Clementine 10.333 15.13 Forget-me-not 5809 15.08 DeerfootGirl 15,339 15.08 Energy 33,016 - 14.05 Florence Billot 7849 - 14.05 3d sire of Handsome Myra 14,344 20.08 *PmicliiQeUo 11,875 17.11X T,njly Velveteen 15,771 - / - 17.03 Les Cateaua: 3d 15,538 16.01 Lydia of Libby 11,698 Forsaken 7530 15.03 15.01 Sweetrock 18,356 14.11M Lady Vertumnus 13,317 14.10 Jazel's Maid 11,011 14.06 La Rouge 13,405 14.05 3d sire of St. Jeannaise 15,789 16.04 Sweet Sixteen 10,683 14.15 SYDNEY 3363. Son of Morse 847 and Iroixette 3136. 1st sire of Plorinanna 9863 Vieva 3d 7643 17.05 16.05 SYOSSET 330. Son ofEaepress 388 and Carrie 870. 3d sire of PanatiUa 4778 18.03 TAINTOR 70. Son of Splendeus 16, and dafn imp., by Taintor. 3d sire of Maggie Mitchell (unreg.) 18.03 Palestine 3d 1104 - 16.04 CowsUp 5th 849 15.04 4th sire of Value 2d 6844 - - 25.02iJ Miss Blanche 3515 (10 days) 30.09 Lady Panning 11,169 14.06 TAINTOR'S BULL OP 1858 306. 3d sire of Edith 4th 817 - 14.00 Allen's Pawnette 3732 14.00 4th sire of *Katie Kohlman 7370 83. 10 Jo 5th 380 17.08 Kitty Lake 8350 15.08K Trudie3d4084 15.00 Hebe 3d 3613 - 15.00 Bessie Bradford 7369 14.03 Allen's Pawnette 3733 14.00 Rioter 3d's Venus 3658 - 14.00 TAINTOR'S BULL OP 1856 307. 3d sire of BeUe of Middlefield 1516 16.03 4th sire of Princess Bellworth 6801 15. lOX TALLY-HO 880. 2d sire of Dark Cloud 9364 15.033^ TAMERLANE 4387. Son of Oxoli 1938 and lanthe 4563. 1st sire of Trenie 17,770 - 14.10 Queen of Chenango 17,771 14.06 TAM O'SHANTER 381. 3d sire of Beeswax 9807 - 17.05 Nordheim Creamer 9758 14.00 TANCRED 501. , Sire on I. of Jersey, dam, Velvet 394. 8d sire of Bessie S. 5008 16.00 Chenda 4599 15.093^ 3d'sire of BeUe of Vermillion 8798 15.03 Lillian Mostar 10,864 14.03 Sasco Belle 13,601 14.00 4th sire of Nannie Fitch 9143 14.04 68 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. TARQUIN 750. TISQUANTUM 362 J. H. B. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Lottie Warren 1st sire of 1667. Nervine 35,933 14.01X 3d sire of Lady Adams 3d 6529 15.03 TOCSIN 1913. Bohemian Gipsey 17,452 14.11 Son of ''Welcome" on I. of Jersey and Twi- THE HUB 1009. light of South East 4547. 3d sire of Prince's Bloom 9739 Son of Motley 515 and Bessie 139. 14.03 1st sire of 3d sire of Mink 2d 3890 Oktibbeha Duchess 4433 19.11 17.04 GrinneUe Lass 11,859 16.10 MiTik 3d 4868 14.09 Adora 18,569 - 14.03 TOLEDO BOY 4641. 2d sire of Son of Jo Bradley 4640 and Village Girl Mhoon Lady 6560 17.08 5744. Julia Evelyn 6007 15.15K 1st sire of Valerie 6044 - 15.13 *Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 Dairy C. 13,337 15.01 3d sire of TOM 77 J. H. B. Marpetra 10,884 14.06 Son of Welcome 173 J. H. B. and Belle 303 Therese M. 8364 - 14.03 J. H. B. 1st sire of THE MARQUIS 3805. Brunette Le Gros 9755 15.15 Son of Joseph 3419 and Dark Eyes 8330. 3d sire of 1st sire of Ploribundus 8d 14,949 - 18.08 Griunelle Lass 11,859 16.10 Dairy Pride 4th 551 J. H. B. 16.00 Beauty 17,414 15.00 THE SQUIRE 1398. SautPaluet's Rose 4805 J. H. B. 14.07 Son of Mr. Toodles 377 and Mattie 994. 3d sii-e of 3d sire of Belle Grinnelle 3d 16,503 14.03 Jemiy Dodo H. 14,448 Nibbetfce 11,625 - 21.08 14.07 TOM BROWN 3d 3940. Son of Ike Felch 1293 and Flora F. 5544. THORNDALE 2583. 2d sire of Son of B%lsora 3357 and Katinka 5264. Wakena 19,721 16.00 1st sire of Almah of Oakland 11,102 - 16.14 TOM BROWN 3d 5639 Son of Tom Brown 3940 and Notre Dame THOROUGH-BASS 564. 8482. Son of Tancred 50 and Emblem 90. 1st sire of 3d sii-eof Wakena 19,731 16.00 Corn 10,504 16.03 TOM DASHER 430. Son of Albert 44 and Flora 430. TIM 113 J. H. B. 1st sire of 1st sire of Jersey Cream 3151 17.00 Lucy 4577 16.08 OMe4133 - 15.00 3d sire of Creamer 3467 14.01 Souvenir 3743 J. H. B. 16.08 3d sire of Denise 8381 14.04X Peggy Leah 3097 May Blossom 6557 - 18.13 18.11 TIMBUCTOO 3659. Duchess of Argyle 3758 14.13 Son of Prince of Rose Croix 1893 and Quaker Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14.13 Girl 4551. 3d sire of 9fl qirft of Value 3d 6844 - SS.OSil nJH Oil O KJL *Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 Katie Bashford 15,983 PoUy Clover 7053 17.00 16.15 OUe's Lady Teazle 12,307 ♦Wabash Girl 14,550 16.05 TIP 366. 16.00 Son of Pioneer 368 and Button 953. Kitty Lake 8350 Orphean 4636 K^ 3d sire of Cowle's Nonesuch 6199 14.13 Azelda 2d 7022 - 15.02 Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,641 14.13 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 69 Gem of Sassafras 8434 - 14.03X Lady Gray of HiU Top 3d 14,642 14.03 Hurrah Pansy 18,153 14.01X 4th sire of Hillside Gem 16,640 SO.OO Belmeda6239 18. IS Cordelia Baker 8814 17.09 ♦Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 PhyUis of Hillcrest 9067 14. 13 Roll of Honor 13,610 14. 13 TOMMY GREY 1099. Son of Mercury 433 and Edith 3d 806. 2d sire of Corn 10,504 16.02 TOM TITTLER 87. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Bessie 139. 3d sire of Snowdrop P. W. 16948 14.08 TOP SAWYER 1404. Son of Marius 760 and Emblem 90. 1st sire of Vixen 7591 17.06 Beeswax 9807 17.05 Busy Bee 6336 16.04 Matindy 6670 16.03 Dora Doon 12,909 - 15.00 ♦Woodland Margaret 6215 14. 10>^ Opaline 7590 - 14.10 Denise8381 - 14.04X Fandango 13,908 14.03 Litza6338 - - 14.03 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 2d sire of Romping Lass 11,031 15.00 Jaquenetta 10,958 - 14.06 VarieUa of Linwood 10,954 14.01 TORMENTOR 3533. Son of Khedive 103 J. H. B. and Angela 1607 J. H. B. 1st sire of Little Torment 15,581 Daisy Brown 13,313 TROUBADOUR 481. Son of Second Iron Duke 208 and CybeU 136. 1st sire of Cerita of Meadowbrook 5056 l^'OS TRUST 163 J. H. B. Sd sire of Butter Star 7799 Maid of Five Oaks 7178 18.04X 15.04 Odelle Sales 15,564 Rose of Oxford 13,469 Romping Lass 11,021 AdaMinka 15,563 23.02X 17.06 16.03 15.14X 15.00 14.00 TOUCHSTONE 315. Son of Hartford 53 and Topaz 75. 3d sire of Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days) 19.02 3d sire of Forsaken 7530 15.01 CoroniUa 8367 - 14.09^ TROCADERO 1423. Son of milhurst 1310 and Metella 3196. 1st sire of Pansy of BeUewood 2d 8904 18.00 17.00 16.00 TRUSTY 1101. Son of Mercury 43S and Trudie 877. 1st sire of ♦Katie Kohlman 7270 S3. 10 Lass Edith 6890 Myra2d6889 Sd sire of Renown 13,789 14.06 3d sire of ReaUty 16,537 - 15.03X TUBAL CAIN 1345. Son of Castor 686 and Lady Carrie 1460. 1st sire of Spring Leaf 5796 14.00 TYCOON 917 Son of Potomac 153 and Pauline 8130. 8d sire of Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5390 14.07 TYCOON, JR.^ 1818. Son of Tycoon 917 and Connie 1750. 1st sire of Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5S90 14.07 TYPHOON 77. 3d sire of Molly 3554 le.oo 3d sire of Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194 18 08W Helen 3556 15 09 4th sire of Ebon Edith 10,653 ■ - 19 ni Moss Rose of WiUow Farm 5194 18081^ Pavon 12.485 . 1408 Pavon 18,485 UNCAS 688. Son ofAdmis 39 and Eloss 1560. 2d sire of Rosabel Hudson 5704 UNCLE PETE 187. 4th sire of Etiquette 4300 Elite 4899 - 15.13 15.08 14.00 70 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. UNCLE PETE NO. 3 186. Son of Uncle Pete 187 and Jessie 438. 3d sire of Etiquette 43oO 15.08 Elite 4399 - 14.00 4th sire of Rose of HOlside 3866 14. 03% URSEL 1765. Son of Brookside 1104 and Hebe 5th 1181. 3d sire of YeUow Locust 10,679 14. lO^ VANGUARD 845. Son of Springvale 2d 357 and Rose 150. 3d sire of Florinanna 9863 17.05 3d sire of Florinanna 9863 - 17.05 Vieva 3d 7643 16.05 VERMONT 893. Son of Governor 890 and Victorine 3333. 1st sire of Empress 6th 3303 Goddess of Staatsburg 5353 3d sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 - Dorothy of Bovina 9373 Lady Adams 3d 6539 3d sire of Ahnah of Oakland 11,103 14.08 16.09 15.04 15.03 16. 14 VERNON 1071. Son of Marius 760 and Velvet 394. Sd sire of Attractive Maid 16,935 16. 13 VERTUMNUS 161 J. H. B. Son of Duke 76 J. H. B. and Coomassie 11,874. 1st sire of ♦Punchinello 11,875 - Lady Velveteen 15,771 Les Gateaux Sd 15,538 Lady Kingscote 36,085 - Lady Vertumnus 13,317- La Rouge 13,405 Lady Young 16,668 - 3d sire of St. Jeannaise 15,789 17.113^ 17.03 ' 16.01 15.10 14.10. 14.03 14.00 16.04 VESPER'S ROYAL SON 3946. Son of Iron Bank IIZO and Vesper 1395. 1st sire of Royal Sister 13,451 14.11 VESPUCIUS 758. Sire on I. of Jersey, dani Vesper Lass 1784. Sd sire of Azelda 3d 7033 1 5. 03 Cottage Lass 5333 14.08 Vespucia 17,455 - - - 14.04 Neme Gray of Clermont 10,905 14.01 3d sii'e of Vespucia 17,455 - 14.04 VICTOR 148 J. H. B. Son of Tom 77 J. H. B. and La Petite Janne 1065 J. H. B. 1st sire of Ploribundus 3d 14,949 - 18.08 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J, H. B. 16.00 Dairy Pride 6th 31,681 16.00 Miss HueUn 33,396 14.09 VICTOR 197. 1st sire of Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854 15.03 Sd sire of MoUie Garfield 13,173 18,07 VICTOR 3550. ■Son of Pilot 3549 and Minnie 7836. 1st sire of Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838 25.03 3d sire of Jersey BeUe of Scituate 7838 35.03 Belle of ScituatP 7977 16.00 Lass of Scituate 9555 15. 14 Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.04% 3d sire of BeUe of Scituate 7977 16.00 Lass of Scituate 9555 - 15. 14 Minnie of Scituate 17,839 14.04% 4th sire of Minnie of Scituate 17,839 VICTOR HUGO 197. 3d sire of Sweet Briar of St. L. 5481 Melia Ann 5444 - Jolie of St. L. 5136 - Duchess of St. L. 5111 - Nancy of St. L. 13,964 Clematis of St. L. 5478 3d sire of Ida of St. L. 34,990 *Allie of St. L. 34,991 - Honeymoon of St. L. 11,331 Variella 6337 Melia Ann 5444 Cowslip of St. L. 8349 - Brenda of Ehnhurst 10,763 Minette of St. L. 9774 ChamomiUa 7553 Diana of St. L. 6636 Pulsatilla 7551 Carrie Pogis 33,568 Maggie Sheldon 33,583 May Day Stoke Pogis 38,353 - Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559 Honeysuckle of St. Annes 18,674 Bonnie Sd 5748 Uinta 5743 Jessie Brown of Maxwell 7366 Nora of St. Lambert 13963 14.04% 33.13 18.00% 15.13% 15.11 14.05 14.03 30.03% 34.00 30.05% 18.03% 18.00% 17.13 17 04% 17.04 16.10 16.08 16.03 15.09 15.03 15.03 15.01% 14.14 14.11% 14.10 14.07 14.07 BUTTER RECORDS ,0F JERSEY COWS. 71 Pearl of St. Lambert 5537 - 14.03 Moss Rose of St. L. 5114 14. 00^ Nordheim Creamer 9758 14.00 4th sire of Mermaid of St. L. 9771 35.13X Naiad of St. L. 13,965 3S.03i| Niobe of St. L. 13,969 31.093? Rose of St. L. 30,436 - 31.03i^ Rioter Pink of Berlin 33,665 19. 14 Crocus of St. Lambert 8351 17. 13 Judith Coleman 11,391 - 17.05 *Dido Miss 8759 17.01 Moth of St. L. 9775 16.03 Carrie Pogis SS,568 15.09 Maggie Sheldon 33,583 15.03 Aleph Judea 11,389 - 15.01?^ Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559 IS.OIJ^ Honeysuckle of St. Annes 18,674 - 14. 1 4 Rioter's Nora 14,883 14.13 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 VIGOR 1034. Son of Mogul 532 and Cybele 136. 3d sire of Glendelia 10,534 15.13 VOLUNTEER 1353. Son of Quaker 887 and Victorine 3333. 3d sire of Siloam 17,633 18.10 "WABASSO 1809. Son of Rob 874 and Princess Martie 3304. Sd sire of Alphea Star 16,533 14.04K WALLACE BARNES 1364. Son of Living Storm 173 and Angeline 3347. 1st sire of Dimple 3348 16.11 3d sire of Hazalena's Butterfly 10,133 14.Q0 WANDERER 3014. Son of Signal 1170 and Cosette 3874. 1st sire of Padette of Vema 3d 11,133 Fairy of Vema 3d 10.973 Hilda A. 3d 11,130 - 33.08K 30.03^ 30.00 WARWICK 364. 3d sire of Stanstead Belle 4709 14.11K WATERBURY 1155. Son of Prince John S3 and Clover 3d 3903. 3d sire of Hepsy 3d 13,008 - 17.08 Jessie Leavenworth 8348 14.00 *Sutliff's Rosy 4104 - 14.00 4th sire of Kitty Potter 9893 BeU Rex 11,700 Webster's Pet 4103 *Churchill's Betsey 4105 18.05 14.10 14.03 14.00 WATERPOWER 756. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Purity 1408. 3d sire of Merlette 4988 16.00 WELCOMR 166 J. H. B. Son of Nohle 104, J. H. B. and Daisy 673 J. H. B. 1st sire of Garenne 1575 J. H. B. 17.08 Sd sire of Faith of Oaklauds 19,696 1047. Fear Not 6059 - 17.03 Lucilla Kent 889S - 15.10 Pan of Grouville 7458 15.00 3d sire of Princess 3d 8046 46.1S>^ Ona 7840 - 30.13 Daisy of St. Peters 18,175 20.05K Dora Neptune 30,318 30.00X Oaklands Cora 18,853 19.09X ) Lactine 10,680 - ' 17.01K St. Jeauuaise 15,789 16.04 Fear Not 2d 6061 16.03 Brunette Le Gros 9755 15.15 Lucilla Kent 8893 15.10 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 14.14 Cocotte 11,958 - 14.13 Satin Bird, 16,380 14.10 Blonde Sd9S68 - 14.04 Ballet Girl 18,750 14.01 Daisy Queen 9619 14.00 4th sire of Oxford Kate 13,646 39.13 Little Torment 15,581 33.031^ Floribimdus 3d 14,949 18.08 Daisy Brown 13,313 17.06 Princess of Ashantee 13,467 16.05 St. Jeannaise 15,789 - 16.04 Odelle Sales 15,564 16.03 Desire 9654 16.03 Dairy I*ride 4th 531 J. H. B. 16.00 Rose of Oxford 13,469 15.14}< Romping Lass 11,031 15.00 Beauty 17,414 - 15.00 Ada Minka 15,562 14.00 WELCOME 172 J. H. B. Son of Welcome 166 J. H. B. Sd sire of Daisy of St. Peters 18,175 - 20.05}^ Oaklands Cora 18,853 19.09W Brunette Le Gros 9755 15. 15 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 14. 14 Cocotte 11,958 14.12 Satin Bird 16,380 14. 10 3d sire of Ploribondus 2d 14,949 - 18.08 Dairy Pride 4th 521 J. H. B. 16.00 Beauty 17,414 15.00 4th sire of Belle Grinnelle 3d 16,503 14.02 WELCOME 317 J. H. B. 1st sire of HiU's Maid of Jersey 8173 18.00 72 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. WESTCHESTER 1366. Son of Inachus 938 and Clytemnestra 3455. 3d sire of *Pedro Alphea 13,889 15.05 WETHERSPIELD 966. Son of Albert 44 and Grinnella 2d 1303. 1st sire of Lady Gray of Hill Top 6850 18. 13 3d sire of Summerliiie 8001 18.06 Cordelia Baker 8814 17.09 Mary Clover 9998 - 14.15 Lady Gray of Hill Top 2d 14,641 14. 13 Deborana 4718 - 14.08 Jennie of the Vale 9553 - - 14.063< Lady Gray of Hill Top 3d 14,643 14.03 3d sire of OUe's Lady Teazle 13,307 16.05 4th sire of Percie 14,937 - -• 16.13 ♦"Wabash Girl 14,550 16.00 "WHIP 3638. Son of Flash 3532 and Grinnella 4th 5936. 1st sire of Lady Cecelia 34,831 - 16.01 "WILLIAM HUDSON 905. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Nancy Peel 3384 1st sire of Clytemnestra 3d 5868 16. 00 "WILLIE 13 J. H. B. 3d sire of Joan d'Arc 3163 16.13X Alice of Salem 5053 14.08 3d sire of Ochra 3d 11,516 16.063^ Lustre 3063 15.08J^ Buttery 3503 14.01 "Witch Hazel 1360 14.00 4th sire of Eveline of Jersey 6781 18.06 Beeswax 9807 17.05 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16.08 Matindy6670 16.03 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J. H. B. 16.00 Dairy Pride 6th 31,681 - 16.00 Rose of Oxford 13,469 15.14K Witch Hazel 4th 6131 15.053^ Atricia6039 - 15.03 Alice of the Meadows 20,748 14.13 Gold Princess 8809 - 14.13 ♦Woodland Margaret 6215 14.10K Opaline 7590 - 14.10 Gilda 3779 14.06 Denise 8381 - 14.04K Pandanpro 13,908 14.03 Litza 6338 - 14.03 Pixie 4115 14.00 Pussie 3035 1st sire of 2d sire of 19.01 WILLIE BOY 434. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Lady Mary 1148. Welma 5943 17.08 Chenda 4599 - 15.093^ 8d sire of ♦Optima 6715 23.11 Tenella 6713 33.01}^ Croton Maid 5305 31. UK Pair Starlight 1745 17.073>^ Vixen 7591 - 17.06 ValhaUa 5300 17.00 BeUe of Patterson 5664 16.07 Troth 6139 16.05 Busy Bee 6336 16.04 CEnone 8614 15.14 Edwina 6713 15.13 Fanny Taylor 6714 15.12 Etiquette 4300 15.08 Signalana 7719 15.04 Aldarine 5301 15.01X ♦Queen of Maple Dale Parm 7036 ♦Woodland Margaret 6315 14:14 14.10X Opaline 7590 - Medrie Le Brocq 8888 14.10 14.07 Marpetra 10,284 14.06 Demse 8381 14.04>^ Litza 6338 14.03 Fandango 13,908 - 14.03 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 14.01 La Rosa 10,078 14.00 Bellita 4553 14.00 Elite 4399 14.00 4th sire of Fadette of Vema 3d 11,133 22.08X Fairy of Vema 2d 10,973 30.03% Hilda A. 3d 11,120 30.00 Gardinier's Ripple 11,693 - Tenella 3d 19,531 19.13 V 18.13 Attractive Maid 16,935 16.13 Gazella 3d 9355 - 16.03 Genevieve Sinclair 11,157 - 16.03 Enphonia 6783 - 16.00)^ Rupertina 10,409 - 15.1SX Reception 3d 11,035 15.08>^ AJfritha 13,673 15.03 Romping Lass 11,021 15.00 Rosy Dream 9808 14.13 Euphorbia 11,339 14.09>^ Jaquenetta 10,958 - Lady Clarendon 3d 17,578 14.06 14.05K Signetilia 16,333 - 14.03K VarieUa of Linwood 10,954 14.01 Sadie's Choice 7979 14.00 YANKEE 1003 (37 J. H. B.). Son of Paddy 97 J. H. B. and Georgette 309 J. H. B. 1st sire of Kitty 5th 3849 Ida 8th 5409 16.11 14.03 2d sire of BeUe Dame 2d 23,043 15.03 Carlo's Fanny 14,591 14.00 3d sire of Queen of De Soto 13,318 14.13 FaU Leaf 8587 14.08 Adora 18,569 14.03 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 73 4th sire of Viva Le Brocq 13,708 17.07 Armon 10,863 - 16. IS}^ Queen of De Soto 1S,318 14. IB BeUe Griimelle 8d 16.503 14.02 YELLOW SKIN 871. Son o'' Cliff 176 and Ariadne 608. 3d sire of Lady Louise 4339 15.00 GUt Edce 3d 4430 - 14.00 Gilt 4th' 4308 14.00 3d sire of Gilt Edge C. 12,233 14.03W Sasco Belle 13,601 14.00 YORK 8. Sire on I. of Jersey, dam Pansy 8. 2d sire of Heartsease 503 - 15.00 Belle of Vermillion 8798 15.02 Oxalis 606 15.00 Pansy 603 14.00 4th sire of Chamomilla 7552 - 16.10 BeUe of VermiUion 8798 15.03 OxaJis 2d 15,631 15.00 Adina 1943 14.04 Helve 4565 14.00 YOUNG BARON 703. 1st sire of Pearl Armstrong 3670 13. 10 Arietta 5115 15.00 3d sire of Duenna's Duchess 5508 16. 10 Sunny Lass 6033 14.07 Muezzin 3670 14.00 YOUNG BRITON 1840. Son of Briton 919 and Jessie of Ipswich 3883. 3d sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 3d sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18,633 14.06 YOUNG CONCORD 1406. Son of Concord 1405 and Molly 8554. 1st sire of Moss Rose of' Willow Farm 5194 18.08)^ 3d sire of Pavon 12,485 14.08 YOUNG DAVY 661. Son of Sir Davy 84 and Georgetta 93. 2d sire of Grace Davy 8393 14.03 3d sire of Be-ssie Ridgely 8393 14. 1 1% YOUNG DUKE 138. Son of Malcolm, 71 and Duchess 101. 1st sire of My Queen 13,614 15.08 YOUNG MAJOR 314. Son of Major 75 and Brenda 789. 3d sire of Lucy Gra,y 3746 15.13 . 3d sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14,448 - 31.08 Miss Blanche 3515 (10 days) 30.09 4th sire of Ebon Editii 10,653 YOUNG PILGRIM 303. 3d sire of Hazen's Bess 7329 Bet Arhngton 8970 4th sire of Countess Queen 13,519 Roll of Honor 13,610 Litty 8017 19.01 34.11 18.11 18.03 14.12 14.00 YOUNG PRINCE 183 J. H. B. 1st sire of ♦Butterfly 18,197 14.03X YOUNG RIOTER 751 E. H. B. Son of Rioter 746 E. H B. and Grief. 3d sii'e of Matilda 4th 13,816 - 16.13 La Petite Mere 3d 12,810 15.11 Marjoram 2d 12,805 15.00 3d sire of Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 36. 13K Ida of St L. 34,990 - 30.03% Mermaid of St. L. 9771 ' 25. 13% *Ame of St. L. 34,991 34.00 Naiad of St. L. 13,965 33.02% Niobe of St. L. 13,969 - 31.09% Honeymoonof St. L. 11,331 30.05% Rioter Pink of Berlin 33,665 19. 14 Crocus of St. L. 8351 17.13 Cowslip of St. L. 8349 17. 13 La BeUe Petite 5473 - 17.08 Brenda of Elmhurst 10,763 17.04% Minette of St. L. 9774 17.04 *Dido Miss 8759 - 17.01 Diana of St. L. 6636 16.08 Maggie of St. L. 9776 - 16.03 MoSi of St. L. 9775 - 16.03 , Minnie of Oxford 13,806 16.00 La Petite Mere Sd 12,810 15. 11 Mavoumeen of St. L. 9777 15.07 May Day Stoke Pogis 28,353 15.03 Marjoram 2d 12,805 - 15.00 Jessie Brown of Maxwell 7366 14.07 Nora of St. L. 13,963 - 14.07 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14.06 Nancy of St. L. 13,964 14.05 4th sire of Rioter's Nora 31,778 15.09 Carrie Pogia 33,568 15.09 Maggie Sheldon 33,583 15.03 Rioter's Ruth 14,883 14.13 Rioter's Beauty 14,894 14.00 YOUNG SIR DAVY 3034. Son 6f Young Davy 661 and Susan 1658. 1st sire of Grace Davy 8393 - 14.03 74 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. 3d sire of Orphean 4636 15.07 Bessie Ridgely 8393 14. 1 IK 3d sire of YOUNG YANKEE 63 J. H. B. Belmeda 6339 Gem of Sassafras 8434 18.13 14.031^ Son of Yankee 1003 (27 J. H. B.) and Vir- ginia 19 J. H. B. 3d sire of *Lady Golddust 2d 19,861 14.01 ZEUS 3634. Son of Bismarck 1433 and Oweence3314. 1st sire of ZANY 551. Son of iMpez 313 and Pet 2c? 747. Pyn-ha 6100 3d sire of 16.14K Sd sire of Nimble 33,335 14.10 TESTS OF 14 DAYS OR LONGER. ValliaUa 5300 King's Trust 18,946 Maggie Rex 38,633 Princess 3d 8046 Lady Pair 1765 Effie 885 A. H. B. Eurotas 3454 - AbbieZ. 14,003 Maiy Anne of St. L. 9770 Bomba 10,330 Jeannette Montgomery 5177 - Thorndale Belle 3d 10,459 Jersey Queen of Barnet 4301 A. H. B. Dora Neptune 30,318 Daisy Brown 13,313 Couch's Lily 3337 Oak Leaf 4769 Rosebud of BeUe Vue 7703 Robema3840 - Little Torment 15,581 Landseer's Fancy 3876 Lady Mel 2d 1795 Pair Lady 6733 Bomba 10,330 MoUie Garfield 12,173 Eva 883 A. H. B. - ' Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653 Flora 113 Masena 25,733 (Rated) Mary Anne of St. L. 9770 Jersey Queen of Barnet 4301 A. H. B . Eurotas 3454 Pansy 101^ Webster's Pet 4103 Days. Lbs. oz. 14 34 00 15 36 oeii' 31 47 08K 38 107 03 38 86 13 30 98 00 - 30 88 06 30 61 02 31 106 123^ 31 89 14 31 89 00 31 89 00 31 84 05 31 83 061< 31 73 043^ 31 71 00 31 63 04 31 60 Oi^ 31 54 00 56 83 05 60 180 14 61 183 00 63 150 043^ 63 174 03 62 163 00 138 281 00 8 mos. & 7 days 501 04 50 weeks ' • 511 03 1 -vpai* ^AAn 1 ^ 867 , 14}i 851 01 778 01 574 08 439 00 \ INDBX. Note.