id^ (JfarncU Hmucrsity ffiihraty JItljaca, Sfeiu ^ork ESIA^Y.^ <&.F Cornell University Librarv QB 641.P59 Mars, 3 1924 012 312 538 Cornell University Library The original of tliis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. BHIHH! Kpm HbH ' ' -^BheI ^^^^^H IHh jjg i^B Br %^^^^^^^^^^^| wBi^m '^^B >? ' '^ii^^^^^^l^^^^l hH ^^fl^^l Wm^ff^m I^^^H H^V ' Y^^V i^^^^^H l^^H IMiH[ ' vi IHI jJH ■BhI^^hK^'^^^ ^' '^ ^H ^K H MARS BY WILLIAM H. PICKERING HABVABD A8TBONOMICAL STATION, JAMAICA BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER THE GOBHAM PRESS HLMV CoPTBiGHT, 1921, by RicHABD G. Badoeb All Rights Reserved ■X- ; > • T ^ .. . . ' ' X* A-;99^ f.E Made in the United States of America The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. VI li )\?\\\'i' PREFACE The following list of Collected Papers on Mars con- tains all those of importance prepared by the author between 1890 and 1914. Excepting the first and the last, they are arranged in chronological order. All have been revised, and some of them shortened. No important additions have been made, yet it is beheved that it wiU be found that they represent very satisfac- torily the latest modern views on the physical conditions of the planet's surface. William H. Pickering. Mandeville, Jamaica, B. W. I. August, 1921. CONTENTS cBApma rAos I. Facts About Mars 11 Peculiarities of the Planet The Shifting Marshes II. Photographs op a Snow Storm on Mars ... 21 III. The Glacial Period and the Planet Mars . . 24 rv. Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars ... 26 V. Changes and Floods on Mars 42 VI. Mars in 1892 56 VII. Sohiaparelli's Latest Views Regabdinq Mass . 64 The Planet Mars by Giovanni Sehiaparelli VIII. The Seas of Mars 97 IX. Recent Studies of the Martian and Lunae Canals 103 X. An Explanation of the Martian and Lotjab Canals 108 XI. The Double Canals of Mars 113 XII. The Martian Snows 116 XIII. What We Know About Mars 120 The Orbit of Mars Gravitation, Water and Atmosphere Climate and Meteorology Seas, Canals and Lakes Duplication of the Canals Seasonal Changes Is the Planet Inhabited by Intelligent Beings? XIV. Different Explanations of the Canals of Mars . 147 XV. Signalling to Mars 158 XVI. The Canals of Mars 162 XVII. Mars — Things Known and Surmised .... 167 Index 17S MARS MARS CHAPTER I FACTS ABOUT MARS 1 Mars is to many persons the most interesting body in the heavens, chiefly because it exhibits phe- nomena that we cannot explain unless v^e assume that life in some form or other exists there. Before describing the more recent observations of Mars, it is well to mention a few astronomical facts about the planet that are more or less familiar. Mars revolves in an orbit outside that of the earth in a period a little short of two years, and we over- take it on an average once in every two years and fifty days. I say on an average, because the orbit of Mars is very eccentric, and the time we need in order to catch up with it varies appreciably; it is longer when we overtake it in August than when we do so in February. The date on which we over- take and pass it is called the date of opposition, because the planet is then just opposite the sun, and rises at sunset. In August, when Mars is near- ' Youth's Companion, 1917, 91, 639. 11 12 Mara est the sun, we approach to within 35,000,000 miles of it, but at a February opposition we do not get nearer than 62,000,000 miles. The day of Mars is about forty minutes longer than ours, and the in- clination of its axis to its orbit virtually the same as ours, 23.5°. PECULIAEITIES OF THE PLANET The diameter of Mars is 4230 miles — only a lit- tle more than half that of the earth; and the force of gravity on its surface is about two-fifths as great as that on the surface of the earth. That fact is of the greatest importance to the life on Mars, for because of it the atmospheric pressure on its sur- face is probably not much more than one-tenth of our own. The boiling point of water on Mars, therefore, is only about 115° ; if Mars were as warm as the earth, water would boil when merely exposed to the sun. Snow melts at the same temperature on Mars that it does on the earth, namely 32°. When the north pole of Mars is turned toward the sun, the huge snow fields that surround it melt rapidly, and large dark areas, which sometimes cover two mil- lion square miles, form round them. These are un- doubtedly marshes. At times certain parts of the marshes become Facts About Mars 13 dark blue in color, and we believe therefore that those parts are lakes. Although they are usually confined to the regions that surround the polar snowcaps, they sometimes appear in other parts of the planet. None of them are permanent, however ; the blue color seldom lasts more than a few weeks. We suppose, therefore, that they are shallow, and that the water evaporates rapidly under the low atmospheric pressure. Often great indistinct yellowish-white bodies rise from the marshes and, as the planet revolves on its axis, follow them across the face of the disk. We can hardly doubt that these objects are clouds and fog. When the polar caps are melting, the atmosphere of Mars contains as much water vapor as our own, but much less of the permanent gases. Because of that, and of the low temperature of the boiling point, evaporation and condensation occur much more rapidly on Mars than on the earth. As a re- sult their atmosphere at sunrise and sunset is full of cloud, which probably lasts all night. These cloudy nights help to keep the planet warm, and the clear days also tend to warm it up. Except near the equator, however, the climate on Mars must be subject to great extremes of temperature, and its nights are without much doubt bitterly cold. Of one thing we can be quite sure: to beings consti- A )s 14 Man tuted like ourselves the climate there would be very disagreeable. The surface of Mars may be roughly divided into two parts — the dark areas and the bright ones. The dark areas were formerly supposed to be seas and the bright areas continents, but now we know that that is not the case, and that there are no permanent seas on Mars. What seems more likely is that the regions that are permanently dark are areas covered with vegetation ; that those that are temporarily dark are marshes ; and that the bright regions are deserts. Crossing both the dark and the bright regions we find a network of canals — per- haps not so many as are shown by some observers, but certainly a large number. At the junction of the canals with one another, and with the seas, we often find little dark spots, which we call lakes. Of course we do not call them canals and lakes in the terrestrial sense of the words. Those are merely names, just as we call dark markings on the planet seas. We do not know yet what the canals and lakes reaUy are, but of one thing we are fairly certain, and that is that they are not water. Prob- ably, Hke the seas, they are strips covered with vegetation. Of course there may be some water in them. The polar seas are really marshes, and the same may be true of the ephemeral canals — those that are short-lived and that soon dry up. Facts About Mars 16 Some observers believe that each canal contains a central ditch or pipe by which the canal is irri- gated, and that what we see is the vegetation grow- ing in that irrigated region. They beUeve that the main object of the canals is to conduct water from the polar caps to the great so-called seas, situ- ated in the southern hemisphere of the planet, and that huge engines pump the water through those pipes or ditches. One writer has even gone so far as to compute what horse power would be necessary to accomplish that task, and finds that it would require about four thousand times the amount of power that Niagara gives. THE SHIFTING MAESHES All these conjectures seem to other observers most improbable. If the snow at one pole of the planet is exposed to continuous sunlight, under which it melts rapidly, it adds a great deal of water vapor to the atmosphere, and so increases the pres- sure; if the other pole is exposed continuously to the terrible cold of interplanetary space, it has scarcely any atmosphere to protect it. We cannot doubt therefore that strong atmospheric currents must pass from the sunlit pole to the other, bearing the water vapor with them. In fact, we know that that is the case, for we can see that the snow is 16 Mars transferred from pole to pole and back again every year by a process of distillation and condensation. Indeed it seems to me that the hard thing to un- derstand is, not how the water may be transported across the planet, but rather how it may be kept from going too fast and leaving the intermediate surface a waterless desert for a large part of every half year. If the so-called canals have some func- tion to perform in the tremendous transportation scheme on Mars, it is surely not that of conduits but rather that of reservoirs to hold back the flow. For, with the low atmospheric pressure on the planet, the evaporation from every liquid or moist surface must be intense. If a current of air bearing moisture sets south from a certain point, let us say a large marsh near the north pole, it will not long retain that direction. When it starts it is moving not only south over the surface but also toward the east with the surface of the planet, as it revolves on its axis. As the cur- rent of air gets farther and farther away from the pole, the underlying surface travels faster and faster; thus the air current that it leaves behind seems to blow toward the west as well as toward the south; that is, it seems to come from the northeast. We are quite familiar with this phenomenon on the earth, under the name of the trade winds. When the sun rises on such a polar marsh or Facts About Mars 17 lake, the water at once begins to evaporate. It does not generally form a cloud, however, but re- mains a transparent volume of vapor or gas, mov- ing slowly southward. When night falls it con- denses to a cloud, and much of it remains in that condition until the following morning, when we see it following the marsh, and sometimes at one or two hundred miles distant from it. The part of the cloud that does not remain in that condition through the night must be precipitated on the surface as snow. When the sun again rises on it, it will melt, and thus moisten the western or following side of the marsh, whUe the eastern side gradually dries up. If the surface of Mars is very level, as we believe to be the case, and if our reasoning is cor- rect, those marshes should then be found to shift their positions slowly, and to travel southward and westward. Now, that is exactly what has been seen to take place. In December, 1913, an observer drew a map to show the marshy region that formed a part of the great marsh surrounding the polar snowcap of Mars. In the following January he again ob- served that region, and made another map. Much to his surprise, he found that the two maps did not agree — that the marshes had shifted slightly toward the west. At first he thought he had made a mis- take, but after a little thought he found the ex- 18 Mar$ planation. Since then other polar marshes have been observed, and the same shift has been seen. The fact that the polar canals also shift at times with the retreat of the snowcap is one of the rea- sons why we believe that some of the canals are merely marshes. Certain other canals sometimes shift, however, and for no apparent reason, and in no predictable direction. The same is true of the southern permanent seas. The canals are so nar- row that we cannot teU what their color is, but the seas turn from gray to green when the moisture from the polar caps first reaches them ; the color is at times very vivid, so that we feel fairly confident that the seas at least are areas of vegetation. If on the earth an area of the size of our New England States should within thirty years change from a fertile plain to a barren desert, we should consider it as a real catastrophe. It is because ap- parent changes of that character do occasionally occur upon Mars, and because similar temporary changes occur frequently, that astronomers find the planet of so much interest. The temporary changes are most frequent at the time of the development of the dark regions, which occurs when the polar caps are melting most rap- idly; but astronomers have only begun to study them within the past few years. Since no single ob- server can keep all parts of the planet under con- Facts About Mars 19 stant inspection, an association of observers inter- ested in Mars has been formed. These observers are stationed in the United States, in Japan, in Australia, in Asia, in Italy, Denmark, France, and Great Britain. They send in re^lar reports to a central bureau, which publishes the results in one of the astronomical magazines, whence they are dis- tributed to astronomers throughout the world. It is easy to measure the length of the canals, and also the breadth of the wider ones, but to measure the breadth of the narrower ones is more difficult. There are many canals from one thousand to two thousand and even three thousand miles long. When they first appear they are often more than two hun- dred miles, broad, but as the season progresses they narrow, and new and much smaller canals appear. We have measured some of these smaller canals, and believe that some of them are less than ten miles wide. The larger lakes situated at the junctions of the canals are sometimes several hundred miles in diameter, but the smallest ones that we can observe are probably no more than fifty. As compared with our earth, it is certain that Mars has a scanty supply of several substances needed to support life. One of them is water; the Martian supply of that is certainly less than one one-thousandth of what we have upon the earth. Of course it is true that we have a great deal more 80 Man water than we need. Another necessary is nitro- gen, which is needed for plant food. We have at least forty times as much of it for each square mile of land surface as is found upon Mars. Another very important plant food is the gas, carbon dioxide, that our terrestrial volcanoes supply to our vege- tation. If that supply should be cut off, our vege- tation would soon die, and that would be the end of aU animal life upon our planet. Mars is a world more ancient than our own, and it is quite possible that there is little volcanic activity there at pres- ent. If so, carbon dioxide must be in great demand. CHAPTER II PHOTOGRAPHS OF A SNOW STORM ON MARSi A box of negatives has recently been received from the temporary Harvard observing station upon Mt. Wilson, California, and contains among other things a number of plates of the planet Mars. Seven views were taken April 9, between 22h. 56m. and 23h. 41m., Greenwich mean time. Seven more were taken April 10, between 23h. 20m. and 23h. 32m. Thus the same face of the planet was presented in both cases. Distinct and identifiable spots and mark- ings are well shown in aU the pictures, but in those taken on the latter date a considerable accession is shown to the white spot surrounding the south pole. It has been known for years that the size of these polar spots varied gradually from time to time, ap- parently diminishing in the summer, and increasing in the winter of their respective hemispheres. But I believe that this is the first time that the precise date, and approximate extent of one of these ac- ' Sidereal Messenger, 1890, 9, 234. 