.^""'i'^^li'i III ■I ON THE Delaware BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF 1891 A^SAU^J. I ii^ 5931 3 1924 092 229 214 Date Due ■ n nd 11 ir c;9fi' JIAN ^ '> 3c. «> y\»P ^ "^ i*. btci: i ^5-6 A i' A di 1 / ^ ^m ^ 1957 a ^ l]t /'//>/ fffiv ^- Q- *6ptf P. ^ l^^f^ til,! -^' •^fP? P (P«s-f»'fir ; kui lI'^a pJaBT'^a '"^ ORTt^ ?9-©-^ 3 .: z=^_ #n Activities in Europe, 1642-1653. XXIV. The Reorganization of the New Sweden Company, 1642 221 XXV. The Fifth Expedition, 1642-1643 237 XXVI. The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden and the Trading Voyage to the Caribbean Islands, 1 643-1 647 242 XXVII. The Seventh Expedition, 1645-1647 250 XXVIII. The Eighth Expedition, 1647-1648 ] 258 XXIX. The Ninth Expedition, 1649-1673 266 Table of Contents, xv CHAPTER. PAGE. XXX. Preparations to send other Expeditions to New Swe- den, 1650-1653 281 XXXI. The Trade of the Company, 1643-1653 288 PART II. The Colony under Printz, 1643-1653. XXXII. The Social and Economic Life in the Colony 301 XXXIII. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists, 1643-1653. . 345 XXXIV. Religious worship and the Ministers of the Gfospel, 1643-1653 366 XXXV. Relations with the Indians, 1643-1653 375 XXXVI. Political Relations with the English, 1643-1653 380 XXXVII, Relations with the Dutch, 1643-1653 405 XXXVtiI. The Government of New Sweden, 1643-1653 450 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND REPRO- DUCTIONS OF DOCUMENTS. Facing page 1. Fort Christina Frontispiece. 2. Carl X 8 3. Stockholm during the time of Christina i8 3a. Johan Stiernhook 20 3b. Johannes Loccenius 20 4. Riksdaler and ore 40 5. Willem Usselinx 52 5a. Charles 1 52 6. Seal and signature of Gustavus Adolphus 54 7. Gustavus Adolphus 68 8. Title page of the Argonautica Gustaviana 82 9. The research-room in the Royal Archives (Stockholm) 88 10. Reading-room in the Royal Library (Stockholm) 88 1 1 . Axel Oxenstierna 90 12. Last page of Blommaert's letter of June 3, 1635 92 13. First page of Minuit's letter of June 15, 1635 96 14. Last page of Minuit's letter of June 15, 1635 97 15. Castle and fort of Elfsborg 108 16. First page of the Journal of the New Sweden Company 110 1 7. Second page of the Journal of the New Sweden Company .... 1 1 1 18. Gothenburg and its harbor in the Seventeenth Century 112 19. Harbor of Amsterdam 118 20. Disembarking from a Swedish ship 118 21. Letter of Hans Weis 124 22. First page and superscription of Van Dyck's letter to Fleming. 128 23. Second and last page of Van Dyck's letter 129 24. Letter from Johan Beier 132 25. First and last pages of Van den Bogaert's letter to Beier 142 26. Type of a Finnish woman 1 48 27. Type of a Finn 148 28. Spiring's letter to Fleming 154 29. Landing place of the Swedes 182 xvii xviii List of Illustrations Facing page 30. First page of the relation made before Ruttens 184 31. Second and third pages of the relation made before Ruttens. . 185 32. Fourth and last pages of the relation made before Ruttens. ... 184 33. Indian Family according to Lindestrom 188 34. Strings of sewant {wampum) 192 35. Bill showing that at least 450 bricks were shipped over on first expedition 194 36. First page of Ridder's letter of June 8, 1640 198 37. Second page of Ridder's letter 199 38. Bill signed by Van Langdonk 200 39. Castle at Viborg 202 40. Wind mill 204 41. Copy of a letter from Berkeley , . . 216 42. Queen Christina 220 43. Stockholm in the seventeenth century showing the Royal Palace , 222 44. Tido palace 230 45. Account of the barber-surgeon Hans Janeke 232 46. Van Schotting's bill of June, 1643 233 47. Commission of Gov, Printz 238 48. Klas Fleming 250 49. Admiral Fleming's flag-ship 251 50. First page of Peter Trotzig's letter of March 12, 1652 282 51. Last page of Trotzig's letter 283 52. Governor Johan Printz 300 53- Types of Swedes in national costumes 302 54. Bill of lading signed by Printz and Huygen 318 55- Water-mill 328 56. Wind-mill ^28 57. Kota (kata) 3^6 58. Cross-section of the kota {kata) 346 59- Wooden hook used in the kota {kata) 346 60. Porte from Sweden _ .0 61. Porte in Finland _ .g 62. Interior of a porte _ . o 63- Types of wooden chimneys , ,q 64. "Fire-rake" ^^^ 65. "Slide-board" !!!!!!!.'!!!!!!!."."."" 66. Burning splint with holder " ' List of Illustrations xix Facing page 67. Movable splint-stick holder of wood 350 68. Interior of a dwelling, showing " clothes-hangers " and wooden utensils 352 69. Interior of a dwelling, showing bedsteads, the clock, etc 352 70. Wooden spoons 354 71. " Beer-pot" of wood 354 72. Wooden shoe 356 73. " Slipper with wooden bottom (sole) " 356 74. Shoes of birch-bark 356 75. Basket of birch bark 356 76. Interior of a bath-house 358 77. Interior of a small bath-house 359 78. A small storehouse 359 79. Store-house from Finland 360 80. Interior of the store-house from Finland 360 81. Small store-house on posts 362 82. Store-house from Sweden of two stories 362 83. Store-houses in Finland 364 84. Sled used in Finland for hauling hay and grain 364 85. Types of wooden hay-forks 364 86. Threshing in the North 365 87. Threshing flails 365 88. Belfry or bell tower 366 89. Per Brahe 376 90. Indian woman in costume 377 91. Copy of Governor Winthrop's letter to Governor Printz. . . . 396 92. Stuyvesant's letter to Governor Printz, July 24, 1650 432 93. Copy of the Indian declaration, July 3, 1651 438 94. Copy of the Indian relation of July 13, 165 1 440 95. Copy of the Indian certificate of July 16, 1651 441 96. First page of Printz's letter of August i, 1651 444 97. Second page of Printz's letter 445 98. Third page of Printz's letter 446 99. Fourth page of Printz's letter 447 100. Governor Printz's seal 450 lOi. First page of Monatgelderbuch, showing the budget of the colony, 1642 452 102. First page of Papegoja's letter of May, 1648 454 103. Last page of Papegoja's letter of May, 1648 455 XX List of Illustrations MAPS. Sweden, i6i 1-1655 2 Routes to and from New Sweden 86 New Sweden and neighboring districts 164 Lindestrom's map of Virginia, New Sweden, New Netherland and New England 206 BOOK I. Sntro&urttan. g'm^hftt Smmthmtths P««huis anJi Swrttts % (irrupatton of % iflmua». "^Districts occupied by Sweden at this time "WMii Districts ivhence the majority of the -ibVi Delaware Co/onJsta came. J^' ■e provinces 3ohus, Hallanc^, SKane and f King ivere ceded by DenmarK to Sweden .() hf in I658.(5eep6^/) ^J)/)^6* PART I. POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS CONDITIONS IN SWEDEN, 1611-1660. CHAPTER I. Political History, i 611- 1660. The decades preceding and following the year 1600 mark a turning point in history. The Germanic peoples begin to as- sert themselves in European politics and one of the character- istics of the following centuries is the growing influence of these races in the history of the world. England destroyed the Armada and laid the foundation for her greatness ; the Nether- lands defeated Spain, became the leading mercantile nation of the age and introduced a new era in painting; the Germanic nations laid the foundation for a commonwealth destined to become the greatest republic and to develop from various heterogeneous elements into the most extensive homogeneous settlement on record; the Reformation inaugurated by Ger- many was saved by Sweden, and the invention of printing, due to Germanic genius, now attains to its full significance in the new era of freedom of thought and of conscience. The proudest chapter of Swedish history belongs to the same period, more accurately to the first half of the seventeenth century, the era of Gustavus Adolphus and of Oxenstierna, of Christina and of Charles X. It was preeminently an epoch of war and of great archieve- ments. When Gustavus Adolphus ascended the Swedish throne in 1611,^ his country was at war with three nations. Having been refused peace by Denmark, he was compelled to ^He was crowned at Upsala in October, 1617. Hildebrand, Sv. hist., V. 98. 3 4 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. bring the struggle with that nation to a bitter end. Although the Swedish people gave their undivided support to their king, the enemy gained considerable advantages and Gustavus Adol- phus had to submit to rather hard terms in 1613, when both parties were finally tired of the useless and bitter warfare.^ Troops could now be spared for the Russian campaign, which had been conducted with marked ability and singular success by Jacob de la Gardie and Evert Horn, and the king went in person to lead the operations in the summers of 16 14 and 1615. After lengthy peace conferences, which lasted nearly a year and a half, English and Dutch commissioners acting as mediators (although the Dutch are not mentioned in the treaty to satisfy the vanity of King James), the treaty of peace was signed at Stolbova on February 27, 1617.^ Through this peace the territory of Sweden was increased by Ingerman- land and Keksholmsldn, and Gustavus Adolphus had won two of his great objects — Russia wis pushed back from the Baltic and a natural northern boundary was secured for Finland.* The truce with Poland, which had been renewed several times, came to an end in 1617.^ Rumors of great preparations in Poland and Spain for an attack on Sweden were freely circu- lated and Gustavus Adolphus kept his army and navy in readi- ness. A Swedish fleet manned by Dutch soldiers captured Diinamijnde and Pernau the same year, but a new truce was made in the autumn of 161 8. Now followed a period of com- parative quiet; however, in 1621 the struggle began anew. Poland, having lately renewed and firmly established the Catholic religion, was ruled by a king of the Vasa house, who had a legal right to the Swedish crown. She was the leading European power in the east and the standard bearer of Catho- licism against Turks and heretics, and hence a natural enemy of Sweden, and finally she possessed territory along the Baltic that must be brought under Swedish control, if the dream of "Cronholm, I. 27 ff.; Geijer, HI. 68 ff.; Odhner, 191 ff. 'Cronholm, L 194 ff.; Hildebrand, Sv. hist., V. 37 ff. •See map in Sv. hist., etc., V. 117. Also Odhner, p. 243. ° Hildebrand, Sv. hist., V. 109 ff. Political History. 5 making the Baltic a Swedish inland sea should be realized. There were therefore various circumstances that might pro- voke hostilities. The immediate cause of the war, however, was Sigismund's pretentions to the Swedish throne and his re- fusal to recognize Gustavus Adolphus as the rightful king of Sweden. In the summer of the above-mentioned year (1621) a Swedish fleet of one hundred and forty-eight war ships and ten yachts set sail for Riga, with about 14,000 selected soldiers on board, some being mercenaries from Scotland and Holland.* Brilliant campaigns followed under the leadership of the king, De la Gardie, Gustaf Horn, Johan Baner and others, arresting the attention of Protestant Europe, and many voices from the camp of the new faith called upon the Swedish king to become the leader of their forces. He expressed his willingness to do so^ on certain conditions and presented a comprehensive plan of operations, while diplomatic conferences were held with representatives of England and Holland, having this end in view. But King Christian, always jealous of his northern neighbor, also offered his services in the pending struggle, and, as his conditions were more moderate and his demands on the 'allies less exacting than those of Gustavus Adolphus, he was chosen to be the Gideon of the Evangelical Union in the fierce combat with the Catholic League.® The Swedish army had been reorganized and the navy had been largely increased, but it was not yet to be used against the imperial forces. Gustavus, hoping for more favorable times, went to finish his war with Poland. After several victorious expeditions, through which Sweden gained great advantages and extended her territory, a six years' truce was concluded at Altmark in 1629.® King Christian in the meantime, having lost his battles with • Cf. Cronholm, I. 372 ff. ' A truce having been effected with Poland. 'Rydfors, De dipl. forb. met. Sv. och Eng., p. i ff. ; Gardiner, Eng. under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I., I. 139 ff. ' For these campaigns see Cronholm, II. i ff. ; Hildebrand, S'V. hist., V. 125 ff. 6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the veteran Tilly, was forced to withdraw from the field. The time was now ripe for action. England and Holland were willing to submit to the plans of Gustavus Adolphus. The Protestant princes requested him to become the defender of their faith, and Richelieu advised him to take an active part in the war. He negotiated with England through Spens and Roe, with Holland through Camerarius, and Lars Nilsson was sent on an embassy to France; but England gave no support, no treaty being made,i* and Nilsson's mission to France had little result." The Swedish king was now fully determined, however, to enter the lists — it was a case of averting a future danger from his own kingdom. The Polish war not only prepared him for this struggle; it also furnished means for its prosecution, and when he returned to Sweden it appears that his decision had been made.^^ Shortly after his arrival in his country in the autumn of 1629 he called a meeting of the Council of State to determine what action was to be taken. The meeting be- came a turning point in modern history, for it was decided that Sweden should take an active part in the Thirty Years' War. The motives of Gustavus Adolphus for beginning the war are clearly stated in the minutes — they were religious, political and commercial.^ ^ After large preparations the King set sail for Germany with an army of about 13,000 men and landed on the island of Use- dom in June, 1630. His achievements in Germany and his death in the midst of victories, are well-known facts. The Swedish forces were successful for some time after the Battle of Liitzen, but at Nordlingen, Gustaf Horn and Duke Bern- hard were defeated by Ferdinand and Gallas. The years 1634, 1635 and 1636 were dark and full of trials for the Swedish leaders. Johan Baner indeed won a brilliant victory over the ^°A private treaty was made with Hamilton, however. "Rydfors, De dipl. forb. mel. Sni. och Eng., p. 21 flF. 148 ff Sweden collected the duties at PiUau, Memel, Danzig, Libau and Windau. Jp?" ^o" i-T ^;°- ^"^ """'""'^ '° '*29. Hildebrand, S-v. hist. V. 150. Fries, Sv. Kulturb., p. 19 fiF. ^ Political History. Emperor's forces at WIttstock, but he was soon after com- pelled to retreat, before a superior army. Gradually, however, things became brighter for the Swedes. Swedish statesmen like Oxenstierna and Swedish generals like Baner and Torstensson wrought success out of what appeared to be disaster. Denmark had played false to Sweden in her years of trial. To revenge these and former wrongs the Swedish government determined to use its armies against its southern neighbor and to compel this power to recognize the Swedish rights. Lennart Torstensson was ordered to bring his army by forced marches into Denmark and to deliver a decisive blow before the enemy had time to make necessary preparations. The plan was eminently successful^ ^ and soon the Swedish armies could again be sent against the Imperial forces. The Thirty Years' War finally came to an end in 1648, through the treaty at West- phalia, and Sweden enjoyed a short period of almost undis- turbed peace.^^ Christina, having ruled for ten years, abdicated in 1654, and was followed on the throne by Carl X. The Polish King, John Casimir, would not recognize Carl as the lawful king of Swe- den, even using the titles and coat of arms of the latter in royal proclamations. Carl X. therefore determined to com- pel him to resign these titles and pretensions as well as to recognize the Swedish right to Livonia. The Swedish treasury was empty and the two great parties, the nobility and the commoners, were pitted against each other In a social struggle; but the diet of 1655 gave permission to the King to begin hostilities and voted funds for his use. There was great enthusiasm for the war in Sweden and wealthy noble- men contributed large sums from their own means. Foreign soldiers flocked to Sweden to enlist under her victory-crowned banners, and soon Carl X. was able to move against his foe. A period of war was now inaugurated and the four years " Cf. below, Chap. XXVI. "Cf. Geijer, III. 303 ff.; Gardiner, The Thirty Years' War, p. 121 flF.; Hilde- brand, Sv. hist., V. p. 289 ff., 466 ff.; Hist. Tid., XXII. 169 £F.; Otte, Scand. Hist., p. 272 ff., 289 ff.; Bain, Scandinavia, 177 ff. ; Ward, A. W., Cambridge Mod. Hist.. IV. 178 ff., 364 ff., 430 ff., 560 ff. 8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. from the autumn of 1655 to the beginning of 1660 were almost a continuous chain of battles and sieges. Few men in history have given greater surprises to their age than Carl X.; few, perhaps none, have accomplished equal results with the same means and in so short a time. In a few months Poland lay bleeding at his feet, destined never to regain her former power. Russia, Austria and Denmark made war on him almost simul- taneously, but by a march over a frozen sea, one of the greatest feats on record, he led his army into the heart of Denmark, compelling this power to sue for a peace, which secured to Sweden the most valuable territorial acquisition in her history.^® The great warrior king, however, soon broke the peace, the total annihilation of Denmark being his aim, but fortune failed him for the first time. Cromwell, on whose influence he had relied, died, changing the attitude of the commander of the English fleet; France fell off, the Netherlands took sides with the enemy and the Danish people were aroused to fight for their existence. In the midst of tremendous activities, the King be- came ill during a diet in the beginning of 1660, and on the morning of February 13 he died, at the age of thirty-eight years.^^ "Another important historic event at this time was Carl X.'s treaty with Brandenburg in 1656. This treaty laid the foundation for the Kingdom of Prussia, which was destined to play such an important part in European history. "For this period of Swedish history see Carlson, S Relation of Sweden to Other Countries. ii discussed the practicability of finding a market for copper in that country. In the summer of 1641 a Portuguese embassy arrived in Sweden, and the ambassador, De Sousa Coutinho, was well received by the Swedish government. When he re- turned to his country in the autumn, an alliance and a com- mercial treaty had been made and Lars Skytte was appointed Swedish Resident in Lisbon. In 1643 Rodrigo Botello was sent to the Swedish capital and later De Guimares was located there to look after Portuguese interests. Several commercial expeditions were made to Portugal, cannon, firearms, masts and lumber being shipped there, but the salt trade was the most important,'" and ships returning from New Sweden stopped on their way and took on board Portuguese salt.'' With France Sweden stood in close relation, even in the pre- ceding century, and the former country often proved a helpful friend.^ ^ England's policy was generally one of friendship.'^ To the English of this period, " Svecia was a kingdom rich in gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, fruit, cattle, and exceeding increase of fish of the rivers, lakes and sea."'* In 1620 one G. Vischer ( ?) proposed to bring " out of Swedland . . . men skilful in making pitch, tar, potash and soapashes " for the Virginia settlement, and Swedish cannon and iron works soon acquired fame in England.'^ Several English representatives were sent to Stock- holm, Spens acting as a minister for both nations, and Swedish ambassadors went to London. But Swedish ships were often captured by the English and put under arrest, leading to com- " Concerning Portuguese salt trade to England see Shillington, Com. Rel. of Eng. and Portugal, p. 64, 73, etc. '^Rddspr., Vm. 515 ff.; IX. 139 ff.; X. 45 ff.; XI. 28 ff.; etc.; R.R., Feb. 6, April 3, 8, June 26, Aug. 13, 1653. The Collection Portugalica in R.A. contains a great deal of unused material. "Cf. Hildebrand, Sv. hist., IV.; Starback, Berdt., etc., V. 487. See Bibl. below. "A treaty was made between Sweden and England during the reign of Henry VIII. and Gustaf I. Cf. Troil, Ur Hand. u. Sjof. Hdfder, p. 16. "Arber, First Three English Books on America, p. 305. ^'Records of the Virginia Co., I. 420 ff. ; V^hitelocke, Embassy. 12 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. plaints and complications.^® In 1653 Whitelocke was sent on his well-known embassy to Queen Christina. An alliance and a commercial treaty was effected in the spring of 1654, later ratified by the Protector and the Queen. In the beginning of 1655 Coyet set out for London with instruction to work for an increase "of the good confidence, which existed between both nations," and for an agreement upon the limits between New Sweden and the English colonies. In the summer of the same year George Fleetwood^ ^ was sent to England on a secret mission, and on July 28 Christer Bonde made his brilliant entrance into London with his two hundred followers. In this manner the friendship with Eng- land was established^® and continued and no danger threatened the Swedish possession across the ocean from that direction.^* Of foreign nations, except the immediate neighbors, Holland stood In closest connection with Sweden. From Holland, Swe- den received many of its best and most useful citizens, capital- "Bonnell was sent to London in 1651 and 1652 and in 1653 Bonnell and Lagerfelt were in London to guard Swedish rights. Lagerfelt delivered a Latin oration in Parliament on April 8 and another oration before the Coun- cil of State on April 15, 1653. His mission was to further the commercial relations between England and Sweden. Letters Jan. 20, Aug. 13, 1653 R.R. (R.A.); Foreign Entry Books {Sweden), 151, Pub. Rec. Office. Cf. Biography of Bonnell, below. "The son-in-law of Cromwell. "'A commercial treaty was made in July, 1656. A new treaty was made in i66i and another in 1665. Treaty Papers, Siueden, No. 60. Pub. Rec OfBce Cf. also below, Chap. XLVIH. " For the relation of Sweden and England during this period see State Papers For., Sweden, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1613-71. (In these collections are letters, and copies of letters from Gustavus Adolphus, A. Oxenstierna, Feb. 27, 1630- Aug. 23, 1637 (mostly originals), Christina, Appelbom, June 8, i8, Oct. 11 1652, De Geer, Fleetwood, Coventry, Wood, Leijonberg and others; also copies of mstructions, etc.) Letters from J. Thurloe, Feb. 4, 1653, Whitelocke, Upsala, Mar. 10, 1653, Mar. 17, 1654, in Brit. Mus. See also Treaty Papers, Sweden, ^018-71, No. 69. Pub. Rec. Office. Letters from Bonnell, Christina, Lagerfelt, A. Oxenstierna, Bodleian Library. Anglica and other papers in R.A. Rddspr. Vol. L and following vol. Riks. R. (a great number of entries) (R.A.). Cf. Index below. See also Gardiner, T'Jie Per. Gov. of Charles I., I. 130, 207 ff. ■ 11. s^ 63 ff-, 87; Gardiner, Hist, of the Com. and Prot., 1649-60, I. 207- 212 221 ff.; II 377 37 ff.; Gardiner, Eng. under the D. of Buckingham and Charles 1., I. 4, 83 ff. ; 138 ff. Relation of Sweden to Other Countries. 13 ists, merchants and warriors. Dutch soldiers served in Swed- ish armies and Dutch captains and skippers commanded Swed- ish ships; Swedish students went to Holland to study com- merce*" and Swedish scholars gained inspiration from Dutch teachers; Dutch money helped Sweden to support its armies and found its commercial companies and Dutch brains devel- oped the industries of the country, and from Holland came the first impulses for transatlantic trade. The political relation between Sweden and Holland was friendly as a rule before 1655 and the States generally followed Oldenbarnevelt's policy. Several Dutch embassies were sent to Stockholm and Sweden had constant representatives, corre- spondents, consuls and residents in Holland from an early date. Several treaties were made between the two nations (1614, 1618, 1633, 1644, etc.), and in 1638 and 1639, the years that mark the beginning of the colony on the Delaware, the States drew closer to Sweden. In 1644 and 1645 Holland proved a fast friend, but the friendly relations were soon to be severed. Holland and Sweden reached their highest political im- portance about the same time, and here lies the explanation of their estrangement. The Dutch controlled th« shipping on the Baltic, half of their enormous merchant fleet sailing on Its waters. Over two thirds of the Swedish imports and exports for the period 1 637-1 643 were carried on foreign ships, the majority of which were Dutch. Swedish statesmen, however, endeavored to wrest this supremacy from the Hollanders, and through their efforts Swedish commerce and shipping increased greatly. Sweden soon became the leading power in the north. The States, fearing this supremacy, sided with her enemies and ruined many of her great plans. When Sweden stood almost ready to weld the three Scandinavian nations Into one and make the Baltic a Swedish inland sea, Holland Interfered, crushing her last hope of success. The Swedish colony on the " Rising advised his countrymen by all means to go to Amsterdam, " which was the best organized commercial city in the world." 14 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Delaware passed over to the Dutch and the Swedish posses- sions in Africa (1648-63) were captured by the same people. Swedish merchant vessels were now often taken by the Dutch*^ and they did much damage to Swedish shipping and com- merced^ '^ In Aug., 1665, they arrested four Swedish ships belonging to the Salt Company. See State Papers, For., Sweden, No. 5, 1639-65. Pub. Rec. Office. "^For the relation between Sweden and Holland, see Aitzema, III. 5, p. i6z ff. ; Fridericia, Dan. ydre pol, etc.; Sveriges traki. med frdm. makt.; Handl. ror. Skan. Hist., XVII.-XXXVI., and the bibliography below; Strodda handl; Hol- landica (R.A.). CHAPTER III. The Government. I. As may be gathered from the brief statements of the pre- ceding pages, Sweden developed a highly organized military system in this period, the best in Europe, retaining its main features for several centuries; and through its statesmen the machinery of state was brought to a degree of perfection not attained by other European powers at this early date. The government of the King lost most of its patriarchal features, and "division of labor" becomes the watchword of this epoch. The military affairs of the nation were placed in the hands of the College of War, and the management of the navy was assigned to the College of Admiralty (fully organized in 1634) ; the College of Mines (1637) superintended the min- ing industries and the reorganized financial system was placed under the direction of the College of the Exchequer (Kammar- kollegium, organized in 1618) ; the custom house service was headed by " a general collector of customs," aided by one hundred and ten assistants, and an inspector was appointed to superintend the surveying of the country (the last two depart- ments being branches of the Kammarkollegium) .^ In the same year, which marks the founding of the New Sweden Company, it was decided to establish a commercial college, to regulate, control and encourage trade. As this organization has special bearing on our subject, a short history of its origin and work will be given down to the time when the directorship of the company was intrusted to its officers.^ The ^ Odhner, S etc.; III. and following volumes. Cf. Hist. Tid., 1884, p. 155 ff. A large number of foreign names meet us among the merchants in the cities as late as 1650, however. ' Some restrictions were later imposed. In 1665 Leijonberg applied for permission from the English authorities for four Swedish ships (St. Peter, St. Hop, Konung Carl, Chistina) to sail to Barbadoes and trade there. State Papers, For., Sweden, No. 5, 1639-65. Pub. Rec. Office. "Sillen, IV. 198, 221 ff.; Stiernman, Kungl. br. stadg. 0. forord., 11. 144 ff., 192 ff., 232 ff., 247 ff., 466 ff., 508, 567, etc. (Lists of articles and the duties on them are given there.) "^Journal, N. S., III. (K.A.) ; Odhner, S'v. in. hist.; Sillen, IV.; Rising, Kophand., etc.; Whitelocke, Sivedish Embassy. Riksdaler, 1641. Riksdaler, 1647. Ore, 16,3S. Commerce and Trade. 41 The money used in the business transactions of the company (and in Sweden in general at the time) was the Riksdaler (R-D. rixdollar), the Daler (D.) and the Florijn {ft. florin) or Gulden {gl. guilder, sometimes gold-gulden).^^ The Riks- daler was divided into 48 skilling (shillings) and a skilling into 4 styfver^^ (Dutch stuiver). The Z)fl/er was divided into 32 ore, the ore being further divided. The (Dutch) Florijn so largely used as a standard of value in the colony and in hiring sailors for the expeditions in Sweden or Holland was divided into 20 stuivers (penny). A stuiver was worth about, or little more than, 2 cents. Hence a Florijn would be worth from 40 to 45 cents or, in round numbers, half a dollar of our money. A Swedish Riksdaler was worth 2}^ Florijn, varying some- what at times, and a Daler was valued at % Riksdaler, that is a Riksdaler was one and a half Daler'* Hence a Riks- daler equalled about $1.20 or $1.25 of American money, and a Daler was worth about 80 cents.' ^ This Daler was called the silver Dollar to distinguish it from the copper money,'* which was used to a large extent. The copper money (Swedish k.m.) was of less value than the silver money, a Daler silver money in 1643, being worth 2}^ Daler copper money.'^ The Riks- daler, the "Florijn and the copper money were always reduced to Dalers silver money in the official journal of the company, and the salaries of the officers in the employ of the company in Sweden were paid in " Daler s.m."'* The Swedish weights and measures used in the colony and " The florijn or guilder was the Dutch coin and whenever this was used in Sweden it was reduced to Rixdollars or Dalers. See Journal, N. S., III. (K.A.) and bills in Soderk., 1637-5 (R-A.). ^° These were of course not the same as the English and Dutch money of the same name. "See Journal, N. S., III. (K.A.) and bills in Soderk., 1637-5 (R-A.). " To get the real values we must multiply these sums by about five, making the Riksdaler worth about $6, the Daler about $4 and the florin about $2.25. "The designations were D. s. m. (Daler silver money) R.D.; D. k. m. (Daler copper money). " See Nordisk Familjeb., article Daler. Soldiers were often paid part of their salaries in copper money before going to America. " See Journal. " Tunna guld " (^ 25,000 kronor or about $7,000) was some- times used. 42 The Swe dish Settlements on the Delaware. by the company In Europe were the aln, " about twenty Swedish decimal inches" or nearly two English feet,!'* the fot (ten inches, a Swedish inch being .9714 Eng. in.), nearly equal to the English foot, 2" the famn (German and Dutch Faden), about one and nine-tenths of a yard;^! the Swedish mil,^^ a little over six and a half English miles in length; the German com- mon mile, which was about four and six-tenths English miles ;2* the tunnlmd, a piece of ground a little over an acre in size ;** the tunna (barrel) for measuring grain and the like, containing 54 kannor or 6 skappor (bushels) ; the ankare, a measure with the capacity of about ten gallons j^^ the fat, somewhat larger than the Swedish tunna, which contained about 33 gallons or 48 Swedish kannor, a kanna being somewhat more than two quarts English measure; the stop, about a quart and a half; the lispund about i8>^ English^^ lbs.; the Swedish pund or the skdlpund, a little less than the English lb." and the Dutch lb. which was ten per cent, heavier than the Swedish lb.; the skeppund (varying) generally contained 400 Swedish lbs., depending on the articles weighed, and finally the last, representing the tonnage of a ship, was about two tons^* or a little more.^* " A Swedish foot was divided into ten " decimal inches.'' A Swedish aln was not therefore as is commonly stated (even Bjorkman, p. 43) the same as the English yard. See Falkman, Om matt., etc., H. 83 ff. According to Alexander, Weights and Measures, etc., p. 3, the modern Swedish aln is .64.763 yard. "A Swedish foot was about 11.65 inches. "A Swedish famn was about 1.94 yds.; the Dutch was a little shorter, about 1.85 yds. • ^ A Swedish mile of that period was longer than the modern Swedish mile, being i8,ooo alnar or " 36,000 pedibus " or about 6.62 English miles. * " In Saxony a mile is 4,000 paces, in other places in Germany 5,000 paces." A pace was 5 feet, hence a common German mile was 25,000 ft. or about 4.615 English miles (Lex Mercatoria, p. 40). ^ Called tunneland from the fact that land was sometimes measured by the number of tunnor (barrels) that could be sown on a piece of ground. A tunne- land was to be 14,000 square alnar in 1643. ^ The old ankare was larger than the modern one. °'The Swedish lispund contained 20 Swedish lbs. ^ About 425/454 of an Eng. lb. °' " The Last which is two Tonnes lading" (Lex Mercatoria, p. 34). "Cf. Journal, N. S., III. (K.A.) ; Falkman, Om matt och mgt i Sverige, Part 2; Alexander, Univ. Die. of Weights and Measures; Bjorkman, Ordbok; Klimpert, Lexikon der Miinzen, Masse und Geiuichte, etc. Commerce and Trade. 43 The old Julian calendar was used In Sweden and in New Sweden, being ten days earlier than the Dutch calendar of this period and that of the present day. The English — we shall meet their method of designating time In the following pages — began their year on March 25.*" In other respects their time was the same as that of the Swedes,^^ the only chance for con- fusion being that the first two months of the Swedish year were the last two months of the English. It was an age of combinations and societies. Merchants were restricted by law to the handling of but one article of trade, except by special permission. They belonged to certain privi- leged societies, according to their particular trade, and on festive occasions they wore uniforms as marks of distinction. The master workers of practically all trades were divided into guilds and corporations, which were very exclusive and guarded with the greatest jealousy against the Intrusion of " outsiders." " In Sweden," said Klas Fleming, " a person may by chance become king, but to become a tanner Is impossible." As time went on, however, the restrictions were to some extent removed.^^ "The English often employed first, second and third month, etc. Hence when they wrote March 23, 1644, it was Mar. 23, 1645, according to the Swedish calendar, and April 2, 1645, according to the Dutch — written by the English I mo. 23,164!. " Cf. Goldscheider, Uber die Einf. des n. Kalenders in Dan. und Schia. (Berlin, 1898). "Odhner, Sv. in. hist., 275; Sillen, IV. 133 ff.; De la Card. Arch., X. 204 ff. CHAPTER VII. The African Company and the Minor Trading Societies, i 607-1 663. It was preeminently the age of commercial companies. Christian II. of Denmark (1481-1559), who was also for a time king of Sweden, was perhaps the first to suggest a trading company for the north. Seeking means for checking the power of the Hansa League, like Gustaf Vasa after him, he proposed to found a large company, which should include all northern Europe. The company was to appoint agents in foreign coun- tries and four principal factories were to be established, one in Copenhagen, a second in Stockholm, a third on the Russian boundary and a " fourth in the western countries." It was a great idea, and if carried out would undoubtedly have become of immense importance to the three northern countries, which were just then awakening to national consciousness and secur- ing a place among the civilized nations of Europe. The time was perhaps not ripe for such a scheme. At any event political complications killed the plan in its inception,^ and years passed before a trading society was established in the Scandinavian countries. The first successful trading company of the north was organ- ized in Denmark in 1616.^ Combinations of this kind were early planned in Sweden also, and in 1607 a commercial ^ Sillen, V. 23 ; Dansk Biog. Lex., III. 481 ff. ''In i6o2 the Iceland Company was established; in 1616 a Greenland Com- pany; in 1636 a " Genian Company" and an "East India Company," etc.; in all about fifteen companies were founded in Denmark at this time. See Barfed, p. 694. Morris is mistaken in stating that the Dutchman Boscower founded the Danish East India Company. Gjedde had already decided to send some ships to the East Indies when Boscower arrived in Denmark. Barfod, 1594 fi. ; Morris, II. 282 ff. Cf. the large number of companies founded in England, Holland and France in this and in the preceding century. 44 The Minor Trading Societies. 45 company was chartered at Gothenburg for the purpose of con- ducting an extensive trade.* A general trading company was founded in 1615. The charter was to be in force for ten years, it was to be managed by a governor, assisted by directors, and Stockholm was to be its main office; it could hire, buy and sell ships; it could carry on foreign trade and erect warehouses; it was free from all taxes in 1615, and for the following three years it should pay no import duty and only one fourth of the usual export duty, but after that it should pay half of the ordinary rate of each. Abraham Cabeliau* was appointed general director or governor and the King promised to recommend the company and assist It with ships and money.^ Again In the summer of 1619 It was decided to organize a commercial company, which was given a monopoly of the foreign copper trade and granted privileges to buy and sell all kinds of merchandise. The Inhabitants of the kingdom were invited to join by contributing 100 D. and upwards before January 11, the following year; but the scheme failed.* From 1620 to 1626 a copper company, an Iron company and a Persian company were chartered. The copper company was the most Important and did a large business, but, being badly managed, it ran into heavy debts and was soon dissolved. A new com- pany was founded In 1636 but this had as little success as the first.'^ In the spring of 1626 still another trading company was established by Gustavus Adolphus (probably) at Riga for the benefit of the Finnish and Livonian trade.^ In 1629 plans were ° Sillen, IV. 153; Stiernman, I. 538. ("Patent," etc., in German, dated Sept. 8, 1607.) ' For him see below. ° Stiernman, I. 660 ff. ° Stiernman, I. 708 ff., Hallenberg, V. 191 ff. 'A large number of letters concerning the company in R.R. See Jan. 8, 9, Mar. 14, etc., 1636, etc. Sillen, IV. 114 ff. ; Odhner, Sv. in. hist., 242 ff. See also the letters of Spiring to A. Oxenstierna, and Oxenstiernas Skrifter, 2, XI. 536 ff.; Handl. ror. Shan. Hist., XXIX. 26 ff., 204 ff., 277 ff.; XXXVII. 148 ff.; XXXVIII. 204 ff.; Kam. Reg., 1636, etc. (K.A.). ' De Nieuwe Comp:e die men voor heeft in Lyflandt op te rechten, etc. Usselinx. (spring), 1626. See Jameson, p. 144 and note 190. On May x, 1626, the town council of Riga thanked the king for the recent decree, issued by him, establishing the company. 46 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. on foot for founding a colonizing company in Holland, which should settle large tracts of land in Swedish Livonia, but privi- leges were not granted. A company on a smaller scale was organized, however, and an expedition was sent from Holland the same year with colonists and supplies. The venture was of limited success and the company was soon discontinued, leading, as was usual in such cases, to complaints and lawsuits.* A so-called French company was formed the same year (1629?) for trade with Russia through the efforts of the French sea captain, Abraham de Quesne, who was given special privileges by the King. The government supplied some of the capital, but the undertaking led to small results and it was abandoned in 1633 or soon after that year. A Russian com- pany was later formed, but it was without success.^" In 1630 the "English Eastland Company at Danzig" ap- plied for a renewal of its privileges at Elbing. The king promised to grant the request and Oxenstierna sent a number of articles and proposals in answer to the company's solicitations.^^ Two years later plans were made by the Duke of Holstein for the formation of a large trading company in connection with Sweden which should bring the valuable merchandise of silk, spices and the like from India and Persia across the country to Nyen and Narva and from there to Holstein. Embassies were sent to Russia and Persia and privileges were granted by Sweden, but nothing but expense came out of it.^^ In the spring of 1635 some English merchants at Gothen- burg sent representatives to the Council of State with an appli- cation for the privilege of establishing a commercial company. Fleming favored the plan, but final agreements were postponed, ' See Ohlander, Bidrag, etc., p. 34 ff., 95 ff. ^"Odhner, Sv. in. hist., 294; Ohlander, Bidrag till kdn. om Ingerm., etc., p. 92 ff. "Copy of letter to A. Oxenstierna, Aug. 16(26), 1630; Oxenstiernas Memorial, dated Elbing, Feb. 27, 1631, cop. of his Maj :s letter, etc., 1631, State Papers, For., Sweden, No. 3, 1629(7)— 32. Pub. Rec. Office, London. As early as Feb., 1600, Charles IX. offered privileges to English merchants. Copy in State Papers,. For., No. I. Pub. Rec. Office. ^'Rddspr., III. 121, 184; Ohlander, Bidrag, etc., 97 ff. The Minor Trading Societies. 47 due to the absence of the chancellor. In the autumn the Eng- lish commissioners were again at Stockholm. In August they appeared before the council and presented a memorial and probably a draft for a charter. The council, thinking that Sweden would be greatly benefited by the company, granted many of the privileges and freedoms that were requested^ ^ and wrote to the magistrates at Gothenburg concerning the affair and the place for a storehouse, which the company was under obligation to build. The company, however, soon misused its privileges and, having become indebted to the Crown, it was dissolved in 1639 and its storehouse was confiscated.^* In the autumn of 1636 Alexander Forbes was sent to Sweden to establish more intimate commercial relations with that coun- try and England and to present plans, as it would seem, for a cloth company with a factory at Gothenburg for the purpose of monopolizing the cloth trade in the Baltic " and drawing off the trade from Archangel."^ ^ A salt company was formed in 1641, which received special privileges, being permitted to import salt from Portugal into certain cities duty-free.^® In 1642-4 "some prominent merchants in Amsterdam re- quested . . . privileges from Her Royal Majesty for the erec- tion of a West-Indian Company in Gothenburg," and an ex- tract of the charter was sent to Oxenstierna.^^ About the same time (probably in 1642) a hemp company was formed at Riga. It was apparently successful, but some " Tlii company had a right to trade in Sweden as well as in foreign countries. "R.R. Aug. 18, 1635, fol. 749 f.; Rddspr., V. 69, 132 ff.; VI. 776-7; VII. 526. ^^Rddspr., VI. 771 ff. Cf. Ohlander, Bidrag, etc., 103. " Sillen, IV. 50. " Privileges for the Spanish salt-trade " were issued at Stockholm in Dec, 1638. Stiernman, Kungl. br. siadg. 0. forord., II. 202 ff. An open letter for salt companies in Gothenburg was issued by the government in 1650. Stiernman, Kungl. bref, etc., II. 628 ff. " " Extract off Privile., sora nagre fornemlige Kiopman i Amsterdam," etc. No date but from internal evidence it can be determined that it was written in or after 1642. Two copies, one with marginal references to the D.W. India Co. (no date) in Vdstind. komp. (R.A.) ; the other (no date) in Oxenstiernska Saml. (R.A.). 48 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Holland merchants, who had been admitted, changed Its char- acter, causing Riga to send representatives to Stockholm In the summer of 1643, pr^yi"g for the "discontinuation of the trad- ing company" since "the citizens had little benefit" from It.^* In 1646-7 plans were made for the formation of a new ship company and the Council of State discussed the practicabihty of the scheme. Prominent merchants were asked to contribute and De Geer wrote in 1647 t^^t ^^ would not fail to aid the undertaking according to his means.^® In 1648 the company was fully organized, privileges being given to it by the govern- ment in the beginning of 1649, ^^^ about the same time the Royal Copy Book states that the newly organized ship company intended to equip two warships for commercial voyages.^* In April of the same year, the company was given freedom from duty on sails and all articles necessary for the equipment of Its shlps.21 In March, 1652, the Queen proposed that the capital of the company should be employed in the service of the New Sweden Company or that the two should be joined, but the chancellor objected to this and the two companies remained separate. It had a long existence, and traded In coal and other articles. This company was sometimes called the "Large Vastervlks Company " to distinguish It from " The Lltde Vasterviks Company " which did business during this period." A tar company was founded in 1648 which became of great importance and was reorganized several times. The follow- ing year another tar company was established on the island ''R.R. Jan. 31, June 3, Rddspr., IX. 318; X. J°r)e Geer to A. Oxenstierna, July 15, 1647. Kernkamp, Zweed. Arch., p. 304. Thi^ IS not the Old South-Ship Company as Professor Kernkamp thinks. There is some uncertainty in the mind of the author as to the above. It IS possible that we have tvyo different projects to deal with. Cf. Zettersten, i>v. not. hut., II. 191, and R.R. Jan. 19, 1649, but being away from the sources the writer is unable to go into the subject any further. ^R.R. Jan. 19, 1649, April 26, 1649. Stiernman, Kungl. href, etc., II. 575. Am. Reg., 1649 (Fl. Ar.). Till Johan Lejonberg for Vesterviksskepskomp., 7p a\'°' l^P' , "*• ^°'- 7*9- ^°™- <=°'- ^''"f- '"' Kungl. Maj., July 21, 1657 (R.A.). Wieselgren, De la Card. Arch., X. p. 178 ff. ; Zettersten, Sv. flat, hist, 11. p. 191. > / < The African Company. 49 of Gothland and a wood company was given privileges about the same time.** The Delaware Colony was not the only settlement made by Sweden in this period. In 1647 ^ Swedish African Company** was organized for the purpose of trade and territorial acquisi- tion*"* and a charter was given to it about two years later.*® Johan Beier, Oxenstierna and other members and officers of the New Sweden Company finally joined the African association and Hans Kramer, the bookkeeper of the former company also became bookkeeper of the latter. A ship was sent to the " Gold Coast " in 1648, land was bought from the natives, several forts and factories were erected and a profitable trade was begun. The company also traded with slaves and efforts were made to extend the trade to America. The capital stock was rela- tively large and tended to divert money from the treasury of the New Sweden Company. The colony came under Danish and Dutch rule for a short period, was reoccupied by Sweden and captured by the Dutch in 1663.*^ ^Hist. Bibl. Vn. 289 ff.; Sillen, IV. 113 ff.; R.R.; Carlson, Hist, I. 76 flF.; Stiernman, Kungl. bref, etc., II. 608 ff. In the Diarium to R.R. the date given for the privileges of the Gothland Tar Company is Dec. 12, 1649, but in Stiernman it is printed correctly as Nov. 22, 1649. "* There is no good account of this company. Granlund's En svensk koloni i Afrika is incomplete and biassed. " Granlund, however, thinks that the company was not founded before 1649. En sv. koloni, p. 7. But it does not follow that the company was not organized before the " Privileges " were given. ""The Octroy is dated Dec. 15, 1649 R.R. ; Stiernman, II. 615; Acrelius erroneously assigns this document to the New Sweden Company. Beskr., etc., p. 34, note (a). ^ For documents concerning the African Company not made use of by Granlund, see K. Koll. Reg. 1657, f"'- '*5> '^7 (Nov. 26) ; fol. 174, 176, Aug. 12 (6) ; 1654, fol. 118 ff. ; Nov. 29, 1654, fol. 137, etc. Also in K. Kol. Prot; Trotzig to de la Gardie, Sept. 18, 1666, and other letters, Radspr., 1647; Oct. Dec, 1649, p. 619, etc.; and other documents in Kam. Ar. Wieselgren, De la Gard. Arch., X. 182, and Bibliography below. Also documents in the archives at Copenhagen, at Upsala, at the Hague and at London. In the summer of 1906 the author examined a bundle of papers from Kom. Kol. concerning this company, but they could Jiot be found again in 1909. For other plans of Swedish colonization see Hogstrora, E.O.E., S. Barthelemy under sv. •valde (not a very satisfactory work) ; Dahlraan, Sven, Beskr. om S. Barthelemy, etc.; Nordisk familjeb., X. 543; Wachtmeister, Hans, Om S'veriges 5 50 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. In the autumn of 1651 a Northern Company was organized, which seems to have conducted trade with foreign ports.^* In 1652 privileges were granted to Daniel Junge^* and four others for the establishment of a "Fish-company according to the use and manner which was customary in Hamburg and other commercial cities on the Baltic Sea."^" A new Russian Company was organized in 1653 through Pierre Terreau, and Nils Nilsson, Nils Skunck, Truls Kahre and a large number of others became stockholders. Terreau was appointed factor. The first trading expedition was suc- cessful, giving a dividend of 25 per cent. " which was added to the capital (38,000 R.D.)." The second expedition, however, ruined the company. A large quantity of rhubarb was pur- chased from Czar Alexis Michaelivitsch, but it seems that fraud was practiced both by the Czar and Terreau and the company came to an end in a few years, although lawsuits and litigation about the transactions were instituted in Holland, Germany and Sweden as late as 1672.^^ Planer och Atgarder rorande Sjorof. fa Madagascar (about the plans of Swedish colonization and occupation of Madagascar) ; for New Sweden in South America, see Nya S-verige i SSdra Amerika, etc. (no author given), Stockh., 1841; Hildebrand, Den sv. legenden i Guiana, Hist. Tid., 1899, p. 71 flf. ; Edmundson, G., Eng. Hist. Review. 2 It owned at least one ship Harnosand. R.R. Aug. 26, 1651 ; Oct. 8, 1652, etc. "Who later became director of the American Company. *'Stiernman, Kungl. bref., etc., II. 682 ff. (dated Mar. 4, 1652). Cf. Starbacfc, Beriit., V. 556. ^ Wieselgren, De la Gard. Arch., X. p. 176 ff. ""In 1665 a scheme for a large English-Swedish trading company was con- ceivM by some English merchants and a charter was drafted. The company should consist of Englishmen and Swedes, with equal privileges in both countries; the capital of the company should be placed at from £200,000 to £260,000, one third to be furnished by the Swedish stockholders, either in goods or money; a number of directors, chosen by both nations "to rule the trade," should constitute a college and Englishmen and Swedes should preside alter- nately at the meetings; the whole trade of the kingdom of Sweden should be m the hands of the company and all goods in Sweden such as tar, masts, iron, copper, grain, etc., should be exchanged for "the commodities and manufac- tories of England and the East Indies or other southern parts" at a certain price to be agreed upon, but if the balance of trade was in Sweden's favor, the com- pany should pay the difference in cash; no new mills or iron furnaces should be erected m Sweden during the existence of the charter without consent of the The African Company. 51 The above is not a complete list of the companies organized or planned In Sweden during this period, but those that have been mentioned will give us an idea of the great activity along these lines.^^ company; only Swedish and English vessels should be used and one third of the goods should be carried in Swedish ships. A copy of the charter was delivered by Lord Arlington to H. Coventry at Stockholm on May 31, 1665, for presentation to the Swedish government. It was referred to Count Leijonberg, the Swedish ambassador to England, who inserted " his private observations and sentiments touching these articles," and returned the charter. It was an ambitious plan, not unlike that proposed by Willem Usselinx, a quarter of a century before, but to monopolize the Swedish trade by one company, would have required, even in 1665, a larger capital than it was possible to raise. Leijonberg, observing this and making other objections to the charter, did not favor the plan and nothing seems to have come out of it. In the draft of the charter are answers to these objections by some Englishman. Copy of the paper delivered by Lord Arlington to Mr. H. Coventry at Stockholm, May 31, 1665; "Paper del. to me by Mr. Vice Chamberlain from Mr. H. Coventry," etc. State Papers, For., Stoeden, No. 5, 1639-65, Public Record Office, London; another copy in Treaty Papers, 1618-72, No. 6g, P.R. Office, London. CHAPTER VIII. The South Company, i 624-1 630. We must now revert to the year 1624, to the founding and progress of the South Company, which stands in closer relation to the New Sweden Company than any of the other schemes of trade and colonization. Willem Usselinx, the famous founder of the Dutch West India Company, failing to receive "what he thought to be his just dues" in his native land, after several rebuffs and disappointments, left Holland in the beginning of 1623, with the avowed purpose of going to Danzig to enter the service "of several Dutch mercantile houses." On his way, however, he wished to visit Glyckstadt, Gothenburg, Copen- hagen and two or three other commercial cities in the north. At Copenhagen he was introduced to the King by Christian Fries and received offers from His Majesty to enter Danish service. But he determined to see Gothenburg and left for that city soon afterwards.^ The young king of Sweden through his brilliant campaigns against Poland, had attracted the attention of Europe and the success of the Swedish arms in Russia had spread his fame far and wide.^ Hundreds of Hollanders had settled in Sweden; many of them entered Swedish service and rose to positions of distinction and honor.^ May we not there- fore suppose that Usselinx had some faint hope of finding Swe- den a more propitious place for the furtherance of his plans than the ungrateful republic on the Zuyder Zee, and King Gus- tavus Adolphus a more ardent supporter and a more liberal 'Jameson, p. 83 ff. ^For the struggle in Russia see Geijer, IH. 76 ff. ; Cronholm, I. 194 ff. ; and for the Swedish-Polish campaigns, see Geijer, III. 83 ff. ; Cronholm, I. 287 ff. Cf. Chapter I. ° Such men were Van Dijck, Cabeliau, Welshuisen, Blommaert, Spiring, Erick von der Linde and others. 52 ^ < 2 -J: lu _■ CC u '_ -r ■*-' ■— ; ~ in :■ t: cu p N-n r- .^f rt ■u w i^ Ij-H o ii U t« " t£ ■n ti p -r '^ ^- t^ w ■" i-i : ft The South Company. S3 patron than the States General 1* Events were favorable to his schemes. Gustavus Adolphus was now (in the autumn of 1624) in Sweden and he had opportunity for thinking of internal affairs. About the time of Usselinx's arrival at Gothenburg, the King was expected in the city also. Usselinx was persuaded by two friends (and we may feel sure that it was not hard to persuade him) to remain there until the King came and to apply for an audience with his majesty. The audience was ob- tained towards the end of October or in the beginning of No- vember.^ It lasted for six hours and Usselinx found time to explain fully his schemes and the great advantages Sweden could reap from them. Memorials and expositions were later presented, setting forth in more definite and compact form the ideas that had been considered at the audience. Trading com- panies as we have seen were no new ideas to the King. The proposals therefore found in him a willing supporter and he made the great projector offers of service and of freedom to carry out his plans in Sweden.* Usselinx, thinking that he had now found a field for his activities, accepted the offers and at once set about to launch his schemes. On November 4, his draft of the charter was ready, a few days later the prospectus of the company was issued,^ and on December 21, 1624, the King gave " commission to Willem Usselinx to establish a Gen- eral Trading Company* for Asia, Africa, America and Magel- * Professor Jameson (p. 89) suggests that Usselinx might have gone to Copenhagen with the purpose of laying his plans before the Danish King. ' Geijer, III. 93. I am informed in a letter from Dr. Theodor Westrin, of the Royal Archives, that Gustavus Adolphus was at Elfsborg and in Gothenburg between Oct. 17 and Nov. 5, 1624 (or Oct. 27-Nov. 15). ' See Jameson, p. 91 ff. ' The prospectus set forth the great advantages to be derived by the sub- scribers and the country at large. See copy in Usselinx Mss., No. 2, Penn. Hist. So. ; Doc, XII. p. I ff. 'It was generally called The South Company (Soderkompaniet), but various other names were used, as the General Trading-Company (General Handels- kompaniet). The Indian Company (Indiska Corapaniet; Indianska Compagniet), The Southern Company (Soderlandska Komp.), East Indian Company (Ostin- diska Komp.), The Sea-trading Company (Sjohandelsk.), The Sea-Company (Sjo-komp.), or simply the Trading Company (Handelskomp.), The General Company (Generalkomp.), The Company (Komp.). Rddspr, I. 54, 75, 96, 155, 54 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. lanica."* Usselinx, says the commission, proposed to found a trading company and he had presented such good reasons that the King was led to believe that it would be a great success and that it would bring large gains to the kingdom. On these grounds the commission was issued and the " governors, state- holders, captains, mayors and councils in the cities " and other public servants were commanded to aid and assist the founder in raising subscriptions for the company.^" Some time later Usselinx printed " The Contract of the General Trading Com- pany of the Kingdom of Sweden . . . with its conditions and terms," again presenting the great advantages of the society and referring to the wealth of Spain and the Netherlands gained through their commercial activities in the New World and claiming that Sweden had as great possibilities and was as well equipped for such a trade as any other country in Europe." Although the King greatly favored the scheme and other influ- ential men were interested in it, the project advanced slowly. Usselinx was busy, however. He approached the members of the Supreme Court and obtained promise of contributions from many of the councillors and he suggested to Oxenstierna various ways of furthering the cause. In order to spread the news of their intentions far and wide he made arrangements to have his arguments translated and he had hopes of interesting France in his great scheme.i^ In the summer of 1 626, Gustavus Adolphus was again in the capital and on June 6 the charter of privileges of the company (in 37 articles) was signed by the King.^^ The 166; II 46, 119, 129; m. 71; IV. 168; V. 277, 281; VL 21, 354; vin. 16: letters from Ussehnx, Ox. Saml.; N.S., I.-II. (R.A.) ; N.S., I.-II. (K.A.). Cf. Chapter XIII., below. There was an English South Sea Company in the next century. See Broadsides, I. 22. By-laws, etc., printed in 1726 by E. Symon. lo^'p ^"^ ""' '*^*' ^""*"* ^' Stockholm. Cf. Jameson, p. 100, note 167. c .^rn ,f;/ *' J^"^^""' PP- loo-ioi. See also "Usselinx and the South Company Mss. copies. No. 4, Penn. Hist. So. ^Published in Swedish and Dutch. See Jameson, Bib. no. 13, 14. Ussehnx drew up a memorial for C. Baner, who was sent on a diplomatic mission to France. See Jameson, p. 103 ; Mss. in Penn. Hist. So. R.R. June 6, 1636, fol. 332 ff. The printed copy is dated June 14, for what reason is not clear. Seal of Gustavus Adolplius. Signature of Gustavus Adolphus The South Company. 55 purposes of the company were to establish commercial relations with almost the whole world,^* outside of Europe, and to make settlements (although a secondary object) on hitherto unoccu- pied ground, with the hope that the prosperity of Sweden would be largely increased, the Gospel would be spread among un- civilized peoples, and the private shareholder would reap a large gain. " We have maturely considered it," says the charter in the name of the King, " and as far as is in our power we have sought to bring about that the advantages, profits and welfare of our kingdom and of our faithful subjects, as well as the prop- agation of the Holy Gospel, might be in the highest degree improved and increased by the discovery of additional com- mercial relations and navigation." The charter was to be in force for twelve years (from May i, 1627, until May i, 1639) and during this time the company was given sole right to trade " in Africa, Asia, America and Magellanica or Terra Australia, beginning on the coast of America at the same latitude as . . . [the Strait of Gibraltar] unto the 36th^^ degree" and no one else [from Sweden] was permitted to sail to these parts "nor to any country or island between Africa and America " on pain of confiscation of ships and cargoes. The condition of member- ship was liberal and foreigners were admitted and given special privileges. March i, 1627, was the limit set for subscriptions promised in the kingdom, and May i for foreign membership (all subscriptions to be paid in four yearly instalments) and after that date no new members would be received and no sub- scriptions could be withdrawn before the expiration of the charter, except after the end of six years, when the company could be dissolved by a majority vote of the shareholders. The size of the subscriptions was left with the subscribers, but inducements were given to encourage the subscription of large sums, only those contributing 1,000 D. or more having a right to vote for directors, which were to be chosen from among the " A later document says that the King had decided to establish a " General Trading Company which could trade in all places in the world where profit was to be found." Fullm. for Dir. P. Anderson, etc., Mar. 19, 1627. R.R. fol. 103. " Hence not including the Delaware region. Cf. below. 56 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. shareholders contributing 2,000 D. or more; cities, countries, towns or individuals, foreigners as well as natives, who invested 100,000 D. had the right to appoint a director,^* and the sum of 300,000 D. should entitle any country or city to a separate department and to the right of sending out ships in proportion to their invested capital. The management of the company was minutely provided for. One director (with a salary of 1,000 D.) was to be elected by the majority of the shareholders qualified to vote, or appointed from the eligible members, for every 100,000 D. subscribed. The directors were to hold their office for the term of six years; upon the expiration of this time they were all to be discharged; but at the new election two-thirds of the outgoing directors must be reelected and the other third chosen from the shareholders qualified for the office. De- partments or offices of the company were to be established in various places and a certain number of supervisors should be elected for each department to inspect the accounts and delib- erate with the directors. The head office was to be at Gothen- burg, where each department was to have a director, and from there all ships were to depart. The governing body was to be made up of twelve directors (an additional vote to be held by the King), furnished by each department according to the pro- portion of its shares in the company,*'^ and its duty should be to plan the commercial voyages, to set the price on all arriving goods, to audit accounts and to superintend other business of the company. The place of meeting of the board was to rotate among the departments, beginning with the office holding the largest share of the capital and the next year with the next in order, and so on. The relation of the company to the Swedish government "They had the right to appoint two if they so desired, but with the salary of one. " Hence, if a department held half of the capital it should send six directors. No account is taken of the fact that the capital may be less than 1,200,000 D., in which case the number of directors would be less than twelve. Usselinx seems to have been so sure of his ability to raise that sum that nothing less was thought of. The South Company. 57 and to foreign powers was set forth in several paragraphs. The company was to pay a duty of four per cent, on all exports and imports,^ ^ but coined or uncoined silver and gold received in payment for merchandise was to be duty free. Be- sides the duty the government was to receive one fifth of all minerals found in the occupied territories and one tenth of the produce of the cultivated lands in the established colonies,^® all booty taken by the company from pirates and other enemies was to be used for the defense and protection of the trade, but in the case of the presence of a Swedish man-of-war at the capture of such booty, a certain share was to go to the government. As a compensation the company was to be under the special protec- tion of the government; the King was to appoint a council from among the most prominent shareholders, which, at the expense of the government, was to provide for the building and garrison- ing of all fortifications necessary for the protection of the colonies, establish courts of justice, make good laws, appoint governors, commanders and other ofHcers, as well as to settle all difficulties between the colonists and the natives in the occupied districts and all disputes between themselves and the directors, as well as between the departments and the shareholders. The com- pany was also given the right to build its own fortifications as well as cities and castles, it could make treaties with the repub- lics, princes and kings of the countries lying within the scope of the charter. It had a right to defend itself against enemies but could not begin hostilities.^" To compensate Usselinx for " his services, trouble and great expense " the company was to pay him one per mill of all goods and merchandise sold and bought as long as the charter was in force. The charter was soon printed in Swedish and German^^ (the ^' The duty should be paid only once for the same goods, and merchandise once paid for could be shipped out of and into the country as often as necessary. " On " tionde " or tithes in Sweden, see E. Hildebrand, Sv. statsf. 56, 188, 313. H. Hildebrand, Sv. Medeltid, I. 285 ff. ; Odhner, Sv. in. hist., p. 335. ^ Preveligium for Gen. Kiop. Comp., June 6, i6z6, R.R. fol. 332 ff. (Copy in Jameson Mss., Penn. Hist. So.); Arg. Gust.; Cronholm, IV. p. 367 ff. ; Acrelius, p. 5 ff. ; Hazard, p. 15 ff. ; Adelns Riksd., I. 2, p. xi. "A later edition appeared in Dutch at the Hague, see Jameson, Bib. S8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. preface being dated July 2, 1626) , and Usselinx had high hope; of success. He distributed his books freely to spread knowledge of the company, sending them even to Venice; he urged its re printing in Germany, and he planned to place a French and i new Dutch version before the public. Subscription was gradu ally obtained and the council took a hand in the affair.^^ In the beginning of 1627 the business of the company was brought before the diet and on January 31 Usselinx was pres- ent at the deliberation of the estate of nobles and his great project was presented to the House by Gabriel Bengtsson Oxen- stierna, who explained the advantages to be derived from the same by the private participants and the country at large. The land-marshal answered that the House would take it into con- sideration, not doubting that the members would be found will- ing to contribute on the information that had been presented. Didrick von Falkenberg then spoke in favor of the company, and told of the large gains it would be sure to bring, if it should be properly started, which he thought could be done without diffi- culty, since large sums were already subscribed. The charter was then read by the Secretary, Johan Larsson, and the meeting was closed with a speech by Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna, who further recommended the project and advised the nobles to subscribe liberally.^^ The efforts had some result and at the meeting of the House on February 6 " as many as had a desire " subscribed.^* But the subscriptions came slowly and something more effec- tive had to be done. To facilitate the work and fully establish the company the King appointed two of his directors,^^ Peter Andersson (recommended by Usselinx) and Christian Welshui- sen. The appointment was made some time in March, it seems, Rddspr., I. 32; Jameson, p. 120. ''Hand. rSr. Skan. Hist.. I. 132-4; Riddarsk. prot., I. 2, pp. xi, 23. Cf. Jameson, pp. 120-1. '^^ ' ^ iRiddarsk. prot (Feb. 6 .627). Copy in Jameson Mss., Penn. Hist. So. h.A , h -K A "^ ^^JO'd'nf to the charter to appoint four directors since he had subscribed 450,000 D., a fact overlooked by older writers. The South Company. 59 although their commission was not given till May 4,^' and on March 19 Andersson was given a special commission and authority " to travel all over the kingdom in the country and in the cities, to collect subscriptions from the rich and poor, learned and ignorant, villagers and farmers." All local officials were instructed to aid him in his work and every citizen in the kingdom was highly advised to risk his capital in the venture according to his means. About six weeks later the King issued the commission for his two directors and advised the other par- ticipants to appoint their directors, at the same time recommend- ing seven prominent men for the office.^'' In the spring Valen- tin Nilsson^* was elected a third director by the contributors of Stockholm, for in June he signed a Memorial for Usselinx on behalf of the company. Late in April a letter was sent to the bishops in the kingdom advising them to contribute, since the King himself had subscribed a large sum (450,000 D.), and they were requested to deliver the money at the next synodical meeting.^* The priestly estate took a lively Interest in the scheme and gave promises of as large contributions as they were able to make (at least 100,000 D.), indicating their willingness to appoint a director of their own, which was done some time later.^" But the money was not paid in the specified ^ It has been stated that Andersson had been appointed director on March 19, and Christian Welshuisen on May 4, but in the commission of May 4 we read: " Haffve wij oflFwer war anpart till Directorer och forestandhare satt och forordnatt ehrlighe och wellachtadhe man oss ellskelighe Pedher Andhersson och Christian Willsshusen, och dhem i fuUmacht och befallningh giffvet haflfve sasom vij och har medh i fullt befallningh giflfve." I take it that a copy of the same contents was given to each director. It was often the case that the com- mission to an office was not given until sometime after the appointment. " " Fullmachtt for Dir. Pedar Andersson att optala stenderne," etc., Mar. 19, 1627 R.R. fol. 103 ff.; Fullm. for direch., etc., May 4, 1627, R.R., fol. 221; Usselinx to Oxenstierna, July 19, 1628. ^^ A councillor at Stockholm. See Rddspr., IV. 323 ; Anrep, Attart. under LS'wenburg. ""'Till biscoparne," etc., April 27, 1627, R.R. *" But there were also warning voices raised against subscriptions. A poem, the opening verses of which were published by Geijer, runs as follows: " O arma prest lagg thig ej i Directors-och kopmans-compagni. 6o The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. time, and in September the directors presented a supplication to the Council of State, praying that the money subscribed might be collected.^^ The success of the project was not so great as Usselinx had expected. The sums subscribed were far less than he had hoped for^* and even these could not be collected, but neither he nor Vinningen veta the till sig draga, Forstrackningarne far thu pa thig taga." Geijer refers the quotation to Nordinska handskrifterna, but Dr. Andersson of the University Library, who kindly made a search for me, informed me in a letter that the verses could not be found in Nordinska samlingen. The poem, however, is probably written some time after 1634. "^ Rddspr., I. 54. '"A list of the principal subscriptions was prepared by Usselinx, probably about the middle of 1627. It runs as follows: "A list of [those] who have subscribed to the South Comp[any], [and] who have a right to choose directors as follows: The honorable Pfalsgrave [Johan Casimir] Dl. 8,000 The Admeral Carl Carlsson Dl. 8,000 The Chancellor [Axel Oxenstierna] Dl. 12,000 Gabriel Bengtson Oxenstierna Dl. 1,500 Clas Horn Dl. 4,000 Johan Skytte Dl. 5,000 Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna Dl. 4,000 Svante Baner Dl. 2,000 Per Baner Dl. 2,000 Carl Eriksson Oxenstierna Dl. 2,oco Klas Fleming Dl. 2,000 Johan Sparre Dl. 1,000 Carl Bonde Dl. 1,000 Antony Monnier Dl. 4,000 Johan Baner Dl. 1,000 Axel Baner Dl. 1,000 Mathias Soop Dl. 1,000 Ake Axelsson Dl. 1,000 Jacob Jacobsson Dl. 1,000 Jesper Andersson Dl. 1,000 Herman Wrangel Dl. 4,000 Diedrick von Falkenberg Dl. 4,000 who has further promised Dl. 6,000 Christer Ludwig Rask Dl. 8,000 Bengt Oxenstierna Dl. 1,000 Doctor Robertson Dl. 1,500 Lasse Skytte Dl. 1,200 Per Andersson Dl. 1 000 Paridon van Horn Dl. i,aoo Peter von Bennigen, 40 skeppund of copper, worth about Dl. Mickel Werner Dl. 2,000 The South Company. 6i the directors were daunted by the slow progress. They planned to prepare a trading expedition in the near future and for this reason they had in mind to present a request to the King that the company should be allowed to export 30,000 bar- rels of grain from Sweden and Livonia,^* so that merchandise for the expedition could be bought in Holland, since it would not be possible to raise money for the purpose in any other manner. The government was also to be requested to furnish the necessary ships, which ought to be fully equipped and each " armed with four metal cannon." In case that any of the ves- sels were lost, they were to be paid by the company according to the valye, estimated by competent judges. In the summer of 1627 Usselinx was sent by the directors to Gustavus Adolphus in Prussia,^* to further the undertaking by urging the payment of his majesty's first instalment of 1 15,000 D. and the supply of as many ships as the King should find advisable to use for the intended voyage. He was also to request the King to appoint a director at Gothenburg, where there ought to be a chamber and to " most graciously grant a seal to the company."^' He was Jacob Forbes Dl. 1,000 Gierdt Dierichson (Dietricksson) Dl. 1,000 Johan Fegreus Dl. 1,000 Gilius Coynet (Coijet) Dl. 1,000 Hans Nilsson Dl. 1,000 Herman Westman Dl. 1,000 Philip Schedinck has promised Dl. 4,000 Henrick Fleming has subscribed Dl. 2,000 At Gothenburg has been subscribed about Dl. 30,000 Jacob van Dyck Dl. 3,000 Nils Burson Dl. 2,000 Jacob de Rees Dl. i,ooo (The above three persons are present here.) In Finland was subscribed Dl. 25,000 That which has been subscribed in Stockholm is entered in another book." No date but probably in 1627 or 1628. Usselinx letters. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). ""An ordinance was issued in the spring of 1622 forbidding the exportation of all grain except wheat, and in 1627 some Hollanders complained that Governor Horn had forbidden them to export even that grain. R.R. April 5, 1622, fol. 140; Rddspr., I. 38; Cf. also p. 45, 95, iii, 112. °*The King was now engaged in his second Prussian campaign. Cf. Cron- holm, II. 163 ff., especially 195 ff. ; Geijer, III. 100; Droysen, I. Cf. above Chapter I. ^ A seal or trade-mark protected by law was generally used by the trading companies. 62 The Swedis h Settlements on the Delaware. further to suggest to Oxenstierna that the latter should appoint a director on behalf of the nobility and he was to propose the first of August as the limit for the paying of the first instal- ment.»« Of his labors we know little. He did not succeed in collecting the King's subscription however, and he wrote to the directors proposing a new plan. The King was to be re- quested to furnish eight ships as his first instalment. Other ships could be hired in Holland and thus the King could furnish his share with little expense and without the advance of money.^^ In the meantime Usselinx was also busy collecting subscrip- tions from officers of the Swedish army and he seems to have raised a considerable sum. In November he was sent by the chancellor to collect additional funds in the Baltic provinces and in Finland. Armed with letters and introductions to the royal and the municipal authorities along his route, he made a tour from Dirschau around the Baltic and the Gulf of Bothnia, through Courland, Lithuania, Livonia, Finland and north- eastern Sweden, visiting Riga, Treyden, " Pernau, Reval, Narva, Viborg," Borga, Helsingfors, Abo, Gefle " and all other cities in Finland and Norrbotten," everywhere presenting me- morials and arguments about this beloved South Company and advising rich and poor to join the same. His success was varied. In Livonia the subscriptions amounted to about 50,000 D. and in Narva and the Finnish and Swedish towns he was well re- ceived except at Gefle. He arrived in Stockholm in April, 1628, and probably made a report to the directors and to the council.** He 'expected to find that ships had already been sent to Africa and that other beginnings had been inaugurated, but in ^ " Memorie voor Willem Usselinx," etc., June 12, 1627. I see no reason for supposing that the memorial was drawn up by Usselinx because it was in Dutch. See Jameson, p. 124, ii. 206. Welshuisen, one of the signers, was also a Hollander and could very well have drafted the document. ""Aen syne Ko. Ma:tt Memorie," etc. (Presented May 5, 1628.) Mss. in Penn. Hist. So. "Letter to Oxenstierna, July 19, 1628, Ox Saml. (R.A.) ; Jameson Mss. copies, Penn. Hist. So. Cf. Jameson, p. 124 ff. and Bib. The South Company. 63 these things he was disappointed. Some progress had been made in his absence, though not altogether in the direction originally intended. Per Andersson, who began his work with very great ardor, subscribed about 24,000 D. in two cities'* and then gave up the work, and thus the peasants and citizens of other places were not approached on the subject. The result was that the capital stock was as yet very small. The directors had " resolved that they would divert the trade from the west to the east," and make Russia the principal market, probably with the intention of monopolizing the silk trade in that country. Russian trade*" was also begun, but to what extent or with what profit is unknown. With a view of Increasing the capital stock, Per Andersson entered into an agreement with Johan Sparre to take over some goods in Russia, which the copper company owned there and could not sell, but the transfer was not made.*^ " Some of the stockholders proposed that the company should build ships for the trade with Spain ;"*2 others proposed that it should endeavor to obtain a monopoly of the Swedish salt trade, so that this important article would be brought to its former price, which would require a capital of only 50,000 D. The directors had entered upon still another venture. Ben- jamin Bonn ell (of whom we shall hear more in connection with the New Sweden Company) went to Sweden in 1625 with the intention of founding a glass factory. He applied for privi- leges from the King, but for some reason no factory was built.