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SCHIFF - ENDOWMENT FOR THE PROMOTION OF STUDIES IN HUMAN CIVILIZATIQN 1916 Digitized by Microsoft® HISTORY OF Fulton County EMBRACING EARLY DISCOVERIES; THE ADVANCE OF CIVILIZATION; THE LABORS AND TRIUMPHS OF SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON; THE INCEP- TION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLOVE INDUS- TRY ; WITH TOWN AND LOCAL RECORDS; ALSO MILITARY ACHIEVEMENTS OF FULTON COUNTY PATRIOTS. REVISED AND EDITED By Washington Frothingham Experience is by industry achieved, And perfected by the swift course of time, —Shakespeare. SYRACUSE, N. Y.: D. MASON & CO., Printers and Publishers. 1892. Digitized by IVIicrosoft® Digitized by Microsoft® PREFACE. COUNTIES are the chief divisions of all the states in the Union except South Carolina, where they are called " districts," and also Louisiana, where they are called "parishes." In England the same divisions are sometimes called " shires," and hence the term " shire town " is often applied to the seat of the county buildings. It need hardly be questioned whether Fulton county has not just claim to a printed record of that history of which all its citizens may be proud. It was with the desire of doing this act of justice that the editor assumed the task which he has accomplished laboriously, and he hopes successfully. The publishers detailed a staff of faithful literateurs to each town, and their reports are based on personal inspection, in order to insure accuracy. These reports have been thoroughly revised by the editor, who has made every effort to render this work authoritj^ in all matters within its scope, and especially in reference to the manufacturing in- terest. While engaged in this task he has become deeply interested in the town histories, which portray the labors of the pioneers, and also in the personal and family sketches which give variety to the work, and he has no doubt that this will prove an attractive as well as a useful volume. The lover of history will see that the record includes the earliest discoveries and all that subsequent detail of events which gradually led to our present greatness, and the justice done Sir William Johnson in these pages is not the least point in the importance of the work. While the editor acknowledges the faithful service done by his assistants, he has to a great degree recast their work in order to give Digitized by Microsoft® 4 PREFACE. the volume a uniformity of style in which their individuality is merged. His object has been to present a simple narrative and let the facts thus recorded speak for themselves. One of the most thrilling features in the work is its military his- tory, which shows that the patriotism of the revolution was inherited by the heroes of the Union army and reminds us that Freedom's battles, once begun ; Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, are ever won. In preparing the individual record it was decided to omit all titles. " Hon." has become so cheap and vulgar that it is almost disrespectful, and in this omission the editor only follows the example of William C. Bryant, who never permitted it to appear in the columns of the Even- ing Post. Other titles share the same fate, because we respect char- acter too highly to add decorations. Horace E. Smith, for instance, is as a jurist, far above the LL.D. which Dartmouth College conferred, and Willard J. Heacock needs no " Hon." added to the public estimate of his character. Those who know anything of bookmaking will readily see that the cost of such a work must be very great. The publishers have spared no expense, and it may be reasonably claimed that they have fulfilled in the highest degree the duty they assumed. Hence both editor and publisher now unite in the expectation that this history will give full satisfaction to the citizens of Fulton county and all other careful and intelligent^readers. Digitized by Microsoft® ROBERT FULTON. Our theme being the history of a county named after the steamboat inventor, it seems proper to add a brief sketcli of t is great benefactor of our race. Robert Fulton was born in 1765 in the interior of Pennsylvania and had but few early advantages. He developed, however, a variety of gifts which required a wider field, and in his twentieth year he opened a studio in Philadelphia as a miniature painter. Later on he went to London to study his art, but soon began to display that inven- tive genius which eventually gave him fame. He invented a machine for sawing mar- ble and another for excavating and dredging rivers. He also devised improvements in canal navigation and became an expert civil engineer. He had not, however, reached his true destiny, and his mental activity led him to visit France, where he invented the submarine torpedo, which he offered to both the French and British governments, but in vain, for the future held for him a higher end. Having given up art, his attention had been attracted to steam navigation, even while in England, and though John Fitch's project had proved a failure, Fulton returned to America in his forti th year to renew the efifort and to begin what proved to be his life work. This was the Clermont, the first boat ever successfully propelled by steam, the engine being imported from Eng- land. It was built in New York and was at first generally called " Fulton's folly" One of his friends has left on record his extreme anxiety during the work, but as soon as the Clermont got into motion her success was assured. The legislature had granted him a patent on condition that he should build a boat of twenty tons which should make five miles an hour, and this was the Clermont's speed, though her size was much larger. She made the first trip up the Hudson on the 7th of September, 1807, with two dozen passengers (fare $7), Fulton himself being on board, and in thirty-five hours they reached Albany, which then was marvelous speed. Fulton soon built a larger boat, called the Car of Neptune, and thenceforth devoted his genius to the extension of his grand invention. Like most of the sons of genius, however, he was doomed to incessant difficulties, which indeed only terminated with his life. His patents were invaded, occasioning vexatious litigation, and it was one of these difficulties which indirectly led to his death. He had been required in Trenton to attend to the steamboat interest, and on his return to New York was delayed while crossing the Hudson, and was subjected to a keen winter blast during the trip, which occupied an hour. He caught a severe cold and died in less than six weeks. The interment was in the Livingston vault in Trinity church-yard, but no monument or even slab bears his name. His best monument, however, is the benefit he conferred on America and the world. At the time the Clermont was launched the'-e was not another steamboat in existence. Now however, they ply not only on the ocean, but on our canals and far away moun- tain lakes. Digitized by Microsoft® 6 ROBERT FULTON. In person Fulton was tall and of impressive appearance, with eyes of deep intensity. He died at fifty, hardly eight years after the launching of the Clermont, and now towns, banks and counties bear his name. None of the latter, however, are so distin- guished as Fulton county, and it was but a fitting expression of gratitude that led its projectors to thus honor the man that gave the steamboat to the world. PERSONAL FACTS. Dr. John W. Francis, of New York, who knew Fulton well, wrote the following personal sketch ; " Among a thousand men you might readily point out Robert Fulton. He was con- spicuous from his height, which was over six feet, and his slender but energetic form and gentlemanly deportment. His hair was full and curly and dark brown ; his com- plexion was fair; his forehead high; his ej'es large, dark and penetrative; his brow evinced strength and determination, and his mouth and lips gave the impress of elo- quent utterances, but in his thoughtful moments his features assumed a tinge of melan- choly. I have often seen him on the wharf regardless of the inclement weather, giving directions in an anxious manner, indifferent to all surroundings. " Few of those recorded on the roll of fame had a life of more severe trials. The incredulity as to the success of his project in the bosoms of some of his warmest friends was not concealed, and I have heard the cry of ' Crazy Fulton ' from soma pretending to science. Even when his boat was launched there were those who called it the 'Marine Smoke Jack' and 'Fulton's Folly,' but he stood unruffled and endured all. During his numerous years of unremitting toil he had solved too many difficult prob- lems to be dismayed by the barking of vulgar ignorance. He was working for a nation, not for himself, and the magnitude of the object absorbed all other thoughts. "I shall never forget that night of February 24, 1815, on which he died. Dr. Hosack, who saw him in the last hour of his illness, returning from his visit, exclaimed : ' Fulton is dying ; his severe cold in crossing the river amid the ice has brought it on. He extended to me his hand, grasping mine closely, but he could no longer speak.' Fulton's death indeed created a deep and painful sensation throughout the nation, but his invention lived and thus has rendered his name immortal." Digitized by Microsoft® FEMALE NAMES. One of the pe'culiar features which has attracted the editor's attention while review- ing the family histories found in this volume is the fanciful female names which occur- He adds some of them, so that if any of our readers should be required to name a child a choice of unique character could easily be made. Arwillma, Betelia, Emiletta, Ladora, Marinda, Romea, Atlanta, Byancy, Elda, Lovisa, Mardulla, Rosella, Andalusia, Birdella, Emanna, Luraine, Mony, Rexie, Alzetta, Bethiah, Brvina, Luemma, Maxa, Roby, Alvia, Bella, Elba, Lavenna, Maruva, Selma, Alpha, Oimberline, Forba, Launette, Metella, Submit, Althena, Caddie, Florella, Ladenna, Myrta, Sabia, Almena, Gelestia, Francana, La Pearl Mabyn, Sena, Alfraetta, Calista, Fidelia, Lula, Masia, Samarie, Arvelma, Catha, Gerta, Lory, Meeta, Smira, Abbalonia, Carriebel, Greta, Lura, Nina, Suzette, Artimetta, Crete, Georgena, Luetta, Orva, Thankful, Andella, Dena, Georgia, Luthera, Oltana, Toinette, Alwilda, Delia, Geta, Lasera, Grind a. Tonica, Arvilla, Deloia, Harma, Lodusky, Orvia, Tinetta, Azuba, Doretha, Heppie, Lisa, Orvetta, Virgie, Annice, Delotta, Hearty, Leona, Philura, Viva, Aurella, Deeny, Hazel, Lorena, Philinda, Villa, Armeina, Dilla, lone. Lelah, Per'ina, Valira, Aptuma, Delora, •Idela. Lenetta, Puah, Violetta, Anhina, Demetra, loma. Lucina, Prudy, Viletta, Adell, Delight, Ivy, Loli, Rulianna, Vanella, Arvillura, Elva, Isora, Marilla, Rocklin, Zarneh, Bertelle, Evanna, Jasena, Mina, Regnia, Zelphia. Beta, Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Prefatory Remarks — Kreotion o£ Fulton County — Description and Natural Char- acteristics — Geography and Topography — Location of Principal Water Courses — t'ertile Lands in the South, but less Productive in the Northern Portions — Interesting Geological Facts 17 CHAPTER n. European Discoveries and Explorations — The French in Canada — The Puritans in New England — The Dutch in New York — Advance in Civilization tow- ard the Central Mohawk Valley — Champlain Invades the Territory of the Mohawks — The First Battle — Dutch Troubles with the Indians — Grant of the Province of New York — Conquest and Overthrow of the Dutch in New Netherlands 22 CHAPTER HI. The Indian Occupation — The Iroquois Confederacy — The Five and Six Nations of Indians — Location and Names — Character and Power of the League — Social and Domestic Habits — The Mohawks — Treatment of Jesuit Mission- aries — Discouraging Efiforts at Civilization — Names of Prominent Mission- aries — Alliance with the English and Downfall of the Confederacy 11 Digitized by Microsoft® 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. The French and Indian Wars — Causes Leading to them — English and French Jealousies- -Failure of Loid de Courcelle's Expedition Against the Mohawks — Corlear Saves the French from Destruction — Iroquois Seek a Peace — French Treachery — The Peace of Breda — War Renewed — Iroquois Ask English Protection — Invasion of Canada — Schenectady Destroyed — The Mohawks Show Friendship — English Colonies Aroused to Action — Services of John and Peter Schuyler — Frontenac Invades the Mohawk Country — The Castles Captured — Treaty of Ryswick — Peace Again Restored 32 CHAPTER V. Rivalry Between the British and the French — Relative Justice of their Claims — How Defined by Sir William Johnson — Both Nations Make Treaties with the Iroquois — Provisions of the Treaty of Ryswick — French Encroachments be- yond the Treaty Line — War Declared in 1744 — French Outrages in the Mo- hawk Country — Treaty of Peace at Aix-la-Chapelle — The Situation — The Albany Convention — King Hendrick's Speech — Preparation for War — Expeditions of 1755 — Services of Q-eneral Johnson — Shirley's Conduct — Battle at Lake George — Death of Hendrick — Distinction of Sir William Johnson 38 CHAPTER VI. French and English War Continued — Results of the Campaign of 1756 — French Successes in that and Succeeding Years — The Iroquois Divided — Johnson's Effort to Unite them — Webb's Disgraceful Conduct — The Mohawk Valley Invaded — Palatine Village Destroyed — Aberbcrombie's Neglect and Ineffi- ciency — Campaigns of 1757-58 — English Successes — French Reverses — Johnson's Achievements — Extinction of the French Power in America 47 CHAPTER VII. Early Settlement of the Mohawk Valley— Van Corlear's Patent— Settlement at Schenectady— German Palatinates at Schoharie Creek ; at Canajoharie and Palatine Village— Their Character and Customs— Located there as a Defense against the French Invasion— The Plan not Fully Successful— Sir William Johnson Forms the Germans into Mihtary Companies— French and Indian Land Grants— Charters of New York and Pennsylvania Compared— The For- mer a Royal Province— Patents Issued Including Lands of Fulton County— The Stringer Patent Granted under State Authority 54 Digitized by Microsoft® CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, BARONET— A CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THE FOUNDER OF JOHNSTOWN 61 CHAPTER IX. Situation of Tryon County from the Close of the French War to the Revolution — British Oppression Causes Discontent — The Stamp Act — Duties Levied on Other Commodities —The Boston Tea Party — First Congress at Philadelphia — New York Opposes the Action of Congress — Districts of Tryon County — Guy Johnson Disperses the Meeting at Caughnavcaga — Attack upon Jacob Sammons — Action of Loyalists — Guy Park Fortified — General Meeting of the Tryon County Committee — Its Objects — Guy Johnson Departs for Canada — Conduct of Sir John — He Fortifies the Hall and Arms the Highlanders — His Arrest, Parole and FHght to Canada — The Estate Confiscated — Character and Duties of the Committees of Safety 74 CHAPTER X. Beginning of the Revolution — The British Influence the Iroquois — Oneidas Re- main Neutral^Organization of Militia in Tryon County — St. Leger Invades the Mohawk Valley — The Battle of Oriskany and Fort Schuyler — The British Defeated — The First Pension — Indian Depredations in 1778 — Campaigns of Sullivan and Clinton in 1779 — Sir John Johnson Invades the Valley in 1780 --Visits Johnstown and Secures his Plate — Details of his Raid— Thrilling Narrative of the Capture and Escape of Jacob Sammons 85 CHAPTER XI. Additional Depredations in the Mohawk Valley — Sir John Johnson again Invades the Region — The Battle of Stone Arabia — Van Rensselaer's Cowardly Con- duct — Condition of the Inhabitants after the Raid — Governor Clinton Sends Colonel Willett to Protect the Valley — Invasion by Brant and Butler — Defeat of the Latter by Willett's Troops — Battle at Johnstown — The Enemy Routed —Death of Walter Butler— End of Hostilities in the Mohawk Valley 103 Digitized by Microsoft® 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. Condition of the Mohawk Valley at the End of the Revolution — Mohawk Indians Forfeit their Lands to the State — Return of Tories — Their Treatment by the Mohawk Committee — Settlement of the Region by New Englanders — Tryon County Changed to Montgomery — First County Officers — County Buildings ^Counties Formed from Montgomery — Old Tryon County Districts Formed into Towns — Origin of Towns in Fulton County — Caughnawaga Divided — County Officers of Tryon County — Also of Montgomery County prior to Re- moval of the County Seat to Fonda -liS- 1° 1 CHAPTER XIII. Situation in the Mohawk Valley prior to the War of 1812 — Its Peace and Pros- perity — Events Preceding the War — Causes Leading to It — British Aggres- sions — American Retaliations — Declaration of War — Militia Called into Ser- vice — Regiments formed in the Valley — Their Services — The Return of Peace. 117 CHAPTER XIV. County Organizations — Tryon and Montgomery Counties Briefly Reviewed— The Montgomery County Seat Moved to Fonda — Dissatisfaction in the Northern Towns — Fulton County Created — Its County Seat and Buildings — County Civil List — Presidential Electors — Representatives in Congress — Justices of the Supreme Court — Members of Assembly — County Judges — Surrogates — Sheriflfs — County Clerks — Treasurers — School Commissioners — Growth and Population of Montgomery County 121 CHAPTER XV. FULTON COUNTY IN THE REBELLION 127 CHAPTER XVI. THE GLOVE INDUSTRY 154 Digitized by Microsoft® C0N7ENTS. 13 CHAPTER XVII. RAILROAD ENTERPRISE 171 CHAPTER XVIII. THE LEGAL PROFESSION IN FULTON COUNTY 178 CHAPTER XIX. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF FULTON COUNTY 208 CHAPTER XX. TOWN OF JOHNSTOWN 222 CHAPTER XXI. HISTORY OF KINGSBORO AND GLOVERSVILLE 319 CHAPTER XXII. TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON 451 CHAPTER XXIII. TOWN OF BROADALBIN 483 CHAPTER XXIV. TOWN OF MAYFIELD 507 Digitized by Microsoft® 14 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXV. TOWN OF EPHRATAH 526 CHAPTER XXVI. TOWN OF OPPENHEIM 541 CHAPTER XXVn . TOWN OF PERTH 548 CHAPTER XXVni. TOWN OF STRATFORD 556 CHAPTER XXIX. TOWN OF BLEEGKER 560 CHAPTER XXX. TOWN OF CAROGA 566 CHAPTER XXXI. BIOGRAPHICAL 569 Digitized by Microsoft® CONTENTS. 15 PART II. FAMILY SKETCHES 1 INDEX 164 Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Prefatory Remarks — Erection of Pulton County — Description and Natural Char- acterististics — Geography and Topography — Location of Principal Water Courses — Fertile Lands in the South, but Less Productive in the TSTorthern Portions — Interest- ing Geological Facts. rULTON COUNTY, named after the illustrious inventor of the steamboat, was created by the legislative act of April i8, 1838, in obedience to a general public sentiment. The removal of the county- buildings from Johnstown to Fonda rendered the population of the northern part of Montgomery county so indignant that the erection of the new county was but an act of justice. Fulton county originally con- tained nine towns, including Perth, whose organization was contempo- rary with that of the county itself. Caroga, however, was added April 1 1, 1842, having been created out of Stratford, Bleecker and Johnstown. Having thus briefly mentioned the creation of the county and its procur- ing cause, it may be well to refer to its geographical, topographical and geological features, which have changed but little during the past half century. Viewed geographically Fulton county occupies what may be called an eastern central position. Its northern boundary is Hamilton county; its eastern, Saratoga; its southern, the mother county (Mont- 3 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. gomery), while Herkimer county bounds it on the west. The 43d parallel of latitude crosses near its south boundary, while in Jon- gitude it is situated between the 74th and 75th degrees. Its surface is a rolling and hilly upland, rising into a mountainous region on the north border. The highlands consist of three general ridges, the first occu- pying the southeast corner, and including circular drift hills of moder- ate elevation, bounded by gradual slopes, the highest summits being about four hundred feet above the level of the Mohawk. The second ridge extends through and near the center of the county, and occupies a wide space along the north border. The acclivities in the north are usually steep and rocky, and the highest summits are from eight hun- dred to one thousand feet above the Mohawk. The third ridge, which much resembles the second, extends through the west part of the county and its highest elevations are about twelve hundred feet above the same river. The principal water course of the county is the Sacandaga river, which flows southeast through the town of Northampton. It receives from the west the waters of the Vlaie, which has for its tributaries Mayficid, Kennyetto and Cranberry creeks. The Chuctenunda flows through the southeast part of the county. The Cayadutta courses southwest near the center, its valley separating the central and eastern ranges of hills. Stony creek, a tributary of the Sacandaga, flows northeast in the north- erly continuation of the Garoga valley, and winds through the central ranges of hills. Garoga creek, which flows south, is a little west of the center of the county, its valley separating the eastern and central ranges. East Canada creek forms the greater part of the western boundary, its tributaries being North, Fish, and Little Sprite creeks. The other streams of the county are branches of those previously mentioned or smaller tributaries of the Mohawk. Nearly all are rapid, frequently in- terrupted by falls and affording an ample supply of water power. Among the hills in the north part of the county are many small lakes, possessing those picturesque features which characterize the wilderness region of northern New York. Along the Sacandagp, near the mouth of the Mayfield creek, and occupying portions of Northampton, Broad- albin and Mayfield, is an extensive swamp or vlaie, containing about twelve thousand acres. It has been said, and with great probability, Digitized by Microsoft® GEOLOGY. 19 that at no very remote period the present swamp must have been a lake of considerable size, and a proof of this theory is found in the fact that Bleecker, Caroga and Stratford contain a number of small lakes The soil in the north part of the county, especially along the valleys, is chiefly a gravelly and clayey loam derived from the drift deposits. It is well adapted to general culture, and, in favored localities, is ex- ceedingly rich and fertile. In the northern portion, however, the sur- face is too rough and broken for profitable cultivation. The general dividing line between the rich and the less productive agricultural dis- tricts of the county passes about midway between Johnstown and Glov- ersville, and extends nearly east and west, crossing even Herkimer and Saratoga conuties. Geology of Fulton County} — The geological record of Fulton county carries us back to the very earliest ages of the physical history of the world. The rocks of the northern half are Azoic, belonging to the original backbone of America, a part of which (the Adirondack moun- tains), trends southward from the Laurentian highlands of Canada, form- ing a peninsula whose extreme tip is seen at Little Falls ; while those of the southern half are Silurian, being a part of the earliest work of the ancient ocean which built our continent, building in successive sea- beaches along the Azoic land. The division line between the two above mentioned formations forces itself upon the attention of even the casual observer, who may notice the sudden rise from the lower lands to the sharply marked- heights of the Klipp hill and the Mayfield mountain. To the Azoic continent belong the rocks of Stratford, Garoga; Bleecker, also parts' of -Johnstown, Mayfield and Northampton. They present a succession of rounded heights and ridges, the remnant of much larger masses, worn down into their present shape by the. tritu- ration of the glacial icecap. Their sides, are strown with irregular blocks of all sizes, and .their hollows are often filled with the glacial ponds which are so marked a characteristic of northern New York. The rocks of this section are crystalline (principally granite and gneiss); with massive quartzite at the summit of the Mayfield mountain and elsewhere. Traces of ironare frfequent, although the ore has not been 1 By Isaac O. Rankin, Peekskill,l,N. Y. Digitized by Microsoft® 20 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. found in mass. The granite contains large crystals of feldspar, and the gneiss is highly garnetiferous. A fine quality of building stone (schis- tose gneiss) from inexhaustible quarries in the town of Johnstown is the principal contribution which the Azoic rocks have thus far made to the wealth of the county, although thousands of dollars have been vainly spent in the search for gold. Auriferous ore has been worked upon the evidence of promising assays, and a mill for its reduction was built at Jackson's Summit, but without ultimate success. In the southern section of the county (on the Klipp hill), traces of Potsdam sandstone have been discovered, while calciferous sand rock crops out" abundantly in Mayfield. Trenton and birdseye limestone are also found in different localities, and Utica shale is the common surface rock of the whole southern border, the formation thus covering the larger part of the lower Silurian period. Of these the calciferous sand- rock is of chief commercial importance, its limestone beds being quarried for building stone, and also burned into excellent building lime in Mayfield, and to some extent in North- ampton. Near Johnstown oil wells have been drilled, penetrating the friable shale into the underlying formations in the hope of tapping un- derground reservoirs of petroleum, but hitherto without remunerative result. The geological student will find a full exposure of the fossils peculiar to the calciferous sand-rock at the Mayfield quarries, and also on the exposed ledges at the foot of the mountain ; while the characteristic quartz crystals, some of them of great beauty, occur in association with calcite and anthracite at Diamond hill in Mayfield. They are also found in Herkimer county. The Utica shale is exposed in the railroad cuttings of Johnstown and in the ravines of the Cayadutta and Garoga creeks. The whole territory of Fulton county reveals the effects of the gla- cial ice in scratched rocks, scattered boulders and moraines of till, and the surface formations of the lower land show the effect of water, both in streams and lakes. The most peculiar and interesting features of the county (from a stu- dent's point of view), is the Vlaie, a tract of several thousand acres of drowned lands. It is formed by the junction of three streams whose Digitized by Microsoft® GEOLOGY. 21 united channel flows into the Sacandaga just above the great bend which turns that river from the southeast to the northeast. This enters territory which was no doubt once the bottom of a lake which has been drained by a deeper cutting of the channel of the river in its course to the Hudson at Luzerne. High water in the Sacandaga dams the above mentioned streams and floods the old lake bed, until the river discharges its surplus and thus drains the sunken meadows. The processes of land- building, which are shown so perfectly in the glacial lakes and bogs of the higher parts of the county, are here held in partial check by the pe- culiar relations of level in the streams. Having thus described the various topographical and geological feat- ures of the county, we now proceed to other interesting points in its history ; and though its organization occurred in April, 1838, we must premise that we do not and cannot limit its record to so recent a date. To do this, indeed, were to omit many of the most important and in- teresting historical events which took place within the state of New York. Justice to Fulton county requires us to say that around its county seat there clusters a wealth of historic recollections older than even the mother county of Montgomery, and even ancient Tryon county itself Hence, in reviewing even in a brief manner the events of local history, it is necessary to recall the past for at least a century before the organization of the county, and also to refer to even more distant events. Digitized by Microsoft® 22 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. CHAPTER II. European Discoveries and Explorations — The French in Canada — The Puritans in New England — The Dutch in New York — Advance in Civilization toward the Cen- tral ilohawk Valley — Champlain Invades the Territory of the Mohawks — The First Battle — Dutch Troubles with the Indians — Grant of the Province of New York — Conquest and Overthrow of the Dutch in New Netherlands. ] UST four hundred years ago the first Spanish adventurers landed on Qj the shores of the American continent. Sailing under the patronage of Spain, Christopher Columbus, the daring Genoese, in 1492, made his wonderful discoveries. This event has generally been designated as the discovery of America, but it is evident the first Europeans to visit the western hemisphere were Scandinavians, who colonized Iceland in A. D. 87s, Greenland in 983, and about the year rooo had cruised southward as far as the Massachusetts coast. During the ages that pre- ceded these events, no grander country in every point of view ever awaited the approach of civilization. With climate and soil diversified between the most remote extremes ; with thousands of miles of ocean shore, indented by magnificent harbors to welcome the world's com- merce ; with many of the largest rivers of the globe draining its terri- tory and forming natural highways for commerce ; with a system of lakes so immense in area as to entitle them to the name of inland seas ; with mountains, hills and valleys laden with the richest minerals and almost exhaustless fuel; and with scenery unsurpassed for grandeur, it needed only the Caucasian to transform a wilderness inhabited by sav- ages into the free, enlightened republic which is to-day the wonder and glory of the civilized world. Following closely upon the discoveries of Columbus and other early explorers, various foreign powers fitted out fleets and commissioned navigators to establish colonies in the vast but unknown continent. It is not within the scope of the present work to detail the results accom- plished by these bold navigators, and yet they naturally led to others of greater importance, eventually rendering the Mohawk valley the Digitized by Microsoft® EARLIER EXPLORATIONS. 23 battlefield of various contending powers, each striving for the suprem- acy over a territory of which Fulton county is an integral part. These events, however, will be but briefly mentioned, and only those will be detailed which had a direct bearing upon our subject. In 1508 Aubert discovered the St. Lawrence; and in 1524, Francis I, king of France, sent Jean Verrazzani on a voyage of exploration to the new world. He entered a harbor, supposed to have been that of New York, where he remained fifteen days ; and it is believed that his crew were the first Europeans to land on the soil of what is now the state of New York. This Gallic explorer cruised along the coast in his frail vessels to the extent of about 2,100 miles, sailing as far north as Lab- rador, and giving to the whole region the name of " New France " — a name by which the French possessions in America were ever known during the dominion of that power. In 1534 the same king sent Jacques Cartier to the new country. He made two voyages and ascended the St. Lawrence as far as Montreal. The next year he again visited the same region with a fleet which brought a number of French nobility, all of whom were filled with high hopes, and bearing the blessings of the church. This party was determined upon the colonization of the country, but, after passing a winter at the Isle of Orleans, and suffering much from the rigors of the climate, they aban- doned their scheme and returned to France. As a beginning of the long list of needless and shameful betrayals, treacheries and other abuses to which the too confiding natives were subjected by the various European nations, Cartier inveigled into his vessel the Indian chief, Donnegana, who had been his generous host, and bore him with several others into hopeless captivity and final death. The failure of their scheme delayed for several years further action in the same direction, but in 1540 Cartier re- visited the scene of his ex- plorations, accompanied by Jean Francis de Roberval, the latter holding a knight's commission as lieutenant-general over the " new countries of Canada, Hochelaga and Saguenay." This commission, according to Watson, conferred authority over a vast territory with the plenary pow- ers of vice-royalty. The results of their voyage, however, were no more profitable than its predecessor, and the effect was to discourage further attempts until about 1598, when New France (particularly its Canadian Digitized by Microsoft® 24 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. portion) was made a place of banishment for French convicts. But even this plan failed, and it remained for private enterprise, stimulated by the hope of gain, to make the first successful effort toward the perma- nent occupation of the country. The real discoverer and the founder of a permanent colony in New France was Samuel de Champlain, a man born with that uncontrollable instinct of investigation and desire for knowledge of distant regions which has always so strongly characterized all great explorers. His earlier adventures in this country have no connection with this work, and it is therefore sufficient to merely mention that in 1608, having counseled his patrons that the banks of the St. Lawrence was the most favorable site for a new empire, he was sent to the country and founded Quebec. To satisfy his love for exploration, Champlain united with the Canadian Indians and marched forth into the unknown country which the latter had described to him. The result was the discovery of the lake which bears his name ; the invasion of the lands of the Mohawks in the country of the Iroquois ; a conflict between the Algonquins (aided by Champlain) and a portion of the Iroquois confederacy, in which the latter were defeated, with the loss of two of their chiefs, who fell by the hands of Champlain himself - Thus was signalized the first hostile meeting between the white man and the Indian. Low as the latter was found in the scale of intelligence and humanity, and terrible as were many of the subsequent deeds of the Iroquois, it cannot be denied that their early treatment by Euro- peans could foster in a savage breast no other feeling than bitterest hostility. It seems like a pathetic page of romance to read Champlain's statement that " The Iroquois are greatly astonished, seeing two men killed so instantaneously," one of whom was their chief; while the in- genuous acknowledgment of the Frenchman, " I had put four balls.into my arquebus," is a vivid testimony of how little mercy the Iroquois nations were thenceforth to expect from their northern enemies and the pale-faced race which was eventually to drive them from their domain. It was an age, however, in which might was appealed to as right more frequently than in later years, and the planting of the lowly banner of the Cross was frequently preceded by bloody conquest. It is in the light of the prevaiHng customs in the old world in Champlain's time that Digitized by Microsoft® COL ONIZA TION. 2 5 wc must view his ready hostility to his Indian enemies.. And now let us turn briefly to other events which have had an important bearing on the settlement of this part of the country. A few weeks after the battle between Champlain and the Indians, Henry Hudson, a navigator, in the service of the Dutch East India Company, anchored his ship (the Half- Mooti) at the mouth of the river which now bears his name. This took place September 3, 1 609. He met the savages and was hospitably re- ceived by them ; but before his departure he subjected them to an ex- perimental knowledge of the effects of intoxicating liquor — an experi- ence perhaps more baneful in its results than that conferred by Cham- plain with his new and murderous weapon. Hudson ascended the river to a point within less than a hundred miles of that reached by Champlain, then returned to Europe and through information he had gained, he soon after established a Dutch colony for which a charter was granted in 1614, naming the region " New Netherland.'" The same year they built a fort on Manhattan Island, and the next year another, called Fort Orange on the site of Albany. In 1621 the Dutch West India Company was formed, and took possession of " New Am- sterdam " and the New Netherlands; and in 1626 the territory was made a province or county of Holland. For fifteen years the Dutch settlers remained at peace with the Indians, but the harsh and unwise administration of the provisional governor, William Kieft, provoked the latter to hostilities which continued with but little interruption during the remainder of the Dutch dominion. Meanwhile, in 1607, the English had made their first permanent set- tlement at Jamestown, Virginia, and in 1620 planted their historic colony at Plymouth Rock. These two colonies became the successful rivals of all others, of whatever nationality, in that strife which finally left them masters of the country. On the discoveries and colonization efforts thus briefly noted, three great European powers based claims to a part of the territory embraced in the state of New York. First, England, by reason of the discovery of John Cabot, who sailed under commission from Henry VII, and on the 24th of June, 1497, reached the sterile coast of Labrador, also that made in the following year by his son Sebastian, who explored the same coast from New Foundland to Florida, claiming a territory eleven 4 Digitized by Microsoft® 26 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. degrees in width and indefinitely extending westward. Second, France, which, from the discoveries o^" Verrazzani, claimed a portion of the Atlantic coast, and also, under the title of New France, an almost boundless region westward. Third, Holland which based on Hudson's discoveries a claim to the entire country from Cape Cod to the south- ern shore of Delaware bay. The Dutch however became the temporary possessors of the region under consideration ; but their domination was of brief duration. Indian hostilities were provoked through the ill- conceived action of Governor Kieft, whose official career continued for about ten years, being superseded by Peter Stuyvesant in May, 1647. Stuyvesant was the last of the Dutch governors, and his firm and equitable policy had the effect of harmonizing the discontent existing among the Indians. On the I2th of March, 1664, however, Charles II of England granted by letters patent to his brother James the Duke of York^ all the country from the river St. Croix to the Kennebec in Maine ; together with all the land from the Connecticut river to the east side of Delaware bay. The Duke sent ah English squadron to secure the gift, and on the 8th of September following. Governor Stuyvesant capitulated, being con- strained to that course by the Dutch colonists, who preferred peace, with the same privileges and liberties accorded to the English colonists, to a prolonged and perhaps fruitless contest. The English changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York, and thus ended the Dutch dominion in America. The Dutch during their period of peace with the Iroquois had become thrifty by trading guns and rum to the Indians for furs, thus supplying them with doubly destructive weapons. The peaceful relations exist- ing between the Dutch and the Indians at the time of the English ac- cession were maintained by the latter, but the strife and jealousy between English and French continued, the former steadily gaining ground, both through their success in forming and maintaining an alli- ance with the Iroquois and also the more permanent character of their settlements. It may be added that the final surrender of the Dutch to the English power did not lead to a withdrawal of the former from the territory. It made no great difference to the settlers from Holland whether they were under their own or English jurisdiction, but had Digitized by Microsoft® IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY. 27 their preferences been consulted they would of course have preferred their mother country. Their settlements extended from New Amster- dam (New York) on the south, to Albany on the north, mainly along the Hudson river, but there are well-defined evidences of their early occupation of what is now western Vermont and also part of Massachu- setts ; and at the same time the}' also advanced their outposts along the Mohawk valley toward the region of old Tryon county. CHAPTER ni. The Indian Occupation — The Iroquois Confederacy — The Five and Six Nations of Indians — Location and Names — Character and Power of the League — Social and Domestic Habits — The Mohawks — Treatment of the Jesuit Missionaries — Discour- aging Efiforts at Civilization — Names of Prominent Missionaries — Alliance with the English and Downfall of the Confederacy. AFTER the establishment of the Dutch in the New Netherlands the region now embraced within the state of New York was held by three powers — one native and two foreign. The main colonies of the French (one of the powers referred to), were in the Canadas, but through the zeal of the Jesuit missionaries their line of possessions had been ex- tended south and west of the St. Lawrence river, and some attempts at colonization had been made, but as yet with only partial success. In the southern and eastern portion of the province granted to the Duke of York were the English, who with steady yet sure advances were pressing settlement and civilization westward, and gradually nearing the French possessions. The French and English were at this time and also for many years afterward conflicting powers, each struggling for the mastery on both sides of the Atlantic; and with each succeed- ing outbreak of war in the mother countries there were renewed hos- tilities between their American colonies. Directly between the posses- sions of the French and the English lay the lands of the famous Iro- quois confederacy, then more commonlly known as the Five Nations ot Indians. By the French they were called the " Iroquois" ; but to the Digitized by Microsoft® 28 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTy. Dutch they were known as the " Maquas ", while the English called them " Mingoes", but however variously they may have been designa- ted, they were a race of savages whose peculiar organization, prowess on the field of battle, loyalty to friends as well as barbarous revenge upon enemies, together with eloquent speech and stoical endurance of torture have surprised all who are conversant with their history. When, during the latter part of the fifteenth and early part of the six- teenth century, the foreign navigators visited the American continent they found it in possession of two formidable races of savages, between whom there was no unity ; and yet while open hostility was suppressed, they were nevertheless in a constant state of disquiet, each being jeal- ous of the other and at the same time doubtful of its own strength and fearful of the results of a general war. One of these nations occupied the region of the larger rivers of Pennsylvania and also that on the south and west. They were known as Delawares to the Europeans, but styled themselves " Lenni Lenapes," meaning " original people." The other nations occupied, principally, the territory which afterwards formed the state of New York, and is known in history as the " Iroquois Confeder- acy," or the Five, and subsequently, the Six Nations. This confederacy originally comprised five nations, which were located from east to west across the territory which now forms our state, begin- ning with the Mohawks on the extreme east, the Oneidas next, and the Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas following in the above named order. Each of these nations was divided into five tribes, and all were united in common league. Parkman says, " Both reason and tradition point to the conclusion that the Iroquois originally formed one undivided peo- ple. Sundered, like countless other tribes, by dissensions, caprice, or the necessities of a hunter's life, they separated into five distinct na- tions " The central council fire of the confederacy was with the Onon- dagas, while to the Mohawks, according to Clark, was always accorded " the high consideration of furnishing the war captain (chief), or ' Tcka- rahogea', which distinguishing title was retained as late as 1814." The government of this remarkable confederacy was exercised through councils in which each nation was represented by deputies or sachems. In their peculiar blending of the individual, the tribal and the national interests lay the secret of the immense power which for Digitized by Microsoft® THE IROQUOIS. 29 more than a century resisted the hostile efforts of the French, which caused them for nearly a century to be alike courted and feared by the contending French and English colonies, and which enabled them to subdue the neigboring Indian tribes, until they became really the dic- tators of the continent, gaining indeed the title of " The Romans of the New World." Dewitt Clinton speaking on this subject said : " They reduced war to a science, and all their movements were directed by system and policy. They never attacked a hostile country till they had sent out spies to explore and designate its vulnerable points, and when they encamped they observed the greatest circumspection to guard against surprise. Whatever superiority of force they might have, they never nelected the use of stratagem, employing all the crafty wiles of the Carthaginians." There is, however, a difference in the opinion of authors as to the true military status of the Iroquois. In the forest they were a terrible foe, while in an open country they could not suc- cessfully contend with disciplined soldiery ; but they made up for this deficiency, to a large degree, by their self-confidence, vindictiveness and insatiable desire for ascendancy and triumph. While the Iroquois were undoubtedly superior in mental capacity and more provident than their Canadian enemies and other tribes, there is little indication that they were ever inclined to improve the conditions in which they were found by the Europeans. They were closely attached to their warrior and hunter life, and devoted their energies to the lower, if not the lowest, forms of enjoyment and gratification. Their dwell- ings, even among the more stationary tribes, were rude, their food coarse and poor and their domestic habits and surroundings unclean and bar- barous. Their dress was ordinarily the skins of animals until the ad- vent of the whites, and was primitive in character. Their women were degraded into mere beasts of burden, and while they believed in a su- preme being, they were powerfully swayed by superstition, by incanta- tions by " medicine men," dreams and visions, and their feasts were ex- hibitions of debauchery and gluttony. Such, according to our sincere belief, are some of the more prominent characteristics of the race encountered by Champlain when he came into the Iroquois country nearly three centuries ago, and welcomed them with the first volley of bullets, a policy that was pursued by all his civ- Digitized by Microsoft® 30 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. ilized successors. It is not denied that the Indians possessed a few re- deeming characteristics, but they were so strongly dominated by their barbarous manner of hfe and their savage traits, that years of faithful missionary labor by the Jesuits and others was productive of but little real benefit. It may be added that whatever is true of any one of the Five Nations, or, as they became in 17 12, the Six Nations, is equally true of all the others. The Mohawks occupied the region of eastern and northern New York, and it is with them that we have particularly to deal in this narrative. They were, perhaps, as peaceful and domestic as any of the confederacy, yet all the early efforts for their civilization and conversion to Christianity were uncertain and discouraging. No strong, controlling influence for good was ever obtained among them prior to the time of Sir William Johnson, and even then it is doubtful whether they wire not moved more by the power of purchase than by love of rectitude. When Champlain opened the way for French dominion in America, the task of planting Christianity among the Indians was assigned to the Jesuits, a name derived from the Society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1539 ; but while their primary object was to spread the gos- pel, their secondary and scarcely less important purpose was to extend the French dominion. In 1736 Canada was restored to France, and within three years from that date there were fifteen Jesuits in the prov- ince. They rapidly increased and extended their influence to a large number of the Indian nations in the far west, but particularly to the Mohawks on the east and the Senecas, whose lands lay on the west of the "long house" of the Iroquois. As early as 1654, during a tempo- rary peace between the French and the Five Nations, Father Bablon founded a mission and built a chapel in the Mohawk valley, but when war was resumed the Jesuits were forced to flee from the region. Be- tween 1657 ^"d 176) twenty- four missionaries labored among the Iro- quois Indians, but we are directly interested only in those who sought converts among the Mohawks. Isaac Jogues was one of these, whose career in the Indian country forms one of the most thrilling chapters of history. He was held by the Mohawks as a prisoner from August, 1642, to the same month of the next year, and labored as a missionary with the same nation in 1646, in October of which year he was killed. Si- Digitized by Microsoft® MISSIONARIES. 3 1 mon le Moyne labored with the Mohawks about two months in 1655, and again in 1656, and also the third time in 1657, to May, 1658. Francis Joseph Bressani was imprisoned by the Mohawks about six months in 1644. Juhen Garnier was sent to them in May, 1668, and passed on to the Onondagas and Senecas. Jacques Bruyas came from the Ononda- gas to the Mohawks in July, 1667. He left for the Oneidas in Septem- ber and returned in 1672, continuing in service several years. Jacques Fremin came in July, 1667, and remained about a year. Jean Perron was sent in the same year and he also remained about a year. Francis Boniface labored with the Mohawks from 1668 to 1673, when he was succeeded by Francis VaiUant de Gueslis. These faithful missionaries were followed in later years by such noble workers as Henry Barclay, John Ogilvie, Spencer, Timothy Woodbridge, Gideon Haw- ley, Eleazer Wheelock, Samuel Kirkland, Bishop Hobart, Eleazer Wil- liams, Dan Barnes (Methodist) and others of less distinction, all of whom labored faithfully but with varied perseverance for the conversion of the Iroquois, AH, however, were forced to admit that their efforts as a whole were unsatisfactory and discouraging. Even subsequent efforts to establish education and Christianity among the Indians, while yield- ing perhaps sufficient results to justify their prosecution, have constantly met with discouraging obstacles. The advent of the European nations was the forerunner of the down- fall of the Iroquois confederacy, and doubtless will lead to the ultimate extinction of the Indian race. The French invasion of 1693, together with that of three years later, cost the confederacy half its warriors. Their allegiance to the British (with the exception of the Oneidas) in the revolutionary war, proved to be a dependence on a falling power, and this in connection with the relentless vengeance of the American colon- ists, broke up the once powerful league and either scattered its mem- bers to a large extent upon the friendly soil of Canada, or left them at the mercy of the state and general government, which consigned them to reservations with very imperfect provision for their amelioration. Digitized by Microsoft® 32 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. CHAPTER IV. The French and Indian Wars — Causes Leading to them — English and French Jealousies — Failure of Lord de Courcelle's Expedition Against the Mohawks — Cor- lear Saves the French from Destruction — Iroquois Seek a Peace — French Treachery — The Peace of Breda — War Renewed — Iroquois Ask English Protection — In- vasion of Canada — Schenectady Destroyed — The Mohawks Show Friendship — En- glish Colonies Aroused to Action — Services of John and Peter Schuyler — Frontenac Invades the Mohawk Country — The Castles Captured — Treaty of Eyswick — Peace Again Eestored. rROM the death of Champlain until the end of the French dominion in America, the friendship established by that great explorer between his own people and the northern Indians was unbroken, while at the same time it led to the unyielding hostility of the Iroquois, and espe- cially of the Mohawks, for the latter were the first to suffer a fearful ex- perience of the destructive power of European firearms. If truces and formal treaties were made between these antagonistic elements, they were brief in duration and of little general effect. The Jesuit fathers labored zealously, but they made no permanent progress in winning the affections of any of the Five Nations. Accepting the English view of their influence they unsettled the savage mind and led to such compli- cations as to require from the provincial authorities of New York, in 1700, an unjustifiable law inflicting the death penalty on every Romish priest that should come voluntarily into the province, but even this severe measure did not entirely terminate their work. After the acces- sion of the English, the peaceful relations held with the Iroquois by the Dutch were continued, but strife and jealousy incessantly embroiled the English and the French, and ultimately led to a terrible war which lasted until 1763 (with brief intervals of peace), and delayed for many years the settlement of the Mohawk Valley. The causes which led to the protracted contentions between the French and the Iroquois Indians are clear and distinct. They began with the unwarranted invasion by Champlain, and his allied savages, of Digitized by Microsoft® THE FRENCH AND IROQUOIS. ^ the Mohawk region, which engendered an hostility that eventually co3t hundreds of lives in battle, together with the ruthless slaughter of an equal or greater number who were innocent of war- like intent. The real struggle of the period known as the French and Indian war began soon after the conquest of the New Netherlands by the English, and ended only with the extinction of the French power in America, but it is only of the series of conflicts called in history by that title, that the present chapter is designed to treat. In the hope of avenging past injuries, and to put an end to future in- vasions, the people of New France resolved, in 1665, to send against the Mohawks a force that should not return until their enemies should be swept from the face of the earth, but it was not until the month of January, 1666, that Lord de Courcelles, with a force of less than six hundred men, started on this expedition. It was his purpose to de- stroy the Mohawk nation, and therefore the route of travel was through the valley of Lake Champlain, but the severity of the winter was so great that the invading force, being reduced to distress, was obliged to abandon the enterprise. The Mohawks and Oneidas, becoming aware of the projected invasion of their territory, and of the straits in which the invaders were placed, determined upon vengeance, and were only restrained through the potent influence of Arent Van Corlear, one of the settlers at Schenectady, whose urgent intercessions turned the aven- gers from their purpose and saved'the dei^nceless Frenchmen from de- struction. The magnitude of De Courcelles's expedition, although it resulted in no disaster to the Mohawks, prompted the Iroquois to sue for peace, and a treaty with the French powers was concluded in May, June and July, 1666, by the Mohawks, Oneidas and Senecas. During the treaty negotiations, however, the Mohawks committed an outrage on the Fort St. Anne garrison, and this led the governor of Canada (M. de Tracy) to chastise the offending tribe. In the following September he invaded the Mohawk country, the villages and crops were destroyed, and the natives only found refuge in flight. In July, 1667, however, the peace of Breda, between Holland, England and France was signed, and this defined the boundaries of possessions of each power in America, and for a time maintained a peace with the Iroquois, but it was of short du- 5 Digitized by Microsoft® 34 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. ration, for in 1669 we find the French and the Iroquois again at war. In April, 1672, a change in the administration in Canada was made, fol- lowed by another peace, concluded in 1673, which was maintained for about eleven years, but in 1684 another rupture took place. At this time M. de la Barre was governor of Canada and New France, and Colonel Dongan governor of New York. The former led an ineffectual expedition against the Senecas, but was soon superseded by Marquis Denonville, the latter bearing special instructions from his sovereign to preserve peace with the Indians. This he found impossible, and he therefore planned a powerful expedition into the Iroquois country, in 1687, destroying numerous villages and all the growing crops, while the Indians fled before the approaching enemy and sought protection of the governor of New York. This was promised, with advice that no peace be again concluded with the French Denonville, however, called a council of the Iroquois chiefs, with a view to peace, but treachery on the part of the French commander so enraged the whole confederacy that in July, 1689, they made a descent upon Montreal, burned and de- stroyed property, massacred men, women and children, and returned with twenty-six prisoners, most of whom were burned at the stake. The French colony was now in a pitiable condition, but an unex- pected and welcome change was at hand. The divided counsels of the English colonies, growing out of the revolution in the mother country, by which William Prince of Orange was placed on the throne, gave a new aspect to affairs. The Count de Frontenac was again appointed governor of New France, May 21, 1689, and arrived in October. He made an earnest effort to negotiate a peace with the Iroquois, but fail- ing, determined to terrify them into neutrality. For this purpose he fitted out three expedition.^;, one against New York, one against Con- necticut, and a third against other parts of New England. The first and principal one was directed against Schenectady, which was sacked and burned on the night of February 8 and 9, 1690. A band of French and Indians, after a marcli of twenty-two days along the course of the West Canada creek, fell upon the doomed and unprotected vil- lage. But two houses were spared, also fifty or sixty old men, women and children, and about twenty Mohawks. This was done, as it was said "in order to show them " (the Mohawks) "that it was the English Digitized by Microsoft® ENGLISH RETALIATION. 35 and not they against whom the grudge was entertained." The French made a rapid but disastrous retreat, suffering from the winter severity and also from the harassing pursuit of their maddened enemies. This and other assaults at e.xposed points so disheartened the people at Albany that they resolved to retire to New York; and their course was altered only by a delegation of the Mohawks' which reproached them for their torpidity, urging them to a courageous defense of their homes. This heroic conduct of the Mohawks awakens admiration. Notwith- standing French intrigues and Jesuitical influence, combined with the exasperating apathy of the English, who appeared willing to sacrifice their savage yet in this instance noble allies, they adhered to their early allegiance. Repeated invasions by the French and Indians at last awakened the English colonists to the conviction that they must more thoroughly unite in their efforts against the enemies. A convention was accord- ingly held in New York in 1690, constituted of delegates from Massa- chusetts, Connecticut and New York, at which it was resolved to com- bine their strength for the subjugation of Canada. The first named province engaged to equip a fleet and attack the French possessions by water, while the other two should combine their forces and assault Montreal and the forts upon the Sorel river. Through lack of efficient organization and the failure of expected supplies, the expedition was abandoned. During the same year, however, John Schuyler, grand- father of Philip Schuyler of revolutionary fame, having organized a band of about one hundred and twenty 'Christians and Indians," made an incursion into the French possessions and destroyed much property as well as routing and killing the inhabitants of the villages, and in the summer of 1691, Major Peter Schuyler led an expedition into the same region, among his forces being eighty Mohawk warriors. The Iroquois continued their incursions against the French and were, perhaps, more dreaded by the latter than were the English. The people of New France were prevented from properly tilling their lands, and when crops were grown they were frequently destroyed bj' the invaders. ' Annals of Tryon County, Appendix, Note A. Digitized by Microsoft® 36 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The fur trade,' in which the French were actively engaged, was also nearly ruined by the Iroquois, who took possession of the pass between them and their western allies, and cut off the traders. These forays exasperated Count de Frontenac to such a degree that he determined, if possible, to bring them to a final close. He therefore planned an expedition against the Mohawks to be executed in the mid- winter of 1693, and he made his preparation with the greatest secrecy. Having collected a force of nearly seven hundred French and Indians, he cautiously though rapidly passed Lake Champlain on the ice, de- scended into the Mohawk country, surprised and captured three of their castles; 2 meeting with resistance only at the last, and retreated with about three hundred prisoners. Major Peter Schuyler, ever the firm friend of the Mohawks, hastily gathered a party of Albany militia and Indians (five hundred in number), and started in pursuit with such ac- tivity that the fugitives in their haste suffered greatly for food, being compelled, as it is said, " to eat the leather of their shoes." They escaped, however, with a loss of eighty killed and thirty- three wounded. In 1695 another strong force of French and Indians invaded the Onon- daga territory, and although by far the most formidable invasion the Iroquois had thus far suffered, it was almost fruitless in other results than the destruction of villages and crops. The treaty of Ryswick was concluded in September, 1697, but while it established a peace between the French and English, it practically ' It is interesting in this connection to note the prices which ruled in the Indian trade at Fort Orange (Albany) and Montreal in i68g ; The Indian pays for At Fort Orange, Montreal. Eight pounds of powder One Beaver Four Beavers A gun__ Two " Three Forty pounds of lead One *' Four Blanket of red cloth One " Two Four shirts One " Two Six pairs of stockings.-- --- One " -_Two Six quarts of rum One " Six It is a rather amusing indication of the prevalent mode of dealing with the foolish natives, that while a gun could be purchased tor three beavers, it required six to buy a gallon and a half of rum. ''■ The three Mohawk castles, so called, captured by the French, were situated on the south side of the Mohawk river; the lower or eastern being at Icanderago, afterwards called hort Hunter, near the junction of the Mohawk and Schoharie rivers \ while the central or Canajoharie castle (as then called), stood on the hill at the east end of the village of Fort Plain (called by the Indians Ta- ragli-ja-res, signifying hill of health) , and the third or western castle was in what is now the town of Danube. — Schoharie Co. Hist., page 26. Digitized by Microsoft® 7^^2Ge Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® TREATIES OF PEACE. 37 left unsettled the status of the Iroquois. Tlie French insisted on the protection of their own Indian allies, but were unwilling to include the Iroquois, and even made preparations to attack them with their whole force. The English on the other hand as strenuously claimed the same terms for their allies, and Earl Bellamont informed Count de Frontenac that he would resist any attack on the Iroquois with the entire force of his government. This terminated the threats of the enemy. Peace being thus established (although the old rivalries continued to smoulder) the English left nothing undone to strengthen and render enduring the friendship between themselves and the Iroquois. Liberal presents were distributed among the chiefs, and five of them were taken by Peter Schuyler to London, that they might become impressed with the greatness and strength of the government to which they were allied. All this, however, did not prevent the Iroquois from making peace with the French in September, 1 700, and notwithstanding the additional fact they had, less than a month previously, ceded to Great Britain their hunting-grounds in which they had (to quote the conveyance) "sub- dued the old inhabitants, a thousand miles west of Niagara, all around the lakes." On the accession of Anne to the British throne, as successor of King William, in March, 1702, what has been known as Queen Anne's war was soon begun, in which Marlboro won great fame. It continued un- til the treaty of Utrecht,' April 1 1, 17 13, but though felt in the colonies New York fortunately escaped its bloody consequences. • This treaty " secured the Protestant succession to the British throne, also the separation of the French and Spanish crowns, the destruction of Dunkirk, the enlargement o£ the British colo- nies in America, and a full satisfaction from France of the claims of the allied kingdoms Britain, Holland and Germany." Fortunately the Five Nations had made a treaty of neutrality (August 4, 1701,) with the French in Canada, and thus became an impassable barrier against the savages from the St. Lawrence.— Lossing. Digitized by Microsoft® 38 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. CHAPTER V. Rivalry between the British and the French — Eelative Justice of their Claims — How Defined by Sir William Johnson — Both Nations Make Treaties with the Iroquois — Pro- visions of the Treaty of Ryswick — French Encroachments beyond the Treaty Line — War Declared in 1744 — French Outrages in the Mohawk Country — Treaty of Peace at Aix-la-Chapelle — The Situation — The Albany Convention — Kmg Hendrick's Speech — Preparation for War — Expeditions of 1755 — Services of General Johnson — Shirley's Conduct — Battle at Lake George — Death of Hendrick — Distinction of Sir William Johnson. DURING the peace that followed the treaty of Utrecht, what may be termed the permanent occupation of the upper Mohawk Valley was begun by a number of Palatinates, who in 171 1 dissatisfied with their condition on the Hudson, made their way to the Schoharie to occupy lands promised by Queen Anne. To be strictly accurate, however, it should be stated that the Mohawk Valley in the neighborhood of Schenectady at least was settled as early as 1661, under the direction and patronage of Arent Van Corlear, who acquired title from the Mohawks, and whose purchase was confirmed, in 1684, by Governor Dongan. The destruction of this settlement by the French and Canadian Indians on the night of the 8th and 9th of February, 1690, has been described in the preceding chapter and hence we only make a brief and passing reference while speaking of the rival claims of the English and French to the Mohawk territory. It is evident that the claims of England were based upon a much broader foundation of justice than those of France, and both should have been, in some degree, subject to the rights of the Iroquois as the " original proprietors." These rights were subsequently defined by Sir William Johnson in the following language : " The hereditary domains of the Mohawks extend from near Albany to the Little Falls (Oneida boundary), and all the country from thence eastward, etc., north to Rejiohne in Lake Cham- plain." While the French were in possession of New France their influence over all the Indians within its limits was paramount and they Digitized by Microsoft® TERMS OF THE TREATY OF RYSWICK. 39 even disputed with the English the alliance of the latter with the Iroquois, but whatever may have been the foundation of French claims to the territory of Canada, or even to a portion of the present territory of New York, they could hardly be recognized as holding any part of the Mohawk region. Even admitting that four of the Iroquois nations, in 1665, concluded a treaty with De Tracy, by which they placed them- selves under the protection of the French king, it is evident that the Mohawks were not a party to that treaty and it is also evident that continued though occasional and always unsuccessful hostilities on the part of the French against the Iroquois followed for years. On the other hand, although England in the cession of New Netlierlands acquired only the territory previously held by the Dutch, yet she secured the firm and lasting allegiance of the Mohawks, a friendship more closely cemented by the influence of Sir William Johnson. In addition to the foregoing the original charter of Virginia ^ carried the English possessions to the forty- fifth parallel, and later grants extended her sovereignty to the St. Lawrence river. The treaty of Ryswick (1697) declared that the belligerents should return to their possessions, as each occupied them at the beginning of the hostilities, and England put forth the unconditional claim that, at the period referred to in the treaty, their Iroquois allies were in the occupation by conquest of Montreal and the shores of the St. Lawrence. The French government at that time seems to have acknowl- edged that the Iroquois were embraced in the treaty. Thus the two European powers wrangled over the country of the Mohawks which was but a little time previously the undisputed dominion of the Iroquois. When France disputed the claims, of England and appealed to the council at Onondaga, a stern, savage orator exclaimed : " We have ceded our lands to no one ; we hold them of heaven alone" 1. Whether so much importance should attach to the treaties in which these untutored savages were pitted against the intelligent Europeans, either French or English, as has often been ascribed to them, is ques- tionable ; especially when we consider the methods often adopted in later years to induce the Indians to sign away their domain. Be this as it may, it is now generally believed that the intrusion of France upon the 1 Bancroft. Digitized by Microsoft® 40 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. possessions of the Mohawks in the valley of Lake Champlain, "at the sacrifice of so much blood and treasure, justice and the restraints and faith of the treaties, were subordinated to the lust of power and expe- diency " ' . The encroachment by the French upon the territory of the English and their allies, the Iroquois, was one of the chief causes of the French and Indian war. As early as the year 173 1, the surveyor- general of the Canadas made a complete survey of the entire Champlain valley, includ- ing both the New York and Vermont shores, and also Ticonderoga, and not content with this geographical aggression, he extended his work so as to include both sides of the St. Lawrence river nearly to Lake Ontario. The territory thus surveyed was divided into vast tracts and granted as " seigniories " to various proprietors, either for rewards for service to the French crown, or for other considerations. Acting under the assumed authority of ownership a small number of the grantees attempted to actually occupy their lands, but the Canadian government, apparently observing that war between France and England would soon take place, prepared for such an event by possessing themselves of the strongest points in the Champlain valley, and erecting suitable fortifications. The acknowledged key of the country was at Fort St. Frederick, now Crown Point, which the French occupied in 173 1. Ticonderoga was near and to the southward, and here also a fortress was constructed. In the western part of the province of New York other defences were also established, this being done with the consent of the Senecas, whose confidence the wily Frenchmen and their Jesuit associates had fully gained. In the interior of the Mohawk country, however, there no preparation for war was made other than accomplished through the influence of Sir William Johnson, whose advent to the Mohawk Valley antedated the beginning of hostilities by only ten years. In March, 1744, war was declared between Great Britain and France, and the former power at once prosecuted measures for the conquest of the French possessions. The colonies of New York and New England united in an expedition to co-operate with the fleet under Commodore Warren in an attack on the fortress of Louisburg, which capitulated in J Watson. Digitized by Microsoft® FRENCH AND INDIAN FORAYS. 41 June, 1745. This suppressed all danger from that direction, but the country north of Albany was continually harassed by incursions from the Indians and French starting from Crown Point and other hostile strongholds. Saratoga was attacked in the fall of 1745, and utterly devastated. This was followed by the descent upon Hoosick village, the garrison of which was forced to surrender, leaving the settlement all the way to Albany open to the enemy. More than twenty other minor expeditions were fitted out by the French from Fort St. Frederick, to fall upon the frontier English settlements and burn, pillage and slaughter. It is little wonder, therefore, that the inhabitants of New York viewed this fortress as a standing and constant menace and the following statements will give an idea of the character of some of the marauding parties and their bloody success. "May 24th 1746. A party of eight Abenakis has been fitted out, who have been in the direction of Corlear (Schenectady) and have returned with some prisoners and scalps." " May 28th. A party of eight Abenakis struck a blow near Albany and Corlear, and returned with some scalps." " August lOth. Chevalier de Repentigny arrived at Quebec and reported that he had made an attack near Corlear and took eleven prisoners and twenty- five scalps " We forbear further addition to this terrible recital. Who indeed can imagine the horrors of a season filled with such scenes ? The colonists seemed almost powerless against the enemy — wily, rapid, blood-thirsty, and with a knowledge of every trail and point of vantage. Colonel Johnson sent out two parties against the F"rench and their allies on the 4th of August, who made an attack on Chambly, but after a successful beginning they were drawn into an ambush and most of them killed or captured. The international contest from 1744 to 1748 had an important object in the possession of the Mississippi valley, which the English claimed as an extension of their coast discoveries and settlements, and the French by right of occupancy, their forts already extending from Canada to Louisiana, and forming " a bow, of which the English col- onies were the string." At the last mentioned date the English colonies contained more than a million inhabitants, while the French had only 6 Digitized by Microsoft® 42 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. sixty thousand. The Iroquois would not engage in this strife until 1746, when they were disappointed at its sudden termination, having compromised themselves with their old enemies (the allies of the F"rench), now more numerous and dangerous than formerly. The old question of Iroquois supremacy was, therefore, renewed in a more intensified manner. In April, 1748, was concluded the ineffective, if not actually shame- ful, treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, and while it was a virtual renewal of the treaties of Ryswick and Utrecht, it left unsettled the questions above al- luded to, with others of equal importance to the colonies, and the fort- resses of Louisburg and Crown Point were returned to the French with- out a protest. Opposed and embarrassed by political factions, Governor Clinton re- signed his office in October, 1753, and was succeeded by Sir Danvers Osborne. The same distractions and aggravated by the loss of his wife threw the latter into a state of melancholia which ended in suicide. He was succeeded by Lieutenant-Governor James DeLancy, who, in his message to the assembly in the spring of 1754, called attention to recent French encroachments, and to a request from Virginia for aid to resist them. The -assembly voted one thousand pounds to bear its share in erecting forts along the frontier. The French by reason of victories in Pennsylvania in 1754, were left in undisputed possession of the entire region west of the AUeghanies. The necessity for united action by the English colonies was now too apparent to be overlooked ; but the old sectional differences tended to prevent harmony in sentiment or action. The Iroquois were also to some extent becoming alienated from the Eng- lish, whose apathy and failures they did not relish. Under the advice of the British ministry a convention of delegates from all the colonial assembUes was held at Albany in June, 1754. The object of this meet- ing was to secure a continued alliance with the Six Nations. Governor De Lancey presided, and opened the proceedings with a speech to the Indian chiefs and sachems who were present. A treaty was renewed, and the Indians left apparently satisfied. Colonel, afterward Sir William, Johnson was present at this conven- tion and made many valuable suggestions to the delegates. He had by this time become well acquainted with the Indian character; had in- Digitized by Microsoft® KING HENDRICK. 43 gratiated himself in their affections, not only among the Mohawks but as well among the Iroquois. He was made by the former one of their sachems, having authority in their councils ; and likewise he was created war chief, and as such frequently assumed the costume and habits of the Indians. After the Albany convention had been concluded, but before the treaty was finally settled. King Hendrick, ^ then highest in authority among the Mohawks, addressed the delegates and Indians upon the sub- ject of the meeting. His final speech closed as follows : " Brethren, we put you in mind, from our former speech, of the defenceless state of your frontiers, particularly of this city' and of Schenectady, and of the coun- try of the Five Nations. You told us yesterday that you were consult- ing about securing both. We beg that you will resolve upon something speedily. You are not safe from danger one day. The French have their hatchets in their hands both at Ohio and at two places in New England. We don't know but this very night they may attack us. Since Colonel Johnson has been in this city there has been a French Indian at his house (Fort Johnson), who took measure of the wall around it, and made very narrow observations on everything thereabouts. We think Colonel Johnson in very great danger, because the French will take more than ordinary pains to kill him or take him prisoner, both on account of his great interest among us and because he is one of our sachems. Brethren, there is an affair about which our hearts tremble and our minds are deeply concerned. We refer to the selling of rum in our castles. It destroys many, both of our old and young people. We are in great fear about this rum. It may cause murder on both sides. We, the Mohawks of both castles, request that the people who are settled around about us may not be suffered to sell our people rum. It keeps them all poor and makes them idle and wicked. If they have ' Kins Hendrick was born about the year j68o, and generally dwelt at the upper castle of the Mo- hawk nation, although he resided for a time near the present (1845) residence of Nicholas Yost, on the north side of the Mohawk, near the Nose. He was one of the most active and sagacious sachems of his time. He stood high in the confidence of Sir William Johnson, with whom he was engaged in many perilious enterprises against the Canadian French ; and under whose command he fell in the battle of Lake George, September 8, 1755, covered with glory. — Schoharie County and Border Wars. Digitized by Microsoft® 44 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. any money or goods they lay all out in rum. It destroys virtue and the progress of religion among us." ' " It was on this occasion," also remarks a cotemporary writer of the period, " that the venerable Hendrick, the great Mohawk chieftain, pro- nounced one of those thrilling and eloquent speeches that marked the nobler times of the Iroquois. It excited the wonder and admiration of those who listened, and commanded the highest encomiums wherever it was read. In burning words he contrasted the supineness and im- becility of the English with the energies of the French policy. His hoary head and majestic bearing attached dignity and force to his utter- ances. 'We,' he exclaimed, ' would have gone and taken Crown Point, but you hindered us.' He closed his philippic with the overwhelming rebuke : ' Look at the French ; they are men. They are fortifying everywhere. But you, and we are ashamed to say it, you are like women — bare and open without any fortifications ! ' " Meanwhile, at the suggestion of the Massachusetts delegates to the convention, a plan for the union of the colonies was taken into consid- eration. The suggestion was favorably received and a committee of one from each colony was appointed to draw plans for the purpose, the fer- tile mind of Benjamin Franklin having already suggested a plan which was adopted. It was the forerunner of our federal constitution ; but the colonial assemblies rejected it, deeming that it enroached on their lib- erties, while the home government rejected it, claiming that it granted too much power to the people. Though England and France were nominally at peace, the frontier was still distressingly harassed by hordes of Indians let loose by the French, and the colonies continued their appeal to the ministry. While the latter were hesitating, the Duke of Cumberland, then captain- gen- eral of the British armies, sent over early in 1755 General Edward Brad- dock, with a detachment from the army in Ireland. He soon after met the colonial governors at Alexandria ^ and measures were devised for the protection of the colonies. ' The governor promised satisfaction to this pathetic appeal, of course ; gave the Indians thirty ■wagon-loads of presents, and the civilized inhabitants went on selling their gallons of mm for beaver skins, and the Indians have often been cursed for their intemperance. * By special request of Braddock, Colonel William Johnson was present at this meeting. He was then appointed superintendent of Indian affairs, " with full power to treat with the confederate na- tions, and secure them and their allies to the British interest." Braddock also advanced Johnson 2000 pounds for the furtherance of the latter object. — Stomas Life of Sir Wtliiam yohnson. Digitized by Microsoft® BRADDOCK AND JOHNSON. 45 For this purpose four expeditions were planned by General Braddock (1755) — tlie first to effect the reduction of Nova Scotia; the second to recover the Ohio valley ; the third to expel the French from Fort Ni- agara and then form a junction with the Ohio expedition, and the fourth to capture Crown Point. The first of these expeditions was entirely successful ; the second, under command of Braddock himself, was (chiefly through his folly) disastrous in the extreme. He neglected to send out scouts, as repeatedly counseled by Washington, and when within a few miles of Fort Du Quesne, the army was surprised by the concealed enemy and only saved from destruction by Washington, who, upon the fall of Braddock, assumed command and conducted the retreat. The expedi- tion against Fort Niagara commanded by General Shirley, governor of Massachusetts, was also unsuccessful, and many of his force left him, after hearing of Braddock's defeat. The army gathered for the capture of Crown Point was assembled at Albany, and its command entrusted to Colonel William Johnson, who, for the purpose of the expedition, had been elevated to the rank of ma- jor-general. His force comprised the militia and volunteers from New York and the New England provinces, added to which was a strong body of his faithful Mohawk warriors, headed by their famous chief, King Hendrick. Johnson proceeded northward and occupied positions at Fort Edward and Lake George ' . expecting reinforcements from the western nations of the Iroquois ; but in this he was disappointed. Gen- eral Shirley 2, in marching against Fort Niagara, had spread dissensions among the confederates, telling them that Johnson was his subordinate and subject to his orders ; that his office of superintendent of Indian af- > The former name of this lake, applied by Champlain, was "Lac St. Sacrament" in honor of the day of his first visit to its shores. General Johnson, on the occasion of camping at the lake with his troops, changed the name to "Lake George", in honor of George III., then the British sovereign. 2 The peculiar action of Governor Shirley on this occasion is best explained by General Johnson in the report sent by him to the Board of Trade, and written from the camp at Lake George. The report is as follows : "Governor Shirley, soon after his arrival at Albany, on his way to Oswego, grew dissatisfied with my proceedings, and employed one Lydius, of that place — a man whom he knew and I told him, was extremely obnoxious to me, and the very man whom the Indians had in their public meetings so warmly complained of, to oppose my interest and management with them. Under this man, several others were employed. These persons went to the Indian castles, and by bribes, keeping them constantly feasting and drunk ; calumniating my character ; depreciating my commission, authority and management ; in short, by the most licentious and abandoned proceed- ings, raised such a confusion among the Indians, particularly the two Mohawk castles, that their sachems were under the utmost consternation," etc. Digitized by Microsoft® 46 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. fairs was but nominal, and that the warriors would best serve their own interests by joining his army. These things were related to Johnson by chief Hendrick in explanation of the absence of the promised aid of the western Indians. Their assistance had been assured at a council of the chiefs and sachems held with the Onondagas prior to the organization of the expedition. The total Indian force which accompanied this ex- pedition amounted to two hundred and fifty men, all of whom were under the especial charge of General Johnson, who was known among them as " Warraghiyaghey." The militia and volunteers were under command of General Lyman, and amounted, when all assembled in the field, to about 4,000 men. A detail of the events of the battle that followed cannot be considered an essential part of this narrative, although it took place within the Mo- hawk country. At the beginning of the conflict King Hendrick was slain, and Johnson severely wounded. He retired from the field after having turned the command over to General Lyman. As a matter of fact it should be stated that General Johnson held supreme command during this expedition, while General Lyman was his faithful aid ; but the Indians of the army required careful and discreet attention to make their service available, and as Johnson was their friend, he gave them his special attention throughout the engagement, while the immediate command of the troops devolved upon General Lyman and the other officers of rank. General Johnson, however, directed the various ma- neuvers through which success was finally attained. The French regulars, commanded by Dieskau, fought with great heroism, but the Canadian Indians were of but little assistance, as they were dispersed by a few shots thrown in their midst. The Senecas, who had been induced to join the French standard, on seeing themselves op- posed by their old brethren the Mohawks, discharged their weapons in the air and abandoned the conflict. Dieskau, the French general, was wounded and disabled, but refused to be carried from the field, and or- dered his subordinate, Montrueil, to assume command and make the best retreat possible. The French were put to flight in such confusion that all their baggage and ammunition was left behind for the victors. Their loss amounted to about four hundred and fifty, while that of the Eng- lish and Mohawks was nearly one hundred less. Digitized by Microsoft® ENGLISH FAILURES. 47 The French were partially paralyzed by this defeat, but Johnson was charged with neglect of the opportunity opened before him. He might (it was said) have taken Fort St. Frederick and Ticonderoga, while on the other hand he spent the summer in erecting Fort William Henry, at the head of Lake George. The Mohawks, fearing an invasion of their villages by the Canada Indians, were permitted to return to their homes. The services of General Johnson on this occasion were rewarded with a baronetcy, his office of superintendent of Indian affairs was confirmed, and he was granted the sum of five thousand pounds. From this event was acquired the title by which he was ever afterward known — " Sir William Johnson." CHAPTER VI. French and English War Continued — Results of the Campaign 1756 — French Suc- cesses in that and Succeeding Years — • The Iroquois Divided — Johnson's Efforts to unite Them — Webb's Disgraceful Conduct — The Mohawk Valley Invaded — Pala- tine Village Destroyed — Aberbcrombie's Neglect and Inefficiency — Campaigns of 1T67-58 — English Successes — French Reverses — Johnson's Achievements — Extinc tion of the French Power in America. STRANGE as it may appear, after the hostilities described in the preceding chapter, it was not until the following summer that war was formally declared between Great Britain and France. Three prin- cipal campaigns were organized in 1756; one against Fort Niagara with six thousand men ; the second against Fort Du Quesne with three thou- sand men, and the third, by far the largest army yet assembled in the country, a force of ten thousand troops designed for the reduction of Crown Point, the occupation of the Champlain valley, and, if necessary, the invasion of Canada. General John Winslow was in command of the latter, but was joined by General Abercrombie with reinforcements from Lord Loudon, governor of Virginia. Abercrombie at once re- moved the provincial officers, placing in their stead men from the regu- lar army, who, though versed in tactics, were wholly destitute of a Digitized by Microsoft® 48 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. knowledge of the methods of conducting military operations in such a region. Through the inactivity of the commanding officers nothing was accomplished in the way of taking the French strongholds, while at other points the results were equally unsatisfactory and the cam- paigns ended with much greater advantage to the French than to the English. The campaign for 1757 was arranged by the English in proportions equal to its predecessor, while the French army under Montcalm was by no means inactive. The latter had by this time not only gained the friend- ship of many of the western Iroquois, but had succeeded in enlisting them under the French standard. The league of the Iroquois was now so weakened as to have lost much of its ancient power of union, and the brethren were no longer averse to warring with each other. In fact at this time a large number of the Iroquois had become settled in Canada, chiefly on account of French successes in previous years and the constant apathy of the English, and even the strong influence of Sir William was no longer effectual in enlisting them in the cause which he represented. The greater part of the Mohawk nation, however, re- mained true to Sir William, their adopted chief, and were, with a frag- ment of other nations, factors in this campaign and that of the following year, but instead of being aggressors, the English officers appeared to prefer a mere defense. Their strong points in this province were at Fort William Henry and Fort Edward; the former garrisoned by Col- onel Munro with 500 men, and supported by 1,700 troops in an en- trenched camp. General Webb was at Fort Edward, only fifteen miles away, with 4,000 effective men. Munro therefore felt strong in his po- sition, but when "Montcalm laid siege to the fort and assistance became necessary, and was solicited, the cowardly 1 Webb withheld it, and even suggested that Munro should make terms of surrender with the French. Sir William Johnson with his Mohawk warriors and militia started to ' Another evidence of the consummate cowardice of General Webb was made apparent in his conduct at the German Flats, in the Mohawk valley. Two days before the surrender at Oswego, Webb had been sent to the relief of that position. On the 20th day of August, following. Sir Will- iam Jonhson with two battalions of militia and 300 Indians, was sent to support Webb. At the Oneida carrying place news was received of the fall of Oswego, whereupon the terrified Webb " fancying he already beheld his own scalp dangling from the waist of some brawny savage," caused trees to be immediately felled across Wood creek, and fled with his troops to the German Plats. Digitized by Microsoft® HUMILIATION OF THE ENGLISH' 49 relieve the besieged garrison, but the commander in charge ordered his return. The natural and only result was the surrender of the position at Fort William Henry, followed by the indiscriminate slaughter of a number of the prisoners, although, in justice to Montcalm, it must be said that he did all in his power to prevent it. Fort William Henry was totally destroyed and its stores and muni- tions captured ; and this with a loss to the French of only fifty- three men. Webb at once prepared to retreat to the Hudson. Mont- calm had intended an invasion of the Hudson river region and the capture of Albany, but from the fact that his Canadian soldiers were needed at their homes to harvest their fields, in order to avert a threatened famine, he retired satisfied with his success and glory. Meanwhile Loudon had taken a position on Long Island, the English hajd been driven from the Ohio ; Montcalm had restored the St. Law- rence valley to France, and Great Britain and her colonies were not only humiliated but were naturally fearful of the future. During the year 1757 there was made another disastrous invasion of the beautiful Mohawk valley by the French and Indians. At that time there were scattered settlements all through the vicinity of the river, the pioneers being chiefly Germans, or Palatines. They had become thrifty and were possessed of dwellings and well tilled fields. They had been sufficiently apprised of the intended invasion, and had they heeded the warnings given by the Oneida Indians they might have es- caped at least a part of the vengeance that fell so fearfully upon them. General Abercrombie, too, was negligent in giving protection to the settlers and to the friendly Indians, although frequent requests therefor had been made to him. Before daylight on the morning of November 12 the dwellers of the Palatine village were aroused by the terrific war-whoop, and immediately three hundred Canadians and Indians, under Bellettre, attacked each block-house. Some show of resistance was made, but without avail. The people asked for quarter, but no mercy was shown. The dwellings were burned and their occupants ruthlessly tomahawked while they vainly endeavored to escape. Forty Germans in all were massacred and one hundred and fifty others car- ried away captives. In addition to these bloody horrors the invaders captured large quantities of grain, three thousand cattle and as many 7 Digitized by Microsoft® 50 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. sheep. This invasion so alarmed the settlers of the whole region that the inhabitants living elsewhere in the valley sought safety in flight to the settlements at Schenectady and Albany, and the villages of Stone Arabia and Cherry Valley became almost depopulated. At the time this massacre took place Sir William Johnson was con- fined to his room by sickness, but through his secretaryhe at once sent word to the Oneidas and Tuscaroras, enquiring of them why they had not warned the Germans of their danger. The Indians, however, were not at fault, as their warning had been duly given. Abercrombie was also addressed from the same source, and a correspondence of some warmth was conducted in relation to that officer's neglect of duty. Lord Lou- don, who was in Albany about that time, was inclined to place the blame upon the Iroquois in general, and exhibited a strong desire to make war upon them ; but, fortunately, the influence of Sir William Johnson prevailed, thereby averting the misery which would certainly have followed. Although the campaign of the previous year had been one of disaster to the English, that very fact seemed to infuse a little spirit into the ministry, which found public expression chiefly through the gifted statesman, William Pitt. A million and a half of people inhabited the British colonies, and an army of some 5,000 men was soon subject to the command of Abercrombie. Commercial intercourse with the mother country was almost untrammeled, arid there seems no sufficient reason why the French power should not have been extinguished by one grand movement. This predominance of the English, however, was considerably impaired by the fact that the French had gained stronger influence over the Indians, and then the Canadian population was more concentrated, while above all, the French cause was under command of by far the most brilliant and able men. In the language of a cotem- porary, " Britain had sent to her colonies effete generals, bankrupt no- bles and debauched parasites of the court. France selected her func- tionaries from the wisest, noblest and best of her people, and, therefore, her colonial interests were usually directed with sagacity." English hostilities began in 1758 with brilliant achievements by the rangers under Rogers and Putnam, which did not, however, seriously influence the general campaign. As in the preceding year, three for- Digitized by Microsoft® SUPINENESS OF ABERCROMBIE. sr midable expeditions were planned, the varied points being Louisburg, Fort Du Quesne and Ticonderoga. Louisburg was besieged, and after some weeks of vigorous defence, surrendered to the English. The army- sent against Fort Du Quesne was commanded by Gen. John Forbes, through whose dilatory movement it came very near failure ; but at last the decisive action of Washington restored victory to the English arms, and the 24th of November the French set fire to the defences and fled down the Ohio river. The capture of Ticonderoga however and the descent on Montreal was the most important of these campaigns, being indeed the vital point in the war. A force of about 7,000 regulars, nearly 9,000 provincials, and a heavy train of artillery, was assembled at the head of Lake George by the beginning of July. Unfortunately, however, the command of this fine army was given to General James Abercrombie. Judging well of his incapacity, Pitt sought to avert the probability of failure by the selection of Lord Howe, to whom was given the rank of brigadier-gen- eral and he was made the controlling spirit of the expedition. Early on the morning of July 5 this splendid army embarked upon Lake George, and two days later made a landing on Lake Champlain at the point that now bears Lord Howe's name. In the first engage- ment that took place he fell mortally wounded, and his death destroyed all hope of a successful campaign. On the morning of the 8th Sir Will- iam Johnson arrived, accompaned by nearly four hundred Mohawks and other Indian warriors,^ but at the same time the French army was re-enforced by the arrival of De Levis and his four hundred veterans. He designed another invasion of the Mohawk valley, but had been or- dered back to join the main body under Montcalm. During the en- ' To give the readfer something of an idea of the difHculties that attended the gathering of this body of Indians, attention is directed to the following extracts from a letter addressed by Sir Will- iam Johnson to General Abercrombie: " Camp in the woods within ten miles of Fort Edward, Tuly 5 1758, 6 in the morning. Sir :— I arrived here last night with near two hundred Indians of the Five Nations and others. Mr. Crogan and some of the Indian ofHcers are within a day's march of nie with about one hundred men, as I hear from letters from him." " I set off from my house last Tuesday with as many as I could there get sober to move with me, which were but a few, for liquor was as filenty with them as ditch-water, being brought up from Schenectady by their and other squaws as well as whites, and sold to them at night in spite of all I could do. These have since joined me by small parties. I assure your excellency, no man ever had more trouble than I have had to get them away from the liquor ; and if the fate of the whole country depended upon my moving a day sooner, I could not do it without leaving them behind, and disgusting all the na- tions," etc. Digitized by Microsoft® 52 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. gagement which followed, and in which the British were seriously de- feated, Johnson and his Indians were posted on Mount Defiance, then known as Sugar Loaf Hill, and from their position were prevented from taking an active part in the battle. The details of this sanguinary conflict need not here be narrated ; they are emblazoned on the pages of many a history. The assault was hopeless from the beginning, and while its bloody scenes were being en- acted, under the watchful eye of the brilliant Montcalm, Abercrombie looked after the welfare of his own noble person amid the security of the saw-mills, two miles from the battle-field ; and before early dawn of the morning of the lOth, he had placed the length of Lake George be- tween himself and his conquerers. The total loss to the British was more than two thousand men ; of the French about five hundred men. This terrible and probably unnecessary catastrophe was partially offset by the successful siege of Fort Frontenac, which capitulated to Bradstreet on the 26th of August. While Abercrombie thus dallied in contempt- ible indecision, Montcalm, re-enforced with 3,000 Canadians and 600 In- dians, was vigilant and persistent, striking wherever he could detect a vulnerable point. The events thus far recorded seem to indicate an early approaching triumph of the French cause in America, but really a dark reverse was imminent. Canada was suffering the horrors of famine and was almost depopulated of men, who had been required to fill the military ranks. Montcalm was persistently appealing to the crown for aid, but the gov- ernment could only furnish provisions and ammunition. On the other hand the English now appeared to have been stirred to renewed action through the zeal of William Pitt, and the year 1759 opened with far better prospects of success for the British arms. Changes had been made in military affairs ; Abercrombie was superseded by General Am- herst, and when the latter appealed to the colonists for militia rein- forcements they willingly complied with the request, although they were heavily burdened with debt on account of previous expenditures. The proposed campaign of the year comprised in addition to the con- quest of Ticonderoga also the capture of Fort Niagara and the siege of Quebec. On the 7th of July General Prideaux was joined by Sir Will- iam Johnson, between whom there existed warm friendship, quite the Digitized by Microsoft® AWAKENING OF THE ENGLISH. 53 reverse of the relations between the latter and Abercrombie. It was agreed by both officers that Oswego and Fort Niagara were important positions, and ought to be taken during the campaign. For this pur- pose Johnson was to assemble as man)' as possible of the Iroquois and join the expedition under Prideaux. As early as January 18 John- son held a conference with Mohawk and Seneca chiefs at Canajoharie castle, his purpose being to call a general council of as many of the Iroquois as could be induced to attend, and if possible unite them all under his standard. The result was that in April following, another council was held at Canajoharie and assurances given by the savages of willingness to join Johnson in the expedition. When he arrived at Prideaux's camp, Johnson had in his command no less than seven hun- dred dusky warriors, as well as a strong force of provincial troops. After the surrender of the fort at Niagara, Johnson and his forces re- mained in the neighborhood, and also at Oswego, until the 14th of Oc- tober, when he departed for Mount Johnson. In the Champlain region the En'glish armies were also successful. Montcalm had taken a position at Quebec, to defend the stronghold against the attacks of General Wolfe ; and there both of these brave offi- cers found their graves. General Amherst laid siege to Ticonderoga, which was defended by a garrison of four hundred men under Boula- marque. The fort was evacuated on July 26, and this was soon fol- lowed by the withdrawal of the French from Crown Point. The dom- ination of France was ended by the fall of Quebec September 18, 1759, thus leaving the English masters of all America, for the surrender of Vaudreul on the 8th of the next September was an inevitable result. The Senecas were by this time distrustful of the French and wavered between uncertain possibilities. They also desired to be with the vic- tors, and the general result of the previous year had not brought to the French arms the success the commanders had promised. Moreover, the Indian faith in the French had been considerably shaken by treach- ■eries, and many of the savages were anxious to return to their old alle- giance.i 1 Although hostilities between the two nations had now ceased, a formal peace was not estab- lished until 1763, when, on the lothof February, the treaty of Paris was sis:ned, by which France ceded to Great Britain all her possessions in Canada. On the 30th of July, 1760, Governor De Lan- cey, o£ New York, suddenly died, and the government passed into the hands of Cadwallader Col- den, who was commissioned lieutenant-governor in August, 1761. In October of that year Gen- eral Robert Monkton was appointed governor of the province of New York. Digitized by Microsoft® 54 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. CHAPTER VII. Early Settlement of the Mohawk Valley — Van Corlear's Patent -^ Settlement at Schenectady — German Palatinates at Schoharie Creek; at Canajoharie and Palatine Village — Their Character and Customs — Located there as a Defense against the French Invasion — The Plan not Fully Successful — Sir William Johnson Forms the Germans into Militia Companies — French and Indian Land Grants — Charters of New York and Pennsylvania Compared — The Former a Royal Province — Patents Issued Including Lands of Fulton County — The Stringer Patent Granted under State Authority. AS has been briefly mentioned in one of the preceding chapters, civilized settlement began in the Mohawk valley in i66l, when Arent Van Corlear purchased from the Indian proprietors a large tract of land in the vicinity of Fort Orange, and another covering the present site of Schenectady. In 1684, nearly twenty years after the conquest of the Dutch by the English, the purchases made by Corlear were confirmed by Governor Dongan. During the period of the early wars between the French and the Indians, there was but little attempt at settlement in any of the frontiers, such efforts being attended with many hardships and great danger. Even Schenectady, protected as it may have been, was (as has been narrated) surprised and destroyed by the French and Canadian savages in February, 1690. Notwithstanding that fearful tragedy, before the lapse of little more than a score of years another at- tempt was made at the colonization of the valley, and this too in a region farther west, being within the territory afterward formed into old Mont- gomery county. During the early years of the seventeenth century Europe was sub- jected to a series of religious wars, in which the Romanists were opposed to Protestantism, their determination being to crush the latter out of existence. One of the localities seriously affected by this conflict was the Lower Palatinate, in Germany; a province peopled by a hardy, though obstinate and ignorant race. To escape persecution this people fled from their native country and found temporary refuge in England, In 1702 Queen Anne succeeded King William, and the way was soon Digitized by Microsoft® THE PALATINATES. 