21 22 Mars cessions has been observed. The area affected stretches from the terminator, which at this time was in long. 70°, along parallel — 30° to longitude 110°, thence to longitude 145°, latitude —45°; thence to the limb which was in latitude — 85° and the 220° meridian, and thence back to the point of starting. It may thus extend also over an unknown area on what was at that time the invisible hemi- sphere of the planet. The visible area included is surprisingly large, amounting to about 2,500,000 square miles or somewhat less than the area of the United States. Being near the limb, however, it is not as conspicuous as might at first sight be sup- posed. On the morning of April 9, the area was faintly marked out as if pervaded by haze, or by small separated bodies, too small and too far apart, or too faint to be recognized individually. But on Apidl 10 the whole region was brilliant, fuUy equal- ing that surrounding the north pole. In the mean- time a much smaller area on the limb which on the 9th was very bright had either vanished or joined the main mass, by moving eastwardly, as we should say, considering Mars as a globe. The date of these events corresponds to the end of the winter season on the southern hemisphere of Mars, or what would be with us about the middle of February. The numerical data given above are Photographs of a Snow Storm on Mars 23 founded on the extremely useful tables published by Mr. Marth in the Monthly Notices. As to what these observations mean, might most naturally be explained by terrestrial analogies, but be that as it may, the facts are that these appear- ances are conspicuous upon each of the fourteen photographs, and so distinctly so, that no one who had once seen them would hesitate an instant in de- ciding on which day any particular plate was taken. CHAPTER in THE; GLACIAL PERIOD AND THE PLANET MARS^ It seems to me that one of the chief secondary causes of the Glacial Period, as based on an increased eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, has not heretofore been sufBciently enforced. During the short winters and long summers, whatever precipitation occurs will be largely in the form of rain. On the other hand, during the long winters and short summers it wUl be, on the whole, mainly in the form of snow. Now the snow by its great reflective power will cause the earth to lose a very large proportion, perhaps nearly three-quarters, of whatever radiant energy does fall upon it. Moreover, during the short sum- mer, when the sun is able to melt the snow, there will be an extensive evaporation from its whole surface, forming clouds. These wiU in their turn reflect away the sun's rays, and at the same time by their shade protect the snow beneath them from melting. This cause requires for its action the presence of " Knowledge, 1892, 113. 24 \ The Glacial Period and the Planet Mars 25 considerable moisture upon the surface of the planet. It has been stated that the glacial theory does not appear to apply to Mars. In the case of this planet, however, we have good reason for thinking that it formerly had extensive oceans upon its surface, and the gradual cooling to which it has been subjected has enabled room to be formed for them in its in- terior; that is to say, there are probably extensive regions in its interior which are not sufficiently hot to convert water into steam. The water would there- fore, naturally, as is the case with the earth, go un- derground, filling all the microscopic cavities be- tween the rocks. Be that as it may, the appearance of the surface of this planet leads us to think that it possesses at present very much less water in pro- portion than does our earth. That being the case, there could not be sufficient evaporation to form the extensive snow-caps required by the glacial theory. As an illustration of this point, we should expect that the northern or continental slopes of the Himalaya Mountains would be colder but also drier than the southern ones, which are exposed to the ocean. Yet upon the warm southern slopes we find the line of perpetual snow considerably lower than upon the colder northern ones. Thus, because the supposed snow-caps upon Mars are small, it does not neces- sarily indicate that the temperature of the planet is higher than that of the earth. CHAPTER IV COLORS EXHIBITED BY THE PLANET MARS^ The following preliminary account of an investi- gation made ia Cambridge at the last opposition of Mars, is published at this time, in the hope that others may take advantage of the present favorable circumstances, to verify the results here described. One of the most difficult branches in practical as- tronomy is that pertaiuiag to the colors of the heav- enly bodies, for no other optical illusions can be found to be so complete as those pertaining to color. The planet Mars is frequently spoken of as the red planet, yet its color is by no means as red as that of an ordinary candle flame. To illustrate this fact, let the observer so place himself that the planet Mars, an electric Ught, and a candle or gas flame, all ap- pear to him to be of the same brilliancy. He will then find that while the planet is redder than the electric light, it is bluer than the candle flame, and is, in fact, very nearly half way between the two in 'Astronomy and Astro-Physics, 1893, 11, 449. 26 Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars 27 color. If either source of light is made brighter than the other, its tendency is to appear whiter. During the last opposition, sixty paintings were made of the planet, with the 12-inch Harvard re- fractor, and sixty-six uncolored drawings. They were all constructed upon a uniform scale of 800 000 000 ' ^^^ planet being represented by a disc, 34 millimeters in diameter. Usually powers of 200 to 400 were employed. It was found that in the evening, the most prominent and striking color of the planet could be represented very well by car- mine. It was also found that it could be equally well represented by golden yellow. When painted in the day-time it was orange, with more or less carmine, depending on various circumstances. If a high power was used it was much redder than with a low power. All of these changes may be readily ex- plained by the elementary principles of physics, but they illustrate very well some of the difficulties that were presented by the research. As the planet is illuminated by sunlight, it is evident that in order to obtain a correct result, the pigment used to repre- sent it should be illuminated by the same source. The paintings should, therefore, be made in the day- time. Experiments were also made in a darkened room, the only light transmitted being through a small round hole bored in the shutter. Various pieces of 28 Mars colored stone were placed upon a mirror, which reflected the light of the sky into the room. Reflec- tions of these stones were then viewed in two pieces of flat glass, supported inside the room. By varying the angles of the glasses, the intensity of the sun- light reflected from the stones could be varied, so as to render them either brighter or fainter than the planet, as seen in the telescope. Paintings of the planet, illuminated by the same light as that used in the evening, were then compared with the light from the stones. The other shutters of the room were then opened, and the paintings illuminated by daylight. It was found that the same laws of color held good with the stones that had been previously found appli- cable to the planet. The various stones tried were a piece of brown lava from Vesuvius, a piece of red basalt, a piece of brown sandstone, a piece of very red granite, and two pieces of brick, one an orange red, and the other the color of dragon's blood. The former may be best represented by dragon's blood with a little Saturn red in it. The red granite, which is half way in color between the two pieces of brick, is well represented by dragon's blood and sienna, half and half. It was found that this piece of gran- ite under suitable illumination could be made to match exactly any of the paintings of the planet. As its color was not far from that of an average Colon Exhibited hy the Planet Mars 29 brick, our next experiment was to select a distant building made of brick of the proper color, and make a painting of it as seen in the telescope. This paint- ing was necessarily made by daylight, and another telescope had to be used, as the building was not visible from the dome of the 12-inch. The building selected was two and a half miles distant. The tele- scope employed was a 6-inch refractor by Clacey. The result was as anticipated, that when the paint- ing of the building was compared with some of the daylight paintings of Mars, the colors were identical. In each case the colors were separately mixed at the time, although the components were the same, and in each case the result exactly satisfied the eye. The reason that a red planet or distant brick building can be matched by daylight with an orange pigment is because of the bluish white light reflected from the atmosphere, lying between the distant ob- ject and the eye, which is mixed with the red light coming from the object, changing it from red to orange. If the brick is examined close at hand, a red pigment must be employed to represent it. When the planet is viewed at night, or when a piece of brick near at hand is illuminated by sunlight, but the pigment is illuminated by a yellow artificial light, this light by enforcing the red components of the pignient, and absorbing the blue, makes the pigment really appear red, and therefore match the Sun- 30 Mars illumined object. The object, therefore, although painted yeUow by night, reaUy appears to the eye redder than when painted orange by daylight. This fact was well brought out by an experiment made at night, employing the magnesium light instead of the oil lamp as a source of illumination for the pig- ment. In that case the color best matching the planet was found to be dragon's blood which, as we have seen before, is probably not far from its true color, which we considered to be the same as the red granite, and therefore to be represented by equal parts of dragon's blood and sienna. But red is by no means the only color visible upon the planet. When near the limb, the reds always appear yellowish, indicating probably an atmo- spheric absorption of the red portion of the spec- trum, an effect quite at variance with the action of our own atmosphere, which tends to absorb the blue rays. Next to the reds and yellows, the most important colors are the grays and greens. The latter colors one would actually at first attribute to an optical illusion, due to contrast with the prevailing tint. If this were the case, however, these portions of the planet should be painted blue, blue being the com- plementary color of the orange seen by daylight. Blue pigment seen by lamp light becomes green, which is the complementary of the red seen at night. Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars 81 Therefore in either case blue would be the comple- mentary color and not green. Experiments under both of these conditions, however, made upon sev- eral occasions, conclusively showed that these greens could not be matched by blue pigment of any tint, but were a true and genuine green. Although rare, yet upon four occasions it was noted that green was the most conspicuous color visible. This was due sometimes to its covering a large area, and some- times to its being a more intense color than the red. This also indicated that the green could not be due to contrast. It was found by experiment that the effect upon green pigment produced by using an artificial illumination was very much less marked than upon red, the only effect being, that when so illuminated, it appeared rather more yellow than when seen by daylight. This would imply that the greens upon Mars were in reality slightly more yel- lowish than the evening paintings would indicate. When the seeing became bad the greens and reds united to give a whitish tint, and the colors dis- appeared. This further indicated that the greens were not due to contrast. A piece of black paper was introduced into the field of view of the telescope, cutting off the red, but the green color remained unchanged. An examination was made of Jupiter, the disc being a bright yellow, but no green could be detected upon it. The greens, especially the light 32 Mar$ greens, usually appeared near the poles, which were necessarily near the edge of the disc, but on these occasions a region near the center was seen of a light green color. The green could not therefore be at- tributed to the secondary spectrum of the glass. Moreover, the telescope was thrown alternately slightly in and out of focus, changing the color of the outside fringe of light, but without altering the green hue upon the disc. The green was not due to atmospheric refraction since it was seen near both poles, besides which the color due to this cause is easily overbalanced by that due to the lack of achromatism in the eyepiece when the planet is placed near the edge of the field. The green is not due to an optical illusion caused by the brightness of the snow. It is sometimes seen between the snow and the red regions of the planet, and is also seen when the snow is not visible. Indeed I think it has been often mistaken for the snow, as it is a much larger and more conspicuous object. The real snow is much more difficult to see than is generally supposed, and is frequently not visible at all. I have only seen it occasionally when it was readily dis- tinguished by its extreme brightness and whiteness. An excellent idea of its appearance is given in Chambers' Astronomy, fourth edition, and I have seldom seen it of much greater extent. The draw- ing is by Green, and like all of his work upon Mars, Colors Exhibited hy the Planet Mars 33 is most accurate and life-like. The gray objects upon Mars, when the seeing was poor, acquired a slightly yellowish, and in the day-time a brownish tint, owing to their confusion with the surrounding regions, but when the seeing was good, they were either a pure gray, or of a slightly greenish color. This does not apply to all the darker regions, as we shall see later. There was no difficulty in obtain- ing distant green terrestrial objects to study through the telescope, and it was found that even upon very clear days, when over two or three miles distant, they appeared either gray or greenish gray. This was particularly true of the darker shades. In fact I never at any time saw any colors as brilliant as the bright greens upon Mars. Even when a piece of bright red paper was introduced into the field of the telescope, no appreciable contrast effect was produced upon the terrestrial greens. This fact, together with the other that the greens on Mars were seldom seen by daylight, made me think that those seen upon the planet must be due to some illusion, whose origin had not as yet been eliminated, for one cannot well conceive of more vivid greens than those due to some of our own vegetation. I had been observing a tree some two and a half miles distant with the telescope one very clear morning, when I noticed that there was an electric lamp just by the side of it. That evening I pointed the tele- 34< Mars scope again on the tree, and it instantly shone out a most brilliant bluish green, fully equalling in in- tensity anything I had seen upon the planet, and a trifle bluer. This explained why it was that in the day-time I had only detected the greens upon Mars with difficulty while at night they were conspicuously visible, — the white light reflected by our own atmo- sphere