('".: >A ■'■■ A (JJoniell Uttioerstly Hibrary 3ll(ara, Neb) Inrk FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1354-1919 3EQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY ■jc.^.. —JF'"'"*" University Library HS445.I29 A2 1874 ''"l^iiifniMSniiiiiiili"'' ''y-laws of the M.W. Gr „ 3 1924 030 300 408 olin,anx Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030300408 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS M. W.. GRAND LODGE ANCIENT, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, STATE OF ILLINOIS. IN FORCE OCTOBER 6th, 187'4. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. -. SPRINGFIELD PRINTINC COMPANY. 1874. / ^ 7 Y' A^^l^^i 3 CONSTITUTION MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS. Whereas, Every Grand Lodge is sovereign within its prescribed jurisdiction, and - possesses the inherent power to form a Constitution, as the law of its Masonic action ; to amend or alter the same ; to enact By-Laws from time to time, and to make such rules and prescribe such regulations for the administration of its subordinate Lodges as will insure the prosperity thereof, and promote the general good of Masonry ; and, Whereas, Every Grand Lodge is the representative of all the Fraternity in com- munication therewith, and in that behalf is an absolute independent body, with su- preme legislative, executive and judicial authority : Provided, always, that the Ancient Landmarks of the Institution be held inviolate. Therefore, upon these prin- ciples, which are indisputable, the Grand Lodge of Illinois does hereby ordain, es- tablish and PROMULGATE the following Constitution for its future government: ARTICLE I. This Grand Lodge shall hereafter be known by the name and style of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois. ARTICLE II. of whom it consists. The Grand Lodge shall consist of a Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Chaplain, Grand Orator, Deputy Grand Secretary, Grand Pursuivant, Grand Marshal, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Senior Grand Deacon, Junior Grand Deacon, four Grand Stewards, Grand Tyler, thirty District Deputy Grand Masters, together with the Worshipful Masters and'Wardens of the Chartered Lodges duly constituted, under its jurisdiction; and such Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens and Past Masters, as shall be present and are members of subordinate Lodges in Illinois. CONSTITUTION. No Grand Officer shall officiate in the station to which he may be elected until he has been legally installed. ARTICLE III. The Grand Lodge shall hold a stated Communication once eveiy year, at such time and in such place as may be designated in its By-Laws. ARTICLE IV. QUORUM. The Grand Lodge shall not be opened unless there be present the Representatives from at least twenty of the Chartered Lodges ; nor shall any business be done until there be present the Representatives from at least fifty of the Chartered Lodges ; less than a quorum may assemble until noon of the second day, when, if less than fifty Chartered Lodges are represented, the Grand Master shall declare the Grand Lodge closed until the next Grand Annual Communication in course, in which case the Grand. Officers will hold over for another term. ARTICLE V. STYLE AND RANK OF GRAND OFFICERS. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall be styled and take rank as follows : Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worship- ful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Right Worship- ful Grand Treasurer, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain, Right Worshipful Grand Orator, Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master, Worshipful Deputy Grand Secretary, Worshipful Grand Pursuivant, Worshipful Grand Marshal, Worshipful Grand Standard Bearer, Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer, Worshipful Senior Grand Deacon, Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon, Worshipful Grand Steward, Brother Grand Tyler. ARTICLE VI. STYLE AND RANK OF MEMBERS, REPRESENTATIVES, MASTERS, AND OTHER" OFFICERS. Past Grand Masters shall be styled Most Worshipful ; Past Deputy Grand Masters and Past Grand Wardens shall be styled Right Worshipful ; Representatives of.For- eign Grand Lodges shall be styled Right Worshipful ; Past Masters and Representa- tives of Lodges shall be styled Worshipful ; Grand Lecturers shall be styled Right ■Worshipful ; and Masters of Lodges shall be styled Worshipful. Style and rank may be assigned to other brethren by law. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE VII. ELIGIBILITY. No brother shall be eligible to hold office in this Grand Lodge who is not, at the time of election or appointment, a member in regular standing of a Chartered Lodge subordinate to this Grand Lodge ; and no brother shall be eligible to the office of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Warden or District Deputy Grand Master, who has not been duly elected and installed, and has presided over a Subor- dinate Lodge. ARTICLE VIII. VOTES, ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Section i . At each regular Annual Communication there shall be elected, on or before the second day, by ballot, a Grand Master, a Deputy Grand Master, a Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a Grand Treasurer, and a Grand Secretary. All other Grand Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master elect. Sec. 2. In all elections, and in all questions before the Grand Lodge, each Lodge shall be entitled to three votes, the Grand Master to one vote, the Deputy Grand Master to one vote, each Grand Warden to one vote, the Grand Treasurer to one vote, the Grand Secretary to one vote, each Past Grand Master to one vote, the Past Deputy Grand Masters to one vote collectively, the Past Grand Wardens to one vote collectively, and the Past Masters to one vote collectively. No representative of a Lodge shall vote as a Grand Officer. Sec. 3. In case a Lodge has but one representative present, he shall cast three votes ; if two representatives be present, the highest in rank shall cast two votes and the lowest one ; if three representatives be present, they shall cast but one vote each. Sec. 4. The yeas and nays shall be ordered upon the demand of twenty represen- tatives. In taking the yeas and nays the Lodges in their order shall be called first, the members secondly, and the Grand Officers last. In all votes and elections a ma- jority shall gcwern, unless otherwise provided by law. ARTICLE IX. vacancies. Section 1. In case of the death, absence or disabihty of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master shall fill his place ; in case of the death, absence or disability of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden shall fill the place of the Grand Master ; in case of the absence or disability of all three the Junior Grand Warden shall fill the place of the Grand Master; and in case of the death, absence or disability of all the above named Grand Officers, the Master of the oldest Lodge shall be Grand Master. Sec. 2. All vacancies shall be filled by the Grand Master. The office of Grand Master is never vacant. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE X. SOVEREIGNTY AND JURISDICTION. Section i. This Grand Lodge is the only source of authority, and exercises ex- clusive jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to Ancient Craft Masonry in the State of Illinois. Sec. 2. Any organizations, associations, parties or persons, professing to have any authority, powers or privileges in Ancient Craft Masonry, not derived from this Grand Lodge, within the State of Illinois, are declared to be clandestine, and all intercourse with, or recognition of them, or any of them, is prohibited. ARTICLE XL POWERS OF the grand LODGE. Section i . This Grand Lodge may — First — Grant Dispensations and Charters for holding regular Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons, with the right to confer therein the several degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, and when deemed expedient and for good cause, may annul, revoke or amend such Dispensation or Charter, or any pre- existing Dispensation or Charter. This Grand Lodge has — Second — Original and exclusive jurisdiction over all subjects of Masonic legislation and administration; appellate judicial and administrative jurisdiction from the deci- sions of Worshipful Masters, and from the decisions and acts of Lodges, and, when expedient, has original judicial jurisdiction over its officers, members and Worshipful Masters ; and its enactments and decisions upon all questions shall be the supreme Masonic law of the State. This Grand Lodge may — Third — Assign the limits and iix the location of each Lodge under its jurisdiction, and settle all controversies that may arise between them, and has the final decision and determination of all matters of controversies or grievances which may be brought up by appeal or otherwise. Fourth — It may make and adopt general laws and regulations for the government of the several Lodges under its jurisdiction, and at pleasure may alter, amend or re- peal the same. Fifth — It may assess and collect from the several Lodges under its jurisdiction such sums of money annually as may be provided for by law and found necessary for the support and maintenance of the Grand Lodge. Sixth — It may supervise the state and condition of its own finances, and adopt such measures in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary. CONSTITUTIOX. Seventh— \t may reprimand, suspend or expel any member from its own body for a violation of the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, or for any other unmasonic conduct, and may suspend or expel any accused person upon trial by appeal. This Grand Lodge shall — Eighth — At each Annual Communication consider and review the reports and do- ings of its Grand Officers for the past year, as well as those of its several Lodges un- der its jurisdiction. This Grand Lodge may — Ninth — Establish a Mileage and Per Diem rate for its officers, the representative highest in rank from each Lodge, and its standing committees, not exceeding five cents per mile each way, and two dollars per day. Tenth — And finally may do whatsoever may be considered necessary to the well- being and perpetuity of Ancient Craft Masonry. ARTICLE XII. POWERS OF THE GRAND MASTER. The Grand Master has the power — First — To convene the Grand Lodge in special Communication in case of emer- gency. Second — To preside at all special and regular Communications. Third — To exercise the executive functions of the Grand Lodge when not in session. Fourth — To decide all |questions of usage, order and Masonic law. Fifth — To require the attendance of, and information from, any Grand Officer respecting his office. Sixth — To convene any Lodge within the jurisdiction, and in person'orby deputy, to preside therein with the Master on his left hand, inspect their proceedings and re- quire their conformity to Masonic rules. Seventh — To issue his Dispensation to any regular Lodge to make a Mason, or confer any degree at sight. Eighth — To suspend the functions of any Lodge for good reasons. Ninth — To command every Grand Officer, and to call on any of them for advice and assistance on business relative to the Craft. Tenth — In person or by deputy, to constitute Lodges, dedicate Masonic Halls, lay corner-stones of Masonic Halls, public buildings and structures. Eleventh — To appoint representatives, by warrant, in any other recognized Grand Lodge, and receive and accredit such representatives from other Grand Lodges. CONSTITUTIOX. Twelfth — To command the Wardens or any member of a Lodge which he may visit to act as Wardens for the time being. Thirteenth — To see that the Ancient Landmarks and charges are observed, and to do and perform the duties of Ancient Grand iMaster agreeably to the requirements of Masonry and this Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XIII. NEW LODGES. Section i. During the recess of the Grand Lodge the Grand jMaster may grant Dispensations for new Lodges. Sec. 2. No dispensation shall be issued by order of the Grand Lodge or by the Grand Master, in any city or town having three or more Chartered Lodges (except the city of Chicago), without the recommendation of the three oldest Lodges, nor in any other place without the recommendation of the three nearest Lodges. Sec. 3. No petition for a new Lodge shall be considered by any Lodge until it has laid over four weeks for consultation and consideration. Sec. 4. No dispensation for -a new Lodge shall be issued until the sum of one hundred dollars shall be paid to the Grand Secretary, which shall 'be in full for Dis- pensation and Charter Fees. Sec. 5. Every petition for a new Lodge shall be signed by eight Master Masons, accompanied by a certificate from a Grand Lecturer that the proposed Master is able to open and close a Lodge, and to confer the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason correctly and in full, with a plat and description of the halls and ante-rooms to be occupied, and statement in regard to the ownership and use of the same. Sec. 6. No new Lodge shall be established in towns and cities as follows: — Where the population is less than 3,000, and there is one Lodge ; less than 6,000, and two Lodges ; less than 10,000, and three Lodges; after which no new Lodge shall be formed without an addition of 5,000 population for each one. Sec. 7. No Dispensation or Charter for constituting a new Lodge shall be granted to any person or persons whomsoever, residing out of the State of Illinois, if within the jurisdiction of any other constitutional Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XIV. DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT DEPUTIES. Section i. Immediately upon the adoption of this Constitution the Grand Mas- ter hhali divide the State into thirty districts, having regard to population, Lodges and convenience. Said districts shall remain so until the year A. L. 5880, when the Grand Master shall divide the State into districts again, and so on once in every ten years. CONSTITUTION'. Sec. 2. One District Deputy Grand Master shall be appointed and commissioned annually by the Grand Master, in each district. Each deputy shall be a resident of his respective district, and a member of some Lodge therein. Sec. 3. The duties of said District Deputies shall be such as the Grand Master may generally or especially assign them, and may be defined by law. ARTICLE XV. IXSTRUCTION. The Grand Master shall provide for thorough instruction in the work and lectures already established by this Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XVI. AMENDMENTS. Seci'ION I. This Constitution may be amended in the following manner only : The proposed alteration, addition or amendment must be submitted in writing at some regular communication ; if seconded by the Grand Lodge, it shall be entered upon the proceedings, and in some convenient form, duly certified, shall be immedi- ately submitted to the several Subordinate Lodges for their approval or rejection; if approved by two-thirds of the Lodges, such amendment or alteration shall thence- forth be a part of the Constitution, whereof the Grand Master shall cause the procla- mation to be made. Sec. 2. The By-Laws of this Grand Lodge may be amended in the following manner : Every alteration, addition or amendment shall be proposed in writing at a regular communication of the Grand Lodge ; if seconded by twenty representa- tives, the amendment shall lie over one year, be printed in the minutes, and if adop- ted by a two-thirds vote, it shall become a part of the By-Laws. Sec. 3. Regulations, Rules of Order, Code of Jurisprudence and Standing Reso- lutions may be repealed, altered or amended at any regular Communication by a vote of three-fifths of the legal vote present. BY-LAAVS — PART FIRST. BY-LAWS OF THE M. W. GRAND LODGE OF A. F. AND A. M. OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Adopted October 6th, 1874. PART FIRST. RELATIVE TO ITS GOVERNMENT. ARTICLE I. CONVENING AND COMMITTEES. Section i. An Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be held in the city of Chicago, on the first Tuesday in October, in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., when, if the requirements of Article IV, and of Sec. i. Article IX, of the Constitution are complied with, the Grand Lodge may proceed to exercise the powers defined in Article IX, of the Constitution, and transact such business, and perform such duties, conformable to these By-Laws, as may properly come before it; Provided, That the reading of the report of the Committee on Credentials shall pre- cede any legislative action. Sec 2. