■ ^&80 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY . CONSTITUTION 1/ ;<^*»*^; RIN B «HlPf IE ' lopl Irch waons of the fac of jveiw Sorh, TOGETHER WITH THE CODE OF PROCEDURE, FORMS OF PETITIONS, ETC. REVISED FEBRUARY Sth, 1880. BU FFALO; YOUNG, LOCKWOOD & GO'S STEAM PRESS. 1880. The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030372373 CONSTITUTION GRAND CHAPTER j[ogaI %th |[ason» of the %Mt of |etD jjorfe, TOOETHEn WITH THE CODE OF PROCEDURE, FORMS OF PETITIONS, ETC. REVISED FEBRUARY Bth, 1880. BUFFALO: YOUI^'G, LOCK WOOD & CO'S STEAM PRESS. 1880. J3 7- in , /«. ^ ,,*, ) k-'^u fr >1^i^l^ CONSTITUTION OF The Grand Chapter ^f ti^e ^tat^ of Seto %otk, REVISED AND ORDAINED, FEBRUARY S, 1880. ARTICLE I. THE GRAND CHAPTER. Name. Section i. The name of this Grand Chapter is "The Grand Chapter of the State of New York." Power and A iithority. Sec. 2. This Grand Chapter is a body of Royal Arch Masons in which is inahenably vested the government and superintendence of Capitular Masonry within the State of New York, subject only to its obligations to the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America. Of Whom Composed. Sec. 3. This Grand Chapter shall be composed of its Officers, both elected and appointed, as enumerated in sec- tions fifth and sixth of this Constitution, together with all 4 CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND CHAPTER Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Past Grand Kings and Past Grand Scribes of this Grand Chapter (so long as they shall continue members of subor- dinate Chapters within its jurisdiction), and the first three officers of each warranted Chapter, working under the au- thority of this Grand Chapter, or the proxies of such officers duly appointed. Annual Convocations and Quorum. Sec. 4. The Annual Convocations of this Grand Chapter shall be held at the City of Albany, on the first Tuesday in February. The representatives of five Chapters, together with at least one of the first four elective Grand Officers, shall constitute a quorum. Elective Officers. Sec. 5. The Elective Officers of this Grand Chapter shall be The Grand High Priest, The Deputy Grand High Priest, The Grand King, The Grand Scribe, The Grand Treasurer, The Grand Secretary, and The Grand Chaplain. Appointed Officers. Sec. 6. The Appointed Officers of this Grand Chapter shall be The Grand Captain of the Host, The Grand Principal Sojourner, The Grand Royal Arch Captain, Three Grand Masters of the Vails, The Grand Lecturer, and The Grand Tiler. OF THE STATE OF NEW YOEK. 5 Eligibility to Office. Sec. 7. None but High Priests or Past High Priests shall be eligible to any office in this Grand Chapter, except that of Grand Tiler. Officers — How Chosen. Sec. 8. The Elective Officers of this Grand Chapter shall be chosen at each Annual Convocation, by ballot, and by a majority of all the votes cast. The Appointed Officers shall be selected by the Grand High Priest, and hold office during his pleasure. And all officers of this Grand Chapter shall be contributing members of a subordinate Chapter within this jurisdiction. Installation of Officers. Sec. 9. The installation of the officers of this Grand Chapter shall take place during the Annual Convocation at which they are elected, unless the Grand Chapter shall otherwise order. Votes and Voters. Sec. 10. Each officer and permanent member of this Grand Chapter shall be entitled to one vote, and a Chapter of fifty members or less shall be entitled to three votes, and an additional vote for each additional fifty members. Each representative of a Chapter present shall be entitled to cast one vote, and the other votes, if any, to which such Chapter shall be entitled, shall be cast by the senior officer present. A Grand Officer may act in the Grand Chapter as a repre- sentative of the Chapter to which he belongs. Pay of Officers and Permanent Members. Sec. II. Each officer and permanent member attending the Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be entitled to receive from its funds the regular fare charged b CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND CHAPTEE by the most direct public conveyance to and from his resi- dence, and five dollars per day for travel and attendance, allowing not more than one day each way for going and returning. Pay of Representatives. Sec. 12. One representative from each Chapter within this jurisdiction shall be entitled to the same pay as speci- fied in the foregoing section, unless he shall be also a Grand Officer or permanent member of this Grand Chapter; but no representative shall be entitled to receive pay until the dues of his Chapter are fully paid. Grand High Priest. Sec. 13. The Grand High Priest shall exercise all the executive and judicial functions of this Grand Chapter du- ring its recess; and shall, at each Annual Convocation, com- municate in writing a statement of his official acts during such recess, and recommend such measures as he may deem expedient. He shall also have power to appoint representatives of this Grand Chapter near other recognized Grand Chapters, and to receive and accredit representatives of other recog- nized Grand Chapters near this Grand Chapter. Deputy Grand High Priest. Sec. 14. The Deputy Grand High Priest shall have power To grant dispensations for new Chapters ; To order elections when such have not been held, or were illegal ; To authorize the installation of officers after the consti- tutional time has expired ; To order elections to fill vacancies ; and to exercise such other executive or judicial functions as maybe delegated to him by the Grand High Priest. OF THE STATE OF NEW YOEK. ( Succession in Office. Sec. 15. In case of the death, absence, or inability of the Grand High Priest, or a vacancy in"jjhis ofifice, the Deputy Grand High Priest, the Grand King and^the Grand Scribe shall in order of rank succeed to his prerogatives and duties for all purposes. Grand Treasurer. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the jGrand Treasurer to take charge of all the funds, property, securities and vouch- ers of this Grand Chapter, under the direction of the trustees ; to pay all orders duly drawn by direction of the Grand Chap- ter ; to report annually to the Grand Chapter his receipts and disbursements by items, and the amount of moneys and securities in his hands. Grand Secretary. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to record the transactions of the Grand Chapter ; to keep a registry of members of subordinate Chapters ; to receive, duly file and safely keep all papers and documents of the Grand Chapter ; to sign and certify all instruments issued by the Grand Chapter; to receive and keep a proper account of all moneys of the Grand Chapter, and pay the same with- out delay to the Grand Treasurer, and report the same by items to the Grand Chapter annually; to report the Chap- ters that have neglected to render proper returns of their elections, members and dues ; and to conduct the corres- pondence of the Grand Chapter under the direction of the Grand High Priest. Foreign Correspondence. Sec. 18. A Committee on Foreign Correspondence shall be appointed by the Grand High Priest at each Annual Convocation, and shall serve during the recess of the Grand » CONSTITUTION OF THE GEAND GHAPTEE Chapter. They shall cause their report to be printed prior to the opening of the Grand Chapter. Other Official Duties. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the several ofificers of the Grand Chapter, in addition to the duties herein specifically mentioned, to perform such other duties appertaining to their offices as shall from time to time be directed by the Grand Chapter. ARTICLE II. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. Organization. Sec. 20. A Chapter can only be organized by the dispen- sation of the Grand High Priest or Deputy Grand High Priest, or the warrant of the Grand Chapter, and in each case only upon the application of not less than nine regular Royal Arch Masons. Dispensation and Petitioners — How Qualified. Sec. 21. No dispensation to form a new Chapter shall issue without the recommendation of the Chapter nearest to the place where the new Chapter is to be held, nor unless the petitioners therefor shall show that they are Royal Arch Masons and in good standing as such ; and no warrant shall be issued until the Chapter shall have given proof of its skill by labor under dispensation, and furnished a certificate from the nearest Chapter, or from the Grand Lecturer, of its abil- ity to confer the degrees ; nor shall a dispensation issue to form a new Chapter within two months next preceding the Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter. OF THE STATE OF NEW YOEK. 9 The petition to form a new Chapter must show the present or last Chapter membership of each petitioner, who must pay all his indebtedness for annual dues to the Chapter to which he belonged to the date of forwarding such petition to the Grand High Priest or Deputy Grand High Priest, and vouchers for such payment must accompany the pe- tition. The dimits of such petitioners as are unaffiliated, or are members of Chapters without the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, must also accompany the petition for a dispen- sation to form a new Chapter. The membership of the petitioners for a dispensation to form a new Chapter shall be suspended in the Chapters to which they have belonged, as soon as such dispensation shall issue. But the membership of such of the petitioners as, at the time of the presentation of the petition, were members of Chapters within this jurisdiction, shall revive in such Chapters in case a warrant for a new Chapter shall not be granted; or, if they so elect, at the expiration of the dispensation, provided they shall give notice of such elec- tion to the Chapter under dispensation. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered to the High Priest or Secretary of the Chapter under dispensation, or in open Chapter, on or before the last Convocation held under the dispensation, and a correct return shall be made to the Grand Secretary of the actual membership of the proposed new Chapter. And when the warrant shall issue, the Grand Secretary shall notify all Chapters concerned of the revival of any membership therein. Chapters under dispensation shall be allowed to affiliate regular Royal Arch Masons under the same conditions as warranted Chapters. The dues to the Grand Chapter for the members of a Chapter under dispensation to the close of the current Masonic year, must be paid by the Chapter under dispen- sation. 10 CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND OHAPTBE The power of a Chapter under dispensation to confer degrees shall cease at its regular Convocation next pre- ceding St. John the Evangehst's Day; and all dispensations issued to form new Chapters shall terminate on that day. No warrant shall be granted to any Chapter by a name already borne by one of the warranted Chapters within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter. Fee for Dispensation. Sec. 22. The fee for a dispensation to form a new Chapter shall be ninety dollars, which shall accompany the petition for the same. It shall ulso be accounted as payment in full for a warrant if afterwards granted. Warranted Chapters. Sec. 23. A warranted Chapter within this jurisdiction shall consist of I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10, II 12 The High Priest, The King, The Scribe, The Treasurer, The Secretary, The Captain of the Host, The Principal Sojourner, The Royal Arch Captain, The Master of the Third Vail, The Master of the Second Vail, The Master of the First Vail, The Tiler, and as many members as may be convenient, congregating and working by virtue of a warrant from this Grand Chap- ter, and at the place designated in the warrant or by the Grand Chapter. OF THE STATE OF NEW TOEK. 11 Officers — When and How Chosen. Sec. 24. The first five ofiScers named in the preceding section shall be elected annually, by ballot and by a major- ity of all the votes cast, at the regular Convocation of the Chapter next preceding St. John the Evangelist's Day. The remaining officers shall be appointed by the High Priest, immediately after his installation, and shall serve during his pleasure. Who are Voters. Sec. 25. Every member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote, and shall be eligible to any office in the Chapter. Installation. Sec. 26. The installation of officers of a Chapter shall take place at the time of election, or within thirty-five days thereafter. Vacancies in Office. Sec. 27. Vacancies in elective offices can only occur by death, by resignation, by removal after election beyond the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, by promotion at an elec- tion to fill vacancies, and by suspension or expulsion, but the first three elective offices cannot be vacated by resig- nation. Vacancies — How Filled. Sec. 28. A Chapter may fill a vacancy in any elective office (except that of High Priest,) by ballot, at any regu- lar Convocation ; but in case of a vacancy in the office of High Priest, an election can only be held at a regular Con- vocation, (the members having been duly summoned for that purpose,) and by virtue of a dispensation from the Grand High Priest, or the Deputy Grand High Priest, which must be applied for by the King and Scribe and a 12 CONSTITUTION OF THE GEAND CHAPTEK vote of a majority of all the members present at a regular Convocation, to be so certified by the Secretary under the seal of the Chapter. Removal of Chapter. Sec. 29. A Chapter shall not remove its place of meeting from the city, town or village named in its warrant, nor from one place to another in the same city, town or village, except by vote of two-thirds of the members present at a summoned Convocation, the object of the Convocation being stated in the summons, which must be served at least ten days previ- ous to such Convocation ; and such removal from the city, town or village must receive the consent of all the Chapters whose jurisdiction would be affected by such removal, and the approval of this Grand Chapter, previous thereto. By-Laws. Sec. 30. A Chapter has full power and authority to enact by-laws for its own government, not in conflict with this Constitution ; and any by-law inconsistent therewith is ab- solutely void. And all by-laws governing the dimission of members shall embrace the principle, that a companion clear of the books of his Chapter and against whom no charges are pending, shall, on his personal or written appli- cation at a regular Convocation, by order of the High Priest, receive a dimit without further action by the Chapter. Dues, and How Collected. Sec. 31. A Chapter may make by-laws regulating the payment of dues and assessments for necessary Masonic purposes from its members, and provide penalties for the enforcement thereof; but no greater penalty shall be in- flicted than the suspension of the companion in arrears, which shall cease upon the payment of such dues and assessments to such time as the by-laws shall direct. No OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 13 suspension of a companion for the non-payment of dues or assessments shall be ordered except upon notice to him of at least four weeks to pay the same, or to show cause at a regular Convocation of the Chapter why he should not be suspended. Annual Returns and Dues to Grand Chapter. Sec. 32. Every Chapter within this jurisdiction shall make annual returns to this Grand Chapter of all its work to St. John the Evangelist's Day in each year, in the form pre- scribed by the Grand Chapter, and pay into the treasury of this Grand Chapter the sum of three dollars for the advance- ment of every brother, and the sum of fifty cents as annual dues for every member, reckoning from St. John the Evan- gelist's Day next succeeding exaltation or affiliation : said sums to be due and payable at the Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter ; and such returns shall be transmitted to the Grand Secretary on or before the tenth day of Janu- ary in each year. Chapters — How Dissolved. Sec. 33. A Chapter can only be dissolved by the act of the Grand Chapter, or by a voluntary surrender of its war- rant pursuant to a vote ,of its members, when duly sum- moned for that purpose; but no warrant shall be surrendered provided nine members of the Chapter vote against such surrender. Warrant — How Forfeited or Siispended. Sec. 34. The warrant of a Chapter can' be forfeited only upon charges regularly made in Grand Chapter at its An- nual Convocation, of which due notice shall be given to the Chapter and an opportunity of being heard in defence; but it may be suspended by the Grand High Priest, for any cause which he shall deem sufficient : but such suspension shall not extend beyond the next Annual Convocation. 1-t CONSTITUTIOM" OF THE GRAND CHAPTEE Acts by which Warrant may be Forfeited. Sec. 35- The acts for either of which a warrant may be forfeited are contumacy to the authority of the Grand Chapter or the Grand High Priest ; violation of the funda- mental principles of Royal Arch Masonry, or of the provi- sions of this Constitution ; neglecting to meet for one year or more ; the non-payment of dues to the Grand Chapter for two years successively ; and a neglect or refusal to practice the Standard Work of the General Grand Chapter as promulgated by this Grand Chapter. Chapter Deprived of Warrant or Dispensation. Sec. 36. The surrender or forfeiture of a warrant or dis- pensation, when adjudged by the Grand Chapter, shall be conclusive upon the Chapter and its members, and shall carry with it all the property of the Chapter, which shall become the property of the Grand Chapter, and, on de- mand, shall be surrendered to the Grand Chapter or its authorized agent ; excepting therefrom the property and funds of such Chapters as may have availed themselves of the provisions of and powers conferred by Chapter 317 of the Laws of the State of New York, passed April 2, 1866, entitled "An Act to enable Lodges and Chapters of Free and Accepted Masons to take, hold and convey real and personal estate." Charges and Trials. Sec. 37. If any member of a Chapter, or unaffiliated Royal Arch Mason within this jurisdiction, shall be guilty of a Masonic misdemeanor which would subject him to discipline, charges, with distinct specifications of the of- fense, shall be preferred in open Chapter; and it shall be the duty of the acting High Priest to appoint three disin- terested companions as commissioners to try the accused upon said charges and specifications, and to report their OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 15 proceedings to the Chapter with all convenient speed, with their conclusions thereon, for the action of the Chap- ter. The decision of the Chapter upon the report of the commission shall be final, unless an appeal be taken there- from to the Grand Chapter, or to the Grand High Priest, within six months thereafter. In case charges shall be preferred against a Chapter or a High Priest, or by one Chapter against another, or by a member of one Chapter against a member of another, such charges shall be submitted to the Grand Chapter when in session, and, when not in session, to the Grand High Priest. When submitted to the Grand High Priest, he shall appoint three commissioners (who shall be High Priests or Past High Priests) from Chapters not interested in the case, and they shall hear, try and determine the matter, reporting their proceedings, conclusions and decis- ion thereon to the Grand High Priest; and their decision, if approved by him, shall be final, unless an appeal shall be taken to the Grand Chapter within six months thereafter. The accused shall in all cases have the right to be heard in his own defence, personally or by Masonic counsel, or both, before the Chapter or the commissioners. Every member of a Chapter present when a vote for the suspension or expulsion of a companion shall be taken, shall vote thereon; and a majority of the votes of all the companions present shall be necessary for such suspension or expulsion. Appeals. Sec. 38. Appeals may be taken from the decision of a Chapter to the Grand High Priest, who shall have power to hear and determine the same upon the matters presented to him upon the appeal papers, and not upon new or addi- tional statements or evidence: subject to a further appeal to the Grand Chapter. 