had corrected them into grays. Numerous observations were made of the colors of particular regions, especially of those which ap- peared very dark in tint. Attempts were also made to determine the color of the canals. This latter is an extremely difficult undertaking, as the smaller the area, the harder it is to assign any particular color to it. The apparent area of any very small region always strongly affects one's judgment of its color, and in comparing two colors, it is most im- portant that their apparent areas should be equal. Regarding the colors of these smaller regions, as it is very desirable that the opinions of others be formed independently of my own, I will defer de- scribing them until another paper, merely stating that there is some evidence that certain regions do not seem to remain at all times of the same color. In closing, I shall mention that these colors have been seen through three different telescopes, 12-inch and 15-inch at Cambridge, and more recently through the 13-inch instrument at Arequipa. The Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars 35 latter instrument brought them out very finely, the greens showing well even in the day-time. On April 5, I could see the great canal north of the Syrtis Major with a power of 810 diameters. It will be noted that in what precedes I have carefully abstained from advocating any hypothesis regarding the true sources of any of the colors, merely confining myself strictly to a statement of the observed facts. In my former paper upon this subject, attention was called to the important effect of our own at- mosphere in misleading our judgment as to the true colors exhibited by the heavenly bodies. A good illustration of this effect may be obtained from a mountain summit upon a slightly cloudy day. The distant greens of the landscape, which are by no means as brilliant as when viewed close at hand, are at once changed to grays either by the passing over them of a cloud shadow, or by the passing of a very thin mist between them and the eye. In the former they become darker, and in the latter lighter, but in either case the greenish tint entirely disappears. The sudden changes of color exhibited by some of the smaller areas upon the planet Mars are some- times almost startling. A recent view was obtained shortly before sunrise, when the snowy region about the south pole appeared of a most brilliant green, quite equalling in color the rather narrow green band situated just to the north of it. Later as the 36 Mars Sun came up, the color of the snow changed to bright yellow, the rest of the disc changing in the mean time to orange. Later the seeing improved, several of the canals became visible, and the snow became as colorless as that upon our surrounding mountains. The two former effects were probably due to bad seeing, the fluctuations of our own atmosphere super- posing the colors of the surrounding regions upon the snow. We have laid it down as a rule never to rely greatly upon our color observations unless the snow caps of the planet appear perfectly colorless, and the canal system is well defined. These condi- tions we find always combined with the best seeing. For these delicate color observations it wiU therefore be seen, that not only do we require a telescope of the very first quality, but also the very best obtain- able atmospheric conditions. In studying the smaller dark regions, such as the northwestern part of the Syrtis Major, great differences of color have been noted from night to night, and I have colored sketches in my possession, taken at difi^erent times, in which it is represented as grey, as green, as blue, as brown and even as violet. The latter color was so extraordinary that I endeavored to make that portion of the planet ap- pear to my eye of some other color, but it was impossible, and no other color but violet lake could be made to match it. This color upon the planet Colors Exhibited hy the Planet Mars 37 has only been seen by me upon one occasion since. The brown color above noted was undoubtedly due to bad seeing. At one time I felt convinced that the real color of the darkest spots upon the planet was a deep blue, and this may in reality be the case, but of late, under the most favorable circumstances, they have appeared to me of an absolutely colorless dark grey. Probably this point can be settled at the present opposition. Before describing the colors of particular regions more at length, it may be well to give a description of the general characteristics of different longitudes, as observed during the opposition of 1890. For this purpose we may divide the surface of the planet into six sections, each sixty degrees of longitude in breadth, the first having the 0° meridian central. The times of transit of the 0° meridian of the planet may be readily computed, but the amateur will find them given in cpnvenient shape in the excellent ephemerides published by Mr. Marth in the Monthly Notices. The only pity is that these ephemerides cannot appear about six months earlier, in order to be of the most use to astronomers outside of the British Islands. The most striking marking upon the planet, and that most readily seen with a small telescope, is the Syrtis Major, or Y mark. This is nearly central in the sixth position of the planet, with the 300° 88 Mars meridian in the middle of the disc. Owing to the period of rotation of Mars heing 37 minutes longer than that of the Earth, in about six nights Mars wiU be found at the same hour in the fifth position with the 240° meridian central. This region in 1890 was interesting as containing the most conspicuous canals visible upon the planet, excepting the large one which terminates the Syrtis Major upon the north. At this opposition these canals will aU be too far north to be well seen. The fourth and third regions of the planet were both extremely uninterest- ing as showing very little detail of consequence. The second position with the 60° meridian central was interesting as showing the great southern ocean, which is nearly as conspicuous as the Syrtis Major itself. In the first position with the 0° meridian central the ocean is disappearing and the Syrtis Major coming into view. We now come to a curious feature of the observa- tions, namely, the actual changes in color which, eliminating all probable sources of error, the sur- face of the planet really seems to undergo. When the Syrtis Major is central, before the autumnal equinox of the northern hemisphere, the region to the east is seen to be distinctly more greenish than that to the west. As the season wears on the difference in color becomes less marked, and the greenish hue is confined more closely to the region immediately Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars 89 bordering the Syrtis on the east. In most of my drawings made in 1890 the two arms of the Syrtis are shown of equal breadth. This appears to be the case also upon Green's map published in Cham- bers' Astronomy, although this point is not well shown by him. At present there is no doubt but that the eastern arm is much the wider of the two, per- haps twice as wide. Early in 1890 the entire region enclosed between the arms of the Syrtis Major, as far as the snow cap, was of a brilliant green color. On June 27, however, or eleven days before the vernal equinox of the southern hemisphere, a yellow spot appeared at the extreme northern point of the triangular area. As the season advanced this yellow spot increased in area, till it covered the whole region as far south as could be seen. This year when first observed, this area was entirely green, but on May 9, or seventeen days before the vernal equinox, the yellow or perhaps reddish spot appeared in the same place, and it will be interesting to determine if, as the season advances, this color again pro- gresses towards the pole. Changes to the east of the Syrtis Major have also been noticed by Schi- aparelli. These he ascribes to extensive floods. On June 8, 1890, thirty days before the autumnal equi- nox in the northern hemisphere, there was a large greenish area visible in longitude 180°, latitude 30° north. By July 16, or eight days after the equinox, 40 Mars this spot could not be found, the whole region ap- pearing of a yellow tint. In longitude 10°, latitude 40° north, is a large crescent-shaped area. In June and July, 1890, it was well seen and appeared quite as dark as the great southern ocean. This was noted upon a number of occasions. It was however painted green, and the ocean to the south of it blue, the difference in color on one evening being very clear, as seen by my assistant, Mr. A. E. Douglass, and myself. On March 22 of the present year the cres- cent was well shown, but was markedly fainter than the ocean, which was again suspected of being blue, but the color could not be satisfactorily confirmed. This crescent is now too far north, owing to the motion of the planet, to be satisfactorily studied. While these indications of change of color upon the planet are too few and isolated at present to enable us to form a satisfactory explanation of their causes, they still hold out a promise that should these observations be carefully repeated at future oppositions, under suitable conditions, we may in time be able to deduce the laws affecting them, and perhaps even predict their changes in advance. Too much stress however cannot be laid on the danger of optical illusion in this matter. It is generally considered that a very good instrument, and some practice is required, before an observer can cer- Colors Exhibited by the Planet Mars 41 tainly see the canals even, but in order that satis- factory results in this branch of the research may be achieved, the more important canals must be seen with distinctness, and the snow caps, if present, must appear perfectly colorless. CHAPTER V CHANGES AND FLOODS ON MARS ^ In the previous chapter an endeavor was made to show that actual changes do occur upon its sur- face, besides the well known annual change in the size of the snow caps. This effort has perhaps proved unnecessary since the changes which have actually occurred at the present opposition have been so conspicuous and startling that they might easily be detected even by the possessors of six-inch telescopes. The canals can now be observed read- ily any evening. Many of those that we have seen here agree with Schiaparelli's, and several do not. Several of his more strongly marked ones have not been found at all. This, however, I am quite pre- pared to attribute to seasonal changes. Some very well developed canals cross the oceans. If these are really water canals and water oceans, there would seem to be some incongruity here. When the snow melts, it seems that there reaUy should be some oceans, and a careful study has been made of the ' Astronomy and Astro-Physics, 1892, 11, 668. 42 Changes ^^ about 32 miles to the inch. The drawing was made August 1, 1901, at 8.6 days after sunrise on Eratosthenes, colongi- tude of the simrise terminator 116°. The photo- graph was taken September 2, 1901, 11.3 days after sunrise, colongitude 149°. While therefore it was taken about three days later in the lunation than the drawing, stUl it does not show any very marked changes to have occurred in the meantime, excepting possibly in the relative intensity of some of the canals. Since the drawing was made only 1.7 days after full moon, when the sun was nearly in the zenith of the crater, and since the same markings are found on other drawings and photographs made at and before full moon, it will be seen that it is geo- metrically impossible that these markings should be due to shadows. They represent therefore real dif- ferences in surface coloration and nothing else. The other photograph is an enlargement from the same orfginal negative to the same scale. The region shown is situated four diameters, south 20° west, from Eratosthenes. The dark region at the top is in fact the site of Gruithuison's celebrated mined lunar city. He described a central street from which five or six parallel streets led off on either side at an agle of 45°, Hke the veins of a leaf. Something of the same sort has been seen by several ^iji:t/ir> tfiBBPaffl:^-^ irimc«x.atdLrirg '■l %k4:^ii!a)iSfr ^-^^^.aA^=.,j*fe■'^. -jjOilft REGIOX XEAIi ERATOSTHENES Studies of the Marticm and Lvmar Canah 107 other observers, and I have myself seen a few of the lines. The so-called streets are apparently a difficult and very curious combination of ridges. What interests us most, however, is a series of well- marked canals near the center of the view. Just below the center is a white spot. In this is located a Y-shaped combination of canals. From near the foot of the Y a canal leads off to the right, to a very dark spot. This canal is fourteen miles long, and about half a mile in breadth. A short canal branches off from its upper side, i. e., towards the south, and other canals lead off from the dark spot. Below and to the left of this spot is another one of about the same size. Both are suspected of changing the finer details of their shape in the course of the lunation. In my recent researches I have found, and have endeavored to show, that there is a wealth of fine detail upon the Moon, exhibiting constant variations, of the highest interest to the intelligent selenog- rapher. Of these variations, many it is believed are periodic, while some are whoUy irregular in their character. To see them does not involve the use of a large telescope, but it does require a good atmo- sphere, and also a knowledge of the kind of varia- tions one may expect to observe, and of the sort of places in which they are likely to occur. Without this knowledge much time may be wasted in study- ing unfavorable localities. CHAPTER X AN EXPLANATION OF THE MARTIAN ANTD LUNAR CANALS ^ When the suggestion of vegetation was first offered to explain the so-called seas and canals of Mars,^ the difficulty was strongly felt that while it readily explained their changes of area, shape, and color, it did not satisfactorily explain the long slender forms of the canals. That these might be due to narrow and therefore invisible water courses was an obvious idea. Professor Lowell in adopting these views added to them the hypothesis of an arti- ficial formation. If the canals were really as straight and uniform as they are generally drawn, it was certainly hard to see how they could owe their origin entirely to natural causes. But now that some of the EngUsh experimenters, Messrs. Lane, Maunder, and Evans have cast doubt on the existence of many of the straight canals, the hypothesis of an artificial origin is materially weakened. 'Popular Astronomy, 1904, 12, 439. ' Science, 1888, 12, S2. Astronomy and Astro-Physics, 1892, H, 670. 108 An Explanation of the Canals 109 Another difficulty which early presented itself was to explain what caused the water to flow through the narrow channels, unless we supposed it was ai-ti- ficially pumped through them. This has always seemed to the writer to be the chief difficulty «dtli the whole explanation, but Professor Lowell has now courageously taken the bull by the horns, and adopted the pumping hypothesis.