55 provided by which the German refugees were given a home in the new world. The first of the Palatinates (as they were called) arrived in New York in 1707, followed in 1710 by a larger number, estimated at three thousand. The projectors of the colonization scheme intended that the Palatinates should settle in the Mohawk valley, but on examin- ation of that region with reference to its adaptability the scheme was found to be impracticable, and the emigrants were located in the Hudson river country. A portion of the original number however remained in New York, while many went to Pennsylvania and became permanent residents. There were many causes which wrought dissatisfaction among the Palatinates in the Hudson river district, chief among which was the fact that they were obliged to serve under government agents who were often both tyrannical and dishonest. From this and other causes the poor Germans became discontented with their abode and determined to seek homes eleswhere, particularly in the region which (as they claimed) Queen Anne had promised them. In fact they were so bent in this purpose that- the authorities were obliged to use force to hold them to their contract. At last the officers in charge became discouraged in their endeavors to improve such re- fractory settlers, and therefore permitted them to gratify their desires — hoping that the removal might aflford protection against the incursions of the French and their Indian allies. In 17 12, by permission of the Mohawks, a number of these families located on Schoharie creek, but later on they had annoyance in disputes concerning their land titles. In 1723 colonies of Palatinates moved farther up the Mohawk and settled at Canajoharie and Palatine. In 1722 a number of them purchased lands in the vicinity of Fort Hunter, while others settled on West Can- ada creek. On the 19th of October, 1723, Stone Arabia patent was granted to twenty-seven Palatinate families whose members numbered one hundred and twenty- seven. Their lands included 12,700 acres, which was divided into twenty- seven equal parts, and laid out in lots to assist in this division. The provincial authorities erred in their estimate of the value of the German settlers as a means of protection against invasion. On the contrary the very character and customs of this people seemed to almost invite a hostile attack, and it was not until several years after the arrival Digitized by Microsoft® 56 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. of Colonel William Johnson that they held any semblance of military organization. They were careless of their own interests and reckless of their safety, either personal or of property. This was clearly shown when in November, 1757, the inhabitants of Palatine village received timely warning of an imminent French and Indian attack, but they dis- regarded the friendly caution and their hamlet was destroyed and many of its people killed or carried into captivity. Notwithstanding the above mentioned defeat, the Palatines were prosperous, and contributed much to the early development and welfare of the Mohawk valley region. They increased rapidly in numbers, each succeeding generation being an improvement ; and in the valley to-day are many of the descendants of the original settlers who have reached wealth and distinction. Sir William Johnson afterward organized many of these Palatines into militia companies — nine of them all told, and he called them together whenever there appeared any reason to expect an invasion. In this way the Germans were beneficial in protecting the region, for the mere knowledge of a regiment of armed militia, together with nearly two hun- dred thoroughly trained Mohawk warriors, and all under command of an officer so skillful as Sir William Johnson, had a subduing effect upon the ardor of the French and their savage Canadian allies. During the period of French and English rivalry in America, both powers derived a revenue by the sales, and also the more extensive " grants," of the lands in their domain. Each, however, required as a condition precedent to the full occupation and enjoyment of the territory that the Indian title .should first be extinguished by purchase or release. The French grants covered such tracts (mainly in the northern portion of New York) as were not included in English land charters, but with the final overthrow of French power in America the greater number of these were annulled, and the lands were afterward sold to British sub- jects, though a few of the original seigniories were confirmed to their proprietors through royal grace and clemency. The British power in the colony of New York had no real existence until after the conquest of the Dutch. In fact the grant to the Duke of York was not until 1664, a year only before the occupation of the New Netherlands. The introduction of this subject naturally leads to an ex- amination of the peculiar character of the grant of the province of New Digitized by Microsoft® CHARTERS OF NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA. 57 York, and those points in which it differs from almost all others on this continent, although they emanated chiefly from the same source. No better illustration of this difference can be made than by comparing the charters of Pennsylvania and New York. The former was granted to William Penn, in payment of a debt due his father, Admiral William Penn, from the British government. By that charter the fee in the province passed to the grantee, subject only to the Indian title, which Penn was determined to extinguish at his own cost. This having been done, the patentee was the absolute owner of the lands thus granted, and all emoluments were his own. Of similar character also was the charter by which in 1664 Charles II granted to his brother James, Duke of York and Albany, the vast territory which included all that is now the state of New York. The Duke of York, by that grant (and others of later date), became proprietor of the land, with the same rights and powers, and subject to the same conditions regard- ing Indian titles as William Penn, and the patents which were made to various sub- proprietors, either to favorites or for consideration, between 1664 and 1685, by the duke, were made from the same relative position as Penn occupied during his proprietorship. In 1685, however, the Duke of York himself became king of Great Britain and as his charter naturally merged in the crown, the government of his possessions changed from a proprietary one to a " royal province." Instead of being governor of the colony, the king held the power of appointing that functionary, and then indirectly controlling its affairs, but still re- ceiving specified revenues from its land sales. Little was done in the way of granting lands in the province of New York earlier than the first quarter of the seventeenth century, although under t}ie duke's title some grants were made even before he became king. But after the year 1734, and particularly after the English and French were really contending for supremacy in America, the govern- ment disposed of much of the available territory of the province, and it is a noticeable fact that by far the greater part of the early land grants included portions of old Tryon county, though as yet the land of the Mohawks. An explanation of this is found in the fact that this region was under the special control of Sir William Johnson. His in- fluence among the Mohawk Indians is surprising to all who do not con- 8 Digitized by Microsoft® 58 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. sider the relations that existed between himself and the red men, and the great value of the presents he made them. We know, indeed, that during the last score of years of Sir William's life the Mohawks were greatly dependent upon his bounty for their support, and under such circumstances we are not surprised to learn that for a merely nominal consideration he could induce them to part with such of their domain as he or his favorites desired to possess. It has been asserted that the baronet secured the Indian title to the immense tract known as the "Royal Grant" from King Hendrick as the result of a dream, but while many doubt this story its mere narration suggests the extraordinary in- fluence of Sir William over the Mohawk nation. According to the records the " Royal Grant," embracing ninety- three thousand acres of land lying between East and West Canada creeks and north of the Mo- hawk river, was patented to Sir Wilham Johnson by letters issued April 1 6, 1765. King Hendrick was killed in September, 1755, ten years previously, and yet it may be true that the old chief released the Indian title long before his death, and the purchase thus made was confirmed by the king ten years afterward. The titles of many of the old land grants are still preserved and are occasionally referred to in modern conveyances. The reader will of course understand that all these grants were made prior to the rev- olution ; but though issued during the British dominion, many were afterward confirmed by the state authorities, while the other portion was confiscated and sold as the property of enemies. These persons were called tories, and though they did not in all cases bear arms against American independence, their conduct was sufficiently inimical to jus- tify confiscation. The most important instance of this kind was found in the vast manor of Johnson Hall, which was sold by the state, and was finally purchased by the ancestor of the present Wells family in whose possession it still remains. Beginning with the year 1735, and thence throughout the years down to the outbreak of the revolutionary war, there was granted to various individuals and companies an aggregate of more than three hun- dred square miles in what is now Fulton county and vicinity, and while of no special connection with the county's history it is still proper to briefly mention the various patents, since they arc important features Digitized by Microsoft® LAND PATENTS. 59 in early progress. This task, however, is difficult, owing to the confused condition of the records, but an effort will be made to locate the tracts by town or county boundaries. The Kayaderosseras Patent ' was granted to Naning Heermanse and twelve others, November 2, 1708. Its extent was originally about 700,000 acres, and included lands now in the towns of Amsterdam and Perth. This was the first royal patent that embraced lands in what is now Fulton county. The celebrated Stone Arabia Patent, granted to John Christian Gar- lack and twenty-six associates, October 19, 1723, and in extent 12,700 acres, was situated in what afterward became Johnstown. Butler's Patent was granted to Walter Butler and three other pro- prietors, December 31, 173S, embracing 4,000 acres of land, situated in what are now the towns of Johnstown and Mohawk. The Mase Patent was issued to Jacob Mase and two Bleeckers, Oc- tober 17, 1 74 1, granting 6,000 acres of land in what is now the town of Northampton; a part of the so-called " Northampton Patent." The Sacandaga Patent was granted to Landert Gansevoort and oth- ers, December 2, 1741, including 28,000 acres of land situated in the towns of Johnstown, Perth, Mayfield and Broadalbin. This patent cov- ered the southeast portion of Johnstown and Mayfield, the southern part of Broadalbin, and the western and the northern portion of Perth. It was one of the largest patents of land in Fulton county. The Holland Patent was granted to Henry Holland, July 16, 1742, and included 1,250 acres of land in the eastern part of the present town of Northampton. The Schuyler Patent was granted to Cornelius Schuyler, July 16, 1742, covering 1,300 acres of land in Northampton ; a part of the so-called Northampton Patent. The Stephens Patent, bearing the same date with the last mentioned^ was granted to Arent Stephens and included 1,200 acres of land in Northampton. The Collins Tract was patented to Edward Collins, July 16, 1742,. and covered 1,250 acres in Northampton. ' A later chapter will refer to a disturbance among the Indians, growing out o£ frauds practiced, in obtaining their title to the lands of this patent. Digitized by Microsoft® 6o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The four last mentioned patents — Holland, Schuyler, Stephens and Collins — were granted at the same time. They covered lands of the so-called Northampton Patent, and embraced 4,900 acres in the ag- gregate. The Kingsborough Patent was one of the most important, from a historical point of view, of all the patents in Fulton county, and its his- tory will be found in one of the later chapters of this work. It was granted to Arent Stephens (or Stevens), June 23, 1753, and included 20,000 acres in the towns of Ephratah, Johnstown and Mayfield. The Klock Patent was issued to George Klock and fourteen others, December 21, 1754, and included i6,000 acres of land in the towns of Oppenheim and Ephratah ; the southern portion of each town. The Livingston Patent for lands in Fulton and Saratoga counties to Philip Livingston and nineteen associates, was issued November 8, 1760, and included lands to the extent of 4,000 acres. The Lott Patent was granted to Abraham Lott and nineteen asso- ciates, September 16, 1761, and embraced 20,000 acres of land in the town's of Oppenheim, Ephratah and Stratford. Magin's Patent was issued to Sarah Magin and others, March 31, 1 761, and included 26,000 acres of land in Oppenheim and Ephratah, being located about the center of the towns, and joining on the south the Lott patent or purchase. The Claus Patent was granted to Daniel Claus, son-in law of Sir William Johnson, September 29, 1770, and embraced within its bounds 3,000 acres of land in the present town of Mayfield. The Glen Patents (and there were a number of them) were the prop- erty of John Glen, jr. They are supposed to have been granted August 24, 1770, and embraced Fulton county lands in the towns of Stratford, Caroga, Bleecker and Broadalbin, while they also extended into what is now Saratoga county, being in the aggregate nearly 50,000 acres. McLeod's Patent, granted to Norman McLeod September 29, 1770, included 3,000 acres in the eastern part of Mayfield and the southwest part of Northampton. The Mayfield Patent was granted to Francis Beard and thirteen asso- ciates June 27. 1770, and included 14,000 acres in the present towns of Caroga, Bleecker and Mayfield. Digitized by Microsoft® Sm WILLIAM JOHNSON.. 6i The Robert's Patent, of which Benjamin Roberts was proprietor, was granted September 20, 1770, and included 2,000 acres in Mayfield and Northampton adjoining on the east the McLeod tract. The Van Rensselaer Patent, granted to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Oc- tober 4, 1744, embraced 28,964 acres of land, most of which is sup- posed to have been situated in Northampton. Besides the specific and definite grants mentioned, there were numer- ous others of varied extent, which cannot be defined with accuracy. Among these may be mentioned the Bergen purchase, comprising thir- teen lots in Fulton and Hamilton counties; the Haring Patent, in the central part of Broadalbin, but there appears no record of their extent or date of record; the Stringer Patent or purchase, covering 1,350 acres in the town of Broadalbin, was granted November 26, 1785, to Samuel Stringer, under the authority of the state of New York. In this respect the Stringer Patent differed from all others named in this •chapter, as each of the number was granted during the British dominion. The Stringer Patent therefore has the distinction of being the first granted by the sovereign state of New York. CHAPTER VIII. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, BARONET — A CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THE FOUNDER OF JOHNSTOWN. HAVING made frequent reference to that remarkable man known first as William Johnson, land agent ; then as Colonel Johnson ; later as General Johnson, and finally as Sir William, we now propose a brief review of the leading events of his life, though we shall hardly ex- pect to do justice to the most eminent character in the civil and mili- tary record of the province of New York. Sir William will also come under our notice when treating of the history of Johnstown, and hence we shall here be limited to a mere outline of his illustrious career, our information being drawn from the most reliable authority. Digitized by Microsoft® 62 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. William Johnson, the son of Christopher and Anne (Warren) John- son, was born in County Down, Ireland, in the year 1715. His uncle. Sir Peter Warren, had married an American woman, and became pos- sessed of an extensive tract of land in the Mohawk valley. It contained 14,000 acres (originally granted in 1735 to Charles Williams), and located between the Mohawk and Schoharie rivers, in what is now the town of Florida, Montgomery county. In 1738 William Johnson came hither to serve as superintendent of this estate, whose development was of great importance to its proprietor, since the purchase was a specula- tion from which he had great hope of financial profit. With this view young Johnson, under the direction of his uncle, cleared part of the land, putting it under cultivation, and also surveyed the entire tract, dividing it in a manner that would attract settlers of limited means. An important feature in this work was the erection of a mill. He also established himself in trade, a store being necessary to public conven- ience, and thus extended every inducement that could assist the new settlement. Later on, in view of the hostility between the British and French, and as well between the Iroquois Indians and their savage enemies in Canada, he erected a fortress which was called " Fort John- son," on whose site Fort Hunter was afterward built. This was his home for several years, and from this point all his business operations were extended ; but while doing full justice to his patron he omitted no opportunity to advance his personal interests, and early won that repu- tation for fair dealing which was always so prominent a feature in his character. Such a life could not but render the young land agent familiar with the Indians. He adapted himself to their habits and language, and had their confidence and enduring friendship. His intercourse with the Mo- hawks rendered him popular with the entire Six Nations, who thence- forth regarded him as their friend and protector. As a result he had no difficulty in acquiring Indian titles to such land as he desired, and he was also serviceable to his friends in procuring similar favors. To such a degree was this acquisition extended that at the time of his death he was the owner of various tracts in the country of the Mohawks, and also in other western nations of the confederacy, to the enormous extent of more than 173,000 acres. Digitized by Microsoft® S/Ji WILLIAM JOHNSON. 67, The young land agent, like most adventurers, was unmarried, but he soon employed a housekeeper, a comely German girl, named Catherine Wisenberg, whom he afterward married.^ She became the mother of three children, one son (John) and two daughters, one of whom became the wife of his nephew, Col. Guy Johnson, and the other the wife of Col. Daniel Claus. After the death of his wife, the precise date of which is unknown, Johnson, who had then become colonel, took as housekeeper Molly Brant, sister of Joseph Brant, the famous Mohawk chief She bore him eight children, each of whom was abundantly pro- vided for in the baronet's will ; but as his entire estate was afterward confiscated and sold, none of his heirs ever possessed their inheritance. It was not until George Clinton ^ became the governor of the province of New York that this " Mr. Johnson " became at all prominent in pub- lic affairs. He had been previously occupied with the details of busi- ness, but with Governor Clinton he seems to have formed an intimate friendship. About this time (1742) he moved from the Warren tract to the north side of the Mohawk river, locating at a place named by him " Mount Johnson," where he erected a substantial stone mansion, now owned and occupied by Ethan Akin. In 1745 Johnson was ap- pointed one of the justices of the peace of Albany county, an appoint- ment which was the recognition of services among the Indians, holding the latter firm in their allegiance, and thus counteracting their prefer- ence of the French standard, a natural result of the Jesuit influence. So highly appreciated, indeed, were these services that in 1746 he was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs in the entire province, a duty which extended through a vast territory. He had, however, be- come so well known to all the Iroquois that he had their confidence and was really the object of their admiration, a natural result of his uniform honesty as well as decision of character. Such indeed was his popularity that the Mohawks adopted him into their nation, making him a chief with the title Warre-haha. Four years later (1750) opposi- tion was created against Colonel Johnson. He was falsely accused of ' This marriage ceremony was performed by Mr. Barkley, the Episcopal minister residing at Port Hunter, where he officiated in the stone church built by direction of Queen Anne for the Mohawk Indians— Ka/M. 2 This Governor Clinton was not the George Clinton who becrme our Governor during the revo- lution, and the similarity of name therefore requires explanation. Digitized by Microsoft® 64 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNT'S. using his influence for selfish ends, and while this charge was never sustained, it so embarrassed him that he resigned the superintendency of Indian affairs ; nor would he again accept the office when subse- quently requested to resume its duties, until he yielded to Braddock's solicitation. The title of " Colonel Johnson "^ first appears in 1746 in the corres- pondence which he held with Governor Clinton, and soon afterward he was ordered to organize the militia for frontier defense. In obedience to this commission he formed the Germans and other settlers into militia companies; and thus the former land agent, now known as " Colonel Johnson," having this force under his command, together with his Indian allies, established a formidable barrier against the so dreaded French invasions. In 1750 Colonel Johnson received a still higher honor, being appointed a member of the governor's council, a body whose decisions controlled the highest public interests. His opinions in its deliberations had a peculiar value because of his familiarity with Indian affairs, and here he proved eminently useful. As an acknowledgment of the services, and also as a compensation for advances and expenditures made for the public benefit among the Indians, Colonel Johnson was voted by the council a belt of land two miles in width surrounding Onondaga lake, and including, of course, the site of Syracuse, whose salt springs had even then attracted attention. We now reach that interval of almost peaceful nature which preceded the last struggle between the French and the British, and Colonel Johnson improved this opportunity to advance the welfare of his estates, which were rapidly increasing in extent as well as value ; but he also found time to elevate the condition of those around him, and especially to promote the civilization and education of his Indian dependencies. He became a patron of the mission schools and placed Joseph Brant, then one of the most promising Mohawk youth, at the Indian school in Lebanon, Conn. His prominence in public affairs, however, continued, for he, like all others of prophetic ken, foresaw the approaching crisis. Jealousy is the inevitable penalty of public service, and the commis- sioners of Indian affairs were envious of his influence among the Iro- ' Johnson's Indian name is differently given in a preceding chapter. Digitized by Microsoft® SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. 65 quois. The Indians, too, became discontented and inclined to rebel against the power that restrained them ; they called loudly for the re- instatement of their old superintendent, and King Hendrick and his brother Abraham were clamorous in this respect. In obedience to this request Johnson about this time submitted a report to the governor on the government of the Six Nations, with suggestions for observance. He also placed the militia of the province in condition for active ser- vice. In 1755 the final conflict for supremacy in America was begun be- tween England and France ; and immediately we find Colonel Johnson foremost in every military expedition. How signally he distinguished himself when disaster came to the British arms in every other quarter, is brilliantly recorded on the page of history. On the earnest invita- tion of General Braddock, he attended the military conference at Alex- andria, where he received command both of the provincial militia and the warriors of the Six Nations in the expedition against Crown Point, his rank being major-general. Braddock also induced Johnson to serve as superintendent of Indian affairs, with sole power and commissioning hrm to treat with the confederate nations in order to unite them in sup- port of British interests. This investment of authority was followed by a grand council at Mount Johnson, and the long sought alliance was accom- plished ; but when General Johnson marched for Lake George the jeal- ousy of Governor Shirley prompted him to use every means to discredit Johnson, and even to attempt to win from him the friendship of the Mohawks in order to rally them under his own standard. Having previously described the expedition against Crown Point, it is sufficient here to state that it was only through the timely arrival and persistent efforts of General Johnson that victory was secured. Early in the battle which decided the fate of war, he was wounded' and was obliged to retire from the field, but while succeeded by Gen- eral Lyman, he still in part directed the action — and yet notwithstand- ing its grand success, he incurred censure for neglecting to attack the the French fort at Crown Point, which some thought might have been captured easily, as the enemy was too severely beaten to make a suc- ' General Johnson was wounded in the hips, from which he was ever afterward a constant suf- ferer, and no doubt the injuries received in this campaign did much to shorten his life. 9 Digitized by Microsoft® 66 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. cessful defence. Instead of doing this Johnson erected Fort William Henry at the head of Lake George, but whatever may have been the truth of the above mentioned censure, it is evident that the public was in approval of Johnson's conduct, and congratulations were freely be- stowed both by the province and the crown. The former tendered him an ovation and public reception in New York city, while the latter made him a baronet, and he was thenceforth known as " Sir William." Parliament also voted him thanks for his victory, and a more substan- tial reward was added in the handsome gift of five thousand pounds. These gratuities were followed by a commission as "Colonial Agent, and sole Superintendent of all the affairs of the Six Nations and other Northern Indians." The last mentioned appointment was the source of much gratification to all the Indians and especially to the Mohawks. About this time, 1756, the Pennsylvania Indians became hostile to the colonists, and the superintendent was called upon to prevent violence. Several confer- ences were held, and though serious trouble was threatened, it was averted by this timely intervention. Sir William now sufTered much from his wound, and this increased the burden of public affairs, but when he was called upon to support Webb at German Flats he responded promptly and witnessed the dis- tress of that cowardly officer on learning of the fall of Oswego. The next year he joined the army under Abercrombie, having in his com- mand the organized militia of the Mohawk valley, and also his faithful Indian allies, but the inefficiency of the commander-in-chief prevented his engaging the enemy — a service which he had earnestly requested. Disaster at this time attended public affairs, and in addition to those which befell the army in the Champlain valley,. came the destruction of Palatine village, occurring at a time when Sir William was confined to his bed by sickness. As soon, however, as returning health permitted he reorganized his militia for active service and marched to the scene of conflict. An army was sent against Fort Niagara in 1759, under command of Prideaux, but as he was slain at an early time in the siege, Sir William succeeded him, and having defeated the attempt to relieve the beleagured garrison, he eventually secured a signal victory. This campaign being Digitized by Microsoft® S/J? WILLIAM yOHNSON. 67 ended he returned to Fort Johnson , and it may be added that the vic- tories which marked this year really brought the French dominion in America to a close, though three years elapsed before tlie terms of peace were specified by treaty. This pacific interval enabled Sir William to attend to his personal affairs, which had suffered much for want of care. As has been mentioned, he had acquired large landed estates, having purchased from the original patentees many desirable tracts, among which was included what afterward became the township of Johnstown. Impressed with its eligibility, he founded a settlement on this spot, though a year or more elapsed before marked progress was made in colonization. This work was also retarded by the campaign of 1760, when he with his Mohawk warriors was summoned to the aid of General Amherst in his movement against the now weakened French positions in the Champlain valley. Serious Indian troubles also occurred next year in the northwest, and his presence as superintendent was required to pacify the savages and to secure an amicable settlement of difficulties. This duty required a journey to far distant Detroit, which Sir William, notwithstanding his infirmities, undertook and accomplished, being accompanied by his son John, and his nephew, Guy Johnson. On the return journey the baronet was again prostrated by illness and was obliged to remain several days at Niagara before he could resume his homeward route. Peace being now proclaimed, and the Indian troubles practically settled. Sir William once more devoted himself to his personal interests In 1762 he induced one hundred families to move into his settlement where now stands the village of Johnstown; and, as an additional bounty, he gave the Lutherans and Presbyterians each fifty acres of land as a glebe for pastoral support. Previously to this he had erected a summer resi- dence on the northwestern border of the great vlaie, in the present town of Broadalbin, to which he gave the dignified name of Castle Cum- berland. He also built a lodge on the south bank of the Sacandaga, in what is now the town of Northampton, where he was accustomed to re- sort during the fishing season ; and the spot even to the present retains its early name, the " Fish House." Agriculture and stock raising also shared his attention, and to improve the breed of domestic animals he brought blooded sheep and horses into his settlement. Digitized by Microsoft® 68 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Public affairs, however, soon again required his attention, this being occasioned by a disaffection among the Indians in Pennsylvania, and grievances inflicted on the Mohawks, who justly complained that their lands had been withheld or invaded by the settlers. Such complaints were familiar to Sir William, who readily brought the troubles to a satis- factory close, and the Indians again learned that they had no wiser and firmer friend than the baronet. The treaty at Easton was made and confirmed, and Sir William returned to Mount Johnson, where soon afterward (1762) his daughter Nancy was married to Col. Daniel Claus, The remainder of the year was occupied by the baronet in preparing his timber and other material to be used in the construction of Johnson Hall, an elegant baronial mansion, completed in 1763, and thenceforth his dwelling until the close of his life. This building still stands within the limits of the village of Johnstown, and will be more particularly de- scribed in the history of that place. It may, however, be added inci- dentally that the settlers brought to this spot were chiefly Germans, while nearly four miles east he likewise settled a colony of Scotch High- landers, who were also his dependents and faithful followers. They occupied the region until the revolutionary war, and then, by reason of their allegiance to Sir John Johnson, many of them fled to their pro- tector and found refuge in Canada. But even within the quiet and retirement of Johnson Hall, surrounded by faithful friends and devoted servants. Sir William Johnson found no permanent peace from the cares of public life and service, for no sooner had he arranged for his own comfort than there came mutterings of an- other outbreak, followed soon afterward by open warfare against the rapidly advancing settlements of the English and American pioneers. Pontiac's war threatened not only the safety of the frontiers, but as well the interior settlements whose destruction was planned. The wrath of many western Indian tribes had become aroused and their emissaries visited the Six Nations, hoping that they also would be persuaded to take up the hatchet. The situation at once became alarming, and prompt and decisive action was required. Public peril thus called the baronet from his comfortable home. His energies were directed to the confed- erate nations, and as the result of his negotiations all the tribes promised friendship with the exception of the Senecas, who, after much persuasion. Digitized by Microsoft® SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. 69 agreed to neutrality. By this treaty, which was a renewed proof of the wonderful influence of the baronet, the frontier and also the colonies of New York and New England were well protected, inasmuch as be- tween them and the exasperated savages lay the country of the Iro- quois — a secure barrier which no foe dare pass. Other measures for defence were also prosecuted, for Sir William did not depend upon the red man's promise, unsupported by his own efforts. The militia were stationed at convenient points, ready for action if required. Pontiac's In- dians required vigilant watching since they bore a special hatred against Sir William, chiefly because of his influence over the Iroquois, and hence they determined upon his destruction. The baronet, however, became aware of their murderous purpose and therefore armed his tenantry and surrounded Johnson Hall with a strong stockade. His greatest safety, however, lay in the protection freely offered by his faithful Mohawk warriors, and fortunately, during Pontiac's war, the New York settle- ments were unmolested. For two years next preceding the close of the year 1765 there was continual commotion among the Indians of the western frontier, and the baronet found his whole energies required in either fitting out ex- peditions to repel invasions and punish outrages or in negotiating peace treaties. In 1764 he held a grand council at Niagara, whose most im- portant result was the Senecas ceding to the British government a tract four miles wide on each side of the Niagara River, and extending from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie. They additionally granted to the baronet all the islands in the same river, which he, in turn, ceded to the crown. At the same time Sir William was greatly disturbed by events other than those relating to Indian affairs. The patentees who had purchased lands of the crown on the promise to satisfy the Indian titles had been guilty of many unjust dealings, and had succeeded in trapping the un- tutored natives into land conveyances without adequate compensation. The owners sought to occupy and settle under these patents, and their dishonesty became known to the Mohawks, who, finding themselves thus defrauded, became deeply indignant. A similar animosity spread throughout the Six Nations, and renewed disaster was threatened. The chief cause of this wide spread discontent was created by the granting of the patent of Kayaderosseras, an act permitted by the crown Digitized by Microsoft® 7° HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and sanctioned by the provincial government. Its proprietors repre- sented to the Indians that the land sought to be obtained by them would include in extent only enough to make a small farm, and they released for a nominal consideration ; in fact the patent included the great amount of about 700,000 acres, and the fraud was not discovered until the deed of cession had been made. Parts of Montgomery and Fulton counties were included by the patent, as will be seen by reference to the previous chapter. Through the efforts of Sir William the Mohawks were restored to a part of their lands, and so far as possible he rectified the great wrong which they had suffered ; but in this attempt he was opposed by powerful political influences exerted by the proprietors, and no small amount of both time and effort was required to accomplish the much desired result. The adverse influences which constantly beset the baronet in the prov- ince operated in other modes of injury. He had earnestly espoused the cause of the Indians, being indeed their official protector, therefore re- ports of his impending removal were circulated. The unscrupulous pro- prietors justly considered him an obstacle in the way of their nefarious designs. That hoped for removal, however, was never accomplished ; on the contrary Sir William's influence increased, and he was soon grati- fied by the news that his son John, who was then in England, had been knighted by the king. This was conclusive proof of the royal confidence in the baronet's ability and integrity. During the same year (1766) Sir William built a grist-mill for the benefit of his tenants; gave personal attention to the erection of an Episcopal church at Schenectady; fitted up at his own expense a Masonic lodge room at Johnson Hall, and built commodious stone dwellings for his sons-in-law, Guy Johnson and Daniel Claus, to each of which he added the gift of a square mile of land. The mansion and estate of Guy Johnson is now included in the suburbs of Amsterdam, and has long been known as "Guy Park" ; that of Colonel Claus was located about midway from Mount Johnson to the Park. Sir John, who at first lived with his father, soon left Johnson Hall and having married Miss Mary Watts, of New York city, on June 29, 1773, they began housekeeping at Mount Johnson. The restoration of peace again enabled the baronet to give attention to his much neglected business affairs. He devoted himself to the de- Digitized by Microsoft® SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. 71 velopmcnt of the estate at the Hall, and also to the improvement of his tenantry, while the educational and spiritual welfare of his Mohawk de- pendents had a full share in his efforts. Some indeed of those once savage warriors had become thrifty and successful farmers, and Sir Will- iam gave them every possible encouragement. He also built a church at Canajoharic for their use and supplied their school with a teacher. It was at this time of usefulness that the king, in recognition of his emi- nent service, granted to him the immense tract called the " Royal Grant," lying between East and West Canada creeks. Its extent was 69,000 acres, and it included the site of Little Falls and part of the village of Her- kimer. In 1 77 1 Johnstown had become a thriving and prosperous business center, and all through the Mohawk valley settlements were increasing with marked improvement in agriculture. Johnstown soon required new streets, for during the year 1770, eighty families had come there to live. Lumber for building was supplied from the baronet's mill, and other necessaries were furnished through his bounty. In March, 1771, he built St. John's church, commonly called the " Stone Church," and in the same month advertised in the New York papers for a teacher for the free school which he had established. Notwithstanding, however, the apparent peace and prosperity that prevailed on every hand, the baronet was seriously troubled both in body and mind. He was afflicted by a serious malady and every remedy failed to restore health. In addition to personal ailment was that ■dark cloud which he saw gathering in the political horizon. He well knew its cause, and evidently forecast the inevitable result. The mother country had burdened the colonies with oppressive measures which taxed both their means and patience beyond endurance. Long years of experience in public life had made Sir William conversant with the needs as well as the capacity of the country, and also with the temper- ament of the people. He beheld the public grievances, yet was power- less to remove the burden. A servant of the crown, as well as its bene- ficiary, he was a sad and silent observer of all that occurred, and his unerring judgment told him at once that a rupture with Great Britain was inevitable. He did not, however, live to participate in the conflict that followed these premonitory signs and which ended in national inde- pendence and the creation of the republic of the United States. Digitized by Microsoft® 72 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Previous to this important event, Sir William became an active factor in the organization of two new counties, being in this movement the counselor of Governor Tryon, then chief executive of the province. The plan and petition for dividing Albany county was first suggested in 1769, but the bill for that purpose was opposed and defeated. In 1772 another petition was sent to the legislature by Sir William, and after a brief delay he was gratified to learn that the bill had become a law. This subject will be more fully discussed in one of the later chapters of this work, and yet a brief allusion to it at the present time is appro- priate. The original county of Albany was created in 1683 and was con- firmed in 1691, but its jurisdiction then included the entire province of New York, together with that disputed territory then called the " New Hampshire Grants," but now part of Vermont. The bill which was passed in 1772 divided Albany county and created three counties — Albany, Tryon and Charlotte. Tryon included all that part of the province west of the Delaware river, and a line extending thence north through what is now Schoharie county, and along the east line of Mont- gomery, Fulton and Hamilton counties, and continuing in a straight line to Canada. Charlotte county included the New Hampshire grants north of the north lines of the towns of Arlington and Sunderland in Vermont, and a continuation of that line west to the Tryon county line. The remainder of New York, with part of Vermont, constituted Albany county. Sir William lived to see this organization completed. In fact he was not only one of its originators but designated its temporary officers, nominated those who were elected by the people and controlled its af- fairs during his lifetime. Johnstown was designated the county seat. The court-house and jail were built the same year, the first term of court being held in September. The baronet also, at the suggestion of the governor, divided the new county into provisional districts, or townships as they would now be called. During 1772 Governor Tryon, accompanied by his wife, visited Sir William's palatial home, the ostensible object being to hold a council with the Mohawks, but in reality it was to learn what might be the most desirable lands in that region, for the worthy governor had a desire to Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® SIJi WILLIAM JOHNSON. 73 speculate. During his stay, however, he reviewed the various regi- ments of troops under Sir William's command — three in number, one being composed of residents of Johnstown and its vicinity. In recog- nition of Sir William's services in organizing so eft'ective a body of mi- litia, Governor Tryon soon honored him with a commission as major- general of the northern department, a position he held during the remainder of his life. From this time until 1774 we have a quiet interval, but in the last mentioned year Indian troubles again demanded the attention of the superintendent, arising from a revolt in Pennsylvania, which seriously threatened the peace of the Six Nations. Johnson, although unfitted for such duty by reason of illness, consented to hold a council at the Hall. Six hundred of the confederates were present, and the baronet addressed the chiefs and sachems for two hours, all the time being ex- posed to the burning heat of a July sun. The exertion required by such an effort produced a fit, from which he died the next day — July II, 1774. "His funeral," says a reliable authority, "was the most solemn demonstration the colonies up to that time had ever witnessed. The clergyman in attendance was Rev. Mr. Stewart, missionary at Fort Hunter, and the funeral procession numbered more than two thousand, including colonial dignitaries and Indians, who were bereaved of a life- loner friend. He was buried in a vault erected beneath the floor of St. John's church for the family, but he was the only one of the number who ever occupied it " Sir William, six months before his death, had prepared a will dis- posing of his property and estate, by which he made abundant provis- ions for the children born to him by Catharine Wisenberg and Molly Brant, and also to other beneficiaries, but his principal devisee was his son. Sir John, who inherited the estate at Johnstown with other vast tracts of land, and to whom also descended the influence and power exercised by the baronet over the Six Nations One especial injunction in Sir William's will clearly indicated the true character of the testator ; it really revealed his heart : " I do earnestly recommend to my son to show lenity to such of the tenants as are poor ; an upright conduct with all mankind, which will on reflection afford more satisfaction to a noble and generous mind than the greatest opulence." But the will of the 10 Digitized by Microsoft® 74 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. baronet, although elaborately prepared and legally signed and witnessed, was never executed. Had Sir William lived it is confidently believed he would have es- poused the cause of the colonies against the mother country, in which event one of the most magnificent estates in the country would have been confirmed to him ; but his successors, and particularly his son. Sir John, allied themselves to the British, and as a result the estate was confiscated and sold for the public benefit. While Sir John Johnson succeeded to the baronial estate of his father, and also as far as possible to his influence among the Indians, the office of superintendent of Indian affairs was committed to Col. Guy Johnson, assisted by Col. Daniel Claus, the latter having previously been deputy superintendent. CHAPTER IX. Situation in Tryon County from the Close of tlie French War to the Revolution — British Oppression Causes Discontent — The Stamp Act — Duties Levied on other Com- modities — The Boston Tea Party — First Congress at Philadelphia — Nevs^ York Opposes the Action of Congress — Districts of Tryon County — Gruy Johnson Disperses the Meeting at Caughnav^aga — Attack upon Jacob Sammons-- Action of Loyalists — G-uy Park Fortified — General Meeting of the Tryon County Committee — Its Object — Guy Johnson Departs for Canada — Conduct of Sir John — He Fortifies the Hall and Arms the Highlanders — His Arrest, Parole and Flight to Canada— The Estate Confiscat- ed — Character and Duties of the Committees of Safety. r^'HE years immediately preceding the revolution were filled with important events connected with the history of old Tryon county, in no part of which was there a greater diversity of sentiment than in that which afterwards became Fulton county, for which reason the present chapter must be general rather than local in its character. The political situation in Tryon county during the revolution and for some years previous was at once novel and interesting, since it included influences politically antagonistic, while socially there was no Jinimosity among the pioneers, and good will and friendship prevailed on every hand. Digitized by Microsoft® ENGLISH OPPRESSION OF THE COLONIES. 75 The settlements founded by the direct influence of Sir William in the Mohawk valley, and even extending northward to the spurs of the Adirondacks, were entirely under his control durmg his life and their militia was under his orders ; his death, however, and the succession of his son (so far as it was possible for the latter to succeed him) caused a marked change in political events, one indeed which created not only a division of sentiment but in many instances the rupture of friendship. Had Sir William lived a few years longer his love of America might have led him to espouse her cause, and many think his policy indicated such a purpose, but Sir John and his brothers-in-law, Guy Johnson and Daniel Claus, were creatures of the king, having no sentiment in common with the people. Continuing this inquiry into the condition of public matters we are led to examine the prevailing causes of the above mentioned division, both in sentiment and action, and it also occasions a review of those events which precipitated the war. A careful examination of the Mohawk valley at the time referred to leads to the conviction that the patriots were strongly in the majority. The taxation to which the colonies were subjected by the mother country really began almost as far back as the time of the overthrow of the- Dutch power in America, for it seems to have been the king's determination to make them self- supporting, which was more than their due share toward national greatness. The burden of debt was then very heavy on Great Britian, but it was chiefly created by the wars in which she engaged on her own side of the Atlantic. Thatportion, however, incurred by the wars on this continent she proposed to be paid by the colonies, notwithstanding the great increase of her domain through those wars. The time, however, arrived when tame submission to such measures could no longer be endured. The colonists themselves were heavily burdened with the expenses of the late French war, which resulted so favorably to England, yet almost before the smoke of the battles had cleared away, the ministry began devising plans to tax them without asking their consent. In 1764 a proposition was submitted to the House of Commons for raising revenue in the colonies by the sale of stamps, and a bill to that effect was passed in March, 1765. It was bitterly denounced by the colonies, especially in New York, and the " Sons of Liberty " were organized in opposition Digitized by Microsoft® 7 6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. to the obnoxious law. This organization was closely watched by Sir William, who, as he could not but be conscious of the rectitude of their motives, made no public opposition. So great, indeed, was the popular indignation that parliament finally repealed the act, but this was done more to satisfy English tradesmen than to relieve a distressed people ; and in its place were enacted other oppressive laws, one of which required the province to pay for support- ing the British soldiery in New York city. The colonial assembly refused to comply with the demand, and parliament in retaliation annulled its legislative powers. In 1767 a bill was passed by parliament imposing a duty on tea, glass, lead, paper and painters' colors imported by the colonies This re- newed the oppositions, and in the following year the Massachusetts assembly addressed a circular letter to the sister colonies soliciting their assistance in defending the common liberties; more retaliation followed, for the ministry was so wrathful that a letter was sent to each of the colonial governors forbidding the assemblies to correspond with Massa- chusetts. This mandate, however, was ignored and the New York assembly accompanied its disobedience with declarations of inherent rights, together with denunciations of parliament, and the people sus- tained their representatives and returned most of them to the new assembly of 1769. In 1770 Lord Dunmore succeeded Colden as governor and brought with him royal approval of the act authorizing the issue of colonial bills of credit. The duties had, meanwhile, been removed from all articles except tea, and colonial affairs for a time moved more smoothly, but on July 18, 1771, William Tryon became governor, and soon afterward the old difficulties were again renewed. The East India Company, conscious of the injustice in placing a duty on tea, tried to have the latter removed, but in vain, for the ministry still adhered to its boasted right to tax the colonies. This was soon followed by the destruction of a cargo of tea sent to Boston, a thrilling event which has ever been known in history as the " Boston Tea Party." The ministry, whose rage was still more excited by this bold defiance, again retaliated by closing the port of Boston against all commerce — an outrage which awoke national indignation. Public meetings were held for the consid- Digitized by Microsoft® SIR yoHN yoHNSOJsrs schemes. 77 eration of common grievances, and among the plans suggested for mutual protection was the assembhng of a colonial congress. The " Continental Congress " (as it has ever been termed) was held at Philadelphia in September, 1774, and having adopted a declaration of rights, it added a petition to the king and an appeal to the people of Great Britain and Canada. The New York assembly was the only one that did not sanction these proceedings; instead of which it addressed a remonstrance to parliament, which was, of course, treated with dis- dain.i Let us now return to the county of Tryon and mark how these measures affected the people, and how they co operated for the com- mon weal. Let us also remember that Tryon county was then a new <;reation, named in honor of the governor, but young as it was it dis- played a full degree of power. The enormous extent of the county led to its division into five districts, the first, beginning at the east, was the Mohawk district, and embraced Fort Hunter, Caughnawaga, Johnstown and Kingsboro ; next was Canajoharie district, embracing the present town of that name, with all the country south, including Cherry Valley and Harpersfield ; third was Palatine district, north of the river, and in- cluding the settlement known by the same name, together with Stone Arabia, and its immediate precinct ; fourth was German Flats and Kingsland with other western settlements. It will be seen from this settlement that the Mohawk district included the territory of the present Fulton county. A large portion of the people were zealous and earnest in the cause of the colonists, and were open in their approval of the proceedings of the continental congress, but on the other hand, this district contained Sir John Johnson, who, having succeeded to his father's military title (though never to his popularity and influence), warmly supported the British side of the con- troversy. In carrying out this policy Sir John was seconded by Guy Johnson and Daniel Claus, whose efforts were directed to the complete alienation of the Indians from the Whig colonists, and also to awing into submission all of the settlers that might yield to their influence. This ' On the 12th of January, 1775, at a cabinet council, it was declared that there was nothing in the proceedings of Congress that afforded any basis for an honorable reconciliation. It was therefore resolved to break off all commerce with the Americans ; to protect the loyalists in the colonies and to declare all others to be traitors and Tebs\%.—Lossmg. Digitized by Microsoft® 78 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. attempt, however, did not succeed to any considerable extent, though the immediate dependents and tenants on the Johnson estate were kept in subjection. The Mohawks of course were friendly to the crown, for they loved too well the father to oppose his son. Prominent among them were the notorious leaders, John and Walter Butler, and also the chief, Joseph Brant, all of whom became infamous from their bloody deeds during the revolution, and yet their pillage and slaughter was generally ascribed to the instigation of the Johnsons. Sir John and his fellow loyalists did not limit their schemes to Tryon county ; they sent emissaries to the Six Nations and all other Indians within their reach, the object being to induce them to take up the hatchet against the Americans. In this effort they were too successful, for all except the Oneidas and a few other friendly Indians joined the British. The tory sentiment, however, that was so general in the Mohawk district did not prevail throughout the county, and this was especially true of the Germans in the Palatine district, whose patriotic zeal corresponded with the worth of the cause, and whose example had an inspiring in- fluence throughout the entire region. They were proof against the machinations of the Johnsons and the still more seductive influence of British gold. One of the first mass-meetings of the Whigs in Tryon county was held at Caughnawaga, soon after the opening of congress, its purpose being to express public approval of the policy pursued by the colonies and to adopt such measures as might be required by the common weal. On this occasion the animosity of Sir John and his associates was fully manifested, for no sooner had the proceedings begun, than he appeared on the ground with Guy Johnson, Colonel Claus, Butler and a crowd of retainers, armed with swords and firearms. Guy Johnson acted as speaker for the tories. Mounting a high stoop, he addressed the throng (which included about 300 patriots) setting forth the power of the crown and the weakness of the colonies. In the course of his speech he so incensed Jacob Sammons, son of the pioneer Sampson Sammons, that the latter retorted with epithets of "liar and villain." Enraged at this response the tory colonel leaped down and struck the offender a blow which felled him to the ground. Recovering consciousness, young Sammons found one of Johnson's servants sitting astride his body, but Digitized by Microsoft® MUTTERINGS OF HOSTILITY. 79 the latter was quickly thrown off and the quarrel renewed. Jacob re- ceived further injuries, pistols were pointed at his breast, he was again knocked down, and finally was compelled to retire and departed for his father's house, the place being long known as Sammonsville. The foregoing incident correctly illustrates the feelings entertained by Sir John Johnson toward the people of the valley who differed with his opinions and interests ; and while his retainers in the Mohawk district numbered more than a thousand persons (including settlers and Indians), his influence never extended beyond them, nor were his views respected in such parts of the county as were less subject to his power. The proceedings of the Continental Congress held in Philadelphia in the spring of 1775 naturally surprised and even alarmed this boastful tory, and he determined to counteract their influence so far as possible, and at the same time to convince the crown of his unshaken allegiance. Accordingly, at a court held in Johnstown in the spring, " a declara- tion was drawn up and circulated by the loyalists of Tryon county, in which they avowed their opposition to the measures adopted by con- gress." Some debate and warm discussion followed this refractory measure, but the document was signed by most of the grand jury and nearly all the magistrates ; a very natural thing indeed, for the power of the county was fully controlled by the Johnson interest. The influence of the Johnsons, as has been mentioned, was chiefly limited to the Mohawk district; and no sooner had their conduct be- come known throughout the country than meetings were held in other localities, notably in the Palatine and Canajoharie districts, upon which occasions the recent outrages were condemned, and the people were urged to firmness in the cause of liberty The most alarming feature in the public situation was the fortification of Guy Park, whose proprietor had placed swivel guns on each side, and had furnished arms to the tenants and also to the neighboring Indians. More than this, he had stopped and searched two New Englanders, being suspicious that they were emissaries from Massachusetts to the Six Nations, whose purpose was to make them allies to the American cause. At this time the Johnson party was alarmed by the suspicion that a body of New Englanders was coming to effect their arrest, but however well founded their suspicion may have been, there was no such intention Digitized by Microsoft® 8o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. at that time on the part of the colonial authorities, and Guy Johnson's defence is believed to have been due to the fear that he might be at- tacked by the indignant people of the valley on account of his enmity against colonial liberty. It should be said, however, in justice to John- son, that he avowed that he was not so much in fear of the settlers in the valley as of assault from the New Englanders. This may be seen by an extract from one of his letters : " You have been misinformed as to the origin of the reports which obliged me to fortify my house, and stand on my defence. I had it from undoubted authority from Albany, and since confirmed by letters from one of the committee at Philadel- phia, that a large body of men were to make me a prisoner." On June 2, 1775, there was held a general meeting of the commit- tees of safety for the several districts of Tryon county, at which were present for the first time the Mohawk committee, they having heretofore restrained from taking part in such proceedings through fear of the Johnsons. The representatives present on this occasion were as fol- lows : From Palatine district — Christopher P. Yates, John Frey, An- drew Fink, Andrew Reeber, Peter Waggoner, Daniel McDougall, Jacob Clock, George Ecker, jr., Harmanus Van Slyck, Christopher W. Fox, Anthony Van Veghten ; Canajoharie district — Nicholas Herkimer, Ebenezer Fox, William Seeber, John Moore, Samuel Campbell, Samuel Clyde, Thomas Henry, John Pickard ; Kingsland and German Flats district — Edward Wall, William Petry, John Petry, Augustin Hess, Frederick Ovendorf, George Wentz, Michael Ittig, Frederick Fox George Herkimer, Duncan McDougall, Frederick Helmer, John Frick; Mohawk district — ^John Morlett, John Bliven, Abraham Van Home, Adam Fonda, Frederick Fisher, Sampson Sammons, William Schuyler, Volkert Veeder, James McMaster, Daniel Lane. The principal object of this gathering was to cement more strongly the friendship of the settlers, and to discuss the best means to be adopted for the general welfare. At the same time a committee was chosen to prepare and send to Col. Guy Johnson a letter, setting forth the sentiment of the people as declared, by the representatives, and re- questing that he, as superintendent of Indian affairs, should use his best efforts to dissuade the Indians from taking up arms against the settlers rumors being then in circulation that Johnson's retainers had been in- Digitized by Microsoft® ACTIVITY OF Sm JOHN JOHNSON. 8i stigating them to attack. In reply to this letter Colonel Johnson most emphatically denied the charge, and expressed a desire to promote peace between the Indians and the inhabitants. He also called a sec- ond council of the Indians in the western part of the county, and under pretense of then meeting them, moved his family from the " Park " to Crosby Manor, a little above German Flats. After remaining for a time in the upper part of the valley, he and his followers moved west- ward as far as Ontario, thence to Oswego, and eventually to Montreal, where he remained during the war, still acting as agent and superin- tendent, and whence, using British gold as a stimulating influence, he sent out parties of Indians to fall upon the settlements in their usual bloody and merciless manner. The people of the valley being aware of his departure, were both surprised and alarmed by the movement, but were powerless to prevent it, for they were comparatively unorgan- ized and were destitute of either arms or ammunition. In the party which accompanied Guy Johnson were John and Walter Butler and Joseph Brant, but the larger part of the loyalists remained behind, placing themselves under the protection of Sir John, whose house and surroundings became their principal place of rendezvous. Between this party and the committees of safety there occurred inces- sant contentions. Among the loyalists was Alexander White, sheriff of Tryon county, who had made himself peculiarly obnoxious to the com- mittees, and who was bitterly hated because of his prominence in the assault upon Jacob Sammons and in breaking up the meeting at Caugh- nawaga. The committee refused to recognize the authority of White as sheriff, and procured the election of John Frey in his stead. White left the county and went to Canada, but returning the next summer, he was arrested, though afterward released on parole. Between Col. Guy Johnson and Sir John, after the former had reached Canada, there was a continual correspondence, their letters being carried secretly by the Indians. Sir John was no less inimical than his brother-in-law, but to draw out clearly his sentiments and test his loy- alty, the general committee addressed him a letter requesting to know whether he would allow the inhabitants of "Johnstown and Kingsboro to form themselves into companies, according to the regulations of the Continental Congress, for the defense of our country's cause; and II Digitized by Microsoft® 82 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. whether your honor would be ready to give personal assistance to the same purpose ; also whether you pretend a prerogative to our county court-house and jail, and would hinder or interrupt the committee mak- ing use of the same to our want and service in the common cause." To this letter Sir John replied : "That as to embodying his tenants, he never did or should forbid them; but they (the committee) might save themselves further trouble, as he knew his tenants would never consent." Concerning his own intentions, he said that " sooner than lift his hand against the king, or sign any association articles, he would suf- fer his head to be cut off." From the tenor of this reply there could be no mistaking the senti- ments of the baronet. He claimed the ownership of the court-house and the jail until he should be reimbursed the sum of ;^700, and said that he would not deny the use of the latter for the purpose for which it was intended. In regard to Sir John's asserted ownership of the county buildings it may be stated that the commiittee of congress had informa- tion that Sir William soon after their erection conveyed the same to two persons in trust for the county. The committee advised, however, that in view of the bad consequenc.es that might follow if the buildings should be attempted to be used for confinement of the tories, the local committee should engage some other building for their purposes. Ac- cordingly a private house was secured in which several tories were con- fined, while others were sent to Albany and Hartford. During the winter of 1775-6, the people of the county were alarmed by the news that Sir John was making preparations to fortify Johnson Hall, and to arm his tenantry and concentrate his entire force in the vicinity ; and also that he was to garrison his forts with 300 well armed Indians. There was much truth in this rumor, as the baronet did con- struct two forts both of stone, for the defense of the hall. One of these is still standing, while the other one has been removed as it impaired the beauty and convenience of the mansion, which still stands, and as securely and substantially as when built, in 1763. A more complete description of the Hall and its surroundings will be found in the history of Johnstown. The conduct of Sir John in prosecuting warlike measures, together with his often repeated treasonable utterances, at last attracted the at- Digitized by Microsoft® FLIGH7 OF JOHNSON. 83 tention of the provincial authorities, and they decided to bring them to a close. For this purpose, in January, 1776, General Schuyler, accom- panied by General Ten Broeck and Colonel Varick, marched a military force into Tryon county, and at the same time General Herkimer called out the militia, and a combined demonstration was made, their rendez- vous being Major Fonda's, where Fonda now stands. Negotiations were held with Sir John, and continued two or three days, and the re- sult was that he disarmed his tenants and surrendered himself a prisoner. He was taken to Fishkill, but soon after released on parole. This pledge of honor, however, he violated, for in the following May he and his tenants left the Hall, proceeded stealthily by way of Sacandaga, and took up his abode in Montreal, whither Col. Guy Johnson had preceded him. During the war that followed, Sir John commanded a troop of his faithful servants and tenants, which was known as "Johnson's GM reens. The flight of the last of the Johnson family removed from Tryon county the most dangerous element against which the struggling colo- nists had to contend. Thenceforth, so far as local government was con- cerned, there was no dispute in old Tryon, for the whole people were united in the common cause; and if toryism occasionally manifested it- self it was quickly subdued and even followed by arrest. Sir John's servant concealed much of his plate and treasure, but afterward recov- ered it. The vast Johnson estates, however, were confiscated and sold, and the county thus relieved of the possibility of a "manorial tenure." Before concluding the present chapter it may be well to explain the necessity of appointing committees and also the method by which they were formed and the powers and the duties entrusted to them. Gover- nor Tryon, in whose honor the county was named, was not at all in sympathy with the feelings and actions of the American colonies, and this is the reason' why the New England colonies were so much more incensed at the conduct of the Johnsons than the New York authorities. In fact between the executive of this province and the Johnsons there was the greatest harmony of thought and sentiment ; both were the creations and the|]_creatures of the king, and their policy was in sub- servience to the royal command. It could not indeed be otherwise than that Tryon'should remain faithful to his sovereign, for his office was the Digitized by Microsoft® 84 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. direct gift of the crown, and all that the Johnsons possessed came from the same source. This allegiance to the king on the part of the governor and nearly all others in high office and influence in this province operated materially against the patriots, and forced them into such a position that thej' were compelled to act through a specially created and self-constituted body called the General Committee of Safety, which in turn reported to and received instructions from the continental congress. In each of the counties of this province the chief body was the Council of Safety, while in the several districts (towns or townships as now known) were more local organizations called the Committee of Safety. The principal duty of the latter was to learn the condition of the district ; to ascertain who were friendly to the crown, and to watch their movements ; also to learn whether the tory element was making any preparations for either aggres- sive or defensive operations, and the nature of such proceedings. In short the district committee was supposed to know whatever was tak- ing place in its territory, and to report the facts to the council of safety. Each of the districts had one of these committees. It was the meeting held at Caughnawaga under the direction of the Mohawk district com- mittee which was attacked and dispersed by the forces of Guy Johnson, of which mention has already been made in this chapter. Digitized by Microsoft® BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTION. 85 CHAPTER X. Beginning of the Revolution — The British Influence the Iroquois — Oneidas Remain Neutral — Organization of Militia in Tryon County — Sl Leger Invades the Mohawk Valley — The Battle of Oriskany aijd Fort Schuyler — The British Defeated — The First Pension — Indian Depredations in 1778- — Campaigns of Sullivan and Clmton in 1779 — Sir John Johnson Invades the Valley in 1780 — Visits Johnstown and Secures his Plate — Details of his Raid — Thrilling Narrative of ihe Capture and Escape of Jacob Sammons. THE flight of the last of the Johnsons from Tryon county restored partial tranquillity among its inhabitants, for while a few tories still remained, they were awed into silence by the determined action of the committees of safety. To such a class the loss of property was a far greater sacrifice than the surrender of their principles. In 1776 the war had become national instead of colonial, and on the 4th day of July independence was formally declared. The long period of seven years of hardship, suffering and conflict which had begun in the battle of Lexington in April, 1775, was closely followed by the dar- ing exploits of Allen and Arnold both at Ticonderoga and on Lake Champlain, but it was some time before old Tryon county was made the scene of war. All through the Mohawk valley the greatest fear of the people arose from the probability of an Indian invasion, instigated by the Johnsons, and hence all possible preparations were proposed, both to prevent a surprise and resist an attack. The policy of the Americans had been to secure simply the neutrality of the Indians, but their suc- cess was limited to the Oneidas, while the British made undisguised ef- forts to unite them in close alliance with the royal cause. One of their officers exclaimed : " We must let loose the savages upon the frontier of these scoundrels to inspire 'terror and make them submit." In the spring of 1777 Governor Tryon wrote to Germain that he was perfectly agreed as to the employment of Indians in the war. Brant, the great Mohawk chief, who had been taken to England (1775-76), was shown marked favor by the government, and was empowered to lead all who Digitized by Microsoft® 86 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. would follow him against the colonists. Lord Chatham, however, hurled his bitterest invective against this inhumanity, and when, in ITTT, it was advocated in parliament in words like these, " It is perfectly justifiable to use all the means that God and nature have put in our hands," he indignantly exclaimed, " I know not what idea that lord may entertain of God and nature, but I know that such abominable princi- ples are equally abhorrent to religion and humanity!" Chatham ap- pealed, however, in vain, and the secretary of war (Germain) gave special instructions " to employ Indians in fighting republicans." A council had already been held in Montreal by the chiefs and warriors of the Iroquois, the Johnsons, Butlers and Brant taking part. Here the savages swore fealty to the king, the first act in the long catalogue of slaughter and devastation that followed. For the emergency of war, during the early part of the summer of 1776, a company of rangers was formed among the people living in the Mohawk valley, and the command given to Capt. Robert McKean ; but as this force was ordered to another field, it became necessary to organ- ize another company, which was stationed in the valley under Captain Winn. In August Captain Getman's company of rangers was formed and officered as follows : Captain, Christian Getman ; lieutenants, Ja- cob Sammons and James Billington ; corporals, William Kind, John Hulsor, Leonhart Kratzer ; sergeants, John Smith, Nehemiah Williams, Richard Coppernall. The Tryon county committee had charge of the organization of its militia, which was divided into four battalions, and placed under the command of Gen. Nicholas Herkimer. The third battalion was organ- ized from the Mohawk district, and the following oflScers were elected : Frederick Fisher, colonel; Adam Fonda, Heutenant- colonel; John Bliven, major ; Robert Yates, adjutant. The organization of this military force was effected none too soon, and they were early called into service. Brant had appeared on the upper waters of the Susquehanna, and General Schuyler dispatched General Herkimer to communicate with him in order to learn his inten- tions, and if possible secure his promise of neutrality. In July General Herkimer with 380 of his militia began their march, but the conference yielded no substantial result, and as the season advanced the inhabi- Digitized by Microsoft® BATTLE OF ORISKANY. 87 tants of the Mohawk valley were thrown into a state of wild excitement by the news that a strong British force of regulars, tories and Indians was assembled at Oswego with purpose to attack Fort Schuyler, after whose capture they werelo march through the valley and co-operate with Burgoyne and his army, which was then overpowering everything in the Chaniplain valley. Unfortunately, however, the people of Tryon county were so disconcerted by this alarm that no united action was taken. Preparation for defense was neglected, and even General Herkimer and the committee of safety did not escape the cen- sure of the higher military authorities. The British force at Oswego comprised 400 regulars, 600 tories and 700 Indians, all commanded by General St. Leger with Sir John Johnson and Joseph Brant as allies, while the Americans under Herkimer num- bered about 800. The latter were assembled at the German Flats. Fort Schuyler, the object of British attack, was garrisoned by 750 men under Colonel Gansevoort, well supplied with ammunition except car- tridges for the artillery. The advance guard of the British reached the outskirts of the fort on August 2, and made immediate preparation for an attack. On the 4th General Herkimer advanced from German Flats and on the Sth encamped near Oriskany. From this point he sent for- ward Adam Helmer and two others to inform Colonel Gansevoort of his approach, it being understood that the arrival of these messengers was to be announced by the firing of three cannon in quick succession. In the mean time, however, St. Leger was apprised of the advance of Herkimer's miHtia, and on the morning of the 6th he dispatched Brant with a large body of Indians, also Major Watti with a detachment of Johnson's Greens, and Butler's rangers, to intercept them and thus pre- vent the relief of the garrison. General Herkimer waited long and pa- tiently for the expected signal, but unfortunately his subordinates in- terpreted his delay as evidence of cowardice, and even openly charged it upon him, until goaded on by the foul accusation, he ordered his im- patient men to advance. The enemy, practicing their favorite mode of warfare, lured the patriot force into ambush and opened a murderous fire, but Herkimer's men, though shockingly surprised, went into action with all the nerve that could have been expected of the Tryon county soldiery, and such bravery against fearful odds was seldom witnessed on Digitized by Microsoft® 88 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. any battlefield during the revolution. The militia indeed were now for the first time brought face to face with their most hated enemies (John- son and the tories) and they knew that they must conquer or shamefully perish, leaving their families the victims of outrage and death. The bat- tle of Oriskany finally ended in the dearly bought defeat of the British, while at Fort Schuyler St. Leger's force fared no better ; but the details of that action, however interesting, are not necessary to this work (as it was fought beyond the limits of the county of which we write) and are there- fore omitted. It may be added, however, that General Herkimer was seriously wounded, and yet bravely refused to leave the field. He sup- ported himself against a tree, seated on his saddle, and directed the action of his men until victory was secured. He was then carried to his dwell- ing where he died ten days afterward, death being the result of an unskill- ful amputation. The most important result of the victory at Oriskany was the fact that it prevented a union of St. Leger with Burgoyne. The British plan was that their three armies should fight their way to Albany — Burgoyne taking the Lake Champlain route in expectation that Lord Howe would come from New York (by the Hudson river) and thus co-operate ; St. Leger, on the other hand, was to devas- tate the Mohawk valley and then join his commander in the same manner. It was a grand military scheme, but like many others proved a failure, the first decisive blow being the defeat at Oris- kany, thus saving Fort Schuyler. Next in importance was General Stark's great victory over Colonel Baum and his Hessians at Benning- ton, on the i6th day of August. Each of these victories led to the final triumph, and the last scene in the bloody episode was Burgoyne's sur- render to General Gates at Stillwater on the 17th of the next October. The patriot force in the battle of Oriskany, as has been stated, was from Tryon county, but, unfortunately, no perfect roster of their names is in existence. They came frdm the various districts of the county, and the slaughter filled old Tryon with such grief that history was neglected in the general horror. A partial record, however, was preserved of the gallant band that fought in that fearful conflict, and we now add a copy in the hope that some of the citizens of Fulton county may here discover an ancestor or kinsman. They were patriotic heroes Digitized by Microsoft® Enc,'h),r G K'ir-non.'Ky Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® ROSTER OF THE ORISKANY FORCES. 89 of the highest rank and their names should be perpetuated in history. And this leads us again to express our regret at the loss of the roster. The following list, which is the best that can be given, contains the names of a large number of the force, also the place of residence, and also gives the killed, the wounded and those taken prisoners. The resi- dences are given in many instances in towns erected since that day but now used for convenience : The killed were as follows: — Brig.-General Nicholas Herkimer, Danube; Col. Ebenezer Cox, Minden ; PVederick Ayer, Schuyler; Nicholas Bell, Fall Hill; Joseph Bell, Fall Hill; Jacob Bowman, Cana- joharie; Maj. John Blevin, Florida; Samuel Billington, Palatine; Lieut- Col. Samuel Campbell, Cherry Valley ; Robert Crouse, Minden ; An- drew Cunningham, Amsterdam ; Lieut. Robert Campbell, Cherry Val- ley; Capt. Henry Dievendorf, Minden; Capt. Andrew Dillenbeck, Palatine ; Capt. John Davis, Mohawk ; Martines Davis, Mohawk ; Ben- jamin Davis, Mohawk; Capt. Thomas Davy, Springfield; John Dy- gert, Palatine; Maj. John Eisenlord, Palatine; Jacob Failing, Cana- joharie ; Lieut. Petrus Grant, Amsterdam ; Nicholas Gray, Palatine ; Capt. Frederick Helmer, German Flats; Lieut. Abel Hunt, Florida; Conrad Hawn, Herkimer; Hillcr, Fairfield; Jacob Klepsaddle, German Flats; Jacob Mover, Fairfield; Jacob Markell, Springfield; William Merckley, Palatine ; Isaac Paris, Palatine ; Peter Paris (son of Isaac), Palatine; Lieut. Dederick Petry, German Flats; Pet- tingall, Mohawk ; Martines Putman, Johnstown ; Cornelius Phillips,- Florida; John Petry, Herkimer; Lieut. Han Jost Petry, Herkimer; George Raysnor, Minden; Christian Sharrar, Herkimer; Shar- rar, Snyder's Bush ; Maj. William Seeber, Minden ; Capt. Jacob Seeber, Minden ; Adolph Seeber, Minden ; Henry Spencer, Joseph Snell, Jacob Snell, Frederick Snell, Sufferenus Snell, of Shell's Bush ; John Snell, John Snell, jr., Jacob Snell, of Stone Arabia; Maj. Harmanus Van Slyke, Palatine ; Peter Westerman, Minden ; John Wohlever, Lawrence Wrenkle, Fort Herkimer. Wounded : — Capt. John Bigbread, Palatine ; John Cook, Palatine ;. Peter Conover; Maj. John P. Frey, Palatine; Capt. Christopher W. Fox ; Conrad Folts, Herkimer ; Henry Failing, Canajoharie ; Capt. Jacob Gardner, Fultonville ; Samuel Gardner, Fultonville ; Philip -Nel- (2 Digitized by Microsoft® go HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. lis, Palatine ; Adam Price, Canajoharie ; Joseph Petry, Herkimer ; Capt. Nicholas Rechtor, Ephratah ; Jacob Radnour, Minden ; William Shafer ; Col. Frederick Visscher, Mohawk; Van Antwerp, supposed Glen; George Wagner ; George Walter, Palatine ; Henry Zimmerman, St. Johnsville. Taken Prisoners: — Lieut- Col. Frederick Bellinger, German Flats; Maj. Blauvelt, Mohawk; Peter Ehle; Francis Lighthall, P^phratah ; Garrit Walrath, Minden; Lieut. Henry Walrath, Herkimer; Henry Walrath, Herkimer; Surgeon Moses Younglove, Stone Arabia; Jacob Youker, Oppenheim. Engaged in the battle : — Abram Arnot, Minden ; Jacob Alter, Min- den ; Col. Peter Bellinger, German Flats; Capt. George H. Bell, Fall Hill ; Melchcrt Bauder, Palatine ; John R. Boyer, Snyder's Bush ; Adam Bellinger; John Bellinger; Billington, Palatine; Peter Bargy, Frankfort ; Adjt. Samuel Clyde, Cherry Valley ; Capt. Abram Copeman, Canajoharie; Isaac Conover; Jacob, John and Adam Cas- ler, Minden ; Richard Coppernoll, Schuyler ; William Cox, Minden ; George Crouse, Minden; Jacob Clemens, Schuyler; Jacob Collier, Florida; John Dievendorf, Minden; Peter Dygert, Palatine; Hans Peter Dunckel, Han Garrit Dunckel, Han Nicholas Dunckel, Minden; John Doxtader, German Flats; Capt. William Dygert, German Flats; Mcirx De Muth, Deerfield ; Capt. Immanuel De Grafif, Amsterdam ; Peter S. and George Dygert, German Flats ; Peter Dorn, Johnstown ; Jacob Empie, Palatine ; William Ehle, Palatine ; John Eysler, Snyder's Bush ; Capt. Christopher P. Fox, Peter Fox, Charles Fox, William Fox and Christopher Fox, Palatine ; Henry N. Failing, Canajoharie ; Valen- tine Fralick, Palatine ; Lieut. Col. Adam Fonda, Fonda ; Peter Goert- ner, Minden; Lieut. Samuel Gray, Herkimer; Capt. Graves, Capt. Lawrence Gros, Minden; Cyrus Gray, Florida; John Adam Helmer, German Flats ; Lieut. John Joseph House, Minden ; Christian Hufif- nail ; John Huyck, Palatine ; Marcus Hand, Florida ; William Hall, Glen; Maj. Enos Klepsaddle, German Flats ; Conrad and Peter Kilts, Palatine ; Andrew, Jacob and Solomon Keller ; Palatine ; Col. Jacob Klock, Palatine; Lieut. Peter Loucks, Palatine; George Lintner, Minden; Lighthall, Palatine ; Solomon Longshore, Canajoharie ; Henry Louns, Canajoharie; Col. Louis, a St. Regis Indian with Oneidas, he Digitized by Microsoft® ROSIER OF THE ORISKANY FORCES. 9. held a Lieutenant's commission, and was usually called Colonel ; Adam Miller, Glen; Jelles, John P. and Henry Miller, Minden ; David Mur- ray, Florida; Lieut. David McMastcr, Florida; Jacob Myers, German Flats; Joseph Myers, Herkimer: Conrad Moyers, Danube; Moyers, Moyers, (brothers); Christian and John D. Nellis, Pal- atine ; Peter Nestell, Palatine ; John and Garret Newkirk, Florida ; Dr. William Petry, German Flats; John Marks Petry, German Flats; En- sign Richard Putman, Johnstown ; Nicholas Pickard, Canajoharie ; Lieut. Abram D. Quackenbush, Glen; John Rother, Minden; Johannes Roof, Fort Stanwix ; John Roof; Marx Rasbach, Kingsland ; Ritter, Fairfield ; Ensign John Jost Scholl, Ephratah ; Peter Sitts, Pal- aline; Henry Staring, Schuyler; Thomas Shoemaker, Herkimer; Rudolph Siebert ; George Shults, Stone Arabia ; Henry Shaull, Her- kimer ; Shimmel, Herkimer; Henry Sanders, Minden; Suf- ferenus, James and John Seeber; Christian Schell, Schell's Bush; George Smith, Palatine ; Smith, father of Nicholas ; Lieut. Jer- emiah Swarts, Mohawk ; John G. Sillenbeck ; John Shults, Palatine; Peter Sommers ; Philip G. P. Stowits, Root ; Peter and George Snell, Stone Arabia; Adam Thum, St. Johnsville; Henry Thompson, Glen; Conrad Timmerman, St. Johnsville ; Nicholas Van Slyke, a fifer. Pala- tine ; Cornelius and Henry Van Home, Florida ; Van Slyke, Canajoharie; Lieut. -Col. Peter Wagner, Palatine ; Lieut. Peter Wag- ner, John Wagner, sons of Col. ; Jacob Wagner, Minden; John Wag- ner, Canajoharie ; Richard, Peter and Abram Wohlever ; Jacob Weaver, German Flats; Peter James Weaver, German Flats; Michael Widrick, Schuyler ; Jacob Walrath, Palatine ; Robert Yates, Root ; Nicholas Yer- don, Minden. Of the representatives of the Snell family who took part in the battle of Oriskany, Jeptha R. Simms in his Schoharie and Border Wars, says i " It has been said for many years that nine Snells went into the battle and that seven of that number remained there." Henry Staring was the ancestor of John H. Starin, whose magnificent summer residence and grand estate adorns the beautiful elevation just outside the limits of Fultonville. Lieut.-Col. Adam Fonda was ancestor of Henry Fonda, of Milton, Pa. Lack of space, however, forbids that extended family research which is connected with this famous battle. Digitized by Microsoft® 92 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. By reference to the above roll it will be seen that Isaac Paris, of Pal- atine, and his son, were killed in the battle. On the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1793, Catharine Paris, widow of Isaac, was voted a pension by a special act of the state legislature. This is believed to have been the first pension ever granted, either by state or federal authority. Cath- arine Paris passed her last days in Johnstown, being cherished by her son, Daniel Paris, a prominent lawyer, who was at one time a member of the state senate. He married Catharine Irving, sister of Washington Irving, and among his descendants is Mrs. S. V. R. Cruger, the author, of New York. Mrs. Paris was buried in the old Johnstown cemetery, where her grave is still to be seen. The pension act just mentioned is an interesting feature in Tryon county history and may therefore be included in our record as follows : " Whereas it has been represented to the legislature that Isaac Paris, one of the militia of this state, was slain at the battle of Oriskany, by the enemy of the United States ; and that Catharine Paris, the widow of said Isaac, hath not intermarried with any other person since the de- cease of her said husband, and is now in indigent circumstances ; In consideration whereof, be it enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in the Senate and Assembly, that the treasurer of this state shall, on or before the first day of May next, pay to the said Cath- arine Paris, or her order, the sum of thirty pounds; and on the first Tuesday in May, in every year afterward during her widowhood, the like sum of thirty pounds." During the year 1778, although there were no historic battles in the Mohawk valley, the whole region was constantly alarmed by the Indian depredations. These petty invasions led congress to hold a general conference with the Six Nations at Johnstown for the purpose of bring- ing them to neutrality, such as would prevent further devastation. For this purpose a council was called at Johnstown between the 15th and 20th of February, but the Indians were so slow in attendance that it was not until March 9th that the proceedings began. General Schuy- ler and Volkert Douw associated with James Duane (as special com- missioner) conducted the council. The entire Six Nations, except the Senecas, were represented by the chiefs and sachems, the Indian attend- ance being in all about seven hundred. The commissioners opened the Digitized by Microsoft® INDIAN MARAUDINGS. 93 council, and one of the chiefs of each nation replied. The Oneidas and Tuscaroras expressed friendship, but while some others assumed a simi- lar position their words were both deceitful and hypocritical, and in fact, during the course of the council, there was concealed within convenient distance a number of British spies. The results of the council quieted for a time the public fears", but it was thought wise to adopt the sug- gestion of General La Fayette (who also was present), and build forts at various places along the frontier. The Indians at this time were smarting under the chastisement they received at Oriskany and Fort Schuyler; hence the cautious leaders of the Americans were not willing to trust them implicitly, notwithstanding their promises. It was well known that the Johnsons were desirous and even determined to reoccupy the Mohawk valley and their deserted estates, and were only awaiting a favorable opportunity for an invasion. In the south part of Tryon county Brant was perpetrating his cruel and cowardly outrages, robbing, burning and slaughtering in the smaller frontier settlements. A much bolder movement which occurred about the same time, was the reappearance of a body of tories, estimated at one hundred, who came into the Mohawk valley, took their movable property and families, and escaped without molestation. They left Fort Hunter, proceeded to Fonda, and thence journeyed northward to the Fish House, in Northampton. Here they took eleven prisoners, among whom were Solomon Woodworth, Godfrey Shew and his three sons. They burned the buildings, among them the lodge built by Sir William Johnson in 1760, then took boats and rowed down the Sacan- daga and up the Hudson ; thence crossed to Lake George and returned to Canada by the Charhplain valley. On the 2d ^f July of the same year a strong party of Indians made a descent upon the settlement at Cobleskill, and two days later occurred the terrible massacre at Wyoming. In the same month also the settle- ment at Andrustown, six miles from German Flats, was plundered by Brant and his savage warriors. During the same fall. General Haldi- mand, governor- general of Canada, at the suggestion of Sir John John- son, sent a party of forty or fifty men to recover certain valuable papers which were concealed near the former residence. In this party was one Helmer, who was injured and obliged for a time to remain in his father's Digitized by Microsoft® 94 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. house. He was discovered and arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death at Johnstown. The others of the party, although they com- mitted no depredations (at least there are none on record), escaped in safety to Canada, having come and returned by the short but unfre- quented route of the Sacandaga, Lake George and Champlain valley. Another fearful outrage occurred in November of the same year when Brant and Butler, with two hundred tories and five hundred Indians, fell upon the little settlement at Cherry Valley and ruthlessly slaughtered its inhabitants and plundered their dwellings. The Indian depredations of 1778 were really the most important features of warfare during that year, but it was also noted for the alliance with France, which gave renewed confidence to the colonies and really ensured the final victory. In November a large British force advanced from Canada to Ticonderoga, and completed the devastation that had been begun on both sides of the lake — a foray which, if justified by the laws of war, wrought but little benefit to the British while it caused much unnecessary suffering. The early part of 1779 brought to the inhabitants of Tryon county a repetition of the events of the preceding year. The Mohawk valley once more became the scene of scalping and plundering, and among the settlements first to suffer from Indian ravages and cruelty were Stone Arabia and a small hamlet south of the Mohawk. In both instances men were either killed or carried into captivity. At the same time a band of Senecas made an attack upon Schoharie, with the scalping knife and torch, and compelled the settlers to flee for their lives. The Pala- tine committee of safety at last was compelled to ask protection from General Clinton, and the latter responded with a detachment of troops which swept the savages from the valley and inflicted severe punishment wherever they were found. The Onondagas were among those upon whom Clinton's forces had visited summary justice, and in revenge they attacked Cobleskill, killed a number of its people and plundered the settlement. In the mean time Brant extended his predatory warfare into the Hudson river country, and massacred, plundered and burned wherever an opportunity offered. These atrocities at last became so numerous that the authorities were thoroughly aroused and determined to draw upon the troops in service Digitized by Microsoft® SIR JOHN JOHNSON'S RAID. 95 for a general expedition against the Indians. The plan of the cam- paign called for two forces, one under General Sullivan to march through the Susquehanna and Chemung valleys, and thence down Seneca lake to destroy the Seneca Indian villages ; while the other |force, under General Clinton, was to sweep through the Mohawk valley, and thence westward and punish all the hostile tribes. Both of these movements were entirely successful, and the result was that the Indians, especially the fierce Senecas, were driven to the protection of the British post at Fort Niagara. Their villages and growing crops were destroyed, and thereafter they were obliged to rely on the generosity of the British for their support. We now approach that most horrible episode in Tryon county history known as " Sir John Johnson's raid." In the spring of 1780 (May 2ist) Sir John came up from Canada by Lake Champlain to Crown Point, at the head of a force of five hundred British troops, a detachment of his own Royal Greens, and about two hundred Indians and tories. From Crown Point he made his way through the forest to Sacandaga river, and at midnight entered the north part of Johnstown so stealthily as to take the slumbering inhabitants unawares. He divided his force into two bodies in order that they might cover more territory, and then he enacted a series of atrocities from whose record history almost recoils. Families were aroused from slumber by the terrific war-whoop, and men women and children were brutally slaughtered, their dwellings burned and their property destroyed. Even the lapse of a century has hardly abated the horror which accompanied the memories of Sir John's in- fernal purpose and the Mohawk valley was fearfully ravaged by his barbarous horde. An important object in this cowardly invasion was the recovery of some valuable plate which had been buried at the time of Sir John's flight in 1776. Since that time it had been faithfully guarded by one of his former slaves who, with the aid of the soldiers, disinterred the silver and laid it at his master's feet and it was divided among forty soldiers for transportation to Montreal. Such we say was a leading object in Sir John's invasion, but only a man of his malignity could have added to the horrors which he wrought merely to gratify brutal revenge. Having secured the plate they passed on through the village unobserved by the garrison that occupied the stock- Digitized by Microsoft® c|6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. ade around the jail and resumed their hellish task. The first family to feel their malice was that of Sampson Sammons, who with his three sons, Jacob, Frederick, and Thomas were made prisoners. No doubt they were worth more alive than dead. The dwelling was plundered, after which the invaders joined the eastern division at the mouth of the Cayadutta. j The other force, led as it was believed by two notorious tory brothers named Brown, passed at once through Johnstown to the vicinity of Tribes Hill, and thence all through the river country, both east and west of Caughnawaga, they wreaked vengeance on the unprotected inhabitants. Lodowick Putnam and his son were first butchered, their property stolen or destroyed, but the females of the family escaped. Amasa Stevens, son-in-law of Putnam, was also killed, but his wife also escaped. Garret Putnam was an intended victim, but had recently moved away after renting his house to two tories. The house of Henry Hanson was likewise plundered and its owner murdered. In fact the property of every patriot in the locality was robbed or destroyed, and only that belonging to the tories was spared. The church and parson- age at Caughnawaga were also unmolested, being permanent features in the estate of Sir William Johnson. At the latter place Douw Fonda was killed and scalped ; and it is said that he was one of nine aged men, four of whom were more than eighty years old, who were killed during Sir John's raid. His descendants are still permanent citizens of the valley and tradition preserves the spot where he was so cruelly mas- sacred. Returning from the Mohawk valley the raiders again visited the Sammons place and took away seven horses. The Hall was also re- visited. Sir John remaining there several hours and regaining possession of about twenty of his former slaves who had remained behind at the time of his flight, and who now accompanied him to Canada. Among^ these was the trusted and faithful WilUam, who had concealed the plate. He had previously been in the service of Jacob Sammons (who had rented the Hall and estate from the commissioners), but he never would disclose the place of concealment. At thetime of this bloody invasion Governor Clinton was at Kingston. He hastened to Albany, collected such militia as were within his Digitized by Microsoft® ESCAPE OF JACOB SAMMONS. 97 command and marched to Lake George to intercept Sir John. Colonel Van Schaick, also with seven hundred men (part being of the Mohawk valley militia), followed, the invaders by the way of Johnstown to cutoff their retreat by the Oswego route. The governor descended Lake George to Ticonderoga, where he was joined by a body of militia, but all these efforts to cut off Sir John's retreat were ineffectual and the monster escaped with his horde, taking their boats, probably at Crown Point, whence they proceeded down the lake to St. Johns. Their captives (including the brothers Jacob and Frederick Sammons) were thence transferred to the fort at Chambly. These two of the forty prisoners resolved to escape, and the thrilling story of their attempt is of such interest, and so closely related to the history of Fulton county, that we give it a place in our pages — the extract being from Stone's Life of Brant : " On the day after their arrival Jacob Sammons, having taken an accurate survey of the garrison and the facilities of escape, conceived the project of inducing his fellow prisoners to rise upon the guards and obtain their freedom. The garrison was weak in number and the sentinels less vigilant than is usual among good soldiers. The prison doors were opened once a day, when the prisoners were visited by the proper officer with four or five soldiers. Sammons had observed where the arms of the guard were stacked in the yard, and his plan was that some of the prisoners should arrest and disarm the visiting guard on the opening of the door, while the residue were to rush forth, seize the arms, and fight their way out. The proposition was acceded to by his brother Frederick, and the other man named Van Sluyck, but was considered too daring by the great body of the prisoners to be under- taken. It was therefore abandoned, and the brothers sought afterward only for a chance for escaping by themselves. Within three days the desired opportunity occurred, viz. : on the 13th of June. The prisoners were supplied with an allowance of spruce beer, for which two of their number were detached daily to bring the cask from the brew- house, under a guard of five men with fixed bayonets. Having reason to sup- pose that tlie arms of the guards though charged were not primed, the brothers so contrived matters as to be taken together to the brewery on the day mentioned, with an understanding at a given point they were to 13 Digitized by Microsoft® gS HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. dart from the guard and run for their lives, beHeving that the confusion of the moment and the delay of priming their muskets by the guards, would enable them to escape beyond the ordinary range of musket shot. The project was boldly executed At the concerted moment the soldiers sprang from their conductors and stretched across the plain with great fleetness. The alarm was given and the whole garrison was soon after them in hot pursuit. Unfortunately for Jacob he fell into a ditch and sprained his ankle. Perceiving the accident, Frederick turned to his assistance ; but the other generously admonished him to secure his own flight, if possible, and leave him to the chances of war. Recovering from his fall, and regardless of the accident, Jacob sprang forward again with as much expedition as possible, but finding that his lameness impeded his progress, he plunged into a thick clump of shrubs and trees, and was fortunate enough to hide himself between two logs before the pursuers came up. Twenty or thirty shots had previously been fired upon them, but without effect. In consequence of the smoke of their fire, the guards had not observed Jacob when he threw himself into the thicket, and supposing that, like his brother, he had passed around it, they follow on, until they were fairly distanced by Frederick, of whom they lost sight and trace. They returned in about half an hour, halting by the bushes in which the other fugitive was sheltered, and so near that he could distinctly hear their conversation. The officer in com- mand was Captain Steele. On calling his men together some were swearing, and others laughing at the race, and the speed of the long- legged Dutchmen, as they called the flying prisoners. The pursuit being abandoned, the guards returned to the fort. " The brothers had agreed in case of separation, to meet at a certain spot at lO o'clock at night. Of course Jacob lay ensconced in the bushes until night had dropped her sable curtains, and until he supposed the hour had arrived, when he sallied forth according to the antecedent understanding. But time did not move as rapidly on that evening as he supposed. He waited upon the spot designated, and called aloud for Frederick, until he despaired of meeting him, and prudence forbade his remaining any longer. It subsequently appeared that he was too early on the ground, and that Frederick made good his appointment. Following the bank of the Sorel, Jacob passed Fort St. Johns soon after daybreak on the morning of the 14th. His purpose was to swim Digitized by Microsoft® ESCAPE OF JACOB SAMMONS. 