— Having mislaid some papers on which I had notes of tests, with the authorities, lam obliged to leave some spaces blank, or delay the printer too long to hunt them out. In the next edition of this work, about October, I shall try and have as many of the tssts bioked by affidavits as possible, and request that new tests sent me for publication then, be in that form. In reading ^-he index, first is the name, next H. R. number, next (in brackets) the record, then th^ paires where the name will be found in the body otthe book. F. M. C. Abbie Z. 14,003, (14.11), Harvey Newton, 6 13, 15, 33, 30, 63, 64, 74 " Abbie Z. 3d 14,743, (17.00), J. K. Gaston & Son, 3, 6, 15, 16 Actress 3311, (14.00), W. B. Dinsmore, 31, 39 Ada Minka 15,563, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 8, 14, 33, 35, 43, 45, 53, 59, 69, 71 Adina 1943. (14.04), Jas. Cloud & Son, 10, 11,15, 51, 53, 57,73 Adora 18,569. (14.03), W. E. Gates, 36, 39, 43, 50, 53, 54, 59, 68, 73 Aldarlne 5301, (15.01>^, W. J. Chlnn, 3, 34, 30, 39, 49, 63, 73 Aleph Judea 11,389, (15 01%), S. M. Neel, 8, 30, 31, 37, 56, 71 Alfleda t3744, (16.04), Thos. Beer, 1, 3, 7, 36, 37, 34, 37, 38, 40, 44, 58, 61 Alfritha 13,673, (15.03), , 36, 37, 31, 34, 37, 39, 43, 44, 45, 61, 63, 73 Alhena 15,995, (16.03), Lyman Sperry, 6, 14, 37, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 55, 60, 63 Alice Herrick 8787, (14.14), , 33. 33, 61 Alice of Salem 5053, (14.08), William Cooper, 11. 17, 30, 33, 43, 56, 73. Alice of the Meadows 30,748, (14. IS), Richard Rowett, 13, 13, 19, 31, 37, 53, 60, 73. AUen's Fawnette 3733, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 10, 35, 40, 53, 67 AUie Minka 3983, (14.06K), Campbell Brovra, 14, 35, 43, 53, 59 *AlMe of St. Lambert 24,991j (34.00), Geo. Smith, 18, 36, 65, 66, 7a 73 AUuriHg 5541, (19.05), W. N. McConneU, 13 AJmah of Oakland 11,103, (16.14), R. J. McMiohael, 3, 4, 33, 34, 30, 54, 65, 68, 70 *Alphea 171, (34.08), R. M. Hoe, 60 Alphea Jewel 33,331, (14.00^, W. Simpson, 34, 33. 33, 41, 61 Alphea Star 16,533, (14.04>^, W. Simpson, 33, 33, 41, 56, 57, 61, 71 Alphetta 16,531, (14.03^), W. Simpson, 1, 33, 41, 61 Amy 395, (18.00), J. H. Walker, ( ) Angela 1,683, (14.03), Silas Betts, 13, 14, 38, 58 Anna Smith 10,334, (15.06), A. B. Darling, 63 Arawana Buttercup 6053, (15.05), T. Alex. Seth, 11, 13, 16, 38, 34, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59 Arawana Poppy 6053, (15.03), Watts & Seth, 11, 16, 17, 38, 39, 38, 43, 46, 55, Arawana Queen 5368, (16.09), Jno. E. Phil- Ups, 3, 13, 30, 40, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59 Archie 1113, (15.00), Jas. A. Hayt, ( ) Arietta 5115, (15!00), Jas. R. Crane, SO, 31, 43, 53, 73 Armon 10,863, (16.13>^), A. H. French, 3, 15, 38, 44,. 53, 55, 73 Aroma 8518, ((14.07), G. R. Dykeman, 3, 7, 9, 39, 44, 50, 51, 64, 67 Arthur's FroUc 4438, (15.00), A. H. Cwley, Arthur's Mistletoe (unregistered), see Beauty, (17. UK), S. A. Mills. ( ) Aspirant 9373, (14.07), Seth L. Hoover, 13. Atlanta's Beauty 13,949, (31.03), L. J. & A. W. HiU, 5, 7; 18, 33, fe, 39, 44, 47, 51, 55, 60, 63, 63 Atricia 6039, (15.03), H. G. Westlake, 7, 13, 47, 54, 73 Attractive Maid 16,935, (16. 13), W. H. Barr, 3, 6, 19, 31', 33, 35, 39, 53, 63, 64, 70, 73 Audrey 1447, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 13, 31, 34, 43 Augerez Girl 17,015, (14.06), S. M. Robbing, Auntybel 13*583, (14.09), S. M. Bumhara, 35, 34, 45, 46, 48 Auria 4567, (16.13), O. S. Hubbell, 5, 45, 51, 64, 65 Avis B. 9714, (15.14). J. H. Walker, 19,36, 31, 65 Azelda 3d 7033, (15.03), W. Craik, 13, 34, 43, 53, 68, 70 Baby Buttercup 10,888, (14.00), , 3, 6, 10, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 36, 40 Ballet Girl 18,750, (14.01), W. Simpson, 33, 35, 41, 46, 61, 67, 71 Baron's Rosette 35,988, (15.04), J. M. Mil- , lard, 4, 33 Bathsheba 3556, (14.01), J. H. Walker, 11, 14, 37, 33, 38, 51, 58 Beauty, unregistered, (30.15), Geo. W. Camp- beU, 50 Beaufrsr 17,414, (15.00), Nathan Brownell, 8, 46, 67, 71 Beauty Bismai-ck 4967, (14.01), F. F. Fuessin- ich, 6, 14, 37, 35, 45, 53 Beauty Romereil 36,090, (18.09), Newton Frazier, 54 Beauty of Jersey 7850, (19.03), W. J. Chinn, 17 76 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Beauty of the Grange 7503, (23.09), Orestes Pierce, S5 Beeswax 9807, (17.05), , 11, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 67, 69, 73 BeUa Delaine 10,356, (14.03), S. L. Hoover, 43, 48 BeUa Donna 148 J. H. B., (16.10), J. H. "Walker, 11 BeUe Dame 3d 33,043, (15.03), Francis Le Brocq, 10, 37, 47, 73 Belle GrinneUe 4073, (18.08), S. W. Robbius, 3, 39, 43, 58, 67 Belle GrinneUe 3d 16,503, (14.03), E. J. Rob- bins, 3, 3, 30, 36, 37, 43, 58, 71, 73 BeUe Hartford 3718, (15.00), Jas. A. Hayt, 58 ♦Belle of Bloomfield 4331, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 45, 53, 55, 64 ♦Belle of Inda 3867, (15.01>^, , 11, 30, 31, 39, 53, 55, 60 Belle of Middlefield 1516, (16.03), Lyman A. MOls, 30, 33, 43, 67 *BeUe of Milford 7445, (14.07), Jos. Kiplinger & Co., 4, 11, 31, 28, 44, 55, 59 BeUe of Ogden Farm 1570, (14.00), Jno. H. Freeman, 6, 10, 18, 19, 33 BeUe of Patterson 5664, (16.06), W. J. Chinn, 3, 34, 30, 39, 49, 62, 72 *BeUe of Saybrook 6875, (15.011^), , 50,58 BeUe of Scituate 7977, (16.00), Chas. 0. EUms, 17, 50, 51, 70 BeUe of VermiUion 8798, (15.03), J. H. Walker, 10, 17, 32, 37, 31, 36, 51, 52, 67, 73 BeUe Thome 13,369, (14.11), , 3, 4, 33, 31, 39, 43, 45; 65 BeUini's La Biche. 15,091, (14.14>^, W. Simpson, 5, 16, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57 BeUini's Maid 15,170, (15.01X), W. Simpson, 5, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57 BeUita 4453, (14.00), J. H. Taylor, 12, 25, 39,63,72 BeU Rex 11,700, (14.10), Moulton Bros., 3, 6, 10, 13, 30, 36, 40. 56, 58. 60, 71 Belmeda6329, (18.12), G. ft. Dykeman, 6, 7, 28, 36, 40, 44, 50, 51, 67, 69, 74 BergereUa 15,546, (14.01>i), T. A. Have- meyer, 58 ' Bertha Morgan 4770, (19.06), Edward Worth, 6, 36 Bessie Bradford 7369, (14.03), L. S. Sprague, 33, 34, 39, 41, 61, 67 Bessie Bradford 2d 7271, (15.02), Alice M. Bradford, 7, 33, 34, 39, 41, 65 Bessie Ridgely 8293, (14.11i^), C. S. S. Baron, 14, 36, 33, 59, 63, 73, 74 Bessie S. 5003, (16.00), , 7, 33, 33, 36, 41,61,67 Bet Arlington 8970, (18.11), N. C. Stough- ton, 30, 22, 43, 47, 49, 73 Bettie Dixon 4537, (15.00), AV. B. Montgom- ery, 3, 11. 13, 33, 44, 55 Beulah of Baltimore 3370, (14.06M), Clark & Jones, 8, 14, 53, 53, 63 Bintana 9837, (14.03K), Joseph Gavin, 5, 45, 48, 51, 65 Birdie Le Brocq 17,363, (14.00), 1. D. Risher, Sale Catalogue, 35 Black Diamond's Queen 11,865, (15.08), I. D. Risher, Sale Catalogue, ( ), Blanche 594, (16.00), O. S. HubbeU, 30, 43, 49,64 Blonde 3d 9368, (14.04), Wm Rolph, 8,33, 35, 44, 46, 67, 71 Bloomfield Lady 6913, (14.13), J. H. Walker, 3^9, 31, 40, 45, 53, 55 ♦Blossom of Hanover 13,655, (17.08), Hiram Hitchcock, 7, 18, 33, 33, 57, 61 Blossy Reynolds 6083, (16.03>^), G. H. Rey- nolds, 30, 21, 28, 43, 47 Bohemian Gipsey 17,453, (14.11), W. Simp- son, 11, 50, 68 Bomba 10,330, (31. 11^) Com. A. J. C. C, 19, 33, 41, 57, 60, 63, 74 Bonfanti388, (14.00), C. Wemngton,( ) *Bomnari 7019, (14.00), , 30, 39, 53, 60 Bonnie 2d 5743, (14.11>^, S. E. Gillett, 4, 37, 70 Bonnie Yost 7943, (18.02), M. M. Gardner, 13, 35, 37, 42, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 59 Bounty 1606, (14.00), Beech Grove Farm, 10, 53. 60 Brenda3035 J. H. B., (14.00), , 30, 35 ♦ Brenda of Elmhurst 10,673, (17.043^,V. E. FuUer, 18, 36, 66, 70, 73 ♦Brightness 3311, (14.00), Moulton Bros., 2, 10, 29, 40, 53 ♦ Brightness 3d 14,834, (15.05), Moulton Bros., 3, 10, 39, 30, 40 Brunette Lass 1780, (15.10), W. J. Webster, Brunette Le Gros 9755, (15.15), S. W. Rob- bins, 46, 67, 68, 71 Bryant 4193, (14.08), G«o. E. Bryant, 47, 65 Buckeye Lass 10,355, (14.04), S. L. Hoover, 17 Busy Bee 6336, (16.04), W. E. Gates, 31, 33, 39, 43, 69, 72 Buttercup 17,385, (16.08), , 60 Butterfly 18,197, (14.033^), , 73 Butter Star 7799, (18.04K), CampbeU Brown, 9, 54, 66, 69 Buttery 3502, (14.01), CampbeU Brown, 11, 12, 14, 37, 52,-64, 72 Calendine 9415, (17.09), F. C. Sayles, 5, 43, 46, 55, 56, 66 CaUie Nan 7959, (16.02), CampbeU Brown, 6, 9, 18, 19, 33, 31. 55 CalUngton 38,021, (15.10), Mrs. Susan Le Gredey, ( ) Calypris 5943, (15.04)^, Geo. Jackson, 18, 19, 38, 39, 45, 55, 56 Canto 7194, (15.13), T. J. Hand, 1, 6, 7, 33, 36, 37, 44, 50, 63 Carlo's Fanny 14,591, (14.00), Mrs. D. B. Judson, 10, 37, 47, 73 Carrie 3894, (16.08), J. V. N. WUlis, 63 Gan-ie Pogis 22,568, (15.09), V. E. Fuller, 18, 37, 48, 66, 70, 71, 73 Caroline 13,019, (14.08), J. M. Richmond, 12, 47, 48, 56 CascadUla 3103, (15.12), , 9, 10, 18, 14, 31, 35, 37, 38, 40, 64 Ceccola 13,608, (16.13), W. Simpson, 10 Celia Belle 5865, (14.03), CampbeU Brown, 6, 14,^16, 30, 23, 36, 30, 38,' 44, 51, 59 Cenie Wallace, 2d 6557 (15.04i^, W. B. Montgomery, 5, 12, 32, 51, 55, 65 Cerita of Meadow Brook, 5056, (17.08), New- ton T. Beale, 30, 38, 43, 43, 51, 58, 61, 69 Chamomilla 7558. (16.10), J. T. & W. S. Shields, 4, 11, 37, 51, 58, 70, 73 Champion Chloe 18,255, (15.05}^, Abram M. Turner, 6, 10, 31, 31, 35, 36, 40, 53 Charmer 4771, (14.18), Henry C. Kelsey, 81, 38, 43, 51, 56, 60, 61 Chenda4599, (15.091^), CampbeU Brown, 39, 67,73 INDEX. 77 Chenie 4570, (16.00), O. S. HubbeU, 10, 64 Cherry 3d, unreg., (19.04%), H. W. Douglass, 49 Chloe Beach 3931, (14.08), Lyman A. Mills, 13, 16, 39, 34, 56 58, 64 Chrissy 144^, (16.0^),James A. Hayt ( ) Chrissy ad 77S0, (16.14), G. W. Farlee, 84 Christmas Nannie 4075, (19.07), A.W. Saw- yer, 8, 15, 30 Chroma 4573, (S0.06)„0. S. HubbeU, 30, 43, 49,64 Chrome Skiu7881, (30.10), H. M. Howe, 34, 38, 31, 38, 46, 54, 66 ♦Churchill's Betsey 4105, (14.00), 10, 14, 31, 35, 40, 50, 53, 59, 63, 64,- 71 Cigarette 3849, (14.04), , 14, 35, 43, 53 ♦Cinderella St. Helier 37,341, (18.09), W. S. Lincoln, 64 Clara of Lakeside 10,837, (15.00), J, H. Wal- ker, 15, 17, 43, 43, 51 ♦Clematis 3174, (31.00), J. H. "Walker, 6, 13 Clematis of St. Lambert 5478, (14.03), W. R. Markham, 16, 36, 70 Clover Top 9910, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 31, 43, 47 Clytenmestra 3455, (15.03>^), W. Simpson, 33,41,61 Clytenmestra 3d 5868, (16.00), W. Simpson, 33, 33, 41, 61, 73 Cocotte 11,958, (14.13), T. A. Havemeyer, 37, 46, 67, 71 Colie 8309, (18.04), W. Simpson, 18, 33, 41, 57, 61, 66 Colt's La Biche 6399, (17.03%), D. A. aivens, 3, 37, 34, 50, 58 Como Lass 34,369, ^14.0^), E. Le Brooq, Conover's Beauty 13,650, (18.00), W. A. Con- over, 11, 14, 39, 53, 54, 63^ Content of Linwood 6950, (14.13), M. M, Gardner (■ ) Coomassie 11,874, (16.11), G. F. Dorey,8, 44 Copper 1979, (15.07), Miller Ketchum, 7, 37, 30, 63 Coquette of Glen Rouge 17,559, (15.01%), W. Rolph, 8, 16, 39, 34. 