^ If the surface is level, gravity would not come into the question, but we may well ponder upon the amount of energy transformed into work which could furnish enough water to irrigate anywhere from a hundred thou- sand to a few million square miles of surface. When the canals on the Moon were discovered, it was thought that they might throw some light upon this puzzling question. It must be remembered that the Moon is about 200 times nearer than Mars at an average opposition, and we can readily imag- ine that if we could increase the power of our tele- scopes 200 times, we might make quite a number of interesting discoveries upon Mars. Upon the Moon as upon that planet, several canals frequently radiate from a single lake, but what was most unexpected, the lakes are sometimes found at the bottom of a lunar valley, and sometimes upon the crest of a crater wall. As is the case with Mars also, when the sun rises upon them, and the 'Proceedings Amer. Philosophical Society, 1903, 43, 364. 110 Mart snow melts, the lakes and canals develop and become conspicuous, subsequently fading out at sunset, which corresponds to the Martian winter. It has been shown * that in the lunar crater Alphonsus there are eight variable spots, or lakes as we should now call them. In the exact center of each, excepting the largest one, is found a minute craterlet. In the largest lake there are two large craterlets and five small ones. The canals radiate from the lakes and therefore from these craterlets. The symmetrical arrangement of the lakes about the craterlets in so many instances indicates a causal relation between them, and that the vegetation of the lake, if such it be, owes its origin to some vol- canic action. In the case of several of the large craters, notably Tycho, we find a similar radiating structure, and in the case of Tycho even a dark spot or halo at the center. In this case the whole formation is upon so large a scale that its elementary structure can be clearly distinguished. The white radiating lines or bands are seen to be due to numerous minute craterlets, each giving out a triangular white streamer, the alignment of these streamers producing the general effect of a white band. It is probable that this observed regular distribution of the crater- lets is due to their lying along invisible cracks radiat- * Harvard Annals, 32, 93. An Explanation of the Canals 111 ing from the main crater. It is much the same as the great volcanoes of the Andes, which stretch in a straight line for over 2,000 miles between Peru and the Straits of Magellan. The Alaskan volcanoes lie upon a uniformly curved line of nearly equal length. Most of the terrestrial volcanoes are dis- tributed along similar lines. This line formation is generally considered by geologists to be due to sub- terranean lines of weakness or cracks in the earth's crust. Such being the case, it seems probable that the canals on the Moon lie along similar invisible cracks radiating from the small craterlet at the center of each lake. These cracks are not always straight but such is their general tendency. Under favorable Ulumination small cracks are found to be very common upon the surface of the Moon, and in the cases of Petavious, Alphonsus, and Atlas that class of cracks that we have designated from their shape as river-beds are seen to be intimately asso- ciated with the lakes and canals.^ It is believed that enough water vapor and carbonic acid escape from the central craterlet and flow down its sides to develop the vegetation upon its slopes, and that the smaller quantities escaping from various points along the radiating cracks similarly develop the vegetation which shows along their sides. In addi- tion to the escaping vapor, water itself might issue ' Harvard Annals, 32, 98 and 112, see also Plate VII. 112 Mars from the subterrjanean crack and percolating through the soil be evaporated from its surface. It is not thought that there is any transfer of vapor lengthwise of the crack but that on account of the lack of external atmospheric pressure the vapor rises quietly directly from the lower regions, owing to the internal heat of the Moon. As soon as the exterior is sufficiently warmed by the sun, the vapor and gas would begin to appear. On account of the rarity of the atmosphere, instead of rising they would immediately spread themselves along the surface of the ground. Even in desert regions upon the Earth we should therefore scarcely expect to find similar formations unless actually irrigated by water, instead of water vapor. In its physical con- dition Mars seems to occupy an intermediate posi- tion between the Earth and the Moon. It seems to the writer that the merit of this ex- planation lies not so much in its novelty, but rather because it is founded so largely upon observed facts. CHAPTER XI THE DOUBLE CANALS OF MARS ^ A few years ago the doubling of the Martian canal system was generally admitted by astronomers as an accepted fact. Latterly however doubts have begun to arise with regard to it. It was shown by the writer, in the Harvard Annals XXXII, 149, that accepting the results of Schiaparelli, Flammarion, Antoniadi and Lowell, the double canals had this curious property, namely, that their linear separa- tion was inversely proportional to the diameter of the object-glass of the telescope, and directly pro- portional to the distance of the planet. It was then suggested that some one who was able to see the duplication of the canals, which the writer has never been able to do, should make meas- ures of their separation, using different apertures in front of the telescope upon the same night. This has now been done by Professor Lowell, Bulletin 5, Lowell Observatory, and a recent examination of his work, has shown that he has brought out some very instructive results. ' Popular Astronomy, 1904, 13, 385. 113 114 Mars In the first place as far as he is concerned it is evident that the separation of the canals is inde- pendent of the aperture of the telescope employed. Secondly, he has found that the duplication of the canals can be seen with surprisingly small apertures. Thus with six inches he divides the three double canals Euphrates, Hiddekel, and Gihon when their components were separated only 0".27, 0".26, and 0".28 respectively. It was found by Dawes that an objective one inch in diameter could separate (not merely elon- gate) two equal stars 4<".56 apart. A ,6-inch objec- tive should therefore separate stars at one-sixth this distance, or 0".76. Experiments made at Cam- bridge with a 15-inch aperture ' Harvard Annals XXXII, 149, showed that in order to divide two lines drawn in ink on white paper, they must be separated by an angle of 0".42. For a 6-inch objec- tive the required separation would therefore be 1".05. An analogous experiment may be readily repeated without instruments. Draw two lines in ink 1 milli- meter, or one twenty-fifth of an inch apart, on white paper. Placed at a distance of ten feet they can just be divided with the naked eye. Their separation will be 70". The diameter of the pupil of the eye in a brightly lighted room is about one-tenth of an inch. If we can conceive the pupil enlarged sixty T?ie Double Canah of Mars 116 times, which is what is practically done by a 6-inch telescope, we should be able to separate the lines at one-sixtieth of this distance apart, or at 1".15. Summarizing our results, and applying them to the case of a 6-inch telescope, we find from Dasve-i' experiments, confirmed universally by astronomers, that two stars could only be separated when as much as 0".76 apart. The less the contrast the more difficult the separation. Therefore for black lines on white paper we need a greater separation than in the case of the stars. Our telescopic experi- ments with black lines indicate that the angle must measure 1".05. Our naked eye experiments make the angle 1".15. In the case of Mars, Professor Lowell can detect the duplication when the separa- tion is only 0".26. This would be equivalent in the case of the naked eye experiment to separating two lines one millimeter apart at a distance of forty feet. This the reader will find is quite impossible. The writer hesitates to believe that Professor Lowell can separate two actual lines which are do much nearer together than the limit for other ob- servers, and thinks therefore that what he sees must be some optical illusion. CHAPTER XII THE EXPECTED MARTIAN SNOWS ^ It may interest observers to know that ice will probably begin to form at both poles of Mars during the month of April. The north pole will be turned toward the Earth at an angle of from 10° to 13° during the month, and the meteorological changes that we may expect - to see when the ice appears should be quite conspicuous, the northern ice melting rapidly in the continuous sunshine. The poles may appear either a pure white, a light yellow or a bright but vivid green. The first indicates hoar frost or snow, the second clouds, and the third, at least in part, vegetation. The green over a considerable portion of the planet will be particularly vivid dur- ing the present opposition, and should be visible even in small telescopes. A paper on Martian Mete- orology is now in preparation for the Harvard An- nals treating this subject in more detail, but it prob- ably will not be ready for distribution before sum- mer. 'Popular Astronomy, 1905, 13, 196. 116 The Martian Snows IIT The planet will be from 13" to 17" in diameter, coming to opposition early in May, so that the disc will be large enough to be well seen. Indeed, this opposition will be particularly favorable to these observations, the planet being nearer us and better placed during this portion of its year, than during either the preceding or following oppositions. It is unfortunately rather far to the south, declination — 18°, and observations at the beginning of the month cannot be made much before midnight, — - meridian passage 14h. 53m. By the end of the month observations may begin shortly before ten o'clock, — meridian passage 12h. 39m. OBSEEVED In the April number of Popular Astronomy atten- tion was called to this planet, and the opinion ex- pressed that the polar caps should appear during the month. Owing to the press of other matters it was not possible to maintain visual observations in Cambridge, but photographs were obtained under the direction of Mr. King with the 11-inch Draper telescope whenever practicable. An enlarging lens was employed, giving the original negative on a scale of about 2. "5 to the millimeter. The first photograph was taken upon March 31, 118 Mars others being secured upon April 1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 27, and 30. The first photograph showed clouds at both the limb and terminator, but no polar caps properly so-caUed appeared until April 23, when a large Ught area was clearly visible at the south pole. It did not appear bright enough for snow, however, but more resembled an extensive cloudy region. It has remained visible upon the photographs since that date, although with slightly diminished intensity and size. A minute bright area appeared near the north pole on April 15, but was seen only with difficulty. A visual examination of Mars was made on the night of April 30, with the 24-inch reflector. The southern polar cap was clearly visible, extending far to the north in longitude 340°, but its inten- sity was slight, little exceeding that of the limb in other regions. It is probable that when the Mar- tian clouds clear away, snow will be found lying in their place. The heliocentric colongitudes of the planet upon April 15 and 23 were 216° and 220°. These posi- tions would correspond on the Earth to August 3 and 7, or to near the end of the winter of the south- ern hemisphere. Snow seldom comes earlier upon Mars. Extensive green areas should be visible in June, and the Mare Erythraeum recently described The Martian Snows 119 by Professor Lowell as brown, should by that time have recovered its normal color. This change of color with the seasons seems to the writer the best proof of the existence of vegetation on Mars. CHAPTER XIII WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT MARS ^ During the next three years the planet Mars will twice approach nearer to the Earth than has been the case since 1892. It will, therefore, be a very conspicuous object in the heavens, equaling Jupiter in brilliancy, and will excite considerable attention from astronomers in various parts of the world. THE ORBIT OF MAES To understand why, unlike the case of the other planets, these near approaches occur only at such long and irregular intervals, let us imagine the larger circle (Fig. 1) to represent the orbit of Mars, and the smaller one the orbit of the Earth, the Sun being at S. These orbits are not really circles, but ellipses, the Sun being a little to one side of the exact cen- ter in each case. The intersections of the two in- clined diameters P A, pa, with the orbits, show where ' The Technical World Magazine, 1906, 460. 120 What We Know About Mars m the planets are nearest and farthest from the Sun. When Mars is nearest the Sun it will be seen that the Earth is nearly at its greatest distance, which brings the two orbits closer together there than elsewhere. The Earth moves in its orbit much faster than Mars, and also has a shorter distance to travel ; it therefore overtakes Mars once in a little over two years. When this is the case, the two planets are much nearer together than at other times. Mars then rises just at sunset ; and since it is in the op- 170" Fig. 1. Debits of the Eaeth and Mabs U2 Mars posite part of the sky to the Sun, it is said to be in opposition. In the figure, the short lines con- necting the two orbits show where the different op- positions have occurred. In that of 1892, the two planets were very near together; in 1894 they were somewhat farther apart; but no favorable opposi- tion has occurred since then. The next one will take place in 1907, and will be a little better than that of 1894. The distance of Mars from the Earth will then be 38,200,000 miles, while the shortest possible distance is 35,000,000 miles. The most favorable oppositions occur in the latter part of August. The parts of the Martian orbit marked n and s in the figure, show when the planet's poles are pointed most nearly towards the Sun. Thus at s is the south- ern summer and northern winter. Since the planet is here so much nearer the Earth than at n, it is pos- sible for us to see the details of its southern hemi- sphere very much better than we ever can those of its northern one. The inclination of the equator of Mars to its or- bit is 24°, or about the same as that of the Earth. The seasons on the two planets are therefore iden- tical, except that, on account of the longer year, those on Mars are twice as long as our own. The Martian day is about forty minutes longer than ours. What We Know About Mars 123 GEAVITATION, WATER, AND ATMOSPHEEE The diameter of Mars is 4,200 miles, or a little over half that of the Earth. Its mass, or the amount of matter it contains, is 0.12 as compared with that of the Earth; and the force of gravity at its sur- face, 0.38, or about two-fifths that at the surface of the Earth. A man weighing 150 pounds on the Earth would weigh rather less than 60 pounds on Mars, and could accordingly be much more active. He could jump much higher and throw a stone two and a-haK times as far. It will be noticed that he could not move the stone any faster than he could upon the Earth ; merely, it would take longer to fall, and therefore would go farther before striking the ground. The effect of this small constant of gravitation has a most important influence on the physical con- ditions at the surface of Mars. Bodies where this constant is large, like the Sun and stars, can re- tain enormous atmospheres of the lighter gases, like hydrogen and heliiun, which escape at once into outer space from the Earth's atmosphere. Bodies where the constant is small, like our Moon, lose nearly all their atmosphere, save such components as are being constantly liberated from their interior, like 124 Mars water vapor and carbonic acid. Mars, where the constant of gravitation lies between those of the Earth and Moon, must have an atmosphere inter- mediate in its density and composition. That its atmosphere contains water vapor, we know, because we see it frozen at its poles in the form of ice, and later melted to form water. It is sometimes sug- gested that this white material, which increases in winter and diminishes in summer, may be carbonic acid; but this cannot be the case, since carbonic acid does not become liquid at pressures of less than five atmospheres, no matter what the temperature may be. The atmosphere of Mars, we know, is very rare ; therefore the liquid we see surrounding the melting ice-caps cannot be carbonic acid. There is no substance known, save water, that would meet these conditions ; therefore, if the polar caps of Mars are not due to ice, they must be caused by some substance that is not found upon the earth — which conclusion is improbable. Water is nevertheless very scare on Mars ; and its oceans, if it has any, are shallow and only tempo- rary, existing solely at the times of the spring freshets. In Fig. 2 is shown the south polar cap after the ice has begun to melt. Below, and to the right of it, is seen a very dark area, which the polari- scope shows differs from the rest of the planet in FIC. i. SOUTH POLE OF MARS Showing White Pohir Cap. From ; drawing hy tlie writer FIG. o. REGIOX .VISOUT SYHTIS MIXOK, SHOWI.VG S( >.ME Sin IHT ,\NU EXTREMELY XARROW C-iNAL-S .