99 the river at that place, and pursue his course homeward through the wilderness on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain ; but just as he was preparing to enter the water he descried a boat approaching from below, filled with officers and soldiers of the enemy. They were already within twenty rods. Concealing himself again in the woods, he re- sumed hisjourney after their departure.buthad notproceeded more than two or three miles before he came upon a party of several hundred men engaged in getting out timber for the public works at the fort. To avoid them he was obliged to describe a wide circuit, in the course of which, at about 12 o'clock, he came to a small clearing. Within the enclosure was a house, and in the field were a man and a boy engaged hoeing potatoes. They were at that moment called to dinner, and supposing them to be French, who, he had heard, were rather friendly to the American cause than otherwise — incited, also, by hunger and fatigue — lie made bold to present himself, trusting that he might be invited to partake of their hospitality. But instead of a friend, he found an enemy. On making known his character, he was roughly received. " ' It is by such villains as you are,' replied the forrester, ' that I was obhged to fly from Lake Champlain.' The rebels, he added, had robbed him of all he possessed, and he would now deliver his self-invited guest to the guard, which, he said, was not more than a quarter of a mile distant. Sammons promptly answered that ' that was more than he could do.' The refugee then said he would go for the guard him- self; to which Sammons replied that he might act as he. pleased, but that all the men in Canada should not make him again a prisoner. The. man thereupon returned to the potato field and resumed his work, while his more compassionate wife gave Sammons a bowl of bread and milk, which he ate sitting on the threshold of the door to guard agayist sur- prise. "While in the house he saw a musket, powder horn and bullet-pouch hanging against the wall, of which he determined, if possible, to possess himself, that he might be able to procure food during the long and sol- itary march before him. On retiring, therefore, he traveled only far enough into the woods for concealment, returning to the woodsman's house in the evening for the purpose of obtaining the musket and ammunition. But he was again beset by imminent peril. Very soon Digitized by Microsoft® loo HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. after he entered the house the sound of approaching voices was heard and he took to the rude chamber for security, where he lay flat upon the irregular floor, and looking through the interstices, saw eleven sol- diers enter, who, it soon appeared, came for milk. His situation was now exceedingly critical. The churlish proprietor might inform against him, or in a single movement betray him. But neither circumstance occurred. The unwelcome visitors departed in due time and the family all retired to bed except the wife, who, as Jacob descended from the chamber, refreshed him with another bowl of milk. The good woman earnestly entreated her guest to surrender himself and join the ranks of the king, assuring him that his majesty must certainly conquer in the end, in which the rebels would lose all their property and many of them be hanged into the bargain. But to such a proposition he of course would not listen. Finding all her efforts to convert a whig into a tory fruitless, she then told him if he would secrete himself two days longer in the woods she would furnish him with provisions, for a supply of which her husband was going to the fort the next day, and she would likewise endeavor to provide him with a pair of shoes. "Disinclined to linger so long in the country of the enemy and in the neighborhood of a British post, he took his departure forthwith. But such had been the kindness of the good woman that he had it not in his heart to seize upon her husband's arms, and he left this wild scene of rustic hospitality without supplies and without the means of procur- ing them. Arriving once more at the water's edge at the lower end of Lake Champlain, he came upon a hut, within which, on cautiously ap- proaching it for reconnoissance, he discovered a party of soldiers, all soundly asleep. Their canoe was moored by the shore, into which he sprang and paddled himself up the lake under the most encouraging prospect of a speedy and comparatively easy voyage to its head, whence his return home would be unattended with either difficulty or danger. But his pleasing anticipations were extinguished on the night following as he approached the Isle aux Noix, where he descried a fortification and the glitter of the bayonets bristling in the air as the moonbeams played upon the burnished arms of the sentinels who were pacing their tedious rounds. The lake being very narrow at this point, and perceiv- ing that both sides were fortified, he thought the attempt to shoot his Digitized by Microsoft® ESCAPE OF JACOB SAMMONS. loi canoe through between them rather too hazardous an experiment. Nor on landing was his case in any respect enviable. Without shoes, with- out food, and without the means of obtaining either — a long journey before him through a deep and trackless wilderness — it may well be imagined that his mind was not cheered by the most agreeable antici- pations. But without pausing to indulge unnecessarily his ' thick- coming fancies,' he commenced his solitary journey, directing his course along the eastern lake-shore toward Albany. During the first four days of his progress he subsisted entirely upon the bark of birch — chew- ing the twigs as he went. On the fourth day, while resting by a brook, he heard a rippling of the water caused by fish as they were stemming the current. He succeeded in catching a few of these, but having no means of striking a fire, after devouring one of them raw the others were thrown away. " His feet were by this time cruelly cut, bruised and torn by thorns, briars and stones ; and while he could scarcely proceed by reason of their soreness, hunger and fatigue united to retard his cheerless march. On the fifth day his miseries were augmented by hungry swarms of mosquitoes, which settled upon him in clouds while traversing a swamp. On the same day he fell upon the nest of a black duck — the duck sitting quietly upon her eggs until he came up and caught her. The bird was no sooner deprived of life and feathers than he devoured the whole, including the head and feet. The eggs were nine in number, which Sammons took with him, but on opening one he found a little half-made •duckling, already alive. Against such food his stomach revolted and he was obliged to throw the eggs away. "On the tenth day he came to a small lake. His feet were in such a horrible state that he could scarcely crawl along. Finding a mitigation of pain by bathing them in water, he plunged his feet into the lake and lay down upon its margin. For a time it seemed as though he could never rise up on his feet again. Worn down by himger and fatigue — bruised in body and wounded in spirit — in a lone wilderness, with no eye to pity and no human arm to protect, he felt as though he must re- main in that spot until it should please God in his goodness to quench the dim spark of life that remained. Still, he was comforted in some measure by the thought that he was in the hands of a being without whose knowledge not a sparrow falls to the ground. Digitized by Microsoft® I02 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTl. " Refreshed at length, though to a trifling degree, he resumed his weary way, when, on raising his right leg over the trunk of a fallen tree, he was bitten in the calf by a rattlesnake. Quick as a flash, with his pocket-knife, he made an incision in his leg, removing the wounded flesh to a greater depth than the fangs of the serpent had penetrated. His next business was to kill the venomous reptile and dress it for eat- ing; thus appropriating the enemy that had sought to take his life to its prolongation. His first meal was made from the heart and fat of the serpent. Feeling somewhat strengthened by the repast, and find- ing, moreover, that he could not travel further in his present condition, he determined to remain where he was for a few days, and by repose and feeding upon the body of the snake, recruit his strength. Discov- ering also a dry fungus upon the trunk of a maple he succeeded in strik- ing a fire, by which his comforts were essentially increased. Still he was obliged to creep upon his hands and knees to gather fuel, and on the third day he was yet in such a state of exhaustion as to be utterly un- able to proceed. Supposing that death was inevitable and very near, he crawled to the foot of a tree, upon the bark of which he commenced inscribing his name, in the expectation that he should leave his bones there, and in the hope that in some way by the aid of the inscription his family might ultimately be apprised of his fate. While engaged in this sad work a cloud of painful thoughts crowded upon his mind, the tears involuntarily stole down his cheeks, and before he had completed the melancholy task he fell asleep. " On the fourth day of his residence at this place he began to gain strength, and as a part of the serpent yet remained he determined upon another effort to resume his journey. But he could not do so without devising some substitute for shoes. For this purpose he cut up his hat and waistcoat, binding them upon his feet, and thus he hobbled along. On the following night, while lying in the woods he became strongly impressed with the belief that he was not far distant from a human hab- itation. He had seen no indication of proximity to the abode of man, but he was, nevertheless, so confident of the fact that he wept for joy. Buoyed up and strengthened by this impression he resumed his jour- ney on the following morning ; and in the afternoon, it being the 28th of June, he reached a house in the town of Pittsford, in the New Hamp- Digitized by Microsoft® CARLETON'S HAW. 103 shire grants, now forming the state of Vermont. He remained there several days, both to recruit his health and if possible to gain intelli- gence of his brother. But no tidings came ; and, as he knew Frederick to be a capital woodsman, he of course concluded that sickness, death, or recapture must have interrupted his journey. Procuring a convey- ance at Pittsford Jacob traveled to Albany and thence to Schenectady, where he had the happiness of finding his wife and family." The adventures of the brother were scarcely less thrilling, but this one must suffice as an example of many similar ones happening on the frontier. CHAPTER XI. Additional Depredations in the Mohawk Valley — Sir John Johnson again Invades *he Region — The Battle at Stone Arabia — Van Rensselaer's Cowardly Conduct — Condition of the Inhabitants after the Raid — Governor Clinton sends Colonel Willett to Protect the Valley — Invasion by Brant and Butler — Defeat of the Latter by Willett's Troops — Battle at Johastown — The Enemy Routed — Death of Walter Butler — End of Hostilities in the Mohawk Valley. ""F^HE devastation and bloodshed that had thus far marked the track of I war throughout the states was now approaching an end, but in the autumn of 1780, and simultaneous with the movements of Sir John John- son in the Mohawk country, the enemy actively engaged against the settlements north of Albany, and also upon the upper Connecticut river. In order to create a diversion in favor of Sir John, Major Carleton came up the lake with a large fleet, and more than a thousand men. This in- vasion was secretly conducted and reached Fort Anne and Fort George undiscovered, both posts being captured with one hundred and twenty prisoners. Stories of cruelty were told against Carleton's troops, but were positively denied by that officer. It is certain, however, that de- struction and outrage followed the invadets as far as the country offered anything that would gratify their purpose, except on the eastern shores of the lake. There the inhabitants were fortunately exempted from at- tack through the remarkable statesmanship of Generals Ethan and Ira Digitized by Microsoft® I04 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. " Allen and Governor Chittenden. More than that, by their efforts there was kept inactive in Canada a British army of nearly ten thousand ef- fective men. The intercommunications which occurred were called the Haldimand correspondence, or Negotiations with Canada, and although conducted in entire good faith on the part of the astute Vermonters, the latter were nevertheless charged by the authorities of New York with treasonable intent ; but without regard to public opinion on that point, the patriotism of the men connected with it can never be doubted nor can the value of their services be diminished. Returning to the history of oldTryon, it may be said that while other portions of the country were now comparatively free from the horrors of war, the Mohawk valley was destined to be the scene of British out- rages for many months to come. In the latter part of 1780 Sir John Johnson made a second invasion of the valley, with the evident deter- mination to destroy every vestige of property, and even the lives of the inhabitants. After his first raid Governer Clinton ordered Colonel Gansevoort to Fort Plain with the militia of the county in order to pro- tect the locality and also to guard the supplies in store at Fort Schuyler. At the same time Brant with his blood-thirsty savages was hovering in the region, ready to fall upon any unprotected settlement and thus increase that long record of murder, which bore testimony in the court of heaven against him and his instigators. Being informed by the tories of the valley that a patriot force was about to defend Fort Plain, Brant made a sudden descent upon Canajoharie and the fort itself, burning buildings and destroying property without the restraints of mercy. Gansevoort was so sluggish in his movements that no hand was raised to defend either life or property from the Indian invaders. Soon after this Sir John again repeated his vengeance upon the al- ready distressed people of the county. In his command were the now notorious Greens, the German Yagers, Butler's two hundred rangers, a company of British regulars, and a body of Indians under Brant and the still more dreaded Seneca chief, Cornplanter. During the early part of this foray, Sir John was no where opposed by any considerable force, and was thus at full liberty to pillage, burn and destroy every thing ex- cept the property of the tories. This naturally led to retaliation, and after he had passed up the Mohawk the ruined patriots revenged them- Digitized by Microsoft® RETALIATION UPON THE TORIES. 105 selves by destroying in turn tlie buildings and harvested crops of the British sympathizers. On the i8th of October Sir John camped at the " Nose," but the next morning sent a detachment against Stone Arabia (then called Fort Paris), following soon afterward with his main force. General Van Rensselaer was sent to oppose the invaders, having- in his command the Albany militia, and reached Caughnawaga on the i8th. Learning that Fort Plain was to be attacked, Colonel Brown was sent to engage the enemy in front, while Van Rensselaer himself was to make a diversion and attack them from another quarter, but whether from cowardice, or sympathy for the British, he changed his course and left Brown without support. The result was the defeat and death of the gallant colonel, while the enemy was still further allowed to ravage the country. Van Rensselaer displayed even greater cowardice, for later on, having been reinforced by Captain McKean's company, and about eighty Oneida braves, so that his troops outnumbered the enemy, he again refrained from attack. At last he was openly charged with toryism by an Oneida chief, which, with the importunities of his subordinate of- ficers, forced him to prepare for battle ; and after a severe engagement the British were routed, but the cowardly American commander refused to follow up his victory, notwithstanding the entreaties of his men. He fell back and encamped, while some of the volunteers and Oneidas pur- sued the British and captured a cannon and a number of prisoners, but by the next morning the enemy had retreated beyond successful pur- suit. The outrages committed by the British and their savage allies in the Mohawk valley during the several years ending with the close of 1780, had left the inhabitants in a most deplorable condition. Their homes and" other buildings were now burned to the ground, their crops had been completely destroyed, and they were obliged to look for shelter and support to the people less unfortunate than themselves who occu- pied the larger and more protected settlements in the eastern part of the valley. On the 20th of December, 1780, the supervisors ofTryon county- reported to the legislature the condition in which their people were left at that time. From this sad report it appeared that seven hundred buildings had been burned ; six hundred and thirteen persons had gone over to the enemy ; three hundred and fifty-four families had abandoned 14 Digitized by Microsoft® io6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. their homes and property ; one hundred and ninety-seven lives had been lost; one hundred and twenty-one persons had been carried into captivity, while one thousand farms in the county were without care or cultivation. Such a lamentable state of affairs could not but move the authorities to some action in behalf of a distressed people, but even then Brant was skulking in the vicinity, only awaiting an opportunity to attack some defenseless settlement, and the only remedy lay in levying a sufficient armed force to guarantee safety to the people so that they might return to their homes. The militia was greatly reduced in num- bers and efficiency, and the partial destruction of Fort Schuyler by fire and flood left the whole valley open to the enemy. In his extremity Governor Clinton determined to detach a part of his own army for the defense of the western frontier, and accordingly Colonel Willett was sent with a body of troops to protect the region from invasion. Willett collected about one hundred militiamen, added to these his state troops, and stationed his force at Fort Plain, but was soon called into action, being, on July 9th, summoned to repel an invasion at Currytown, about three miles from Sprakers. The marauders were a party of tories and Indians led by one Doxtader, who attacked the settlement, destroyed much property, and made off with nine prisoners. Willett at once marched to the scene of danger, and, unlike his timid predecessor, de- ployed his men so as to draw the British into an ambuscade, and as a result the latter were terribly beaten and routed. In this sharp fight the efforts of Colonel Willett were materially aided by the zeal and bravery of Lieutenant Jacob Sammons and Captain McKean. The vigilance of Willett and his men put a check upon the ravages of the tories and the Indians, but did not entirely end them, as marauding parties still continued petty depredations. The tories, however, were, as Willett found, more dreaded than the Indians, for they moved more covertly and with such well-planned and united action as to render them dangerous in the extreme. During the latter part of October a party of these tories, together with a few Indians under Ross and But- ler, again entered the valley and ravaged the country from Currytown to Warrensbush and Fort Hunter. They then changed their course towards Johnstown, having increased their force to about five hundred, Digitized by Microsoft® COL. WILLEITS J0HNS20WN FIG HI. 107 composed of British regulars as well as tories and Indians. Willett pursued with only about four hundred and sixteen men, but he deter- mined to give them a battle regardless of the disparity of numbers. To do this successfully the intrepid commander divided his force into two parts, and with his main body under his own command he attacked the enemy in front, while about sixty men under Colonel Rowley (a Massa- chusetts officer) made a detour in order to attack in the rear. On the level land opposite Johnson Hall, where the orchard now stands, the contending forces first met. Willett's men fought with determination, but being overpowered by the superior number of the enemy, he was compelled to fall back to the village. This was a dangerous movement, but he was saved from what might have been a rout by Rowley's little troop, which fell unexpectedly upon the British rear with such valor as to create a diversion. The British were obliged to turn and act on the de- fensive, upon which Willett rallied his men and renewed the battle. Although assailed both in front and rear the invaders kept up the fight until night, when, weary and suffering severely in losses, they wavered and finally broke into precipitate flight to the woods. This was the last battle fought in Tryon county, and really was the last in the en- tire record of the revolution, and in this final conflict the Tryon county militia had the satisfaction of inflicting satisfactory chastisement on their old tory enemies. In the battle of Johnstown the loss in killed was about forty on each side, but the Americans made prisoners of fifty of the enemy, and those who escaped did not halt until they had put a long distance between themselves and their conquerers Early on the morning of the 26th (the day following the Johnstown battle) Colonel Willett started in pursuit of the foe. He marched as. rapidly as possible to Stone Arabia, and believing the fugitives had: gone toward Oneida Lake, sent thither a detachment to destroy their boats, while he halted expecting a possible attack ; but as it did not take place he renewed his march. Butler's men instead of taking the lake route turned northward to Canada Creek, where Willett overtook them. He fell upon their rear and punished them severely, taking many pris- oners and killing others. Butler crossed the creek and made an at- tempt to rally his men, but in doing so was discovered by an Oneida chief, who shot him. The fall of their leader so dismayed the British Digitized by Microsoft® io8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and Indians that they fled in confusion and sought shelter wherever it offered. The Oneidas now crossed the creek and dispatched the infa- mous Butler as he lay prostrate upon the ground. Colonel Willett having now delivered the valley from terror, returned in triumph to Fort Dayton, having lost only one of his men since the Johnstown bat- tle. Although the close of the year 178 1 found the heavy operations of war practically at an end, as yet the peace of the people living in the Mohawk valley was not fully assured. An occasional marauding band of Indians would unexpectedly appear, commit some outrage and then quickly depart to a safe refuge. One of these invasions took place dur- ing the summer of 1782, when a body of seven savages appeared near Johnstown and killed Henry Stoner a noted settler, and also made pris- oners of his nephew, Michael Reed, and a man nanied Palmatier. The Indians also burned the Stoner buildings. This act of outrage was af- terwards fearfully avenged by the noted Nicholas Stoner, son of the murdered pioneer. Andrew Bowman, a tory living near Johnstown, bore a part in the above mentioned outrage, for which he suffered suita- ble punishment from the indignant patriots of that town. Digitized by Microsoft® AFTER THE WAR. 109 CHAPTER XII. Condition of the Mohawk Valley at the Close of the Revolution — Mohawk Indians Torfeit their Lands to the State — Return of Tories — Their Treatment by the Mohawk Committee — Settlement of the Region by New Englanders — Tryon County changed to Montgomery — First County Officers — County Buildings — Counties Formed from Montgomery — Old Tryon County Districts formed into Towns — Origin of Towns in Fulton County — Caughnawaga Divided — County Officers of Tryon County — Also of Montgomery County prior to Removal of the County Seat to Fonda. THE close of the revolutionary war and the return of peace marked a new era in the history of the Mohawk valley. Returning to their deserted lands and property, the patriot settlers found little else than ruin and desolation ; their buildings had been burned and the harvested and growing crops almost wholly destroyed. Their cattle, too, had been driven off by the recent invaders, and they were obliged to begin life anew. They had, however, this consolation, that they no longer feared the wily Indian, nor the malignant tory, for the fortune of war had driven them from the country. The Mohawk Indians by their alliance to the British, shared the ill fortunes of a fallen power, and forfeited whatever claim they may have had to the lands which they formerly occupied, and while, as a rule, the Six Nations were kindly treated by both the general and state govern- ments, the hostility of the Mohawks had been such as to cancel their claims to the territory pf the valley. There is not indeed any reliable proof that the Mohawks ever made a demand for these lands, and the shattered remnant of their once powerful nation accepted the offer made by Great Britain of a home in Canada With the tories who had cast in their lot with the British, the case appears to have been quite different, for almost immediately after the restoration of peace they returned to their former homes and proclaimed ownership, insisting on legal title. Fortunately, however, and justly, also, they were not successful, for the property of the defeated foe by the rules of war became forfeit to the conquerors. Digitized by Microsoft® no fflSTORi OF FULTON COUNTS. We cannot but notice that the effrontery of the tory in peace was only equaled by his barbarity in war, and hence, as has been stated, after the struggle was ended he loudly asserted his right to' his former estate. So annoying indeed did this false but persistent assertion of right become that the people of the Mohawk district were under the necessity of taking public action in the matter, and therefore held a meeting on May 9, 1783, on which' occasion they expressed them- selves in this manner : " Resolved, unanimously, that all those who have gone off to the enemy or have been banished by any law of this state, or those who we shall find, tarried as spies or tools of the enemy, and encour- aged and harbored those who went away, shall not live in this dis- trict on any pretense whatever; and as for those who have washed their faces from Indian paint and their hands from innocent blood of our dear ones, and have returned, either openly or covertly, we hereby warn them to leave the district before the twentieth of June next, or they may expect to feel the just resentment of an injured and determined people. " We likewise unanimously desire our brethren in the other districts in this county to join with us to instruct our representatives not to con- sent to the repealing any laws made for the safety of the state against treason, or confiscation of traitor's estates, or to passing any new acts for the return or restitution of tories. " By order of the meeting, " JosiAH Throop, Chairman." In and about the county seat of Tryon county was perhaps a greater number of tories than in any single locality of the region. Johnstown was founded, built up and virtually owned by Sir Willian Johnson, and through his efforts the local population was mainly acquired. Upon his death, the property and estate descended to his son, Sir John, whose conduct during the war was of such a character as to justify a far more detestable expression than merely tory. He was an avowed and a relentless enemy, combining the worst elements of toryism with the inhuman methods of war only resorted to by savages. He never came back to Johnstown to claim his vast and valuable estate, which was con- fiscated and sold by the state. Sir John himself remained in Canada Digitized by Microsoft® THE HATED NAME OF TRYON. iii and received from the crown an appointment as superintendent and inspector of Indian affairs in British North America. He died in Montreal January 4, 1830. Among the dependents of Sir John Johnson were the tenants settled on his lands in and about the village of Johnstown, and the Scotch Highlanders who dwelt upon the Kingsboro tract in the north part of the town, then a part of the Mohawk district ; also a part of the old township called Caughnawaga. The tenantry and the Scotchmen were provided with firearms by the proprietor, and of course departed with their master to Canada, thenceforth forming a part of the " Royal Greens " regiment. Whatever claim to the lands of the Mohawk region they may have acquired was likewise forfeited, and they never afterward returned. Of the German settlers in the valley, however, it must in justice be said that they were generally loyal and true to the colonies, and al- though a few — and onl)' a few — may have been misled by the influence of the arbitrary baronet and his associates in authority, this was the ex- ception, not the rule. During the course of the war, this portion of the state became known to a class of people who had no former means of judging of its beauty and fertility. The continual passage of New England troops through the valley of the Mohawk made them acquainted with its desirability as a place of abode, and, when peace was restored, they were not slow to avail themselves of the opportunity of possessing the lands. - They came and made miscellaneous settlements, as tracts were offered for sale, and thus the territory came under the control of Yankees, determined, ener- getic and upright men, with wives and mothers of corresponding char- acter ; and it was to this class of people that Montgomery and Fulton counties owed much of their later development and improvement. There was one name, however, in this beautiful region that was the occasion of much annoyance to the progressive inhabitants, being indeed in the .highest degree offensive, and that was the name by which this county was then called. Governor William Tryon first became executive of the province of New York by appointment July 9, 1771, and was reappointed June 28, 1775 ; and it was in his honor that Tryon county received its name. The toryism of this public dfficer was as pronounced Digitized by Microsoft® 112 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and offensive as that of any British subject in the land. His official power was wholly devoted to the crown, and he was even implicated in a plot to seize General Washington and deliver him to the British offi- cers. It was not therefore in the least surprising that the settlers of the Mohawk valley should desire to remove so odious a name. Tryon county was created from the original county of Albany by act of the provincial assembly, March I2, 1772, and Johnstown designated as its capital. The first officers were as follows : Guy Johnson, first judge ; John Butler and Peter Conyne, judges ; Sir John Johnson, Daniel Claus, Jellis Fonda and John Wells, assistant judges. The first county court was organized September 8, 1772. The court-house and jail of Tryon county was erected in 1772 by Sir William Johnson, on his own land. Both of these buildings are still in use, and having been occa- sionally repaired are in good condition and may last another century. The former, which fully retains its original appearance, stands on the northwest corner of William and Main streets. The bricks used in this structure were imported into this country from Holland.' The jail, a substantial stone structure, stands in the southeast part of the village, on the highest part of South Perry street. At the outbreak of the war these buildings were claimed by Sir John Johnson as part of his estate ; and, having thus asserted ownership, he refused the county committee of safety permission to use them for the confinement of those who were considered inimical to the American cause. This claim however was denied by the Provincial Congress, which held that Sir William (to complete his purpose) conveyed the land and buildings " to two gentlemen, in trust," for the use of the county. The committee did not at that time press the demand ; but after the de- parture of Sir John and his retainers the local authorities seized all the property and used it according to their needs. The jail was fortified and thus became a place of defence in addition to the purpose for which it was originally intended. On the 2d of April, 1784, at the request of the inhabitants, the legis- lature passed an act changing the name from Tryon to Montgomery county, adopting the latter in honor of General Richard Montgomery, ' This statement has been doubted, and whatever be the tradition, it is highly possible and some think highly probable that the brick were made near the court-house. Digitized by Microsoft® 1^^ -■;;.;SS^-; -^ :> MJ^ ^^..^tAyxi nr<-^ ^c Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® BOUNDARIES. 113 who was killed at the storming of Quebec, December 31, 1776. The statement has been made in one of our earlier chapters (and its accuracy- has never been doubted) that Tryon county comprised all that part of the province of New York west of the Delaware river and also west of a line extending north through Schoharie (as well as along the east lines of the present counties of Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton) and con- tinuing in a straight line to Canada. On the 7th of March, 1788, the legislature passed an act by which the boundary lines of the several counties of the state were described more accurately and in detail ; and this act declared Montgomery county to contain all that part of the state west of the counties of Ulster, Albany, Washington and Clinton, as they were then constituted. On the other hand the " Civil List of the State of New York," published in 1886 says: "Tryon county was erected in 1772, and comprised the country west of a north and south line extend- ing from St. Regis to the west bounds of the township of Schenectady ; thence running irregularly southwest to the head of the Mohawk branch of the Delaware, and along the same to the southeast bounds of the pre.scnt county of Broome ; thence in northwesterly direction to Fort Bull, on Wood creek, near the present city of Rome ; all west of the last mentioned line being Indian territory." This statement, if correct, limits Tryon county to a comparatively small area ; but the question which statement is correct, is not one for the writer to decide. The weight of authority, however, strongly inclines us to the conviction that Tryon (succeeded by Montgomery county), included all that part of the state west of the east line above mentioned ; while all authorities substantially agree upon its east boundary. It is interesting in the present connection to note the several counties of the state which have been in whole or in part formed from the terri- tory originally of old Tryon or Montgomery county. The list, with- date of erection of each, being as follows : Ontario,' January 27, 1789; Herkimer, February 16, 1791 5 Otsego, February 16, 1791 ; Tioga, ' The creation o£ Ontario, which was the first division o£ Montgomery county, included all the lands of the state lying west of Seneca lake. This territory was ceded hy New York to Massachu- setts subject to right of sovereignty and jurisdiction. The two states were long in dispute con- cerning this territory and Massachusetts accepted a tract of 2,300,000 acres in settlement. The re- gion, was afterward known as the Massachusetts Pre-emption Lands ; being also designated the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. 16 Digitized by Microsoft® 114 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. February i6, 1791 ; Onondaga, March 5, 1794; Schoharie (one half), April 6, 179s ; Steuben, March 18, 1796; Delaware (part only), March 10, 1797; Chenango, March 15, 1798; Oneida, March 15, 1798; Cay- uga, March 8, 1799 ; St. Lawrence (part only), March 3, 1802 ; Genesee, March 30, 1802; Seneca, March 24, 1804; Jefferson, March 28.'i8o5; Lewis, March 28,1 805; Madison, March 21,1 806 ; Broome, March 28,1 808; Alleghany, April 7, 1806; Cattaraugus, March 11, 1808; Chautauqua, March 11, 1808; Niagara, March 11, 1808; Cortland, April 8, 1808; Oswego, March i, 1816; Hamilton, April 12, 1816; Tompkins, April 7, 1817; Livingston, February 23, 1821 ; Monroe, February 23, 1821 ; Erie, April 2, 1821 ; Yates, February 5, 1823 ; Wayne, April II, 1823 ; Orleans, November 12, 1824; Chemung, March 29, 1836; Fulton, April 18, 1838; Wyoming, May 14, 1841 ; Schuyler, April 17, 1854. After the passage of the act of 1788, the former system of provisional or jurisdictional townships, then called districts, was discontinued, towns being created in their stead. The greater part of what is now Fulton county was a portion of the Mohawk district, while the Palatine district included the western part of the' county. The districts were created soon after the formation of Tryon county, and were continued as has been stated until superseded by the town. In the redivision made pursuant to the act of 1788, that part of the Mohawk district which lay north of the river was formed into the town of Caughnawaga, whose vast area included the original towns of Johnstown, Mayfield and Broadalbin ; therefore contained the greater part of Fulton county. The Palatine district was first formed in 1772, and was then known as "Stone Arabia," but was changed to Palatine in 1773. By the act referred to this district was named "town of Palatine," and included (with other territory within its boundaries) the present towns of Strat- ford, Oppenheim, Ephratah and part of Caroga. On the 1 2th of March, 1793, the town of Caughnawaga was divided into three new towns, and named respectively, Johnstown, Mayfield and Broadalbin. "Hie first was- by far the largest and most important, as it included within its boundaries the towns of Bleecker and Mohawk (the latter now in Montgomery county), with a part of Caroga and was, (as has been stated) the capital of old Tryon county. It held this distinction from 1772 to 1784; and then was the capital of Montgom- Digitized by Microsoft® CIVIL OFFICERS.' 115 ery county from 1784 to 1836, and also of Fulton county from 1838 to tlie present time. Bleecker was set off from Johnstown April 4, 1831 ; Mohawk, April 4, 1837, and the part of Caroga above referred to April 1 1, 1842. The town of Mayfield was formed from Caughnawaga March 12, 1793, and its organization perfected in April, 1794. It released part of its original territory to Perth on February 17, 1842. Broadalbin was formed with Johnstown* and Mayfield out of old Caughnawaga, March 12, 1793, and on two occasions it has released part of its territory to other towns ; first in 1799, when Northampton was set off, and again in 1842, to enlarge the town of Perth. While thus referring to the towns in Fulton county we may properly mention the dates of their organization which are as follows : Northamp- ton was formed from Broadalbin, February i, 1799; Stratford from Palatine April 10, 1805 ; Oppenheim too was set off from Palatine March 18, 1808, and Ephratah also from Palatine March 27, 1827; Bleecker was formed from Johnstown April 4, 183 1, and Perth from Amsterdam, April 18, 1838; Caroga was taken from Stratford, Bleeck- er and Johnstown, April 11, 1842. This reference to town organizations will be suflficient for our present purpose in as much as detailed histories of the several towns that com- prise Fulton county will be found elsewhere in this volume. It may, however, be proper at this time to furnish a list of the civil officers of Tryon county and also those of Montgomery count}', since they form an important feature in local history and also because Fulton county is a part of the same territory. Its civil list naturally belongs to another chapter. County Judges,' Guy Johnson, May 26, 1772; Jacob Klock, Febru- ary 2, 1778; Jellis Fonda, March 22, 1784; Frederick Fisher, March 27, 1787; Abraham Arndt, January 24, 1801 ; Simon Veeder, January 28, 1802; John McCarthy, March 2, 1809; Alexander Sheldon, March 3, 1815 ; Aaron Having February 9, 1819; Abraham Merrill, Febru- ary 28, 1833. Surrogates, Christopher P. Yates, March 23, 1778 ; Isaac Paris, March 13. ^7^T> Josiah Crane, April 6, 1790; Charles Walon, February 18, 1 The date following each name indicates time of appointment or election to office. Digitized by Microsoft® ii6 HISTOkY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1800; James Lansing, August 13, 1801 ; Tobias A. Stoughtenburg, February 12. 1821. The last named held office until 1838. District Attorneys,' (Fifth District), Abraham Van Vechten, Febru- ary 16, 1796; George Metcalf, February 16, 1797; George Metcalf, 1801 ; Daniel L. Van Antwerp, March 16, 181 1 ; Daniel Cady, Febru- ary 28, 1813 ; Samuel S. Lusk, April 6, 1813 ; Richard M. Livingston, February 16, 1815 ; Alfred Conklin, June 11, 1818; William I. Dodge, February 12, 1821; Charles McVean, 1836. Sheriffs.^ Alexander White, March 16, 1772; John Frey, September, 177s (elected by the people); Anthony Van Veghten, appointed by provincial committee May 8,-1777 ; Anthony Van Veghten, February 2, 1778 ; Abraham Van Home, March 27, 1781 ; Samuel Clyde, March 28, 1785 ; John Winn, February 28, 1789; John Little, February n, 1793 ; Josiah Crane, February 18, 1795 ; James Hildreth, January 25, 1798; Benjamin Van Vleck, March 9, 1799; James Hildreth, August 10, 1 801 ; James Mclntyre, January 29, 1806; Jacob Snell, February 9, 1 8 10; John Eisenlord, February 9, 181 1 ; Jacob Snell, February 23, 1813; John Eisenlord, February 16, 1815 ; John Holland, August 28, 1817; Seth Wetmore, February 12, 1821 ; Seth Wetmore, 1822; Charles Easton, 1825; John French, r828; Isaac Jackson, 1831 ; Malachi Kettle, 1834; William T. Sammons, 1838. County Clerks, Christopher P.Yates, September >24, 1777 ; Daniel Paris, January 25, 1800; Henry Frey Yates, January 6, 1802; John McCarthy, March 3, 1815 ; Peter H. Bostwick, February i, 1821 ; Henry Frey Yates, February 2, 1822 ; Henry Frey Yates, November 1822; George D. Ferguson, 1825 ; Alex. J. Comrie, 1828 ; George D. Ferguson, 1831; Alexander J. Comrie, 1837. 1 The original of this office was " Assistant Attorney-General." The districts embraced several counties, and were seven in number at first, but afterwards increased. (Act Feb. iz, 1796.) The office of district attorney was created April 4, 1801. Each county was made a separate district in April 1818. « During the Colonal period SherifEs were appointed annually ; but since the Constitution of 1821, the office has been elevated, the incumbents being ineligible for the next succeeding term. Digitized by Microsoft® GROWTH AND PROSPERITY. 117 CHAPTER XIII. Situation in the Mohawk Valley Prior to the War of 1812 — Its Peace and Prosperity — Events Preceding the War — Causes Leading to It — British Aggressions — American Retaliations — Declaration of War — Militia Called into Service — Regiments formed in the Valley — Their Services — The Return of Peace. rOR more than a quarter of a century following the close of the revolution nothing occurred to interrupt or retard the progress of settlement and development in the Mohawk valley. During this period indeed the latter was favored in an unusual degree. The New England pioneers were a hardy and patriotic class, and under their energetic efforts lands were cleared, and the forests gave place to farms of rare fertility, thus developing the agricultural resources, while at an early day attempts were also made to introduce manufactures, at least to an extent which supplied domestic requirements. While speaking of the New Englanders, however, we are not to be understood as giving this class undue prominence. They bore their share in general improvement but only extended the settlements of the original pioneers. The sturdy Dutch and the equally sturdy Germans were here long irt advance of the Yankees, but they found homes near the Mohawk, while in the territory now included in Fulton county, the New England colonistB made their successful efforts. Here too, how- ever, soon appeared the German element, the descendants of the Pala- tines, and others of the same nation imbued with the same spirit of enterprise and progress. During the period referred to this region acquired its greatest comparative growth in population, and with this came power to sustain the nation during peril. Hence, when the first murmurings of another war with Great Britain was heard this part of the state was well prepared to endure its hardships and its taxation ; and the part it bore in the great conflict must be made the subject of special mention. In one respect at least the people of this locality were favored during the course of the war of i8t2-is, inasmuch they had Digitized by Microsoft® ii8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. not to defend their homes against hostile Indians ; and in the warlike preparations which were made in Montgomery county there was not required any force to protect the rapidly increasing settlements ; but let us now briefly refer to the causes which led to the war, after which we shall mention the service which the soldiers of this country endured. During the five years immediately preceding the war of 1812 the whole country was in a state of nominal peace, but still there was gath- ering in the political horizon a dark cloud which increased until it boded another foreign war. During the revolution America contended for independence and won that -precious boon; in 1 8 12 she engaged in another war with the mother country to maintain that independence on which British aggression had insolently trespassed. The United States had always honorably observed the provisions of the treaty made with Great Britain at the close of the revolution. There had been maintained, too, a strict neutrality during the progress of the Napoleonic war, when, perhaps, every consideration of gratitude should have induced an alliance against the mother country. For several years the aggressive acts of the British had been a subject of anxiety and regret to Americans, and indeed had created bitter indignation. The embargo laid by Congress upon the shipping in American ports (as a means of safety) was found so injurious to commercial interests that it was repealed, and the non-intercourse act was passed in its stead. In April, 1809, the British ambassador in Washington opened negotiations for the adjustment of existing difificulties, and consented to a with- drawal of the obnoxious English " orders in council," so far as they aflfected the United States, on condition that the non-intercourse act be repealed. This was agreed upon, and the President issued a proclama- tion announcing that, on the loth of June, trade with Great Britain might be resumed. The British government, however, refused to ratify the proceedings and the minister was recalled, whereupon the president revoked his proclamation, and the non-intercourse act went into opera- tion. The most odious of all British aggressions was the claim made of " right of search," in pursuance of which British cruisers stopped American vessels, on the ocean and seized such of their crews as they Digitized by Microsoft® THE WAR OF 1812. 119 suspected to be subjects of the king, forcing them into their own serv- ice. This claim led to outrages to which no American could submit, and the only choice left to the nation was war or disgraceful humiliation. On the 1 2th of June, 1812, President Madison sent a confidential message to Congress, in which he recapitulated the long list of British aggressions, and declared it the duty of Congress to consider whether the American people should longer passively submit, but at the same time he cautioned the house to avoid entanglements with other powers that then were hostile to Britain. The result of the message and the deliberations of Congress was a formal declaration of war on the 19th of June, 1812; but the measure was not unanimously sustained and approved in all parts of the Middle and New England states. The opposing element held that the country was not prepared for war and asked for further negotiations. They also met the denunciations of the ruling party against the British with bitter attacks upon Napoleon, whom they accused the war party with favoring. The war party was led by Henry Clay and the opposition by John Randolph, both men of great ability and, in fact, the two giants of Congress. A detail of the events of the war that followed need have no place in these pages. The results of the struggle against renewed oppression are written in the conflicts on Lake Erie, the repulse of the invaders on the Delaware, the painful and humiliating scenes of the Chesapeake, the invasion of New York and the attempt to control the Hudson river and Lake Champlain. The story is further told in the battle at Plattsburg, the capture of Niagara and OsWego, the battles at Black Rock, Lundy's Lane, Sackett's Harbor, and closing with the brilliant defence of New Orleans. Above all, however, were the splendid exploits of our navy whose victories over the British cruisers gave the enemy the most seri- ous view of American prowess. Peace, however, came at last, and the treaty was ratified February 15, 1815. The outbreak of the war of 181 2 awoke a martial spirit throughout this region of country, for many of the settlers had seen service in the revolution, and their sons were now enrolled in the militia. That mar- tial spirit which came with the pioneers was manifested in later years only on the old fashioned " general training," when the farmer, the Digitized by Microsoft® I20 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. mechanic and the professional man hied to the annual " muster " for a season of jollification, to eat Yankee ginger-bread, drink new cider, and boast of the American eagle. In February, i8i2, apprehetisive of approaching war. Congress passed a law to organize an army of twenty-five thousand men, and shortly afterward Daniel D. Tompkins, governor of the state, addressed the leg- islature, advising full preparation for the contest. In April following one hundred thousand of the nation's enrolled militia were called upon to organize for service, the quota of New York being thirteen thousand five hundred men. These were organized in two divisions and eight brigades. The fourth brigade comprised the loth, nth, I2th and 13th regiments, the members of which were from the Mohawk valley. This brigade was under command of General Richard Dodge, then a resident of Johnstown. The services of the militia from this locality were important in char- acter, though not specially severe. One of the brigades was stationed at Sackett's Harbor where its duty was to guard the supplies stored there, and as well defend that post. General Dodge made this his headquarters September 21, 1812. The post was afterward. May 24, 18 1 3, attacked by the British, but they were repulsed. Nevertheless, in the fear that the supplies might fall into the hands of the enemy, they were destroyed before the repulse was effected. The Thirteenth regiment was in the battle at Queenstown Heights, but the principal service performed by it was guarding the frontier, not only against the possibiHty of invasion, but as well to prevent the smuggling of goods from Canada into the states. Digitized by Microsoft® TRYON AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES. CHAPTER XIV. County Organizations — Tryon and Montgomery Counties Briefly Reviewed — The Montgomery County Seat Moved to Fonda — Dissatisfaction in the Northern Towns — Pulton County Created — Its County Seat and Buildings — County Civil List — Presidential Electors — Representatives in Congress — Justices of the Supreme Court — Members of Assembly — County Judges — Surrogates — Sheriffs — County Clerks — Treasurers — School Commissioners — Growth and Population of Fulton County. AS has been stated in preceding chapters of this volume, Tryon county was created from the original county of Albany in 1772, and the seat of justice of the new county was immediately located at Johnstown. The public buildings, which have been sufficiently described in an earlier chapter, were erected under the direction and at the per- sonal expense of Sir William Johnson, the founder of the village, and in fact the founder of Tryon county. After his death, and during the early years of the revolution, Sir John Johnson claimed ownership of these properties as heir of his father, and denied the use* of the court house and jail for the confinement of tories, this use being demanded by the patriotic committees. The government on the other hand claimed that Sir William had conveyed the property to two persons in trust for the people of Tryon county. This question, however, was finally settled by the flight of Sir John, who, as has been previously mentioned, took up his abode in Montreal. His entire estate was then confiscated and sold, the county buildings being thenceforth public property. Tryon county, as has been mentioned, received its name in honor of William Tryon, the governor of the province, and a base tool in the royal service. He was wholly devoted to the British interests, and did every thing in his power to defeat the cause of liberty. Hence it was only natural that his name should be offensive to the victorious Ameri- cans, and when, in 1784, the affairs of the state of New York were re- arranged no voice was raised against the proposal to change Tryon to Montgomery; thus substituting in place of a detested tory the name of a patriotic martyr. 16 Digitized by Microsoft® 122 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Montgomery county included the territory of Fulton county from 1784 to 1838, a period of fifty- four years. During that period the population of its towns increased to a manifold degree, and in no region was that increase more rapid than in the Mohawk valley. Amsterdam, Fultonville, Canajoharie, Fort Plain and other former hamlets had by 1836 become villages of importance, and tJieir inhabitants (particularly the legal profession) were clamorous for a change in the location of the county seat from old historic Johnstown to some place more convenient of access. The arguments for the change, indeed, were well founded, Johnstown being several miles distant from the Mohawk river, and separated by a hilly and ill-kept road, whose only public conveyance was the stage. Hence when a strong petition of the river residents was presented to the state legislature at the session of 1836, that body could not justly refuse the prayer, and Fonda was designated the county seat, the name being derived from that old and historic family whose descend- ants still dwell in the same vicinity. The removal of the public buildings from Johnstown to Fonda, while it wrought a great benefit to the majority, naturally created deep indig- nation in the northern towns, whose inhabitants resisted the removal in the most intense manner, and only submitted with the hope of relief in the formation of a new county. The removal indeed led them to peti- tion for a division of old Montgomery ; and a new county became a necessity to the northern inhabitants. The legislature, in harmony with this movement, passed an act on April 18, 1838, creating Fulton county, Johnstown being naturally designated as the capital, and the old public buildings were again brought into service, Fulton county, as thus created, has an area of five hundred and forty- four square miles, which when reduced to acres gives us the area of three hundred and forty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty, and as it has been sufficiently described in our opening chapter we will not de- lay by a repetition. In our history of Johnstown the pubHc buildings are also fully described, and hence no extended reference is here re- quired. FULTON COUNTY CIVIL LIST. Presidential Electors. Matthias B. Hildreth, 1804; Alexander J. Coffin, 1824; Archibald Mclntyre, 1828; John Fay, 1844; Clark S. Digitized by Microsoft® CIVIL LIST. ,23 Grinnell, 1852; Daniel Cady, I'8s6 ; Henry Churchill, i860; Allen C. Churchill, 1864; Daniel B. Judson, 1876. Representatives in Congress. Thomas Sammons, Eighth Congress, October 7, 1803, to March 27, 1804, and November 5, 1804, to March 3, 1805 ; Thomas Sammons, Ninth Congress, December 2, 1805, to April II, 1806, and December i, 1806, to March 3' 1807; Thomas Sammons, Eleventh Congress, May 22 to June 28, 1809; November 27, 1809, to May I, 1810, and December 3, 1810, to March 3, 1811 ; Thomas Sammons, Twelfth Congress, November 4, 181 1, to July 6, 1812, and November 2, l8i2,to March 3, 1813 ; Daniel Cady, Four- teenth Congress, December 4, 181 5, to April 30, 1 8 16, and December i, 18 16, to March 3, 1817 ; John Fay, Sixteenth Congress, December 6, 1819, to May 15, 1820, and November 13, 1820, to March 3, 1821 ; Al- fred Conkling, Seventeenth Congress, December 3, 1821, to May 8, 1822, and December 2, 1822, to March 3, 1823; John W. Cady, Eighteenth Congress, December i, 1823, to May 26, 1824, and De- cember 6, 1824, to March 3, 1825; Charles McVean, Twenty-third Congress, December 2, 1833, to June 30, 1834, and December i, 1834, to March 3, 1835; John Edwards, Twenty-fifth Congress, Sept- ember 4 to October 16, 1837, December 4, 1837, to July 9, 1838, and December 3, 1838, to March 3, 1839; John Wells, Thirty-second Congress, December i, 1851, to August 31, 1852, and December 6, 1852, to March 2, 1853 ; John M. Carroll, Forty-second Congress, March 4 to April 20, 1871. December 4, 1871, to June u, 1872, and De- cember 2, 1872, to March 3, 1873. Justices of the Supreme Court. Daniel Cady, June 7, 1847; No- vember 6, 1849. Councillor. Sir William Johnson, 1651-74. Members of Assembly. Upon the creation of the county in 1838, Fulton and Hamilton counties formed one assembly district, the repre- sentatives of which, with the year of their service, are recorded as fol- lows : James. Yauney, 1839; Langdon I Marvin, 1840; Jennison G. Ward, 1 841 ; John Patterson, 1842; John L. Hutchinson, 1843 ; James Harris, 1844; Garrett A. Newkirk, 1845; Clark S. Grinnell, 1846; Darius Moore, 1847; Isaac Benedict, 1848; John Culb^rt, 1849; Cy- rus H. Brownell, 1850; John Stewart, 1851 ; Alfred N. Haner, 1852; Digitized by Microsoft® 124 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. William A. Smith, 1853; Wesley Gleason, 1854; Wesley Gleason, 185s; Isaac Lefevre, 1856; Patrick McFarlan, 1857; John C. Holmes, 1858; Henry W. Spencer, 1859; James Kennedy, i860; James How- ard Burr, 1 861 ; James Howard Burr, 1862 ; Willard J. Heacock, 1863 ; William A. Smith, 1864; Walter M. Clark, 1865 ; Joseph Covell, 1866, 1867; Samuel W. Buell, 1868; William F. Barker, 1869; John F. Empie, 1870; Mortimer Wade, 1871 ; Samuel W. Buell, 1872; Wil- lard J. Heacock, 1873 ; John Sunderlin, 1874 ; George W. Fay, 1875 ; John J. Hanson, 1876; George W. Fay, 1877 ; John W. Peck, 1878, 1879; David A. Wells, 1880, 1881 ; James W. Green, 1882; Richard Murray, 1883; Linn L. Boyce, 1884; Alden W. Berry, 1885, 1886, 1887; Lewis Brownell, 1888, 1889; John Christie, 1890, 1891 ; Hor- ace S. Judson, 1892. County Judges. Donald Mclntyre, January 17, 1840; Marcellus Weston, January 17, 1845 I John Wells, June, 1847 ! Nathan J. John- son, December 10, 1850; John Stewart, November, 1855 ; -Mclntyre Fraser, November, 1871 ; Ashley D. L. Baker, November, 1877 ; Jere- miah Keck, November, 1883 i re elected November, 1889. Surrogates. Archibald McFarlan, July 17, 1838 ; served until June, 1848, when the office of surrogate merged into that of county judge. District Attorneys.' John W. Cady, January 20, 1840; Clark S. Grinnell, April 10, 1840; Thomas L.Wakefield, June, 1.847; Alex. H. Ayers, July 20, 1849; William Wait, November, 1849; John H. H. Frisbie, November, 1853; James W.Dudley, May 3, 1853; John S. Enos, November, 1853, November, 1856; John M. Carroll, November, 1859; Richard H.Rosa, Novembe.r, 1862, '65, '68, '71 ; Jerry Keck, November, 1874, 'tT, Clayton M. Parke, November, 1880, '83; Will- iam Green, 1886, '89. Sherififs.i David J. McMartin, 1838 ; Knapthalie Cline, 1841 ; Mi- chael Thompson, 1844; Daniel Potter, 1847; Amasa Shipple, 1850; Elisha Bentley, 1853; Bradford T.Simmons, 1856; Austin Kasson, 1859; Jacob P. Miller, 1862; James Pierson, 1865; William P. Bray- ton, 1868 ; Oliver Getman, 1871 ; John Dunn, 1874; Hiram Praim, 1877; Robert Humphrey, jr., 1880; John E Leavitt, 1883 ; Daniel E. Sutliff, 1886; John E. Leavitt, 1889. ' Date of appointment or election to office. Digitized by Microsoft© POPULATION. 125 County Clerks.' Tobias Stoutenburgh, 1838; Stephen Wait, 1841, '44, '47; Peter W. Plantz, 1850; Archibald Anderson, 1853; Morti- mer Wade, 1854, '57, '60, '63, '66, '69, '72, '75; William S. McKie, 1877, '80; Robert Humphrey, jr., 1883; John T. Selmser, 1886, '89. County Treasurers.' Daniel Stewart, 1845 \ Burnett H. Dewey, 1846; Rodney H. Johnson, 1847; Archibald Anderson, 1848, '51; Daniel Edwards, 1854; Eugene Bertrand, 1857; David Wells, i860; Burnett H. Dewey, 1863, '66, '69; James P. Argersinger, 1872, '75; James M. Dougall, 1878, '8i ; Henry W. Potter, 1885, '87; John F. Cahill, 1890. School Commissioners.' The first election under the act creating the office of school commissioner was held in November, 1859; prior to that time, and by an act passed April 17, 1843, the boards of super- visors were to appoint " County Superintendents of Common Schools." This office was abolished March 13, 1847. The County Superintend- ents of Common Schools in Fulton County were Flavel B. Sprague and Abner Ripley, in succession. The School Commissioners, with date of election, have been as follows: William Wait, 1855 ; Elisha B. Towner, 1857; Ira H. Van Ness, i860; Lucius F. Burr, 1863, '66 ; Cyrus Stewart, 1 869 ; John M. Dougall, 1872; James H. Foote, 1875 ; Dan- iel D. Crouse, 1878, '81 ; Joseph B. Thyne, 1884, '87; William B. Crouse, 1890. Population of Fulton County. As this county had no separate ex- istence before the year 1838, it cannot be said to have had any popu- lation except as its towns formed a part of Montgomery county ; in re- cording the population of that portion of Montgomery county which in 1838 was formed into Fulton, the facts must be furnished without re- gard to countj'^ organization. In 1790, the yejir of the first federal census, Montgomery county had a population of 18,261, but by the creation of other counties out of its territory the enumeration of 1800 gave it a population of only 13,015, In 1 8 10 it had increased to 23,007, but notwithstanding constant and rapid growth, other county formations out of its territory again reduced the total, for tiie census of i820,gave Montgomery only 21,846 inhab- itants. In i'630 the number of inhabitants was 23,264. Ib 1838 Ful- ' Date of appointment oj election to office. Digitized by Microsoft® 126 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTi. ton was organized and took from the mother county about i8,000 per- sons, the total population of the towns thus set off being 18,049. At the time of the first census enumeration (1790), none of the pres- ent towns of Fulton county had any organization, at least, under their modern names. In 1793, Broadalbin, Johnstown and Mayfield were created from the old town of Caughnawaga, and the first enumeration of their inhabitants was made in 1800. Northampton was likewise cre- ated from Broadalbin in 1799 and was enumerated first in 1800. The following table is designed to show the population of the Fulton county towns which were in existence prior to the erection of the county in 1838. In explanatibn, however, it maybe stated that the federal cen- sus of 1 8 10 was returned to the state autherities of New York by coun- ties and not by towns ; in view of which the growth in population from 1800 to 1 8 14 is shown by the state enumeration made in the year last mentioned. 1800. Broadalbin 1,133 Johnstown 3,832 Mayfield 876 Northampton 990 Oppenheim Stratford - Total 6,831 14,491 15,723 18,576 The following statement shows the population of the towns of Ful- ton county between the years 1840 and 1890, as given in the federal census taken at the end of each decade. Towns. 1840. Bleecker 346 Broadalbin 2,738 Caroga Bphratah 2.000 Gloversville, 1st Ward " 2d Ward " 3d Ward 4th Ward " 5th Ward 6th Ward Johnstown 5,409 Mayfield 2,615 Northampton 1,526 Sppenheim 2,169 Perth 737 Stratford 500 I8I4. 1820, 1830. 2,369 2,428 2,657 6,373 6,527 7,700 1,704 2,026 2.614 1,346 1,291 1,392 2,380 3,045 3,660 319 407 522 iSso. i860. I«7o. 1880, 1890. 510 1,062 970 1,046 816 2,476 2,534 2,912 2,175 2,021 689 629 828 855 624 2,079 2,202 2,207 2,157 1.864 2,717 1,876 2,354 2,909 1,487 2,621 10,959 6,131 8,811 12,273 16,626 2,429 2,367 2,241 2,231 2,181 1,701 1,937 1,927 2,069 1,992 2,315 2,363 1,950 1,845 1,663 1,140 1,085 1,013 915 769 801 1,172 1,163 1,066 998 Total 18,049 20,170 24,162 27,064 30,985 37,650 Digitized by Microsoft® FULTON COUNIY'S ENLISTMENTS. 127 CHAPTER XV. FULTON COUNTY IN THE REBELLION. f^'HE record of the volunteers of Fulton county from the firing on Fort Sumter until secession was buried at Appomattox by Lee's surrender, forms one of the most brilliant chapters of the history of the -county. To do justice to their services it would be necessary to record the various regiments in which they served. We, however, have only space to refer briefly to the subject and this is probably all that will be required since the history of nearly every regiment has been written in detail, a copy of which is in the hands of almost every comrade. All these records combine to f jrm an unbroken chain of testimony to demonstrate the patriotic heroism of the men of Fulton county. While avoiding all that may tend to sectional animosity the historian cannot but review with pride the achievements of our patriot host. Would the Athenians omit Marathon or the Romans forget how Ho- ratius kept the bridge ? It was the memory of Marathon which fixed the home of civilization in Europe instead of Asia. Thus with the sur- render at Appomattox. It is the memory of the bloody fields that pre- ceded it which now cements our nation in perpetual union. The value of freedom is in proportion to its cost, and the total overthrow of the slave power in America required a national sacrifice which never should be forgotten. Hence as later generations read the record of America's citizen soldiery from i86r to 1865 it may inspire them anew with the patriotic sentiment of " The country first, the citizen afterward." Glancing over the records of the New York volunteers it is found that Fulton county men were in no less than eighteen regiments, in some of which, however, there was but a small representation. In the Seventy- seventh regiment the county supplied the greater part of two companies and a lesser portion of two others. Companies £ and K of the One Hundred and Fifteenth regiment were enlisted almost wholly in the county. Of the One Hundred and Fifty- third regiment. Companies A Digitized by Microsoft® 128 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. and D were recruited at Johnstown, while Company F was composed mainly of men from the northwest part of the county. Company I of the Tenth cavalry, better known as Captain David Getman's company, was raised by its commanding officer in Mayfield and Broadalbin. Among the other regiments to which the county contributed any con- siderable number may be mentioned the Ninety-seventh, together with the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Sixteenth regiments of artillery also the Second and Third cavalry, and the Seventy- seventh and the Ninety- third Infantry. The principal commands, however, that is, those which contained the greatest number of Fulton county volunteers, were the One Hundred and Fifteenth and the One Hundred and Fifty-third regiments, which for this reason are entitled to more extended mention, but full justice will be done to all who enlisted from Fulton county, with both the company and the regiment in which they did service. THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Tliis regiment was mustered into service November 23, 1861, at Be- mis Heights. James B. McKean was elected colonel ; Joseph A. Henderson, lieutenant-colonel ; and Selden Hetzel, major. Seven men of Company D were enlisted in Northampton ; three of Company E at Fonda's Bush (in Broadalbin) ; eleven of Company F in Bleecker, and Company K at Gloversville, although a portion of its men were from adjoining towns, as will appear from the appended roll. Immediately after being organized the Seventy- seventh started for the field of active service, reaching Washington in December, 1861, went into camp on Meridian Hill. The regiment was incorporated with the Army of the Potomac on its first organization, and thus continued until its disbandment. It bore a full part in all the sufferings of that war-worn army from the beginning of McClellan's campaign to the close of the great conflict. That its services were severe is attested by the records of thirty battles, and that they were gallantly performed is evi- dent from the losses on those bloody fields which so rapidly diminished- its ranks. One or two instances will illustrate the character and endur- ance of this noble regiment. In the battle of White Oak Swamp the division in which the Seventy- seventh belonged was suddenly assailed Digitized by Microsoft® ':y:'.jf,j^'_^^.i,-.--:. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® SEVENTY- SEVENTH REGIMENT. 129 by a superior force of the enemy. The regiment was stationed some distance from its brigade, and could not be immediately reinforced owing to the severity of the confederate fire. " Not proposing to move without orders," as one of the members said, it heroically maintained its position, but in so doing barely escaped capture before the arrival of relief At the battle of Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864, the Seventy- seventh was selected with several other regiments to form an assaulting column to charge the enemy's lines. The attack continued scarcely more than fifteen minutes, but was of the fiercest and bloodiest character, and when it terminated the regiment left on the field twenty of its number, being about one-fourth of its strength engaged in that bloody action. The regiment also bore an important part in McClellan's campaign in the peninsula. At Mechanicsville it captured a guidon belonging to a Georgia regiment and also did good service at Gaines' Mills and at Savage's Station, and in all the movement toward Richmond, which terminated at Malvern Hill. It was also engaged at Second Bull Run, atCramptonPass and at Antietam, closing a year of conflictby the fight at Fredericksburg on December 13th. In January, 1863, it encountered the horrors of the "Mud Campaign." At Marye's Heights, on May 3, the regiment captured the flag of the Eighteenth Mississippi; it also fought at Rappahannock Station, Robinson's Tavern and at Gettysburg. In the campaign of 1864 it was in Grant's campaign through the Wilderness, and fought at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Fort Stevens. Trans- ferred to the Shenandoah Valley, it engaged in the other decisive battles of the campaign of which Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek were the most important. In November, 1864, at the expiration of its term of enlistment, the regiment was mustered out of service ; but it left in the field a battalion chiefly composed of veterans who re- enlisted, with the addition of new recruits and which was designated the Seventy- seventh Battalion New York State Volunteers. This battalion did good service at the final siege of Petersburg, and in the assault on April 2, its flags and guidons were the first colors on the enemy's works. It was mustered out June 27, 1865. 17 Digitized by Microsoft® ,3o HISTORY OF FUL20N COUNTY. The regiment had 1,463 men on its rolls, of whom seventy-five were killed in battle, forty died of wounds, and 148 of disease. Company D — Enrolled at Northampton. Erskin B. Branch, Charles E. Denel, William N. French, Lewis Mackay, Amasa N. Morgan, Jonathan Morgan, Henry Royce. Company E — Enrolled at Fonda's Bush. Lyman Cole, James Cole, James E. Hines. Company F- — Enrolled at Bleecker. Cornelius Van Slyke, fifth corporal ; Jonathan Dean, jr., Henry Franc, Nicholas Geltylahter, George Hess, John L. Kenitly, Cornelius Quinn, John A. Rerchler, Earnest Smidt, Frederick Strancher, Joseph Swartz. Company K — Enrolled at Gloversville. Captain, Nathan S. Babcock. First lieutenant, John W. McGregor. Second lieutenant. Philander A. Cobb. Sergeants, Ansil Dennison, Edgar W. Dennison, William Stewder, Henry Allen, Arthur Scott. Corporals, Calvin B. Allen, Stephen Redshaw, John Dance, John A. Walrath, John Lee, George Glass, William H. Wright, Hiram M. Bissell. Privates, John Allen, Lewis Burk, Peter Birdsall, Edwin Bissell, John Barne, Edward N. Bailey, James W. Cherry, Samuel Clark, Sanford E. Campbell, Charles E. Cheedell, Daniel H. Cole, Charles S. Cole, Elias Coon, Andrew P. Denel, Michael Fancher, James A. Farthing, Charles R. Fisher, Robert Gingill, John W. Hines, William Hawley, William Johnson, Charles Johnson, Peter Kehoe, Oscar Martin, James Mcintosh, Charles P. Mcintosh, William H. Miller, John Northrop, James O'Bryan, Monroe Place, Dyer Peck, Taylor Peck, Yale A. Pool, Charles Phelps, Charles E. Place, Francis Reid, Edward Sutlifif, Oliver SutlifiF, Richard N. Shaff, Erastus Sharp, Elias W. Smith, George D. Scott, Andrew Spring, Harlan A. Thomas, Bradley Vanderburg, Seneca Van Ness, Peter E. V^n Natta, Krimer Wilcox, Charles E. Wetherbee, Joseph Digitized by Microsoft® NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT. 131 Welch, from Gloversville ; James F. Austin, Hiram B. Gififord, from Broadalbin ; Jacob Fung, Lorenzo Phillips, from Bleecker. THE NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT INFANTRY. This regiment was organized at Albany, N. Y., by the consolidation of several companies, including Major Butler's battalion of sharpshoot- ers, which had been raised originally to form apart of the Seventy-sixth New York Regiment. The Ninety third was mustered into service be- tween October, 1861, and January, 1862 ; and when fully organized and in the field was known by several names, viz. : the Washington County Regiment, Morgan Rifles, Northern Sharpshooters, and New York Riflemen. The regiment left for the front March 7, 1862 ; it served first in Palmer's Brigade, Casey's Division, Fourth Corps, Arm)' of the Potomac, beginning in March, 1862. Companies B, C, D, E, G, and I were at the White House serving as provost guard from May 19, 1862, until July following. Then the regiment was reunited, and as such was attached to the Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and served with honor until mustered out June 29, 1865. In this regiment the Fulton county contingent numbered about fifty men, who formed a part of Company D. The list of battles in which the Ninety- third took part is as follows : (1862) Siege of Yorktown, April 17, May 4; Lee's Mill, April 28 ; Williamsburg, May 5 ; Seven Days' Battle, June 25-July 2 ; Malvern Hill, July i ; Antietam, Sep- tember 17; Fredericksburg, December 11-.15. (1863) — Chancellors- ville, May 1-3 ; Gettysburg, July 1-3 ; Mine Run Camp, November 26, December 2. (1864) — Wilderness, May 5-7 ; Spottsylvania, May 8-21; Corbin's Bridge, May 8 ; Po Piver, May 9-10; Laurel Hill, 10; Salient, May 12 ; Harris House, May 19; North Anna, May 22- 26; Tolopotomoy, May 27-31; Cold Harbor, June 1-12; before Petersburg, June 15 and April 2, '65 : assault on Petersburg, June 15- 19; Weldon Railroad, June 21-23; Deep Bottom, July 27-29 ; Straw- berry Plains, August 14-18 ; Poplar Spring Church, October 2 ; Boy- den Plank Road, October 27-28; Hicksford Raid, December 6-11. (1865) — Hatcher's Run, February 5-7; Petersburg works, March 25 ; Digitized by Microsoft® 132 BISIORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Appamattox campaign, March 28, April 9 ; White Oak Ridge, March 29-31 ; Fall of Petersburg, April 2 ; Deatonsville Road, April 6; High Bridge, April 7, Appomattox Court House, April 9. Muster Roll, Company D. Captain, George M. Voorhees. First Lieutenant, Henry P. Smith. Second Lieutenant, Philemon B. Marvin. Sergeants, A. Burr Beecher ; William W. Clark ; Edward Van Slyke. Corporals, Major Colory ; William EUithorp ; Alexander Case ; Em- mett Brown ; Abel J. Potter ; Gordon J. Colson ; George L. Schemer- horn. Privates, Charles Armstrong, Desman Bowman, John Bentley, Clark A. Bentley. jr., Cordenio Bass, John Burns, Urial C. Buck, Andrew J. Cook, John Costello, Waldron G. Evans, William J. Evans, Joseph Fontier, John H. Flynn, John Gardiner, Royal A. Harris, Franklin Holden, Michael Harrigan, John Hodson, Noah L. Johnson, Charles Jaggs, Joseph Morrison, Elias P. Newton, (Broadalbin) Joseph A Olm- stead, Thomas Peercell, Justin Poscoe, George Royce, William H. Rhodes, Henry A. Rice, Edward Rickerson, Jefferson Sleezer, Clinton Schemerhorn, Eleazer Slocum, Benjamin Sweet, Hayden Shew, Fran- cis E. Soule, Orlin Van Beeren, William P. Wells. THE NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. The Fulton county contribution of men for this regiment was mainly enlisted in Company F, although other companies, D, K and I had some recruits from the county. The regiment was mustered into service February 18, 1862, with field and staff officers as follows: Charles Wheelock, colonel; J. P. Spofford, lieutenant- colonel ; Charles North- rup, major ; Charles Buck, adjutant ; Joel T. Comstock, quartermaster. In May, 1862, the Ninty- seventh was assigned to General Duryea's Brigade, General Rickett's Division, and was under General McDowell during the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. In December, 1863, the regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division and Digitized by Microsoft® NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. 133 First Army Corps. The battles in which it participated were as fol- lows : Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862 ; Rappahannock Station, Au- gust 23, 1862 ; Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862 ; Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862; Chantilly, September i, 1862; South Mountain, Md., September 14, 1862; Antietam, September 17, 1862; Freder- icksburg, December 13, 1862; Chancellorsville, May i, 1863; Gettys- burg, July 1-3, 1863. Roster Company F. Captain, Stephen G. Hutchinson, Lassellsville ; discharged Septem- ber 22, 1862. First Lieutenant, E. Gray Spencer, Brocket's Bridge ; wounded at Antietam; discharged December 29, 1862. Corporal, Olaf Peterson, Lassellsville ; transferred to Co. D. Corporal, Augustus Johnson, Brocket's Bridge ; from First Sergeant October, 1862 ; veteran. Corporal Wallace McLaughlin, Lassellsville ; died of disease, Sep- tember 26, 1 86 1. Corporal Henry Fical, Lassellsville; wounded at Bull Run; dis- charged December 21, 1862. Corporal William B. Judd, Brocket's Bridge ; promoted to commis- sary sergeant ; to second lieutenant ; to adjutant, December 29, 1863. Musician, Henry F. Butler, Lassellsville ; discharged September 26, 1862. Musician, George F. Dempster, Lassellsville ; died of disease Sep- tember 26, 1862. Privates. James Adsit, Lassellsville ; wounded at Antietam; died October 18, 1862. Melvin C. Austin, Stratford; discharged March 21, 1863. Albert Argersinger, Lassellsville ; wounded at Antietam ; died July 29, 1863. Lambert Bellinger, Brocket's Bridge, discharged November i, 1862. Casper Brock, Lassellsville; discharged February 10, 1863. Daniel Bleekman, Stratford; discharged February 14, 1862. James A. Bolster, Lassellsville ; wounded at Gettysburg. Digitized by Microsoft® 134 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. William Campbell, Lassellsville ; wounded at Fredericksburg; dis- charged July 28, 1863. John S. Dalryruple, Stratford; discharged November 28, 1862. Rufus Doxtader, Brocket's Bridge; discharged June 12, 1862. William H. Edwards, Lassellsville; appointed corporal November i, 1863. Nathan Fical, Lassellsville ; killed at Gettysburg. George Kring, Lassellsville; wounded at Antietam; promoted to sergeant, October i, 1862. Asa C. Lamphere, Stratford ; prisoner at Bull Run ; discharged Octobers, 1862. John Luther, Brocket's Bridge ; wounded by accident ; discharged August I, 1862. August Manga, Brocket's Bridge; discharged June 14, 1862. Abner Millard, Stratford ; wounded at Antietam ; died October 6, 1862. Vernon B. Mosher, Oppenheim. Christian Rosseter, Ephratah ; killed at South Mountain. Daniel Strobec, Lassellsville; discharged March 14, 1863. Samuel Stall, Brocket's Bridge ; wounded at Antietam and dis- charged. Gilbert Satterly, Stratford; discharged January 3, 1863. George Sipperly, Caroga ; killed at Antietam. Alexander Snell, Lassellsville. Sylvester Stall, Lassellsville ; discharged August 25, 1862. Emanuel Smith, Lassellsville ; discharged September 26, 1862. Theodore Thompson, Stratford. Harvey S. Valentine, Brocket's Bridge. David H. Walrath, Lassellsville ; wounded at Bull Run. Lyman Zimmerman, Lassellsville. Company D. — Richard Bullock, third corporal ; A. J. Avery, W. Bullock, H. N. Bullock, W. Colwell, E. Edwards, H. Doxtader, E. Dun- ning, A. B. Farrell, W. McGowan, J. J. Newell, H. S. Perkins, all of Stratford. Company G. — Willard Avery, Stratford. Company I. — George Weaver, Lassellsville. Company K. — ^J. P. Spofford, Brocket's Bridge. Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED FIETEENTH REGIMENT. 135 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. The One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry was raised during the months of July and August, 1862, at a time when the gov- ernment was sorely in need of troops. In many respects this was one of the most important commands to which Fulton county contributed its men during the whole war, but there may not have been as many local volunteers in this regiment as in some others sent out from the district. The four counties Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery and Sara- toga furnished the troops for the One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment, the Fulton county men being in Companies E and K, a roll of which is appended to this sketch. The regiment was completed and organized about the middle of August, 1862, and mustered into service at Fonda on the 26th by Cap- tain Edgerton, an officer of the regular army. The field and staff offi- cers, chosen upon the organization of the regiment, were as follows : Colonel, Simeon Sammons; lieutenant-colonel, George S. Batcheller ; major, Patrick H. Cowan ; adjutant, Thomas R. Horton ; quartermas- ter, Martin McMartin ; surgeon, Richard H. Sutton ; assistant surgeon, William H. Ingersoll ; chaplain, Sylvester W. Clemens. On the 29th of August the One Hundred and Fifteenth broke camp at Fonda and proceeded under orders to Charlestown, Va., where its first service was to guard the Shenandoah Valley railroad, but it soon after moved to Harper's Ferry and camped at Bolivar Heights. On September 1 3th the troops went into theij- first fight at Maryland Heights, but two days later witnessed the cowardly surrender of General Miles at Bolivar Heights. The regiment was then ordered to Annapolis, but al- most immediately was sent to Chicago on guard and provost duty, where it remained until the 20th of November, and then returned to Washing- ton ; but instead of encamping for the winter at the national capital, as was expected, the men were kept under constant motion, and suddenly, in January, 1863, the command was transferred to the Department of the South, with headquarters at Hilton Head, S. C, at which place it arrived on January 26. Here the regiment was divided into detach- ments and kept on guard duty until the latter part of May, and then re- united. Digitized by Microsoft® 136 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. While 1863 was uneventful so far as the One Hundred and Fifteenth was concerned, the succeeding year brought intense excitement for the regiment, which was ordered into perilous service and bore part in some of the most sanguinary battles of the war. Beginning with the engage- ment at Jacksonville, Fla., on February 7, and ending with Fort Fisher, on December 25, the One Hundred and Fifteenth fought in twenty-two battles, but no where were the losses so severe as in the fight at Olustee, Fla., on the 20th of February, where it lost more than one half of its members engaged. Even a casual glance at the roster of the Fulton county companies will show how terribly the regiment suffered in this battle. Although neither of the opposing armies could claim a victory, the regiment of which we write won marked distinction, and was pub- licly complimented by General Seymour, who named it the " Iron- hearted Regiment," in honor of its bravery on that trying occasion. After remaining some time in the south, the regiment, on April 18, was ordered to Gloucester Point, Va., and was there incorporated into the Tenth corps, under the command of General Butler. The official record shows what a prominent part was borne by the One Hundred and Fifteenth during the year it was attached to Butler's command. That its services must have been severe is attested by the fact that in the latter part of August the effective strength of the regiment was reduced to less than one hundred and twenty men. On the isth of January, 1865, the One Hundred and Fifteenth took part in the second engagement at Fort Fisher, N. C., followed by three battles in February (Fort Anderson, Sugar Loaf Battery, and Wilming- ton), after which its service consisted mainly of guard duty. On the 17th of June it was mustered out, and on the i8th left Raleigh, N. C. for Albany, N. Y., where the men were paid off and finally discharged. The One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment left Fonda in the fall of 1862 with a full complement of ten hundred and forty officers and men • in June, 1865, at the final muster-out, its numerical strength was less than two hundred of its original numbers. Engagements of the One Hundred and Fifteenth : Maryland Heights, September 13, 1862; Bolivar Heights, Va., September 15, 1862; West Point, Va„ January 8, 1863; Jacksonville, Fla., February 7, 1864; Camp Finnegan, Fla., February 8, 1864; Baldwin, Fla., February 9, Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. 137 1864 ; Sanderson, Fla., February 1 1, 1864; Callahan Station, Fla , Feb- ruary 14, 1864; Olustee, Fla., February 20, 1864; Palatka, Fla, March 10, 1864; Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 5, 1864; Chesterfield Heights, Va., May 7, 1864; Old Church, Va., May 9, 1864; Weir Bottom Church, May 12, 1864; Drury's Bluff, May 14, 1864; Proctor's Creek and Port Walthall, Va., May 16, 1864; Cold Harbor, June i, 1864; Chickahominy, June — , 1864; Petersburg, June 23, 1864; Burnside Mine, July 30, 1864; Deep Bottom, August 16-18, 1864; Fort Gilner, September 29, 1864; Darbytown, October 27, 1864; Fort Fisher, N. C, December 25, 1864; Fort Fisher, N. C, January 15, 1865; Fort Anderson, N. C; February 19, 1865 ; Sugar Loaf Battle, February 20, 1865 ; Wilmington, February 22, 1865. Company E, One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment. Captain, William H. Shaw, Mayfield. First Lieutenant, Frank Abbott, Johnstown; resigned October 15, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Aaron C. Slocum. First Sergeant, Jacob L. Haines, Mayfield, promoted first lieutenant 1863. Second Sergeant, Charles L. Clark, Johnstown ; promoted second lieutenant, 1865. Third Sergeant, Robert Stewart, Johnstown. Fourth Sergeant, Henry Wright, Johnstown. Fifth Sergeant, Melville B. Foote, Northampton. First Corporal, Mathew Van Steinburgh, Johnstown ; killed at Olus- tee, Fla, February 20, 1864. Second Corporal, Henry C. Christie, Mayfield ; died at Hilton Head. Third Corporal, George Van Rensselaer, Bleecker. Fourth Corporal, Isaac Coloney, Oppenheim. Fifth Corporal, Webster Shafer, Ephratah ; wounded at Olustee. Sixth Corporal, James H. Taylor, Johnstown ; wounded at Olustee. Seventh Corporal, Peter J. Keck, Oppenheim. Eighth Corporal, Frederick Meyer, Ephratah. Musicians, James A. Benson, Northampton; John H. Hale, May- field. 18 Digitized by Microsoft® 138 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Privates from Johnstown, Alfred Allen, James H. Austin, Peter Burns, Henry Barclay, Franklin H. Barker, wounded at Olustee ; Orin Cross, Herman Cool, died at Fort Moore January 3, 1865 ; Dan B. Doxtader, died at Beaufort, S. C, March 14, 1864, of wounds; Nelson Fairchilds, George C. Graves, William R. Holliday, James F. Hallet, Albert Hilabrandt, John Hall, John Hilton, Aaron Johnson, Joshua Lake, Hugh McLaughlin, Archibald McLaughlin, wounded at Cold Harbor, Chester Heights and Olustee ; David L. Mann, Philip Plank, Steward Putnam, wounded at Olustee ; Abram Rathmire, killed at Olustee, February 20, 1864; John Scott, died in Virginia; Matthew H. Snyder, James C. Tompkins, died at Chicago, November 4, 1864; James Van Auken, died at Yorktown, Virginia, June 30, 1863 ; Reuben S. Wright, died at Hilton Head. From Ephratah, Henry I Bellington, Joshua Getman, James H. Get- man, James R. Jacoby, Sanders Johnson, wounded at Deep Bottom, died August 26, 1864; William H. Loucks, Eli D. M. Lee, Jeremiah Stenburgh, died at Fortress Monroe, August 26, 1864; Joseph Wood, died at Hilton Head, August 7, 1863 ; Moses Loucks. From Oppenheim, George W. Buel, wounded and taken prisoner at Olustee, died in prison, August 15, 1864; James Bolster, died at Beau- fort, July 26, 1863; H. J. Cool, died at Fortress Monroe; Samuel Clemens, died of wounds, May 14, 1864; August C. Caufield, wounded at Olustee ; William Montayne, died in Virginia ; Levi Philip, wounded at Olustee ; John A. Smith, John N. Ward. From Mayfield, John L. Bratt, Darius Baker, Charles J. Bishop, The- ron Bowman, died at Beaufort of fever, June 26, 1863 ; Benjamin A. Baker, died at Washington, D. C, of small-pox, January 11, 1863; Benjamin Ferguson, Cornelius V. Hall, wounded at Olustee ; Stephen A. Johnson, died of wounds. May i, 1864; Stephen Kirkland, Cornell McAllister, Thomas D. Perry, Sanford W. Shaw, wounded at Olustee, died November 10, 1864. From Northampton, James B. Brooks, died of injuries, January 7, 1865 ; Edmund Burhess, Eli Brooks, James H. Eldred, Albon Hanner, George B. Harrison, John F. James, George H. Luck, James H. Piatt, died at Beaufort, July 27, 1863 ; Charles Rhodes, died at Petersburg, June 26, 1864; John A. Rhodes, Hiram Riiodes, William H. Siiit% Smith Travis. Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. '39 From Stratford, Philander Doxtader, Charles R. Dibble, wounded at Olustee ; David H. Dalrymple, wounded at Olustee ; Charles Dyer, wounded at Olustee; Simon P. Little, Stephen Mowers, William H. Scorsby. Miscellaneous, Joseph Bowman, James Burns, wounded at Olustee ; Thomas Craig, wounded at Olustee ; Thomas Dooley, died at Ander- sonville ; P. Herman, wounded at Olustee ; S. D. Mosher, died at Beau- fort, N. C; Frederick Multer, wounded at Olustee ; Charles Rood, died at Petersburg, Va.; Peter P. Shuler, died at Philadelphia of fever, Feb- ruary 7, 1863 ; Andrew Sykes, died in North Carolina; J. Stearnocks died at Fortress Monroe ; James Welch, died at Olustee, Fla. Roster of Company K, One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment. Captain, William Smith, Amsterdam, wounded at Maryland Heights. First lieutenant, Ralph Sexton, Caroga ; discharged May 25, 1863. First sergeant, Henry P. McMaster, Caroga. Second sergeant, James M. Hill, Broadalbin; promoted second lieu- tenant ; to first lieutenant in 1863 ; transferred to Forty- seventh, N. Y. Third sergeant, James O. Fox, Broadalbin ; died at Petersburg, Va. Fourth sergeant, Archibald Buchanan, Broadalbin. Fifth sergeant, Caleb Olmstead, Broadalbin. First corporal, James A. Swan, Caroga. Second corporal, Lorenzo E. Bradt, Caroga. Fourth corporal, John Park, Broadalbin ; died at Beaufort, S. C. Sixth corporal, Samuel Burr, Broadalbin ; promoted sergeant. Seventh corporal, Eli Smith, Caroga. Eighth corporal, Henry Luly, Broadalbin. Musicians, Samuel Hurd, Caroga ; Joshua W. Ripley and Melville W. Cole, Broadalbin. Wagoner, James Carmichael, Johnstown. Privates from Broadalbin, David Anderson, Marcus Banta, burned to death at Amsterdam, August 29, 1862; John R. Clark, died in Peters- burg, Va.; Joseph Carpenter, Peter Dingman, Edgar D. Demarest, promoted sergeant, 1865 ; William H. Dingman, Peter Fry, William M. Fox, discharged for disability ; Daniel Fosmire, William A. Honey- well, A. P. Hart, G. G. Honeywell, wounded at Drury's Bluff and Win- Digitized by Microsoft® 14 o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Chester; Benjamin Hammond, promoted corporal, 1863 ; Thomas Kel- ley, Henry Luloy, died at Hilton Head; Norman W. Liford, wounded at Chesterfield Heights, died May 7, 1864; Charles M. Marcellus, pro- moted sergeant; Isaac Manchester, wounded at Chesterfield; Alexan- der Monroe, died at Hilton Head, October 10, 1863 ; Levi Pettit, killed at Olustee, February 20, 1864 ; William H. Peck, wounded at Olustee ; William A. Peck, Elizur A. Rose, William D. Wright, William Row- ley, discharged for disability, 1864; Henry Seeley, died June 19, 1863 ; Obediah H. Sprung, died of wounds in rebel hospital, May 1 1, 1865 ; Albert Solomon, Richard A. Thorp, wounded at Olustee ; Stephen S. Treper, wounded at Olustee ; Aaron Ward. From Johnstown, George H. Ackley, Charles H. Bradt, promoted sergeant, killed at Olustee, February 20, 1864; Francis Cole, died at Chicago, October 31, 1862; Groat Honeywell, Charles W. Johnson, wounded at Olustee ; Andrew J. Van Skiver, James Young. From Caroga, Peter Bradt, died after discharged ; John Cole, wounded at Olustee ; Michael A. Dorn, wounded at Olustee; Philip Erkenbrack, wounded at Olustee ; Ebenezer Failing, Martin Frederick, David Failing, wounded at Olustee ; James R. Gaige, Peter Hanahan, William Hillie, died June, 1865; Frank Limer, Charles Lamb, died of wounds, January 16, 1865; Abram Massey, Charles Moak, died of measles, January 2, 1863; Cyrus Near, William Pedrick, wounded at Olustee ; Warren J. Sexton, Adam Stearns, Joseph Van Derpool, wounded at Olustee, died in rebel prison, March 10, 1864; George W. Wait, James H. Williams, wounded at Olustee. From Oppenheim, Norman M. Cool. From Mayfield, John H. Day. From Palatine, Abram Backmore, died at Fort Monroe ; Edward Bratt, James De Graff, Nathan Layton, Abram Rockmeyer. From Mohawk, Milligham Bump, William L. Frederick, George S. Jones. From Amsterdam, John Demore, William S. Young, Joseph Younger. From Glen, Francis Kirsch, Michael Miller. From Ephratah, Melvin Miller, died at Johnstown, March 5, 1865 ; Barney Naughton. Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 141 Miscellaneous. J. M. Amstead, died at Deep Bottom, Va. ; A. Har- dcll, died at Raleigh, N. C. ; James Hunter, wounded at Olustee ; Charles W. Johnson, wounded at Olustee ; Joseph Wistar, died at Staten Island. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. The One Hundred and Fifty-third regiment was raised in the north- ern counties of the state, seven of its companies being from Fulton and Montgomery counties, and three from Essex, Warren and Clinton. The Fulton county men were chiefly in companies A and D, while companies F and K were represented by local volunteers. The companies first mentioned were enlisted at Johnstown, and the others derived their membership from the same place and also from other towns of the county. The greater part, indeed, of F and K companies was from Fulton county. The regiment was mustered into service at Fonda, October 14, 1862. Immediately after its organization it was ordered to Alexandria, and subsequently served at Washington during that year and also the fol- lowing year in provost duty. In February, 1864, it was transferred to Louisiana and attached to the Nineteenth army corps, being assigned to the first brigade, first division, commanded by General Franklin. The corps sailed from New Orleans on the 3d of July, under sealed or- ders ; but its destination proved to be the Chesapeake. The One Hun- dred and Fifty-third, together with four companies belonging to other regiments, being the advance of the corps, were on their arrival at Fort- ress Monroe instantly ordered, without disembarking, to the defense of Washington, then menaced by General Early's invasion. The troops were hurried through the city, amid deep public excitement and gen- eral alarm, to a position at Fort Stevens where they went into imme- diate action. After the repulse of the enemy, the One Hundred and Fifty-third joined in the pursuit across the Potomac, penetrating into the Shenandoah Valley, but was suddenly recalled to the vicinity of the capital to oppose another threatened advance of the enemy. The One Hundred and Fifty- third soon afterward engaged in the battle of Winchester, in which the Fulton county companies again did Digitized by Microsoft® 142 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. good service. It also participated in the engagement at Fisher's Hill, and in the pursuit of the defeated confederates. The Nineteenth corps, to which the One Hundred and Fifty-third still belonged, was also en- gaged in the battle of Cedar Creek, and suffered heavy losses incident to the surprise and early catastrophes of that bloody field. The regiment also formed a part of the picket line which surrounded Washington after the assassination of President Lincoln, and performed guard duty at the military court which tried the assassins. In June, 1865, the regiment was ordered to Savannah, where it did provost duty until its discharge from service, October 2, 1865. Field and Staff Officers. Colonel, Duncan McMartin ; resigned April 25, 1863. Colonel, Edwin P. Davis ; mustered out with regiment, October 2, 1865. Lieutenant-colonel, Thos. A. Armstrong ; resigned February 18, 1863, Lieutenant-colonel, W. H. Printup ; resigned November 17, 1863. Lieutenant- colonel, Alexander Strain ; discharged January 4, 1865, Major, E. P. Davis; promoted lieutenant-colonel, December i, 1863. Major, Stephen Sammons; resigned August 27, 1864. Major, George H. McLaughlin ; promoted lieutenant-colonel, Janu- ary 26, 1865. Major, C. F. Putnam ; died at Savannah, Ga., September 9, 1865. Adjutant, Stephen Sammons; promoted major December 2, 1863. Adjutant, Abram V. Davis; mustered out with regiment, October 2, 1865. Quartermaster, D. C. Livingston; resigned August 22, 1863. Quartermaster, John B. Blanchard ; mustered out with the regiment. Surgeon, H. S. Hendee ; resigned February 18, 1864. Assistant-surgeon, J. L. Alexander; resigned August 19, 1863. Assistant- surgeon, S. L. Snow; promoted surgeon April 14, 1864. Assistant- surgeon, J. Sweeney; mustered out with the regiment. Chaplain, J. Henry Enders ; mustered out with regiment. Comyany A — Enrolled at Johnstown. Captain, David Spaulding. First lieutenant, James Barr. Second lieutenant, John D. Brownell. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED FIFTY- THIRD REGIMENT. 143 Sergeants. — First sergeant, James A. Veeder ; second sergeant, Jame Lasher; third sergeant, Alfred Earl ; fourth sergeant, Lee M. Wooster; fifth sergeant, William C. Peake. Corporals. — James C. Kelley, George C. Potter, William J. Griffis, Robert B. Hyman, James R. Wright, Weston W. Peake, Charles M. Ballantine, Frederick A. Harman. Musicians. — Rufus B. Mcintosh, Jacob Wilde. Teamster. — David P. Mills. Privates. — Frederick Ackernecht, John Ancock, John Busick, Abijah Bruce, John C. Billingham, Edwin A. Bissell, Oliver Birdsall, William E. Christie, John Cosselman, Timothy Cosselman, William Cosselman, Leslie Kinsman, Archibald Kelley, Cassius M. C. Lloyd, John E. Lough- ewry, Eleazer Morgan, Stephen Millgate, George R. Miller, William H. Pulser, Charles H. Powell, Harman H. Putman, John S. Paddock, Benjamin Cossleman, Stephen Cadman, Patrick Dorn, Aaron P. Day, John K. Dye, George Duell, Elihu F. Enos, George D. Fuller, John E. Ferguson, Lawrence P. Frederick, Wilbur Farthing, Josiah Farthing, Dudley S. Gorton, William Goodenough, William Gulic, Childs Graff, William Green, David Haggart, Mathias Hurtz, Joseph Haynor, Daniel A. Hand, William G. Hulett, William A. House, David Hatmaker, John Johnson, Elisha Judson, jr., Hugo Knoff, Horace B. Potter, George Reymor, Victor Rufin, James F. Redshaw, George E. Radford, James Radford, Joseph Reynolds, Philip Snyder, Eliphas Stearns, John Stoner, John Tuttle, Solomon Tuttle, Charles Tiedman, James Van Vliet, Con- rad Van Sickler, John Van Sickler, Andrew J. Van Atter, Henry Van Wormer, Abram Van Nostrand, Joshua Van Atter, Daniel Van Done, Henry C. Welmuth, Alexander Wenchal, David Wiggins, Joseph Wells, John H. Welden. Company D. Captain, D. H. Cuyler, resigned from ill health 1863; first lieuten- ant, J. J. Buchanan, promoted captain September 14, 1863. First lieutenant, B. H. Burns ; enlisted as sergeant ; promoted first lieutenant October 27, 1863. Second lieutenant, Abram V. Davis. Sergeants. — First sergeant, William S. Norton ; second sergeant, Barney H. Burns ; promoted first heutenant, Co. I.; fifth sergeant .Sam- uel J. Bell ; died in New Orleans. Digitized by Microsoft® 144 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Corporals. — William G. Butler, Mayfield, died in Washington ; John Fulton, Johnstown; Richard Burns, Johnstown; Charles Bell, Johns- town; John G. Richardson, Johnstown ; Daniel Gustin, Johnstown, died in Virginia; Charles H. Peake, Johnstown ; Thaddeus M. Scouten, died in Virginia ; Thomas Farrell, wounded and discharged ; Yost Grebe, wounded and discharged. Musicians. — ^James German, Johnstown, died in Virginia ; Abram Wilsey, Perth. Wagoner, Daniel McCall, Johnstown. Privates — From Johnstown: John F. Arms, Lucius C. Allen, wounded and discharged; Willard Allen, died in Virginia; Joseph H. Allen, promoted fourth sergeant ; Nelson Argersinger, wounded and dis- charged ; John H. Argersinger, James F. Arms, John Bedingham, James H. Carlisle, died in New Orleans; Henry M. J. Coe, died in Lou- isiana; Lucius Daniels, Abram Davis, transierred to Co. B, died ; John H. Dewey, promoted first sergeant ; John K. Elliot, wounded at Cedar Creek, Va.; Thomas Earl, John Frank, promoted corporal, wounded and discharged ; John Friedel, died in Maryland ; James M. Gilchrist, pro- moted third corporal ; John Gluehner, Yost Greber, William Hale, promoted fifth sergeant ; Michael Hart, John C. Hastings, Henry B. Hewey, promoted sixth corporal ; Peter Hio, John Hio, Luther Holman, died in Va.; David Hallenbeck, Marcus King, Gotlibb Kebow, died in New Orleans ; William Kirk, John Lippert, Frederick Lippert, died in Virginia ; Richard Lary, Alexander Martin, died in Virginia ; Gaudus Lipper, died in Virginia ; Harvey Martin, Philip McGraw, James H. McCall, promoted corporal ; John M. Miller died in Washington ; William McMiller, Mathias Molty, Charles H. Moore, promoted first corporal; John Myers, John Murphy, promoted fourth corporal ; Hi- ram Nash, James H. Nickloy, William Nickloy, wounded and dis- charged ; Peter Noonan, William S. Norton, promoted second lieu- tenant, Co. I.; Lott Osborne, promoted third sergeant; Henry Paris, promoted fifth corporal ; Oliver H. Perry, transferred to Reserve Corps; Samuel Perry, Joseph H. Pierson, Nathan Reed, promoted second corporal ; Edmund Ricketts, Mathew Richardson, died in New Orleans ; John H. Riley, John G. Richardson, transferred to Reserve Corps ; Peter Reinhart, Nicholas Reinhart, David Robertson, died Digitized by Microsoft® ONE HUNDRED EIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 145 in Pennsylvania ; Henry Roil, John E. Stearns, died in Virginia ; Ed- ward A. Slocum, promoted second sergeant ; William StoUer, Nich- olas Shoupe died in New Orleans ; Richard C. Suits, Robert Turner, died in Pennsylvania ; Peter Van Buren died in Virginia ; William Van Dusen, Job Warren, Marcus H. Wiley, Abram Williams. Miscellaneous Members, William H. Adams, Mayfield, died at Wash- ington; Hiram Buchanan, Florida; W. C. Baker, Mohawk, missing; John Fulton, promoted quartermaster ; Giles Frederick, Root ; Wil- liam M. Hanis, promoted seventh corporal ; Alfred Smith, Perth. Company F. Captain, Isaac S. Van Woerts, Fonda. First lieutenant, Frank W. C. Fox, Fonda. Second lieutenant, John H. Lassel, Fonda. Sergeants, John P. Jennings, George Mathewson, Harmon Rulifson, Ephratah ; John G. Porter, Nathan McFee, Canajoharie. Corporals, William Benchley, Ephratah ; Robert R. Abling, Joseph Stone, Canajoharie ; James Donley, Sephus La Dew, Sylvanus Stowell, Henry Eberhardt, Oppenheim ; James Ettig, Lassellsville. Musicians, Andrew F Johnson, Mohawk ; William H. Roberts, Cana- j oharie. Teamster, John Strough, jr., Oppenheim. Privates, William R. Briggs, Harvey Brownell, Anthony Connolly, Benedict Deatsh, James K. Fiscal, Horatio Gilbert, hospital steward, Levi Gray, Oscar Getman, John N. Hanes, Oliver La Dew, John Mar- cellus, Solomon Mosher, William Nudick, Levi Steanburgh, Stephen Schram, Henry Wanger, from Ephratah ; Martin Brown, John Brown, Jerome Claus, John Clemens, John Denure, Helam Denure, Felix Don- nelly, Henry Doxtader, John W. Guile, Samuel E. Hoxie, Daniel Hase, Albert La Dew, William W. Mosher, William Mosher, Daniel Merrit, Philo Monk, Charles F. Stell, Lorenzo D. Snell, William Shearer, John Ward, jr., Daniel Weare, from Oppenheim; Andrew F. Hart, Daniel Mersey, George Mosher, from Lassellsville. Company K. Privates, Oscar Martin, James Mcintosh, Charles P. Mcintosh, Wil- liam H. Miller, John Northrop, James Obrayn, Monroe Place, Dyer 19 Digitized by Microsoft® ,46 HIi>TOKy OF FULTON COUNTY. Peck, Taylor Peck, Yale A. Pool, Charles Phelps, Charles E. Place, Francis Reid, Edward Sutliff, Oliver Sutliff, Richard H. Shaffer, Erastus Sharp, Elias G. Smith, George A. Scott, of Gloversville ; Joseph W. Kested, John T. Sawyer, of Mills Corners ; Jacob Pung, Lorenzo Phillips, of Bleecker ; David Mosher, of Middle Grove. THE TENTH CAVALRY — VETERAN. On the 3d of August, 1861, the war department granted full authority to Col. John C. Lemon to recruit a cavalry regiment in the state of New York, to be an organization of the United States, but in Septem- ber the command (so far as then progressed), was turned over to the state authorities, by whom the regiment was completed. The organiza- tion was finished at Elmira, a number of the recruits coming from Mor- gan's cavalry which had been disbanded in order that they might be- come members of the Tenth. The regiment received its numerical des- ignation December 12, 1861, and was mustered for three years' service. Companies 1, K and L joined the Tenth on December 5, 1862, and Company M in February, 1 863, which completed the regimental strength. Company I of the Tenth was recruited by its captain (David Getman, jr.), the towns of Johnstown, Mayfield, Perth and Northampton contrib- uting to its membership. The command left the state December 24, 1861, the later formed companies joining the regiment at the front. It was stationed at or near Gettysburg, Pa., until March, 1862, and then attached to the middle department. Eighth army corps, guarding rail- roads. From August until October, 1862, the regiment was in the de- fense of Washington, and then served with Gregg's cavalry brigade, Army of the Potomac, as all mounted men ; in the First brigade. Third division, Cavalry corps. Army of the Potomac, from February, 1863 ; in the Third brigade. Second division, Cavalry corps, A. of P., from June 14, 1863, serving however, from June 22 to 27 with the Twelfth corps. It was a part of the Second brigade, Second division from August, 1863 ; and from May 7, 1864, was in the F"irst brigade. Second division of the Cavalry corps. On the loth of July, 1865, the Tenth, then commanded by Colonel Matthew H. Avery, was consolidated, company with com- pany, correspondingly, with the Twenty-fourth New York volunteer Digitized by Microsoft® TENTH CAVALRY. ,47 cavalry, and the new formation was designated " First Provisional Regi- ment New York Volunteer Cavalry." The Tenth, throughout the whole period of its service, was numbered among the hardest fighting regiments in the Union army ; its record indeed includes active participation in more than one hundred engage- ments. This service however, will be best understood if the reader will contemplate the following list of its battles : (1862) Chesapeake Bay, near Black River, Md., April 4 ; near Sulphur Springs, August 27 ; near Frying Pan, August 30 ; Germanton, August 31; near Antrioille, September 3 ; Leesburg, September 17; Rappa- hannock Station, November i; United States Ford, November 16; Fredericksburg, December 11; (1863) Rappahannock Station, April 14; Kelly's Ford, April 30 ; Louisa Court-house, May 2; South Anna Branch, May 3 ; Ashland Church, May 4; Thompson's Cross-roads, May 5 ; Brandy Station, June 9; Aldie, June 17; Middleburg, June 18, 19, 20; Upperville, June2i ; Aldie, June 22; Gettysburg, July 2- 3; Boonsboro, July 11-12; near Harper's Ferry, July 14; Halltown, July IS; Shepardstown, July 15-16; Annissville, August i; Little Washington, August 4 ; Sulphur Springs, October 12; Auburn and Bristoe, October, 14; Catletts Station, October 15-16; Rappahannock Station, October 24; Philomont, November i ; Mine g.un Camp, No- vember 26 and December 2 ; New Hope Church, November 27 ; Parker's Store, November, 29; Ely's Ford, December i. (1864) Morrisville, April 17; Ely's Ford, May 4 ; Wilderness, May 5-7; Spotsylvania Court-house, May 8 ; Sheridan's raid to James river. May 9-24; Ground Squirrel Ridge, May 10; Glen Allen, May 11 ; Fortifi- cations of Richmond, May 12 ; White Oak Swamp, May 13 ; Haxall's Landing, May 18; White House Landing, May 19; Tolopotomoy, May 27-30 ; Hanoverton, May 27 ; Haw's Shop, May 28 ; Cold Har- bor, May 31, June i and 6; Suener's Upper Bridge, June 2 ; Bottom's Bridge, June 3 ; Sherdian's Trevilian raid, June 7-24 ; Trevilian Station, June 11-12; Kings and Queens Court-house, June 18-20; White House Landing, June 21 ; St. Mary's Church, June 24 ; before Peters- burg, June 26 and April 2, '65 ; Ream's Station, June 30; Light House Point, July i ; Gaines' Hill, July 2 ; Prince George Court-house, July 10; Lee's Station, July 12 ; Prince George Court-house, July 16 ; Deep Digitized by Microsoft® 148 HISTORY OF FUL70N COUNTY. Bottom, July 27-29; Lee's Mills, July 30; Strawberry Plains, August 14 and 18; Weldon Railroad, August 18-21 ; Ream's Station, August 23-25; Arthur's Swamp, August 28-30; Yellow Tavern, September 2 ; Stony Creek Station, September 6 and 16 ; Balclier's Mills, Septem- ber 17; Poplar Spring Church, September 30 and October 2; Mt. Termain Church, October 17; Boydon Plank Road, October 27-28; near Prince George Court-house, November 2 ; Stony Creek, Novem- ber 7; Blackwater Creek, November 18; Stony Creek, December i ; Hicksford raid, December 6-1 1 ; Three Creeks, December 9 ; Jarrett's Station, December 10 ; Halifax Road, December 10. 1865, Rowanty Creek, February 5 and 8 ; Appomattox Campaign, March 29-April 9 ; Dinwiddie Court-house, March 30-31 ; Five Forks, April i ; Fall of Petersburg, April 2 ; Paynis Cross Roads, April 4-5 ; Amelia Springs, April 5 ; Sailors Creek, April 6 ; Deatonsville Road, April 6 ; Farm- ville, April 7 ; Pamplin Station, April 8 ; Appomattox Court-house, April 9. A more remarkable military record is not to be found in American history. Muster Roll, Company I, Tenth Cavalry. Captain, David Getman, jr. Mayfield. First lieutenant, Stephen Dennie. Second lieutenant, Charles H. Hill. First sergeant, H. H. Boyd, Broadalbin ; killed. Quartermaster sergeant, Asa Capron," Broadalbin. Sergeants, John W. Abernathy, Mayfield ; killed. Nichilas D. Care, Mayfield; died in hospital December 16, 1863. David N. Haines, Mayfield; transferred to navy April 10, 1864. Darwin W. Close, Mayfield. Jacob C. Care, Mayfield; discharged May 12, 1864. Corporals, Chester L. Berry, Mayfield. Henry Betts, Broadalbin. Augustus M. Brown, Mayfield. Hosea Davis, jr., Broadalbin; trans- ferred to Vet. Res. Corps May 2, 1864. Darius S. Orton, Broadalbin. A. H. Van Dyke, Mayfield ; discharged April 5, 1863. Peter Phillips, Broadalbin ; killed. Harvey Decker, Mayfield ; discharged February 24, 1863. Henry Piper, Mayfield. Daniel Satterlee, Broadalbin. Digitized by Microsoft® TENTH CAVALRY. 149 Farriers, Charles Thayer, Broadalbin ; discharged November 8, 1862. Henry A. Lane, Broadalbin. Saddler, George Riddle, Northampton. Wagoner, James L. Mercer, Broadalbin. Privates, Charles S. Bartlett, killed while on a scout, November 18, 1864. Philip Canning, killed by guerillas near Benton Station, May 22, 1863. Thomas Canning, discharged January 9, 1864. George W. Close, Asa Dye, discharged October 28, 1863. James Earle died of typhoid fever September 20, 1863. Daniel C. Forbes, killed ; Francis Forbes, killed ; Miner Fox, HoUis Fox, Joseph Honeywell, William Foster, killed ; John Hammond, William H. Jones, died in Andersonville Prison, August 14, 1864; Thomas Lee, Lorenzo Philips, died at Aquia Creek, February 6, 1863. George Peck, discharged ; Rawson Stoddard, discharged January 8, 1864. James H. Sanford, promoted captain January, 1864. George E. Sanford, died of disease May 28, 1865 ; George W. Schermerhorn, died November 6, 1863. Abram Satterlee, George H. Smith, discharged. Zadock Satterlee, Thomas B. Tatlock, William Wands, from Broadalbin. Elias Blowers, William Brower, Abram H. Blowers, killed. William H. Blowers, James H. Brown, dis- charged. Nathaniel W. Brown, Christopher Brower, John W. Clute, killed George Davis, killed. Julius B. Day, R. Norman Fox, Seneca Fox, transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, October 31, 1863. Alva Freeman, died March 14, 1863, George D. Ferguson, died July 2, 1863. William A. Goodemote, John Hall, discharged November 17, 1863; John Handy, discharged June 11, 1863; James Hall, discharged May 8, 1864; Al- bert Hall, James A. Laird, discharged at Albany, N. Y. Barney Mc- Cabe, died in hospital at Phila., July 14. John Marlet, John McCormick, Hiram McCleary, William O'Bryan, discharged November 17, 1862. Edward Patterson, killed inaction June 9, 1863. Marcus Richardson, John Reynolds, Jesse Reynolds, William P. Rhodes, discharged May 29, 1865. Daniel Richardson, John H.Richardson, killed. Joseph A. J. F. Sanborn, George Stewart, John Shaw, Daniel W. Schemerhorn, Andrew J. Terrell, died December 15, 1863 ; James H. Waite, Martilon Warner, James W. Wells, died. Francis R. Whitney, discharged De- cember 31, 1863, from Mayfield; WilHam H. Briggs, of Johnstown. Jacob Lepper, of Perth. Ephraim D. Mosher, discharged March 4, Digitized by Microsoft® ISO HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1863; Alexander Wescott, of Northampton. John T. Bohanna, Thomas T. Crouch, died February i, 1863; William D. Hagar, Peter R. Mur- dock, of Fonda ; John Blowers, killed. THE SECOND REGIMENT, CAVALRY. On the 25th of July, 1861, the War Department authorized Col. J. Mansfield Davis to recruit a cavalry regiment in the state of New York ; aud the result was the organization of the " Harris Light Cav- alry," which was mustered into service between August 9 and October 8, 1 86 1, and designated the " Seventh Regiment of Cavalry in the ser- vice of the United States." The regiment, however, was turned over to the state in which it was recruited, and thereafter called the " Seventh Regiment of New York Volunteer Cavalry." More popularly this com- mand became known as the " Harris Light Cavalry." In such reports as arc published of the state's soldiery, there appears to be no credit to Fulton county in furnishing men for this regiment, but it is well understood that a part of Company F, one man of Com- pany C, Fourth Corporal C. L. Clark, and one, William Harris, of Company H, were recruited by Capt. W. H. Shaw, of Mayfield. The number of Fulton county men in this regiment was less than thirty, and though their service is worthy of honorable mention, we have hardly a sufficient detail, and regret the loss of material for this pur- pose. The regiment was mustered out of service at Alexandria, Va., June 23, 1865. Muster Roll, Company F. Captain, William H. Shaw, Mayfield. First lieutenant, David Getman, Mayfield. Sergeants, J. L. Haines, J. W. Abernethy, N. D. Case, Mayfield. Corporals, G. M. Van Ransellaer, Gloversville ; J. W. Case, D. N. Haines, L. Fay, Mayfield. Bugler, A. J. Lansing, Mayfield. Wagoner, R. Johnson, Mayfield. Privates, A. O. Brown, C. L. Berry, W. R. Berry, A. Brower, W. Bronson, A. M. Brown, J. Bixby, A. Eddy, C. V. Hall, D. Howland, Digitized by Microsoft® THIRTEENTH HEAVY ARTILLERY. »5i W. H. Fring, J. Wells, E. G. Waite, M ay field ; M. Bowers, J. Jintzy, Gloversville; A. Brower, A. Culbert, M. Fox, Broadalbin. Company H, William Harris, Johnstown. THIRD CAVALRY. Company D, J. H. Harris, George W. Peck, Johnstown. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, HEAVY ARTILLERY. To this regiment the towns of Ephratah, Johnstown, Oppenheim, Broadalbin, Mayfield and Perth contributed volunteers. The men were assigned to Companies E, F and G, the greatest number being in the company first named. The county's contribution amounted in all to about fifty men. Col. William A. Howard was authorized by the War Department, May II, 1863, to organize this regiment in New York city. The men then already recruited by Maj. H. B. Williams for the Eleventh New York volunteer artillery, and not assigned to companies, were trans- ferred to this command ; and on October 14, the men enlisted for the proposed Twenty ninth New York veteran volunteer infantry, and for the Thirty-sixth independent battery of New York artlillery were also assigned to this regiment. The new men were mustered into service for three years, but the regiment contained some one- year enlistments. The command in fact included men from all parts of the state. The regiment was mustered in by companies during the latter part of 1863 and the early part of 1864; and its service in the field was of such a detatched and separate character that no regular narrative of its history can be given, other than may be disclosed by its list of engagements. When the short term men were mustered out the remainder were con- solidated, so that some of the companies lost their former identity. The battles of the Thirteenth were as follows : Operations against Petersburg and Richmond, May 5 and 31, 1864; before Petersburg, June 15, 1864 and April 2, 1865 ; assault on Petersburg, June 15 and 17, 1864; Swift Creek, October 7, 1864; Day's Point, Va., November Digitized by Microsoft® 152 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 14 and 19, 1864; Fort Fisher, N. C, December 25, 1864, and January IS, 1865 ; fall of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Muster Roll, Thirteenth Regiment. Company E. From Ephratah C. Cook, second lieutenant ; S. H. Andriance, W. H. Brate, D. W. Brate, J. S. Brate, L. Clement, P. H. Cool, J. F. Cooley. J. Dempsey, J. J. Fraley, G. W. Hardy, J. H. Kinnicutt, W. H. Palm- ateer, J. Rivenburg, D. Smith, G. H. Smith, J. Smith, L. Sponable, C. Whitlock, D. Whitlock, P. S. Whitlock, M. Palmater. From Johnstown. — W. Avery, L. Copely, E. Ditrick, T. Doras, Charles Fields, D. Rooney, C. Rooney, W. Sullivan, J. Swartz, P. Tierney, L. T. Weaver, L. Weaver. From Oppenheim. — J. A. Brown, A. Cook, T. S. Finch, H. C. Jud- son, N. Ladue, N. H. Murray, J. D. Maxaw, C. D. Righter. From Perth.— S. H. PuUen. Company F. From Broadalbin. — Nicholas Barrett, A. Bates, M. Cornell, John Dingman, D. B. Hall, Henry Hall, M. H. Phelps. From Johnstown. — J. H. Houghtailing, B. H. Hulin. Company G. From Johnstown. — George Harvey, W. H. Lawrence, E. Underwood, David Yost. From Mayfield. — N. J. Schemerhorn. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT, HEAVY ARTILLERY. The Fulton county men in this regiment numbered but ten in the aggregate, and all were in Battery M. The regiment was organized in 1863, under authority granted to Colonel Elisha G. Marshall. It was made up of recruits from all parts of the state, and the regimental organ- ization was perfected at Rochester. The men were mustered in for three years. Digitized by Microsoft® FOURTEENTH HEAVY ARTILLERY. 153 The Fourteenth served as heavy artillery and infantry in the Depart- ment of the East until April, 1864, when it was attached to the Provis- ional brig.ide of the Ninth corps. On May 12th it was in the First division, Third brigade, same corps, Army of the Potomac. June i8th, 1864, it was transferred to the Second brigade; September, 1864, to the Third brigade, and in June, 1865, formed a part of the First brigade, Hardin's division, Twenty-second corps. List of Battles. — Wilderness, May 5-7, 1864; Spotsylvania Court- House, May 8 and 21, 1864; Ny River, May 10, 1864; North Anna, May 22 and 26, 1864; Totopotomy, May 27 and 31, 1864; Cold Har- bor, June I and 12, 1864; Beulah Church, June 2, 1864; before Peters- burg, June 16, 1864, and April 2,1865; assault* on Petersburg, June 16-19, 1864; Mine Explosion, July 30, 1864; Weldon R. R., August 18-21, 1864; Poplar Grove Church, September 30 and October 2, 1864; Hatcher's Run, October 27-28, 1864; Fort Stedman, March 25, 1865 ; Fall of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Muster Roll — Company M. H. Ballou, J. Perry, Caroga ; F. D. Brown, W. Cole, G. N. Evans, S. McDougall, J. Snyder, J. N. Van Natter, Johnstown ; F. Hudson, Mayfield ; Ira H. Vosburg, Perth. Sixteenth Regiment — A rtillery. In Company H of this regiment were men from Oppenheim, Fulton county, as follows : Lyman Billings, Joseph D. Brown, Daniel Clemens, Daniel Cunningham, Jacob Keck, Michael Smith, Ernest Silbyney, John Strobuck. 20 Digitized by Microsoft® ,54 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. CHAPTER XVI. THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. ^"'HE art of making gloves has long been a prominent feature in the prosperity of Fulton county, yielding a comfortable support to all thus engaged, while many have reached wealth. It has flourished in this region, indeed, for three-quarters of a century, but, before pre- senting its local details, the reader may be interested in its previous history. The use of gloves can be traced to the earliest times, and not only the ancient Asiatics had them in use but also they have been found on Egyptian monuments, as a tribute to the dead; the Persians also wore gloves of valuable furs, and Homer mentions that the shep- herds and farm laborers of ancient Laertes used greaves and rough gloves made of bull's hide in order to protect themselves against thorns. Gloves were also in use among the Greeks, being at first considered a sign of effeminacy, but later on finger stalls were used by them at meals. The latter were subsequently introduced from Greece to the the Romans, who were also unacquainted with the use of forks, and therefore substituted their fingers. The Romans also wore gloves for finery ; their noble ladies attached to their tunics long sleeves, which reached over the hands, and we learn from Virgil that the peasants wore similar garments during the winter. Military gloves were also worn by the Roman soldiers, from which the scale covered gauntlet was devel- oped in the days of chivalry. The ancient Scandinavians, the German tribes, the Franks, and other early European nations used gloves, both in their daily intercourse, and while traveling or hunting, the style and material differing according to the occasion. Coming down to a iater period ladies began to wear gloves in the thirteenth century, the first style being made of linen and reaching to the elbow. Linen gloves were followed by knitted ones, and subsequently leather gloves were introduced, which became highly popular in the court ot Louis XIV of France. In the early part of the seventeenth century the manufacture Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. 155 of gloves reached Germany, being brought there by French refugees from Grenoble who introduced their art to Erlangen, Haberstadt, and Magdeburg. In England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, great display was shown in gloves, some of which cost several thousand marks. Glove making is also one of the oldest of the civilized arts of Scotland. Much has been printed on the subject both in Europe and America and local writers have carefully investigated the origin of glove making in Fulton county ; some of their statements are at variance in certain details, but it is evident that the material whence all early gloves or mittens were made was the skin of the deer, which was abundant in the vicinity, and which suggested to the settlers the im- portance of making it available in a profitable manner. OTHER DETAILS. The primitive buckskin mittens and breeches piade by the early set- tlers were due to the necessity occasioned by the rough, laborious work of the farmers and wood- choppers, leather being also cheaper than the product of the loom. It is not probable that any gloves or mittens were manufactured in what is now Fulton county and offered as articles of merchandise prior to 1 809, but from that date, it may safely be said,, the manufacture became a recognized industry. It began in a small- way among the New England settlers in the vicinity of Kingsboro. They were a shrewd and industrious race, more accustomed to trade and commerce than their Dutch neighbors, who were chiefly farmers. Many of those Kingsboro settlers were skilled tin workers and their ware found sale abroad. Among those who were thus engaged were the Wards of Kingsboro, John Monroe and the Leonards of WestBush^ also Chester Phelps of North Kingsboro, whose success no doubt led others to embark in the same business. It was their custom to make a stock of useful articles, pack it upon the back of a horse and then lead the animal up the Mohawk, and " Chenango country " (as it was then called), and exchange the ware for wheat, peltry, and any other articles of domestic or commercial value. In this way they accumulated quantities of deer skins, one of which was usually taken in exchange for a tin basin. At first these skins were used for jackets and breeches^ the latter being especially serviceable because of their durability. Digitized by Microsoft® 156 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The Indian process of tanning was then exclusively practiced, the operation consisting chiefly in the use of the brains of a deer, which rendered a soft, phable and durable leather. Later on che brains of hogs were substituted, but with less satisfactory results, as the deer's brains possessed certain properties similar to the soda ash (" fat liquor ") in use at the present day. Indian tanned leather is still used to some extent in the manufacture of gloves and mittens, but the greater share of it is made by Indians in the western states. The vast improvement that has since then' been made in the manufacture of glove leather has really thrown all the early methods out of use. Ezekiel Case came to Kingsboro from Cincinnati in 1803 with a certain knowledge of the Indian tan process and he with others made a few mittens, but the first practical leather dresser in the community was Talmadge Edwards, who moved to Johnstown from Massachusetts about 1809. He was formerly a leather dresser in England and under- stood the manufacture of gloves and mittens. He soon made the ac- quaintance of James Burr and William C. Mills, who hired him to come to Kingsboro and reach them the art. In 1809 Mr. Burr made a few pairs of mittens, and took them up the Mohawk, selling them at en- couraging prices wherever opportunity offered. The following year he increased his output and sold a part of it by the dozen, this being the first transaction of the kind in the county. Later on he introduced several practical improvements in the process of tanning, among them "the bucktail," for which he secured a patent. This invention was replaced by the emery wheel, first introduced by Daniel Hays about 1874. James Burr built and operated a leather mill in what is now Forest street, in Gloversville, the property afterwards coming into the hands of Aaron Simmons. His son, James H. Burr, and his grandson, Harvey W. Burr, still carry on the glove business within a short dis- tance of the site of the old mill, and their establishment is a continuation of the oldest glove and mitten factory in the county. William C. Mills continued to be an extensive manufacturer for many years subsequent to 1809. He began making annual trips to the Hol- land Purchase in 1805, and bought there wheat for flouring purposes, and also deer skins for manufacture. It is said that 400 to 500 skins constituted his annual purchases. He died in 1833, but his children Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. .57 and grandchildren have been, and are to day, prominently identified with the industry. John Ward, of Kingsboro, engaged in the business about 18 10 and made annual trips to Pennsylvania, where he also purchased skins. He became a manufacturer of considernble importance and carried on an extensive business for those times. He was known as a man of untiring energy and strength of character, but died in 181 5, at a time when his prospects seemed the brightest. Philander Heacock, father of W. J. Heacock, began making gloves in 18 rp in the old Haggard house, that stood until recently near the Daniel Hays mill in Gloversville. It was in this old house that his son, the late Joseph Heacock, was born. Philander had learned the trade of bark tanning in the old McLaren mill in Johnstown, the site of which is now occupied by a mill owned by Simon Schriver. He afterwards moved from the Haggard house to a farm west of the present site of Glovers- ville, and continued to dress leather and also make gloves and mittens. He was thus engaged more or less until the time of his death, June 22, 1837. His sons, Joseph S. and Willard J., were both subsequently engaged in the manufacture of gloves on an extensive scale. Lemuel Heacock, a brother of Philander, was also a manufacturer. As an evi- dence of the extent of the industry in 1825, it may be said that Elisha Judson, father of Daniel B. Judson, went to Boston that year with a load of gloves in a lumber wagon, making the trip in six weeks, and bringing back to his employers. Philander and Lemuel Heacock, $600 in silver. This was the first trip of the kind ever made, and it is hardly necessary to add that its results afforded the highest gratification. The Judson family has ever since been prominently connected with the glove industry. Alanson Judson, a younger brother of Elisha, jr., reaped a handsome fortune from its profits, and his son, Charles W. Judson, now living in Gloversville, has also been a successful manufac- turer. Daniel B. Judson, son of Elisha, jr., and grandson of Elisha, sr., is still engaged in the business at Kingsboro, being one of the largest manufacturers in the United States. Josiah, Daniel and Abner Leonard embarked in the business at an early date, probably about 1820. Willard Rose was also an early manufacturer, and began making Digitized by Microsoft® ijS HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. mittens at Bennett's Corners about 1830. He had an extensive farm and in connection carried on the glove business for nearly forty years. A. S. Van Voast, of Johnstown, was engaged in the business in 1833, being then a young man. At the time of his retirement from active business he was one of the oldest manufacturers in the country. Humphrey Smith began manufacturing in 1834 and his brother, D. W. Smith, in 1837. The latter is now living in Gloversville. They were at that time located at Smith's Corners, about one and one-half miles northwest of Gloversville. D. W. Smith was actively engaged in the business for a period of about fifty years, being associated with James O. Parsons from 1870 until 1889, at which time Mr. Smith re- tired permanently. During his early career as a manufacturer he was associated with his younger brother, James H., the firm of D. W. & J. H. Smith continuing until i860. U. M. Place engaged in the business in Gloversville, then a mere hamlet, in 1832, and was an active manufacturer for thirty-nine years. He was also greatly interested in promoting the construction of the railroad from Fonda to Gloversville, and was so enthusiastic over this project that at times he even neglected his personal interests to insure its success. Rufus Washburn, lately deceased, was engaged in the glove business as early as 1836 or 1837. John McNab began making buckskin gloves at his father's homestead in 1836, before he had reached his majority. Later on he built a house near his present residence and continued to manufacture gloves for more than half a century, retiring from active business in the fall of 1887. He has been a successful manufacturer and has won wealth and influence and, what is far more, public respect. As his name has been prominently connected with the old West mill property at the extreme west end of Fulton street, in the city of Gloversville, it may be proper to add a brief sketch of that* historic mill. When John McNab, sr. settled on the old homestead in 1803, there was a grist-mill standing on the premises now known as the West mill property. This was pur- chased by Jacob Clute about 1823 or 1824, and occupied by John D. Clute, his brother, who built and conducted a small store which con- tained the usual miscellaneous assortment for country traffic. The grist- Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. 159 mill was afterward discontinued and the water power used to drive a double set of stocks with a flutter wheel. A small dam was subse- quently constructed below this mill and the power was used to propel the machinery in a carding and fulling-mill, which was operated by John Howe and James and Timothy Wrigley. John McNab, sr., also constructed a primitive skin-mill, consisting of one set of double stocks, propelled by a pitch- back water wheel. The entire West mill property passed into the hands of Daniel Leonard, who built a mill and put in four double stocks which were run by an overshot wheel. He con- tinued to operate this mill until November 23, 1843, when it was pur- chased by John McNab, jr., who increased the power and rebuilt a portion of the mill. It was operated for a number af years by Lewis Johnson, but the title of the property remained in the hands of Mr. McNab until February i, 1887, when, with the full concurrence of Johnson, it was sold to its present owners, the West Mill Company, at that time consisting of T. C. Foster, Lawton Caten and W. D. West. About 1845 John McNab constructed a trunk or water-way from the small dam on his father's property, for a distance of 100 rods in an east- erly direction and built a mill, and a large overshot wheel, with six double sets of stocks, bucktails, etc., on the site of the mill now owned by Daniel Hays on West Fulton street. The water that had thus been brought to the mill by artificial means was utilized to propel the stocks and machinery. This mill was afterwards sold by Mr. McNab to James Christie and George Mills, who conducted it for a time and then sold it to its present owner, Daniel Hays. Jonathan Ricketts has long been one of Fulton county's prominent glove and leather men. He came to America in 1837, from Yoevil, England, and located in Johnstown in 1839. He began business as a leather dresser in the winter of 1840-41, doing nearly all the work him- self. This was in the old McLaren mill near the cemetery in Johnstown. He introduced the dressing of sheep-skin in 1841 and reaped a rich re- ward from that business for many years. He began dressing South American sheep skins about 1848 and in 1855 he used nearly 40,000 of them. The first mill which he built is still standing, just east of the Cayadutta creek, on West Main street in Johnstown. It was erected in 1856 and occupied by Mr. Ricketts nearly twenty- five years. He began Digitized by Microsoft® i6o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. making sheep-skin gloves in 1841 and carried on both tanning and glove making, relinquishing the former business about five years ago, and the latter two years later, having acquired a competency by a life of active toil and perseverance. He received the silver medal at the New York State Agricultural Society's Fair, held at Albany in 1850, for gen- tlemen's kid gloves. He was contemporaneous with the Bertrands, who came from France in 1844, bringing with them the art of manufacturing fine kid gloves, which up to that time was unknown in Fulton county, but it was not carried on to an important extent until after the late civil war. Marcellus Gilbert was one of the early glove manufacturers, and sub- sequently established the firm of Gilbert & Wells, of Johnstown, which was eminently successful. Among other manufacturers who were en- gaged in the business in and about Johnstown prior to 1840 were James McMartin, D. H. Cuyler, Samuel Hill and Howard Hill. John Filmer was one of the early leather dressers He came to Ful- ton county from Brooklyn in 1832 and was engaged in dressing leather in Gloversville for such well remembered manufacturers as the McNabs,. Leonards and Evans. Isaac V. Place began manufacturing in 1840, his shop being a few miles north of Kingsboro. He afterwards carried on the leather busi- ness together with the manufacture of gloves and continued thus untif within a few years of his death, which occurred in December, 1891. Many others might be mentioned who have been connected directly or indirectly with the glove industry in the county, as the assertion has. been truthfully made that three- fourths of the inhabitants are engaged in some of its various branches. The reader will find brief notices of those manufacturers who have embarked in the business since the mid- dle of the century, in the succeeding chapters of this work. The early process of making gloves differed greatly from that prac- ticed at the present time. There are many persons now living who can remember the time when gloves were cut from the skins with com- mon shears. The patterns were made of pasteboard or shingles and were laid upon the leather and traced with sharp pointed pieces of lead,, commonly called " plummets," which were often made by pouring melted lead into a crack in the kitchen floor. Many hundred thousand Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. i6i dozens of gloves and mittens have been cut from skins marked in this way. The goods made during the early days, although rough and primitive in style and workmanship, were eagerly sought after by those who performed heavy labor, and hence the tin peddlers disposed of many dozens of them during a season. Later on, when the manufacture of gloves superseded that of tin- ware, and the industry gave evidence of a prosperous future, many men, women and children in all parts of the county became engaged in it. The men and children usually cut the gloves and the wives and daughters did the stitching, usually placing one mitten on the seat beneath them and sitting upon it while plying the needle on its mate. This method partially served the purpose of the modern "laying off" table, straightening the mitten out, and hav- ing a tendency to make it soft and flexible. In the course of time, when the sewing machine was introduced into the business, these same wives and daughters readily became familiar with its use and to-day a, majority of the farm houses in Fulton County each contains one or more of these machines. THE SEWING MACHINE. The introduction and development of the sewing machine in glove making presents an important feature in the history of the industry. In the early days, when all gloves were made in family circles, and when no manufacturer thought of having his goods stitched inside his shop, the gloves after being cut, were matched with fourchettes and thumb pieces, and then were tied up with a buckskin string in lots of a dozen pairs, with thread, needles and silk, and a handful of scraps to be used for weltings. The country people for miles in the vicinity, came after these packages which they placed in bags and thus carried home. The gloves were mostly made by women, who would thread the square pointed needle with the heavy linen thread doubled, tie a knot in the end, wax it, place a strip of buckskin between the edges for a welt, and then stitch the seam. The lighter gloves were made without a welt, backstitched, and an expert needle woman could thus make a neat, close fitting glove, while the welted gloves and mittens, if well sewn, would give excellent service. This work was laborious, however, and when in 21 Digitized by Microsoft® i62 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1852, it became known that machines were being made that would ac- tually sewa. seam, and that Churchill & Company, of Gloversville, had a machine which they were testing on glove work, manufacturers through- out the country became interested and much discussion arose concern- ing its merits. Some of the manufacturers were quick to see the great advantage that would arise both to themselves and to their employees if the sewing machine could be successfully operated in glove making, while others were incredulous and declared that gloves sewed together with such a machine would never give satisfaction. These first ma- chines were " Singers" and were large and cumbersome, both needle- bar and shuttle being driven by cog-wheels. They were noisy, and their " clatter" often distressed the nerves, but they certainly would sew a seam, and a few manufacturers cautiously gave them trial. They were at first used to stitch the thin binding on the top of gloves and mittens, but as the invention was very imperfect they needed constant re- pairs, and eventually Abner Allen, an employee of the Singer Company at Gloversville, began to repair and perfect these machines, and was the first man thus engaged. The next sewing machine was the Grover & Baker, introduced by David Spaulding in 1854. They were framed also of cast iron, standing about ten inches high, with a circular needle underneath, and leaving a chain stitch on the underside of the leather. This machine was largely used in stitching the laps and binding of buck mittens, as it was claimed that the stitch was elastic and would not break so readily as the lock stitch. In that branch of the business the sewing machine completely superseded hand work. Up to that time but few gloves were made entirely on machines, and not until 1856, when Niles Fairbanks, of Gloversville, introduced the Howe machine, which was small and light running, were there any grades of gloves made solely upon them. This machine was at once used to make some grades of light goods throughout. In 1857 the financial crash was felt severely in the glove trade, but the outbreak of the rebellion in 1861 brought great demand for gloves for army use. Many new machines were in- troduced into Fulton county, and a large majority of the product was made entirely in this manner. Then the enthusiasm over the machine was felt in every family, and the desire to have one in the hou.se almost bordered on a mania. Many manufacturers became agents, and sold Digitized by Microsoft® The glove industry. 163 machines, taking pay in work, which introduced them very fast. In 1858 the wax thread machine was first used here, but it did not come into general use until aftet the war, when it was greatly improved. Mr. Polmateer is entitled to much credit for the introduction of the over- stitch machine, which was the next great advance in glove mechanism. His machine is now used more particularly on heavy work. In those districts in France where fine gloves are made the overstitch machine has been brought to the greatest perfection, and this machine is mostly preferred by American fine glove manufacturers. The pique and prick- seam machines, though not in general use, will undoubtedly receive more attention each succeeding year. The introduction of steam power as a means of propelling the sewing machines was accpmplished in 1875, and as the operatives could do much more work, many were induced to go into factories who previously would only work at home. The sew- ing machine has thus assisted modern progress in a manner that has been repeated in nearly every labor saving device. A machine that at first seemed to rob the hard working women of their well earned sewing money, has only proved to be the means by which they can earn a much larger amount, and not only in a shorter space of time, but also earn it easier. The Singer machine has been constantly improved until no feature of the original remains, while very few, if any, of the Grover & Baker are being made. The Howe machine has received little im- provement, but does good work on fine gloves, if not run at too high a speed. The Wheeler & Wilson Company sell many machines for the medium grades of glove making, and some new machines are being in- troduced. A well known glove manufacturer writing on this subject in 1884 said : "There is room for many improvements, and I confi- dently expect that the next ten years will develop a machine that for fine glove making will supersede all inseaming machines now in use- . . . Probably all will agree with me that in the proud position the glove manufacturer has reached with us, much credit must be given to the sewing machines." Niles Fairbanks, now living at Gloversville at an advanced age, holds the distinction of making the first cutting dies for gloves and mittens, but as in many similar instances, the profit arising from his invention has been gathered by others. E. P. Newton started in 1859 the first Digitized by Microsoft® i64 HISTORY OP FULTON COUNTY. general machine works in this county in which glove and mitten cut- ting machines were manufactured. Much activity was given to the glove trade by the war of the re- bellion, and the price of both gloves and skins advanced materially. Since the close of the war there has been a general tendency on the part of manufacturers to make a higher grade of goods, and while the early makers devoted themselves entirely to the production of heavy buckskin gloves and mittens, the majority of those now engaged in the business make as fine a quality of kid gloves as can be produced in any part of the world. This great advance has been accomplished chiefly during the past five or ten years. The improved facilities for tanning, coloring and finishing, and the knowledge brought to this country by great numbers of expert leather-dressers and glove -makers from England, Germany and France, has placed the industry in Fulton county on an equal footing with all competing nations The business indeed has reached so great an extent that not less than from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand people are engaged in glove making and its allied industries in Fulton county, while from six million to seven million dollars are invested in the business. The reader will also be interested to learn the varieties of skins used in this vast manufacture and also to note the localities in the world whence they come. First of all is the deer skin, which opened the way for the subsequent development of the industry, but in addition we find that at present the manufacturer is using domestic and imported lamb and sheep skins, calf, elk, horse, hog, goat, dog, and antelope skins, all of which are divided into many grades and classes. The deer skins are supplied by all parts of the United States (where they may be found), together with Mexico, and Central and South America. The latter country sends the celebrated Para deer skin, a large number of which commonly called " Jatks " come from the mouth of the Amazon. Skins are also designated by terms signifying their origin, for instance, "domestic deer skins," are in this manner distinguished from im- ported stock, and are divided into " Wisconsins," " Michigans," " Mis- souris," thus indicating the locality whence they come. These are also subdivided into classes according to the time of year they are killed, which has an important bearing on their value. Thus there are Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE II\IDUSTRY. 165 western " reds " and " grays," the former being skins taken in sum- mer, generally thick and covered with short red hair, whereas, the latter, coming from animals killed in winter, are usually thin with an abundance of long thick hair. It is a fact well known to the experi- enced leather merchant, that the most valuable skins come from the warm and even the tropical regions, where the animals have thick skins and thin hair, and value is therefore estimated according to the climate. It is for this reason that the South American importations are so highly prized. Skins are shipped to New York from nearly every port be- tween Texas and the Amazon, and are invariably named from the place of export. For instance the " mosquitos " (as they are called,) come from that part of Central America known as the " Mosquito coast," these skins when dressed often present a spotted appearance, very similar to the marks left on those who have had small- pox, and these " pits," while they do not impair the serviceable quality of the leather, detract much from its beauty. It may be added that while deer skins are chiefly used in the manufacture of gloves, some of them are wrought into other channels of trade, among which is the manufacture of piano leather ; this leather is used on the little hammers which form a part of the piano movement, and George H. Taylor of Gloversville is its largest manufacturer in Fulton county. Sheep and lamb skins, both domestic and imported, enter into the manufacture of gloves and mittens in greater quantities at the present time than any others. Through the various modes of tanning and coloring, these skins can be made into so many different grades and qualities of leather, that they reach high importance to the manu- facturer. They are brought from almost every portion of the world, many of the domestics being shipped to Fulton county from distribut- ing points in the west, such as Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis. The imported skins on the other hand come under the name of " fleshers," which means skins that have been split. The flesh side, after the grain has been removed, being used for bindings. These " fleshers " are chiefly imported from England, Ireland and France. The assertion is made that the best leather from sheep-skins is produced from the coarse- wooled animal, as they possess the finest grain. Here again, the same rule applies as in the case of deer-skins, " the coarser the Digitized by Microsoft® i66 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. hair the finer the grain." We frequently find Cahfornia, Mexican and sometimes Australian sheep -skins in the market, but their quality is not deemed first class. Cape of Good Hope sheep -skins were once quite extensively used, but only a limited number find their way here at present The mocho sheep, which abounds in Arabia, Abyssinia and the head waters of the Nile, finds its way to Fulton county from Port Said, and is becoming a favorite with fine glove manufacturers. A des- cription of the process employed to change this skin into leather suita- ble for gloves will be found in another portion of this work. The largest manufacturers of mocho skins in this country at the present time is the Northrup Glove Manufacturing company of Johnstown. There are also a number of leather dressers in Fulton county who are making a clever imitation of mocho leather from domestic lamb and sheep-skins. The antelope skin also holds high importance, and at one time the an- nual production of " domestic antelope " hides was about 80,000 pounds. This, however, has greatly diminished and only a fractional part of the quantity once used is now brought hither, and yet they afford an excel- lent leather, in many respects equal to buckskin, for they are small and light, also very soft and tenacious, resembling indeed the celebrated chamois. The skin of the African antelope is also valuable, and it was from this variety that the first "dongola" shoe leather was made; but it is too tight and unyielding for gloves. The South American water hog skin is extensively used. A familiar variety of this skin is known as the " carpincho," and was first dressed by Jonathan Ricketts, of Johnstown, who virtually controlled the market for two or three years. He succeeded in tanning them so as to render a leather equal to buckskin. Mr. Ricketts introduced these skins to Ful- ton county manufacturers, who at once saw their value and they were subsequently imported and tanned with great success. Daniel Hays, of Gloversville, was among the first to take them up and still continues to manufacture them. The domestic hog-skin, however, is of no value for gloves, as it produces a hard, brittle and unyielding leather, which one well-known manufacturer neatly said, is " fit for nothing but shingles." It is a singular fact that the skin of those animals with the uncloven hoof or claw foot (with the exception of the horse and South American Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. 167 water hog) is unsuited for gloves, while the skin of animals with the split -hoof, such as the deer, sheep, antelope and calf make excellent glove leather. The Russian colt-skin is used for ladies' gloves, while dog-skins are extensively used in the manufacture of driving gloves. Large quantities of Jersey cloth and knit goods enter into the manu- facture of the cheaper grades of gloves and mittens and this feature of the industry is constantly increasing. Dressing and Tanning the Skins. — Radical changes have taken place in many features of the tanning process during the past fifteen or twenty years. Many of the earlier glove makers dressed and tanned their own leather, and a number of the leading manufacturers still continue this custom, as it insures a uniform quality for their goods and also saves them the tanner's profit. Among these may be mentioned Daniel Hays, Littauer Brothers, and John C. Allen, of Gloversville, and the Northrup Glove Manufacturing Company, of Johnstown. Tanning and dressing skins, however, has become a distinct and separate feature of the industry and there are at present more than thirty- five leather manufacturers in Fulton county, who have thus invested each from five to forty thousand dollars. A large share of the buck and sheep skins dressed in Fulton county is shipped to other parts of the country to be used by shoe and saddlery manufacturers and also to makers of piano leather. Millions of dollars worth of shoe leather is also manufactured from sheep, calf, cow and kangaroo skins at Gloversville and Johnstown, all of which finds a mar- ket in the large shoe manufacturing centres. Much of this leather goes to Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, while in two or three cases the Eastern dealers and commission merchants have their leather manufac- tured in Gloversville by contract Such remarkable progress has been made in the manufacture of sheep and lamb-skins that the great majority of the gloves made from these skins are termed " kid gloves," In fact the term " domestic or imported kid " is taken literally by the trade as meaning sheep or lamb skins treated with the kid dressing. Until recently the imported " kid skins " have been considered superior to those manufactured in this country, as they come largely from Germany, where a greater amount of time is con- Digitized by Microsoft® ,68 BIS TORY OF FULTON COUNTY. sumed in dressing and tanning, but within the past few years rapid strides have been made by the Fulton county manufacturers in dress- ing "kid leather" from sheep and lamb skins, and many experts now claim that the leather made here is in every respect equal to that from abroad. One obstacle in the way has been the fact that the foreign manufacturers have controlled the market on the sheep skins and have thus drawn to England, Germany and France the choicest skins in the world. Competition and an increased local demand will undoubtedly create a new market for these skins and American manufacturers may hope to be placed upon an equal footing with those in Europe. The sheep and lamb-skins come to Fulton county in what is known as a " salt picklg," applied after the wool has been removed. As al- ready stated the greater share of " domestics'' are brought here from the West, where they are shorn of their wool, and folded together in bundles. When received at the mill they are first thoroughly " drenched," or washed in water to remove the salt and extract the " pickle" as effectually as possible. It is then customary to place them in an alum bath for about twelve hours, after which they are staked. This consists of stretching or drawing the skin over a thin, round-faced iron attached to a stationary, upright piece of wood about the height of a man's knee. The skins are drawn over this, partly by the hand and partly by the knee of the workman, and the operation is generally termed " knee staking." "Arm staking " is a similar process often re- peated in the dressing of leather, particularly in the glove factories. In this operation the workman has a similar piece of iron, but it is at- tached to a section of hard wood that fits into the arm pit, and thus af- fords a pressure direct from the shoulder. The skins are taken from the staking-rooms and dried. This is accomplished either in the open air, or in artificially heated rooms according to the nature of the skin and the time necessary to dry it. They are then washed again, staked and dried with much care. It is customary at this stage of the process to sort the skins with regard to size and quality and then place them in the egg bath. This is composed of the yolks of eggs, prepared by mixing ten parts of salt with ninety parts of egg yolk. Many thou- sand dozens of eggs are thus used annually — one Johnstown firm alone, consuming two car-loads, or about 15,000 dozen in one season. The Digitized by Microsoft® THE GLOVE INDUSTRY. 169 skins are revolved in a drum until the egg yolk is thoroughly worked into every pore, which makes them soft and pliable. They are tlien ready to color and are placed with the flesh side down on zinc or lead tables, and the dye spread over them with brushes. The coloring is made of various pigments, among them redwood, lignum -vitae, wood- citron, Brazil bark and many other coloring materials, according to the shade desired. A mordant, consisting of alum, copperas and blue vit- riol is then washed over them to set the color. They are then thor- oughly dried, afterwards dampened again, and rolled up in parcels, with the flesh side out, and stored away to season, which has the effect of rendering every portion of them equally flexible and soft. They are then ready for " mooning" process, sometimes called " shaving." This consists in taking the superfluous particles of flesh and skin from the leather, which renders it uniform in thickness and suitable for the glove cutter. It is accomplished with a thin, round, sharp steel knife, set at a slight angle, having a hole in the centre to which a movable handle is attached. The workman, who must be an expert, then grasps the skin, the upper end of which is fastened to horizontal bars arranged for the purpose, and draws his sharp knife deftly over the flesh side, leav- ing it smooth and soft. The skins are usually run over a swiftly revolv- ing padded wheel, which polishes and softens the leather. Some of the poorer skins are not colored, but allowed to remain in the white and used as welts. Jonathan Ricketts dressed sheep-skins in 1841 and was probably the first in the county to engage in that branch of the business to any ex- tent. It is claimed by some, however, that Christian G. Bach, who came from Germany in 1836, milled the first sheep-skins in the county. In milling oil -dressed sheep and buckskin the process is somewhat different. The skins are first put into the stocks after coming from the beam- house, and having been oiled, dressed and milled, they are returned to be " scud." This consists in taking off any grain that may have been left on them when the skins were first frized. The next step in the proc- ess is to return the skins to the mill where they are scoured. This includes placing the skins in vats filled with a hquor made of soda-ash, where they remain until the grease is removed, when they are again placed in the stocks where the remaining grease is worked out with 22 Digitized by Microsoft® ,70 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. water. They are dried and scoured several times until all possibility of grease remaining in them is removed. They are then staked and fin- ished, put through the splitting machine and are ready for the glove cutter. From two to five months is required to dress buckskin, and from four to six weeks for pil-dressed sheep-skin. In dressing grained leather the hides are received in the raw state, and include calf, horse, cow, hog, goat and sheep-skins. They are first limed and placed in the vats where they remain about four weeks. At the end of that time they are sufficiently limed to enable the beam men to remove the hair or wool. The flesh adhering to the skins is usually removed in the large mills by a Hemingway fleshing machine. The skins then go to the drenches, where the lime is removed. They are then tanned in salt, alum and gambler. A portion of the stock is egged, and after being dried is " broken out " on a breaker or power stake, after which the skins are drummed and are then ready for the market Another por- tion of the skins pass through a fat liquor process, and after being dried are treated in a similar manner to those that are egg tanned. Fish, lard and neats foot oil enter largely into this process. Deer-skins are some- times rubbed with dry ochre or smoked, as may be desired. Aaron Simmons, who has been connected with the leather business since 1845, is said to have introduced the smoking of skins. It is accomblished by placing several hundred of them on racks in a smoke house, and allow- ing the smoke from a slow fire to settle upon them. The skins are hung out in the air seven or eight times during the process and they re- quire much attention and frequent handling. It has been truthfully said it requires years of experience to make one familiar with the many interesting and important features of the leather business. In the foregoing review of the origin, progress and development of the county's industry an attempt has only been made to give the reader a general idea of its character and scope. Were it indeed necessary to treat each feature of the industry in minute detail, our whole volume would be required for the task. Digitized by Microsoft® kAltkOAD ENTERFRTSE. 17 i CHAPTER XVII. RAILROAD ENTERPRISE. THIRTY-FOUR years prior to the final completion of a railroad into Fulton county, the people of Johnstown were agitated with the prospect of rail connection with the outer world, and a puplic move- ment for its accomplishment took definite form in the old court-house, where a series of meetings was held with a great display of local elo- quence. After protracted discussion, the organization of the Johnstown and Utica and Syracuse Railroad Company, with a capital stock of $75,000, was efifected on the 13th of May, 1836. So great was the re- joicing when this news became generally known that an artillery salute was fired at Johnstown, with other joyful demonstrations. They were of brief duration, however, for the cold fact that a railroad were hope- lessly impracticable at that time soon confronted every man of thought. Long after this the project of a canal from Fonda to Johnstown was contemplated, but this was still more impracticable, and thus public sentiment concerning rail or water communication with the Mohawk valley gradually relapsed into the former state of indifference. At the time referred to there was indeed but little need of a railroad farther north than Johnstown, as Gloversville contained only a few houses, and even Kingsboro was but a hamlet. Twenty years, how- ever, rolled by, and now, reader, let us note the change. The little settlement formerly known as " Stump City," and later on as Glovers- ville had become a place of equal importance with Johnstown, and in- deed very rapidly outstripping it in population. Voices were heard from the north pleading for a railroad, and the business interests of Ful- ton county had become so large that the people were indignant at their isolation from the rest of the world, and they demanded some means of transportation more rapid and convenient than even the plank road. In 1865 several prominent men in the county interested themselves in a project to build a railroad from Fonda, through Johnstown and Digitized by Microsoft® 1^2 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Gloversville to Garoga, terminating at a point near Canada Lake. An organization was effected, and Mr. Willard J. Heacock, who had been the leader in the movement, was elected president, and John Wells, treasurer. A survey way made of a portion of the distance, and some stock subscribed. In those days the New York Central burned great quanties of wood in their engines, and the projectors of the Canada Lake route cherished the expectation of reaching the timber district of the north and transporting to market a sufficient amount of lumber and fire wood to support the railroad. Before the matter had taken any definite form, however, it became apparent that coal would soon supersede wood as fuel for locomotives and in that case the sparsely settled coun- try in the northern part of the county would not furnish sufficient traffic to warrant the construction of a railroad. The want of sufficient means was also an important factor in the failure of the project. A second organization was made in 1866 and a limited amount of stock was sub- scribed ; but not enough to justify the company in proceeding with the construction, and thus the enterprise again dropped into inaction, and the hopes of the people were again disappointed. There were several men, however, who did not despair. Chief among this number was the plucky Willard J. Heacock, who continued to press the scheme upon popular confidence. He admitted no failure in an effort which was so necessary to the common weal, and therefore, with renewed resolution prosecuted the purpose, which now became a part of his very existence. He was not, however, to struggle alone, for he had the confidence and earnest support of such men as John McNab, U. M. Place, Alanson Jud- son, John E. Wells, David A. Wells, Marcellus Gilbert, Lewis Veghte, George F. Mills and T. W. Miller, some of whom had been equally in- terested in the former projects. In order to comply with the law in obtaining the consent of a majority of the property holders in the town to issue the required bonds, Mr. Heacock traveled for days and weeks, visiting the homes of the people in different parts of the town, and in the presence of a justice of the peace, taking a sworn affidavit of their support — a labor which required that patience and perseverance which was such a well known characteristic. Several public meetings where held in the court-house at Johnstown in the autumn of 1866 to arouse public interest. Mr, Heacock made a Digitized by Microsoft® CL^^£:^2yO Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® RAILROAt) ENTERPRISE. 173 careful estimate of the amount of business that the road would be likely to receive from all available points, and presented his figures at one of the meetings. An organization was finally perfected on the i6th day of June, 1867, and articles of incorportaion of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad Company, with a capital stock of $300,000, were filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the following day. The officers of company as organized were : President, Willard J. Heacock ; vice-president, David A. Wells ; treasurer, John McLaren, jr. ; secre- tary, Timothy W. Miller; directors, W. J. Heacock, John McLaren, John E. Wells, Byron G. Shults, D. B. Judson, John McNab, D. A. Wells, Alanson Judson, Lewis Veghte, George F. Mills, U. M. Place, John Peck and Timothy W. Miller. On September 30, 1867, a contract was made with Aaron Swartz for constructing the road and the work was soon begun, but after pursuing it for a time Swartz found the undertaking was a greater one than he had contemplated when he made the bargain, and he finally turned over the work to Shipman & Middaugh, who resumed operations and con- tinued the grading and leveling until November 21, 1868, when they too, found the undertaking too great for their capacity and abandoned it. The firm of Pratt & McLean also took contracts but accomplished little or nothing. In the mean time the town of Johnstown, had been bonded to the amount of $275,600, pursuant to an act of the Legislatnre passed Feb- ruary I, 1867. Recognizing the fact that little progress was being made in the construction of the road, the railroad company offered to turn over to the town the right of Way and grading as far as it had been ac- complished, providing the town would complete, equip and operate the road when finished. This offer was not acted upon by the town and upon petition, the legislature passed an act in 1870 authorizing the town of Johnstown to sell its mortgage bonds to the company for $100,- 000. This transaction was finally consummated and the remainder of the work was done under the direction of the company. At this time a man came upon the scene whose name is prominently identified with the completion and success of the railroad. This was Lawton Caten, the present superintendent, who became connected with it in May, 1869; a time when his supervision was of the highest value. Digitized by Microsoft® tl4 HIS70RV OF PULTON COUNTY. Thus far, endless toil and deep anxiety had been devoted to the enter- prise by the few determined men whose minds were set upon its ulti- mate success ; but they were richly rewarded by seeing the road finally completed to Gloversville and trains actually running on the 29th of November, 1870. The first equipment consisted of one locomotive, two passenger cars, one baggage car, two box cars, four platform cars; and the company was in debt some $6o,ooo for accrued interest. The first depot at Johnstown was a wooden structure, in which both passenger and freight business were transacted. The first station in Gloversville was also a wooden building and stood on West Fulton street on the site now occupied by the Gloversville Foundry & Machine Company's works. It was afterward removed and is now occupied as a creamery. The Gloversville and Northville Railroad Company was organized June 26, 1872, and its articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state the same day. The officers of the company were : President, W. J. Heacock ; treasurer, John McNab; secretary, David A. Wells; engi- neer, Lawton Caten ; directors, W. J. Heacock, John McNab, U. M. Place, Alanson Judson, of Gloversville ; David A. Wells, Mortimer Wade, Lewis Veghte, of Johnstown; W. F. Barker, H. J. Resseguie, P. Van Vleck, Michael W. Newton, S. B. Benton, of Northville ; R. C. Os- trander, of Hope Falls ; and William Jackson, of Mayfield. The road was bonded for $200,000 and the town of Northampton issued bonds to the amount of $20,000. The town of Hope, Hamilton county, also gave bonds for $8,000, but by an unforeseen technicality they were repudiated and never paid. The contract for clearing, grading and building fences was let to Res- seguie & Newton, September 19, 1872, and work was begun at once. The laying of the ties and iron and the equipment of the road was done by the company. The road was completed and began operations No- vember 29, 1875. By reason of failure to pay interest, the mortgage bonds of the road amounting to $200,000 were foreclosed, and pursuant to an act of the legislature passed April 15, 1880, were purchased by the Fenda, Johns- town and Gloversville Railroad Company, since which time the road has been owned and operated by that company. This purchase took place January 31, 188 1. The new road joined the old one at a point Digitized by Microsoft® RAILROAD ENTERPRISE. '75 near the present engine-house in Gloversville, the distance to Nprth- ville being a fraction more than 16 miles. The first mortgage bonds of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad Company, for $300,000, were issued July i, 1870, and expire in 1900. The only other bonds are for $200,000, and were issued April I, 1 88 1. The second privilege was made for $500,000, but only $200,- 000 of this amount was issued. The old depots at Johnstown and Gloversville were moved away and replaced by the present handsome structures in 1888. The two new depots are beautiful specimens of modern railway architecture and cost about $25,000 each. One of the notable enterprises of the company is the improvement of thirty-five acres of land situated a short distance south of Northville, seventeen seres of which was purchased in 1875. This ground is cov- ered with a beautiful grove of pine and hemlock trees and has been ap- propriately named Sacandaga Park. The company erected a summer hotel on the grounds in 1891 and this is surrounded by at least a hundred and twenty- five cottages The hotel is large and commodious, and to- gether with furnishings cost $20,000. The Park bids fair to become fa- mous as a summer resort. A fully equipped machine works, equal to any of its size in the country was erected by the company in 1887 on the site of the old depot in Gloversville. This is now leased to the Gloversville Foundry and Machine Company, who are at present operating it. A car repairing shop adjoining this plant, was also built by the company in 1889. The directors of the road when operations began in 1870 were W. J. Heacock, John McNab, Alanson Judson, U. M. Place, Lawton Caten, A. D. L. Baker, and Andrew Simmons, of Gloversville ; Lewis Veghte, David A. Wells, Mortimer Wade and John E. Wells, of Johnstown ; George F. Mills, of Fonda; and W. R. Fosdick, of New York. Mr. Heacock has remained president of the road since its organiza- tion, and David A. Weils has always been vice president. John Mc- Laren was succeeded as treasurer by John McNab in 1870. Timothy W. Miller was succeeded in the office of secretary by Mortimer Wade, May 5, 1870. Mr. Wade retained the position until September 20, 1874, when Lawton Caten assumed its duties in which he continued iinf-n thf iarp<;pnt vear. when he was succeeded bv Charles W. fudson. Digitized by Microsoft® 176 HISTORY OF FULTON COUATY. The present officers and directors are : President, W. J. Heacock ; vice-president, David A. Wells; treasurer, John McNab; superintend- ent, Lawten Caten; secretary, Charles W. Judson ; general counsel, A. D. L. Baker. The board of directors is composed of the above named officers, together with Lewis Veghte, Mortimer Wade, Henry Veghte, D. B. Judson, George F. Mills, W. A. Heacock, and William Littauer. The general offices are located in the second story of the passenger station at Gloversville. Fulton County Agricultural Society. — In another part of this volume mention has been made of the fairs held at Johnstown in Sir William Johnson's day, where undoubtedly the earhest premiums were ever awarded for superiority in production or manufacture, in the Mohawk valley. These fairs, however, instead of being public efforts were under the patronage of one man — the baronet alone furnishing the premiums, in order to incite the tenant farmers to increased efforts to produce im- proved and varied crops. The early agriculturists of old Montgomery county were mostly Germans, and their principal crop was wheat, of which great quantities were raised; indeed they were entirely depend- ent upon their own production, as transportation in those days was ex- pensive, and instead of railways and canals, their avenues of commerce consisted of foot paths and Indian trails through the woods. The great interest manifested by Sir William in behalf of these agriculturists and his desire to see them include in their culture some other crops than wheat (which at that time was often unsalable), is shown by the follow- ing extract from one of his letters to the English Society for the Pro- motion of Arts, dated February 27, 1765. "Before I set the example, no farmer on the Mohawk River ever raised so much as a single Load of Hay, at present some raise above one Hundred. The like was the case in regard to sheep, to which they were entire strangers until I in- troduced them and I have the satisfaction to see them at present pos- sess many other articles, the result of my former Labors for promoting their welfare and interests." It is not known at what date the fairs at Johnstown were discon- tinued, but this must have taken place soon after Sir William's death, which occurred in 1774. > A record is found of an agricultural fair at Johnstown, October 12, 1 819. It was held by a society organized that year, of which Henry F- Digitized by Microsoft® AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 177 Cox, was president and James Mclntyre secretary. Premiums of money were awarded, accompanied in each case by finely executed diplomas. Fairs have been held nearly every year since that time, the Fulton County Society coming into existence in 1837, just prior to the division of the county. In 1867 this society purchased from David D. Miller and others eighteen acres of land, which now form their present fair grounds. The purchase was made by Henry R. Snyder in behalf of the society and more than $2,000 was at once expended upon the property for fences and buildings, and in 1877 an exhibit hall was erected at a cost of $1,000. Other buildings have been added from time to time, the grounds and race track having been raised and improved in 1890 at an expense of $1,100. What a contrast this affords to the early fairs which were held in the court-house! The fairvof 1892 will be the fifty fifth under the auspices of the Fulton County Society. A report of the treasurer in 1848 shows the receipts to have been $170.55. In 1891 they were $9,007. The presidents of the society since 1867 have been as follows : Henry R. Snyder, 1867-68 ; Jocob Boshart, 1869-70 ; Isaiah Yauney, 1871-72; Richard Fancher, 1873; Charles Prindle, 1874-75-76; Nicholas H. Decker, 1877-78-79-80; Jacob Boshart, 1881 ; William S. Northrup, 1882-83-84; James I. Younglove, 1885- 86; Charles Prindle, 1887-88; William S. Northrup, 1889-90; Oliver Getman 1891-92. The present officers are : President, Oliver Getman ; first vice- President, James I. Younglove ; second vice-president, George W. Hildreth ; third vice-president, M. B. Northrup; treasurer, William T. Briggs; secretary, Eugene Moore ; directors, William Potter, James H. Roberts, Jacob P. Miller, John Dewey, James P. Argersinger, Charles Prindle. 23 Digitized by Microsoft® ij8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. CHAPTER XVIII. THE LEGAL PROFESSION IN FULTON COUNTY. THE sentiment is commonly expressed that the judicial system of the State of New York is largely copied or derived from the com- mon law of England. This is true in many respects, and resemblances may be traced therein, but a close study of the history of the laws and judicial practice of this state will reveal the fact that they are an original growth, and differ radically from the old systems of Europe. This dif- ference is strikingly manifested in the simple matter of entitling a crimi- nal process. In this state it is the People versus the Criminal ; in Eng- land it is Rex versus the Criminal. In the one the requirement is an independent judiciary responsible directly to the people only ; in the other it is a court subservient to a king. This great idea of the sovereignty of the people, even over our laws, has had a slow, conservative, yet progressive and systematic unfolding of the germ into organism. In the early history of the state the gov- ernor was in effect the maker, interpreter and enforcer of the laws. He was the chief judge of the Court of Final Resort, while his councilors were generally his obedient followers. The execution of the English and colonial statutes rested with him, as did also the exercise of royal authority in the province; and it was not until the adoption of the first constitution, in 1777, that he ceased to contend for these prerogatives and to act as though the only functions of the court and councilors were to do his bidding as servants and helpers, while the legislature should adopt only such laws as the executive should suggest and approve. By the first constitution the governor was entirely stripped of the judicial power which he possessed under the colonial rule, and such power was vested in the lieutenant-governor and the senate, the chancellor and the justices of the Supreme Court; the former to be elected by the people, and the latter to be appointed by the council. Under this con- stitution there was the first radical separation of the judicial and legis- Digitized by Microsoft® DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURTS. 179 lative powers, and the advancement of the judiciary to the position of a CO -ordinate department of the government, and subject to the limita- tion consequent upon the appointment of its members by the council. But even this restriction was soon felt to be incompatible, though it was not until the adoption of the constitution of 1846 that the last con- nection between the purely political and judicial parts of the state gov- ernment was abolished ; and with it disappeared the last remaining relic of the colonial period. From this time on the judiciary became more directly representative of the people, in the election by them of its members. The development of the idea of the responsibility of the courts to the people, from the time when all its members were at the beck and nod of one well nigh irresponsible master, to the time when all judges, even of the court of last resort, are voted for by the people, has been remarkable. Yet, through all this change there has prevailed the idea of one ultimate tribunal from whose decision there can be no appeal. Let us look briefly at the present arrangement and powers of the courts of the state, and then at the elements from which they have grown. The whole scheme is involved in the idea of first a trial before a magistrate and jury — arbiters, respectively, of law and fact — and then a review by a higher tribunal of the facts and law, and ultimately of the law by a court of the last resort. To accomplish the purposes of this scheme there has been devised and established, first, the present Court of Appeals, the ultiinate tribunal of the State, perfected in its present form by the conventions of 1867 and 1868, and ratified by a vote of the people in 1869 ; and taking the place of the old " Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Correction of Errors" to the extent of correcting errors of law. As first organized under the constitution of 1846, the Court of Appeals was composed of eight judges, four of whom were elected by the people and the remainder chosen from the justices of the Supreme Court having the shortest time to serve. As organized in 1869, and now existing, the court consists of chief judge and six associate judges, who hold office for a term of fourteen years from and including the first day of January after their election. This court is continually in session at the capital in Albany, except as it takes a recess from time to time on its own motion. It has full power Digitized by Microsoft® i8o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. to correct or reverse the decisions of ail inferior courts when properly before it for review. Five judges constitute a quorum, and four must concur to render judgment. If four do not agree the case must be re- argued ; but no more than two rehearings can be had, and if then four judges do not concur, the judgment of the court below stands affirmed. The legislature has provided by statute how and when proceedings and decisions of inferior tribunals may be reviewed in the Court of Ap peals, and may, in its discretion, alter or amend the same. Upon the reorganization of the court in 1869 'ts work was far in arrears, and the law commonly known as the Judiciary Act provided for a Commission of Appeals to aid the Court of Appeals. And still more recently there has been organized the Second Division of the Court of Appeals to as- sist in the disposition of the business of the general court caused by an over- crowded calendar. Second to the Court of Appeals in rank and jurisdiction stands the Supreme Court, which, as it now exists, is made up of many and widely different elements. It was originally created by act of the colonial legislature, May 6, 1691, and finally by ordinance of the gov- ernor and council, May 15, 1699, and empowered to try all issues to the same extent as the English Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, except in the exercise of equity powers. It had jurisdiction in actions involving one hundred dollars and over, and to re- vise and correct the decisions of inferior courts. An appeal lay from it to the governor and council. The judges — at first there were five of them — annually made a circuit of the counties, under a commission naming them, issued by the governor, and giving them nisi prius, oyer and terminer, and jail delivery powers. Under the first constitution the court was reorganized, the judges being then named by the council of appointment. All proceedings were directed to be entitled in the name of the people, instead of that of the king. By the constitution of 1821 many and important changes were made in the character and methods of the court. The judges were reduced to three, and appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, to hold office during good behavior, or until sixty years of age. They were removable by the legislature, when two- thirds of the assembly and a majority of the senate so voted. Four times a year the full court Digitized by Microsoft® DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURTS. i8i sat in review of their decisions upon questions of law. By the consti- tution of 1846 the Supreme Court as it then existed was abolished, and a new court of the same name, and having general jurisdiction in law and equity, was established in its place. This court was divided into General Terms, Circuits, Special Terms, and Oyer and Terminer. Its members were composed of thirty-three justices, to be elected by the people, and to reside, five in the first, and four in each of the other seven judicial districts into which the state was divided. By the judi - ciary act of 1847 General Terms were to be held at least once in each year in counties having more than 40,000 inhabitants, and in other counties at least once in two years ; and at least two Special Terms and two Circuit Courts were to be held yearly in each county, except Ham- ilton. By this act the court was authorized to name the times and places of holding its terms, and those of Oyer and Terminer ; the latter being a part of the Circuit Court and held by the justice, the county judge and two justices of sessions. Since 1882 the Oyer and Terminer consists of a single justice of the Supreme Court. The Court of Chancery of the State of New York was an heirloom of the colonial period, and had its origin in the Court of Assizes, the latter being invested with equity powers under the duke's laws. The court was established in 1683, and the governor, or such person as he should appoint, assisted by the council, was designated as its chan- cellor. In 1698 the court went out of existence by limitation; was re- vived by ordinance in 1701 ; suspended in 1703 and re-established the next year. At first the Court of Chancery was unpopular in the province, the assembly and the colonists opposing it with the argu- ment that the crown had no authority to establish an equity court in the colony, and doubtful of the propriety of constituting the governor and council such a court. Under the constitution of 1777 the court was recognized, but its chancellor was thereby prohibited from holding any other office except delegate to congress on special occasions. Upon the reorganization of the court in 1778, by convention of representa- tives, masters and examiners in chancery were provided to be ap- pointed by the council of appointment ; registers and clerks by the chancellor. The latter licensed all solicitors and counselors of the court. Under the constitution of 1 821 the chancellor was appointed Digitized by Microsoft® ,82 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. by the governor, and held office during good behavior, or until sixty years of age. Appeals lay from the Chancery court to the courts for Correction of Errors. Under the second constitution equity powers were vested in the circuit judges, and their decisions were reviewable on appeal to the chancellor. But this equity character was soon taken from the circuit judges, and thereafter the duties devolved upon the chancellor; while the judges referred to acted as vice chancellors in their respective cir- cuits. But, by the radical changes made by the constitution of 1S46, the Court of Chancery was abolished, and its powers, duties and juris- diction vested in the Supreme Court. By an act of the legislature adopted in 1848, and entitled the Code of Procedure, all distinctions between actions at law and suits in equity were abolished, so far as the manner of commencing and conducting the same was concerned, and one uniform method of practice in all actions was provided. Under this act appeals lay to the General Term of the Supreme Court from judgments rendered in justice, mayor's or recorder's and county courts, and from all orders and decisions of a justice at Special Term of the Supreme Court. Thejudiciary article of the constitution of 1846 was amended in 1869, by which amendment the legislature was authorized, not more often than once in five years, to provide for the organization of General Term con- sisting of a presiding justice and not more than three associates. But by chapter 408 of the laws of 1870 the then organization of the General Term was abrogated, and the state divided into four departments and provision made for holding General Terms in each. By the same act the governor was directed to designate from among the justices of the Supreme Court a presiding justice and two associates to constitute a General Term in each department. Under the authority of the consti- tutional amendment adopted in 1882, the legislature in 1883 divided the state into five judicial departments, and provided for the election of twelve additional justices to hold office from the first Monday in June, 1884. In June, 1877, the legislature enacted the Code of Civil Procedure to take the place of the Code of 1848. By this many minor changes in the practice of the court were made, among them a provision that Digitized by Microsoft® DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURTS. 183 every two years the justices of the General Terms, and the chief judges of the Superior City Courts, should meet and revise and establish gen- eral rules of practice for all the courts of record in the state, except the Court of Appeals. These are in brief the changes through which the Supreme Court of the state of New York has passed in its growth from the prerogative of an irresponsible governor to one of the most independent and en- lightened instrumentalities for the protection and attainment of the rights of citizens, of which any state or nation, ancient or modern, can rightfully boast. So well is this fact understood by the people that by far the greater amount of business which might be done in inferior courts at less expense, is actually taken to this court for settlement. Daniel Cady, recognized as one of the leading lawyers of the State, was the only member of the Fulton county bar ever honored with a position on the bench of the Supreme Court. He was first elected June 7., 1847, under the constitution of 1846, and again on November 6, 1849. Next in inferiority to the Supreme Court is the County Court, held in and for each county for the state, at such times and places as its judges may direct. This court has its origin in the English Court of Sessions, and, like it, at first had crimimal jurisdiction only. By an act passed in 1683, a Court of Sessions, having power to try both civil and criminal causes by jury, was directed to be held by three justices of the peace, in each of the counties of the province twice a year, with an additional term in Albany and two in New York. By the act of 1691, and the decree of 1699, all civil jurisdiction was taken from this court and conferred on the Common Pleas. By the sweeping changes made by the constitution of 1846, provision was made for a County Court in each county of the state, except New York, to-be held by an officer to be designated the county judge, and to have, such jurisdiction as the legislature might prescribe. Under the authority of this constitution, the County Courts have been given, from time to time, juiisdiction in various classes of actions not necessary to be enumerated here ; and have also been invested with certain equity powers in the foreclosure of mortgages; to sell infants' real estate; to partition lands; to ad- measure dower and care for the persons and estates of lunatics and habitual drunkards. Digitized by Microsoft® i84 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The judiciary act of 1869 continued the existing jurisdiction of County Courts, and conferred upon them original jurisdiction in all actions in which the defendant lived within the county, and the dam- ages claimed did not exceed one thousand dollars. Like the Supreme Court, the County Court now has its civil and criminal side. In crimi- nal matters the county judge is assisted by two justices of sessions, elected by the people from among the justices of the peace in the county. It is in the criminal branch of this court, known as the Ses- sions, that all the minor criminal offences are now disposed of All indictments of the grand jtft-y, except for murder or some very serious felony, are sent to it for trial from the Oyer and Terminer. By the codes of 1848 and 1877 the methods and procedure and practice were made to conform as nearly as possible to the practice in the Supreme Court. This was done with the evident design of attracting litigation into these courts, and thus relieving the Supreme Court. But in this purpose there has been a failure, litigants much preferring the shield and assistance of the broader powers of the Supreme Court. By the judiciary act "the term of office of county judges was extended from four to six years. Under the codes the judges can perform some of the duties of a justice of the Supreme Court at Chambers. The County Court has appellate jurisdiction over actions arising in Justice Courts and Courts of Special Sessions ; appeals lay from the County Court direct to the General Term. The village of Johnstown has been the seat of justice of three sepa- rately named counties, Tryon, Montgomery and Fulton. The first named county was created in 1772, and on the 26th of May of that year Guy Johnson was appointed its judge. He abandoned the county, therefore his office, in 1775, and it was not until 1778 that his successor was appointed. This was Jacob Klock, commissioned February 6 of that year, and who served until succeeded by Jellis Fonda, March 22, 1784. In the year last named Tryon county was changed to Mont- gomery county, and so continued, Johnstown being the county seat, until 1836. The county judges of Montgomery county, while the seat of justice remained in what is now Fulton county, were as follows : Jellis Fonda, appointed March 22, 1784; Frederick Fisher, March 27, 1787; Abraham Arndt, January 24, 1801 ; Simon Vedder, January 28, Digitized by Microsoft® DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURTS. iSj 1802 ; John McCarthy, March 2, 1809; Alexander Sheldon, March 3, 1815; Aaron Haring, February 9, 1819; Abraham Morrell, February 28, 1833, and serving in the office at the time of the division of Mont- gomery county and the creation of Fulton county. Since the organiza- tion of Fulton county its county judges, with date of election, have been as follows: Donald Mclntyre, January 17, 1840; Marcellus Weston, January 17, 1845; John Wells, June, 1840; Nathan Johnson, ^ Decem- ber 10, 1850; John Stewart, November, 1855; Mclntyre Frazer, No- vember, 1871; Ashley D. L. Baker, November, 1877; Jcry Keck, November, 1883, and re elected in November, 1889. Surrogates Courts, one of which exists in each county of the state, are now courts of record, having a seal ; and their especial jurisdiction is the settlement and care of estates of persons who have died either with or without a will, and of infants. The derivation of the powers and practice of the Surrogate Courts in this state is from the Ecclesiasti- cal Court of England, through a part of the colonial council, which ex- isted during the rule of the Dutch, and exercised its authority in accord- ance with the Dutch Roman law, the custom of Amsterdam and the law of Aasdom ; the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens, the Court of Orphan Masters, the Mayor's Court, the Prerogative Court and the Court of Pi'obates. The settlement of estates and the guardianship of orphans which was at first vested in the Director General and Council of New Netherland was transferred to the Burgomasters in 1653, and soon after to the Orphan Masters. Under the colony the Prerogative Court controlled all matters in relation to the probate of wills and set- tlement of estates. This power continued until 1692, when by act of legislation all probates and granting of letters of administration were to be under the hand of the governor or his delegate ; and two freeholders were appointed in each town to take charge of the estates of persons dying without a will. Under the duke's laws this duty had been per- formed by the constables, overseers and justices of each town. In 1778 the governor was divested of all this power except the appointment of surrogates, and it was conferred upon the judges of the Court of Pro- bates. Under the first constitution surrogates were appointed by the council of appointment ; under the second constitution by the gov- 24 I Appointed ; elected at the next general election. Digitized by Microsoft® i86 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. ernor with the approval of the senate. The constitution of 1 846 abro- gated the office of surrogate in all counties having less than forty thou- sand population, and conferred its powers and duties upon the county judge. Bythe Code of Civil Procedure surrogates were invested with all the necessary powers to carry out the equitable and incidental require- ments of their office. In its present form, and sitting in Fulton county both at Johnstown and Gloversville each week, this court affijrds a cheap and expeditious medium for the care and settlement of estates and the guardianship of infants. The incumbents of the office of Surrogate in Tryon, Montgomery and Fulton counties, during the time in which Johnstown was the county seat, have been as follows : Christopher P. Yates, appointed March 23, 1788 ; Isaac Paris, March 13, 1787 ; Josiah Cram, April 6, 1790; Charles Walton, February 18, 1800; James Lan- sing, August 13, 1 80 1 ; Tobias A. Stoutenburgh, February 12, 1S21 ; Richard H Cushney, July 17, 1838. Archibald McFarlan was commissioned surrogate of Fulton county July 17, 1838, and held office to June 1847, at which time the provis- ion of the constitution of 1846 became operative; and by which the office and duties of surrogate devolved upon the county judge. The only remaining courts which are common to the whole state are the Special Sessions, held by a justice of the peace for the trial of minor crimirfal offenses, and Justice Courts with a limited civil jurisdiction. Previous to the constitution of 1821, modified in 1826, justices of the peace were appointed ; since that they have been elected. The office and its duties are descended from the English office of the same name, but are much less important, and under the laws of this state purely the creature of the statute. The office is now of very little importance in the administration of law, and with the loss of much of its old time power has lost all of its former dignity. This brief survey of the courts of New York, which omits only those which are local in character, gives some idea of the machinery provided for the use of the members of the bench and bar at the time of the for- mation of Tryon County in 1772; Montgomery County in 1784, and Fulton County in 1838. An act of the legislature, passed May 8, 1847, divided the state into eight judicial districts ; and Fulton county with Warren, Saratoga, Washington, Essex, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Clin- Digitized by Microsoft® THE FORMER BAR. 187 ton, Montgomery, Hamilton, and Schenectady counties, comprised the Fourth district. By chapter 329 of the laws of 1883, the Third and Fourth districts were included in the Fourth Judicial Department of the state. The organization of the courts in Fulton county was accomplished with little difficulty and no unnecessary formality. At that time the machinery of the law was so well understood that there could be no confusion either in opinion or action, for the constitution of 182 1 had made clear all the ambiguities of its predecessors, and all that was re- quired was that the judges of the several courts should interpret the law according to precedents already established, while the attorneys were only required to present to the court and jury the interests of their respective clients according to their best judgment and ability. The Bar of Fulton county has ever been noted for its strength. On the bench, and as well as pleading in her courts, have been men of the highest professional character and of great moral worth. Among the leading legal minds of this state, Fulton county has furnished a liberal proportion, many of which have attained distinction, and some, emi- nence. They are recognized as men of strict integrity and acknowledged ability, qualities which have given them a high standard in the legisla- tive halls both of the state and the nation. Daniel Paris and Matthias B. Hildreth were prominent Johnstown lawyers during the early part of the present century. The former was a son of Isaac Paris, who was slain at Oriskany. He served a term in the state senate, and wielded great influence while member of the Council of Appointment. Later on he removed to Troy, where he is buried. Matthias B. Hildreth became attorney-general, and his duties led him to the state capital, but he died in Johnstown and his grave is to be seen in the old cemetery. Aaron Haring came from New Jersey, and was for many years a prominent member of the bar, being at one time chief judge of Common Pleas. His office stood for a half century on the Court House plot, and as he reached extreme age he is remembered by many of the older citizens. Abraham Morrell was also a noted lawyer at the .same time, and held the office of chief judge of Common Pleas for many years. He was a zealous politician, and was the first to raise a hickory pole in Johnstown, in which he was aided by his party adherents. Digitized by Microsoft® i88 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Peter Brooks came from Herkimer, and was brother-in-law of Capt. George L. Eacker, who fought a duel with Philip Hamilton. Mr. Brooks passed a large part of his life in Johnstown, where he built an elegant house, which is now occupied by Dr. Lefler. Benjamin Chamberlain was prominent among the Johnstown lawyers for many years. He erected, in 1816, the finest brick house in the county, which is still standing (corner of Market and Clinton streets), and though no longer used as a dwelling still retains its ancient dignity. Mr. Chamberlain was an able counselor, and Donald Mclntyre, who became the first judge of Fulton county, was one of his students. Later on Mr. Mclntyre moved to Ann Arbor but afterwards returned to Johnstown and engaged in banking. His last days, however, were passed in Ann Arbor. William I. Dodge, who was for many years noted both in the legal and political world, was a native of Johnstown. He was at one time district attorney, and he was also elected to the state senate. Later on he removed to Syracuse, where he died. Charles McVean, who was born and bred in Johnstown, studied law with William L. Dodge and became a successful practitioner. He w£is for one term district attorney, and was also elected to congress. Later on he removed to New York, where he held the office of surrogate, dy- ing before the expiration of his term. Edward Bayard, a member of the historic family of that name, mar- ried a daughter of Daniel Cady and became a member of the Mont- gomery County Bar. Later on, however, he exchanged law for medi- cine, and having removed to New York, attained high rank in his profession. He died September 28, 1889. Henry Cunningham — The career of this brilliant young man was terminated so early that he never fulfilled the promise of his youth, but had his life been sufficiently prolonged he would have made his mark upon the age. As it is, however, it may be said that his impromptu speech in the assembly created a greater sensation throughout the state than any other effort of the kind prior to the rebellion. Cunningham had, as a lawyer, attracted much notice, and he was elected to the assembly in 1823 (taking his seat January i, 1824), and the close of the session wa?? marked by a contemptible party cabal, whose object was Digitized by Microsoft® THE FORMER BAR. 189 the removal of De Witt Clinton from the office of canal commissioner. Clinton, while governor, had begun the canal, and on the close of his office he was made canal commissioner, but the ruling party found him an obstacle to its schemes and his removal became its secret but de- termined purpose. The last day of the session was chosen for its accomplishment, and it was suddenly sprung upon the house, thus cre- ating an intense excitement. Cunningham, though politically opposed to Clinton, was so indignant at this outrage that he rose from his seat with a face glowing with indignation and gave utterance to his emotions in the following bold and manly outburst : " Mr. Speaker," he ex- claimed, " it is with no ordinary feelings of astonishment that I hear the resolution for the removal of Mr. Clinton. It is calculated to arouse every honorable man. It is marked by black ingratitude and base de- sign. For what purpose has it been sent here at the very last moment in the session ! We have spent three months in our legislative duty, and not one word has been uttered intimating a design to expel the honorable gentleman from the Board of Canal Commissioners. Sir, he was called to that place because of his transcendent fitness. His labor for years had been arduous and unceasing for the public good. He had endured slander and persecution, but he pursued his course with firm and steady step until he was crowned by success, and the most flagrant of his opponents sat in sullen silence. When the contemptible party strifes of the present day shall have passed by and the present poHtical jugglers shall be forgotten ; when the gentle breeze shall wave over the tomb of that great man, breathing that just tribute which is now with- held, the pen of the historian will do him justice and will erect a proud monument of fame. For what did Mr. Clinton endure all this ? Was it for a salary ? No, sir ! it was from patriotic motives, for which he asked nothing and received nothing, nor did he expect anything but the good of his country. Now, sir, I put the question to this honorable house on their oaths, whether they are ready to commit this act of in- gratitude ? I hope it is a redeeming feature of this house that we shall not be guilty of so great an outrage. What, let me. ask, shall we an- swer when we return to our constituents ? What can we charge against Mr. Clinton ? Of what has he been guilty that he should now be singled out as an object of persecution ? Sir, I challenge inquiry. This reso- Digitized by Microsoft® I go HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. lution may pass, but if it does we are disgraced in the judgment of an injured, but an intelligent community." This appeal thrilled not only the house, but the state. It was not sufficient, however, to change the purpose of the cabal. Clinton was removed, but so great was the popular indignation that at the next election he was made governor, an office which he retained until his death. Cunningham's tremenduous speech at once gave him distinction, but his career was terminated by death before he had passed thirty-six, and his grave is still to be seen in the old Johnstown Cemetery. John W. Cady came from Florida, and studied law with Daniel Cadj', with whom he was in partnership for several years. He prac- ticed law during a long professional career in Johnstown, only varied by his service in congress and in the state legislature. He was the father of;he philanthropic financier, David Cady, of Amsterdam. He died in Johnstown in 1854. John Frothingham came from Hudson and passed his professional life in Johnstown, where he died in 1868. Among the many prominent legists at the bar of the courts in Johnstown, Daniel Cady held highest professional rank and hence was elevated to the bench of the Supreme Court in 1847, ^"^ elected to a full term in 1849. Daniel Cady was a native of Columbia county, N. Y., born in April, 1773. He read law with John Wentworth, at Albany, and in 1795 was admitted to the state courts. He began practice at Florida, Montgomery county, but soon afterward moved to Johnstown which then was a frontier village. Among his immediate contemporaries at the bar in the state at that time, or during the early years of Mr. Cady's practice, were such legal lights as W. W. Van Ness, afterward judge of the Supreme Court ; Matthias B. Hildreth, twice attorney general of the state, Thomas Addis Emmett, Caldwallader D. Colden, T. R. Gould and John Griffin. Mr. Cady also at different times measured talent with such distinguished lawyers as Alexa,nder Ham- ilton, Aaron Burr, Edward Livingston, Brokholst Livingston, Samuel Jones, also the Harrisons, Hoffinans, Troops, and Pendletons ; men of national reputation both in the profession and also as statesmen. It is no fulsome compliment to say of Daniel Cady that he was the equal of any of those who have been named. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® The PokMEk bar. 191 "Though constitutionally modest, and bashful in the extreme, Mr. Cady early worked his way towards the front rank of the profession. In those days a lawyer could not argue a cause in the Supreme Court till he had practiced three years as an attorney. Mr. Cady argued his first cause before the court in bank in 1798, as soon as the rules would permit. The first reported case in which he was counsel was Jackson ex dem Lord Southampton C. Sample, It involved the title to a large tract of land in Montgomery county. Abi'aham Van Vechten was counsel for the plaintiff, and Daniel Cady and Aaron Burr for the de- fendant." Mr. Cady saw great changes in the constitutional, judicial and statutory systems of the state. He practiced under four different con- stitutions, beginning with the first adopted in 1777 ; and he was one of the interpreters of the law under the Code of Procedure adopted in 1848. The code was the outgrowth of the constitution of 1846, and their combined power swept away all " old landmarks, crushing law and equity into one mass, and providing for an elective judiciary." These changes carried Mr. Cady upon the bench, where, says his biographer, " he should have been thirty years before." To keep pace with all these changes in constitutions, statutes and judiciary required the closest study, while to master them required gigantic intellectual power, but Judge Cady comprehended them fully, and expounded them with sin- gular clearness and great logical power. Judge Cady was first elected judge of the Supreme Court June 7, 1847, and again on November 6. 1849, and on this latter occasion it was cer- tainly wonderful to see a man of seventy-seven a candidate for such an office. His service upon the bench covered a period of seven and a half years, and he resigned January i, 1855, on account of bodily in- firmities, being then nearly eighty-two, and yet his mental faculties seemed to hold their full power. The General Term of the Supreme court was appointed on that day at Sandy Hill, Washington county, but it was adjourned in consequence of his resignation and suitable resolutions of respect were adopted. In politics Daniel Cady styled himself " an old-fashioned federalist." In 1808 he was elected to the Assembly, and re-elected in 1809, 181 1, 1 8 12 and 18 13. He was elected to congress in 18 14. His rival in the Digitized by Microsoft® tgi HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. canvass for the office of judge of the Supreme Court, both in 1847 ^^^ 1849, was Judge Fine, a lawyer of fine abilities and much popularity in the county, but Judge Cady's great strength gave but little chance to any opposition. Judge Cady had two sons who died early in life. He also had six daughters, all of whom were characterized by more than usual intellectual endowment, and one -of the number (Mrs. E. C. Stan- ton) has reached prominence in the discussion of some of the leading questions of the day. It may be added that a short time before Judge Cady's death, Horace E. Smith called on him and found that though he was blind with age his faculties seemed bright and active. On this oc- casion the conversation included reminiscences of Hamilton and Burr, which Mr. Smith mentions as highly interesting. Judge Cady was in- deed a practicing lawyer when the famous duel took place between these distinguished men, and as he was fourteen at Washington's first inauguration he was a connecting link between the founding of our republic and modern times. He died October 30, 1859, being then in his eighty- sixth year. John Wells held prominence among a younger class of lawyers, being indeed a connecting link between the old lawyers and the present bar. He was a son of Nathan P. Wells, sr., who gave him fine opportunities, and after a college education he prepared for the bar and was elected to the. office of county judge, in addition to which he was sent to congress. Judge Wells was a profound lawyer, but his love of literature was a controlling power and he never solicited professional engagements. He was one of the clearest thinkers of his day and was also an able writer on public questions. He died suddenly a few years ago, while in the fullness of his powers. James M. Dudley was born in the town of Peru, Bennington county, Vt, July 19, 1813. His father was a farmer, and James passed his youth in farm work, attending school in its season, and laboring during the summer until he was about seventeen, when he was sent to the academy at Chester, Vt. He completed his elementary education at the Burr Collegiate Seminary, at Manchester, and then read law under the direction of Judge Washborne and Peter T. Washborne, both at Ludlow, Vt. About the year 1840 Mr. Dudley came to this state, locating at Broadalbin, and there continued his law study, but afterward Digitized by Microsoft® ^••^cU^ Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® THE FORMER BAR. 193 moved to Oppenheim. In July, 1845, he was admitted in the state courts, and in 1854 he made a permanent location at Johnstown, and opened an office. Three years later Mr. Dudley became professionally associated with Judge John Wells, forming a legal firm which ranked among the first in Fulton county, and which continued until about the time of Judge Wells' death Jeremiah Keck, however, who had studied law in the office of Wells & Dudley, was admitted in 1869, and soon afterward became a member of the firm, under the style of Wells, Dud- ley & Keck. This partnership was dissolved in 1877, and was succeeded by Dudley, Dennison & Dudley, James M. being senior member, and his associates being his son-in-law and son. In 1882 Mr. Dennison left the firm to take the appointment of deputy attorney-general, and Mr. Dudley and his son Harwood continued in partnership until the death of the former, April 9, 1892. James M. Dudley is remembered as one of the leaders of the Fulton county bar. In many respects he was a strong lawyer, but in every transaction, whether professional or in private business, he was honor- able and just. He loved the practice of the law, not because he loved litigation itself, but because it was a profession in which men of his legal attainments and honorable purposes had full scope for their powers, and at the same time could aid in the administration of justice. His clients knew that he would not betray their confidence, his professional associates also knew that he was incapable of chicanery, and the bench, was convinced that candor and honesty were his characteristics. Mr. Dudley wielded influence in Fulton county politics, but was in no sense an office seeker. He was appointed district attorney by Horatio Sey- mour, and in 1866 was chairman of the Board of Supervisors. In 1871 he was the Republican candidate for the office of county judge, but was defeated by Judge Fraser. In 1872 and 1873 he served as one of the committee to revise the State Constitution. He held for many years prior to his death the office of United States Commissioner. Turning from the living to the honored dead, mention is due to Mar- tin and John McMartin, twin brothers and natives of Johnstown, both of whom became successful lawyers. John died early and in the midst of great promise. Martin on the other hand continued in practice until the rebellion, when he became quartermaster of the i isth regiment, 25 Digitized by Microsoft® ,94 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTi. He afterward resumed his profession, in which he continued until his death. James L. Veeder was born at Fonda, where his parents lived for many years and reared a large and reputable family. He was educated at Union College, and after graduating pursued legal study with Austin Yates. He was admitted and began the practice of his profession at Fonda, but removed to Johnstown, where his prospects were highly favorable. His career, however, was brought to an untimely close by typhoid fever, of which he died in March, 1889, deeply regretted by all who knew him. Tke Present Bar. — In both personal character and professional ability the bench and bar of Fulton county have (as has been mentioned), al- ways held distinction, and did our space permit the subject would be entitled to more extended notice. Under such a limitation, however, ■our record will only include brief personal facts. In Fulton county there is a great variety of business interests, and lience there is a fair prospect of success on the part of any energetic lawyer ; but the legal business of the county naturally centers either at the county seat or in Gloversville, and hence the greatest amount of general business is transacted at those places which, as a matter of course, contain the majority of the population. Later on, however, Northville and Broadalbin have become villages of importance, and the lawyer is a necessary part of their population, while with the small pop- ulation of Mayfield and Oppenheim, each place seems content with the presence of but one resident attorney. The following sketches are ar- ranged by towns (for convenience), Johnstown having the preference ; and the brief notices given the members of the bar are arranged in the order of seniority of admission to practice. Mclntyre Fraser was born in Johnstown, March 30, 1822, and is, therefore, the oldest native lawyer in the county. He was brought up on a farm, and acquired his early education in the common schools, supplemented by about two years "at the old Johnstown Academy, un- der Peter Burke, principal. In 1845 Mr. Fraser began the study of law in the office of John Wells, previous to which he was for a time clerk in a store and was also engaged in trade, his partner being the late Jacob Burton. After two years of law study he was admitted at the Dutchess Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 195 county General Term in September, 1847. In the same class of appli- cants for admission were Judge William H. Robertson, a prominent man in New York state politics, for many years in the legislature, and at one time collector of the port of New York, and also Judge Nortlirup, after- ward of the Court of Claims. Mr. Fraser began his law. practice as partner with Martin McMartin, then a prominent Johnstown lawyer, but after two years the latter was succeeded in the firm by Judge John Stewart. Four years later Judge Stewart retired from the firm (having been elected county judge), after which Mr. Fraser practiced without a partner for several years, when he became associated with his cousin, Daniel Cameron. In 1869 John M. Carroll came into the firm, which was styled Carroll & Fraser. This firm has been in existence, with the exception of two years, since its formation in 1869 with the addition in 1890 of John C. Mason as junior partner under the style of Carroll, Fraser & Mason. Originally Judge Fraser was a Whig in politics, but with the disso- lution of that party and the formation of the Republican, he, unlike the majority of Whigs, united with the Democratic party, and has ever been one of its warmest advocates. As a Democrat, in 1871, he was elected county judge, defeating James M. Dudley. At the end of his first term Judge Fraser was a candidate for re-election, but was defeated by Ash- ley D. L. Baker, by about two hundred votes. Judge Fraser was at one time president of the village of Johnstown, and his term of office was marked by important local improvements under the new charter. The practice of the firm of Carroll & Fraser and also of Carroll, Fra- ser & Mason, has been for many years very large, extending into the adjoining counties of Montgomery, Schenectady and Saratoga. In 1869 Carroll & Fraser opened an office in Albany, where one of its members was in daily attendance. The business at Albany was abundantly suc- cessful, but the election of Mr. Carroll to Congress, and of Judge Fraser to the County Court bench, required its discontinuance. Judge Fraser has been admitted to practice in the United States District and Circuit Courts, also in the Supreme Court of the United States. Borden D. Smith was born in Boston, Mass., July 19, 1847. His ele- mentary education was acquired at Johnstown Academy, and his legal education in the office of his father, Horace E. Smith. In 1868, at the Digitized by Microsoft® 196 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. age of twenty- one years, Mr. Smith was admitted at Canton, St. Law- rence county. He first practiced in partnership with his father, but in 1875 the firm of Smith & Nellis was formed, and has since continued. Mr. Smith is a Republican in politics, but is not an active partisan. Jeremiah Keck, the present county judge of Fulton county, was born in Johnstown, November 9, 1845. His early education was acquired in the common schools, the Clinton Liberal Institute, and the Whitestown Seminary, of which he is a graduate. He read law under the direction of Wells & Dudley, of Johnstown, and was admitted April 7, 1869, at the Schuyler county General Term. After admission he became junior member of the law firm of Wells, Dudley & Keck, which continued until 1877. He then formed one of the firm of J. & P. Keck, until Jan- uary I, 1884, when, having been elected county judge, he retired from active practice to take his seat on the bench. In 1889 Judge Keck was re-elected, having previously served in that office six years. Robert P. Anibal, familiarly known throughout the county as Judge Anibal, was born in Benson, Hamilton county, February 22, 1845. ^^ •was graduated from Fort Edward Collegiate Institute in 1866, and also attended Cooperstown Seminary, purposing to enter the sophomore class of Union College, but was prevented by ill health. He taught school and studied law alternately, being for two years principal of North ville High School. He read law with Judge Waite, of Fort Ed- ward, with Lyons & Brown, of Cooperstown, and with Carroll & Fraser, of Johnstown, and was admitted at Albany in February, 1871. In No- vember of the same year he was elected county judge of Hamilton •county, and kept his residence within its bounds until January i, 1878, when he moved to Northville and opened an office. In December, 1885, he removed to the county seat, and then formed the partnership of Anibal & Murray. Judge Anibal is now recognized as one of the ablest members of the Fulton county bar, having a special forte in the defense of criminal cases. He is known, too, as one of the leading Democrats of the county. He was the nomineee of his party for dis- trict attorney in 1880, but was defeated by the Republican candidate, Clayton M. Parke, of Gloversville. Mr. Anibal has recently acted as counsel to the Forest Commissioners, and has spent the last winter in Albany. In the investigation before the commission he was awarded the closing speech. Digitized by Microsoft® J^^yuj ''hyF ^ Kt 7--,.'n N Y Digitized by Microsoft© Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 197 Edwin Baylies, although a Fulton county lawyer, has gained more prominence as a law writer than as a practicing attorney. He is a native of Clinton, Oneida county, born August 23, 1 840. He was three years in Hamilton College, but left that institution before graduation and went to California. Returning in seven years he was graduated from the law department of Hamilton College in 1 871, and then prac- ticed in Johnstown for five years. During this time he engaged with William Wait on his " Supreme Court Practice," and on several other law works. He revised and put in form the fifth edition of " Wait's Law and Practice," and edited " Baylies' Questions and Answers," a valuable book designed to assist law students before examination. Mr. Baylies also edited "Trial Practice," " New Trials and Appeals," "Code Pleadings," " Sureties and Guarantors," and a supplemental volume to "Wait's Law and Practice." This reference to " Wait's Law and Practice " leads to the remark that William Wait was a remarkable writer of law books. He began his profession in Fonda's Bush, and thence moved to Johnstown, where he reached wealth ?nd distinction. Donald McMartin, the son of Martin McMaitin, was born in Johns- town, February 6, 1852. He read law with his father and was admit- ted at Albany in June, 1873. He has always practiced at Johnstown. In politics Counselor McMartin is an Independent Democrat. Philip Keck was born in Johnstown, October 26, 1848. He was educated at Johnstown Academy and also at the Whitestown Seminary, and entered Hamilton College in 1871, remaining there two years. He was graduated from the law department of Union College in 1875, and was admitted an attorney and counselor of the state courts. His practice began at Johnstown in partnership with his brother, under the firm name of J. & P. Keck, which continued till January i, 1884, when the senior partner became the county judge. On January I, 1890, Clarence W. Smith became his partner, the firm being Keck & Smith. Andrew J. Nelliswas born in Palatine, July 22, 1852, and was edu- cated in the common schools and also at Fairfield Seminary. He read law with Judge John D. Wendell, of Fort Plain, and attended the Albany Law School nine months, graduating in May, 1875, after which Digitized by Microsoft® 198 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. he was for one year principal of the Macedon Academy. His law practice began in Johnstown in 1875, as partner with Horace E. Smith, a connection that continued until 1879. when Mr. Smith retired. This firm was followed by the existing parternership, comprising Mr. Nellis and Borden D. Smith, the firm being Smith & Nellis. Harwood Dudley, the only remaining member in Johnstown of the old firm of Dudley, Dennison& Dudley, was born in Oppenheim, September 1 1, 1852. He entered the sophomore class at Union College in 1872 and was graduated in 1875. He read law during the college vacations, and after graduation entered Albany Law School, graduating in 1876. On January i, 1877, he became one of the firm of Wells, Dudley & Keck, which was followed by that of Dudley, Dennison & Dudley. In 1882 upon the withdrawal of Major Dennison, the firm changed to J. M. & H. Dudley, and so remained until the death of James M. Dudley, April 9, 1892. The old firm of Dudley, Dennison & Dudley gained a reputation as law writers as well as practitioners. In 1880 they adapted the sixth edition of Cowen's Treatise to the provisions of the code. In 1883 the seventh edition was revised by Harwood Dudley, and the decisions brought down to that time. In 1881 the firm rearranged (really re- wrote) " Edwards on Bills and Notes ;" also, about the same time, they revised "Addison on Torts " — both works of acknowledged value. De Witt C. Moore is the son of Frederick C. Moore and was born in Johnstown March 14, 1851. He was educated at the Johnstown Academy and also at Union College, where he graduated in 1877, hav- ing been editor of the College Spectator, also one of the editors of the col- lege magazine. He won the first prize in the junior contest for prize speaking and was the orator of his class at class-day, June, 1877. He then studied law and was admitted in 1879, after which he was ap- pointed clerk of the Fulton county Surrogate's Court and held that office till 1885. He also had at the same time an editorial connection with the Fulton County Republican and later on became editor of the Even- ing News. He has also held the office of police justice, and was ap- pointed by the supervisors their attorney in the appeal of the city of Gloversville from the assessment. He is now editorially connected with the Johnstown Republican, but also continues law practice, and has recently been appointed United States commissioner. Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 199 Clarence W. Smith was born in Jay, Essex county, October 19, 1855. After several terms at the Elizabethtown Academy he entered the law department of the University of Michigan, from which he graduated in 1877. He also read law with T. D. Trumbull, of Jay, and was admitted in September, 1883. He began practice in Hamilton county soon after his admission, and in the fall of the same year, 1883, was elected county judge. On the expiration of his term of office (December 3 i, 1889), Judge Smith came to Johnstown and became partner with Philip Keck. Michael D. Murray was born in Ephratah, July 26, 1848. His early education was acquired in the common schools and also in the Johns- town Academy, together with a preparatory course under Professor Kellogg. He entered Union College as a third term sophomore, and remained during his junior year, but was not graduated. His legal edu- cation was gained in the offices of Carroll & F"razer and also with Edwin Baylies, and Richard H. Rosa, after which he became a lawyer by ad- mission at Hamilton College. He began to practice at Johnstown in 1883, and in 1886 became one of the well known firm of Anibal & Murray. Mr. Murray is a Democrat and his partisan fidelity was re- warded by the appointment of postmaster at Johnstown, March 10, 1887. Henry W. Thorne was born in Yeovil, England, December 3, 1859, and came to Johnstown in 1867. He was apprenticed to learn the trade of glovemaking, but abandoned it and learned stenography. In 1880 he was appointed reporter for the county court, and was admitted to practice in 1884, after having read law in the office of Dudley, Den- nison & Dudley. Fayette E. Moyer was born at Canajoharie, October 21, 1865, and received his early education in the public schools and also at Johnstown Academy. He began the study of law in the office of Smith & Nellis, in the fall of 1883, and was admitted at Albany in November, 1886, after which he at once opened an office at Johnstown. In 1888 he was elected justice of the peace to fill a vacancy, and on its close was re- elected for a full term. He was appointed police justice of Johnstown village in 1 890, and was reappointed in 1892. In politics Mr Moyer is a Republican. He was chairman of the Fulton and Hamilton coun- ties delegation to the Republican state convention of 1892, and is now senatorial committeeman for his assembly district. Digitized by Microsoft® 200 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. John C. Mason, son of James Fraser Mason, and junior member of the law firm of Carroll, Fraser & Mason, was born in Johnstown on the 25th day of October, 1862. He received his early education at the " Old Johnstown Academy," under Prof William S. Snyder. Tn the autumn of 1880 he entered " Delaware Literary Institute," where he spent two years in preparation for college, and was graduated with high honors and as president of his class, being awarded the " Benham Prize," founded by Thomas L. Benham, of Utica, for declamation. In September, 1882, he entered Hamilton College, where he pursued a four years' classical course, under the presidency of the late Rev. Henry Darling. He was graduated on the 2d day of July, 1886, with high honors, having been awarded the " McKinney Prize " for superiority in oratory. Returning home in the fall of 1886, he entered the law office of Carroll & Fraser, where he pursued his legal studies until 1887, when he entered the Albany Law School, under the tuition of Horace E. Smith as dean. He was admitted at Saratoga Springs, and on Jan- uary I, 1890, became junior member of the present firm of Carroll, Fraser & Mason, of Johnstown. Having achieved a reputation as a public speaker, he was secured by McMartin Post, G. A. R., to deliver the Memorial Day address at Johnstown, May 30, 1888. During the presidential campaign of 1888 he was president of the Harrison and Morton Campaign Club of Johnstown, and took the stump throughout the county in the interest <3l the Republican party. In January, 1889, he was elected and became a member of the Lotus Club. At the time of its incorporation, May 17, 1889, he became a stockholder of "The Opera House Company of Johnstown." In 1892 he was again elected president of the " Johnstown Republican Club." He has also been an occasional contributor to local papers. Frank L. Anderson was born in Saratoga county, December 18, 1864. He read law with Anibal & Murray, and was admitted February, 1 890, at Albany. In March, 1889, he was elected police justice of Johns- town, and was re-elected in 1891. The Gloversville Bar. — Among the early lawyers of Gloversville was John S. Enos, a man of some prominence in the profession and local politics. He served one term as district attorney of the county, and when again a candidate for the same office was defeated by John M. Carroll, the latter being the nominee of the Democracy. Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 201 L. H. Copeland was also one of the older practitioners in the village, and the period of his practice began about 1850. He afterward re- moved to Illinois. John H. H. Frisbie was in practice about the same time with Mr. Copeland, and, like him, also emigrated to Illinois. William R. Davidson prepared for professional life at the Albany Law School. He came to Gloversville about 1859, and practiced three or four years. Alonzo Chace came to practice in Gloversville about i860, and re- mained not more than two or three years. N. J. Randall also came to the then village about i860, practiced a few years and abandoned the profession to enter the ministry. James W. Johnson was for twenty years or more a justice of the peace at Kingsboro, and deserves notice for such protracted service in an important office. The Gloversville Bar Association. — On the 5th of March, i89i,a preliminary meeting was held by the lawyers of Gloversville, at which time there was formed the " Bar Association of the City of Glovers- ville, N. Y.," the first organization of its kind in the county. Its object, as set forth in the constitution, was " to promote a spirit of brotherly and social feeling among its members ; to elevate the standard of integ- rity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession ; to fix and maintain just and equitable rates of compensation, and to cultivate the science of jurisprudence." The first elected officers of the association were Clayton M. Parke, president; Frank Burton, vice-president; Horton D. Wright, secretary and treasurer ; William Green, Edgar A. Spencer and Jerome Eggles- ton, executive committee. The present officers are: Ashley D. L. Baker, president; William C. Mills, vice-president; Frank Talbot, secretary and treasurer ; William Green, Edgar A. Spencer and Jerome Eggleston, executive committee. Present membership: Ashley D. L. Baker, Frank Burton, Clayton M. Parke, Edgar A. Spencer, Nicholas M. Banker, Nelson H. Anibal, William C. Mills, William Green, Jerome Eggleston, Clark L. Jordan, Henry H. Parker, Frank Talbot, Edwin P. Bellows, E. H. Winans, Horton D. Wright, James H. Drury, Hallock C. Alvord. 26 Digitized by Microsoft® 202 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. William Green was born in Johnstown, February 7, 1839, 3"^^ ^^- ceived his early education at the once famous Kingsboro Academy, then under the direction of Horace Sprague. In 1854 he entered Union College, but was not graduated until i860 because of absence. He read law with Abram Becker, an Otsego county lawyer, and was admitted at Albany in 1862. For a few months Mr. Green practiced law in Mayfield, when, in 1863, he recruited about fifty men to fill up Company B, Second New York Heavy Artillery, and in recognition was commissioned second lieutenant of the company. His service in the army continued to January, 1865, when he was discharged on account of sickness. After the war he taught school at Newburg, W. Va , and in the spring of 1866 went west, where he taught school and engaged in business until 1868, when he returned to the east. He practiced law in New York until September, 1869, and then came to Gloversville, where he has since been engaged in his profession. In 1886 Mr. Green was elected district attorney, and was re-elected in 1889, being on each occasion the candidate of the Republican party. Ashley D. L. Baker was born at West Monroe, Oswego county, July 28, 1843. He was given an academic education, and studied law under the direction of his brothers, William H Baker, of Constantia, Oswego county, and S. Park Baker, of Youngstown, Niagara county. He at- tended one term at the Albany Law School, and was admitted at the Albany County General Term in the fall of 1866. In the spring of the next year he opened an office in Gloversville, and has ever been regarded as one of the leading practitioners, not only of that city, but also of the county. After a few months he formed a partnership with H. S. Parkhurst, now of Chicago, which continued until 1884. In 1886 Frank Burton became his partner, under the firm of Baker & Burton, which is now flourishing. Judge Baker (as he is commonly known) has been and is among the leading Republicans of the county, and stands high in the councils of the party. In the fall of 1877 he was elected county judge and served the full term of six years. In the spring of 1890 he was elected the first mayor of the new city of Gloversville. Clayton M. Parke, without question one of the most industrious and painstaking lawyers of Fulton county, was born at Clifton Park, De- Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 203 cember 2, 1847. He was educated in the common and academic schools, supplemented by a full classical course at Madison University, where he graduated in 1868. He read law with Gale & Alden, at Troy, and also with Bullard & Davenport at Albany, and was admitted in 1869. After admission Mr. Parke was two years in Albany, assist- ing William Wait on the code, and in 1871 he located in Gloversville. The only partner with whom he has been associated was Henry C. Mc- Carthy. On the 6th of December, 1878, Mr. Parke, on motion of Francis Kernan, was admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States. Although a Republican of strong convictions, Mr. Parke has rarely held office. He was, however, village clerk for two or three years, and was elected district attorney in 1 880 and also in 1883. Edgar A. Spencer was born at Cherry Valley, November 23, 1847, and acquired his early education in the academy of his native place and in the Cooperstown Seminary. He read law with De Witt C. Bates, of Cherry Valley, and also with Parkhurst & Baker, of Gloversville, and was admitted January, 1875. One month later he began practice. The firm of Spencer & Banker was formed in 1887. During the years 1876- JT, Mr. Spencer was village clerk ; he was also village attorney in 1889, and drew the city charter. He was also elected city attorney in 1890, an office which he still retains. Nelson H. Anibal was born July 20, 1854, in Benson, Hamilton county, and was educated at common and select schools. He entered Fort Edward Collegiate Institute for full course, and was graduated June 24, 1876. He read law with Clayton M. Parke, and in 1879 (September) was admitted. In 1880 began practice in Gloversville. Jerome Eggleston was born in Northampton January 4, 1854. His early education was in the common schools and also by applying him- self to study when not at work. He read law with E. A. Spencer, being three years in the office, and was admitted at Saratoga Septem- ber 10, 1880. In the spring of 1881 he began practice, with his brother, Frank Eggleston, for two or three years, but has been alone since the latter retired from the profession. Mr. Eggleston is an ardent Repub- lican. He made a canvass for the district attorneyship in 1889, but failed to receive the nomination, William Green being the successful can- didate. In April, 1 890, he was elected recorder of the city of Glov- ersville, an office which he still holds. Digitized by Microsoft® 204 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Edwin P. Bellows was born at Kingsboro, March 24, 185 1, and was educated at the old academy at that place. Later he attended Row's Institute at Tarrytown, and also a business college at New Haven, and the Albany Law School, from the latter of which he graduated in 1880. Ke practiced law eight years in Albany; was two years in spe- cial practice in New York, and located permanently in Gloversville in May, 1891. Clark L. Jordan, the present mayor of Gloversville, was born at Rock- wood, January 2, 1 86 1. He attended school at Lassellsville, Kings- boro, Gloversville and Cazenovia, and read law with Welch & Francis, of Carthage, and also with C. M. Parke, of Gloversville, and was admit- ted at Saratoga in 1882. He practiced about five years in Tryon City, Polk County, N. C, whither he had gone to regain his health, and in 1888 returned to Gloversville. In local politics Mr. Jordan has en- gaged actively in Democratic interests. In North Carolina he held the position of United States Commissioner, and in Gloversville lie has been superintendent of the water works, and also clerk of the board of trustees. In March, 1892, he was elected mayor of the city. Frank Burton was born at Gloversville, January 16, 1861. He was educated at the Gloversville union schools and also at Union College, graduating from the latter in 1883. He read law with Judge Baker, was admitted in 1888, and became the judge's partner April i, 1886. Mr. Burton is not only prominent in his profession, but as well in local Republican politics. His office holdings, however, have been limited to trustee of the village, and alderman of the fourth ward of the city. Henry H. Parker was born in Concord, N. H., February 26, i860. His early education was acquired at St. Johnsburg, Vt., Academy, also at Phillips Andover Academy, and Dartmouth College, from each of which he was a graduate ; and he was also graduated from Albany Law School in 1886. After admission he read law one year at Albany, and in 1887 located for practice at Broadalbin, but came to Glovers- ville in July, 1888. His practice is general in its character but he makes a special work of pension cases. Horton D. Wright was born in Rensselaer county, December 7 1862; entered Cornell University in 1880. but left at the end of two years. He read law with Charles I. Baker, of Troy, and with George Digitized by Microsoft® ^->^(^s^Jr^~''^ Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 205 E. Green, of Hoosick Falls, and was admitted September, 1886. The same year he located for practice at Gloversville. William C. Mills was born in Gloversville, March 28, 1861. He at- tended the public schools of the village ; entered Union College in 1 88 1 , and graduated in 1885. He read law with C. M Parke, and was ad- mitted in September, 1887. Nicholas M. Banker was born in Cherry Valley, January 10, 1864. He graduated from Clinton Liberal Institute in 1882; read law with E. A. Spencer, and was admitted in October, 1887. Frank Talbot was born in Otsego county, August 10, 1864. He graduated from the State Normal School at Albany, in June, 1886; read law with L. S. Henry, at Schuyler's Lake, and also with J. B. Rafter, of Mohawk, and was admitted in September, 1890. He came to Gloversville in October, 1890. David E. Stewart was born in Mayfield, October 22, 1862, and was educated at Gloversville High School and the Normal School at Gene- seo. He read law with E. A. Spencer and Clark L. Jordan, and was admitted in May, 1891. James H. Drury was born in Mayfield, May 18, 1865, and gained his early education in the Broadalbin schools and State Normal School at Albany. He entered Union College in 1887, remaining two years, then read law with C. M. Parke, and was admitted at Albany, Decem- ber, 1 89 1. He came to Gloversville in 1892. Mr. Drury is in law partner- ship with his brother, J. M. Drury, the firm having offices at Broadal- bin and Gloversville. Hallock C. Alvord was born at Marcellus, Onondaga county, April 30, 1863, and was educated at Gloversville High School and at Colgate Academy, and graduated from Yale College in 1888. He read law with Smith & Nellis, of Johnstown, and with Jerome Eggleston, of Glovers- ville, and was admitted at Albany, February, 1892. Lawyers of Northville. — John McKnight was born in the town of He- bron, Washington county, April I, 1817. He was educated in the com- mon and high schools of his native town, aud was admitted in 1858. He practiced in Warren county until 1871, then removed to Northville, where he has since resided. Mr. McKnight has been a firm Democrat since 1850, but before that time was a Clay Whig. He has never Digitized by Microsoft® 2o6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. sought office, but held the position of justice both before and after ad- mission to the bar. In 1864 he was the Democratic candidate for dis trict attorney, and in 1866 was candidate for county clerk of Warren county, but was defeated. In Fulton county Mr. McKnight was twice the Democratic nominee for the district attorneyship. In all these po- litical contests he was nominated without his request, and twice without his knowledge. John Patterson was born in Northampton, July 1 1, 1842, and was educated in the schools of the county. He read law with Richard H. Rosa, and was admitted in 1870. Twice Mr. Patterson has been a can- didate for district attorney, once on the Democratic ticket and once as a Prohibitionist. In 1891 he was the candidate of the Prohibition party for the state senate. He is now justice of the peace for the town of Northampton. Linn L. Boyce was born at New Berlin, Chenango county. May 16, 1851. His early life was spent on a farm, but he acquired a good com- mon school and academic education, and taught several winter terms. He read law in the office of C. L. Teffl:, at Norwich, and was admitted at Albany, November, 1875. After two years of practice at Norwich, Mr. Boyce moved to Northampton and became the law partner of John McKnight, a connection which continued to January i, 1890, since which time he has practiced alone. Mr. Boyce has been a member and secretary of the Northville board of education since October 1887. He was elected member of assembly for that district in 1883, and while in the legislature served on the judiciary, public lands and civil service committees, being chairman of the latter. Lee S. Anibal was born in Benson, Hamilton county, April 20, 1855. He was educated at Northville, at Buffalo and at the Fort Plain Acad- emy. He studied law with Robert P. Anibal at Johnstown, and was admitted in 1879. James Van Ness was born in Northampton, November, 5, 1861. He was educated in the common schools, and attended Cornell University two years ; then taught school two years ; the entered Union College and graduated in 1883. He read law with Lee S. Anibal, and began practice at Northville in June, 1886. For six years Mr. Van Ness has been village clerk of Northville, and for two years clerk of the board of water commissioners. Digitized by Microsoft® THE PRESENT BAR. 207 Fitzhugh Littlejohn was born in Broadalbin, April 29, 1850, and was educated at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. ^ He taught school two years, and was a civil engineer for four years, and then passed three years in the insurance business. He read law in Broadalbin, and was admitted in 1887. Lawyers of Broadalbin. — John M. Drury was born at Vail's Mills, Fulton county, January 16, 1862. He was educated at his native place and also at Broadalbin, and after teaching two years, won a free schol- arship at Cornell University, where he was graduated in 1884. He then taught school at Samnionsville, and later on was principal of St. Mary's Catholic Institute at Amsterdam. In 1887 he began reading law with Nelson H. Anibal, of Gloversville, and was admitted at Albany November, 1889. Among the lawyers practicing at Broadalbin may also be mentioned the name of Emmet Blair, but this modest legal practitioner furnishes no data for a personal sketch. M. E. Barker, the only lawyer in Oppenheim, is a native of the town. May 25, 1850; was educated in the common schools and also at Fair- field Seminary. He read law in the office of Horace E. Smith, at Johnstown, and in 1874 graduated from the law department of Union University at Albany. He was admitted at Albany, May 5, 1874, and began law practice in Oppenheim in 1876, and has held the office of town clerk and justice of the peace. S. A. Brown is an attorney- at- law, having a residence and office in the town of Mayfield. Digitized by Microsoft® 2o8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. CHAPTER XIX. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF FULTON COUNTY. ''r"'HE medical profession in Fulton county has preserved but little \ of its history, and while there are a few meagre records by which we may learn the proceedings and membership of the medical societies that have been formed (one of them dating back to the time when Ful- ton county was a part of Montgomery), there are no data upon which can be based a history of the local growth and development of medical science. The great advance in all branches of arts and science during the last century has indeed been marvelous, but in none has there been greater progress than in medicine and surgery. This science which now does so much to ameliorate suffering began with Hippocrates nearly twenty-three hundred years ago, and he first treated of medicine with the simplest remedies, relying chiefly on the healing powers of nature. He wrote extensively, and some of his works have been a foundation for the succeeding literature of the profession. The greatest advances in medical science, however, have been made dur- ing the last one hundred years and most of them during the last half century. Physiologists no longer believe (as did the practitioners of the sixteenth century) that the planets have a direct and controlling action on the body, or that the sun operates on the heart, and the moon upon the brain ; nor do they now believe that the vital spirits are pre- pared in the brain by distillation. On the contrary, modern physiology teaches that the phenomena of the living body are the results of phys- ical and chemical changes; the temperature of the blood is now ascer- tained by the thermometer, and the different fluids and gases of the body are analyzed by the chemist, giving to each its own properties and function. Botanists now are acquainted with one hundred and fifty thousand plants, of which a large proportion is being constantly added to the al- ready appalling list of new remedies. Many of the latter possess little, Digitized by Microsoft® EARLY MEDICAL SCIENCE. 209 if any, virtue, yet by liberal advertising they hold a place in nearly every druij store. One of these dealers (wholesale) recently issued a circular, in which he advertised 32 syrups, 42 elixirs, 93 solid extracts, 150 varieties of sugar-coated pills, 236 tinctures, 245 roots, barks, me- dicinal seeds and flowers, 322 fluid extracts, and 348 general drugs and chemicals. What an array of remedies " for the ills that flesh is heir to ! " The ancients were not so well supplied with drugs, and hence they resorted to other methods. For instance, it is said that the Babylonians exposed their sick to the view of passers by, in order to learn of them whether they had been afflicted with a like distemper, and by what remedies they had been cured. It was also a custom of those days for all persons who had been sick, to put up (on their recovery) a tablet in the temple of Esculapius, whereon they gave an account of the reme- dies that had restored them. Prior to Hippocrates all medicines were administered by the priests, and were associated with numerous super- stitions, such as charms, amulets, and incantations. Sympathetic oint- ments were applied to the weapon with which a wound had been made ; human or horse flesh was used for the cure of epilepsy, and convulsions were treated with human brains. It may be added that the credulous superstition of early ages has not been fully eradicated even by the ad- vanced education of the present day. One of the latest appeals to the credulity of the masses is the so called "Christian Science" and also "Faith Cure;" but so long as filth brings fever, prayer will be of no avail, and those who advocate such a method of cure are either self- deceived or are basely deceiving others. It is not our purpose, however, to treat of ancient or even modern medical history, and though a review of the progress in this science from the time of the Egyptian medical deities, or the Greek or Roman medical mythology, would be very interesting, as well as instructive, it is not pertinent to the medical history of Fulton county. Our intro- ductory observations indeed are merely to suggest to the reader the difference between the ancient and modern means of healing the sick. " When we take a retrospective glance at the condition of medicine in former times, and reflect upon the amount of ignorance, credulity, and superstition that prevailed, we cannot fail to be struck with the immense 27 Digitized by Microsoft® 210 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. improvement that has taken place in comparatively modern periods, and must be encouraged in the hope, that as the physical and moral sciences pursue their onward progress, and as the means and observation and experiment are augmented and facilitated, our own noble science may attain a pitch of perfection, of which at the present time we can form no adequate conception, shedding light where all is now obscurity, and tend- ing to dispel doubt and difficulty wherever existent." ^ The settlement of the region now included in Fulton county began soon after the year 1760, but progressed slowly for the first half century. The country was then an almost unbroken wilderness, except as im- provements had been made by the tenants of Sir William and Sir John Johnson in the vicinity of Johnstown and Kingsboro. Among the settlers brought hither by the influence of Sir William was Dr. William Adams, but we have no record of the duration of his residence or of the extent and character of his practice. Being an adherent of the John- sons, this pioneer physician left Johnstown with the followers of Sir John, and spent his last days in Albany.^ At that time, and indeed at any time for a half century afterward, the facilities for obtaining a medical education were very limited. The State of New York (unlike New England and Pennsylvania) had done very little to encourage science, and there was no school of medicine worthy of the name nearer than Boston or Philadelphia. Few young men could then afford to go so far to qualify themselves for a profession which offered but little pecuniary inducement. Hence the prevailing custom was for the young medical aspirant to enter the office of some neighbor- ing physician and read for two or three years, at the same time accom- panying his tutor in his professional visits and thus learn his methods of practice. At the end of this term the young doctor would seek some promising vacancy and begin his professional career. The legislation then governing the admission and practice of physi- cians was so worthless as to be of no effect, but in 1806 the Legislature passed an act by which former laws regulating the profession were repealed, and at the same time authorized a general State Medical Society and County societies. In pursuance of this act, on the first ' Dungflinson. 2 William Adams was brother of Robert Adams, the first merchant in Johnstown. Digitized by Microsoft® MEDICAL SOCIETY LAW. 211 Tuesday in July, 1806, the Montgomery County Medical Society was organized, the first meeting being held at the county seat — Johnstown — at which the following physicians were present: Alexander Sheldon, Oliver Lathrop, Stephen Reynolds, William H. Devoe, William Reed, Benjamin Tucker, Horace Barnum and Abraham Sternbergh. The officers chosen were Alexander Sheldon, president ; William Reed, vice- president ; Stephen Reynolds, secretary ; and Oliver Lathrop, treasurer. At this meeting Alexander Sheldon, Stephen Reynolds and Benjamin Tucker were appointed a committee to prepare a code of by-laws for the government of the society ; also, " to procure a seal with such device as they may think proper." This committee reported to the society at a meeting held October 15, 1806, and the organization of the society was then completed. At the same time other practitioners of the county were admitted to membership, and all signed their names to the constitution and by-laws. The new members were Jonathan Eights, Benjamin Lyon, Joshua Webster, Daniel Cuck, Jonas Far, Elijah Cheadle, Thomas Conklin and Christian Lissure. The above mentioned act clothed county medical societies with what now seem extraordinary powers. Societies formed under that act had full authority and control over the admission of applicants to member- ship ; could themselves fix the standard to be attained as a condition of admission, and could receive or exclude members at the pleasure of a majority. This power was vested in a committee of the society, called censors. They were particularly directed to " make diligent enquiry into the legal qualifications of all persons practicing physic or surgery within this county." In case any person was found practicing without the necessary qualifications, it was the duty of the censors to publish the name of the delinquent in the papers of the State. At this time there was but one established school of medicine, being that now styled by the profession as " regular," and by opposing schools as "allopathy." It then would have been impossible for a homoeopath, an eclectic, or a " root and herb " doctor to obtain admission at that time, while the disciples of Christian Science and the Faith Cure might have been exorcised for witchcraft had they applied for license. It is due, how- ever, to the county medical societies formed in obedience to the new law to say that they were productive of great benefit, for they led Digitized by Microsoft® 212 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. to unanimity of action and sentiment in the state society, which drew its membership from the county organizations. Hence there was much less quackery than at the present day, which prevails, notwithstanding the high character and standing of our present medical colleges, and the stringency of the laws for the protection of the public as well as that of legitimate practitioners. Under the old system the members of the county society were re- quired " to keep an accurate history of all important and singular cases " which came under their treatment, and to report the same, with method of treatment, at the next meeting. Candidates for admission to prac- tice were required to subscribe the following declaration: "I do sol- emnly declare that I will honestly, virtuously and chastely conduct myself in the practice of physic and surgery, with the privileges of practicing which profession I am now to be invested, and that I will with fidelity and honor, do everything in my power for the benefit of the sick committed to my charge." The Montgomery Countj' Medical Society, prior to the creation of Fulton county, held its annual meetings at Johnstown, but the division of Montgomery made a separation necessary and this led to the forma- tion of the Fulton County Medical Society. The proceedings on this occasion are as follows. At a meeting of the Montgomery County So- ciety held at Fonda, June 13, 1838, the chief subject of discussion was the situation in which the society was placed by reason of the division of the county, the result was the withdrawal of those members who lived in the towns recently set off, and the formation by them of a new society, but at what exact date is not known, for the minutes of the early meetings were not preserved. The old record, however, kept by the treasurer of the society furnishes us the names of members down to the year 1849, as follows: Francis Burdick, James Berry, Black, J. F. Blake, William Chambers, C. C. Joslin, William H. Johnson, James W. Miller, L. J. Marvin, Samuel Maxwell, W. C. Peake, Daniel Smith, J. W. Sleight, Robert Weaver. From October, 1849, until January, 1867, the society held no meet- ings and therefore became virtually extinct, from the lack of interest dis- played by its members. In the last mentioned year, however, a re- organization was accomplished and at a meeting of physicians held at the Digitized by Microsoft® EARLY PHYSICIANS. 213 office of Dr. Burdick, on January 16, officers were elected as follows : President, William H. Johnson ; vice-president, P. R. Sawyer; treasurer, Jehiel Lefler ; recording secretary, W. L. Johnson ; corresponding sec- letary, Francis Burdick; delegate to state society, Francis Burdick. Present members : E. Beach, J. E. Burdick, D. W. Barker, J. F. Blake, F. Beebe, E. H. Coon, M. Helen Cullings, I. de Zouche, W. Davis, M. F. Drury, J. Edwards, P. R. Furbeck, H. C. Finch, J. A. Hagar, W. L. Johnson, A. L. Johnson, J. W. Joslin, C. M. Lefler, D. L. Orton, J. L. Phillips, F. W. Shapper, D. V. Still, C. F. Sherman, C. A. Sternberg, T. K. Thome, W. C. Wood, T. K. Young. SKETCHES OF EARLY PHYSICIANS. Dr. Samuel Maxwell. This veteran physician had a stronger hold on public confidence than any other practitioner of his day, at least in his native county. He was of Scotch descent, and was born in North- hampton, and was brought up to hard work. He intended indeed to become a stone mason, but while building a bridge he fell and was lamed for life. This misfortune led him to begin to study medicine, and by teaching during winter he was enabled to complete his course. He practiced in Johnstown nearly a half century, and was noted for his philanthropy, as well as professional success. One of his sons (Dr. Wil- liam H. Maxwell) reached eminence in New York. Dr. Samuel Max- well died in 1862, and his memory is still dearly cherished by all who knew him. Dr. James W. Miller was also a prominent physician of the same time, and a few years earlier we meet the name of Dr. Volkert Douw, whose widow (the late Mrs. Maria Douw) for so many years kept a store in Johnstown. Dr. Reid was another prominent physician of the olden time, whose descendants are still living in Johnstown. The four Dr. Johnsons. Oran Johnson was engaged in medical prac- tice for many years in Johnstown. His son, William Henry Johnson, studied with Dr. Maxwell, becoming indeed his partner, the firm being Maxwell & Johnson. This co-partnership continued for many years and was very successful in the great work of relieving suffering. Dr. Johnson survived Dr. Maxwell and continued in practice, his residence Digitized by Microsoft® 214 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and office being still in possession of the family. He died a few years ago and is remembered by a large circle as a genial friend and a pro- moter of social improvement as well as a highly valued physician. Two of his sons followed their father's profession. One of the number is Dr. Samuel M. Johnson, who is now practicing in New York, and the other is Dr. William H. Johnson, who is mentioned in the county record. John B. Day was born in Williamstown, Mass., September 17, 1784; graduated from Williams College in 1804; was licensed to practice in 1808 by the Albany County Medical Society, and by the Montgomery County Society in October, 18 19. He settled in Mayfield, and prac- ticed there until his death, Jannary 22, 1842. His first wife, whose maiden name was Phila Wells, was born January 10, 1792. They were married October 20, 1808, and had ten children. Dr. Day also had three children by his second wife, whose maiden name was Bartlett. James Berry was born in Mayfield, December 25, 1 809. He read medicine with Dr. Mitchell of Northville, and later was a student at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Fairfield, and also at the Medical Institute of Albany, but he finished his course at the Castleton Medical College (Vermont), from which he graduated in 1835. The next year Dr. Berry began practice at Gloversville, but later years found him a resident of Mayfield and then of Broadalbin. Later on, in compliance with requests from friends he returned to Gloversville where he remained until his death, March 8, 1870. William C. Peake was born at Delhi (Delaware county), in 1797, and acquired a medical education there under the instruction of Dr! Steele. In 1834 he came to Kingsboro where he practiced medicine more than twenty years, establishing as it was said of him, "a fair reputation for skill as a physician, and a character of great moral worth." The last year of his life was passed in Johnstown, where he died, September, 1856. Elijah Cheedle is remembered as one of the early physicians of Kings- boro, where he located prior to 1800. He was a native of Norwalk, Conn., and was born in 1762. He was one of the most prominent phy- sicians in Kingsboro and vicinity during the period of his practice. Marcus T. Peake was born in Delaware county, N. Y., January 25, 1825, and read medicine with his elder brother, William C. Peake. Digitized by Microsoft® JyCo-pt-G^ 1> c-^-p-n-^^^^t-^-ZK^ Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® EARLY PHYSICIANS. 215 His early practice was in his native county, but he came to Gloversville in 1855, and died there October 13, 1865. Francis Burdick was born in the town of Johnstown, N. Y., on the i6th of April, 1818, and was the fourth son of Daniel Burdick, and Lydia (Dowler) Burdick. He had a fair common school education, and commenced the study of medicine under the tuition of Dr. James W. Miller. He attended lectures at the Medical School of Fairfield where he graduated. He then began practice in Johnstown but was called to long distances in the surrounding country. He was an able physician, but was chiefly noted for his skill in surgery. Robert Weaver was born July 4, 1785, in Rhode Island, whither his ancestors had emigrated from England at an early period. His father. Captain Langford Weaver, joined the revolutionary forces in 1775, and served his country faithfully during the war of independence. Robert's early life was one of struggle, like many others in those troublesome times which marked the early years of the Republic. The resources of the family were very limited, his father having spent his best years in the Continental army, for which he received very inadequate compen- sation. Robert struggled to secure a preparatory education under difficulties, but succeeded. In 1807 he began the study of medicine in his native state, where in due time he commenced practice. In 18 12 he removed to Berlin, Rensselaer county, and practiced there for nine years. In 1821 he again removed, seeking a new field in Ephratah, where he continued to reside and to practice until his death, March 25, 1855. He was a charter member of the Fulton County Medical Society. William Chambers was born in Galway, Saratoga county, in 1798, and died at his residence in Broadalbin, August 26, 1874. His paternal ancestors were Scotch, but on the maternal side he was descended from old English stock, long settled in Rhode Island. He began his educa- tion at a district school, but completed it at a private academy kept by Rev. Robert Proudlit, pastor of the Scotch Presbyterian Church in Perth. Pastor Proudlit, was ordained and installed over that congrega- tion October i, 1804, and remained in service until October 18, 1818, when he resigned in order to accept the professorship of Latin and Greek in Union College. At this latter date William Chambers though only twenty years of age, had not only made commendable progress Digitized by Microsoft® 2i6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. in technical studies, but had acquired a taste for general literature. H early chose medicine as a profession, and completed his professional studies in Boston in 1819. He then opened an office in Broadalbin, and continued to practice there until liis death, a period of nearly fifty- five years. His services covered an extensive territory, as he was es- pecially popular with his own nationality (the Scotch), who formed a leading element in the population. His genial social nature secured him friends wherever he was known, and no friends were truer to him than his patients, whose mental and moral maladies were included in his treatment. He was an honored member of the county medical society, holding the office of president for several successive years until his death in 1874. ^ The legislature has done much to advance the interests of the medi- cal profession, having passed laws regulating practice, and also protect- ing regularly qualified physicians, and at the same time placing restric- tions upon those who (whatever may be their pretensions) are not graduates from recognized medical colleges. This legislation naturally called forth some adverse comment, but its benefits, not only to the profession but to suffering humanity, were soon apparent. In 1872 a law was passed specifying the means by which applicants might be ad- mitted to practice " physic and surgery," either by examination before a medical society or by having sufficiently attended some recognized medical institution. In 1880 the "Registration law" was passed, re- quiring all physicians to personally register with the county clerk, stating name, place of birth, proposed residence in the county, the in- stitution or society by which they were licensed, and the date of such license or diploma. A refusal to comply with the requirements of the law was deemed a misdemeanor, and with liability to penalty. Under this law the physicians of the county, with a few exceptions, caused their names to be properly registered, and hence those who failed to comply cannot be regarded as qualified practitioners, whatever may have been their medical education. By reference to the record in the office of the county clerk we find a list of the profession since the law has been in effect, and we now add in brief the name, place of residence at time of registration, place of birth, date of diploma or license, and name of college or society by which the license was granted. Digitized by Microsoft® i/i^i^ c^. 0?^^.^^^-^-^^^^^=^^ %^,.&r Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® REGISTERED PHYSICIANS. 217 William L. Johnson, of Johnstown ; born in Johnstown ; diploma granted December 26, 1865, from Albany Medical College. John E. Burdick, Rockwood ; born in Johnstown ; diploma granted May 28, 1863, from Albany Medical College. Richard H. Cameron, Johnstown ; born in Perth ; diploma granted May 22, 1870, from Albany Medical College. Dr. Cameron died a few years ago in the midst of a successful practice. C. B. Walrad, Johnstown ; born at Sharon Springs ; diploma granted March 10, 1871, from Hahnneman Medical College, Philadelphia. John Edwards, Gloversville ; born in Ephratah ; diploma granted March i, 1869, from College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. William S. Young, Johnstown ; born at Berne, Albany County ; li- censed September 3, 1841, from Albany County Medical Society. Jehiel Lefler, Johnstown.; born at Tribes Hill ; diploma granted De- cember 24, 1864, from Albany Medical College. Horatio Craig, West Galway ; born at Greenfield, Saratoga County ; diploma granted February i, 1878, from Albany Medical College. Darius Stone Orton, Northampton ; born at Fair Haven, Vt, di- ploma granted December 24, 1866, from Albany Medical College. Edward Hartley Eisenbrey, Gloversville ; born at Montgomery, Pa.; diploma granted March 10, 1869, from Hahnneman Medical College, Philadelphia. Eugene Beach, Gloversville ; born at Greenville, N. Y. ; diploma granted June 28, 1866, from Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn. Peter R. Furbeck, Gloversville ; born at Guilderland, Albany County; diploma granted June 25, 1865, from Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lauren M. Allen, Oppenheim ; born Westport, Conn. ; diploma granted March 12, 1880, from College of Physicans and Surgeons, New York, John S. Drake, Mayfield ; born Albany county ; diploma December 10, i860, from Eclectic Medical College, Philadelphia. David N. Barker, Broadalbin ; born Edinburgh, Saratoga county ; diploma June 14, 1848, from Castleton Medical College, Vt. John K. Thorne, Broadalbin ; born New York ; diploma December 26, 1 87 1, from Albany Medical College. 28 Digitized by Microsoft® 2i8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. John Yauney, Ephratah ; born in Fulton county ; diploma June 9, 1857, from Albany Medical College. Isaac de Zouche, Gloversville ; born Dublin, Ireland ; diploma De- cember 22, 1869, from Albany Medical College. Walter Hayes, Oppenheim ; born in Oppenheim ; diploma January 18, 1872, from Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Charles M. Lefler, Gloversville ; born at Fayette, Seneca county ; di- ploma December 22, 1870, from Albany Medical College. Chauncey C. Joslin, Johnstown ; birth-place not given ; license granted 1 840 from Schenectady Medical Society. Franklin N. Wright, Northville ; born at Adrian, Mich. ; diploma December 28, 1875, from Eclectic Medical College of New York. David V. Still, Johnstown ; born at Fultonville; diploma March i, 1876, from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. Levi Wood, Ephratah; born in Ephratah; diploma January 7, 1865, from Albany Medical College. James F. Murray, Gloversville ; born in Ephratah ; diploma Decem- ber 26, 1866, from Albany Medical College. Thomas Delap Smith, Broadalbin ; born Machias, Maine ; diploma August IS, 1867, from Medical School of State of Maine. Friend W. Shafer, born Seward, Schoharie county ; diploma June 25, 1850, from Castleton Medical College, Vt. Jerome A. Avery, Northville ; born Norway, Herkimer county ; di- ploina October, 1867, from Berkshire Medical College, Mass. John F. Blake, Northville; born Greenwich, N. Y. ; license May 23, 1846, from Fulton County Medical Society. William S. Garnsey, Gloversville ; born Saratoga county ; diploma March 5, 1880, from Homoeopathic Medical College, New York. Ira H. Van Ness, Osborn's Bridge ; born Northampton ; license July 17, 1876, from Fulton County Medical Society. Adam Walrath, Lassellsville ; born at St. Johnsville ; diploma Feb- ruary I, 1849, from Albany Medical College. William J. Wilcox, Gloversville ; born New York ; diploma Decem- ber 22, 1874, from Albany Medical College. Nelson Everest, Garoga ; born Garoga; diploma March 2, 1881, from Albany Medical College. Digitized by Microsoft® REGISTERED PHYSICIANS. 219 Frank Beebe, Johnstown; born at Fonda; diploma March 2, 1881, from Albany Medical College. James K. Young, Johnstown ; born Berne, N. Y. ; diploma Decem- ber 22, 1874, from Albany Medical College. Charles Nellis, Johnstown; born at Palatine; diploma March 10 1 88 1, from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. William Clark Wood, Gloversville ; born Lyons, N. Y. ; diploma March 3, 1880, from Albany Medical College, and license by Wayne County. Medical Society, dated August 28, 1879. Henry Clement Finch, Broadalbin ; born Northampton ; license March i, 1882, from Albany Medical Society. Caroline Parker Chamberlain, Gloversville ; born New York ; diploma April 9, 1877, from "The Woman's Homoeopathic Medical College" ; New York. Sanford V. Kline, Johnstown ; born at Amsterdam ; diploma March I, 1882, from the Michigan College of Medicine. Otis K. Chamberlain, Gloversville ; born at Chocomet, Pa. ; license November 19, 1874, from the Eclectic Medical Society of New York. William Davis, Gloversville ; ? Elias Crawford and Henry L. Starks, 1835- 6; Dillon Stevens and Peter H. Smith, 1836—7; Dillon Stevens and Leonard H. Radley, 1837-8; James H. Taylor and Leonard L. Brad- Icy, 1838-9. Johnstown and Gloversville Circuit. — James H. Taylor, Thomas B. Pii;rson and Wm. Griflfin, 1839—40; Wm. Griffin, Thos. B. Pierson and R. T. Wade, 1 840-1 ; Stephen Parks, Albert R. Speer and Myron White, 1841-2. Johnstown and N. Amsterdam. — Albert R. 'Speer, 1842-3 ; Peter M. Hitchcock, 1843-4. Johnstown Station. — P. M. Hitchcock, 1844-5; Benj. Pomeroy, 1845— 7; Hiram Chase, 1847-8; James Quinlan, 1848-9; William F. Hurd, [849-51 ; William R. Brown, 1851-2; Robert R. Thompson, 1852-4; H. C. H. Dudley (part year), 1854; Tobias Spicer and Wm. Tisdale (each part year), 1855; Merritt B. Mead, 1856-8; Henry T. Johns, £858-9; Robert Patterson, 1859-60; William H. Meeker, 1860-2 ; Lorenzo Marshall, 1862-4; N. G. Spaulding and J. G. Perkins (each part of year). 1864-5; Isaac C. Fenton, 1865-7; Henry L. Starks, 1867-70; Aaron D. Heaxt, 1 870-2 ; William Clark, 1872-4; Leonard S.Walker, 1 874-7 ; Thomas C. Potter, 1877-80; W. H. Washburne, 1880-3; Lorenzo Marshall, 1883-6; James H. Brown, 1886-91; W. H. Washburne, 1891. The present officers of the church are: Rev. H. Graham, presiding elder; W. H. Washburne, pastor; Fred G. Baker, C. S. Wemple, F. -Meyer, D. H. Van Heusen, and M. Argersinger, trustees ; Fred. G. Digitized by Microsoft® 2HE BAPTIST CHURCH. 267 Baker, recording steward ; W. Dawes, P. Farmer, S. Beekman, C. Hodg- son, J. K. Young, J. C. Richards, W. S. Argersinger, W. E. Werner, G. R. Smithj John Jackson, H. M. Sutliff, and S. L. Peters, stewards ; Robert R. Sands, Sunday-school superintendent. The Baptist Church of Johnstown. — Little is known of the early Bap- tists in Johnstown. There were a few of that denomination living in or near the village as early as 1795, and some of them held prayer meetings at the house of a Mr. Hardy, an Englishman, who lived on Williams street, and also at the house of a member of the Methodist church named Brewster, opposite the Dutch Reformed meeting-house. Beginning about 1803, Elders Finch, Throop and Lathrop preached at Johnstown in the Methodist church, but later on most of the Baptists in the vicinity moved north to Kingsboro, and it is said that in 1819 Mrs. Lydia Wells was the only Baptist in the village. From that time forward, however, their number began to increase, occasional services were held and several attempts made to establish a church. Amoncr those who preached at these early meetings were Elders Isaac West- cott, J. I. Whitman and David Corwin, but it appears that their efforts to organize a society were unsuccessful. In September, 1842, Rev. Lewis Raymond, of Cooperstown, began a series of meetings in Johnstown, the result of which was the organiz- ation of a church society on the 3d of November, following. On that day a council consisting of delegates from the Baptist churches in Am- sterdam, Gloversville, Pleasant Valley and Broadalbin, met in tlie court-house in Johnstown and formally organized a Baptist church. The chairman of this meeting was Elder David Corwin and the clerk Elder L. O. Lovell. The church was organized with about sixty mem- bers, eleven others being baptized and received two days later. J. H. Murray and Abel S. Leaton were chosen church clerk and treasurer respectively, and on the second succeeding Sabbath a Sunday-school was organized. During the last two months of the year 1842 the con- gregation was under the spiritual charge of Rev. Mr. Joslyn. The church was regularly received into the Saratoga Baptist Association at its annual meeting held in Gloversville, January 4th, 1843. On Janu- ary 2Sth, of the same year, Rev. John Duncan began his pastorate with the church, and on the 2 1st of the following February the first Digitized by Microsoft® 268 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. deacons were elected — Williams, Potter, Hedden, and Lcaton. Eldei Duncan terminated his services with the society in June, 1843, and al- though meetings were held, and different pastors occupied the pulpit for a few weeks at a time, an unfortunate dissension took place in the society, which resulted in its disbanding in February, 1854, and the church building, purchased in 1851, was placed in the hands of the Saratoga Association. Ten years elapsed before another successful at- tempt was made to bring the Baptists of Johnstown together in har- monious organization. This was finally accomplished by Rev. Mr. Fisher, who went to Johnstown in October, 1864, and held meetings which drew together moderately large congregations. The church was reorganized in June, 1865, Mr. Fisher continuing as its pastor, and as a result of his zealous labors the society received an impetus that was substantially felt for many years. When Mr. Fisher closed his pastor- ate in March, 1869, the church had a membership of 109. His suc- cessor was Rev. W. H. Hawley, who began his services in June, 1869, and remained with the congregation until June 13, 1873, during which time eighty persons were baptized and the society greatly strengthened. Rev. A, J. Allen came to the pastorate January 2d, 1874, and continued his labors until the spring of 1876. On the 15th of the following October, Rev. Roland D. Grant became pastor and re- mained until November, 1878. Some slight dissensions arose during his pastorate, but otherwise it was very successful. He was followed by Rev. T. Simpkins, who began his labors with the church April i, 1889, and during a period of nearly eight years served the congrega- tion acceptably. During this time a substantial organization was ef- fected and many improvements introduced into the manner of conduct- ing the various affairs of the church. A new brick edifice was built on Main street and the membership was considerably increased. Mr. Simpkins resigned his pastorate January i, 1886. The present minister. Rev. Cyrus H. Merrill, began his work April I, 1886, and is consequently in the seventh year of his pastorate. During this time 225 persons have united with the church and 151 have been baptized. The total membership is now 330 and the Sun- day-school has 350 scholars. An evidence of the present prosperous condition of the society is the fact that they have in process of erection a handsome brick church at Digitized by Microsoft® THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 269 the corner of Green and Williams street, which, when finished, will ac- commodate about 900 persons. The present officers are: Deacons, Abel R. Vibbard, Charles M. Put- man and Herbert Allen ; trustees, E. Bradt, John W. Hagadorn, L. B. Hawley, Frank Torrey, Byron Chase and C. M. Putman ; superinten- dent of Sunday-school, W. H. Alexander; assistant, Fenton I. Grilly; secretary, William R, Snyder ; librarian and treasurer, A. R. Kinne. The United Presbyterian Church of Johnstown. — The original mem- of this society were from Scotland, or of Scotch descent. The church was organized in March, 1828, in connection with the denomination known at that time as the Associate Church of North America. In 1858 this body united with the Associate Reformed Church, and thus established the present United Presbyterian Church. The original members were Daniel Walker, John McNab, John D. Walker, Gilbert Walker, John Walker, Duncan Campbell, Peter McKie, Peter Stewart, David Walker, Robert Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Walker, Margaret McNab, Catherine Walker, Jane Walker, Margaret Walker, Catherine Campbell, Girsel McKie, Jane Stewart, Isabel Walker, and Catherine McNab. The first elders were, John McNab and John D. Walker. The suc- cessive pastors have been: Rev. J. G. Smart, 1 830- 1837; Rev. A. Gordon, 1 844-1 845 ; Rev. A. Thomas, 1858-1863; Rev. J. A. Will- iamson, 1864 to the present time. The first church edifice was a frame building built in 1830, on South Market street. It was afterwards sold and remodeled into a glove fac- tory. The present handsome brick structure on North Market street was erected in 1869, and is one of Johnstown's most imposing church edifices. The present officers are : Pastor, Rev. J. A. Williamson ; elders, John McNab, D. B. Calderwood, and Alexander Walker; trustees, John Mc- Nab, Alexander Walker, Leonard Argersinger, W. F. Young, and L. A. Van Antwerp ; superintendent of Sunday-school, J. M. Dougall. St. Patrick's Parish, Johnstown. — In the year 1773, a number of Ro- man Catholic Scotch Highlanders, 200 of whom were of an age to bear arms, settled at Johnstown at the request of Sir William Johnson. They were spiritually attended by the Rev. John McKenna, an Irish Digitized by Microsoft® 270 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. priest educated at Lorain University. He was the first resident Roman Catholic priest in this state after the Jesuit missionaries among the Mo- hawks nearly a century before. Comparatively strangers in the country, and only speaking the Gae- lic language, these Highlanders knew little of the points on which the colonists l^'ased their complaints against the English government. At the beginning of the revolution they found themselves denounced as papists and tories. Though ready to draw their claymores once more against their traditional enemy and avenge the defeat of Culloden, they were disarmed by General Schuyler and began to abandon their new homes. Before the spring of 1776 the priest, more obnoxious than his flock, withdrew with a company o( 300 to Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.. In 1790 the Rev. Charles Whelan came to Johnstown. He had been chaplain in the French navy on De Grasse's fleet until the end of the revolution, and subsequently established the first Roman Catholic church in New York city. During the first half of the present century the few Roman Catholics in and about Johnstown were visited at in- tervals by priests from Utica, Albany, and New York and more rarely by the bishop of New York. In 1850 Johnstown became an established mission and was attended successively by Rev. James O'Sullivan, Jonathan Furlong, J. P. Fitz- patrick, Eugene Carroll, M. E. Clarke and Philip Keveny. 1869 the mission was made a separate parish and Rev. B. McManus appointed pastor. In the same year the present church edifice, located on the glebe, was built. Rev. J. F. Lowery was apppointed pastor in 1876;. Rev. P. B. McNulty in 1878, and the present pastor, Rev. P. H. Mc- Dermott, in 1884. There are at present in the parish more than 200 families. The lay trustees of the church are John Doran, treasurer, and John Manion, sec- retary. The original parish has been divided, and there are now in Fulton county five Roman Catholic churches, located at Johnstown, Glovers- ville, Broadalbin, Middlesprite and Bleecker, respectively. The Old Burying- Ground. — One of the most interesting, and yet most solemn, places of historical interest in and about Johnstown is the ancient burial-ground at the corner of Green and Market streets. In. Digitized by Microsoft® THE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. 271 this enclosure stood the first church ever erected within the present bounds of Fulton county, and in the church-yard which surrounded it were buried the dead for more than a century. Before the village had extended toward the westward to its present limits this burying-ground commanded a magnificent view stretching for a mile or more in the di- rection of Johnson Hall, and the old church that stood near its western end must have been conspicuous from a great distance. When this church was demolished it is probable that the stone was used to con- struct a fence around the cemetery. No burials have been made there in many years, and the towering elms which skirt the sacred enclosure bear silent witness to the antiquity of the spot. Inscribed upon the time and weather-worn monuments can be seen the names of many who have figured in the past history of Johnstown and its vicinity, and whose posterity still hold dear to memory. The Johnstown Cemetery Association. — The rapidity with which the old burying-ground was being filled made it necessary in 1849 for the people of the village to take steps toward providing a new and larger cemetery. For this purpose a meeting was held October 4, 1849, at which were present among others John Frothingham, William H. John- son, Daniel Stewart, George Henry, Elijah W. Prindle, Peter McKie, John H. Gross, William Dorn, William Rood, John McLaren, jr., Ed- ward Wells, and John Wells. As a result of this meeting the Johns- town Cemetery Association was organized, with the following trustees and officers : President, Elijah W. Prindle ; vice-president, Peter McKie ; secretary, John McLaren, jr. ; treasurer, John Wells ; trustees, the men above mentioned with the addition of John H. Gross, Marcellus Gilbert, and John Frothingham, On November 26, 1849, the association pur- chased fifteen acres of land from Duncan McLaren and Elias Prindle, for which $1,220 was paid, and in 1852 more land was added, being- purchased from Eleazer Wells for $200. On June 30, i860, between six and ten acres were purchased from E. W. Prindle at the rate of $150 per acre, and on July i, 1875, another addition was purchased from him, the price paid being $3,500. A more picturesque location for a cemetery can scarcely be imagined. Gracefully winding around its western and northern boundaries is the Cayadutta creek, crossed at the main entrance on Perry street by a handsome bridge. The ground Digitized by Microsoft® i-jz HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. from the creek rises gradually toward the east, and its natural features have been tastefully improved by the landscape gardener's art. The first burial in the cemetery was that of Peter McKie, its first vice- president, and was made November 28, 1849. The several presidents of the association and the dates of their election to that office have been as follows: Elijah W. Prindle, October 4, 1849; Marcellus Gilbert,^ December i, 1855 ; Daniel Edwards, October 7, 1857 ; E. W. Prindle, October i, 1861 ; Burnett H. Dewey, September 16, 1875 ; James Younglove, February 2, 1886. The present officers are: President, James Younglove ; vice-president, Martin Kennedy ; treasurer, William S. McKie; secretary, Charles O. Gross; trustees, James Younglove, Martin Kennedy, William S. McKie, Charles O. Gross, WiUiam S. Northrup, John W. Cline, and James P. Argersinger. Johnstown Historical Society. — Probably no village in New York state affords a more promising field for historical research than Johns- town. The ground upon which the village is built and the surrounding territory for a score of miles or more is rich in historic lore and was the scene of memorable events long before other more populous communities of the present day had an existence. The organization of a historical society in Johnstown is therefore to be commended, and the names of those connected with the effort are a guaranty that nothing will be left undone that can bring to light those early and important events, many of which have fallen into comparative obscurity through the lapse of time and the frailty of human memory. The Historical Society was organized May 30, 1892, a day on which the whole country is called once a year to honor the memory of the heroes who fought and died for the cause of union and liberty. The officers of the society are as fol- lows: President, Horace E. Smith; vice-presidents, James I. Young- love, Capt. Edgar S. Dudley, and S. Elmore Burton ; treasurer, Donald Eraser ; corresponding secretary, Fred L. Carroll ; recording secretary, Philip Keck ; librarian. Rev. John N. Marvin ; trustees, A. S. Van Voast, Rev. Peter Felts, Andrew J. Nellis, John G. Ferres, Fenton I. Gidley, John T. Selmser, and William A. Livingston. Temporary- rooms have been engaged and fitted up on the third floor of the Rick- etts building. The Johnstown Water Works. — The introduction of a system of pure and wholesome water into Johnstown, was brought about, as has been Digitized by Microsoft® THE WATER WORKS. 273 the case in many other instances, by the occurrence of a number of dis- astrous fires, against which the village had no adequate means of pro- tection. The destruction wrought by these conflagrations induced the board of trustees, early in the summer of 1877, ^'^ make some provision against a recurrence of the evil. To this end public meetings were held, at which the citizens freely expressed their views on the subject of water supply, and it soon became apparent that a large majority of those who favored an expenditure to obtain water for fire purposes, also favored the introduction of pure water for sanitary and domestic uses. Pursuant to that conclusion a board of water commissioners was or- ganized on July 6, 1877, under the provisions of the law of 1875, com- monly known as "The Water Act." This board was composed of the following men : James L. Northrup, Levi Stephenson, James F. Mason, Jonah Hess, and Jacob P. Miller. Mr. Northrup was made president of the board ; Mr. Mason, secretary ; Mr. Miller, treasurer ; and James H. Pike appointed superintendent. Preliminary surveys and estimate of the cost of the water works were made, upon the plan of a gravity sys- tem, having Cold brook, a stream about four miles distant from the vil- lage, and having an elevation above it of four hundred feet, for its source- of supply. It was estimated that an expenditure of $61,000 would be necessary, which amount was $400 in excess of that authorized by the water act to be raised for the purpose. The board, however, believing that the work could be let within the amount available, decided to ask for the authority to bond the village according to the provisions of the act. That authority was finally conferred by a vote of the citizens and. tax payers of the village, taken at a meeting held for the purpose on the 18th day of October, 1877. The contract for building the work was awarded to Messrs. Donald- son & Geer, for $50,518, being the price settled upon after making changes in the specifications. Bonds were issued upon the credit of the village, to the amount of $60,500, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable annually on the first day of Ju^y, running twenty, twenty- five and thirty years — interest and principal payable at the Metropolitan National Bank, in the city of New York. These bonds were placed in the city of Boston, at a premium of one-half per cent, or 35 Digitized by Microsoft® 374 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. an aggregate premium of $302.50. The bonds were held by the com- missioners and deHvered in installments, as the proceeds were needed, giving them the additional amount in accrued interest of $496.61, or an aggregate from $60,500 in bonds of $61,299.1 1. The work was begun in March, 1878, and was completed and condi- tionally accepted on the 5th of October, of the same year. The princi- pal source of supply was taken from Cold brook, which flows from nearly the center of a series of timbered sand hills, which serve as a stor- age reservoir for the annual rain falls, and through which the water is filtered to the stream, trickling in at its sides with remarkable uniform- ity throughout the year, and in limpid, crystal purity. The water dur- ing the heat of midsummer maintains a temperature of fifty- two degrees Fahrenheit, and never falls below forty degrees in the coldest winter weather. A timber dam was thrown across Cold brook about 1 500 feet below the point where the stream first appears in the ravine. An eight inch iron conduit was constructed from this dam 3,600 feet to the brow of the Clift's hill, where it was reduced to a six inch pipe running 700 feet down the hill to a distributing reservoir, under a head of 151 feet. The latter reservoir was constructed- by throwing a dam or embankment across the base of an oval or egg-shaped ravine, giving a storage capac- ity of 12,000,000 gallons. At the upper end of this distributing reser- voir the Warren brook supply of upwards of 350,000 gallons daily, was connected by a twelve inch cast iron conduit, running from the Warren brook, 515 feet on a level to the reservoir. A gate- house of corrugated iron was built directly above an inlet chamber of masonry, resting upon a timber foundation, and was sup- plied with screen, valves, and stand pipe. Through this inlet the water from the distributing reservoir passes into the main conduit of ten inch cast iron piping which runs from the tower 19,377.5 f^et to and through the village. When constructed the water was distributed in the village through 6,809.8 feet of eight inch pipe ; 12,816.2 feet of six inch pipe, -ind 4,554.7 feet of four inch pipe. Since that time the street mains have been extended many thousand feet, a description of which will be given later on. The elevation of Cold brook at the dam, is 433 feet above the Digitized by Microsoft® THE WATER WORKS. 275 lowest point of distribution in the village. The flow line of the dis- tributing reservoir is 15 i feet below Cold brook at the dam. The first application for water was dated October 7, 1878. Up to and including December 31, the mains had been tapped and water in- troduced upon seventy- eight applications. No charge was made for the use of water until January i, 1879, when, with the view of mak- ing the annual collections from water rents close concurrently with the fiscal year, the first water rent was made to cover the period of four months, ending with the 30th of April, 1879. From this collection, be- ing for one-third of a year,, the amount received was $229.12 ; making the annual average receipt from the first seventy-eight applications, a fraction over $11.50 each. The actual cost of the works up to April 30, 1879, was $59,806.11, and the total disbursements up to that date, outside of the cost of the work was $7,620.88 making the aggregate disbursement from the treasury, $68,426.99. Owing to the fact that the village did not purchase the land surrounding the Cold brook, at the time of constructing the reservoir, they placed themselves liable to action for damages from the parties owning the lands adjoining the stream. Such an action was brought against the village during the year 1881, by James H. Coughnet, who petitioned for an injunction re- straining the village from the diversion or further use of the water of Cold brook. After full investigation and consideration by the water commissioners it was decided to make an effort to adjust the damages due the several persons interested, but in consequence of the exorbi- tant demands of these parties, no satisfactory agreement could be reached. The water commissioners thereupon petitioned the court for a commission to appraise the damage the village should pay for such diversion and use of the water of Cold brook and also for the value of the land adjoining. This was believed to be the wisest action that could be taken to protect the interests of the village. The court ap- pointed a commission, which organized in December, 1880, and after making an examination of the premises and hearing the evidence from the parties interested, made, in April, 1881, the award of damage;-, which was duly approved by the court. The total amount of this dam- age to land and water was placed at $5,08469, which was paid with interest by the village in 1882. Digitized by Microsoft® 276 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Extensions of street mains have been made from year to year, as fol- lows, the dates given indicating the end of each fiscal year: 1883, seven hundred and thirty feet; 1884, on Cady street, from Glebe to Fon Claire; on Glebe street, from Montgomery to Prospect; on Hoosic street, from Montgomery to Fon Claire and on Market, from Washing- ton to Fulton ; 1885, six thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine feet; 1886, three thousand four hundred and seventy-seven feet; 1887, two thousand five hundred and thirty feet; 1888, three thousand five hun- dred and twenty feet; 1889, three thousand four hundred and fifty feet ; 1890, seven thousand five hundred and twenty-one feet; 1891, six thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven feet; 1892, one thousand six hundred and fifty feet. In August, 1883, the village employed S. E. Babcock, a hydraulic engineer, to make surveys and examinations of the old conduit and dam at Cold brook, which resulted in the discovery that a large quantity of ■of water was leaking around and under the dam and running down the old channel of the stream, instead of flowing through the cast iron con- duit Hne to the distributing reservoir. To remedy this defect Mr. Bab- cock proposed the building of a new stone dam a short below the tim- ber one, and replacing the iron conduit with twelve inch vitrified salt glazed pipe capable of discharging over i,ooo,000 gallons per diem, and laid to grades all below a hydraulic grade line. He also submitted an engineer's estimate of the cost of the work, the amount being $7,067. This was accepted by the water commissioners, September 7, 1883, and Mr. Babcock at once organized a force and began the work within five days after entering into the contract, completing the entire under- taking on the first day of November, 1883. The new conduit, by ac- tual measurement, was found to discharge 550,000 gallons per diem, at a very dry time, soon after its completion, and when the waters of Cold brook were not above their low water stage. Thus the village of Johns- town, at an expenditure of a little more than seven thousand dollars, doubled its water supply and saved from going to waste nearly 225,000 gallons of pure water per day. The successive presidents of the board of water commissioners since its organization have been as follows : James L. Northrup, 1877-78; John G. Ferres, 1879-80; George A. Streeter, 1881-82; Jonah Hess, Digitized by Microsoft® THE HORSE RAILROAD. *77 1883-85; Daniel W. Campbell, 1886-88; John M. Dougall, 1889; Oliver Getman, 1890-92. James H. Pike was the first superintendent of the works and held the position two years, being succeeded by G. D. Henry, who also remained in the position two years. The present superintendent, J. J. Buchanan, assumed the duties of that office in 1884. The present board of water commissioners consists of Oliver Getman, Archibald McMartin, C. M. Rowell and Marvin Bronk. Mr. Bronk is secretary and Mr. Rowell treasurer. The Johnstown, Gloversville and Kingsboro Horse Railroad Company was organized in the fall of 1873, and numbered among its early directors the following named persons : Daniel B. Judson, H. L. Burr, Jonathan Wooster, Ira Lee, C. G. Alvord, Richard Fancher, C. E. Ar- gersinger, J. Mc Laren, Isaac V. Place, F. M. Young, John V. King, N. H. Decker, William Argersinger, James Younglove, D. C. Livingston, J. J. Hanson, A. D. Simmons, and others. A number of these handed in their resignation shortly after the company was organized, among them H. L. Burr, who had served as vice-president, and who was suc- ceeded in that office by Jonathan Wooster. Daniel B. Judson was elected president, and J. McLaren, secretary and treasurer. A line of horse railroad had been constructed from Gloversville to Kingsboro, and proved an unsuccessful enterprise, and subsequently an attempt was made by the Johnstown, Gloversville, and Kingsboro Company to pur- chase the track and equipment of the former road, but without success. The tracks between Fulton street and Kingsboro, were afterwards aban- doned or removed, as the road did but little business. That portion of the road extending north on Main street from Pine to Fulton, however, was leased by the J., G. and K. company, whose road from Johnstown to Gloversville was completed in the latter part of 1874. On April i, 1875, the road was leased to N. H. Decker, of Johnstown, for a term of five years. This lease was canceled March 13, 1878, and the road was again delivered into the hands of the company. July i, 1878, the lease was renewed for five years, with the privilege of five years more. This contract continued until November 5, 1885, when the road was again restored to the company, by Mrs. M. E. Decker, into whose possession it had come upon the death of her husband, N. H. Decker. On Decem- Digitized by Microsoft® 278 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1 ber 15, 1885, it was leased to StoUer & Van Sickler, who operated it five years. On December 15, 1890, a sale of considerable of the stock was made to stockholders of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad, which gave them a controlling interest, and since that time the road has been operated under, their direction. The following com- prises a list of the officers: President, W. S. Northrup ; vice-president, Lewis Veghte ; treasurer, H. W. Potter ; superintendent and secretary,. Lawton Caten ; directors, David A. Wells, Lewis Veghte, W. S. North- rup, Jonathan Ricketts, Martin Kennedy, Henry W. Potter, James Younglove, John McNab, Charles W. Judson, Lawton Caten, W. J. Heacock, Frank Burton, William Littauer. The tracks are now being taken up and replaced with new ones with the view of making electric- ity the motive power. The Johnstown Electric Light and Power Company was organized March 14, 1887, and incorporated the following day with a capital of $20,000. The first officers were: President, Jacob P. Miller; secretary, John G. Ferres ; treasurer, James H. Cross. A contract was obtained for lighting the streets of Gloversville, and the work of stringing wires was immediately begun. The dynamos were placed for a few months in the mill of John Q. Adams, where the power of his engine was util- ized. On October 18, 1887, the capital stock was increased to $100,000, and the company at once began tie construction of a permanent plant. It is located at Cayadutta Fall.«fi^out two miles southwest of the vil- lage, where a fall of seventy-five feet is obtained, furnishing motive power to four pair of brass turbine wheels, twelve inches in diameter,, with horizontal shafts. These wheels have a combined capacity equal to 520 horse power. They are the invention of Mr. Lesner, of Sam- monsville, and were manufactured by William B. Wemple's Sons, of Fultonville, N. Y. Their motion is governed and kept at any desired speed by an electric water wheel governor, invented by F. E. Pritchard,. and made at Cedar Falls, Iowa. In addition to these, the company has a 200 horse power Corliss engine and two boilers of I GO horse power each, which are held in reserve. In the plant are located seven Thompson & Houston constant current dynamos, with a capacity of 305 arc lamps ; two Westinghouse alter- Digitized by Microsoft® THE PEOPLE'S BANK. 279 nating current dynamos with a capacity of 1,000 sixteen candle power lamps, and the company has in use at present 222 miles of wire. The volume of business done at Johnstown and Gioversville is nearly the same. The present officers are: President, Andrew J. Nellis; treasurer, Richard Evans ; secretary and superintendent, James H. Cross ; direc- tors, James P. Argersinger, Jacob P. Miller, Robert J. Evans, John G. Ferres, Richard Evans, Jason A. Miller, James I. Younglove, Andrew J. Nellis, and James H. Cross. The company's offices are located at No. 3 Church street, Johnstown. The People's Bank of Johnstown is virtually the continuation, through a succession of well remembered financial firms, of the old Montgomery County Bank. There are but few men living in Fulton county to-day who can distinctly remember the inception of Johnstown's first bank, which was established in 1831, Daniel Potter, of Kingsboro, who had become rich by merchandise, being its first president. Nathan P. Wells another successful business man, was made cashier, and his son, Edward teller. This bank gave Johnstown high financial distinction and was the monetary nucleus for a large share of the surrounding country. On the death of N. P. Wells, Edward became cashier, and eventually his son, Nathan P., conducted the banking business in the same build- ing. It will be of interest to note that Edward Wells, the present cashier of the People's Bank, is a great-grandson of the first cashier of the old bank — a remarkable succession in financial service. The Montgomery County Bank was succeeded by N. P. Wells & Company, and they in turn by Hayes & Wells. The latter firm was subsequently followed by David Hayes alone, and he by the First National Bank, which was incorporated April 15, 1879, with a capital of $100,000 and the following officers: President, John Stewart; vice- president, John S. Ireland ; cashier, Howland Fish ; teller, Edward Wells, This bank continued to do business until January 16, 1889. On the following day the People's Bank opened its doors, having been organ- ized in December preceding. The bank was incorporated with a capi- tal of $125,000 and the following officers: President, Jacob P. Miller; vice-president, John S. Ireland; cashier, Edward Wells; assistant cash- ier, Elisha B. Knox ; directors, J. P. Argersinger, John S. Ireland, Arch. McMartin, James I. Younglove, Robert J. Evans, Chas. O. Digitized by Microsoft® 28o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Cross, Jacob P. Miller, J. C. Northrup, Oliver Getman, Martin Kennedy, Jonathan Ricketts, John F. Cahill, John H. Decker, Lewis Veghte, Levi Yauney. The bank occupies an imposing brick structure at the corner of Main and Market streets and has been exceptionally a successful institution. The present officers are as follows : President, Jacob P. Miller ; vice- president, James P. Argersinger; cashier, Edward Wells; teller, William H. Young ; directors, James P. Argersinger, David A. Wells, Archibald McMartin, James L Younglove, Robert J. Evans, Charles O. Cross, Jacob P. Miller, M. B. Northrup, Oliver Getman, Martin Kennedy, Jonathan Ricketts, John F. Cahill, John H. Decker, Lewis Veghte, and William E. Wooster. The condition of the bank in December, 1891, is shown by the fol- lowing quarterly report : RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, less due from Directors $508,582 69 Due from Directors . 46,255 08 $554,837 77 Overdrafts as per schedule 4 36 Due from Trust Companies, State and National Banks, as per schedule. . 158,640 01 Banking House and Lot, as per schedule 31,904 09 Stocks and Bonds, as per schedule 5,650 00 Specie 4,034 20 U. S. Legal Tender Notes and Circulating Notes of National Banks. . . . 21,602 CO Cash Items, viz : Bills and Checks for the next day's exchanges 1,331 83 Loss and expenses, viz ■ Current Expenses $60 01 Interest Account 398 78 458 79 Furniture and Fixtures 3 306 74 $781,769. 79 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid in, in cash $125,000 QO Surplus fund 25,000 00 Undivided Profits, viz.: Discount $5,048 43 Exchange 161 19 Interest 537 86 Other Profits 6,150 14 11,907 62 Due Depositors as follows, viz: Deposits subject to Ch'k $352,391 62 Demand Certificates of Deposit 266,617 45 619,009 07 Due Trust Companies, State and National Banks, as per schedule 818 10 Unpaid Dividends 38 00- $781,769 79- Digitized by Microsoft® THE JOHNSTOWN BANK. 281 The Johnstown Bank. — This institution succeeded to the bankin . . mt*"^ J^r .---^ ^IB^^^^^^K Vb*' ^v ^? \ \m\^ -i *e "v / . . \' -■' Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® NEWSPAPERS. 283 On June 13, 1892, Fay Shaul, the proprietor of \h& Evening News entered into a copartnership with the proprietor of The Democrat and both establishments have been consolidated. Mr. Beakley is a native of Schoharie county, and a graduate of Union College. He was admitted to the bar in 1878, but has preferred theifluties of an editor to those of a lawyer. * The Johnstown Daily Republican is a representative four page, eight column paper, published and edited by Albert E. Blunck. It is the official paper of Fulton county and of the village of Johnstown. The daily edition was begun July i, 1890, by the present proprietor and publisher, who has been connected with the paper as owner, first in part and then entirely, since 188 1. The Fulton County Republican, Sl. weekly newspaper, is issued from the same office. It was considered a hazardous undertaking to establish a daily paper in Johnstown, espe- cially at the low price of one cent, and Mr. Blunck was counseled by many experienced newspaper men not to attempt such an enterprise, but having strong faith in his own convictions the trial was made and the result has far exceeded his most sanguine expectations. The daily at the present time indeed has a circulation which renders its suecess. absolutely certain. The Fulton County Republican was originally published at Johnstown^ in 1838 by Darius Wells. In 1840 Alexander U. Wells became pro- prietor, and in 1842 he sold it to George Henry, who was a Henry Clay Whig, and who conducted it as an organ of that party, afterwards join- ing the Republican ranks. His son, George D. Henry, who took charge of it in 185 i, continued the publication until about 1864 when it was discontinued. The paper was revived in 1870 by George M. Thompson, who continued it, in connection with The Gloversville In- telligencer, a paper purchased by him in 1868. He subsequently sold the plant to Capron & Ward. In April, 1881, Mr. Blunck, the present proprietor, purchased a half interest in the two papers and they were published by the firm of Ward & Blunck until about August, 1 881, when William E. Leaning, of Cooperstown, purchased the interest of H. L. Ward. The firm of Blunck & Leaning continued the two publications until October, 1887, when the firm dissolved, Mr. Blunck continuing Tlie- Republican and Mr. Leaning The Intelligencer. Bot^i the daily and Digitized by Microsoft® 284 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. weekly editions are Republican in politics, and vigorously advocate the principles of that party, wielding an acknowledged influence in Fulton and adjoining counties. Mr. Blunck is a native of the town of Otsego, Otsego county, N. Y., and received an academic education at Coopers- town, after which he pursueS journalism, connecting himself with sev- eral prominent newspapers, in*which capacity he attained his present thorough knowledge of the business. The Evening News was the pioneer daily newspaper in Johnstown, and proved a successful venture. Its founder and publisher, L. Fay Shaul, was a practical newspaper man and profited by the experience he had obtained in other efforts of the same kind. His first venture was in Amsterdam, where in 1885 he established . 714^ Good Templar, which was in 1886 adopted as the official organ of the Knights of Labor in this section and its name changed to The Workman. In 1887 Mr. Shaul disposed of the Amsterdam plant to James Bart- ley, of that city, and in August of the same year established the Glov- ersville Daily Leader, a paper that soon became well known and re- ceived liberal patronage. In March, 1888, he disposed of a half interest in The Leader to William B. Collins, of Albany, and in November, 1889, sold the remaining half to his partner and then came to Johnstown, where he established The Evening News, December 31, 1889. This sheet was first published as an independent paper, and desjjite the fact that in a short time it had two competitors in the field, its business was such as to amply repay the publisher for his enterprise. Early in 1892 The Evening News espoused the principles of Democracy and was an able exponent of the Jeffersonian doctrines. Proposals with a view to consolidation were then mutually considered by Mr. Shaul, and George F. Beakley, of the Fulton County Democrat and The Daily Democrat. The result was a union of the two journals on June 1 1, 1892, under the name of The Daily Democrat, a title which was chosen because of its long connection with the oldest paper in the county. Mr. Shaul is a native of South Columbia, N. Y., and received his education in Amsterdam, whence he removed to Fulton county. Grand Opera House. — The building of the Opera House at Johns- town was an event awaited with much interest, and when the beautiful structure for publfc entertainment was finished its capacity was tested Digitized by Microsoft® (^^^ir^^/'^l^^^i^y>^e^ Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® THE OPERA HOUSE. 285 to the utmost by appreciative audiences. The Opera House Company was incorporated in May, 1889, with a capital of $20,000, and the fol- lowing officers : David A. Wells, president ; Thomas R. Baker, vice- president ; Charles H. Ball, secretary ; James I. Younglove, treasurer; James P. Argersinger, M. B. Northrup, Sydney E. Trumbull, James L. Northrup, John T. Selmser, C. M. Rowell, James I. Younglove, Thomas B. Baker, Thomas E. Ricketts, Philip Keck, John Leavitt, D. A. Wells, and David Ireland, directors. Soon after the organization work was begun on the building itself, the land upon which it was built being pur- chased from Thomas B. Baker. The house was designed and built by Leon H. Lempert, of Rochester, N. Y., and opened October 24, 1889, by the Conreid Opera Company in "The Kings Fool." Its total cost was about $30,000. The stage is forty feet deep, sixty-four feet wide, forty-two feet to the gridiron, and has adjustable grooves, eighteen to twenty-one feet. It is fitted with twenty complete sets of scenery, be- sides set pieces and other parapharnalia usually found in a first class theatre. The proscenium has an opening of forty feet. In connection with the stage are nine large dressing-rooms, carpeted, heated by steam, and with running water in each room. The house is fitted with call bells and speaking tubes to the dressing-rooms and manager's office. It is lighted by gas with automatic electric spark lighters. It has a seat- ing capacity of 1,000; six boxes, and folding opera chairs throughout. The auditorium is also arranged with an adjustable floor that rests upon jack-screws. This can be lowered and a ball room floor placed over the orchestra chairs. Under the lobby is a dining-room and kitchen, to be used on occasions of parties and balls. The Opera House is un- der the sole management of C. H. Ball, and has always booked and played excellent attractions. Masonic and other Societies. — Highly favorable views of the value and benefits of Masonry were entertained by Sir William Johnson and his contemporaries, as is shown by the fact that he had scarcely lived at the Hall more than three years, when he took active steps towards the establishment of a lodge, being himself its master. Before giving an ac- count of the progress of St. Patrick's lodge, it seems fitting to relate a few facts to show where and when Sir William himself became a Mason. An old Masonic manuscript, some time since in the possession of Rob- Digitized by Microsoft® 286 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. ert H. Brown, of Albion, contains an account of moneys received for the charity fund of Union Lodge No. i of Albany. In this ancient document, under date of April lo, 1766, the following item appears : Bro. Sir William Johnson on raising £ 16 Bro, G-uy Johnson on raising 16 Bro. Claus at entering 3 4 Bro. Butler at entering 3 4 Bro. Moffat at entering 3 4 Rochat on signing by-laws 8 Bro. Johnson on signing by-laws 8 Bro. Byrne on entering 3 4 Bro. Trewin on entering 3 4 From the above it is apparent that Sir William Johnson was "raised" in Union Lodge No. i, at Albany, on the lOth of April, 1766, as was also his son-in-law, Guy Johnson. Daniel Claus paid his entrance fee at the same time. It is also clear that on the same night that Sir Wil- liam and Guy Johnson were "raised," Brothers Butler, Moffat, Byrne and Trewin paid their entrance fees of ;^3 4s. each, and that Brother Rochat signed the by-laws. It is also of interest .to note the cost and charges for being " made a Mason " over one hundred years ago in this state. The antiquated Masonic document, from which the above infor- mation is gleaned, came into the possession of Mr, Brown from his father, Rufus Brown, of Albany, who was for many years master of Masten Lodge, then No, 2, of that city. It is quite probable that S"ir William went to Albany and became a Mason for the purpose of estab- lishing a lodge at the Hall and that Guy Johnson, Col. Claus and John Butler also became Masons to insure the success of the project. These men all held important positions in St. Patrick's Lodge upon its organ- ization. It is now known" as St. Patrick's Lodge No. 4, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, but the original number of the lodge was 8. The war- rant constituting -this venerable body of Masons was dated May 23, 1766, and granted by the provincial grand master of New York, to Sir William Johnson, Bart., master; Guy Johnson, esq., senior warden; and Daniel Claus, esq., junior warden, of Johnstown, N. Y. The or- ganization took place at Johnson Hall August 23, 1766, and the lodge worked under the supervision of Sir William Johnson, as master, until December 6, 1770, when, having been elected master of" the ineffable Digitized by Microsoft® MASONIC. 287 lodge" at Albany, Ancient Accepted Scottish rite, Sir William was suc- ceeded by Col. Guy Johnson, who held the office until May 5, 1774, when the hostilities preceding the revolution began. From May 5, 1774, until July 31, 1785, a period of seven years, no meetings of the lodge took place. • Up to this time all meetings had been held at the Hall, the first initiation being that of Hendrick Fry, September i, 1766. On the 7th of the following March Jelles Fonda was made a Mason, and it was in his honor that the town of Fonda in Montgomery county was named. Aside from Guy Johnson, master, Daniel Claus, senior war den, and John Butler, secretary, who were colonels in the British army, many members of the lodge were engaged in the military service either tory or patriot, both as officers and privates. Among the officers were General Nicholas Herkimer, killed at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777 ; Lieutenants Benjamin Roberts, George Phyn, Turbott Fran- cis, Hugh Frazer and Augustine Prevost, and Majors Peter Ten Broeck and Jelles Fonda. The effects of the war were so much felt by the lodge that of the forty-three who were members when the war com- menced only three remained after its close to assist in its reorganization. Some fell on the battlefield, but by far the greater number of them, having taken sides with the royalists, under the lead of Sir John John- son, lost their property by confiscation, and at the close of the revo- lution left the country. After the establishment of peace, the lodge reorganized by warrant of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, dated July 20, 1784, granted to Zephaniah Bachellor, master; Robert Adams, senior warden ; Christopher P. Yates, junior warden. The meetings were held at a private house for several years, and in 1792 the lodge purchased of Michael Rawlins the property so long known as " the lodge," now owned by Mortimer Wade. The lodge soon ac- quired a large membetship, but later on, owing to a general decline, and the troubles arising out of a division of its memb'erSj who had di- verging opinions on the subjects involving the Grand Lodge during the anti- Masonic excitement, the lodge relinquished its charter in 1849. It will be noticed that from December 2, 1820, until December 7, J 843, no new master was elected, meetings simply being held once a year, in order to retain the charter. The warrant under which the lodge now works was granted June 6, 1850, to Samuel Maxwell, master; Asahel Digitized by Microsoft® 288 ff /STORY OF FULTOAT COUNTY. Whitney, senior warden; and Marcellus Gilbert, junior warden. As has been stated, St. Patrick's lodge was first known as No. 8, which number it held until July 20, 1784, when it was changed to 9. On June 4, 1819, it was again changed to 11, and on June 4, 1828, to 4, which number it still holds. In 1867 plans were made and work begun ank Car- son ; first assistant, F. Wurtzenburger ; second assistant, S. P. Back ; 1888-89, chief, C. W. Brockway; first assistant, S. P. Back; second assistant, John E. Dye; 1889-90, chief, E. C. Boyle; first assistant, S. P. Back; second assistant, John E. Dye; 1890-91, chief, E. C. Boyle ; first assistant, S. P. Back ; second assistant, John E. Dye; 1891- 92, chief, E. C. Boyle ; first assistant, Archibald Wemple ; second as- sistant, William Marriot. The present officers were elected in May, 1892, and are as follows: Chief, George L. Fort; first assistant, Archibald Wemple; second assistant, William Marriot; secretary and treasurer, William Marriot. Until within the last year the office of chief, as well as all other positions in the department, have been with- out salary and the duties have been performed voluntarily. With a view of making the department more efficient if possible, the common council have made the position of chief a salaried office and he is re- quired to be present at the city building during. specified hours. Fulton County National Bank. — This institution is a continuation of the first bank established in Gloversville. Its history has been marked by success and even during general financial pressure, when the great majority ofbusiness and commercial institutions felt keenly the prevail- ing panic, it has been exceptionally free from embarrassment. It was first organized as a state bank, under the name of the Fulton County Bank, in the year 1852, with a capital of $100,000, which was increased in 1853 to $150,000. The first board of directors was composed of John McNab, T. W. Miller, John McLaren, jr., R. P. Clark, W. N. Clark, Joseph Blair, Fay Smith, Daniel Christie, Isaac Lefever, Duncan McMartin, Daniel I. McMartin, James W. Miller, Alanson Judson, H. Churchill, A. Hosmer. Isaac Lefever was made president, T. W. Miller vice-president, and John McLaren, jr., cashier. In 1865 the institution was reorganized as a national bank, and the name changed to the National Fulton County Bank with the following directors: John Digitized by Microsoft® BANKS. 375 McNab, Henry Churchill, A. C. Churchill, Alanson Judson, Seymour Sexton, William Case 2d, Austin Kasson, James H. Burr, H. C. Thomas, T. W. Miller, U. M. Place, D. I. McMartin, James Sumner, Stephen Hagedorn and John McLaren. In 1885 the bank, by mutual consent of the stockholders, went into liquidation and paid off all obli- gations. At the same time the Fulton County National Bank was organized with a capital of $150,000, and with the following board of directors and officers: John McNab, president; Daniel B. Judson, vice-president; Wayland D. West, cashier; Alanson Judson, A. C. Ciiurchili, Seymour Sexton, H. C. Thomas, H. Z. Kasson, F. M. Young, Daniel Hays, J. R. Berry, W. L. Sporborg, I. V. Place, A D. L. Baker, E. L. Heacock. The present officers are : John McNab, president; Daniel B. Judson, vice-president; Wayland D. West, cash- ier. The board of directors includes the above named officers with the addition of A. D. L. Baker, C. W. Judson, Seymour Sexton, Daniel Hays, W. L. Sporborg, F. M. Young, L. N. Littauer, James W. Green, W. J. Heacock, E. L. Heacock, T. G. Fostor and John C. Allen. The following report of the condition of the bank was issued December 2, 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $955,224 40 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,954 22 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 37,500 00 Due from approved reserve agents 146,631 50 Due from other National Banks 71 6 41 Due from State Banks and Bankers 2,827 17 Banking House, furniture and fixtures 19,000 00 Other real estate 504 83 Current expenses and taxes paid 241 82 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 5,367 19 Checks and other cash items 4,808 05 Bills of other banks 1,696 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 187 41 Specie : ;.. 37,598 50 Legal Tender Notes .'. . 23,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,687 50 Total , |1,238,945 00 Digitized by Microsoft® 376 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $150,000 00 Surplus 110,000 00 Undivided Profits 23,126.33 National Bank Notes outstanding 32,760 00 Due Depositors 914,281 45 Due Banks 8,777 22 Total $1,238,945 00 The Manufacturers' and Merchants' Bank was incorporated with a capital of $50,000. May i, 1887. Its first president was William H. Place, and its first vice president, Cyrus Stewart. Mr. Place still holds his office. Mr. Stewart died in April, 1892. Edward Wells was the first cashier and was succeeded by M. V. B. Stetson, January 21, 1889. The original board of directors consisted of the following persons: William H. Place, Cyrus Stewart, J. A. Miller, J. H. Drake, J. A. Quackenbush, George C. Burr, Erastus Darling, E. Barton Whitney, James M. Thompson and A.- J. Zimmer. Upon the removal of Mr. Whitney from Gloversville, his place in the board was filled by D. F. Cowles. The present capital of the bank is $100,000. to which amount it was increased February i, 1891. Its financial standing is shown by the following quarterly report, made December 12, 1891 : RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, less due from Directors $308,705 91 Due from Directors 19,506 70 Overdrafts as per schedule 1,470 25 Due from Trust Companies, State and National Banks, as per schedule. . 90,465 69 Banking House and Lot, as per schedule 13,787 02 Stocks and Bonds, as per schedule 4,000 00 Specie 1,899 70 U. S. Legal Tender Notes and Circulating Notes of National Banks. . . . 13,1C3 00 Cash Items, viz : Bills and Checks for the next day's exchanges 2,484 95 Loss and expenses, viz.