37, 70, 71 ♦Coral 3707, (14.00), R. Goodman, 55 Cordelia, Baker 8,814, (17.09), JamesB. Wil- der, 3, 5, 16, So, 36, 58, 69, 73 Corinne 707, (14.07), C. Wellington, 15 Com 10,504, (16.03), J. Fisher, 3, 4, 6, 33, 41, 47, 48, 49, 50, 68, 69 Cornucopia 3414, (15.13), C. L. Fosket, 14, 15,48 Corolla 4393, (17.04), J. H. Walker, 34, 58 Coronilla 8367, (14.09%), Com. A. J. C. C, 1, 6, 10, 31, 36, 35, 36j 40, 44, 55, 59, 69 Cosetta 15,991, (14.11), J. H. Walker. 5, 38, 31, 33, 38, 46, 48, 56, 67 Cosette 3874, (14,10%), Jas. A. Hayt, 34, 55 Cottage Lass 5333, (14.08), Columbia Jersey C. Co., 35,'70 Couch's Lily 3337, (16.09), J. O. Couch, 3, . 39, 63, 74 Countess. 114, (16.00), W. S. Lincoln Countess Coomassie 19,339, (15.08%), M. G. Jacobs, 7, 13, 35, 63, 66 Countess Gasela 9571, (15.11), M. M. Gard- ner, 35, 36, 48, 56 Countess Lowndes 36,874, (17.08), W. A. Conover, 3, 13, 35, 36, 38, 39, 33, 37, 47, 54, 63, 63 „ „ ., . Countess Micawber 1759, (16.08), W. S. Lm- •cohi, 13, 15, 17,38, 43 Countess of Croton 5307, (15.13), , 34 Countess of Lakeside 13,135, (19.07), J. H. Walker, 13, 17, 38 Countess of Scarsdale 18,633, (14.06), , 1, 4, 8, 19, 33, 53, 59, 60, 73 Countess of Warren 3896, (14.00), Chester Bordwell.36, 53, 63 Countess Fotoka 7596, (18.15), Thos. H. Malone, 3, 6, 33, 30, 58, 59 Countess Queen 15,519, (18.03), , 30, 33, 33, 30, 47, 60, 73 Cowle's Nonesuch 6199, (14.13), L. M. Fair, 3, 7, 35, 38, 31, 36, 38, 40, 41, 47, 49, 53, 54, 63, 68 Cowslip 5th 849, (15.04), L. H. TwaddeU, 30, 49, 6S, 64, 67 Cowslip of St. Lambert 8349, (17.13), H. H. FuUer, 18, 36, 66, 70, 73 Creamer 3467, (14.01), D. B. De Wolf, 3, 39, 40, 49, 68 Cream of Sidriey 17,038, (17.08%), Andrew Baker. 46, 49, 54, 66 Cressy of Deerfoot 15,334, (14.00), E. Bur- nett, 3, 15, 16 Crocus of St. Lambert 8351, (17.13), V. E. Fuller, 8, 18, 37, 66, 71, 73 Croton Maid 5305, (31.11%), Clark & East, 3, 30. 39, 49, 63, 73 Crust 4775, (15.07%), Jas. B. Wilder, 3,33, 41,61 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997, (14.06), D. A. Given, 16, 18, 34, 57, 66, 73 Curfew 3397 J. H. B., (15.13}^, Jersey Cyrene 4th 480, '(17.01), Newton T. Beale), 14, 30, 43, 53, 53 Dark Cloud 9364, (15.03%), J. S. Rogers, 13, 15, 33, 48, 53, 67 Dairy C. 13,337, (15.00%), W. B. Mont- gomery, 6, 10, 31, 39, 35, 36, 40, 43,, 68 Dairy Pride 4th 531 J. H. B., (16.00), W. S. Taylor, 13, 46, 47, 54, 68, 70, 71, 73 " Daily Pride 6th 31,681, (16.00), W. S. Taylor, 13, 47, 54, 70, 73 Daisy Sd 15,761, (15.08), J. E. Gillingham, 5 Daisy.Brown 13,313, (17.06), S. W. Robbins, 7, 8, 33, 35, 44, 50, 69, 71, 74 Daisy Grant 1445, (15.00), James A. Hayt Daisy of Belhurst3114, (16.08), J. W. WTiite- nack, 13, 35 Daisy of Chenango 18,583, (14.07), Hiram A. Jewell, 15, 17, 30, 54 Daisy of Clermont 3493, (14.00), E. L. Clark- son, 31, 34, 39, 43 Daisy of St. Peter's 18,175, (20.05%), C. Easthope, 37, 35, 46, 66, 71 Daisy's Daughter (unregistered). See Cherry 3d, (15.03), H. M. Howe, 34, 38, 31, 38 Dam of Pierrot 636, (16.00), , ( ) Dandelion SSSl (16.09), John I. Holly (—. ) Daisy Queen 9619, (14.00), H. B. Tatham, 8, 33, 35, 44, 46, 67, 71 Deborana 4718, (14.08), -, 3, 6, 14, 15, 31, 30, 35, 40, 73 Deerfoot Girl 15,339, (15.08), Edward Bur- nett. 3, 15, 41, 46, 65, 67 Del of Wmow Farm 33,464, (14.08), W. S. Lincohi, 15, 17, S3, 36, 46, 64 Dena of Deerfoot 15,335,. (14.08)i E. Bur- nett, 3, 15, 16, 30 Denise 8381, (14.04%), Campbell Brown, 13, 89, 68, 69, 73 Devine 6343, (14.03), J. H. Walker, 13 78 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Desire 9654, (16.03), D. Blampied, 33, 35, 45, 46, 71 Diana of St. Lambert 6636 (16.08), W. D. Reesor, 18, 37, 57, 66, 70, 73 ♦DidoMiss 8759, (17.01), W. H. Corning, 8, 18, 37, 66, 71, 73 Dimple 3248, (16.11), G. W. Pelter, 10, 35, 40, 53. 60, 64, 71 DoDy of Lakeside 10,834, (14.08), J. H. Walk- er, 15, 16, 17, 42, 43, 51 Dom Pedro's Julian 8631, (16.00), Paul Bal- lest, 18, 28, 32, 48 Dora Doon 12,909, (15.00), , 5, 12, 38, 39, 50, 52, 55, 56, 69 Dora Neptune 30,318, (30,00i^), C. E. Row- ley, 29, 45, 46, 66, 71, 74 *Dora O. 11.703, (17.03), A. "W. Cozart, 4, 9, 14, 23, 38, 53, 56, 64 Dorothy of Bovina 9373. (15.04), "W. L. Ruth- erford, 5, 16, 21, 24, 39, 30. 44, 50. 70 Dot of Bear Lake 6170, (19.04), Jno. C. Drake, 26, 47, 53, 54, 63, 63 Duchess Caroline 3d 6039, (15.08), TV. B. Montgomery, 3, 37, 44, 55 Duchess of Argyle3758, (14.13), E. S. Henry, 3, 13, 14, 16, 31, 39, 30, 40, 43, 64, 68 Duchess of Bloomfield 3653, (30.00}^, Camp- beU Brown, 14, 38, 57, 58, 74 Duchess of St. Lambert 5111, (15.13), V. E. FuUer, 36, 70 Dudu of Linwood 8336, (16.15), — — , 5, 6, 7, 13, 37, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59 Duenna's Duchess 5508, (16.10), G. H. & H. A. Grinnell, 19, 73 Dusky 3535, (16.10), J. B. "WiUiams, 2, 29, 57,63 Ebon Edith 10,653, (19.01), C. R. C. Dye, 17, 19, 38, 40, 64, 69, 73 Eclipse 14,437, (15.12), H. E. AlTord, 35 Edith 4th 817, (14.00), , 32, 39, 61, 67 Edwina 6713, (15.13), J. B. Wade, 3, 30, 39 49 6S V3 Eflle'523, (19.11), J. H. Walker, 14, 39, 74 Ehnor Wells 12,068, (14.00), Beech Grove Farm, 11, 20, 35, 39, 54 Elite 4399, (14.00), , 13, 13, 35, 33, 39, 63 69 70 72 Ehnora kostar 15,955, (14.00), Jas. Cloud & Son. 11, 13, 19, 34, 33, 51, 53, 57 Elsie Brown 4031, (14.06>^), J. H. Walker, 50. Elsie Lane 13,303, (15.13), L. A. MiUs, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 35, 56, 58 Embia 4799, (17.08), C. R. C. Dye, 9, 14, 23, 27, 45, 53, 59 Empress 6th 3303, (17.09%), MoV. Barnard, 23, 24, 44, 70 Energy 33,016, (14.05), J. H. Walker, 41, 46, 65, 67 Enid 8d 10,783, (14.07}^, H. M. Howe, 6, 30,55 Enigma 5360, (15.06), Edwin Thome, 83, 65, 66 Epigaea 4631, (14.07), ,5, 21, 38, 34, 51, 59, 61 Brith 4564, (14.00), O. S. HubbeU, 5, 45, 51, 64,65 Esperanza, (14.03), J. H. Walker, 47, 66 Estrella 3831, (14.12), J. S. WelLs, 13, 17, 32, 41, 60, 61 Etiquette 4300, (15.08), Orestes Pierce, 18, 13, 25, 33, 39, 63, 69, 70, 72 Eugenie 793, (14.00), J. H. Walker, ( ) Eugenie 3d 1623, (14.00), S. C. Colt, 58 Euphonia 6783, {16.00X), A. J. C. C. Com., 34, 36, 89, 57, 61, 63, 78 Euphorbia 11,889, (14.09K), J. B. Wallace, 8, 3, 6, 16, 17, 84, 37, 39. 47, 58, 62, 72 Euphrates 9778 (16.05 , T. W. Suftern, 33, 67,61 Eureka McHenry 8341, (14.00), A. E. Kapp, 14, 26, 56 Europa 121, (18.06), I. D. Risher, Sale Cata- logue ( ) Europa 176, (15.00), G. W. Harris for R. M. Hoe, 32, 61 Europa 558, (17.06), J. H. Walker, ( ) Eurotas 2454, (22.07), A. B. Darling, 32, 57, 61, 74 Eva 883 A. H. B., (14.00), , 39, 74 Eveline of Jersey 6781, (18.06), E. L. Clark- son, 11, 19, 24, 72 Padette of Verna 3d 11,133, (82. 08^), G. W. Parlee, 2, 24, 39, 62, 71, 78 Paith of Oaklands 19,696, (17.04), V. E. PuHer, 46, 54, 66, 71 Pair Lady 5184, (19.00), Columbia Jersey C. C, 36, 74 Pair StarUght 1745, (17.07^), David Strong, 9, 23, 34, 58, 72 Pairy 10, (17.00), O. S. Hubbell, ( ) Fairy of Verna 2d 10,973, (30.03%), G. W. Parlee, 3, 34, 39, 62, 71, 78 Pall Leaf 8587, (14.08), W. E. Gates, 26, 35, 36, 50, 52, 54, 59, 72 Fancy 9, (15.06), , ( ) Fancy Jimo 6086, (15.10), R. S. Strader, 13, 30, 52, 54, 56 Fandango 12,908, (14.03), W. Simpson, 1, 6, 12, Zf, 39, 44, 64, 69, 72 Fanny Taylor 6714, (15.12). Jno. Middleton, 3, 30, 39, 49, 50, 63, 78 Pan of Grouville 7458, (15.00), Beech Grove Farm, 46, 54, 60, 66^ 67, 71 Fantine 1371, (15.06), H. M. Howe, 55 Faultless 13,018. (17.05>^), W. Simpson, 49, 54, 55, 66 Faustine 10,354, (14.14M, W. Simpson, 4, 18, 31, 32, 41, 43, 61 Favorite of the Elms 1656, (16.04), Wm. S. Taylor ( ) Favorite's Rajah Rex 16,153, (15.00), Jos. KipUnger & Co., 2, 5, 13, 19, 30, 42, 55, 56, 58, 63. 66 *Fawnette of Woodstock 3710, (17.08), J. H. Walker, 4, 6, 15, 23, 30, 49 Pear Not 6059, (17.10), Woodside Farm, 8, 46, 47, 54, 60, 66, 67, 71 Fear Not 2d 6061, (16.02), Woodside Farm, 7, 8, 46, 54, 60, 67, 71 Fidelia 5817, (14.00), Chas. L. Sharpless ( ) ♦Filbert 3630, (15.13), P. R. Starr, 10, 37, 35,49,49 PilledeTAir 3474, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 47, 54, 66 Fillpail 16,530, (15.11), W. Simpson, 18, 38, 33, 41, 49, 55, 61, 67 Plamant 11,270. (14.03), R. W. Curtis, 11, 31, 48, 65 Flora 113, (50 weeks), (511.03), , 74 Flora of St. Peter's 8682, (16.05), Wm. Cro- zier, ( ) Florence Billot 7849, (14.05), , 67 Pl(iribuudus 3d 14,949, (18.08), L. L. Tozier, 46, 68, 70, 71 Plormanna 9863, (17.05), , 43, 53, 64, 67, 70 INDEX. 79 Florry Keep 6556, (1414), W. B. Mont- gomery. 5, 11, la, 41, 44, 45, 51, 55, 65 Flory of ttie Oaks 8141, (14.07), W. B. Dins- more, (: ) Forget-Me-Not 5809, (15.08), B. P. & M. Harrington, 41, 46, 65, 67 Porget-Me-Not-0. 10,564, (15.04), G. H. & H. A. arimmell, 14, 18, 19, 40, 60, 61 Forsaken 7530 (15.01), Colin Cameron, 3, 4, 13, S6, 33, 41, 65, 67, 69 Fragrance 4059, (15.03), W. Simpson, 3, 39 Gala 1375, (16.07), Cha.s. S. Dole, ( ) Gardinier's Ripple 11,693, (19.13>^, J. B. Wallace, 3, 3, 4, 17, 34, 33, 37, 39, 47, 58,- 63,73 Garenne, 1575 J. H. B., (17.08), I. of Jersey test, 46, 47, 54, 66, 71 Gazelia 3d 9355, (16.03), , 3, 4, 13, 14, 33 39 63 65 73 Gazelle 15,961,' (14.00), S. M. Bumham, 8, IS, 34, 44, 46, 47 Gazelle 3d 6037, (16.03), — -, 7, 8 GazeUe of Mobile 1735, (14.00), W. B. Mont- gomerv, ( ) ' Geneva f 3,330, (15.11), W. Simpson, S3. Gem of Sassafras 8434, (14.03%), T. Howard Wilson, 3, 6, 30, 38, 36, 51, 53, 53, 58, 69, 74 Genevieve Sinclair 11,167, (14.09), W. J. Chinn, 3, 5, 13, 34, 39, 40, 56, 63, 73 Gentle of Glastonbury 4651, (14.00), Jaa. B. WUliams, 37 Geranium 3963, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 50. Gilda 3779, (14.06), Wm. H. Hayden, 13, 15, 17, 38, 47, 73 Gilt 4th 4308, (14.00). J. T. & W. S. Shields, 13, 17, 31, 35, 33, 33, 60, 73 Gilt Edge C, 13,333 (14.08K), Com. A. J. C. C, 3, 6, 10, 13, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44, 55, 60, 73 Gilt Edge 3d 4430, (14.00), L. Q. C. Lamai-, 11, 13, 17, 31, 33, 33, 44, 55, 60, 73 Gipsey 5th 3353, (17.03), W. B. Dinsmore, 43 GlendeMa 10,534, (15.18), J. H. Walker, 43, 53, 54, 63, 71 Olory 61 J. H. B., (17.00), J. H. Walker, Goddess of Staatsburg 5353, (14.08), W. B. Dinsmore, 34, 39, 44, 70 Gold Lace 10,736, (14.13), R. H. Perry, 5, 7, S3, 44, 57, 60, 64 •Gold Mark 10,737,(14.14), Spencer Borden, 5, 7, 33, 84, 38, 31, 38, 44, 57, 60 Gold Princess 8809, (14.13), R. McMichael, 7, 11, IS, 34, 39, 33, 34, 53, 73 Goldthread 4945, (16.09), Edward M. Burns, 4, 6, 8, 11, 34, 33, 40, 43, 46, 55, 63 Gold Trinket 9518, (17.03), Seth Wadhams, 13, 34, -47, 48 Gossip 6165, (16.07), J. H. Walker, 5, 11, IS, 17, 31, 51, 63 Grace Sd 919, (80.00), J. H. Walker, 14 Grace Davy 8393, (14.0S), Geo. M. Jewett, . 