** In 1628, however, the South Company made an arrangement with him to establish a manufactory of glass in Gothenburg. "At Norrkoping and Nykoping. "A commercial treaty was made with Russia in 1626 and in 1637. Sillen, IV. 13-14. "But see Jameson, p. 132. " Usselinx was not opposed to this idea, if Sweden could enter into some agreement with Spain, assuring the safety of the vessels, otherwise he feared that the vessels would be in greater danger there then elsewhere. Letter to Oxenstierna, July 19, 1628. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). " Usselinx proposed that he ought to be induced to enter the service of the South Company and advised that the privileges should not be given. Usselinx to Oxenstierna, July 11, 1625. Cf. Jameson, p. 105. 64 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. The King granted him 500 D. for lost time and 500 D. for his traveling expenses and the directors issued a commission, em- powering him to hire laborers and buy the necessary imple- ments and machines for the purpose. Some of the skilled work- men and part of the material (which could not be obtained in Holland) were secured in England and some special instru- ments were made for the factory. He wrote to the directors from Amsterdam, requesting them to send him money for his expenses and for the salary of the workmen, but they made no reply. As a consequence he was compelled to dismiss his laborers and, being unable to pay his debts, he was arrested, but It is probable that the company later advanced money for his bills and secured his release.** Preparations for other manufacturing establishments were likewise begun. In the early part of 1628 it seems that Louis de Geer Intended to build a ropewalk at Norrkoping. A capi- tal of one hundred thousand D. was to be raised and for some reason the directors of the South Company decided to join with him and to furnish in cash two thirds of the stock, probably at the suggestion of the council; while De Geer's share (one third of the capital) was to be furnished in hemp, bought In Prussia. It seems that De Geer withdrew from the contract, but the directors carried out the Idea and on April 24, 1628, a small piece of land for the factory " behind the brick shed of the city church at Norrkoping,*^ along the shore of the lake" was granted to the company. Arrangements were also made for a second ropewalk at LInkoping. The King was greatly inter- ested in the work. In the Instruction given to the council on April 28, the same year, he recommended that as large orders for ropes should be given to the ropewalks of the company as possible. In May the council instructed Andersson to hurry the "Usselinx now thought that the factory would be of great value to the company, as beads were very salable in Africa and America. Usselinx to Oxejistierna, July ii, 1625, July 19, 1628, Oct. 13, 1628. Ox. Saml Located south (a little to the west) of Stockholm, on Motalastrora, a short distance from the Baltic coast. At present an important manufacturing center. Rosenberg, Handl, IL 258 ff. The South Company. 65 completion of the ropewalk so that rope-making could soon be begun, requesting him to report what progress he had made and in June he was told to continue with his work. It is probable that ropes were manufactured during the sum- mer at least in Norrkoping. The ropewalk was continued after the joining of the South and the Ship Companies and one Bar- tolomeus Jansson made the ropes at a salary of i R.D. a day.*" His services apparently came to an end in July or August, 1637, and it is likely that the ropewalk was discontinued at that time. The directors also determined to establish a linen mill, and it appears that something was done in the matter, for in July, 1628, one of the directors "requested advice from the council whether he ought not to continue the linen manufactory, instead of sending ships to the Indies." Shipbuilding was likewise planned at this time and a shipyard was finally established as we shall see.*^ As we may expect, Usselinx did not take great delight in finding these side activities engaging the attention of the com- pany on his return. He found that the management was poor and that the original designs had been lost sight of. To remedy the matter he formulated a number of complaints in a letter to Oxenstierna and he had still hopes of success. The directors, he said, paid more attention to insignificant details than to great principles; they seldom met for consultation (the principal stockholders having ceased coming together entirely) ; one of the directors collected money, disposed of it and made contract;* without the knowledge of the others ;** Per Andersson had been made a burggraf at Norrkoping and consequently had little time for other things ; the director appointed by the bishops lived at Upsala, away from the activity of the company and hence he was unable to be of much service ; another director was at Norr- "Thus he worked 313 days in 1635 ^nd was paid 312 R.D. ; 168 days in 1637, being paid 168 R.D., etc. "Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-6(7) (K.A.) ; " Copia von Janssons Reaps, ijberg. Reck.," etc., Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.) ; Usselinx to Oxenstierna, July 19, 1628, Ox. Saml.; R.R. April 24, 1628, fol. 290 ff.; May 12, 1628, fol. 624; Rddspr., I. pp. XXX, 69, 79, 97. Cf. Jameson, 132. **Per Andersson is meant. See Usselinx to Oxenstierna, Oct. 13, 1628. 6 66 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. koping in charge of the ropewalk; Valentin Nilsson was incap- able and paid little attention to his duties ; Christian Welshuisen understood his business, but he could not do much alone. We may also assume that Usselinx did not neglect to bring the mat- ter before the Council of State and that this body took it into consideration, causing new efforts to be made for the raising of money.* ^ Even at the beginning of the year efforts had been made to collect the subscriptions. On January 1 1, the King ordered all subscribers to pay in the first instalment on or before May i on penalty of indemnity to the government for all losses and one per cent, a month on the capital subscribed from the above date until paid,^' the King promising to pay his share. Oxen- stierna, who took a lively interest in this company, as he did in the New Sweden Company, not knowing that Usselinx had re- turned, appointed "honest and wise Anthon Graphaeus" to collect subscriptions in Sweden, "in order that such a useful and important work may not be neglected at this place," and gave him a commission to that effect on April iS.'*^ Something had also been done towards sending ships to the West Indies. The King had assigned a small vessel for the purpose and the company bought or hired a pinnace to accom- pany the former. A skipper, said by Usselinx to be an experi- enced man, well acquainted in the West Indies and on the coast of Africa, was engaged at a high wage,^^ ^^^ o(.}jgj. prepara- tions were made, but funds were lacking and progress was slow. On May 29 Usselinx and Valentin Nilsson were called into the Council Chamber to report about the South Company. The former was to translate " his demonstration " into Swedish so that the common people might understand it. It was decided "^c'.*"'"' *° O^enstierna, July tg, 1628. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). ^^ Sasom och pro cento till en daler cm manan," Mandat, etc., Jan. n, 1628, L s^J!^'"' ^"''"^' ^^"' ^^' "'^^- ^*- ^'"^^- J^"- "' ^«*»' ^- R-; Stiernman, R.r'^ for"'r *° °'''"'''""^' J"'y '9, 1628. Letter to Oxenstierna, July 14, 1628, The South Company. 67 to write to Livonia and Ingermanland to the effect that the subscribers there must pay their shares. Per Andersson, and perhaps the other directors, were called to Stockholm to confer about the company and it is quite certain that many meetings were held, at which Usselinx presented his views."^^ About the end of June a paper (supplication?) from the direc- tors and Usselinx ( ?) was read in the council and about a week later Per Andersson was called upon to make a report. On July 5 it was again decided to request the cities and governors of the kingdom to assist in the new work and to pay their sub- scriptions, and three days later letters were sent to Eric Jorans- son and Holger Scheiding and perhaps to other governors, in- structing them " to aid the directors and to enjoin upon the participants in their districts and especially those in the cities to pay their shares." But the efforts had little effect and the citizens of Stockholm reported that they were unable to pay their share and asked for grace until 1629. 'Further meetings and discussions seem to have been held, but with small result. The journey to the West Indies was not dropped, however, and Andersson was appointed to consult with the council about it. He went before that body on July 10, and requested assis- tance for the continuation of the South Company, but he espe- cially desired advice " about the ship and yacht [which] H[is] R[oyal] Maj[esty] had appointed for the voyage, whether it should be sent to the West Indies or not." No definite advice was given, as the councillors, fearing the dangers of such a voyage, desired to know the opinion of Oxenstierna and the King, before they could decide on so important a matter. Ac- cordingly letters were written to the former, requesting him to ascertain the views of His Royal Majesty, as the principal stockholder, and to report as soon as possible. The answer is not known, but no expedition was prepared, for in the autumn the skipper returned to Holland, after having drawn a salary for several months. The first West Indian venture thus caused "Rddspr., I. 75, 96-97- 68 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the company considerable expense, and came to an end without bringing any results.®^ As we have already stated, Usselinx was not pleased with the management and development of the company he had started. He wished to be relieved from his services, unless something more to the point were soon done. There was, however, still some hope in his mind, that the undertaking might be placed on a prosperous basis and develop into great significance, and for this reason he made new suggestions. New letters were to be sent to the governors in Finland and agents were to be sent there and to Norrland to collect additional funds ; able and experienced commissioners were to be sent to Germany, France and Venice to solicit subscriptions; the directors were to be compelled to follow the charter and to live where the chamber was located; a new director was to be appointed at Gothenburg by His Majesty (and as such Usselinx recommended Antony Monnier) ; and finally a royal privilege or commission was to be issued to the company, granting it liberty to buy and export grain. But the suggestions failed to breathe new life into the frozen body. Things grew worse instead of better. Usselinx feared that the company would not be a very large affair and in the end It would probably dwindle down to a ropewalk and a shipyard. He knew little about the building of ships and the making of ropes, which could be better superintended by others, and he therefore decided to leave the country.^'* In December he obtained his release and Gustavus Adolphus gave him letters to the States General and to Prince Henry. In the beginning of 1629 he left Stockholm. His connection with the South Company now practically came to an end^s and the company was soon about to enter upon another stage and to be combined with another organization under a different name. "R.R. July 8, 1628, fol. 697 (Jameson Mss.) ; Usselinx to Oxenstierna, July 19, October 13, 1628, Ox. Saml; Rddspr., I. 81, 88, 90, 92, 96-7. °^ Letter to Oxenstierna, Oct. 13, 1628; of. Jameson, p. 138. Van Rees, IL 466; Mercu. Ger., p. 38. For Usselinx's travels from 1629 until 1632, see Jameson, p. 139. Gustavus Adolphus. From a painting at Skokloster. (H.) CHAPTER IX. The United South-Ship Company, 1629-1642. The increase of the Swedish navy and merchant marine was an object of great care to Gustavus Adolphus. Capital was hard to raise and the state treasury was drawn upon to the utmost for other purposes. The King therefore took recourse to the formation of a company, and, at a meeting of represen- tatives from various Swedish towns at the capital in the be- ginning of 1629, he proposed the founding of a Ship Company by the cities of the kingdom. The project was favorably re- ceived. Towards the end of January the representatives trans- mitted " an explanation and decision " to His Royal Majesty, presenting their views on the subject and plans for the prepara- tion of ships. At the same time the privileges for the company were issued. Sixteen ships were to be furnished in all, of which Stockholm was to prepare four, Gothenburg two, and the other cities, arranged in groups, the remaining ten.^ The ships were to be used for commercial voyages, either by the cities themselves or by the Crown at a certain rate of freight money, as well as in the case of war for the aid and protection of the country against the enemy (in the latter case without pay how- ever). Separate directors were to be chosen by the different groups of cities to manage the capital supplied by each group. The ships were to be ready in the spring of 1629 and, in order to encourage and increase Swedish shipping, it was ordered that they should be built in the kingdom, but, as the time was too limited for the building of so large a number, the cities requested permission to hire or buy vessels abroad with the privilege of selling them when their own ships were ready. Arrangements were then made for the raising of money. ' See R.R. Jan. 26, 1629. Cf. Rddspr., I. 161 ff. and 162, note i, where a list of the cities is given with the number of ships each group was to furnish. See also Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.). 69 yo The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. The citizens were strongly urged to participate in the company according to their means. Directors were elected to carry out the plans of the company and soon contracts were signed for the delivery of several ships. The directors of the Upsala and Orebro divisions contracted with Cornelius Speckt, a Hollan- der, for their ships to be ready in the summer; the Gefle and Stockholm divisions contracted with Welshuisen for their ves- sels, the Vasteras division made arrangements with Spens and the Nykoping division with Voss.^ Agents were sent by the other cities to Holland to buy or rent ships. But the money was slow in coming, due to the lack of funds and quarrels between the cities, and consequently the ships were not on hand at the appointed time. At Jonkoping and Stock- holm there was especially great difficulty in raising the shares to be contributed by each district. The Council of State in- structed the inhabitants of the latter place to furnish the stipu- lated sums, but the year 1629 passed and the full amount was not collected,^ only 74,438 Daler having been furnished by the beginning of 1630, for which two vessels were bought.* In order to increase the capital the King presented the needs of the Ship Company at the diet in the summer of 1629 to the representatives of the estates, requesting the Nobility and Priesthood to contribute to it and aid in preparing a large num- ber of ships. In answer to these propqsitions the two estates suggested that the money, which had been collected for the South Company should be used for the needs of the Ship Com- pany " and in this manner to found a complete society and trad- ing company until opportunity and capital will allow the South Company to be continued and established." In addition to this 'Rddspr., 1. 162-3, 168 ff., 193 ff- .i,-'!'^^ question was brought before the Council of State for adjustment and this body presented its judgment on December 12, 1630. " Forstaden " in Stock- holm should pay 10,000 D. and on December 29, 1629, the Council of State com- manded the cty to prepare the ships. See Skepsk.. 1629-50 (R.A.). and Stockholms Stads tdnkebok, 1629, fol. 135. Cf. Rddspr., L 185, note i f„nH I'Tu"^ maintained that they had made large contributions to the war fund, which had not been repaid them. The plague was also an obstacle and many were unable to pay. Cf letter tn"R RSrl .t„ „a . t-.- . •i stpnsir „ti «f„ni, T 1 i J ; , "•' ^*'^-' P^ sampt. Direct, ofwer skepsk. uti Stock. Inlef. d. . July, 1630." Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.). The United South-Ship Company. 71 the nobility promised to contribute 50 D. for each trooper, expressing the hope that those who were able would make private contributions as well.* The suggestions were favorably received by the King and about a year later (in May, 1630), he authorized and legalized the union of the two companies, but no privileges were granted to this new concern.^ The South Company as Usselinx organized it now came to an end, but the new company,'^ for such it really was, made preparations to execute the main objects of Usselinx's plan, namely, the send- ing out trading expeditions. Abraham Cabeliau, Valentin Nilsson (and perhaps one or two others) were appointed gen- eral directors, Johan Larsson was made secretary with a salary of 1,000 D., and Hans Gall (a German) was engaged as bookkeeper. Stockholm was made the head office, but factors were appointed in Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Stralsund and perhaps other places.^ The cities in Finland gradually joined the Company and the capital was soon quite considerable. It is given as follows in the official journal in 1636 : Daler. His Royal Majesty 14,102 Johan Casimir 8,000 The House of Knights 6,3*8 The Royal Council 14.980 The Nobility and Knighthood '3iOi4 The Priesthood" 6i,9S3 The Combined Cities" 373.579 __7_'«i* Total 499,644'" 5 (( ' so Daler for hvarje rusttjensthast." R.R. May 29, 1630, fol. 270; Rddspr., I. 54, note; II. 71. "Stiernman, Riksdagsf.; Kung. bref, etc., I. p. 989; R.R. May 29, 1630; Rddspr., I. 54, 155-66; II. 117; Ridd. och Adelns Riksdagspr., Vol. I. ' The United Ship and South Company was called by various names. Cf. the names of the South Company above, Chap. VIII. In the official journal of the New Sweden Company the South-Ship Company is called "The Old Ship Company." ^Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III., 1630-6(7) (K.A.). 'The various ecclesiastical districts or st'ift supplied certain sums. Thus Abo stiff supplied 9,972 D., Wiborg, 8,570 D., etc. Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-36(7) (K.A.). ""The capital of the various cities was as follows in 1636: 72 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, The outlook was now brighter. In the autumn of 1630 the sixteen ships were ready, although all the shares had not been paid.^^ The ships were fitted out for trading journeys and some had already been sent to Stralsund in November. A longer journey was also planned and one of the Stockholm ships was sent to Archangel the same year with freight. It returned safely to the North Sea and went to Holland. From there the skipper was engaged to sail to Malaga in Spain on a false passport and the ship was seized.^ ^ One or two other ships were later seized, causing the company expense and financial difficulties." Several ships sailed to Amsterdam and other cities, carrying freight for private merchants and for the government, and 20,000 R.D. were due from the Crown in the Daler. Norrlands District 22,941 :i :2 : Vastergotland 23,220:1 :i f Vasa Stad Stockholm 126,000 Gefle 25,211:2:1. Norrkoping 17,731:2:3. Nykoping 30,897:3:4 Vasteras 22,450 Tellie 33,885:2:7^ Arboga 15,969: Kalraar 19,518:3:2 Vastervik 14,000 The Cities of Finland 21,753 •i4- Total 373.579:2:6^^ This means that the cities included in the district were to furnish the above sums. Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-36 (K.A.). "I have omitted the fractions of a Daler making the total sum one D. less than that £,iven in the journal. "In the summer of 1630, Welshuisen threatened that he would break the contract unless he was paid by July i. The ships were all delivered, however, but as late as March, 1631, all the money had not been paid to him. See letter to R. Rdd., etc., July i, 1630. Letter to A. Oxenstierna from the directors, Oct. 6, 1630, and the letter from the directors, March 16, 1631. Skepsk., 1638-50 (R.A.). Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-36(7) (K.A.). Rddspr., II. 46^ 90 ff. In 1630 the king resolved that each citizen should contribute, etc., Rddspr., II. 71. "The skipper was forbidden to sail to Spain. On his return he was ex- amined by Cabeliau and Nilsson and put into prison. Rddspr., II. 91-92. ^ " " De 2 skeppen som blefne ahre." " En deel af Comp. skep. ahre sin kooss." Rddspr., II. 119, 154, 17, 20-46, 116-19, 249, etc. The United South-Ship Company. 73 autumn of 1631 as freight money, while several thousand D. were earned through the freight handled for private merchants between 1630 and 1632.^" In the autumn of 1631 plans were projected for "the con- tinuation and success of the company." Klas Fleming proposed that "wealthy Hollanders ought to be imported for directors, so as to place the undertaking on a business basis." The feasi- bility of sending ships to Spain and France was considered and other ideas were also broached. It was even suggested that the ships of the company should be used for preying on Spanish commerce, it being thought that greater gains could be realized from that source than from the trading expeditions that were contemplated. The treasury of the company, however, would not permit the sending out of trading expeditions, unless the subscriptions could be collected and the freight money from the government paid. To make the expeditions possible the members of the council contributed large sums,'" and other means were pro- vided. About this time a certain Frenchman was in Stockholm, willing to participate in the company if he could arrive at some agreement with the directors. As a consequence arrangements were made for trade with France, and some time in 1632 a ship was sent thither with a cargo of ropes from the company's ropewalk, and copper and cannon, which were sold for 5,055 D. (s.m.) . A large cargo of salt was taken back to Sweden and some 2,000 barrels were sold in Stockholm.*^ In the meantime the discussions about " the Spanish trade " had been continued and definite arrangements were about to be made. Director Valentin Nilsson warned the council against "The Nykoping-ship made 7,351 D. in 1632. The Upland-ship made 7,084 D. in the same year. The Norrkoping-ship made 3,854 D. in the same year. The Norrland-ship made 6,032 D. in the same year. Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-36 (K.A.). " Carl Carlsson contributed 2,000 R.D. ; G. Gustafsson 2,000 R.D., etc. Radspr., II. 118 ; III. 249, 267, 293. "Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-36(7) (K.A.) ; Radspr., II. 116-19. 74 The Swedish S ettlements on the Delaware. sending ships to Spain. In 1606, while he was there it was rumored, he said, that a decree had been published by the King of Spain, commanding the confiscation of all Swedish ships and merchandise found in a Spanish port. But Fleming was of the opinion that Spain would not make herself an enemy of Sweden for the sake of a couple of ships, and Cabeliau presented letters from the Duca de Medina and others, stating that it was per- fectly safe to send ships to Spain, and to further insure the safety of the ships Cabeliau's factor would be instructed to send a bark to meet the vessels and warn them in case of danger.^® An expedition was therefore fitted out in the autumn of 1 63 1 and four vessels were prepared.^" A cargo of masts and some copper and tar was obtained^" and loaded into the ships. The entire cost of the expedition was 43,712 D. Thomas Looff,^! a Catholic merchant, was appointed commis- sary and commander of the expedition,'^ Cornelis van Vliet, of whom we shall hear more in connection with the second journey to New Sweden, being captain on the Stockholm's Crown. The ships were ready in November, and on the six- teenth they left the Swedish capital for their destination, touch- ing at Helsingor, the English coast and the Isle of Wight, where the vessels remained for seventeen days. The little fleet left the island on February 21 (n.s.). On March 13 the ves- sels were separated in a severe storm, but on the eighteenth Loofl arrived with the Gilded Lion at San Lucar, Spain. Two days later Norrlandskeppet arrived, and in the next few days the othei ships made their appearance in good condition. Passports were immediately delivered. Looff then informed the merchants a1 "The relation with Spain was not very friendly at this time. Spain hac attacked Swedish ships and the council considered the possibility of beginnmj a war with that country. Rddspr., II. 345 ff. Cf. above, Ch. II. " Rddspr., II. 90 ff. ; III. 98 ; 249 ff. Loofs Journal. ^Johan Casimir supplied masts for the value of 8,752 D. ^'It is written Thomas Lop in Rddspr., IV. ri2. But he wrote it Looff him self. See also R.R. 1634, fol. 376, Dutch f> Swedish, p. ^He went on the ship called FSrgylda Lejonet. Stockholms Krona (Tornes Eliasson, skipper), Norrlandskeppet (Stephen Gronenberg, skipper)', am Geflesheppet (Cornelius Tyss, skipper) were the other vessels on the expeditiot Looff's Journal, Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.) ; Rddspr., III. 94. The United South-Ship Company. 75 Seville of the presence of his ships and offered his cargo for sale, but he was answered that the country was well supplied with masts and that no money would be on hand until the " Silver Fleet " should arrive from the West Indies. Looff also wrote to Cadiz^* and tried hard to sell his cargo at San Lucar, 'but only six weeks before his arrival great quantities of masts had come from Gothenburg and other places and he was un- successful in his attempt. On April 2(n.s.) a ship brought news that the Silver Fleet was approaching. All foreign vessels in Spanish harbors were now put under arrest and compelled to remain in port until the fleet was safely anchored, when the arrest was removed.** In the meantime Looff tried to exchange his cargo for salt but without success, some lumber from the Crown of Stockholm being the only thing he was able to sell. Later he also made a journey to Seville with one of his men and finally succeeded in finding buyers. But on April 21, 1632, King Philip ordered that six Swedish ships should be put under arrest with all their contents, cannon and other arms, " for the Spanish ships and cannon which were [arrested] at Wismar." Between April 27 and 29 the order was executed and a bail of 40,000 ducats was demanded for the release of the ships.** The bond was secured, Looff finally succeeded in selling his masts, spars and other cargo and brought them ashore, and on June 8 the ships were fi-ee of their cargoes. Salt was then to be loaded into them, but for certain reasons the vessels were again put under arrest in accordance with a royal order of June 29 and their " Looff's Journal has " Cales " and in Rddspr., III. 99, it is also written " Cales," but it is clear that Cadiz is meant. Cf. Het Licht der Zeevaert door W. Janssoon, Amst., 1630; Rddspr., Ill, index, p. 317. ^The Silver Fleet arrived about April 20, 45 sails strong. Looff's Journal. '^Looff's Journal. Cf. also Rddspr., III. 295. Other Swedish ships besides the four belonging to the company were seized, but how many is not known. Probably more than six, however, for in the journal of the council we read: "They [the Spaniards] have taken de facto the ships of the company, as well as other ships from Stralsund, Stettin, Norrkoping and Gothenburg." Rddspr., II. Concerning the " Spanish ships and cannon " said to have been put under arrest at Wismar, I know nothing. Dr. Westrin of the Royal Archives, Stockholm, also informed me in a letter that he has no information about them. 76 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. rudders were removed.^^ Looff tried his utmost to get the ships released. In August he went to Madrid to lay the case before the King and presented memorials and documents to the government, assisted greatly by the Dutch Consul General Aug. Brodinus, who spared no pains in bringing the matter to the notice of His Royal Majesty. But it was all to no avail. The King gave orders that the ships should be sent to Lisbon with ammunition and other materials. The skippers and sailors, however, refused to go, but towards the end of September the ships were manned by Spanish crews and taken to Cadiz, and in May, 1633, they were sent to the West Indies in the service of the Crown.27 The masts and other goods were sold by Looff for 39,089 D., which were turned over to the state. The bondsmen, De Gylle(?) and others, were arrested and "commanded to pay the bond," but they were later released. They paid large sums to the King and certain expenses of the sailors, which amounted to more than the value of the cargoes, and presented bills of these expenditures to the director of the company, who promised that they should be reimbursed for all bills that could be satis- factorily verified. Whether or no this was ever done is not known— it is hardly probable. From Madrid Looff informed the directors at Stockholm of the situation,^* and in June, 1633, he was instructed by them to return to Sweden with or without the ships. In December, 1633, he set out for the Netherlands, after leaving the case in the hands of Consul Brodinus; in January he touched at an English port and on the eleventh he landed in Amsterdam. After a short stay in this city, during which time translations were made of all Spanish documents into Dutch and Swedish, he took passage for Stockholm, where n,«?T'/* *' °''^''"' ^"'' '^'^°" ^'"^ ""'■"'y- drank heavily, showed their a^ansirr'T^T- °"' ^f^ °^''" ^'^^^"^ *" '''^^ ''^d f°"g'^t in the wars agamst the Catholics. They were also mutinous. Looff's Journal. Ra^lMl ;"V' "' ""'"^ """" ^'"'^ "P '"' ^^'P^ '"' 4a,ooo gulden. ther;^°fn.Mnir'' J°""^yif° Madrid, one in August, 163a (remaining in the cty until October 24), one in November the same year. Looff's Journal. The United South-Ship Company. "jj he arrived on June 15 (o.s.) .^^ He was now accused by several sailors and skippers of negligence and even of treachery, and the value of the ships (18,240 D.) together with the value of the cargos (39,089 D.) was placed to his account. A court was held, where a journal,^" copies of the memorials presented to the King of Spain and other documents were exhibited, and Bonnell among others was called upon to testify. As a result Looff was exonerated from blame.^^ The sailors were in turn accused by Looff of drunkenness and disobedience. The direc- tors were also accused both by Looff and the shareholders, and they were prosecuted by the latter before the Supreme Court. Valentin Nilsson placed the blame on Cabeliau, since it was largely on his assurances that the ships were sent to Spain. The directors also maintained that the expedition had been deter- mined upon in the council and that therefore the councillors were partly to blame.^^ The evidence was examined in the autumn of 1633 and In the spring and summer of 1634. The directors were condemned and imprisoned, but they appealed; new documents were presented and in May, 1635, the directors and their commissioner Looff were acquitted and pronounced innocent in the loss of the ships.^^ Thus ended the first large trading expedition of the united South-Ship Company. It was understood that when a ship was lost, a new one should be furnished in its stead by the city or group of cities to which the lost vessel belonged, so that the number should always "The skippers and most of the sailors also returned to Sweden. The state- ment in the Papers of the Am. Hist. Asso., II. 164, note i, that " the men were imprisoned in Spain more than six weeks " is incorrect. See Rddspr., III. 98. " Dhe bleffve dar [in Spain] val undfangne, lago och der 6-1/2 vecka, sora ingen gjorde dem nagot emot." '"The journal (in Dutch) is now preserved in Skepsk., 1629-50, R.A. in good condition. A Swedish translation follows it. "^ Looff' s Journal; signed statement by Bonnell and others; a large number of Spanish documents with Swedish and Dutch transl. Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.) ; Rddspr., III. 94-95, 129, 138-9, etc.; IV. 112; Revisions Dom, etc.; Stock., April 23, 163S1 and other documents in Skepsk., 1629-50 (R.A.). ^This we know was partly true. Rddspr., II. 118. '^Rddspr., III. 94, 95, 249, 250 fl.; IV. 32, 35, 81-82, 1041-5, 114, 235, 237, 238, 241; V. 44, 52, 54, 58-60; cf. Odhner, Sv. in. hist., 300-301, note i; Jameson, fF. Usselinx, p. 164. 78 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. remain the same. In 1632 Kalmar Nyckel was purchased for 27,098 D. and plans were projected for the purchasing of other ships, to replace those that had been captured.^* As early as 1628 the directors were discussing means for the establishment of a ship-building plant. "Some propose," says Usselinx in that year, " that ships should be built for the Spanish trade." Between the years 1630 to 1632 a beginning was made at Norrkoping. Two ships (one of 180 lasts) were ordered to be built there, and somewhat later Valentin Nilsson requested money for a third vessel, so that the " ship-building plant might be saved " and kept going.^* It is not likely that the Council of State granted the money for a third ship, but in May, 1634, that body resolved "that the two ships at Norrkoping must be made ready and carpenters should be hired for that purpose."^^ Commercial ventures were not neglected for this " secondary purpose," however. We have already seen that trade with Russia was begun in 1628. Again in 1633 it was planned to send an expedition there, since five fully equipped ships were riding at anchor in the harbor of Stockholm. After some debate in the council concerning the best use that could be made of these vessels, " it was found good to let them sail to Archangel." The ships were probably prepared in the summer, and " they got a splendid freight," but on their return from the north in the early part of 1634 they were seized in Amsterdam for some unknown reason.*^ The directors were again blamed for the mishap. The ships were finally released, however, and set sail for Stock- holm, where they arrived in the autumn. Four of them were put into winter quarters, " but the fifth ship, which could carry the largest cargo, was allowed to sail and seek its freight and its profit, wherever this could most easily and readily be found."8« '*Gen. Hand, och Shepsk., III. 1630-6(7) (K.A.). ■"This shipyard is not mentioned by Zettersten in his Sv. fi. hist. "Usselinx to Oxenstierna, July 19, Oct. 13, i6z8, Ox. Saml. (R.A.) ; Ridspr., IV. 63, 113. ^Erik Larsson and De Geer were instructed to try to secure the release of the ships. Rddspr. IV. 112. ''Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630-6(7) (K.A.) ; Rddspr., III. 77, 94, 95; IV. 83, 112, 238. The United South-Ship Company. 79 In 1634 several ships were lying in the harbor at Stockholm. Some were in bad condition, but some of them were new, as we have seen, and in the spring the citizens at the capital sought advice as to the sailing of one of their new vessels. The ships as a rule were badly taken care of and some allowed to go to ruin. The directors were charged with inability and mis- management, and it was said that they had often bought poor ships and paid twice their value. A committee was appointed to audit their accounts and look through their books.*^ In the summer of 1635 there was no money for carrying on the com- pany and the council sought ways and means out of the diffi- culty. Things grew worse the following year.*" In February, 1636, Fleming was ordered to appoint two good men, who should reestablish the company. The priesthood, the citizens and other shareholders wished to have the business of the com- pany straightened out. At the meeting of the diet in the sum- mer of 1636" it was brought up for discussion and a committee of the estates was appointed to confer with representatives of the council. In June and July the council again considered the matter. Klas Fleming, who became the principal supporter of the New Sweden Company, took a leading interest in the maritime adventures of Sweden and in the South Company and he with Eric Ryning was appointed to meet a committee of the estates at eight o'clock on June 30, 1636. Various proposi- tions were made. Some suggested that the ships should be sold and the money divided among the shareholders, but this was found to be impracticable as some of these ships were old and of little value. Others thought the ships should be assigned to the different cities for their disposal. Fleming proposed that "Rddspr., IV. pp. 60-62. Representatives were to be sent to Stockholm in May, 1635, by the priesthood and estates to look through the account. Rddspr., V. 60. " In January, 1636, it seems that the council eonsidered the company prac- tically dead. " Ty befrucktandes ahr, att detta compagniet [the copper com- pany] gar under, som medh dedt forre skepscompagniedt hende och vederfors." Rddspr., VI. 9 (Jan. 13), "Dedt forre skepscompagniedt" might, however, refer to the South Company. *' Conserning this diet, see Rddspr., VI. 350; Geijer, III. 8o The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the capital of the company should be put into the copper com- pany and an idea was also put forth that the original plan of the King should be carried out and the subscribed capital paid up and increased. As a result of these discussions and meetings, it was decided by the diet that the company should be kept going. But little was done, practically no capital was on hand for expeditions, and some of the ships were soon to be used in the service of the New Sweden Company. In December, 1637, the government appointed Klas Fleming to meet the directors, and "with the assistance of others" examine the business of the company, and the directors were ordered to prepare a complete account and inventory, to be presented on January 2. Later it was decided "that the ships which were still preserved and good for something should be sold to the Crown and brought to the Skeppsholm and the others, which were useless, should be sold to private persons for as good a price as possible," and in March, 1640, an order was sent to Fleming to this effect.*^ The last large expedition of the company was that to Archangel in 1 633-1 634. But indi- vidual ships were still used for carrying freight and the Old King David*^ made numerous voyages to foreign ports until it was sold in 1641.** "Till Direct, aff dhet Soder Corap., etc., Dec. 22, 1637; Till C. Fleming ang. det Sod. Comp., Dec. 22, 1637; Till C. Fleming att han later leggia Comp. Skep till Cr:s Skepsholma, March 29, 1640, R.R.; Stiernman, Riks. Beslut, II. 974, 994, 1035-6; Rddspr., VL 350 ff., 664. "One Cornelius de Voss was skipper on The Old King Damd for several years. Later Hopp was made skipper. "The ship was sold by P. Trotzig in February, 1641, for 8,ioo florins; but a new vessel was bought in its stead. Journal; Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., III. 1630- 6(7) (K.A.). "P. Trotzigs Rech.," etc., February 13, 1641, N. S., I. (K.A). See also documents in Skepskomp. 1629-50 (R.A.) ; and Rddspr., various volumes. CHAPTER X. The New South Company, i 632-1 634. Meanwhile Usselinx had been busy stirring up half of Europe with his schemes and propositions. He obtained new commissions, and visited Stralsund, Stettin and other cities in Germany and Holland. At last, seeing the futility of founding a company in Sweden, as extensive and important as he desired, he proposed a new plan or rather emphasized a former one,* far in advance of his age, of forming an international mercan- tile company. The territorial restrictions of the old charter were to be removed and the entire world was to be its field of activity. An amplification or extension of the charter was drawn up in 1632^ with the sanction and approval of Gustavus Adolphus. The King took interest In the project, but he did not live to see its execution. Oxenstlerna, however, endeavored to carry out the wishes of his King and on May i, 1633, he signed a commission ' for Willem Usselinx, as general director of the Nem South Company.'^ Memorials and relations now followed in rapid succession and a large book was prepared which was to help the cause. Oxenstlerna, the Swedish repre- sentative in Germany and the head of the Protestant League, gave his support to the new company, and a splendid oppor- tunity for advancing its interests soon presented Itself. During the convention at Heilbronn in the spring of 1633, the matter was laid before the assembled nobles of Protestant Germany by Hector Mithoblus. Usselinx presented a new memorial,* and In June the famous Argonautica Gustaviana and Mercurius ^The idea of "inclusion" is present in his earlier proposals (but cf. Jameson, 157). Cf. above. ° For these changes see Jameson, i6o-i. The limits of the former charter were entirely removed. °See Argo. Gust., p. 49; cf. Jameson, i68. 'Jameson, 168. 7 81 82 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Germanica was published at Frankfort-on-Main.' All the arguments which Usselinx had presented in his previous memo- rials were embodied in this work and many of the documents of an earlier date were reprinted.® The company was again considered at the convention held in the autumn at Frankfort, and some interest in the same was shown by that city. But Usselinx was discouraged by the slow progress and asked for his dismissal from the service. He soon, however, regained his former confidence in ultimate success, and in 1634 the subject was brought before the allies of Sweden at the second Con- vention of Frankfort.'' Usselinx spoke to the members about it and distributed his Argonautica and other documents. The great idea at last promised to assume more definite form. The diet took an interest in it, some changes were suggested in the charter, and it now seemed that the matter would be taken up in earnest by forces capable of carrying it to success. The undaunted organizer saw the prize within reach for which he had labored for so many years. The next day, however, came news that the armies of Fieldmarshal Horn and Duke Bernhard had been defeated and thus came to an end the hopes and labors for the Second or New South Company, which might have become of great importance and produced far-reaching results in the colonizing of North America. 'Money for the printing was probably supplied by Axel Oxenstierna. See Jameson, p. 170. 'Some of the arguments he uses to further his project may be summed up as follows : (a) There is nothing more honorable for a people than to plant colonies. (*) The Swedes had a right to possess land in America. (f) There was a great advantage in having the King of Sweden as the leader and protector of the company. id) The company could bring a larger number of people to America than the Spaniards had brought there. (e) By kind treatment the good will of the natives could be won and thus bloodshed would be averted. (/) Slaves were unprofitable, but if the company should wish to make use of them they could be secured cheaply and easily. (g) The company would increase the prosperity of all Europe and of the participants especially; it would spread the gospel among heathen people, re- downd to the honor of God and it was sure to become " a noble jewel " of Sweden and of the German land. — Argo. and Mercu. ' See Introduction, above. Chap. H. and below, XL ARGONAVTICA GVSTAVIANAi @o tjon & rtgftm l)tl^ @(«9rfi(Wlrt)«B/ ©et^fliniili^BniNnSitaia/erpf/ gdrflfflui ^iiuilnnDl/ ^nfo^iU Sftcficnnit) ChrIcii/ ^mn iu^n^iV' roanl4n(l/K. 3III(rglomAr^<$^€5<ii>S»i>i><'>'<>>>fXor>tn:»n6iiriiMiiifnjirci«tiiM)ffil) jiiSSitcf jtnitKc ©atauf Bmn rin Jrbfwbcr riarm/grilnblf*(n/i>tiP ju friittm ®<^uff fntfumf n idnan fiiS filbfl ronMrn >iti
  • n>HltiHM ftfuftfll IMrtMIM^^U. 5ajagobctf(lrallfftK>nbrtmrrtf(^rNm@*t<(lStni/bto(<6a<^6rtKffcnPf/ iiD(iin:fi>l4« inr» tii ii> Last page of Blommaert's first letter to Oxenstierna, June 3, 1635. Original in Ox. Saml. (R. A.), Stockholm. CHAPTER XII. Peter Minuit and the Plans for the Founding of a New Sweden Company. In the autumn a new element was brought into the plans of Swedish transatlantic trade: Peter Minuit had a meeting with Blommaert.^ Minuit had been governor of New Netherland for a number of years. In 1629 the directors of the Dutch West India Company voted to institute a so-called " Patronat," but it soon became very unpopular and the right of patronage was withdrawn in less than two years. Peter Minuit, who had faithfully followed the instructions of the directors, was sus- pected by the new party in power of being in too much sympathy with the Patronat idea and this led to his recall. He left New Amsterdam in the beginning of 1632 and arrived in Holland early in the summer.^ He was a man of great energy and could not be idle in Holland. His home country was harassed with war, making it impossible for him to find suitable employment there, and consequently he offered his services to Blommaert. Blommaert had claims on the South River and had bought land there together with some other Hollanders during Minuit's governorship. It is possible that Minuit offered to make another trial at trading and settling in the Delaware region, where the success was so poor in 1631-33.^ Minuit's offers came at an opportune time. The Swedish statesmen were in- ' Blommaert writes: " Noch een ander persoon is hier, die op een ander oort [than the coast of Africa] seer ervaeren is, die int lant van Cleeff woont; en alsoot daer vol oorloghs is, heeft my synen dienst gepresenteert en sonde wel genegen vpesen U. Ex. te comen en mondelinge openinge van dingen te doen. ..." Blommaert to Oxenstierna, Dec. 26, 1635; Kernkamp, pp. 85-93. "See Syhels Hist. Zeit., XV. p. 23 ff.; Brodhead, I. p. 162 ff.; O'Callaghan, I. 100-4. On the "Patronat" government see O'Callaghan, Hist, of New Nether- land, I. 112 ff. 'Blommaert to Oxenstierna, Dec. 26, 1635, Ox. Saml. (R.A.) ; cf. below, chap. XX. 93 94 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. terested in " the West Indian trade," Blommaert had hopes of securing permanent employment from the Swedish government, being dissatisfied with the management of the XIX., and Minuit had just cause for complaints against that body. Why not found a Dutch-Swedish opposition company under Swedish protection and send trading expeditions to the Delaware under the Swedish flag? On December 26 Blommaert reported the interview to the chancellor, stating that Minuit was willing to make a personal call on Oxenstierna and lay his plans before him. Some time before Peter Spiring instructed Blommaert to send all letters to him, having been requested to do so by the chancellor, and from August 23 until December 23 there are no Blommaert letters in the Oxenstiernska Collection in Riksarkivet, as they were probably sent to Spiring during this time by whom their contents were reported to Oxenstierna. It is likely that Blom- maert gave fuller accounts of Minuit's propositions in these letters than he did in his missive of December 26. Thus Spiring, one of the most interested promotors of the New Sweden Company, from the first became acquainted with the plan of Minuit and the ideas of establishing Swedish trade in the new world on different lines from those proposed by Usselinx.* No more mention is made of the West Indian trade in Blommaert's letters to the chancellor until April the following year,^ when another step forward had been taken, but it is probable that the matter was referred to in the letters sent to Spiring. In March, 1636, Spiring was sent to Holland to ascertain whether the Dutch subsidies could be obtained or not and he was given a commission "to find out if some service could be done for the Crown ... in commercial matters."® •Blommaert to Oxenstierna, December 26, 1635. Cf. Kernkamp, Zixjeed. Arch., pp. 83-85; Sonden, Riksk. A. Oxenstiernas brefv., p. 21. °The letters from January 23, 1635, until April 30, 1636, contain reference to the copper trade, Blommaert's commission, political events and general news. ""Sa hafver jag sendt Peter Spiring dijt ofver att forweta mig om ded [the subsidies] ahr till att naa eller icke. . . . Hafver honom och gifvet dessforuthan j commission att sij till om icke Crohnan wedh denne tijdernes concurrencie Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company. 95 It is likely that he was also requested to confer with Blommaert about his "West Indian plans:" that Blommaert was directed to consult with Spiring about it can be inferred from the former's letters to the chancellor. Spiring arrived in Amster- dam on March 18 (n.s.), but Blommaert did not meet him because he had not been informed of the date of his coming, and Spiring remained in the city but a single day.'' Spiring's arrival in Holland gave new life to the commercial plans of Blommaert and Minuit. He corresponded with Oxenstierna and Blommaert about the affair, informing the latter that he would make another visit to Amsterdam towards the end of April.* On April 30 (n.s.), 1636, Blommaert again refers in a letter to Oxenstierna to the coast of Africa and Guinea as good markets for copper and it is very probable that he wrote at length to Spiring about these matters.® The latter, having been deterred for about three weeks from making his proposed journey to Amsterdam, finally came to the city on May 18 (n.s.) and arranged an interview with Blommaert before his return to the Hague. At the same time or a little later he also had an interview with Minuit.^" On May 24 Spiring writes to the chancellor that he had discussed the Guinean trade with certain people. They desired special privileges and Spiring gave them good promises of suc- cess." He was requested to visit Oxenstierna at Stralsund nagon tianst kan skee i commercierne heller manufacturerne." Hand. rSr. Skan. Hist, XXXVIII., pp. 289-90. The States General promised Oxenstierna three months' subsidies in 1635 and he was given a written assurance to that eflFect. But he tried in vain to secure them through Ambassador Camerarius. Hence Spiring was sent there to endeavor to obtain the money. 'Blommaert to A. Oxenstierna, March 26, 1636; Spiring to Oxenstierna, March 8/18, 1636, Ox. Saml. « ' " Op den 8 en deser Moent hebbe jongst aen V. Ex. geschreven. Sedert hebbe [ik] met devotie naer d'Heer Spierinck gewacht, die tot nochtoe niet en is gecomen." Letter to A. Oxenstierna, April 30, 1636. Ox. Saml. This letter is not printed in full by Kernkamp. "Blommaert to Oxenstierna, April 30, 1636; Kernkamp, p. loi. There is no letter in the collection from April 31 until August 21. "Minuit to Oxenstierna, June 15, 1636, N.S., I. (R.A.). "Spiring to A. Oxenstierna, May 14/24, 1636, Ox. Saml. (copy in Penn. Hist. So.). "Wegen der Chynaeischen handlung habe ich unterschiedliche discurs gehabtt, vermeine auch dass solch werck woll gehen konne, allein es scheinet dass sie einige freijheit begehren mochfen, weswegen ich Ihnen gutte promes gethan." 96 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. before the latter returned to Sweden, and he wrote to the chan- cellor that he would bring along a man who could give further account about the affair.'^ Minuit Is undoubtedly referred to and he had already in 1635 expressed a desire to present his views to the chancellor. He did not accompany Spiring to Stralsund, when the latter went there in June,!^ but he sent a "memorial" to the chancellor (at Stralsund), setting forth his views in which we have the first written " project of New Sweden," and the name used for the first time.^* "The Eng- lish, French and Dutch," he says, *' have occupied large tracts of land in the New World. Sweden ought no longer to abstain from making her name known in foreign countries." He offered his services to the Crown for the beginning of an enter- prise, which although small, would grow into great magnitude. The plan, as already presented to Peter Spiring, was to make a voyage to certain places well known to him, In the neighbor- " " Werde auch einen mit mir bringen, welcher E. Exell. breiter von den sachen wirdt wissen zuberichten." Spiring to A. Oxenstierna, May 14/24, 1636. In my opinion this means that Minuit would be brought along to Stralsund and not to Sweden at this time as Odhner thinks. Odhner says: " Det var raeningen att Minuit skulle foija med Spiring da denne pa sommaren 1636 atervande till Sverige. . . . Men han blef hindrad och afgaf istallet ett skriftligt betankande i fragan, hvilket Spiring medforde till Sverige." (See the translation in Penn. Mag., Vol. III. 269 ff., 395 ff.). I find no source for the last statement. There is nothing to show that Minuit was prevented from going to Sweden in June. On the contrary, he says that he was willing to go there to make an oral report if the gentlemen of the council should desire him to do so. " Hierby conde mondelinge aengewesen worden, wat nuttichheeden de croon Sweden met der tijt daruyt soude connen trecken, tsy dat ick in Sweden ontboden worde om naerder contentement van alles te geven, ofte sulcx als de heeren van die regeeringe sullen goetvinden." I find it very improbable that Spiring brought the memorial to Sweden. It was ■dated June 15, and Oxenstierna did not leave Stralsund before July, hence there was time for it to reach the chancellor before he set out for Stockholm. That Minuit intended the letter to reach Oxenstierna before he quitted Stralsund is clear from the fact that he wished him " a happy journey." See Minuit's letter. Peter Minuit had in mind, however, to accompany Spiring later in the summer, but he was hindered by " great inconveniences." Spiring to Oxenstierna, Jan. 31, 1637. "Spiring wrote from the Hague on June u, 1636, to A. Oxenstierna at Stralsund. But on July 12 he writes from Stralsund to the chancellor, addressing it to Stockholm. Spiring remained at Stralsund for some time. His last letter from there in Ox. Saml. is dated July 12/22, 1636. "Lately printed by Kernkamp in his Ziueed. Arch., p. 43 ff. ; translated in Penn. Mag., VI. 458 ff.; Winsor, Nar. and Crit. Hist., IV. p. 445, note 2. /;«4ife=^ J»,<^»t S^3^jQft /jBy-^ ...» ju>w^^j»«* <<^ S>ja»»* SKA-i» Ai^~— - oj.v-~-wtj«^ '^ Ss-j^e^Hf^ /v- „^^.^.<|l.o t.J,j^^ J<4^o^sU ftp-* j/Oj^^.j" 4j>^s^^^I ^.ffsi^n^ysi^^ sj-Jcty. ^3 ,vi ■'^^ 4^ I'^^v =j«e^ . ^^V^ ..--^ *.Wi^ -W»» -.-^ J »»Tfc- «r-€«^U-» First page of Minuit's letter (■■ project of New Sweden ") to Oxenstierna. Origin in N. S. I. (R. A.), Stockholm. ■V*'^Vf-#-»^->— U.** ^ -1^^— wWL^ tltt^'^^^ ^JkS-*i_ C-XTJ-i in i ^o^ -^i^^ _. J^i^^^» -5 ^ _ •. '^i^' "W.; x' "^X' '~^.>r^<«4«ii=i,^.4A^.i-.5^. . '^•^ jo- '^ic'Scti- 7 ^ ±i!3l^ 40 i K--^ / «.% 0- ^ ^ ^•^•^y^ ■ ^ . >y'.;5'5C)->> '4 "^ ,'•- ;AlUlO:-"'Jl^7- ^^-*^^^" "^^ ''2- ^/i*«^v« ti't-fl^niov «ii<«^0W(v SiUa*I^« Aa«^h4^o v(.'.,.y^l:ri-u "S..^^H^$.^, ^a°M..a<.^c^/, ^ /,-7 , i?-^ »>2? ^iT- w^UVA.* '2;'_^o6^,- 6* 7 "^f ni£'">»i yA,>i^» ■<«.4t<£,*d^iLa-l p: _. A*--t^ -<^-^ -3/2^ _^^.;liL<^ ^v. Klas Fleming papper (R. A.), Stockholm. The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 125 Grip.^^ At three different times the custom officer, Michel Vischer, at Gothenburg, supplied 1500 R.D. to Schotting from the " large sea toll " with which provisions were purchased. The bailiff. Mats Andersson, furnished 152 D. in cash; about three barrels of butter, thirty barrels** of rye, and about 150 pounds of cheese. The bailiff, Jan Larsson,*' likewise furnished some cash and provisions, and Governor Johan Hindricksson*® con- tributed oats for the cattle and horses. Over 2,978:38 R.D. were spent in Gothenburg on supplies, wages for the men and other necessaries before the ship was ready.*'^ During the preparations a storm drove a Dutch convoy against the Kalmar Nyckel. The convoy was badly damaged, but the Swedish ship escaped without injury. She broke loose from her moorings, however, and went adrift and the expedi- tion was somewhat delayed.** About the middle of August the ship was almost ready and Weis wrote that Van Vliet " did his best " In making final arrangements. Great efforts to gather colonists were also made. As early as In February Marten Augustlnsson was instructed to look for people In Gothenburg, who were willing to go to New Sweden.** In July Fleming requested the chancellor to Instruct Governor HIndricksson In Elfsborgs Ian*" to secure about twenty-four young men to garrison the fort, as It was advisable that the fort be manned by Swedish people only and the others be sent home, since the Swedes and Dutch did not get along very well. HIn- dricksson was to be especially enjoined upon to engage some ^Weis to Fleming, July 8, i8, 1639. Ndgra Klas Fleming popper (R.A.)- Journal, nos. 12, 13, 14. ^ Swedish barrels, see above, Chap. VI. '^ Both Bailiffs were at Gothenburg. " Hindrlcksson was governor of Gothenburg and Elfsborgs Ian. " " Hennas Kong. Maj. och Cron. Reck, medh Sod. Com." (three different copies) Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.) ; Journal, nos. 9, lo, 11, 12, 13. ^Hans Weis to Fleming, August 19, 1639 (K.A.). Gripen drifted onto a sandbank, although it was secured by two anchors. The ballast and the cannon were brought off from the ship, but she could not be floated " before a west wind arose." Cf. appendix below. "Memorial for M. Augustinsson, February 38, 1639, Ox. Saml., among letters from Fleming. " A district in Southwestern Sweden. 126 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. artisans, such as blacksmiths, shoemakers, carpenters, brick- layers and others, three or four of whom ought to be married, who should take their wives along to cook, make beer and wash for the people.^^ Hindricksson tried to secure colonists, but he did not succeed. In a letter of July 24 to the government he laments the fact, but proposes a plan that was accepted by the Crown. Occasionally soldiers would desert the army and re- turn home. Hindricksson thought a proper punishment for some of these deserters and others who had committed some slight misdemeanor would be to send them to America with their families. Accordingly the government instructed Hindricksson on August 7*2 to capture any such soldiers that were found in his district and have them prepare to go to New Sweden. He was advised to do it as quietly as possible, so that no insurrec- tion or tumult would arise. A similar letter was sent on the fol- lowing day (August 8) to Olof Stake, governor of Varmland and Dal,^* the two governors being further instructed to corre- spond with one another about the affair. The soldiers were to be sent immediately to Gothenburg to be in readiness for depar- ture, as soon as possible. In addition to the suit of clothes they had already received from the government^* each was to be sup- plied with ten Daler copper money, and in one or two years they were allowed to return, if they so desired.^' Several new offi- cers were also sent out to the colony on this expedition. Peter " " Om fordenskull E. Excell. tacktes skrifva Landzhofdingen Johan Hind- richssen till, att man kunne bekomma antigen af landfolket eller Stadzsoldaterne der i Giotenborgh till tiugu fyra man til besettningh i Skantzenn, som wore unge och friska karer serdeles at man upsokte deribland nigre embetsmann [sa]sonj smedh, skomakare, timmerman, muurmastare. . . . Wore och gott att deribland wore tree eller fyra som gifte wore och wille tagha sine hustrur med sig, the ther kunne bryggja, baka och twatta 5t folket." Fleming to Oxenstierna, July I, 1639, Ox. Saml. (R.A.). °^ There is some doubt in my mind whether my copy is correct or not. The date is, perhaps, August 8. " Varmland and Dal, two ancient provinces in southwestern Sweden, bord- ering on Norway. °*They had received a suit of clothes from the government when they were drafted, it seems. °° Letter to Governor Hindricksson, August 7 (8?), 1639, a"d t° Governor Olof Stake, August 8, 1639, R.R. The last letter is printed in Hand. rdr. Skait. Hist., XXIX. 210-212. The Second Expedition. 127 Hollender Ridder,^" who had been in Swedish service for some years, was appointed commander of Fort Christina. An in- struction was given to him by Fleming dated July i, 1639. Before going to Gothenburg he was sent to Oxenstierna at the Tido*^ to obtain further orders. "As he, on behalf of our most gracious Queen," says the instruction, " has been accepted and appointed commander of Fort Christina in New Sweden to rule the people which are gathered there and are yet to be brought over, he shall be under obligation, therefore, to work for the good and for the success of the company and the Crown, and it shall be his duty to try to the utmost of his ability to prevent any harm or calamity from befalling any of these parties." He should further conduct himself according to the special instruction which Captain Cornells van Vliet would give him, as the latter left the country, and the people were commanded to obey all orders issued by him with the con- sent of the commissioner of the fort.^* The Rev. Reorus Torkillus, went to the colony with this expedition, but nothing is known concerning his appointment.^' Gregorius van Dyck, whose name will often be found in the following pages, was also among the passengers. He was instructed to keep a journal and make a report upon his arrival in the colony. Joost van Langdonk was sent out as factor to take the place of Hendrick Huygen.^" Hindricksson and Stake were undoubtedly successful In their efforts to gather deserted soldiers and other emigrants, but we do not know to what extent as the exact number of colonists " Cp. below, Ridder's biography and the index. " A castle by that name built by Oxenstierna on a peninsula in Malaren (Vastmanlandslan) west of Stockholm. "Ridder's letter to Oxenstierna (no date but after 1644). Inside of this is a copy of the instructions dated July i, 1639, Ox. Saml.; Fleming to Oxenstierna, July I, 1639, Ox. Saml. The instruction was given " unter des sehligen Hern Herren Claes Flemmings Hand undt Siegel." (Ridder.) " That Torkillus came here with this expedition is certain. He died in 1643 and it was then stated that he had been in the colony for four years. He wrote to Sweden, when the Kalmar Nyckel returned and this letter was read in the council, July 21, 1640. Rddspr., VIII. 130. "Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.) ; bills in N.S., I. (K.A.), signed by Langdonk. 128 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. sent over on this expedition cannot be ascertained. It was at first planned to send over a large number of horses and cattle, but as the colonists had no fodder it was later on not thought advisable before the following spring. " Only four mares and two young horses and a number of farming implements are now sent over," says Fleming, " so that the colonists in the autumn can make a trial with seeding."*^ Van Vliet did not do his duty in preparing the expedition, "but stayed continually in his lodgings" and much unnecessary time was consumed. In the beginning of September, however, the ship was at last ready and set sail "with people, horses, fodder and provisions."*^ In the North Sea she sprang a leak and had to be brought to Medemblik for repairs. Again they went to sea, but it was soon found that the vessel was leaking and they were compelled to return. Spiring was informed of the circumstances and determined to go to Medemblik in per- son. The ship was unloaded and two master-carpenters em- ployed to make necessary repairs.** A second time the ship left the harbor, but when she arrived at Texel she was leaking as before. She was now brought to Amsterdam, and again Spiring went in person to inspect her. It was found that the carpenters at Medemblik had not done their work properly. Repairs were again made and extra charges were incurred. The captain was accused of fraud and of disobeying his orders and the sailors declared " that they would go neither with the ship nor the captain." An examination was made and it was discovered that he had sent in a bill for two barrels of butter which were not in the ship. He had also charged the company for two barrels of herring, which were also not on board. Thirty-eight barrels of beer were reported as bought by him at Medemblik, but only thirty-one barrels were in the cargo. The supply was short of a great many other articles. Consequently "Fleming to Oxenstierna, July i, 1639, Ox. Saml. " Sendes nu allenast fyra stodh och twa unge hastar, samt nagre redskap till Skerbruuk der medh the i host kunna gora sin prof medh uthsade." "Blommaert to Oxenstierna, January 28, 1640, Ox. Saml. (R.A.) : Kernkamp, Ziiieed. Arch., p. 179 ff. " It was found that the old bolts or nails were rusted. I ■ -'r-f^lKTi .;i lniXH" . ,w_ ^„ ''j^ ■— wii^ji^ V "\ \ks ii The Second Expedition. 129 Spiring removed him from his service, appointing Pouwel Jansen to fill his place, and hired some new sailors, who were paid two months' wages in advance. Again the vessel was ready to sail. But other troubles were in store for the expedi- tion. A great sorm swept over the coast on December 27 (n.s.) and delayed the sailing for some time.** Thereby the expenses were further increased and the total cost of the expe- dition reached the sum of 15,840 D. before the ship went to sea.*^ On February 7, however, the sails were spread. The course was taken through the English Channel and from there probably direct across the ocean.*® Fleming and Blommaert were unfortunate in the selection of the officers for this expedition. Joost van Langdonk*'^ and the skipper were particularly complained of by Van Dyck. The factor cared little for the ship, and during her stay in Holland she was left to the care of Van Dyck and the lieutenant, who slept In the vessel. At Texel Van Langdonk intended to pawn a flag to raise money for buying some water, but Ridder would not allow this, and raised the money himself. The skipper and factor spent their time on the voyage in smoking and drinking and scolding the Swedes and Van Dyck.** They were especially bitter against the priest and the Lutheran religion, forbidding Van Dyck*^ to attend the Swedish service and when the Rev. Torkillus was ill In March, they refused him a little wine, treat- ing him in the most disrespectful manner.'" The skipper and the factor managed things to suit themselves and took no coun- " Blommaert to Oxenstierna, January ag, 1640; Ox. Saml.; Greg, van Dyck to Fleming, May, 23, 1640, N.S., I (K.A.). "Journal, no. 15. "Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23 (n.s.), 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). " He wrote his name Joost, see facsimile. " " Wat wider van Schipper ende Comijs gepasseert is, die alle avonts met brandewijn en toebacksmelcander geselschap deden, sal Harmen Willemse[n] I. E. G. breder mondelijnck seggen." Van Dyck, May 23 (n.s.), 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.), Ridder to Fleming, May 13, 1640, N.S., 1 (K.A.). " He seems to have been a Lutheran. °° " AIs unsen Predicant quam om het gebet te doen liep hij [the skipper] ende den comijs wech . . . offe sij den duivel sagen. . . . AIs den 17 Martij een Jonge een wenich wijn begeerde voor den Prijster die sieck was . . . schame mij sijn antwoort te schriuen." Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23, 1640, N.S., I (K.A.). 10 I30 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. sel with the other officers. The discipline was poor and drunk- enness was common, the steward himself being intoxicated daily. The journey was rough and many of the people were sick, but the ship arrived safely in New Sweden on the seven- teenth of April, 1640. In May the ship was ready to return to Europe and on or shortly after May 14 she set sail with a large cargo. She arrived in Gothenburg about the beginning of July. Here she was taken under the command of Hans Weis, who made an inventory of the goods, placed them under lock and key and hired six of the Swedish sailors to watch the ship until further orders were received from Fleming.®^ Several people returned from the colony on this ship, among whom were Hendrick Huygen and Mans Kling and these, to- gether with the sailors and officers on the vessel, were paid their salaries by Van Schotting in Gothenburg, the entire sum 2,434 :33 D., including some expenses on the ship, being raised through a draft on Johan le Thor, who in turn applied the money remaining from the sale of the ship, TurturdufvanP The beaver skins and other cargo were brought to Stockholm to be sold there. ®^ "Ridder to Fleming, May 13 (with "memorial," May 14), 1640, N.S., I (K.A.), Ridder to Oxenstierna, May 13, 1640, Ox. Saml., Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23 (n.s.), 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). Van Dyck's letter to Fleming was pre- sented in Stockholm, July 12. Allowing about ten days for it to go from Gothen- burg to Stockholm would bring us to the beginning of the month. H. Weis to Fleming, August 17, 1640, Ndgra K. Fleming papper (R.A.). "This ship had been sold by Le Thor. It belonged to the South Company. The sum of the draft was 2,769:26 D. Journal, nos. 18—19. Some extra expenses for provisions, etc., are also recorded. '^Journal, nos. 17, 26, 27, 40. CHAPTER XVI. The Company Becomes' Entirely Swedish. The Dutch members would have withdrawn from the com- pany even when the first expedition returned, if they could have secured their capital invested in the undertaking, and they had in mind to seize the cargoes of the returning ships, sell them and thus obtain their money. They at first refused to contribute to the second expedition. Later, however, they agreed to pay half of the provisions and cargo bought in Hol- land,^ but they would not pay any of the expenses of the Kalmar Nyckel, incurred on the outward voyage in the winter of 1639- 1640.^ They were stockholders in the Dutch West India Company and their membership in the Swedish company was becoming uncomfortable for them.^ In 1640 an agreement was arrived at according to which the Swedish members should buy them out. The expenses for the first expedition were divided equally between the " Swedish and Dutch participants " and the Swedish members demanded one half of the proceeds from the peltries sold by Blommaert, but the Dutch stock- holders insisted that the tobacco lying at Gothenburg would balance this.* They had furnished 18,649 florins^ above the proceeds realized on the sale of the cargoes of the first voyage, but they agreed to be satisfied with 18,000 florins or 7,200 R.D., one half of the original capital. On the payment of this sum they would relinquish all claims, and withdraw from the company.* In February, 1641, the matter was discussed In the treasury department at Stockholm. " His excellency, the ^The cost was 13,064 florins and the Dutch members furnished one half or 6,532 fl. Journal, no. 10. ' Cf. above, Chap. XV. 'Spiring to Oxenstierna, July 29 (?), 1639, Ox. Saml. (R.A.). '"Die Schwed. Part, in d. Flor. Comp., 1640," Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). "Exactly 18,649:13:8, Journal, no. 20. 'Journal, nos. 20, 21 (1640), 20, 11, 41; R.R., Feb. 20, 1641 (L.). 131 132 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. treasurer (skattmdstaren) , said that the government had found it expedient to release the Dutch participants from the New Indian or Florida Company, since they are a hindrance to us."^ On the same day Spiring was instructed to pay the above sum to the Dutch members, which was done in the autumn of 1641, the money being drawn from the Dutch sub- sidies. In addition to the 18,000 florins Spiring was obliged to pay 2% per cent, exchange, making the entire sum 7,398 R.D. or 18,495 florins.* The government was reimbursed for this outlay through the sale of a ship. The Black Dog, belonging to the South-Ship Company, although there seems to have been no formal decision in the matter.* The company was now run by Swedish capital and it was entirely reorganized. Blommaert, although no longer a stockholder, continued to aid the expeditions until he severed his connections with the Swedish Crown, and Spiring and other Swedish agents in Hol- land served the company, as before, in various capacities, while new officers were engaged by the company in Sweden. Some time in 1640 Johan Beier was appointed treasurer and a memo- rial was given to him by Fleming, defining some of his duties.^" In the late summer of the same year Benjamin Bonnell" was appointed factor of the company and a memorial was given to '' Kam. Prot., February 20, 1641 (K.A.). The minutes go on to say that " Spiring was written to this day " that the Crown should pay 6,000 R.D. " But the rest should be paid through orders from Claes Fleming . . . about which he was informed." But there is no letter in Kam. Kol Reg. to Spiring for Feb. 20, or on the following dates, concerning this affair. The letter of Feb. 20, 1641, in Kam. Kol. Reg. has reference to certain goods he was to buy in Holland. ' R.R., February 20, 1641 ; Journal, no. 91 ff. 'The ship (Svarte Hunden) was sold October 10, 1640, to Daniel Schlegel in Stettin for 9,500 R.D. But the sails, anchor, etc., belonged to the government and these were valued at 3,197:20 R.D. Hence 6,302:28 R.D. was due to the South Company and the Crown was debited with that sum, leaving the company in debt to the government to the amount of 1095: R.D. " Kongl. Maj:s och Cronis Rech. medh. Sod. Comp." (1640-52), SSderk., 1637-59 (R-A.). In the official Journal of the company it is stated, however, that the ship was sold for 9,000 R.D. and that sails, etc., were valued at 3,000 R.D., leaving 6,000 R.D. as the part due the company. '""Memorial fur den Secretar. Johan Beijer " (in eight articles), signed by Flemmg. N.S., I. (R.A.). " See biography below and index. Letter from J[ohan] Beier to Axel Oxenstierna, August 18, 1647, last page. Preserved in Ox. Sainl. (R. A.), Stockholm. Dutch Members Withdraw from Company. 133 him in November, undoubtedly drawn up by Fleming.** He was to have a salary of 600 D. a year, besides traveling ex- penses, and his duties were to sell all cargoes brought from America and to manage the company's tobacco trade in Swe- den.*' In January, the following year, Hans Kramer was engaged as bookkeeper at a salary of 400 D. a year, and now the company was placed on a business basis. Klas Fleming remained president or director. About this time one Robert Smythe (an Englishman?) had a secret interview with Oxenstierna, during which he observed that the chancellor "was a lover of the foreign trade" that had been established in America. Smythe offered his services for the furtherance of this trade as well as its extension to Africa. He approached Fleming and De Geer on the subject and selected thirty Swedes, who were willing to go on an expedi- tion, among whom were two students from Upsala and two noblemen. An old ship, the Achillis,^'^ was to be hired from the government, at the rate of one hundred R.D. a month and sent under the leadership of Smythe to Africa and America. A few months later he presented a memorial to the chancellor, relat- ing the above facts and stating his plans. Fleming was in favor of the expedition, but on the condition that De Geer insure the ship. In passing Smythe also suggests that New Sweden could be settled by foreign people, if good privileges, freedom from duty for some years and religious liberty were granted, and if the chancellor thought him fit, he would gladly lead an expedition thither. He also laments the facts that he is in prison (prob- ably on account of debt), making it difficult for him to get a hearing, and that he had had to wait for an answer for over four months. Nothing seems to have come out of the proposals, however, but one of his suggestions was soon to be carried out "^A draft or copy of the memorial in the R.A. is dated November 17, 1640, but it is not signed. It was undoubtedly sent by Fleming to the chancellor for his inspection. It is marked " Fr. Tido-Saml." and once belonged to the Ox. Saml. Cf. Journal, no. 24 ff. " Chap. XIX., below ; Journal, no. 100 ff. "The ship Achillis. Probably the Akilles mentioned by Zettersten, Sv. flat, hist., II. 563. This was a ship of 200 lasts burden and carried 22 guns. 134 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. — a Dutch Colony was about to be planted in New Sweden under special privileges.^' '"Robert Smythe to A. Oxenstierna, no date, but between 1638 and 1(143. Ox. Saml. Smythe was a merchant. There are three letters from him to Oxenstierna two written from Danzig (1646, 1648) and one from Leipzig (1649). Ox. Saml. (R.A.). Robert Smythe was perhaps the same man as Robert Smith, who had business transactions with the New Sweden Company. Cf. below, pp. 235, 288 642. Cf. also index. CHAPTER XVII. The Utrecht Colony and the Third Expedition, 1639-1641. It was MInuIt's intention to bring over colonists to New Sweden from his home province, but the plan died with him. A similar plan, however, originated from another direction. *' Certain people in Utrecht, seeing that the burdens fell heavier on the land for every year and that the farmer could hardly meet his expenses," determined to go to New Netherland, but satisfactory arrangements with the Dutch West India Company could not be made. It was then decided to apply for permission to settle in New Sweden. The parties were aided by several influential members of the above-mentioned company, among whom were "Godard van Reede, the Lord of Nederhorst"' and Hendrik Hooghkamer. In the beginning of 1639 Blom- maert wrote to Fleming about it and sent a "project" (per- haps a sort of charter of privileges). Admiral Fleming was interested in the plan and seems to have been willing to grant the request. He wrote to Oxenstierna and desired him to ex- press his opinion in the matter. It was brought before the council in March, but it was thought best not to give any definite promises at that time, as a Dutch migration to New Sweden might be a source of danger to the colony and the Swedish title, especially as they wished to settle under a commander of '■ Godard van Reede, Heer van der Nederhorst (or his son, Gerard?) was one of the proprietors of a colony in New Netherland on the Hudson. Doc, I. 190, 411; De Vries, Korte Historiael, 165 ff. Brodhead (partly following O'Cal- lagban) combines two names, wrongly speaking of van der Horst as Myndert Myndertsen van der Horst, which in turn has been followed in Winsor's Nar. and Crit. Hist., IV., p. 450. The district Nederhorst was so named to distinguish it from Hoogerhorst, both in the province of Utrecht. Cf. Van Rensselaer B. Mss., p. 537; Kernkamp, Ziueed. Arch., p. 191. For a biography of van Reede see B'log. Woordenh. d. Neder. Van Reede's portrait with his coat of arms is reproduced in Arend, III. 5, p. 793. 135 136 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. their own.