\ lake ne ir center of one of the sea^ is shouii, jnst alajve center of the tii^nre. From a lirawiiit; liy tile writer in l«!l-t FIG. 4. I'HtlTOGRAPH OF 5L\H,S TAKEX AT II.VR\ARD OB- SERVATORY .\XI) THE IHRVARI) STATIO.V OX MOUXT WTLSOX IX SOITMERX ( ALIFORXIA IX 1 HSS AXD l.SiMI What We Know About Mars 125 that it has a shiny surface.^ In the springtime, shortly after the ice has begun to melt, this dark area forms a ring surrounding the ice, measuring some two thousand miles in diameter and in some places over two hundred miles in breadth. As the ice-cap diminishes in size, the black border retreats with it towards the pole. This leads us to believe that the black area is due to a swamp or a collection of swampy pools and streams, rather than a sea. Within the ice-cap is seen a lake connected with the swamp by a narrow strait. If the ice-cap, when at its maximum size, contains the larger part of the total water supply of the planet, it will not be difficult to form an idea of its volume. Let us assume that the mean depth melted by our Sun in four of our months over the whole area is twenty feet, and that the ice has the con- sistency of snow. This, when melted, would give us a lake 2,000 miles in diameter and two feet in depth. This would be about the amount of water con- tained in one of our great lakes. One thousand times this amount would be insignificant compared to our terrestrial oceans. Probably water would not now be found on the planet at all, if, as in the case of our Moon, it were not constantly renewed from the interior. Fresh " Astronomy and Astro-Physics, 1894, 13, 554. 126 Mart supplies are thus gradually taking the place of that which is being slowly dissipated into space. Sooner or later these supplies must be exhausted ; and then, if not before, aU life on both these bodies must cease. On our Earth too, when our volcanoes cease to evolve carbonic acid, plant life, and with it all animal life, must necessarily come to an end. Oxygen and nitrogen may exist upon Mars, but probably in small quantities. Campbell has shown by spectroscopic evidence, that the density of the Martian atmosphere cannot exceed one-quarter that of our own, and is probably much less. The exist- ence of water in the liquid form shows that the den- sity of the Martian atmosphere must exceed 1-150 that of the Earth. As far as we know at present, therefore, the equivalent pressure of the Martian at- mosphere is less than 7.5 inches, and is more than 0.2 inch. The light and absorption visible at the bright edge of Mars indicate that the true value lies nearer to the upper of these limits than it does to the lower one. The lowest pressure at which man can live, as shown by recent experiments made by inhaling oxygen and carbonic acid combined, is about 5 inches ; and that is probably only for a short time; but doubtless an intelligent race might be slowly evolved, capable of sustaining life at still lower pressures. What We Know About Mars 127 CLIMATE AND METEOEOLOGY The fundamental fact on which we must base our knowledge of the climate of Mars, is the melting of its polar snows. Where these are melting, the tem- perature must be 32° F. ; and nearer the equator it must be warmer. The climate of the Earth is tempered by our great oceans. Otherwise our sum- mers would be much hotter, and our winters much colder. In the heart of the continents, the extremes are much greater than on the coast. On Mars, where there are no permanent oceans, the extremes must be greater still. Our atmosphere also serves to moderate our climate. On high mountain sum- mits, the extremes are much greater than at sea- level. The comparatively rare atmosphere of Mars must be of little use in this respect. Certain causes tend to raise the mean temperature of Mars. The relatively large amount of cloud and illuminated snow areas of the Earth, cause a great waste of heat by reflection, which does not occur upon Mars. If the nights of Mars are compara- tively cloudy, as may be the case, these clouds would help to protect the planet from radiation into space during that portion of the Martian day, and thus also tend to raise its temperature. 128 Man In the summer season, on account of the rare atmosphere and the lack of water, the arctic re- gions on Mars must enjoy a temperature but little lower than that of the torrid zone, but during the long winter night the polar cold must be intense, and but little removed from absolute zero — that is — 460° F. As to the highest temperature experi- enced on Mars, we have no information, but may suppose it to be inferior to that found upon the Earth. In the torrid zone, humanity would possibly find the range of temperature disagreeable, but prob- ably not unbearable. Even in the polar regions, vegetation, if not animal life, might exist, much as it does with us. The clouds of Mars for some unknown reason ap- pear yellowish in color. On the surface of the disc, although visible, they are not conspicuous, but can readily be photographed. On the terminator they are at certain seasons easily seen. In the opposition of 1894, many were recorded at Flagstaff. The pro- jection on the left-hand side of Fig. 3 is due to cloud. Only three clouds are on record which could be iden- tified upon two successive nights. These all were discovered at Flagstaff, and were seen in the years 1894,3 1900,* and 1903.^ They appeared in what 'Astro-Physical Journal, 1895,1, 127; also "Mars," P. Lowell, 70. ■* Proceedings, American Philosophical Society, No. 167, page 166. 'Lowell Observatory Bulletin No. 1. What We Know About Mars 129 would correspond to the late summer or autumn upon the planet, two within and one near the borders of the torrid zone, all within 60° of the Sinus Sabaeus. They were all three at an altitude of about fifteen miles, and moved in a general northwesterly direc- tion, with velocities of from 13 to 27 miles per hour. These altitudes are much greater than those of ter- restrial clouds, while the velocities indicate a com- paratively sluggish atmospheric circulation, which is what we should expect. The nine photographs shown in Fig. 4 are the first ones ever taken showing detail upon Mars. Draw- ings and photographs of the planets are always turned so that south shall be at the top. The right- hand side is called east. The bright edge is called the "limb"; the dark edge, which is where the Sun is rising or setting, is called the "terminator." The first photograph shows the equatorial cloud- band. The second shows the north polar cap. The third was taken the next day, and shows the forma- tion during the twenty-four hours of a new south polar cap. The fourth was taken five days later, and shows the increase in size of this cap. The fifth photograph shows the cap well developed, also a faint equatorial cloud-belt, and below it one of those mysterious white spots which are never found far from the equator. Unlike the clouds, these spots do not change their position, but persist for long pe- 130 Mart riods of time. This one was still visible, although faint, at the end of six weeks. There are no moun- tains on Mars to collect clouds, save possibly a short range near the south pole. It does not seem likely that this spot was due either to ice or to clouds. It was located near the Trivium Charontis, in longi- tude 205°, latitude + 15°. A similar though less conspicuous white spot had been observed on the equator in longitude 300°, in 1892, at Arequipa, and in 1901 and 1903 at Flagstaff. The spot near the Trivium is visible only during the summer season on Mars, its first recorded equivalent date of visibility being June 2, and the last September 13. It is pos- sibly due to vegetation. If so, it is perhaps appro- priate that SchiapareUi should have designated this region under the name "Elysium." The ninth photograph shows the decreasing size of the southern ice-cap, while a temporary belt of cloud surrounding the north pole is also shown. A study of photographs like these enables us to deter- mine the duration of the cloudy and clear spells upon Mars. Continuous cloudy weather near the equator or tropics is very rare, but in the polar regions the clouds frequently last for weeks at a time. The in- tervening periods of clear weather are also of long duration.* The three remaining photographs show permanent details upon the disc. The dark "Annals, Harvard College Observatory, 63, 168. What We Know About Mars 131 spot just above the middle of the sixth view is the Sinus SabsEus, from which Martian longitudes are reckoned. The dark spot on the two others is the Syrtis Major. SEAS, CANALS, AND LAKES The first drawing ever made of a dark area or sea on Mars was of this same Syrtis Major, by Huygens, in 1659. The first map showing a canal and lake was constructed by Beer and Maedler in 1840. The canal was Daemon ; the lake, Lacus Phcenicis. The canals were first recorded in large numbers by Schia- parelli in 1877 ; the lakes, at the Harvard station in Arequipa in 1892, when forty of them were observed. A large telescope is not necessary in order to see clearly the canals and lakes. One of eight or ten inches aperture is ample. The really important requisite, however, is a steady atmosphere, such as is found only in low latitudes, which gives what as- tronomers technically call "good seeing." This ex- plains why it is that Mars cannot be studied to ad- vantage at the large northern observatories, where, with the most superb optical equipment, little or nothing save the coarser detail can be seen upon its surface. Doubt has recently been expressed, in some of the 132 Mart foreign periodicals, even as to the existence of the canals. An astronomer who has never looked through a telescope, except in northern Europe or the eastern United States, has no right to express any opinion on the subject, because he simply does not know what good seeing looks like, and his opinion is therefore valueless. He might as well express his views on electro-dj'namics or physiology. The comparatively small number of astronomers who are familiar with good seeing, and have looked at Mars, have seen the canals, and consequently do not doubt their exist- ence. Our present telescopes are plenty large enough for purposes of planetary research ; indeed, some of them are too large, and no gain can be secured by trying to improve them. In Cambridge an aperture of 6 inches wiU show everything on the Moon or Mars that can be seen with a 15-inch telescope. At Flagstaff, where the seeing is much better, Professor Lowell has stated that he often reduces his aperture from 24 to 16 inches in order to see more distinctly. T\Tiat we must now do is to try to find places on the Earth where the seeing is better than anything yet discovered, and erect our future telescopes there. Then we can perhaps use still larger apertures to advantage. Heat or moisture have nothing what- ever to do with the seeing; it is chiefly a question of latitude; and in low latitudes, such as Arequipa What We Know About Mars 133 — 16°, and FlagstafF + 36°, the seeing is often very good indeed. The reason of this is that these places are far removed from the great cyclonic dis- turbances which affect our atmosphere in the tem- perate zones. At these places, the canals of Mars are perfectly distinct. To understand how the planet appears there through a large telescope, we may examine the Moon some night through a small opera glass. The sharpness and amount of detail visible in the two cases will be similar, although the appearance of the two bodies is quite unlike. In former times the red color of the planet was supposed to be due to its atmosphere. Later it was seen that this was impossible. The dark spots on its surface were next thought to be water, and were called seas ; while the bright red areas were supposed to be due to vegetation, which it was imagined must be of that color upon Mars. Later the writer sug- gested that the so-called seas and canals were the real vegetation, the red areas being desert regions.^ This view was strongly confirmed by the Arequipa observations of 1892, and the Flagstaff observations of 1894, and has since been generally adopted, al- though the old names, for the sake of their con- venience, are still retained. One out of several difficulties in supposing that the ' Science, 1888, 12, 83. Astronomy and Astro-Physics, 1893, 11, 670. 