^^^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM 3 1924 028 843 410 Overs olin I Cornell University f Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028843410 I Wtti)tx6fitHi 3fnscrijption0 A Complete Record OF THE INSCRIPTIONS The Five Burial Places in the Ancient Town of Wethersfield, including the Towns of Rocky Hill, Newington, and Beckley Quarter (in Berlin), also a portion of the Inscriptions in the Oldest Cemetery in Glastonbury ComptleU bp EDWARD SWEETSER TILLOTSON PUBLISHED BY /'/ William F. J. Boardman V-^ , ,^,0 HARTFORD, CONN. -^ rf; '•. v^ 1899 %// \, ^\.. Two Hundred and Fifty Copies printed Copyright, 1899, by William F. J. Boardman TO (jZhe Mtmovs of Sherman Wolcott Adams A DEVOTED STUDENT OF WETHERSFIELd's HISTORY THIS WORK IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED PREFACE Scattered all over New England are traces of old neglected cem'eteries, often remote from the traveled roads, the monu- ments therein broken and decayed, and perhaps buried by overgrowths and debris. Already many such are completely obliterated, the only evidence of their existence being proved by the plowshare in the hands of a new people, but lately in possession of the soil; a people having little, if any, sentimental interest in the former occupants. With the general revival of interest in our ancestors during the past few years, largely induced by the numerous patriotic hereditary societies that have recently sprung into existence, fresh impulses have throbbed in our hearts to honor the memory of the long-departed dead. Many ancient burial- grounds, for years left to the ravages of nature and the destruc- tive hand of the stranger, have been as nearly as possible re- sitored to their pristine condition, and this commendable work is still extending. In this State, laws have recently been en- acted in view of encouraging the restoration of these " God's Acres," and many of our older country towns are availing themselves of the improved opportunities by organizing, with corporate power, for the purpose of renovating the old ceme- teries within their borders. Probably in but few of the burying-grounds in New Eng- land are the older stones in a better state of preservation than in the old cemetery at Wethersfield. This is unquestionably due to the sandy nature of the soil, as well as to the fact that few trees have existed to collect those enemies of sandstone and marble, dampness and the consequent mould. The inscriptions in the three cemeteries herein referred to as Newington, " Church Street," and " Beckley Quarter " 6 PREFACE were copied by Mr. Edwin Stanley Welles of Newington and kindly contributed by him. The editor desires also to extend his grateful thanks to Mr. William F. J. Boardman of Hartford for his kindly interest and generous aid in the publication of the work, as also to Mr. Benjamin Adams of Wethersfield for his valuable services in connection with its compilation. Edward Sweetser Tillotson. Wethersfield, March, 1899. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Preface 5 II. Wethersfield Cemetery . , 9 III. Newington Cemetery 151 IV. Rocky Hill Cemetery 200 V. Beckley Quarter Cemetery 288 VI. Church Street Cemetery 307 VII. Glastonbury Cemetery 312 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Wethersfield. Located nearly in the center of the present village of Weth- ersfield, and directly in the rear of the old First Church edifice, there rises above the low surrounding country, to an elevation of perhaps twenty feet, a nearly circular sand hill in the midst of a large tract of heavy loam. Proofs are not wanting that this hill was originally a burial-mound of the aborigines of the country. Tradition also tells us that before the advent of the white man the river rose to an unprecedented height, forcing the local inhabitants to encamp upon its summit for a period of several days, who suffered much inconvenience meantime for lack of food; and from henceforth it was known in local nomenclature as " Hungry Hill " — a name fraught with mean- ing to this day. And nowhere in New England can a more beautiful natural location be found for the interment of loved friends, commanding as it does a wonderful prospect of the " Great River " winding for miles through its fertile meadows, with the uplands of Glastonbury in the background. Here, near the little log church, the fathers of the town were laid to rest, and to-day this cemetery, with its subsequent enlarge- ments, is the only one in the present township. It originally embraced the eastern and a part of the western declivity. December 27, 1680, " it was voted and agreed that Emanuel Buck shall dig all graves and he is to have foure shillings a pece for growne persons and thre shillings a pece for all others." March 24, 1681, a committee appointed for the purpose, reported " that the Townes men with Lieut. Steell layd out the highway from the Street to the burying place on the south side of Zachery Seamers Lott one Rod and quarter wide, haveing first Laid out half an acre to Zachery Seamer, and sett mear stones and Measured Samuell Smiths lott and finding for him 2 lO WBTHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS one Rood and upwards of land." Two years later, in 1683, some controversy having arisen over the boundaries of the yard, a committee was appointed to establish the bounds. De- cember 24, 1684, it was agreed that the plot should be seven rods wide and twenty-three and three-quarters rods long, con- taining a little over an acre. The first enlargement was made March 8, 1736, when Nathaniel Burnham, in return for land given him by the town, granted to the Society a piece of land on the west and a narrow strip on the south, thus nearly doubling the area of the original plot. The second addition was on January 29, 1760, when the ground was extended on the west by nearly a quarter of an acre, James Mitchell being the grantor. This brought the burial line nearly up to the foundations of the present church edifice, the cornerstone of which was laid May 6, 1761. February 25, 1853, the First School Society, into whose hands the care of the property had passed, purchased what is known as the " Clapp extension " on the east, containing a trifle over one and three-quarters acres. The last as well as the largest extension in the history of the cemetery occurred on July 22, 1881, when two acres on the south were granted to the School Society by the heirs of the Rev. John Marsh. Only a part of this has as yet been im- proved and laid out in lots, however. The entire area of the cemetery to-day is nearly five and three-quarters acres, con- taining some 1,500 monuments. The earliest stone extant is that of Leonard Chester, who died in 1648, although there were several burials previous to his. Btit two other stones erected prior to 1700 remain to-day, those of Captain John Chester, who died February 23, 1697, and Mrs. Sarah Chester, who died December 12, 1698. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS u INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Tenor Abro, who | died April 5* 1705, ] in the 25* year | of his age. Albert, | son of | Horace & Emeline | Adams, | died Dec. 9, 1843, I ^ 3 y'rs. 10 mo. ' This little tender plant Which in the dust is sown, When Christ appears, we trust He'll bring a jewel of his own. In memory of | mr. A-masa | Adams, who | departed this life I July 6* A.D. 1790. | In the 82 year of | his Age. Arthur, | son of | Josiah G. & Ellen M. | Adams, | Born May 23, 1872. I Died May 13, 1873. | " Suffer little children to come unto me." Augustus I F. I Adams, | born | October | 9, 1829. | died | September | 5, 1881. | At Rest. Sacred to the J Memory of Mr. | Benjamin Adams, | who died Nov. 27* | 1816. In the 81=' | year of his age. | No sex nor age can death defy, Think mortals what it is to die. Bertha.* " Is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well." Camp Adams, | died | March 20, 1823. | .^E 84. | Mehitable, his wife, j died | August 15, 1825. 1 ^ 85. | Chauncey Adams, | died | June. 27, 1883. | .(E 75. | JuHa A. Willard, | wife of | Chauncey Adams, | died March 14, 1871. | M. 56. I William Adams, | died | Nov. 28, 1852. | M. 72. | Mary Adams, | his wife, | died Adams, | Aug. 20, 182 1. Aug. 23, 1854. I iE. 77. I Martha Sept. 2, 1892. I Welles Adams, I • Infant daughter of Thomas G. and Lucy (Dickinson) Adams. J 2 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS died I Feb. i8, 1876. | aged 72. \ Mary W. Griswold, | wife of | Welles Adams, | died Apr. 27, 1865. | aged 58. Faithful and true. Emma.* | Gone before. Freddie, | son of | Josiah & Ellen M. | Adams. | Born June 7, 1869. I Died Jan. 3, 1871. An op'ning bud to heaven conveyed To bloom and blossom there. George L. Adams, | was lost at sea | Aug. 1827. | M. 30. | Mary, | his wife, | died Sept. 10, 1828. | JE. 29. In Memory of | Mrs. Hannah, wife of | Mr. Amasa Adams, | who died Sept. 25"^ | 1798; Aged 86 | years. Harriet Sargent Adams. | 1813 — 1892. " Unto Him that loved us be glory forever, Amen." Henry Mortimer, | Son of | Welles & Mary W. | Adams, | Died July 30, 1845. | M. 10 mos. 12 d. In hope we give back what vifas given. Huldah Adams, | died | Dec. 26, 1853. | M.. 81. In Memory of | Mr. James Adams, | Merchant, | who de- parted this life I Aug. 19, A.D. 1792, | in the 30* year | of his age. James Adams, | died | Aug. 17, 1844. | M. 51. Dearest Husband thou art gone. While I am left to sigh and moan; Yes thou hast left this world of woe. And gone where all the blessed go. Mr. James C. Adams, | died Aug. 11, 1820, ] in the 54, year | of his Age. Children of | Miles & Mary Ann S. | Adams. | Jemima B. | Born Nov. 6, 1835. | Died May 5, 1855. | Miles, | Born Feb. 26, 1838. I Died Feb. 27, 1838. | Miles Adams, | Born Feb. 19, 1801. I Died Feb. 14, 1874. | Mary Ann S. | wife of | Miles Adams, | Born Nov. i, 1809. | Died April 12, 1863. | Raymond W. I died I April 22, 1886. | JE. 37. | Newell Adams, | Died Feb. 5, 1871. I 2E. 35. I Children of | Horace & Emehne | Adams. | Albert, | Born Feb. 14, 1840. | Died Dec. 9, 1843. I Adaline, | * Infant daughter of Thomas G. and Lucy (Dickinson) Adams. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 13 Born Feb. 14, 1840. | Died Sept. 25, 1856. | Albert, ] Born May 23, 1846. 1 Died Dec. 6, 1846. | Alice R. | Born May 23, 1846. Died May 30, 1874. | Horace Adams, | Died Mar. 30, 1882. M 77 . I Emeline Goodale, | wife of | Horace Adams, | Died Dec. 14, 1883. | JE. 75. In memory of | John Adams, who | died Aug'st 7*"^ 1795, | in the 50^'' Year of | his Age. Let not the dead forgotten lie Lest men forget that they must ' die. In Memory of | Joseph Adams, | who died | Oct. 6, 1834, 1 Aged 51 Years. Peace tis the Lord Jehovahs hand That blasts our joys in death, Changes the visage once so dear, And gathers back the breath. Laura S.* Summer flowers pass away, And hopes that bloomed are dead. Martha Antoinette, | daughter of | Welles & ] Mary W. Adams, | Died Sept. 21, 1849. | ^. 2 Y. 5 M. 16 D. An opening Bud to Heaven convey'd To bloom eternal there. In memory of | Mary Adams | wife of | Mr. John Adams, | who departed this j Hfe May 21=' 1794; | In the 42'^ Year of j her Age. Mattie B. Dix, | wife of | Luther W. Adams, | 1843 — 1879. Sacred | To the Memory of Mrs. | Patience Adams, | Wife of Mr. I Benjamin Adams, | who died Oct. 26* | 1818; Aged 87 years. Russel Adams, | Born Jan. 8, 1807. | Died June 28, 1885. | Mercy M. Griswold, | wife of | Russel Adams, | Born Mar. 2, 1809. I Died Aug. 31, 1865. | children of | Russel & Mercy M. | Adams. | Maria L. | Born Feb. 5, 1832. | Died Nov. 21, 1832. | Albert R. | Born Oct. 7, 1834. | Died Apr. 27, 1834. In memory of | Sarah, wife of Amasa | Adams, died June 12*'' I 1794, in the 42'' Year | of her age. The colours of expression are too faint, Let thought describe what thought alone can paint. Think what the consort Parent Friend should be, you have her character, for such was She. * Infant daughter of Thomas G. and Lucy (Dickinson) Adams. 14 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Sarah Adams, | wife of | James C. Adams, | who died | Aug. 13, 1845. I ^- 74- A Wife & Mother. | Sarah N. Adams,* | Died | Feb. 6, 1862. | M. 26. If souls could always dwell above, Thou ne'er hadst left thy sphere; Or could we keep the souls we love We ne'er hadst lost thee here. In Memory of | Mrs. Sinalda Adams, | daughter of | Mr. Benjamin and | Mrs. Patience Adams, | who departed this Hfe | May 12'* 1796; in the | 31^* Year of her Age. Her time was come to die, God saw twas best. We hope she dwells on high In endless rest. Uzziel Adams, | died | Aug. 16, 1825. | M. 57. | Clarissa Lucas, I wife of | Uzziel Adams, | died | April 18, 1854. | M. 78. They that sleep in the dust of the earth shall rise and come forth. Fanny, | daughter of | U. & C. L. Adams, | Died Dec. 18, 1796. I .^. I Y. ID Mo. I Fanny Adams | died | Sept. 25, 1877. | M. 78. I Clarissa L. Adams, | died | Dec. 7, 1887. | ^. 81. j Walter Adams | died | June 22, 1880. | 2E. 70. | Nancy A. Blinn, | his wife, | Died Jan. 28, 1891. | IE.. 79. | Orson S. Adams, ] died | Oct. 16, 1852. | M. 38. | Lemuel Clark, I died | Sept. 7, 1862. | yE. 41. | Watson Adams, | died | Oct. 28, 1885. I M. 74. The I grave of | two | infants. Buds plucked from earth to bloom in heaven. Walter Adams. | Nancy A. Adams. f The I grave of | William Adams, Jr. | born | March 12, 1803. I died I Dec. 4, 1839. From midst of lifes unfinished plan, With sudden hand Death severed him. William, I son of Joseph and | Sally Adams, | died Sept. 23, 1825, I aged 17. As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. * (Sarah Newson Rotbins) Mrs. Wm. W. Adams, t Children of Walter and Nancy A. (Blinn) Adams. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 15 Elizabeth W. Adams.* W. A.f ! 6 Dec. 1804—18 Feb. 1876. As a public servant, wise and faithful; as a citizen, upright and zealous; as the head of a family, beloved and respected. M. W. A4 ! II Aug. 1806—27 Apr. 1865. In Life adorned with virtues rare — A pattern of humility. In Death, resigned, serene and fair. Winner of immortality. Ella, I and her infant brother, | Freddie | Allen. § William E. AlHs, | Died Sept. 22, 1892. | Harriet A. Kim- ball, I wife of ! W. E Allis | Died Dec. 10, 1882. Samuel J. Andrews, | Died Feb. 12, 1842. | 2E. 32. | Chloe Ann, I wife of | Samuel J. Andrews, | Died Jan. 30, i860 | 2E. 48. I James Samuel, ] son of | S. J. & C. A. Andrews, | Died Feb. I, 1842. M. 14 Mo. Albert H. Andrus, | died | Sept. 19, 1889. | Aged 50. Ellen M. | wife of | Albert H. Andrus, | died Dec. 23, 1867. | aged 25. Daniel A. | son of | Daniel & | Hephzibah | Ayrault, | Died | Sept. 5, 1846, I aged 7 y'rs. Marian, Daugh'tr | of Nicholas & | Jane Ayrault, | Dec'd Jan'ry 26 | 1738, in ye | 5'*^ year of her | Age. Marian, j ye Daughter | of M'' Nicholas | and M''^ Jane ] Ayrault, died | Febuary y= 25* | 1748/9, about | 2 years and | 4 Months old. In memory of | Mis Mary Ayrault, | Who died Aug. 13* | 1778, in the 84* | Year of her Age. In I Memory of | Mrs. Mary Ayrault, wife of | Mr. Daniel Ayrault, | who died Sept. s*'' 1852. | Aged 100 years. * Infant daughter of Watson Adams. t Welles Adams. i Mary W. (Griswold) Adams. § Children of Henry P. and Eliza (Adams) Allen. 1 6 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Doct. Nicholas Ayrault, | A French Huguenot, | Died May 6, 1706, aged 37. ] Marian Bretoun, | his wife, died Aug. 27, 1741, aged 60. I Capt. Nicholas Ayrault | died April 29, 1775, aged 70. I Jane Stocking, | his wife, died Oct. 26, 1783, aged 70. I Daniel Ayrault, | died March 8, 1807, aged 71. | Mary Balch, I his wife, died Sept. 5, 1852, aged 100. | Daniel Ayrault, | died Nov. 11, 1868, aged 82. | Hephsibah Kent- field, I his wife, died Aug. 23, 1871, aged 74. | John Ayrault, | died June 19, 1837, aged 17. | Daniel Ayrault, | died Sept. 5, 1846, aged 7. I Mary M. Ayrault, | died April 29, 1895, aged 69. Nicholas Ayrault, | y« 2"'! Son of Mr. | Nicholas & Mrs. ] Jane Ayrault, | died March ye 29* | 1749/50, aged 5 y'rs | 5 Months & II days. Stephen, Son of | Mr. Peter & Mrs. | Marah Ayrault, | died August the I 9''' 1745, two Years | and one day old. Sacred | To the memory of | Mr. Asa S. Bailey, | who died March 21, | 1821, In the 31=* | year of his age. His Saviour's smile dispeli'd the gloom. And smooth'd his pas sage to the tomb. Freddie W. Bailey, | died | May 3, 1876. Mrs. Sarah, | wife of | Timothy Bailey, | died | Mar. 14, 1823, I M. 49 y'rs. Do not delay for death will come,, Your day of life must close. Yet when or where or by what means, No living mortal knows. Addie Raphel, | daughter of | Arthur L. & Fannie | Baker, | Died Sept. 11, 1891. | Aged 20 y'rs. In Memory | of Lois Balch, | Daughter of | Mr. Ebenezer | Balch, & Mrs. | Lois, his wife, | who died august | is"' 1760, in ye 3.-d | Year of her Age. Sarah Deming Barbour, | died | Sept. 15, 1863. | Aged 69. In memory of Mary, | ye Daughter of Mr. | James & Mrs. Anne | Baret, who Died August | ye 5 A.D. 1769, aged [ i year and 5 months | and 27 days. WBTHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 17 Elizabeth, | wife of | William Barrett, | died [ July 30, 1845. | ^- S3- Here sweet be thy rest till Christ bid thee arise To hail him in triumph descending the skies. Huldah Barrett, | Died Dec. 10, 181 1. ] M. 20. | Thomas Barrett, | Died July 15, 1813. j M. 29. ] Martha Barrett, | Died Jan. 26, 1844. I M. 55. Lucy, I Relict of | Selah Barrett, | Died Aug. 9, 1857, | in the 95* year | of her age. Lucy, I daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Barrett, | Died Sept. 22, 1850. I 2E. 24. Mary Barrett, ] died | March 27, 185 1. | M. 64. In I memory of | Mr. Selah Barrett, | who died | Sept. 26, 1825. I 2E. 63. I Chauncey, his son, | died Aug. 9, 1823. | M. 24. I Sophia, his daughter, | died Aug. 18, 1825. | JE. 32. William Barrett, | died | April 7, 1858, | M. 62 Yrs & 9 Mo. William farewell; around thy lonely bed, My footstep oft will sadly linger near; And o'er thy memory long in sorrow shed The sweet moments of affection's tear. Here | lyeth | the body of | Samuel Baxter, | died Jan'y Ye 29 I 1729, aged 6 years | and 7 months. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth | Beadle, wife of | Mr. Jonathan Beadle, ] who departed this | Life Jan. 23'' 1793. | Aged 39 Years. Francis, | Infant Son of | Henry & Elizabeth | Beadle, | died I Sept. 19, 1852. | 7E. i Y'r, 11 D's. Oho: Death how coulds thou seek our pleasant bower, And steal from it so fair and sweet a flower. Here lie Interred | Mrs. Lydia Beadle, | Aged 32 Years, | Ansel Lothrop, Elizabeth, | Lydia & Mary Beadle, her Chil- dren; I the eldest aged 11 and the youngest 6 years, | who, | on the morning of the 11* of Dec'r. 1782, | Fell by the hands 3 1 8 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS of William Beadle, | an infatuated Man, | who closed the horrid sacrifice | of his Wife and Children | with his own destruction. Pale, round their grassy tomb bedew'd with tears, Flit the thin forms of sorrows, and of fears; Soft sighs responsive swell to plaintive chords. And Indignations half unsheath their swords. Manning Beadle, | died | Dec. 4, 1831. | Aged 42 | Emily A. | his wife, | Died Aug. 19, 1879. ! Aged 89. Our Mother.* Nathaniel Billings. | Caroline Rhodes, f In memory of | Celia Mix, | daughter of | James L. & | Julia Belden, | who died | Oct. 9, 1824, | aged years. Charlotte Ann, | Died Mar. 31, 1842, | M. 3 y'rs. 3 mo's. j Alice Maria, | Died April 19, 1842, | 7E. 10 mo's. | Daughters of I Otis & Mary W. | Belden. The rose which bloomed yesterday, May fade and die to-morrow, So has this child in early bloom, Been snatched from care & sorrow. Weep not dear friends, thy infants God A promise sweet has given, Suflfer such ones to come to me, They are the gems of heaven. Ezekiel Porter, | son of | James L. & | Julia Belden, | died | Nov. 8, 1822, I aged 14 months. James L. Belden, | died | Feb. 21, 1847. I aged 72 years. | Ezekiel Porter, | son of James L. & Julia | Belden, | died | Nov. 8, 1822. I aged 14 months. [ Celia Mix, | daughter of James L. & Julia I Belden, | died | Oct. 9, 1824, | aged 4-I years. In I Memory of | Joseph Belden, | who died | Aug. 7, 1826, | aged 50. Lathrop Belden, | born ] Feb. 19, 1800. | Died July 2, 1876. | Elizabeth R. I his wife, | Born Oct. 20, 1801. | Died Nov. 8, 1877. I Jane F. Belden. | born | Dec. 20, 1824. | Died Sept. 22, 1872. In I Memory of I Martha Belden, | relict of | Simeon Belden, j who died | Dec. 5, | 1830, ] in the 88, year | of her age. • Sarah T. Ray, wife o£ John C. Nichols, died Tan. is, 1875, aged 29. t Wife of Nathaniel Billings, died March 29, 1895, aged 73. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 19 Martha C. | wife of | James Belden, | and daughter of | Sylvester & Nancy | Clark, | Died Feb. 15, 1867, | aged 20 yrs. Gone but not forgotten. In memory of | Mary, Wife of | Elisha Belden, | who died Sept. 12, I 1 83 1, M. 28 Yrs. | Franklin, their | Son, died Nov. 20, I 1833, M. 2 Yrs. In Memory of | Mr. Ozias Belden, | who died Nov. 7* | 1810, I aged 64 years. Hear lies | ye body of | Patiant Ye wife | of John Belden, | dececed March | ye 9"^ 17 16, aged | 24. In I Memory of | Simeon Belden, | who died | Oct. 29, 1820, | aged 84. Col. Thomas Belden, | died May 22, 1782, aged 50. | Abigail, his relict, died | March 17, 1798, aged 61. | James, their son, died Nov. 27, 1779, aged 19. | Abigail, their daughter, died Mar. 1772, aged 2 mo.| Elizabeth, the wife of | Ezekiel Porter Belden, died October | 30, 1789, aged 33. | James, the son of Ezekiel P. Belden & | Mary, his wife; died Sept. 13, 1800, aged 9. I Ezekiel Porter, Their son, | died April 2, 1818, aged 24. I Col. Ezekiel Porter Belden, | died Oct. 9, 1824, | aged 69. I Mary, relict of Col. Ezekiel P. Belden, | died March 22, 1845, aged 88. | Thomas, son of Ezekiel Porter | and Eliza- beth Belden: who died | Feb. 24'^ 183 1, aged 46 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Dorothy Belding, | Relict to M"" John | Belding, who died | February ye 28'^^ 1754, I in the 91, year of | her age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Serg' | Ebenezer Belding, | who Departed this | Life Novem'r the 2"'^ | 1739, about 72 | Years of Age. Eunice Belding, | Daughter of Mr. | Ezra & Mrs. | Belding, died I Aug'st ye 7"' 1754; | In the 21=' year | of her age. Here Lyeth the Body | of Deacon Jonathan | Belding, who Deceased | July ye 6* 1734, | In the 74*'' Year | of his Age. Here lies the Body | of Jonathan Belding, | Son of Jonathan & I Martha Belding, ] who Dec'd July ye | lo*^ 1736 in ye 18* I Year of his Age. 20 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS To the Memory of | Jonathan Belding, Esq'r. | who departed this hfe I Aug'st 20* A.D. 1768. | ^tat's 73. In Life publicly serviceable, In Death greatly lamented. Here | heth the | body of | Joseph Belding, | who deceased | Desem'r ye 7* 1724; | aged 62 years. Here lies Interr'd [ the Body of Mr. | Josiah Belding, | who Departed this | life Sept. ye 5* 1746, | in the 64"^ year | of his Age. In Memory of Capt. | Josiah Belding, | who departed this | Life Oct. 18* AD. 1788, | In the 70"^ year | of his Age. Here | lies ye body of | Kezia ye wife | of John Belding | dececed Decem ye | 2 1712 aged 21. In Memory of Mrs. | Lucretia, ye wife of | Mr. David Beld- ing, I who died Nov'r | ye 18"^ A.D. 1768, in | ye 34"' Year of | her Age. In Memory of | M" | Mabel Belding, | wife of M-- | Josiah Belding, | who died Oct"^ 11"^ | A:D: 1767, | in the Si*^' year | of her Age. Here lyes the | Body of Ozias | Belding, Who | Decest Novem'r | ye 29"' 1731, | Aged 17 Years j & ii Days. Here lies the Body | of Rebecca Belding, | the Daughter of | Josiah & Mable | Belding, who Deceased | August the 18*'^ 1736, I in the 21=' Year of | her Age. In Memory of ] Mr. Return Belding, | Son of Mr. Josiah & | Mrs. Mabel Belding, | who died Jan'ry ye 24* | A.D. 1764. In ye 43'' | year of his Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Thankfull Belding, ) wife of M"' Josiah | Belding, who died Jan'ry | y^ 2y^^ 1751; in ye 20* I year of her Age. | And her two Children, | Josiah & Thankfull, | born & died on the | 21^* of that instant. Here lie Interr'd the Remains | of | Mr. Thomas Belding, 1 who Departed this | Life April ye 13* ) A.D. 1761: In the | 61^' year of his Age. | Mrs. Mary Belding, I wife of Mr. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 21 Thomas. | Belding, & Daughter | of the Rev'd Stephen | Mix. | who Departed this | Life April ye 14* | A:D: 1742. In the | 42'* year of her Age. Here lies the Body | of the wid'o Mary | Beldin, Relict of | Deacon Jonathan | Beldin, who dyed | Septemb'r ye 8 1741, ] in the 76'^ Year of | her Age. | Here lies the Body | of Moses Belding, | Son of Jonathan | and Martha Belding, | who dyed Septemb'r | ye 6"^ 1741, in | the 21" Year of \ his Age. William G. Benham, | Co. E. 8 Regt. | Conn. Vols. | died | Dec. 30, 1894. Levi Benson,* | Co. B. | 25'*^ Conn. Inf. In memory of | Polly Bentley, | wife of | Rev. William Bentley, | who fell asleep in Christ | May 14, 1851. | 2E. 74. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. Rev. WilHam Bentley, | born | in Newport, R. I. | March 3, 1775- ! died | in Wethersfield, | Dec. 24, 1855. Eminently useful in the cause of Christ, his end was peace. the text chosen by himself for his funeral sermon was expressive of his humility & faith, " I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." In I Memory of | Mr. George Benton, | who died | July 5, 1819. I 2E. 30. I Mr. George Benton, Senior, | died at Mar- tinique, I Feb. 15, 1794 I M. 25. I George, | son of | Mr. George & Mrs. Hannah | Benton, | died Apr. 12, 1794. 2E. 8 mo. Hannah, | wife of | George Benton, | died | July 15, 1856. | M. 86. Here | lieth the | body of An | na the wife | of William Blin, | who departed this | life October the | 17 1724 in the 45 | year of her age. In Memory of | Mrs. Chloe Blin, | Relict of | Mr. Gershom Blin, I who died June 10"^ | 1821. Aged 82 years. •Died June 22, 1872. 22 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | Mrs. Damaris Blin, | Wife of | M'' Simeon Blin, I who died Sept. 1 1'^ | 1828. In the 55* | year of her age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | DeHverence BHn, | who Dec'd Novem. | ye 2i'^^ 1736, in the | 48* Year of his Age. In memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth Bhn, | Wife of | Mr. Samuel Blin, I who died Nov. 13*'' | 1784, | Aged 47 years. | In memory of I Miss Elizabeth Blin, ) Daughter of Samuel | & Elizabeth Blin, I who died Feb. 19 | 1807. Aged 49 years. Blessed are the Righteous that die in the Lord. In memory of | Cap' George Blin, | Son of Samuel | & Eliza- beth Blin, I who died May 20 | 1796 [In Cape St | Nichola Mole, I Westindies. | Aged 33 years. | In memory of | Huldah Blin, I Daughter of Samuel | & Elizabeth Blin, | who died Oct. 2-d I 1773. I Aged 5 years. In Memory of | Mr. Gershom Blin, | who died Nov"" 2-d | 1810, aged 84 years. | Also his- Daughter, | Lucy, wife of | Mr. Ashbel Hurlbut, | who died [at Pamlet, | Vermont] May 4"^ | 181 1, aged 28 yrs. In Memory of | Mr. Hosea Blin, | who died August 6^^ \ T815. In the 71^* I year of his age. Here lyeth ye Body | of Mrs. Mary, the | wife of Mr. | Deliverance Blin, | who Dec'd June | ye 30"^ 173S, | Aged 46 Years. Here | lieth the | body of Mr. | Peter Blin, | who departed | this life March ye | 7* in the 85 | year of his age. Thankfull, | daughter of | William Blin, | died October | the 25 1724 I aged 4 years. William Welles Adams, [ 1833—1896. | Nellie Edith, | 1865— 1896. I Margie E. | 1875— 1879. I Emma G. | 1867— 1886. I Robert S. | 1885— 1886. | Frederick O. | 1878— 1886. In I Memory of | Alfred Blinn, | who died | Dec. 31, 1837. I 2E. 31. Chauncey Blinn, | died | January 21, 1845. | Aged 34. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 23 Clarissa Blinn, | died | Sept. 26, 1844. | M. 57. " There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God." Harriet C. Blinn, | wife of | Franklin H. Merriman, | died in Galveston, Texas, | Sept. 18, 1842. | JE. 32. " Remember me — oh, pass not Thou my grave, Without one thought whose rehcs there recline: The only pang my bosom dare not brave Must be to find forgetfulness in thine." In I Memory of | Capt. Hosea Bliiin, | who died | June 15, 1819. I M. 43. He lived beloved and died lamented. Hosea Blinn, | died | June 6, 1849, I aged 34. " Your light afflictions work for you a Crown." Capt. I James Blinn, | died | Feb. 8, 1848. | aged 63. In I Memory of | Capt. James Blinn, Jr. | who died | of a southern Billions fever, | May 21, 1833. | Aged 25 years. In Memory of | Levi Blinn, | who died | Dec. 4, 1834, j Aged 48 Y'rs. | Levi, Son of | Levi & Nancy Blinn, | died March 3, 1833, JE. 10 weeks. Mary Blinn, | wife of | Hezekiah Blinn, | died | June 13, 1861. I aged 76 years. Mary E. | daughter of | S. & E. Blinn, | died June 3, 1857. | M. 4 y'rs. My babe sleeps. In I Memory of | Mehetable Blinn, | who died | Sept. 13, 1834. I 2E. 22. " Remember now thy Creator In the days of thy youth." Mehettable, | wife of | Capt. Hosea Blinn, | died Nov. 22, 1852. I aged yy. | William, | their son, died at sea, | June 7, 1842, I aged 37. O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory. Here | lieth the | body of Mr. | Peter Blin, | who departed | this life March Ye | 7* in the 85 | year of his age. 24 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In Memorj' of | Ruth Blinn, | who died | July 28, 1836. | M.87. Samuel Blinn, | Born Nov. 7, 1813. | Died Oct. 2, 1895. Peacefully sleeping. Sarah B. Adams, | wife of | Simeon Blinn, | Born Oct. 28, 1814. I Died Oct. 4, 1877. In Memory of | Simeon Blinn, | who Died | April 12, 1837. | Aged 73 Yrs. Simeon Blinn, | Born June 24, 1804. | Died Dec. 3, 1880. William Blinn, | died | Sept. 19, 1851. | JE. 73. Charles Francis, | died | Apr. 9, 1885, | Aged 82. | Emily, | his wife, | died I Dec. 20, 1883, j Aged 81. | Charles Francis, Jr. I died | May 6, 1862. | Lucy B. | died | July 27, 1880. | Marietta, | wife of | D. W. Francis, | Died Apr. 9, 1891. | Chil- dren. I Allen B. | died | July 22, 1888. | AHceR. | Died June 6, I 1894. Jonny, | son of | M. & E. Blomquist, | Died Feb. 26, 1877. | Aged 10 mo's & 3 days. In Memory of Mrs. | Abigail Boardman, | Relict of Capt. | Charles Boardman, | who died August 12* | 1818, aged 85 years. They rest from their labours & their works do follow them. The Grave | of | Alpheus Francis,* | son of | William & Mary | Boardman, | died May 26, 1839, | Aged 11 months. Asleep in Jesus. The Grave | of | Arathusa Maria, | daughter of | William & Mary | Boardman, | died July 20, 1838,! ] Aged 7 months. Too fair for Earth. In Memory of | Capt. Charles Boardman, | who died August I2-* I 1793. I Aged 68 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. * Born June 26, 1838. t Should be 1837. Born Dec. 15, 1836. "*&* ri't- ,ii "^ i- *; ^^.i^':, TOMIWTONE OF SAMUEL BORLuMAN. IVETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 25 Horace W. Boardman, | Son of | M"" Elisha & M" | Mary Boardman, | died Feb'^y 16* | 1792, | in his 8^^ year. In Memory | of Cornet | Joseph Bordman, | who died | Jan'r ye 19"^ | 1777, in ye | 76* Year ] of his Age | In Memory j of Mrs. Mary, | wife of | Comet ] Joseph | Bordman | died April I 30, 1769, in | ye 66 Year | of her Age. The Grave of | Joseph S. Boardman, | who was | Drowned by Shipwreck in Long | Island Sound on his | passage to New York, I Nov. 13, 1827, | Aged 47 Years. Joseph S. Boardman, | Born May 3, 1780. | Died Nov. 13, 1827. I Lucinda, | his wife, | Died Mar 6. 1850. | Aged 64. JuHa Boardman, | died | April i, 1876. | aged 89. In Memory of | Mr. Levi Boardman, | who died May 20'^ | 1808, I Aged 43 years. In Memory of Mr. | Timothy Boardman | who died Dec'r 27"* I 1753. I in the 54''' year | of his Age. Selah, I son of William | & Jerusha Bond, | Died | Dec. 16, 1844, I Aet. 4 years. William K. Bond, | died | Jan. 12, 1856, | aged 58. In memory of thy generous worth, To thee this monument is given, By her whom thou hast left on earth, But hope to join again in heaven. Here | lyes the | body of | Nathaniel | Bordman, who | dyed November | the 29, 1712, in | the 50 year of | his age. Here | lyeth the | body of Mr. | Samuel Bordman, | who departed this | life December the | 23, 1720, in Ye 73 | year of his age. Here | lieth the | Body of Lieu | Jon'th Borman, | who died Sept ] 21, 1712, aged 51 | years. Henry J. Boughton, | born | Mar. 6, 1849. I '^^^^ I Dec. 2, 1878. " And there shall be no more death, nei- ther sorrow nor crying." _; 26 WETHERSPIELD INSCRIPTIONS Edward S. | Son of | Samuel & Matilda | Brainard, j died | May 13, 1842. I M. 5 Y'rs. Although the grave hath hid from us A child so truly dear, Although his days on earth were few. We will not wish him here. Asenath, | wife of | Michael Brigden; | died | Aug. 12, 1866. | ^.83. Catherine Brigden, | Born | Nov. 25, 1784. | Died | June I, 1872. " He giveth his beloved sleep." In Memory of | Mrs. Grace, wife | of Mr. Thomas | Brigden, who I died Jan'y. 26 * | 1767, in ye 62" Year | of his Age. His time was come and he must die, Here in dust his body doth lie, His soul is gone we hope and trust, To reign with Christ among the Just. Here | lies the | body of | Lydia, the wife of | Mr. John Frances, | who departed | this life October | 18, 1733, in the 36 I year of her age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Mercy Francies, ] Relict to M"^ I John Francies, | who Died Oct. | the 13* 1745, in I the 83'''^ year | of her Age. TOMIISTONF. OF JOHN FRAN'CIS. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 55 Mercy, | Daughter of | Mr. John and Mrs. | Eunice Francies, | Died July 6"^ | 1747: 5 Months old. In I Memory of | Daniel Francis, | Who died | Jan. 14, 1837. | M. 66. In I memory of | Elias Francis, | who died | Sept. 22, 1836. | aged 53 Yrs. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth, | Wife of Mr. | Robert Francis, | who died May 20* | 1767. | In Her | 69* Year. Elizabeth Scott, | wife of | Stephen Francis, | died | April 1 1 , 1847. I -^- 42- George Francis, | Born Sept. 14, 1775. | Died Nov. 21, 1858. I Sarah, | his wife, | Born April 26, 1778. | Died Sept. 20, 1828. I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. In memory of | Huldah Francis, | wife of | John Francis, | who died | April 14, 1833, | Aged 68. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Jaimes, | Son of | Stephen & Elizabeth | Francis, | died Dec. 17, 1834. I M. 10 mo. Soft be thy slumber till the saviour comes. While in serener skies thy spirit blooms. In I Memory of | Jennet, daughter of | Daniel & | Mahetable Francis, | who died | May 30, 1823, | aged 17 years & | 5 months. Beloved in Life, Lamented in Death. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | John Francis, | Who Departed this | Life Septem'r ye 9*^ | 1749, In the 65"^ | year of his Age. In memory of | Capt. John Francis, | who died | Jan. 22, 1835. I M. 68 yrs. There remaineth therefore A rest unto the people of God. 56 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Capt. John Francis, | his wife, | and chil- dren. I John Francis. | Died Jan. 22, 1835, | Aged 68. | Huldah Bulkley, | his wife, | Died Apr. 14, 1833, I Caroline, | Died Apr. 9, 1871, Aged yy. \ William, | Died Nov. 21, 1872, Aged 72. | Huldah, I Died May i, 1878, Aged 82. | John, | Died in New Orleans, | Oct. 15, 1840, aged 43. | Albert, | Died June 15, 1844, Aged 35. I James B. | Died Dec. 16, 1850, Aged 51. | Stephen, | Died Oct. 4, 1864, Aged 62. In I Memory of | Capt. John Francis, | whO' died | May 30, 1824, I M. 80. John Francis, | Died Aug. 24, 1850. | 2E. 55. | Maria, [ His wife, I Died June 12, 1868. | M. 66. | James Francis, | Died Sept. 25, 1852. I M. 85. I Pamelia, His wife | Died Dec. 4, 1848. I JE. 80. I Walter Francis, | Died Jan. 17, 1834. | M. 34. | Rev. James Francis, | Died July 11, 1863. | M. 67. | Robert Francis, | Died Jan. 2, 171 1. | M. 83. | Joan, His Wife, | Died Jan. 29, 1705. I M. 76. I John Francis, | Died Dec. 28, 1711. | M. 53. I Sarah, His Wife, | Died April 3, 1682. | M. 24. | Mercy, His Wife, | Died Oct. 13, 1745, 2E. 83. | Robert Francis | Died Feb. 21, 1777, M. 80. | Elizabeth, His Wife, | Died May 20, 1767, M. 69. I Timothy Francis, | Died Aug. 3, 1807, M. 75. I Elizabeth, His Wife, | Died July 30, 1814, M. 81. Here lyes | ye body of | Mrs. Mary | Francis who | dyed July 15, I 1718, in the 50 | year of her | age. In I Memory of | Mary, wife of | Elias Francis, | who died | Jan. 29, 1823, ! aged 38. Mary, | late wife of | George Francis, | & formerly wife of | Eli Stoddard, | died Feb. 4, 1866. | Aged 78. Matthew Francis, | 1840, | M. 66. | Hannah D. | 1842, | 2E. 65. Matthew Francis, | Born Jan. 10, 1813. | Died Jan. 10, 1886. | Lucy Semour, | his wife | Born June 27, 1816. | Died Jan. 27, 1892. I Wilbur S. I son of | A. S. & H. M. Francis, | Born July 19, 1884. j Died May 21, 1893. | Alfred Francis, [ Born Oct. 6, 1799. I Died Jan. 24, 1875. | Emeline Buck, | his wife, | Died Jan. 10, 1891. I aged 90 years. ] Levi Francis, | Born Feb. 4, 1806. I Died March 31, 1867. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 57 In I Memory of | Mehitable, | Wife of | Daniel Francis, | who died I Dec. i6, 1845. | M. 69. In I Memory of | Mrs. Rhoda, | Consort of | Capt. John Francis, | who died | Mar. 27, 1816, | JE. 73. Sarah A. | Daughter of | Charles & Emily | Francis, | Died Sept. 12, 1828. I Aged 8 months. | Lucy R. | Daughter of | Charles & Emily | Francis, | Died Aug. 11, 1833. | Aged 13 months. In Memory of | Dea. Simeon Francis, | who died Sept. 7-th 1823, I aged 53 years. | Also of Mrs. Mary Ann, | his Wife, who died I Sept. 18-th 1822, aged | 49 years. | Also- Miss Mary Francis, ] died July 12-th 1819, | aged 81 years. Timothy Francis, | died | at Vicksburg, Miss. | May 13, 1838. I aged 35 " I shall behold thy {ace in righteousness." Esther N. | His wife, j died | May 25, 1880. | aged 73 y's. | 9 mo's. I Children of | Timothy & Esther | Francis. | Timothy j died I April 5, 1836. | aged 11 mo's. | Ellen E. | died | Apr. 7, 1854 I aged 21 yrs. | John M. | Co. I. 25, Regt. Ct. Vol. [ died at Baton Rouge, | June 9, 1863. | aged 32 yrs. Here was buri | ed Thomas the inf | ant son of Capt. | James & Mrs. Sarah | Francis, who died | April 21st, 1794, | aged 20 Months. Here is j Abigail the | wife of John | Franses | who dyed | Augus 22 I 1723 age 26. Here lies ye Body | of Mrs. Sarah | Franses, wife of Mr. | Joseph Franses of | Durham, who died | Oct'r ye 2"<' 1753. In ye I 25. year of her age. In memory of | Francois, | who was born in Africa, | and died July i^* | 1816, aged about | 55 years. In I Memory of | Capt. Luke Fortune, | who died | May 4, 1817,1 ^. 75- In Memory of | M" Abigail Fosdick, | wife of M"^ Ezekiel | Fo'sdick, & Daughter | of M"' Samuel & | M" Abigail Wright, j who died Nov'' 7* | A.D. 1755; Aged 31 yrs. 58 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | Mrs. Anner Fosdick, | Widow of | Mr. Ezekiel Fosdick, | who died Dec. 27-th | 1808. Aged 76 years. In Memory of | Mr. Ezekiel Fosdick, | who departed this Life I Jan'ry 2'"J AD. 1786: | In the 66* Year | of his Age. In I Memory of | Sally Fox, | wife of Hiram Fox, | who died I Feb. 5, 1823. | M. 22. Harvey S. | Son of Morgan | & Huldah Fowler, | was killed by a I fall from a cart | April 3, 1822, | aged 7 years & | 3 months. This bud so young and fair, Call'd home by early doom. Jn I memory of | Frederick Fuller, | who died | March 7, 1814. I Aged 50 years. Samuel Galpin, | died | Mar. 17, 1864. | 2E. 79. | Caroline, | his wife, | Died Jan. 30, 1875. | M. 89. | Jerusha B. | wife of j Albert Galpin, | Died Aug. 23, 1892. ] 2E.. 75. | Esther M. | wife of I Albert Galpin, | Died Dec. 17, 1871. | 2E. 59. | children of I S. & C. Galpin. | Caroline Welles, | died Aug. 27, 1850. | M. 29. I John, died | Oct. 19, 1857. M. ^i. \ Albert Galpin, j died I Oct. 5, 1892. | 7E. 81. Frances Gerhard, | Co. L. 4 Regt. | U. S. Art'y. | died | Nov. 4, 1893. In Memory of | Thankfull Gofif, ( who died | April 10, 1849. | 2E. 78. Go home my friends, wipe off your tears, I must lie here, till Christ appears. Jane Berry, | wife of | John Goldrick, | Died May 8, 1867. | Aged 56. She knew that her Redeemer liv'd, And on his grace relied; God's word she steadfastly believ'd, And in this faith she died. John Goldrick, | died | Sept. 8, 1887. | Aged 84. Long side my Wife in Wethersfield, Forgotten let my body lie. Unconscious let me take my rest, Mong strangers in my narrow bed, Till Christ in glory comes again, From Heav'n to wake the sleeping dead. ) , ,, John Goldrick. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 59 In memory of | Quash Gomer: a | Native of Angola in | Africa, brought from | there in 1748, & | died June 6'^ 1799, | Aged 68 years. Here | lyeth the | body of Grace | wife of WiUiam | Goodrecg who I died October the j 17 1712 aged | 51 years. Abigail, | widow of | Israel Goodrich, | Died April 13, i860. | M. 64 Y. I M. 4 D. I Israel Goodrich | died & buried at Matanzas, Cuba, | Aug. 29, 1822, M. 29 Y'rs. | Henry | Son of Israel & Abigail ] Goodrich, | died on his passage to the | West indies & was buried at sea, | Oct. 24, 1846, M. 27 Y'rs. In Memory of | Clarissa, wife of | Joshua Goodrich, | who died j Dec. 5, 1834. | 2E. 36. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Col"' | David Goodrich, Esq. I who Departed this | Life Jan''y 23'' | A.D. 1755. In the | SSt'' year of his | Age. | Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Prudence Goodrich, | the wife of Col"' David | Goodrich, Esq"" who I Departed this Life | May y= 9* A.D. | 1752. In the 74*'" year | of her Age. David Goodrich, | died | Feb. 22, 1802. | M. 73. | Hannah, his wife, | died | Feb. 8, 1818. | 2E. 82. | Anna Swift, ] died ] Sept. 4, 1839. I M. 69. Elihu Phelps Goodrich, | died | Nov. 25, 1833, | Aged 32 years. Here lie | the remains of | Elizabeth Goodrich, | relict of | Isaac Goodrich, | who died | June 3, 1833. | Aged 73. Sacred to the Memory of | Col"' Elizur Goodrich, | who in the Cours of a long Life | sustained & adorned the | Characters of the Citizen the | Soldier the Patriot & the Christian | by a faithfull discharge of his | duty in those respective stations. | Go traveller & Imetate his Vertues | His piety in this Life & trust in | divine mercy for happiness in the | Next, died April 4"" 1774. I Aged 81. I Also M''^ Ann Goodrich, | Wdo of Col"' Elizur Goodrich, | who died Jan'"'' 3"^ 1776. Aged 83. Elizur Goodrich, | Died Feb. 10, 1854. | M. 56. | Jerusha W. wife of I Elizur Goodrich, | Died Jan. 2, 1835. ] TE. 31. Prudence B. | wife of | Elizur Goodrich, | Died Mar. 25, 1864. M. 56. I Henry E. Goodrich, | Died Dec. 16, 1865. | M. 19. 6o WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Simeon Goodrich, | Died Apr. 12, 1867. | 2E. 76. | Rhoda Good- rich, I Died June 22, 1881. | 2E. 89. Emma C. | daughter of | Joshua & Mary Ann | Goodrich, | Died Aug. 11, 1851. | ^. 9 Y. 4 M. Frank LesHe, | son of | H. & L. A. Goodrich, | Died Aug. 18, 1861. 1^. 2 Yrs, 7 D'ys. Not lost I cannot say Farewell, Though dust to dust be given, Thy smile seems lingering on me still, Yet touched with light from Heaven. Thy voice steals o'er me, but no tone Of grief is in the strain. I weep, yet would not call thee back To earths dim scenes again. In Memory of | George Goodrich, who was | lost at Sea in Sept. 1794, I in the 23-d year of his age. | Here lies interr'd | Ashbel Goodrich, who died | August lo-tli 1808. | Aged 27 years. | In memory of | Allen Goodrich, who died | in Mar- tinico, Sept. 20-th | 1802. Aged 17 years. | Three Sons of Mr. Nathaniel | & Mrs. Lucy Goodrich. Hannah, | wife of | Simeon Goodrich, | died | May 4, 1844. | M. 84. In Memory of Hezekiah Goodrich, | Son of Cap* Elizur & M''^ Abigail Goodrich, | who^ Departed this Life June the 1 1* 1765. j Aged I Year, i Month, & 2 days. How loved how honored once avails thee not. To whom related or by whom begot, A Heap of Dust is all remains of thee, T'is all thou art & all the proud shall be. In Memory of | Mr. Isaac Goodrich, | who Departed this life I at Waterford, | Sept. 28, AD. 1813. | In the 62 | 1815. | Aged 74 years. Hannah, | wife of | John Griswold, | died | Oct. 28, 1857, | ^.74. Hannah, | wife of | Sylvester Griswold, | born | June 4, 1810. I died I July 16, 1877. Harris Griswold, | died | July 21, 1852, | Aged 52 years. Henry Griswold, | Dec. 16, 1816. | Feb. 22, 1886. | Hannah Griswold, | Sept. 22, 1815. | Nov. 25, 1887. Henry Griswold, | died | Sept. 29, 1854. | M. 28. " Now shall I sleep in the dust; and thou shalt seek me in the morning but I shall not be." In memory of | Huldah Griswold, | Wife of | Jonathan Gris- wold, I who departed this life | Sept. 25* 1797, | in the 29* year of her | age, and in memory of ] an infant daughter. H. Maria, | only child of | Sylvester & H. | Griswold, | Died Nov. 25, 1852. | ^. 