16 CONSTITUTION OF THE GEAND OHAPTEE Suspension by Lodge. Sec. 39. The membership of any companion in a Chap- ter within this jurisdiction shall be suspended whenever, for any cause, he shall be suspended in the Lodge to which he belongs. Restoration by Subordinate Chapter. Sec. 40. No Chapter within this jurisdiction shall restore a companion, who has been suspended or expelled after trial upon charges, except upon a written application of such companion for restoration. Such application shall not be acted upon until one month shall have elapsed after its presentation. Restoration by Grand Chapter. Sec. 41. A restoration to the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry by the Grand Chapter shall not re- store to membership in a subordinate Chapter. But a re- versal of the decision by which a companion shall have been suspended or expelled, shall restore him to all his former rights and privileges as a Royal Arch Mason in such Chapter. Witnesses., and Expenses of Trial. Sec. 42. The High Priest of any Chapter shall summon witnesses in any case provided for in Section 37; and the expenses which may be incurred by commissioners appoint- ed under the provisions of such section shall be borne by one or both of the parties, as the commission may deter- mine; and the amount of such expenses, and their decision as to who shall be chargeable with the same, shall be set forth in their report, and payment may be enforced in the same manner as Chapter or Grand Chapter dues. OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 17 Charges Against High Priest. Sec. 43. Charges against a High Priest of a Chapter, for official misconduct while holding the ofifice of High Priest, must be presented to the Grand Chapter, or to the Grand High Priest, during his term of ofifiice or within one year thereafter. Other Rules for Trial. Sec. 44. The Grand Chapter may establish such further regulations as to the mode and form of trials and appeals as it may deem expedient. ARTICLE III. MISCELLANEOUS. Who Present at Election in Grand Chapter. Sec. 45. None but members of the Grand Chapter (past or present ofificers and representatives of other Grand Chapters excepted) shall be present during the election of officers. Who may Visit Grand Chapter. Sec. 46. No companion shall be permitted to sit as a visitor in the Grand Chapter without unanimous consent of the members present. The Order of High Priesthood. Sec. 47. The control of the Order of High Priesthood is vested in the Grand Chapter, and it is the imperative duty of every High Priest elect to receive the Order, which shall be conferred, under the direction of the Grand Chapter, on 2 18 CONSTITUTION OF THE GEAND CHAPTEE the evening of the first day of the Annual Convocation and without fee, none being present but regularly anointed High Priests ; and no High Priest shall be permitted to exercise any of the duties of his office after the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter next succeeding his election, until he shall have received the Order of High Priesthood. The Grand High Priest, or Deputy Grand High Priest, shall have power to grant a dispensation for the assem- bling of a Convention of not less than three duly anointed High Priests, to confer said Order on the newly elected High Priest of a Chapter, under such restrictions and upon such conditions as said officers may deem proper to impose, but in all cases without fee. Standard Work. Sec. 48. Every Chapter shall adopt and practice the Standard Work and Lectures of the General Grand Chap- ter of the United States as promulgated by this Grand Chapter. Grand Lecturer. Sec. 49. It shall be the duty of the Grand Lecturer, when required by a Chapter, to visit and instruct its members in the work and lectures of the several degrees, and such Chap- ter shall pay a reasonable compensation therefor. It shall also be his duty to attend the Annual Convocations of this Grand Chapter, and to exemplify before it, or a committee thereof, some portion or all of the standard work and lec- tures of the General Grand Chapter — of which he shall be the custodian, subject to the direction of the Grand Council. Compensation (not exceeding five hundred dollars annu- ally) may, in the discretion of the Grand Chapter, be paid the Grand Lecturer. He may also authorize, by a commis- sion in writing, any discreet and well-informed companion to instruct any Chapter or Chapters, applying for such serv- ices, in the standard work and lectures of the General Grand Chapter, the expense thereof to be borne by such Chapters. OF THE STATE OF NEW TOEK. 19 New Chapters — How Constituted. Sec. 50. Whenever a dispensation or warrant shall issue to authorize the holding of a new Chapter, the same shall be duly constituted and its officers installed by the Grand High Priest, the Deputy Grand High Priest, or the duly authorized proxy of one of them, previous to which cere- mony no Convocation of the Chapter can be legally held. Who Presides in Chapter. Sec. 51. The High Priest shall preside at the several Convocations of the Chapter, but in case of his absence the King or Scribe only shall, in order of rank, succeed him, provided such King or Scribe shall have lawful custody of the warrant ; and no appeal to the Chapter can be taken from the decision of the High Priest, King, or Scribe, while presiding. Chapter Seal and Books. Sec. 52. Every Chapter shall have a seal, and shall also keep the following books :' 1. A Book of By-laws with the signatures of the mem- bers. 2. A Record Book of the proceedings of the Chapter. 3. A Register of the names of members, with the date of receiving the different degrees, etc. 4." A Book of Marks. 5. An Alphabetical List of expulsions, suspensions and rejections, and such other books as the Chapter shall direct. Petitions and Fees for Degrees. Sec. 53. The degrees of the Chapter shall not be con- ferred for a less sum than twenty dollars, (all of which must be paid before receiving the Mark Degree,) and then only upon Master Masons in good standing, whose petitions shall 20 CONSTITUTION OF THE GEAND CHAPTEE have been duly presented in writing at a regular Convoca- tion, reported upon by a committee of investigation, and unanimously accepted by the Chapter. And a petition for the degrees or for membership shall not be balloted on be- fore the next regular Convocation succeeding its reception. The ballot must be inviolably secret, and it shall be the duty of every member of the Chapter present, to vote; and a pe- tition for the degrees having been referred to a committee cannot be withdrawn, but must be acted on by ballot. Rejected Candidates. Sec. 54. A petition for the degrees having been rejected, cannot again be received within the period of three months, nor by any other than the rejecting Chapter, without first obtaining its consent. Waiver of Jurisdiction. Sec. 55. a majority vote in a Chapter shall be sufficient to give jurisdiction to another Chapter to act upon the pe- tition of a candidate who is under the jurisdiction of the Chapter so voting. And jurisdiction thus acquired shall be vested in such other Chapter, and shall be as complete as original jurisdiction. Effect of Objection to Fnrtlicr Advancement. Sec. 56. If, after a candidate has been elected to receive the degrees in a Chapter, and before he shall have received the degree of Mark Master, a demand shall be made by a member in good standing for a new ballot, the ballot must be had, and if it result in a rejection it shall have the same effect as if he had been rejected on the first ballot. If, after a candidate shall have received the degree of Mark Master, a demand shall be made for a ballot on his advancement, such demand must be seconded by a majority of the members present at the Convocation of the Chapter OF THE STATE OF NEW TOEK. 21 at which such demand is made, in order to secure a ballot. But the High Priest has the right in his discretion to delay the advancement of a candidate without a ballot. Jurisdiction over Candidates. Sec. 57. A Chapter shall not confer the degrees upon a candidate who resides nearer some other Chapter, without the consent of such Chapter; nor upon a candidate who resides in another State, without the consent of the Chap- ter within whose jurisdiction he resides; but two or more Chapters located in the same city or village shall be ac- counted as equally near, and shall have concurrent jurisdic- tion within. such city or village; and the Chapters in the cities of New York and Brooklyn shall have one and the same jurisdiction. Proxies. Sec. 58. Each warranted Chapter within this jurisdiction shall be entitled to be represented in this Grand Chapter by its first three officers, in person or by proxy. In case of the inability of either of said officers to attend a Convocation of the Grand Chapter, the Chapter (or, in case of its failure to do so, its High Priest or acting High Priest,) may appoint any member of the Chapter to act as his proxy. Such proxy shall be furnished with a certificate of appoint- ment over the signature of the High Priest, or acting High Priest, attested by the Secretary, and under the seal of the Chapter. Amendments. Sec. 59. No amendment to this Constitution shall be made, unless it shall have been approved by the vote of a majority of the members present and voting at one Annual Convocation, and adopted by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present and voting at the next Annual Con- vocation. RULES OF ORDER. 1. The Grand Chapter shall convene at eleven o'clock, A. M., on the first day of its Annual Convocation until oth- erwise ordered. 2. At the sound of the gavel from the East, the Grand Officers shall take their respective stations and the members be seated. 3. The Grand Chapter shall be opened in due and ancient form. 4. The Standing Committee on Credentials, which shall consist of the Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Captain of the Host, shall report. 5. The Grand Secretary shall read the minutes of all pre- vious Convocations not before read and approved. 6. The Grand High Priest shall deliver his annual address. 7. The Deputy Grand High Priest and other Grand Of- ficers shall make their annual reports. 8. The Grand High Priest shall appoint the following Standing Committees, each consisting of five companions : I. A Committee on Finance and Accounts, to whom shall be referred all subjects involving an appropriation of funds except pay of members. n. A Committee on Warrants. HI. A Committee on Jurisprudence. 24 RULES OF OEDEE GEAND CHAPTEE. IV. A Committee on Appeals and Grievances. V. A Committee on Pay of Officers and Members. VI. A Committee on Charity. And also a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, consisting of three members. All of which Committees, except the last, shall be dis- charged by the closing of the Grand Chapter. 9. No companion shall speak more than once to the same question, unless by permission of the Grand Chapter. 10. Votes may be taken by show of hands, unless a vote by Chapters is called for, which must be seconded by the representatives of at least five Chapters. 11. These Rules of Order shall not be suspended except by unanimous consent, but may be amended at any time by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present. 12. All former rules of order inconsistent herewith are hereby abrogated. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE GRAND CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Passed March 31, 1818. Whereas it is represented to the Legislature, by the Grand Chapter of Freemasons of the State of New York, that they experience great difficulties in vesting and secur- ing their funds, which are chiefly intended for charitable purposes ; and that they wish to purchase and hold a lot of ground for the purpose of erecting thereon a Masonic Hall : Therefore, I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That Ezra Ames, Rich- ard Hatfield, Joseph Enos, jr., John Brush, Ebenezer Wads- worth and Isaac Hempsted, and their associates, be, and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of the "Grand Chapter of the State of New York ;" and by that name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, de- fending and being defended, in all courts and places what- soever, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, matters and causes whatsoever, and that they may have a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure. II. And be it further enacted. That their election of offi- cers shall be made annually, at such time and place, and 26 ACTS OF INCOEPOKATION. subject to such rules and regulations, as the said Grand Chapter shall from time to time direct ; and that the first four officers, together with the secretary and treasurer for the time being, shall always be the trustees, and have the management of the concerns of the said Grand Chapter : Provided always. That all appropriations of the funds of the said Chapter shall be made by the trustees aforesaid, by and with the consent of a majority of the members thereof, present at their annual meetings. III. And be it further enacted, That the trustees afore- said, and their successors, by the name aforesaid, shall be in law capable of purchasing, holding, selling and conveying any estate, real and personal, for the use and benefit of the said Chapter, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value : Provided, That no real estate or lot of ground shall be pur- chased or held by the said trustees, except for the purpose of building and erecting a Masonic Hall thereon ; and that the powers of the said trustees in relation to their personal estate, shall be confined to the vesting and securing of their funds, and the transfer and distribution thereof, for the or- dinary and usual purposes of the said Chapter: And pro- vided also. That this act shall in no wise affect any other or subordinate Chapter in this State. IV. And be it further enacted. That this act shall be taken and deemed to be a public act, and that it shall and may be lawful for the Legislature, at any time hereafter, to alter or repeal the same. AN ACT FOR INCORPORATING THE TRUSTEES OF A SUBORDINATE CHAPTER. CHAPTER 317. AN ACT to enable Lodges and Chapters of Free and Ac- cepted Masons to Take, Hold, and Convey Real and Personal Estate. Passed April 2, 1866. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section i. Whenever any Lodge or Chapter of Free and Accepted Masons which is or hereafter may be duly chartered by and installed according to the General Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, shall be desirous of having the benefit of this act, it shall and may be lawful for such Lodge or Chapter, at any regular communication or convocation thereof, held in accordance with the Constitution and General Regulations of the Grand Lodge or Chapter aforesaid, and in conformity to its own by-laws, to elect three trustees for such Lodge or Chapter for the purpose aforesaid, a certificate of which election and purpose shall be made and subscribed by the first three elective officers of such Lodge or Chapter, under their hands, and stating therein the time and place of such elec- tion, the regularity thereof, the names of said trustees, and the terms severally for which they are allotted to serve, and the name of the Lodge or Chapter for which they are 28 ACTS OF INCOEPOEATION. elected. The execution of such certificate shall be acknow- ledged or proved before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, who shall indorse thereon a cer- tificate of such acknowledgment, under his hand, and the same shall then be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Such trustees and their successors shall thereupon be and become entitled to all the benefits, rights and priv- ileges granted by this act ; to and for the use and behoof of said Lodge or Chapter, and a copy of said certificate, certified by the Secretary of State, or his deputy, shall be evidence of the right of said trustees to exercise all the rights and privileges conferred by this act ; and said trus- tees shall thereupon be authorized to take and hold and convey real and personal estate, for the charitable purposes of said Lodge or Chapter, not exceeding the clear and an- nual value of ten thousand dollars. Sec. 2. The persons so first elected trustees shall be di- vided by lot by said officers making said certificate, so that the term of one shall expire on the day of the festival of St. John the Evangelist next thereafter, and another in one year, and the third in two years thereafter. One trustee shall annually thereafter prior to the expiration of the terms of office of said trustees and their successors, be elected by said Lodge or Chapter by ballot, in the same manner and at the same time as the first three officers thereof severally are or shall be elected according to the Constitution, By- laws, and General Regulations aforesaid, and a certificate of said election, under the hands of said officers, and the seal of said Lodge or Chapter, if they have one, shall be made and shall be evidence of said election, and entitle said per- son so elected to act as trustee. Said Lodge or Chapter may, at any regular communication or convocation, fill any vacancy that may have occurred in said board of trustees, to be certified in like manner and with like effect as at an annual election. The person so elected shall hold his office for and during the term of the trustee whose place he was elected to fill. ACTS OF INCOEPORATION. 29 Sec. 3. If any person so elected trustee shall die, resign, dimit, or be suspended or expelled from said Lodge or Chapter, remove from the State, or become insane, or other- wise incapacitated for performing the duties of said trust, his ofifice as trustee shall therefor be deemed vacant, and said Lodge or Chapter may thereafter, at any regular meet- ing, fill such vacancy, in the manner and with the effect stated in the last section. Sec. 4. The trustees of any Lod,ge or Chapter, and their successors, shall be and are hereby authorized to take, hold, and convey, by and under the direction of said Lodge or Chapter, and for the use and benefit thereof, all the tem- poralities and property belonging thereto, whether consist- ing of real or personal estate and whether the same shall have been given, granted or devised directly to such Lodge or Chapter or .to any person or persons for their use, or in trust for them or their benefit, and also in their individual names, with the addition of their title of trustees aforesaid, to sue and be sued in all courts and places having jurisdic- tion, and to recover, hold, and enjoy, in trust and subject as aforesaid, all the debts, demands, rights, and privileges, and all Masonic Halls, with the appurtenances, and all other estate and property belonging to such Lodges and Chapters, in whatsoever manner the same may have been acquired, or in whose name soever the same may be held, as fully and amply as if the right or title thereto had orig- inally been vested in said trustees, and also to purchase and hold for the purposes and subject as aforesaid, other real and personal estate, and to demise, lease, and improve the same ; and such Lodge or Chapter shall have power to make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, nor contrary to the constitution or general re- gulations of the Grand Body to which it shall be subordi- nate, for managing the temporal affairs of such Lodge or Chapter, and to dispose of its property and all other tem- poral concerns and revenue thereof, and the secretary and treasurer of such Lodge or Chapter, duly elected and in- stalled according to the constitution and general regulations 30 ACTS OF INCOEPOEATION. aforesaid, shall, for the time being, be ex officio the secre- tary and treasurer of said trustees. Sec. 5. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed or taken to give to such trustees of any Lodge or Chapter, the power to purchase, sell, convey, or dispose of any pro- perty, real or personal, of such Lodge or Chapter, nor shall they have such power except by and under the direction of such Lodge or Chapter, duly had at a regular or stated communication or convocation thereof, according to the constitution and general regulations aforesaid, and said trustees shall at all times obey and abide by the directions, orders, and resolutions of said Lodge or Chapter, duly passed at any regular or stated communication or convocation thereof, according to and not contravening the constitution and laws of this State, or of the Grand Body to which it shall be subordinate, or of the Lodge or Chapter aforesaid. Provided, that in case said Lodge or Chapter shall surren- der its warrant to the Grand Body to which the same shall be subordinate, as aforesaid, or shall be expelled or become extinct, according to the constitution and general regula- tions aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said trustees then in ofifice, out of the property aforesaid, to satisfy all just debts due from such Lodge or Chapter, and the residue of said property shall be transferred to the " Trustees of the Ma. sonic Hall and Asylum Fund," a corporation created by an act entitled " An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund," passed April twenty- first, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; and unless reclaimed by said Lodge or Chapter within three years after said transfer, in accordance with the constitution and general regulations aforesaid, the same, with the avails or increase thereof, shall be applied by said trustees last mentioned, to the benevolent purposes for which said trustees were created in and by said act. Sec. 6. It shall and may be lawful for any Lodge or Chapter, or the trustees or officers thereof, under the direc- tion of such Lodge or Chapter, heretofore incorporated by the laws of this State, or thereby enabled to take and hold ACTS OF INCOEPOEATION. 31 real and personal estate or both, to surrender such act of incorporation, charter, or privilege, and to be enabled to take and hold property, with all the rights and subject to all the provisions of this act, on making and filing the cer- tificate in the manner specified in the first section of this act, and therein stating, in addition to what is therein re- quired, the surrender of said act, charter or privilege, re- ferring to and specifying the same, and on such certificate being so made and filed, the Lodge or Chapter making and filing the same shall thereupon be deemed as having fully surrendered such incorporation, charter, or right, and its property shall be fully vested in the trustees specified in said certificate, and their successors, with all the rights, powers, and privileges, and subject to all the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. No board of trustees for any Lodge or Chapter, filing the certificate aforesaid, shall be deemed to be dis- solved for any neglect or omission to elect a trustee annu- ally or fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur or exist at any time in said board ; but it shall and may be lawful for said Lodge or Chapter to fill such vacancy or vacancies at any regular communication thereafter to be held, and till a vacancy arising from the expiration of the term of office of a trustee is filled, as aforesaid, he shall continue to hold the said of^ce and perform the duties thereof. Sec. 8. This act shall be deemed a public act, and be benignly construed in all courts and places, to effectuate the objects thereof. Sec. g. This act shall take effect immediately. State of New York, ) Office of the Secretary of State. ) I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said orig- inal law. Francis C. Barloav, Secretary of State. FORM OF CERTIFICATE, TO BE USED BY CHAPTERS DESIRING TO IN- CORPORATE THEIR TRUSTEES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ABOVE ACT. State of New York, County of We, the undersigned, the first three elective officers of Chapter, No of Free and Accepted Masons, duly chartered by and installed according to the General Rules and Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, do hereby certify that, at a regular convocation of said Chapter held at their Hall in , on the day of in the year i8 . . . . , in accordance with the Constitution and General Regulations of the Grand Chapter aforesaid, and in conformity to their By-laws, the said Chapter being desirous of having the bene- fits and privileges conferred by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled, "An Act to enable Lodges and Chapters of Free and Accepted Masons to Take, Hold, and Convey Real and Personal Estate," passed April 2, 1866, did, then and there, proceed to elect three Trustees for such Chapter, for the purpose aforesaid, and whose terms of office were allotted, by the undersigned, as pre- scribed in said act. And the undersigned do further certify, that said election was regularly conducted, according to the Constitution and FOEM OF CERTIFICATE. 33 General Rules and Regulations of the said Grand Chapter, and the By-laws of the Chapter aforesaid ; that the names of said Trustees, and the terms, severally, for which they were allotted to serve, are as follows : , whose term will expire on the day of the festival of St. John the Evan- gelist next after said election ; , whose term will ex- pire in one year thereafter ; and , whose term will expire in two years thereafter. In testimony whereof, we the undersigned, the first three elective officers of said Chapter have hereto set our hands this day of , in the year 1 8 . . . . High Priest. Signed in presence of King. Scribe. State of New York, County of I, the undersigned, an officer duly authorized by law to take the acknowledgment of deeds, do hereby certify, that on the day of , in the year 1 8 . . ., -in the of in the said county, before me personally appeared , with whom I am personally acquainted, and know to be the first three elective officers, viz.. High Priest, King and Scribe of the Chapter specified in the foregoing instrument, and the per- sons and officers described therein, and who have subscribed the same, and who, each, then and there, severally acknow- ledged the execution by them of the foregoing certificate. (The Judge, Commissioner, Justice, or Notary Public before whom the certificate is acknowledged will sign this certificate officially. In case he does not personally know the subscribers, they can be identified by some witness who does know them, and the certificate can be altered accord- ingly. The certificate must then be sent to the Secretary of State and a copy sent to the Gratrd Secretary.) 3 MASONIC Code of Procedure PKEPAEED BY JOHN L. LEWIS, P.-. G.-. H.'. P. ADOPTED BY THE GRAND CHAPTER OP NEW YORK, PUR- SUANT TO § 44 OP THE CONSTITUTION, FEBRUARY, 1873. Revised, February, 1880. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by John L. Lewis, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CODE OF PROCEDURE. REVISED FEBRUARY, 1880. I. TRIALS. § 1. A Masonic trial is the judicial examination of the issues arising on complaints for offenses before the G-rand Chapter or Commissioners, whether they be issues of law or fact. § 2. Masonic offenses which subject the individual offender to trial and punishment, are of four kinds: 1. Offenses against statutory laws, being such as are called crimes, divided into felonies and misdemeanors. 2. Offenses at common law, not made crimes by statute; such as assault and battery. 3. Offenses against the moral law, not punishable as crimes; such as adultery and fraud; and 4. Offenses against the Constitutions and laws of Masonry, written or umv-ritten. § 3. The penalties which may be inflicted upon an indi-sddual Mason for an offense, are 1. Eeprimand or censure. 2. Suspension for a deiinite time; and 3. Expulsion. § 4. Masonic offenses may also be committed by a Chapter, in the particulars defined by the Constitutions, and not otherwise, and which are : 1. Contumacy to the authority of tlie Grand Chapter, or the ■Grand High Priest. 38 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 2. Violation of the fundamental principles of Eoyal Arch Masonry, or of the Grand Constitutions; 3. l^eglecting to meet as a Chapter for one year or more; and 4. A'on-payment of dues to the Grand Chapter for two years successively. § 0. Every Royal Arch Mason, and every Chapter accused of a Masonic offense, must be proceeded against by written charges, called a complaint, and notified thereof, and each is entitled to a speedy and impartial trial. § 6. Any Royal Arch Mason in good standing may prefer a complaint to the proper authority against any other Royal Arch Mason, or against a Chapter, and may be a witness on the trial. § 7. A complaint must be in writing, and contain an orderly statement of the facts constituting a Masonic offense, and should be brief but comprehensive, avoiding repetition, and clearly defining the nature of the offense charged, with an accurate specification of the time, place and circumstances of its alleged commission. § 8. A complaint preferred in a Chapter should be substan- tially in the form designated as "Fokm Xo. 1," or as designated as -'FoKM Xo. 2," or as ''Foem Xo. 3," as examples; and which may readily be adapted to any other case of Masonic offense. (POEM No. 1.) THE COMPLAINT. " To the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter, Xo. 400: Charge. — Comp. A. B. is hereby charged with immoral and unmasonic conduct. First Specification. — That the said A. B., on the first day of April, 1859, in the public street at Freetown, in the County of , and then being a member of said Chapter, was in a state of intoxication from the immoderate and improper use of intoxi- cating liquors; in violation of his duty as a Royal Arch Mason, and to the scandal and disgrace of his companions. Second Specification. — That the said A. B., on the first day of April, 1859, at Freetown aforesaid, and at various other times and places in the year 1859, was intoxicated with strong and CODE OF PEOOEDTJEE. 39 spirituous liquors, although admonished therefor by his compan- ions, in violation of his duty as a Eoyal Arch Mason, and to the great scandal and disgrace of his companions. And it is hereby demanded that the said A. B. be dealt with therefor according to Masonic law and usage. Dated, AprU 9, 1859. S. L." (FORM No. 2.) THE COMPLAINT.— (Anothee Form.) "To the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter, No. 400: Charge. — Comp. C. D. is hereby charged with immoral and unmasonic conduct. First Specification. — That the said 0. D., on the first day of April, 1859, at Freetown, in the County of , and then being a member of said Chapter, in the presence and hearing of Comp. E. F. and others, spoke and uttered of Comp. G. H., of Beta Chapter, No. 401, these words in substance : that the said C H. was a dishonest man; that he was a knave and a cheat; and that he was a liar; to the great injury of the said G. H., and to the common scandal and disgrace of his companions. Second Specification. — That the said C. D., on the first day of April, 1859, at Freetown aforesaid, in the presence and hearing of Mr. T. Y. Z. and others, pubhcly spoke and declared of the said G. H., who was not present, that he, the said G. H., was a dishonest man, a knave, a cheat, and a liar, in violation of the duties of the said C. D. as a Eoyal Arch Mason, to the great injury of the said G. H. , and to the common scandal and disgrace of said Beta Chapter, No. 401, and of all Royal Arch Masons. And it is therefore hereby demanded that the said C. D. be put upon trial therefor. Dated, April 9th, 18.59. S. L." (POEM No. 3.) THE COMPLAINT.— (Anothee Foem.) "To 'the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter. No. 400 : Charge. — Comp. E. P., is hereby charged with unmasonic conduct. •iCt CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. Spvcification. — That heretofore said Alpha Chapter adopted a code of Bj^-laws, and among other things, provided by sec- tion 21 of said By-laws, which has eTer since been and is in full force, in substance and effect, that said ChaiDter might tax its members for Masonic purposes; that at a stated convocation of said Chapter, held on the 24th day of December, 1858, sa,id Chapter adopted a resolution to impose a tax upon each of its members of three dollars, to purchase necessary furniture for said Chapter; that on said last mentioned day said E. F. was a member of said Chapter, and had subscribed said By-laws, and is still a member of said Chapter; but that the said E. F., although of sufficient pecuniary means and ability, refused to pay said tax of three dollars, and still refuses to pay the same, contrary to the provisions of said section 21 of said By-laws, to the injury of said Chapter, and in violation of his duties and obligations as a Eoyal Arch Mason. And it is therefore hereby demanded that the said E. P. be put upon trial therefor. Dated, AprU 9, 1859. S. L." § 9. The proceedings on a complaint to a Chapter under "Form ISTo. 1," (selected as an example,) are contained in the preceding section 8, and in the sections following to and includ- ing section 19. § 10. The complaint must be presented in open Chapter at a stated convocation, and a motion should be made and adopted, that the complaint be received and commissioners appointed, before further proceedings can be had thereon. § 11. The complaint need not be copied in the minu.tes, but its nature should be entered, with the facts of its reception and reference, and the names of the commissioners appointed Idv the High Priest. § 12. When such a motion of reception and reference has been adopted, the High Priest should forthwith appoint three capable and disinterested members of the Chapter as Commis- sioners. If a companion appointed as commissioner should know of any cause which would disqualify him for acting, it is his duty to state it, either in open Chapter or privately to the High Priest, in order that another may be forthwith substituted. § 13. It is the duty of the Secretary of the Chapter immedi- ately to serve upon the accused a copy of the complaint with a notice annexed, except in the cases mentioned in section 16. CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 41 § 14. The notice annexed to the comiDlaint may be in the fol- lowing form : (FORM No. 4.) NOTICE OP COMPLAINT. " Oomp. A. B. — Take notice, that the within (or foregoing) is a copy of the complaint preferred against you ai; a stated con- vocation of Alpha Chapter,, No. 400, held on the 9th of April, instant, and that Comps. E. S., T. U., and V. W., were ap- pointed commissioners to hear and try the same. Dated, AprillO, 1859. P. Q., Secretary." § 15. Commissioners should determine, if possible, at the time the complaint is preferred, when and where they will meet for trial, and inform the Secretary thereof, in which case he will add to the above notice the following: "and that they will meet for that purpose on the 20th day of April, 1859, at seven o'clock P. M. , at Alpha Chapter room in Freetown, at or before which time you are required to answer said complaint. " § 16. If from any cause the complaint cannot be personally served, then a notice of its presentation and the nature of the charges it contains should be sent to the accused, by mail or other safe conveyance, if his residence be known; if his residence be not known, then, after a reasonable time and after diligent in- quiry, the Secretary should leave such notice at the last place of residence or place of business of the accused, with information that a copy of the compla,int will be furnished when demanded by the accused. § 17. The notice in the case mentioned in section 16, may be in the following form : (FORM No. 5.) NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANT. " Comp. A. B. — Take notice, that at a stated convocation of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, held in Freetown on the 9th da}' of April, 1859, charges of unmasonic conduct were preferred against 42 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. you; that Comps. E. S., T. U., and V. W., were appointed com- missioners to hear and try the same; that a copy of the complaint will be furnished you on demand; and you are required to answer said complaint within days thereafter, and serye your answer upon me. Dated, April 16th, 1859. P. Q., Secretary." § 18. After service of the complaint, if the accused has an objection to the commissioners, or any of them, he should as soon as possible make his challenges, that the High Priest, if sat- isfied that the challenge is made uj)on good grounds, may make another appointment; and it should state specifically the grounds on which it is made. Challenges may, however, be made to com- missioners at any time before the trial commences. § 19. If there be doubts whether the grounds of the challenge are sufficient, the High Priest shall be the trier, when all or two of the commissioners are challenged; or, when but one is chal- lenged, the other commissioners may act as triers; but it is recom- mended, that if there be reasonable objection, or if probable cause for challenge be manifest, that the challenged commissioner remove all objection by resignation, in which case the High Priest will appoint another; and, if made at any other time than at a convocation of the Chapter, that he supply the vacancy by appointment in writing, to be filed with the Secretary, who shall present the same to the Chapter when next convened. § 20. The appointment of commissioners being completed, it is next the duty of the accused to answer the complaint. As this would be in most cases, if not all, equivalent to the well known plea of " not guilty," the form' is immaterial, but to com- plete the record it may be in the following form : (FORM No. 6.) THE AXSWER. " C. D. in person denies the complaint made against him, and every matter and thing contained in the charges and several specifications of the same, as therein stated and set forth, and demands trial thereon. p -p, „ CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 43 § 21. The answer may, however, vary according to the facts of each case; as for example, one specification may be admitted and another denied; or the charges and specifications may be admitted, and matters set forth in excuse or extenuation of any or all of the specifications; or the charges and sjoecifications may be admitted, with a denial that they constitute a Masonic offense; the last being what is called a demurrer, but which, to avoid technicality, will be termed a special answer. § 22. The special answer to the complaint may be made in the following form : (FORM No. 7.) THE SPECIAL ANSWER. " 0. D., in person, answers the complaint made against him, and without denying the charges or specifications therein, says that the statements in said complaint do not present sufficient facts to constitute a Masonic offense; because, he says, that it is contrary to the principles of Masonic law for a Chapter to try its members, (or whatever else may be the grounds of the special answer.) C. D." § 23. The answer, whether general or special, being made, the issue is formed, and the parties proceed to trial at the time and place appointed by the commissioners, of which the accused should always have reasonable notice in writing. § 24. If a special answer be made, and the decision be against the accused, he will still be permitted to put in an answer, deny- ing or excusing the charges, in the manner above stated; and hence it is best not to interpose a special answer, as the accused may always have the benefit of any question of Masonic law under a general answer. § 25. The attendance of witnesses on either side, when they are Masons, may be enforced by summons, which may be issued by any High Priest of a Chapter, and may be in the following form : (FORM No. 8.) THE SUMMONS FOE WITNESS. "To Comp. I. J. ; — You are hereby summoned and required to attend as a witness before the commissioners appointed for the 44 CODE OF PKOOEDUEE. trial of Comp. A. B. on certain charges preferred against him, on the 20th day of April, 1859, at seven o'clock, P. M., at the Chapter room of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, in Freetown, and there to testify the truth according to your knowledge, on behalf of (naming the party summoning him.) K. L., High Priest, . Dated, April 15, 1859. Gamma Chapter, No. 500." § 26. The summons may be made to answer for several wit- nesses, by inserting their several names, and adding the words, "and each of you,"' after the word "you; "taking care to leave a blank after the first name for the insertion of other names. The attendance of witnesses other than Masons must necessarily be voluntary only. § 27. The companion disobeying such summons is liable to discipline in the same manner as for disobedience to any other summons; and for this reason the one serving it should note upon it when and how it was served, whether personally or otherwise. § 28. The complaint for disobeying a summons may be in the following form : (FORM No. 9.) COMPLAINT FOR DISOBEYING SUMMONS. " To the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter, No. 400: Charge. — Comp. I. J. is hereby charged with unmasonic con- duct. Specification. — That the said I. J. having taken the solemn obligations of a Royal Arch Mason, and being a member of Delta Chapter, No. 450, in good standing, was on the 16th day of Ajiril, 1859, personally served with a summons to attend as wit- ness before the commissioners appointed for the trial of Comp. A. B., on certain charges preferred against the said A. B., on the 20th day of April, 1859, at seven o'clock, P. M., at the Chapter room of said Alpha Chapter, No. 400, in Freetown, there to tes- tify the truth accordingto his knowledge, on behalf of said Alpha Chapter; which summons was issued by K. L., High Priest of Gamma Chapter, No. 500. And that the said I. J., wholly disre- garding said summons, and his solemn obligations as a Royal Arch Mastin to obey the same, did not attend at the time and place specified in said siimmons, but wholly neglected and refused CODE OF PEOCEDUBE. 