* Certain articles were later drawn up by Van Reede and sent by Spiring to the chancellor in the early spring of the same year, but they remained unanswered for some time. In July "Herr van der Horst* with S. Blommaert" visited Spiring at the Hague and desired to know, if he had order or commission from the Swedish government, the Swedish mem- bers of the company or from the chancellor to conclude the articles which had been presented, for he wished to send a ship with people and cattle to plant a colony in New Sweden. He was informed that no resolution had been passed in the matter by the government and " it could not be resolved upon before the Royal Council assembled," but " Van der Horst with part- ners " demanded an answer in six weeks or they would have nothing to do with the affair, and on July 23 (o.s. ?) van Reede appeared again before Spiring. On the same day Spiring wrote to the chancellor, requesting that a speedy answer be given, for otherwise the Dutch might withdraw their offers. The question, however, was allowed to rest. In June Flem- ing wrote to Oxenstierna " that some parties in Holland ought to be allowed to settle in New Sweden so that the country would the sooner be occupied," but nothing was done in the matter for some time.* Van Reede made further efforts to ob- tain an answer to his propositions. He requested Blommaert to write to Sweden about the undertaking, and the latter did so several times.^ This led to some result. Johan Beier was ap- " Blommaert to Oxenstierna, January 28, 1640; Oxenstierna to Fleming, March 15, 1639. Ox. Saml. (Concepter). Cf. Rddspr., VIL 485 (March 13, 1639). ' Van Reede. * " 1st diesen Morgen der Herr von der Horst beij mich erschienen, fraegendt ob ich von der Hochloblichen Konigl. Regierung, oder Ihr Exell. die H:n. Schwedische Participanten ordre oder Commission hette mit ihra die getroffene Puncten zu schliesen, dan er willens wehre ein SchifiE mit dem ehrsten rait Volck, Viehe, undt die Colonien zu pflantzen gehorige Sachen nacher New Schweden zu abzuschichen." Spiring to Oxenstierna, July 23, 1639, Ox. Saml., Spiring to Oxenstierna, July 23, July 29 (?), 1639; Fleming to Oxenstierna, June 8, 1639, Ox. Saml. (R.A.). ° Van Reede was told that since the plague was raging in the Swedish capital it was not possible for the council to meet and it was therefore necessary to have patience. Blommaert to Oxenstierna, January 28, 1640, Ox. Saml. Utrecht Colony and Third Expedition. 137 pointed to take charge of the negotiations. He should corre- spond with Blommaert and the other interested parties and in- form them of the situation." The proposed charter was doubt- less revised and returned to Spiring, and he in turn made other suggestions. But weeks passed and no arrangements were arrived at. In the autumn the persons interested in the scheme deter- mined to send an agent to Sweden to give complete information, and to try to come to a final decision. Joost van den Bogaert^ was selected for the mission. Spiring wrote to Johan Beier in his behalf and other letters were doubtless sent with him. He arrived at Stockholm towards the end of 1639, it seems, and from there he went to Koping* to lay his commission and docu- ments before Oxenstierna.^ He undoubtedly brought with him a charter and other papers which were presented to Fleming or Oxenstiema who in turn laid them before the council. Van Bogaert's presence in Sweden had the desired effect. The coun- cil, on Oxenstierna's and Fleming's initiative, took up the matter in earnest. The privileges that were requested and the different articles of the charter were discussed and several changes were made. The charter was originally made out to Godard van Reede, Heer van der Nederhorst.^** But it was later stated that his name was used through mistake and Spiring was requested to inform the authorities in Sweden that his name should be with- 'Cf. Blommaert to Oxenstierna, January 28, 1640; Ox. Saml., " Memorie," etc. (1640), N.S., I. (R.A.). 'Written Jost von Bogart in R.R. (Lat.), January 30, 1640, fol. 8, 9; but Joost van den Boogeardt in the Memorial, N.S., I. (R.A.). In a letter of 1640 he signs his name, Joos •van den Bogaert. I have adopted this spelling with the addition of a f in Joost. 'Koping (an old commercial city) almost directly west of Stockholm on the Kopingsa, a little more than a mile above its entrance into Malaren. The city is noted as the place where the great chemist Von Scheele lived and died. "Blommaert writes on January 38, 1640: " I have learned from Sec. Jan Beier that the man had arrived safely," and " since then I have heard nothing about it." Hence Beier's letter was received by Blommaert on or some time before January 28 (n.s.), 1640, and this makes it certain that Van den Bogaert arrived in Sweden before January, 1640. " See " Memorie " and Kernkamp, Z46i :6 Provisions and ammunition furnished in Stockholm by the admiralty and Klas Fleming *>793'4 Grain for seed 138 :6 :io Total 35.647 :i6 :i2" The majority of the sailors and soldiers on the vessels were Swedes, but the officers, with one or two exceptions, were Dutch- men, and there was a sailor-boy from Dublin among the crew.^* The ships probably left Gothenburg in July. They most likely first touched some point In Holland and from there they went to France.*' " See " Specific, uber [sic] der Dritte Viagie." Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.) and Journal (K.A.). I have not found who paid for the horses and cattle sent over. Perhaps they were sent by the government, or they may have belonged to the settlers who came here to plant, as Stille, etc. '" But this sum does not include the money paid to the people nor some other expenses, and the entire cost of the cargo and supplies alone was 21,765:1 D. or 36,275^ florins before the ships returned to Sweden. Journal, no. 229. "Jacob Evertssen Sandelin, who was along on the first expedition, was mate on the Charitas. Journal, no. 46 ; Monatgelderb. von d. Volck an d. Sch. die Charitas. Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). " It seems that they were ordered to go there to make arrangements for bring- ing salt to Sweden on the return voyage. Huygen's letter to Spiring (copy), November 28, 1642 [1641], N.S., I. (R.A.), and below. The copy of H. Huygen's letter to Spiring is dated November 28, 1642. But this must be a mistake, for the letter with which this copy was sent is dated April 10, 1642, and furthermore the back of the copy is marked " Pr. 2i Apr. 1642 Stockhl." Internal evidence also determines the year as 1641. '£^ ^^ ^^y^ ^(ar^^^ Vp"^^^ /2)-^5 /« lA -fc Tf0^«>7T) ."i Spiring's letter (April 1 (11), 16-t2) to Admiral Fleming-, signed by "Fetter Spiering van Xoshollem." Original in X. S. I. (R. A.), Stockholm. The Fourth Expedition. 155 On August 19 (o.s.?), 164.1,'^^ the two vessels left the shores of Europe. The voyage was a stormy one. Two of the colonists and some cattle died on the journey and when the expedition arrived at Fort Christina, November 7 (o.s.?), the people and animals were very weak and powerless.''* Huygen tried his best to obtain a cargo for the ships, but he was unable to buy furs from the Indians, as the trade had been ruined by the English, and only a small quantity of tobacco could be obtained.''* The ships undoubtedly left New Sweden about November 29, 1641,'*^ and set course on Rochelle in France, where they arrived in the beginning of March or earlier. A quantity of salt was bought and loaded into the ships, whereupon they set sail for Holland and cast anchor in the harbor of Amsterdam between the twenty-eighth and thirty-first of March, 1642. As usual the provisions were almost exhausted and the men and officers clamoi-ed for pay. The two skippers and the commis- sioner Langdonk went to Spiring at the Hague and made a report, who wrote at once to S. Blommaert and P. Trotzig, requesting them to give every possible assistance to the ships, so that they could proceed at once to Sweden. Money was accordingly supplied to pay off some of the men and for buying necessary provisions. Trotzig hired two good mates, two cooks and other servants and made arrangements for paying the salt. In April certificates were Issued for the ships to pass through the sound and in May or early in June they were in Stockholm,*" °" \ew style is probably used in the letter, as Huygen was a Hollander, but he may also have employed the old style, since he was in Swedish service and wrote from New Sweden. When Van Dyck employed new style from New Sweden he distinctly says so. See letter to Fleming, May 23, 1640, N.S., I. (R.A.). ^ " De resterende soo wel beesten als menschen waren seer swack hier comende . . [en] seer machteloos." Huygen to Spiring, November 28, 164.2 (1641). "Huygen to Spiring, November 28, 1642 (1641), N.S., I. (R.A.). '^ Huygen's letter dated November 28 was sent to Holland on one of the ships, and it was probably written shortly before they sailed. "The letters, bills, reports and other documents were sent to the capital ahead of the ships, for Langdonk's bills were presented at Stockholm on April 20, 1641, and the copy of Huygen's letter on April 21. See bills and letter in N.S., I. (R.A. and K.A.). iS6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. having entered the harbor of Gothenburg about April 15. When the ships returned the company was compelled to borrow 3000 R.D. for six month at 10 per cent, interest.^'' Large sums were now paid to the returning men, and to the wives of those who were in New Sweden.^* About this time references to Samuel Blommaert in connec- tion with the company cease entirely^® and it is evident that he severed his connection with the Swedish government in the autumn of 1642, for on the twenty-first of July the council decided to employ Trotzig and Appelbom in his place at Amsterdam, his salary being divided between the two, and October 7 the minutes of the council state that Blommaert's salary could be used for the paying of the two proposed com- missaries, "since he now withdraws [from the service]."®" "Spiring to Fleming, April i/ii, 1642; Spiring to Blommaert (copy), April 10, 1643 (in the text of this copy, however, Trotzig has been written by the copyist by mistake) ; Spiring to Trotzig (copy), April lo, 1642, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Journal, no. 132, 143 (June 16, 1642). ""The entire sum thus paid by Beier was 11,173:18 florins or 6,703:34 D. Journal, no. 146. "The last reference I have found to him in connection with the company is of April lo (n.s.), 1643. " Rddspr., IX. 334, 416. Cf. Blommaert's Biography below. CHAPTER XIX. The Trade of the Company in Europe, 1640-1643. We have seen that the beaver skins of the first expedition were sold in Holland, as well as those carried over on the Dutch vessel in 1641, but it was thought that all the goods brought to Europe by the company ought to be sold in Sweden to encour- age Swedish commerce, and arrangements were made accord- ingly as we have seen. When Bonnell was appointed factor in Stockholm, he was given instructions about the fur and tobacco trade.^ He should keep the skins and the tobacco in good con- dition until they were sold. The beaver skins were to be sold to Anthony Bruyn* at the highest price possible, except 300 skins, which should be reserved until further orders. A large quantity of tobacco was on hand, of which he should try to sell 10,000 lbs. at the earliest opportunity and on the best terms obtainable.® A storehouse was rented in Stockholm and the tobacco and skins were placed there under Bonnell's care. He undoubtedly advertised the skins or sent notices to fur-dealers about his supply, and the day after his appointment he sold a large quantity of furs (1,558 beaver skins) to Anthony Bruyn.* In March, the following year, he sold 10 1 otter skins to Jacob Frische & Company and In June he sold 100 beaver skins and a fur coat to the same persons."^ A number of smaller sales were also made.® But the company's peltry trade In Sweden was never large. The skins were hard to sell and Sweden was not the proper market for this kind of goods.'^ ^ See above, Chap. XVI. 'Anthony Brown (?) was probably an English merchant in Stockholm. ""Memorial fur B. Bonnell," etc., November 17, 1640, N.S., I. (R.A.). 'The sale is entered in the Journal for November 21, 1641. The skins were sold for 6,297:2 D. They were brought over on the Kalmar Nyckel on the second expedition. Journal, no. 27. 'Journal, nos. 40, 48. The loi otter-skins were sold for 227:8 D. and the 100 beaver skins were sold for 450 D. 'Journal, no. 133 ff. ' Cf. below, Chap. XXIV. 157 158 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. The tobacco trade of the company, on the other hand, was of great importance and soon assumed large proportions. The tobacco habit had gradually made its way into Sweden, prin- cipally in the cities, before the New Sweden Company began the trade. It had undoubtedly been brought in by Dutch sailors and laborers, and the soldiers, who served in the Thitry Years' War, also helped to spread its use as they returned home. Books and pamphlets presenting the virtues of the herb were written and circulated in various European countries,* and even in Sweden a dissertation was published in 1633 on the medicinal properties of tobacco.* The Swedes soon acquired a liking for it and in 1629 smoking was a habit among the stu- dents at Upsala.i* It was imported without regulation and sold by druggists and other traders.^^ In June, 1639, tobacco pipes are given in an ordinance con- cerning dutiable articles, published by the government ;^^ but the importation of tobacco could not have been very large before 1 64 1, as it is not found in the lists of articles subject to duty issued by the state from time to time.^^ In January, 1641, the government lamented the fact that " the country and kingdom was being filled with tobacco, ... an article which some time ago was unknown here and which indeed in itself is not very useful, but which nevertheless has been bought, used to excess^* and abused by the common people, in many cases to their great injury and poverty."^* The ground was therefore prepared and a market was ready for tobacco, when the New Sweden Company began trading with this article. The first large cargo, ' See Bragge, Biblio. Nicoti. and the works listed there for the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. ' " De Praedaris Herbae Nicotianae she Tobaci Virtutibus," by Joh. Franck, 1633. "Nordisk Familjebok, Vol. XVL 419 ff. (old edition). "Stiernman, Kungl. br., etc., H. 305; R.R., January 12, 1641 (R.A.). '^ Stiernraan, Kungl. br., etc., 11. 234. The duty on " one dozen tobacco pipes [was] 6 p." "The Ordning" was published on May 31, 1639. '''Stiernman, Kungl. br., etc., H. 120 ff., 140 ff., 188 ff., 224 ff., 244 ff. " " Til missbrunk och ofwerflod." ^ Stiernman, Kungl. br., etc., II. 305. Trade OF THE Company IN Europe. iS9 11,878 lbs.,'" brought into Sweden, came on the Kalmar Nyckel In the spring of 1640.'' It was placed in the care of Timon van Schotting and part of it was sold in Gothenburg.'^ The rest was shipped to Stockholm to be sold there by Bonnell.'* The stalks were removed, whereupon the leaves were sorted, and packed away in the store-house. A special room was built In the magazine and there the tobacco, ready for sale, was hung upon hooks or rails and from there it was undoubtedly sold.^^ Soon after his appointment Bonnell began his activities In the tobacco trade. Already in November, 1640, he made several sales to merchants and others, who in turn sold it in small quantities either to other dealers or directly to the consumers. Thus Thomas Blommaert bought 435 lbs. in June, 1641, and in December the same year several hundred pounds were sold to George Garden,^' Jacob Lyell,^' Jurgen Petersson and others.^^ The tobacco brought from America by the company was not sufficient to supply the demand, and in November and December Bonnell purchased about 6,000 lbs. from Dutch merchants.-^ It was found however that tobacco was brought In " by one and another without any distinction or order," and thus the company had no protection against competitors. Complaints were undoubtedly made to the Council of State, perhaps through Fleming, and on the twelfth of January, 1641, the New Sweden Company was given sole right to import tobacco Into Sweden "Its estimated value was 7,423:15 florins. See " Copia af den Ext. sora Sec. J. Beier togh medh," etc. Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). " Cf. above, Chap. XIV. " See Journal, no. 2. "Total number of pounds sent to Bonnell was 9,936 (Swedish). Journal, no. 24. "The expenses connected with the building of this room were: Boards, rails, hangers, and labor 11:34 R-D- ; other expenses were: 3. R.D. 24^ st. Journal, no. 100, 119. ^ Probably an Englishman. '^Journal, no. 46, loi. ''On November ig, 1640, he bought 583 lbs. for 84:24 R.D. and on the nineteenth of the same month 526 lbs. for 96:21 R.D. On December 9 he bought 1,928 lbs. for 369:25 D.; on the eleventh 716 lbs. for 143:9'/^ R.D.; on the same date another lot of 3,298 lbs. for 561:41 54 R.D. Journal, nos. 26, 32. i6o The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. and its dependencies. All who had shipped tobacco into the kingdom before this ordinance was published were to report the same at the custom's office and receive an excise-bill. Tobacco shipped into Sweden without the knowledge of the New Sweden Company and a bill of excise would be confiscated and a fine of forty marks would be imposed upon the perpetrator. The fine and the confiscated tobacco would be equally divided between the Crown, the company and the discoverer or the reporter of the crime. All importation of tobacco was now by special privileges in the hands of the company, and all merchants and dealers were compelled by law to buy their supply from Ben- jamin Bonnell.^* For the regulation and control of the retail trade an ordi- nance in four articles was issued by the government, February 8, 164.1.^^ "For the first," says the ordinance, "whoever wishes to buy some tobacco, little or much, from the factor of the . . . company, shall be obliged to present himself at the custom office and obtain a bill of excise there on as much tobacco as he desires to buy, and shall Immediately pay the duty, namely two ore silver money for every pound.^^ This bill shall be delivered to the factor of the company, [and then] the factor may sell tobacco to the presentor of the bill, accord- ing to its contents." The first offense against this ordinance was punished by confiscation of the tobacco, and the second offense by confiscation and prosecution. The factor was strictly forbidden to sell any tobacco before such a bill had been pre- sented and all bills of excise were to be delivered by him every month into the state-treasury.^'' " The Privllegium " forbidding importation by others than the New Sweden Company undoubtedly had good effect, but relatively large quantities of tobacco must have been shipped " Stiernman, Kungl. hr., etc., IL 305-7. In the " Privileges " the company is called the " South Company." ^Stiernman, Kungl. hr., etc., II. 309-311. " Cf. Chapter VI. " " Statsens Rakne-Cammar." The merchants were obliged to give a bill to the retailers, stating the quantity sold, date and place of sale. These bills should be delivered to the custom officer whenever he demanded them. Stiern- man, Kungl. br., etc., II. 310, § in. Trade of the Company in Europe. i6i into the country after its publication, for one third of the tobacco confiscated until March, 1642, was sold for 1,272 :i9^ D. and it is natural that a great deal of the tobacco illegally brought into the kingdom escaped the notice of the officers and others.** The ordinance governing the retail trade was also evaded and numerous sales were made without the knowledge of Bonnell. A sort of tobacco company was formed in the summer of 1 64 1 for the retailing of tobacco. It consisted of Jacob Trotzig, Johan Fijrborn, Jacob Kallmeter and Thomas Johans- son. On July ID, they purchased 14,197 lbs. from Bonnell, to be paid in three instalments.*^ In the late summer of 1641 Bonnell contracted with one Claes Cornelisson Meckpott( ?) in Holland for the delivery of several thousand pounds of tobacco and in October 326 rolls*" of " St. Christopher tobacco " were sent to Sweden. In June, 1642, another lot of 15,302 lbs. was shipped over; but it was returned, since Bonnell found that the quality was not as good as the contract called for.^* Another contract was made with Peter Cornelisson Mollnaer in the summer or autumn of 1642 and in November Peter Trotzig bought 963 lbs. from him and sent to Stockholm.** Until February 8, 1643, forty-three thousand, three hundred and sixty-six lbs. had been shipped to Stockholm and the total cost was 18,435 D. i6j4 ore. Three thousand, two hundred and seventy-nine lbs. had been stored in Gothenburg, and the cost of this was 1,062 D. I2}i ore. Of this quantity Bonnell had sold 36,485^ lbs. for 26,812 D. jVs ore up to the above date and Schotting had sold 943^^ lbs. for 830 D. 5 ore. Hendrick Huygen's sales on the journey to New Sweden and in "Journal, no. 115 (March 14, 1643). "Journal, no. 56. The activities of the company are unknown. "19,405 (Swedish) lbs. "^Journal, nos. 98, 139. One reason for returning it might have been that the company had a large supply of unsold tobacco in their store-house in Stockholm in June, 1642. The company was compelled to pay duty on the tobacco however, even when they did not keep it. Journal, no. 139. "Journal, nos. 194-5- 12 i62 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the colony amounted to 6iJ^ lbs. for 92 D. 8.** The expenses with the tobacco trade were relatively small. They consisted of duty on the tobacco shipped from Holland, various small charges occasioned in Stockholm and the salary of the factor. The freight from Holland was paid by the sender, it seems. But most of the tobacco had to be bought from Holland, as we have seen, and hence the profits were reduced. Had all of it been brought from America on the ships belonging to the company the result would have been more gratifying.^* The ""Extract der Gen. Hand. Comp., etc., ultimo February, 1643." Tobaksk., 1643-59 (RA). " I. Tobacco sold in Siveden by the Neio Sweden Company, 164.0-1643. A. By Benjamin Bonnell in Stockholm. 9,722 lbs. 2,904 " 14,197 " 444 " 1,205 " 2,345 " 363 " 88 •' 2,604 " 1,136 " A177 " i,887l< " 4,560^ " 772 " 400 " 421 " 280 " 6i lbs. were sent to Schotting in August to be sold in Gothenburg, but it was later returned on the third voyage to be sold to the people. A few hundred pounds were sold by Schotting from December, 1641, to July, 1643. One third of the confiscated tobacco was sold in March for 1,272:19% D. The number of pounds are not given. Nov., 1640 June, July. Oct., 1641 Nov., Dec, Jan., Feb., 1642 March, May, June, July. Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, 6,602 D. 10 2,102 " 22 10,366 " 10 423 " 13 999 " 315^ 1,801 " 14 277 " 28 69 " 13 1,887 " 29 696 " 31 K I.SS7 " 16^ 1,506 " ■&% 3,247 " «s S44 " 9J^ 306 " 29>^ 301 " "7 216 " 3^ II. Tobacco purchased by Bonnell for the Company, 1641-1643. Nov., Dec. 1640 July, Aug., Oct., 1641 It tt Oct., tt April, Nov., 1642 Journal, no. 24, 46, 49, 56, 99 ff. lbs. 1,17s S.942 ,. " 2,187 " 262 " 19,405 " 1,320 " 45° " 3,932 " 271 D. 13 1,611 " 28 601 " IS'/ 403 " 8 6,615 " 12 150 " 490 " ? ? Trade of the Company in Europe, 163 books of the company showed a loss in the beginning of 1643, but the tobacco had been sold with a good profit and a gain was reported on the salt brought to Finland,^'' but the heavy expenses of the expeditions overbalanced this, leaving a loss of over 32,000 D. In February the account was as follows: Debit. The entire debit accounts of the company until the end of February, 1643, was D. 99,745 -2 Credit. The credit account of the company until the end of February, 1643, was D. 56,292:24^ The profit on tobacco sold by Bonnell was D. 13,193 :2A The profit on tobacco sold by Schotting was D. 1,402.254 Profit on tobacco sold by Huygen D. 30:24 Profit on the salt at Borgi D. 184:304 Profit on the French salt D. 2,168:174 Loss D. 32,472 :2 D- 99.745:2 We have come to the end of the first period of the company's life and we have traced its growth and activity in Europe. We are now to see what was done in America and how the colony planted here grew and developed. "For the salt-trade see below, Chap. XXXI.; " Tobak unter B. Bonnell," February 28, 1643; Tobaksk., 1643-1659 (R.A.). Documents made use of in this part but not referred to are the following: "Reck, fiber P. Minuits Reise n. West Indien"; Hen. Kong. Maj. u. Kr. R. med S. Comp (several copies); "Par. in d. Viagio mit P. Minuit," etc.; "Die H. Schwed. Part, in d. Viagio n. Florida oder Nova Svecia," etc. (three copies) ; "Hr. Maj. R. Clercken seine uberg. sp. Rech. . . . 1640"; "Rob. Smiths Rech. mitt d. Am. Comp." (two copies) ; Gamla Skepsk. Rech. med N. S. Comp., 1634- 1642"; "Die Dritte Viagio," etc. All to be found in Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). A. Oxenstiernas Concepter. (R.A.), Pro memo. ang. N.S., P. Saml., 322, p. 325 flF. (U.B.) ; Kompanier, I.-II. (K.A.) ; Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., 1620-30 (K.A.) ; documents concerning Skepsk., 1630, " Forteckningsl. p5 Sve. handelsk. fr. 163s till 1636," and other mss.. Gen. Hand, och Skepsk., 1620-32 (K.A.) ; " Om d. Afr. komp." (three copies), 1662, "Pro memo.," etc., " Westerw. Skepsk.," AtskilUga kolonier, 1650-1808 ; unorganized mss., Sjofartsf., &tskil. sjofartsakt., 1617-1711, Strodda handl., I. (K.A.) ; Strbdda handl., II., III. (K.A.); Inkomn. skr., 1637 ff. (K.A.) ; Journal (K.A.) ; Rikshufvudb. (K.A.). PART II. THE COLONY, 1638-1643. CHAPTER XX. The Early History of the Delaware until 1638. The material before us naturally falls Into two main divi- sions — the outer and Inner history, or the political history and the social and economic life of the colony. The life of the colonists has hitherto been neglected or only sparingly treated, for the material at the disposal of former writers on the subject has been meager, contemporary accounts giving mere glimpses of these things. "One would gladly know how the founders of Quebec spent the long hours of their first winter," says Parkman, " but on this point the only man [Champlain] among them, perhaps, who could write, has not thought It necessary to enlarge."^ In like manner Printz gives full accounts of the quarrels with the Dutch and the English, but how the people lived, the kind of houses they built, the clothes they wore and other things we should like to know, he does not mention. Lindestrom, Campanlus and Rising describe the country and the Indians and they give many facts of great interest and value for the historian of the settlement, but again we look almost In vain for " social facts." From other sources, however, account-books, bills and memo- rials, we are able to draw some material, and from these, sup- plemented by our knowledge of conditions in Sweden and Fin- land, we shall endeavor to construct a picture of " social New Sweden," Imperfect, it is true, but as satisfactory as the ma- terials allow.^ The government of the colony, the trade and ^ Pion. of Fr. in the Neiv World, p. 342. " Most of these account books were unknown to Odhner, Sprinchorn and other writers on New Sweden. Map or Hzv/ Sweden AND D15TEICTS OCCUPIED E.y INDIAN TEIBES IN CDHMUNICATiON With the awEDCS Made. «•/ ^nAriDu^ Jonf' Ear ly History of the Delaware. 165 commerce with the neighbors and Indians, and the political relation with these will also be treated in their proper place. Before we proceed, however, it is necessary to present briefly the history of the Delaware prior to the landing of the Swedes on Christina Rock in 1638. It is not now possible to determine who was the first Euro- pean to visit the Delaware. Perhaps the Irish or Scotch saw its water in the early centuries of our era, if the legends of their American voyages be true. Perhaps some bold Viking in the eleventh century ventured as far south along the Vinland Coast as the thirty-ninth degree, when the Norsemen planted colonies on this continent and, according to tradition, established churches here. Possibly some lonely Frenchman or Portuguese, driven out of his course by accident, touched the " lordly Dela- ware " years before Columbus set sail from Cadiz, or it may be that some Norman, Briton or Basque, coasting along the North American shores on his way to the cod-fisheries of Newfound- land, saw the famous river long before Hudson made his memorable voyage.^ Cabot, the navigator, might have passed within sight of Cape Henlopen in 1497; that Verrazzano* in 1524 sailed by the Delaware on his way up the coast Is quite certain.^ It has been stated " that the coast of New York and the neighboring districts" were known to the Spaniards almost a century before Hudson came here. Estevan Gomes " is said to have visited the country at latitudes 40° and 41° north" in 1525® and in 1526 Lucas Vasquez de AlUon and Matlenzo made landings and explored the country south and east of New York."' De Costa thinks that the French visited New York harbor prior to 1562,* and it has been claimed that they had a "CI. Memoires pour servir, etc. (Parkman, 190, etc.). Stories of mariners blown out of their course and in this accidental manner discovering lands are plentiful. Cf. Saga of Eric the Red. * Verrazzano's voyage has been doubted, but the negative evidence adduced is not conclusive. It can be compared to the attempts of Aschbach to disprove the authenticity of Roswitha's plays or the Baconian theory of Shakespear's works. " It seems that he went ashore, probably on the New Jersey coast. Sailor's Narratives (Boston, 1905), p. 10. "Fernow gives the date as 1524 in Winsor's Nar. and Crit. Hist., IV. 414. ' Winsor, Nar. and Crit. Hist., IV. 10, 414, 429. ' De Costa, Caho de Baxos, p. 5, quoting Divers voyages, 114. 1 66 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. fort upon Castle Island within the limits of Albany. If that be true may we not also suppose that they visited the Delaware? It has been asserted that the Dutch had forts and trading houses on the Hudson in 1598 and in 1627 Bradford wrote that "[the Dutch] have used trading there [on the Hudson] this six or seven and twenty years . . ."* If this be true, may we not suppose that some Dutch trader, eager for gain, would search for new customers and on his way south find the "Mighty River " ? All this merely goes to show how utterly impossible it is to determine who was really the first European to get a glimpse of the river, ^^ where Dutch, Swedes and English were later to contend for the mastery. In 1 609 we tread on firm and historic ground. Henry Hud- son, an Englishman of London, entered the service of the Dutch East India Company and undertook to make a voyage for that body. To discover a short route to Asia was still the ambition of many a sailor. Hudson's one great idea, perhaps suggested by Sebastian Cabot, was to discover this route by the north, and, led on by his burning desire to see its accomplishment, he achieved lasting results — not as he had thought but in a greater way.^^ On Saturday, March 25, 1609,*^ he set sail In the Half Moon, Robert Juet being second (?) mate,i^ and on August 28, at seven in the evening, he " anchored in eight fathoms water" in Delaware Bay, "weighing at the break of day" the ' Col. of Mass. Hist. So., III. 57 ; De Costa, Cabo de Baxos, p. 9. (The Green- land Company and others frequented the country in 1598, and built two forts, It was claimed on the North and South Rivers. Doc, I. 149. Myth and history are of course mixed.) Brodhead, a careful scholar, thought it needed confirmation. De Costa brought forth additional evidence but of a circumstantial kind, quoting Brad- ford's letter. See De Costa, Cabo de Baxos, p. 9. '"Van Rensselaer says (I. 5), speaking of Hudson and his men, that they " tarried briefly in Delaware Bay ixihich no •white men had seen before." " See Asher, Henry Hudson (Brooklyn, 1867) ; Henry C. Murphy, Henry Hudson in Holland (Hague, 1859; lately reprinted, Hague, 1909). See Am. Hist. Rev., XV. 418-9. "Brodhead uses new style for the beginning of the journey, but old style for Hudson's arrival at the Delaware. " A Dutchman seems to have been first mate. Cf. Van Meteren in Nar of N. Neth., p. 8. Early History of the Delaware. 167 next morning. In October he returned to Europe, and arrived at Dartmouth in November, from whence he sent a report to the Dutch East India Company.** His report reached Holland in the spring of 16 10, kindling the interest of Dutch merchants in the regions he had visited. Petitions were soon presented to the States General for permis- sion to send out other ships, and in the same year " some mer- chants again sent a ship thither," says de Laet. The English were also navigating these waters. In August, 1 6 10, Capt. Samuel Argall anchored in the Delaware (prob- ably) naming the southern point of the bay, " Cape de La Ware,"** and, it has been said, though without foundation, that Lord Delaware touched at this bay in the same year.*® About the same time the English of Virginia began to call the bay in honor of their governor " Delaware Bay," and the name was soon applied by them to that river also.*^ In the autumn of 16 11, as a result of a voyage by Hendrick Christiaenzen and Adriaen Block, " divers merchants and in- habitants residing in the United Provinces" presented a peti- tion to the States of Holland and Westvriesland " regarding certain new discovered navigation," and an expedition was pre- pared, which set sail for the Hudson and neighboring districts in 161 2 under the command of Block and Christiaenzen. About the same time or a little later another expedition was sent there, Comelis Jacobsen May,** being skipper on one of the vessels. Some of the traders remained at Manhattan, mak- ing voyages of discovery southward along the Jersey coast, probably half way to the Delaware and northward along the " For an account of Hudson's voyage see Col. N. Y. Hist. So., 2d S., L 320 ff.; Jameson, Nar. of N. Neth., 1609-1664, p. 16 ff.; Purchas His Pilgrimes, XHI. 333 ff- " Argall himself in his journal talks about the cape as though it was already- known by that name before he arrived there, but Strachey states that it was called "Cape De La Warr" by Argall on his voyage in i6io. "On the authority of Governor Harvey of Virginia. "Purchas His Pilgrimes (1906), XIX. p. 84; Verginia Britannia, p. 43; Brodhead, Hist., 1. 51, 754. "This form of the name is used by De Laet and others. It is adopted by Jameson. Since this form also corresponds to the English, it seems best to adopt it, rather than Mey. i68 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. New England coast to the forty-second or forty-third degree. When Block returned to Holland in the autumn of 1614 he brought with him sketches of the explored territory and made a report to his superiors. The proprietors of the expeditions now " formed themselves into an association called the United New Netherland Company," and a petition with a figurative map*^ was presented to the States General, praying for an octroy or charter for a territory to be called New Netherland, lying between the fortieth and forty-fifth degree, according to the Placaat of March 27, 16 14. The charter was granted and activities for new expeditions were begun and additional and more favorable reports were soon received from New Nether- land. Cornelis Hendricksen, having been placed in command of the Onrust^" when Block returned to Holland, was sent in the spring of 161 6 to explore the country to the southward and partly to rescue three Dutchmen, captured by the Indians. He discovered " certain lands, a bay [the Delaware Bay] and three rivers," making it probable that he ascended the Delaware up to the Schuylkill or at least to the Minquas Kill. On his return to Holland in the autumn of the same year he presented a report and a figurative map, the first of the Delaware known to exist.*^ *• I find it very improbable that the Figuraihe map published in the New York Documents, I. lo-ii, is the one referred to in the grant of the States General of 1614, as Fernow states in Winsor, IV. 434, and as lately Van Rensselaer (I. 26) thinks "seems probable." The grant says: "the above lands . . . vyhereof the sea coasts lie between the fortieth and fory-fifth degree of Latitude, now named New Netherland, as can be seen by a Figurative Map hereunto annexed." Now this map extends from 37° 15' unto 42° 30' and Neiu Netherland is not luritten upon it. (The map presented in 1616 agrees as well or better with the above sentence. This map extends from the 35th to the 50th degree and has Nieu Nederlandt written across it.) Fernow's statement that information ob- tained from the Dutchmen captured by the Mohawks might have been used or consulted by the draughtsman contradicts his other statement, for these Dutch captives were released by Hendricksen in 1616 and hence could not have given information about that journey in 1614, two years before it was made. The present writer is therefore inclined to believe that the two figurative maps (pub- lished in Doc. I.; O'Callaghan, I.) in their present form at least, date from 1616. '^ Restlessness or Trouble. ^ It is distinctly stated that one of the maps published in Doc, I. 12-13, was annexed to the memorial presented to the States General on the eighteenth of August, 1616, by the " Bewindhebers van Nieuw Nederlandt." It seems quite clear that the other map was presented by Cornelis Hendricksen with his report Early History of the Delaware. 169 The river was soon after called by the Dutch the South Riveras of New Netherland to distinguish it from the North River, or the Hudson. In 1620 Cornelis May of Hoom in the ship Blyde Boot- schap^^ sailed up the Delaware, where he discovered " some new and fruitful lands," and after him the mouth of the river was soon called Nieuw Port May by the Dutch. 1 62 1 is an eventful year in the history of this region — the Dutch West India Company,^* organized by Willem Usselinx was chartered in June, and the following year the States Gen- eral ratified the charter in an amplified form, the organization not being complete, however, before 1623. The same year In which the company was founded It appears that a vessel was sent direct to the South River by Its permis- sion.^^ A rich beaver trade is said to have been carried on in the river by English, French and Dutch traders during these early years, and in 1623 a French vessel sailed up the Delaware with the intention of taking possession of the same for the King of France, but this was frustrated by the Dutch of New Amster- dam. The same year Captain May of Hoorn was again sent to the Delaware with orders to build a fort there. He ex- on August 18, the same year. His report stated that he had discovered " cer- tain lands, a bay and three rivers situate between the 38 and 40 degrees." On this map there are also three large rivers and a bay. Then the interior is indicated for a great distance and Indian villages are located on the western river, which makes it probable that the Dutchmen who were rescued by Hen- dricksen (probably at the Schuylkill or the Minquas Kill) furnished this informa- tion, for they had been inland for a great many miles. Another thing in favor of this theory is the fact that Hendricksen says that he discovered three rivers and a bay. It is hardly possible to suppose that he could have made such a claim unchallenged had it been discovered and even mapped two years before he made his report. It is true that Cornelis May sailed up the Delaware in 1620 and reported that he had discovered some new lands, but he did not claim the dis- covery of any bay or river. ^ There was also a North and a South River in New England. See Plym. Col. Rec, Court Orders, I. 72, 163-5. ^ Glad Tidings. " The capital stock was 7,000,000 florins. ^Doc, I. I ff.; Penn. Ar., V. 11 ff.; De Laet in Col. N. Y. Hist. So., 2d S., L 301 ff.; Proc. of the N. Y. Hist. So., 1847, p. 89 ff.; Brodhead, Hist., I. 53 ff., 79 ff.; Memorial Hist, of Neiu York, I. p. 55 ff., 52 ff. ; Hazard, p. i ff. ; Jameson, Nar. of N. Neth., 1609-1664, p. 64-5; Motley, Hist, of the U. Neth., IV. 298 ff. ; Van Rensselaer, I. 3 ff. I70 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. plored the country, traded with the natives and, after selecting a suitable site, he erected a fortress, which was called Fort Nassau.*® " Four couples, married at sea on their voyage from Holland, together with eight seamen, were later sent in a yacht to settle there " and some dwellings were built, probably within the palisades. In a few years, however, the fort was deserted.*'' In 1629 Samuel Godyn, president of the Amsterdam cham- ber of the Dutch West India Company, and one of the grantees of the charter of 16 14, applied for privileges to found a colony on the South River under the Charter of Patronage.*^ As early as June a tract of land was purchased on the south corner of the Bay of the South River, " extending northwards about thirty miles from Cape Henlopen to the mouth of the said river and inland about two miles." Minuit, who was director at New Amsterdam, was requested "to register this colony" and on June 19 (n.s.), the West India Company registered the same in Amsterdam. Godyn was later joined by Samuel Blommaert and in the patent for the territory signed at New Amsterdam on July 16 (n.s.), 1630, they are both included,"* the Indians having appeared before the council at Manhattan on the previous day and ratified the purchase.^" Several other members also joined the company the same year and preparations were made to send out an expe- dition. Two vessels were made ready. One of these was cap- tured by the Dunkirkers, but the other ship. The Walvis, com- manded by Capt. Peter Heyes.^i loaded with bricks, provisions, a large stock of cattle and twenty-eight colonists, said to have been Mennonites,^* arrived safely in the Delaware in the spring of 1 63 1 and planted a colony on the bank of the Horn (or "" For location see map. For the meaning of Nassau cf. Putnam, IVilliam the Silent, I. 4. ^De Laet in Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., ad S., L 301 ff.; Doc, I. 587 ff.; Penn. Arch., 2d S., V. 235 ff.; Brodhead, Hist., I. p. 134 ff. "For the Charter of Privileges for Patrons see Brodhead, Hist., X. 187, 194 ff. It was signed by Peter Minuit and six others. ^Doc., XIL 16 ff. '"Doc, XII. 16 ff.; Penn. Arch., 2d S., V. 4, 25 ff. " Not by Vries as stated by Hazard and others. "See Maryland Hist. Mag., I. 344 (from Journal of the Lahadist Dankeri). Early History of the Delaware. 17' Hoere)"^ Kill, naming it Swanendael. "They engaged in whaling and farming and made suitable fortifications,** so that in July of the same year [1631] their cows calved and their lands were seeded and covered with a fine crop." Five add|i- tional colonists joined the settlement, probably from New Amsterdam, making the total number thirty-three. More land was purchased from the savages on behalf of Blommaert and Godyn, on the eastern shore of the Delaware, extending twelve miles northward and twelve miles inland,*' and there seems to have been harmony between the aborigines and the little colony, "but by an error of their commiss, all the people and the animals were lamentably killed [except TheunisWillemsen]."*® In the meantime another expedition was prepared. News arrived before it sailed of the destruction of the Swanendael colony, but the expedition was not detained. The vessel, com- manded by De Vries, arrived before the ruined fort at Swanen- dael on December 6 (n.s.) and found the remains of the settlement and skeletons of the people and animals. He tarried "The author of the Beschr. van Virginia, etc. (Amsterdam, 1651), p. 38, says : " waer dese naem [Hoere Kil] van gekomen is weten wij niet." The Dutch generally called it Hoere Kil. (De Vries, Korte Historiael, p. 165, 175, 184, etc.) In Swedish Documents it is almost always called Horn Kil. It has been suggested that the name Hoere Kil is a mistake for Hoorn Kil (named after Cornells Jacobsen May of Hoorn in Holland), but it is difficult to explain why De Vries should call it Hoere Kil for it would seem that he had oppor- tuiiity to know. It seems unlikely that Cornells May should name an insig- nificant stream like the Hoorn Kill after his own name. If he wished to per- petuate his name he surely could have done so more effectively by naming some large river, say the Schuylkill, after himself. The writer has adopted the Swedish form of the word or name for the river (Horn), since this form is found in almost all the Swedish records, referring to the stream and since it agrees with the English form as well. That the name was well known and that questions concerning its origin arose as early as 1648 to 1651 can be seen from the above quotation. If Hoere was a mistake for Horn it would seem that the author of the Beschr. would have suggested this explanation. Horen Hook was a place near New York (Watson's Annals, I. 7). Concerning an explanation of the origin of the name Hoere Kil see Van Sweeringen, Md. Arch., V. 411 ff. "They built a brick house "inside of palisades." Cf. Doc, II. 50; G. Thomas, W. Jersey, p. 14; Brodhead, Hist., I. 206. " The bay was called Godyn's Bay in honor of Samuel Godyn. ""Who was left over in Swanendael." Van Renssellaer B. Mss., p. 223. De Vries says that 32 men were killed. Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., 2d S., III. 17. Hence there must have been 33 men in the colony. 172 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. on the river three months, visited Fort Nassau in January, 1633, which was occupied by Indians, and entered into communica- tion with the savages. After a journey in his yacht to Virginia for corn he rejoined his ship at the Swanendael on March 29 and remained there for about two weeks.'''' While the Dutch were exploring the Hudson and the Dela- ware rivers and making settlements there, the English had planted colonies to the north and south of this territory, and the Delaware region had been granted to two English com- panies^® in 1606.^® Individual Englishmen also received grants and intended to make settlements on territory adjoining the Delaware. Lord Baltimore, finding it necessary to abandon his colony of Avalon in the north, applied to King James in August, 1629, for a grant of land farther south. After visiting Virginia he re- turned to England and was gratified to learn that the King was willing to accede to his request. He presented a more definite petition, defining the territory he wished to settle and a charter was about to be issued, entries concerning the subject being made in March and April in the Signet Office,*" when he died on April 15, 1632. His rights, however, were transferred to his son Cecil, second Lord Baltimore, and on the twentieth of June the charter was issued, describing the territory to be planted in a rather obscure manner. It was to include " all that part of a peninsula lying in the parts of America between the ocean on the east, and the Bay of Chesapeake on the west, and divided from the other part thereof by a right line drawn from the promontory or cape of land called Watkin's Point (situate " Van Renssellaer B. Mss., ed. by Van Laer, p. 222 ff. ; De Vries, Korte His- toriael, 165, 175, 184; Col. N. Y. Hist. So., 2d S., III. 16 ff. ; Jameson, Nar. of N. Neth., 184 ff. ; Brodhead, Hist., I. 204 ff. ; Pusey, Hist, of Leiues, Del., Del. Hist. So., 1903 ; Hazard, Annals. "Really one company with two divisions. ^The London company was granted the district between the 34th and 41st degrees, that is between the mouth of the Hudson and the southern limit of North Carolina, and the Plymouth company was to establish a colony somewhere be- tween the 38th and the 45th degrees of latitude, that is between the mouth of the Potomac and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. " Grants to Lord Baltimore in America. Signet Office, March, April, June, August, 1632. Pub. Rec. Office. Early History of t he Delaware. i73 in the aforesaid Bay, near the River Wighco), on the west, unto the main ocean on the east, and between that bound on the south, unto that part of the Delaware Bay on the north which lieth under the 40th degree of north latitude from the equinoctial, where New England ends; and all that tract of land between the bounds aforesaid, i. e., passing from the aforesaid Bay called Delaware Bay, in a right line by the degrees aforesaid, unto the true meridian of the first fountain of the River of Potomac, and from thence towards the south unto the further bank of the aforesaid river and following the west and south side thereof, unto a certain place called Cin- quack, situate near the mouth of said river, where it falls into the Bay of Chesapeake, and from thence by a straight line, unto the aforesaid promontory and place called Watkin's Point." That is to say it was limited on the north by the fortieth degree of latitude, on the east (beginning at the mouth of the Schuylkill) by the Delaware River and Bay and the ocean, on the south by a line drawn due east from a point called Cinquack at the mouth of the Potomac to Watkin's Point and thence to the ocean, on the west and southwest by the Potomac to its head and thence by a line drawn due north to the fortieth degree of latitude, hence including all of the present states of Delaware and Maryland, the southern coun- ties of Pennsylvania bordering on Maryland and the eastern half of the District of Columbia. The country was to be called Maryland in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria. *^ The tract was of course carved from the original grant of Virginia Company,** and in 1631 William Claybome made a settlement on the Island of Kent for the purpose of trade with the Indians, but Lord Baltimore's grant was always put forth by the English to the south of the Dela- ware as their strongest right to the territory of New Sweden.** "The charter is published in Hazard, Hist. Col., I. 327 ff. "There was much opposition to Lord Baltimore's grants. See Steiner, Beg. of Mar., p. 9 ff., 15 ff. ; Bozman, Sketch of the Hist, of Mar., p. 264 ff. Cf. Hazard, Hist. Col, 1. 621 6., 6z% ff. ; Thurloe's State Papers, V. 482 ff. "Latane, John H., The Early Rel. between Md. and Fa., p. g ff.; Steiner, Beg. of Md.; Neill, The Founders of Maryland; Hart, Am. Hist. Told by Contemp., I. 247 ff. See Bibliography. Cf. below. Chap. XXHL 174 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Lord Baltimore made a settlement on the grant in 1634, which became the nearest neighbor to New Sweden on the south. Some time before July, 1632, Sir Edmund Plowden and eight other " adventurers " applied to Charles I. for a grant of a " convenient Isle . . . called Manite or Long Isle " and "30 miles square of the coast next adjoining," "some 150 miles northward from . . . James city^* . . . near Delaware Bay." If this grant was made they would "plant and settle there 3,000 inhabitants for the making of wine, salt and iron, fishing of sturgeon and mullet, and for cattle and corn for the colony and for yearly building of shipping there." A docu- ment in twenty-nine articles was also drafted and probably sent with the petition to the King, giving a list of commodities and advantages to be found in the region, and also presenting suggestions for the government of the colony. The company was willing to maintain "ye governor and two men to wait on him" as well as twenty-five soldiers and the same number of "mariners to truck and traffic by turn with the savages." Some time later another petition was presented to His Majesty in a modified form in accordance with which the King directed the Lord Justices of Ireland to issue a grant of the " Isle called the Isle of Plowden or Long Isle . . . and forty leagues square of the adjoining continent . . . [to be called] by the name of New Albion " with Ed. Plowden as the first governor. " Corn, cattle and such other necessaries as they should have use of " in the colony were to be furnished out of Ireland and the planters had "power to carry artificers and laborers thence into said colony."*^ Some time elapsed before the authorities in Ireland acted on the matter, but on June 21, 1634, a charter was issued to Plowden and his associates grant- ing to them Long Island, and a territory " forty leagues square,"*^ extending along shore southward to Cape May, "Jamestown, Virginia. "Col. of N. Y. Hist. So. (1869), Pub. F. Se., II. 213 ff.; Penn. Mag., VH.; Penn. Mag., V. 206 ff., 424 ff.; Winsor, III. 457 ff. " " The Isle of Plowden, or Long Island, lying near or between the thirty- ninth and fortieth degrees of north latitude, together with part of the continent or Terra Firma aforesaid, near adjoining, described to begin from the point Early History of the Delaware. '75 from the cape on the east shore of the Delaware to the Schuyl- kill,*' from there in a straight line due north forty leagues into the country (unto about Stroudsburg in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, or the Delaware Watergap), and from there across New Jersey unto Sand Bay at the mouth of Raritan River, hence including parts of the five eastern counties of Pennsylvania up to the forty-first degree and almost all of New Jersey.** Two of the petitioners having died and the others having surrendered their claims to Plowden, on December 20, 1634, he became sole proprietor of the district,*^ but some years elapsed before he made attempts at settlement.'"' It has been said that King Charles I. transferred his rights to the Delaware territory to Sweden about this time (1630- 1634) and one of the arguments used by Rising to establish the Swedish title to the river was based on this supposition.** The transaction was affected through Johan Oxenstierna, the Swedish Ambassador at London, says Rising, and it was repeated by LIndestrom, Campanlus Holm"^ and Acrellus, who of an angle of a certain promontory called Cape May, and from thence to the westward for a space of forty leagues, running by the river Delaware, and closely following its course by the north latitude into a certain rivulet there, arising from a spring of Lord Baltimore's in the lands of Maryland, and the summit aforesaid to the South, where its touches joins and determines in its breadth; from thence takes its course into a square, leading to the North by a right line, for a space of forty leagues; and from thence likewise by a square, inclining towards the East in a right line for a space of forty leagues, to the river and part of Reacher Cod, and descends to a savannah, touching and including the top of Sandbeey, where it determines, and from thence towards the south, by a square stretching to a savannah, which passes by, and washes the shore of the Island of Plowden aforesaid, to a point of the promontory of Cape May, above mentioned, and terminates where it began." Hazard, Hist. Col., I. 161. The Latin original is published by Keen in Penn. Mag., VII. 55 ff. "A Certain rivulet there arising, etc., must mean the Schuylkill. " Compare Winsor, Nar. and Crit. Hist., III. 458, however. " For his transactions at this time see Winsor, HI. 458. "" See below. Chap. XXIII. " It was also said that the English king gave permission to the Dutch to put in at Manhattan Island for fresh water on their way to Brazil and also to build on the island. Cf. John Josselyn, An Account of Ttvo Voyages, etc., extract in Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., I. 383-4. It was also stated that King James granted Staten Island to the Dutch. See Hazard, Hist. Col., I. 604-5. "Holm has the date 163 1 found in Rising and Lindestrom, but Johan Oxen- stierna was not in London then. It is, however, not entirely necessary to suppose that Johan Oxenstierna performed the transaction. 176 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. stated that " it was confirmed by Von Stiernman out of the documents,"®^ and that the articles of cession were found in the Royal Archives before the burning of the palace in 1697.®* In 1876 Dr. Sprinchorn made a search In the Royal Archives for further evidence and the present writer made a search among the diplomatic and other papers likely to contain any reference to the transaction in the Public Record Office at Lon- don and also in the Royal Archives at Stockholm, but without result. In this connection, Rising makes another statement, also repeated by Lindestrom and Holm.^® He says that " we have a pretension to a bono titilo from the Hollanders, for It was bought for us through one called MInuit from one called Samuel Blommaert In Amsterdam." Now it Is a fact that Samuel Blommaert and the other Dutch members of the New Sweden Company actually did sell their interest in the Dela- ware territory, bought by MInuit In 1638,®^ to the Swedish stockholders ; but not the Swanendael tracts possessed by Blom- maert and Godyn on both sides of the river, for these were sold to the Dutch West India Company some time before. Not knowing that the Dutch West India Company had bought the interest In the Delaware of Blommaert, Godyn and part- ners. Rising confused two different transactions and pushed the date of the one back to that of the other. In case Blommaert pretended to the tracts bought by Corsen In 1633^'' it Is likely that Blommaert resigned this right to the Swedish company. "'That may simply mean, however, that Stiernman found the statement in Rising's Report. Acrelius, Beskrif., p. 8 note (a). " Acrelius, Beskrif., p. 8. ™Cf. also Holm (transl.), 68-9. Holm takes his statement from Lindestrom, which is less correct. He says the " Dutch also claimed a right to the country because they visited it before the Swedes. This claim was also purchased from the Hollanders." Acrelius wisely omits this statement. Rising says that he found a copy of an octroy from the D. W. India Company dated October i, 1630, giving these West Indian lands to four prominent men in Amsterdam, S. Godyn, A. Conradus, Samuel Blommaert and Kilian van Rensselaer. He further states that the upper part of the river belonged to Blommaert and that this was sold to Sweden for a sum of money. The lower part belonged to Godyn, but he says nothing about the sale of this tract. "■ Cf. below. Chap. XXI. " Cf. below, pp. 178-179. Early History of the Delaware. 177 But the probability is that the sale of 1640** gave rise to the statement, in any case showing that it has some foundation in fact. The report of the transaction between Count Oxenstierna and Charles I. must likewise have had some basis of truth. As far as the author is aware there is no other transaction between the two governments that could give rise to such a rumor. It is true that in March, 1628, Gustavus Adolphus made a treaty with the Duke of Buckingham, concerning a district, where Wal- ter Raleigh was supposed to have discovered a rich gold mine;^* but there is nothing in the affair that could give rise to the sup- position that King Charles ceded any territory to Sweden. Circumstances were favorable for the transference of " Eng- lish territorial rights" to Sweden, if an application was made. King Charles was very friendly to the latter nation and he would unquestionably have been anxious to give a donation that was so small a drain on his treasury, especially since he could or would not at that time comply with the more serious requests of the allies of allowing the recruiting of troops in his kingdom and the supplying of money for these enlistments, as well as subsidies for the expense of the war.^° Usselinx was just now organizing the New South Company, one of whose objects was to found colonies.^* He knew that England pretended to the coast of North America, and she had protested against the settlement of New Netherland."^ The territorial restrictions of the old charter were removed and hence the Delaware was included in the field of operation of the Neiv South Company. Now it is conceivable that Oxenstierna, who took great inter- est in these maritime plans, at the suggestion of Usselinx in- structed his son, Johan Oxenstierna, as he sent him to London " Cf. Chap. XVI. °* Foothold was to be secured by the Duke on the Island of Jamaica and on the American continent under Swedish protection. Rydfors, De dipt. for. mellan Sverige och Eng., p. iii B.; Cronholra, Sv. hist, IV. 373-4, VII. 85; Lingard, Hist, of Eng., IX. 392-3, note 68, quoting Clarendon Papers, I. 18. "Cf. Heimer, De dipt, for., etc., 13 flf.; Chemnitz, IL 2, §19; Gardiner, The Pers. Gov. of Charles I., I. 207 ff. "Cf. above. Chap. X. "Doc, III. 6 ff. Usselinx must have known of these protests. 13 178 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. in the beginning of 1634, to request permission for Swedish ships to visit English territory in America or even to plant colonies unobstructed on some of the large unoccupied areas claimed by England on this continent. The Delaware region might especially have been designated as unoccupied, for no English settlement had as yet been made there and the various grants that included this territory were vague and not well defined.^ ^ A written promise from King Charles granting the above request might easily have given rise to the statement that the English king made a formal grant to the Swedish govern- ment.'* The writer is strongly inclined to believe that some document from King Charles existed (dating from this time or earlier), either granting Swedish vessels the right to visit Eng- lish colonies in America, or giving privileges to Sweden to erect trading posts on unoccupied territory, or both, for it is extremely improbable that Rising invented the statement. He used it in his report of 1656, only twenty- four years after the transaction was said to have taken place, and he sent the report to the gov- ernment at Stockholm, where it could be scrutinized and where the exact facts could be obtained from the documents in the chancery. Is it conceivable then that he would dare invent the statement? Whether Sweden was granted the right to plant colonies on territory claimed by England or not, can not now be actually determined, but one thing is certain, if such per- mission was given it was not made use of. Sweden was yet to wait for some years before she planted a colony in America. But to return to the Dutch on the Delaware. Fort Nassau, which had been deserted for some time, was reoccupied by the Dutch in the summer of 1633 and a house was built and other improvements were made. Several traders probably went there and Arent Corsen, the new commissioner, purchased a tract of ™Cf. above. " Johan Oxenstierna " was outwardly treated by the King with respect, but an excuse was found in his want of a formal commission from his fattier for sending him back without the promise which he desired," says Gardiner. The Pers. Gov. of Charles I., \l. 64. This refers to aids of money, etc. Axel Oxenstierna treated Charles's message and offers with scorn. Gardiner, The Pers. Gov., H. 87. Early History of the Delaware. 179 land*" on the Schuylkill from several Indian chiefs and a small blockhouse seems to have been erected on a convenient place for trade with the savages.'* The fort was again deserted in the autumn or winter of 1 633-1 634. The English likewise visited the river from time to time and in 1632 seven or eight men from Virginia went to explore the Delaware, but they were killed by the Indians. In 1634 another English vessel arrived there. The idea of finding a passage through the continent to a great lake or even to the Pacific Ocean was common in this period, as we shall see. In 1633 Thomas Young, the son of a rich(?) London merchant, ap- plied for permission to sail to America and take possession of lands not yet occupied by Christian people, his object being to discover "the Great Lake or Ocean." In accordance with this request a commission for Young was issued on September 23, the same year, granting him the power to establish trading posts and vesting him with great authority over the territory he might settle. Young arrived in the Delaware (which he called " Charles River," in honor of his King) about the end of July. He twice ascended the river up to the falls*'' in hope of finding its source, Evelin, one of his companions having made a draft or sketch of Delaware Bay, and he erected the coat of arms of England on a tree, taking the country into possession with usual ceremonies. It has been said that he built a fort and remained here for some time,*^ but this is very Improbable.*^ The Dutch * Doc, I. 588 ; Hazard, Annals. Cf. below, Chap. XXXVH. From a statement by Rising to the effect that Blommaert owned " the upper part of the said River," it might be argued that Blommaert furnished the means for this purchase and that it was made in his name, but since there is no other evidence on this point it cannot be decided. Rising's Journal {Up. B.). "The location of the blockhouse is uncertain, but from a statement in a Dutch document it appears that it was located on the spot where Ft. Korsholm was later erected. See map; Doc, XH. 37. " Fort Nassau was deserted by the Dutch, but it is curious that Young does not mention Fort Nassau in his report. "Rymer's Faedera, September 23, 1633; Col. of Mass. Hist. So., 4th S., IX. 81 ff.; Penn. Mag., V. 208 ff.; Vi^insor, III. p. 457; New Albion (Force, Repr.), p. 22. A correct text of Young's report, from the original manuscript, appears in Albert Cook Myers's Original Narratives of Early Pennsylvania. "In a protest handed to the Swedes in March, 1642, we read: " Queene Elizabeth of happy memory under the name of Virginea granted under her greate i8o The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. at Manhattan, being informed by Indians of the English expe- dition, sent a vessel to the river twice during Young's sojourn there to inquire about his purpose. Some time after Young's return to Virginia, probably as a result of his reports, preparations were made for sending a new expedition to the Delaware, and in 1635 some fifteen or sixteen Englishmen™ from Point Comfort under the command of George Holmes sailed up to Fort Nassau. The fortress was deserted and they took it into possession. But a Dutch bark soon recaptured the fort and brought the English prisoners to New Amsterdam, whence they were sent with Capt. De Vries to Virginia in September. Another English bark with twenty men was about to join their comrades in the South River at this time, but finding that these returned as prisoners with De Vries, they gave up their design.''^ This experience seems to have made it clear to the Dutch that they must either occupy the fort themselves or lose it to others, and it is probable that a small garrison and a commiss, perhaps Jan Jansen, were sent there in the spring of 1636. The English continued to visit the river, however, and it seems that two prizes were taken from them there in the sum- mer of 1636. In May De Vries was again within sight of the bay, but he did not enter the river.''^ The fur trade continued to be considerable; but the "Swan- endael Company " was not a success, because it was composed Seale unto Sir Walter Raleigh Knt. her Subiect all [t]his parte now called Vir- ginea and these Land[s] called Maryland, new Albion, and New England and begann and planted Colonies, and one with 30 men and some greate peaces of ordinances in that river and Bay called by us Delaware Bay and by you called South river, which said plantaeon then and there begunn was againe continued by Sir Samuell Argoll and Sir Thomas Deale of Virginea Knights and by the direction of the Baron of Delaware the then Governor of Virginea and by his name called Delaware Bay about thirty-seven years since in y* time and reigne of the most renowned King James, King of England and the same river and Bay possessed, planted and traded nyne years since by Captain Young, Lieft Euelin, Mr. Holmes and others. ..." Copy of protest sent by Governor Berkeley to Commandant P. H. Ridder, dated March 18, 1642. N.S., L (K.A.). '° De Vries says " veerthien a vyfthien," but one deserted. " De Vries, Korte Historiael, 14.3 ; Col. of N. Y. Hist., 2d S., IH. 76 fif. " De Vries, Korte Historiael, 145 ; Col. of N. Y. Hist., 2d S., III. 78 fit. Early History of the Delaware. i8i of too many members. Differences arose between the Dutch West India Company and the patrons of the Swanendael con- cerning the beaver trade in the South River. It was brought into the Amsterdam courts and finally the company purchased the title and rights from the patrons (in February, 1635), for 15,600 gulden to be paid in three equal instalments (on May 2?) 1635, August 27, 1637, November 27, 1637), the last pay- ment being made as the Swedish expedition was on its way to Holland.''^ The garrison at Fort Nassau was maintained, with a commiss (Jan Jansen) and an assistant commiss (Peter Mey) for the supervision of the trade. "Van Rensselaer B. Mss., ed. by Van Laer, p. 316. Contract signed by Blom- maert, etc., February 17, 1635 (tranl. by O'Callaghan, Hist, of N. Neth., I. 479- 81; of. also I. 365). Doc, I. CHAPTER XXL The Coming of the Swedes and their Occupation of THE Country, 163 8-1640. Such was the history of the Delaware before the Kalmar Nyckel and the Fogel Grip arrived in the spring of 1638. About the fifteenth of March the two little ships were in Delaware Bay. A sweet-smelling odor met the pioneers as they turned ashore, the beauty of the region impressed them as it has impressed every traveller who has passed up the fair river ever since the early days, aad, if the legend be true, they gave the name of Paradisudden (Paradise Point) to a particularly charming spot and landed there. ^ Minuit undoubtedly proceeded with the first favorable wind, carrying out his instructions minutely.^ When he arrived at Minquas Kill,* he sailed up this river some distance and cast anchor, perhaps in front of the rock, where Fort Christina was later built. Indians had pitched their wigwams there and it was particularly suitable for a landing place.* The Swedish salute* was given and Minuit went ashore with some of his men. The sloop was then made ready for a journey up the river and the commander, in company with Jacob Evertssen Sandelin, Andres Lucassen® and probably Mans Kling and other soldiers, sailed up Minquas Kill for several miles,''' to reconnoitre ' Perhaps Minuit wished to consult the Indians about the Dutch settlement on the river before he proceeded. = See above, Chap. XIV. ' Called so from the fact that the Kill " led into the Minquas country." ''Doc, I. 598. Cf. Ferris, p. 42 ff. Smith, Hist, of Del. Co., p. 21. "A salute of two guns. Cf. Zettersten, Hist. Tid., XX. loi, and below, Chap. — . ° He was probably in the company, since he knew the Indian language and acted as interpreter. ' From a statement in the document it would seem that Minuit sailed up the river with the Kalmar Nyckel ("and they also sailed up the same river {the Minquas Kill] a few miles ") ; but this is improbable for Jacob Evertssen Sandelin said " that he in company with the often mentioned Director went 182 The landing-place of the Sweden, showing' the " wharf of stones.' Landing-place of the Swedes, showing the stone in the back-ground erected by the Delaware Society of Colonial Dames of America to mark the location of Fort Christina. The above pictures were taken in February, 1910. The Coming of the Swedes. 183 and establish connection with the Indians. They also went some distance into the country but "saw no sign of Christian people." Soon Minuit returned to his ship with the sloop. His efforts and the roar of his cannon® had the desired effect. Several Indian chiefs made their appearance, probably with a large following, and Minuit at once arranged a conference with them about the sale of land. Gifts were given and the Indians "were asked if they would sell the [Minquas] River and as many day's journey* of the land lying about it as would be requested. This they [the chiefs] agreed to with common con- sent of the different [Indian] nations." The same or the fol- lowing day,^" which was the twenty-ninth^^ of March, 1638, five sachems,*^ Mattahorn, MitotSchemingh,'* EruPacicen," Mahomen and Chiton " appointed by the whole assembly " went on board the Kalmar Nyckel,^^ and sold as much " of the up the Minquas Kill for several miles." This last would indicate that the other witnesses who appeared before Ruttens were not along on the journey " some miles up the Minquas Kill " which of course they would have been, had the Kalmar Nyckel sailed up the river " several Dutch miles." ' It was a common custom to call together the Indians by the report of cannon. So Petersen De Vries on his first journey up the Delaware. ' The meaning is " and as much of the land in each direction as it would require a certain number of days to pass over." "From the document it is not possible to say just when the conference took place. " Daruff [after the conference] wahren am neinundzwantzigsten Marty dieses obbeschriebenen Jahrs. ..." This might mean that the conference took place the same day (March 29), the previous day (March 28) or some days before the sale. " It is not possible to know whether new or old style is meant, but old style is probably used in the document. "^Each totem of the Lenape recognized a chieftain called sakima (found in most Algonkin dialects). It is derived from the root oki, signifying above in space or power (Brinton). The Indian chiefs or sachems were of two kinds, the peace chiefs and the war chiefs. The oflice of the peace sachem was heredi- tary on the mother's side in the gens but elective among its members. The special duty of the peace chief was to preserve peace as long as possible and he could not on his own authority begin or declare war, but when the captains or war chiefs and the people decided for war he must yield to their wishes and his rule ended until peace was again made. The war chiefs or captains were not chosen nor did they come from a particular gens. Any brave young Indian of more than usual powers, who had been successful in war a number of times, was declared a captain or war chief. Peace was always made by the elected peace sachems and they conducted the sale of land. " Mitatsimint. "Probably Elupacken. "The transaction was made in the cabin of Minuit. 1 84 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. land on all parts and places of the river, up the river and on both sides, as Minuit requested." Andres Lucassen was the interpreter and he translated the land deeds, which were writ- ten in Dutch, and explained their contents to the Indians. " For value received in merchandise the Indians ceded and transferred the title of the land with all its jurisdiction and rights to the Swedish Florida [New Sweden] Company under the protec- tion of the great princess, virgin, and elected Queen of the Swedes, Goths and Wends." The merchandise specified in the deeds were then given to them, the chiefs tracing their totem marks on the documents, and Peter Minuit and perhaps Mans Kling, Hendrick Huygen, Jacob Evertssen Sandelin and Andres Lucassen signed their names below. Two contracts seem to have been prepared. These are now lost, but from other docu- ments it is possible to determine the limits of the purchase. Mitatsimint sold his land lying below the Minquas Kill to Bomtien's Point or Duck Creek, a distance of about forty miles^® and the other chiefs sold the districts above the river up to the Schuylkill, a distance of twenty-seven miles along the bank of the Delaware, in both cases stretching westward indefi- nitely. (For some reason Minuit neglected to buy the land up to Trenton Falls as his instructions commanded him to do.) When the purchase was concluded the sachems and Minuit with his officers and soldiers went ashore. A pole was erected with the coat of arms of Sweden upon it, " and with the report of cannon followed by other solemn ceremonies the land was called New Sweden," and Minquas Kill was given the name of Elbe.^'^ Minuit undoubtedly had another conference with the Indians, distributed additional gifts and gained their good will and promise of a large beaver trade. The location for a fort was then selected and the men were set to work to prepare tim- ber and other materials. As soon as circumstances allowed Minuit made arrangement "See report of court, 1643. "Affidavit, etc., December 29, 1638, N.S., I. (K.A.). Cf. facsimile; Blom- maert to Oxenstierna, November 13, 1638; January 28, 1640. Ox. Saml., Kern- kamp, p. 162 ff. The river probably called Elbe in honor of Minuit's home river. yliJUe^-A/iS^i }\rti \P'f-(V^'>'^' ;*.M^»'T»>'v'' Ji»;2itV,rfTi»M J,VT^»^lf>i**w — ^; AAck^ 1 K^,f4i/'„i•\4.■^■<^■/^^^'^'-A,(}Vlu• , t J«.*i'<>f+ -^M Q*,.,..''vy'f.'.f . First page of the deposition before Ruttens concerning the first coming of the Swedes. Original preserved in N. S. I. (K. A,), Stockholm. Ix' f^i'^ir^ "^^ 'i .^ '^iv^ B ^- i >^ < I ^^§ m '^^'-^ s^ ^ ^ \ -^(•jf~ The Coming of the Swedes. 185 for the sale of his goods. Shortly after his arrival he sent the ship Griperi^^ to Jamestown in Virginia with instructions to exchange its cargo for tobacco. The vessel arrived there about the middle of ApriI/» but the captain was denied the freedom of trade, since the English governor was not allowed to grant such liberty.^" Governor Berkeley proposed, however, that the Swedish government should notify the King of England that a district had been occupied on the Delaware by the Swedes and apply for permission to trade with the Virginia colony, " for he thought that such [a request] from Her Majesty of Sweden would not be denied by" the English King.^' The ship re- mained at Jamestown " about ten days to refresh with wood and water," after which time she returned to the Christina River,^^ unloaded her cargo, and set sail again on the twentieth of May to prey on Spanish vessels, for the purpose of increasing the profits of the stockholders of the New Sweden Company.^' Minuit also endeavored to begin trade with the Indians and sent his sloop up the river for this purpose, probably also to examine the position and strength of the Dutch. It appears that the commander at Fort Nassau did not observe the sloop before it returned on its way down the Delaware. We may assume that the Dutch were somewhat surprised and at once set about to see what the newcomers were doing in the river. Shortly afterwards Minuit again prepared the sloop, went on board of it himself and tried to pass the Dutch stronghold. The garri- son was now on the alert and when the Swedish vessel appeared " Peter Mey sailed down " to meet it. He demanded to know the reasons of its presence in the river, wished to see Minuit's commission, and warned him not to pass the fort. Minuit, refusing to exhibit his papers, requested permission to proceed " en is the definite article in Swedish, hence Gripen means the Grip. "The ship must have been at Jamestown not later than the middle of April, for it remained there ten days, returned to New Sweden and left there again on May 20. See above, Chap. XIV. " Cal. of State Papers, Col. S. (1574-1660), pp. 273-274. Hazard, p. 42 ff. ""Blommaert to Oxenstierna, November 13, 1638. Ox. Saml., Kernkamp, Zweed. Arch., p. 166. ""The ship probably returned in the beginning of May. "Blommaert to A. Oxenstierna, September 4, 1638. Ox. Saml. 1 86 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. on his journey, "saying . . . [that] his Queen had as much right there as the company." He was compelled to return to his camp, however, and he probably made no further attempts to sail above Fort Nassau. The assistant commissary at the Dutch settlement (Jan Jan- sen was now at New Amsterdam) reported the occurrences to Governor Kieft, who ordered the commissary to return to his post and instructed him " to protest against Minuit in due form." It is probable that Jan Jansen arrived on the South River about the middle of April, ^* and immediately protested in writing against the Swedish occupation of the river. Minuit replied to the protest, styling himself " commander in the service of H. R. Majesty of Sweden," and the Indian trade and the work on the fort went on as before. When Kieft was in- formed of the situation and when he found that the protest of the commissary had no effect, he himself drew up a protest " against the landing and settling of the Swedes on the Dela- ware," " reminding Peter Minuit that the whole South River of New Netherland had been many years in their possession and secured by them above and below by forts and sealed with their blood," and informing him that the Dutch would not suffer him to intrude between their forts and that the blame for all future mishaps, damages, losses, disturbances and bloodshed," which might arise as a consequence of his actions, would fall upon him.