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, as soon as practica. ble after it shall be convened, the M. W. Grand Master shall announce the names of the brethren appointed to serve, during the session, on the following committees, viz.: A Committee on Credentials. A Committee on Finance. A Committee on Petitions. A Committee on Obituaries. A Committee on Grand Master's Annual Report. Each of which shall consist of three members. BY-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. 3. Before the close of each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint the following Standing Committees, to serve for the ensuing Masonic year, viz.: 1 . A Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence. 2. A Committee on Appeals and Grievances. 3. A Committee on Returns and Work of Chartered Lodges. 4. A Committee on the Work and Doings of Lodges under dispensation. Each of which shall consist of five members. 5. A Committee on Mileage and Per Diem. 6. A Committee on Auditing. Each of which shall consist of three members. 7. A Committee on Masonic Correspondence, to consist of one member. 8. A Committee on Printing, to consist of three members, of whom the Grand Secretary shall be one. Sec. 4. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary shall be tx-officui a Commitiee orT Charity; and The Grand Secretary shall be ex-ojfficig Grand Librarian. ARTICLE 11. ELECT10N_0F GRAND omCERS. Section i. The Annual Election shall be held at the time, and in the manner prescribed by Art. VIII of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. In case of the death or other permanent disability of any of the Grand Officers during recess of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint some qual- ified and competent brother to fill the vacancy until the next regular election and in- stallation of officers. ARTICLE III. GRAND MASTER. Section i . The Grand Master shall present, at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, a written report, setting forth such of his official acts and decisions during the year, as he may deem proper; also, reporting the general condition of Masonry within the jurisdiction, and recommending such legislation as he may deem necessary or expedient for the welfare of the fraternity. lO BY-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. 2. He may establish such rules of order during each session of the Grand Lodge (not otherwise provided for), as in his judgment may facilitate the dispatch of business, and may abrogate or suspend the same as occasion may require. Sec. 3. The Grand Master may appoint such number as he may deem expedient, of competent brethren, as Grand Lecturers, and constitute them a board of exami- ners for the purposes referred to in Art. XV of the Constitution, to perfo'rm the duties prescribed in Sec. 20, Art. IX, Part First, of these By-Laws. Sec. 4. The salary of the Grand Master shall be fifteen hundred dollars per an- num, payable in monthly installments, which sum shall be in full compensation for the performance of the duties of his office, including clerk hire ; Provided, that for such sums as he may expend for postage and stationery, and incidental official ex- penses, the Grand Lodge may make appropriations, upon presentation of itemized bills, approved by the Committee on Finance or the Auditing Committee. ARTICLE IV. DEPUTY GRAND MASTER AND GRAND WARDENS. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens to assist the Grand Master in the discharge of his duties, as he may direct, and to exercise the powers incident to the contingencies provided for in Sec, i. Art. IX, of the Constitution. ARTICLE V. GRAND TREASURER. Section i . It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer — 1 . To be present at the Grand Lodge at all its communications, and attend upon the Grand Master when required, with the books and necessary papers appertaining to his office; and also, if required by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, to attend, with such books and papers, upon any committee which may be appointed to act in relation to the fiscal concerns of the Grand Lodge. 2. To receive all moneys belonging to the Grand Lodge from the Grand Secre- tary, to give him receipts therefor, and to keep, in suitable books, a just and accurate record thereof. 3. To have in charge all securities, bonds, vouchers, and other fiscal property be- longing to the Grand Lodge. 4. To keep separate accounts in detail, with a General Fund, a Contingent Fund, and a Charity Fund, as provided for in Art. xil. Part First, of these By-Laws. 5 . To invest all moneys in his hands, belonging to the General and Charity Funds, in United States securities, in the name of the Grand Lodge of A. F. and A. Masons of the State of Illinois ; such investment to be made within thirty days after the funds shall have been received, and remain so invested until otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge ; the interest accruing upon such moneys he shall credit to the two funds respectively. BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 6. To pay all orders from the several funds of the Grand Lodge, only when signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. 7 . To report at each Annual Communication a detailed account of his official re- ceipts and disbui"sements, with proper vouchers for the latter, and to present a state- ment of the existing condition of the several funds, and of the finances generally of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. The Grand Treasurer shall execute and file with the Grand Master, before his installation, an official bond, in such penal sum as may be prescribed by the Grand Lodge, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Master, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office as prescribed in these By-Laws, and at the end of his term, or sooner, if lawfully required so to do, pay over and transfer to his successor in office all funds, securities, books, records, vouchers or property belonging to the Grand Lodge, which shall have come into his keeping. Sec. 3. The salary of the Grand Treasurer shall be four hundred dollars per an- num, which shall be in full compensation for all his official services. ARTICLE VT. GRANT) SECRETARY. Section i . It shall be the'duty of the Grand Secretary — 1. To attend the Grand Lodge at all its communications, and the Grand Master, or any committee of the Grand Lodge, when required by the Grand Master, with the books and necessary papers appertaining to his office, and place in the hands of appropriate committees all papers relative to matters of which they shall have jurisdiction. 2. To keep a record of the returns made by all Lodges in this jurisdiction ; to receive and preserve all petitions, apphcations, appeals and other documents, addressed or belonging to the Grand Lodge ; to record all transactions of the Grand Lodge which it is proper to have written, and to present such unfinished or other business as may require its action, at each communication thereof. 3. To receive all moneys due to the Grand Lodge, keep a correct detailed ac- count thereof in suitable books, and pay such moneys monthly to the Grand Treas- urer. 4. To notify all persons to whom the Grand Lodge may be justly indebted for sup- plies, or for any service whatsoever, to present their respective claims on or before the day of meeting of the Auditing Committee, if during vacation, or the Finance Committee, if during the session of the Grand Lodge. 5. To report to the Grand Lodge, at each Annual Communication, a detailed ac- count of all moneys received by him during the preceding Masonic year, with a spe- cified statement of the sources whence they were derived, and to present therewith the receipts of the Treasurer therefor. 12 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 6. To keep the seal of the Grand Lodge, and affix the same with his attestation to all instruments emanating from that body, and to all official documents and writings of the Grand Master, as he may direct ; also to affix said seal to, and officially attest, any Masonic certificatej diploma or other proper document for the use of an individual brother, when requested by a Lodge in this jurisdiction of which said brother may be a member, for which official service he shall collect a fee of one dol- lar — which fee, and all other fees appertaining to his office, shall be paid to the Grand Treasurer, for the benefit of the Charity Fund. -. To conduct the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Master, and, if required, submit copies thereof at each Annual Communication for inspection. 8. To issue notices of any Special Communication, ordered by the Grand Master, to each Grand Officer and Lodge within the jurisdiction. g. To furnish, at least sixty days previous to each Annual Communication, each Lodge in this jurisdiction with duplicate blank forms upon which to make returns of work, etc., and furnish such instructions in regard to them as the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge may require. 10. To examine, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, the proceedings and work of all the Chartered Lodges, as shown in the returns made to the Grand Lodge at its last Annual Communication, and to compare the same with those of the preceding year, recording all errors discovered, and report the same at the next session of the Grand Lodge ; also to report all Lodges in arrears for dues, or which have neglected or refused to comply with any requirements of the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge. 11. To transmit to each Lodge in this jurisdiction, once in each quarter, a list of all rejections, suspensions, expulsions, restorations and reinstatements, of which he shall have been notified by the several Lodges : Provided, That no notice of rejec- tion shall be so transmitted until after the expiration of thirty days from the date thereof; nor shall any publicity be given, by circular or otherwise, to any suspension or expulsion pending an appeal, nor until the time for such appeal has expired ; nor shall the names of brethren who have been rejected for membership or advancement, be published at any time or in any manner. 12. To embody in a circular all propositions to amend the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, or any other matter upon which it is necessary for the several Lodges to act, and transmit the same, with necessary instructions, to each Lodc^e, in time for its action. 13. To cause the journal of the proceedings of each Annual Communication to be printed (unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge) with all convenient dispatch, together with the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge; the names, title and places of address of the grand officers ; the names of such past grand officers as are rx-officio penuanent members ; and such tabulated Masonic sta- tistics as may be deemed proper. BV-LAWS PART FIRST. 14. To furnish every grand officer, elected or appointed, with a certificate, under seal, of his election or appointment. 15. To forward three copies of the proceedings to each Lodge in this jurisdic- tion * ; ten copies to the Grand Master ; two copies to each Past Grand Master, who shall be a member of some Lodge in this jurisdiction ; and one copy to each grand officer enumerated in Article V of the Constitution; one copy to each representative of this Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges ; one copy to each Grand Master, and two copies to each Grand Lodge in the United States, and elsewhere, which may be in fraternal communication jvith this Grand Lodge. 16. To carefully compare and correct with the original manuscript, five bound copies of the proceedings, approved by the Grand Lodge, of each Annual Com- munication ; certify to the same, under the seal of the Grand Lodge, as true and correct copies, and file them among the archives thereof, with said manuscript copy. 17. To furnish to the Committee on Masonic Correspondence, the proceedings of other Grand Lodges, and all documents relating thereto, received during recess, and which, when returned to him, shall be filed with the archives of the Grand Lodge. 18. To record the substance of every Charter issued by the Grand Lodge ; the names of the grand officers signed thereto, and the names of the charter members of the Lodge. 19. To issue specifications, and invite, by circular or public advertisement, at least thirty days before each Annual Communication, sealed proposals for the printing of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing Masonic year ; and, upon an award, to represent the Grand Lodge in executing a contract for said work. 20. To act as Grand Librarian, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. He may recommend to the Grand Master, for appointment, a. Deputy Grand Secretary, for whose official acts he shall be responsible. Sec. 3. He shall execute and file with the Grand Master, before his installation, an official bond, in such penal sum as may be prescribed by the Grand Lodge, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Master, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office, as prescribed by these laws. Sec. 4. For the due performance of the duties hereinbefore prescribed, and for his deputy, and all necessary clerk hire and office rent, the Grand Secretary shall receive, as full compensation, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, pay- able annually ; Provided, That for payment of sums actually expended for po.stage. express charges, and incidental official expenses, the Grand Lodge may make appro- priations, upon presentation of itemized bills, approved by the Auditing or Finance Committee. * One copy of the Proceedings sent to each Lodge is intended for the Master, one for the Senior Warden, and one to be in charge of the Secretary, during his term of office, and be retained in the Lodge room for the use of members — said copy to be and remain the property of the Lodge. 14 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. ARTICLE VII. THE APPOINTED GRAND OFFICERS. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Grand Chaplain, Grand Orator, Deputy Grand Secretary, Grand Pursuivant, Grand Marshal, Grand Standard Bearer, Senior Grand Deacon, Junior Grand Deacon, and the Grand Stewards, to perform such ser- vices incident to their respective stations as the traditions and usages of the Craft pre- scribe, and such as the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master may direct. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Grand Tyler — 1. To guard the entrance of the Grand Lodge; report all applicants for admis- sion to the Grand Pursuivant; announce their names and Masonic address, and see that all who enter are duly qualified and properly clothed. 2. To make suitable preparation for the accoimnodation of the Grand Lodge at all its communications, and see that its hall and rooms are kept in a proper condition during the session. 3. To take charge of and safely keep the jewels, furniture, clothing and para- phernalia of the Grand Lodge, during its communications and during recess, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. 4. To carry all notices and summonses, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. Sec. 3. The Grand Tyler shall receive for his services such compensation as the Grand Lodge may direct. Sec. 4. The foregoing officers shall be appointed as provided in Sec. I of Art. VIII of the Constitution. Sec. 5 . No person shall hold more than one office in this Grand Lodge at the same time. ARTICLE VIII. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Section i. Each District Deputy Grand Master, when duly commissioned as such, shall, during his official term, succeed to all the rights and privileges provided in Articles II and V of the Constitution : Provided, however, that nothing therein shall be construed to exempt any District Deputy Grand Master from the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Lodge of which he is a member. Sec 2. Each District Deputy Grand Master shall exercise such powers and per- form such duties as are required by law, or which may, from time to time, be dele- gated to him by the Grand Master. 15 BV-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. 3. Each District Deputy Grand Master shall make an annual report to the Grand Master, thirty days prior to the meeting of the Grand Lodge, setting forth his official acts during the year; the state of Masonry within his jurisdiction; the condi- tion of the Lodges in his district, and suggesting such measures as to him may appear conducive to the general good of the fraternity ; which report shall be laid before the Grand Lodge and published with the proceedings. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES. ON CREDENTIALS. SECriON I . It shall be the duty of the Committee on Credentials, at each Annual Communication — 1 . To carefully examine the credentials of all Masons claiming the right of mem- bership in the Grand Lodge. 2. To properly list the names of all grand officers and members; also the name of every Representative, with the name and number of his Lodge, and his official position therein ; and furnish each brother so recorded with a certificate of the same. 3. To require from Representatives, before entering their names upon the list, a certificate from the Grand Secretary, that the dues of the Lodge represented are paid for the current year, and that returns of the work thereof have been duly filed. 4. To require, in addition to the foregoing, from each brother presenting himself as a proxy, a written commission, signed by the Master or Warden whom he repre sents. 5. To have a report prepared upon the matters herein prescribed, and present the same to the Grand Lodge, immediately after its opening. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance — • 1 . To examine and compare the books, papers, vouchers and accounts of the Grand Master, Grand Treasurer and Gr^nd Secretary, and make separate detailed reports thereon, and submit the same to the Grand Lodge before the close of each annual session. 2. To examine and report upon aU accounts and financial matters to them re- ferred, during each session, and also to report the financial condition of the Grand Lodge. 3. To present, before the close of each Annual Communication, an estimate of the probable expenses of the ensuing year, (giving each class of expenditures under its proper head), and recommend such amount as they may deem necessary for the Contingent Fund. l6 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 4. To destroy all Grand Lodge orders surrendered to them by the Grand Treas- urer, after being satisfied that the same have been paid, canceled and properly listed, and a report on the same has been duly approved by the Grand Lodge. PETITIONS. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Petitions, at each Annual Com- munication — 1 . To report upon all petitions and dispensations for new Lodges ; for changes of location, or change of name, of any Chartered Lodge. 2. To report upon all petitions to the Grand Lodge for the restoration of ex- pelled Masons ; Provided, that such petitions shall be made as required by law, and, provided farther, that no such petition shall contain anything that can be construed as an appeal from the action of any Lodge or the Master thereof. 3. To report upon all other matters which may be referred to them by the Grand Master. OBITUARIES. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Obituaries to report upon such matters relative to deceased brethren, as may be referred to them. GRAND MASTER'S ANNUAL REPORT. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Committee on the Grand Master's Annual Re- port to subdivide the same and refer the several matters therein contained to the ap- priate conunittees ; and to consider and report upon all special matters therein, not otherwise referable. MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, to con- sider and report to the Grand Lodge concerning such questions, documents, papers, and decisions of Masonic law and usage, as may be referred to them. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances to re- port, with such recommendations as they may deem proper, upon all appeals from the proceedings or decisions of any Lodge, or the Master thereof, and upon all papers and documents relating to any matters of complaint or grievance, appertaining to Masonic .discipline, which may be referred to them. RETURNS AND WORK OF CHARTERED LODGES. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Returns and Work of Char- tered Lodges — I. To examine the returns of the proceedings and work of all Chartered Lodges for the preceding year. 17 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 2. To make a tabulated report, showing the number of resident and non-resident members ; the number admitted, initiated, passed, raised, dimitted, deceased, rejected, reinstated, suspended and expelled; also, showing the net increase and decrease of the membership of each Lodge for the year; also, the proper amount of dues due the Grand Lodge. 3. To give such additional information as may be deemed necessary ; Provit'ed, that an examination and comparison of the returns shall not be made with those of Lodges made in any previous year; the same being provided for in Clause 10, Sec. 1, Art. VI, Part First, of these By-Laws. RETURNS AND WORK OF LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. Sec. I. It shall be the duty of the Committee on the Returns and Work of Lodges under Dispensation — \ . To examine the returns of work, the records of proceedings, and the By-Laws of Lodges under dispensation. 2. To make a tabulated report showing the regularity of the work and proceed- ings ; the correctness of the records and By-Laws ; the number admitted, initiated, passed, raised, rejected and deceased ; the number of brethren acting as members, together with the name and number of Lodges, and the locality in which they may be established. 3. To report such other information, and make such recommendation to the Grand Lodge, as may be deemed necessary. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Mileage and Per Diem — 1 . To ascertain the distance necessarily traveled by each officer, member of, or representative to, the Grand Lodge, who may be entitled to mileage and per diem. 2. To record the same in tabular form, showing the name and title of the officer, member, or representative ; the name and number of their respective Lodges ; the actual number of miles necessarily traveled by each, respectively; the actual number of days' service; the amounts due therefor respectively (as provided in Sec. 6, Art. XIII, Part First, of these By-Laws), and enter the same upon the certificate of en- rollment issued by the Committee on Credentials. 3. To require from each officer, member or representative, satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to mileage and per diem. 4. To record the number of days' service actually performed by all committees, and report the same to the Grand Lodge . 1 8 BY-LAWS — PART FIRST. Sec. II. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee — 1. To convene, at such place as the Chairman thereof may determine, on the 15th day of December, March, June and September, respectively, of each year, and inves- tigate all bills or other demands against the Grand Lodge which may be presented to them. If, for any reason, said committee shall fail to meet at the time herein speci- fied, the chairman thereof may call a meeting at such time and place as the interests of the Grand Lodge may require. 2. To audit no bill or other demand not fully authorized by the Grand Lodge or provided for in these By-Laws ; and when any valid claim shall be found correct, it shall be approved by the committee, or a majority of them, and returned to the Grand Secretary, who shall draw a warrant on the Grand Treasurer for the amount. Sec. 12. The duties of the Auditing Committee shall commence immediately after the close of the Grand Lodge in each year, and cease on and after the twentieth day of September following. Sec. 13. The Auditing Committee shall make a full detailed report of their do- ings during the year, and submit the same to the Grand Lodge for approval. MASONIC CORRESPONDENCE. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Masonic Correspondence — 1 . To examine all the printed or written proceedings or other documents emanat- ing from other Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge, and report, at each Annual Communication, whatever may seem of sufficient importance and in- terest to the Craft. 2. To prepare and report, in time to have the same printed under the regulations prescribed in Section 15 of this Article, for the use of the members at the next annual session of the Grand Lodge. 3. To return to the Grand Secretary, after such report is completed, all the pro- ceedings and other documents received from other jurisdictions, and belonging to this Grand Lodge. PRINTING. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Printing to receive and open all bids for printing for the ensuing year, during the meeting of the Grand Lodge, and compute the proposals in accordance with the specifications, and report to the Grand Lodge before the close of its session, with such suggestions and recom- mendations as may be deemed necessary to enable the Grand Lodge to make the award. BY-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. i6. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Charity to investigate all ap- plications for assistance from the Charity Fund of this Grand Lodge, and to draw upon the same, through the Grand Treasurer, for such amounts as, in their judg- ment, are necessary ; Provided^ that not more than one hundred dollars shall be do- nated upon any one application, unless by special order of the Grand Lodge; and. Provided, also, that all donations shall be concurred in by vote of the Grand Lodge when in session. LIBRARLA.N. Sec. 17. It shall be the' duty of the Librarian — 1 . To take charge of the Library, and have such volumes present, at any session of the Grand Lodge, as may be required for the use of the grand officers, committees or members. 2. To take a receipt for every volume delivered, and in case of a failure to duly return the same, to require of the Lodge of which the .delinquent is a member, pay- ment in double the amount of the value of such volume, to be collected with the an- nual dues of such Lodge. 3. To select, and with the consent and approval of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens and Grand Treasurer, purchase such books, charts, magazines, and other documents as may be deemed necessary and proper ; and pro- cure the binding of such volumes and documents as may be deemed expedient ; Pro vided, the expense of such purchase and binding shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars in any one year, unless special appropriation shall be made therefor by the Grand Lodge. 4. To appoint, when necessary, a Deputy Librarian, to serve during the annual session only. Sec. 18. The foregoing named committees shall assemble at such time and place as the Grand Master may direct, and shall submit their respective reports at such time as the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master may order. Sec. 19. The committees herein provided for, except those on Charity and Library, shall be considered standing committees, within the meaning of clause g. Article XI, of the Constitution. Sec. 20. It shall be the duty of the Grand Lecturers or Examiners who may be appointed by the Grand Master, to examine all applicants for commissions to act as Deputy Grand Lecturers, and report to the Grand Master upon the qualifications of such applicants ; and said Grand Lecturers or Examiners may hold schools of instruc- tion, at such time and place as the Grand Master may order, and perform such other duties, incident to their position, as he may direct. Sec. 21. The commissions of the Grand Lecturers or Examiners, and of the Deputy Grand Lecturers, shall expire at the close of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, unless sooner revoked by the Grand Master. BY-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. 22. The Grand Lecturers or Examiners, upon an order from the Grand Master, shall attend the annual meetings of the Grand Lodge ; and when so ordered, shall act as a committee to examine visiting brethren ; and shall be entitled to the mileage and per diem provided for representatives. [See Sec. 6, Art. XIII, Part First of these By-Laws.] ARTICLE X. ELIGIBILITY. Section l . No brother shall be eligible to hold office in, or serve upon any committee of, this Grand Lodge, unless qualified as provided in Article VII of the Constitution ; but nothing herein shall be construed to interfere with the right of the Grand Master to commission any brother, in writing, for any other special service. Sec. 2. Any brother Master Mason, subject to the restrictions of Sections i and 2, Article XXVI, Part Second, of these By-Laws, shall be eligible to represent his Lodge in Grand Lodge, during the annual session thereof, in the manner provided in Section 3, of Article VII, of the Constitution. Sec. 3. No brother, after taking his seat as a member, shall be allowed to retire without permission of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. Sec. 4. No brother not a member of, or representative to, the Grand Lodge, shall be admitted to the floor thereof, nor permitted to speak on any matter before the body, without leave of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master ; Provided, however, that any Master Mason in good standing, upon being properly vouched for, may occupy a seat provided for visitors. ARTICLE XI. Section i. The revenue of this Grand Lodge shall be derived from the following sources, to-wit : I. For every dispensation to form a new Lodge, one hundred dollars, which amount shall include the fee for a charter, in case the Grand Lodge shall subsequently issue the same. ii. For every dispensation issued to ballot upon a petition for, or to authorize con- ferring the degree of Entered Apprentice, in less than lawful time, twenty dollars. 3. For every dispensation to ballot upon an application for advancement, or to authorize conferring the degree of Fellow Craft or Master Mason, in less than law- ful time, five dollars. 4. For every dispensation issued for any other purpose, two dollars. 5. For affixing the seal of the Grand Lodge, with an attestation of the Grand Secretary, to any diploma, certificate or other document, for the use of any Lodge or Mason, one dollar, all of which sums shall be paid in advance. 31 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 6. For each member of every Chartered Lodge under this jurisdiction, seventy- five cents annually. 