4 Y. 2 M. Gone but not forgotten. Here lies the Body | of Mr. Jacob | Griswold, who Dec'd | July ye 22"^ 1737, | in ye 77^^ Year of | his Age. Jacob, Son of | Mr. Daniel & Mrs. | Jarusha Griswold, | died Aug'st 31^* 1783, | in the 6* year | of his Age. Jacob Griswold, | died | May 14, 1854. | Aged 59. Jacob Burrett, | son of | Jacob & Elizabeth | Griswold, | died I April 28, 1838, | Aged 8 years. James Griswold, | died | May 9. 1849. I ^- 80. | Lucy, | his wife, died | July 9, 1847. i ^- 68- Jas. Griswold, | died | Oct. 20, 1863. | JE. 80. | Lucy, | wife of I Jas. Griswold, | died | June 19, 1855. | JE. 72. I Martha A. I WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 67 daughter of | James & Lucy | Griswold, | died | Nov. 17, 1834. | ^. 17. I Nancy M. | daughter of ] James & Lucy | Griswold, j died I Jan. 23, 1857. | .^. 31. | Prudence W. | wife of | Jas. S. Griswold, | died | June 12, 1856. | M. 37. | Lucy S. | wife of | Jas. S. Griswold, | died | Jan. 9, 1871. | M. 49. James Griswold, | died | Apr. 17, 1847. | ^- 33- In Memory of | Jemiette, | wife of | Justus Griswold, | who died I Jan. 6, 1834. | Aged 38 Years. Far from affliction toil and care, the happy soul is fled; The breathless clay shall slumber here. Among the silent dead. In memory of | Mrs. Jerusha Griswold, | Wife of | Mr. Daniel Griswold, ] who died Feb^ 25'^ | 1804, in the 63*' | year of her age. The Decease of | Maj. Josiah Griswold, | was on the 24"^ day I of May in the year | of our Lord | 1769. | In the 69'^ year | of his Age. In memory of M'' | Josiah Griswold 2-d. ] He died Sept' 16'^ I 1802, in the 32'' | year of his age. | Also Thomas Harris | Griswold, Son of M'' | Josiah & M" Abigail | Griswold. He died I Jany 9"* 1801, in the | 5"^ year of his age. Capt. Josiah Griswold, | died | Jan. 29, 1870. | Aged 80. In Memory of | Justus Griswold, | Son of Maj'r | Josiah Griswold, | who died Aug'st 18* | 1760. In ye 23"* year | of his Age. In memory of | Mr. Justus Griswold, | Son of Mr. Ozias & | Mrs. Anner Griswold, | who died August i-st | 1803, in the 36* I year of his age. Laura Griswold, | Wife of | John Griswold, | & daughter of | Salmon & | Jerusha North, | died | July 6, 1841, | aged 35 yrs. Laura C. | Daughter of | John & Laura | Griswold, | & adopted daughter of | Abijah & Mary North, | died Oct. 31, 1854, I aged 15. Dearest sister, thou hast left us! Here thy loss we deeply feel ! But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. 68 WETHERSPIELD INSCRIPTIONS Lois Griswold | Daughter of Mr. | Elisha & Mrs. | Abigail Griswold, | Died Sepit'r ye 21 | 1741. Aged 2 y'rs | and 3 Months. In Memory of ] Mr^ Lucy, wife of | M'' Jehiel | Griswold, who I died in Travel | Ocf 16, 1770, | Aged 28* years. | y^ infent died | at y^ bearth. Lucy B. I died | Mar. 21, 1847. | ^. 30. | Susan, | died | Oct. II, 1848. I Je. 28. I Daughters of | James & Lucy j Griswold. Erected to the | Memory of Mrs. | Mabel Griswold, | relict of Major | Josiah Griswold, | who departed this Life | Dec. 13"^ AD. 1789. In the | 82 I AD. 1802, I in the 37* Year | of his Age. ■ Gordon Harris, | son of | Gordon H. & Martha | Montague, | died Mar. i, 1821. | 2E. 6 mon's 12 days. Gordon Harris, | son of | Capt. Gordon H. | and | Martha Montague, | died | April 24, 1827. | JE. 3 y'rs. Huldah Montague, | Died | Aug. 7, 1828, | aged 24 years. Her soul was virtuous, and her mind .Was nobly just, humane and kind. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 93 John Montague, | died | Nov. 9, 181 1. | M. 49. | Persis, his wife, I died | Jan. 7, 1826. | JE. 64. | Patty, their daughter, | died I Sept. 12, 1822. | M. 25. Martha R. | Died | Sept. 15, 1867, | Age 80. | Justus N. | died Jan. 29, 1841. | Age 39. | Children of ] George & Sarah j Montague. In Memory of | Capt. Moses Montague, | Who died August 15* I 1804. In the 41^' year | of his Age. Noble Montague, | died Aug. 9, 1838, | aged 37. | Julia Ann, I his wife, | died Feb. 17, 1852, | aged 49. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah, wife of | Mr. George Mon- tague, I who died May i=* | AD. 1802, | in the t,S^^ Year | of her Age. In memory of | Mr. Boyssou | de Monplaisir, | of the Island of I Guadeloupe, | who died | December 6*'' AD. 1818, | aged 26 years. In I Memory of | Elizabeth D. Morgan, | daughter of Stephen | & Miary Morgan, | who died | April 23, 1821, | Aged 17. Gracie, | infant daughter of | Abro & Mary C. | Morgan. ] Born Aug. 10, 1869. | Died Apr. 4, 1870. Gone before. In I Memory of | Mrs. Mary Morgan, | wife of | Mr. Stephen Morgan, | who died | Dec. 14, 1817, | Aged 54. In I Memory | of Samuel Morgan, | who died | Feb. 21, 1825, I Aged 45. Stephen Morgan, | Born Feb. 28, 1809, | Died Oct. 17, 1865. | Rowena Broadbent, | his wife, | Born Nov. 13, 1813, | Died Apr. 3, 1897. I Emma R. Morgan, | Born Aug. 4, 1843, | Died March 24, 1844. Elijah G. Morris, | Died | Sept. 24, 1835. | M. 70. | Tammy, his wife | Died | Jan. 10, 1840. | M. 70. Laura Wells, | wife of | Moses Morris, | died | Jan. 17, i860. | JE. 60. " Willing to live, but ready to die." 94 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Martha, wife | of | Davis Morris, | died | July 29, 1829, M. 39. I Harriet, wife | of | Davis Morris, | died | June 21, 1874, | M. 86. I Davis Morris, | died | May 4, 1876, JE. 82. Moses Morris, | died | May 25, 1849. I ^- S^- Weep not dear friends for me. My sufiferings are o'er; Prepare to meet me again in heaven. Where we shall part no more. Samuel W. Morris, | born Nov. 15, 1827 | died Sept. 8, 1880 | Jane H. Savage, | widow of Samuel W. Morris, | wife of Charles S. Daniels, | born May 31, 1825. | died April 30, 1894. John R. Morris, | bom July 27, 1867. | died Aug. 9, 1872. buried at Lexington, South Carolina. | Charles H. Morris, born Sept. 9, 1859. | died March 25, 1879. | Frank S. Morris, born March 23, 1857. | died May 10, 1883. | Mary J. Morris, born Sept. 27, 1864. | died Oct. 28, 1876. | Harriet E. Morris, born Oct. 19, 1862. j died May 22, 1878. | Laura L. Morris, born July 30, 1861. | died Oct. 13, 1878. Mehetable Morse, | relict of ] Jacob Morse, | died | Aug. 26, 1850. I M. 89. May Merrick, | Only Daughter of | John & Mary E. | Morton, | died | Sept. 16, 1885. | Aged 20. Not dead but sleepeth. William R. Morton, ] died | Sept. 10, 1846. | aged 47. In Memory of Abner Moseley, | a Physician of skill & eminence, | who died Sept. 20-th A.D. 181 1, | Aged Forty five. | His Wife Eunice who died Jan. 26 | 181 1. Aged Forty three. | Their second daughter Hope, who | died Sept. 29-th 1806, Aged II. I Their eldest son Robert, who' | died Oct. 16-th 181 1, Aged 17. I Their youngest Daughter Maria | who died Sept. 30-th 1818. Aged II. I Their second Son Joseph died July i | 1838. Aged 40. Their third Son Walter | died July 11, 1838, Aged 39. I Their eldest Daughter Eunice, Wife of | Winthrop Buck, died Aug. 24, 1862. Aged 69. | Their youngest Son William | died March ig, 1868, Aged 62. j Their third Daughter Har- riet I died July 15, 1877, Aged 75. | Their fourth daughter Emily | died May 17, 1887. Aged 84. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 95 Here lies the | Body of M" | Abigail Mountague, | Relict to M"^ I Richard | Mountague, who | died May y= 9*'' | 1753. In the 62'i I year of her Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Richard Mountague, who Died Decemb'r | the 24'i> 1751. In the | 68* year of his Age. Jane Mygatt, | died j Oct. 5, 1868. ] aged 75. Lucy, I wife of | Thomas Mygatt, | died | Dec. 13, 1854. aged 78 y'rs. In Memory of | Maria Mygatt, | who died | May 12, 1840. M. 19. Thomas mygatt, | died | July 25, 1824, | Aged 50 Y'rs. William Mygatt, | Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala. | Sept. 8, 1821, aged 22 y'rs. William, Son of | John & Abigail | Neef, who died | Nov 21^* 1795. I Aged 100 days. Sacred | to the Memory of | Miss Elizabeth Newson, Daughter of | Capt. Thomas Newson | who died August 9'^ 1808. Aged 40 years. Sacred | to the Memory of | Capt. John Newson, | who died Dec. 2-d 1806. I Aged 46 years. Sacred to the | Memory of Miss | Lydia S. Newson, [Daughter of | Capt. Thomas Newson] | Who died Jan 4-th 1819. I Aged 40 years. In Memory of Mary, | daughter of Capt. Thomas | & Sarah Newson, | Ob't, Nov. 8"^ 1793, yE. 19. To great natural endowments she united the graces & Admired accomplishments ■* of her sex. In the bloom of youth she was summoned to this cold mansion of clay. Who loved thee living & laments thee dead Pays this small tribute to thy gentle shade. 96 WETHERSPIELD INSCRIPTIONS Sacred | to the Memory of | Miss Nancy Hunt Newson, | Youngest Daughter of | Capt. Thomas Newson, | who died July 31-st I 1 812, aged 26 years. In Memory of | Sarah, Consort of | Capt. Thomas Newson. | She was benevolent, sincere, | and unafifectedly pious; | a fond and tender parent, j fervently devoted to domestic | duties & the care of her household. | She was taken from the | fleeting things of this life | April i-st 1794. M. 52. Sacred | To the Memory of | Capt. Thomas Newson, | (a native of England) 1 who died Jan^ 27-th | 1819. | Aged 80 years. Henry L. | son of | Salmon & Maria | North. | Died Sept. 27, 1849. I ^- 3 Y's 2 Mo. Salmon North, | died | May 21, 1817, | M. 51. | Jerusha, | wife of I Salmon North, | died June 19, 1850, | M. 83. Here lieth | the body of | Elishaba Nott, | who died in | Ye 2 year of | her age Sep | tember ye 17, | 1718. Here lies the last Remains of | Gershom Nott, | An eminent & respectable Sea Captain, ] who died Sept'r 7* 1772. M. 80. [ Also the Remains of | Mrs. Sarah Nott, | wife of said Cap't Nott, I Who died March i^' 1772. M. 77. Mrs. Abigail Noyes, | Relict of the Rev'd Joseph Noyes, | of Newhaven, | died in Wethersfield Oct. 10* 1768, 2S.. 7^. \ A Person of a very Amiable Character | and exemplary Con- versation. I She excell'd in ye knowledge of ye Scriptures ] which were ye Guide of her Youth | and the Support of her Age. I She left a large Legacy for Founding a School | in New- haven for ye Instruction of poor Children, | A noble Indica- tion I of her charitable Disposition. Daughters of Eve, approach with decent awe, From this fair Copy wise Instruction draw. The fairest Lines She wrote in female Lifej The Christian Neighbour, Sister, Parent, Wife. Without one Blot in all the beauteous Roll, Nor death can fix a period to the Scroll. Ten thousand Ages hence shall bless her Name, As long as live the Poor shall live her Fame. In Memory of | Dr. George Olcott, | [a Physician & Sur- geon I of skill %L respectability] | who died March 29"' | 1814, Aged 61 years. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 97 Here lies ye Body | of Mrs. Mary | Owen, ye Wife of ] Mr. Aaron Owen; | Who Dec'd Oct'r | ye 21=* 1736. | Aged 41 Years. Chauncey, | son of John and | Elizabeth Palmer, | died July 10, 1825, I aged II years. Cease my fond heart to murmur or complain, Nor attempt high heav'ns decree to arraign. Here Rests | A | Mother.* Sweet be thy sleep 'till called to triumph. John Palmer, | Born June 18, 1778. | Died Sept. 15, 1849. | Elizabeth Collins, | his wife, | Born Dec. 18, 1776. | Died Sept. 30, 1841. " Absent from the body but present with the Lord." An infant daughter | Born Oct. 9, 1803. | Died Oct. 19, 1803: I Mary Ann, | Born Mar. 18, 1808. | Died Feb. 16, 1809. | Julia, I Born Jan. 27, 1817. | Died Jan. 21, 1819. | Chauncey, | Born April 3, 1814. | Died July 10, 1825. | Elizabeth T. ] wife of I Abraham Crane, | Born April 16, 1806. | Died Oct. 18, 1863. Mary Ann | & Julia, | Daughters of | John & Elizabeth | Palmer. | Mary Ann | died 10 Feb. 1809. | M. 10 months, j Julia I died 21 Jan. 1819. | JE. 2 years. | Also an Infant. Sleep lovely babes And take your rest, God call'd you home He saw- it best. Joseph Sherwin, | only child of | Joseph & Sarah | Paradise, | Died I April 29, 1842, | ae i y'r & 9 mo. Youthful Parents in your sorrow. This blest solace God hath given; There shall dawn a blissful morrow. When you'll meet your child in heaven. Charles E. | son of | George E. Parsons, | died Jan. 29, 1 86 1. I aged 3 years. George E. Parsons, | Born | Oct. 13, 1816. | Died | Aug. 30, i860. • See Elizabeth (Collins) Palmer. 13 9§ WETHERS FIELD INSCRIPTIONS Henry M. Parsons, | son of | George E. Parsons, | died | Aug. 1 8, 1870. ! ^. 13 Y'rs. Gone to rest. M. Elizabeth Parsons, | born \ Jan. 21, 1818. | died | Feb. 4, 1888. " I will give thee a crown of life." Lucy J. Pearl, | born | Aug. 19, 1809. | died | Aug. 10, 1874. Nathan W. Pelton, | born | Sept. 18, 1799. | Died Feb. 4, 1884. I Abigail Coleman, | his wife, | Born Nov. 29, 1799. | Died Nov. 6, 1877. I S. Maria Sheads, i their daughter, | Born April 21, 1824. I Died Jan. 3, 1885. | John G. Belden, | born | Jan. 12, 1833. I Died May 14, 1886. | Mary F. Pelton, | his wife, | Bessie M. I their daughter, | Bom Sept. 10, 1881. | Died April 25, 1884. Jane A. | wife of | Deac. John Pendleton, | died | Dec. i, 1868. I aged 62. In Memory of | Mr. John pierce, | who Departed this | Life Decem'r ye 24, | AD. 1773, | inye 70* Year | of his Age. In Memory of | Mr. John Pierce, | of Litchfield, | who died Oct'r I the i^' 1783. | In ye 54* Year | of his Age. In Memory of | John, Son of Mr | Samuel & Mrs. | Mary Pierce, w'ho | was Drowned Sept. | y^ 19*'' 1783. In | the 15* Year | of his Age. Mary, Daughter of | Mr. Samuel & Mrs. | Mary Pierce, j died November ye 11* | AD. 1773, in ye | 6*'' Year of her | Age. In Memory of | Samuel, Son of | M'' Samuel & M" | Mary Pierce, | who died Dec. 9* | AD. 1787. | In y^ 16* Year | of his Age. Edward Gould, | Son of | A. & E. H. | Pilsbury, | died Oct. 12, 1838, I Aged 2 y'rs & 4 mo's. Edwin I Benton Carlton, | son of | Amos & Emily H. | Pils- bury, I died I Apr. 28, 1832, | aged 4 years & | 9 months. Louis Dwight, | Son of | A. & E. H. | Pilsbury, | died | July 12, 1831, I aged 7 mos. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS gg Here lies Interr'd | the body of M-" | Samuel Pitkin of | Hart- ford, Son of the | Hon''i<= Ozias Pitkin | Esq^ who died June | y= 2o'ii 1747, in the 36"^ I Year of his Age. In Memory | of Docf Ezekiel Porter, | A very Eminent and Celebrated Surgeon, | A sincere Lover of Mankind, | A warm Steady Friend of the Civil | and Religious Liberties of his Country, | An upright and Charitable Man, | an exemplary Christian, | Who departed this Life | greatly lamented | by all who knew him, | Octo"" 3'^ 1775, in the | Sixty ninth Year of his Age. I Mrs. Mary Porter, Relict of | Docf Ezekiel Porter, ] who died Nov"' 17* 1796, | Aged 89. Lydia Moulton, | daughter of | Dr. Hezekiah Porter, | of Northampton, | died | Sept. 4, 1852. | JE. 88. Here | lyes the | body of | Moses Porter | who died | January Ye I, 1713/14, I in the 24 | year of his age. Here lyeth | What was | mortal of Pri | mus, | free Negro, Dec. I Novem'r 17 1731, | Aged about 70 Years. As you are so was we As we are You shall be. Ann Eliza Rash, | daughter of Edward | & Mary Rash, died | Oct. 10"' 1810, I aged 11 months. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | John Renalls, who | died December ye | 10* 1750. In the 79"" | year of his age. | Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Hannah Renalls, | wife of Mr. John | Renalls, who died | April ye y^^ 1733, | in the 65"" year | of her age. In Memory of | M"" | Alexander Rhodes, | who died May g^^ I AD. 1805, I in the 66* year | of his age. George Rhodes | died | Aug. 31, 1870. | M. 85. | Marinda, ] his wife, I Died Oct. 10, i860. | yE. 68. | George Rhodes, Jr. | died I Jan. 28, i860. | M. 49. | Theodore S. Rhodes, | lost at sea j Apr. 2, i860. I M. 26. Josiah Rhodes, | died | at Green Bay, Wis., | Aug. 1834. ] JE. 40. I Sarah, | his wife, | Died Apr. 4, 1859. | M. 64. | Josiah, [ son of I Josiah & Sarah | Rhodes, | Died July 4, 1835. | vE. 2 Y'r I Mo. I Nancy Wright, | died | Nov. 3, 1883. | JE. 84. lOO WETHERS FIELD INSCRIPTIONS Laura E.bodes, | died | Aug. 22, 1866. | JE. 59. Maria B. | wife of | Charles W. Rhodes. | Born Feb. i, 1843. I Died Feb. 28, 1870. A faithful wife, and loving mother, She sleeps in Jesus. Samuel Rhodes, | died | Jan. 19, 1859. | M. 86. | Mary, | his wife, I Died Nov. 14, i860. | 2E. 82. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Samuel Son of | Samuel & Mary Rhodes, | died June 13^'' 1804, I aged 13 months | & 11 days. | Mary Daughter of | Samuel & Mary Rhodes, | died Sept. 30'h 1805, | aged 3 weeks | & 2 days. Sarah, | wife of | Selah Rhodes, | died | Feb. 6, 1852. j M. 78. In memory of | Selah Rhodes, | who died | April 9, 1838, [ Aged 73 Years. William Rhodes, | died Mar. 18, 1827, | aged 59. | Sarah, [ his wife, | died Mar. 26, 1847, I aged 84. In Memory of | Ann, Wife of | Charles Rice, | who died | Aug. 14, 1834, I Aged 67 Years. Sally, I wife of | William Rice, | Born March 2, 1800. | Died Nov. 19, 1884. I Aged 84 Years. Long separated, at last United. Thomas, | son of | William & Sally | Rice, | died | Sept. 7, 1833. I 2E. 2 Y'rs & 7 mo's. He on A Saviours bosom laid, And feels no sorrow there, He by a heavenly parent fed, And needs no more our care. William Rice, | Born Oct. 8, 1799. | Died June 20, 1865. | Aged 66 Years. In Memory of | Mr. Joseph Richards, | who departed this | Life March ye 7"^ | AD. 1771. | In the 61^' year | of his Age. Mrs. j Katharine Richards, | died | March 30* 182 1, | aged 86. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS jqi In Memory of | Mrs. Anna Riley, | Relict of | Capt. Ebenezer Riley, I of Berlin, | and daughter of | Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Anna | Willard, | who died June 30* | 1813. tE. 42. Cristopher, Son | of | M'' Levi & M""^ | Mehitabel Riley, | died Nov"" 9* | 1783. | Aged 15 months. Henrietta Riley, | died | July 22, 1874. | Aged 74. Here lies the Body | of Lieut. Isaac Riley, | who Dec'd Jan. ye 29* I 1737/8 in the 67* | Year of his Age. Justus Riley, | Died Feb. 2, 1824, M. 84. | Martha, wife of | Justus Riley, | Died Mar. 31, 1772, M. 35. | Mabel, wife of | Justus Riley, | Died May 29, 1843, ^- 95- | Children of J. & Mabel Riley. | Mabel, | Died Feb. 17, 1794, ^. 8 Y. | Ezekiel, Died in St. Croix, | June 13, 1800, M. 25. | Roswell, | Died Oct. 7, 1824, M. 44. I Justus, I Died Oct. 28, 183 1, M. 65. | Martha, wife of C. Bulkley, | Died Oct. 16, 1845, ^- 55- | Bezaleel Latimer, | Died Oct. 30, 1819, M. 46. | Nancy, wife of | Bezaleel Latimer, | Died Dec. 23, 1847, ^- 7i- | Children of B. & N. Latimer. | Nancy, | Died June i, 1808, 7E. y M. \ William H. | Died Jan. i, 1816, yE. 17. | Jane, | Died Mar. 20, 1833, M. 32. I Capt. Samuel Stillman, | Died Oct. i, 1794, M. 52. I Milicent, wife of | Capt Samuel Stillman, | Died Sept. 20, 1793, 2E. 49. I Alfred Riley Latimer, | Died Sept. 24, 1873, M. 77. I Julia Ann Latimer, | Died Nov. 10, 1874, M. 69. | Capt. Ashbel Riley, | Died Feb. 9, 1794, 2E. 60. | Abagail, wife of | Ashbel Riley, | Died July 29, 1772, M. 37. | Jane, -wdfe of | Ashbel Riley, | Died Dec. 7, 1810, M. 68. | Children of A. & A. Riley, | Abagail, | Died Nov. 23, 1765, | ^. 7 Y. | Abagail, | Died Oct. 8, 1775, M. 9 Y. | Isaac Riley, | Died Feb. 26, 1768, ^. 64. I Jemime, wife of | Isaac Riley, | Died May 14, 1765, M. 61. " I am the resurrection and the life." James, son of | John & Prudence Treat, | died at sea | Nov. 4, 1840, vE. 48. I Mary Bennett, | eldest daughter of | J. & E. Fortime, | and wife of James Treat, | D. Oct. 4, 1840, 2E. 41 Y. I Children of J. & M. Treat. | Mary Elizabeth, | D. Aug. 2, 1841, M. 19 Y. I James Porter, | D. July 18, 1851, M. 19 Y. In Memory of | M" Mehetable Riley, | Wife of | M"" Levi Riley, | who departed this | Life Feb^ 28"" 1791, | in the 39"^ Year of | her Age. I02 IVETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Here | Lieth ye Body Oif | Sarah, Daughter of | Mr. Sam'll & Lusey | Robbinges, who | died March ye i8 | 1734, in ye 19 year | of Her Age. In I memory of | Appleto-n Robbins, | Who died | Dec. 14, 1824, I JEt. 86. In I Memory of | Mr. Asher Robbins, | son of | Mr. EHsha & Mrs. Sarah | Robbins, | he died Oct. 19, 1818. | 7E. 22. I Also | Mr. Rosseter, | son of | Mr. EHsha & Mrs. Sarah | Robbins, | he died June 15, 1817. | 2E. 12. This Monument is erected to i the Memory of Miss Betsey & I Miss Sally Robbins, Daughters of | Mr. Appleton & Mrs. Mary Robbins. | Betsey died Aug^' 4* 1808, ^t. 29. | Sally died July 12'^ 1808, ^t. 26. | They both died of the spotted fever. | In life they were Beloved, | In death they are Lamented. Celia Eliza, | Daughter of | Henry & Celia | Robbins, | Died Feb. 28, 1846. I M. 10 yrs. 8 m. 10 d. Love could not keep thee here. For He who loved thee best. Has taken thy gentle spirit where The weary are at rest. David Robbins, | Son of M"^ | Daniel and M" | Prudence | Robbins, died | Aug^' y'= 20*^ i757- | In the 9'^^ year | of his Age. Here lies the Body | of Mrs. Elisabeth | Robbins, wife of Capt. I Joshua Robbins, Esq'r, | who Dec'd April ye | 24* 1736. Aged I about 71 Years. Elisabeth, Daugh- | ter of Capt. | Joshua Robbins, | Dec'd June the | 2'^^ 1733) ^^ Y^ I ^4'^ Year of her | Age. Elisha Robbins, | died | Jan. 29, 1844. | JE. 80. Ellen M. | daughter of | Robert & Mary Robbins, | died 1 Feb. 27, 1861, I M. 21. Peaceful be thy slumber Sister rest; Pain & Sorrow o'er thou art blest. Here Lyeth | ye Body of Eunice, ye | Daughter of Joshua | Robbins & Abigail His | Wife, Who Died Septem | ber ye 19. 1736; In ye | 19*'' year of Her Age. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 103 Eunice Robbins, | Daughter of Mr. | John & Mrs. | Martha Robbins, | died July ye 24* j 1754. In the 13'*' | Year of her Age. Gordon Robbins, | died | March 3, 1856. | 7E. 26. | Rositer Robbins, | died at Vernon City, | Cahfornia, | Dec. i, 1849. | JE. 22. Henry Augustus, | Son of | Henry & CeHa | Robbins, | died | July 19, 1841. I 2E. 3 y'rs & 7 mo. Henry B. Roibbins, | died | May 22, 1881. | JE. 65. Here lies the Body | of Capt. Joshua | Robbins, who Dec'd | May ye 30* 1733, | in the 52" | A.D. 1801, ] in the 78'^ year | of her age. 112 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Sarah, | wife of | Levi Smith, | who died | Jan. 9, 1819. Sarah, wife of | George Smith, | died | Nov. 19, 1855. | ^.83. In I Memory of | Thankful Smith, | relict of | James Smith, | who died | Dec. 27, 1834. | Aged 63 yrs. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write — blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Annie Rose, j daughter of | James & Cynthia | Standish, | died ! Aug. 22, 1851. | M. 9 Y'rs, 6 Mo. Look away to the spirit land, 'Tis only dust lies here. Eunice Standish, | died | Dec. 18, 1837. | M. 75. In Memory of | Mrs. Hannah Standish, | Relict of | Mr. Josiah Standish, | who departed this | life Aug'st s"' | AD. 1780, I in the 75"" year | of her Age. Hannah, Daughter | of Mr. John & Mrs. | Unice Standish, | who was killed by | a Sleigh Jan'ry 20'*' | AD. 1789. | Aged 2 Years, | 6 Months, | & 20 Days. James | Standish, | born | Feb. 2, 1794. | died | Jan. 12, 1871. | Cynthia | Wells, | His Wife | bom | Feb. 26, 1799. | died | Mar. 16, 1885. I Anne Rose, | their Daughter, | died | Aug. 22, 1851. I Aged 9 Y'rs, | 6 Mo's. In I Memory of j Mr. James Standish, | who died | April 18, 1817. I Aged 75 years. The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall follow when they sleep in dust. In Memory of | Mr. John Standish, | who departed this life | July 29* AD. 1798, I in the 64*'' year | of his age. Here lies the | Body of Mr. | Josiah Standish, | who dyed July I the 8, 1744, in the | 44*'' Year of his | Age. Josiah, Son of | Mr. John & Mrs. | Eunice Standish, | Died April 20*1' 1790. I Aged 2 Years, 2 | Months, & 22 Days. Josiah, I Son of Mr. John & | Mrs. Eunice Standi- | sh, who died Nov. 19-th | 1806. In the 9-th | Year of his age. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 113 Here lies the Body | of Mr. Thomas ] Standish, who Died | Sept. ye y^ 1735, j in the 80''' Year | of his Age. In Memory of | Georg-e, | Son of M'' | Georgfe & M'"^ | Hannah Stanley, | who died May | the 23"^ 1767, | 15 days old. Here lieth the Body | of Capt'n James | Steel who deseased | May 15, An. Do. 1712, in | the 50, year of ] his age. Ella F. I Daughter of | Sylvester W. & Mary A. | Steele, | Died Feb'y 3, 1863. | JE. i Y'r 10 Mos. Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest. Thou art early called. God thought it best. Elisha W. Stevens, | died | Aug. 16, 1835, | Aged 42 Years. This stone which parent fondness rears, Attests the promise of his op'ning years. And while it stands proclaims to passers by Death loves a shining mark & youth may die. Sacred | to the memory of | Henry Stevens, | who died | July 23, 1825, I aged 32. Henry, [ son of | Henry Stevens, | died | March 7, 1828, | M. 3 yrs. Isaac Stevens, | died | Oct. 18, 1819, | .^. | 64 years. All on earth is shadow, all beond is substance, the reverse is follys creed how solid all where change shall be no more. In memory of | Mrs. Sarah Stevens, | Wife of | Mr. Isaac Stevens, | who died Oct. 17* | 1806, aged 39 years. All are born to die But oh Eternity. In memory of | Mrs. Abigail Stillman, | Wife of | Mr. Elisha Stillman, | who died May 8* | 1806, in the 72"^ | year of her Age. In Memory of | Mr. Allen Stillman, | who died Nov'r 12, | 1818. In the 61-st I year of his Age. In Memory of | Allyn, Son of I Mr. Allyn & Mrs. | Prudence Stillman, | who departed this life | June ye 17'^ AD. 1775, | Aged one Year. 15 114 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Here lies the Body | of Mrs. Anna Still- 1 man, wife of Capt. | Nathaniel Stillman, | who died January | ye 6* '1730, in the 36* I Year of her Age. In memory of | Caroline Maria, | Daughter of Dea. | Ebe- nezer & Mrs. | Rhoda Stillman, | who died March 20 | 1819, aged I year | & 6 months. In Memory of | Ebenezer, Son of Mr. | Joseph & Mrs. | Sarah Stillman, | who died October | ye S**' AD. 1775, | in ye 12* Year | of his Age. Dea. Ebenezer Stillman, | born | Nov. 27, 1776. | died | Dec. II, 1854. I Rhoda Francis, | wife of | Dea. E. Stillman, | born I Oct. 21, 1778. | died | April 27, 1833. | Children of | Dea. E. & R. F. | Stillman. | Eliza, | Born Dec. 19, 1799. j Died Aug. 11, 1837. | John F. | Born July 17, 1812. | Died in Mobile, Ala. | April 8, 1845. | Caroline Maria, | Born Sept. 24, 1817. I Died March 20, 1819. | Dea. | Ebenezer Stillman, Jr. | died I at Hamilton, N. Y. | April 4, 1872. | Aged 65. In memory of | Mr. Elisha Stillman, | who died Sept. 23"* | 1803, in the 73"^ | year of his age. In I Memory of | Elizabeth, | wife of | Allen Stillman, | who died I July 3, 1841. | M. 84. In memory of | Emely, Daughter | of Capt. George & | Mrs. Martha Stillman, | who died March 22-d | 1807; Aged i year. George Stillman, | London 1654. Wethersfield 1728. | He was a Merchant of enterprize | and wealth, and during his residence | in Hadley, was a representative | in the General Court of Mass. | Rebecca Smith, his wife, | Hadley 1668, Wethersfield 1750. George Stillman, | died | Mar. 17, 1846. | M. 72. | Martha D. I wife of I George Stillman, | Died Feb. 8, 1849. | M. 72. | Martha, | daughter of | G. & M. D. Stillman, | died | Feb. 27, 1843. I M. 25. I Samuel, | son of | G. & M. D. Stillman, | died | Aug. 27, 1824. I M. 12. In Memory of | Henry Stillman, | Son of Deacon | Timothy & Mrs. I Elizabeth Stillman, | Member of Yale Col- | lege, who died at New- | haven, Sept. 7*^ 1813; | Aged 15 years. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS nj James Stillman, ] Born | Sept. 9, 1770 | Elizabeth Webster, | his wife | Born Dec. 18, 1772. | Died Sept. 9, 1845. John Stillman, | Died Nov. 2, 1853, I ^- 75- | Asenath Deming, | his wife, | Died Oct. 10, 1841. | 2E. 62. In Memory of | John W. Stillman, | Son of James and ] Elizabeth Stillman, | who was drowned | Jan'y ii-th 1822, | aged 9 years. Here lies Interr'd | the body of | Mr. Joseph Stillman, | who departed this life | Jan. 17, 1794, | In the 55-th Year of his I Age. Joseph Stillman | died | Jan. 3, 1844. | 2E. 83 Maj. I Joseph Stillman, | Died Jan. 3, 1844 | Aged 83. | At the age of 15 was Drummer | in the war of the Revolution. | Rhoda Boardman, | his wife, | Died Oct. 10, 1841. | Aged 83. | Children of | J. & R. B. Stillman. | Samuel, | Born Aug. 16, 1788. I Drowned at Sea, | Feb. 21, 1807. | Julia, | Born Nov. 9, 1797. I Died Oct. 26, 1836. | Sarah Wright, 1786. I Died May 29, 1865. | Asa S. Bailey, Born Feb. 22, Died Mar. 31, 1 82 1. I Aged 31. I Amelia Stillman, | his wife, ] Dfed Mar. 2, 1874. I Aged 81. I Children of | A. S. & A. S. Bailey. | Henry Stillman, | Bgrn Aug. 16, 1816. | Died Nov. 13, 1838. | Jane Amelia, | Born April 26, 1818. | Died May 13, 1838. | Caroline Maria, | Born Aug. 25, 1821. | Died Nov. i, 1838. The Grave | of | Julia, | Daughter of | Joseph & Rhoda | Stillman, | Born Nov. 9, 1796. | Died Oct. 26, 1836. Levi Stillman, | died | May 9, 1871. | Aged 80. ] EHzabeth Bliss, I his wife, | died Nov. 9, 1818. | Aged 28. | Abigail Chapin, | his wife, | died July 28, 1874. | Aged 83. | Dea. | George Stillman | died | Aug. 30, 1882. | Aged 84. | Sarah L. | wife of I George Stillman, | died | March 27, 1845. 1 ^ged 42. | Mabel B. | his wife, | died | June 26, 1879. | aged 66. | Children of I George & Sarah L. | Stillman | Grace S. | died | Dec. 10, 1844. I aged I year. | Samuel W. | died | March 23, 1856. | aged 23 years. | Franklin O. | died | July 2, 1864. | aged 24 years. | Emeline L. | daughter of | Levi & Abigail C. | Still- man, I died I Feb. 13, 1859. | aged 30. | Alfred C. | son of | L. & A. C. Stillman, I was assassinated at I Mormon Island, Cal. 1 Il6 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS July 24, 1863. I aged 36. | Jamie W. Morrison, | Died April 21, 1861. I M. 15 Mos. I Mabel Morrison, | Died Nov. 7, 1869. | M. 7 Yrs. Here | lyeth the | body of | Martha Stillman | who departed | this life October | the 2 1712 in the | 16 year of hear | age. In Memory of | Mrs. Mary Stillman, | widdow to D'c | John Stillman, | who died July ye 2"'^ | AD. 1777, | in ye 83"^ Year | of her Age. Nancy Stillman, | died | Aug. 19, 1864. | M. 83. | Clarissa Hills, I died | Apr. 7, 1850. | M. 58. In Memory of | Capt. Nathaniel Stillman, | who departed this Life I January the i=* | A :D : 1770. | In the 79*'' year | of his Age. In Memory of | Mr. Nathaniel | Stillman, who died | August 26-th 1838 I Aged 86 years. | Also of Mrs. Martha | Stillman, his wife, | who died Oct. 11''' 1813, | Aged 62 years. Otis Stillman, | Born June 17, 1782. | lost at sea 1809. | Martha, | his wife | Born Aug. 17, 1782. | Died April 9, 1874. | Elizabeth Hanmer, | Born Nov. 26, 1805. | Died Nov. 28, 1813. I Martha, | Born July 26, 1808. | Died Nov. 13, 1848. | daughters of Otis & Martha | Stillman | Clarissa Stillman, | Died Dec. 25, 1872. | Aged 78. In Memory of Mrs. | Rebecca Stillman, | Wile of | Mr. Simeon Stillman, | who died Nov. 9'*' | 1829, in the 64*'^ | year of her Age. Here | lyeth the | body of Rebeckah | Stillman who | de- parted this Hfe I on the 18 day | of October, in | the 25 year of | her age. 1719. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Rebeckah Stillman, | Relict of Mr. George | Stillman, who died | Octob'r ye 7* 1750. I Aged 82 years. Rhoda Stillman, | wife of | Joseph Stillman, I died I Oct 10 1841. I ^. 83. I I > Samuel, | Son of | Capt. Samuel & | Mrs. Millesent | Still- man, I died April 11* | AD. 1775. | Aged 10 Years. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 117 In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah, wife of | Mr. Joseph Stillman, | who Departed this | Life Dec'm. ye 21=' | AD. 1780 ; | In ye 40''^ Year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Stillman, [ ReHct of Capt. | Nathaniel Stillman, | who departed this life | March 4*'' 1794, in the | 86* year of her age. Simeon Stillman, | died | April 22, 1847. | M. 83. Southmayd Stillman, | died | Aug. 26, 1884. | M. 81. Timothy, Son of | Capt. Timothy & | Mrs. Elizabeth | Still- man, who I died March 4*^ | 1797, aged 2 years | 2 Months and 20 I Days. Dea. I Timothy Stillman, | Died Sept. 23, 1856. | M. 90. | Elizabeth D. | Wife of | Dea. Timothy Stillman, | Died July 26, 1854. I 2E. 87. I Timothy, | Son of | T. & E. D. Stillman, | Died March 4, 1797. | 2E. 2 y's. | Henry, | Son of | T. & E. D. Stillman, | Died Sept. 7, 1813. | JE. 15. Frankie, | died | Apr. 6, 1878. | M. 2 Y's. 5 M's. "With the Angels." Children of Cha's A. & Anna Stillson. Bertha, | died | Apr. 10, 1878. | M. 4 Y'rs. " Too pure for earth." Here lieth the | body of Abigail | daughter to | John and Mary | Stilman who | died Feb'r Ye 2 | 1728 aged 5 years | and II dayes. Here lies Interr'd ye Body | of Mrs. Katherine | Stilman, Daughter of | the Rev'd Nathaniel | Chauncy, of Durham, | wife of Mr. Benjamin | Stilman, who Dec'd | June ye 12* 1736; In I ye 22"<* Year of her Age. Here lyeth the Body | of Mrs. Sarah Stilman, | the wife of Mr. Benjamin | Stilmian, Who Deceased | Oct'r ye 4* 1732; In I the 24*'' Year of her Age. Simeon, Son of | Simeon & Rebecah | Stilman, who | died Feb. 14"* 1799; I Aged two years. Il8 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Sylvanus Bedell, | Son of | Rev. Wm. S. & | Lucinda Stil- well, I died | Sept. i8, 1844. M. 14 m's. " The Lord hath need of him." ■' He gave him, he took him, & he will restore him." In ] Memory of | Eli Stoddard, | who died | Sept. i, 1822, | aged 41. Peace! 'Tis the Lord Jehovah's hand that blasts our joys in Death. Eli W. Stoddard, | Born Jan. 2, 1822. | Died May 22, 1884. In memory of | Epaphras Stoddard, | who died May 18, 1792, I aged 45; also of Mary, | his wife, who died | Sept. 10, 1825, aged 73. Their languishing heads are at rest; Their thinkings and achings are o'er. Their quiet immoveable breasts Are heaved by affliction no more. Their daughter Mary | died Sept. 26, 1770, | aged 6 months & 26 days; | & their daughter Metta | died April 29, 1787, | aged 4 years. Harriet Stoddard, | died | Oct. 25, 1863. | M. 73. In Memory of | Mr Joshua Stoddard, | who departed this | Life May ye 7*'' | A.D. 1770. | In the 66* year | of his Age. Mella Stoddard, | died | May 6, 1868. | .^. 81. Here | lyeth the | body of Nathaniel | Stodder, | who de- parted I this life the 9* | day of February, | Anno 17 14/ 15, in the I 54* year of his | age. Lavona Dibble, [ wife of | Asa Sweet, | Bom Dec. 17, 1832. | Died Jan. 31, 1888. At rest. In I Memory of | Amelia Talcott, | wife of | William Talcott, | who died | Sept. 4, 1837, | 7E. 62. Sacred | To the memory of | Clarissa, | Daughter of the Late Cap' I Samuel & M" Molly | Talcott, ] who died Jan. 10* 1807, I aged 17 years. Oh lovely Youth Embrace the truth, Today, Tomorrow, Death may come. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS ng Sacred | to the Memory of | M' Ebenezer Tal- | cott, who de- parted I this life Aug^t 25th I 1795. Aged 64. | M" Sarah, Con- sort I of M-- Ebenezer | Talcott who depar- | ted this life April | 13-th 1801. Aged 68. All are born to die. But Oh Eternity! In I Memory of | Miss Elizabeth G. Talcott, | who died July 24, I 1817. I Aged 32 years. Francis H. Talcott, | died | Dec. 2, 1854, | Aged 42. A life like thine hath left a record sweet for memory to dwell upon. Sacred | To the Memory of | Miss Mary Talcott, | who died June 4* I 1808. Aged 75 years. In I Memory of ] Mary Talcott, | who died I Dec. 29, 1836, I 2E. 64. Beneath this stone I rest my head, In slumber sweet Christ's blest abode, Dont weep for me my pains are o'er We soon shall .meet to part no more. In Memory of | M' Samuel | Talcott. Who | died Nov"" y' 8'^ I 1765, in y'= 4.2^ \ Year of his Age. Sacred | to the memory of | Deacon William | Talcott, Who I died June 28, 1813, | Aged 42 years. Col. William Talcott, | Born Sept. 22, 1806. | Died March 14, 1886. I Eliza H. Harriss, | his wife, | Born April 10, 1806. | Died March 31, 1883. | D. Clinton Talcott. | Born June 3, 1842. I Died Aug. 25, 1886. Here lyeth ye Body of | Deacon Joseph Tallcott, | Who De- ceased N'ov'br I 3'^ 1732, in the | 61^' year of his Age. Here lyeth the Body | of Mr. Hezekiah | Tallcott, Son of Deacon | Joseph & Mrs. Sarah | Tallcott, who Deceased ] August ye 31=* I734, | Aged 30 years. Hezekiah, Son | of Josiah and | Dinah Tallcott, | Dec'd Oct. ye 19* I 1737, in ye 3''<^ | year of his Age. E. L. Taylor, | died | Mar. 27, 1870, | aged | 23 Years. William Taylor, | died | May i, 1853, | aged 41. 120 WETHERS FIELD INSCRIPTIONS Wm. W. Taylor, | died | Sept. 5, 1862, | aged | 23 Years. Allen Thrasher, | Co. H. 11 Regt. | Conn. Vols. | died | Apr. 6, 1874. James B. | son of | Brazilla & | Louisa K. Thrasher, | died | Jan. 15, 1859. I 2E. 8 mo. i day. So fades the lovely Blooming flower Elizabeth, | wife of | Manning Thresher, | died Feb. 17, 1859. i 2E. 65. Mother dear, our guide to Heaven, Thither hast thou gone before. We hope to meet again. Lucy W. I wife of | Anson H. Thresher, | died | Sept. 16, 1854. I aged 22. She was called in the morning of life Like a leaf on the tree when the Autumn draws nigh. The Saviour has called her from sorrow & strife. The joy she has hoped for her spirit attendeth. We part to meet again. Even so | Father | for so it [ seemed | good in | thy sight. Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. Pamelia Tomlinson, | wife of Mr. Ransom Tomlinson, who died | Aug. 11, 1827, | in the 34, year | of her age. Here lies the | Body of M"" | Charles Treat, | who Died Octob'' I the 4* 1742, I in the 49* Year | of his Age. | Here lies the | Body of M''^ Dorothy | Treat, the wife of | M"' Charles Treat, | who died April y^ ] 25* 1742, in the 34''^ | Year of her Age. Chauncey Treat, | son of | John & Prudence | Treat, ] died Nov. 15, 1833. I in the 35, year of his age. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. In Memory of | Lieut. Elisha Treat, | who departed this ] life Novr. the i^* | 1778, in ye 59"^ | Year of his Age. Blessed are ye dead that die in ye Lord. In Memory of | Mr. Elisha Treat, Jun'r. | who died Deer 25**^ I I794« in the 42'' | Year of his Age. WETHSRSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 121 Here lies ye Body | of Mrs. Hannah | Treet, formerly the | wife of Mr. Daniel | Bordman, who | Dec'd Feb'r ye 25*'' | 1746, in the 83'''^ | year of her Age. In memory of | Mrs. Hannah Treat, | Relict of | Lieut. Elisha Treat, | who died August 15* | 1807. Aged 90 years The sweet remembrance of the just Shall follow when they sleep in dust. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | James Treat, who | was born April ye i^* | and in ye Year 1666, | he Departed this Life I on February ye 18* 1742, | Aged 76 Y'rs. James Treat, | died | Dec. 15, 1842. | AL. 82. | also | Abby Treat. | M. 90. In Memory of | Mrs. Esther Griswold, | Wife of | Mr. John Griswold, | who died July 11, | 1813; In the 33'' | year of her age. In Memory of | Jerusha, former wife | of Samuel Treat, | & late wife of | Silas Loomiss, who j Died Nov. i-st 1793. | Aged yj Years. In memory of | Mr. John Treat, | who died Oct. 6-th 1805. | Aged 46 years | Also John H. Treat, | Son of Mr. John | & Mrs. Prudence Treat, | who died at Sea May 23, 1806. | Aged 21 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Joseph Treat, | who Departed this | Life Septem'r ye 15* | A.D. 1756; In ye 76 | year of his Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Mary, wife | of Lieut. Joseph | Treat, who I died Sept'r ye 17"' | 1760, in ye 68* | Year of her Age. In I Memory of | Mrs. Molly Treat, | who died | July 25, 1824, I aged 76. Here lyeth ye | Body of Pru | dence ye | wife of Mr. | James Treat, | who dec'd May | ye 25. A:D: 1727 | Aged 60 years. 16 122 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Mrs. Prudence | Treat, Daughter | of Mr. James | and Mrs. Prudence | Treat, who Died | Aug'st the 28* 1744 ; I In the 48'*" year | of her Age. Prudence Treat, | died | Dec. 6, 1844. | M. 84. | James Treat, | died Nov. 30, 1840. | [buried at Galveston, Texas] | M. 48. Prudence Maria, | Daughter of | Horace & Caroline | Treat, | Died Sept. 3, 1833. | Aged 15 Years. Here lies the Body | of that Godly | woman, Mrs. Rebecca | Treat, who Dec'd | Aug'st 23"''^ I734- | Aged 88 Years. Here lyeth the Body | of Mr. Samuel Treat, | Who Deceased March | ye 5*^ A. D. 1732/3. j Aged 63 Years. In Memory of | Mr. Samuel Treat, | who Departed this | Life Feb'r ye 23'* 1756. | In the 33'^'' year | of his Age. Sarah, ye Daugh | ter of Mr. Samuel | Treat & of Sarah | his Wife, Who I Deceased March | ye 5* A. D. 1732/3. | Aged 15 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Sarah Treat, Relict of Mr. Samuel Treat, | who Departed this | Life April the 10* 1743. In the 53'''^ | year of her Age. In I Memory of | Sarah Treat, | wife of ] James Treat, | who died Jan. g, 1830; | In the 64, year | of her age. Wolcott Treat, | Son of Mr. | Samuel and Mrs. | Jerusha Treat, | died Sept'r ye 15*^ | 1751, one year & | 10 Months old. Ann Tryon, | daughter of | Moses & Emily Tryon, | Bom | Mar. II, 1789. I Died | May 11, 1873. " Blessed are the meek." Eunice Tryon, | died | April i, 1840. | 2E. 85. In memory of | M''= Marcy Tryon, | late Consort of | Cap* Moses Tryon, | who departed this | Life May 25* | AD. 1780. | in the 28"^ year of her Age. Stop Reader spend a mournful! tear Upon the dust that Slumbers hear, And whilst you read the state of me. Think on the Glass that Runs for the. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 123 Beneath this Stone are | deposited the remains of | Cap* Moses Tryon, U. S. N. | Born the 18* Nov'r 1750. He sustained the various relations of Life with dignity and usefulness. In the duties of private life he was faithful just and benevolent. As n. Naval officer vigilant and brave, as a Citizen firmly attached to the Liberties and devoted to the laws of his Country. of unblemished morals, a firm believer and a humble disciple of Jesus Christ. He resigned his Soul to God 27th Deer 1817. The memory of the just is blessed. In I Memory of | Hope Turner, | rehct of | George Turner, | Who died | Sept. 18, 1832, | Aged 60. In Memory of | M''^ Anna Wadsworth, wife | of M"" Manna Wadsworth, | and Daughter of M'' Henry | & M" Anna Dem- ing, who I departed this hfe Jan. 18* | 1796. In the 24* Year of her I Age. Likewise in Memory | of John Casper Wads- worth, 1 Son of M'' Manna & M^^ Anna | Wadsworth, who died Dec. 18*'' 1 1795, being 5 Months old. Children of | Horace & Rebecca | Wadsworth | Isaac | died Feb. 19, 1839. 1 aged 2 mo's. 20 d. | Julia Ann, | died May 29, 1839. I aged 3 yrs. 7 m. 6 d. | Lucy Ann, | died Feb. 28, 1842. | aged 2 yrs. 2 m. 5 d. | Alice Amelia, | died Nov. 25, 1847. | aged I y. 4 m. II d. I Lucius, | died Sept. 13, 1862, | aged 19 yrs. 7 m. Julia Ann Wadsworth, | died May 29, 1839, | Aged 4 Yrs. | Isaac Wadsworth, | died Feb. 19, 1839, | Aged 2 mo's, | Chil- dren of Horace & | Rebecca Wadsworth. Sleep lovely cherubs and take your rest, God calls you home he thought it best. Lucy Ann, | Daughter of | Horace & Rebecca | Wadsworth, | died I March 28, 1842. | M. 2 yrs, 2 mo & 5 d's. Dear child beloved a gleam of joy illumes our hearts deserted, Thou art not lost thou are not dead, to fairer worlds departed. In Memory | of | John N. Ward, | who died | Sept. 8, 1838, | M. 23. This stone is erected by the Officers of the Connecticut State Prison, with whom he was associated and by whom he was sincerely respected & beloved. 