45 SO to do, to the great injury of said Alpha Chapter, and to the evil example of all other companion Eoyal Arch Masons. Where- fore it is demanded, that the said I. J. be brought to trial and punished therefor. Dated, April 31, 1859. S. L." This form, with the necessary alterations, may be adapted to any case of willful disregard of any lawful summons of a com- panion Royal Arch Mason whatever. § 39. Testimony may Ije taken by commission (as limited in section 40, following, ) when the witness to be examined resides at such a distance as ma-y be inconvenient for him to attend, of which the commissioners appointed for the trial shall be the judges; and the attendance of such witness to testify may (if he is a Mason) be compelled by summons, as prescribed in sections 35 and 26 preceding. § 30. Reasonable notice of intention to apply for a commission must be given 1 ly the applicants therefor, and may be in this form : (FORM No. 10.) NOTICE OP COMMISSION. " To Comp. S. L.;— Take notice, that I shall apply to the com- missioners appointed for the trial of the charges against me, at Alpha Chapter room, in Freetown, on the 20th day of April. 1859, at seven o'clock, P. M. , for a commission to M. •. B. •. Comp. H. J., High Priest of Eta Chapter, No. 777, to examine X. Y. as a witness on my behalf on interrogatories. Dated, April 16, 1859. A. B." § .31. If the commissioners, at the time of hearing on this notice, decide to issue the commission, it should be issued to the High Priest of the nearest or most convenient Chapter to the witness, (unless there be reasonable objection to such officer to act as examiner, ) and it may be in the following form : (FORM No. 11.) COMMISSION FOR WrPNESS. " To M. ■. E. •. Comp. H. J., High Priest of Eta Chapter, No. 777: 46 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. You are hereby appointed Examiner, to take the testimouy of Comp. X. Y., of SToblesburg, in your county, as a witness in the matter of the charges preferred in Alpha Chapter. Xo. 400, against Comp. A. B., of said Chapter, at such early time and convenient place as you may appoint, upon the interrogatories and cross-interrogatories hereto annexed, and reduce his answers thereto to writing, to be subscribed by him, and. l.iy you certified to us, and return forthwith by mail to the Secretary of said Alpha Chapter, acting in the premises with all convenient speed. E. S., / Seal of \ T TT V Alpha Chapter. ) J. . I- . , Y. W., Attest, P. Q., Secretary, Commissioners.'' § 32. At the time of hearing on the application for commis- sion, or at such other time as shall be agreed upon or appointed, the parties shall prepare, and the commissioners, or one of their number designated by them, shall settle their respective inter- rogatories or cross-interrogatories. § 33. The interrogatories (or questions) may be in the follow- ing form : (FORM No. 12.) INTERROGATORIES. " Interrogatories to be proposed to X. Y., a witness to be examined on commission annexed : First Intsrrogatory. — What is your age, occupation and resi- dence? Second Interrogatory. — Are you acquainted with A. B., named in the annexed commission? and if so. for how long a time? Tliird Interrogatory. — Were you at Freetown on the first day of April, 1859? and if so, did you see said A. B. there. Fourth Interrogatory. — What was the state of his health at that time? and, if not good, state what his disease, and how it afEected his actions. [And so on, numbering each separate interrogatory or ques- tion by itself.] Lastly. — Do you know any other fact or thing beneficial to said A. B. in this matter? if so, state it fully. . -r, „ 1880.] CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 47 § 34. The interrogatory commencing "Lastly," must always be inserted, and always answered. If a witness has anything additional to state, it should be added; if he has not, it should be so stated. § 35. The cross-interrogatories may be in the following form: (FORM No. 13.) CROSS-IXTERROGATOEIES. Cross-interrogatories to be proposed to X. Y., a witness to be examined on commission annexed : " First Cross-Inferrogatortj. — Do you know what caused the ill health of A. B. V if so, state fully the fact and the cause. [Then proceed with others, numbering them in like manner, and concluding with "Lastly," and observing the same rules as in case of interrogatories. ] cj t » o. L. § 36. The commission, copy of complaint, interrogatories and cross-interrogatories should then be fastened together and sent to the examiner. § 37. The examiner, having procured the attendance of the witness at the time and place appointed, will take his testimony in the same manner as on trial, and put it in -nTiting, and may commence in this form : (POBM No. 14) DBPOSITIOK. "Examination of X. Y., a witness produced before me, in the matter of the annexed charges against A. B., taken at 'So- blesburg on the 27th day of April, 1859, and who testified as a Royal Arch Mason, (or, who stated, see section 48, sub. 3,) as follows: To the first interrogatory the said X. Y. says: My age is thirty- five; I am a farmer, and reside at Xoblesburg. To the second interrogatory he says: I know A. B., and have been acquainted with him for over ten years. (And so on, giving the answer in full to each interrogatory. ) 48 . CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. Lastly, the said X. Y. says in answer thereto: I do not. To the first cross-interrogatory the said X. Y. says: (And proceed as in the interrogatories, -adding a reply to "Lastly.") Y Y " § 38. The answers to the several interrogatories and cross- interrogatories being written, the witness will subscribe the same, and the examiner will then certify as follows: (FORM No. 1.5.) CERTIFICATE TO INTEEROGATOEIES. "I certify that the foregoing is a copy of all the testimony of X. Y., a Avituess examined before me, by Tirtue of the annexed commission directed to me, at the time and place therein speci- fied. Dated, Noblesburg, April 27, 1859. H. J., Examiner" § 39. It will be most convenient, and it is i-ecommended to be observed in practice, that the parties should agree to the issuing of the commission, and to whom; and also agree upon the inter- rogatories and cross-interrogatories, and enter into a stipulation, which may be in this form: (FORM No. 16.) STIPULATION FOE COMMISSION. "We do hereby stipulate and agree to the issuing of the an- nexed commission, and to the examination of X. Y., the witness therein named, by virtue thereof, in answer to the interrogato- ries and cross-interrogatories annexed agreed to by us. S. L., Dated, April 16, 1859. A. B." § 40. No commission'^sliall issue to take testimony in behalf of the complainant to be used on a trial of charges, without the consent in writing of the accused; and in such case, if they agree upon the issuing of a commission, the signing of the stipulation like that mentioned^in section 39, shall be regarded as such con- sent in writing. CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 49 § 41. When testimony is taken on behalf of the complainant by commission, with the written consent of the accused, it will be conducted by the same rules as on behalf of the accused here- inbefore stated. § 42. When the commissioners meet to proceed with the trial, they should organize by appointing one of their number to preside as Chairman. Should they fail to do so, the commis- sioner first named will preside. They should also choose one of their number to act as Clerk, and keep the minutes of their proceedings and of the testimony. They should be furnished by the Secretary of the Chapter with a certificate of their appoint- ment, and the resolution under which it was made. § 43. The commissioners being duly organized, and the ac- cused having answered the complaint, are prepared to hear and receive the evidence in the case. § 44. Evidence is the means by which any alleged matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted to investigation, is estab- lished or disproved; and the rules of evidence, including those which relate to the admissibility of testimony and the compe- tency of witnesses, to be observed by commissioners, are such as have been established and recognized in courts of law in the ordi- nary administration of justice, and cannot be set forth in detail here. § 45. There are certain leading principles of evidence, however, which may be briefly stated; and which, if properly regarded, will be sufficient guides in Masonic trials, and which are: 1. That each party to a trial is bound to produce the best and highest evidence in his power, to establish or disprove any al- leged matter of fact. 2. That to establish or disprove any alleged matter of fact, the matter to which a witness testifies, must be within his actual personal knowledge; and that the substance of the issue must be proved by the facts so testified, or such a series of facts (com- monly called circumstantial evidence,) as combined will lead to an irresistil)le conclusion, establishing or dispToving an alleged matter of fact. 3. That the burden of proof always rests with the party hold- ing the affirmative; and hence, in a Jlasunic trial, lies upon the 4 50 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. complainant first; and, in like manner, when a defence is based upon substantire matter of fact, the burden of proof lies ujion the accused; and therefore, when the testimony in a case is bal- anced, the party holding the affirmative must fail. 4. That every material allegation in a complaint must be proved, and substantially as laid; but need not precisely conform to the charge in matters of time and place, unless time and place are themselves necessary to constitute an offense, or to confer jurisdiction. 5. That hearsay evidence is inadmissible, except to prove gen- eral reputation; which can only be known by the common speech of others. And that, in dieting facts from a witness, leading questions are not permitted. 6. That confessions and admissions are to be received with great caution; and that no conviction can follow such jiroof, without further proof that the offense charged has been com- mitted. But this does not apply where a plea of guilty is made to the complaint; for that admits the commission of the offense itself, and its commission by the accused. 7. That there are certain things of which commissioners may judicially take notice without proof; such as facts in history, or geography, or any science, and the operation of the laws of nature. 8. That but one witness is necessary to establish a fact, or series of facts within his knowledge, except when the rules of criminal law require an additional witness. 9. That no witness is to be excluded on the ground of religious belief, or of interest; and that the accused is a competent witness in his own behalf. § 46. When a person accused of an offense masonically, has been convicted of it upon trial in a court of law, or where it has been judicially established in a ci'S'il action, it is unnecessary to repeat the evidence in a Masonic trial; but the record of such court, with proof of identity of the accused, shall be sufficient to authorize a conviction by commissioners, unless an appeal shall have been taken from the judgment of said court. § 47. The minutes of proceedings of commissioners may be in this form: CODE OF PROCEDURE. 51 (FORM No. 17.) MINUTES OF COMMISSIOXEES. "The Ooininissioners appointed for the trial of A. B. on the complaint and answer hereto annexed, (marked A, ) pursuant to the following resolution, [copy resolution,] assembled at the room of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, in Freetown, on "Wednesday evening, the 30th day of April, 1859. Present: E. S., T. U., and V. W., Commissioners. E. S. was chosen Chairman, and T. U. Clerk. A. B., the accused, appeared before us and objected to T. U., one of the commissioners, on the ground that he was present at the meeting of the Chapter when the charges were preferred, and voted for their reference. Com. T. U. stated that he had formed no opinion on the sub- ject, and the other commissioners decided that he was competent to act as commissioner, to which Comp. B. took an exception. The complaint was then read by Comp. S. L., together with the answer of Comp. A. B. Comp. B. then requested that P. S., an attorney at law, who is not a Mason, should examine the wit- nesses on his behalf, and assist him in his defence. The com- missioners decided against the request, to which Comp. B. took an exception. The commissioners further stated that Comp. B. might engage the services of any companion to assist in his defence, and he therefore employed Comp. 0. to assist him as counsel. Comp. 0. objected to the complaint as being vague and uncer- tain, but the commissioners decided it to be sufficient; to which Comp. 0. took an exception. Comp. E. F. was then introduced as a witness by Comp. S. L., and testified as a Eoyal Arch Mason as follows: I am acquainted with Comp. A. B. ; I saw him on Main street in Freetown, on the first day of April last; I was on the opposite Aie of the street; he appeared to be intoxicated. [An objection was here made to the testimony as to the appearance of the accused, but it was overruled and an exception taken. ]^ He was there for about half an hour; he reeled as he walked, &c. On cross-examination Comp. E. F. further testified: I know that Comp. A. B. has been sick, &c. The commissioners then adjourned, to meet at the same place on Thursday evening, the 21st April, 1859, at seven o'clock, P. M. 52 CODE OF PROCEDUEE. Thuesdat Eveitikg, Apkil 21, 1S59. The commissiouers met pursuant to adjournment. Present, all the commissioners; and also Comp. S. L., and Comp. A. B., and his counsel, Comp. 0. ; Comp. U. officiated as Chairman. Mr. H. C. was then introduced as a witness by Comp. S. L., and stated as follows: I was in Freetown on the first day of April, instant; A. B. was there, &c. The proof on the part of the complainant here rested. Comp. 0.. on behalf of Comp. A. B., then produced the sworn affidavit of Mr. J. R., and offered it in evidence; to which Comp. S. L. objected, on the ground that ilr. E. should be produced for cross-examination. The commissioners sustained the objection on that ground, and Comp. 0. excepted. Mr. B. was then introduced, and Comp. S. L. then consented that his aflBdavit might be read; and which was then read accord- ingly, and is hereto annexed (marked B. ) Comp. S. L. then cross-examined Mr. B., who stated as fol- lows, &c. The testimony of X. Y., a witness examined by commission on the part of the accused, was then read in evidence, and is hereto annexed (marked C.) The proofs being closed, after hearing both parties, the com- missioners decided to meet again on the 23d day of April, inst., to determine on their report. Satuedat, Apeil 53, 1859. The commissioners again met by themselves, and, after con- sultation, decided upon their report, a copy of which is hereto annexed (marked D), and notified the parties thereof. (Signed by the Commissioners.)" § 48. In Masonic trials, and proceedings thereupon, the fol- lowing rules, indicated in the form of minutes given in section 47, should be observed: 1. The statement of objections, with the grounds of them, and the decision of the commissioners thereon should be stated. 2. The respective parties may have counsel, but no attorney or counsel, not being a ^lason, should be permitted to act in a ilasunic trial. CODE OF PEOOEDUBE. 53 , 3. Witnesses who are Masons testify by virtue of their obliga- tions as such; other witnesses must sign their names to their testimony, and verify it before some officer duly authorized to administer an oath; the credibility of witnesses depending upon their general character, which may be impeached. 4. Xo testimony should be taken or received upon any trial, when the accused appears in person or by counsel at the trial, except in the presence of the accused or his counsel, and an op- portunity given them for cross-examination; and, when taken down, must be as nearly as possible in the words of the witness, and as if speaking in the first person. 5. Every proceeding upon trial, including the time and place of adjournment, should be carefully noted in the minutes. 6. Xo person should be permitted to be present at a Masonic trial but Masons, except a witness, and he only while testifying. 7. A Masonic trial should be conducted in all respects, as near as may be, like the trial of an action at law in a court of record, and be governed by the same' general rules. 8. When a trial is concluded the commissioners should delib- erate by themselves without other persons being present, till their decision be made, which should be as speedily as possible, and of which notice in writing should be given to the respective parties. § 49. The notice of decision may be in the following form: (FORM Xo. 18.) KOTICE OF DECISION. " To Comp. S. L. and Comp. A. B. : You will each take notice, that we have agi'eed upon and signed our report in the matter of charges against Comp. A. B.. referred to us, by which we have found the charges sustained and Comp. A. B. guilty thereof, and that the expenses of the proceedings be paid by him; and that we shall present the report to Alpha Chap- ter at its stated convocation on the 30th April instant. Dated, April 23d, 1859. (Signed by the Commissioners.)" § 50. The decision having been agreed upon, the commis- sioners will draw up their report thereof for the action of the Chapter, It need not in the first place state anything but the 54: CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. facts found, and the conclusions thereon of the commissioners. These conclusions, like those of other committees, should be in the form of resolutions for the definite action of the Chapter. § 51. On the presentation of the report, if the Chapter desire to have the minutes of the proceedings read, including the testi- mony, the commissioners must comply by reading the same. § 52. The report should be full, and may be in the following form : (FORM No. 19.) REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS. "To the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter, No. 400 : The commissioners appointed for the trial of Comp. A. B., ojj charges of intoxication, heretofore preferred in this Chapter, respectfully report : That they met at the room of this Chapter on "Wednesday evening, the 20th day of April, 1859, and Comp. A. B. having answered the complaint against him by a general denial, and the commissioners having duly organized, they proceeded to hear and try the matters referred to them. That objection was made to Comp. U., one of their number, which they overruled; and also refused to permit ComjD. B. to appear by counsel who was not a Mason, and thereuiDon Comp. N. 0. appeared for him. That objection was made to the suffi- ciency of the complaint, and overruled. That they proceeded to take testimony ( in the course of which they decided not to admit a sworn affidavit, unless the deponent were present to be cross-examined,) and Comj). E. F. and Mr. H. C. and Sir. J. R. were examined as witnesses, and the testi- mony of Comp. X. Y., taken by commission, was produced and read. That they held three meetings, the last of which was for the purpose of agreeing upon and preparing their report. That from the testimony before them they find the following facts : 1. That Comp. A. B. was intoxicated with strong and spirit- uous liquors, in a public place at Freetown, on the first day of April, 1859. 