33, 36, 63, 73 Grace Felch 8391, (15.00), J. H. Walker, 18, 15, 33. 38, 47 Gray Theresa 53S3, (16.00), , 18, 35, 33, 33, 53, 58, 61, 63 GrinneUa 1303, (15.00), , (- ) Grinnelle Lass 11,859, (16.10), Wm. Crozier, 3, 33, 48, 53, 58, 68 Haddie 931, (16.00), J. H. Walker, 14, 51, 53, 63 Handsome Myra 14,344, (30.08), C. WelUng- ton, 35, 67 Hartwick Belle 77S3, (14.08), W. Simpson, 34, 3S, 33, 41, 61 Happy Blossom 18,318, (15.08), W. H. Burr, Hattie 3d 3901, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 6 Hattie Douglass 34,960, (16.05), , 16, 50 Hazalena's Butterfly 10,133, (14.00), Geo.W. Hulick, 8, 38, 43, 7 1 Hazen's Bess 7339, (34.11), 111. Jersey Breed- ers' Association, 6, 8, 14, 31, 33, 36, 73 Hazen's Nora 4791, (30.04), Moulton Bros. , 6, 11, 14, 38, 36, 40, 46, 55, 59 , Heartsease 503, (15.00), — , — , 14, 54, 73 Hebe 3d 3613, (15.00), , 33, 39, 57, 61, 67 Helen 3556, (15.09), . 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 33, 36, 38, 46, 69 Helve 4565, (14.00), O. S. Hubbell, 14, 43, 54, 64, 73 Henuie3335, (14.00), E. P. Bowditch, 10, 17, 59 , Hepsy 3d 13,008, (17.08), J. H. Walker, 3, 13, 16, 31, 30, 53, 56, 58, 63. 71 Highfield Lass 33,036, (14.01), J. H. Walker, 37 Hilda A. 8d 11,130, (30.00), G. W. Parlee, 1, 8, 11. 34, 39, 59, 63, 71, 78 Hilda D. 6683, (18.05), P. Bronson, 1, 11, 59 HiUside Gem 16,640, (30.00), , 4, 6, 7, 10, 36, 34, 40, 43, 48, 50, 58, 61, 63, 69 Hill's Maid of Jersey 8173, (18.00), John F. MaxHeld 71 Home Matron 6707, (14.00), J. M. Hoover, 30, 81, 88, 43, 47 Honey Drop 10,033, (14.00>^, A. B. Dar- ling, 35, SS, 41, 61, 63 Honeymoon of St. L. 11,331. (30.05>^, H. H. Puller, 16, 18, 34, 36. 66, 70, 73 Hurrah Pansy 18,153, (14.01K(, , 3, 6, 10, 13, 37, 38. 36, 40, 58, 69 Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18,674, (14.14),W. Rolph, 8, 16,39,37,70, 71 lanthe 4563, (19.11), O. S. Hubbell, 30, 43, 49, 64 Ibex 3734, (16.00), , ( ) Ida 8th 5409, (14.03), W. B. Dinsmore, 73 Ida Bashan 4735, (18.00), John P. Maxfield, 3, 4, 8, 13, 36, 33, 60 Idaletta 11,843, (15.143^), W. Simpson, 10 Idalene 11,841, (15.08}^, W. Simpson, 4, 10, 18, 33, 41, 61 Ida of Bear Lake 6,169, (16.00), Chester Bordwell. 86, 53, 54, 68, 63 Ida of St. Lambert 34,990, (30.03>^, Com. A. J. C. C, 18, 36, 65, 66, 70, 73 Ideal 11,848, (14.13K), W. Simpson, 1, 10, 31, 33, 33, 41, 61 Ideal Alphea 18,755, (14.06), W. Simpson, 1, 10, 33, 41, 61 Iola4637, (15.03X), W. Simpson, 1, 31, 33, 41,61 Irene of Short Hills 5137, (14.063^), Camp- bell Brown, 13. 80, 35, 47, 60, 66 Island Dots 17,003, (14.09), Fred B. Simpson, 58 Island Star 11,876, (18.10), S. M. Bumham, 35, 34, 44, 46, 47 Jaquenetta 10,958, (14.06), M. M. Gardner, ri, 13, 39, 51. 53, 57, 59, 69, 73 Jazel'sMaid 11,011, (14.06), Thos. H. Malone, 89, 41, 65, 67 80 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Jea-nnette Montgomery 5177, (30.00), J. H. ■Walker, 3, 4, 45, 54, 59, 74 Jeanne Le Bas 8476, (15.08), H. Borden- Bowen, 31, 54 Jeannie Piatt 6005, (14.04), Lyman A. MiEs, 3, 13, 30, 45, 56, 57, 58, 65 Jennie (not reg.), (18.03), M. J. Brown, ( ) Jennie 766, (14.09), W. B. Dinsmore, ( ) Jemiie of the Vale 9553, (14.06>fl, H. W. Douglas, 3, 7, 35, 37, 30, 33, 50, 58, 73 Jenny 387, (17.00), J. H. Walker, ( ) Jenny Dodo H. 14,448, (31.08), W. H. Blas- dell, 1, 15, 17, 80, 27, 38, 43, 47, 68, 73 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 (14.14), S. W. Bobbins, 37, 46, 67, 71 Jersey 3860 (15.06), Woodside Farm, 13, 17, 38, 59 Jersey Belle of Scituate 7838, (35.03), C. O. Ellms. 15, 17, 51. 70 Jersey Cream 3151, (17.00), D. B. De Wolf, 3, 39, 40, 49, 68 Jersey Cream 3d 8519, (14.18), H. G. West- lake, 3, 30, 34, 40, 58, 68 Jersey Queen of Barnet 4301 A. H. B., (19.18), A. B. Darling, 9, 17, 19, 39, 59, 74 Jessie Brown of MaxweU 7866, (14.07), S. I M. Neel, 18, 37, 66, 70, 73 'Jessie Leavenworth 8848, (14.00), Warren F. Daniel, 6, 10, 16, 31, 35, 36, 40, 53, 56, 60,71 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5390, (14.07), Jas. Crook, 8, 14, 19, 31, 86, 53, 63, 69 Jewel 3d A. H B., (15.04), , 39 Joan d'Arc 3163, (16. 13^), J. H. Walker, 7, 11, 43, 54, 73 Jo 5th 380. (17.08), J. W. Vance, 17, 36, 33. 53, 58, 60, 67 Jolie of St. Lambert 5136, (15.13K), W. A. Rebum, 16, 34, 36, 70 Judith Coleman 11,391, (17.05), Ruther- ford Douglas, 8, 30, 31, 37, 56, 71 Judy 691, (19.00), J. H. Walker, 13, 38, 43 Jule 3640, (14.00), O. H. Piatt, 3, 45. 59, 64 Julia 3893, (16.08), W. A. Couover, 68 Julia Walker 10,133, (15.18), Thos. Fitch, 34, 50, 51 Julia Evelyn 6067 (15.15i^, W. B. Mont- gomery, 8, 11, 39, 38, 43, 44, 55, 68 Kalmia 4561, (15.08), O. S. HubbeU, 4, 5, 36, 45, 51, 64 KaoU 18,980, (17.08), S. B. Wheeler, 5, 45, 48,51,65 Kate Daisy 8804, (14.04), L. M. Pair, 4, 6, 7, 10, 16, 38, 40, 49, 50, 55, 58, 61, 64 Kate Gordon 8387, (15.15), M. C. CampbeU, 14, 46, 49, 50, 51, 58, 54, 59 Katie Bashford 15,983, (17.00), , 3, 3, 6, 80,^34, 48, 50, 58, 61, 68 *Katie Kohlman 7370, (83.10), J. H. Walker, 84, 33, 33, 39, 41, 61, 67, 69 Katy Didn't 8734, (14.18), Jas. A. Hayt, King's Trust 18,946, (18.00), S. M. Bum- ham, 33, 74 Kitty 5th 3849, (16.11), W. B. Dinsmore, 73 Kitty Clover 1113, (14.00), Jas. A. Hayt, Kitty Colt 8813, (15.093^), W. B. Montgom- ery, 8, 39 *Kitty Lake 8850, (15. 08^). Moulton Bros. , 3, 10, 16, 89, 30, 35, 40, 58, 67, 68 Kitty Potter 9893, (18.05), C. G. Grannis, 3, 10, 40, 50, 56, 61, 64, 71 Kosi 3431, (16.03), W. H. Walrath, ( ) La Belle Petite 5478, (17.08), Cooper & Mad- dux, 9, 18, 57, 66, 73 Lactine 10,680, (17.01M, . M. Howe, 15, 84, 88, 31, 38, 46, 71 Lady Adams 3d 6539, (15.03), W. B. Dins- more, 34, 43, 44, 54, 65, 68, 70 Lady Alice of HiUcrest 7450, (16.03), James Crook, 85, 31, 38, 33, 36, 43, 53, 58, 61 Lady Bidwell 10,303, (15.18), Geo. S. Phelps, 7, 9, 18, 15j 37, 37, 49 Lady Bloomfleld 4704, (14. 13^), Jno. B. MiUs, 57 Lady Bountiful 17,946, (14.00), , ( ),. Lady Brown 433, (14.00), S. W. Bobbins, 10, 31, 40, 53, 64 Lady Brown 4th 6911, (14.13), James Wood- ruff, 8, 10, 31, 40, 53 Lady Bowen 354, 16.08), Jas. Cloud & Son, ( ), *Lady Caroline 3674, (14.14), F. M. Carryl, 39 Lady Cecelia 34,831, (16.01), ,3,38, 43, 50, 58, 73 Lady Clarendon 3d 17,578, (14.053^), J. Ho- ratio Earle, 3, 9, 39, 63, 73 Lady Cloud 19,358, (16.10), Jno. A. Middle- ton, 13, 38, 30, 54, 56 Lady Pair 1765, (14.13), W. L. Conyngham, 74 Lady Fanning 11,169, (14.06), Jos. Kip- linger & Co., 83, 50, 51, 64, 67. *Lady Golddust 8d 19,861, (14.01), D. F. Appleton, 19, 38, 30, 38, 33, 41, 57, 60, 74. Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850, (18.18), R. J. Pair, 3, 6, 14, 39, 30, 36, 59, 73 Lady Gray of Hilltop 8d 14,641, (14.18), L. M. Fair, 8, 6, 10, 30, 40, 59, 68, 73 Lady Gray of HiUtop 3d 14,643 (14.03), L. M. Fail-, 3, 6, 10, 30, 36, 40, 59, 69, 78 Lady Hayes 10,136, (15.13), Thos. Pitch, 34, 50, 51 Lady Ives 1708,; (18.00), Lawson Ives, 1,55, Lady Ives 3d 6740, (14.08), J. H. Walker, 4, 6, 7, 37, 44, 55. 64, 66 Lady Jane of St. Peters 7475, (15.08), , Lady Josephine 11,560 (8 days), (19.03), E L. Brigg, 4, 5, 13, 14, 36, 36, 43, 43, 47, 58, 56, 60, 69 Lady Kiugscote 36,085, (15.10), J. S. Shall- cross 8 44 70 Lady touise'4339, (15.00), R. G. SkifC, 18, 17, 35, 38, 33, 60, 73 Lady Love 3d 3313, (16.08), Louis Brush for W. Shnpson, 8, 17, 36, 89, 38, 46 Lady Mel 8d 1795, (31.00), Chas. P. Mills, S, 10, 39, 40, .53, 74 Lady of BeUevue 7705, (15.11), M. M. Gard- ner, 34, 36 Lady of the Isles 3d 16653, (88.08), Francis Le Brocq ( ) Lady .Oaks 3d 5346, (15.031, Jno. B. PhiUips, 4 Lady Oxford 4860, (10 days), (38.03), T. C. Murphy, 33 Lady Penn 5314, (16.00), J. H. Walker, 4, 6, 16, 34, 33, 35, 43, 48, 55 Lady Velveteen 15,771, (17.08), W. R. Mo- Cready, 8, 44, 67, 70 Lady Vertumnus 13,317, (14.10), W.Simp- son, 8, 44, 67, 70 Lady Young 16,668, (14.00), L F.Johnson, 8, 44, 70 INDEX. 81 La Houguettel67 J. H. B., (15.18), A. Alex- ander, ( ) Landseer's Fancy 3876, (31.15), Com. A. J. C. C, 33, 34, 64, 74 Landseer's Fancy 3876, (33.15), Owner, *Lanice 13,656, (17.08), Hiram Hitchcock, 7, 18, 33, 33, 57, 61 la Pera 3d 13,404, (14.08), "W. L. & W. Rutherford, 10, 31, 33, 36, 40, 50, 60, 65 La Petite Mere Sd 13,810, (15.11), MiUer & Sibley, 65, 66, 73 Lara 4306, (17.08), O S. HubbeU, 3. 4, 14, 45, 57, 59 La Rosa 10,078, (14.00), J. A. J. Shultz, 11, 35 39 55 '73 La Rouge 13,405, (14.03), W. R. McCready, 8, 44, 67, 70 *Lass Edith 6390, (17.00), J. H. Walker, 34, 33, 33, 41, 61, 69 Lassie 1134, (15.013^, "W. S. Lincohi, SO Lass of Scituate9555, (15.14), Orestes Pierce, 17, 50, 51, 70 La Vivienne 3d 1334, (16.03), "W. C. Stough- ton, ( ) Leah Darlington 13,836, (15.05}^, Louis Brush for W. Simpson, 19 Lebanon Daughter 6106, (14.04), G. Dawson Coleman, 13, 38, 54, 65 Lebanon Lass 6108, (14.03), G-. Dawson Cole- man, 13, 38, 54, 65 ♦Lebanon Wife 6103, (18.09), G. Dawson Coleman, 38 *Leda 799, (14.05}^, . 33, 61 Le Grande Julie, 3040 J. H. B., (16.05), Philip Pirouet, ( ) ♦Lenoreisa 16,333, (31.00), B. T. Lewis, 30, 34, 47, 49, 58 Leoni 11,868, (18.03), , 13, 37, 50, 51, 53, 55, 59 Leonice 3d 8843, (16.08), P. W. Hardin, 34, 43, 48 Lema3634, (15.13), W.Simpson, 1,31,33, 41,61 Lemella 33,333, (14.01>^, W. Simpson, 1, 31, 33, 41, 61 Lesbie 9179, (16.03), J. V. N. Willis, 48, 65 Les Cateaux 3d 15,538, (16.01), J. H. Walker, 8 44 67 70 Letltia'397V, (15.05), M. M. Gardner, 14, 38, 57, 58 ' Lida MuUin 9198, (16.08), G. R. Dykenmn, 1, 7, 18, 88, 39, 41, 44, 50, 51, 58, 67 Lillian Mostar 10,364, (14.03), Jas. Cloud & Son, 10, 11, 13, 17, 38, 84, 87, 33, 36, 51, 53, 67 Laiy Cross 13,796, (14.03), B. A. Flagg, 4, 7, 9, 13, 36, 37 Lilly of Burr Oaks 11,001, (15.13), Mrs. John HamUton, 18, 15, 17, 38, 39, 46, 59 Lilly of Maple Grove 5079, (16.08), G. R. Dykeman, 1, 11, 38, 33, 39, 41, 53, 58, 63, 73 Lilly of St, Lambert 5130, (14.00), T. S. Cooper, 16, 34 LUy Darling 11,713, (15.09), A. C. Jennings, a -)„ y of Staatsburg 5437, (14.03>i), W. B. Dinsraore, ( ) Lisette 483 3. H. B., (16.04), John Le Riche, 47, 54, 66 Little Sister 11,666, (14.18), G. D. Coleman, 7, 34, 44, 50, 51 Little Torment 15,581, (83.08}^, Com. A. J. C. C, 3, 8, 33, 35, 41, 48, 44, 69, 71, 74 Litty 8017, (14.00), 47, 49, 60. 