^^ The protest was read to him, but he made no reply to it and continued the erection of the fort as well as necessary buildings. The Dutch were not strong enough to use more effective means than words and Minuit was allowed to go on with his work unmolested. '^ On April 38, Kieft was expecting " news from there " {Doc, I. 592) and allowing about ten or fifteen days for Jansen to acquaint himself with the situa- tion, to protest against Minuit and send a report to Manhattan would bring us to April 15 or thereabout as the probable time of his arrival at Fort Nassau. ""The protest is found in the "Albany Documents," between May 6 (immedi- ately preceding it) and May 17 (directly following it) according to Hazard (p. 44). O'Callaghan dates the document, "Thursday being the 6th. May, anno 1638" {Doc, XII. p. 19), and this is undoubtedly the correct date. Jansen's report probably reached Governor Kieft the first days in May and it is not likely that he would defer the protest for about two weeks or until May 17. (Cf. Doc, I. 592, Hazard, 44 ff.) The above dates are all new style. The Coming of the Swedes. 187 Although he was prevented from passing up the river above Fort Nassau, he was successful in his endeavor to draw the native traders to his camp, and it is probable that the river Indians as well as those living at some distance brought their peltries to Christina in April and May. The Indians with whom the Dutch and Swedes came in con- tact upon their arrival here belonged to two large families, the Algonquian^® and the Iroquoian.^'^ The Algonquian tribes were spread over a much larger area than any other family of North America, except the Athapascans in Alaska and western Canada. They occupied the eastern coast from Newfound- land and Nova Scotia down to the thirty-fifth degree in Caro- lina, and westward and northward to Hudson Bay, except a territory along the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and parts of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Mary- land, which was inhabited by tribes of the Iroquoian family. The Indians of the Delaware basin, New Jersey, Delaware and part of New York and Pennsylvania formed the most im- portant confederacy of the Algonquian stock. They called themselves Lenape or Leni-lenape, which means "real men." " The Lenape or Delawares proper " who inhabited New Swe- den were divided into three tribes — the Minsi,^* or Munsee,^* the Unami*" and the Unalachtigo.^^ The Swedes called them Renappi^^ (Lenape), the River Indians and Our Indians.^^ They had their villages on both banks of the South River, the Munsee occupying the northern limits of New Sweden, " the headwaters of Delaware River in New York, New Jersey and "Algonkin, meaning " at the place of spearing fish and eels.'' " Iroquois, meaning " Real adders." ^ Brinton's form, " be scattered -}- stone." ^Form used by Morgan, meaning "at the place where stones are gathered together" (according to Hewitt). '° Unami, according to Brinton, means " people down the river." "' Unalachtigs means, according to Brinton, " people who live near the ocean." "The R is now extinct, says Brinton {Lenape and their Leg., p. 96), but I have been told that the r-sound or something resembling it is to be met with in the Lenape dialects. ''Lindestrom says that the Indians at the Hornkill and South to the Cape were called Sironesack, a powerful nation, rich in maize or corn and plantations. Geogr. 1 88 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Pennsylvania south to Lehigh River." The Swedes bought most of their lands from the Lenape, and they supplied the settlers with large quantities of maize, fish** and venison, but their beaver and sewant trade was small " since they were poor and had nothing but com to sell." West and north about seventy-five miles from the Swedish settlements, tribes of the Iroquoian stock had their villages and forts. The Delawares applied the name Mingwe*^ (in various forms) to the Iroquois and cognate tribes as we use Germanic to designate the Scan- dinavians, the Dutch, etc., and the Germans. This name in a modified form (Minquas) was adopted by the Dutch and applied by them for the first time, it seems, distinctively to the southeastern Iroquoian tribes with whom they came in con- tact on their trading expeditions to the South River. The Swedes recognized two distinct divisions, the Black and the White Minquas, ^^ and Van der Donck, writing about 1 653-1 654, also mentions the Black Minquas. He says they were called the Black Minquas not because of their color but "because they carried a black badge on their breast."*'^ It is not known why the White Minquas were so called, probably simply to distin- guish them from the black or it may be that they wore a badge of a light color. It is difficult to identify these two tribes. It seems probable that the White Minquas were the Susquehannas,'* who came down to the Delaware along the Minquas (Christina) Kill (hence the name) to trade with the Dutch, Swedes and Eng- lish. Having been at war with the Five Nations they were "Lindestrom says that they caught fish at the Falls of the Delaware which they sold to the Swedes. Geogr. "Mingwe means "treacherous, stealthy," various forms being used by the settlers, as Mingo, Minquaas, Minqwe, Minquas, Minquesser, Mynkussar, etc. Southern Minquas are also found. Doc, XHL 25. °°A branch of the Creeks in Mexico was called Black Muscogees, and there was also a band of Indians called White Indians ("with beards"). Du Simitiere Mss. (965 Fyi., Phil. Lib. Co.) ; Hodge, Handb., I. 153. ^ " De swarte Minquaes, alsoo genaemt (niet om dat se in der daet swart zijn) maer een swarte Kuyte op de Bosst voeren." Van der Donck (Beschry., p. 71). " These Indians were called Minquas by the Dutch and Swedes. They were also called Susquehannah Minquas. Day, Penn., 390 (cf. also Hist. Mag., II. An Indian Family according to I^indestroni. From Lindestrom's itfograpiua Auuricac. (Preserved in the Riksarkiv, Stockholm.) The Coming of the Swedes. 189 greatly reduced in strength during the existence of New Sweden, but they seem to have been in alliance or at least on friendly terms with the Delawares at this time (1638-1655). At a treaty with the Swedes in 1655 ^our tribes of these Minquas are mentioned by Rising, the Skonedidehoga, the Serasquacke, the Lower Quarter of the Minquas and the True Minquas. The Serasquacke belonged to the Delawares, but whether the Sko- nedidehogas were Minquas or a Lenape tribe in league with them is not clear. The Black Minquas are even as difficult to identify or more so. By Herrman's map (1670) we are informed that a tribe called the Black Minquas lived beyond the mountains " on the large Black Minquas Road," probably the Ohio River. Her- man says that these Minquas came over as far as the Delaware to trade, and since he also says that "the Sassquahana and Sinnicus Indians went over and destroyed that very great nation," it has been suggested that these Black Minquas were the ancient Eries, who occupied a territory " at the end of Lake Erie west and to the west watershed of Lake Erie and Miami River to the Ohio River." The Jesuit Relation of 1653 says that at one time " Lake Erie was inhabited toward the south by certain people whom we call the Cat Nation [Eries J, but they were forced to proceed farther inland in order to escape their enemies whom they have toward the west." This of course means that they went " inland " away from the shores of Lake Erie towards the southeast, hence in reality not inland but towards the ocean. This brought them closer to the Dela- ware region, and seems to corroborate the view that they were the Black Minquas mentioned by Herrman, but it does not go to prove that they were the Black Minquas generally referred to by the Swedes and Dutch. In 1662, when the Susquehannas were again preparing to make war upon the Senecas, five Minquas Chiefs (Susquehannas or White Minquas?) with their suites arrived at Altena (Fort Christina) and while there in- formed Beeckman "that they were expecting shortly for their assistance 800 Black Minquas and that 200 of this nation had ipo The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. already come in, so that they were fully resolved to go to war with the Sinnecus."^® These Black Minquas could not be the Eries, for the power of the Eries was broken about the close of 1656, "and the people were destroyed or dispersed or led into captivity." The only way out of the difficulty seems to be to suppose that there was an Indian tribe of Iroquoian stock in western Pennsylvania also called the Black Minquas, west of the Munsees and north and west of the Susquehannas, probably extending to the Ohio and Allegheny Rivers or beyond, adjoin- ing the Eries.*" This also agrees with Lindestrom's statement that the Minquas lived at the Asinpinck (Trenton) Falls and above, that is westward. This is further corroborated by the fact that Indians still called Mingos, originally from western Pennsylvania, are found in Oklahoma, who are probably the descendants of these Black Minquas), while the Susquehannas and Eries are extinct or incorporated into other tribes, having lost their identity. These Indians of western Pennsylvania were probably called Black Minquas for the same reason as those mentioned by Herrman. The path of these Minquas (and that of the Eries?) was on the south bank of the Schuylkill into the country, and it is likely that the Minquas came down that river from the interior to barter, as a trading post was erected by the Dutch on the banks of the Schuylkill as early as 1633, a place " where the ships usually trade " being mentioned there in 1646.*^ It seems likely that these Indians were the same as "Doc, XU. 419. "It might also be suggested that the Black Minquas spoken of in 1662 were the Minse (or Munsee), whose "dialect differed so much" from the other Dela- ware tribes " that they have frequently been regarded as a distinct tribe." But this is very improbable, for they seem to have been clearly distinguished from the Minquas by the early settlers. "For the above see Lindestrom, Geogr.; Campanius Holm., Beskrifning; Acrelius, Beskrifn., Doc, I.-II., Xn.-XIII. ; The Jesuit Relations, ed. by Thwaites (see index for the Eries, etc.) ; Minutes of the Provincial Council of Penn., HL; Pennsylvania Archives, XII.; The Records of New Amsterdam, I.-II.; Guss, Early Hist, of the Susquehanna, in Hist. Reg., I. 38 ff., 114 ff., i6i ff., 251 ff. ; Hodge, Handbook of American Indians, I.; Brinton, The Lendpe and Their Legends; Shea, The Identity of the Andastes, etc., in Hist. Mag., II. 294 ff. ; Prince, Notes on Mod. Minsi-Delaiuare Dialect; Harrington, Vest, of Material Culture among the Canadian Dela^[ (fife- Z 9- Kio.lb. U*.jCi^ Et'^ 0&-^'^^ "Sag >Ssi g lOO'i-), —I ^. ^f zn ;W-i —1- rs^ti -f rrj»f?^ Bill of goods bought by Minuit from Hans Hacklier, showing that at least 450 bricks were brought to the South River on the first expedition. Original preserved in N. S. I. (K. A.), Stockholm. See pp. Ill, 193. The Coming of the Swedes. 19s Admiral JoP" about it (while Verbruggen followed the fleet to observe its course) . After some sailing it went to Havana and from there to the South River." ^ We know little about this ex- pedition of the Grip. Years afterwards the skipper was accused of doing it all for his own benefit,^^ ^^^ (-hg only addition it brought to the colony's wealth, that we have discovered, was a negro slave."^ In April the ship took on board the skins pur- chased at Christina and preparations were made for its return to Sweden. The vessel seems to have been ready to sail on April ID, but contrary winds delayed the departure until the end of the month.** The colony was now left to itself, awaiting supplies and re- inforcements. Trade with the Indians continued and Kieft re- ported to his superiors that the trade of the Dutch had " fallen short full 30,000 [florins] because the Swedes, by underselling [the Dutch] depressed the market."*"* A new ship was expected towards the end of 1639, but the little garrison waited in vain. The autumn and winter of 1640 seem to have passed without disturbance and the good relations with the Indians were maintained. The Dutch were too weak and Governor Kieft had no orders to oppose the Swedes by force, but it appears that he tried to persuade them to abandon their fortress and leave the country. According to his own statements he was successful in his endeavor and " the Swedes . . . were resolved to move off" and go to Manhattan, but "on the day before their departure a ship arrived with rein- forcements."®** About one year elapsed after the sailing of "Admiral Jol -was watching the Spanish Silver Fleet at this time. Cf. Kern- kamp, Zvieed. Arch., p. i8i. "^Blommaert to A. Oxenstierna, September 4, 1638, January 28, 1640. Ox Saml. (R.A.). "Report, 1644 P. S.; Odhner, N.S., p. 36. ""Rulla der Volcker . . . 1648," N.S., II. (R.A.). See below, Chap. XLIII. " Schuldt Boeck, 1638-48, N.S., II. (R.A.). Cf. above. Chap. XIV. " Doc, I. 592. Hazard states that " the Swedes appear ... to have been very successful in their beaver trade, as it is said they exported 30,000 skins in the first year after their arrival" (page 50). He probably based the statement on Kieft's report that the trade had " fallen short full 30,000." Hazard's state- ment is entirely incorrect and Kieft's figures are much overestimated. "Doc, I. 593. Cf. above. Chap. XVII. 196 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the Grip and nearly two after Minuit's departure before the next ship again arrived from Sweden, and the colonists had some cause for alarm; but it Is hardly probable that they decided to leave the settlement and repair to New Amsterdam.®^ So im- portant a fact would have been mentioned by Ridder or Van Dyck in their letters to the chancellor and the vice admiral.^* At any rate, a new expedition arrived at Christina on April 17, 1640, with settlers, a few domestic animals, large supplies for the Indian trade and for the continuation of the colony, addi- tional soldiers, a new commander and a minister of the Gospel. " Odhner rightly points out that the several statements of Gov. Kieft hardly coincide. If the Swedes had drawn " 30,000 [flor.] in trade " from the Dutch until October 2, 1639, and had "caused the company great injury" to the extent that "the [Dutch] trade was entirely ruined" on the last of May, 1640, it shows that the little settlement was in a thriving condition. We may remark, however, that the first statement refers to a period before and shortly after the departure of the ship, the Grip, and the second refers to the time after the arrival of Ridder. Doc, I. 592-3 ; Hazard, pp. 50, 56-7 ; Odhner, N.S., p. 22. " Cf. letters from Ridder to Oxenstierna. Ox. Saml. (R.A.) and from Ridder and Van Dyck to Fleming, N.S., I (K.A.). CHAPTER XXII. The Colony Under Ridder, 1640- 1643. When Ridder arrived In New Sweden in the spring of 1640, he found the settlement well preserved. Mans Kling surren- dered his command of the fort to Its new master and Huygen prepared an Inventory of the goods on hand, delivering the keys of the store-house and the books Into the keeping of Joost van Langdonk. As soon as the horses, goods and people were brought ashore and the most urgent duties attended to, Ridder inspected the country for a few miles around the fort. He found that It was well suited for agriculture and cattle raising, but the seed had been spoilt on the journey and little new ground could be planted or sown before other supplies were received. The fort was in poor condition, the walls being ready "to fall down in three places," but the skipper forbade him to do any extensive repairs, and he had no orders from Sweden. He mended the breaks and improved the ramparts, however, where necessary, reporting that the wall " on the land side ought to be lengthened and the wall on the water-edge should be raised."^ He found that the fort was not in a loca- tion where it could command the river and he proposed that a new stronghold be built near the Delaware, " so that the Crown's fort would be the key to New Sweden."^ More can- non, powder and bullets were needed for the defense of the fort in case of an attack. Ridder further asked that the coat of arms of Sweden be sent over, which should be placed above the gates of the fort.* Inside the fort three new houses were built to ^ This could not be done before he received orders from Sweden. Ridder to A. Oxenstierna, May 13, June 8, 1640, Ox. Saml. (R.A.), to Fleming, May 13, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). ^ " So die Herren beliefen ein neues Fort zu machen lassen, beneden in nauste van die Revier op das die Kronens Fordt die Schliissel von Neu Schweden ist, so als weir nun ligen konnen [wir] nimant bezwingen. ..." Ridder to A. Oxen- stierna, Dec. 3, 1640. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). 'They could be made of either wood or stone. 197 198 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. make room for the people and the two old ones were moved to the east side. A new storehouse was also erected and a barn was built for the horses. "^Two horses and a colt, which were now in the colony, fared well," but there was need of three more mares for work and breeding. Since there were enough meadows and pasture for at least 200 cows, Ridder requested the company to ship over several of these animals, and as oxen were the best for work on the plantations, he informs the chancellor that "two pair of strong oxen ought to be sent " here on the next expedition. The colony lacked skilled workmen. Ridder complained that he did not have a man who could build a common peasant's house, or saw a board of lumber,* and it was highly necessary that some "carpenters and other workmen be sent over," for the general condition of the colonists was such that " it would be impossible to find more stupid people in all Sweden." Rid- der's complaints are overestimated, for we know that he did build some houses; but they give a fair idea of the class of settlers that came here before 1641. Besides the sawing of lumber Ridder also proposed to make bricks " for there was good clay to be had." Various articles were needed for the use of the colony which were enumerated in Ridder's letters, including some barrels of tar, "glass windows," a quantity of steel, hemp, salt, brandy, provisions for a year, grain for seed, such as rye, barley, beans, peas, cabbage, turnips and parsnip seed.' English and Dutch merchants began to trade with the Swedes at an early date, probably already in 1638. They brought all kinds of supplies to the settlers, but the price asked for them was always very high. The English in Virginia and Mary- land (?) offered to sell cattle and commercial relations were established with them. ' " Wier haben niet ennen man so en hauten baur Haus weiss auf zu setzen od ein Bret zu sagen ... in alles ist as schlecht bestelt mit diss Folck, man sol kein dumber gemenner Folk in gantz Schweden finden alss die, so nur hier sein." Ridder to A. Oxenstierna, December 3, 1640, Ox. Saml. " See letters from Ridder to A. Oxenstierna, May 13, June 8, December 3, 1640 (Oa;. Saml), and to Fleming, May 14 ("memorial"), N.S. I. (K.A.). Cf. above, Chap. XV., XVIIL SwtU'oi^ 'OU*iJ+ vifl\t^Cifl ^i^^-vft/i^ LqJ;S* ^J. ^^4; ■fr'*.-A /--^t -V /ii.4, /T^ A, w^ „^^;^^ ^^♦^.ft .^.^ J^-t-J^ a^*^f~ ^^^^^ ^ — yi Ua j» ^^S-i-*^-*. ^Syi+wi.^ vs+x-. ^^*"*' .C? "IT^*^ ^^°^* -04-"^— -s* £LlU-,^^t-&^Jl- i^~^fi~^ ^y^ Kirst page of Kidder's letter (June S, 1640) to Axel Oxenstierna. Original in O.t ■V;w/. (R. A.), Stockholm. v?„-{/ 'yjl (Ti^ ^L^^u IfL ^4-xSx^^ tT-P^^-J^-^ *r"*^ tf"'—^'-^ I '"" ''-* *™ /I— S*, »-i-- ^j— T— J^ark^-X ff.-.—i'-—^ I U^ £.,-«U Saf^ i.~H Avi^ "^^T^ Y/ c7' V,..U ^ '^11 Jqfjc ^J-^ ^ p..X\^^m y^ .1. ^^ v^ .^ ^^ .^^ eu^^l -=fc^ -r /f -ii c?/^- ^ 'rt Last page of Ridder's letter with Peter H. Ridde: rs signature. The Colony Under Ripper. i99 The friendly relations with the Indians begun by Minuit were continued by Ridder. When the latter arrived he dis- tributed gifts among the chiefs and assured them of his good will and kindly intentions, which was reciprocated by the sav- ages in their usual way. Shortly after the arrival of the Kalmar Nyckel the trade was renewed (in May), causing great injury to the Dutch, and a big cargo of £urs for the return voyage of the ship was bought from the savages, largely through the efforts of Huygen.'' The ship was quickly despatched on its homeward journey with reports, journals, memorials and lists by Van Dyck, the commander and others. Huygen, who had been very successful in his dealings with the Indians and who had shown himself to be an honest and faithful servant of the Swedish Crown and Company, returned to Sweden, to make an oral report. Mans Kling also left the settlement as well as a number of the soldiers, but the colony was somewhat aug- mented by the late arrivals, to what extent is unknown. On May 14, 1640, the little colony was again left to itself. The Kalmar Nyckel spread its sails and pointed its prow towards Europe, bearing the blessings and hopes of the lonely pioneers for a safe voyage and speedy return with new supplies and new settlers.^ The harmony between the Dutch and the Swedish soldiers and officers was not the best before 1640, and it did not improve after Ridder's arrival. Van Langdonk lacked the qualities necessary for a commissary in New Sweden. He was not in sympathy with the Swedes nor was he on friendly terms with the commander. Quarrels and strifes were common and the general discipline was bad. Under such conditions little could be done. Provisions were low in the summer and autumn of 1640 and the Indian trade was poor.* 'A quantity of skins was undoubtedly bought before the Kalmar Nyckel ar- rived the second time. 'Instruction for Prinz, August 15, 1642; Ridder to Oxenstierna, May 13, 1640 (Ox. Saml.) to Fleming, May 13, 14, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.) ; Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). Above, Chap. XIV.-XVIII. ' Over four German miles above the fort. A German mile equals 25,000 ft. " Das Landt angelangende ist schon Grundt umb Colonien zu stellen, es ligt von uns 4 gute Meihl." Ridder to Oxenstierna, December 3, 1640. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). 200 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. On November 2 the Dutch settlers from Utrecht arrived at Fort Christina and this probably improved the condition some- what. Van Bogaert delivered his commissions and papers to Ridder and the Dutch were settled " on beautiful land " about eighteen or twenty miles above Christina.^ They undoubtedly brought with them some cattle and various supplies and, as soon as land was allotted to the individual colonists, they erected houses and other necessary farm buildings, being lodged in the meantime in the fort and in the dwellings of the Swedes. The ship which carried these settlers to New Sweden was prepared for its return voyage about the beginning of December. Some of the skins bought by the Swedish commissioner during the summer were loaded into the vessel and on December 2 or 3 she set sail for Europe.^" The limits of New Sweden were greatly extended in the spring and summer of 1640. It seems that Van Langdonk had instructions to buy the land above the Schuylkill from the Indians as soon as possible, and on April 18, the day after his arrival, he prepared the sloop and sailed up the river in com- pany with the skipper Roelof Peterssen, without informing Ridder about his intentions, however. Arriving before Fort Nassau they were refused permission to pass by, and returned to Christina. They now had in mind to sail up the river on board the Kalmar Nyckel, but Ridder objected to this, saying that he desired to follow the instructions they had received in Sweden, which required them to begin no hostilities with the Dutch, and on April 21 he prepared the sloop himself and sailed up the river past Fort Nassau, not heeding the warnings of the Dutch. Perhaps on the following day he had a con- ference with the Indians and bought the land from them lying on the west bank of the Delaware from the Schuylkill up to the falls at Trenton or "about 36 or 40 miles" above Fort Nas- sau.^ ^ Merchandise was given to the savages for the land and "Ridder to Oxenstierna; Van Dyck to Fleming, May 23, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). '» Cf. above, Chap. XVH. "In my opinion Odhner is mistaken in saying that HoUender placed the " limit poles 8-9 German miles above Christina." Fort Nassau is undoubtedly meant. a -5 The Colony Under Ridder. 201 gifts were also distributed among them. The usual ceremonies followed and four limit-poles were erected, one a short distance below the Dutch fort and the other three at the upper limits of the newly purchased land.^^ It is also probable that the land lying south of Duck Creek down to Cape Henlopen was pur- chased by Ridder about the same time or somewhat later from an Indian chief called Wickusi, who claimed to be the rightful owner. 1* But little could be effected in the way of improve- ments before the next ship arrived. The winter of 1 640-1 641 passed and the summer came and went, but no ship made its appearance. The colony suffered another drawback in the spring and summer of 1641, as the English from New Haven came into the river and ruined the Indian trade. Ridder protested against them but to no avail. They continued their traffic and paid no heed to either Swedish or Dutch complaints.^* In the spring Ridder secured a title to the land lying on the east side of the river from Narraticons or Racoon Creek southward to Cape May. An Indian chief by the name of Mekopemus, who seems to have ruled over the district on the east bank of the Delaware from Narraticons Kill northward, came to Christina and reported that the sachem who sold the land to the English at Varkens Kill was not the owner of these tracts, for the land beloned to Wickusi, the former owner of the district on the west side of the river. Ridder then prepared his sloop and, In company with Mekope- mus, he sailed down the Delaware and landed at a certain kill in the neighborhood of Wickusi's wigwams. Wickusi was called, " a bargain was made with him " and he was given " good remuneration " for the land. A pole with the arms of Sweden upon It was then put into the ground in the presence of Wickusi and Mekopemus, and the Swedish salute was fired from the sloop.^® It seems, however, that the full amount, "Ridder to Oxenstierna, May 13, 1640, Ox. Saml. ''Report of court 1643; Certificate 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.). "Huygen to Spiring, November 28, 1642 (copy), N.S., I. (R.A.). " Cert'tjicate, July 26, 1654, signed by S. Schute, Greg, van Dyck, Jacob Swensson, and Per Gunnarsson Rambo, N.S., I. (R.A.). Cf. also below, Chap. XXXVI. 202 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. stipulated in the deed, was not paid at the time, for in 1647 claims were presented to Printz. In October, 1641, the long-expected succor was approaching. In the first week of November the Kalmar Nyckel and the Charitas sailed up the Delaware, and on the seventh (n.s. ?) they anchored in front of Christina. The first few days were occupied with nursing the sick people, caring for the animals and unloading goods. Most of the articles asked for by Rid- der were on the ships. A better class of colonists had arrived and a new period of prosperity was in sight. Only six beaver skins were in the storehouse, and Huygen was not able to buy furs from the Indians. Consequently the ships returned almost empty. ^* On the fifteenth of November an inventory was made and Langdonk delivered the goods under his charge into the hands of his successor. The store was very small, only a few hundred bushels of corn, some 4,000 fishhooks, about 600 axes and a few other small wares were on hand.^^ But large sup- plies were now stored in the fort. The garrison was strengthened by several soldiers, and Mans Kling arrived in the capacity of lieutenant. Freemen, who intended to begin new plantations, came on the ships, be- sides a preacher, a tailor, a millwright, and perhaps a black- smith and other skilled workmen. New dwellings were built outside the fort, plots for settlements were selected by the free- men, and new land was cleared and prepared during the winter for farms and tobacco plantations. Five horses, eight cows, five sheep and two goats were landed alive,^* but two horses and one cow died soon after the arrival of the ships. The pigs which had been taken over on previous voyages or bought from New Amsterdam increased rapidly, and many of them ran wild. They were shot in the autumn and the pork was smoked and salted and preserved for winter food.^^ Hunting was one of the means of obtaining provisions, " Cf. above, Chap. XVHL "See "Invent. ... op t' Fort Christina," November 15, 1641, N.S., L (K.A.). " Cf. above, Chap. XVIII. "Ridder himself shot a pig two German miles from the fort and eight pigs were captured alive on the same place. Ridder to Oxenstierna, December 3, 1640. Ox. Saml. Castle at Viborg:, Finland, 1669. Seep. 692. ivtr which Peter H. Ridder was made commander in (Photographed by the author in July, 1909.) The Colony Under Ridder. 203 especially in the autumn and winter, and the settlers always carried their guns with them. Fishing was likewise an impor- tant means of subsistence; but Ridder complained that they lacked some necessary fishing implements, hooks, nets (and probably speers) , being the commonest fishing tools. A larger supply of fishing implements was shipped over later, and then the supply of fish became more plentiful. Great quantities of hooks were sold to the Indians and they, in turn, supplied fish to the freemen. In the spring of 1642 new cottages could be seen in the neigh- borhood of Christina, new clearings were beginning to break the monotony of the forest, and grain was sprouting from the fresh furrows. Tobacco patches could be found here and there, and vegetables of various kinds were growing for the necessary supplies of the colony. We do not know how the crops of New Sweden turned out in 1642, but a windmill was built near the fort, perhaps within the walls, and the grain was ground in it in the autumn and winter. " Sickness and mortality," says Governor Winthrop, " befell the Swedes in 1642,"^** but there is no mention of it in the extant Swedish records, nor do the preserved documents give us any information about other internal events before Printz came here. It is a curious fact that Joost van Bogaert, with the exception of a single reference in an English work,^' " disappears from history" with his settlement after 1642. It is therefore pos- sible that Bogaert and some of his people died in that year. We may then assume that the surviving Dutch settlers gradu- ally removed to their countrymen at Fort Nassau or in New Amsterdam, a few possibly settling among the Swedes, for Printz makes no mention of them in his letter In the spring of 1643, which he surely would have done, had they still re- mained.^^ "» Winthrop, II. ^He is mentioned as "one Bogot" in Plantagenet's New Albion (1648). ^See Printz' Instruction; and letters to Oxenstierna and Brahe, April 12, 14, 1643. Ox. Saml., Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). Had Bogaert lived it is more than likely that he would have been one of the members of the court held July 10, 1643. See below. 204 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. " The houses which the Swedes erected for themselves, when they first came here, were very poor," says Kalm, "... a little cottage [built out of round logs], with a door so low that it was necessary to bend down when entering. As they had no windows with them, small loopholes served the purpose, covered with a sliding-board which could be closed and opened. . . . Clay was plastered into the cracks between the logs on both sides of the walls. The fireplaces were made from granite [boulders] found on the hills or, in places where there were no stones, out of mere clay; the bake-oven was also made inside of the house."^* This description, based on the report of an old settler, gives, I think, a fairly accurate picture of the dwellings used in New Sweden before the arrival of Governor Printz. As time went on more pretentious buildings were erected.^* As to the administration of justice in the colony during this period we know nothing, but it is probable that courts were held at Christina from 1640 to 1643. Ridder, Huygen, Van Dyck and other officers were given written instructions and memorials before they left Sweden, but only that of Ridder is preserved."^ The commissioner had charge of the merchandise; he kept all the accounts, private and public in books which were sent to Sweden at intervals, where they were copied by Hans Kramer into the journals and account books of the company.^* ^'Kalm, Resa, III. 70. " Cf. below, Chaps. XXXIII., XLIIL ^Copy of Ridder's "Inst." in Ox. Saml., Van Dyck to Fleming, May 13, 1640; Huygen to P. Spiring (copy), November 28, 1642 [i], N.S., I. (R.A.). Cf. above. Chaps. XV., XVIII. ""Cf. below, Chap. XXIV. Only a few loose sheets are preserved of an account book, which dates from 1638-1639, N.S., II. (R.A.). In a Schuldt Boeck which really covers the years 1643-1648, there are also a number of accounts in Huygen's handwriting from 1638--1639. The book begins in 1638, the last account for 1639 is in April, then follow some blank pages. It is again begun by Huygen in 1643 and continued until May 6, 1648. It was sent to Sweden on the Swan and presented to the bookkeeper of the company at Stockholm on June 30, the same year. It is now preserved in the R.A. in N.S., II. The book IS defective the left hand corners of the pages being moulded away and other parts unreadable It is written in Dutch. Ohdner says that " the accounts ronJ " w " ^'''^^'""^ give no information of value," but the book contams several facts not found elsewhere and many interesting details concern- Windmill near Stockholm in the seventeenth century. From .Svtn'a Anttqna. (See also p. 328.) The Colony Under Ridder. 205 The facts about the religious life are very meager before 1643. Rev. Reorus Torkillus,^' who arrived with Ridder in 1640, ccwiducted services in the fort, at times prescribed by the Swedish church law. He was abused by some of the Dutch, who were of the Reformed faith, and in his letters to the council he complained of his troubles with "those who confessed the Calvanistic heresy," but harmony seems to have been restored after Langdonk's return to Europe. In November, 1641, Rev. Christopher arrived in the colony. He was not given a commission to serve here when he left Sweden, but it seems that Torkillus was unable to perform all the ministerial duties and Christopher remained here until 1643, doing the duties of a clergyman, and when he returned to Sweden he was paid by Beier for his labors.** It is probable that Torkillus was sta- tioned in the fort and that he conducted services there, while Christopher looked after the religious needs of the colonists who were settled in the neighborhood of Christina. The first services were undoubtedly conducted by Torkillus in one of the houses built by Minuit; but it seems quite certain that a "meet- ing-house" or chapel was erected in the years 1641 to 1642, when a dwelling-house was too small for the accommodation of the colonists. It was an age when religion was taken with great seriousness and when duties of worship and piety were among the first requirements in any community, when generals began their reports and letters to their superiors in the name of God and ended them with blessings, when politicians would pray for success and pirates would start on their expeditions only after the grace of Heaven had been invoked to favor their intentions, ing the trade of the colony. A number of Langdonk's bills are also preserved. They are all dated at Fort Christina, November 30, 1640, and Vfere presented at Stockholm, April 20, 1641. Now in N.S., I. (K.A.). A copy of the book is in the Hist. So. of Penn. "Torkillus is the first Lutheran minister of the Gospel to serve in America. The first Lutheran preacher to visit America was probably Rev. Rasmus Jensen a Dane, who came here on Munck's expedition to Hudson Bay in 1619. He died in Nova Dania before Munck returned to Europe. Cf. Munck, Navigatio Septentr.; Lutheran Church Remeta, XVII. 55 ff. ""Van Dyck's letter to Fleming, May 23, 1640. N.S., I. (K.A.). Rddipr., VIIL 130 ff.; Journal, nos. 289, 336, 364. Christopher was paid 3:24 R.D. in August, 1643, and 91 R.D. in January, 1644. 2o6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. and we may feel sure that the authorities in Sweden did not fail to instruct Ridder to erect a place of worship and that he obeyed the order, although we have no records of the same. We know that there was a church here in 1643, ^or Brahe, in answer to Printz's letter of April 12, admonished the governor to decorate their " little church in the Swedish custom." The church could hardly have been built in a month and a half, and besides it is not likely that Printz would begin the erection of a house of worship before the country was properly fortified.^* "Brahe to Printz, November 9, 1643. Skokl. Saml. (R.A.)- Cf. below, Chap. XXXIV. CHAPTER XXIII. Relations with the Neighbors, 1640- 1643. The Swedes were on the best terms with the Indians during the whole of this period, but immediately upon his arrival Rid- der came into conflict with the Dutch, who informed the Swedes that they would not be allowed to sail up the river above the Dutch fort ; indeed that they had no right in the river whatever. A few days after his landing Ridder prepared the sloop and went up the stream with a favorable wind, the Swedish com- missioner having been prevented from passing the Dutch stronghold some days previously. The fort fired three cannon shots and one musket ball at the vessel as it passed by, but Ridder continued his journey. On the twenty-fifth of April he went ashore at Fort Nassau, and delivered some letters to the Hollanders, written by Blommaert, but the Dutch commissioner was not favorably inclined. On May 2 the sloop was sent above the Dutch fort for the fourth time, " to see what they would do." Jan Jansen again pointed his cannon at the vessel, and sent some bullets after it. He also protested against " the intruders," and claimed that the whole river belonged to the Dutch West India company.* Fort Nassau was garrisoned by about 20 men, and Ridder could well have opposed any attempts of the Dutch to be masters in the river, but he preferred to fol- low his instruction and keep on as good terms with them as pos- sible. From time to time Dutch vessels from New Amsterdam and probably some direct from Europe visited the Delaware for the purpose of trade, both with the Swedes and savages,^ and friendly intercourse was continued for some years. Other events also intervened which tended to draw the Swedes and * The protests were answered and counter-protests were made. Ridder to Oxenstierna, May 13, 1640. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). 'Cf. De Vries' Korte Historiael, p. 163 and Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., 2 S., III. 100. 207 2o8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Dutch closer together and unite forces for the preservation of their settlements against a common foe. In 1 64 1 a third nation, the English, becomes more definitely connected with the history of the Delaware. Merchants and planters of New Haven, finding that their colony was badly situated for trade with the Indians, looked for other places where they could settle and establish trading posts. Some of the principal merchants had sent ships to the Delaware for some years and, observing that this vast territory was sparsely settled and that the Swedish and Dutch forts and trading-sta- tions there did not control the river nor the country, they deter- mined, perhaps in the autumn of 1640, to extend their activities more systematically to this place.* Theophilus Eaton, Stephen Goodyear, John Dane(?), Tho. Gregson, Richard Malbon, Matthew Gilbert, J[oh]n Tu[rner](?), Nathaniel Turner and Geo. Lamberton seem to have formed a Delaware Com- pany* for the purpose of colonizing and trading on the South River.^ Two agents, Lamberton and Turner, with assistants were sent "to view and purchase p[ar]t of the Delaware," in the spring of 1641. They were instructed not to interfere with the Swedes and Dutch, say the English records of a somewhat later date, but to buy land from Indians not yet occupied by any Christian nation. The bark or sloop fitted out for the expedition arrived in the Bay about April 1. Turner and Lamberton "sailed up the [Delaware] River in order to select a convenient spot for erect- ing a stronghold and making a settlement and, when a suitable landing place was found, they endeavored to secure a title to the land." But the Indians refused to deal with them, says Gov. Winthrop. "It so fell out, [however], that a Pequod sachem 'N. H. Cot. Rec, H. 56; Col. of Mass. Hist. So., 2d S., VI. 439- * See the two protests presented by Lamberton to the Swedes, April 19, 1642 ( ?), and June 22, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A.). Plym. Col. Rec, Acts, II. 13 ff. The evidence for the formation of the company is slight. I have found only one direct refer- ence: "It was ordered ... of the Delaware Co." N. H. Col. Rec, I. 124. Cf. The History of the Delaware Comp. of 1753 (?) and its attempts at settlement in this region. See Hist, of Wyoming, by C. Miner, p. 69 ff. and others. "The reasons for their purchase and plantations on the Delaware are given in N. H. Col. Rec, I. 56-7. Relation with the Neighbors. 209 (being fled his country in our war with them* [the Indians] and having seated himself with his company upon that river ever since) was accidentally there at that time. He, taking notice of the English and their desire, persuaded the other sachem to deal with them, and told them that howsoever they had killed his countrymen and driven him out, yet they were honest men and had just cause to do as they did, for the Pequods had done them wrong, and refused to give such rea- sonable satisfaction as was demanded of them. Whereupon the sachem entertained them and let them have what land they desired."' The accuracy of this statement cannot now be ascertained,* nor is it clear whether WInthrop refers to the transactions at Varkens Kill or to a later purchase on the Schuyl- kill. At any rate, Lamberton and Turner, " in the presence of witnesses " managed to obtain a title by " several deeds of bar- gain and sale " to two large tracts of land " on both sides of the Delaware." The land was "purchased of Usquata Sachem or Prince of Narrattacus and of Wehensett( ?) Sachem of Watt- sesinge."^ This is the purchase generally referred to in the English protests and letters to the Swedes and Dutchi" and comprised land extending on the eastern side of the Delaware " from a small river or creek called Chesumquesett^ ^ northward where the land of the said Usquata Sachem of Narratacus doth begin unto the sea-coast southward," and "from a river- [l]et called by the Indians Tomquncke unto another river [Ijet called Papuq (. . .) "^ on the west side of the great river called ° For the trouble with the Pequods and their extermination by the English, see Mason, J. A., A Brief Hist, of the Pequot, etc.; Tyler, Eng. in Am., 251 ff. ' 'Winthrop, II. 62. He has this under March 27, 1642. Cf. also Hubbard's New Eng., Col. of Mass. Hist. So., 2d S., VI. 438 ff.; Certif., July a6, 1654, N.S. I (R.A.). ' It is possible that Wickusi was approached by Lamberton, and that this chief, out of friendship for the Swedes, refused to sell land to the English. 'In one document he is called "Printz Sachem" as " Mekapemus Sachem," etc.; in another he is called the " wilden prince." See Certif., July 26, 1654. Court Rec, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A.). Sachem is written Sdgdm in the document "Plym. Col. Rec, Acts, I. 181; II. 13 ff., etc. "Probably Racoon Creek, also called Narraticons Kil. "This tract was located south of Christina, but it is impossible to give the exact limits of the purchase. 15 2IO The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. by the English Delawa[re]."i^ The English claimed that neither of these tracts had been purchased by either the Swedes or the Dutch. But the land on the western bank had been pur- chased by the Swedes, as we have seen, before Lamberton and Turner arrived in 1641, and the district on the eastern bank be- low Racoon Creek was bought by Ridder " from the rightful owner" about the same time or (probably) " three days before " the English purchase." As soon as Ridder was aware of the intentions of the English, he sailed down to Varkens Kill and presented a protest to them, but to no avail. When Ridder had planted the limit poles of the purchase around Varkens Kill and fired the Swedish salute, Van Dyck was sent to Captain Turner, " with the information that the land had been purchased by the Swedes, and that that was the reason why the shots were fired." But Turner and Lamberton went on as before and a few days later the Indian chief who sold the land to them, removed the Swedish coat of arms, and carried It to Fort Christina. When WickusI became aware of this, he sent a messenger to the Swedes, and requested them to " put up the coat of arms again " as they had bought the land from the rightful owner. In the meantime Turner and Lamberton built a blockhouse and made "Protest June 22, 1643 (copy), N.S., L (R.A.). Trumbull says that the purchase was made by Capt. Turner, agent for New Haven. It cost about £30 sterling. (Trumbull, I. 116, note i.) But he gives no authority for his statements. "There has been some uncertainty about the date of the English purchase. In the Plym. Col. Rec, II. 13, it is stated that the transaction took place in 1640, but this document is of a later date and hence has not the value of an " original." Winthrop is not clear on the subject. He says under Mo. 1.27, 1642: "Those at New Haven intending a plantation at the Delaware sent some men to purchase a large portion of land of the Indians there" (II. 62). He most likely entered the fact in his journal when he received definite information about it, hence some months after the event took place. Under date of Mo. 6, 24, 1642, he says: "A plantation was begun last year at Delaware Bay" (II. 76). 1640 has been accepted by all writers as the correct date of the purchase, but from Swedish documents it is clear that the English did not buy land nor settle on the river before the spring of 1641. Kidder's letters of 1640 are silent on this point, and it is not at all probable that he would have failed to mention ss important a fact. See his letters to Oxenstierna, 1640, Ox. Saml. (R.A.), and his letter to Fleming, May 13, 1640, N.S., I. (K.A.). Besides Huygen says that the English came into the river "this summer" (1641). The same year is given in " Instruc." for Printz, August 15, 1642, § 6, and in Certif., July 26, 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.), also in the Report of Court, July 10, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A.). Relation with the N eighbors. 2m other arangements for a settlement. It is not possible to know whether the English colonists who went to settle at Varkens Kill arrived with Lamberton and Turner or came some weeks later in a different ship. They numbered twenty families, consisting of about sixty persons. They were probably mostly traders, but some of them came there also for the purpose of agricul- ture and tobacco planting and it is likely that they laid out small gardens and farms round their log cabins, as soon as these were completed.^^ Shortly after the purchase at Varkens Kill, Lamberton and Turner bought certain lands from Mattahorn" at the Schuyl- kill. The transaction took place on or about April 19, ^^ and on the same day a notice of the purchase with a protest'* was sent to the Swedes (and Dutch?) describing the land and warn- ing intruders from settling within its limits. The land was on the west side of the Delaware, extending from a river " Pesto- comeco or Howskeshocken, that li[eth] next above the Swe- dish fort to a place called Ecoccym,*® th[at] lieth against "Instruct, to Printz, 1643, §6; Winthrop, II. Robert Martin, J. Woollen and Roger Knapp are names of English settlers that have been preserved to us besides those given below, Appendix. See protest, April 19, 1642, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; N. H. Col. Rec, I. 147- " The same chief who had sold land to Minuit. Cf. above, Chap. XVI. " In a protest sent, presumably, to the Swedes, it is stated that the lands on the Schuylkill were bought on April 19, 1642. But this could not be so, for in the court held July 10, 1643, Lamberton states that he bought this two years ago, hence in 1641. It is therefore probable that the copyist made a mistake in the protest, writing 1642 for 1641. It is not likely that the court records are wrong in the date, for it is hardly probable that Lamberton could have pushed the date back unchallenged, since several of the men present were in the country at the time of the purchase, and Jan Jansen sent protests to him soon after the sale was made. Neither is it likely that the clerk or copyist of the court records could have copied "two years" instead of one year ago; for it would have been more natural for Lamberton to have said " last year." Lamberton might have answered in English and it is then conceivable that a mistake could have occurred in the transcription. We may, however, I think, accept April 19 as the correct date for the nineteenth occurs twice in the document. We may there- fore assume with a fair degree of certainty that the lands on the Schuylkill were bought on April 19, 1641. Court Rec, July 10, 1643, N.S., L (R.A.). Protest, April 19, 1642 (1641?). (We have only copies to judge from in every case, however.) "The protest was made in the presence of Robert Martin and John Woollen See Protest, N.S., I. (R.A.). " Wickquacoingh (Wicaco) ? 212 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the uppermost part of an Island that n[ethj in the great river above the Dutch fort In the gr[eat] river called by the English Delaware Bay."^'' We may feel sure that the English protest was answered by Ridder and that he presented the Swedish claim to the district and cautioned " Lamberton and his men " not to build or settle there. The English were very successful in their settlement and trade in the Delaware in 1641. Lamberton and Turner re- turned to New Haven in the late summer. They presented, as we may suppose, a favorable report of their labors and the prospects for future settlements. The matter was brought be- fore the " General Court of New Haven " by the members of the Delaware Company and efforts were made to gain the co- operation of the town. At the court held on August 30, 1641, it was proposed that the " plantations should be settled in Dela- ware Bay in connection " with the town of New Haven. " Upon consideration and debate " the question was decided in the affir- mative, " by the holding up of hands. "^^ Captain Turner was given " free liberty ... to go to Delaware Bay for his own advantage and the public good In settling the affairs thereof," and preparations were made during the winter to send new settlers and supplies to the South Rlver.^^ It is probable that Turner and Lamberton In the early spring of 1642 again set sail for the Delaware. They found their settlement at Varkens Kill In good condition, but it was not favorably situated for the Indian trade, since the Dutch and Swedes had their trading posts above them and consequently were In closer touch with the savages. The Schuylkill region, where land was purchased the previous year, was yet unsettled and here was a good opportunity '"Protest, April 19, i642(?), N.S., I. (R.A.). Hence the land bought by the English, north of Christina in 1641, extended from a certain river (Chester Creek?) some distance above Fort Christina northward unto Wickquacoingh (Wicaco), Tfithin Philadelphia. In Winsor, IV. 452, it is stated that the land extended from Crum Creek. °^ As indicated above, the origin and history of the " Delavyare Company " are obscure and uncertain. This may be the origin of the company, although I am rather inclined to believe that it was formed in the spring of this year, as indi- cated above. '^N. H. Col. Rec, I. 56-7. Relation with the Nei ghbors. ^ 213 for the erection of a blockhouse and the planting of a settle- ment. Soon after his arrival here Lamberton selected a location for a trading post " at Manaiping'*^ and built a blockhouse on a spot, where Fort Nya Korsholm was later erected by the Swedes.""* In the meantime preparations had been completed at New Haven for the departure of a vessel with colonists and supplies. The bark or catch which was to be sent belonged to Lamberton, but it was commanded by Robert Coxwell, the planter and sailor from New Haven.^^ The number of colonists that went on the expedition is unknown, nor do we know the date when the vessel left New Haven."® For some unknown reason the ship touched at New Amsterdam. When Governor Kieft became aware that the passengers were on an expedition of settlement, he sent a protest"^ to the commander of the ship, warning him "not to build or plant on the South River, lying within the limits of New Netherland, nor on the lands extending along it, unless he would settle under the Lords the States and the Honble West India Company and swear allegiance and become subjects to them as other inhabitants do." Coxwell answered the protest on April 8 (n.s.?), affirming that he intended to settle on territory not already occupied by others, and if such could not be found he was willing to select land within the limits of the Dutch claims and swear allegiance to the States General."* On this assurance Coxwell was allowed to proceed, "Certif., July 26, 1654, N.S., I. (R.A). Hence this settlement was located within the present limits of Philadelphia. Cf. Doc, XII., p. 29. Cf below Chap. XXXVI. "If the statement in the document (Certif., July 26, 1654) is correct the blockhouse was erected on the island at the mouth of the Schuylkill, where Smith Hist, of Del. Co., locates " Ft. Manayunk." " He had charge of a boat in 1640. Cf. N. H. Col. Rec, I. 47, 92, etc. " It must have been towards the end of March or in the beginning of April. Winthrop probably made the entry in his journal already referred to (March 27 [April 6], 1642) shortly after their departure. "Dated April 7-8, i642(?). "" Hazard, Hist. Col, II. 213, 265; Doc, II. 144. Authorities do not agree on the year of the expedition. The year given in Doc, II. 144 (accepted by O'Callaghan, Hazard and others, Hazard, 58, etc.) is 1641. But the document referred to is only a copy, as well as the one printed in the Hist. Col. Proba- bility is in favor of the date given in the Hist. Col, for here the event is entered 214 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. and English documents of a somewhat later date state that Governor Kieft recommended the English to the favor of his commissary at the Delaware, by special letters.*^ It is likely that Coxwell sailed directly to Varkens Kill and from there to the Schuylkill.^" The work begun by Lamberton and Turner at the latter place was finished and the foundations for some dwel- lings were laid.^^ The lively Indian trade was continued and large damage was done to the traffic of the Swedes and Dutch. Jan Jansen and Peter Ridder protested against them but to no avail; they paid no attention to it and went on with their work as before. Jan Jansen then informed the authorities at New Amsterdam about their presence in the river and complained with other occurrences of the same year (1642) and a mistake in the year would be less likely in such a case. The author, suspecting that a mistake had been made in the printed document (Doc, II. 144), examined the manuscript in the archives at the Hague in the autumn of 1909 and found the year to be correctly printed as 1641. See West Ind. Comp. L. K. L., 49. " Robbert Coghwel antwoort-niet van meeninge is onder eenich Gouverneraent te sitten (ende) een plaets te verkiesen daer de Staten Generael geen commando te hebben, (ende) ingevalle soodanige plaets nieten is te vinden, is van meeninge wederora te keeren, offe soo inde Limiten van Staten sich nederstelt, sal hem onder deselve begeven ende aldan eedt doen. Actum inde Barckque von Mr. Lammerton leggende opde reede voort Eijlant Manhattans den 8 April Ao. 1641. Was undert. Robbert Coghwel, Cornelia van der Haijkens fiscael, Hendrick van Dijck als getuijgen," etc. "Plym. Col. Rec, Acts, II. 13 flF., etc. " Smith's statement that the settlement on the Schuylkill at this time was made by Marylanders needs no consideration. See Smith, N. Y., I. 6, and Proud, Hist, of Penn., I. no note; cf. Bozman, I. °^ There is some uncertainty as to the date of this settlement. I accept 1642 as the correct year for the following reasons. In the " Instruction " to Jan Jansen, May 22, 1642 {Doc, XII. 23), it is stated that "the English quite re- cently have taken possession" of the Schuylkill, hence in the spring of i642(?). There is nothing in Printz's Instruction, August 15, 1642, about this colony. §6 refers to the English at Varkens Kill only. Ridder had not had time to report their presence when Printz left Sweden, and when Printz arrived on the Delaware they had already been expelled by the Dutch. This, in the opinion of the writer, is the reason why so little mention is made of this settlement. It is hardly possible to suppose that Ridder would have neglected to refer to this settlement or that a paragraph about it would not have been included in the Instruction to Printz, if the facts about it had been known in Sweden, August 15, 1642, for it was located on the same side of the river as Fort Christina and above this stronghold, and hence on a tract of land much more important to the Swedish colony than that at Varkens Kill. Furthermore, the date of the presence of Coxwell at New Amsterdam is given as April 9(8?), 1642, in Hazard, Hist. Col., II. p. 265. Cf. note 28, above. Relation with the Neighbors. 215 that they paid no heed to his protests. Accordingly the " coun- cil in Fort New Amsterdam" decided on May 15, (n.s.) to expel the English in the quietest manner possible, and on May 22 (n.s.), instructions were sent to the commissary at Fort Nassau with orders to remove the English, by force if neces- sary, and two sloops, the Real and St. Martin, were despatched to the South River and placed at his disposal.** Jan Jansen obeyed his orders minutely. He went to the settlement at the Schuylkill with armed men, probably assisted by Ridder, and since the English could produce no commission and were not willing " to depart immediately in peace," he burnt their store- house and dwellings, and sent the settlers as prisoners to Man- hattan. Lamberton, however, was on his guard and escaped with his vessel. The damages sustained by the English were estimated at £1,000 and, if this is not too much exaggerated, the settlement must have been quite considerable.^* Some private persons also suffered in the affair, but it is not quite clear how the loss was distributed.** We have seen that New Albion, including the eastern shore of the Delaware, was granted to Plowden in 1634.*' It seems that he began making preparations to go there in 1641. He had been informed "of the entry and intrusions of certain ''Doc, Xll. 23-4. Cf. Hazard, p. 6i ff. Jan Jansen was ordered "to repair with one or both of the sloops to the Schuylkill, demand the commission of the said Englishmen and by what authority they had assumed to take away the right, ground, and trade of the Dutch, and in case they had no commission ' or formal copy thereof he should oblige them to depart immediately in peace so that no blood might be shed," and on refusing he should secure their persons and remove them on board the sloops, so that they might be brought to New Amsterdam. He should be careful, however, that the English were not injured in their per- sonal effects, but after their departure he should lay waste the place. ''Plym. Col. Rec, Acts, I. i8i, 189, 211, II. 13 ff., 19; Col. of Mass. Hist. So., 2d S., VI. 439; Hazard, Hist. Col., II. 164, 214; Penn. Ar., 2d S., V. 4; N. H. Col. Rec, I. 147; cf. Hazard, p. 62; Trumbull, I. 120, and others (see bibliogr.). ^ One Roger Knapp, who seems to have been along on the first expedition to the Delaware in 1641, had "his arms burnt in the Delaware Bay" in 1642 (A^. H. Col. Rec, I. 147). As Lamberton in the same year passed New Amster- dam on his way to New Haven, he was compelled to pay "recognition or custom" for the beavers he bought at the South River. Protests were sent to Gov. Kieft but to no avail. See Plym. Col. Rec, Acts, I. 181, IL 14 ff.; Hazard, p. 62. '^ Cf. above, Chap. XX. 2i6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. aliens on His Majesty's dominions and province in Delaware Bay or South River," and, in order to clear the way for his settlement and gain the assistance of the English colonies, he informed Parliament of the above fact, and requested the House to write to Virginia on his behalf. Accordingly letters were sent " to the governor and council of Virginia," requiring them "to give speedy and real assistance" to Sir Edmond, who also wrote to Governor Berkeley about his intentions. On the eigh- teenth of March 1642, Gov. William Berkeley addressed a letter and protest to "The Right Worthy Governor of the Swedes and to Hendrick Huygen, in Charles or South River,"''® giving a short account of the real and imaginary discoveries, set- tlements and occupations of the English on the Delaware and their rights there,*'' and admonishing the Swedes to submit to the authority of the English Crown and to " recognize the title and dominion" of Governor Plowden. The letter goes on to say that Plowden wished to establish " friendship and good and peaceable correspondence " with the Swedes and that he desired that they would "not sell or give to the native Indians there any arms or ammunition nor hinder the free trade, passage, residence or commerce of his Majesty's said subjects in the said South River. "^* Since news had also reached Gov. Plowden that some English subjects without " warrant and commission " had "unlawfully entered, builded and settled them [selves] within Delaware Bay or Charles River," he petitioned the king about it. Charles I. accordingly sent a document to Jamestown, stat- ing that, as these English without " commission or warrant [have] taken upon them [selves] our Royal Power and Sover- eignty within that our province and dominion " to make laws and establish a government, the statutes and provisions made by them would be void and the colonists would be removed and " The full address is " To the right worthy, the Governor of Manatas and to Jno. Jackson, his commander in Ch. River and to the righte worthy the Gov- er[nor] of the Sweads and to Henrick Hugo in Charles or South River," and hence we may assume that a copy of the letter was sent to Governor Kieft also. March i8, 1642 (copy), N.S., I. (R.A. and K.A.). °' Cf. above, Chap. XX. ^Berkeley to Governor at Manatas, etc., March 18, 1642. N.S., I. (K.A.). Copy of Governor Berkeley's protest to the Dutch and Swedes, March IS, 1642 Original preserved in N. S. I. {K. A.), Stockholm. Relation with the Neighbors. 217 " declared as [public] enemies." The document was addressed by the " King of England, Scotland [and] France to all his loving subjects, inhabitants and other Christians, Aliens and Indians within the province of New Albion,"^® and a copy was sent to Ridder, and to the Dutch at Manhattan and the English at New Haven.** The effect of these papers is not known. They probably elicited a reply from Ridder, but they did not keep the New Englanders out of the Delaware. The settlement at Varkens Kill was undisturbed. It was situated some distance from the Dutch and Swedish forts, far from the path of the fur trade, and it was probably too strong for the weak forces at the disposal of Ridder and Jansen. The English answered the protest of the former, however, by saying they would submit " to the one who was strongest and most able to give them protection," and when Printz arrived they were incorporated into the Swedish colony, as we shall see.*^ ^° "... by the grace of God Kinge of England, Scotland, France, . . . and defender of the faith, etc., to all our loving subjects [in]habitants and other Christians, Aliens and Indians within the [provin]ce of New Albion, betweene Delaware Bay or South River, [Hu]dsons River being and dwellinge or within the Isles of the . . . province, health," etc. (Copy) N.S., I. (K.A.). "From the salutation it seems clear that copies were sent to these parties. Copy (no date but towards the end of 1641, or early in 1642) N.S., I. (K.A.). The copy is defective. "Cf. Huygen to Spiring November 28, i642[?], N.S., I. (R.A.), below. Chap. XXXVI. BOOK III. ^nrial, Efowomir anb Pnlttiral !Ci& m tlft ffi0ln«g. 1042-1B53. Queen Christina. PART I. ACTIVITIES IN EUROPE, 1642-1653. CHAPTER XXIV. The Reorganization of the Company, 1642. After the second expedition, the New Sweden Company was entirely under Swedish control, and the stockholders were all Swedish citizens, born or naturalized.^ But Swedish capitalists were unable to carry on so great an undertaking without aid from the Crown, and Von der Linde and De Geer were too cautious to enter upon so doubtful an adventure, and besides they were too busily engaged in other fields of activity to find time for colonizing schemes on the Delaware. But something had to be done if the company was to continue its work. Fleming corresponded with Blommaert on the subject. Several plans were proposed and in a letter to Oxenstierna in the early part of 1639 Fleming made various suggestions as to the reorganization of the company, which were later carried out.^ Fleming had consulted with the magistrates of Stock- holm about the old South-Ship Company, proposing that its money be used in the New Sweden Company and later the chancellor at Fleming's request undoubtedly approached the magistrates of Gothenburg on the subject. In the autumn of 1641 and the spring of 1642, it is likely that the stockholders and officers held meetings and discussed the situation, although there are no minutes nor records of this. Benjamin Bonnell, Johan Beier, Hans Kramer, Gustaf Oxenstierna, Gabriel Oxenstierna, Peter Spiring, Axel Oxen- ' Spiring was a Dutchman by birth, but had entered Swedish service. 'For the above see Oxenstierna's letter to Fleming, March 15, 1639. I found this letter in Biographica " F," but it is now in Ox. Saml. Concepter " F " placed there by Dr. Sonden in 1907. 221 222 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. stierna and perhaps representatives from the magistrates of Stockholm were present. Fleming would naturally preside. The money question, the needs of the colony, the fitting out of a new expedition, the problem of obtaining colonists and the means for sending them over to further establish the work begun in America — these things and many others were dis- cussed and considered. It was the result of these conferences that Klas Fleming presented at the various meetings of the Coun- cil of State in the spring and summer of 1642. The colonial affair was frequently considered by this body and on the after- noon of July 27 the stockholders, including Peter Spiring and officers of the company and perhaps also directors and stock- holders of the old South-Ship Company or representatives from the magistrates in Stockholm and Gothenburg,^ were present. Klas Fleming, Axel Oxenstierna and Gabriel Oxenstierna Bengtsson were the only members of the council in attendance. The entire meeting was given over to the consideration of the company, Fleming, Axel Oxenstierna and Spiring being the prin- cipal speakers. In the first place attention was given to the or- ganization and management of the company. Fleming proposed that the capital should be raised to 60,000 R.D., of which the Crown should furnish one-fifth or 12,000 R.D., the Old South- Ship Company three-fifths or 36,000 R.D., and private stock- holders the remainder or 12,000 R.D. A " good man " should be elected "to manage the affair"; the head office of the com- pany and its staple should be in Gothenburg, to prevent the ships from going the long and dangerous journey through the Baltic to and from Stockholm ; Johan Beier was to be appointed secretary of the company and one of his duties was to be to keep the council and government well informed of its activity;* 'That the officers, Kramer, Beier and Bonnell, were also present seems quite certain. Rddspr., IX., p. 339, says: "On July 27 in the afternoon assembled down in the Rakne-cammaren, the participants in the West India Company, the Chancellor, Mr. Claes Fleming, Mr. Peter Spiring and the Royal Treasurer." All these were also " participants " in the company. By " participanter," it seems to me can only be meant the other concillors and the officers. It might also include the then living directors and stockholders of the old South-Ship Company or representatives of the magistrates in Stockholm and Gothenburg. ' This can be gathered from the minutes, but is not clearly stated. <' J3 Reorganization of th e Company. 223 the ships of the old South-Ship Company were to be used on the expeditions, and a special vessel was to be kept in readiness at all times to bring provisions and goods from Holland to the colony.® Secondly, the trade of the company in Europe was discussed. Spiring thought that the retail tobacco trade in Sweden should be given over to certain persons (forming a Tobacco Company) , and taken from the New Sweden Company, for it was not expedient to allow the confiscated tobacco to be sold by those confiscating it.® The fur trade did not go well in Sweden,^ and Fleming questioned if the skins brought over from the colony could not be sold to better advantage in Holland.* In the third place came the colony and its manage- ment. Instructions and rules of conduct for the ofHcers of the colony with Spiring's recommendations were read, and it was suggested that the salaries of the governor, the officers and the soldiers might be paid from the excise of the imported tobacco. Tobacco was to be planted in the colony, so as to eliminate the necessity of buying it from the Dutch and English. Colonists in large numbers were to be sent over for the development of the country and the month of October was considered the best time of the year for the ships to arrive in New Sweden. With this conference the plans of reorganizing the company assumed more definite shape, and on the basis of the above dis- cussion it was decided to recommend to the government the following propositions : 1. That the company be reorganized and a capital of 36,000 R.D. subscribed. 2. That the Crown contribute 6,000 R.D., the Old South- Ship Company 18,000 R.D. and a number of private people 3,000 R.D. each. 'The meaning is not quite clear. The minutes read: "Thought [that] they should always have a ship which went out of Holland in time with a cargo." " Bestalla i Hollandh ett skep, sora lupe ofver [till Nya Sverige] med gargason." Rddspr., IX. 339. "See below, Chap. XXXI. ' See above, Chap. XIX. 'To this Spiring took exception and thought that it would be to the advantage of Swedish commerce and trade to bring the colonial goods to Sweden and sell them there. Rddspr., IX. p. 340. 224 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. 3. That the main office of the company be located in Gothen- burg and a bookkeeper employed there. 4. That the governor and officers be paid from the tobacco excise in Sweden.® The council considered the matter at subsequent sessions, and the above principles were followed except that Stockholm in- stead of Gothenburg was made the head office with the staple under the charge of a commissary at the latter place. "In August, 1642, the royal government and respective stockholders resolved to furnish a capital of 36,000 R.D. in the New Sweden Company," and on the twenty-eighth of August the accounts of the Crown and the other stockholders were entered into the Company's Journal, completing the organization of the " New Trading Society."" According to the decisions arrived at, the government sub- scribed 6,000 R.D. As early as the beginning of 1638 Fleming proposed to Oxenstierna that the Crown should participate, and Blommaert and perhaps also Spiring had suggested the same thing before. In the council meetings of June 4 and 6 Fleming suggested the advisability of the Crown's participation and on June 1 1 he maintained that it was necessary for the Crown to participate, because private persons were not able to keep it up.^^ The Crown had assisted the company before, but with the reorganization it became a stockholder and as such, more intimately connected with its management and more directly interested in its welfare and success. In 1639 when the Kaltnar Nyckel was being prepared for the second expedition, 1,500 R.D. were supplied in cash from the "large custom" treasury in Gothenburg and 8 :43 R.D. in provisions through Governor Hindricksson.^^ This sum was now credited to the government's stock account. In the autumn of 1642, the Coun- cil of State ordered Spiring to turn over to Peter Trotzig 1 1,227 :i5 florins or 4,491 :5 R.D. of the money coming from ° See Rddspr., IX. pp. 339-40. ""Hen. K. Maj:ts och Chr. Reck, med Sod. Com." Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.). See Journal, nos. 167-73, 483. ^^ Rddspr., June 4, 6, 11, 1642 (IX. pp. 280, 283, 291). '"See above, Chap. XV. and "Reck, aff Faurn.," etc. Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). Reorganization of the Company. 225 Portugal and this completed the Crown's subscription.*' The relation of the Crown and the reorganized New Sweden Com- pany stands forth in a clearer light than did that of the " Old New Sweden Company " of 1637. The government now being a stockholder in the company had "a legal right" to interfere with its management and to suggest plans of procedure and methods of carrying on the work. Since the charter did not clearly define the principles to be followed, it is evident that many of the decisions of the Crown should seem quite arbitrary. Most of the expeditions to the colony were determined upon in the Council of State and the chancellor was the unappointed director of the company after Fleming's death. The ships to be used in the expeditions were also selected by the Crown, once at the request of the directors. But this was only natural. We need but remember that all the private stockholders were mem- bers of the council, except Spiring and he held a high office in the service of the government. The council meetings were the most convenient place to discuss the business of the company. It could there be considered in connection with other commercial affairs and relieve the stockholders from attending special meet- ings. Furthermore, the suggestions and ideas of the other members of the council might be of value, and they were entitled to be present since the Crown owned shares.** Nothing shows more clearly the intimate and peculiar rela- tion of the company and the Crown than the position of the officers and servants in their relation to each. In fact the com- pany can almost be looked upon as a branch of the government. The officers who were paid directly by the government did not receive any remuneration from the company for their services. Thus Johan Beier was postmaster and "secretary" and his salary was paid him by the government.*^ He was also treas- urer for the company and was very active in its service, but he had no salary from the same. Likewise Spiring did much ""Hennes K. Maj. och Chrs. Reck. med. Sod. Corap."; "Reck, aflf Faur.," etc Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.) ; Journal, no. 219. "Rddspr., IX. 141 ff. " On March 16, 1642, it was proposed that Johan Beier be put on " kansHe- staten," to be used in the German correspondence. Rddspr., IX. 505. 16 226 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. service for the company in negotiating the sales of ships, secur- ing supplies and superintending the purchase of cargoes for the New Sweden trade, but did not receive any pay for the work. Again, Peter Trotzig did much and faithful work for the company without pay, and Anckarhjelm, Marten Augustinsson, governors of the various provinces, and Fleming and Oxen- stierna in like manner received no remuneration for their services. On the other hand, the officers who were given a salary by the company were called upon to do service for the Crown without pay. Thus Timon van Schotting, who was paid a salary by the company, was called upon to assist in fitting out the ships sent to Portugal in 1643. ^^ the fall of 1643 Spiring sent a horse to Gothenburg for the Queen. Schotting paid 20 R.D. of the company's money for passage and 15:12 R.D. for other expenses. These were charged to the Crown's account, but Schotting was not paid for his trouble. The company also paid the wages and expenses of some ship-carpenters hired in Holland for the Old Shipbuilding Company in Vastervik, which was really for the Crown.^® Some of the expeditions were financed by the Crown. The provisioning of these ships and the salary of the sailors and officers of the vessels were paid by the Admiralty. But the provisions of the colonists and special servants of the company were supplied by that body. The military budget in the colony was in reality paid by the Crown. All salaries and accounts were kept by Kramer in the books of the company, but half of Printz's salary was given him in rents in Osterbotten^'^ and the other 2,619 R-D. were to come from the tobacco excise in Sweden. When the tobacco was put on the free list, in 1649, the sum to be derived from this source was annually charged to the Crown.i® Even Rev. Campanius seems to have been looked upon as a military preacher, for his salary was to come from the same source as that of the soldiers and officers. All servants in the colony and all extra officers not provided for by the " " Hennes Kon. Maj : och Cron. Reck. med. Sod. Comp.," 1640-47. Siiderk., 1637-59 (R-A.). "A district in Finland. ^Journal, no. 176; R.R., August, 1642. See below, Chap. XXIV. Reorganization of the Company. 