7. For every Master Mason, acting as a member, or whose name may be upon the roll of any Lodge under dispensation, and who is not a member of some Char- tered Lodge in this iurisdiction, seventy-five cents annually, the same to be paid by such Lodge under dispensation. Sec. 2. The foregoing fees and dues shall be paid into the treasury of the Grand Lodge within thirty days after the same are received. ARTICLE XII. Section i . The Masonic fiscal year shall commence on the first day of October, and end on the thirtieth day of September, in each year. Sec. 2. There shall be three funds, viz.: the General Fund, the Contingent Fund and the Charity Fund. Sec. 3. The General Fund shall consist of all moneys paid into the Grand Lodge, except those belonging to, or especially intended for, the Charity Fund. Sec. 4. The Contingent Fund shall be taken annually from the General Fund, and shall be of such amount as may be necessary to meet the current expenses during the recess of the Grand Lodge; such appropriations to be determined as provided in Clause 3, of Section 2, Article IX, Part First of these By-Laws, and be approved by a vote of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 5. The Charity Fund shall consist of aU moneys especially donated or set apart therefor, and such as may accrue by virtue of the provisions of Section 5, of Article XXVII, Part Second, of these By-Laws. Sec. 6. All moneys in the Contingent Fund unexpended at the commencement of each Annual Communication shall be transferred by the Grand Treasurer to the Gen- eral Fund. ARTICLE XIII. expenditures. Section i. No proposition, contemplating the appropriation or expenditure of any money from the General Fund, shall be put upon its final passage, until it shall have been considered and reported upon by some committee of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2, No money shall be paid from the Contingent Fund, except in the manner provided in Clause 2, of Section 1 1 , Article IX, Part First, of these By-Laws. Sec. 3. No money shall be paid from the Charity Fund, except as prescribed in Section 19, Article IX, Part First, of these By-Laws. feY-LAWS — PART FIRST. Sec. 4. No money shall be paid to grand officers, members, or repesentatives, for mileage or per diem, until the close of each Annual Communication, unless other- wise ordered by the Grand Lodge. Sec. 5. Every account against the Grand Lodge shall be in detail, and show upon its face each item composing the whole claim. Sec. 6. The grand officers designated in Article V, of the Constitution, each member of a standing committee and one representative (the highest in rank) from each Lodge under this jurisdiction, shall be allowed five cents per mile, going and returning, for every mile traveled from the location of his Lodge, to be computed by the necessarily traveled route, and (except the Grand Master, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary) two dollars per day for each day's actual attendance on the Grand Lodge or its committees ; Provided, that no one shall receive mileage and per diem both as a grand officer and representative; nor shall any one receive mileage and per diem in any two capacities. Sec. 7. Every grand officer shall be entitled to be reimbursed for any moneys actually expended in the necessary discharge of his official duties ; but, in all cases, the claims for such reimbursement shall be subject to the requirements of Section i, of this Article. ARTICLE XIV. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Section i. Special Communications of the Grand Lodge may be called as pro- vided in the first clause of Article XII of the Constitution ; but no business shall be transacted except such as shall have been previously stated in the call for such Special Communication. Sec. 2. Occasional Grand Communications may be convened by the Grand Mas- ter, or by a deputy specially appointed, for the purpose of constituting Lodges, dedi- cating halls, laying comer-stones, or other ceremonies requiring the aid of a Grand Lodge. Sec 3. The " Previous Question " is unmasonic ; and the making or entertaining such motion in this Grand Lodge, or in any Constituent Lodge in this jurisdiction, is irregular and unlawful. The same rule shall apply to a motion to " lay upon the table,"' except for a specified limited time, within the probable duration of the cur- rent session of the Grand Lodge, or a Constituent Lodge. Sec. 4. General Parliamentary usage shall be in order in the Grand Lodge, or any Constituent Lodge in this jurisdiction, so far as it may be consistent with the principles of Masonry, and in conformity with the laws, rules and regvdations of this Grand Lodge, and the By-Laws and rules of the Constituent Lodge. Sec 5. Every member of the Grand Lodge making a motion, or speaking to a question, shall announce his name, and the number of the Lodge he represents. 23 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. Sec. 6. Every member entitled to vote shall, unless excused by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, vote on all questions coming before the Grand Lodge. Sec. 7. Any grand ofEcer, representative or member of a committee, who shall be absent during two successive sittings of the Grand Lodge, except for sickness or other good cause (of the sufficiency of which the Grand Lodge shall be the judge)„ or by the authority of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, shall forfeit all claim to mileage and per diem. PART SECOND. GOVERNMENT OF CONSTITUENT LODGES. ARTICLE I. THE COMPOSITION AND_^ORGANIZATION OF A LODGE. Section i . Every Lodge shall consist of a Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Tyler, and such other officers as its By-Laws may provide for, and of as many members as it may find convenient. Sec. 2. No Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons can legally assemble in this State, unless authorized so to do by a dispensation from the Grand Master or a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois. ARTICLE II. the inherent and constitutional powers of a constituent lodge. Section i. The powers of a Lodge are such as are prescribed in its Charter, or Letter of Dispensation; by the Constitution, By-Laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge ; the landmarks and general regulations of Masonry ; and, when not in con- flict therewith, its own By-Laws ; and are defined as follows : 1. The Executive, which relate to the direction and performance of its work, under the control of the Master, who is the superior executive officer of the Lodge. 2. The Legislative, which embrace all matters of legislation relative to the inter- nal concerns of the Lodge which are not in violation of its own By-Laws, the general regulations of Masonry, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and the orders and edicts of the Grand Master. 24 BY-LAWS PART FIRST. 3- The Judicial^ which embrace the exercise of discipline over, and the settle- ment of difficulties between, all its own members, (except the Master) and all Masons and non-affliated brethren within its jurisdiction, subject always to a review by the Grand Lodge upon appeal. ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF A LODGE. Sec. I . It shall be the duty of a Lodge — 1 . To hold at least one stated Communication in each month, and to annually elect and install its officers. 2. To provide for its meetings a safe and suitable room. 3. To keep a full and proper record of its transactions. 4. To make report thereof annually to the Grand Lodge. 5. To punctually pay its annual dues to the Grand Lodge. 6. To have a code of By-Laws which shall conform to the Constitution, laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge, and not violate the ancient landmarks. 7. To have a suitable seal, and file an impression thereof with .the Grand Secre- tary. Sec. 2. No Lodge shall remove its place of meeting from the city, town or village named in its Charter or Dispensation, except by special authority of the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, granted upon a ^'ritten petition, concurred in by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Lodge present at a stated meeting ; of which meeting, and the proposition for such removal, all the resident members of the Lodge shall have previous notice ; and such removal shall be consented to by the Lodge or Lodges whose jurisdiction may be affected thereby. Sec. 3. No Lodge shall levy a special tax or assessment upon its members, other than the dues or other tax prescribed by its By-Laws. Sec. 4. The discussion of political, sectarian or other subjects not of a strictly Masonic character, is prohibited in every Lodge in this jurisdiction. Sec. 5. No Lodge, officer or member thereof, shall grant a certificate or recom- mendation, whereby any Mason may in an itinerant manner apply to Lodges for relief. Sec. 6. Every Lodge shall have all official communications from the Grand Master or Grand Secretary read in open Lodge, at the stated meeting next following their receipt. BY-LAWS PART SECOND. ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS OF A LODGE. Section i. The meetings of a Lodge are stated and special. Sec. 2. Stated meetings are those held at the time prescribed by the By-Laws ; and at such meetings all general business, such as balloting for candidates for the degrees, or for membership, election of officers, and the discussion of questions relative to the interests of the fraternity, shall be transacted, in a Lodge of Master Masons. Sec. 3. Special meetings may be called, in the discretion of the Master, by giv- ing due notice to the resident members ; but no business except trials, conferring degrees, or ceremonial observances, shall be transacted; nor shall any Lodge be convened on Sunday, except for funeral purposes. Sec. 4. Nothing shall be done in any Lodge while open on the first or second degree, except what appertains to the work and lectures of those degrees, or the tak- ing of testimony upon charges preferred against an Entered Apprentice or Fellow- Craft. Sec. 5. No Lodge shall remain closed beyond the time prescribed in its By- ■ Laws for holding stated meeting, except by a dispensation of the Grand Masler. Sec. 6. The Master cannot authorize any one to open the Lodge in his absence, to the exclusion of = Warden present ; and in the absence of the Master and both the Wardens, a Lodge cannot be opened for any purpose, except by the Grand Mas- ter or his special deputy. Sec. 7. No Lodge shall be opened on any degree unless there be present at least seven Master Masons; nor shall any balloting or other business be done (except con- ferring degrees) unless there be present, at least seven members of the Lodge. Sec. 8. The records of the proceedings of a Lodge, after having been regularly approved by the Ixjdge, shall not be altered, or any part thereof expunged, at any subsequent meeting, except by dispensation of the Grand Master. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Master of any Lodge, when notified of the intended official visit of the Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master, to con- vene his Lodge, extend to him the appropriate courtesies, and, when called upon, to submit for his inspection the By-Laws and records, and furnish such facilities as may be necessary to a proper discharge of his duties. ARTICLE V. election, appointment and installation of officers. Section i. Every Lodge shall elect, appoint and install its officers annually, at such times and in the manner prescribed in its By-Laws. 26 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 2. Every Lodge shall, within thirty days after the annual installation, trans- mit to the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary, a duly certified list of the names of the newly installed officers, with the dates of their election and installation, and the name and title of the installing officer. Sec. 3. In case any Lodge shall fail to elect its officers at the time prescribed by its By-Laws, it shall forthwith lay the matter before the Grand Master, who, for good cause shown, may grant a dispensation to hold an election as soon thereafter as may be practicable; such dispensation shall be entered at length upon the records of the Lodge. Sec. 4. Neither the Master nor Wardens of z. Chartered Lodge shall resign or dimit during their official term; but the resignation of any other elecied oScei may be accepted by the Lodge. The vacancy shall be filled by special election, held under authority of a dispensation from the Grand Master. Sec. 5. Resignations of appointed officers may, for good reasons, be received, and the vacancy filled by the Master. ARTICLE VI. ELIGIBILITY. Section i . No brother shall be eligible to the office of Master in any Chartered Lodge unless he is an actual member thereof, nor unless he h&s been duly elected and regularly installed as a Warden of some legally Chartered Lodge : Provided, that in case of emergency the Lodge may elect any member not so qualified ; but no brother so elected can be installed except by dispensatidn applied for by written pe- tition of the Lodge, signed by the present Master and Wardens, and the resident Past Masters and Wardens : Provided, further, that this section shall not apply to the Master of a Lodge under dispensation. Sec. 2. No brother shall be installed Master of a Lodge until he shall have re- ceived the degree of Past Master at the hands of at least three actual Past Masters. Sec. 3. Any member of a Lodge, qualified to vote in the election for officers, shall be eligible to any office in the Lodge, except that of Master : Provided, that no member shall hold more than one office in the Lodge at the same time. Sec. 4. Officers of a Chartered Lodge must be installed as often as re-elected or appointed. Sec. 5. No officer of a Lodge can be legally installed by proxy. Sec. 6. No brother is Masonically qualified to install the officers of a Lodge, ex- cept one who has been duly elected and regularly installed as Master of a Chartered Lodge, working under the jurisdiction of some recognized Grand Lodge, and who is, at the time of exercising such official authority, an actual member, in good stand- ing, of some regular Lodge. i'j BY-LAWS PART SECOND. ARTICLE VII. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE MASTER. Section i. The Master shall have power — 1. To convene his Lodge in special communication whenever he may deem proper. 2. To preside at all meetings of his Lodge. 3. To cause to be issued all notices and summonses which may be required. 4. To appoint all committees. 5. To fill a vacancy in any office for the term of any meeting of the Lodge. 6. To discharge all the executive functions of his Lodge. 7. To perform such other acts as by ancient usage pertain to his ofiice, which shall not contravene any of the provisions of the constitution, laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Master — 1. To convene his Lodge in regular communication at the time prescribed in its By-Laws. 2. To superintend the ofiScial acts of the officers of his Lodge, aud to see their their respective duties are properly performed. 3. To carefully guard against any infraction of the By-Laws of his Lodge, the written laws of the Grand Lodge, or the general regulations of Masonry, and suffer no departure therefrom upon the plea of convenience or expediency, except in cases of emergency, and then only by dispensation of the Grand Master. 4. To see that proper returns of work, etc., are annually transmitted to the Grand Secretary, and that the Grand Lodge dues are promptly paid. 5. To cause summonses to issue only when the welfare of Masonry, the interests of his Lodge, or the rights of a brother demand, and to take special care that diso- bedience of a duly served summons be promptly followed by discipline, unless the offender render excuse for the offense satisfactory to the Lodge. 6. To cause all necessary notices to be issued in the prescribed manner and form. 7. To permit no appeal from his decision to be made to the Lodge. ARTICLE VIII. WARDENS. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Wardens to assist the Master in the dis- charge of his duties, and to perform such other acts as Masonic usage has assigned to their respective stations. 28 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 2. In the absence of the Master, the duties of his office shall be fulfilled by the Senior Warden, and if the Master and Senior Warden both be absent, the Junior Warden shall fulfill the duties of the Master. Sec. 3. Nq Warden can call a special meeting of the Lodge while his official superior is within the territorial jurisdiction thereof and able to authorize a call. ARTICLE IX. OTHER OFFICERS. Section i. All other officers of a Lodge shall perform such duties therein as may be directed by the Master and Wardens, not conflicting with the By-Laws of the Lodge, the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the usages and general regulations of Masonry. ARTICLE X. membership. Section i. Membership in a Lodge may be acquired — 1. By having regularly received the degree of Master Mason therein, and signing the By-Laws thereof 2. By a Master Mason petitioning a Lodge for affiliation, and upon due election to membership, and signing the By-Laws of the Lodge. 