2. That Comp. A. B. has been at least twice intoxicated in a public place in Freetown aforesaid, within two weeks previous to the said first day of April, 1859. CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 55 They therefore recommend the adoption of the following reso- lutions : Resolved, That the charges of intoxication against Comp. A. B., made and presented to this Chapter on the 9th day of April, 1859, on complaint of Comp. S. L., are sustained, and that he is guilty of the said charges. Resolved, That Comp. A. B. be and he is hereby suspended from this Chapter, and from the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, for the space of three months from this day. Resolved, That the charges and expenses of the commissioners, amounting to the sum of three dollars, are adjudged to be paid by said Comp. A. B. And that they have notiiied Comp. S. L. and Comp. A. I^. of their decision, as expressed in the foregoing resolutions. All of ■which is respectfully submitted. t> q t! U.', V. W., Dated, April 33, 1859. Commissioners." § 53. If the report of the commissioners be not unanimous, the commissioner may exj)ress his dissent therefrom at the end of the report of the majority, (and which is recommended, instead of making a separate minority report,) in the following form: (POKM No. 30.) DISSENT FEOM COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. " I dissent from the report of the other commissioners in this case of Comp. A. B. , both in their findings of fact and their con- clusions therefrom, as expressed in the resolutions contained in their report. y w Dated, April 33, 1859. Commissioner." But if the commissioner dissents from the report in part only, it may be expressed in this form: "I dissent from so much of this report, as finds that Comp. A. B. has been at least twice intoxicated in a public place in Freetown aforesaid, within two weeks previous to the first day of April, 1859; and from so much of the second resolution annexed thereto, as fixes the term of his suspension at three months. V. W., Dated, April 33, 1859. Commissioner." 56 CODE OF PEOCEDUKE. § 54. The report of the commissioiiers having been made to the Chapter, some companion should move for the adoption of the resolutions; and no motion for its acceptance is necessary, as a report is always accepted unless objections be expressly made; but if a supplementary report is required, that should be first moTed. § 55. If the resolutions annexed to the report of the commis- sioners are adopted by the Chapter, then it stands as the judg- ment in the case until properly reversed. § 56. The Chapter may by resolution reverse the decision of the commissioners in every particular, or it may modify or change it, by increasing or diminishing the penalty. § 57. A majority vote of the Chapter is sufficient to adopt or reject the decision of the commissioners, as to the guilt of the accused, or to approve or modify the penalty. § 58. If the accused be absent from the Chapter, it shall be the duty of the Secretary forthwith to transmit a copy of the resolutions adopted by the Chapter, in his case, with a notice, which may be in the following form: (POEM No. 21.) NOTICE OP JUDGMENT. "To Comp. A. B. : Take notice, that the foregoing is a copy of resolutions adopted by Alpha Chapter, No. 400, at a convo- cation held at its room in Freetown, on the 30th day of April, instant. Dated, April 30, 1859. P- Q- Secretary." § 59. Complaints against an unaffiliated Eoyal Arch Mason, or against a Chapter, or against a High Priest, or by one Chapter against another Chapter, or by a member of a Chapter against a member of another Chapter, must be conducted in like manner — conforming to tribunals, circumstances and persons charged, to be preferred to body or officer, and to be acted upon by com- missioners in like manner. Such complaints should be dis- tinctly addressed to the body or officer who is to act thereon, should be definite and specific in their nature, conforming to CODE OF PEOOEDUEE. 57 constitutional or legal provisions, and are to be acted upon by commissioners appointed by such body or officer. ■ § 60. Commissioners appointed in the cases referred to in sec- tion 59, will prescribe the penalty, as in case of commissioners appointed by the High Priest of a Chapter; and the decision of such commissioners is final, unless an appeal be taken therefrom. § 61. The report of the commissioners mentioned in section 59, must be made to the body or officer appointing them; and notice thereof will be given to the parties by the commissioners, adapting such notice to Form No. 21. The report of such com- missioners need noij conclude with resolutions; but should con- tain a finding of the facts, and the conclusions therefrom in an award of judgment, in the nature of both a verdict and sentence. The report of such commissioners, and their notice of judgment, may be in the following: (FORM No. 23.) KBPORT OF COMMISSIONERS NOT APPOINTED BY HIGH PRIEST. "To M. • . E. • . R. G. W., Grand High Priest: The undersigned, commissioners appointed by you in the case of Comp. A. B., of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, in the matter of charges of intoxication preferred against him by Comp. A. A., of Theta Chapter, No. 500, on the 9th day of April, 1859, having heard the same upon the said charges, and the answer thereto, and the proofs and allegations of the parties, do respectfully report: That they have adjudged and determined as follows: 1. That said charges are sustained, and that Comp. A. B. is guilty of said charges. 2. That the said Comp. A. B., be and he is hereby suspended from said Alpha Chapter, and- from the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry for three months. 3. That the said Comp. A. B., do pay the costs and expenses of the proceedings on this trial, amounting to the sum of thirty dollars. And they further report, that a duplicate hereof has been duly filed with the R. •. E. ■. Grand Secretary. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, April 33d, 1859. (Signed by the Commissioners.)" 58 CODE OF PKOCEDUBE. § 62. The notice of judgment, given by said commissioners, may be in the following form: (FORM No. 23.) XOTIOE OP JUDGMENT BY COMMISSIONERS. " Comp. C. D. and Comp. A. B. : Take notice, that we have this day made and signed our report to the M. ■. E. •. Grand High Priest, by which we have adjudged and determined that Comp. A. B. is guilty of the charges preferred against him by Comp. A. A., and that he be suspended from Alpha Chapter, Xo. 400, and from the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry for the space of three months; and that he do pay the costs and expenses of the pro- ceedings on his trial before xis, amounting to the sum of thirty dollars. Dated, April 33, 1859. (Signed by the Commissioners.)" § 63. Notice of judgment in the case mentioned in section 58 and the section preceding this, must be served in the same man- ner as the complaint; as the time for appeal commences to run from the time of such service. § 64. When the accused fails to appear or answer, testimony must be taken in the same manner as if he appeared and de- fended, and with even more technical accuracy, fullness and cer- tainty. And it is recommended and enjoined that, in such cases, some competent companion be designated and required to appear for the accused, and to take care that he has a fair and impartial trial. § 65. The report upon a hearing and conclusion, when the party fails to appear, may be in the foUo-sving form: (FORM No. 24.) FOEM OF REPORT WHEN ACCUSED FAILS TO APPEAR. "To the High Priest, King and Scribe, and Companions of Alpha Chapter, No. 400: CODE OF PEOCEDTJEE. 59 The commissioners appointed for the trial of Comp. A. B., on charges of intoxication heretofore preferred in this Chapter, and which are hereto annexed, respectfully report: That they met at the room of this Chapter on "Wednesday evening, the 20th April, 1859, and all of their number were present; that Comp. A. B. did not appear; that Comp. P. Q., the Secretary of this Chapter, was then examined orally by them, and testified, as a Koyal Arch Mason, that he served a copy of the complaint on said charges on Comp. A. B. person- ally, in Freetown, on the 6th day of April, 1859; that A. B. not appearing, after the lapse of more than one hour, and fearing there might be a misapprehension, they adjourned for one week, to meet at said Chapter room on the 27th day of April, 1859, at seven o'clock, P. il., and requested the Secretary of the Chapter to notify Comp. A. B. of the adjournment. That they met at said Chapter room on the day and hour of adjournment; that Comp. A. B. did not appear; that they then examined Comp. P. Q., who testified, as a Royal Arch Mason, that he informed Comp. A. B., on the morning of the 21st April, instant, of the adjournment, and particularly notified him of the place, day and hour; that, after waiting more than one hour, they proceeded to hear proofs; and the High Priest having ap- pointed Comp. D. C. to appear for Comp. A. B., he appeared accordingly, and heard the proofs and cross-examined the wit- nesses; that Comps. E."F., L. M., and 0. Is., were examined as witnesses, and testified as Eoyal Arch Masons, and their testi- mony was taken in full, and appears in these minutes; and that having closed the testimony, they heard the argument of Comp. D. C. in behalf of the accused, and of Comp. S. L., on the part of the Chapter; that without adjournment they proceeded to consider the matter, and after consultation made a conclusion thereon. That, from the testimony before them, they find the following facts: [Finding the same as in Form No. 19, in § 52, and first two resolutions the same.] That there were no costs or .expenses attending the trial, and they make none for their attendance. And that they have noti- fied Comp. S. L. and Comp. A. B. of the conclusions embraced in this report. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. S., T. U., V. W., Dated, April 27, 1859. Commissioners." (Notice of judgment to be given, same as in § 49.) 60 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. § 66. When the charges in a complaint are admitted or con- fessed, proof of such admission or confession will be suflScient to authorize commissioners to make up their minutes, and report accordingly, except when a crime is charged, in which case proof that a crime has been committed is also indispensably necessary. § 67. It shall be deemed in all cases a disqualification for a commissioner to act, that he is a witness to prove any fact which proves or disproves, or tends to prove or disprove, the guilt or innocence of the accused. II. APPEALS, § 68. A Masonic Appeal is a proceeding before the Grand Chapter, or Grand Officer, by which the acts and decisions of a Chapter or commissioners upon a trial, or upon a first appeal, are reviewed, in order to correct errors of law or fact alleged to have been made by a Chapter, Grand Officer, or commissioners, from whose decision and judgment the appeal is taken, so that justice may be done to all parties concerned; and such appeal may be brought by any party considering himself aggrieved thereby. § 69. The Constitution of the Grand Chapter provides, that appeals from the decision of a Chapter or commissioners may be made within six months; but it is advisable, that when a party is intending to appeal he should give notice of it forthwith. § 70. The first step taken may be either the appeal in form, or simply notice thereof; but such notice must always be given before or after appeal, and may be in the following form : (POEM No. 25.) NOTICE OP APPEAL. "To P. Q., Secretary of Alpha Chapter, No. 400: Take notice, that I shall take an appeal to the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, (or the M. • . E. • . Grand High Priest, as the case may be, and as he may choose,) from the action of said Alpha Chapter, on the 30th day of April, 1859, in adopting the resolutions reported by the commissioners in the matter of the complaint against me by Comp. S. L. of said ChajDter, and heard and tried by said commis.sioners; and that I shall appeal on the grounds stated in my said appeal. Dated, May 4, 1859. ^- B." ( If notice is given after appeal taken, it will be varied by stating "I have taken an appeal, &c.," and "I have appealed on the grounds, &c." 62 CODE OF PBOCBDUEE. § 71. On receiving notice of appeal, the Secretary of the Chapter, or Grand Officer, (as the case may be,) will transmit to the body or officer to which or to whom the appeal is taken, a copy of all papers in the case, from the complaint to the notice of appeal, both inclusive, duly certified and attested. § 72. When the appeal is brought, it should contain minutely and in detail the grounds of appeal, and, unless such grounds be specified, it should not be regarded as an appeal. § 73. The appeal may be in the following form: (FORM No. 26.) THE APPEAL. ''To the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, (or M.-. B.-. Grand High Priest:) The undersigned hereby appeals to you from the decision of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, made April 30th, 1859, in adopting the resolutions reported by commissioners declaring him guilty on complaint of intoxication, suspending him for three months, and adjudging him to pay the expenses of the trial; and he specifies the following as the grounds of his appeal: 1. That T. U., one of the commissioners on his trial, was in- competent to act as such, having been present at the meeting of said Chapter when the complaint against him was referred, and voted for its reference to commissioners. 2. That the commissionei's erred in deciding that P. S. should not be allowed to assist him in his defence. 3. That the second specification of the complaint is vague and uncertain. 4. That the commissioners erred in receiving testimony as to appearances of intoxication. 5. That they erred in rejecting the sworn affidavit of J. R. 6. That the proofs in the case were not sufficient to warrant their findings of fact. 7. That the Chapter erred in passing the aforesaid resolutions by a majority vote. All of which ajjpears by the papers, proceedings and evidence in the case. Dated, May 11, 1859. A. B." CODE OF PEOCEDTJRE. 63 § 74. A copy of this appeal should be served on the Secretary of the Chapter, or on the oflficer, (as the case may be,) and a copy also sent or delivered to the Grand Secretary, who shall forthwith notify the Chapter or other complainant thereof. § 75. An answer to the appeal should be made within a rea- sonable time, (and ten days is suggested as such time,) by the Chapter or officer by whom the decision or Judgment was pro- nounced, and unless -answered within thirty days after notice thereof, the appeal may be regarded as admitted to be well taken. § 76. The answer to the appeal may be in the following form : (FORM No. 37.) ANSWER TO APPEAL. "Alpha Chapter, No. 400, answers the appeal of A. B. and That the said Chapter denies that there is any error in the proceedings of said Chapter, or of the commissioners appointed for the trial of the said A. B. ; and further says, that the decision of said Chapter in said case is sustained, both by Masonic law and the evidence therein applicable thereto. Dated, May 31, 1859. S. L." § 77. If a specific denial is deemed necessary, taking issue upon each of the grounds of appeal, and assigning reasons there- for, it may be in the following form: (FORM No. 38.) SPECIFIC AXSWEE TO APPEAL. "Alpha Chapter, No. 400, answers the appeal of A. B., and says: That the said Chapter denies that there is any error in the proceedings of said Chapter, or of the commissioners appointed for the trial of the said A. B., because the said Chapter says: As to the first ground of appeal, that if well taken it would be an objection to every act of the Chapter and its members in the premises. And because the said Chapter says, as to the second ground of appeal, that, &c. 64 CODE OF PEOCEDUBE. [And so answering in detail each ground of appeal, and con- cluding thus:] And the said Chapter further says, that the decision of said Chapter, in said case, is fully sustained, both by Masonic law and the evidence applicable thereto. Dated, May 21, 1859. S. L." § 78. The Grand Chapter, (by its appropriate committee,) or the officer to whom the appeal is made, may hear the same upon oral or written argument, as the parties may agree, or it may be heard upon appeal and answer only, if they sufficiently present the case. § 79. Notice of the time and place of hearing shall be given, and may be given by either party; and may be in the following form : (FORM No. 29.) NOTICE OP AEGUMENT. "To Comp. S. L. ; Take notice, that the appeal in the matter of charges in Alpha Chapter, iSTo. 400, against A. B., from the decision of said Chapter to the Grand Chapter, will be moved on for argument before the Committee on Appeals of the Grand Chapter, (or Grand High Priest, as the case may be, ) at Albany, on the 5th day of February, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated, Freetown, October 6, 1859. A. B. " § 80. When a perfect transcript of all the papers and proceed- ings in the case has not been made by the Chapter or officer appealed from, an order may be made by the Grand High Priest compelling the same, and may be in the following form : (FORM No. 30.) ORDER FOR PAPERS ON APPEAL. "Office of the Grand High Priest, New York, Oct. 28, 1859. To the Officers and Companions of Alpha Chapter, Xo. 400 : Comp. A. B. having duly appealed from the decision of your Chapter, made on the SOth of April, 1859, suspending him for three months, you are hereby required to transmit by the hand CODE OF PEOOEDUEE. 