s. r^j -"kf^ •a ■ ■>)<■' ^^ft^r^ 5^ (k* "•''^'^. -*J ^f mm a^i- r'-'^*S Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924004137539 stress Lines in Beams of Unsymmetrical Cross Section TG 260.887"'" ""'""""'■"'"'» ®!llS'iE.i!;.5,^?™?.?lHn?ym'netricalc 3 1924 004 137 539 C. M. BROOMALL Reprinted from Proceedings Dei.aware Codnty Institute ob Science Volume VIII, Number 4 Media, Pa., U. S. A. 1918 STRESS LINES IN BEAMS OF UNSYMMETRICAL CROSS SECTION. BY C. M. BROOMALL. Following up the method already made use of in treating of Stress and Strain in beams of symmetrical cross section,* it is proposed in the present article to extend the same meth- ods to beams of unsymmetrical cross section . As a typical beam of this character, the Channel with web vertical will be first considered. As a preliminary to the treatment of the Channel Beam, a brief resume of a few of the facts brought out in the articles mentioned may be useful. These facts may be summarized as follows : — 1. The horizontal unit shear at any point of the beam is always accompanied by an equal right-angled vertical (or transverse) unit shear. 2. The total horizontal shear at any point is equal to the difference between the horizontal forces acting on the two *" Stress and Strain." Proc. Del. Co. Inst. Sci. Vol. VIII, No. i, May, 1916. "Stress and Deformation in the I Beam." Proc. Del. Co. Inst. Sci. Vol. VIII, No. 2, December, 1916. 2 BEOOMALL : ends of the elementary "block" of material lying above or beyond the element of length under consideration. 3. Passing from the middle towards the ends along any level line, the above horizontal forces are all "spilled off" in the shape of horizontal shear, becoming reduced to zero at the ends. The horizontal forces become less and less by reg- ular decrements or subtractions from a previous value. The horizontal shear usually increases towards the ends, but not by additions to a previous value. 4. The horizontal shear may be regarded as the physical lever-arm of the couples in the upper and lower part of the beam. Without this shear the parts of the beam would not work together as a harmonious " resisting moment." 5. In the I Beam the compression in the right-hand edge of the upper flange, for instance, must work in conjunction with its most remote comrade, the tension in the left-hand edge of the lower flange. This can only be through the medium of some kind of shear. Hence we must assume the existence of horizontal shear in the flange as well as in the web. The horizontal shear in the flanges, however, has its shearing planes vertically disposed, while in the web the shearing planes are horizontal. Figure i. Illlll Jlllll rTTnn'>rTTTn FIGURE 1 As a definite problem for the application of these and other principles to beams of unsymmetrical cross section, let STRESS LINES IN BEAMS. 3 US take up the determination of the general character of the stresses and deformations in the Channel Beam, set with web vertical and loaded uniformly. For the present let us assume this loading to be in a narrow line along the web, so as to avoid consideration of the bending of the flange by the direct load. In order to balance the external forces and reactions, each element of the body will be acted upon by certain forces which for convenience we will resolve vertically, transversely and longitudinally. These are the resultants of the various external forces acting upon the body, and necessary to equilibrium. By resolving the forces acting upon the ele- ments in various directions the actual direction and amount of the true internal stresses acting in the material may be found. In the present article we will consider more particu- larly the direction and characteristics of the lines of maxi- mum stress rather than the absolute value of the stresses. As the Channel stands on edge subjected to its load, we know it is acted upon by vertical shear and bending moment. Further, we know that if a vertical unit shearing stress exists at any point, an equal and opposite longitudinal unit shear- ing stress must exist also, as required by the principles of statics. This opposing longitudinal unit shear is produced by or results from the decrements in the value of the horizon- tal direct stresses already mentioned. Hence, each element of the body must be acted upon by two equal right-angled shearing unit stress. As a consequence of the bending moment we know also that each element must in addition be acted upon by direct stress, tension or compression. As far as the web is concerned these are the same forces as are met with in a beam of rectangular cross section. In the flanges we meet a rather different array of forces, similar to those already mentioned in connection with the I Beam. A longitudinal shear, with vertically arranged shearing planes must exist in order to transfer the decrements of longitudinal stresses to the web and thence by ordinary 4 BROOMALL : horizontal shear to the neutral axis. Along with this longi- tudinal shear in the flange there must also exist its right- angled companion shear likewise with vertical shearing planes. As regards the variation in value of the stresses in a given cross section of the Channel, it is evident that in the web the direct stress varies as the distance from neutral surface and the horizontal and vertical shear vary inversely as the square of the distance from the neutral surface. It is also evident that in the flanges the direct stresses are independent of the distance from web and are constant, while the longitudinal and cross shears vary inversely as the distance from the web. Knowing the resultant forces acting upon the elements of the body, it is easy to predict the characteristics of the actual lines of maximum internal stress. In Figure 2 are indicated the forces above enumerated which the elements must resist, and the nature of the resulting lines of maximum stress. The formulas for tracing these lines may be found in any advanced work on the mechanics of materials, and are s Direct Stress : cot 26^ (i) 2 v s . ^ Shear : tan 2 4> = — (2) 2 v Where 6 = angle of direct stress with longitudinal direction