227 "budget of 1642" were paid by the company. Thus Israel Fluviander was paid 10 R.D. a month for his services in New Sweden; Johan Papegoja was likewise paid from the company's treasury, and when Campanius was sent to work at Upland his services were remunerated by the company. ^^ The exact capital of the South-Ship Company was not known at this time, as it was invested in ships whose value was proble- matic; but 18,000 R.D. to be raised by the selling of vessels, were now contributed to the stock of the Reorganized New Swe- den Company and the two concerns were permanently merged.** As time went on, more of South-Ship Company's money was used and even in 1647 the original sum of 18,000 R.D. had been increased to 30,808 :3i R.D." The majority of the ships were gradually either sold by the government or used in its service. But Captain Boender continued to sail the New King David, a ship purchased or built in Holland in 1641 to take the place of the Old King David, and considerable sums were added to the treasury of the company in this way.22 In Jan- uary, 1645, the New King David was sold to L. de Geer and no new ship was purchased.^s At this time nearly all of the con- tributors to the South-Ship Company were dead and in Feb- ruary, 1646, the Queen gave an open letter to Abraham Cabel- " See below, Chap. XXXIV., XXXVIII. ^Odhner thinks that Spiring was the first to suggest that the capital of the Old Ship Company be used in the New Sweden Company. I am not quite sure of this. At any rate Fleming proposed the scheme to Oxenstierna and also to Spiring early in the year 1639. ^"Rechningh aff Faurn. uthaf part, uthi Nya Sweriges Compagnie " (Ger- man), no date, but before 1644. Another (in Swedish), no date, but written in 1653. Soderk., 1637-S9 {R.A.). Rddspr., VIII. 16, 38, 43, 502 ff.; IX. 141-2. "Gen. Balance Anno" 1647, Soderk, 1637-S9 {R-A.). In 1655 28,255:27 R.D. of the South-Ship Company's Capital was credited to the New Sweden Company. "^Thus Capt. Boender made 3,705 florins on freight carried from Amsterdani to Stockholm from June i, until November 1, 1642; from November 7 until June I, 1643, he made 4,923 florins and from August 7 until June i, 1644, he made 4,888 florins, sailing between Stockholm and Amsterdam. Several expenses were of course connected with the journeys and Boender owned one sixteenth of the vessel, giving him that share of the proceeds. Journal, nos. 190, 276, 388. "'The government owed De Geer some money and the ship vvas given to him as payment. Journal, no. 430. " Hennes K. Maj:ts. och Cr. Rack, med Sod Com. i64x>-S3." Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). 228 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. iau's widow and heirs, releasing them from all responsibility since " their fellow directors were dead." The South-Ship Company was now practically dissolved. Its name is retained in the documents of the New Sweden Company and in 1647 it is mentioned in the minutes of the council. In 1655 it was proposed that the Crown should buy its capital stock from the New Sweden Company, but apparently nothing came out of it.^* The five private stockholders subscribed 12,000 R.D. or one-third of the capital stock of the Reorganized New Sweden Company. Axel Oxenstierna, Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna and Peter Spiring subscribed each 3,000 R.D., Klas Fleming and Gabriel Bengtsson Oxenstierna promised to furnish 1,500 R.D. each (these sums including what had already been sub- scribed in the New Sweden Company of 1637). Peter Spiring was the only one to pay up in full. Gabriel Gustafsson Oxen- stierna paid 1,600 in two installments, 1,200 R.D. through Spiring in Holland and 400 R.D. through Lejonskold; hence he was 1,400 R.D. short of his promised subscription. After his death his account was transferred to his heirs, but the deficit was never paid. Axel Oxenstierna also failed to pay up in full. He paid 2,453 '-^^ R.D. in two installments, but the remaining 546:38 R.D. do not seem to have been furnished. Gabriel Bengtsson Oxenstierna furnished only 600 R.D. on his share and September 15, 1645, he withdrew this sum, thus severing all connection with the company. Klas Fleming furnished 1,348:10^4 R.D. in various sums before his death and his account was therefore 151 '.^tVi short of his promised share.^" No new charter seems to have been given, and no laws or articles defining the manner of conducting the company, the duty of the officers and the like appear to have been formulated, at least the writer has found no trace of such documents. The ""Journal, nos. 190, 278, 388-9, 548; Rddspr., XII. 175, 177. Cf. below, Chap. XLVIIL 625. ^ For the above see " Rechning aff Faurn. uthaf participanterne uthi Nya Sweriges Compagnie " (Swedish, about 1653), and the German "Rechningh," etc., about the summer of 1644, Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.) ; Journal, nos. 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 482. Reorganization of the Company. 229 company continued, however, to enjoy special privileges from the Crown. All goods sent from Holland to Gothenburg for the New Sweden trade or for victualling the ships were allowed to enter the port duty-free, and all goods such as pelts and tobacco coming from the colony or from any part of America on the ships of the company could be brought into Sweden free of duty; but all goods bought by the company in Holland or other European countries for trade in Sweden or its provinces were subject to the usual duty except by special permission.'*" Since these privileges were not now embodied in a special char- ter, some of them were forgotten by the royal officials and duty was sometimes demanded on goods that were free, giving rise to complaints.'*^ The directorship was undetermined, it seems, both as to the duties connected with the oifice and as to who should act in that capacity, but Fleming continued to be the director. Ships were prepared at his command or through his initiative; he, in the "name of the other participants," ordered goods to be bought and he supervised the preparations. Documents, relations and other papers from the colony were sent to him through Spiring and he, in turn, sent them to Kramer or reported their contents to the latter. He probably called meetings of the officers and stockholders to consider the need of the colony and how to promote the interest of the company. No traces of such meet- ings have been found, however. If they were held, either no minutes were kept or the minutes have been lost. Fleming was the connecting link between the company and the government. He kept himself well informed of the com- pany's needs and of the condition of the colony and was its spokesman in the council chamber. As Vice-Admiral and reor- ganizer of the Swedish navy and governor or mayor^* of Stock- holm he was in a position to be of the greatest assistance to the company. He continued to issue the instructions for the officers in the employment of the company and made contracts for the "In 1643, when the ship from the colony brought salt to Sweden, Fleming ordered M. Augustinsson to let the salt be shipped in without duty. " Cf. below. " StSthallare. 230 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. same with other bodies. No salary, as already stated, was connected with the directorship; it seems to have been con- sidered part of the duty of Fleming in the government service. When Sweden was about to enter upon a war with Denmark, Fleming was the leading spirit in the naval preparations and he was forced to neglect the colony to some extent. He was killed in that struggle and in him the company and the colony lost their best friend and most enthusiastic promotor.^® After Fleming's death A. Oxenstierna was his logical suc- cessor as head of the company, but he found little time to look after its business on account of the Danish war.^® After the treaty of peace was signed with Denmark in 1645 the chancel- lor was more at liberty to think of commercial affairs and the New Sweden Company. The colonial matters were often brought up in the council meetings by him and discussed there. But he was now growing old. Besides private troubles and sorrows weighed heavily upon him. Queen Christina lost con- fidence in him and in the summer of 1647 he withdrew to his country seat Tidon, for rest, recreation and private business. "Age and sickness began to wear on his powers" and he was not as active as formerly. But he still continued to be the lead- ing force in the company in Sweden. He settled all questions of salaries of officers and men who served in New Sweden and whose salaries and offices were not determined in the instructions and budget for the colony. Ships were bought by his orders and goods were purchased through his instructions. He was not, however, able to pay such close attention to these matters as Fleming had done, and in consequence the colony suffered neglect. In 1653 the directorship of the company was put into the hands of the Commercial College, and the history of the company enters into a new phase.*" John Beier continued to act as treasurer. Most of the cash money went through his hands; the proceeds of the sales of tobacco and skins were gradually turned over to him ; he trans- acted loans of money for the company, paid interests and per- =• See below, Chap. XXVH. " See below, Chaps. XXX., XXXIX. Reorganization of the Company. 231 formed other duties of a treasurer. He sometimes bought goods for the colonial trade, and reports and documents were at times sent to him. Beier also informed Governor Printz of the safe arrival in Europe of ships from the colony and other matters pertaining to the welfare of the company and its com- merce. He was occasionally called upon to give reports in the council about the colonial affairs and to correspond with parties interested in the colony.*^ Hans Kramer remained as bookkeeper of the company until its dissolution.*^ His salary 450 D. a year, was paid in installments for the first two years, but afterwards almost always at the end of each year. He took a lively interest in the company, and often bought goods for the colonial trade and was one of the leaders in the fitting out of some expeditions. In certain instances he also paid returning sailors and soldiers; he presented the case of needy supplicants, in the company's service, to the government and he was often called into the council to report on the condition of the colony. The journal In which he entered the company's business trans- actions is a large folio, bound in leather containing 1,615 entries.^* It Is in German and kept in a beautiful hand. Some of the entries give short accounts of the journeys to America. Itemized bills of all goods sent over are copied into the book and a great deal of other valuable information is often found in connection with the payments of salaries, the buying of goods and other transactions. Kramer also kept the monthly account books of the officers and soldiers and other servants in America. The verified salary-rolls and expense-accounts sent over from the colony were copied Into these " Monatgelder " books by Kramer and they are now a great source of Information.** A ^'Printz's Report, 1647, §14. '^Journal, nos. 213, 240, 319, 346. 398, 511, 580, 777. 882, 976, 1035, 1083, 1 1 67, 1206, etc. " It is well preserved. N.S., III. (K.A.). "The Monatgelder Buck (1642-1656) in which the officers and servants to be paid by the Crown were entered is a large quarto bound in leather. It gives itemized bills of all articles and moneys received by the persons entered in the book, often the place where they came from, the time of their arrival in America and of their leaving the service, as well as other interesting information. It is now preserved in N.S., II. (R.A.). 232 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. great many of the documents, accounts, lists of colonists, offi- cers, sailors and soldiers are written in his hand. In June, 1 64 1, all books and documents were brought into a room in Kramer's dwelling, which was used as an office until July, 1644, when the office was removed to the Royal Palace. The office remained in the palace until January 30, 1645, ^nd then again it was moved to Kramer's house. Here it remained until 1656. It was then transferred to the " home of Mr. Louis de Geer," where it was kept for two years or more.^* The old factors were retained and commercial agents were at times employed to sell the company's goods in Holland. In Stockholm Benjamin Bonnell continued to be the salesman. He stood in closer relation to the company than the other factors, Trotzig and Schotting, and his salary was 600 D. a year, hence larger than that of any of the other officers.*® He handled most of the tobacco which was brought into Sweden on behalf of the company and sold it in large and small quantities, until the Tobacco Company was organized in 1643. From that time until 1652 he sold only in wholesale to the members of the Tobacco Company. The peltries brought from America were also sold by him, except in cases where they were sent to Hol- land. He made contracts with Dutch merchants and large quantities of tobacco were brought to Sweden under these agree- ments. All expenses connected with the tobacco trade were paid by him, such as duty on the tobacco shipped from Holland to Sweden, freight, warehouse-rent and other items and charged to the company. In some cases he also paid out money directly to the company's creditors, from the proceeds of his sales, but he generally sent the money to Beier. There seem to have been no strict rules about it, and the most convenient way was per- haps adopted. His services for the company came to an end in 1652.*^ Timon van Schotting remained as factor in Gothen- ^ Kramer charged the company 25 D. a year for rent; wood (about 5 cords) and light (about 2 lbs. of candles) averaged about 25 D. a year. Some years the total was only about 35 D., at others 75 D. a year. While the office was kept at De Geer's house 80 D. a year were paid for rent. Journal, no. 345, 443, 510, 670, 776, 881, 977, 1036, 1083, n68, 1430, etc. "Journal, nos. 209, 511, 580, 669, 777, 882, 976, 1035, etc. " Cf. below, biography and Journal, nos. 209, 211, etc. wpamwi il" i if- -^ i*:il^V5^ J'a X^,'4>1>. 1*. -." -i c J CT:^ iC L^^ — \[\ 1 r^v t; '^- jf fe. ■.■ .':-»; 14: '^ -I i'V.'c.'-" ^. 2s'c' -:£, 7P, '.J -5 "^3; 5 4lin£. K 4 ' j'*; --;V- . S o ^ '-> Reorganization of the Company. 233 burg, and his salary was unchanged. He occupied a responsible position. The merchandise sent from Holland to Gothenburg for the colonial trade and for the victualling of the ships was placed in his care and he often settled the bills. He also made large purchases of goods in Gothenburg for some of the expe- ditions. The returning sailors were often paid by him, and Beier generally sent him the money used in fitting out the ships and in supplying the ready cash on the journey as well as the money paid to the sailors in advance on their monthly wages. He sold tobacco for the company at Gothenburg; he confiscated tobacco unlawfully shipped in; he collected the fines from the smugglers and brought a suit against Clas Hemming to compel him to disclose where a certain quantity of tobacco was con- cealed. He often looked after the repairing of ships and was very active in preparing the Fifth Expedition. But he does not seem to have performed his trust to entire satisfaction. He allowed some of the articles to go to ruin under his care and Kramer often found his accounts incorrect and incomplete. Printz complained about the ruined goods and probably Kramer also reported the inaccuracies he found in his bills. Perhaps as a result of this he was removed from his post. At any rate he must either have been removed from his service or volun- tarily resigned towards the end of 1644.** Macklier was later appointed in his stead. He appears to have performed the same service as Schotting, but he does not seem to have been paid a salary.^^ Peter Trotzig acted as the company's factor in Holland throughout this period.*" He received no salary, but all ex- penses which accrued in the company's service such as the cost of travelling, writing-paper, postage and the like were repaid him by the company." Most of the goods secured in Hol- " Journal, nos. 287, 213, 214. 237, 393. 404. 239, 213, 214, 187 (law suit), 187, 213 ff., 237, 239, 393, 404, etc. "Extract," etc., Soderk., 1637-S9 (R^A.) and Bills in N.S., I. (K.A.), and in N.S., I. (R.A.). "Macklier was a merchant at Gothenburg. He was at times sent as repre- sentative of Gothenburg to Stockholm. See below, Biography. " See above, Chap. XVIII. and Biography. " Journal, nos. 219, 232, 586. 234 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. land for the New Sweden trade during this period was bought by him. He also bought large quantities of tobacco and sent it to Bonnell for the Swedish trade. He bought ships for the company and sold the copper sent to Holland by Beier in 1646. He often supplied provisions for the ships that touched Hol- land and at times paid sailors their salaries in advance. He paid people who returned from New Sweden and the passage of several returning colonists from Holland to Sweden. He was generally applied to in case of need by those who managed to reach Holland and he saved many people on the ship the Katt from distress and want.*^ In 1644 and 1645 he did little or no business for the company, and it seems that he was absent from Holland or ill during this period.** Peter Spiring looked after the diplomatic business of the company in Holland. When ships were seized in 1 644 he pre- sented protests and memorials and succeeded in securing their release. He superintended the sale of the goods on the two ships, and ships of the Old South-Ship Company were sold through him. Money advanced by the Crown always went through his hands, and reports and account books from New Sweden were generally sent to him. His connection with the company, however, became less important as time went on, and in 1650 it was severed by his death.** The finances of the Reorganized New Sweden Company did not improve much over the old condition.*^ There was always " See below, Chap. XXIX. " In September, 164.3, a draft was sent to him by Beier, and in December, 1645, Lucas Anderson paid Trotzig 786:24 R.D. But between these dates he seems to have had very little to do with the company. Journal, nos. 308, 501. " Cf. above, Chap. XIII. ff. and biography below. "According to the balance made on the last of February, 1643, the finances of the company were as follows: Debit. Credit. D. ore. D. ore. Her Royal Majesty and the Crown of Sweden 2i,475 23,575 Royal Admiralty 26,389 i$% 17.920 tsVz His Grace Mr. Clas Fleming 7,866 5 7,573 3oVi The Old [South] Ship Company 39.657 23 48,122 17J4 Peter Spiring Silfverkrona 32,131 30 32,055 31 His Excellency Mr. Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna 4,500 2,400 His Excellency the Royal Chancellor 4.500 S.679 *fi (^ j*,. CKr;^t«^4?'„/,^, L ti i w- m f^-**'^ '^ v Ik ^^ 1.V sft 1' J6-iwitr, 'ti^HtsA^^ »■»* Timon van Schottingen's (Schotting's) bill of June, 16+3, showing: Kramer's corrections of 58 D. 4 ore. Original preserved in N. S. I. (R. A.), Stockhohn, Reorganization of the Company. 235 a lack of money for paying the servants in the employ of the company and never adequate means for procuring and sending over the merchandise, necessary to keep up the trade established with the Indians and the neighboring colonies, and the things needed to make the settlement a real success. It was also due to the inability of the company to provide passage for the emi- Debit. Credit. D. ore. D. ore. His Excellency the Royal Treasurer 2,250 900 rimon van Schottingen in Gothenburg 18,360 18 18,762 25 Tobacco under the care of Benjamin Bonnell, 43,366 lbs 26,812 7Vi 36,485'/^ lbs i8,43S i6'A Peter Trotzig in Amsterdam 22,574 13 22,397 j Tobacco under Timon van Schottingen, 3,379 lbs 1,062 i54 mH lbs 830 5 Skipper Clas Hindersson Bonder 141624 11^ I4i969 28 Major Richard Clerk 112 16 28 24 The Shipbuilding at Vestervik 465 11V2 Hans Neuman and Robert Smith 711 6V2 Tobacco under the Commiss Hendrick Huygen, 20554 lbs 205 t6 6i'/$ lbs 92 8 French salt lying at Stockholm 3,007 i^A 5, 175 19 Hans Kramer the bookkeeper of the company 704 lo 900 Benjamin Bonnell 36,620 1554 30,871 sJ4 French salt lying in Borga 1.44° 792 French salt lying in Abo 924 The Secretary Johan Beier 4>Soo The Tobacco Excise at Stockholm 3,928 1 8 The budget of the servants of the Crown in New Sweden 1,514 7 3.928 18 The capital of the Crown in the Company 9,000 The capital of the [South] Ship Company in the [N.S.] Company 27,000 The capital of His Excellency the Riksdrotsen . . . 4,500 The capital of His Excellency the Chancellor 4,500 The capital of His Excellency the Royal Treasurer 2,250 The capital of His Grace Mr. Clas Fleming 2,250 The capital of Peter Spiring Silfverkrona 4,500 Returns coming from BorgS 805 iVi 990 Cargo lying in Holland under the care of Peter Trotzig 6.777 8 The Secretary Johan Beier 17.264 4^ 16,484 The general trading accounts of the New Sweden Company 99.745 2 50.292 2 388,052 6^ 388,052 6H 236 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. grants that hundreds of prospective colonists were compelled to remain in Sweden. Better results could have been accom- plished, however, with the means on hand, if Sweden had been governed by a ruler more interested in commercial enterprises and matters of state, and less given to pleasure-seeking and learned discussion than Christina. Misfortune also played its part and some energy was wasted, but it can hardly be said that the results, measured by the efforts put forth, were less in this case than in similar colonizing schemes of other nations. We are now to see what these results were and what was done from 1642 until 1653 for the further establishment of the settlement. CHAPTER XXV. The Fifth Expedition, i 642-1 643. It seems that Ridder's reports of the English settlements and of the condition of the country gave new life to the activities of the interested persons in Sweden and early in 1642 prepara- tions were begun for an expedition. It was decided (after some discussion), to relieve Ridder from his post and the Coun- cil of State determined to request Johan Printz to become governor of New Sweden. He accepted the offer and began to make preparations for the long journey in the spring of the same year.^ There was now a period of lively activity in the colony's behalf. From the end of April until the beginning of September the Council of State considered the matter at several of its sessions, which gave rise to discussions that culminated in the reorganization of the company, as we have seen. In June it was decided to despatch the returning ships to the colony, together with a third vessel at least by the beginning of August or as soon as preparations could be made. The government assumed all expenses connected with the journey, except the board and salary of the colonists and servants of the company.^ Great efforts were made to procure provisions. Spiring bought some foodstuffs in Holland, but most of the goods and provisions for the journey were secured by Schotting in Gothen- burg and through the managers of the company in Stockholm. No cargo for the Indian trade was purchased, however, as that would have delayed the expedition ; but a variety of articles for the needs of the colony such as wine, malt, grain, pease, nets, muskets, shoes, stockings, and other wearing apparel, and smal- ler articles, such as writing paper, sealing wax, and the like, as well as hay for the stock, were loaded into the vessels. ^Rddsfr., IX. 252 (April 25, 1642). He was knighted and received dona- tions of land in the summer. R.R., June 20, 1642, fol. 851 ff., 853 ff. ''These expenses were paid by the company. 237 238 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Horses, cattle, sheep, and perhaps chickens, were to be brought over on this expedition.^ The preparations advanced slowly, however, and not until the autumn were the plans definitely settled. Only two vessels were to be sent, instead of three, as was originally intended. The instruction for Johan Printz was discussed and outlined in the Council of State, suggestions being made by Spiring and others, and on the fifteenth of August the instruction was signed by the members of the government.* The commission of Printz as governor was signed the same day. A budget was made for the colony and the salaries of the officers and soldiers placed upon it were to be paid by the government. Four hundred R.D. were granted the governor for traveling expenses, and as a recompense for his lost time in waiting for the expedition to start. Christer Boije and the Rev. Campanius were also en- gaged to serve here, and Gregorius van Dyck returned to the colony on this expedition.* A large number of Dutch soldiers and servants had been employed before 1642. This was now to be avoided and the Dutch soldiers in the colony were to be supplanted by Swedes as far as possible, since it was found that quarrels and dissensions arose among the people. Accordingly almost all of the soldiers hired at this time were Swedes.® Efforts were also made to secure colonists, Kidder having sent earnest requests for more people. A certain blacksmith, Mickel Nilsson, was engaged by Beier, on the recommendation of Governor Berndes, to seek for minerals in New Sweden. He was sent to Varmland in June to hire laborers and 131 :6 D. were given him for expenses. Letters were written by the council to several governors asking them to prevail upon people to emigrate and those of good repute might take their families ' It seems that Printz brought over horses of his own. They were fed at public expense and Schotting delivered hay to him at Gothenburg to the value- of 800:23 D., which were charged to his account. Rddspr., IX. 252, R.R., 164a, Journal, N.S., III. (K.A.). *It contains 28 par. It was published by Acrelius in his Beskr., pp. 16-32, and has been (poorly) translated by Reynolds. Cf. below, Chap. XXXII. " Sprinchorn is mistaken in stating that M5ns Kling and Knut Liljehok went to the colony on this ship. See Kol. N. Sve., p. 15. Cf. below. Chap. XXVI. 'Rddspr., IX. 363, 404. : -V ^'Z ,„,.f^v./J-"-v ''■V l'*-!- '^^■^■^ '»j^^(- ^^.,.^J.V , i:^-«4»i / I U/Z-v ^^^t ^— >^. '^■^- f,?. dfi:^i^^/i^^ Commission of Johan Printz as governor of New Sweden toriginal), August 15, 1642. Signed by Per Bralie, H[erman] Wrangel, Clas (Klas) Flemingh, Axel Oxeu- stierna and Gabriel Oxenstierna Bengtson. Preserved in the Kammararkiv, Stock- holm. The Fifth Expedition. 239 with them, in fact they were requested to do so. But few emi- grants were willing to go, and more effective means than mere persuasion had to be employed. In the summer the council decided that poachers and deserted soldiers should be con- demned to serve in the colony for a number of years. But even in this way the number found was insufficient, and in August several governors'' of the northern and central provinces of the kingdom were requested to capture such Finns in their terri- tories as were known to be destroying the forests and doing damage to the woods at the mines.* These people with their families were to be kept in readiness for transportation to Gothenburg within three weeks after August i. Later it was decided that citizens also who could not pay their debts should be deported. It seems that at least three emigrants came from Finland. In June, 1643, ^he Royal Court at Abo informed Fleming that certain inhabitants had committed crimes, for which they had been condemned to be deported, but the gover- nors could not execute the sentence, as they did not know where to send them. Now the Court inquired if such criminals could not be sent to New Sweden. Fleming replied that If there were any persons in Finland, sentenced to banishment, who had not committed such crimes that other people shunned their company, they could be sent to Stockholm and placed on the ships, which were soon to sail for the Delaware. On the ninth of July the Court informed the Governor General of Finland that three Inhabitants of the country should be sent to America. One was a bookkeeper, Johan Fransson, from VIborg, whose crime is not specified, " the other two were married men who had committed adultery three times and one of them had in addition shot some elks on Aland." The last two were to re- main in America for six years.* Some of the colonists assembled at Stockholm and awaited the sailing of the ships, which were to proceed to Gothenburg as soon as all preparations had been 'The governors were Carl Bonde, Peter Kruse (governor of Dalarne), Johan Berndes (governor of Kopparberget and Saltberget) and Olaf Stake (governor of Varraland och Dal). ' Cf. Chaps. XV., XVIII. • Tid. utg. af et Salsk. i Abo. 240 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. made and from there they were to go to America." The Fama and probably also the Swan finally set sail on the sixteenth of August with Campanius and other passengers on board and arrived at Gothenburg on the twelfth of September. It seems that the ship Fama was in poor condition when she arrived and it was found necessary to paint her and make re- pairs. These and other things delayed the expedition for several weeks, causing the company much expense, as the sol- diers, servants and settlers had to be fed and housed. Printz with his family went by land to meet the ships and he probably arrived at Gothenburg about the beginning of September where other passengers were awaiting the sailing of the vessels. Cash money was advanced by the company for the payment of the salaries. Campanius was given 40 D. on his salary; Beier furnished Printz 519:16 D. to be used in paying the officers three months of their wages and 105 Daler were given to the skippers of the vessels to be used in cases of emergency. Finally all preparations were made, the colonists were re- viewed and brought on board and on the first of November, "^^ the two vessels Fama and Swan set sail for America. On the fourteenth of November they were in the Spanish Sea, and towards the end of December they arrived at the Island of Antigua, where the passengers spent the Christmas holidays and were refreshed and strengthened, the English governor of the place entertaining Governor Printz, Campanius and the other officers at his own house. They left the island in the beginning of January, " having as many oranges and lemons as they could take with them," and arrived at the Delaware Bay about the end of January, 1643. Here they experienced a fearful storm with snow, and the ships were badly used, Fama running ashore and losing her main mast, sprit sail and three large anchors. The other vessel also suffered damages and some of the goods " Rddspr., IX. 256 ff. ; Am. Reg., December 3, 1642 (Fl. Ar.) ; Journal, no. 165 S., R.R. August I, 15 (several letters and entries), 30, 1642. R.R. 1642, fol. 94 (L. & Ger.). Beier's Acct. B., June 30, 1642, N.S., II. (R.A.). ^Journal, no. i8o ff. ; Campanius Holm (trans.), p. 70. The Fifth Expedition. 241 was ruined. After over two week's delay In the river the ships arrived at Fort Christina^^ on the fifteenth of February. The ships were prepared for the return voyage in the spring, and they departed from the colony about April 14,^^ with some returning people and large cargoes of beaver and otter skins. The ships went by way of Portugal, where a quantity of salt was loaded into the Swart, and perhaps into the Fama also. The homeward journey was a speedy one and the two ships were in Gothenburg about the end of July. The documents, letters and reports sent from the colony were received in Stockholm, August I. Ridder, Rasmunsson, Johan Hansson, the sail- maker, and many others returned with the vessels and they were paid various sums by Schotting in Gothenburg and by Beier in Stockholm. The cargoes of skins and salt were brought to Stockholm to be sold there and the Council of State decided that the salt should be duty-free.** "Campanius Holm (trans.), p. 71; Journal, no. 303, Ms. of Campanius in Rilamb. Saml, fol. 201 (R.L.) . "The letters sent on the vessels by Printz are dated on April 12 and 14, making it probable that the ships were ready to sail on April 12 (o.s.), but that contrary winds or calm prevailed for about two days. "Rddipr., I. 265; Am. Reg., October 10, 1643 (Fl. Ar.) ; Journal, no. 281 fiF. 17 CHAPTER XXVI. The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden and the Trading Voyage to the Caribbean Islands, i 643-1 647. Before the Fauna and the Swan left Europe in November, 1642, preparations were under way for a new expedition. Admiral Fleming was untiring in his activity for the company, and he was assisted by Beier, Kramer, Schotting, Trotzig and Spiring.^ From August until December Trotzig bought goods in Holland to the amount of several thousand florins,* and in the spring and summer of 1643 he continued to purchase goods and supplies on the admiral's order. The merchandise was shipped to Gothenburg, and placed in the care of Schot- ting. About 1,700 D. in cash and goods were furnished in Gothenburg on Fleming's account by Per Bengtsson and Mans Andersson,^ and Schotting bought cloth, ready-made clothes, shoes, stockings and other things, while Beier and Kramer pur- chased axes, saws, mill stones, cloth, and the like in Stockholm.* In the autumn 84,000 bricks,® and 12,000 tiles were purchased for the company by Trotzig and sent to Sweden, and 6,000 of these bricks besides a ton of lime were loaded upon the Fama.^ In the autumn of 1643 the Council of State discussed the colonial enterprise at a number of meetings. The salt brought from Portugal was to be used for the benefit of the company and other provisions were made for the expenses of the expedi- 'Extr. fr. Queen's letter to Spiring, August 22, 1645. Soderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). I could find no letter from the Queen to Spiring dated August 22 in the R.R. There is one, however, dated August 24, 1645 (Lat. and G., fol. 175-6). 'Journal, nos. 220, 238. " Carg. Rech. von P. Trotzig iiberg. ult. Dec. 1642." N.S.| I. (R.A.). The entire bill including all expenses, was 10,004:18 fl. ' ' " Flemings fogdar." 'Journal, nos. 233 ft., 304 ff. ; Beier's Ace. Book, 1643. The goods were paid for by drafts sent from Stockholm by Beier. " " 84,000 moppen." 'Beier's Ace. Book, October i, 1643, N.S., I. (K.A.). Bills in Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.). Cf. below. 242 The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden. 243 tion. On October 16 the question of collecting emigrants was considered, and at a later meeting it was decided that timber thieves and game poachers should be sent to New Sweden.^ A carpenter, Jacob Cornelisson ( ?), who had been in the employ of the government for some years, applied for permission to go to New Sweden and a passport was given to him by the Ad- miralty.* Johan Papegoja prepared to return to America on the Fatna and on the twenty-fifth of October 60 D. were given to him by the government for travelling expenses and a recom- mendation was issued for him by the Queen. He hired a num- ber of soldiers for service in the settlement, and in the Monthly Account Book it is stated that Bengt Hindersson, Anders An- dersson and Anders Jonsson were engaged by him in December, 1643.* The barber Hans Janeke was hired to go to the colony on this expedition and Beier gave 60 D. for the preparations of his medicine chests. Knut and Per Liljehok and Johan Mats- son were also among the passengers.'" It appears that two or three colonists came from Finland. On May 18, 1643, the Royal Court at Abo*' passed a resolution that a farmer from Nautila By, in Hvittis Socken, and another from Pamark in Ulfsby Socken should be sent to New Sweden for committing adultery. A discredited soldier from Cajana was likewise con- demned to be transported to America and he was to remain there all his life.'^ Besides these I have found no traces of emigrants, who came here on this expedition. It is likely that a few more were on the ship, but the number must have been very small, for only 1 20 men are given in Governor Printz's list in June, 1644.'* The goods bought by Kramer and Beier were gradually loaded upon the Fama which lay at anchor in the harbor at 'Rddspr., X. 265, 280, 307, 354. 'Am. Reg., Oct. 8, 1643. But he does not seem to be in the country in 1644, for Gov. Printz omits him in his list, unless he is mentioned by a different name. Cf. below, Appendix. See Odhner, N.S., p. 37 ff- "R.R., October 25, 1643. Fol. 1151; Monaig. B., 1642-56. "Journal, no. 325; Monatg. B., 1642-56. " A city in Finland, on the west coast, almost west of Helsingfors. "Tidningar, etc., IX. p. 235. "Rulla, 1644, Appendix. 244 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Stockholm. On September i the ship set sail for Gothenburg with a few colonists and soldiers on board, and probably arrived there towards the end of the month.^* The cargo stored in the city was put on board and soon the Fama was ready to sail, waiting for a favorable wind. Along with the preparations of the Fama another ship, the well-known Kalmar Nyckel, was fitted out for a trading journey to the Caribbean Islands. Printz made suggestions for such a trade in his letters of 1643, but this expedition was undertaken according to the plans and proposals of Captain Berendt Hermansson Hopp, and he made reports to the officers of the company and presented lists of articles that would find a ready market on the islands. Large quantities of "wooden bottles," wooden spoons, wooden basins, lumber, tar and other products and manufactured articles were furnished for the voyage in Finland and Sweden. Captain Hopp was sent to Holland to buy supplies as well as to hire sailors, and through him merchandise " for the tobacco trade in the Caribbean Islands" to the value of 2,731 D. was obtained. Trotzig purchased brandy and wine^* and Schotting bought beer and provisions.^® Towards the end of October the two ships were ready to leave port, and on the thirty-first passes were issued for them by the government.*^ The vessels left Gothenburg on December 29. It is probable that both kept the same course for some time, but they must have parted before arriving in American waters, for only the Fama went to New Sweden.** On the "Monatg. B., 1643-56; J. Matssons Ace. " Trotzig also hired some of the sailors. "Journal, nos. 299, 300, 304 ff. Schotting's bills from 1643 in Sbderk., 1637-59 (R.A.). For various expenses connected with the voyage, see "Spec, van . . . ungel. . . . 1643," signed by Schotting, N.S., I. (K.A.). "Latin pass for Kalmar Nyckel, October 31, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A.). "The statement (in Hist. Bill, 1877, p. 178) that only Fama made the journey to New Sweden in 1643-4, 's correct, but the supposition that only one ship was fitted out at this time is wrong. In a lead-pencil note in the copy found in the R.A. at Stockholm, it is stated that the two ships went to New Sweden. This is not correct, as can be seen from the above account. In several documents it is stated that Kalmar Nyckel and Fama sailed to New Sweden in 1643-4. See R.R., August la, 1643; Am. Reg., May 3, 1645, and other places. The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden. 245 twenty-seventh of February she was near the American coast, and on the eleventh of March she cast anchor in Christina Har- bor.^® About the middle of June she was ready for her return voyage, but contrary winds or other circumstances delayed the sailing. On or shortly after July 20 she lifted anchor and set sail for Europe with a large cargo of tobacco and skins. After a two months' voyage the ship arrived in Holland and put into Harlingen to revictual. From there it was to have sailed for Sweden, but the war with Denmark was now on, and it was decided to unload the ship, and not to take the cargo to Gothenburg.^" Spiring promptly applied to the authorities at Amsterdam for a permit to unload, but it was refused and the matter was referred to the West India Company.^^ About the same time the vessel was put under arrest and two guards were placed on board by order of the company. On the eighth of October (n.s.), 1644, Spiring sent a protest to the States General, expressing his surprise at their refusal to grant the permit, since the customs and duties were offered to be paid, and requesting that orders be given for the ship to unload. The protest had no effect, however, beyond an order that the directors of the Dutch West India Company should furnish the States General with full information about the ship and its cargo. A few days later Spiring seems to have sent a longer In a letter written 1646 by M. Johansson he says that he was along on the Kalmar Nyckel on its journey to Virginia. In all such cases the term Virginia is used in a very broad sense, meaning really North America, or the term is used by such who had no accurate knowledge of the destination of the ships as in R.R., August 12, 1645. Sometimes the journey of Kalmar Nyckel is spoken of as to New Sweden in the Official Journal. "See Papegoja's letter, July 15, 1644; Ace. B., 1642-56. Papegoja says "(We) were on the journey for two months; the twenty-ninth of December we set sail from Gothenburg and the twenty-seventh of February we saw Virginia." By Virginia they sometimes meant Virginia proper, sometimes the American coast in general and sometimes New Sweden. Cf. note above. In the Ace. B., 1642-1656, it is stated that Liljehok landed here on March 12; in Printz' Report it is stated that the ship arrived on March 11. It is therefore probable that the ship arrived in the afternoon or evening of March 11, and that the passengers were landed in the morning or forenoon of March 12. * Cf. below. Chap. XXVII. "The ship must have been in Holland towards the end of September or the first days of October, for some days before October 8 Spiring applied for a permit to unload. Doc, I. 143. 246 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. and more vigorous "memorial" and he expected an answer as soon as possible, " so that the perishable goods in the ship might not be damaged." On October 15 the States General "resolved and concluded, that the cargo of the said ship the Fama shall be regulated as regards the duties itl the same way as those of the French, English, Danish and other foreign nations, that bring and discharge such or similar cargoes here, to wit, the ordinary import duties and in addition eight per cent, both made over among other things to the West India Company of these ports In place of subsidies; all in conformity with the eighth Article of their High Mightinesses' regulation of the sixteenth of October, 1637, and their confirmatory reso- lution of the twenty-fourth of July, 1641, following there- upon." On the receipt of this document Spiring requested a conference with some of the deputies of the States General, and on October 26 the conference took place. It is likely that Spiring was requested to present his protests and arguments in writing, for on the same day Spiring presented another long memorial. He thought it strange that the Queen's ship should be treated like those of private individuals, and he could not agree to pay eight per cent, in addition to Import duty, yet he asked "whether it had reference to the principal, the risk, the profit, the entire, or what else, also if the valuation of the goods was to apply to the place where they were procured, here where they were bought, or there where they would be consumed."^^ The Dutch West India Company, he said, could not rightfully claim any duty on the goods, since " it had heretofore under grant of Her Royal Majesty a share in the Swedish company, having also acknowledged It for an absolute and free company, and, then, ships from the kingdom, from New Sweden, having sailed and been loaded and discharged here, off and on, never subjected to, much less paid such duties, and hence, so far from there being any right and equity for such Imposition it ought, on the contrary, now to be considered in direct opposition to all '^ I am quoting from, as it would seem, a poor translation of the document in Doc, I.; not finding time to compare it with the original at the Hague. The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden. 247 right, after the West India Company had surrendered its shares, and Her Rbyal Majesty had bought it out and exclusively acquired those shares herself; wherefore nothing similar could now be levied by virtue and in regard of said purchase, and still so much the less so inasmuch as this Her Royal Majesty's ship had traded and come from a country which Her Royal Majesty had rightfully purchased and obtained possession of from the right\_ful'\ owners." He also requested that the two guards be removed from the ship, and reminded the States General of the respectful treatment Hollanders had received in Sweden at various times, thinking it only proper that the courtesy should be returned. But weeks passed and no settlement was in sight.^* In the meantime the Kalmar Nyckel also arrived in Holland. When the ship left the Fama westward bound, in the beginning of 1644, it proceeded directly to the Caribbean Islands, and re- mained in those parts for some weeks. In May it was at St. Christopher, and on the fifth of this month a quantity of tobacco was bought there. The whole cargo was finally exchanged for tobacco, and preparations made for the return voyage. It was the intention of the company to continue the trade, and Captain Hopp left 7,545 lbs. of tobacco on the island, which he had in mind to bring to Europe on the next journey; but when the cargo was sold in 1645 the proceeds of the expedition were small, and it was decided not to send another expedition thither. Hopp was therefore held responsible for the tobacco and some other goods which remained at St. Christopher, and their value was charged to his account.^* It has been impossible to deter- mine when the ship left the islands on its return journey, but it arrived in Holland later than the Fama. The ship touched at Dover, where supplies to the value of 619 D. were purchased by Captain Hopp on a draft, and from there she went to Har- lingen. She was also put under arrest and new complications ^ Doc, I. 143 ff-. 146-7- "See "Brief van den Koop," etc., of May 5, 1643, and another of May 15 of the same year. N.S., I. (R.A.). ^" Gen. Balance, 1650." Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A). Journal, no. 490 ff., Doc, I. 156. 248 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Spiring now sent new protests to the States General, and finally on the twenty-first of April (n.s.), 1645, that body ordered that no further difficulties should be made with regard to the unloading of the vessels, but that eight per cent, addi- tional duty must be paid. But the end of the troubles was not yet in sight. On June 5 Spiring paid the import duty on the goods through his agent, Lucas Andersson,^® at Amsterdam, but the Board of Admiralty at Harlingen demanded Spiring's factor at that place to pay the duty also. On the twenty-seventh of July (n.s.) Spiring complained to the States General and on the thirty-first of the same month he again called their attention to the fact and enclosed a copy of the receipt given by the Directors of the Chamber at Amsterdam to Lucas Andersson, July 5, 1645.='' The troubles now seem to have come to an end. The cargoes on the two ships were sold by Andersson. The beaver skins in the Fama realized 15,000 fl. and the tobacco on that ship was sold for 6,728 fl. Seven hundred and eighty-three rolls or 50,824 lbs. of tobacco were on the Kalmar Nyckel and the lot was sold for 8,666 florins. But the net proceeds realized by the company were reduced by Andersson's commission, as well as by freight charges and other expenses. The expenses due to the arrest of the ships were considerable, and in the beginning of December Andersson paid more than 3,000 D. for supplies and other necessaries. The returning colonists and soldiers were paid partly by Trotzig and Beier in Stockholm, and their passage from Holland to Sweden was also paid by the com- pany.^* The company was relieved of the expense of the victualling of the ships and the payment of the sailors, as this was undertaken by the government. When the ships arrived "Lucas Arentz in Doc, 1. 159. That "Lucas Arentz" and Lucas Andersson is the same person can be seen from Journal, 499, 504. "Doc, I. p. 159 fiF. ; Journal, nos. 499, 504. " Christer Boije, Timon Stidden and some others were paid by Trotzig in Holland. In Stockholm Beier paid E. Mortensson 52:15 D., Stidden 468:19 D., J. Mortensson 20 D., M. Eskelsson 20 D., Jons Andersson 10 D., the skipper Peter Poulsson 375 D., who were paid by the company, but the others received their money from Beier on behalf of the Admiralty, through orders from the chancellor. Journal, 417 ff., 500 flf. The Sixth Expedition to New Sweden. 249 in Gothenburg, the sailors clamored for pay from the Admi- ralty, but it was refused. Beier called the attention of the Queen to the matter in a letter of July 19, 1645, ^"^^ the sailors appealed to Her Majesty for redress. On August 12 the Queen ordered Admiral Carlsson to provide for the wages of the sailors out of the Admiralty's appropriations, and on August 20 the Council of State decided or rather " thought that the expedition ought to be paid by the Crown." But all the wages were not paid at the time, for a petition signed by thirteen sailors was sent to Oxenstierna in 1647 (?),''* asking for the outstanding pay and stating that the petitioners would be reduced to begging unless aid was given to them. It is prob- able that their endeavors were successful, for nothing further is said about the matter.^" " No date but " for halft annat ihr sijn " referring to the Royal order of August 12, 164s, places the date about February, 1647. "•R.R., August 12, 1645. Letter from Queen (copy in N.S., I. (R.A.)). Rddspr., XI. 165. Petition of Ambrosius Joransson, Erick Ericksson Hook, etc. (13 boatsmen), N.S., II. (R.A.). The Queen also on August 22, 1645, released the company from paying for the expedition. See R.R. under this date. CHAPTER XXVII. The Seventh Expedition, i 645-1 647. Printz and Papegoja were earnest in their requests for more colonists and additional supplies, when the Fama left the shores of New Sweden In 1644. But events in northern Europe of far greater Importance to the welfare of Sweden than the little colony on the South River were occupying the minds of the statesmen In Stockholm at this time. Denmark had kept aloof from an active participation in the Thirty Years' War since 1629. It had seen the Increasing influence and power of Sweden and Its growing commercial Interests and far-reaching plans with envious eyes. It was true that only one third of the Swe- dish export and import trade for the years 1 63 7- 1 643 was carried on Swedish vessels, but Swedish ships had been sent to other continents, the Swedish flag was waving over possessions in the New World, and indications were that the supremacy in the Baltic would soon pass over to the power lying north of Oresund. King Christian IV. endeavored to sustain and assert Danish supremacy In the Baltic and Danish jurisdiction in the sound. A heavy toll, amounting to 616,000 R.D. In 1639, was collected from vessels passing through the strait.^ This, of course, was a burden to Sweden. Besides, Swedish vessels were often con- fiscated and the Danish King conducted a regular warfare in everything but In name against his neighbor.^ In the peace negotiations of Sweden, Denmark also played the false friend,* but the opportunity for which Oxenstierna had been waiting was come. Denmark was to be attacked and the Swedish sword was to make an end of Danish Interference.* ^ Fridericia, Danm. ydre pol. Hist., II. 2zo, note z, ^Kernkamp, De Sleutels van de Sont, p. z ff. ^ In the peace negotiations at Osnabriick the Danish mediators or commissioners were instructed to work against all demands of Sweden. Cf. Fridericia, Danm. ydre pol. Hist., II. *The causes of the war were deeper and lay further back than the present troubles in the sound. Concerning the events that led up to the war, see 250 Klas Fleming. Scepter, the flagship of Admiral Klas Fleming on which he was killed. From G. Unger's //. sv. sjokrigsh. I. The Seventh Expedition. 251 About the time the Fama and the Swan returned from New Sweden in the spring of 1643, the Council of State decided to begin the war. Great preparations were made, but the object of them remained secret, not even the Swedish representative at Copenhagen knowing of the intention of his government. Every ship that could be used was pressed into service and through Fleming's efforts Sweden had a navy that could cope with the enemy when the war began. Two of the ships that had made journeys to New Sweden took part in the battle of Fehmarn,'' and as the Fama and Kalmar Nyckel arrived at Gothenburg in the summer of 1645, they were fitted out for participation in the struggle. On the seventh of August Kalmar Nyckel fought a bitter battle with a Danish ship the St. Peer between Copenhagen and Malmo. Only twelve men on the Swedish ship survived the encounter and M. Johansson, who had made several trips to New Sweden and " Virginia " as a secretary, was badly wounded.* Under such conditions no ships could be spared for journeys to America, and the war absorbed all the attention of the government. But the war not only hindered and delayed preparations for another expedition to New Sweden; it also removed the staunchest and the most interested supporter of the colony. Fleming was killed In July, 1 644, by a stray bullet from a Danish battery.'' Fridericia, II. p. 178 ff. The conditions became such through the Danish inter- ference, tiiat the industries in Sweden were badly damaged. Cracau's secre- tary even relates that De Geer closed his factories and sent his laborers away until there should be a change. Fridericia, II. 291. ° See " Diarium ofwer det som wedh Kong. Maj :t. sampt rykzens drlogzflotta uti denna forleeden sommarreesa . . . passerat ahr." Am. Reg., May 22, 1644 (F.A.), where the Siuan is given among the ships that took part, and " Sjoslaget vid Firmern d. 13 Okt. 1644." Sv. Hist, och Polit. Visor (p. 312 ff.), where the Siuan (p. 314, strophe 10) and the Charitas (p. 314, strophe 11) are mentioned among the vessels that were engaged. "See M. Johansson to the Queen (two letters, no date, but from internal evi- dence, written in 1646), N.S., II. (R.A.). ' For an account of the Swedish-Danish war of 1643-1645 and the relation between the two countries before and after the struggle see Fridericia, " Danm. ydre pot.," etc., II., and "Danm. Riges Hist.," 1588-1699, p. 237 ff. (the war, p. 256 ff.) ; Barfod, 935 ff.; Geijer, III. 262 ff.; Hildebrand, Sv. 'hist., etc., V. p. 382 ff.; Kernkamp, De Sleutels van de Sont; Munthe, Si "Fires damaged the Palace in 1642 and 1646. See Dalgren, Stockholm, II. 14; Uppmark, p. 96. "Most of the excise for the years 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1645 was used for other purposes and especially for " Slottsbyggningarne hdr i Stockholm," R.R., January 20, 1648. Journal, no. 672. ^Journal, no. 513. 264 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. cient to balance the amount the budget called for, the Queen further ordered that the one third of the confiscated tobacco and fines, which by former ordinances were to be paid into the state treasury, should also be turned over to the company. From the beginning of 1643 "fit'l the end of 1647, '^^^ third of the confiscated tobacco and fines collected for the Crown amounted to 8,764 D. and this sum was now placed to the credit of the company.^* In case the amount derived from these three sources, the excise, the confiscated tobacco and the fines, was still insufficient to cover the amount of the budget, the deficit should be supplied by the state treasury and any surplus that might accrue should be handed over to the government according to the annual accounts presented by Hans Kramer, the company's bookkeeper. In 1648 two thirds of the confiscated tobacco and fines (the Crown's and the company's parts) amounted to 4,097 D. ex- clusive of the excise, or 169 D. more than the budget called for, but in 1649 this sum had fallen to 802 D., which, in- cluding the excise on 2 1,623 J4 lbs. of tobacco, footed up to only 2,154 D., or 1,774 D. less than the amount specified in the budget. When the restrictions on the importation of tobacco were removed (in November, 1649) there were, of course, no fines nor confiscations and the budget was from then "The itemized account is as follows: In A". 1643 und in der Partita 282 in diessem Buch ist die Crohne Creditiert vor ihr % part des Confiscirten Tobacks vor die Summa von R.D. 1,083:19^ In A°. 1644 und in der Partita 373 vor den in Gothenburgh geconfiscirten Toback als R.D. 1 1 5 :32 Noch in der Partita 392 vor den alhie in Stockholm berechneten confiscirten Tobacks nemblick R.D. 1,339: 554 In A°. 1645 laut der Partita 425 vor R.D. 550:43 Item laut der Partita 516 vor R.D. 1,427:23 Noch laut der Partita 518 vor R.D. 141:321/2 R.D. 2,120: 254 In A". 1646 und in der Partita 582 vor R.D. 597 :io54 In A°. 1647 und in der Partita 668 vor R.D. 587 :i2 Summa R.D. 5,842 :34 Solche 5,842 R.D. 34 st. betragen an Silbermvintz 8,764 D. 2 ore. Journal, nos. 282, 373, 425, 582, 668, 672, etc. The Eighth Expedition. 265 on annually charged to the Crown, " to be paid by other means " than the above, until 1654, when a new budget was made.*" Some difficulty had been encountered by the company in the preparations of some of its expeditions. Duty was demanded on articles bought in Holland for New Sweden, on their arrival at Gothenburg, and the company could show no privileges or ordinances relieving it from paying the duty. To make the case clear the Queen repeated and amplified the principle, which had been adhered to, as we have seen, for some years, that all goods sent from Holland to Gothenburg for further transpor- tation to the colony and skins and tobacco coming from New Sweden should be free of duty, but all tobacco imported from Holland should be subject to duty.-' "See Journal, nos. 739, 779, 782, 886-9, 980, 1037, 1084, 1169. The budget called for 4530 D., but 602 D. were provided for by rents in Osterbotten, cf. below, Chap. XXXVIII. "R.R., January 20, 1648, fol. 60-2. The ordinance is not printed by Acrelius, as stated in Sprinchorn, p. 30, note i. CHAPTER XXIX. The Ninth Expedition, i 649-1 673. I. Letters from New Sweden were read in session of council on the sixth of April, 1648. Printz asked for more colonists and goods, and in the summer came a letter from Papegoja with the Swan, also suing for reinforcements and requesting that he be allowed to return to Sweden unless ships and people should be sent soon.^ As a result of these reports and letters the " directors "^ of the company seem to have had meetings and decided to send out another expedition. In the summer and autumn Trotzig was ordered, perhaps by Oxenstierna, to buy goods in Holland for provisions on the journey and for trade in the colony.* Besides Trotzig, Macklier, Kramer, Bonnell and Vice-Admiral Anckarhjelm took an active part in the prepara- tions. Early in 1649 the "directors" requested the govern- ment to fit out the Kalmar Nyckel for the voyage and on the twenty-fourth of March the Queen commanded the Admiralty to prepare the ship so that she could set sail for New Sweden at the earliest opportunity with the cargo which the company had in readiness at Gothenburg. The ship should be manned with soldiers and ten guns and supplied with provisions for ten months. The " directors " requested that the Admiralty should fit out the vessel and pay all the salaries of the sailors and officers of the ship, since this branch of the government was in arrears to the company for several thousand Daler in 1649. But the Kalmar Nyckel was now an old ship and the Admiralty ^ Rddspr. Mss., p. 80 (R.A.). Papegoja's letter to A. Oxenstierna, May 15, 1648. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). ^ In the Queen's letter of April 13, 1649, the terra '" directors of the com- pany " is used in a loose way. By directors must be meant the officers of the company, Kramer, Bonnell, Beier and perhaps Oxenstierna. "See Journal, no. 765. In December, 1648, goods to the value of 5,163:13 D. were sent by Trotzig to Gothenburg by skipper Jan Theiussen. 266 The Ninth Expedition. 267 reported that she was not in condition to make such a voyage without great repairs. Accordingly the Queen ordered that another ship be prepared as soon as possible, either from among the vessels at Gothenburg or those at Stockholm.* Kattan^ was at last selected for the journey, but it was found that she must also be repaired, and on May 18 Anckarhjelm was ordered to " careen " the ship and put her in sea-faring condition for " the journey to Virginia."" A considerable number of colonists went with this expedition, and freemen that were desirous of trying their fortunes in America appear to have been numerous. In the Royal Archives are found two letters written by one " Mats Ericksson from Varmland "^ on behalf of 200 Finns who wished to go to New Sweden,® and in the minutes of the council of June 12, 1649, it is stated that a petition had been presented by "30o(?) Finns requesting Her Royal Majesty to send them to New Sweden for the cultivation of the country." The Queen thought it strange that they should ask for such permission " as there was enough land to be had in Sweden," and it is not known whether or not the permission was granted, but it is probable that some of them went on this expedition.^ It seems likely that one or two colonists from Finland went on this expedition. In the autumn of 1647 (but too late for the Seventh Expedi- tion) the Royal Court at Abo made inquiries concerning two men who had killed a number of elks. One, Israel Pedersson from Odkarby, was a man without property and the Queen ordered him to be sent to America. The other, Anders Mickels- son, a sailor from Aland, was to have his property confiscated. In case he had no property he was to be sent to the colony.^" 'R.R., March 24, April 13, 1649, fol. 735. ' Katt, The Cat,— an is the Swedish definite article. 'Am. Reg., May ig, fol. 257-258, 1649 (F.A.). There is a mistake in the index to the Reg. The index has May 19 and page 263. ' A province in southwestern Sweden, bordering on Norway. 'Ericksson's Letters to A. Oxenstierna. (No date, but probably in the summer of 1649.) N.S., I. (R.A.). If they were not allowed to settle in New Sweden they would likely go over to Denmark, he thought. 'Rddspr. Mss., R.A. Cf. Carlson, Hist., I. 390, note. "Tidningar, IX. 236 (September 15, 1647). 268 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. New Sweden, however, was still looked upon as an unde- sirable place for soldiers and officers in the employ of the Crown. In July, 1648, Lars Kagg writes to Chancellor Oxen- stiema that 300 men of Skytte's regiment had remained at home out of stubbornness. They ought to be punished, he thought, in order to set an example to others, " and as one finds," he said,." that they have a great dread of New Sweden it would be profitable that a part [of them], when a ship sails over, be brought there. "^^ It is likely that a number of these drafted soldiers were sent over. More than 70 colonists, in- cluding many women, seem to have been secured. Among the more prominent colonists were the Rev. Matthias Nertunius, the bookkeeper Joachimus Lycke (with family), the barber- surgeon Timon Stidden, Johan Rudberus, Hans Persson and Hans Amundsson (with family) . Several of the emigrants were sent from Stockholm to Gothenburg on the ship Gdsen; the rest most likely assembled at Gothenburg. Hans Amunds- son was sent to the colony in the capacity of a commander, Cornelius Lucifer was captain on the vessel and Jan Jansson Bockhorn was mate. After, as it would seem, much unnecessary delay, the goods were finally loaded into the ship. In the list of articles bought by Trotzig in Holland and now put on the ship we find 4,948 yards of cloth; 224 copper kettles; 160 pairs of shoes; 300 axes and various other articles, the whole cargo being valued at 5,215.290. Cannon and large quantities of ammunition, accord- ing to the lists and specifications of Governor Printz, were also put on board. Provisions to the value of several thousand D., estimated for twelve months, were secured by Admiral Anckar- hjelm, who also paid the six officers and twenty-four sailors on the ship some money in advance, while ten R.D. were given to each of 41 colonists for the expenses connected with the journey.^2 Several items of expense are mentioned in connec- "Lars Kagg to A. Oxenstierna. Oxenstierna Skrifter., 2, IX. 684. "Receipt given by C. Lucifer; " Aufs. und Berech.," etc., 1649, N.S., I. (R.A.). Journal, nos. 811, 816, 827-34, 84i-47> 869 ff. "Rulla," etc., July 3, 1649, N.S., II. (R.A.) ; "Rack. up. Ex. med. Kattan," etc., N.S., I. (R.A.) ; " Lista oppa tliet siofolk," etc., N.S., I. (R.A.). The Ninth Expedition. 269 tion with the loading of the ship and the delay in sailing caused further outlay of money. The ship was ready to sail on Sunday, July 2, 1649, "but some hindrance occurred." On the following day, however, she set sail with a favorable northwest wind, after the people had been reviewed and their oath of allegiance taken. The course led close by England, through the Spanish Sea and " the Eastern Passage." When they were in the neighborhood of Antigua, the captain with his officers, fearing that their supply of water would not last until they arrived in New Sweden, decided to land at the island to get a fresh supply of water. No fresh water could be obtained, but the Swedes were treated very kindly by the English governor. From Antigua they pro- ceeded to St. Christopher, where they arrived August 2 1 . Here they secured water and other refreshments and were again re- ceived in a friendly manner by the governor of the island.'* It was now determined to go to the island of St. Martin to take some lasts of salt along to " Virginien " (New Sweden) and on the twenty-second of August they anchored in the harbor. On Saturday evening, August 26, the salt was loaded upon the ship and everything was ready. As soon as the captain came on board he commanded the sails to be hoisted, but one of the servants of the company was still on land and Amundsson and the other officers implored him not to leave port before all the people were on the ship. In the night, however, when Amunds- son had gone to sleep, the captain weighed anchor and left the harbor. They seem to have sailed all that night and the next day with a favorable wind, all sails being set, and they made good time. But in the evening they came into dangerous waters. About two o'clock at night the ship received a shock from a cliff. Amundsson and the other officers anxiously requested the captain to lower the sails and bring the ship to a standstill, but he simply answered " It will all pass over." The ship received another shock, however, and again the officers clamorously " Rudberus says in his journal : " St. Christopher is a large country and on both ends of the land live Frenchmen." 270 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. demanded the captain to lower sail and proceed no further, but he said: "I am well acquainted here, it will all pass over." A third shock was felt and this time a cliff had penetrated the prow and the ship remained stationary on a rock. In the hope that she might loosen and float they threw overboard the ballast, the water and the salt secured at St. Martin, but she remained on the cliff. As day approached they could see land about two Swedish miles away.^* It was a small uninhabitated island about 80 miles from Porto Rico. Thither they brought the women and children in the life boats as soon as possible, but the sailors still tarried on the ship. In the meantime a storm arose, and, to prevent the wind from breaking the ship in two, the masts were cut down and thrown into the sea. The sailors remained on the ship that day and the following night. The next morning it seems that the life boats returned from the island and all the men abandoned the vessel and joined the women on shore, after the provisions had also been removed from the ship. But they "could not find a drop of water" on the island. "We had to lick the stones with our tongues," says Rudberus, " but could not secure so much wet for eight days that we could quench our thirst." "On Thursday following, which was August 31," a small bark passed within a mile or two of the island. The Swedes fired two distress signals for help, but instead of helping the sufferers the bark sailed to Porto Rico to relate the occurrence. Soon after two Spanish ships were sent to the Swedes. On arriving the Spaniards asked what people they were and where they came from. In response the Swedish pass was delivered. But the Spaniards pretended not to have heard of Sweden be- fore, and challenged the unfortunate people, says Rudberus, to fight or surrender. Water and other refreshments were given them, however, and the Swedes were then brought on board of their foundered ship. The Spaniards promised Amundsson that the cargo and provisions would be undisturbed, but, as " A Swedish mile equaled 6.64 English miles. Hence the distance to the land was about 13 English miles. Cf. above, Chap. VI. The Ninth Expedition. 271 soon as they came on the Swedish ship, they took everything they could get at and brought it on board of their own vessels. Not being content with this, they pulled the clothes off their victims, men and women alike, to seek for money and other valuables. On September i the ship was leaking and the Swedes were put to pumping out the water. Rev. Nertunius also took part in the pumping. He had on a pair of old trousers and carried some money in his stockings. In order to deceive the Spaniards and make them believe that he had no trousers on, he let his shirt fall outside of them and stood in this manner pumping water, causing merriment among the other Swedes. When the general found that he was a priest, however, he gave him some clothes and a cap, "but yet they called him Papistam perro Lutheran." On the third of September the shipwrecked people were brought to the city of Porto Rico on board the Spanish ships. On arriving in the city they were led to the market-place " with drums and pipes and great noise," where " a large fire was made" on which all the Swedish books were burnt. Amunds- son, being brought to the governor, complained of the treat- ment they had received at the hands of his people. Governor de la Riva promised that the Swedes should be set free, but the goods taken by the soldiers could not be restored. He assured the Swedish commandant, however, that, had he been present personally, the goods would not have been taken and the treat- ment accorded the Swedes would have been of a different kind — a rather useless assurance. Amundsson also made applica- tion to the governor for aid and was given 24 R.D. a month, but the rest of the people were compelled to make their living by working or begging. Shortly afterwards the Swedes found opportunity, with the consent of the governor, to dispatch letters and two representatives. Rev. Nertunius and Joachimus Lycke, to Stockholm to report their condition and to request the government to send a vessel for their aid. After some time a Dutch captain, Didrick Didricksen,^^ ""'An old and entirely white man, who was very kind to us," says Rudberus. 272 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. arrived at Porto Rico with his ship the Prophet Daniel, loaded with slaves. The Swedes implored him to release them from their misery. He promised them passage on his vessel, either to America or to Holland, but, as he was about to leave, the governor "made a prize of him," took his money and decided to send his ship to the King of Spain as a gift. The Swedes then obtained permission to go on the vessel to Spain. A pass- port was prepared for them, and they were instructed to be in readiness for the sailing of the ship. On the governor's assur- ance the Swedes assembled on the shore and carried their pos- sessions to the pier. But as they were ready to depart the governor was ill. He issued no orders and the city council decided to allow no one except Amundsson to go on board. They were glad to see him leave, it meant 24 R.D. less expense a month. In the case of the others, however, it meant addi- tional expense and outlay if they should be permitted to go on the vessel to Spain, for they must be fed on the journey and the majority were destitute of means. Perhaps religious motives also influenced the council to detain the Swedes — there was some hope of converting them to Catholicism if they remained on the island, but if they returned home the chance of conver- sion to "the true faith" was slight. Amundsson would not leave, however, unless his people were allowed to go with him, but he was compelled to remain on the ship. Soldiers were ordered to bring his family on board, " and left us with great lamenting and cries standing on the shore," says Rudberus. When Amundsson had gone the other Swedes were easier to manage. Some of them had already turned Catholics and now more followed their example. The converts were promised great things, " clothes, money and goods," but when they had changed their faith " all these things remained only promises." Among them was an old farmer from Gothenburg, who seems to have taken his conversion seriously. He was very happy after his baptism, being now sure that he had been truly baptized. As time went on other colonists found means for leaving The Ninth Expedition. 273 the island, and in April, 1650, a happy opportunity offered itself for the rest to depart. The city captured a little bark,^" which, with the permission of the governor, was bought by Rudberus and Joran Dufva.*^ The other Swedes, still remaining, also obtained leave to go and Rbdberus and Dufva readily gave them passage on their ship. The governor supplied some pro- visions and issued passports for them. The little vessel was soon ready to depart and towards the end of April or beginning of May'® the remnant of the shipwrecked Swedes set sail, in all twenty-four souls.'® Their object was to reach St. Christopher, whence they hoped to be able to go with some Hollanders, either to New Sweden or old Sweden. After sailing that day and the following night a French bark met them near the island of St. Cruz and the officers went on board the Swedish ship. The Swedes produced a copy of their pass from Queen Chris- tina and the one given them by the Spanish governor. The Swedish pass was greeted with derision and with the words " Diaboli[ca?] Regina de Svedva " — the officer tore it into pieces. The Spanish pass was taken and preserved. The Swedes were then brought to land. Their property was divided among the French, " and they fought like dogs over it." If Rudberus' account be true, the Swedes were submitted to the most cruel torture at the hands of the French. They were all conducted to the governor, who searched their clothes for money and other valuables. In order to intimidate the unfor- tunate people and for his own amusement, the governor caused some of the Swedish soldiers to be bound to posts, and com- manded his soldiers to discharge four shots by their sides. The "In Johan Jonsson Rudberus' letter to A. Oxenstierna (only a copy, however) it is stated that the bark had been made a prize. In his journal he says it belonged to the city. This of course can very well be the case, as it would belong to the city, if taken as a prize, but the peculiar part is that Rudberus does not mention this detail in his journal. " See above. " In the journal Rudberus says April 24, but in his letter he says May i. " In Rudberus' letter it is stated that they left " Porto Rico with 18 men on the first of May." Sprinchorn says on the basis of this that there were " 18 per- sons," but since the journal says " 24 persons " it is probable that there were 18 men besides the women and children. •9 274 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. women, who were kept in a room byi themselves, " cried out aloud and wept bitterly, fearing their men had been killed." Later the governor caused Rudberus, Joran Dufva, one An- dreas, and the mate to be bound with their hands on their back and suspended on hooks about a yard from the ground for two nights and two days, until "their bodies were blue and the blood pressed out of the fingers." " Now, our women and boys had concealed some money and pearls down in the ground," says Rudberus, "which became known to the French, wherefore they tortured and tormented us fearfully, screwed off our fingers with pistol locks, burnt the feet of the women on red-hot iron plates, sold us all away in the country, the one here, the other there, . . . and forbade also that anyone should be allowed to speak to the other."^" A certain woman, of whom the governor was enamored, was killed by his command, after he had illicit relations with her against her will, and other atrocities were committed. In the meantime a Dutch bark arrived at St. Cruz to get a supply of fresh water. The bark was made a prize by the French ; but later it was returned to the skipper who set sail for St. Christopher. At the time two brothers, Johan Classon from Rotterdam and Anders Classon from Amsterdam, were trading with tobacco at the island. The skipper related to them the miseries of the Swedes and their sufferings. They were touched by the story and requested permission from the governor to go to St. Cruz to bring away the imprisoned Swedes. The gover- nor having received no report of the matter doubted the story, but he granted their request and gave them a passport together with an order for the release of the prisoners, if they should be found. One of the brothers provided the ship and the other supplied the provisions and sailors. When they arrived at St. Cruz only five of the twenty-four Swedes were still alive, Johan " The facts are undoubtedly colored and the cruelties are likely exaggerated. It is indeed difficult to see where the Swedes obtained their " money and pearls " from. Perhaps the story is a fabrication. In 1654 Lindestrom and Rising endeavored to find out the facts about the events, and Lindestrom says that they were all true. Geogr. The Ninth Expedition. 