134 Mars seas and canals are due to water, is that many of the canals cross the seas, which it is difiBcult to ex- plain on that hypothesis (see Figs 5 and 11). Some of the lakes on the planet, also, are located in the seas. The latter are found to be a vivid green in what corresponds to the springtime of Mars. After- wards they turn grey ; and still later those of them near the poles become yellow. They are then distin- guished only with difficulty from the soil of the desert regions of the planet. In a recent observation made at this season by Lowell at Flagstaff, the Mare Erythrasum was found to have turned a chocolate brown, a color which on the Earth we should asso- ciate with fertility. The writer has seen the same color exhibited at the time of the drying up of the temporary south polar ocean. The canals are usu- ally too narrow to have any appreciable color, al- though in the case of the broader ones their color is thought sometimes to resemble that of the seas. Sometimes it is described by both Schiaparelli and Lowell as brown. Their breadth is very uncertain; some observers like Douglass draw them very wide (see Fig. 5) ; others like Lowell, from whose drawing Fig. 6 is copied, extremely narrow. The writer gives them an intermediate breadth (see Fig. 10). Occasionally, with conditions favorable to the best seeing, short and extremely narrow canals have been seen by the REGION ABOUT MAJOR Draivn l..v A. E. \>„ng\„i What We Know About Mars 135 writer (Fig. 3) ; but the long canals never appear to him as narrow as they are drawn by Lowell. Fig. 6. Region about Sybtis Fig. 7. Markings on the Major Surface of Mars From a drawing by Professor Drawn by writer from two Lowell. photographs taken at Flag- staff. Recently Mr. Lampland at Flagstaif has suc- ceeded in photographing some of the canals. At first it was supposed that these photographs would serve to convince the doubters of their existence ; but it was soon found that those who doubted the canals were also unable to see them on the photographs, so that the photographic argument seemed to have a minus value. Photographically the canals are ex- tremely difficult objects, and it does not surprise the writer that those unused to astronomical photo- graphs, could not make them out. A drawing from the photographs was made by Mr. Wesley and published in The Observatory the past year. Fig. 7 is a drawing by the writer, based 136 Mars chiefly on the third, but partly on the first photo- graph issued in Bulletin No. 21 of the Lowell Ob- servatory. The other photographs were also con- sulted, and no marking was considered assured which did not appear upon at least one of the others. These photographs were taken about an hour after the drawing by Professor Lowell (Fig. 6) was made. A comparison of the two shows very clearly a tend- ency on his part to draw the detail too small, in comparison with the diameter of the disc. Fig. 8. Ki:t Map Gifing Names of Canals and Other Feattjees Fig. 8 will serve as a key to the names of the canals discussed, which Lowell states are visible on the photograph. The main features — Hellas, Mare ErythrsBum, Mare Icarium, and Syrtis Major — are all obvious on the originals from which Fig. 7 was sketched. The canals Nilosyrtis, Casius, and Pyra- mus are also perfectly clear, but, it will be noticed, do not appear on the photograph as canals at all, What We Enow About Mars 137 but as broad areas. Regarding the last two, this is true also of Lowell's drawing. His drawing of the first is certainly too narrow, as proved by the photographs. Of the remaining canals described by him — which come down as narrow lines in the photo- graph — Thoth, Astaborus, and Protonilus are fairly clear. Vexillum, Pierius, and Ismenius Lacus are more difficult, but apparently shown. As a photographic triumph, these results are well worthy of record ; and when we consider how difficult it is to photograph fine detail that is not merely obvious but even conspicuous to the eye, the photo- graphs bear strong testimony to the distinctness with which the canals must have been visible at Flagstaff on the day in question. Intermediate between the doubters and Professor Lowell's immediate following, there is a large class of persons who deny some of the fainter canals, and who doubt the uniformity of structure of the others. They say his canals are too regular, too narrow, and too straight — that if they were better seen they would be found to be made up of short broken lines of varying width, and perhaps, in places, of irregu- lar spots. This proves to be the case with the lunar canals. With poor seeing and a low magnification, they seem to be perfectly smooth and straight, like the Martian ones ; but with good seeing and a higher power, they are found to be quite irregular. Why 138 Mars should it not be true also on Mars? To this, Mr. Lowell replies that the lunar canals consist of dark markings lying along natural cracks, while the Mar- tian canals are artificial. This may be so, but it would be hard to prove it. Again, amidst numerous irregular and nearly in- visible markings, the human eye, when straining for the faintest possible detail, naturally connects con- spicuous objects by straight lines. Is it not possible therefore that many of these fainter canals are merely subjective effects? The point of all this criticism is that the numer- ous long, straight lines give the planet a very arti- ficial appearance. If the lines were more broken and irregular, they would look more like natural mark- ings, more in fact like what we find upon the Moon. In short, the argument in favor of intelligent inhabi- tants would be greatly weakened. DUPLICATION or THE CANALS In 1882, Schiaparelli announced that the canals in Mars were sometimes double. One day a canal would be clearly seen, on the next day, or even a few hours later, there would be two in its place. Later the two would disappear, and again the canal would be single. Sometimes the single canal would coin- cide with one of the pair, but more frequently it What We Know About Mars 1S9 would coincide with neither of them. When we con- sider that these double canals were often as much as 200 miles apart, these sudden changes seemed in- credible. Fig. 9. Duplicate Canals, fhom Drawing by Peofessob Lowell Opposition of 1903. Sinus Sabaecus is near top of disc; Syrtis Major on the left. When Lowell confirmed the duplication of the ca- nals (see Fig. 9), many astronomers hesitated to ac- cept it. In fact his observations even seemed to make it still more improbable. He measured their separa- tion with telescopes of different apertures, and suc- ceeded in seeing the duplication when both by theory and observation it should have been invisible. More- over, with a few exceptions, the only drawings he published showing the double canals were made by himself ; and these exceptions were mostly made by Douglass, who, in the published text, expressed grave doubts as to the objective reality of the duplica- 140 Mars tion. It is true, several other observers using much smaller telescopes claimed to see it; but it always happened to be just at the limit of visibility of their telescopes, no matter what the size of their instru- ments chanced to be. One of the most skilful of these observers, M. Antoniadi, later published his doubts as to the genuineness of what he had seen. On the other hand, most of the observers who used large telescopes always saw the canals single. Naturally the astronomers were not convinced. Now further observations have been made, and new facts brought to light that partially explain this singular phenomenon. According to Professor Lowell only about one-quarter of aU the canals are ever seen to be double, and they are probably double aU. the time.^ It is only when they are very faint that they appear single, and their faintness is ap- parently the reason that the duplication does not then show. This is due to the fact that under these circumstances one canal is somewhat fainter than the other, and so escapes detection. According to his views, the single canal always coincides in posi- tion with one of the two components of the double. The double canals usually appear, he says, as a broad, hazy band; it is only by glimpses that the duplication is seen. There is nothing improbable in the idea that one-quarter of the canals should be 'Lowell Observatory Bulletin No. 15. What We Enow About Mars 141 permanently broad and the rest permanently nar- row. The only question is, Is it likely that either the middle of these canals should fade out, leaving the sides dark, or that the sides should darken, leav- ing the middle bright? It is a fact that some of the seas, as the season progresses, will fade out across the middle in places, leaving the rest dark, and thus present on a com- paratively large scale a phenomenon similar to that claimed for the double canals. This same effect oc- curs upon the floor of the lunar crater Eratosthenes, forming two widely diverging canals. A long, double canal is also found upon the rim of this crater, but this is clearly due to the presence of two long, paral- lel cracks. A similar chance occurrence might oc- casionally be found upon Mars, but it seems to the writer in the light of the facts, and especially of the opinions of Messrs. Douglass and Antoniadi, that the case for a systematic duplication will not be proved until more well-known observers, favorably situated and circumstanced, have recorded it. SEASONAL CHANGES Perhaps Lowell's most interesting recent investi- gation is on what he calls the Cartouches of the Canals — that is, their variable visibility dependent 142 Mar$ on the Martian seasons.' He finds that soon after the begnining of the melting of the northern ice-cap, the canals begin to develop in the north polar re- gions. These are immediately followed by the ca- nals in the north temperate zone. A few weeks later, those in the torrid zone develop ; and still later, those in the south temperate. The process of de- velopment, therefore, is carried on across the equa- tor. This is most naturally explained by the growth of vegetation following the annual transference of water from pole to pole. The speed of transfer he finds is at the rate of two miles per hour. The striking difference between Mars and our planet is that in our equatorial regions, where we have plenty of water, there is continued fertility throughout the year. On Mars the vegetation must wait until the water reaches it semi-annually from the poles. There are accordingly two fertile and two barren seasons. Professor Lowell concludes that the water is trans- ferred artificially from pole to pole. In this we can hardly foUow him, since with the rare atmosphere, and accordingly rapid evaporation and condensa- tion upon Mars, the aqueous vapor would necessarily flow across the planet's surface of itseK, being al- ternately condensed at each pole by the winter's cold. •Lowell Obser7atory BuUetin No. 13. '!~ What We Know About Mars 148 A curious feature of the canals and other mark- ings is that they do not always present the same ap- pearance at the same equivalent time in successive Martian years. Thus, a certain marking called by Schiaparelli "Lacus Mceris" could not be found at all at Arequipa in 1892. After an interval of thir- teen years since it had last been seen, it reappeared with perfect distinctness in 1903, and was observed by Lowell.^'* A very marked change in the Deuca- lionis Regio, observed in 1892 in connection with the melting of the ice-cap, did not take place again at the same equivalent season in 1894* ; nor has it been observed since. A certain canal observed by Schiaparelli was not found at all by Lowell, an- other one having replaced it. This latter only re- cently disappeared, Schiaparelli's original canal hav- ing taken its place. IS THE PLANET INHABITED BY INTELLIGENT BEINGS? There is little doubt now that Mars possesses vege- table, and perhaps animal life, but the question that interests humanity is, Are there intelligent beings there? The only important argument in favor of their existence is the presence of the canals. These canals are so long and narrow, straight and uni- form, that they look artificial. If they are artificial, " Lowell Observatory BuUetin No. 8. 144 Man it is certain that their constructors possess a knowl- edge of spherical trigonometry, and considerable skUl in the mechanical construction of surveying instru- ments, implying greater intelligence than that pos- sessed by our ancestors a thousand years ago. It is doubtful if our progenitors in the year 900 A. D. could have built a perfectly straight road three thousand miles long, directed to a definite point, even if it had been across level country. But is the evidence sufficient as yet to warrant us in pronouncing in favor of such intelligent beings? Doubtless the temptation to do so is very strong, but that should not influence our judgment. It is a gen- eral principle of science that when two explanations of a phenomenon are possible, we should, other things being equal, choose the simpler. Lowell's maps of Mars look very artificial but we must remem- ber that they are composites of many drawings, such as are given in this article. All the canals shown on the maps are not seen at once; on the contrary, only a very few of them are visible on the same night. It seems to the writer that the arguments both for and against intelligent inhabitants have been mate- rially strengthened during the past few years. It does not seem to him, however, that on either side are they conclusive. The reader must therefore choose for himself between them. Let us suppose that there are intelligent inhabi- iUit £ S i What We Know About Mars 145 tants. One can imagine, in the seasonal transfer of the water across the equator, that a portion of the moisture, condensed from the air each night as a heavy dew, is deposited on the ground and perhaps on sparsely growing and therefore invisible vegeta- tion, in the desert regions. From that rare atmos- phere, consisting largely of aqueous vapor, so much may be condensed in the more elevated areas as to flow in invisible channels to the larger canals, caus- ing the vegetation there to develop, and thus become visible. A good deal of the moisture would sink into the soil, but this would the next day be eva- porated by the Sun's heat, and continue on its course to the winter pole. This explanation, of course, does not necessarily involve the existence of intelligent in- habitants ; but without them the canals would almost certainly in the course of time lose their straight- ness and artificial aspect. The other explanation of the canals is that they are due to the same causes that produce those on the Moon. As seen through the telescope they look exactly like them, save that the Martian canals are much longer and somewhat wider. The lunar canals seldom exceed ten miles in length. They radiate from small lakes and join large seas precisely like the Martian areas, and are equally straight and artificial looking in appearance. They wax and wane with the seasons in the same way. The Moon is so near that 146 Mars we can study them to advantage. The foundations of the lakes are minute craterlets ; of the canals, fine cracks. As the season progresses, dark areas form about them and later fade out. The explanation offered is that moisture is given out by the cracks, which is later absorbed. This moisture nourishes the vegetation to which the darkening is due. Ex- actly similar cracks, causing similar vegetational ca- nals, are found in Hawaii. One characteristic canal was estimated by the writer at two or three yards in width, by thirty in length. The terrestrial and lu- nar canals are certainly produced without intelli- gent assistance. In conclusion, we may say that while we have not as yet sufficient information to settle this ques- tion definitely, information is slowly accumulating, largely owing to Professor Lowell's indefatigable in- dustry, which win doubtless decide it in time. His observatory is the only one at present specially de- voted to securing an answer to it, and it seems al- most a pity that some other favorably located obser- vatory should not devote some of its time to the same object. CHAPTER XIV DIFFERENT EXPLANATIONS OF THE CANALS OF MARS ^ Leaving aside the older and now generally dis- credited explanations that the canals are gigantic water channels, that they are cracks in a universal covering of ice, and that they are grooves cut by colliding asteroids, we will turn to the explanations held as more probable by the astronomers of the present day. Much of the oldest of these ^ considers them to be caused by narrow ditches, which, crossing the desert regions of the planet, furnish water to vege- tation growing along their banks. It is these com- paratively broad bands of vegetation, and not the narrow water-channels themselves, which are visible in our telescopes. The chief advocate of this view at the present time is Professor Lowell, who has adopted it as the foundation of his theories of Martian civilization. A serious objection to the •Harper's MontMy, 1908, 193. " Science, 1888, 12, 83. 