QJatngU HttiOEtHity Sjtbrary atljaca. SJem ^ork BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Cornell University Library NB 623.R538M35 Giovanni della Robbia, 3 1924 020 503 417 H\ XI Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924020503417 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Princeton Monographs in Art and Archaeology VIII Giovanni della Robbia BY ALLAN MARQUAND PROFESSOR OF ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1920 Copyright, 1920, by Princeton University Press Printed by Princeton University Press Princeton, N. J., U.S. A. Published, October, 1920 PREFACE In this volume I have presented a Catalogue Raisonne of the works of Giovanni della Robbia, publishing for the first time many new monuments and new documents. The writings of Dr. Bode, of Marcel Reymond, and of Miss Cruttwell will have made the public sufficiently familiar with Luca and Andrea della Robbia, but no one has brought together into a unified treatise the works of Giovanni della Robbia. The present volume should present to the eye of the interested student a sufficient number of works by Giovanni della Robbia to enable him to recognize the characteristics of his style. In other volumes we may hope to distinguish the correlated works of the Buglioni, and of Giovanni's brothers. Logically the volume on Andrea della Robbia should follow the monograph on Luca della Rob- bia, but the output of his atelier was so enormous and the individualities of his successors so ill defined, that I have prefered to delay publication, hop- ing that the discovery of new documents may shed some light on the ob- scure portions of this field. As usual I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Rufus G. JMather for his careful revision of already published and for his discovery of new documents. CONTENTS L Introduction xi II. Catalogue of Monuments i III. Bibliography and Index 225 INTRODUCTION I. Biography. Giovanni della Robbia was born on the nineteenth of May, 1469 at three o'clock in the morning, and was baptized on the following day (Doc. i). The baptismal records give him two names "Giovanni et Antonio," al- though he was known only by the former. The name Giovanni had been borne by his grand-uncle Ser Giovanni della Robbia, a notary and chancel- lor of Florence, who died about 145 1. It may be observed, however, that his mother's name was Giovanna, and his grandmother's Antonia, a suffi- cient explanation for both his names. The same record gives his father's name as Andrea di Giovanni, a manifest error, as Andrea's father's name was Marco. His l^irthplace was in the family home in the Via Guelfa, corner of Via Nazionale, purchased in 1446 by his grand-uncles Luca and Marco della Robbia. It was in the Popolo di San Lorenzo, and the Gon- falone di Lione doro. Here, surrounded by his relatives, Giovanni lived and worked during all his life. Whether to be set up in Florence or its neighborhood, or in some distant town like Arcevia in the Marches, his monuments were moulded and baked in this house on the Via Guelfa in a room called the anticncina, where was the furnace and mixing troughs used by Andrea della Robbia and by his sons, Giovanni, Luca, and Girolamo (A. J. A., XXin, 1920, 136-145)- In 1502 or 1503 Giovanni married Tommasa di Carlo di Geri Bartoli (Doc. 2-;^). This connection may have been of value to Giovanni della Robbia. The Bartoli family were represented many times as Priors or Gonfalonieri in Florence. One of them Domenico Bartoli, with his wife Maddalena Rucellai, was given permission to decorate the Cappella di S. Maria degli Angeli at the famous Franciscan monastery at La Verna. Their coats of arms appear upon Andrea's very beautiful altarpiece of the Madonna della Cintola, as well as upon two later altarpieces. Giovanni and Tommasa had five children: (i) Marco, born Dec. 19, 1503; (2) Filippo, a painter, born Apr. 11, 1505; (3) Lucantonio, born Apr. 14, 1506; (4) Alessandra, born Oct. 21, 1508, married in 1528 Lo- renzo di Lionardo di Tommaso Altoviti, and died in 1570; and (5) Simone, born April 26, 1511- One son died on Aug. 25, 1525, and two in 1527, but their names are not recorded (Docs. 4-5). Nor is it known whether any of Giovanni's sons worked in his atelier. It is true that in 15 18 his eldest son Marco receipted for a part of the compensation due to Giovanni, but this does not necessarily imply participation in the work. Giovanni was one of a family of twelve. The eldest, Antonia, born Jan. xii INTRODUCTION 21, 1465, was married in 1485 to Girolamo di Michele di Giovanni Mascal- zone; the second, Marco, born Apr. 6, 1468, became Fra Mattia in S. Marco in 1496; Giovanni was the third; the fourth, Paolo, born Nov. 2, 1470, became a soldier; the fifth was Lisabetta, born Sept. 18, 1473; '^he sixth, Luca, born Aug. 26, 1475, married Sept. 4, 1522 Agnoletta di Piero di Paolo Falconieri, and in 1528 Bartolommea di Lionardo Altoviti; the seventh, Francesco or Pierfrancesco, born July 23, 1477, became Fra Am- brogio in S. Marco in 1495; the eighth, Caterina, born Aug. 19, 1480, be- came Suora Speranza in the Monasterio di S. Lucia in 1496; the ninth, Piero, born Apr. 14, 1483, died Jan. i, 1493; the tenth, Margherita, born May 2T,, i486, became Suora Agnolina in the Monasterio di S. Lucia in 1502; the eleventh, Girolamo, born Mar. 10, 1488, married in 1543 Luisa di Piero Mattei ; the twelfth, Maria, born Sept. i, 1492, married in 1513 Tommaso di Marco Fantini. Of his brothers, Luca and Girolamo worked in glazed terra-cotta and doubtless collaborated with him before they went to France in 1528- 1529. Fra Mattia and Fra Ambrogio seem to have been more independent of the family atelier and had a furnace of their own in the Marches. During the late years of his father's life Giovanni was the most produc- tive and leading spirit in the atelier. His father's financial resources were doubtless strained to care for his large family and Giovanni was expected to provide in great measure for himself. So we find him entering into contracts on his own account. Possibly he was extravagant in his ex- penditures, as the documents concerning the dot he was to receive from his wife show that his father in law. Carlo di Geri Bartoli was most anxious to avoid risks. It may be, as Mr. Mather suggests, that the marriage of Giovanni and Tommasa was contracted without mention of a dowry, but Document 6 shows that in 1507, 1508, and 151 1 Carlo purchased securities for this purpose amounting altogether to 538 florins, 10 soldi. Possibly the amount promised was 600 florins, as is indicated in the Spogli dello Strozzi (Doc. 3). Giovanni was not allowed to endanger this property save with the consent of his father in law, and for a part of it at least he was re- quired also to have his father's consent. Giovanni appears, however, to have drawn against this account (Doc. 7), to have received interest on it, and to have made various reinvestments. Documents 8 and 9 indicate that after the death of his father and father in law the amount of the dowry remaining in the Monte decreased ma- terially in amount. On the 14th of September 1522 Andrea della Robbia made his will, adding a codicil on the i8th of February 1523. He revoked his will on the third of June 1524. He died on August 4, 1525, his wife Giovanna Paoli having predeceased him. Two of Andrea's sons were monks, two of his daughters nuns, others were already dead. He left three heirs and his INTRODUCTION Xlll will shows that he desired an equal distriljution of his i)roperty. As An- drea had revoked his will Giovanni properly states that his father died in- testate (Doc. lo) and lays claim to his portion, one third. The other claim- ants were his brothers Luca and Girolamo, both of whom were now living in France (Doc. ii). The latter document is dated July 14, 1529; by March 24th of the following year his wife Tommasa is spoken of as a widow. Hence his death, of which we have no specific record, must have occurred during the autumn of 1529 or the early months of 1530. His genealogy in part is as follows : Michele I Vanni I Marco, d. 1382 I Simone (i343-i433) I Ser Giovanni (1394-c. 1448) Marco (1388-1448) T 1 " I I ^ I I Filippo Checca Jacopo Andrea Simone Paolo (1430-1433) (1432-?) (1432-?) (1435-1525) (1438-1521) b. 1439 m. Andrea Gori m. in 1464 Giovanna di Piero di Ser Lorenzo Paoli Luca (1399-1481) Francesco Margherita b. 1443 b. 1444 m. 1460 to Tomaso di Giovanni di Piero Giovanni ^ 3" of 12 children . (1469-1529) I Marco Filippo Lucantonio Alessandra Simone b. Dec. 19, 1503 b. Apr. 11, 1505 b. Oct. 21, 1506 b. Oct. 21, .1508 b. Apr. 26, 1511. m. in 1528 to Lorenzo di Lionardo di Tommaso Altoviti 2. His work. Although Giovanni was not matriculated into the Arte de' Medici e degli Speziali until the year 1525 he began much earlier to act as an independent sculptor. The first documented work for which he as an individual con- tracted was the Lavabo in S. Maria Novella in 1497. It has many points of contact with the works of Andrea della Robbia, in whose atelier he had been employed for some years. In spite of its attractive quality it shows a lack of originality, and a distinct lapse from the high standard of beauty exhibited in the works of his father. From the early years of the nine- teenth century until the year of his death we find a series of dated, docu- mented, and at least two signed monuments. The following list may be useful even to those who have the catalogue of his works before them. It will show that the period of his greatest activity was between 15 10 and 1529, during the greater part of which his father was still alive. xiv INTRODUCTION 1. Lavabo, S. Maria Novella. 1497. Documented. 2. Last Judgment, A'olterra. 1501. Dated. 3. Thirty-nine Casks, S. ]\Iaria Nuova, 1507. Documented. 4. Stemma of Giovanni Niccolini, 1509. Dated. 5. Resurrection Relief. 15 10. Dated. 6. Font at Cerreto Guidi. 151 1. Dated. 7. Stemma of Filippo Sapiti. 15 12. Dated. 8. Font, S. Donate in Poggio. 15 13. Dated. 9. Altarpiece, Arcevia. 15 13. Dated and Documented. 10. Candelabrum bearing Angels, S. Ambrogio. 15 13. Documented. 11. Altarpiece, Buonsollazzo (formerly). 1513- Documented. 12. Altarpiece, Museo Nazionale, No. 64. 1514-1515. Documented. 13. Altarpiece, Poggibonsi. 15 14. Dated. 14. Altarpiece, Baltimore. 1515. Dated. 15. Ciborio, Vatican. 1515. Dated. 16. Stemma of Niccolo de'Pazzi. 1516. Dated. 17. Font, Galatrona. 15 18. Documented. 18. Altarpiece, Pisa. 1520. Dated and Documented. 19. Altarpiece, Fiesole. 1520. Dated. 20. Statue of S. Romolo, Fiesole. 1521. Dated. 21. Stemma of Bishop Folchi, Fiesole. 1521. Dated. 22. Lunette, Museo Nazionale, No. T,y. 1521. Signed and Dated. 22,. Altarpiece, Museo Nazionale, No. 25. 1521. Signed, Dated, Doc- umented. 24. Tabernacolo, Via Nazionale. 1522. Dated. 25. Stemma of Arcangelo Spigliati, ]Museo Nazionale, No. 42. 1522, Dated. 26. Medallion heads of prophets, apostles, saints, Certosa. 1523. Docu- mented. 2y. Statue of Isaiah. Certosa (formerly). 1523. Documented. 28. Altarpiece, Lowengard's. 1523. Dated. 29. Altarpiece, Lamporecchio. 1524. Dated by document. 30. Stemma of Raffaello Corbinelli, Certaldo. 1524. Dated. 31. Stemma of Antonio Pazzi. S. Giovanni in Valdarno. 1525. Dated. T,2. Ceppo Hospital Medallions, Pistoia. 1525-1529. Dated and Docu- mented. 33. Stemma of the Particini, Poppi. 1526. Dated. 34. Stemma of Hippolito Buondelmonti, Pistoia. 1526. Dated. 35. Stemma of Lorenzo Lapi, Scarperia. 1526. Dated. 36. Madonna and Saints, Arezzo. 1526. Dated by document. T,y. Stemma of Francesco di Casavecchia, Scarperia. 1528. Dated. Giovanni continued to build altarpieces, large and small, ciboria, fonts, medallions, and occasionally statues. Occasionally, as in the monuments at Galatrona, he used exclusively white glazes ; but ordinarily his works are INTRODUCTION xv polychromatic. Some of his colours, especially his blues and greens, retain something of the distinction which may be observed in the works of Luca and of Andrea della Robbia. But as a whole his colour sense was not re- fined and many of his works are gaudy and crude. In the construction of garlands he cared little for rhythm or for decoration composition. He sought to catch the eye of the spectator by the introduction of lizards, snails, or other animalculi. He cared so much for naturalistic effect in representing human creatures that he used pink or other glazes, rather than white, for flesh tones, and frecjuently left the nudes unglazed in order that they might be painted so as to produce effects he could not accomplish b}' coloured glazes. Reds had always caused trouble for the potter, so he often left the tunic of the Virgin unglazed. His rendering of red in enamel was not the charming violet of Luca or Andrea, but a brown of crude, uninteresting tone. In the treatment of eyes he usually merged iris and pupil into one brown mass. In fact in whatever direction we turn Giovanni impresses us as a craftsman lacking in the higher inspirations of artistic ideals. DOCUMENTS [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. "Adi 20 di decto (Maggio 1469) Giovanni et Antonio de Andrea di Giovanni popolo di San Lorenzo nacque adi 19 a hore 3 — ba'° addi 20." [Archivio dell' Opera di S. Maria del Fiore, Libro dei Battezzati, 1466-1473, c. 6.] 2. "1502 Giovanni di Andrea della Robbia Tommasa di Carlo di Geri Bartoli" [Archivio di Stato, Spoglio dell 'Ancisa, Sec. xvii.] 3. "Gio(vann)i di Andrea della Robbia consume matrimoni" con M" Tom" fig'" di Carlo di Geri Bartoli con dote di fl. 600 I'anno 1503" [Spogli dello Strozzi cod. carta Sec. XVII, segnato Magliab. CI. XXXVII, Cod. 299 c. 288, Libro D 116 Q" S. Gio(vann)i 1465.] 4. "Septembre 1525 — uno figluolo di Giovanni della Robbia adj 2 Recato in Sco p° m'" [Arch, di stato. Ufiicio della grascia. Libro dei Morti, 1 524-1 530, segnato Arti 6 cod. 249.] 5. "27 Agosto 1527. Del Falagetto in casa gio. della Robbia v'e malato due fanciulli" [Gargani, citation from Libro del Contagio della Misercordia, 1523- 1530.] xvi INTRODUCTION 6. " + yhs + 1507 Giovanni d'Andrea di Marcho della Robl^ia de avere adi xj di dicembre 1507 F. cientocinquantadue larghi per Nicholo d'Andrea Ghranacci di questo c. iii e ebon chondizione che di detto chredito non si possi fare alchuno cbontratto sanza licenza di Charllo di Gieri Bartolj ma stia e sia per sicburta e sodamento di dota o parte d'essa della Tommaxa donna di detto Giovannj e figluola di detto Charllo Bartolj e ebon tutte le altre cbon- dizioni chonsuete secbondo lo stile del Monte guadagnati F. 100 adi 21 di luglio 1490 e F. 52 adi 16 di giungno 1491. F. 152. E de avere adj 20 di giugnio 1508 F. cinquanta larghi per Lisabetta di Geri Risalitj di questo c. 525 cholle medesime chondizioni di sopra gua- dagnati adj 19 di luglio 1491. F. 50. E de avere adi 5 dj niarzo 1508 F. cinquanta largbi per Charllo di Gieri Bartoli di questo c. 26 e chon chondizione che non se ne possi fare alchuno cbontratto sanza licenza di Charllo di Gieri Bartoli e d'Andrea di Marcho della Robbia ma stia per sichurta e sodamento di dota chome di sopra jn forma chonsueta e chon chondizione che ongni volta che detto Giovannj chonperasse beni jnmobilj che stieno principalmente obrigbati per la valuta di detto chredito ala detta M.° Tomaxa tutto a dichiarazione di detto Charl- lo Bartoli e di detto Andrea della Robia o degli uficialj del Monte che pe' tempi saranno fatta detta chiarazione detto chredito resti libero da detta chondizione guadagnati F. adi 20 di novembre 1491. F. 50. E de avere adi detto F. cientosedicj sol. x larghi per Alberto di Giovannj Altovitj di questo c. 533 e chon le medesime chondizioni di sopra che sono ala partita di F. 50 larghi fatto chreditore jn di 5 di marzo guadagnati F. 10. 18. 5 adi 7 d'ottobre 1490 e F. 62. 10 adi 18 di febraio 1491 e F. 43. 4. 7 adj 2 d'aghosto 1491. F. 116 sol. 10 den. E de avere adj 7 di marzo 1508 F. ciento setanta larghi per M' Cilia d'Andrevolo Nicholini di questo c. 530 chon le medesime chondizioni di sopra che sono a F. 10 e n larghi guadagnati F. 50 adi 6 di giungnio 1491 e F. 15. 14. 7 adi 8 di giungnio 1491 e F. 44. 12. 3 adi 30 di novembre 1491 e F. 14. 15 - adi 26 di novembre 1491 e F. 44. 18. 2 adi 20 di febraio 1490. F. 170. F. 538. 10. Adi 22 d'ottobre 151 1 poxa (posta) chondizione ala partita di F. 538 larghi che Buonachorzo d'Antonio di Ser Bartolo la pigli da di primo di gienaio 15 11 a tutto dicembre 1513 cioe paghe vi di licenza di detto Gio- vannj al Quaderno c. 14. Posto avere al Libro Rosso da 4 per cento c. 683 adi 13 di marzi 151 1. F. 538. sol 10. [Archiv. di Stato. Ufficio del Monte da 4 %, Libro Deb. e Cred. 1506- 1509, segnato G. c. 416. Published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 109- IIO.] Hie mutatur Indictio Recognitio R(icordo) ad gab(ellam) 7- INTRODUCTION "-J- yhs MDxiij Indictio prima xvii Item postea dictis Anno Indictione secunda et die vij' mensis octobris Actum i curia mercantie et universitati mercatorum civitatis florentie pntibus (presentibus) Antonio pieri francisci d(e) gottolis et Johanne andree mei alias barbetta numptijs ind(i)c(t)a curia testibus etc Johannis andree marci d(e)lla robbia scultor et Matheus Uice fornarius alpalagetto et quilibet eorum i solidum etc p(er) se et eorum heredes etc et eorum certa scientia et 6i (omni) modo etc fuerunt cofessi et ricog- noverut se esse veros et limos (legitimos) debitores Francisci bernardi d(e) CorbinelHs Hcet abntis (absentis) et mei notarij infrascripti p(ro) eo recipientis etc d(e) sum(m)a et quanti- tate florenorum octo auri lar. i auro p(ro) valore cuisdam panni albi v" (vocati) pezzetta biancha bb sexaginta ut (vel) circa eisdem venditi et p(ro)eo recepti a franc" pieri delviva ut asserverut dicte partes Renumptiantes etc Quam quantita- tem f. 8. dicti Joh(ann)is et Matheus et q(ui)Hbet eorum in solidum etc unica solutione sufficiente p(ro)miserunt etc sol- vere et cum effectu pagare eidem franc" d(e) CorbinelHs licet ab(se)nti etc hinc ad octo menses px (proximos) futuros sine aliqua exceptione Et dcam solutionem facere florentie pisis senis rome etc Et cum sit q(uod) dictus Joh(ann)is sit de- scriptus creditor i libro nigro montis cois (comunitatis) flor- entie ad c 683 f 538 lar. d 4 p(ro)c°( cento) Et cu sit + yhs MDxiij" Indictio secunda (s 46) q hac presenti suprascripta die dictus Johis codictionaverit dcum motem (montem) hoc modo vz q(uod) dictus francisus de CorbinelHs capiat pagas et dona dicti crediti montis d 4 p(ro) c° adie p'ma mensis maij px' futuri 15 17 ultra Qua pp (propter) dictus Johannis omni modo etc dedit licentiam dco franc" d(e) CorbinelHs licet ab(se)nti et mihi notaro etc q(uo)casu quo dictus franciscus de corbinellis tempore quo supra no essere solutus et Satisfactus a dco Joh(ann)e v(e)l Matheo vel ab altero iporum de dels f. 8 auri lar. 1 auro q(uod) possit et riliceat vendere elapso dco tempore dcorum otto men- sium tot pagas s(upra)s(crip)ti crediti f 538 d(e) quo sup q ascendant ad sum (m) am dcorum f 8 p(ro) tempore dicti anni 1517 ultra Et casu quo dictus franciscus d(e) corbinellis ven- deret dcas pagas modis et formis s(upra)s(crip)ti p(er) pro- senetas ordinarios montis q(uod) dictus Joh(ann)is no pos- sit ullo unquam tempore dicere vel p(ro)ponere q(uod) dictus franciscus d(ej Corbinellis eius male et T dampnu dicti xviii INTRODUCTION Joh(ann)is vendiderit Et ex nuc dictus Joh(ann)is fecit p( ro)curatorum etc dcum franciscum d(e) Corbinellis licet absentem etc Splr(specialiter) etc pagas dicti s(upra)s(crip)ti crediti f 538 mentis d 4 p(ro) c° d g" sup q(uod) ascendant ad dcani s(upra)s(crip)tam summam f 8 auri lar. inauro modis et formis s(upra)s(crip)tis Dans etc promittens etc Que oia (omnia) et singula s(upra)s(crip)ta dicti Joh(ann)is et Matheus referendo singula singulis p(ro)miserunt etc ac- tendere et observare sub pena £25 auri lar. inauro Que pena etc qua pena etc p(ro) quibus etc obligaverut etc Renumpti- antes etc quibus etc p(er) quarantigiam etc Rogantes etc. [Archivio di Stato. Rogiti di Ser Lorenzo di Pierantonio Cardi, Protocolli 1510-1516, Segnato C 137 c 45' e 46.] 8. "+ Mdxxvj Giovan(n)j dand" di marcho della Robbia de av- (er)e adj 22 dotob(r)e 1526 f cinquecento di- cotto s otto dj quatro Ij segnati indiv(i)si tenpj al{i)b(r)o I c 722, p(er) tantj levatj di suo coto dal(i)b(r)o Rosso I c 723 f 518 .8 .4 dota Sono ob(l)ighartj p(er) sodo di dota dalla to- masa sua don(n)a e digl" (di licenza) di carlo di geri b(ar)tolj e che di f 338 .13.4 di deta soma no sene possa fare alchuno cotratto sanza licezia di carlo b(ar)tolj e dj andrea di marcho delaro- p(ost)a arin- bja che stano p(er) dota chome di sop(r)a Che vestire |^ pS (partite) di detto credito sabino arinvestire sine a tamto si sia riconperatj f 20 s 1.4 di similj credit] sotto detto nome e codiz"" p "(""") JJ f 98 .6 .4 obligatj arinvestire I c 723 Che franc" di piero palagj piglj paghe 4 di f 538 e p'(paghe) 2 di f 500 — coe jntt°(jn tutto) p" p(agh)e 6 6 no p(er)o gudicado etc e fiinito che sia el rinvestimeto chome di sop(r)a — I c 723. Adj 29 dotob(r)e 1526 poste codiz" alep' (ale paghe) di f 518 .8.4 che franc" di piero palagj le piglj di poj che tutte le codiz"" sino a q° dj a p' 2 posta jn detto credito saran(n)o spirate p' (paghe) dua no p(er)o guidicado etc di l(icen)- za di detto govannj al q° c 73 E adj 16 di novebre 1526 f undicj s sedicj Ij p(er) gon(n)a filippo di charlo bartolj dare al- (i)b(r)o h c 743 segnatj adj 16 di dicebe i486 INTRODUCTION XIX P" 9 P 3 e colle niedesime cocliz(io)nj e disse p(er) Rinu'" di pagha f 11.16 530 E adj 7 di m(ar)zo 1526 f otto s cinque di quat- to p(er) zanobj di govan(n)j tenpj dare in q" c 437 segnatj adj 5 di m(ar)zo 1488 colle niede- sime condizionj disop(r)a e p(er) rinvestimen- to di p°( pagha ) f8 5 4 „ ^ 538 .9 -8 Adj 3 di genaio 1527 poste codiz"' alep(agh)e di f 538-9-8 che guliano di piero rucellaj le piglj dadj p° di settembre 1529 a tutto aghosto 1532 coe p° [pagha(e)] 9 no p(r)o gudicado etc di l(icen)za di detto govannj delarobia al q° c 44 Adj 14 di novebre 1528 poste codiz"" alep" di f 538.9.8 che lucha dj andrea della robia le piglj da oggj att° aghosto 1529 coe p° 3 no p(er)o gudicado etc di l(icen)za di detto go- vannj e di cosentimeto di frac" dj ziaro p(er) ognj suo interesse al q" c 98 Addj 8 di gennaio 1528 giul"" di p" rucellaj condizionaro alia p° di detto c'°(chredito) alia detta conditio rinunzio p(er) detta p° libero di licentia di detto giovannj p(er) lucha dandrea dellarobia conditionaro alia p' di detto chredito ala detta condit di p' rinijtio p(er) detta p" libero di lie' di detto lucha al q° c 125 Giovannj detto de av(er)e adj 22 dotobre 1526 f 9 1 1.3.3 P(s^) T^'i^esto) del(i)b(r)o I c 723 equalj sono obrighatj arinvestire re jnsimilj creditj p(er) la codiz" i gl i 3 E adj p° di genaio 1526 fgli .5 .1 p(er) lap' di f 530 £9!! 5 E adj p° di maggo 1527 f 9 1 1.17.11 p(er) la p° di f 530 — f9li 17 i E adj p° di settebre 1527 f 9 1 1.17.11 p(er) la p° di f 538 — £9!! 17 i E adj p° di genaio 1527 f 9 1 1.17.11 p(er) la p' di f 538 — £9!! 17 i 1528 £9 1 1.17.11 p(er) lap' di £ 538 — £9!! 17 i 1528 £9 1 1.17.11 p(er) lap" di f 538 — £9!! 17 i 1528 £ 9 1 1.17.11 p(er) la p° di £ 538 — £911 17 i i529f 5I4 -3 7P(er) lap'dif 538— £514 3 7 £771 17.19-5 [Archivio di Stato, Libro Debitori e Creditori del Monti da 7 per cento, anni 1525-1526, segnato L c. 518. Published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), no.] se nnutia E adj p° di marzo E adj p° di settebe E adj p° di genaio E adj p° di mago XX INTRODUCTION 9. Giovanni dicotro dare addi 30 gen° 1528 f ceto r (largha = larghi ) p(er) luj a ant° di g" (giovannj) danngello avere alibro n c 549 di lie' (licenza) di detto giovannj e di ehonsetimeto dulivierj di carlo bartolj cog'°(cognato) di detto giovanni ed etia di chonsentimeto di detto gio- vanni p(ro)churatore di s(er) rafaello di charlo bartolj etia cognato di detto giovannj c(art)a di por" (prochura) p(er) s(er) franc" allegrj addi 8 del p(r)esente e p(er) delib(er)atione e ptito (partito) de p(r)esentj ufitialj dl mote roghato s(er) francesco allegrj addi 26 dl p(r)esente e mediate una conditione p°(posta) allap" (allapartita) di f 288.9.8 p(er) rifare f 250 - V di detto chredito colle dette con- ditioni che jndetto chredito sono chontenute e indetto partito e mediante una p(r)omessa fatta p(er) dettj f 250 p(er) 1° (licenza) di T" altovitj e p(er) filippo di giovannj dellarobia jn favore di m° tomasa don(n)a di detto gio- vannj jnsino attante che dette p°( partite) aranno rifatto detta soma sechondo la forma di detto p(ar)tito c''( carta) di detta p(r)omessa p(er) ser matteo da falgano addi 29 del p(r)esente al q°(quaderno) c 140 f 100 — E addi detto f cinqata p(er) luj a ant° di b(er)- nardo bartolj avere alibro n c 550 di lie" e di charta e di chdsentimento e mediante gli ob(li)- ghj e condizione p°(posto) alia p' (partita) in- tutto come disop(r)a al q° c 140 f 50 — E addi p° di marzo f cinqata p(er) luj a jac° di zerello da filichaia avere alibro M c 281 di lie' di detto giovan(n)j e dichosentimeto par- tito e tutto chome disop(r)a f 50 R(icord)o E adj 15 di 1'° (luglio) 1529 f trecentotretotto s nove dj otto 4(larghj) p(er) tantj postj avere alibro s" O c 309 f 338 .9 538.9.8 p(osto) arin- /^^di -^o di genn° 1528 posta conditio alap' di f 288.9.8 cholla detta p° (partita) sabino arinves- tire insimili chrediti sotto nome di detto giovan- nj e cholla medesima conditione p(er) sec'(se- curitate) di dota della tomasa sua dona e flglu- vestire INTRODUCTION xxi ola di charlo bartoli come statino a f 199. 16.4 didetto chredito insino altato die di detto p" sisieno richopato (richomperato) f 250 1° da 7 p(ro)c(ent)o non po g'" (pero giudicatoj e di lie" di detto giovannj al q" c 140 1363 Giovannj detto de dare adj 16 di noveb(r)e jndj 31 dotob(r)e 1526 f 9 1 1.3 p(or)to aIb(er)to tenpj p(er) av(er)e rinvestito jn f i6( ?).i6 di mote- (monte) sotto detto nome a f 62 el c"(el cento) da nerj pittj K° alap°(alapartita) f9li .3 1843 E adj 7 dimarzo jndj 28 di feb(r)aio 1526 f 9 1 1.5 p(or)to govan(n)j dellarobia p(er) av(erje finite elrinvestimento de f 8.5.4 p(er) detto resto da andrea g"gnj f 9I I -5 1419 E adj 16 di luglio indj 30 di gug° 1527 f 9 1 1.17.8 p(or)to franc" di piero palagj cond"'(condizionaro ) alia p°( partita) dacherubino fortinj K(amerario) alap" p(er) m''"'(maggo) £911 .17 .8 1002 E adj 4 di novenb(r)e jndj 31 dotob(r )e f 9 1 1.17.8 p(or)to frac° deto da girolamo puccinj K° almote p(er) s"(settembre) £911.17 .8 83 E adj 5 di diceb(r)e 1527 £ 9 1 1.17.8 p(or)to £rac° deto da govan(n)j belaccj alep° (ala partito) . . . . f 9I i .17 .8 137 E adj II dap(ri)le 1526 f 9 1 1.18 p(or)to franc" detto da franc" torganj alep' p'° p' (per la pagha o partita) di maggio 1528 f 9 I i .18 386 E adj 25 daghosto 1528 £613 p(or)to franc" detto da b(er)n(ar)do ghondj alle p' p(er) s' 1528 .. .. £61 3 — 870 E adj II disetteb(r)e 1528 f 2 e s 8.4 p(or)to franc" palagj condj" (condizionaro) di b(ernar)do ghondj alep" p(er) r'( resto) di setteb(r)e 1526 £2!- 8 .4 2153 E addj 16 di noveb(r)e jndj 31 dottobre 1 3.1 p(or)to franc" palagj condj" da piero davazatj almote p(er) ro(resto) di setteb(r)e (15)26 f-l3 -i 774 E adj 8 digenaio 1528 f 3 1 - 12 (5 words written and cancelled) anzi a 1'° (luca) di andrea della robia con- diz" p(or)to e detto da bacazio (branchazio) s(er)- zellj K° allep' p(er) g(ennaio) (15)28 f3l-i2 994 E adj 23 detto f 6 1 1.5.8 p(or)to giovannj detto dabachazio s(er)zellj p '°(^'°'"°) (15)28 f61i .5 8 672 E adj 26 dap(ri)le 1529 f - 1 3.19.8 a govannj detto p(or)to r° di 1"° altovitj suo genero di sua V° insino non dice altro da verj baldovinj p '"°("""°) (15)29 . . f-13 .19 .8 xxii INTRODUCTION E de dare addj 24 di m(ar)zo 1529 f 5 1 - s 5 . j p(er) t(a)ntj posto av(er)e aIib(r)o s'" O c 309 p "C"'") di q''(questo) conto f 5 1 - 5 J f 76 1 22.10.9 f 1 4. 1 1.9 f 77I 17.19.5 10. "Yhs MDxxviiij Indictione 2° de mense Julij (In margine : Aditio heretitatis). Item postea dictis anno indictione die (xiiij) et loco et coram dictis supracriptis testibus etc. Pateat omnibus evidenter qualiter Johannis quondam Andree Marci della Robbia de Florentia Asserans et affirmans dictum Andream eius patrem mortuum esse et decessisse ab intestate jam sunt annj tres proximj elapsi et ultra relictis post se dictis Johanne et Hyeronimo et Luca eius filijs le- gitimis et naturalibus et nullis alijs relictis habientibus eos excludere ab hereditate vel successione dicti Andree eorum patris aut etiam eis et aliqua parte concurrere Et sciens et cognoscens prefatus Johannes hereditatem dicti Andree eius quondam patris eidem pro tertia parte ab intestato fusse et esse delatam illamque fore et etiam sibj portius utilem et lucrosam quam dannosam jdeo hereditatem predictam sibi ut supra pro dicta tertia parte ab intestato delatam et pertinentem et pro omnj alia parte et portione etc. Adivit et omnj meliorj modo etc. z\sserens et Protestans et Rogans etc. [Archivio di Stato, Rogiti di Ser Matteo da Falgano, Protocolli 1527- 1530, segnato Notai M. 300 a. c. 297'; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), III.] II. Giovannj dicotto dedare addi 14 di luglio 1529 f cinq(u)a(n)ta p(er) lui a matteo di br"(bernardo) chopini avere alib(r)o M c 70 di lie" (licenza) di detto giovanni e di c6sent'° dulivieri di charlo b(ar)toli e di cosent'" di detto giovannj dellarobia p(ro) chura- tore di ser rafaello di charlo b(ar)toli cognati di detto giovanni e frategli di don(na) Tomasa don(n)a di detto giovanni c°( carta) di p{ro)chura p(er) s(er) franc" allegrj sotto suo di ed etiam di chon- sent'° di detto giovanni dellarobia jn suo nome i primo chome erede della 0/3 p{ar)te abintest'" dand' di- marcho dellarobia suo padre ed etia di sua lie" come p(ro)churatore di lucha e girol""" sua frateglj rede ciascun di loro p(er)la 0/3 p(ar)te abintest'" di detto and' condition" (conditionaro) detto and" in detto INTRODUCTION xxiii chredito c" tli petizione deredita e por"(prochura) p(er) detto giovanni di detto and" p(er) s(er) matt" da falg° q° di c° di petizione e di por" p(er) detti lucha e girol'"" p(er) s(er) ant° puzquota(?) notaro publicho di parigj co lettera testimoniale adi 6 di giugno 1529 ed etia p(er) delib(er)atione e p(ar)tito de p(r)esete ufitialj de mote e luogho di padre di detta m" tomasa rog° s(er) franc" allegrj addi 26 di gennaio 1528 e mediate una chondizione posta alia p° (partita) di f. 288.9.8 di detto chredito sechon- do la forma di di detto partito e mediate etia una promessa fatta in favore di detta m" tomasa p(er) filippo di giovanni dellarobia e r(lorenzo) di r'"(lion- ardo) altoviti sechondo la disposizione di detto p(ar)- tito c° di detta p(r)omessa p(er) s(er) matt" da falg" addi 29 di genn° 1528 al q" 55-56 f 50 E addi 3 di novenbre 1530 f venticinque I'flarghi) p(er) lui a m' ginevra v°(vedova) donna fu di mat- teo di nicholo av(er)e 1 q' c 822 di 1° di 1" di 1"° altoviti p(ro)ochuratore di m' tommaxa donna fu di detto giovannj della Robbia aliei attentj chome dicotro c" di p(r)ochura 1 detto p(er) s(er) franc" allegrj q° p(r)exete di al q°° 55 f 25 Credito Lo quale c""(chredito) disse detto 1° p(r)ochuratore p(er)e detto Ricevere dalla detta m° tomaxa p(er) parte di f 90 d" di p(r)ezo di una chasa allei venduta R"(roghato) chome disse s(er) matteo da falgano q" di al q° 55 1492 Gjovannj di chotro de dare addj 24 di m(ar)zo 1 28 di febraio 1529 f 15 1 o s 12 dj 4 a m° tommaxa sua donna e quali stavevamo a Rinvestire come nella c6d°° di cotro si dice ma p(er) essere p(er) sua dota della- quale a fatto fine e allej si danno p(er) chdputare p(er) sua dota p(er) rofresto) da giovannj Cap°^ alle p(r)estanze f 15 1 - 12 4 E adi detto f 15 1 0.12.4 fece fine Rhogato s(er) matteo da falgano come di chdtro q° di 24 di marzo 1529 E de dare f 10 1 - s 10.3 p(er) tantj posto ala ma(n) data (15)29 p(er) ro(resto) sino a g° 1530 f lol- 10 3 [Archivio di Stato Ufficio del Monte, Libro Debi- tori e Creditori, da 7%, O, 1 529-1 530, c. 309; pub- lished in L'Arte, XXII (1919), iii.] xxiv INTRODUCTION 12. ■•+ MDXXVIII" Giovanni dand" di marcho della Robia de avere addi 14 di luglio 1529 jndi 14 detto ftrecetotretotto s nove dj otto scritti jn div(er)si tenpi apare alib(r)o I c 723 p(er) tatj levati di suo coto dalib(r) g'"(gaillo) s(er) L ■• • ■• •• f338 98 dota chenonsenepossafare alchuncbontrato sanza lie" dota di carlo b(ar)tolj e dand" dimarcho dellarobia che stanno p(er) sodo di dota della tomaxa figluola di charlo di geri bartoli e don(n)a di detto giovannj come apare alib(r)o L c 518 arinvestire Chelle p" di f 288.9.8 sabino a rinvestire jn simili chrediti sotto detto nome e conditione p(er) sodo di dota della tom(m)axa insino al tato chredito p° si sia ric6p(ens)ato f 250 — l"(largha) da 7 p(er) c(ent)o Apparetenghono a m" tommaxa v° figliuola di charlo di geri b(ar)toli p(er) le sue Ragionj dotalj ellafine p(er) lej fatta agli eredi di detto giovannj della Robia Roghato s(er) matteo da falgano addi 24 di m(arz) 20 1529 etc. E addi 5 di novenb(r)e 1530 f dugetosessantatre s nove dj otto 1' p(er) lui a lixabctta di b(arto)r"° da empoli av(er)e I q° c 842 di 1° di 1° altovitj p(r)ocura- tore chome dichotro e p(er) la chagone chome la p(ar)tita de f 25 dichotro al q° c 53 f 263 9 8 263.9.8 75 f 338.9.8 Giovannj sop(ra)adetto de av(er)e adi p" di sette- b(r)e 1529 f 5 I-3.8 p(er) la p(partita) di f 288 . . f 5I- 3 8 E addi p"" di gennaio 1529 f 5 1 - 3.8 p(er) la p° di £288 f 5 1 - 3 8 E de hav(er)e addi 24 di m(ar)zo 1529 f 5 1 - 5.1 p(er) tantj postj dare p(er) R°(Resto) di uno suo choto allib(r)o g(ia)lIo s° L c 518 f 5 1- 5 i E addi p""" di seteb(r)e 1530 f 10 1 - 10.2 p(er) 2 p(artite) di f 288 f 10 1 - 10 2 f 25 1 1.2.7 [Idem, Idem.] II. CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS Before 1500 Before 1500 1 LAVABO. Florence. S. Maria Novella (Sacristy). 1497. H., 4.14m.; W., 2.34m. (including garlands). Photos., Alinari, 2276, 3633; Brog-i, 5639-5461; 3481. Neither Luca nor Andrea della Robbia were ever called upon to con- struct a lavabo, yet so attractive is the lavabo in S. Maria Novella (Fig. i), that not only writers like Richa and Fantozzi, but even a Charles C. Per- kins, attributed it to Luca himself. A few like Barbet de Jouy saw in it a stronger resemblance to Andrea's handiwork. It was not until 1878 that Milanesi, in publishing his second edition of Vasari, revealed from the archives of S. Maria Novella that the true author was Giovanni della Robbia, and the date of the monument 1497. Andrea di Lazzaro Cavalcanti, known also as Buggiano, in 1440 had sur- rounded a lavabo with a tabernacle or architectural frame, such as were used by the Florentines for altarpieces, tombs, and ciboria. Andrea della Robbia at S. Fiora had already placed a baptismal font in a framed terra-cotta niche and above it displayed a pictorial relief of the Baptism of Christ. This leads us to believe that the faience painting immediately above the font is also connected with it in significance. It is not a representation of the sea, as is frequently affirmed, but of a river (the Arno?) rising in distant hills, supplying the wants of cities, and finally reaching the lavabo itself. S. Maria, the patroness of the church adored by angels, is in the lunette above and over her head the stemma or emblem of the Dominicans. The marble font may have been designed by Giovanni, at least all of its decorative features appear in other works of his. Above the font are marble slabs with nondescript engraved ornaments and two cherub heads from whose mouths issue ugly faucets for hot and cold water, below which is engraved the inscription Abliite fonte prius te qnani pia sacra miuistres non licet impitra- tangere sancte manu. These marble slabs date from the XVIII century. The faience landscape, though more attractive than Giovanni's later paintings, foreshadows in its indiscriminate colouring something of the garishness of his later productions. It is framed in imitation of a vault with a double row of coff'erings each containing a five petalled plain or wheel rosette, white against blue. The inner faces of the supports of the 4 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA vault are decorated (Fig. la) : (i) to the right with squares enclosing equi- lateral triangles, violet, green, yellow and blue; (2) to the left an all-over pattern of squares, each inclosing four segments of circles and a crude rosette. The technique is similar to that of cloisonne enamelling on copper. The base of the tabernacle shows a central dado of quadrangular tiles each bordered with green leaves against a yellow background and contain- FiG. I. — Lav.OiBO. Florence, S. Maria Novella. GIOVANNI DELLy\ ROBBIA 5 ing a central wheel rosette — in beauty inferior to Andrea's pavement tiles at Empoli, S. Gemignano and elsewhere. At each side are projecting pedestals faced with rectangular tiles on which are painted elaborate, dol- phin handled vases set on bases ornamented with griffins, and containing each a bunch of fruit, flowers, and wheat. The inner face of the pilaster to the right is decorated with scale pattern, green, yellow and blue, that to the left with blue squares ornamented with white quatrefoils. The pilasters are extremely similar to those of Andrea's altarpiece in Fig. ia. Tile Decoration of Lavabo. the Medici Chapel in S. Croce, but their dolphin capitals are thoroughly characteristic of Giovanni. The spandrels contain elaborate, white rosettes in disks set against a mottled violet — imitation of porphyry — ^background. The entablature is unusually well proportioned with its candelabrum and garland frieze, white on blue, studied from Andrea's frieze in S. Maria delle Carceri at Prato, and its minor mouldings studied from Desiderio da Settignano. In the lunette (Fig. 2) the Madonna with the nude standing Child wor- shipped by angels was not an uncommon subject with Andrea della Rob- bia. In the lunette of 1489 in the Opera del Duomo the motive represented by the Child is slightly different, but the lunette in the Berlin Museum (No. 97), and that over the portal of the Cathedral at Pistoia presents the 6 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA same composition. The type of the Madonna and the Child differ but ht- tle from Andrea's later productions. The form of the heads is more rounded, and the manner of indicating the eyes — with linear brow, and an upper lash only, and with no distinction between pupil and iris — show a growth in carelessness. Gilding in the background, haloes, collars, etc. made the relief more brilliant. The two angels, however, are more origi- nal and have a charm which Giovanni soon lost. It may be noted that the frame of the lunette is decorated by a broad band of uprising fruit and flowers, not broken into separate bunches. The principle of the composi- FiG. 2. — Lunette of Lavabo. tion appears to be that of a central line of varied fruit, flanked either by another kind of fruit or by flowers. At the top is the emblem or coat of arms of the Convent of S. Maria Novella: Per chevron, sable and argent, in base a star of eight points gules; symbolizing the black Dominican mantle opening over the white tunic. Possibly to Andrea's example, as well as that of Desiderio da Settignano, belongs the use of garland-bearing putti above the entablature. The vase above the top of the lunette has disappeared, but its pedestal and the lilies it GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 7 carries still remain. This motive was used in the tabernacle at SS. Apostoli and in several other monuments. Giovanni did not share Luca's and An- drea's love of children. His putti were chubby creatures with rings of flesh about their ankles and wrists and deep wrinkles on their legs. Though usually curly locked their heads were variously treated and sometimes bereft of hair. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. R. G. Mather.] I. "1498 Febraio A giovannj della robbia dadj 27 digenaio 1497 p(er) isino adj 4 di febraio 1498 f(iorini) quatt" larghi doro ioro sono p(er) el residuo dellavatoio delle manj cio(e) pelpavimento alle Ricordanze V C40- 1 27 s 8" [Archiv. di Stato, Entrata e Uscita, dal 28 di Giugno 1497 al 12 di Aprile 15 10, di Sagrestia di S°M° Novella- segnato Corporazioni Sop- presse 102, Appendice N° 19 a c. 89.] 