124 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Mr. Aaron Warner, 1811, I M. 56. I Also of William, Son of who died | June 7, Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Abigail | Warner, who died April 17"^ | 1809. In his 17* year. In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Warner, | 2''^ wife of Mr. | William Warner, | who died in child-bed | Janry. 19"^ AD. 1771 ; I In the 24"^ year of her Age. In Memory of | Mr. Allen Warner, | Who died May 9* | 181 3, aged 42 years. Jesus my Saviour come, To waft my soul away. His sovereign will is done, I can no longer stay. The grave of our sister. | Anna B. Warner, | died | Feb. 24, 1867. I aged 78. In Memory of | Mr. Daniel Warner, | Who died Nov 23"' | A. D. 1762. I In the 49"^ year | of his Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, | first wife of | Mr. WilHam Warner, | who died Oct. 28* | AD. 1750; | In the 34* year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth | Warner the wife of | Capt. John Warner, | who departed this life | the 16* of Sept. AD. 1789 ; I In the 82"^ year | of her Age. In memory of | Elizabeth Warner, | who died | Aug. 29, 1825. 1 2E. 78. In Memory of | Mrs. Eunice Warner, | wife of Mr. | WilHam Warner, junr. | who departed this Hfe ] March 19* A. D. 1767, | in the 27* year | of her Age. George Spaulding Warner, | born | Dec. 28, 1871. | died | July 29, 1891. Here ly | eth the | body of Ha | nnah Warner, | the wife of Will I iam Warner, and | daughter of | John Robbens, | deceased Ma I rch the 3, 1713/14 | in the 50. year | of her age. Here lyeth the Body | of Hannah Warner, | the Daughter of ] Mr. Daniel Warner, | Who Dyed Septr. | ye 2"'' 1734- | In the 19* Year | of her age. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 125 In I Memory of | Hannah Warner, | wife of | Thomas War- ner, I who died | Sept. 15, 1824, | aged 73. In memory of | Harriot Warner, | only daughter of | Mr. Robert & Polly | Warner. She died | Dec. 2S-th 1800, in | the 1 6th year of | her age. In silence here I He, On earth I might not stay. When life began death summons came. And hastened me away. The grave of our sister. | Huldah W. Warner, | died | April 14, 1865. I aged 72. In Memory of | Jacob Warner, | who died | Aug. 20, 1837. | Aged 75 Years. Here | lies the | body of | John Warn | er who de | ceased ye 17th I of May 1714/13 I in the 39-th | year of his | age. In Memory of | Capt. John Warner, | who departed this | Life Oct. 26* I AD. 1786, I in the %2^ year | of his Age. In memory of | John Warner, Son | of Mr. Daniel | and Mrs. Mary ] Warner, who died | April ye 29* 1750. | In the 13* year | of his Age. | Elisabeth Warner | died April ye 13* | 1750. In ye 3"* year | of her Age. | Martha Warner | died April ye 14"^ I 1750. In ye 11'^ Month ] of her Age. | Daughters of Mr. I Daniel and Mrs. | Mary Warner. In I Memory of | Capt. John Warner, | who died June 25-th | 1808. Aged 79 years. John Warner, | Died Oct. 11, 1838. | M. 76. | Abigail, his wife, I Died Nov. 11, 1840. | M. 81. John Warner, | died | Oct. 25, 1858. | Aged 73. | Rebecca, his wife, I died | Jan. 17, 1835. | Aged 50. | John Warner, Jr. | died | June 24, 1871. 1 Aged 61. | Abigail H. Warner, | died ] Nov. 2, 1886. I Aged 66. In Memory of | Capt. Jonathan Warner, | who departed this | Life Oct'r 4* 1786, | in the 74* year | of his Age. In Memory of | Josiah Warner, | Son of Capt. John & | Mrs. Sarah Warner, | who died Jan'ry 4* 1787, | in the 20* year | of his Age. 126 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Levi Warner, 2"^ Year of his | Age. Let not y^ Dead Forgotten Lye Least Men Forget that they Must Die. Ephraim Willard, | Son of Ephraim | Willard, Dec'd | De- cem'r 26* 1736, | Aged 4 years. Hannah, | wife of | Dea. Wm. Willard, | died | Nov. 14, 1864. I 2E. 79. Hannah, | Daughter of | Dea. William & Hannah | Willard* Harriet D. | wife of | Stephen Willard, | Died July 4, 1890. |, Aged 61. In Memory | of Mrs. Lydia, | widow to Mr. | Ephraim wil ] lard, who died | April i-st 1770. | Aged 63 Years. In Memory of | Miss Mary Willard, | Daughter of | Mr. Stephen & | Mrs. Anna. Willard, | who died Jan. 16-th | 1808. Aged 34 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Stephen Willard, | who Deceased July | ye 28'*' 1741, in the | 74* Year of his | Age. In I Memory of | Mr. Stephen Willard, | who died April 29, | 1817. I M. 77. * Broken off. 18 138 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Stephen Willard, | died Sept. 16, 1849, I aged 86. | Martha, his wife, | died May 9, 1813, | aged 46. | Rhoda, | relict of Stephen Willard, | died April 22, 1859, | aged 73. Thomas Willard, | died | Apr. 22, 1876. | Aged 60 Y'rs. | Emma A. Willard, | Jan. 16, 1853. | July 21, 1893. Weltha Willard, | Died | Oct. 29, 1842. | M. 57. In I Memory of | Dea. William Willard, | who died | Mar. 8, 1832. I Aged 48. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints. Wm. Leslie, | Son of | William & Jane | Willard, | Died Sept. IS, 1847. I .^. I Y. 13 D. I take these little lambs said He, And lay them on my breast. In memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth Willes, | Relict of | Mr. Jonathan Willes, | who died May 22*^ 1790. | In the 86* year | of her Age. Life is the time to serve the Lord, The time t'improve the great reward. In Memory of Mr. | Jonathan Willes, | Who died April | ye 7* 1768, in ye 65"^ | Year of his Age. Blessed are ye Dead that Die in ye Lord. Here lies the Body | of Mrs. Anne, Daught'r | of Col'nl Elisha & I Mrs. Eunice Williams, | Who Departed this life | Feb'ry 23. A. D. 1750. | Aged 19 Years. Both Living & Dying in Expectation of that last great Day. The Hon'ble Col'nl Elisha | Williams, shin'd in excelling Gifts of I Nature, Learning, & Grace in Benevolence universal Firm in Friendship, in Conversation pleasant & Instructive, in ReHgion Sincere, Unaffected Chearful ; truly Humble Patient, Fearless in the Cause of God & truth : a Pattern | of Conjugal & Parental Affection & Humanity a Wise | Great & Good Man. 5 Years He was an Hon'r to | the Sacred Ministry in Newington. 13 Years Yale | College flourished under his Pious Learned Faithful | Instruction & happy Govern't — the WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 139 Glory of ye College | & Ornament of his Country. He after fitted & adorned | Several Civil & Military Caracters : Heaven claimed | what was Immortal : that Glad obeyed : and drop'd | here the Dust to rest till Jesus comes, obiit 24* | Julii 1755 ^tatis ei'"" Interred the Precious Dust of the amiable & accom- | plished Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Daughter of Rev'd | Tho's Scott of Nor- wich in England, 2^ wife to Hon'ble | Col'o Williams, whom she accompanied in his return from | Brittain 1752, & after his decease again Married Hon'ble W™ | Smith of New York, upon whose demise she returned to Wethe-'| rsfield, where she died June 13"^ 1776. ^t. 68. ] A Lady of great reading & knowledge, extensive acquaintance | a penetrating mind & good Judgment, of abounding Charity, | & of unaffected Piety & Devotion, adorned with every | recommending Excellency, few liv'd more Esteem'd ] & Lov'd or died more Lamented. " Blessed are the Dead, who die in the Lord." Here lies the Body of | Mrs Eunice Wife of the | Hon'ble Col'nl Elisha | Williams, a sincere | Christian of exemplary | Meekness, Humility & Patience, | full of good Works & of faith, I She was greatly esteemed in | Life & lamented at Death, | which fell out May 31^' 1750. They that Sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. Dea. Elisha Williams, | died May 29, 1784. | M. 67. | Mehetabel, his wife | died Aug. 8, 1809. | M. 89. In memory of | Elisha Williams, Son of | Capt. Elisha & Mrs. I Sarah Williams, Who | was suddenly killed by a | cart Sept. 26-th 1806, I Aged 10 years. An agreeable pleasant youth Who loved the ways of truth. Thy life was but a span So frail a thing is man. Elisha Williams, | died | May 8, 1847, | M. 88. In Memory of ] Mrs. | Elizabeth Williams, | Relict to Mr. | Ephraim WiUiams, | who departed this Life | Octob'r 11*^ A : D : 1766, | In the 71=' year | of her age. Died Dec. 2, 1874. j Died Dec. 19, 1840, 140 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Here lies Interr'd | the Body of | Ephraim Williams, | who departed this | Life July ye 23<* A. D. 1761, | In the 72'' year of | his Age. " Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." Ezekiel Williams, | Died Feb. 12, 1818, 2E. 89. | Prudence, his wife, | Died July i, 1822, M. 88. | Solomon Stoddard, | their 3-d son, I Died Feb. 10, 1840, tE. 66. | Esther, | their 5-th daugh- ter, I Died June 24, 1820, M. 49. | Christian, | their 6-th daugh- ter, I Died Jan. 30, 1803, M. 28. | Richard S. Williams, | of Natches, son of | Rev. Samuel P. Williams, | aged 49, with his wife, I Agnes, and his sister, | Elmina E. Rowland, | and her son, Augustus, | lost in the ship | Arctic, Sept. 27, 1854. Come behold the works of the Lord What desolations he hath made. Susan Van Wyck, | daughter of | Rev. William W. Andrews, | Born in Kent, Conn. | March 19, 1837. John Williams, | eldest son of Ezekiel, M. 78. I Sophia, his wife, | Died May 5, 1813, M. 47. | Mary, his second wife, | Died Aug. 12, 1859, M. 75. | John Worthington, | Died Oct. 4, 1802, | 2E. 7 D. | Ezekiel Salter, | Died Jan. 12, 1816, ^. 9 Y. I Henry SilHman, | Died Aug. 29, 1825, M. 15 M. I Thomas Scott, | Died Sept. 17, 1842, 2E. 24. | Hannah Hopkins, | Died Feb. 26, 1846, M. 41. | Esther Sophia, | Died Mar. 18, 1847, ^- 27. I Charles B. McLean, | son-in-law of | John Williams, | for twenty-three years | the faithful and beloved | pastor of the Congregational ] Church in Collins- ville, I died in Wethersfield, | Oct. 29, 1873. I Aged 58. | Samuel W. I son-in-law of Ezekiel, | Died Sept. 12, 1812, M. 61. | Emily, his wife, | Died Sept. 9, 1850, M. 89. | Mary, their daughter, | Died Sept. 15, 1793, M. 17 M. | Frances, | Died Dec. 21, 1815, M. 20. I Abigail, | Died Feb. 28, 1832, M. 31. | Elizabeth, | Died May II, 1848, M. 58. | Emily, | Died Nov. 5, 1865, M. 77. \ Mary, | Died July 12, 1886, 2E. 92. | Rev. Ezekiel Williams, | Died Feb. 10, 1873, ^- 74- i Samuel Williams, | Born Feb. 26, 1804. I Died Feb. 8, 1882. | Henry P. grandson, | Died Aug. 22, 1824, M. 15 M. Heare | Lies the | Body of Mar | tha, ye wife | of Jacob | Wil- liams, de I ceced March | ye 29* 1716, ] in the 23'* | year of her | age. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 141 Sacred to the Memory of | Martha Williams, | who died | Sept. 24, 183S, I Aged 71 Years. Prudence, | Daughter of | Ephraim & | Elizabeth Williams, | Dyed July ye 4 | 1733 i Year & | 14 days old. Sacred | To the Memory of ] Mrs. Sally Williams, | Wife of Capt. I Elisha Williams, & | eldest Daughter of | Capt. Thomas Newson, | who died Sept. 25*'' | 181 1, aged 46. Thos. N. Williams, | Died Nov. 7, 1816, | aged 26. | Mary, ] his wife, | Died Aug. 23, 1822, | aged 33. Capt. I Thomas W. Williams, ] Died Aug. 26, 1880. | Aged 59 yrs, 8 mos. | 5 days. | Eliza Azelia, | wife of ] Capt. Thomas Wil- liams, I Born Dec. 11, 1826. | Died Feb. 17, 1885. | Children of | Capt. Thomas W. and | Eliza A. Williams. | Henry R. | Died April 8, 1864. I Aged 9 years. | Flora E. ] Died in Oakland, Cal. I January 14, 1869. | Aged i year, 9 months ] and 3 days. Uriah Watkins, | son of William & | Mary WilHams, | died Feb. 9, 1837. I M. 4 mo's. 9 d's. | Estella A. | daughter of | Christopher C & | Frances Culver, | died May 3, 1853. | M. 3 y'rs 6 mo 22 d's. Not lost but gone before. Here lie Interred the Remains | of | William Williams, ] who died Octob'r 28*^ | 1741, in the 19* year | of his Age. | Eunice Williams, | who died Sept'r 26* | 1741, in the 26* year | of her Age. I Samuel Williams, | who died Nov'r 15'^ \ 174°, in the 21=' year | of his Age. William Williams, | died July 8, 1871. | M. 76 yrs. | Mary Watkins, | his wife, [ Died March 11, 1879. | M. 81 yrs. 7 mos. | Children of | Wm. & Mary W. Williams. | Capt. Thomas W. Williams, 1 Died Aug. 26, 1880. | Aged 59 Yr's. 8 mo's. 5 d'ys. ] Catharine A. | Died March 27, 1832. | Aged 6 weeks. | Mary A. I Died June 17, 1832. | Aged 5 Yr's. 3 mo's. Jno. Wilson,* | Co. K. | 14* | Conn | Inf. In Memory of | Abigail | Relict of | Joseph Winship | who died I Sept. 20, 1841, | ^- 9°- • Died May i6, 1876. 142 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Abigail Wolcott, | Relict to Capt. Samuel | Wolcott, and Daughter | of y^ Rev'd Mr. Nathaniel | Collins, of Middletown. | Who departed this life I Feb'ry ye 6 : 1758. In the | yy^^ year of her Age. Heare | lieth the | body of Mrs. Ab- | igaile Wolc- | ott who de I parted this | hfe Novemb | er ye 9 day | 1714 in ye | 21 year of I her age. In memory of | Chauncey A. Wolcott, | who died | Sept. 11, 1853, I aged 58. I also of | Abigail, | his wife, | who died | Oct. 13, 1832, I aged 35. EHsha Wolcott, | Born Mar. 28, 1787. | Died Mar. 28, 1862. | Mary W. his wife, | Born Dec. 4, 1791. | Died Feb. 14, 1878. | children of | EHsha & Mary Wolcott, | John | Born Jan. 4, 1822. I Died Feb. 13, 1823. | EHzabeth, | Born Jan. 12, 1825. Died Aug. 20, 1832. | Hannah Elizabeth, | Born Oct. 10, 1831. Died June i, 1837. | Sarah N. | 1814. — 1894. | Hannah Blinn, wife of I Charles Wolcott, | Born June 18, 1821. | Died Nov. 12, i860. I Eddie Wilder, | son of \ Charles & Hattie B. Wolcott, | Born Oct. 15, 1863. | Died Aug. 30, 1865. | Dr. Robert R. | 1868.— 1893. In memory of Deacon | Elisha Wolcott, | who departed this life Oct. I 13'*" AD. 1793, in the yy^^ \ Year of his Age. In a full belief in the merits of the Son of God, that they that fall asleep in Jesus Shall be raised to a glorious Immortality. Mr. Elisha Wolcott, | died | Jan. 17, 1827, | aged 72. Here lies Interr'd ye | Body of Mrs. Elisabeth | Wolcott who Depa I rted this life March | ye 15* 1765, in ye 73d | Year of her Age. In Memory of | Mr. Garshom Wolcott, | who departed this | Life Nov'r 29*1^ | AD. 1782, | in the 35'^ year | of his Age. In Memory of | Hannah Wolcott, | daughter of Mr. Elisha & Mrs. Sarah Wolcott, | who departed this | Life March is*h A£). 1784, I in the 22"* year | of her Age. TOMBSTONE OF ABIGAIL (COLLINS) Wl.ll.COTT. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 143 Horace Wolcott, | died | Jan. 24, 1881. | M. 87. | Rhoda, | wife of I Horace Wolcott, | died | March 21, 1862. | M. 65. Yes, willing to live or will- ing to die, I leave it to Him who knows better than I. My Husband .my Children I leave them with Thee, Oh may they prepare to soon be with me. Huldah Wolcott, | died | Nov. i, 1865. | Aged 75. | Samuel Wolcott, I died | July 19, 1881. | Aged 47 Y'rs. ] children of Samuel and | Mary E. Wolcott. | Willie, | died | Nov. 25, 1875. Aged 2 Days. | Frank, | died | Feb. .15, 1876. | Aged 3 years. Edith, I died | Feb. 15, 1876. | Aged 5 years. | Mary | died | Feb. 18, 1876. I Aged 7 years. Here lieth interr'd three | lovely Sons of Elisha and | Mary Wolcott. I Horatio Gates died Sept. 18* | 1778. M. i year & 5 days. I Horatio died April 30* | 1799. 7E. 9 Months, 24 days. | Franklin Warterhous died | Nov. 12* 1800. ^. 2 Months. Huldah, I relict of | William Wolcott, | Died Feb. 3, i860, | Aged 100 Years. Two children | of | Elisha & Mary ] Wolcott. | John, died Feb. 5, 1823, I aged 13 mos. | Elizabeth, j died Aug. 20, 1832, aged 7 yrs, 7 mo's | & 8 days. Here | lieth | the body | of Josiah Wolcott | who departed this I life October the 28, | Anno Dom. 1712. | being in the 31 | year of his age. Here lies Interr'd the | Body of Mrs. Judith | Wolcott, Relict of Mr. 1 Samuel Wolcott Dec'd, | and Daughter of the | Wor- shipfull Samuel | Appleton Esq, of | Ipswich, who Died | Feb'ry 19* 1740/41, about I 88'^ Years of Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Mary Wolcott, | Wife of Mr. I Samuel Wolcott, | who departed this life | June 6*' 1758. In ye 42"^ | year of her age. Mrs. I Mary Wolcott, | Relict of | Mr. Elisha Wolcott, | died | Oct. 6, 1828, I M. 72. Here lyeth the | Body of Mr. | Oliver Wolcott, | Son of Capt. Sam'll I Wolcott, who Dec'd | Oct. ye 8"^ 1734. | Aged 25 years. 144 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Mr. Oliver Wolcott, | Son of Mr. | Samuel Wolcott, I who died Feb. 25* | 1778, in the 50* | year of his Age. Oliver, | Son of | Oliver & Sophia | Wolcott, | died Feb. 24* | 1818, I M. 4 y'rs 2 mos. Here lyes Buried the Body of | Capt. Samuel Wolcott, | Who died Sep'tr ye 15* 1734, in | the 58* year of his Age. In Memory of | Mr. Samuel Wolcott, | who died Apr. 11* 1800, I Aged 88 Years. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Wolcott, | Relict of Deac. | Elisha Wolcott, I who died March 12* | 1800, M. 73. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Wolcott, | Relict of Deac. | Elisha Wolcott, I who died April 3"^ | 1805, in the 58* | year of her age. Sarah N. Wolcott, | died | Aug. 22, 1847, | Aged 51. Theres rest in heaven. In Memory of | Mr. Solomon Wolcott, | who died Jan. 2-d | 181 1, I Aged 67 years. In memory of | Mrs. Rebecah Wolcott, | Wife of | Mr. Wil- liam Wolcott, I who departed this life | April 18-th 1788, in | the 29-th year of her | Age. | Also Rebecah Daughter | of Mr. William & Mrs. | Huldah Wolcott; She | died Dec'r 13* 1800, in the | 6* year of her age. In I Memory of | William Wolcott, | who died | March 11, 1841, I M. 87. Here Hes | the Body of Mrs. | Elizabeth Wollcot, | widow of Mr. I George Wollcot, | who Died August ye | 13* 1741. Aged 69 Years. Abigail, Wife of | Capt. Samuel Woodhouse, | died | Oct. 27, 1851. I ^:92. In Memory of | Mr. Abijah Woodhouse, | who died June 2-d 1810. I Aged 48 years. | Also of Levi Woodhouse, | Son of Mr. Abijah & | Mrs. Jane Woodhouse, | [who died in Jamaica] | Jan. 23-d 1808. I Aged 21 years. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 145 Clarissa H. [ wife of | Humphrey Woodhouse, | Died April 5, 1871. 1 M. 77. I Capt. I Humphrey Woodhouse, | died | Aug. 19, 1872 I M. 77. 1 Martha T. Francis, | Died Jan. 10, 1864. | ^.45. | Clarissa H. Woodhouse, | Died Sept. 2, 1834. | M. i Yr, 5 M. Clarissa Harris, | Daughter of | Humphrey & Clarissa | Woodhouse, | died | Sept. 2, 1834. | Aged i Yr. & 5 mo. In Memory of Mr. | Daniel Woodhouse, | who died Oct. 4-th I 181 5. Aged 57 | years. In Memory of | Daniel Woodhouse, | Son of Mr. Daniel & | Mrs. Lucy Woodhou | se, who died Sept. 4'^ | 1815. In the 18* I year of his age. Donald Woodhouse, | died | Feb. 2, 1862, | M. 40. Emily Crane, | wife of | Sylvester Woodhouse, | Born at Wethersfield, | Nov. 19, 1805. | Died Jan. 15, 1890. Emma Jane, | Daughter of | Donald & Sarah | Woodhouse, | Born Aug. 4, 1849. | Died Sept. 4, 1849. A morning Star, a moment bright Then melting into Heavens own light. Hannah Woodhouse, | died | Jan. 19, 1864. | aged 81. Henry W. | son of Solomon & | Lura Woodhouse, | died June 26, 1847, 1 aged 9 y'rs. Though absent yet to memory dear. William H. | died | May 15, 1832, | aged 2 y'rs. Capt. Humphrey [ Woodhouse, died | May 27* 1827, | aged 56 years. | Mrs. Rebecca, | his Widow, died | August 29"^ 1845, aged 75 years. | George W. their Son, | died August 31^' 1825, aged 16 years & 6 mon. In Memory of | James Woodhouse, | Son of Mr. Humphrey | & Mrs. Rebecca | Woodhouse, who died | May 27, 1819, | aged 19 years. | Also of James, their Son, | who died Nov. 14, 1798, | aged I year & 5 months. Oh Eternity! how long if unprepared. Jane Woodhouse, | wife of | Abijah Woodhouse, | died Nov. 26, 1848. I ^. 86. I James Woodhouse, | died at sea | Oct. 8, 1821, JE. 30. I William F. Woodhouse, | died in Talmage, Ohio, I Aug. 22, 1828, 2E. 27. 19 146 WET HERS FIELD INSCRIPTIONS John Woodhouse, | Died Sept. 6, 1806. | ^. 51 | Sarah, his wife, I Died July 28, 1838. | M. yy. \ EHzabeth, died Apr. 6, 1866. I M. 73. I Harriet,— Mar. 28, 1866. \M.7i.\ John,— Mar. 21, 1832. I M. 36. I Sophia,— Feb. 14, 1883. | M. 83. | Mary,— Jan. 20, 1892. I M. 94. I Anne, died Oct. 24, 1786. | ^. 11 M. CaroHne, — Jan 30, 1875. | M. 89. | Anne, — Oct. 20, 1788. ^. I Y. I Ann,— May 22, 1876. | 2E. 87. | Martha,— Mar. 13, 1867. I M. 76. I Their children. | Titus, died Apr. 26, 181 1. | 2E. 32. I Asenath, — Aug. 12, 1866. | M. 85. | Sarah, — May 20, 1807. I M. 25. I Joseph, — Dec. 19, 181 1. | M. 28. In memory of | Mr. John Woodhouse, | who died Sept. 16-th 1806. I Aged 51 years. | Also Anna, Daughter of Mr. | John & Mrs. Sarah Woodhouse, | who died Oct. 24-th 1786. | Aged 11 months. | Likewise Anna, Daughter of | the same, who died Oct. 20-th I 1788. Aged II years & i Month. In Memory of | John Woodhouse, | Son of Mr. John & | Mrs. Sarah Wood | house, who died | March 21==* 1832, | Aged 36 years. »■ Joseph Woodhouse, | drowned at sea, | Dec. 19, 1811. | 2E.. 30. I Hannah, | his wife | died Dec. 25, 1855. | M. 85. | Sarah B. Woodhouse, | died | Aug. 8, 1864. | M. 56. | Curtis Wells, | died I Feb. 8, 1806. | 2E. 37. | Francis T. Wells, | died | May 8, 1795. I ^. I Y'r. In Memory of Mrs. | Lucy Woodhouse, | Wife of Mr. | Daniel Woodhouse, | who died June 29* | 1813, | Aged 51 years. Lucy Woodhouse, j died | Oct. 19, 1863, | Aged 79. Hinder me not, come welcome death, I'll gladly go with thee. Lura Adams, | wife of | Solomon Woodhouse, | Died Feb. 25, 1888. I Aged 87 Y'rs & 6 Mos. Mary Ann | Woodhouse. | 1816. — 1883. Ralph H. Woodhouse, | died | Feb. 7, 1862. | aged 3?. Rebekah B. Woodhouse, | died | Jan. 30, 1877, | M. 84. R. Elizabeth, | daughter of | Oliver & Permelia | Wood- house, I died Nov. 6, 1857. | 2E. 12. Dearest sister thou hast left us. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 147 In Memory of | Mrs. Sally, | Wife of Mr. Syl- | vester Wood- house, 1 who died Nov. 12* | 1828, | Aged 31 years. In Memory of Capt. | Samuel Woodhouse, | Who died Sept. 6-th I 1834, aged 78 years. | George, Son of Capt. | Samuel & Abigail | Woodhouse, who was | lost at sea, Jany | 1810, aged 21 years. | Samuel, their Son, was | lost at Sea, Jan ii-th | 1817, aged 25 years. | Henry, their Son, died | at Charleston, July 19, ] 1826, aged 25 years. Samuel | Woodhouse. | 1815. — 1885. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Wood | house, Relict of Mr. | John Woodhouse, | who died July 28-th | 1838. | Aged yy years. In memory of | Miss Sarah Woodhouse, | Daughter of Mr. John I & Mrs. Sarah Woodhouse, | who died May 20-th 1807. | In the 25-th year | of her age. Sarah N. Woodhouse, ] died | Oct. 19, 1870. | M. 79. Solomon Woodhouse, | died | May 19, 1853, | aged 55. Sophia Woodhouse | wife of | Gurdon Welles, ] Died Feb. 14, 1883. I Aged 83. In I Memory of | Sylvester Woodhouse, | who died ] Aug. 27, 1838. I Aged 45. In Memory of | Titus B. Woodhouse, | who died April 26* | 181 1, in the 32-d | year of his age. | Also of | Joseph Wood- house, I who was drowned at | Sea, Dec. 19-th 181 1, | in the 28-th year | of his age. In Memory of | Mr. William | Woodhouse, he j died with ye | Small Pox, Jan'r | 4*'' 1771, in ye 54"' | Year of his Age. Sacred | to the memory of | Chififonettel Woodward, | wife of | Dr. Henry Woodward, | and daughter of the late | Capt. Moses Tryon. | She died | Nov. 25, 1818, | M. 22. " Dear Spirit — "Tis not the sculptur'd stone " Can speak thy worth. Edwin Porter, | son of ] Samuel B. & | Maria Woodward, | died I Aug. 17, 1829. | Aged 14 months. 148 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS James H. Woolworth, | born | Aug. 10, 1822. | died | Dec. 5, 1894. In I Memory of | Mrs. Abigail, | Relict of | Capt. Ashbell Wright, I who died | May 2, 1818. | M. 53. In Memory of | Mr. Asa Wright, | who died Oct 31=* | 1823. | In the 63-d year | of his age. In I Memory of | Capt. Ashbell Wright, | who died Aug. 31, | 1817. I Aged 59 Years. In Memory of | Capt. Crafts | Wright, y^ Son of | Cap' Timothy | Wright, Who | Died May y= 24* | 1766, in y^ 40* | Year of his Age. In I memory of | Ebenezer Wright, ] who died | May 25, 1805, I in his 40"^ year. To the Memory of | Cap' Elijah Wright, | who departed this life I Sep' 27"' AD. 1799. | In the 65"' Year of | his Age. In Memory of | Mr. Elisha Wright, | who Departed this | Life Oct'r 2f^ \ A. D. 1778. | Aged 65 years. Elizabeth, | Daughter of Capt. | Ashbel & Mrs. | Abigail Wright, I Who died | Sept. 16, 1802. | Aged 5 months ] & 9 days. Frances Wright, | born | Apr. 2, 1799, | died | Mar. 13, 1885. " Thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. In Memory of | Mrs. Hannah Wright, | Wife of | Mr. EHzur Wright, I who died Oct. 21^' | 1797, aged 30 years. Horace Wright, | died Sept. 10, 1820, | aged 34. | Clarissa R. | his wife, | died Apr. 19, 1862, | aged 76. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | James Wright, who | died December ye | 24"^ 1748, | in ye 88'** | year of his Age. In Memory of | Mr. James Wright | who departed this Life | Oct'r 22*^ AD. 1773. I In the 79"" year | of his Age. In I Memory of | Mr. James Wright, | who died | Nov. 7, 1 82 1, I aged 58. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 149 In Memory of | Capt. John Wright, | who departed this | Life Sepf 13, AD. 1786, I in the 38* year | of his age. Behold & see as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be prepare for Death & follow me. Jonathan D. Wright, | Son of Capt. Ashbel | & Mrs. Abigail Wright, I died May 12*'' 1796, | Aged 5 Years, | & 3 Months. In silence here I lie, On earth I might not stay, When life began deaths summons came, And hastened me away. Here | lyeth the | body of Decon | Joseph Wright, | who departed | this life the 17*'' | day of December, | Anno* Dom. 1 714, I aged 75 years. In Memory of | Joseph Wright | son of Mr. James | and Mrs. Lois I Wright, who died | July ye 12*'' 1759. In memory of | Josiah Wright, | who died Jan. 27* 1802, | Aged 79 years. In I Memory of | Josiah Wright, | who died | Oct. 7, 1820, aged 63. I Mabel Wright, | his wife. Died | Sept. 14, 1836, aged 60. In Memory of | M" Lois Wright, | Relict of | M'' James Wright, I who died January 31=' | AD. 1789, | in y= 73'^ Year | of her Age. Here Lies the Body of | Mrs. Lucy Wright, wife | of Capt. Elijah Wright, | who Departed this Life | July y^ 6, AD. 1783 : in I the 47* year of her age. Come view this dreary solemn shade. My living friends, since I am dead. And in this Grave consigned to lie. Yet tell the living they must die. In Memory of | Lucy Wright, | Wife of | Asa Wright, | who died May 6, | 1830, | aged 62 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Mary Wright, Relict | of M"" James Wright, | who Departed this | Life October y= 20*^ I 1740, in y« 80* year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Mary, wife | of Mr. David | Wright, who I died Jan'ry ye 9*'" | 1769, in ye 82'^ | Year of her Age. 150 WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | M" Mary Wright, | Daughter of M'' | James and M""^ | Loies Wright, | who died Sep* y^ 25* | A. D. 1775, | in ye 24* Year | of her Age. In memory of | Mary Wright, | died | May 5, 1857. | M. 84. Moses Wright, | died | May 4, 1824, | aged J2. | Abigail, | his wife, | died Jan. 20, 1852. | aged 98. In I Memory of | M''= Penelope Wright, | relict of | Capt. Elijah Wright, | who died March 4, 1826, | aged 74. Prudence, | Daughter of Mr. | Elijah and Mrs. | Lucy Wright I Died Decem'r 26, | 1760: 13 days | Old. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M''^ | Sarah Wright, | the wife of Cap' | Timothy Wright, | Who Departed this | life May ye j2th 1764. I In y'= 58*^ year of | her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Wright, | Wife of | Mr. Josiah Wright, I who died Sept. 17*'^ | 1799. Aged 62 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of | Deac'n Thomas Wright, ] who Departed this | Life Octob'r ye | A. D. 1760. | In the 85* year | of his Age. In I Memory of | Thomas Wright, | who died | April 20, 1823, I aged 30. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Capt. | Timothy Wright, | who Departed this | Life Octob"' y*^ 29* | A : D : 1763. | In the 60* year | of his Age. In I Memory of | Mr. Timothy Wright, | who died | Apr. 9, 1 81 7, I in the 31. year of his age. In Memory of Mr. | Jonathan Wylls | who died Nov. 14* | 1819. I Aged 81 years. Stephen Yuran, j died Sept. 17, 1834. | M. i Year & 7 mo. | George Yuran,^ | died in Albany, Vt. | Aug. 21, 1823, M. i mo & 3 days. I George Yuran, 3 | died in Waltham, Mass. | Sept. 16, 1827. M. I Y'r II mo. | Sons of George & We | althy Yuran. August I AD. 1775, I in the 83'^ Year | of his Age.* * Top broken off. WETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS 151 Roswell Coleman | 1821 . 1895. | His Wife | Mary C. War- ner, I 1822 . 1898. The Grave ] of | Caroline M. | daughter of | Asa S. & Amelia | Bailey, | died Nov. i, 1838, | Aged 17. The Grave | of | Henry S. | Son of | Asa S. & Amelia | Bailey, | died Nov. 18, 1838, | Aged 22. The Grave | of ] Jane S. | Daughter of | Asa S. & Amelia | Bailey, | died | May 13, 1838, | aged 20. Children of | George & Sarah | Francis. | Sarah ] Born March 29, 1802, I Died Sept. 12, 1803. ] John B. | Born July 29, 1804, | Died Sept. 28, 1806. Mary A. Welles, | wife of | Joshua Goodrich, | Nov. 8, 1808 — Mar. 23, 1873. Esther, | wife of | John Griswold, | died | July 11, 1813, | ^.32. Mabel W. ] daughter of ] Robert S. & Ida L. | Griswold, | Died Oct. 26, 1881, | Aged 6 y'rs, 6 mo's. Joseph M. Hale, | died ] June 16, 1883, | Aged 63. Diantha, | wife of | Osmund Harrison, | Born Oct. 16, 1807, | Died Feb. 24, 1897. She hath done what she could. Emeline, ] wife of | Frederick R. | Little, | died at Hartford | Aug. 20, 1852, I aged 26. W" H. Pelton | Co. H. 25 Regt. [ Conn. Vols. | died ] Aug. IS, 1892. Lucetta W. Roberts, | wife of | George Clark, | Oct. 19, 1812, I Feb. 20, 1897. At Rest. Sophia Stevens Smith, | Born | Aug. 11, 1804, | Died | June 28, 1881. Horace Wadsworth, | died | Dec. 3, i860, | aged 58. | Rebecca I his wife, | died | July 31, 1861, ] aged 55. 152 VVETHERSFIELD INSCRIPTIONS Lucius Wadsworth, | Co. F. 14, Regt. | Conn. Vols. | died | Sept. 13, 1862. Elizabeth Ann Welles, | born | Jan. 19, 1828, | died | March 4, 1861. Joshua Wells, | Died April 13, 1801, | M. 26. | Judith Wells, | Died Jan. | 7, 1861, | ^: 68. Walter Wells, | died | May 12, 1849, I ^- 3^- Harriet D. | wife of | Stephen Willard, | Died July 4, 1890. | Aged 61. NEWINGTOS INSCRIPTIONS 153 Newington. In May, 1713, the Second, or West, parish of Wethersfield was incorporated, although the church was not organized until October 17, 1722. The inhabitants of this society continued to use the common burying-ground until, on March 7, 1726, upon their petition, the town of Wethersfield granted them " one Acre of Land for a Burying place near their Meeting house or Elsewhere in the half mile Common and to be Laid out by Deacon Jabez Whittlesey, Deacon John Deming and Richard Bordman, who shall bound out the same by sufificient Monuments and Record it to sd society." On December 4, 1752, this committee reported that " We have laid out an Acre of Land for said purpose a little north of the meeting house in sd Newington, including the old Burying place, and bounded it out by Sufificient monuments, it being Sixteen Rods in Length East and West, and ten rods in Width North and South." This was apparently sufficient in size for the needs of the parish until December 12, 1842, when Henry Kilbourn sold to the society a small strip on the west, ' measuring 155 links from north to south and 37 links in width from east to west, con- taining nine rods and one hundred and one square feet. Said piece of land is divided into five lots by the Grantees for a burying-ground . " November 8, 1843, Henry Kilbourn sold to the School So- ciety, " for the use and benefit of a common Burying Ground," land containing one rood, twenty-two and seven-eighths rods, on the south of the yard. The last addition, which was also the largest, was made December i, 1865, when the School Society purchased of Henry Kilbourn and Samuel N. Rockwell a piece of land on the west, containing one and a half acres, making the present plot nearly three acres in extent. The oldest inscription is on the stone of Lydia, wife of Pelatiab Buck, who died July 29, 1726, | and was " the first that was laid in this yard." The present town of Newington was incor- porated July ID, 1871. 154 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS INSCRIPTIONS Copied by Edwin Stanley Welles Note. — These Inscriptions are arranged geographically rather than alphabeti- cally, beginning with the earliest part of the graveyard, and ending with its latest addition. — E. S. W. In Memory of | M"^^ Sabra wife of | Cap' Jo" Stoddard | who died March y= 22* | AD : 1777. | In y^ 38*'^ Year | of her Age. Stop Reader spend a Mornfull tear, upon y" Dust that Slumbers hear, and Whilst you Read y" fate of me think on y' Glas that Runs for thee. C. S. I Candace wife of | Capt. Jonathan Stoddard | died June 25, 1806. I Aet 55. In memory of | Mr= Jemine Buck | Late wife of M'' | Peletiah Buck, I who died of y'^ Sm^ll pox | May y= 9'*^ | AD : 1777. | In ye y^A Year | of her Age. In I Memory of | Mr. Jonathan Stoddard | who died | March 13, 1811 : I aged 74 years. In I memory of j Candace Stoddard | Wife of | Jonathan Stoddard | who died | Aug. 21, 1826, | Aged 55 Yrs. In I memory of | Jonathan Stoddard | who died | April 28, 1840, I M.. 67. In memory of j Candace Howard | daughter of | Edward & | Candace Howard | who Died | Sept. 29, 1834; | Aged 8 Years. Sarah N. | Daughter of | James E. & Candace | Loveland, | Died I March 19, 1842. | ]£.. 2 y'rs 11 mo. 3 d'y. Edwin S. | Son of | James & Candace | Loveland, | Died Jan. 30, 1847 I ^. 4 M. In Memory of | M"" Pelletiah Buc'' | Who Died With | y= Small Pox Apr | il 19* 1777 in y= 80'*^ | Year of his Age. Here I Must Lie Beneath y° Tomb until Jesus Christ In Glory comes NEIVINGTON INSCRIPTIONS I5S In I Memory of | Esther, relict of | Thomas Wright, | Who died Dec. lo, 1811, | Aet. 79. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Lieu' | Ebenezer Kilburn | who Departed this | Life Aug^' the 21=* | A : D 1759 In y^ 64'*^ year of his Age. Here lies the Bo | dy of M" Martha ] Kilborn wife of M"^ | George Kilborn | in Farmington who | Died January y* 11* | 1745/6 in the 36'^ | Year of her Age. In Memory of | M'' Leonard only son | To Mr Stephen 81 | Mr'^ Hannah Deming. | who died April i=* AD. | 1787: in the 24th Year of his | Age. O Death! how cruel is thy triumph! Youth, & beauty, Joy & blooming hope; lies hear a victim to thy rage. Beneath this silent Stone, Our lovly Brother lies; While we in sorrow mourn Soft slumber close his eyes. Stephen Deming, | died | April 24, 1790: | Aet. | Hannah Deming, | widow of | Stephen Deming; | died Dec. 16, 1799: | Aet. 75. In I Memory of | Sylvia Deming, | who died April 8, 1809: | ^t. 51. In I Memory of | Miss Laury, | Daughter of | Mr Elias & Mrs I Polly Dillings | who died | Oct. 25, 1817 | M. 16. Cropt like a flower she withered in her bloom Tho fleeting hfe had promised years to come. In I Memory of | Rosanna Deming; | who died Jan. 7, 1821 ; | Mt. 73. Robert W. | Son of ] John & Catherine | Ramsey. | Died Sept. 14, 1866 I M. I year & 8 months. Catharine, | Daughter of | John & Catharine | Ramsey, | Died Dec. 25, i860, I Aged 15 Mo's. In Memory of | Leonard C. Hubbard, | Who Died | Sept. 20, 1838, I Aged 65 Y'rs. Lois I Daughter of M' | Benjamin and M" | Sarah Goodrich | Died October the I 8* A : D 1749 In | the 5"^ year of | her Age 156 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Here lies 7"= Body | of M"^ Benjamin | Goodrich who | Died May the 1 1* | 1742 in the 54'^ Year | of his Age Belah | Son of M"^ | Benjamin and M""^ | Sarah Goodrich | died Sepf y'= 17* | 1751 In y^ 4'*' year | of his Age Ansel Fox | Born ( April 6, 1791, | Died | May 9, 1845. Prudence | Wife of | Ansel Fox, | Born | April 11, 1794; | Died I June 4, 1873 • James E. Loveland, | Died | Jan. 15, 1849, | M. 38. Candace Stoddard, | Wife of | James E. Loveland, | Died | June 13, 1880, I M. 75 Y'rs., 9 Mo's. In Memory of | M'' Thomas Francis | who died April 26"^ | AD 1774 I In his 85* year | His wife Abigail | & two Daugh- ters I Abigail & Anna lie | at his left hand Heman F. | son of | Hiram & | Fanny Stoddard | Died | Dec. II, 1834, 1^.5 Y's. Are not our days few. Fanny Eliza, | Daughter of | Hiram & Fanny | Stoddard, | Died Aug. 4, 1848, | M. 9 yrs. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime And bloom to fade no more. In Memory of | M" Jane Lusk | Wife of M"" | John Lusk ] who died Feb. 5* | AD : 1788, | Aged 83 Years. Here lies the Body | of M''^ Janet Lusk | wife of M'' John Lusk I who Died May the 2"'* | 1742 in the 34* | Year of her Age All you that now behold .my Toomb Think often on the day of Doom That when you die you need not fear To meet your Lord up in the Air. In Memory of | M"^ John Lusk | who died July 24* | AD : 1788, I Aged 86 Years. Behold the glass Improve your time 'For mine is run and so must thine. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 157 In I Memory of | Percival son of | Joseph & Olive | Steel Who died Sept. | 6'^ AD 1798 in the 5* year | of his age. The blast that nipt my youth willl Conquer thee It strikes the bud the blossom and the tree. This monument is Erected by Elijah Steel of Watertown. Curtis Andrus | Son of M"" Joshua | and M" Sybil | Andrus died I Jan^'y y^ 31=' 1756 | In the 12'^ year | of his Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Docf | Joseph Andrus | who Departed this | Life Jan'-y y^ 18* 1756 | In the 78* year I of his Age. Here lies Interr^ | the Body of M-" | Benajah Andrus | who Died July | the 23d 1756 In | the 39* year of | his Age In Memory of M-''* | Sarah Andrus | Relict of Docf | Joseph Andrus | who Departed | this life May y= 2^^ | A: D. 1760 in ye ygth I Year of her Age In Memory of | M" Sibbell wife of | Dea" Joshua Andr- | us who died May y^ 30 | AD : 1785, | in y^ 80"" Year | of her Age. | N. B. the above Named | (when More then 40 Years old) | was Delivered of 8 Children | at 3 Births, 7 of them Born | Alive within the Space of | 2 Years & 5 Months. Here lies the | Body of M"" | Joseph Hurlbut, | who died June y^ I 24 : 1752 in y^ 69* | year of his Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Ens" | Thomas Robbins | who Departed | this life Sep' the 16* | A : D 1754. In y" 50* | Year of his Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Lydia Seymor wife | of M' Bavill Sey- | mor who died | Jan'ry the 16 1736 in | the 28'*' year of | her Age In Memory of | Theoder Seymour | Son of M"" Bavell | & M""^ Lydia | Seymour Died of | the Small-pox | Decemb'"' 13"^ 1760 | In the 27* year | of his Age Here lies the Body | of M" Abigail At- | wood Daughter of | M"" Jo'siah and M''^ | Barshaba Atwood | who died Aug=* y" | 22"^ 1747 in the 36"^ | year of her Age IS8 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Mercy Churchill | Born I Nov. lo, 1792, 1 Died | March 7, 1866. At rest. Charlotte Churchill, | Born | Dec 3, 1795, | Died | April 7. 1864. Resting in hope. In Memory of | Samuel Churchill | Who died | Dec. 10, 1834, I Aged 78 Y'rs. In Memory of | Mercy, Wife of | Samuel Churchill | Who died I Jan. 24, 1834, | Aged 76 Y'rs. Mary A. Churchill | died Feb. 18. 1848, | aged 65. | Harriet Churchill | died July 12. 1825, | aged 26. Nancy Churchill | Wife of | Leonard C. Hubbard | died Jan. 2. 1892, I Aged 97 Y'rs. Kasson, | Son of | Leonard C. & Nancy | Hubbard, | Died Apr. 6, 1834, I ^. 2 y 4 m. In Memory | of Ens" | Samuel Churchel | Who died July 21=' I A : D. 1767 In y^ 79*'' | year of his Age In Memory of | Charles Churchill Esq | who died Oct. 29th | 1802. I Aged 79 years. In Memory of | Mrs. Lydia Churchill | Wife of | Charles Churchill Esq | who died March 19th | 1805. | Aged 80 years. In I memory of | Mr. John Churchill, | who died ] Sept. 17, 1823 I M. 38. Friends nor physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave, Nor can the grave confine me here At God's just bar I must appear. He was belov'd in life And lamented in death. In I Memory of | Elisabeth, wife of | Leonard C. Hubbard ; | who died | Aug. 5, 1824 : | ^t. 51. In Memory of | Nickols Deming | Son of Deac" | John Dem- ing I who died May y^ | 8"' 1754 In the 40* | year of his Age NPAVINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 159 Churchill. | Chester Churchill | Died | In Va. Nov. 7, 1837, | M. 39. I Lucretia. | His Wife Died | Mar. 8, 1875, | M. 75 Children of | C. & L. Churchill | Francis | Died | Jan. 24. 1834 I M. 2. I JuHa Churchill | Wife of | James Watkins | Died in Tenn. | Feb. 17, 1870 | ^. 41. Solomon Churchill | Died | June 16, 1842 | M. 78. | Lucretia, | His Wife Died | Nov. 2, 181 1 | M. 48. | Children of | S. & L. Churchill | Julia | Died | Sept. 16, 1822 | M. 30. In Memory of | M'' Josiah Deming | of Newington | who de- parted this I Life Aug^* 12* | AD 1761 | In the 73'^ year | of his Age Aunt Lucy. | Lucy Churchill, | Died | Mar. 30, 1883, | M. 83. In Memory of | M"" Stephen Kellogg | who departed this | Life Aug=' y« 24* | AD : 1767 | In the 38* year | of his Age In Memory of | Mr. | Stephen Kellogg | who died | April 19. 1806. I aged. 48. years. Erected | to the Memory of | Elizabeth, | Relict of | Stephen Kellogg, I who died | March 23, 1817, | in the 88 year | of her age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M'' | Gamaliel Bordman | who Departed this | life Sepf y^ 17* 1754 | In the 43<* year | of his Age In Memory of | M"'^ Sarah Boardman | Relict of | Lieu* Rich- ard Boardman | who Departed this | Life Dece^"" 28* | AD 1769 I in the 86*'' year | of her Age. In Memory of | John Bordman Son | of M"" Gamaliel | and M" Sarah | Bordman who | died Jan^y 7* 1759 ] In the 19* year | of his Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Lieu* | Richard Boardman Who Departed this | Life Aug^' y« 7*'' | A : D 1755 : In y= 71st year of his Age. Here Lies the Body | of Elizabeth the wife | of James Francis | Who Died April y' 13 | 1728 in the 39 year | of her Age l6o NEWINCTON INSCRIPTIONS Here lieth the | Body of | Lyddiah the Wife of | Pelatiah Buck I who died Jvly the | 29. 1726. in the 28* | Year of her Age The first that was laid in this yard In Memory of ] Mrs. Hannah Whaples, | relict of | Mr. Jacob Whaples ; | who died May 19*, AD. | 1795 : | In the 93d, ] year of her age. Here | Lieth the | Body of | M"^ Simon | Willard Who Died | January the 8 1726/7 | in the 66 Year of | his Age The first Male laid in this Yard Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of Deac" | Josiah Willard | who Departed this | Life March the 9* | A : D : 1757 In y= 66'i> | year of his Age In Memory of M" | Mary Willard ] Daughter of Deac" | Josiah Willard | who Died May ] the 31=' A : D 1759 | in the 37*1' year | of her Age. In Memory | of Mr. | Daniel Willard. | He was born July 1st, I AD. 1710; and died | June ist, AD. 1800: | In the 90th, year | of his age. In I Memory of | Hannah Willard, | who died | Feb. 21st, 1807: j Mi. 59. Laura, Daughter | of Daniel & | Laura Willard, | died Oct. II. 1810: I aged I year. In I Memory of | Deac Daniel Willard, | who died | Jan. 16, 1817, I Aged 64 years. Here lies Interr'"^ | the Body of | Chloe Willard | Daughter of M"- I Daniel and M" | Dorothy Willard | who died March 13'^ I A : D 1763 In y^ 19* | year of her Age In I Memory of | Rhoda, daughter | of Mr. Daniel & | Mrs. Rhoda Willard | who died Nov. 21^* | AD. 1793 : | Aetat i year | and 8 months. Rhoda, widow of | Daniel Willard, | died Jan. 8, 1827, | aged 70 years. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS ,6i In Memory of | M" Dorothy | Wife of M-' | Daniel Willard | who died Sep' 8"' | AD 1788, | in y' 72""^ Year | of her Age. Josiah Willard | Died | April i, 1818, [ aged 78. | Rhoda, his wife I Died | May i, 1828, | aged 75. Lydia Willard, | died ] March 21, 1825, | aged 68 years. Daniel Willard | Born Jan. 15, 1784, | Died April 7, 1868. ] Laura Francis | Wife of | Daniel Willard, | Born Nov. 26, 1782, I Died July 10, 1836. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Simeon j Son of Stephen | and Elizabeth | Kellogg died | May 26 1760 I 5 days old Capt. Martin Kellogg | Died Nov. 13, 1753, | 2E. 68. He was taken prisoner By the Indians at Deerfield, Mass. Suffered greatly at two subsequent captures, And was afterwards eminently useful. As Indian Agent and Interpreter To the Six Nations. Dorothy Chester, | His Wife | Died Sept. 26, 1754, ] JE. 69. In Memory of | Mr. Jedediah Demin^- | who died April IQ*!" | AD. 1787 in the | 74*'' Year of his Age. Heaven gives friends. Why should we complain; If Heaven restores The well-lov'd soon again. George Seymour, | all his life | Deaf & Dumb | Died Sept. 3, 1835, I Aged 93. In Memory of | Lieu' Bavil Seymour | who Departed this | Life Nov"' 17"' I AD 1774 | Aged 61 years In I memory of | Elias Seymour, | who departed this life | Oct. 6, 1828, I aged 82 years. Elizabeth Seymour, | wife of | Elias Seymour, | and daughter of I David Wolcott, | born Aug. 12, 1746, | died Feb. 4, 1832. Theodore Seymour | Died | April 6, 1842, | M. 64. Eunice Seymour | Died | April 18, 1842, | ^. 61, 31 I62 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Jerusha Seymour | Daughter of | Elias Seymour, | Died | August 5, 1862, I Aged 92. Seymour | Jeremiah Seymour, | Born July 27, 1787, | Died April I, 1867. I Emily Deming, | His Wife | Born Oct. 22, 1787, I Died Mar. 4, 1867. He giveth his beloved sleep. Nancy | wife of | Thomas Wells, | and daughter of | Elias Seymour; | died Feb. 22, 1851, | aged yy. " Thou hast made my days as an hand-breadth." Mary S. Smith | Mary, | Wife of | Eli I. Smith, | & daughter of I Jeremiah Seymour, | Died | April 3, 1847, I Aged 22. " This mortal must put on immortality." Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M"'^ | Jemine Chester j w**" of M'' Stephen | Chester who died | Ocf the s'l' 1755 | In the 87"' year | of her Age In Memory of | Joseph Kellogg | Son of Cap' | Martin Kellogg I and M" Dorothy | his wife who died | Oct"" y'= 8* 1759 I In y"= 23"^ year | of his Age Here lies the | Body of Lieu' | Ephraim Deming | who Died Nov'r I the 14"' 1742 | Being in the 57"^ | Year of his Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Sarah Lamb Relict to | the Rev'' M"" Joseph | Lamb who departed | this life Jan'^ the 21'" I A ; D 1754 In y" sg"' | year of her Age Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M""^ | Mercy Lam | who Departed this | Life March y^ 13"^ | A : D. 1757 aged | 25 Years Here lies Interred | the Body of M'' | James Paterson | who Died Decem'' | the 2^^ 1750 | In the 86 year | of his Age Benjamin, | son of | Benjamin & Eliza j Bensted, | died June 12, 1856, I aged 8 mos. Matthew, | Son of | Benjamin & Eliza ] Benstead, | Died June 27, 1858 I Aged II Months. Ann Benstead, | Died | Feb. 4, 1859, \ Aged 67. In Memory of | Elizar Deming | Son ol Deac" | John Dem- ing I Died Aug'' y^ 11"^ | 1736 in the 20"^ | year of his Age. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 163 Here Lies Interr''^ | the Body of Deac" | John Deming | who Departed | this Life May the | i*' A : D 1761 In | the ?,2^ year of I his Age. John Green, | Died Feb. 14, 1840, | M. 62. | PhilHs, | His Wife I Died May 23, 1850, | M. 72. | Martha, | Their Daughter | Died Jan. 28, 1843, 1 ^- 24. DIED I June 22, 1822; | Henry Blannot Jr. | M. 10 years. Go home my friends wipe off your tears. I must lie here till Christ appears. Gertrude Leland | Only | child of | J. Gaylord & | Emily Ann Wells, I Died | May 28, 1852, | Aged 14 Mo's 16 D's. Just came to show how fair a flower In Paradise might bloom. John G. Wells | Born ] Aug. 5, 1821 | Died | Jan. 19, 1880. After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well. Philena, | wife of | William Wells, | died | Nov. 21, 1844, | M.2S. Catharine Griswold | Wife of | William Wells, | Died | May 15, 1880, I Aged 88 Y'rs. William Wells | Died | Mar. 4, 1825, | Aged 39 Y'rs. In Memory of | M"^ Enos Son of | M^ William & Mr= | Mary Welles he | died June 15"' | 1756 in y^ 14*'' | Year of his Age. In Memory of | Mr= Mary wife | of M"' wilHam | welles who | died August y= | 19''" 1756 in y'' 44'^ | Year of her Age In Memory of | M"' William Wells | who died De<= y' 7'i' | AD : 1783, I in y^ J J Year | of his Age. Here lies the Body | of David Hun | who Dec'"! Sepf y« | 8* 1737 in the 29* | Year of his Age Here lies the Body of | M'' Samuel Hunn Sen'r ] who Dec'"* Nov'r y« i^* I 1738 in y^ 67* Year of | his Age The flesh & bones of Samuel Hunn Ly underneath this Toomb oh lett them rest in Quietness Until the day of Doome 1 64 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Here lies the | Body of M" | Elizabeth Andrus | who Died June I the 24* 1745 | in the 62"> Year | of her Age. In I memory of | Maj. Justus Francis | who died | Jan. 8, 1827, I aged 76 years. L. F. I Mrs. Lois wife of | Maj. Justus Francis, | died July 20. 1813. I JEt. 49. In Memory of | Mrs. Milicent Francis | consort of | Mr. Josiah Francis : | who departed this life, | July 5th, A. D. 1800 : | In the 72'*, year | of her age. In Memory of | Mr. Josiah Francis ; | who departed this Life | Nov. 10* 1798. I In the 76 year | of his Age. Nancy D. | Wife of | Cyrus Francis, | Died | July 23, 1850, | ^■47- In Memory of | Sahara Francis, | wife of | Cyrus Francis, | who died July 5, 1824, | aged 22. So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail smiling solace of an hour; So soon our trancient comforts fly, Our friends they only bloom to die. Cyrus Francis, [ Died | Oct. 22, 1845, I ^- 48- " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 23 178 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Newman Francis, | Died | Aug. 13, 1865, | Aged 72. | Octavia Strickland, | His Wife Died | Jan. 13, 1843, | Aged 34. In Memory of | Solomon Welles, | who died | Jan. 15, 1832. | Aged 85 Years. Julia Norton | daughter of | Martin & | Fanny Welles : | died Oct. 6, 1820; I aged 13^ months. In I Memory of | Sarah, daughter of | Gen. Roger Wells | & Mrs. I Jemima Wells ; | who died | July 29th 1804 : | ^t. 8. To the Memory of | General Roger Welles. | He was liber- ally educated : as an officer | in the army, and militia, he served with I great reputation. He was a member of | the Legisla- ture, a good citizen, a kind | husband and an afifectionate father. He | departed this life greatly lamented, May | 27"^ AD 1795. In the 41^^' year of his age. | In Memory of Mrs. Jemima Relict of | General Roger Welles | Born August 23. 1757. Died April 19. 1829. There is rest in Heaven. Capt. Martin Kellogg, | Died Dec. 7, 1791, | M. 73. | Mary, | Relict of Capt. Martin Kellogg, | Died Apr. 8, 1803, | M. 84. The sands of time their silent course have run. We sleep in dust lifes busy day is o'er. Hezekiah Griswold, | Born in | East Granby, | June 12, 181 1, | Died I Aug. 26, 1879. I Aged 68. Kindly, courteous and faithful, he loved God and man. Fanny N. Welles, | Beloved Wife of | Hezekiah Griswold, | Died I Feb. 25, 1865, | Aged 49. " Her children rise up, and call her bless ed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.'' Edwin Stanley | Son of | Hezekiah & Fanny | N. W. Gris- wold, I Died I Dec. 9, 1846, | Aged 6 Yrs. 9 Mos. Was drowned while saving the life of a play fellow. Stanley Winchell | Only Son of | Hezekiah & Fanny | N. W. Griswold, | Died | Aug. 29, 1838, | Aged 6| Mo's. A holy and a happy place is now his peaceful home. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 179 Fanny Electa | Daughter of | Hezekiah & Fanny | N. W. Griswold, | Died | Sept. 4, 1852, | Aged 2 Yrs. 3 Mos. " Of, such is the kingdom of Heaven." In I memory of | Martin Kellogg | who died | Aug. 19, 1828, | aged 82 years. | In | memory of | Hannah, wife of | Martin Kel- logg; I who died | Nov. 13, 1827, | aged yj years. Our labors done, securely laid, In this our last retreat; Unheeded o'er our silent dust. The storms of life shall beat. These ashes poor, this little dust, Our Father's care shall keep; Till the last angel rise and break, The long and dreary sleep. In Memory of | Mrs. | Martha Hurlbut, | Wife of | Mr. Levi Hurlbut I died May 18, 1808. | aged 63. In Memory of | Mr. | Levi Hurlbut | died March. 17. | 1817. aged 74. In Memory of | Harriet Eliza, | Wife of | Allen Judd, | who died Jan 22 1820 | M 20. To I the memory of | Mary Kellogg | who died | April 8, 183 1, I aged 56. In I memory of | Hannah, wife of | Benjamin Hart, | and daughter of | Martin and | Hannah Kellogg, | who died | July 28, 1824, I aged 50. Electa Kellogg | Relict of | Heman Whittlesey | Died | Dec. 15,1838,1^.45- Lydia W. Andrews | Died | Feb. 24, 1846, | aged 63. Rachel Wells | Died | Jan. 5, 1845, I ^- 58- Farewell dear sister, but not forever, — Shall we not meet where no grave can sever? Sarah W. Warner | Eldest daughter of | the late Elijah & | Sarah Wells, | died Oct. 23, 1838: | M. 61. | Erected to her memory by her | Nephew. E. W. Clark. Memore veneficiarium Receptarum.* * This is an exact transcription oC the Latin on the stone. l8o NBWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS In I memory of | Sarah, wife of | Elijah Wells, | who died | May 13, 1829, I aged 78 years. In I Memory of | Cynthia Wells^ | who died Dec. 19, 1822 : | ^.30. In usual health, I left my home, To see my friends abroad. There God sent death, and cut me down O! Reader be prepar'd. In I Memory of | Mr. Elijah Wells, | who died | May 25. 181 1 : I aged 66 years. In I Memory of | Mr. Chester Wells, | who at one stroke of God's hand, fell in death ; | March 5, 1822 : | in the 47 year of His Age. Call'd suddenly to meet with death. And bid this world adieu! I speak no more but if I could; Christ, I'd hold forth to you. Theresa Hebard, | daughter of | Isaac & Martha A. | Bos- worth, I died I Oct. 8, 1844, | yE. i y'r & 5 mo. Mary Atwood | Died | Mar. 7, 1838, | aged 75. In I memory of | Mr. John Fox, | born Sept. 19, 1800, | died April 30, I 1825, I aged 24. Ezekiel Atwood | Died | Oct. 29, 1853, | Aged 89. Hannah, | wife of | Ezekiel Atwood, | died | Nov. 23, 1833, | ^.64. In memory of | M'' Asher Atwood | who died | April 21^' | 1808 Aged I yy Years. | In memory of | M''^ Mary | his wife who I died March 27 | 1816 Aged | 88 years. Francis Atwood | Died | Oct. 9, 1881, | Aged 78 Yrs. Trust in God. E D I Mr. Elias Deming, | died May | 13. 1814. | ^t. 62. M D I Mrs. Martha wife of | Mr. Elias Deming, | died Aug. 5. 1813. I ^t. 63. Lucy Daughter of | M"- Elias & M''^ | Martha Deming. ] died Dec'' 4* 1800 : I in the 13* year of | her age. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS i8i Robert Rockwell | Born | May lo, 1796, | Died | April 2, 1874. I Harriet W. His Wife | Born | March 4, 1800, | Died | March 31, 1887. | Robert R, | died | in CaHfornia | December 13, 1849. I Aged 23 Years. | Joseph, | died | June 30, 1850. Aged 21 Years. | Elizabeth E, | died | September 19, 1822. Aged I Year. | children of | Robert & Harriet Rockwell Remember youth that thou must die. Well, if our days must fly, We'll keep their end in view. We'll spend them all in wisdom's way, And let them speed their flight. Erected June 1S52. Nelson Dillings, | died November 27, 1850 ] Aged 38 | Years. | Harriet R. ] Wife of | Nelson Dillings | Died | May 29, 1856, I M. 37. I Mary E. ] Died | Feb. 6, 1861 | M. 18. In Memory of | Orswald Rockwell, | who died | Nov. 11, 1813, I 2E. 59. I And I Sarah his wife | Died Aug. 29, 1839, | M. 77. I Daniel R. | died Wilmington S. C. | Jan. i, 1808. 2E. 20 Years. ] Joseph R. | drowned Trenton N. Y. | Aug. 24, 1809. M. 24 Years. | Nathan R. | died June 30, 1820. M. 21 Y'rs. | sons of I Orswald & Sarah Rockwell. | Justus R. died at Ches- ter I Randolph Co, Ill's. | Aug. 22, 1844; | JE. 52. | Also his wife I Sally. | Died Feb. 1837 ; | M. 28. In I Memory of the | Rev. Richard Emery, | Minister of the Gospel in the | Methodist Episcopal Church, | who died Jan. 7. 1821 ; I Aged 26. God, my redeemer lives And ever from the skies; Looks down & watches all my dust 'Till He shall bid it rise. In memory of | Levi L. | who died Sept. 17, 1808, | aged 8 months : | also, of Prudence, | who died Feb. 27, 1823, | aged 4 years : | also, of Mariette, | who died Nov. 22, 1827, | aged 14 years : ] children of Enos & | Prudence Deming. Dea I Jedediah Deming | Died May 4. 1868 | M. 77. \ Mary His Wife | Died Mar. 18. 1827 1 M. 37. Anna Wells ] Wife of | Dea Jedediah Deming, | Born Aug. I, 1804, I Died May 25, 1879. " She hath done what she could." 1 82 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Martha Deming | Daughter of | Enos & Prudence | Dem- ing, I died | Apr. 19, 1834. | M. 13 Yrs. Erected in Memory | of M'' Janna Deming | who departed this I life, July, 24* 1796 ; | in the 78* Year of | his Age. In memory of | Anna Deming, | ReHct of Janna | Deming, who died | April 12th, 18 13. In | the 86th, year | of her age. Dea. I Levi Deming, | Died | Jan. i, 1847, I Aged 74. | Sally F. I wife of I Dea. Levi Deming | Died | Mar. 10, 1855, | M. 72. | Sally S. I wife of | Levi Deming, | Died | May 24, 1827 | Aged 47- Caroline, | Daughter of | Dea. Levi. Deming, | Died | March 23, 1842, I M. 32. In I Memory of | M"" David Lowrey, | who died Dec. 7. 1819 : | in the 80 year | of His age. Stop! reader stop! let nature claim a tear, A friend, a valu'd friend lies buried here. In memory | of | Mrs. Lucy Lowrey, | wife of | Mr. David Lowrey, | who died Feb. 2, 1826, | aged yy years. This truth how certain when this life is o'er, We die to live and live to die no more. Unni Robbins | died June 17* 1810 | Aged 68. He was a kind, Husband a tender Parent, and charitable to the Poor. In I Memory of | Mrs. Mary Robbins, | Relict of | Mr. Unni Robbins, | who died Jan. 22, | 1816 | Aged 73 Years. Forbear my Friends to weep or mourn My sudden death and solemn tomb, 'Twas God's own hand that stop'd by breath And clos'd my eyes in silent death. Lucy Lowrey | Wife of | Unni Robbins | Died | Jan. 13, 1852, I Aged 80 Y'rs. & 6 Mos. In I Memory of | Mr. Unni Robbins, | who died | July. 7, 1818: I in the 53 year of ] his age. My former friends who walk or stand Near this my silent grave. Now you have time to seek to God Your precious souls to save. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 183 Lticy Lowrey | Daughter of | Unni & Sarah | Robbins, | died I Aug. 29, 1828. | Aged i Y'r. & 15 ds. She's on A Saviour bosom laid And feels no sorrow there, She's by A heavenly parent fed And needs no more our care. In I Memory of | Mr. John Kirkham, | who died | June 8. 181 5, I in the 55 year | of his age In I Memory of | Mrs. Jennette, | ReHct of | Mr. John Kirk- ham I who died | June 8. 1818 : | 2E. 51. Jane | Daughter of | WilHam & | Sophia Kirkham, | died Dec. 7, 1818, I M. I y'r. 9 m'o. Sleep sweet child and take thy rest God call'd the home he thought it best. Jane | daughter of | Wm. and Sophia | Kirkham | died June 27, 1828. I Mi. 9 Years. In Memory of | Mr. James Wells | who died | April 8, 1833 ; | Aged 61 Yrs. In I Memory of | Mrs. Eleanor C. Wells | wife of | Mr. James Wells, I who died | May 2, 1817, | Aged 42. CaroHne. Daughter | of M"" James Wells | Jun"" and M""^ | Eleanor Wells. | She died Oct. nth, | 1803 : in the 2d, | year of her age. Sophia, Daughter | of M"' James Wells | Jun"^ and M-^^ | Eleanor Wells. | She died Oct. ist, | 1803 : in the 7th, | year of her age. In I Memory of | Mr. James C. Wells | who died | Sept. 4, 1834, I Aged 35. Walter Lowrey | son of | Lowrey & | Emily F. Robbins | died I Aug. 21, 1844, | aged 4 Y'rs. " Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Roger Welles | Born | Aug. 10, 1790, | Died ] Nov. 18, 1859. | A good man. Electa Stanley, | Relict of | Roger Welles, | Born | July 14, 1796, I Died I Oct. 25, 1880. Rest. i84 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Electa Stanley, | Daughter of | Roger & Electa | Welles, And Wife of | Coleman E. Wheeler, | Born Aug. 15, 1832, Died Jan. 10, 1861. Warner | Oliver J. Warner, | Died | July 28, 1873, I ^- 2i7- In Memory of | Enos Deming, | who died | Dec. 23, 1834, | ^•55- In Memory of | Chloa wife of | Solomon Churchill, | who died I Nov. 3, 1838, | Aged 73 Y'rs. Franklin F. Deming | Died | Sep, [7, 1862, | Aged 57. Lucy I Wife of | Franklin Deming | Died | May 8, 1885, | Aged 80 Y'rs. At Rest. Martha Deming, | Daughter of | Elias & Martha Deming | Died I June 27, 1840, | Aged 55 Years. Wm. S. Deming, | Son of | Wm. & Sarah Deming | Died | Sept. 14, 1839, I Aged 25 Years. Barzilia Deming. | Died | Nov. 23, 1844, | Aged 56. In I Memory of | Ensign | Robert Deming | who died | Dec. 19, 1814, I M. 51. In Memory of | Elizabeth Deming | who died | Dec. 31, 1839, I M. 84. In Memory of | Mr. Francis Deming, | who' died Dec. 20. 1819. I In the 8 1 St, year | of his age. Fanny, | Wife of | Barzilia Deming, | Died | May 31, 1856, | Aged 68. John Deming ] Died | July 3, 1859, I ^- 35- Hopkins | Willys Hopkins, | Died Aug. 27, 1873, 1 Aged 48. In I Memory of | Capt. Benjamin Hopkins | who died | May 6, 1834; I Aged 41 Y'rs. Harriet, | Wife of | Capt. Benjamin Hopkins | Died | April 9, 1852, I aged 57 years. Eliza J. I Wife of | James B. Griswold, | Died ] Oct. 10, 1858, I M. 37. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 185 Ja= B. Griswold | Died | Nov. i, 1852, | Aged 36. Maria Churchill | Died ] Sepf i6th 1864, | Aged 52 years. " Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." In I memory of | Laura Dow | Wife of | John C, Dow, | who died I May 27, 1830, | Aged 27 Yrs. Samuel ; | son of John | & Laura Dow | died Nov. 9, 1827 | aged 10 months | & 4 days. In I memory of | Rhoda, wife of | Joseph Churchill | who died Feb. 24, 1817, I in the yy year | of her age. In I Memory of | Mr. Joseph Churchill | who died | April 26. 1812: I ^t. 62. DIED I July 23, 1823; I Mrs. Anna Churchill | wife of | Mr. Joseph Churchill, | M. 42. DIED I 28, Feb. 1829, | Joseph Churchill | in the 49 year | of his age. James Churchill | Died | Mar. 22, 1848, | aged 66. In Memory of | Abigail F. Kellogg, | who died | Sept. i, 1840, I M. 62. James Gladding, | Died | Mar. 21, 1836, | M. 56. Sylvester, | Son of | Mr. Elijah & | Mrs. Lucretia | Warner | died Jany 2"^ | AD. 1810, | aged 3 years | & 8 pionths. In Memory of ner, I Who Died Mrs. Lucretia, | Consort of | Mr. Elijah War- Dec. 10, 1818 : I in the 48 year | of her age. She closed her eyes in peace. Her spirit leaves her house of clay, To realms of bliss she wings her way, Where sighs and sorrows cease. Cornelia S. | Wife of | Erastus Francis, | Born | Aug. 27, 1813, I Died I Dec. 15, 1877. " Rest in peace." Erastus Francis | Died | Aug. 28. | 1858, | M. 56. James | Son of | Stephen & Sophronia | Saunders, | died April 30, 1839, I Aged 2 y'rs & i month. 24 1 86 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Bertha B. | Wife of | Erastus Francis, | Died [ Mar. 9, 1852, | Aged 45. Friends nor Physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave, Nor can this dust confine-.me here, When Christ shall bid me to appear. James H. | Son of | Erastus & Bertha B. | Francis, | died of Scarlet fever | May 3, 1839, | Aged 5 Years. God look'd among his cherub band And one was vi^anting there To swell along the Heavenly land The hymn of praise and pray'r. Laura L. | Daughter of | Erastus & Bertha B. | Francis, | died of the Scarlet fever ] April 3, 1839, | Aged 8 y'rs & 6 mo. She's on a Saviour's bosom laid And feels no sorrow there She's by a heavenly parent fed And needs no more our care. Thomas J. Francis | Died | Mar. 16, i860 | JE. 32. The weary are at rest. Prudence Hall | Died | January 30, 1873, | Aged 86 Y'rs. Erected by the Ecclesiastical Society in remembrance of her legacy. Mary L. | Daughter of | Jedediah Deming, | Died | July 20, 1841, I M. 23. Hapse Lusk, | relict of | Gen. Levi Lusk, | Died | May 29, 1840, I ^. 83. In I Memory of | Gen. Levi Lusk, | who died Sept. 16, 1824, I ^t. 67. In Memory of | Huldah B. | Wife of | Henry Kilbourn | \yho died I July 17, 1835, | Aged 29 Y'rs. Weep not for me but weep for yourselves and your children. Kilbourne | Henry Kilbourne | Died | April 18, 1873, I -^■ 73 Y'rs. I Huldah B. His Wife | Died | July 17, 1835, | JE. 29 Y'rs. I EmeHne G. His Wife | Died | June 18, 1889, | M. 84 Y'rs. Children of | H. & H. B. Kilbourne | Samuel, Died | Dec. 30, 1832, I M. 4 Weeks. | T. Woodford, Died | Nov. 14, 1834, \M. 10 Mo's. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 187 Children of | H. & E. G. | Kilbourne | Almira D. Died | Feb. 5, 1839, I JE. 2 Y'rs. 1 Marcus L. Died | April i, 1853, I ^• 10 Y'rs. Samuel | died Dec. 30, 1833, | Aged i month. | Timothy W. died Nov. 25, 1834, | Aged 9 months. | Sons of Henry & Hu- Idah B. Kilbourn. Horace | son of | Simon & Eunice Kilborn | died | June 25, 1819: I M. 15. Cease dear Parents to weep or mourn The loss of your departed son For I have passed the gate of death, And with my Saviour am at rest. Eunice, wife of | Simon Kilbourn, | died | May 12. 1847, | aged 83. There is rest in Heaven. In Memory of | Simon Kilbourn, | who died | Nov. 5, 1840, | ^.80. Sabra Kilbourn | Died | Dec. 7, 1870, | Aged jy. Margaret | Widow of | Roland Taylor | Died | Dec. 8, 1880, | M. 88. Eunice | Wife of | Dositheus Hubbard | Died | Jan. 8, 1879. I Aged 92. Dositheus Hubbard | Died | Feb. 3, 1853, I Aged 66. Orrin Hubbard, | son of Dositheus | & Eunice Hubbard, | died Nov. 29, 1827 | aged 9 years. In I Memory of two sons | twins of Levi & | Juliana Hub- bard. I Samuel Newel, \ died Oct. 4, 1822 : | ^t. 2 years & 8 days. I John Newton, | died Oct. 6, 1822 : | ^t. 2 years & 10 days. Sleep here sweet bab's and, take thy rest God call'd thee home, He thought it best. The Grave of | WiUiam Henry | Son of | William & Martha | Hubbard, I died Feb. 26, 1839, | Aged 2 y'r & 4 mo's. 1 88 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Hubbard | William Hubbard | Died | July 15, 1888, | Aged 76. I Martha Hurlburt, | Wife of | William Hubbard, | Died | Jan. 2, 1842, I Aged 26. Martha J. | Daughter of | Wm. & Margaret | B. Hubbard, | Died I Apr. 2, 1859, | Aged i Y'r 3 Mo. Look away to the spirit land, 'Tis but the dust lies here. Charles E. | Son of | Wm. & Martha Hubbard, | Died | Jan. 6, 1861, I M. 20. Our Brother | S. Dwight | Son of | S. P. & E. M. | Lamber- ton I Died | Aug. 30, 1856, | aged 12. " Not lost, but gone before.'' Eunice Maria, | Wife of | Stephen P. Lamberton, | Died | Nov. 28, 1856, I Aged 43. Stephen P. Lamberton | Died | Mar. 28, 1848, ] aged 36. Priscilla | Wife of | Francis G. Richards | Died | March i, 1864, I Aged 54. I saw her die, can I the deed forgive, How can I bear to say I did, and live; May that sad day be banished from the year. Or clothed in sable if it must appear. F. G. R. Francis G. Richards, | Died | Nov. 15. 1891. | Aged 82 y'rs. Flavel Wier, | Born Sept. 21, 1802, | Died Nov. 27, 1872, | Aged 70. Mary Ann Churchill ] Wife of | Flavel Wier | Born Apr. 26, 1814, I Died Dec. 11, 1893, | Aged 79. Celinda C. | daughter of | Flavel & Mary A. Wier | Died | March 10, 1861, | M. 25. Bertie R. | Son of | W. B. & Susan S. | Wier, | Bom Nov. 3, 1861, I Died Oct. 23, 1863. George Matthews ] Died Jan. 28. 1867 | M. 25. | Ellen B. His Wife | Died Dec. 25. 1867 | M. 22. Hannah Maria Luce | Died | Dec. 24, 1895. | Aged 82 Y'rs. | 8 Mo's. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 189 Henry Marius ] Only Child of | Henry & H. M. | Luce | Died Apr. 21 I 1862. 2E. 16 Y. I 10 M. 15 D. Thy will be done, With crushed and bleed- ing hearts, we bow beneath the rod. And meekly yield our only child to God. Weirs | Truman Weirs, | Died | August 14, 1873, I Aged 57. | Alice D. I Daughter of | Truman & | Clarissa Weirs, | Died | March i, 1847, | Aged 10, Months Husband | George E. Gaylord | Died | Jan. 24, 1892. | Aged 47 y'rs. Ehzabeth A. | Wife of | Horace Kilbourn | Died | Mar. 4, 1855, I Aged 22. Mrs. I Cornelia F. | wife of | Chauncey Deming | Died | Nov. 18. I 1845. 1 a-ged 26. Caroline E. | Daughter of | Levi S. & Caroline S. | Deming | Born May 2, 1852. | Died Mar. 5, 1862. Christ our hope. Deming | Levi S. Deming. | Caroline Scranton, [ His Wife | July 6, 1822. I Feb. 4, 1884. Caroline E. | Daughter of | L. S. & C. S. Deming, | May 2, 1852, I March 5, 1862. " In Christ shall all be made alive." Catherine M. | Daughter of | L. S. & C. S. Deming, | And Wife of I M. A. Stone, | Nov. 4, 1856, | Jan. 22, 1881. | Charles De Forest, | Their Son [ Dec. 8, 1879, | June 12, 1882. Kilbourne | Erastus Kilbourne | Died Aug. 20, 1886 | Aged 85 Yrs. I Elmina, His Wife | Died Aug. 14, 1877, | Aged 74 Yrs. I Lauretta Kilbourne, | Died | Mar. 28, 1861, [ Aged 33 Yrs. I Elbert E. Kilbourne | Died Dec. 18, 1890, | Aged 46 Yrs. I Alice J. ffis Wife | Died Oct. 18, 1878/ 1 Aged 33 Yrs. | Freddie | Son of ] Elbert E. | & Alice J. | Kilbourne | Died | July 21, 1876, I Aged I Yr. | Chauncey M. Kilbourne | Cynthia Hazen, | His Wife | 1836. — 1891. | Ella L. Kilbourne | i860.— 1892. I Mary W. Kilbourne | Died | April 12, 1888 | Aged 60 Yrs. I 10 Mos. igo NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Lucy Ann. | daughter of | Edwin & | Lucy Gaylord, | Died | May 19, 1848, I aged 31. Lucy C. I Wife of | Edwin Gaylord, | Died | March 18, 1857, I M. 67. Edwin Gaylord | Died | Jan. 23, 1862, | Aged 75 Yrs. Joseph C. Gaylord | Died | Aug. 26, 1895, |, Aged 70 Y'rs. Joseph. I Son of | Newman A. & | Caroline Huntley, | Died Feb. 4, 1846, I Aged 2 Y'rs. Franklin A. | Son of | Newman A. & | Caroline Huntley, | Died I Oct. 21, 1858, | Aged 7 Mo's | 20 Days. Eleanor L. | Daughter of | Newman A. & | Caroline Hunt- ley, I Died Mar. 2, i860, | Aged 5 Y'rs 4 Mo, Frankie ] Died Jan. 11, 1874, | Aged 4 Years. | Frank A. Son of I Daniel J. & Mary M. | Coffin Too pure for earth. Diana W. S. | Wife of | Dr. Gaylord Wells, | Born | Feb. 17, 1793, I Died I July 17, 1856. My Mother. Them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him. Horace Whaples | Died | Sept. 17, 1845, | Mt. 25. My Parents dear weep not for me 1 When in this yard .my grave you see. My time was short but blest is He That call'd me to Eternity. Luce I Lester Luce | 1797. — 1883. | Sophia Latimer | His Wife I 1798. — 1877. 1 Joshua C. Luce | 1826. • — 1884. | Harriett R. I Wife of I Cha= L. Luce, | 1869. — 1895. | Frank B. Eddy | 1869. — 1894. I Children of | J. C. & J. B. Luce | Carrie S. | 1866.— 1868. Harriet R. Luce | Daughter of | Walter B. & | Abbie R. Dorman. Albert A. | son of | Wm. & | Electa Merrills, | Died | Dec. 8, 1849, 1 M. 3 mo. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 19, W"! Merrills | Died Nov. 22, 1857, | M. 35. | Harriet S. | Died May 16, 1857, I M. 4 ds. William R. | Son of | William & | Electa Merrills | Died | June 7, i860, I Aged 8 Yrs 7 Mo's. Electa Merrills | Died | Oct. 25, 1872, | M. 46. George T. Davis | Died | Nov. 4, 1861, | Aged 31. M9.ry Ann Spencer | Wife of | George T. Davis. | Born | Mar. 24, 1828, I Died I Sept. 5, 1888. George F. | Son of | George T. & | Mary A. Davis, | Died | Nov. 16, 1854, I aged 15 mo. Edward Davis, | Son of | C. E. & Minnie D. | Day, | Died Oct. 31, 1891, I Aged 4 mo's. Aaron Davis, | Born | Sept. 6, 1780. | Died Sept. 22, 1858. | Lucretia Dresser | His Wife | Born July 8, 1791. | Died Jan. 18, 1877. Rev. Joab Brace D. D. | Ordained Here Jan. 16, 1805, | Died April 20, 1861, Aged 80. | Pastor Fifty-Six Years. " A Good Minister of Jesus Christ." Lucy Collins, | Wife of Rev. Joab Brace, D. D. | Died Nov. 16, 1854, Aged 72. " My Helper in Christ Jesus.'' John W. Brace. | John Whitman Brace, | Died | Jan. 2, 1846, I Aged 21^ Years. | Son of | Rev. Joab Brace. " I know whom I have believed." A Brother | Rev. E. Joab Brace, | died Sept. 22, 1846, aged 31 years and was intered at | Lanesboro, Mass. Rev. Seth Collins Brace, | 181 1 — 1897. " Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Wm. Deming | Died | Dec. 12, 1845 '■ I Aged 63. 192 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Sarah, | Wife of | Wm Deming, I Died I May 5, 1850, I Aged 65- Martha, | Wife of John C. Dow, | Died | Nov. 24, 1854, | Aged 41. See o'er this tomb these mourners weep, Each heaves a heartfelt sigh, In this cold grave a mother sleeps Hid from each mortal eye. Laura C. | daughter of | John C. & | Martha Dow, | Died | Mar. 20, 1853, I aged 19 y'rs. The virild bird may sing in its notes of delight The rose may bloom on her grave, But eternity's morn has broke on her sight. And God has received what he gave. Mary A. | Daughter of | John C. & | Martha Dow, | Died Nov. 8, 1855, I Aged 18. Stop blooming youth & mark how soon My voyage of life was o'er, Your Sun like mine before 'tis noon, May set to rise no more. Martha U. | Daughter of | John C. & Martha | Dow | Died Nov. 27, 1859, I Aged 23. The loved and delicate limbs we laid In the earth cold breast: But the spirit its angel wings displayed. And soared to its rest. L. Luella Dow | Died | Aug. 9, 1867, | M 14. Oh, Happy to have lain Life's cares so early down Exchanging dust for angels robes, And ashes for a crown. In Memory of | Reuben C. Osborn | Born Sept. 15, 18.21, | Died Aug. 22, 1883. OHve B. I Wife of | Reuben C. Osborn, | Born Mar. 5, 1825, | Died Dec. 17, 1893. Newel I Son of | R. C. & OHve Osborn | Died Aug. 30, 1850 I Aged 3 Y'rs. A lovely cherub pure & fair No more he needs a Parent's care. NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS 193 Caroline G. | Daughter of | R. C. & O. Osborn | Died Dec. 31, 1870, I Aged 14 Y'rs 7 Mo's. " I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee." John T. Fairfield | Co. B 5, Regt. ] Conn. Vols. | Died | May 2, 1895. Henry H. Fairfield | Co. A, 7 Regt. | Conn. Vols. | Died | Mar. 12, 1882. Rowland H. Farfield | Died Feb. 16, 1858 | M. 62. | Elizabeth His Wife | Died June 2, 1858 | 2E. 58. Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath And stars to set but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death. Elizabeth | daughter of | William L. & | Sarah Elizabeth | Applebee, | Died | Feb. 13, 1870, | Aged 3 mos. 8 ds. Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. Minnie E. Bader | Died | Oct. 15, 1881, | 2E. 3 Yrs. 11 Mos. Alice A. I daughter of | Elisha & | Esther W. Blinn | died July 17, 185 1 I aged 2 years. Ere sin and blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to Heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there. Levi W. I son of | Elisha & | Esther W. Bhnn ; | died Oct. 5, 1851, I aged 7 years 5 mo. Fond parents now your lovely child Has gone to dwell with Him; Who was our Saviour meek and mild The babe at Bethlehem. Ellen E. Griswold [ Wife of | A. T. Booth, | Died | June 19, 1877. I Aged 29. Webster | Philo Webster | Died | May 18. 1863 | M. 64. | Nancy W. | His Wife | Died | May 10, 1890 | M. 85. 25 194 NEWINGTON INSCRIPTIONS Abner Simons | Born | March 25, 1785, | Died March 20, 1868. I Ruth Wright, | His Wife | Born Nov. 12, 1790, | Died Feb. 18, 1877. Waldo T. Gilbert | Died | Apr. 13, 1879, | Aged 48. Samuel W. D. | Died | July 7, 1863, | M. 3 y's. 2 mo | Emma L. I Died | July 25, 1864, | tE. i y'r. 3 mo | Children of Samuel & I Huldah S. Steel. Lewis Goodrich, | Died | May 8, 1880. | Aged 74. William Pimm | Died | July 29, 1884, | Aged 70. | A native of Birmingham | England. Lucy Mullen | aged 16. | died in the family of J. Brace | Nov. 4, 1818. Goodale | Col. Seth Dowd | Died | Sept. 3, 1885, | Aged 84, years. Andrew D. Cone | Aug. 16, 1824. | Apr. 21, 1897. | Husband. Sarah J. Cone | Dec. 21, 1845. I June 19, 1886. | Wife. Kirkham | William Kirkham, | Died | Oct. 6, 1868, | Aged 80. I Sophia Leffingwell, | His Wife | Died | Nov. 14, 1880, | Aged 84. I Harriet Prudence | Wife of | John S. Kirkham | Died Dec. I, 1882, I Aged 55. Awaiting harvest! Oh, what rare And precious wealth this field doth bear And Oh, when He shall hither come What tongue shall sing the harvest home. Children of | Wm. & Sophia | Kirkham. | Jane, | 1817. — 1818. I Jane, 2° I aged 2 y'rs. In memory of | Mrs. Abigail Grimes, | wife of | Mr. Hezekiah Grimes, | who departed this | Life March 25"> | 1792, in the 90* year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Grimes, | Wife of | Mr. Josiah Grimes, | who departed this | Life Nov'r 12* | AD. 1771, | in the 23* year | of her Age. In I Memory of | Alexander Grimes, | Who died | March 25, 1840, I Aged 96 Years. Betsey, | daughter of | Josiah & Mehitabel | Grimes, | Died Sept. 27, 1859, I 2E. 80. 240 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Hezekiah Grimes, | who died I December ye 5"" | 1749, in ye 50"^ year | of his Age. Capt. Hezekiah Grimes, | died Dec. 19, 1833, | Son of | Alex- ander Grimes, | M,. 58. In Memory of | Mr. Josiah Grimes, | who departed this | Life Jan'ry 28*'' 1781, | in the 86"" year | of his Age. In memory of | Josiah Grimes | who died Jan. 13* | AD. 1797, I in the 54* year | of his Age. Here | Lyeth ye | Body of Martha, | ye Daughter of Mr. | Hezekiah & | Abigail Grimes, | who Died Octber | ye 19 1734 in ye 3"^ I year of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Mary Grimes, | Wife of | Mr. Alexander Grimes, | and Daughter of | Capt. Richard Dunn, of | Newport, R. I. who died | Feb. 26, 1823. | Aged 75 years. In memory of | Mrs. Mehitabel Grimes, | Second wife of Mr. Josiah Grimes. | She died Sept. 27* | 1802, in the 53-d year of her age. In memory of | Mrs. Sally Grimes, | wife of | Mr. Hezekiah Grimes. | She died Dec. 12* | 1822, aged 46 yrs. Roderick Grimes | bom | Oct. 3, 1786, | died Nov. 25, 1861. | Mary Ann Church, | his wife, | Born Sept. 21, 1793, | Died Feb. 29, 1872. I Gertrude | daughter of | Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, | Born Aug. 26, 1831, | Died Jan. 12, i860 | Donald, j son of I Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, | Born June 9, 1826, ] Died May 13, 1865. | Lucy G. wife of | John H. Brainard, | & daughter of | Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, | Born Jan. 25, 1820, I Died Dec. 4, 1873. I John H. Brainard, | Born April 15, 1827, I Died Dec. 2, 1891. | Marshall, | son of | Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, | Bom Jan. 16, 1818, | Died at Sherman, Texas, | June 2, 1868. | Frank D. son of | Frank W. & Mary G. Shipman, | Born Sept. 20, 1862, | Died Jan. 16, 1882. | Frank W. Shipman | born | Feb. 21, 1821, | died Nov. 6, 1863. | Agnes G. his wife, | daughter of | Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, Born July 27, 1824, | died Feb. 7, 1847. | Mary Ann G. his wife, daughter of | Roderick & Mary Ann | Grimes, | Born Feb. 28, 1822, I Died Jan. 11, 1894. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 241 Children of | Alexander & Mary Grimes. | Sophronia, | died Aug. 29, 1861, aged 81. | Samuel, | died in Point Petre, | Sept. 12, 1794, aged 17. 1 Nathan. | died in Lance Vaux, | Aug. 2, 1796, aged 22. I Henry | died in Antigua, | June 17, 1803, | aged 19. | Richard, | died in Texas, aged 68. Capt. I William Grimes, | was lost at sea, | Sept. 1819, | aged 37. I Mary, | wife of | Capt. William Grimes, | died | April 18, 1845, 1 aged 58. In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Griswold, | Wife of | Mr. John Griswold, | who died June 6* | 1795; In the 66"* | Year of her Age. Albert C. Griswold, | 1827 — 1892. Albert D. Griswold | died | April 26, 1889, | aged 54 y's. 9 m's. I Children of | Albert D. & Mary A. | Griswold | Emma L. | died Feb. 27, 1869, | aged 7 y's 7 m's. j Albert A. | died Mar. 9, 1876, I aged 3 y's. 8 m's. Albro Griswold, | died | Nov. 12, 1881, | M. 73. Kind Husband, and Father. Alfred W. | son of | Walter A. & Louisa A. | Griswold, died I Sept. 28, 1876, | M. 2 Y'rs. 4 Mo's. | Louisa M. | wife of Alfred Griswold, | died | Jan. 17, 1871, | JK. 51. | CorneHus Gris- wold, I died I Dec. 20, 1870, | 2E. 45. Alonzo, son of Jacob | and Lydia Griswold, | died Sept. 27* 181 1, I aged 2 years 9 months | and 12 days. Sleep dear babe And be at rest. God's holy will We own is best. In I Memory of | Charlotte, | wife of | Josiah Griswold, | who died I Sept. 3, 1847, | JE. 73. I shall be satisfied when I aw^ke in thy likeness. Daniel C. Griswold, | 1836— 1891. | Co. C. .16* Conn Vol. In Memory of | Mrs. Deborah | Griswold, wife of | Mr. Josiah Griswold, | who Departed this | Life Aug'st ye 14*'' | 1763. In the 39* year | of her Age. Flora A. | daughter of | Ralph H. & | Harriet A. Griswold, | died I Sept. 12, 1863, I M. 9 Y'rs. 6 Mo's. Gone but not forgotten. 31 242 ROCKY HILL INSCRIP'tlONS Florilla Cook, | wife of | Albro Griswold, | 1805 — 1895. ', Little Catharine, | 1838 — 1841. Frances A. | wife of | Albert C. Griswold, | died | Aug. 20, 1872, I Aged 26. A friend to the friendless. Charlie, their son, | Died Jan. 17, 1867, | aged i Yr, ro Mo. Frederick Griswold, | died | April 27, 1882, | Aged 85 yrs. Two children of | Frederick & | Martha Griswold. | Fred- erick I died Feb. 9, 1830, | aged 5 years & | 7 months. | Martha Ann, I died Feb. 16, 1830, | aged 11 months & | 15 days. Harriet A. | wife of | Ralph H. Griswold, | died Sept. 25, 1858, I aged 25. Helen S. Griswold, | born | Feb. 8, 1843, I died | Sept. 28, 1872. In memory of | Mr. Jacob Griswold, | who was lost at sea | May 25-th 1792, in | the 34-th year of | his age | Also in memory of his | wife Mrs. Rachel Griswold, | who died Nov. 23'' 1789, I in the 23'^ year of her age. In Memory of | Mr. John Griswold, | who departed this | life Nov'r ye ig^^ | A : D : 1765. | In the 34* year | of his Age. In memory of | Josiah Griswold, | who died | Dec. 19, 1832, | aged 57. Farewell my friends now cease from tears I must lie here till Christ appears. Josiah Griswold, | died | Dec. 3, 1841, | 2E. 39. " Blessed are the -dead that die in the Lord." In Memory of | Lieut. Josiah | Griswold, who | died October | 20th 1774, in I the 47"' year | of his Age. Julia Ann, | wife of | William Griswold, | born | Nov. 17, 1814, I died I March 12, 1856. Lester, Son of ] Mr. Josiah Sz; Mrs. | Charlotte Griswold, | died Feb. 3-d 1816, | aged 6 months | & 18 days. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 243 Lester, | Son of | William & Julia A. | Griswold, | died | Feb. 17, 1841, I 2E. 5 y'rs 5 mo's | 9 days. Weep not for me my parents dear, For angels watch my slumbers here, Twas God my father call'd me home. And soon he'll call for you to come. In I Memory of | Lydia Griswold, ] wife of | Jacob Griswold, | who died | Jan. 19, 1823, | aged 36. In memory of | Martha Griswold, | daughter of | Josiah & Charlotte | Griswold, | who died | Jan. 25, 1833, | in the 20, year | of her age. Sorrow sits weeping by thy bier. And tears are to thy memory given. But Faith removes each rising fear. And says " There's rest for thee in heaven.'' In memory of | Mrs. Martha Griswold, | wife of | Cap. Wil- liam Griswold. | She died Sep. 8-th 1789, ] in the 47-th year | of her age. Martha A. | wife of | Frederick Griswold, | Died Jan. 21, 1879, I Aged 82 yrs & 9 mos. Mary J. | wife of | Henry J. Griswold, | died | July 20, 1865, | aged 39. She made home happy. Mrs. Mercy Griswold, | Second wife of | Mr. Josiah Gris- wold, I Died Nov. 3-d 1819. | in the 82-d year of her age. In memory of | Nancy, daughter of | Josiah & Mercy | Gris- wold, who died | Oct. i^* 1781, in the | 16*'' Year of her Age. Weep not for me ye who stand by, Weep for your selves for you must die. In I Memory of | Rebecca, wife of | Constant Griswold, | who died I Mar. 20, 1825, | in her 65* year. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Griswold, | Daughter of | Capt. Justus & I Mrs. Sarah Griswold, | who died with the | Small Pok Dec'r s**" 1778, | in the 19* Year | of her Age. Sarah, | wife of | Jacob Griswold, | Died July 24, 1841, | aged 44- 244 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of Mr. | Solomon Griswold, | who died August 17 I ^777 > in ye 26"^ Year | of his Age. The State of Mortals here behold, For young must die as well as old, For Refuge then to Jesus fly, Forget this world and learn to die. Solomon Griswold | died | Aug. 23, 1853, | ^. 48. Sorrow sits weeping by thy bier, And tears are to thy memory given. But faith wipes ofif the falling tear. And says, there is rest for thee in heaven. Maggie A. | wife of | M. J. Griswold, | died | Mar. 27, 1877, | M. 34. I Ruth E. Robbins, | second wife, | Died Apr. 12, 1890, | Aged 36. In memory of | Cap. William Griswold. | He died Sep. 7-th 1806, I in the 72-d year of his age. | also of | Benjamin J. Gris- wold, I son of Cap. WilHam & Mrs. j Martha Griswold. He died I Aug. 19-th 1793, on his passage | from the West Indies, in the | 24-th year of his age. William Griswold, | born | April 12, 181 1, | died | Aug. 14, 1880. Alden Hale, | died | Dec. 17, 1888, | aged | 53 Y'rs. 5 Mo's. Jared Hale, | died | Sept. i, 1854, | aged 57. Mary Belden, | wife of | Jared Hale, | Died Oct. 9, 1889, | aged I 95 Yrs. 7 Mos. Nelson A. | son of | Alden & Eliza L. | Hale, | died Jan. 9, 1867, I aged I 7 mo's 18 d's. Calvin L. | son of | Lucius J. & | Caroline L. Hall, | died | Jan. 13, 1866, I ^. 15 yr's 9 mo's. Gone but not forgotten. Lottie I. I daughter of | Lucius J. & Caroline | L. Hall, | Died Dec. 6, 1866, I Aged 4 Yrs. 4 Mo. A bud on earth to bloom in heaven. Abigail Harris, | died | Aug. 15, 1863, | aged 67. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 24S In memory of | Anna Hart, | wife of Seth Hart. | She died June I 27* 1799, in the | 36* Year of | her age. Caroline, daughter of | Seth & Lydia | Hart, died Feb. 26* | 1812, in the !!*•' | year of her age. In memory of | Lydia Hart, | 2-d wife of Seth Hart, | who died March 5* 1812, | in the 50* year of | her age. Norman, Son of | Seth & Anna | Hart, died | Aug'st 28* 1794, I Aged 3 months | & 10 days. Seth & Selah, two | sons of Mr. Seth & | Mrs. Anna Hart. | Seth died Oct. 7* | 1796: aged 7 days. | Selah died Oct. 2'^ \ aged I day. In memory of | Mr. Seth Hart, | who died Dec. 12'^ 1813, | in the 54* year | of his age. Nancy, | wife of | Charles H. Hastings, | died Feb. 28, 1855, | aged 39. Thomas, | son of | Charles & | Nancy Hastings, | died | Nov. 18, 1847, 1 ^- 2 y'rs, 10 mo. Albert S. Hatch, | died | May 8, 1867, | aged 30. Maria, | wife of | Albert S. Hatch, | died Nov. 8, 1865, | aged 29. George M. Hickok | died | Mar. 4, 1858, | .^. 51. Jeremiah Hickok, | died | Oct. 4, 1827, | Aged 19 Y'rs. | Horace Hickok, | died July 19, 1822, | aged 2 y'rs & 9 mo's. Mary | wife of | Jeremiah Hickok | died | Dec. 9, 1867, | aged 88. In Memory of | Doct. Joseph Higgins, | who died July 18"^ 1797. I In the 38'^ Year of his | Age. Wait Williams, Son | of Doct. Joseph & Mrs. | Nancy Hig- gins, I who died Sept. 12 | 1796, | aged eight | Years. Sophia, I wife of | Charles H. Hill ; | died at N. Y. | Feb. 24, 1841, I aged 40. Wells Hills I died 1 Dec. 26, 1890, | Aged 68 y'rs | & 10 mo's. 246 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In I memory of | Abigail Hine, | wife of | Daniel S. Hine, | who died | Oct. 23, 1832. | Aged 24. N. D. Hodgkins, M. D. | died | Oct. 23, 1884, | aged 54. In I memory of | Allen Holmes, | who died | June 7, 1841. 1 aged 57. In I Memory of | Daniel Holmes, | who died Jan. 12, 1812, | in the 50, year | of his age. | Allen B. his son, | died Jan. 23, 1797, I Aged 3i years. Ethan Holmes, | died Jan. 22, 1812, | aged 32. | Christiana, | his wife, | died Jan. 14, 1859, | aged 86. Eunice, | widow of | Daniel Holmes, | died | May 3, 1849, | aged 87. Francis B. | son of | Allen B. Holmes, | died | Mar. 17, 1852, | aged 21. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Hannah, | wife of | Thos. Holmes, | died | Oct. 26, 1838, | ^.73. In memory of | Hannah, wife of | William Holmes, | who died Aug'st 5'^ | 1795. In the 80* | year of her Age. Sacred | to the memory of | Jerusha Holmes, | daughter of | Thomas & Hannah | Holmes, who died | Aug. 10, 1823, | Aged 23. Joseph T. I son of William & | Eliza Holmes, | died June 9, i8ss, I ^- 27 y'rs. Though death has placed me where I lie, He shall not always reign, He when the conqueror comes must die, And I shall live again. Maria, | wife of | A. E. Holmes, | died | Oct. 6, 1848, | aged 29. Maria, | wife of | Eleazer Holmes, | died j Oct. 19, 1858, | -E. 37- Martha, | wife of | Allen Holmes, | Died May 12-th 1864, | Aged 79 y'rs. kdCKV HILL INSCRiPTlOMS 247 Mary, | Daughter of | Thomas & Hannah | Holmes, | died | March 4, 1842, | ^.45. In Memory of | Ruth Holmes, | Daughter of | William & | Hannah Holmes. In I Memory of | Sarah Holmes, | daughter of | Daniel Holmes, | who died | Nov. 30, 1834, | Aged 39. Thos. Holmes, | died | Sept. 20, 1841. | JE. 85. In Memory of | Walter Holmes, | who died | July 20, 1835. j Aged 29 Y'rs. In memory of | Aaron Horsford, | of Hartford, | Son of Doct'r Aaron | & Esther HorSford, | who departed this life | Feb'r 6-th 1805, | in the 33"^ year | of his age. Joel, Son of | Doct'r Aaron & | Mrs. Esther Horsford, | died Oct. 29* I AD. 1776, I Aged 2 months. In Memory of | Joel Hall, Son of | Doct'r Aaron & | Mrs. Esther* Hors- | ford, who died | Sept. 5* 1786. | In the 5* Year | of his Age. Doctor Aaron Hosford, | who having | for thirty years prac- ticed physic I in this Society, | died | April 7* 1804, | in his 57'^ year. In I Memory of | Esther Hosford, | relict of | Doct. Aaron Hosford, I who died July 18, 1828, | Aged 77. In Memory of | Etty Hosford, | who died | May 8* 1840 ; | Aged 61 Years. In memory of | Roxy Hosford, Wife of | Aaron Hosford Jun'r. I & Daughter of Capt. | Oliver & Sarah Goodrich, | who departed this life | Dec. lo-th 1796, in the | 23-d year of her age. I Roxy G. Hosford, Daughter | of Aaron & Roxy Hos- ford, I who died March 2S-th 1797, ] aged 16 months. | Buried at the left of her | mother. In Memory | of Mrs. Mary, | wife of Capt. | Edward How- ard, I & Daughter of | Capt. Thomas | Belding & Mrs. | Mary his wife ; | Who died March | ye 2^ 1761, in ye 30* | Year of her Age. I _. 248 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Sacred | to the memory of | James Jauncey Hoyt, | a youth of amiable character | and high promise, | He was the second son of I Mr. James J. & Mrs. Mary Hoyt, | of Colebrook; and died in this town | by drowning July 3"* 1819. | ^t. 16 yrs & 6 mo. Urania, | wife of | Ira Hubbell, | Died Nov. 18, 1874, | Aged 80. Wrapped in the shades of death. No more that friendly face I see, Empty, ah empty every place. Once so well filled by thee. Nelson Hurlbert, | died | March 25, 1879, I aged 67. | Laura A. his wife. Sarah R. | Daughter of | William & Sarah | Hyde, | died Dec. 9, 1832, I aged 4 years & 4 months. | William S. | Son of | William & Sarah | Hyde, | died Mar. 2, 1833. | aged i yr. & 10 mos. Margaret, | wife of | D. H. Jagger, | and daughter of | Wil- liam & Mary Grimes, j died | April 14, 1892, | aged 81. • Nathan Jaggar, | died March 21, 1861, | aged 72. | Roxanna his wife, | died March 21, 1841, | aged 51. | Leander j their son, died Aug. 11, 185 1, | aged 19. Roxanna, | wife of | Nathan Jaggah, | Died March 21, 1841, | aged 51. Martha M. Johnson, | wife of | Perry Barber, | Dec. 28, 1825, I Jan. 4, 1891. Joseph Kelley | died | April 5, 1854, | aged 32. Roxy A. I wife of | Joseph Kelley, | died | March 29, 1875, | aged 52. Orinda | wife of | Franklin Kellogg, | died | March 23, 1864, | aged 54 y'rs. " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." Mercy, | wife of | Moses Kelsey, | died | Mar. 20, 1840, I ^.73. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 249 The Grave of | J. Merrill Kimball, | of | New York, | died | June 24, i860, I Aged 51. Forever with the Lord! — Amen; so let it be. Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis Immortality." Theodore, | son of | Edward & Margaret | Kircher, | died July 21, 1869 I aged 8 mos, 10 days. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Here lies ye Body | of Elizabeth Knott, | the Wife of | Wil- liam Knott, of j Stepney, Who | Dyed May ye [3'''^] | A : D : 1733 ; I Aged 41 Years. Here lies the Body | of Mr. William Knott, | who died Nov. 14* I 1737. Aged 51 Years. Charlotte Knowlton | died | Mar. 21, 1891, | Aged 66. In I Memory of | Miss- Mary Lany, | daughter of | Micah Lany, | who died | March 9, 1827, | aged 56. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth, | wife of | Mr. Asa Learned, | who died July 10*'' 1786. | In the 31^* Year | of her Age. Henry R. LeBarnes, | 1845 — 1895. Mrs. Martha Lee, | Wife of | Mr. Nathan Lee, | & daughter of Mr. Oliver | & Hannah Corey. | died March 26, 1820, | in the 29* year of | her age. Abigail, | wife of | William Le Vaughn. | Born March i, 1806, I Died March 13, 1895. At Rest. Susan LeVaughn, | born | Aug. 22, 1835, | died Feb. 27, 1887. " Until the day break and the shadows fiiee away." William Levaughn | died | May 17, 1876, | aged 71. | Died at Andersonville | Prison, Sept. 22, 1864, | Roland, Aged 24. | Sept. 4, 1864, I William O. Aged 21. | Sons of William & Abigail | Levaughn, | And members of the | t6 Regt. Conn. \^ol. Gone, but not forgotten. 32 250 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In I memory of | Mrs. Celestia Lewis, | wife of Hart Lewis, } who died | Aug. 20, 1804, | In the 40"^ year | of her age. | Celestia, | Daughter of Hart | & Celestia Lewis, | who died Dec. 19"" 1805, I in the 5* year | of her age. In Memory of | the Rev'nd John Lewis, A. M. | Pastor of the Chh. in Stepney. | He departed this life April 28-th | AD. 1792, in the 47-th Year of his Age, | and twelth of his Ministry. | He received a public education in Yale | College, in which he was distinguished | for erudition, and of which he was | for several Years a tutor. | In him were united | the Gentleman & the scholar, the learned | divine & the cheerful christian, the tender | husband & the affectionate parent, the | successful instructor & the faithful friend. This Monument | Speaks the wishes of a disconsolate hus- band I to perpetuate to the ruin of all things | the dear remem- brance of his beloved wife, | Mrs. Mary Lewis, | wife of John Lewis, A. M. | And j Daughter of Col. Leverett Hubbard, of New Haven, | who was born April ij* 1752, & died Aug't 11"^ AD. 1786. I If duty to her parents | kindness to her friends, | And I the most amiable conduct to her husband, | Are qualities which deserve recording, | This Stone shall declare | She possest them all. | Her husband knew her worth, & felt | To part was agony ! | O let not wedded bliss | Forget the parting hour. Rachel Lewis, | Died Oct. 9, 1819, | Aged 56. Francis C. Lovejoy | died | Dec. 17, 1864, | aged 40 yrs. We miss thee from our home Frances, We miss thee from thy place; Oh! life will be so dark, Without the sunshine of thy face. Still let our sorrows cease to flow, God hath recalled his own; But let our hearts in every woe. Still say thy will be done. In memory of | Jerusha M. | wife of | Francis C. Lovejoy ; | died Jan. 11, 1892, | aged 66 yrs, 9 mo. 15 ds. She hath done what she could. Clififord H. Mandeville | died | Aug. 12, 1890, | Aged 22 yrs. In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Marsh, | Wife of Mr. | John Marsh, | Who Departed | This Life | June 13"' 1790; | In the 69'!^ Year | Of Her Age. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 251 This Monument is | in memory of | Mr. John Marsh, | who departed this life | Sept'r 20* 1799, in the ] 72^ year of his Age. In I memory of | John Marsh, | who died | Dec. 8, 1836, | ^.83. Polly S. Marsh, | wife of | Capt. John Marsh, | died ] March 2, 1833, I aged 75. Emeline S. Beaumont, | wife of | Joseph McFarland, | died Sept. 24, 1871, I aged 44. Charles McLaren | born in | Perthshire, Scotland, | Aug. 15, 1822, 1 died Feb. 17, 1891. Lucy Goodrich | wife of | Charles McLaren, | Born Sept. 24, 1813, I Died Aug. 18, 1868. In Memory of | Burrage, Son of | the Rev'd Burrage Mrs. Hannah | Merriam, | died Decem'r 11*'' | AD. 1776, his 4* year. & in This Monument | is Sacred to the Memory of the | Rev'd Burrage Merriam, | Pastor of the Church of | Christ in Step- ney, I who departed this Life | Nov'r 30"^ A: D : 1776; | In the 38*'' year of his age, | and 12* of his Ministry. Ready & active in service. Through a series of bodily Distiresses endured to the end. Hannah Seldon, | former wife of | .Rev. Burrage Merriam, | died I Jan. 9, 1816, | M. 72. Lydia Mildrum, | Died | Oct. 20, 1841, | M. 71. Here lies our mother whom we loved on earth, and whom we hope to meet in heaven. Andrew Miller, | died | June 23, 1877, | Aged 68. Harriet A. | daughter of | Andrew & | Mary Miller, | died Sept. 13, 1850, I JE. 9 y'rs. Our darling lies here sleeping Near her Fathers home. No Mothers care is needed For she is dead and gone. 252 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Miss Jerusha Miller, | daughter of Leonard ] & Lydia Miller, | who died | March 26, 1825, | in the 27, year | of her age. Here lies the | Body of Mr. | Joseph Miller, | who died May | the 13'^ 1747 ; In | the 45'^ year | of his Age. In Memory of | Mr. Joseph | and Mrs. | Martha Miller. | Mr. Joseph Miller, | died Feb. 21, 1813 ; | In the 81, year of his age. | Mrs. Martha Miller, | died March 15, 1812 ; | In the 77, year of her age. Leonard Miller | died | July 2, 1850, | aged 75. Lydia Miller | died | Sept. 12, 1852, | M. 76. In I Memory of | Maria Miller, | daughter of | Leonard & | Lydia Miller, | who died | May 2, 1833, | Aged 17. Mary M. | wife of | Andrew Miller, | died | March 29, 1873, | Aged 58. Phineas T. Miller | Died Feb. 21, 1850, | Aged 38 y'rs. | Elvira Whitmore, | his wife. We have laid our garments by and are sleeping in the arms of Jesus. Henry S. son of | Phineas & Elvira W. | Miller, | Died Jan. 7, 1843, I Aged 2 y'rs, 8 mo's. | Anna M. | Adopted Daughter of I B. G. & B. Webb, | Died April 9, 1852, | Aged 3 y'rs, 8 mo's. We shall meet in the sweet bye and bye. ' Sally G. Whitmore | Died April 15, 1833, | Aged 17 yrs. | Ellen E. Case, | Died July 4, 1894, | Aged 57 yrs. William | son of | Andrew & Mary | Miller, | died Sept. 20, 1865, I Aged 26. He Cometh forth like a flower and is cut down. Will H. Morgan, | 1850— 1891. In memory of | Mr. Benjamin Morton, | who died Oct. 12, 1808, I in the 64* year of | his age. My God the steps of pious men, Are ordered by thy will. Tho they should fall they rise again. Thy hand supports them all. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 253 Here lyeth the Body ] of Benjamin Morton, | who Dyed March | ye ii* 1734; In ye | 29* Year of his age. Benjamin, | Son of Mr. John | and Mrs. Sarah | Morton, Died ye I 12* Day of Sept'r. | 1741, about three | Years old. Here hes the Body | of Comfort Morton, | the wife of Thomas | Morton, who Dec'd | July ye 13 1736; | In ye 61^' Year | of her Age. Eldridge W. | son of | Geo. & Lauretta | Morton, | died | April 9, 1833. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth Morton, | daughter of | Mr. John & I Mrs. Sarah Morton, | who departed this | Life Jan. 22'"i I AD. 1775 ; I In the 25* Year | of her Age. Frederick Morton, | died | June 26, 1852, | aged 60. George Morton, | died | Oct. 25, 1835. | M. 48. | Lauretta, | his wife, | died | Dec. 27, i860, | ^. 61. In Memory of | Mrs. Hannah Morton, | wife of | Mr. John Morton, | who departed this | life Sept. 7* AD. 1791, | In the 78* Year of | her Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of | Mr. John Morton, | who departed this Life | Nov'r 5'^ AD. 1773, | In the 71^' year | of his Age. In Memory of | Lucy, wife of | Benjamin Morton, | who died | March 26, 1838. | Aged 91. Mary A. | wife of | John Morton, | Died Oct. 9, 1843, 1 Aged 42. A kind and faithful wife. In Memory of | Miss Ruth Morton, | Who died July 19-th | 1817; In the 69-th I year of her age. Naked as from the earth we came. And crept to life at first. We to the earth return again. And mingle with our dust. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Sarah Morton, wife of Mr. John Morton, | who died April ye | 29* A : D : 1753 ; In the 42""^ year of | her Age. 254 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Here lies the Body of | Mr. Thomas Morton, | who Dec'd May ye I i^' 1740, in ye 75*'' | Year of his Age. Lucia Maria, | daughter of | James & | Lucia H. Morse, | died I Apr. 2, 1854, | M. 13 y'rs 4 mo. Mehetable, | wife of | John Myers, | died | Jan. 25, 1846, | aged 80. In I Memory of | Abiah Neff, [ rehct of | Joseph Nefif, | who died I Jan. 31, 1830, | Aged 58. In I Memory of | Cynthia AmeHa Nefif, | daughter of | Joseph Neff, I who died | Dec. 23, 1829, | Aged 19. In I Memory of | Joseph Neff, | who died | Jan. 4, 1829, | Aged 54. In I Memory of | Joseph Henry Neff, | who died | July 22, 1831, I Aged 22. In I Memory of | Lucy Neff, | daughter of | Joseph Neff, | who died I Sept. 28, 1831, | aged 25. William Nef? | Born Aug. 25, 1799 | Died June 8, 1870. | Maria C. Goodrich, | his wife, | Born Mar. 10, 1803, | Died July 11,1883. I Children of | William & MariaC. | Nefif. | Rensselaer | Born Feb. 16, 1827, | Died Aug. 18, 1829. | William | Born Mar. 5, 1833, I Died Aug. i, 1838. | Virginia Caroline | Born Mar. 15, 1849. I Died Mar. 10, 185 1. Asenath, Daughter | of William and | Lydia Nott; | Died Feb'ry ye | 2"'^ 1754, | one Month & | 8 days old. Eleazer, Son of | Mr. William and | Mrs. Lydia Nott ; | Died August I the 30* 1 75 1, | 2 years 3 Months | & 20 days Old. In Memory of | Jabez Dimock Nott, | Son of Mr. Abraham | & Mrs. Mercy Nott, | who died Jan'ry 15"^ 1771 ; | In the 24* year | of his Age. | And on his Left hand | lies his Grand- mother, I Mrs. Mary Dimock. In Memory of | Mrs. Marcey Nott, | Wife of Mr. | Abraham Nott, 1 who died Dec. 27* | AD. 1787, | in the 64"' | Year of his Age. Henry, Son of | Mr. Henry & Martha | Olmstead, died April | 13* 1819, aged I year | 6 months & 6 days. kdCKV HILL INSCRIPTIONS 25^ Albert G. Parker, | died Nov. 20, 1871, | Nancy Butler, | his wife I died Jan. 6, 1869. | Children of | Albert G. & Nancy- Parker. I Mary M. died June 24, 1847. | Lena A. died Oct. 25, 1872, aged 23 y'rs. | Fannie F. died May 13, 1884. Sacred | to the Memory of | Elnorad Parker, | the wife of | Albert G. Parker, | She died | Jan. 25, 1842, | and in her 40"^ year. When death arrests an heir of heaven. The sweetest salutations given. Otis Pasco I died | Aug. 24, 1886, | 7E. 80 yrs. | Sarah John- son I his wife, | died Oct. 12, 1888, | 2E. 79 yrs. | Leonidos R. Pasco I died | Aug. 9, 1889, | M. 49 yrs. In I memory of | Eliza E. Peniield, | who died | March 24, 1842, I M. 18 y'rs. 7 mo. | & 21 d's. Rosetta, | wife of | Gustavus Perkins, | Died March 30, 1891, | Aged 46 y'rs & 8 mos. Rest in the Lord. This Monument | is in Memory of | Capt. Oliver Pomeroy, | who departed this | Life Sept'r 30*^^ | A : D : 1776, | in the 46*'' year | of his Age. Mary Pomroy, | daughter of | Mr. Oliver & | Mrs. Mary Pomroy, | died Oct. 24* | A: D: 1762; | Aged 5 years | 9 Months I and 7 days. Oliver Pomroy, | son of | Lieut. Oliver & | Mrs. Mary Pom- roy, I died Oct. 5*^ | A: D : 1761. | Aged i year | 10 Months | and 23 days. Clarissa Porter, | died | Oct. 10, 1892, | Aged 65. Joseph B. Porter | Died Mar. 16, 1885, | M. 63. The Grave | of | Martha Robbins, | wife of | Eleazer Porter, | born I July 27-th 1820, | died | June lo-th 1859. " Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Anne ye Daug'h of | Mr. Robert & Mrs. ] Anne Powell, dec'd I Aug'st ye 3^ 1733, | In ye 16* year | of her Age. In memory of | Mehitabel Price. | She died May lo-th | 1804, in the 26-th I year of her age. 256 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Patience Price. | She died Nov. 12-th | 1801, in the 19-th | year of her age. Sally, daughter of | Mr. Jonathan & | Mrs. Jemima Price, | died Jan. 25"' 1792, | aged 7 months & | 26 days. Henry C. Pulsifer | died | in Savannah, Ga. | Oct. 12, 1858, | Aged 27. Nancy R. | daughter of | Obed & Thirza M. | Pulsifer, j died Oct. 18, 1848, I aged 22. Mourning friends assuage your grief, My weary soul has found relief. Obed Pulsifer, | born | April 21, 1796, | died | Feb. 24, 1877. Thirza Maria Dean, | wife of | Obed Pulsifer, | Born May 4, 1802, I Died March 18, 1890. William Wallace, | son of | Obed & Thirza M. | Pulsifer, | died Nov. 12, 1865, | Aged 29 y'rs. Burrage Rash, | died | Nov. 22, 1842, | aged 57. Edward Rash, | died | April 4, 1891, | Aged 72 Y'rs & 2 Mo's. Gone but not forgotten. Jeremiah Rash, | died | Sept. 22, 1795. | ^. 40. | Anna, | his Wife Died | June 14, 1832. | JE. 71. | Selah, | their Son Died | Sept. 25, 1795. I M. 3 Yrs. Martha E. | daughter of | Edward & | Sarah Rash, | died | Sept. 16, 1862. I M. 25. Your toils are past your work is done, And you are fully blest. You fought the fight the victory won, And entered into rest. Nancy | wife of | Burrage Rash, j died | Apr. 7, 1855, | aged 63. Sarah Edwards, | wife of | Edward Rash, | Died May 17, 1888, I Aged 82. Christ died for me. Walter L. Rash, | died I .Aug. 21, 1858. | 7E. 27. Husband thou art gone to rest. We will not wish for thee, For thou art now where oft on earth. Thy spirit wished to be. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 257 Charles L. Rathburn, | Born Jan. 2, 1823, | Lucy A. his wife, | Born Oct. 27, 1833, | Died July 30, 1885. Here lies Interr'd | Thomas Hooker | Rawson, Son of | Rev'd Mr. Grindal | & Mrs. Dorothy | Rawson, of Hadlime, | who died Aug. 25* 1753, I aged 2 y'rs & 2 mo's. | upon a visit to his Aunt Russel. James W. | Died Aug. 20, 1838, | JE. 3 mo. | William W. | Died May 27, 1841, | ^. i yr 4 m. | Children of James W I & Mary Reilley. "Suffer little children to come unto me." In I Memory of | Mary Reilley, | who died I Oct. 24, 1847, I M. 31. We all do fade as a leaf. In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Riley, | Wife of [ Capt. Jacob Riley, | who departed this life | Aug. 8* AD. 1788. | In the 41=* Year of | her Age. In memory of | Mr. Ackley Riley. | He died Feb. 23'^ 1804, | in the 59-th year | of his age. Tis God who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave, He gives; and blessed be his name, He takes but what he gave. In memory of | Capt. Ashbel Riley, | he departed this | life Dec. 15, 1797, I in the 37* Year | of his Age. In memory of | Mr. Asher Riley. | He died May 6-th | 1800, in the 31-st | year of his | Age. In memory of two Sons | of James & Esther Riley. | Austen died Sept. 7* 1795, | Aged i Year & 9 Months. | Austen 2"^ died [ ] I Aged 3 Months. In memory of | Mrs. Comfort Riley, | wife of | Mr. Stephen Riley, | who died Feb'y 27-th | 1805, in the 67-th | year of her age. Here Lyeth ye Body | of Daniel Riley, Son | of Jn'o & Sarah Riley, | Who Dyed August | 2 1736, in ye 4 | year of his Age. Eliza, the infant | daughter of | Allen & Sally Riley, | died Nov. 17-th I 1808. 33 258 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Halsey, Son of Mr. | John & Mrs. Huldah | Riley, who died Sept. I 13* 1795 Aged four | years & r month. In I Memory of | Hannah, rehct of | Capt. Jabez Riley, | who died I Apr. 5, 1825, | in her 82, year. Sacred | to the memory of | Capt. Jabez Riley, | who died | March 14* 1824, | in the 87* year | of his age. In I memory of | Lucy Riley, | daughter of | James & | Esther Riley, | who died | July 26, 1824, | aged 26 | years. In Memory of | Mrs. Mabel Riley, | wife of Mr. Ashbel Riley, | & Daughter of Deac'n | Ebenezer & Mrs. Lydia | Good- rich, who departed | this Life Jan'ry 14* | AD. 1790. Aged 27 I Years. Maria and Caroline, | daughters of Frederick | and Rachel Riley. | Maria died Feb. 14* j 1799, aged 3 years 10 | months and 20 days. | Caroline died in | New York Aug. 20"^ | 1798, aged 1 1 months | and 14 days. In memory of | Mrs. Sally Riley, | wife of | Mr. Allen Riley, | who died Nov. 24*^^ | 1808, in the 31-st | year of her age. In memory of | Mr. Stephen Riley, | who died Feb. 23"^ | 1813, in the 84*'' | year of his age. Edwin Risley, | Nancy C. | his wife, | 1818 — 1894. | Martha W. Risley | wife of | Frank Baldwin, | 1845 — 1882. | Their children. | Frank, | 1867— 1885. | Herbert, | 1880— 1882. | Sarah M. Risley, | wife of | Donald LeVaughn, | 1847 — 1883. Emma J. | daughter of | H. P. & E. J. Risley, | died | July 25, 1862, I M. 3 ys. 8 mo. Jane, | daughter of | Edwin & Nancy | Risley, | died Jan. 22, 1856, I aged 16 years. In memory of | Mrs. Martha Risley, | late wife of | Mr. George Risley, | & former wife of | Mr. Chester Williams. | She died Sept. ii-th | 1842, aged 45 years. In memory of | Benjamin, son to Mr. | Benjamin & Mrs. Sibbil Roberts, who | died Oct. 10* 1775, j in the 21=* year of his age. The memory of the just is blessed. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 259 Abby Ann | wife of | Allen A. Robbins, | died | Aug. 4, 1846,1^.31. In memoi-y of | Abigail Robbins, | who died | Aug. 12, 1836, | Aged 62 Years. In memory of | Mrs. Abigail Robbins, | wife of | Mr. Richard Robbins, | who died Sep. iS*'^ | 1819, in the 76* year | of her age. Abigail Grimes, | 3"^ wife of | Frederick Robbins, | died | Feb. 18, i860, I M. 80. Abigail Williams, | wife of | Wm. H. Robbins, | Born Sept. 27, 1798. I Died Dec. 12, 1841. Allen Robbins, | born | April 17, 1779, | died | Jan. 19, 1852. Allen Williams | son of | Wm. H. Robbins, | Born Dec. 16, 1835, I Died June 14, 1872. In Memory of | Almira, wife of | Archibald Robbins. | who died I Feb. 18, 1835, | Aged 32 Yrs. Amelia, | wife of | Allen Robbins, | died | Oct. 5, 1847, | M. 65. The Grave of | Amelia, | wife of | Levi Robbins, | died | Feb. 17, 1863, I M. 88 Y. 9 M. Augustus, Son of | Mr. Jason & Mrs. | Honor Robbins, | who died Nov. i^' | 1795, in the 2'^ year | of his age. Caroline M. | Daughter of | Philemon F. & | Emily M. Rob- bins, I died I Jan. 25, 1836, | JE. 3 yrs. & 10 mos. In Memory of | Mrs Chloe Robbins, | Late Wife of | Mr. Jacob Robbins, | & Daughter of | Capt. EliaS & Mrs. | Prudence Williams, | who died with the Small Pox | Oct. 10* 1783, | in the 33"* year | of her Age. Edward Robbins, | died | Oct. 8, 1872, | Aged 56 Yrs 7 Mo's. Elias W. Robbins, | died | Jan. 4, 1861. | M. 57. Prepare to meet thy God. In Memory of | Mr. Elijah Robbins, | who died Oct. 30-th 181 5 ; In the 52-d year | of his age. | Also of Edward, Son of | Mr. Elijah & Mrs. Martha | Robbins, who died March | tS^^" 1808, in the 7* | year of his age. 26o ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Elias Robbins, | who died | July 20, 1828, | Aged 55. In I Memory of | Ellenora Robbins, | daughter of | Capt. Jason Robbins, | who died | March 16, 1824, | in the 26"^ year | of her age. Eunice, | wife of | Frederick Robbins, | died | Nov. 24, 1866, | Aged 80 Y'rs, 4 Mo's, | 24 D's. In Memory of | Fanny, | wife of | Roderick H. Robbins, | who died I Oct. 12, 1838. | 7E. 52. FrankHn, | son of | Frederic & Mehitabel | Robbins, | Died July 14, 1868, I M. %6 years. Frederick Robbins, | died | Sept. 27, 1841, | M. 57. Sacred | to the memory of | Mr. Frederick Robbins, | who died Nov. i=* 1821, | aged 65 years. | Also of his son | Horace W. Robbins, | who died at sea | Nov. 30-th 1821, | aged 35 years. George Robbins | Born Aug. 15, 1789, | Died Jan. 22, 1836. | Eunice Williams ] his wife | Born Nov. 4, 1789, | Died July 27, 1869. I Their children | Francis B. | Born Sept. 27, 1821, | Died June 14, 1822. I George W. | Born April i, 1818, | Died at Sparta, Ala. | Sept. 9, 1865. | Francis B. | Born June 14, 1824, | Died at Greenville, Ala. | Jan. 26, 1870. In Memory of | Gideon Robbins, | the Son of Mr. John | & Sarah Robbins, | Who Died March | the 21 A. D. 1760. | In the i6"i Year of | His Age. Hannah, | Widow of | Elias Robbins, | died Sep. 12, 1859, | ^.85. Hannah died | Feb. 23, 1819, | in the 26, year | of her age. ] Mary died | May 29, 1842, | in the 46, year | of her age. | daughters of Zebulon & | Hannah Robbins. Hannah, | relict of | Zebulon Robbins, | died | Feb. 27, 1842, | aged 87 years. In Memory of | Honor Robbins, | Consort of | Jason Rob- bins, I who departed this life | April 9* 1800 ; in the | 32'' Year of her Age. kOCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 261 Horatio Robbins, | died | July 3, i860, | 2E. 50. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Jane A. | wife of | R. R. Robbins, | died | Aug. 12, 1852, | M. 40. Jehial Robbins | died | Sept. 30, 1873, | ^. 80 | Nancy, | his wife, I died | Dec. 19, 1835 | M. 40. | Wilson F. | son of | Jehial and I Nancy Robbins, | died | Nov. 30, 1856, | in the | thirtieth year | of his age. | Charles R. | their son, | died | Feb. 22, 1867, 2E.. 41 I Alfred BHss | died | Jan. 3, 1877, I ^- 63. | Elizabeth, wife of I Alfred Bliss, | Died Nov. 4, 1894, | M. 75. Jerusha Robbins, | died | Oct. i, 1870, | Aged 63. In Memory of | Mr. John Robbins, | Who departed this | Life March ye 1=' | AD. 1768. | In the 55* year | of his Age. In I memory | of John Robbins 2 | who died Nov'r ii"' 1794. I Aged 57, & his Wife | Mabel, who died Nov'r 27^^ 1792, I Aged 53. As we are now so you must be, Therefore in time prepare to die. John Robbins, | died | Apr. i, 1849, I aged 49. Lavinia G. | daughter of | Edward F. & | Frances Robbins, | died I Oct. 10, 1851, | aged 2 y'rs | & 8 mo's. The Grave of | Levi Robbins, | died | Feb. 15, 1866, | M. 91. Lucinda, | wife of | Edward Robbins. Mabel Robbins, | Relict of | Wait Robbins, | died | Nov. 30, 1834. I M. 79. Maria, | daughter of | Frederick Robbins, | died Feb. 6, 1881, I M. 85 y'rs. In Memory of | Mrs. Martha Robbins, | Wife of | Mr. Elijah Robbins, | who died Nov. 13* | 1810; In the 39*'^ | year of her age. I Also of Mary, Daughter of | Mr. Elijah & Mrs. Martha | Robbins, who died Jan. 23 | 1809 ; aged 4 Months. In Memory of | Mrs. Martha Robbins, | wife of | Capt. John Robbins, | who departed this | Life June the 10* | A. D. 1770; | In the SS"' year | of her Age. 262 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Mrs. Mary Robbins, | Wife of | Mr. John Robbins, | who died June 13-th | 1799, aged 81 years. Mrs. Mary Robbins, | the Faithful Wife of | Dea'n Nathaniel Robbins, | who after serving God and her | Generation Faith- fully in the | Relation of Wife, Mother, | friend & Neighbour, | died Nov. 7"' AD. 1781, | in the 69* year | of her Age. Mary Robbins, | died | May 15, 1855, | M. 73. Mary A. Robbins, | died | May 11, 1890, | Aged 80 y'rs. In memory of | Mrs. Mehitable Robbins, | wife of | Mr. Fred- erick Robbins, | who died May 31-st 1806, | in the 47-th year | of her age. Death! Inevitable! Important! In Memory of | Nancy, daughter of | Mr. Johii & Mrs. | Mabel Robbins, | who died | Aug. 31=' | AD. 1775 ; | In the O"^ Year | of her Age. In Memory of | Deac'n Nathaniel | Robbins, | who died with the I Small Pox Oct'r 6* | 1783 ; | In the 76^^ Year | of his Age. Rachel Robbins, | died | Apr. i, 1854, | aged 78. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Ralph R. Robbins, | died | April 29, 1856, | ^. 53. Rhoda Robbins, | died | Jan. 17, 1854, | aged 86. " Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." In Memory of | Mr. Richard Robbins, | Son of Deacon Nathaniel Robbins, | who died with the | Small Pox Oct'r 28"^ 1783, I in the 46''' year | of his Age. Richard H. Robbins, | died | Feb. 14, 1849, | ^- 31 • Roger, Son of | Mr. Richai-d & | Mrs. Abigail Robbins, | died Sept. 6, 1772, I aged 6 days. Roswell R. Robbins. | May 4, 1816. | July 4, 1895. | Eliza, | his wife, | June I, 1819. | ( ct. 14, 1893. I Children of | R. R. & E. Robbins. | Nathaniel W. | June 3, 1846. J July 6, i860. | Julia S. I Jan. II, 1849. I Nov. 17, 1863. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 263 In memory of | Mrs. Ruth, wife of | Mr. William Robbins, | who died April 28-th | 1824 | Aged 34 years | Also of their chil- dren. I William died Oct. ii-th | 1821, aged 14 days. | Julia died March 4-th | 1824, aged i year. | James W. died August 18-th I 1824, aged 3 months. In memory of | Mrs. Sally Robbins, | 2-d wife of | Mr. Fred- erick Robbins, | who died Dec. 2-d 1809, | in the 39-th year | of her age. In Memory of | Samuel Robbins, | Son of | Mr. John & | Mrs. Mabel Robbins, | who died May | 10* AD. 1775, | in the 10* Year | of his Age. Sarah, Daughter | of Nathaniel and | Mary Robbins, | De- parted this Life | March ye 8*^ 1739, | in the fourth Year | of her Age. Here lies Interr'd ] the Body of Mrs. | Sarah Robbins, wife | of Mr. John Robbins, Jun'r. | whO' Departed this | life July ye 14, 1756. I In the 39*'' year | of her Age. Sarah | wife of Jason E. Robbins | Died Nov. 12, 1890, | Aged 61 y'rs. | William H. Robbins, | Died Oct. 20, 1872, | Aged 82 y'rs. | Sally, his wife, | Died June 20, 1891, | Aged 84 y'rs. I Abigail | wife of | WiUiam H. Robbins, | Died Dec. 12, 1 84 1, I aged 43 y'rs. | Allen W. | son of | William H. & Abigail | Robbins, | Died June 14, 1872, | aged 37 y'rs. Silas, Son of | Mr. Jacob & | Mrs. Chloe Robbins, | died Feb'd 26"^ I 1780, I in the 5* year | of his Age. Simeon Robbins | Died Aug. 15, 1819, M. 68. | Sarah, his wife I Died Sept. 6, 1843, ^- 88. | James Robbins | Died Jan. 18, 1866, M. 72. I Augusta, his wife, | Died Sept. 3, 1825, JE. 33. 1 Asahel Merriam | Died June 18, 1808, 2E. 36. | Hannah, his wife, I Died Aug. i, 1845, ^- 72- | Edmund Merriam | Died Feb.,28, 1846, M. 39. I Burrage Merriam | Died Dec. 14, 1848, ;E. 51. I Hannah Merriam | Died Oct. 3, 1865, ^. 51. | Caroline T. I wife of E. M. I died Nov. 7, 1885, | ^. 71 I John Robbins | Died May 31, 1797, M- 82. | Martha Williams, his wife, | Died June 10, 1770, M. I Jacob Robbins | Died Aug. 9, 1823, M. 76. | Eunice Webster, his wife, | Died Jan. 2, 1835, M. 79. | Richard Robbins | Died March 16, 1858, 2E. 70. | Chloe Robbins, his wife, I Died Feb. 15, 1861, M. 72. | Austin Robbins | Died Nov. 264 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS II, 1862, M. 75. I Eunice W. Robbins | Died Apr. 10, 1865, JE. 71. I Justus Candee | Died Aug. 30, 1877, M. 74. | Delia Mer- riam, his wife, | Died July 27, 1878, M. 79. Walter, | son of Mr. Frederick | & Mrs. Sally Robbins, | died Oct. 20"^ 1810, I aged i year | & 3 months. Walter Robbins | 1814 — 1890. | Sophia Wilder | his wife, | 1821 — I Laura | 1844 — 1891. | Edith | 1847 — 1885. | Laura Wilder Daniels, | 1826— 1896. | WilHe | 1849— 1856. In memory of | Warner Robbins, | who died Nov. 7* 1805, | in the 36* year of | his age. | Also of | Roger Robbins, | who was supposed to be lost | on a voyage to Lisbon | Nov. 1801, in the 24"^ year | of his age. WilHam Robbins, 2"'^ | died | May 2, 1855, | aged 65. Wilson H. Robbins | died | Aug. 6, 1886, | aged 25 yrs. Zebulon Robbins, | died | Sept. 23, 1840, | aged 81 years. Ashbill Robinson, | died | Oct. 30, 1843. I ^- 36- | Susannah, | his wife, | died Jan. i, 1884. | M. 82. Eber L. Robinson | mem. Co. B. | 11 Regt. Conn. Vols. | 1828— I My darling wife, | Ellen S. | 1838— 1895. Safe inside the gate. Eddie H. | son of Charles S. | & Ann E. | Robinson, | died Dec. 23, 1867, I aged 5 weeks. " Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. Henry Francis, | only child of | Henry & Ruth | Robinson, | died I May 28, 1848, | M. 13 yrs 9 mo. Alas how changed that lovely flow'r, Which bloom'd and cheer'd our hearts; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part. Ruth I wife of | Henry Robinson, | died Aug. 22, 1865, | aged 69 Yrs. May thy sleep in Jesus be sweet. Eli Rodman | Co. G. 29*"^ Reg. Conn. A'ols. | Died Aug. 9, 1 89 1, I Aged About 65 Yrs. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 265 Abigail, | wife of | Rufus Russell, | born | Feb. 14, 1773, ] died I April i, 1853. Abigail A. | Daughter of | Rufus & Abigail | Russell, | died | Oct. 3, 1813, I Aged I y'r & 7 mo's. Austin, son of | Rufus & Abigail | Russel, died Sept. 15* | 1807, aged 7 mon- | ths & 6 days. Here lies | the Body of | Benjamin Russel, | Son of the Rev'd Mr. I Daniel Russel, | who died Jan'ry 31=' | A. D. 1758, JE. 23. Here lies the | Body of | Mrs. Catherine Russel, | Wife of the I Rev'd Daniel Russel, | who died Jan. 18'^ | AD. 1777, aged 71 years. Here lies Interr'd | the Remains of the Rev'd | Mr. Daniel Russel, I Who wisely & Faithfully fulfilled | his Ministry for more than 37 ye'rs | with a Shining pattern of piety | in his Christian & Ministerial | Caractor and fell a sleep | the 16* of Sept. A. D. 1764, I Aged 62 Years. Here Lies ] the Body of Mr. | Daniel Russel Son | of the Rev'd Mr. | Daniel Russel, | who died of the | Small pox Feb'ry i7«i' I A: D: 1759. M. 27. Eliza, Daughter | of Rufus & | Abigail Russel, | who died Nov. 24* I 1804, aged i year | 6 months & | 24 days. Eliza Russell, | died | Aug. 19, 1879, | aged 71 y'rs, | & 2 mo's. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Here lies | the Body of | Hannah Daughter | of ye Rev'd Mr. Daniel | Russel, who died Aug'st | ye 23'"'^ 1753 ; In the ] 8* year of her Age. Horace Russell, | died | Sept. 14, 1863, | aged 58. James, Son of | James & Abigail | Russel, died Oct. 2^ | 1801, aged 16 I Months. James Russell, | Died Dec. 24, 1828, | Aged 27 Y'rs. | Austin Russell, I Died Oct. 16, 1826, | Aged 11 Y'rs. | Sons of Rufus & Abigail Russell. John Russel, | Son of the Rev'd | Daniel and Mrs. | Lydia Russel, Died | Sept. ye 23'''' 1741, | in the g*^^ Year of | his Age. 34 266 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Lydia Russel, | Daughter of the | Rev'd Daniel and | Lydia Russel, Died | Septem'r the 24'i> 1741, | about 2 Years of Age. Here | lyeth the | body of Lydia | daughter of | Ye Rev. Mr. | Daniel Russel, | who Dec'd Nov. the | 30"' 1735, in the | 4 Year of I her age. Here lyeth the Body | of Lydia the amiable | and virtuous wife I of the Rev'd Mr. | Daniel Russel who | Died Sept'r ye 3'''* 1750, I 2Et. 48 Years. Mary Ann, | daughter of j W. R. & E. Russell, | Died Mar. 12, 1837. In Memory | of Rebecca, ye Lovely | & pleasant wife of | Daniel Russel Dec'd, & | Desirable Daughter in | Law to the Rev'd Mr. | Daniel Russel, who | died of the Small Pox | March 7"^ 1750, I M. 24. Rufus Russell, | died | April 9, 1846, | M. 72. Here lies the | Body of Mrs. | Ruth Russel, wife | of Mr. Stephen | Russel, who died | Novemb'r ye 14*'' 1747, | in the 40"' year | of her Age. Sarah J. | died | Oct. 5, 1857, | aged 21 y's. | Elizabeth A. | died Dec. i, 1862, | aged 31 y's. j Daughters of Horace | & Sarah Russell. Sarah T. | wife of | Horace Russell, | died | Aug. 19, 1874, | Aged 72. Sophia D. | daughter of | Horace & | Sarah Russell, | died | Nov. 21, 1863, I aged 23 y'rs. William R. Russell | died | Oct. 2, i860, | M. 62. Even so Father for so it seemeth good in thy sight. Emely, | his wife, | Died July 18, 1883, | M. 73. Mother rest in peace. Mary Ann, | daughter of | W. R. & E. Russell, | Died Mar. 12, 1837, I M. 4 yrs. Cease my fond heart to murmur or repine, Nor dare to attempt Heaven high command to arraign. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 267 W. Burton | son of Walter R. | & Carrie W. Russell, | died Apr. 15, 1873, 1 2E. 19 yrs 9 mo. We shall greet thee again. Hattie E. | daughter of | Walter R. & Carrie W. | Russell, | died Jan. 13, 1884, | M. 22 y'rs. Fare you well for a time, Faded star of our home, Sweetly rest from all sorrow And pain till the Prince of the angels in triumph shall come and restore your lost glory again. Henry H. Ryer, | born April 28, 1854, | died Sept. 7, 1876. Sweet rest in Heaven. Elizabeth D. | wife of | George Ryer, | died Oct. 7, 1888, | Aged 62 yrs. Laura S. | wife of | George H. Sage, | Died Dec. i, 1862, | Aged 24 Years. " The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away." Charles E. Selden, | died | Aug. 31, 1833, | Aged 22. Edith L. I Daughter of | John & Jerusha R. | Shipmaker, | Died June 27, 1884, | Aged 10 y'rs, 1 1 mo's. She was the sunshine of our home, and angel to us given And when we cared to love her most, God took her back to heaven. Frederick G. | son of j J. & J. R. Shipmaker, | Died Aug. i, 1867, I M. 10 M. 21 D. Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. Jeromy G. | son of | John & Jerusha | Shipmaker, | Born Sept. 27, 1868, I Died Feb. 18, 1870. | M. 1 y'r. 4 mo's. Albert G. Shipman, | born | April 23, 1823. | died | Feb. 22, 1867. Emma May .| daughter of | James & Isabella | Shipman, | died I July 27, 1884, | Aged 5 yrs. 9 mo, 268 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Maria Rogers, | wife of | Samuel Shipman, | Born Jan. 31, 1800. I Died April 26, 1879. Samuel Shipman, | Born Aug. 9, 1794, | died | March 18, 1875- Ella Jane Drody, | daughter of | Daniel & Julia | Small, | Born Dec. 2, 1840, | Died Oct. 18, 1889. | Julia Bulkley Small | born I July 3, 1807, | died | May 6, 1879. I Francis H. Small, | died I Dec. 20, 1839, | aged i yr, 4 mos. | James B. Small, | died I May 6, 1849, | aged 3 Ys, 8 ms. Abigail, | wife of | Mason Smith, | died Nov. 9, 1864, | aged 66. Abigail W. Smith, | died | Dec. 15, 1865, | aged 86 years | 10 mo's. In memory of | Charlotte, | wife of | Edmund Smith, | died | Dec. 3, 1846, I aged 28. Clarissa Maria, | daughter of | Mason & | Abigail Smith, | died Dec. 21, 1825, | aged 5 years | & 6 months. David Smith | died | July 15, 1844, | M. 88. David K. Smith | died | Mar. 31, 1863, | aged 78. Davis Smith | died Apr. 3, 1875, | M. 76. | Abigail S. | his wife,] died April 26, 1890, | iE. 91. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Children of | Davis & Abigail Smith. | Abigail G. | died Apr. 25, 1821, I 2E. I y'r 4 mo. | Sarah Jane | died Aug. 25, 1826, 1 JE. 5 mo. I Martha G. | died Sept. 25, 1826, | 2E. 2 y'rs 10 mo. I Henry Davis | died Nov. 2, 1828, | JE. 11 mo. In Memory of | Edmund Smith, I who died | March 20, 1843, i ^- 28. I Also his daughter, | Almira, | died Nov. 20, 1843, I ^- 9 Mos. Eliakim Smith, | died | Jan. 26, 1846, | aged 88. EHza Jane | daughter of | M. & A. Smith, | died | Apr. 4, 1843, 1 ^- 20. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 269 Elizabeth Smith, | wife of ] David Smith, | died Sept. 6, 1831, | aged 71. Ezekiel Smith, | Died Feb. 9, 1847, I ^- 9i- | Anna, his wife, | Died Nov. 4, 1798, | M. 49. George M. Smith, | Ct. Volunteer, | died in Washington, | Jan. 5, 1863, I aged 37. Here | lies the | Body of Mrs. | Hannah, widow of | Jonathan Smith, I who died March ye 5 | 1741, in the 82"^ year | of her Age. Henry Smith, | Born Feb. 16, 1814, | Died Nov. 8, 1892. | Lucy C. Butler, | his wife, | Bom Jan. 8, 1813, | Died Oct. 12, 1843. I Emeline Goodrich, | his wife, | Born Sept. 11, 1815, Died Mar. 11, 1886. | Edgar G. Smith | Born Jan. 6, 1853, Died Aug. 6, 1853. | Henry G. Smith, | Born Aug. 7, 185 1, Died Oct. 9, 1851. | Arthur G. Smith, | Bom Dec. 18, 1855, Died Feb. 26, i Henry J. Smith, | died | July 21, 1881, | Aged 50. Laura M. | daughter of | Geo. M. & Justina E. | Smith, | Died Jan. 23, 1886, I ^. II Y's. 7 M's. 14 D's. Safe on His gentle breast. In I Memory of | Levi Smith, | who died | Sept. 15, 1758, | aged 33. I Christian, his relict, | died Dec. 22, 1802, | aged 77. Levi Smith | born | Mar. 8, 1782, | died Sept. 16, 1862. Betsey, his wife, | born | Mar. 7, 1785, | died Nov. 15, 1865. Adelia | their daughter | bom | Sept. 10, 1816, | died July 9 1854. I L. Horatio Smith | died | Feb. 11, 1864, | JE. 40 Yrs. | Eliza Ann, | wife of | Aaron C. Arnold, | died | Nov. 25, 1865, | JE. 56 Yrs. I Allen W. Miller | died | Apr. 23, 1849, | ^- 44 Yrs. I Emeline, | his wife, | Died Apr. 11, 1881, | M. 74 Yrs. | Cora, daughter of | John L. & Lucinda | Smith, | died June 24, 1865 ; I iE. 4 Months. In I Memory of | Manus Smith, | who died | June 8, 1814, | aged 82. In I Memory of | Martha, relict of | Manus Smith, | whO' died | Dec. 6, 1816, I aged 80. 270 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Mary A. | Born Sept. 5, 1856. | Willie S. | Born June 18, 1858, I Died Sept. 11, 1858. | Children of | L. Wesley & Fanny M. Smith. Mason Smith, | died | Oct. 21, 1872, | Aged 76. Nancy | wife of | David K. Smith, | died June 19, 1868, | aged 72 y'rs. Rhoda Smith, | died | Apr. 6, 1862, | aged 78 years. | Sophia Smith, I died | Apr. 4, 1862, | aged 71 years. Ruth Smith, | relict of | Philemon Ames, | and wife of | Ezekiel Smith, | died | March 14, 1842, | aged 83. Willie W. I son of | Walter & Kate L. | Smith, | died Nov. 3, 1864. I aged 4 yrs. 4 mos. Carrie M. Bidwell, | wife of | Edger E. Spencer, | died | Jan. 31, 1879, I aged 22. NelHe B. Goodrich, | wife of | Richard A. Spencer, | Born Dec. 30, 1852. I Died May 9, 1880. Our Darling Nellie. Sacred | To the Memory of | Mr. James Stanley, | who died March 31=* | 1816. | Aged 68 years. Sacred | To the Memory of | Mrs. Sarah Stanley, | Relict of | Mr. James Stanley, | Who died Oct. 24"^ | 1829. | Aged 83 years. Mary, Daughter of | William & Mary | Stilman, who died | Oct. 18* 1799, in the 3<^ | year of her Age. In I Memory of | Ebenezer Stow, | who died | Jan. 14, 1830, | in the yy, year | of his age. In I Memory of | Enos Stow, | who died | Sept. 19, 1822, | aged 32. In I Memory of | Ruth Stow, | wife of | Ebenezer Stow, | who died I Dec. 15, 1826, | aged 74. Alfred E. | son of | Warren & Mary | Taylor, ] died April 5, 1864, I aged 15. ROCKY HILL INSCRiPflONS 27 1 Charlotte V. | daughter of | Warren & | Mary Taylor, | died | Dec. 27, 1839, I ^. I y'r II m's. Mary, | wife of | Warren Taylor, | died July 19, 1856, | aged 49. Stephen W. | son of Warren & | Mary Taylor, | died | Feb. 19, 1853, I aged 22. Lydia, daughter | of Jonathan & | Honour Thare, | died Nov. 23"^ I 1798, aged 3 months | & 29 days. In I memory of | Betsey A. | wife of | John L. Thayer, | who died I April 13, 1843, 1 ^- 35 y'rs 3 mo | & 14 d's. In I memory of | Chapin, | 2^ son of John L. & | Betsey A. Thayer, | who died | April 23, 1842, | M. 11 y'rs & 28 d's. Josiah Thayer, | died | Aug. 15, 1839 | aged 39 | Lucy A. | widow of I Josiah Thayer, | late wife of | Leonard Packard, | died March 30, 1876, | aged 71. In I memory of | Lewis E. | son of John L. & | Betsey A. Thayer, | who died | March 3, 1842, | JE. 15 y'rs 5 mo' | & 18 d's. Oliver B. Tucker, | died | Feb. 28, 1892, | Aged 81 y'rs. | Frank Oliver, | Son of | Albert H. & | Lucy A. Northrup, | died I July 9, 1869, | Aged 1 1 mo's. Abijah H. Tryon, | died | April 5, 1864, | aged 50. Arrabella F. | daughter of | Abijah & AureHa | Tryon, | died March 3, 1857, | aged 4 yrs 4 mos. Collins Upson | March 12, 1829 — Aug. 17, 1896 | Martha L. I his wife, | March 9, 1827 — In Memory of | Mrs. Abigail Warner, | Wife of | Mr. Wait Warner, | ^vho died Dec. 19* | 1795. In the 59* | Year of her Age. In memory of | Mr. Daniel Warner. | he died July 16* 1798, | in the 56"^ Year | of his Age. George L. Weaver | died | Aug. 16, 1877, | Aged 66. Gone but not forgotten. 272 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Marshall J. Warner, | died | Nov. 29, 1863, | aged 29. Lovely in life and lovely still, Though death hath made the cold and chill, From thy pale lips no voice we hear. No gush of love our spirits cheer. Martha, | wife of | Roger Warner, | died | Nov. 18, 1855, | M. 76. Rock of ages cleft for .me, Let me hide myself in Thee, In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. Martha | wife of | James Warner, | Died Jan. 6, 1890, | Aged 77 Y'rs. " Faithful unto death." In Memory of | Mr. Roger Warner, | Son of | Capt. John and I Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, | who died with the | small Pox Decem'r 12"^ | AD. 1770. | In the 30* year | of his Age. In Memory of | Roger Warner, | who died | Feb. 17, 1839, | Aged 63 Y'rs. In memory of | Mrs. Sarah Warner, | wife of | Mr. Daniel Warner. | She died April 15-th | 1808, in the 68-th | year of her age. Sarah D. | daughter of | Walter & | Melissa Warner, | died | Feb. 24, 1840, I aged i year. Sarah Josephen, | daughter of | Walter & Melissa | Warner, | died I Aug. 30, 1838, | Aged i y'r & 8 mos. Thomas Warner, | died | Jan. 15, 1882, | Aged 58. In memory of | Capt. Wait Warner, | who died May 19"^ I 1804, in the 72-'' | year of his Age. Wait Warner, | died | March 28, 1891, | Aged 84. Walter Warner, | died | Feb. 4, 1861, | 7E. 55. Mary A. Warriner | Born May 8, 1834. Died Feb. 26, 1889. | Albert D. Sweet | Born April 22, 1856. Died July 12, 1883. I Robert D. Sweet | 1882 — 1C92. Clarissa A. | wife of | Giles T. Watson | died Nov. 3, 1893, I aged 55 yrs. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 273 Giles T. Watson | died | Nov. 7, 1892, | Aged 55 yrs. Nancy, | wife of | George L. Weaver, | Died Sept. 19, 1874, | Aged 54. David Webster | died | July 28, 1851, | aged 31 yrs. | Mary Dunham, | his wife, | died Mar. 16, 1889, | aged 63 yrs. | Leonard, | their son, | died May 18, 1848, | aged 3 w'ks. Abigail, | Daughter of | Capt. David & | Mrs. Mary Webb, | died Sept'r 29* | AD. 1775, | In the 9* year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Catharine, | Daughter of | Capt. David & I Mrs. Mary Webb, | who died Oct'r 8* | AD. 1775, | in her 19* year. Henry Webb | died Sept. 20, 1879 I ^- 74- I Mary, | wife of Henry Webb, | died Dec. 7, 1865, | JE. 56. | Henry Walstien, their son | died at Georgetown, S. C. | Aug. 19, 1869, 2E. 37. | Mary E. their daughter, | died Dec. 18, 1890, | JE. 54. | Ben- jamin G. Webb, I died March 22, 1892, | 7E. 82. | Elizabeth, | wife of B. G. Webb, | died Feb. 2, 1856, | ^. 