CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF The Publisher HG9195.N3"A4"l9Sb"'''-"'"^ '^'wimiiiiMlf.SJ,. ,S°"*'' Wales. olin 3 1924 030 202 307 Overs \<\ XI Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. GENSUS di? NEW SOUTH WALES. LIFE ASSURANCE. "i^^BStRACT OF Returns OBTAiNEi) by the Government Statistician' urber '' "f Authority ov the Act Ho. 65, 1900. •88801 «. Published by Aulhority qf ^ The government of the state of new south wal£S. : WILLIAM APPLEQATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PKINTEE, PHILLIP STREET. 1904. " ' [PRtCE 4S ] .. i.; tSs CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, LIFE ASSURANCE Abstract of Returns obtained by the Government Statistician under Authority of the Act No. 65, 1900. Published by Authority of THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PHILLIP STREET. 1904. ' ' I , f [Price 4s.] " '-' ' \' h (; , , , *38801 a , , ' ERBATA. Page. 12.'^ Citizena' Life, Industrial — Endowment Assurance Premiums should be on the 13. ) second line. First line are Net Premiums ; the second, Office Premiums. 14. Australasian Tempei-ance and G-eneral, Industrial, year 1902 — Total 14. Citizens' Life, Ordinary, year 1902 — New Premiums 14. Colonial Mutual, year 1901 — Total Income... 17. Independent Order of Foresters, year 1898— Management 17. People's Prudential, year 1900 — Other Payments ... 17. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand, year 1901 — Funds ... ... ... 18. Australasian Temperance and General, year 1898 — Total Funds .. . i8. „ „ ., 1899— „ 18. Australian Widows' Fund, year 1900 — Government Securities ... 19. Australian M!etropolifan, year 1899— Gash on Deposit 19. Citizens' Life, Industrial, year 1898 — Oiher Assets 20. Mutual Life of Australasia, year 1898 — Total Liabilities ... 20. Standard Life, Industrial, year 1930 — Total Funds 20. „ „ „ 1901— „ 20. „ „ „ 1902 — „ 21. National Mutual, year 1901 — Cash in Hand 22. Australian Metropolitan, Industrial— Total, Number of Policies ... 2^. „ „ „ Office Premiums, first line... „ Totals Australian Mutual Provident — Immediate Annuities, Amount ... Australasian Temperance and General — Joint Lives, Bonus Australian Widows' Fund — K,e-as6urance.», Liability Citizens' Life — Endowments, Number of IPolieies ... City Mutual — Mortuary Dividend, Endowment Assurances, Loading „ Temporary Assurances, Office Premiums ... „ Net Assurances, Office Premiums „ Children's Endowments, Office Premiums ... Colonial Mutual — Total Bonus Mutual Life of New York — Endowment Assurances, without Profits, Liability National Mutual — Whole Life, without Profits, Net Premiums ... People's Prudent'al, Industrial — A (Old) Annual Loading Colonial Mutual — Entry Age 20, Duration 20 (second line) C ity Mutual „ „ „ Citizens' Life — Total Extra Premiums „ Amount Assured, without Profits, Age 85... Equitable Life — Annual Premiums, with Profits (Deferred), Age 21 „ Amount Assured „ „ Age 46 National Mutual — Annual Premiums, without Profits, Age 22 .. 23 .. 41 „ „ „ .; 47 •" -,, Number, with Profits Citizens' Life — Bonus (seventh line) ... „ Free Assurances, Endowment Assurances, Amount Australian Mutual Provident— Age 49 ... ... ... „ 59 Mutual Life of Australasia — Age 53 ... ,. ... ... Australian Mutual Provident — Tasmania, Total Assurances, Amount National Mutual — Tasmania, Annuities Independent Order of Foresters — Elsewhere, Whole Life, Annual Premiums ... Australasian Temperance and General, Ordinary — Total, Endowments, Amount National Mutual — Total, Whole Lfe, Amount Australian Mutual Provident — Total, Annuities, Premiums Australasian Temperance and General, Industrial — Total, Total Assurances, Amount National Mutual — Total, Annuities ... People's Prudential. Industrial- Total, Total Assurances, Premiums Equitable Life— Whole Life, Entry Age 35, Duration 5 years New York Life — Endowment Assurance, Entry Age 50, Duration 10 years 23- 24. 26. 29. 3°- 34- 34- 34- 34- 36. 43- 45- 48. 52- 53- 64. 65. 68. 68. 72. 72. 72- 72. 72. 78. 78. 84. 84. 84. 91. 91- 92. 92. 92. 93- 93- 93- 93- 95- 96. Correct reading should he — 78,258 18 10 36,90(1 II o 2,904,805 15 6 19622 o 8 4,665 18 II 4,848 13 10 236,181 II o 245,696 10 8 1 23,764 3 7 312 10 o 3,662 5 8 1.267,543 13 10 13,188 I 8 13,944 " 9 16,094 o 7 28,153 12 3 8,656 i2,385'52 54,804-09 40,008 14 4 164:00 287 14,058 i8'563 268-238 46,355'384 2,166-813 273, 19J 19 o 836,000 104,139-4 383'304 I 7 5 041 19 18 8 13 14 6 2,266 2.363>772 29-787 19-712 226-3H7 159-9)6 16 88 2 6 3,264 II o 264-017 476-988 13-400 2,097,893 10 o 5 for £21217 4 518,530 2 9 60,418 10 o 11,422,219 I 2 1,321 o o 1,060,825 o o ii4for£7,838 6 2 2,118 II 4 5 10 o 40 o o .OLllOVTCXO Oj^S \j\J J.llUOiCa/01UJJ.lUy 5 J.WV<^iO VJX .Ca-OOCOOliXCJ-LL, XDXiKJ ■:f> V 2 3 8 10 I 2 14 18 22 50 52 54 56 60 77 84 85 86 87 88 94 97 98 Statistician's Office, Sydney, 1st September, 1904. T. A. COGHLAN, Statistician. INDEX. TABLE No, CONTENTS OF TABLE. PAGE. Schedule of Information required V I General Information as to Foundation, etc. . 2 II Valuation, Principles of ... 3 III „ Mortality and Interest Assumed . 8 IV Profits, Principles of Distribution of . . . lO V Net Premiums Valued ... 12 VI Revenue Accounts 14 VII Balance Sheets ... i8 VIII Valuation Summary 22 IX „ Balance Sheets 50 X Specimen Bonuses (Cash and Reversionary) . 52 XI Annual Premiums, Whole-Life with Profits . 54 XII New Business and Discontinuances 56 XIII Policies existing at each Age — Whole-Life 60 XIV „ other than Whole-T-ife 77 XV Annuities (Immediate) Payable Annually 84 XVI „ other than Immediate 85 XVII Interest Earned ... 86 XVIII Extra Risks 87 XIX Policies existing in each State ... 88 XX Specimen Surrender Values 94 XXI Charges other than Tabular Premiums... 97 XXII Answers as to Indefeasibility, Powers of Assessment, etc. . 98 Statistician's Office, Sydney, Ist September, 1904. T. A. COGHLAN, Statistician. SCHEDULE of Information required for LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES (or SOCIETIES) under the provisions of tlie Census Act, 1901. The information must he furnished to the Government Statistician, Sydney, on or before May 31s«, 1903. (Separate Statements must he furnished in the cases of Ordinary and Industrial Business.) General-: — 1. Name of Company. 2. Locality of Head Office. 3. Date of foundation. 4. Instrument of incorporation. 5. Whether Proprietary or Mutual ? Amount of capital (if any). Valuation : — 6. The date up to which the last valuation was made. 7. The principles upon which the valuation was made, and whether these principles were determined by the instrument constituting the Company, or by its Regulations or By-laws, or otherwise. 8. The table or tables of mortality used in the valuation. 9. The rate or rates of interest assumed in the calculations. 10. By what table of mortality, and according to what rate of interest, have the net premiums valued been computed 1 Give specimens of such premiums for a whole-life, and for an endowment assurance policy of £100 for ages at entry 20, 2-5, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. 1 1 . The proportion of the annual premium income (if any) reserved as a provision for future expenses and profits. (If none, state how this provision is made.) In cases where assurances have been effected by single or limited premiums, state what provision has been made for expenses when the premiums shall cease to be payable. 12. The revenue accounts separately for each of the last five years, as per attached Form "A," and balance- sheets for same periods, as per attached Form " B." 13. The liabilities of the Company under life policies, endowments, and annuities at the date of the valuation, showing the number of policies, the amount assured, and the amount of premiums payable annually under each class of policies, both with and without participation in profits ; and also the net liabilities and assets of the Company, with the amount of surplus or of deficiency, as per attached Forms " C ' and "D." 1 4. The principles upon which the distribution of profits among the policy-holders was made. 15. The time during which a policy must be in force to entitle it to share in the profits. 16. The results of the valuation, showing — (a) The total amount of profit made by the Company. (6) The amount of profit divided among the policy-holders, and the number and amounts of the policies which participated. (c) Specimens and bonuses allotted to policies for £] 00 effected at the respective ages of 20, 30, 40, and 50 for whole-life and for endowment assurances, and having been respectively in force for five years, ten years, and upwards at intervals of five years, together with the amounts apportioned under the various modes in which the bonus might be received. VI Statement of Business at date of last Annual Report : — ,17. The published table or tables of premiums for assurances for the whole term of life in use at the date of valuation, together with alterations or additions since effected. 18. Statement of new business in each class of assurance during each of the last five years, giving number of policies or certificates issued, and the amount of assurance and annual income in respect thereof. Similar information as to policies discontinued during each year (a) by death, (6) by maturity, (c) by surrender, and (d) by lapse, &c. ' 19. The total number of policies and amounts assured on lives for the whole term of life in existence at the date of last Annual Report, distinguishing those assured with and without profits, stating separately the total reversionary bonuses, and specifying the sums assured for each year of life from the youngest to the oldest ages. 20. The amount of premiums receivable annually for each year of life, after deducting the abatements made by the application of bonuses in respect of the respective assurances mentioned under heading No. 19, distinguishing ordinary from extra premiums. Give also the amounts of such abatements. 21. The total number of policies and amounts assured under classes of assurance business, other than for the whole term of life, distinguishing the sums assured under each class, and stating separately the amount assured with and without profits, and the total amount of reversionary bonuses. 22. The amount of premiums receivable annually in respect of each special class of assurance mentioned under heading No. 21, distinguishing ordinary from extra premiums. Statements of re-assurances corresponding to the statements in respect of assurances under headings 19, 20, 21, and 22 are to be given. 23. The total amount of immediate annuities on lives, distinguishing the amounts for each year of life. 24. The amount of all annuities other than those specified under heading No. 23, distinguishing the amount of annuities payable under each class, the amount of premiums annually receivable, and the amount of consideration money received in respect of each such class, and the total amount of premiums received from the commencement upon all deferred annuities. 25. The average rate of interest at which the life assurance fund was invested at the close of each of the last five years, together with a statement of the manner in which such average has been computed. 26. Furnish separate statements for business at other than European rates, together with a statement of the manner in which policies on unhealthy lives are dealt with. 27. Statement showing separately, for each State of the Commonwealth and for New Zealand and elsewhere, the numoer of policies existing in each class of assurance, the amounts assured, and the annual premium income. 28. A table of minimum values (if any) allowed for the surrender of policies for the whole term of life, and for endowments and endowment assurances, or a statement of the method pursued in calculatino' such surrender values, with instances of its application to policies of different standing and taken out at various interval ages from the youngest to the oldest. 29. A statement giving in detail, as per Form " E," any dues or charges (other than the tabular premiums) payable by the proponent at the time of his proposal for assurance, or as a condition precedent to the completion of the contract. 30. A statement giving in detail, as per Form "F," any such charges (referred to in 29, su2ora) payable during the currency of the policy. 31. Are all policies effected with the Company indefeasible, subject only to the due payment of the premiums ? If not, give the conditions of cancellation. 32. A copy of the form of contract made with the assured, and of the proposal upon which such contract is based. 33. Is it allowable under the Society's articles of association, or according to any Rules or By-laws of the Society, to decrease the amount of assurance for which a contract has been made, the premium remaining constant 1 34. Is it in the power of the Society to levy at will any sums, as assessment, other than those referred to in questions 17, 29, and 30 ; — if so, to what extent? Vll INFORAIATION REQUIRED FOR LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES (OR SOCIETIES) UNDER THE CENSUS ACT, 1901. Revenue Account of the FORM "A." (Company or Society) for the Year ending Amount of funds at the beginning of the year, specifying individual funds — Premiums — Renewal ... New ... Consideration for Annuities granted Interest Other receipts (accounts to be specified) s. d. Claims under policies (after deduction of sums re-assured) — Sums Assured... Bonuses Endowments and Endowment Assurances matured — Sums Assured... Bonuses Surrenders — Policies Bonuses Policies lapsed Bonuses on Policies lapsed . . . Annuities ... Bonuses paid in cash Commission [°"^«''^™>^^ (^on Kenewals Expenses of management — (Detailed). Dividends and Bonuses tu Shareholders (if any) Other payments (accounts to be specified) Amount of funds at the end of the year, specifying individual funds ... £ INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES (OR SOCIETIES) UNDER THE CENSUS ACT, 1901. Balance Sheet of the FORM «B." (Company or Society) on the Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ 8. d. Shareholders'capital paid-up to £ Mortgages on Property ... (if any). Loans on the Company's Policies AsBxirance funds (to be detailed) Invested in Grovernment Securities Other funds (if any) to be „ Municipal Securities specified „ Office Premises „ Property acquired by fore- Total funds as per Kevenue Account closure Claims admitted but not paid Other investments (to be specified) Other sums owing (accounts to be Loans upon personal security specified) ... Agents' balances Outstanding premiums ... „ interest Cash- On deposit ... ... £ la hand and on current account... Other assets (to be specified) ... £ £ Vlll Sa.2 CO fl n ij9 ^_ cd m Is g i» O a bo . ^ Sf fig's 3 5) -2 M 2H.5 o s ^ o o ^ 5^ tt p i-s cS S 0=n S S pi -^ -*1 o 1 li g 3 o 1 2'o 11 (11 ^ 6 a t> M ^S M M o o S ^fl rd fe;=^Hs[=^^^0 rJ3 m o ^ a '^ w a PM Sl= B S a " ^ „ » a 02 O Q IZi Eh tn H S f= O P o )r, >5 la H OD <1 1-H hq -«1 e Pure EndoTvinent. . . None. Industrial Department — All-Life Policies ... English Life Table, No. 3 Pure Endowment ... None. The Institute of Actuaries' H"" Table for all Assurances. The Carlisle Table for Children's Endowments, combined with Contingent Annuities. Peer age Table for all other Endowments. The G-orernment Experience Table (1883) for all Annuities. In the Ordinary Department, the Institute of Actuaries' H" Tables were used for Assur- ances, atid the Q-OTernment Annuitants' (1883) Table for Annuities. In the Industrial De- partment the English Life Table was used. The Institute of Actuaries' H"> Table, with H" pure premiums for Assurances. The Peerage Table for Ordinary Endowments. The Carlisle Table for Endowments subject to premiums during joint lives. The Government Experience Table (last published) for Annuities. The English Life Table (No. 3, males) was adopted for all Industrial Branch Assurance Policies, except for those upon joint lives, when the H"" was used. Ordinary Branch Assurance Policies were valued by the Institute of Actuaiies' H™ Table of Mortality. Annui- ties, by the G-overnment Annuitants' (1883) Table. Institute of Actuaries' Table. H" Table and Carlisle Interest Assumed. Net Premiums valued .(Mortality and Interest Assumed). 3i per cent, 4 per cent. 3i per cent, for Joint-life and Endowment Assurances, 4 per cent, for the rest of Whole-life Assur- ances and Pure Endowments. 3 per cent, for Immediate Annuities granted since ist January, 1901 3i per cent, for Participating Assurances for Immediate Annui- ties granted prior to ist January, 1 90 1, and for all annuities other than Immediate ; 4 per cent, for Non-participating Assurances and for Children's Endowments. 3i per cent, throughout 3i per cent. In the Industrial Branch, interest at the rate of 3i per cent, was employed for the whole of the free policies, for a group of the Endowments oarrjing£72,9o6 of accrued liability for£63, 830, sums assured of Endow- ment Assurances (being an import- ant part of the liability), and for £547,929, sums assured of Ordinary Whole-term Assurances. The re- maining contracts were valued at 4 per cent. In the Ordinary Branch the rate of interest employed was 3i per cent., except for the groups marked (c) in the Valuation Sum- mary, where the rate was 4 per cent 4 per cent, throughout The Tables of Mortality compiled under the auspices of the Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland, designated respectively H" and H" (^), have been used throughout, except for Endowments, Aonuity Assurances, Contingent Assurances, Endowment Assurances on Joint Lives, and Deferred and Reversionary Annuities, which have been valued by the Carlisle Experience Table, and for immediate Annuities, which have been valued by the British Government Annuitants' Experience Table (1883). The net premiums have been based on the Carlisle Table for the respective classes mentioned, and on the H" for all the other classes. The H" and the H" (5) Tables have been epecially blended for the use of the Society. For the early years of the policy the H- Table only is employed, and for its later years the H» («) Table. Between these periods the values have been graduated, and lie between the H"> and H" (») values. Such middle period embraces, for over four-fifths of the policies all durations between three and ten years, while for less than one-fifth of the policies, being a portion of the Endowment Assurances only, it includes all the durations between four and eight years. For Assurances on Joint Lives, Term Assurances and a few small classes of policies, the H"' Table alone has been employed. ' The rates of interest used in the calculations have been — (a) 3^ per cent, for all Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Reversionary ; (J) 3^ per cent, for all Assurances and Endowments for which the policies were issued with the existing scale of premiums based on 3^ per cent, interest; (c) 4 per cent, for all Assurances and Endowments for which the policies were issued on the premium scale based on 4 per cent, interest. }- See "Mortality Tables used." Assurances — "^ The Institute of Actuar- ies' H°> Table. Endowments — The Peerage Table. Annuities — The Q-overnment Experi- ence Table (1883). The rates of- interest were as stated in previous col- umn. Ordinary Department, H™ 3i per cent. Industrial Department, EngHsh Life Table, 3^ per cent. The Institute of Actuaries' H" Table, with 3i' per cent, interest for Assurances. The Peerage Table, with 3i per ce: t. interest for Ordinary Endowments. The Carlisle Table, with 3I per cent, interest; for Endowments, subject to premiums during; joint lives. For Industrial Branch policies the premiums; valued were for £547,929 of Ordinary Whole-' term Assurances, the net premiums, according' to the English Life Table (No. 3), males, at; 3^ per cent. ; for the remainder, the gross! pr.'-mium?, less 35 per cent. ; for all the other! contracts, either the tabular net premium corresponding to the basis of valuation, ori else a varying percentage was taken off thej gross premiums. For Ordinary Branch policies, the premiums valued were the net premiumsj of the H" Table, with 3^ per cent, interest, j H" 4 per cent, pure premium for an age one year higher for Whole-life policies; H" 4 per cent, pure premium, plus a percent age for Endowment-Assurance policies. The net premiums valued have been computed on the basis of H"» and Carlisle Tables for the respective classes referred to in Col. 2. The rates of interest used have been those referred to in Col. 3. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table III. — Yaluation — continued. Name of Company. Mortality Tables used. Interest Assumed. Equitable Life . Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. Ifational Mutual. New York Life... People's Prudential. I Provident and ! Industrial of N.Z. Standard Life .. The Seventeen Oflices' Experience Table, except in the ca=e of policies whose premiums are based on the American Experience since 1896; in such cases the Mortality Tabic used it the American Experience. The H" Table The Tables of Mortality used in the valuation were — For Assurances, the Institute of Actuaries' H™ Table. For Endowments, old rates, Carlisle ; new rates, H™ and combined Carlisle and H™. For Annuities, G-overnment Annuitants' (1883). The. Tables of Mortality u=ed in the valuation are the Seventeen Offices' Table, which is the legal standard of the State of New York on policies issued prior to the ist day of January, 1898, and the American Experience Table since that date. For Assurances, the Institute of Actuaries' H' Table ; and for Annuities, the Government Experience Table (1883). The Tables of Mortality used in the valuation are the " Combined Experience " and the " American " (except that on impaired lives the Table of Mortality used in the valuation is that which we call "Double American," i.e. a rate of mortality which at all ages is twice that of the American Experience Table). In the Ordinary Brancli the Institute of Actuaries' H" Table. In the Industrial Branch, the English Life Table, No. III. The tables used in the valuation were, for Whole-life Industrial Insurance, English Life Table, No. 3 ; and for other classes of Assur ance, the Institute of Actuaries' H"> Table of Mortality. Sickness benefits were valued by the Manchester Unity Experience. Com- pound interest tables were used for Endow ments. No valuation has yet been made. 4 per cent., except in the case of policies where the premiums were computed on 3 or 3i per cent. ; it such cases, in parlicipatingeontractf the rate of interest assumed is 3 per cent., and in cases of con-participat- ing contracts the I'ate assumed it 3^ per cent. 4 per cent The rate of interest assumed in the calculations was 4 per cent. The rate of interest assumed in the calculations was 4 per cent, on policies issued prior to ist January, 1898, and 3^ per cent, since that date. The rate of interest assumed was 3I per cent, per annum. 3 per cent, on all Assurances and Annuities issued since 31st Decern ber, 1897 ; 3i per cent, on all Annual Dividend Policies issued in any year prior to ist January, i8| and on all Assurances on the Accumulation Plan, issued during the years 1895, 1896, and 1897 ; and 4 per cent, on all other Assur- ances and Annuities. 3i per cent, throughout The rate of interest used in the valua- tion was 4 per cent. Net Premiums valued (Mortality and Interest Assumed). Net premiums valued were computed from the Seventeen Offices' Experience Table, with interest at 4 per cent., and from the American Experience Table, with interest at 3 and 3^ per cent. The H™ Table and 4 per cent. The net premiums valued were thoseaccording to the H™ Mortality Table, at 4 per cent, interest. American Experience Table of Mortality, with 4 per cent, interest, prior to ist January, 1898, and the same table, with 3^ per cent., since that date. The net premiums valued were computed from the Institute of Actuaries' H"> Table. The rate of interest was 3i per cent. ; but to the values of the net premiums, as ascertained by the class valuation, a small addition was made to cover the special expenses connected with the initiation of policies. The addition of this small amount was equivalent, in the ease of policies for the whole term of life, to taking the net premium for one year older than the age at entry ; in the case of other policies, the capitalised value of the addition, as at the date of issue, does not in any instance exceed £1 ss. per cent, of the sum assured. As the principle upon which the policies are valued is that known as the " Net Reserve " basis, the net premiums were not valued separately. In the Ordinary Branch, the Institute of Actuaries' H" Table. In the Industrial Branch, the English Life Table (No. Ill), 3^ per cent. Net premiums have not been used in the valuation. lO CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table IV. — Valuation. Hame of Cumpany, Principles of Distribution of Profits. Duration required to share in Profits. Australian Metropolitan. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and Q-eneral. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life City MuLual Colonial Mutual.. No profit The profits are divided among the members entitled to participate, as foUon's : — (o) By assigning to those policies that remained in force from the last valuation the profit accrued upon the valuation reserves last held for the same, and which arose from the excess of interest realised over that at -which it was assvimed in the valuation they would fructify. (i) By apportioning the remaining profit in proportion to the loading contributed by members in respect of premiiims paid during the year, the loading contributed under the more recently issued policies being subject to a deduclion to provide for the special expenses attendant on the acquisition of new business. The method adopted in the last distribution of profits was the uniform Kever^ionary plan. The Bonus Certificate explains that the commutation of the bonuses for cash or equivalent reduction of future premiums is not pernjitted. The principles upon which the distribution of profits among the policy-holders is made are determined by the Directors. On this occasion there is allotted to policies an amount in proportion to the interest which has been realised in excess of 3J per cent, upon the mean of the reserve held during the quinquennium, and the remainder of the surplus is allotted in proportion to the amount of loading contributed during the quicquennium. In the Ordinary Branch, profits have been distributed in the form of Reversionary additions, at rates per cent, of the sum assured which were uniform for the same, but varied for different classes and durations. Gruaranteed bonuses are regarded as liabilities on the funds, and the divisible surplus is then applied to provide a reversionary bonus in proportion to the sum assured in each case. The principle governing the distribution of profit is that cich member shall participate in the profits as nearly as possible in proportion to his respective interest therein, the amount individually allotted being apportioned— (i) through a consideration of the difference between the rate of interest realised and that assumed in the valuation ; and (2) in proportion tj the loading contributed within the quinqu-nnium during the existence after the first year of the policy. Two years. All parti eipatirg policies which wfre in force at the date of the valuation share in the profits. Bonuses do not vest in the policies until they have been in force for two complete years. No restriction is placed on policies in regard to the time they require to have been in force before becoming entitled to participate in the profits. All participating policies share in the profits. Bonuses become vested addi- tions to the sum assured when two full years' premiums have been paid. Participating policies (excepting those under Table Ilia, a class of Endowment Assurances with half premiums for the first five years, and those under Tables XV, XVI, and XVIII, ChUdren's As- surances, under which participation in profits is deferred to age 21) share in the profits from the outset. Where the policies are issued under the Imme- diate-bonus System, the bonuses de- clared vest only at end of three years' duration. Assurances under Table Illa take immediately vesting bonuses after completion of first five years' standing. Under the Deferred-bonus system, the added profits are maintained as Bonus Funds, from which distribution will only be made at the expiration of the periods of deferment. Three years. The Ordinary With-profit policies of the Society participate when they have been two years in existence. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table IV. — Yaluation — continued. II Name of Company. Principles of Distribution of Profits. Duration required to share in Profits. Equitable Life , Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New Yorfe. National Mutual.. The Charter of the Society provides that only an equitable share of the surplus found at an investigation shall be apportioned to each policy. The mode of apportionment is left to the discretion of the Actuaries. The bonuses are made according to the " Contribution System," which aims at returning to each class of policy-holders the excess of their payments over the actual cost of their insurance, due regard being paid to premium receipts, average rate of interest earned, and mortality experienced. In the General Class, the cash value of the bonus allotted to each policy is applied in the form of a reversionary bonus, with the option to reconvert it into cash, provided it is used towards the payment of premiums on the policy. Deferred-bonus Classes : A special account is kept of the income and outgo properly belonging to these classes, separately from the other business of the Society, so that the amount of the Deferred-bonus Fund — that is, the share of the whole amount of assets belonging to policies in these classes — can be ascertained for the end of each year. This fund is credited with all premiums received from such classes ; is charged with a proper proportion of the general expenses upon these premiums ; receives credit for interest on its accumulations proportionate to that made on the total funds of the Society ; and has to pay the claims by death occurring among the Deferred-bonus policies only, and the values of such policies that reach the end of their period, or of such as are surrendered before that time. At the end of each year the total amount of this fund and the total amount of Reserve to meet the original obligations under these classes are calculated, and the difference between these amounts is the Deferred-bonus surplus, part of which belongs to policies completing their respective periods in the year just entered upon, and the greater amount remaining is held for those policies maturing in succeeding years. As the Deferred-bonus policies mature, the surplus is ascertained and apportioned as follows : — In order to take advantage of the largest averages attainable, it was decided that all policies with similar conditions, no matter in what year issued, should be classified together, for the purpose of determining the rate of bonus to be allowed, and the plan in detail was as follows : — Rates of interest, of mortality, of lapses, and expenses were assumed, based on past experience. On the basis of these rates, calculations were made of what would be the surplus on policies taken out at every age and kind, at the end of their respective bonus periods, and estimated surpluses were computed for the issues of each year at the end of every policy-year during their Deferred-bonus periods. With these figures we calculate at the end of each year the expected surplus of the different classes of Deferred-bonus policies. The total of these expected surpluses, when compared with the actual surplus, as brought out by the valuation of the Deferred-bonus policies, gives a ratio of the expected to the actual surplus. This ratio is then applied to the estimated surpluses by the tables on policies just maturing, thereby giving the actual surplus to which they are entitled. No distribution of profits to policy-holders was made ... (a) By assigning to each Participating policy, which has been in force on 31st December, 1894, a proportion of interest on the reserve at that date. (4) By assigning to all Participating policies a proportion of the loading received on each policy during the period. New York Life,.. Ordinary policies receive a share of the profits one year after issue, and annually thereafter. Deferred-bonus policies at the end of their respective bonus periods, and annually thereafter. People's Prudential. Provident and Industrial of N.Z. Standard Life ., Profits are distributed upon the well-known Contribution Plan. Principles and Practice of Life Assurance.") (See page 26, "The The profits are ratably apportioned as a bonus amongst the policies entitled to participate in profits, in proportion to the amounts contributed towards such profit on account of such policies since the next preceding investigation. The principle upon which profits are distributed among the policy-holders is that known as the " Contribution Plan," under which the dividend for any insurance year is calculated by crediting the policy's account with the net reserve at the beginning of the insurance year, plus the office premium (deducting therefrom the policy's share of the expenses of the Company), plus one year's interest at the rate allowed by the Comijany, and debiting said account with the net cost of carrying the risk during the year, plus the net reserve at the end of the year. In the Ordinary Branch, a bonus at the rate of one (i) per cent, of the sura assured for ! each completed year of the duration of the policy was allotted to every policy entitled to participate in profits. In the Industrial Branch no profits were allotted. No bonus was distributed among the policy-holders ... ... No valuation has yet been made. No provision is made for profits to be shared. AH Participating policies actually in force at date of investigation are entitled to share in the profits. Unless otherwise specified in the policy, each member shares in each Annual Distribution from the date of issue. Twelve months. Dividends are declared at such intervals as are provided in the Policy Contract; under some forms of policy, annually, beginning upon payment of the premium for the second year of insur- ance; under other forms, after five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years, respec- tively. One year in the Ordinary Branch, and fifteen years in the Industrial Branch. No bonus was distributed among the policy-holders. 12 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table V. — Ket Peemiums Valtted — Whole Name of Company. AGE. 20 Whole Life. Endowment Assurance. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance. 30 Whole Life. Endowment Assurance. 35 Whol6 Lite. Endowment Assurance, Australian Metropolitan^ — Ordinary Industrial ,., Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinasy rndustrial ... Australian Widows' Pund ^Citizens' Life — Ordinary... ... Industrial ... ,„ City Mutual Colonial Mutual Equitable ... 3i per cent. 4 17 OiHces' Experience, 4 ., 3 4 American American Actuaries' Tndependent Order of Foresters... 4 „ Mutual Life of Australasia ... ... ... ! Mutual Life of New York I i National Mutual ... New York Life ... Combined Experience, 4 percent. American „ 3i „ American „ 3 „ Double American Experience, 3 „ i People's Prudential — Ordinary ... Industrial Prorident and Industrial of N.Z. Standard Life i'36S i'5i4 1330 rs88 i'330 i'33 i'53 170 1-279 '■365 1-279 1-295 1-441 1-348 '•245 i'245 i'330 i'295 1-348 1-441 2'II7 1-354 i'593 1-784 1-733 1^-733 i'933 r733 1-73 2-ri 1-724 i'793 1-673 1-958 1-828 I'720 1,615 1-733 1-664 1-773 1-900 1-759 1-566^ r'72D 1-521 1-521 1-733 1-521 1-52 1-73 1-97 1-472 1-566 1-472 1-472 1-611 1-510 1-428 1-428 2-125 2-070 2-071 2-267 2-070 2-07 2-54 2'055 2-153 2-019 2^226 2-086 1-982 1-939 1-824 1-976 1-769 1-771 2-012 1-769 1-77 1-98 2-31 1-723 1-824 1-723 1-697 1-828 I-7I9 1-669 1-669 2-599 2-540 2-542 2-800 2-540 2-54 3-10 2-522 2-653 2-507 2-675 2-521 2-421 2-397 2-146 2-302 2-076 2-075 2-312 2076 2-o8 2-29 2-71 2038 2-146 2-038 1-987 2-IoS 1-969 1-969 3r265 3:199 3'i96 3-467 3ri99 3520 3-80 3-179 3-326 3-174 3-318 ^052 3^041 Net premiums not used in Talnation, which is made by reference 1-521 1-472 1-510 i-6n 2-288 1-546 1-805 2-070 1-982 2-086 2-226 2'097 1-769 1-697 1-719 1-828 2-541 1-795 2-068 2-540 2-076 3'i99 2-421 1-987 3-052 2-521 1-991 3-150 2-675 2' 108 3'3i8 2-868 2570 2-103 S232 2-399 Net premiums have not No valuffltion * PorothCTffttan- whole term CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Life and Endowment Assurances Maturing at 60. 13 AGE. 40 ■Whole Life. Endow- ment Assurance 45 Whole Life. Endow- ment Assurance 50 Whole Life. Endow- ment Assurance 55 Whole Life. Endow- ment Assurance Whole Life. Endow- ment Assurance Name of Company. 2'557 2' 7 22 2-465 2-467 2-750 2-465 2-47 2-69 3-20 2-442 2'SS7 2-442 2-368 2'475 2 '350 4-266 4-190 4-192 4'533 4-190 4-19 4'93 4'i73 4'333 4-166 2'352 2'352 4'30i 4-118 4-021 3-108 3-270 2-985 2-988 3'i79 2-985 2-98 3'2i 3-8i 2-987 3-108 2-987 2-885 2-967 2-835 4-016 2-865 2-865 5-951 5859 5-858 6-333 5-859 5-86 6-76 5-856 6-oo8 5835 5-957 5"755 5-670 3-828 3-999 3-667 3-667 3-746 3-667 3-67 3-89 4-69 3-702 3-828 3-702 3-578 3-636 3-499 9-290 9-165 9-167 9-165 9-17 9-203 9-363 8970 9-273 9-048 8-966 5666 3-542 3-542 8-947 4-809 4-974 4-588 4-588 4-621 4-588 4-59 4-80 5-75 4-678 4-809 4-678 4-503 4-554 4-413 to tables of neti policy values of Seventeen Offices' Table 2-465 4-190 2985 2-368 402 1 2-885 2-350 4-118 2-835 2-475 4-301 2-967 3-296 4-736 3-853 2-494 4-228 3-017 2-825 3-377 been used in tbe valuation. I yet made. 5-859 3-667 9-165 5-670 3-578 8966 5-755 3-499 9-048 5-957 3-636 9-273 6-350 4-575 9-590 5-905 3-702 4-110 9-228 4-458 4-458 4-588 4-503 4-413 4-554 5-778 4-628 5-087 19-189 18-966 18-967 18-705 18-966 19-078 6-151 6-328 5-848 5-850 6067 5-848 5-85 6-04 7-42 6-oi8 6-151 6-oi8 5-756 5-827 5-683 5-715 5-715 5-848 5-756 5-683 5-827 7-461 5-894 6-440 Australian Metropolitan — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and Q-eneral — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian -Widows' Fund. *Oitizens' Life — Ordinary. Industrial. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual ... Equitable ... ... 3i per cent. 4 >• ... 17 Offices' Exp erience ,4 » American j» 3 J) American }i 3i It j Actuaries' ]j 4 " 1 Independent Order of Foresters 4 „ Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life ... Combined Experience, 4 per cent. American „ 3i „ American „ 3 „ Double American Experience, 3 „ People's Prudential — Ordinary. Industrial. Provident and Industrial of N.Z. Standard Life. ihe office premium less 35 per cent, is taken. 14 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table \l.~ Name of Company. INCOME. For Year ending — Amount o£ Funds at beginning of Year. Australian Metropolitan Australian Mutual Provident, Australasian Temper- f ance and General — Ordinary Industrial ... Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial , City Mutual Colonial Mutual . Equitable Life . Aug. 18, i8g8 .. 31,1893 „ 31, igoo „ 31, igoi ,, 31, 1902 Dec. 31, 189S „ 31, 1899 „ 31, igoo „ 31, igoi „ 31, 1902 Sept, 30, 1898 „ 30, 1899 „ 30, igoo .. 30. ig'i ,, 30, ig02 „ 30, 1898 „ 30, 1899 „ 30, igoo „ 30, igoi I. 30, igo2 Oct. 31, 1897 „ 31, l8g8 „ 31. 1899 „ 31, igoo „ 31, igoi Deo. 31, iSgS >, 31, iSgg „ 31, 1900 „ 31, igoi „ 31, 1902 „ 31, 1898 .> 31. 1899 „ 31, igoo „ 31, igoi „ 31, 1902 Dec. 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31. ,. 31. Dec. 31, « 31. „ 31, ,, 31. „ 31, Dec. 3ij „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, 1899 1900 igoi 1902 1897 l8g8 1899 igoo 1901 1893 igoo igoi lg02 a 13,217 5 9 20,374 14 6 22,565 1 7 34,220 ig 8 14,479,578 I 7 I5,l7g,04g 7 10 16,074,740 17 I 17,029,845 3 3 17,864,514 I 10 198,707 15 o 215,7=5 8 5 228,224 5 8 236,626 15 I 253,864 12 I 25,301 II II 20,756 2 7 17,472 5 o 19,275 17 II 24,812 2 9 1,198,183 6 5 1,247,188 2 II 1,310,904 12 o 1,368,770 2 8 1,428,293 13 5 155,218 o 7 214,094 18 II 297,558 19 5 383,947 o 4 491,600 15 4 184,771 14 6 210,805 2 8 230,083 4 II 258,182 8 9 298,847 7 8 164,199 15 8 176,926 4 8 191,366 8 3 209,654 9 I 234,002 4 7 2,040,972 7 2 2,153,342 o 3 2,261,656 8 10 2,385,266 o 7 2,491,^89 18 10 48,951,321 13 8 53,445,839 17 o 37,9=7,896 4 6.>,ggS,507 l8 5 67,54g,539 10 8 I Premiums. Renewal. £ s. d. 5,3=8 i3 o 6,20j 8 8 S,206 14 5 g,507 13 I 11,615 17 10 1,260, 1,324; 1,451, 1,303, ,031 i5 o .249 11 5 ,456 7 8 .044 13 3 ,571 4 II 30,510 8 o 31,496 14 I 33,424 II 3 37,819 3 9 42,62g 12 II 127,332 2 4 137,341 14 II 151,216 i5 7 132,641 I 7 131,860 o 4 3,327 I ° 7,265 6 I 10,140 15 8 I2,9gl o 9 19,285 16 8 16,794 14 10 23,399 4 3 28,246 s 2 3g,203 8 o 52,121 I 4 130,602 16 135,542 13 139,229 4 144,101 15 152,572 l5 57,461 8 9 73,472 19 I 94,778 16 5 112,513 4 II 135,138 6 10 143,202 18 8 152,312 18 5 162,373 18 3 169,439 I 7 172,484 16 7 31,371 I I 34,752 17 6 37,713 2 10 43,255 7 7 45,260 6 6 285, 287, 290, 2go, 287, 6,354, 5,956; 7,63o, 7,873, 8,715, 932 7 9 ,146 19 5 .434 II o .038 7 9 ,938 II II .144 6 5 ,830 5 4 ,097 4 8 ,796 13 o ,804 14 3 13,049 5 II 16,528 18 3 21,589 16 2 23,007 13 5 25,483 4 2 30,576 10 g 35,970 g 8 35,477 13 10 36,963 8 4 26,906 11 o 5, 180 I o 4,993 5 8 4,227 4 8 3,455 12 4 3,325 12 o 5,317 13 2 3,712 8 3 11,923 10 4 7,414 o 10 3,879 17 1 23,467 8 3 33,349 5 6 27,113 2 9 21,167 11 6 23,712 5 4 1,485,960 19 o 1,793,632 4 6 1,815,055 14 3 1,890,098 2 o 2,155,333 l5 9 Consideration for Annuities, Other Receipts. s. d. 44,206 8 10 4g,og7 8 2 63,421 o 4 60,102 II I 3g,ig3 1 3 950 o o 2,467 o o 783 13 6 4,630 15 9 3,748 17 10 270 o o 3,931 4 o 1,614 6 8 1,478 17 8 2,679 9 9 1,050 o o 2,272 I 6 163,722 II 2 184,013 14 II 204,223 17 4 281,589 II 2 321,268 13 1 £ s. d. g07 3 2 1,048 5 4 1,201 16 3 1,520 17 2 1,040 16 I 716,821 15 7 730,118 16 o 753,215 13 5 791,797 5 4 828,528 19 o 10,509 4 I 11,015 o 5 10,006 17 2 11,061 17 II 12,017 o 2 1,039 2 5 750 16 10 786 5 7 994 3 2 1,335 14 9 58,445 15 10 58,880 18 4 60,853 12 2 62,049 II 2 63,293 6 7 7,500 12 I 9,436 15 8 13,420 5 8 17,550 II 3 22,684 4 6 8,050 18 4 8,llg 6 2 9,737 o 10 11,150 18 4 12,827 I 10 8,934 13 2 g,6io o II 10,402 16 10 11,515 II 10 12,606 7 7 84,362 g 3 90,130 o 3 92,195 II 5 95,074 I 2 99.164 19 5 2,177,288 15 I 2,346,675 17 2 2,533,700 6 9 2,694,934 17 I 2,886,i4g 5 3 S a. d. 2,8g6 10 II 15 2 4 24 8,677 8 2 41 3 b 3,784 17 4 2,836 12 10 13,905 4 2 20,803 15 2 6,575 7 44 16 10 49 19 10 71 2 4 2,258 13 I 1,172 5 2 1,725 I II 3,229 3 I 2,674 II 6 2,433 9 9 5 7 239 17 6 13 14 3 13 13 10 39 12 7 88 ig 48 3 10 43 15 6 50 10 910,329 16 4 456,110 7 3 386,452 13 8 866,801 8 8 33g,794 8 3 £ s. d. a 9,312 12 I 20,484 2 I 29,807 5 2 42,271 o o 46,918 i& 7 16,631,755 1 8 17,422,693 II 2 18,438,956 ig 3 lg,486,234 g 8 20,374,243 14 6 243,334 8 I 265,502 g o 281.796 9 ir 298,498 17 6 327.797 I 10 43,180 6 o 44,g56 3 8 45,575 18 I 39,473 11 1 79,258 18 10 1,409,489 18 o 1,462,780 o 11 1,535,086 o 4 1,603,789 3 7 1,678,066 10 3 253,480 I 2 338,935 12 II 443,o8g ig 6 552,466 16 g 68g,025 3 3 341,265 5 1 376,3lg 11 II 4o6,48g 12 6 442,294 16 6 487,53s 8 1 210,023 3 [227,001 11 251,405 18 271,850 g 297,74' 15 2,437,984 12 5 2,566,240 6 II 2,671,400 14 o 2,791,694 1 o 2,go4,895 15 6 60,252,768 o 8 65,183,105 6 4 70,547,426 o 8 76,605,728 10 4 8l,gS7,9io 10 s Death Claims. Sums Assured. £ s. d. 750 12 10 704 12 6 775 3 g 1,146 5 8 2,8g8 10 10 435,97^ II 3 381,219 16 I 387,400 2 7 494,193 12 4 466,771 5 I Bonuses. £ s. a. 13 161,57318 147,699 18 140,316 16 183,498 4 176,508 6 II 4,608 5 4 233 15 7 7,226 18 9 259 16 3 11,509 II 9 I0,gl2 5 2 11,630 14 5 1,438 4 3 l,g48 15 10 2,827 13 3 4,111 2 3 4,650 g 5 43,847 II 8 38,283 I 2 41,770 I 4 43,865 7 7 41,185 ig 10 3,843 13 3,306 19 4 3,603 7 3,324 II 3 3,930 3 11,082 I 7 13,342 7 II 27,529 5 6 19.266 16 II 20,531 II 5 20.267 7 6 18,582 6 II 21,686 19 5 21,324 15 o 23,429 8 II 11,465 IS o 9,884 o II 8,847 16 6 g,043 9 I 11,483 15 II 96,793 10 II 5,410 IS 110,021 7 2 7,811 9 10 109,567 16 6 3,659 19 " 115,112 13 6 6,goi 112,474 17 8 7,142 i5 2,693,813 17 10 2,946,4.66 14 9 3,104,785 6 3 3,245,094. 9 6 3,191,128 13 8 For Notes, see page i6. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Eevenue Account. 15 EXPENDITURE. Matiuities. Sums Assured. Bonuses. Surrenders. Amount. Annuities. Bonuses paid in Cash. Commission. On Renewal Premiums. On New Premiums. Management. Divi- dends. Other Payments. funds at End of Tear. Total, s. d. 145,354 o o 157,019 o o 192,775 o o 207,048 o o 215,506 10 o £ s. d 65,909 10 70,027 14 81,904 14 93,145 12 90,447 6 5,038 14 6 7,040 o o 8,285 14 10,034 12 8,641 7 370 o 353 16 8 4 o 8 3,739 15 10 4,454 18 4 4,385 18 9 3,236 2 o 2,962 I 5 27,616 I o 27.549 " 4 35,130 ° ° 39,183 8 o 41,795 6 o 3,360 9 3,986 4 4,543 o 5,216 15 5,409 18 834 18 1,105 13 2,562 2 29,897 o 33,171 3 26,534 8 20,576 3 14,491 18 2,338 4 I 3,822 ig II S,8o2 9 10 5,679 2 o 7,872 6 5 35,000 43,850 42,954 50,000 62,356 5,331 16 6,727 6 6,810 3 7,664 15 8,391 " 269,840 7 II 316,942 4 3 412,614 14 3 427,930 9 2 458,574 15 3 s. d. s. d. 287 16 7 501 7 o 336 3 9 227 9 4 218,064 10 9 107,881 9 10 176,331 2 2^ 83,982 16 5 198,313 17 o^ 98,439 18 7 212,268 19 8 103,335 16 10 208,203 15 2 95,550 14 10 5,065 9 6 4,492 19 10 5,411 15 8 3,485 6 5 4,039 2 5 482 8 8 520 12 II 247 3 3 375 8 681 15 9 35,602 13 5 30,413 I 9 26,027 11 I 22,774 18 10 14,364 17 2 4,697 10 3,442 12 2,835 19 2,288 5 1,060 12 3,845 II 10 6,422 13 2 8,312 12 9 9,039 6 9 1,392 9 o 1,371 o II 1,176 4 3 1,747 17 7 3,785 19 5 5,906 16 5 8,921 14 8 9,648 14 7 4,297 14 II 11,935 14 I 52,385 12 3 50,644 5 2 43,707 9 2 37,672 10 8 35,325 II 9 1,268,932 10 8 1,080,320 8 5 1,022,462 16 II 1,202,785 4 II 1,322,873 3 2 £ s. d. 27,605 19 9 30,049 14 4 32,434 19 36,526 10 7 40,180 5 345 7 461 9 7 148 IS 8 171 8 8 159 8 1,024 3 6 1,093 I o 1,230 3 3 1,305 17 8 1,744 I o 12 13 233 7 6 718 12 II 944 5 5 1,844 16 II 72 8 8 90 II 121 3 165 8 202 12 5 1,168 10 7 1,018 10 o 1,207 5 3 1,175 9 i.igi 13 117,430 3 126,447 12 4 138,511 18 10 144,684 12 10 158,438 I II s. d. 634 10 3 55,373 7 54,050 16 44,636 II 54,579 19 61,141 II 150 19 II 198 4 53 12 71 I II 88 o 7 1,988 14 9 493 o 499 19 6 228 o 143 o 3,529 12 4,854 6 5,746 7 4,652 14 6 514 6 II 747 17 170 6 7 30 I 3 248 17 10 355 II 4 Included under he^idlng ' Surrenders." 637,446 16 II 636,418 13 725,341 16 779,691 II 7 920,213 8 3 £ s. d. 2.057 2 3 2,299 6 4 2,761 15 ii 2,916 5 9 5,849 14 o 3,189 10 5 3,453 2 8 3,588 4 3,824 II I 4,058 4 4 376 13 II 434 13 5 539 15 3 688 10 I 560 IS I 3,248 4 8 4,314 10 4 4,220 7 3 6,197 19 4 8,554 9 II 3,2S3 5 3,100 13 II 3,5-^7 15 7 3,696 9 8 4,ie8 2 3 600 13 9 983 5 II 1,187 9 5 1,865 8 4 1,919 I 11 23,557 15 II 25,637 I 2 28,517 15 6 28,565 10 7 29,243 13 2 1,101 3 4 1,250 13,205 3 II 13,213 8 12,726 5 6 12,591 I 5 12,632 15 9 454,175 4 625,763 4 9 531,281 13 600,069 10 667,641 9 5 46,025 17 6 50,079 9 49,713 13 3 47,177 9 4 47,545 16 3,204 15 6 5,256 8 9 8,710 1 10,696 4 9,961 17 5,987 8 10 6,798 19 8 6,294 15 9 10,907 10 II 17,083 13 9 7,658 3 8 9,985 II 8 13,305 3 7 13,770 9 I 15,382 o 2 8,769 16 9 11,148 7 3 10.673 o 5 14,128 8 I 16,270 5 7 22,592 II o 27,840 5 3 25,385 II II 23,342 o I 26,453 12 3 2,700 o 3,699 I II 7,119 8 I 7,096 7 o 5,763 4 10 A 18.674 15 10 18,876 4 9 17,236 7 16,200 7 II 18,712 17 592,507 12 10 676,390 10 g 698,530 4 II 733,748 4 850,801 3 3 £ B. d. 2,118 6 2,752 ij 4 2,171 5 9 2,670 6 3 5,858 19 5 129,544 12 5 138,514 9 3 141,716 6 3 138,865 o 10 147,063 3 9 8,810 io,6g6 9,950 8,484 8,223 6,582 9,446 9,J07 9,802 9,610 3 II 8 15 6 7 10 II 5 1 7 2 5 19 18,793 2 6 20,754 6 22,416 12 6 23,391 13 3 23.436 o 7 5,002 I 3 6,594 8 11 6,030 II 10 8,589 9,313 8 6 30,282 II 10 37,135 8 4 42,409 2 45,462 9 51,974 12 6,424 6 7 6,032 16 9,085 3 8,829 ig 8,954 o 47,541 7 5 47,303 I 6 44,897 8 48,292 17 47,631 16 3 650,548 II 707,041 II 737,762 19 II 828,907 17 3 900,982 19 4 £ a. d. 194 4 c 603 18 601 9 II 918 3 6 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 £ s. d. 04,192 7 o 64 18 10 428 13 2 379 9 o 6,506 6 9 54,212 6 9 55,524 14 10 37,871 17 8 47,256 12 o 42,152 19 11 1,424 10 6 857 15 8 559 14 4 40 I 6 44 4 o 925 9 9 16 13 6 30 o o 34 5 9 10,584 8 I 9,267 6 5 11,396 4 8 14.449 14 8 16,187 8 8 7,000 o o 374 18 2 1,458 6 8 1,458 6 1,458 6 8 1,458 6 8 245 10 II 470 6 6 499 1 5 597 2 7 428 13 o 562 2 10 152 8 6 1,763 II 4 1,086 12 3 2,487 6 8 12,785 2 2 9,128 19 7 5,118 12 7 1,367 19 7 4,093 7 5 3,176 o II 120,774 15 8 162,959 15 6 176,168 5 6 160,478 14 7 191,584 7 8 £ s. d. 14,374 14 6 22,565 I 7 34,220 19 8 24,010 2 6 15,179,049 7 10 16,074,740 17 I 17,029,845 3 3 17,864,514 I 10 18,779,112 15 10 215,725 8 5 228,224 5 8 236,626 15 I 253,864 12 I 284,448 4 4 20,756 2 7 17,472 5 o 19,275 17 11 24,812 2 9 34,671 3 7 1,247,188 2 11 1,310,904 12 o 1,368,770 2 8 1,428,293 13 5 1.509,234 o II 214,094 18 II 297,558 19 5 383,947 o 4 491,600 15 4 626,754 12 4 210,805 2 8 230,083 4 II 258,182 8 9 298,847 7 8 335,594 o 9 179,114 3 4 191,366 8 3 209,664 9 I 234,002 4 7 238,396 8 4 2,153,342 o 3 2,261,656 8 10 2,385,266 o 7 2,491,989 18 10 2,595,869 15 8 53,445,839 17 o 57,907,896 4 o 62,99'!,5o7 18 5 68,480,879 9 10 73,324,233 18 6 £ s. d. 9,312 12 I 20,484 2 I 29,807 5 2 42,271 o o 46,918 16 7 16,631,755 I 8 17,422,693 II 2 18,438,956 19 3 19,486,234 9 8 20,374,242 14 6 245,354 8 I 265,512 9 o 281.796 9 n 2g8,498 17 6 327.797 I 10 43,180 6 o 44,956 3 8 46,575 18 I 59,473 II I 78,258 18 10 1,409,489 18 o 1,462,780 O II 1,535,0^6 o 4 1,605,789 3 7 1,678,066 10 3 253,480 1 2 338,935 12 II 443,089 19 6 552,466 16 9 689,025 3 3 341,265 5 I 376,319 II n 406,489 12 6 442,294 16 6 487,535 8 I 210,023 3 227,001 II 251,405 18 271,850 9 297,74s 15 2,437,984 12 5 2,566,240 6 II 2,671,400 14 o 2,791,694 I o 2,904,805 15 6 60,252,768 o 8 65,188,105 6 4 70,547,426 o 8 76,605,728 10 4 81,987,910 10 5 For Notes, see page i6. i6 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VI — Eevenue Kame of Company. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York National Mutual.. INCOME. For Tear ended — .Amount of Funds at beginuing of Year. Premiums. Renewal. New. New York Life People's Prudential Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. standard Life- Ordinary Industrial . Dec. 31, 11 „ 31. li ,, 31,1910 „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 Dec. 31, l8g3 » 31. 1899 ,, 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 Deo. 31, 1898 1. 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 .. 31, 190^ Sept. 30, 1898 „ 30, 1899 ,, 30, 1900 „ 30, 1901 „ 30, 1902 1899 1900 1901 1902 igOD 1901 ig02 Dec. 31, >• 31, ,. 31, .. 31. .. 31. Aug- 31. .. 31. .. 31, .. 31, .. 31. June 30, 1898 „ 30, 1899 „ 30, 1900 „ 30, 1901 „ 30, 1902 June 30, 1903 ,, 30, igoi „ 30, 1902 ,, 30, igoo „ 30, igol „ 3\ 1902 £ s. 543,334 10 673,479 1+ 799.9 I 3 931,309 5 1,054,5 8 o 1,190,192 16 5 1.257,603 15 8 1.359,362 II 5 1,437,611 19 8 1.533,692 17 3 51,823,593 2 10 56,711,4 4 15 7 61,568,052 15 I 66,506,695 10 8 71,975,776 15 6 2,612,750 12 z 2.765.571 5 4 2,951,501 16 8 3,092,870 o 7 3,265,126 7 I 40,892,820 16 3 44,061,384 9 5 48,177.295 8 g 53,412.399 3 7 59,231,268 o 10 £ s. 392,537 o 444,031 13 493,499 l5 532,012 2 5!'4,076 I Consideration for Annuities. Intorest. £ s. d. 13^,260 7 6 140,517 5 o 150,454 6 6 159,117 2 II 171,828 17 2 ,331,252 I 6 6,496,633 12 2 7,154,750 I 4 7, 742, Ego 12 4 8,512,832 15 5 297,^31 5 9 310,451 i5 6 321,577 i3 3 336,603 10 II 345,5''4 19 5 5,804,039 8 4 6,548,297 10 8 7,747,E67 3 9 ,670,094 16 6 10,061,219 14 4 20,907 g 10 27,g6l 16 10 22,767 5 2 25.452 8 6 30,351 17 6 1,945,200 15 3 2,161,229 16 9 2,o3o,793 9 5 2,188,302 14 o ^,297,564 o I 43,787 II 3 42,409 ig 2 48,572 14 c 51.453 3 II 62,122 9 ID 1,320,245 19 6 i,82g,053 4 g ,i4g,222 18 3 2,4g6,4i7 8 II 3,022,332 o 8 £ s. 2C,027 l3 39,330 II 42,l:!4 o 39,274 I 55.E57 12 other Receipts. Death Claims. Sums Assured. Bonuses. 