2. "1498 Febraio. . . . A giovannj della robbia dadi 27 digen(n)aio per insino (cancelled) adj (error in text) 1497 PC^^) Isino adj 4 . di febraio 1498 f quatro larghi doro loro sono p(er) residuo dellavatoio delle mane cioe pel pavim(en)to alle Ricordanze C40- 1 27 s 8" [Archiv. idem, Entrata e Uscita, dal 28 Giugno 1497 al 29 Luglio 15 10, di Sagrestia di S'M" Novella- segnato Corporazioni Soppresse 102, Ap- pendice N° 20 a c. Sgt] Bibl. : Bacci, ///. Fior., 1908, 140-143; B-J., 65; B., Kf., 19, 23; It. PL, 94; Denkm., 89, Taf. 276; W. D. R., Taf. 44; Burl, 52, 108; Cahier, Car. d. Saints, I, 84, 390, s.v. Etoile; C-M., 100, 124, 128, 210 No. 32; Cr., 216-218, 328; Fov., 117, 120; Lee, Cont. Rev., 1901, 369-; R. G. M., L'Arte (1918), 205-206, XII, 1-2 (Doc); M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 686; Perkins, T. S., 198; R., D. R., 227-229; Sc. FL, IV, 50; Richa, III, 45; S., 131 Abb. 141; Vas. II, 182 note, 193 note. 8 GIOVAXXI BELLA ROBBIA 2 KNEELING MADONNA. New York. Metropolitan Museum Statuette. H., O. 42m. Photo., Museum. This statuette (Fig. 3), was purchased through the Rogers fund in 1907. The Madonna here kneels in adoration; the Child whom she worships is absent. She wears a white veil and light blue mantle decorated with con- FiG. 3. — Kneeling Madonn-'l. Metropolitan Museum. ventionalized flowers. At Arcevia the Madonna's mantle is decorated with similar moderation; at Volterra, much more elaborately. Not only the face and hands, but also the robe are unglazed. In type she recalls Gio- vanni's Madonna of 1497 '^^ ^he lunette of the lavabo in S. Maria Novella. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 105-106, Fig. 42. 3 KNEELING MADONNA. New York. Mrs. Bejamin Thaw collec- tion. Statue. H., 1.23m. Photo., P. W. French and Co. This large Madonna (Fig. 4) belonged originally to a Presepio or Na- tivity group, the whereabouts of the other figures being unknown. It came GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 9 to New York through Messrs P. W. French & Co., who state that it was originally in a convent in Florence. The face, hair, hands and tunic are ung'Jazed, the head cloth is glazed white and the mantle a rich blue lined green. Although in certain details, such as the neck of the tunic and the fasten- FiG. 4. — Kneeling Madonna. Thaw Collection. ing of the mantle, not thoroughly characteristic of Giovanni della Robbia it may be attributed to that sculptor. It resembles in type the Madonna in S. Michele, Volterra, which Giovanni probably executed at the end of the fifteenth or during the first decade of the sixteenth century. Bibl. : M., Arts & Dec, VI (Nov. 1915), 26, Frontispiece. 4 MADONNA WITH NUDE, STANDING CHILD. Volterra. S. Michele. Photo., Alinari, 3461 1; Lombardi, 2614. In the church of S. Michele Arcangelo set in a marble niche is a seated Madonna with nude, standing child (Fig. 5). The nudes are unglazed. The Madonna wears a violet robe, dark blue mantle, white head cloth. The Child stands on a cushion and holds a bird in his left hand. In type the Madonna is not far removed from that of the polychromatic altarpiece in the cathedral at Arezzo. She is also closely related to the kneeling Ma- donna in the Thaw Collection, New York. Bibl. : Ricci, Volterra, 143. lO GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Fig. 5. — Madonna. Voltekra, S. Michele. 5 S. LUCIA. Empoli. S. Maria a Ripa (Empoli Vecchio). Statue in niche. H., 1.47111. Photo., Ahiiari, 10131. In technique and st34e this statue (Fig. 6) may be classed with the Ma- donna at Volterra. Her face, hair and mantle are unglazed. The glazed portions are the white kerchief, blue robe, white girdle, green palm branches, violet book, on which are two white eyes and yellow bosses, and the mottled violet base on which she stands. Her robe was decorated and bordered with gold. A document cited by Giglioli indicates that the statue originally stood in a terra-cotta tabernacle preserved in the garden of the monastery of the Minori Osservanti di San Francesco to whom the church was given by the Adimari family in 1483. The monastery was suppressed Sept. 13, 1810. This tabernacle is probably the one preserved in the Galleria della Collegiata in Empoli. Document: [Quoted from Giglioli, Empoli artistica, p. 173.] " Altar e cap pel la di S. Lucia conccsso da i frafi a Lorenzo di Toin- maso Marclietfi da Empoli ncl 1640 da liti restaiirato. ct abbillito. fit prima GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ii il dctto altare conccsso al conic Cosi)iw dclla Ghcrardcsca ct al Mcdesimo Altarc cm apposta in un tabcniacolo di terra cotta die difatti si trova nel bosco di dctto Conz'cnto, /' inivuiginc pure di terra cotta di S. Lucia, die in oggi sta in una nicchia di pietra a man dritta daW Altar Maggiore di detta Cliicsa." [Archivio dell'Opera di Sant'Andrea d'Empoli. Campione Beneficiale A., c. I45r.] Fig. 6. — S. Lucia. Empoli, S. M.xria a Ripa. Eibl. Carocci, il Valdarno, 79, 81 ; C-M., 126, 255 No. 138; Cr., 229, 328; Giglioli, 171-173 (Doc); R., D. R., 258; 5c. Fl, IV, 63; S.. 143, Abb. 162. 6 HOLY WATER STOUP. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Photos., Alinari. 28-9829. Casts, Cantagalli, 450; Lelli, 384. 3284, 3285 ; Brogi, A holy water stoup of variegated marble (modern) is here set on a Rob- bia console (Fig. 7). About it are arranged fragments of a fruit and flower garland upheld by two nude putti, not unlike the garland bearers of the Lavabo in S. Maria Novella or those above the niche with the statue of S. Domenico in the Museo Nazionale, No. 68. Above the stoup is set a tondo, with broad frame of fruit and flowers ir- regularly composed, containing a bust of a child (S. Giovannino?) with 12 GIOVx-VNNI BELLA ROBBL\ nudes nnglazed and loose cloak of blue lined green. The medallion seems to be by another hand. Bibl. Carocci, I, Ii8; C-M., 250 No. 282; Cr., 344. Fig. 7. — Holy Water Stoup. Fiesole, S. Ansano. 7 TWO ANGELS. FRAGMENTS OF A GARLAND. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Probably from the atelier of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : C-M., 259 No. 282; Cr.. 344. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 13 8 S. PIETRO MARTIRE. Arezzo. S. Domcnico. Niche. H., 2.60m.; W., 1.40111. Flioto., Alinari, 9718-9719. S. Pietro Martire, standing on a circular base probably once inscribed, is portrayed in white tunic, black mantle, carrying a green martyr's palm and a blue book with yellow ornaments (Fig. 8). Nudes unglazed. The niche in which he stands is most elaborate. The pilasters are decorated with floral arabescjues rising from vases, their bases unornamented, and capitals of the cornucopia variety shown in the altarpiece of the Last Judgment at Volterra. The fruit ornament of the archivolt and diapered mosaics of the predella also link this with the A^olterra altarpiece. The back of the 3l-i!S Fig. 8. — S. Pietro Martire. Arezzo, S. Domenico. 14 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA niche repeats the design of the Empoli, S. Gemignano, and other pavements. The predella shows in a rolhng country S. Pietro Martire escaped from stoning but being killed by a sword blow in the head. Above his head, be- sides the nimbus are three crowns. Bibl. : Burl., 112; C-M., 224 No. 118; Cr., 230, 327; R., D. R., 258; Sc. FL, IV, 64; S., 143, Abb. 159. 9 BUST OF S. PIETRO MARTIRE. Florence. Palazzo Alessandri. A fine bust of S. Pietro Martire of similar type to the statue at Arezzo is said to be in the Palazzo Alessandri. Bibl. : Cr., 231, 235, 329; S., 143. 10 S. DOMENICO IN A NICHE. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 68. H., 2.30m.; W., 1. 20m. Photos., Alinari, 2753; Brogi, 9473. Transferred by the Operai of S. Croce to the Museo Nazionale on April 15, 1868. S. Domenico, standing on a polygonal pedestal (Fig. 9), is clad in white tunic, over which is the Dominican black mantle, modelled in similar fash- ion to that of S. Pietro Martire at Arezzo. He is in a niche capped by a blue shell. He carries a book the cover of which is adorned with the Dominican emblem, a star. In all probability there was once a predella of which only the cornice re- mains. The pilasters are decorated with candalabra, ornamented with cornucopias, leafy masks, vases, and tablets which probably once bore the date; they have plain moulded bases and capitals like those of the lavabo in S. Maria Novella (1497). Stilt blocks above the capitals are deco- rated like architraves. The archivolt is adorned with garlands which hang to right and left from a white band, composed of fluted ribbons. The garland is composed of fruit arranged in pairs interspersed with flowers, not separated into distinct bunches. Above the arched niche at its apex is a console bearing a large blue vase filled with roses and lilies. From the console hang garlands of fruit and flowers also arranged in pairs and up- held by putti, not completely nude, who stand upon acroteria decorated with wheel rosettes. Bibl. : B. J., 87-88; Burl., Ill; C-M., 218 No. 74; Cr., 231, 328; Supino, . 450 No. 68. GIOVANNI DELL A ROBBIA 15 Fig. 9. — S. DoiMENico. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 11 CIBORIO. Florence. SS. Apostoli. H. Photo., Alinari, 3659; Brogi, 8593-8595. .70m.; W., 2.43m The attribution of this ciborio (Fig. 10) is not fixed with certainty. Madame Burlamacchi mentions Bocchi, Del Migliore, Richa, Moreni, Gargi- olH, von Rumohr. Bulgarini, Fantozzi and Rio as assigning it to Luca. Cavallucci and MoHnier, and at one time Bode, assigned it to Andrea. Rey- mond hesitates between Andrea and Giovanni, while Bode, Cruttwell and Schubring attribute it to Giovanni. This hesitation on the part of recent writers is easily to be explained, since the design is evidently closely re- lated to that of Giovanni's Lavabo of 1497 and the pilasters suggest the design for the Arcevia altarpiece of 15 13, whereas the figures are more closely related to Andrea's types. It may have been made in the studio dominated by Giovanni, by a sculptor trained under Andrea. At the apex the branch of roses and foliage is a recent stucco addition. i6 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA From a somewhat heavy vase supported by winged putti hang long gar- lands, as in Giovanni's lavabo in S. Maria. The putti are here more sum- marily modelled than in the lavabo, and the exact point of attachment of the garland equally obscure. The putti on the entablature are seated, not Fig. 10. — CiBORio. Florence, SS. Apostoli. standing, and the garlands are heavier than those of the lavabo. The lu- nette is bounded by coarse egg and dart mouldings, between which is the delicate arabesque frequently used in Andrea's atelier. In the lunette is God the Father between adoring angels. On the open book we should ex- GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 17 pect to find the letters A and O. The entablature is well proportioned : the architrave highly ornamented with scales, bead and reel, channellings, and egg and dart; the frieze with five attractive cherub heads; and the cornice with leaf and other mouldings. The pilasters indicate Giovanni's influ- ence, with vase and dolphin capitals and arabesque decoration similar to that of the pilasters of the Arcevia altarpiece. The central relief represents a vaulted hall with a closet to contain the sacred emblems, while overhead is the Dove and at the sides adoring angels in pairs. The floor is represented as tiled. Cherub heads in the spandrels. The many traces of gilding are not indicative of Luca's author- ship, as Rio states, but found even more frequently in the works of Andrea and other members of the school. At the sides of the tabernacle are two winged angels drawing back long hanging curtains. Like the crown bearing angels in the lunette at Pistoia Cathedral they wear pectorals on their breasts. The predella is long and narrow. Its cornice bears the inscription : HIC EST PANIS QVI DE CELO DESCENDIT; its frieze represents two floating angels bearing a laurel framed medallion on which are the chalice and wafer. At the extremities of the frieze are stemmi of the Acciaiuoli family on shields of Tuscan form prevalent in the early sixteenth century. The arms are, Argent, a lion rampant, azure. Many members of this fam- ily held the office of Prior and Gonfaloniere in Florence. Bibl. : B. J., 90; Bocchi-Cinelli, 124; B., Kf., 23; It. PL, 94; Burger, 157; C-M., 205 No. 2; Cr., 218, 328; M., D. R. A., 90, Fig. 39; 7?. H., iii- 112; Migliore, 474; Priorista, Princeton Mus. Copy, 29-33; ^-^ D. R., 229-230; Sc. FL, IV, 49, 52; Richa, IV, 62; von Rumohr, II, 295 note; S., 133, Abb. 142; Schiitz, C. Heft 7; Vas., II, 192. 1500-1510 1500 — I5I0 12 THE LAST JUDGMENT. 1501. Volterra. S. Girolamo. H., 3.10m.; W., 2m. Photos., Alinari, 8745-8746; Brogi, 13692. In the church of S. Girolamo outside of VoUerra is an aharpiece of the Last Judgment (Fig. 11) ordered by Michelangelo Ceheregli (Ceccarelli?) in 1 501. Hence, Michelangelo's patronymic saint, S. Michele, appears as the principal figure in the foreground, while S. Girolamo is figured as chief of the blessed. Many details point to Giovanni della Robbia as the author of the aharpiece. The subject of the Last Judgment appeared not infrequently in Sienese territory after Giovanni Pisano had portrayed it so energetically on the pulpit of the Siena Cathedral. But this specific composition may have been inspired by Fra Bartolommeo's Last Judgment undertaken in 1498 for the campo santo of S. Maria Nuova. In both cases, Christ as Judge with his angels is in the upper portion of the picture, and S. Michele with the Blessed and Damned in the lower. Here Christ is of the Verrocchian type constantly portrayed by Giovanni della Robbia. So in facial characters are the two angels who carry em- blems of the passion, nails, cross, crown of thorns, spear; but their slashed garments which display the bare legs point rather to a temporary influence from Andrea Sansovino, whose terra-cotta altarpiece at Monte Sansovino was doubtless enamelled in the Robbia workshop. The two angels who sound the last trump SVRGITE MORTVI ET VENITE AL(sic) IVDICIO(sic) show no such refined prototypes. In the lower part of the picture, the Blessed are to our left. Near to S. Michele is S. Girolamo with his lion, then a Christ-like figure, S. Fran- cesco with his cross, S. Chiara, a Pope, a warrior, and others. Above them in the distance, saints and angels are dancing in a circle (influence of Fra Angelico) beneath a blue sky splashed with yellow clouds. S. Michele is conceived of as a beautiful youth rather than as an avenging angel and the youth kneeling at his feet seems too innocent to be barred from the region of the Blessed. The eyes of S. Michele show yellow irises in contrast with those of the kneeling youth which are left white. About and above the youth are strange beasts, men, and women in the midst of flames. In the distance are devils torturing the damned beneath a sky splashed with black clouds. 22 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. II. — Last Judgment. VOLTEREA, S. GiROLAMO. The predella is inscribed QVESTA TAVOLA AFFATTO FARE MICHELAGNIOLO DI NICHOLAO CEHEREGLI MCCCCCI. At either end of the predella is a mosaic work of squares, each with four seg- ments of circles about a central rosette, as at S. Maria Novella and else- GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 23 where. The relief of the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Adoration of the i\Iagi suggest Andrea's compositions reversed. The central dividing panels are decorated with opposing bunches of fruit. The main pilasters are decorated with crude triplex bunches of flowers and fruit, blue or yellow, rising from blue and violet dolphin-handled vases. The bases have undecorated mouldings, the capitals have cornucopias in place of fern crockets or palmettes. The frame of the lunette is adorned in front with broad continuous garlands composed of triplex bunches of fruit hanging from a central ornament. A white guilloche separates the polychromatic relief from the outer frame. Bibl. : B. J., 93; B., Kf., 25; C-M., 258 No. 343; Cr., 224-225, 331; Knapp, Fra Bartoloinnico della Porta. Abb. 3-4; R., D. R., 233-236; Sc. FL, III, 52, 54; Ricci, J'olterra, 152-153; S., 134, Abb. 143; Vas., II, 196. 13 NOLI ME TANGERE. Rifredi. La Quiete. R. Istituto delle Sig- nore Montalve. Lunette. M., 1.30m.; W., 2.40m. Photo., Alinari, 17011. This lunette (Fig. 12) was formerly in the chapel of the Reale Istituto delle Signore Montalve in S. Jacopo di Ripoli in the Via della Scala, but was removed late in the nineteenth century to the Sala Grande of the Con- servatorio of La Quiete. It has been increased in height to correspond with Fig. 12. — Noli Me Tangere. Rifredi. La Quiete. 24 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA the lunette on the opposite side of the room. Here is represented the ap- pearance of Christ to S. ]\Iaria ■Maddalena (John XX, 11-18), a subject repeated several times in Giovanni's atelier. Chronologically this lunette falls between 1497, the date of the Lavabo, and 1501, the date of the Last Judgment at Volterra. The polychromatic landscape, the trees, the type of the angel on the tomb are cjuite characteristic of Giovanni. The central group, with the Maddalena on her knees before the Christ who draws back, shows the influence of Verrocchio. The Maddalena is more beautiful than was usual with Verrocchio, but Giovanni again made a beautiful Madda- lena, for the altarpiece in the Bardi chapel at S. Croce. The Christ is strangely \^errocchian in type. Bibl. : B. J., 64-65; Becchi, ///. Fior., V(i9o8), 102; B., Kf., 23; Burl., 6^; Carocci, A. I. D. I., VI (197), 66; C-M., 208 No. 16; Cr., 235, 353 Note i; Moreni, 243; R., D. R., 250; Sc. FL. IV, 41; Richa, IV, 305; S., 138. 14 THE INCREDULITY OF S. TOMMASO. Rifredi. La Quiete. R. Istituto delle Signore Montalve. Lunette. H., 1.30m.; W., 2.40m. Photo., Alinari, 17012. This lunette (Fig. 13), a companion piece to the preceding, was evidently made by the same author and at the same time. It represents the appear- FiG. 13. — Incredulity of S. Tommaso. Rifredi, La Quiete. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIy\ 25 ance of Christ to S. Tomniaso, not indoors (John XX, 24-29), but in an open landscape. The landscape background has a dark blue upper and bril- liant yellow lower sky, green trees and plants oi various kinds, and a bluish gray rocky soil in which may be seen a lizard, dove, rabbit and deer. In the centre is a free copy of Verrocchio's bronze groui) of the In- credulity of S. Tonimaso (1483) on Or San Michele. There is little or nothing in this relief to indicate that the author was a son of Andrea della Robbia and yet all the details are characteristic of Giovanni della Rob- bia's work. Bibl. : Cf. the preceding: also Cr., J'errocchio, 165; Mackowsky, 70; Sachs, 41. 15 FRIEZE OF CHERUB HEADS WITH CORNUCOPIAS. Ri- fredi. La Ouiete. R. Istituto delle Signore Montalve. H., 0.36m.; W., 2.20m. Photo., Alinari, 17013. In two sections, each containing four cherub heads set between cornu- copias, with fruit and doves, accompanied by foliage, scrolls and palmettes (Fig. 14). White on blue. mm Fig. 14. — Frieze. Rifredi, L.\ QuitiE. Bibl. Carocci, A. I. D. I. ¥1(1897), Tav. 46; C-M., 208 No. 16; Cr., 353. SAME SUBJECT. London. British Museum. From the Franks Collection. A portion of a frieze similar to that at Rifedi. Bibl. : Br. Mus. Guide, 209. 26 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA SAME SUBJECT. Newport, R. I. In the collection of Airs. Ogden Goelet there is said to be a frieze of this type. SAME SUBJECT. New York. P. \\\ French and Co., in 1917. Two fragments of a frieze of the Rifredi type. SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Louvre. Similar to the frieze at Rifredi, the British Museum and elsewhere. Set beneath the altarpiece of the Ascension. SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Gavet Collection (formerly). H., 0.36m.; W., 0.52m. Portion of a frieze of the same design as that of Rifredi. Bibl. : Molinier, Cat. Gavet, No. 5 and Frontispiece. SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Seilliere Collection (formerly). H., 0.37m. ; W., 1. 60m. Bibl. : Seilliere Collection, 14 Nos. 8-9. 16 S. FRANCESCO SPREADS HIS ORDER OVER THE WORLD. Volterra. S. Girolamo. Altarpiece. H., 2.32m. ; W., 1.90m. Photo., Alinari, 8747. The frame of this altarpiece (Fig. 15) shows so many correspondencies with that of the Last Judgment altarpiece in the same church that we must assign it also to Giovanni della Robbia. In fact the garland of the lunette is composed in stricter accord with that on the lavabo of S. Maria Novella, and the decoration of the pilasters are similar enough to those of the lavabo to be casts from the same moulds. The predella, unbroken except for the' projections beneath the pilasters, shows figures of S. Bernardino of Siena, S. Girolamo, the Mater Dolorosa, Christ in the Sepulchre, S. Giovanni, S. Antonio of Padua, and S. Jacopo Maggiore, in strict accord with Rob- bian tradition. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 27 The central relief, which appears to be by another hand, represents S. Francesco, standing upon the inhabited world, extending the rule of his order to a sainted king, now transformed into a monk, with a crown at his feet, and to a sainted nun, with roses at her feet. The king is S. Lodovico Fig. 15. — S. Francesco Spreads his Order. Volterra, S. Gieolamo. of France, who died in the cowl and cord of S. Francis. He receives a scroll inscribed ACCIPE DISCIPLINA(M ) P(AT)RIS TVI. The nun, S. Elisabetta of Hungary, known as Mater Pauperum, was like a second S. Chiara. She receives a scroh inscribed HEC EST VIA SALVTIS ET VITE. Overhead fly the three monastic virtues, wearing polygonal nimbuses. 28 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA CASTITAS bearing a lily, PA\T(ER)TAS with a palm and wreath, and OBEDIE(N)TIA with a yoke. Bibl. : Bertaux, Etudes. 89-90; B. J-, 93; B., Kf., 25; C-M., 258 No. 344; Cr., 357; R., D. R., 227, 235; Sc. FL, IV, 52, 54; Vas., II, 196-197. 17 S. MARTA AND ADORING ANGELS. Florence. lAIuseo Nazi- onale. No. 60. Lunette. H., 0.77m. ; W., 1.50m. Photo., Brogi, 9476. This lunette (Fig. 16) was transferred from the Convent of S. Marta to the Museo Nazionale on Nov. 30, 1882. It represents S. Marta in light yellow habit and black hood, carrying a blue book with yellow trimmings Fig. 16. — S. Marta. Florence, Museo Nazioxale. and holding by her girdle a very leonine dragon. The dragon is tamer than that which Giovanni represented with S. Marta at the Certosa. The angels, with hands folded or crossed, clad in white tunics with blue sleeves and yellow collars, have wings coloured on a different principle from that used by Giovanni. All the faces are coloured to imitate flesh. The figures are set against a light blue background enclosed by garlands of continuous triplex bunches of fruit and flowers rising from the base and meeting at the top. Bibl. Burl., hi; C-M., 255 No. 322; Cr., 339; Supino, 449 No. 60. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 29 18 S. AIARTA. London, Victoria and Albert Museum. No. i090-'55. Statuette. H., 0.45m. The saint holds a book, violet and yellow. At her feet is a dragon swal- lowing a child. Bibl. : Burl., 120; C.J\I., 271 No. 416; Robinson, 68 No. 1090. 19 S. LUCIA ADORED BY ANGELS. Darmstadt. Grossherzogliches Museum. Lunette. H., 0.43m.; \V., 0.83m. This lunette is attributed to Giovanni della Robbia by Dr. Bach and by Miss Cruttwell. I have been unable to secure a photograph of it. Should it resemble the S. Lucia at the Certosa, it may well be by Giovanni ; but should it resemble more closely the lunette of S. Lucia between two angels at S. Lucia dei Magnoli, Elorence, or the S. Lucia in the lunette over the entrance of the Ognissanti, or the S. Lucia in the church at Bolsena it is probably a work by Santi Buglioni. Bibl. : Bach, 50; Cr., 337. 20 STEMMA OF THE SQUARCIALUPI EAMILY. New York. Col- lection of Mr. George Blumenthal. Medallion. Diam., 0.66m. Formerly in the von Lanna Collection, Prague. Within a polychromatic garland of fruit and flowers (Fig. 17) of triplex composition surrounded by a white band inscribed ARMA + PATRONORVM + DESQVARCIALVPIS+it' is a white fluted disk on which is a kite shaped shield containing the Squar- cialupi arms : Per fess, in a chief Or a wolf passant azure, in base gxtlcs six plates, 3, 2 and i. Bibl. : C, s.v. Squarcialupi ; von Lanna Sale of 1909, Cat., Vol. II, No. 575, Taf. 41. 21 THIRTY-NINE CASKS. 1507. Florence. S. Maria Nuova (for- merly). The annexed documents dated August 20, 1507 show that Valore di Zanobi Valore, apothecary to the hospital of S. Maria Nuova possessed 30 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Fig. 17, — Squaecione Stemma. Blumenthal Collection, N. Y. C. three dogli or large jars made by Giovanni della Robbia. Bishop Leonardo Buonafede who was "spedaHngo" or governor of the hospital then ordered thirtj'-six "dogli" of like character, glazed outside and inside, ornamented with scale pattern or with such design as the Bishop might select. They were to be i J<3 bracchia in height, to cost 4 libre, 10 soldi each, and to be completed by the end of October. The first document (Fig. 18) is a notable one in that it contains Gio- vanni's own signature. I. 'Mdvij In margine : Mercato chon G' dalla Robia Richordo chome oggi questo di XX dachosto 1507 Giovanni dandrea di marcho dalla Robbia a tolto a fare da questo spedale et per llui dall nostro reverendo padre messer leonardo buonafe al presente spedalincho di questo spedale trentasei dogli di tenuta di barili due et mezzo In circha dalltezza di braccia i V^ di terra Invetriata di dretto et di fuori a schalandroni Inve- triatj et di diverse maniere le pitture di detti dogli chome para all nostro padre spedalingo et nell modo et forma che na dato una mostra di tre dogli che Hi a Vallore et debbono essere In tutta perfettione si di qualita GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA si di tenuta et debba avere delluno libre quarto e soldi X piccioli et debbansi avere chonsegniati finiti per tntto ell mese dottobre prossimo avenire Et In chaxo che all detto tempo noUi avessi fatti et chonsegniati (then four words written and cancelled) 31 o 'V \-^L" — -1 14 E de dare adi X di novebre 1507 f quatro larghi doro jnoro p(or)to chontanti a u b 100 - f — 1 28 Anne dato f sej larghi doro jnoro p(er) tanti debba dare all g (giornale) C -- 109 f — 1 42 [Archiv. idem, Giornale B 1506-1508 a c. 198.] 5. " + Mdviij Giovanni dandrea dimarcho dalla Robbia de dare f sej larghi doro inoro p(er) tanti abbia dato all g' b 198 sono p(er) chonto di vasi 26 a fate p(er) 11a nostra spetieria chome apare alle R" (Richordanze) ac. 31 f-l42s- E de dare adi vj di gg° (giugno) 1509 f 1 tre piccioli p(er) Uuj a giovanni di tubio dasanta m" jnp(r)uneta p(or)to e detto chontanti a u° s'° c - 88 f - 1 3 s E de dare adi xij di settebre 1 una s viii piccioli p(er) Uui a simone di pascjuino sono pCer) valutta duna chatasta di lengna di toppi se gli madorono a chasa a u° s" c 117 f - 1 i s 8- E de dare adi detto 1 xiiij sono p(er) 11a valluta duna chatasta di toppi auti danoj jnsino adj III di settebre jn q° 122 . . . . f - 1 14 s . E de dare adi xxvj di novenbre 1 xiiij p(er) 11a valluta di una chatasta di toppi auti danoj chome apare 1 q° 144 f - 1 14 s . E de dare adi xx di djcenbre 1 dodjci s x piccioli p(or)to e detto chontanti a u" c 141 f - 1 12 s 10. . 1.8. 18. E de dare adi vj di Marzo f uno largho doro i oro chontanti au°ci50. f-l7s GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 33 E de dare adi xx dap(r)ile 1510 f iino largho doro i oro sono p(er) 11a valluta duna niezza chatasta di lengna grossa auta danoj i q° 179 f - 1 7 s Anne dato 1 veti s xviii piccioli p(er) tanti dare 1 q° 226 1 100 18 [Idem, a c. 2091.] 6. " + MDVIIir^ Mercholedj adi 6 di gugnio A giovanni dandrea di pagolo (sic) della roJjbia 1 tre p(iccio)li p(er) lui a giovanni di tobbio da santa maria Ipruneta p(or)to lui detto contanti al(Ii)b(r)o gle s(egnato) c. .209 f. .. l3-- [Archivio idem, Uscita C 1508-15 10 a c. 88.] 7. " +xpo Mdvnij" Martedj addj ii dj settenbre A govanni dandrea della robia 1 una s viij° p(er) luj a simone di paschuino ghallj sono p(er) vettura dvma chatasta di legne di toppi p(ort)o a chasa ilsop(r)adetto giovannj al(Ii)br(o) g" s'° C a 209 f . .1 i s 8. [Idem a c. ii7t.] 8. " + yhs Mdvnn" govedj addj xx dj djcenbre A govannj dandrea della robbia 1 xii s 10 p(iccio)li p(or)to luj detto chontantj al(li)b(r)o gornale s" C...209 f . . .1 12 s 10. . [Idem, a c. I4it.] 9. " Mdx Meo chastj vetturale avvochato da monte migniano. . . . E de avere adi detto (xviiij dap(r)ile) 1 tre s x piccioli sono p(er) 11a valuta duna mezza chatasta di lengna p(or)to a giovanni dandrea della Robbia debe avere di chont° 1 3 10 E de avere adi detto f uno largho doro i oro sono p(er) 11a valutta duna chatasta di lengna p(or)to nella chorte p(er) llospetiale levati da mote migniano .... 1 7 [Archiv. idem, Giornale C 1508-1510 a c. I78t.] 10. "Mdx Giovanni dandrea dalla Robbia de dare adi xx 34 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA dap(r)ile 1510 f uno largho doro ioro sono p(erj 11a valluta duna mezza chatasta di lengna grossa auta danoj et p(or)to Meo di Jacopo chasantj di chont" .... anne dato p(er) tanti debba dare i q" . . . .209 [Idem, a c. 179.] II. "Mdx Giovanni dandrea della Robbia de dare adi x.x dap(r)ile 1510 1 cento s xviii pli (piccioli) sono p(er) tanti abbia dati i q° 209 p(er) chonto di vasi fa alia nostra spetieria E de dare adi detto f quatro doro 1 oro auti p(er) noj dalla spetieria jnsino adi xviiij di maggio 1509 alio quad" s'° b .... yj E de dare adj detto f dua larghi doro i oro p(er) noj dalla detta spetieria Isino adi iiij febraio 1509 all(ibro) q" s'" b. .77 f . .1 14 Anne dato adj xxii di maggio 1510 f undjci larghi doro I oro p(er) llui dalla spetieria di nostro spedale dare al(li)b(r)o v(er)de s'" c c 288 sono p(er) Ua valluta di xj ^'asi jnvetriati autj dalluj et fatti dachordo chon vallore nostro detto dj chonputatj et fessi et salldi Anne dato 1 sesanta cinque s xviij p(iccio)li tanti debba dare all g' s'" d 245 p(er) Resto di suo chonto 1 7 1 7 f . . 1 100 s 18. f . . 1 28 s . 142 . 18 1 'J^ f 165 1 142 ifc 18 [Idem, a c. 226t,] 12. " MDX J Gio\anni dandrea della Robbia de dare adi X\'II di L" 1 sesantacinque s X\'III p(iccio)li p(erj tanti abbia dato all g' C 226 che di tanti fu sop(rap)aghato p(er)li chonto delli vasj a fatti alia spetieria f . che e paghato di xj (di) 26 (vasj ) fattj a 1 7 luno dachordo Anne dato 1 lx\' s xviii p(iccio)li tanti dare all g" e c 381 [Archiv. idem, Giornale D 1511-1513 a c. 245t] I65. 18. f . 1 65 18. Bibl. Bacci, ///. Fior., 1908, 140-144 (Doc.) ; R. G. M., L'Artc, XXI, (1918), 202-203 (Doc.) GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 35 22 TWO BLUE VASES WITH BUNCHES OF ERUIT. New York City. Collection of Mr. John T. Pratt. li., 0.45m. Photo., Private. Formerly in the collection of Mrs. Philip M. Lydig. Two blue ^■ases with dolphin handles, similarly decorated lip with leaf pattern, neck with scales, upper body with a deep set frieze capped with egg and dart moulding and showing the three pattern interlacing, lower body with godrons, base with pearl and rope mouldings (Fig. 19). This rmiil^ Fig. 19. — Blue Vase. Lydig Collection. 36 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA three pattern interlacing occurs on the border of the cope of S. Zanobi in Andrea della Robbia's lunette of 1496 in the Opera del Duomo. At the same date the interlacing motive was used by Perugino and a little later by Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and others. The bunches of fruit and flowers and small animals were intended to be set in the vases and serve as permanent ecclesiastical or household deco- rations. Giovanni della Robbia frequently used dolphin handled vases as the starting point of his garland frames. Bibl. : Cat. of Rita Lydig Collection, No. 36; M., D. R. A., 127-128, Fig. 54. 23 TWO BLUE VASES WITH BUNCHES OF FRUIT. London. British Museum. The British Museum possesses two blue glazed Robbia vases, dolphin handled (repaired), with scale pattern on neck, central frieze of interlac- ing pattern, godrons on base of body. Two bouquets of fruit, polychro- matic, are associated with these vases. Similar to the Lydig vases. 24 BLUE VASE. New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Blue vase with dolphin handles, decorated on the lip with leaf pattern, on neck with scales, on upper body with three pattern interlacings and lower body with godrons. Base with pearl and rope mouldings. Similar to the Lydig vases. 25 TWO BLUE DOLPHIN HANDLED VASES WITH BOUQUETS OF FRUIT. New York City. Bardini Sale of April 1918. (i) Light blue. Neck, scale pattern (?), body with deep set frieze of three pattern interlacings, base with godrons. Contains bouquets of fruit. (2) Darker blue. Similar to the Lydig vases. Bibl. : Bardini Sale of 1918, Cat. Nos. 284, 285. 26 TWO BLUE VASES AND FRUIT. Paris. Collection of Mr. Maurice Kann (formerly), No. 201. LI., 0.45m. In the collection of Mr. Maurice Kann, sold in 1910, are catalogued two GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA ZJ vases and two bouquets of fruit. The decorations tally exactly with the pair of vases formerly in the Lydig Collection, New York. Bibl. : Cat. Collection Maurice Kann, No. 204. 27 BLUE VASE. Sevres. Musee ceramique. Blue vase with dolphin handles. Similar in decoration to the Lydig vases. 28 BLUE VASE. Paris. Musee de Louvre. Salle de Trocadero. In the Salle de Trocadero of the Louvre is a Robbia blue vase, acquired with the Donation Sauvageot, 1856. It has dolphin handles and is deco- rated on the neck with godrons, on the upper body with three patterned interlacings, and below with scale pattern. Base plain. Bibl. : Fortnum, Maiolica, 123; Michel, III, 833, Fig. 485. 29 TWO BLUE VASES. Oxford. Ashmolean Museum. (i) Blue vase with dolphin handles, decorated with godrons, three pat- tern interlacings and scales. Similar to the Sauvageot vase in the Louvre. H., 0.28m. (2) Blue vase with dolphin handles, decorated with scales, three pattern interlacings, and godrons. Similar to the Lydig vases. Cf. also Cantagalli, No. 376. H., 0.28m. Bibl. : Fortnum, Maiolica, 123; Michel, III, 833, Fig. 485. 30 TWO BLUE VASES. Florence. Bardini Collection (1899), Nos. 114, 118. In 1899 Bardini published a Sale Catalogue in which were figured two blue dolphin handled vases similarly decorated on the neck with scale pat- tern, on the body with a frieze of interlacings forming two patterns, at- tached by loops to horizontal strings above and below, in the lower body by flat godrons. The bases contain no moulded decoration. Bibl. : Bardini Cat. of 1899, Nos. 114, 118; Bardini, Cat. of 1918, Nos. 284, 285 are different. 38 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 31 BLUE VASE. H., 0.27m. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe Museum. Blue vase with dolphin handles, decorated with scale pattern, interlacings and godrons. Similar to the Bardini vases published in if Bibl. : Bardini Cat. of 1899, Nos. 114-118; C-M., 263 No. 367;, von Falke, yj. 32 BLUE VASE AND FRUIT. Braunschweig. Collection of Frau b- Vieweg. Dolphin handled blue vase, with scale pattern on neck, frieze of inter- lacing, lower body of godrons, base channelled. In type not unlike the Bardini vases of 1899, Nos. 114, 118. With the vase is a boucjuet of polychromatic fruit. 33 FIVE BLUE VASES. Paris. Collection of Baron Achille Seilliere (1890), No. 18-20. ( 1 ) Blue vase with dolphin handles, neck decorated with scales, upper body with upper frieze of rectilinear maeander and lower frieze with pal- mettes alternately up and down, lower body with godrons. H., 0.26m. (2) Similar to (i). (3) Analogous to (i) and (2). H., 0.26m. (4) Analogous to (i) and (2). (5) Similar to preceding. H., 0.28m. Bibl. : Cat. Coll. Seilliere, Nos. 18-20. 34 THREE BLUE VASES. Paris. Collection M. fimile Gavet (1897), Nos. 201-203. In the collection of M. fimile Gavet sold in 1897 were three Robbia vases. ( 1 ) Blue vase with dolphin handles, neck ornamented with scales, upper body with a frieze of three pattern interlacings, lower body with godrons, base with rope and other mouldings. Similar to the Lydig vases. H., 0.27m. (2) Blue vase with dolphin handles, neck ornamented with scales, up- per body with upper frieze with rectilinear maeander and lower frieze with palmettes alternately upright and falling, lower body with godrons. H., 0.28m. GIOVANNI DRLLA ROBBIA 39 (3) Similar to (2). The vases (2) and (3) currespoiul to tlie descrip- tion of the SeiUiere vases sold in 1890. Bibl. : Cat. Collection Emile Gavet, Nos. 201-203. Molinier, Collection Emile Gavet, Nos. 455, 456. 35 ONE WHITE AND EOUR BLUE VASES. London. Victoria and Albert Museum, Nos. 2534-'56, 48i-'64, i97-'89, 41-91, 642-97. Photo., Private. The \'ictoria and Albert Museum possesses five Robbia vases, one is glazed white, the rest blue. 1. No. 4 1 -'9 1 white glazed vase with dolphin handles, the lip decorated with bead and reel, neck with scale ornament, upper body with double rec- tilinear maeander, lower body with garlands upheld by lion heads and sur- rounded by cherub heads, lowest part of body with highly plastic godrons, base w'ith rope and pearl ornament. H., 0.40m. Similar to Cantagalli No. 377. 2. No. 2534-'56. Dark blue glazed vase, with dolphin handles, neck decorated with scale ornament, upper body capped by egg and dart with frieze of three pattern interlacings, lower body with godrons, base with pearl and rope mouldings. H., 0.31m. Similar to Lydig vases. Cf. Can- tagalli, No. 376. 3. No. 48 1 -'64. Gray blue vase with dolphin handles, decorated as the preceding. Base repaired, H., 0.28m. 4. No. i97-'89. Blue glazed vase, with dolphin handles, neck decorated with scales, upper body with guilloche, lower body with godrons, base with pearl and rope mouldings. H., 0.28m. 5. No. 642-'97. Similar to preceding, but darker blue, with gilding well preserved. H., 0.28m. Bibl. : Guasti, Cafaggiolo, 162-163; Solon, It. Maiolica, Fig. 5; Wallis, Ital. Ceramic Art, XXI-XXII. 36 VASES— TWO TYPES. Florence. Cantagalli Manifattura, Nos. 376, 377- The Cantagalli manufactory reproduces two types of Robbia vases. 40 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA No. 376. Dolphin handles, scale pattern on neck, deep frieze with com- plicated interlacings, lower body with godrons, base with rope moulding. No. 377. Dolphin handles, lip ornamented with bead and reel moulding, neck with scale pattern, frieze with double rectilinear maeander, body with a garland upheld by lion heads accompanied by cherub heads, lower body with highly plastic godrons, base with rope and pearl moulding. Bibl. : Cat. of Cantagalli Co., Nos. 376, 377. 37 STEMMA OE GIOVANNI DI LAPO NICCOLINI. 1509. San Giovanni in Valdarno, Palazzo Pretorio. Photo., Alinari, No. 9845. Within a wreath of continuous bunches of fruit and flowers of partially triplex composition, surrounded by an egg and dart moulding and set against a flat plate is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 20) bearing the Niccolini arms : Azure, a lion rampant, guardant, argent, debruised of a bend gules; in chief, a Stemma of Giovanni Niccolini. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 41 label of four points gulcs enclosing two fleurs-de-lys or and in the centre a papal tiara and two keys crossed in saltire or. Below, on a curved scroll upheld by two hands is : G(I)0VANNIJ'DI LAPO y NICHO LINI r VIC(ARI)0 J' MDVIII ETMDVIIII Giovanni di Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini was a Prior in Florence in 1504 and 1 5 14. Bibl. : C, s.v. Niccolini; M., R. H.. 176-177; P., 435-437; W., 58. 1510-1520 I5IO— 1520 38 THE RESURRECTION. 