3. By having been named in a charter issued to a Lodge under dispensation. Sec. 2. No Mason shall be an actual member of more than one chartered Lodge at the same time : Provided, That any Lodge may confer the title of honorary mem- bership upon any Master Mason, who is a member of some other regular Lodge ; but such honorary membership shall not confer any of the rights of regular mem- bership. Sec. 3. Membership in a chartered Lodge can only be terminated — 1. By dissolution of the Lodge. 2. By voluntary, formal dimission therefrom. 3. By becoming a charter member of a new Lodge. 4. By death, suspension or expulsion. Sec. 4. It is the duty of every Master Mason to be a member of some Lodge. ARTICLE XI. lodge jurisdiction. Section i. Every Chartered Lodge shall have certain personal and territorial jurisdiction. 29 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 2. The personal jurisdiction of a Lodge shall extend over all its members, (except its Master, or the Grand Master if a member thereof), wherever they may reside ; and over its unfinished work and rejected material, wherever they may be dispersed. Sec. 3. The territorial jurisdiction of a Lodge shall extend in all directions half- way on straight lines between neighboring Lodges, without regard to county or other geographical divisions, and includes the exclusive right, on the part of the Lodge, to accept or reject all original petitions for the degrees from persons residing within its territory ; and the exercise of penal power over all Masons, unaffiliated as well as affiliated, residing permanently or temporarily within its territorial jurisdic- tion, for any violation of moral or Masonic law ; Provided, That in any town or city where two or more Lodges are located, territorial jurisdiction shall be concurrent. Sec. 4, By the Masonic residence of an applicant, is meant a permanent settled domicile, or fixed abode, firom choice ; and, as a rule, is identical with his legal residence. ARTICLE XII. THE QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES. Section i . Every candidate applying for the degrees in Masonry, must have the senses of a man, especially those of hearing, seeing and feeling ; be a believer in God ; capable of reading and writing, and possessing no maim or defect in his body that may render him incapable of conforming literally to what the several degrees respectively require of him. No provision of this section shall be set aside, suspended or dispensed with by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. No Lodge shall knowingly receive a petition from, or initiate, a candidate who is less than twenty-one years old, or who has not been an actual resident of the State of Illinois at least twelve months, and of the jurisdiction of the Lodge at least six months next preceding the date of such petition ; and if any such qualified peti- tioner shall have been rejected by any regular Lodge in this jurisdiction, the require- ments of Sections 6 and 7, Article XIII, Part Second, of these By-Laws, shall be complied with. Sec. 3. In case any petition for the degrees shall have been rejected by a Lodge in any other grand jurisdiction, within convenient reach by correspondence, the reg- ulations specified in Section 6 of the succeeding Article (XIII) shall apply ; Provided, however. That if after due diligence to communicate with such Lodge has been exer- cised, if no reply be received to the request for permission after the period of ninety days from making such request, a Lodge may proceed to take action upon such peti- tion, without such permission. 30 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. ARTICLE XIII. PETITIONS. Section i. All petitions for the degrees or for membersliip shall be made in writing and signed by the applicant with his full name ; shall state his age, occupa- tion, and place of residence, and, in case of a petitioner for the degrees, whether he has made application to any other Lodge ; and shall be accompanied with the fee prescribed by the By-Laws. Every petition shall be recommended in writing by three members of the Lodge, and be presented at a stated meeting, and entered in substance upon the records. Sec. 2. Every petition for the degrees shall be referred to a committee of three members of the Lodge, who shall diligently inquire into the moral, mental and phys- ical qualifications of the applicant, and whether he has been a citizen of the State as provided in Section 2, of Article XII, Part Second, of these By-Laws, and make such report thereon as they may deem proper ; Provided, That the report shall be verbal and the nature thereof, whether favorable or unfavorable, shall not be entered of record. Sec. 3. Xo ballot shall be taken upon any petition for the degrees or for member- ship, in less period than four weeks from the time the same is referred to the commit- tee, except by special dispensation of the Grand Master. Sec. 4. All petitions for membership shall state the name, number and location of the Lodge of which the applicant was last a member, and the name of the Lodge in which he was made a Master Mason, and the name of the Grand Lodge under which such Lodge is or was working ; such petition shall be accompanied by a demit or other satisfactory evidence that the petitioner has lawfully withdrawn from the Lodge of which he was last a member ; or, if such membership has been lost in any other manner, he must submit proof of his standing in the fraternity ; if the petitioner is elected, the documentary evidence shall be canceled and filed among the records of the Lodge ; -if rejected, the same shall be promptly returned to the brother. Sec. 5. Master Masons applying for membership shall not be required to state whether they have or have not applied to any other Lodge ; nor shall the regulations of these By-Laws concerning physical qualifications or jurisdictional residence, apply to such applicants ; nor shall any of the requirements of the preceding sections (1,2, and 3) apply to Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts seeking advancement in the Lodge in which they were initiated or passed ; but the requirements of said sections I, 2 and 3, and Section 2, of Article XV, shall apply to the petitions of Entered Ap- prentices or Fellow Crafts seeking advancement in any Lodge other than the one in which they may have been initiated or passed. Sec. 6. No Lodge shall knowingly receive a petition for the degrees firom an applicant who has been rejected by, or who resides nearer to, another Lodge, with- out first obtaining the consent of such other Lodge in writing, unanimously granted at a stated meeting thereof and certified under seal ; the substance of which certificate shall be entered of record. 31 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 7. Whenever a Lodge shall grant permission to any other Lodge to receive the petition of a person residing within its jurisdiction, or of a rejected candidate, or an Entered Apprentice or Fellow-Craft over, whom it may have lawful jurisdiction, it shall thereby be held to have permanently relinquished the same, and the Lodge receiving such permission shall thereby acquire lawful jurisdiction ; Provided, that all such petitions shall be subject to the laws governing original petitions for the degrees, as defined in this and in the following article (XIV). Sec. 8. No petition for the degrees shall be withdrawn or returned, after having been received by a Lodge, unless the same shall be balloted upon and rejected, in which case the fee accompanying the same shall be returned to the applicant ; Pro- vided, That where a Lodge has by mistake received and referred a petition of an applicant who resides within the jurisdiction of any other Lodge, or from one disqual- ified by lack of residence or otherwise, the petition with the fee shall be returned without balloting, unless preceding Section 6, and other requirements of these By- Laws, when applicable, shall be complied with. Sec. 9. The petition and the fee of a brother Master Mason applying for member- ship may be withdrawn or returned upon written application therefor, and the con- currence of a majority of the members present at a stated meeting of the Lodge. ARTICLE XIV. BALLOTING. Section i . No ballot shall be taken upon a petition for any degree or for mem- bership at any other than a stated communication, except by dispensation from the Grand Master ; nor unless there be present at such stated communication at least seven members of the Lodge. Sec. 2. In balloting upon petitions for any degree, or for membership, the same shall be acted upon separately, and every member of the Lodge present shall vote; nor shall any member be excused from this duty, except by unanimous consent of the other members present. Sec. 3. The ballot shall be had upon all petitions for initiation, whether the re- port thereon is favorable or 'unfavorable (unless it shall appear as provided in Sec- tion 8, of the last preceding article, that the Lodge has no jurisdiction), and shall be upon the moral, mental and physical qualifications of the applicant. The ballot upon petition for membership, or for advancement, is taken upon the moral, mental and may includethe Masonic qualifications of the candidate; or the test of his Ma- sonic proficiency may be decided by the Master; Provided, That the vote to elect to any degree or to membership, shall be unanimous in each and all. 32. BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 4. The right of every member of a Lodge to the secret ballot for initiation, advancement, or for membership, is inherent and absolute, and the lawful and legiti- mate exercise of such right shall not be questioned by the Master, the Lodge, the Grand Master, or the Grand Lodge; and if any member shall be proved to have been actuated by unvirorthy motives in the exercise of this right, or shall willfully use the ballot to interrupt the legitimate labors, or mar the peace and harmony of the Lodge, or shall expose the character of his own vote before, at the time of or after casting it, or shall attempt to ascertain the character of the vote of any other member, he shall be liable to Masonic discipline and punishment. Sec. 5. ^^^len a ballot is in progress, it shall not be suspended or postponed, nor shall any ballot be reconsidered under any pretence whatever, except for the pur- poses and in the manner prescribed in Sec. 4 of Article XV, Part Second. Sec. 6. No debate shall be permitted in open Lodge upon the merits or demerits of any candidate, at or before the time of balloting. The secret vote of each mem- ber is the only legal expression of his opinion. Sec. 7. After the ballot has been taken, and duly examined first by the Wardens, and finally by the Master, if only one negative vote appears, the Master may order a second trial of the ballot, the result of which shall, in all cases, be final and con- clusive, and shall be then and there so declared by the Master; and such declaration shall not be set aside by the Master, the Lodge, the Grand Master, or the Grand Lodge, except as provided in Section 4 of the suceeding Article (XV) ; the result only, viz.: "elected" or "rejected," shall be made known. ARTICLE XV. REJECTIONS. Section i. Any candidate for initiation who has been rejected in a Lodge hav- ing jurisdiction, may renew his application after the expiration of one year from the date of such rejection, to the same Lodge only, if it be in existence; Provided, that such Lodge may waive jurisdiction, as provided in Sections 6 and 7 of Ai-ticle XIII, Part Second. Sec. 2. The rejection of a candidate for the second or third degree shall not de- bar him from applying for advancement at the next, or any subsequent stated meet- ing of the Lodge, at which time a ballot may be taken. Sec. 3. Any brother whose appUcation for membership has been rejected, may renew his application to the same or to any other Lodge, without regard to time or place; the rejection of the petition of a brother for membership shall not affect his Masonic standing. 33 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 4. When any candidate for initiation has been rejected by any Lodge through mistake or misapprehension, such Lodge may correct such error at the same or at any subsequent stated meeting, in the following manner only, viz.: the mem- ber or members who have balloted in the negative by mistake, or under misapprehen- sion, shall announce the same in open Lodge, and the number of such members, if more than one, shall correspond with the number of negative ballots by which the candidate was rejected. All the members present at the time of the first ballot, shall have due notice of the time such ballot will be renewed. Sec. 5. When any candidate is declared rejected, notice thereof shall, if prac- ticable, be communicated to him in person. Sec. 6. Any Mason who shall knowingly assist or recommend for initiation to any Lodge, any candidate who has been rejected by a Lodge, without first having lawful permission of said rejecting Lodge, shall be liable to Masonic discipline; and any candidate who may receive either of the degrees by false representation, or through deception, shall be brought to trial and punished, as the Lodge may deter- ARTICLE XVL objections. Section i . Any Master Mason who is a member of a Lodge, may raise well grounded objections to the initiation or advancement of candidates in such Lodge. Sec. 2. If any member of a Lodge shall express to the Master any objection to the initiation of a candidate, even after such candidate shall have been elected, such objection shall be respected, nor shall the objector's reasons be demanded by the Master or the Lodge ; but the objection shall be entered of record, and shall stand as a bar against the candidate for the term of one year, unless sooner withdrawn by the objector. The fee, if any, accompanying the petition, shall, in such case, be im- mediately returned to the petitioner. Sec. 3. WTienever objection is made by any member of a Lodge to the advance- ment of a brother therein, to the second or third degree, the reasons therefor must be made known, if required by the Lodge or the Master ; or the matter may be referred to a committee, with power to inquire into such reasons, who shall report thereon to the Lodge as soon as practicable. Upon the reception of such report, if no cause for objection has been assigned, or if the reasons assigned be, in the opinion of a ma- jority of the members present, insuflicient, the Lodge may confer the degree in the same manner as if no objection had been made; but if the reasons assigned shall be deemed to be sufficient to stay the degree, the candidate shall be entitled, upon ap- plication, to trial upon the alleged objections. Sec. 4. Objections to either initiation or advancement, when made by a brother not a member of the Lodge having jurisdiction, shall be subject to the provisions of the last preceding sectioA. 34 BY-LAWS — PART SECOND. Sec. 5. No candidate whose initiation or advancement is stayed by personal ob- jection, shall be recorded or published as rejected, and Lodges are not required to report such stay to the Grand Secretary. ARTICLE XVII. Section i. No Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall be per- mitted to confer the three degrees upon any person for a less sum than twenty-five dollars ; and the apportionment of such sum to the degrees, respectively, shall be regulated by the By Laws of each Lodge. Sec. 2. No Lodge shall confer any degree or admit to membership, until the prescribed fee shall have been paid to the proper officer ; nor shall any written or verbal promise to pay the same be received in lieu thereof, nor any portion of the fee remitted, either directly or indirectly. ARTICLE XVIII. CONFERRING DEGREES. Section i . No Lodge shall confer any degree upon any person who declines to conform to any requirement of Masonry, or to the rules and regulations of this Grand Lodge. No exceptions shall be made in the law and regulations in favor of any particular person or candidate. Sec. 2. No candidate shall be advanced to the second or third degree until he shall have passed a satisfactory examination in open Lodge upon his Masonic profi- ciency, unless by dispensation of the Grand Master. A brother may be advanced at any meeting of the Lodge, after being duly elected and examined as herein required, if not contrary to Lodge By-Laws. Sec. 2. No candidate shall receive more than one degree on the same day, ex- cept by dispensation of the Grand Master ; nor shall any Lodge confer any portion of the degree of Entered Apprentice, or the first section of the degree of Fellow- Craft, or any part of the Master Mason's degree, on more than one candidate at the same time. ARTICLE XIX. Section i. It is the privilege of every Master Mason, in good standing, to visit a Lodge ; subject, however, to the right of the Lodge, or any member thereof, to ob- ject to his admission as a visitor. 