- Current Expenses $38 23 Interest Account 20 60 58 83 Furniture and Fixtures 3,101 50 $458,583 55 Digitized by Microsoft® BOARD OF TRADE— GAS. 377 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid in, in cash $100,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 00' Undivided Profits, viz.: Discount $808 39 Exchange 153 21 Other profits 7,300 38 8,261 98 Due depositors, as follows, viz : Deposits subject to check §220,047 77 Demand certificates of deposit 88,381 17 Due Treasurer of the State of New York 26,000 00 334,428 94 Certified Checks Due Trust Companies, State and National Banks, as per schedule 5,892 63 $458,583 55 The Board of Trade of Gloversville held its first annual meeting at Memorial hall, Monday evening, February 17, 1890. It was organized with the following officers and managers, which remain unchanged at the present time: President, Clayton M. Parke; vice-president, James S. Hosmer ; second vice-president, Zenas B. Whitney ; secretary, Will- iam C. Mills; treasurer, Charles W. Stewart. Managers, Daniel B. Judson, George C. Burr, Philo R. Smith, Hervey Ross, Eugene Har- rington, W. E. Leaning, Samuel H. Shotwell, Curtis S. Cummings^ Seymour Sexton, James W. Green, Daniel F. Cowles, George M. Place. The chief object of the association is to promote the prosperity of the city by offering inducements to manufacturing and industrial companies and business men to locate in Gloversville ; and also to ad- vance and improve the labor interests in every legitimate manner. The board has standing committees on manufacture and promotion of trade,, on railroads and transportation, on taxation and insurance, laws and legislation, statistics and publication, and other important subjects. In 1890 it published a comprehensive pamphlet, giving a description of the condition of Gloversville as a healthy financial, social and com- mercial centre. Introduction of Gas. — During the years 1856 and 1857, Samuel Stewart Mills built and conducted what is now known as the Windsor Hotel, located at the corner of East Fulton and Main streets. Mr. 48 Digitized by Microsoft® 378 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Mills determined to light the hotel with gas and established a small resin gas works, under what is now used as a kitchen, and erected a 4,000-foot gas holder where the barns are at present located. The idea was not only to light the hotel, but to furnish gas to some of the churches and private houses, and accordingly a pipe was laid on Main street, another on West Fulton and one on Bleecker street, connecting the houses of those along the route who desired gas. In 1859 the Mills brothers (Samuel and Darius), had become interested in several business undertakings, and the gas plant was sold to Fox & Demarest, livery men, for $5,000. The latter firm secured a lot where the gas works are now located and put up two storage holders, of 4,000 and of 10,000 feet capacity, and also, in addition to the resin process, added a patented invention for gas manufacture. The civil war stopped the supply of resin (which came from the south), and since then coal has been used exclusively. When gas was first made in Gloversville, it cost the consumer $10 per thousand feet. Fox Sz: Demarest put in five miles of pipe during their ownership of the plant, at a cost of about $40,000. In 1870 Mr. Fox died and the junior partner hired his in- terest for three years, purchasing it at the end of that time. In 1887 a man named Elkins came to Gloversville from Philadelphia and secured a franchise from the board of trustees for the purpose of laying pipes, and the organization of another gas company. He also went to Johns- town and took options on the purchase of the Johnstown Gas Company, and sold them to the United Gas and Improvement Company of Phila- delphia. The latter company then established itself in Gloversville and b^^an competition with Mr. Demarest, laying pipes and furnishing gas. In August, 1888, Mr. Demarest rented the Gloversville plant to this company for a long term of years at an annual rental of $2,000, giving them the use of all the mains and pipes and also a storage tank, the latter being used to equalize the pressure of gas throughout the city. The company is now known as the Johnstown and Gloversville Gas Company, having been reorganized in 1886. The works are located just north of the old cemetery on Market street, Johnstown, and the company supplies both places with gas, maintaining one office at the works and another on North Main street in Gloversville. Electric Lighting. — The Gloversville Electric Company was incorpo- rated with a capital stock of $100,000, and began business January i. Digitized by Microsoft® ELECTRIC LIGHTING— PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 379 1890. The officers of the company are as follows : President, James Radford, Gloversville ; vice-president, John Marsh, Cooperstown ; sec- retary, Edgar A. Sperfcer, Gloversville; treasurer, Lee B. Cruttenden, Cooperstown ; directors, the officers, with Paul T. Brady, Syracuse ; Henry L. Henman, Cooperstown ; John Marsh, Cooperstown ; H. J. Brady, Cooperstown; Walter H. Bunn, Cooperstown. John Begley, is electrician and superintendent of the plant. About one-third of the company's stock is owned by residents of Gloversville. A two years contract for lighting the streets of the city, acted as an inducement for the formation of this company and work was begun on the plant De- cember I, 1889. The motor circuit was in operation January i, 1 890, and the street lamps were turned on a month later. At the expiration of the first contract, which was for 1 2 o'clock lighting, the company se- cured a new one, which requires all night lighting, and continues for five years from January i, 1892. The plant, consisting of a brick boiler, engine and dynamo house, is situated in the northern part of the city and contains two condensing engines of 300 horse power ; four arc dynamos, with a combined capacity of 200 lights; two incandescent dynamos with a capacity of 1,300 lights and two boilers of 250 horse power. The company have twenty-seven miles of arc street circuit - four miles of commercial arc circuit; nine miles of motor circuit and nine miles of incandescent circuit. They are at present furnishing the city with eighty-five street lights and it is their intention to increase this number to lOO. They are also furnishing forty large motors, which give power to a multitude of industries throughout the city, including two printing presses, 500 sewing machines, cooling fans, elevators, and many other kinds of machinery. The company's office is located at 8 West Fulton street. TIu Presbyterian Church of Kingsboro. — The society from which this church originated was organized December 23, 1793. The chairman of the meeting held for that purpose was Josiah Throop, sen., Enos Seymour being clerk. At a meeting held one week later a covenant drawn by Rev. Mr. Conduit, was accepted, pledging the members to join together as a " congregational society of Christians," and embodying simple regulations for its government. This covenant is dated December 30, 1793, and bears the following signatures: Josiah Throop, Matthew Digitized by Microsoft® 38o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Clark, John Wells, Benjamin Hall, Stephen Gillett, Enos Seymour, Elihu Case, John Ayres, Josiah Leonard, Horace Kellogg, Frederick Steele, James Parsons, Darius Case, Horace Burr, Reuben Case, Lijah Burr, Bissell Burr, Charles Belden, Timothy Haskins. A church site was selected a little south of the burying- ground at the head of the present park, on land bought of Frederick Steele and Da- rius Case. In 1796 the society purchased of Mr. Steele an additional plot of three and three- tenths acres. The dimensions of the proposed building were fixed at 45 xSS feet. A subscription paper was circulated by John Ayres and Asa Jones, and in May, 1794, a conti'act for erect- ing the building was let to Asa Newton, at thirty- eight pounds, one shilling. The work was begun April 15, 1795. On the 6th of June, 1794, the society was designated " The Congre- gational Society of Kingsboro, in Montgomery county, state of New li'^ork." The first board of trustees, elected June 23, 1794, were Col. Josiah Throop and James Parsons, three years ; Josiah Wells and John Ayres, two years ; Elihu Case and Daniel Bedford, one year. On the 19th of June, 1796 (the building being then merely enclosed), an assessment was imposed to raise funds for its completion. The first annual meeting in the new church was held June 30, 1796 ; Daniel Judson and Daniel Case presided, and two trustees were elected. On the 17th of June, 1-796, the society extended a call to Rev. John Linsley, and voted to give him ^^150 a year for two years, with house and firewood; and after two years, £\^o with house and firewood It is apparent that the house thus promised was not a commodious man- sion, for it is recorded that the minister went to Samuel Giles' to study, where there were two rooms in the house. There is no record of the dates when Mr. Linsley arrived and departed, but it is believed that he came about the middle of 1797 and remained between two and three years. A partially distracted condition of the society concerning its name and church connection led to his retirement. It is recorded that " the so- ciety do not consider themselves under the Northern Associated Pres- bytery, but according to the Connecticut Association as practiced in Hartford, Connecticut, which are Congregational." There seems to have been two partially organized societies in the place, Presbyterian and Congregational; for in November, 1798, there was a meeting of Digitized by Microsoft® PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 381 the Congregational trustees with the Presbyterians to settle disputed points in the temporalities of the church. A union between these two elements was not efifected until February 3, 1804. From the year 1799 until the coming of Rev. Elisha Yale in March, 1803, there was only occasional preaching by supplies. In January, 1802, the seats were sold at an appraisal of $350 as a yearly rent for the support of the gospel. Jonathan Hosmer and Rufus Mason, who were elected June 22, 1803, were the first choristers, and at the same meeting steps yvere taken to secure a Congregational library. As evidence of the low ebb of religious sentiment at that period we have only to quote the following from Pastor Yale's papers: "There was but little union between the broken parts of the church. Their condition was sorrowful. Contention soured the minds of the parents, and folly occupied the minds of the children. In 1802, under the preaching of Pitkin Cowles, some were excited to pray and hope that God had neither forsaken or forgotten them. But in the winter of 1803, vanity and folly seemed so prevalent, especially among the young, that saints hoped almost against hope." From the day, however, when Pastor Yale preached his first sermon, April 3, 1803, religious senti- ment and morality began to improve. He evidently came at an oppor- tune time, and many believed his advent was in answer to prayer. A revival began with his first sermon and continued during his month of absence in June, which he spent in Oneida county. In October he re- turned to his former home in Massachusetts, and then again returned to Kingsboro. In the early part of 1804 he again visited Massachusetts, and received a call to settle in Becket, where he had before preached, but duty pointed to Kingsboro as offering a wider field of usefulness, and hither he returned. He saw from the first the great necessity of a union between the discordant elements in Kingsboro, and on the 26th of January, 1804, ten months after his first arrival, he was gratified with a meeting of the male members of the two partially organized societies to devise measures for union. This meeting was held at the house of Frederick Steele, and Daniel Judson presided. Mr Yale was present and was invited to lay before the meeting a plan of union. The meet- ing adjourned to February 3, when Rev. Conrad Ten Eyck, of the Re- formed Church of Mayfield, was invited to meet with them, at which Digitized by Microsoft® 382 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. time a union was effected in " a most remarkable and fraternal manner." The united organization was called the Congregational Church of Kings- boro, and the deacons of the two societies were retained in the new or- ganization. On the 28th of March Mr. Yale propounded and the church adopted twenty-nine articles of doctrine as a confession of faith, a church covenant, and rules for the administration of church govern- ment. The united church consisted of thirty-nine members. On the Sth of April the society gave Mr. Yale a unanimous call with a salary of $300 a year, thirty cords of wood, a house and the use of twenty- two acres of land. He was installed on the 23d of May following. In 1805 the church took into consideration its disconnected situation, and at the pastor's suggestion was placed under care of the Northern Associated Presbytery of New York on the 7th of October, 1806. In February, 1 807, Pastor Yale and a number of other ministers met at Milton, and formed themselves into " a Saratoga Associated Presby- tery," under which the church remained until July, 1821. This Pres- bytery was then dissolved and on the 2 1st of August following the church was placed under care of the Presbytery of Albany, where it re- mained until 1837. At that time, through the dispute between the old school and the new school, the church withdrew from the Presby- tery and was without ecclesiastical connection until June, 1853, when it changed its organization from Congregational to Presbyterian, and was again received under the care of the same Presbytery, where it still re- mains. A brief reference to the various revivals in the society will indicate its growth. The first, as has already been noted, followed immediately upon the arrival of Mr. Yale, and as a result forty-five converts united with the church in 1804, including many of the most influential families. This revival wrought a marked change in the leading men of the con- gregation, and exercised a potent and highly beneficial influence on the entire community. The second revival took place in 1813-14, and followed a long period of affliction and church trouble. After 1804 additions to the church gradually declined, and in 1808 there were none; but in 1813 relig- ion attracted renewed interest and attention. A revival of great power followed, and during the four succeeding years more than seventy con- verts united with the church. Digitized by Microsoft® PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 383 In 1 8 19 there was an extensive revival in most of the churches of the Albany Presbytery and the good work reached this society, resulting in the addition of twenty- nine members during 1820 and 1821. In 1822 a fourth revival began under the ministry of Rev. Calvin Yale, brother of the pastor. Over sixty persons in twenty different families were converted during the summer, and within the year forty- three joined the church. At the beginning of the year 1829 there were six hundred uncon- verted persons within the bounds of the congregation. During the year 1828 special preparations had been made for a revival, which be- gan early in the following year and continued almost uninterruptedly for five years. One hundred and twenty-four were added to the church, three of whom became ministers. This was the most extensive revival during Pastor Yale's ministry. From the year 1833 and onward, the pastor and a part of the church made special efforts for another revival, but a spirit of discord arose, and during 1834—37 much bitterness prevailed, though the majority of the congregation held with the pastor. At the end of 1837 the spirit- ual life of the church was low because of dissension, but in May, 1838, the present church was dedicated, and from that time an awakening filled the church and increased until September, especially in that part of the congregation residing in Gloversville, where meetings were held in the school-house. Conviction and conversion followed and multi- tudes flocked to the meetings. During the years 1839-40 about one hundred persons united with the church, a large number of whom after- wards joined the Methodist and Baptist churches in Gloversville. The old Kingsboro church is, therefore, the real parent of those later organ- izations. After 1839-40 there was no general revival, and yet there were many yearly additions. In 1841, twenty, and in 1851 twenty- three were added. Up to 1832 the church had received as the fruit of revivals 335 per- sons, and in other ways sixty-five, thus showing that the best growth of the church was due to the revivals with which it had been favored. Under the guidance of Pastor Yale (to a greater or less degree), twenty- seven young men entered the ministry. Up to 1853 the government of the church was Congregational in name and form, but really Presby- Digitized by Microsoft® 384 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. terian in spirit. The pastor was a rigid self-disciplinarian, and had a strong personal influence over his congregation. A committee of vig- ilance did much to keep the wayward in the path of duty and also strengthened the weak. In the crusade against liquor selling and drinking, during a period when intemperance was almost universal, this church exerted a powerful influence, and the same may be said with reference to Sabbath breaking. Pastor Yale's salary for fifty years made an aggregate of $25,000 In addition to this, $10,000 were expended for church building and repairs; $6,000 for congregational expenses ; $6,016 were contributed to the American Bible Society ; $616 to the American Tract Society, and $13,000 to the American Board of Foreign Missions. Since 1855 the church has sent its funds to the Presbyterian board. The following pastors have served this church : Rev. John Linsley, installed about 1797, resigned about 1 800; Rev. Elisha Yale, installed May 23, 1804, resigned June 23, 1852; Rev. Edward Wall, installed June 30, 1853, resigned March 20, 1862; Rev. William Bannard, in- stalled April 8, 1863, resigned February 8, 1869; Rev. George Hark- ness, installed July 13, 1869, resigned September 24, 1877 ; Rev. John C. Boyd, installed February 26, 1878, resigned in February, 1883 ;. Rev. Isaac O. Rankin, installed in March, 1883, resigned August 11, 1891 ; Rev. George L. McClelland, installed January 27, 1892, and is at present pastor of the church. Deacons : Darius Case, elected 1793, died 1797; Daniel Judson, elected 1804, died 1817; Jedediah Ayres, 1804, died 181 1 ; Benjamin Hall, 1804, died 1830; Samuel Giles, 1809,. died 1841 ; Duncan Robertson, 1817, died 1867; Jesse Smith, 1830; Abraham Ward, 1830. Elders: Jennison Giles, 1853; Denton M. Smith, 1856; Horace Sprague, 1853; W. J. Heacock, 1853; J. W. Johnson, 1853 ; Eli Leavenworth, 1854; G. G. W. Green, 1854; D. B. Judson, 1856; E. G. Warner, 1857; Joseph Steele, 1858; Peter Mc- Laren, 1862; Humphrey Smith, 1862; Ebenezer Leavenworth, 1867; James H. Foote, 1868; Jonathan Wooster, 1871 ; James W. Thomas, 1872; Robert Robertson, 1872; James C. Stewart, 1873. The present officers of the church are as follows : Elders, Jeremiah Skaine, William Barker, Talmadge Parsons, Charles Fiske, Eli Lasher and Joseph Steele; trustees, Laban Brown, Aaron Putnam, Marcellus Digitized by Microsoft® PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 385 G. Burr, Homer Case, Charles Fiske and Eugene Heacock ; clerk of session, Joseph Steele. The membership of the church is 130 and Matthias Hertz is the present Sabbath-school superintendent. Sabbath School. — This church took action for the religious education of the young as early as 1806 and long before Sabbath-schools were known, but in 1820 the Sabbath -school proper was begun ; prior to that date, however, in addition to the pastor's Bible class, there were held what was called "Bible readings" at the Phelps street school-house and also at Gloversville.- At first the Sabbath- school was small but it grad- ually increased until 1827, when special efforts were made to enlarge it and in that year it numbered 300 scholars. During the long interval between that time and the present the Sabbath school has been a prom- inent factor in the growth and prosperity of the church, and has included among its teachers and superintendents many of the most faithful laborers in the society. First Presbyterian Church of Gloversville. — This church was formally organized at a meeting held in the hall at the rear of the Washburn property, August 6, 1864. The organization took place under the di- rection of a committee of the Presbytery of Albany, consisting of Rev. Daniel Stewart, Rev. J. A. Priest, and Elder Jacob Burton. Upon this occasion introductory services were conducted by Rev. R. A. Avery, of the Presbytery of Onondaga, and a sermon was preached by Rev. Daniel Stewart. There were thirty- four original menibeis, all but one coming from other existing churches, as follows : From the Presbyter- ian Church of Kingsboro, Willard J. Heacock, Mrs. Minerva Heacock,. Mrs. Catherine Allen, John C. Allen, Sarah J. Allen, Mrs Maria Gor- ton, Mrs. Adelia Clark, Virginia V. H. Fox, Orville S. Harmon, Mrs . Ann O. Harmon, Michael Easterly, Mrs. Cynthia P. Ward, Mrs. Char-- lotte A. Heacock, and Ann J. Green ; from the Congregational Churclii of Gloversville, Mrs. Minerva Avery, Charles D. Beers, Mrs. Maria J.. Beers, George W. Heaton, Mrs. Mary A. Heaton, Evert Wessel, Mrs.. Sarah M. Wessel, Mrs Charlotte M. Heacock, and Nettie C. Smith ; from the Central Presbyterian Church of Mayfield, Mrs. Rachel Scrim- ger, Lydia Fonda, and Aaron Eikenbrach ; from the Presbyterian Church of Johnstown, Mrs. Elizabeth Rose Brownell, Melissa Philer; from the Presbyterian church of Cooperstown, George Wilson, and Mrs. 49 Digitized by Microsoft® 386 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Martha L. Wilson ; from the Methodist Episcopal Church of Poultney, Vt, Mrs. Agnes Steele ; from the Presbyterian Church of Vernon Cen- tre, Mrs. Ann Lawson ; from the United Presbyterian Church of Coila, Alexander Scrimger. In addition to the above, Jesse Heacock was examined and admitted on profession of faith. Willard J. Heacock, who had been an elder of the church at Kings- boro, Charles D. Beers and George W. Heaton were elected ruling elders, and Alexander Scrimger and Orville S. Harmon were elected deacons. Rev. J. A. Priest was the first pastor, beginning his labors July i, 1864, and a report made to the Albany Presbytery, February 13, 1866, shows that the church had at that time seventy communicants while the Sabbath-school had a membership of 183. A similar report made in January, 1867, showed that the communicants had increased to 136, while the teachers and scholars in the Sunday-school had risen to 210. During the first two years of its existence the "church continued to worship in the hall in which it was organized, but in the mean time its ■members had been actively engaged in the erection of a house of wor- ship. A lot was secured at the corner of Bleecker and Fulton streets, .and the present handsome church edifice completed at a cost of $36,000, the dedicatory services taking place on the 22d of May, 1866. The first meeting of the session in the chapel of the new church was held June 8 of the same year. So bountiful were the contributions towards the payment of church obligations, that at the time of dedication the society was free from debt. Joel B. Noyes and Denton M. Smith were elected and installed as ruling elders, August 12, 1866. The several pastors and the dates of their service are as follows : Rev. J. A. Priest, July i, 1864-May, 1868; Rev. M. L. P. Hill, July 22, 1868-November 6, 1870; Rev. Avery S. Walker, July, 1871-October, 1877; Rev. W. W. Belden, January, 1878-August, 1879; Rev. John H. Crum, November, 1879-August, 1883 I Rev. James Gardner came as a supply July i, 1884, and was installed October 28, of the same year. He still remains in pastoral charge of the congregation. The church has been very successful in all its undertakings and its membership has steadily increased, being 607 at the present time. In addition to its home Sunday-school, it conducts two mission schools, Digitized by Microsoft® METHODIST CHURCHES. 387 one located in Berkshire (a suburb of Gloversville), and another at the foot of South Main street. Wiilard J. Heacock was the superintendent of the Sunday-school for many years, the position at present being ably filled by Frank Egelston. As an indication of the activity of the church it may be said that $2,706 were raised last year for benevolent purposes, which was an increase of $1,140 over the previous year. The present elders are: Wiilard J. Heacock, Edgar A. Spencer, John C. Allen, George C. Potter, Peter R. Furbeck, E. Barton Whitney, Adam Hunter, James W. Green, and Frank Egelston ; the deacons are : Clement S. Hillabrandt, Hiram A. Belding, Myron C. Treadway, and Lansing T. Loucks ; the trustees are : Wiilard J. Heacock, C. A. Ormis- ton, jQ_hn C. Allen, M. C. Treadway, Z. B. Whitney, and A. W. Lock- lin ; treasurer, J. P. Heacock ; clerk, F. P. Simmons. First Methodist Episcopal Church. — The rapid and continued growth of Methodism in Gloversville has been phenomenal, and, probably, not another city of corresponding size in the state can claim so large a por- tion of its inhabitants as adherents to this system. The pioneer Methodist church of this vicinity, and hence that one to which all ex- isting Methodist societies in Gloversville owe their ancestry, was organ- ized north of Kingsboro, in 1790, by the Rev. Mr. Kefif. Enrolled on the records of this primitive church were the family names of Easterly, Clancy, Northrup, Porter, Powell, Phelps, Smith, Sutliff, Edwards, John- son, Wait, and others. In 1791 Freebor.n Garrettson, then presiding: elder of Hudson River district (New York Conference), reported that the- society had secured a lot and also building materials, and that a chapell was in process of erection. For many years succeeding the above date,, services were conducted by the following pastors successively : Rev. Keff, Abner Chase, Samuel Draper, Samuel Luckey, Daniel Ostrander,. Samuel Howe, Samuel Eighmy, Trueman Seymour, H. Stearns, Noah Levings, Jacob Beeman, Sherman Miner, James Covell, jr., Charles- Pomeroy, John D. Moriarty, Jesse Lee, John Dempster, Arnold Schole- field, Merritt Bates, Salmon Stebbins, Dillon Stevens, John B. Stratton, John Alley, Tobias Spicer, Henry Eames, Seymour Coleman, Abiathar M. Osbon, Joseph McCreary, J. B. Houghtaling, Ephraim Goss. Among these men, Jesse Lee, Freeborn Garrettson, and John Demps- ter, will ever be remembered as early and earnest workers in the cause Digitized by Microsoft® 388 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. of Methodism and Christian intelligence. In the year 1837 there was a small class in Gloversville which included among its members George W. Clancy, Theodore Welch and wife, Valentine Place and wife, Nathan C. Russell and wife, Father Barrett, Maria Wait, Phebe A. and Jane M. Smith, Elias and Henry Houghton, Stephen S Sutliff, Isabel Morey (afterward the wife of Elias G. Ward), Mrs. William Case, Niles Fair- banks, David Clancy and wife, William Easterly and wife, Elijah East- erly and wife, Purdy Hollett, Eldridge Northrup and wife, George Northrup, sr., and wife, and Goodwin Phelps and wife. The annual Troy Conference held in the spring of 1838, elected Rev. Charles Sher- man to the station of presiding elder of the Albany district, which at that time embraced a large part of Albany and Schoharie counties, and the whole of Schenectady, Montgomery, Fulton, Saratoga, and Herkimer counties. Rev. J. H. Taylor was assigned as preacher in charge of the Johnstown circuit, embracing Johnstown, Kingsboro, and Pleasant Val- ley, with Revs. L. L. Radley, and William Barnes as helpers with salaries of about $300 per annum. During the month of August, 1838, Pastor Taylor, while riding into the village from the south one Saturday after- noon, suddenly became impressed with the conviction that a revival of religion could be successfully conducted in " Stump City," by which iname Gloversville was then known. After passing the old red school- ;house which^ stood on what is now the corner of School and West Ful- :ton streets, he turned back and hailed Jennison G.Ward, saying: "Will you give out an appointment for next Thursday night at the school- house ? " Ward replied, " Yes, but I don't believe they will come out." They did come, however, and at the appointed time the house was crowded with eager listeners. Interest had so increased by the latter part of September that a series of revival prayer meetings was begun. The first of these meetings, held during the daytime, was at the resi- dence of Stephen S. Sutlifif, on Cayadutta street, and it is stated that three conversions took place that afternoon. Methodists, Baptists, and Congregationalists united in these gatherings and many of the early in- habitants then experienced religion. This finally led to the formation of a Methodist Episcopal society with sixty-nine members, among whom were Jennison G. Ward, Elias G. Ward and wife, Benjamin Bai- ley and wife, Harry C. Jones and wife, John Shanley, Lucinda Peake, Digitized by Microsoft® METHODIST CHURCHES. 389 •Charles C. Bowen and wife, and many others. On October 22, 1838, a subscription was circulated by Rev. Charles Sherman, presiding elder, and the names of many liberal donors were obtained, among whom may be noted the name of Charles F. Powell, of Pleasant Square, whose widow is still living, having been a member of the Methodist church seventy- one years. Niies Fairbanks and Henry Houghton collected about $300 worth of gloves, mittens and moccasins to sell and apply to the church fund, and ground was broken for the foundation of the church edifice on the 26th day of November, 1838. December 13, of the same year, a meeting of the male members of the Methodist Epis- copal society of Gloversville was held at the residence of Valentine Place and seven trustees were elected, as follows : Elihu Enos, Valen- tine C. Place, Harry C. Jones, A. S. Shottenkirk, George W. Clancy, Charles F. Powell, and Henry Houghton. The trustees were consti- tuted a building committee and were authorized to erect a house of worship. A site was selected on what is now the southwest corner of North Main and Church streets, and the contract for the carpenter work was let to Samuel S. Mills for $2,725, to which an additional sum of $240 was afterwards added for building a porch ten feet in width. The structure was completed during the summer of 1839, and the dedicatory services took place October 9, Rev. Noah Levings officiating in the morning and Rev. Joseph Castle in the evening. The Sunday school was organized on the first Sunday following the dedication and met during the "first year in the old red school-house. It was conducted partly as a Union school and was continued during the summer and fall of 1839 with uninterrupted harmony and great success. On Novem- ber 19, 1839, the Female Aid society was organized "for the express purpose of rendering aid 4o the Methodist Episcopal church in Glovers- ville." While the first pulpit was being built, the carpenter having the piece of work in charge declared to his fellow laborers that he would dedicate that part of the church himself, not willing to trust it to an- other. As the man was not a Christian, this was interpreted as a joke, but true to his word, the carpenter finished the pulpit, and then gath- ering the other men about it, he denounced them as sinners in such words of terror that one man " was smitten under deep conviction and soon found peace in believing, afterward becoming a minister of the gospel." Digitized by Microsoft® 390 * HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. In 1840 this church belonged to the Johnstown and Gloversville circuit and had Rev. William Griffin, Thomas W. Pearsons and Richard T. Wade as pastors. The Sunday-school wa' reorganized during the year, and Jennison G. Ward was elected superintendent. It had 129 scholars, and twenty- five officers and teachers. In 1 848 an arrangement was made with the surviving trustees of the old Methodist Episcopal church at Kingsboro, by which the sheds belonging to that church were removed to Gloversville, and the church building itself was sold for $27, which merely paid for tearing it down and paying off an old debt of $17. In 1852 an addition of twenty feet was built on the rear of the church, and the rededicating exercises were held November i, by Rev. Barnes M. Hall. Further repairs and inprovements were made from time to time, so that in 1866 the value of the church building was placed at $10,000 and that of the parsonage, $3,500. In 1868 steps were taken toward erecting a new church edifice. The lot on the cor- ner of Elm, Church and Bleecker streets, on which the present house of worship stands, was purchased of S. S. Plummer, October 6, 1868, for $6,000. In 1 869 the old church was converted into a business block and was entirely destroyed in the disastrous fire of 1877. The new church building was completed at a cost of $65,000, and dedicated March 10, 1870, with preaching in the morning by Rev. Jesse T. Peck, and in the evening by Rev. Benoni I. Ives. The presiding elder at that time was Elisha Watson, and the pastor, George S. Chadbourne. In April, 1875, the Second Methodist Episcopal church (now the Fremont street M. E. church) was organized, 135 of its members taking letters from the mother church. In 1885 a lot on the corner of East Fulton and Chest- nut streets for a mission chapel was purchased at a cost of $600. In March of that year Rev. Henry Graham organized a class of twenty- seven persons in Kingsboro and appointed James W. Rice as leader. This class subsequently developed into the present North Main Street Methodist Episcopal church, noticed at length further on in this work. Of the original members of the first church there are now living Stephen S. Sutliff, Silas Shutts, Henry Houghton, Mrs. Maria Houghton (for- merly Wait), Mrs. S. A. Powell and Niles Fairbanks. The pastors who have officiated at the pulpit of this church since its organization with the dates of their service are as follows : 1838, J. H. Taylor, L. L. Radley Digitized by Microsoft® METHODIST CHURCHES. 391 and William Barnes ; 1839, J- H. Taylor, with Thomas W. Pearsons and William Griffin as colleagues ; 1840, William Griffin, Thomas W. Pear- sons and Richard T. Wade; 1841, Stephens Parks, Albert R. Spear and Myron White ; 1842, Stephen Parks and John Seage ; 1843, Thomas Armitage ; 1844-45, Dillon Stevens ; 1846-47, James Quinlan ; 1848- 49, Cicero Barber; 1850-51, Richard T. Wade; 1852-53, Merritt Bates; 1854-55, Stephen Parks; 1856-57, Bostvvick Hawley ; 1858-59, Nathaniel G. Spaulding; 1860-61; Elisha Watson; 1862-63, Isaac Parks; 1864-65-66, Thomas A. Griffin; 1867-68-69, George S. Chad- bourne ; 1870-71-72, Durrell W. Dayton ; 1873-74-75, Hiram C. Sex- ton ; 1876-77-78, Oliver A. Brown ; 1879-80-81, Hubbard C. Farrar ; 1882-83-84, Henry Graham; 1885-86-87, John H. Coleman; 1888- 89-90, Charles W. Rowley; 1891 to date, John Z. Armstrong. The present officers of the church are : Stewards, N. W. Welch, F. Pauley, H. W. Smith, Dr. C. M. Lefler, J. A. Van Auken, E. C. ColHns, Wm. McDougall, Henry Shipman, E. M. Bishop, Darius Filmer, J. H. Brown- ell, Alden Henry, George H. Hilts ; trustees, Daniel Hays, O. C. Collins, Peter V. Hill, L. A. Tate, J. E. Wood, P. R. Smith, George M. Place, J. S. Zimmer and James A. McDougall. The membership of the church is 1,127; the Sunday-school has a membership of 700. H. W. Smith is superintendent. Fremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church. — In the early part of the year 1875 the membership of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Gloversville, numbering more than 900, had become so large that it was deemed necessary to found a new Methodist society. In April of the above mentioned year, a wooden church edifice on Fremont street, built by the Episcopal society at a cost of about $9,000, became avail- able property, and was purchased by Daniel Hays, W. H. Place, James Kent, H. Jordan and F. W. Stevens, all of whom, with the single ex- ception of Mr. Stevens, were members of the First Methodist Church. Affairs of the new society now began to take definite form. An appli- cation to conference resulted in the appointment of H. A. Starks as first pastor, and the name given to the congregation was the Second Meth- odist Episcopal Society of Gloversville. May 3, 1875, a meeting of the First Church was held at the house of Pastor Sexton, a call was made for volunteers to the new enterprise and about forty names of Digitized by Microsoft® 392 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. members were pledged, as well as several who expressed their willing- ness to become members of the new society. The following Sunday, May 9, the first services were held in the new church, and on the first succeeding Sabbath a Sunday-school was organized with the following officers : Superintendent, H. Jordan ; assistant superintendent, E. H. Caswell ; lady superintendent, Mrs. J. M. Wood ; secretary, William Muddle; treasurer, J. Muddle. The first board of trustees was elected May 1 8, as follows: Hiram Jordan, Harvey Kasson, Randolph Day, Fred Stevens and J. M. Wood. At the same meeting J. W. Place, George Wood and E. H. Eisenbury were appointed stewards, and John Muddle, Hiram Jordan and P. J. Keck, class leaders. On Wednesday, July 14, 1875, the church was dedicated to the worship of God, Bishop Bowman officiating. The name of the society was changed to the Fremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church on July 26 of the same year, at a meeting called for that especial purpose. Pastor Starks re- mained with the church two years and did much to make the infant so- ciety a success. Upon his departure in 1877 he left a membership of 179, with fifty probationers. He was followed in the pastorate by J. H. Coleman, during the third year of whose labor with the church the en- tire indebtedness was paid off. Pastor Coleman was succeeded in 1880 by Rev. George C. Morehouse, who labored faithfully until April, 1883, when Rev. W. P. Rulison was assigned to the pastorate. At this time the question of a new church edifice was agitated, and the movement assumed definite shape in 1885, when it was decided to build a house of worship. The present beautiful structure on Fremont street was completed early in July, 1886, during the first few months of the pastorate ate of William M. Brundage. The church was dedicated July 1 1, by- Rev. J. M. Hamilton. The auditorium is on the second floor, and ha» a capacity of between seven and eight hundred persons. Pastor Brun- dage was followed in 1889 by Rev. T. G. Thompson, who has served the society very acceptably, the most pleasant relations existing be- tween pastor and people. When the duration of his regular pastorate expired in 1 891, he received an urgent call to continue his ministry for another year, and hence is the first pastor in the history of the church to extend his services beyond the three years limit. At present the membership of the church is 950, while that of the Sunday school is 681. Digitized by Microsoft® M£rHOD/ST CHURCHES. 393 The trustees of the church are C. S. Schermerhorn, W. N. Stewart, J. M. Thompson, Charles Keifer, M. Hodder, P. J. Keck, G. W. Scher- merhorn, Dr. John Edwards and Joseph Hemstreet. The stewards are Ralph Sexton, William Muddle, F. Cuyler, C. J. Skiff, W. H. Jansen, William Oaksford, N. E. Dutcher, David Warner, M. J. Owen, David Burton, S. A. Moore, F. Denham and J. M. Lair. The class leaders are T. Dobinson, Mrs. T. Dobinson, P. J. Keck, M. E. Brockway, Lemuel Heacock, Mrs. L. Heacock, W. N. Stewart, J. G. Smith, John Muddle, Solomon Jeffers, Robert Swan, Mrs. Christian Fosmire, G. S. Wheaton and J. R. Thompson. J. M. Thompson is superintendent of the Sunday-school and is assisted by P. J. Keck, Mrs. R. Glasgow and Mrs. Charles Keifer. North Main Street Methodist Episcopal Church. — This, the third of its denomination in Gloversville, was the outgrowth of the Kingsboro class of the First Methodist Episcopal church, formed in 1885 by Rev. Henry Graham the pastor, and placed under the leadership of J. W. Rice, a man whose services have been of great value to the society. The first meeting of this class, consisting of twenty-seven members, was held Thursday evening, March 19, 1885. Early in 1887 a house owned by Daniel Hays (to whose Continued interest and generous financial aid the young society is greatly indebted), was used for worship, and Rev. J. H. Coleman, then pastor of the First church and a warm friend of the mission, preached on Sunday afternoon. In the fall of 1887 Rev. R. T. Wade took charge of the work and continued his service until the close of the conference year. A house, costing $2,000 and having seating capacity for 225 persons, was dedicated January 15, 1888, and sufficient subscriptions were secured to cover all expenses. The church was regularly organized February 21, 1888, -with forty- eight members. At the following session of the Troy Conference Rev. M. L. Fisher was appointed the first regular pas'or. Under his zeal- ous labors for two years the society grew until 124 full members were upon the records, and both Sunday school and congregation filled the house to overflowing. Soon after the appointment of Rev. E. Wise- man, in 1890, a movement was set on foot for a new church. It was decided to build and finish the interior of the first story only for the present. Rev. E. Wiseman, J. W. Rice, George Plue and J. G. Eaton, 50 Digitized by Microsoft® 394 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. of North Main street, Daniel Hays of the First church, and J. M. Thompson of Fremont Street church were the building committee. The new church was dedicated January 3, 1892, the First and Fre- mont Street churches uniting in the services. Rev. J. Z Armstrong preached in the morning, and Rev. T. G. Thompson in the evening. Presiding Elder Graham preached in the afternoon, and also presented the financial necessities. This resulted in the securing of $5,682, enough to cover all remaining indebtedness and to fit the former house of worship for a parsonage, for which purpose it had been originally designed. The entire cost of the church to its present stage of com- pletion has been $11,060, and its entire seating capacity is 700. It is conveniently located on the corner of North Main and Potter streets, and presents an imposing external appearance. When completed it will cost about $20,000. March 8, 1892, the full membership was 208 with twelve probationers. This young church having just celebrated its fourth anniversary, has 220 communicants, a Sunday-school of 300, a Young People's society of sixty, and a property worth $13,000. The following are its officers: Pastor, Eugene Wiseman ; superintend- ent of Sunday-school, George Plue ; class leaders, J. W. Rice, E. J. Anderson, Mrs. Benjamin Ellsworth ; stewards, J. W. Rice, D. H. Cole, Morgan Putnam, George Plue, E. J. Anderson, P. H. Brown, J. G. Eaton, T. F. -Hill, J. F. Loop, Elmer Tyrrell, William Hemstreet ; trustees, Daniel Hays, Charles Keifer, J. W. Rice, William Hodder, Benjamin Rice, M. L. Dennie, George Copeland and James H. Wash- burn. East Fulton Street Methodist Episcopal Church. — During the summer of 1889 the members of the First Methodist Episcopal church became impressed with the need of religious services in the eastern section of the city, and erected a neat and commodious chapel at the corner of East Fulton and Chestnut streets, at a cost of $4,000. The chapel was dedicated November 17, 1889, Lewis A. Tate presenting the building for dedication on behalf of the trustees. The services upon this occa- sion were conducted by Rev. Henry Graham, presiding elder, and C. W. Rowley, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church. As an evi- dence of the interest taken in the undertaking, it may be added that the entire cost of the edifice was provided for upon the day of dedica- Digitized by Microsoft® CATHOLIC CHURCH— BAPTIST CHURCH. 395 tion. A Sabbath-school was organized and was greatly appreciated by the children in that part of the city. It was conducted under the auspices of the First Methodist Episcopal church, and preaching was had at intervals. Prayer meetings were held, however, regularly once a week. This condition continued until April, 1892, when, at the annual session of the Troy Conference held at Plattsburgh, the Rev. Robert H. Washburne was appointed pastor in charge, and regular services are now held every Sabbath. St. Mary 5 Roman Catholic Church. — The first house of worship reg- larly occupied by the Roman Catholics in Gloversville was a small church on the Pine street hill, purchased by them in an unfinished state in 1874. Rev. Gillem was the first pastor, but remained only a short time. He was succeeded by Rev. W. Kempen, under whose charge the Pine Street church was completed. He resigned in April, 1876, and a year later Rev. Michael Killeen assumed charge of the parish. Under his care the beautiful brick church on Fremont street was erected. First Baptist Church. — Prior to 1838 there were only a few Baptists scattered through the country in the immediate vicinity of Gloversville. They had for two years or more enjoyed the labors of Revs. Knapp, Groom, Hutchins and Whitman. In the summer of the above men- tioned years. Rev. Erastus Miner, of Pleasant Valley, came to Glovers- ville to preach a funeral sermon. His sympathies were at once enlisted in behalf of the Baptists in that community, and he left his own people and gave part of his time to religious efforts in the then primitive vil- lage. Notice was given for all Baptist members to assemble on a given day to decide the question of organizing either a branch connection with Pleasant Valley or an independent church. It is said that when the day arrived, it rained, and in consequence no one attended the pro- posed meeting. The record says, " In order that the project should not fail, Brother Abel S. Leaton started on foot from Johnstown and looked them up again, and appointed a meeting the following week." At this meeting, which was held in the village school- house, it was unanimous- ly agreed, after consultation, to become a branch of the Pleasant Val- ley Church, and the second Sunday following was appointed as the time when the organization should be effected. No definite action was taken then or directly afterward, but preaching was maintained and the Digitized by Microsoft® 396 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. meetings were continued. Conversions were frequent and a number of baptisms took place on October 28, November 5 and 25, 1838. On January 6, 1839, ^ve were baptized on profession of faith. The follow- ing Sunday evening, January 13, it was unanimously agreed to organize an independent Baptist Church on Tuesday, January 15, 1839, and the original purpose of becoming a branch of the Pleasant Valley Church was abandoned. According to appointment a meeting was held in Burr's assembly room January 15, 1839. Rev. Miner read the I32d Psalm, and an opening prayer was oflered by Rev. Gale. Later on Mr. Gale administered the charge and Mr. Miner gave the right hand of fellowship, during which all those present, nineteen in number, arose and stood in a semi-circle. The church was then and there organized and named the First Baptist Church of Gloversville, N. Y. Abel S. Leaton was chosen stated clerk, and an election of trustees resulted in the choice of Henry Churchill, George Washburn, Abel S. Leaton, H. C. Thomas, L. F. Cooper, and Joab Phelps. It was also resolved, "That the building committee consist of the trustees, and they be and are hereby authorized to purchase a site for a meeting house, and have full power to act in all matters in relation to the erection and final com- pletion of said meeting house." On the first Sunday in March, 1839, the church celebrated the memorial ordinance of the Lord's supper for the first time. The names of the nineteen constituent members are as follows : H. C. Thomas, J. C. Valentine, Thomas B. Kenyon, Cuyler Shottenkirk, William Billingham, John Whiting, Abel S. Leaton, Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, Mrs. Nancy Hill, Mrs. Sarah Curtis, Mrs. Rachel Ken- yon, Mrs. C. C. Warner, Miss Sarah Hare, Miss Maria Evinskey, Miss Margaret Van Steinburgh. The church was formally admitted to the Saratoga Baptist Association at the annual meeting held in Stillwater, June 25, 1839. October 6, 1839, a call was extended to Rev. D. Cor- win to become pastor, and on Sunday, November 3, he preached for them and gave acceptance of the call. The first deacons of the church were elected in August, 1841, as follows: H. C. Thomas and S. Jud- son Deacon Thomas held the office continuously during a period of forty-eight years, well beloved and honored by the church. The first house of worship was situated on Main street, the building long known as Fox's Block. It was completed and dedicated September 18, 1839, Digitized by Microsoft® BAPTIST CHURCH. 397 Rev. B. T. Welch, of Albany, and Rev. L. Raymond, of Cooperstown, each delivering sermons on the occasion. At a business meeting held May 23, 1855, steps were taken toward building a new church edifice and a subscription paper was circulated by a committee consisting of Henry Churchill, D. S. Frank, Austin Kasson, J. H. Burr, W. C. Allen, H. C. Thomas, D. M. Burr, Charles Sunderlin, S. S. Wells, A. C. Churchill, and J. H. Seymour. This committee soon reported that $6,000 had been subscribed, whereupon a building committee was ap- pointed and a lot secured, the location being the present site of the First Baptist Church. The new building was completed early in 1857 and the dedicatory services took place January 22 of that year. Two days were devoted to this solemn occasion and sermons were preached by Revs. Winegar, Peacock, Hawley, Gregory, Fisher, Wall and Dunning. The cost of the structure was $15,398.61. In this house of worship the society held services for a period of thirty- three years, when the won- derful growth of the society necessitated the erection of a church of greater dimerisions. The last service was held in the old building April 13, 1890, and the work of demolition began during the following week. Negotiations were entered into with Henry F. Kilburn, of New York, who submitted plans for the present beautiful structure, and the contract was let to Alden Henry, of Gloversviile. The building com- mittee which has immediate supervision of the work is composed of the following persons : Nicholas D. Wilson, J. H. Drake, John V. King, Aaron Simmons, and S. H. Shotwell. The building, which is the most valuable church edifice in Fulton county, was dedicated with fitting ceremonies, October 9, 1891, Pastor Bourn officiating. Among those present and taking part in the services were Rev. H. A. Cordo, of Cortland, who was pastor of this church from 1878 to 1885; Rev. George Cooper, of Richmond, Va., pastor from 1869 to 1873, and vari- ous local clergymen. The cost of the building, exclusive of the lot and material used from the old house, was $55,766.40. The first collection of this church for benevolence was the small sum of fifty cents in the year 1839. The largest total for all purposes in any one year was in 1 87 1, during the pastorate of Rev. George Cooper, the amount being $7^875. 18. The church has had ten regularly setttled pastors. Rev. Erastus Miner, serving as a supply during a part of the year 1839. Digitized by Microsoft® 39S HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The others with the dates of their service are as follows : Rev. David Corwin, elected October 6, 1839, resigned November i, 1854; Rev. Isaac Westcott, elected May 10, 1855, resigned March 27, 1859; ^^v. Stephen Remington, elected May 10, 1859; resigned October, 1859; Rev. Conant Sawyer, elected December 16, 1859, resigned May 31, 1867; Rev. Charles Y. Swan, elected September 30, 1867, resigned De- cember 27, 1868 ; Rev. George Cooper, elected October 18, 1869, re- signed April 7, 1873 ; Rev. C. N. Pattengill, elected May 19, 1873, re- signed June 21, 1877; Rev. H. A. Cordo, elected April i, 1878, resigned May 4, 1885 ; Rev. W. W. Dawley, elected August 17, 1885, resigned July 31, 1887 ; Rev. A. W. Bourn, the present pastor, elected Septem- ber, 19, 1887. The present membership is about 875. The first superintendent of the Sunday-school was H. D. Everett, and the present one is Dr. W. S. Garnsey, the total membership of the school being about 750. The church oflficers are : Pastor, A. W. Bourn; treasurer, L. K. Bourn ; clerk, C. M. C. Loyd ; deacons, A. Simmons, W. Shank- land, F. White, S. T. O. Hart, J. S. Burr; trustees, A. D. Brower, S. H. Shotwell, Charles King, J. H. Drake, W. D. West and Charles Lyke. Congregational Church. — The first active steps towards forming a so- ciety in Gloversville to be known either as Presbyterian or Congrega- tional, and also for building a church in which it should worship, were taken at a meeting held in the Gloversville school-house, June 29, 1850. Charles Mills was chosen chairman and S. Stewart Mills secretary. A committee consisting of E. L. Burton, U. M. Place, and Alanson Judson, was appointed to report some plan for carrying out the above mentioned purpose, which they did at a meeting held on the 20th of July following. A committee was then appointed to circulate a subscription for $7,000, to be used in purchasing a site and building a house of worship. This committee was composed of Edward Leonard, Darius C. Mills, Alanson Judson, D. S. Tarr, and Alanson Hosmer, and the lot upon which the edifice was erected was purchased of Alanson Judson. At a meeting held January 7, 1851, a vote was taken and it was found that eighteen were in favor of a Congregational society, while six preferred Presby- terianism, and in this manner the Congregational society of Gloversville had its origin. The first trustees of the new society, elected at a meet- Digitized by Microsoft® CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 399 ing held January 25, 185 i, were Samuel S. Mills, Uriah M. Place, Zina Case, Alanson Judson, H. C. Parsons, and Alanson Hosmer. These men were constituted a building committee and the contract for the edifice was let to Erastus Thorp, who completed it in the latter part of 1852. The total cost was about $10,000. A call was issued by the so- ciety in November, 1852, to Homer N. Dunning, of the North River Presbytery, to become pastor of the new church at a salary of $600. The call was accepted and Mr. Dunning was ordained, and installed as pastor Thursday morning, December 2, 1852. At the ecclesiastical council held the previous evening there were present Rev. Ray Palmer, pastor of the First Congregational church of Albany (who was chosen moderator); Rev. Edward Wall, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Kingsboro; Rev. L. F. Waldo, pastor First Congregational church, Poughkeepsie ; Rev. H. G. Ludlow, pastor First Presbyterian church, Poughkeepsie ; and Rev. Elisha Yale, of Kingsboro, who was invited to sit as a corresponding member. The young society flourished under the spiritual guidance of Pastor Dunning, and in i860 the trustees re- ported the church to be free from debt. Mr. Dunning remained with the church twelve years, resigning his pastorate in December, 1864. The society was then without a regular minister until the following May, when Rev. Charles J. Hill, of Cleveland, accepted a call with the salary of $1,500. He remained with the church until August, 1868, being succeeded in January, 1869, by Rev. W. A. McGinley, who filled the pulpit until May, 1874. Rev. William E. Park, the present pastor, was installed March, 1876, and has continued his spiritual charge with devoted Christian zeal for a period of sixteen years. The first deacons of the church were Charles Mills, H. Seth Smith, I. V. Place, and E. L. Burton. A Sabbath- school was organized simultaneously with the church, of which Elisha Burton was the first superintendent, an office held by him continuously until his death. The present officers of the church are: Deacons, De Witt Smith, Uriel Case, Dr. Eugene Beach ; trustees, Charles W. Judson, Richard B. Parsons, William E. Lansing, Daniel McEwen, jr., Warren E. Whitney, Earl Karker, Curtis S. Cummings, E. L. Heacock, Hiram Darling. S. Elmore Burton is clerk and treasurer. The present membership of the church is 420. The superintendent of the Sabbath- school is W. F. Bur- ton, son of Elisha Burton, first superintendent. Digitized by Microsoft® 40O HISTORY OF PULTON COUNTY. Christ Protestant Episcopal Mission Church. — Divine service in ac- cordance with the usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church were first held in Gloversville in the year 1852 by Rev. George N. Sleight, rector of St. John's church at Johnstown. Mr. Sleight officiated regularly for a year or more, until his resignation of the rectorship of St. John's, when the services were continued regularly to the beginning of the year 1855, by his successor, tiie Rev. Lewis P. Clover. These services took place in the public school-house on Fulton street, and were held on each alternate Sunday afternoon. October i, 1856, a parish was formally organized with the name of Trinity Church of Gloversville, Rev. Lewis P. Clover presiding. Albert W. Gorton acted as secretary, and the following persons were elected to compose the first vestry : Wardens, Timothy W. Miller and Howard Hill; vestrymen, Albert W. Gorton, George Snyder, Marcus T. Peake, Samuel Gilchrist, Charles Hutchin- son, John Sunderlin, Nathan J. Burton and Joseph H. Westcott. Al- though wardens and vestrymen were elected annually on Tuesday in each Easter week until 1859 and social reunions were often held for the purpose of raising funds, services were not held regularly, and from 1859 until 1866 there was but little activity in the parish. This unfor- tunate state of affairs was due principally to the fact that many mem- bers of the society had moved away, making the election of proper officers difficult and also rendering the expenses burdensome on the few that remained. In 1866, however, a happy change took place; many persons of the Episcopal faith were known to have recently set- tled in Gloversville and some of the original members had returned. The parish was fully reorganized at a meeting held August 2, of that year, and David H. Cuyler and Howard Hill were elected wardens, with a vestry composed of John W. Cook, Albert W. Gorton, George Shurbourne, Thomas M. Beach, Henry Hull, William Thorne, Frank Anderson and William R. Washburn. Regular services were then be- gun and were held on each alternate Sunday afternoon, a Sunday- school was established with D. H. Cuyler as superintendent, and cler- ical missionaries, with some other assistance, conducted the services. Thus the parish continued until September, 1871, at which time the session room of the Congregational church was used as a place for wor- ship. Trinity church was formally admitted into union with the diocese Digitized by Microsoft® EPISCOPAL CHURCH — LUTHERAN CHURCH. 401 of Albany in 1 870. Regular morning and evening prayer was lield at 92 Main Street from November 24, 1872 until February 17, 1873 under the auspices of Rev. James W. Stewart, rector of St. John's church, Johns- town, the. evening services being conducted bj- Rev. C. F. A. Bielby, the appointed missionary for this station and Fonda. Land was secured and a church edifice partially completed on West Pine street, but it was subsequently sold to the German Romanists for $2,200. George O. Eddy assumed formal charge of the parish on Sunday, March 16, 1873, and established regular services twice each Sabbath. A new church was then erected on Fremont street at the corner of Middle, at a cost of $3,600 exclusive of the lot, and was first occupied March 22, 1874. This edifice was afterwards sold to the Fremont Street Methodist society and Trinity Parish suffered another decline. With a view to revive the Episcopal service in the village Rev. Charles C. Edmunds, jr., and Rev. Robert H. Neide held services in a room on the third floor of the Hanson block each evening following July i, 1880. August 31, of the same year, an application was made to Bishop Doane, of the Albany diocese, requesting the organization of a mission church, which was granted and Christ Church Mission was formally established under the supervision of the bishop, with the Revs. Charles C. Edmunds, jr., and Robert H. Neide as officiating deacons. E. P. Newton was chosen warden; Allen N. Ross, clerk, and Hervey Ross, treasurer. In October, 1883, the Rev. C. P. A. Burnett assumed charge of the mission as rector, and services were held in the Mosher hall on Fulton street for one year. The mission was then removed to the Kent block, where services were held pending the erection of the present church edifice on Spring street. The building was completed at a cost, including the lot, of $8,000 and first occupied June 23, 1887. The church has 330 free sittings. Rev. Mr. Burnet remained in the rectorship until December I, 1 89 1, being succeeded by Rev. H, C. Smyth, who is at present in charge of the parish. The church officers at present are James B. Eysa- man, warden; James Hull, treasurer, and Emil Alexander, clerk. There are no communicants, and the rector is superintendent of the Sunday- school, which has a membership of six teachers and sixty-five pupils. Saint James English Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch. — This church was organized as a result of action taken by a committee appointed at 61 Digitized by Microsoft® 402 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. a meeting of the Hartvvick Synod, held at West Sandlake, N. Y., Octo- ber 1 8 and 19, 1888. Of this committee, Rev. Peter FeUs, of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Johnstown, was chairman. Efforts were made to establish a mission in Gloversville and E. L. Dreibelbis, of Gettysburg Theological Seminary, was secured. He visited many of the church people with a view ofenlisting their aid in the proposed work. This ini- tiatory movement was begun June 23, 1 889, and in three months the mis- sion had about fifty-five members. The next important step was to secure a suitable house of worship. The German Lutherans of the city, under the direction of Alexander Arronet, had built and partially com- pleted a brick church on Grand street, near Bleeck.er. They were una- ble, however, to finish and occupy the building and it was offered for sale. The English Lutherans, under the name of St. James Evangeli- cal Lutheran Society, purchased this church and completed it at a total cost of about $7,000. It is now worth about $10,000. It was dedi- cated Sunday, March 2, 1890, Rev. Peter Felts, of Johnstown, preaching the sermon. There were also present Rev. B. F. Fake, of Stone Arabia ; Rev. W. C. Poore, of Tribes Hill, and Rev. William Baum, president of Hartwick Synod. In the afternoon a general service was held in which Revs. James Gardner, C. W. Rowley, and William Baunv took part. Rev. A. M. Whetstone made an earnest appeal for financial aid to pay the remainder of the church debt, and the sum of $131 was secured. At the morning service $1,600 had been promised. Rev. Mr. Whetstone was installed as first pastor of the church in the evening, the charge to the pastor being given by Rev. William Baum, and the charge to the congregation by Rev. B. F, Fake. A collection was also taken which amounted to $313, making the total amount raised during the day $2,044. Although less than three years old, this church, under the zealous care of Pastor Whetstone, has grown and prospered, until at present there are 215 regular members, with a Sunday school of 230 scholars, the superintendent being Alden Hart. The present officers of the society are as follows : Elders, Jacob Haag, Jacob Weber, John Weintz, Jost Grebe ; deacons, Alden Hart, Judson R. Empie, William Klohck, William Oathout; secretary of the council, Alden Hart; treasurer, Robert L. Barringer, Digitized by Microsoft® YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 403 Young Men's Christian Association of Gloversville — On Thursday evening, March 2, 1882, twelve young men representing the several churches of the village of Gloversville, met in the office of Churchill & Getman on Main street, to take into consideration the duty of organiz- ing a Young Men's Christian Association. After an opinion expressed by every one present, on motion of F. W Stowell, it was resolved unan- imously " That it is the sense of this meeting that a Young Men's Christian Association be organized in this village." On the following Tuesday a union meeting was held in the lecture room of the First M. E. church. Remarks were made by a number of prominent citizens favoring the work, after which a committee on organization was ap- pointed by the chair. On Tuesday, March 14, a meeting was held in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church, at which time a con- stitution and by-laws were adopted ; charter members to the number of thirty-six paid their first annual dues, and a committee appointed for the nomination of officers reported as follows: For president. Judge A. D. L. Baker; vice-president, E. A. Spencer ; secretary, Lewis A. Tate ; treasurer, W. D. West ; directors, Hervey Ross, F. Egelston, L. K. Brown, C. M. Lefler, P. J. Keck and Earl Karker. Before a vote was taken Judge Baker positively refused to accept the nomination and the name of John L. Getman was substituted. A ballot was then taken and the above named officers elected. On Friday evening, March 17, a public meeting was held in the Baptist church with addresses by Rev. George A. Hall, state secretary ; D. H. Vaii Huesen, of Johnstown, and E. L. Mattice, of Fort Plain. On Sunday afternoon, March 19, 1882, the first public prayer meet- ing was held in the lecture room of the Congregational church, being attended by about 200 persons. The meeting was conducted by Earl Karker and was both profitable and spiritual. The first regular meet- ing of the association was held Tuesday evening, March 21, at which time about 150 new members joined. Up to that time the association had been without rooms, having held their meetings in the several churches from time to time, but at a meeting held April 18, the board of managers were instructed to secure the rooms on the third floor of F. M. Young's building on Main street, and fit them for use. On Tuesday, June 6, 1882, the first annual meeting was held, at which time the work was thoroughly discussed, and among other points it was Digitized by Microsoft® 404 II /STORY OF FULTON COUNTV. decided that on account of the frequent unavoidable absence of the secretary, an assistant should be provided, and George M. Stone was unanimously elected to the position. On August i6, 1882, a committee was appointed to consider the advisability of securing a ticket, as a body, at a reduced rate, in the Levi Parson's library, in order to give members of the Y. M. C. A., the privileges of the reading room and library. The committee reported favorably and such a ticket was purchased for the sum of $50. During the first nine months of the association's existence the work had been done entirely by the members, but its constant growth and increasing usefulness demanded that a man be secured to give his whole time to the work, and President Getman was appointed to engage a general secretary as soon as possible. At first it was hoped to obtain a Mr. Shaw, of Indiana, but as he was not available the committee made a further effort, finally succeeding in securing W. I Sweet, who on De- cember 20, 1882, engaged in the work at a salary of $50 a month. About this time the association made application to become a mem- ber of the State Association, and was in due time admitted. At a meeting held March 15, 1883, it was decided to change the Association's quarters, and hence rooms on the third floor of the Hanson building were secured for one year at the nominal price of $}o. The second annual meeting of the Association was held June 5, 1883, and the follow- ing officers elected : President, John L. Getman ; vice-president, Melvin L. Fuller; secretary, Charles S. Schermerhorn ; treasurer, C. S. Hilde- brandt. On January 28, 1884, General Secretary Sweet tendered his resigna- tion which was accepted, and L. L. Shaffer was elected to fill the vacancy. During the spring of that year the association found itself in financial trouble, but by dint of hard effort it was enabled to tide over the diffi- culty with safety. At the third annual meeting held June 10, 1884, the following officers were elected : President, Lewis A. Tate ; vice-presi- dent, Frank Burton ; secretary, Frank Egelston, treasurer, W. D. West. On July 8, 1884, L. L. Shaffer discontinued his services as secretary. In October of the same year the Third District N. Y. State Y. M. C. A., held their annual convention at Gloversville and was entertained by the Digitized by Microsoft® YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 405 local association. On June 9, 1885, the fourth annual meeting and election of officers was held with the following result : President, Lewis A. Tate; vice-president, Albert P. Slade; secretary, Jay O. Karker ; treasurer, Dr. P. R. Furbeck. On January 28, 1886, a meeting of the association was held, at which it was thought best to disband and then reorganize under the direction of Assistant State Secretary Stanley, who was present. The plan was carried into effect, and after reorganization the following officers were elected : President, Dr. P. R. Furbeck , first vice-president, George W. Stone; second vice-president, W. F. Burton; recording secretary, W. N.Stewart; treasurer, W. D. West. After its reorganization the asso- ciation seemed to grasp more thoroughly the genius of association work, in its peculiar field, and it became more specific in its efforts for young men. In the summer of 1886 another change of rooms was made, qaarters being secured in the Littauer block. About the same time it was also decided to again secure the services of a general secre- tary, and Charles H. Harrington was employed. The anniversary for 1887 was held in the Fremont Street Methodist church and was ad- dressed by D. J. De Camp, of Schenectady. Dr. Furbeck remained president five years and did a very effective work in that capacity. In the spring of 1887 the association changed quarters again, moving to the Helwig building on North Main street. Mr. Harrington remained as secretary until May, 1889. when he accepted a call from the associa- tion at Batavia and moved to that place. He was succeeded by H. L. Sellick, who remained about eight months, his successor being W M. Scott. During the year in which Mr. Scott acted as secretary the asso- ciation moved to the building which they now occupy at the corner of Main and Fremont streets. At the annual meeting held in February, 1891, the following officers were elected, and continue in service: President, James S. Burr; first vice president, J. M.Thompson; second vice president, Hervey Ross; recording secretary, E. P. Bellows; treasurer, M. V. B. Stetson; trustees, Daniel B. Judson, Charles Keifer, Aaron Simmons, Dr. P. R. Furbeck, Daniel Hays, James S. Burr, and William C. Mills; board of directors, James S. Burr, J. M. Thompson, E. C. Collins, O. L. Everest, E. P. Bellows, M. V. B. Stetson, E. A. Spencer, Hervey Ross, C. W. Scher- Digitized by Microsoft® 4o6 HISTORY OP FULTON COUNTY. merhorn, A. Hart, Adam Hunter, N. D. Wilson, W. N. Stewart, and Dr. W. S. Garnsey. On May 15, 1 89 1, John F. Moore accepted an invitation to serve as general secretary, a position lie has since filled with much credit. In March, 1892, Elson Sheffield was engaged as assistant secretary. The association, during the ten years of its existence, has had its full share of difficulties and perplexities, but it has come out of them all with increased usefulness and extended influence, At present the mem- bership is about 400; all branches of the work are flourishing, and the future is bright with promise. Prospect Hill Cemetery of Gloversville. — The history of this beautiful place of mortuary rest dates from the year 1854, prior to which time most of the interments were made in the old burying- ground at Kings- boro In order to organize a cemetery association, a public meeting was held August 12, 1854, with Allen C. Churchill, chairman, and D. M. Burr, secretary. The deUberations of the occasion resulted in the formation of " The Rural Cemetery Association of Gloversville," and on the 24th of the same month the following officers and trustees were elected : President, Jennison G. Ward ; vice-president, Alanson Judson ; secretary, E. L. Burton ; treasurer, Charles Sunderlin ; trustees, the foregoing names, with Zina Case, Rufus Washburn, Henry C. Thomas, Timothy W. Miller, and David Spaulding. A committee, consisting of Charles Sunderlin and Rufus Washburn, was appointed to consider several available localities for cemetery pur- poses, and in due time it decided that a plot containing twenty acres, situated about one-quarter of a mile east of the village, and belonging to Othniel Gorton, was the most desirable. This ground was pur- chased September 4, 1854, the price paid being $1,000. The soil was inferior, being sand and unfit for culture, but it was admirably adapted to its new use, both in its location and its natural features. The first burial made in the new cemetery was that of Lewis H. Meade, Novem- ber 6, 1854. Subsequently four additional acres of the Gorton estate were pur- chased, and also eighteen acres adjoining, thus increasing the cemetery to about forty-two acres, which is its present area. At a meeting of the trustees, held January 19, 1855, »t was voted to petition the legislature to change the name of the incorporators from Digitized by Microsoft® SECRET SOCIETIES. 407 the Rural Cemetery Association to the Prospect Hill Cemetery Asso- ciation, a name which has thus far been permanent. The cemetery con- tains at the present time some very handsome monuments and much care is given every year to beautifying the grounds. Jennison G. Ward remained president of the association until No- vember 16, i860, when he was succeeded by Rufus Washburn. Mr. Washburn was recently removed by death, and his successor, James M. Thompson, the present incumbent, was elected March 5, 1892. Charles Snnderlin, the first treasurer, held that office until the time of his death, as did also his brother, John Sunderlin, who succeeded him. William A. Kasson, the present treasurer, followed Mr, Sunderlin in that office. Elisha L. Burton, who first held the office of secretary, continued in service until removed by death, when, on February 2, 1863, Jennison G. Ward was elected to that office. His successor was Joseph S. Heacock, who assumed the duties of the office December 11, 1869. W. H. Place, the present secretary, was elected to that office April 15, 1872. It is a remarbable fact that of the nine original trustees not one is now living, the last surviving member of that board being Rufus Washburn, who died early in 1892. A full list of the officers of the Cemetery Association at present is as follows : President, James M. Thompson ; treasurer, William A. Kas- son ; secretary, W. H. Place ; trustees, James M. Thompson, William A. Kasson, W. H. Place, D. B. Judson, Daniel Potter, D. W. Smith, John C. Allen, and Aaron Simmons. The vacancy in the board caused by the death of Rufus Washburn was filled by the election of A. W. Locklin at the annual meeting held on the first Tuesday in June, 1892. Masonic and other Secret Societies. — Gloversville Lodge, No. 429, F. and A. M. was organized and instituted April 9, 1857. It was consti- tuted and consecrated July 27, of the same year. Timothy W. Miller took a very active part in bringing about the establishment of the lodge. He was at that time a member of St. Patrick's Lodge of Johnstown, be- ing a son of Dr. James W. Miller, of that place. He came to Glovers- ville as one of the founders of the Fulton County Bank and held the position of teller in that institution for several years. He was al.so ac- tive in securing the organization of the first Episcopal society in Glov- ersville. In later years he returned to Johnstown, where he remained Digitized by Microsoft® 4o8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. until his death. The other members who assisted in organizing the Gloversville lodge were Moses S. Adams, William Ward, John Sunder- lin, Daniel Potter, George W. Hogeboom, all of St. Patrick's Lodge; also William S. Ingraham, and Flavel B. Sprague, of Fish House Lodge, which had originally been organized at Northville and subsequently re- moved to Fish House; and John Hyman, of Temple Lodge, No. 14, Troy. W. M. John L. Lewis, then grand master of the state, appointed brothers Miller, Adams, and Ingraham, respectively, worshipful master and also senior and junior warden. The first initiation took place im- mediately after organization and while the lodge was working under dispensation. Nathan J. Burton and Albert W.. Gorton were the first persons initiated, and then came Harvey C. Jones, J. S. Green, John Reddish, Seymour Sexton, and A. C. Kasson. After the warrant had been granted, a full set of oflScers were chosen and installed as follows : W. M., Timothy W^ Miller; S. W., William S. Ingraham ; J. W., Na- than J. Burton ; treasurer, John Sunderlin ; secretary, Albert W. Gor- ton ; S. D., William Ward ; J. D., John Hyman ; masters of ceremonies, Seymour Sexton and John W. Peek ; tyler, John S. Green. The or- ganization took place in Frederick Young's building on North Main street, where the lodge continued to hold meetings for eighteen years. In 1875 lodge rooms were leased in the Stewart building, 21 West Ful- ton street, at which place the regular communications are still held. Among the interesting relics in the possession of Gloversville Lodge are the records of Constellation Lodge, No. 1.03, which was organized in Mayfield, March 7, 1804. This old lodge had the power to meet alternately at Mayfield and Kingsboro, and it held monthly communi- cations at these places until 1835. Its first worshipful master was Oliver Rice, who, when in his eightieth year, made the Gloversville Lodge a visit shortly after its organization. Its first senior warden was Benjamin Craft, and its first junior warden, Ripley Merrill. Among the old and well-known Masons of this ancient lodge, who have served as its worshipful masters at different times, and were buried with Ma- sonic honors by 429, were Oliver Rice, Collins Odell, Charles Harts- horn, Stephen Livingston and Alinos Matthews. The following list comprises the names of the past masters of Gloversville Lodge, No. 429, with the dates of their incumbency: Digitized by Microsoft® SECRET SOCIETIES. 409 Timothy W. Miller, 1857-58; Nathan J. Burton, 1859; George J. Newton, 1860-61 ; Seymour Sexton, 1862; George J. Newton, 1863- 64-65; Miles Brown, 1866; George J. Newton, 1867; John S. King, 1868; George J. Newton, 1869; Edmund P. Fox, 1870-71-72; James M. Kennedy, 1873-74; Andrew R. Bruce, 1875-76; George K. Hilts, 1877; Alexander D. Comrie, 1878-79; Eugene Beach, 1880-81-82; Marcus H. Christie, 1883-84; Cyrus Stewart, 1885-86-87; Alvan Quackenbush, 1888; Cyrus Stewart, 1889-90-91; Newton G. Snow, 1892. The present officers are: W. M., Newton G. Snow; S. W., Arthur E. Tuck; J. W , Nicholas M. Banker; treasurer, Jerry A; Van Auken ; secretary, Charles W. Stewart; assistant secretary, Albert W. Gorton; S D., D. W. S. Kearney; J. D., Eben Van Evera; organist, E. P. Fox ; chaplain, Solomon Jeffers; S. M. C , Frank Tiedeman ; J. M. C, John M. Noonan ; marshal, A. H. Lengfield ; tyler, Ezra D. Bice; finance committee, A. W. Gorton, William F. Cole, Morris Klein ; trustees, George H. Hilts, A. D. L. Baker, Hiram Darling. The lodge contains 214 master Masons. Holy Cross Commandery, No. 51, Knights Templar, is stationed at Gloversville, and holds regular convocations in the Masonic hall, Stewart building, 21 West Fulton street. Dispensation was granted to this commandery by the Grand Commandery of the state of New York, December 20, 1870, and the charter was received October 11, 1871. Among those who joined in the petition for institution were members of Temple Commandery, No. 2, of Albany ; Utica Commandery, No. 3, of Utica, and St. George's Commandery, No. 37, of Schenectady. Sir Knight James M. Dudley, of Utica, No. 3, was appointed eminent commander; Sir Knight Wilham P. Brayton, of Temple, No. 2, gen- eralissimo ; and Sir Knight Nicholas Wemple, of St. George's, No. 37, captain general. The commandery was instituted by the officers of Apollo Com- mandery, No. 15, of Troy, at the request of the R. E. Gr. Com. George Babcock. Twenty- six companions received the orders of the Red Cross and of the Temple on the night of opening. In April fol- lowing, Sir Knight Brayton sent in his resignation to the grand com- mander, and Sir Knight George J. Newton was appointed to fill the 52 Digitized by Microsoft® 4 to HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. vacancy. The late James M. Dudley, whose death occurred recently at Johnstown, was the first eminent commander. Sir Knight Dudley w;is a highly honored member of the Masonic fraternity, and also was a prominent and successful member of the P'ulton county bar. He de- parted this world after a long and useful life of four score years, and was lamented by all who knew him. Among the past commanders of this body, who are still connected with the commandery, are Edmund P. Fox, Alexander I). Comrie, Os- car Woodworth, Alvan V. Quackenbush, Daniel F. Cowles, Albert N. Simmons, and Simeon S. Gross. The commandery mourns the death of Cyrus Stewart, one of its past commanders, which occurred April 15, 1892. The first officers of this body were as follows: E. C, James M. Dudley; generalissimo, Cyrus Stewart; captain general, William H. Shaw; prelate, Edmund P. Fox; S. W., Charles Smith; J. W., Thomas M. Beach ; treasurer, Lewis P. Johnson ; recorder, George Shurbourne ; standard-bearer, William H. Munroe; sword-bearer, Marcus F; Pierson ; warder, George W. C. Gillette; sentinel, Alexander D. Comrie. The present officers are: E. C, William H. Browne; generalissimo, James Frank McKee ; captain- general, Charles McCarty ; prelate, Ed- mund P. Fox; S. W., Albert N. Simmons; J. W., Alexander D. Com- rie; treasurer, Alvan V. Quackenbush ; recorder, Albert W. Gorton; standard-bearer, Eugene W. Peck; sword-bearer, Howard G. Dewey; warder, Harry A. Phillips; first guard, WiiUam E. Young; second guard, Harrison R. Hall ; third guard, Milford F. Button ; sentinel, Ezra D. Bice. Odd Fellows. — The first lodge of Odd Fellows in Gloversville was in- stituted by D. D. G. M. Lindsey, March 13, 1848. It was known as Gloversville Lodge, No. 335, I. O. O. F., and its charter members were Augustus Cheadel, Augustus Campbell, Richard Dyer, Sherwood Hag- gart, Henry H. Leonard, William Ward, jr , and Rufus Washburn, jr. The first officers of this lodge were Augustus Cheadel, N. G. ; Augus- tus Campbell, V. G. ; William Ward, recording secretary ; H. H. Leon- ard, permanent secretary ; and Sherwood Haggart, treasurer. In June, 1850, five members withdrew to form a lodge at Northville. In July of the same year the number of the Gloversville Lodge was changed to Digitized by Microsoft® SECRET SOCIETIES — NEWSPAPERS. 411 84. The lodge surrendered its charter and became extinct in May, 185;. A dispensation was granted by the standing committee of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the state of New York, and presented by D. D. G. M. David De Forest, of Amsterdam, N. Y., bearirgdate Decem- ber 23, 1869, to the following Ancient Odd Fellows: John S. Green, E. N. Spencer, John Drake, William Case, C. R. Bellows, Niles Fair- banks, Moses Oderkirk, W. H. Demarest, James Berry, M. D., Aaron Simmons, N. D. Phelps, A. J. Kasson and Sherman W. Case, all of whom were formerly members of Gloversville Lodge No. 84, of North- ern New York. This resulted in the institution of the present lodge, which received its charter January 12, 1870, and is known and hailed as Gloversville Lodge, No. 228, I. O. O. F. The first officers were John Drake, N. G. ; John S. Green, V. G. ; A. W. Gorton, secretary; and A J. Kasson, treasurer. Much credit is due to A. W. Gorton, who de- voted himself zealously to the cause and was one of the prime movers in bringing about the institution of this prosperous lodge. The present membership is 117, and the officers are, George H. Cummings, N. G. ; Charles H. Bennett, V. G. ; J. E. Belden, secretary ; J. N. Face, treas- urer. The lodge was recently incorporated under the state laws gov- erning such societies, with the following trustees: C. S. Cummings, A. L. Carpenter and David Martin. Gloversville Encampment, No. 49, L O. O. F., a higher branch of the order, was instituted August 17, 1870. It was formed May 31, 1870, by Patriarchs George Van Kleeck, John W. Peek, Alexander Baker, George W. Marley, Orlando Cady and John H. Drake. The first offi- cers were installed by D. D. G. P. David De Forest, as follows : Orlando Cady, C. P. ; George W. Marley, H. P. ; John H. Drake, S. W. ; John W. Peek, J. W. ; Alexander Baker, treasurer; A. W. Gorton, scribe. The present membership is forty -five and the officers are J. H. Snell, C. P. ; Charles Bennet, S. W. ; D A. Hays, H. P. ; Charles Mead, J. W. ; J. H. Willsey, scribe ; David Martin, treasurer. The Gloversville Standard was the first newspaper published in this place. It was established in December, 1856, by William H. Case, who conducted it until March, i860, when it came under the control of A. Pierson. In January, 1861, George W. Heaton purchased the paper Digitized by Microsoft® 412 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and conducted it until his death, which occurred ten years afterward. About two years before Mr. Heaton's death he sold a half interest to J. R. Arrowsmith, who afterward became sole proprietor. The Standard was established as a Republican paper soon after the birth of that famous party, and continued to advocate its principles until the liberal Republican movement in 1872, when, under the man- agement of Mr. Arrowsmith it supported the presidential canvass of Horace Greeley. The transition from liberal republicanism to straight- out democracy was natural, and when in June, 1875, the Standard was purchased by Hervey Ross (an old line Democrat), it at once held the position as the democratic organ of Fulton county. When Mr. Ross assumed its control it was a small folio sheet of limited circulation, but it soon grew to a six column quarto, while its readers during the first year increased threefold. In the spring of 1876 the Standard ab- sorbed The Century, then recently established in Gloversville by C. G. Johnston, and in January, 1877, added to its circulation the subscrip- tion list of the Gloversville Times. In August, 1888, the Standard was changed from a weekly to a semi-weekly publication in order to meet popular demand, and on the 1st of December, 1890, the daily issue began. This efifort, though con- sidered a venture, was a pronounced success from the start. Glovers- ville had ceased to be a weekly newspaper town, and had not only passed the semi-weekly stage, but demanded daily service. The busi- ness increased so rapidly, with the attendant cares and responsibilities, that Mr. Ross soon found it necessary to secure a partner, and on the 9th day of February, 1 891, he sold a half interest to Charles H Hill, and the establishment is now conducted by the firm of Ross & Hill. The Daily Standard has been twice enlarged since its first appearance and is now an eight column folio sheet, handsomely printed and well edited. Ross & Hill also publish the Weekly Stattdard and the Hamilton County Press. The Gloversville Intelligencer, a weekly newspaper, was first issued in January, 1867, when the village contained scarcely more than 4,000 inhabitants. Charles H. Kelly was the editor and publisher, and its birth place was a cramped upper story in Park's block on Main street, Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® NEWSPAPERS. 413 which was subsequently destroyed by the disastrous fire of 1877. The office possessed but a very limited amount of type, the paper was a small six- column sheet, printed on a hand press, and the circulation hardly exceeded 350 copies. When the paper was but a few months old, Mr. Kelly died, and was succeeded by George M. Thompson, who altered its political complexion so that from an Independent it became a Republican journal. He also removed the office to more suitable quarters, and laid the foundation for an extensive business. In July, 1870, Mr. Thompson began the Fulton county Republican, and under that title opened a well equipped office in Johnstown, and also intro- duced a cylinder press, upon which both newspapers were printed, a method which (with better machinery and largely increased facilities) was continued down to the dissolution of Blunck & Leaning in 1888. In February, 1877, E. W. Capron, of Norwich, Chenango county, became associated in the publishing business with Mr. Thompson, and in August of the same year the latter retired, his interest being trans- ferred to Hiram L. Ward, also of Norwich. The papers continued to be published by Capron & Ward until January 9, 1879, when impaired health occasioned the retirement of Mr. Capron, and Mr. Ward remained in sole possession until April, 188 1. A new partnership was then formed under the title of Ward & Blunck, the junior partner being from Cooperstown. This union, however, was brief, for the senior partner was soon attacked by an incurable malady, hence, in August, 1881 (shortly prior to his death), he sold his interest to W. E. Leaning, and the business was conducted until March i, 1888, under the firm name of Blunck & Leaning. Mr. Leaning then assumed entire control of the Intelligencer, which he continued to publish in Gloversville, while Mr. Blunck conducted the Republican at Johnstown. The Intelligencer re- mained under the control of Mr. Leaning until his death, May 15, 1890. It was then conducted by his administrators until February i, 1891, when it was purchased by W. B. Collins and Mrs. F. M. Leaning, who are the present proprietors. From December I, 1890, until February I, 1 89 1, the Intelligencer was published daily. The offices of \\ic^ Daily Leader and Intelligencer were then consolidated and the two papers have since then been published by the firm of Collins & Leaning. The weekly edition of the Intelligencer includes an edition of the Broad- Digitized by Microsoft® 414 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. albiii Herald, edited by B. C. Smith. The paper is strongly Republi- can, and always supports the best interests of that party. The Gloversville Leader xa^A^ its first appearance in August, 1887, as an independent daily newspaper. Fay Shaul was both editor and proprietor until March 19, 1888, when W. B. Collins, a young man who came to Gloversville from Albany, purchased a half interest, and the firm continued the Leader as an independent daily until the next Sep- tember, when it was made a Republican paper, and supported Harrison and Morton. Until then it had been a laborious task for its publishers to make both ends meet. Several attempts had been made during previous years to establish daily newspapers in Gloversville, all of which had proved failures. Fortunately for the Leader, the change in politi- cal views was the beginning of success. Thenceforward the paper has increased in size and importance and is now welcomed by many who once thought a daily newspaper could not live in a place so near the large commercial centres. The partnership of Shaul & Collins contin- ued until September, 1889, when Mr. Collins purchased his partner's in- terest and conducted the paper alone until February i, 1891, when (as has been previously stated) the Leader and the Intelligencer were con- solidated under the firm name of Collins & Leaning. C. W. Brockway, who has been connected with the Intelligencer twenty years, is city editor. Mr. Collins writes its editorials, a^nd the gratifying success of the Leader has been due in a great measure to his untiring energy and perseverance. Extinct Daily Newspapers of Gloversville. — The first daily news- paper in Gloversville was published in 1872 and was known as the Daily Times, but it only had a sickly life of two months. The Daily Advertiser, published by John H. Burtch, made its fir.st appearance in March, 1873, and had a still briefer existence, its duration being only thirty four days. The Evening News was started in April, 1884, by J. W. F. Ruttenbur (from Newburgh), who also conducted the Fonda Democrat. The publication of the paper was discontinued in the follow- ing August. The Daily Times (under a different management than that of the first paper of that name) was started in connection with the Intel- ligencer \x\ November, 1884, but was only published for the short space of one week, Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® HOTELS. 415 Hotels. — The first tavern within the present limits of Gloversville is said to have stood opposite the northeast corner of Prospect Hill Cem- etery, and was kept by Horace Burr from the beginning of the century until 1807, when it was discontinued. The first hotel in the central part of the village was the Temperance House, built by H. L. Burr in 1835. It was the first public building of any note, and stood on the west side of Main street opposite the old Baptist church. James Burr, the father of the builder, opened the house as a hotel in 1836, and continued as its proprietor for twelve years. The Windsor Hotel, at the corner of Main and East Fulton streets, was built during the years 1856 and 1857 ^'^ ^ cost of $65,000, by Samuel S. and Darius Mills. It was known as the Mills House, and Samuel S. Mills was the proprietor. It is spoken of by Horace Sprague in 1857, as forming "an era in the building operations of the village." The same writer also speaks of it as " rising in solitary gran- deur, and dwarfing by contrast all surrounding structures." It was indeed a great undertaking to build so costly a structure in a village which at that time could scarcely have had mo're than three thousand inhabitants. The hotel was lighted by gas and heated by steam, both of which were created for the purpose on the premises. It afterwards came into the possession of John J. Mason, the present owner, and was known as the Mason House. The name was subsequently changed to the Windsor Hotel, and A. D. Kibbe became proprietor and conducted the house for a number of years, gaining for the hotel a wide and envi- able reputation. He was succeeded by the present proprietor, L. H. Moore, October 19, 1891. Tke Alvord House, situated at the junction of Main and Cayadutta streets, was built by C. G. Alvord in 1866, and opened by him as a hotel the following year. It stands on the site of the old James Burr residence, one of the first brick dwellings in the village. Mr. Alvord continued to conduct the hotel successfully for about twenty-five years, becoming widely and popularly known among travelers as a good and generous boniface. His house was always well filled, and his table en- joyed a first class patronage. He was succeeded as proprietor by Will- iam B. Green, who conducted the hotel until July 8, 1891, being followed Digitized by Microsoft® 4.6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. by Davis & Streeter, under whose management steam heat and elec- tricity were introduced and various improvements made, making the liouse one of the pleasantest in the county. On April 8, 1892, George W. Davis, the senior member of the firm, purchased his partner's inter- est and has since conducted the house alone. It is built of brick, four stories high, and contains between sixty and seventy rooms. The hotel was opened as a temperance house, and when it was considered essential to change it to a licensed hotel Mr. Alvord encountered the antagonism of the prohibition element of the village, which he contested in the courts and finally succeeded in obtaining the privilege of opening a bar, which has ever since been maintained. The Palmer House, located on Cayadutta street between School and Fulton, was built and opened by Robert Palmer in the year 1866. He managed and operated it until 1891, when it was taken in charge by Charles Palmer, his son. The house has accommodations for forty guests, and has been ever since its erection a temperance hotel, no in- toxicating liquors of any kind having been sold under its roof. Among other hotels in Gloversville, established in recent years, may be mentioned the Keystone, at the corner of Main and Washington ; the Germania, on North Main street near Fremont, and the Martin House at the corner of West Fulton and School streets. The city has recently sustained a great loss in the burning of a five story brick hotel, at the corner of Bleecker and Church streets, when just approaching completion. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. Gloves, Leather, etc. — In reviewing the origin, progress and develop- ment of glove making in Fulton county, the writer has endeavored to present concisely a combination of the most important facts connected with its history. These facts pertain to Gloversville as well as other portions of the county, and may be found in an earlier chapter of this work. Gloversville has, from its earliest settlement, been specially a glove manufacturing centre, and it is to-day the largest glove producing com- munity in this country ; perhaps in the world. The evidences of this Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 417 are apparent on every hand. In those portions of the city occupied by the leather-mills, one can see acres of lamb, sheep, calf, hog, goat, deer, kangaroo, and dog-skins hung upon racks to dry. Cart loads of skins in every process of dressing are met on every street and alley, and every thoroughfare contains its share of glove shops. A stranger who may happen to be near one of the large factories at the noon or supper hour is naturally surprised at the crowds both young and old, that hurry forth from their labors, but he will find that our working population, great as it may be, will compare favorably with that of the most favored manufacturing towns. The assertion has been made that every business interest in Glovers - ville is dependent directly or indirectly upon the glove industry, and careful investigation will prove the truth of the statement. A conserva- tive estimate places the amount of capital invested in the different branches of industry in the city at $2,500,000. The following sketches of prominent manufacturers have been collected with much care and they do much to illustrate the extent which glove making has reached in Gloversville. Daniel B. Judson, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, 15 East State street. The name of Judson has been identified with the glove and leather trade in Fulton and Montgomery counties for nearly three- quarters of a century. Elisha Judson was engaged in it as early as 1824 or 1825, and Daniel B., his son, has been manufacturing gloves since 1850. He first began making a few leather mittens at the house of his father, about two miles north of Kingsboro, removing to the latter place abount 185 i. He occupied a rented shop for two years, locating in 1853 o" ths site which he has made the scene of his industry for nearly half a century. During this long period he has manufactured gloves to the value of between seven and eight million dollars. His plant includes, besides several commodious brick buildings used as glove factories, two large leather- mills, where he manufactures and dresses his own leather. He employs between 200 and 250 laborers, of which number a large proportion work outside of the factory. Mr. Judson also owns and operates two general stores, one located in the city and the other at Northville. His speciality in the glove is the production of heavy goods frorh buck, calf, horse-hide and sheep-skin, although 53 Digitized by Microsoft® 41 8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. kid goods are also manufactured to a considerable extent. The output in 1 89 1 was about 80,000 dozen. Daniel Hays & Company, manufacturers of fine leather gloves and mittens, occupy spacious factory buildings at 157 and 159 West Fulton street. The foundation for this establishment was laid by Daniel Hays, a native of Fulton county, who came to Gloversville in 185 1, from Scotch Bush. He began by learning the trade thoroughly, being first regularly employed by William C. Mills, in 1851, working in the little old red mill which stood near the present site of the railway station in Gloversville. He soon acquired a knowledge of the several branches of tanning and milling leather, often working over the beam until late at night, and arising next morning at sunrise to resume his labor. He finally established himself as a manufacturer in 1854, taking his leather, after it was cut, from house to house in a wheelbarrow to have the gloves made. In 1855 he was made foreman in the glove factory of Ward & McNab, where he continued until December, 1857, when he found himself broken down in health, and, upon the advice of his phy- sician, left Gloversville for California. Unwilling to separate entirely from business, he went into the mines, and at the same time sold gloves to the jobbers in San Francisco. A little more than a year sufficed to restore his health, and in May, 1859, ^^ returned to Gloversville and embarked again in the glove business. He was interested for one year with his father-in-law, Elias G. Ward, and then bought out the latter's interest. He was at that time located on Elm street, where he remained four years. In this factory (about i860) he began cutting the cele- brated Plymouth pattern gloves, which were then made from smoked, oil, and Indian-tan leather. The Plymouth color he introduced into Fulton county in 11874. This color was first made prominent by Ward & McQuestion, of Plymouth, N. H., and Mr. Hays felt their competi- tion so keenly, that he determined to secure the color. To do this he was compelled to secure the services of one of the manufacturing tan- ners in Plymouth (Curtis S. Cummings), who came to Gloversville and remained in the employ of Mr. Hays for eight or nine years. In 1864 Mr. Hays purchased the property at the corner of Main and Fremont streets, now occupied by the Young Men's Christian Association. Here he was located for twenty- five years, in which period of time he intro- Digitized by Microsoft® S)-?:i^^^^UA Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 419 duced many important improvements in the manufacture of gloves. He introduced power to propel sewing machines in 1867, using a caloric engine, and during the same year he also began the use of waxed thread on gloves. Contemporary manufacturers were inclined to cry "hard seams," but one by one they saw the advantage of the change, and it is now used by all buckskin manufacturers. During the entire time of his occupan- cy of the Main street shop he tanned all of his own leather, using a mill on West Fulton street owned by Charles Mills. The value of the carpincho, or South American water hog, became known early in the sixties, and Mr. Hays tanned many thousand of these skins both during and since the war. He was probably the first to tan them in large quantities. He was also the first manufacturer to work the Para deer skin successfully. He discovered that these skins were naturally so tight in their nature that the usual practice of liming them before friez- ing, only tended to make them tighter and more impracticable for glove leather. He experimented with the skins, using no lime whatever, simply water- friezing them, and was gratified by obtaining a beautiful and elastic skin, which yielded him a large profit for more than ten years, following i860. He practically controlled the market on these skins for several years, and even after they began to come in larger quantities than he could possibly handle, he sold them to his neighbor manufacturers. He was the first to introduce the emery wheel, which took the place of the old fashioned bucktail. This was about 1874, and at nearly the same time he introduced the blower, a contrivance to take the dust from the finishing wheels. It was in 1874 he conceived the idea of drying the skins under cover and erected a dry-shed, which is still standing near his present mill. Prior to that time leather manu- facturers in Fulton county had dried their skins in the open yard. The sheds are of particular value in hot or rainy weather, preventing in one case, the hot rays of the summer sun, and in the other keeping the skins dry during a rain, especially while in the parchment state. Mr. Hays came into possession of the mill property he now occupies on West Fulton street, in 1873. The present factory was erected in 1888. It is a four- story brick building, 35 by 150 feet in area, fully equipped with all modern machinery. The leather-mills are situated a short dis- Digitized by Microsoft® 420 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. tance south of the factory. These mills comprise several buildings and contain among other machinery, fourteen double setsof slocks. The beam shop has about fifty-six vats, and the product of their facloiy includes all kinds of buckskin goods, castor and kid of different styles and colors and the well known Plymouth colored buck goods. The factory and mill furnish employment to between 250 and 275 laborers, and the business will average between $275,000 and $300,000 a year. The present firm of Daniel Hays & Company was formed in January, 1890, and consists of Daniel Hays and Lewis A Tate. The only other part- ner Mr. Hays ever had was William H. Place, who was associated with him during 1866. Littauer Brothers, glove manufacturers, occupy extensive factory buildings at 92 South Main street. This business was founded by Na- than Littauer, a native of Breslau, Germany, who came to Gloversville when it was a village of only a few hundred inhabitants. In 1850, or thereabouts, he started a dry goods store near the corner of Main and West Fulton streets, on the site now occupied by a portion of the Lit- tauer bui'ding. For nearly forty years he continued in trade in Glov- ersville, carrying a complete line of glove furnishings. He began manu- facturing gloves about 1866, but prior to that time he had maintained, as a dealer, an office in New York city, being the first American to es- tablish a glove depot in that city. Nathan Littauer died May 8, 1891. It was his business as manufacturer to which his sons succeeded in 1883. The present firm is composed of Lucius N., and Eugene Littauer, two eldest, who have greatly increased the capacity for manufacture, and also the quality of goods produced. Their factory comprises sev- eral buildings which have been constructed from time to time as neces- sity required. The main building is four stories high, 30 by 278 feet, and adjoining is another, three stories high, 25 by 100 feet in area. This year an addition has been built 25 by 90 feet, with an L 25 by 30 feet, all uniform in height. The firm employs on an average 140 cut- ters, and have 450 persons working for them in the Gloversville factory. Their output at present from this source will average 12,000 dozen per month. They also maintain a large leather- mill at Johnstown, inwhich they produce an excellent quality of glove leather. The principal prod- uct of the factory is buck, hog, calf, and sheep-skin, horsehide, kid, Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 421 and mocha gloves and mittens. The annual product of this firm is un- doubtedly greater than that of any similar concern in this country. Lit- tauer Brothers maintain a fully equipped store and warehouse at 250 Broadway, New York. James H. Burr, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, has occupied his present factory, 10 Mill street, since 1853, and his business is really the outgrowth of the first glove and mitten establishment in the place. His father, James Burr (as is mentioned in another portion of this work), made buckskin mittens in 1809, having learned the art of tanning the skins from Talmadge Edwards, who was a practical leather dresser. He operated a leather mill for many years near the site of Aaron Simmons' present mill on Forest street, and during the early part of his career as a manufacturer he peddled his gloves through the Mohawk country with horse and wagon, after the custom of the old Kingsboro tin manufact- urers. The business of James Burr was continued by Francis and David M. Burr, under the firm name of F. & D. M. Burr, but later on James H. Burr was admitted to the firm, the name then becoming F. & D. M. Burr & Company. This partnership continued from 1844 until 1848, when the firm was dissolved and James H. Burr established business on his own account, which he has conducted ever since. His partners' in- terest in the old business was continued (after the death of Francis Burr) by H. L. & D. M. Burr, and later still by D. M. Burr alone', un- til the time of his death, which occurred in March, 1861. In the pres- ent factory of James H. Burr, there are employed an average of sixty workers, about thirty of whom are cutters. The capacity of the fac- tory is 100 dozen per day, and includes a general line of superior goods. John C. Allen, glove manufacturer, succeeded to the business of Berry & Allen in 1890. This extensive enterprise is the outgrowth of a business established by Willard J. Heacock in Kingsboro, in the spring of 1846. It was carried on by him until 1861, when he took Joseph S. Heacock into partnership, and the firm was known as W. J. & J. S. Heacock until 1867, when the house of Heacock, Berry & Com- pany was formed by the withdrawal of J. S. Heacock and the addition of John R. Berry. In 1868 Mr. Heacock withdrew entirely and the firm of Berry & Allen was established. At that time they occupied a Digitized by Microsoft® 42 2 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. building on the north side of Fulton street nearly opposite the present factory of Mr. Allen, who has conducted the business alone since the death of John R. Berry, which occurred April 30, 1890. He manu- factures a general line of gloves and mittens, the Napa dressed buck and goat goods having been a special feature of his business for the past ten or twelve years. Mr. Allen also operates a leather- mill about a half mile south of the city, in which he has been engaged a little more than a year. The manufacture of kid leather at this mill marks an epoch in the advance of the glove industry in America. Notwithstanding the fact that kid skins have been manufactured in the United States to some extent, it has mostly been in an experimental way, whereas Mr. Allen has taken hold of this new feature of glove leather making with a deter- mination to carry it on to ultimate success. The skins dressed are im- ported goat skins which come- mostly from Arabia and are the same class of skins made in Europe and imported to this country ready to be made up into gloves. Aside from this kind of leather, Mr. Allen is dressing an imported skin known as the black and white head mochas, which also comes from Arabia. He is confident that kid leather for fine gloves can be made in America of such quality indeed as will equal in every particular that made in Europe. J. A. & A. V. Quackenbush, glove manufacturers, are located at 6 Spring street. This business was established by Van Slyke, Quacken- bush & Company in 1857. The firm at that time was composed of Richard Van Slyke and J. A. and Adam Quackenbush and .it continued three years. J. A. Quackenbush carried on the business alone for a period, of fifteen years following 1875. In 1888 the present firm was organized. They manufacture grain leather gloves exclusively, their product including all styles and descriptions of glo\es and mittens in this kind of leather. In 1891 they manufactured 10,000 dozen. James McKee & Son manufacture gloves and mittens at 116 South Main street. The business was begun by James McKee in 1857, at which time he began to manufacture buckskin goods. He has occupied his present premises for twenty years or more. J. F. McKee (his son) was received as a partner in January, 1890 The firm now manufacture calf and goat- skin grain leather goods, making a specialty of genuine buckskin gloves. Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 423 Henry Shipman, 26 Cayadutta street, began making gloves in Sara- toga county in 1857 or '58, but removed to Gloversville eleven years ago. He makes a general line of gloves and mittens, including buckskin goods of all kinds as well as Plymouth and imported kid leather gloves. F. Pauley & Son, glove manufacturers, 53 Bleecker street. This busi- ness was established in 1859 by F. Pauley, who began manufacturing in a shop on East Fulton street, where he remained two or three years, removing thence to his present location. In ■1884 Mr. Pauley admitted his son, C. A. Pauley, as a partner, but the latter only continued inact- ive business a few years when he died, August 26, 1891. The firm name, however, continued unchanged. A general line of buck goods is made at this factory, including the celebrated Plymouth gloves. The^ output during 1891 was something more that 12,000 dozen. Charles W. Rose, glove and mitten manufacturer, 1 1 Pine street. Mr. Rose established himself as a manufactiirer about i860. He first began cutting gloves at Bennett's Corners, at which place his uncle, Willard Rose, had been engaged as a glove manufacturer and farmer for many years. Mr. Rose first occupied a shop in Gloversville on Bleecker street, 1862. He was also located for five or six years in a wooden building at the corner of Main and Fulton streets, since replaced by a brick building which he now owns. He erected the factory build- ing he now occupies, at the corner of Pine and Mill streets, about 1872. Since it was first constructed several additions have been made. Mr. Rose makes a specialty of table cut goods of an excellent quality, con- sisting almost wholly of imported kid leather. He employs on an aver- age seventy- five workers in the factory, where most of the goods are made up. There were manufactured at this factory in 1891 between nine and ten thousand dozen. P. Van Wart, 92 Spring street, began manufacturing gloves in 1861, and had been engaged in various branches of the industry since 1837. During the late civil war Mr. Van Wart was located in Kingsboro and made gloves of all kinds. He now manufactures the one finger harvest mittens, of which he made about 800 dozen pairs in 1891. The business of Lowrey & Jeffers, glove manufacturers, 80 Bleecker street, was established by A. J. Lowrey and Solomon Jeffers in 1867. They continued in partnership two years, dissolving by mutual agree- Digitized by Microsoft® 424 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. ment, and cacli man proceeding to manufacture gloves independently until January i, 1852, when the partners became again associated under the old firm. Chauncey R. Lowrey, a son of A. J. Lowrcy, was asso- ciated with the latter for a period of three years, the firm from 1888 to 1892 being A. J. Lowery & Son. The present concern makes a fine line of ladies' and gents' kid gloves and mittens. The product of the factory during 1891 amounted to about 3,000 dozen. Simon Hulett, 15 First? avenue, began manufacturing gloves and mittens on a small scale at the corner of Spring and Elm streets in 1 865. In March, 1871, he moved into the premises he now occupies, which he purchased and erected the year previous. He rnakes a general line of gloves including kid, calf, buck and sheep skin goods, and in 1891 he manufactured about 3,000 dozen. D. A. Mosher, glove manufacturer, 28 First avenue. Mr. Mosher is a native of Mayfield and came to Gloversville in 1864. He began man- ufacturing for himself in 1866, making a few gloves in a shop on East Fulton street. In 1879 he erected the shop he now occupies on First avenue. Mr. Mosher is engaged in making a fine line of kid goods, to which he gives exclusive attention. In 1891 he made 5,260 dozen. The firm of M. Beeber & Company, glove manufacturers, 58 South Main street, is composed of Max Beeber and Jacob Lehman, who es- tabhshed the business in 1867 in a shop on Bleecker street. They remained there only a short time, removing to their present location about 1870. They occupy a factory building three stories in height, with a frontage of fifty feet on Main street with two wings extending to the east 130 feet in depth. The firm confines itself to a high grade of goods made for the jobbing trade, consisting of a general line of fine kid, mocha, buck, horsehide and grain jack gloves and mittens. The business furnishes employment to upwards of 300 operatives in Glovers- ville, and the firm manufactured about 50,000 dozen during the year 1891. Their New York warehouse is located at 475 Broadway. This firm has operated their factory in Gloversville eleven years. E, M. %L L. S. Brown, are manufacturers of heavy buck gloves at g East State street. Their business was established in 1868 by O. & T. Brown who carried it on for about two years, the former being associ- ated later with William Porter, and also with his son, E. M. Brown, the Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 425 latter entering the business in 1873. The firm of Brown Brothers suc- ceeded to tlie business in 1886 and continued it for four years, when upon the death of George L. Brown, the junior partner, in 1890, the business was conducted by E. M. Brown alone. L. S. Brown, the jun- ior member of the present firm is a cousin of his partner, and had man- ufactured gloves in Kingsboro for sixteen years. He became a member of the present firm in December, 1890. The site of their factory is among the oldest of the glove manufacturing locations in the county. It was occupied early in the fifties by D. B. Judson. The concern employs six cutters on an average and in 1891 manufactured 6,500 dozen, hav- ing a valuation of about $65,000. James McSwiney, glove manufacturer, is located at 36 Cayadutta street. This business was established by Thomas & McSwiney in 1868, and was continued by them until 1880, when Mr. McSwiney became sole proprietor. His factory building is a two story brick structure 46 by 30 feet in dimensions, with a frame wing, two stories in height, 30 by 36. He manufactures an extensive line of gloves and mittens of heavy and medium weight. A. Klein & Son, manufacturers of gloves and mittens, are located at 121 South Main street. Their business was established by Albert Klein, the senior member of the present firm, in the year 1868. In December, 1891, he admitted to partnership his son, Ervin Klein. They manufacture a general line of light and heavy goods, including 250 to 300 styles. . They employ from sixty to eighty workers alto- gether, and in 1891 made about 7,000 dozen. Fear & White, 25 Yale street, glove manufacturers. This firm is composed of S. Fear and A. R. White. The business was begun in 187b by S. Fear, father of the present senior member, who conducted the shop for a period of nineteen years. In 1889 he went to San Fran- cisco, where he has since been engaged in the manufacture of gloves, his establishment being known as the Excelsior Glove Company. Fear & White occupy a three story frame factory building, thirty by fifty- two feet in dimensions, and make a high price class of fine kid goods. They made in 1891 2,500 dozen. W. E. Whitney, glove manufacturer, is located at 41 Prospect street. He began manufacturing in January, 1871, at 14 School street, where 64 Digitized by Microsoft® 426 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. he remained two years, removing to the corner of Prospect and Yale in January, 1873. The building which he then used as a factory has since then been considerably enlarged to accommodate increasing business. Mr. Whitney makes a fine line of ladies' and gents' kid gloves, and in 1 89 1 manufactured about 6,000 dozen. Rudolph Stempfle, glove manufacturer, 50 First avenue, began busi- ness in 1872 on School street. He has occupied his present factory sixteen years. He makes a line of imported and domestic kid goods both lined and unlined. His output for 1891 was about 4,000 dozen. Phillip Ellsworth manufactures gloves at 85 School street. He first began business in 1872, occupying at that time the same location as at present He manufactures principally an extra fine quality of kid, Sar- anac, and horsehide gloves. About twenty- five persons are employed in the factory, but at least two thirds of the goods are made up outside. He made in 1891 12,000 dozen. Chauncey S. Kibbe, glove manufacturer, is located at 33 Cayadutta street. This business was established about twenty or twenty-five years ago by Uriel Case and carried on by him until 1873, when he ad- mitted Chauncey S. Kibbe to partnership. The firm of Case & Kibbe continned for two years, the junior partner withdrawing for one year, and then assuming entire control of the business, which he has con- ducted alone ever since. He has occupied his present factory since 1886. It is a three story brick building, forty by seventy five feet in area, and employment is furnished to twenty-five or thirty persons in- side the factory. Mr. Kibbe manufactures principally heavy goods, in- cluding buck, calf and kid gloves, both lined and unlined. A. V. Fonda, glove manufacturer, S Judson street, began business in 1873 on Main street. He has occupied his present factory since April, 1 89 1. He chiefly makes heavy goods, including certain lines of buck, calf and sheep-skin gloves. His output in 1891 was about 2,500 dozen. S. W. Hallenbeck & Son are glove manufacturers, located at 4 Mont- gomery street. This business was established in 1874 by S. W. Hal- lenbeck and Charles Dennie. The firm of Hallenbeck & Dennie con- tinued about five years, and from that time until 1883 the senior mem- ber conducted the business alone, with the exception of a few years that he was associated with D. W. Smith. In 1883, S. W. Hallenbeck, Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 427 jr., was received as a partner, and tlie firm started what is known as a road trade. Although the father died in May, 1 890, the firm remains unchanged. Tiiey manufacture a general line for the retail trade, and made in 1891 about 10,000 dozen. Charles McEwen, glove manufacturer, 65 South Main street, began manufacturing gloves in 1874. He had been connected with the glove business for twenty-five years. He occupies the factory which was for many years operated by Eliphalet Veeder. Mr. McEwen chiefly makes kid goods and in 1891 manufactured 2,800 dozen. The glove factory of Edwin H. Allen is located at the corner of Ful- ton and Fremont streets. The business was established in 1876. He makes a line of fine imported and domestic kid goods. Mr. Allen's office and salesroom is at 489 Broadway, New York, his Gloversville establishment being in charge of George Fursell, who has been engaged in the fine glove trade for more than forty years. He came here in 1850 from Worcester, England, where he learned his trade. Mr. Allen em- ploys on an average six or eight cutters. Frederick Dade, glove manufacturer, 19 First avenue, is a native of England, having established his present business in Gloversville in 1876. He began making a few gloves on the site of his present shop, where he has developed an enviable reputation for high class goods. He manufactures a line of fine table cut gloves and mittens, and in 1891 made 2,500 dozen. S. & H. Lebenheim, glove manufacturers, occupy the building at 26 Judson street. They established this business on South Main street in 1877, ''nd have occupied their present location about five years. Their product consists of a general line of both light and heavy gloves and mittens, and their output for 1891 was iO,ooo dozen. Z. B. Whitney, 5 Burr street, is a wholesale jobber in all kinds of glove leather. He began as a manufacturer of gloves in 1879, con- tinuing as such seven years. In Jaiiuary, 1886, he engaged in the leather business, dealing in both leather and gloves for two years, when he relinquished the latter and has since devoted himself entirely to his present business. He handled in 1891 about 16,000 dozen skins. William McDougall, glove manufacturer, began business in January, 1879, with Thomas Fursell, the firm at that time being Fursell & Mc- Digitized by Microsoft® 428 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Dougall. It continued tlius for five years, when it was dissolved and each member continued to manufacture independently. In 1883 Mr. McDougall established a glove factory at the rear of his residence, and this location he still retains. The building is 24 x 40 feet and three stories in height. The product of his factory includes an excellent line of sheep, kid and calf-skin gloves and mittens, and the output in 189 1 was about 10,000 dozen. Dempster & Place, glove manufacturers, are located at 60 Bleecker street. This firm was organized in January, 1879, and began manu- facturing in a small way at the corner of Main and First avenue, where they remained eight years. In January, i888, they moved into the property on Bleecker street, which they had previously erected and equipped for a modern glove factory. The firm manufactures a general line of both light and heavy buckskin and also kid gloves of a superior quality. Their factory is a three-story and basement brick building 40x80 feet in area. John R. Hamlen, 14 Fosdick street, first began manufacturing gloves in 1879. He has occupied his present location continually since that time. For four years, from 1884 to 1888, he was associated with W. E. Ward under the firm of Hamlen & Ward. He makes ladies', misses' and children's kid goods exclusively, and in 1891 manufactured 2,500 dozen. Phair Brothers, glove manufacturers, occupy the building located at 7 Burr street. The firm is composed of John T. and James S. Phair, who established this business in 1879. They employ twenty- nine workers inside the factory, but the greater part of their goods is made up outside. They make a specialty of men's, ladies' and children's kid mitts. Their output during 1891 was about S,000 dozen. Jesse Hall & Son, 31 Cayadutta street, are engaged in the manufac- ture of gloves and mittens. The business of this firm was established in 1875, by Jesse Hall. He was at that time located in a small shop on Spring street, where he remained one year, removing then to a building on East Fulton street. At the end of three years additional he moved his business to a shop on South Main street, and in 1879, to accommo- date increasing trade he built a large brick building, 35x60 in area, two Stories high, this being an addition to a frame structure standing on his Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 429 present site on Cayadutta street. In 1887, his son George, who had then reached his majority, was received as a partner. The firm manu- facture a genera! line of light and heavy goods and employ between forty and fifty operatives, turning out 6,000 dozen annually. Thomas Pursell, glove manufacturer, 15 Temple street, came to Gloversville from England in 1856. He established himself as a man- ufacturer in 1879, and has constantly increased his capacity and im- proved his facilities for making a fine class of goods. The product of Mr. Pursell's factory consists mostly of fine domestic and imported kid gloves and mittens. His output during the year 1891 was about 5,000 dozen. George W. Mandrill, 6 Division street, manufactures gloves and mit- tens. He began business in 1879 on Washington street. In 1886 he built his present factory where he employs about seventy workers and makes 12,000 dozen a year. A. R. Crounse, glove manufacturer, 20 Kingsboro avenue, began business about fifteen years ago. He makes sheep-skin gloves for work- ingmen and in 1891 manufactured i,000 dozen. Rea & White are glove manufacturers, occupying the premises 13^ First avenue. The firm is composed of Robert Rea and Frederick White who first established this enterprise in 1880 in the Veeder block on Main street, where they remained two years. They moved into the factory occupied at present in 1884. They manufacture a choice variety of gents', ladies' and children's fine gloves and mittens. Forty opera- tives are employed and the product of the factory in 1891 was about 8,000 dozen. James A. McDougall & Company, manufacturers of gloves and mit- tens, occupy the brick building located at 65 Bleeker street. The firm is composed of James A. McDougall and Edward C. Collins, the busi- ness having been originally established by James A. McDougall and H. H. Pettit in 1880. Four years later Mr. McDougall sold his interest to Mr. Pettit and established himself alone, continuing thus for four ad- ditional years when the present firm was then formed. The factory building now occupied was purchased by Mr. McDougall in 1885. It is a three story brick building, 30 x 100 feet in area. The firm manu- factures a well known line of buck and kid good^. Digitized by Microsoft® 430 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Chauncey J. Skiff, 7 Forest street, manufacturer of all kinds of grained leather and kid gloves, began business in January, 1 881. He manufac- tured in 1 89 1 between 3,000 and 3,500 dozen. V. F. Guibert, 21 Forest street, manufacturer of gloves and white hems, came to Gloversville from France in 1880. He makes a specialty of ladies' white and yellow chamois gloves of very fine quality. The white hems are made of kid leather and are used to hem the wrists of gloves and mittens. Of these hems, Mr. Guibert makes about 70,000 dozen annually. George Gillespie, 5 Prospect street, began manufacturing gloves in 1880, succeeding to the business of Mosher & Gillespie. He makes ladies' and gentlemen's mocha and kid gloves and mittens, turning out in 1 891 2,000 dozen. E. L. Heacock, corner Main and State streets, manufacturer of me- dium and heavy-weight gloves, began business in 1880, having been engaged in making gloves with his father, Philander C. Heacock, who had been a manufacturer for upwards of forty years. This shop pro- duced in 1891 400 dozen. Julius Kraus, corner Cayadutta and Vine streets, manufacturer of fine light-weight gloves, established himself in the business in 1869, being then located in New York. He began manufacturing in Gloversville in 1 880, and employs at present about thirty workers inside the factory, and in 1891 manufactured between 5,000 and 6,000 dozen. His factory building was built in 1889. A. B. Palmer, 3 Orchard street, established himself as a manufacturer of gloves and mittens in 1880. At present he directs his attention to the manufacture of a low priced grade of lined and unlined working gloves, which he sells entirely to the jobbing trade. He made in 1891 5,000 dozen. William Van Dresser, manufacturer of kid, sheep, and calf-skin gloves and mittens, began his present business in 1880. He has increased his capacity from time to time and at present employs between sixty and seventy-five operatives. He made in 1 891 about 17,000 dozen. I. A. Leonard, 123 South Main street, manufactures calf, Saranac, and California leather gloves, and succeeded to the business of J. C. Leonard & Son about twelve years ago. Twelve persons are employed in the factory, and in 1891 11,000 dozen were manufactured, Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 431 A. J. Zimmer & Company, glove manufacturers, are located at 81 South Main street. This firm established its business in 1881, in a small shop further south on the same street. In 1887 their business had increased to such an extent that larger quarters were necessary and the firm purchased the property they now occupy at the corner of Main and Burr streets. Their factory consists of a double brick building, comprising two connected wings, three and one -half stories in height, and each 30 by 50 feet in area. They manufacture a line of working- men's gloves, consisting of horsehide, calf, goat, dog, sheep-skin, and California leather. In these grades they make up gloves and mittens of every conceivable style and shape, and cut on an average 200 dozen pairs a day. William Orr, glove manufacturer, 9 Cottage street, began business in 1 88 1, on Lafayette street. In the fall of 1889 he built the factory he now occupies. He makes medium priced workingmen's gloves exclu- sively and in 1891 manufactured 4,000 dozen. W. R. Young, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, 35 South Main street, began business in 1881, with Charles H. Furness as a partner, and the firm continued one year. Mr. Young then carried on the en- terprise alone for a year when he admitted H. M. Ward as a partner. This last union was of only one year's duration and closed in 1884, since which time Mr. Young has been sole proprietor. His product consists chiefly of heavy goods, and he manufactured in 1891 7,000 dozen. A. AUerhand, 10 Jay street, began manufacturing gloves about eleven years ago; He makes yellow leather, kid and buckskin goods. George H. Hilts, manufacturer of domestic and imported kid gloves, 32 West Fulton street, began business in 1883, on School street. He moved to his present location in 1890, where he employs about forty workers altogether, ten of whom are in the factory. He made in 1891 5,000 dozen, Myron Hilts, 52 West Fulton street, manufactures a line of fine gloves, consisting of suedes, yellow tan, mochas, both lined and unlined and red tan driving gloves. He began business in 1884 and has occupied his present location two years. He made in 1891 1,600 dozen. R. H. Gwillam, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, 36 Cayadutta street, established himself in his present business in 1885, on South Digitized by Microsoft® 432 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Main street, succeeding to the factory of Z. B. Whitney. In 1891 he purchased property on Cayadutta street, and erected the building he now occupies. It is of brick, three stories in height, 26 by 30 feet in area, and fully equipped with modern machinery and appliances. Mr. Gwillam makes a general line ■of ladies' and gentlemen's fine kid goods, lined and unlined, and an excellent grade of castors. His output in 1891 was about 2,000 dozen. W. E. Ward, 84 North Main street, manufacturer of domestic kid gloves and mittens. This business was established by John R. Hamlen and W. E. Ward in February, 1885, and was continued by them for three years. Since that time Mr. Ward has conducted the business alone. In 1891 he made 3,000 dozen. John H. Smith, glove manufacturer, 60 Prospect street, began his present business in 1885. He had been previously engaged as a cutter for many years and had manufactured for himself for three or four years during the latter party of the fifties, but the panic of 1857 caused him to give up his shop. He makes fine kid and castor gloves, and in 1 89 1 made about 1,000 dozen. J. V. Bovee, glove manufacturer, 3 Kingsboro avenue, began business in 1885 on North Main street. He makes a line of Saranac, kid and smoked leather gloves and mittens, and in 1891 sold 2,000 dozen. James K, Ball, glove manufacturer, 18 East Pine street, came to Gloversville in 1881 and learned the trade of glove cutting. He began to manufacture for himself in 1886 on a very small scale, and has in- creased his capacity from time to time to accommodate a growing business. In 1889 he erected the factory he now occupies. He makes a superior line of grained leather, sheep and calf skin goods in sixty or seventy styles, and in 1891 manufactured 9,000 dozen. James K. Bradt, no Spring street, began manufacturing gloves in January, 1886. He gives his attention mostly to the manufacture of gentlemen's fine kid gloves, and in 1891 made about 4,000 dozen. Thomas Brothers, glove manufacturers, are located at the corner of North Main and East State streets. The firm is composed of Earl G. and Charles D. Thomas, who began manufacturing in 1886. Their father, Elliot Thomas, was a pioneer manufacturer, having been in the business as early as 1836 or 1837. The present firm makes a general Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 433 line of calf, sheep and buckskin gloves, and employs twenty- five per- sons in the factory, furnishing work to at least 100 outside. In 1891 they made about 12,000 dozen. The Glove City Manufacturing Company, limited, was incorporated in 1886 with a capital stock of $12,000, and is at present located at 3 High street. B. W. Hoag is president, A. Stowe, treasurer, and J. Frank Davis, secretary. They make a specialty of gents' driving gloves, made from imported stock, and in 1891 manufactured 3,000 dozen. J. S. Zimmer & Co., 23 School street, are manufacturers of light and heavy gloves. This business was established in 1886 by W. N. and J. S. Zimmer, at the corner of Fulton and School streets. They have occupied their present location about one year, and at present employ five cutters, and in 1891 manufactured 5,000 dozen. George M. Burdick, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, 260 North Main street, began business in 1887 with John J. Madden as a partner. The firm of Madden & Burdick continued three years, when the senior member withdrew. Mr. Burdick manufactures heavy goods exclusively, including goat, calf, hog and sheep-skin gloves, and employs twenty workers. His business in 1891 amounted to $37,000. J. F. Hawley, 78 East State street, glove manufacturer, began busi- ness in 1887. He makes sheep-skin and yellow leather gloves of all grades and a small quantity of calf-skin goods. In 1891 he made about 4,000 dozen. J. O. Brown, glove manufacturer, 235 North Main street, began his. present business in 1888, although he has been connected with the glove trade for fifteen years. He manufactures buckskin and yellow leather gloves exclusively, and in 1891 made about 4,000 dozen. C. H. Palmer, 12 Cayadutta street, began manufacturing gloves in 1888. He makes an excellent California harvest glove, and sold in 1891 1,500 dozen. S. Fry, jr., 8 Middle street, began manufacturing gloves in January,. 1888, and is engaged in making jersey cloth and kid goods. In 1891 he made 5,000 dozen. Berry Brothers, 30 First avenue, began manufacturing gloves in Jan- uary, 1888, at 23 School street, moving to their present location in 55 Digitized by Microsoft® 434 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. January, 1890. The firm is composed of C. H. and T. C. Berry. They make a specialty of fine table cut kid goods and in 1891 manufactured 2,200 dozen. France & Moore, glove manufacturers, are located at 34 West Fulton street. The firm is composed of S. W. France and S. A. Moore, who began business in 1888. They manufacture imported and domestic kid gloves of a medium grade and in 1891 produced between 1,500 and 2,000 dozen. S. Anibal, manufacturer of gloves, 5 Spring street, began business in [888, on School street. He manufactures kid gloves mostly of a fine quality and in 1891 made 1,500 dozen. Lyke & Bishop, 72 South Main street, are glove manufacturers. This business was established in 1888 by Lyke, Bishop %l Shaffer, the latter firm having succeeded Charles Lyke, who had been a manufac- turer in Gloversville for upwards of thirty years. They make dog, calf, buck, sheep and hog- skin gloves in great variety, also making some kid goods. Louis Meyers & Son, glove manufacturers, conduct the factory lo- cated at 102 and 104 South Main street, Gloversville. Mr. Meyers has (been in the glove business for over twenty-five years, started manufac- turing in New York City and removed his factory to Gloversville in 1877, occupying a shop on Fulton street to which he built additions from time to time and where he remained until two years ago, when the business was removed to its present quarters. He has been en- gaged as a manufacturer and importer of gloves in New York for the last twenty- five years, always handling the very finest class of gloves manufactured. His son, Edward L. Meyers, was admitted to the firm as a partner about five years ago, and gives his entire attention to the importing department. The firm manufactured of high class goods made of fine imported and domestic kid leather over i8,000 dozen pairs during 1891. They have an office at 56 Wiesen Strasse, Chem- nitz, Germany, one in Paris (France), and one in Naples (Italy) ; also an office at 26 Chauncey street, Boston, Mass. At the New York store and salesroom, 478, 480 and 482 Broadway and 40 Crosby street, which is the largest store and salesroom in the glove trade in America, they carry a complete line of samples and stock of gloves of all kinds made Digitized by Microsoft® GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. 435 from all varieties of leather and are known to have the most complete line of gloves in America. Fidoe & Radford, 10 School street, manufacture kid gloves exclu- sively. Their business was established January I, 1870, by John Fidoe, Henry Birbeck, and James Radford, the firm being known at that time as John Fidoe & Company. Mr. Birbeck withdrew in December, 1872, since which time the firm has consisted of the two remaining partners. The present shop is located in a convenient brick building which they have occupied since December, 1878. The product of their factory in- cludes a fine line of gents' lined and unlined kid gloves. They employ on an average about eight cutters and manufactured about 6,000 dozen in 1 89 1. Smith Brothers are glove manufacturers at 7 Place street. The firm is composed of H. H. and W. L. Smith, who succeeded to the business of Homer H. Smith, January i, 1892. The senior member has been manufacturing since 1888. They make a line of domestic kid gloves and mittens, both lined and unlined, and in 1891 manufactured 6,000 dozen. Parsons & Potter, glove manufacturers, located at 27 West Fulton street. James O. Parsons and Otis E. Potter succeeded to the business of Parsons & Smith in January, 1889. Mr. Parsons died suddenly September i, 1891, and his widow has taken his interest in the present firm. They manufacture a general line of light and heavy goods. J. H. Warner, 16 Marshall avenue, began manufacturing gloves iin 1889. He makes domestic kid gloves exclusively, and produced in' 1 89 1 2,000 dozen. Amenzo Frey, 17 Second avenue, began manufacturing gloves in 1889. He makes a line of yellow leather and domestic and imported kid goods, and in 1 891 made 500 dozen. McGraw Sz: Zimmer, 45 Bleecker street, are glove manufacturers. The firm is composed of William McGraw and W. N. Zimmer, who- established their present business in January, 1889, both members of the firm having been previously engaged in different branches of the glove trade. They make imported and domestic kids, calf, goat and sheep- skin gloves and mittens, and in 1891 manufactured 3,000 dozen. George C. Ward, 4 Fosdick street, began manufacturing gloves in 1889. He gives his exclusive attention to Jersey goods, including Digitized by Microsoft® 436 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. ladies', gents' and children gloves and mittens. He made 1,500 dozen in 1 89 1. Musgrave & Honeywell, 80 School street, are engaged in the manufac- ture of grain leather, kid, sheep and buckskin gloves. They manu- factured 500 dozen in 1891. The firm is composed of Charles Musgrave and John H. Honeywell. Kibbe & Parsons are glove manuiacturers at the corner of School and Lincoln streets. This business was established in the fall of 1890 by John T. Parsons and A. D. Kibbe, under the firm name of J. T. Parsons & Company. They occupied a building at 21 Fremont street, remaining there one year. In the fall of 189 1 they purchased their present factory building of H. H. Pettit, who had been an active manu- facturer for several years. They make a large variety of fine imported and domestic kid goods of a superior quality, and in 1891 manufactured 4,500 dozen. Mr. Parsons came to Gloversville in 1877 from Port Jervis, N. Y., and has been engaged in the glove business twenty years, having acted as manager for Edwin A. Allen a period often years. Mr. Kibbe has been a resident of Gloversville for many years, gaining a wide .acquaintance as proprietor of the Windsor hotel, in which capacity he acted nine years. The firm was changed to its present style early in 1892. Hodder, Ehle & Company, glove manufacturers, are located at the •corner of Montgomery and Forest streets. The business was established January, 1 890, by H. M. Hodder, A. R. White and E. E. Ehle. Mr. White retired at the end of the first year, and since that time the firm has been as at present. They make a general line of both light and heavy goods, ranging from the highest to the lowest in price. Their •output for 1 89 1 was about 4,000 dozen. C. H. Dye, 37 West street, began manufacturing gloves in January, 1890, at 42 Lincoln street. He makes a large line of ladies', gents' and children's kid gloves and mittens, and manufactured in 1891 2,500 dozen. L. E. Winnie, lO- Lincoln street, began business as a glove manufac- ture! January i, 1890. He makes domestic kid gloves exclusively, and made 4,500 dozen in 1891. George E. Miller, Tj School street, began manufacturing gloves in 1 89 1, with Fred Ward as a partner. The business was carried on by Digitized by Microsoft® LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. 437 them until November of that year when Mr. Miller purchased his part- ner's interest and moved his shop from its first location at 93 Main street to his present factory. He makes cloth and jersey gloves and mittens exclusively, and in 1891 manufactured about 2,000 dozen. J. W. Sherlock, 1 1 Orchard street, began making a line of ladies' gauntlets and gentlemen's fine kid goods in 1891. He had previously been engaged as a manufacturer, but his shop was destroyed by fire in 1884. Alex. Bryce occupies the same shop and has manufactured more or less for the past ten years. W. W. Phelps, 25 Second avenue, began manufacturing gloves in 1890. He makes domestic kid goods and produced 1,300 dozen in 1891. C. N. Bovee, glove manufacturer, 179 North Main street, began his present business in 1891, with Amos O. Brown, the partnership contin- uing one year. He makes Saranac, jersey and kid goods of medium quality, lined and unlined, and in 1891 manufactured 1,100 dozen. W. H. Hulett, agent, loi North Main street, succeeded to the busi- ness of his father, D. S. Hulett, who died March 7, 1891. He makes a line of kid goods, but directs his attention to a specialty in knight templar's gloves and gauntlets. The output of this shop in 1891 was between 5,000 and 6,ooo dozen. Mark W. Eddy, 7 Curtis street, succeeded to the glove business of Daniel See in January, 1892. He makes a line of gentlemen's kid gloves and mittens. Martin & Co., 35 Forest street, began manufacturing gloves in 1892. The firm is composed of Mynard Martin and Elisha Jefifers, and their specialty is kid and yellow leather gloves and mittens. W. S. Silvernail, 34 West Fulton street, began business as a glove manufacturer in January, 1892. He makes fine kid goods exclusively. Wilson Fries, 70 School street, succeeded to the business of John Van Tuyl early in 1892. The latter has been engaged in the business twelve or thirteen years. Mr. Fries manufactures gents' and youths' kid goods. Leather Manufacturers. — The manufacture of glove leather is an allied industry to that of making the gloves and the process has been treated in the earher pages of this work. But that branch of the indus- Digitized by Microsoft® 438 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. try in Fulton county which confines itself to the production of upper leather for shoes, is carried on almost exclusively in Gloversville where it had its origin, and where it has been brought to its highest perfection. Many of the useful and profitable inventions of the present time first became known under accidental circumstances, or under circumstances where emergency made experiment a necessity. It was so with the first shoe leather made in Gloversville. The firm of Kent & Stevens, of which the late James Kent was the senior member, introduced the dressing of the famous " Dongola " for shoes, the first leather of this kind being made from the skin of an African antelope. They were the original manufacturers of this brand of leather in America, and their entrance into this branch of tanning was in no small degree due to un- foreseen events. About 1874 or 1875 the firm found themselves in the possession of a large number of African antelope skins, which had been originally purchased for glove leather, but were found to be too firm and tight for that purpose. In order to dispose of the skins without loss they decided to make the stock into shoe leather, and the entire lot was sold to Orway & Clark, of Haverhill, Mass., who originated the name " Dongola " and had it registered and protected as a trade- mark. As long as the supply of African antelope continued the firm continued to make the "Dongola," but the goat and kangaroo has been successfuly worked later on into this class of leather, and the demand has increased steadily since it was put upon the market. It was fortunate that the tanning of shoe leather became an available industry to the manufacturers of Gloversville just at the time it did, as in 1877 a financial panic that spread over the entire country was severely felt by many of the glove and glove leather manufacturers. In this crisis the manufacture of shoe leather was of great benefit to the com- munity as a whole. The leather industry, however, has remained al- most stationary for two or three years, and some manufacturers express the opinion that it will not advance materially in Gloversville, unless they are enabled to compete on an equal basis with the manufacturers of other cities, by a reduction of the present rates of transportation. Among the brief sketches that follow, mention will be made of firms that are engaged in the manufacture of shoe leather exclusively ; also of those that make only glove leather, as well as of some who make both kinds. Digitized by Microsoft® LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. 439 Aaron Simmons & Son, manufacturers of glove leather, 22 Forest street. This business was established by Aaron Simmons, who came to Gloversville in 1845, acquiring in the course of three years, together with previous experience, a thorough knowledge of all branches of leather dressing and tanning. He was the first man in the county that grained a skin out of the water. This process he discovered accident- ally while experimenting with the skin of a fawn. After soaking it in water to loosen the hair he was surprised to find that the grain came off easily when scraped on the beam. He began to tan skins with Alonzo Brower as a partner, about 1848, being at that time located in a small shop in the rear of what is now the Keystone hotel. So successful was Mr. Simmons in what is known as Indian tanning, that he rented the property known as the old " Burr Mill " (in which the first buckskin tanned in Gloversville was made), and on this site he has been located for a period of forty years. The old mill burned in 1868, after having been a leather dressing centre for more than three years, and whence thousands of skins had passed on their way to the glove cutters. Mr. Simmons then erected a new mill which was also consumed by fire. The mill he now occupies was built about ten years ago, and is a four story frame building. Its product consists almost wholly of buckskin and grained leather, the mill being amply equipped for tanning, color- ing, splitting and dressing. About twenty years ago Mr. Simmons ad- mitted his son, Albert, into partnership, and since then the firm has been as at present. Cummings & Burr, manufacturers of glove leather, 127 South Main street. The business now conducted by this firm was established in 1857 by John Stewart and was carried on by him for several years, when F. W. Steele and H. C. Day, under the firm of Steele & Day, be- came associated with him. The property was purchased by John Stew- art and C. S. Cummings in April, 1883. Two years later H. L. Burr bought the interest of John Stewart, and the firm has since been known as Cummings & Burr. The main building is 200 feet in length, forty feet in width, three stories high, with a wing adjoining on the north, 40 X 80 feet in area. The beam shop contains twenty vats and is loca- ted on the south side of Cayadutta creek, directly opposite the mill. Besides these buildings, the property is equipped with a large scouring Digitized by Microsoft® 440 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. mill and two extensive dry sheds, as well as thirteen double sets of stocks, four paddles, and three drums. Exhaust steam is used for heat- ing purposes and the Williams system is employed in the dry rooms. The product includes all kinds of oil dressed and grained leather, hog, calf, sheep, deer, and lamb-skins. Employment is furnished to about sixty workers, and the product in 1891 was 150,000 skins. Kennedy & Company, manufacturers of glove and shoe leather, 384 West Fulton street. This business was established by J. M. Kennedy in i860, in a building that stood in the rear of the old Baptist church on South Main street. There he continued to dress skins until \%Jl„ removing thence to the site of his present mill, which was built shortly afterward. In 1890 Mr. Kennedy's sons, Daniel and John, were taken i nto the firm. A specialty is made at this mill of all kinds of dull don- gola, kangaroo and glazed kid, and the average output is 1 00 dozen skins per day. Employment is furnished to more than 100 men. Frank Hevey, 74 Spring street, manufactures kid leather for S. H. Shotwell. Mr. Hevey began making leather thirty- five years ago. His mill is a three-story frame building, 50 x 100 feet in area, amply fitted with modern machinery and appliances. He manufactures domestic sheep and lamb-skins for glove leather, and the mill has a capacity of forty dozen per day. Louis Knoff, 149 South Main street, manufactures kid glove leather from domestic lamb and sheep-skins. He learned his trade in Breslau, Germany, establishing himself as a manufacturer in Gloversville in 1861. At that time he was located in a mill near the present railway station. He has occupied his present mill since 1866. It is a three-story frame structure, 30 x 60 feet in dimensions. Mr. Knoff employs twelve ta fifteen men and turns out about 3,500 dozen skins per annum. Booth & Company, manufacturers of glove and shoe leather, are located on the square bounded by Grand, Washburn and Lincoln streets, and the F., J. & G. railway tracks. The business of this firm is the outgrowth of an enterprise established by James Kent in 1869. Mr. Kent began tanning glove leather in the old brewery building, on what is now Grand street. In 1873 he became associated with F. W. Ste- vens, under the firm name of Kent & Stevens, and this combination continued until 1876. Mr. Stevens became involved in financial diffi- Digitized by Microsoft® ^hp %vK G Kei-nari N 5'" Digitized by Microsoft© Digitized by Microsoft® LEATHER MANUpACTURERS. 441 culties and Mr. Kent formed a partnership with Henry Langenbach, of New York, who had formerly been manager for Booth & Company, and had come to New York in their interests. During his association with Mr. Kent the firm was known as Kent & Companj' and continued as such for three years, when an assignment was made and Booth & Company took hold of the business with Mr. Kent, the style of the firm being Booth & Kent. Upon the death of Mr. Kent in June, 1886, Booth & Company assumed entire control of the business in Glovers- ville. The firm is at present composed of Alfred Booth, Charles Booth, and Thomas Fletcher, all of England. Additions have been made to the old brewery building at different times, until at present the mill is the largest in Fulton county, and possibly the largest of its kind in America. From 360,000 to 400,000 sheep and lamb-skins are dressed for glove leather each year; also 350,000 kangaroo- skins, and 150,000 goat-skins. In 1891 there were dressed in this mill more than 200 sides of horse hide, 20,000 sides of cow-hide, and 100,000 calf-skins. Employment is furnished to about 350 men. The company has sales- rooms and offices at 141 Purchase street, Boston, and also in the Healy building, 90 Gold street. New York. The company owns and operates a line of steamships consisting of a fleet of ten or more freight steamers, which ply between Liverpool and Brazil, running up the Amazon river 1,000 miles. Asa B. Bellis represents the company in Gloversville, having been connected with the mill about seventeen years. S. H. Shotwell, 55 and 57 South Main street, is a manufacturer and importer of leather and skins. Mr. Shotwell began business for Rose, McAlpin & Company, of New York, in 1873, purchasing their interests in 1885 and conducting the enterprise alone since that time. He ope- rates two mills in Gloversville, one for the dressing of kid leather and the other for the brand known as "Gold Tan." His products include a line of domestic and imported kid, " gold tan," fleshers, buckskin, bark, alum and Saranac leather, colored skivers and a full line of glovers' materials. Gustav Levor, manufacturer of dongola shoe leather, came to Glovers- ville in 1875, engaging in business as a manufacturer in a small way at the corner of Bleecker and Green streets, in 1877. ' He had at that time a small shop and practically no machinery. After one year he re- 56 Digitized by Microsoft® 442 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. moved liis business to Sand Hill and occupied the old "Bartlett works, " the machinery of which he purchased. In 1884 he commenced the erection of his present large factory, and has added to its size and ca- pacity every succeeding year to the present time. He has recently fin- ished an elaborate office directly south of the mill, complete in modern appointments. He employs 140 men, and the mill has a capacity of 250 dozen skins per day. Filmer Brothers, manufacturers of shoe leather, 1 1 Burr street. This firm consists of J. W. and J. H. Filmer and was organized in the latter part of 1885. John Filmer, father of the present members, came hither from Brooklyn in 1832. He was engaged in dressing leather for many of the pioneer glove makers, and first began to manufacture on his own account in 1857 in a little mill near where the railroad round house now stands. He remained there until 1864, removing to what was known as the "swamp mill," about one mile south of the village. In 1874 he received as a partner his son, J. W. Filmer, the firm of John Filmer & Son, continuing ten years. During the war there were large quantities of sheep " flesher " gloves made, and the Filmers produced a great share of these skins as well as those of the deer and elk. John Filmer, the senior member, retired in 1884, and the firm of J. W. & M. Filmer was formed and continued until January, 1890, when the business came into the possession of M. T. & D. Filmer, who are still carrying on the man- ufacture of leather at the "swamp mill." The present firm of Filmer Brothers purchased the property on Burr street, known as the " Burr saw- mill," and refitted and remodeled it into a shoe leather factory. The main building runs parallel with the creek, and is 26x146 feet in area, four stories high, with an addition on the south side, 26x88 feet. The Williams system is used for heating and a large exhaust fan for circulating hot air through the drying rooms. The mill is fully equip- ped with improved leather machinery and employment is given to seventy persons who turn out 100 dozen skins per day. The firm de- votes its attention almost wholly to kangaroo shoe leather. M. T. & D. Filmer, manufacturers of glove and shoe leather, occupy the swamp mill, owned by D. B. & C. W. Judson, one mile south of Gloversville. The foundation of this business, as mentioned in the previous sketch, was laid by John Filmer on January i, 1864. His Digitized by Microsoft® LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. 443 death occurred May 4, 1886, and the firm of J. W. & M. Filmer was tlien formed. The present firm of M. T. & D. Filmer dates from Janu- ary I, 1890. The old portion of the mill they now occupj' is 40 x 84 feet in area, three stories high. To this an addition was built in the fall of 1890, 40 X 80 feet and uniform in height with the old building. The mill is fitted with eleven double stocks for the milling of oiled tanned leather, three of which are used for scouring. Four large drums and six paddles, together with other modern machinery, are used in the different processes through which the skins are put. This machinery includes staking and ironing machines and tables, with bucktails and finishing wheels. The Sturtevant hot air system is used for drying. The capacity of both mills will reach 200,000 skins per year. Messrs. Filmer confine their product mostly to oil dressed and shoe leather, in- cluding goat, kangaroo and deer skins. They employ on an average sixty operatives. James Hull, 23 Forest street, manufactures glove leather. This en- terprise was established in 1878, by James Hull and Andrew J. Gulick, the firm being Hull & Gulick. This partnership continued four years, since which time Mr. Hull has been sole proprietor. The mill is a three story frame structure, 40 x 65 feet in area with a wing 26 x 40. Sheep-skin leather is produced, and employment is furnished to twelve or fourteen workers, who turn out 250 dozen skins per week. Brower %l Dodge, dj South Main street, are engaged in the manu- facture of both shoe and glove leather. This firm was organized in 1883 and is composed of W. H. Brower and S. E. Dodge. Their leather- mill, a large two story frame structure, and a coloring shop, also a two- story building, are located at the rear of the office on South Main street. Both members of the firm have had the benefit of many years' expe- rience in the production of the better grades of glove leather. Their product includes a fine line of domestic kid leather for gloves, and dull dongola and glazed kid for shoes. They employ sixty men and turn out 1,000 skins per day. Mills Brothers, located at the corner of West Fulton and Grove street, are manufacturers of shoe leather. The firm is composed of W. E. and C. O. Mills and was organized December i, 1884. They are descendants of William C. Mills, one of the founders of Gloversville, and Digitized by Microsoft® 444 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. the family name has been prominent in the leather and glove industry from its earliest history. The mill now occupied by the firm was built by them during the summer of 1885. It is a commodious frame struct- ure, having a floor surface exeeding 40,000 square feet. The product of the mill is a line of Dongola kid leather for shoes, which has an ex- tensive sale and is well known to the trade. The capacity of the plant is 150 dozen per day, and employment is furnished to seventy- five workers. Messrs. Mills Brothers are the progenitors of the Mills Leather Conpany, which was organized January i, 1892, to carry on the manufacture of glove leather in Johnstown. E. M. Wells has charge of the business at that place. The firm has an office and salesroom at 178 William street, New York, and sales agents in Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. T. G. Foster, manufacturer of shoe leather, is located at the Judson Mill on Centre street. He began manufacturing kid leather in 1878, employing two men and occupying a small shop near the railway cross- ing on Bleecker street. In less than six months the business had out- grown the capacity of the shop, and Mr. Foster moved his business to the old " Cropsey barn " on Forest street, remaining there another six months. He then moved into a new brick building opposite the passen- ger station, and began the manufacture of shoe leather. It was in this building that he imported his first kangaroo skins from Australia. At the end of two years he moved to his present location, the building hav- ing been erected by Daniel B. Judson, for whom Mr. Foster dressed a large amount of kid leather, averaging at times fifty dozen per day. About 1885 he discontinued the dressing of glove leather and directed his attention for the next two years to the importation and dressing of kangaroo skins, which at that time yielded a handsome profit. During 1888 he was associated with Henry Langenbach, in joint account, dress- ing goat skins. For the past four years Mr. Foster has dressed leather entirely for F. O. Winslow, of Boston, Mass. His mill at piesent is furnishing employment to about seventy men, all of whom are working at finishing, as no beam work is done in this mill. The product com- prises the different varieties of goat skins, and the output will average 150 dozen skins per day. Charles L. F. Giercke, leather dresser and tanner, 134 Green avenue. In 1885 Mr. Giercke entered into a contract to put skins through the Digitized by Microsoft® LEATHER MANVFACTURERS. 445 process familiarly known to the trade as " beaming," for the firm of Brower & Dodge. In 1889 he built the mill he now owns and occupies, which is a frame building thirty by sixty feet, with an engine room twenty by twenty- four feet, and a lime house twenty-eight by forty feet, all two stories high. He emplo3'S fourteen men and the capacity of the mill is 2,000 hides per daj'. George L. Lake, dresser of fine shoe leather, is located at the rear of 74 Scjiool street. He first began to manufacture leather in Johnstown in 1886, and remained there one year. He then came to Gloversville and hired a portion of the mill he now occupies, which was then the property of Daniel Lasher. He purchased the mill in 1890, and has since made several extensive additions and improvements. Mr. Lake employs fifty men, and the capacity of his mill is about forty- five dozen skins per day. West Mill Company, manufacturers of oil dressed and grained glove leather, occupy the well-known West Mill property at the junction of West Fulton and Rose streets. The West Mill Company was organ- ized in the fall of 1 887, and the property they now occupy was purchcased of John McNab. At organization the company consisted of T. G. Fos- ter, Lawton Caton and W. D. West. H. G. Dewey became a member of the firm in 1890. He has general supervision of the operating de- partment of the mill, with an office located on the property. The main building is a two and one- half story frame structure, 50 x 100 feet, adjacent to which are several other buildings used as beam houses, etc., in addition to which there is now in process of construction a building thirty five by sixty- seven feet in area to be used as a beam shop. The intention is to make the capacity of the mill 1,000 skins per day. The West Mill Company are also extensively engaged in supplying the city with ice. In this they furnish an excellent article, secured from a reser- voir of pure water a short distance west of the mill. Robinson Brothers, i 5 North street, are manufacturers of kid glove leather. The firm is composed of John G. and Thomas Robinson, who came to Gloversville from county Durham, England, in 1877. They are nephews of the late James Kent, founder of the shoe leather indus- try in this country. Robinson Brothers began manufacturing leather in 1887 at the rear ol 49 Spring street, moving at the end of one year to Digitized by Microsoft® 446 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. a location on Forest street. They have occupied their present mill since May, 1891. It is a fcur story frame building, 30 by lOO feet in area, with a wing 30 by 60 feet. Thirty men are employed and their present output is thirty-five dozen skins per day. Stewart & Company, 22 South Main street, do a wholesale and job- bers' business in threads, silks, linings and general glove materials, ex- cepting leather. The business was established in January, 1883, as C. W. Stewart & Company, the junior partner being E. M. Smith. That firm continued until March i, 1887, when Henry C. Day purchased the interest of Mr. Smith and the present firm was thus formed. Joseph E. Wood manufactures shoe leather in a spacious factory on Wood avenue in the northern part of the city. This business was es- tablished in the fall of 1884 by Kennedy & Wood, that firm continuing until January, 1890. During the spring and summer of 1891 Mr. Wood erected his present mill, which is a frame structure 200 by 35 feet in area, and contains seven floors. The mill has a capacity of lOO dozen skins per day and furnishes employment to fifty men. Kanga- roo and goat shoe leather is its principal product. George F. Troutwine manufactures shoe and glove leather at the cor- ner of McNab avenue and Second street. This business was established by Mr. Troutwine in company with Mill Brothers in the factory now occupied by the latter, in April, 1889. Mr. Troutwine is a native of Germany, in which country he learned his trade, coming to Gloversville in 1880. He first worked for Booth & Kent, remaining with them two years, then accepting a posi-tion with J. W. Filmer with whom he re- mained until December, 1884. He then accepted a proposition from Mills Brothers to superintend the manufacture of Dongola shoe leather. They at first used domestic sheep-skin but soon adopted the genuine goat, afterward called Jewell kid. Mr. Troutwine acquired an interest in that firm and his association with them continued until October, 1890, when he withdrew and established himself in the mill he now occupies. He employs between twenty and twenty- five men and turns out on an average 150 to ^00 dozen skins per week. The product includes don- gola, kid, kangaroo and calf-skins. Otto Geisler, manufactures kid glove leather from domestic lamb and sheep-skins, and mocha kid and castor leather, in the Philip Pauley Digitized by Microsoft® MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURERS. 447 mill on South Main street. Mr. Geisler learned his trade in Berlin, Germany, and came to this country in 1886. He began business in 1 890 and has occupied his present location since September of that year. He employs twenty men and produces 300 skins per day. An important branch of leather manufacture is called " mooning." This work requires much skill and experience and the number of per- sons engaged in it has greatly increased since the manufacture of fine kid gloves became a part of the product of Fulton county manufacturers. Following are a few of those engaged in this industry, known more properly as " kid finishers." George Brice, kid, buckskin and antelope colorer and finisher, came to Gloversville from England in 1868 and began work in a little shop near where the freight depot now stands. He has taken several prem- iums at the fairs of the Fulton County Agricultural Society, for col- oring and finishing buckskin and antelope. E. T. Denham, 10 Marshall avenue, came to Gloversville from England in 1869. He does custom " mooning" for kid glove manufac- turers. Edward Thorne, 5 Jay street, is also a native of England, coming to Gloversville in 1864. He is engaged in custom "mooning," and so also are his two sons, George and Charles. A. Hodder & Sons, 19 Second avenue, are also engaged in this branch of the leather industry. Mr. Hodder came from England in 1869 and at present does custom " mooning," and so also do his three sons, Wal- ter, Edwin and Harry. Charles and William J. Dodge are among the native Americans en- gaged in custom " mooning," and have carried on their present business on Cayadutta street since 1884. Miscellaneous Manufactures. — The Brower Glue Manufacturing Com- pany succeeded to the business of A. Brower & Son, June i, 1888. The company own and operate two mills, located in Gloversville and Johnstown respectively. The Gloversville mill was formerly the prop- erty of Robert Evans, who built it in 1856 and opened it as a glue fac- tory, and in this business was at one time associated with John McNab. The mill passed into the hands of Henry KnofT, of Johnstown, who sold it to Daniel Hays and Alonzo Brower in 1867. The product of this Digitized by Microsoft® 448 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. factory is principally used in the wood-working trade and amounts to about 1,000 pounds of glue per day, for eight and one half months of each year. Jacob Haag, an experienced metal worker, came to Gloversville in 1867 and became engaged in making cutting dies for Niles Fairbanks. In 1869 he estabhshed himself in business as a manufacturer of cutting dies and has since conducted the enterprise on the same ground he now occupies on Fifth street. The D. M. Smith Company, refiners of hair, are located on the plank road, near the southern limits of the city. The firm at present is com- posed of Harlan P. Shutts and Edward Parkhurst. D. M. Smith es- tablished the business about thirty years ago and was the first man in the county to successfully utilize the superfluous hair from the skin- mills. The present proprietors began business in 1885, and in 1891 purchased the building now occupied by them as a factory, the same having been built by the Indianapolis Hair Company, a concern which came to Gloversville to compete with the D. M. Smith Company. They found, however, that almost the entire product of hair had been en- gaged by the latter, and they readily withdrew from the field, selling their plant to the above named firm. The present proprietors began in a small way and have succeeded in building up an extensive business. They wash, cleanse, and pick hair, such as is used in making mattresses, saddle and other pads, and also produce plaster hair and some finer grades of wool, which is used in the manufacture of underwear. George H. Taylor came to Gloversville in 1873 and opened a music and piano store. Ten years later he began in an experimental way to make piano leather from buckskin. His efforts were very successful and his product has reached a gratifying perfection. He has never had the process patented in order to escape imitation. His first location was on the site of the present city hall, but he subsequently moved to the store now occupied by L. R. Van Ness & Company, and later on to a place in the Opera House block. From thence he moved to the southeast corner of Main and Fulton streets, and in 1891 to the store at 23 West Fulton. He has occupied his present location, corner of Fulton and School streets, since May i, 1892. The business of Furbeck & Van Auken, dealers in drugs, chemicals, paints and oils, was established in 1870. At that time their stock con- Digitized by Microsoft® MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURERS. 449 sisted solely of stationery goods, to which was added two years later a full line of drugs, chemicals, glass, etc. The firm is composed of Dr. P. R. Furbeck and J. A. Van Anken. Addison Bloomingdale came to Gloversville from Albany county about 1880 and engaged in the grocery business, which he carried on for about five years. He then organized a company of ten members, with himself as president, C. M. C. Loyd, secretary, and J. P. Heacock, treasurer, to manufacture the celebrated Forestine cough syrup, a formula for which he received from Charles H. Winney. After about five months' the other members of the company withdrew, Mr. Bloom- ingdale buying their interests, paying them the full, par value of their stock. He then had as a partner for one year, Willard J. Heacock, whose interest he bought in 1890 and has since conducted the business alone. He has invested in the enterprise up to the present time over $20,000 and has a plant and business that he considers worth $50,000. He manufactures Forestine cough syrup, Forestine cough drops, For- estine blood bitters, and also deals in extracts, Mr. Bloomingdale's specialties find a large and growing sale in the west and are extensively used throughout the New England and Middle Atlantic states. His office and laboratory is at 24 South Main street. Mr. Bloomingdale has also been a large dealer in real estate, having built 150 houses in Gloversville and has bought and developed large tracts of land, greatly adding to the attractiveness of the city. The real estate firm of Bloom- ingdale & Roberts was formed February i, 1892. Aside from their real estate interests they do a general fire, life, accident, live-stock and plate glass insurance business. Charles A. Brooks, manufacturer of cutting dies, is located at the rear of 52 West Fulton street. He came to Gloversville in 1872 and worked for E. P. Newton about three years. Later he went to Ilion, but returned in 1878 and again entered the employ of Mr. Newton. In 1880 he formed the junior partner of the firm of Titus & Brooks, and engaged in the manufactureof cutting dies in Johnstown. In 1885 they removed to Gloversville and carried on the business until 1891, when upon the death of Mr. Titus, the entire establishment came into the possession of Mr. Brooks, by whom it has since been con- ducted. 57 Digitized by Microsoft® 4<;o HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Bradt & Shipman, lOO Spring street, are manufacturers of patent glove fasteners under the Pringle patent. The business was established in 1883 and has been carried on at the present location since 1886. The fastener, which is ingenious in construction, is the invention of Eugene Pringle, of Gloversville, and is extensively used on heavy and medium weight gloves and mittens. The industry has grown from an output of a few hundred gross per year to many thousand gross, and the fastener is approved by the principal manufacturers of the United States. The firm is composed of C. E. Bradt, M. D. Shipman and S. E. Bradt, of De Kalb, Illinois. John H. Drake, manufacturer of paper boxes, 40 Cayadutta street, succeeded to the business established by his father, John Drake, in 1859. The latter came 10 Gloversville in 1850 and was engaged in business as a wagon maker for several years, having a shop where Charles F. Allen's box factory is now located. In 1859 he began the manufacture of glove boxes in the Helwig building on Main street. He died in 1876, since which time his son has conducted his business. Charles F. Allen, manufacturer of paper boxes, is located at 79 South Main street. Mr. Allen succeeded, in 1886, to the business of E. H. Mills & Company, established some twenty- five years ago. He manu- factures a general line of paper boxes, employing twenty persons and turning out 2,500 boxes per day. The Gloversville Knitting works occupy a portion of the brick build- ing at 79 South Main street. F. W. Belden is the sole proprietor of this establishment, having succeeded to the business of E. H. Mills & Company in 1889. The product of the factory includes a line of knit goods such as are used in the glove business, consisting chiefly of knit backs and wristlets. Thirty operatives are employed and the capacity of the factory is 300 dozen pairs per day. The machine works of H. J. Anthony are located near the junction of Main and Cayadutta streets. This business was established in what is known as Anthony Hollow, in the town of Mayfield, in 1856, by the father of the present proprietor. Mr. Anthonj'^ is at present engaged in making edged tools for glove and shoe leather cutters, and a general line of knives and machinery used in manufacturing leather and gloves. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 451 The Gloversvillc Machine works, of which Peter Diehl is the proprie- tor, is located at 40 Cayadutta street. This business was begun by Mr. Diehl in 1875 and removed to Gloversville in 1884. He built the frame structure he now occupies in the last mentioned year, and is at present engaged in general jobbing and machine work, manufacturing shafting, pulleys and hangers, and also does steam fitting and engineer- ing work. Burr Brothers' planing- mill, sash and blind factory and lumber yard, are located on the North side of Green avenue. This business was es- tablished in 1878 by Gaorge C. and James S. Burr, who at that time were located uponStheir father's property on Burr street. They moved to their present location about eight years ago and have recently com- pleted a new mill, three stories in height, 60 x 80 feet in area, with a wing 24 X 72. It will be fully equipped with various kinds of wood- working machinery and will greatly increase the capacity of the plant. Employment is furnished to about thirty men. De Witt A. Hayes' planing-mill occupies ground between Willow and North streets. Mr. Hayes came to Gloversville in 1876 from Oppen- heim and was engaged for sevaral years as a contractor and builder. He established his present mill in the spring of 1889 and now does all kinds of planing, sawing and wood turning, and employs twenty- five men. CHAPTER XXn. TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. '"r^'HIS is the extreme northeastern border town of the county. It is \ bounded on the north by Hamilton county, on the east by Sara- toga county, on the south by the town of Broadalbin and on the west by the town of Mayfield. Its length is nearly twice as great as its breadth and according to the latest survey it contains 1 8,545 j^ acres. The town was named for the Northampton patent granted to Jacob Mase, John R. Bleecker and others, October 17, 1741. Its surface is Digitized by Microsoft® 452 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. made up partly of two extremes, lofty hills and flats, which are often submerged. The eastern, northern and western borders of the town constitute a range of formidable hills, while the beautiful Sacandaga runs swiftly through a valley, almost as level as prairie land, from two to four miles in width, and skirted on three sides by forest covered peaks. This river enters the town on its northern boundary about a mile east of the Mayfield line and runs in a southeasterly direction until within a short distance of the village of Northampton, where it turns gracefully to the east and enters Saratoga county. The Vlaie creek, which empties into the Sacandaga river above Fish House, is formed by the junction of Mayfield and Kennyetto creeks at Summer House Point, and runs through an extensive marsh in the southern part of the town known as the "Sacandaga Vlaie." In addition to these, which are the principal streams, the entire country north of Fish House is well supplied with trout brooks of clear running water. The soil on the hills is not adapted to cultivation, but in some cases has been advantageously used for grazing. Some portions of the valley contain rich alluvium, while the remainder, which is possiBly the greater share, is a sandy and gravelly loam. The soil, however, in no portion of the town, could be called highly productive land, and such crops as are raised in the southern and more fertile parts of the county are generally unknown in Northamp- ton. Extensive pine forests at one time covered this whole region, and many tracts of pine and hemlock land are still to be seen, especially on the hills toward the north. Northampton was set apart from the town of Broadalbin February i, 1799, and on May 24 of the same year the first town meeting was held. The territory included parts of some patents and also the whole of others, chief of which is the Northampton patent, already mentioned, for which the town was named ; also a part of Bergen's purchase, which begins at the northwest corner of the Northampton patent, the warrant for which bears date October 7, 1785. A portion of Norman McLeod's grant of 3,000 acres, dated September 29, 1770, is in this town ; also thirty- one of the lots originally belonging to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. The Baptist church at North ville is supposed to stand on lot No. 4 of this patent; a small portion of the Sacandaga patent is also included in the southwest part of this town. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 453 The first settlement in this town was due to Sir William Johnson, who built a fishin Corns of "Joseph Slocum, \ Highways." In April 1805 it was voted at the annual town meeting "that John Porter be exonerated for killing a deer out of season." In 1809 it was voted " that any man killing or starting a wolf in sd town and killing sd wolf Intitled to ten Dollars." From this and the following it appears that the farmers must have been troubled by wolves and panthers to some extent, as in 1812 it was voted that "ten dollars be paid to any person killing a wolf or panther in the town of Northampton." In 18 14 the bounty was reduced to $5. At the same meeting it was voted that " Freeborn Joslin be exonerated from his fine for selling cider, he discharging the costs." In 18 13 the town was divided into thirteen school districts and an entry was made in the town record of the description of each district. Northampton was no exception to the maxim that the poor are always with us, for at the town meeting in 1815 it was voted that $120 be raised for the support of the poor. In 181 7 $300 were raised for the same purpose, and the poormaster, together with the supervisor, was in- structed to build or hire a house for the use of the town poor. Digitized by Microsoft® 456 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. One of the earliest and most marked public improvements was the building of the F"ish House bridge across the Sacandaga in 1818. Prior to that time the river was crossed by canoe and by ford, the old fording place beginning a few rods below where the south end of the bridge now is, and crossing to a short distance above the north end. At that time the little village of Fish House had every prospect of becoming the centre of trade for a rich agricultural and lumbering region and the fording place was much frequented. The spring and fall freshets each year greatly inconvenienced the people who had to cross the river at this point and the inhabitants petitioned the legislature for and received an appropriation of $5,000 for the building of the. bridge. To this was added $500 by local subscription. Daniel Stewart built the bridge, which is still standing, and probably is the best wooden bridge in the state, a marvel indeed in point of strength and age. Every timber in the structure was hewn out of pine logs, some of the pieces being fully two feet square. When it is considered that the bridge is 280 feet in length, it will be seen what a wonderful task this must have been. The Vlaie creek was also crossed by fording, at or near its mouth, a short distance from Fish House. In 1835 fhe commissioners of highways were authorized to build a "permanent covered bridge across the Flyi creek near the Fish House." The old bridge or archway across Hunter's Creek at the Hog's Back gave way in July, 1859, and several persons received painful injuries, for which the town reimbursed them at subsequent meetings. The present stone bridge or archway at this place was built in 1859 and $250 was raised that year by the town for this purpose. The old lattice bridge across the Sacandaga at Northville was built in i860, at a cost of about $2,500. It was several feet lower than the present structure and was carried away with its piers and abutments on the 2d of March, 1882, by high water and ice. A special meeting of the town board was at once held and action taken toward the construc- tion of a new bridge. The present iron structure was built during the summer of 1882, by the Groton Iron Bridge Company, of Groton, N. Y., and cost, including piers and and abutments, $11,100. The old bridge across the Vlaie creek at Fish House, built in 1835, was de- ' The local pronunciation of the word Vlaie is " Fly." Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 457 stroyed by fire on the night of August 23, 1883, only two days after a meeting had been held to take into consideration the project of build- ing a new one. The present wooden covered bridge at that point was finished during the same fall, the total cost being $883.87. The Gloversville and Northville railroad, which is a continuation of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville line, was completed to its pres- ent terminus at Northville in 1875. Bonds were issued by the town in 1872 to the amount of $20,000 to insure the construction of this rail- road, and about $80,000 was invested in the line as individual subscrip- tions by residents of the town. In noting the progress and development of the town as an agricultu- ral district, it may be said that it has never been highly productive of best cereals, the principal crops in this line being rye and barley. When first settled, certain portions of the river and table lands pro- duced good crops of wheat, but as early as 1807 many of the farmers complained that the soil had become impoverished and abandoned the raising of that grain altogether. A large portion of the inhabitants, particularly in the northern portion, are successful lumbermen. The sugar maple grows in great abundance throughout the town and a con- siderable business is carried on in the production of maple sugar for market. Many of the farmers' wives and daughters are also engaged in making gloves for the manufacturers at Gloversville and Johnstown. It is also essential to note that among the resources of this town gold must be included, although its recovery from the sand in which it is found has not been sufficiently profitable to justify permanent efifort. On the Eaton farm, south of Northville, experiments have been carried on with improved machinery for several years, but it is thought the work will soon be discontinued and the refining machinery moved elsewhere. In educational matters Northampton compares favorably with other towns of corresponding size and wealth. There are at present eleven school districts, with as many houses, numbered as follows : i, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13 and 14, the last numbered district being in the vil- lage of Northville. The total number of children attending school in the town for the year ending July 25, 1891, was 444, and the aggre- gate days' attendance during the school year was 42,879. There were fourteen teachers employed. The total assessed valuation of school 58 Digitized by Microsoft® 458 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. property in the town is $10,075, and the assessed valuation of the dis- tricts is $289,113. The town's share of public money received from the state in 1891 was $1,708.36. Many Northampton men have from time to time become prominent in national and state legislation. John Fay, father of Charles Fay, now living at Fish House, was a representative from this district in the Congress of 1 820. The following men may also be mentioned as having represented Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton counties in the state legislature during the years specified: John Fay, 1809 and 1812; Samuel A. Gilbert, 1814; Alexander St. John, 1815 and 1825; Jacob Shew, 1818 ; Joseph Spier, 1823 and 1829 ; Henry Cunningham, 1824; Nathaniel Wescot, 1827-28; Jacob Van Arnam, 1832; Clark S. Grin- nell, 1834 and 1846; Langdon I. Marvin, 1840; John Patterson, 1824; Darius Moore, 1847; Alfred N. Haner, 1852 ; William A. Smith, 1853 and 1864; Wesley Gleason, 1854-55; Isaac LaFevre, 1856; Joseph Co veil, 1866-67; William F. Barker, 1869; L. L. Boyce, 1884; Lewis Brownell, 1888-89. NORTHVILLE. The village of Northville, picturesquely situated on the east bank of of the Sacandaga river, about one mile south in a direct line from the Hamilton county boundary, is the largest and most important village in the town of Northampton. Its location is convenient from a commer- cial point of view, excellent for building purposes, while it is surrounded by scenery noted for its grandeur and beauty. The village covers an almost level area, extending eastward from the river for a distance of nearly a mile, where an abrupt descent is made into the little valley of Hunter's creek. It is not difficult to imagine why the early settlers in this portion of the present town of Northampton selected this as a site for good farms and pleasant homes. Samuel Olmsted was the first settler on the site of the village, being in fact, the first in this locality. He came from Danbury, Conn., and settled here (then a part of Broadalbin) in 1788. He came up the river from Fish House in a canoe and built a rude shed to serve as a protection from the weather, probably con- structing it entirely of logs. This was on what is known as farm lot Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 459 No. 20, of the Northampton patent. His primitive dwelling-place was destroyed by fire one day during his absence and he then built another farther to the east, near Hunter's creek. Later on he built a log house on the site of the one now occupied by Samuel Olmstead, just south of the Resseguie Place on South Main street. The Olmstead who now lives in this house (a portion of which is still standing and is the oldest house in the village) is not a relative of the first settler. Samuel Olmsted raised a family of eight children, and died in January, 1845. His remains were buried in the village cemetery. He always followed agriculture. Next to Olmsted came Zadoc Sherwood, who married Olmsted's sis- ter and lived in this place until 1817. Another of the early settlers was Daniel Resseguie, of Richfield, Conn , who came here in 1790, and at first settled very near the site of the present railway depot, but shortly afterward moved one mile east of the settlement, where he raised a large family, and died in 1825. Eli Stone was another pioneer, as was also Benjamin Macomber, who afterward went to Lake Pleasant and died there at an advanced age. Garrett Van Ness came in at an early date and located on land about a mile south of the village. Prior to 1800 Thomas Foster settled on a farm on which the south part of the village is located, the land being afterwards purchased by the late Jo- seph Spier, who owned it for many years. John McNeil and Calvin Young were in the vicinity prior to 1880 and the latter, as a commis- sioner of the town of Broadalbin, surveyed and in 1797 laid out a road running north and south, which is the present Main street of Northville. Previous to that date the main road was on the hill east of the village, and ran nearly parallel with what is now Main street. It was laid out in 1794. Caleb Lobdell and Daniel Lobdell also settled in the vicinity of what is now Northville at an early day. They were brothers and came with their families from Danbury, Conn. Some of their descendants are still living in this neighborhood. John Dennison was a pioneer, probably from Greenfield, Saratoga county, in which place he had raised a family. He died in the year 1804, and his remains were interred in the old burying-ground. Abraham Van Arnam, and his brother Jacob were early setttlers. Abraham became a prominent man in the community ; he raised a large family, some of whose de- Digitized by Microsoft® 460 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. scendants in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth generations are still living. Constant Potter, Isaac Penny, Stephen Betts, Nathan Hull and Paul Hammond, were all early inhabitants. Nathan Hull settled on what is now the lower end of Main street and had lOO acres of land. Joseph Lewis came at an early date and located on a farm on the west side of the river, not far from the site of the present railway depot. Joseph Spier was born near the present village of New Lebanon, Columbia county, in this state. He settled at Lake Pleasant in 1800, remaining there seven years. He came down to what is now Northville in January, 1807, and purchased a farm of Caleb Lobdell. He raised a family of seven children, namely, Joseph F., Livia, Elizabeth, Angeline, William E., Julia, and Richard. Of these children, two are now living — Joseph F., who was born in October, 1799, and is consequently in his ninety- third year ; and Julia, who was born September 24, 1813. She married Dr. D. H. BuUard, and lives in Glens Falls. The father, Joseph Spier, held several official positions in the town of Northampton. He was ap- pointed justice of the peace about 1805 and held the office many years. From 1815 to 1822 he was successively elected supervisor of this town, and in 1822 and 1829 represented, with others, Montgomery county in the state legislature. He died August 27, 1845, a""^ his remains are buried in the village cemetery. In the early part of 1807 there were only six families living on what is now Main street, which at that time was the sole thoroughfare of the village. The heads of five of these families were Nathan Hull, Samuel Olmsted, Caleb Lobdell, Noble Lobdell, and Abraham Van Arnam. A road was laid out on the 7th of August, ! 794, beginning at the old fording place at the river and running easterly, crossing Main street where the Methodist church now stands ; but there was no dwelling on this road for years afterward. There were two log houses standing in 1807, one at the lower end of the street, built by Samuel Olmsted, and the other a few rods north of the site of L. N. Johnson's present store. A grist-mill was running at that time on Hunter's creek, built in the year 1790 by Thomas Foster, who also built a saw-mill, the first in that vicinity. The first store of any consequence was that of Abra- ham Van Arnam, kept about 1800. It stood just north of the location of the present Northville house on the site of the residence of Albert Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 461 Van Arnam. In this old building a number of trades were carried on. Van Arnam conducted a tavern there, and also a shoe shop. He nianu- factured leather in a tannery on Hunter's creek about lOO rods east of the -Store and tavern. Van Arnam also established a fulling-mill about 1800 which he carried on for several years, the business finally coming into the hands of a man named Brewster, who was succeeded in 181 5 by Joseph Slocuni. The mill long since passed away. Caleb Meeker was the first blacksmith in the place and probably began about 1804. In 1807 his. shop was situated on the hill east of the village. A grist-mill and saw- mill a few rods apart were built by Joseph Slocum in 1815, on the site now occupied by the saw and grist-mill of John Willard. Slocum had to goto Albany to get the mill stones, which he brought by wagon as far as Galway, where he was suddenly taken sick and came home and died. His son, Reuben Slocum, afterward brought the stones to their destination and finished the mill, which is still standing. Dr. Mitchell settled in the village about 1820 and was probably the first local physician. The Northville House, now standing, was originally built as a private house for James Lobdell, son in-law of Abraham Van Arnam, about 18 1 3 or 1814. It afterwards passed into the possession of Jacob Van Arnam and was subsequently converted into a public house, for which purpose it is still used, though several additions have been made at dif- ferent times. During the first two decades of the present century, Northville was only a mere hamlet, and had not even been designated by a permanent name, but among its inhabitants were those who possibly foresaw the development of a future village and took no little pains to make the place attractive for homes. Joseph F. Spier, who is still living, remem- bers the planting of a row of maples on the west side of Main street from a point near his present office to the Baptist church. Many of these stalwart trees are still alive, and from their height and beauty bear evidence of the lapse of years. The little settlement grew slowly, however, and for many years only a few houses were erected. The brick house on the west side of Main street, now occupied by the de- scendants .of Joseph Spier, was' built by him in 18 19, and was the first Digitized by Microsoft® 462 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. brick dwelling in the village. The next brick building was a store erected by Joseph F. Spier in 1841. It was sold in 1855 and after- wards removed. This and the store of William F. Barker were the only ones in the place in 1849. Barker's store was located on the east side of Main street, a little north of the store now occupied by L. N. John- son ; it was afterward burned. The only public house at that date was the Northville House. About that time a contemporary settlement of no small importance had sprung up within a short distance. It was known as " The Dam," and afterwards as " Parkville." A dam was built across the Sacandaga about three quarters of a mile north of the village by Andrew McNutt, about 1828 or 1830. It was constructed of timber, and furnished power for a grist- mill on the west and a saw- mill on the east side of the river. McNutt was a native of Scotland, coming to America from Edinburgh, probably in the latter part uf the eighteenth century. From his prom- inent native characteristics he became well known throughout the com- munity. Isaac Le Fevre and Isaac Van Valkenburgh bought the dam of McNutt in 1848. At that time it had almost disappeared, and they replaced it with a dam made of poles fastened down with gravel and stone. It was an expensive affair, as the ice and logs coming down with the freshets each year carried away large quantities of poles. They constructed a tannery on the east side of the river, which was known as " The Park Tannery," from which the settlement took its name of Parkville. A store was conducted there, and a school with seventy scholars. At one time it was estimated that as much business was done there as at Northville. John Patterson, now practicing law in North- ville, taught school at the Dam as late as 1867. Among his scholars at that time, and who are now living in the village, were Ray Hubbell and his sister, Robertine Hubbell, now the wife of Charles B. Resseguie. The tannery burned in 1867 and was rebuilt by the Le Fevre Brothers, Isaac and Gilbert. All business activity at the Dam had subsided by 1874, at which time the tannery burned the second time, and with it Sheldon Hubbell's saw-mill and turning shop. By this time bark had become scarce, the tannery was not rebuilt, and business interests at that point soon disappeared. The Northville post- office was first established in 1824, and at that time was called Sacandaga, a name it held until 1827, when it was Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 463 changed to Northville. Joseph F. Spier was the first postmaster, and it was through his efforts that the post office was established, and also at his suggestion that the name was changed to Northville. The post- office was kept in Mr. Spier's store during his occupancy of the office, a period of twenty-one years. The store was located nearly opposite the cemetery, on the site of the present residence of Lee S. Anibal. The next postmaster was William A. Smith, who was appointed in 1845, and held the office two or three years. He was succeeded by Nathan B. Lobdell, a man well known and highly respected throughout the county. Mr. Lobdell had the post-office eight or ten years and was followed by W. F. Barker August 2, 1861, who held it until the year 1877. His successor was William D. Smith, who retained the office about eight years. Adolph Robitshek was appointed in 1885, and was postmaster during the Cleveland administration, being succeeded by Frank Satterlee, July i, 1889. The present incumbent, Charles G. Bacon, took charge of the office December 12, i8ci. When first es- tablished mails were received by the way of F'ish House (now North- ampton), about six miles south of Northville. There was no regular stage line or mail carrier to this place at that time, and mails were re- ceived only as the postmaster had an opportunity to send for them, or by a special carrier sent by the postmaster. It was thought a wonder- ful thing when the mails were brought three times a week, and it was not until the stage line to Amsterdam was established that the mails were received regularly each day. The office is now advantageously located in the Heath block on Main street, which was built for this purpose during the summer of 1891 by O. F. Heath. The postmaster employs two assistants, the work of the office being quite extensive on account of its position as a distributing point for towns in the valley east and north. The first school was kept in the village in 1800, and educational fa- cilities have been increased from, time to time to keep pace with the growing population. The present handsome and commodious brick union free school was erected in 1888, and there have been, during the winter term, 187 scholars on the register. B. C. Van Ingen is the principal, with Miss Myra Stevens as first assistant, in charge of the grammar department ; Miss Cora Blood, second assistant, in charge of Digitized by Microsoft® 464 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. the intermediate department, and Miss Lila Sanford, in cliarge of the primary grade. Northville has witnessed its most rapid growth during the past two years. The village is now, and has been for a long time, the financial centre of a vast lumbering district, extending far into Hamilton county, millions of feet of timber having passed down the Sacandaga on its way to the Hudson, finding a market at Glens Falls and Fort Edward. When lumbering was at its height, it was an ordinary scene to see a thousand pieces of timber going down the river in one raft, and not unfrequently 100 or 150 of these rafts would be sent down in one season. In addi- tion to this the village has been fortunate in the establishment of sev- eral manufacturing concerns within the last few years and it bids fair to become a prominent centre in that respect. Under the provisions of a general act entitled "An act for the incor- poration of villages," passed by the legislature April 20, 1870, a notice of election was made on the 12th day of April, 1873, to determine whether certain territory now included within the limits of Northville, should be incorporated as a village The following names were signed to this notice : H. N. Scidmore, John Resseguie, J. C. Carpenter, J. F. Blake, J. A. Cole, H. Eglin, Phillip Van Kleck, T. H. Rooney, F. R. Winney, A. C. Sclocum, George N. Brown, S. B. Benton, Andrew Pal- mer, O. B. Olmstead, J. S. Barker, Gilbert Wilcox, W. F. Barker, W. A. Smith, W. F. Krouse, Amos H. Van Arnam. Pursuant to this notice a meeting was held at the old M. E. Church, May 20, 1873, and by a vote of eighty- one to thirty- five it was decided that Northville should become an incorporated village to include the territory bounded as follows : " Commencing, on the east bank of the Sacandaga river on the line between lots No. 19 and 20 of Northampton patent and running from thence south eighty-seven degrees east six thousand three hundred and four feet; thence north twenty- nine and one- half degrees east nine hundred eighty-four feet; thence north sixty-eight degrees west one thousand five hundred feet ; thence west one thousand and four hun- dred feet; thence south fifty- six degrees west to the highway leading from Northville to Hope Falls; thence north thirty- five degrees west one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four feet; thence eighty- five and Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 465 one-fourth degrees west two hundred feet to the bank of the Sacan- daga river; then down the bank of said river as it winds and turns, to the place of beginning." The amount proposed to be paid out for ordinary expenditures the first year was $50. The first annual election was held at the old M. E. Church, Thursday, June 26, 1873, and the following ofificers elected by a unanimous vote, the total number cast for each candidate being forty- two. President, Samuel B. Benton ; treasurer, Hiram J. Resseguie ; collector, William Carpenter; trustees, Amos Van Arnam, Aaron C. Slocum, and Thomas H. Rooney. These officers met at the store of J. S. Barker and appointed him clerk of the village, and at the first regu- lar meeting of the board for business the following resolution was adopted : "That the bond of the village treasurer be of the amount of two. thousand, $2,000." The report of Treasurer Resseguie at the end of the first year of cor- porate existence showed the financial condition of Northville to be in a healthy state as there had been collected during the year by general and special taxes, fines, licenses, etc., the sum of $831.90, and there had been paid out on orders $817.79, leaving a balance on hand of $14.81. During the latter part of the year 1873 the sum of $400 was expended in erecting a village lockup on ground leased from William F. Barker and Alice Barker at a nominal yearly rental of one cent. On August 26, 1890, an election was held to decide whether the vil- lage would raise funds as provided in a special act passed in 1875 to fur- nish the inhabitants with pure and wholesome water. Seventy votes were cast, of which forty were in favor of the project, and thirty against it. A board of water commissioners was forthwith elected, which was composed of Ray Hubbell, president ; H. J. Resseguie, treasurer ; and J. A. Willard, secretary. J. R. Van Ness was appointed clerk. E. B. Baker, of Gloversville, was employed at a consideration of $180 to make plans and specifications for a system of water works. March 6, 1891, the contracts for the several features of the work were let. Among those receiving awards were Dennis Sullivan, of Flushing. N. Y., for the reservoir and pipe laying, $10,469.42; Charles Miller & Sons, of Utica, pipes, and specials, $5,849.83 ; and Rennsselaer Manufacturing 59 Digitized by Microsoft® 466 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Company, of Troy, valves and boxes, $867. Six acres of land were se- cured from Charles Groff on which to erect the reservoir, and the right of way for a pipe line also obtained. A dam was constructed across Hunter's creek, one and three-fifths miles from the village, which gives the reservoir a capacity of 3,000,000 gallons, and the water has a fall of 210 feet in the centre of the village, and 190 feet at the north end of Main street. Mains were placed in all the principal streets, and water was first used for commercial purposes on September 13, 1891. The total cost of construction to date has been $32,300.14. To meet this expenditure village bonds were issued to the amount of $32,000, and the money secured through the comptroller from the common school fund of the state of New York. Had this grand and much needed im- provement been accomplished five or six years earlier, much loss by fire would have been averted. Within the past six or seven years, Northville has sustained several fires which were exceedingly disastrous. First among them was the Rooney block, which was completely dis- troyed in March, 1885. The hotel, dwelling house and barn of G. Winney, and one house and carriage shop of William H. Van Dyke, were burned September 5, 1888. The Metallic Binding factory, and the Excelsior manufactory, two buildings owned by Ray Hubbell, were destroyed February 7, 1890; the total losses on these two fires alone was $27,000. June 19, 1890, the Wright & Satterlee building burned, entailing a loss of about $10,000. The same fire included the building of Dr. J. F. Blake, which was valued at $3,000. In addition to these, which were the larger fires, several smaller buildings have also been consumed, including three or four dwellings. It is gratifying to note that the sites of all the conflagrations have been rebuilt with elegant and substantial structures, all of which were better than their predeces- sors. The village presidents since its organization have been : Samuel B. Benton, 1873; John Resseguie, 1874; Thomas H. Rooney, 1875; Aaron G. Slocum, 1876 ; G. C. Van Dyke, 1877; Edward Allen, 1878 ; •G. N. Brown, 1879; Robert P. Anibal, 1880; Charles B. Resseguie; 1881 ; B. N. Lobdell, 1882; John C. Cook, 1883; Adolph Robitshek, 1884-85; John F.Blake, 1886-87; George E. Van Arnam, 1888; Harmon F. Fisher, 1889; Ray Hubbell, 1890. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 467 The village treasurers, with their terms of office, have been : Hiram J. Resseguie, 1873; WiUiam A. Smith, 1874; Reuben Wiilard, 1875; George N. Brown, 1776; Z. C. Ford, 1877; William D. Smith, 1878 to 1885 ; Frank L. Barker, 1886; Harmon F. Fisher, 1887-88; J. N. Mead, 1889-90. The following have held the office of village clerk : J. S. Barker, 1873 to 1878; L. L. Boyce, 1879; William Coppernoll, 1880; Lee S. Anibal, 1881 ; L. L. Boyce, 1883 to 1885; James R. Van Ness, 1886 to the present time. The officers for 1891 are: President, Ray Hubbell; trustees, Edwin Allen, H. J. Resseguie, J. R. Wiilard; treasurer, Harmon F. Fisher; collector, Ezra Horton ; public constable, Emmet J. Lobdell. The village now contains a population of more than 1,100, and has three churches, whose history will be reviewed a little further on in this work; four large hotels, the Winney House, the Arlington, the North- ville House, and the River View Hotel; a fine union free school, be- sides numerous handsome and costly residences. While in 1849 there were but two stores, at present the east side of Main street is well built up with two and three story brick blocks, containing groceries, dry goods houses, drug stores and their aggregate assortment contains al- most everything that can be asked for in a first-class community. BUSINESS INTERESTS. The Northville Knitting Mill, located at the corner of Division and Second streets, was built by Eli Van Brocklin and opened in Septem- ber, 1 89 1. The factory buildings are commodious and fully equipped with the most modern appliances known to the knit goods trade. The main structure is a frame building, 94 by 145 feet in area, and three stories high. A boiler and coal house, 22 by 65 feet, adjoins it on the north, two stories in height. The establishment furnishes employment to 115 workers at present, but when operated at its full capacity about ICO more will be employed. The products of the mill include ladies', gentlemen's and children's fine underwear, and specialties are made of overshirts, athletic goods, children's goods and seamless sides. The value of the average daily output of the mill is about $1,200. Digitized by Microsoft® 468 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The Globe Metallic Binding Company is an outgrowth of a business established by Ray Hubbell in 1880. In the fall of 1879 Mr. Hubbell conceived the idea of a metallic corner for oil cloths. He was then on board a Hudson river boat, returning home from a trip to New York. As he lay in his berth coveting sleep, he thought he saw before him the outline of a successful invention. When he reached Albany he pur- chased a small piece of brass and brought it home to Northville. From this he made a rude " corner," and shortly afterwards established his industry in a blacksmith shop on Bridge street, at first occupying two rooms, but later on the business so increased that he required the use of the entire building. In the fall of 1881 he erected a factory on the ground on which his present establishment stands, introducing improve- ments from time to time as new and valuable features were invented. This factory was destroyed by fire February 7, 1890. The present building was erected during the two months following the date of the fire and business resumed as soon as it was finished. The Globe Me- tallic Binding company was incorporated in 1 890 with a capital of $30,000 and with the following officers: Ray Hubbell, president, treasurer and general manager ; O. G. Tuttle, vice-president; J. A. Cole, secretary; directors, Ray Hubbell, J. A. Cole, E. E. Johnson, M. J. Wilson and O. G. Tuttle. The company operates in all four mills, two located at Northville and two at Painesville, Ohio. In addition to the mill at the corner of Bridge and Second streets, there is another at the corner of Washington and First streets, managed by Mr. Cole, the secre- tary. The total output of the four factories amounts to 3,000,000 yards annually, about half of which is produced at Northville, where fifteen workers are employed. Willard & Partridge, dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lum- ber, sash, blinds and doors, operate an excelsior factory near the depot. They succeeded to the business of W. S. Minor, January i, 1892. There are six machines in use and the capacity of the factory averages one ton of excelsior per day. The firm also operate a saw-mill about one- third of a mile north of the village, on Hunter's creek. John Willard, the senior member of the firm, also conducts a grist-mill at the same place. The cooper's trade has been an extensive one in Northville, although it is small at present, when compared with its condition twenty years Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 469 ago. Gilbert Rose was one of the early coopers, engaging in the busi- ness about the middle of the century and carrying it on for fifteen years or more. Samuel Benton came to Northville and began making bar- rels in 1852. During the war he employed from six to eight men. He still conducts a cooper shop on South Main street. Another cooper still in business is Oscar Burgess, who began manufacturing on his own account about 1867. Several others engaged in the business shortly after the war, among them W. F. Barker, but of late years it has dimin- ished to such an extent that the number of barrels now made is not one-tenth the output when the industry was at its height in 1870. The Methodist Episcopal Church. — Methodist preachers traveled through the territory now included within the northern part of Fulton county when the country was newly settled, probably prior to 1800. A society of this denomination was first organized as a class in 1800, with about twenty members. They held divine worship in the old school- house, at private residences, and not infrequently in barns ; but in 1805 a meeting-house was erected and used as a union church by both Meth- odists and Baptists. About the year 18 12 the Methodists returned to the old school-house again, where services were held until 1822. In 1 82 1 the society was greatly strengthened by a series of revivals which prevailed in the community, and the following year they built a church on the site of the present edifice, 50 x 34 feet in area, and costing $600. It was dedicated December 14, 1822, Daniel Ostrander officiating. In this building the society continued to worship for half a century. In 1849 the church underwent extensive repairs inside, and a bell was purchased and placed in the belfry. In 1871 the old wooden structure was removed to a lot just west of its original site, and it is now used as a dwelling house for several families. Work was then begun on a new brick church, which is one of the finest buildings of its kind in that part of the country. Its construction was largely under the supervision of Rev. Cabot M. Clark, who was known as " a church builder," and of- ficiated as clergyman for this society from 1870 until 1874. The church was finished at a cost of $22,000, and was dedicated December 31, 1872, the services being in charge of Bishop J. T. Peck, assisted by Dr. B. I. Ives. Among the early ministers who officiated at the meetings of this society were E. Woolsey, presiding elder; Smith Arnold and Jesse Davis, Digitized by Microsoft® 470 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. preachers, in 1804; Samuel Howe and John Cline, in 1809; Peter Mori- arty, in 1 8 1 1 ; Henry Stead, Tobias Spicer, and Moses Amidon, in 1814; Samuel Howe, John Clark, and Bradley Sellick, in 1821 ; John D. Mori- arty, and John W. Denniston, in 1827; Ephraim Goss and William F. Hurd, in 1831 ; James H.Taylor and Henry Williams, in 1837; ^• Starks, Charles Pomeroy and A. J. Lyon, in 1850; Sanford Washburn and Levi Warner, in 1854; and Robert Patterson, in 1859. Since i860 the regular pastors have been as follows: Orrin Gregg, 1860-61 ; John Pegg, 1862-63; Reuben Washburn, 1864-65; James G. Perkins, 1866-67; Manly Witherell, 1868-69; C. M. Clark, 1870-71-72-73; William H. L. Starks, 1874-75-76; George C. Thomas, 1877-78; An- drew McGilton, 1879-80; W. W. Foster, 1881-82; H. S. Rowe, 1883- 84; C. F. Wilcox, 1885-86-87 ; M. B. Mead, 1888 ; J. C. Russum, 1889 to the present date. The present trustees of the church are William Gilman, James B. Wilson, George N. Brown, Joseph F. Spier, A. P. Resseguie, George E. Van Arnam. The Sunday-school was organized early in the church's history and has always been well attended and prosperous. Among those who early served as superintendents were Joseph Foot, J. W. Slocum, Joseph Spier and in later years, W. F. Barker. The present superintendent is Harmon F. Fisher. The Northville Baptist Church. — In July 1802, twelve men and four women met in one of the houses that overlooked the plain on which the village of Northville now stands, and formed themselves into a body called " A Brotherly Conference." During the two years of the con- ference three attempts were made to secure the fellowship of the denomi- nation by calling a council of brethren from other churches, the last effort only being successful. At the first meeting of the council, which was held February 25, 1803, Aaron Seamans was ordained to the work of the gospel and the new organization was named "The Northampton Baptist Church and Society." Aaron Seamans at once took charge of the society as its pastor. In May, 1805, it was decided to build a house of worship, and the lot upon which it was built was the gift of Abram Van Arnam. It is the same land upon which the present Baptist church now stands. The church was dedicated in 1806 and used for several years as a union meeting-house by both Baptists and Methodists. For Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 471 a number of years it was occupied while in an unfinished condition. There was only one entrance, a door in the side toward the road, the windows being without glass or even sash, and were simply protected by a few boards. The swallows often flew in through the apertures during service and in the winter the cold, frosty air found its way among the worshipers without a fire to mitigate its sting. During 1809-10 and 181 1 Bartlett Dake, a licentiate, assisted Pastor Seamans in his work and preached a part of the time regularly, being paid for his services. Elder Seamans administered the ordinances and took an active part in all the affairs of the church, receiving also some compensation. Waite Palmer and Ebenezer Fuller were elected deacons about the time of organization and later on Ira Brundage and William Davis were elected to the same office. June 13, 18 12, Ezra Lyon and Timothy Gififord were ordained as deacons and a general meeting was held, lasting two days, to which ministers and also brethren from other churches were invited. John Chalmers and Nathaniel Mead were elected deacons in November, 1823, and in September, 1832, Ezra Lyon, jr., was elected to a similar position. At the same time Mr. Mead and also Mr. Lyon were ordained as deacons, and the first recorded protracted meeting on the church record was held, continuing four days. In June, 1837, Elder Seamans severed his connection with the church and removed to Milton, Saratoga county, where he remained for a year and a half, when he returned and resumed his church connection, Rev. Timothy Day serving the society during his absence and for six months after his return. Giles C. Van Dyke was elected a deacon in 1846. The follow- ing year repairs and improvements were made to the church and the building somewhat enlarged. The present house of worship was built in the year 1869 and cost $8,000. The dedicatory services were held in March, 1870. In 1876 the church was reincorporated under the name of "The Baptist Church of Northville." We now add a list of the pastors of this society,' with the year in which they began their pastor- ate : Aaron Seamans, 1803, continuing for a period ofthirty-nine years; Timothy Day, .1837; Myron Negus, 1845 ; Joseph Mosher, 1845; Bradley K. Barber, 1846; Oscar F. A. Spinning, 1849; Nelson Combs, 1852 ; George Fisher, 1853 ; Clement Haven, 1857 \ Charles D. Lewis, 1859; JEli W. Brownell, 1862; Joshua Day, 1867; Charles F. Hull, Digitized by Microsoft® 472 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1873; J. G. Shrive, 1875; Moses W. Dillingham, 1877; S. C. More, 1880; E. D. Hammond, 1882; E. P. Smallidge, 1884; Joseph S. Gould, 1888; M. B. Russell, 1891. The following men have served as church clerks : Joseph Cory, elected 1803; Caleb W. Slocum, 1823; Nathaniel Hamilton, 1850; Samuel B. Benton, 1853 ; Charles S. Smith, 1871 ; Joseph N. Mead, 1875. Among the deacons who were active workers for the welfare of the society were Nathaniel Mead, elected in 1823 and held the office fifty years, and Giles Van Dyke, elected in 1846, holding the office thirty-nine years. The present deacons are Samuel B. Benton, elected in 1854, and Orin Benton, elected in 1871. The trustees are Wm. H. Van Dyke, John C. Berry, and Wm. N. Collins. The church member- ship is 185 and that of the Sunday-school 180. Orin Benton is super- intendent, assisted by Edgar G. Palmer. The Presbyterian Church of Northville. — This society was organized at a meeting held August 26, 1849, with fourteen members presenting letters of dismission and recommendation as follows : From the Presby- terian church at Northampton, Samuel Duncan, Anna Duncan, Sarah S. Duncan, Helen Duncan, James S. Ayres, Cynthia A. Ayres, and Hannah Barcalow ; from the Congregational church of Edinburgh, Bar- zilla Gilbert, George Gilbert, Lucy Gilbert, Darius Moore, and Betsy Moore ; from the Presbyterian church of Amsterdam, Alexander H. Ayres. The meeting for organization was held in the Baptist church. The late Rev. Jeremiah Wood, who was then pastor of the Presbyterian church at Mayfield, and Rev. David Lyon were present, and the latter was installed as pastor of the new church, Mr. Wood preaching the sermon. For several years after organization the society held services by permission, both in the Methodist and Baptist churches, usually occupying them afternoons. The present meeting-house was built in 1857 and set apart to divine worship September 9 of that year. Rev. David Tully, of Ballston Springs, preaching the sermon. Albert H. Van Arnam gave the lot upon which the church was built, its value at that time being $100. The building will seat 250 persons comfortably, and the entire cost of construction was $2,169.51. This amount was made up by liberal contributions from various churches in the eastern part of the state, principally in the Albany Presbytery. The society Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 473. also received $150 from the church extension fund, a gift of $250 from Darius Moore, $75 from Samuel Duncan, and $78.13 from Albert Moore. Among the pastors who have officiated at the church are Da- vid Lyon, P. J. Burnham, Henry Rincker, Rev. Mr. Pease, Isaac Devoe, David Heron, Gordon Mitchell, Clarence W. Backus, Horace C. Stan- ton, George K. Fraser and George L. McClellan. The first elders of the church were Samuel Duncan, James S. Ayres, Barzilla Gilbert and Darius Moore. The present officers are as follows : Elders, John Ford, Sheldon Hubbell, John McKnight, Fay Duncan, James W. Miller, A. M. Severance ; trustees, James W. Miller, William H. Seymour, C. B. Resseguie, Ray Hubbell, J. F. Bownan, and Z. C. Ford. Fay Dun- can acted in the capacity of Sunday-school superintendent for many years. Z. C. Ford is the present incumbent. In the old burying- ground on Main street may be found the graves of many whose names have held prominence in the history of North- ampton. The first burials were made there about the beginning of the present century, and among the earlier graves are those of John Den- nison and Phoebe Elwell, both of whom died in 1804. In this old ground lie the remains of Samuel Olmsted, who was the first settler of Northville, and his wife, Jerusha ; also Abraham Van Arnam and his wife, Hannah ; Jeremiah Bass and his wife, Elizabeth ; Samuel Bass and his wife, Charlotte ; Samuel L. Olmsted (a son of the first settler), and his wife, Mary Ann; Nathan Lobdell ; Daniel Resseguie and his wife, Mary ; Charles Resseguie and his wife, Lucy ; Sampson Sims and his wife, Mary ; Samuel Randall and wife, Lydia ; Cyrus Brownell, Orra Brownell ; Robert Brownell and his wife, Jane ; Samuel Lobdell ; Daniel Resseguie ; Stephen Rowland and his wife, Lyndia ; Jacob F. Van Ness ; Joseph Spier, who originally owned the land upon which the cemetery is located ; Henry Van Ness ; Daniel Brownell and his wife, Hannah, and many others. A Cemetery Association was organ- ized in 1855, Joseph F. Spier acting as its treasurer for about thirty years. Recently a new burying-ground has been opened on the hill at the head of Main street. Northampton village, more generally known as Fish House, is situ- ated on the right bank of the Sacandaga River, at a point where that stream takes a gradual turn in its course from southeast to northwest. CO Digitized by Microsoft® 474 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The village is so close to the southern boundary of the town that part of its dwellings are really in the town of Broadalbin. This is the oldest settlement in Northampton, taking it name from a fish house which Sir William Johnson built there in 1762, which gives the place deep his- toric interest, and it seems unwise that the post office should have been named Northampton instead of Fish House. From its geographical situation the village at one time became the natural outlet to the south, for an immense region of country lying to the east and north. About the middle of the present century a plank road was laid from this place to Amsterdam!, and shortly afterwards another was built by the Northville and Fish House Plank Road Company, connecting the latter two places. It was over this route that the Amsterdam and Northville mail stages passed for many years, and an immense amount of traffic was carried on. The road from Fish House to Northville, however, became unprofitable, and indeed was only remunerative for a few years, the first set of planks never being replaced. When the rail- road was built to Northville, it naturally diverted a large share of the Adirondack traffic which had found its way to the north' through Fish House. As has been stated in the foregoing history of the town, Godfrey Shew, was the first permanent settler on the site of the village. Tradi- tion says that during the Indian troubles which occurred during and after the revolution, he was scalped near the little ditch a few rods west of Charles Fay's present residence. His son, Jacob Shew, took part in the revolution, where he gained the title of colonel. He was well known throughout this entire section, and lived on the old Shew place just east of the village. It is now owned and occupied by Robert S. Pa:ge, a son of David Page, who came to Fish House from Saratoga county in 1842. Jacob Shew had four sons, namely: John, Aaron, Jacob and Putnam. Some of the latter's children are still living at Batchelorville, Saratoga county. John Fay came to Fish House about 1805 or 1806 from Galway Corners. He was a native of Hardwick, Mass., and became a very prominent man in the affairs of the village, also in those of the town and county. He raised a family often chil- dren, seven daughters and three sons, and lived to see them all married, departing this life at the ripe age of eighty-two. His sons, John D., of Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 475; Rochester, N. Y., Charles H , of Fish House, and Hiram W., of Inde- pendence, la., are all living. John Fay was followed to this place by his brother Cyrus, a tanner and currier, who plied his trade at Fish House for many years, and raised a large family of children. He was succeeded in business after his death, by his son Alfred Fay. Other pioneer settlers at Fish House have been mentioned in connec- tion with the settlement of the town. The late Alva Wood was one of the early physicians. He was a native of Montgomery county, settling in this village in 1825, and practiced his profession there until old age placed him upon the list of retired physicians. Dr. Langdon I. Marvin, another prominent physician in Fish House, took an active part in the affairs of the town and village. He held important positions in the Masonic order, and represented his district in the State Legislature in 1840. Darius S. Orton, one of the leading physicians of the county, is a native of Vermont. Thomas H. Brown, living within three-quarters of a mile of the vil- lage, is probably the oldest man in Fulton county. He was born near Lexington, Mass., January 22, 1791, and is consequently in his I02d year. His father was Abel Brown, a soldier in the revolutionary war, having served six and one-half years under Colonel Sprout. Mr. Brown himself was in the United States service in the war of 1812, and is entitled to a pension therefor, if he wished to accept it. He comes from a family, many of the members of which have shown exceptional instances of longevity. One of his sisters lived to the age of ninety- two, and another died in her ninetieth year. An own cousin of Mr. Brown lived to the great age of 100 years, though his father was only sixty-eight years old at the time of his death. Mr. Brown has reached an age that few can hope to attain, and yet he possesses all his faculties to a wonderful degree. He remembers distinctly the eclipse of the sun in 1806, and relates many interesting anecdotes of pioneer life when American independence was yet in its infancy. Coming to this town when thirty-two years of age, he can recall many exciting scenes of the hunt after the wild game which then abounded in this wilderness region. He relates having killed twelve moose in this county in one winter, and has always taken the liveliest interest in trapping and hunting. His avo- cation in life has been that of a farmer, and he is still able to attend to Digitized by Microsoft® 476 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. the affairs of his small farm, having each summer a garden noted for its well kept appearance and productiveness. Always a strong Democrat in political convictions, he has made it a point to cast his vote at every presidential election since that of President Jackson, failing only twice in all that time to be present at the polls. He passed a happy wedded life of fifty years, Mrs. Brown having died fourteen years ago. His present home is cared for by his eldest daughter, Mary, a maiden lady, and their home is venerated by the whole community. Fish House has not grown as fast as other villages in the county, and this may be accounted for by the fact that its inhabitants have mostly been wealthy, conservative people, with a love for their stately country seats, and no desire to see their beautiful farms and gardens laid out into building lots. It is a place distinctly noted for its pleasant and substantial homesteads. The post-office was established at an early date. Stephen B. Jackson became postmaster in i860 and continued as such during President Lincoln's administration. Robert Humphrey, the present postmaster, was appointed in 1865 and held the office continuously until 1884, when the Cleveland administration came into power. James H. Smith was then appointed and held the position four years. When his term ex- pired Mr. Humphrey was reappointed and has retained the office ever since. The mail is received by way of Cranberry Creek once a day. There are at present two general stores at Fish House; one kept by Robert Humphrey, the other by James H. Smith. There are two hotels, both occupying historic sites. The Fish House hotel was built very early in the century, as is indicated by the massive pine timbers used in its construction. It was built by John Fay and was intended to be used as a residence, but subsequently became a tavern, for which purpose it has since been used. Clarence L. Deuel, the present pro- prietor, has conducted the house during the past four years. Among those who have acted as hosts of this ancient inn the following names are recalled : Cyrus Martin, Abram Van Denburg, Amasa Shippee, Edward Pearl, Ephraim A. Duel, George O. Chamberlain, John Dunn, a man named Cundy, James Leroy, Charles Osborn, Henry Eglin, Hiram Osborn, and Joseph Benedict. Directly across the way is the Osborn House, which occupies the site of the first brick building erected Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 477 in the town of Northampton. It was a store built by John Fay about 1809 ^nd stood there for nearly eighty years. It was torn down in the fall of 1887 and replaced by the present commodious hotel, built and conducted by Hiram Osborn. Before dismissing the subject of the early history of Fish House, it seems fitting to quote briefly from the "Trappers of New York," a vol- ume published by Jeptha Simms, in 1850, in which he speaks of the village as follows : "Traversing the forest in the French war from Ti- conderoga to Fort Johnson, his then residence, no doubt made Sir Wil- liam Johnson familiar with the make of the country adjoining the Sacandaga river ; and soon after the close of that war he erected a lodge for his convenience while hunting and fishing, on the south side of the river, nearly eighteen miles from his own dwelling. The lodge was ever after called the Fish House. It was an oblong square frame build- ing, with two rooms below, and walls sufficiently high (one and a half stories) to have afforded pleasant chambers. Its site was on a knoll within the present garden of Dr. Langdon I. Marvin, and about thirty ro4s from the river. It fronted the south. Only one room in the building was ever finished ; that was in the west end, and had a chimney and fireplace. The house was never painted, and in the Revolution it was burnt down ; but by whom or whose authority is unknown. The ground from where the building stood slopes very prettily to the river. No visible trace of the building remains. • * =^ "About the Fish House Sir William Johnson reserved one hundred acres of land, which was confiscated, with his son's estate, in the Revo- lution. When sold by the sequestrating committee, it was purchased by Major Nicholas Fish (he was adjutant-general of militia after the war) for one hundred pounds. Major Fish sold it at the close of the war to Asahel Parker, of Shaftesbury, Vermont, who resided several years upon it. He built a dwelling upon the low ground, a few rods from the mouth of Vlaie creek, and the following spring he was driven out of it by some four feet of water. Traces of this building are still to be seen west of the road, just above the river bridge. Parker sold the Fish House farm to Alexander St. John. The village has since been built upon it." The Presbyterian Church at Fish House is the oldest one in the place, and was undoubtedly the first religious society organized within the Digitized by Microsoft® 478 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. present limits of the town, in which for many years there was no other Presbyterian Church. Among the early deacons of this society was Samuel Duncan, who took a prominent part in organizing a Presby- terian society at Northville in 1849. The present church edifice is a handsome brick structure, occupying a sightly position near the centre of the village. Among the ministers who have officiated in this church may be mentioned H. L. Hoyt, who held the pastorate in 1877. ^^ was followed by Joseph Thyne who served the congregation faithfully from 1878 until 1883, and was succeeded by A. V. S. Wallace. Mr. Wallace remained with the society two years, relinquishing his charge in 1885 to George K. Frasier, who remained until 1888. During a part of 1888 and 1889 Murray Gardner and William E. Renshaw occupied the pulpit, each remaining six months. The latter was succeeded by- William H. Hudnut, who remained until July, 1890, at which time the present pastor, John G. Lovell, was installed. The church has a mem- bership of sixty- one with a Sunday-school of fifty scholars. J. H. Smith is the superintendent. The present officers are : Elders, William M. Stark, Darius S. Orton, A. V. Beecher, J. H. Smith ; trustees, Darius S. Orton, William M. Stark, Jerome Closson, James F. Beecher, William Rhodes, W. B. Jones, Myron Darling, David Fay, J. H. Smith ; clerk, William Rhodes. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Northampton, located at Fish House, was organized in 1859, with about fifteen members, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Mr. Quinlan. Steps were soon taken to build a house of worship, and during the following year it was completed, be- ing built of wood 35 by 50 feet in area, the lot upon which it stood having been given to the society by William Slocum and wife. The total cost was $2,000, but since then sheds have been erected, making the value of the church property at present about $2,500. The dedi- cation took place in the fall of i860, the services being in charge of Rev. Samud Meredith, presiding elder of the district, assisted by Rev. Sam- uel McKean and Rev. Hannibal Smith. The Sunday-school was or- ganized in 1 86 1, with about thirty scholars and Henry W. Slocum as superintendent. The following ministers have officiated in this charge : John W. Quinlan, Robert Patterson, Gilbert Ward, Henry Mortimer Munsee, Sherman M. Williams, Henry W. Slocum, Messrs. SteWart Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 479 Butcher, and Armstrong, Edwin Genge, Frank R. Sherwood, Jesse Brown, Hannibal H. Smith, Charles E Green, Joel Hall, Jesse Brown, second appointment ; William Trevor, R. W. C. Zeihmn, Joel H. Lin- coln, and the present pastor who came to the society in April, 1891. The stewards of the church are Robert Humphrey, J. C. Buell, May- land Van Deusen, and Ezra Vanderhoof. Mayland Van Deusen is also superintendent of the Sunday-school. Golden Rule Lodge, No. 384 F. and A. M., was organized at North- ville, December 25, 1823, and worked under dispensation until June i, 1827, when it received a charter. The first officers were: Nathan B. Lobdell, W. M. ; Samuel Duncan, S. W. ; Simon Van Arnam, J. W. ; William Parmenter, treasurer ; Daniel R. Potter, secretary ; and A. Hawley, tyler. Other members at that time were Thomas H. Brown, Hiram Lewis, Morgan Lewis, Samuel Dorrance, Thomas Eglin, Eben- ezer F. Gifford, F. Van Steenburgh, Samuel L. Dorrance, R. Merril, L. Copeland, E. Oakley, Simon Walker, Joseph Spier, John Sherwood, Caleb R. Nichols, J. Corey, J. L. Graves, J. R. Mitchell, W. Hamilton, Samuel Riddle, Samuel W. Groat, Timothy Spier, and Reuben Slocum. The lodge continued to hold communication in the house of Daniel R. Potter, which stood on the site afterwards occupied by W. F. Barker's store. As a result of the anti-masonic feeling created by the disappear- ance of Morgan, the lodge suspended labor April 28, 1830, and did not receive a new charter until June 1 1, 1853, when it was removed to Fish House, and the name changed to Fish House Lodge, No. 298, with the following officers : Henry W. Spencer, W. M. ; Isaac Elithorpe, S. W. ; and James Partridge, J. W. Among the past masters of the present lodge were Langdon I. Marvin, Harvey D. Smith, George Van Slyke, A. Newcomb Van Arnam, Sands C. Benedict, Cyrus Sumner, Darius S. Orton, A. Burr Beecher, Harry C. Thorne, and Seymour F. Partridge. Unfortunately the records of this lodge were burned in 1866, while temporarily stored during the building of a new Masonic hall. The present building is conveniently situated in the village on the east side of the road leading to Northville and is owned by the lodge. The pres- ent officers are ; Seymour F. Partridge,^ W. M. ; Charles L. Ackley, S. W. ; James R. Van Ness, J. W. ; Adolph Robitshek, treasurer ; Darius S. Orton, secretary ; M. K. Waite, S. D. ; John C. Berry, J. D. ; J. W. Digitized by Microsoft® 480 H1S20RY OF FULTON COUNTY. Bogart, S. M. C. ; Eugene M. Wetlierbee, J. M. C. ; Rev. J. C. Russum, chaplain ; Gardner Winney, marshal ; A. Burr Beecher, organist ; Tru- man Partridge, tyler. The finance committee is composed of E. A. Tanner, J. W. Bogart and Robert Humphrey; the trustees are Robert Humphrey, H. A. Partridge, and B. A. King. Sacandaga Chapter, No. 116, R. A. M., received its charter February 9, 1826, and was located at Northville. During the prevalence of the Morgan excitement it suspended labor and was not rechartered until February 24, 1853, when in company with the lodge it was removed to Fish House. After reorganization Nathan B. Lobdell held the office of H. P. ; Samuel Duncan was king and Ely Beecher scribe, retaining their positions until December 14, 1853. The present officers are: Darius S. Orton, M. E. H. P. ; Thomas H. Brown (the oldest mason in the county), E. K. ; D. W. Partridge, E. S. ; H. A. Partridge, treasurer ; James H. Smith, secretary; E. A. Tanner, C. H. ; C. S.- Tanner, P. S. ; J. W. Olmstead, R. A. C. ; P. W. Persons, M. 3d V. ; Marion H. Frasier, M. 2d V. ; C. M. Sumner, M. ist V. ; Rev. J. H. Lincoln, chaplain ; A. B. Beecher, organist; Truman Partridge, tyler. The finance committee consists of Lewis Brownell, John B. Cook, and A. J. Smith ; the trus- tees are : H. A. Partridge, Marion H. Frasier, and C. M. Sumner. Osborn's Bridge, or Denton's Corners, two names applied to a small village situated on the right bank of the Sacandaga river, about half ■way between Northville and Fish House, was settled shortly after the war of the revolution. The names of the earliest settlers in this local- ity have been noted in preceding pages of this work. Among those who located there early in the present century were two men named Osborn and Denton. It appears that both displayed an inclination to perpetuate their family names by attaching them to fhe little settlement. Denton lived at the road-crossing about half a mile from the bridge across the Sacandaga, and the cluster of houses in his neighborhood received the name of Denton's Corners, while Osborn secured distinc- tion by naming the bridge after himself. Upon the establishment of a post-office at this place the name Osborn's Bridge was selected, but the village is widely known as Denton's Corners. Denton and Elihu Cole- man were the owners of the first frame houses in or near the village. The Methodist Episcopal church of Denton's Corners was first organ- ized as a class or society about sixty-five years ago. Services are held Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON. 481 in a wooden church building, conveniently situated near the " Corners." It is included in the Northampton charge, of which W. S. Taylor is the present officiating clergyman. Cranberry Creek, so called from a stream by the same name upon which it is situated, is a small village located close to the west line 'of the town. It is a station on the F., J. and G. Railroad, and connection is made there by stage for Osborn's Bridge and Northampton village. M. A. Gilbert is station agent for the railroad company, a position he has held for the past twelve years. A. G. Kiltz is the postmaster. The village also contains two churches, the Christian and the Methodist Episcopal; a store, a school-house, and twenty-five or thirty dwellings. The Christian church at Cranberry Creek was organized in Septem- ber, 1822. Elder Jacob Capron held services there for one year, com- mencing in the autumn of 1820. He was followed by Elder Jabez ICing, who conducted services a year and until the time of organization. Thomas R. Tanner and Samuel Spaulding were the first deacons, and the former was chosen clerk of the society. Meetings were held at different places during a period of twenty years. The present church edifice was built in 1845, the money being raised by subscription. The total cost was about $1,000. Up to 1840 eighty-three persons had enrolled their names as members of this society. Among the ministers who have officiated at this church are Rev. Messrs. Capron, King, An- drews, Haight, Haywood, Coffin, Evans, Bowdish, Teal, Warner, and Pratt. The present pastor is Charles Mace. The trustees are John Reynolds, E. R. Armstrong, and Wilbur Wilson ; clerk, J. E. Kiltz. The Methodist Episcopal church has been recently organized at this place, and is under the Northampton charge, W. S. Taylor, pastor. Town Oncers. — The following lists comprise the names of super- visors, town clerks and justices of the peace of Northampton, from the first town meeting, held May 24, 1799, to the present time : Supervisors. — 1799-1803, Alexander St. John ; 1804-5, John Nash ; ^1806, Abram Van Arnam ; 1807-13, John Fay; 1814-22, Joseph Spier; 1823-36, Nathaniel Westcott ; 1837-41, John Patterson ; 1842 -43, Nathan B. Lobdell ; 1844-5, Abram H. Van Arnam; 1846-7, William Slocum ; 1848-9, Cyrus Stone; 1850-1, Fay Smith ; 1852, William A. Smith; 1853-4, William Slocum; 1855-6, Morgan Lewis; 61 Digitized by Microsoft® 482 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. 1857-8, Seth Cook; 1859-60, William F. Barker; 1861-2, H. D. Smith; 1863-4, Gilbert Lefevre ; 1865-6, H. D.Smith; 1867-8, A. Newcomb Van Arnam ; 1869-72, Thomas H. Rooney ; 1873-75. A. Newcomb Van Arnam; 1776, George M. Gifford ; 1877-8, Robert Humphrey; 1879-80. John McKnight ; 1881-2, James H. Smith; 1883-5, George E. Van Arnam; 1886-8, Albert J. Smith; 1889-90, George N, Brown ; 1 89 1, John A. Cole. Town Clerks. — 1800-3, John Dennison ; 1804-5, Abram Van Ar- nam ; 1806. J. A. Van Arnam ; 1807, Daniel Brownell ; 1808-9, Jacob Van Arnam; 1810-12, James Lobdell ; 1813, Wilham Hammond; 1 8 14-15, Godfrey T. Shew; 1816-20, Nathaniel Wescot; 1821, Abram Van Arnam, jr.; 1822-8, Joseph F. Spier ; 1829-30, C. S. Grinnell ; 1831-3, Flavel B. Sprague ; 1834-5. John Patterson ; 1836-7, Wright Newton; 1838, William H. Van Ness; 1839-40, Seth Cook; 1841, D. R. Smith ; 1842-3, M. W. Newton ; 1844, Peter D. Gifford ; 1845- 46, Harvey D. Smith; 1847-8, Benjamin Smith; 1849, William H. Van Ness; 1850-1, Seth Cook ; 1852, John W. Cook; 1853-4, Mor- gan Lewis; 1855, Joseph M. Gifford; 1856-7, H. D. Smith ; 1858-9, A. J. Smith; i860, S. B. Benton; 1861, Charles A. Baker; 1862-3, John W. Cook; 1864. J. H. Smith; 1865, A. Pulling; 1866, B. N. Lobdell ; 1867-8, Augustus Pulling ; 1869-70, P. Conkling; 1871, Ru- fus P. Gifford ; 1872, Amos H. Van Arnam ; 1873, Theodore Scribner ; 1874, Harry C. Thome; 1875, Jonathan Baker; 1876, George N. Brown; 1877-8, George E. Van Arnam ; 1879-80, Milo K. Waite; 1881-3, E. L. Deming; 1884, Albert J. Smith ; 1885-90, Joseph N. Mead; 1891, Fred N. Benton. Justices of the Peace.^ — 1830, Nathaniel Wescot; 183 1, Andrew Chambers; 1832, Samuel Duncan; 1833, Flavel B. Sprague; 1834, Nathaniel Wescot ; 1835, Abram Dedrick; 1836, Morgan Lewis, Sam- uel Cale; 1837, Andrew Chambers; 1838, Thaddius St. John, Flavel B. Sprague; 1839, Flavel B. Sprague, Harmon Seymour; 1840, Mor- gan Lewis; 1841, Joseph M. Gifford ; 1842, David R. Smith; 1843,. Charles A. Baker, Alva Wood; I844, Morgan Lewis; 1845, Joseph M. Gifford; 1846, Alva Wood ; 1847, Charles A. Baker; 1848, Mor- gan Lewis; 1849, Alfred N. Haner; 1850, George Pease; 185 1, Mar- 1 The records do not show any. justices to have been elected prior to 1830. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 485 tinFurkham; 1852, William E. Spier ; 1853, Alfred N. Haner, Nathan B. Lobdell, SethCook; 1854, George Pease ; 1855, Seth Cook; 1856, Nathan B. Lobdell, Caleb W. Slocum ; 1857, Caleb W. Slocum ; 1858, George Pease ; 1859, Seth Cook; i860, Morgan Lewis; 1861, Lock- wood Spalding; 1862, George Pease; 1867, Seth Cook; 1868, Mor- gan Lewis; 1869, Joseph M. Gififord, Royal Shuts; 1870, George Pease ; 1871, Arnold P. Partridge, H. D. Smith; 1872, John McKnight; 1873, George M. Gifford ; 1874, H. D. Smith, Clark S. Tanner; 1875, Clark S. Tanner; 1876, William Coppernoll ; 1877, Nathaniel Hinkley; 1878, John H. Hinkley ; 1879, Clark S. Tanner ; 1880, John W. Brown ; 1 88 1 , N. Hinkley; 1882, PZzra Vanderhoof; 1883, Clark S. Tanner ; 1884, John W. Brown ; 1885, Nathaniel Hinkley; 1886, Willis JHayden, Ed- gar L. Deming; 1887, Clark S. Tanner; 1888, John W. Brown, John McKnight; 1889, John Patterson, William M.Stark; 1890, William M. Stark; 1 891, Fay Duncan. The town officers for 1892 are as follows : Supervisor, George E. Van Arnani ; town clerk, Clarence P. Willard ; justices of the peace, John Patterson, William M. Stark, John W. Brown, Fay Duncan ; assessors, Charles Palmateer, Z. C. Ford, George M. Gifford ; commissioner of highways, William H. Miller; collector, Chase Chapman. CHAPTER XXni. TOWN OF BROADALBIN. THIS is the central town on the east border of the county. As originally organized it contained a portion of the present town of Northampton, which bounds it on the north, and a portion of Perth, which forms its southern boundary. The town is bounded on the east by Saratoga county and on the west by the town of Mayfield. The surface of the town is rolling, with scarcely any high hills, and the land is mostly adapted to cultivation. It is not distinctively a rich farming town, however, the soil partaking largely of the drift formation of sand. Digitized by Microsoft® 484 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. In an agricultural way the farmers have devoted themselves to the raising of oats and hay, while perhaps the greater portion of their fami- lies are engaged to a certain extent in making gloves and mittens. The "Sacandaga vlaie," a marshy tract of land containing about 12,000 acres of alluvial soil, extends into the northern portion of the town, and as this territory is overflowed by water every spring, it is of little agricultural value. During extremely dry seasons, however, farmers are enabled to cut a species of coarse grass that grows there, and which makes an inferior quality of hay. The town is intersected by several rapid streams. Kennyetto creek, sometimes called the " Little Sacandaga," has its source in Greenfield, Saratoga county, and after flowing in a westerly direction through Broadalbin and into the town of Mayfield, it turns gradually to the northeast and, forming the Vlaie creek by a confluence with Mayfield creek, empties into the Sacandaga river at Fish House, scarcely more than three miles from its source. From this peculiar characteristic the stream received the name " Kennyetto," which is of aboriginal origin, and in the language of the Mohawks is said to mean " snake trying to swallow its tail." Chuctenunda creek flows through the southeast cor- ner of the town and Mayfield creek through the northwest corner. Frenchman's creek flows northwest across the northern portion of the town and empties into Kennyetto creek about a mile south of the Northampton line. A pioneer Frenchman, named Joseph De Golyer, located on this creek when the country was a wilderness, and the stream has since been called " Frenchman's Creek." Another stream with a singularly odd and historic name is Hons' creek, which also flows across the northern portion of the town. The naming of this creek is as- cribed to an incident that happened during a fishing excursion of Sir William Johnson. Simms, in his "Trappers of New York," gives the following description of the circumstance : " Sir William Johnson and John Conyne were fishing for trout in the mouth of this stream, when, as Conyne was standing up, an unexpected lurch of the boat sent him floundering in the water. He shipped a sea or two, as the sailor would say, before he was rescued by his compan- ion from a watery grave. Sir William not only had a hearty laugh over it then, but often afterwards when telling how Conyne plunged Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 485 into the water to seek for trout. Hens being the Dutch for John, and a familiar name by which Sir William called his companion in relating the incident," the stream has ever since been called by that name. Broadalbin was formerly a part of Caughnawaga, and was among the first towns organized in the present county of Fulton. It was set apart with Johnstown and Mayfield, March 12, 1793. The territory of which it is composed is embraced in the Kayaderosseras, Sacandaga and Glen patents, " the former of which was among the first grants by the Eng- lish colonial government in this part of the state, having been issued to Nanning Hermanse, and others, November 20, 1708." Later on sev- eral thousand acres of the Kayaderosseras and Glen patents came into the posession of Daniel Campbell, of Schenectady, who subsequently divided it into small tracts, and prior to 1800 granted perpetual leases to actual settlers for an annual rental according to the size of the farm they occupied. Early Settlers. — Henry Stoner was the first white man to locate with- in the present limits of Broadalbin. He was a German and came to this country about 1760, taking up his residence in New York city. He subsequently went to Maryland and lived there for a time, coming to this then wilderness with his family about 1770. He settled on the site of the present village of Broadalbin and built a log cabin, the location of which may yet be identified on a farm formerly owned by the late Judge Weston. He married Catharine Barnes in Mayfield, and she bore him two sons, Nicholas and John. The former was known far and near as a sure shot with a rifle, and also a celebrated and successful hunter and trapper, and with an inborn hatred for Indians. His name has received a local fame from Simms' Frontier Tales of the Early Col- onists. Henry Stoner removed to Johnstown in the summer of 1777 and enlisted in the American army, his two sons accompanying the reg- iment as drummers. He spent the succeeding three years in active serv- ice, and then, still zealous for the Hberty of his adopted land, he re- enlisted for three months, at the end of which time he returned home. It is related that in the summer of 1782 he was living on a farm near Tribes Hill in Amsterdam, which locality was the scene of his untimely death. While hoeing corn in a field one morning, he was silently ap- proached by a small band of Indians who attacked him unawares, killed Digitized by Microsoft® 486 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. and scalped him, and then plundered and burned his dwelling. Ac- cording to Simms his death was avenged later on by his son Nicholas, who killed the very Indian that committed the outrage while he was in the act of boasting of the deed. Nicholas Stoner and N. D. Wilson, the latter a prominent man in Gloversville, are descendants of this family. •It was about the year 1773 when the next settler ventured into the town. At that time Philip Helmer came in and located on land about two miles east of the spot selected by Stoner. A short time prior to the revolution the site of Broadalbin village became the nucleus of a few settlers. Among them were Andrew Bowman, John Putnam, Herman Salisbury, Charles Cady, Joseph Scott and Benjamin Deline. The majority of these remained only a few years, as the settlement was re- mote from other villages or places of refuge, and was exposed to scalp- ing parties of Indians. The unsettled state of the country in conse- quence of the opening of the war for liberty had much to do with the removal of these pioneers, and in 1777 most of them removed to Johns- town, only one or two families remaining in the locality. When the independence of the American colonies was firmly established, how- ever, and the danger of border warfare had passed away, settlers were more venturesome and the pleasant rolling country north of the Mo- hawk readily attracted the hardy New Englanders and also the Scotch Highlanders, who subsequently settled the present towns of Perth and Broadalbin. About 1783, Samuel Demarest, a native of Holland, after living a few years in Newark, N. J., came up the Hudson on a sloop and settled in Broadalbin on lot No. 14, of subdivision No. 3, of the 21st allot- ment of the Kayaderosseras patent. He was a soldier m the revolu- tionary war and is believed to have kept the first hotel in the town- He had three sons, Daniel, Samuel and Nicholas, and several daughters. Shortly after him came Alexander Murray from Scotland, and located in Broadalbin village. He was the first town clerk of Broadalbin and held the office for many" years. William Chalmers located on what is known as the Dyer Thompson farm in 1789. Ezra Wilson secured a perpetual lease of 100 acres of land from Daniel Campbell of Schenec- tady, September 7, 1792, and located on lot No. 5, in the subdivisioa of lot No. 4, in the 21st allotment of the Kayaderosseras patent. Abra- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 487 ham Manchester, from Rhode Island, settled soon after on a farm two miles east of Broadalbin village, now occupied by his son Abraham. Among others who obtained leases and settled on portions of the Kaya- derosseras and Glen patents about the year 1795 were John Blair, Ben- jamin Earl, Ezekiel Olmstead, Nathaniel and Neil Pearse, Walter C. Rathbone, J. Campbell, W. Demarest and William Stewart. In 1796 Nathan Brockway, of Rhode Island, where he was born in 1764, removed with his family from Bridgeport, Conn.,4o Broadalbin. His wife displayed heroic courage in accomplishing the entire journey on horseback carrying an infant daughter in her arms. Brockway located on " the ridge," about a mile and a half west of Hawley's Corners, where he remained until his death in 1844. The place is now known as "the old Babcock farm." Richard Van Vranken was another early settler, coming from Schenec- tady in 1798 and settling three-fourths of a mile east of Broadalbin village. In 1799 John Roberts came from Connecticut and located in the same neighborhood. During the closing years of the last century the town had become the centre of quite an active community, its boundaries had been estab- lished, a name chosen, town officers elected and much of the original forest cleared away. In the fall of 1799 Reuben Burr came to Broadalbin from Litchfield, Conn., performing the journey with an ox and a cow yoked together, and bringing his family and household effects. The most important of these was a loom and a chest filled with crockery and bedding. A primitive log cabin without a roof, located between Broadalbin and Mayfield, first served him as a place of abode, but he was not long in roofing the rude house with poles, covered with bark and brush. The next year he located on a farm recently known as the Isaac Mariam place, now occupied by Reuben Phillips, about one mile east of Broad- albin village. Burr died in August, 1859, having remained a resident of the town until the time of his death. His son, Allen Burr, born in June, 1801, became prominent in the affairs of the town, and had a wide and enviable acquaintance. He held the office of justice of the peace sixteen years, and was eight years postmaster during the admin- istration of Andrew Jackson. He died May 3, 1879. His children Digitized by Microsoft® 488 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTS. now living are James and Samuel Burr, of Broadalbin ; C. H. Burr, of Coldwater, Mich., and Emiline, who married Stewart Lansing, and lives about one mile north of Broadalbin village. James Sumner, a tanner and currier, came from Vermont prior to 1800 and located on the farm known as the Deacon Teller place. He built the first tannery in the town , about 1805. It stood about two miles northeast of the village of Broadalbin. He afterwards moved to the western part of the state, where he died. About 1800 a store was kept by Nicholas Van Vranken one mile east of the village. Duncan McMartin, a man who achieved great prominence as a sur- veyor and also lawyer and jurist, and who had the. respect and esteem of the entire community, came to Broadalbin as early as 18 10 and located on what has since been known as the Spencer farm near North Broadalbin. There he built a grist-mill and saw-mill, and became a man of wealth and influence. He was a master in chancery; was ap- pointed a judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1813, and afterwards was elected State Senator. He was instrumental in forming a stock company in 1813 to erect and conduct a woolen factory on his place. The directors of the company were Duncan McMartin, Tiffany Brock- way, James Sumner, John Fay, and John E. Hawley. They carried on the manufacture of woolen goods for several years, until at the close of the war of 18 12, the general depression of prices caused an unexpected reduction in the price of their product, and the enterprise was tem- porarily abandoned. The directors, on whose hands the responsibility for the debts had fallen, succeeded after a time in canceling their obli- gations and renewed the enterprise. Later on the property came into the hands of John Culbert and Thomas Reddish, who oper- ated the mill with much success for a number of years. After the death of Thomas Reddish, his two sons, John and Daniel M , conducted the business and since the death of the former, although the property is still owned by Daniel M. Reddish (a highly respected resident of North Broadalbin) the mill is leased and operated by outside parties. Paul Earl came to Broadalbin about 1 800. He was a native of Rhode Island and located on a farm near Mill's Corners in the eastern part of the town. His son, Stephen Earl, was born in 18 12 and was one of its respected residents; his death occurred in September, 1869. Stephen's- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 489 fourth son, Melvin Earl, is the present proprietor of "Earl's Hotel," in Broadalbin village, a house well known to the traveling public. Notes from. Town Records. — The first town meeting was held in 1793, but for some reason not apparent, the proceedings were deemed illegal and a second meeting was held at the house of Daniel Mclntyre, Tues- day, April. I, 1794, at which time a full board of town officers was elected. Peter V. Veeder, Daniel Mclntyre and Alexander Murray, as com- missioners of excise for the town of Broadalbin granted licenses for " keeping inns or taverns " for the year 1794 at the rate of £2 each to the following named persons : Willett Clark, Jeremiah Olmstead, James Lowry, Calvin Young, Samuel Demarest, Joshua Briggs, Samuel Sears, James Kennedy, Aaron Olmstead, Alexander Murray, Daniel Mcln- tyre, sr., David Joslin, Thomas Foster, Peter Hubbell, Daniel Mcln- tyre, jr., and Peter V. Veeder. John McNeil, Henry Van Dalsem and James Kennedy were chosen, April 7, 1795, to take the census for the town. The following unique inscription is found in the town records for the year 1797 : "N. B. Peter V. Veeder, Esq., requested it might be Observed and reported by the committee that he had paid out as overseer of the poor. Forty- three pounds Ten shillings, which brings the Town indebted to him three pounds, fifteen shillings and seven pence. Upon further ex- amination of the books of Peter V. Veeder, Esqr, as poormaster, we do find the accompts to be regular and that their is due to the said Peter V. Veeder from the Town the sum of Three pounds. Fifteen shill- ings as above noted, and do report and submit the same as the commit- tee aforesaid. "James Ford, "Nathl Perkins." "April 26, 1797." In 1798 Daniel McDonald and Elijah Sheldon, two of the commis- sioners of highways, made a division of the town into eighteen road districts, a description of each of which is entered in the town record of that year. In 1799 seven additional districts were added by Elijah Sheldon, Henry Banta, and Benjamin Shepherd. 62 Digitized by Microsoft® 490 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. At the annual town meeting in 1803 it was voted' among other things, that " all persons whatsoever (the inhabitants of Broadalbin, North- ampton and Mayfield excepted) shall be prohibited from driving or turning horses or cattle on the fly or commons of Broadalbin, under the penalty of two dollars for each head so turned on the said commons. One-half to the person who shall prosecute the same to effect and the other half for the improvement of highways in said-town." It was voted at the town meeting in 18 13 " that no cattle or horses be allowed to run at large around stores, taverns or mills from the first day of November to the first day of May on the penalty of one dollar a head for each offence." A careful inspection of the record does not disclose the occurrence of any startling or extraordinary events in the history of the town. A historic spot within the limits of Broadalbin is Summer House Point. It is situated on the Sacandaga vlaie near its western end. It consists of an elevated knoll of solid ground, oblong in shape, with a perfectly level summit 60D feet long by 150 wide and gently sloping on all sides. A narrow strip of arable ground connects the knoll with the main land, and during high water this strip is entirely covered, thus making an island of the point. The following description of Sir William Johnson's summer house, which occupied the very centre of this knoll, is given by a recent writer: "As early as 1761 he erected an elegant one-story summer villa, conferring upon it the name of 'Castle Cum- berland,' in honor of the vanquisher of the Pretender, To this spot he afterward opened a carriage road from Johnstown. Here he placed a pair of his slaves, who cultivated a garden, dug a well, set out fruit trees, and made many other improvements ; and here Sir William spent much of his time in summer, until his death. In the early part of the Revo- lution Castle Cumberland was fortified, under the impression that the enemy from the North might possibly attack that point by water. Part of a regiment of troops under Colonel Nicholson, was stationed here most of the summer of 1776. An intrenchment, six feet wide and sev- eral feet deep, was cut across the eastern end of the point. At the end of the summer it was abandoned as a military post. In 1781 the sum- mer house was burned, probably by some of the emissaries of Sir John Johnson, who, abandoning all hope of ever repossessing it, resolved Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 491 upon its destruction. This spot has ever since been called Summer House Point, but no traces of the castle remain. " On the 15th of June, 1876, a grand centennial celebration was held on the point, at which a large multitude of people participated. An oration was delivered by the late R. H. Rosa, of Broadalbin. Din- ner was served ; an address was delivered by Rev. Mr. Moody, of Troy, followed by an allegorical representation of the last council of Sir William with the chiefs of the Six Nations. A large collection of ancient and revolutionary relics was also displayed." Indian arrow heads are now frequently found in the neighborhood of the point. Villages. — Situated on both sides of Kennyetto creek at a point where it enters the town of Mayfield, is the village of Broadalbin. To a traveler approaching the place from the west, immediately after leav- ing the village cemetery, on the hill, the town presents a striking appear- ance, spreading as it docs, east and west along an almost level plain, and the view unobstructed by trees or buildings. It might properly by called a village of the plain, as almost every house and church-spire can be seen at a considerable distance. The site of the village is the earliest settled locality in the town. It is said that the name " Kenny- etto " was given to the little settlement by the few scattering families who located there prior to the Revolution. Of course when these families abandoned their primitive homes at the outbreak of the war, the place lost its early title and there was no necessity for another name until the arrival of the Scotch and New England settlers. Prior to the Rev- olution Major Jelles Fonda secured a title to several hundred acres of land upon a section of which the village now stands. This land was densely wooded at the time and as the word " bush" is a Scotch synonym for " woods," the village became generally known as " Fon- da's Bush," a name which is still used exclusively by some of the older inhabitants. In deference to the wishes of the Scotch people, who loved the names of their native heath, the post-office established about 1804, was named Broadalbin. This name was originally given to the town by Daniel Mclntyre, a native of Broadalbin, Scotland, who settled near what is now Perth Centre, at an early day. In 181 5 the Dutch, who had settled in this localty to a certain extent, made a successful effort Digitized by Microsoft® 492 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. to incorporate the village, and the place was given the name of Raw- sonville, in honor of Dr. E. G. Rawson. The provisions of the charter have never been acted upon and probably few persons in the village are aware that it was ever incorporated. Dr. Rawson, above mentioned, was the first physician to locate in the place. He came from Connecticut about 1805 and lived in a house built of slabs, for which he paid Nicholas Van Vranken, a carpenter, the sum of $5. Van Vranken furnished all material and built the house. It stood on the site of the brick building recently built and now occupied by Frank Fuller as a furniture store. The doctor raised a family and died about 1850. None of his children is now living in the community. Dr. William Chambers was another early physician. He died about the same time as Dr. Rawson. Dr. C. C. Joslin came to Broadalbin from Schenectady in 1841. He is a native of Onondaga county and a graduate of Union college. He practiced in Broadalbin until fourteen or fifteen years ago and then went to Johnstown. Old age had now placed him on the retiring list and he is passing the latter years of his life quietly in the village. Among the living physicians who have an extensive practice in and about the village, and have been prominently connected with its interests and welfare are Dr. H. C. Finch and Dr. Drury. Prominent among Broadalbin's living lawyers are Emmet Blair, Fitzhugh Littlejohn and John M. Drury. Joshua Green and Thomas Bicknal were the first persons to keep stores in the place and Samuel Demarestand Alexander Murray kept taverns as early as 1793. The first grist-mill in the town was built there in 1808 by a man named Herring, who also built and conducted a saw-mill. The village was on the line of the Amsterdam and Fish House plank road, built in 1849, ^"cl which was afterwards extended to Northville. This road was much used and accommodated a great amount of traffic between the Mohawk and the northern country, but the building of the Gloversville and Northville railroad in 1874 gave a new outlet and the plank road was soon abandoned. The Broadalbin Herald, an eight- page weekly paper, was started by Rev. R. G. Adams, November 29, 1877. It is now edited by B. C. Smith and printed at the office of the Weekly Intelligencer in Glovers- ville. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 493 The village has a population of about 800, and although its growth has been slow, its people have been mostly personsof substantial fortunes, with a desire for healthful, quiet homes. It is a favorite location for families of wealth living in the large cities who spend their summer months in picturesque summer houses located in the village and do much for its improvement generally. The place is well supplied with stores and shops. Among these are the drug stores of J. T. Bradford, Finch & Lee and G. W. Burr ; the dry goods, clothing and general stores of Archibald Robertson, who with A. H. Van Arnam succeeded to the business of J. L. Hagadorn five years ago, but for the past three years Mr. Robertson has been alone; J. P. Rosa, who began his present business in April, 1891, al- though he had formerly been engaged in the hardware business at Vail's Mills ; J. E. Lasher & Company ; the grocery of Nelson Burr, and the harness store of VV. E. Halladay. W. H. Halladay came from Mont- gomery county and established a harness shop in Broadalbin in 1844 and carried on the business until the time of his death. During the last thirty years of his life he was associated with his son, W. E. Halla- day. James Burr and Reuben Fox, whom he succeeded in business, are among the prominent men who have kept store in Broadalbin. Harry G. Hawley started a hardware store there more than fifty years ago and the business is now carried on by his son, F. S. Hawley. The present brick business block on the east side of North street was built upon the site of a number of old wooden structures that were burned in December, 1878. The Broadalbin Knitting Company, whose extensive factory is lo- cated near Kennyetto creek, has done a great deal towards furnishing employment to the industrial classes of the village. A line of small pipe has been laid from the mill to the centre of the village, which furnishes the stores with a supply of water that is greatly appreciated for street purposes during dry, dusty weather. The village has three hotels, namely : the Osborne House, a large and handsome building, located at the lower end of Main street, conducted by Wm. Osborne, who caters to summer visitors; Earl's Hotel, a commodious and well- known house, located on Main street in the centre of the village, con- ducted by Melvin Earl ; and the American House, on the corner of Main and North streets, kept by Thomas Fulton. Digitized by Microsoft® 494 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Among those who are manufacturing gloves in the village may be mentioned Arthur Smith, who came to Broadalbin from Perth in 1840 and who has been making gloves on a limited scale for the past thirty- years ; also the firm of Dye & Bartlett, on North street, who began business about four years ago. The post-office was established in Broadalbin about 1804, but little is known of the early postmasters. The office was generally kept by one of the merchants of the village, and was moved from one store to another as might be required by the changes in the national administration. Allen Burr was postmaster for a number of years prior to 1840. He was succeeded by Alexander Van Ness. Laban S. Capron also had the office at one time. Dr. C. C. JosHn held it from 1857 until 1861. Arthur Smith was appointed April 17, 1861, and continued as post- master until September 29, 1866, at which time Daniel O. Cleveland received the appointment and held it until April 2, 1867. Arthur Smith was then reappointed and held the office two years, resigning in favor of Daniel O. Cleveland, May 14, 1869. Mr. Cleveland then held the office until October i, 1874, when his son, J. W. Cleveland, took charge of the post-office and retained the position until November 9, 1880. Frank Fuller was then appointed, holding the office until September, 1882, when he was succeeded by Loren Sunderlin, who was postmaster until June 22, 1885. David Blair received the appointment under the Cleveland administration and held the office four years. Mr. Blair was succeeded by the present postmaster, Archibald Robertson, who as- sumed the duties of the office May 22, 1889. Through eastern and western mails are received twice daily by way of Mayfield. The project of a railroad from Mayfield to Broadalbin, to connect at the former place with the trains of the F., J. & G. railroad, has been more or less agitated during the past few months. A survey was made early in April, 1892, by J. W. Cleveland, who asserts that a practical line can be built, three and one-half miles in length, at a cost of about $40,000. The plans have been submitted to the officials of the F., J. & G. Company at Gloversville, who have promised to take speedy action in the matter. The Broadalbin Kennyetto Fire Company was incorporated by special consent of the town board, at a meeting of that body held at the office Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 495 of John M. Gardner, October 2, 1886. Its first officers were Leonard S. Northrup, president ; J. P. Rosa, secretary ; George O. Dickinson, treasurer, who, together with John E. Lasher, T. Delap Smith, Cor- nelius Vanderwerker, W. E. Halladay, James A. Bemis, and Charles H. Butler, form the board of trustees. A hose and engine-house was built in 1887 at a cost of $419.04. The company have a hose cart and hand engine which render good service in cases of fire. The present officers of the fire company are William H. Dye, foreman ; C. P. Vanderwerker, first assistant foreman ; James Drought, second assistant foreman ; El- mer Bartlett, treasurer ; William O. Cleveland, secretary, and Charles Van Vranken, assistant secretary. The present officers of the corpora- tion are J. P. Rosa, president ; F. G. Fuller, secretary ; J. E. Lasher, treasurer, who, with E. J. Greensleet, Charles Van Vranken, William J. Kennedy, William Satterlee, Cornelius Vanderwerker, and William H. Dye, form the board of trustees. The Baptist Church of Broadalbin and May field. — The Baptists were probably the first religious denomination to organize a society in the present town of Broadalbin. As was the custom in those early times, in the absence of any .stated house of worship, the services were held wherever time and opportunity seemed most fitting. This was often at the homes of the members and sometimes in barns and sheds. Noth- ing definite is known of the meeting of this society prior to October 18, 1792, at which time a church organization was made, under the name of " The Baptist Church of Mayfield and Broadalbin." The following is taken from the records made at that time : "Oct. i8th, 1792. A Number of Members as Delligates from North Galloway Baptist Church, being convened at the house of Caleb Wood sworth in Mayfield together with Elder Butler and Br. french in a single capacity, form into a council to hear the Request of a Number of Members in Jesus Christ which is to Be feloshipt as a church in gospel order. Members of Council Elder Butler, french Elder finch Samuel Halsted Lemuel Cavil Stutson Benson, after gaining an acquaintance of the adoption Gifts and qualification of the above said Members we Do feloship you as a church in Gospel order. Joel Butler Md. Stutson Benson, Clerk." Digitized by Microsoft® 496 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. The names or the number of members is not known, but it is sup- posed the greater share of them v/ere residents of this town. The first deacons were Robert Ryan and Seth Pettit, chosen December 15, 1792. The first additions to this church were made on January 5, 1793, when Mrs. Rebecca Marsh and Mrs. Daniel Mory united. Rev. John Finch who was then pastor of the First Baptist church of Providence, Saratoga county, was the first to minister to this society, which he did as cir- cumstances permitted. On December 15 the church voted "to give Elder Finch five pounds in grain, meat, flax, wool, and cloth, and forty shillings in work." Hezekiah Gorton was also one of the early minis- ters. He was one of the first members of this church, and was licensed to preach as early as 1795, for on January 2, 1796, the church agreed to raise " eight pounds by the first day of June next" for his services. He was ordained January 31, 1798, by a council consisting of delegates from the Baptist churches of Galway, Providence and Stephentown, and also Alex. McQueen, David Gorton, and Caleb Woodworth from this church. 'In June, 1796, the church united with the Shaftsbury Asso- ciation, the first delegates to which were Hezekiah Gorton and Con- sider Fox. The number of members at that time was 33. In Septem- ber, 1797, a meeting of the church and society was held at Fonda's Bush, at which it was decided " to build a meeting-house." Alexander McQueen and Nathan Brockway were appointed a building committee, and the erection of a frame church edifice was soon after commenced in the village. A report from Nathaniel Perkins, Alexander McQueen, and Caleb Woodruff, trustees, shows that up to May 17, 1798, the sum oi £261 I2S. 3d. had been expended on the structure. The building was so far completed in the summer of 1798 that it was occupied for worship, but eight years more elapsed before the temporary pulpit and rude seats were replaced by permanent ones. The Saratoga Baptist Association was formed from a part of the Shaftsbury Association, August 8, 1804, by a convention of churches held at Milton, and the Broadalbin church united with it August 21, 1805. Elder Gorton, after his ordination, remained with and ministered reg- ularly to the congregation, but did not assume the pastoral charge of the church until January 3, 1 807, when he became the first regular pas- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 497- tor, which relation he maintained until 18 13. He then removed to the western part of the state, where he remained until his death. In Au- gust, 1813, the church employed Rev. Jonathan Nichols as preacher, retaining him about three years. He was an Arminian in faith, and succeeded through his influence in causing the church to withdraw from the Saratoga Association, June i, 1816, but upon the installation of his successor, Rev. William Groom, in 18 18, the society reunited with that body. A new house of worship was begun January 24, 1833, about twenty rods to the eastward of the first one, on land purchased by the society from Dr. E. G. Rawson. It was a frame dwelling, 43 by 60 feet in size, and was built by Elijah Roberts. On August 6 following the trus- tees, Gideon Tabor, Chauncey C. Alvord, and Ephraim Wetherbee, ob- tained leave from a Court of Chancery, held at Saratoga Springs, to dispose of the old church property and apply the proceeds towards the completion of the new building, which was finished and dedicated in 1835. Elder Groom's pastorate continued until July 9, 1836, at which time he resigned, but by request he remained as a supply until January i, 1837. After being released from this charge he retired to private life and later on moved from the village. In 1873 he returned to his old home in Broadalbin, where he died in the summer of 1876. Oa February i, 1837, James Delany, a licentiate, came as a supply. He was ordained and installed as pastor of this church January- 10, 1838, and was succeeded in June following by Rev. William B. Curtis, of Norway, who remained until April, 1842. During his pastor- ate of less than four years, 120 converts became members and received baptism. This church adopted the revised constitution of the Sara- toga Association February 15, 1 841. Rev. Lodowick Salisbury, of West Winfield, assumed pastoral charge June 20, 1842, and was suc- ceeded in September of the same year by Rev. G. C. Baldwin, of Ham- ilton, who supplied the congregation for about fifteen months. On December 23, 1843, Rev. Charles A. Chandler, of Elba, Genesee county, N. Y., accepted a call from this church at a salary of $400 per annum, but did not commence his labors until April i following. The pulpit was filled during the interval by Rev. H. H. Rouse. Mr. Chan ■ 63 Digitized by Microsoft® 498 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. dler remained until April, 1849, being succeeded by Rev. William W. Smith, from Jersey City, who continued three years, resigning in April, 1852. Rev. William Garnett, from Providence, Saratoga county, be- came pastor in May, 1852, and remained until August 18, 1855. The church was then supplied for a short time by Rev. E. Wescott, and in March, 1856, Rev. G. W. Abrams, from the Oppenheim church, took charge of the pastoral duties and remained about six months. In the early part of 1857 Rev. Frederick S. Park began his pastorate, re- maining more than five years, and preaching his farewell sermon Feb- ruary 10, 1863. He was succeeded the following April by Rev. Jo- seph L. Barlow, a native of New England, who continued in the pastor- ate until October, 1868. In the fall of 1868 and the spring of 1869 about $2,400 was expended on the church in repairs. In April, 1869, Rev. W. F. Benedict assumed the pastoral charge, and continued in the position until the latter part of July, 1872. He was succeeded January i, 1873, by Rev. Hardin Wheat, who remained for one year only. Rev. J. K. Wilson, from Philadelphia, came in June, 1874, and resigned March 20, 1875. On April 13 of the same year, a unanimous call was extended to Rev. A. K. Batcheldor, of Schenevus, Otsego county, N. Y., which he at once accepted, commencing his labors in May following, and continuing until May 29, (877, when he removed to Burnt Hills, Saratoga county. On November 18, 1877, nearly six months after his resignation, the church building was destroyed by fire, caught from adjacent buildings. The society realized about $4,300 of the insurance on the building and immediate steps were taken towards the erection of a new house of wor- ship. On January 22, 1878, a building committee was appointed, con- sisting of Reuben Halsted, Lewis Phillips and Denton Smith on the part of the church, and James L. Hagadorn and William Vail on the part of the society. The result of their "efforts was the present hand- some brick edifice on Main street, which was built by Rev. Jacob Gray, of Schenectady. The total cost of the building when completed and furnished was about $7,000. In October, 1878, before the present church was finished, a call was extended to Rev. R. D. Grant, who came and served the congregation iintil the latter part of 1881. John G. Dyar filled the pastorate for Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 499 about one year from Januaiy 22, 1882, and was followed in 1883 by W. J. Quincey, who remained until the fall of 1886. A. J. Wilcox, of Noank, Conn., assumed pastoral charge in February, 1887, and contin- ued this relation until July 31, 1889. In November, 1889, M. H. Cole- man became pastor and remained until March, 1892. The society is at present without a minister. The church was reincorporated May 15, 1879, under the state law governing religious organizations, as " the Baptist Church of Broadal- bin and Mayfield," and the following trustees elected : Samuel B. Thompson, C. J. Wetherbee, Lewis D. Phillips, William Vail, Denton Smith and W. W. Finch. The present deacons are E. G. Kasson, Addison A. Gardner, J. E. Lasher, William W. Hays, Lewis M. Lee, Thomas Benedict ; trustees, James P. Rosa, Denton Smith, George E. Manning, William M. Grin- nell, James Granger, William Satterlee ; treasurer, F. S. Hawley ; clerk, A. A. Gardner ; superintendent of Sunday-school, William Sheldon. Present membership of the church is 295, and the Sunday-school has 140 scholars. The^ First Presbyterian Church of Broadalbin. — This church was at first organized by the Dutch Reformed Classis of Albany, about the year 1792, and was called " The Dutch Reformed Church of New Haer- lem." Its members were principally immigrants from other parts of the country. The society continued in a very feeble condition, without any pastor or house of worship for about seven years, having preaching only occasionally and holding prayer and conference meetings among themselves in private houses. Towards the latter part of this time, however, they were favored with a revival of religion, which strength- ened and encouraged them so much that they resolved if possible to procure a stated pastor. The first consistory was composed of Rev. Coanrod Ten Eick, moderator ; Dirk Banta, Samuel Demarest, elders, and Abraham Westervelt and Peter Demarest, deacons. Among the original members were Ashbal Cornwell, Isaac and Abraham Cole, Ja- cobus and Peter Demarest, Thomas Vickory, David, Peter, Abraham,, and Garnet Westervelt, Dirk Banta, Peter Van Nest, John Bant, and Samuel Demarest. The first church edifice was built at Vail's Mills,, then called "Lower Bush," about 1800. Rev. Coanrod Ten Eick re- Digitized by Microsoft® Soo HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. mained in charge until the end of the year i8i i, after which the church was without a pastor for nearly four years, during which time the meet- ings of the consistory were suspended until September 2, 1815, when Rev. Sylvester Palmer, who came from Susquehanna, Pa., acted as moderator. He remained until 1818, the last consistory meeting at which he officiated being held in January of that year. On October I, 1822, Rev. Alexander McFarlan, from the Albany Presbytery, was en- gaged to preach every other Sunday for six months. On the 13th of January, 1823, the church was incorporated under the name of the First Presbyterian Church of Mayfield, and Lucas Demarest, Peter Car- michael, Samuel H. Munro, Samuel Bant, Williain Woodworth, and Chauncey Foot were the trustees at that time. The church withdrew from the Dutch Reformed Classis of Montgomery in August, 1823, and united the following October with the Presbytery of Albany, conform- ing to the discipline of that body and changing its name to " The First Presbyterian Church of Mayfield." Rev John K. Davis, of Troy, N. Y., began his duties as pastor in February, 1824, and the sacrament was administered for the first time on the 23d of the following May. On the 19th of August, 1828, the Presbytery of Albany met with this church. Rev. Mr. Davis, after eight years' service, terminated his pas- torate in March, 1832, and was succeeded on the isth of June follow- ing by Rev. Loring Brewster, of Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Mr Brewster remained until April i, 1835, ^^d for two years there- after the congregation was without a minister, but meetings were held regularly every Sunday, and there was occasional preaching by minis- ters from other churches. In May, 1837, Rev. Lot B. Sullivan was engaged to preach and remained one year. Rev. Wm. J. Monteath was regularly installed October 4, 1838, although his connection with the church as minister began July 1st, of the same year. The venerable house of worship now occupied by this society on Main street, dates back to the year 1839. On June 21st of that year the church and society obtained a deed to the lot from Dr. E. G. Raw- son, then a prominent physician of the village. The present frame structure was built upon it and dedicated January 7, 1840, the services being conducted by Rev. Hugh Mair, of Johnstown. The church obtained a new charter February 8, 1850, at which time the name was changed to "The First Presbyterian Church of Broad- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 501 albin." The trustees elected at that time were: Enoch Cornwell, and Hiram Van Arnam, for one year ; John E. Hawley and Jeremiah V. MarceHs, for two years ; Samuel E. Curtis and James L. Northrup, for three years. Mr. Monteath remained as pastor for nearly eighteen years, preaching his last sermon June 22, 1856, after which he removed to Wisconsin. His successor was Rev. Charles Milne, who was installed June 8, 1857. His pastoral relations with this church were dissolved July 10, 1858, after which the pulpit was supplied by different ministers until January i, 1859, when the Rev. James Ireland entered upon his pastoral duties with the society. He remained four years, his farewell discourse being preached on the first Sabbath in February, 1863. He was followed in April by George A. Miller, who remained one year. In July, 1864, Rev. Mr. Ingalls became minister, and, after a shortstay, was succeeded by John Garrotson, a licentiate, who was ordained and installed in October, 1868. He remained until his death, which occurred September 6, 1869. Rev. R. Ennis came to the society January 11, 1870, and was released May 11, 1871. His successor was J. G. Cordell, from Schenectady, who was employed at a salary of $800 per annum. He remained until January i, 1873, being succeeded by Rev. Cyrus Offer, who resigned after about two years' service. The next pastor was Rev. P. J. Burnham, who officiated until October, 1876, after which the church was supplied by various ministers, among whom was Willard K. Spencer who only remained sixteen weeks. H. L. Hoyt, a licen- tiate from Saratoga county, began his labors in November, 1877, and tendered his resignation October 26, 1879. The pastors who have regularly filled the pulpit of this church since the termination of Mr, Hoyt's pastorate have been as follows : David M. Hunter, October 26, 1880, to the fall of 1882 ; H. T. Hunter, 1882-84; J. H. Trussell, Aug- ust 23, 1885, until December 9, 1888; W. J. Thompson, November 10, 1889, until January i, 1891 ; Isaac O. Best, April, 1891, until the present time. Mr. Best is an able minister and a zealous Christian worker. Among those who have been elected ruling elders of this so- ciety from time to time, with the dates of their ordination, the following may be mentioned : Ashbal Cornwell, Ira Benedict, Enoch Cornwell, December 17, 1823; Samuel Root, John M.Benedict, October 24, 1824; William Monteith, September i, 1827; Duncan McMartin, Peter Digitized by Microsoft® S02 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Carmichael, May 30, 1834; Daniel Cole, October, 1838; John E. Haw- ley, Peter. McFarlan, October 5, 1851; John A. Richards, Arthur Smith, November 5, 1871. The present elders are James P. McFarlan, Archibald Argotsinger,^ J. W. Cleveland ; trustees, J. P. McFarlan, David Frank, A. H. Van Arnam, Lindsey Herrick, J. T. Bradford ; clerk, J. W. Cleveland. The church has a membership of seventy and the Sunday-school forty. The superintendent of the latter is George M. Briggs. Lizzie Chapman acted in the capacity of organist for several years and was succeeded by the present one, Gertrude Best. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Broadalbin. — This churcJh was formally organized and incorporated March 9, 1824, at the house of Tristam Dunham in the village of Broadalbin, but a considerable society of this denomination had existed in the town for some time prior to that date. The trustees then elected were : Charles Mitchel, Tristam Dunham, Dodridge Smith, Reuben Thayer, and William Chambers. Among those who were original menabers of this society may be men- tioned Stephen, Asa and Fitch Fenton, Fernando Mudge, Reuben Thayer, Ralph Mead, Josiah Hunt, William Chambers, Chauncey North, Derrick Banta, Dr. Rosa, Edwin Wilcox, C. B. and C. S. Wait, Isaac Osborn and John Gordon. The need of a proper house of worship soon became apparent and work was begun without delay on a frame church located on a lot obtained from Dodridge Smith. As originally built the structure was 35 x 40 feet in size, and was finished and dedicated in 1825. In 1840 it was repaired and enlarged, and in 1868 a convenient and much needed lecture room was formed by raising the building and utilizing the basement. The present size of the church is 40 x 60 feet and the property, together with the parsonage, is valued at $7,500. Rev. William S. Pease was the first pastor stationed here by authori- ty of the conference, being appointed in 1825. The pastors from that time until 1877, named as near as possible in the order of their coming have been as follows : Revs. William S. Pease, J. D. Moriarty, Jacob Beeman, Samuel Covell, Joseph McCreary, Ephraim Goss, Cyrus Meeker, James H. Taylor, Peter H. Smith, Oliver Emerson, Roswell Kelley, Joseph Ames, Joel Squier, James Quinlan, William Ames,. Seymour Coleman, Robert Patterson, J. Parker, Charles Pomeroy, O^ Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. £03 E. Spicer, P. P. Harrower, J. G. Perkins, Alexander C. Reynolds, D. B. Wright, B. M. Hall, — Rose, J. G. Perkins, — Wade, and R. G. Adams, the latter coming from Chatham, Columbia county, in 1877. The ministers who have occupied the pulpit of this church regularly since the departure of Mr. Adams in 1879 have been as follows: S. W. Coleman, 1879-1882 ; W. W. Cox, 1882-1885; D. M. Schell, 1885; F. R. Sherwood, 1886-1889; H. M. Boyce, 1889-1891. The present pastor. Rev. E. J. Guernsey, began his pastoral relations with the so- ciety in 1 89 1. The church has a membership of 210, and the Sunday-school, of which George Fenton is superintendent, has 250 scholars. The present stewards of the church are : D. D. Grouse, George Fenton, Oscar Hor- ton, Lynas Jennings, Matthew Cunning, Edward Vosburgh, M. H. Vosburgh, Matthew Leversee, William Lincolnfelter, James A. Burr, R. H. Schoonmaker; recording steward, Edward Vosburgh; trustees, D. D. Crouse, J. A. Burr, George Fenton, and William Atty. The Roman Catholics have erected, recently, a church edifice in the village in which frequent services are held. The Broadalbin Free Reading Room. — This creditable institution was established in June, 1891, in a building on North street, owned by the Keene Post, G. A. R., which occupy its upper floor. The reading room was endowed and is maintained by the relatives of the late Colonel William H. Husted, who was accidentally shot and killed during the summer of 1890, near his summer house in Broadalbin village. Among the members of the family who contribute towards its support are Mrs. Husted (mother of the colonel), Miss M. K. Husted, Charles S., and Seymour Husted, Mrs. Cromwell and Mrs. Beers. The room is taste- fully decorated and furnished with comfortable sittings and tables and is supplied with all the leading daily, weekly and monthly papers and magazines. It is open on week days from 9 o'clock in the forenoon until 9.30 in the evening and on Sunday from 2 until 5 p. m. Its privileges are free to all. The Husted family also maintains an Episco- pal Chapel on Maple street, which is open during the summer months and is supplied with a rector at their mdividual expense. Kennyetto Lodge, No. 599, is stationed at Broadalbin. The lodge was organized December 16, 1865, and worked under dispensation until Digitized by Microsoft® 504 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. July 3, 1866, when the charter was granted. There were forty- three original members and the following were the first officers elected under the charter: Isaiah Fuller, W. M.; R. H. Rosa, S. W.; M. S. Northrup, J. W.; D. O. Cleveland, secretary ; Amos Brown, S. D.; Isaiah Betts, J. D.; Leander Hagadorn, tyler ; James M. Hill and Edwin Busby, masters of ceremonies ; Rev. A. C. Reynolds, chaplain ; J. M. Richards, marshal. The past masters of this lodge and the dates of their service have been as follows : Isaac Fuller, 1866-67; R. H. Rosa, 1868-69-70-71 ; William Mar- vin, 1872; L. S. Northrup, 1873-74; Edwin Busby, 1875-76; William H. Halladay, 1877; J. R. Neugen, 1878; L. S. Northrup, 1879-80; J. R. Neugen, 1881 ; S. D. Tomlinson, 1882 ; James P. McFarlan, 1883 ; James R Rosa, 1884-85-86-87 ; T. Delap Smith, 1888 ; James P. Rosa,. 1889-90. The present officers are: F. G. Fuller, W. M.; J. W. Briggs, S. W.; Charles E. Marriam, J. W.; W. E. Halladay, secretary ; E. H. Lengfeld, treasurer; E. J. Greensleet, S. D.; George A. Stever, J. D.; Eugene Smith, tyler. Among those who were members of this lodge during their lifetime may be mentioned Philo Earl, who died in April, 1881 ; L. S. Northrup, who died September 28, 1891 ; W. H. Halladay, who died December 28, 1891 ; S. D. Demarest, who died x'\pril 9, 1889; Martin J. Wilkins, who died at Kingsboro, October 15, 1889; William Fielding, who died May 4, 1891 ; and R. H. Rosa, who took a demit November 25, 1878, and became a member of St. Patrick's lodge at Johnstown, in which place he died. Union Mills is a village of between one and two hundred inhabitants, situated on Frenchman's creek, near the east line of the town. Sey- mour Carpenter was the first man to locate on or near the site of the village, and he built a saw-mill there in 1827. A paper-mill was built about 1828 by John Carpenter, John Schoonmaker, John Clark and. Richard P. Clark. They continued the business until 1840, at which time the mill was destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt the following year by John Clark, and was again burned in 1867. A third mill was erected immediately by N. W. Bacon, who conducted it until 1874, when -it came into the possession of W. H Whitlock. In December, 1877, this- mill also shared the fate of its predecessors. Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF BROADALBIN. 505 The first store in the place was kept by John Schoonmaker about 1828 or 1829. A printing office was establislied there by the Christian General Book Association in 1833, a time when there were but very few printing offices in the county. Rev. Joseph Badger was the man- ager, and in addition to compiling and publishing several books for the use of the " Christian " denomination, he published The Christian Palladium, a weekly paper devoted to the interests of that church. The paper was discontinued after a few years, however, and the outfit passed into the possession of John and William Clark, who commenced the publication of a political paper called The Banner, which was sub- sequently altered into a religious paper under the title of The Visitor. The enterprise proved unsuccessful, and another effort was made by the proprietors in the publication of a family newspaper called The Garland. The First Christian Church is located in the eastern part of the town. The present society is the outcome of a religious body, denominated "Christians," which organized themselves into a class on June 5, 1814. Elder Jonathan S. Thompson administered the ordinance of baptism to a large number of converts on the same day. Meetings were held at different times in dwellings, and baptisms were performed at irregular intervals by various ministers. A church was regularly organized May 9, 18 18, by Jabez King, who served as pastor, Jacob Capron being dea- con. The original members were James and Joseph Clark, Philip Wait, Isaac G. Fox, James and Joseph Sowle, John Clark, Salathial Cole and forty-one others. On March 19, 1825, the church was incorporated under the title of "The First Christian Church and Society of Broad- albin." Among the first deacons were Salathial Cole and John Schoon- maker. In 1826 a commodious church building was erected by the society, about one mile east of Union Mills. A complete list of the pastors who have labored at this church has not been preserved. Among those who have preached for the congregation at different times may be mentioned Revs. Jabez King, Jacob Capron, John Gardner, Joseph Badger, Joseph Marsh, G. W. Burnham, Harvey V. Teal, James Andrews, Hiram Pratt, Stephen B. F"anton, John Showers, Maxon Hosher, Charles I. Butler, and a number of others. The society is at present without a pastor. North Broadalbin, or Benedict's Corners, is a small village in the northern part of the town, about one mile from the Northampton line. 61 Digitized by Microsoft® So6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. It was at this place that a woolen factory was erected in 1813 by Dun- can McMartin and others, the property afterwards passing into the pos- session of the Reddish family, in whose liands it has remained for many years. The " Hemlock Church" at North Broadalbin is a union house of worship, and the pulpit is occupied by ministers of different denom- inations, David Heron, an able and well-known clergyman now on the retired list, being the most frequent supply. The Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian pastors of Broadalbin, Mayfield and Northampton often go there and conduct services and look after the Sunday-school, Benedict's Corners has a Disciples church which has been in existence for many years. The first town officers of Broadalbin were as follows ; Peter V. Veeder, supervisor ; Alexander Murray, town clerk ; John McNeil, James Kennedy and Joshua Maxon, asses.sors ; Calvin Young, Allen Whitman and Alexander Murray, commissioners of highway ; Daniel Mclntyre and John Blair, overseers of the poor ; James Kennedy, Joshua Briggs and Aaron Olmstead, constables ; James Kenny, collector ; John Mc- Neil and Nathaniel Perkins, poundmasters ; Moses Elwell, hog-reeve, and twenty- eight overseers of highways. The supervisors of the town from its organization to the present time have been as follows : Peter V. Veeder, 1794 ; Daniel Mclntyre, 1795- 1798 ; Peter V. Veeder, 1799-1800; Archibald Mclntyre, 1801 ; Henry Banta, 1802; James Mclntyre, 1803-1805 ; Richard Belts, 1 806 ; John E. Hawley, 1807-11 ; Duncan McMartin, 1812 ; John E. Hawley, 1813- 22; Thomas Hill, 1823-24; Lemuel C. Paine, 1825; Samuel Bant, 1826-29; Jo.seph Blair, 1830-32; Marcelius Weston, 1833; WilHam Fox, 1834-35; Noah D. Cleveland, 1836-37; Daniel McMartin, 1838; James Robertson, 1839-40; John Culbert, 1841-42; Henry C. Haw- ley, 1843 ; John Culbert, 1844-45 ; William Logan, 1846 ; Isaac Bene- dict, 1847; William Logan, 1848; Philander H. Sprague, 1849; Will- iam Logan, 1850; John Clark, 1851-52 ; Henry W. Spencer, 1853: William Wheeler, jr., 1854-55 ; Peter M. Ostrander, 1856; Henry W. Spencer, 1857-1859 ; Elisha Alvord, i860; Laban S. Capron, 1861- 62 ; Henry W. Spencer, 1853-65 ; Richard H. Rosa, 1866-1867 ; Laban S. Capron, 1868-1874; Henry W. Spencer, 1875-1876; James T. Bradford, 1877-78; Denton Smith, 1879 ; George O. Dickinson, 1880; Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 507 Archibald Robertson, 1881-84; David D. Grouse, 1885-86; Denton Smith, 1887; Myron Darling, 1888; Denton Smith, 1889-90; D. D. Grouse, 1891. Town Clerks. — Alexander Murray, 1794- 1800; Richard Betts, 1801- 05-07-1815; Alexander Murray, 1802-1804; John E. Hawley, 1806; Samuel Bant, 1816-24; Dodridge Smith, 1825; Noah D. Gleveland, 1826-27; Joseph Blair, 1828-29; Henry G. Hawley, 1830-35, 1838- 41; Sands Gole, 1836-1837; William G. Barrett, 1842-43; John E. Hawley, 1844-45; Samuel E. Gurtiss, 1846; William Kennedy, 1847; " G. W. Gleveland, 1848; Gornelius J. Rowley, 1849; John McFarlan, 1850-52; Samuel D. Demarest, 1853-54; -Rufus Cole, 1855; Asa Gapron, 1856-57; John R. Neugen, 1858-59; George M. Briggs, i860; Gharles F. Allen, 1861-62; Lucius F. Burr, 1863; James New- ton, 1864-67; Theodore Bradford, 1868; Franklin S. Hawley, 1869- 71; Peter McDermid, 1872; James E. Kelly, 1873 ; Seymour D. Tomlinsoii, 1874; James T. Bradford, 1875-76; Frank S. Hawley, 1877-78; William W. Finch, 1 879-1 880; Loren G. Sunderlin, 1881- 82; George F. Smith, 1883-86; Frank S. Hawley, 1887-88; George F Smith, 1889-1890; Frank G. Fuller, 1891. The present town officers of Broadalbin are: Supervisor, D. D. Grouse; town clerk, Frank G. Fuller; justices, J. R. Neugen, A. A. Gardner, D. M. Reddish, Gharles E. Deuel ; assessors, Eli Newman, Matthew Leversee, Thomas Gorthy ; collector, G. P. Vanderwerker ; commissioner of highways, Levi W. Sawyer. GHAPTER XXIV. TOWN OK MAYFIELD. THIS town occupies a position next west of Northampton, on the northern border of the county. Its length north and south is nearly thrice as great as its breadth, and the surface embraced within its borders is of a varied character. The northern portion is much broken by formidable mountains, some of them having an altitude of Digitized by Microsoft® So8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. nearly 2,000 feet. In the central and southern portion of the town the surface is more rolling, and the land in some places is exceedingly fer- tile and therefore well adapted to cultivation. Kennyetto creek enters the town near the village of Vail's Mills and flows in a northerly direc- tion for about two miles, thence returning to Broadalbin, in the northern part of which it empties into Mayfield creek. Stony creek flows diagonally across the northeast corner, and Cranberry creek flows south along its eastern border and enters the town of Northampton, where it forms the Vlaie creek by a confluence with Mayfield creek. Mayfield creek flows through the town in a northeasterly direction, a little south of the centre. The soil is not unlike that found in Northampton and Broadalbin, containing sand and gravel to a considerable degree, and the culture of wheat has never been profitable, though it was raised by the early settlers. Large crops of buckwheat, however, are annually produced and the soil yields an excellent quality of hay. These articles, with potatoes, probably constitute the chief agricultural products. Limestone and lumber are among the valuable resources of the town, and although the supply of the latter has greatly diminished in recent years, the business is still carried on to some extent in the hilly sections of the north. The tov/n received its name from the Mayfield patent, which was granted June 27, 1770, in addition to which it embraces parts of the Bleecker, Kingsboro, Sacandaga, Kayaderosseras, Glen, Daniel Claus and Norman McLeod patents. It is bounded on the north by Hamil- ton county, on the east by the towns of Northampton and Broadalbin, on the south by the town of Perth, and on the west by Johnstown and Bleecker. It contains 39,610 acres, the total assessed value of which is $416,649. The town of Wells, Hamilton county, was taken off in 1805, and another portion in 1812. A part was annexed to Perth in 1842. Mayfield was one of the first three towns created in the present county of Fulton. It was set off from Caughnawaga, with Johnstown and Broadalbin, March 12, 1793, and was fully organized as a town on the 1st of April, 1794. Early Settlement. — The first permanent settlement within the present limits of Mayfield was made under Sir William Johnson, about 1760. This took place on an old road that led from Tribes Hill to the Sacan- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 509 daga, and the few early inhabitants called the settlement " Philadelphia Bush," from the fact that some of their number came from Philadelphia or vicinity. Few of the descendants of those who located there prior to the revolution are now living. Among them were families of Dunhams, Woodworths, Bishops, Grovers, Romeyns, McNitts, Hosmers, Wellses, Williamsons, McQueins, Greens, Parsells, Dovernors, Christies, and Dennies. Many of these were from Scotland and came hither on Sir William's invitation, while a large number emigrated from the New England states. Among those who settled in the vicinity after the close of the war may be mentioned tne names of Courtney, Brown, Ander- son, Shaddock, Duboyse, McKinlay, Seymour, Burr, Newton, Van Buren, Galor, Jackson, Vail, Bemas, McDougal, Knapp, Lefferts, Bart- lett and others. Alexander McKinlay, now living at an advanced age in the village of Mayfield, is a descendant of one of the early families. Farming was their principal occupation, but necessity required many of them to pursue other trades and varied employment in order to supply the community with the simplest comforts of life. Clothing was, of course, one of the most needed articles, and the wives and daughters took active part in its manufacture. In 1800 a Mr. Snyder located on a farm about half way between what is now Mayfield and Anthonyville. His wife, Eveline, was a professional weaver, in which art she excelled. It was not long before she had all the work she could attend to, and credit is given her for supporting in this way a large family. The oldest deed of land, of which anything can be learned, was given by the commissioners of forfeiture of the state, to Gershom Woodworth in 1786. It conveys the farm first occupied by Truman Christie, and afterwards owned by H. H. Woodworth. It was on this farm that the first log house was built, as well as the first orchard planted, both of which were done by Christie. As this farm was located on one of the old Indian trails it is reasonable to suppose that it was the first settled land in the town. The first grant or patent of land, lying within the borders of Mayfield, was a tract of 14,000 acres, granted to Achilles Preston and others, a portion of which is the farm next north of Philander Gray's, occupied until a few years since by Fran- cis Bishop. It is located about two miles north of the village of Mayfield. The date of this grant was June 10, 1770, and the survey Digitized by Microsoft® 510 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. was made by Alexander Colden, who was surveyor-general at that time, hn the 8th of November, 1806, the Bishop farm was conveyed by James Reynolds, of Columbia county, N. Y., to Luke Wood- worth, of Mayfield. Another early deed is that of Cyrenus Wood- worth and wife to Luke Woodworth of a farm afterwards owned by P. N. Gray, which is also said to be a part of the 14,000 acre tract. Solomon Woodworth, an intrepid pioneer, was born in Connecticut about 1730, and came to Mayfield with his brother Selah, purchasing a tract of land southeast of the village of Mayfield, part of which now con- stitutes the farms of Jefferson Brooks and B. B. Vandenburgh. The Indians at that time were very troublesome, and -this was so repulsive to Selah that he tried to induce his brother to return with him to Con- necticut until the war should be over and the country in a more settled state. This Solomon would not consent to, and proceeded to locate on the Brooks farm, while but a short distance from his house he built a stockade of logs in which to shield himself from hostile assault. He was a thorough American, anxious for the freedom of the colonists and bitter in his hatred of the tories. The increasing hostilities of the Brit- ish and their savage allies made the home of the few pioneers especially exposed to danger, and Mr. Woodworth found it necessary during these perilous times to remain inside the stockade at night. A well known Mayfield writer, referring to this subject in an article written some years ago, says: " Here in the winter of 1780, Solomon Woodworth was attacked by a party of Indians. He was likely to run short of bullets, and his faithful wife laid her little child by the fire, and with the spirit that characterized heroines of that time, ran bullets as fast as her hus- band could shoot. The result was the retreat of the Indians and tories with one wounded. Early in the morning Captain Woodworth rallied a few of his band, followed the retreating party for three days, arid at length surprised and killed them all." The same writer continuing says: " Immediately after this successful expedition Woodworth was ap- pointed lieutenant in a company of nine months' men. At the expira- tion of this term, in the year 1781, he was appointed captain for the purpose of forming a company of rangers to explore the woods. He at once raised a company of able-bodied soldiers, all well armed and Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 51' equipped. From Fort Dayton, now the village of Herkimer, he started at the head of his little band in a northerly direction to range the woods and make discoveries. But he had been out only a few hours when one of his foremost men discovered an Indian in ambush, and fired upon him. They instantly found themselves surrounded by a band of red- skins, outnumbering them two to one. A short, but bloody and de- cisive conflict ensued. Captain Woodworth was killed, and out of the forty-one men only fifteen escaped ; all the rest were either killed or taken prisoners." Mr. Dunham, who then lived on the farm now owned by Charles Wilkins, was one of Woodworth's party who es- caped from that scene of peril. He survived the horrors of war, living many years in the enjoyment of dear bought peace, and was always ready to tell of " the times that tried men's souls." It is said that wheat was first raised on a farm midway between Shawville and Mayfield village, now occupied by Thomas Embling, who conducts a brick store there. Forty acres of this farm is owned by John Becker. The old homestead upon it was built more than 100 years ago by Abram Wells, grandfather of Mrs. John Becker. The house, which is still standing, has undergone some repairs, and is one of the oldest frame buildings in the town. It was occupied for many years by Francis Wells,who died in July, 1889. The first brick building erected in Mayfield is the one in which Alex- ander McKinlay lived for many years. It was built in 1805 by his father, John McKinlay, and in now occupied by Andrew Young, being still in a fair state of preservation. The site of the first grist or flour mill in the town is that now occu- pied by the grist and saw- mill of Edward A. Elphie on Mayfield creek at Shawville. It was erected under the direction of Sir WiUiam John- son in 1773, but was burned during the revolution. The mill was con- fiscated with other tory property, and at the close of the war was sold to a son of Rev. Mr. Romeyn, who rebuilt it and carried on business there for a number of years. It was known at that time as Romeyn's Mills, and the creek upon which it was located was called Romeyn creek, but in 1795 the property came into the possession of a man named Bogert, who conducted it for a few years and then sold to William A. Wells. He operated it for a time and then sold it to Robert Zule. The Digitized by Microsoft® S'2 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. mill passed from his hands into the possession of Horace Stanley, during whose ownership it was rebuilt. About forty-five years ago it was purchased by Sidney Chase, and from him the property came into the possession of Mr. Elphie, its present owner. The mill has an excellent water power and is fully equipped with modern machinery. The claim has been made that each of three saw- mills in Mayfield was the first to be erected. One of these is the above described mill now owned by Mr. Elphie, at Shawville, another was located at Vail's Mills, in the southeast part of the town, and the third occupied the site of a mill at Woodworth's Corners, which has recently been torn down. In all probability the first named mill was the earliest. The first fulling-mill in this town was erected in or about the year '795. by Oliver Rice, on his property at Riceville. He carried on the business there until about 1835, when the mill was discontinued, and no similar effort has since been renewed in the town. Mr. Rice was an old and respected Mason and one of the foremost men in the community. Harvey Rice, son of Lucius Rice (the latter for many years a justice of the peace of Mayfield), is a grandchild of Oliver Rice and still lives on the old homestead at Riceville. An iron foundry was also built at Riceville, in 1815, by Josiah Wood, who erected and operated a grist " and saw-mill at the same time. In spite of undaunted enterprise, Mr. Wood's business undertakings were overwhelmed by the financial troubles that followed the unfortunate litigations between Clark and Clancey, who owned a great share of the property at Riceville. It is claimed that the village would have grown to be a place of much busi- ness importance had these troubles never occurred. There was a skin-mill at Riceville, contemporary with the foundiy and grist-mill, but it was also abandoned and soon went to decay. In 1866 (or the year following) Moses Kinney built a skin-mill, on the site of Rice's fulling-mill. This mill is now owned by Wilkins & Close, glove manufacturers, of Mayfield village. A year or two later George C. Allen built a skin mill there, south of the highway, on the site of the first skin- mill erected in the place. This mill is still owned by Mr. Allen. Flavel Bartlett was the father of the tanning industry in Mayfield. He conducted a small tannery on the lot now occupied by the residence Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 513 of Charles Wilkins. Mrs. Elizabeth Bartlett occupied this house for many years prior to her death, which occurred about a year since. The old tannery which stood there was built about 1795 and was operated until 1825. There was another tannery at Jackson Summit, and still another at Vail's Mills, both of which have been destroyed by fire with- in the past ten years. A tannery was built at Woodworth's Corners in 1859 by Josiah M. Danforth, who limited his operations to the tanning of upper leather. He afterward sold the property to William Wallace, who operated it a few years and then sold it to Kasson & Johnson. In a year or two more it came into the possession of Kent & Stevens, of Gloversville, and later, Kent & Company. It has not been in use, how- ever, in many years. The first store in Mayfield was opened about the year 1800, by Wil- liam McConnell, at Wilkins' Corners, a settlement two miles southwest of Mayfield village. It was opposite the house now occupied by John J. Wilkins. It is said that McConnell had in his store quite an exten- sive assortment of goods for those early times, not the least among which was the whiskey barrel. He continued to do business there un- til about 1830. Prior to 1800 the early inhabitants weie obliged to travel on foot or horseback over the Indian trails to Johnstown for nearly all articles of merchandise. There were no taverns in the town for the accommodation of strangers prior to 1808. In that year the town meeting was held at the inn of William Van Buren, from which it may be inferred that he had accommodations for travelers. There are at present two hotels in the town, one at Mayfield and the ether at Riceville. John McKinlay, who came from Scotland in 1783, was probably the first blacksmith in the town. He was followed a few years later by William Williams, who conducted a shop at Wilkins' Corners. About iSoi, Edward Kinnicutt came to Mayfield from Pittstown, N. Y., and opened a blacksmith shop about half a mile north of the village. Smith & Billingham were partners in the blacksmith trade during the early part of the century, and such was the well proportioned stature of Bil- lingham, that he was christened the " Old Vulcan," a name that clung to him throughout life. Lazarus Tucker, who came from Connecticut about 1790, was the first physician to settle permanently in Mayfield. He located on the 65 Digitized by Microsoft® .SI 4 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. site of John Laird's present residence in tiie village. He is remembered as being one of the old school, but was always a welcome visitor in the sick room. Among his successors have been Drs. Johnston, Vander- pool and Drake ; the former has moved away from the town, and the two latter are dead. Eugene H. Coons, M. D., is now a successful practitioner in Mayfield village. About 1825 Claik & Clancey built the first and only distillery in the town of Mayfield It was located at Riceville and' for a number of years this firm did a large business, as wheat and rye were then raised to a considerable extent, the vast wheat belt of the western states being still a wilderness. Later on when Clark & Clancey became involved in lit- igation, followed by financial disaster, the distillery, which up to that time did a pi'osperous business, was neglected and in a few years suc- cumbed to the ravages of time and storm. VILLAGES. The village of Mayfield is situated near the centre of the town, about half a mile north of the little hamlet called Shawville, which contains the railway station of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville railroad. Selah Woodworth was the first owner of land upon which the village was subsequently built. He came from Connecticut with his brother Solomon two or three years prior to the revolution. Mr. Simms is authority for the statement that he purchased of Sir William Johnson 100 acres of land at Mayfield, while his brother bought and located upon an equal tract, a large portion of which is now known as Munson- ville. Jonathan Canfield, Captain Flock and a man named Cadmanare said to have settled in the immediate vicinity at an early day. Selah Woodworth returned to his home in Salisbury, Conn., until the danger of a border warfare was past, when he came again to Mayfield and set- tled on a farm on the west side of the village, now owned by Wilkins & Close and occupied by Charles Wilkins. It was formerly known as the " Servis farm." Soon after 1800 Collins Odell started a store in what is now the village, and in 18 19 a post route was established and he was appointed postmaster. For the first two years he carried the mails on horseback between Mayfield and Broadalbin for the stipulated sum of Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. S'S fifty cents a trip, making the trip twice a week. Shortly afterwards a post-ofifice was estabhshed at Cranberry Creek, and Samuel A. Gilbert appointed postmaster. The route was then changed from Broadalbin to Fish House, Cranberry Creek, Mayfield village, and thence again to Broadalbin. Before any of these routes were established, the head- quarters for the mail was at the store of William McConncll, and the inhabitants were wont to take their turn in going to Johnstown after it. When a lad reached the age of twelve years he was considered old enough to make this journey, and H. H. Woodworth accomplished it at that age, going in place of his father. The distance was about nine miles and the trail led through a forest most of the way. Later on a post-office was established at Riceville, where it remained only a short time, being transferred thence to Mayfield Corners. Collins Odell held the office of postmaster for many years, relinquishing it to David Get- man about the middle of the present century. Mr. Getman had the office for seven or eight years, and was succeeded in i860 by Alonzo J. Banks, who kept it until 1862. In that year A. B. Close, now of the firm of Close & Christie, received the appointment, which he held until the beginning of the Cleveland administration in 1885, when William N. Wilkins was made postmaster. He retained the office four years and was succeeded by the present incumbent, Baltie H. Dixon, who took charge on the ist of July, 1889. The village has had a slow but substantial growth and at present shows signs of permanent prosperity. The manufacture of grained leather, fleshers, and Saranac gloves has become its chief industry and several firms are extensively engaged in the business. This supplies the inhabitants with steady employment and adds much to their thrift and progress. The following firms are engaged in the manufacture of gloves at present: Wilkins & Close, Close & Christie, Wood & Wilkins (for- merly Wood & Kelly), Christie Brothers, B. D. Brown, J. C. Titcomb, Dixon & Wilkins, and Vandenburgh & Bartholf There are four gen- eral stores, conducted by the following merchants : John C. Titcomb, Elkhie & Mercer, W^ilkins & Close and Close & Christie." W. W. Dixon has a grocery store but sells ready made clothing ; William Jerome con- ducts a drug store and C. W. Tucker deals in flour and feed. Mayfield village was the site of William Van Buren's old tavern, which occupied Digitized by Microsoft® Si6 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. the site of B. D. Brown's glove shop and residence. There were few schools in any part of Mayfield prior to 1794, and only three are men- tioned in the town records of that date. One of these was on a farm afterwards occupied by Mrs. Patterson, near the centre of. the town. Another was farther to the south, and the third was situated near the little hamlet now known as Woodworth's Corners and was taught by Alien Fraser about the year 1798. Among the pupils who attended this last named school were Sarah Woodworth, Eliza Romyne, John Romyne and Rosanah Woodworth. Both the town and village are now amply supplied with district schools, conducted on a well defined sys- tem. Before taking up the history of the two churches now located in the village it will be proper to briefly review the origin and character of those religious organizations that have had an existence in the town but are now extinct. A Baptist church was organized about three miles south of the village in 1792, and was known as "The Mayfield and Broadalbin Baptist Church." The house of worship was constructed of logs, and it was in this building that the first town meeting of May- field was held. Among the twenty original members were Jacob Par- cells, Solomon Knapp, sr, Allen Kennicutt, and Jacob Woodworth. The exact location of the church is said to have been half a mile west of what is known as the "Nine-Mile Tree," that is, nine miles from Johnson Hall, on the road used by Sir William to reach Summer- House Point. Hezekiah Gorton was the first pastor. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Nichols, and he in turn by Elder William Groom, who re- tained the pastoral relation with the congregation for seventeen years. During Mr. Groom's pastorate the little log church was abandoned and the society built a much better house of worship in the village of Broad- albin. Among the extinct churches of Mayfield may be mentioned the Quaker church, or Friends' meeting-house, which stood about half a mile west of the village, and of which Welcome Capron, Orion Capron, Daniel Mead, Levi, Hardy and Martin Seymour, Abram Cole, Benja- min Anthony and Jonathan Brown were original members About 1840 the lot on which the meeting-house was located came into the possession of John Servis, who purchased it from Orion Capron. This Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 517 transaction terminated public meetings of this society in Mayfield, and the building was afterwards used for other purposes. A Christian church was organized at Jackson Summit about the year 1868, under the leadership of Elders Evans and Brown. Among the original members of this society were Daniel Tempieton, Josiah and John Dunning, David D. Bishop, Philip Kring, and others. Dissen- sions afterwards arose among the congregation, which subsequently caused it to disband. A religious society was also organized at Jackson Summit in 1855, by the Germans. It was known as the German M. E. Evangelical As- sociation, and among its early members were Jacob Lairch, sr., Jacob Lairch, jr., Barney Lairch, John Yost, John Behlen, John Brunce, and Jacob Rivers. One of the earliest churches in Mayfield was known as the Low Dutch Reformed church, and was organized in 1793, with Conradt Ten Eyck, (also spelled in early records Coanrod Ten Eick) as pastor. It num- bered among its early members Resolvent Van Houten and wife, Abra- ham Romeyn, Abraham Wells, Lucas Brinkerhoff, Peter Snyder, David Becker, Elizabeth Turnuer, and Mary Van Buren. In a short time after organization they built a church on the highest ground within the old burying- ground south of Mayfield village. It is said the build- ing was never painted, or even finished inside, the benches being rude in construction, and the pulpit one of the old-fashioned elevated ones, with steps leading up to it, and a sounding board overhead. Among the preachers in this ancient church were Revs. Ten Eyck, Ammerman, Palmer, and Wood- Ammerman and Palmer were both working in this community at about the same time, and through some unknown cause a difference of opinion arose between them which resulted in the withdrawal of Mr. Palmer from the mother church about 1816, or pos- sibly later, and with him a number of his followers. They erected an- other house of worship at the four corners west of Munsonville, and named their society the " Dutch Reformed Church of Mayfield." In size their new church was about 30x45 feet, and being plastered and painted, was an improvement on the edifice they had left. The members of this church were familiarly known as " Palmerites," a name derived from their leader, Rev. Sylvanus Palmer. The society Digitized by Microsoft® 5,8 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. did not prosper, however, and the building was abandoned in the course of a few years. Later on it was removed to Anthonj-ville and converted to other uses. The Low Dutch church in the burying-ground continued to flourish, however, and Mr. Ammerman remained with his little flock, which be- gan to increase in number. In 1825 he had reached an advanced age, and as his feeble health rendered another pastor necessary, Jeremiah Wood, then a young man and a graduate of Princeton, was appointed .missionary to Mr. Ammerman's church. Mr. Wood was a native of Greenfield, Saratoga county, and came to the Mayfield Society Sep- tember 26, 1826. On the following day the church was reorganized under the name of the Central Presbyterian church of Mayfield, by which name it is still known. The installation of Mr. Wood took place at once under the authority of the Albany Presbytery, the following preachers being present on the occasion : Revs. Elisha Yale, of Kings- boro ; John K. Davis, of Broadalbin ; John Clancey, of Charlton, and Gilbert Morgan, of Johnstown. Barent Van Buren and Barent Wells were chosen as elders, and Harmon T. Van Buren as deacon. During the next three years the society worshiped in the primitive church in the graveyard, but in 1828 they built a better edifice in the village, which, having been repaired and remodeled at various times, is the one used by the society at the present time. Rev. Mr. Wood remained with the church, doing zealous Christian work for half a century, only relinquishing his charge when death called him away. He died June ,6, 1876. The pastors since then have remained from six months to two years each, and are named as nearly as possible in the order of their coming : Revs, Benjamin Bartholf, Charles Dye, Francis Dyer, Joseph Thyne, of Johnstown ; Rev. Mr. Rule, John Colson, W. J. Thompson, and the present pastor, Isaac O. Best, who came April i, 1 89 1 Mr. Best also officiates at the Presbyterian church in Broadal- bin. The Sunday-school of this church was oiganized in 1826, with Mr. Wood as superintendent, and a membership of thirty or forty scholars. Benjamin F. Dennie and James H. Foote have both officiated in the capacity of superintendent. The present incumbent of that po- sition is James E. Wood. The school now has eighty scholars. The trustees of the church are William Dixon, William Becker, John Laird, Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 519 Edward Christie, and James E. Wood. The elders are H. H. Wood- worth, Amos Christie, Charles Revis, and Samuel Vandenburgh. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Mayfield. — In the beginning of the present century, that part of Mayfield known as the " Corners," or Mayfield village, was almost an unbroken wilderness, and the log cabins of the pioneer settlers were few and far between ; as for stores, taverns, school-houses and churches, there were none earlier than 1793, and no tavern until 1805. The old fashioned itinerant preacher, however, penetrated the forest and pitched his tent in or near Ezekiel Canfield's barn, on the farm now owned by Benjamin Ferguson, half a mile north- east from what is now Mayfield Corners. There is little doubt in the minds of the oldest inhabitants of Mayfield, that Methodism in the town had its origin in Canfield's barn, and probably between 1785 and 1790. A clergyman by the name of Willis was there looking after the little band of Methodists in the last named year. It is not definitely known when the first steps towards building a house of worship were taken, but preaching was kept up at stated intervals in log cabins, barns and sheds, which were used in winter and groves during the summer, until about the year 18 18 or 1820, when Parris G. Clark built what was for many years after known as " Titcomb's Row," immediately west of the hotel, in the upper part of which was a ball-room eighty feet in length and extending the whole length of the building. It was in this ball- room that the Methodists worshiped on Mr. Clark's invitation until their church was built. There may be a few living in Mayfield who can still remember the old ball-room and the spot where they once gathered to worship God. The building stood until the autumn of 1886 when a disastrous fire destroyed it together with the old hotel, j;he store and several other adjecent buildings. The site of the ball-room is now occupied by the Titcomb block in which the post-ofiice is located. Steps were taken towards building a meeting-house as early as 1823. On January 28, of that year, Selah Woodworth and his wife, Rebekah, gave to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church of Mayfield and their successors in office, a warranty deed of the lot now occupied by the meeting-house and sheds. These trustees were Parris G. Clark, William McConnell, Samuel Woodworth, John Cozzens and Jacob Woodworth. The deed was sealed and delivered in the presence of Digitized by Microsoft® S20 HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY. Luke Woodworth and Noah Cleveland, but strange as it may appear the indenture was not recorded until June 2, 1882. Linus Mathews had charge of the erection of the church, being at that time considered the best carpenter in the community. When completed the church presented a far different appearance from its present convenient arrange- ment. The pulpit was at the east end of the auditorium between the two doors that occupied the place now held by the two front windows. It was of the old box pattern, several steps higher than the floor, and when the preacher was sitting in the pulpit, the greater part of the con gregation was hidden from his view. There was a closed gallery across the west end of the room, where the pulpit now stands. This gallery was partitioned into two apartments which were used as class rooms and also for business meetings. The seats of course faced east, or to the front of the house and were of ancient pattern, without paint or var- nish. In the old gallery class room of years gone by were seen on each Thursday evening, in all kinds of weather, such well remembered men as Elijah Porter, Samuel Woodworth, Edward Kennicutt, Jabez Foote, John Cozzens, Sr., Valentine Brown, Isaac Osborn, Ezekiel Canfield, Cornelius Van Dyke, and his brother, John Van Dyke, W^illiam Tooker, Jonathan Canfield, Daniel Harris, John Halstead, Cornelius Cole, Harley Bartlett, John Cozzens, jr., William Cozzens, Jacob Woodworth, Samuel Brown, Elisha Stone, Caleb Canfield, Clement Canfield, William Fer- guson, Hezekiah Tyrrell, Alexander McAllister, Gilbert W. Hayes, John Hageman, Peter Van Buskirk, James Woodworth, Stephen J. Hogeboom, Moses Kinney,. Daniel Ferguson, Jacob Dennie, James H. Roberts, David N. Barker, M. D., Beriah Waite and many others who held prominence in the history of the church both at earlier and later dates. The meeting-house was first occupied late in the summer of 1823, although it was not then wholly completed. The dedication service was conducted by Rev. Eben Smith, presiding elder of the Montgornery district, assisted by Rev. Sherman Miner, senior preacher in charge of the circuit. The sheds adjoining the church were built in 1838 and a portion of the south end was destroyed by fire in 1866. A shed run- ning from the northwest corner of the church lot to the building was ^Iso built in 1838, but was removed in 1873 to make room for the pres- Digitized by Microsoft® TOWN OF MAYFIELD. 521 ent class-room. The church was thoroughly remodeled, repaired, en- larged and supplied with a new roof in 1851. The whole work was finished in the autumn and the church was rededicated by Revs. Caleb C. Bedell, Araunali Lyon and Peter Harrower. Again in 1867 it was thoroughly renovated, painted, recarpeted and materially improved at a cost of about $400. The parlors adjoining the church on the west were added in 1874, the total cost being about $890.57. The pulpit was remodeled in 1877, the carpenter work being done gratuitously by Albert A. Wells and the painting by William A. Richardson. Some external improvements were also made in 1883. In 1866 Mayfield dissolved its circuit relations with Broadalbin and thus became the head of a circuit embracing Mayfield and its surround- ing hamlets, such as Jackson Summit, Crosby's Corners, Munsonville, Mayfield Centre, Riceville, Pleasant Square and West Bush, with Rev. Henry W. Munsee as preacher in charge. The first funeral service held in the church was that of Selah Wood- worth, who was born August 1 1, 1750, and died October 25, 1823, only about nine months after he had given the lot