4,950 o o 6,165 17 5 8,605 o o 17,818 8 8 15,957 II 5 486.952 19 o 515,971 9 3 555.348 9 3 667,352 II 9 981,596 o 8 5.798 8 8 9,926 12 II 9,080 12 I 26,173 13 II 16 616 18 849 3 4 1,700 7 6 2,872 15 8 4.S13 12 I 5,321 4 9 2,650 4 5 3,214 9 3,254 10 9 3,857 5 1 4,848 13 10 290 II 6 1,341 5 8 13,188 I 8 13,944 II 9 11,63917 3 11,712 8 II 11,425 18 4 I?,020 II 8 12,302 I I 4,463 2 5,760 2 6,5^4 13 7,192 I 7,605 14 179 12 3 1.158 13 4 2,865 7 9 3.156 7 7 2,399 13 3 2,d6i 4 o 2,537 6 5 3,6og 4 8 l,40D o o 3.885 6 I 4.059 iS 5 7,503 3 19,383 10 24,306 i5 272,080 15 312,331 o 237,425 II 414,642 3 393,936 18 10 5^,072 II 1 58,863 16 8 62,241 ig 5 65,936 g o 69,2; 3 14 5 2.348.669 16 o 2,592,65 J 8 o 2,666,781 4 10 2,788,06s 13 2 3,050,543 II 4 132,154 18 10 136,804 o 8 141,764 4 6 151.958 l5 4 157,676 14 4 2,003 577 6 10 2,092,117 11 o 2.226.670 18 6 2.379,067 9 3 2,625,865 o 10 30 5 o 69 9 1 117 17 4 234 6 7 264 o 8 £ s. d. 39,600 5 Hi 62,231 9 63,064 17 9i 63,666 2 5 85,270 12 5 685 l3 8 2 770 9 14 6 6 ig 6 1,0 5,ljl o 5d I,l56,l84 19 7 580,453 I 7 881,238 14 I 316,252 9 3 273 17 263 427 356 5 410 I 9 6 10 42 18 o 104 ij o 154 II 4 204 o g 93 161 5 4 9 8 125 8 o 227 12 II 117 10 3 22,633 l5 3 -50,4'' I 3 6 331,480 II II l,l?8,l6o 17 8 227,898 8 2 £ 8. d. 995,499 15 o 1,219,073 7 115 1,398,609 17 II 1,566,261 II 3 1,783,782 6 o 1,406,389 13 1,491,128 ig 1,603,438 9 1,705,945 3 1,821,091 17 63,939.859 15 o £9,644,098 I 4 74,586,179 I 5 80,774,538 16 o 87.124.567 12 3 £ s. d. 205,475 9 5i 257,927 2 2 263,181 8 4 2g4,050 18 3 313.971 9 10 39.972 3 5 30.655 7 46,459 2 9 46,781 9 3 51,465 2 3 503,761 8 I 067,561 16 6 s. d. 3.2)0 13 3 050 60 o o O 12 6 22 4 6 i 12,503 6 3 1 15 1 1 9 3,092,416 I I 3,265,324 4 3,475,622 13 3,659,286 18 3,848,274 18 I 50,317,398 3 ' 55,093,664 19 ' 60,869,962 12 . 68,550,781 19 . 73,562,521 3 : 12,519 5 7 13,482 5 6 14,416 II 4 16,770 10 4 17,887 6 6 13,804 5 7 11.637 1 3 12,387 8 I 13.951 10 4 i5,495 18 II 1.579 16 3 5.343 17 9 8,313 9 13 20,113 8 5 32,727 18 I 38,456 10 5 ,852,681 7 3 3.378.123 10 10 3,356,822 o 10 105,457 8 5 97,696 14 g 116,865 II 5 126,399 6 11 105,524 17 1 ,040,595 2 11 2,392,574 17 9 2,455,303 12 10 2,943,029 6 7 3,119,335 7 o 571 10 o 7X) ig 4,8 5 1,077 13 6 895 6 4 1,947 15 7 2,238 4 II 2,403 11 7 2,826 6 8 3,333 14 6 loi 2 9 429 12 6 21S 7 II 352 3 6 611 9 II 5,033 12 3,871 8 5,407 13 6,762 2 8,097 15 o 190,582 8 8 225,446 12 13 221,817 4 10 232,096 17 10 207,463 13 1 11,780 18 8 12,946 5 3 13,776 3 8 14,966 12 7 16,-29 1 10 27,219 i3 8 =9,013 4 3 145,231 3 2 164,420 I 10 150,289 12 2 F™'l.^^tl^•fil.L^:ii'^l■i"%.'™?.:^?L':.L'^^".!^..?^^^ a Australian Metropolitan Life Assurance Company. — Eevenue Account for year ended August, ii Fund as £13,217 58. gd., deducting from which, the item Balance of Eevenue Ac 10s. Ad., the Assurance Fund at the beginning of year would be shown as £11, fnXrsVoiriF^nr '" ''• ^^™""^ ^'="°"°* '"' """^ ^"^^''^"' ^"^^*- ^^^S. -"l« «m;« *i, u i j options, by which he can leave t\e money with the Company ; drawing an income during Wand tL^Scinala^^^^^ ^""^ ^ \^,^^*y °^ of principal and interest spread over a term of years, or other investment options. These are show^ ^s sSlpm^nffr. '^n^f^ !f I °^ ^'^''"^^ mstalments e £12,500 subscription to Capital. ""Pi'icmeiiuiry t^ontractB. / Including Real Estate written down. g For Sickness and Accident. % li Total and Permanent Disability Claims ; Expectation of Life Benefits j Old Age, Disability, and Sick Benefits CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 17 Account — continued. EXPENDITURE. Maturities. Sums Assured. Surrenders. Bonuses. Annuities. Bonuses paid in Cash. Commission. On Renewal Premiums. On New Premiums. Management. Divi- dends. Other Payments. Funds at End of Tear. Total. £ s. 17.149 15 4«.759 6 l 5S,3»3 7 70,757 10 I 67,475 5 II 23,025 o ° 22,290 o 34.934 o ° 33,300 o o 34,500 o o 427,049 13 10 586,706 7 10 716,801 17 10 826,460 o 3 733,479 7 7 51.971 3 o 53,064 12 o 85,364 10 II 88,231 15 3 96,180 o 9 731,096 I 4 621,387 I 10 584,309 14 3 770,563 II 10 852,301 10 8 4,S02 9 3,790 10 6,350 16 o 5,889 o 6,849 6 o 55.258 80,697 73.032 97.731 : 4 '■° 3 19 5 14 9 86,594 8 4 8,570 10,772 14.459 14,289 16,850 20,992 23.455 19.555 31,324 22,015 16 7 12 3 9 II 3 7 18 3 15 10 7 19 II 16 o s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. 20,750 8 o 2,627 5 17,854 2 9': 2,755 o 12,763 14 I 15.383 I t 17,061 I 6 ^1 I,l6i 6 8 1,029 10 6 986 II 1,596 II 1.901 5 2.583 19 5| 2.879 3 3' £ s. d. £ 3. d. 4| 550 6| 230 13 1,781 13 526 I 8 7 1,207,813 II o 886,448 I 3 785,530 6 2 634,182 13 8 654.254 17 3 63,103 o 9 40,105 I 4 60,203 4 I 53,842 II 9 34.756 9 5 683,422 12 10 695,501 10 9 700,59s 17 778,646 16 9 975,771 13 3 6,942 8 3.298 o 2,627 15 2,086 4 10 4.377 IS 4.571 4 8 395 o 10 218,474 4 7463,089 5 10 252,792 I 5440.567 8 4 290.453 4 8464,242 19 II 323,534 15 5475,981 o 5 373,469 14 3 517.121 12 II 1,431 2 6,553 13 II 2,006 5 7 1,151 6 10 11,620 16 II 313,852 12 II 570,268 7 314,857 10 0588,614 o 316,678 4 5568,128 7 7 322,043 7 5703,566 7 7 332,497 10 1875,536 3 5 2,112 2 2,015 19 6 2,191 6 2,377 IS 3 2,536 15 6 386,198 4 379,809 3 10,287 7 10,816 19 3 12,075 o 14,872 8 7 16,443 4 7 738,398 o 9 993.434 14 10 £ 19,662 22,186 24.653 26,895 29,150 30,102 31.284 35,913 36,320 37.04s B. d. S 7 ; 16 c 6 9 14 9 16 5 1 7 2 I 10 7I 16 6 1,132 14 2 1,625 II 2,297 6 3 4,308 18 7 5,99"^ 19 2 409,337 II 01,079,895 7 429,535 16 II 1,253,550 5 6 451,848 13 2 1,312,124 16 7,644 9 9 8,376 12 3 8,839 6 10 9,106 2 9.338 14 220,699 2 o 1,032,809 17 4 1,162,581 9 4 1,185,690 19 1,147.243 4 II 1,334,240 5 S 13,262 14 15,425 14 : 13,791 15 14,862 ig 20,15 [ 19 : 683,313 13 o 196,652 12 9 932,277 244.316 5 51,110,935 2 283,307 19 9 1,225,820 o : 338,96714 61,387,23211 o 2,978 6 I 3,219 12 8 3,264 14 II 4,30s IS 10 4,392 17 10 652 19 914 o 967 12 o 1,043 8 II 1,156 19 6 I 14 19 9 2 67 13 3 506 8 641 8 536 18 634 9 642 4 59,865 63,957 62,326 63,937 68,359 943,536 1,019,463 1.153,749 1,335,851 1,620,636 1,667 1,454 1,472 1,626 1,917 5,817 1,617 3,792 4,033 4,791 7 II o 6 5 II 2 7 4 o 13 2 7 9 4 I 3 9 o S 15 10 10 5 18 II 9 10 12 I 19 3 243 10 1,467 16 II 1,937 3 2,719 14 5 11,058 8 6 13,318 6 9 1,041 12 7 1.978 l3 4 2,734 9 3.979 13 6 6,782 4 7,728 10 £ s. d. ^{ 216 12 307 5 3 334 14 2 283 4 10 214 12 3 377 16 7 £ 8. 39.771 15 90,299 7 121,140 o 119,979 15 133,972 5 6,193 14 4.301 7 4,201 15 6,130 3 2,200 10 7.864 5 9 3,623 19 I 3,299 4 9 2,821 15 2 3,041. 2 I 3,001 16 o 14.074 17 3 79,274 o o 84,691 8 II 768,853 3 10 193.044 7 I '3,601 17 II 5,234 14 5 ^,663 ig II 4,439 o 5 5,634 I 3 1,147 17 6 2,636 12 2 539 4 o 350 o o 250 O O 279 435 4 II 327 2 7 9 10 II 390 9 8 704 3 1 £ s. d. 673,479 14 6 799,901 3 1\ 931,309 5 5 1,054,578 o 4 1,236,202 9 9 1,257,603 15 8 1.359.362 II 5 l,437,6ir 19 8 1.333.692 17 3 i,638,g3g 8 lo 56,711,424 15 7 |6l, 568,052 13 1 5o6,6gs 10 8 71,975,776 15 6 78,089,283 16 II 2,765.571 3 4 2,951,501 16 8 3,092,870 o 7 3,265,126 7 I 3,460,470 15 o 44.061,384 9 5 48,177,29s 8 9 53,483,835 6 7 59,231,268 5 63.690,529 13 4 1,700 7 2,872 15 4.513 12 5,321 4 4,830 17 3,214 o 9 3,234 10 9 3.857 5 I 4,843 13 10 5.943 14 3 290 II 6 1,341 3 8 2.734 6 9 13,188 I 8 13,944 II 9 16,094 o 7 £ s. d. 993,499 15 ° 1,219,073 7 11^ 1,398,609 17 II 1,566,261 II 3 1,780,782 6 o 1,406,3=9 13 3 1,49 f, 128 ig 9 1,603,438 9 6 1,703,946 3 3 1,821,091 17 3 63,939,859 13 o 69,644,098 I 4 74,386,179 1 6- ,774,538 16 o 87,124,567 12 3 3,092,416 I II 3,265,324 4 3 3,475,622 13 6 3,659,286 18 7 3,848,274 18 II 50,317.398 3 o 55,093,664 19 7 60,869,962 12 4 68,560,781 19 4 75,562,521 3 3 12,519 3 7 13,482 5 6 14,416 11 4 16,770 10 4 17,887 6 6 13,804 5 7 11,637 1 3 12,387 8 I 13,951 10 4 16.493 18 II 1,579 16 3 3,343 17 9 8,310 9 10 20,113 8 5 32,727 13 I 38,456 10 5 i8 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VII.^ LIABILITIES. Name of Company. Australian Metropolitan Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and General. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life- Ordinary Industrial ■ City Mutual... For Year ending — Sliare- holders' Capital (Paid-up). Aug. 18, 1893 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, igoi „ 31, 1902 Dec 31. 1898 >, 31 1899 „ 31, igOD „ 31, igoi " 31 1902 Sept • 30 1898 „ 30, 1899 Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life „ 30, 1900 „ 30, 1901 » 30, 1902 Oct. 31, 1897 „ 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, igoo „ 31, 1931 Dec. 31, 1838 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 Deo. 31, 1893 „ 31,1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 Dec. 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 19^1 „ 31, 1902 Dec. 31, 1897 „ 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 Deo. 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, i9°o „ 31, 1901 £ a. d. 5,000 o c 6j00o o c 6,013 o c 9,181 15 i 9,222 5 c 20,833 6 20,833 6 20,833 5 20,833 6 31, 1902 20,550 o Assurance Funds. 20,030 o o 20,000 o o 20,000 o o 20,000 o o 20,000 o o £ s. d. 13,217 5 9 14,374 14 6 15,550 1 7 25,039 4 = 14,787 17 6 15,170,194 3 3 16,067,563 5 4 17,022,045 3 6 17,860,532 4 1 18,774,641 4 I 236,481 II o 245,696 10 8 255,902 13 o 278,676 14 10 319,119 7 11 1,247,188 2 II 1,310,904 12 o 1,368,770 2 8 1,428,293 13 5 1,509,234 o II 214,094 18 II 297,558 19 5 383,947 o 4 491,600 15 4 626,754 12 4 190,805 2 8 210,083 4 II 238,182 8 9 278,847 7 8 315,594 o 9 176,926 4 8 191,366 8 3 209,664 9 I 234,002 4 7 238,396 8 4 2,113,624 3 1 2,226,453 13 8 2,350,459 o 4 2,392,657 3 6 2,499."3 7 o 52,200,530 1 2 56,542,273 9 10 61,575,628 15 I 66,854,563 9 o 71,423,443 7 8 Other runds. S a. d. 8,855 4 7,177 11 7,799 19 3,981 17 4,471 II 2,500 o 2,600 o 1,700 o 1,500 o 1,500 o 39,717 17 2 35,202 15 2 c -I 34,807 o 3 99,332 15 4 .95,756 8 8 1,224,476 9 2 11,344,789 7 6 dii,402,045 16 8 1,605,482 14 2 50,240 10 10 Total Funds. s. d. 18,217 5 20,374 14 22,565 1 34,220 19 24,010 2 15,179,049 7 10 16,074,740 17 1 17,029,845 3 3 17,864,514 1 10 18,779,112 15 10 215,725 8 5 228,224 5 8 255,902 13 o 278,676 14 10 319,119 7 11 1,247,188 2 II 1,310,904 12 1,368,770 2 8 1,428,293 13 5 1,509,234 o 11 214,094 18 11 297,558 19 5 383,947 4 491,600 15 4 626,754 12 4 210,805 2 8 230,083 4 II 258,182 8 9 2g8,8^7 7 8 335,594 o 9 179,426 4 8 193,966 8 3 211,364 9 1 235,502 4 7 239,895 8 4 2,153,342 o 3 2,261,656 8 10 2,385,266 o 7 2,1191,989 18 10 2,595,869 IS 8 53,445,839 17 o 57,907,896 4 o 62,998,507 18 5 08,480,879 g 10 73,324,233 18 6 Claims Admitted but not yet Paid, and Annuities due. Other Sums Owing. £ a. d. 142,482 6 6 178,083 4 1 157,227 12 8 160,930 I 4 185,896 16 10 1,767 2 9 3,460 17 10 2,061 6 6 2,040 4 4 27776 15 6 1,518 5 I 3,067 3 10 3,813 6 5 2,20g 12 5 1,789 5 10 1,662 o 7 4,48s 6 I 3,431 13 6 113 10 o 269 I 3 464 17 2 22: 19 9 4,781 6 3 5,471 13 10 6,363 10 o 4,351 17 II 3,907 16 10 381,097 6 II 455,288 II o 459,421 19 5 485,728 18 3 53i,H9 I 6 £ s. d. 1,501 10 o 635 10 4 410 19 10 226 14 5 ai4,04o 8 7 ^78,769 5 5 286,440 4 6 261,805 13 271,588 1 280,277 II 9,142 18 3 10,194 17 1,387 16 8 5,968 10 2 5,583 13 10 5,991 18 10 6,464 17 II 8,g86 19 10 11,867 8 14,518 3 9 1,366 12 1,774 2 2,078 13 4 i,92g 1 II 2,552 15 o 6,992 3,597 4,284 3,453 4 5 Total. Mortgages. 19,718 15 21,010 4 10 22,976 I 34,447 14 38,583 14 15,600,300 19 16,539,264 5 8 17,448,878 8 18,297,032 4 19,245,287 3 246,822 9 3 257,65s 10 7 260,751 7 6 286,706 11 326,103 4 5 [,255,220 6 [,320,146 5 5 [,379,275 7 7 [,443,228 5 3 1,527,565 II 217,671 3 5 301,122 7 II 387,687 14 3 498,013 3 4 632,739 o 10 217,911 O 10 233,680 9 4 262,733 12 10 302,773 14 8 2,798 16 8 338,615 17 2 68 6 7 65 10 43 13 29 13 II 29 6 1,158 15 8 524 3 6 252 9 6 1,932 9 5 581 o 7 179,494 II 3 194,031 18 II 211,408 2 2 235,531 18 6 2;9>925 IS 1 2,159,282 2 2,267,652 6 i 2,391,882 o I 2,498,274 6 2 2,600,358 13 I 53,826,937 3 5', 373,184 15 63,457,929 17 10 68,g56,6o8 8 73,855,783 o 2,195 o o 2,268 16 II 3,036 19 5 3,102 19 8 1,697 o o 7,766,235 I 7 7,948,771 5 II 8,217,199 3 6 8,533,924 7 9 8,998,177 o 2 124,330 14 II 132,154 9 II 106,195 17 o 101,835 2 7 104,045 16 8 831,303 II 4 837,277 o 4 849,061 18 8 828,965 I 5 909,006 10 o 111,113 1 o 90,168 17 3 151,595 17 4 192,965 5 9 233,165 2 4 77,461 3 II 85,821 7 7 52,834 2 1 62,216 12 7 101,833 4 1 60,562 18 3 52,116 11 I 51,128 9 10 63,772 8 8 72,710 17 4 900,613 2 6 956,933 4 II 982,001 6 5 l,028,3g5 18 5 1,103,290 16 10 7,211,612 8 2 7,692,449 II 4 9,460,763 I II i!,6;7,483 8 I 14,386,289 6 9 Policy Loans. Govemmenl SeouriticB. 122 18 8 3,748,900 9 3,917,863 11 3,962,649 o 3,992,419 12 4,095,740 o For Notes, see pages 20 and 21. 21,311 2 22,732 15 23,593 18 8 25,153 2 28,376 2 186,716 3 4 186,139 14 8 184,233 180,735 10 4 187,669 8 6 7,034 2 9,487 I 14,524 7 24,339 2 3 38,973 19 9 8,906 13 12,727 19 10 7,087 8 6 7,320 18 II 11,288 5 49,549 5 10 54,579 19 4 54,547 6 2 60,524 13 5 33,990 19 10 229,934 2 229,037 2 231.012 9 231,832 4 230.013 2 6 1,455 i5 8 556,560 4 10 1,535,967 15 3 2,195,739 19 S .899,332 12 3 10,135 . 1,727,338 15 . 2,218,781 17 K 2,533,231 1 1: 3,008,186 10 ; 3,220,107 17 , 1,942 4 f 16,942 4 i 35,454 15 ( 50,492 4 9 95,645 18 8 123,746 3 7 154,113 8 9 10,000 3,000 3,000 25,000 70,000 7,140 0, 7,140 7,140 43,2C5 18,205 2,547 2 9 7,547 8,693 II II IO,23J 12 9 20,6;3 18 4 67,580 9 4 67,348 14 II 137,934 4 5 156,892 6 9 221,4,8 5 9 813,188 6 8 1,044,360 12 6 1,147,291 13 4 1,638,823 19 2 1,108,134 II 8 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 19 Balance Sheets. ASSETS. Office Premises. Property Acquired by Foreclosure. Other luvestmentB. Loans on Personal Security. Agents* Balances. Outstanding — Premium. Interest. Cash- On Deposit. In Hand and on Current Account. Other Assets. Total. £ I 16,500 17,600 18,600 30,000 24,500 382,215 o 379.413 o 389,565 o 380,665 o 371,865 o 70,426 6 70,426 6 65,426 6 70,64s o 70,815 o 109,090 4 9 109,090 4 9 110,118 6 4 110,763 14 3 125,933 I 6 57,511 13 10 77,590 2 5 78,072 9 6 78,092 8 9 78,092 8 9 52,989 9 3 53.198 18 3 54,222 13 9 81,953 17 II 93,464 6 10 36,575 o o 39,457 13 6 42,725 o o 42,725 o o 42,725 o o 265,^99 12 6 274,698 3 4 279,660 3 5 279,753 9 9 281,509 9 II £ s. d. 574,460 17 I 624,420 3 2 604,100 10 o 585,796 14 7 558,245 8 o 28,929 18 33,154 18 10 33,452 3 6 49, U6 9 o 47,183 8 8 50,490 2 2 48,976 4 2 50,013 8 11 3,632 4 3 6,968 8 6 3,222 7 6 3.222 7 6 921 O lO 1,997 18 6 2,637 4 o 1,620 10 4 899 II 6 899 II 6 4,285 13 3 4,315 13 4,285 13 4,455 13 4,385 13 83,497 II 7 83,955 5 86,015 I o 128,856 7 3 137,839 II 8 8,418,819 10 8,048,380 13 7,955,984 8 7,977,727 10 7,643,278 7 S B. d. 126 2 o 33 o o 43,447 3 2 45,294 5 9 35,290 12 6 50,206 10 9 92,439 3 6 23,322 2 3 4,991 19 3 5,120 3 o 3,598 17 4 2,660 3 4 4,714 o 3 5,471 19 II 77.135 7 9 83,391 19 4 83,168 14 2 78,629 18 1 12,657 12 2 6,321 6 7 5,960 6 2 5,967 13 2 2,050 o o 13,046 8 4 18,409 17 7 25,147 1 10 26,786 10 I 288,961 7 2 300,135 3 o 310,302 I 2 325,579 13 7 343.823 II 2 31,224,152 8 I 35,410,068 2 6 37,683,467 18 4 38,242,919 3 4 40,456,633 6 10 S s. d. 203 2 7 14,980 15,890 16,114 12,083 3 II 8,571 9 7 3 9 8 9 5 9 7,lo5 5 6,322 7 10 5,982 14 5,152 I 7 3,141 12 11 49 19 4 349 19 4 3,367 12 5 3,323 1,335 o 8 3,402 10 7 3,316 3 8 3,261 4 6 2,693 9 8 g,2o8 17 I 6,134 10 I 4,186 13 4 3,214 13 4 2,552 17 10 £ s. d. 26 13 7 4 9 216 I I 59 9 4 84 19 9 1,027 6 10 1,613 17 6 1,366 17 1 1.690 3 1,560 8 11 1,896 10 2,159 8 1,088 19 5 2,027 19 3 2,264 II 2 726 7 7 1,031 15 2 1,283 10 8 1.739 13 II 2,255 17 I Included in Other Assets ,» 1,958 5 2 1,773 15 I 2,024 8 11 1,872 5 1,908 14 II 120,580 10 5 174,610 4 I 109,204 16 5 118,002 7 II 201,030 19 8 £ s. d. 629 1 o 698 I o 894 16 o 1,124 16 o 1,162 3 4 152,236 6 3 172,100 7 II 180,830 19 9 191,934 18 4 190,022 2 3 2,202 12 1 3,001 3 8 2,946 12 8 3,157 10 o 3,608 17 10 21,072 5 3 [20,012 14 8 21,768 6 o 23,159 2 o 24,559 6 o 9,700 18 II 12,788 II 10 17,808 17 10 16,390 15 5 18,395 9 I J 6,746 4 5 6,466 13 5 7,790 10 II 8,512 II 7 10,582 13 3 34,012 10 II 34,631 10 II 36,016 14 3 34.722 o 5 30,814 7 4 531,058 2 6 626,092 18 4 834,468 2 6 801,657 14 2 930,502 7 2 £ a. d. 86 4 10 36 16 II 37 16 II 87 16 II 98 12 4 114,780 10 120,947 14 9 120,228 1 5 137,326 18 144,452 3 1,971 9 5 1,859 10 1,840 6 2 1,809 o 4 1,937 7 2 2.933 14 4 1,944 o 2,034 3 9 1,710 10 II 1,258 13 o 2,011 17 1,623 14 3 1,811 5 9 2,700 I 10 2,206 6 2 1,896 13 6 1,663 13 6 4,059 10 4 279 10 o 119 17 10 270 9 o 17,085 II I 17,161 12 9 20,314 1 5 20,944 8 I 23,415 8 8 114,410 13 4 123,936 12 10 124,372 16 5 91,313 12 9 75,521 9 3 s. d. 312 o 312 10 426,157 15 2 423,705 8 9 405,261 16 8 353,711 16 8 263,343 18 2 9,231 16 9 672 3 7 7,468 18 I 2,949 14 II £ s. d. 73 14 2 109,397 2 2 107,452 18 4 279,091 2 I 122,473 14 9 131,140 15 11 13,329 19 7 19,496 17 2 10,335 o 4 16,114 13 8 16,114 13 8 15,467 15 o 30,252 15 o 18,052 15 o 12,000 o o 30,000 o o 14,369 2 5 20,984 4 26,155 2 9 70,647 18 7 28,781 15 7 6,269 O II 15,022 13 10 27,703 9 11,736 18 4 23.559 18 3 11,812 5 6 32,287 2 5 11,652 8 10 13,193 I 3 21,791 14 9 8,495 5 10 4,388 3 7 7,084 12 9 3,776 o 4 1,718 9 10 199,138 15 4 208,917 1 3 186,988 13 II 185,526 16 8 148,914 12 5 4,273,753 4 o 3,802,917 o 6 3,687,457 2 8 4,227,519 13 6 5,288,303 7 II 39,363 10 5 59,797 16 8 83,053 IS 2 61,241 5 4 35,185 3 10 1,606 8 1 3.722 18 5 3,306 6 4 1,909 3 7 22,279 7 5 £ a. &. 82 59 o 93 19 132 I 127 16 - 6,362 II 3,768 6 4.321 8 4,545 5 II 11,070 7 7 1,496 1,17s 3 6 431 19 576 II 9 833 14 11,048 10 9 11,831 11 13,352 5 14,233 9 10 16,263 II 9 29 IS 178 10 468 o 9 609 o 167 15 8 3,862 5 8 4,569 4 7 4,444 19 o 7,239 14 5 6,243 6 8,431 13 13,307 18 12,852 3 1,693 3 £ 8. d. 19,718 15 9 21,010 4 10 22,976 1 5 34,447 14 I 38,583 14 I 15,600,300 19 7 16,539,264 5 8 17,448,878 8 6 18,297,032 4 2 19,245,287 3 8 246,822 9 3 257.658 10 7 260,751 7 286,706 11 6 326,103 4 5 1,255,220 6 1,320,145 5 5 1,379,275 7 7 1,443,228 3 3 1,327,565 II I 217,671 3 5 301,122 7 11 387,687 14 3 498,015 3 4 632,739 o 10 217,911 o 10 233,680 9 4 262,735 12 302,775 14 338,615 17 10,317 6 10,676 5 10,461 6 II 10,675 19 9 10,825 8 o 455,794 15 10 473,819 II 8 503,333 19 2 526,003 2 6 488,416 II 6 179,494 11 3 194,031 18 II 211,408 2 2 233,331 18 6 239,925 15 ! 2,159,282 2 2 2,267,652 6 2 2,391,882 o I 2,498,274 6 2 2,600,358 13 I 53,825,937 3 II 58,373,184 15 o 63,437,929 17 10 ,966,608 8 I 73,855,783 o o 20 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907,— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIL— LIABILITIES. Name of Company, For Year ending- Funds. Sliare- holdexs' Capital (Paid-up). Assurance Funds. Otlaer Funds. Total Funds, Claims Admitted Taut not yet Paid, and Annuities due. Otlier Sums Owing, Total. Mortgages. Policy Loans. Govenunei Securities Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. Sept.30, 1898 „ 30, 1899 „ 30, igoo „ 30, igoi „ 30, Ig02 . (Paid-up) Total Endowments TOTAL OP THE RESULTS 419 9 60 329 £ 36,295-00 900-00 5.12500 28,72500 £ 446-10 9-00 82-62 381-62 £ 1,467-22 49'23 261-98 1.456-55 £ 1,01818 37-68 214 51 1,184-09 £ 39 1 '06 "■55 47-47 272-46 817 71,045-00 9i9'34 3,234-98 2,454-46 722-54 "5 3 6,793-00 68-97 394-61 118 6,861-97 394-61 935 77,906-97 919-34 3,629-59 2,454-46 722-54 AUSTRALIAN METROPOLITAN, as at DBSCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OP THE POLICIES POE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading (being the provision for future Expenses and Profits). ASSURANCES. I.— ■Without Paetioipaiion in Pbofits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums "l throughout Life ... J Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances Children's Endo-svmenta and Temporary Assurances ... Total Assurances without Profits Total Assueances ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments ... ... (Paid-up) Total Endowments Accident ... TOTAL OE THE RESULTS 2,954 112 456 2,577 £ 66,891-80 3,452-55 8,187-45 45,221-25 £ £ 3.944-85 272-57 733-85 3.16550 £ 2,233-29 166-69 461-82 2,407-40 £ i,7"-56 105-88 272-03 758-10 6,099 123.753-05 8,116-77 5,269-20 2,847-57 6,099 123753-05 8,116-77 5,269-20 2.847-57 1,731 31 36,163-54 220-07 2,646-80 2,393-61 253-19 1,762 36,383-61 2,646-80 2,393-61 253-19 795 266,246-02 1,791-62 7.056 426,382-68 12,555-19 7,662-81 3,100-76 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. =3 Valuation of Policies. 31st August, 1902. ORDINARY BRANCH. VALUATION. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. AsBurances ... Valued by Hm 3^ per cent. Endowments.. ,, 4 per cent., without mortality. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading-. Liability. £ 16,086-67 438-52 2,839-11 16,486-11 £ 22351 428 48-11 244-57 £ 20,257-33 461-37 3,131-61 14,513-21 £ 14,782-16 360-78 2,573-15 14,197-30 £ 5,475-17 100-59 558-46 3'5-9i £ 1,528-02 82-02 314-07 2,533-38 ASSUEANOES. I. — With Paeticipation- in Peowts. (- For the -vvhole Term of Life, subject to Premiums (. throughout Life. /For the -n'hole Term of Life, subject to Limited and \ Commuted Premiums. Joint Lives Assurancee. Endo-wment Assurances. Total, Assueancbs. ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endo-wmente. (Paid-up). Total Endowments. TOTAL OE THE RESULTS. 35,850-41 520-47 38,363-52 31,913-39 6,450-13 4,457-49 1,3 '3-65 54-52 1,313-65 54-52 1,368-17 1,368-17 37,218-58 520-47 38,363-52 3',9i3-39 6,450-13 5,825-66 31st August, 1902. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. VALUATION. DESCRIPTION OP TRANSACTIONS. Assurances ... Valued by Enjlisli Life Table No. III. Endowments... „ Accumulating jjortion of premium at 3i and 4 per cent. Interest. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ 7,426-94 1,994-06 5.23909 29,040-32 £ £ 12,35-5^2 3,017-71 7,679-31 31,721-55 £ 6,955-29 1,895-08 4,833-43 24,237-34 £ 5,430-23 1,122-63 2,845-88 7,484-21 £ 471-65 9898 405-66 4,802-98 ASSUEANCES. I. — Without Paeticipation in Peopits. 'Eorthe whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums _ throughout Life. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Children's Endowments and Temporary Assurances. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assubanoes. ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments. „ „ (Paid-up). Total Enpo-wments. Accident. TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 43,700-41 54,805-09 37,9^1-14 16,882-95 5,779-27 43.700-41 54,80509 37,921-14 16,882-95 5,779-27 7,014-54 177-79 7,014-54 177-79 7,i92'33 7.192-33 No Lis ibility. 50,892-74 54,805-09 37,521-14 16,882-95 12,971-60 D 24 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF THJi; POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading (being the provision for future Expenses and Profits). ASSURANCES. I.— With Paeticipation in PEoriis. For the -wbole Term of Life, subject to Premiums "( throughout Life... ... ... ... ... 3 For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited andi Commuted Premiums ... / Joint Lives Assurances ... ... Endowment Assurances Joint Lives Endowment Assurances Other Classes — Deferred Assurances, with Return of Premiums Contingent Assurances Contingent Endowment Assurances ... Reserve for subsequent distribution of the loading I on Single and Limited Premium Assurances / Reserve to provide for pajment of Claims on proof ") of Title j Total Assurances with Profits II. — WiTHOTiT Paeticipation in- Peotits. For the whole Term of Life, subject- to Premiums \ throughout Life... ... ... ... ... J For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited | Premiums ... ... ... j Joint Lives Assurances ... ... Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Other Classes — Contingent Assurances Reserve for subsequent distribution of loading on ") Limited Premium Assurances ... ... j Reserve to provide for payment of Claims on proof"! of Title J Total Assurances without Profits Total AssuEANCES ENDOWMENTS. Children's Endowments ... „ „ with Contingent Annuities Total Ekdowments ANNUITIES. Immediate ... ... ... Deferred Contingent ... ... Certain ... ... ... Temporary Total Annuities TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 73,408 2,690 587 97,401 IS 291 12 2 £ 28,002,822 1,474,566 195,777 20,435,299-5 11,400 170,925 17.500 10,750 £ 6,730,015-7 632,181-0 28,788-6 2,654,897-3 3i3"i £ 8. d. 824,060 6 II 27,230 17 8,679 14 I 784,656 18 5 1,023 16 2 1,512 18 4 546 14 6 458 II £ p. d. 624,759 12 21,137 12 6,860 4 645,007 8 847 1,201 6 429 8 365 2 £ s. d. 199,300 14 n 6,093 S 1,819 10 I 139,649 10 5 176 16 2 311 12 4 117 6 6 92 18 II 1,088-7 1,061-4 174,406 5o.3i9.o39'5 10,048,345-8 1,648,169 6 4 1,300,607 12 347,561 14 4 545 21 2 38 3 248,912 12,159 4.550 7,900 1,900 7,249 9 I 243 13 " 189 18 8 346 9 5 29 5 8 6,582 18 221 2 c 160 16 312 8 24 10 666 II I 22 11 II 29 2 8 34 I 5 4 15 8 609 275.421 8,058 16 9 7,3^1 14 757 2 9 "175,015 5o,594,46o'5 1^,048,345-8 1,656,228 3 I 1,307,909 6 348,318 17 I 983 14 167,729 1,400 6,991 6 6 112 14 4 6,836 10 98 2 154 16 6 14 12 4 997 169,129 7,104 10 6,934 12 169 8 10 678 62 30 10 23 (Per annum.) £ 8. d. 40,048 14 4 3,439 10 8 3,152 4 267 18 8 370 17 8 (Per annum.) £ 8. d. 12 18 43 14 8 35 13 4 1,013 12 9 307 2 2 945 16 274 4 67 16 9 32 18 2 803 47.239 5 4 92 6 1,320 14 11 1,220 100 14 II 176,815 50,763,589 10 10,048,345-8 1,664,652 18 10 1,316,063 18 348,589 10 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. "V^aluation: of Policies — continued. as at 31st December, 1902. 