35 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. ^. No visitor shall be admitted to any Lodge under this jurisdiction unless lawfully vouched for as a Master Mason in good standing. Documentary evidence alone shall not be sufEcient to justify avouchment. In addition to strict trial and due examination of his knowledge of Masonry, every Lodge or committee shall require a strange visitor to affirm that the Lodge of which he is or was formerly a member, is working under and by virtue of a charter or dispensation issued by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master recognized ,by this Grand Lodge as having jurisdic- tion over the country. State, Province or Territory, in which such Lodge may be sit- uated. ARTICLE XX. Section i . All applications for dimits shall be made in writing, signed by the applicant, be presented to the Lodge at a stated communication, shall be read in open Lodge, and he over until the next or some subsequent stated meeting, when, if the applicant's dues are paid, and there are no charges against him, a dimit may be grant- ed by the vote of a majority of the members present. Sec. 2. A dimit shall date from the Lodge record when the same shall be granted, and membership ceases from and after the vote ; the brother so dimitted shall be entitled to a copy of such record ; but should the Secretary neglect to furnish such copy, or the brother refuse to receive the same, such neglect or refusal shall not, in any manner, invalidate the joint action of the applicant and the Lodge. Sec. 3. If any brother shall lose the certificate of his dimission, the Secretary of the Lodge shall, upon request and satisfactory proof of such loss, furnish him another certificate, with the original date, and the fact of re-issuance, which shall be entered upon the record. Sec. 4. Entered Apprentices and Fellow-Crafts shall not receive dimits ; but a Lodge may grant them a certificate setting forth their status in the Lodge. ARTICLE XXL NON-AFFILIATED MASONS. Section 1 . It is contrary to the usages and precepts of the Masonic fraternity to reside within the jurisdiction of a regular Lodge without making an effijrt to become a member thereof. Sec. 2. Voluntary non-affiliated Masons shall not be permitted to take part in any of the ceremonies of the Lodge, nor shall they, of right, be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of Masonry, such as Masonic burial, uniting in Masonic proces- sions or celebrations ; nor shall they or their families have any claim upon the frater- nity for pecuniary aid in cases of misfortune or distress : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to deprive a Lodge, or any member thereof, of the right to render to a non-affiliated Mason aid and assistance, Masonic burial or any fraternal courtesy (except the privileges of the Lodge) they may deem just and proper. 36 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 3. Non-afEliated Masons shall be subject to the discipline of the Lodge in whose jurisdiction they may reside, for any violation of moral or Masonic Law. ARTICLE XXII. SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS. Sectiqn 1 . All applications to the Grand Master for dispensations to confer any degree, shall emanate from a Lodge at a stated or special communication, and be concurred in by the unanimous vote of the members present at such meeting; and such application shall set forth fully and clearly the emergency, under the seal of the Lodge, and be signed by the Master and Secretary. Sec. 2. -AH applications for special purposes, not otherwise provided for, rtiay emanate from the Master. Sec. 3. The fee for dispensations (*) shall accompany the petition therefor to the Grand Master. Sec. 4. Every dispensation shall be entered upon the records of the Lodge, and prompt report made to the Grand Master of the doings by authority thereof. ARTICLE XXIII. lodges under dispensation. Section i. The formation of new Lodges shall be subject to the provisions of Article XIII of the Constitution. Sec. 2. No petition to form a new Lodge shall be granted by the Grand Master, or ordered by the Grand Lodge, unless the petition shall state the name, number and location of the respective Lodges to which the petitioners belong, or if unaffiliated, of which they last were members. Sec. 3. No Dispensation shall be granted, unless the petitioners shall have pro- cured a suitable and safe room, with convenient ante-rooms, in which to conduct Masonic ceremonies ; nor unless the material in the proposed jurisdiction shall be- sufficient to sustain a healthy and reputable Lodge. Sec. 4. Every petition for a new Lodge shall set forth the proposed name there- of ; the names of the brethren nominated for the first Master and Wardens ; the name of the county and place of the proposed location; the population of such place, the time of holding the meetings; the number and location of the three nearest Lodges, and the distance of each from the location of the proposed new Lodge. * See clauses 2, 3 and 4, of Sec. I, Art. XI, Part First, of these By-Laws. 37 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 5. No Dispensation shall be granted for a new Lodge, if the proposed new location is within ten miles of any other Lodge in this jurisdiction, unless such other Lodge has sixty or more members; or unless the new Lodge is to be located in a town or city having at least five thousand inhabitants. Sec. 6. Every petition for a new Lodge shall be accompanied with the dimits of all non-affiliated petitioners, and Lodge certificates, that all dues have been paid by all affiliated petitioners. Sec. 7' Every recommendation for the formation of a new Lodge, emanating from a chartered Lodge, shall certify to the truth of the statements contained in the petitions under consideration ; and no recommendatioa shall be granted by any Lodge, withoutHhe concurrent vote of two-thiids of the members present at a stated communication. Such recommendation shall set forth the date of the meetings of the Lodge at which the request was received and acted upon ; the number of votes cast for and against the same; and the number of members belonging to the Lodge so rec- ommending. Sec. 8. Whenever a'Chartered Lodge shall recommend the formation of a new Lodge, it shall be held to thereby cede tenitorial jurisdiction to the new Lodge. Sec. 9. No charter shall issue to a Lodge under dispensation, until it shall have conferred the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master Mason, in manner and form as prescribed by the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge. Sec. 10. Every Lodge while working under dispensation, shall strictly conform to the requirenients of Section I , Article III, Part Second, of these By-Laws, except those of clause 7, and so much of clause i of said section as refer to election and in- stallation of officers. Sec. 1 1 . Every dispensation shall be copied at length upon the records of the Lodge, and the charter, when issued, shall be recorded in like manner. Sec. 12. Every Lodge under dispensation shall make its returns to the Grand Lodge at the time, and, when applicable, in manner and form as required in Sec. i , Art. XXIV, Part Second ; and shall transmit therewith its letter of dispensation, a copy of its By-Laws, and the record of its proceedings. After making such return, no Lodge meeting shall be held until the Grand Lodge shall grant a charter, and the re- quirements of Section 14 of this Article are complied with. Sec. 13. All Lodges organized under dispensation after the first of July, shall be exempt from so much of the requirements of the last preceding section as refer to the time for making returns, but shall fully comply therewith at the Annual Grand Communication to be held one year thereafter ; Provided, that the continuance of such dispensation shall be sanctioned by an endorsement thereon by the Grand Master. 38 BY-LAWS — PART SECOND. Sec. 14. Every newly chartered Lodge shall be duly constituted, and its officers properly installed, by the Grand Master or his special representative, assisted by an ©ccasional Grand Lodge, before said new Lodge can work or do business under its charter. Sec. 15. Every Lodge under dispensation shall pay dues as prescribed in clause 7, Sec. I, Art. XI, Part First. Sec. 16. A brother joining in a petition for a dispensation for a new Lodge shall not thereby sever his membership from the chartered Lodge of which he may be a member, but shall be liable for dues to the new Lodge from the date of the dispensa- tion, and to the Chartered Lodge to the date of the charter issued to the new Lodge, unless he shall be sooner dimitted. Sec. 17. A brother on becoming a charter member of a new Lodge shall be there- by dimitted from the elder Lodge, and the Master of the new Lodge shall cause im- mediate notice to be sent to the elder Lodge of the name of such member. Sec. 18. The Master of a Lodge under dispensation shall not be amenable to discipline by any chartered Lodge during his official term; but in case such dispensation be annulled, or a charter withheld, the Lodge of original jurisdiction may take cognizance of the conduct of such Master, unless the same shall be of a strictly official character. Sec. 19. A Lodge under dispensation shall have a code of By-Laws conforming to the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXIV. ANNUAL RETURNS. Section i. Every Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall, on or before the first day of September, annually, transmit by mail, express, or some other reliable and expeditious mode, fo the Grand Secretary, the returns of such Lodge, which shall embrace a complete list of officers and members; of all initia- tions, passings and raisings ; of all admissions, rejections, suspensions, expulsions, restorations, dimits and deaths, with their respective dates ; the number of miles from its location to the place of meeting of the Grand Lodge, by the usually traveled route ; and such other matters as may be required by the blank form ; which returns shall be attested by the seal of the Lodge, and signed by the Master and Secretary. ARTICLE XXV. ANNUAL DUES. Section i. Every Lodge under this jurisdiction shall, on or before the twentieth day of September, annually, pay into the Treasury of the Grand Lodge, through the Grand Secretary, the sum of seventy-five cents for each Master Mason belonging to such Lodge, at the time of making the annual return. 39 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec 2. No Lodge shall be entitled to be represented in the Grand Lodge until it has complied with the provisions of the last preceding section, nor unless the Grand Secretary's receipt for the annual dues is produced by the Representative of such Lodge. Sec. 3. Any Lodge that shall neglect or refuse to pay its annual dues, shall for- feit all claim for mileage and per diem ; and should such neglect or refusal continue for two successive years, the warrant or charter shall be suspended, and the effects of the Lodge be disposed of, as provided in Section 5, Article XXVII, Part Second, of these By-Laws ; Provided, that for satisfactory reasons for a failure to comply with the foregoing requirements, and upon making full returns, and paying all back dues, the charter and other effects of such Lodge may be restored by the Grand Lodge upon a vote of two thirds the members present at a stated annual communication. ARTICLE XXVI. REPRESENTATION IN GRAND LODGE, AND PROXIES. Section i . Whenever the Master or Wardens of a Lodge shall be unable to at- tend the communication of the Grand Lodge, the officer who cannot so attend may depute any member of his own Lodge as his proxy to represent the Lodge in Grand lx>dge, and the proxy so deputed shall be entitled to the same privileges, and subject to the same penalties as the officer deputing him ; such deputizing shall be in writ- ing, and signed by the officer appointing the proxy. Sec. 2. No brother shall represent more than one Lodge at the same time, either as an official representative or as a proxy ; and all commissions of proxies shall ex- pire with the closing of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXVII. DISSOLUTION OF LODGES. Section i . A Lodge may be dissolved — 1 . By the voluntary surrendering of its charter. 2. By a revocation of its charter by the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. The charter of a Lodge may be surrendered, if the proposition be pre- sented at a stated communication thereof, and the same be acted upon at a subsequent stated communication, of which all the members whose residence is known shall have due and timely notice; but no charter can be surrendered as long as seven Master Masons, members of the Lodge, desire to continue to work under it, in accor- dance with the laws of Masonry, and the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge. 40 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 3. The charter of a Lodge may be revoked or suspended — 1 . For disobedience to any provision of the constitution, laws or regulations of the Grand Lodge. 2. For violation or neglect of the generally recognized usages of the Craft. 3. For disregard to the lawful authority of the Grand Master. 4. For a failure to meet during a period of six successive months. 5. For a failure to make returns or pay its dues to the Grand Lodge for two suc- cessive years. Sec. 4. No charter shall be suspended or revoked except for cause, of which the Lodge shall have due notice, and an opportunity to be heard. Sec. 5. Upon the revocation or suspension of the charter of any Lodge, or if from any other cause a Lodge shall become dormant, it shall be the duty of the last Master, Treasarer or Secretary thereof, to surrender to the District Deputy Grand Master, (subject to the orders of the Grand Master), the warrant, books, papers, jew- els, furniture, moneys or other property belonging to said Lodge, within two months from the time of such revocatton, suspension, or becoming dormant, and every mem- ber of a Lodge who shall refuse to make such surrender, or who shall, by vote or otherwise, make any other disposition of said effects than as herein designated, shall be liable to Masonic discipline, for violating the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge. All moneys accruing from property as herein prescribed, shall belong to, and be placed in, the charity fund of this Grand Lodge, as provided in Sec. 5, Art. XII, Part First, of these By-Laws. Sec. 6. If at any time it shall be found necessary to suspend or revoke the war- rant or charter of any Lodge under this jurisdiction, for irregular or unmasonic con- duct, the members of such Lodge implicated in such conduct shall be subjecl to dis- cipline by the Lodge acquiring jurisdiction. Sec. 7. Upon the dissolution of a Lodge for any cause, its members, who are not subject to the provisions of the last preceding section, upon payment of any back dues to the Grand Secretary; shall be entitled to a certificate from that officer, setting forth their Masonic standing, which certificate shall be recognized in this jurisdiction in lieu of a regular dimit. Sec. 8. Whenever any Lodge shall cease to work for six months, the next nearest Lodge or Lodges may exercise jurisdiction over the territory, and act upon petitions from citizens residing therein, unless cause for such cessation shall be presented to, and be deemed satisfactory by, the Grand Master. Sec. 9. When a Lodge has taken action in any matter, and has afterwards ceased to exist, any further action required or authorized by law shall be performed by the Lodge acquiring jurisdiction. Sec. 10. Any Mason who shall be present at, or'assist in, the work of a Lodge, knowing its charter or warrant to have been suspended or revoked, shall be liable to discipline. 