44. | Ellen Miller Case, I their niece, | 1837 — 1894. | Capt. William Webb, | died April 2, 1843, 1 ^- 79- I Charlotte, his wife, | died June 27, 1855, I M. 82. I Charlotte Webb, | died Apr. 23, 1824, | M. 25. Polly Webb, | died Nov. i, 1865, | M. 69. | Eva M. daughter of Edgar W. & Ellen M. Webb, | born July 15, 1870, | died Jan. 23, 1876. I Agnes L. | daughter of E. W. Webb, | born May 8, 1866, I died Sept. 3, 1866. In Memory of | John Webb, | the Son of | Capt. David & Mrs. Mary Webb, | who departed this | life Septemb'r 9"* A. D. 1769, I in the 14"^ Year | of his Age. Martlia, | Daughter of | Capt. David & | Mrs. Mary Webb, | died Feb'ry 15* | AD. 1776, | In the 7''' year | of her Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Mary Webb, | first wife of | Capt. David Webb, I who died Decem'r 2^ | AD. 1762. | In the 36*'^ year | of her Age. In memory of | Mrs. Mary Webb, | 2-d wife of | Capt. David Webb, I who died Aug. 6, 1808, | aged 81 years. Capt. William Webb, | died Apr. 2, 1843, I ^- 79- I Char- lotte Webb I died Apr. 23, 1824, \ M. 25. 35 274 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS William Griswold Webb | Born Dec. 23, 1801, | Died in Lake City, Fla. | Mar. 29, 1867. A devoted Husband — a tender Father — A faithful Friend — An honest Man. He has gone to his Rest, Trusting in God. William H. Webb | died | Dec. 15, 1873. | Augusta B. | his wife, I Died July 13, 1877. Asleep in Jesus. William L. I Webb, | Serg't | Co. F. 13* Reg't. | Conn. Vol's. I died Feb. 2, 1891, | aged 62 years. At rest. In Memory of | Mrs. Keturah Weed, | Consort of | Capt. James Weed, | who departed this | Life July 25*^' | AD. 1787; | In the 59* Year | of his Age. Henry A. White | 1809 — 1863. | Cynthia, his wife, ] 1808 — 1896 I Children | Henry W. | 1840, aged 3 mos. | Sarah J. | 1848, I aged 6 mos. | Alice A. | 1841. Willie H. I son of | John & Ellen E. | White, | died Aug. 5, 1865, I aged I yr. 2 mo's. Chloe B. I wife of | W" S. Whitford, | died | Nov. 30, 1872, ] Aged 46. Though sleeping in the silent grave. Your precious memory In ev'ry heart behind you leave Shall ever treasur'd be. Mary Ellen, | daughter of | W^" S. & | Chloe B. Whitford ; | died Nov. 16, 1862, | M. 13 y'rs. Speak her name softly, Angels may now, Be wreathing immortals to garland her brow. Weep if we will, but think of her where Never shall reach her sorrow or care, We lay her to rest for a few brief years, We may behold in joy what we hurried in tears. William S. Whitford | died | Nov. 11, 1883, | Aged 62. Gone but not forgotten. Sacred | to the memory of | Elizabeth B. Whitmore, I wife of | Dea. Hezekiah Whitmore, | who died | Dec. 16, 1831. | Aged 68. Francis Whitmore, | died | June 10, 1875, | aged 40. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 275 Henry Whitmore, | died | Feb. 25, 1873, ] M. 87. | Anna, | his wife, | Died Apr. 28, 1872, | JE. 86. Hezekiah Whitmore, | died | Feb. 27, 1842, ] M. 86. | Betsey Whitmore, | died ] Oct. i, 1843, I ^- 53- Honor Miller, | wife of | Sylvester Whitmore, | died May 28, 1879, I aged 83 y'rs. Lewis Whitmore, | Nov. 19, 1823. | Feb. 15, 1891. | Joseph A. Bulkley, | Nov. 3, 1843. I Nov. 25, 1872. | Carrie, Daughter of | C. L. & Ella Whitmore, | July 31, 1884. | June 12, 1889. Maryl. Whitmore, | died | Aug. 22, 1878, | aged 33. Mehitabel Whitmore, | died July 22'^ 1788, | aged 5 months & 13 days. I Asa W. died June 22, 1789, | aged 12 hours. | Chil- dren of Mr. Hezekiah | & Mrs. Elizabeth | Whitmore. Nancy, daughter of | Hezekiah & Elizabeth | Whitmore, and | twin to Norman | Whitmore, died | Nov. 16* 1802, aged | i year & 5 months. Sylvester Whitmore, | died | Feb. 28, i860, | M. 66. William Whitmore, | died | Sept. 4, 1862, | aged 36. Alfred Wilcox | died | June 23, 1868 | aged 68. | Miranda, ] His Wife, | died | Nov. 20, 1870, | aged 72. | Phebe A. daugh- ter of I Alfred & Miranda | Wilcox, | died Aug. 15, 1840, | aged 16 yrs. Alfred D. | son of | Walter S. & Martha | A. Wilcox, | Died Jan. 17, 1867, I Aged 7 Yrs, 8 Mo. Chester Wilcox | died | Sept. 22, 1872, | JE. 72. The fatal shaft has reached its mark, And ended all thy suffering here. But Oh! thy future was not dark. Thy hope was strong, thy hope was clear. Sarah D. ] wife of | Chester Wilcox, | died | Jan. 15, 1852, | M. 51. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Laura Parsons, ] wife of | Nahum Wilder, | Jan. 30, 1799, | Dec. 18, 1879. Nahum Wilder, | died | Aug. 22, 1839, [ M. 48. 2/6 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS William Smith, | Son of | Nahum & Laura | Wilder, | Died Apr. 14, 1843, I M. 9 y'rs. In memory of | Mr. John Wilkinson. | He died May 5* 1807, I in the 78* year of his age. | Also of his wife, | Mrs. Mehitabel Wilkinson. | She died March 3<* 1820, | aged 84 years. Abigail B. | wife of | Moses W. WilHams, | 1821 — 1896 ) Margaret S. | daughter of | Moses W. & Abigail B. | Williams, | 1856— 1870. Ackley Williams | Born Jan. 19, 1789, | Died Dec. 27, 1874. children of | Ackley & Hannah | Williams. | Jane E. | wife of John Blakeley | Born Sept. 23, 1816, | Died Dec. 17, 1858, buried at | Sardinia, N. Y. | Fannie E. | Born Nov. 12, 1821. Died July 5, 1833. | Hannah Sage, | wife of | Ackey Williams, Born Sept. i, 1789. | Died May 26, 1824. In Memory of | Mr. Allen Williams, | who died July 14-th | 1817. I In the 37-th year | of his age. In Memory of | Allin, Son of j Mr. Ephraim & | Mrs. Ruth Williams, ] who' died Sept. 7* | 1779. Aged ] 2 years 5 months | & 15 days. Sacred | To the memory of | Miss Betsey Williams, | who died Sep. 26, 1807, | in the 28"' year of her age. | Also of | Thomas B. Williams, | son of Capt. Jacob & Mrs. | Mehitabel Williams, | who died in the West Indies, | May 21^' 1821, in the I 17* year of his age. Betsey D. | wife of | Merriam WilHams, | Died March 29, 1852, I in the 63-rd year | of her age. This marble monument may retain thy memory, but can never speak thy worth. Catharine | Daughter of | Washington & Mahitable | Wil- liams, I Died Dec. 10, 1846, | M. 39. Catharine L. | daughter of | Moses & Abigail B. | Wil- liams, I died I Aug. 13, 1852, | aged 5 y'rs. 5 mo's. Charles A. son of | Charles & | Caroline Williams, | died | Sept. 7, 1 83 1, aged 5 months | & 14 days. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 277 Mrs. Christian Williams, | Sec'd Wife of | Mr. Elias Williams, Jun'r. I & Daughter of Capt. | Daniel & Mrs. Thankfull | Wil- liams. I In the relations she sustained | Her character was amiable | & much lamented she died | July 29* 1794, in the | 24* Year of her Age. In memory of | Mrs. Comfort Williams, | Wife of | Mr. Eliel Williams, | who died Aug. 17-th 181 1, | in the 64-th year of her age. I Also of Moses their son, who | died at Port au Prince in the I West Indies Jan. 17-th 1794, | in the 22-d year of his age. In memory of | Mr. Daniel Williams, | who departed this | life April 12* 1797, | in the 59"' Year | of his age. Reader, be thou prepared early to meet thy God. remember, God hath said man shall early die. Sacred | to the memory of ] Daniel Williams, | who died | Aug. 30, 1810, I aged 35. Daniel WilHams, | died | Dec. 28, 1865, | aged 55. In memory of | Mr. Elias Williams. | He departed this | life March 15* 1801, | in the 33"^ year | of his Age. This monument is in | Memory of | Capt. Elias Williams, | who died Dec'r 5* 1798, | in the 81=' Year of his | Age. In memory of | Mr. Eliel Williams, | who died Aug. 2'* 1819, ] in the 74"^ year of | his age. In Memory of | Mr. Ephraim Williams, | he departed this life I April 22"^ AD. 1793. | In the 51=* Year of | his Age. In memory of | Mrs. Eunice Williams, | wife of | Capt. Jacob Williams, | who died April 14'^ | 1770, in the 72"^ Year | of her age. In memory of | Mrs. Eunice Williams, | wife of | Mr. John WilHams. | She died Sept. i-st 1805, | in the 36-th year of | her age. Frederick, Son | of Mr. John & | Mrs. Ester WilHams, | Died October | ye 5* 1748, two | years and 10 | Months Old. George Lewis | WilHams, son of | Willys & Rhoda | Wil- liams, I died July 30-th | 1803. Aged 3 years | & 25 days. 278 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Harriet Louisa, | daughter of | Wait and | Sally Williams, | died I May 11, 1830. | Aged i year & | 6 days. Henry Williams, | died | April 4, 1857, | aged 56. Horace Williams, | born | June 14, 1793, ] died | September 6, 1858. I Rachel, | his wife, | born | December 10, 1794, | died | July 21, 1844. Sacred | to the memory of | Capt. Israel Williams, | who died Aug. 23<^ 181 1, | in the 78*'' year of his age. | Also of his Wife, I Mrs. Lydia Williams, | who died Sep. 23'^ 1819, | in the 82"^ year | of her age. Jacob, Son of Mr. | Moses & Mrs. | Martha Williams, | died Aug'st ye 9* | 1755, being 16 | months & 4 days ] old. Here lies Interr'd | the Remains of Capt. | Jacob Williams, | who Departed this | Life January ye 29* | A: D: 175 1. In ye 62'^ I year of his Age. Sacred | To the memory of | Capt. Jacob Williams, | who died Oct. 30*^ 1813, | ag-ed 58 years. | Also of his wife | Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, | who died July 6* 1798, | in the 44"' year | of her age. In memory of | Jerusha, wife of | Levi WilHams, and | daugh- ter of Mr. I Moses & Mrs. Martha | WilHams ; She died | Aug. 18-th 1801 : I in the 40-th year | of her age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | John WilHams | who Departed this | Life Novemb'r the | 10* 1748, in the | 30* year of I his Age. John WilHams, | died | Aug. 13, 1829, | aged 64. O God thy will be done. John, jr. son of Mr. John | & Mrs. Sally WilHams, | died Oct. 9* 1810, I aged I year, 3 months | & 26 days. Lucy, I Daughter of | Mr. Ephraim & | Mrs. Ruth WilHams, | died Aug'st 19, | AD. 1771, | in her 6*^ month. Lucy, I wife of | Comfort WilHams, | died | Sept. 20, 1824, | 2E. 42 Years. kdCKY HILL iNSCRIPfiOMS 279 In memory of too Sons of | Daniel & Thankful Williams, ] the first was born & died | July g^^ 1767. | Lyman died Sept. 2^ 1 779, I in the 2^ Year of his Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Martha Williams, | wife of | Capt. Moses Williams, | who departed this Life | Feb'ry 3'^ AD. 1788, | in the 56* year | of her Age. Martha T. Williams, | Born | Dec. 21, 1821. | Died | Aug. i7, 1871. A blessing^ in life, she is blessed in death. In memory of | Miss Mary Williams, | daughter of Capt. Elias & I Mary Williams, | who died April 25-th 1809, in | the 22-d year of her age. Why should we mourn departed friends, Or shake at death's alarms. Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms. Mrs. Mary Williams, | Wife of | Mr. Elias Williams Jun'r, & Daughter of Mr. Joseph the Relations she sustained & Mrs. Elisabeth Dimock. | In Her Character was amiable | & much lamented she died | Dec'r 3'^ 1788, in the 24* | Year of her Age. Here lies the | Body of Mehetable | Williams, Daught'r of | Mr. John & Mrs. | Esther Williams, | who died March ye 17 [ 1758, in ye 13* year | of her Age. Mehitable | wife of | Washington Williams, | died June 14, 1866, I aged 84 years. Merriam Williams, | died May 10, 1857, | in the 72-nd year | of his age. " Christ is my only hope." " Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." Moses, I son of | Washington & | Mehitable | Williams, | died I June 19, 181 1, | aged 13 mo's. In memory of | Capt. Moses Williams, ] who departed this life I Feb. 7"^ 18 10, in the | 81-st year of his age. Nancy, | wife of | Henry Williams, | died | April i, 1882, | Aged 77. 2§o ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | Prudence, daughter of | Mr. Eliel & Mrs. Comfort Williams, | who died with the | Small Pox Oct. ii* 1785, in the 10* year | of her Age & 8* day | of her sickness. This monument is in | Memory of | Mrs. Prudence Williams, Wife of I Capt. Elias Williams, | who died Jan'y 12"^ I799. in the 77^^ year of her Age. Ralph W. Williams | died | Aug. 25, 1849, I ^- 3^- Rhoda Bulkley | wife of | Willys Williams, | died May 27, 1857, I aged 76. Richard, Son of | Richard & Hannah | Williams, who | died Jan. 13* 1797, I aged two months | & 21 days. Richard, Son of | Richard & Hannah | Williams, | who died | Jan. 11"^ 1798, aged | 13 days. In Memory of | Richard Williams, | who died | Nov. i, 1812, | aged 41. I Hannah, his relict, | died Jan. 3, 1815, | Aged 40. Farewell my children for awhile, We hope to meet again, The Saviour efficacious belov'd Will cleanse from every stain. This is erected by the afflicted children. Rosa, Daughter of | William W. & Susan | R. Williams, | died I Feb. 24, 1835, | 7E. i Y. 2 mo's & 22 d's. In Memory of | Mrs. Ruth Williams, | wife of | Mr. Ephraim Williams, | who departed this | life Aug. 6''' 1794, | in the 51^* Year of | her Age. * In I Memory of | Sarah, relict of | William Williams, | who died I Sept. 8, 1834, | Aged 75 Y'rs. This monument is | in memory of | Mr. Simeon Williams. | He died March 13"^ | 1800, in the 40-th | year of his age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Stephen Williams, | who Departed this j Life Jan'ry the 17* | 1747. In the 53'''^ year of his Age. Susan Williams, | 1822 — 1895. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 281 Urael, son of William & Sarah | Williams, died July 30* 1788, 1 aged 3 days. | William, son of William & | Sarah Wil- liams, died Jan. 8'^ | 1796, aged 7 months & 20 days. Ursula, daughter | of Mr. | John Williams | and Mrs. | Eunice Williams, | died Sept. 10* 1786, | aged 18 months. Venus, Son of | Mr. Ephraim & Mrs. | Ruth Williams, | he was deprived | of life by falling | into a well on the | 6"^ of Aug'st 1790 ; I In the 5* year | of his Age. Washington Williams | died | Dec. 23, 1851, | Aged 71. WilHam, Son of | Mr. Elias & | Mrs. Prudence | Williams, died I Decemb'r ye 2"'^ | 1749. In the 6* | year of his Age. In I Memory of | William Williams, | who died | April 7, 1831, I Aged 72. Willys Williams, | Son of | Ephraim & Ruth | WilHams, | Died Mar. 9, 1813. | M. 34. Ambrose Wolcott | died | June 18, 1878, | M. 65. | Juha A. | his wife died | Aug. 9, 1840, | M. 32. | EHzabeth, | his second wife, I died | Mar. 4, 1851, | M. 37. | Children of | A. & E. Wol- cott. I Henry, | died | Sept. 18, 1850, | yE. i. | Jennette, | died | Feb. 17, 1861, 1 JE. 17. I Dwight | killed in battle at | Fredericks- burg, Va. I Dec. 12, 1862, | M. 18. | Francis, | son of | A. & M. Wolcott, I died | Aug. 18, 1854, | M. 6 w's. Julia Ann, | wife of | Ambrose Wolcott, | died | Aug. 9, 1840. | M. 32. Behold and see, as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death & follow me. In memory of | Lois Wolcott, | wife of Josiah Wolcott, | and late wife of | Josiah Robbins, who | departed this life | Oct. 9-th 1775, in I the 46-th Year | of her Age. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of | Mr. Josiah Wolcott ; | who departed this life | March 28, AD. 1773 ; | In the 54"^ Year | of his Age. Death is a Debt to Nature Due Which I have paid & so must you. 36 282 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Frances Louisa | Wife of | Rev. Richard Woodruff, | Daugh- ter of I Washington & Mahitable | WiUiams, | Died Sept. 14, 1846, I M. 31. Amos Wright, | died \ Jan. 29, 1881, | M. 78. Benjamin Wright, | died | Dec. 29, 1862, | aged 79. Daniel, son of | Daniel & Sarah | Wright, died | May 22'^ 1793, in I the 3"* Year | of his Age. Daniel, son of | Daniel & Sarah | Wright, died | June i^* 1797, I in the 5* Year | of his Age. Here Lies Interr'd | the Body of | Deac'n Ebenezer Wright, who departed this | Hfe | Sept'r 2^ AD. 1766, | in the 70, year of his Age. Giles Wright, | died | Aug. 23, 1878, | aged 60 yrs. 5 mos. At rest in heaven Ella M. I only daughter of | Giles & Olive E. Wright, | Died Nov. 15, 1853, I Aged I yr. 9 mos. Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. Ira Wright | died | Jan. 3, 1854, | Aged 43. | Caroline Stow, | his wife, | Died Apr. 7, 1882, | Aged 67. They sleep that long and dreamless sleep, that knows no waking here. In memory of | John T. Wright. | He died April i !*•> | 1806, in the 21-st year | of his age. Hark from the tombs a doleful sound, Mine ears attend the cry. Ye living men come view the ground. Where you must shortly lie. John T. Wright, | died | March 18, 1849, | ^- ^7 y'rs. Justus Wright, | died | Sept. 27, 1861, | aged 59. Lucy, I wife of | Benjamin Wright, | died | Feb. 10, 1865, | aged 76 years. Lyman Wright | died | Nov. 28, 1859, | M. 78. | Patty | his wife died | Apr. 9, 1842, I M. 68. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 283 Mary, | wife of | William Wright, | died | Sept. 17, 1872, | aged 58. In memory of | Mehitabel Wright. | She died April 15'^ | 18 1 2, in the 24* year | of her age. Patty, I wife of | Lyman Wright, | died | Apr. 9, 1842. | M. 68. Katie | wife of | Joseph Zeister, | Died Feb. 7, 1885, ] Aged 40 y'rs. Safe in the arms of Jesus. In Memory of | Mr. Frederick Warner, | who died July 22-d | 1813, I Aged 40 years. Jesus my Saviour come, To waft my soul away. Thy sovreign will is done, I can no longer stay. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of | Mrs. Martha Adams, | the Wife of I Mr. James Adams, | who departed this | life May 18* AD. 1791. I Aged 37 Years. Now When Death is we Cannot be: Prepare then for Eternity. Alfred, | Son of | Chas. G. & Mary | Beaumont, | Died Feb. 3, 1858, I M. 4 ys, 3 mo. Charles E. Belden, | died | Aug. 31, 1833, | Aged 22, Oliver Son of M'' | Mosis & M" Ruth | Belding who died | Dec. II, 1797 Aged | 15 years. Here Hes the Body | of M'' Samuel | Belding who Dec'^ | December 27, 1738. | Aged 73 Years. Capt. Jarvis E. Blinn, | 14, Regt. C. V. | born | July 28, 1836, I died I Sept. 17, 1862. Antietam. In Memory of | Theodore BHnn, | who died | April 22, 1832, | ^.58. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saint. Charles Bulkley, | born | March 9, 1760, ] died | in the West idies I Jan. 15, 1799. | Eunice R II, 1760, I died I March 29, 1835 Indies | Jan. 15, 1799. | Eunice Robbins, | his wife, | born | July '}-\ i^ 284 RQCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M" | Dorothy Bulkley, | ReHct of Cap* | Edward Bulkley | Esq'', who Departed | this life Nov. y^ 30* | A. D. 1760, in the 81^' | year of her Age. In Memory of | Abigail, | wife of | William Butler, | & daughter of | Nath'l Bucknael | of Say Brook, | Who died | Dec. 3, 1843, I ^- 36- William Butler, j son of | Elnathan & Mary | Butler, | Born April I, 1803, I Died March 14, 1877. Sacred | to the memory of | Mr. David Chapman. | He died Nov. 19-th 1820, I aged 73 years. | Also of his son, | Mr. Jacob Chapman. | He died in the West-Indies, | Oct. 26-th 1817, \ aged 38 years. | And of his daughter, | Miss Susan Chapman. | She died in New-Haven, | June 29-th 1819, | aged 36 years. Sarah J. | daughter of | Revilo & Olive | Chapman, | Born Dec. 4, 1828, I Died June 3, 1874. Willie, I Spirit too pure for earth farewell. son of I William B. & | Mary H. Clark, | died | June 5, 1847, | aged I year. Almira, Daughter | of Thoma^ & Eliza | Danforth, died | Dec™ 12* 1801, I Aged 7 Years i | Month & 3 days. Abraham Doolittle, | died | Feb. 20, 1882, | Aged 73. Charles N. | son of | Norman R. & | Ellen S. Freeman, | died I April 17, 1853, | M. 5 mo's, 6 d's. Ellen J. I wife of | Melzar P. Gardner, | born May i, 1842, | died Nov. 15, 1866. Fold her, oh Father, in thy arms, And let her henceforth be, A messenger of love between Our human hearts and thee ! Esther Goodrich | died | Dec. 22, 1856, | Aged 84. Capt. I Jasper Goodrich | Died in St. Croix, W. I. | July 6, 1871, I Aged 81. I Interred there. | Nancy Bell, | his wife, | Died Feb. 22, 1872, I Aged 76. Orrin Goodrich | died | May i, 1866, | M. 66. Alfred B. | son of | Willys W. & Roxanna | Griswold, | Died Mar. 19, 1847, I Aged 12 D'ys. ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS 285 Lester, Son of | Mr. Josiah & Mrs. | Charlotte Griswold, | died Feb. 3-d 18 16, | aged 6 months | & 18 days. V Sophia, I wife of | Charles H. Hill ; | died at N.Y. | Feb. 24, 1841, I aged 40. I George Bradford, | her brother, | died at Fayetteville, N.C. | Sept. 30, 1846, | aged 58. In memory of | Mrs. Mary Holmes, | Wife of [ Mr. John Holmes : | She died April 19-th | 1807 ; in the 69-th | year of her age. Mary A. | daughter of | Eleazer & | Maria Holmes, | died Oct. 22, 1853, I ^- 6 y'rs, 6 mo, 4 d's. Sleep oil dear Mary & take thy rest, God call'd thee home, he thought it best. Polly W. Hooker, | died | March 23, 1886, | Aged 77. Urania Hooker, | wife of | A. B. Doolittle, | Born May 14, 1814, I Died Nov. 8, 1895. Joseph Jorey, | died Jan. 17, 1875, | aged 58. | Jane S. Porter, | his wife, | died June 12, 1858, | aged 33. ' ' The Lord is my strength and my Redeemer." ' ' The Lord is mine and I am his. " Mary K. | bom July 28, 1849, | died Oct. 3, 1849. I Martha S. I born July 28, 1849, I died Sept. 6, 1854. | children of | Joseph & Jane S. Jorey. Of such is the kingdom of heaven. William Jorey, | died | April 25, 1849, I aged 68. We part to meet again on the other shore. Benjamin Morton | died | Feb. 6, 1852, | aged 62. Benjamin S. | son of | Fjederick & | Jerusha Morton, | died | Dec. II, 1843, I ■^- 2 yrs. Elizabeth Morton | died | May 11, 1855, | aged 70. John Morton | died | April 16, 1866, | Aged 85. In I Memory of | Lucy Morton, | who died | Oct. 6, 1848, | M. 66. James W. | Died Aug. 20, 1838, | M. 3 mo. | William W. Died May 27, 1841, | M. i y'r. 4 m. | Children of James W. & Mary Reilley. " Suffer little children to come unto me." 286 ROCKY HILL INSCRIPTIONS In memory of | Mrs. Lucretia Robbins, | Wife of | Mr. Zebulon Robbins ; | who died April 17-th | 1785, aged 2^ years. Rodrick, Son of | Mr. Zebulon & | Mrs. Hannah Robbins ; | who died Jan^ 30th | 1788, aged i year. Annie Estelle, | daughter of | Charles S. & | Ann E. Robin- son, I died Nov. 15, 1862, | M. 3 y'rs 10 d's. We loved her Oh no tongue can tell, How much we loved her and how well. God loved her too he thought it best, To take her home with him to rest. Fare thee well sweet bud of beauty. Little angel fare thee well, For thou wert too pure & lovely. In a world like this to dwell. Benjamin Smith, | died | Jan. 28, 1896. | Aged 78. | Cor- nelia, I Wife of I Benjamin Smith, | Died Dec. 29, 1875, | Aged 63. I Ellen C. Smith, | wife of | G. S. Morgan, | Died in Carson City, Nev., | Oct. 4, 1877, Aged 37. | Charles Edmund, | Son of I Benjamin & Cornelia | Smith, | Died Oct. 22, 1873, | Aged 23 Yrs. & II Mos. Emma, j daughter of | W. H. & K. L. Smith, | died | July 23, 1859, I M. 3 mo, 14 ds. Heaven hath one cherub more. Frankey L. | son of | Walter & Kate L. | Smith, | died Nov. 27, 1862. I aged 4 mos, 10 days. Little Frankey has gone from us, His sufferings here are oer. His heavenly father called him home, To dwell forever more. Horace Earl, | son of j George & Laura | Smith, | Died Dec. 20, 1856, I aged 3 yrs, 7 mos. He was the sunshine of our home. An angel to us given. Just when we cared to love him most, God q^U'd him back to heaven. Lansing S. | son of Henry J. & | Mary H. Smith, | died | April 10, i860 I ^. II mo's, 13 days. Rest little Lansing rest, Thine is an early doom ; Thy saviour loved thee best. And early called thee home. Little Percy, | son of | George M. & Justina E. | Smith, | Died Dec. 31, 1879, | JE. 2 Ys, 7 Mos, 23 Da's. Safe in the arms of Jesus. kOCKV HtLL INSCRIPTIONS 287 William H. | son of | Henry H. & Fanny C. | Taylor, | died Sept. 4, 1863, 1 aged 3 yrs, 3 mos. At rest in heaven. The Grave of | Abigail Warner, | Wife of | Levi Warner, | who died | June 23, 1835, | Aged 73 Years. In Memory of | M" Anna Warner, | Wife of | M'' Levi Warner, | who departed this | Life Decemr 13th | AD. 1782, | in the 20'^ year | of her Age. Emma M. | daughter of | Stanley W. & Almira | Warner, | Died Aug. 14, 1866, | Aged 11 Mo, 4 Ds. Gone but not forgotten. In memory of | M"" Levi Warner. | He died Jan^ 4"^ | 1803, in the 47'^ | year of his age. Levi Butler, | Son of | M"- Levi & | M"^^ Anna Warner, | died April 17, 1783, I Aged 4 months. Walter A. | son of | Walter & Melissa | Warner, | died Mar. 23, 185 1, I aged 9 yrs, 9 mos. William W. Warner, | died | Nov. 10, 1885, | Aged 81. | Maria W. Flint, | wife of | William W. Warner, | died | Aug. 30, 1880, I Aged 73. Susan, I daughter of | Sylvester & | Honor Whitmore, | died I July 4, 1841, | M. 8 mo & 20 d's. Hattie B. | Died Nov. 3, 1862, | Aged 3 yrs, 11 mo, 10 ds. Bennie C. | died Nov. 24, 1862, | M. 2 ys, 4 ds. | Children of Ebenezer C. & | Sophronia T. Wilcox. We know that God has but recalled The gems that he hath given, And though the caskets moulder here. The jewels are in heaven. In memory of | Nahum, | son of Nahum & | Laura Wilder, | who died | May 3, 1825, | aged 8 months | and 18 days. In memory of | Mary Elizabeth, | daughter of | Merriam & | Betsey Williams, | died Dec. 12, 1829, [ aged 3 years, | 10 months & 10 days. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS Beckley Quarter. As early as 1668, Sergeant Richard Beckley bought from Turramuggus, Sachem of the Mattabesett tribe of Indians, a tract of 300 acres in what is known as Beckley Quarter, in the northeast part of the town of Berlin. In May, 1713, Newing- ton, including Beckley Quarter, was incorporated as the Second or West Society of Wethersfield; in October, 1715, Beckley Quarter was annexed to the Second Society of Farm- ington (Great Swamp), named Kensington in May, 1722, and now a part of the town of Berlin. The cemetery at Beckley Quarter was opened in 1760, Daniel Beckley, Jr., who died March 4, 1760, being the first tO' be buried there. The town of Berlin, taken from Wethersfield, Farmington, and Middle- town, was incorporated in May, 1785. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 289 INSCRIPTIONS Copied by Edwin Stanley Welles Bathsheba, | Relict of | Joel Bacon, | Died | Dec. 22, 1849, | R. 80. In memory of | Alfred Wyllys, & Albert Wells, | the Infant Sons of Luther | & Sarah Beckley. | Alfred Wyllys | died April, loth I 181 1. Aged I year, | 3 Months, & | 23 days. | Albert Wells I died April, i6th | 181 1. Aged i year, | 3 Months, & 29 days. Weep not fond parents, Heaven is kind Tho seemingly severe Your happy babes are free from pain Oh! wipe away each tear. This I Monument is erected | to the Memory of | Allen Beck- ley, I who died | Oct. 3, 1832 : | ^t. 44. In Memory of | Amos Beckley, | Son of Mr. Jonathan | & M" Mary Beckley; | he died October y« | 17* AD. 1776 in the | First year of his | Age. In Memory of | M"" Benjamin Beckley | who Departed this | Life Nov"" 12"' I AD : 1777 | in the 80**^ year | of his Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of M"^ | Daniel Beckley | Who Departed | this Life July y« 3"^ | A D 1760 In y= 66* | Year of his Age In Memory of | Daniel Beckley ju"" | who died March | y^ 4"^ A D 1760 In y^ 36 I Year of his Age. The first Interr'd In this Burying place. In memory of | David Beckley. | who departed this | Life Nov. 19-th, 1798; I Aged 57. In this cold lodging, lies conceal'd, The husband kind, the childrens. friend, To rest secure, free'd from alarm Till God does call his children home. 37 ^oo BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS Sacred | to the Memory of | Mr. David Beckley. | Who died | Oct. i6, 1822. I M. 57. In memory of | Capt. Ehas Beckley, | who died Feb. 14th ] 1816. In the 8ist year | of his age. In I Memory of | Ehas Beckley. | who died | Oct. 4* 1828 | M. 69. Emeline J. | daughter of | Norman & | Mary Beckley ; | died Aug. 30, 1832 I aged 2 years | and 4 months Eugene F. | Son of | James H. & | Emeline A. ] Beckley, | Died I Sept. 20, 1854, | 2E.. i Y'r 24 D's. Budded on earth To bloom in heaven. In I Memory of | Eunice Beckley, | who died | March 10, 1838; ^t. 79. Evelin Beckley, | Died | Nov. 21, 1840. | M. 29. Sacred | to the Memory of | Hannah M. Beckley, | wife of | Sylvester Beckley; | who died | March 18, 1838: | Aged 58 years. " As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." In memory of | Hepzibah & Joseph Infant | children of David & Hepzibah | Beckley. | Hepzibah died | August 23d | 1775. Aged 2 I years 5 months | & 14 days. | Joseph died | Jan. 25th 1777. I Aged I year | 2 months & | 13 days. In memory of | Hephzibah Daughter of | Selah & Caroline | Beckley. | who died | Oct. 17th. 1794. Aged | 5 years. | Also of their infant | Daughter. Aged 8 days. Sacred | To the Memory of | Hepzibah Beckley, | Relict of | David Beckley. | she died | Feb. 19* 182 1. | ^t. 76. In Memory of | Ens" John | Beckley who | Departed this | Life March 24* | AD 1765 In the | 70'^ year of | his Age. In I memory | of | Jonathan Beckley | Who died June 30* 1804 I .^t. 49 . Reader should you here cast your eye Remember that you too must die BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 291 In I Memory of Mr. | Joseph Beckley, | who died Jan' | 30* 1772. Aged I 76 years. In Memory of | Joseph. Son of | M"' David & | M" Hephzi- | bah Beckley | who died Apr' | 12* 1772 Ag'd | 14 mons ten j Days. In memory of | Mrs. | Julia, wife of Mr. Orrin | Beckley ; she died Oct. 16* | 1808. ^t. 23. | Also their | Infant Son, he died the i6'h June | prior; ^t. 31 hours. Ye living friends, when this you read; Reminded be of the virtuous dead: Who was cut down, in early life. The dutiful child and loving wife; In great distress, with the utmost patience she, Endured, for six months; and one day. Levi Beckley, | son of | Norman & Mary | Beckley, | Died May 17, 1852 : | Aged 32. In Memory of | Lois Beckley | Eldest Child of | M"" Elias and I M''^ Lois Beckley | who died Dec'' | 26* AD 1773 | in her jgth year In memory of | Mrs. Lois Beckley, | wife of | Capt. Elias Beckley, | who died May 3d 1815. | In the 7S-th year | of her age. In Memory of | M" Lucy Beckley | Wife of. | M"" Theodore Beckley | Who departed this | Life July 14* | AD : 1780 | in the 32"* year | of her Age. Eel. ch. 12, I In memory of | Luther Beckley, | Who Died | Jan. II, 1841, I Aged 62 Y'rs. 3 months. " Amicus, usque,, ad„ aras." Requiescat in pace. In Memory of | Luther & Joseph | Infant Sons of | Luther & Sarah Beckley, | Luther died Dec. 15, 1816. | ^Et. i Y"" & 4 M°. I Joseph died April 3. 1824, | -Mt. i Yr In I Memory of | Marcia, | wife of Allen Beckley : | who died Sept. 13, 1816. I Mt. 26. I Almira, daughter of | Allen & Marcia Beckley : | died Jan. 27, 1816. | .^t. 5 months & 14 days. In memory of | Martha, Relict of | Daniel Beckley; | who died March 5 ] AD. 1791. Mt. 90. 292 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | M" Mary Beckley | Wife of ] Ens" John Beckley | Who Departed This | Life Apr" the 19* | AD. 1761 | In the 61^* year | of her Age In I Memory of | Mary, wife of | Jonathan Beckley ] who died Dec. 25, 1831. I M. 78. I'm bound to meet you, In the heavenly land, till Jesus bids you come. Mary A. | Wife of | Norman Beckley, | Died | Jan. 27, 1861, | Aged 65. Miriam Clapp \ Wife of | Allen Beckley, | Died | Sept. 24, 1879 I ^- 85. I Everlin Beckley | Died | Nov. 21, 1840 | M. 29. In I Memory of | Norman Beckley. | Who died June 7 | 1836. JE. 42. I Also his infant son | Norman | died August 6. 1836. | aged 3 days. In I Memory of | Rachel Beckley. | wife of | Elias Beckley. | who died | August 26, 1826, | ^t. 65. Roxa Beckley, | Died Dec. 18, 1865, | Aged 82. My dear and living friends come) view the ground where you must shortly lie. In memory of | Sarah, | Wife of | Luther Beckley, | Who Died I Feb. 21, 1861, | Aged 75 Y'rs. In Memory of | Seth Beckley. | Son to M"- Daniel & M--^ | Ruth Beckley : | Who Died | February y^ 27*i> A D. | 1769 : | in the 16* year | of his Age. This Monument is erected | in memory of | Capt. Seth Beck- ley. I who died at Cape Francois | in the island of Hispaniola in ] the year 1802. His life was devoted | to the sea faring business he was | active and usefuU in his profession | untill his death, which was in | the 27* year of his age. Lean not on earth; 'twill pierce thee to the hea^, A broken reed at best, but oft a spear; On its sharp point, pesjce bleeds and hope expires. In I Memory of | Mrs. Sibel, | relict of Mr. | Joseph Beckley ; | who died June | 6* 1783. | Aged 79 years. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 293 Silas Beckley, | died Oct. i, A. D. 1823: | Mt. 57. | After a distressing sickness | of 43 years. | Patience Beckley, | died Feb. 29, A. D. 1836 ; | Mt. 60. | Widow of Silas Beckley. Solomon Beckley | Died | Feb. 5, 1858, | Aged 79. | Lucretia | His Wife | Died Feb. 4, 1854, | Aged 60. Sacred, | to the Memory of | Mr. Sylvester Beckley, | who died Dec. 17, 1821 : | .^t. 50. Sylvester Augustus | Son of | Sylvester & | Hannah M. Beck- ley, I died April 17, 1828; | ^t. 11. A dutiful son and affectionate brother. Here Lies the Body | of Theodore Beckley | Who died Jan 26* I 1806 In the 63'! I year of his Age William S. Beckley, | Died | Sept. 3, 1844, | Aged 32. Here Hes the dear remains | of William Augustus, onely | Son of Sylvester & | Hannah M. Beckley. | who died July 30th 181 1. I Aged 5 years & 7 Months. Dear Parents let thy sorrows cease. Suppress each rising sigh. And humbly hope your darling son Is with the Lord on high. Then sleep, sweet gentle spirit free from pain Till kindred souls shall, happy meet again. Belden | James Belden | Died | Apr. 9, 1881, | M. 77 Yrs. 6 Mo. I Anna M. Wife of | James Belden | Mar. 28, 185 1 2E. 41. \ JE. 78. I James W. CharlestO'wn S. C. I Laura His Wife' | Died | Feb. 9, i! Belden | Co. C. 7. Reg. C. V | Died at Oct. I. 1864 M. 31. I Wilber R. | Mar. 10. 1859. ^. 9 M. | Mary E. I Aug. 19. 1862. 7E. 2. I Anna M. | Died | June 6. 1839 M. 7. I Anna E. | Feb. 28. 1845 ^- 4- I Lovira P. | Jan. 31. 1848 M. 14. I Wilber R. | Mar. 15. 1848 \M.i.\ Marshal F. Belden | Co. A. 7. Reg. C. V. Killed | at Ft. Wagner. | July 11. 1863. | M. 20. I Eliza M. I Wife of | F. W. Beckley | died Sep. 6. 1852. JE. 23. I Almira B. Wife of | H. Lincoln | June 18. 1866 M. 34 | Minnie A. | Nov. 13. 1859. M. 3. Eunice. | wife of | Thomas Booth. | Died | Nov. 20. 185 1, | Mt. 84. In Memory of | Thomas Booth, | Who Died | May 6, 1836, | Aged 80 Years. 294 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS '' Charles Clark. | Died | March 14, 1848, | aged 47. Abner Culver | Died | Apr. 28. 1869 | 2E. 72. George W. Culver j Died | April 12, 1855. | Aged 28. In memory of | Rhoda the wife of | Samuel Davis. | who died July 27th I 1810. Aged 36 years. The God that brought me from the womb Hath call'd me down into the tomb. Emily J. | Wife of | Philip H. Deming | Born June 16, 1833 | Died June 25, 1885. Mr. Israel Deming, | died | April 30, 1848 [ M. 88. | Mrs. Hepzibeth, | his wife, died | March 18, 1832 | M. 69. In Memory of Ens" | Jacob Deming Who | departed this Life I In July the 29'^ In the | Year 1791 In the 78* | Year of his Age. In Memory of | Lieu* Joseph | Deming he died | Feb''>' y^ 28"' 1774 I in y^ 6y^ year | of his Age In Memory of | Lucy Deming, Relict of | Jacob Deming; who I died March 7* AD. ] 1802. in the 82'^ year j of her Age. In Memory of | Philip Deming, | who died Aug. 19. 1836. | ^t. 40. I Also his son | Henry Deming, | who died in Virginia. | Sept. 15, 1834; I Mt. II. Philip H. Deming | Of Co. A. 25th Reg. Conn. Vol | Died | Nov. 6, 1862, I JK. 27. Sally. I Wife of | Philip Deming. | Died | Jan. 13, 1863, | ^.66. In I Memory of | David Dickinson, | who died March 25, 1826: I Mt. 70. Why do we mourn departing friends, Oh shake at deaths alarm, 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. In memory of | Lieut. Nathaniel Dickenson. | He died, Jan- 28th, 1794 ; I in the 75th year of his age. | Also of | Mrs. Thank- ful Dickenson, | wife of Lieut. Nathaniel Dickenson. | She died, June 5th, 1804 ; in | the 75th year of her age. B^CkLkV QUARTER tNSCRlPfiONS 29S In I memory of | Sibble Dickenson | wife of | David Dicken- son, I who died Nov. 26, 1839, | Aged 83. * Sacred | to the Memory of | Leonard Dickinson, | who died | Dec. 2, 1824: I ^t. 41. God's voice to you aloud doth call. To let you know he's Lord of all. And by his grave and spirit too, Aloud my friends doth call on you. In I Memory of | Jiry Dickinson. | who died | March 22. 1830. I Mt. 32. Let worms devour my wasting flesh And crumble all my bones to dust. My God shall raise my frame anew At the revival of the just. Elias DilHngs | Died Jan. 26, 1852, | M. 72. | Mary | His Wife, I Died Jan. 15, 1859, [ M. 78. | Walter | Their Son, | Died May 15, 1857 I 2E. 37. Frank, | son of | Wood & Mary Gilbert | & grandson of Samuel & | Mary Richards, | died Feb. 6, 1853, I aged 10 mos. 10 days. Mary, | Daughter of | Wood & Mary Gilbert | Died Jan. 14, 1856, I Aged 6 Months. In Memory of | M" Ruth Harris : | formerly the Wife of M'' Daniel Beckley Ju" | Who Died | July, the 9* A D : 1773 : in the 47*^ year | of her Age. Jared Higgins | Died | Jan. 20, 1876, | M. 85 Y'rs. | Harriet, wife of I J. Higgins | Died | Oct. 16, 1874, | M. 83 Y'rs. Martha N. | Wife of | George S. Higgins | Died | May 31, 1881, I Aged 43 Y'rs. Henry T. Kelley | Died | At Montana | April 3, 1886, | Aged 40. I Stephen Kelley | died | Oct. i, 1895, | aged 53. | Hepsibah Kelley | died | March 7, 1889, | aged 83. Here lies interred | the body of Mr. | Ezekiel Kellsey | who departed this Life, | April 12* AD. 1795, | In the 83'^ year | of his Age. Sleep sweet in dust till Jesus comes And wakes the nations from the tombs. 296 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS Here lies intered the | body of Sarah, ReHct | of Ezekiel Kellsey, | Who departed this Life | Oct. 17*^ AD. 1798. | Aged 83 this day Children I'm gone to the realms above, ' Prepare to meet your Saviour love. E H I Mr. I Enoch Kelsey, | died June 2d 1788. | ^t.68. | Mrs. Mary, Widow of | Mr. Enoch Kelsey : | died Jan. 27th 1798. | ^t. 77. Hannah, | Wife of | Stephen Kelsey, | Died | June 23, 1854, | 2E. 90. Lucy Kelsey | Died | Sept. 21, 1855, | M. 53. Mary B. Richardson | Daughter of | Stephen & Hannah | Kelsey, | Died Dec. 17, 1869, | 7E. 73. This I Monument is erected | to the Memory of | Stephen Kelsey | who died | Feb. 21, 1833 : | aged 68 years. Frank E. Kilbey | Died | Jan. i, 1869. | M. 29. Lewis E. I Son of | E. E. & R. W. Kilbey j Died | Dec. 11. 1868 I ^. 4 M. 9 D. Infant | Son of | G. & M. Lincoln | Died Sept. 11, 1861. Anna, | Wife of | WilHam Miller, | Died Oct. 2, 1877, | Aged 84 Y'rs. Fanny Maria | Daughter of | W™ & Anna Miller, | Died | June 12, 1840, I 2E. 24. In Memory of | Jason Miller | Son of | William & Anna | Miller, I who died j Dec. 12, 1835, | M. 13 Yrs. | Also an infant | died Feb. 20, 1820, 2E.. 6 mo's. Remember now thy Creator, In the days of thy youth. William Miller, | Died | Sept. 11, 1846, | aged 53. In memory of Cyrus, | Son of Ithamar and | Chloe Morgan ; he was | born May 8'^ AD. 1786. | & died May 7'^ AD. ] 1803. Age 17 years. A Coffin Sheet & Graves My Earthly store; Tis all I want, & Kings will have no more. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 297 North I Abijah North | Died | Sep. 30. 1864 | M. 72. | Hepza- beth, I Wife of | Abijah North | Died in Virginia | Nov. 9, 1831, I M. 31. 1 Mary , | His 2°° AD 1788. In the | 86* year of his Age. In I Memory of | Isaac North, | Who died Sept. 13. | 1823 : .-Et. 50. I Sarah, wife of | Isaac North. | who died June 10. | 1822 : JE. 40. In Memory of | Isaac North, | Who died Nov. 17* | AD. 1804. ^t. 75. In I Memory of | M"" Joseph North | Who died April 18. 1819, I Aged 63. I Also Rhoda, wife of | Joseph North | who died June 5. | 1818 Aged 62. In memory of | Lois. Daughter of | Samuel & Lois | North. who I died July 20-th 1786.I In her 15th year of | her Age. Death! Inevitable! Important! Lucy, I wife of | Silas North, | Died | Oct. 27, 1841, | aged 57. Mary, | Wife of | Dea. Isaac North | died Aug. 25, 1798, | ^.91. In I Memory of | Sally North | Daughter of Joseph | & Rhoda North I who died | July 16. 1818. | Aged 27. 38 ^98 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of | Mr, Samuel North. | who died | July 19th, 1814. I aged 72, years. In Memory of | Mrs. Sarah North | consort of Mr. | Jedediah North I who departed this life | Oct.*'' 5 AD 1775 | Aged 36 Years. In Memory of | M'' Selah North, | who departed this Life | Sept. 6* AD 1786 : | in the 33'' year | of his Age. Mr Seth North, | died Feb. 29, | 1820 : | in the 71 year | of his I age. | Mrs Eunice, | wife of | Mr Seth North | died Sept. 18, 1819: I Aged 69 y'rs. The Memory of the Just Shall flourish while they sleep in dust. Silas North, | Died | Dec. 28, 1839, | aged 67. In memory of | Silas North, Son of | Elijah & Patty North | Born Nov. 30th 1813. died | Nov- 14th 1814. A little son and brother too, In Jesus arms I think you lie, I hope and pray that when we die. We shall be prepared, to be with you. My Son. | M. 3 mos. | 10 days. In Memory of | Zedediah North, | who died Dec. 16, | 1816. M. 82. Albert B. | Son of | F. & M. Norton | Died Jul. 20. 1864. | M. 11. Uncheered by thy loved presence must we sadly journey on Day by day still drawing near thee till our earthly work is done Humbly hoping that unto us the blessed gift be given To join our loved and lost one in the shining courts of Heaven. Elizabeth L. | died Feb. 22. 1844 | M. 7 Y'rs & 6 Mo's. Thy body in the grave is laid, Thy spirit is with God on high; They that have heard thy words in death No more may fear to die. Fond parents stay thy tears. And weep not o'er my tomb; Remember Elizabeth's dying words Was come to Jesus come. Linus, I died Sept. 27, 1834 | M. 3 days. | Children of | Linus & Nancy | Norton. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 299 Eugene L. | son of | Francis & | Mary Norton, | died Feb. 18, 1852, I aged 2 y'rs. | & 4 mos. I am the Resurrection, saith A voice of mighty power; From precious seed thus sadly sown Shall spring a glorious flower. Sleeping in Jesus! blessed thought! Sleep on my gentle boy! Forever safe, forever pure: This is my rest, my joy. Norton | Francis B. Norton | Died | Nov. 11, 1888, | Aged 42 Y'rs. I Co. B i^t Regt. | Conn. Vol. H. A. Linus Norton | Died | Feb. 22, 1854, | Aged 59. See o'er the tomb these mourners weep. Each heaves a heartfelt sigh. In this cold grave a Father sleeps. Hid from each mortal eye. Mary E. | daughter of | Francis & Mary | Norton. | died Dec. 26. 1856, I M. 5 yrs. 5 mo. Farewell, little Mary, farewell to thee now Death's signet is set on thy beautiful brow And the casket that once held a jewel so bright Must now and forever be hid from our sight. Our Mother | Nancy | Wife of | Linus Norton | Died | Feb. 10. 1862 I M. 61. Farewell dear mother, christian, friend, Thy cares on earth are at an end Sleep on till Christ shall call the blast To glory, and eternal rest. Hannah Nott, | Died | Jan. 12, 1849, I Aged 71. Jonathan Nott | Died | Nov. 17, 1858, | M. 78. Martha A. | Wife of | Frederick Nott | Died Mar. 30, 1885 | Aged 52. Prudence Belden | Wife of | Jonathan Nott | Died | Feb. 9, 1882, I M. 88. In. I Memory of | Zebedee Nott, | Who died | April i, 1827, | ^.49. 300 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Dea. Aaron Porter | who died | Nov. 14* 1820 I ^t. 91. In Memory of | Aaron Porter, | who died | Aug. 27, 1837, | ^. 85. Aaron Porter | Died | Dec. 4, 1849, I ^- 63. In I memory of | Abijah Porter | who died | April 13, 1845, I aged 85. Damaris Porter | died | March 15, 1838: | Aged yy years. Porter | Ethan B. Porter, | Died | July, 6, 1866, | M. 69. | Julia, His Wife Died | July, 4, 1867, | 2E. 70. | Mahala, | Wife of I Tho^ E. Porter | Died | Jan. 2, 1869, | M. 49. | Abigail W. Died I Nov. 9, 1841, | M. 20. | Lydia B. Died | June, 10, 1842, | 2E. 18. Horace Porter. | Born | Apr. 20, 1793, | Died | Oct. 5, 1857, | ^.64. He's sleeping in the grave. His home is with the blest; We will not wish him back, For there he'll sweetly rest. Father | James R. Porter | Aug. 11, 1821. | Mar. 25, 1895. At Rest Ever dear to our memory is the name of Laura. Laura J. | Wife of | W" H. Porter ] Died | July 20. 