25 VALUATION. Assurancds ... Valued by Hm 3^ per cent, for Participating, and Hm 4 per cent, for Non-participating, Assurances. Endowments... ,, Carlisle, 4 per cent, for Endowments combined "witli Contingent Annuities j Peerage, 4 per cent, all others. Annuities ... „ Government Exp., si per cent, for all except Immediate Annuities granted since jst January, 1901, for wMch 3 per cent, was used. DESCRIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. Amoxmt Assured. Bonus. Oiflce Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability, £ 13,724,465-7 775.353-5 112,6760 12,295,696-5 8,025-0 33.961-0 8,463-0 7,009-0 £ 3,837.101-8 398.295-0 18,5280 1.895.370-0 2260 £ 11,349,199-4 208,510-0 101,523-0 8.373.943-8 7,842-3 33,9296 9,070-1 6,187-0 £ 8,523.100-9 161,988-0 80,241-0 6,801,318-0 6,488-0 26,941-4 7,124-0 4.932-0 £ 2,826,0985 46,522-0 21,282 1.572.625-8 1,354-3 6,988-2 1,946-1 1.255-0 £ 9,038,4666 1,011,660-5 50.963-0 7,389.748-5 1,763-0 7,019-6 1,805-0 2,649-0 66,101-0 87,215-0 ASSURANCES, I. — With Paeticipation in Peopits. ( For the whole Term of Life, eubject to Premiums li throughout Life. f For the whole term of Life, subject to Limited and \ Commuted Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Joint Lives Endowment Assurances. Other Classes — Deferred Assurances with Return of Premiums. 466-0 572-0 Contingent Assurances. Contingent Endowment Assurances, f Reserve for subsequent distribution of the loading ( on Single and Limited Premium Assurances. ■ Reserve to provide for payment of Claims on proof of Title. 87-215-0 27,118,965-7 6, 1 50.5588 20,090,205-2 15,612,133-3 4,478,071-9 17.657,391-2 Total Assurances with Profits, 128,4143 5.958-3 2,297-0 4,182-0 7040 325-0 589-3 81,029-2 1,831-1 2,301-0 2,009-3 138-7 73.254-3 1,661-3 1,948-0 1,817-0 1160 7,774-9 169-8 353-0 192-3 22'7 55,i6o-o 4,2970 349-0 2,3650 588-0 325-0 589-3 II. — Without Paeticipation in Peoeits. f For the Whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums if. throughout Life. J For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited \ Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Other Classes — Coritirgent Assurarces. f Reserve for subsequent distribution of loading on -( Limited Premium Assurances. ( Reserve to provide for payment of Claims on proof i of Title. 142,469-9 87.309-3 78,796-6 8,512-7 63,673-3 Total Assurances without Profits. 27,261,435-6 6,150,558 8 20,177,514-5 15,690,929-9 4,486,584-6 17,721,064-5 Total Assueances, 115,273-0 1,129-0 49.450-0 1,0029 48.3550 873-0 1,0950 129-9 66,918-0 256-0 ENDOWMENTS. Children's Endowments. „ „ with Contingent Annuities. 1 16,402-0 50.452-9 49,228-0 1,224-9 67,174-0 ToTAi. Endowments. 55-0 341-0 288-0 1 340,466-0 21,745-0 4.935-0 2,494-0 2,282-0 ANNUITIES. Immediate. 340,411 28,3260 7,101-0 7,409-6 2,710-7 6,922-0 2,454-0 487-6 256-7 Deferred. Contingent. Certain, 2,494 2,282-0 Temporary. 380,614-0 684-0 10,120-3 9,376-0 744-3 371,922-0 ToTiL Annuities. 27,758,451-6 6,151,242-8 20,238,087-7 15.749.533-9 4.488,553-8 18,160,160-5 TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 26 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII.— Summary and AUSTRALASIAN TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL, as at DESCEIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. PAETICTJLAES OP POLICIES FOB VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured, Bonus. Office Teaily Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums, Annual Loading, ASSTJEANCES. I. — -With Paetioipation in Peohts. For tile -whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums "N througliout Life ... ... ... f For the -whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and f Commuted Premiums ... ... ) Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances ... Endo-wments and Deferred Assurances ... Extra Premiums payable ... Total Assurances -with Profits II,— Without Paetioipation- in Peopits. For the -whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums "j throughout Life... ... ... ... ... ( For the -whole Term of Life, subject to Limited C Premiums ... ... ... ) Joint Lives Assurances ... Endo-wment Assurances Endowments and Temporary Assurances Extra Premiums payable ... Total Assurances without Profits Total Assueanoes ANNUITIES. Immediate Annuities TOTA.L OF THE RESULTS 2,775 114 S.o-o 6iS £ 529,429-400 18,015-000 7i4,?o6-ioo 77,563-000 £ 6,599-842 164-200 7.512-350 26-600 £ 14,084-096 764-771 27.479-337 2,311-700 355-929 11,129-16 598-53 24,014-06 £ 2,954'94 166-24 3,465-28 8,574 1.339.813-500 14,302-892 44,995-833 50 2 40 37 10,823,629 323-750 6,798750 4,875000 356-237 14-600 314-058 i67-.';25 6-617 259-62 10-64 244-87 96-62 3-96 69-19 129 22,821-129 859-037 8,703 1,362,634-629 14,302-892 45.854-870 6 8,709 1,362,634-629 14,302-892 45,854-870 AUSTRALASIAN TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL, as at DESCEIPTION OP TRANSACTIONS. PAETICTJLAES OP THE POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading (being the provision for future Expenses and Profits). ASSURANCES. With Paetioipation in Peofits, For the -whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life ... ... ... J Joint Lives Assurances ... Endowment Assurances Total Assitbakobs ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 18,569 344 8,577 £ 311,902 9.177 174,566 £ £ 11,308-483 662-783 11,412-483 £ 7.538-95 441-32 7,608-32 £ 3 769-53 22026 3,804-16 27,490 495.645 23.383-749 15,588-59 7.793-95 9,634 210,351 12,148-067 37,124 705.99*5 35.531-817 Totals are not shown where any CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 27 Valuation of Policies — continued. 30th September, 1900. ORDINARY DEPARTMENT. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. Assurances ... - Endowments... Annuities Talued by-] J-Hm and Government Annuitants' {1883) Tables, with 3i per cent, interest." Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ 215,804-20 ■ 9,848-62 417,225-93 £ 3,878-09 103-96 5.903-89 £ 225,501-00 10,02700 294,988-88 £ i78,i27'2i 7,776-39 257,928-45 £ 47,373-79 2,250-61 37.060-43 £ 41.555-08 2,176-19 165, 201-37 10,456-44 ASSURANCES. I. — -With PAEiioiPATioif in Peomts. rFov the wliole Term of Life, subject to Premiums 3 tbroughout Life. 1 For the whole term of Life, subject to Limited and (. Commuted Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Endowments and Deferred Assurances. Extra Premiums payable. Total Assurances with Profits. 11. — -WiTHOTrT Pabticipation in PbofitS. ^ For the whole Term of Life, subjecb to Premiums \ throughout Life. 1 For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited (, Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Endowments and Temporary Assurances. Extra Premiums payable. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assueances. ANNUITIES. Immediate Annuities. TOTAL OF THE EESULXS, 2i9,3?9-o8 6,611-30 213-89 5,955-39 3,580-10 136-01 946-35 2,621-28 99-12 742-88 958-82 36-89 203-47 3.990-02 114-77 5.212-51 2,625-40 11,942-70 231,331-78 1 1,810-69 233,142-47 30th September, 1900. INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. Assurances . . . valued "by ") Endowments... „ [-English Life Table, No. 3, with 3^ per cent, interest. Annuities ... „ ) Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ £ £ 159,49905 7,467-89 125,336-02 £ 106,332-70 4,978-59 83,557-35 £ 53.116-35 2,489-30 41,778-67 £ 4,953-38 180-39 3,749-22 ASSURANCES. -With Paetioipation in Peoeits. ("For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums I throughout Life. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Total Assueances. ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments. TOTAL OF THE BESULTS. 5.158-98 87,306-57 203,751-63 292,302-96 194,868-64 97,384-32 8,882-99 10,380-24 19,263-23 items have not been supplied. CENSUS- OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND, i 1 DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OP POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured, Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums.: Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loadisg; ASSURANCES. I. — With Paeticipation in Peopits. For tte -srlicle Term of Life, subject to Premiums') tlirougliout Life ... ... ... / For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited aiid\ Commuted Premiums ... ... ... ... / Joint Liyes Assurances ... ... ... : Endowment Assurances J Joint Lives Endowment Assurances ^Deferred Assurances ... 1 Total Assurances with Profits II. — "Without Paeticipation in Pbopits. ■For the whole Term of Life, subject to I'remiums") throughout Life... ... ... ... ... J For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited ■) Premiums ... ... ... / (Joint Li yes Assurances ... ijShort Term Eisks ... ... :Endowment Assurances I Total Assurances without Profits ... i Total Asstteances Ke-assueakce Net AssuEANCBS ENDOWMENTS. With Profits „ subject to Premiums during Joint Liyes . . . Without Profits Total Endowments ADJUSTMENTS. Eeserved for Claims emerged before the close of the I sixth Quinquennium, but not then proved ... J Reserve for Special Eisks ... ... ... Eeserve to provide for early payment of Claims Reserve to provide for future expenses and Bonuses "I on Policies effected by Single or Limited Premiums / Total Assubanoes and Endowmbnis... ANNUITIES. Immediate ... ... ... ... ... Certain ... ... Total Annuities TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 6,319 325 121 14,330 I 157 £ B. d. 1,780,963 15 6 118,371 19 32,340 2,675,005 18 2CO 28,875 £ s. d. 80,314 2 11,085 4 1,326 72,917 6 12 6 14 £ B. d. 56,351 17 9 2,947 8 10 1,549 14 7 106,469 18 3 10 13 762 18 10 £ 42,580467 2,353"32S 1,204-404 88,060-384 8972 601-770 £ 13,771-421 594-116 345-325 18,409-529 1,678 161-172 21,253 4,635,756 12 6 165,655 12 168,092 II 3 134,809-322 33,283-241 47 6 I II I 23,900 1,283 200 7,000 100 877 16 6 II 17 6 799-281 ii'Soo 78-544 ; -375 ; 163 17 II 3 10 110-956 3-237 52-940 ■263 66 32,483 1,057 I ^i 924-974 132-1 22 : 21,319 4,668,239 12 6 2,000 165,655 12 169,149 13 2 8100 135,734-296 57-360 33.4I5-363 , 23-640 ! 21,319 4,666,239 12 6 165,655 12 169,068 13 2 135,676-936 33.391-723 922 1,368 13 152,576 5 2oi,66i 2,752 2,021 14 728 18 6,760 10 6 9,517 9 9 77 18 4 6,032-835 8,705-711 73-753 727-690 811-777 r 4-164 2,303 356,989 5 2,750 12 16,355 18 7 14,812-299 1,543-631 : i. i i i 23,622 5,023,228 17 6 168,406 4 185,424 II 9 150,489-235 34,935-354 t 44 2 1,876 15 4 91 5 11 46 1,968 I 3 I 23,668 5,023,228 17 6 (p.a. £1,968 IS. 3d.) 168,406 4 183,424 II 9 150,489-235 34,935-354 1 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 29 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st October, 1901. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. Aasnianc^ . . . ... Valued by the Hm Table, with Hm Pure Premiums and 3* per cent, interest. Ordinary Endowments ... „ accumulating the Peerage 3i per cent. Pure Premiums at 3I per cent. interest. Endowments Subject to payment of Premiums during Joint Lives, valued by Carlisle Table and 34 per cent, interest. Annuities Valued by the Government Experience Table and 3i per cent, interest for Life Annuities. Annuities for Fixed Term valued at ih per cent, interest. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ 900,852-8 60,201-0 i9.4io'3 1,666,588-5 169-8 1 0,406 8 £ 45,911-0 6,326-9 879-1 56.44o'9 10-4 -6 £ 758,998-5 19.348-9 16,917-8 1,058,881-5 42-1 12,427-6 £ 567,781-1 14,878-7 13,125-6 871,648-2 35-5 9,521-8 £ 191,217-4 4,470-2 3.792-2 187.233-3 6-6 2,905-8 £ 378,982-7 51,649-2 7.163-8 851,381-2 144-7 885-6 ASSUE4NCES. I.— With Pabtioipation in Peopiis. JFor the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiuma \ throughout Life. (■ For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and \ Commuted Premiums, Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Joint Lives Endowment Assurances. • Deferred Assurances. Total Assurances with Profits. ir. — Without Paeticipation in Pbopits. f For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums \ throughout Life. fFor the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited \ Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Short Term Eisks. Endowment Assurances. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assubanoes. Ke-assubanoe. Net Assitbances. ENDOWMENTS. With Profits. „ subject to Premiums during Joint Lives. Without Profits. Total Endowments. ADJUSTMENTS. /Reserve for Claims emerged before the close of the \ sixth Quinquennium, but not then proved. • Reserve for Special Bisks. Reserve to provide for early payment of Claims. (■ Reserve to provide for future expenses and Bonuses [ on Policies effected by Single or Limited Premiums. Total Assubanoes and Endo-wmbnts. . ANNUITIES. Immediate. Certain. Total Annuities. TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 2,657,629-2 109,568-9 1,866,616-4 1,476,990-9 389.625-5 1,290,207-2 12,046-8 596-4 1747 5o"4 499 11,458-2 137-2 10,369-1 132-8 1,089-1 4-4 1,6777 463-6 1747 50-4 3-4 50-3 46-5 3-8 12,918-2 ",645-7 10,548-4 i.097'3 2,369-8 2.67o,S47'4 917-8 109,568-9 1,878,262-1 1,255-6 i,487,539'3 889-1 390,722-8 3665 1,292,577-0 28-9 2,669,629-6 109,568-9 1,877,006-5 1,486,650-2 390,356-3 1.292,548-3 44,1480 116,232-8 2,244-2 1,760-7 5600 45.908-7 43.3588 2,244-2 84,027-5 73,434'° io,593'5 162,625-0 2,320-7 84,027-5 73,434'o 10,593-5 9^,5"7 8,137-6 1,119-2 3,850-7 3,484-0 2,832,254-6 111,889-6 1,961,034-0 1,560,084-2 400,949-8 1,400,651-5 17,472-0 386-1 17,858-1 2.832,254"6 111,889-6 1,961,034-0 1,560,084-2 400,949-8 1,418,509-6 30 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and CITIZENS' LIFK, as at DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. PARTICULARS OF POLICIES FOR VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Tearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. I.— ASSURANCES. Assurancea for the whole Term of Life, subject to) Premiums throughout Life ■ ... j Assurances for the whole Term of Life, subject to'^ Limited Premiums ... ... ... ... } Joint Li¥es Assurances ... ... Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Semi-Endowments ... Pree Policies — Whole Life : Endowment Assurances Semi-Endowments ... Total, Asstjeances Adjustment — Additional Reserve to provide for imme-'J diate payment of Claims and for future expenses ^ on Limited Premium Assurances ... ... J Net Amotjkt oi Assxtranoes ... II.— ENDOWMENTS. Endowments — Premiums payable for the full term Free Policies ... ... Total Eitdowments ... Total Asstjeahces and Eneowments... Adjustment — Less Reserve released in respect oi~\ Assurances since reported as disposed of prior to > closing valuation J TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 79.770 959 599 86,502 7,510 2,103 540 731 £ B. d. 1.527.750 2 9 23,883 19 8 16,449 2 8 2,084,790 18 I 144,198 16 7 11.595 II 5 3,448 15 7 5,685 6 £ s. d. 65-544 I 1,243 17 8 1,179 6 4 82,524 13 7,626 9 £ 38.973 784 637 52.835 4,957 £ 26,571 460 542 29,691 2,669 178,714 3,817,802 7 3 158,118 7 98,186 59,933 178.714 3,817,802 7 3 158,118 7 98,186 59,933 14.085 1,241 371.938 17 8 9,511 16 7 19,890 8 8 19,489 401 15.299 381,450 14 3 19,890 8 8 19,489 401 194,013 4,199,253 I 6 178,008 15 8 117.675 60,334 194.013 4,199.253 I 6 178,008 15 8 117.675 60.334 CITIZENS' LIFE, as at DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. PARTICULARS OF POLICIES POE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. ASSURANCES. X. — With Paeticipation in Peoeitb. Assurances for the whole Term of Life — ■ Premiums payable for Life ... ... Premiums limited in number... ... (Deferred) Premiums for Life Joint Assuraioea ... ... ••• Endowment Assurances — (Sundry Q-roups) Premiums payable for Full Term... (Deferred) „ „ (Increasing scale of Premiums) First stage ... ,, „ Last stage, uniform I Premium payable for full term J Free Assurances — Whole Term of Life | j^^ Premiums payable | Endowment Assurances ) (. Extra Premiums Total Assurances with Profits 5,696 225 113 445 17,610 530 44 184 9 3 £ e. d. 799,194 3 32,900 25,850 56,250 2,732,980 10 63,825 4,750 21,475 1 ,000 275 £ B. d. 43,150 10 6 2,17s 15 £ s. d. 27,831 18 1,446 15 233 18 6 2,604 17 9 105,070 18 7 2,019 3 3 139 15 3 1,258 10 £ 20,976 1,129 184 2,022 84,261 1.647 III 1,017 £ 6,856 318 50 583 20,810 372 29 242 3,821 16 6 94.797 9 9 94 2 6 98 21 3 6 10 4 I 24.859 3.738.499 13 144,158 17 9 140,606 6 8 "1.347 29,261 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 31 Valuation of Policies — continued. 31st December, 1901. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. Valued by English Life Table No. 3, Males, excepting Joint Assurances, where H". was used, and certain Endowments, where Premiums received were accumulated at compound interest. Interest 3i and 4. per cent. (See Table III.) - oa t 1 Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ 585,485 7.744 £ £ 875.393 6,824 14, 2y: 1.03S.399 53.770 £ 512,221 4,298 7.669 665.544 34.934 £ 363,172 2,526 6,532 369,85s 18,836 £ 73.264 3,446 380 48,426 21,95s 5.071 2,613 2,504 I.— ASSURANCES. ("Assurances for the whole Term of Life, subject to (, Premiums throughout Life. ( Assurances for the whole Term of Life, subject to ( Limited Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Semi-Endowments. Free Policies — Whole Life. Endowment Assurances. Semi- Endowments. Total AsstTEASCES. r Adjustment— Additional Keserveto provide for imme- < diite payment of Claims, and for future expenses (. on Limited Premium Assurances. Net Amottitt op Assueances. II.— ENDOWMENTS. Endowments— Premiums payable for the full term. Free Policies. Total Endowments. Total Assxteances and Endowments. ^Adjustment— Less Reserve released in respect of < Assurances since reported as disposed of prior to (. closing valuation. TOTAL OP THE RESULTS. 8,049 713.970 5^892 5071 2,613 2.504 1.382 328 1,985.587 1,224,666 760,921 157,662 2.325 1.382,328 1.985,587 1,224,666 760,921 159.987 261,151 6.555 153.079 151.358 1,721 109,793 6555 267,706 153079 !5',358 1,721 116.348 1,650,034 2,138,666 1.376,024 762,642 276,335 721 1,650,034 2,138,666 1,376,024 762,642 275.614 31st December, 1901. ORDINARY BRANCH. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. Assurances ... Valued by H"' Table, excepting certain Endowments, where liability was ascertained by accumulation of Premiums at compound interest. Annuities ... ,, Government Annuitants' (1883) Table. Interest 3^ per cent., except for groups marked (c), where 4 per cent, was used. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. Net Liability. £ 366,371 14,249 4,264 3i>oi3 1,311,612 26,697 2,8=9 13,541 464 190 £ 20,774 960 £ 408,604 13,192 5,205 32,401 1,377,927 29,966 3.14s 13,309 £ 305.527 10,212 4,091 25.049 1,098,271 24,140 2,489 10,762 £ 103,077 2,980 1,114 7,352 279,656 5,826 656 2,547 £ 81,618 4.997 173 8,155 264,208 2,557 370 2,840 514 205 I ASSURANCES. I.— With Participation in Peofits. Assurances for the whole Term of Life — Premiums payable for Life. Premiums limited in number. (Deferred) Premiums for Life. Joint Assurances. Endowment Assurances — (Sundry Groups) Premiums payable for Full Term. (Deferred) (Increasing scale of Premiums) First Stage, f _ „ „ Last Stage, uniform \ Premiums, payable for full term. Free Assurances — Whole Term of Life "1 at -d Endowment Assurances j ^° I'«'"'™8 payable. Extra Premiums. Total Assurances with Profits. 2,191 50,867 61 50 15 1,771,261 74,918 1,883,749 1,480,541 403,208 365,638 3:2, CENSUS OF, NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. Summary and CITIZENS' LIFK, as at DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. PABTICULAES OF POLICIES FOE YALUATION- Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Office Yearly Premiums. ASSVRAISCES— continued. II.— Without Paeticiiation in Peopits. Assurances for the wliole Term of Life — Premiums payable for Life Premiums limited in number ... With return of Premium", Premiums payable for Life J Joint Assutanees Endowment Assurances — Premiums payable for Full| Term ) Term Assurances Free Assurances — Whole Term of Life - I ^o Pretriums payable i Endowment Assurances... J (. Total Assurances without Profits ... deduct Ee-assurances Net Assurarcea without Profits Net amount of Assurances ... Adjustment — Reserve to provide for early payment of '^ Claims, and for future Expenses and Profit ^ (sundry Assurances) J Total Asstteances < ENDOWMENTS. I. — With Paetioipatioh in Peoeits. Endowments — . With return of Premiums and Interest on prior death With return of Premiums and Interest on prior ' death, Premiums ceasing on death of parent or guardian With return of Premiums on prior death and") guaranteed bonus ; fixed terms ... ... J With return of Premiums on prior death and"! guaranteed bonus ; fixed ages (o) ... J Free Assurances — Endowments — With return of Premiums and "J ( Interest on prior death ... f '^° Premiums (, With return of Premiums on prior ^ payable. ( death and guaranteed bonus. . . y \ Total Endowments with Profits II. Withoitt Paeticipation in Peopiis. Endowments, with return of Premiums on prior death") (o) i Free Assurances, Endowments, withreturn of Premiums') on prior death. No Premiums payable ... ) Total, Endowments without Profits ToTAi Endowments 55 I 15 I i6 5 43 56 8,450 100 2,350 100 1,400 7,400 1,612 2,248 d. 192 192 25,051 25,051 ANNUITIES. Immediate Temporary Deferred 654 184 1,286 2,418 I 9 4,552 23,660 14 o 3,500 o o 20,160 14 o 3,758,663 7 o Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading, 371 6 II 410 81 7 67 278 7 7 7 4 o 6 6 6 809 9 10 129 4 2 680 5 8 326 3 73 6 59 232 699 108 144,158 17 9 3,758,660 7 o I 144,158 17 9 792 37 829 5,381 54,030 o o 19,725 o o 102,130 o o 173,672 10 o 1 00 o o 762 o o 350,419 10 o 63,222 12 O 1,352 6 o 119 I 3 33 18 9 2,902 13 o 5,403 5 o 141,286 12 4 141,286 12 4 22 12 3 8,481 10 3 2,856 18 9 1,064 3 5 5,725 14 2 9,501 18 10 591 111,938 111,938 19,148 IS 2 2,621 895 5.725 9.502 18,743 3,049 12 10 64,574 18 o Total Annuities TOTAL OF THE RESULTS .. 17 I I 19 30,451 414,994 8 o 975 19 o 33 12 8 12 12 4 1,022 4 o 4,173,654 15 o p.a. 1,022 4 o 8,481 10 3 152,640 8 o 3,049 12 10 22,198 8 o 163,485 o 4 3.050 3,050 21,793 133.731 £ 45 I 8 I 8 46 109 21 29.349 29.349 236 169 405 405 29.754 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 33 Valuation, of Policies — continued. 31st December, 1901. ORDINARY BRANCH— (conimwed). VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. Assurances ... Valued by Hm Table, excepting certain Endowments, where liability was ascertained by accumulation of Premiums at compound interest. Annuities ... „ Government Annuitants' (1883) Table. Interest, sj per cent., except for groups marked (c), where 4. per cent, was used. Amount Assured. BonuB. Office Net yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums, 'Annual Loadini;. Net Liability. 4.856 56 1,896 76 944 278 744 1,261 4.104 30 1,408 52 563 3.570 26 1,267 46 492 534 4 141 6 71 1,286 30 629 30 452 278 744 1,261 ASSVRAl!iCES— continued. II. — Without Paktioipation in Peoeitb. Assurances for the wliole Term of Life — Premiums payable for Life. Premiums imited in number. ' With, return of Premiums, Premiums payable for { Life. Joint Assurances. ("Endowment Assurances— Premiums payable for full ( term. Term Assurances. Free Assurances — Whole Term of Life ...■)^ Premiums payable. Endowment Assurances j Total Assurances without Profits. Deduct Ke-assurances. Net Assurances \iithout Profits. Net amount of Assurances. (■Adjustment — EcserTe to provide for early payment of < Claims, and for future Expenses and Profits (. (sundry Assurances) . TOTAI, ASSUKANCES. ENDOWMENTS. I. — With Paeticipation in Peopits. Endowments — With return of Premiums and Interest on prior death. ( With return of Premiums and Interest on prior < death, Premiums ceasing on death of parent or (, guardian. C With return of Premiums on prior death and i guaranteed bonus ; fixed terms. ( With return of Premiums on prior death and \ guaranteed bonus; fixed ages (o). Free Assurances — Endowments — With return of Premiums and ") Interest on prior death ... (No Premiums WithreturnofPremiumsonprior t payable, death and guaranteed bonus J Total Endowments with Profits. II. — Without Paetioipaiion in Peopits. /Endowments, with return of Premiums on prior death 1 (0). f Free Assurances, Endowments, with return of Premiums \ on prior death. No Premiums payable. Total Endowments without Profits. Total Endowments. ANNUITIES. Immediate. Temporary. Deferred. Total Annuities. TOTAL OP THE RESULTS. 10 III 6,'S7 5.401 756 4,710 129 129 9,982 6,157 5.401 756 4.581 1.781.243 74,918 1,889,906 1.485.942 403.964 370,219 1.433 1.781,243 74,918 1 ,889,906 1,485,942 403.964 371.652 31.553 11,252 • 73.701 112,231 52 500 69 20 2,Ol6 3.640 32,453 12,596 60,170 82,181 29,688 10,546 60,170 82,181 2.765 2,050 1.934 726 15.547 33.690 52 S15 52,464 15 229,289 S.760 187,400 182,585 4,815 47.444 1,006 18,904 18,904 28,540 1,006 48,450 18,904 18,904 29.546 277.739 5.760 206,304 201,489 4.815 82,010 9,126 323 100 9,126 323 ICO 9.549 9.549 2,068,531 80,678 2,096,210 1,687,431 408,779 463,211 34 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and CITY MUTUAL, DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICtJLAES OF POIICIES TOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading, ASSDEAWCES. I. — With Pakticipation in Peoeiis. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums \ tliroughout Life ... J *For the -whole Term of Life (guaranteed bonus for") life) ; *For the -whole Term of Life (guaranteed bonus for ") three years) ... ... J For the -whole Term of Life, subject to limited and") commuted Premiums ... ... J Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances ... Semi-Endowments... ... ... ... ■|-Mortuary Dividend, "Whole Life „ „ Endowment Assurances ... JInfantile ;■ §Guaranteed Consols Total Assurances with Profits II. — "Without Paetioipation in Pbofits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life ... ... j Joint Lives Assurances ... Endowment Assurances ... Temporary Assurances Total Assurances without Profits ... TOTAI, AsStrfiANOES Net Assurances (after deduction of Ee-assurances) ENDO"WMENTS. Children's Endowments „ „ without Profits Endowments with Profits „ without Profits Total Endo-vtments ANNUITIES. Immediate Annuities TOTAL OP THE RESULTS 2,146 28 269 257 253 6,151 74 63 20 II S £ 393.035"o5o 3,900-000 43,146-500 18,925-coo 34,607-500 704,374-900 9,940-000 11,382-000 2,350-000 398 250 625-000 £ - 13,895-260 89-332 4,814-465 823-566 1,149-788 20,828-173 777-432 573-413 27-831 8-167 £ 12,992-992 135-850 I.273-471 148-092 1,455-479 29,151-275 289-783 321-150 i':o-454 8-150 21-146 £ 10,467-804 89-171 1,020-277 119-386 1,198-489 24,088-973 229-424 253-100 81-891 4-091 14-187 £ 2,525-188 46-679 253-194 28-706 256990 5,062-302 60359 68-050 18-503 4-0=9 6-959 9,277 1,222,684.-200 42,987-427 45,897-842 37,566-793 8,331-049 26 I I 34 6,654-333 2c6-oco 100-000 7,075-000 241-654 7-933 3-050 268 237 218-597 7-C62 2-526 129-095 23-057 -871 -524 139-143 62 i4.035'333 520-875 357-280 163-595 9.339 i,236.7i9"533 42,987-427 46,418-717 37,924-073 8,494-644 9,339 i,235,7i9"533 42,987-427 46,355-383 37.868-213 8,487-171 431 7 1.093 53 40,176-750 803-000 109,020-400 3,885-950 399-280 2,i66-8i2 27-679 4,938-408 160-708 1,324-688 1.584 153,886-100 1,723-968 7,293-608 12 183-550 10,935 1,389.605-633 p.a. 183-550 44.7ii'395 53,648-992 37,868-213 8,487-171 * Do not participate in other t -Whole Life Policy with profits, with return of } Increasing Assurance Z Policies with guaranteed bonuses CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 35 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st December, 1902. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. Assurances ... Valued "by Hm Table and 4 per cent, interest. Endowments ... Children's EndowmentSTalued by Hm 4per cent. Other Endowments valued by accumulating portion of Office Premiums at 4 per cent. Annuities ... Valued by Carlisle Table, at 4 per cent, interest. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office yearly Premiums. Net Tearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. 1 ASSUKANCES. £ £ £ £ £ £ I. — With Pabticipation in Peomis. 178,699-2 7,067-2 167,922-1 133,796-S 34,125-6 51,969-9 fFor the whole Term of Life, subject to PremiumB 1 throughout Life. i,.98o'i 34-8 2,ic8-7 1,807-0 301-7 207-9 ( *For the whole Term of Life (guaranteed bonuB for I Life). »6,937'3 1,963-0 18,865-2 14,987-7 3.877-5 3,912-6 ('*For the -whole Term oE Life (guaranteed bonus for |_ three years). io,209'6 462-2 1,195-5 975-7 219-8 9,696-1 fPor the whole Term of Life, subject to limited and ^ commuted Premiums. 18,4847 670-3 16,672-3 13,592-5 3,079-8 5,562-5 Joint Lives Assurances. 383.462-5 13,617-6 328,186-3 271,638-3 56,548-0 123,441-8 Endowment Assurances. 4>782-5 3609 840-6 666-5 1 74- 1 4,4769 Semi-Endowments. 4,964-6 237-4 4,5958 3,606-0 989-8 1,596-0 tMortuary Dividend, "Whole Life. i,J27'5 15-5 1,114-8 909-4 205-4 3336 „ „ Endowment Assurances. 93-9 1-6 161-9 81-4 ?o-5 14-1 JInfantile. 256-1 171-7 84-4 14-3 §Quarantced Consols. Total Assurances with Profits. II. — Without Paeticipation in PEoyiTS. 621,027-9 24.430-5 541,919-3 442,232-7 99,686-6 203,225-7 3-130-3 2,936-2 2,640-9 295-3 489-4 ("For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums \ throughout Life. 1126 71-5 766-0 93-5 22-7 957-4 83-2 10-3 29-4 Joint Lives Assurances. 18-7 590-9 4-0 366-5 52-8 175-1 Endowment Assurances. Temporary Assurances. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assueanoes. Net Assurances (after deduction of Re-assurances). ENDOWMENTS. 4,080-4 4,009-8 3,333-7 676-1 746-7 625,108-3 24,450-5 545,929-1 445,566-4 100,362-7 203,972-4 624,355-3 24,430-5 545,503-1 445,196-3 100,306-6 203,589-3 5,843-5 254-5 6,098-0 732-5 16,827-1 2,603-2 Children's Endowments. „ „ without Profits. Endowments with Profits. „ without Profits. Total Endowments. ANNUITIES. 732 5 15,873-2 2,603-2 953-9 1,208-4 26,260-8 25,052-4 2,269-0 2,269-0 Immediate Annuities. 631,676-7 25,638-9 545,503-1 445.196-5 100,306-6 232,119-1 TOTAL OP THE KESULTS. than guaranteed bonus. premiums if death occurs within specified penod. for children. and various options endorsed. 36 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and COLONIAL MUTUAL, DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus . Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. AS3UEAJSCES. I. — With Pabtioipation in Pbopits. For the -whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life... ... ... ... ... J For the whole Term of Life,|Bubiect to Single, Limited, and Commuted Premiums Partnership and Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances Absolute Assurances (a) Annuity Assurances (6) EiCTersible Premium Assurances (o) Whole Life Assurance, with increasing Premiums Term Assurance resulting from return Premium pro- 1 visions {d) ... ... ... 3 Extra Premiums payable ... Total Assurances with Profits II. — Without Paeticipation in Peofits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums'^ throughout Life ... ... ... ... j For the whole Term of Life, by Single and Commuted | Premiums Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances Contingent Assurances Term Assurances. ... Annuity Assurances (6) Deferred Assurance by Limited Premiums Total Assurances without Profits ... Total Assoeances — All Classes Deduct Ee-assueances Net Amount of Assueanoes ... ENDOWMENTS. Endowments (Ordinary) ... Children's Endowments, with Premiums ceasing on death of parent Total Endowments Ad j ustments — Eeserve to provide for payment of claims imme- ") diately on proof ... ... ... ... J Keserve of loading on Single and Limited Premium "I Policies ... ... ... J Special reserve on account of outstanding pre- 'J miums. 3 ANNUITIES. Immediate ... Deferred Reversionary TOTAL OF THE EESULT3 19,766 795 87 11,041 187 9 27 31,913 38 3 10 9 46 27 I 223 32.136 32,136 850 552 1,402 12 9 33,560 £ s. d. 7,469,133 o o £ 197,044 £ e. 207,713 4 307,780 4 7 22,600 o o 2,222,550 18 o 39,737 10 o 1,600 o o 9,800 o o 1,250 o o 125,465 o ° 3,212 17 o 2,127 9 o 64,138 13 o 3,438 7 o II 17 o 10,094 4 6 1,042 4 3 91,963 16 7 1,040 18 I 65 5 2 384 5 4 16 16 6 73' 4 9 10,199,916 12 269,973 3 o 313.050 19 8 90,450 o 16,999 o 4,500 o 3,811 o 13,535 14 24,700 o 2,750 o 100 o 2,606 13 2 280 17 222 18 4 145 O 10 377 18 5 89 I 6 724 156,845 14 2 3,729 II 7 10,356,762 6 9 269,973 3 o 316,780 II 3 87,000 o o 2,657 O 2 10,269,762 6 9 269,973 3 o 314,123 II I 148,413 19 o 88,550 o o 3,110 o o 116 16 o 7,096 18 10 4,906 14 4 236,963 19 o 3,226 16 o 12,003 13 2 p.a. 854 13 9 „ 142 15 4 „ 150 o o 29 II o 70 7 o 10,506,726 5 9 p.a. 1,147 9 I 326,227 2 3 £ iS97i63'903 8,011-786 815251 76,042-139 725-986 51 '539 306-481 13-682 245,130-767 2,379'293 248-730 216-355 1 14747 315-848 83-590 5-583 3,364-148 248,494-915 2,362-975 246,131-9+0 6,303-469 4,369-315 10,672-784 28-049 64-059 256,896-832 (a) Absolute Assurances are assuraaces for the whole of life, effected by a limited number of premiums, /•..l T3„„„_„-i,, -D •_« W^'miity.A-Ssurances combine protection by assurance in the event (c) Eeversible Premium Assurances combine assurance payable at death, with the return, commenctogwtoi (d) The Office and net yearly premiums, also the valuation of the return premium (e) These are the values of the office and net premiums. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 37 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st Dsesmber, 1901. VALUATION. Assurances ... Valued by) Endowments ... „ J- See Table III. Annuities ... „ J DESCEIPTION OP TBANSACTIONS. Amount Assured. Bonus, OfSce Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. Net LiabiUty. £ 3,2ii.i5S'4 124,568-9 14,050-6 1,360,610-7 18,168-0 902-3 '(,769'9 463-6 £ 100,5956 1,959-2 1.387-1 5^.456-7 1,911-2 9-4 £ 2,829,278-5 78,462-3 9,280-9 842,571-3 8,498-3 840-0 48.37-4 549'i £ 2,167,984-3 62,275-5 7,259-8 697,076-0 5,927-2 663-4 3,858-2 446-5 £ 661,294-2 i6,i86-8 2,021-1 '45,495-3 2,571-' 176-6 979-2 102-6 £ 1,143,766-7 64,252-6 8,157-9 713,991-4 14,152-0 248-3 911-7 17-I ASSUEANCES. I. — -With Paeticipation in Peofits. (For tlie -whole Term of Life, Bubject to Premiuma \ throughout Life. ( For the whole Term of Life, subject to Single, Limited, (_ and Commuted Premiums. Partnership and Joint Lives Assuranses. Endowment Assurances. Absolute Assurances (a). Annuity Assurances {h). Beyeraible Premium Assurances (c). Whole Life Assurance, with increasing Premiums. fTerm Assurance resulting from return Premium pro- ( visions (d). Extra Premiums payable. 365-1 365-' 4,735.034-5 156,319-2 3,774,317-8 2,945,490-9 828,826-9 1,945,862-8 Toial Assurances with Profits. 38,72i"3 8,676-5 2,839-9 3,0766 1,897-4 1,036 8 1,342-7 29-8 35,721-5 W 649-4 2,548-9 578-3 839-8 941-7 1,366-2 7-1 32,605-7 565-9 2,257-4 561-3 664-4 787-0 1,282-1 5-5 3."5-8 83-5 291-5 17-0 175-4 154-7 84-1 1-6 6,115-6 8,iio-6 582-5 2,515-3 1,233-0 249-8 60-6 243 II. — WlTHOirT P.4BTICIPATI0N IN PEOEITS. [For tlie whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums ( throughout Life. f For the whole Term of Life, by Single and Commuted (. Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Contingent Assurances. Term Assurances. Annuity Assurances (i). Deferred Assurance by Limited Premiums. 57,621-0 42,652-9 38.729-3 3.923-6 18,891-7 Total Assurances without Profits. 4,792,655-5 156,319-2 3,816,970-7 2,984,220-2 832,750-5 1.964.751-5 Total Assueakcbs— All Classes. 46,272-1 28,903-2 25,704-6 3,198-6 20,567-5 Debitot Kb-assueancbs. 4,746,383-4 I56.3I9-2 3,788,067-5 2,958,515-6 829,551-9 1.944.187-0 Net Amoukt oe Assueanobs. 103,110-4 52,324'9 2,532-8 8i-2 44,506-7 38,854-4 39.530-6 34.598-9 4,976-1 4,255-5 66,112-6 17,807-2 ENDOWMENTS. Endowments (Ordinary). ("Children's Endowments, with Premiums ceasing on |_ death of parent. 155,435-3 2,614-0 83,361-1 74.129-5 9,231-6 83,919-8 Total Endq-wmekts. 16,100-0 5,965-1 179-0 i6,ioo-o 5.965-1 i79'o Adjustments — ( Reserve to provide for payment of claims imme- \ diately on proof. ( Reserve of leading on Single and Limited Premium especial reserve on account of outstanding pre- \ miums. 7.956-0 346-5 936-2 7,956-0 37-5 122-9 ANNUITIES. Immediate. 325-6 893-1 309-0 813-3 16-6 79-8 Deferred. Reversionary. 4.933.301-5 158,933-2 3,872,647-3 3,033,767-4 838,879-9 2,058,467-3 TOTAL OF THE RESULTS, the special provision being tbat eacu years premium paiu proi,ei;i» » n^cu. i,^^^.^^ ..v.^ w. .^^ ....= — ..-^. of deatb nrior to a specified age, with an Annuity durmg- life tnereatter. . . , . j ii, .w™, thepremiZs cease at a speeded age, of one premium at the commencement of each year survived thereafter. benefits, are included with the principal assurances to which tiiey relate. iie payment of which is deferred and contingent. 38 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and EQUITABLE LIFE, DESCRIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Numter of Policies. AmouDt Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. ASSURANCES. I. — With Pahtioipation in Pegeits — Non-defbbeed Bonuses. For whole Term of Life For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiuma Joint Life ... Endowment A83urances Joint Endowments ... Endowments ... Extra Premiums Dividends not drawn, or applied in special ways... Total Assurances with Profits — Non-deferred Bonuses II. — With Paeticipation in Peofits — Defeeeed Bonuses. For whole Term of Life For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums Joint Life ... Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Joint Endowments ... ... ... ... Present value of sums not yet due on Debenture ^ Bonds and Matured Instalments ... ... 3 Extra Premiums Total Assurances on Deferred Bonus Plan ... III. — Without Paeticipation in Peofits. For whole Term of Life For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums Joint Life ... Endowment Assurances Joint Endowments Endowments Term Survivorship Extra Premiums ... ... Total Assurances — Non-participating ... G-EAND TOTAT. OE AssUEANOES Deduct Eb-assueances Net Amount of Assubancbs ANNUITIES. (34 and 4 per cent. Those issued since 1898 on Government Annuitants' 3i per cent.) Immediate, Single Lives ... ... Immediate, Joint Lives ... Immediate, Jointly and to Survivor Deferred Temporary ... ... ... Survivorship... ... Annuity Certain ... Total Annuities TOTAL OF THE EE3ULTS 23.255 2.536 100 5,983 3 556 £ 20,332,422 1,889,492 90,066 3,945,139 6,759 148.713 "1 £ 585.947 77.864 5,425 209,70 ( 483 6.35' I -'.784 32.433 26,(12,591 898.558 103.375 140,639 483 85,122 33 69,811,985 85,908,900 376,846 51,280,882 50,833 2,431,881 3,184,693 19.391 2.918,259 4,163 114,940 329,652 207,429,446 8,673,333 a '0 i .g •73 ta -O _3 s M 36.174 102 109 5.211 3 49 2,840 4 7,807,618 112,625 11,067 1.063,730 4,971- 5,375 2,831,457 3.771 23,899 5030 15.685 96 45.222 41 227 44.492 11,840,614 90,200 406.577 245,682,651 45,843 9,662,091 1,610 406,577 245,636,808 9,660,481 2,354 I 210 94 II 48 I 153.037 65 12,700 6,806 378 5,005 62 4,582 1.740 2,719 178,053 6,322 409,296 245,636,808 9,666,803 1 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.-LIFE ASSURANCE. 39 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st December, 1901. VALUATION. DESCBIPTION OP TKANSACTIONS. Assurances . . . Valued by ) Endowments ... „ > Seventeen Offices and the American Experience Tables 3, 3i, and 4 per cent. Annuities „ Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ 7,776,129 45', 202 31,822 1,394,815 4,553 67,908 ASSURANCES. I, — With Paeticipation in Profits— Non-depebbed Bonuses. For whole Term of Life. For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums. Joint Life. Endowment Assurances. Joint Endowments. Endowments. Extra Premiums. Dividends not drawn, or applied in special nays. TotalAssurances with Profits —Non-deferred Bonuses. II. — With Pabtioipaiion in Peopits— DErsBEED Bonuses. For whole Term of Life, For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums. Joint Life. Endowment Assurances. .loint Endowments. ("Present value of sums not yet due on Debenture \ Bonds and Matured Instalments. Extra Premiums. Total Assurances on Deferred Bonus Plan. III. — Without Paeticipation in Peoeits. For whole Term of Life. For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums. Joint Life. Endowment Assurances. Joint Endowments. Endowments. Term. Survivorship. Extra Premiums. Total Assurances — Non-Participating. G-BAND Total op Assueanoes. Deduct Be-assubances. Net Amount of Assueances. ANNUITIES. (3^ and 4 per cent. Those issued since 1898 on Government Annuitants' 3! per cent.) Immediate, Single Lives. Immediate, Joint Lives. Immediate, Jointly and to Survivor. Deferred. Temporary. Survivorship. Annuity Certain. Total Annuities. TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 75,003 9,801,432 1 8,056,432 17,202,303 47,376 12,085,931 5,298 252,432 1 37,649,772 1 3.835.742 9.741 6,478 728,652 4.496 3.739 16,451 343 4,605,642 52,056,846 Not deducted. 52,056,846 1,390,342 275 159,202 47,195 2,508 5,511 450 1,605,483 53,662,329 1 40 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Samoiary and INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, DESCRIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULABS OF POLICIES TOE VALUATION. 1 Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Tearly Premiums, ceasing at 70, but subject to extra Assessments. Net Tearly Premiums, 95 per cent. of Office Tearlj Premiums. i Annual Loading,, ASSUEAKCES. Without Pabtioipatioh in PEoriTS. For tte whole Term of Life, subject to Limited Premiums — Canadian Scale ... ... British. Scale Sicfeness Funeral ... ... Total Asstjeanoes 123,102 3.890 } 27,873 { £ 30,919,507 967,900 Scale* 1 278,730 ) £ 313,614 12,104 33,027 £ 297,933 11.499 31.376 £ 15,681 605 1,651 { 154,865 32,166,137 358,745 340,808 17,937 • Twelve sbillings per week first two weeks, and £1 per week for next ten weeks— twelve weeks .in all. The above is the return as first furnished. MUTUAL LIFE DF AUSTRALASIA, DESCRIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULABS OP POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus, Office Tearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading, ASSURANCES. I. — With Pabtioipatioit in Peohts. For the whole Term of Life, with return of Premiums... For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life ... j For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and "J Commuted Premiums ... ... J Joint Liyes Assurances ... Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Extra Premiums payable ... Total Assurances with Profits II. — Without Paeticipation in Peoeits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life... ... ... j For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited") Premiums ... ... ... j Joint Lives Assurances Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Temporary Assurances Temporary Assurances, with return of Premiums Total Assurances without Profits ... Total Assueakceb ENDOWMENTS. With and without return of Premiums in event of Death ANNUITIES. Immediate ... ... Temporary .., .., Deferred ... ... ... Keversionary ... ... Total Annuities. TOTAL OF THE EESULTS 2,340 4,995 1,074 131 8,063 £ 706,250 1,580,375 425,142 37.735 1,734,122 s. I 6 d. 3 £ s. 11,088 7 102,723 13 34.873 17 1.367 7 74,577 d. £ 19,276 48,922 ii,6fo 1,674 68,590 37 s. 17 I II 10 17 10 d. 7 ij 5 3 £ 15,504 35. '97 8,555 1,273 54.918 s, 4 12 8 13 16 d, 8 5 7 I £ 3,772 13.745 3.105 400 13,688 B. d. 12 4 4 7 3 5 16 10 16 2 1 16,603 4.483.624 7 3 224,630 4 150,162 8 I 115.449 14 9 34.712 13 4 323 26 I 140 17 9 138,125 4,608 500 46,609 87,850 2,250 2,981 6 20 1,378 4,074 81 19 II 2 2 6 3 2 8 6 7 2,597 6 16 1,170 3.995 70 8 4 5 18 17 I X I.I 6 6 ri 383 4 207 78 II 12 3 15 I 3 6 5 4 8 516 279,942 8,542 2 2 7,856 15 II 68s 6 3 17,119 4,763.566 7 3 224,630 4 158,704 10 3 123,306 10 8 35.397 19 7 1,139 181,011 3 6 26 1-3 7,401 I I 6,997 6 10 403 14 3 37 4 6 2 per annum 2,062 II 60 610 10 76 8 10 6 210 72 7 5 187 62 17 7 22 9 10 4 18 49 2,809 I 8 282 12 10 250 4 6 32 8 4 ■8,307 4,947.386 12 5 224,656 17 166,388 4 2 130,554 2 35.834 2 2 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 4J Valuation of Policies — eotitinued. as at 3l5t Deeember, 1897. VALUATION. ABBurauces Valued by Hm Table with 4 per cent, iuterest. Sickness estimated from Hancbester Unity, 1866-70. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability, upon tbe assumption that every Contract now in force will become a Death Claim, without any extra call whatever. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. 11,003,850 353,560 709,276] 95478 3 12,162,164 4,576.996 173,353 515,780 4,348,146 164,685 489,991 228,850 8,668 25,789 6,655,704 188,87s 314.763 5,266,129 5,002,822 263,307 7,159,342 ASSURANCES. Without Pabticipation in Peopits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited Premiums — Canadian Scale. British ScaJe. Sickness. Funeral. Total Assceances. The Order was asked for " Life Business " apart from " Sickness," but in response still combined the Sickness and funeral figures. as at 31st December, 1899. VALUATION. Assurances Endowments Annuities... Valued by Institute of Actuaries' Hm Table, with 4 per cent, interest. „ ,, ,, -,, and Carlisle Tables, with 4 per cent, interest. „ Government Annuities (1883), with 4 per cent, interest. Amount Assured. Office Yearly Premiums, 355,666-4 740,630-6 171,658-2 i9,503'2 1,009,223-0 2,296,681-4 55,010-6 2,S57-9 256-6 20,190-9 4,172-2 1,132-3 83,320-5 2,380,001-9 106,893-2 18,9408 51-6 4,244-6 799'9 24,036-9 2,510,9320 3,875"9 55,048-2 18,842-8 821-4 53.970-5 132,558-8 132,558-8 Net Yearly Premiums. 316,922-3 636,099-7 91,120-3 17,238-7 637,256-3 1,698,637-3 56,920-2 66-2 2566 17,755-7 i35'o S74'o 75,7077 i,774,345'o 47,520-2 132,: 2,352-3 520-6 2,872-9 1,824,738-1 Loading. 254,168-1 455.I2I-6 65,9i5'3 13,077-6 507,140-9 i,29S,423'5 49,688-9 59' I 65,63i'i 1,361,054-6 44,876-7 2,1557 448-8 2,604-5 £ 62,75^-2 180,978-1 25,205-0 4,161-1 i3o,ii5'4 Liability. DESCEIPTION or TEANSACTIONS. 403,213-8 7,231'3 7-1 202-1 54-5 15,090-0 2,665-7 96-4 38-6 494-6 79'4 10,076 6 413,290-4 2,643-5 196-6 71-8 i,4o8,535'8 268-4 416,202-3 io5,374'2 34o,S57'2 124,585-7 7,247-0 556,052-6 25-0 1,133.841-7 6,S56'3 1,264-2 54'5 5,100-9 4,075-8 637-7 17,689-4 1,151,531-1 62,026-5 18,940-8 51-6 2,0889 3SI-I 21,432-4 1,234,990-0 ASSURANCES. I. — With Paeiioipation ih" Peopits. For the -whole Term of Life, with return of Premiums. ("For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums \ throughout Life. C For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and I Commuted Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Extra Premiums payable. II. Total Assurances with Profits. -WiTHOTJT PAItHCIPATIOlf IN PeOPITS. (For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums ^ throughout Life. (For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited 1^ Premiums. Joint Lives Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Temporary Assurances. Temporary Assurances, with return of Premiums. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Asstteanoes. ENDOWMENTS. With and without return of Premiums in event of death. ANNUITIES. Immediate. Temporary. Deferred. Reversionary. Total Annttitibs. TOTAL OP THE RESULTS. 42 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Tablk YIII. Summary and MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK, DESCEIPTION OF TBANSACTIONS. PABTICULAES OP POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. ASSURANCES. I. — "With Participation in Peomts. For whole Term of Life Joint Life For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums Joint Life, with Limited Premiam3 Endowment Assurances Joint Endowment Assurances Endowments Term Tolal Extra Premiums Total Assurances with Profits II. — Without Paetioipation in Photits. For whole Term of Life „ „ Joint „ „ with Limited Premiums Endowment Assurances ... Joint Endowment Assurances Endowments Term Joint Term ... Survivorship Assurances ... Total Extra Premiums Total Assurances without Profits ... Total Assfeances ANNUITIES. Immediate ... „ Joint Deferred Temporary ... Survivorship... Totai Annuities TOTAL OF THE EE3UL1S 150.757 877 245,286 93 91,477 185 1,564 2,109 492,350 41,6^4 191 424 7>S3S 15 263 730 I 50,785 543,135 6,148 726 317 128 59 7,378 550,513 94,330,494 425,674 124,119 469 66,ic9 44,731,428 89,788 494,157 1,361,500 265,618,619 7,500, II, 317, 1,331, 39, 466, ,386 646 ,964 ,242 ,199 109 204 027 160 9,676,937 275,295,556 375,840 43,199 14,353 10,839 12,177 456,' Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. 3,106,833 21,822 4,309,548 3,868 2,238,309 7,615 15,272 28,456 43,648 9.775,371 Net Yearly Premiums. 76,180 14 13,413 10,975 308 3.809 44 44 104,787 9,880,158 8,706 1.731 10,437 *■ These particulars not known, CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 43 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st December, 1902. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. Assurances Endowments Annuities Valued by") „ ^Seventeen Offices and American Experience Tables, 3i and i per cent. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. * * « * * £ 18,955,684 53,462 23,380,649 18,706 12,640,366 19,836 162,736 24,316 ASSURANCES. I.— With Pabticipation ik Pbofits. For whole Term of Life. Joint Life. For whole Term of Life, with Limited Premiums. Joint Life, with Limited Premiums. Endowment Assurances. Joint Endowment Assurances. Endowments. Term. Tol al Extra Premiums. Total Assuratces with Profits. 11.^— WiTHOTJT Pabticipation in Pbofits. For whole Term of Life. „ „ Joint. „ „ with Limited Premiums. Endowment Assurances. Joint Endowment Assurances. Endowments. Term. Joint Term. Survivorship Assurances. Total Extra Premiums. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assubanoes. ANNUITIES. Immediate. „ Joint. Deferred. Temporary. Survivorship. Totai Annuities. TOTAL OP THE RESULTS. 55.255.755 3.209,591 6,869 29,361 83,600 2.754 16,003 13,212 27 4.113.817 59,369.572 3.755,506 607,931 67,762 117,822 4.044 4,553,065 63,922,637 as tables of Policy Values used. 44 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, tWI.—LlFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — SummAry and NATIONAL MUTUAL, DBeCBIPTIOST OF TEAUSAGTIOMS. PAETICUIARS OF POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums, Annual Loa^ng. ASSFRANCES. I. — -With Paeticipation in Peomts. Tor whole Term of Life ). „ limited number of Premiums ... II „ Half -premium Table „ „ -with return of Premiums Endowment Assurances — "One" Life )) „ Joint Liyes ... Double Benefit Assurances Joint Life Assurances ... Deferred Assurances for Children Extra Premiums payable ... Reserve of proportion of Loading paid under Limited "l Premium Policies ... ... j Total Assurances with Profits II.— -WiTHOtTT Paeticipation in Pkopits. For whole Term of Life „ „ limited number of Premiums ... „ „ Half -premium Table Short Term Assurances Endowment Assurances— " One'' Life Joint Life Assurances Contingent Assurances ... Total Assurances without Profits Total Assueances Deduct Ee-assueakoes Net Assueances endo-wments. Endowments „ with Premiums payable during Joint Lives Total Endowments ANNUITIES. Immediate ... Deferred Temporary Certain Total Annuities TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 16,143 1.523 312 50 26,107 7 43 621 164 £ s. d. 4,701,086 12 601,075 15 6 132,900 11,600 4,680,386 5 1,925 15,000 145,633 28,700 £ e. d. 405,423 29,918 6 £ s. d. 135,428 18 16,092 I 5 3,027 14 10 354 2 II 172,454 2 6 93 12 3 381 16 II 5,964 8 4 609 15 10 3,114 II 9 £ 110,378-686 14,076-222 2,388-703 253092 146,327-989 78-275 328646 5,006-682 510-146 £ 25,050-214 2,015-849 639039 101054 26,126-136 15.337 53-200 957-734 99-646 3,114-587 1,550 6 269,233 2 38 18 416 10 14,794 8 44.970 10,318,306 12 6 721,374 10 377,521 4 9 279,348-441 58,172-796 806 79 7 39 163 2 4 289,095 13,149 2,200 40,560 13.660 7 s 5,600 4,400 7,719 12 4 114 9 9 59 6 7 586 15 6 239 14 4 247 i6 86 14 7,414-543 109-026 53-153 457-559 224-084 222-400 70-438 305-074 5-461 6-176 129-216 15-633 25-400 16-262 1,100 368,664 7 5 9,054 8 6 8,55i"203 503-222 46,070 10,686,970 19 II 40,250 721,374 10 346,575 13 3 1,426 12 I 287,899-644 1,281-943 58,676-018 144-661 721,374 10 46,070 10,646,720 19 II 345,149 I 2 286,617-701 58,531-357 2,991 1,021 509,276 9 6 140,103 6,182 6 603 18,723 6 6,644 3 3 4,012 649,376 9 6 6,785 6 25.367 9 3 74 3 2 2 per annum. 