73 , 3, 19, 80, 83, 84, Litza 6338, (14.03), Mary' B. Adams, 13, 14, 37, 39, 49, 53, 59, 69, 73 Lizzie C. 7713, (14.00), C. J. Fisk, 8, 11, 47 Lizzie D. 10,408, (14.00), J. B. Trice ,\ 7, 13, 88, 39, 41, 44, 51, 58, 67 Lobelia 3d 6650, (14.06), R. S. Eingman, 4, 6, 9, 13, 87. 53 *Locusta5143, (31.07), F.M. Carryl, 38, 41,61 Lottie Rex 18,757, (14.04), W. Simpson, 3, 5, 13, 86, 30, 31, 39, 45, 56, 58 Lorella 18,913, (14.07), M. M. Gardner, 14, 35, 36, 57, 59 Lorraine 1435, (14.08), Amanda Estes, ( ) Louvie 3d 6159, (14.13), W. S. & H. E. Savage, 3, 13, 30, 41, 44, 55, 56, 58, 64 Lucetta6856, (14.03), M. M. Gardnei-, 13, 14. 37, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59 Luoiila 8735, (14.00), Jas. A. Hayt ( ) Lucilla 3d 9786, (14.03), H. W. Douglass, 16 Lucilla Kent 8893, (15.10), V. E. Fuller, 15, 46, 54, 60, 66, 67, 71 Lucky Bell 3d 6037, (16.14), W. B. Mont- gomery, 3, 11, 39, 44, 49, 55 Lucy 4577, (16.08), , 68 Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058, (14.00), A. H. Cooley, 7, 9, 30, 31, 37, 58, 64 Lucy Gray 8746, (15.13), W. H. Hayden, 13, SO 38 73 Lustre 3b63; (15.08M), C. S. Dole, 1 1, 47, 73 Lutea4563, (16.03), O. S. Hubbell, 4, 5, 36, 45, 51, 64 Lydia Darraoh 4903, (17.14), Edward Worth, 18, 36, 65 Lydia of Libby 11,698, (15.03), Juo. E. PhU- Ups, 4, 6, S3, 89, 30, 41, 57, 65, 67 Ma Belle 4948, (15.00), C. B. Grosvenor, 10, 11, 31, 35 *Mabel of St. Mary's 8637, (18.03), James H. Gushing, 3, 37 Mabel of Trinity 13,694, (16.03), W. R. Mc- Cready, 35, 34, 45, 46, 47 Maggie 3d 3,381, (17.08), J. H. Walker, 8, 10, 85, 40, 41, 56, 63, 64 Maggie C. 13,316, (14.06), W. B. Mont- gomery, 8, 6, 10, 81, 30, 35, 36, 40, 44, 49, Maggie May 3855, (14.03%), W. B. Month gomery, 8, 11, 81. 39, 44, 49, 55 Maggie May 8d 18,986, (14.06), W. B. Mont- gomery, 3, 6, 10, 81, 30, 35, 36, 40, 44, 49, 53 55 &9 Maggie :ikitchell,unreg., (18.03), M. Y. TUden, 33, 63, 67 Maggie of St. Lambert 9776, (16.03), W. D. Reesor, 18, 57, 66, 73 Maggie Sheldon 83,583, (15.03), W. Rolph, 18, 37, 68, 66, 70, 71, 73 Maggie Rex 38,683, (17.003^), Mrs. E. M. Jones, 8, 6, 10, 13, 34, 56, 58, 64, 74 Magna8838, (19.01), W. B. Dinsmore, ( ) Magnibel 7976, (14.13), Robt. S. Taylor, 5, 7, 37, 31, 88, 51, 58, 57 Maiden of Jersey 3736, (14.11), Jas. A. Hayt, Maid of Amboy 3939, (16.01), J. W. Burke, 31, 64 Maid of Avranches 6959, (15.00), Thos. H. Malone, (- ) Maid of Five Oaks 7178, (15.04), Houghton Farm, 9, 54, 66, 69 Maid of the Elms 6960, (16.00), Thos. H. Malone, ( — ■ )v BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. MalopeSd 11,983. (15.10),W. Simpson, 8, 11, 38, 33, 40, 41, 61 Mamie Coburn 3798, (17.08), Mrs. J. B. Ritz- niger. 11, 13, 81, 39, 54, 55, 61 Maple Leaf 4768, (14.18), Jno. D. Wing, 6, 16, 88, 33, 37, 47, 61 Marie S. 18,043, (15.06), W. Simpson, S3 Maritina 18,039, (16.033^), "W. Simpson, S3 Marjoram 3839,(16.00), T. S. Cooper, ( ) Marjoram Sd 13,805,(15.00), Cooper, Maddux & Co., 65, 73 Marpetra 10,384,(14.06), C. E. Douglas, 3, 3, 11, 84, 38, 89, 43, 44, 68, 73 Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9,770, (36.18)<), Com. A. J. C. C, 8, 18, 37, 57, 65, 66, 73, 74 Mary Clover 9998, (14.15), C. J. Wemple, 8, 5, 10, 14, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 43, 58, 60, 78 Mary Jane of BeUevue 6956, (17.07), V. L. Kirkman, 18, 47, 48, 56 Mary M. Allison 6308, (80.14), C. W. H. Eicke, 31, 38, 38, 43, 51, 53, 64 Mary of Bear Lake 6171, (14.07), Chester Bordwell, 36, 47, 53, 54, 63, 63 Mary of Gilderoy 11,319, (14.04), H. M. Howej84, 38, 31, 38, 43 *Mary Walker 11,303, (18.18), Jos. Kipbu- ger, 34, 50, 51 Marvell3,734, (15.01), W. Simpson, 4, 18, 33, 33, 41, 43, 61 Masena 35.738, (80.07), P. P. Paddock, 16, 33, 59, 60, 74 jper, (- '. S. Co Matilda 3338, (17.00), T. S. Cooper, 65. 73 *Matindy 6670, (16.08) 19, 38, 88, 3&, 69, 73 -, 6, 11, 18, Maudineof Elmwood 9718, (16.15), W. B. Dugger, 13, 88, 87, 36, 43, 53 Maud Lee 3416, (83.00), F. W. Tanner, 15, 31, 59, 60 Mavourneen of St. L. 9777, (15.07), V. E. Fuller, 18, 66, 73 ' May Blossom 5657, (18.11), "W. Simpson, 8, 37, 80, 85, 40, 68 May Day Stoke Pogis 38,853, (15.08), Geo. Smith, 18, 37, 66, 70, 78 May Fair 5184, (16.07), Columbia Jersey C. C., 85 Medrena 8989, (17.18), Beech Grove Farm, _4, 6, 18, 19, 38, 41, 43, 45, 64 Medrie Le Brooq 8888, (14.07), G. S. Will- iams, 18, 35, 39, 41, 48, 78 Medusa 3330 J. H. B., (15.18), J. H. Walker, Meines 3559, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 15, 17, 19, 33, 36, 39, 46 Heines 8d 7741, (30.01), V. E. Fuller, 17, 38, 89,64 Melia Ann 5444, (18.00W), J. H. Walker, 36, 70 Merlette 4988, (16.00), J. D. Conner, 59, 71 Memento 1913, (14.05), Thomas Beer, 14, 34, 51,53 Mermaid of St. L. 9771, (35.13}0, Com. A. J. C. C, 8, 18, 34, 86, 37, 65, 66, 71, 78 Merry Burlington 7600, (15.04), J. T. & W. S. Shields, 36, 31, 41, 43, 58, 53 Merry Duchess 18,693, (18.093^), F. C. Sayles, 46, 48, 56, 66 Metah's Queen 4886, (17.09), George E. Bry- ant, 47 Mhoon Lady 6560, (17.03), W. B. Montgom- ery, 5, 39, 38, 43, 45, 55, ^5, 68 Miami Prize 8100, (14.00), 84, 84, 44, 58 - 7, 11, 14, *Mica 1^83, (15.18), R. Goodman, 7, 18, 36, 87, 63 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9085, (14.05), T. Bacon. 18, 14, 15, 33, 38, 81, 41, 47, 50 Milky Way 18,865, (J7.08J^, W. Simpson, Milkweed (1678 J. H. B.) 16,408, (14.07), Edward Worth, ( ) Mineola ofElmarch 8889, (15.15), , 19, 50 Minette of St. Lambert 9774, (17.04), Wm. Rolph, 18, 37, 66, 70, 73 Mink 3d 3890, (19.11), W. B.Montgomery, Mini 8d' 4868, (14.09), W. B. Montgomery, 39, 38, 43, 68 Minnie 8886, (15.18), H. Mead, ( ) Minnie Lee 3d 18,941, (14.03), W. B. Mont- gomeiy, 8, 6, 10, 81, 35, 36, 40, 44, 55, 58 Minnie of Oxford 13,806, (16.00), J. H. Walker, 18, 66, 78 Minnie of Soituate 17,839, (14.04><), Orestes Pierce, 16, 17, 30, 50, 51, 70 Mirtha3437, (17. 13^), Campbell Brown, 6, 14, 36, 41, 43, 53, 53 Mirth's Blanche 19,573, .(17.183^), , J. H. Walker, 6, 10, 14, 36,35, 49, 53, 53, 60, 64 Mischief Le Brocq 7680, (15.00), A. E. Kapp, *Miskwa 15,478, (19.06), A. W. Cozart, 4, 9, 33, 88, 58, 58, 64 Miss Baden Baden 14,760, (14.14M), R. S. Strader, 3, 15, 16, 30, 31, 84, 37, 80, 44 Miss Blanche 8515, (10 days), (80.09), Z. C. Luse & Son, 13, 38, 44, 57, 67, 73 Miss Browuy 7888, (16.13), , 8,' 44 Miss Huelin 88,896, (14.09), T. A. Have- meyer, 70 Miss Vermont 7698, (16.05), W. R. Mc- Cready, 35 Miss WiLUe Jones 6918, (16.04), W. S. Tay- lor, 4, 16, 18. 81, 81, 83, 43 Mitten 13,368, (15.11), , 31, 39, 48, 45, 65,67 Moggie Bright 85,891, (16.06), W. R. Mo- (>eady, 8 MoUie Brown 7831, (16.00), Edward Worth, 6, 36 MoUie Garfield 13,173, (18.07), F. S. Peer, 5, 31, 51, 53, 57; 70, 74 MoUy 3554, (16.00), , 15, 16, 17, 69 Monmouth Duchess 3895, (14.07), W. A. Conover, 36, 53, 63 Morlacchi 3735, (14.00), Tenn. Hospl for In- sane, SO Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114, (14.00}4), W. Rolph, 8, 37 Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194, (18.081^, J. H. Walker, 15, 16, 17, 86, 69, 71, 78 Moth of St. Lambert 9775, (16.08), Wm. Rolph, 8, 18, 37, 57, 66, 71, 73 Mountain Lass 18,981, (14.09), , 3, 5, 44,4^,51,55,58,65 Muezzin 8670, (14.00), D. A. Givens, 14, 35, 43, 51, 53, 78 Myra Sd6889, (16.00), Thos. H. Paile, 18, 34, 33, 38, 39, 41, 61, 69 *Myra Overall 10,317, (14.00), , 1, 6, 7, 9, 18, 83, 87, 41, 44, 46, 54, 66 Myth 8837, (14.06), Edward Worth, 15, 65 Myrtle 3d 311, (15. 18), Thos. Fitch, 7, 38, 44, 53,60,61,64 INDEX. 83 Mp-He of Ridgewood 7858, (14.01), Chas. R. Christy, 5, 1, 33, 44, 55, 61 My Queen 13,614, (15.08), J. V. N. WUlis, 17, 36, 38, 46, 6S, 65, 73 Naiad of St. Lambert 18,965, (33.08^), Com. A. J. C. C. 8, 18, 37, 65, 71, 73 Nancy Lee 7618, (86.08)^), C. Easthope, 8, 11, 35, 54 ' Nancy Lovelock 15,511, (17.09), J. B. Wal- Nancy of St. Lambert 13,964, (14.05), V. E. FuUer, 18, 66, 70, 73 Nannie Pitch 9143, (14.04), , 7, 38, 43, 61,65,67 Naomi Cramer 8638, (14.0Q), , 9, 14, 85,86,37,51,53,59 Naomi's Pride 16,745, (15.03), A. C. Jennings, 1, 14, 35, 48, 57, 59 Nazli 10,337, (15.03^), A. B. Darling, 19, 33, 41, 57, 60 Negress 7651, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 33, 39, ' 31, 49, 66 Nelida 8d 8837, (1S.03J^, D. A. Givens, 4, 36, 43, 48, 56, 60, 64 NeUie 1507, (14.03), Clark & Jones, 8, 14, 53, 53, 64 Nellie Darlington 5956, (15.03), A. B. Dar- ling, ( ^ Nellie Gray of Clermont 10,905, (14,01), D. A. Smalley, 1, 4, 8, 35, 53, 70 Nellie Maitland 4450, (16.00), R. R. Conover, 13, 44, 59 Nelly 3403, (15.14), W. L. & "W. Ruther- ford, ( ) Nellie 6456, (31.00), Samuel Stratton, 8, 35, 47, 54 , Nervine 35,933, (14.013^), "W. Simpson, 68 New London G-ipsey 11,667, (14.08), Garrett- son Bros., 39, 50, 51, 53, 60, 63 Nibbette 11,635, (14.07), T. L. Hacker, 1, 3, 7, 33, 43, 59, 68 Nightingale' of EJmarch 8313, (14.03), D. A. Givens, ( ) Nimble 33,335, (14.10), W. Simpson. 6, 33, 33, 40, 57, 61 , 74 Niobe 99, (14.00), Sam. J. Sharpless. (- Niobe of St. Lambert 18,969, (31.091^), Com. A. J. C. C, 18, 30, 36, 37, 48, 66, 71, 73 *Nipheta 9180, (16.00), O. S. Hubbell, 81, 43, 48, 49, 65 Niva 7533, (15.08), C. A. Keefer, 3, 9, 17, 33, 40, 41, 59, 60 Nora 956, (14.00), — , ( ) Nora of'St. Lambert 18,968, (14.07), W. D. Reesor, 18, 37, 66, 70, 73 Nordheun Creamer 9758, (14.00), J. W. North, Jr., 16, 31, 35, 59, 67„71 Nymphaga 5141, (18.073^), W. Simpson, 33, 33, 40, 41, 61 Oaklands Cora 18,853, (19.09^), V. E. Pul- ler, 30, 46, 66, 71 Oakleaf 4769 (17.10), S. M. Bumham, 16, 17, 33, 37, 47, 61, 74 Ochra 3d 11,516, (16.06>i) Mrs. R. A. Hoover, 11, 14, 15, 89, 31, 43, 46, 58, 73 OdeUe Sales 15,564, (16.03), , 8, 33, 35, 45, 55, 69, 71 CBnone 8614, (15.14), M. M. Gardner, 3, 6, 14, 30, 34, 39, 49, 55, 63, 78 Oitz 8649, (15.01). J. S. Earhart, 18, 33, 58, 54, 58, 60 Oktibbeha Duchess 4438, (17.04), W. B. Mongomery, 3,, 39, 43, 49, 64, 68 01ie4133, aS.OO), C. Andrews, 3, 14, 31, 89, 40, 49. 63, 68 Olie's Lady Teazle 18,307,(16.05), L. H. Smith, 8, 14, 34, 36, 44, 45, 49. 51, 58, 68, 73 Olymph 17,957, (15.05), D. E. McCuUough, Ona7840, (30.13),.^. M. Purnham, 8, 33,35, 44,46,66,71 • ' ' ' ' Oonan 1485, (38.08K), M. C. Campbell, 55 Opaline 7590, (14.10), M. M. Gardner, 13, 31, 31, 39, 51, 58, 69, 78 *Optima 6715, (33.11), L. J. & A. W. HUl, 8, 10, 14, 81, 30, .39, 47, 49, 53, 68, 73 Orphean 4636, (15.07), S.W. Sterrett, 3, 6, 11,88,36,40,53,68,74 Oxalis 606, (15.00), J. H. "Walker, 9, 14, 38, 31 53 73 Oxalis 8d 15,631, (15.00). Samuel E. Sco- fleld, 9, 14, 88, 53, 64, 73 OxfordKate 13,646, (39.13), Com. A.J.C. C.,33, 35,44, 51,71 Palestina 4644, (15.08), A. P. Mullin, 33, 50, 51, 63 Palestine 3d 1104, (16.04), Thos. Pitch, 33, 63, 67 Palestine's Last Daughter, 18,608, (14.06), Thos. Pitch, 50, 51 PaleTopsey 563 J. H. B., (15.00), , (— ) Panatella 4778, (18.03), J. H. Walker, 7, 38, 31, 38. 