1866. [ M. 20. Leeman Porter | Died | Aug. 25, 1858, | 2E.. 69. Porter | Leonard D. Porter | Died | Feb. 20, 1869, | 2E.. 38. | Sarah J. | His Wife | Died | Mar. 10, 1885, | M. 46. | Mattie M. Died I Feb. 6, 1864, | 2E. 16 M. | Willie D. Died | Jan. 25, 1864, | M. I M. In I Memory of | Linus Porter, | who died | July 14, 1825 : | Mt. 22. Sacred | to the Memory of | Lois, daughter | of | Aaron & Lois Porter. | who died | Feb. 20. 1788. | ^t. 8. > Sacred | to the Memory of | Mrs. Lois Porter | wife of | M"" Aaron Porter | who died Feb. 20* | 1825 2E.. 71. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 301 Lotan Porter | Died | Oct. 30. 1858 | M. 59. | Clarissa P- ] His Wife | Died | June 26. 1880 | M. 80. | Linus A. | Sep. 15. 1826 JE. I I Frederick L. | Jul. 28. 1833 ^. 10 | Linus A. | Nov 29 1862 M. 33 I Edwin A. | Mar. 29. 1867 M 39 | Emily F. | Oct. 29. 1871 M .39. |. Frederick A. | Feb. 24. 1885 M 48. | Chas. E. Steele | died | Apr. 13. 1863 | 2E. 26. | Clarence B. | May. 9. 1888. I M. 25. Louisa W. Porter | Died | Dec. 10, 1888, | Aged 72 y'rs. Lovira Porter, | daughter of | Abijah & | Elizabeth Porter : | Died I Nov. 12, 1^32 : | aged 16 years. There is rest in Heaven. Lucy C. I Wife of | James R. Porter, | Died June 26, 1856, | Aged 32. In memory of | Mr. Luther Porter. | who died Oct. 12-th, | 1806 Aged 40 years. Weep not for me you that stand by Weep for yourselves for you must d'«- Mabel, | Wife of | Horace Porter, | Born | Aug. 8, 1793, | Died I Nov. 16, 1884, | ^. 91. Mariam, | wife of | Aaron Porter, | died | March 9, 1852, | aged 63. In Memory of | Medad Porter | Son of Cap' | Amos Porter | Who died March y^ i=* | 1763 : In y= 20* year | of his Age An Havana Solder Moses Porter, | Died | May 28, 1850, | Aged 74. Orrin B. Porter | Died | Jan. i, 1876, | M. 59 Y'rs. In Memory of | Mrs. Rhoda Porter, | Who died, March 25-th, I 1807. Aged 73 years. | Wife of | Dea" Aaron Por-ter. Reader, behold as you pass by, As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be, Therefore prepare to follow me. Rhoda, I wife of | Moses Porter, | Died | April 25, 1848, | aged 71. William H. Porter I Died I Sept. 18, 1849, 1 M. 30. 302 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS Willie D. I Died | Jan. 25. 1864 | M. i M.| Mattie M. | Died | Feb. 6. 1864 I M. 16 M. | Children of | L. D. & S. Porter. , Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Willie E. I Son of | Orrin B. & | JaneM. Porter | Died Jan. 15. 1863 I Aged 9 Months. Little Wilhe sleeps. W" C. Powers | Died | Oct. 18, 1856, | M. 25. Hef gone and left friends to weep While he lies in a pleasant sleep His spirit fled on high To meet his Saviour in the sky. Bertie | Bertha C. | Dau. of | Geo. A. & Ellen F. | Rich, | Died Oct. 13, 1892. I Aged 3 y'rs. Abigail. | Wife of | Joseph Richards | died June 10, 1838 | ^t. 85. Richards | Amon Richards | Died | Jan. 4. 1870, | M. 72. | Betsey W. | His Wife | Died Aug. 7, 1876 | M. 79. Eli T. I son of Samuel & | Mary Richards, | died | March 10, 1842, I M. 6 y'rs & 4 mo. The once lov'd form now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; Ye parents ! the dear boy is fled, Then seek eternal joys. John M. I son of Samuel & | Mary Richards, | died | Feb. 25, 1842, I M. 2 y'rs & 2 mo. Er'e sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care; The opening bud to heaven convey'd. And bade it blossom there. In I Memory of | Joseph Richards, | who died Oct. 24th 1801. I yEt. 61. Lydia | Wife of | Oliver Richards, | Died | Jan. 8, 1861, | ^.87. Mother, thou hast gone and left us, To yon bright and happy shore; May we ever try to meet thee Where our sorrows will be o'er. Erected to the | Memory of Mrs. | Mary Richards, | consort of Mr. I Joseph Richards, | who died March the 2^ 1793. | In the 48*'' year | of her Age. McRLEY QVAkrnR inscriptions 303 Mary, | Wife of | Samuel Richards, | Died | Oct. i, 1855, | Aged 42. Oliver Richards | Died | Sept. 11, 1847, | aged 78. Samuel Richards | Died | June 29, 1873, | Aged 73 Y'rs. Thomas B. | son of Samuel & | Mary Richards, | died | Nov. 3, 1834, I ^. I y'r & 2 mo. Far from all sickness or alarms, Our lovely babe is now at rest; Safe in his heavenly Shepherd's arms. And gathered to his tender breast. In Memory of | Linus, Son of | Calvin & Jerus | Sage, who died I May 14* 1789 | aged 2 days. Selden | Olive S. Selden | Widow of | Simeon Selden, | Died | Dec. 25, 1868, I M. 71. I Donor of the | Olive S. Selden | School Fund. I Simeon. | Died | Dec. 11. 1866. | 2E.. 38. | Lorey. | Died | Feb. 22. 1867. I M. 42. I Children of | S. & O. S. Selden. Simeon S. Selden | Died | Dec. 10. 1866 | M. 35. Lorey Selden | Died | Feb. 22. 1867 | M. 42. In I Memory of | Elijah Smith, | Who Died | Aug. 25, 1844. | Mt. 61. Here lies | the dear remains of | Jane Elizabeth, | daughter of Elijah & I Olive Smith; | Who died Feb. 17, 1823; | aged 4 years 10 months | and 5 days. Thus cut down in the morning of life, a sweet and lovely flower, falls into an early Tomb. Olive D. I Wife of | Elijah Smith | Died | Aug. 9. 1868 | ^.82. In I Memory of | Ammarillis, | wife of | Doct. Daniel Steel, | who died | May 11, 1841, | Aged 68. In I memory of | Daniel Steel | son of | Doct. Daniel & | Anna Steel, I who died | Oct. 30. 1838, | 2E. 27. Wrapt in the shades of death. No more that friendly face I see: Empty ah! empty every place Once fill'd so well by thee. 304 BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS In I memory of | Doct. | David Steel, | who died | Nov. 2, 1832, I aged 74. In Memory of | M'' James Steel | Who died July [ 27* 1775 In I the 36* Year | of his age | this Stone Arected | by his Eldest Son I James Betsey Steele | Bom | Sept. 22, 1800, | Died | March 17 I In I Memory of | Dr. Daniel Steele. | who died | Sept. 11, 1826. I aged 67. Elizur Steele | Died | June 5, 1855, | Aged 48. Freeman, | son of Elizur & | Matilda Steele, | Died | Aug. II, 1853, I M. 4 y'rs 5 mo's. Shelden Steele j Died | April 19, 1878, | M. 79. Alexander Stevens. | Died Feb. 11, 1896. | M. 81. | Sarah M. His Wife I Died Jan. 5, 1892. | M. 72,. Davis D. Stevens |,Co. B. 25, Regt. | Conn. Vols. | Died | Oct. II, 1891. Sarah | wife of | Charles M. Stow, | died Oct. 3, 1832, | aged 42 Years. Mrs. I Anna, Wife of | David Webster Esq. | who died March 7, 181 1. I^t. 53. As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. Webster | Cyrus Webster, | Died | Aug. 24, 1876, | M. 78. | Cynthia, | His Wife Died | May 11, 1869, | TE. 67. In I Memory | of Mr. | David Webster j who died | May 12. 1806. I Aged 85 years. In I Memory of | David Webster Esq. | who died | Nov. 17, 1818 : I in the 62 year of | his age. Forbear my friends to weep or mourn, My sudden death and solemn tomb, T'was Gods own hand that stop'd my breath And clos'd my eyes in silent death. BECKLEY QUARTER INSCRIPTIONS 305 Tn Memory of | Eunice Webster | Wife of | John Webster, | who died | Aug. 12, 1835 ; | Aged 63 Y'rs. In I Memory of | Mr. John Webster | whO' died | Feb. 26, 1829: I ^. 61. Webster | Sylvester Webster | Died | Aug. 16, 1883 | M. 93. | Jonathan Webster. | Died | Sept. 17, 1884, ^. 92. | Roxana, His Wife | Died May 3, 1826, M. 32. | Esther, His 2"^ Wife | Died Feb. i, 1874, M. 85. In Memory of | OHve Webster | who died | March 31, 1831 ; | Aged 92 Y'rs. In Memory of | Selah | son of Mr. David | & Mrs. Zerviah | Webster | Who died | Nov. 13"^ 1776. | in the 7"^ year | of his age. Sylvester Webster | Died | Aug. 16, 1883. | M. 93. In Memory of | Mrs. Zerviah, wife of | Mr. David Webster ; | who died Jan. 17* AD | 1786. Aged 57 years | & one month. Sleep my dear in mouldering dust Till Jesus comes to raise the just. Our Mother | Mrs. | Eunice, | Wife of | David Woodruff. | Died I Jan. 19, 1826 ; | Aged 52. In Memory of | Harris Woodruff, | who died | July 29 1823 | M25. In memory of | Hepzibah, Daughter of | Selah & CaroHne | Beckley, who died | Oct. 17* 1794. Aged | 5 years. | Also of their infant | Daughter, Aged 8 days. Abigail W. Porter | Died | Nov. 9, 1841, | ^. 20. Cur's is a lot of woe But she we trust is blest Forever freed from earthly care Has found a home of rest At least we trust tis so In virtue's path she trod Alike in sorrow as in joy Her trust was in her God. They were lovely and pleasant in their lives And in their death's they were not long divided. 39 3o6 bec'kley quarter mSckipfiONS Lydia B. Porter | Died | June lo, 1842, | M. 18. Not dead not dead it is not so Our lost one only sleeps Free from this world's harrassing woe In Jesus calmly sleeps Why then in sadness longer mourn Though love's strong ties be riven And death from us our child hath torn We yet may " Meet in Heaven." They were lovely and pleasant in their lives And in their death's they were not long divided In Memory of | Jedediah North, | who died Dec. 16. | 1816. M. 82. Luther son of | Luther & Lydia | Porter, who died | October 30th, I 1803. Aged I 14 months. Mary Norton, | Wife of | Francis Norton, | Died | Mar. 17, 1892, I Aged 70 Y'rs. 9 Mo's. Francis Norton | Died | Jan 28, 1879, | Aged 56 Y'rs. Mother | Marilla R. Steele | Died May 27, 1877, | M. 75 Y'rs. | Elias M. Steele | Died Dec. 10, 1897, | M. 53 Y'rs. "CHURCH STREET" INSCRIPTIONS 307 "Church Street," Newington. The Episcopal parish of Wethersfield and Worthington was chartered September 14, 1797, the application being signed by David Steele and seven others. The edifice was erected at the south end of Church street, on the east side, was 50x40 feet in dimensions, and was called " Christ's Church." A cemetery was laid out across the street from the church, and for nearly thirty yeairs the inhabitants of that faith within a radius of ten miles met here for worship and burial. This was in the southwest part of Newington. The building was sold for one hundred and fifteen dollars by the committee to Jabez Dickinson, November 17, 1826, and a few years later the society located in New Britain, where it is now known as " St. Mark's." The earliest stone bears the date August 27, 1803, and is that of Sophia, daughter of David and Lucy Gilbert. The yard is practically abandoned to-day as a place of burial, the last interment having been in August, 1886, though one or two families in the, neighborhood own lots there, in which they bury their dead. 3o8 "CHURCH STREET" INSCRIPTIONS INSCRIPTIONS Copied by Edwin Stanley Welles Aziel Belden | Died | Dec. i, 1830, | Aged 60 Y'rs. Azubah, I Wife of | Aziel Belden, | Died Mar. 4, 1809, | Aged 35 Y'rs. Mary Blinn, | Died | July 14, 1871, | M. 42. Iterum conveniemus Jerusha | Wife | of | Gilbert E. Collins. | Departed this life. | in the city of Brooklyn L. I | April 2.^ 185 1. | Aged 28 Years 8 Mo^ & 4 Days. Farewell dear one: Alas, no .more we'll see Thy mortal here; thy spirit dwells above: Earth's hopes now fled; this Tribute ere shall be, A sweet Remembrance of undying love. James Colvin | Died | Jan. 9. 1869 | M.. 69. Anna Deming, ] died Apr. 28, 1849, I aged 68. | Stanley Deming | died Apr. 20, 1839, | aged 21. Mother | Ann Maria ] Wife of | Elizur Deming, | Died Aug. 9, 1886, I Aged 65. Elizur Deming | died | Dec. 7. 1827, | Aged "jy. Elizur Deming. | Died | Dec. .8, 1847, I aged 66. Father | Elizur Deming | Died | Aug. 27, 1876, | Aged 61. Elliott W. I Son of Elizur & | Ann M. Deming, | Died May 24. 1867, I Aged 17 Y'rs. Gone, but not forgotten. In I Memory of | Jerusha Deming, | wife of | Thomas Dem- ing; I who died May 4, 1821 : | yEt. 48. In I Memory of | Mrs. Lusina, | wife of | Mr. Elizur Deming | who died | Dec. 9, 1818: | M. 66. " CHURCH STREET " INSCRIPTIONS 309 In I Memory 'of | Mabel | wife of | Roger Deming | who died | Jan. 26. 181 1 : | ^. 44. Sarah, | Wife of | EHzur Deming, | Died | May 22, 1852, | Aged 56. Selden Deming | died | July 18, 1885, | Aged 78. In I memory of | Thomas Deming, | who died j Sept. 29, 1827 : I aged 72. Thomas S. | son of | Thomas & | Jerusha Deming | died Sept. 25 ; I 1806 : I ^. 14 m'o'. | Also an infant. William L. Deming | Died | Dec. 20, 1872, | Aged 23. Adelia O. | daughter of | Ralph & Jerusha Dickenson | Died | Mar. 24, 1858, I JE. 28. Dearest sister, thou hast left me. Here thy loss I deeply feel; But 'tis God that hath bereft me, He can all my sorrow heal. In I Memory of | Jerusha, wife of | Ralph Dickenson ; | who died I March 15, 1836: | ^t. 42. My early hopes my dearest ties, Ties blasted broken here; Her memory claims my deepest sigh, And prompts the silent tear. Infant | Son of | Ralph & Althea | Dickenson | Died I Mar. 8, 1868 Mary L. Dickenson | Died | Oct. 6, 1889, | M. 16 Y'rs. In I Memory of | Ralph Dickenson. | who died | May 30, 1839. I Mt. 43. We mourn thee with a holy trust, That marks alone the pathway of the just. And yet we weep and still deplore; The friend that's left us for a happier shore. Ralph Dickenson, | Died | May 24. 1874 | 2E. 53. The memory of the Just is blessed.^ He lived in faith, died in hope, and hath gone to his reward. Beloved husband rest with God. In Memory of | Rodulphas. | Son of Ralph | & Jerusha | Dickenson I Died Nov. 25, 1824 | aged 4 months. 3IO " CHURCH STREET " INSCRIPTIONS In I Memory of | Sarah Elizabeth | daughter of Ralph & | Jerusha Dickenson ; | who died | July 23, 1837 : | ^t. 10. Lucy, I Wife of | Nathaniel Dickerson | Died ] June 25, | 1853;! Aged 83. My soul my body I will trust, With him who numbers every dust; My Saviour, faithfully will keep His own; their death is but A sleep. In I Memory of | Nathaniel Dickerson | who died | March 30, 1837: I ^t. 78. Gently he passed lifes closing day. Humbly on God his trust relied; Firmly he tread faiths narrow way. Hoping in Jesus calmly died. C. C. Gilbert | Died | Aug. 28, 1849, I ^- 18 Mo's. Douglas R. Gilbert | Died | Sept. 19, 1858, | M. 20. In Memory of | Hannah, wife of | Jonathan Gilbert. | who died May 23. | 1823. ^t. 78. In grateful memory To a parent dear, Her mourning children Place this marble here. Ira Gilbert, | Died | Dec. 6, 1869, | Aged 63. Sacred | to the Memory of | Mr. Jonathan Gilbert. | He was one of the first | Wardens of Christ's Church ; | And departed this life I December y'= 8th, | Anno Domini 1805, | in the 61 st, year | of his age. His life was virtuous and useful; His death was serene, calm, and peaceful. In Memory of | Mr. Jonathan Gilbert, | Warden of an Epis- copal I Church ; | who died May 17, | 1809 : aged 41 years. In I Memory of | Laura Gilbert, | daughter of | Mr. Jonathan & I Mrs. Eunice Gilbert; | who died May 10, 1809 | aged 15 years. In I Memory of Mrs. Lucy Gilbert, Lowrey Gilbert, | son of Mr: David & who died Nov. 7, 1815. I M. 20. "CilVkCH STREET" INSCRIPTIONS 31 1 In I Memory of | Mrs. Lucy, wife of | Mr. David Gilbert; | Who died Aug: 12, 1815. | ^t. 43. In memory of | Sophia, Daughter | of David & Lucy | Gil- bert, who I departed this life | August 27. 1803. | Aged 3 years. Cora J. Gray | Died | Feb. 9, 1882, | M. 3 Y'rs 4 Mo's, | 13 Days. Hattie I. Gray | Died | Oct. 4, 1877, | M. 2 Y'rs 5 Mo's, | 12 Days. John H. Gray | Died | Sept. 19, 1877, | M. 7 Y'rs 10 Mo's, | 18 Days. Abi, I Wife of | David Kelsey, | Died | Apr. 11, 1870. | 2E.. 67. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.. JMary. | Died Sept. 9, 1828, | ^. 2. | Nancy. | Died Oct. 9, 1839, I ^. 9. I Louisa. I Died Jan. 30, 1844, | ^- 16. | Agusta. | Died Apr. 22, 1844, | yE. 8. | David & Abi. Kelsey. David Kelsey | Died | May 20, 1858, | M. 79. In Memory of | Enoch Kelsey. | died June 27, 1817. | 7E,. 64. In Memory of | Kezia Kelsey ; | Consort of | Enoch Kelsey, ] who died | March 27"' 1810 : | aged 54 Years. In I Memory of | Lovicy. | Wife of | David Kelsey | Who died I August 27. 1823. | 2EX. 40. In I Memory of | Mariann. | daughter of | David & Lovicy | Kelsey. | who died | August 23. 1823. | ^t. 9. Martha Ann | daughter of | John H. & | Ann Knowles | died | Nov. I, 1830, I aged 2 months [ and 15 days. Lillie -G. 1 Daughter of | W. M. & H. E. Richards, | Died | Nov. 3, 1878, I M. 3 Y'rs. 5 M's. 22 D's. David E. Rowley | Born Mar. 30, 1828, | Died Aug. 8, 1892. | Sarah B. His Wife, | Born Feb. 21, 1833. Mary R. Rowley | Died | Nov. 24, 1884, | Aged 61. Sylvester E. | ^. 1. 1 Lucretia A. | yE. 2. | H. S. & A. Warner. As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. 3 12 GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS Glastonbury. The present town of Glastonbury, lying on the east side of the Connecticut River, did not become separated from the mother town until October, 1693, ^^ which time the church was organized, although its incorporation dates from May, 1690. On May 4, 1692, two of the inhabitants, Samuel Smith and John Hubbard, granted to the town a plot of ten acres for the erection of a meeting-house and for a burying-ground. The only enlargement of this cemetery was in 1867, when two acres were added on the east. The earliest stone is that of Eunice (Chester) Stevens, wife of the Rev. Timothy Stevens, dated June 4, 1698. The following inscriptions were intended to in- clude only those who were born previous to the separation in 1693, although for convenience they comprise all born before 1700. GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS 313 INSCRIPTIONS Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mrs. | Mary Benton, | Relict to Mr. I Edward Benton, | who died May | the ^""^ 1756, In ye | 74 year of her Age. Here | Lieth ye Body | of Thomas Buck, | who Died August | 30, 1732, Aged I 70 yen An Honest, A Faithfull Servant. My Glass is Run, & Work is Done. Here lies | the Body of Mrs. | Prudence Dewoolf | who Dec'd June ye 16**' | 1737, in ye 61^' Year | of her Age. Here | lies the | Body of | Elisabeth, wife of | Ebenezer Fox, | who died Feb'y | 20, 1746, in the 57 | Year of Her Age. Here Lieth the | Body of Joseph Fox, | Who Departed this Life I May the 24"^ Anno Dom. | 1733, In the 38 year of | His Age. Here | lyeth the | body of | Hannah, the wife of ] Richard Goodrich, | who died Sept. | the 23, 1721, aged | 30 years. Here lyes the body of | Mr. David Hale, who dyed | March 31, Anno Dom. 1718 | in the 18 year of his age. Here lies Interr'd | the Remains of | Jonathan Hale, Esq'r, | who after having Serv'd | his Generation in Several | Offices of Trust I With Faithfulness, fell a- | Sleep July 2^ A. D. 1772, | In the 76"^ year | of his Age. Here lyeth | the body of | Marcy Hale, | the wife of Thomas | Hale, Junr, who | decesed August | the 21"^ 1719, ag | ed 38 years. Here lies one wh OS lifes thrads cut asunder she was strckd dead by a clap of thunder. 40 314 GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS Here lyeth burid | the body of Mrs. Mary | Hale, who dyed Fabry | the i8 day, 1714-15, aged | 48 years, 2 months | and 18 days. In Memory of Mrs. | Mary Hale, Former | wife of Mr. Josiah I Hollister, Junr, Late | wife of Jon'th Hale, | Esqr, who died Jan'ry | ye 18'^ A. D. 1780, | in ye 82"'^ Year | of her Age. Here Lieth ye Body of | Naomi Hale, Who Died | May ye j^th 1735, In I the 79"^ year of Her | Age. Here lieth inhumed | the body of Mr. | Samuel Hale, Esqr, of I late one of Her Maj'ties | Justices of the Peace, | who died on the I eighteenth day of | November, Anno Dom. | 171 1, and in the 67 | year of his Age. Here lies Interred the Body | of Mrs. Sarah Hale, wife of | Jonathan Hale, Esq'r, who | Departed this Life January | 15, 1743, in the 44* Year of | her age. | Here lies Interr'd the | Body "oTMrs. Hannah Hale, | Wife of Jonathan Hale, Esq'r, | who Died May ye '26* 1749, | In the 54"^ Year of Her Age. Here Lies Enterd ye of I Mr. Timothy Hael, 70"^ I Year of Her Age, Body of Mrs. Sarah | Hale, Late wife who Died September | the 20*, in the A. D. 1770. Here lyeth the body of Mr. | Thomas Hale, who dyed ] De- sember the 23, 1723, in | the 70* year of his age. Here Lyes the | Body of Mr. | Thomas Hale, | Who Died July ye | 4* A. D. 1750, in | ye 66* Year of | His Age. In Memory of | Mr. Timothy Hale, | who died August ye 9'^ I A. D. 1784, I in ye g2"^ Year | of his Age. Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord. Here | lyeth ye | body of Mrs. | Abijah, wife of | Sargt. John ] Hollister, who | dyed August ye 28, | 1719, aged about | 47 years. Here | lyeth the | body of Ann, | wife of Joseph | Hollister, who I dyed October the | 5, Anno Dom. 1712, | being in the 34 I year of her age. In Memory of | Mrs. Charity | HolHster, wife of | Mr. David Hollister, | who departed this | Life Jan'ry 12"' | A. D. 1786, | in the 89'^ year | of her Age. GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS 315 Here | lies the | body of Mr. | David Hollister, | Departed this life I December the 27*'' | 1753, in the 76"» Year | of his Age. Here lyes Inter'd | the Body of Do | rathy, the wife of | Mr. Thomas Hoi | Hster, who Dyed | October the 5*^ | 1741, in the 64'h I Year of her Age. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | John Hollister, who | Dyed December the | 13* 1741, in the 73''<^ | Year of his Age. Here lies interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Joseph Hollister, | who Departed this | Life July the fifth, | A. D. 1746, in the | 72"'! year of his Age. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of Mr. | Joseph Hollister, Junior, | who died Oct'r | ye 8* A. D. 1746, | in the 50*'' year | of his Age. Here lies the | Body of Lieut. | Josiah Hollister | who died Jan'ry | the third, 1749, | in the 53'''' Year | of his Age. In memory of | Mrs. Martha Hollister, | wido to | Mr. Joseph Hollister, | died July ye 12* | A. D. 1777, | In ye 79* Year | of hur Age. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of Mr. j Thomas Hollister, | who Died Octob'r | the 12, 1741, | in the 70 Year | of his Age. In Memory of | Dec. Ephraim ] Hubbard, | who died Sept. ye 14th I A. D. 1780, | in ye 85* Year | of his Age. Here Lieth | the body of | Mary, the Wife of Mr. | John hub- burd Sen'r, | Who dyed March | the 8, 172 1-2, | in the 62 year | of her age. Here Lieth | ye Body of Mary, | Wife of John Hubbard jr, | Who Died May ye | A. D. 1735, in ye 52 | year of Her Age. Here lies ye | Body of Mrs. | Mary, the wife | of Dec. Ephraim | Hubbard, who | Died March ye | 8* A. D. 1772, | in the 76 year of | her Age. Here | lyeth the | body of Mr. | John Huling, | aged 51 years, | who departed | this life ye 8 j day of November, | 1709. 3i6 GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS The Remains of Mr. | Benjamin Judd, | who Departed this | Hfe I on the 30* of Jan'r, | A. D. 1774, in the | yy^^ Year of his Age. The living view the sle- eping in the Grave, The Dead replies learn how your Souls to Save. Here Lies Inter'd Mrs. | Sarah Judd, ye Wife | of Mr. Ben- jamin Judd, I who Died May ye 1=' | A. D. 1770, Aged | 73 Years, of a Good | Character, much | Lemented by her | Acquaintance and | Neighbours. Blessed are the Dead That die in the Lord. In Memory of Mr. | Abraham Kilborn | Who died April | ye 20* 1770, in ye | 79* Year of | his Age. Here | Lieth The | Body of Mr. Jno | Kilborn, Who Died | November ye 25''' 171 1, | in ye 60*^ year of His | Age. Here Lyes the | Body of Mrs. Mary | Kilborn, wife of Mr. Abrah'm Kilborn, | who Died Aug'st ye | 5* 1751, In the 62"'! Year of her Age. r^ Here lyeth | interred ye body of | Eleazer Kimberly, Esq'r, late Sec'ry. The | i^' male bom in | Newhaven, Aetat. 70, Dec'd Feby 3"^ A. D. | 1709. Here lies Interred | the Body of Mrs. | Ruth Kimberly, ] Relict of Thomas | Kimberly Esq'r, Dec'd, | who Died May ye 14* I 1737, Aged 55 Years. Here lieth interred the | body of Thomas Kimberley, Esq, | one of His Majesties Justices of the | Peace and Quorum, Speaker in | the House of Representatives, &c. | In all of which trusts his eminent | abilitys distinguished him. | He was the son of Eleazer Kimberly, | Esq, aged 48 years and 4 months, ] born Sept'br, A. D. 1681, & expired | Jan'ry the 29, A. D. 1729-30. Here Lieth ye | Body of Keziah, ye wife | of Mr. John Love- land, who I departed this Life March | ye 10, A. D. 1741, Aged 55 I years And one month. Here | lies the Body | of Mr. Samuel Lukes, | who died June the i^* I 1727, about fifty | Years of Age. GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS 317 Here lieth interred the | body of Cap. Joseph Maudsly, ] who was born Decemb. 21 | 1670, and died August the | 15* Anno Dom. 1 719. In Memory of Mr. | William Miller, | who died Jan'r ye | 4* 1757. In ye 64* I Year of his Age. Mrs. Abigail Merick, | once the Amiable Con- | sort of Capt. Joseph Mos- I eley of this Place, but | late Relict of Mr. James | Merick of Springfield, | who Departed this Life | the i8th of April A. D. 1773, I in Y^ 92,^ year of her Age. Both young and old to Death must bow ye Head, Like me be cold and numbered with ye Dead. Here lie interred ye | remains of Capt. | Abner Moseley, who I died on ye 11* Day of | February, A.D. 1766, in | ye 66"' Year of his Age. Thus speaks ye Lord, Ye dead arise & lo ye Graves obey, & waking Saints with joyful eyes Behold th' expected Day. Here Lieth | the Body of | Feles, Wife | of Mr. Thomas Pel . . ]t, I Who dyed Jan'ry ye | 1730-1, Aged about 65. Here lieth | The body | of Mr. Benjamin | smith Who de- ceased I January the 20 1730-31, | Aged About 78 years. Here lies | the Body of | Mr. Gershom Smith, | who Dec'd August the I 28* A. D. 1747, In | the 68* Year of his age. Here Lieth ye Body | of Mrs. Hannah, ye | Wido of Mr. Benia | Smith, Who dyed | May ye 27, 1734, | Aged 66 years. Here lieth the | body of Lieut. | Joseph Smith, | who de- ceased I Nov'r Ye 6**' 1725, | aged about | 75 years. In memory of | Mr. Joseph Smith, | who died Oct. ye 10* | A. D. 1782, I in ye 88* Year | of his Age. Behold and see as you Pass by, as you are Now so wonce was I, as I am now so must you be. Prepare for Death & follow me. 3i8 GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS Heare | lyeth the | body of Mary | Smith, the wife | of Richard Smith, I Seaner, who | dyed about the | age upon the | 7 day of May, I 1704. Here Lies | the Body of Mary Smith, | Daughter of Sam'U | Smith, Esq'r, and His | wife; Born Jan. 18, 1682, | Died August 26, 1719. I [The rest illegible.] The I Remains of | Capt. Richard | Smith, Senr, who | Dyed July the I 4, 1 716, Aged | About 63 Years. Heare lieth | the body of | Richard Smith, Juner, | who dyed in the | 16 year of his | age upon the 19 | day of July, 1703. Here Lies ye Body of Samuel | Smith Esq'r, Born June 10, 1640, I Died Novem'r 4, 1732, Aetat. 92. Elect & Faithful, A man of faith & prayer in Hope of a Blessed Resurrection. Here lies the body of Jane, | wife of Sam'll Smith, Esq'r, | who died April 26, A. D. 1718, | aged 61 years. | whose chareter see Prov. | 31, 10 to the end of the Chap. The Remains of | Mrs. Alice Stevens, | who died March | the 10, Anno Dom. | 1714, Aetatis 40. Here lies interred | the body of Mrs. | Eunice Stevens, | who died on the 31 | day of the 31 year | of her age, June 16, | 1698. Mrs. I Sarah | Stevens, | dyed Sept. | 25 x 1717, in the | 21 year of | her age. Here lieth interred the | body of the Rev'd Mr. | Timothy Stevens, the late | faithful Pastor of the | Church of Christ in | Glassenbury, who died | April the 14, 1726, in the | 61 year of his age. Here Lieth Inhumed the | Body of Deacon Benjamin | Tal- cott, who died on the 12 | day of November, Anno | Dom. 1727, in the 54 | Year of his Age. In Memory of Mrs. | Elizabeth Talcott, | Wife of Deacon | Nathanal Talcott, | who Died Aug'st | ye 26'^ A. D. 1761, | in ye 76*'' Year | of her Age. In Memory of | Nath'll Talcot, Dec'n | of ye Church of | Christ in Glastenbury, | Who Died January | ye 30* A. D. 1758, I Aged 80* year | Wanting 9 Days. GLASTONBURY INSCRIPTIONS 319 Here | lyes the | body of Sarah, | wife of Leut. | Tallcott, who died Oct. 15, 1715, | in ye 39 year of | her age. Here Heth buried | the body of Mr. | Thomas Treat, who died Jan'ry the 17* | Anno Dom. 1712-13, | Aetatis about 44 years. Here | Lies the | Body of doct'r | Joseph tryon, who | died April ye 4, | 1738, in the 67 | year of His Age. In Memory of | Mrs. Elizabeth, | Relict of | Mr. Thdas Wells, I who died May ye 20*'' | A. D. 1782, | in ye 85* Year | of her Age. Here Lies Interr'd | Ye Body of Mrs. | Martha Welles, ] Con- sort of Thorn- I as Welles, Esq'r, | Assistant, Who | died July ^th 1763, I in ye 72"! Year of | her Age. Here lies Interred the Body | of Mrs. Ruth Wells, Relict of Capt. Samuel Wells Dec'd, who | died March 30"^ 1742, in the 83"^ Year of her Age. Here Lieth In Terred ye | Body of Capt. Samuel | Welles Who Dyed August | ye 28, 1731 ; In ye 72 year | of His Age. Here lies Interr'd | ye Body of Mr. | Silas Welles, | who died Sept'r I ye 17* 1754, in | ye 55* Year of | his Age. In Memory of ] Mr. Thaddeus Wells | who died dec. ye 22 S6. Ellen E., 57. Emily (Mrs.), 24, 57. Erastus, 185, 186. Esther N. (Mrs.), 57. Eunice (Mrs.), 55. George, 55, 56, isi. Hannah (Mrs.), 81. Hannah D., 56. Hannah S., 81. Heman, 176. Hervey, 177. 338 INDEX Francis, Huldah, 56. Huldah (Mrs.), SS- H. M., s6. James, 55, 56, 57, IS9- James B., 56. James H., 186. Jennet, 55. Joan (Mrs.), S6. John, 54, 55, 56, 57. John B., 151. John M., 57. Joseph, 57. Joseph J., igs, 196. Josiah, 177. Justus, 168, 177. Keturah (Mrs.), 177. Laura, 161. Laura L., 186. Levi, 56. Lois (Mrs.), 177. Lucy B., 24. Lucy R., 57. Lydia (Mrs.), 54. Maria (Mrs.), 56. Marietta (Mrs.), 24. Martha T., 145. Mary, 57. Mary (Mrs.), 56, 176. Mary A. (Mrs.), 196. Mary Ann (Mrs.), 57. Matthew, 56, 81. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 55, 57. Mercy, 55. Mercy (Mrs.), 54, 56. MilHcent, 177. Nancy D. (Mrs.), 177. Newman, 178. Pamelia (Mrs.), 56. Rhoda, 114. Rhoda (Mrs.), 57. Robert, 55, 56, 176. Sahara (Mrs.), 177. Sarah, 75, 151. Sarah (Mrs.), 55, 56, 57, 151. Sarah A., 57. Simeon, 57. Stephen, 55, 56. Francis, Thomas, 57, 156. Thomas J., 186. Timothy, 56, 57. Walter, 56. Wilbur S., S6. William, 56. Francois, 57. Freeman, Charles N., 284. Ellen S. (Mrs.), 284. Norman R., 284. Fuller, Frederick, 58. Galpin, Albert, 58. Caroline (Mrs.), 58. Caroline Welles, 58. Esther M. (Mrs.), 58. Jerusha B. (Mrs.), 58. John, S8. Samuel, 58. Gardiner, Benajah, 197. Ellen J. (Mrs.), 284. Melzar P., 284. Gaylord, Edwin, 190. George E., 189. Joseph, 230. Joseph C, 190. Lucy Ann, 190. Lucy C. (Mrs.), 190. Samuel, 230. Gerhard, Francis, 58. Gibbs, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 230. Harriet (Mrs.), 231. Jacob, 231. John, 230. 231. Mary (Mrs.), 231. Milly, 231. Gilbert, C. C, 310. David, 310, 311, Douglass R., 310. Eunice (Mrs.), 310. Frank, 295. Hannah (Mrs.), 310. Ira, 310. Jonathan, 310. Laura, 310. Lowrey, 310. Lucy (Mrs.), 310, 311. Mary, 295. INDEX 339 Gilbert, Mary (Mrs.), 295. Sophia, 311. Waldo T., 194. Wood, 295. Gladding, James, 185. Goff, Anna (Mrs.), 231. Gideon, 231. Hezekiah, 231. Lydia, 231. Mehitabel (Mrs.). 231. Thankful, 58. Goldrick, John, 58. Gomer, Quash, 59. Goodale, Ebenezer, 231, 232. E.meline, 13. Fanny, 231. Lucy Ann, 231. Sally (Mrs.), 231, 232. Goodrich, Abigail (Dilrs.), 59, 60, 232. Alfred H., 232. . Allen, 60. Almira (Mrs.), 232. Alpheus, 232. Amelia, 232. Anna (Mrs.), 59, 232. Ann D. (Mrs.), 232. Ashbel, 60. Augusta, 232. Barnabas, 233. Belah, 156. Belinda (Mrs.), 233. Benjamin, iSS, 156, 167. Binah (Mrs.), 235. Caleb Raymond, 60. Catherine, 232, 234. Charles A., 233. Chester B., 233, 238. Clarissa (Mrs.), 59, 60. Cynthia, 233. David, 59, 62, 233, 235. Deborah, 233. Delia F., 232. Ebenezer, 2ig, 233, 258. Edward, 233. Edward W., 233. Eleazer, 232, 234. Goodrich, Eli, 234, 238. Elihu Phelps, 59. Elijah, 202, 229, 234. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 59. Elizur, 59, 60, 61, 232, 234. Emeline, 269. Emma C, 60. Ephraim, 61, 62, 234, 238. Esther, 284. Francis E., 236. Frank Leslie, 60. George, 60, -234. George A., 234. George P., 236. Gideon, 234, 238. Gideon F., 234. Grace, 59. Gurdon, 227, 232, 233, 234, 235. Hannah (Mrs.), 59, 60, 62. Harriet (Mrs.), 235, 236, 238, 313. Harriet A., 235. Henry, 59, 235. Henry Deming, 235. Henry E., 59. Hepsey (Mrs.), 232. Hepsibah (Mrs.), 235. Herbert N., 235. Hezekiah, 60, 235, 236. Hudson J., 232. Hugh M., 235. Ichabod, 235. Isaac, 59, 60, 235. Israel, 59. James H., 236. James Henry, 60. James Raymond, 61. James W., 234. Jared, 233, 236. Jason, 232, 233, 236. Jasper, 237, 284. Jeremy, 233, 235, 236, 238. Jerusha, 202, 227. Jerusha (Mrs.), 61, 235, 236. Jerusha W. (Mrs.), 59, 61. Jesse, 61. Joel, 232, 236. Joseph, 60, 61, 62, 340 imM Goodrich, Joseph Butler, 235. John, 61, 62. Joshua, 59, 60, 61, 151. Joshua R., 61. Josiah, 61, 62. J- L-, 235. Laura A. (Mrs.), 236. Laura Ann, 236. Laurence, 234. Lemuel, 235, 236. Lemuel H., 233. Leverett A., 236. Levi, 61, 62, 63, 232, 233, 236, 237. Lewis, 194. Lois, 61, 15s, 219. Lowrey, 174. Lucy, 28, 62, 251. Lucy (Mrs.), 60, 61, 237. Lucy A., 236. Lucy Jane, 237. Lura (Mrs.), 237. Luther, 237, 238. Lydia, 202. Lydia (Mrs.), 219, ^29, 234, 258. Mabel, 258. Maria, 235. Maria C, 254. Marietta, 237. Martha (Mrs.), 62. Marvin W., 232. Mary, 229. Mary (Mrs.), 62. Mary Ann, 60. Mary Ann (Mrs.), 61. Mary D. (Mrs.), 233, 236. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 237. Mercy (Mrs.), 227. Miranda, 237. Morris, 207. Nancy (Mrs.), 232, 233, 234, 236, 237- Nathan, 235. Nathaniel, 60, 62. Nathaniel B., 237. Nellie B., 270. Norman W., 23s, 236, 237. Norris H., 237. Goodrich, Olive (Mrs.), 233, 237. Oliver, 237, 238, 239, 247. Orrin, 284. Otis, 237. Otis T., 234. Permelia (Mrs.), 232, 238. Polly, 204. Polly E. (Mrs.), 233, 238. Prudence, 59. Prudence B. (Mrs.), 59. Ralph, 62. Rebecca (Mrs.), 238. Rhoda, 60. Rhoda (Mrs.), 62. Rhoda M. (Mrs.), 233. Richard, 313. Rockwell, 235. Roxana (Mrs.). 232. Roxy, 247. Russell, 237. • Sally, 62, 232. Samuel, 238. Sarah, 238. Sarah (Mrs.), 62, 155, 156, 167, 237, 238, 247. Sarah A., 233. Sarah M. (Mrs.), 174, 233, 238. Silas, 233. Simeon, 60, 62. Solomon, 232. Stephen T., 238. Susan (Mrs.), 239. Susan H. (Mrs.), 63. Sylvester, 233, 238, 239. Temperance (Mrs.), 239. Thomas, 237. Thomas R., 236. Wait, 61, 233, 237. Walter, 235. Walter F., 239. Warren, 232. Wilbur, 237. Willard, 237. William, 59, 237, 238, 239. William Bentley, 63. William Henry, 239. William Wallace, 63. INDEX 341 Gordon, Patience B., 196. Grannis, ■ Anson, 239. Davis Francis B., 239. Honor (Mrs.), 239. Grant, Donald, 90, 91. Hannah, 91. Graves, Josiah M., 235. Gray, Cora J., 311. Hattie I., 311. Jerry W., 239. John H., 311. John W., 239. Sarah W. (Mrs.), 239. Green, John, 163. Martha, 163. PhilHs (Mrs.), 163. Grimes, Abigail, 259. Abigail (Mrs.), 239, 240. Agnes, 240. Alexander, 227, 239, 240, 241. Betsey, 239. Donald, 240. Gertrude, 240. Henry, 241. Hezekiah, 239, 240. Josiah, 239, 240. Lucy, 240. Marshall, 240. Martha, 240. Mary, 227. Mary (Mrs.), 241. Mary Ann, 240. Mehitabel, 239, 240. Nathan, 241. Richard, 241. Roderick, 240. Sally (Mrs.), 240. Samuel, 241. Sophronia, 241. William, 241. Griswold, Abigail, 63, 70. Abigail (Mrs.), 31, 63, 67, 68, 71, 174, 241. Abigail D., 63. Abigail H. (Mrs.), 65. Albert A., 241. Albert C., 241, 242, Griswold, Albert D., 241. Albro, 241, 242. Alfred, 241. Alfred B., 284. Alfred W., 241. Almeron N., 70. Alonzo, 241. Ann, 63. Anna (Mrs.), 63, 67, 68, 69, 70. B. C., 174- Benjamin J., 244. Caleb, 63, 64, 6s, 70, 7i- Catherine, 163. Charles, 242. Charles F., 64. Charlotte (Mrs.), 241, 242, 243, 285. Chauncey, 64. Chester, 174. Chester B., 171. Constant, 243. Cornelius, 64, 241. Daniel, 64, 66, 67, 71. Daniel C, 241. Deborah (Mrs.), 64, 71, 241. Delia R. (Mrs.), 64. E. (Mrs.), 70. Ebenezer, 64, 71. Edwin F., 64. Edwin Stanley, 178. Elias, 64. F.lisha, 31, 68. Eliza J. (Mrs.), 184. Elizabeth, 63, 64. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 64, 66, 71. Elizabeth R. (Mrs.), 65. Elizur, 71. Ella Hand, 65. Ellen E., I93- Ellen Maria, 65. Emma, 174. Emma L., 241. Esther (Mrs.), 121, 151. Eunice, 65. Eunice (Mrs.), 65. Fanny A., 71. Fanny Electa, 179. 342 INDEX Griswold, Fanny N. W. (Mrs.), 179. Flora A., 241. Florilla, 174. Frances A., 242. Frances H., 65. Francis, 65, 68, 6g, 70, 71. Francis M., 65. Frank B., 174. Franklin W., 65. Frederick, 242, 243. George, 65, 66. Hannah, 66. Hannah (Mrs.), 63, 66. Harriet A, (Mrs.), 241, 242. Harris, 64, 66. Helen S., 242. Henry, 66. Henry J., 243. Henry M., 104. Henry W., 71. Hettea (Mrs.), 64. Hezekiah, 178, 179. Huldah (Mrs.), 66. H. Maria, 66. Ida L. (Mrs.), 151. Isabella, 71. Jacob, 63, 65, 66, 68, 174, 241, 242, 243- Jacob Burrett, 66. James, 64, 66, 67. 68. James B., 184, 185. James S., 67. Jane E., 71. Jehiel, 68. Jennette (Mrs.), 65, 67. Jennie W. (Mrs,), 70. Jerusha (Mrs.), 66, 67, 70. Jerusha F., 70. John, 66, 67, 121, 151, 241, 242. Jonathan, 66, 69, 71. Josiah, 63, 67, 68, 6g, 174, 241, 242, 24s, 285. Julia, 64. Julia Ann (Mrs.), 242, 243. Justus, 6s, 67, 6" 243. J. Welles, 65. Laura C, 67. Griswold, Lester, 242, 243, 285. Levi, 68. Levi C, 70. Lois, 66, 68. Louisa A. (Mrs.), 241. Louisa M. (Mrs.), 241. Louisa S. (Mrs.), 65. Lucy, 64. Lucy (Mrs.), 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70. Lucy B., 68. Lucy S. (Mrs.), 67. Luther Stanley, 68, 70. Lydia (Mrs.), 241, 243. Mabel, 68. Mabel (Mrs.), 68, 69. Mabel B., 68. Mabel W., 151. Maggie A., 244. Marshall A., 68. Martha, 68, 243. Martha (Mrs.), 242, 243, 244. Martha A., 66. Martha A. (Mrs.), 243. Martha Ann, 242. Martin, 174. Martin S., 68. Mary, 70. Mary (Mrs.), 63, 65, 68. Mary A., 70. Mary A. (Mrs.), 171, 241. Mary Ann (Mrs.), 70. Mary J. (Mrs.), 243. Mary R. (Mrs.), 64, 65, 70. Mary W.. 12, 15. Mercy (Mrs.), 174, 243. Mercy M., 13. Michael, 63, 71. Millicent (Mrs.), 69. Moses, 69. M. A. (Mrs.), 174. M. J., 244. M. S., 70. Nancy, 243. Nancy (Mrs.), 6g, 174. Nancy M., 67. Nathaniel, 69. Nellie M., 65. INDEX 343 Griswold, Ozias, 63, 67, 68, 69. Prudence (Mrs.), 69. Prudence W. (Mrs.), 67. Rachel (Mrs.), 242. Ralph H., 241, 242. Rebecca (Mrs.), 243. Rebecca D., 86. Rhoda, 31. Rhoda S. (Mrs.), 69. Robert, 174. Robert B., 69. Robert S., 151. Roxanna (Mrs.), 284. Salmon, 69. Samuel, 69. Sarah, 69, 243. Sarah (Mrs.), 68, 69, 70, 243. Sarah A., 70. Sarah G. (Mrs.), 70. Sarah P. (Mrs.), 65, 68, 70, 71. Simeon, 70. Solomon, 244. Stanley, 70. Stanley Winchell, 178. Stephen Willard, 70. Susan, 68. Sylvester, 66, 70. Thomas, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71. Thomas Harris, 67. Thomas H., 71. Thomas N., 70. Timothy, 63, 66, 71. Walter, 64. Walter A., 71, 241. William, 64, 71, 242, 243, 244. Willys W., 284. Hale, Alden, 244. David, 313. Ebenezer, 72. Eliza L. (Mrs.), 244. Elizabeth, 72. Ellen, 71, 72. Hannah (Mrs.), 314- Jared, 244. Jonathan, 313, 314. Jonathan C, 72. Joseph, 72. Hale, Joseph M., 72, 151. Lucy, 72. Lucy (Mrs.), 72. Lucy C. (Mrs.), 72. Mary, 72. Mary (Mrs.), 314. Mary E., 197. Mercy (Mrs.), 313, Nancy, 71, 72. Nancy (Mrs.), 71, 72. Naomi, 314. Nathan, 72. Nelson G., 244. Robert B., 72. Samuel, 314. Sarah, 177. Sarah (Mrs.), 314. Simeon, 7, 71, 72. Sophia L, 72. Theda, 72. Theda (Mrs.), 72. Thomas, 313, 314. Timothy, 314. Walter, 72. Hall, Calvin L., 244. Caroline L. (Mrs.), 244. Lottie L, 244. Lucius J., 244. Prudence, 186. Hancock, Margaret (Mrs.), 72. Hanmer, Amelia, 72. C. Henry, 73. Edward J., 73. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 73. Francis, 73. Fredericif, 74. Hattie E., 74. Henry, 74. Honor (Mrs.), 74. Huldah (Mrs.), 73. James, 73. Jennette, 74. John, 73, 74. John Way, 73. Kate M., 73. Lucy, 74. Lucy (Mrs.), 73, 74. 344 INDEX Hanmer, Lucy Ann, 74. Maria, 73. Maria (Mrs.), 73. Maria A., 74. Nancy, 74. Prudence, 73. Rhoda (Mrs.), 73- Samuel, 73, 74. Sarah, 74. Sarah (Mrs.), 74. Thomas, 73. Walter, 74. William, 74. Harris, Abigail, 74, 244. Anna, 74. Annie (Mrs.), 74, 75, 79- Clarissa, 75. Cordelia, 74. Eliza H., 119. Emily, 74, 76. Eunice (Mrs.), 74. Frank, 75. Hezekiah, 74, 76. Hosea, 74, 75. John, 74, 75. Martha, 74. Ruth (Mrs.), 295. Sarah (Mrs.), 76. Sarah C. (Mrs.), 74. Thomas, 74. 75, 76, 79- Thomas Adams, 74. Timothy, 75- Harrison, Caroline (Mrs.), 75- Caroline S., 75. Clotilda (Mrs.), 75. Diantha (Mrs.), 151. Jared, 75- Mary Gilbert, 75. Osmund, 76, 151. Samuel, 76. Theodore, 75, 76. Theodore Talcott, 75. Hart, Abigail (Mrs.), 75- Anna (Mrs.), 245. Benjamin, 179. Caroline, 245. Edmund, 76. Hart, George E., 76. Josiah, 75. Lydia (Mrs.), 245. Minerva C, 167. Norman, 245. Robert N., 76. Selah, 245. Seth, 245. Haskell (Squire), 76. Alice Elizabeth, 76. William R., 76. Hastings, Charles H., 245. Nancy (Mrs.), 245. Thomas, 245. Hatch, Albert S., 245. Daniel, 76. Henry, 76. Levi, 76. Maria (Mrs.), 245. Mary (Mrs.), 76. Salome (Mrs.), 76. Zephaniah, 76. Havens, Albert, 77. Charles Hiram, 77. Charles H., 77. Ebenezer G., 77. Edwin M., 78. Eliza M. (Mrs.), 77. Elizabeth R., 78. Emily Blinn, 79. Everett Selden, 77. Fidelia R. (Mrs.), 78. Florence, 77. Florence A., 77. Florence B., 77. Frank W., 77. Hannah H., 77. Hiram, 77, 78. Horace C, 78. Howard Burton, 78. Huldah S., 77. Irene, 77. Jennette Kirkham, jy. Jennette S. (Mrs.), 77. Jennie M. (Mrs.), 77. John, 77. INDEX 34S Havens, Julia A. (Mrs.), 78. Lewis C, 77. Lizzie Adelaide, 78. Lucinda (Mrs.), 78. Martha, 78. Martha Celestia, 79. Martha Elizabeth, 77. Mary (Mrs.), 77. Mary W., 77. Melvine H. (Mrs.), 77. Nancy, 78. Nancy B., 78. Nancy Blinn, 78. Patty (Mrs.), 78, 79. Rachel (Mrs.), 78. Robert Martin, 77. Sarah, 78. Simeon, 77. Thomas, 78, 79. Uzziel, 78. Uzziel A., 78. Virginia Augusta, 78. William A., 77. W. W., 77- Hayford, Hannah (Mrs.), 79. Julia Ann, 79. Samuel, 79. Hazen, Cynthia, 189. Hickok, George M., 245. Horace, 245. Jeremiah, 245. Mary (Mrs.), 245. Higgins, George S., 295. Harriet (Mrs.), 295. Jared, 295. Joseph, 245. Martha N. (Mrs.), 295. Nancy (Mrs.), 245. Wait Williams, 245. Hill, Charles H., 245, 285. Sophia, 245. Hills, Amelia H. (Mrs.), 79. Celia E., 79. Clarissa, 116. David, 72, 79. David H.. 79. David Henry, 79. Hills, Harriet A., 79. Welles, 245. Hine, Abigail (Mrs.), 246. Daniel S., 246. Hitchcock, Edward F., 79. Gaylord, 79. Kate (Mrs.), 79. Hodge, Sarah, 229. Hodgkins, N. D., 246. Hollister, Abijah (Mrs.), 314. Ann (Mrs.), 314. Charity (Mrs.), 314. David, 314, 315. Dorothy (Mrs.), 315. Elizur, 79. John, 314, 315. Joseph, 314, 315. Josiah, 314, 315. Martha (Mrs.), 315. Thomas, 315. Holmes, Allen, 246. Allen B., 246. A. E., 246. Christiana (Mrs.), 246. Cynthia, 164. Daniel, 246, 247. Eleazer, 164, 246, 285. Eliza (Mrs.), 232, 246. Ethan, 246. Eunice (Mrs.), 246. Francis B., 246. George, 79. Hannah (Mrs.), 246, 247. Jerusha, 246. John, 285. Joseph T., 246. Lucy A., 79. Maria (Mrs.), 246, 285. Martha (Mrs.), 246. Mary, 247. Mary (Mrs.), 285. Mary A., 285. Prudence (Mrs.), 79. Ruth, 247. Sarah, 247. Sarah F., 79. Thomas, 246, 247. 44 346 iNbMH Holmes, Walter, 247. William, 232, 246, 247. William G., 79. Hooker, Daniel, 79. Polly W., 285. Sarah (Mrs.), 79- Seth, 52. Urania, 285. Hopkins, Benjamin, 184. Harriet (Mrs.), 184. Willys, 184. Horner, George, 80. Thomas, 80. Hosford, Aaron, 247. Esther (Mrs.), 247. Etty, 247. Joel, 247. Joel Hall, 247. Roxy G., 247. Hoskins, Ezra, 80. House, Chauncey, 80. Hovey, Jane Chester, 39. Sylvester, 39. Howard, Candace, 154. Candace (Mrs.), 154. Charles, 80. Edward, 154, 247. Elizabeth, 86, 87. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 80. John, 80. Lydia Nichols, 80. Howland, Augustus, 140. Hoxie, Clarissa (Mrs.), 80. Henry, 80. Hoyt, James Jauncey, 248. Mary (Mrs.), 248. Hubbard, Charles E., 188. Dositheus, 187. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 158. Emily T., 88. Ephraim, 315. Eunice (Mrs.), 187. John, 315. John Newton, 187. Juliana (Mrs.), 187. Kasson, 158. Leonard C, 155, 158. Hubbard, Leverett, 250. Levi, 187. Lewis S., 199. Margaret B. (Mrs.), 188. Martha (Mrs.), 187. Martha J., 186. Mary, 250. Mary (Mrs.), 315. Nancy (Mrs.), 158. Orrin, 187. Samuel Newell, 187. William, 187, 188. William Henry, 187. Hubbell, Abigail, 224. Anne (Mrs.), 224. Eleazer, 224. Ira, 248. Urania (Mrs.), 248. Hughes, Mary R., 80. Robert E., 80. Sarah (Mrs.), 80. Huling, John, 315. Hunn, Abigail (Mrs.), 167, Albert S., 167. David, 163, 167. Elishaba, 167. Enos, 167. Esther (Mrs.), 167. Gideon, 167. Lester C, 167. Rebecca, 167. Rebecca (Mrs.), 167. Samuel, 163. Hunt, Abigail (Mrs.), 80, 81. Alexander, 80, 81. Ann, 81. John, 81. Huntley, Caroline (Mrs.;, igo. Eleanor L., 190. Franklin A., 190. Joseph, 190. Newman A., 190. Hurd, George D., 81. Laura (Mrs.), 81. William S., 81. Hurlbut. Abigail. 