41 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. II. When any charter shall be declared vacated by the Grand Lodge, it shall be erased from the register, and its number shall not be again used upon a Charter in this jurisdiclion. ARTICLE XXVIII. CONSOLIDATION OF LODGES. Section i . Any two or more Lodges may consolidate their membership into one Lodge ; Provided, that the proposition for such consolidation shall be presented at a stated communication of the Lodges interested, and shall not be acted upon until a subseqijent stated meeting, of which all the resident members shall have due notice ; and such consolidation shall only be effected by the unanimous vote of the members present when such proposition shall be acted upon. Sec. 2. When any consolidation shall have been so effected, and the Grand Lodge or Grand Master officially informed of the same, a new special Charter shall be issued without fee, containing th'e names of the new officers, and bearing the num- ber of one of the said Lodges, and such name as may have been selected. Sec. 3. The title to all property and effects of the Lodges so united shall be ves- ted in the Lodge named in the new Charter ; and such new Lodge shall be duly con- stituted, and its officers installed by the Grand Master or his proxy before it shall lawfully act under said Charter. ARTICLE XXIX. Section i. Whenever the charter of a Lodge shall be destroyed, stolen, or sur- reptitiously taken and detained, without the fault of the Lodge or Master, it shall be the duty of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master to cause a duplicate charter to issue, without fee, bearing the original name and number, together with the names of the original Grand Officers and charter members, supplemented with the cause of its issue, and signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, and attested by the Seal of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. Whenever the charter of a Lodge shall become so defaced or illegible as to be unfit for use, the Grand Lodge or Grand Master may, upon satisfactory proof of such information, and the payment of five dollars into the Grand Lodge treasury, cause a new charter to issue in the manner provided in the last preceding section. ARTICLE XXX. SUMMONS Section i. Every summons issued by a Chartered Lodge shall be written or printed, attested by the Seal of the Lodge, and signed by the Master or Secretary ; no other matter than the requisition to attend a meeting of the Lodge need be inserted. 42 BY-LAWS PART SECOND. Sec. 2. Every Mason shall faithfully obey a summons issued by a Lodge, and duly served upon him, if within his power ; and for a failure so to do shall be liable to discipline in the manner provided by law, unless excused for reasons satisfactory to a majority of the members present at a stated meeting of the Lodge. Sec. 3. The Master of every Lodge shall require due return to be made upon a summons of the service thereof. Sec. 4. No general summons shall be issued except for purposes of importgtnce to the Lodge or Masonry. ARTICLE XXXI. NOtlCE. Section 1 . In a city or town where there is more than one Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of each Lodge to give notice in writing to all other Lodges sit- uate in such city or town, of all petitions received or rejected, stating the name in full, age, occupation and place of residence of the petitioner ; Provided^ that when more than one Lodge shall hold its meetings in the same hall or room, a register may be kept upon the Secretary's desk, or other appropriate place, in lieu of said •«'ritten notice, setting forth the aforesaid particulars for the information of the Lodges meet- ing in such hall. ARTICLE XXXII. miscellaneous provisions. Section i . No brother shall act as a Grand or Deputy Grand Lecturer within the State of Illinois, without a commission from the Grand Master ; nor unless he shall be a present or actual Past Master. Sec. 2. Every document or paper whatsoever, designed for Masonic use, eman- ating from a Chartered Lodge, to be valid, shall have an impression of its Seal affixed, and be attested by the Secretary. Sec. 3. No Mason under this jurisdiction shall appear in any public procession, nor in any private or public assembly, with Masonic clothing, unless under the auspi- ces of some regular Lodge ; nor shall any Lodge take part in any public proces- sion, except to perform or assist in some ceremony recognized as strictly Masonic, unless by special dispensation of the Grand Master. Sec. 4. The use of Masonic emblems and devices on business cards or signs, or by way of advertisement, except for legitimate Masonic purposes, is strictly for- bidden. Sec. 5. No Lodge shall, on any pretence, introduce intoxicating liquors, or permit their use as a beverage, in any room used by such Lodge. Sec. 6. All Lodges, and the members thereof, are strictly forbidden to give, or attempt to give, the aid or countenance of Masonry, in organized or indi-vidual form, to any lottery or gift enterprise. 43 BY-I-AWS PART THIRD. PART THIRD. MASONIC OFFENSES, TRIALS AND PUNISHMENTS. ARTICLE I. PENAL POWERS OF A LODGE. Section i . Every Lodge shall have the right to exercise discipline over all its members, wherever residing, and over all unaffiliated, as well as affiliated Masons (except present Masters or the Grand Master), residing or sojourning within its ter- ritorial jurisdiction, for any violation of Moral or Masonic law. Sec. j.. Any member of a Lodge may prefer charges against an offending brother; but to further the administration of justice it shall be the special duty of the Junior Warden, in the absence of other accusers, to take steps to bring to trial all Masonic offenders. Sec. 3. In case of offisnding Masons who are members of any other Lodge, the Lodge within whose jurisdiction the offender resides, or is sojourning, shall first send up charges and specifications to the Lodge of which the offender may be a member ; and should such Lodge waive jurisdiction, or refuse or neglect to take action in the premises within sixty days thereafter, then the Lodge preferring the charges may pro- ceed to try the same in the manner prescribed by the laws of this Grand Lodge ; and the result thereof shall be communicated to the Lodge in which the accused may be or shall have last been a member. Sec. 4. A suspended Mason, charged with unmasonic conduct, which, if estab- lished, would justify a greater punishment than he is undergoing, may be arraigned for trial ; Provided, that if an offender so tried be found guilty, the penalty may be expulsion. Sec. 5. No Lodge, or member thereof, shall publish in any newspaper, magazine, pamphlet or circular, or otherwise make public, the details or result of any trial therein. Sec. 6. The presence of visitors in a Lodge during any of the proceedings of a Masonic trial, shall be optional with the Lodge or the Master. 44 BY-LAWS PART THIRD. ARTICLE II. MASONIC OFFENSES. Section i . The offenses of which a Lodge may take cognizance, and to which it shall give full, fair and lawful trial, and upon conviction, administer adequate pun- ishment, are immorality, and particularly acts which tend to impair the good name of Masonry, or which violate Masonic obligations, or the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. Lodges shall not take cognizance of difficulties of a legal character, growing out of business transactions between brethren, nor entertain charges against a brother for the purpose of adjusting mere legal rights, pecuniary or otherwise, un- less such charges shall clearly specify fraud on the part of the alleged offender. Sec. 3. The Master of any Lodge shall not permit any charges or specificationsi or any other subject matter either written or oral, involving questions of a political or sectarian character, to be read in, or in any manner presented to, the Lodge. ARTICLE III. PRESENTATION OF CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. Section i. All charges of unmasonic conduct shall be made in writing, specify- ing with reasonable certainty the character of the offense alleged, and the time and place of its commission, as near as may be practicable, and be signed by the accuser, who must be an affiliated Master Mason, in good standing. Sec. 2. All charges and specifications shall be filed with the Secretary of the Lodge ; if received at a stated meeting, they shall be then and there read ; if received during recess of the Lodge, said charges shall be read at the next stated communica- tion thereafter, of which meeting all the resident members shall have due notice; Provided, that in cases where the magnitude of an offense demands, or where the Lodge or the Master shall deem it for the best interests of Masonry, the matter may be laid before the Grand Master, and by authority of his dispensation, said charges may be read and received at a special communication of the Loodge, called for the purpose, of which due notice shall be given the resident members. Sec. 3. The trial of charges may proceed at any meeting appointed for the pur- pose, and continue until completed. ARTICLE IV. RECEPTION OF CHARGES. Section i . When charges shall be presented and read as provided in Sec. 2 of the last precediug article, the Lodge shall decide, by a majority vote, whether the charges shall be accepted, and the accused brother be placed on trial ; when decided in the affirmative, the charges cannot be withdrawn except for cause shown, and by the vote of two-thirds of the members present ; nor shall such charges be amended except by a majority vote, of which proposed amendment the accused shall have due notice. 45 BY-LAWS-7-PART THIRD. Sec. 2. Immediately upon the acceptance of charges by a Lodge, the Master shall appoint the time and place for trial ; and it shall be the duty of the Master to cause the accused to be served with a duly attested copy of the charges and specifi- cations, and a citation stating the time and place appointed for the trial thereof; Pro- vided, that the accused shall be entitled to reasonable time and opportunity to pre- pare his defense. Sec. 3. If the accused shalf neglect or refuse to attend in person, after notice has been duly served on him, or if notice cannot be served on him personally, by reason of his residence being unknown, or beyond the limits of the county in which the Lodge is located, then a copy of such notice shall be sent to him by mail, addressed to him at his last known place of residence, and, upon proof that the notice has been sent to him as herein prescribed, the Lodge at the time in such notice specified, may proceed without his presence, and conduct the proceedings to a final issue : Provided, that at least one stated communication shall intervene between the time of mailing such notice and any action by the Lodge in pursuance thereof. In such cases the Lodge shall appoint a competent brother to act as attorney for the accused. Sec. 4. In every case where a flagrant offense shall be committed by any Mason present while the Lodge is at labor, the foregoing rules requiring notice and delay may be dispensed with, and the Master may order the offending brother to show cause instanter why he should not be punished. ARTICLE V. WITNESSES AND TESTIMONY. Section i. Witnesses in Masonic trials who are Masons shall be mentally com- petent, and in good standing in the fraternity, and may be affiliated or non-affiliated brethren. Sec. 2. Every Mason shall give his testimony upon his honor as a Mason. Sec. 3. All witnesses in Masonic trials who are not Masons shall be any persons of sound mind, of such religious belief as to feel the obligations of an oath, which may be administered by any competent legal officer. Sec. 4. The evidence of both the accuser and the accused, if offered, shall be received in any Masonic trial. The status of a Mason under charges is not affected until after conviction. Sec. 5. The testimony of witnesses who are Masons may be taken in open Lodge, or by a special committee appointed by the Master. Witnesses who are not Masons shall be examined by said committee. In either case the accused and ac. cuser, in person or by attorney, shall be entitled to be present and propound such revelant questions as they may desire. Sec. 6. The testimony of any witness unable to attend the Lodge or a commit- tee, may be taken by deposition before a properly authorized person or persons, due notice of the time and place having first been given. 46 BY-LAWS — PART THIRD. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the accused and accuser to secure the attendance of their respective witnesses who are not Masons, and through the Master and Sec- retary of the Lodge they may, when necessary, summon for such purpose any resi- dent Mason. Sec. 8. When testimony is taken in open Lodge, the Lodge shall be opened on the highest degree to which the accused has attained in Ancient Craft Masonry ; bu* the decision as to guilt or innocence, and the question of punishment shall be sever- ally determined in and by a Lodge of Master Masons. Sec. 9. The Master shall decide all questions arising as to the relevancy of the evidence and the regularity of the proceedings ; and the Secretary shall take down in writing all the evidence submitted by both the prosecution and defense, and note all objections made by either party, and the rulings of the Master; and the record thereof shall be filed among the archives of the Lodge ; and the main facts of the case shall be entered upon the Lodge records. Sec. 10. At the conclusion of the evidence, the accused and the accuser, in per- son or through their attorneys, may, if they desire, address such revelant remarks to the Lodge upon the merits of the case as may be deemed proper ; after which the accused and the accuser shall retire from the Lodge, and remain in an ante- room until the final decision : [Frcvided, that if the Junior Warden shall be the ac- cuser, in his official capacity, he shall not be obliged to retire) ; after which any member entitled to vote may express his views of the case and of the law and the facts involved ; and no member shall be permitted to withdraw from the Lodge until after final action, except for urgent cause, and by consent of two-thirds of the mem- bers present. / Sec. 1 1. When a committee is appointed, as provided in Section 5 of this Article, it shall consist of not less than three members of the Lodge, either of whom, if ob- jected to by either of the parties for cause, may be removed by the Master, and another appointed. Sec. 12. Every such committee shall convene and select from their number a Chairman and Secretary; and when 'so organized shall have power, through the Master and Secretary of the Lodge, to summon before them the accused and accuser, with their respective witnesses. Sec. 13. The proceedings of such committee shall be governed by the provisions of Section 3 of Article IV, and Sections i, 2, 3 and 6 of this Article. The duties of the Master and Secretary prescribed in Section 9 of this Article shall apply to, and be discharged by, the Chairman and Secretaiy of the committee. Sec. 14. The committee may sit whenever and as often as it may deem best for the interests of Masonry; Provided, that every trial begun shall be prosecuted with as much dispatch as the law governing the same, and full justice to the accused and accuser will permit. 