65 of yoiar Secretary and seal of your Chapter, a transcript of all the proceedings of your Chapter m the case of said A. B., from the time of the presentation of the complaint until the final action of your Chapter thereon, with the several dates thereof, together with all the papers and documents relating thereto not hereto- fore returned, within days from the receipt hereof by you. Given under my hand and private seal, at the date first above '^'■^**^^- J. M. A. [SEAL.] Ora/nd High Priest." § 81. The Grand Chapter, or officer to whom the appeal is made, will, with all convenient dispatch, make a decision thereon; and, if made by a Grand Officer, such decision should be immediately filed by him with the Grand Secretary, together with all papers relating to the appeal. § 82. The decision of a Grand Officer on appeal may be in the following form : (FORM No. 31.) "Office of the Grand Hiqh Priest, Albany, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1860. In the Matter of the Appeal or CoMP. A. B. OF Alpha Chapter, No. 400. Comp. A. B. having appealed from the decision of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, made on the 30th April, 1859, by which he was found guilty and suspended from the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry for three months, on charges of intoxi- cation; and having heard the argument of the case, I have care- fully considered the facts appearing on said appeal, and the grounds of error alleged by the appellant, and there does not appear to be any error or irregularity in the proceedings, or in the several decisions, of the commissioners on the trial; and the facts of the case warrant the conclusion of the commissioners, and the decision of the Chapter. [If the officer desires to review the facts in giving his decision, or comment upon any of the points raised, he may here insert his remarks and reasons.] My decision and judgment, therefore, is that the proceedings of Alpha Chapter, No. 400, and the acts and the decisions of said 5 66 CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. commissioners in the case of Oomp. A. B., be, and the same are hereby in all things affirmed. Given under my hand and private seal at the . date first above ^i**en. Q 2 rj.^ [-SEAL.] Grand High Priest." § 83. If the decision be reversed, the appellant body or officer ■will vary the above form accordingly, and may then give the rea- sons therefor; and he also may make any special order which the case may warrant, to be added at the end of his decision. § 84. When an appeal is taken from the decision of the Grand High Priest, the case will be heard on the papers which were before him, and an appeal will bring up the matter for hearing. § 85. The appeal must be served on the Chapter (by its ser- vice on its High Priest or Secretary,) or officer who made the decision from which the appeal is taken, at a reasonable time (not less than twenty days) before the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter, and a copy transmitted to the Grand Secretary forthwith. § 86. The final appeal to the Grand Chapter may be in the following form : (FORM No. 32.) FINAL APPEAL TO GKAND CHAPTEK. " To the M. •. E. •. Grand High Priest, and to the Officers and Companions of Alpha Chapter, No. 400: The undersigned, A. B. , hereby appeals to the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, from the decision of the M. •. E. •. Grand High Priest, made in and by his order of Febriiary 3d, 1860, in the case of this appellant, affirming the decision of said Chapter on the 30th of April, 1859; and this appeal is brought on the grounds particularly stated and set forth in his appeal to the M.-. E.-. Grand High Priest, dated May 11th, 1859; and respectfully prays your consideration thereof, and judgment thereon. . -o,, Dated, June 6, 1860. § 87. No answer to an appeal from the decision of a Grand Officer, made on apjDeal to him, is required. CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 6Y § 88. Upon a trial or appeal, should either party desire to use any paper, document, or record which is in possession or under control of the other, and the use of the same be refused upon request made, an order may be made by the Grand High Priest, his Deputy, the Grand King, or the Grand Scribe, re- quiring its production, or the delivery of an authenticated copy thereof, as such officer may determine. § 89. The order for the production of such paper may be in the following form : (FORM No. 33.) ORDER FOR PRODUCTIOlSr OF PAPER. . "Office of the Gband High Priest, Penn Yan, N. Y., May 15, 1859. Charges having been preferred against Comp. A. B. in Alpha Chapter, No. 400, and it appearing to my satisfaction that upon the trial of said A. B. on said charges, it is necessary that he should produce and prove a certain letter written by Comp. R. U. of said Chapter, to the Secretary of said Chapter, bearing date about the 3d day of April, 1859, and that the same is not a pri- vate letter; it is hereby ordered that said Secretary produce said letter to be used on said trial, and for no other purpose whatever. Given under my hand and private seal, on the day and year first aforesaid. D. A. 0., [SEAL.J Qrcmd High Priest." III. RESTORATIONS. § 90. A companiou having been tried and convicted, and the penalty inflicted, will, if he is attached to Free Masonry and its principles, desire to be restored to his former position; and the demands of justice having been satisfied, mercy should be re- membered. § 91. Eestoration is the act by which an erring but repentant companion regains a title to, and possession of, all his former rights and pri-^ileges. § 92. Eestoration, being a voluntary act on the part of a Chapter or a Grand Chapter, cannot be claimed as a matter of right, and can therefore never be compelled or enforced. § 93. As the penalties of reprimand and suspension are only temporary in their effect, and a companion becomes fully restored to all former rights and privileges when he has suffered the pen- alty for such offenses, restoration applies only to those who have been expelled. § 94. A reversal of the judgment of a Chapter on appeal re- stores a companion to the rights and privileges of Koyal Arch Masonry, and also to membership in the Chajjier. § 95. Restoration by the action of the Grand Chapter does not restore a companion to membership in the Chapter — which can only be done by action of the Chapter of which he was a member, by the usual method of affiliation. § 96. A companion may be restored to the rights and privi- leges of Royal Arch ]\Iasonry, u.pon application, by a majority vote of the Chapter; except in a case where the Grand Chapter has on appeal affirmed a ju.dgment of expulsion; and he may thus be restored at any time after expulsion, on written applica- tion made one month previously. § 97. The Grand Chapter may restore an expelled companion at any time after expulsion; but in such case he remains unaf- filiated until restored to membership by a Chapter. CODE OF PEOCEDUEE. 69 § 98. Application to the Grand Chapter for restoration may be in the following form : (FORM Xo. 34.) APPLICATIOX TO GEAXD CHAPTEE FOE EESTOEATIOX. "To the Grand Chapter of the State of Xew York: A. B., late a member of Alpha Chai^ter, Xo. 400, at Freetown, respectf ulh' represents : That he was tried by commissioners duly appointed in said Chapter, upon charges of habitual intoxication, and having been found guilty was expelled from said Chapter and from all the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry, on the 30th of April, 1859, and that" said judgment of expulsion still remains in full force. That, having forsaken his intemperate habits, and become reformed therefrom, and having a strong attachment to Eoyal Arch Masonry, he earnestly desires to be restored to the rights and privileges of a Eoyal Arch Mason. He therefore respectfully prays, that he may be restored to the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry. Dated, Freetown, May 7, 1860. A. B." § 99. This application having been presented in Grand Chap- ter, will be referred to a committee, (on grievances, probably;) and it is proper and necessary, that notice should be given by the committee to the High Priest of the Chapter which expelled such applicant, in order that such High Priest may be heard before the committee. § 100. If the committee report favorably, the adoption of its report by the Grand Chapter, by a majority vote, restores the applicant to the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry without further notice. § 101. When an appeal has been taken from a judgment of expulsion to the Grand Chapter, and the decision of the Chapter is affirmed on appeal, the foregoing form of application for res- toration may be varied, by inserting next after " 1859,'' the words "and that upon appeal to the Grand Chapter the said judgment was affirmed."' 70 CODE OF PEOCBDUEE. § 103. Application to the Chapter for restoration may be in the following form: (FORM No. 35.) APPLICATION TO THE CHAPTER FOE EESTOEATION. "To the OfiBoers and Members of Alpha Chapter, No- 400: A. B., late a member of your Chapter, respectfully represents: That he was tried upon charges of habitual intoxication, and expelled by your Chapter on the 30th day of April, 1859, from which no appeal has been taken. That having resolved to re- form, and having forsaken his intemperate habits for more than six months last past, and having a strong attachment to Eoyal Arch Masonry, he earnestly desires to be forgiven by his com- panions and to be restored to the rights and privileges of a Eoyal Arch Mason. He therefore earnestly and respectfully prays that he may be accordingly restored to the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry. Dated, Freetown, March 7, 1860. A. B." § 103. This application, having been presented, should lie over one month; but, as there should be a definite proposition before the Chapter on the subject, some companion should offer a reso- lution which must lie over with the application. § 104. This resolution may be in the following form: (FORM No. 36.) EESOLUTION FOE EESTOEATION. "Resolved, That Comp. A. B., who was expelled by this Chap- ter on the 30th day of April, 1859, after having been found guilty on charges of habitual intoxication, and who has presented his application for restoration, stating that he had abandoned his intemperate habits, and asking to be restored to membership, be and he is hereby restored to the rights and privileges of an un- affiliated Eoyal Arch Mason." § 105. The adoption of this resolution at the proper time will complete the restoration. § 106. It is proper that the application should be referred to a committee; in which case, if they report favorably, they may CODE OF PHOCEDUEE. 71 report the like resolution at the proper time (instead of its be- ing proposed by a member,) -which may then be forthwith acted upon — as it is the application, and not the resolution founded upon it, which is required to be laid over. § 107. The Secretary of a Chapter should be careful that his minutes of the action of the Chapter upon an application for restoration, should be as full and complete as in cases of charges or trial; and will, of course, return the fact of restoration to the Grand Chapter. § 108. An expelled companion may regain membership in a Chapter, by a unanimous ballot, after he shall have been restored to the rights and privileges of Eoyal Arch Masonry. FORMS OF PETITIONS, ETC. PETITION FOR DISPENSATION FOR A NEW CHAPTER. To the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of the State of New York: We, the undersigned, Royal Arch Masons in good standing, having the pros- perity of the Royal Craft at heart, and anxious to exert our best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Royal Arch Masonry, are desirous of forming a new Chapter at in the County of to be named Chapter. We, therefore, pray for a Dispensation empovcering us to open and hold a regular Chapter at aforesaid, and therein to discharge the duties and enjoy the privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, according to the land- marks and usages of the Order, and the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Chapter. And we do hereby nominate and recommend Companion to be our first High Priest; Companion to be our first King ; and Companion to be our first Scribe. And should the prayer of this petition be granted, we do hereby promise a strict conformity to the Constitution, laws and edicts of the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, and to the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, so far as they may come to our knowledge. [Signatures of not less than nine Dated at this Royal Arch Masons.] day of A. D. i8 [The above petition may be presented to the Grand High Priest, or to the Deputy Grand High Priest, as provided for in Sections 20, 21 and 22 of the Constitution of the Grand Chap- ter, and should have the following endorsement upon it.] To the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of the State of New York: At a Regular Convocation of Chapter, No hold en at on the day of A.'. L.'. 58.. 74 roEMS OF PETITIONS, ETC. A.'. I.'. 2 the petition of several companions, praying for a Dispensation to open a new Chapter at in the County of was duly laid before the Chapter, when it was Resolved, That this Chapter, being duly satisfied, that the petitioners are Royal Arch Masons in good standing, and vouching for their moral character and Masonic abilities, does therefore recommend that the Dispensation prayed for be granted them. A true copy of the Records, [seal.] Secretaev. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY OF CHAPTERS U.". D/. The Constitution provides, that **No Warrant shall be issued until the Chapter ehall have given proof of its skill by labor under Dispensation, and furnished a. certificate from the nearest Chapter, or the Grand Lecturer, o'f its ability to confer the Degrees." The following is the form of certificate to be furnished by a Chapter: At a Regular Convocation of. Chapter, No held at on the day of 1 8 the following was adopted : Whereas^ The Companions of Chapter, U.'. D.*., having given this Chapter satisfactory proof of their ability to confer the degrees of Capitular Ma- sonry according to the system of work approved by the Grand Chapter, therefore Resolved^ That this Chapter does recommend that a Warrant of Constitution be granted to the said Companions. A true copy of the Records. Given under my hand and the seal of the Chapter, [l. s,] the day and year first above written. Secretary. FORM OF CERTIFICATE FOR PROXIES. Each Warranted Chapter is entitled to representation in the Grand Chapter by its first three officers; but in case either of them cannot attend, the Chapter may appoint one of its members a proxy for such officer, and furnish him a certificate of such appointment. (See Form i.) The High Priest, or acting High Priest, may appoint a proxy in like manner, should the Chapter neglect to do so on or before its stated convocation next preceding the meeting of the Grand Chapter, and furnish the certificate of such appointment. (See Form 2.) FORMS OF PETITIONS, ETC. { 75 FORM 1. This is to Certify, that at a Stated Convocation of Chapter, No held on the day of i8 . . . . Comp was duly appointed Proxy for the ( H. P., K., or S., as the case may be) to represent the said Chapter in the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, at the next Annual Convocation thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of the Chapter, at J this [l. s.] day of i8 High Priest, Attest, Sbcretary. FORM 2. I, High Priest of Chapter, No do, by these presents, constitute and appoint Companion Proxy for the ( H. P., K., or S., as the case may be) to represent the said Chapter in the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, at the next Annual Convocation thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of the Chapter, at this [l. s.] day of i8 High Priest. Attest, Secretary. PETITION FOR DEGREES. To the M.'. E.\ High Priest^ K.' , King and Scribe^ and Companions o/ Chapter, No R.\A.-.M.\ The undersigned respectfully represents that he is a Master Mason in good standing, and a member of Lodge, No F.'. A.'. M."., and is desirous, if found worthy, of receiving the Masonic Degrees conferred in your Chapter, and if accepted, promises to conform to the usages of the Fraternity. Petitioner. Recommended by Comp The petitioner must answer the following questions in writing, and sign his name thereto : 76 FORMS OF PETITIONS, BTO. What is your age ? years, and occupation ? Where were you born ? (town) State Where do you reside ? Have you ever to your knowledge, been proposed and rejected as a candidate for the degrees conferred in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons? If so, when, and in what Chapter ? . Petitioner. PETITION FOR AFFILIATION. To ike M.' . E.', High Priest^ E.', King and Scribe^ and Companions of Chapter, No R.-. A.-.M.-. Tne undersigned respectfully represents, that he is a Royal Arch Mason in good standing, and late a member of Chapter, No under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of and, having been regularly discharged from membership in said Chapter, is desirous of affiliating with your Chapter, if found worthy, promising a cheerful compliance with the By-laws of the Chapter and the usages of the Fraternity. Recommended by Comp. , Age ; Occupation Nativity, (town,) ; State. Name and No. of Lodge Chapter in which exalted FORM OF DIMIT, To all Royal Arch Masons to ivhovi these Presents 7nay Conte — Greeting: This is to Certify, that Comp who has signed his name in the margin, is a Royal Arch Mason in good standing, and is at his request honorably discharged from membership in Chapter, No under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the State of New York. Given under my hand and the seal of the Chapter, at this day of A. . L\ z s [l. s,] a.-. D.-. i8.... rt High Priest > Attest, u Z; Secretary. ..^ T3 fOVO M H 15- ^ 1 iS 8.8 8 ^ - c4 * 1 CO 5 i. 1>^ ® 2 < ^ 's T3 i Id To Memb tg the y Chapt Tota URN OF , No. 250, R. nty of Albany, for the CO 0) +-1 M- 0) z 3 CO z w b m U C i 1 is-? ^11 K (t. Z < B h per last annual report, A.". M.'. during the year or non-payment of dues, ■' unmasonic conduct. Total No. of No. Petitions Rejected durir CHAPTER DUES. three petitioners for new lie year, at three dollars es oners. RET hapter Mbany, Cou Q. -a '0 -a Www III of Members Exalted R.'. Affiliated " Restored '* Dimitted, Suspended f( Expelled, Died, GRAND 3t return, less LCh, . _ . M.". during tl gDnmes of Petit! ^ 2 15^ 03 [I. § 0^ ^ ^ a- - - d^ _ ^ ., 'z,- ' ■ ' -a t;S -2 1S0SI int of Fun Members p at 50 cei dvanced we a list COD '^'^-ifS uospn} w .- a '-1 ■« IE •= t3 ^•b" S.S -g, TJ i t .s ° .^ s S £ 1 P. 3 S S V. ^ ■ ^ •u c d 9* «1 rt a, J fy s J34JCT3 Kx: ^ .«' ^ 1 ^. ^ i ^ « 1 1 f i '^ ^ ^ l' ^ «- -5 R ^ 1 •§ -s 1 Cq 'IJ b CQ ^ 1 •? {^s,^^>8 ;q%gj-8, =^ 1 ^ ■M 1 f ^ 1 1 1 i ■s ^ ^ -^ cS S .« -S ^ ^ ^ a g ^ 1 i^Sj-^Rj^^^^i^ OFFICERS |)rand |^hapter of the Mate of '\tvo jjorh, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, MARCH 14, 1798, TO 1880. 1798. M.'. E.-. De Witt Clinton, Grand High Priest. Thomas Frothingham, Grand King. Jedediah Sanger, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Hanmer, Grand Secretary. Thomas Smith Webb, Grand Treasurer. Ammi Rogers, Grand Chaplain. John C. Ten Broeck, Grand Marshal. Ben]'amin Whipple, Grand Sentinel. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 1799. M. • . E. • . De Witt Clinton, Grand High Priest. Thomas Smith Webb, Deputy Grand High Priest. Thomas Frothingham, Grand King. Jedediah Sanger, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Hanmer, Grand Secretary. Ezra Ames, Grand Treasurer. John F. Ernst, Grand Chaplain. John C. Ten Broeck, Grand Marshal. Benjamin Whipple, Grand Sentinel. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 80 LIST OF OFFICERS OF 1800. M. ■ . E. • . De Witt Clinton, Grand High Priest. Ezra Ames, Deputy Grand High Priest. Thomas Frothingham, Grand King. Wetmore, Grand Scribe. Comp. Gerrit Bogart, Grand Secretary. Richard Allanson, Grand Treasurer. John P. Ernst Grand Chaplain. Elijah Porter, Grand Marshal. Benjamin Whipple, Grand Sentinel. Isaac Sturges Grand Tiler. 1801. M.- . M.- . De Witt CUnton, Grand High Priest. Ezra Ames Deputy Grand High Priest. Warren Smith Grand King. Zebulon R. Shepherd, Grand Scribe. Comp. Jolm Scoville, Grand Secretaiy. Richard AUanson, Grand Treasurer. John P. Ernst, Grand Chaplain. Simeon Lester, Grand Marshal. Benjamin Whipple, Grand Sentinel. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 1802. M. • . E. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Zebulon R. Shepherd, Deputy Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds Grand King. John Butler Grand Scribe. Comp. John Sco^'iUe, Grand Secretary. Joseph Pry Grand Treasurer. John P. Ernst, Grand Chaplain. Abraham D. Lansing, Grand Marshal. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 1803. M. • . E. ■ . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds, Deputy Grand High Priest. Elijah Porter, Grand King. James Adams, Grand Scribe. Comp. John ScoviUe, Grand Secretary. Joseph Pry, Grand Treasurer. Silas Churchill, Grand Chaplain. Elisha Gilbert, Jr Grand Marshal. Isaac Sturges Grand Tiler. THE GRAND CHAPTER. 