1510. Florence. 51. Rectangular. H., 1.22m.; W., 0.94m. Brogi, 9484. Museo Nazionale, No. Photo., Alinari, 2778; From the suppressed monastery of Monte OHveto, Florence, this relief (Fig. 21) came to the museum June 27, 1867. The cornice is of wood, but the remainder is well preserved, except a few details. The Verrocchian Christ is characteristic of Giovanni della Robbia, re- minding us of the risen Christ on the orphry of the cope of S. Lino at Volterra. Characteristic also is the mustard yellow used to colour the image of Sol, the radiance about the Dove, and all the haloes. The back- ground is a light blue, and the face of the sarcophagus a crude violet. There are no sleeping soldiers about the sepulchre, on which are seated two angels Fig. 21. — The Resurrection. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 46 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA raising the slab on to which Christ appears to have descended from the skies. Not the fact of the Resurrection, but the Vision of the Risen Christ, in the presence of the Holy Dove and of Sol and Luna. A large cherub head appears in front of the sarcophagus with scroll inscribed: ^ SEPVLCHRVAI y CHRISTI y VIVENTIS ^ ET GLORIAM y VIDI y RESVRGENTIS • The pilasters, decorated with candelabra involving characteristically Gio- vanni motives, are terminated with capitals also in his style. The pilaster to the right is inscribed : A(NNO)- DO(MINI)- S(ALVATORIS ) • MDX Bibl. : Burl., no; C-M., 216 No. 65; Cr., 339; Supino, Cat., No. 51. 39 S. LINO. Volterra. Duomo. Bust. H., 0.90m. 8721; Lombardi, 2603. Photos., Alinari, Fig. 22. — S. Lino. Volterra, Duumo. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 47 Over the side door of the cathedral at VoUerra is a bust (Fig. 22) in- scribed on the base •B- LINO- VOLATERRANO- PETRI SVCCESSOR- Linus of VoUerra, the first Bishop of Rome, was made Pope about 67 A.D. This bust is strong and portrait Hke, but does not merit the praise given it by JMiss Cruttwell. Clad in an alb with broad bhie apparel, S. Lino wears a heavy cope of blue lined green with a broad orphry on which are relief figures in white against violet, of prophets bearing scrolls, the Madonna, prophetesses, and the risen Christ blessing with right hand and carrying a banner in his left. ,(Cf. the Resurrection relief Museo Nazionale No. 51). S. Lino wears the Papal triple crowned tiara and holds a green book. Bibl. : Cr., 198-199; 327; Ricci, J'oltcrra, 118. 40 THE ASCENSION. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 45. Rectan- gular. H., 1.40m.; W., i.iom. Photo., Brogi, 9490. From the monastery of S. Vivaldo, transferred in 1874 (Fig. 23). Simi- Fig. 23. — The Ascension. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 48 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA lar in type to the Resurrection from Monte Oliveto (1510). Apparently by the same assistants of Giovanni della Robbia who were engaged on the larger altarpiece of the Ascension at S. Vivaldo. Somewhat restored and overpainted. Bibl. : Burl, no; C-M., 218 No. 80, 237 No. 201; Cr., 338; Supino, 446 No. 45. 41 STEMMA OF GIOVANNI GAETANI AND ALESSANDRA MINERBETTI. Florence, Museo Nazionale, No. 43. Photo., Brogi, 9482. From Montaione, formerly in the refectory of the suppressed monastery of S. Vivaldo. In a wreath, composed chiefly of triplex, continuous groups of fruit and flowers separated into cjuadrants by fluted yellow ribbons crossing each other, with an inner egg and dart moulding framing a blue fluted disk is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 24) bearing the combined Gaetani and Minerbetti Fig. 24. — Stemma of the Gaetani and Minerbetti. Florence, Museo Nazionale. arms. The dexter arms are those of the Gaetani family : Per pale, dexter, quarterly argent and gules, sinister, paly or and gules. The sinister arms are those of the Minerbetti family: gules, three swords in pale fanwise argent, in chief a crosslet of the same. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 49 This stemma commemorates the marriage of (iiovanni di Piero di Gio- vanni Gaetani with Alessandra di Ruys^ero di Tommaso Minerljetti in 1493. Both famihes were interested in S. Vivaldo. Bartolommeo di Ruggero A'linerbetti, brother of Alessandra, was Podesta at Montaione in 1490, and Oddo Gaetani presented a tine entrance door to the church of the monastery in 1525- A similar stemma, formerly in the Frescolialdi and in the J. P- Morgan collection, was sold in 1916 to the Duveer Brothers, New York. Document : A 144 1493 Ioh(ann)es olim Pieri Ioh(ann)is de Gaetanis Alex' Ruggeri Tomasi de Minerbettis [Bibl. Nazionale, Zibaldone del Migliore, segnato Magliab. CI. xxvi, cod. 142, c. 46.] Bibl. : C. s.v. Gaetani, Minerbetti ; C-M., 237 No. 200; C, 338; M., R. H., 183-184; P., 72-74; Supino, 446 No. 43; W., 155. 42 THE LIFE OF S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. 151 1. Cerreto Guidi, S. Leonardo. Font. Photos., Alinari, 10106-10113. This font (Fig. 25), hexagonal in form, designed doubtless for this church, as a gift from a member of the Rucellai family, was for a long time in the garden of the Casa Maggi, formerly Orsini, at Cerreto Guidi. It was transported back to the church in sections and most carelessly re- constructed. Being pictorial and elaborate and comparatively inexpensive, repetitions or copies of this font were made for churches at Galatrona, S. Piero a Sieve and S. Donato in Poggio. The base has a series of offsets in place of the six angles of a regailar hexagon. These and the intervening spaces receive a form of decoration new to the Robbia school — leafy Sirens alternating with palmettes. The main body of the font consists of six pictorial reliefs, set between pilasters decorated with grotteschi of two patterns, each used thrice. Those adorned with cornucopias have also tablets inscribed A(nno) N(ostri) S(alvator- is) M- D • XL Their capitals are quite similar to those of the lavabo at S. Maria Novella. The entablature is broken at the angles, where are set broad shields with apices bent forward, bearing the Rucellai family arms : Per bend, in a chief gules a lion passant argent, a base barry indented aztire and or. The individual donor was possibly Antonio di Giovanni Rucellai who was Podesta at Pistoia in 1508. The frieze shows cherub heads bear- 50 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. -Font at Cerreto Guidi, S. Leonarho. iiig garlands, between them are space filling rosettes. The mouldings are richly decorated. The reliefs, with figures in white against polychromatic backgrounds, are as follows : 1. The Annunciation to Zacharias (Luke I, 5-23), The aged Zacharias is in the temple burning incense when the angel Gabriel appears to him and predicts the birth of a son. The angel is of the Verrocchian type to which Giovanni della Robbia clings for years to come ; the golden table be- trays the same influence ; but the scroll bearing angels in the spandrels are rather Donatellesque. The violet brown pavement and the yellow globules (stars!) in the blue semi-dome show Giovanni's indift'erence to the refine- ments of colour and form hitherto traditional in the Robbia school. The composition of this panel, as of several others in the series, seems to have been influenced by Ghirlandaio's frescoes in the tribune of S. Maria Novella. 2. The Naming of the Child (Luke I, 59-63). On the eighth day the "neighbors and cousins" came for the circumcision, and insisted on naming the child Zacharias. But the aged priest, who had been struck dumb, asked GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 51 for a writing tablet and wrote "His name is Jolin." Zacharias, with his right leg resting on his left is surrounded by his friends one of whom car- ries the child wrapped in swaddling clothes. The scene takes place in the Golden Porch of the Temple with light blue sky and lightly sketched trees in the background. Above on a white frieze is inscribed lOHANNES EST NOMEN EIVS. 3. The Birth of John the Baptist (Luke I, 57, 68-79 j. This scene his- torically should have preceded the scene of the Naming of the Child, and may have originally been so placed. If we follow the inscriptions only we should call this the Benedictus and consider it in its proper order. But in spite of the inscription BENEDICTVS DOMINVS DEVS ISRAEL QVTA VISITAVI(T), we have here no figure of Zacharias chanting his gratitude but the traditional birth scene. Elizabeth is in bed covered with a violet brown blanket; her maid brings provisions; the midwives prepare to wash the child while a neighbor brings a basket of fruit. We note in the background the gray blue cvu'tain decorated with lilies and on the mantel- piece blue vases bearing flowers. The composition is not very closely related to Ghirlandaio's celebrated fresco of this scene. 4. S. Giovannino in the Desert (Luke I, 80). The youthful S. John is here shown "in the desert" which consists of a thicket of palms and decidu- ous trees, rocks and various animals; a stag, frog, chicken, lizard, etc. Garish rays of light are emitted through a cloud in the light blue sky. S. Giovanni carries a yellow cross and a scroll inscribed : PARATE VIAM DOMINI. 5. The Baptism of Christ (Matth. Ill, 13-17; Luke III, 21-22). This composition is only slightly reminiscent of Verrocchio's celebrated painting in the Accademia. According to a very old tradition, Christ is in the mid- dle of the Jordan, S. John on one bank, and two angels on the other. Christ's feet are enveloped in a whirpool of greenish blue water. Rocks, trees, the river, mountains and a city are in the background. The heavens open above his head, where are seen yellow clouds, but the Dove in this re- lief seems to be absent. S. John carries a yellow cross and a scroll in- scribed : ECCE AGN VS DE ( I ) . 6. The Beheading of John the Baptist (Matth. XIV, 3-12; Mark, VI, 14-29; Luke III, 19-20; IX, 9). The beheading is here represented not "in the prison" but outside on the green sward with a fruit tree and crude landscape in the background. S. John is on his knees, while the Pollaiuo- lesque executioner with yellow handled, blue bladed sword proceeds to his task, while Salome waits, platter in hand, to bear back to her mother the head of the saint. 52 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Bibl. : Bacci, ///. Fior., 1908, 146; Burl, 113; Carocci, // Valdarno, 104-105; C-M., 148-161, 158, 230 No. 159; C. s.v. Rucellai; Cr., 231-232, 336; M., R. H., 192-193; Milanesi, Misc. 32, III, P, a c. 207; P., 256-260; Repetti, s.v. Cerreto Guidi; R., D.R., 251-252; Sc. Fl, IV, 58, 61; S., 135, Abb. 144; Vas., II, 198; Wills, 170-171. 43 BAPTISM OF CHRIST. Settimo (near Cascina), S. Casciano. Rectangular. H., 0.58m.; W., 0.48m. Photo., Private. A version of the Baptism panel in the font at Cerreto Guidi. Figures white, background polychromatic, with modifications of landscape details. The Dove above the head of Christ is also absent. Bibl. : Cr., 355- 44 S. GIOVANNINO IN THE DESERT. New York. Volpi Collec- tion of 1917. H., 0.325m.; W., 0.42m. Photo., Private. A repetition (Fig. 26) with modified background, of the S. Giovannino relief in the font at Cerreto Guidi. Bibl. Volpi Sale of 191 7, Cat.. No. 48. Fig. 26. — S. Giovannino. Volpi Collection. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 53 SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Musee de Cluny, No. 2800. Statuette. H., o.^8m. Photo., Leroy & So., No. 976. The figure of S. Giovannino and the hair-cloth garment are unglazed, the rest glazed in natural colours. In the rocky background are seen a lamb, two rabbits, flowing water, a lizard, etc. The young Saint holds a scroll coarsely inscribed y ECCE : AGNVS DEI ECCE Bibl. : C-M., 274 No. 427; Du Sommerard, Cat. 216 No. 2800. 45 STEMMA OF FILIPPO D'OTTO SAPITI. 15 12. Sesto, Palaz- zo Pretorio. Photo., Private. Within a white fluted disk surrounded by a white tgg and dart moulding is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 27) bearing the Sapiti arms: Azure, three bend- lets gules, fimbriated or. Fig. 27. — Stemm.j, of Filippo Sapiti. Sesto, Pal.\zzo Pretorio. Below is a slightly curved scroll held open by two hands exhibiting the inscription : y FILIPPO y DOTTO SAPITI y PODFSTA yMyccccyxii + '^ A Filippo di Otto Sapiti was a Prior of Florence in 1412 just a hun- dred years before his namesake was Podesta al Sesto. Bibl. : Carocci, I, 312; C-M., 248 No. 268; C, s.v. Sapiti; M., R. H., 198; P-, 513-514- 54 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 46 FONT WITH RELIEF OF S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. 1513 S. Donate in Poggio (near S. Casciano), Pieve. Hexagonal. H., 0.86m. Photo., Private. A repetition with variations of the Cerreto Guidi font, lacking the entab- lature. Polychromatic backgrounds. The order of the scenes is changed, perhaps so that the Baptism of Christ should occupy the post of honour. The alternate pilasters bear the date A(NNO) • N(OSTRI) • S(ALVA- TORIS) • M-D-XIII. Bibl. : Cr., 354. 47 MADONNA AND CHILD AND SAINTS IN NICHES. Candel- abrum bearing Angels. 1513. Arcevia. S. Medardo. Cappella del Rosario. Altarpiece. Photo., Moscioni, 4957-4958. This altarpiece (Fig". 28) designed for the Eremo of S. Girolamo del Sasso Rosso, outside of Arcevia, stood there until 1625 when the Eremo was suppressed. Then the altarpiece was removed to the church of S. Medardo in Arcevia. On its removal it was made broader by the addition of two pilasters, one on either side in the background, and higher by being set upon a lofty base consisting of eight sections of pilasters distributed equally on either side of a central medallion. I am inclined to believe that these additions were derived from the "transenna," or balustrade originally in front of the altar, and that the medallion now in the centre of the base was the "occhio," mentioned in the Documents. The "Santo Hieronimo picholo" and the "S. Maria Magdalena picholo" may refer to the small reliefs of those saints on the predella, or perhaps have disappeared. The altarpiece itself is known by documentary evidence, as well as by its style, to be by Giovanni della Robbia. Its date, inscribed both on the monument and in the archives of the Eremo, is 15 13. The predella contains a series of panels more or less closely related to S. Girolamo. There are (i) S. Maria Maddalena, holding a yellow vase and a blue book, (2) the Communion of S. Girolamo in the desert, (3) S. Girolamo and his lions, (4) the Nativity, (5) S. Girolamo, (6) S. Girolamo extracting a thorn from the lion, (7) S. Maria Egiziaca. Here the predella ends. The main portion of the altarpiece consists of three niches set between four pilasters. The pilasters are decorated with white grotteschi on blue (an extension of the design used in the font at Cerreto Guidi) and are in- scribed : (i) >AN(N)0- S(ALVATORIS)J' (2) A(NNO)- N(OSTRI)- S(ALVATORIS) • MDXIII- (3) J'AN(N)0 S(ALVATORIS)> (4) J' MDXIII- GIOVANNI DET.LA ROBBIA 55 Fig. 28. — Altarpifxe. Arcevia, S. Meuardo. The three niches contain statuettes of (i) S. Giovanni Battista with scroll inscribed ECCE AGNUS DEI. (2) A Madonna with nude Child across her lap. Above her are two angels and the Sacred Dove from whom stream golden rays of light. The vault is cofifered with yellow rosettes on blue, and its supports are decorated with a pattern of cubes each showing yellow, green and blue sides. The archivolt is adorned with a garland of fruit and flowers. (3) S. Girolamo, with bared breast, holding a crucifix. At his feet a lion. Behind him a yellow tree against blue background. 56 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Over the capitals of the pilasters are incongruously placed blocks orna- mented with Sirens and palmettes — these should undoubtedly be placed be- low the pilasters, as in the S. Lucchese altarpiece near Poggibonsi, where on the predella is an Annunciation similar to that in the two medallions here. The entablature, broken by projections corresponding to the pilasters below, is adorned with cherubs and garlands and yellow disks, like those on the fonts at Cerreto Guidi and at Galatrona. Above the entablature is a small lunette containing a iine bust of God the Father, somewhat Verroc- chian but characteristic of Giovanni della Robbia. This is set against a blue ifluted shell and surrounded by a frame adorned with arabesques. On either side of this lunette were probably set the candelabrum bearing angels, now on a lower level. The inscription on the bases of the angels justify the interpretation of the bust in the lunette as God the Father, rather than Christ. The inscriptions read : (i) J^BENEDICAMVRP(AT)REM ET FILIV(M) CV(M) S(AN) C(T)0 SP(IRIT)V (2) LAVDEM(VR) ET SVP(ER)EXALTEM(VR) EV(M) I(N) S(A)CRA(MENTO) : Documents : [Copied by Anselmo Anselmi, A. S. A., I (1888), 370-371.] 1. "Anno Dni MDXIII Et piu ha dato la Comunita fiorini dodici contanti pelle figure facte infiorenza a perfecto nostro sindaco li quali pago Tomaxo di bianco et suoi compagni ogi questo di 17 di luglio 15 13 fior : 12 bol: 00 Et piu ha dato la Comunita al veturale che porto ditte figure da florenza fiorini quattro fior : 4 bol : 00." [Libro della Edificazione della Chiesa di S. Girolomo, etc., scritto di mano di Francesco di Mariano Formosi da Siena, c. 8'.] 2. "Anno Dni MDXIII Et piu pella cona delaltare magiore facta di preta cotta in florenza da m° Giovanni di m° Andrea della rubbia : costo infiorenza la prima compra fiorini 22 contanti fior : 22 bol : 00 Et piu per uno occhio per la chiesia di terra-cotta (sic) : et uno santo Hieronimo picholo pur di terracotta fatti in fiorenza : et una santa Maria Magdalena pichola di terra : montorno tutte sopra ditte cose .... fior : 6 bol : 00 Et piu intra vecture et cabelle montorno sopra ditte figure avenire da fiorenza in fino a qua a santo Hieronimo contanti .... fior : 9 bol : 00 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 57 Et piu per murare sopra ditte figure muro m° donate sopra- ditto (Lombardo) opere 2 et 2 di manuale montorno ditte opere bolognini 24 contanti .... fior : 00 bol : 24" [Idem, c. 132.] 3. "Anno Dni MDXIIII Et piu per opere 3 amurare dinanti alle figure una Trasanna mur° m° Ambrosio (Lombardo) con 3 manuali montorno sopra ditte opere in tutto. . . . fior : 00 bol : 36" [Idem, c. 132'.] 4. "Anno Dni MDXV Et piu per oro pelle figure compramo in fiorenza fior : 2 bol : 4 Et piu per oro compramo da giovanfelice monto fior : I bol : 20 Et piu per oro compramo da ser ciecho spetiale fior : o bol : 20 Et piu per manifattura di metter a oro le sopra ditte figure le quali messe a oro Pierfrancesco da Saxoferrato monto in tutto fior : 4 bol : 00" [Idem, c. 133'.] Bibl. : Anselmi, A. e S., 11(1883), 204; 111(1884), 10, 21/23; VI(i887), 233; VII(i888), 234(Doc.); A. S. A., I (1888), 369-371 (Doc); /. A. E. I., I, 167; A^. Riv. Mis., I(i888), 4i-42(Doc.); B. J., 98; B., A. S. A., 11(1889), 2; Kf., 20; Burl., 112; C-M., 160; Cr., 234, 311 (Doc), 327; Lazari, 43; R., D. R., 252-254; Sc. Fl., IV, 60-62; Ricci, II, 158; Vas., II, 190 note 2. 48 S. LUCIA. Arcevia. S. Medardo (Sacristy). Statue. When in Arcevia some years ago I noticed in the sacristy of S. Medardo a poorly glazed statue of S. Lucia, which I then attributed to the school of Giovanni. Giovanni himself made the medallion of S. Lucia for the Cer- tosa. She was not infrequently represented in the works of the Buglioni, as in the Coronation lunette at the Ognissanti, and in the Nativity in the Pollak gallery, Rome. 49 CANDELABARUM BEARING ANGELS AND A PREDELLA. 1 5 13. Florence. S. Ambrogio (Sacristy). Two statuettes. H., 0.54m. Photo., Private. 58 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA According to the archives, Giovanni della Robbia made two angels and a predella for the altar of the Sacrament of S. Ambrogio in 15 13. These angels (Fig. 29, 30) glazed white, are essentially repetitions of those on the altarpiece in S. Medardo, Arcevia. They show the influence of Benedetto da Maiano rather than of Andrea della Robbia. They have violet linear if ^^ \r\ ^ M A-ri' Fig. Fm 30. — Candel,m!rum be.\rixg Angels. Florence, S. Ambrogio. brows, lashes, and pupils with no distinction of irises. They are set on polygonal bases inscribed : (i) + REFICIT CIBVS HIC MVNDO CORDES VT MENTES + (2) +POLLVTO AVTEM IDEM INFICIT DENTES + The predella is no longer in this church. Obviously it served as a cibo- rium, and may have resembled the predella in S. Piero Maggiore. Document: [Copied by Mr. R. G. Mather.] "M. DXIIJ Giovannj dandrea della robbia debbe havere f (iorini) 2 larghi et I/2 doro in oro per dua angieli ci ha fatti con la predella dello altare di terra cotta dove sta il Sacramento che cosi siamo dacordo lui con il p(riore) Lire 17 soldi 10 d- M DXIIJ Giovanni dandrea contrascripto de dare lire dicasette et soldi 10 havuti in piu partiti per insino adi 12 doctobre 1 5 13 a uscita s (segnato) lac. 319 Lire 17 soldi 10 d-" [Archiv. di Stato, Chiesa di S. Ambrogio, Libro Debitori e Creditori, Anni 1512 a 1519- segnato Comp. Relig. Soppresse No. 79, Cod. 61 a c. 7.] Bibl. : C-M., 130; Cr., 340; R. G. M., L' Arte (1918), 206 XIV 1-2 (Doc); Vas., II, 182 note 2. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 59 50 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Florence. S. J\Iaria della Misericordia. Statuettes H., 0.80m. Photo., Brogi, 4898- 4899. These angels (Figs. 31, 32), glazed in white and set on rounded bases Fig. 31, 32. — Candelabrum bearing Angels. Florence, Misericordia. are to be assigned to Giovanni's atelier. They lack the expression of his candelabrum bearers at Arcevia, Galatrona, and in S. Ambrogio, Florence. Bibl. : C-M., 210 No. 31 ; Cr., 341. 51 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Florence. Pal- azzo Frescobaldi. Statuettes. Photo., Private. Glazed white, on violet bases, also violet haloes. Kneeling with one hand to breast, the other holding on knee the box-like base of a candlestick. 52 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Florence. Bardini Collec- tion (formerly). Statuette. Photo., Private. On a console of rounded form, capped with egg and dart and leaf mould- ings, and bearing a beribboned, late Tuscan shield, with coat of arms now effaced, stands a candelabrum bearing Angel glazed white. 53 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Florence. Bardini Collec- tion (formerly). Statuette. H., 0.65m. 6o GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Polychromatic. Gown blue, mantle yellow lined green, sleeves white, crossing ribbons on breast white. 54 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich- Museum (formerly) No. 133. Statuette. H., 0.85m. Acquired in 1861 from the Alinutoli collection. White glaze. Eyes dark, irises left white. Bibl. : Bode-Tschudi, 44 No. 133; C-M., 261 No. 355; Cr., 333. 55 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Berlin. Collection Herr Adolph von Beckrath. Sta'tuette. H., 0.79. In the collection of Herr von Beckerath in 1895 was an unglazed candel- abrum bearing angel which then appeared to me to be attributable to Gio- vanni della Robbia. Bbl. : Fabriczy, /. k. p. K., XXX (1909). Beiheft, 25 No. 59. 56 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Boston. Collec- tion of Mr. J. Lindon Smith. Statuettes. H., 0.32m. White figures on green bases. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 128. 57 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. London. Donald- son's Gallery. Statuettes. H., 0.43m. Glazed white, on violet bases. Kneeling. One has no glaze on face or hair. 58 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Paris. Louvre No. 438 (old no. G. 747, 748). Statuettes. H., 0.55m. Photo., Private. From the Campana Collection. Nudes unglazed. Robes white, collars and sleeves green, mantle blue edged yellow. The angels kneel and hold the white bases for candles. Similar angels occur beside the Nativity al- tarpiece of 1521 in the Museo Nazionale, No. 25. Bibl. : C-M., 277 No. 446; Cr., 350. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 6i 59 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Paris. Louvre, No. 454 (old no. G. 758, 759). Statuettes. H., 0.66m. Photo., Private. From the Campana Collection. Nudes unglazed. White robes with blue (Collars ; mantle blue lined green. Bibl. : C-M., 278 No. 453; Cr., 350. 60 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Paris. Louvre, No. 455 (old no. G. 760, 761). Statuettes. H., 0.47m. Photo., Private. From the Campana Collection. The angels are glazed white. They are kneeling, each with both hands holding a baluster shaped candlestick. Bibl. : C-M., 278 No. 454; Cr., 351. 61 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Paris. Collection M. fimile Gavet. Statuettes. H., 0.38m. Unglazed. Possibly originally associated with the unglazed medallion of the Madonna and Child in the Berwind collection, Newport. Bibl. : Gavet, Sale Cat., 1897, Nos. 210-211; Molinier, Cat. Gavet, Nos. 17- 18. PI. 8. 62 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Paris. Musee de Cluny, No. 2797. Statuette. H., 0.72m. Photo., Leroy 969. Nudes unglazed. Tunic white with yellow sleeves, mantle blue lined green, base mottled violet. Bibl. : Burl., 85; C-M., 273 No. 424; Cr., 351; Du Sommerard, Cat., No. 2797- 63 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. S. Amato. (near Pistoia). L'Assunta. 62 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Large, polychrome angels. Probably candelabrum bearers and from Giovanni's atelier. Bibl. : Burl., 117; C-M., 249 No. 279; Cr., 353. 64 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. S. Casciano. S. Maria a Casavecchia. Statuettes. H., 0.62m. On two brackets at the entrance to the choir are two kneeling candela- brum bearing angels. Glazed white. Bibl. : Carocci, 5. Case, 62. Cr., 354. ;65 TWO CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. S. Gimignano (near). Compagnia della Madonna del Carmine alia Canonica. Statuettes. Brogi catalogues two candelabrum bearing angels, which he describes as small, kneeling, broken, and badly restored. Bibl. : Brogi, Inv., 510. 66 PILASTER AVITH CANDELABRUM DECORATION. Paris. Musee de Cluny No. 2803. Photo., Leroy, 807. This pilaster (Figs. 33, 34), designed for the frame of a niche or of an altarpiece, is glazed white against a blue background. Its panelled surface is surrounded by an egg and dart moulding and is decorated by an elabo- rate design in which occur griffins, putti, a siren, a vase, cornucopias, etc., leading up to a basin ablaze with tongues of fire. The capital shows Gio- vanni's favorite motive of the two dolphins drinking from a vase. Gio- vanni's imagination was full of such motives as these when he made the altarpiece at Arcevia (1513) and the font for Galatrona (1518). Bibl. : C-M., 273 No. 422; Cr., 351 ; Du Sommerard, Cat, 2803. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 63 Fi.0. a, 34. — Pilaster. Paris, Cluny Museum. 67 THE NATIVITY, MADONNA AND TWO ANGELS. 1513. Buonsollazzo, Monastero (formerly). Altarpiece. The following documents relate to an altarpiece by Giovanni della Rob- bia, formerly in the monastic church at Buonsollazzo. Its whereabouts is no longer known. It represented the Nativity and was set above the principal altar. Upon its cornice, apparently, stood free-standing figures of the Virgin Mary and two Angels. The Virgin was provided with a cloth mantle bordered with lace, a veil, and a gilded crown. A figure of S. Bernardo appears to have been asso- ciated with the altarpiece. Whether it was provided with a framework is not stated. But some device it certainly possessed to contain the chalice and sacred host, for it formed part of a Corpus Domini. Documents: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Adi 28 di maggio 1513 Et adj 15 di decto (luglio) 1 3 - s 10 da matteo sancto n(ost)ro cdmesso p(er) coto di messe di s° gregorio decte dame: 64 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA dequali danari ne debbo' conperare una vergine Maria p(er) tener(e) in sullo altare magg(i)or(e) come costuma lordine n(ost)ro - 1 3 s 10 dj - Et adj veti sette di decto (luglio) dal padre Don Hyeronimo in presete priore dj cestello 1 3 - s 13 sono p(er) helemosina che sua paternita fa alia Nativita che io ho dato a Joha(n)nj della robia a far far(e) 1 3 - s 13" [Archivio di stato, Monaster© di Buonsollazzo, Libro di Entrata e Uscita di Sagrestia 15 — al 15 — segnato Compagnie Soppresse C, XVIII n° 515, Entrata di Sagrestia a c. 6'.] 2. "adj 7 di maggio 1518 + Ricordocome adj 13 di novembre passato decti staia di grano octo a gova(n)nj della Robbia p(er) parte del pagamento della tavola quale dovea fare del corpus D(omin)j : quale grano metto qui ad entrata lire octo et soldi sedicj et piu et mancho (piu e meno) lo potra metter(e) anchora el sagrestano che verra secondo che si potra informar(e) si vende in quel tempo, perche decta tavola no Ando inhanzi p(er) suo defecto unde neresta debitor (e) come appariscie al libro de ricordj a carte 9 — 1 8 s 16 dj -" [Idem a c. 15'.] 3. "AD MDXIIJ Et adj 13 di septembre 1 8 pagai a Johan(n)j dj Andrea della robia p(er) coto dj una Vergine maria et dua angeli che lui mi ha facti p(er) tener(e) in sullo altar(e) maggor(e) — 1 8 s- dj-" [Archiv. idem, Uscita di Sagrestia a c. 2.] 4. "MDXIIJ Et adj decto (22 di octobre) pagai: a gova(n)ni della robia 1 10 s 10 p(er) coto della nativita - 1 10 s 10 dj - Et adj 29 di decto (octobre) 1 i s 6 dj 10 pagai al detto gova(n)nj p(er) una ocha et altre cose che gli mandaj come appare al coto suo alibro de ricordj' — 1 i s 6 dj 10 E adj decto (8 di novembre) s 2 spesi in colori p(er) lo smalto dello altare della nativita — 1 - s 2 dj - Et adj 20 di decto (novembre) conperai un paio di capponi p(er) presentar a quelli che mi hano facto GlOViVNNI DELLA ROBBlA 65 la qual montava. 1 14 haver (e) la gabella della capanuccia in done (so written in original) costorono s 27 - 1 i s 7 dj - Et adj 18 di deeto (Dicembre) pagai a francescho di pintor(e) 1 sedici et soldj sedici p(er) ogni suo resto che havessi haver (e) da me p(er ) eCtto del colorire parte della Nativita - 1 16 s 16 dj - " [Idem, a c. 2'.] 5. "MDXIIIJ Et adj 24 di sopradecto (Dicembre 15 13) 1 dua et s sedicj pagai p(er ) il vecturale a gova(n)nj della robia - 1 2 s 16 Et adj decto (24 di Dicembre 15 13) ho facto conto com(e) apparisce al libro de ricordi haver (e) speso in piu volte tra colori, oro et altre cose necessarie aldipinger(e) et adornar(e) la Nativita 1 sette et soldj sedici et danarj ij -1 7 s 16 dj 11 Et adj 15 di febraio ( 1513) in braccia octo et mezo dj drappo p(er) far(e) el mantellino alia Vergine maria spesi lire diciassette I 17 s - dj - Et piu adi decto in veli p(er) decta gloriosa Vergine lire una et soldj dieci - 1 i s 10 dj - Et adj decto in Trina p(er) orlar(e) el mantellino lira una soldj sei — 1 i s 6 dj - Et adj 18 di sopradecto in oro p(er) dorar(e) la corona della Vergine soldj cinque — 1 - s 5 dj - " [Idem, a c. 3.] 6. "+ 1517 Et piu adj decto (12 di luglio) p(er) gabella dj una soma dj in vetriatj della Robia - 1 - s 6 dj 8 Et adj 20 di decto (luglio) in uno papero mandaj a gova(n)nj della Robia p(er) coto dj uno s(an)cto ci ha facto soldj undicj et danarj diecj - 1 - s 1 1 dj 10" [Idem, a c. 7.] 7. "Et adj sopradecto (21 di luglio 15 17) a govannj della Robia lire dua p(er) conto dj lavoro hauto da luj porto el vecturale n(ost)ro — 1 2 s - dj - Et adj 5 di decto (agosto) a domenicho dipintore p(er) colorj ha logoro in dipinger(e) el s(an)cto Bernardo fece far(e) el padre Don Raphaello p(er) se soldj nove — 1 - s 9 dj - " [Idem, a c. 7'.] 66 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 8. _ "1517 Et adj 10 di decto (agosto) p(er) vecture pagate a don philippo dj legne che mandaj al gova(n)nj della Robia : p(er) coto di dua angoli che gli fo far(e) p(e) mettere in mezo el sacramento lira una et soldj qnattordicj pagaj ad Inj contanti — 1 i s 14 dj - [Idem, a c. 8.] 9. "Et piu adj decto ( 16 di Octobre ) soldj cinquanta decti ad Angelo di polo p(er) conto dj go\'a(n)nj della robia equalj Va(n)no in conto del pagamento della tavola del Sagrameto. 1 2 s 10 dj - " [Idem, a c. 8'.] 10. "Adj 19 di Novembre 1517 Et adj 22 di decto ( No\'embre ) lire dua a Simone cerchiaio sono p(er) coto dj legne ha dato a gova(n)nj della robia p(er) mio conto — 1 2 s - dj " [Idem., a c. 9.] 11. "Adj 6 di Rlaggio 15 18 Ricardo come adj 13 di Novembre passato dicti st. 8 di grano a govanni della Robia come apparisce allibro de ricordj a carte 9 le quale metto hora qui ;id uscita perche nolo messe prima p(er) qualche bon rispecto 1 8 s 16 dj -" [Idem., a c. 10.] Bibl. : Amati, s. v. Buonsollazzo ; Guasti, di Cafaggiolo, 167 note (Doc). 68 NATIVITY WITH SS. STEFANO E LORENZO, c. 1513. Pes- cina (near A^aglia), S. Stefano. Altarpiece. When in 191 1 I sent a photographer to Pescina to reproduce this altar- piece he brought me word that it was no longer there. When I saw it some years earlier it had been removed to a location behind the high altar, only the predella remaining in front. Cavallucci describes the predella as ex- hibiting the Virgin between S. Niccolo da Bari, S. Sebastiano, S. Felicita( ?) and S. Antonio Abate. In conversation with me he added that at the end were displayed the Davanzati and the Pazzi arms. The Davanzati arms are: Aciirc, a lion rampant or. and the Pazzi arms: Azure, two dolphnis addorsed or accompanied by four (five or six) crosslets fitchy of the same. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 67 This altarpiece was probably a votive oiTerint;- of Giovanni di Niccolo Da- vanzati and his wife Caterina di Ghinozzo Pazzi who were married in 1512. The altarpiece was divided into three sections by narrow pilasters deco- rated with garlands of triplex fruit rising from blue vases and terminating in dolphin capitals. To the left was S. Stefano patron saint of the church, clad in white tunic and wearing a mantle of blue lined violet. Face and hands unglazed. On his breast a rectangular pectoral representing Christ bearing the Cross. A similar rectangular decoration on the lower portion of the tunic represented S. Stefano preaching. Behind his head was a blue conch; below him was inscribed SA(N)CTVS STEPHANVS ^-^ Above the niche, as in the altarpiece at Arcevia, was a medallion with S. Gabriele in white with sleeves of blue and green and with pol}-chromatic wings striated horizontally. The central relief represented the Nativity. The nude Child lay on yel- low straw, S. Giovannino near him. S. Giuseppe was robed in blue edged yellow and wore a yellow mantle; the Madonna wore a tunic of violet edged yellow and a mantle of blue lined green. Faces and hands unglazed. There were present the ox and ass, and two shepherds, one with fruit, the other bearing a lamb. The stable was built of violet bricks and angels with the inscription GLORIA IN EXCELSI(S) DEO ET IN TERRA (PAX) HOMINIBVS BONAE VOLVNTATIS from Luke II, 14. In the centre above a yellow star was an angel with the inscription ANVMTIO VOBIS. At the angles a head of David crowned with a scroll inscribed LAVDATE PVERI D(OMI)N(V)M LAVDATE, and of Isaiah with ECCE VIRGO CONCIPIET (Is. VII, 14). At the base of the central relief between egg and dart mouldings was inscribed PVER NATVS E(S)T NOBIS ET FILIVS DATVS E(S)T NOBIS (Is. IX, 6). To the right was S. Lorenzo robed in white with a mantle of green orna- mented in black lined violet, edged yellow. Face and hands not glazed. His pectoral was inscribed with a picture of the Resurrection of Christ, and the rectangular decoration on the lower portion of his robe represented S. Lorenzo distributing alms to the poor. His inscription read SA(N)CTVS LAVRENTIVS. Above him was a medallion of the Annunziata, robed in violet edged yellow with a mantle of Ijlue lined green, kneeling. In the background a white curtain. The entablature of the altarpiece consists of an architrave ornamented with pearls and capped with a flat leaf moulding, a frieze of white cherub heads, polychrome garlands and yellow disks, and a cornice ornamented with egg and dart, channelling, bead and reel, and leaf mouldings. Bibl. : Burl., 118; C-M., 253 No. 306; C, s.v. Davanzati, Pazzi; Cr., 355; M., R. H., 206; Litta, s.v. Pazzi, Tav. 4. 68 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 69 ENTOMBMENT OF CHRIST. Florence. S. Salvatore al Monte. Lunette. H., 1.30m., without, and i.Qom. with finial; AV., 2.50m. Photo., Brogi, 9373. Over the north door (interior) of the httle church of S. Salvatore, for- merly S. Francesco, on the hill of S. Miniato, is a lunette of the Entomb- ment (Fig. 35), one of Giovanni della Robbia's most characteristic works. This church, much admired by ^lichelangelo, was built by the architect Simone del Pollaiuolo, known as II Cronaca, through funds supplied by Cas- tello di Piero di Bernardo di Neri Quaratesi, a wealthy friend of the Medici. Castello Quaratesi had held high official position in Florence, having been Fig. 35. — The Entombment. Florence, S. S.^lvatore. Prior in 1428 and both Prior and Gonfaloniere in 1441 and 1447. Late in life he became a benefactor of the monastery of S. Francesco dell'Os- servanza. In 1465 he enlarged the cloister, but little was done for the church until 1487. By 1493 the walls were ready and in 1504 the church was dedicated. In 1508 Castello died and in 1509 the Universita dell' Arte dei Mercatanti, to whose charge he had left the building of the church, set up an inscription on the triumphal arch of the church, "In memoria di GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBL'V 69 Castello Ouaratesi ediiicatore di detta chiesa." The lunette of the Entomb- ment bears his coat of arms painted on two shields held Ijy two putti seated on either side of the flaming vase, a motive used by Benedetto da Maiano on the P'orta dell' Udienza of the Palazzo Vecehio in 1476 to 1481. The Ouaratesi arms: Or. a ehief aciirc eharged with an eagle argent, painted on the shields are now almost effaced. The group in the lunette consists of seven figures about the dead Christ. These are from left to right Joseph of Arimathaea, two Maries, the Mater Dolorosa, S. Giovanni, the Maddalena, and Nicodemus. From the eyes of ever}- one tears are falling, Imt there is no evidence of emotion as in Donatello's representations of the same subject. The figures are coloured with oil paint, not glazed. Bibl. : B., a:/., 2i;/rt/!r., Vni (T887), 218-220; Fl. Bihlli.. 329-331; Fl. Sc, 198-200; Dcnkm., 89, Taf. 281; Burckh., 435; Cr., 239, 328; Eab- riczy, /. k. p. K., XXX ( 1909), Beih., 34 No. 113; Geymuller, V. // Cronaca, 2: S., 141, Abl). 153; \'as., IV, 448. 70 THE ENTOMBMENT OF CHRIST. Faenza. Museo Pasolini (formerly in). Malagola mentions amongst the Robbia works at Faenza, a Crista morto fra le Marie, composed of figures of two }ilaries supporting the sorrowing Virgin, another Mary, S. Giovanni, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathaea, and the dead Christ extended on a richly decorated sarcophagus, the front of which displays an escutcheon, with the letter G in Gothic characters, set within a garland. Delange mentions a similar monument dated MCCCC- LXXX\T. Bibl. : Argnani, ly note 5 ; Delange, Appcndicc alFIstor., 258; Frati, 11 N^o. i ; Guasti, Cafaggiolo. 154; Malagola, 103, 464. 71 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. 1514- 1515. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 64. Altarpiece. H., 2.91m.; W., 2.35m. Photos., Alinari, 2752 ; Brogi, 9474. In the Via della Scala, at the corner of the Via degli Oricellari, is a building labelled "Pia Casa di Patronato pei minorenni corrigendi." Here formerly stood a hospital for foundlings established in 13 13 by Clone di Lapo di Gherardo Pollini, a high official in the Arte della Lana. After the isiege of Florence in 1529 the hospital came under the care of the Augus- 70 GIOVAN'NI BELLA ROBBIA tinian nuns of S. Martino dalle Panche, and in 1536 became amalgamated with the Lmocenti Hospital. The nuns, however, continued to occupy a por- tion of the building until their suppression in 1868. At that time this altarpiece (Fig. 36), which stood in a chapel in the garden of the mon- astery, was transferred to the Museo Nazionale. Some indication of the history of the altarpiece is contained on its pre- della. On either side of the central relief of the Annunciation are the bam- bini in swaddling clothes — inferior by far tO' the bambini of the Innocenti Hospital made not so many years earlier by Giovanni's father. At the ends of the predella are coats of arms, ordinarily indicative of the donors. At the dexter end are the Accolti arms : Barry argent and gules, a bordure azure charged with eight estoiles or. Cardinal's hat above, gules. The Car- dinal's hat refers us undoubtedly to Pietro de Benedetto Accolti who was made a Cardinal by Julius H on March 10, 15 10. As we have documentary evidence that this altarpiece was made in 1514 and 1515, the arms cannot refer to the only other Cardinal of the Accolti family, Benedetto di Michele, who did not receive his appointment until 1527. Pietro was a near relative of Bernardo Accolti, prior of the monastery at the time when the altarpiece was made, and a poet much favored by Leo X, during whose Papacy many commissions fell to the lot of Giovanni della Robbia. At the sinister end of the predella are the Pollini arms : Azure, three mill wheels or, two and one, separated by a fess of the same charged with a ladder of three rungs gules. The ladder in this case was omitted or has been worn away. The descendant of the founder here indicated was probably Niccolo di Clone di Niccolo, one of the twelve who ruled the Arte della Lana from 151 5 to 1528, or possibly his brother Girolamo who served as Gonfaloniere di Com- pagnia in 1521. On the predella is set a frame exhibiting between rope and egg and dart mouldings, blue vases with S shaped handles from which rise against a white background garlands of fruit and flowers, meeting at the top in a medallion containing a white dove. The bunches are rectangular, the fruit for the most part forming triplex compositions crossed by white flowers. The bunches are separated from each other and fastened together by rec- tilinear, transverse ribbons. The central relief represents the Pieta or Lamentation over the Dead Body of Christ and consists of four figures. To the left is S. Giovanni on his knees, with his right hand upholding the shoulders of the dead Christ. He is clad in green tunic edged with yellow, over which is a light blue mantle lined yellow. His eyes have yellow irises, but violet brows, lashes and pupils. The Madonna wears over a brownish tunic a violet cloak lined with green and fastened with a cherub brooch. Over her knees is the dead Christ, not so stiff as at Moulins and at Berlin, but somewhat relaxed as in GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 71 ^^^ia^fi&iiafc,. -, -,„,.^ __ _ _. Fig. 36.— Lamentation. Florence, Museo Xazionale. 72 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Michelangelo's Pieta in S. Peters. The IMaddalena in light blue edged yel- low, with a mantle of green lined yellow kneels to the right. In the back- ground is represented a wooden cross crudely grained, bearing the crown of thorns, capped by a tabclla ansata inscribed -I-N-R-I- for Jesus A^a::arciiiis Rex JiiJacoriiiii, which in turn is surmounted by the Pelican feeding her young from her blood, a symbol of the atonement (Evans, Anitiml Synibolisui, p. 128). Above the transverse portion of the cross are the sun and inoon ; below, angels in green and yellow robes and with polychromatic wings, bearing a spear and a sponge. The garish sky is a brutal attempt to render the atmospheric disturbances which attended the crucifixion. Below is an extensive landscape in which we may detect in the distance Jerusalem, horsemen on a plain, the empty crosses, the empty sepulchre, and trees, with strange disregard of the laws of perspective. Giovanni was certainly not a great painter. Documents: [Copied by JMr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. "+ MDXIIII Giovanni dandrea della robia M° (maestro) di lavorare di terra e di rilievo de' avere fior. dodici larghi doro in oro sono perlla monta duna piata e altre fighure e un festone intorno di terra chotta bene ismaltate cholorite ellavorate nel modo efforma fumo dachordo chon detto Giovanni e nel modo efforma del disegno di dette e chosi ci promesse dachoro dar ffate dette ftighure per detto preg(i)o per insino per tutto il mese daghosto 15 14 le cjuale Ifghure s'anno a mettere nellortto di cjuesto ispedale in uno taber- nacholo nuovamente fatto levato dal giornale segnato m c. 112, lire 84 s- d- " [Archivio della Spedale degli Innocenti : Scala di Firenze, Serie III, num. 36. Libro di Debitori e creditori, Segnato M, dal 1509 al 1526. c. 82.] Note. The few archives that remain of the Hospital established by Cione Pollini are now preserved with those of the Innocenti Hospital. 2. " + jMDXHIJ Giovanni dandrea della robia di chontro de dare fiorini quatro doro in oro larghi e soldi cjuatro piccholi levati dal giornale segnato m c. 113 1 28 s 4 d- E dde dare addi xv di settenbre 15 16 lire nove et soldi dieci per lui e di sua volonta a bernardo chaponi per una promessa fattagli per il detto giovanni della robia porto GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA yz bernardo di L° (Lorenzo) Chapponi chonttro levati dal gioniale segiiato m c. 160 1 9 s 10 d- E dde dare addi xv di settenbre 151 5 lire sedici porto giovanni detto di chontro per parte della chagione di chontro Cam(erario) L(orenzo) c. 2 1 16 s- d - E dde dare adi xij di dicenbre 1515 fiorini uno doro in oro porto G. detto di chonttro Cam. L(orenzo) c. 6 1 7 s- d - E de dare adi xv di dicebre lire sei soldi cinque per ogni resto delle fighure ante da luj per il tabernacholo dellorto Cam. L(orenzo) c. 6 1 6 s 5 d- E de dare adi per insino primo di dicenbre lire dicassette soldi uno porto giovannj detto di chontro per ogni resto delle dette iighure del ta- bernacholo dellorto per ora si disse in cjuesta partita per resto Cam. L(orenzo) c. 4 1 17 s i d - 1 84 s o dj o [Idem, c. 82.] Bibl. : B., Kf., 18, 24; Jahrh. VIII (1887), 220-221; Fl. Bildh., 333; Fl. Sc, 200; Burl., Ill; C-^I., 216 No. 67; Ciacconius, III, col. 290-295, 477- 478; C, s.v. Accolti, Pollini; Cr., 238-239, 328; M., D. R. A., 119, Fig. 49; R. H., 211-213; Poggi, Burl. Mag., XXVIII, 129 note 4 (Doc.) ; R., D. R., 246-247; Sc. Fl, IV, 57, 60; Richa, III, 327-351; Rosselli, II, c. 879; Supino, 450 No. 64; Vaughan, 164-166. 72 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. Bos- ton. Collection of Mrs. John L. Gardner. Altarpiece. H., 2.40m.; W., 1. 60m. Photo., T. E. Marr, Boston. This altarpiece (Fig. T^y) was formerly in the collection of the Rev. Dr. Nevin, Rome. It was probably made for a country Dominican church, as we may infer from the half figures of S. Antonio Abate (a favorite with rustics) and S. Domenico in the predella. Between them is an elongated tabella ansata inscribed : yO VOS^OMNES OVI^TRA(N)SITIS^PER VIAM^ ATEND (I)TE ET^VIDETE^SI EST ► DOLORS SIMILIS ► SICUT DOLOR MEVS. )i:ijm^Mmi i J ** i-u.,_-.:s^.,,^-iay--g .iij. ' jii>it»i iii i. '" ji i w. ; ^ tum < !xi < !&.is '. ' "» ' ' ijyw Fig. 37. — Lamentation. Boston, Mrs. Gardner's. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 75 The inscription, except for the insertion of the word siinilis, is taken from the Lamentations of Jeremiah I, 12. The bahister in the centre was prob- ably inserted to hide the juncture of tlie two parts of the predella. This aharpiece is a variant of Giovanni's Pieta now in the Museo Nazio- nale No. 64. The central gioup is doubtless by Giovanni's own hand. The types are the same as in the Florentine example, but the composition is more freely conceived, the body of the dead Christ being more relaxed and more livid in colour. The colouring of the draperies are also slightly changed. The framework was probably left to an assistant as it is cruder in work- manship and shows changed proportions. So was doubtless the back- ground. The pelican is omitted, the inscription is painted only, the sun and moon are vertical not inclined, the cross is broader, the angels of the new type carry a sudarium as well as the spear and sponge, the skull and cross bones are introduced beneath the cross, the landscape is quite differ- ently conceived, and finally every figure in the relief, whether important or unimportant is given a halo. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 1 19-120, Fig. 48. 73 PIETA. New York. Gallery of E. F. Bonaventura (in 1912). Al- tarpiece. H., 0.80m. ; W., 0.75m. Photo., Private. This is an abbreviated variation (Fig. 38) of Giovanni's Lamentation in the Museo Nazionale, No. 64. The Madonna wears a yellow halo, a violet tunic, a blue mantle lined green, and yellow socks. The Christ, in relaxed position across her knees, has a violet and yellow halo, and a violet loin cloth. The cross is suggested behind the Madonna and the hill of Calvary crudely represented. Below is the usual inscription : O VOS OMNES- OVL TRANSITIS- PER VIAM • ATTENDITE- ET ■ VIDETE • SI EST • DOLOR • SICVT • DOLOR MEVS . The punctuation marks are reduced here to simple dots. The fruit and flower frame, broad and heavy, is not subdivided into con- ventional bunches. The garlands originate at the top and fall to left and right. Besides the usual grapes, pine cones, apples, lemons, and pomegra- nates one sees here a sliced cucumber, green almonds, bean pods, walnuts, and flowers. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 120 Fig. 50. 76 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Fig. 38. — Lamentation. New York, Bonaventura's. 74 PIETA OR LAMENTATION 0\'ER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich Museum No. 112 (I, 160). Statues. H., of Madonna, i.ioni. ; W., of group 2.30m. Photo., Private. This group ( Eig. 39), acquired by the Museum in 1887 from the owner of a Villa near Florence, was originally in the Monastery of the Cap- puccini. The figures are not glazed but painted in oil. The Madonna hold- ing across her knees the stiff body of Christ recalls the group at Moulins and enables us to restore the full composition of that group. In type, how- ever, neither the Madonna, the S. Giovanni nor the Maddalena are closely enough related to Giovanni's works to be certainly attributed to his own hand. When the group stood in the church of the Cappuccini we may well believe from analogy of the group at Moulins that it stood on a pre- della inscribed O VOS OMINES, etc. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA ■17 Bibl. Fiii. 39, — Lamentation. Berlin, Museum. B., ]ahr. VIII (1887), 217-223; Ital. PL. 95; Dcnkm., 80; Taf. 282; Fl. Bildh., 332, Fig. 175; Fl. Sc, igy, PI. 84; Cr., 239, 327; Fabriczy, Jahr., XXX (1909), Bcih., 22-23; i^Icrtcns, I, No. 35; Schottmuller 49, Abb. 112; S., 142, Abb. 155. 75 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. Lon- don. Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 8882-1862. Group of statues. Photo., Museum. From the Gigli-Campana collection, a composition, as at Moulins and in the Berlin Museum consisting of the Madonna bearing across her knees the Fig. 40. — Lamentation. London, Victoria and Albert Museum. Stiff body of Christ, with S. Giovanni supporting his head and the Madda- lena his feet (Fig. 40). Unglazed and unpainted. The types appear to be Giovanni's although more animated than usual. A new motive is found in the Madonna's raising the lifeless hand of the Christ. Bibl. : B., Jahrh., VIII (1887), 219; Fl. Bildh.. 330; Fl. Sc, 199; Fab- riczy, /. k. p. K.. XXX (1909), 45 No. 173. 78 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 76 THE KNEELING MADDALENA. London. Victoria and Albert Museum. Statue. H., 0.95m. Almost a replica of the Maddalena in the unglazed Pieta in the same museum. Bibl. : B., Fl. Bildh., 331; Fl. Sc, 199; Robinson, 109, No. 4499; Fabriczy /. k. p. K.. XXX (1909), 45 No. 174. 77 LAMENTATION OVER DEAD CHRIST. Fiesole. La Doccia (Villa Cannon). In 1 41 4 Niccolo Davanzati erected below Fiesole a retreat for Era Eran- cesco da Scarlino, who in turn raised the funds for the church which was dedicated to S. Michele Arcangelo. In i486 the Erati Minori Osservanti came into possession, established a monastery and chapel in the wooded estate and retained control until their suppression in 1808. The monas- tery is now the \'illa Cannon. On the road leading to the monastery was once an altarpiece represent- ing the Lamentation over the dead Christ. It is now gone, but in 1869 D. Maccio described it as representing the V'irgin Mary seated by the cross carrying on her lap the dead Christ between S. Francesco and S. Michele Arcangelo. This description suggests a composition like that in the Monte- doglio Chapel at La Verna or at S. Salvatore al Monte, perhaps of simpler character. Its present whereabouts is not known. Bibl. : Burl., 114; Carocci, I, 111-112; C-M., 233 No. 177; Maccio, 30. 78 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. La A^erna. Monastery. Cappella Montedoglio. Altarpiece. H., 3m. ; W., 2.15m. Photos., Alinari, 9825a; Agostini, 576. In the loggia between the Chiesa Maggiore and the Stimate is found the Cappella Montedoglio known also as the Cappella della Pieta. The chapel was begun by Conte Francesco Montedoglio in honour of his patron saint S. Francesco in 1532 and completed after his death by his wife Alessandra. It is adorned with the altar of the Pieta or Lamentation over the Dead Body of Christ (Fig. 41). The central group of S. Giovanni, the IMadonna, the Dead Christ, and the Maddalena are almost a replica of Giovanni della Robbia's Pieta of the year 15 14 now in the Museo Nazionale, No. 64. The body of Christ is GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 79 slightly more relaxed, hut all the types remain the same. S. Giovanni is robed in blue with mantle of violet-brown lined green, the Madonna wears a blue mantle over a violet brown robe, the flesh of the Christ is a livid green, while the Maddalena is in yellow with mantle of green lined blue. Behind them stand S. Francesco in light gray, S. Michcle holding his sword, Fig. 41. — L.AMENTATioN. La Verra, Monastery. S. Antonio of Padua also in gray, and S. Girolamo in brown lined green. In the background is an extremely ill proportioned cross inscribed Jf ly ]>i yK^ l^ on a scroll and scourges hanging from either end of the cross. It may be noted also that the golden sun and silver moon, with their hard, spike-like rays, have no sympathy with the scene of sorrow portrayed below. The frame is composed, as Giovanni might have directed it, with poly- chromatic garlands in triplex bunches separated by fluttering ribbons ris- ing from blue dolphin handled vases decorated with scales, interlacings and godrons. The predella consists of five reliefs separated by pilasters decorated with candelabra. The terminal reliefs contain the Montidoglio arms : Argent, an eagle displayed azure. The central reliefs represent the 8o GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Adoration of the Magi. The Annun- ciation is manifestly influenced by Benedetto da Maiano's composition in the church of Montohveto, Naples. Bibl. : Beni, 360; C-M., 256 No. 326; Cr., 358; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 697; R. H., 287-288; iMcnchcrini, 70, 134-136; R., D. R., 247; Sc. Fl. IV, 60; Vas., II, 198. 79 LA MADDALENA. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. Half figure. H., 0.35m. Photo., Private. This was once part of a statuette of the Maddalena like that which Ag- nolo di Polo made in 1495 for the Ospedale della Morte at Pistoia; but less Verrochiescjue and almost certainly from the hand of Giovanni della Robbia (Fig. 42). She once carried a box of ointment. This has now broken away and only the book remains. Both symbols are borne by La Maddalena in the Pulci Chapel altarpiece in S. Croce, but here the type is less gracious, more akin to the Maddalena in the Entombment lun- FiG. 42. — La Maddalena. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts GIOVANNI DELLA ROBLilA Si ette in S. Salvatore al Monte. Like the latter it was unglazed, although originally it may have received a coating of oil paint. It came to the JMuseum from the collection of the late Charles C. Perkins. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., I20 Fig. 51. 80 LA MADDALENA. London. Victoria and Albert Museum. Bust. Photo., Thompson. Unglazed bust. Similar to the unglazed La RIaddalena in half figure in Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 81 S. MARIA MADDALENA. Paris, Heilbronner Galleries. Statu- ette. H., 0.84m.; A\'., 0.50m. Nudes unglazed. Tunic green,, with neck border and sleeve bands un- glazed, girdle blue; mantle brown lined yellow. She holds a box in her left hand, her right is against her breast. 82 THE IMMACULATE VIRGIN AND SAINTS. 1514. Poggibon- si (near). S. Lucchese. Altarpiece H., 3,36m.; AA\, 2.25m. Photo., Lombardi, 1778. This altarpiece (Fig. 43) in a church named S. Lucchese near Poggi- bonsi, in general construction follows that at S. Medardo, Arcevia. It issued from Giovanni della Robbia's studio one year later. The predella indicates that it was presented by Daddo di Tommaso di Simone Calcagni and his wife Tommasa di Gabriele Riccobaldi, since at the dexter end are the Calcagni arms: Argent, a hound salient, azure, col- lared gules, and at the sinister end the Riccobaldi arms : Vert, three estoiles or, 2 and i, divided by a fess of the same. Daddo Calcagni was married to Tommasa Riccobaldi in the year 1503. Besides the coats of arms the predella has reliefs representing (i) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata, (2) S. Bonaventura with staff and book, cardinal's hat and mantle adorned with cherub heads, (3) the Annunciation, (4) S. Lodovico da Tolosa, with staiT and book, in a mantle adorned with fleurs-de-lys, and (5) S. Anton-o of Padua preaching to the fishes. These saints were specially cherished by the Osservanti. The figured decoration of the altarpiece relates to the Immaculate Con- ception of the Virgin. In the central niche is S. Anna, robed in brownish violet, with mantle of blue lined green, presenting the immaculate infant Fig 43 — The Iaim\cll\te Conleptkim Poggiponsi S Lucche«;e GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 83 Virgin arrayed onl_y with a golden erown and necl PRECES y TVVM CARPE y VIATOR y ITER + Bibl. : M., L. D. R., Nos. 1 17-120; Sammlung Lanna, II, 76 No. 581, Taf. 40. 94 MAGALOTTI CIBORIO. c. 1515. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. yy. H., 2m.; W., 0.82m. Photo., Alinari, 2779; Brogi, 9502. This ciborio (Fig. 52) is representative of a series which emanated from the atelier of Giovanni della Robbia. It came in 1868 from the house of the Fathers of the Oratory of S. Filippo Neri, an annex tO' the church 01 S. Firenze. It of course antedates the Oratory, founded only in 1624 by Pietro Bini. Filippo Neri himself was not born until 1515. The console between two blue cornucopias of fruit, flowers, and wheat, contains a wreath of fruit enclosing a shield with the combined arms of Filippo Magalotti and of Cassandra di Giuliano Maria di Jacopo Rinuccini, 96 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ■■ ^d ife^a» a> iiti wi ig wi w m i a jit ii< inn ttmrtf V 9^:}' I f, r/^'fj.i UC-*^, S) ^ \ t Fig. 51. — Madonna. Prague, von Lanna Collection. who were married on Oct. 15, 1506. The dexter arms are those of the Magalotti family; Barry sable and or. in chief giilcs LIBERT.\(S) or. The sinister arms are those of the Rinuccini ; Argent, a bend fusilly azure, in chief a label gules. Above the console enclosed in an architectural moulding is a tabella ansafa (the Disk enclosed in a fruit garland in the centre) probably once inscribed Hie est panis z'k'us qui de celo ciescendit. AboA'e this two pilas- ters adorned with heavy bunches of fruit from blue dolphin handled vases GIOVANNI DELLA ROEBIA 97 frame in the sportello disclosed by two curtain lifting angels who admit the Holy Dove, who pours out yellow tongues of fire. The Papal tiara beneath the vault is unusual. We are tempted to think that it may reflect the Flor- entine pride in Leo X, who made his triumphal entry into Florence in 1 51 5. A similar ciborio in the Borgia apartments bears the date 151 5. Vjr-i ^fif^t^ffllSMUif^I^fpiK^^ Fig. 52. — M.SlGalotti Ciborio. Florence, Mused Nazionale. The entablature is decorated with the cherub and garland and disk ifrieze, above which is Giovanni's customary lunette with the Christ Child on a yellow chalice adored by angels. NoTE.^The exact date of the marriage of Filippo Magalotti to Cassandra Rinuccini, Oct. IS, 1506, is found in the Fondo Barberino Cod. Lat. 2672. Sec. XVII, FamiHae Florentinae alphabetico ordine dispositae, p. 119. Copied from the Gabella di Contratti Libro B 157,76. 98 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Bibl. : Burl, III; C-M., 218 No. 75; C, s.v. Magalotti, Rinuccini; Cr., 340; M., R.H., 244-245 (Doc.) ; Del Migliore, 570; Pucci, Fam. Magalotti (Carte Pucci in Arch, di State, Florence) ; Rosselli, Scpoltuario, I, c. 586; Supino, 453 No. yy. 95 GINORI CIBORIO. Florence. Museo Nazionale (not on exhibi- tion). Photo., Museum. This tabernacle, (Fig. 53), incomplete in part, is preserved in a closet r, - ; Fig. 53. — GiNiiRi Ciborio. I'Yorence, Museo Nazionale. GIOVAXXI DELLA ROBBIA 99 and is not exhibited to the public. It resembles the Magalotti ciborio, IMuseo Nazionale, No. j"], and was apparently made at the same time. The console bore between two white cornucopias of fruit a wreathed me- dallion with the Ginori arms: Azure, a bend or charged with three stars of eight points of the first. Above the console, the base of the cihorium, similar to that of the Magalotti tabernacle, is inscribed J^HIC^EST^PA(N)IS VIVA'S 0(\' I) DE CELO DESCE(N)DIT. The pilasters, cornice, lunette and central sportello difTer but slightly from those of the Vlagalotti tal^ernacle. Bibl. : JM., R.H., 246. 96 TAA'O CIBORIA. Florence. S. Michele in Palchetto o delle Trombe, later S. Elisabetta or Congrega di Preti della X'isitazione (formerly). According to Richa there were two tabernacles at the sides of the high altar, decorated with garlands of fruit and flowers. Like the lunette these are likely to have come from the atelier of Giovanni della Robbia. Pos- sibly one of these tabernacles appeared in the Da\-anzati sale in New York, Nov., 19 1 6. Bibl. : Richa, Vni, 268. 97 CIBORIO. Florence. Cav. Carlo AI. Girard. 16 \"ia degli Orti Oricellari. Photo., Private. The central relief resembles that of the Louvre ciljorio (No. 448), but here is polychromatic. Alcove it is a lunette of God the Father blessing between two cherubs. The outer round-headed frame is ornamented with triplex groups of fruit and flowers separated by bows of ribbon. Aljove is the monogram Y H S. Below is a console with the pelican group between two cornucopias of fruit. 98 CIBORIO. Borgo S. Lorenzo (near). S. Stefano a Grezzano. Described by Cavallucci and Alolinier as a ciborivmi flanked by two adoring angels. The frame has a semi-circular lunette containing a statu- ette of the Christ Child, a frieze wdth fine cherub heads, and a console with a pelican set between two cornucopias. Bibl. : Burl., 113; C-AL, 229 No. 1J^G\ Cr., 335. 100 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 99 CIBORIO. Cerreto Giiidi (near), S. Maria Assunta. Not far from Cerreto Guidi in the village of Bassa, formerly Confienti or Colle alia Pieta, is S. Maria Assunta, a priory church dating from the XIII century. It is a branch of the Pieve at Cerreto Guidi. The ciborio or tabernacle mentioned by Cavallucci-Molinier and others is not described, but it is probably to be attributed to Giovanni's atelier. The two angels have blue and green sleeves. In the lunette is a yellow chalice against a blue shell. Bibl. : Burl., 113; C-M., 230 No. 160; Cr., 336; Repetti, s.v. Cerreto Guidi. 100 BUONAFEDE CIBORIO. New York. Bardini Sale of 1918. This ciborio (Fig. 54) follows the model set by Giovanni della Robbia in the tabernacles in Rome (Borgia apartments), Paris (Louvre) and else- where. The lunette should be amplified by a second adoring cherub. The Christ Child standing on the chalice was omitted. The frieze appears to be a substitute for a cherub and garland frieze. The sculptor further strayed from Giovanni's example in varying the capitals of the pilasters and in ornamenting the pilasters with garlands of fruit hanging from rings. The scalloped kite shaped shield bears the arms of the Abbot Leonardo Buona- fede : Or, a bull rampant gules on a mount of six summits vert; an Abbot's mitre above the shield. Bibl. : Bardini Sale of 1918, Cat., No. 373; M., R. H., 227-228. 101 CIBORIO. New York. Davanzati Palace Sale. Nov. 21, 1916. H., 1.90m.; W., 0.92m. Photo., Private. Very similar to one in the Museo Nazionale No. yy. The sportello con- tains a figure of S. Michele slaying the Dragon, on which account I have suggested that it may have been one of the two tabernacles in S. Michele in Palchetto mentioned by Richa. The console bears a coat of arms be- tween cornucopias of fruit. Bibl. : Davanzati Sale, Cat., No. 114; Richa, VIII, 268. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA lOI Fig. 54. — Buonafede Ciborio. Bardini Sale of 1918, N. Y. C. 102 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 102 CIBORIO. Oliveto (near Rignano). S. Niccolo. H., 1.50m.; W., 0.75m. A tabernacle of the Panzano type with pilasters decorated with fruit gar- lands. Here, however, the console bears the Altoviti arms : Sable, a wolf rampant. The base above the console is also inscribed Hie est panis vivus q(it,i) de celo descendit. We may note that the stemma of Francesco di Guglielmo di Bardo Alto- viti occurs in Robbia ware at Lari in 1524, and at Certaldo in 1525. Bibl. : C, s.v. Altoviti; M., R. H., 247; P., 16-22, Wills, 125. 103 CIBORIO. Panzano. S. Leolino. H., i. 80m. ; W., 0.69m. Photo., Private. Designed for the Sacred Host, but reserved for Extreme Unction (Fig. 55). Console adorned with leafy and floral scrolls; pilasters with candel- abra designs like those of the predelfe with saints in niches in the Museo Nazionale No. 69; central relief with sportello now inscribed Oleum In- firniorum flanked by two angels beneath a coffered vault, with curtains, Dove and Disk; entablature with frieze of cherub heads and garlands; lunette with Christ Child on yellow chalice (flanking angels are absent) tframed with the usual rosette frieze. The console bears a shield displaying a crutch, the emblem of the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova, Florence to which this church was united in 1508 un- der Julius II. Bibl. : Cr., 350; Del Migliore, 355, 570. 104 CIBORIO. Panzano. S. Leolino. H., i.7Sm. ; W., 0.65m. Photo., Private. A crude variant of the S. Filippo Neri tabernacle in the Museo Nazionale, No. yy. The console here has the pelican motive between the cornucopias; the sportello is flanked by adoring instead of curtain lifting angels; the papal tiara is omitted ; and at the base of the console in an oval shield is the crutch, emblem of the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova, to which this church was united in 1508. Cr., 350; Del Migliore, 355, 570. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 103 Fig. 55. — CiBORio. Panzano, S. Leolino. 105 CIBORIO. Paris. Louvre No. 448 (G. 751). H., i.66m. ; W. 0.66m. Photo., Alinari, 22382. From the Sauvageot Collection (Fig. 56). The console shows two white cornucopias with polychromatic fruit, flowers, and wheat, between which is a pelican feeding her brood with her own blood. Blue back- ground. Above are pilasters decorated with grotteschi (two patterns), dolphin capitals. Before the sportello two adoring angels on a tiled pave- ment beneath a coffered vault from which parted curtains reveal the Holy 104 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA F(G. 56. — CmORio. Paris, Lol'vre. Dove. The entablature has cherub and garland frieze, the lunette a blue shell against which appears the youthful Christ on a yellow chalice blessing GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 105 and holding a green crown of thorns. He is adored by angels. Frame of lunette has a frieze with rosette pattern, acroteria with yellow palmettes. Bibl. : C-M., 278 No. 452; Cr., 350; Marryatt, 9. 106 FRAGMENT OF A CIBORIO. Paris. Louvre No. 449 (old No. G. 752). H., 0.27m.; W., 0.15m. Photo., Alinari, 22382. From the Sauvageot collection. A fragment from the left side of a ciborio or tabernacle for the eucharist, showing a group of three angels. Glazed white. Bibl. : C-M., 278 No. 451; Cr., 350. 107 CIBORIO. Pescina. S. Stefano. A tabernacle for the eucharist. I noted that it was similar in style to the altarpiece formerly in the same church. Probably a replica of the ciborio in the Sala Borgia of the Vatican (1515). Bibl. : C-M., 253 No. 306. 108 CIBORIO. 1515. Rome. Vatican. Sala Borgia. H., i.8om.; W., 0.87m. Photos., Alinari, 11875; ^^ogi, 16413. In general similar but inferior to the tabernacle in the Louvre No. 448 (Fig. 57). We may note that the console shows in a wreath the stemma del Capitolo, a cherub head, that the pilasters similar in design are in- scribed AN(N)0 DO (MINI) M-D-XV As on Nov. 30 of this year Leo X entered Florence as Pope, possibly this tabernacle was a gift to him from the Opera of the Cathedral. Bibl. : Cr., 353- 109 CHRIST CHILD IN A MANDORLA. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Oval. Photo., Brogi, 9827. The nude Christ Child (Fig. 58) blesses with his (restored) right hand io6 GIOX^ANXI BELLA ROBBL\ Fig. 57. — CiBORio. Rome, Vatican. and in his left holds a wreath and the crucifixion nails. He is surrounded by a mandorla with alternately straight and flame like rays. Bibl. : Carocci, I, 118; C-M., 250 No. 282; Cr., 344. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBP.IA 107 Fig. 58. — Christ Child. FiEsoLE, S. Ansano. 110 S. AMBROGIO. Florence. Piazza di S. Ambrogio. Statue in niche. Photo., AHnari, 3697. On the corner of the Via dei Macci and the Borgo la Croce, facing the Piazza di S. Ambrogio is placed a decorative niche containing a statue of S. Ambrogio (Fig. 59). This monument contains elements, such as the cornucopias in the con- sole and the pattern of the grotteschi in the pilasters similar to those found in the Sauvegeot tabernacle in the Louvre (No. 448), assigned to the year 15 15. And if we suppose that it may have been made for the church of S. Ambrogio we should naturally think of a date not far from the year 1 5 13 in which Giovanni made the candelabrum bearing angels and a pre- della for that church. The console contains between two blue cornucopias a laurel wreath the emblem of the Potenza della Citta Rossa di S. Ambrogio; a church with campanile argent, set within a walled town of three towers gules. The grotteschi of the pilasters and lunette are plastically in strong re- lief, rendered more so by being coloured yellow against blue. The saint stands against a blue fluted shell and wall, holding a book (and pastoral staff, modern) and blessing. He wears a white dalmatica, blue stole and green mantle, edged with yellow, lined and superficially orna- mented with violet. His face is of a dark flesh colour and his eyeballs plastically as well as colouristically treated. He wears a white mitre set with gold and sapphire. Bibl. : Bigazzi, 13-17; Cr., 342; M., R. H., 250-251. io8 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. 59. — S. Ambrogio. Florence, Pl\zz.\ di S. Ambrogio. Ill MADONNA AND CHILD ENTHRONED WITH S. GIOVAN- NINO. Cornocchio (near Scarperia). S. Agata. Photo., Private. Seated on a throne with large lateral sphinxes the polychrome Madonna carries on her left knee the nude Child, who seated on a cushion is blessing with his right hand (Eig. 60). On one knee to the left is S. Giovannino, in dark haircloth with a scroll inscribed ECCE ■ AGNVS • The back- ground imitates a wall covering of leather. The polychrome tabernacle has a lunette with Holy Dove between two pilasters based on those of the S. Ambrogio tabernacle, a predella with GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 109 two coats of arms (i ) A:::urc, or tree eradicated or and (2) Or, an eagle displayed sable and a tablet inscribed J'SVB TVVM PRESIDIUM CONFVGIMVS + SANCTA DEI GENETRIN +'^'~ Fig. 60. — Madonna. Cornocchio, S. Agata. The console shows S. Agata enwreathed between two cornucopias of fruit and flowers. Bibl. : Burl., 118; C-M., 253 No. 309; Cr., 336; M., R. H., 251. no GIO\'AXXI BELLA ROBBL-\ 112 .AL-\DONNA AND CHILD WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Roslyn, N. Y. Collection of Mr. Stanley Mortimer. Statuette. H., 0.82m. Nudes and tunic unglazed. The Madonna, wearing a blue mantle lined green, holds a ]5omegranate, green with violet seeds, in her left hand. On her right arm is the Child, nude, blessing with his right hand, his left in his mouth. His hair is glazed a gray brown. S. Giovannino to the right, with hair and haircloth glazed gray brown, holds a scroll inscribed ECCE AGNV(S). 113 INSIGNIA OF BARTOLINI-SALIMBENI FA^^IILY. Dicomano, Casa Bartolini Salimbeni Vivai. Photo., Private. The large courtyard stemmi, of which Luca della Robbia made several during the XV century, were less in fashion in the XVI century. A fine example, however, may be seen at Dicomano (Fig. 61) set into a Fig, 61. — BAKTOLiNi-S.\LrMBK."^i Insigkia. wall where it is surrounded ]jy a painted imitation of a wreath. The origi- nal garland ( b'ig. 62 ) fell to the lot of the ^Marchese Torrigiani in whose palazzo in Florence it still exists. The central medallion shows a comljination of the emblems of the Medici and Bartolini-Salimbeni families against a plain field. Here are the three Medici feathers, white, red. and green, the ^iledici diamond ring, and motto SEMP(ER), and the Bartolini Salimbeni poppies with the motto P(ER) GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA III NON DORMIRE. It seems not unlikely that the medallion commemorates the marriage of Bartolommeo di Andrea di Medici and Alessandra di Leon- ardo Bartolini Salimbeni. Bartolommeo, known as II Mucchio, served un- der the Grand-duke Cosimo, I, liecame Capitano at Arezzo and later at Pisa, Fig. 62. — Frame for the precedino. and died in 1555. Alessandra's father was Gonfaloniere at Florence in 15 16, her brother Commissario at Castigdione-Fiorentino in 1494. Another intermarriage between these families took place when Giovenco di Giuliano de Medici married Giovanna di Stefano Bartolini. Giovenco was Vicario at Pieve San Stefano in 1506. The garland, in each of the six sections of which are found the seedpods of poppies, is unusually decorative and well modeled. Eibl. : C., s.v. Bartolini, Salimbeni, Medici; Litta, VI, s.v. A'ledici, Tav. V, XVII; M., R. H.. 219-221; P., 531-533. 114 STEMMA OF NICCOLO DE'PAZZI. 1516. S. Giovanni in VaL darno, Palazzo Pretorio. Photrj., Private. Within a wreath of fruit, flowers, beans (on which may be seen a frog and a lizard), and an inner agg and dart moulding, set against a white fluted disk is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 63) bearing the Pazzi arms : Azure, two 112 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA dolphins hauriant, embowed, addorsed or, and four crosses botonny fitched, of the same. VPIERO-DIMF-S- ; ANOHCA-DfJKZZ' Fig. 63. — Stem MA of Niccolo Pazzi. Below is a horizontal scroll inscribed : y NICHOLO r DI ME S(SER) PIERO J' DI MES(SER) ANDREA y DE PAZZ I V(ICARI)OJ MDXV E MDXVI Niccolo di Messer Piero de'Pazzi was born in 1462, imprisoned at Volterra in 1478, released in 1480, made a Commissario in the Val di Sieve and in the Casentino, a Prior of Florence in 1509, Consul of the Mint in 15 10, Vicario in S. Giovanni in Valdarno in 15 15 and 15 16, Capitano at Pistoia in 15 17, and died in 15 19. Bibl. : C., s.v. Pazzi; Litta, s.v. Pazzi, Tav. 8; M. W., 162-164. R. H., 223; P., 146-147; 115 LIFE OF S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. 1518. Galatrona (near Montevarchi), S. Giovanni Battista. Font. H., i.i6m. ; Diam., 1.25m. Photo., Alinari, 9855-9856. This font (Fig. 64) is in part a replica and in part a copy of the font of 1 51 1 at Cerreto Guidi. The base and entablature may have been cast from the same moulds, greater height being secured by the additional mouldings at the top. Polychromy, even blue backgrounds, are here omitted. The pat- tern of the pilaster decorations are more complicated and set in recessed panels ; the capitals however, remain the same. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA "3 The six panels here oceur in a different order and are not historically ar- ranged, the order being: (i ) Annnnciation to Zacharias, (2) The Birth, (3) Baptism of Christ, (4) The Naming, (5) S. Giovanni in the Desert, (6) The Beheading. The compositions are the same as at Cerreto Guidi, Fig. 64. — Font at G.^L.'\TRON.■\. but the forms of the figures are slenderer and plastic details have been added. In the scene of the Baptism, the Dove is clearly seen; in the Nam- ing, the pilasters of the porch have candelabra decorations. The inscrip- tions are the same, though with slightly different spelling. At the angles of the entablature are set tournament shields bearing the arms of Abbot Leonardo di Giovanni Buonaf ede : Or, a bull passant gules on a mount of six tops vert. For the life of Leonardo Buonafede, consult Ughelli, Italia Sacra. Document: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Carta 227 YHS MdXVII 114 GIOA'AXXI DELLA ROBBIA f 5. 8. 2 lire f 2-lire Giovanni dandrea dellarobbia de dare f cinc^ue s viij d ij larghi per tanti fattolo chreditore aliljro azurro segnato doro e ac. 254 1 518 E a di xiij dagosto f dua doro larghi Inoro porto lui contanti de quali ne servito sopra a uno battesimo a fare alia pieve di galatrona a uscita ac 168/9. -■ 6 I'^ de dare per insino a di xiij daprile 15 10 f due larghi doro Inoro per noi da messer leonardo di giovanni buonafe chome apare al sue quadernucio ac 61 posto deto messer leonardo a uscita alibro Roso segnato g ac 367 E a di xiiij di gienaro 1520 f uno largo doro Inoro porto marcho suo figluolo chontanti a uscita g ac 240 E a di xxviiij daprile 1521 1 iij s x pice, porto marche suo figluolo chontanti a uscita h ac 8 E a di 30 di deto 1 iij s x pice, porto marcho suo figluolo chontanti a uscita h ac 8 f-io f 13.2.6" [Archiv. di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Giallo (1516-1518) segnato F. c. 227.] 2. "Carta ccxxvii. YHS MDXVII giovanni di contro de avere per tanti posto dare alibro Y( crutch, emljlem of hospital of S. Maria Nuovo) secondo f 13. 2. 6" [Idem, idem, ccxxvii.] f 2- f I- f-io Bibl. Bacci, ///. Fior., 1908, 144-149 (Doc), Carloni, DaU'Arno al Tehro; C-M., 233 No. 182; Cr. 232, 344: M., Sc. Mag., XIV (1893), 692, 697; R. H.. 227-229; A. J. A., XXII (1918) 373 (Doc); Ughelli. Italia Sacra, I, col. 629, VII, col. 867. 116 LIFE OF GIOVANNI BATTISTA. S. Piero a Sieve (near Borgo S. Lorenzo). Pieve, S. Piero. Hexagonal font, H., i.iim. ; Diam., i.i6m. Photo., Alinari, 9859. GION'ANNl Dia.LA ROlUSIA IJ5 This font (Fig. 65) is a repetition of the Galatrona font of 1517. White with details tonehed witii yeUow. At the angles of the entablatnre are the Mediei arms: Or, tive torteaux in orle, in ehief a palla with the ( 'roce del Popolo [Argent a eross (/iilrs). Fig. 65. — Font at S. Piero a Sieve. The Aledici family owned a tower in the vicinity and had at one time the exclusive patronage of the church. Bibl. : Burl., 118; C-M., 252 No. 302; Cr., 232, 355; Marcotti, 373; M., R. H., 230; Repetti, V, 108. 