47 BY-LAWS PART THIRD. Sec. 15. When the committee have concluded their labors, they shall report their proceedings and all the evidence to the Lodge ; and upon retirement of the accused and accuser, any member of the Lodge present may express his views of the case ; and any portion or the whole of the evidence shall be read, as he may require, to enable him to come to a decision. Sec. 16. A brother against whom charges have been preferred may deny or ad mit any portion or the whole of the charges and specifications. Sec. 17. In case an accused brother shall plead guilty, such plea may be ac- cepted as evidence, and shall render the taking of further proof unnecessary ; but such plea shall not excuse the Lodge from voting upon the question of guilt or innocence. ARTICLE VI. THE VERDICT. Section i. Upon conclusion of the trial, the question of "guilty" or "not guilty" shall be immediately and distinctly put by the Master, upon each specifica- tion under each charge in its order, which shall be voted upon separately; and every member present shall be required to vote by ballot ; and it shall require a vote of two thirds of said members to sustain any charge or specification. Sec. 2. If any charge or specification shall be sustained, the accused shall be then and there declared guilty, and the Master shall put the question as to the amount of punishment, beginning with the greatest, and if not sustained, the next grade, and so on, ending with the least Masonic penalty, in the order as hereinafter provided ; the vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary to decide the degree of punishment. Sec. 3. When any Mason, after due trial, shall be found guilty of unmasonic conduct, punishment shall follow, which shall be proportionate to the offense. Sec. 4. When any Mason shall have been expelled or suspended by a Lodge, he shall be notified of such action by the Secretary. When any brother shall have been acquitted, he shall be notified of the same by the Master in open Lodge. ARTICLE VII. PUNISHMENT. Section i. The Masonic punishment which shall be inflicted by Chartered Lodges for unmasonic conduct, after due trial and conviction, shall be, in the discre- tion of the Lodge, either Expulsion, Indefinite Suspension, Definite Suspen- sion, or Reprimand. 48 BY-LAWS PART THIRD. Sec. 2. Expulsion involves an absolute deprivation of all the rights, privileges and lienefits of Masonry to the delinquent and his family ; the infliction of such punish- ment shall require a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the close of the trial. Sec. 3. No Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall expel a mem- ber for non-payment of dues. Sec. 4. Indefinite suspension, whether for non-payment of dues, or for any other offense, subjects an offender, during such suspension, to the same penalties as are pre- scribed in the preceding section (2), and the infliction of such punishment shall re. quire a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the close of the trial. Sec. 5. Definite suspension shall require the same vote (two-thirds), and the pen- alty and the period of suspension may be voted upon together or separately ; Pro-' vided, that no definite suspension shall be voted for a longer time than one year, nor for a less time than one month. Sec. 6. Reprimand shall be the least Masonic punishment; and shall only be in- flicted after due trial and conviction, and when voted by two-thirds of the members present ; the reprimand shall be administered in open Lodge, by the Master. Sec. 7. Any brother violating the proprieties of Lodge etiquette may be censured therefor upon a motion and vote of a majority of the members present. ARTICLE VIII. suspension for non-payment of dues. Section i . The payment of annual dues is a duty incumbent upon every mem- ber of a Lodge, and the neglect or refusal to fulfill this duty shall be (except for good cause) an infraction of Masonic law, and a violation of a Masonic covenant, and shall subject the delinquent to Lodge discipline ; Provided, however, that a Lodge, by a majority vote, may remit the whole or any portion of the dues of any of its members. Sec. 2. No Lodge shall suspend a member for non-payment of dues without due notice and fair trial. Sec. 3. The formalities of written charges hereinbefore'prescribed for the trial of offenses requiring proof, may be dispensed with, and proceedings as prescribed in the following sections shall be deemed due notice and fair trial for the offense of non-pay- ment of dues. 49 BY-I.AWS PART THIRD. Sec. 4. Any member who may be in arrears for dues to a Lodge, according to the provisions of its By-Laws, shall be notified thereof in writing by the Secretary, with a request for the payment of the same at, or before, some subsequent meeting of the Lodge; and if said member neglect or refuse to make answer to such notice .-it or before the time designated therein, he shall be notified in person, if possible, or sum- moned to appear at such subsequent stated meeting as may be deemed proper, and show cause why he should not be suspended for non-payment of dues ; if his where- abouts be unknown, a written notice shall be addressed to him at his last known place of residence. This shall be deemed due notice, and the Lodge may proceed without his presence ; Provided, that if a member be summoned as herein prescribed, and fail to answer, upon proof that such summons has been personally served, the offense of non-payment of dues shall be held in abeyance until the delinquent shall show cause for disobedience of said summons ; for which offense any Mason may be ex- pelled, after trial and conviction in the manner and form prescribed in Articles i to VII, inclusive, Part Third. Sec. 5. When any member shall refuse or neglect to answer the notices prescribed in the last preceding section, his delinquency may be communicated to the Lodge at a regular meeting thereof, which facts, together with the Lodge records showing his indebtedness, shall be deemed ample proof of the delinquency ; if the brother be present he shall be entitled to make such pleas as he may deem proper, after which he shall retire ; and upon such evidence a vote may be taken upon a motion to sus- pend the delinquent member indefinitely. A vote of two-thirds of the members present at a stated communication of the Lodge shall be necessary to fix such pen- alty ; this shall be deemed fair trial. Sec. 6. No Lodge or Grand Lodge dues shall accrue against a Mason duriug the term of his suspension. Sec. 7. No Lodge shall for any cause abridge the rights or privileges of mem- bership of any of its members, by striking a name fraTn its roll^ without due notice and fair trial as prescribed in these By-Laws. ARTICLE IX. Section i. Any Mason who has been subjected to the disciplinary proceedings of a Lodge, his accuser, or any member of the Lodge has the right to appeal from any verdict or sentence therein in his case rendered or adjudged. Sec. 2. All appeals from any Chartered Lodge shall be made in writing, and contain a statement of the case, the exceptions taken to the decision of the Lodge appealed from, and the grounds upon which the same are based. The appeal shall be filed with the Grand Secretary at least thirty days prior to the next succeeding annual meeting of the Grand Lodge. 50 BY-LAWS — PART THTRD. Sec. 3. The appellant shall give the Lodge appealed from notice of his intention, "within ninety days after receiving notice of its action, or decision ; and the Secre- tary of such Lodge, under the direction of the Master, shall, at least thirty days be- fore the meeting of the Grand Lodge, transmit to the Grand Secretary an attested copy of all the charges, specifications, papers, proceedings and evidence in the case, and, if requested, furnish the appellant with a like attested copy; Provided, the times herein specified shall intervene between such decisions and the actual meeting aforesaid, if not, then such time shall apply to the next succeeding annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, or may be disposed of by the Grand Master during the recess of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 4. Whenever an appeal shall be taken from any constituent Lodge, as pro- vided in the foregoing sections, the Grand Lodge shall have sovereign jurisdiction over the whole case, and may, upon investigation — 1 . Dismiss the appeal, approve the proceedings, or affirm the decision appealed from, 2. Modify or change a decision or sentence, or inflict a penalty where the con- stituent Lodge has failed to do so. 3. Set aside the proceedings of the Lodge for informality, and remand the case for further proceedings. Sec. 5. Whenever the Grand Lodge shall modify or change a decision or sen- tence adjudged by a constituent Lodge, the same shall be final ; and upon notice thereof, such constituent Lodge shall cause the same to be entered upon its records. Sec. 6. AOTienever the Grand Lodge, on a review of the trial or other proceed- ings of a Lodge, resulting in the expulsion or suspension of a Mason, shall reverse or annul the judgment of said proceedings, or shall order a neW trial, the accused shall be thereby restored to all his rights, privileges and membership. When a case is remanded for new trial, no amendment shall be made to the original charges and specifications, unless the accused have due and timely notice thereof. Sec. 7. Eveiy Lodge shall communicate to the Grand Secretary all suspensions and expulsions, as they may severally occur. ARTICLE X. RESTORATIONS AND REINSTATEMENTS. Section i. No Lodge shall have the power to restore an expelled Mason to membership, nor to his former rights and privileges in Masonry. BY-LAWS PART THIRD. Sec. 2. The Grand Lodge reserves to itself the right, by a majority vote, at any Annual Communication, upon a recommendation as provided in succeding Section 4, of this Article, to restore an expelled Mason to good standing in the fraternity, as a non-affiliated Mason only, but not to membership in any Lodge. Any brother re- stored by the Grand Lodge shall be entitled to a certificate of the fact from the Grand Secretary, which shall serve in lieu of a regular dimit, in case of application for mem- bership to any Lodge in this jurisdiction. Sec. 3. The resumption of membership in any Lodge by a brother restored as defined in the last preceding section must be acquired in the manner provided in Sections i, 2, 3 and 4, of Article XIII, and Section 3, Article XV, Part Sec- ond, of these By-Laws. Sec. 4. An expelled Mason seeking restoration, shall petition the Lodge from which he was expelled, for its recommendation to Ihe Grand Lodge for his res- toration ; if such petition be concurred in by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at a stated communication of the Lodge, the same shall be so in- dorsed, under seal, and be transmitted to the Grand Secretary at least ten days before the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge; Provided, that in case such Lodge has become extinct, said petition may be made direct to the Grand Lodge, with a statement of the fact ; and upon favorable action thereon, the brother shall be entitled to resume the status of a non-affiliated Mason. Sec. 5. Any Mason indefinitely suspended for non-payment of dues or other cause, seeking reinstatement, shall petition in writing to the Lodge having juris- diction ; and on payment or remission of dues, if any, and upon a favorable vote of two-thirds of the members present at a stated communication, the petitioner may be restored to membership, or to good standing in the fraternity only, leav- ing him non-affiliated ; Provided, that if the Lodge from which a Mason shall have been suspended, has ceased to exist, the petition for reinstatement may be made to the Lodge in whose jurisdiction the petitioner resides, or to the Grand Lodge, which may reinstate the petitioner to good standing in the fraternity. Sec. 6. Definite suspension shall expire by limitation, and any Mason so sus- pended shall be entitled to resume membership, and all the rights and privileges thereof, at the expirati<)n of the time defined in his sentence, without vote or other action on the part of the Lodge. Sec. 7. The reinstatement of a suspended Mason by a Chartered Lodge shall be determined by secret ballot. ARTICLE XI. MASTERS AND LODGES. Section i. A Worshipful Master may be disciplined by his Lodge after the expiration of his official term, for any unmasonic conduct, except for official mis- conduct, or a violation of his official obligations. All complaints for official mis- conduct shall be made to the proper authority during the official term of the of- fender, otherwise he shall not be disciplined therefor. 52 BY-LAWS PART THIRD Sec. 2. When a controvei'sy shall arise between Lodges, or between a Lodge and its Master, or charges be preferred, or an informal complaint be made, the same may be filed with the Grand Lodge, if in session, or during recess be lodged with the Grand M!aster; if the matter be deemed by him of a sufficiently grave character to warrant investigation, he may proceed in person, or appoint a commission of not more than seven, nor less than three Masters, or Past Masters, with, if consistent, the District Deputy Grand Master as Chairman, to investigate such charges or complaint ; such commission shall have authority to summon witnesses, and shall have such other powers as may be specially delegated to them by the Grand Master ; and said commission shall make such report, and give such opinion to the Grand Master as will enable him to make a final decision. Sec. 3. When a Master or other officer of a Lodge shall be deposed from office only, he shall not thereby be deprived of any of the rights or privileges of member- ship. Sec 4. When any trouble shall arise between brethren or between Lodges, which shall require the presence of the Grand Master or other grand officers, or a commis- sion, such brethren or Lodges shall be required to pay pro rata, the reasonable expense incurred by such commission or officers in the discharge of their official duty. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. Section i . The Grand Lodge shall have full power and authority to make amendments, alterations and additions to any portion of these By-Laws, in manner and form only as prescribed in Section 2, of Article XVI, of the Constitution. ARTICLE XIII. REPEAL. Section i. All By-Laws, Regulations, Code of Jurisprudence, and Resolutions of this Grand Lodge, which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Code, are hereby declared repealed, and the foregoing Parts First, Second and Third, are adopted in their stead as the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge ; Provided, that such repeal shall not affect any rights or proceedings heretofore acquired or had. INDEX. 53 CONTENTS, CONSTITUTION. Name of Grand Lodge 2 Of whom it consists 2 Meetings 3 Qaornm 8 Style and Rank of Grand Officers 8 Style and Rank of Members, Representatives, Masters and other OfB.cers 8 Eligibility 4 Votes, Elections and Appointments 4 Vacancies 4 Sovreignty and Jurisdiction 5 Powers of the Grand Lodge B Powers of the Grand Master 5 New Lodges 6 Districts and District Deputies 6 Instmction 7 Amendments 7 BY-LAWS— PART FIRST. Convening and Committees 8 Election of Grand Officers 9 Grand Master , 9 Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens 10 Grand Treasurer 10 Grand Secretary 11 The Appointed Grand Olflcers 14 District Deputy Grand Masters , 14 Committees 16 Eligibility 20 Bevenue 20 Funds 21 Expenditures 21 Miscellaneous Matters 23 54 PART SECOND. The Gompoaition and Organization of a Lodge 23 The Inherent and Constitutional Powers of aLodge .' 23 Bnties of a Lodge 34 Meetings of a Lodge 25 Election, Appointment and Installation of Officers 25 Eligibility 26 Powers and Duties of the Master 27 Wardens 2T Other Officers 23 Membership 28 Lodge Jurisdiction 28 The QualificatioDS of Candidates 29 Petitions , 30 Balloting 31 Bejections 32 Objections 33 Fees 34 Conferring Degrees 34 Visitors , 34 Dimits 35 Non- Affiliated Masons 35 Special Dispensations 36 Lodges Under Dispensation 36 Annual Returns :jg Annual Dues 38 Representation in Grand Lodge, and Proxies 39 Dissolution of Lodges 41 Consolidation of Lodges 41 Charter 41 Sununons 41 Notice 42 Miscellaneous Provisions 42 PART THIRD. Penal Powera of a Lodge 43 Masonic offences 44 Presentation of Charges and Specifications .'. 44 Reception of Charges 44 Witnesses and Testimony 45 The Verdict ."......'.'.".'.'.'. 47 Pnnislmient 4^ Suspension for Non-payment of Dnes 4S Appeals 49 Bestorations and Reinstatements 50 Masters and Lodges 5j Amendments co Bepeal " "' 52 m ''^, 'Vn- £ ■^^^ 'i5 ^<^^' A-.fH h^ t«y .^^. ^ € i »^ t^ .V4^ ^w !*!