81 1804. M.* . E." . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Zebulon R. Shepherd, Deputy Grand High Priest. Daniel Hale, Jr Grand King. Ephraim Allen Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, : Grand Secretary. Joseph Pry, Grand Treasurer. Silas Churchill, Grand Chaplain. Ozias Puller Grand Marshal. Isaac Sturges, Grand TUer. 1805. M.'. E.-. Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Zebulon R. Shepherd, Deputy Grand High Priest. Elisha Gilbert, Jr Grand King. William Patrick, Jr Grand Scribe. Comp. John ScoTille Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Fates, Grand Treasurer. Silas Churchill, Grand Chaplain. Adonijah Skinner, , . . .Grand Marshal. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 1806. M.'. E.-. Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds, Deputy Grand High Priest. Asa Pitch, Grand King. Ebenezer Wadsworth, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. William A. Xeedham, Grand Marshal. Isaac Sturges, Grand Tiler. 1807. M. • . E. • . Ezra Ames Grand High Priest. James Woods, Deputy Grand High Priest. John E. West, Grand King. Abner Peck, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, , Grand Marshal. Abraham MaAin, Grand Tiler. 82 LIST OF OFFICERS OF 1808. M. • . B. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. James Woods, Deputy Grand High Priest. Benjamin Prince, Grand King. Adbnijah Skinner, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Abraham Martin, . . .' Grand Tiler. 1809. M. • . E. • . Ezra Ames '. Grand High Priest. James Woods, Deputy Grand High Priest. Jedediah Sanger, Grand King. Samuel Edmonds, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. , Abraham Martin, Grand Tiler. 1810. M. ■ . B. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. James Woods, Deputy Grand High Priest. Jedediah Sanger, Grand King. Samuel Edmonds, Grand Scribe. Comp. John Scoville, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Benoni B. Porman, Grand Tiler. 1811. M.-. E.-. Ezra Ames Grand High Priest. John C. Ludlow, Deputy Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds, Grand King. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand Scribe. Comp. John ScovOle, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Benoni B. Porman, Grand Tiler. THE GliAND CHAPTEE. 83 1812. M. • . E. ■ . Ezra Ames, -. . : Grand High Priest. Thomas Lownds, .■ .Deputy Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds, ; Grand King. Joseph Bnos, Jr. . . :* •. ... .Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, .;.-...; : . Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yktes,- Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, : ■....; Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Benoni B. Porman, Grand Tiler. 1813. M.'. E.-. Ezra Ames Grand High Priest. Thomas Lownds, Deputy Grand High Priest. Samuel Edmonds, Grand King. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Benoni B. Porman, Grand Tiler. 1814. M. • . E. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Thomas Lownds, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. Augustus P. Hayden, Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Abraham Martin, Grand Tiler. 1815. M. • . B. ■ . Ezra Ames, ; Grand High Priest. Joel Hart, ... Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Abraham Martin, Grand Tiler. 84 LIST OF OFFICEES OF 1816. M.-. E.-. Ezra Ames Grand High Priest. Joel Hart, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Abraham Martin Grand TUer. 1817. M. • . E. •. Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Hatfield, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Secretary. Christopher C. Yates, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John P. Doty, Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Tiler. 1818. M. • . E. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Hatfield, Deputy Grand High^Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, Grand Secretary. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Tiler. 1819. M. • . B. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Hatfield Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, Grand Secretary. Isaac Hempsted, Grand Treasurer. William B. Lacy, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Tiler. THE GBAND CHAPTEE. 85 1820. M.-. B.-. Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Hatfield, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Bnos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth Grand Secretary. Williana Barclay, Grand Treasurer. "William B. Lacy Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Tiler. 1821. M.- . B.- . Bzra Ames, Grand High Priest. Eichard Hatfield, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, . . « Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. William B. Laoy, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Tiler. 1822. M.-. B.-. Bzra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Hatfield, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Jr Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand TUer. 1823. M. • . B. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos, Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Wm. A. Clark, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Charles Hewett, Grand Sentinel. 86 LIST OF OTFICEES OF 1824. M.-. E.'. Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Pennell, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Enos Grand King. John Brush, Grand Scribe. Comp. EbSnezer "Wadsworth Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Rev. "William A. Clark, , Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Charles Hewett, Grand Sentinel. f 1825. M. • . B. • . Ezra Ames, Grand High Priest. Richard Pennell, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Joseph Enos, Grand King. Ezra S. Cozier, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, .' Grand Treasurer. Rev. Joseph Prentiss, Grand Chaplain. Comp. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Charles Hewett, Grand Sentinel. 1826. M. • . B. ■ . Asa Fitch, Grand High Priest. Ezra S. Cozier, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Orville Hungerlord, Grand King. Jonathan Bights, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Joseph Prentiss, Grand Chaplain. Comp. John Bull, Jr. ! Grand Marshal. Charles Hewett, Grand Sentinel. 1827. M. • . B. • . Asa Pitch, Grand High Priest. Richard PenneU, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Orville Hungerford, Grand King. Jacob Gould, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox Grand Treasurer. Rev. Joseph Prentiss, Grand Chaplain. Comp. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Charles Hewett, Grand Sentinel. THE GEAND OHAPTEE. 87 1828. M. • . E. • . Asa Fitch Grand High Priest. Richard Pennell, Deputy Grand High Priest. E.' . Orville Hungerford, Grand King. Benjamin Enos, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Joseph Prentiss, Grand Chaplain. Comp. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell Grand Sentinel. 1829. M. • . B. • . Richard Pennell, Grand High Priest. Ezra S. Cozier, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Benjamin Enos, Grand King. Jacob T. B. Van Vechten, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit L. Dox, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Joseph Prentiss Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Jesse P. Mitchell Grand Sentinel. 1830. M. • . E. • . Richard Pennell, Grand High Priest. James M. Allen, Deputy Grand High [Priest. E. • . Benjamin Enos, Grand King. Jacob T. B. Van Vechten, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Edward Andrews, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr .Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 1831. M.- . E.- . Ezra S. Cozier Grand High Priest. Mordeoai Myers, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Jacob T. B. Van Vechten, Grand King. John P. Hubbard, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit "W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Edward" Andrews, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 00 LIST OF OFFICERS OF 1832. M. ■ . E. • . James M. Allen, Grand High Priest. Mordeoai Myers, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. • . Jacob T. B. Van Veehten, Grand King. John F. Hubbard, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Eev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 1833. M.-. B. •. James M. Allen Grand High Priest. Mordeoai Myers, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. ■ . Jacob T. B. Van Veehten, .Grand King. John P. Hubbard, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal; Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 1834. M. • . E. • . Mordecai Myers, Grand High Priest. Jacob T. B. Van Veehten, Deputy Grand High Priest. B.' . Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Nathan Gillett Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Coi-nelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 1835. M. • . B. • . Jacob T. B. Van Veehten, Grand High Priest. Richard Pennell, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Joseph Cuyler Grand King. Nathan GiUett, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins Grand Sentinel. THE GRAND OHAPTEE. 89 1836. M. • . E. • . Jacob T. B. Van Vechten Grand High Priest. Richard Ellis, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Cuyler Grand King. Nathan Gillett : Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Eyckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 183Y. M. ■ . E. • . Jacob T. B. Van Vechten, Grand High Priest. Richard Ellis, Deputy Grand High Priest. Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Nathan Gillett, : Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rey. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Cornelius Higgins, Grand Sentinel. 1838. M. • . E. • . Jacob T. B. Van Vechten Grand High Priest. Richard Ellis, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Ebenezer "Wadsworth, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Siokels, Grand Sentinel. 1839. M. • . B. • . Jacob T. B. Van Vechten, Grand High Priest. Richard Ellis, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Jonathan Bights Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Sickels, Grand Sentinel. .90 LIST OF OFFICERS OF 1840. M.'.E.-. Richard Ellis, Grand High Priest. Benjamin Bnos, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Joseph Cnyler, Grand King. Ezra S. Bamum, T Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Sickels, Grand Sentinel. 1841. M. • . E. • . Richard EUis, Grand High Priest. Benjamin Enos, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Ezra S. Bamum, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town Grand Chaplain. John BuU, Jr Grand Marshal. • Abraham Sickels, Grand Sentinel. 1842. M. • . E. • . Richard EUis, Grand High Priest. Benjamin Enos, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Joseph Cuyler, Grand King. Ezra S. Barnum, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Sickels, Grand Sentinel. 1843. M. • . E. • . Richard ElUs, Grand High Priest. Benjamin Enos, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Ezra S. Barnum, Grand King. Achille J. Rousseau, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Sickels Grand Sentinel. THE GEAND CHAPTER. 91 1844. M. • . E. • . Benjamm Bnos, Grand High Priest. Eobert R. Boyd, Deputy &rand Higli Priest. B. • . Ezra S. Bamum, Grand King. Achille J. Rousseau, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Sickels, Grand Sentinel. 1845. M. • . E. • . Elisha Gilbert Grand High Priest. Robert R. Boyd, Deputy Grand High Priest. B.' . Ezra S. Bamum, Grand King. Achille J. Rousseau, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John BuU, Jr Grand Marshal. Abraham Siokels, Grand Sentinel. 1846. M. • . E. ■ . Ezra S. Barnum, Grand High Priest. Robert R. Boyd, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Achille J. Rousseau, Grand King. Lewis G. Hoffman, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1847. M. ■ . E. ■ . Ezra S. Bamum, Grand High Priest. Robert R. Boyd, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Achille J. Rousseau, Grand King. Lewis G. HofEman, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town Grand Chaplain. John Bull, Jr Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 92 LIST OF OFFIOEES OF 1848. M. ■ . E. ■ . Achille J. Rousseau, Grand High Priest. Robert R. Boyd, Deputy Grand High Priest. B.- . Lewis G. Hoffman, Grand King. William Brewster, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit "W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1849. M. • . E. • . Robert R. Boyd, Grand High Priest. William Brewster Deputy Grand High Priest. B. ■ . Orsamus Dibble, Grand King. James S. French, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. Gerrit W. Ryckman, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1850. M.- . E.- . Robert R. Boyd, Grand High Priest. Orville Hungerford, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. • . John L. Lewis, Jr Grand King. James S. French, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1851. M.-. B.-. Orville Hungerford Grand High Priest. Oscar Coles, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. ■ . John L. Lewis, Jr Grand King. John S. Perry, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce, .Grand Sentinel. THE &EAND CHAPTEE. 93 1852. M. • . E. • . John L. Lewis, Jr Grand High Priest. James W. Powell Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . John S. Perry Grand King. Sylvester Gilbert, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1853. M. • . B. ■ . John L. Lewis, Jr Grand High Priest. James ^. Powell, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . John S. Perry, Grand King. Sylvester Gilbert, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce Grand Sentinel. 1854. M. ■ . E. • . John L. Lewis, Jr Grand High Priest. Charles L. Church, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . John S. Perry, Grand King. Peter P. Murphy, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Marshal. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1855. M.-. E.-. John S. Perry, Grand High Priest. Charles L. Church, Deputy Grand High Priest. E.- . Peter P. Murphy, Grand King. Sylvester Gilbert, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. WOliam Seymour Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Jesse P. Mitchell, ' Grand Marshal. John Pierce Grand Sentinel. 94 LIST OF OFFICEES OF 1856. M. • . E. • . Charles L. Church, Grand High Priest. Peter P. Murphy, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. ■ . Sylvester Gilbert, Grand Kong. George H. Thacher, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, •. Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. George N. Williams, Grand Captain of the Host. Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1857. M.-. E.- . Peter P. Murphy, '. Grand High Priest. James M. Austin, Deputy Gr»nd High Priest. E. • . Sylvester Gilbert, Grand King. Augustus WUlard, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. George N. Williams, Grand Captain of the Host. Jesse P. Mitchell Grand Royal Arch Captain. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1858. M. ■ . E. ■ . Peter P. Murphy Grand High Priest. James M. Austin, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. ■ . Sylvester Gilbert, Grand King. Augustus Willard, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. George N. Williams, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. 1859. M. • . E. • . James M. Austin, Grand High Priest. ' Sylvester Gilbert, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Augustus Willard, Grand King. George N. WLUiams Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Edgar C. Dibble, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John Pierce, Grand Sentinel. THE GRAND CHAPTER. 95 1860. . • . E. • . James M. Austin, Grand High Priest. Sylvester Gilbert, Deputy Grand High Priest. B. • . Augustus Willard, Grand King. George N". Williams, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Eev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Edgar C. Dibble, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Alonzo Crosby, Grand Sentinel. 1861. M. ■ . E. • . George H. Thacher, Grand High Priest. Arthur Boyce, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . Darius A. Ogden, Grand King. Dan. S. Wright, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary- William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. William P. Holmes Grand Captain of the Host. WOliam Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Alonzo Crosby, Grand Sentinel. 1862. M. • . E. • . George H. Thacher, Grand High Priest. Arthur Boyce Deputy Grand High Priest. R. ■. E.-. Darius A. Ogden, Grand King. Dan. S. Wright, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Seymour H. Stone, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Alonzo Crosby, Grand Sentinel. 1863. » M. • . E. • . Darius A. Ogden, Grand High Priest. Horace S. Taylor, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. ■. R.-. Seymour H. Stone, ,.. .Grand King. Rees G. Williams, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Salem Town Grand Chaplain. Joseph B. Chaffee Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Alonzo Crosby, Grand Sentinel. 96 LIST OF OFFICEKS OF 1864. M.-.B.-.Darius A. Ogden, Grand High Priest. Horace S. Taylor, Deputy Grand High Priest. R.- . E.-. Seymour H. Stone, Grand King. Rees G. "Williams, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, Grand Chaplain. Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Alonzo Crosby, Grand Sentinel. 1865. M. • . B. • . Horace S. Taylor Grand High Priest. Seymour H. Stone Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. • . Rees G. Williams, Grand King. Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour Grand Treasurer. Rev. Charles H. Piatt, Grand Chaplain. David P. Day, Grand Captain of the Host. William Connelly, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Amza Puller, Grand Sentinel. 1866. M. • . E. • . Horace S. Taylor, Grand High Priest. Seymour H. Stone, Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-. E.'. Rees G. WiUiams, Grand King. Joseph B. Chaffee Grand Scribe. John 0. Cole, Grand Secretary. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Charles H. Piatt, Grand Chaplain. David P. Day, Grand Captain of the Host. John S. Dickerman, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Amza Puller, Grand Sentinel. 1867. M." . E." . Seymour H. Stone, Grand High Priest. John W. Simons, Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-. E.-. Rees G.Williams, Grand King. Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand Scribe. William Seymour, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Eos, ., Grand Secretary. Rev. Charles H. Piatt, Grand Chaplain. David P. Day, Grand Captain of the Host. John D. Williams, Grand Principal Sojourner. John S. Dickerman Grand Royal Arch Captain. Daniel Wolff, Grand Master 3d Vail. Thomas C. C'assidy, Grand Master 2d Vail. James D. Pollard, Grand Master 1st Vail. Amza Puller, Grand Tiler. THE GRAND CHAPTER. 97 1868. M. • . E. ■ . Seymour H. Stone, Grand High Priest. John W. Simons, .Deputy Grand High Priest. E,. • . E. • . Rees G. Williams, Grand King. Joseph B. Chafiee Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Eby. Charles H. Piatt, Grand Chaplain. Bavid F. Day, Grand Captain of the Host. John D. Williams, Grand Principal Sojourner. Daniel Wolff, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Thomas C. Oassidy Grand Master 3d Vail. James D. Pollard, Grand Master 3d Vail. G. Fred. Wiltsie, Grand Master 1st Vail. Amza Fuller, Grand Tiler. 1869. M. ■ . B. ■ . John W. Simons, Grand High Priest. Rees G. Williams, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. ■ . Joseph B. Chaffee Grand King. David P. Day, Grand Scribe^ John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. Charles H. Piatt, Grand Chaplain. William T. Woodruff, Grand Captain of the Host. Hamden W. Mclntire, Grand Principal Sojourner. Roswell P. Flower, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John D. Serviss, Grand Master 3d Vail. Henry W. Kam, Grand Master 2d Vail. George W. Norton Grand Master 1st VaO. Amza Puller, Grand Tiler. 