117 CHRIST AND SAINTS IN NICHES. Galatrona (near Monte- varchij. S. Giovanni Battista. Hexagonal ciborio. H., 2.20m. Photo., Alinari, 9858. This ciborio (Fig. 66) appears also to have been the gift of the Ab- bot Leonardo Buonafede, judging from his coat of arms near the base: Ii6 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Or, a bull passant gules on a mount of six tops vert. Like the font it is finished in white enamel. In form it perhaps was inspired by Benedetto da Maiano's ciborium in S. Domenico, Siena. The lowest base on which it reposes is ornamented by a rich decoration of rosettes and palmettes within scroll work, a pattern which Giovanni used again in the altarpiece of 1520 now in the Campo Santo, Pisa. Then follows a block decorated with cherub heads and garlands, and a vase-like support on which rests the hexa- gonal body of the ciborium. This is ornamented at the angles by doubled pilasters (candelabra panels, dolphins capitals) which frame a series of niches containing (i) the sportello, then statuettes of (2) S. Leonardo, the Abbot's patron saint, with his emblem, shackles, (3) S. Giovanni Battista, patron of the church, (4) Christ with cross and emblems of his body and blood, (5) S. Girolamo with his lion, and (6) S. Maria Maddalena. Above a characteristic entablature is a hexagonal cupola adorned with a scale ornament and surmounted by a block ornamented with a blind ar- cade and supporting a superstructure and cross of wood. Bibl. : Burl., 114; C-M., 234 No. 184; Cr., 344; R. H., 229. 118 TWO CANDELABRUA/I BEARING ANGELS. Galatrona (near Montevarchi). S. Giovanni Battista. Statuettes. H., 0.56m. Photo., AHnari, 9858. These angels (Figs. 67-68), at one time set on brackets on either side of the statue of S. Giovanni Battista, were probably intended for the position they occupy in Alinari's photograph. The ciborio here replaces the an- cona or altarpiece and the angels are set on either side of it. In type they resemble the candelabrum angels in S. Ambrogio and at Arcevia (both 1 5 13), but have slightly more complex draperies and each wears a cross on the breast. Bibl. : C-M., 234 No. 184. 119 BASE FOR STATUETTE. Florence. Bardini collection (for- merly). Rectangular. Photo., Bardini. The base set beneath the statuette of Judith was evidently made for an- other purpose as is indicated by the sockets at the angles of the upper sur- face. Each side shows a white cherub head above a polychromatic gar- GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 117 «^-'f^-j^ mKSSSmi -""■"■"•-f^'^'i ' *ki>. 4 ■-*?. Figs. 66-68. — Ciborio and Angels, Galateona. land. A base of this form occurs beneath the ciborio of 15 18 made Giovanni della Robbia for Galatrona. by Bibl. : Bardini Sale Cat. of 1902, No. 515, PL 23; Bardini Sale Cat. of 1918 No. 371. ii8 GIO\\\NNI BELLA ROBBL\ 120 S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Galatrona (near Montevarchi). S. Giovanni Battista. Statue. Photo., Alinari, 9857. S. Giovanni (Fig. 69), arrayed in hair cloth and mantle, white with yel- low sandals, girdle, and rayed nimbns, is blessing with his right hand and Ik ( ) — s (ii \ \N \i i \ I I I \ ( \i \n in his left carries the scroll inscribed: (ECC)E AGNVS DEI. His eyes have violet brows, lashes and pupils, with no distinguished irises. This is a representative example of Giovanni's best work. He stands in a niche within which are painted trees. The frame is distinctly a patchwork, pos- GIOX'ANNI DI'.LLA J-^OIiUlA 119 sibly put together from parts of an altarpicce. Certainly the base is no predella, but a cornice with cherub lieads l)caring coloured garlands over which are yellow disks, resembling the cornice of the altarpiece at S. Me- dardo, Arcevia. The pilasters have the Siren and palmette bases, panels decorated with grotteschi of the pattern used at Cerreto Guidi and S. Donato in Poggio, but lengthened by repeating a portion in a second panel. The capitals are of the dolphin and vase type while the entablatures above contain Buonafede's stemma; Or, a bull rampant gules on a mount of six tops z'ert. The archivolt and cherub head are in plaster. Bibl. : Burl, 114; C-AL, 234 No. 183; Cr., 344; M., R. H., 229. 121 STEMMA OF LEONARDO DI GIOVANNI BUONAFEDE. Galatrona (near Montevarchi). S. Giovanni Battista. A stemma of Leonardo Buonafede : Or, a bull passant gnlcs, on a mount of six tops, -Z'ert, is said to have been executed by Giovanni della Robbia for the vault of the Cappella Maggiore of the church at Galatrona. It was sur- rounded with a garland of fruit and flowers. Bibl. : Bacci, ///. Fior., 1908, 148, M., R. H., 229. 122 PREDELLA WITH SAINTS IN NICHES. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 69. Rectangular. H., 0.80m.; W., i.86m. Photos., Alinari, 2754; Brogi, 9471. Casts, Lelli, 1161. This predella fFig. 70) reached the Museo Nazionale in ^larch 1868 from the suppressed monastery of the Cappuccini of Montaglio. It would appear to have contained originally two niches more, one at either end. The base, pilasters types, form of the niches, statuettes, and entablature resemble those of the ci])orio at Galatrona sufficiently closely to have been cast from the same moulds. Here, however, polychromatic takes the place of purely white enamel. The Saints are (i) S. Sebastiano, (2) S. Maria Maddalena, (3 ) Christ, (4) S. Giovanni Battista, and (5) S. Matteo. Bibl. : Burl., Ill : Carocci, A. I. D. I.. V (1896), Tav. 20; C-M., 217 No. 70; Cr., 339; Supino, 450 No. 69. I20 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. 70. — Predella with Saints. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 123 THE LAST SUPPER. London. Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 3986-'56. H., 0.60m.; W., 1.64m. Photo., Private. A long table is spread with a white cloth. The twelve are arranged in groups of three with Christ in the centre. Their tunics are in general edged yellow and their mantles varied in colour show reverses variously coloured. The faces are tinted to imitate flesh. A dog crouches beneath the table. The background is white and the deep frame is edged with yello\\'. Similar in type to the predella in the Museo Nazionale, No. 69. Bibl. : Burl., 120; C-M., 271 No. 412; Cr., 246; Robinson, 67 No. 3 124 CHRIST AND ANGELS IN NICHES. Florence. S. Piero Mag- giore (Cloister). Rectangular. W., i.iSm. Photo., Private. An abbreviated, also polychromatic, version of the predella of the Christ and Saints in the Museo Nazionale, No. 69. Here (Eig. 71) in the central niche is the Redeemer with cross, chalice and host; on either side, also in niches, are adoring angels. Crude workmanship. The sections of the cornice are cut from stock regardless of the design. This may very well have served the Confraternita as an altarpiece for their chapel. Bibl. : C-M., 212 No. 44; Cr., 341. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 121 >'**^'2?flE!2^32S2^' Isrm^s^s^rism^^^^roKiE, msM^mmmmmssm JiMisa^SU Fig. 71. — Small Altarpiece. Florence, S. Piero Maggiore. 125 GRADING OF ALTAR WITH STATUETTES. Palaja. Pieve di S. Andrea. Catalogued without details by Miss Cruttwell, p. 349. Possibly like that of S. Piero Maggiore, Florence. 126 CHRIST. Citta di Castello. Montani's (formerly). Statuette. Graziani notes, on the authority of a painter David Valenti, that a dealer in antiquities named Montani had a Robbia statuette of the Redeemer, holding in his hand the cross and with the other pointing to the chalice and sacred wafer set below. The type corresponds with the representations of the Redeemer on the altar front at S. Piero Maggiore, and on the ciborio at Galatrona (1518). Bibl. : Graziani, 153, note 2. 127 THE ANNUNCIATION. London. Victoria and Albert Museum No. 7235-'6o. Round-headed relief. H., 2.30m ; W., 1.30m. Photo., Private. This relief (Fig. 72) in white enamel, acquired in i860, is to be classed with the works of Giovanni della Robbia at Galatrona (1518) where we see very similar architectural decoration. The central relief reverses the positions of angel and Virgin customary in Giovanni's compositions of this subject. However, in type the Annunziata suggests that of the Virgin in the Visitation altarpiece at Lamporecchio, and S. Gabriele was evidently 122 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA modelled by the sculptor of the Annunciation on the exterior of the Casa Sorbi. The elaborate bedstead and its decorative motives evidently pro- ceeded from Giovanni's atelier. Bibl. : B., Kf., 26; Burl, 120; C-M., 268 No. 393; Cr., 346; Robinson, 68 No. 7235. Fig. 72. — The Annunciation. London, Victorj.\ a.nu Albert Museum. 128 A-IADONNA AND CHILD HOLDING A DOVE AND BLESS- ING. New York. Jacques Seligman Galleries (1918). H., 1.40m.; W., 0.95m. Photo., Private. This Madonna (Fig. jt,) came from the monastic church at Castellina, near Castello, erected between 1500 and 1506 by the Carmelite monks. GIOVANNI BELLA ROP.EIA 1-^3 In general composition it resenil)les the Madonna of Andrea della Robbia at S. Egidio, Florence, at Rickmansworth and elsewhere. Here the Child is transposed to the right of the Virgin, he is blessing with his right hand, as in the lunette of S. M. della Quercia at Viterbo, and one of the Madonna's hands covers his knee. The frame, with its cherub and garland frieze and the heavy pilasters, is to be classed with Giovanni's works at Cerreto Guidi and Galatrona, Fig. 73. — Madonna. New York, Selicman Galleries. 124 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA while the cherub head in the console recalls that of Lorenzo Pucci's ciborio at Certaldo (1500). The relief was once in the Yolpi Galleries, Florence, then at Agnew's, London, then at Seligman's, Paris, and New York (1918). Bibl. : Burl., 113; C-M., 230 No. 156; Carocci, I, 201-202; Cr., 335; Paris Herald, April 5, 1914, illustrated. 129 CONSOLE WITH CHERUB HEAD AND CORNUCOPIAS. Florence (near). Villa Palmieri. Photo., Private. Partially polychromatic, this console resembles that which sustains the Seligman Madonna and Child with a bird. 130 THE ANNUNCIATION, CANDELABRUM ANGELS, CHRIST CHILD. Florence. Casa Sorbi ( Borgo S. Jacopo, 17). Rectangular relief. Photos., Alinari, 1923; Brogi, 8550-8552. On the exterior of the Casa Sorbi may be seen a relief representing the Annunciation, two candelabrum bearing angels which may originally have stood on either side of it, a statuette of the Christ Child blessing, and two cherub heads. An inscription set beneath the Annunciation indicates that it was placed in its present position by Giuseppi Sorbi in 1830. (i) TJie Annunciation. This composition (Fig. 74) may be provision- ally assigned to Giovanni della Robbia. The background — a loggia dis- playing through its openings a plain blue sky instead of an elaborate land- scape, its piers with Brunelleschian rather than dolphin capitals, a simple white curtain instead of a complicated bedstead — is more severe and simple than we should expect from Giovanni. S. Gabriele robed in blue (upper) and yellow (lower), with polychromatic wings, vertically not horizontally striated, wearing a wreath of flowers is more stately than we should ex- pect, and yet in type he is the same as in the Annunciation of the Victoria and Albert Museum (No. 7235) and not unlike the S. Tommaso in the Cintola fragment at S. Andrea at Volterra. The Annunziata, robed in maroon edged white, with a blue mantle of which the lining also is blue, recalls Giovanni's Madonna in the lavabo of 1497. Faces and hands are unglazed. The frame is imperfectly preserved — the lower portion or predella being absent. The fruit garlands are composed in triplex branches and rising from vases are set between two egg and dart mouldings. The corner roset- tes are similar to those on the sarcophagus of the Cintola altarpiece at Vol- GIOVANNI di<:lla robbia 125 ^^m^m^^m^m' w^^^s^^ >. 4 ►Tiw. ^-K«5raririir»w» » . ^. , -f»^.**^, '^^J^^Sv^^f--? Fig. 74. The Annunciation. Florence^ Casa Sorbi. terra. Manifestly the outer stone border decoration witli fleur-de-lys is modern. (2) The two Candelabrum bearing angels (Figs. 75, 76), with their slashed robes and horizontally striated wings are manifestly the product of Giovanni's atelier. (3) The two Cherubs, beneath the Angels, based on Andrea's prototypes, may also have come from Giovanni's atelier. (4) The Christ Child blessing, holding a scroll inscribed Ego sum lux mundi, and the Cherub head below were produced in the same atelier. Bibl. : B., Kf., 24; Burl., 108; C-M., 213 No. 50; Cr., 229-230, 326, 329, 342; R., D. R., 247-248; 5c. Fl, IV, 58-60; Vas., II, 192. 131 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS, onale, Nos. 63, 66. Statuettes. H., 0.45m. Florence. Museo Nazi- These two angels, acquired in 1867 from the suppressed monastery of Monte Oliveto, are robed in blue edged yellow, with sleeves white and green. Their wings are striated horizontally with various colours. They kneel (on either side of a ciborio or altar) and hold the box-like bases of 126 GIO\'AXXI DELLA ROBBIA ^«- ^ '^^•■ Fig. 75. — Angel. Casa Suebi. Fig. 76. — Angel. — Casa Sorbi. candlesticks. For pose, compare the candelabrum bearing angels on the exterior of the Casa Sorbi. Bibl. : Burl., Ill ; Cr., 339; Supino, 449 No. 63, 450 No. 66. 132 CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGEL. Princeton, N. J. Grad- uate School. Statuette. H., 0.55m. Presented by Mr. Thomas Shields Clarke. The right arm, candelabrum and end of wing are restorations. The Angel kneels on a green base, wears a blue lined green mantle over a white tunic. His wings are striated green, blue and yellow. School of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : M., D. R. A.. I2i 1520-1530 i5^o - 1530 133 ASSUMPTION OF THE MADONNA, WITH PROPHETS AND SAINTS. 1520. Pisa. Campo Santo. Altarpiece. H., 4m. ; W., 2.65m. Photo., Alinari, 8618. The design or model of this altarpiece (Fig. "]■]') was accepted and the contract for it signed on August 18, 15 18. It was to be executed in Flor- ence by Giovanni della Robbia on or before the fifteenth of March 15 19. The monument itself shows that some delay occurred as it bears the date 1520. It was designed for the chapel or parish church of S. Marco at Cal- cesana, near Pisa, and paid for by the people of the parish through their representative, or opcrariiis, Agostino di Gherardo Urbani of Pisa, and with the consent and approbation of the priest or rector Francesco di Pierantonio of Pontadera. The central relief, unglazed but painted in oils, represents the Assump- tion, not in the hesitating form of a Madonna della Cintola, but as an achievement in which the attendant saints show no direct concern. Her sarcophagus with lilies is barely visible and above it is her soul, a diminutive Madonna, in the air. She herself sits with folded hands in a flaming mandorla, which is upheld by four angels, listening to the music from the pipe-, violin-, cithara-, and tambourine bearing cherubs about her. Over- head is God the Father with outstretched arms separated by cherubs from a group of prophets among which may be recognized ( i ) David, with crown and harp, (2) Jeremiah with a saw, (3) Moses horned, with a book, (4) John Baptist in hair cloth, (5) Abraham, with flame and knife, (6) Jonah, with sea monster, and (7) Daniel, with a lion. Several carry scrolls bearing their names. In the foreground are four large, standing saints (i) S. Jacopo Maggiore, with stafi and book, (2) S. Pietro, with his keys, (3) S. Marco, patron saint of the church, with his lion, and (4) S. Ansano, with palm and banner. The predella has at either end a shield inscribed OPE(RA), indicating that the altarpiece was commissioned by the Operai of the church, and four reliefs relating to the standing saints (i ) S. Pietro freed from prison by an angel, (2) S. Jacopo and the man possessed of three devils, (3) S. Marco dragged to judgment through the streets of Alexandria, and (4) S. Ansano, beheaded and burned. Fig. 77. — AssuMi'TioN with Saints. Pisa, Campo Santo. GION'AXXI D1-:L].A ROIUUA 131 The pilasters are broken intu panels slmwint;- lignres of S. Gabricle and the Annnnziata, S. Giovanni Battista and S. Antonio Abate with his pig. In the centre of the pilaster to the left is a white disk inscriljecl TE(M) PORE P(RE)SBITERI FRANGESCi Al D XX ; that to the right is inscribed A\'G\'STEXI A'RBAXI OP(ER)ARn. Above the usual dol- phin capitals are abbreviated entablatures with cherub heads and an archi- volt with an arabescjue like that on the liase i:)f the ciborio at Galatr(jna (151S). Between the frame and the central relief is a broad guilloche. The contract also called for pendent garlands, a vase at the top and upper and lateral putti. This would have given to this monument some- thing of the character of the lavabo at S. Maria X^jvella, but this feature of the design seems never to have been executed. Document: [Copied by Air. Rufus G. Mather.] "1518 Indictione AT et die decima octava mensis augusti. Actum Elorentie in p(o)p(u)lo sancti stephanj abbatie florentini. Presentibus ser baldassare albertj de jjondoniljus et ser laurentio vivaldj angelj notarj florentinj testilnis, etc. In margine : locatio operis . I). C. Cum sit Cjuod homines cappelle et sen parrochie sancti marci della cal- cesana site in civitate pisarum et etiam infrascriptus augustinus operarius cappelle predicte desiderent et a dicta cappella in et pro altarj maiorj dicte cappelle ponere et sive construere et sive ponj et construj facere cpiandam tabulam in qua sculpta sit assumptio beate marie virginis in quodam nube prout sculpi solent cum pluribus figuris angelorum ut supra sculptorum circum dictam figuram et sen imaginem et ipsius beate virginis et cum figure seu imagine dei patris et octo profetarum et seu patriarcharum etiam et supra sculpta seu sculptis desuper figuris et seu nubem assumptionis pre- dicte et cum quattuor imaginibus et seu figuris etiam ut supra sculptis sub imaginibus sanctorum petri jacobi et marci apostolarum dei et sancti ansani martiris ad pedes ipsius tabule et cum quodam ornamento et seu festone et quodam vase in capite dicti festonis et pluribus figuris et imaginibus puero- rum in dicto festone desuper et a lateribus dicte tabule et cum predella seu base ipsius tabule et columnis et aliis ornamentis ipsius tabule altitudinis anime ipsius tabule computate altitudine predelle et seu basis predicte brachi- orum sex et dicti festonis et vasis ut supra in capite tabule apponende alti- tudinis brachij unius et sic in totum brachiorum septem ; latitudinis vero ipsius tabule et columnarum et ornamentorum ipsius brachiorum quattuor et unius quarti alterius brachii. Et que omnes figure et seu imagines cum ornamentis festone vase et aliis predictis sint sculpte de terra cocta ismaltata et invetriate et adorata ad oleum et cum colorijjus perspectis et auro brunito et a mordente prout conveniente oportuerit prout apparet pro quoddam. 132 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA disegnum et seu figuratum de predictis factum existens penes dictos homi- nes et seu penes dictum augustinum operariuni predictuni prout asseruit prefatus augustinus operarius antedictus coram me notario infrascripto et testibus supra scriptis. Et cum sit ctiam c|uod dictus augustinus volens dic- tum opus ad iinem perducere cjuesiverit in civitate florentie et invenerit in- frascriptum joannem sculptorem idoneum ad predicta. Hinc est quod hodie hac presenti suprascripta die dictus augustinus glierardi urbani de pisis operarius et ut operarius dicte cappelle sancti marci alia calcesana de pisis de presentia consensu et voluntate presbiterj f rancesci pierantonj del ponta- dera moderni rectoris dicte cappelle presentis et omnj meliori modo, etc., dictum opus ut supra perficiendum locavit, etc., joanni andree della robbia civi et sculptori florentino present j et acceptantj. Et cjui Joannes sculptor predictus promisit pro se et suis heredibus, etc., dicto augustino operario predicto presentj et pro opera et lavoribus dicte cappelle ricipientj, etc., sculpsisse dictas figuras et imagines et dictam tabulam cum omnibus supra- scriptis perfecisse et ad dictam civitatem pisarum et in loca altaris predicte posuisse omnibus suis sumptibus etiam muramentorum pro predictis faci- endorum cum materia coloribus ornamentis et auro et in omnibus et per omnia de quibus et prout supra et in dicto disegno et figuratione predictis constat et apparet per totum diem XV mensis martii proxime futurj pre- sentis annj domini 1518. Et ex adverso dictus augustinus dictis nominibus promisit, etc., eidem joannj sculptorj presente et pro se et suis heredibus etc., ricipientj, etc., dare solvere et pagare propretio et premio operis et ornamentj predicti florenos triginta septem auri largos in auro de libris septem florenorum parvorum pro quolibet floreno cum dimidio alterius florenj similis hoc modo vid. ad presens florenos sex et sic solvit dictus augustinus dictos florenos sex aurj largos in auro d(omi)no joannis pre- sente et ad se trahentj et totum premium essere confitientj in presentia mei notari et testium, etc., residuum vero per totam dictam diem XV mensis martij proxime futurj et si dictum opus perfectum erit prius et immediate post perfectionem dicti operis predicte si prius perfectum fuerit. Quod omnia dicte partis dictis nominibus promiserunt, etc., attendere, etc., sub pena florenorum centum aurj larg. inauro qua pena, etc., qua pena, etc., proqui- bus, etc., etc. Et dictus Joannes iuravit, etc., omnia soprascripta observare etc., etc. . . ." [Arch. de'Contratti di Firenze. Rogiti di Gio. Antonio degli Ottaviani da Pulicciano. Protocollo dal 151 1 al 1522; Milanesi Misc. 32 III P c. 387-] Bibl. : A.eS., IV (1885), 240; B. J., 96-97; B., Kf., 25; A. S. A., II (1889), 2; C-M., 130, 194-195 (Doc), 242 No. 229; Cr., 237-238, 312-313 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 133 (Doc). 330; M.. Sc. Mag., 1893, 6S3 ; R. H., 244; Milanesi, Misc. 32 III P c. 387 (Doc. ) ; Morrona, III, 182 (2 ed. p. 197) ; R., D. R., 245- 246; iV. /■/., IV, 57, 59; Vas., II, 194. 134 BUST OF CHRIST. New York Cit.y. Tolentino Sale of 1920. This fine bust (Fig. 161) was formerly in the collection of the Marchese Viviani della Robbia at Settignano. The face and neck are unglazed ; the hair and beard are glazed yellow, the tunic violet with yellow border, the mantle blue lined green. The type shows still the influence of Verrocchio's Christ (1483) on the exterior of Or San Michele, a type which Giovanni had freely copied in the relief of the Incredulity of S. Tommaso at Rifredi. It is probably to be assigned to a somewhat later period, perhaps as late as 1520. It is altogether to be preferred to Giovanni's bust of Christ of the Certosa (1522). Bibl, : Burl., 60, 109; Cr., 234 Note i, 330; R., D. R., 269; Tolentino Sale of 1920, Cat., no. 794. 135 BUST OF CHRIST. Paris. Louvre. Salle de Trocadero. H., o.4Sm. Gift of RI. Georges Berger. The head unglazed. The robe is glazed violet, the mantle blue, lined green. Similar to the Christ in the Viviani della Robbia collection. 136 HEAD OF CHRIST. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. Fragment. H., 0.15m. Photo., B. Coolidge, 8841. This head (Fig. 78) thinly glazed is to be classed with the heads of Christ from the atelier of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 116, Fig. 47. 137 NOLI ME TANGERE. Florence. S. Maria Novella. Cloister. H., 2.40m.; VV., 2.44m. Photo., Brogi, 5638. Although not so Verrocchian in character this relief (Fig. 79) is closer to Giovanni's stylistic peculiarities than are the reliefs of the same subject in the Museo Nazionale. The open mouthed cherub head indicates that it was designed as a lavabo. 134 GIOX'AXNI DET.LA ROBBIA Fig. 78.— Head of Christ. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. GIO\'ANNI BELLA ROBBLV 135 The Aladdalena, with yehow hair, )'ellu\v rolje, violet mantle lined i^reen, is on her knees before the Christ whom she mistakes for the gardener. He , stands with mattock over his shoulder and with raised hands bids her N'oli !}tc taiigcn- (John jo, ii-iS). He is clad in a tunic (^f violet lined yellow over which is a mantle of blue lined green. His hair is yellow. The landscape with its sharply defined trees and flowers indicates Giovanni's handiwork. 0\'erhead are birds against a light blue sky. The upper and lower portions of the landscape do not compose well. This may be due to a restoration. Certainly the frame has been reset badly without reference to the direction of the triplex bunches of fruit separated by crossing bands which issue from the Idue and violet vases below. It represents Andrea's rather than Giovanni's methods, and ma^• have been made by one of Gio- vanni's brothers. Bibl. B. J., 89; C-AL, 211 No. 3T,; Cr., 341. Fig. So. — Nni 1 \ii iwuri Iiukini? Mi-lo \ \/iiinale. 138 SAME SUBJECT. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 57. Altar- piece. H., 2.30m. ; W., 2m. Photo., Brogi, 9486. This altarpiece (Fig. 80) came from the Convento di S. Onofrio, known also as the Conservatorio della Concezione di Foligno in the Via Faenza. 136 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Like the preceding it represents a Noli me tangere. The Maddalena on her knees, robed in bhie lined yellow and with a mantle of yellow lined violet brown, is carrying her box of ointment. Christ, with bared breast elabo- rately modelled, wears a mantle of blue lined green, and carries a mattock over his shoulder. Llence he is mistaken for a gardener (John 20, 15). He addresses her "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father." The background with its crude landscape, ill proportioned trees and plants and gaudy picket fence link this with the Noli me tangere No. 19 in the same museum. Bibl. : B. J., 80; Burl., Ill; C-M., 211 No. 38; Cr., 339; Supino, 449 No. 57. 139 JESUS CHI^IST. Florence. S. Onofrio in Foligno. Demmin, p. 218, mentions a "Jesus Christ" as in the chapel of the con- vent of S. Onofrio. Can this refer to the Noli me tangere now in the Museo Nazionale, No. 57, which he does not otherwise mention? 140 NOLI ME TANGERE. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 19. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.30m., W., i.6om. Photo., Alinari, 20388. This composition (Fig. 81) shows the influence rather than the hand of Giovanni della Robbia. Christ does not draw back suddenly as in the relief at Rifredi, but almost touches the forehead of the Maddalena, as if to as- sure her of the reality of his presence. He is not represented as the garden- er, whom she supposed him to be, but as the Christ of the Resurrection holding the crusader's banner. She wears a mantle of blue lined green over a yellow robe, and he a violet brown robe edged yellow, over which is a white mantle. In features she resembles the Maddalena at Rifredi, and still more the round faced Madonna at Finalpia. The Christ is semi-Ver- rocchian and semi-Angelican in character. A bright yellow picket fence takes the place of Giovanni's rose covered trellis, and the trees are poorly proportioned and ill defined. A lizard, scjuirrel, owl and other birds are present. The predella shows three panels (i) S. Francesco and the Stig- mata, (2) Resurrection of Christ and (3) The Maries at the Sepulchre. Bibl. : Burl, 109; Cr., 338; Supino, 439 No. 19. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 137 Fig. 81. — Noli me tancere. Florexce, Museo Nazionale. 141 MADONNA AND CHILD IN A NICHE. Scandicci. S. Maria a Greve. H., 1.50m.; W., im. Photo., Private. The Madonna in violet brown robe and a bkie lined green mantle which has an ornamental yellow border, is seated on a yellow throne with lion's claw and acanthus leaf supports (Fig. 82). Her mantle is clasped by a cherub head brooch. She holds to the left a nude Child standing on a cushion, blessing with his right hand and holding a bird in his left. The conch above her head is violet brown. The predella is inscribed y SVB TVVM PRESIDVM CONFVGI MVS SANCTA DEI GENETRIX ^-^ The round headed frame is capped with a cherub head from which hang 138 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA to right and left garlands of fruit and flowers arranged in separate triplex bunches. The base shows a double rectilinear maeander between bead and reel and egg and dart mouldings. Bibl. : Burl., 62, 116; Carocci, Di)it., II, 411; C-M., 248 No. 266; Cr., 355. Fig. 82. — Madonna. Scandicci, S. Maria a Greve. 142 MADONNA WITH NUDE STANDING CHILD. Luco in Mu- gello. S. Pietro. Photo., Private. This half figure of the Madonna, clad in violet, with a mantle of blue lined green, holds to the left a nude Child who blesses with his right hand and in his left holds a bird. Bibl. : Cr., 347. 143 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH DRAPED CHILD BLESS- ING. Elorence. S. Barnaba. Photos., Alinari, 3693; Brogi, 4728. This relief (Fig. 83), set over the door of S. Barnaba, shows a depend- ence on Giovanni's forms though lacking his quality. The Madonna, in GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 139 violet robe edged yellow and a bine mantle, enthroned on an acanthns deco- rated bench, holding the Child, who is clad in a green tunic and stands on a cushion blessing, is not unlike the ^ladonna of S. Maria a Greve, Scandicci. The background is ilecorated with a pattern similar to that of the Madonna and Child and S. Giovannino in the Museo Nazionale, No. 44. The violet "msi,^ Fig. 83. — Madonna. Florence, S. Barnaba. columns with spiral flutings are provided with Giovanni's typical dolphin and vase capitals. The base or predella constructed like that of the Maga- lotti ciborium is inscribed : >SUB GVBER(N)ATIOfN)E ARTIS AROMATAR(I)OR(VM). The Aromatarii were incorporated in the Guild of the Doctors and Apothe- caries whose stemma was a Madonna seated in a Tabernacle. Luca della Robbia executed their stemma for the exterior of Or San Michele. Bibl. : B. J., 87: Bigazzi, 21 ; B., Kf., 23; Burl, 107; C-M., 206 No. 4; Cr., 341; Richa, VII, 57; Vas., II, 191. I40 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 144 THE FOUR EVANGELISTS. 1520-1521 ( ?). Galatrona (near Montevarchi), S. Giovanni Battista. Statuettes. H., 0.42m. Photo., Alinari 9855 shows two of them. Set on brackets on the wall are four small, white statuettes of the Evange- lists, set diagonally on their bases which are inscribed !(i) J' S(an) • MATHEE. • P(ROPHETA) ET EVA(N)GELISTA (2) >S(an)- MARGE- EVA(N)GELISTA (3) J'S(an) -LVGA- EVA(N)GELISTA (4) J'S(an) -IHOANCNjES • AP(OSTOLO) ET EVA(N)GELISTA It is barely possible that these statuettes were made by Giovanni's son Marco, who received payments in 1520 and 1521 in the accounts con- cerning Giovanni della Robbia and his work for Messer Leonardo di Giovanni Buonafede at Galatrona. However, the receiver of payments is usually an agent, not necessarily a co-worker. Document: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] "E a di xiiij di gienaro 1520 f uno largo doro Inoro porto marcho suo figluolo chontanti a uscita g ac. 240 f i- E a di xxviiij daprile 1521 1 iij sx pice, porto marcho suo figluolo chontanti a uscita h ac 8 f-io E a di 30 di deto 1 iij sx pice, porto marcho quo figluolo chontanti a uscita h ac 8 f-io" [Archiv. di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Giallo (1516-1518) segnato F. c. 227.] Bibl. : Bacci, ///. Flor., 1908, 144 (Doc); M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 373 (Doc). 145 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SS. GIOVANNI BATTISTA AND GIROLAMO. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, 113 (I. 161). Medallion. Diam., 1.44m. Photo., Private. This medallion (Fig. 84) was acquired in Rome in 1846. It was then entirely white, was so published in the Museum's early catalogues, and was still entirely white when in 1894, I took the photograph here published. The latest catalogue publishes the garland as polychromatic, the background GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA J41 as blue on which are streaks of golden glory. The Director had found this monument "sehr niichtern," but now the compiler of the official catalogue calls attention to the naturalistic colouring of the fruit, the preservation for the most part of the gilding in the background and describes the whole as Fig. 84. — Madonna and Saints. Berlin Museum. a characteristic work of Giovanni's about 1500! Alas, that German poly- chromy should invade the field of sculpture! Had it been left white it would have been equally characteristic, for at Galatrona there are several monuments which Giovanni made in 15 18 for Leonardo Buonafede, and there is a Madonna of 1520 in the Seminario at Fiesole very similar to the Berlin medallion in type and devoid practically of polychromy. The Madonna, robed in a close fitting robe covered by a mantle held to- gether by a cherub headed brooch, holds on her lap the curly haired Child who, as usual, is holding a bird and blessing, but lacks the customary cushion. To the left and right are SS. Giovanni Battista and Girolamo, the same saints that flank the Madonna in the altarpiece at Arcevia, but the types have changed somewhat. They are here more conscious of the fate in store for the happy Child. The garland, set between egg and dart and leaf mouldings, is composed 142 GIO\'AXXI BELLA ROBBL\ of contiguous, chiefly triplex Ijunches of fruit, flowers and wheat, with no frogs, lizards or other animals. Altogether, the medallion is an unusually careful example of Giovanni's workmanship. Bibl. : B., /v7,, 26:Ital. PL, 95 ; B-T., No. 129; C-M., 261 No. 354; Cr., 333; Schottmuller, 48-49, No. 113; Tieck Gerhard, No. 661A; Z. f. b. K., XXIV (1889), 122. ;146 RL^DONNA AND CHILD ENTHROXED, WITH SAINTS. 1520. Fiesole. Seminario. Altarpiece. H., 2.40m., W., 1.80m. Photos., Alinari, 3292; Brogi, 9862. From the Castello or Palazzo Episcopale at Fiesole this altarpiece (Fig. 85) was transferred to the Seminario. At that time doubtless the lunette was raised above its original level. The name of the donor Guglielmo del Folchi and the date, 1520, are inscribed on the predella of the Madonna's throne. The central relief represents the Madonna seated holding on her right knee the nude child, who seated on a cushion holds a bird and is blessing. Above her two lily bearing angels hold a golden crown, beneath which is the Holy Dove. The predella of her throne shows two putti upholding a tabella ansafa inscril^ed : r GVLILEMVS ► DE ► FOL CHIS^ EP(ISCOPV)S^ FESVLANVS^ FIERI ► FECIT ► AN(N)0 + D(OMIN)I^M-DXX + Standing to the left are S. Pietro, with keys and book, and Bishop S. Donato of Scotland (Duns Scotus) ; to the right S. Giovanni Battista, with cross and scroll inscribed ECCE AGfN)VS), and Bishop S. Romolo with the wild beast at his feet. Their names are inscribed below S(ANCTVS) ROMVLVS- EP(ISCOPV)S- FESVLANVS '^ On the predella at either end are the arms of Bishop Guglielmo dei Fol- chi ; Chequy argent and sable, a diminished fess gules, from which issues an eagle argent in a chief sable. Between them are scenes relating to the saints above (T) the angel releases S. Pietro from prison, (2) S. Donato performs a miracle, (3) The Presepio, (4) The Birth of S. Giovanni Bat- tista, (5) The Beheading of S. Romolo at the well. GIOVANNI DKI.LA R01!i;iA 143 The frame has pilasters decorated with thick set hunches of triplex fruit and flowers separated hy ril)l)(>iis tied in horizontal hows, the usual dolphin capitals, entahlature with chenih heads, garlands and disks, and lunette with God the Father hiessing and holding an tjpen hook, set hetween two cherubs and enclosed in a cherub frame at the top of wdiich again appears Bishop Folchi's coat of arms. ssrsffisaiTBimcKcssE^^ssa^ Fig. 85. — Madonna and Saints. I^'iesole, Skmin,' Bibl. : B., Kf., 24; Burl., 114; C-M., 232 No. 176; C., s.v. Folchi; Cr., 182, 208, 309; M., R. H., 249-250; Perkins, T. S., I, 199; R., D. R., 257; Sc. Fl, IV, 62; V. Rumohr, II, 295 note; Vas., II, 193. 144 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 147 MADONNA AND CHILD, AND S. GIOVANNINO. Florence. Museo Nazionale No. 44. Medallion. Diam., i.iom. Photos., Ali- nari, 2768; Brogi, 9489. From the suppressed monastery of the Ognissanti this medallion (Fig 86) reached the Museum on May 9, 1866. The Madonna, robed in dark violet with mantle of blue, holds to the left the Child, nude, holding a bird, blessing. He stands on a cushion of which a small portion is glazed white. Fig. 86. — Madonna. Florence, Mused Kaziunale. S. Giovannino, with flaming nimbus, is to the left. All nudes unglazed. The background is covered with a Robbia pavement pattern done in blue and green against yellow ground. The frame has a heavy egg and dart moulding within a polychromatic garland composed of contiguous, triplex and quinqueplex bunches of fruit interspersed with flowers, among which may be seen also a frog and a lizard. Bibl. : Burl., no; C-M., 217 No. -jz; Cr., 338; Supino, 446 No. 44. 148 S. ROMOLO ENTHRONED. 1521. Fiesole. Duomo, over entrance (interior). H., i.6om. Photo., Alinari, 20350. From the Castello or Palazzo Episcopale was transferred to the Cathe- GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 145 dral the statue of S. Romolo (Fig. 87) and the Fulchi stemma now above the entrance door (interior). Fig. 87. — S. Romolo. Fiesolk, Duomo. S. Romolo is seated on a throne flanked by yellow female sphinxes, cov- ered with a white mantle heavily bordered with yellow, and wearing an elaborately decorated mitre. He is blessing and carries a blue book with yellow fittings. At his feet is a brown beast. Back of his head a fluted blue shell. The niche is framed by pendent garlands of continuous bunches of fruit and flowers irregularly composed. The predella is inscribed : 7S(AN)C(TV)S^R0MVLVS^EP(ISC0PV)S>'FESVLANVS + The stemma of Bishop Folchi above and the cartello below, dated 1521, though made at the same time were not designed to form a part of this monument, which was probably capped by the palmette now below the 146 GIO\\VNNI DELLA ROBBIA cartello. This palmette is similar to tliat which caps the frame of the altar- piece formerly in the \'ia Nazionale (1522). Bibl. ; B. ]., 81-82; B., Kf., 24; Burl., 64, 114; C M, 232 No. 173; Cr., 208, 329; M., R. H.. 250; \^as., II, 193. 149 STEMMA OE BISHOP GUGLIELMO DEI EOLCHI. 1521. Fiesole, Duomo, over entrance door (interior). W'ithin a wreath of continuous, irregularly composed fruit and flowers, on a Tuscan shield set in a blue fluted disk is the stemma of Bishop Gugli- elmo dei Eolchi : checjuey sable and argent, a diminished fess gxiles from which issues in a chief sable an eagle argent. The stemma is now set al:)0ve the statue of S. Romolo. Below that statue is a rectangular tablet, originally connected with the stemma, inscribed : J' TEMPORE ►R(EVEREN)DI^ EP(ISCOP)I^ EESVLANI ► GVLIELMI ► DE FOLCHIS ^'^ ANNO ► DOMINI ► M^D^NXI ^'^ Bibl. : C-M., 232 No. 173; C., s.v. Eolchi; Cr., 329; M., R. H., 250; Vas. n, 193- 150 EIVE STATETETTES. Eiesole. Duomo. Milanesi (Vas., II 193-194) reports as in the Confessione of the Cathe- dral at B^iesole five glazed terra-cotta statuettes by Giovanni della Robbia. They are no longer there. 151 VISIT BY THE MARIES TO THE SEPULCHRE. 1521. Elor- ence. Museo Nazionale, No. ^y. Lunette. H., 0.90m.; W., 2m. Photos., Alinari, 2751; Brogi, 9493. This lunette (Eig. 88) came to the Museo Nazionale in March 1868, from the suppressed convent of the Annunziata. It is signed by Giovanni della Robbia and dated 1521. The central portion of the composition is closely related to Perugino's Entombment (1439) in the Accademia and Era Bartolommeo's Pieta, (1515) in the Pitti Gallery. This composition, known as a Deposition or Pieta, represents properly the day of "prep- aration" or the first visit of the Maries to the sepulchre (Matth. 27, 57-62; Mk. 15, 42-47; Luke 23, 50-56). Here is the tomb which Joseph of Ari- GIO\'ANNI DI<:LLA ROCl'JA 147 mathaea hatl "hewn out of the rock," wherein "never man Ijefore was laid," co\ered in places with moss and occni)ied \)y lizards, frogs, and snails. Here is the "clean linen cloth" in which tlie IkxU' of Christ had been laid. S. Giovanni luangelista and the JMater Dolorosa, both robed in Fig. 88. — M.vries visit the Sepulchre. Florence, .Museu Xazion.