4757 18 II 350 119 16 3 808 12 8i 6,036 7 2 50,163 11,296,097 9 5 728,159 16 370,516 10 5 286,617-701 S8,53i'357 ,. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7 907. —LIFE ASSURANCE. 45 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 30th September, 1901. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. AsBurances SnddwiueutB AunaitieB Valued "by Institute of Actuaries' Hm Table ; interest, 3J per cent. „ Accumulating the Total Premiums Paid at 3J per cent., compound interest. „ Government Experience Table (1883) ; interest, 3i per cent. Amotrnt Assured. Bonus. Office Net Tearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. ASSURANCES. £ £ £ £ £ £ I. — "VfiTH Paeticipation in Pbopits. 2,334>785'9 232,121-0 1,836,779-1 1,490,541-1 346,2380 1,076,365-8 For whole Term of Life. 249,0986 16,477-9 161,547-6 140,434-5 21,113-1 125,142-0 „ „ limited number of Premiums. 59.2999 5,400-1 73,121-7 6,2066 57,224-0 4,419-4 15,897-7 1,787-2 2,075-9 1,342-8 „ „ Half-premium Table. 362 -J „ „ with return of Premiums. 2,855.547-0 198,092-4 1,784,293-3 1,503,686-1 280,607-2 1,549,953-3 Endowment Assurances — " One " Life. 1.155-9 31-9 987-7 824-7 163-0 363' I „ ,, Joint Lives. 6,562-8 165-3 4,013 6 3.437-5 576-1 3,290-6 Double Benefit Assurances. 88,871-4 10,241-6 62,843-3 52,742-7 io,io:i-6 46,370-3 Joint Life Assurances. 9.149-7 1.557-3 6.659-3 10,305-5 8.597-2 1,708-3 552-5 Deferred Assurances for Children. 1.557-3 6,659-3 Extra Premiums payable. (■ Keserve of proportion of Loading paid under Limited I Premium Policies. Total Assurances with Profits. II. — -Without PAKTiciPATioif iif Pbokts. 5,618,087-9 457.492-2 3,940,098-4 3,261,907-2 678,191-2 2,813,672-9 135.273-0 6,806-9 i,o8i'5 108,552-8 140,139-4 1,105-5 1,005-3 1,064-3 4,413-4 3i,i33'6 For whole Term of Life. 1,166-4 609 5,701-4 „ „ limited number of Premiums. 1,122-0 1,338-2 116-7 273-9 76-2 539-0 „ „ Half -premium Table. Short Term Assuranoej. 1.603-3 8,011-5 3,274-8 3,057*2 2I7-0 4,9543 Endowment Assurances—'- One " Life. 3.i9o'5 697-6 2,9960 2,688-7 617-7 307-3 501-8 Joint Life Assurances. 760-3 142 6 79-9 Contingent Assurances. Total Assurances without Profits. Total Assueances. 156,664-3 119,210-5 113,678-1 5,532-4 42,986-2 5.774.752-2 457,492-2 4,059,308-9 3,375,585-3 683,723-6 2,856,659-1 14,286-7 11,362-9 10,159-6 1,203-3 4,127-1 DiDUCT KE-ASSUBANCEa. Net Assueances. ENDOWMENTS. 5,760,465-5 457.492-2 4,0(7,946-0 3,365,425-7 682,520-3 2,852,532-0 136,685-4 22,408-1 4,980-0 421-2 141,665-4 22,829-3 Endowments. „ withPremiums payable during Joint Lives. Total Endo-wments. ANNUITIES. 159.093-5 5,401-2 164,494-7 39*446-5 3.529-3 39,446-5 3.529-3 524-0 Immediate. Deferred. . Temporary. 5240 2,792-6 2,792-6 Certain. Total Annuities. TOTAL OP THE EESULT3. 46,292-4 46,292-4 5,965,851-4 462,893-4 4,047,946-0 3,365,425-7 682,520-3 3,063,319-1 46 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table VIII. — Summary and NEW YORK LIFE, DESCEIPTION OF TRANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Tearly Premiums. Net Tearly Premiums. Annual Loading. ASSURANCES. I. — With rAETiciPATiOK in Pbopits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums for 7 Life ... ) For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and | Commuted Premiums ... ... ) Joint Life Assurances Endowment Assurances Joint Life Endowment Assurances Term Term Assurances Extra Premiums payable ... Total Assurances with Profits (less Ee-assurances) ... II. — Without Paeticipation in PBoriis. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums ioi\ Life 3 For the whole Term of Life, subject to L'mited") Premiums ... ... j Joint Life Assurances Endowment Assurances Term Term Assurances ... Total Assurances without Profits (No Re-assurance) Total Assubanobs (Less Ee-assueances) ... ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments ... ANNUITIES. Immediate ... ,.. ... ... ■•• Deferred Contingent Total Annuities Additional Sum set aside to provide for extra mortality ^ under Tropical Polici-s 3 TOTAL OF THE EESULT3 227,537 209,207 5H 221,068 299 1,235 £ 111,109,289 87,773.987 363.198 94,394,130 147,888 446,050 10,109,754 £ 407,929 322,211 £ 3.488,75° 3.456,75° 20,170 5,5 ".917 9.731 14,061 £ 2 587,515 2,688,630 15,059 4 340,939 7,266 9,190 110,668 £ 901.235 763,120 5111 1,170.978 2,465 4.871 147,129 166,002 55.3H 659,860 304.344.296 877,269 12,667,381 9.759,267 2,908,114 2S467 239 36 4,945 11,050 6,171,108 238,508 13,603 1,023,026 4,430,906 ^93,982 63.520 II 485 356 i,-'.7i5 3.450 41.344 57,668 10,804 310 16,372 2.255 35951 5.852 681 46 •,343 1. 195 5,393 42,737 i2,57i>'33 137.87° 123,360 14,510 702,597 316,915,429 877,269 12,805,251 9,882,627 2,922,624 1,97° 9,229 606 98 673.564 26,063 22,349 3.714 357.581 21,779 8,938 7.528 4,404 7.239 3.669 289 7J5 1 9,933 388,298 11,932 10,908 1,024 714,500 317,977.291 877,269 12,843,246 9.915.884 2,927.362 n • Method of Valuation precludes CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907— LIFE ASSURANCE. 47 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st December, 1902. VALTJATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. A sminmces 1 ( Combined Eiperience Table, 4 per cent. End^ents i- r "^^^ ^^ { f^^^oSle '• " f il ""^ ^ per cent. Annuities ... „ Combined „ „ 4. „ and Prenoli Annuitants' Table, 4 per cent, and 3^ per cent. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. LiabiUty. • « * « • £ 15,971.581 ",745.279 48.229 20,275,947 24,120 8,243 ASSURANCES. I. — With Paeticipation in Peopits. ( Per tlie whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums for [ Life. 'For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and Commuted Premiums. Joint Life Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Joint Life Endowment Assurances. Term. Term Assurances. Extra Premiums payable. Total Assarances with Profits (Less Be-assurances). II. — Without Paeticipation in Peopits. ' For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums for { Life. fPor the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited (. Premiums. Joint Life Assurances. Endowment Assurances. Term. Term Assurances. Total Assurances without Profits (no Re-assurances) . Total Asstjbaijces (Less Rb-assiibancbs). ENDOWMENTS. Pure Endowments. ANNUITIES. Immediate. Deferred. Contingent. Total Annuities. Additional Sum set aside to proTide for extra mortality under Tropical Policies. TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. .,.„.... 49,073,399 2.549,139 42,901 4,695 616,195 223,297 87,702 3,523,929 52,597,328 260,063 3.101,575 131,584 19,105 3,252,264 140,575 56,250,230 a statement of these iteme. G # CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES,. 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE.. Table VIII. — Summary and PEOPLE'S PRUDENTIALi; DESCEIPTION or TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF. POLICIES FOE VALUATION. 3 Number of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. ASSUEANCES. I. — With Paeticipation in Pbotiis. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums') throughout Life .. ... "' J For the ^hole Term of Life, subject to Limited and"^ Commuted Pireminms ... ... ... ... j Endowment Assurances ... ... Total A ssTirances with Profits II. — Without Paetioipation in Peopits. For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums") throughout Life... J ToTAi, Arsueances ENDOWMENTS. Endowments TOTAL OB' THE RESULTS 27 2 29 £ 1.92s 125 2,600 £ 70-65 6-48 115-52 £ 50-25 4-92 91-41 £ 20-40 -■ 1-56 24-11 58 ■4-650 192-65 146-58 46-07 114 7.350 235-25 190-44 • 44'8i 172, 1 2,000 427-90 337-02 90-88 ' 5 400 19-85 17-82 2-03 177 12,400 447-75 354-84 92-91 " PEOPLE'S PRUDENTIAL, DESCEIPTION OP TEANSACTIONS. PAETICULAES OF POLICIES FOE VALUATION. Number of Policies. Amount Assured, Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. fLife Assurance on Policy -holder and Wife I Accident Insurance on Policy-holder A (Old) A Compensation Children's Temporary Assurance ... I^Medical Benefits ... (■Life Assurance on Policy-holder and Wife A (New) < Children's Temporary Assurance ... (. Medical Benefits B Medical Benefits only C, D, & G- Life Assurance on Policy-holder ... F Endowment Assurances H Accident, &c., Insurance on Policy-holder.. K Endowments ... K (Old) Joint Life Assurance... ... ^ Life Assurance on Policy-holder and Wife J \ Compensation 1 Children's Temporary Assurance ... (. Medical Benefits c Life Assurance on Policy-holder ... M \ Compensation,.. (. Medical Benefits TOTAL OF THE RESULTS 967 387 2,123 1,362 131 19 526 452 6,178 29,605-00 20,385-00 13,152-50 22,333-95 2,062-75 950-00 6,509-75, 39-60 11,260-00 ( 3,150-00 109,448-55 £ 1,648-833 1-532-378 668-092 628-875 3,679-858 1,060-582 188-906 29-033 552-032 2-600 1,070-117 734-500 320-017 341-250 i2,457-o73 £ 748-184 46-416 386800 84-129 303-473 35-123 604-029 120-057 1-627 234-320 180800 44-333 61-584 84-000 2,934-875 £ 383-204 329-496 456-553 68-849 •973 610-664 ] i74'433 2,024-272 CENSUS ' OF NEW.ISOUTH WALES, 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 49 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 31st August, 1901. ORDINARY BRANCH. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSAGTIONS. Assurances ... Valued by) Endowments ... „ >Hm 3J per cent. Annuities... ... „ ) Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading. LiftbiUty. £ 819-79 .52-01 1,306-46 £ 1,108-77 55-81 1.595-66 £ 789-48 42-38 1,263-96 £ .319-29 ■13-43 331-70 £ 30-31 9-63 42-50 ASSUEANCES. I. — "W-iTH Paeticipation in Pbofits. (For the -wliole Term of Life, subject to Premiuma (. throughout Life. / For the whole Term of Life, subject to Limited and ( Commuted Premiums. Endowment Assurances. Total Assurances with Profits, II. — -Without Paeticipatioit in Pbopits. f For the whole Term of Life, subject to Premiums (. throughout Life. Total Asstteances. ENDQ-WMBNTS. Endowments. TOTAL OF THE KEStTLTS. 2,178-26 2,76024 2,095-82 664-42 82-44 3,116-12 714-05 148-92 3.681-25 2,967-20 5,294'38 6,441-49 5,063-02 1. 378-47 231-36 221-84 228-72 203-59 25-13 18-25 5.516-22 6,670-21 5,266-61 1,403-60 24961 as at 31st August, 1901. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. Amount Assured. VALUATION. Assurances Endowments Annuities... ... Valued by English Life, No. 3, 3j per cent. Office Net Yearly Premiums. Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. DESCEIPTION OP TEANSAGTIONS. £ 12.546-13 5.163-18 9,576-88 1.323-38 23-20 4,012-86 i,i75'o6 33,820-69 ^ £ 10,665-17 4,925-66 9.295-65 1,24862 19-59 3.951-50 1. 1 53-69 31,259-88 £ 1,880-96 237-52 281-23 74-76 445-27 3-61 61-36 21-37 ; 3,00608 Life Assurance on Policy-holder and Wife") Accident Insurance on Policy-Holder ... | Compensation ... ... ... ... |> A (Old) Children's Temporary Assurance ... ... j Medical Benefits ... ... ... ...J Life Assurance on Policy-holder and -Wife ■) Children's Temporary Assurance > A (New) Medical Benefits ... ... ... ...J Medical Benefits only ... ... ... B Life Assurance on Policy-holder ... ... C, D, & G Endowment Assurances ... ... ... F Accident, &c.. Insurance on Policy-holder H Endowments... K Joint Life Assurance ... ... ... K (Old) Life Assurance on Policy-holder and Wife ") Compensation ... ... ... ... ( y Children's Temporary Assurance ... ... C Medical Benefits ... ... ... ... ) Life Assurance on Policy-holder .. Compensation Medical Benefits E i:l M TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 50 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE Table VIII. — Stimmary and PROVIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL OF NEW ZEALAND, PAETICTJLAES OF POLICIES FOE VALTTATION. DE8CEIPTI0N OF TEANSACTIONS. Numlaer of Policies. Amotmt Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading. ASSURANCES. Without Paeticipation im Pbotits. For the whole Term of Life 6,407 391 1,310 410 £ s. d. 144,723 II 10 10,061 6 8 29,492 9 II 10,960 £ B. d. 5,527 6 4 630 19 9 2,07s 18 4 1,078 4 6 Endowment Asaurances Endowments Provident Policies* TOTAL OF THE EESXJLTS ... 8,Si8 195,237 8 S 9,312 8 II * Covering also medical a-ttendance Table IX — Valuation NAME OF COMPANY. Date. Dr. Net Liability under Assurance Endowment and Annuity Transactions, as per Summary Statement. Other Lifttnlities. Surplus. Total. Australian Metropolitan ... Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and General Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life City Mutual Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life ... Independent Order of Foresters . . . Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual New York Life People's Prudential Provident and Industrial of New Zealand August 31, 1902... December 31, 1902... September 30, 1900.. October 31, 1901.. December 31, 1901... 31, 1902... 31, 1899... 31. I90I..- 31, 1897... 31, 1899... 31, 1902... September 30, 1901... December 31, 1902.. August 31, 1 901.. June 30, 1899.. £ 8. d. 18,797 5 3 18,160,160 10 o 252,405 14 o 1,418,509 12 o 738,825 o o 232,119 2 O 2,058467 6 o 53,662,329 o o 7' 1 59,342 o o 1,251,296 o o 63,922,637 o o 3,063,319 2 O 56,250,230 2 II 3.255 13 10 7,211 10 o £ 8. d. •4,471 II 9 tl3,112 o o Ji75,oi9 o o s. d. 614,480 14 I 3,496 19 o 100,048 17 5 31,622 o o 6,277 6 4 278,879 14 4 §14.797,717 o o 108,066 II 5 §13,991,627 o o 201,807 5 I §9,440,299 12 5 2,065 10 II £ 8. A. 18,797 5 3 18,779,112 15 10 255,902 13 o 1,518,558 9 s 770,447 o o 238,396 8 4 2,350,459 o 4 68,460,046 o o 7.159.342 o o 1,359,362 II 5 78,089,283 o o 3,265,126 7 I 65,690,529 15 4 5.321 4 9 7,211 10 o • Claims Investment Fund. t Eeserve {or Claims by Deatli prior to aist December, 1809— but not by that time admitted— in excess of the Valuation Reserves held for same Company in extending its operations). t Profit on realisation of securities (as per Balance Sheet). •* Note by the Ordek.— " This does not represent a deflcienoy but the valuation, without any increase or extra call whatever. These assumptions are extreme, and f orragn to the CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 51 Valuation of Policies — continued. as at 30th June, 1899. VALUATION. DESCEIPTION OF TEANSACTIONS. Assurances ... Valued ty English Life, No. 3, 4 per cent. Endowments ... „ Hm 4. per cent. Amount Assured. Bonus. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Liability. £ s. d. 52,839 10 4,363 16 £ 8. d. 79,200 4 6,823 8 £ 8. a. 1,282 12 14s 5,268 2 515 16 ASSURA.NCES. Without Paeticipation in Pbopits. For the whole Term of Life. Endowment Assurances. Endowments. Provident Policies.* TOTAL OF THE RESULTS. 7,458 12 8,005 16 64,461 18 94,029 8 7,211 10 and sickness allowances. Balance Sheets. Funds (as per Balance Sheet). Cs. Other Assets. Deficiency. Total. NAME OF COMPANY. £ 8. d. 14,787 17 6 18,779,112 15 10 255.902 13 ° 1.509.234 o II 770,447 o o 238,396 8 4 2.350.459 o 4 68,460,046 o o 518,724 o o 1.359.362 II 5 78,089,283 o o 3,265,126 7 I 65,690,529 15 4 5.321 4 9 3,616 i8 9 £ 8. d. 4,009 7 9 1'9.324 8 6 £ 8. d. **6,64o,6i8 o o 3.594 " 3 £ 8. d. 18,797 5 3 18,779,112 15 10 255.902 13 o 1,518.558 9 5 770,447 o o 238,396 8 4 2,350.459 o 4 68.460,046 o o 7.159.342 o o 1.359.362 II 5 78,089,283 o o 3,265,126 7 I 65,690,529 IS 4 5,321 4 9 7,211 10 o Australian Metropolitan. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and Q-eneral. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. People's Prudential. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. 1 Liahilitiea under Supplementary Contracts. § Includes bonuses deferred from other periods. || New Business Ertension Account «.e., Initial Amount expended by ™=S^+™1f,^f?hfl amount that would have to be aaseseed, on the assumption that every policy-holder would be [persistent until death, at the rates in force at the date of l^lriSioe and the laws and constitution of the Order, which provide for the fulfilment of all contracts." 52 I. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALESy 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table X— AMOUNT. Kame of Company. Australian Metropolitan ... Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance f and General. Australian Widows* Fund ... ;CitiEens' Lile City Mutual Colonial Mutual Equitable Life . Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia,. Mutual Life of New Tori: .. National Mutual New York Life Period Covered. Profit. Profit Divided. Policies Participating. Number. Assuring. 5 years 5 years 5 years I yeat 5 years People's Prudential Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. Standard Life , I year 5 years £ s. a. Nil. 6i4,4So 14 I 3.496 19 o 106,583 18 II 28,389 o o" Ordinary. 3,233 o o Industrial. i,277 6 4 278,879 14 4 Not shown in re- ■ turns. Nil. 108,066 o o 9,061,419 o 201,807 5 I 907,604 6 6 2,065 10 II No profit disclosed by tlie valuation. Ordinary. 27,490 Industrial, 23.543 s. d. 59,948,259 8 o Amount. Whole Entry Age .20. Entry Age 30. 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 1,163 o o"^ 5,645 o oj 1,221,163 o o' 49s, 10,801 16.552 3,564 Pef erred Bonus Classes 32,433 Ordinary Classes. 16,840 85,247 43.2"7 50,960 63 4.989,993 17 6 1,371,881 7 4.663,969 I 7 3,060,992 o o 25,031,726 o o 4,533.304 7 3 51,598,078 o o 9,632,563 2 o 30,130.737 o 5,050 O £ s. d. 558,867 16 7 J 3,496 19 oJ 0,048 17 5 J Nil. 3,910 o O-J 65,546 12 O'^ £110,364 2s. 4d. is held for division when policies mature for par- ticipation. 829,497 o o 149,894 o 3 13 o o 17 5 28,243 o o^ 2,361,002 o o 0,000 o o-^ S75.5'36 3 5' 30 ' o o £ s. d. 200 10 5 10 o 2 13 6 o 12 9 3 7 3 o 18 o t o 10 o O 10 o 2 5 3 19 I z 2 o 10 9 4 2 X 5 II o 4 12 o o 19 5 o 15 .9. 060 2 14 o o 14 o £, s. d. 2 14 o o 16 o 3 12 9 120 4 7 9 I ID I o 10 029 400 I 4 3 o 14 , 60 16 7 o 5 40 6 10 5 4 05 14 o I 4 II I II I 19 21 2 2 o 8 20 10 2 £ s. d. 2 18 100 600500 2 12 8 3 15 II O 10 3 400 1 7 o 18 7 086 3 5 o 19 8 6 14 5 16 1 16 I I 4 2 O 12 £ s. a. o o D 12 O 2 14 O O 18 O £ s. d. 600 3 8 10 I 3 7 4 O II I n 7 10 00 10 o 2 go 3 o o 10 o 036 3 10 o z 4 3 II o I 7 on 40 15 o 049062 S o o 5 l5 o 6 o I 3 5 15 2 7 o 500 I II 2 o 18 5 092 £ s. d. 2 14 o 120 600 o 17 30 19 4 o 7 II o 9 10 £ s. d. 2 iS 160 4 18 I 235 o 10 o 4 I 3 13 I 12 4 13 07 3 5 6 05 8 I I 17 II 2 4 4 L 112 o u 5 132 13 7 In each case the first line gives the Eeversionary additions, and the second the Cash Values. * Payable only in the event of the policies becoming claims prior to 30th becoming claims before CENSUS OF 'NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 53 Profit. SPECIMEN BONUSES.— Reversionary Additions with Cash Values. Me. Entry Age 40. EntKy Age 50. Endowment Assurances (6b or Death). Entry Age 20. Entry Age 30. Entry Age 40. Entry Age 50. Duration.^ 5 10 IS 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 . 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 IS 20 £ s.. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £:s. d. £ s. d. 200 3 16 O 2 12 O 140 o o 5 10 O 2 14 I I. I 3 13 2 I 12. S ID' o 036 2 14 O 1 X 1 13 16 II 6 60 a 2 14 O 180 2 18 I 12 5 o o 6005 480 242 o 10 o o 41 o 10 o 049 310 17 4 14 S 6 10 304 o 10 c o S 340 I 12 I 19 6 o II o £ s. d. £ s. d. I 16 02 8 o I 18 01 8 o 2 II 2 I .5 3 7 I 17 : I I II o 13 9 £ s. d. £ s. a. 2 10 o I 12 o £ a. d £ s. d. 2 16 o I 12 o I I 18 0,0 10 o I 18 o o 14 o "o o 5 10 06 006 o o] These Bonuses have no cash value. £ B. a. 2 O 16 31+4 2 2 10 O 4 9 o 10 o S 4 03 ■8 c 14 I 3 15 9 D '9 7 5 13 o 7 10 o 4 14 o 4 ij 7 2 18 10 O lO o o 5 II 3 14 o 2 I 10 I O o 13 S 16 o S 14 8 3 19 6 O ID O 066 3 17 o 2 8 •; I 3 II o 16 6 237 o 12 II 3 38 I I II £ s. a. 220 I o 3 18 3 I II 5 4 16 8 2 S £ s. d. I 10 12 £ s. d. £ s. a £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ 8. a. I 18 02 o 02 4 o o 18 01 2 018 2 s 9 18 3 8 s I 12 4 No profit was aiviaea for 1901. 7 2 410 2 16 s I 7 I 103 7 16 o o 10 o 2 360 19 7 o 10 o 031 O 10 o 036 390 139 O 10 040 3 10 I 13 I 10 o o 10 o 036041 4 II 3 2 II I 2 12 o I O II I 10 o 16 o I 18 2 2 O I 6 1 14 o 5 H J 3 16 4 2 9 II I 7 II 4 o 10 2 14 2 O 10 10 o 5 on 6 ^ 2 17 03 o o I 6 II I 13 7 320 216 ID 00 10 O 500 6 3 3 5 03 II 1 16 S2 7 7 260 260 S 8 3 4 7 9 6 17 II 6 17 'II £ s. a. £ B. a. I 12 02 4 Q I 6 024 o 3 4 2 12 5 o 10 00 10 o o 7 9'o 10 3 14 o 300 3 10 op 10 O 7 9 o JO o 3 17 3 17 ° 6 2 II 6 , 2 II OS 7 469 £ 8. a. s 13 o 5 13 . Society has no policies maturing at age 60 on which annual bonuse b are paia. No- profit. 4 g 014 18 ols 14 o These Bonuses have no cash value. Bonuses allott^a on the 5, 10, 15, Ac, year plan, ana not comparable with annual, &c., distribution. 6 10 o 6 i5 o 3 16 o 172 17 10 D 9 7 4 10 o I 16 II 112 o 12 5 S o OS 4 2 7 02 IS 7 I 4 5 o IS 7 167 o 18 s 380 I TI II 127 14 5 4 6 o 4 16 o 2 6 02 17 I 7 2 1 ri 7 o 18 loi 3 s No valuation yet made. 500 3 6 10 I 14 2 172 3 14 o ig 6 400 I 4 9 460 I II 6 3 14 o I 19 31 7 1 16 7 39s 400 1 14 II o 19 10 o 12 s No Policies in force of S years' duration. No Bonuses allottea. 460 2 S 3 I 2 10 o IS 10 4 10 o 2 17 9 I 4 10 o 19 5 14 o I 18 II S 2 O 400 2 II 4 115 14 10 4 10 o 3 " 4 I 5 7 o 19 10 I 9 5 I S 10 10 04 5 06 400 3 3 5 I 12 2 I 12 2 I IS 7 I II 2 27s 275 September, 190s. 31st December, 1904. tin the City Mutual, policies isauea unaer new rates, October, 1901, receivea £1 bonus per £100 assured. } Payable only in the event of policies 54 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XI. — Annual Premiums Age next Birthdajr. NAME GP Australian Metropolitan. Australian Mutual PrOTident. Australasian Temperance and Oeneral. Australian Widows' Fund. Citiieus' Life. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. £ 8. d. £ B. d. £ B. d. £ 8. d. £ B. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. IS l6 I 14 I 14 7 I 8 2 I 9 2 I 10 2 I 13 3 I 14 I I 14 II I 15 10 I 16 8 I 17 7 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 12 II I 14 I I IS 3 I 16 17 I IS 8 18 I 16 III 2 19 20 I 16 10 I 17 9 I 12 2 I 13 I 16 8 I 17 4 I 17 5 I 16 9 21 I 18 9 1 18 5 1 13 10 I 17 6 I 18 6 I 18 I 18 4 I 19 3 22 I 19 9 I 19 5 I 14 8 I 18 6 I 19 6 I 19 I 19 4 201 23 209 2 5 I 15 7 I 19 6 206 200 204 210 H 219 2 I 7 I 16 6 206 2 1 7 2 10 2 I 3 220 '5 229 228 I 17 6 2 I 6 228 220 221 230 26 2 3 10 239 I 18 7 227 2 3 10 230 2 2 10 240 27 2 4 II 249 I 19 9 2 3 8 2 5 240 2 3 10 2 5 I 28 260 2 5 II 2 II 2 4 10 262 250 2 4 10 2 6 3 29 2 7 4 2 7 I 222 260 275 266 2 6 I 276 30 288 282 2 3 5 2 7 2 289 280 274 293 31 2 10 I 295 249 2 8 4 2 10 I 296 288 2 10 I 32 2 II 6 2 10 7 262 298 2 II 6 2 II 2 10 I 2 II 6 33 2 13 2 12 2 2 7 7 2 II 2 12 II 2 12 6 2 11 7 2 13 34 2 14 6 2 13 9 291 2 12 6 2 14 6 2 14 2 13 2 2 15 I 35 2 16 2 15 4 2 10 9 2 14 2 2 16 I 2 15 6 2 14 10 2 16 3 36 2 17 7 2 17 I 2 12 5 2 16 2 17 9 2 17 2 16 5 2 18 37 2 19 3 2 18 10 2 14 2 2 17 9 2 19 6 2 19 2 18 2 19 10 38 3 I 308 2 16 2 19 8 3 I 4 3 I 2 19 8 3 I 9 i 39 3 2 II 327 2 18 317 3 3 3 330 3 I 5 3 3 10 40 350 3 4 5 300 3 3 7 3 5 3 350 332 360 41 3 7 I 368 322 3 5 6 3 7 I 3 7 6 3 5 2 384 42 3 9 3 3 8 II 346 3 7 '8 3 9 I 3 10 3 7 7 3 II 9 43 3 " 5 3 " 3 370 3 10 3 11 2 3 12 6 3 10 I 3 13 S 44 3 13 8 3 13 7 3 9 7 3 12 7 3 13 4 3 IS 3 12 7 3 16 2 45 3 16 3 16 3 12 5 3 IS 3 15 7 3 18 3 15 2 3 19 I 46 3 18 7 3 18 7 3 IS 4 3 17 6 3 18 1 410 3 17 10 4 2 3 47 4 I 5 4 I 2 3 18 4 400 409 440 407 4 S 7 48 4 4 5 4 4 I 4 I 7 429 436 476 4 3 7 492 49 4 7 7 470 450 4 5 9 466 4 II 468 4 12 II 50 4 II 4 9 10 4 8 7 489 4 9 9 4 15 4 9 9 4 17 51 4 15 4 J3 3 4 12 5 4 12 6 4 13 5 4 19 4 13 2 5 1 3 52 4 19 4 17 4 16 5 4 16 6 4 17 5 530 4 16 9 5 4 10 53 530 5 I 8 5 10 506 5 I 9 5 7 6 516 5 10 8 54 5 7 5 5 6 II 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 12 6 569 5 15 II 55 5 12 5 12 2 5 10 4 5 II I 5 II 6 ■ 5 17 6 ■ ■ 5 12 6 I 5 ^ • Entrance fees, Court dues, and medical ' CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 55 to assure £100 at Death, with Profits. COMPANY. next Mrthday. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. People's Prudential. PrOTideut and Industrial of New Zealand. Standard Life. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. In use in Great Britain at time of valuation. In use in Canada, &c., at time of valuation. In use generally from January, i8gg. 1 ' Nearest age. I 13 7 I 14 I 19 200 I 12 I 13 8 9 IS 16 » * * [- I 16 0- I 14 4 I 15 2 1 I 14 9 17 i8 o 14 19 I 15 I I 16 220 I 15 9 18 i8 o IS I - . I 15 II I 17 2 3 I 16 9 19 i8 o 15 I I 17 I 16 9 I 18 240 I 17 8 20 o i8 o 15 I I I 18 I 19 1 I 17 7 I 19 250 I 18 6 21 i8 o 15 I I I 19 I 19 II I 18 5 200 260 I 19 5 22 i8 o 16 I 2 2 2 10 I 19 4 210 270 2 4 23 19 o 16 I 3 2 I 2 I 9 203 221 280 2 I 4 24 19 16 I 4 2 2 2 2 8 2 I 3 230 232 2 10 2 2 S 25 19 16 I S 2 3 2 3 8 2 2 3 240 2 4 S 2 II 2 3 7 26 19 17 I 6 2 4 2 4 10 234 2 5 2 2 5 8 2 12 2 4 9 27 100 17 I 7 2 S 2 5 II 2 4 5 2 6 2 2 6 II 2 13 2 6 28 100 17 I 8 2 6 2 7 I 2 5 6 2 7 5 283 2 IS 2 7 3 29 100 17 I 9 2 7 284 268 2 8 10 297 2 16 2 8 7 30 I I 18 I 10 2 8 298 2 7 II 2 10 2 2 II 2 18 2 9 II 31 I I 18 I II 2 10 2 II I 292 2 11 7 2 12 6 300 2 II 4 32 120 18 I 12 2 II 2 12 6 2 10 6 2 13 2 14 I 3 I 2 12 10 33 I 2 18 I 13 2 12 2 14 I 2 II 10 2 14 7 .2 15 9 330 2 14 5 34 I 3 19 I IS 2 14 2 IS 9 2 13 3 2 16 2 2 17 6 3 S 2 16 I 35 I 3 19 I 16 2 16 2 17 6 2 14 9 2 18 2 19 3 3 7 2 17 9 36 140 100 I 18 2 17 2 19 4 2 16 4 2 19 10 3 I I 390 2 19 5 37 I 4 100 I 19 2 19 3 I 3 2 18 3 I 10 3 2 II 3 II 3 I 2 38 I 5 I I 2 I 3 I 3 3 4 2 19 9 3 3 10 3 4 10 3 13 3 2 II 39 160 120 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 3 I 6 360 3 6 10 3 IS 3 4 10 40 I 8 I 3 2 4 3 5 3 7 10 3 3 6 3 8 5 3 8 II 3 18 3 6 10 41 I 10 140 2 6 3 7 3 10 4 3 5 6 3 10 10 3 II I 410 3 9 42 I 13 160 2 8 3 10 3 12 II 3 7 8 3 13 5 3 13 4 440 3 II 4 43 I 16 190 2 10 3 12 3 15 9 3 9 II 3 16 2 3 IS 9 470 3 13 9 44 I 19 III 2 12 3 15 3 18 9 3 12 4 3 19 2 3 18 4 4 10 3 16 3 45 220 I 14 2 15 3 18 4 I 10 3 14 II 422 4 I I 4 13 3 19 46 2 5 I 18 2 18 4 I 4 5 3 3 17 8 4 5 7 440 4 16 4 I 10 47 2 II 260 3 3 4 4 4 8 10 407 492 4 7 I 500 4 4 9 43 2 17 2 13 3 8 4 7 4 12 8 4 3 9 4 13 4 10 4 540 4 7 10 49 330 300 3 '3 4 'I 4 16 9 4 7 2 4 17 4 13 9 580 4 II 2 50 360 320 3 18 4 14 S I I 4 10 10 5 I 2 4 17 4 5 13 4 14 7 SI 390 3 S 4 3 4 18 5 S 9 4 14 10 S S 10 5 I 2 S 17 4 18 4 52 3 12 380 4 10 S 3 5 10 8 4 19 2 5 10 10 S S 3 630 5 2 3 53 3 IS 3 12 4 18 5 7 5 16 5 3 II S 16 S 9 8 670 5 6 5 54 5 12 6 I 8 5 9 I 6 I 5 5 14 5 6 13 5 II S 55 examination fees must also I e paid. I I 56 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XII.