275 Jonsson Rudberus, two women and two children. The two women and the children were at once put on board the ship, but Rudberus had been sold to a captain for 500 lbs. of tobacco. He managed to make his escape, however, through the aid of a German, who informed the Dutch captain of his whereabouts. Rudberus was brought on board the ship at night, but he was discovered by his master, who demanded and received his 500 lbs. of tobacco for the claim on "his slave." This same day they left the island. On the following day the two women and the oldest child died. The other child was given into the care of a French woman, but it did not live long. At St. Christopher " Captain Johan Classon put me on his ship and brought me safely to Holland and there showed me much kindness," says Rudberus, and here ends the journal. We have gone into considerable detail at this place, since the misfortunes of the afflicted people could not be treated else- where. There are several small discrepancies between the facts given in Amundsson's letters and in the first part of Rudberus' journal as well as between the copy of Rudberus' letter and his own journal. Amundsson says that they struck the rock on August 26; Rudberus that it happened on August 27. Rud- berus states in his letter that they left Porto Rico the first of May, while his journal says on the twenty-fourth of April. (The difference between the old style and the new style cannot account for it.) If the journal was written from notes kept on the voyage, we can suppose that these notes were not close at hand, when Rudberus wrote his letter and supplied the dates from memory. The journal as a whole bears all the earmarks of truth.2i So^g things are undoubtedly exaggerated, but the main story with most of the details is true. Rudberus was among the last to reach Sweden. He arrived at Stockholm In the autumn of 1651 and on October 16 Kramer supplied him with 50 R.D. Amundsson was brought to Spain with his family. From there he went to Holland, where he was sup- ^Cf. The letter of Amundsson to A. Oxenstierna, November 22, 1649, Ox. Saml; letter or report of Rudberus probably to Kramer, April 13, 1651 (now preserved in a copy, Kramer's handwriting), Ox. Saml. 276 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. plied with 300 R.D'. in July by Trotzig. He went to Stock- holm on Captain Boender's vessel, and on September 30 Kramer gave him 50 R.D. Lycke and Nertunius also reached Sweden. Timon Stidden managed to get to Amsterdam with his wife and five children. He arrived in most miserable circumstances and was aided by Trotzig. From Holland Stidden was brought to Sweden by Boender. Per Larsson and a number of other soldiers and colonists also made their appearance in Stockholm, and made requests for money.^^ In all only nineteen of the colonists besides some officers and soldiers returned to Sweden, forty-five or fifty finding their graves on the islands. Lycke and Nertunius made oral reports on their arrival in Sweden in 1650, and numerous others corroborated the doleful tales. II. Sweden had been at war with the Emperor, the brother of the King of Spain, and consequently not on good terms with the latter power. Swedish ships had been captured in Spanish ports and trading to Spain was considered dangerous in 1645.^' In the Thirty Years' War Spain was of course an enemy of Sweden and it was rumored at times that a Spanish fleet was fitted out to attack Sweden, Lars Kagg being instructed in the spring of 1640 to keep Gothenburg In a state of preparation that he might not be taken unawares.^* In 1648 peace Indeed was made between the Protestant and Catholic powers, but no particular articles were included, referring to Sweden and Spain. Sweden had been the leader In the struggle just brought to a close, and the feeling between Protestants and Catholics ran very high. It was therefore natural that the Swedes should not re- ceive the best kind of treatment at the hands of the Spaniards, who were Catholics. It was an age of Intolerance and hatred and the Protestants were as guilty as the Catholics In this respect. ""Aufsatz," etc., N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Monatg. B., 1642-56; Journal, nos. 927, 931, 944 ff. ^Rddspr., XI. 250. ""Rddspr., VIII. 61. See also p. 623. Cf. above, Chaps. II., XIV. The Ninth Expedition. 277 When the Thirty Years' War had been brought to a close, Sweden was anxious to gain the friendship of all nations and in the beginning of 1651 it was decided to send a represen- tative to the King of Spain to congratulate him on the conclu- sion of peace, and establish a fast friendship between the two nations as well as to arrange trade relations. Mathias Pal- bitsky was selected for this mission. Before he departed, news arrived from the shipwrecked Swedes in Porto Rico, an inven- tory was made of the damages according to which the loss of the Crown was estimated at 4,670:43 R.D., and private accounts " of persons in the service of the Crown " at 397 •.24. R.D., making the whole sum 5,068 rig R.D. This bill was sent along with Palbitsky to be presented to the Spanish King, but the claims of the company were omitted.^^ The mission of Palbitsky seems to have been successful. The King took up the question almost at once, wrote to the governor of Porto Rico on March 25, 165 1, also consulting with the " Indeanischen Estata Rathen " about the affair. On October 18 he again wrote to the governor, at the same time command- ing his " Commercial House at Seville " that the ship be re- leased and the prisoners set free, and that the treasurer of the Indian Council make a report about it the same year.^" The King's letter had no immediate effect. The people had by that time left the island and as long as there was no one to demand the damages, the governor would not pay it. The affair was allowed to rest for some time, but in 1653, when preparations were begun for a new expedition to the Delaware, it was decided that one of the ships should pro- ceed to Porto Rico to claim damages for the Katt.^'' Hans Amundsson was appointed to collect the bills. Instructions as to his procedure were given to him and new estimates of the losses were made out. The claims of the Crown were increased '^Memorial, etc., Am. Reg. (F.A.), October 6, 1653, fol. cop. 536-9. Con- cerning Palbitsky's endeavors to secure satisfaction for the Katt., see Palbitsky Beskick., 1651, in Hisp., Strod. Handl., 1606-1813 (R.A.). ""Cop. von d. Kon. in Hisp. BrieflF.," October 18, 1651, N.S., I. (R.A.), and "Copia de la," etc. Hisp., Strod. Handl., 1606-1813 (R.A.). "See belovf, Chap. XL. 2/8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. to 10,540:19 R.D. due to the addition of the ship, valued at 4,000 R.D., " which could have been saved had not the governor commanded it to be burnt," and 1,472 R.D. on behalf of Jan Jansson Bockhorn. Bockhorn was in Holland when Palbitsky left Sweden, and hence his account could not be included in the first bill.^* Estimates were also made of the loss of the cargo and of the expenses connected with the expedition. The Com- mercial College was at this time managing the company,^* and under its direction the claims were prepared. On December 12, 1653, the college instructed Amundsson that "upon his arrival ... at Porto Rico he should, on behalf of Her Royal Majesty . . . demand from the governor ... in a proper way the restoring of the ship the Katt . . . with tackle and cables, cannon and ammunition," following the orders of the Admi- ralty. He was also to demand the cargo and other goods which ■were taken from the company and private persons, when the above-mentioned ship foundered, together with reasonable in- demnities, according to the specifications, presenting to the •governor Her Royal Majesty's letter of recommendation, the copy of the letter from the King of Spain and the letter of recommendation from the ambassador, Don Antony Pimen- telli.3» In February, 1654, the matter was further discussed in the Commercial College. John Beier was requested to prepare a written account of the unfortunate expedition, but as all papers and documents had been sent to the bookkeeper he was unable to do so, making an oral report instead. Kramer was thereupon instructed to appear before the college at Upsala with all the documents relating to the case, prepared to give a full account. Accordingly he made extracts from the journal of the com- pany and drew up a statement of the private losses. The cargo was valued at 3,477:13 R.D., which was doubled as the merchandise was worth many times more In New Swe- den; 2,400 R.D. had been paid to the officers and sailors; ^Am. Reg. (Fl. Ar.), October 6, 1653, fol. 536-9. * See below, XXXIX. "See Com. Col. Reg., December 13, 1643, §6 (R-A.). The Ninth Expedition. 279 money advanced to 41 colonists on their departure and 19 on their return amounted to 4,188 R.D., and provisions and the like for the sailors and colonists was valued at 1,876:36 R.D. The various bills reached the sum of 15,419:15 R.D. and the interest for five years brought it up to 23,129 R.D., which, in- creased by the Admiralty's bill of 10,540:19 R.D., amounted to 33,669:19 R.D.si Amundsson was finally removed from his commission and all papers made out to him were transferred to Elswick, who in addition received new and more minute instructions. He was at first to present the claims of the government according to the instructions given to him by the Admiralty, then the claims of the company in accordance with the orders of the Commercial College. If any objections were raised he was to argue the case and show the reasonableness of the demands. If the Spaniards would not pay all, he should accept part of the amount and maintain that the rest was to be collected later. A secret instruction was given him, however, in which he was told to insist on the original sum, then strike off the interest and insist on 15,419 R.D. If this could not be secured, he should demand 11,000 R.D. as "ad ultimum," show his former in- struction, and pretend that, if he could not secure the 11,000 R.D. besides the value of the ship, he must leave the island. If this had no effect, and if the governor insisted that he could pay no more than the list enclosed with the King's letter called for he should explain the difference in the two bills, and if a settlement could not be brought about on these terms, he should at last demand 6,954 R.D. on behalf of the company, besides the Admiralty's bill, below which he could not go. If cash could not be secured he should accept goods. If occasion offered Itself, he was to report either to Palbitsky, the Swedish Minister at Madrid, or to the Commercial College.^* " See Com. Col. R., February 23, 1654 (R.A.) ; " Auffsatz und Berech. wass Die Slider Comp.," etc., N.S., I. (R.A.) ; "Memorial," etc., Oct. 6, 1653, Am. Reg. (FI. Ar.). Beier to Oxenstierna, June 7, 1650. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). "Kramer to the Com. Col., February 14, 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.). "Til Am. Anckerhjelm at taga ifrSn Hans Amundson sin Instr.," etc.. Am. Reg., March, 1654. (The Index refers to fol. 868, but there is no entry in the Reg.) 28o The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Elswick arrived at Porto Rico on June 30, 1654, and was well received by the authorities. In the morning of July i , being called into the presence of the governor for the second time, he delivered up his letters from the King of Spain, Ambassador Pimentelli and the Swedish Government. Pimentelli's letter had been opened by the Governor of St. Michael, but he had given an " attest," certifying that the seal was broken by him contrary to the wish of Elswick. Elswick worked for four days on his documents and accounts. Some more private claims, amounting to 18,536:29 R.D., were added to the original sum of 33,669:19 R.D'., making the total claims presented by him 52,206 R.D.^* This was a much larger sum than the King of Spain's letter showed and more than the governor could pay. He ordered his officers to examine the claims and they estimated them at 14,030 Spanish reals. On this basis a settlement could not be arrived at. The governor would not and could not pay the sum demanded by Elswick and Elswick would not accept the Spanish estimates. The governor wrote to the Spanish Ambassador at Stockholm, giving an account of the proceedings and on August 7 Elswick made a report to the chancellor. Elswick was very optimistic as to the final outcome of his mis- sion arid was happy in thinking that he had been very success- ful. He suggested that the best way to press the claims would be for him to go to Spain to present the documents in person to the King, and he was confident that the damages would be paid. On the fifteenth of August he left the island and other troubles were soon in store for him.^* No further efforts seem to have been made, at least not for some time, and in 1673 the claim against Spain had not been collected.^* ^ The former accounts of this expedition are very inaccurate and incomplete. '* Letters from Elswick to E. Oxenstierna, August 7, 1654, June 16, 1655, N.S., L (R.A.). "" Skrifvelser till K. Maj., July 19, 1673" (K.A.). . • . " Altsammans bestar uthi de af Holl. borttagne . . . fastningar, sa och uthi . . . pretension, . . . hos Kon. I Spanien for skeppet Kattan. ..." CHAPTER XXX. Preparations to Send Other Expeditions to New Sweden, i 650-1653. The expedition of 1649, which Printz was so anxiously ex- pecting and which, had it arrived in New Sweden, might have had considerable influence on the history of the colony, was thus not only entirely useless, but tended to cripple the company and set back its activity. Had the ship arrived in New Sweden the events of 1651^ might not have taken place; Ft. Casimir might not have been built and possibly Stuyvesant's expedition of 1655 would not have occurred, for then probably Rising would have had no fort to capture and Stuyvesant no capture to avenge. As soon as news of the shipwreck reached Sweden it seems that the company made arrangements to send a cargo from Holland to the Delaware at the earliest date. Trotzig advised the authorities to pay more attention to the colony as it would in time become of great value to Sweden, and in the fall of 1650 7,419:13 florins "as a beginning" were sent to him by draft for procuring goods. In September " it was daily ex- pected that a resolution would be made [by the Council of State] to send a cargo from Holland to New Sweden." But for some cause no such resolution was made and no cargo was prepared.^ Plans were also made for a new expedition from Sweden at the same time. There were 3 6i9:46>4 R.D. in the treasury and the Tobacco Company owed 11,644:47 R.D. for tobacco, two-thirds of which was due. Hence over 15,000 R.D. were at the disposal of the company.^ Perhaps the money from the ' See below, p. Chap. XXXVII. '"Gen. Bal., 1650," September 16, SSderk. (R.A.). Trotzig to Appelbom, April II, 1650. '"Gen. Bal., 1650," September 16, SSderk. (R.A.)- 281 282 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Tobacco Company could not be collected, but even then there was money enough for a new expedition. The ship, the Gyllene Haj, had been riding at anchor since 1648, doing nothing but causing expense. In October, 1649, the ship had become leaky and " somewhat ruined " during its long anchorage In the har- bor. It was repaired by one " Mr. Mickell, a carpenter from Munklager " at the cost of 24 D.s.m. and in November Mickell received 60:26 D.s.m. for work on the Haj. Again in June, 1650, the Haj was blown ashore onto some poles during a storm and 35:19 D. was charged by Mickell for getting it loose and repairing it. A ship was thus at hand giving trouble, because not In use, and money seems to have been ready, but for some reason the preparations were not continued and the expe- dition was not sent. It Is not clear why a new expedition was not fitted out In 1650. Perhaps It was due to the fact that there was no one to lead the work, who had authority to make arrangements. Axel Oxenstierna was old and lacked his former activity and power of work, and Queen Christina paid more attention to Court festivities, balls and pageants than to matters of state. The Admiralty owed the company 7,331 :2j^ R.D. for money paid to sailors and other people in the employ of the Crown, and it seems that the company required the Admiralty to fit out the vessel in lieu of this sum. Perhaps there was no money in the treasury of the Admiralty.* At any rate, the ship was not sent and Printz was compelled to buy his goods at double prices from his neighbors and to neglect the Indian trade on account of having nothing to exchange with them.^ Four days after Printz was informed by Stuyvesant of the shipwreck of the Katt he wrote to Brahe, Oxenstierna, the Queen and perhaps others. He states that he had heard noth- ing from Sweden although he had written four times. The condition of the country was good, but again he asks for more people. Sven Skute returned to Sweden In the autumn of 1650, *Cf. "Gen. Bal., 1650," SSderk., 1637-59 (R-A.) ; Hildebrand, Sv. hist., V. 'Journal, nos. 860 (October 2, 1649), 871 (November 7, 1649). It seems to have been the intention of the company to sell the Gyllene Haj. See " Gen. Bal., 1650," SSderk. (R.A.). A. ^jL&l ^ v^Atun. ^^jf:^ &^/f^-/ 3:fJ^^: First page of Peter Trotzig's letter, March 12, 1652. Preserved in N. S. I. (R. A.), Stockholm. w.A„«L^*_#-r' Last page of Trotzig's letter, Jlarch IJ, 1652. Preparations to Send Other Expeditions. 283 with letters and reports. Skute was In Holland in October and in the beginning of November he arrived in Stockholm, but his presence does not seem to have given much impetus to the efforts that were being made in behalf of the colony, and almost a year passed before new preparations were begun.® In the autumn of 1651 there was again some activity in the matter. Trotzig bought large quantities of goods which were sent to Gothenburg with skipper Jurgen Larsson to be placed in the care of Hans Macklier, and other preparations were begun. ^ But months went by and no new expedition was in sight. In the spring of 1652 however, the government showed signs of interest in their little forsaken colony on the South River,^ but for what reason it is not known. It Is probable that Kramer, Beier and perhaps Macklier and Trotzig wrote to the chancellor and the Queen in the beginning of 1652, stating that goods were in readiness for a new expedition. At any rate the colonial business now received the attention of the Council of State and on March 16 the Queen was present in the Council Chamber. Several people acquainted with the colony and the company had been ordered to be present. The treasurer, Johan Beier, was first called upon to give a report. He said that Bookkeeper Kramer had been working In the interest of the company; but since the death of Klas Fleming there had been no director, who had devoted his time to the managing of the company and Its business. Since the last ship was lost nothing special had been heard from the colony. It was known, how- ever, that the land supported the people without aid from Sweden; but there was no merchandise with which to carry on the Indian trade. Lieutenant Skute was then requested to " present his commission." He stated that the country was very 'Letters, August i, to Queen, " E. L. Regist. upa Riksark. Acter. gam. orient. Kat.", R.A.; to A. Oxenstierna; P. Brahe. Ox. Saml.; Skokl. Saml. R.A. Jour- nal, nos. 1047, 1051. ^ Monatg. B., 1642-56 fol. ' Not as Sprinchorn states as a. result of Printz' letters of August i, 1651, for it is expressly said that " Sedan nu det sidsta skeppet kom pa olycka haflFwer man inthet synnerligit hort derifrSn." Rddspr., R.A. These letters were not received before March 17 or 18, 1652. 284 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. good and contained forests and minerals ; there were four kinds of oaks and various other valuable trees, and the governor had built a ship from timber cut in the colony; metals were found in the country, but they could not be touched even if there Were mountains of gold (presumably for lack of people) ; trade to the Caribbean Islands could be profitably carried on from the colony, but capital was lacking and ships were not at hand for such a trade. As a whole, however, the condition of the colony was prosperous; they had no enemies, but the colonists were too few, the male population numbering only 70. One Hen- rick Persson was also called in and questioned about the colony,, but he informed the councillors that he had been in New Netherland and not in New Sweden.' In New Netherland, he said, " they traded with tobacco and furs and ships may be built there if material is cut in time." When the reports had been heard, plans and proposals were formulated for aiding Governor Printz. The question of obtaining colonists could be easily settled, for many had expressed a desire to go to New Sweden ; but the directorship and the best means for prosecuting^ the work successfully required more consideration. The Queen thought it would be best to let the Commercial College have charge and direction of the company, the Admiralty should fit out the ships and sufficient money should be provided. To these proposals the chancellor agreed. The Queen further suggested that the New Ship Company should be united with the New Sweden Company, but the chancellor objected and the idea was dropped. Some Dutch had also applied for permission to settle in the colony. The chancellor was of opinion that they should be allowed to do so, provided that their number was not too large. Finally the assessor in the Commercial College was called for. The Queen told him that " the care of the trade to- New Sweden " was to be assumed by the college, and its mem- bers were to present plans for the development of the colony and the cultivation of the land. It was further decided that the •Many Swedes were settled in New Amsterdam, who have been called Dutch: by the historians. Preparations to Send Other Expeditions. 285 chancellor should consult with the college during the day about the affair, and the Queen was to command the admiral to pre- pare a ship. What was done in the Commercial College about It on March 16 is not known, but Oxenstierna was undoubtedly present in the chamber and ways and means for sending a new expedition were in all likelihood discussed.'" Two days later'' or perhaps on the following day letters from Printz were received by Oxenstierna, Beier and the Queen, reporting that Stuyvesant had " invaded New Sweden, bought land from the Indians already purchased by the Swedes, erected a fort and obstructed the trade in the river." The governor complained bitterly against " the outrages " of the Dutch, saying that Stuyvesant disrespected Her Royal Majesty's authority, obstructed free traffic, demanded toll from strangers (the English), stirred up the Indians against the Swedes and personally incited the Swedish freemen to renounce their oath of allegiance and to join the Dutch on pain of being driven " from house and home." He therefore requested immediate relief and suggested that two warships be stationed in the Delaware for about two years together with some soldiers. Unless aid should be sent without delay he feared that the whole thing would have a miserable end. It seems that Governor Printz also reported his troubles to Peter Trotzig, requesting him to interest the government in the colony, for on March 12 (n.s. ?) the latter wrote to secretary Beier that a report had reached him to the effect that Stuyvesant had built a fort in the colony and he thought that " they ought not let New Sweden take care of itself without assistance."'^ These things gave new impetus to the preparations. On the eighteenth of March the Queen was again present in the Council Chamber and it seems that the session was looked upon as of some importance, for' nearly all the councillors were present. The first question con- "Rddsfr., March 16, 1652 (R.A.) ; also a copy in N.S., I. (R.A.). " The letter to Beier is marked below the P. S. : " Praes. 18, March, 1652." "Printz to Beier and to A. Oxenstierna, August i, 1651, Ox. Saml.; Printz to Brahe, August i, 1651, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.) ; Trotzig to Beier, March I2, 1652, N.S., I. (R.A.). 286 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. sidered was the colony, and one of the letters of Printz was read. The point to receive most attention was, of course, the hostilities of the Dutch. We know nothing of what was said or proposed by the different councillors, but It seems likely that some one was of the opinion that a force should be sent there at once to drive the Dutch from the river, for the minutes of the council say: "Then Her Majesty's idea was that the States General should first be approached for a settlement." No immediate steps seem to have been taken, however, and the subject was dropped for the time being with the chancellor's remark " that the case was well worth considering."^^ As may be inferred from the Queen's remark the matter led to some diplomatic correspondence and the Dutch Resident at Stockholm, Koenraad van Beuningen, was questioned about It. He was asked If the States General had permitted the building of the fort, but he answered that he knew nothing about It. He wrote to the Hague for information, but of course received no reply — at least none to communicate to the Swedish government. The Swedish Resident at the Hague was also Instructed to pre- sent the case to the Dutch authorities and he seems to have been Informed that Stuyvesant had no permission to erect a fort on Swedish territory. It also appears that the Dutch West India Company was addressed on the subject and that the same reply was i-eceived from them.** A few days after the above conference (March 23) the Queen issued an order to the Admiralty requesting them to fit out the Swan for a " new journey to the West Indies." But for some reason the ship was not prepared — probably It was in poor con- dition — and instead It was planned to have the company put its own vessel, the Gyllene Haj, in readiness for the voyage. But preparations proceeded slowly and little was done, although there was some activity in the matter in the spring and summer.^'* We have seen that Printz received no new cargo nor addi- "Rddspr., March i8, 1652, Mss. (R.A.). ^* Doc, L 603 ff. ; Rising's Journal, May 22, 1654. The Commercial College did not take over the management, for A. Oxen- stierna still issued the orders. Preparations to Send Other Expeditions. 287 tions of settlers to his little colony. Not even an answer was sent him. On August 30, 1652, he again wrote to Brahe and Oxenstierna, complaining bitterly of the situation. The Dutch pressed hard upon him, having settled forty families on the Crown's territory and the English were threatening to appear in the river with great force. For five years the Swedes had had no merchandise to sell to the Indians, and besides the sav- ages were becoming restless and dangerous. The colonists were dissatisfied and many had deserted. Water had damaged the grain and supplies had to be bought for double prices from the Dutch and English. The neighbors said openly that the colony was entirely neglected and forgotten by the home government. On top of it all Printz was ill and indisposed to remain any longer.^' These letters seem to have produced another period of activity at Stockholm in behalf of the colony. In May Kramer made an inventory of the goods on hand at Gothenburg ready to be shipped over, and in June several ex- penses are recorded in connection with the preparations. About the same time the chancellor ordered Kramer to paint, rig and repair the Gyllene Haj and repairs for several hundred Swedish dollars were made. A watchman was also employed from July 28 until November 13. But the journey was not made and another period of inactivity ensued. Nothing further seems to have been done during the following winter, spring and sum- mer. In the fall of 1653 new interest was manifested in the colony, but this belongs to another chapter." "Letter fr. Printz to Oxenstierna, August 30, 1652, Ox. Sainl., and to Brahe (same date), Sioil. Saml. ^''Journal, nos. 1047, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1061 ff. Cf. below. CHAPTER XXXI. The Trade of the Company, i 643-1 653. The company engaged in the trade of various articles during this period. John Beier bought a lot of copper in May, 1646, and again in July of the same year. It was sent to Holland on De Geer's ships, the Charitas and the Foenix and sold by Peter Trotzig in Amsterdam. 299 D. duty was paid on the shipment, the cost including all expenses was 4,812 D. 25 ore, and it was sold for 5,456 D. 33 ore s.m. The salt which had been sent to Borga and Abo^ in Finland in June, 1642, to be sold there* was gradually paid for and a good profit was realized.^ The salt at Borga was paid for mostly by merchandise, and in the summer of 1644 Jacob Heffner, the mayor of the city, sent some provisions such as butter and the like valued at 404 D. to apply to the account, leaving him 164 D. in arrears to the company. Robert Smith bought 1,278 barrels of the " French salt" brought to Sweden in the Charitas in 1642 and the salt imported by the company in 1 643 was likewise sold, the entire proceeds being turned over to Johan Beier, the treasurer.* The beaver trade was comparatively small also during this period. On some of the expeditions a considerable number of skins came from New Sweden, but other ships carried no furs. In 1643 Bonnell made about half a dozen sales, one of which (sold to the Russians in Stockholm)^ amounted to 5,558 D. ' The salt sent to Abo was consigned to Flagman, as follows : 308 barrels 2,o6S:i6 Expenses 134 1,934:16 D.k.m. or 773 D. zsVi ore s.m. Journal, no. 268. ^ Cf. above, Chaps. XVIII., XIX. 'The profit was 1,939 D. 5 ore. Journal, no. 403. * Journal, nos. 268, 396, etc. 'Probably Demetriowitz and Davioff (see below). The Russian interpreter was paid 27 D. Journal, no. 314. 288 The Trade of the Company. 289 17 ore,® and in 1644 several smaller sales were effected by him. No more peltries were sold in Sweden before 1647^ ^^id no con- siderable quantities before 1648,* when a large number of slcins arrived on the Swan. With these sales the fur trade of the company was practically at an end. The skins were sold to private parties, such as Jacob Frische, Willem Momma^ and others, and in some instances to Russian merchants,^" two of these being mentioned, Maxim Demetriowitz and Stephen Davioff, who made one of the largest purchases in 1648.^^ The use of tobacco had increased enormously in Sweden from 1637 until 1643, ^nd it was now a profitable business to smuggle tobacco into the kingdom. The ordinance of the government was not lived up to and tobacco, "in large quantities, was secretly brought in[to the country] by sea and land."^^ Bon- nell complained that tobacco was supplied to the merchants by smugglers to such an extent that the company could not find buyers for its large stores. In the beginning of 1643 matters were getting impossible and something had to be done. Trotzig, Kallmeter, Wissman and Trost, who were the heaviest buyers from the company, complained that they could ' We have seen that Lucas Andersson in Amsterdam sold the furs that were sent to Europe from the colony in 1644. ' Only one sale was made in 1647, it seems, a single skin being sold for 4 R.D. 16. to Willem Momma. Journal, no. 585. 'Bonnell sold 63 otter skins for 118 D. 4 ore on July 8, 1648, and 1,232 bearer skins for 5,287 D. i6 ore on July 10, 1648. On December 27, 1649, he sold the last lot, it seems, in the storehouse, 8 beaver skins for 31 D. 16 ore. Journal, DOS. 715, 718, 774. 'Willem Momma, probably a relative of Abraham and Jacob Momma, who presented a remarkable proposal to the Commercial College for the improvement of Lappland and Norrland in 1655. See Commercial College " skr. till K.M.," March ii, 1665 (R.A.). "Russians seem to have traded in furs to a great extent in Sweden at this time. Cf. also De la Card. Arch., V. 144. "^Journal, nos. 221, 264, 314, 333, 342. 366, 376, 447, 498. 585, 715, 718, 774. "Tobacco was brought into Sweden from Norway and the Danish provmces south of Sweden. By sea most of the smuggled tobacco was brought in on the Crown's ships from Riga, Narva and Nyskants. These ships were not so well guarded or searched as other ships, and hence the opportunity of smuggling was greater on them than on the merchant vessels. See Trotzig (and associates) to Fleming. Tobaksk., 1643-59 (R.A.). Blome to Oxenstierna, November 21, 1644, Ox. Saml. 20 290 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. not sell their tobacco, since it was brought in illegally and sold by everybody. In March, 1643, Fleming wrote to them, say- ing that he thought that the best way to control the inland trade and also all importation of the article would be to allow only certain persons in Stockholm and other cities to sell the tobacco, denying all others the privilege. In order that the best means might be employed and the most effective measures adopted, the above-mentioned people were requested to consider the matter and present their views about it. Some time later they sent an answer or memorial in twelve articles. They proposed that the Royal Ordinance be sharpened and the fine increased,^* that the tobacco trade of the entire kingdom be given into the hands of a company, which should buy its tobacco from the New Sweden Company, and sell it through their representatives in all cities and places in Sweden, Finland and other provinces of the kingdom. On the other hand, the New Sweden Company should be obliged to sell its tobacco only to the Tobacco Company.^* The tobacco trade was also discussed in the council and means proposed for its regulation. In April the government published a new ordinance, repeating and restricting some of the articles in the former mandates. The New Sweden Com- pany was to continue to be the sole importer, and tobacco shipped in by others would be confiscated and a fine of four ore silver money on every pound would be imposed on the owner of the tobacco or on " the skipper on whose ship the tobacco " Since large quantities of tobacco were brought into Finland and Sweden from Lifland they proposed that a heavy duty be imposed on tobacco in that province. Accordingly Fleming suggested in the council of 1643 that the duty on tobacco in Lifland be increased. Rddspr., IX. " Several other suggestions were made, some of which were incorporated into- the ordinance issued by the government in April the same year. The price of the tobacco was to be regulated according to the pleasure of the company in connection with the factor of the New Sweden Company. A contract should be made for a certain number of years between the Tobacco Company and the New Sweden Company, stipulating the price, kind of money to be used in payments, and when and how payments were to be made. Letter from Klas Fleming to Mattias Trost, Jacob Kallmeter, Jacob Trotzig and Baltzar Wissman, March 13, 1643 (copy), and the answer of these gentlemen in twelve articles (orig.), no date. Tobaksk., 1643-59 (R-A.). The Trade of the Company. 291 was found," in case the owner could not be discovered. All tobacco was to be sold only by such as the company designated for this purpose and on the conditions made by them.^' In the meantime arrangements had been in progress for the formation of a Tobacco Company on the basis of the memorial presented by Jacob Trotzig and his associates. Fleming un- doubtedly held conferences with them at which Beier, Bonnell and Kramer were present, and in June the company was organ- ized. It consisted of the following members: Mattias Trost, Jacob Kallmeter, Jacob Trotzig, Thomas Johansson, Melcher Volger, Johan Fijrborn, Hindriclc EkehofF, Gabriel Delven- dahl( ?) , Baltzar Wissman and Jacob Blome. A contract was signed on June 20, 1643, by the members of the new company and by Klas Fleming in the name of the New Sweden Com- pany.^® The New Sweden Company had sole right to sell and import tobacco, states the contract, but it was found expedient to grant the privilege of distributing the same throughout the kingdom to a company. This company was given sole right for six years to sell tobacco in any part of Sweden or its de- pendencies, and during this period the New Sweden Company was to sell its tobacco to the Tobacco Company only. The Tobacco Company, on the other hand, promised to do its utmost in distributing the tobacco and see that no place was in want of the article, to buy all its tobacco from the New Sweden Company and to employ residing burgers in the different cities, except at Kopparberget, where the company had a right to send its own agent or salesmen and to erect one or more public stores. All kinds of tobacco were included under the contract, even powdered tobacco or snuff, but the New Sweden Company had a right to sell such tobacco to apothecaries, who in turn could sell it to the public. ^^ "Stiernman, II. 373 flP. Cf. Rddspr., IX. 239, 333, 339-4°- " " Two originals " were made and signed first by Klas Fleming as the representative or director of the New Sweden Company, then by the ten members of the Tobacco Company. " Demnach Ihre Kon.," etc., June 20, 1643, "Jacob Feif emot tobaksk., 1643-51": fol. 12-14, Tobaksk., 1643-S9 (R-A.). "Contract, "Jacob Feif emot Tob. Com., 1651," fol. 12-14, Tobaksk., 1643-59 (R.A.). 292 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. A sort of a constitution^* or by-law of the Tobacco Com- pany for the regulation of the trade and the defining of the rights and duties of its members was likewise drawn up and signed. The company was to rent as many stores in Stockholm as was necessary for the conducting of the business ; there was to be a special storehouse where all the tobacco should be delivered as soon as bought. Strict rules were made for the conduct of the private members ; in case any one absented himself without cause from the meetings of the company, he should be fined one R.D. for the first hour, two for the second, and four if he did not appear at all.^® Jacob Trotzig was made direc- tor,^" Blome was appointed cashier and a special bookkeeper was employed.^^ We may assume that the company at once set to work to organize its trade throughout the kingdom, for already on June 25 — five days after the contract was signed — 1,0563^ pounds were sold to "William Classon, citizen and resident of Abo," Finland, and soon afterwards " Isak Hansson from Eksjo," Johan Joransson in Hedemora, Jacob Persson in Torshalla, Hans Macklier in Gothenburg, Hans Hansson in Falun and others were commissioned to sell tobacco in the market places^^ and in the principal centers of population throughout the kingdom.^^ Merchants and others, who bought "This document is in Swedish, the former is in German. The copy in Tobaksk., 1643-59, is not dated. "* One third of this fine should go to the poor, the rest to the company. ^ It is possible that the company had more than one director. The expression " Direktorerna " is often met with. It was denied that Trotzig was director. In a law-suit brought against Feif for the payment of a certain amount of tobacco, Carolstadius maintained that " the entire direction of the company was in the hands of Jacob Kalmater and Jacob Blome." The facts seem to be that Trotzig was the first director, then after his death, which occurred in the summer of 1644, it seems (fol. 30-21), Jacob Kallmeter was appointed or elected director. See Salomon Petrij Carols[tadius]' letter in "Jacob Feif emot Tob. Comp. 1651 K.," fol. 17-18, Tobaksk., 1643-59 (R.A.). ^ Jacob Feif, etc., fol. 25 ff. The bookkeeper was Herman Elswick, probably a relative of Hendrick von Elswick, the factor in New Sweden, 1654-5. ^ Classen's bond was signed by Jacob Feif and W. Starkman. ^ Certain places in the country were designated as market-places, where the farmers and others came at stated times of the year to buy and sell their goods. The company also had agents at Stockholm, Norrkoping, Kalmar, Vastervik, Nykoping, Narva, etc. Blome to Oxenstierna, 1645. The Trade of the Company. 293 tobacco from the Tobacco Company to sell again, were obliged to furnish bonds as well as to sign a contract to the effect that the ordinances of the government and of the companies would be lived up to.^* In June Bonnell made two large sales to the Tobacco Company amounting to 22,709^/2 lbs., for which it was to pay 14,579 D. 23 ore in four installments, every three months from September 16, 1643. Bonnell continued to Im- port large quantities of tobacco from Holland during the first part of this period. In May 14,937 lbs. were brought to Stock- holm on the contract made with Comelisson Mollnaer,^^ and in the autumn of 1643 ^ "^^ contract was made with him for the delivery of 20,000 lbs., for 6,271 R.D., to be paid in four in- stallments. The tobacco was shipped to Stockholm in October and November. 2® But complaints, however, were soon made that tobacco was imported and sold^^ against the mandates of the government by others than the New Sweden Company and the "tobacco-participants." Consequently another resolution was issued by the Crown in January, 1644, but the smuggling continued and tobacco was imported illegally "not only on particular merchant vessels, but also on ships of the Crown," filling the country with the article.^® In some cases the gover- nors and magistrates of the kingdom " played under cover with the transgressors,"'" and it was often impossible for the representatives of the companies to bring the offenders to punishment, even though they had been caught openly violating the law. Accordingly a fourth ordinance was published by the government in the beginning of 1645, repeating all former commands in more vigorous terms.^** But even this failed to ""Feif emot Tob. Comp. 1651," etc., fol. 10 ff. Tobaksk. (R.A.). "The contract called for 16,000 lbs. (Dutch weight). Journal, no. 249. "Journal, nos. 324, 338, 260, 261. " It was a general rule in this period that a merchant should handle only one kind of goods. But in the case of merchants in small places who could not make their living without trading in several articles, they were granted the privilege of handling tobacco besides other goods. Stiernman, H. 384. ''Blome to Oxenstierna, November 21, 1644. Ox. Saml. "•"Spela med thess ofwertradare under tacket," "play into the hands of." Stiernman, II. 396. "Dated January 18, 1645. Stiernman, II. 396 ff- 294 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. have the desired effect. New complaints were made and the Tobacco Company reported that the merchants in the various cities did not pay their bills on the dates "they had agreed upon." The government was very active in its endeavors to regulate the trade, and on the thirtieth of March, the same year, an edict was sent to all the governors of the kingdom, com- manding them to observe that all the former ordinances were followed and " that no one except the South Company carried on a tobacco trade."*^ The original number of members in the Tobacco Company was ten, but Trotzig died in 1644, and other members either died or withdrew from the association. In April, 1646, the contract made by Fleming with the company was renewed by Oxenstierna.^^ But the trade throughout the kingdom re- mained as irregular and uncontrolled as before, and in Novem- ber Blome repeated his former complaints, also adding that the New Sweden Company charged too big a price for the tobacco. On June 17, 1647, the Queen published another manifesto, increasing the penalty for smuggling tobacco to two silver marks a pound for the first offence, besides confiscation, and for a second offence imposing severe punishment upon the perpetra- tor without mercy. In case the mayors and magistrates in the cities did not keep close watch over the importation and trade they should be held responsible for the misdeeds of their citizens. It is probable that this order somewhat checked the illegal importation, for the complaints seem to have been less frequent and no further ordinances were issued before the con- tract with the Tobacco Company expired.^* Only four persons remained in the company in 1647, Mat- tias Trost, Jacob Kallmeter, Baltzar Wissmar and Jacob Blome. Blome continued to act as treasurer and Kallmeter was direc- tor. As time went on large quantities of tobacco were bought '^Stiernman, IL 398-9. "^Blorae to A. Oxenstierna, November 26, 1646. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). '^ Oxenstierna's contract, April, 1646, Tobaksh., id^S^SQ (R.A.), and in Concept., Ox. Saml.; Blome to Oxenstierna, November 36, 1646, Ox. Saml.; Stiernman, IL 487-9; Nord. Saml, 386 (U.B.). The Trade of the Company. 295 from Bonnell, who imported It from Mollnaer and Company and others, often aided by Peter Trotzig.'** But tobacco was smuggled into the kingdom in such quantities that the company could not sell its supplies so readily as expected. The tobacco habit had furthermore assumed various forms by this time, and chewing was becoming common, making it more difficult to sell leaves in the usual way. In the spring of 1645 ^ ^^^^ departure was made in the tobacco trade of the New Sweden Company. A tobacco spin- ner was engaged at Gothenburg and 1,261 J/^ lbs. of the to- bacco which came from New Sweden were "spun."*® But the experiment was probably not a paying one, and it does not seem to have been repeated until 1648. Large quantities of unsold tobacco were then on hand in the company's store- house in Stockholm. To make this supply more saleable it was decided to spin it and Peter Trotzig was ordered to hire a spinner and to buy a tobacco press and other necessary supplies, for the manufacture of " roll tobacco." Accordingly Trotzig engaged Thomas Schwartwout at a salary of 50 florins a month. A press and other instruments were made in Holland and shipped to Sweden. Schwartwout arrived In Stockholm on May ID, 1648, and began almost Immediately to make preparations for the manufacture of roll tobacco. A storehouse and work- shop were rented on Sodermalm and towards the end of May 102 casks of tobacco were brought from the storehouse of the New Sweden Company and placed In the factory. October 18 the first sale (1,000 lbs.) of manufactured tobacco was made "July 8, 1645, 2,890 lb. bt. for 1,083:24 D. were received by Bonnell; Sep- tember 20, 5,731 lb. (cost 2,149:4 D.) ; October 26, 3,265 (cost 2,285:16 D.) ; May 6, 164.6, 10,980 lb. bt. for 3,643:28 D.; August lo, i,743'/2 lb- (cost 578:20 D.) ; November 6, l,y^6yz lb. (cost 663:13 D.) ; November 28, 10,226'/^ lb. (cost 1,810 D.) ; July 8, 1647, 379 lb. bt. for 379 D.; May 2, 1648, 6,767^/4 lb. bt. for 2,245:28 D.; June 13, 3,616'/^ lb. (cost i,35«:6 D.) ; August 2, 8,066 lb. (cost 3,676:24 D.) ; July 14, 1649, s,^vi lb. bt. for 1,954:5 D.; September 5, 7,241 lb. (cost 2,403 D.) ; October I, 7,648 lb. (cost 1,972:20 D.), etc. Journal, nos. 422, 423, 465, 469, 483, 486, 488, 490, 492, 494, 528, 538, 543, 544> 552, 568, 571, 591, 593. 598. 60s. 618. 619. 643. 660. 6^2. 664, 687, 698, 725, 727, 837, 852, 857, 867, etc. "'Journal, no. 461. 296 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. and from now on practically all the tobacco sold by Bonnell had been treated at the factory. From the eighteenth of October, 1648, until the fifteenth of October, 1649, 151650 lbs. were spun, valued at 2,347:16 D., and most of this lot was then already sold. The expenses connected with the spinning such as Schwartwout's salary and lodgings (which were paid by the company) , the purchase of syrup, wood and some other articles used in the manufacture, were relatively small, making the business very profitable, for the tobacco was greatly increased in price.*® In March, 1649, the contract made with Schwartwout was changed and instead of a salary he was to be paid 4 stivers a pound for the tobacco treated by him. For that sum he should pay all expenses, such as rent and necessary material used in the manufacture.*^ In the spring of 1649 the contract of the Tobacco Company expired, and in October the government withdrew the privileges given to the New Sweden Company, permitting a free impor- tation and sale of tobacco by any person, whether Swede or foreigner, on the payment of duty.*® For two years the free and unrestricted importation of tobacco was continued. Kali- meter and Wissman, members of the old Tobacco Company, were still heavy buyers from Bonnell,*® and considerable quan- tities of tobacco were sold by him from the beginning of 1650 until the autumn of 165 1.*" When the Tobacco Company was disbanded in 1 649 it owed the New Sweden Company large sums of money.*^ Part of it was paid, but a considerable debt remained unsettled in 1653, which Jacob Blome and his associates refused to pay. Kramer "Journal, nos. 684, 693-7, 737, 7So ff., 759-1, 766, 769, 770, 773, 783-5, 789, 795-803, 805, 807, 808, 813, 815, 817, 819, 833, 836, 841, etc. " Journal, no. 797. " Stiernman, II. 602-3. '"Journal, nos. 929, 937, 948, 1007, 1018. "In April, 1650, the journal states that Bonnell sold several hundred pounds to the " Toback Contracttanten." By " Toback Contr." is undoubtedly meant the members of the old company, as there was no company in existence at this time as far as is known. Journal, nos. 922, 923, "Journal, nos. io6o, 1066, 1145. The Trade of the Company. 297 brought a suit against him and secured a judgment instructing Blome to pay the amount.*^ But he still refused, maintaining that he had traded bona fide, that he would not pay twice for the same lots nor for tobacco he had not received. The case was then brought before the Commercial College and Kramer and Blome presented their bills and documents before that body in the spring of 1654. The college found that Kramer's bills and demands were just and correct and Blome was told to pay 10,000 D. at once. The other bills could be cleared up later, when he had time to try to disprove their validity. On closer examination it was found that the Tobacco Company had been charged for 436 D. by Bonnell more than had actually been delivered; but the rest of the debts were pronounced bona fide and they were gradually paid.*' It soon became evident that unrestricted importation of tobacco was not practicable. Tobacco was smuggled into the country in larger quantities than ever and the excise was materi- ally reduced. It was therefore decided to restore the old order of things, and on the twenty-second of September, 1651, a patent for the tobacco trade was issued by the Queen, granting to the New Sweden Company the sole right to import and sell tobacco under any pretext whatever, and transgressors would be punished according to the Ordinance of 1647.** All tobacco in the kingdom must be delivered to the company and a reason- "Rechn. och forslag efter kambnare domen huru mycket Jacob Blome och bans intressenter annu skydlige ahre. Debit. Efter . . . Kramers . . . Reck . . . summa K. M D. 18,991:12 Credit. Befriade fran D. 6,120:25 Pro Saldo forblifver J. Blome och bans intr. efter K. Domen skyldige till 10 Dec. Anno 1650 K. M. 12,870:29 K. M. D. 18,991:22 Kramer to A. Oxenstierna, December 15, 1653 (copy); "Ex. Prot. pS Rattens Wegnar," etc., December 10, 1653, " Recb.," etc., Ox. Saml. ""Forteckn. ofwer sum. i domen emot J. Blome." Among letters from Kramer to A. Oxenstierna, Ox. Saml. Com. Col. Prot., 1654, Mar. 2-7 (R.A.). Letter from J. Blome to Com. Col., February 25, 1654; two other letters from Blome to Com. Col. (no date), Com. Col. Acta, 1653-9 (KA.) ; Journal, nos. 1145 ff., 1215 (December 31, 1654). ** See above. 298 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. able price should be paid for it.*® A new Tobacco Company was also organized by " Johan Fischbeck, Daniel Junge, Johan Focke and consorts,"*^ and the trade was well systematized. The New Sweden Company had 21,558 lbs. in its storehouse and this was weighed and arrangements made to have it trans- ferred to the Tobacco Company. But the stockholders refused to pay more than half a D. copper money per pound. An agree, ment could not be reached and the differences were referred to the government. It was finally ordered that three marks copper money should be paid for each pound or 6,467 :i2ji D. for the lot, to be delivered in several instalments from June until Octo- ber, 1652. 6,777 lbs. of confiscated tobacco were also sold by Bonnell, but it was spoilt through its long storage and only 793 D. 19 ore were realized on it.*^ The new regulations did not improve matters. The mayors and magistrates of the cities interpreted the patent to suit their own interests.*^ In some cases the agents of the Tobacco Com- pany and others sent to inquire into the condition of the trade and guard the interests of their employers were attacked and ill treated. The company complained and in 1652 another patent in five articles was published. But all efforts of the Crown and the company to regulate the trade and prevent smuggling were to no avail, and in April, 1653, •^he importa- tion and trade of tobacco was again made free, the privileges granted the New Sweden Company being withdrawn. A duty of 3>^ ore a pound was to be paid by the importer, when the herb was loaded on a mounted Swedish ship, while a somewhat higher duty was imposed if imported on other vessels. But illegal importation continued, and still another ordinance was issued in July of the same year.*' " Stiernman, H. 678-9. "Journal, no. 1048. The Co. was formed in the autumn, 1651, Patent, etc., Sept. 22, 1651. " Journal, nos. 1048, 1055, 1059. " In the spring the Mayor of Upsala wrote to the Commercial College on behalf of some citizens requesting permission to buy some tobacco direct from the company and not through their agents. But it was denied. Rising to the Mayor of Upsala, March 26, 1652. Com. Col. Reg. (R.A.). " Stiernman, IL 692 ff., 708 ff., 718 ff. The Trade of the Company. 299 The sale of tobacco was now free for more than a year until privileges for the importation of the article were again granted to the new "American Company."^" The tobacco trade of the New Sweden Company was discon- tinued in 1652 and it handled no more tobacco for about two years. The entire profits on the sales was 26,638 :8Ko D., and a little more than one fourth of this sum was realized on the roll tobacco manufactured by Schwartwout.^^ Benjamin Bonnell's services for the company practically came to an end in the fall of 1651 when he was commissioned to go to England as a representative of the Trading Company'^ to obtain the release of a ship which had been captured on her way from Portugal to Sweden with a cargo of salt.^^ An in- struction in six articles was given to him by the government on August 30 and a passport and credentials were made out for him the same day.^* In September, 1652, he was again sent to England by the governn^ent " in the position of a commis- sary, especially to observe there the things that concerned the commerce and navigation of the Swedish crown and its citizens " and to try to enter into some agreement with Parliament.'* He was also commissioned to present the injuries done by the English to the New Ship Company and endeavor to obtain reasonable damages.*® Bonnell's services for the New Sweden Company were now entirely ended. He owed the company a considerable sum of money, due to the fact that he had not turned over all the cash to Beier received from the Tobacco Company, and as he was unable to pay In cash he transferred his shares in the Shipbuild- ing Company at Vasterviic to the New Sweden Company. "Cf. below, Chap. XLVHI. "Journal, no. 1087 ff. " " Handelscompagniet." "He should sail there on the company's ship Gotland, R.R., August, 1651, fol. 968. "R.R., August 30, 1651, fol. 968 ff., 970 ff., 971-2- "Memorial for Com. B. Bonnell (in seven articles), September 30, 1652, R.R. fol. 1729 ff. "Article 6, R.R., September 30, 1652, fol. 1734. 300 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. These shares were valued at i,8oo D.,°^ but his account was still 3,730 D. iS}i ore short. This sum, however, was trans- ferred to the account of the government and the Queen ordered it to be paid on Bonnell's behalf, since he had performed valu- able services to the Crown."® " The market value of the shares was only 1,575 ^- however. Journal, no. 1075. "Journal, no. 1075-6: " Opet tillgiflEts bref for Benjamin Bonnell," etc., November 15, 1652, R.R. fol. 2118-19; Beier to A. Oxenstierna, October 4, 1649, September 8, 1651. Ox. Saml. (R.A.). " B. Bonnells Reck, mitt d. lob. Sod. Corap." (no date but about the autumn of 1652) among letters from Bonnell to Oxenstierna, Ox. Saml., "Aufs. uber demj. w. B. Bonnell d. 8. Comp. schul. ist," May 29, 1652, Soderk., 1637-59 (R-A.). The entire bill is 15,643:13 D. copper money. Johan Printz, Governor of Xew Sweden. From the portrait presented by KingGuE- laf V. to the Swedisli Colonial Societ}'. PART II. THE COLONY UNDER PRINTZ, 1643-1653. CHAPTER XXXII. The Social and Economic Life in the Colony. I. Governor Ridder, with his few soldiers and colonists, was quietly passing the winter of 1 642-1 643 at Fort Christina. The New Year's festivities were over. An occasional hunting expedition, the daily morning and evening prayers and now and then an Indian visit were almost the only diversions in the monotonous life. Storm and snow swept over the Delaware region on the sixth and seventh of February and the colonists were compelled to remain round their fire-places in the log cabins; but the sun appeared again, the snow melted and all was as before, half spring, half winter, for the climate of the Delaware is generally undecided at this time of year. About the beginning of February we may suppose that Indians brought news to the little settlement that ships had appeared in the river. Were they Swedish vessels or Dutch? Of course the Indians did not know. Hope revived the drooping spirits ; the vessels might be from Gothenburg. Eager eyes spied the Dela- ware for days and about noon on February 15 two ships were seen slowly carried up the river by the slight breeze. Every man in the fort watched the sails. There was a bustle and a hurry everywhere. The news spread and the colonists came running in from their plantations. Sure enough the Swedish colors were waving from the top-masts! In an instant the gold-blue cross banner was flung to the breeze on the flag pole of Christina Fort and a shout of welcome greeted the Swan and the Fama, as they came sailing up Christina River. At two in 301 302 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the afternoon the ships anchored in Christina Harbor and the passengers and sailors went ashore. Rev. Torkillus " with his entire flock " stood on the bridge to receive them and Governor Ridder, surrounded by his little staff of officers and soldiers, did homage to the arriving governor, while some Indian, lurk- ing with his bow and arrow behind the pine trees on the island, was watching the scene. The passengers were greeted with tears of joy and the handshakings and questions seemed never to cease ! But to work, to work ! There were cargoes to be unloaded and horses and cattle to be brought ashore. Until evening came the work proceeded. Shelter was sought for the newcomers, but some were compelled to sleep In the ships, for there was not room enough for so many In the colony. The fires were supplied longer that evening than usual and the candles or fir-torches were kept burning till morning hours. News from Sweden, from relatives and friends was asked for, the progress of the war, the victories won by Swedish armies, what new decrees had been made, what new taxes levied, who among the relatives and acquaintances of the colonists had been drafted and sent to German battlefields — such and a hundred other questions we may be sure were asked. And when the settlers were told of the great victories at Glogau, at Schweld- nltz and at Breltenfeld and the glorious exploits of Torstens- son and Baner, their patriotism rose within them and they were proud of belonging to such a nation and of being its represen- tatives in the new world. But the journey across the ocean was not forgotten. The sufferings on the way from Gothenburg to Godyn's Bay were related and the storms and mishaps at the Horn Kill were described. Gradually the night came on. The fires went out. Soon the tired travellers were fast asleep and all was quiet. Early in the morning every one was at work again. In the afternoon the colonists were assembled in Fort Christina, Rid- der delivered his authority to Printz and the instructions and orders of the government were read in the presence of the people. Within the next few days the commissioners were busy Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 303 making an inventory of the merchandise in the storehouse and planning preparations for the return voyage of the ships. Spring was rapidly approaching and every day was valuable. The newly arrived freemen were anxious to begin the erection of buildings and the clearing of forests and the governor de. sired to select the location for a new fort. For this reason as well as to be able to make a report, Printz, in company with Ridder, some soldiers and perhaps an Indian guide, "passed over the territory of New Sweden, first from Cape Henlopen unto Bomkin's Hook and then from there all the way up to Sankikan." This inspection gave the governor an idea of the possibilities of the country, which he found especially suitable for agriculture. He took notice of the parts most adapted for farms and as soon as possible the new colonists were assigned places for building homes and clearing ground. But to look after the defence of the country and to safeguard it against attacks were the first duties of the governor and it is probable that he planned to begin the erection of " an addi- tional bulwark against the enemies" shortly after his tour of inspection. In 1640 Ridder had proposed that a second fort should be built at a convenient point on the banks of the Dela- ware, as Christina was too far away from the latter river to be of real service. Johan Beier was requested to ascertain whether or not it would be necessary and practicable to do so,* and we may assume that he reported favorably on the suggestion, for Printz was instructed by the government to erect " a new strong- hold either at Cape Henlopen or on Jacque's Island or at any other suitable place, so that the South River could be closed and guarded by it."^ He was also ordered to keep the Swedish title intact to the district at Varkens Kill on which the English were residing and to assert the authority of the Swedish government over them. To place a fortress there would be one of the most effective means of securing this authority and the fortifications could 'Ridder to Oxenstierna, Ox. Saml.; "Memorial for Beier, 1640," N.S., I. (R.A.). ^Instruction, \biifl.. Jacque's Island (Jacobs 6), Chester Island. 304 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. serve the main and additional purpose of closing the river against all intruders.^ Accordingly a convenient spot was found and preparations for the laying of the foundation timbers were at once begun. We are not now able to determine the date on which the erection was commenced,* but it must have been soon after Printz's arrival, for it is stated that Rev. Holg Fluviander served seven months at Fort Elfsborg prior to October i, 1643, which would bring us to March i, as about the date of the pre- liminary preparations.® The work was rushed to such an extent that on June 13 the building is mentioned as " Fort Elfsborg" in one of the documents.* It is also stated that an English bark arrived before Elfsborg on May 6 and that Mans Larsson died there July 3, 1643.^ When the walls on the water side were nearly finished most of the laborers were withdrawn and sent up to Tinicum Island, where still another fort was being built. The date of the completion of the stronghold is un- known. It was not ready in October,^ but it seems to have been able to serve its purpose of compelling foreign vessels to lower their flags as early as May 6, and the name of Fort Elfsborg was given to it about this time, when the cannon had been placed in position on the walls and the Swedish salute could be given.' The fort was located on the east shore of the Delaware, a little south of Mill Creek, on an island of upland at "Elsingburg ° Sprinchorn, mainly following Acrelius and Hazard, is mistaken in supposing that the erection of this fort gave the first occasion for collision with the rivals of the Swedes. See Sprinchorn, p. ly; Acrelius, p. 39; Hazard, p. 72. ' Sprinchorn as well as Hazard rightly correct the date of the erection, given by Acrelius. Sprinchorn, p. 11, note 2; Hazard, p. 70, Acrelius, p. 39. ^Journal, 648. " Und nach dem er vor obgedachte Zeit [October i, 1643] in die 7 Monatt den Gottesdienst bey dennen Volckern in dem Fort Elfsborgh ver- richtet hat, Laut sein Testimonium. . . ." It cannot of course mean that the fort was ready in March, for we know that it was not ready on October 13, 1643. Cp. below. Huddle says " [It] was ordered to be erected there by the aforesaid Johan Printz shortly after his arrival in the river." Doc, XII. 29. ° " Oncosten aen de Heer Gouver. Jan Printz voor 6 kannen Brandewijn de hoog. Compagnia verstreckt, so aen de soldaten door hem bij de Schans Elsborgh uijtgegeven . . . 25^ fl. de kan gerechent fl. 15," Junij" 13, 1643, Ace. B., 1643-8. '' Rulla, 1644; Report, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 38. 'De Vries (transl.), p, 122-3. Cf. below. 'The fort was called after Fort Elfsborg, at that time a strong fortress near Gothenburg. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 305 Fort Point." It was an earthwork constructed " on the English plan with three angles close by the river " and " the carpenter made a beautiful portal " for it.** The largest cannon in the colony were planted on its walls, consisting of " eight 1 2 lb. iron and brass guns and one mortar." It was the best garrisoned fort in the river, thirteen soldiers being quartered here in the summer of 1644 (New Gothenborg having only eight and Christina only three) and Sven Skute, at this time next in rank to Printz, was placed in command. Johan Matsson was gunner; the chief guard Gregorius van Dyck and the drummer Sven Andersson were stationed there. *^ Here De Vries had to strike his colors in 1643; ^^ this fort Aspinwall was forced to lower his flag and even pay for the shot that compelled him to stop, and all Dutch vessels were required to anchor before its walls on their way up the river. At times they were rather roughly handled and Hudde bitterly complained that Printz by means of this fortress "held the river locked for himself."'* Printz had a right to choose his place of residence in the colony. He dwelt at Christina for some time after his arrival, but as soon as the work at Varkens Kill was under way, he selected a favorable location on Tinicum Island'^' for a dwell- '° Hazard, p. 71; Ferris, pp. 68-70; Winsor, IV. 462; Doc. XII. 28, 29. "Thii island was most judiciously selected for the erection of a fort, being protected by the river on the west, on the north by Fishing Creek (Mill Creek), turning east and south, on the south by an immense expanse of wild marsh." Quoted from a letter of Col. R. G. Johnson, by Hazard, p. 71. That the fort was located on an island is further borne out by Printz's Report. Printz says that " the Indians set fire to the timber on the island" and from the Account Book of 1643-g we are informed that this timber was at Elfsborg. Report, 1644, §10; Odhner, N.S., p. 34; Ace. B., 1643-8 (June 30, 1643). "De Vries, pp. 122-3. Doc, XII. 29. The translation of Hudde's report in Doc, XII. 29, is ambiguous on this point. " Four guns, iron and brass, of twelve pounds iron (balls)" can hardly mean that there were eight cannon. Hudde undoubtedly wanted to convey the idea that there were four brass and four iron guns. "Rulla, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 37. Cf. below. Hudde says that the fort was usually garrisoned by 12 men. Doc, XII. 29. "De Vries, Korte Historiael; Doc, XII. 29, cf. below. "" Tinicum Island " is about two miles long or a little more and a mile and a half wide." It " is separated from the west shore ... by a small creek as wide as a ditch, running through a marsh." Sluyter's Journal, (1679), Mem. of Long Isl. Hist. So., I. 21 3c6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. ing and made provisions for the fortification and defence of the place. The foundations for a fort were laid in the spring or early summer, but here, as in the case of Fort Elfsborg, it is not possible to determine the date of its completion. It does not seem to have been ready in the beginning of July, 1643, ^^^ the court which tried Lamberton sat at Christina and it is likely that these transactions would have been conducted at Tinicum Island had the place been ready for them. The work on the fort and on the dwellings around it was so far advanced in May that it is stated in the Account Book 6i 1 642-1 656 that "Anders Swensson Bonde was taken into the service of the Crown on May i, 1643, ^"d appointed gunner" at Tinicum.^* The stronghold was perhaps ready towards the end of July or the beginning of August and the name of New Gothenborg^^ was given to it.^* It was "made of hemlock beams, laid one upon the other" and it was armed with " four small copper cannon." It was built near the water's edge on a high point of Tinicum Island and the guns, which were pointed towards the Delaware, commanded the river.^^ There seem to have been two gunners, Sven Vass and Anders Bonde,^* besides whom there were eight soldiers in the fort. As it was not favorably located for protecting the settlement on the island in case of Indian attacks, it is probable that a large storehouse was built on the land side, in such a manner that the soldiers could hold the savages at bay from there and defend the settlers, if the war-cry should ever startle the peaceful com- munity.^® "Monatg. B., 1642-56, fol. 41 and 87, N.S., II. (R.A.). "Nya Goteborg. "When De Vries visited the place on October 13, 1643, he found New Gothen- borg ready. See A^. y. Hist. Col., 2 S., III. 122-3. Cf. below. "£>of., XH. 29; Rulla. 1644, N.S., II. (R.A.) ; Odhner, N.S.. p. 38. "Vass is given in Printz's Rulla as " Constapelz . . . Swenn Waass " and in the Monatg. B. it is stated that "Anders Swenson Bonde [war] Constapell auff^N. Gothenburg." Monatg. B., fol. 41 ; Rulla, Odhner, N.S., p. 38. "Doc, XII. 29. From Hudde's Report it is clear that two fortifications were built on the island and that one of these was merely a storehouse is more than likely. Cf. below. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 307 A blockhouse was also built on an elevated place at Upland,"" where some of the colonists had been given land and Christer Boije was placed in command there.*^ In the meantime Fort Christina was repaired. The arma- ment probably remained the same as before, the gunner Mats Hansson had charge of the cannon, Erick Andersson was trumpeter and the provost-marshal, Johan Olofsson, lived there. The general storehouse continued to be at this place. The bellows in the blacksmith shop were mended in June and other repairs were probably made."" As soon as the fortifications were planned and their erection begun. Governor Printz turned his attention to other business. Trade with the savages was to be the principal industry of the settlement, but agriculture and cattle raising were to be fostered and cared for with all diligence, and Printz was instructed to put so much grain into the ground, as soon as circumstances allowed, that the people could be supplied with food from the cultivation of the land. About the middle of April he made his first relation or report"* to the government about the condi- tion of the colony and the situation and nature of the land. He found that " it was a remarkably beautiful country, with all the glories that a person can wish on earth and a pity and regret that it was not occupied by true Christians ... It was adorned with all kinds of fruit-bearing trees. The soil was suitable for planting and sowing, and, if Her Majesty would only make a serious beginning, the country would soon become a desirable place to live in.""* Printz was anxious to make proper use of this "suitable soil " and of the many advantages that he found here, and it is probable that land was allotted to some of the colonists as early as March. Somewhat later new ground was assigned for * Probably so named from the fact that some of the colonists settled there came from Upland in Sweden. ''Rulla, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 38; Monatg. B., 1642-56. "Monatg. B., 1642-56, fol. 48; Report, 1644, §8. ^This report, dated April 13, 1643, is n6w lost. "Printz to Brahe, April 12, 1643, and to Oxenstierna, April 14, 1643, Ox. Saml. Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). 3o8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the company's use, where the hired or indented servants were put to work, while the freemen labored to found new homes surrounded by fertile fields. A strange sight met the eyes of the savage chief as he made his visits to the western bank of the Delaware from Christina to New Gothenborg in the spring of 1643. There was busde and life everywhere. The stillness of the early morning was broken by the sound of the woodman's axe, and the echoes of its regular stroke, answered from various quarters, were inter- rupted now and then by the crash of falling trees. Surprised quails would fly up with a chirp at the sound and the noise of the thundering wings of partridges intermingled with the general commotion. For a moment all is quiet. The wood- man looks on the fallen tree as if to measure its length. Then the axe is again put in motion; the branches and limbs are stripped off from the trunk and thrown in a pile to be burned, when the sun has dried them suiEciently. The trunk is meas- ured and cut off from the top and a log fit to be placed in the wall of a new building is ready. This went on day after day, while Printz was selecting the location for new homesteads and supervising the erection of forts and his hall. Anders Timmerman, Claas Claason, Thomas Timmerman and others were daily at work on new habitations, while the soldiers with other carpenters were pre- paring timber and other materials for the fortifications. Gradually the branches and other rubbish were burnt or re- moved from the clearings and the little farms were ready for cultivation. Printz was instructed to plant tobacco on the new planta- tions and appoint certain planters so that a good quantity could be sent to Sweden direct from the colony on the returning ships, making it unnecessary to buy tobacco from English merchants. But Ridder advised the governor to plant corn in large quanti- ties, saying that " one man's planting would produce enough corn for nine men's yearly food." With this in view Printz planted corn on almost all available places belonging to the Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 309 company in 1643, but a number of smaller tobacco patches were also prepared and an expert planter was engaged at a salary of 35 fl. a month. The Swedish freemen probably followed the example of the governor, largely planting corn on their fields and some tobacco, and it is likely that they sowed at least some grain. The English at Varkens Kill seem to have prin- cipally cultivated tobacco.*^ Printz was instructed to keep peace with his neighbors as far as possible and to seek to give free and undisturbed course to the correspondence and commerce already begun by his pre- decessors. He was to try to supply the Indians with such articles as they needed and he was to endeavor to win their trade by underselling the English and Dutch and by treating them with humanity and respect, so as to gain their good will. The beaver traffic was to be conducted for the benefit of the company and freemen and others were to be prohibited from trading with the savages. In all these things Printz was largely successful as long as sufficient means were at his disposal. He arrived in New Sweden on February 15. In May he had begun dealings with the Indians and presents worth 22 fl. were given to the Minquas to induce them to trade with the Swedes as well as to inspire their confidence. At the same time sewant, valued at 607 fl., were exchanged for 972 bushels of Indian corn and additional gifts were presented to some Indians for bringing the com to Christina.^® About the same time 100 knives were exchanged for 25 yds. of sewant and many smaller sales were made.^'' The Swan and Fama brought only small cargoes to the colony in 1643 ^^^ hence it was necessary for Printz to buy cloth and other merchandise from the English and Dutch. In May John Willcox came from Virginia, having been informed of the arrival of the Swedish expedition, and he offered a great "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1644; Rulla, 1644; Instruction, 1642; Printe to Brahe, July 19, 1644, Skokl. Saml. "The value of these presents was 6 fl. Hence the corn was brought to Fort Christina, perhaps from a distance of several miles, for about $3 and the total cost of 972 bushels was 613 fl. "Ace. B., 1642-8 (May, 1643); Instruction, §§7, 8, 15. 3IO The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. variety of goods for sale at reasonable prices. On May 22 he sold a bark of ten lasts^^ and on the same day he sold 2 fowling pieces, 82 yds. of sail cloth, 862^ yds. of sewant, 144 knives, 3 kettles, 1 5 axes and a variety of other things, in all amounting to 7,224 fl. One thousand and fifty florins were paid him in beaver skins and a draft, drawn on Spiring in Holland, was given to him for the remainder.^' Huygen was now making strenuous efforts to obtain cargoes for the returning ships and towards the end of May he pur- chased 3,000 lbs. of tobacco*" from a "Virginian merchant by the name of Moore," who was then trading in the river. The supply of beaver skins was not large, but in the beginning of June communications were established with the Black Min- quas and a supply of peltries was soon brought to Christina. On June 3, 50 knives, 6 axes and 100 lbs. of corals were pre- sented to the savages. At the same time 675 beavers were bought for 1,771 yds. of sewant and a large number of other articles were exchanged for beavers.*^ Towards the end of May preparations were made for a jour- ney to New Holland. Goods were bought by Printz for 18 beavers and pork was purchased from Peter Jansen for two beavers. The object of this expedition was twofold. Several colonists had deserted, probably leaving debts behind them. Hendrick Huygen and Christer Boije were sent to bring them back to Fort Christina as well as to buy supplies for the colony and probably also for the returning ships. On May 30 Printz wrote a letter to Governor Kieft, recommending his agents to him, and we may assume that the bark left New Sweden shortly afterwards. The bark arrived at the Dutch fort about the middle of June, and not many days later Hendrick Huygen received several hundred yards of sewant from Marion Andries- sen on the condition that they be paid for in cloth. Huygen also bought 324 yds. of duffels from Governor Kieft at 3 fl. a yard '^ The bark was bought for 1,57s fl. * ""See Ace. B., 1643-8; Journal, no. 307. °°The tobacco was bought for 488 yds. of sewant. "Ace. B., 1643-8. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 3 1 1 as well as 200 yds. of sewant, all to be paid for In beavers at a later date. Beaver skins and sewant were used for the current expenses on the voyage (for the beaver skins and wampum were the currency in these parts during this early period) and it seems that beer was brought to New Amsterdam for treating the soldiers there. Huygen's board consisted of smoked pork, bread and butter and peas and the cost of these was nine beaver skins, valued at 63 fl. For lodgings at the inn Huygen paid five skins. The sails of the bark having been torn by the wind were repaired at the cost of six beaver skins. The expe- dition returned to New Sweden about the beginning of June.*^ The two ships were probably ready to set sail for Europe about this time, although only a small cargo was on hand. When the vessels sailed several officers and soldiers left the colony, some, however, with the intention of returning.