\le. maroon with mantles of blue, are raising the head and shoulders of the dead Christ, while jMary the mother of James the Less, in yellow robe and maroon mantle leans o\-er in adoration, and the Aladdalena, in a light blue edged yellow robe and green lined yellow mantle, with the box of spices and ointment, is at his feet. We may notice that the flesh colour of Christ is of a darker hue than that of the three women. On the edge of the white linen cloth is inscribed : HOC OPVS- FECIT- lOHANfNjES- ANDREE- DE ROBIA- AX(N)0 D(0:MI)XI- AI-D-XXI+ The frame consists of an inner egg and dart moulding and an outer gar- land of fruit and flowers chiefly in double file rising from the sides to the top, which is terminated Ijy a band of white Annunciation lilies. Eibl. : B., Kf.. 18, 24: Fl. Sc. 200, PI. 85: Dcnk. 88, Taf. 280: Burl, no; C-AI., 132; Cr., 328; S., 141, Abb. 154: Supino, 445 Xo. ^y : Vas., II, 193- 152 THE ANXUXCIATIOX. Florence. Museo Xazionale, No. 78. Lunette. H., 0.90m.; W., 2m. Photos., Alinari, 2749; Brogi, 9501. This lunette (Fig. 89) was a companion piece to the one just described, and was transferred to the Aluseo X^azionale on the 9th of March 1868 from 148 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA the convent of the Annunziata. The subject of the lunette was especially appropriate to the location. The archangel Gabriel robed in white with mantle of yellow lined green, kneels, holding a lily branch, and announces his message to the Annunziata, who in violet edged yellow robe and mantle of blue lined green is seated on a yellow throne before a highly decorated Fig. 89. — The Annunciation. Florence, Museo Nazionale. curtain. Between the two figures is a dolphin handled vase full of roses and lilies, above which amid the golden light of heaven is seen the Holy Dove, and a bed with curtains and bolster of pure white. The frame has a wider garland than that of its companion piece, com- posed of fruit and flowers, rising from the sides toward the top where is a row of Annunciation lilies. The fruit is composed of contiguous, triplex bunches interspersed at irregular intervals alternately with pairs of white roses or white lilies. Bibl. : B., Kf., 18, 24; Burl., Ill; C-M., 217 No. 69; Cr., 340; Supino, 453 No. 78. 153 S. FRANCESCO. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 59. Medallion. Diam., 1.40m. Photo., Brogi, 9478. This medallion (Fig. 90) came from the abandoned church now known as the Manifattura dei Tabacchi, in the Via Panicale. S. Francesco is here represented in three quarter figure, with yellow nimbus, flesh coloured face, yellow brown beard, gray cowl and gown, holding a yellow cross and blue book. His eyes have light yellow irises. The background is white. The frame has an inner tgg and dart moulding and an outer heavy GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 149 wreath of contiguous, triplex bunches of fruit with white flowers at regular intervals. Bibl. Burl, III ; Cr,, 339; Supino, 449 No. 59. Fig. 90. — S. Francesco. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 154 S. FRANCESCO. Florence. S. Croce (Cappella Medici). Half figure. Photos., Alinari, 2164; Brogi, 5826. S. Francesco (Fig. 91) is here portrayed in a gray habit carrying a Fig. 91. — S. Francesco. Florence, S. Crock. ISO GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA yellow cross and a blue book with )'ello\v fittings. He shows exaggerated stigmata on hands and side. Bibl. B., Kf., 2^; Burl, 107; C-^l., 206 No. 8; Cr., 341. 155 A MONASTIC SAINT. Florence, S. Croce ( Capella Medici). Half figure. H., 0.70. Photos., Alinari, 2163; Brogi, 5827. This Saint (Fig. 92), called S. Bernardo by Bode, S. Bonaventura by Cavallucci-Molinier and ]\Iiss Cruttwell, and Beato Gherardo da Villa- FiG. 92. — Monastic Saint. Florence, S. Croce. magna by Alinari, wears a brown habit over a white tunic and displays a book inscribed Undc z'os fili{a)c pulsate iiiatrcni prccibtis pulsate ad ostium vim tantis arnicis. Bibl. : B., Kf., 2^; Burl., 107; C-M., 206 No. 8; Cr., 341. 156 S. ORSOLA. Florence. Museo Nazionale No. 55. Medallion, Diam., 1.40m. Photo., Brogi, 9479. This medallion (Fig. 93), a companion piece to No. 153, is also from the Manifattura dei Tabacci. S. Orsola, who was stabbed in the neck, (;iO\\\XXl Dh:i.LA kOlMllA ItI is here represented with a wnuiid in lier thmat. IJer lace is eiianiclled to imitate tlesh culour. A1)()\e her ,t;(ilden hair rests a gohleii erown, and o\'er her shnulders is east a rich mantle Ijordered with jewels. She carries Fig. 93. — S. Ors(il.\. Flijrknxe, Mi/seo X.\ziiixale. a green palm and a bine and yellow bonk. The backgr(jund is a white disk; the frame a white egg and dart moulding surrounded by a polychromatic wreath of triplex and quincjueplex bunches of fruit irregularly interspersed with flowers. A lizard may be seen near the grapes. Bibl. : Burl., Ill; Cr., 339; Supino, 448 No. 55. 157 BUST OF S. ORSOLA. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 72. H., 0.60m. Photos., Alinari, 2"/^"]; Brogi, 9466. This bust (Fig. 94) catalogued as S. Caterina should be known as S. Orsola, for in the Berlin A-Iuseum there was formerly an atelier copy of it which shows the wound in the neck, as is the case with the medallion in the Museo Nazionale No. 55, and in the S. Orsola bust at the Certosa. She wears a yellow, for golden, crown and necklace with pendant or brooch which imitates a sapphire surrounded by pearls. Bibl. Burl, hi; Cr., 339; Supino, 451 No. 72. 152 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. 94. — S. Orsola. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 158 S. ORSOLA. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, No. 133 A(for- merly). Photo., Private. This bust, almost a replica of a bust No. 72 in the Museo Nazionale, Florence, is in white enamel with yellow crown and necklace with pendant above which is the usual sapphire brooch. Her neck shows a violet wound. This identifies her as S. Orsola. Cavallucci and Molinier give the museum number as 619; when I photo- graphed it in 1894 the number had been changed to 133 A. In Fraulein Schottmiiller's official catalogue it is omitted altogether. Bibl. : C-M., 263 No. 365; Tieck-Gerhard, No. 619. 159 THE PRESEPIO, OR NATIVITY WITH GLORIA. 1521. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 25. Altarpiece. H., 2.80m.; W., 1.55m. Photos., Alinari, 2776: Brogi, 9500. This altarpiece (Fig. 95) was formerly in the church of the convent of S. Girolamo delle Poverine suppressed in 1865. There is no indication on the monument itself that it was designed for that church, It bears, how- ever, the name of the donor Filippo di Tommaso di Filippo dei Panichi, that of the sculptor Giovanni di Andrea della Robbia, and the date 1521. Bad in composition and garish in colour as is this monument — one of the first to bear Giovanni's signature — its effectiveness would be improved if we bear in mind ( i ) that the candelabra bearing and musical angels were GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 153 originally lateral decorations of a niche and set either at right angles to the central relief, as in the Assumption at S. Giovanni Valdarno or at ob- tuse angle to it, as in the Madonna and Saints altarpiece in the Via Nazi- onale; (2) that the fruit garland originally sprang from the top and hung down on either side, as in the altarpiece at S. Girolamo, Volterra (1501), the shrine of S. Romolo at Fiesole (1521 ), and other monuments; and (3) that the central relief must ha\e originally contained an Annunciation angel and probably lacked the medallion with God the Father. The central group represents the Presepio, usually called the Nativity. Fig. 95. — The Nativity. Florence, Museo Nazionale. 154 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Llere the infant Christ, nude, unglazed, rests on Hght green hay; over him leans S. Giovannino in 3'ello\vish brown hair cloth; at his sides S. Giuseppe in robe of blue, edged )'ellow, and cloak of yellow, and S. Maria in violet robe with yellow borders, and mantle of light blue lined green. Behind them are the heads of the ox and ass, a shepherd carrying a lamb; the thatched stable; hill sides with trees, birds, and animals; shepherds watch- ing their flocks, dazzled l^y the light from the Annunciation angel (possibly the small angel here used to support the enormous medallion) ; and three angels singing the Gloria in Excelsis. The huge star in the East and the medallion of God the Eather in yellow flames of light, surrounded by blue and violet winged cherubs alternating with golden stars, seems an intrusion into the composition, diverting attention from the principal theme. The predella shows at either end the stemma of the Panichi family: Gules, a griffin segreant or debruised of a bend sable. Between the two stemmi is a long relief representing the procession and adoration of the Magi, the donor and a Dominican monk, and cartellini inscribed : (i) HOC- OPVS- EECIT EIERI • PHILIPPA'S- DICTVS THOME PANICVSand (T) AN(N)0 MDXXI The fruit frame is a continuous series chiefl}' of triplex bunches of fruit interspersed with white flowers. The lateral decorations consist of ( i ) inscriptions on palmette-handled tablets ; to the left, J HOCK OPVS ► FECIT EIERI PHILIPPVS ► THOME PHILIPPI ► DE PANICHIS^ AN(N)0 D(OMI)NI^ M^D^ XXI + to the right. >HOC OPVS^FECITKOA(NN)ES ANDREE^DE ► ROBIA^AC>- APO SVIT^ HOC*- IN TEMPORE DIE ► VLTIMA ► LVLII AN(N)Ok D(0MI)NI^ M^D^XXI+; (2) candelabra bearing angels in honour of the new born Child, the two lowermost in robes of blue with green collars and wings of wood, bearing- candlesticks and kneeling on polygonal pedestals inscribed respectively +'^'^PVER^ NATVS^ EST*- NOBIS+'^v- and +.'7^ EVLIVS ► DATVS ► EST ► NOBIS+'?*- ; the smaller ones above clad in violet browm with mantles of blue; (3) four cherubs, winged alternately in violet and in blue, serving as punctuation points or resting places before we reach (4) the musical angels who with cithera, tambourine, psaltery, flageolets and violin unite in the Gloria in Excelsis. CilO\Ai\Nl di<:l].a ROBBIA 155 Document: [Copietl 1)\- Mr. Kufiis (i. Aiather.] "Alonasterio Le Poverine A mezzo la chiesa altro Altaro della l-'amiglia de ranichi con La loro /\rme. Vi e una Nativita del Sig'" di Terra cotta colorita molto bella con alcune storiette di figure piccole nell' imbasaniento e molti altri ornamenti di Fes- toni, fogliami et altro molto lielli sonovi (|ueste due Inscrizicjni (ij Hoc opvs fecit fieri Thilippus Thome Philippi de Panichis Anno Dni 1521 (2) Hoc opus fecit loannes Andree de Robia ac posuit hoc in tempore die Ultima Julii 1521." [Archivio di Stato, Sepoltuario Rosselli Cod. Carta Sec. XVTI Parte Prima c. 460.] Bibl. : B.J., 47-48, 77-79: B., A"/., 18, 24; A. S. A., II (1889), 2; Burl., no; C-]\I., 123, 132-134: Cr., 238, 328; Demmin, 218; ^L, R. H., 252; R., D. R.. 222. 244: Sc. Fl.. IV, 50, 58; Richa, II, 301-302; Roselli, Sepoltuario. I, 460; Supino, 441 No. 25; Vas., II, 182 note 2. 160 iMADOXXA EXTHROXED WITH SAIXTS. 1522. Elorence. Via Xazionale. Known as the Tabernacolo delle Fonticine. Photos., Alinari, 3 192-3 193; Brogi, 4695. This elaborate tabernacle (Fig. 96) was set up in 1522 by the "Men of the Kingdom of Bethlehem," an organization of semi-religious character which represented one of the districts of Florence. It stands in the Via X'azionale ( Gia Tedesca) and is affixed to the wall of the former Con- vento di Foligno. Here are represented the [Madonna enthroned amid Saints. The Ma- donna, in robe of violet edged yellow and mantle of blue lined green, is seated on an elaborate throne panelled in coarse imitation of variegated marble and with arms adorned with yellow grotteschi. Her eyes ha^'e violet brows, lashes, pupils, and yellow irises. She carries on her right knee on a cushion the nude Child who holds a bird and blesses. Behind her are (i) S. Jacopo ]Maggiore, in blue edged yellow and mantle of violet lined green, holding a book and a staff with a shell attached, a patron of such organizations as that of the Men of Bethlehem, and (2) S. Lorenzo, in green edged yellow with a rectangular patch of blue on his breast, holding a book and palm. Behind him is his gridiron. To the left and right, at an obtuse angle to the central relief, stand in niches {3) S. Barbara, robed in white embroidered with Persian pattern with mantle of violet lined blue, carrying a stepped tower-like reliquary and a palm, on a pedestal inscriljcd y SANCTA + BARBERA + and (4) S. Caterina, in blue edged yellow 156 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA with mantle of j'ellow lined green, holding a book and palm, her symbol a toothed wheel at her side, on a pedestal inscribed ^ SANCTA +CHATER- INA + Above their heads are blue and violet winged cherubs separating them from a medallion of God the Father with open arms. Below him Fig. 96. — Tabernacolo delle Fonticine. Florence, Via Nazionale. the Holy Dove emitting golden light through a golden crown held high above the Madonna's head by two lily bearing, polychromatic angels. The polygonal pedestal of the Madonna's throne is inscribed: J^ SALVED VIRGO ► PARENS ► TERRARVM^ CVN(C)TA RE- GENTIS + SALVE SPES HOMINVM GRATIA VITA SALVS + and further below GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 157 J'QVESTO^ DEVOTO TABERNACHOLO ► AN(N)0 FATTO FARE GL(I)VOMINI DEL REAME DI BELIEM(M)E^ POSTO IN VIA^ SANCTA CHATERINA ► M^D^XXII + The latter inscription explains the introduction of S. Caterina into the com- position. In the same district was a Compagnia di S. Barbara, a favourite society for Germans and Flemings. The frame, in gross imitation of Ghiberti's bronze gates, shows a series of heads associated with fruit and flowers. To the left is ( i) S. Sebastiano in a niche, (2) S. Antonio Abate, his name inscribed on his nimbus, (3) S. Domenico, a star on his nimbus, (4) S. Stefano, a stone on his head, (5) a Bishop, S. Zanobi or Ambrogio, (6), S. Francesco, (7) S. Filippo Benizzi, a restoration of the year 1885 when the head in this position (prob- ably of some other saint) was through carelessness broken to pieces, and (8) S. Rocco. The fruit bunches, chiefly triplex, are arranged dos-a-dos and separated by blue ribbons tied in horizontal bows. Bibl. : A. e S., IV, 289; Baldinucci, V, 220; B. J., 48, 79; Bigazzi, 285-286; B., Kf., 24; A. S. A., II (1889), 2; Burl, 108; C-M., Frontispiece, 124-126, 136, 213 No. 51 ; Cr., 213, 239, 329; Demmin, 215; R., D. R., 256-257; Sc. Fl., IV, 62; Richa, IV, 186; vonRumohr, II, 295 note; Vas., II, 191 ; Z. /. b. K., XX (1885), 20, 720. 161 MADONNA ENTHRONED AND SAINTS. Florence. S. Croce. Cappella Bardi-Serzelli. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.45m. ; W., 1. 60m. Photos., Alinari, 2093; Brogi, 5882. Cast, Leili, 11 74. In S. Croce, the chapel formerly known as the Pulci, now as the Cappella Bardi-Serzelli, contains an altarpiece (Fig. 97) in style characteristic of Giovanni della Robbia's work of 1521 or 1522. Brogi's photograph shows that the sides of the chapel were once painted with Giottesque frescoes, which as Alinari's photographs show, were entirely concealed by plaster so as to make the altarpiece fit against the wall. This suggests that the altar- piece was not originally designed for this position. We become convinced of this when we consider the question of a frame. Here is only an egg and dart moulding with no crowning ornament and no lateral acroteria, in fact no termination. This now frameless altarpiece was in all probability completed in a manner similar to that of the Tabernacolo delle Fonticine, where an analogous tgg and dart moulding rests on inadequate architectural support. The central relief represents the Madonna enthroned amid stand- 158 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ing saints. Possiljly two more saints occupied niches in the sloping sides of the frame, and a Ijust of God the Father at the summit gave to the monu- ment the customary Trinitarian character. The iMadonna roljed in violet Fig. 97. — Madonna and Saints. Florence, S. Ceoce. edged yellow and a mantle of blue lined green, carries on her knees the nude Child seated on a cushion. Her throne has yellow mouldings and acroteria, blue frieze and archivolt, and a predella inscribed : GI0\'A\X1 DF.LLA ROEUIA 159 JREGINA^ CELI^ LETARE^ ALLELVIA^ QIVA (tor Ouiaj QVE(An^ MERVISTI^ PORTARE^ ALLE(LVLV)^ RESV(R)- REXI ► SICVT^ DIXIT ► ALL(EL\TA)- ORA P(RO) NOBIS- DEVM • ALLE(L\TA). The Child holds a bird and is blessing. To the left stands S. Giovanni, robed in blue with mantle of dark violet lined green. He is blessing and carries a yellow chalice covered Ijy a green dragon. To the right S. Alaria Maddalena, in violet robe and green lined yellow mantle, carries a yellow box of ointment and a book. Two angels behind them hold jasper vases. Above the throne lily Ijear- ing angels hold the golden crown set with jewels while a white dove floats against the light blue sky. All nudes are unglazed. The predella of the entire relief consists of an upper member broken so as to throw the central part into relief and decorated with a network of cubes with black, yellow and green sides ; and a lower memljer showing be- tween white mouldings a blue frieze on which are represented S. Domenico, in black mantle over white tunic, holding a book and lily branch, S. Lucia with palm and platter with eyes on it, S. Gabriele, the Holy Do\'e and vase with lilies, the Annunziata, S. Caterina with palm branch and wheel, and S. Tommaso d'Ac]uino rolled in black mantle over white, holding an open book. The Dominican character of the predella is a further indication that the altarpiece was not originally designed for a place in the great Fran- ciscan church of S. Croce. Eibl. : B. J., 80-81; B., Kf., 18, 23; A. S. A., II, 1889, 2; Burl., 107; C-M., 206 X'o. 5; Cr., 239-240, 328; Demmin, 218; R., D. R., 254- 256; Sc. F!., IV, 61-62; Ruskin, XXXVUI, 329. 162 BUST OF A WOMAN. New York. Davanzati Sale, Nov. 21, 1916. Medallion. Diam., 0.965m. Photo., Private. Within a polychromatic wreath composed in six divisions of fruit and flowers arranged in groups of five and separated by blue fluted ribbons is a fine bust of a young woman (Fig. 98) set against a blue background. Disks of dark violet indicate the eyes. On three of the divisions of the wreath is seen a frog, on two a snail. Possibly the wreath is by Girolamo della Robbia; the bust however is certainly by Giovanni; and in date not far removed from that of the altarpiece on the Pulci chapel in S. Croce. Bibl. : Davanzati Sale Cat., No. 115. i6o GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Fig. 98. — Bust of a Woman. New York, Davanzati Sale. 163 MADONNA AND Photo., Private. CHILD. Cascio. SS. Stefano e Lorenzo. The Madonna stands in a niche erect with the nude Child on her left arm and holds his right wrist in her right hand. She wears a light blue mantle over her violet brown gown. Two angels hold a crown over her head. The original crown is now concealed by a modern metal one and a similar modern crown has been set on the head of the Child. The frame displays on the archivolt a winged cherub head with pendent bunches of polychromatic fruit against a white ground. The pilasters, also white, decorated with pendent garlands consisting of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers. The predella shows a heavy egg and dart cornice, a blue frieze formerly inscribed, and an undecorated base moulding. By a pupil of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : Cr., 335. 164 MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Chateau, Chapelle. Photo., Neuerdein. Usse. This is a puzzling relief. The Madonna holding the nude Child blessing, and the kneeling S. Giovannino clad in hair cloth and his scroll inscribed GIOX'ANNl BELLA ROHLIA i(>i ECCE AGNVS DFJ, sui^gests the inlluencc of (iinvanni dclla Roljbia. The polycliroinatic cherubs in the lunette, the console with the cherul) head and the cornucopias, and the sphinxes in the Madonna's tlirone als(j recall his work of 1 52 1. The background with its rosettes in circles seems too sche- matic and its extension below the console most unusual. The outer frame with the fruit garland about the lunette and the dolphin capitals over the pilasters suggest also his influence, but the pendent bunches of wheat in triplex bunches is a new departure — possil^ly designed by Girolamo della Robbia. However, I have not seen this relief and it may be in great part modern. 165 TWO ANGELS HOLDING A CROW^N. Florence. Museo Nazi- onale No. 48. JMedallion. Diam., 1.37m. Photos., Alinari, 2769; Brogi, 9487. This medallion (Fig. 99), brought from the Cappuccini monastery on April 5, 1867, has long been recognized as a combination of unrelated parts. The central relief of a Mad(jnna adoring the Child, not to be at- tributed to Giovanni della Rol)bia, originally had no connection with this Fig. 99. — Angels holding Crown. Florence, Museo Nazionale. frame. Nor was the frame designed for this relief, as the ground on which the angels stand has no relation to that on which the Madonna is kneehng. The angels holding a yellow crown, through wliich a white dove pours tongues of flame, are clad in yellow robes and have blue collars. In all i62 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA details they reflect the work of Giovanni della Robbia between the years 1520 and 1525. The original design is not perfectly clear. Had the central relief been a Madonna enthronetl we should ha\'e expected smaller angels flying above her head. For an Assumption the angels would have been represented as supporting a mandorla. Here they are standing on the ground, too large in scale even for a ciborio to have occupied the middle ground. Possibly they were designed to enframe a painting by another artist on a different scale. Evidently the central portion of the composi- tion has been lost and another of con\'enient size put in its place. The garland is composed of irregularly triplex continuous bunches of fruit and flowers on which are seen a snail and a lizard. Bibl. : Burl., 50, no; C-M., 217 No. "j},; Cr., 339; Supino, 447 No. 48. 166 STEMMA OF ARCANGELO SPIGLIATI. 1522. Florence, Rluseo Nazionale, No. 42. Photo., Private. On a painted plaque (Fig. 100) a beribboned tournament shield bears the Spigliati arms: Gules, a tower argent surmounted by tv.-o lions rampant ■*' ,/► » Fig. 100. — Stem MA of Arc.angelo Spigliati. or. Around the arms is inscribed : S(ER) ARCHANGIOLO DI LORE- (N)ZO SPIGLIATI ► E SVORVM ► AN(N)0^ S(ALVATORIS)^ MN>DXXII +'?^ GION'ANNI 1)F.LLA KOISIUA 1^3 Several members of the Spigliati family were priors of Florence in the XIY century. Bibl. : Cr., 338: M., R. H.. 257-258; P., 558; Supino, 446 No. 42. 167 JNIADOXNA luXTHRONED, CROWNED P.Y ANGELS. Monte Oliveto Mag-giore. Abbazia ( over entrance ). W., 1.25m. Photos., Alinari, 9152: Lombardi, 1543. Fig. ioi. — Madonna Enthroned. Monte Oliveto Magciore. In a niche over the entrance to the grounds of the monastery at Monte Oliveto is the Madonna enthroned (Fig. loi). She wears a violet robe, blue mantle lined green with a large yellow star on the right shoulder. Her hair is brown, her eyes have black brows, lashes and pupils without distinc- i64 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA tion of irises. The Child, nude, liolding a bird, blessing, is seated across her lap on a cushion. The throne is faced with panels decorated with grot- teschi yellow on blue and bear on each side the Montolivetani arms : a mount of three tops or, with olive branches vert, surmounted by a cross gules. The predella is inscribed : ?SVB TVVM^ PRESIDIVM CONFVGIMVS^ SANCTA^ DEI ► GE(N)ET(RIX). Above the head of the Madonna two polychromatic angels, with many coloured wings, bear a yellow, jewelled crown through which the Holy Dove pours out yellow tongues of fire. Bibl. : B., Kf., 25; Brogi, Inv.. 38; C-M., 238 No. 205; Cr., 240, 329; M., R. H., 147; R., D. R., 257; Sc. FL, IV, 63. 168 MADONNA AND CHILD BLESSING. Florence (near). Cas- tello di Vincigliata. Chapel. From the Palazzo Corsi, Florence. I have not seen this Madonna, but it appears to be by Giovanni della Robbia and may be associated with the Monte Oliveto and the Scandicci Madonnas. Like them it is inscribed : SVB TVVM PRESIDIVM CONFVGIMVS SANCTA DEI GENETRIX The frame work appears to be modern. The pilasters and archivolt are not Robbiesque; the base inscribed > A(N)NO ► DOMINI M^D^XXVI + follows the type of a ciborium base like that in the Museo Nazionale No. yy. The console is too small for the tabernacle. Bibl. : Cr., 342; R., D. R., 257, 265. 169 S. BENEDETTO ENTHRONED. Monte Oliveto Maggiore. Ab- bazia (over entrance, inner side). W., 1.25m. Photos., Alinari, 9153; Lombardi, 1542. Over the inner side of the main entrance to the grounds of the monastery at Monte Oliveto is a statue of S. Benedetto (Fig. 102) under whose rule the monastery was placed by its founder S. Bernardo dei Tolomei. The throne is similar to that of the Madonna on the outer side of the entrance, but its low predella bears no inscription. The dark bearded saint clad in white monastic robes blesses with his right hand; in his left is an open book inscribed: AVSCVLTA^- O FILI- GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 165 (I) PRECEPTA JNIAGISTRI ET ► INCLINA AVREM, the first words of his famous Rule. Bibl. : B., Kf., 25; Brogi, Inv., 38; C-M., 238 No. 206; Cr., 240, 348; Jame- son, Leg. Moil. Orders, 15, 148-149. Fig. 102. — S. Benedetto Enthroned. Monte Oliveto Maggiore. 170 S. ANTONIO ABATE. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, No. 118 (I. 167). Statuette. H., i.o6m. Photo., Museum. Purchased in Florence in 1846. S. Antonio is here seated on a throne (Fig. 103) ornamented with sphinxes, as is S. Romolo in Fiesole Cathedral (1521). He is blessing with his right hand and in his left holds a book inscribed : y O vol CHE SIATE NEL QVORfi.e. CVORE) MIO AVERTISCO 1 66 GIO\\\NXI BELLA ROBBL\ CHE NO(N) R(I)P(V)DL\TE LA EATICA DI TANTO TEMPO +. The nudes are unglazed, as also the cowl. The mantle is decorated with a pattern resembling that on the Madonna in the Assumption medallion in Fig. 103. — S. Antonio Abate. Berlin Museum. the fagade of the hospital at Pistoia (1525), and has a yellow border on which at intervals appears one of S. Antonio's symbols, the T cross. At his feet is the pig wearing a bell about his neck. Bibl. : B., A'/., 26; It. PL, 95; Bode and Tschudi, 44 No. 135; C-M., 262 No. 363; Cr., 333; SchottmiiUer, 51 No. 118; Tieck-Gerhard, No. 628A. 171 S. ANTONIO ABATE. Paris. Louvre, No. 451. Round-headed relief. H., 1.50m.; W., 0.59m. S. Antonio, clad in brown monastic robe, is seated holding a crutch in GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 167 his right hand and in his left a book and cross. The steps of the throne have yellow treads and green facings. Bibl. : C-M., 279 No. 463; Cr., 350 No. 451. 172 PROPHETS, APOSTLES AND SAINTS. 1523. Florence (near). Certosa in Val d'Ema. Sixty-six medallions. Photos., Ali- nari, 37-26-3733; Brogi, 4731-4742. According to Milanesi the heads in the medallions at the Certosa (Eig. 104) were made by Giovanni della Robbia in 1522 (error for 1523). He publishes no documents for this assertion. In style they are certainly to be Fig. 104. — The Certosa. Florence (ne.ar). attributed to Giovanni, many of them to his own hand, and their docu- mented date 1523 brings them into close relationship with the medallions of the Tabernacolo delle Eonticine. Eor a while they were transferred to the Accademia in Elorence, but in 1892 returned, not without some damage, to the Certosa. They are set in the spandrels of the arcade which surrounds the large cloister, and are sixty-six in number. Their present arrangement, probably not the original one, roughly classifies them into ( i ) Old Testa- ment characters, (2) Apostles, (3J Male Saints, (4) Eemale Saints. At the corners are set the four Evangelists. 1 68 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Old Testament characters. West side. 1. Corner medallion. S. ^^latteo with angel. 2. Adam, with a child (Abel) and a serpent, female headed (Fig. 105). 3. Eve, with a child, and serpent. 4. Noah, with ark and dove carrying branch. 5. Abraham, with Isaac, flaming altar and knife (Eig. 106). Fig. 105. — Adam Fig. 106. — Abraham. 6. Moses, with sword hilt (deliverance) and flaming nimbus and flames (burning bush). 7. Joshua, with sword and sun (standing still). 8. David, with harp and head of Goliath and stone. 9. Melchisedek, with ephod and crown. 10. Judith, with head of Holophernes. 11. Jonah, with sea monster. 12. Daniel, with two lions. 13. Elijah, with flames. Fig. 107. — S. Giovanni Battista. Fig. 108. — S. Taddeo. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 169 14. John Baptist, clad in hair cloth, flaming nimbus (Fig. 107). 15. Stephen, stone on head. J- 4- 5- 6. /• 8. II. 12. 13- 14- 1.5- 108). II. Apostles. North side. 1. Corner iMedallion. S. Marco, with lion. 2. S. Mattia (repeated), with sword. S. Taddeo, nimbus inscribed 5". Tliadciis Ap. (Fk S. Simone, without attributes. S. Bartolommeo, with a knife. Giovanni Evangelista (repeated), without symbol. T. Tommaso, nimbus inscribed ^. Thomas Ap. S. Andrea, nimbus inscribed 5". Andreas Ap. 9. S. Pietro, with keys. 10. Christ. S. Maria, inscribed Ava Regina Celo. S. Paolo, with sword hilt. S. Giovanni Evangelista, nimbus inscribed .S". lohannis Evangel. S. Jacopo Maggiore, with staff and shell. S. Filippo, with cross, nimbus inscribed 5". F/nVi/';/^- . -I /'/i'. (Fig. 109). 16. S. Matteo, with angel. 17. S. ]\Iattia, with dagger, nimbus inscribed S. Matthias Apis. 18. S. Jacopo Minore, with club. III. Male Saints. South Side. 1. Corner medallion. S. Giovanni Evangelista with eagle. 2. S. Lorenzo, with gridiron. 3. S. Ugo of Grenoble, with crozier and swan (Fig. no). S FiLippo. Fig. 1 10. — S. Ugo. 4. S. Bruno, with mitre and crozier (Fig. in). 5. S. Benedetto, in white monkish cowl (Fig. 112). 170 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 18. 14- 15- 16. 17- 18. Fig. III. — S. Bruno. Fig. 112. — S. Benedetto. S. Zanobi, with monogram of Christ and crozier. S. Niccolo da Bari, with three gold bahs (Fig. 113). S. Girolamo, with cardinal's hat and lion (Fig. 114). S. Gregorio, with dove (Fig. 115). Christ (Fig. 116). Pope Urban II, with icons of SS. Pietro and Paolo. He confirmed the order of the Carthusians (Fig. 117). Fig. 113. — S. Niccolo Fig. 114. — S. GiROL.\jio. S. Agostino, with mitre and crozier, also an aedicula, signed 5". Aug- ustini Eps. ( Fig. 118). S. Giorgio, with dragon (Fig. 121). S. Martino, nimbus signed. S. Francesco, with crucifix. S. Domenico, with lilies, star on nimbus (Fig. 120). S. Antonio Abate, with a devil at his side. S. Georgio, with dragon (Fig. 121). GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 171 Fig. 115. S. Gregorio. Fig. 116. — Christ, Fig. 117. — Pope Urban II. Fig. 118. S. Agostino. Fig. 119. S. Ambrogio. Fig. 120. — S. DoMENico. Fig. 121. S. Giorgio. 172 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA IV. Female Saints. East Side. 1. Corner Medallion. S. Luca with ox. 2. S. Sebastiano, three arrow wounds. 3. S. Orsola, arrow wound in neck, crown. 4. S. Barbara, with palm and tower. 5. S. Cecilia, with palm, crown of roses, and name on nimbus. 6. S. Caterina, with wheel. 7. S. Agata, with palm and breasts. 8. S. Apollonia, with palm and tweezers (Fig. 122). 9. S. Lucia, with palm and eyes on salver (Fig. 123). S. Apollonia. Fig. 123. S. Lucia. Fig. 124. S. Marta. 10. S. Marta, with lilies and monster (Fig. 124). 11. S. Margareta, with cross and monster. 12. S. Maria Maddalena, long hair, name on nimbus (Fig. 125). 13. Saint, with gridiron and torch. Fig. 125. — La Maddalena. Fig. 126. S. Ansano. 14. S. Veronica, with Christ face on her breast. 15. S. Ansano, with palm, and flames, nimbus signed S. Ansanus (Fig. 126). GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 173 Documents: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. "Adi detto (16 di febraio 1523) Spexe de la n(ost)ra fabricha deono dare 205 Ducatj vintidua Isei s quatordicj 202 sono p(er) teste . 66 . e uno ysaia postj nel claustro de monaci pagamo a m" giovanj dala robia come si vede in quaderno di cassa s'" k c 62 Due- 22 1 6 s 14 dj-" [Archiv. di Stato, La Certosa, Giornale K 15 16-1523, segnato Corp. Sopp. No. 51 Cod. 15 a c. 136.] 2. "Yhs m' F(ilius) Adi 13 di febraio 1523 Capsa controscripta de avere A spexe dette (di fabricha) Ducatj vintidua 1 sei s quatodicj e fu adi 12 di decto sono p(er) teste • 66. poste nel claust" de monacj et lo ysaia supra ala cisterna el qualle montj 1 24 s 10 et le teste a s 40 luna pagamo a m" giovanj da la robia in firenze e 1 4 s 4 hebe di piu che no(n) doveva avere e quallj hebe in dono in tuto Due- 22 1 6 s 14 dj-" [Idem, idem, Quaderno di Cassa Entrata e Uscita E 1520-1531, segnato Corp. Sopp. No. 51 Cod 40 a c. 62.] 3. "Yhs maria adsint MDXXIJ adi 24 di zugno Capsa antescripta dj havere A spese di fabricha due dua lire sei e s V dj p(er) libr 1350 di marmor biacha 29 a 1 15 el miaro (migliaio) p(er) elcapitelo e la bassa de la colona de la cisterna c5pro m" franc" scarpelino in firenze - Due- 2 1-6 s-5 dj-" [Idem, a c. 42.] 174 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 4. "Yhs MD Capsa controscripta dj haver(e) adj 10 di dixembre 1522 - 13 di dixebre A spese di fabrica due tre lire una e s iiij dj p(er) uno ferro delacarucula e p(er) una catena di ferro p(er) la cisterna nova pagati a m" piero fabro- Due- 3 1 i s-4 dj' [Idem a c. 48.] "yhs.m\ F. M. D. XIIJ Capsa controscripta de avere p(er) insino adj 24 di ap(ri)lle 1523 9 detto (maggio) A spese di fabricha Idua s dua sono p(er) aconzatura di una carrucula di ottone porto mariotto fabro al noci- Due- 1 2 s-2 dj-" [Idem a c. 55.] Bibl : A. S. A., V (1893), 75; B. J., 81 ; Burl., 114; Cahier, I, 305; Carocci, Gallucco, 109; C-M., 140, 221 No. 96; Cr., 209, 240 243, 343; Dem- min, 218; R. G. M., L'Arte, (1918), 206 XIII 1-2 (Doc.) ; R., D. R., 258-259; Sc. Fl, IV, 63-64; Vas., II, 182 note, 192. 173 STATUE OF ISAIAH. Florence (near). Certosa in Val d'Ema. Statue over the cistern. Documents i and 2 relating to the heads of prophets, apostles and saints for the Certosa mention that Giovanni della Robbia in 1523 was also paid for a statue of Isaiah placed above the cistern in the cloister. An iron grill now covers the cistern. The statue has disappeared. Bibl. : R. G. Mather, L'Arte, XXI (1918), 206, XIII (Doc). GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 175 174 MEDALLIONS OF VARIED CHARACTER. Lisbon. Museo Nacional des Bellas Artas. In the Exposition Retrospective of 1882 Mr. Yriarte reports five (jr six Robbia medallions. Three were from the Convent Madre de Dios. One contained a portrait of a member of the Gonzaga family. Another was like those in the cortile of the Accademia Florence, i. e. the series of heads by Giovanni della Robbia now restored to the Certosa outside of Florence. Bibl. : Yriarte, Gac. B. A., XXVI (1882), 27. 175 AN EVANGELIST. Paris. Louvre. Old No. G. 765. Statuette. H., 1.22m. Set on a violet base the Evangelist clad in blue edged yellow with mantle of violet lined green, holds a feather pen in his right hand and an open book in his left. From the Campana collection. Bibl. : C-M., 280 No. 468. 176 S. JACOPO MAGGIORE. Paris. Louvre No. 437 (old No. G. 745). H., 1.12m.; W., 0.41m. S. Jacopo, clad in green robe with mantle of violet lined yellow, holds in his right hand a yellow pilgrim's staft" and in his left a blue book. From the Campana collection. Bibl.: C-M., 274 No. 440; Cr., 350. 177 S. DOMENICO. Paris. Louvre (old No. G. 766). Statuette, H., 1.12m. S. Domenico, clad in black mantle over white tunic holds a stem of lilies in his right hand and a blue book ornamented yellow in his left. Set on a violet base. From the Campana collection. Bibl. : C-M., 280 No. 469. 176 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 178 S. MICHELE. Paris. Louvre No. 436 (old No. G. 746). H., 1.17m. ; W., 0.39m. S. Michele, in gray blue armour and a mantle of violet lined green, holds a sword in his right hand, scales in his left. From the Campana collection. Bibl. : C-M., 274 No. 441 ; Cr., 350. 179 S. MICHELE. Rovezzano. H., 0.65m. Set in a niche on the exterior of a house. No. 13, is a relief statue of S. Michele. His nimbus and hair are yellow; his wings striped with blue, white, yellow, green, violet; his armour is blue ornamented with yellow; his cloak brown; his socks yellow. In his right hand is a sword, in his left scales. The dragon is green with black and yellow spots. Bibl. : Burl., 116; C-M., 248 No. 265; Cr., 353. 180 THE MADONNA AND CHILD BETWEEN SAINTS. Flor- ence. S. Jacopo di Ripoli (Via della Scala). Lunette. H., 1.50m.; W., 2.45m. Photos., Alinari, 2515; Brogi, 4660. Cast, Lelli, 410. The church of S. Jacopo di Ripoli was an early Dominican foundation, which found special patrons in the Antinori family during the latter half of the XV and the early XVI century. Within this church were the two lunettes by Giovanni della Robbia removed to La Quiete at Rifredi. The lunette on the exterior (Fig. 127) would appear also to have been executed by Giovanni while strongly influenced by Verrocchio. The Madonna, unusually slender in proportion, carries in her arms the nude Child who is blessing. She wears a large star on her right shoulder, similar to that worn by the Madonna at Monte Oliveto. To the left is the patron saint of the church, S. Jacopo Maggiore with his staff and a book ornamented with his shells. The type is a fairly close parallel to the S. Giovanni Battista at Galatrona (1518) and at the Certosa (1522). S. Domenico resembles Giovanni's representation of that saint at the Cer- tosa. A continuous wreath of fruit with white flowers at intervals sur- rounds the lunette. Bibl. : B. J., 64; Becchi, ///. Fior., V (1908), 97-106; B., Kf., 23; Burl., 53- GIO\'ANNl BELLA ROBIUA 1/7 54; loS; C-AL, 49, J07 No. 15; Cr., 234-235, 354; Foville, 116; M,, b. R. A.. 127 Fig. 53; R., D. R., 218; i'f. Fl. Ill, 181-182; Richa, IV, 305; \'as.,II, 192. Fig. 127. Madiinxa and Saints, Florence, S. Jacopo di Ripoli. 181 MADONNA AND CHILD. Unglazed. Newport. Collection of iVIr. E. J. Berwind. Cast Lelli, 410. Medallion. Diam., 0.86m. Photo., Private. This unglazed relief is said to have come froin the Ga^'et Collection, in which case its Robbia-like frame was discarded and one of a quite different character substituted. The Child also in its change of location accjuired a loin cloth. Some accidental markings in the Berwind relief are not visible in the illustration of the Gavet relief. It appears to me probable that both the Gavet and the Berwind medallion are modern casts from the mould taken by Lelli from the Madonna in the lunette of S. Jacopo a Ripoli. i/S GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Bibl. : M., D. R. A.. 127, Fig. 52: Molinier, Cat. Gavct. No. 16, Plate 8. 182 MADONNA AND SAINTS JACOPO AND DOMENICO. Flor- ence. S. Jacopino in P^olverosa (formerly). Lunette. H., 0.70m.; W., im. This church, like S. Jacopo di Ripoli, belonged to the Dominican church S. Maria Novella. Over the door, on the exterior, then removed to the in- terior, was a lunette with narrow fruit frame containing a composition similar to that at S. Jacopo di Ripoli but somewhat modiiied and rendered in polychromy. Here S. Jacopo in green robe and violet mantle held his staff in his right hand and a book in the left; the Madonna, in violet and blue holds the Child to the left. S. Domenico looked more natural in his black gown. The faces were glazed flesh colour. The lunette was stolen in 1905. Bibl. : A. c. S., NXIV (1905), 142; C-M., 250 No. 287; Rass. bibl. arte ital., VIII (1905), 175. 183 MADONNA AND CHILD, S. GIOVANNINO, ANGFLS WITH CROWN. 