46, 48, 66, 67 Pansy 608, (14.00), , 14, 48, 54, 73 Pansy 1019, (1 year), (574.08), Sutliff, 74 Pansy of Bellewood 3d 8904, (18,00), , 13, 30, 63, 69 Patterson's Beauty 4760, (18.00), Jno.Patter- sou, 5 Patty Mc 3d 4754, (16.08), J. H.Walker, 14, 16, 80, 37, 38, 38. 43, 43, 51, 53, 5S, 59, 63 Patty of Deerfoot 15,331, (16.00), B. Burnett, 3, 15, 30 ' Pavon 13.485, (14.08), J. H. Walker, 15,17, 36, 64, 69, 73 Pearl Armstrong 3670, (31.10), Woodside Farm, 73 Pearl of St. Lambert 5537, (14.03), Wm. - Rolph, 8, 16,34,37,71 *Pedro Alphea 13,899, (15.05), T. R. Cooper, 18, 19, 88, 89, 45, 49, 57, 60. 63, 78 Peggy Leah 3997, (18.18). — ,8, 10, 13, 89, 30, 35, 40, 43, 60. 68 Peggy of Staatsburg 3348, (14.01i^), W. B. Dinsmore, 16, 43, 48 *Pendule 3d 16,709, (16.03), J. L. Shallcross; , 11, 85, 36, 34, 46 Perces Lee 5538, (16.10), , 17, 33, 36, 40, 65 Percie 14,937, (16. 13) , , 5; 6, 34, 36, 39, 30, 39, 44, 50, 55, 78 Pet Anna 1608, (14.00), Beech Grove Parm, 11, 30, 39, 54, 60, 61 Pet Gilford 3377, (18.04K), Frederick Bill- ings, 57, 61 Pet Lee 7993, (14.18), J. H. Walker, 30, 49, 55 Pet of Maplewood Parm 4854, a5-08), L. M. Pair, 70 Pet Rex 30,166, (14.03^), W. Simpson, 8, 4, 13, 18, 30, 31, 56, 57, 58 . , i Phsedra8561, (19.13), W. Simpson, 33, 41, 61 Phlox 16,399, (81.11), Columbia Cattle Co.,. 30,85 84 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. PhyUis of HiUcrest 9067, (14.18), W. A. MuUin, S, 16, 31, 58, 69 Pierrot's Countess 12,480, (14.00), Jos. Kip linger & Co., 34, 50, 51 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 13,483, (16.10), Jos. Kiplinger & Co., 29, 50, 51, 53, 60 Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11,672, (15.12), Jos. Kiplinger & Co.. 7, 34. 50, 51 Pierrot's Picture 13,481, (16.00), Jos. Kip- linger & Co. , 7, 34, 50, 51 Pixie 4115, (14.00), Campbell Brown, 13, 14, 37, 49, 50, 51, 53, 59, 72 Plenty 950, (14.08), Thos. T. Turner, 14 Polly Clover 7053, (16.15), Warren F. Daniel, 3, 10, 13, 29, 36, 44, 50, 61, 68 Polly of Deerfoot 15,328, (15.00), E. Burnett, 3, 15, 16, 30 Polynia 10,753, (16.07), I. D. Risher, 6, 14, 31, 24 Pretty 3526, (14.00), J. B. Williams, 8, 29, 57, 64 Pride of Bovina 8050, (16.09), W. S. Rulher- ford, 5, 31, 24, 39, 30, 44, 70 Pride of Corisande 5323, (16.00), J. H. Walk- er, 18, 35, 32, 61, 63, 64 Pride of Eastwood 10,227, (20.13), 34 Pride of the Hill 4877, (14.08), G. J. Shaw, ' 11, 17, 18, 19, 44, 46, 55 , Pride of Winslow 3613, (14.03), G. Dawson Coleman, ( ) Prince's Bloom 9729, (14.03), E. J. Robbins, 3, 30, 43, 53, 58, 68 Princess 836, (14.12), , ( ) Princess 1154, (16.08), , ( ) Princess 2d 8046, (46. 12^), Com. A. J. C. C, 8, 33, 35, 44, 46. 66, 71, 74 Princess BiUworth 6801, (15. 10^), Jno. E. Phillips, 2, 13, 20, 30, 34, 42, 56, 58, 67 Princess Bowen 9699, (14.12), Jas. Cloud & Son, 19, 57 Princess Mostar 9700, (17.03), Jas. Cloud & Sons, 12, 19, 25, 33, 51, 53, 57 Princess of Ashantee 13,467, (16.05), S. M. Bumham, 33, 35, 44. 46, 71 Princess of Mansfield 8070, (15.02), A. E. Higley 39, 50, 51, 53, 60, 63 Princess Rose 6349, (14.08), J. H. Walker, 2, 13, 16, 30, 34, 56, 58 Princess Shiela 7397, (16.04^), G. R. Dyke- man, 6, 9, 10, 13, 31, 87, 35, 36, 40 Prize Clementine 10,333, (15.12), J. H. Walker, 41, 46, 65, 67 Prize Rose 16,309, (15.01), W. Simpson, 3, 35 Pulsatilla 2551, (16.03), , 4, 14, 30, 37, 38,49,58,64,70 ♦Punchinello 11,875, (17. ll^), S. M. Bum- ham, 8, 41, 44, 65, 67, 70 Purest 13,730, (15.04\ W. Simpson, 33, 33, 41, 61 Pussie 3035, (19.01), J. H. Walker, 78 Pyrola 4566, (18.06), 0. S. Hubbell, 80, 43, 49,64 Pyrrha 6100, (16.14i^), W. Simpson, 4, 6, 33. 57. 74 Queen of Ashantee 14,554, (15.03), S. M. Bumham, 8, 35, 34, 45, 46, 48, 54 Queen of Ashantee 3d 16,657, (14.03M, C. R. C. Dye, 4, 35, 34, 46 Queen of Chenango 17,771, (14.06), J. V. N. Willis, 31, 48, 65, 67 Queen of Delaware 17,039, (18 13), A. Baker, 46, 49, 54, 66 Queen of De Soto 13,318, (14.13), Edward Mayes, 13, 18, 31, 86, 30, 44, 64, 78, 73 I Queen Fannie 10,875, (14.03), Hoover & Co., 34, 50, 51 *Queen of Mapledale F. 7036, (14.14), , 11 22 39 57 7S Queen of Prospect 11,997, (14.02), R. S. Kingman, 28, 42, 5l, 63 Queen of the North 17,973, (14.00), J. H. Walker 49 Queensborough 34,345, (17.05), , *Ramilly 17,075, (14.00), . 3, 18, 17, 58, 55 Rarity 3d 7734, (14.03), Louis Stracke, 8, 33, 89, 30, 50 Reality 16,537, (15.03^), W. Simpson, 8, 11, 38, 41, 65, 69 Reception 8557, (19.08), W. R. McCready, 39, 46, 47, 65, 66 Reception 3d 11.035, (15.08>^, J. H. "Walker, 2, 14, 29, 39, 62, 72 Reckless 3569. (17.08), W. Simpson, 18, 14, 53, 54, 65 Regina 38 J. H. B., (80.04), I. of Jersey test, 47. Regina 8d 8475, (14.08), H. Borden-Bowen, 45, 47, 54 Regina 4th 18,738, (17. 13^), H. M. Howe, 47, 49, 54, 55, 66 Renalba 4117, (17.04^), Campbell Brown, 5, 18, 19, 45, 50. 51, 53, 57 Rene Ogden 1568, (15.00), W. S. Taylor, 4, 6, 18, 19, 33, 30, 45, 60, 63 Renim9181, (14.103^), Chas. Keep, 31, 48, 65 Renown 13,789, (14.06), W. Simpson, 34, 38, 41, 61, 65, 69 Richness 16,536, (14.06), W. Simpson, 33, 33, 41, 61 Rioter Pink of Berlin 33,665, (19.14), Com. A. J. C. C, 8, 18, 37, 66, 71, 73 Rioter's Beauty 14,894, (14.00), V. E. FuUer, 8, 18. 37, 48, 55, 66, 71, 73 Rioter's Nora 31,778, (15.09), V. E. Fuller, 18, 37, 68, 66, 71, 73 Rioter's Ruth 14,888, (14.13), V. E. Fuller, 8, 18, 37, 55, 66, 73 Rioter 3d's Venus 3658, (14.00), , 33, 39, 57, 61, 67 Rissa (8173 J. H. B.) 16,014, (19.00), Nathan Brownell, ( ) Robema 3840, (31 days), (54.00), , 74 Robinette 7114, (14.01), A. B. DarUng, 18, 33, 33,41,60,61, 63 Roland's Bonnie 3d 18,054, (19.08), J. H. Walker, 1, 8, 9, 15, 17, 31, 38, 58, 64 Roll of Honor 13,610, (14.13), J. B. Wilder, 8, 16, 31, 43, 58. 61, 64, 69, 73 Romping Lass 11,031, (15.00), J. B. Wade, 8, 12, 18, 19, 33, 35, 39, 45, 47, 69, 71, 78 Romp Ogden ad 4764, (15.051, W. E. Dates, 10, 81, 40, ,47, 50, 51. 52, 53 Romp Ogden 3d 5458, (14.01), Campbell Brown, 6, 12, 14, 18, 19, 23, 39, 40, 47, 69, 72 Roonan 5133, (18.13), M. C. CampbeU, 14, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 59 Rosa 663 J. H. B., (18.06), , 20 Rosabel Hudson 5704, (15.12), J. H. Walker, 1, 23, 34, 44. 47, 69 Rosa Miller 4333, (17.07), J. H. Walker, 3, 29, 45, 53, 55, 64 Rosa of Bellevue 6954, (18. 07^), Thos. H. Malone, 12, 47. 48, 56 Rosa of Glenmore 3179, (17.10), Campbell Brown, 9, 14, 33, 27, 45, 53, 59 INDEX. 85 Rose 340, (17.00), Jno. T. Norton, ( ) Rose 1587 J. H. B., (14.10), J. Arthur, 47 Rose ad 839, (16.00), J. H. "Walker, ( ) Rose 3d 913, (16.00), J. H. "Walker, 30 Rosebud of Merton 6352 (19.13), Mrs. J. B. Turner, 9, 11, 23, 28, 42. 43 Rosebud of Bellevue 7703, (31 days), (60.04>i), 74 Roselaine 7167, (15.01), Garrettson Bros. , 34 Rose of Bellevue 7703, (14.10), Campbell Brown, 8 Rose of Hillside 3866, (14.03K), Chas. J. Reed, 11, 31, 33, 39, 55, 64 70 *Rosellen 5306, (15.05), , 34 Rose of Oxford 13,469, (15.14>^, "W. Simp- son, 8, 13, 33, 35, 45, 47, 69, 71, 73 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365, (14.06), J. S. Rogers, 13, 15, 33, 53 Rose of St. Lambert 30,436, (31.03}i), V. E. Fuller, 8, 18, 37, 48, 55, 66, 71 Rosy Dream 9808, (14.13), Campbell Brown, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 73 Rosy Kate 10,376, (14.04), Hoover & Co., 50, Rosy Kate's Rex 13,193, (18.08), Jos. Kip- linger & Co., 3, 10, 13, 34, 50, 51, 56, 58 R^S Princess 3370, (17.12), Miss Alvin Adams, 9, 16 Rgyal Princess 3d 13,346, (17.13), "W. B. Dinsmore, 9, 16, 53, 64 Royal Sister 13,457, (14.11), 8. L. Hoover, 30, 38, 43, 47, 70 Roxy R. -, (16.00), "Wm. Crozier, (■ .... ., ■) Rupertina 10,409, (15. 13^), G. "W. Farlee, 3. 13, 34, 39, 63, 73 Sadie's Choice 7979, (14.00), , 3, 14, 18, 19, 34, 39, 63, 73 Safrano 4568, (17.08), O. S. Hubbell, 5, 45, 51, 64, 65 Sal Soda 3721, (14.07), "W. L. & "W. Ruther- ford, 6 Saragossa 33,019, (15.03), P. Ozouf, 15 ISasco Belle 13,601, (14.00), R. G. Skiff, 13, 13, 16, 35, 33, 67, 73 Satin Bird 16,380, (14.10), V. E. Puller, 37, 46, 67, 71 Saut Paluet's Pride 4805 J. H. B., (14.07), J. D. Godel, 68 Signalana 7719, (15.04), G. "W. Farlee, 3, 30, 39, 63, 73 Signetilia 16,383 (14.03>^, CampbeU Brown, 3, 14, 18, 19, 34, 39, 63, 73 Silene 4307, (14.00), "W. Simpson, 3, 14, 45, 59, 64 Silenta 17,685, (15.10), C. "W. Beardsley, 3, 14, 45, 59. 65 Siloam 17,633, (18.10), J. B. "WaUace, 13, 54, 63, 66, 71 saver BeUe4313, (14,00), J. H. "Walker, 10, 18, 53, 60, 63 Silveretta 5853, (16.09), B. J. Pair, 3, 6, 10, 21, 35, 36, 40j 59 Silver Rose 4753, (16.14), CampbeU Brown, 11,31,31,43,49,51,53, 53 Silversides 3857, (14.03), J. H. "Walker, 13, 18,61,63 Silvik Baker 8793, (16.04), , 13, 16, 63, 66 Sister Dorothy 3607, (15.00), G. D. Coleman Smoky 13,733, (14.09), "W. Simpson, 18, 33, 33, 41, 57, 61, 66 ^ „ „ „ Snowdrop P. "W. 16,948, (14.08), J. H. Walk- er, 9, IB, 17, 19, 39, 40, 59, 69 Soucique68 J. H. B., (16.00), J. H. "Walker, 47 Souvenir 3743 J. H. B., (16.08), J. H. "Walker, 68 *Spirea 3915, (14.00), R. Goodman, 55 Spring Leaf 5796, (14.00), , 10, 16, 37, 33, 36, 61, 69 Stanstead BeUe 4709, (14. H>^, , 48, 71 Starkville Beauty 4897, (14.00), "W. B. Mont- gomery, 3, 44, 55, 58 St. Clementaise 38,163, (15.13), L of Jersey test, ( ). St. Jeannaise 15,789, (16.04), S. "W. Robbins, 36, 33, 35,41, 45, 46, 67, 70, 71 St. Mick's Plora 16,195, (14.00), G. C. Row- ley, 33, 37, 41, 53, 61, 63, 65 St. Perpetua 2d 5557, (14.00), Thos. H. Malcne, 13, 17, 53, 58, 60 Sultana 3d 11,798, (15.04), Moulton Bros. , 11, 31, 31, 40, 63 *Sultane 3d 11,373, (33.08), M. H. Messchert, 46, 48, 56, 66 Su Lu 4705, (17.15), CampbeU Brown, 14, 38, 57, 58 Summerline 8001, (18.06), C. "W. H. Eicke, 3, 6, 8, 30, 43, 59, 73 Sunny Lass 6033, (14.07), D. A. Givens, 3, 30,73 Susette 4068, (14.04), J. H. "Walker, 3, 39 Susie La Biche 3d 15,171, (14.063^, "W. Simpson, 5, 37, 34, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58 SutUff^s Pansy 1019, (1 year), (574.08), ,74 *SutUff's Rosy 4104, (14.00), J. H. "WaU^er, 21 53 59 63 71 Sweet Briar 'of St. L. 5481, (33.13), David Beesor, 16, 34, 36, 70 Sweetrook 18,856, (14.11X), J. H.Walker, 39, 41, 65, 67 Sweet Sixteen 10,683, (14.15), H. M. Howe, 34,88,31,38,41,67 Sylvia 687, (15.08), J. H. Walker, 1, 13, 15, 17 38 Taglioni 9183, (14.01), B. B. Burr, 5, 48, 65 Talebearer 34,535, (14.08), J. H. "Walker, 30 Telka 8037, (14.03), W. B. MoCready, -, TeneUa 6713, (33.01}^), J. B. Wade, 3, 34, 30, 39, 49, 63, 73 Tenella 3d 19,581, (18.13), J. B. Wade, 3, 6, 84, 39, 63, 78 Therese M. 8364, (14.08), W. B. Mont- gomery, 3, 6, 10, 31, 35, 36, 36, 40, 43, 44, 55, 68 Thisbe 607, (15.13), J. H. WaUier, 5, 10, 51 Thisbe 3d 3801, (19.013^,, Jno. E. StUes, 5, 11, 13, 17, 34, 51, 53, 60 Thomdale Belle 5365, (14.08), Edwin Thorne, 4 6, 16, 33, 30, 49 Thomdale BeUe 3d 10,459, (15.15), Edwin Thome, 4, 33, 30, 31, 39, 42, 45, 74 TUda 3780, (15.00), W. L. & "W. Rutherford, •6, 13,38,43 Tobira 8400, (15.13), W. B. Montgomery, 6, 10, 31, 35, 36, 40 Torfrida 3596, (17.06>^, W. Simpson, 38, 57, 61 Topsey K. 33,769, (14.00), Nathan Bringley, 13, 38, 43, 44 Topsey Roxbury 7796, (15.00), J. H. WnUier, 13, 31, 38, 43, 59 Trenie 17,770, (14.10), J. V. N. WiUis, 21, 48, 65, 67 Troth 6139, (16.05), T. J. Hand, 37, 39, 63, 73 BUTTER RECORDS OF JERSEY COWS. Trudie Sd 4084, (15.00), Thos. H. FaUe, 6, 24, 33,61,67 Trust 23,648, (16.14), , ( ) Turquoise 1129, (14.03), Jolm D. Wing, 14, 34 Typha 5870, (16.11), W. Simpson, 3, 18, 32, 35, 57, 61 Uinta 5743, (14.10), M. L. Fink, 4,. 