*' Printz sent requests for large supplies and more colonists, and, in order to give force to his arguments, he despatched Johan Papegoja to make an oral report. While the English from New Haven were antagonizing Printz and endeavoring to make settlements on the Delaware and to enter into direct communication with the Indians, those of Virginia and Maryland sought to establish more cordial re- lations with the Swedes and to lay the foundations for commer- cial intercourse. They had made offers to sell cattle and mer- chandise to Ridder and they were now ready to renew them to Printz. While Huygen was in New Netherland, William Cox** sailed up to Christina with a large cargo. Towards the end of June he sold more than 200 yds. of cloth, over 300 lbs. of Dutch cheese*' and brandy or cognac, in all valued at sev- eral hundred florins. The total bill*® was as usual paid in beavers. In July Richard Lord was in New Sweden and about " See Latin letter of Printz to Kieft, May 30, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A.) and Ace. B., 1643-8 (May and June, 1643). " Cf. Chaps. XXV., XXVI., above. "This might be a mistake for WilIcox( ?). The Document has Wiliem Cox. "The cheese was sold for seven stivers a lb. " 1,068 fl. 312 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. the middle of the month he sold 220 yds. of sewant for 140 beaver skins, valued at 800 fl.^^ At this time 3 yds. of duffels and the same amount of sewant were given to an Indian, who was sent to bring the Minquas to Fort Christina. In the beginning of August the savages ar- rived and exchanged a large quantity of beaver skins for duffels and sewant and about the middle of the month they sold over 400 bushels of corn for cloth and Indian money. As usual knives, corals and other small presents were given to them for carrying the corn to the fort. A little later large purchases of beavers from the Indians are again recorded and about the same time Cornells Leendertsen'* came to New Sweden to sell his cargo of sewant, cloth, and the like.*^ The hay for the winter supply of the horses and cattle had been cut in June and July and the grain was probably harvested about the same time.*" We have no means of knowing what the summer of 1643 was like or what the grain crop yielded, but the corn crop was poor and did not come up to expectations. Printz writes : " I got as well on the one [plantation] as the other from the work of nine men hardly one man's yearly nourishment."^^ The Swedes undoubtedly learnt from the Dutch and Indians how to culti- vate and use the corn and it is likely that later crops brought better results. The tobacco crop was probably fair. The Eng- lish colonists at Varkens Kill, who had sworn allegiance to the Swedish Crown, could sell some 2,45 1 lbs. from their growth of this year and the expert tobacco planter, who had been em- ployed by Printz, " showed good proofs of his skill."** , Since the corn crop was poor Printz decided to sow more grain for the following year. In agriculture, as in other re- spects, the customs in Sweden and Finland were largely adhered "Ace. B., 1643-8, Instruction (Aug. 15, 1642). "He sold goods for 2219 fl. '^ Ace. B., 164:,-!! (Aug. 10). " Various kinds of seed were brought over in the vessels with Printz and he shipped over " all kinds of seed for sowing " on his own account. Monatg. B., 1642-56; Journal, N.S., IH. (K.A.). '^Report, 1644, Odhner, N.S., pp. 29-30. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1644. Perhaps the first large crop of tobacco raised in New Sweden was harvested in 1643. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 313 to by the colonists in New Sweden.** " Old rye," says Brahe in his Oeconomia, " should be sown from Olofsmas until Lars- mas** . . . and new rye is sown in August." A great deal of rye was thus put into the ground in Sweden. The grain sprang up and the fields were green for some time. In Novem- ber, or as soon as the frost came, the sheep were often let loose to graze on the rye-acres, when the grain was thick and long enough.*' The winter months covered the fields with a white sheet, protecting the grain against the severe cold, and, as the sun melted the snow and brought back warm weather to the north, the roots sprouted again. This method was now to be employed in the colony on the Delaware and in the autumn Printz made arrangements to sow some winter grain. Corn could be planted without ploughing or much work, but for rye the ground had to be broken and somewhat well prepared. There were not enough animals in the colony for such work, nor was there a sufficient supply of grain, but the deficiency could be supplied in New Holland. Accordingly another jour- ney was made by sea to Manhattan towards the end of August. Again beaver skins were the ready money used on the trip and Hendrick Huygen was in charge. Huygen bought seven oxen at New Amsterdam for 124 beaver skins, valued at 868 fl. and one cow for 22 skins worth 154 fl. He also purchased 75 bushels of rye for 32 beaver skins, valued at seven florins a piece.*® While in New Amsterdam Huygen paid some of the debts contracted on the former voyage. The expenses of this expedition were comparatively large, it seems. Kieft alone was paid over 49 fl. for the board of Huygen and his assistants and 358. were paid for their lodgings. Some of the cattle were led across the country to New Sweden by two Hollanders and the cost for this labor was five beaver skins. The rest of the cattle were taken by sea to the colony on Kieft's sloop about the first of October, also at the cost of five beaver skins.*'' " Cp. below, Chap. XXXIII. "July 29 to August 10. "Brahe, Oeconomia, pp. 109-110, 113. "The rye was valued at 3 fl. a bushel or 225 fl. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 30. 314 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. The seed and the oxen arrived rather late and it probably took some time (perhaps towards the middle of October) be- fore the three plantations to be sown were ready for that pur- pose. One bushel of seed is usually required to the acre. At this rate at least 75 or 100 acres were put into rye in the fall of 1643 on the farms belonging to the company and, if some rye was available in the colony, which is very likely, the number of acres would be further increased. In the late autumn more ground was cleared and prepared for fields. The oxen could now be used for skidding the logs into piles to be burnt and the building of houses was made easier. It is also likely that the freemen sowed winter rye on certain tracts, but to what extent Is not known.^* In September a journey was made to New England to buy supplies for the winter. The trade was poor in the fall and practically no sales were entered in the Account Book for some weeks, but in October some English arrived with a large number of oak planks, 2,700 ft.*^ of which were bought by the Swedes for use in Fort Elfsborg. Transactions with the Indians were again begun about this time and beaver skins and nearly 200 bushels of Indian corn were exchanged for sewant, cloth and axes."*" The well-known Petersz. de Vries was now in the river. He arrived at Fort Elfsborg on October 3(13), where a shot from one of the guns compelled him to lower his flag. About four in the afternoon he landed at New Gothenborg, received a friendly reception from Governor Printz and remained in the colony until October 10(20). It is probable that Printz bought part of his cargo and the captain of the vessel sold " a '^ Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1644. "Ace. B., 1643-8 (October 4, 1643). The bill is as follows: 1,150 ft. of oak planks, 6 fl. @ 100 69 fl. 750 ft. of oak planks, 6 fl. @ 100 45 fl. 800 ft. of oak planks, 4J4 fl. @ loo 36 fl- 8,700 150 fl. The bill was paid for by 23 beaver skins. "Ace. B., 1643-8. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 315 good quantity of wine and sweetmeats to individual Swedes."** It was now late in the fall. Few traders arrived and the colonists were left more or less to themselves. As winter ap- proached barns and sheds were built for the shelter of the cattle and the dwellings of the freemen were improved. Some of the swine that ran wild were shot and hunting expeditions brought in a supply of deer, geese and other game for the winter months. In December wood was probably cut to last till spring, while ale was brewed and other preparations made for Christmas.*^^ The supply of food was poor in 1 643 and the hard labor and change of climate was too much for the people. As a result there was much illness among the settlers in the summer and autumn. Printz supplied Spanish wine and various article's to the sick in Fort Christina and at the other settlements, but one officer, ten of the company's servants, five soldiers and three freemen, besides the Rev. Torkillus, died between July and De- cember.*^ The illness of the people was a great drawback to the colony and caused the governor to abandon many of his plans. In the spring of 1643 timber had been cut and sawed at Elfsborg for a keel-boat or barge and men were at work on it already in June, but the construction was delayed on account of the illness of the carpenters and later " the Indians set fire to the island during the night and burnt some of the timber."** We have no means of knowing how Governor Printz and his family spent their first Christmas in New Sweden, nor are we able to say how the Christmas and New Year holidays were celebrated, but they were probably observed with more strict- "' De Vries has given us a number of interesting facts about his visit. He left New Amsterdam on October 8; on the twelfth he was in the South River ;(all N.S.). De Vries, Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., zd S., HI. 121-3. "Cf. Brahe, Oeconomia, p. 113 ff. In November Sieter (Sieton) Thompson was at Christina trading with the Swedes. ''Ace. B.. 1643-8 (November, 1643) ; Rulla. 1644; Report, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 38-9, 29, 34; Report, 1647; Papegoja to Brahe, July 15, 1644, Skok. Saml. (R.A.). °* Report, 1644. Printz supplied goods for the people, who worked on the t_ff »*4 ^^K, -»" •5- Ji K h ■1' r< 5-!- 11 U2. >> (/I •ft* t o * I O 2. I y ;^ j, ^«C5.5 4/m^ y7:^uj^ „ .c ^ .x.jy^.. ^ ^d. -6 M t^ .^■' Bill of lading, showing the number of beaver skins and hogsheads of tobacco shipped from New Sweden in July, 16+4. Original, signed by Johan Printz and Hendrick Huygen, preserved in N. S. I. (R. A.), Stockholm. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 319 was later built®* " and little stone cannon were placed upon it.""* Lieutenant Mans Kling was stationed there. He had no sol- diers under his command, but it is likely that the freemen and servants, who lived there, were called upon to do service in case of need. Several dwellings seem to have been erected in the neighborhood as time went on. When planting time drew near, the newly cleared fields were broken and the slow, steady oxen could be seen plodding their way among the stumps, where the plough, " turning over the ground," prepared the sod for the grain, while laborers were at work, planting tobacco at several openings in the wood. Since the corn failed to produce the desired results and since it could be bought cheaply from the Indians, none was planted this spring and all the corn plantations of the previous year were put into tobacco. There were now three large plantations in New Sweden, besides one or two smaller ones. The most important one was at Upland. Here twelve men, including the expert planter, were engaged. Christina was the next largest tract and eleven tobacco planters were stationed there. On the Schuylkill seven men were employed to cultivate the herb. It is not possible to determine the exact location of this settlement, but it was either on the " island " around the blockhouse, or farther up the river.®® Not only was agriculture improved and placed on a more prosperous footing with the arrival of Printz, but cattle raising was also looked after. The swine which had formerly been allowed to run wild were now partly kept in captivity under the care of Anders Mink and his son, who were engaged to look after them. The cattle belonging to the company do not seem to have grazed on enclosed pastures for the first few years, but were allowed to roam at large through the woods in the neigh- borhood of the settlements, herded by Sven Svensson. The " Cf. below, n. * Iron cannon throwing stone bullets (?). "Report, 1644; Rulla, 1644. The plantation was most likely on the island around the blockhouse, for in 1653 it was stated that there were eight raorgens cultivated land at Ft. Korsholm. Cf. below, Chap. XLIL, n. 49. 320 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. sheep were probably confined within fenced areas, as it was diffi- cult to keep them from the growing grain, and the goats were likely chained to posts and moved from place to place, or allowed to follow the cattle or sheep. We may assume with a fair degree of probability that the orchards and certain other smaller tracts were fenced in to keep out the cattle as they were driven home at night. The cattle were undoubtedly " kept in the barnyard" during the night to prevent them from being lost and it seems that the horses were always fenced in.®'^ In Sweden the milking was done by the women, but it Is probable that it was often done by the men in the colony, as they were compelled to do various kinds of " women's labor." Printz also attempted to establish manufactories in com- pliance with his instruction. Two of the three regularly em- ployed carpenters had been 111 most of the winter and spring, but the third man was kept busy on lighter work and, as soon as the others were able, they built " two large beautiful boats, one for use at Elfsborg, the other at Fort Christina." The boats were constructed near Fort Christina, where a wharf was built, the first on the Delaware. At this place Laurls the cooper and Lukas Persson made barrels, wooden milk pails, tubs, tobacco casks " and other kyperj."^'^^ There seem to have been two black- smith shops In New Sweden at this time, one at Upland and one probably within the walls of Christina. MIckel Nllsson worked at the former place and Hans Rosback at the latter and they made new tools and farm implements and did the necessary repairs In the colony.®* "Rising's Journal; Ace. B., 1643-8. ""' Kuiperij, cooper's trade. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1644; Rulla, 1644. Whale fishery and the silk worm industry, which Printz was instructed to begin, if possible, could not be tried for lack of people and means. Whale fishery, one of the objects of De Vries's first voyage to the Delaware, continued to occupy the minds of the early settlers. See A Further Ace. of the Pro. of Penn., etc., by W. Penn (1685), Penn. Mag., IX. 63 ff. " A Lycence " for the taking of " whales and other royal fish" on the N. Jersey coast was given in 1704, Penn. Mag., IX. ii8. Silk worms were also kept here in early times and excited great interest in Philadelphia. The Am. Phil. So. often discussed the industry. Cf. Hazard's Reg., IV. 77, 120, 179, etc. Poulson's Am. Daily Advert. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 321 New Sweden was now on a prosperous footing. As summer approached the conditions had improved. With the new sup- plies health and happiness returned among the people and the hope for the future was bright. The colony had been reor- ganized and divided into districts, which were well protected against the savages and the attack of foreign vessels by three strong forts and two blockhouses. Two sloops and two large boats were available for trading expeditions to the neighboring colonies and for the transporta- tion of goods, and it is likely that the freemen had small boats and canoes for fishing and for going from place to place. The windmill ground most of the corn bought from the Indians as well as the grain harvested in the colony. In June Printz wrote that "Anders Dreijer was continually in the mill" and it is probable that he continued his work there throughout i644.«9 Much was still wanting in the settlement, however, and Printz asked for a brickmaker, a wagonmaker, a tanner, a mason and a fortification engineer ( P)^" besides 20,000 bricks and various other supplies,^^ and Papegoja suggested that the company should send over more "good axes, good thick iron spades, good hoes to hoe up the ground with and another kind of broad hoes with which to hoe the grass." But the most pressing need was for people. " There is a great cry for people, for here are few," says Papegoja, and Printz likewise com- plained that there were entirely too few colonists.'^^ Several improvements were also suggested by Printz. The soldiers and servants were often supplied from the goods bought from foreign merchants, who visited New Sweden, but the governor found that this system was unpractical, since the profits of the company were not only reduced but even a loss was at times suffered. Hence he proposed that a store should "Report, 1644; Rulla, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 27 ff., 37 ff- " The original has Walmester. "List of articles requested by Printz in 1644, N.S., I. (R.A.). "Papegoja to Brahe, July 15, 1644, Sko. Saml. (R.A.) ; Report, 1644; Ace. B., 1643-8 (September 28, 1644). 22 322 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. be built and supplied with " all sorts of cloth, provisions and other goods." "A wise and faithful man [should be ap- pointed to superintend it] , who could give them on their salaries as much [of the goods] as each one needed." Plans were also suggested for the increase of the population and, in a letter to Brahe of July, it was proposed that a lot of Finns should be sent here under the command of an industrious and thrifty man. " It would cost bravely the first four years or longer," but then, the writer thought, large profits would be made. Printz had found that the trade with the Indians could not be conducted to advantage without a supply of sewant. As the South River Indians were poor, and had little or no " money," the Swedes were compelled to buy " sewant from New Amster- dam and from New England, where it was made." Here it could be bought cheaply from the savages and, in order that the company might be able to watch the market and buy the wampum direct from the makers, Printz was of opinion that a " faithful agent" should be permanently stationed at the above mentioned places.^* In 1643 the Dutch at Manathans captured several Spanish prizes valued at over 50,000 R.D., according to their own statements, and Printz was of the opinion, since New Sweden was better situated, being nearer the Spanish colonies, that it would be to the advantage of the government to have a good and well armed ship in the river for the purpose of preying on the "Spanish silver fleets." Governor Printz embodied his suggestions in a long Report and made a list of the things neces- sary in the settlement, as the Swan was about to set sail in June.''* The usual work occupied the colonists during the summer — the cultivation of the tobacco plantations, the cutting of hay and the harvesting of the other crops. The weather was favor- able for the grain in 1644 and a good crop was undoubtedly harvested and put into the sheds. We do not know definitely "Report, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 33. "Report, 1644. Cf. above, Chap. XXVL Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 323 how the tobacco turned out. In March, 1645, 6,920 lbs. were stored away, which seems to have been the whole crop. At the rate of seven stivers a lb, the tobacco would be worth 2,422 fl. Twenty-nine men were engaged in the work and this would make 83 54 fl. as the amount realized on the labor of each man — not a very satisfactory result it would seem. The Indian trade was poor during the summer and early autumn, only a few smaller sales being recorded. The English merchants returned in the fall to collect their outstanding accounts as well as to trade, and Isaac AUerton sold fourteen bushels of barley for seed, one pair of mill stones'^" and a Dutch bushel measure. About this time oak-planks, rafters, boards and other such material were brought to New Sweden and sold there by English merchants.''® William Whiting likewise re- turned during September to collect payment for his previous sales and on the last of the month he was given i,o6gy2 lbs. of beaver skins, valued at 4,277 fl.''^ As the powder and other ammunition sent from Sweden was not sufficient for the want of the colony, 127 lbs. of powder and 226 lbs. of lead were exchanged for 1,007 ^^s. of tobacco in October and in Novem- ber Joachim Calfood(?) sold several hundred yds. of sewant to Swedes. A few smaller sales are also on record during the late autumn, but the trade as a whole was very poor for the remainder of 1 644. In the fall a journey to New England was made with the sloop, but little is known about the expedition.''® "The mill-stones were valued at 130 fl. and the barley at 42 fl. Ace. B., 1643-8. "Thomas Marod sold 950 ft. of oak planks for 47 J4 fl. and John Wall sold six large rafters and zoo ft. of oak planks. Another bill is as follows: 750 voet [Eyckenplancken] a 6 fl. (3) 100 fl. 45 1,450 voet [Eyckenplancken] a 5 fl. @ 100 fl. 72:10 1,998 voet [Eyckenplancken] a 4 fl. @ 100 fl. 79 2,300 clabborden a 5 fl. @ 100 fl. 115 100 voet plancken voor fl. 6 6,598 317:10 Ace. B., 1643-8. "Elias Baily, Robert Coxwell and William Braunvell, the English at Varkens- kill, are also mentioned in connection with commercial transactions at this time. '"Ace. B., 1643-8. 324 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. II. No records are left to inform us how the colonists and their governor spent the winter of 1644-45, ^^^ do the extant docu- ments have much to say about the social life in New Sweden during 1645. I" February the Indians began to bring in their furs and corn and many smaller purchases were made from them in March. In April Sven Skute bought several hundred beavers from the savages and Mans Kling also did some busi- ness with them. On May 26 four hundred and seventy-seven skins were bought for 1,086 yds. of sewant and in June the savages sold large quantities of corn to the Swedes. In the early spring merchants from the neighboring colonies arrived as usual to collect old accounts and to sell their cargoes.^* As the warm weather returned the freemen's labors of former years repeated themselves. The grain was sown, the gardens were made ready and the cattle were left to wander through the woods or across the grassy meadows under the care of the herdsman. A new journey was made to Manhattan in the summer of 1645. The special object in going there was to buy cattle and provisions. Four oxen were purchased for fifty-five beaver skins, and one horse for thirty beaver skins. " A pair of mill stones for the windmill" were obtained for two beavers, and shirts, a barrel of tar and other necessaries for the trade and use in New Sweden were likewise bought on this journey. In August the commiss was again sent tO' New Amsterdam with the sloop to buy oxen and goods.*" Five oxen valued at fifty-one beaver skins and twelve barrels of lime worth one skin were the result of the expedition.*^ "Joachim Calfood was paid 1,568 florins on old accounts and somewhat later he sold several hundred yards of sewant and duffels. John Willcox sold 1,968 yds. of sewant and 123 yds. of duffels in the colony at this time; Isaac Allerton made large sales to individual colonists; William Whiting and Richard Malbon also made large sales of sewant and cloth and Jurian Whitschut ( ?) is mentioned in connection with commercial transactions (being also paid 17s beavers on old accounts). Ace. B., 1643-8. ™ The expenses of both expeditions were paid in beavers. "Ace. B., 1643-8 (June-Aug., 1645). Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 325 During this month trade was established with the Indians at the Schuylkill and on the sixth 449 beavers were purchased for 1,234^ yds. of sewant. In September an Indian guide was sent to invite the Minquas to the settlement for trading purposes, and many of these savages made their appearance shortly afterwards with skins and corn. But the Indian trade could not be conducted with much vigor, for there was a lack of merchandise. The governor and colonists waited for ships and supplies from Sweden, but the summer came and went, the grain grew and was harvested and no ships arrived. John Willcox, Jeremiah Clerk and Mr. Spindel brought new cargoes to the settlement, however, which supplied the most pressing needs of the people and merchandise for the peltry trade.®'* The colony was growing in prosperity. A pair of mill stones had been purchased at Manhattan and the windmill was re- paired for the autumn grinding. The cattle bought at New Amsterdam enlarged the possibilities of agriculture and it is likely that the fields were somewhat increased in 1645. Some new land had also been occupied, which was not "properly bought from the Indians" and dispute arose concerning the title. Two chiefs demanded pay for the tracts and on Septem- ber 20 they were given four yards of cloth and about nine yards of sewant for their claim. This seems to have settled the question and it appears that the colonists were henceforth undisturbed in their possession.** Preparations were now made for the winter. The grain and hay were stacked or put into sheds, provisions were purchased from the neighbors and necessary supplies for the cold weather were provided. Omens were more favorable than the previous "Ace. B., 1643-8 (August, September, October, 1645) October 20, 1645, John Wilcox sold the following goods: 3825^ yds. of duflFels 348 it530 fl. 336 yds. of sewant a 4 fl 1, 344 A - 2,874 fl. "Ace. B., 1643-8 (June ff. 1645). This purchase is not mentioned in any other documents as far as I have been able to find and none of the older writers refer to it. It is not possible to determine the situation of the land, but it was probably some new tracts near the Schuylkill, perhaps somewhat above present West Philadelphia. 326 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. year, but a month before the Christmas holidays a lamentable misfortune befell the little colony. The governor had gone to rest in Printz Hof, the soldiers and settlers at New Gothenborg had withdrawn to their quarters for the night, the lights in the dwellings were extinguished. All was quiet and peaceful. The gunner, Sven Vass, was on duty as watchman. But Vass fell asleep and left his candle burning. Between ten and eleven an alarm was given. The candle had set fire to the fort !^* The people rushed out of their dwellings to save what could be saved. But the flames grew with great rapidity. The powder chest exploded with terrible force. In a short while nearly everything was consumed in the storehouse.*^ Printz' Hall also caught fire, and the governor lost property to the value of 5,584 R.D. When morning dawned on the island of Tinicum, November 26, 1645, t^^ little settlement there had greatly changed its appearance. Nothing but the barn remained, cold set in and the river froze over,^* preventing aid from reaching the island. The unfortunate colonists suffered greatly and from December until March they were cut off from the mainland.*^ But warmth came at last and connections were established with the other settlements. Great efforts were made for the rebuild- ing of the destroyed houses and the foundations for a new church were laid. The fort was also rebuilt. The governor had warned the company that if supplies were not speedily sent to Christina the losses would run into thou- sands. Printz waited, months passed, but no news came from "^It was said that the fire was maliciously started, but this is not probable. Cf. below. "A list in the Account Book puts the loss at 410 beaver skins, 3izl4 yds. of duffels, 768 yds. of sewant, 6,798 lbs. of tobacco, 100 bushels of pease, 2,000 lbs. of " English bread " and various other articles, the total value of which was 8,933:10 fl. "Records of the river being frozen over are published in Hazard's Register and Penn. Mag. "Report, 1647, report of the court held at New Gothenborg, February 8-n, 1647, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Ace. B., 1643-8; Doc., XU., p. 29; Winthrop, II. 254; Col. N. Y. Hist. So., N.S., I. 429 ff. The date given in the Ace. Book is September 25, but this must be a mistake, for Hudde says that the fort was burnt on December 5 (Doc, XH. 29), and Printz says that it happened on November 25 (n.s. December 5). Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 327 Sweden. The trade during the first half of 1646 was very slight, partly on account of the severe weather, and some deer skins and a few bushels of corn were the only purchases made from the Indians from January until June. In January John Willcox collected 1,949:10 fl. (in goods) at Christina and sold provisions there. In July William Whiting sold 250 bushels of rye, some sewant and 250 lbs. of leather. Printz also sent his sloop to Manhattan for provisions, although he was not on good terms with the Dutch, and 100 bushels of Indian corn or wheat were bought there. In August Jacob Evertssen Sandelin arrived in the South River with his ship the Scotch Dutchman.^^ He sold 356^ yds. of duffels, 20 shirts, 30 pairs of shoes, 15 dozen knives, a quantity of cloth for sails, one hogshead of French wine and other goods, the bill amounting to 2,500 fl. of which 242 :3 fl. were the governor's private purchases. As the Swedes had neither money nor beaver skins, Printz was com- pelled to give him a draft for the amount, drawn on Peter Trotzig in Holland. The draft was transmitted through Laurens Laurenssen to Rev. Bogardus, who was to send it to Europe, but when the transaction became known to the council at New Amsterdam, a resolution was passed, ordering Rev. Bogardus to deliver up the draft, since Sandelin had traded in South River without permission from the Dutch West India Company. The draft was finally sent, however, but when it arrived in Sweden the company refused to honor it be- cause they did not know for what purpose it had been drawn and the sum was put on Printz's private account, until a report could be received.** Conditions were now very unfavorable for the prosperity of New Sweden. Ships had not for a long time come from the mother country and weeks were still to pass before aid arrived. To aggravate matters the crops were poor and it was even "Sandelin was a Scotchman. He accompanied Minuit to the Delaware in 1638. Cf. Chap. XIV. above. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Journal, no. 596, N.S., III. (K.A.) ; Doc, XII. 26-7; Penn. Mag., II. 443. 328 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. found necessary to send Huygen to New Amsterdam to buy rye for seed."* In spite of unfavorable circumstances some improvements were made and new land was occupied. The old windmill did not work well and, as the fields increased, it became necessary to make other provisions for grinding the grain. Several places were suitable for the erection of water mills, but the most con- venient spot was some distance north of New Gothenborg, "no doubt on Cobb's Creek, a tributary of Darby Creek," where the water offered sufficient power for the driving of a water wheel large enough to turn a pair of mill stones. Here Printz built a dam and erected a mill in the summer or autumn of 1646.'^ A miller was also stationed there continuously for some years. The colonists took their grain to the mill, where it was ground for a certain toll, and the crop of 1646 was prob- ably ground there. A blockhouse was built near the mill to protect the settlement, which was made there, and the place was called Molndal,^^ "because the mill was there." A short dis- tance south of Molndal another blockhouse was erected about this time to which the name of Vasa^^ was given.®* In October, 1646, there was joy in the settlement; the Gyllene Haj cast anchor before Christina. The ship carried large sup- plies for the Indian trade and for the colony's need and some new settlers and soldiers also arrived. They were all ill on account of the troublesome journey, but it is probable that they recuperated quickly after their landing. In his report of 1644 Printz requested to be released from "Ace. B., 1643-8. " It is probable that the windmill was used at times during the autumn of 1646, but it must hav6 been discarded and allowed to go to ruin soon after- wards. " Near Gothenburg in Sweden was also a place called Molndal, which prob- ably suggested the name. See Berg, Saml. till Got. hist., I. i6o. It is now an important manufacturing place. See Rosenberg, Handlexicon, II. 2i6. " Vasa was a place in the north of Finland, founded by King Gustaf Vasa I. In the beginning of the last century the name was changed to Nicolaistad. "* Report, 1647, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Ace. B., 1643-g; complaints of some freemen and Printz's reply, August 3, 1653, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Rising's Journal; Hazard, p. 78 ; Ferris, p. 73 ; Doc, XII. p. 29 ff. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 329 his post as soon as his term of three years' service had expired, but in 1646, when the Haj was being prepared, the government could find no one suitable for the place and the Queen, in answer to his request, instructed him to remain in the country yet for some years. The governor had now managed the colony for nearly five years and " these years were longer and more arduous to him than all the previous twenty-four years in which he had served his dear fatherland." He was there- fore anxious to be relieved from his duties and, when the Queen's letter arrived, he "became sad," "but as he saw the signature by Her Royal Majesty's own hand, he was so happy that he no longer remembered his former sadness."^' The outlook was now brighter for the little settlement. The inhabitants could prepare for the winter with more eagerness than formerly and they could cdebrate their Christmas with more joy in their hearts than in 1645. Duffels, corals, axes, kettles, knives, plates, goblets and bowls, horn combs, thousands of fish-hooks as well as a great variety of other trinkets were available for the beaver trade, and shortly after the ship arrived several presents were given to an Indian chief. Not many weeks later Hendrick Huygen and Van Dyck with eight soldiers and an Indian guide were sent fifty German (230 English) miles into the Minquas' country to renew the old friendship with them and to reestablish the trade. Rich gifts of mirrors, corals, combs and the like were presented to the chiefs, who promised to traffic freely with the Swedes and to discontinue the beaver trade with the Dutch entirely. A few purchases of beaver skins and corn were made from the savages in the beginning of 1647, but the trade was slow in recuperating.®* Efforts were now being made to buy a cargo for the Haj and the sloop was sent " down the bay to try to trade," but it had small success. The season of the year was unfavorable for the peltry-trade and only 6,920*'' lbs. of tobacco could be furnished '"Report, 1647; Printz to Brahe, February 20, 1647; Skokl. Saml. (R.A.) ; The Queen to Printz, February 6, 1645, R.R. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1647. " It seems that about five or six thousand pounds belonged to the company. 330 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. by the planters in the colony, as some had been lost in the fire, but English merchants again came to the rescue. February 12 Isaac AUerton sold 11,422 lbs. at six stivers per pound and shortly afterwards 24,144 lbs. were loaded upon the Haj. The sloop seems to have been sent to Manhattan twice for the purpose of obtaining provisions for the colony and for the victualling of the ship on its long voyage. Printz supplied 394 fl. from his own means for provisions and twelve beaver skins were given to Papegoja for his travelling expenses. The preparations for the return of the Haj were completed about the middle of February and some time later the vessel set sail. The Rev. Fluviander and some colonists returned home on the ship and Johan Papegoja was again sent to the mother country, at the request of the soldiers and officers, to make an oral report. Printz sent a long list of articles, which he needed,** suggested many improvements and requested the company to send him a brickmaker as well as carpenters and other laborers, for he had a large barge almost ready, but its completion had to be postponed until the arrival of more skilled workmen. The governor also prepared a long report (dated February 20, 1647) to the New Sweden Company and sent it with Papegoja to be delivered on his arrival in Stockholm.®' From the report we are able to form an idea of the condi- tion of the colony at this time. The population was still very small, only 183 souls in all. The condition of the freemen had improved since 1643, but the soldiers and servants were dissatisfied and desirous of returning home. A few of the servants of the company were deserted soldiers or others, who had committed some slight offense, and, when they had served here a certain number of years, depending on the nature of their crime, they were made free and were often given land to cultivate. In 1647 the total number of freemen settled on ■^ He requested 200 spades, 50 muskets, 6 good drums, 2 metal cannon of i2-lb. calibre, and a variety of other articles. "Ace. B., 1643-8; Report, 1647; Printz to Brahe, February 20, 1647, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.) ; list of articles which Printz asked for, 1647 (in Kramer's hand- writing), Ox. Saml. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 331 farms or plantations was twenty-eight, but we do not know the extent of their fields nor the number of cattle, sheep and other domestic animals they had. Sixteen oxen, a cow and a horse had been purchased for the company from New Amsterdam since the arrival of Printz, but two of the oxen had either died or been sold to the freemen, for in February the company owned only fourteen of these animals. The cattle sent from Sweden by the company had now increased to ten. As to the swine, goats and sheep we know nothing, but it is probable that the freemen had a good supply of them at this time. The horse purchased from the Dutch seemed to have fared well and he was likely used for work on the land belonging to the company and by Printz in travelling about the settlements.^"'* About this time, as we shall see, complications arose with the Dutch in the Schuylkill region. The blockhouse built there was for a protection against the Indians and it could not oppose the Dutch nor keep out trading vessels. As Printz found that he was unable to regulate and monopolize the Indian trade in these quarters by his present stronghold and maintain the Swedish jurisdiction against his neighbors, he made preparations for the building of a fort. " About a gunshot in the Schuyl- kill, on the south side of it," there was " a very convenient island," and here the fort was erected. Logs and timber were cut during the early part of 1647 ^i^d the previous autumn and in February the fort was almost ready. We are unable to say when the stronghold was finished, nor do we know what arma- ment was placed on its walls. It must have been of consider- able strength, and well protected, for Hudde says that it con- trolled the Schuylkill. The name of Fort New Korsholm"^ was given to it, indicating its location,*"^ and Mans Kling, who ""In December, 1646, he ran away, but he was caught by an Indian and brought back to Printz. The Indian was richly rewarded for his trouble and given several yards of cloth, two axes, six knives, two combs, two mirrors, etc. See Ace. B., December 6, 1646. ""Nya Korsholm. It was located on Province Island, called Drufiueeijland or Manaipingh by the Swedes. ^" Holme is the old Scandinavian word, meaning island. The word is found in several Swedish names of places and cities, as StockAo/m, GripsAo/m, T>]\xiiholm, Diottmngholm, etc. 332 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. was commander in the blockhouse, was now given charge of the fort. A gunner and some soldiers were also stationed there.^"' Some new dwellings were built in the spring and the territory of New Sweden was somewhat increased by purchases from the Indians. In May Printz entered into communication with the Minquas (Mantas?) concerning the sale of certain tracts of land, and on the twenty-first the purchase was made in the presence of several chiefs. The price paid for it was consider- able for that time, consisting of 24 yds. of cloth, 65 yds. of sewant, 6 axes, 4 kettles, 7 knives, 5 lbs. of corals, 2 silvered chains, 450 fish hooks, besides a number of qther trinkets.'"* The deeds are not known to exist, but from a later document we are able to determine the location of the land. It was un- doubtedly the same as that referred to by Mattahorn in 1651, as having been bought by Printz three or four years before, extending " on the west shore . . . from Wychquahoyngh unto Mechechason.""^ "This land," said Mattahorn, "was bought from two chiefs Siscohoka and Mechekyralames of the Mantas"® Indians and Printz " set his fence thereupon."'"'' It appears that tobacco-raising had proven itself unprofitable, for after 1647 there is no record of shipment of tobacco to ' Sweden, which had been grown in the colony. Grain and Indian corn were now the staple products and New Sweden had already become an agricultural rather than a commercial colony, due to the lack of support from the mother country and the nature and inclinations of the settlers. The Indian trade, begun shortly after the arrival of the Haj, was of small account and it continued to be poor for several weeks;'"* but in the early spring Huygen was sent into the country of the Black Minquas with merchandise.'"® The good ^'"Report, 1647; Doc, XH. 29. "Mff. B., 1643-8 (May ai, 1647). ""Wychquahoyngh, Wichquacoing, Wigquakoing, Wicacoa (Philadelphia) unto Mechechason (Trenton Falls). Cf. Doc, I. 292, 593. "" Probably the same as the Minquas mentioned in the Ace. B. '"Doc, I. 598. ™ On February 22, 1647, sixty beavers were bought for 79 3/9 yds. duffels. Ace B.; 1643-8. "° It was carried by soldiers and some Indian guides. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 333 will of the chiefs was, as usual, bought by handsome gifts and the journey was very successful, resulting in the purchase of several hundred skins. The sloop was sent into the Schuylkill and down the bay for trade, gifts being distributed to the sav- ages at each place, and the peltry traffic was continued through- out the summer with good profit. The English merchants who visited the river bought many of these beavers for their wares, which were again exchanged for other skins. "An English bark," valued at 200 fl., was purchased by Governor Printz from Robert Roberts [on] for 98 skins, and sewant and grain to the value of thousands of florins were sold to the Swedes in payment for beavers by Kirsfoot, Whiting, Willcox and Andriessen, who were also paid large sums on their old claims. Another journey was made to New Amsterdam in the sum- mer for the purpose of buying Indian corn,"" and about the same time Knut Persson was sent to New England to procure sewant and some oxen for merchandise, which had arrived on the Haj. He purchased 1,000 yds."' of wampum for a great variety of goods, including cloth, hats, caps, combs, mirrors, hatbands, fish-hooks, knives and the like, and he gave forty beaver skins for a pair of oxen. Persson returned to Christina in the eirly autumn.''^ The beaver trade with the Black Minquas was renewed in August and a supply of maize for the winter was bought from the River Indians. It is probable that the crops were poor in 1647, for in October 100 bushels of peas, 120 bushels of rye and a large quantity of corn-flour were purchased from William Whiting. Other foreign merchants also traded with the Swedes in the summer and autumn of 1647 and Allerton was paid some 3,800 fl. on his old accounts."* Little is known about the internal history of the settlement ""Three hundred bushels of Taru or tarvj (= Mod. D. Tarvie, German, Weizen; maize) were bought for loo beavers. Ace. B., 16^3-8. "'The original has nifloo. ^ Ace. B., 1643-8. Various expenses were connected with the voyage and the pilot was given six beaver skins for his work. '^'Ace. B., 1643-8. 334 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. from March, 1647, until the beginning of 1648. It is said that a Christian Indian^^* from New France visited the Swedes on his way to Andastoe in 1647. ^^ i^ reported to have re- proached the Swedes for their immorality and for thinking more of the beaver trade than of converting the savages to Christianity.^ ^^ In January, 1648, the Swan anchored in Christina Harbor. The vessel carried a few new colonists^^® and one of the largest cargoes ever sent to New Sweden. Printz now expected his recall. In 1646 he had been instructed to stay at his post, but in the beginning of the following year he made new appeals for his recall and petitioned for more pay and more donations in Sweden. A reply to his letter came on the Swan. Again he was disappointed. He was once more directed to remain in New Sweden until another could be sent to replace him, but he was given promise of reward, although his solicitations for a grant of land in Sweden were answered rather evasively by the Queen."^ The first large brewing kettle was brought to the colony on the Swan. The kettle was sent here by the company and we may suppose that a brewery was built in the spring or summer and that large quantities of ale were brewed there, which was sold to the colonists. New supplies of iron, steel and lead were also on the ship and the blacksmiths were kept busy for some time, mending the old implements for the freemen and making new ones for use in the fields. The supplies which arrived on the ship for the colonists and soldiers greatly improved their comfort. Printz displayed his usual activity. New land was allotted to freemen and large "' His name was Ondaaiondiont. ^'Jesuit Relations (Thwaites), XXXHI. 129 ff. Ondaaiondiont also stated on his return to the French settlement that the Europeans he visited had no church for prayer ( !) and that their interpreter was a born Frenchman. The Andastoes are supposed to be the Susquehannas. "'Johan Papegoja returned to the colony on this ship and Rev. Lock was also among the passengers. Cf. Chap. XXVIIL, above. '" Queen to Printz, September i6, 1647, R.R.; A. Oxenstierna to Printz, Sep- tember 7, 1647 ; Hazard, pp. 95-96. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 335 quantities of timber were prepared at the Schuylkill during the winter for new dwellings. It seems that the governor bought the island of Mekekanckon near Trenton Falls about this time from an Indian chief by the name of Tomashire. In the spring a few new dwellings were erected, probably on the Schuylkill, and new ground was put under cultivation there, corn being planted in the neighborhood of Fort Beversreede.^** The Indian trade had continued almost uninterruptedly for nearly a year, as the Swan brought new supplies and gave new impetus to the same. From February until May, 1648, three different journeys were made inland for thirty Swedish miles.^^' There was an agreement between the Dutch and Swedes that they should not go into the country to trade with the savages, but the Hollanders had for two years conducted this harmful trade into the interior and would not desist from it, although they were warned by the Swedes, says Huygen in the Account Book, and on this ground he justifies the actions of his governor. The trade was so successful that over 1,200 skins were obtained for the cargo of the Swan before she returned to Gothenburg. That English and Dutch merchants traded in the colony also in 1648 is certain, but the records of these transactions are lost.*"" In the spring " a list of the people who were still alive in New Sweden" was made. Only the male inhabitants of age are given and the list contains only 79 names, including the slave.^^^ The officers and soldiers were all anxious to return home, but the life of the freemen was more tolerable than ever before and many seem to have reached some degree of pros- perity. In May the Swan returned to Sweden and now the colony lost some of its most faithful servants, a number of soldiers and '"Rising's Journal; Doc, XII. 46. '"About 180 English miles. Ace. B., 1643-8. '^Acc. B., 1643-8. '^Rulla der Volcker, etc., 1648, N.S., II. (R.A.). Some names were omitted on the list, however. Cf. below, appendix B. 336 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. two or three freemen and laborers. ^^^ Printz sent his fourth relation and other documents (all of which seem to be lost) and, on the day before the vessel sailed, Papegoja wrote to the chancellor requesting permission to leave the country and enter the naval service unless more colonists should soon arrive.^ ^^ The account-books and journals In which the monthly salaries of the officers, soldiers and servants and their accounts with the company and with the governor were entered, and in which the sales, purchases and all commercial transactions with laborers and savages were recorded from 1643 "i^tll May 25, 1648, were also sent to Sweden on the Swari^^* in care of Mans Kllng.'^^ According to these accounts the regularly employed officers and servants, whose salaries were provided for by the budget of 1642, had been paid 10,902 D. in goods and cash from the supplies of the company in New Sweden and from the private means of the governor, and the sums paid to the " extraordinary officers and servants " were also comparatively large.^^^ Big sums of money had also been paid in Sweden to the men who returned from the colony, and small amounts were often given to the wives of those who came here. It sometimes happened that soldiers were given more goods and cash than was due to them and two or three cases are on record, where soldiers who owed the company deserted and left their debts behlnd.^^'^ '^Ci. Chap. XXVni. above. Rettel returned on the ship. He had been in New Sweden for 7 years. His wife died here and in April Printz gave him a passport to return to Sweden with his son, who was 14 years old. See " Pass for C. Rettel," April, 1648, N.S., I. (R.A.). "^Papegoja to Oxenstierna, May 15, 1648, Ox. Saml. (R.A.). "* They were sent at the request of the company. ""The Ace. B. kept "in het fort Christina" (April, 1643-May, 1648) by Huygen is in good condition. It is written in Dutch and contains a record of the goods bought and sold in the colony and given to the Indians in the above- mentioned five years. The book is now preserved in N.S., I. (K.A.). For the " Schuldt Boeck," also sent to Sweden on the Sutch were gradually increasing and soon almost threatened to overthrow the Swedish power ; the expedition sent for the relief of the colony in 1 649 was lost, and finally internal troubles amounting almost to insurrection disturbed the peace of New Sweden, making it almost impossible for the governor to continue at his post. Printz, however, made the most of the situation and the colony gained in prosperity and " the freemen increased in wealth " in spite of the unfavorable conditions. In 1649 Printz again secured title to a small district. The purchase was occasioned by the attempts of an Englishman to settle on the land. The savages were always ready to sell any tract. Printz communicated with the chief, who pretended to the land, and offered to buy it. Deeds were drafted and the presentation of gifts and the usual ceremonies followed. The land was on the eastern shore of the Delaware, and was the narrow strip north of the former limits of New Sweden between the Mantas and Racoon Creeks.^ ^* If we are to believe the Dutch reports the commercial activi- ties in the river were very lively at this time, for Hudde writes " that the trade in beavers with the savages amounts at present [1649] to 30 to 40 and more thousands of beavers during one trading season." Since Printz denied all others the right to trade with the savages it is to be inferred that the Swedish traffic with the Indians approached the above sum in 1649, hut the Dutch estimate was greatly exaggerated, for obvious reasons, and the Indian trade in New Sweden could hardly have reached one fourth of the above-mentioned sum for that year. '"The Englishman was Broen, who lived among the Dutch. Cf. below, pp. 423, 428, 585. 23 338 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. The Dutch now did everything in their power to obstruct the free traffic on the Delaware. They claimed the right to exact duties from English merchants who traded there, and Dutch skippers, who were suspected of being too friendly with the Swedes or who had no commission, were denied the privilege of sailing to the South River.^^® In 1650 the troubles with the Dutch increased and neither news nor supplies came from Sweden, but the year was pros- perous as the weather was favorable for the grain. In the summer Printz was informed of the shipwreck of Kattan. A Dutch vessel was then in the river ready to return to Europe and with the ship Printz sent letters to the Queen, to the chancel- lor, to Brahe and to Trotzig, urging them to ship over more supplies and more colonists. He had written five times to Sweden in the last two years and three months, but he had received no reply either from the mother country or from the company's agents in Holland. He reported that large tracts of land had been purchased from the Indians (although "the Dutch protested against it daily"), but there were entirely too few colonists to take possession of them. The freemen were in a prosperous condition and " all well except in a few cases." They were mostly provided with oxen and other domestic animals, which were increasing and growing more numerous yearly. They cultivated the land in earnest and could sell over 100 barrels of grain. They not only sold rye and barley, but they also prepared orchards and planted valuable fruit trees, which grew splendidly. Their greatest trouble was that they had no servants and some of them needed wives ! In addition to the letter Sven Skute was sent to Sweden to make an oral report and on August i a recommendation was given to him by Printz.130 The Indians were friendly, but their trade went almost entirely ^^ Doc, Xn. 370 ff. ; Acrelius; Sprinchorn, pp. 32-33; Hazard, n8. ""Printz to Oxenstierna, August i, 1650, and to Brahe the same date. Ox. Saml.; Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). Printz wrote to the Queen and to Peter Trotzig in Holland (perhaps also to Beier), but these letters seem to be lost. See E. L. Reg. of. Riksar. acter. gam. orient, kat. (R.A.), and Trotzig to Appelbom, April 11, 1650. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 339 to the Dutch, as the Swedes had little to sell. Traders from Virginia, New England and New Amsterdam visited the settle- ment as before, " daily offering for sale everything one's heart can desire, although at treble prices," and English merchants from Barbadoes sailed to the Delaware with their goods this year. In December Gyllengren in company with other officers was sent to New Amsterdam to procure some goods there and "divers merchandise amounting to the sum of 158 J^ good . . . winter beavers" were purchased by him. A note for the amount or a " guarantee to pay " was given by Gyllengren and Allerton.131 The summer and autumn of 1650 and the winter of 1650- 165 1 passed quietly and there were few disturbing elements. The summer of 165 1 was favorable for the crops and the colony harvested " very beautiful grain, besides all other valuable fruits and nothing was needed, but more colonists." The disputes with the Dutch, however, which took a dangerous turn in the fall, menaced the little settlement and Printz was compelled to concentrate his forces and to abandon some of the fortified places. The garrison at New Elfsborg was withdrawn and the fort was left to decay, as it was no longer " the key to the river." It is also probable that MolndaP^^ and New Korsholm were abandoned about this time. The Indians " fell off from the Swedes " on account of the activities of Stuyvesant, the settlers were dissatisfied and there were few on which Governor Printz could depend in an emergency. The beaver trade was monopo- lized by the Dutch and consequently the trade with the foreign merchants was also poor. Mr. AUerton visited the colony in May, offering goods for sale, and he was authorized by Augustin Herrman to collect the debt contracted by Gyllengren. In the summer an English bark from Virginia was also trading in the river. When Stuy- "" Printz to Brahe, August i, 1650; Doc, Xll. 65 ff. ""It is said that the miller did not dare to remain continually at the mill for fear of the Indians, which seems to indicate that Molndal was abandoned. 340 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. vesant arrived he captured the vessel and the goods, compelling the skipper to pay duty. Governor Berkeley demanded satis- faction for the damages but to no avail. It appears that other English traders on the Delaware were harshly treated by Stuy- vesant in 165 1, who compelled them to pay duty on goods they had sold to the Swedes during the previous four years. It was said that a certain Roloff sailed every year from Amsterdam to the South River at this time, but the details of his business there are unknown.^^* Things looked dark for New Sweden in the autumn. " For three years and nine months " Printz had had " absolutely no orders nor assistance" from the mother country and he was becoming nervous about the situation. On the first of August he made reports to the Queen, to the chancellor, to Trotzig and to Brahe, imploring them to send new cargoes before the fol- lowing spring, but the spring of 1652 came and passed, bring- ing neither ships nor supplies from Sweden.^** Printz made use of every means at this command to improve the condition. The carpenters were kept busy on the mending of the forts and the building of boats, when there were no new houses to be erected. We have seen that boats were built at the wharf near Fort Christina in 1644. Again in 1647 ^ sloop was built there for which sails and other supplies were brought over on the Swan in 1648. The sloop was used by Printz on official business and the expenses connected with its construction and rigging out were charged to the admiralty.^^^ About the end of 1 65 1 the governor began the construction of a large sailing vessel. He had requested the company to send over a ship, which could be used in the river for various purposes, but his letters were not even answered. Consequently he deter- mined to make the ship here. The vessel was built by Clas Timmerman, assisted by other servants and carpenters, and in ''^Printz to Brahe, August i, 1651; Doc, XU. 43 ff.; Col. of N. Y. Hist. So., F. S. II.; Plym. Col. Rec. "* Printz to Brahe, Oxenstierna and the Queen, August i, 1651, Skokl. Saml., Ox. Saml, E.L. ori. kat. (R.A.). "° The sloop was used in the colony for many years. Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 341 August, 1652, Printz wrote to Sweden that " the ship was ready on the river, except for tackle, sails, cannon and crew, which were too expensive to hire and buy here." The ship was of about two hundred tons burden (a large vessel for that time) and it seems that she was to be used for defending the river as well as for preying on Spanish commerce.^'® The year of 1652 was not prosperous and " the troubles were daily increasing." Heavy rains did damage to the grain, " but the freemen had bread enough." On August 30 Printz again wrote to the authorities in Sweden, describing the condition of the colony and complaining of its neglect by the government and the company. The Indian trade was ruined, since the Swedes had no cargoes to sell ; the savages showed signs of un- rest; the Hollanders pressed hard upon the settlement and the foreigners had the opinion that the government at Stockholm had entirely forsaken its people on the South River. The Swedes themselves were dissatisfied and many deserted. On top of it all Printz was ill and not able to exert his former energy. He had proposed that the company should invest 20,000 R.D. in the "North English Company," but he had received no reply. He was hopeful of the situation, however, as the colonists were in good circumstances. The reports caused some activity at Stockholm in behalf of the colony, as we have seen, but it led to nothing and Printz waited in vain for new supplies. It seems that trading expeditions were made to the neighbor- ing colonies in the autumn to obtain supplies, and on August 1 8 a pass was given at New Gothenborg to Laurens Cornelius Andriesen, granting him permission to sail to other American ports. In 1653 the condition of the colony remained the same. The officers and soldiers, as well as the servants of the company, were more dissatisfied than ever and the majority desired to leave their service. In April and again in July Printz sent "• Printz to Brahe and to Oxenstierna, August 30, 1652, Skoil. Saml., Ox. Saml. (R.A.). 342 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. letters and reports to Sweden. Supplies and people must be sent, he says, or " the labor and expense which has been applied on this well-begun work will come to nought." To emphasize the urgency of the supplies, he sent his son, Gustaf Printz, to make an oral report.^^'' English and Dutch merchants continued to supply the colony with necessary goods " at double prices," but these trading ex- peditions to the Delaware became less frequent during the war and the fur trade was entirely ruined through the feuds of the Indian tribes, who brought in the beavers.^** In March Printz purchased a quantity of linen and other cloth, one hundred and thirty-four axes, four guns, two pistols, six ankers^ ^^ of Spanish wine, three ankers of brandy and various other goods. A bark called the Eindracht was also bought for the sum of 1,122 florins. The goods were sold by Evert Cornelisen. Printz could not pay him in cash or in beavers, but gave a draft for 3,077 D. 8 ore, which was finally paid by the commercial col- lege, through Peter Trotzig in Amsterdam.^*** About the same time Thomas Adams, captain and mariner, purchased a plantation in Maryland and endeavored "to establish trade with the Swedes in the Delaware Bay." Permission was given him by the Maryland colony to trade there on the condition that his ships be well armed and that he conformed to the laws of the commonwealth. Printz having heard through the Dutch and English that there was a lack of tobacco in Sweden, "made an accord with Edmund Scarborough . . . that he was to send a small ship, loaded with 80,000 lbs. of tobacco," to Gothenburg. In order to insure the vessel against the attacks of the Dutch a Swedish commission was given to the skipper and it seems that Gustaf '" Printz to Oxenstierna and to Brahe, April 26, July 14, 1653, Ox. Saml., Skokl. Saml. (R.A.) ; cf. above, Chap. XXX. 138 u -j-jjgj-g ig absolutely no profit any more in the fur-trade and especially now since the Arregahaga and Susquahanoer (from whom the beavers come) began to make war upon each other." Printz to Oxenstierna, April 26, 1653, Ox. Saml. ^^' Ankare, anker (firkin), 8-7/11 gallons. Cf. Chap. VL, above. '"In October, 1653, Kramer sent a draft for the amount to Trotzig. Journal, no. 1,127. Eindracht, probably Endrakt (Harmony). Social and Economic Life in the Colony. 343 Printz was placed in command, "^ who went to Stockholm to make a report. Affairs were now growing more complicated and in the autumn Printz decided to go to Sweden himself. Some time before his departure, he exchanged a quantity of goods for sev- eral thousand pounds of tobacco, which was shipped to Hol- land for the company. The old sloop was also sold and a new one purchased in its stead. About the same time the skipper, Jan Jansen, was trading on the river and he sold 200 lbs. of powder, 29 pairs of shoes and 200 yds. of linen cloth to the Swedes. These articles valued at 322 D. 6^ ore were placed in the storehouse at New Gothenborg under the care of Pape- goja. Under Jacob Svensson at Christina there were also goods to the value of 2,487 D. 3 ore, consisting of cloth, guns, shoes and the like. To further increase this stock for the winter Svensson was sent to New England for the purpose of trade and in September Printz issued a passport or sea letter for Laurens Cornelius Andriesen, who was about to sail to New England on a trading voyage.'*^ As the Indians were unruly during the last years of Printz's governorship, they could not be depended upon, making life in the colony less safe and causing some inconvenience to the settlers, but there were no serious troubles with them. The watermill was kept in order and ground most of the flour, but since it could only be run on certain days for fear of the savages, the colonists were at times compelled to grind their grain on hand mills. The swine were occasionally killed by the savages and they sometimes molested the cattle and stole guns and other "' Printz's letter is somewhat ambiguous, but the expression " medh een Swensk Commissie Digt of'ver forpasserat " seems to indicate that the ship was sent. The ship on which Gustaf Printz sailed was captured by the English and never reached Sweden. Printz to Brahe, July 14, 1653, Skokl. Saml. ^"Journal, nos. 1126-1130, 1180, 1210-11; Printz to A. Oxenstierna, August i, 1650, August I, 1651, August 30, 1652, April 26, July 14, 1653; Ox. Saml. and letters of the same dates from Printz to Brahe, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.) ; Complaints against Printz, etc., 1653, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Doc, XIL 63-5, 70 ff., 370 ff.; Hazard, 139, IIS ff-; Col. N. Y. Hist. So., Fund S., II. 7 ff.; Md. Archives, III., pp. 30a- 301 ; " Copia von L. Andriesen sein Pass," etc., August 18, 1652, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Plym. Col. Rec, Deeds; Penn. Mag., VI. 489; Mss. in Penn. Hist. So. Cf. below. 344 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. property from the Swedes. The population had been increased by birth and new arrivals since 1643, ^^^ many had returned to Sweden, while others had deserted, going to Virginia and else- where, and the total number of inhabitants was only about 200 souls.^** '"See Com. Col. Prol., 1652; Penn. Mag., II. 225; cf. below, Chap. XLIL Lasse Cock was b. 1646; Peter Rambo, June 17, 1653, etc. Cf. appendix below. CHAPTER XXXIII. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists, 1643-1653. The dwellings erected by the Finns immediately on their arrival were probably of the simplest form known to them in their home country, namely the kota.^ This structure, of the same general type as the Lapplander's hut,* resembled an Indian wigwam. It was made by placing poles of a few inches thickness and about fifteen feet long close together in a circle (of about ten feet in diameter) with their tops adjoining one another. A second layer of poles was at times employed to close up the large opening in the first layers, and moss or other material was further used to fill up the cracks, improving the comfort of the occupants. An opening was left on one side for a door, covered with a skin or a piece of cloth. Across the "tenthouse," about half-way between the ground and the top, a pole was fastened by which the kettle and other cooking utensils could be suspended on an extensible wooden hook,^ beneath which the fire was made.* Here the newly arrived Finnish (and probably an occasional Swedish) settler found shelter and almost as much comfort as he was used to at home.'' As soon as he was able, however, he erected a more comfortable dwelling, portel (pirtti) .^ This form of living house was com- mon in Finland in olden times and the Finnish settlers in Sweden employed it almost exclusively in the seventeenth century.^ The port was a log cabin (varying in size) built of round tim- ' A Finnish word meaning " house," " cooking-house," etc. ' Cf. the illustration in Nilsson's Skansen, p. 72. 'The hook vpas sometimes made out of iron. *Retzius, Finland, p. 20 ff. "It is more than probable that such dwellings were erected here on the first arrival of the Finns, for these people used them in Sweden, during their first years of settlement there. Cf. Nordmann, p. 92 ff. ""Pirtti" (Finnish), "port" (Swedish), "cabin," "cot," "smoke-house." ' Cf. Nordmann, p. 92. 345 34^ The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. bers. The roof was gabled. On one of the end walls was a door, and two or three small openings on the other walls, covered with slide boards, served the purpose of windows. The floor was made out of split or hewn logs. The fire-place, constructed out of boulders or roughly formed granite blocks, was built in a corner of the room on a foundation of timbers. There was probably no chimney at first, the smoke being allowed to float about freely in the room, from whence it gradually escaped through an opening in the roof, which could be closed by a board. Later on a chimney was installed, made out of the trunk of a hollow tree. There was only one room, so ar- ranged that it could serve the purpose of a " Finnish bath- house," dwelling-house and bed-chamber.® If we could have made a visit to one of these early dwellings on the Delaware, we should have found it very much resembling those used by the settlers in Sweden and Finland before they came here. Remnants of this type of dwellings are still to be seen in the north and one of them has been moved to Skansen in Stockholm. Let us enter this old relic from a by-gone age! We must stoop to get through the door, which is located a little to the side on one of the gable ends. To the right, as we come in, is the fireplace and the oven, made from rough, heavy stones (the oven sometimes being clayed over and chalked on the front side) . On the floor near by, along the same wall, is the bed with its loose straw, covered with a sheepskin. The table is to the left, behind which is a seat or bench nailed to the wall. The spinning wheel, the chair made from the hollow trunk of a tree, the birch-bark shoes, the pipe and the tobacco leaves for smoking, the skin coat, the wooden plates and bowls, the copper kettle and the fir-sticks for lighting purposes are all there, hung up or arranged in their proper places. The big room is gloomy even in the daytime, for only two little open- ings or "windows" in the walls admit light and the thick smoke, which, when the fire is burning, floats about above the heads of the occupants, before it finds its way out through the * Cf . Retzius, p. 54 ff. ; Nordmann, p. 92 S. ; Nilsson, p. 60 ff. ; Heikel. The exlL-rioi of si kota, showingr the entrance and fireplace. R. Cross-section of the kola, showing the l:(.<:k carrN'ing a pot suspended on a pole across the hnt. R. Wooden hook used in the /,«/ but Swedish bricks were in no case used for building purposes. Printz Hall was undoubtedly completed, as far as its exterior was concerned, before the beginning of 1644. The large ship- ment of bricks did not arrive here before the spring of 1644 and in any case it is clear that a spacious and " well built Hall "^ could not be erected with 6,000 bricks, which were used for other purposes.^* Printz Hall was in all likelihood built out of hewn logs.'^^ It was probably two stories high and so arranged that it could be defended in case of attack. The lumber, which was brought here on the Fama, was used for the interior of the mansion^' and ovens and two or more fire-places with chimneys were con- structed out of some of the bricks. The mansion had several rooms, lighted by windows of glass,^'^ and It was not devoid of Tenn. Mag.. XXXIIL lo. "The cost of the bricks was 22 R.D. They were loaded upon the Fama.. Journal, nos. 350-51. " Fireplaces and chimneys were built out of these bricks as far as they lasted. It is estimatetd that about 400 bricks will make a good sized fireplace. At that rate probably some 15 to 18 new fireplaces were made. " " On Tendkong 12 men, four at the time, built (timbrade) a large house out of logs in 8 days. . . . We have assisted in the work on all the houses which are on the estate as well with the building as with the masonry (murandet)."' " Forklaring," etc., July 7, 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.). That there were no brickhouses on the island is clear from Sluyter's Journal, Mem. of the Long Isl. Hist. Soc., I. ^'Journal, 305. Twelve "tolfter" were on the ship, valued at 19 D. 16 ore. ^^ Journal, 304 ff. On the authority of Peter Kalm (who quotes an old set-^ tier) it has been stated that " the Swedes made windows out of isin-glass, when they first came here," and from this it has been inferred that no windows were used. But in 1644 "twenty four windows" were brought here on the Fama, Some were used for Printz' Hof and the rest for the houses in Fort Christina,, I'oiir, now erected at Skansen, Stockholm. ^porle and bath-house of the eighteenth century built of hewn logs. (From Tavastland, Finland. R.) Interior of the porlc from Tavastland having the fireplace to the left. R. Types of wooden chimneys used in Sweden and Finland in earlv employed. R. early times and still The •■ fire-rake ■■ or poker {made of wood) for stirring the fire S. The '■ window " of the porte, showing the ■• slide-board. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 349 comfort, we may even say of luxury. From the articles con- sumed in the fire of 1645, when Printz Hall was burnt, we may form some idea of the way Printz lived. They are given in a list,^* made at an examination during a court in February, 1647, ^s follows: R.D. St. The governor's library, estimated to at least 200 The governor's clothes and other articles, figured as far as it was possible to remember them 1,200 The underlinen of Governor Printz's wiie 240 Pearls and precious stones of Governor Printz's wife, all lost in the fire 1,200 The every day and best clothes of Governor Printz's wife, estimated at 800 Curtains and the like 120 Copper, tin and household articles 120 Gold, silver and money, except that which was reclaimed... 600 120 lbs. of light [candles] @ lost. 24. 180 bushels of rye, his own crop @ 3 fl. 216 100 bushels of malt @ 3 fl. 120 200 lbs. of hops @ I fl. 5 St. 100 3,000 lbs. of salted pork @ 6 st. 360 560 lbs. of smoked pork @ 6 St. 91:10 224 lbs. of pork-fat @ 10 st. 44: 4° 80 lbs. of cheese @ S «'■ * 120 lbs. of butter @ 10 st. 24 200 lbs. of fish @ 3 St. 12 500 lbs. of salted meat @ 4 st. 4° Summarium 5,520:2 In 1646 Printz Hall was rebuilt, larger and more beautiful than before.^' Printz was accused of enriching himself at the expense of his subjects and it was said that he carried on an unlawful beaver- trade,*" but most of the charges against him were probably unjust. He made large advances of money and goods to the colonists, from time to time, and in some instances he was paid Fort Elfsborg, etc. Windows were probably also used for the dwellings of some of the prosperous freemen. Kalm, Resa, etc., II. 217, III. 7°- I" a P0=" written towards the end of the seventeenth century it is stated that the Swedes on the Delaware used isin-glass in their windows, proving that this material was really employed by the colonists at an early date. " List in N.S., L (R.A.). " Cf. above. Chap. XXXII. " See below, Chap. XXXVIII. 350 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. in beaver-skins, bought for the company from the savages.*^ He had a perfect right to sell these beaver-skins in any way he saw fit, as much so as the merchants in Stockholm or Amster- dam, who bought skins from Bonnell and Andersson; for he had not infringed on the rights of the company, which alone could buy from the Indians. Printz of course sold his skins at a gain ; most of the work on his plantation was done by servants and colonists, without pay it seems,^^ and through wise manage- ment he collected almost a little fortune on the Island of Tini- cum. Some of the colonists got into heavy debts to the gover- nor. This was especially the case with " Lasse the Finn," who with his wife settled a plantation at Upland. They were also accused of disturbance and witch-craft, on account of which they were removed from their plantation probably about 1646,^^ but they were given better land and situation by the governor, " although they owed [him] three times as much as the value of their former plantation," which was taken by Printz in lieu of his claims " and called after his own name, Printz Torp."''* The plantation was probably rented by Printz to some colonist, who paid for its rental by the work of a cer- tain number of days a year,^'* becoming what might be termed a crofter.^® "^ Cf. above, chap. XXXH., Ace. B., 1643-48. ^" Forklaring," etc., N.S., 1. (R.A.) ; Acrelius, p. 83. It seems that such work was considered their taxes, due the governor. "In 1662 Beeckman writes that he had been informed that Printz Torp had been in possession of Printz and his daughter for sixteen years. That would bring us to the year 1646. Doc, XII. 412; Hazard, 339. "Petition, etc., and Printz's Answer, July 27 and August 3, 1653, N.S., I. (R.A.). Hence we see that the plantation was not "granted to Printz in accord- ance with his petition " in 1647, as was suggested by Smith, Hist, of Del. County, p. 47, and by other historians. " Printz Torp was also designated by its Dutch form, Printz Dorp, in some of the documents (Beeckman's Declaration, September 19, 1662, Doc, XII. 412) and it is so written in Winsor, IV. 463 ; Hazard, p. 220, 339 ; Smith, Hist, of Del. County, pp. 47, 82. Swedish t often becomes Dutch d. Cf. Dutch dapper and Swedish tapper, etc. Cf. Noreen, Abriss der Urg. Lautlehre, p. 232, etc. The Dutch form has given rise to a misconception of the meaning of the word. Hazard translates it by village and he is followed by Smith and others (Hazard, p. 339; Smith, Hist, of Del. County, p. 83). The Swedish word torp has of course not the same meaning as the Dutch dorp, nor the German Dorf (village), although they are etymologically the same words, and in Middle H. German Spliiit-stick-holder of iron, showing tlie bnrning" splint. R. t fi^TliMii^ii 'I'l l Movable splint-stick-liolder of wood. S, Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 351 The dwelling-rooms of the settlers were lighted partly with tallow-candles and partly with so-called pertstickor or sping- stickor. These splinter-sticks were used very extensively and the custom was very old, being mentioned in Kalevala and in the oldest writers of the North. "The lighting-splints were thin and flat, about a yard in length and they were made by split- ting pine-trunks (preferably such as were of a resinous quality) into the proper size." One, two or more of these splints were fastened in the walls of the room, usually quite high up. They were stuck into the crevices between the logs or fastened into a " stick-holder of Iron." The splint sloped downward. "It was the free end, hanging down, which was lighted." In burn- ing the stick produced much smoke. After a few minutes such a splint was consumed and a new one was placed in the holder and lighted as before. Two or three burning sticks lighted the room sufHciently for ordinary purposes. The splint-holders were of two general types. The one was a short iron bolt, one end of which formed a clasp for holding the splint, the other end being sharpened to stick into the wall. The other type, generally made of wood, had an upright shaft a yard or more in height, placed on a base. This holder could readily be moved from place to place and was therefore more serviceable and convenient than the former kind.