147 148 Mart hypothesis is the difficulty of forcing water through the canals for thousands of miles, over a compara- tively level country. Professor Lowell gets over this difficulty by stating that it is pumped through them artificially. Many astronomers recoil from an arti- ficial explanation, where it is possible to account for the phenomena observed by any natural method. The difficulty of transporting the water is fur- ther enhanced if we consider the fact, which is gen- erally admitted, that the amount of atmosphere we find on Mars does not exceed one-quarter the quan- tity per square mile of surface that we find upon the Earth. This view is based largely on Professor Campbell's spectroscopic investigations, confirmed by the clearness with which we see the details of the planet's surface. Since gravity upon Mars is but three-eighths of what it is upon the Earth, the atmospheric pressure on the Martian surface can- not exceed three thirty-seconds of our own, or 71 miUimeters of mercury. Under this low pressure water boils at 113° Fahr. If the amount of atmo- sphere on Mars is only one-tenth as much as that on the Earth, which is highly probable, the boHing point of water upon the surface of the planet would be reduced to 84° Fahr. That the daylight tem- perature of the surface does not differ greatly from our own, we know by the rapidity with which the polar ice-caps disappear on the approach of sum- Different Explanations of the Canals 149 mer. It would, therefore, seem that the evaporation of water from the surface must proceed with extra- ordinary rapidity, and the difficulty of transporting it through canals, and supplying sufficient for the needs of vegetation upon the way, must be accord- ingly greatly enhanced. Indeed, it would seem nedessary to substitute gigantic water-mains for the canals, with a most extended system of supplementary piping. The amount of power requii'ed to pump sufficient water to irrigate anywhere between 100,000 and 1,000,000 square miles of surface, through such a system of piping, may be left to any competent hydraulic engineer to compute, with the added statement that most of the water is to be transported to a distance exceeding 1,000 miles. If we are to insist on a Martian civilization at all hazards, a more defensible explanation of the canals might be founded on the photograph shown in Fig. 1. This photograph was obtained by the writer during the past summer while on a vacation trip in the Azores. It represents a somewhat insig- nificant hill known as Cabefo Gordo, which was passed on the way to the summit of the volcano Pico, near Fayal. There is a bush or low tree, known as the urze, which grows on the slopes of the volaano, and which is analogous in character to our pines and 150 Mars spruces. This hill was originally covered with it, but most of it has now been cut down by the shep- herds in order to afford pasturage to their flocks. Narrow areas of it have been permitted to stand, however, in order to furnish protection to the ani- mals against the terrific winter winds sometimes occurring at these altitudes. Similar markings might very readily be produced artificially on Mars, and we are not even obliged to assume that any portion of its surface is of a desert character. It must be remembered that the canals of Mars are not a few feet but several miles in breadth. Imagine that the whole surface of the planet was originally covered with some form of bush or tree, which in the northern and equatorial regions has now been largely destroyed. Its con- tinued presence in the southern regions would ac- count for the so-called seas, while narrow, more or less continuous, strips of it would account for the canals. The vegetation, both field and woodland, would be supported by the atmospheric circulation, just as it is upon the Earth, and no gigantic engineering feats whatever are required of the assumed inhab- itants. Why the inhabitants of Mars should grow their vegetation in these peculiar forms, the writer does not pretend to know, but very likely the same reason that influences the shepherds of Cabe9o FIG. 1. (:abe(;(j (.;(.>kdo, a hill i.v thk a/ores, SH0A\'IXG caxal- HKE MAHKIXGS FIG. O. A CANAL-LIKE MARKING PHODUGED NATURALLY IN THE DESERTS OP HAWAII BY AN ACTIVE STEAM-CRACK iDijferent Explanations of the Canals 151 Gordo, protection against severe winter climate, may be the explanation. But is it necessary to assume a Martian civiliza- tion? Astronomers generally think not. The only argument in its favor is the artificial appearance of the drawings of the canal system of the planet. What the public generally does not understand, however, is that while the drawings may look thor- oughly artificial, and may be most carefully made, yet that the planet itself, if sufficiently well seen, might not look artificial at all. The statement sometimes made that the canals really consist of straight uniform lines is by no means generally accepted by astronomers. In fact, as we shall pres- ently see, what evidence we have points quite in the opposite direction. ■ iiiiiiiieHi^ Fig. 2. A Series of Dots Which at a Distance of 30 Feet Looks Like a Continuous Line If we make a hoi'izontal row of dots or vertical lines on a piece of paper (Fig. 2), the distance be- tween their centres being one-eighth of an inch, and if we view them from a distance of thirty feet, they will appear to our eyes simply as a continuous, uniform, horizontal line. If we scatter a sufficient number of dots and lines irregularly over the paper 152 Mars (Fig. 3), and view tliem also from a distance of thirty feet, it will be possible for us, after a careful examination, to see the three chief dots connected as shown by the heavy lines, (Fig. -A). At a suitable distance these lines will appear perfectly straight and uniform. If we approach somewhat nearer, the finer Hnes wiU appear. These lines have a very artificial aspect, and yet, if we view the original (Fig. 3) close at hand, we shall see that the drawing reaUy represents notlung but an irregular grouping of spots. Photographs of fine planetary or lunar detail are much more unreUable than drawings, because they have to be on so small a scale in proportion to what is known to pliotographers as the "grain" # ff. / -V- FiGS. 3 AJTD 4. Irrf.gxjt.ab Mahexs"gs Sttch as Abe Showk dt Fig 3, Whex See:s from a Distance of 30 Feet, Re- SEiiBLE the Casals of Fio. 4 Different Explanations of the Canals 153 of the plate. This grain is a sort of irregular back- ground, which becomes very conspicuous as soon as the plate is sufficiently enlarged. Atmospheric diffi- culties and irregular motions of the driving-clock of the telescope are also much more serious to the photographer than to the visual astronomer. For these reasons astronomers generally consider, that it was a great triumph for the photographers of the Lowell Observatory to be able to get any indica- tions of the canals whatever upon their plates. As far as a detailed study of the planet's surface is concerned, however, the Lowell drawings are of much more value than the Lowell photographs. As to the so-called doubling of the canals, most astronomers simply decUne to admit the existence of the phenomenon, on the visual and photographic evidence so far presented. That out of several hun- dred canals one or two might be double from merely accidental causes is not denied, but the demonstra- tion of the duplication of any large proportion, such as one-fourth, as claimed by Professor Lowell, is awaited with interest. But if we deny that the canals are artificial, how then can they be explained.'' The alternative hypo- thesis,^ and the one which it is believed from the writer's private correspondence is generally pre- ferred by those astronomers interested in Mars, is " Popular Astronomy, 1904, 13, 439. 154 Mars that the canals are due to volcanic cracks lying between craterlets on the Martian surface. Water vapor escaping from these craterlets and cracks nourishes the vegetation growing along their sides, and it is this vegetation which is visible in our tele- scopes. This latter view has the distinct advantage that it also explains the canals on the Moon, which, as seen through a small telescope, are indistinguishable from those on Mars. They also go through the same changes and transformations in the course of a lunation that the Martian canals do in the course of the Martian year, and differ from them only in the fact that they are on a much smaller scale. Through a large telescope, with good atmospheric conditions, the craterlets and cracks about which the lunar lakes and canals are formed can be dis- tinctly seen, and the gradual transformation of a crack into a canal has been watched, and the rate of growth of the latter measured.* Through a small telescope the lunar canals, like the Martian ones, appear straight and perfectly uniform. Through a large glass, on the other hand, irregu- larities of outline appear, and marked variations in the depth of color. Similar natural canals formed about terrestrial * Annals Harvard College Observatory, 53, 78. Memoirs American Academy, 1906, 13, 176. Different Explanations of the Canals 155 volcanic cracks have been studied and photographed in Hawaii. See Fig. 5.^ This view represents a por- tion of the desert extending to the south of KUauea. The only vegetation growing upon it consists of trees, low bushes, and ferns, which stretch across it in long, narrow, straight lines, following the course of the steam cracks, whose exhalations furnish the necessary moisture on which the existence of the vegetation depends. Stretching across Fig. 6 is shown the Ariadaeus rill, a volcanic crack upon the Moon 150 miles in length. If it were still giving out steam, we should doubtless have here a straight lunar canal quite comparable in size to many of those found on Mars. About one thousand of these riUs, most of them much smaller than this one, are now catalogued upon the Moon. The objection that most astronomers feel to the admission of the existence of civihzation upon Mars is not, it seems to the writer, a sort of jealousy of the other planets, such as Professor Lowell has sug- gested and a wish that intelligence should be con- fined to our Earth. On the contrary, trustworthy evidence of its existence would certainly be welcomed by them, as by everyone else, not only with pleasure, but with wild enthusiasm. Their feeling, I believe, is rather that the four planets, Venus, the Earth, ' See Figure 5, facing p. 150. 156 Mars the Moon, and Mars, are all of about the same size and are situated at similar distances from the Sun. Their surface conditions must therefore bear a gen- eral resemblance to one another. Life is so per- sistent, and will exist under such varied conditions, that it is not surprising that it should be found on aU of them. Indeed, as we have seen, we have already pretty strong visual evidence that it does exist on two of them besides the Earth. As compared with vegetation, it seems probable that human life, or its planetary equivalent, would have much more nar- row limits. Vegetable life beneath the sea, for in- stance, is, as we all know, very luxuriant. The pos- sible limits of civilization are still more narrow than those of human life. Under the reduced atmospheric pressure and probable almost total lack of free oxygen upon Mars, we can stiU see no reason why vegetation should fail to exist. But is it likely that civilization should be found there also.'' We do not definitely deny that some form of civilization under these cir- cumstances might be possible, but why invoke its aid to explain the various observed phenomena, such as the canals, if we can furnish a better, or even nearly as good, explanation of them by some other hypothesis.'' The physical conditions on Mars are in many ways intermediate between those found upon the Different Explanationt of the Canals 187 Earth and the Moon, and it seems plausible that the life existing upon it should similarly be of a higher type than that found on the Moon, and of a lower type than that found at present on the sur- face of the Earth. Even if the physical conditions, as we understand them, were equally favorable with those on the Earth, civilization would by no means be a necessary consequence. Had it not been settled by Europeans, the United States would still be a wilderness. How much less should we hasten to accord civilization to a planet of which we know little, except that if we were transported there our- selves, we should instantly die. CHAPTER XV SIGNALLING TO MARS * Although this computation was first made by the writer for his own amusement, nearly twenty years ago, it had never seemed to him of sufficient interest or importance to the astronomical world to publish it anywhere, and he would not do so now, had not his definite statements on the subject been directly called in question. By the term "possibility of com- munication with a remote planet" the writer means that if a portion of the human race, with their pres- ent knowledge and appliances were removed to that planet, and could live there, that it would be pos- sible to communicate with them. Whether there are intelligent beings on Mars or on any other planet, the writer does not know. That is an entirely sep- arate question, and has nothing whatever to do with the case. The constants required in our computation are as follows : — > Popular Astronomy, 1909, 17, 495. 158 Signalling to Mart 169 »S'=Mean distance from the Earth to the Sun 92,900,000 miles M^Mean distance of Mars to the Sun 141,500,000 mHes ZJ^Mean diameter of the Sun from the Earth 1,922" i^Stellar magnitude of the Sun -26.83 miles The computation is made when Mars is situated in quadrature with the Sun. In this position its mean distance from the Earth, M, is 108,000,000 miles. Let us imagine a mirror erected upon the Earth of such a size that the whole disk of the Sun can be seen in it from Mars. Let d be the diameter of the Sun as seen in the mirror, and I its magni- tude. Then, DS d = = 888" S -^M and 1 = 2.5 (log (S+My— log S^)-{-L= —25.15 Let us now imagine this mirror so reduced in size as to reflect a circular beam whose diameter is only J Po^ ^jpQ of that of the Sun's disk. As seen from Mars the diameter of this beam wiU be 160 Man 0". 