16, 37, 70 Undine of South East 4548, (14.00), , Urbana 5597, (16.00), J. C. Johnson, 3, 11, 14, 19, 27, 49, 5] , 53, 59 Usilda 832 (14.00), W. S. & H. E. Savage, Usilda 2d 6157, (15.02}^, W. S. & H. E. Savage, 2, 13, 30, 56, 58 Valerie 6044, (15.13), W. B. Montgomery, 2, 9, 11, 29, 30, 43, 44, 49, 55, 68 Valhalla 5300, (17.00), C. P. Markle & Son, 2, 24, 30, 39, 49, 62, 72, 74 Vahna Hoffman 4500, (21.09), Sam'l T. Earle, 6, 14, 16, 33, 48, 59 Value 2d 6844, (25.021i), Com. A. J. C. C, 3, 6, 10, 13, 28, 40, 49, 64, 67, 68 Vaniah 6597, (15.093^, T. F. ShotweU, 28 Variella 6337, (18;03%), W. E. Dates, 4, 11, 14, 36, 57, 59, 70 Variella of Lyuwood 10,954, (14.01), M. M. Gardner, 8, 12, 14, 39, 42. 49, 59, 69, 72 Velveteen 7703, (14.13}<), Thos. H. Malone, Verbena of Fernwood 9088 ,(15.00), Harrison Leib, 3, 20 Vesper 1395, (14.00), G. Dawson Coleman, Vestina2458, (14.02), W. Simpson, 33, 41, 61 Vespucia 17,455, (14.04), A. J. Fish, 26, 28, 30, 70 Victoria 3175, (16.01), W. L. & W. Ruther- ford, 44 Victorine La Chaise 2740, (16.00), — — , Victory 16,379, (15.04>i), V. E. Puller, Vieva3d7642, (16.05), John E. Phillips, 26, 40, 43, 64, 67, 70 Village Maid 7069, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 25, 31, 38, 43, 57 Violet 23, (17.08), , ( ) Violet 272 (17.08), J. F. ConneUy, 62 Violet 3d 3340, (15.08), T. S. Cooper, ( ) Violet of Glencaim 10,221, (14.04), V. E. Fuller, 9, 22, 28, 36, 42 *Violetof St. Ouens8626, (17.08), James H. Cushing, 35 Viva Le Brocq 13,702, (17.07), G. B. Smith, 3 12 35 37 47 73 Vivalia 12,'760', (14.00), Tenn. Breeders' Sale Cattle, 13, 15, 18, 44. 46, 55, 60 Vixen 7593,, (17.06), M. M. Gardner, 14, 30, 38, 39, 49, 58, 64, 73 VoUe 19,465, (18.01), Henry Sanford, 5, 48, 64, 65. *Wabash Girl 14,550, (16.00), , 2, 20, 33, 31, 38, 49, 54, 62, 68, 69, 72 Wakeha 19,721, (16.00), A. P. Foster, 15, 22, 34, 38, 58, 68 Walkyrie 5708, (14.01), H. M. Howe, 5, 34, 31, 34, 42, 46, 47, 54, 55, 66 • Warren's Duchess 4622, (16.01), C. BordwelL 26, 53, 62 Webster's Pet 4103, (14.02), W. H. Walrath, 6, 10, 14, 21, 35, 36, 40, 50, 59, 71, 74 Welma 5942, (17.08), Ariel Low, Jr., 11, 80, 39, 54, 73 White Clover Leaf 4512, (17.15), J. H. Walker, 13, 30, 42, 53, 58, 64 White Frost 17,431, (16.02), , ( ) Willis 2d 4461, (16.03), G. Dawson Coleman, 12, 38, 54, 65 Witch Hazel 1360, (14.00), Thos J. Hand, 11, ■ 12,72 Witch Hazel 4th 6131, (15.05>J), Campbell Brown, 35, 36, 54, 63, 73 Woodland Lass 3444, (14.00), J. H. Walker, 1 33 31 38 43 *Woodl'and Margaret 6215, (14.10M, , 11, 12, 30, 39, 51, 52, 72 Wybie 595, (17.04), O. S. HubbeH, 10 YeUow Locust 10,679, (14.10%), H. M. Howe, 8, 24, 28, 31, 33, 38, 50, 58, 70 Young Duchess 497, (15.08), J. H. Walker, Young Fancy 9033, (17.00), Isaac W. Stokes, Young Garenne 13,641, (17.08), , 8, 13, 34,44,46,47 Zalma 8778, (15.05), W. Simpson, 4, 18, 31, 32, 41, 61 Zampa 2194, (18.00), , 6, 14, 16, 32, 51, 61 Zina 1434, (14.00), , 6, 14, 21, 64 Zittella 2d 11,922, (17.083^), W. Simpson, 8, 11, 32, 33, 41, 61 Zithey 9184, (16.07), 0. S. Hubbell, 21, 42, 48, 49, 65 ADVERTISEMENTS. 87 XRESCENT FARM HERD. JERSEY CATTLE. SERVICE BULLS: TRAILER 7160. Full brother in blood of Bomba 10,330 (31 lbs. llj oz., official record), their sires being the same, and their dams full sisters. Average 7 days' rerord of dam and sire's dam, 18 lbs. 13 oz. Service fee, $50. Sons of Trailer taken at 4 weeks old as full pay for a second service. CRESCENT TRAILER 12,771. Son of Trailer 7160, and Doe Magna 7133, a sister of Q-ilderoj', who tested 13 lbs. 8 oz. with only 2 sound teats. Service fee, $50. A heifer calf guaranteed or the service fee refunded, and 3 free services given besides. MARIUS ALBERT ^14,542, 40| per cent. Albert 44, backed by Lady Mary 1148 and Pansy 6th 38, the com- bination which produced Signal. Service fee,, $35. Young stock for sale. The herd is made up of Eioter-Alphea, Albert, St. Helier, Bajah and Gilderoy blood. Address Passaic Bridge, N. J. Only 10 Miles from New York on Erie Railroad. 88 AD VERTISEMENTS. ST. HELIER SERVICE BULL, 75 PER CENT. RUTILA 1921. A. J. C. C. H. R. Sire fST. HC:iiIX;R4S. Dam Iahthb 4562 19 lbs. 11 oz. on grass only at 4 years. ST. HEIilBR 45. fEARL 81. Monarch, Imp. 82. EUROPA 121, imp. 18 lbs. 6 oz. I Blanche 594. 16 lbs. .Lily 6th 500....- Paterson 11. St. Clbubht 10, imp., by B. L. Colt. Dam imp., by B. L. Colt. LlIiY 1. Imp. by John T. Norton. A worthy representative of a noted family, solid silver gray, shading to blaclc on neclc and lees , irith full black points, good rudimentary teats, well placed ; a curveline escutcheon and a grand constitution, which is a family trait, his dam having a record of IS lbs . in 7 days, 5 months after calving, when 12 years old, and his sire was'in service at ten years of age. His disposition is tractable, he is a quick performer and a sure get^er. His sire, St. Helier 45, has given 50 per cent, or more of his blood to 26 cpws that have tests Of 14 lbs. or over, the majority of which were made on ordinary feed, many of them being on grass aline. The average butter tests of his dam and his two fall sisters, 20 lbs. 3 oz. each. Service fee 850, to be paid before the cow is removed. No charge will be made for keep for cows in milk, others $2 per week. All cows at owner's risk, and cow s failing to hold to service may be returned free of charge except for keep as above. ^WALW^ORTH VS/'ARD, American Purchasing Agency, No. 5'^ BROADWTAY, NE^^T YORK. CARRIAGE AND ROAD TEAM^ THOROUGHBRED CATTLE and improved Live Stock of every description bought and sold on commission and forwarded t • any destination. Competent experts sent at moderate charges to any part of the country to make selections of ariimals or attend the public sales. Information and advice given as to the state of the market and on the general subject of cattle buying, breedmg, importing and shipping. Auction sales superintended— a service embracing the selection of a suitable auctioneer, the preparation of pedigrees, catalogues, advertisements, newspaper notices, etc., etc. Designers and publishers of the most approved forms of pedigree blanks. Price lists furnishf d on application. ' N. B.— We are always prepa'-ed, throush the other departments of our business, to execute commission orders for every description of goods, implements and machinery. ADVERTISEMENTS. 89 THE PERFECT MILK PAIL. JL ]m:iu3k: pa-il.. strainei^ aivd ©tool, in one. CANNOT BE KICKED OVER BY THE COW : IS EASY TO KEEP CLEAN, AND HAS HAD FinST PHIZES AWARDED WHEREVER EXHIBITED. l9B/»"' ~:^y— .^ " ^''*' oannot be too pure. It is important for the ^^,1^^^^^^^ healtb, especially of diildren, that Milk be as pure l^M^^^ Nothing absorbs odors quicker than Milk. tl^ ^!^"'" "_ ^^A J^r '^^ "Animal Odors" and "Evil Flavors" in ^Hisl^^— ssgMH jBW Butter, Cream and Milk are in great part due to the f||j| i&' iiliH ll^BMy e;£posure of the milk, during the milking, to the B^^^B=iiSft|l|W^^ atmosphere of the Stable. " ^' 1*91^1^^^ "'''^ ^* ^™' ^'"' ''™''^ ^™^ "^^ *'^ ^''^^'^ ^ '^^^ ^^'' &B||=L |ill|i||^^^F^ And filthy Milkers are prevented from dipping ^ 'mi^^^^z!^iMiiui^ . their fingers in the Milk, This I^il is made of the best tin plate, will bear weight of 300 lbs. or over, holds 14 quarts ; its cover makes a seat for the milker ; the funnel which receives the milk is supported by a rubber tube which returns it to its position if moved by kicks from the Cow. A strainer is placed in the lower end of the tube. Any impurity falling into the funnel can at once be cleansed, if necessary, by a stripping of milk. The height of the funnel may be gauged to suit different Cows. Col. Mason C. Weld, as good authority as the best in this country, writes; "Jan. 27, 1884. I have been using ^ The Perfect Milk Pail ^ in mv dairy for several years, and have no idea I shall ever use any other." If you desire purer, more wholesome and fragrant Milk, Cream and Butter than you have ever had before, send at once for "THE PERFECT IVIILK PAIL," PRICE --.-.■... $2.25 ASK YOUR STORE-KEEPER FOR THEM. B. H. ALLEN COMFANT, General Agents for the TTuited States. Dealers in Agricultural, Horticultural and Dairy Implements, Fertilizers, Seeds, etc., P. O. BOX 376. 189 & 191 WATER ST., NEW YORK CITY. Pea Feed, Linseed Oil Meal, Old Process, Cotton Seed Meal, Oat Meal, Rice Meal, Ground Oats, Mid- dlings, Bran, Ground Peed, Corn Meal, Corn, Oats, Screenings, Wheat, &c., &c. R. K. BUCKMAN, Agent, Grain Commission Merchant, 119 AVEST ST., NEW YORK. SOMETHING NEW^. "BREEDERS' POCKET REGISTER" for Thoroughbred Stock, Pedigree, Service, Produce and Sales. Breeders of Herd Book Stock will find this a most desirable book. Published and for sale by S. ^W. COE, Retail Price $1.50. 75 Worth St., New York City. 90 ADVERTISEMENTS. OAKRIDGE HERD. JERSEY CA.TTLE J. B. Aycrigg, M. D, PASSAIC BRIDGE, N, J. THE SIMPSON HERD OF JERSEY CATTLE IS THE LARGEST HEED IN THE WORLD. The following Bulls are in use ; for records of their families, see preceding pages : MERCTJRY 432. EDDINGTON 2250. YOUNG MERCURY 7485. REX 1330. MERCURY, JR., 7490. FARMER'S GLORY 5196. &c., &c. Choice young Bulls and Heifers of the best butter blood for sale at reasonable prices. Address 51 Chatham Street, New York.