36, 81. Abigail (Mrs.), 81. INDEX 347 Hurlbut, Adeline T., 82. Allen, 81. Amos, 166. Anna (Mrs.), 81. Ashbel, 22. Caroline, 81. Eliza, 81. Elizur, 81. Hannah, 81. Hannah (Mrs.), 166. James, 81, 82. Jerusha (Mrs.), 81, 82. John, 81, 82. Joseph, 157. Katharine, 82. Katharine Hancock, 82. Laura A. (Mrs.), 248. Lavinia, 81. Levi, 179. Martha, 188. Martha (Mrs.), 179. Mary, 76. Mary D. (Mrs.), 81. Nathaniel, 81, 82. Nelson, 82, 248. Ozias, 82. Rebecca (Mrs.), 80. Sarah, 82. Sarah (Mrs.), 82. Silas, 82. Stephen, 82. Susannah, 81. Susannah (Mrs.), 81. Thomas, 80, 81, 82. Wealthy (Mrs.), 82. William, 82. Husted, Ann (Mrs.), 82. Elizabeth, 82. Harvey, 82. Hyde, Sarah (Mrs.), 248. Sarah R., 248. William, 248. William S., 248. Ives, Philo, 82. Sophia (Mrs.), 82. Jagger, D. H., 248. Leander, 248. Jagger, Nathan, 248. Roxana (Mrs.), 248. James, John, 83. Janes, Leonard T., 83. Johnson, Anna (Mrs.), 83. Ezekiel Porter, 83. Martha M., 248. Sarah, 255. Wilford, 83. Jorey, Joseph, 285. Martha S., 285. Mary K., 285. William, 285. Joyner, Flavel G., 176. R. O., 176. S. C. (Mrs.), 176. Judd, Allen, 179. Benjamin, 316. Harriet Eliza (Mrs.), 179. Sarah (Mrs.), 316. Kelley, Henry T., 295. Hepsibah, 295. Joseph, 248. Roxy A. (Mrs.), 248. Stephen, 295. Kellogg, Abigail P., 185. Armide, 196. Charles, 196. Dorothy (Mrs.), 162. Electa, 179. Ellen P. (Mrs.), 196. EHzabeth (Mrs.), 159, 161. Franklin, 248. Hannah, 179. Hannah (Mrs.), 179. Henry L., 196. Joseph, 162. Julia A. (Mrs.), 196. Martin, 161, 162, 178, 179, ig6. Mary, 179, 196. Mary (Mrs.), 178. Orinda (Mrs.), 248. Prudence, 194. Roger Welles, 196. Samuel J. M., ig6. Sarah (Mrs.), 165. Simeon, 161. 348 INDEX Kellogg, Stephen, 159, 161, 165. William, 196. Kelsey, Abi (Mrs.), 311. Agusta, 311. David, 311. Ezekiel, 295, 296. Enoch, 296, 311. Hannah (Mrs.), 296. Kezia (Mrs.), 311. Louisa, 311. Lovicy (Mrs.), 311. Lucy, 296. Mariam, 311. Mary, 311. * Mary (Mrs.), 296. Mary Ann, 311. Mary B., 296. Mercy (Mrs.), 248. Moses, 248. Nancy, 311. Sarah (Mrs.), 296. Stephen, 296. Kentfield, Hepsibah, 16. Kilbourn, Abigail (Mrs.), 83. Abraham, 316. AHce J. (Mrs.), 189. Almira D., 187. Chauncey M., 189. Ebenezer, 155. Elbert E., 189. Elizabeth A. (Mrs.), 189. Ella L., 189. Elmina (Mrs.), 189. Emeline G. (Mrs.), 186, 187. Erastus, 189. Eunice (Mrs.), 187. Frederick, 189. George, 83, iSS- G. Woodford, 186. Henry, 186, 187. Horace, 187, 189. Huldah B. (Mrs.), 186, 187. Jno., 316. Lauretta, 189. Lois (Mrs.), 173. Marcus L., 187. Martha (Mrs.), 155. Kilbourn, Mary (Mrs.), 316. Mary W., 189." Sabra, 187. Samuel, 186, 187. Seth, 173. Simeon, 187. Timothy W., 187. Kilby, Frank E., 296. Franklin, 83. John, 83. Lewis E., 296. Mary (Mrs.), 83. R. W. (Mrs.), 296. Wyllys, 83. Kimball, Caroline C, 83. George F., 83. Harriet A., 15. J. Merrill, 249. Kimberley, Eleazer, 316. Ruth (Mrs.), 316. Thomas, 316. King, Henry W., 84. Sarah H. (Mrs.), 84. Kircher, Edward, 249. Margaret (Mrs.), 249. Theodore, 249. Kirkham, Ellen, 194. Harriet Prudence (Mrs.), 194. Henry, 169. Jane, 183, 194. Jennette (Mrs.), 183. John, 183. John S., 194. Jonathan, 166. Martha (Mrs.), 169. Nathaniel, 166. Richard, 194. Sophia (Mrs.), 183. William, 183, 194. Kline, M. Lillie, 198. Knapp, John D., 84. Sarah (Mrs.), 84. Sarah F., 84. Knickerbacker, John, 39. Knowles, Ann (Mrs.), 311. James, 84. John, 84. INDEX 349 Knowles, John H., 311, Martha (Mrs.), 84. Martha Ann, 311. Knowlton, Charlotte, 249. Lamb, Joseph, 162. Mercy (Mrs.), 162. Sarah (Mrs.), 162. Lamberton, Eunice Maria (Mrs.), 188. Stephen P., 188. S. Dwight, 188. Lancelott, Hannah (Mrs.), 84. Samuel, 84. Lany, Mary, 249. 'Micah, 249. Larkin, Abigail (Mrs.), 85. Caroline, 84. Caroline P. (Mrs.), 84, 85. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 84. Harry C, 84. Ida C, 85. Isaac, 85. Sally, 126. Samuel, 84, 85. Zachariah, 84, 85. Lathrop, James H., 217. Latimer, Alfred Riley, loi. Benjamin, 85. Bezaleel, 85, loi. Chauncey, 170. Dorothy (Mrs.), 170. Elisha, 85. Erastus, 170, 195. Esther, 170. Franklin C, 195. George G., 85. Jane, loi. Jane Aurelia, 170. John, 85. Jonathan, 85. Julia Ann, loi. Lucy (Mrs.), 170. Luther, 170. Lydia (Mrs.), 85. Mary, 85. Mary Ann (Mrs.), 85. Mary S. (Mrs.), 195- Latimer, Nancy, loi. Nancy (Mrs.), loi. Olive, 170. Seviah H. W. (Mrs.), 170, 195. Sophia, 190. Uzziel, 170. William H., loi. Learned, Asa, 249. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 249. Le Barnes, Henry R., 249. Lee, Nathan, 249. Thomas, 165. Leffingwell, Sophia, 194. LeVaughn, Abigail (Mrs.), 249. Donald, 258. Roland, 249. Susan, 249. William, 249. William O., 249. Lewis, Celestia, 250. Celestia (Mrs.), 250. Hart, 250. John, 250. Rachel, 250. Lincoln, G., 296. H., 292. M. (Mrs.), 296. Little, Emeline (Mrs.), 151- Frederick R., 151. Littlefield, J. M., 81. Lockwood, Carrie E., 86. Henry, 86. James, 86. James E., 86. Kate, 86. Mary (Mrs.), 86. Mary E., 86. William, 86. Loeffelhardt, Frederick, i6g. Mary E. (Mrs.), 169. London, George L., 196. Sarah J. (Mrs.), 196. Sarah R., 196. V. B. H., 196. Loomis, Eliza Warner, 86. Jerusha (Mrs.), 121. Silas, 121. 35° INDEX Losey, Polly, 86. Lovejoy, Francis C, 250. Jerusha M. (Mrs.), 250. Loveland, Albert Hale, 86, 87. Betty (Mrs.), 86. Candace (Mrs.), 154. Comfort (Mrs.), 87. Edwin S., 154. Elizabeth, 87. Esther (Mrs.), 87. George, 87. Hannah (Mrs.), 87. Hannah M., 87. James E., 154, 156. John, 42, 86, 87, 316. John Newton, 87. Kezia (Mrs.), 316. Lucy, 87. Mabel (Mrs.), 87. Prudence, 87. Rebecca, 87. Rebecca (Mrs.), 87. Sarah N., 1S4. Sarah T. (Mrs.), 87. Lovell, Andrew S., 87. Lowrey, David, 182. Lucy, 182. Lucy (Mrs.), 182. Lucas, Clarissa, 14. Luce, Carrie S., 190. Charles L., 190. Hannah Maria, 188. Hannah Maria (Mrs.), 189. Henry, 189. Henry Marinus, 189. J. B. (Mrs.), 190. Joshua C, 190. Lester, 190. Susan M., 70. Lukes, Samuel, 316. Lusk, Hapse (Mrs.), 186. James, 168. Jane (Mrs.), 156. Janet (Mrs.), 156. John, 156. Levi, 186. Lyman, Henrietta, 39. Lyon, Ezra, 88. Matilda (Mrs.), 88. Mandeville, Clifford H., 250. Marsh, Abigail, 88. Abigail (Mrs.), 214, 250. Ann, 88. Ann (Mrs.), 88. David, 88. Ebenezer Grant, 88. John, 88, 214, 250, 251. Jonathan, 88. Lydia, 88. Martha, 214. Mary, 88. Polly S. (Mrs.), 251. Martin, William H., 88. Matthews, Ellen B. (Mrs.), 188. George, 188. Maudsley, Joseph, 317. May, Anne, 88. Anne (Mrs.), 88. Ann Maria, 89. George, 89. Hezekiah, 88, 89. Huldah (Mrs.), 89. Joseph, 89. Lemuel, 89. Martha W. (Mrs.), 89. 90. Mary (Mrs.), 89. Mary Ann (Mrs.), 89. Rebecca, 89. Rebecca (Mrs.), 89. Samuel, 88, 89. Sylvester, 89. William, 89, 90. Wolcott, 89. McFarland, Joseph, 251, McLaren, Charles, 251. McLean, Charles B., 140. G. D., 198. Mecekee, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 90. Robert, 90. Merick, Abigail (Mrs.), 317. James, 317. Merriam, Asahel, 263. Burrage, 251, 263. Caroline T. (Mrs.), 263. INDEX 351 Merriam, Delia, 264. Edmund, 263. Hannah, 263. Hannah (Mrs.), 263. Merrills, Albert A., 190. Electa, 191. Electa (Mrs.), 190, 191. Harriet S., 191. William, igo, 191. William R., 191. Merriman, Franklin H., 23. Mildrum, Lydia, 251, Miller, Allen W., 269. Andrew, 251, 252. Anna (Mrs.), 296. Anna M.. 252. E. B., 49. Emeline (Mrs.), 269, Fanny Maria, 296. Harriet A., 251. Henry S., 252. Honor, 275. Jason, 296. Jerusha, 252. Joseph, 252. Leonard, 252. Lydia, 252. Lydia (Mrs.), 252. Martha, 252. Martha (Mrs.), 252. Mary (Mrs.), 251, 252. Mary M. (Mrs.), 252. Phineas T., 252. William, 252, 296, 317. Miner, Eliza Bliss, 91. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 91, 92- John, 92. Joseph Stjtlman, 92. Lorenzo, 92. Mary A., 87. Selden, 91, 92. Mitchell, Alfred, 91. Andrew, 90. Armenal (Mrs.), 90. Catherine S., 91. Charles, 91. Daniel, 90. Mitchell, Donald Grant, 91. Hannah, 90. Hannah (Mrs.), 90. Hannah Grant, 91. Harriet, 91. Henry, 90. James, 90, 133. Julia, 28. Laura (Mrs.), 90. Lewis, 91. Mabel, 133. Mabel (Mrs,). 133. Mary E. (Mrs.), 91. Rebecca, 91. • Sophia (Mrs.), 91. Stephen, 90. Stephen Mix, 28, 91. Walter, 91. William, 90, 91. Mix, Elisha, 92. Harriet Butler, 34. Rebecca, 90. Stephen, 21, go, 92. Montague, Abigail (Mrs.). 95. Alvan, 92. Eunice (Mrs.), 92. George, 92, 93. Gordon Harris, 92. Huldah, 92. John, 93. Julia Ann (Mrs.), 93. Justus N., 93. Martha (Mrs.), 92. Martha R., 93. Moses, 92, 93. Noble, 93. Patty, 93- Persis (Mrs.), 93. Richard, 95. Sarah (Mrs.), 93. De Montplaisir, Boyssou, 93. Morgan, Albro, 43, 93- Chloe, 296. Cyrus, 296. Elias, 127. Elizabeth D., 93. Emma R., 93. 352 INDEX Morgan, Grace, 93. G, S., 286. Henry Coleman, 43. Henry Elias, 127. Ithamar, 296. Lavinia, 128. Mary (Mrs.), 93- Mary C., 43. Samuel, 93. Stephen, 93. William H., 252. Morris, Charles H., 94. Davis, 94. Elijah G., 93. Frank S., 94. Harriet (Mrs.), 94. Harriet E., 94. John S., 94. Laura J., 94. Martha (Mrs.), 94. Mary J., 94. Moses, 93, 94. Samuel W., 94. Tammy (Mrs.), 93. Morrison, James W., 116. Mabel, 116. Morse, Jacob, 94. James, 254. Lucia H. (Mrs.), 254. I-ucy Maria, 254. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 94- Morton, Benjamin, 252, 253, 285. Benjamin S., 285. Comfort (Mrs.), 253. Eldridge W., 253. Elizabeth, 253, 285. Frederick, 253, 285. George, 252. Hannah (Mrs.), 253. Jerusha (Mrs.), 285. John, 94, 253, 285. Lauretta (Mrs.), 253. Lucy, 285. Lucy (Mrs.), 253. Mary A., 253. Mary E. (Mrs.), 94. May Merrick, 94. Morton, Ruth, 253. Sarah (Mrs.), 253. Thomas, 253, 254. William R., 94. Moseley, Abner, 94, 317. Emily, 94. Eunice, 29, 94. Eunice (Mrs.), 94.- Harriet, 94. Hope, 94. Joseph, 94, 317. Maria, 94. Robert, 94. Walter, 94. William, 94. Mullen, Lucy, 194. Myers, John, 254. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 254. Myggatt, Jane, 95. Lucy (Mrs.), 95. Maria, 95. Thomas, 95. William, 95. Nash. Samantha O., 194. Neff, Abiah (Mrs.), 254. Abigail (Mrs.), 95. Barzillai G., 222. Cynthia Amelia, 254. John, 95. Joseph, 254. Joseph Henry, 254. Lucy, 254. Rensselaer, 254. Sarah Williams, 222. Virginia Caroline, 254. William, 95, 254. Nelson, John, 166. Newson, Elizabeth, 95. * Harriet, 48. John, 95. Lydia S., 95. Mary, 95. Nancy Hunt, 96. Sarah (Mrs.), 95, 96, 141. Thomas, 48, 95, 96, 141. Nichols, John C, 18. North, Abijah, 67, 297. INDEX 353 North, Almira, 297. Aurelia (Mrs.), 297. Charles S., S4- Clarissa, 297. Elijah, 298. Erastus, 297. Eunice (Mrs.), 298. Frank S., 54. Franklin W., 297. George, 297. Hattie S., 54. Henry L., 96. Hepsibah (Mrs.), 297. Hepsibeth (Mrs.), 297. Isaac, 297. Israel D., 297. Jedediah, 298, 308. Jerusha (Mrs.), 67, 96. Joseph, 297. Laura, 67. Lois, 297. Lois (Mrs.), 297. Lucy (Mrs.), 297. Maria (Mrs.), 96. Mary, 297. Mary (Mrs.), 67, 297. Mary R., 54. Patty (Mrs.), 298. Rhoda (Mrs.), 297. Sally, 298. Salmon, 67, 96. Samuel, 297, 298. Sarah (Mrs.), 297, 298. Selah, 298. Seth, 298. Silas, 297, 298. Zedediah, 298. Northrup, Albert H., 271. Frank Oliver, 271. Lucy A. (Mrs.), 271. Norton, Albert B., 298. Elizabeth L., 298. Eugene L., 299. Francis, 299, 306. Francis B., 299. Linus, 299. Mary, 299. 45 Norton, Mary (Mrs.), 306. Mary E., 299. , Nancy (Mrs.), 299. Nott, Abraham, 254. Asenath, 254. Eleazer, 254. Elishaba, 96. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 249. Frederick, 299. Gersho.m, 96. Hannah, 299. Jabez Dimock, 254. Jonathan, 299. Lydia (Mrs.), 254. Martha A. (Mrs.), 299. Mercy (Mrs.), 254- Sarah (Mrs.), 96. William, 249, 254. Zebedee, 299. Noyes, Abigail (Mrs.), 96. Joseph, 96. Oatman, Henry B., 46, 47. Henry Lavinius, 47. Lavinia (Mrs.), 47- Olcott, George, 96. Olmstead, Henry, 254. Martha (Mrs.), 254- Osborn, Caroline, 193. Edith Bessie, 199. Mary A. (Mrs.), 199- Newell, 192. Newton, 199. Olive B. (Mrs.), 192, i93. Reuben C, 192, i93- Owen, Aaron, 97. Mary (J*lrs.), 97- Packard, Leonard, 271. Palmer, Chauncey, 97. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 97- Elizabeth T., 45, 97- John, 97. Julia, 97. Mary Ann, 97. Paradise, Joseph, 97. Joseph Sherwin, 97. Sarah (Mrs.), 97- Parker, Albert G, 255. 354 INDEX Parker, Elnorad (Mrs.), 255. Fannie F., 255. Lena A., 255. Mary M., 255. Parsons, Charles E., 97. Eunice, 28. George E., 97, 98. Henry M., 98. Laura, 275, 276. M. Elizabeth, 98. Pasco, Leonidos R., 255. Otis, 255. Patterson, James, 162. Pearl, Lucy J., 98. Pelton, Mary F., 98. Nathan W., 98. S. Maria Sheads, 98. William H., 151. Penfield, Eliza E., 255. Pendleton, Jane A. (Mrs.), 9 John, 98. Perkins, Gustavus, 255. Rosetta (Mrs.), 255. Petit, Feles (Mrs.), 317. Thomas, 317. Pierce, John, 98. Mary, 98. Mary (Mrs.), 98. Samuel, 98. Pilsbury, Ames, 98. Edward Gould, 98. Edwin Benton Carlton, 98. Emily H. (Mrs.), 98. Louis D wight, 98. Pimm, William, 194. Pitkin, Ozias, 99. Samuel, 99. Pomeroy, Mary, 255. Mary (Mrs.), 215, 255. Oliver, 215, 255. Rachel, 215. Porter, Aaron, 300, 301. Abigail W., 300, 305. Abijah, 300, 301. Amos, 301. Clarence B., 301. Clarissa, 25^. Porter, Clarissa P. (Mrs.), 301. Damaris, 300. Edwin A., 301. Eleazer, 255. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 301. Emily F., 301. Ethan B., 300. Ezekiel, 99. Frederick A., 301. Frederick L., 301. Hezekiah, 99. Horace, 300, 301. James R., 300, 301. Jane S., 285. Jane M. (Mrs.), 302. Joseph B., 255. Julia (Mrs.), 300. Laura J. (Mrs.), 300. Leeman, 300. Leonard D., 300, 302. Linus, 300. Linus A., 301. Lois, 300. Lois (Mrs.), 300. Lotan, 301. Louisa W., 301. Lovira, 301. Lucy C. (Mrs.), 301. Luther, 301, 306. Lydia (Mrs.), 306. Lydia B., 300, 306. Lydia Moulton, 99. Mabel (Mrs.), 301. Mahala (Mrs.), 300. Mariam (Mrs.), 301. Mary (Mrs.), 99. Mattie M., 300, 302. Mattie S., 206. Medad, 301. Moses, 99, 301. Orrin B., 301, 302. Rhoda (Mrs.), 301. Sarah (Mrs.), 302. Sarah J. (Mrs.), 300. Thomas E., 300. William D., 300, 302. William E., 302. INDEX 355 Porter, William H., 300, 301. Powell, Anne, 255. Anne (Mrs.), 255. Robert, 255. Powers, William C, 302. Price, Jemima (Mrs.), 256. Jonathan, 256. Mehitabel, 255. Patience, 256. Sally, 256. Primus,- 99. Pulsifer, Henry C, 256. Nancy R., 256. Obed, 256. William Wallace, 256. Purrington, Ann (Mrs.), 170. Betsey (Mrs.), 170. David, 170. Edward D., 170. James, 170. John, 170. Seth, 170. Seth T., 170. Ramsey, Catherine, 155. Catherine (Mrs.), 155. John, ISS. Robert W., 155. Rash, Anna (Mrs.), 256. Ann Eliza, 99. Burrage, 256. Edward, 99, 256. Jeremiah, 256. Martha E., 256. Mary (Mrs.), 99. Nancy (Mrs.), 256. Selah, 256. Walter L., 256. Rathburn, Charles L., 257. Lucy A. (Mrs.), 257. Rawson, Dorothy (Mrs.), 257. Grindal, 257. Thomas Hooker, 257. Ray, Sarah J., 18. Reilley, James W., 257, 285. Mary, 257. Mary (Mrs.), 257, 285. William W., 257, 285. Reynolds, Hannah (Mrs.), 99. John, 99. Rhodes, Alexander, 99. Caroline, 18. Charles W., 100. George, 99. Josiah, 99. Laura, 100. Maria B., 100. Marinda (Mrs.), 99. Mary, 100. Mary (Mrs.), 100. Samuel, ico. Sarah (Mrs.), 99, 100. Selah, 100. Theodore S., 99. William, 100. Rice, Ann (Mrs.), 100. Charles, 100. Sally (Mrs.), 100. Thomas, 100. William, 100. Rich, Bertha C, 302. Ellen F. (Mrs.), 302. George A., 302. Richards, Abigail (Mrs.), 302. Amon, 302. Betsey W., 302. Delia, 199. Eli T., 302. Francis G., 188. H. E. (Mrs.), 311- John M., 302. Joseph, 100, 302. Katharine, 100. Lillie G., 311. Lydia (Mrs.), 302. Mary (Mrs.), 295, 302, 303. Mary K. (Mrs.), 199. Oliver, 199, 302, 303. Priscilla (Mrs.), 188. Samuel, 295, 302, 303. Thomas B., 303. W. M., 311- Richardson, Mary B. (Mrs.), 296. Riley, Abigail, loi. Abigail (Mrs.), loi, 2S7- 3S6 INDEX Riley, Ackley, 257. Allen, 257, 258. Ashbel, loi, 257, 258. Asher, 257. Austin, 257. Caroline, 258. Christopher, loi. Comfort (Mrs.), 257. Daniel, 257. Ebenezer, loi. Eliza, 257. Esther (Mrs.), 257, 258. Ezekiel, loi. Frederick, 258. Halsey, 258. Hannah (Mrs.), 258. Henrietta, lOi. Huldah (Mrs.), 258. Isaac, loi. Jabez, 258. Jacob, 257. James, 257, 258. Jane (Mrs.), loi. Jemima (Mrs.), loi. John, 2S7, 258. Justus, lOI. Levi, loi. Lucy, 258. Mabel, loi. Mabel (Mrs.), loi. Maria, 258. Martha, loi. Martha (Mrs.), 101. Mehitabel (Mrs.), loi. Rachel (Mrs.), 258. ' Roswell, loi. Sarah (Mrs.), 257, 258. Stephen, 257, 258. Risley, AHce R., 223. Edwin, 258. Emma Jane, 258. E. J. (Mrs.), 258. George, 258. H. P., 258. Jane, 258. Martha (Mrs.), 258. Martha W., 258. Risley, Nancy C. (Mrs.), 258. Sarah M., 258. Robbins, Abby Ann (Mrs.), 259. Abigail, 105, 259. Abigail (Mrs.), 102, 259, 262, 263. Alice Virginia, 105. Allen, 259. Allen A., 259. Allen Williams, 259. Allen W., 263. Almira (Mrs.), 259. Ameha (Mrs.), 259. Appleton, 102, 104. Archibald, 259. Asher, 102, 220. Augusta (Mrs.), 263. Augustus, 259. Austin, 263. Betsey, 102. Caroline M., 259. Celia (Mrs.), 102, 103. Celia Eliza, 102. Charles R., 261. Chloe (Mrs.), 263. Daniel, 102. David, 102, 105. David L., 196. Edith, 264. Edward, 259, 261. Edward F., 261. Elias, 260. Elias W., 259. Elijah, 220, 259, 261. Elisha, 102, 104, IDS. Eliza, 102. Eliza (Mrs.), 262. Elizabeth, 102. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 102. Ellen M., 102. Ellenora, 260. Emily F. (Mrs.), 183, 196. Emily M. (Mrs.), 259. Eunice, 102, 103, 212, 283. Eunice (Mrs.), 260. Eunice W., 264. Fanny (Mrs.), 260. Frances, 261. INDEX 357 Robbins, Francis B., 260. Franklin, 260. Frederick, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264. George, 105, 260. George W., 260. Gideon, 260. Gordon, 103. Hannah, 124, 260. Hannah (Mrs.), 260, 286, Harriet, 54, 105. Harriet (Mrs.), 103. Henry, 102, 103. Henry Augustus, 103. Henry B., 103. Henry M., 198. Hezekiah, 103. Honor (Mrs.), 259, 260. Horace W., 260. Horatio, 261. J. (Mrs.), 105. Jacob, 259, 263. James, 263. James W., 263. Jane A. (Mrs.), 261. Jason, 259, 260. Jason E., 263. Jehial, 261. Jerusha, 261. John, 103, 124, 260, 261, 262, 263. Joshua, 102, 103, 13s. Josiah, 103, 104, 281. Judith (Mrs.), 103, 104. JuHa, 103, 263. Julia N., 197. Julia S., 262. Laura, 264. Lavinia G., 261. Levi, 103, 259, 26 r, Lowrey, 183, 196. Lucinda (Mrs.), 261. Lucretia (Mrs.), 286. Lucy, 103. Lucy (Mrs.), 103. Lucy Lowrey, 183. Mabel (Mrs.), 261, 262, 263. Maria, 261. Robbins, Maria Rossiter, 103. Martha, 104, 220, 255. Martha (Mrs.), 103, 104, 105, 259, 261. Martha G., 104. Martin, ig6. Mary, ig8, 260, 261, 262, 263. Mary (Mrs.), 102, 103, 104, 182, 262. Mary A., 262. Mary E., 211. Mary R., 104. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 103, 260, 262. Nancy, 262. Nancy (Mrs.), 261. Nathaniel, 262, 263. Nathaniel W., 262. Obedience, 104. Oliver, 104, 105. Philemon F., 259. Prudence (Mrs.), 102. Rachel, 262. Ralph R., 262. Rebecca (Mrs.), 104, 105. Rhoda, 262. Richard, 103, 104, 259, 262, 263. Richard H., 262. Robert, 102, 103, 104, 105. Roderick, 286. Roderick H., 260. Roger, 262, 264. Rossiter, 102, 103. Roswell R., 262. Ruth (Mrs.), 263. Ruth E., 244. R. R., 261. Samuel, 102, 103, 105, 263. Sarah, 102, 238, 263. Sarah (Mrs.), 102, 104, los, 183, 238, 260, 263, 264. Sarah M., 228. Sarah Newson, 14. Simeon, 238, 263. Silas, 263. Solomon, 105. Susey (Mrs.), 102. Thomas, 104, 157. 358 INDEX Robbins, Unni, 182, 183, 198. Wait, 261. Walter, 264. Walter Lowrey, 183, 196. Warner, 264. William, 104, 105, 263, 264. William H., 259, 263. Wilson F., 261. Wilson H., 264. Zebulon, 260, 264, 286. Roberts, Alvin, 105. Benjamin, 258. Harriet (Mrs.), 105. Lucetta W., 151. Sybil (Mrs.), 258. Robertson, Ashbel, 105. Emily, 105. Henry C, 106. Robinson, Ann E. (Mrs.), 264, 286. Annie Estelle, 286. Ashbel, 264. Charles S., 264, 286. Eber L., 264. Edward H., 264. Ellen S. (Mrs.), 264. Henry, 264. Henry Francis, 264. Ruth (Mrs.), 264. Susannah (Mrs.), 264. Rockwell, C. H., 196. Daniel, 181. Elizabeth E,, i8i. Harriet W. (Mrs.), i8r. Joseph, 181. Justus, 181. Lillie May, 196. Nathan, 181. Nettie M. (Mrs.), 196. Oswald, 181. Robert, 181. Robert R., 181. Sarah (Mrs.), 181. Rodman, Eli, 264. Rogers, Maria, 268. Root, Julia A. (Mrs.), 199. Nathaniel, 199. Rose, Abigail, 106. Rose, George, 106. John, 106. Martha (Mrs.), 106. Mary, 104, 106. Samuel, 106. Sarah (Mrs.), 106. Rowland, Clara, 165. Kate (Mrs.), 165. Thomas, 165. Rowlandson, Anna (Mrs.), 106. William, 106. Wilson, 106. Rowley, Charlotte J. (Mrs.), 194, 19s. David E., 311. Edward R., 195. Fannie Etta, 195. Frederick D., 195. John S., 194, 195. Mary R., 311. Sarah B. (Mrs.), 311. Ruick, Melvine M., 77. Russell, Abigail (Mrs.), 106, 265. Abigail A., 265. Anna (Mrs.), 106. Austin, 265. Benjamin, 265. Caroline W., 267. Catherine (Mrs.), 265. Daniel, 107, 265, 266. Eliza, 265. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 106, 107. Elizabeth A., 266. Emily (Mrs.), 266. Hannah, 265. Harriet, 107. Hattie E., 267. Horace, 265, 266. James, 265. John, 106, 107, 265. Lucy (Mrs.), 107. Lucy B. (Mrs.), 107. Lucy Ward, 107. Lydia, 266. Lydia (Mrs.), 265, 266. Maria, 107. Maria Smith, 107. INDEX 359 Russell, Martha, 74. Martha (Mrs.), 107. Mary Ann, 266. Rebecca (Mrs.), 266. Rufus, 265, 266. Ruth (Mrs.), 266. Sarah J., 266. Sarah T. (Mrs.), 266. Sophia D., 266. Stephen, 266. Timothy, 106, 107. Walter R., 267. W. Burton, 267. William H., 106. William R., 266. Ryer, Elizabeth D. (Mrs.), 267. George, 267. Henry H., 267. Sage, Calvin, 303. Eliza E., 220. George H., 267. Hannah, 276. Laura S., 267. Linus, 303. Jerus (Mrs.), 303. Sails, S. Maria, 109. Saltonstall, Elizabeth, 47. Sargent, Ann M. (Mrs.), 107. Augustus, 107. Nellie Hanmer, 107. Katherine H. (Mrs.), 107. Philip, 107. Saunders, James, 185. Sophronia (Mrs.), 185. Stephen, 185. Savage, Horace, 107. Jane H., 94. Sarah (Mrs.), 107. Scott, Elizabeth, 55, 139. Thomas, 139. Scranton, Caroline, 189. Sears, Calvin, 108. Martha (Mrs.), iq8. Sebor, Jacob, 108. Lucy (Mrs.), 108. Seeley, Abiah, 46. Chauncey, 194. Seeley, Joshua, 108. Loranah, 108. Martha (Mrs.), 108. Selden, Charles E., 267. Hannah, 251. Lorey, 303. Olive S., 303. Simeon, 303. Simeon S., 303. Seymour, Abigail (Mrs.), 171. Ashbel, 171. Bavil, IS7, 161. David L., 198. Elias, 161, 162. Eunice, 161. George, 161. Jeremiah, 162. Jerusha, 162. Lucy, 56. Lydia (Mrs.), 157. Mary, 162. Mary L. (Mrs.), 171. Nancy, 162. Theodore, 157, i6r. Walter W., 198. Shepard, Edward, 108. Elizabeth, 108. Josephine, 204. Mary, 164. Mary Ann, 108. Sarah Belden, io8. Sherman, Charles A., 108. Marshall E., 108. Shipmaker, Edith L., 267. Frederick G., 267. Jeremy G., 267. Jerusha R., 267. John, 267. Shipman, Albert G., 267. Emma May, 267. Frank D., 240. Frank W., 240. Isabella, 267. James, 267. Mary G. (Mrs.), 240. Samuel, 267. Simons, Abner, 194. 36o INDEX Simpson, Betsey, io8. Skaats, Abigail H. (Mrs.), 109. Abraham, 108, 109. Albert N., 109. Ann (Mrs.), 109. Caroline B. (Mrs.), log. Charles B., 109. David, 108. Ella, J., 109. Emma P., 109. Fanny, 109. Frank B., 109. Horace E., 109. Joseph, 109. Mary, 109. Mary (Mrs.), 108, 109. Mary E., 109. Slater, George W., 109. Julia A., 109. Small, Daniel, 268. Ella Jane Drody, 268. Francis H., 268. James B., 268. Julia Bulkley, 268. Smith, Abigail (Mrs.), no, in, 268. Abigail G., 268. Abigail S., 268. Abigail W., 268. Adelia, 269. Allyn, 109. Almira, 268. Anna (Mrs.), 269. Antoinette (Mrs.), no. Arthur G., 269. Ashbel, 109. Benia, 317. Benjamin, 286, 317. Betsey (Mrs.), 269. Caroline G., log. Charles Edmund, 286. Charlotte (Mrs.), 268. Christian (Mrs.), 269. Clarissa Maria, 268. Cora, 269. Cornelia (Mrs.), 286. David, 268, 269. David K., 268, 270. Smith, Davis, 268. Edgar G., 269. Edmund, 268. Edward D., 109. Eli I., 162. Eliakim, 268. Elijah, 303. Eliza, III. Eliza Ann, 269. Eliza Jane, 268. Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ill, 269. Elizabeth S., no. Ellen C, 286. Elvein, log. Emeline, 269. Emma, 286. Esther (Mrs.), in. Esther T. (Mrs.), log. Ezekiel, 269, 270. Fanny (Mrs.), 270. Frank L., 286. George, 109, 112, 286. George M., 269, 286. Gershom, 317. Hannah (Mrs.), in, 269, 317. Henry, 109, 269. Henry Davis, 268. Henry G., no, 269. Henry J., 269, 286. Hope (Mrs.), no. Horace Earl, 286. Huldah (Mrs.), no. Israel, no, in. James, 109, no, in, 112. Jane (Mrs.), 318. Jane Elizabeth, 303. Jerusha (Mrs.), no. John, no. John L., 269. Jonathan, no, in, 269. Joseph, 317. Josiah, no. Justina E. (Mrs.), 269, 286. Kate (Mrs.), no. Kate G., no. Kate L. (Mrs.), 268, 286. Keziah (Mrs.), no. INDEX 361 Smith, Lansing S., 286. Laura (Mrs.), 286. Laura M., 269. Leonard, no. Leonard F., no. Levi, no, 112, 269. Lois, in. Louisa A., no. Lucinda (Mrs.), 269. Lucy, III. Lucy R. (Mrs.), 109. Lulu E., no. L. Horatio, 269. L. Wesley, 268. Manus, 269. Martha, in. Martha (Mrs.), no, 269. Martha G., 268. Mary, in, 318. Mary (Mrs.), 318. Mary A., 270. Mary E., in. Mary H. (Mrs.), 286. Mason, 268, 270. Mille, III. Morgan H., log. Nancy (Mrs.), 270. Olive D. (Mrs.), 303. Percy, 286. Philip, III. Porter, 109. Prudence, in. Rebecca, in, 114. Rhoda, 270. Richard, 318. Roger, III. Ruth (Mrs.), 270. Samuel, 318. Sarah (Mrs.), in, 112, Sarah Jane, 268. Simeon, in. Sophia, 270. Sophia Stevens, 151. Thankful (Mrs.), 112. Thomas, in. Walter, 270. Walter E., no. Smith, Walter H., 286. William, no, 139. William E., no. William S., 270. William W., 270. Spencer, Edgar E., 270. Mary Ann, 191. Richard A., 270. Standish, Annie Rose, 112. Eunice, 112. Eunice (Mrs.), 112. Hannah, 112. Hannah (Mrs.), 112. James, 112. John, 112. Josiah, 112. Laura, 71. Nancy, 34. Thomas, 113. Stanley, Electa, 183. George, 113. Hannah (Mrs.), 113. James, 270. Sarah (Mrs.), 270. Steele, Alonzo W., 174. Ammarillis, 303. Anna (Mrs.), 303. Betsey, 304. Charles E., 301. Daniel, 303, 304. David, 304. Elias M., 306. Elijah, 157. Elizur, 304. Ella F., 113. Emma L., 194. Freeman, 304. Huldah S. (Mrs.), 194. James, 113, 304. Jane (Mrs.), 174. Joseph, 157. Marilla R. (Mrs.), 306. Mary A. (Mrs.), 113. Matilda (Mrs.), 304. Olive (Mrs.), 157. Percival, 157. Samuel, 194. 46 362 INDEX Steele, Sa.nuel W. D., 194. Selden, 304. Sylvester W., 113. De Steigner, Mary Ames, ic Stevens, Alexander, 304. Alice (Mrs.), 318. Arty (Mrs.), 165. Davis D., 304. Elisha, 113. Elizabeth, 218. Eunice (Mrs.), 318. Henry, 113. Ichabod, 165. Isaac, 113. Sarah (Mrs.), 113, 318. Sarah M., 304. Timothy, 318. Stillman, Abigail, 117. Abigail (Mrs.), 113. Alfred C, 115. Allen, 113, 114. Allyn, 113. Amelia, 115. Anna (Mrs.), 114. Benjamin, 117. Caroline Maria, 114. Chauncey, 54. Clarissa, 116. Ebenezer, 114. Elisha, 113, 114. Eliza, 114. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 114. Elizabeth D. (Mrs.), 117. Elizabeth Hanmer, 116. Emeline L., 115. Emily, 114. Francis, 54. Francis D., S4- Franklin O., 115. George, 114, 115, 116. Grace S., 115. Henry, 114, 117. James, 115. John, IIS, 116, 117. John F., 114. John W., IIS- Joseph, 114, IIS, ii6> 117- Stillman, Julia, iiS- Laura, 51. Levi, IIS- Mabel B. (Mrs.), 115. Martha, 114, 116. Martha (Mrs.), 114, 116. Martha D. (Mrs.), 114. Mary, 270. Mary (Mrs.), 116, 117, 270. Millicent (Mrs.), loi, 116. Nancy, 116. Nathaniel, 114, 116, 117. Otis, 116. Prudence (Mrs.), 113. Rebecca, 116. Rebecca (Mrs.), 116, II7- Rhoda (Mrs.), 116. Samuel, lOi, 114, II5> ii6- Samuel W., iiS- Sarah (Mrs.), 114, iiS, ii7- Sarah L. (Mrs.), 115. Simeon, 116, 117. Southmayd, 117. Timothy, 114, 117. William, 270. Stillson, Anna (Mrs.), 117. Bertha, 117. Charles A., 117. Frank, 117. Stilwell, Lucinda (Mrs.), n8 Sylvanus Bedell, 118. William S., 118. Stocking, Jane, 16. Stoddard, Allen, 171, 172, 198. Arthur Rufus, 198. Arthur W., 198. Benjamin, 173. Beulah, 173. Candace, 156. Candace (Mrs.), 1S4. Charles, 175. C. S. (Mrs.), 199. Dorothy, 173. Eli, 118. Eli W., 118. Elijah, 166. Elisha, 166, 173. INDEX 363 Stoddard, Elisha M., 175. Elizabeth, 166. Epaphras, 118. Fanny (Mrs.), IS6. Fanny Eliza, 156. Fanny G., 199. Frank R., 198. Frederick 'H^., igg. Harriet, 118. Heman F., 156, Hiram, 156. John, 166. Jonathan, 154. Joshua, 118. J. M., 17s. Leila E., 199. Lewis Allen, 199. Lucy, 173. Mabel (Mrs.), 166. Marcus L., 199. Marcus W., 198. Marshall Allen, 198. Mary, 90, 118. Mary (Mrs.), 118, 172. Mella, 118. Metta, 118. Nathaniel, 118, 166. Ruby, 199. Rufus, 198. Sabra (Mrs.), 154. Sarah (Mrs.), 166. Sidney, 172, 198. Simeon, 173. Solomon, 90, 175. Thomas, 172. William M., 175. Stone, Charles DeForest, \i M. A., 189. Stotzer, Lydia, 199. Mary E., 199. Robert, 199. Stow, Caroline, 282. Charles M., 304. Ebenezer, 270. Enos, 270. Ruth (Mrs.), 270. Sarah (Mrs.), 304. Strickland, Octavia, 178. Sweet, Albert D., 272, Asa, 118. Robert D., 272. Swift, Anna, 59. Talcott, Amelia (Mrs.), 118. Benjamin, 318. Clarissa, 118. Dinah (Mrs.), 119. D. Chnton, 119. Ebenezer, 119. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 318. Elizabeth G., 119. Francis H., 119. Hezekiah, 119. Joseph, 119. Josiah, 119. Mary, 119. Molly, 118. Nathaniel, 318. Samuel, 118, 119. Sarah (Mrs.), 119, 319. William, 118. Talmadge, Frances, 88. Taylor, Alfred E., 270. Charlotte V., 271. E. L., 119. Fanny C. (Mrs.), 287. Henry H., 287. Margaret (Mrs.), 187. Mary (Mrs.), 270, 271. Roland, 187. Stephen W., 271. Warren, 270, 271. William, 119. William H., 287. William W., 120. Thayer, Betsey A. (Mrs.), 271, Chapin, 271. Honor (Mrs.), 271. John L., 271. Jonathan, 271. Josiah, 271. Lewis E., 271. Lucy A. (Mrs.), 271. Lydia, 271. Thomas, Anne (Mrs.), 206. 364 INDEX Thomas, Evan, 206. Sally, 206. Thrasher, Allen, 120. Brazilla, 120. James B., 120. Louisa K. (Mrs.), 120. Thresher, Anson H., 120. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 120. Lucy W. (Mrs.), 120. Manning, 120. Tomlinson, Pamelia (Mrs.), 120. Ransom, 120. Tracy, Tryphena, 44. Treat, Abby, 121. Caroline (Mrs.), 122. Charles, 120. Chauncey, 120. Dorothy (Mrs.), 12a. Elisha, 120, 121. Hannah (Mrs.), 121. Horace, 122. James, loi, 121, 122. James Porter, loi. Jerusha (Mrs!), 122. John, 101, 121, 122. John H., 121. Joseph, 121. Mary (Mrs.), 121. Mary Elizabeth, loi. Molly (Mrs.), 121. Prudence, 122. Prudence (Mrs.), loi, 120, 121, 122. Prudence Maria, 122. Rebecca, 122. Samuel, 121, 122. Sarah, 122. Sarah (Mrs.), 122. Thomas, 319. Wolcott, 122. Tryon, Abijah H., 271. Ann, 122. Arabella, 271. Aurelia (Mrs.), 271. Chiffonettel, 147. Emily (Mrs.), 122. Eunice, 122. Tryon, Joseph, 319. Mercy (Mrs.), 122. Moses, 122, 123, 147. Tucker, Oliver B., 271. Turner, George, 123. Hope (Mrs.), 123. Upson, Collins, 271. Martha L. (Mrs.), 271. Wadsviforth, Alice Amelia, 123. Horace, 123, 151. Isaac, 123. John Casper, 123. Julia Ann, 123. Lucius, 123, 152. Lucy Ann, 123. Manna, 123. Rebecca (Mrs.), 123, 151. Walbridge, Mary, 212. Ward, John N., 123. Warner, A. (Mrs.), 311. Aaron, 124. Abigail (Mrs.), 124, 125, 287. Abigail H., 125. Abigail L. (Mrs.), 271. A. S., 83. Albert A., 217. Allen, 124, 126. Almira (Mrs.), 287. Anna (Mrs.), 287. Anna B., 124. Cornelia S. (Mrs.), 126. Daniel, 124, 125, 126, 217, 271, 272. Elijah, 185. Elizabeth, 124, 125. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 124, 126. 272. Emma M., 287. Eunice (Mrs.), 124. Frederick, 283. George Spaulding, 124. Hannah, 124. Hannah (Mrs.), 125. Harriet, 125. Harriet (Mrs.), 126. Horace, 126. Huldah W., 125. H. S., 311. Jacob, 125. INDEX 36s Warner, James, 272. John, 124, 125, 126, 272. Jonathan, 125, 126. Josiah, 125. Levi, 126, 287. Levi Butler, 287. Lucretia (Mrs.), 185. Lucretia A., 311. Lucy, 217. Mabel W. (Mrs.). 126. Marshall J., 272. Martha, 125, 126. Martha (Mrs.), 272. Martha Ann, 126. Mary, 126. Mary (Mrs.), 125, 126. Mary C, 151. Melissa, 272. Melissa (Mrs.), 287. Oliver J., 184. Otis, 126. Polly, 126. Polly (Mrs.), 125, 126. Prudence M., 31. Ralph D., 126. Rebecca (Mrs.), 125, 126. Robert, 125, 126. Robert W., 126. Roger, 272. Samuel, 126. Sarah, 126. Sarah (Mrs.,) 125, 126, 217, 272. Sarah D., 272. Sarah Josephine, 272. Sarah W., 179. Stanley W., 287. Sylvester, 185. Sylvester E., 311. Thomas, 125, 126, 127, 272. Wait, 271, 272. Walter, 272, 287. Walter A., 287. Welles, 127. William, 124, 127. William W., 287. Warren, David, 127. Sally (Mrs.), 127. Warriner, Mary A., 272. Washburn, George C, 127. Maggie (Mrs.), 127. Waterbury, Huldah S., 127. Joseph, 12^. Mary (Mrs.), 127. Simeon, 127. William, 127. Watkins, James, 159. Mary, 141. Watson, Clarissa A. (Mrs.), 272. Giles T., 272, 273. William, 88. Weaver, George L., 271, 273. Nancy, 273. Webb, Abigail, 273. Agnes L., 273. Amelia, 128. Augusta B. (Mrs.), 274. Belinda, 233. Benjamin G., 273. Catherine, 273. Charles Barrell, 128. Charlotte, 273. Charlotte (Mrs.), 273. David, 273. Edgar W., 273. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 273. Elizabeth Bancker, 128. Ellen M. (Mrs.), 273. Eva M., 273. Ezra, 128. Frances Chester, 127. Harriet Blatchley, 127. Henry, 273. Henry Elias, 127. Henry Livingston, 128. Henry Walstien, 273. John, 127, 273. John Haynes, 128. Joseph, 127, 128. Joseph Hays, 127. Martha, 273. Mary, 128. Mary (Mrs.), 273. Mary E., 273. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 127. 366 INDEX Webb, Polly, 273. Sarah, 127. Thomas Chester, 128. William, 273. William Griswold, 274. WilHam H., 274, William L., 274. Webster, Amos A., 166, Anna (Mrs.), 304. Arthur C, 199. Augustus, 128. Chester C, 166, 199. Cynthia (Mrs.), 304. Cyrus, 304. David, 166, 273, 304. Eliza E., 198. Elizabeth, 115. Esther (Mrs.), 305. Eunice, 263. Eunice (Mrs.), 305. John, 305. Jonathan, 305. Leonard, 273. Lydia (Mrs.), 166. Mabel, 166. Marilla R. (Mrs.), 199. Nancy W. (Mrs.), 193. Olive, 305. Philo, 193. Roxana (Mrs.), 30S- Selah, 305. Sylvester, 305. Zerviah (Mrs.), 305. Weed, James, 274. Keturah (Mrs.), 274. Weeks, Abigail (Mrs.), 128. Benjamin, 128. Hannah, 54. Welles, Abigail (Mrs.), 130, 169, 171. Abigail H., 135. Absalom, 171. Angeline (Mrs.), 131. Anna, i8i. Anna (Mrs.), 131. Antoinette, 132. Appleton, 171. Welles, Ashbel, 131. Bethankful (Mrs.), 131, 132. Bille, 128. Caroline, 183. Caroline Galpin, 129. Catherine G., 195. Catherine L., 132. Cena (Mrs.), 135. Charles E., 198. Charles H., 131. Chester, 131, 132. 133, 180. Chloe, 128. Clarissa B., 131. Corneha D. (Mrs.), 195. Curtis, 136, 146. Cynthia, 112, 180. Diana W. S. (Mrs.), 190. Donald, 131, 132. Edgar Clinton, 129. Edward D., 132. Eleanor C. (Mrs.), 183. Electa (Mrs.), 184. Electa Stanley, 184. Elijah, 131, 179, 180. Elisha, 133, 135- Eliza, 130, 169. Elizabeth, 129. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 319. Elizabeth Ann, 152. Emily Ann (Mrs.), 163. Emily R. Morgan, 130. Enos, 163. Erastus, 133. Eunice (Mrs.), 131, 132. Eunice Montague, 131. Ezekiel, 131. Fanny, 131. Fanny (Mrs.), 178. Fanny N., 178. Francis T., 146. Frederick Eugene, 129. Gaylord, 190. George, 129, 132. Gertrude Leland, 163. Gideon, 129, 131, 132. Gurdon, 129, 147. Hannah, 165. INDEX 367 Welles, Hannah (Mrs.), 132. Harriet F., 132. Harriet L. (Mrs.), 131. Harriet M., 137. Harvey, 131. Henry, 130. Hezekiah, 132. Horace, 131, 132, 134. Horace A., 132. Ichabod, 130, 132. James, 132, 134, 169, 183. James C, 183. James H., 132. Jemima (Mrs.), 178. Jerusha (Mrs.), 132. John, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136. John G., 163. Jonathan, 80, 131, 132, 133. Joseph, 130, 132, 133, 134. Joshua, 133, 152. Josiah, 133. Judith, 133, 152. Judith (Mrs.), 133, 135. Julia, 130. JuHa (Mrs.), 173. Julia Norton, 178. j. Gaylord, 163. Laura, 93. Leonard, 130. Lois, 133. Lois (Mrs.), 135. Lorain (Mrs.), 171. Lucy, 104, 169. Lucy (Mrs.), 169. Lucy Frances, 130. Lucy R., 130. Lydia, 133. Manning, 133. Martha, 77, i34- Martha (Mrs.), 128. Martha V., 132. Martin, 131, 178. Mary, 48, 104, 129, 196, 198. Mary (Mrs.), 131, 132, i34, 136, 163. Mary A., isi- -1 Mary C, 132. Welles, Mary W., 130. Mercy D. (Mrs.), 192, 199. Michael, 132, 134. Nancy, 134. Oliver, 130, 134, 135. Origen, 176. Philena (Mrs.), 163. Polly, 80. Prudence, 130. Prudence (Mrs.), 132, 134. Rachel, 179. Ralph, 173. Rebecca, 134. Rebecca (Mrs.), 133, 134. Rhoda Maria, 130. Robert, 134, 165, 171. Roger, 178, 183, 184, 192, 199. Rossiter, 134, 135. Roswell, 135. Ruth (Mrs.), 319. Ruth H. (Mrs.), 130. Samuel, 131, 135, 319. Samuel R., 130. Sarah, 13S, 178. Sarah (Mrs.), 131, 135, 176, 179, 180. Sarah Aiken, 192, 199. Seth, 133, 135. Silas, 319. Solomon, 130, 178. Sophia, 183. Sophia (Mrs.), 129. Stephen, 135. Sylvester, 135. Thaddeus, 319. Thomas, 61, 104, 130, 132, 134, I3S, 136, 162, 319. Thomas Warner, 129. Timothy, 136. Tryphena (Mrs.), 131. Walter, 152. Wealthy (Mrs.), 136. William, 163, 195. William W., 131. Wyllys, 136. Wentworth, Anne (Mrs.), 175, Rebecca (Mrs.), 176. 368 INDEX Wentworth, Sion, 175, 176. William, 175. Whaples, Abigail, 170. Amanda (Mrs.), 164. Anson, 164. Charles E., 170. Elisha, 164. Eunice, 164. Frederick, 170, 171. Hannah (Mrs.), 160, 170. Henry, 170. Horace, 190. Jacob, 160. Jonathan, 164. Nancy (Mrs.), 164. Samuel, 170. Sarah (Mrs.), 164. Walter W., 170. Wheeler, Coleman E., 184. John, 136. White, Alexander, 136 Alice A., 274. Cynthia (Mrs.), 274. Ellen E. (Mrs.), 274. Henry A., 274. Henry W., 274. John, 274. Lucy W., 70. Sarah J., 274. William H., 274. Whitford, Chloe B. (Mrs.), 274. Mary Ellen, 274. William S., 274. Whitmore, Anna (Mrs.), 275. Asa W., 275. Betsey, 275. Caroline, 275. Cynthia, 233. C. L., 275. Eliza, 208. Elizabeth, 275. Elizabeth B. (Mrs.), 274. Ella (Mrs.), 275. Elvira, 252. Francis, 274. Henry, 274. Hezekiah, 274, 275. Whitmore, Honor (Mrs.), 208, 287. Lewis, 275. Mary I., 275. Mehitabel, 275. Nancy, 275. Norman, 275. Sally G., 252. Susan, 287. Sylvester, 208, 275, 287. William, 275. Whiton, James, 136. Whittlesey, Asaph, 165. Chauncey, 165. Cornelia, 195. Delia, 198. Eliphalet, 166. Hannah L., 166. Heman, 179. Laura Kellogg, 165. Laura W. (Mrs.), 165. Lemuel, 165, 166. Mary (Mrs.), 166. Wickham, John, 319. Thomas, 136. Wiers, Alice D., 189. Bertie R., 188. Celinda C, 188. Clarissa (Mrs.), 189. Flavel, 188. Mary A. (Mrs.), 188. Susan S. (Mrs.). 188. Truman, 189. W. B., 188. Wilcox, Alfred, 275. Alfred D., 275. Benjamin C, 287. Chester, 275. Ebenezer C, 287. Hattie B., 287. Lucy, 136. Lucy A., 136. Martha A. (Mrs.), 275. Miranda (Mrs.), 275. Phebe A., 275. Sarah D. (Mrs.), 275. Sophronia T. (Mrs.), 287. Walter S., 275. INDEX 369 Wilder, Laura, 264. Laura (Mrs.), 287. Nahum, 275, 276, 287. Sophia, 264. William Smith, 276. Wilkinson, John, 276. Mehitabel, 276. Willard, Adaline, 136. Anna, loi. Anna (Mrs.), 101, 137. Anna B. (Mrs.), 137. Charles, 137. Charles L., 197. Charles W., 137. Chloe, 160. Daniel, 160, 161. Daniel H., 197. Dorothy (Mrs.), 160, 161. Edward Merton, 197. Emma A., 138. Ephraim, 137. Eugene Berdett, 197. Frances G. (Mrs.), 197. Frank Elmore, 197. Hannah, 137, 160. Hannah (Mrs.), 136, 137. Harriet D. (Mrs.), 137, 152. Herbert Robbins, 197. Jane (Mrs.), 138. John E., 137. Josiah, 160, 161. Julia A., II. Laura, 160. Laura (Mrs.), 160. Laura Frances, 197. Lydia, 161. Lydia (Mrs.), 137. Martha (Mrs.), 138. Mary, 137, 160. Rhoda, 160. Rhoda (Mrs.), 138, 160, 161. Rhoda B., 197. Sarah Rose, 42. Simon, 160. Stephen, loi, 137, 138, 152. Thomas, 138. Wealthy, 138. Willard, Welles, 137. William, 136, 137, 138. William F., 197. William Leslie, 138. Willes, Elizabeth, 138. Jonathan, 138. Williams, Abigail, 140, 259. Abigail B., 276. Ackley, 276. Agnes (Mrs.), 140. Allen, 276. Anne, 138. Betsey, 276. Betsey (Mrs.), 287. Betsey D. (Mrs.), 276. Caroline (Mrs.), 276. Catherine, 276. Catherine A., 141. Catherine L., 276. Charles, 276. Charles A., 276. Chester, 258. Chloe, 259. Christian, 140. Christian (Mrs.), 277. Comfort, 278. Comfort (Mrs.), 277, 278. Daniel, 277, 279. Elias, 215, 259, 277, 279, 280, 281. Eliel, 277, 280. Elisha, 138, 139, 141. Eliza Azelia (Mrs.), 141. Elizabeth, 140. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 139, 141, 278. Elmina L., 140. Emily, 140. Emily (Mrs.), 140. Ephraim, 139, 140, 141, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281. Esther, 140. Esther (Mrs.), 277, 279. Esther Sophia, 140. Eunice, 141, 260. Eunice (Mrs.), 138, 139, 277, 281. Ezekiel, 140. Ezekiel Salter, 140. Fanny E., 276. 47 370 INDEX Williams, Flora E., 141. Frances, 140. Frances Louisa, 282. Frederick, 277. George Lewis, 277. Hannah (Mrs.), 276, 280. Hannah Hopkins, 140. Harriet Louisa, 278. Henry, 278, 279. Henry P., 140. Henry R., 141. Henry Silliman, 140. Horace, 278. Israel, 278. Jacob, 140, 276, 277, 278. Jane E., 276. Jerusha, 278. John, 140, 277, 278, 279, 281. John Worthington, 140. Levi, 278. Lucy, 278. Lucy (Mrs.), 278. Lydia (Mrs.), 278. Lyman, 279. Margaret S., 276. Martha, 141, 263. Martha (Mrs.), 140, 214, 238, 278. 279. Martha T., 279. Mary, 140, 214, 279. Mary (Mrs.), 77, 140, 141, 279. Mary A., 141. Mary Elizabeth, 287. Mary F., 77. Mehitabel, 279. Mehitabel (Mrs.), 276, 279, 282. Merriam, 276, 279, 287. Moses, 214, 238, 277, 278, 279. Moses W., 276. Nancy, Mrs., 279. Olive, 215. Prudence, 141, 280. Prudence (Mrs.), 140, 215, 259, 280. Rachel (Mrs.), 278. Ralph W., 280. Rhoda, 238. Williams, Rhoda (Mrs.), 277. Richard, 280. Richard S., 140. Rosa, 280. Ruth (Mrs.), 276, 278, 280, 281. Samuel, 140, 141. Samuel P., 140. Samuel W., 140. Sarah, 222. ^ Sarah (Mrs.), 139, 278, 280, 281. Selden S., 77. Simeon, 218, 280. Solomon Stoddard, 140. Sophia (Mrs.), 140. Stephen, 280. Susan, 280. Susan R. (Mrs.), 280. Thankful (Mrs.), 277, 279. Thomas B., 276. Thomas N., 141. Thomas Scott, 140. Thomas W., 141. Urael, 281. Uriah Watkins, 141. Ursula, 281. Venus, 281. Wait, 278. Washington, 276, 279, 281, 282. William, 141, 280, 281. William W., 280. Willys, 277, 280, 281. Willis, William J., 228. Wilson, Jno., 141. Winship, Abigail (Mrs.), 141. Joseph, 141. Wisvifall, Ebenezer, 77. Wolcott, Abigail, 142. Abigail (Mrs.), 142. Ambrose, 281. Charles, 142. Chauncey A., 142. David, 161, 175. Dwight, 281. Edith, 143. Edward Wilder, 142. Elisha, 142, 143, 144. Elizabeth, 142, 143, 161. INDEX 371 Wolcott, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 142, 144, 281. Francis, 281. Frank, 143. Franklin Waterhouse, 143. George, 144. Gershom, 142. Hannah, 142. Hannah Elizabeth, 142. Harriet B., 142. Henry, 281. Horace, 143. Horatio, 143. Horatio Gates, 143. Huldah, 143. Huldah (Mrs.), 143, 144- Jennette, 281. John, 142, 143. Josiah, 143, 281. Julia Ann (Mrs.), 281. Lois (Mrs.), 281. Mary, 143. Mary (Mrs.), 143. Mary E. (Mrs.), 143. Mary H., 75. Mary W. (Mrs.), 142. Oliver, 143, 144. Rebecca, 144. Rebecca (Mrs.), 144. Rhoda (Mrs.), 143. Robert A., 142. Samuel, 142, 143, 144. Sarah, 144. Sarah (Mrs.), 142, 144. Sarah N., 142. Solomon, 144. Sophia (Mrs.), 144. William, 143, 144. Woodhouse, Abigail (Mrs.), 144, 147. Abijah, 144, 145. Anne, 146. Asenath, 146. Caroline, 146. Charlotte, 28. Clarissa H. (Mrs.), 145. Clarissa Harris, 145. Daniel, 145, 146. Woodhouse, Donald, 145. Elizabeth, 146. Emma Jane, 145. George, 147. George W., 145. H-annah, 145. Hannah (Mrs.), 146. Harriet, 146. Henry, 147. Henry W., 145. Humphrey, 145. James, 145. Jane (Mrs.), 144, 145. John, 146, 147. Joseph, 146, 147. Levi, 144. Lucy (Mrs.), 145, 146. Lura (Mrs.), 145. Martha, 35, 146. Mary, 146. Mary Ann, 146. Oliver, 146. Pamelia (Mrs.), 146. Ralph H., 146. Rebecca (Mrs.), 145. Rebecca B., 146. R. Elizabeth, 146. Samuel, 144, 147. Sarah, 146, 147. Sarah (Mrs.), 14S, 146, 147. Sarah B., 146. Sarah N., 147. Solomon, 145, 146, 147. Sophia, 146, 147. Sylvester, 14S, 147. Titus, 146. Titus B., 147. William, 147. William F., 145. William H., 145. Woodruff, David, 305. Eunice (Mrs.), 305. Harris, 305. Richard, 282. Woodwfard, Edwin Porter, 147. Henr^, 147. Maria (Mrs.), 147. 372 INDEX Woodward, Samuel B., 147. Woolworth, James H., 148. Wright, Abigail, 57. Abigail (Mrs.), 57, 148, 149, 150. Amos, 282. Asa, 148, 149. Ashbel, 148, 149. Benjamin, 282. Clarissa R. (Mrs.), 148. Crafts, 148. Daniel, 282, 319. David, 149. Ebenezer, 148, 282. Elijah, 148, 149, 150. Elisha, 148. Elizabeth, 148. Elizur, 148. Ella M., 282. Ellen (Mrs.), 319. Esther (Mrs.), 155. Frances, 148. Giles, 282. Hannah (Mrs.), 148. Horace, 148. Huldah, 38. Ira, 282. James, 148, 149, 150. John, 149. John T., 282. Jonathan D., 149. Wright, Joseph, 149. Josiah, 149, 150. Justus, 282. Lois (Mrs.), 149, 150. Lucy, 38. Lucy (Mrs.), 149, 150, 282. Lyman, 282, 283. Mabel (Mrs.), 149. Mary, 38, 150, 283. Mary (Mrs.), 149. Mehitabel, 283. Moses, 150. Nancy, 99. Olive E. (Mrs.), 282. Patty (Mrs.), 282, 283. Penelope (Mrs.), 150. Prudence, 74, 150. Ruth, 194. Samuel, S7- Sarah (Mrs.), 150, 282. Timothy, 74, 148, ISO. Thomas, 150, 155. William, 283. Wylls, Jonathan, 150. Yuran, George, 150. Stephen, 150. Wealthy (Mrs.), 150. Zeister, Joseph, 283. Kate (Mrs.), 283.