*^ Candles were also employed in New Sweden, especially by the commissioner and Dorf sometimes means Gehoft. The Swedish torp (Old Eng., Porp, meaning village; Gothic, Paurp, meaning land, field; Old Norse, Porp, meaning village, land and an isolated farm, cf. Vigfusson, An. Icel. Die, p. 742) means a small farm or plantation often belonging to a neighboring larger estate. The one occupying a torp was called a torpare. Cf. Sunden, Ordbok, pp. 506-7; Bjork- man, Ordbok, p. 1164; Kluge, Etym. Worterb., p. 75. Concerning torp and torpare in Sweden in the seventeenth century see, Radspr., IV., p. 71 ; VII., p. 200; IX., p. 36-7. " The institution of torpare exists in Sweden to-day. " [Torpare or] crofters rent for themselves small parcels of land, belonging to their employers, on the condition of rendering a certain number of day's work on the estate." " The crofter is in Sweden a kind of tenant of smaller, cultivated plots of lands [torps]." Sundbarg, Siueden, p. 610, 611 fit. "Retzius, Finland, p. 73 ff.; Stolt, Minnen, p. 24 ff. Cf. Kalevala, Rune XXI.; Magnus, Hist, de gent., etc., 77. This historian (middle of the sixteenth century) represented the Swedish matron holding the lighted splint in her mouth, while she worked her distaff. 352 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. bookkeeper in the forts. As time went on they probably be- came more common here than in the mother country and in the Monthly Account-Book (1642-56) we find entries like this: " To Pafvel Jonsson, 4 lbs. of light at 8 st fl. i : 12." The candles were made of tallow grease which was heated and poured into an old churn or other vessel. Wicks (of hards- heddle, sometimes suspended by hooks on a circular disk to which a handle was attached) were dipped into the fluid until a sufficient coating of tallow-grease had collected around them to form a candle of desired size. Candlesticks were employed and it is likely that " candle-lanterns " were in use. These lanterns "were usually composed of a round wooden bottom below, an upper side with a round hole in it, and then thin spokes between them, so that it became a frame-work. Around this the lantern-membrane was wrapped, which was carefully [collected and] preserved from the fish-family."^* The dress of the people was simple. In the first years they wore clothes mostly made in Europe, but later the garments were also made here. Joen Skraddare was undoubtedly a tailor,^* as his nick-name indicates, but it is unlikely that he found time to make all the clothes necessary and it is probable that some of the colonists made their own wearing apparel. Brown or gray wadmaP" and duffel, linen and frieze were the most common cloth, in fact almost the only kind shipped here for the need of the settlers and from this their garments were made. The retail cost of these materials from 1643 ""^il '654 was as follows: 1. Frieze, four florins a yard. 2. Duffel, four florins a yard. 3. Linen cloth, one florin a yard. 4. Wadmal, twelve stivers a yard. 5. Hards-cloth, half a florin a yard. Shoes were shipped into the colony in fairly large numbers, but they were also made here.*^ The shoemaker mended old ^Stolt, Minnen, p. 25 ff.; Ace. B., 164.3-4.8. " See Rulla, 1644, appendix. °°A kind of coarse woollen cloth. " Cf. below and above. Interior of a dwelling from Jonkoping, Sweden, showing the splint-holder, the table with its wooden dishes, the fire-place and the " clothes-hangers." Interior showing the table with its candle-stick, the clock (marked 1747), and the bed- stead. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 353 shoes and sole-leather was shipped over (Van Dyck buying two pounds of it at one and a half florins a pound). The shoes varied in price from two and a half to three florins. Erick Andersson, the Trumpeter, bought six pair of shoes from 1643 until 1648 at two and a half florins a pair, making one pair a year, which was the average for the soldiers and servants.^* Shirts (the only undergarments mentioned) were largely bought by the colonists from the supplies sent over, their price varying from three to five florins a piece. It seems that the officers wore a more expensive kind.^* The stockings were made of felt, wool and linen, and their average cost was as follows: 1. Felt stockings, five florins a pair. 2. Woolen stockings, four florins a pair. 3. Linen stockings, one florin a pair. Gloves were worn by the officers and soldiers and we find several bills for Russian gloves, whose cost was one florin a pair. " Hats with ribbons " and " English caps " were worn by the colonists and soldiers. " An English cap "^* cost from three to four florins*® and a hat was valued at five florins (in- cluding ribbon, six stivers extra) . The food of the colonists and soldiers consisted of deer-meat and other game; fish, pork, salted or smoked (except in the autumn when the animals were butchered), dried meat,*® beef (fresh or salted),*'' cheese, butter, "English bread" and bread made out of wheat, rye,** Indian corn and at times a mixture of the last two.*" Of vegetables they had pease, beans,*" turnips and watermelons. Pepper, ginger ( " natural and prepared ") , "Monatg. B., 1642-1656. "Junker Per Liljehok bought 7 •hemden from 1643 to 1648 at the cost of 5 florins each. Peter Jonsson bought 7 hemden for three florins each, etc. Monatg. B., 1642-56, N.S., I. (R.A.). "Ace. B., 1643-1648; Monatg. B.. 1642-1656. " 1643-54 is always meant. " " Drog fleisch." " " Oxen Fleis," etc. " Other grains were oats and barley, LindesirSm, Geogr. "On the method of making this bread cf. below, Chap. XLIII. "Also Turkish beans. Geogr. Potatoes were also used. Rising's Beskr. 24 354 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. vinegar, and other necessaries were brought here from Europe.*' Beer was the standard beverage, as brewing was common among the Swedes and Finns from the earliest tlmes.*^ Kale- •vala, the Finnish Epic, describes the making of beer as follows : " Osmotar, the beer preparer, Brewer of the drink refreshing, Takes the golden grains of barley, Taking six of barley kernels. Taking seven tips of hop-fruit. Filling seven cups with water. On the fire she sets the caldron. Boils the barley, hops and water, Lets them steep and seeth and bubble." " Ripe cones from the fir-tree," yeast from " the grottoes of the growler," honey " from the calyces of flowers," were finally thrown into the liquor and "... the beer was ready. Beverage of noble heroes. Stored away in cask and barrels. There to rest a while in silence."*' The beer was brewed here in large quantities by the individual freemen and at the forts, under the supervision of the gover- nor. Malt was taken here in large quantities on the journey in 1642-1643;** but it was also made in the colony and, when the fields began to bring forth enough grain for the supply of food, there was no necessity for importing malt. "Beer was also brewed from red, blue, brown, flesh-colored and spot- ted corn. This beer was very strong and thick and not very clear."" " " Ingemachten Ingefehr " sold at three florins a pound. Monatg. B., 1642-56, P. Jonsson's and J. Olofsson's accounts. Pepper was sold for two florins a pound. Wine vinegar cost one florin a "kanna" (half a gallon). " Cf. Introduction above. "Kalevala, Rune XX. (transl.) by Crawford. " Gov. Printz took over 30 barrels of malt for his own use. Monatg. B., 1642- 56, N.S., L (R.A.). "Lindestrom, Geogr. In Banker's and Sluyter's Journal (1679) it is stated that they "drank very good beer here [Takanij], brewed by the Swedes, who, although they have come to America, have not left behind them their old customs." Mem. of the Long Isl. Hist. So., I. 177. Spoon of wood. Dipper of wood. ' I;eer-pot " of wood from Sweden. S. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 355 Wild grape vines were very numerous in certain parts of the river.*® "The grapes and their juice were not all of the same kind, or of one color,*^ some being blue (of different shades), others reddish and still others entirely white. Nor were they of the same size and quality." In the autumn these grapes were gathered in large quantities and made into three or four kinds of " delightful wine, year after year," white, reddish or dark. But the colonists also cultivated grape vines,** which produced as good grapes and as fine wine as were to be found in Germany or France.** Brandy was also a common article. It was carried over on the expeditions, bought from foreign merchants and also manu- factured in the settlement. Some time after July, 1644, Printr erected an ale-house on Tinicum Island and here beer, wine and brandy were sold to the soldiers and servants."" " French and Spanish wine " are often mentioned in the account-books. It was used on the governor's table and by officers and servants in the employ of the company."*^ Dishes and utensils were to a large extent of European origin, but some were made or bought here. Knives were brought over in large quantities, but forks are not mentioned. Tin pots with covers, as well as iron pots, were used for cooking and other purposes. Tin-cups (" glasses ") , tin goblets, tin beakers and tin bowls are mentioned in the accounts, and goblets and cups of horn. These were brought from Europe and cups and saucers were sometimes purchased from the English. Wooden utensils, however, were mostly used. Cups, plates, spoons, dippers, knives, bowls, pails, churns and casks, of this material could be seen in every household and in the forts. These "Up at the falls of the Delaware there were a very large number of vines. Lindestrom, Geogr. "Rising says there were four kinds of grapes. Beskrifning (R.A.). "Van der Donck says: "... Hebben de Sweetse Inwoonders de heele oude stocken in de Aerde gelegt, dat noemense suygen en sy trecken en genieten daer veel schoone lieflijcke Wejnen Jaer op Jaer," p. 20. "Van der Donck (1656), p. 20; Rising, Beskrifning (R.A.) ; Lindestrom, Geogr. ""Rising's Journal, 1654; Report, 1644. "Cf. Ace. B., 1643-48; Journal, N.S., III. (K.A.). 3S6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. articles were often elaborately carved.^^ Troughs for baking bread, for feeding and watering the chickens and cattle were made by hollowing out trunks of trees of different sizes.'* Combs of bone and ivory, clothes brushes (some being gilded)^* and mirrors were among the articles that belonged to the outfit of the settlers and these articles were to be found in the homes of the freemen. Smoking was general and pipes and tobacco are among the articles bought by most of the settlers.'^ The following typical bill will give an idea of the provisions and other supplies purchased by a common soldier : fl. St 10 shirts a 3 florins 30. 3 pair of woolen stockings a 3 florins 9. 4 yards of wadmal a 13 stivers 2:8 '7/4 yards linen cloth a 12 stivers 10:7 13 yards of woolen ribbons a 4 stivers 2:12 2 yards white cloth a 3 florins 6. 1 dozen tobacco pipes :io 11 lbs. cheese d 8 stivers 4:8 38 lbs. of pork a 8 stivers 15 14 4 lbs. of light a 8 stivers i:i2 44 lbs. of salted meat a 5 stivers 11. 12 lbs. of dried meat a 6 stivers 3 :i2 12 lbs. of butter a 10 stivers 8. 2 bushels of pease a 3 florins 6. 3 beavers [skins] a 8 florins 24. 15% yards of frieze a 4 florins 61. 14/4 yards of sewant a 2 florins 29. 100 awl-points 2. 100 needles >. 50 flsh hooks I. I pair of shoes 4. I shirt a 4 florins 4. I pair of woolen stopkings 2. 14 sickles (skaror) ., 4^. Half a gallon of brandy 2. One hat 5. A ribbon for the hat :6" °" Woodcarving was a highly developed art, even in prehistoric times, in the Scandinavian countries. Cf. Montelius, Civilization of Sweden in Ancient Times; Hildebrand, Sv. hist., I. " Cf. Stolt, Minnen, p. 19 ff. °'Knut Persson sold 12 clothes brushes in New England. "Monatg. B., 1642-56. "Monatg. B., 1642-56. Jonsson's account. N.S., II. (R.A.). My copy or the original has some minor mistakes, as the figures do not work out. liircli-bark shoes from Fiiilaiul. K. WutidiiTii sliot, '/'I'iiski. ' Slipper " with wMjudeii buUinn (sole), /oj/c/. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 357 The peasants of northern Sweden knew how to prepare various kinds of skins,"'' which could be used for bed-covering and wearing apparel. The settlers in New Sweden likewise prepared their own skins. They used the skins obtained through the hunts, but sometimes they bought them from the Indians. A bear skin was bought for 7 florins, an otter skin cost 5 florins and a beaver skin 7-8 florins.'*^ The Finns were skilled in the making of articles from birch- bark, of which they manufactured ropes, baskets, boxes,"® sieves, graters, sponges, even bottles (for salt, pepper, etc.) and shoes. Birch-bark shoes were and are very common among the Finnish peasants, and it is more than probable that they con- tinued to wear them on the Delaware. When the birch-bark had been removed from the trees it was cut into strips, rolled into a ball and preserved for future use. When the Finn wished to make himself a pair of shoes, he took his birch-bark roll, cut the strips into proper widths, softened them in water and braided them into the desired form. Slippers, shoes*" and boots were made from this material. These shoes were cheap, cost really nothing, could be made in a very short time, were strong and in many instances did as good service or better than leather ones.*^ It is probable that the Swedish settlers brought over wooden shoes and "tofflor," a sort of slipper with wooden bottoms.®^ We may also assume, with some degree of certainty, that they were made here, but no references have been found to them in the documents. The Swedes and Finns understood the value of bathing and the steam bath was very popular among them. In " an explana- " The art is still known. The author has seen sheep skins in Minnesota pre- pared by Swedish settlers (from Jamtland and Dalarne). "Journal, N.S., III. (K.A.) ; Monatg. B., 1642-56, etc. " Snuff-boxes of birch bark are common among the peasants of Sweden. " The author purchased a pair of such shoes at Little Imatra, Finland, in the summer of 1909. " Cf. Retzius, Finland, p. 26 ff. " Such " slippers " are used in various Swedish provinces and laborers on the streets in Berlin and other places in Germany can be seen wearing them. They are also used by the peasants and by fishermen in Denmark. At Blasbjerg, for example, men can be seen wearing them on the street. 3S8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. tion" concerning the troubles during the administration of Governor Printz it is stated that certain colonists " aided in the erection of a bath house " on Tinicum Island.** We know that bath houses were common among the early settlers, for in 1749 an old inhabitant of Pennsylvania (then 91 years of age) in- formed Professor Kalm that "in his youth [about 1665 J almost every Swede had a bath house."®* These bath houses were of course built like those in the mother country, primitive in their structure, presenting the general outward appearance of the " porte " or Finnish dwelling. The walls were of round logs, plastered between the fissures with clay. A low door on one of the gable sides gave entrance to the "bathing-guests" and two or three small openings in the walls, which were closed by " slide-boards," admitted fresh air and allowed the smoke to pass off after a bath. In the corner to the right or left, next to the door, was a primitive fireplace of boulders and roughly formed granite blocks. The bath houses built near or inside of the forts, being larger than those erected by individuals, were probably about twelve or fourteen feet square. A sort of platform or scaffold, probably about two feet wide, extended along the walls about three or four feet from the ground and below this near the floor was a second platform. Before a bath was to be taken the fireplace was heated to its utmost capacity. The bathers entered, undressed, and crawled upon "the second balcony" to perspire. In order to increase the heat and cause heavy perspiration water was poured upon the red hot stones by the " bathing-woman," who looked after the bath house.*® When the heat became too intense the bathers moved down below to the first platform. In the meantime.they struck their bodies with bundles of small birch branches or they were scrubbed by the "bathing-woman." The "bastu"** was "The bath house was built for the use of the governor and his family. See " Forklaring," etc., July 7, 1654, N.S., L (R.A.). •" Kalm, Resa, etc., III. 72. •" Cf. Retzius, Finland, etc., p. 78 B. ; Tweedie, Through Finland, etc., p. 45 ff. ^ Bastu or Finsk bastu is the Swedish word for this kind of a bath house. steam bath in Finland (K. from Acerbi). 4 Interior of a small bath-house (steam bath) from Southern Sweden. S. A small one-story storehouse. Now erected at Skansen, Stockholm. Dwellings and Customs of Colonists. 359 built near a river,®^ whenever possible, to give the bathers an opportunity to take a plunge in the cold water after the steam bath inside. Where there was no such opportunity cold water would be poured over the body, as soon as the perspiration was thought to be complete (in the winter-time the bather would roll himself in the snow, if such was at hand) . In an old book of travel this bath is described as follows : "Another particular that appeared very singular among the customs of the Finns, was their baths, and manner of bathing. Almost all the Finnish peasants have a small house built on purpose for a bath: it consists of only one small chamber, in the innermost part of which are placed a number of stones, which are heated by fire till they become red. On these stones, thus heated, water is thrown, until the company within be in- volved in a thick cloud of vapor. In this innermost part, the chamber is formed into two stories for the accommodation of a greater number of persons within that small compass; and it being the nature of heat and vapor to ascend, the second story is, of course, the hottest. Men and women use the bath pro- miscuously, without any concealment of dress, or being in the least influenced by any emotions of attachment. If, however, a stranger open the door, and come on the bathers by surprise, the women are not a little startled at his appearance; for, besides his person, he introduces along with him, by opening the door, a great quantity of light, which discovers at once to view their situation, as well as forms. Without such an accident they remain, if not in total darkness, yet in great obscurity, as there is no other window besides a small hole, nor any light but what enters In from some chink In the roof of the house, or the crevices between the pieces of wood of which It Is constructed. I often amused myself with surprising the bathers in this man- ner, and I once or twice tried to go in and join the assembly; but the heat was so excessive that I could not breathe, and In the space of a minute at most, I verily believe, must have been suf- " Or lake in Finland and Sweden. In New Sweden it is probable that most of these bathing houses were built near a river. 360 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. focated. I sometimes stepped in for a moment, just to leave my thermometer in some proper place, and immediately went out again, where I would remain for a quarter of an hour, or ten minutes, and then enter again, and fetch the instrument to ascertain the degree of heat. My astonishment was so great that I could scarcely believe my senses, when I found that those people remain together, and amuse themselves for the space of half an hour, and sometimes a whole hour, in the same chamber, heated to the 70th or 75th degree of Celsius. The thermom- eter, in contact with those vapors, became sometimes so hot, that I could scarcely hold it in my hands. "The Finlanders, all the while they are in this hot bath, continue to rub themselves, and lash every part of their bodies with switches formed of twigs of the birch-tree. In ten minutes they become as red as raw flesh, and have altogether a very frightful appearance. In the winter season they frequently go out of the bath, naked as they are, to roll themselves in the snow, when the cold is at 20 and even 30 degrees below zero.** They will sometimes come out, still naked, and converse to- gether, or with any one near them, in the open air. If travel- lers happen to pass by while the peasants of any hamlet, or little village, are in the bath, and their assistance is needed, they will leave the bath, and assist in yoking, or unyoking, and fetch provender for the horses, or in anything else without any sort of covering whatever, while the passenger sits shivering with cold, though wrapped up in a good sound wolf's skin. There is nothing more wonderful than the extremities which man is capable of enduring through the power of habit. "The Finnish peasants pass thus instantaneously from an atmosphere of 70 degrees of heat, to one of 30 degrees of cold, a transition of a hundred degrees, which is the same thing as going out of boiling into freezing water! and what is more astonishing, without the least inconvenience ; while other people are very sensibly affected by a variation of but five degrees, and " " I speak always of the thermometer of a hundred degrees, by Celsius," Acerbi. Storehouse from Fimand, -.howiiip the balcony and ladder. R. The loft of the storehouse, showing the beds used by guests or the women of the family during the summer, R, Dwellings and Customs of Colonists. 361 in danger of being afflicted with rheumatism by the most trifling wind that blows. Those peasants assure you, that without the hot vapor baths they could not sustain as they do, during the whole day, their various labors. By the bath, they tell you, their strength is recruited as much as by rest and sleep. The heat of the vapor mollifies to such a degree their skin, that the men easily shave themselves with wretched razors, and without soap. Had Shakespeare known of a people who could thus have pleasure in such quick transition from excessive heat to the severest cold, his knowledge might have been increased, but his creative fancy could not have been assisted : " ' Oh! who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking of the frosty Caucasus ? Or wallow naked in December snow, By thinking on fantastic summer's heat ? ' "°° This form of bathing was common in olden times in Fin. land^" and northern Sweden.''^ It still continues in the former country, having retained most of its old characteristics''* and in the latter place it is to be found in a modified form.^* On a "Acerbi, Joseph, Travels through Siueden, Finland and Lapland . . . I7q8 and 1799, I. 296 H. " It is supposed that the Finns copied this form of bathing from neighbors, probably the Slavs, probably from the Swedes. Cf. Retzius, Finland, p. 83, and the references given in the footnote. The steam bath is mentioned in Kalevala. "Retzius, Finland, p. S4 ff. The Germans used steam-baths from the earliest times and they were very fond of bathing. Cf. Schultz, Deutsches Leben, etc., I. 67 ff. (where illustrations are also given) ; E. Martin, Badenfahrt von Thomas Murner, pp. vi. fiF., xi. ff., 19 etc.; Hartung, Die deut. AltertUmer des Nibelung- enliedes und der Kudrun, p. 189 ff.; V^'einhold, Deutsche Frauen, II. 113 ff. (Caesar, De bell. Gallico, IV. i ; VI. 21 ; they are also mentioned by Tacitus, Germania, 22) ; Gummere, Germanic Origins, 78 ff. "The author observed many such Finnish bath houses on a journey to Finland in the summer of 1909. A good description of a modern Finnish bath can be found in Mrs. Tweedie, Through Finland, etc. (London, 1897), p. 42 ff., 19S ff- See also Scott, Through Finland (New York, 1909), p. 86, but this description rests on books rather than on actual observation. Such baths are used by the Russians and Russian Jews ( ?) in this country and bath houses of this character are to be found in Philadelphia. " In Swedish towns and cities it is found under the name of " Finsk badstu " or "bastu." These baths (of second and third class) are much used. A vaulted room (walls of brick) is heated by steam to a high temperature; to the right as you enter are a number of platforms along the side wall, arranged in tiers one above and back of the other like the floor in a theatre. On these seats the bather 362 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. journey through Finland in 1873 Dr. Retzius found a bath house " whose dimensions were so small that it was impossible to stand or lie straight in it," in other respects, however, being fitted out like the larger ones (except that the lower platform was wanting) . The bather sat on the platform while he took his sweat bath and poured the water on the stones himself. Such (the author is inclined to believe) were the bath houses erected by the freemen in New Sweden. " In these bath houses the settlers with family and servants would commonly bathe every evening in the summer during harvest time and twice a week in winter. A strange scene would meet the eye of a visitor, who might happen to look into such a bath house, when it was filled with bathers, from the new-born child carried there by its mother to the old man of eighty."^* On a Swedish or Finnish homestead (and consequently on the Delaware settlements) there were a number of other houses besides those described. Among these the store-houses deserve our special attention as they were of peculiar shape and different from those in the neighboring colonies. The storehouses built in Sweden by the peasants and small land owners were often of two stories used for preserving grain and other things. They were generally built of round (barked) or hewn logs and they were often raised two or three feet from the ground and built so as to prevent the entrance of mice and other animals. The roof was gabled, covered with birch-bark, on top of which lies down on a long towel with a wooden frame for a pillow or he sits upright. By moving from the platform nearest the floor to the one highest up and vice versa the heat can be somewhat regulated. In a corner is a spigot with running water, from which the bather drinks to increase the perspiration. An arrangement for a shower bath is also placed inside. When the bather has perspired suffi- ciently, he takes a shower bath of luke-warm water and goes into another room, where he lies down on a bench and is scrubbed and washed by " baderskan '' (the woman employed for that purpose. It is interesting to note that a woman is always employed even in the badstu for men). When the bather has been scrubbed he again returns to the heated room, where he remains for a few minutes, then he takes a cold shower-bath and plunges into a cold pool for a short swim. He is then dried by "baderskan," after which he withdraws to his little "cell" for dressing. The author has seen such baths in Stockholm and even in Hedemora, a small village in central Sweden. " Cf. Retzius, Finland, etc., p. 78 ff. ; Tweedie, Through Finland, etc., 46 ff. Small stiirehouse on p.iks. Xi>w erected in Skaiisen, Stuckliulm. Storehouse {^]'iiMruiit'ltayhor^ Skansen, Stotklioliu), showing the t-xLeiided "balcony " and the " log-ladder," leading np to it. Dwellings and Customs of the Colonists. 363 sod was placed, supported by poles of about three Inches in diameter. The floor was made of hewn planks. One type had the entrance on the side and a ladder within led up to the upper floor (if there was one). Another and earlier form (of one story) had the entrance on the gable. The store-house of two floors often had a balcony or an extension (of about four feet) of the second floor along one side formed by the prolongation of the timbers in the gable walls, with the balcony floor resting on the two first or lower extended timbers. This type of store-house could generally be entered only by a ladder (or a log with steps cut into it) which led into the extended balcony, from where a door led into the loft and a second ladder down to the ground floor. The outside ladder could be drawn up and the store-house could thus be used as a means of defense. Grain was generally stored on the second floor (which was sometimes divided into two parts, one for grain the other for other purposes) and on the lower floor provisions, clothes and other valuables were kept. The loft was often used during the summer for sleeping and the maids would at times do their hand work there. When guests could not find shelter in the living house, they were assigned their night quarters in this loft. The store-houses without a loft were generally divided into two parts, one side for the grain and the other for provisions. A more primitive form of storehouse was built by the Finns in northern Sweden as well as in their home country. It was a low structure (the gabled roof forming the ceiling) and it was supported by four pillars about three feet from the ground. The small door was on one of the gables, over which the roof projected about three feet. We may feel reasonably sure that the Swedes and Finns built store-houses in the colony like those used In their home districts. The one-story type probably prevailed at first, but it is likely that those of two stories would be built later, as the prosperity of the freemen increased, both to insure protection against the Indians as well as to store the increased possessions. In these 364 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. were kept the grain, the beaver skins, the salted pork for winter use, the game and the like. The store-houses in the forts were also built out of logs but larger than the private buildings. At Christina the store-house was made three stories high, when Printz arrived, and it I§ probable that a sort of elevator was installed. The com- missioner slept there in a little room, it seems, and also used it as his office. The account-books were kept there and there the commercial transactions were conducted with the savages and merchants of the neighboring colonies. A storehouse was also erected at Fort New Gothenborg (rebuilt after the fire in 1646), where merchandise and the provisions for the people were preserved. The blockhouses at the Schuylkill and at Upland were also used for storehouses and were probably built on the same prin- ciples as those described above. Granaries were built by the freemen and for the company in the forts.^' They were divided into two parts, one half being employed for storing some of the grain as it was thrashed, the other half being used for a thrashing floor. Here the grain was thrashed with flails during the fall and winter months and in the summer it was used as a storehouse. Another necessary building was the " ria," a sort of gran- ary or " drying house for the grain."'® In a document already quoted we read, "Item We built a granary."'' Such buildings were in all likelihood found on every homestead in the colony and in the forts. They were of the same general appearance and of about the same height and size as the larger storehouses just described. The grain was hauled from the fields on sleds into these granaries, where it was stacked away until it was thrashed. Small sheds were also built on or near the meadows, into which the hay was hauled in the same manner as the grain. The sleds'* used for the hauling of the grain and hay had long "They were raised above the ground like the small storehouses. "Retzius, Finland, etc.; Stolt, Minnen, etc. " " Forklaring," etc., July 7, 1654, N.S., L (R.A.). ™ " Then we said that we need the sleds ourselves ... the sleds, [however], Storehouses in Finland. Near the corner to the right of the central storehouse is a harrow, made of " long wooden teeth," and to the left is the sled loaded with hay. R. Sled for hauling hay and grain. R. Types of hay -forks (of wood), used by Swedes and Finns. G. Thrashing in the north according- to Olaus Magnus (1555), showing the use of the flail and its form. Club-flails." (From Osterbotten, Finland. Cf. Chap. XXXVIII. and biography of Printz, below.) A flail made from a small tree, a branch forming the handle. (From Osterbotten, Finland.) G. Dwellings and Customs of Colonists. 365 runners which were made from small trees with natural bends and they were so arranged that a large load of hay or grain could be loaded upon them without difficulty. They were hitched to an ox or a horse by a pair of shafts, fastened to the runners. The pigs were generally allowed to run loose, but the cattle and horses were housed in barns during the winter months. The bams of New Sweden were constructed along the same principle as the dwellings and out of the same material. It is probable the chickens in many cases shared the dwelling-houses with the people, a custom found in Sweden and Finland down to a late period.^^ They were kept in a cage and the cock was the alarm clock in the morning. Jonas Stolt, writing in the first half of the nineteenth century, says: "The chicken cage was also a piece of furniture, which was found in almost every house and for those, who were accustomed to it, it was an indis- pensable thing, for the cock crowed at a certain time and from this the people had a good guidance."*" were taken from [us] . . . and our grain thus had to [lie] ... in rain and wet ;[and go to ruin]." " Forklaring," July 7, 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.). " It was a custom in Finland and northern Sweden in early times to keep the cattle and horses in the dwelling house also. Cf. Usselinx' letters to A. Oxen- stierna, Ox. Saml. But it is not probable that this custom obtained on the Delaware as there is no mention of it. "Stolt, Minnen, etc., 15 ff- He goes on to say that the chicken cages had been dispensed with in 1820, for almost every house had a clock (p. 16). Retzius, Finland, p. 73. CHAPTER XXXIV. The Religious Worship and the Ministers of the Gospel, 1643- 1653. The old place of worship provided by Ridder was used as before. Printz was instructed to " decorate the little Church . . . according to the Swedish custom."^ He omitted nothing in this respect, for he was of a religious bent and tried in every way to enforce his instructions.* It is also probable that Printz caused a small church or chapel to be erected on Tinicum Island in 1643, which was used until the fire (in 1645) and we may assume that a belfry was erected for the church-bell, brought here in 1 644.^ Private houses were also used for worship dur- ing the week days, but on Sundays and on festive days or holi- days, the people assembled at the central place of worship. In the spring of 1646 plans were made for the erection of a "more pretentious edifice." The church was built out of logs and 2,000 clapboards were bought for the roof from some English in August.* The belfry was probably built by the side of the church, a few feet away from it, a custom common in Sweden and Finland in olden times. The church was fitted out somewhat in the style of the churches in Sweden. Simple decorations were used and the altar was beautified with " a silver cloth," purchased for the sum of 37 >^ florins.' A burial 'Brahe to Printz, November 9, 1643. Skokl. Saml. (Concept.). ' Cf. Printz to Brahe, July 19, 1644. " Hwatt nu anlangar, de under- schadelige ( ?) herlige motiver och formeningar som Excell. uthi sitt breef hiigwyssligen framstaller, dem hafver iaagh en deel hartill (som bar effter folier) haff[wer] och skall yttermera hareffter an uthi grannare akt haffua." 'The bell was taken over on the Fama in 1644, Journal, N.S., III. (K.A.). The bell was used for over one hundred and fifty years and the present bell in Gloria Dei in Philadelphia is said to be cast partly from the material of the old bell. On this bell is the following inscription : " Cast for the Swedish Church IN Philad*. Stiled Gloria Dei. G. Hedderly Fecit 1806 partly from the OLD BELL Dated 1643. I to the church the living call and'to the grave do SUMMONS ALL." 'Twenty-two beavers were paid for them, Ace. B., 1643-8. 'Ace. B., 1643-48, August 20, 1647. 366 Churclisteeple, built bv the side of the church (seventeenth century). From SiTiio Anliqiia. Religious Worship and Ministers of the Gospel. 367 place was also laid out near the church, probably in front of it, and perhaps a fence was placed around the plot. "The hand- some church " was ready in the autumn. September 4 was a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving. The colonists assembled in their new church and after a sermon and amid appropriate cere- monies, the Revs. Campanius and Fluviander officiating, the church was dedicated for divine services. The burying place was consecrated on the same day. A month and a half later, " the first corpse . . . that of Katarina, the daughter of Anders Hansson, was buried there."® The Swedish order of service was followed in the colony. Printz writes in 1644 that " the services with its ceremonies are conducted as in old Sweden " and in the " good old Swedish language." "Our priest," he says, " is vested with a chasuble^ and differs in all manners from the other sects surrounding us."* The order of services at " High Mass," as given in the Psalm-book of 16 14,® which was used here (1640-97) was as follows : I. At the appointed time, when the congregation had assem- bled, and a psalm had been sung, the minister went before the altar, and (kneeling) made confessions of his own sins, then (rising), after a short admonition to his flock to keep Christ's death in memory, he read the general confession, " I poor sinner," etc.," followed by an appointed prayer. II. Next in order followed Kyrie eleison and other respon- sive readings or singing, after which the psalm " God alone in the highest,"^ ^ was sung. •Campanius Holm (trans.), P- 79 ^m Acrelius (transl.), p. 43. '" Massklader." 'Printz to Brahe, July 19, 1644, August 1, 1650, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). •The handbook or "order of Mass" was first published in 1531, revised in '537. 1548. 1557. 1576. 157* and tti^n in 1614. Cf. Intro., above. "■This confession is still used in the Swedish Lutheran Church with very few changes. " " Allenaste Gud i hemmelrik." This psalm, somewhat modernized, is still used in the Swedish Lutheran Church on all Sundays except during Easter and when the Lord's Supper is celebrated. 368 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. III. Other responsive readings or singing^ ^ and a prayer'* followed, after which "The Epistle . . . appointed for the day, was read." IV. An appropriate psalm ("gradual") for the day was now sung by the congregation, followed by the reading of the Gospel lesson ( " evangeliet " ) and the Apostolic Creed or *' Luther's creed" (read or sung).'* V. Then came another (specified) psalm, whereupon the minister ascended the pulpit and preached his sermon, making the appointed prayer as well as prayers for the sick and others (at special request), lastly reading the announcements of various kinds. "When everything was finished in the pulpit, a psalm ought to be sung, if the time admitted it," thereupon the minister should deliver his " praefatio, with well-wishes and admonitions." The Lord's Supper was then to be adminis- tered. After the Communion followed the blessing, then the first stanza of the psalm, " Grant unto us, oh Lord," was sung and lastly " Give unto our Queen and all in authority peace and a good reign." When the Lord's Supper was not administered, " only the psalm," " Oh God, we praise Thee " was sung before the sermon, next in order came "the Nicene Creed" and then " Now we pray Thee Holy Ghost." " But after the sermon the psalm, which was prograduali appointed for the day, was sung and then the blessing should end [the service] ."'^ "The [three] principal holidays," Christmas, Easter and Penticost were strictly observed, and on these days early services were held in the morning, which "began so early [about four or five] that they were finished about eight." These were fol- lowed by High Mass with sermon and sometimes by services in the afternoon. On Christmas morning the congregation assembled in the church at four o'clock, Christmas psalms were sung and a sermon on Is. 9 : 2-7 or some other appropriate text ""The priest turns to the people and says [or sings]: "The Lord be with you ! " [The congregation answers] : " So also with thy spirit ! " " This prayer was printed in the " hand book " for each Sunday. " Cf. Baelter, Hist. Anmdrk., p. 224. "Baelter, Hist. Anmdrk., p. 218 ff. Religious Worship and Ministers of the Gospel. 369 was preached. Each one of these three festivities consisted o£ four days^* and the week before Easter was especially set aside for religious exercises. "The annual holidays," New Year, Epiphany, Candlemas-day, the day of Annunciation, Good Fri- day, Ascension-day, Midsummer-day,^'' the Visitation of our Lady,^8 St. Michael's Day,i» and The Day of All Saints, were likewise observed, as w;ell as two or three " solemn prayer days"*" on which all of the people attended services and re- frained from work. The " days of the Apostles,"*^ Holy Thurs- day (on which a sermon about the Lord's Supper was preached), "Gangdagar (travelling days)** were all [ob- served in the colony] according to the loyal Swedish form." Only one sermon was preached on these days, and the people were allowed to work as on other week days, when the services were over. On every Wednesday and Friday, sermons were preached on some selected text from the Old or the New Testa- ment and, since the law required that in " a pastorate in the country, having two churches, sermons should be preached in the one on Wednesdays and in the other on Fridays," we may assume that the services were conducted once a week alternately at New Gothenborg and Christina.** On all other week days "It is said that the fourth day was added in Sweden to commemorate the separation of the Swedish Church from the bishopric of Lund, about 1360. Baelter, Hist. Anmark., p. 156. "John the Baptist's day, June 24. "Probably observed on August 15. See Baelter, Hist. Anmark., p. 166. The Catholic Church observes this feast on the second of July and the feast of the Assumption is kept August 15. "Prescribed by law in 1571. This law was confirmed and reenacted several times. "The usual custom was to celebrate three such days in a year, but it was not always observed during this period. See Baelter, Hist. Anmark., p. 187 ff. Two services were probably held (early service and High Mass). For a discussion of the ceremonies of the Swedish Lutheran Church, see Baelter, Hist. Anmark., etc. "The great majority of the festive days, kept by the Catholic Church in memory of the saints, were discarded at the time of the Reformation in Swedea, but the days of the Apostles were retained. Baelter, Hist. Anmark., p. 170. ""So called because the people during their work "went about and read prayers." "It is not known whether or not " Haradstings" (district court) services were held in New Sweden. Cf. Baelter, Hist. Anmark., p. 19s ff- 25 370 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. prayers were made morning and evening accompanied by one or two psalms.^* On Sundays one or two services were held, both probably in the forenoon.^^ The "pure Word of God, [and His] law and truth" were preached according to the Augsburg Confession and it is possible that the sermon some- times gave advice to the congregation to beware of the " Calvin- istic leaven." The people were called together by the sound of the bell, which was rung two or three times before the sermon. Those dwelling at some distance undoubtedly went to church in canoes or boats unless they lived too far from the river. At the settle- ments, lying too distant for the colonists to go to the central places of worship for morning and evening prayers, lay readers were appointed, " who could lead the exercises and remind the people of godliness." It is probable that some selection was read from one of the collections of sermons published during the period or from the Bible.^® Special holidays were also observed. When news arrived (In 1646) that Queen Christina had ascended the throne, a special day of thanksgiving was ordered and the colonists came together In the New Church at Tinicum and praised God with a holy " Te Deum for his grace in having given the dear fatherland a Queen, who was of age."2T The Eucharist^® and other sacraments were likewise observed in the Lutheran manner. Campanius brought over at his own expense a gilded silver chalice, weighing about five ounces.*' When he returned to Sweden he left the cup in the church and was paid 13:10 D. for it by Beier In Stockholm on behalf of °* Set or printed prayers for thirty special festive days were found in the hand- book and these were read by the preacher on the particular day as on Christmas, New Year, etc. ™ It seems that the law required three services in the cities and only one in the country. It is possible that the rule applying to cities in Sweden (of three services on Sundays) was used on Tinicum Island. " Cf. above, Chap. IV. "Printz to Brahe, February 20, 1647, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). " Jacob Evertssen sold a hogshead of French wine for use at the Lord's Supper, November 4, 1646. Ace. B., 1642-48. ^"10^ let" or lod. A modern lod is about .4276 of an ounce (troy). Religious Worship and Ministers of the Gospel. 371 the company.*" Other vessels were undoubtedly used, but there is no trace of their existence. There seems to have been no organ, but the church song, which played a great role in the Swedish service,*^ was probably led by the minister and some member of the congregation, appointed for that purpose. For a time there were three preachers in the colony, but Reorus Torkillus " fell sick at Fort Christina on February 23, 1643." He improved, however, probably continued his serv- ices for some time and was used by Printz in a mission to the Indians, but he died on September 7 the same year, " at the age of 35," leaving a wife and child behind.*'^ Israel Fluviander was a relative of Printz, who came here without having a commission from the government. In March, 1643, ^^ w^s stationed at Fort Elfsborg (during its erection) and conducted services in the fort for seven months. On Octo- ber I he was appointed by Printz as regular preacher in New Sweden. There has been some uncertainty about Fluvi- ander and his services, due to conflicting statements about him in the records. He seems to have decided to return to Sweden in June, 1644. Governor Printz gives him in the list of return- ing colonists of that year and in a letter of July to Brahe the governor writes: "our priest, Campanius, is alone." But he must have changed his mind, as the ship was about to sail, or been detained for some reason, for he remained and served here in all for four years and one month.** In 1647 he returned to the mother country and demanded his pay. Some money had previously (1646) been paid his mother in Stockholm on his account, but it was not known if he would receive a salary or not, since he was placed on no budget. On his way to Stock- holm he received 121 D. 16 ore from Macklier in Gothenburg. When he arrived at the capital and presented his bills, Beier "Journal, no. 731; Monatg. B., 1642-56. " Cf. W^hitelocke, Embassy. "Court Rec, July 10, 1643, N.S., I. (R.A) ; Campanius (transl.), p. 107. "Journal, no. 567; Printz to Brahe, July 19, 1644. Skohl. Saml. (R.A.) ; Rulla 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 39; Beier to Oxenstierna, August 25, 1647, Ox. Saml. (R.A.). Beier says "there are no•*'-«< T^^-A) 'M1>(i^t4M^ ^'^.- 1: i>%^-» -<-%"i Copy of the testimony of the heirs of Mitatsimint that the Swedes alone had a right to Quinanikot (Sandhook), Jnly 3, 1651. Translated below, p. 757. Ms. preserved in N. S. I. {R. A.), Stockholm. Relation with the Dutch. 439 age). They were willing to prove by all the Indians in the river the truth of the above statements, and, " in confirmation of this truth, they subscribed their mark with their own hand." The document was also signed by Peter Jochimson*^ and Got- fried Harmer as witnesses.*' It was sent to Stuyvesant to- gether with copies of letters from the Queen and certain para- graphs of Printz's instruction and probably a protest. Un- fortunately only a copy is preserved, but there is no reason to believe that it is not genuine. The Dutch governor, however, paid little attention to these papers. He had acquired certain claims to the district below Fort Christina and he possessed a signed document to prove these claims. He accordingly prepared his little fleet, the force which had come across the country being put on board, and sailed down the river to a convenient place on the west bank, between Christina and Elfsborg, where 200 men were landed and where the erection of a fort was immediately begun.*'^ Against such power Governor Printz could accomplish nothing. He manned his little yacht with thirty men and followed the Dutch, but he "did not dare to attempt anything" of a hostile character.** In the meantime Stuyvesant sent an answer to the letters and documents of Printz, reiterating the injuries the Dutch had suffered on the South River at the hands of the Swedes. Root and Maurisen had been refused payment by them, while Printz had forbidden his people to trade with the Dutch and for these injuries reparation was demanded.*^ On the eighth of July Governor Printz drew up a formal protest against the activities of the Dutch. He asserted that "The same as Peter Jochim, who died at New Amsterdam in 1655. " Certificate of sale, July 3, 1651 (copy), N.S., I. (R.A.), printed by Sprinchorn, N.S., p. 88. " It has been stated that Stuyvesant began to build before he had had the conference with the Indians and before he had acquired title to the land, but this is a mistake. The mistake is due to the fact that the writers have not taken into consideration that the Swedes used the old style and the Dutch the new. "Printz to Brahe, to Beier and to Oxenstierna, August 1, 1651, Ox. Saml., Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). "Doc, I. 595 ff- 440 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. enough documents and witnesses had been produced to prove clearly that the land, situated between Bomten's Hook and the Schuylkill, as well as that from the Schuylkill to Sankikan, had been bought for the Crown of Sweden years before. In spite of this the Dutch, he said, had purchased portions of these lands from Indians, who had neither " right nor title " thereto, incorporated such places into their possessions and erected fortifications upon them in order to close up the river, thereby inflicting great injuries to the settlements of the Swe- dish government. He appealed to the alliance between the two nations in Europe, protesting in the name of Her Royal Majesty against Stuyvesant's procedure, and declared himself free from any part in the consequences that would follow.®" Stuyvesant continued his work without interruption, how- ever, but the letters and protests had had at least one effect. They seem to have shaken the validity of Paminacka's ownership. To be able to show more "legal title" than the grant of June 29, Stuyvesant again sent for the Indian chiefs, who were favorably disposed towards him. The disputed land was again transferred to the Dutch and a deed discribing the limits was drafted. " Mattahom, Peminacka, Ackehom and Sinques," reads the deed, " Sachems and right owners of the land situated on the west side of the South River of New Amsterdam, do hereby certify and declare, that we for ourselves and our heirs and co-heirs of free, will and well advised inclination have this nineteenth day of July [n.s.] given and voluntarily presented to Peter Stuyvesant, Chief Sachem, of the Manhattans, a certain portion of land named Tamecongh, situate on the west shore of the aforesaid River beginning at the west point of tlie Minquas Kill, called in the Indian tongue Suppeckongh, unto the mouth of the bay or river called Boompjes hook and in the Indian tongue called Canaresse, and so far landwards as our right extends : to wit to the bounds and limits of the Minquas country, which lands were never before sold or conveyed to " It was signed by Johan Printz and dated at Nya G6tteb[org], July 8, 1651. Copy, now preserved in N.S., I. (R.A.), printed by Sprinchorn, X.S., pp. 90-91. l<^^/ ^ .^-.u.s^ ^^-.^S^tCZl o^i-fTZ 45ZO.' 0;^^ .Mj_ ^*J»->/S^^^*i-t. Relation of Mitatsimint's widow and heirs of the first land purchase by the Swedes on March 29, 1639, dated July 13, 1651. Signed by " Johan Printz, Hendrick Huygen, Gustavus Printz, Peter Bock." & 14j [^uceenu/t ^ItlU^t**'!^ .1 /^T^^*.--^ JO ;-^.^ a„..jJ:iij»^--. 'U-<-i ll(^-^^<-t J^ A—^ rfif JL^ ■^^.^J^ /^^^ ^^ '•^^ }Jh^.'-i iti-f-^ - ^-^J^. YA^'^'^A--^' '^V-v- Third page of Gov. Printz's letter to Beier, Aug. 1, 1651. ^,^^1^. •t>?'^.^:^-'.;^ '^" ^ -M^ * ^U-iOii^v^ -"IT'/ V; 0& ^.uO^ <<^^ .^ic/ *^*' ****** *.t«. V P ^-».«-5. ^ Fourth (last) page of Gov. Printz's letter to Johan Beier, Aug. 1, 1651. Relation with the Dutch. 447 government that the Dutch soon expected to make new settle- ments on the river, for certain persons had arrived from the East Indies, who " intended to bring some hundred families to the" Delaware in the spring of 1652.^"® The winter of 1651-1652 was uneventful and quiet, as far as the relation between the Dutch and Swedes was concerned. As to the Schuylkill region we know nothing, but it is likely that the Dutch abandoned Fort Beversreede, for it is not men- tioned after 1651. In the spring or early summer of 1652 a certain Harkhofen brought about forty families into the river, who settled on the east bank. They were all traders, " had ab- solutely no aid from the [Dutch] West India Company, did not plough nor sow, had neither cow nor sow." Printz had no means of opposing them and they " had their own way in their settlements," but, he wrote, if "only enough Swedish people arrived, the Dutch will have to get out." Nothing further is known about these families, except that they seem to have removed from their place of settlement before the follow, ing spring.^^" What took place at Fort Casimir in the summer of 1652 and the following autumn is not known. It is probable that Stuyve- sant now acted with more caution and made no further de- mands of Printz, as his expedition to the South River was not altogether approved by the directors of the D^tch West India Company. When they were informed about it they were greatly surprised,, as he had not previously advised them of such intentions and expressed great concern about the conse- quences. " God grant," they wrote, " that what your Honour has done may turn out for the best. We cannot express our opinion of it before we have . . . heard how the complaints of the Swedish governor will be received by the Queen." They were not sure that " the demolition of Fort Nassau was a very prudent act," but they were agreed that Fort Casimir must be guarded with care. The trade of the Dutch with the '"Printz's letters of August i, 1651 ; Rising's Journal; Doc, I. 590 ff. ""Printz to Beier, August i, 1651 ; to Brahe, August 30, 1652; to Oxenstierna, April 26, 1653, Ox. Saml., Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). 448 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Indians was poor, and few of the ships visited the South River at this time. A few new dwellings were perhaps built by the Dutch freemen at Fort Casimir, for in April, 1653, about 26 families dwelt there. ^^^ It appears that the Dutch were again active in the South River in the summer of 1653, but Printz opposed them with all the authority and power at his command, partly aided by the Indians. In 1651 Stuyvesant managed to gain the friend- ship of the savages, and to draw them away from the Swedes, but as time went on Printz to some extent regained their good will, and in the spring of 1653 he reported that the savages were unfriendly to the Dutch and distrusted them. It is quite likely that Printz left no means untried to increase and intensify this distrust. As a consequence the Dutch were compelled to abandon all their settlements except that at Fort Casimir. Complaints against Printz were sent to Stuyvesant, and he in turn complained to the directors of the Dutch West India Company, but they admonished him to " be very cautious in the intercourse with the Swedes of the South River ... as well in regard to the maintainance of the Company's privileges, as by avoiding as much as possible to give them cause for com- plaints and dissat;isfaction, as it is not desirable to add to the Company's enemies at this critical period."^ ^^ When Printz departed for Europe some Swedish colonists applied for permission to remove to New Holland, but Stuyve- sant did not dare to accept them before he had been advised about it by the directors of the company. Accordingly he wrote to them October 6 (n.s.), 1653, requesting instruc- tions.^^*, The directors replied that they "could not see, why it should be refused and denied . . . [for] the influx of free persons should ... be promoted by all resolute and honest ^^ Doc, XII. 72; Printz to Oxenstierna, April 26, 1653, Ox. Saml. and to Brahe of the same date, Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). ^"^ Printz to Oxenstierna, August i, 1651; Printz to Brahe, April 26, 1653. Doc, XII. 72. ™The letter is perhaps that of October 6, 1653, of which an abstract is given in Doc, I. 6oo-i. Relation with the Dutch. 449 Nevertheless it was left to his own judgment to do what he thought fit. The colonies were now at peace and there was no disturbance until the good relations were broken by the misdirected zeal of Rising;"* but before we leave this period (1643-1653) let us take a look at the government of New Sweden during the rule of Printz, its courts and the administra- tion of justice. "* Doc, I. 600-601 ; XII. 73 ; cf. below, Book IV., Part I.-II. 30 CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Government of New Sweden, i 643-1 653. I. Upon the arrival of Printz in 1643, the colonial government was reorganized and systematized. The governor was vested with full judicial and administrative powers. He should rule the country in the name of the Queen, but all details of proce- dure were left to his discretion and judgment; he should use his own seal, on a somewhat enlarged scale, on all official docu- ments, until other arrangements could be made; in cases of crimes and disobedience, he was given power to inflict punish- ments by fines, imprisonment or death, as the offence would de- mand, "but in the regular manner only," and after full exami- nation and inquiry had been made in connection with the assis- tants in the trial, who were to be selected from among the prin- cipal and wisest inhabitants in the colony, and the Swedish law and custom should be followed at all times, as far as possible.' In comparison with the power conferred on the governors of the neighboring colonies, Printz was given almost unlimited authority and a tyrant armed with such instructions could rule to suit his own whims. But " a strong central government," a government personified by the governor and his court, was the only practicable and possible one under the circumstances. Dis- putes and quarrels had rent the colony before Printz's arrival, principally because there was no one here vested with sufficient authority to rule. The Council of State carefully considered the matter, the methods employed by the English and Dutch were reviewed,^ and in the light of their experiences and the previous troubles in New Sweden, the instruction was formu- lated. ' Instruction, paragraphs 23-25. " Cf . Rddspr. and above. 450 Gov. Priiitz's vSeal. Government of New Sweden. 451 The governor and other military officers and soldiers ap- pointed in 1642, as well as one of the preachers, were servants of the Crown and their salaries were to be paid by the govern- ment, as we have already seen.^ The budget called for the sum of 4,530 D.* and the following officers and servants were on the pay-rolls in 1 643-44 : Military. Johan Printz, Governor 1,200° D. Sven Skute, Lieutenant 288 D. Gregorius van Dyck, Head Guard 180 D. Anders Svrensson Sonde, Gunner 144 D. Karl Hikansson, Corporal 108 D. Eric Andersson, Trumpeter 108 D. Sven Andersson, Drummer 90 D. Johan Olofsson (profoss)," Provost-marshal 108 D. Twenty-four common soldiers 1,728 D. Civic. Johan Campanius (Holm.), Preacher i8o D. Hans Janeke, Barber-surgeon 180 D. Knut Persson, Bookkeeper 144° D. The officers, soldiers and servants, who were here before the budget was made, continued to be paid by the company and those hired by Printz and Papegoja and not provided for in the budget were likewise placed on the company's pay-rolls. Several changes occurred on the force and new appointments were made. On April i Christer Boije was appointed lieutenant with a salary of 24 R.D. a month and stationed at Upland. Boije was of noble birth and the wild life was clearly not to his liking, for he left the service as early as May the next year and returned to Sweden shortly after.'' He was employed in = Cf. above. * O'Callaghan, I. 367, quoting the inaccurate translations in Hazard's Reg., states that " her Majesty appropriated two million six hundred nineteen dollars," yet he gives the correct sum in a foot-note. "Half of Printz's salary or 601:14 D. was to be paid from rents in Oster- botten. '• An executioner with a wage of 72 D. a year was also put on the budget of 1642, but no one was appointed for the office, Journal, no. 176, etc. "In all 4,530 D. or 3,020 R.D., including the wage of the executioner (72 D.). Journal, no. 176; Monatg. B., 1642-56, fol. i. ' He left the service on May ., 1644, and returned on the Fama, Monatg. B., 1642-56. 452 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. various capacities and his salary was nearly twice as large as that given in the budget to the regular lieutenant,* which would indicate that he was next in command to Printz. He was paid 20 R.D. for expenses on a journey to New Amsterdam and his entire account (332 R.D.) was settled in goods and money before he left the colony.® In the summer of 1644 Papegoja was given command at Fort Christina, taking the place of Mans Kling. He was not put on the budget of 1 642 and, although Printz was requested "by the gentlemen in Sweden" to give him some appointment in the colony, no salary was assigned to him. In 1644 he com- plained about it to Brahe, and thought it very hard to labor here " like a slave and without pay like one who had forfeited his life." A salary was later given to him, however, and he re- mained here, as we shall see, for several years. It seems that Papegoja conceived a passion for Armegot one of the governor's daughters on his first trip here, and when he returned the second time he carried letters of introduction to Printz from the Queen and from Brahe, who interceded in his behalf, recommending him to the favor of the governor. Papegoja also enlisted the aid of "the priest" (Campanius) in his case, who spoke to the governor about it, but he was not successful at once, and he was obliged to wait for some time be- fore a favorable answer was received. His solicitations at last prevailed, however, and he was finally married to Armegot Printz, in the church at Tinicum Island, probably with great display, a general holiday undoubtedly being proclaimed in the colony. He lived inside of Christina, in one of the houses erected by the company, and here he built a storehouse and dug a cellar for his own use.^" The Liljehok brothers were recommended to Printz by Klas 'The salary of the lieutenant given in the budget was i6 R.D. a month. Journal, no. 176; Monatg. B., 1642-56. ' Motiatg. B., 1642-56. '"Rising's Journal; Papegoja to Brahe, July 15, 1644; Brahe to Printz, November 9, 1643 (Concept.). Skokl. Saml. (R.A.). The Queen to Printz, November 2, 1643, R.R. ; Rulla, 1644; Odhner, N.S., p. 37. Cp. Hazard, pp. 76-7. Hazard gives a poor translation of Christina's recommendation for Papegoja. I __jS.r en i; D Government of New Sweden. 453 Fleming. About March 25 Per Liljehok was appointed com- mander at Upland with a salary of 25 florins a month. On May I, 1646, he left his post and is heard of no more in con- nection with the colony.^ ^ His brother (probably younger) "was engaged on March 12 as a simple soldier" and served in this capacity for four years, whereupon he returned to Swe- den.^- Lieutenant Mans Kling was transferred to the Schuyl- kill in 1644. His salary continued to be paid by the company through Beier. He remained here for several years, but did not return to the colony after his departure in 1648.^^ Hendrick Huygen was commiss during this period. He was an honest, able man, knowing the Indian language and ever ready to work for the good of his superiors. He made several requests for dismissal, being persuaded with difficulty by Printz to remain until another man should arrive. Huygen's assistant was his relative, Gotfried Harmer, who seems to have performed his duty with faithfulness the first few years, being praised by Governor Printz.^* The duties of the commanders at the forts and blockhouses except at Christina and New Gothenborg were both military and commercial, as the merchandise was placed in their care, and they superintended the sale of the goods to the Indians. . On November i, 1647, Anders Larsson Dalbo was engaged by Printz to act as profoss (provost-marshal) in place of Johan Olofsson, and he served in the capacity until September I, 1653, when he seems to have returned to Sweden. The " He probably left the colony and returned to Sweden, but he is not mentioned in the Monatg. B. after 1646. It is possible that he settled in some of the neighboring colonies or died before he reached Stockholm. See Monatg. B., 1642-56, fol. so and 81; Rulla, 1644, Odhner, N.S., p. 38. "He left the service March 12, 1648, and returned to Sweden on the Swan, May 16. On July 10, Beier paid him 26:30 R.D. on his own and on his brother's account and on July 28 he was paid 92:8 R.D. or the remainder of the claims he had against the company. Per Liljehok served for 21^ months at the rate of 10 R.D. and Knut served for 49 months at the rate of 4 R.D. a month, making both bills 411 R.D. Shoes, shirts, stockings, gloves and other wearing apparel and supplies were given to them in New Sweden to the value of 78:11 R.D. See Monatg. B., 1642-56, fol. 50 and 81. "Cf. above. Chap. XXVIII. "Report, 1647; Rising's Journal. 454 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. provost-marshal was supplied with handcuffs and other imple- ments, belonging to his profession. The main prison was at Christina, where the criminals were generally confined, but they were also kept at Elfsborg. At the latter place the widow Karin, the Finnish woman, was imprisoned for a long time, until she succeeded in freeing herself, when she was sent to Christina as a more secure place. Here Plowden's servants were imprisoned in 1 643 and here also Clement the Finn, Sven Vass and others were confined. An executioner was placed on the budget of 1642, but the office was never filled and it is probable that the provost performed that duty in 1653 when the sentence of Anders Jonsson was carried into effect.^* The soldiers were distributed throughout the colony at the various forts and blockhouses. They were kept at work on the fortifications and on the company's lands. They were always dissatisfied with their position and anxious to leave, and deser- tions occasionally took place. II. It is more than probable that Printz established a court at Christina shortly after his arrival, as there were many disputes and differences to be settled in the early part of 1643. A court also seems to have been held in May (1643), when Plowden's servants were examined, and in July " the first mixed court held on the banks of the Delaware " was convened.^® In the spring of 1643 several deserters from the colony had escaped to New Netherland and, when Christer Boije and Huygen were sent there in June, one of their duties was to bring back these fugitives. There was an understanding be- tween the governors of the neighboring colonies that deserters should be detained and returned or at least given up, when offi- cers arrived to fetch them back, and Governor Kieft placed no obstacles in the way for Huygen and Boije. In fact the provost-marshal of the Dutch colony was employed to capture "" Forklaring," etc., 1654, N.S., I. (R.A.) ; Report, 1644; Journal, N.S., III. -^ ' First page of Jolian Papegoja's letter to A. Oxenstierna, May 15, 1648. Original preserved in Ox.Savil. (R. A.), Stockholm. 04 //.c^/- ■e.p.^H'- "i,^4-yx/.v JiJiio^ 4~CJ. .14. jizd ^L J2^^c9j^ ^j-m d.-ee jJ^ Papegoja's letter to Oxenstierna, Maj' 15, 1648, second page. Government of New Sweden. 455 the runaways. They were not in New Amsterdam, but had betaken themselves about twenty-four miles from the city. Here they had been discovered by some Indians, however, who in- formed Huygen of their whereabouts,^'' and were captured and taken to the Swedish sloop, where they were guarded by Dutch soldiers until the vessel sailed for New Sweden. The expense in capturing the refugees was considerable. Beer to the value of ID florins^* was given to the Dutch soldiers for their trouble and other expenses amounting to 82J4 florins were paid for in sewant. The prisoners were probably put into irons until the bark arrived at Fort Christina. It is likely that a court was called shortly afterwards, at which the deserters were tried. The leader, if he could be found, was probably punished in some way, but the others were undoubtedly allowed their freedom and exempted from fines, on their promise of good behavior and the furnishing of bail.*® Some time in the summer of 1643, Printz moved his seat of government to New Gothenborg, and from now until the autumn of 1653, the royal flag of Sweden waved over that fort as a sign that the governor dwelled there. The Swedish coat of arms, cut in stone (probably later replaced by a painted metal shield) , was placed above the gate. It seems that a cer- tain room in Printz Hall was set aside for administrative pur- poses. Here were preserved the "Public Records of New Sweden," the Indian deeds and the salary-rolls of the soldiers and officers paid by the government; here the letters to the Eng- lish and Dutch governors and the reports and letters to Sweden were drafted; many of the courts of New Sweden from 1643-53 sat here; and here representatives and commissioners from the neighboring colonies were received in audience by Printz. Although Printz was in all probability not " the first judge upon our shores and Tinicum was [not] the first seat of "For this information the Indians were given about lo yards of duffel by Huygen. " Half a " vatt " was given to the soldiers. ^ Ace. B., 1643-8; Printz to Kieft, May 30, 1643. N.S., I. (R.A.). 4S6 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. justice,"^" still the administration of justice in New Sweden was systematized with the arrival of Printz and during this period regular courts were held and special courts were called, when- ever circumstances required it. As already stated, the Swedish law was to be followed in all cases (as far as possible) and no special code was prepared for the colony, but in particular instances, not covered by the law of Sweden, the governor could use his own judgment and adopt a course which expediency would suggest and his assistants advise. We may therefore assume that the courts of New Sweden were duplicates of those of the mother country. Printz was judge in most cases, assisted by a body of men, about twelve in number, and in connection with these he heard the evidence and decided on the case.^^ It has been stated that the trial by jury was introduced Into England from Scandinavia.^^ Blackstone, leaning towards a Germanic origin of the jury, states that " Stlemhook^* ascribes the invention of the jury, which In the Teutonic language is denoted " Nembda," to Regner, ^^ king of Sweden."^^ In a debate in the State Convention of December 8, 1787, Mr. Findley argued the adoption of "trial by jury in civil cases " by stating that, when this system of administering justice " Cf. above. '"■ Cf. below. '^ See Stubbs, Constitutional History, I. 655, 6. Pollock and Maitland derive it from a Frankish source. See Hist, of English Law (Cambridge, 1895), I. II ff. Other origins have also been given. Cf. Freeman, Hist, of the Norman Conquest of Eng. (Oxford, 1876), V. 451 fit., 884-5 (Appendix R.R.) ; Hilde- brand, Sv. statsf., p. 46, note 4; Paul, Ger. Phil, (nevr ed.). III. 218 fl. In Ger. Phil. (III. p. 220) von Amira says: " Drei Entstehungsherde derselben (Jury) lassen sich nachweisen ; das frankische Konigsgericht, das danische Konigsgericht, das islandische Gericht. Von Danemark aus hat sich die Jury nach Sweden verbreitet." "'Stiemhook, called the father of Swedish jurisprudence. See Schiick, Lit. hist., I. p. 489. " Or Ragnar Lodbrok. For the historical Ragnar who was a jarl in Denmark see Nordisk familjehok, XIII. 660 ff. Cf. Hildebrand, Sv. hist, (old ed.), I. 250, 291, etc. * Armstrong's statement {Records of Upland Court, p. 30) that " Swedish writers assert that trial by jury is of Swedish origin" (lately repeated in Penn. Mag.) is not strictly correct, as Hjarta and others have claimed that the jury was introduced into Snueden from England (Schuck). Government of New Sweden. 457 fell into disuse in Sweden, the commons of that nation lost their freedom and a tyrannical aristocracy prevailed.^* Mr. Findley, as well as many lawyers of a later period, have supposed that the Swedish jury was the same as the English; but the two systems had few resemblances and some authorities even state that the jury is foreign to Sweden, except in " cases of press-prosecution," which however is of recent date.^'^ The Swedish ndmtP^ or jury of the first half of the seven- teenth century had an examining and a judicative power.*® The witnesses were examined by the jury and the judge, and the judge together with the jury pronounced the judgment. The celebrated Stiernhook (1596-1675) says in his work, De Jure Sveomim et Gothorum Festuto: "In our days (that is 1650- 75) the juries take part in the office of the judge, for the duties of the two have become confused, and the jurymen examine and judge both as to fact and law, just as assessors ; while the judge is only the presiding officer."^" "McMaster and Stone, Penn. and the Federal Constitution, 1787-88 (Lan- caster, 1888), p. 359 ff. "Mr. Wilson and Mr. McKean interrupted Mr. Findley and called warmly for his authority to prove that trial by jury existed in Sweden . . . , asserting that the trial by jury was never known in any other country than England" (p. 360). Later, however, Mr. Findley quoted Blackstone as his authority. Cf. below. "Sundbarg, Sweden, pp. 228, 397. But Fahlcrantz says: "The old Swedish jury was at this time [in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries], on the whole, nothing else than the English jury of to-day." En for v. f. for. kraft, p. 8. Cf. Fahlcrantz, Om Rdtteg. i England, I. p. 77 ff. ™For the derivation (and related words) see Dalin, Ordbok. '"The namd (jury) is a very old institution in Sweden. It is mentioned in the old vdstgotalag (before 1250). Its origin has been variously sought by different writers (Hjarne, Schlyter and Larsen, tracing it from the institution called the edgdrdsmdn). Cf. Hildebrand, Sv. stats f., p. 46, note. ""Under the heading of Hodiernum Nembda officium, Stiernhook says: " Quia autera Nembda nostra hodierna stata et ordinaria est, officium ejus applicatum est ad alia, partim ex jure, partim ex consvetudine. Ex jure adhibentur ad executionem decretorum judicij, ad inspectionem terfninorum, ad aestiraationem pretij, damni, lucri, etc., quibus judici aliquando etiam interdictum est interesse. Dabantur aliquando ex his pacificatores parentibus, quod et hodie salubriter fit, qua ratione multas rusticorum lites celerrime finiri constat. Atq., hac ratione arbitri esse possunt, quo mode jus Wesmannicum appellationem ab ipso judice ad Nembdam concessisse arbitror, tanquara si a stricto jure aliquando ad aequitatem aut arbitriura bonorum virorum provocare liceat, quod tamen de nullo reliquo jure fieri potuit, ratione sane potiore. De jure tamen Ost-Gothico etiam testes sunt de judice et actis ejus. Judex vero de ipsis vicissim testari 4S8 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Still another peculiarity of this jury was its permanency; the jurymen were appointed for life, and hence the same jury sat at every court in the same district.*^ The number was originally twelve, and twelve jur)TTien are often or generally found at the courts at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seven- teenth century;** but the number varied and as many as twenty- four are mentioned; while seven must be present if the court was to be legal.*^ The jury was therefore of much importance, but its power non potest, vere an falso jurent: qualicunq: enim eorum assertion! standum est et judicandum. Si tamen evidente argumento falsum jurasse convincantur (id quod de jure Donico, non judex, sed Episcopus provinciae et alij ejusdem probi et cordati viri, de jure Gothico vero superjus judicium cognoscere debebant) mulctantur in bonis, de caetero perjuri et intestabiles. De cosvetudine vero hodie Nembda ex officio judicis participat, confusis enim officiis simul de facto et jure cognoscunt et dijudicant tanquam Assessores, judice tantum praesidente, itaq. vota ipsorum et suffragia vel ipse judex de jure colligit vel judex facti, qui unus est ex Nembdariis et proprie ab ipsis iudex nominatur, cum iudicem de iure, iuris tantum ac legis lectorem nuncupent. Hie tam de iure quam de facto disserentes audit, et ut evitetur omnis oblocutio et confusio, sententias eorum placide in iudicium profert, ex quibus indices ut plurimum pendent" (pp. 60-61). "This, however, was not always the case. Hildebrand, quoting Schlyter, states that the namd of the " hundaresting " was originally not " fast," that is it was subject to change. Later it became "fast" under the name of harads- tiamd. The other institution of namdemdn was " fast " from the very earliest times. Its duty was to seek truth (" sanning leta ") ; but there were also certain juries, whose duty was to pronounce judgment. These two functions were later combined. Cf. Fahlcrantz, Rdttf. i rattssk." etc., I. 34-5 ; Hildebrand, Sv. statsf., pp. 46-7. "In Chap. 10 of Christoffer's laws we read: "Der skola de XII i namden siita, som svurit hafva efter konungsboken," and Stiernhook, quoting from Chap. 43 of Edzores B., says: "Ther skulu Tolf tilndmpnas som dhet malit ransaka skulu." De Jure, p. 56. Stiernhook further writes: "Itaq., vel judex ipse vel praefectus provinciae Regius (utrumq. enim de jure extat) Nembdam constituebat, viros honestos, domicilij certos, binos, trinos vel etiam senos ex singulis territorij quadrantibus, qui quod deputati essent, Nambdeman, quod duodecim Tolfman, quod senes Oldungar, nominati fuerunt." De Jure, p. 54. °°At a court in Upsala Lagsaga in January, 1578, twelve namdemdn are mentioned, the same number at another court in March and in May the following year. (All these were Konungsting.) But at a court in 1586 there were zo jurymen and in 1599 a court is on record where only 7 jurymen were present. As many as 23 and 24 are also mentioned. At the Lagmansting the number of jurymen also varied from 12 (the most common number) to 24. But in Hdradsting it seems that the jurymen were most often 12 in number. See Fahlcrantz; Rdttf. i rattssk., etc., I. pp. 45, 55, 63, 68, 86, 116, 127, 142, ff., 257 ff. Cf. Hildebrand, S