^ NEW BUSINESS. For Tear ■ Whole Life. Endowment Assurances. Endowments. Name of Company. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Australian Metropolitan — £ B. d. £ s. d. S, s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Aug. 31, 1902 102 12,275 469 16 1 144 14,151 693 II 7 30 2,350 121 2 5 Industrial Australian Mutual Provident .. „„ 31, 1902 Deo. 31, 1898 2,796 5,640 70,213 1,917,450 3,822 17 4 55,518 19 2,412 8,755 42,469 10 1,703,711 8 3,377 3 8 67,655 13 1,824 112 37,998 15 16,482 2,678 784 10 „ 31, 1899 5.703 2,015,266 59,684 5 8,g22 1,756,592 69,438 11 7 150 27,131 1,158 15 10 „ 31, igoo 6,490 2,150,800 60,473 4 7 9,801 1,883,801 72,480 17 10 89 11,900 619 1 6 5, 31, igoi 5.556 1,941,655 57,679 16 1 8,801 1,642,657 66,981 6 7 95 14,175 667 11 7 Australasian Temperance and f General- Ordinary „ 31, 1902 Sept. 30, i8g8 5,298 1,291 1,815,257 211,565 53,537 18 9 6,44g 14 5 9,823 1,758,430 70,776 5 II 90 66 12,850 7,300 694 18 4 330 13 t „ 30, 1899 1,884 322,736 8,903 9 4 47 5,150 223 4 6 „ 30, 1900 2,275 395,012 1) 11,558 17 5 45 4,850 223 19 4 „ 30, 1901 2,291 318,149 11,673 6 II 143 17,315 10 850 13 3 L „ 30, 1902 2,129 296,564 10,759 14 10 Endowment assurances included in tlie_ 199 22,787 10 08 2 I r „ 30, 1898 26,695 556,451 15 20,434 5 4 wliole life (see previous coluTTiTi). 1 9,8?2 219,580 11,893 18 4 Industrial ; „ 30, 1899 25,001 531,032 4 8 22,939 II 8 8,352 213,276 11,552 9 „ 30, I goo 17,878 385,648 10 20,270 9 4 4,944 87,374 16 6,548 15 „ 30, 1901 20,595 494,369 17 24,189 6 4 11,758 185,122 16,571 6 4 Australian Widows' Fund „ 30, 1902 Oct. 31, 1897 25,115 436 627,697 18 130,540 34,396 1 4.150 6 7 i,io5 202,697 8,627 1 11,377 203,717 18 29,642 16,911 I 1,457 I 4 „ 31, 1898 511 163,481 5,640 5 4 1,286 2*4,582 10,202 9 2 280 38,225 5 1,922 3 9 „ 31, 1899 631 172,119 12 5.867 9 8 1,834 349,752 14,350 6 I 356 56,741 2,799 5 8 „ 31, 1900 675 207,763 6,721 9 I 1,837 353,936 14,350 15 10 488 75,926 3,545 9 9 Citizens* Life — r „ 31, 1901 590 188,002 6,272 6 4 2,241 414,203 16,344 16 11 607 101,554 4,377 17 5 Dec. 31, i8g8 998 145,400 5,454 15 10 4,327 977,265 30,244 3 10 931 87,912 10 4,476 13 7 Ordinary „ 31, 1899 1,092 265,315 11,232 7 9 4,436 866,912 10 29,737 IS 6 1,877 122,550 10 6,664 6 5 „ 31, 1900 1,096 179.235 5,618 18 7 4,459 757,350 27,471 12 II 1,517 115,558 12 6 6,169 9 11 „ 31, igoi 1,078 185,675 5.989 4 5,139 820,780 30,159 19 II 1,393 112,980 6,007 2 4 C „ 31, lgo2 935 172,146 5,530 16 4,891 775,709 14 28,854 6 1,242 107,250 5,907 9 „ 31, I8g8 7.634 168,755 5 8 10,612 2 4 44,871 1,114,509 11 II 47,878 2 8 5,668 163,403 I 8,850 8 Industrial „ 31, l8g9 „ 31, igoo 7.151 6,404 167,308 4 6 161,558 5 5 10,290 7 4 9,629 ig 4 48,158 40,971 1,117,738 11 903,310 13 3 2 54,451 3 45,289 12 4 76 22 2,742 7 6 629 6 145 3 4 34 9 „ 31, igoi 5,438 143,405 15 I 8,423 15 8 32,132 725.953 19 11 36,463 18 4 28 Sge 48 6 4 City Mutual „ 31, 19^2 5,417 136,772 4 9 8,389 2 4 30,607 691,584 14 11 34,832 12 8 8 204 II I „ 31. 1B98 373 63,082 10 2,010 8 S 732 84,340 n 3,653 2 5 181 19,975 15 994 6 8 „ 31. 1899 ^l 71,429 2,300 9 4 808 106,055 4,704 13 8 209 22,117 1,005 7 5 „ 31, igoo ^il 78,827 10 2,792 g I 1,307 158,021 6 8 6,731 11 10 517 44,644 IS 2,003 13 10 „ 31, 1901 386 64,514 10 2,366 II 5 1,208 133,980 12 6 5,727 15 1 439 52,550 2,348 13 3 1,731 12 6 2,075 I 5 1,672 3 II Colonial Mutual „ 31, 1902 „ 31, 1897 326 1,259 53,083 6 492,497 2,033 7 I 14,138 4 I 845 1,306 97,840 254.473 4,302 5 7 11,039 12 9 293 210 33,904 10 37,goo „ 31, 1898 1,407 563,802 15,736 2 4 1,439 279.034 11,376 16 8 168 31,845 „ 31, 1899 1,177 448,288 12,670 7 1,487 260,052 10,490 5 8 162 31,196 10 1,634 4 I 1,425 I I „ 31, 1900 768 268,073 10 7,589 19 1,835 317,296 13,156 18 5 167 25,268 15 Equitable Life „ 31, 1901 >, 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 }T 349,164 19 a 9,663 10 I a 1,883 a 359,919 a 14,981 9 3 a { 206 62 49 31,950 22,639 22,312 1,650 15 S 851 3,265 » 31, 1900 „ 31, igoi 53,110 31,597,149 918,367 32,984 19,364,578 680,126 gi 81 27,938 29.594 1,235 1,184 730 Independent Order of Foresters Mutual Life of Australasia „ 31, igo2 „ 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, igoi „ 31, 1902 „ 31, J898 „ 31, 1899 61,792 30,837 26,087 28,826 30,101 931 35,729,773 7,447,946 12 3 5.013.757 14 5,684,291 II 8 4,901,642 14 2 5,032,751 10 9 330,322 231,952 1,093,232 81,621 10 6 75,797 10 II 83.393 12 4 71,898 16 8 73,417 3 7 10,225 7 7,277 19 7 40,201 '949 1,084 21,810,231 1,062,839 86 '" 97 139 15.464 9,167 6 10 13.559 16 5 217,325 284,668 17,775 o"'o 25,180 74o"l7'"6 1.187 10 2 2,494 5 3 2,103 3 S 2,og8 18 7 1,311 12 10 1,707 i5 6 1,053 7 1,306 19 7 1.188 4 3 4,195 7 4 5,527 I 4,852 8 4 5,621 18 2 6,774 6 a \ Mutual LifeofNewTork National Mutual New York Life People's Prudential— r „ 31, 1900 „ 31, I90I „ 31, 1902 „ 31, 1898 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, I90I „ 31, 1902 Sept. 30, 1898 „ 30, iSgg „ 30, 1900 „ 30, 1901 „ 30, 1902 Dec. 31, i8g8 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, 1900 „ 31, 1901 „ 31. 1902 Aug. 31, i8g9 „ 31, 1903 „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 „ 31, 1899 „ 31, igoo „ 31, 1901 „ 31, 1902 756 706 41,871 55,518 61,374 65,509 71,876 1,871 1,971 2,o58 2,160 2,550 55.260 67,267 71,458 80,807 90,967 104 % 96 256,990 211, 4g9 221,558 21,548,145 27,655.458 2g.333.445 31,301,934 32,935.856 644,645 628,860 678,380 636,010 787,130 22,795,306 27,294,397 29.382,506 32,581,742 36,536,327 4,950 7,3*3 5 II 6,972 18 8 7,600 5 a -j 17,956 2 4 17,754 18 II 21,400 3 3 19.993 16 9 25,022 I II f a 128 18 9 189 16 4 248 10 5 301 3 4 1,414 2,037 2,323 9,355 10,569 11,917 14,545 18,285 2,212 2,838 2,463 2,820 3,642 18,620 32,853 44.402 51,563 65,443 302,357 437,800 489,993 3,774,221 4,622,472 4.983.951 6,548,216 7,562,340 432,170 522,795 451,595 533,135 716,340 7,404,486 13.324,609 17,457,002 20,277,252 24,495,150 275 12,581 4 2 19,064 3 21,074 II II r a 16,917 18 4 20,116 15 7 17,039 7 7 20,360 8 2 27,620 2 a 14 13 256 242 234 164 lit 103 127 712 889 746 858 1,032 239 205 346 58,435 57,126 43,446 10 34,799 34,536 23,015 26,417 27,876 112,219 7 9 144.070 134,848 IS 6 142,435 9 6 167,755 15 8 74,650 56,872 83,724 68,468 128,450 Ordinary i 3,900 5,550 7,600 6,824 I 19,644 9 22,896 16 20,753 12 I 6 30 57 82 575 2,700 5,080 619 13 23 6 6 114 12 II 220 15 8 57 12 8 2 4 4 250 250 325 9 11 18 9 12 10 25 19 2 Industrial < 1.314 1,071 911 I 8 977 3 4 981 18 8 42 227 77 468 18 3,805 4 1,221 12 42 18 345 7 4 112 4 8 '"801 1,017 1.375 8i854"ii'"8 14,372 12 6 21,551 12 3 753 ""4 979 2 4 1,926 7 8 i Provident and Industrial of New June 30, i8g3 7.641 199,077 15 8 8,273 17 9 Zealand. „ 30, iSgg 4,840 118,589 15 4 101,056 6 98,613 16 4 5,138 14 10 1,532 47,068 7 9 2,251 12 „ 30, 1900 „ 30, igoi 4,075 3,831 4,442 II 4 4.40S 3 4 In eluded in prev OUf column. 525 753 11,424 18 4 16,981 10 8 1,205 3 I 1,065 7 „ 30, 1902 4,215 104,762 5 2 5,013 6 916 21,779 17 6 1,366 19 Standard Life— ( Ordinary J „ 30, 1900 „ 30, 1901 72 91 10,325 13,955 362 8 6 510 12 I 144 335 361 4,760 7,780 20,275 41,700 52,691 6,926 ig 75,828 10 184,750 13 932 2 II 1,938 7 10 2,197 13 5 642 4 2,619 14 4 7,859 3 3 54,458 6 II 7,350 1,838 5 400 13 Industrial J „ 30, 1902 „ 30, igoo „ 30, igoi „ 30, 1902 99 5,149 4,778 6,092 11,534 91,066 16 8 60,630 14 7 64,897 14 10 426 7 10 3,773 5 10,619 14 11,973 8 8 7 18,237 21.757 15,979 27,917 37,999 289,520 7 7 365,487 I 7 371,775 6 1,724 18 11 2,010 17 I 28,405 4 4 35,105 17 26,346 4 a Note.— Single premiums are not given. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 57 BusTNEss of Tear. NEW BUSINESS. "No. Term Assurances, &c. Amount. Annual Premiums. Total Assurances and Erdowments. No. Annual Premiums. Annuities. No. Ann'ial Premiuirjs. Name of Company,' 372 3S8 333 308 10 4 3 3 395 957 1,076 1.056 1,214 27 56 59 172 145 187 149 168 145 128 s. d. 149,440 156,696 177,605 154.577 116,039 1,000 84,550 4.850 6,500 3,100 360,771 594,376 706,221 622,938 900,024 17,780 19,877 23,633 55.590 46,327 1.458.697 1,542,878 l,-!86,36l 1,604,722 1,656,313 700 o o 200 o o 8. d. 4,666 6 II 4,gI0 15 10 6,320 9 2 5,289 3 10 3.719 9 5 12 4 2 4,015 ig 6 151 17 8 125 11 5 48 10 o 355 10 506 14 1,025 2 958 II 793 6 276 7.032 14.879 I5.'33 16,713 14,760 15.500 1.357 l.93< 2,320 2.434 2,328 36,507 33,353 22,822 32,353 36,492 1,741 2.077 2,821 3,060 3.438 6,256 7.405 7.072 7,610 7,068 58.173 55.385 47.397 37,598 36,032 l,:86 1,404 2,222 2,033 1,464 2.775 3,014 2,826 2,770 2,925 52,517 61,713 67,644 86,175 102,079 30,837 26,087 31,847 28,826 30,101 1,978 1,825 2.430 2.988 3,175 51,785 67,198 74,525 81,213 91,502 4,822 5,754 5,336 6,010 7,369 74.306 100,474 116,333 132.731 156,884 108 63 103 157 423 2,103 2.558 2,523 9.173 5.365 4.828 4.747 4,99' 316 779 1,097 23.747 31.295 29,851 £ 28,775 150,681 3.787,083 3.955,685 4,224,106 3,753,064 3,702,576 218,865 327,880 399,862 335,464 319,351 776,031 744,308 473,02j 679,491 831,415 362,879 446,288. 578,612 637,627 703,759 1,210,577 1.254,778 1,052,143 1.119,43s 1.055.105 1,446,665 1,287,789 1,065, <98 870,251 828,560. 167,398 199,601 281,493 251,045 184,827 784,870 874,681 739,535 611,638 741.033 35,009,113 42,354,549 43,142,967 50,991,321 57.555,468 7,447,946 5.013.757 5,684,291 4,901,642 5.032.751 566,422 626,350 622,632 712,925 758,097 25,717,936 32,906,842 35,046,632 38,499,505 41,426,096 1,206,814 1,315,602 1,288,456 1,367,170 1,717,552 31,733,139 42,218,756 4''.309,593 54,532,184 62,816,240 5,225 4,725 8,500 13.005 7,443 28,967 41,074 43,526 s. d. 2 6 14 o II 8 14 2 15 9 7 9 14 o 15 8 12 6 16 4 246,146 3 5 130,014 13 8 118,037 II 2 120,393 13 10 159,220 12 I 38,650 o o 83,572 o o I02,A28 O O 387.514 3 3 501,946 6 2 621,423 14 5 1,284 9,878 128,625 135,192 139 '93 : 130,617 : 128,728 : 6,780 9,126 ; 85 105 107 97 91 205 229 291 370 423 16 24 723 821 802 1,105 1,255 6 14 II 41 34 620 541 68g 719 792 4,436 15 5,587 7 5, Dog I 7,001 8 4,473 12 16 3 61 II o 22g 15 II 142 6 8 426 4 2 510 18 8 25 7 6 643 2 8 186 15 2 174 18 8 289 5 4 52 o o 324 o 12 19 4 66 15 53 7 98 8 258 8 145 15 121 5 107 17 14,582 o 20,535 o 24,060 o 25,671 o 36,294 o 579 3 6 940 II 4 756 7 1,587 15 b l,go8 12 45.850 12 10 52.434 2 .5 50,857 16 64>"75 14 3 86,422 6 7 576 15 6 1,125 4 8 1.981 12 3,316 7 10 1,881 19 29,813 31,536 27,800 38,34s 37,217 £ s. d. 175 10 4- 145 15 10 63 17 o 292 2 I 142 10 o 26 o 8 5 22 19 7 8 23 16 331 o 450 o 2,673 o 505 o 628 o 174 17 18 o 182 o o 771 8 5 800 4 II 437 5 8 1,611 o n Australian Metropolitan — Ordinary. Industrial. Austrilian Mutual Frovideut. 1 Australasian Temperance and General — y Ordinary. > IndustriaL Australian Widowa' Fund. 1 Citizens* Life^ y Ordinary. ] > Industrial, City MutuaL Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life, Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York, National Mutual. New York Life, People's Prudential — Ordinary. IndustriaL Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. 'J Standard Life — > Ordinary. Industrial, ainformation not available. 58 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE, Table XII. — Business DISCONTINUANCES. Name of Company, Tor Year ended — Death. Maturity. Amount Assured. Annuity per annum. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annuity per annum. Annual Premiums. Surrender. No. Amount Assured. Annuity per annum. Annual Premiums. Australian Metropolitan- Ordinary .. Industrial.. Australian Mutual Pro- vident. Australasian f Temperance ] and General — { Ordinary } Industrial Australian "Widows' Fund Citizens' Life- f I Ordinary ^ Industrial City Mutual ... Colonial Mutual Equitable Life . Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual New York Life... People's Pru- dential — Ordinary Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. Standard Life- Ordinary Industrials Aug. 31, 1902 „ 3 1, 1902 Deo. 31, 1898 31, 1899 31, igoo 3I1 igoi „ 31, lg02 Sept. 30, i8g8 30, iSgg 30, igoo 30, 1901 30, 1902 30, l^gS 30, 1899 30, 1900 30, Igoi 30, 1902 Oct. 31, 1897 31, 1898 31, 1899 31, 1900 31, 1901 Dec. 31, 1898 31, 1899 3T, 1900 31, igoi 31, 1902 31, 1898 31, 1S99 31. 1900 31. 1901 31, lgo2 31, 1898 31, 1899 31, 190° 31, ig'^i 31. 1902 31, i8g7 31. 1898 31. 1899 31. 1900 31, igM 31, I8g8 31, iBgg 31, 1900 31, igoi 31, ig02 31, 1898 31, 1899 31, 1900 31, 1901 31, lg02 31, 1893 31, l8gg 31, 1900 31. igoi 31, 1902 31, 1898 31, 1839 31, IgOD 31, 1901 .. 31, Jgo2 Sept, 30, i8g8 30, 1899 30, Igoo 30, 190 1 30, 1902 Dec. 31, 1898 31, 1899 31, igoo 31, igol 31, 1902 Aug. 31, 1899 31, igco 31, igoi 31, 1903 31, i8g8 31, 1899 31, igoo 31, igoi 31, 1902 June 30, 1898 30, 1899 30, igoo 30, igoi 30, lgo2 30, Igoo 30, 1901 30, lg02 30, igoo 30, igoi 30, 1902 19 69 1,159 1,113 1,157 I,2A7 1,285 78 98 100 144 129 597 646 627 690 753 155 l6g 165 178 179 107 133 177 17* 186 2,032 1,673 1,711 r,753 1,867 55 67 52 53 78 296 346 324 319 359 3,628 3,878 4,446 4,557 4,742 700 904 1,041 1,201 1,209 133 127 152 171 182 5,286 5,899 6,199 7,402 7,590 392 360 475 464 443 3,524 4,075 4,677 5,372 6,380 6 40 103 128 £ 1,750 1,651 438,426 384,153 388,25s 494,573 466,895 10,341 14,628 19,301 20,702 19,660 8,688 10,376 10,337 ",579 17,708 43,645 37,240 43,980 45,282 43,079 13,200 17,850 31,825 23,509 25,762 55,442 38,807 37,954 36,433 37,399 9,211 11,233 6,101 9,214 10,593 98,264 111,182 110,733 121,729 "7,155 ,727,884 ,963,739 ,188,712 ,324,437 ,186,244 190,475 252,633 365,105 300,541 291,734 40,595 31,290 47,258 49,385 52,g3g ,223,936 ,875,457 ,922,828 ,65g,492 ,779,233 109,589 100,935 121,459 131,703 110,385 ,082,400 ,441,786 ,620, 39 1 ,123,578 ,222,910 s. d. 4 6 6 4 6 II 16 I 15 o 16 o £ s. d. 830 16 2,302 5 2,477 " 1,266 II 2,128 II 3 8 o o o " 3 5 3 10 10 1 3 5 10 9 5 o o 4 7 o o o o 19 3 5 10 6 g 3 " 5 3 9 10 15 a 8 II 14 z I 25 26 4 66 ig 33 10 173 6 207 15 1,708 13 1,544 4 1,802 10 2,076 II 2,244 4 225 550 631 1,5:6 6 7 5 7 1,942 5 10 6,09s 6,100 18,224 5,274 7,987 s. d. 6 8 8 7 ' 8 7 9 3 3 7 4 iS 19 258 6 56 14 o 13 o o 184 17 o 6,543 5 o 6,687 9 o 21,731 I 5 11,075 I 2 ii,6os 12 4 74 o o 363 6 2 1,349 5 5 6d o o 20,312 o o £ 92 134 2 4 15,655 16 II 13,693 6 9 13,639 17,166 16,217 16 518 5 731 2 975 " 1,012 13 930 o 613 16 642 4 709 II 8 783 o 8 923 2 8 1,710 15 I 1,445 I o 1,844 5 8 1,659 2 7 1,638 II 3 571 16 6 770 4 10 1,316 18 II 1,053 8 1,067 ro 2,206 10 1,950 o 2,147 16 2,231 9 2,372 14 369 17 50s 12 243 428 453 7 3,455 15 8 3,816 4 1 4,052 I 4 4,166 II 3 4,087 17 9 104,948 o o "8,559 o 127,739 o o 147,5^2 o o 124,978 o o 2,259 7 10 3,074 3 3 3,235 2 2 3,860 12 4 3,729 12 7 1,262 12 10 1,121 18 3 1,600 15 5 1,791 17 I 1,802 o 9 s. d. 570 679 746 792 146,354 o o 157,019 o o lg2,575 o o 207,248 o o 215,506 10 o 7,018 7 7,855 12 10,083 5 10,743 16 10,914 13 Included in " Death " column. 4 3 9 6 II 9 8 4,020 o 7 3,711 16 8 4,481 ig 4 5,046 18 10 3,987 5 6 r I a ■{ 3 13 6 18 I 14 18 4 24 5 S3 18 74 2 102 19 122 12 125 10 10 6 4 27 6 9 44 8 4 114 12 4 152 6 4 154 173 201 237 243 3 9 IS 28 1,780 i,8gs 1,161 1,000 652 19 27 44 46 62 180 231 237 277 307 353 421 406 540 644 132 117 148 165 182 2gl 443 430 448 2,668 3,170 18,468 28,g46 35,637 27,623 o 27,355 II 35,380 o 39,383 8 41,695 6 200 o 700 1,048 2,42s 29,890 33,171 26,534 20,576 14,491 2,561 3,538 5,875 4,990 7,525 35,000 43,850 42,954 50,250 62,256 273,073 329,256 420,716 453,292 476,906 25,025 22,290 34,934 33,310 34,50J 19 15 o 1,863 15 4 1,613 13 6 2,074 12 10 2,323 5 4 2,2/6 9 5 26 14 I 81 17 5 97 II 10 226 14 13 2,733 13 8 2,928 17 8 1,370 3 o 1,485 9 4 983 13 4 147 7 2 197 10 I 333 6 7 263 II I 377 7 11 2,081 17 II 2,446 16 4 2,223 17 5 2,664 14 8 3,041 13 8 14,082 o o 17,641 o o 23,233 o o 32,988 o o 24,183 o o 1,327 14 1,222 II 1,946 12 1,675 8 1,683 14 Included in " Death " column. 50,875 9 I 53,5-6 o 8 85,422 10 o 88,274 6 4 96,009 8 3 1,735,481 o o 1,808,443 o o 6,820,381 o o 10,862,110 o o 13,191,288 o o 1,031 13 10 1,242 I 3 1,163 10 3 1,328 14 o 1,841 TI 10 18,012 O O 24,051 o o 30,555 o o 25,688 o o ^ 3,195 4 3,016 19 4,118 7 4,31s 7 4,458 12 100 15 o 120 o 8 108 15 4 156 7 8 134 2 4 7 17 ?,24g 2,558 2,860 2,966 3,027 243 iOO l85 185 185 64 50 27 93 187 890 726 617 571 382 325 357 484 499 553 178 154 133 599 1,354 57 72 45 63 82 330 331 284 262 389 9,424 7,299 6,340 5,402 7,280 457 385 318 258 324 4,393 8,400 2,847 3,332 4,407 1,344 937 1,262 1,181 709 4,272 4,489 4,580 5,430 7,882 £ s. 850 o 363 15 ,072,041 16 839,825 o go8,356 o 8g5,403 o 900,35s o 39,648 15 30,337 10 33,223 10 29,693 10 37,141 5 I,003 3 916 15 434 13 2,230 8 3,782 o 215,324 ° 167,289 18 151,502 o 134,101 o 82,483 o 40,925 o 47.624 15 64,032 o 79,351 3 88.625 4 5,139 16 19,305 o 25,139 14 52,601 8 62,226 5 7,753 5 13,160 o 6,449 o 9,273 5 13,773 10 135, g26 3 185,47s o 134,305 o 113,442 Il7,if 715,036 140,003 ,662,360 ,821,094 ,277,475 6. d. "3,716 12 103,127 o 54,035 10 79,825 17 87,878 12 1,993,626 I 4,491,229 II 1,327,536 19 1,567,583 19 ,289,398 15 305,465 5 225,465 o 305,160 o 279,630 o . 170,530 o 2,811,838 o 2,836,073 o 2,803,057 o 3,135,508 o 4,109,687 o 41 II 13 194 lOI 270 6 4 422 19 2 51 6 8 2,545 " 3 167 132 5 247 905 £ E. d. 47 10 o 27 19 o 34,700 15 II 27,686 2 8 29,257 15 10 29,217 7 3 29,570 i5 8 1,365 15 7 I,oog 4 2 1,198 II o 925 5 o 1,371 71 63 29 133 270 7,418 O II 5 8 5,948 10 II 5,387 12 o 4,512 o 7 2,876 o 3 1,554 10 II 1,779 4 7 2,498 7 7 2,869 12 8 3,236 6 7 278 4 o 1,232 16 8 1,620 9 o 4,006 13 o 3,591 13 8 251 9 9 490 5 6 237 II 3 402 13 3 574 2 2 3,863 15 8 5,561 14 4 4,216 l5 8 3,686 II ^5 3,703 6 o 251,635 o o 200,534 o- 195,837 o o 212,911 o o 212,510 O 3,4^5 17 7 3,168 o I 1,948 7 S 2,416 10 II 3,856 4 6 9,939 6 3 7,o6d 19 8 9,793 18 4 9,013 II 7 5,712 15 II 5 15 10 Note. — Single premiums are not given. a Information not available. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 59 of Y ewe— eon tinned. DISCONTINUANCES. Lapse. No. Amount Assured. Annuity per annum. Annual Premiums. Caucelled, &c. No. Amount Assured. Annuity X)er annum. Annual Premiums. Total. Amount Assured. Annuity per annum. Annual Premiums. Name of Company. 256 4,362 1,763 1,984 2,310 2,144 2,978 ■760 677 8 II 1,323 1,122 26.37+ 30,551 «6,S85 21,072 28,184 793 746 729 1,074 1,201 2,:28 2,861 2,8^4 2,742 3.130 54.534 45,227 37,9+3 30,101 29.323 583 595 712 717 1,117 1,630 ■,583 1.539 1,746 1,677 15,460 15,157 lB,6o6 17.635 20,gl8 7.919 10,809 15,014 17,862 17,674 816 661 584 830 1,007 -5,146 15.506 23.553 21,446 23.145 1.924 1,854 1,954 1955 2,178 23,365 25,363 15.333 5.269 2.706 7 41 43 93 176 863 2,240 6,607 9.405 2.687 4,067 3,868 37 142 430 613,269 22,050 27.403 £ s. d. 23,726 3 8 94-.7S7 3 6 430,300 o o 472,600 "O o 553,245 o o 495,041 X3 O 722,295 o o 122,368 D O 114,^2 O O 155,630 O O 240,325 o o 157,188 o o 373.352 6 I 710,281 ff5 o 333.669 I 6 439,414 14 o 681,363 o o 184,49s 6 o 161,049 o o 153.293 o o 238,049 4 o 253,946 4 o 095,438 18 o 613,767 o o 534.491 17 o 494,556 12 6 507,287 16 o 1,538,070 o II 1,132,682 5 9 928,942 8 7 734,025 II 7 716,543 10 I 68,952 15 o 82,400 10 o 101,333 10 o 96,994 IS o 144,1 19 6 8 430,545 o o 484,675 o o 458,150 12 6 500,554 10 o 442,156 ir 6 8,641,166 o o 8,845,228 o o ",193.974 o o 9,294,668 o o 9,122,014 o o 2,039,829 15 8 2,488,350 10 3 3,064,433 17 8 3,094,197 18 10 5,080,273 2 o 243,001 17 6 206,788 I 3 241,452 15 o 228,357 o o 268,105 16 8 14,060,772 9 8 8.495.759 " ° 12,011,571 9 I 11,879,687 9 6 14,623,373 II 4 487,770 o o 443,025 o o 452,530 o o 470,538 14 4 510,550 o o 9.463.943 o o 9,396,095 o o 3.948,354 o o 2,471,210 o o 1.548.243 o o ,373 o o 1,850 o o 3,175 o o 6,900 o o 3,461 14 o 12,889 II 6 33,885 8 8 36,927 4 9 208,183 13 9 209,994 I 6 78,963 9 2 102,242 93,343 3,975 o o 15,375 o o 45,058 o o 227,650 16 10 356,124 3 o 527,886 5 10 8 4 £ B. d. 16 7 4 7 19 8 53 o o 2> 10 O 13 114 479 351 43 o o 43 13 o 1.749 9 I 3.864 13 7 20 10 8 213 3 3 662 17 II 200 O O 235 O O 219 1,035 log 68 705 £ B. d. 976 I 7 6,218 11 o 13,531 13 10 14,746 18 o 17.123 4 7 15,228 18 9 19,811 19 I 3>939 2 4 3,278 15 I 4,011 3 6 6,766 8 9 3,276 3 I 25,094 2 4 30,521 12 4 18,042 14 o 23,063 10 o 41,059 o 1 6,709 7 6 6,171 o 4 3,943 2 11 9.043 19 5 9,431 4 II 11,041 13 7 10,721 17 2 16,946 14 5 17,492 19 6 17,961 2 3 58,748 6 o 50,393 5 8 42,298 10 8 33,424 6 o 33,121 8 o 2.497 3 4 2,897 14 8 3,663 13 3 3.717 8 4 3,334 14 9 13,972 II 5 15,003 13 4 14.334 ■ 2 II 15,720 II 5 14.434 17 9 276,056 o o 320,467 o o 395.362 o o 378,430 o o 340,554 o o 18,330 36,087 13 37,164 4 10 42,234 8 40,520 16 4 8,013 8 o 7,000 10 3 9,626 15 3 8,918 14 8 10,163 5 9 9,672 11,333 12,067 21,772 30,309 133 16 9 365 14 9 138 16 11 376 I I 841 12 5 13 13 8 55 6 6 103 3 o 327 4 I 153 6 4 694 4 o 2.152 7 4 2,523 14 8 8,208 o 2 9.206 7 7 3,303 o I 4.74 1 8 10 4,256 4 10 ]86 13 II 644 3 10 2,17s 8 2 19,869 12 8 33,941 5 4 44,130 18 4 £ s. d. 1,000 1,000 300 4.379 3.375 3,900 7,000 2,923 9.133.777 11,063,971 10,363,992 20,337.844 16,477,816 12,079 10,025 7,920 9,183 10.130 1.302 1,487,210 1.252,247 1,411,789 2,059,486 472 2,046 31 2,493 2,701 237 552 360 104 302 £ s. d. 1,346 16 7 1,731 o 3 3,672 o 2 1,606 3 6 1,124 6 II 172 16 8 2o5 13 6 117 4 3 288 15 7 122 7 5 29,325 o o 402,776 o o 7S,6l6 o o 106,712 o o 498,723 o o 1,178 II 294 7 277 4 471 5 367 15 293 4,448 6,730 6,335 7,007 7,104 8.083 l,o3l 973 1,117 1.654 1.436 27.033 31,347 17.239 21,855 29,124 1.992 1,814 1,712 3,o6o 2,005 2,563 3,351 3,534 3.430 3.897 58,524 48,945 40,950 33.453 33.208 742 906 1.364 2,436 2,481 2.43» 2,604 2,632 38,537 38,110 41.865 50,926 53,893 8,619 11,713 16,055 19,063 18,883 1.538 1.290 1,102 1.424 1.695 34.825 29,805 32,601 32,180 37.142 3.944 3.442 4.134 4.030 3.778 33.829 37,100 43,079 45.017 52,605 7 41 44 93 3 181 866 2,357 2,165 6,738 9.345 2,826 4.217 4.032 37 144 438 13.309 22,155 27.531 £ 26,326 96,772 2,087,121 l,853,5W 2.045,431 2,093,264 2,305,531 172,337 159,888 203,123 290,720 313,989 583,242 721,574 314,441 453.224 702,853 471,087 332,934 384.155 456,816 421,204 349.763 679,241 631,048 598,464 624,100 1,628,542 1,223,965 1,018,570 853.636 830,660 92.857 115.707 122,658 127,473 177,936 710,73s 825,182 746,143 785.976 738.737 27.510,926 28,342,197 30,130,754 38,231,335 34.540,435 2,230,305 2,740,983 3,329.539 3.394.739 3,372,007 422,338 363.493 387.681 390,867 443.423 19.278,333 16,863,445 17,361,936 18,106,763 21,692,007 963,779 832,976 972,491 979.326 897,604 16,095,164 17,969,607 19.444,433 20,994.195 24,131,614 375 1,850 3,200 6,903 26 3,528 12,923 34,058 37.135 210,933 212,780 81,930 105,647 99.431 3.975 15,600 45.748 228,282 357.650 529.828 15 o 15 5 17 9 10 II 17 o 18 o IS o 17 o 17 o o o 9 3 12 1 13 3 17 II 13 II 6 11 15 6 8 6 19 5 I 3 17 6 10 6 15 I 13 I II II 4 8 16 4 i3 II 13 7 330 16 8 2,318 13 o 2,485 II o 1.361 3 o 2,155 5 8 194 o 9 18 ig o 258 6 8 12 2 4 114 7 8 800 52 o o 52 o o 378 4 4 48 8 o 213 o o 13 o o 6,87s o o 8,726 o o 18,626 o o 7,767 o o 10,747 o o 56 14 o 58 o o 93 13 o 184 17 o 8,292 14 I 10,822 8 II 33,174 II 3 11,339 II I 14,814 I 6 200 o o 74 o o 59B 6 2 1,449 3 3 18,635 35,770 31,120 26,107 23,088 £ 1,115 6,380 7-'.253 65.713 73.775 73,962 77.639 5.823 5,019 6,185 8,704 7,577 23,779 31.127 18,781 23.939 42.251 17,702 15,177 13.249 17.540 l6,222 13,194 22,271 20,843 21.513 22,491 63,966 56,511 48,036 41,147 40,069 3.438 4.297 4.594 5,100 7,261 23,374 26,828 23.046 26,238 25,267 676,046 1.059.977 817,787 878,6:3 1,200,945 20,589 29,161 40,399 46,095 44.250 14.058 12.512 15,122 14,803 16,503 33,466 37,649 32,810 35,323 31.371 13 36 104 227 3 159 695 2,170 3,348 8,392 9,400 3.517 5.023 4.515 186 654 2,208 19.914 34.055 44,273 s. d. 13 3 12 4 II I o o 8 10 14 2 18 o 3 6 2 o 5 9 7 o 4 4 6 6 15 7 4 o 4 4 4 4 I 5 9 13 5 8 3 5 10 13 I 6 7 18 4 12 7 13 10 14 4 16 4 i ■* ID 2 16 6 2 3 17 II 19 5 8 II 12 5 19 7 10 II 5 o 4 I 13 8 5 o 18 8 II 4 o 13 3 10 3 14 10 8 II 17 3 13 II 9 2 10 9 1 o 17 8 4 8 Australian Metropolitan- Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary. Australian Widows' Fund. ^ Citizens' Life — y Ordinary. Industrial. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. ^ Peoijle's Pru- ( dential — Ordinary. Industrial. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. ■^ Standard Lif e— > Ordinary. ?■ Industrial. b Includes cancelled (i.e., declined) and not-completed proposals. 6o CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIII. AUSTRALIAN METROPOLITAN— Policies existing as at 31st August, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. Age. -With Profits (Ordinary). ■Without Profits (Industrial). Age. -With Profits (Ordinary). -Without Profits (Industrial). No. Amoun Assured Bonus . Additions Annual . Premiums i No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. No. Amoun Assured Bonus . Additions Annual . Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annnal Premiums. £ £ i ^ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ I ... 1 '83 2,860-00 61-967 41 14 1,650 45-250 55-113 34 1,145-60 56-767 2 ... 