1870. M. • . B. ■ . John W. Simons, Grand High Priest. Rees G. Williams, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . M. • . Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand King. David F. Day, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Fox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. William T. Woodruff, Grand Captain of the Host. Hamden W. Mclntire, Grand Principal Sojourner. Roswell P. Flower, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John D. Serviss Grand Master 3d Vail. Henry W. Karn, Grand Master 2d Vail. George W. Norton, Grand Master 1st Vail. Amza Puller, Grand Tiler. 7 98 LIST OF OFFICERS OF 1871. M.-. B.-. Rees G. Williams, Grand High Priest. Thomas C. Cassidy Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-. E.-. Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand King. David P. Day Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. RosweU P. Plower, Grand Captain of the Host. James D. PoUard, Grand Principal Sojom-ner. Stephen Clough, Grand Royal Arch Captain. George Van Yliet, Grand Master 3d Vail. J. WiUiam Wait, Grand Master 3d Vail. William A. Baldwin, Grand Master 1st Xail. Amza PuUer, Grand Tiler. 1872. M.-. B.-. Rees G. Williams Grand High Priest. Thomas C. Cassidy, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . B. • . Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand King. David P. Day, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray Grand Chaplain. Edwin M. Holbrook, Grand Captain of the Host. James D. Pollard, Grand Principal Sojourner. Stephen Clough, Grand Royal Arch Captain. George Van Vliet, Grand Master 3d Vail. J. William Wait, Grand Master 3d VaiL William A. Baldwin, Grand Master 1st VaU. Amza Puller, Grand Tiler. 1873. M. ■ . E. • . Thomas C. Cassidy, Grand High Priest. Joseph B. Chaffee, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. • . David P. Day, Grand King. James D. Pollard, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. George Van Vliet, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Huntington, '. .Grand Principal Sojourner. Richard H. Parker, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John H. Clickner Grand Master 3d Vail. Charles B. Wade, Grand Master 3d VaU. James P. Perguson, Grand Master 1st Vail. Amza Puller, Grand TUer. THE GEAND CHAPTER. 9y 1874. M. • . E. • . Thomas C . Cassidy, Grand High Priest. Joseph B. Chaffee, Deputy Grand High Priest. R.- . B.- . David P. Day, Grand King. James D. Pollard, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Cihristopher G. Pox Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. George Van Vliet, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Huntington, Grand Principal Sojourner. Richard H. Parker, Grand Royal Arch Captain. John H. Clickner, Grand Master 3d Vail. James P. Ferguson, Grand Master 2d Vail. Mark C. Pinley, Grand Master 1st Vail. William Fisher, Grand Tiler. 1875. M. • . B. ■ . Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand High Priest. George Van Vliet Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-. E.-. David P. Day, Grand King. James D. Pollard, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. Clinton P. Paige, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Parker, Grand Principal Sojourner. Edwin M. Holbrook, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Wesley B. Church, Grand Master 3d Vail. James T. Southard, Grand Master 2d Vail. John B. Shaw Grand Master 1st Vail. William Fisher, Grand Tiler. 1876. M. • . B. • . Joseph B. Chaffee, Grand High Priest. George Van VUet, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. ■ . B. ■ . David P. Day, Grand King. James D. PoUard, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. Clinton P. Paige, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Parker, Grand Principal Sojourner. Edwin M. Holbrook, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Wesley B. Church, Grand Master 3d Vail. James T. Southard, Grand Master 2d Vail. John B. Shaw, Grand Master 1st Vail. William Fisher, Grand Tiler. 100 LIST OF OFFICEES OF 1877. M. • . E. • . George Van Yliet, Grand High Priest. David F. Day Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. ■ . James D. Pollard, Grand King. Richard H. Huntington, Grand Scribe. John S. Diokerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Pox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. John C. Boak, Grand Captain of the Host. W. Morgan Lee, Grand Principal Sojourner. WiUiam Sherer, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Mortimer C. Addoms, Grand Master 3d Vail. Fred. E. MitcheU, Grand Master 2d Vail. George A. Laning, Grand Master 1st Vail. William H. Gladding, Grand Tiler. 1878. M. • . B. ■ . David F. Day, Grand High Priest. William T. WoodruilE, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. • . James D. PoUard, Grand King. Richard H. Huntington, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Fox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. James E. Morrison, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Parker Grand Principal Sojourner. Elonzo X. Stone, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Burr J. Davis Grand Master 3d Vail. Jonathan S. Smith, Grand Master 2d Vail. John Webb, Jr., Grand Master 1st Vail. William H. Gladding, Grand Tiler. 1879. M." . E.- . David P. Day, Grand High Priest. Wniiam T. Woodruff, Deputy Grand High Priest. R. • . E. • . James D. PoUard, Grand King. Richard H. Huntington, Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Fox, Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. James E. Morrison, Grand Captain of the Host. Richard H. Parker, Grand Principal Sojourner. Elonzo N. Stone, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Burr J. Davis, Grand Master 3d Vail. Jonathan S. Smith, Grand Master 2d Vail. John Webb, Jr., Grand Master 1st Vail. William H. Gladding, Grand Tiler. THE GEAND CHAPTER. 101 1880. M. • . B. • . William T. Woodruff, Grand Higii Priest. James D. Pollard, Deputy Grand High Priest. E. • . B. • . Richard H. Huntington, Grand King. Richard H. Parker Grand Scribe. John S. Dickerman, .Grand Treasurer. Christopher G. Fox Grand Secretary. Rev. James B. Murray, Grand Chaplain. James B. Morrison Grand Captain of the Host. John B. Harris, Grand Principal Sojourner. John L. Norton, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Bdward S. Innet, Grand Master 3d Vail. John Keyes Paige, Grand Master 2d Vail. Daniel M. Van Cott Grand Master 1st Vail. WiUiam Sherer, Grand Lecturer. WilUam H. Gladding, Grand Tiler. INDEX TO THB FORMS OF PETITIONS, Etc. SECTION. Acts of Incorporation. (Pages 25-33.) Acts by which Warrant may be Forfeited 35 Advancement, Objection to, 56 Amendments to Constitution, 31, 59 Annual Convocation of Grand Chapter, Time and Place, ... 4 " Returns and Dues to Grand Chapter, , . . . .33 Appeal from Decision of Commissioners, 37 of a Chapter, ... . . 38 Appointed Officers Grand Chapter. ... . , . 6 " " Subordinate Chapter 34 Assistant Grand Lecturer, .49 Ballot on Applications, ... 53 Books to be kept by Subordinate Chapter, 53 By-laws, 30, 31 Candidates, Jurisdiction over, .... . 55, 57 Chapter deprived of Warrant or Dispensation, 36 " Sealand Books, ... 53 Chapters U. ■ . D. ■ . to furnish Certificates of Ability, . . 31 Charges against High Priest and Subordinate Chapter, . 34, 37, 43 and Trials, 37, 38 Commissioners to Try Charges 37 Committees of Investigation must Report, ... .53 Concurrent Jurisdiction, 57 Control of Order of High Priesthood, ... . . 47 Convention of High Priests to confer Order, 47 Degrees of High Priesthood .... 47 Deputy Grand High Priest, Power of, 14 " " " " Succession in case of Death, &o. . . 15 304 INDEX TO CONSTITUTION. Deputy Grand High Priest to Appoint Commissioners to try High Priests and Chapters, . " " " " to Constitute New Chapters, Dispensation for New Chapters, " " " " Pee for, . Dues to Grand Chapter, " " Subordinate Chapter, how Collected, Duty and Powers of Grand High Priest, " " " Deputy Grand High Priest, " " " Grand Secretary, . " " ■' Grand Treasurer, . 37 50 14, 21 32 . 32 81 . 18 14 . 17 16 Other OiRcers 19 Effect of Suspension by Lodge, . . 39 " Objection to Advancement, 56 Election in Grand Chapter ■ . . . .7 " " '• who Present at, 45 " Subordinate Chapter, 25 " •' " by Dispensation, .... 14 " " " to fill Vacancies, . . . .28 Elective Oifioers, Grand Chapter, 5 " '■ Subordinate Chapters, .... .23 Eligibility to OfBce Grand Chapter, .7 " " " Subordinate Chapters 25 Expense of Trials 37 Expulsions, List to be kept, 52 Pees for Dispensation to form new Chapters, " " Degrees, Poreign Cw'respondenee, Committee on, Porfeitnre of Warrant, .... Porms of Petitions. (Pages 73-76.) " Returns. (Page 77.) 22 . 53 18 34, 35, 36 Grand Chapter, Name of, ... . ... " " Who Compose, List of Officers from 1798 to 1880. (Pages 79-101.) " High Priest, Duties and Powers of, " " " to Appoint Officers, " " Powers during Recess of Grand Chapter, " " Successor in case of Death, &o " " " may Suspend Warrants, '■ " " to Appoint Commissioners, . , . . . " " " to Constitute New Chapters, .... " Lecturer to give Certificate to Chapters U. ■ . D. • . . Duty of 1 3 13 8 13 15 34 37 50 21 49 INDEX TO CONSTITUTION. 105 Grand Officer may act a Representative, 10 " Secretary, Duty of, 17 " Treasurer, " " 16 High Priest to Appoint Officers, 24 cannot Resign, 38 Charges against, 43 Vacancy in Office and how Pilled, 28 to Appoint Commissioners, 37 to Preside, and who Succeeds him, .... 51 no Appeal to Chapter from, . ... 51 may Appoint Proxies, . . .... 58 Installation in Grand Chapter 9 " " Subordinate Chapter 36 " " " " after Constitutional Time has expired, .... 14 Jurisdiction over Candidates, 55, 57 Lectures, 48, 49 List of Grand Officers from 1798 to 1880. (Pages 79-101.) Marks, Book of, 52 Name, 1 New Chapters, how Constituted, 50 No High Priest can preside who has not been duly Anointed, . . 47 Non-payment of Dues, Subordinate Chapters 31 Officers, Grand Chapter, Elective, 5 " " " Appointed, 6 " " " Installation of, 9 Pay of 11 " " " Votes entitled to, 10 " " " when and how chosen, . . . 8 " " " who eligible, 7 " Subordinate Chapters, 23 " " " first three cannot resign, . . .27 .' " " Resignation, Removal, Promotion, Sus- pension or Expulsion, . . 27 <• " " when and how chosen, ... 34 Order of High Priesthood, 47 Organization of Subordinate Chapters, ... . . 20 Other Official Duties, 19 " Rules for Trial, 44 106 INDEX TO CONSTITUTION. Pay of Grand Officers, .... " " Lecturer, . , " EepresentatiTes, .... Penalties for Non-payment of Dues, . Permanent Members of Grand Chapter, " " and Officers, Pay of, Petitioners, number of, for New Chiapter, " for Dispensation, qualifications of, . " " Degrees, " " " when rejected and how renewed, Power and Authority of Grand Chapter, Promotion in Office, . • Property of Extinct Chapters, . . . . Proxies, 11 49 12 31 3 11 20 21 58 54 2 27 36 3, 21 Quorum, Grand Chapter, Recommendation for New Chapter, Registry of Members, Rejected Candidates, Removal of Chapters, " Officers, . 21 17, 52 . 54 29 . 27 Representatives in Grand Chapter, 8, 53 Pay of .11 Resignation, 40 Restoration by Grand Chapter, . . 41 " by Subordinate Chapter, 40 Returns and Dues to Grand Chapter, 32 Revenue of Grand Chapter 22, 32 Seal of Subordinate Chapter, . , . . . Standard Work and Lectures, Subordinate Chapter, By-laws of, . " " how Dissolved, " " how Organized, " " Officers of, .... " " " Installation of, . " " " when and how Chosen " " Removal of, ... Succession in Office, Surrender of Warrant, Suspension by Lodge, Effect of, .... " for Non-payment of Dues, when to cease, " of Wan-ant, Suspensions, List to be kept by Subordinate Chapter, . 49 48 30, 31 33 . 20 23 . 26 24 . 29 15 33, 36 39 . 31 34 . 52 INDEX TO CONSTITUTION. lOT SECTION. The Order of High Priesthood 47 Trials 37, 38 Vacancies in Office, how filled 38 •' " how occurring, 37 Visitors in Grand Chapter 46 Votes and Voters, 10, 35 Waiver of Jurisdiction, 55 Warrants to form New Chapters, 81 Forfeiture of, 84, 35, 36 Surrender of 33,36 " Suspension of, 34 Who are Voters, 5, 35 " present at Election in Grand Chapter, 45 ' ' may visit Grand Chapter, 46 " presides in a Chapter, 51 Witnesses, 43 " and Expenses of Trial, 43 Work and Lectures, 48 Index to Code of Procedure. Accused, Consent of, necessary to Issue of Commission, ... 40 " failing to appear, Testimony may be taken, ... 64 " or his Counsel to be present during Trial, .... 48 Admission of Charges sufficient for Report, .... 66 Adoption of Resolutions of Commission, 54 " " •' Judgment in Case, . . 55 Agreement to issue Commission, Form of, 39 Answer to Complaint, Varieties of Form, . ... 21 Special, Form of, 33 " to Interrogatories, etc.. Certificate of Examiner, . . 38 Appeal, Answer to. Form of 76 " Copies of, to be served, 74 " Decision on, filed with Grand Secretary, .... 81 " Decision on. Form of . . 83 Form of 73 " from Decision of Grand Officer, Answer to, not required, . 87 " Form of, . . . 84, 86 " " " " " Service on Chapter, . . 85 " in Form, or Notice of, with Form of Notice, . . . .70 " Masonic, defined, 68 " Order for Papers on, with Form, 80 " " " Production of Papers, Form of, . . . . 88, 89 " " " Reversal of Judgment, in relation to, ... 83 " Time for bringing, under Constitution, .... 69 " " " commences from Notice of Judgment, ... 63 " what to contain, 72 " when to be regarded as admitted, 75 Application for Restoration to Grand Chapter after Appeal, . . 101 " Form of, ... 98 " granted by Majority Vote, 100 " " " " " hearing on, . . 99 " Chapter, Form of, . . . .102 " " " Form and Effect of Resolution granting, . . . 104, 105 INDEX TO CODE OF PROCEDURE. 109 Application for Restoration to Chapter, Minutes concerning, " " " " Reference of, " " " " to lie over. Appointment of Trial Commissioners by Chapter, Attendance of Witnesses, Form of Summons, . Chapter, Appointment of Commissioners by, " Charges against, in Writing, .... " Charges against High Priest of, . " may reverse or modify Decision of Commissioners, " Minutes of, relating to Complaint, . " Offenses by, classified and defined, " Report of Commissioners to, . " Restoration by, Charges, Admission of, BflEect of, " against Chapter or Individual in Writing, Commission to take Testimony, Commissioner, Disqualification of, . ' ' Dissenting from Report, with Form, Commissioners, Challenge to, Proceedings on, " Consultation of, after Trial, " may issue a Commission, Form of, . " Meeting of, for Trial, . " Organization of, ... . " Report of, to Chapter, .... ' ' under Section 59, prescribe Penalty, Complaint against Chapter, High Priest, &o. ' ' Answer to, " any Companion in good standing may prefer, " Copy of, to be served on Accused, . " for Disobeying Summons, Form of, " Forms of, " in Chapter, Proceedings on, " " when to be presented, " Minutes should contain nature of, " Notice annexed to. Form of, . " not personally served, Notice by mail, " Reception and Reference of, . Counsel must be a Mason, Cross-interrogatories, Form of, .... SECTION. 107 . 106 103 . 13 25 . 13 5 . 59 56 13 4 . 50 102-108 . 66 5 29-41 . 12, 67 5.3 18, 19 48 81 15 43, 43 50 60 59 20 6 13 38' 9-19 10 11 14 16 10 48 35 Decision, Form of Notice of , " of Commissioners adopted or rejected by Majority Vote, . " " may be Reversed or Modified by Chapter, " " Notice to Accused, Copy of, " under Section 59, a Decree, 49 57 56 58 110 INDEX TO CODE OF PEOCEDTJEE. Decision of Grand OfRcer, Appeal from, Answer not required, " " " " Form of, " " " " " when served, on Appeal, filed with Grand Secretary, " Form of, .... '■ " Reversing Judgment, . Defendant, absent. Form of Notice to. Denial, Specific, of Grounds of Appeal, Form of. Disobeying Summons subjects "Witness to Punishment, Disqualification of Commissioner, Dissent of Commissioner, how expressed, SECTION. 87 84, 86 85 81 83 . 83 17 77 27 13, 67 53 Evidence defined, " Principles of, in Masonic Trials, Examiner to take Testimony, Deposition of Witness, . 44 45 37 Grand Chapter or Officer may consider Appeals, 78 Restoration by, 100-103 " High Priest, Appeal from, • 84^87 " Secretary, decided Appeals to be filed with, .... 81 " " to notify Chapter or Complainant of Appeal taken, . 74 High Priest, Complaint against, 59 " " tries Challenge to Commission, 19 Individual Offenses classified and defined, . Interrogatories, Form of, " Settlement of, Interrogatory, "Lastly," must be inserted and answered, 2 33 33 34 Masonic Trial to be conducted like Criminal Action in Court of Record, 48 " defined, 1 Member of another Chapter, Complaint against, 59 Meeting of Commissioners for Trial, Notice of, ... . 15 Minutes of Chapter to contain Nature of Complaint, .... 11 " Proceedings of Commission, Form of, ... . 47 Notice annexed to Complaint, Form of, ... . " of Appeal, Form of, " Complaint by Mail, Complaint not personally served, " Decision, Form of, " Intention to apply for Commission, Form of, " Time and Place of hearing Appeals, and Form of, " to absent Defendant, Form of, . . . 14 70 16 49 30 79 17 INDEX TO CODE OF PEOOEDUEE. Ill Objections, when to be taken, Offenses committed by an Individual, classified and defined, " " by a Chapter, classified and defined. Order for Papers to perfect Appeal, Form of, . " " Production of Papers on Appeal, .... Organization of Trial Commission, . Penalties inflicted on Individual Masons, " " by Commission, when .... Presentation of Complaint, Time and Place of, . Proceedings of Commissioners, Form of Minutes, " on Complaint " sent to Examiner to take Testimony, Procedure in Masonic Trials, Rules of, . . . . SECTION. 48 3 4 80 88, 89 43, 43 3 60 10 47 9 39 31 36 Qualifications of Commissioners, Reading Proceedings of Trial before Chapter, Reception and Reference of Complaint, ... Record of Court of Law conclusive Evidence, Report of Commission, Accused failing to appear,' Form of, . " " Charges admitted, . . . . " " in Section 59, to whom made, Form of, " " to Chapter, Form of, . . . " " " what to contain, Resolutions of Commission, Adoption of, . " " " Judgment in Case, . Restoration applies to Expulsion, " by Grand Chapter, after Appeal, . " " " by Majority Vote, " " " Form of Application for, " " " Hearing on Application, " " " When legal, and its effect, " by Chapter, Application to lie over, . " " " should be referred, . " " Form of, ... " " how granted. Form of, " " in what Cases, and Effect of , . " " Secretary's Minutes concerning, " Explained and Discussed, . Reversal of Judgment on Appeal, Effect of, Rules of Evidence, .... . . Rules of Procedure of Masonic Trials, Secretary of Chapter to serve Copy of Complaint, " " transmit Papers on Appeal, 13 . 51 11, 13 . 46 65 . 66 61 . 53 50 . 54 55 . 98 101 . 100 98 . 99 95, 97 . 103 116 . 103 104, 105 . 96 107 90-93 94 . 45 13 71 112 INDEX TO CODE OF PEOOEDUEE. SECTION. Settlement of Interrogatories, etc., 33 Special Answer, Form of, 31 " " overruled, General Answer may go in, . . 24 Speciiic Denial of Grounds of Appeal, Form Of, . . 77 Specifications severally Admitted or Denied, .... 31 Statement and Decision of Objections, ... 48 Summons, Effect of Disobedience of, ... . 37 " to Witnesses, .... . . 3f), 36 Testimony by Commission, how taken, 39 " " on behalf of Complainant, ... 41 " must be read if ordered by Chapter, .51 '• when Accused fails to answer, 64 Time for Appeal runs from Notice of Judgment, .... 63 Transmission of Papers, Appeal being taken, ... .71 Trial defined, 1 " Proceedings of, to be recorded, .... .48 " to be conducted like Criminal Action at Law, . . . .48 Unaffiliated Mason, Complaint against, ... . .59 Witness disqualified for Commissioner, 67 " not a Mason, present only while Testifying, ... 48 " Test of Credibility of, 48 Who may prefer a Complaint, 6 6AYLAM0UNT PAMPHLET BINDER I '-' 1 Manufactured by pAYLORD BROS. Inc. Syracuse, NY. Stockton, Calif. Cornell University Library HS717.N56 A3 1880 Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Roy 3 1924 030 372 373 olln,anx