00089, and its brightness, which will be reduced 30 magnitudes, 4.85. The diameter on the Earth of such a beam will be a trifle less than half a mile. Therefore, allowing for absorption and an inclined mirror, the sunlight reflected from an area of mir- rors a Kttle over half a mile square would appear to Mars, when in quadrature, of the brightness of a star of the fifth magnitude. When Mars was forty- five degrees from opposition, and its distance from the Earth was 61,000,000 miles, such a beam would be brighter than the fourth magnitude. This light would, of course, be very conspicuous from Mars with the naked eye, were it not for the brightness of the Earth itself. This materially modi- fies the problem. By holding a mirror so as to cover half of the area of a 6-inch objective, and by so doing projecting the image of a, star of the 2.8 mag- nitude upon the disk of the Moon, the star was found to be just visible with a 2.5-inch eye-piece. With a higher power and steadier mirror, much bet- ter results would have been obtained, but on this basis a 24-inch objective should be able to show a star of the 6.5 magnitude when projected upon the disks of the Earth or Moon. The object of using a higher power would be to reduce the light of the Moon without diminishing that of the star. With four times the power, a signal of the 8.0 magnitude Signalling to Mars 161 should readily be detected, even after allowing for some magnification of the star image itself. It therefore appears not only that the plan of sig- nalling to Mars by the system proposed is "scien- tifically plausible," but that if it were adopted, we should produce a signal that would be three to four magnitudes, that is 16 to 40 times brighter than necessary, and would, therefore, be dazzlingly con- spicuous to Martian observers, if they were intel- lectually and physically our equals. In closing, the writer would only add that this plan of signalling to Mars is not now, and never has been (as is shown by a large portion of the con- temporary press), advocated by the writer, until after we shall have obtained more definite informa- tion that there are intelligent inhabitants upon Mars. CHAPTER XVI THE CANALS OF MARS ^ In the issue of the Scientific American of July 10th, a correspondent argues that the discovery of the gradual shifting of position of some of the canals of Mars helps to strengthen, instead of weakening, the theory of irrigating ditches. It does undoubtedly strengthen aU the theories of the canals based on the idea that they are strips of vegetation, and it also incidentally strengthens the idea that their for- mation and maintenance may be due to the efforts of intelligent life upon the planet. But it weakens the explanation of irrigating ditches, as compared with some of the other theories. Let us now consider some of these, which assume the existence upon Mars of intelligence analogous to our own. Let us first discuss one of those based on the idea that the lack of water is really the chief necessity felt upon the planet. According to this theory, invisible water vapor is evaporated by the heat of the sun from the snowy pole in the spring- ' Sdentiflc Amtrieaa, 1915, US, 340. 162 The Canals of Mars 163 time and transported by the planetary circulation to the other pole, where the sun is setting for the long winter night. Here the vapor, which forms a much larger proportion of the planet's atmosphere than with us, is condensed as snow, a constant dis- tillation going on by the sun's heat from one pole to the other, and then back again, every year. During the nighttime a portion of this traveling vapor is deposited as fog over the level regions. In many cases these elongated areas may lie in slightly depressed regions or valleys, where the fog would naturally accumvdate of itself. In the early morn- ing on Mars, where the sun is rising, we can some- times see the fog clear away, and it is in these moistened regions that the vegetation springs up and forms the so-called canals. But while the lack of water appears at first sight to be the chief necessity of Mars, judged by terres- trial standards, yet such may not really be the case at aU, and we might suggest that other needs may be much more pressing. Besides water, vegetation requires several solid constituents, the chief of which, applied as fertilizers, are alkalies, phosphates, and nitrates. On account of its small atomic weight, nitrogen in the gaseous form must certainly be rather rare on Mars. We are just beginning on the earth to have to use our atmospheric nitrogen as a source of nitrates for fertilizers. It may easily be 164 Mart that the Martians have not suflBcient quantities of it or of some other of these solid constituents to en- able them to fertilize the whole surface of their planet, and they therefore distribute their fertilizer as widely as they can in those places where it will do the most good, occasionally shifting their crops to fresh regions of the planet. Still another theory, also involving artificial direc- tion, may be based on the fact that, besides solids and water, vegetation requires two gases for its existence — oxygen and carbon-dioxide. While a very important part of the work of plant life is the break- ing up of the latter gas and the evolution of free oxygen, yet oxygen is itself consumed in considerable quantities by vegetation, just as it is by animals. We know that there is not very much atmosphere on Mars, and oxygen must be scarce. But, besides the oxygen, it is quite possible that the carbon-dioxide, too, may be lacking. On our own earth this necessary food for vegetation is pro- vided, not as is sometimes supposed, chiefly by the breathing of the animal world, but by our more or less active volcanoes. Animal life, indeed, furnishes only an insignificant fraction of the total supply. Mars is an ancient world, and any volcanoes that it formerly possessed may now very likely be entirely extinct. In such a case all the carbon-dioxide re- quired by vegetation must be supplied by the animal The Canals of Mars 165 world, by combustion, or possibly by some other chemical process. To maintain the proper balance between animal and vegetable life, it is clear that the latter must be more or less limited. All useless vegetation would be destroyed, and such as was left would only be permitted to grow in the most favor- able and necessary places. Indeed, we find that the canals which when they first appear are very wide, gradually narrow as the season progresses, and this very narrowing may itself be a visible indication to us of the activities of the Martians ! It is generally believed that the southern hemi- sphere of Mars is situated at a slightly lower level than the northern one. This is indicated by observa- tions of the Martian terminator. This difference of level has been given as the explanation for the observed fact that most of the Martian vegetation is confined to the southern hemisphere. This expla- nation would be particularly applicable if there were a shortage of carbon-dioxide on the planet, as it is well known that this gas always tends to collect, on account of its high specific gravity, in any deep depressions of the earth's surface. Each one of these theories accounts for the canals found upon the planet and for their distribution chiefly in the northern hemisphere, as well as for their shifting and narrowing with the progress of the seasons. If we once admit the existence of intel- 166 Mars ligent life on Mars, since we have no means what- ever of knowing what are their chief needs, it be- comes useless for us to theorize further upon their reasons for constructing the canals, otherwise than to say that they indicate a shortage of supplies for vegetation. Whichever need may be most felt, whether water, nitrogen or carbon-dioxide, it appears that the can- als are calculated to meet it, and are what we might ourselves construct or plant under similar circum- stances. All of these theories avoid the necessity of enor- mous conduits and the expenditure of an amount of work in pumping, which has recently been estimated by an expert adherent of the pumping hypothesis at 2,500,000,000 horse-power, or four thousand times that of Niagara Falls. The reason that the writer stated in a former paper, that the irrigation conduit theory was not strengthened by the shifting the canals, was that the number of conduits would have to be increased if the canals shifted. This does not, of course, dis- prove the conduit theory, but certainly does not strengthen it, as compared with the other theories explaining the canals, where no such added construc- tion is necessary. CHAPTER XVII MARS— THINGS KNOWN AND SURMISED ^ It is a rather diiBcult matter to distinguish what is known from what is surmised about any subject, but if we define what is known about Mars as mean- ing what is generally believed about it by profes- sional astronomers, and what is surmised as what at the present time seems most probable, the writer thinks that present Martian views may be summar- ized rather briefly. We have, first, the astronomical data, which are certainly known, and are approximately as follows: The distance of the planet from the sun is one and a half times as great as that of the earth. Its year is 687 of our days, or nearly two of our years. Its orbit is very eccentric, so that it is sometimes much nearer to the sun than at others. Its diameter is a little over forty-two hundred miles. Its mass is one- ninth, and its surface gravity about two-fifths, that of the earth. This latter quantity is most impor- tant in determining its supply of water and atmos- ' CosmopoUtan, Oct., 1909, 616. 167 168 Mars phere, and therefore its habitability. The inclina- tion of its equator to its orbit is practically the same as that of the earth. Hence its seasons are similar, except that they are nearly twice as long as our own. Its period of rotation upon its axis, that is to say, its day, expressed in terrestrial units, is twenty-four hours and thirty-seven minutes. Most astronomers would probably accept the fol- lowing statements as true : The planet possesses white polar caps, which increase in winter and diminish in summer. These are due to ice. When they are melting most rapidly they are surrounded by a dark ring of water, which soon disappears. This is the only water visible upon the planet. The melting ice fixes the temperature at this time, which is 32° Fahrenheit. The atmosphere is extremely rare. This involves great extremes of temperature, a rapid evaporation of the water in the daytime, and a very rapid deposition of dew or frost at night. The climate from our standpoint must, therefore, be ex- tremely disagreeable, even at the equator. While never very hot, it must at night be extremely cold. The atmosphere is much more rare than upon our highest mountain summits, and would, therefore, be quite unbreathable by terrestrial animals. Clouds have been observed floating over the surface of the planet, and their speed and direction measured. Ex- cept at sunrise and sunset they are of rare occur- Mars — Things Known and Surmised 169 rence, although they are observed more frequently at the time of the melting of the polar caps. The dark surface markings of the planet consist of the so-called seas, canals, and lakes, which last are also known as oases. The light surface mark- ings consist of the so-called deserts, causeways, and white spots. Those astronomers who attempt to ex- plain them at all consider them to represent diiFer- ent densities of vegetation. The writer believes the white spots to be due to a form of vegetation equiva- lent to our flowering plants. These spots appear for a few weeks in the summer time near the tropics. The above summarizes practically all that we know, and all that we may properly surmise, with regard to Mars. To those who are in any way in- terested in the planet, the matter of most vital im- portance, at present, is the question, Are any of these surface markings artificial.'' Certainly they may be. We have no definite proof to the contrary, but any statement at the present time ascribing them di- rectly to intelligent beings must be clearly under- stood to be no better than a speculation. What then can we do to settle this question.? To many persons this is a matter of serious importance. All who have seen the canals clearly, must admit that they have an artificial aspect. That is to say, they are not sinuous in shape, but are fairly straight. Moreover, they are of pretty uniform breadth and 170 Mars density. This would all appear very favorable to an artificial origin, but unfortunately it so hap- pens that there are canals upon the moon which appear equally straight and equally artificial, al- though much smaller. They also appear and dis- appear with the seasons. The lunar canals certainly cannot be artificial. Similar canals on a stiU smaller scale have been found in the Hawaiian Islands. They are due to vegetation along volcanic cracks crossing a desert region. The steam emitted from these cracks supports the vegetation, which would other- wise wither and die. The question at once arises whether it is possible that the lunar and Martian canals are due to this same cause. Few astronomers now deny the existence of the Martian canals. The question for us to settle is not. Do they exist.? but. How do they look.'' To settle this does not require a gigantic telescope, but it does require an especially good atmosphere. Such an atmosphere can only be found in a low latitude. A five-inch telescope in Jamaica shows much finer planetary detatil than a fifteen-inch telescope in Cambridge. A large telescope erected in our north- ern states would be absolutely useless for the pur- pose in hand. Indeed, it would probably be unde- sirable in any location. Perhaps the best results would be obtained with a moderate-sized telescope of about twenty-four inches aperture, which is the size Mars — Things Known and Surmised 171 of the instrument which has been erected by Prof. Percival Lowell in the clear atmosphere of Flagstaff, Arizona. Given such an instrument in an ideal lo- cality, how should it be used? A man who has good eyesight, or who is a skUful astronomer, is not necessarily a good artist. This poiat has been quite overlooked by the public hith- erto. Yet it is of the utmost importance if we wish to know exactly how the canals appear. To settle this question a number of experienced astronomers should be invited to sketch the canals as seen by them through this same telescope, located under these extremely favorable conditions. Astronomers with some little experience in sketching planetary or lunar details should be selected by preference. Be- sides the astronomers, a number of artists skilled in miniature work should also be invited to study the planet. Probably none of these men would secure results of much value during the first week of their observations, because it requires a special training acquired only by practice to enable one really to un- derstand what he does see in this class of work. Dur- ing the second week of this work, however, more valu- able results would be secured. Studies of both the lunar and Martian canals should be made by each observer, and finally the best results of each man should be selected and published. When this has been done, then not only astronomers, 172 Mars but the public at large, will have a fair opportunity to judge for themselves of the appearance of the de- tail of the planet, and decide whether or not it is probable that the canals of Mars are the work of intelligent beings. This is certainly the next step that should be taken in our investigation of this most interesting planet. INDEX Associated observers, 19. --Atmosphere, 12, 20, 59, 126, 148. Blue color of water, 40, 43, 48, 57, 99, 100. Canals, Description of, 83, 86. Duplication, 68, 67, 89, 113, 138, 153. Explanation of, 14, 42, 43, 58, 76, 87, 95, 103, 108, 111, 133, 138, 145, 147, 149, 162, 170. Lunar, 105, 109. Shifting, 18. Width of, 19, 84, 89, 104, 134. -Changes visible, 18, 39, 42, 48, 58, 84, 97, 99, 142. Climate, 13, 78. Clouds, 13, 17, 55, 57, 68, 60, 128, 130. Color changes, 38, 46, 57, 81, 100, 118. Colors visible, 18, 26, 45, 57, 79. Data regarding planet, 11, 120, 167. Depressions on terminator, 101. Deserts, 14, 45. EUipticity of disc, 59. Facts regarding planet, 11, 57, 120, 167. History of discoveries, 64, 131. Horse power for irrigation, 15, 166. takes, 19, 58, 62, 83, 86. Lunar, 109, 137, 145. Life, Intelligent, 92, 143, 166, 164. Marshes, 12, 17, 81. Meteorology, 78. Photographs of planet, 129, 135. Polarization, 43, 99. Seas, 14, 44, 72, 79, 124. Signalling to Mars, 158. Snow, 12, 21, 32, 46, 60, 68, 116, 124. Telescopic apertures, 131, 170. Temperature, 24, 75, 127. Vegetation, 14, 43, 46, 101, 108, 130, 133, 134, 142. Water transferred across planet, 15, 74. 173