1523. Paris, Lowengard Gallery (formerly). Altarpiece. H., 2.07m.; W., i/iym. Photo., Private. This altarpiece (Fig. 128) was set up in 1523 in honour of Giovachino di Filippo Macinghi, probably by his wife Francesca di Manfredi de'Rossi, to whom he was married in 1482. The central relief shows the Madonna, in violet with mantle of blue lined green, a cherub brooch and a star on her shoulder, seated on a yellow throne panelled in imitation of variegated marble, holding a nude Child who stands on a cushion holding a bird, and blessing. In front of the throne is the kneeling S. Giovannino with flaming nimbus, holding a scroll inscribed ECCE AGNVS DEI ; back of it a curtain embroidered with Robbia pavement pattern, over which two angels, in white with horizontally striated wings, holding lilies, bear a jewelled crown over which is the Holy Dove emitting yellow tongues of fire. The base of the throne is inscribed y SVB TVVM PRESIDIVM CONFVGIMVS • SANCTA • DEI • GENE- TRIX The predella at either end contains enwreathed the Castello di Vinci or the Rossi arms: Argent with castle embattled and flanked by a tower gules; GIO\'ANNI DI':i.LA ROBBIA 179 in the centre, also in a wreath of fruit and ilowers, the Macinghi stemma : Gules, three moons increscent or, 2 and i, crossed by a liend a."ure charged with three lihes or; on either side of the central stemma is a tahclla ansata inscribed respectively Fig, 128. M.\DO.\x.\. Paris, Lowengard Gallery. (i) J^AL TEMPOS DI^ GIOVACHINO MACIGNI + and (2) :'P(ODEST)A^AN(N)0^ D(OMI)NI^ NO STRI^ IHlESjV*- XR(IST) ► /M^D^XXIII + The frame has an inner tgg and dart moulding and an outer garland of fruit and flowers rising from the base toward the top where is the usual i8o GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA garland holder, from which the fruit emanates as if for pendent garlands. The composition of the garland shows an unbroken series of chiefly triplex bunches with transverse white flowers at irregular intervals. Giovachino Macinghi had been Capitano at Livorno in 1502, and Po- desta at Fiesole and Sesto in 1503. In 1523 he was Podesta at the Cas- tello di Vinci, as is shown by the annexed Document. Document : "Potas Vincis Cu Duobus Notorijs Tribus familis cu sal(ario) uno equs lib. 500 a d(i)c(t)a p(otestate) Jhoachinus filippi Johachinj d(e) macinghis p(er) 6 mensibus 22 junii 1523" [Arch, di Stato. Registrum Extrinsecorum, 1505-1529, segnato Tratte Cod. 71 c. 61.] Bibl. : Ancisa, DD, 291 ; C., s.v. Macinghi ; Deneken, Z. f. chr. K., VI (1893), 354; M., R. H., 258-259; P., 368; 707; Wins, 150. 184 MADONNA AND CHILD AND SAINTS. Finalpia Savona. Church. Niche and lateral figures. H., 1.62m.; W., 2.25m. Photo., Private. Within a niche framed with continuous pendent garlands of coarse fruit is a full length seated Madonna, holding on her lap and suckling a nude Child seated on a cushion (Fig. 129). To the left of the niche is a kneel- ing figure of S. Matteo, holding a book open, to the right also kneeling, S. Giovanni holding book open. The figures and frame are polychromatic. By a pupil of Giovanni della Robbia. 185 MADONNA AND CHILD AND SAINTS. Pratovecchio. Borgo di Mezzo. A crude polychromatic relief of the seated Madonna and Child between standing figures of S. Giovanni Battista and S. Sebastiano. Bibl. : Burl., 116; C-M., 246 No. 258; Cr., 353. GIOVANNI DI'.LLA ROIUSIA i8i Fig. 129. Madonna and Saints, Finalpia Savoxa. 186 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Pratovec- chio. Piazza Aurora and Via Maestro, Casa Brocchi. H., c. 0.60m. ; W., c. 0.40m. The Madonna seated, wears a maroon tunic and mantle of blue lined green. Faces imitate flesh colour. Clouds are dark blue and yellow. To the left S. Giovannino in green hair cloth kneeling. A winged cherub on each side of the Madonna. Bibl. : Burl., 116; C-M., 246 No. 257; Cr., 253. 187 MADONNA AND CHILD AND S. GIOVANNINO. Finalpia- Savona. Church. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.40m., W., 1.23m. Photo., Private. Here is represented by a follower of Giovanni della Robbia a seated Madonna, three quarter length, holding to left a nude Child seated on a cushion (Fig. 130). To the right is a half figure of S. Giovannino in hair cloth, holding a scroll inscribed ECCE AGNVS DEI. Above the Madonna's head is a Dove emitting flames through a crown upheld by two 1 82 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ang-els who also liold lilies. Compare the Lowengard Madonna of 1523. The frame has pendent garlands springing from a central holder and com- posed of fruit arranged in groups of five. A coarse inner rope moulding completes the frame. The predella shows at either end the Olivetani arms : Aciirc, a mount of three tops argent surmounted by a cross gules, and two Fig. 130. M.MioNN.A, Fin.'\lpi.\ Savon.\. lateral olive trees natural. Between them are three reliefs (i) S. Benedet- to, (2) Christ in the Sepulchre upheld by his mother and S. Giovanni, (3) S. Bernardo. Below is a console with winged cherubs upholding the Olivetani arms between two cornucopias of fruit. Above all is the inscription : NON SCA(N)DAT SCA(N)DENS NON SCANDENS SCANDIT IN .... TVM .... DISCITO NON SCANDENS SCANDERE SCANDIT IN .... The monastery at Einalpia belonged to the Olivetani from 1477-1845. Bibl. : M., R. H., 274. GIOX'ANNI DELLA KOBTUA 183 188 MADONNA. S. Ouirico d'Orcia. Cullegiata, SS. Quirico e Giulit- ta. Statue. Brogi describes this as a Madonna della GMisolazione, hoWing a book in her left hand and pressing her right to her breast, and as of the manner of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : Brogi, Inz:, 532. 189 NATIMTY AND ADORATION BY THE SHEPHERDS. Ca- sole in Val d'Elsa. Collegiata. Altarpiece. H., 3.10m.; W., 2.45m. Photo., Brogi, 13613. The Collegiata at Casole is dedicated to S. Maria Assunta. It is how- ever, not the Assumption Ijut the early history of the Virgin that are repre- sented here ( Fig. 131 ). In the predella are depicted: ( i ) the meeting of S. Gioacchino and S. Anna at the Golden Gate, (2) their marriage and the rejected suitors, and (3) the Birth of the Virgin. These are followed chronologically by the Annunciation and the Nativity — whicli share the central space of the altarpiece. These two scenes are brightly painted, but not glazed. The Annunciation recalls Giovanni's lunette in the Museo Nazionale (No. 78), and the Nativity, his signed and dated (1521 ) altar- piece in the same museum (No. 25). The decorative mouldings which separate the two scenes recall the architrave of the altarpiece at Lampo- recchio. The glazed frame shows a strong influence from Giovanni, in the blue dolphin handled vases, the quadrangular bunches of triplex fruit and flow- ers against a white ground laetween a guilloche and egg and dart mould- ings. But the sculptor here was even keener for the introduction of ani- mal life. We find amid the fruit and flowers birds, lizards, frogs, a snake, a crab and a snail. At either end of the predella are undetermined arms : Giilcs. a bend a::iire charged with a leaf z'crt, accompanied by two cross ])ows. Bibl. : Brogi, Inv., 53; M., R.H., 275. I 04 GIOX'ANNI DELLA ROBBIA 1/ ' Fig. 131. The Nativity and Shepherds, Casole, Collegiata. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 185 190 GARLAND. Colle di Val d'Elsa. S. Maria allc Grazie. Brogi catalogues a polychromatic garland of fruit and flowers about a window in S. Maria alle Grazie, at Colle di Val d'Elsa. Because of its prox- imity to Casole, where there is a fine altarpiece by some associate of Gio- vanni della Robbia, we may suppose this garland to be in all probability of the same style and period. Bibl. : Brogi, Inv., 168; Cr., 336. 191 THE NATIVITY. Fiesole. Monastery of S. Francesco. According to Cavallucci-]\Iolinier, over the entrance to the monastery of the Cappuccini, and to Carocci, over an inner door of the monastery of S. Francesco there is a polychromatic Nativity, attributed to the atelier of Giovanni della Robbia. Bibl. : Carocci, I, 142; C-M., 232 No. 175. 192 THE VISITATION AND SAINTS. 1524. Lamporecchio. S. Stefano. Altarpiece. H., 3.30m.; W., 2.90m. Photos., Alinari, 10288; Brogi, 4877-4878. A document copied by Pasquale Cecconi in 1587 shows that on the 30th of March 1524 the people of the Pieve of S. Stefano at Lamporecchio regis- tered a vow, after a pestiferous visitation of the plague, to erect an altar- piece to S. Maria as "madre di misericordia, speranza dei peccatori, con- solazione degli afflitti," and, as assistant intercessors, to S. Sebastiano and S. Rocco, and to make special festivals of the days set apart for the re- membrance of the Visitation and of the Assumption. Methods of provid- ing the money to pay for the altarpiece were also decided upon. The con- tract with the artist is not preserved, but we must believe that not long after the registration of this vow Giovanni della Robbia received a commission to make the altarpiece (Fig. 132). The central relief shows the Visitation, based on Luca's Visitation at Pistoia, but in Giovanni's style, with faces and hands unglazed, and col- oured in his manner. The Virgin Mary is robed in brownish violet with cloak of blue edged yellow held together by a characteristic form of brooch. S. Elisabetta wears also a violet robe, over which is a mantle of yellow lined green. To the left is S. Sebastiano, pierced with six arrows, stand- >3rmiKiTL% 'a j„i ). I ). t >. 1 1, >n.1Srrife^->-'»v_ < tTWltH < Ntit li\ 1AI\, \iKl Ml kix mSIMCI ^^f'' " <'**W ^ 'iff » ^=^^ tV ••"'¥. J '^ i 'A fi Fig 132. The \isit\tion and S^int^, Lamporecchio^ S Stefano. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 187 ing against a tree looking upward serenely. A polychromatic angel places a crown and palm branch on the head of the martyr. Even the colouring of his eyes, linear eyebrows and lashes of dark violet and no distinction of pupil and iris are in Giovanni's style. To the right is S. Rocco, dear to those who had suffered from the plague, dark haired, robed in violet lined green, and wearing lilue socks and soft brown boots. An angel flies toward him with a loaf of bread. Above the Visitation group is the Holy Dove emitting yellow tongues of flame. Above this panel a narrow band l^ears this inscription : y ET VNDE^HOC^MIH>VT VENIAT^MATEI>DOMINI ME>AD ME^-^ (from Luke I, 43). The predella shows at the extremities representations of S. Stefano patron saint of the church, and S. Giovanni Battista, patron of Florence. The central portion shows two tabcllac ausafac inscribed : (i) ^^ MAGNIFICAT A(N)IMA MEA DOMINVM^ET EXVL TAVIT SPIRITVS MEVS I(N) DEO SALVTARI MEO+ (St. Luke, I, 46-47) ; and (2) JBENEDICTA T\> INTER MVLIERES^ET BENEDICTVS FRVCTVS VENTRIS TVI + (Luke I, 42) ; being the exclamation of the Virgin and of S. Elizabeth at the time of the Visitation. Between the tablets is a relief of the Annunciation between figures of S. Pietro and S. Paolo. The pilasters are adorned in front in a very unusual manner with abbre- viated scenes of the Passion, (i) to the left, Washing of hands by Pilate, Blindfolding of Christ, Denial of Peter, Capture of Christ, Peter cuts off ear of Malchus, Betrayal and kiss of Judas, Gethsemane; (2) to the right, Gethsemane, S. Veronica's handkerchief, Christ bearing His cross, the two thieves bound, the hammer and pincers, Christ bound and led away to be crucified. The exterior sides of the pilasters are ornamented with fruit and flower garlands, arranged chiefly in triplex contiguous groups rising from blue dolphin handled vases ; the inner sides show yellow candelabra of complex design. The capitals are of Giovanni's usual dolphin and vase type, and the entablature while its architrave and cornice recalls that at S. Luchese near Poggibonsi, has a frieze of cherub heads, garlands, and yellow shells in the execution of which Fra Mattia della Robbia may have had some share. On the top of the entablature are two adoring angels in blue green and yellow, on either side of the Resurrected Christ, blessing, above a sarco- phagus adorned with yellow and blue. i88 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Document: [Quoted from Anselmi, Arte c Storia, 1886, 185.) "In nomine dni nostri lesu Christi anno ab ejus de incarnatione MCCCCCNXIIII die trit^esima martii. Con- siderado el populo di Santo Stefano alia pieve di lamp" essere agravato per la moltitudine de peccati e vededo li circustati populi p(er) loro peccati essere da pestifero flagello p(er) cossi at cotinamete da pesti tormetati et afflitti. Temedo loro che idio p(er) li esi lor peccati no habbia ancora a cjuelli serbato el sopradetto fiagello videlice di peste dapoiche personalmete ciascheduno a piedi del sacerdote anno humilmete le loro inicjuita confessate e dipoi beche idegniamete al sacratissimo corpo di Jesu nro salvatore si sono acostati hanno finalmete nelle loro meti deliberate e fermo proposito fatto accioche Iddio quelli da tato flagello habbia a guardare apresso esso salvatore nro mettere un nuovo itercessore et Cosiderado loro, no hanno trovato ne pensare potuto essere alcuno degniamete da Dio esaldito et cosi sia. O Maria dolcissima impero che tu se madre di misericordia speraza de' peccatori consolatione degli aflitti e che piii Madre del Nro Salvatore alia cjuale sappiamo il tuo figlio niente negare et pertato a te ricoriamo come pecore senza guida et nave seza nochieri te preghiamo che per noi cotinuamenti apresso al tuo diletto fig. Interceda e accio che piu degniamete da lui e da te siamo esauditi il ss° detto populo fa voto a te Maria dolcissima adi due di luglio Inperpetuum la festa sacratissima della tua santissima Visitazione ad Elisabet come la festa della tua Santissima Assunzione Guardare e tal di a honor tuo detta festa celebrare devotamete co quel n° de preti chi si potra. Et ancora fa voto di fare una tavola a honore tuo e delli Satissimi Sebastiano e Rocco i quali teco Maria saranno itercessori apresso el tuo fig. el ss. detto populo. Et per tanto fare i p° p(er) la ss. festa sobbriga Ciascheduno capo di casa videlice per ciascheduno fuoco pagare per ciascheduno anno i tai di soldi due et ancora ogni ultima domenica del mese si GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 189 pigliera I'offerta per detta festa alia quel cosa preghiamo ciascheduno da parte della Gloriosa Vergine Maria no neghi essere alcuna cosa a questo repugniante. In quato a fare dette tavuole al presete si costituira due huomini quali andrano cercando elemosine per dette tavole i quali preghiamo huomini e done che quello che desidera da simil flagello esse libero si degni di quelle faculta che Dio glia cocesso fame partecipi li ss. satissimi baroni videlice Mari Vergine gloriosa et Sebastiano e Rocco et quelle limosine che si raccorano al presete si darano per arra al dipintore overo M° che fara detta tavola di poi aricolta si andra sulaie acattare per esse tavole, et ancora i sularicolta dell' olio medesi- mete sadra acattare intato che essa tavola si paghi et se alcuna cosa ci manchera si mettera in tato per huomo tato che si finisca di pagare pregado chiascheduno da parte di Dio e della sua cara madre Maria e delli santissimi baroni Bastiano e Rocco, ciascheduno che desidera come e detto di sopra essere da tato flagello libero a tutte le sopradette cosa dar favore e co ogni sua possibilita quelle aiutare." The original decree is not known to exist, but its contents as above given were copied July 2, 1587 by Pievano Pascjuale Cecconi of Lamporecchio. He notes that the original was written by the priest Dante Masi the prede- cessor of the priest Nettore di Piero Torrigiani, Rector of Porciano. Bibl. : Anselmi, A. e S., 1886, 185 seq. (Doc.) ; Burl., 114: Carocci, // Val- darno, 103; C-M., 138, 235 No. 189; Cr., 345; R., D. R., 248; Sc. FL, IV, 60; S., 89, Abb. 99; l^as., II, 198. 193 STATUES OF (i) S. SEBASTIANO (H., 1.30m.) and (2) S. ROCCO (H., 1.55m.). Campi. S. Martino. Photo., Private. These two statues are similar to Giovanni's statues of the same saints on the Tabernacolo delle Fonticine (1522) or on the altarpiece at Lampo- recchio (1524). S. Sebastiano wears a loin cloth of violet striped yellow. His hair is brown. S. Rocco wears a blue mantle with green collar edged yellow. He wears tight fitting violet trousers, lined white, and boots of mottled green and violet. I90 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA The nudes of both statues are crudely overpainted but it is probable that they were originally glazed. Bibl. : Burl, 113; C-M., 230 No. 154; Cr., 335. 194 (i) CIBORIO. (2) FRIEZE WITH SYMBOLS OF THE PAS- SION. Convertose (near Greve). SS. Silvestro e Cristofano. Cited by Miss Cruttwell. The frieze with symbols of the Passion sug- gests the altarpiece at Lamporecchio. Possibly from Giovanni's atelier. Bibl. : Cr., 336; Repetti, s.v. Convertose. 195 THE RESURRECTION. Brooklyn. Museum of Brooklyn Insti- tute. Lunette. H., 1.56m.; W., 3.64m. Photo., Museum. This lunette (Fig. 133) came from the Villa Antinori at Colombali, or Le Rose, a few miles out of the Porta Romana, Florence. This villa for- merly belonged to the de'Rossi family, but in 1487 passed into the possession of Niccolo di Tommaso Antinori and has remained in the hands of the Antinori family to this day. Niccolo was one of the Priors of Florence in 1483, 1497, 1 501 and Gonfaloniere in 15 14. His son Alessandro was a Prior in 1523. Hence the donor with folded hands behind the sarcophagus is likely to have been either Niccolo or possibly his son Alessandro. The central relief represents the risen Christ in the presence of the donor and of the soldiers. Christ, whose body forms a Praxitelean curve, is bless- ing and holding a crusader's banner. His hair is mustard yellow, his face whiter than that of his attendants, his robe brown, and his mandorla has tongues of yellow flames against a light blue ground. His eyes have dark linear brows, lashes and pupils without distinction of irises. In type he resembles the statuette set above the altarpiece at Lamporecchio (1524). Of the four soldiers, one is still slumbering, one just awakened, one like Laocoon struggling, a fourth prepared for defense. Their breastplates and shields are covered with heavy ornament. The yellow haired donor clad in brown cloak with sleeve bands of white fur is adoring with folded, be- ringed hands. In the background is a carelessly modelled and painted land- scape and two polychromatic adoring angels with wings striated in Gio- vanni's customary manner. The frame consists of garlands of triplex or quinqueplex bunches of fruit interspersed with flowers, lizards, snakes and squirrels. On the frame GIO\^'\NNI BELLA ROllBTA 191 192 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA also is a white Dove descending toward the risen Christ. At each lower extremity of the frame is the Antinori stemma : Or, a chief lozengy of four tracks azure and of the field. The stemmi, framed in egg and dart mould- ings, are the starting points from which the garlands proceed until they meet at the summit and at the centre of the base. Bibl. : Carocci, II, 310; GaUu::£o, 114; C, s.v. Antinori; Cr., 329; M., D. R. A., 106-111, Fig. 44; R. H., 266-267; Wills, 126. 196 STEMMA OF RAFFAELLO CORBINELLI. 1524. Certaldo, Pretorio. Photo., Alinari, 8534. *i.->i(y\i\T>.>ii->'%,> Fig. 134, Stemma of Raffaello Corbinelli. Within a wreath composed of triplex branches of fruit and flowers and an inner tgg and dart motilding, set against a fluted disk is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 134) bearing the Corbinelli arms: Azure, a stag salient argent. Be- tween the forelegs of the stag an escutcheon gules, bearing a cross crosslet. Below, a winged cherub unfolds a curved scroll inscribed : y RAPHAELLO DI PANDOLFO CORBINELLI VIC(ARIO)^ M^DXXIIII + -9^ Raffaello di Pandolfo Corbinelli was a Prior in Florence in 1515 and 1518. Bibl. : C, s.v. CorbinelH; M., R. H., 263 264; W., 186. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 193 197 THE VISITATION. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Lunette. H. ,0,80m.; W., 1.25m. Photos., Alinari, 3283; Brogi, 9836. Fig. 135. The Visit.'Vtion, Fiesole, S. Ansano. This lunette (Fig. 135) is one of the works brought to S. Ansano by Canon Angelo Maria Bandini. The frame consisting of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers rising from blue vases was evidently broken and enlarged. The central group consists of S. Maria clad in brown with long blue mantle saluted by S. Elisabetta in green robe and brown mantle, her head covered with a white cloth. The pose of both figures is copied from Albertinelli's painting of the Visitation (T503), now in the Uffizi. Albertinelli was at work at S.AIarco under Fra Bartolommeo from 1508-1512 at the same time that some of the Delia Robbias were in that monastery. Bibl. : Burl., 64, 114; Carocci, I, 118; Cr,, 344; R., D. R., 24S; Sc. Fl., IV, 60; V. Rumohr, II, 295 note; Vas., 194. 198 THE VISITATION. Florence. S. Michele in Palchetto delle Trombe, later known as S. Elisabetta or Congrega di Preti della Visita- zione. The old church of S. Michele in Palchetto, known also as delle Trombe, since the trumpets of S. Michele resounded there every Saturday evening, was given over in 1517 by Pope Leo X to the Congrega di Preti della 194 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Carita, also known as della Visitazione. The frieze of the entrance door was inscribed CONGREGATIO VISITATIONIS PRESBITERORVM and the tympanum contained a relief of the Visitation attributed by Del Migliori, Richa, and Cocchi to y\ndrea della Robbia. The high altar was decorated with a painting of the Visitation by Albertinelli. This little church was suppressed and destroyed in 1785. It is possible that the lunette was rescued and is to be identified with that now preserved at S. Ansano, Fiesole. Bibl. Cocchi, 199; Del Migliore, 404; Richa, VIII, 268. 199 STEMMA OF ANTONIO PAZZI. 1525. darno, Palazzo Pretorio. Photo., Private. S. Giovanni in Val- ;sa';^„.-.. .i^-gggga Fig. 136. Stemma of Anton;o Pazzi. Unframed, on a late Tuscan shield (Eig. 136) are the Pazzi arms : Azure, two dolphins hauriant, embowed, addorsed or, and five crosses botonny, fitched of the same. Below is a rectangular tablet, framed with plain mouldings, inscribed : GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 19S y ANTONIO DI GVGLIELMO DE PAZZI^ V(I)C(ARI)0^ M^D^XXV Antonio di Guglielmo di Antonio di Messer Andrea dei Pazzi was born in 1460, became a banker in Rome, was Prior in Florence in 1516, Gonfalo- niere in 1521, \'icario at S. Giovanni in Valdarno in 1525, and died in 1528. Bibl. : C., s.v. Pazzi; Litta, s.v. Pazzi, Tav. 9; M., L. D. R.^ 161-163; R. H., 273; P., 146-147; W., 162-164. 200 ANNUNCIATION, ASSUMPTION, VISITATION, STEMMI. 1525-1529. Pistoia, Ospedale del Ceppo. Medallions. Diam., 1.20m. Photos., Alinari, 10276-10280; Brogi, 4561-4563. The Ceppo Hospital at Pistoia was an offshoot of the S. Maria Nuova Hospital in Florence. Messer Lionardo di Giovanni Buonafede, Spedalingo of S. Maria Nnova became the first superintendent of the hospital at Pis- toia. In 1 5 12 the Ceppo Hospital was provided with a loggia, which in its general lines follows those of the Innocenti and S. Paolo Hospitals in Florence. I am inclined to believe that the terra-cotta decoration was at first limited as in Florence, to medallions for the spandrels of the arches. These medallions are manifestly by Giovanni della Robbia and differ both in style and colour from the frieze, which seems to have been entrusted to Santi Buglioni, who had previously been employed by Messer Buonafede for various works made in 1521 for the church at Badia Tedalda. Fig. 137. Stemm.v of Ceppo Hospital. Fig. 138. Stemma of Pistoia. We may describe these medallions beginning on the short side to the left, where we see : I. Half medallion (Fig. 137), with frame composed of an inner egg and dart and outer fruit and flower garland of quinqueplex, contiguous bunches, within which against a blue fluted disk is a kite-shaped shield on which is painted in chief, the Ceppo insignia. Argent six sprouting ceppi, brown; in base, the crutch of S. Maria Nuova, brown and green. 196 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 2. Half medallion (Fig. 13S), similar frame and disk, a kite shaped shield bearing the insignia of Pistoia, Cheque}^ argent and gules. On the faqade, still reading from left to right we see: 3. Half medallion, similar to No. i, with Ceppo and S. Maria Nuova insignia combined. 4. Medallion (Fig. 139) with frame of egg and dart and garland of Fig. 139. Stem MA of Ceppo Ho.spital. quinqueplex, contiguous bunches of fruit and flowers, an inner frame of Pistoia checks, a blue fluted disk and a scallopped shield with the Ceppo arms : Or, a mount of sprouting olive stumps vert. 5. Medallion of the Annunciation (Fig. 140). The frame consists of quinqueplex, contiguous bunches of fruit and flowers and an inner egg and dart moulding. S. Gabriele on his knees is robed in yellow with blue collar and sleeves, wears a wreath of roses, has polychrome wings horizontally striated and carries a heavy branch of lilies. The Annunziata is standing holding a book, robed in violet with mantle of blue lined green, trimmed with yellow. Behind her is a curtain with (restored) ornament of Persian pattern and a high bedstead with frieze inscribed y ECCE (ANCILLA) (D)OMINI (St. Luke, I, 38). The Holy Dove is overhead in a blaze of yellow glory. The exergue of the medallion is inscribed y AN(N)0^ D(OMI)N> M^D^XXV + 6. The Medallion of the Assumption (Fig. 141 ). The hospital was dedi- cated to S. Maria del Ceppo and the church to the Assunta, hence the As- Fig. 140. The Annunciation. I \ ;7T-^lutT?iSK^!;?t«Er?i;^IBHB^R^jp^ Fig. 141. The Assumption. 198 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA sumption has the post of honour. The Madonna robed in violet edged yel- low and mantle of white decorated with a Persian ornament is seated in a yellow mandorla upheld by four polychromatic angels and surrounded by blue and red winged cherubs. The frame consists of a garland of irregu- FiG. 142. The \'isitation. larly quinqueplex, contiguous bunches of fruit and flowers. On the An- nunciation frame may be detected a lizard and a frog; here beside a lizard and frog there are three snails. 7. Medallion of the Visitation (Fig. 142). A coarsely modelled repre- sentation of the meeting of the Virgin and S. Elizabeth in the presence of two friends, polychrome against a light sky daubed with clouds. In the exergue is inscribed laeneath the Virgin : TM(AGNIFICAT)+ A(NIMA)+ M(EA)+ D(OMINUM)+ (St. Luke, 1,46). and below S. Elizabeth : B(ENEDICTA) + I( N ) + M(VLIERIBVS) + E(ST) + F(RVCTVS) + V(ENTRIS) •^T(VI) (St. Luke, I, 42). The garland is composed of quinqueplex, contiguous bunches of fruit and flowers, with no animals. 8. Medallion with the Medici Stemma (Fig. 143). The outer garland consists chiefly of quinqueplex, contiguous bunches of fruit and flowers GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 199 amongst wliich may be seen a lizard and a frog. Within this an egg and dart moulding frames concentric bands of white and red (not glazed) which serve as a background for a scallopped shield containing the Medici stemma : Or, fi\'e torteaux in orle, in chief a hurt charged with three lilies or. 9. Half medallion with Pistoia stemma similar to No. 2. On the short side to the right there are no half medallions with Ceppo and Pistoia arms corresponding to the short side on the left, but on the upper level a com- bined Ceppo-Pistoia stemma, a flucumented work by Benedetto Buglioni. Fig. 143. Sthmma hf the Medici. Document: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. "c. 199 c. CLXXXXVIIIJ + yhs MdXXV + yhs MdXXV Giovanni dandrea della Robbia Giovanni dandrea de dare dj primo di settembre di chontro de avere 1 tre s X posto f a uscita c. 48 posto avere a libro f c. 105 1 3 s 10." 1. 3 — s 10" [Archiv. dello Spedale del Ceppo, Libro del Proveditore (Debitori e Creditori), 1524-1525, segnato E c. 199 e CLXXXXVIIIJ.] 2. "c. 105 "c. CV + yhs MDXXV + yhs MDXXV Giovanfnjj dandrea dla Robbia Giovanni di chontro de da spese de dare per uno avere posto dare suo chonto alibro e c. 199 1. 3 sio" alibro g c. 95 1 3 SIO.' 200 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA [Archiv. idem, Libro idem, 1525-1526, segnato F c. 105.] 3. "c. 95 "c. LXXXXV + MDXXVJ + MDXXVJ Giovan(n)j dandrea dela robbia Giovanni di chontro de de dare per resto di suo avere posto dare chonto allibro F c 105 1 3 s 10" alibro h c 95 1 3 s 10" [Idem, idem, 1 526-1 527, segnato G c. 95.] 4. "Adi 5 di Febraio (1527) Alo spedale di s m" n° 1 quaranta nove madatj 1. 49 loro p(er) lazero commesso p(er) conto di quelle della robbia — 147 — 1 49 A spese di Casa 1 quatro s 17. 6 p(er) gbla fgabella) di lib 200 di Carco di firenze 3 zane i° quato di castro 6 st(aia) di fave i° tondo dalla ruble da firenze porto lazero detto — 197 1 4 17 6" [Idem, Entrata e Uscita H. 1526-1527 c. 48'.] 5. "+ yhs MDXXV Spedale del ceppo di pistoia di chonto de avere .... E addi iii° di febraio 1526 (Florentine style) f sette doro Inoro recho lazero fattore e pacchollj (pago li) a giovanni dandrea della robia debitore alibro debitorj segnato I ac 163 f 7 s — " [Archiv. di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Bianco, 1524-1535, segnato I c CCLXXXIL] 6. "c. 147 + yhs MDXXVJ Spedale di s m" n" di chontro deon dare 1527 E adi V di febraio (Modern style) f sette oro mandati loro a firenze per lazero chomesso per chonto di quelle dela robia a Uscita c 48 1 49 oro." [Archiv. dello Spedale del Ceppo, Libro del Proveditore, 1 526-1 527, seg- nato G c. 147.] Note. The above record from the Ceppo Hospital books is the same transaction recorded in Doc. 5. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 201 7. "+ yhs MDXXVIJ Spedale di santa maria del ceppo di Pistoia de dare E deono dare addj detto (21 di novebre 1527) f trenta cinque doro Inoro fatti buoni p(er) loro a G' dandrea della robbia creditore allibro debitore segnato f ac 163 f 35-s" [Archiv. S. Maria Nuova, Libro Azzuro (1526-1534), segnato K c. 52.] 8. "c. 93 "c. LXXXXIII + yhs MDXXVIJ + yhs MDXXVIJ Giovanni dandrea dela robbia Giovanni di chontro de avere de dare a uno suo chonto per tanti posto addare alibro G c 25 1 3 s 10" alibro segnato I c 94 1 3 s 10" [ Archiv. dello Spedale del Ceppo, Libro del Proveditore, 1 527-1 528, seg- nato H c. 93.] 9. "+ yhs MDXXVIIJ "+ yhs MDXXVIIJ Giovanni dandrea della Robbia Giovanni dandrea di chontro de dare per tantj posto avere de avere posto dare alibro h ac. 93 1 3 s 10" alibro K ac. 92 1 3 s 10" [Idem, idem, 1528- 1529, segnato I c. 94.] 10. "-f yhs MDXXVIIIJ Giovanni dandrea della Robbia de dare per uno suo chdto alibro segnato I ac 94 1 3-s 10 [Idem, idem, 1529-1530, segnato K c. 92.] Bibl. : B. J., 49-52, 83-87 ;Carocci, /J. /./}./., V (1896), Taf. 21; C-M., 125, 127, 129, 150, 243 No. 235; Contrucci, 277-280; Cr., 244-253, 330; Giglioli, Pistoia, 87-94; Gualandi, Menwric di B. A., Ser. VI, 33; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 690, 693; Br. (1902), 222; R. H., 267-270; A. J. A., XXII (1918), 361-377 (Doc); R. G. M., L'Arte, XXI (1918), 196 IV (Doc.) ; R., D. R., 246, 248, 263; Sc. Fl., IV, p. VII, 59-60; Rus- kin, IV, 300; XX, 286; Tigri, Discorso de'plastici dello spedale di Pistoia, Prato, 1833; Guida di Pistoia, 196-200; Vas., II, 197 Note. 201 STEMMA OF BONGIANNI DI GHERARDO GIANFIGLIAZZI AND CATERINA DI PIERO ADIMARI. New York, Metropoli- tan Museum of Art. Diam., 1.92m. Photo., Museum. 202 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Within a polychromatic frame composed of quinqueplex groups of fruit, flowers, and animalcuh, and an inner white egg and dart moulding, is a white fluted shell containing a beribboned late Tuscan shield (Fig. 144) with the Gianfigliazzi and Adimari arms. The dexter, Gianfigliazzi, arms Fig. 144. Marriage Stemma of Gianfigliazzi and Adimari. are: Oi', a lion rampant azure. The sinister, Adimari, arms are: Per fess or (chief) and azure (base). A marriage between Bongianni Gianfigliazzi and Caterina Adimari took place in 1509, but this stemma appears to be of later date. Document: [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] "Bongianni di Gherardo di Messer Bongianni Gianfigliazzi Caterina di Piero Adimari 1509" [Arch, di Stato, Carte Pucci, Sec. XVIII. Albero della Famiglia Gian- figliazzi.] GIOVANNI DRLLA ROBBIA 203 Bibl. Bardini Sale of 1918, Cat., No. 374; Bull. Met. Mus., XIII (1918), 144-146; C, s.v. Adiniari, GianfioHazzi ; M., R. H., 269-271; VV., 124, 142. 202 THE ANNUNCIATION. S. JMiniato al Tedesco. S. Domenico. Photo., Alinari, 19267. This Annunciation (Fig. 145) is based on the Annunciation at the Ceppo Hospital, Pistoia. S. Gabriele follows its prototype in most details, but is more masculine and less intelligent. The Annunziata also resembles the Ceppo Hospital Fig. 145. The Annux'ci.xtion, S. Mi.\i.\to al Tedesco. Virgin. The composition is staged in a room with coffered ceiling and a window through which is seen a landscape and a bust of God the Father surrounded by cherubs. The Holy Dove is scarcely visible, but the painted rays of light suggesting his location is just alcove the branch of lilies car- ried by S. Gabriele. Beside the stately bedstead, the room contains a prie- dieu, marriage chest, a wardrobe. The frame consists of an outer garland of triplex, contiguous bunches of fruit interspersed with other fruit and flowers, and an inner bead and reel moulding. 204 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Bibl. : B., Kf., 25; Burl., 117; Carocci, // J'aldanw, 90, 94; C-M., 252 No. 298; Cr., 355; Meyer, Mittclitalicn, 498. 203 THE ANNUNCIATION. Paris. Spitzer Collection (formerly). H., 0.66m.; W., 0.65m. According to the description this polychromatic relief corresponds in composition to that of the medallion in S. Domenico at S. Miniato. Bibl. : Spitzer Cat., No. 1295. 204 STEMMA UNDETERMINED. New York City. Collection of Mr. George Blumenthal. Medallion. Diam., 0.72m. Formerly in the von Lanna Collection, Prague. Within a garland of fruit and flowers of triplex composition and an inner white egg and dart moulding is a blue fluted disk (Fig. 146) against which is set a late Tuscan shield bearing the arms : Or, a bull salient gules, hoofed and horned argent. Fig. 146. Stem MA Undetermined. Bibl. : V. Lanna Sale of 191 1, Cat. Vol. II, No. 574, Taf. 41. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 205 205 MADONNA AND CHILD HOLDING A BIRD. 1525. Lari. Castello, Cappella dei Carceri. Round-lieacled relief. H., i.6om.; W., 0.80m. Photo., Alinari, 8711. Fig. 147. Madonna, Castello di Lari. This rehef (Fig 147), the prototypes of which are Andrea's Madonna at S. Egidio, and at Rickmansworth, follows more closely the Shaw Ma- donna. The forms, however, are heavier and the base on which the Child is standing imitates red porphyry. The eyes, which in earlier representa- tions followed Andrea's conventions, here are marked only with dark 2o6 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA violet spots, with no colour for brows, lids, or irises. Below the group is a tablet inscribed AVE • MARIA • GRAZIA PLENA punctuated with dots. The frame consists of a broad fruit and flower hanging garland of close triplex composition with no separating" ribbons, but with yellow palmettes and semi-palmettes at the summit and springing points of the arch, and at the base on each side a shield bearing the Segni arms : Azure, a fess or, with three roses of the same, two in chief, one in base. The console shows two white cornucopias with polychrome fruit, be- tween them a laurel wreath, tied with yellow ribbons, enclosing the Segni arms. In the cortile of the Castello a similar coat of arms shows that Alessandro di Piero di Mariotto Segni was Vicario in 1524 and 1525. As Andrea della Robbia died, August 4, 1525, in his eighty-ninth year, the relief was undoubtedly executed under Giovanni's administration. Bibl. : Bald., VI, 17-18; B. J., 97; Burl, 115; C-M., 134-136, 236 No. 190; Cr., 345; M., ^r. Mag., 1893, 684; D. R. A., 35; R. H., 270-272; Repetti, s.v. Lari; R., D. R., 203; Sc. Fl. Ill, 174; Vas., 194. 206 STEMMA OF ANDREA AND PARTICINO PARTICINI. 1526. Poppi. Castello, Cortile. Photo., Alinari, 9793; Cast, Cantagalli, 425 (detail). Within a continuous wreath composed of triplex and quiniqueplex bunches of fruit and flowers and an inner egg and dart moulding a red winged cherub supports two kite shaped shields (Fig. 148), which rest on either side of a lily plant against a blue concave plate. Both shields bear the Particini arms : Per pale, dexter azure, two fleur-de-lys or; sinister, bendy sinister or and gules. Below are two inscriptions : ( i ) On a tahella ansata supported by a winged bust of a cherub is inscribed J' ANDREA- DI GIVLIANO PARTICINI V(ICARI)0 • M-D-XXVI At the end of the date is a small letter G (Giovanni?). (2) A second tahella ansata supported by a winged cherub bust is inscribed J' PARTICINO • DI GIVLIANO PAR TICINI- V(I)CARIO CCCCLXXXVIIII Andrea di Giuliano Particini was a Prior of Florence in 1476. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 207 NDPEADI I VLIANO T ART I C INI 'MDXXVI CCCCLXXX'- Fig. 148. Stem MA of the Particini Family. Bibl. : M., R. H., 277-278; P., 738. 207 STE.MMA OF HIPPOLITO BUONDELMONTI. 1526. Pistoia, Palazzo Pubblico. Photo., Private. Within a continuous wreath of fruit and flowers arranged in triplex bunches a white egg and dart moulding surrounds a yellow fluted disk on which is a Tuscan shield (Eig. 149), with pointed head, bearing the Buon- delmonti arms: Per fess azure (chief) and argent (base). This is the ancient as distinguished from the modern stemma of this family. Both forms occur in combination on the shield of Antonio di Lorenzo Buondel- monti at S. Giovanni in Valdarno in 1474-1475. Below, a winged cherub holds a curved scroll inscribed : J'HIPPOLITO- DI- GIOVA(NNI) BATISTA BVO(N)DELMONTI P(ODEST)A- M • D • XXVI ''^ Hoppolito di Giovanni Battista di Ghino Buondelmonti was a Prior in Florence in 1509. 208 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Fig. 149. Stemma of Hippolito Buondelmonti. Bibl. : C, s.v. Buondelmonti; M., R. H., 276-277; P., 827-828, W., 131. 208 STEMMA OF LORENZO LAPI. 1526. Scarperia, Palazzo di Vicariato. Photo., Private. Fig. 150. Stemma of Lorenzo Lapi. Within a continuous wreath composed chiefly of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers, and an inner egg and dart moulding, set against a fluted disk GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 209 is a late Tuscan shield (Fig- 150) bearing the Lapi arms: Gules, a fess argent charged with a lion passant sable. Below, a w/'nged cherub upholds a horizontal scroll inscribed : J' LORENZO- DI TOMASO LAPI • V(ICARI)0- E CHOMESARIO J' M • D • XXVI + '^^ Bibl. : C, s.v. Lapi; M., R. H., 279. 209 BUST OF A CHERUB. London, Victoria and Albert Museum. No. 72-'66. Photo., Private. Bust of a cherub placed above a cartouche or tablet. The uninscribed tablet has a blue moulded frame and in form has the appearance of being the two wings of a tabella ansata brought together. Bibl. : C-M., 268 No. 388; Cr., 345. 210 DOVIZIA. ^^linneapolis. Institute of Arts. Statuette. H., 0.67m. Photo., Private. This statuette (Fig. 151), formerly in London, passed from the posses- sion of Mr. Charles Butler into that of Mr. Langton Douglas, from whom it was accjuired in 1915 by the Art Museum at Minneapolis. It was pos- sibly inspired by the marble statue of Pomona now in the Uffizi Museum. She carries on her head a basket of polychromatic fruit and in her left hand a cornucopia also of fruit. Her face and hands are white, her hair brown, her overrobe blue with yellow neckband and girdle. To the right is a nude child playing with a dog, somewhat similar to a stucco group in the Berlin Museum, No. 102. The pedestal has a light yellow top, violet edged, yellow leaves at the corners, and white sides, the front inscribed > GLORIA- ET DIVITIE IN- DOMO TVA '^ Bibl. : Breck, Bull. Minn. Inst, of Arts, IV (1915), 110-112. M., A. in Am., V (1917). 195-199- 210 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 1%. IM-DOMOTVA'^^^^ " Fig. 151. DoviziA, Minneapolis Museum. 211 BOY WITH PUPPIES. Berlin. 102(1.1891). Statuette. H., 0.43m. Kaiser-Eriedrich Museum, No. Photo., Berlin Museum. This statuette (Fig. 152) in stucco may have been derived from an original by Andrea della Robbia, but is not far removed in style from the boy and a puppy in the Do\'izia statuette in the Minneapolis Museum. The boy carries two puppies in the folds of his shirt and gazes down upon their mother who is suckling two others. It was purchased in 1891 in Florence and presented by Graf Donhoff-Eriedrichstein. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 211 Fig. 152. Boy with Puppies^ Berlin Museum. Bibl. : B., Denk., 88, Taf. 265; F/. Bildli. 230, Fig. 126; Fl. Sc, 157, Taf. 70; Fabr., /. k. p. K., XXX (1909) Beiheft, 20 No. 27; Schottmiiller, 44 No. 102; v., VI., 597, Fig. 404. Fig. 153. Judith, New York, Bardini Sale of 1918. 212 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 212 JUDITH. New York. Bardini Sale of 1918. Statuette. H., 0.50m. Glazed white, set on an oval base on which is inscribed ^ IVDIT + In pose and style this statuette (Fig. 153) resembles the Minneapolis Do- vizia. Her right arm is raised to balance the heavy head of Holophernes which she carries in her left hand. Bibl. : Bardini Sale Cat. of 1902, No. 515, PI. 23; Bardini Sale Cat. of 1918; No. 371. 213 DOVIZIA. Paris, Heilbronner Galleries. Glazed in white, but carrying a basket of polychromatic fruit on her head. She carries no cornucopia, but some fruit in her right hand. At either side is a putto, one seated, the other standing. This suggests that children as well as the fruits of the earth make up the conception of Riches, Bibl. : M., A. in Am., V (191 7), 199. 214 DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH. Berlin. Kaiser- Friedrich Museum, No. 117 (I. 169). Statuette. H.. 0.55m. Photo., Museum. Fig. 154. David, Berlin Museum. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 213 Acquired in 1828 from the Bartholdi collection. David holds a stone in his left hand and the hilt of a sword or dagger in his right (Fig. 154). At his feet is the head of Goliath. Nudes unglazed. Breastplate and skirt arc blue, ornamented with yellow ; mantle green. The white oval base is inscribed DAVIT P(RO)P(HETA) This may be considered as a free variant of A'errocchio's bronze David in the Museo Nazionale. Bibl.: B., Kf. 26; Bode and Tschudi, 44 No. 137 Taf. 5; C-M., 156 No, 358; Cr., 333; Schottnuiller, 50 No. 117; Tieck-Gerhard, No. 671. 215 BUST OF BACCHUS. 1902). H., 0.49m. Florence. Bardini Collection (Sale of Fig. 155. Bust of Bacchus, Florence, Bardini Collection. This fine bust (Fig. 155), possibly representing some young Florentine as a Bacchus, is to be attributed to Giovanni della Robbia. The poly- chromatic wreath of ivy leaves, flowers and grapes, was borrowed from some classic head of Bacchus, whereas the yellow scale armour with the lion head on the breast plate and the corrugated shoulder pieces are Floren- tine. The tabella ansafa at the base suggests Giovanni's method of decora- tion. Eibl. : Bardini Sale Cat. of 1902, No. 517, PI. 24. 216 BUST OF BACCHUS. Paris. Spitzer Collection (Sale 1893) No. 1292. H., 0.68m. The description tallies with that in the Bardini Sale of 1902, except that 214 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA the height is given in the Bardini catalogue as 0.49m. and in the Spitzer catalogue as 0.68m. Bibl. : Spitzer Cat., 216 No. 1292. 217 BUST OF BACCHUS. Florence. Museo Nazionale No. 70. This bust represents Bacchus with a wreath of violet grapes and green leaves on his head wearing a yellow breastplate ornamented with a lion's head. Bibl. : Burl., Ill; Cr., 339; Supino, 451 No, 70. 218 RELIEF BUST OF A WARRIOR. Berlin. Kaiser Friedrich Museum No. 188 (I. 2014). Rectangular relief. H., 0.59m.; W., 0.415m. This relief in Verrocchian style purchased at the Leclanche sale in Paris, 1893, was probably designed by Giovanni della Robbia, as the details — dolphin, scale ornament, cherub head, etc., indicate. The face is milder than that of the Bartolommeo Colleone, the helmet and breastplate a dim reflection of Leonardo da Vinci's relief of Scipio. The head is set against a blue background and surrounded by Giovanni's characteristic egg and dart moulding, white touched with yellow. Variants in medallion form are in the Louvre, and in the Palazzo Frescobaldi, Florence. Bibl. : Schottmiiller, 79, No. 188. 219 HEAD OF WARRIOR. Paris. Louvre. A variant of the Scipio relief in the Louvre (Reymond, Verrocchio, p. 57), and finer than the similar head in a rectangular frame in the Berlin Museum, No. 188. It is surrounded by an inner band of scale ornament and an outer narrow wreath of fruit and flowers. Bibl. : Miiller-Walde, 71 ; Schottmiiller, 78 No. 188. GIOVANNI DELLA R015BIA 215 220 HEAD OF WARRIOR. Florence. Palazzo Frescobaldi. Inner hall. A variant of the Warrior head in the Berlin Museum, No. 188, but in medallion form ; set against blue background and surrounded by a fruit frame. 221 TWO CONSOLES. Paris, Louvre, No. 438 (old Nos. G. 756, 757). H., 0.25m. Photo., Private. From the Campana Collection. Decorated with egg and dart, plain blue frieze, cherub heads with cornucopias, lanceolate leaves and scale motive. Set beneath candelabrum bearing angels No. 438. Bibl. : C-M., 280 No. 466; Cr., 350. 222 MADONNA AND CHILD AND SAINTS. 1526. Arezzo. SS. Annunziata. Statues in niches and predella. Photo., Alinari, 9713. In the church of the Annunziata built by Fra Bartolommeo della Gatta and finished by Antonio da Sangallo Vecchio about 1525, in the Spadari F;g. 156. Madonna and Saints, Arezzo, SS. Annunziata. 2i6 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA chapel is an altarpiece of unusual form (Fig. 156). On a segment of a circle are three niches in which are set statues. To the left S. Francesco pointing to his wounded side, in type not unlike the same saint in the Lam- entation group in the Osservanza at Siena. In the centre is the Madonna enthroned holding on her knees a chubby, curly headed Child. To the right is S. Rocco pointing to his plague stricken leg. The Madonna and the S. Rocco show the influence of Giovanni della Robbia. Compare the altar- piece in the Seminario at Fiesole, the Tabernacolo delle Fonticine, and the altarpiece at Lamporecchio. The predella contains two coats of arms : dexter, those of the Compagnia dell'Annunziata : a cross set on an omega above a large letter M ; sinister, the Spadari arms : gules, three swords in pile fanwise argent, in chief a label of Anjou. The accompanying document shows that the altarpiece was ordered by Nicolo Spadari on May 22, 1526, to be paid for one half by him and one half by the Compagnia dell'Annunziata at Arezzo. Document : U° Tavola Otenuto el patito vesoro buono +yhs adj 22 dj maggio 1526 di ter(r)a dj gj(giovannj) bonuccj bart° di franc" cabonatj nic' cotta spadarj aiq(u)ali dedero autorita dj fare fare u° tavola di ter(r)a cotta a laltare dj nic° spadarj colamj dj la n(ost)ra comp" amano ritta e lasva amano macha e q(ua)l tanto che si spedara abia apagare nic" spadarj dj svo elaltra meta lan(ost)ra comp' e abiano aftare p(er) lan(ost)ra meta lostaziameto qsti(qvesti) 3 sop(r)'' dettj hominj" [Arch, di Stato, Confraternite e Compagnie Soppresse di Arezzo segnato A. CLXXXAail No. 2, c. 47.] Bibl. : C, s.v. Minerbetti; Cr., 331; Geym. V, Antonio Sangallo, 4-8; M., R. H.. 275-276; P., 72; R., D. R., 257; Sc. FL, IV, 61-62. 223 STEMMA OF FRANCESCO DI CASAVECCHIA. 1528. Scar- peria, Palazzo del Vicariate. Photo., Private. Within a rectangular, nearly square, frame surrounded by a white and yellow egg and dart moulding, set in a concave plate is a late Tuscan shield (^'^g- 157) with bordure and convex centre, bearing the Casavecchia arms: Azure, three fleurs-de lys, two and one, or. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 217 Fig. 157. Stem MA of Franceco Casavecchia. Below, a rectangular tablet with filleted border supported by an Ionic scroll is inscribed : J'FRANCCESC)© DI PELLEGRINO DA CHASAVECHIA ^ >V(ICARI)0 y M^DJ'XXVIIIJ^ Pellegrino di Erancesco di Banco da Casavecchia was a Prior of Flor- ence ni 1487 and 15 11. Bibl. : M.,i?.//., 283-284; P., 645. 224 BASKET OF FRUIT. New York City. (i) Three baskets imitating yellow wicker work, containing polychro- matic fruit and flowers (on one a lizard) were sold in the Bardini Sale of 1918. (2) Two baskets imitating wicker work, filled with cucumbers and other fruit (lizard, snails, frog), were sold in the Tolentino Galleries Sale, May, 1919. Bibl. : Bardini Sale of 1918, Cat., Nos. 273-275. Tolentino Sale of 1919, Cat., Addenda No. 416. 2i8 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 225 THREE BOUQUETS OF FRUIT AND FLOWERS. New York City. Bardini Collection Sale, April 1918. Diam., 0.33m. Polychromatic fruit, flowers, with a frog and a lizard. Two somewhat similar bunches are carried by two cream coloured vases bearing Medici arms. Bibl. : Bardini Sale of 1918, Cat., 276, 301. 226 BUNCH OF FRUIT. Rome. Castellani Sale 1884. H., 0.14m.; W., 0.130m. The Sale catalogue of the Castellani collection includes a bunch of fruit polychrome. The description "Pendentif-applicjue" suggests that it was a fragment of a pilaster. Bibl. : Castellani Cat., No. 225. 227 BUNCHES OF FRUIT. Florence. Bardini Collection (formerly). Five bunches of fruit. GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 219 ADDENDA 228 PIETA OR LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST, c. 1514. S. Vivaldo (Com. di Montaione). Near the church. Photo., Alinari, 10098. The oratory or hermitage of S. Vivaldo, near Montaione and Campo- rena, became a monastery for the Frati Minori Osservanti in 1497. It was doubtless at this time or a httle later that the chapels on a wooded path near the church began to be filled with scenes relating to the Life and Pas- sion of Christ. These are popularly attributed to Giovanni Gonnelli known as II Cieco da Gambassi, a blind sculptor of the XVII century. They are, PlET.\, S. V'lVALDO. however, to be referred to the early years of the XVI century. The Pieta and the Madonna dello Spasimo appear to be by a different hand from the rest and may be attributed to Giovanni della Robbia. The Pieta or Lamentation scene (Fig. 158) is confined to the Madonna and the Dead Christ with S. Giovanni at the head and the Maddalena at the feet of Christ. The S. Giovanni, the weakest of the group, is by the hand of an assistant. The other figures are in style not far removed from the lunette of the Entombment in S. Salvatore al Monte (Fig. 35), and the Pollini altarpiece of 15 14 in the Museo Nazionale (Fig. 36). The repre- sentation of tears occurs in the eyes in both groups. The Madonna is here 220 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA provided with seven daggers, symbolic of the seven Sorrows. Compare Simeon's prophesy "A sword shall pierce through thy own soul also" (St. Luke, II, 35). By the XV century the Sorrows of the Virgin had become fixed as seven in number and were symbolized by seven swords. Bibl. : Angelelli, CCXXIX; Cr., 348 note; Repetti, s.v. Montaione, S. Vi- valdo. 229 LO SPASIMO OR THE SWOON OF THE VIRGIN, c. 1514. S. Vivaldo (Montaione). Near the church. Photo., Alinari, loioi. In scenes of the Deposition, also in the stations of the cross where the Virgin Mother encounters her son she is represented as fainting. Here (Fig. 159) she is supported by S. Giovanni and the Maddalena and the Fig.. 159. Swooning of the Virgin, S. Vivaldo. holy women. The types are not far from those in the PoUini altarpiece of 1 5 14 in the Museo Nazionale (Fig. 36). The figures are painted but not glazed and are located in one of the chapels on a wooded path near the church. There are said to have been originally as many as thirty of these chapels, of which sixteen survived when Angelelli published his Memorie Storiche di Montaione in 1875. Alinari photographed seven of them. Bibl. : Angelelli, CCXXIX; Cr., 348 note; Repetti, s.v. Montaione, S. Vi- valdo. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA 221 230 LO SPASIMO OR THE SWOON OE THE VIRGIN. Princeton, N. J., Collection of Mr. Erank J. Mather, Jr. Professor Mather possesses a small unglazed terra-cotta study of this composition. 231 Montescalari (formerly). In the ancient Badia at Montescalari were at one time some terra-cottas by Giovanni della Robbia. Mr. Rufus G. Mather writes : "Among Mila- nesi's notes I found a folder on the front of which was written that it for- merly contained notes showing that Giovanni della Robbia made the reliefs for the Abbey, but that the notes had been lost." He adds: "I have tried to rediscover the documents but so far without success." This once flourishing Vallombrosan Abbey had dwindled in 1787 to a dependency of the Pieve di S. Romolo a Gaville, and is today a fattoria be- longing to the Del Turco family. The Vice-parroco della Cura annessa air Ex-Abazia at Montescalari writes that the Marchese G. B. Rosselli del Turco possesses some fragments of Robbia workmanship, which, however, have not been reassembled. However, enough remains to show that here was represented the Vallombrosan stemma : a monk's arm holding a crutch (cf. Robbia Heraldry, 202-203, Eig. 189). There are said to be no other Robbia works at Montescalari. The char- acter and whereabouts of the terra-cottas noted by Milanesi are now un- known. 232 BUST OE CHRIST. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 476 '64. Fig. 160. Bust of Christ. London, 222 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA An unglazed bust of Christ (Fig. i6o) somewhat similar to the Viviani della Robbia bust (Fig. i6i). The facial type is slenderer and the hair more complicated. Bibl. : C-M., 270 no. 402; Cr., 329. Fig. 161. Viviani della Robbia Bust of Cheist. (See above, No. 134.) GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 223 233 NEW DOCUAIENT FOR THE CICIT'O HOSPITAL MEDAL- LIONS. A new and important docnnient, which reached me just in time to be inserted in tliis place, concerns the five medalhons and four half medallions made by Giovanni della Robbia for the Geppo Hospital, Pistoia, during the years 1 525-1 527. The document indicates that two medallions were to be delivered during 3darch 1525 and the rest by May 1526; also that Giovanni should be paid at the rate of four and a half ilorins for each medallion. This rate may not have been final ; the documents we have published imply that the price of the medallions was augmented to seven florins each. Pay- ments for work at the Geppo Hospital were received by Giovanni delta Robbia up to 1529, the year of his death. Document: [Disco\'ered and copied by 'Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] "1525 Indict (done _) 14 ,( In margine : Locatio sculture) Item postea dictis a(n)no Jndict(ioni) loco et die x mensis martij p(rese)nt{ i )bus Paulo olim Nicci (Niccolai) d(e) I)encis et Bartolo olim franc' Savellis civibus fiorent testibus etc R(everen)dus in xpo(cristo) p(ate)r dfomi)n(u)s L'"'" bonafidej hos- pitalarius et rector hospitalis S"' Marie Gippi d(e) Pistorio p(er)se et suos in d(i)c(t)o hospital i successor( i )s et o(mn)i met{iori) mofdo) etc loca- \"it Johan(n)j olim Andree marci d(ella) robbia scultori d(e) florentia 1525 Indict 14* p(rese)nti et conducenti etc ad laborandum et intagliandum c]uinque rotu(n)dos terre cocte i(n)vetriate integros cu(m) intagliatione figurarum et armorum eo mo (do) et forma et scultura et eadem magnitudine unius ro- tundj que d(e)dit scultu et Ttagliatu dicto dno L^° dicto no(m)i(n)e Item quatuor medios eiusdem sortis q(ui) omnes circulj ascendunt ad su(m)- ma(m) no\'e rotundorum qui Johan(n)es conductor p(ro)misit et so]e(m)ni stipulatione convenit dicto dno L"" dicto no(m)i(n)e p(rese)nti et stipulati eidem dare et tradere duos ex dictis rotudis itagliatos et p(er)- fectos p(er) tu(tum) pfrese )nte(m ) mese martij relicpios v(er)o p(er) tutii mese maij p(ro)ximi futuri 1526 et p(ro) eius labore et scultura ]>('rojmisit dictus dns L""' dicto no(mi(n)e dare et solvere eidem Johan- (nji pfresejnti et stipulatj ut s(upra) flor aurj cjuatuor cu dimidio lar d(e)auro 1 auro p(ro)q"lbet('quolibet ) rotundo cum pacto inito inter dcas 2j(ar)tes q(uod) si dictus Johannes no daret eidem dno L"° dictos rotudos 224 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ]j( er")fectos dictis temporilxis possit dictus L'"" ut s(iipra) liceat locare alijs (]uibus voluerit et placuerit inipensa dicti Johaii(n)is que o(mn)ia etc p(ro)misit etc atteiidere etc siil) pena flor xxv auri larg d(e)auro i anro i|ue pena etc (|"(qua) pena etc p(ro) quibus etc obligavit etc renCitiavit etc cui etc p(ro)garantigia etc R(ogans) etc." [Arcliivio del R. Arcispedale di S. J\I. Nuova. Rogiti di Ser Antonio di ^lichele di ser Migliore ^ligliorati, Protocolli 1524-1526, segnato F. II c. 100' e loi.] Bibl.: See above, p. 201. '•'heading of p. loi. The first word of the page is "p(rese)nti." III. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX III. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX I. BlBLIOGKAPIIICAL ABBREVIATIONS Amati = Amati, Llicionano coroyrafico- iUustrato dell' Italia. 10 vols. n. d. Anselmi, .-J. r. 5., VII (1888) = Anselmo Anselmi, Sul rinvcnimcnto di uii prczioso codicc contincntc iiuovi documcnti dell' aliarc robbiano di Arcevia e del Senes'i fondator'i dell' Erenio di S. Girolamo, in Arte e Storia, VII (1888), 233-234. Anselmi, A. e. S.. Ill (1884) = Anselmo Anselmi, Tesori artistiei d'Arcevia, in Arte e Storia, III (1884), 10, 21-23. Anselmi, A. S. A., I (1888) = Anselmo An- selmi, Nuovi docuinenti still' altare rob- biano nella ehiesa di S. Medardo in Ar- eevia, in i\rchivio storico dell' arte, I (.1888), 369-371. Anselmi, Inventario =^ Anselmo Anselmi, Inventario dei beni ecclcsiastiei trovati nella CJiiesa di S. Girolamo, chiamata I'Heremita. I'l si parla di nn altro altare in niaioliea ogyi perdiito. Arcevia, 1894. Anselmi, Le inaiolichc robbiane nelle Marelie. in Italia Artistica e Industrialc, I (1894-1895), 167. Anselmi, jV. Riv. Mis., I (1888) = Anselmo Anselmi. Lettera al Cav. Guido Carocci, in Xuova Rivista Misena, I (1888), 38-43. Argnani = Federigo Argnani, Le cerannehc e niaioliehc faentine dalla loro origine fino al pruietpio del seeolo XI'I. Faenza, 1889. A. e S. = .^rte e Storia. Florence, 1881- A. S. A. = .A-rchivio storico dell' arte. Rome, 1888-1897. Bacci, ///. Fior. 1908 ^ Peleo Eacci, Docu- menti seonoscinti su Giovanni della Rob- bia, in L'lllustratore Fiorentino, N. S. (1908), 140-149. Bach = Direktor Bach, Fi'ihrer dureh die Kunst- und historischen Sammlungen des Grossherzofiliehen Hessisehen Museums in Darmstadt. Darmstadt, 1908. Baldinucci = Filippo Baldinucci, Opere. 14 vols. Milan, 1808-1S12. Bardini Sale of 1899 = CoUcetion Bardini, 5 Juin i8gg. Paris, 1899. Bardini Sale of 1902 ^ Catalogue des Ob- jets d'art . . . provenant de la coUcetion Bardini a Florence. Vente a Londres chez Mr. Christie le Mai 1902. Paris, 1902. Bardini Sale of 1918 z= The .Stefano Bardini Collection. Sale at New York, April 23- 27, 1918. New York, 1918. Becchi, III. Fior. V (1908) = P. Costanzo Becchi, 5'. Jacopo di Ripoli in L'lllustra- tore Fiorentino, V (1908), 97-106. Beni =: C. Beni, Giiida ilhistrata del Cascn- tino. Florence, 1889. Bertaux, Etudes ;= £mile Bertaux, Etudes d'histoire et de I'art. Paris, 191 1. Bigazzi = Francesco Bigazzi, Iscrizioni e Mcmorie della citta di Firenoc. Flor- ence, 1887. Bocchi-Cinelli ^ Francesco Bocchi e Gio- vanni Cinelli, Le belle:::c della citta di Firence . . . scritta gia da M. Francesco Bocchi ed ora da M. Giovanni Cinelli am- pliate ed accresiute. Florence, 1677. B. J. = Henry Barbet de Jouy, Les Delia Robbia. Paris, 1885. B., A. .V. A., II (1889) = Wilhelm Bode, Luea della Robbia ed i siioi prccursori in Fireiize, in Archivio storico dell' arte, II (1889), 1-9- B., It. Pi, = Wilhelm Bode, ItaUemsche Renaissance-Sculptur Toscanas. Te.xt and 557 plates. Munich, 1892-1905. B., Fl. Bildh. = Wilhelm Bode, Florentincr Bildhauer der Renaissance. 3d ed. Ber- lin, 1911. B., Fl. Sc. = Wilhelm Bode, Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance. New York, 1909. B., It. P/.. = Wilhelm Bode, Italienische Plastik, 4th ed. Berlin, 1905. B., /«/»-., VIII (1887) = Wilhelm Bode, Gruppe der Beu'einung Christi von Gio- vanni della Robbia, in Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen Kunstsammlungen, VJII (1887), 217-226. B., Kf., = Wilhelm Bode, Die Kiinstler- familie della Robbia, in Dohme, Kunst und Kiinstler Italiens, II, I, No. 47. Leipzig, 1878. B., IV. R. D.. = Wilhelm Bode, d'le U'crke der Fam'die della Robbia. Berlin, 1914. Bode-Tschudi =r Wilhelm Bode und Hugo von Tschudi, Bcschreibung der B'lldwerke der christlichcn Epoche. Konig. Mus. zu Berlin. Berlin, 1888. Breck, Bull. Minn. Inst. V (1915) = Joseph Breck, Pomona by Giovanni della Robbia, in Bulletin of the Minneapolis Insitute of Arts, IV (1915), 110-112. Br. Mus. Guide = A Guide to the E.rhibi- tion Galleries of the British Museum, Blootnsbury. London, 1888. Brogi, Inv. = Francesco Brogi, Inventario gencrale degii oggetti d'arte della provin- eia di Siena. Sienna, 1897. Bull. Met. Mus., XIII (1918) = Joseph Breck, Recent Accessions, in the Bulletin 228 GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, XIII (1918), 144-147. Burckh. ^ Burchardt-Bode-Fabriczy, Dcr CiccronL\ Eine Anleitung zum Gcnuss der Kuntswerke Italiens. 9th cd. Leipzig, 1904. Burger _- Fritz Burger, Gcscliichtc dcs flor- cittinisclicii Grahimrls voii acltcstcn Zcitcn his Michi-langclo. Strassburg, 1904. Burl. =: Marchesa L. Burlamacchi, Luca dclla Kohbia. London, igoo. Cahier, Car. d. Saiiils = Charles Cahier, Caractcristiqucs dcs Saints dans I'art l^opnlairc. Paris, 1867. Carocci = Guide Carocci, / Dintorni di Fircnzc. 2 vols. Florence, 1906-1907. Carocci. A. I. D. I., VI (1897) = La Can- ' toria nclla Picve di S. Maria Impnineta cd un frcgio rohbiano. in Arte italiana decorativa e industriale, VI (1897), 6s- 66. Carocci, A. I. D. I.. J' (1S96) ^ Guido Carocci, / tondi Knbbiani in Toscaiia, in Arte italiana decorativa e industriale, V (1896), 29-30. Carocci, Galliizzo := Guido Carocci, // comunc del Galluz::o. Florence, 1892. Carocci, S. Case. ^ Guido Carocci, // comunc di San Caseiaiio in. Val di Peso. Florence, 1892. Carocci, I'aldarno = Guido Carocci, // Val- darno ( Italia artistica, Xo. 20). Bergamo, 1906. Cat. of Cantagalli Co. ^ Figli di Giuseppe Cantagalli, Album della Robbia. Flor- ence, n. d. Cat. Collection fimile Gavet = Catalociuc dcs Objets d'Art, etc., eomposant la Col- lection- dc M. Emile Gavet. Vente 31 Mai au 9 Juin, 1897. Paris, 1897. Cat. Collection Maurice Kann = Catalogue des Objets d'Art proi'cnant de la Collec- tion- Maurice Kann. Paris, 1911. Cat. of Rita Lydig Collection = Tlic Rita Lydig Collection of Notable Art Treas- ures of the Gothic and Renaissance Per- iods. New York, 1913. C-M., ^= Camillo Jacopo Cavallucci et fimile Molinier, Les della Robbia, Leur Vie et leur Oeuvre . . . suivi d'un catalogue. Paris, 1884. Ciacconius = Alonso Ciacconius (Chacon), J'ita-e et res gestae Ponlificum Roniano- riiin et S. R. E. Cardinaliuin. etc. 4 vols. Rome, 1630, also 1677. Cocchi = Arnaldo Cocchi, Lc chicse di Firenzc dal secolo IV al sccolo XX. Florence, 1903. Contrucci ^= Pietro Contrucci, Monumento robbiano nella loggia dclla spedale di Pistoia. Prato, 1835. C, = G. B. di Crollalanza, Dizionario sto- rico-blasonieo dellc famiglie nobili e no- tabile italianc. 3 vols. Pisa, 1886. Cr. := Maud Cruttwell, Luca and Andrea della Robbia and their Successors. Lon- don and New York, 1902. Cr., Vcrrocchio = Maud Cruttwell, Verroc- chio. London and New York, 1904. Davanzati Sale Cat. = Art Treasures and Antiquities from the famous Davanzati Palace. Sale Catalogue. New York, 1916. Delange z= Henry Delange, Histoire des peinlures sur majoliques faitc a Pcscuro, decrite par G. B. Passeri, traduite df I'ltalien et suivie d'unc Appendice. Paris, London, Florence, 1853. Demniin = Auguste Frederic Demmin, Guide de I'ajnatcur de faiences ct poree- lamcs, etc. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1863. Denekcn, Z, /. ehr. K.. VI (1893) = Fried- rich Deneken, Thon-altar dcs Giovanni dclla Robbia, in Zeitschrift fiir christliche Kunst, VI (1893), 354, Taf. 10. Pabriesy, A. S. A., Ill (1890) = Cornel von Fabriczy, Un opera di Giovanni della Rob- bia. in Archivio storico dell' arte, III ( 1890), 162. Fabr. /. k. p. K., XXX (1909) = Cornel von Fabriczy, Kritisches Verzeichnis toseani- scher Hoh- und Tonstataen his zum Be- ginn des Cinquecen-to, in Jahrbuch der konig, preuszischen Kunstsammlungen XXX (1909), Beiheft 1-&8. von Falke = Otto von Falke, Majolika. (Hdb. d. Konig. Mus. zu Berlin. Kunst- gewerbe museum.) Berlin, 1907. Fortnum, Maiolica = Charles Drury Ed- ward Fortnum, Maiolica. Oxford, 1896 Fov. =: Jean de Foville, Les dclla Robbia. Paris, 1910. Frati ^ Frati, Del Museo Pasolini in Faenza Societa Tip. Bolognese, 1852. Geymi.iller = Freiherr Heinrich Adolf von Geymiiller und C. M. von Stegmann, Die Architektur der Renaissance in Toscana. II vols. Munich, 1885-1908. Giglioli = Odoardo H. Giglioli, F.nipoli Ar- tistica. Florence, 1906. Giglioli. Pistoia = Odoardo H. Giglioli, Pistoia nclle sue opcre d'arte. Florence, 1904- Graziani =: Giovanni Graziani, L'Arte a Cittd di Castello. Citta di Castello, 1897. Gualandi = Michel Angelo Gualandi, Mc- morie originali italianc risgnardanti le belle arti. Bologna, 1840- Guasti, Cafaggiolo ^= Gaetano Guasti, Ca- faggiolo e d'altrc fabbrichc di ceramiche in Toscana. Florence, 1902. 111. Fior. = L'lllustratore Fiorentino. Flor- ence, 1880- Nuova Serie, 1904- Jameson, Leg. Mon. Orders ^= Mrs. Jame- son, Legends of the Monastic Orders. London and New York, 1890. Knapp ^ Fritz Knapp, Fra Bartoloninieo dclla Porta. Halle, 1903. von Lanna Sale 1909 ^ Sammlung des frei- herrn Adalbert von Lanna (Prag). Ver- steigerung, Nov. 9-16, 1909. 2 vols. Ber- lin, 1909. Lazari = Vincenzo Lazari, Notizia delle opcre d'arte e d'antichitd della raccolta Corrcr di I'enezia. Venice, 1859. C.IO\'.\NNT DELLA ROP.P.IA 229 Liua ^ Cuiitc I\>mpeo l.itta, I-uiiiiiilii- crh'- bn d'llalia. JMilan, i8i<)- Maccui =^ U. jNlaocio. X iio'c-a j/iiida dclUt cilta di Ficsolc. VolKTra, iSL- chio. BiilefeUl und Leipzig, lyoi. Malagola ^ Carlo Makigola, Mciimric stoi'ichc suite inaiolichc di Fiiciica. V>o- loEcna, 188-^. Marcotti ^= J. Alarcotti, Ciiidc-Sdiri'ciiir dr I-'lvrciiiC. Florence, 181)-'. M., A. in Am., X ( K)!/) ^ Allan Marquaml, A StLitiicttc of D«z'i:ia by Giofuiini delta Kobbia ill the Miinieapotis Museum, in Art in America. V (1917), 195-199. M., Arts and Llee. = Allan Marqnand, (7ir7- 'eaiiiii detta Rnt'bia's Kiieeliny Madonna, in Arts and Decoration, V'l (1915), 20, Frontispiece. M., A. J. A. XXII (1918) = Allan Mar- qnand, I'nl^ublislied Doeuments relating to the Cr/i/ii) Hospital at Fistoia, in Ameri- can Journal of Archaeology, XXI 1 (1918), 361-37;. M., Br. ^ .-VUan Marquand, The Deeoration of the Ceffo Hospital at Pistoia, in The Brickbuilder, II (1902), 222-22^. AI., D. R. A., = Allan Marqnand, Delia Robbias in America. Princeton and 0.x- ford, 1912. ]\I., R. H.. := Allan Marquand, Robbia Her- aldry. Princeton and O.xford, 1919. ]\I., Sc. May. = Allan Marquand, A Search for delta Robbia Monuments in Italy, in Scribner's Magazine, Dec, 1893. Marryatt ^ Joseph Marryat, A History of Pottery and Porcelain. London, i8so. R. G. M., L'Arte, 1918-1919 = Rufus G. Alather, Nuoz'i Documenti Robbiani in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 190-209; Idem, Sec- onda serie, L'Arte, XXII (1919), 105-112: Idem, Terza Serie, L'Arte, XXII (1919), 243-248. Mencherini, Padre Saturnine Mencherini, Guida illustrata delta J'erna. Quarac- chi, 1907. Meyer, Mittelitalien = Theodor Gsell-Fels, Mittel-Italicn, in Meyer's Reisebucher. Leipzig, 1886. Michel = .\ndre Michel, Histoire de I'Art depuis les premiers temps Chretiens jusqii'a a nos fours. 5 vols, published. Paris, 1905- Migliore ;= Ferdinando Lcopoldo del Mi- gliore, Fircnzc citta nobiltssima illustrata. Florence, 1684. Milanesi, Misc. = Gaetano Milanesi, Mis- cellanea d'Arte. Ms Several vols. Liena. Molinier, Cat. Gavct = fimile Molinier, La Collection Emile Gavel. Catalogue rai- sonne, etc. Paris, 1889. Moreni ^= Morcni, Notizie istorischc dei dintornl di Fircn::e, Florence, 1792. Morrona ^= Alessandro da Morrona, Pi.sa illustrata nclle arti del disecino. Leghorn, 1812. Mnllcr-Walde = Paul Aliiller-Walde, Le,>n- ardo da I 'inci. Munich, 1889. Perkins, 7'. .V. = Charles C. Perkins, Tus- can Sculptors. 2 vols. London, 1864. PogKi, Burl. Mag. = Giovanni Poggi, The Annunciation of Botticelli, in Burlington Magazine, XXVIII (1915-1916), 129, nrite 4- P., = Priorista, a Alanuscript in the Prince- ton Museum containing a classilied list of the Priors of Florence with their coats of arms. Rass. bibl. arte ital. = Rasscgna bibliogra- fica deir arte italiana. Rocca S. Casciano, e .^scoli, 1898- Repetti ^ Emanucle Repetti, Dhionario i/eografieo, fisico storieo delta Toscana. 6 vols. Florence, 1833-1846. R., /-). R., — Alarcel Reymond, Les delta Robbia. Florence, 1897. R,, Se. Fi, ^ Marcel Reymond, La Sculp- ture Florentine. 4 vols. Florence, 1897- 1900. Ricci, Volterra = Corrado Ricci, I'olterra (Italia artistica. No. 18). Bergamo, 1905. Richa ^ Guiseppe Richa, A^oticic istorischc dcllc chiese fiorentiiie. 10 vols. Flor- ence, 1 754- 1 762. Rol)inson = J. C. Robinson, Italian Sculp- ture of the Middle Ages and P'eriod of the Revival of Art in the South Kensing- ton Museum. London, 1862. Roscoe ^ William Roscoe, The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 2 vols. London, 1855-183S, Roselli, Sepoltuario = Rosselli, Scpoltuario fiorentino. 2 vols. Ms. Cart. sec. XVIII fol. in Bihl. Magliabecchiana. Florence. von Rumohr = C. F. von Rumohr, Italicn- ischc Forschungen. 3 vols. Berlin und Stettin, 1827-1831. Ruskin ^= John Ruskin, The ll'orks of John Riisbin. Library edition. Edited by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. Lon- don and New York, 1903-1912. Sachs = Curt Sachs, Das Tabcrnakel mit Andrea's del Verrocchio Thomas grnppe. Strassliurg, 1904. Schottmiiller = Frida Schottmiiller, Die Italienisehcn und Spanischen fiildioerkc dcr Renaissance und Barocke, etc. Konig. Mus. zu Berlin, Beschreibung der Bild- werke der christlichen Epochen. 2te Auflage. Berlin, 1913. S. = Paul Schubring, Liica delta Robbia und seine Familie. Bielefeld und Leip- zig, 1905. Schutz ^= Alexander Scluitz, Die Renais- sance in Italicn. 4 vols. Hamburg, 1882. Seilliere Collection := Catalogue dcs Ob- fcts d'Art. etc., provcnant de Vimportaiitc Collection de feu M. le Baron Achillc Seilliere. Paris, 1890. Solon, //. Maiolica = Louis Marc Emman- uel Solon, A History and Description of Italian Maiolica. London, Paris, New York, 1907. 2?sO GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA Sommerard, Cat. ^ E. du Sommerard, Mu- sic des Thcrmcs ct dc I'Hotcl de Cluny. Catalogue ct dcscriptiou dcs objcts d'art, etc. Paris, 1883. Spitzer Cat. = Catalogue dcs objcts d'art, etc., composaiit I'lmportante ct prccicuse Collection Spit::cr. Paris, 1893. Springer = Anton Springer, Handbuch dcr Kttnstgcschichte. ill Die Renaissance in Italicn. 4th ed. Leipzig, 1896. Supino = Igino Benvenuto Supino, Cata- logo del R. Museo Na^iojialc di Fircnse. Rome, 1898. Tieck ^ Friedrich Tieck, Verzeichniss von Werken der della Rohbia, Majolica, Glas malereien u. s. w., in Konig. Mus. zu Ber- lin. Berlin, 1835. Tieck-Gerhard = Friedrich Tieck und Ed- uard Gerhard, V>erzcichniss der Bild- werke in Konig Museum in Berliji. Ber- lin. Tolentino Sale of 1919 = The Very Impor- tant Tolentino Galleries Collection. Sale, May 1-2, 1919. New York, 1919. Vas., =r Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de' piu ee- celenti pittori, scultori, ed arcliitettori. Con nuove annotazioni e commenti di Gaetano Milanesi. 9 vols. Florence, I 878- I 906. Vaughan ^ Herbert M. Vaughan, The Medici Popes. New York and London, 1908. v., ^ Adolfo Venturi, Storia dell' arte italiana. 7 vols, published. Rome, 1901- Volpi Sale of 1917 := Catalogue of the Col- lection of Art Treasures and Antiquities acquired during the past year by Prof. Comm. Elia Volpi. Sold Dec. 17-19, 1917. New York, 1917. Wallis, Ital. Ceramic Art = Henry Wallis, A Study in the History of Early Italian Maiolica. London, 1901. Wills ^ Howel Wills, Florentine Heraldry. London, 1900. Yriarte, Ga=. B. A., XXVI |(i882) = Charles Yriarte, L'Art en Portugal (troi- sieme et dernier article), in Gazette des Beaux Arts, XXVI (1882), 26-36. Z. f. b. K. ^ Zeitsehrift fiir bildende Kunst. Leipzig, 1866- Z. f. chr. K. =: Zeitsehrift fiir christliche Kunst. Diisseldorf, 1888- Index of Subjects Abraham, 129, 168. Acciaiuoli stemma, 17. Accolti stemma, 70. Adam, 168. Adam and Eve, 90. Adimari stemma, 201. Adoration by the Shepherds, 183. Altoviti stemma, 102. Angels, adoring, 6, 63, 120. candelabrum bearers, 54, 57-62, 116, 125, 126, 154. with crown, 161, 164, 178. with garland, 12. with mandorla, 87. musical, 154. Annunciation, 81, 121, 124, 131, 148, 158, 196, 203. Antinori stemma, 192. Ascension, 47. Assumption, 88, 129, 195. Bacchus, 213, 214. Baptism, 51, 52, 113. Bartolini-Salimbeni stemma, no. Base, 116. Benozzi stemma, 95. Betrayal, 187. Birth of the Virgin, 183. Blindfolding, 187. Buonafede stemma, 100, 115, 119. Buondelmonti stemma, 86, 90, 207. Calcagni stemma, 81. Capture of Christ, 187. Casavecchia stemma, 217. Casks, 29. Ceppo hospital stemma, 196. Chastity, 27. Cherub, 125, 133, 154, 209. and cornucopia frieze, 25, 26. with tambourine, 84. Christ, 55, 56, 115, 119, 120, 121, 133, 136, 170, 221. child, 105, 124. bearing cross, 187. led away, 187. dead, 68-80. entombed, 68, 69. in the sepulchre, 26, 182. Ciborio, 15, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 190. Console, 124, 215. Corbinelli stemma, 192. Coronation, 84. Daniel, 129, 168. David, 83, 129, 168, 212. Denial by Peter, 187. Documents, 7, 10, 30-34, 56, 58, 63-66, 72, 92, 131, 140, 155. 173-174. 180, 188-189, 199- 201, 202, 216. Dovizia, 209, 212. Elijah, 168. Entombment, 68, 69. Evangelists, 140, 168-171. Eve, 168. Folchi stemma, 146. Fruit basket, 217. bunches, 218. Gaetani stemma, 48. Garland, 185. Gethsemane, 187. Gianfigliazzi stemma, 201. Ginori stemma, 99. God the Father, 84. GIOVANNI BELLA ROBBIA ^31 Goliath head, 212. Hammer and pincers, 187. Holy Water Stoup, 11. Immaculate Conception, 81. Incredulity of S. Tommaso, 24. Isaiah, 174. Jeremiah, 129. Jonah, 129, 108. Joshua, 168. Judith, 108, 212. Lamentation, 09-80, 219. Lapi stemma, 208. Last Judgment, 21. Last Supper, 120. La\abo, 3. Leo X, 90. Macinghi stemma, 179. Madonna, 5, 8, 9, 10, 54, 55, 95, 108, no, 123, 137. 138, I4'-I44. 155-160. 163, 164. 171. 176-183, 20s, 215. della Cintola. 85, 88. Magalotti stemma, 96. Malchus, 187. Mannucci stemma, 88. ^Maries visit the sepulchre, 146. Mater Dolorosa, 26, 69-80, 147. Minerbetti stemma, 48. Tiloses, 129, 168. Montidoglio stemma, 79. Montoliveto stemma, 164. Nativity, 54, 63, 66, 153, 183, 185. Niccolini stemma, 40. Nicodemus, 69. Xoah, 168. Noli me tangere, 23, 133-136. Obedience, 27. Olivetani stemma, 182. Panichi stemma, 154. Paoli stemma, 95. Particini stemma, 206. Passion, symbols of, 190. Pazzi stemma, in, 194. Pieta, see Lamentation. Pilaster decorated, 62. Pistoia stemma, 195. PoUini stemma, 70. Poverty, 27. Predella with Saints, 119, 120. Puppies, 210. Putti, 83, 85. Quaratesi stemma, 69. Resurrection, 45, 190. Rinuccini stemma, 96. Salviati, 86, 90. S. Agata, 172, Agostino, 83, 170. Ambrogio, 83, 107, 170. Andrea, 169. Anna, 81, 84, 183. Ansano, 129, 172. Antonio Abate, 66, 73. 131, 157, 165, 166, 170. Antonio of Padua, 26, 79, 81, 83. Apollonia, 172. Barbara, 155, 172. Bartolommeo, 169. Benedetto, 93, 164, 169, 182. Bernardino, 26. Bernardo, 93, 182. Bonaventura, 81. Bruno, 169. Caterina, 155, 159, 172. Cecilia, 172. Domenico, 14, 73, 157, 159, 170, 175, 178. Donato, 142. Elisabctta, 185, 193. Elisabetta of Hungary, 27. Filippo, 169. Filippo Benizzi, 157. Francesco, 26, 78, 79, 81, 83, 148, 149, 170. Gabriele, see Annunciation. Gioacchino, 183. Giorgio, 170. Gio\anni Battista, 55, 86, n6, 118, ng, 129, 140, 142, 169, 180, 187. Life of, 49, 54, 112, 114. Giovanni Evangclista, 26, 69-80, 140, 147, 159, 169, 180. Giovanni, 49, 52, 53, 54, 113, 115, 144, 178, 181. Girolamo, 26, 54, 55, 79, 116, 140, 170. Giuseppe d'Arimatea, 69. Tacopo Maggiore, 26, 129, 1S5, 169, i7t, 178. Jacopo Minore, 169. Leonardo, 116. Lino, 46. Lodovico, 27, 81. Lorenzo, 66, 155, 169. Luca, 140, 171. Lucia, 10, 29, 57, 159, 172. Marco, 129, 140, 169. Margareta, 172. Maria Egiziaca, 54. Maria Maddalena, 54, 69-80, 81, 116, 119, 147, 159. 17-'- Marta, 28, 29, 172. Martino, 170. Matteo, 119, 140. 168, 180. Mattia, 169. Michele, 78, 79, i;6. Niccolo, 66, 170. Orsola, 150-152, 172. Paolo, 169. Pietro, 129, 142, 169. Pietro Martire, 13, 14. Rocco, 157, 185, 189. Romolo, 142, 144. Sebastiano, 66, 119, 157, 172, 180, 185, 189. Simonc, 169. Stefano. 66, 157, 187. Taddeo, 169. Tommaso, 86, 88, 169. Tommaso d'Aquino, 159. Ugo, 170. Veronica, 172, 187. Zanobi, 157, 170. .Sapiti stemma, 53. Spasimo, 220, 221. Scgni stemma, 206. Simonetti stemma, 95. Solomon, 83. Spigliati stemma, 162. Sposalizio, 183. Squarcialnpi stemma, 29. 232 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA Stemma, 0, 17, 29, 40, 4^!, 53, 69, ;o, 79, 81, 86, 88, go, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102, 119, 140, 154, 162, 164, 178, 182, 192, 194, 195, 19C, 199, 201, 204-208, 216. Stoup for Holy Water, 11. Tiles, 5. Two thieves, 187. Urban II, 170. Vases, 35-40. Visitation, 185, 193, 19S. Visit to Sepulchre, 146. Warrior, 214, 215. Washing of hands, 187. Woman, 159. Index of Places Arcevia, 54, 57. Arezzo, 13, 21 s. Ashridge Park, 88. Baltimore, 90. Berlin, Kaiser Friedrich Museum, 60, 76, 84, 140, 152, 165, 210, 212, 214. Kunstgewerde Museum, 38. Beckerath Collection, 60. Borgo S. Lorenzo, 99. Boston, Aluseum of Fine Arts, 80, 133. Linden Smith Collection, 60. Mrs. Gardner Collection, 73. Braunschweig, 38. Brooklyn, igo. Buonsollazzo, 63. Campi, 189. Cascio, 160. Casole, 183. Cerreto Guidi, 49, 100. Certaldo, 192. Certosa, 167. Citta di Castello, 121. Colle, 185. Cologne, 87. Convertose, 190. Cornocchio, 108. Darmstadt, 29. Dicomano, no. Empoli, 10. Faenza, 69. Fiesole, Duomo, 144, 146. La Doccia, 78. S. Ansano, 11, 12, 105, 193. S. Francesco, 185. Seminario, 142. Finalpia-Sa\'ona, 180, 181. Florence, Museo Nazionale, 14, 28, 45, 47, 48, 69, g3, gs, g8, iig, 125, 135, 136, 144, 146- 148, 150-152, 161-162, 214. Galleria Buonarroti, 84. S. Ambrogio, 57. SS. Apostoli, 15. S. Barnaba, 138. S. Croce, 150, 157. S. Jacopo di Ripoli, 176. S. Jacopino in Polverosa, 178. S. Maria della Misericordia, 5g. S. !Maria Novella, 3, 133. S. Maria Xuovo, 2g. S. Michele in Palchetto, 99, 193. S. Onofrio, 136. S. Piero Maggiore, 120. S. Salvatore, 68. Alessandri Collection, 14. Bardini Collection, ^7, 59, 116, 212, 213, 218. Cantagalli, 39. Frescobaldi, 59, 215, Girard's, 99. Palmieri, Villa, 124. Sorbi, Casa, 124. Piazza S. .Ambrogio, 107. Via Nazionale, 155. (near) Certosa, 167. Vincigliata, 164. Galatrona, 112, 115, 116, llS, lig, 140. Lamporecchio, 185. Lari, 205. Lisbon, 175. London, British Museum, 25, 36. Victoria and Albert Museum, 29, 39, 77, 78, 81, 120, 121, 209, 221. Donaldson's, 60. Lucca, 85. Luco in Mugcllo, 138. Alinneapolis, 2og. Alonte Oliveto Maggiore, 163, 164. Newport, R. I., 26, 177. New York, Metropolitan Museum, 8, 36, 201. Bardini Sale, 36, 100, 217, 218. Blumenthal Collection, 29, 204. Bonaventura's, 75. P. W. French & Co., 26. Davanzati Sale, 100, 159. Lydig Collection, 35. Pratt Collection, 35. Seligman Galleries, 122. Thaw Collection, 8. Tolentino Sale, 133. Volpi Collection, 52. Oliveto, 102. O.xford, 37. Palaja, 121. Panzano, 102. Paris, Cluny, 53, 61, 62. Louvre, 26, 37, 60, 61, 105-107, 133, 166, 175-176, 214, 215. Gavet Collection, 26, 38, 61. Heilbronner's, 81, 212. Kann Collection. 36. Lowengard's, 178. Seilliere Collection, 26, sS. Spitzer Collection, 204, 215. GIO\'ANNI BELLA ROBBL\ '-3i Pescina, t>6. 105. Pisa, 129. Pistoia, 195, -O". Poggibonsi. 81. Poppi, 206. Prague, 05. Pratovecchio, 180. iSi. Princeton, ij6, jji. Rifredi, La Quiete, 2,^ Rome, \'atican, 93, 107. Castellaiii's, 218. Roslyn, no. Rovezzano, 176. S. Amato, 61. S. Casciano, 62. -4. ^5. S. Donate in Poggio, 54. S. Gimignano, 62. S. Giovanni in Valdarno, 40, 85, in, 194. S. Miniato al Tcdesco, 203. S. Piero a Sieve, 114. S. Quirico d'Orcia, 183. S. Vivaldo, 219, 220. Scandicci, 137. Scarpcria, 208, 216. Sesto, 53. Scttimo, 52. Sevres, 37. Usse, 160. LaVerna, 78. Vincigliata, 164. Volterra, 9, 21, 26, 46, &8.