63 950-00 20-583 42 12 1,050 24-750 35-475 45 1,58600 81-033 3 71 93000 20-150 43 19 1.825 46-625 66-142 55 1,97580 105083 4 1 59 720-00 15-600 44 I'i 1.55° 24-750 57-509 46 1,608-15 89-917 5 65 830-00 17-983 45 15 1,050 18-500 40-216 49 1,696-40 (,6-417 6 ... SI 630-00 13-650 46 15 2,100 11-250 82-067 51 1,482-20 90350 7 79 i,o8o-oo 23-400 47 9 700 9-250 28-354 46 1,417-40 86-883 8 56 61000 13-217 48 10 650 10-500 27-288 57 1,868-75 117-000 9 59 730-00 15-817 49 10 525 11-250 25-288 37 1. 211-25 80-817 10 65 86o-oo 18-633 50 IS 1.350 20-250 66-133 43 i,257-co 89-267 II 37 181-95 11-700 51 13 950 15750 48-749 47 1,24860 87-317 12 27 337-05 7-367 52 9 600 11-250 29-009 58 1,46010 106-600 13 ... . 39 500-20 11050 53 14 975 18-000 48-987 44 1,281-20 97-283 14 39 575-15 13-650 54 10 525 9-875 27-287 38 1,040-05 82-983 15 41 484-25 10-833 55 II 500 15-250 27-617 47 1.085-35 87-967 16 2 150 2-600 36 681-90 16-900 56 II 1,100 18-875 63876 44 1,101-65 99-883 17 2 150 2-750 . 31 465-60 10-833 57 6 350 2-250 20-312 38 8io-oo 76-483 18 4 250 4-883 17 370-25 8-883 58 12 650 10-500 42-142 4+ 903-10 87-750 19 I 100 1-933 29 663-40 16033 59 10 600 12-750 40-158 40 908-55 89-267 20 4 500 15-108 16 37S-40 9-100 60 5 175 3-625 12-238 45 992-45 107-033 21 4 450 15-350 24 777-15 21-450 61 6 325 7-625 22-600 45 894-15 94-467 22 7 1,050 28-030 19 575-90 16-467 62 12 650 4-125 49-759 42 802-95 95-767 23 6 850 3-250 28-817 18 61620 17-333 63 5 325 13-750 22-575 37 709-30 84-283 24 6 650 19-721 15 489-50 14-300 64 4 300 11-500 22-733 26 501-35 63-917 25 7 1,200 35-450 IS 55^-35 18-200 65 3 150 3-250 13-000 54 883-50 118083 26 I 50 •750 1-500 6 16965 5-633 66 S 293 1-500 27-983 35 573-65 79-950 27 3 400 11-767 21 74;-9o 24-050 67 I 100 4-250 7-800 55 728-20 111-583 28 6 550 2-250 16021 10 36/20 12-133 68 37 641-30 102-050 29 4 400 7-500 11-683 27 I.039-50 35-533 69 4 250 6-250 26-358 36 461-45 75*4oo 30 4 400 IO-I17 15 555-45 19-933 70 2 87 lOOOO 35 393-93 72-800 31 9 1.725 5-250 45-433 29 1.124-75 42-033 71 ... 29 341-90 54-600 32 4 300 ■750 9842 28 1,013-10 39000 72 22 253-90 49-400 36-617 l8-20O 33 34 4 8 350 750 4-500 4000 9-292 21-534 36 21 1.387-95 640-95 53-733 25-783 73 74 ... 18 7 162-05 74-30 35 36 37 5 12 8 500 1.375 500 9-750 2-250 13-725 43-709 15-925 27 30 33 997-80 1.343 55 1,258-93 42467 54-817 55-033 75 76 77 ... 5 2 I 44-70 24-50 9-00 10-400 6-500 1-300 2'6oo 38 H 1,140 9-850 36-342 35 1,316-90 60-883 78 I 780 39 40 18 5 1.350 700 12-250 45-425 22-726 47 40 1.778-45 1,422-00 85-367 69-333 Total.. 428 1.516-451 37.'95 455-100 2.954 66,891-80 3.944-847 LLNSUS Oh NE W SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 6i Table XIII — continued. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT.— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. With Profits. Without Profits. Age. Number. Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. Annual Premiums. Number. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. £ £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. 15 l5 28 12,750 202 5 5 516 I 11 638 16 708 9 9 1,386 10 7 1.679 4 7 2,312 10 92 123 143 32,050 I66-3 17 l8 39,100 42,400 480-2 732-9 1,856-8 2,248-4 3,9089 19 20 254 312 411 81,150 94,823 128,050 21 I 200 2 16 2 22 472 152,225 4,566-6 2,833 15 2 1 1,000 15 2 6 S3 551 174,949 6,122-9 3.329 14 4 5 600 8 18 6 24 671 233,250 9,434-7 4.336 I 3 2,250 33 II 3 25 742 245,727 9,''65'9 4.915 13 4 1 3CO 406 26 874 289,550 12,587-5 5.932 8 7 2 1,000 16 10 27 890 310,275 14,807-7 6,487 6 I 100 I 11 28 984 328,000 16,443-9 7,004 10 10 3 2,250 39 10 29 1,142 382,353 18,662-3 8,394 10 2 5 1,000 20 4 9 30 1.331 443,150 28,697-3 9,815 18 7 b 1,650 29 9 7 31 1,49° 513,43* 35,211-5 11,591 12 II 2 ^50 4 10 7 32 1,591 509,361 42,997-8 11,564 13 I 5 1,850 32 7 I 33 1,773 599,343 55,962-1 13,844 6 5 2,150 39 19 11 34 1,83s 609,878 58,051-7 14,400 13 9 6 2,275 42 13 7 33 2,118 744,103 78,866-3 17.813 9 8 7 1,550 32 17 36 2,075 727,776 84,456-6 17.777 19 3 9 4,200 84 10 4 37 2,259 797,120 102,284-5 19,759 7 11 16 5,840 115 14 2 3S 2,308 837,335 113,039-8 21,131 17 10 11 4,960 104 6 I 39 2,446 894,381 130,283-4 23,001 9 I l5 5.925 'II 5 " 40 2,480 895,360 146,380-2 23,259 8 6 13 i'^l° 86 4 41 2,487 935,829 I52,2l8 8 24,709 2 8 26 6,769 152 7 I 42 2,477 947,852 168,212-3 25,459 2 4 17 6,575 141 7 8 43 2,483 949,360 174,171-8 26,117 3 7 15 8,502 218 5 7 44 2,401 945,490 190,5.34-0 26,394 8 3 15 9,800 339 7 6 45 2,288 885,500 191,565-3 25,083 6 9 20 6,42s 153 9 46 3,241 841,718 195,566-5 24,247 17 11 23 12,068 280 14 7 47 2,154 844,244 196,247-5 24,766 13 8 16 12,075 258 2 48 1,977 800,013 197,572-0 23,698 3 10 5.300 149 5 2 49 1,828 729,687 188,148-6 22,154 16 3 15 5,500 140 3 50 1,645 647,335 179,938-3 20,000 7 6 8 5,150 143 19 10 51 1,565 683,788 195,485-4 21,624 9 I 9 4,700 115 4 5 98 16 6 52 1,567 654,330 185,906-7 20,924 5 7 13 4,200 53 1,363 555,867 182,135-0 17,5" 8 5 14 7,175 197 19 10 54 1,289 1,278 516,312 162,107-1 17,404 14 4 14 5'5J5 124 3 "^5 539,732 183,066-8 18,529 4 11 13 13,884 401 14 3 56 1,144 475,668 173,482-9 16,086 8 I 17 9,150 2S9 12 ■ 57 1,145 510,130 181,158-3 17,916 15 6 10 4,9SO 174 17 58 1,083 454,570 174,667-9 16,050 4 6 II 3,450 100 17 2 61 63 tl u 67 £8 69 70 71 72 1,110 508,910 183,096-2 19,137 12 9 17 6,805 230 2 7 1,084 lit 823 742 709 643 595 536 471 463 403 371 457,034 404,691 393,3)5 330,175 291,331 300,659 275.150 288,312 225,215 187,882 109,865 189,889 168,205 185,226-2 171,141-7 162,992-2 156,404-7 137,885-4 147,610-g 129,184-g 141,421-9 117,2377 95,912-0 116,062-4 104,757-5 104,628-5 86,479-5 69,610 6 74,112-5 49,962-1 44,638-5 29,748-3 33,226-8 23,546-0 22,506-4 27,146-4 8,090-2 15,825-3 9,2440 3,172-0 4,571-1 16,622 7 6 15,255 14 7 15,376 6 5 12,545 17 6 11,398 3 5 11,887 4 J 11,714 2 7 12,294 11 11 9,375 7 8 8,087 4 5 8,746 3 S 8,360 3 5 7,007 10 2 5,f;6o 6 2 7 11 It 8 10 8 5 11 11 11 16 1,700 4,400 6,100 2,735 6,050 3,900 1,500 2,600 6,950 4,628 4,261 4,8oD 2,050 2,500 45 8 I 184 16 6 206 5 7 79 7 4 247 15 3 118 16 48 19 8 9913 I 391 9 11 251 5 3 146 3 3 194 2 4 105 i3 6 87 4 10 73 74 75 76 77 78 11 81 82 P 87 88 f9 90 91 92 Total.. 297 276 ^ 155 105 77 57 52 32 27 22 9 13 6 4 3 4 137,100 120,281 113,983 72,323 73,344 4t.334 43.175 32.489 29,200 30,584 11,205 15,450 10,825 4,100 5,200 500 2,700 2,800 3,550 3,700 5,432 15 9 5,371 10 10 3,054 11 8 3,322 17 I 1,823 19 2 1,732 7 8 1,309 12 9 1,273 9 10 1,137 7 2 532 12 7 611 16 11 f20 13 2 168 9 6 182 16 3 16 2 2 126 13 11 102 5 8 174 4 181 15 10 4 3 I 1 1 I 9,200 414 iS 2 '"l,!523" 800 500 61 II 8 3616 8 32 6 8 300 ■l5"g"6 ' J 00 500 "'6"l2 "e 26 I 8 " 3.1957 i,947'3 4,252-1 4,876-8 73.408 28,002,822 6,730,0157 824,060 6 11 545 248,912 7,249 9 I 62 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— Lift AbbUKAi\L.Jz. Table XIII — continued. AUSTRALASIAN TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL— Policies existing as at 30th September, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. With Profits. 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4+ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 f4 65 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 Number. Ordinary. Amount Assured. Bonus AtLditions. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Ordinary. 13 9 18 13 19 22 24 42 28 33 34 47 .-7 48 55 65 55 67 69 87 86 80 93 93 82 79 78 77 93 70 63 65 45 35 58 35 26 26 31 30 26 31 1.005 1,440 1,239 1,159 1,038 I,l0g 1,108 1,094 1,063 1,083 658 547 499 436 333 287 205 163 129 138 113 83 89 94 106 103 118 114 III 141 141 152 183 193 152 226 184 214 24T 258 254 250 256 244 =98 313 239 263 248 318 234 222 271 240 229 257 210 155 153 159 "5 204 127 140 "3 82 "4 65 70 52 46 47 Total 2,420 24,416 850 300 1,500 1,650 2,103 1,450 2,700 I, goo 4,450 3,600 4,350 7,675 4,750 6,350 6,200 9,550 7,950 8,600 10,550 12,950 11,100 11,650 12,450 21,350 14,000 13,200 16,400 16,775 14,425 13,850 II, goo 11,800 15,890 11,674 12,100 11,920 12,510 9,557'5 5,038 9,o6o 7,360 5,460 3,280 3,710 4,830 4,880 4,320 3,800 5,155 3,';°o 2,865 2,930 1,270 2,170 3,960 1,670 1,160 880 815 1,490 480 620 600 140 200 220 100 423,939'5 £ 17,210 23,143 19,912 18,626 16,682 17,823 17,807 17,582 17,084 17,405 10,575 8,791 8,019 7,007 5,351 4,612 3,294 2,619 2,073 2,217 1,816 1,333 1,430 1,510 1,7=3 1,655 1,896 1,832 1,-83 2,266 2,266 2,442 3,101 2,941 2,442 3,632 2,957 3,439 3,857 4,146 4,082 4,017 4,114 5,921 4,789 5,030 3,841 4,226 3,985 S.iio 3,760 3,567 4,355 3,857 3,680 4,130 3,375 3,Oj7 3,342 4,307 2,491 2,458 2,555 1,848 3,278 2,041 2,250 1,816 1,317 1.832 1,044 1,125 835 739 755 160 32 16 393,428 Ordinary, ■500 2'200 7700 ■900 3-800 2-183 4' 100 6-Eoo lo'40O 7 '900 I0'300 20"I0O 57-000 56-267 131-300 27-^00 70-600 124-300 178-287 164-200 2(I'60O ifg'sso 197-592 239-800 I35'350 I37'483 176-729 185-975 126-700 H6-500 127-00 I92'354 243-879 279742 341-042 196-6S3 115762 186-908 116-746 110-679 265-787 242-767 115-200 82-204 35-379 130-587 S9-800 97-883 93-379 26-592 3-500 31-062 24-400 5,633,951 Ordinary. 11-300 4-067 2. -450 25-192 32-687 23-263 42-525 30-850 59-892 58-773 77-221 ?40058 86-700 1 19-392 121-737 187-529 167-042 179-537 230-804 29*-358 ;5i'4i7 265-663 293-125 380-654 354-504 341-571 '144- lc8 447-971 397-412 412-971 353-337 3-4-863 459-021 370-279 384-579 402-996 416-179 306-117 179-738 355-975 H6-500 212-188 121-850 154-629 197-255 197-150 166-729 161-396 209-783 170-379 145-925 131-288 52 -57 J 121-704 227-604 ^6-729 58-800 40-500 50483 83500 29-717 28-908 24- 100 7'333 Industrial. 19-200 14-883 5-667 12,059-667 £ 29)-i33 434-200 378-950 359-667 352-950 339-950 331-467 336-700 329-767 334-517 196-950 163-367 153-183 144-950 112-233 79-383 92-733 85-583 80-167 89-917 7g- ioo 57-417 84-500 82-550 102-050 ,69-867 129-783 130-217 137-800 170467 ,78-750 1S7-850 242-667 198-903 98-683 273-650 25 J -667 281-667 345-367 570-283 362-266 374-833 393-900 383-510 469-083 487-066 387-833 429-083 388-267 528-667 3S4-800 386-750 478-100 4II oi5 394-333 454-350 349-267 326-083 343-203 520-217 272 133 253067 271-700 176800 344-283 304-633 220-567 191-967 123-717 177-533 109-417 121-767 101-617 85-900 94-900 13-000 6-500 2-600 10-400 19,502-317 Extra. Ordinary. -300 -833 -600 -20S 1-233 ■450 -742 •375 3783 3-938 3-525 I -373 2-717 1-600 4-408 9-283 2-700 3-542 2-375 2-871 1-S38 5-083 6-217 6-392 8-079 4-204 6883 1-842 4-708 2-C42 6-275 2-042 2-438 7-508 3700 2-787 2-317 7-846 2-046 2-442 2-971 -392 2-808 3-113 4-E87 •175 •233 2-258 2-567 ■250 ■483 154-804 Witliout Profits. Num- ber. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. 925-000 92-500 462-500 462-500 370030 832-500 277-500 --70-000 185-000 462-500 1^^5-000 92-500 708-750 685-000 92-500 1,110-000 231-250 277-500 185-000 92-500 92-500 8,192-500 22-375 1-592 12-667 10-333 24-704 8-562 11-554 6-600 16-104 8-242 4-292 31825 28-037 4-492 51-733 10-800 17-583 13-146 7-017 8'I17 308-775 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 63 Table XIII — continued. AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND.— Policies existing as at 31st October, 1901. WHOLE LIFE. Age. 14 i6 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3^ 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Total With Profits. No. 7 10 II 14 17 31 31 33 59 65 67 65 108 114 127 no 148 148 196 195 219 213 211 235 220 250 215 197 180 176 147 162 150 151 149 147 144 142 139 122 123 123 116 81 79 81 81 75 79 70 51 47 42 31 24 22 10 19 7 6 5 Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. Annual Premiums. 6,319 I £ 1,600 100 750 1,250 400 1.325 2,600 3.025 3.575 4.439 9.150 11.075 11,650 19,325 19,661 20,262 18.475 29.195 33.760 39.703 37.097 37,341 44.650 62,250 59.132 68.890 56,261 57.700 73.0 o 67,651 66,714 58,204 59,215 54,6-1 1 53,542 40,300 41,744 39.025 40,775 41.740 42,301 40,500 35.634 46,425 30,257 29,843 37,683 32.074 21,775 20,250 18,386 18,138 20,813 20,398 18,646 10,310 10,780 6,582 9,166 4,258 3850 2,450 3.600 1,300 1,750 1,450 100 300 200 303 200 s. d. o 16 o 080 9'^ 173 63 141 220 171 157 360 430 579 337 531 821 1.434 '-•75 i,7'9 i,26j 1,821 2,474 2,254 2,447 2,3«7 2,383 2,140 2,491 1,750 2,6;6 2,l8l 2,188 2, 6^1 2,386 2,358 2,6ip 2,311 2,229 3,775 2,113 2,076 1,687 2,045 1.551 1,909 2,179 1,626 1,385 6 1,307 928 1,269 687 688 4 2 16 4 10 4 18 i< 16 4 12 o 16 4 12 iS 10 2 8 12 o 14 8 14 16 2 U 18 12 14 14 iS 4 10 4 12 4 6 16 4 10 333 492 63 347 284 21 83 60 59 18 12 8 14 8 1.780,963 IS 6 I 80,314 £ s. 28 9 I 17 13 6 23 2 7 8 24 15 49 18 Without Profits. 6 II 4 5 o II II o I 59 72 o I 91 7 3 184 7 8 232 4 4 253 14 I 4^7 3 2 424 12 II 451 9 I 424 16 682 5 799 2 954 13 947 4 968 6 1,149 6 1.569 8 1,586 12 1,839 18 I 1,583 II 10 1.570 6 2 2,023 o I 2,004 16 9 1,951 14 8 1.701 14 5 I, ►'24 6 II 1.702 14 10 1,6/9 13 5 1,301 I 6 1,301 5 7 1,293 o 8 1,388 17 I 1,445 19 8 1.510 7 5 1,526 I II 1,276 19 10 1,780 5 II 1,101 o 1,158 2 1,534 12 1,336 19 902 17 880 9 750 4 10 840 18 o 903 14 6 967 6 2 933 6 448 6 527 12 318 4 488 II 225 7 202 17 II 160 6 4 206 14 77 16 85 I 90 15 6 17 18 4 II 5 24 17 16 9 .56,351 17 9 No. Amount Assured. £ 8. d. 500 o o 500 o o 800 2,500 350 500 1,250 1.950 2,100 600 1,000 650 550 750 300 500 1,100 200 100 o o 500 o 5,200 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o Annual Premiums. £ 8. d 9 12 18 6 5 60 8 II 880 II 17 9 30 II 10 48 13 I 62 12 2 17 4 o 25 » 4 19 14 7 17 16 o 23 17 8 12 14 4 20 16 o 40 10 II 740 4 12 8 22 o 6 278 3 4 61 5 4 65 16 o Be-assnrances. No. Amount, 47 I 23,900 o o I 877 16 6 2,000 Annual Premiums. jj 8. d. I I 2,000 81 o o 64 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Tabie XIII — continued. CITIZENS' LIFE.— Policies Existing as at 31st December, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. OEDINART BRANCH. H i6 i8 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 80 With Profits. Number. Amount Assured. Bonus. Total 6 12 :o 24 24 35 36 41 53 60 63 61 106 98 107 132 140 144 153 195 180 215 212 249 249 261 221 2r4 216 2CO 205 169 "5 180 163 153 139 130 ro6 lOI 94 102 78 66 66 59 43 39 38 29 25 S.964 £ 200 1,050 I-5SO 1,300 1,400 800 1,050 3,650 3.400 7.300 5.650 8,000 9,400 10,500 11,200 13.250 23,400 16,500 17.575 21.350 24,150 24,250 22,900 33.700 27.350 33.900 35.000 36,025 36.800 34.950 32,400 29.250 32,575 28,400 25.350 22,025 23,600 22, coo 20,525 16,825 16975 16,575 12,000 12,290 ".550 11,400 *^.95o 6,210 6,9:0 6,675 4.300 4,2CO 4,100 2.950 2,400 919 1,800 900 600 1,500 100 350 250 1,100 8. d. 855.494 3 o £ a. d. 6 15 17 34 12 96 63 127 181 "5 168 216 292 394 666 461 527 570 732 856 830 1.452 1,467 1.259 1,483 1,768 1,938 1,922 '.791 1.579 1.5^6 1,627 1.354 1,230 1.357 1,085 1,032 984 1,145 1,071 651 752 852 906 540 ,^69 654 426 333 285 372 249 245 60 121 50 59 66 4 19 30 163 I 6 7 10 19 3 13 2 o II II 4 8 4 19 o 18 15 5 6 II 9 12 18 o o 10 9 13 II 18 7 on 11 9 15 10 11 10 12 II 8 6 19 2 2 10 14 8 17 5 2 10 17 6 I 5 9 6 3 8 O II 15 o 14 o 16 6 16 12 19 7 14 40,665 4 5 Annual Premimns. Ordinary, £ 3 17 26 23 24 13 19 66 64 142 113 163 201 230 245 29s 524 390 423 533 613 629 618 920 754 996 1.054 1,101 1,143 1,110 i,'^75 1,001 1,160 1,025 948 847 931 920 884 749 76s 777 599 627 589 6ir 527 390 403 438 289 306 292 217 178 80 177 72 59 174 II 35 30 129 B, d. 6 6 16 I II 6 3 8 10 I 11 7 8 I 1 II ]8 o 16 o 16 II 6 5 2 5 4 10 12 II 7 10 17 6 4 4 4 7 5 9 14 10 6 10 o I 5 o 15 10 II 6 17 8 14 10 o 18 3 1 7 2 2 18 6 II 5 8 II 15 2 10 4 6 11 5 I 4 5 10 9 10 5 3 18 6 17 7 12 10 10 2 I 9 4 10 12 3 16 5 o o 3 6 5 II 9 10 14 9 7 8 16 o 6 8 15 10 10 5 11 6 19 4 15 2 Extra. 29,798 5 II £ s. d. 4 3 4 13 4 460 o 13 o 3 I 8 I 5 4 13 o 1 5 4 I 12 S o 12 o o 13 o 19 18 ir Withont Profits. Number, 56 Amount Assured. 100 100 100 100 350 100 300 800 200 500 100 100 100 350 8go 300 200 250 275 100 ISO 175 600 200 SO 250 550 850 100 Annual Premiums. 8,150 I 12 O I 19 O 253 2 3 II 9 12 10 2 16 2 8 13 23 10 6 I 15 2 3 II 4 4 19 II 30 9 2 10 9 8 II II 12 10 12 14 8 4 IS 3 7 17 4 7 18 8 34 19 4 10 12 II 378 22 12 2 40 I 3 71 6 9 10 10 5 381 13 ,4 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 65 Table :KIU—co}jt CITIZENS' LIFE— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. INDUSTRIAL BEANCH, Age. Without Profits. Age. ■Without Profits. No. Amount Aasured. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ B. d. £ 8. d. 6 4 120 2 12 47 620 15,690 6 762 9 7 10 160 3 9 4 48 1,067 26,837 3 7 1,477 13 4 8 1,221 24,110 522 7 8 49 1,031 25,640 15 10 1,410 18 8 9 3.203 62,970 1.364 7 50 976 23,547 19 9 1,321 9 0- lO 3,151 59,910 1,298 I 51 947 22,861 2 9 1,301 10 4 II 2,699 48,810 1,057 " 52 678 15,508 18 8 902 8 4 12 3.165 55,640 1,205 10 8 53 1,113 25,597 3 1,667 5 13 3.589 62,575 1,358 I 4 51 1,084 24,476 14 II 1,574 14 8 14 'S 2,824 , 3.H3 45.738 16 48,413 9 992 19 8 1,048 17 8 55 56 1.030 1,007 22,249 4 10 22,500 13 10 1,504 19 4 1,510 16 4 16 2,962 46,60 1 5 35,379 12 6 1,010 10 8 57 758 16,607 II 2 1,134 18 17 2,327 767 58 1,084 22,533 19 8 1,732 5 18 19 2,430 2,141 37.764 4 33,984 14 829 3 8 744 9 4 59 60 61 1,054 1,006 974 22,034 19,414 19 4 18,878 2 3 1,742 13 1,602 5 1.554 3 20 2,302 36,050 17 791 5 4 62 689 14,044 14 1,167 8 21 2,046 31,367 8 685 6 4 63 973 17,283 7 1,662 18 4 ■ 22 1. 361 20,936 3 461 10 64 952 16,972 8 1,621 10 8 23 1,380 24,698 18 568 2 65 879 14.593 18 6 1,480 I 24 1,226 21,624 '5 8 493 15 8 66 693 11,601 8 3 1,201 4 25 1,049 18,522 16 428 2 8 67 503 8,220 19 887 8 26 980 17,074 2 397 II 8 68 758 11,379 14 1,431 2 4 '• 27 540 9.345 17 217 15 69 645 9,562 I 8 1,196 28 556 12,888 5 8 353 3 4 70 561 8,293 18 1,063 8 29 370 8,612 5 234 71 607 8,407 6 1,082 13 8 30 357 8,136 17 221 17 4 72 324 4,982 8 8 651 14 8 31 433 10,473 9 286 73 403 5.548 15 8 841 19 4 32 258 6,590 5 185 13 8 74 362 4.475 2 712 3 8 33 398 11,842 II 401 9 8 75 271 3,531 7 560 6 34 335 10,710 3 356 8 4 76 209 2,547 15 417 6 35 371 10,603 I 4 362 5 4 77 121 1,411 17 6 243 2 36 398 11,379 18 392 7 8 .78 117 1,235 16 2 251 19 8 37 283 8,207 289 18 79 70 69s 5 138 13 4 38 60s 18,303 7 722 3 80 40 416 9 81 9 4 39 542 16,444 II 646 6 4 81 22 216 I 6 46 7 4 40 518 14,739 10 596 5 4 82 16 143 9 6 33 7 4 41 557 15,720 17 8 624 4 4 83 8 63 6 6 IS 16 4 42 439 12,492 9 508 6 84 12 153 10 3 38 II 4 '■] 43 801 22,665 10 6 1,060 16 85 2 13 4 6 3 18 i 44 45 753 . &2i 20,258 7 21,953 4 4- 939 9 4 1/128. 1.0 4 86 I 500 160 j 46 762 19,533 9 I 942 5 8 Total 76,977 1,473,530 4 64,434 14 4 66 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIII — continued. CITY MUTUAL— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. Age. '5 i6 17 i8 •9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Total WHOLE LIFE. With Profits. ]S[ umber. 2 3 3 I 3 10 23 16 25 •7 16 15 24 27 24 31 32 49 42 52 53 70 58 68 75 88 59 65 70 68 71 67 51 52 58 63 71 50 58 46 44 49 55 as 34 39 31 27 28 18 25 12 18 8 9 12 6 7 I I 6 Amount Assured. 2,146 £ 250 100 3C0 800 350 100 550 1,500 2,950 2,075 4,200 2,575 2,850 2,750 4,300 4,950 5,600 6,900 5,592 10,425 6,050 8,700 9,561 15,250 10,397 13,353 16,895 17,066 11,564 10,982 13,571 13,175 io,88j 11.337 8,306 11,088 11,4-2 12,120 11,665 9,3" 10,409 8,301 6,472 9,305 10,878 8,521 5.856 6,261 3,788 5.237 6,566 2,978 4,210 1,746 3,317 807 1,426 2,056 914 1,012 150 25 933 d. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Bouus Additions. 393.035 I o £ 2-500 2'000 3-333 •500 2'O0O 4' 166 6-832 7-083 23-050 19-666 29-666 i5"Soi 33-100 55'332 54-566 47-066 144-266 153-219 91-451 144-249 199-934 2b6-052 248933 433-404 603-163 495-861 336-134 351-785 325-732 448-196 249-896 340-956 407-598 422-7f9 526-636 492-829 43i-5'5 548-698 723-742 463-067 331-329 606-036 529-0C6 312-966 364-475 303-941 238-785 359-949 344-098 201-833 228-233 137-875 275-251 43-634 130-867 84-633 87-950 61-566 3-000 1-750 71-617 Annual Premiums. 13,895-260 d. 4 o 520 13 I o 9 7 3 500 13 2 o 49 12 2 no 18 6 72 6 8 120 7 2 68 II II 62 14 10 64 14 o 112 5 4 109 II II 152 10 171 3 128 19 265 12 145 5 227 7 229 3 388 4 263 14 352 o 432 9 470 4 322 18 314 2 o 423 14 10 391 6 10 356 17 3 355 o 9 254 387 372 10 408 o 447 9 308 9 356 4 II 3 4 4 o ID 3 10 310 12 o 258 17 II 350 10 6 508 14 II 426 14 II 246 12 I 306 15 10 171 17 5 228 II II 314 S 153 4 216 o 82 15 162 12 50 14 76 17 8 161 19 10 51 18 4 75 18 7 19 10 o 2 14 o 66 6 6 ■Without Profits. Number. 12,992 19 10 Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. 26 £ s. d. 550 o o 200 o o 203 O O 651 13 4 200 O o 5C0 o o 200 o o 501 13 4 200 o o 160 o o 200 o o 200 o o 150 o o 216 o o 600 o o 750 o o 1,000 O o 150 o o 25 O o 6,654 6 8 £ B. d. 9 7 II 4 4 I 4 2 15 15 4 12 4 12 4 10 4 16 6 4 6 2 7 16 5 6 8 10 6 I 5 16 4 3 27 19 6 4 30 6 o efe's "43 I 10 9 241 13 I CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 67 Table XIII — continued. COLONIAL MUTUAL— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1899. WHOLE LIFE. Age. IS i6 17 18 19 20 23 24 2"; 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 85 Total Witli Profits. No. I 8 18 28 36 50 65 73 in 153 169 216 252 269 383 454 485 571 627 617 619 663 674 751 704 726 695 691 677 669 596 598 502 497 480 463 448 389 385 330 364 35° 3" 3°5 278 265 219 194 200 165 140 153 114 128 92 96 55 51 37 34 17 19 16 Amount Assured. 19,766 £ 300 2,100 6,150 12,950 13.400 17,900 22,450 28,000 38,050 59.55° 71,650 78,650 90,125 92,050 137,700 161,625 175,400 193.550 227,600 232.275 238,350 239.850 266.750 298,550 286,875 274,400 274,500 283,850 279,650 284,742 246,275 246,632 205,600 184,725 208,105 187,750 170,150 140,875 152,850 118,170 136,200 138,825 110,875 95.090 97,100 102,260 78,750 56,400 67,275 53.800 42,550 39.850 35.950 33,150 30,000 29,150 16,200 15.684 9.650 11.550 4.050 S,8oo 4.750 1.350 600 1,050 300 200 600 7,469.133 Bonuses. i'5o 1 4' 60 7970 1 1470 18470 376-40 64775 99S'3o 887-05 1,307-10 1,956-25 2,016-65 2,765-40 3,473'i5 4,101-45 4,803-10 4,996-10 4.S39'8o S.°73'iS 5,072-25 6,787-50 6,16130 6,149-05 7,052-05 6,442-80 5,484-80 6,36275 6,962-80 6,219-35 4.997-90 6,168-35 5,252-80 6,161-10 6,315-70 6,542-40 6,301-70 5,337-25 4,920-25 6,034-10 3.840-35 4,935-45 4,36 1 -50 3,180-20 3,387'25 3.404-90 2,797-95 2,787-65 2,695-70 1.359-90 1,425-50 798-15 819-55 354-75 63820 556-50 161-45 I08-2O 128-15 50-35 36-50 155-80 197,044-00 Annual Premiums. Ordinary. £ B. 5 6 36 2 106 5 234 17 248 4 8 339 I 6 435 14 7 551 12 4 745 14 8 1,206 2 4 1,423 13 o 1,611 5 II 1,854 19 o 1,902 4 7 2,877 10 9 3,370 15 2 3.765 10 o 4,198 19 II 4,876 IS 2 5.170 5 9 5,338 12 4 5.496 I I 6,186 o I 7,097 16 3 6,961 17 2 6,833 :i 5 6,921 2 7 7,390 18 4 7.41S 5 1 7,768 14 2 6,736 1 II 7,045 3 2 5,901 9 o 5,510 6 II 6,238 3 5 5,846 5 1 5,414 2 I 4,597 5 5 5.152 13 8 3,960 9 o 4,664 18 7 5,021 6 7 3.968 7 3.476 I 3.644 13 4,190 5 3.05s 7 2,288 2 2.766 10 2,192 9 o 1,839 19 10 1.807 15 5 1,578 17 8 1,505 2 5 1,449 II 1,420 18 822 18 536 10 694 4 231 16 343 5 II 272 14 5 81 I I 37 4 10 65 10 3 21 18 10 15 8 o 57 17 7 207,713 4 6 Extra. •750 10554 1000 40-508 24121 16-583 12-575 46-279 14-625 26417 41-429 I ''■-475 17-542 14-525 6-825 35-542 21-596 13-842 8-t^75 12-125 35600 44013 13-417 60S3 13-063 11-663 8-250 3'533 1875 8-333 4-250 5625 2-500 i-ooo 1-coo 5-383 2,500 1-050 2-500 -208 548-434 Without Profits. No. Amount Assured. 250 I,OCO 200 503 2,250 1,300 8,500 700 1,200 2,900 4-300 2,200 1,000 4,600 400 800 2,750 8,200 t,8oo 700 1.500 2.800 12,700 10,OCO 1,300 1,300 3. ICO 1,100 1,000 750 4,000 600 300 100 1,650 200 1,000 500 90,450 Annual Premiums. 4 5 3 17 6 8 3 8 2 8 16 8 43 5 3 25 II 7 157 15 5 14 5 4 9 10 63 91 51 25 79 3 6 9 5 5 8 3 2 no 17 o 10 I 4 19 13 11 77 16 o 214 4 51 5 18 9 42 5 75 17 329 9 3'2 3 38 7 II 40 16 4 104 12 54 II 35 3 34 2 167 13 32 17 15 16 8 5 2 4 105 13 o 49 16 8 37 7 1 Be-aBsnrances. 2,606 13 2 No. Amount. I 1,000 6,000 Premiums. 1,000 2,OCO 2 7 l,OCO 7.500 5 5,9^0 3 1 3 I 8 r 6,500 1,000 3.000 500 8,000 1,000 I 5 3 3 4 3 5 1,250 6,500 1,500 2,700 2,500 3,500 6,000 1 1 2 I 500 500 2,000 1,000 2 1,000 I 2 1,000 2,000 2 1,000 1 I 250 500 250 78,350 £ 8. d. 16 5 10 jio 2 1 22 10 o 36 o o 24 14 7 169 14 7 142 12 3 156 I o 26 O 10 69 o 10 II 17 6 212 II 4 29 13 4 39 9 190 12 48 4 91 14 69 17 111 5 10 288 1 8 19 5 o 14 14 7 68 15 o 38 II 8 34 17 7 36 15 10 89 6 8 43 II 3 13 16 o 25 o o 2,273 15 4 68 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIII — continued. EQUITABLE LIFE.— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1901. WHOLE LIFE. Age. With Profits (Annual). -With Profits (Deferred). Without Profit.?. Annual rremiums. Annual Premiums. Annual Premiums. •No. Amount Assured. Bonuses. *No. Amount Assured. ,-vr„ 1 Amount ^°- \ Assured. Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary, Extra. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 2C8 4 36 479 1,55 4 7,729 ii,95< 38,573 83,261 74,215 115,615 188,808 15 ID 1 17 304 752 1,632 1,443 2,276 3,771 2o3 3 n 6 125 3,298 431 270 516 19 20 203 4 55 10 13 23 37 ' '" 22 521 3 23 2,292 39 45 1 231,034 4,654 71 2,136 7 24 l,9!7 13 39 319,534 6,916 8l 1,533 25 4,618 4 98 2 389,379 8,156 134 4,466 7 7.19° 44 159 I 514,659 11,023 195 11,038 II 27 6.497 3J 142 I 581,908 12,651 249 13,618 69 28 16,406 473 353 I 717,693 16,027 340 22,199 137 =9 17,031 70 377 8 843,285 18,982 515 22,995 31 30 198 523 12 953,057 22,115 457 29,357 62 1 31 34,443 209 75'i I 1,273,735 30,024 608 68,933 401 32 36,446 328 841 18 1,315,573 31,403 966 46,407 57 33 44,063 489 1,048 27 1,548,371 38,170 799 66,704 50 34 452 1,102 40 1,650,062 41,147 l,o55 77,133 75 35 29,958 652 678 10 1,802,046 46,72s 1,087 80,895 57 36 102,128 '''J 2,259 9 i,86o,6gS 47,897 1,276 119,485 490 37 69,673 948 1,589 60 2,169,448 57,429 1,458 103,174 114 38 90,009 1,456 1,902 39 2,114,087 56,757 1,733 134,155 80 39 107,639 1,776 2,448 61 2,256,160 61,806 1,443 139,056 46 40 i40,6;o 2,5;7 3,134 62 2,455,044 68,983 1,701 181,999 325 41 152,653 4,243 3,375 141 2,765,067 79,584 1,872 209,356 205 42 225,91s 5,104 4,208 l65 2,576,360 75.286 1,655 208,946 376 s 43 204,690 7,3PI 4,345 124 2,882,152 87,256 1,921 211,968 338 44 250,748 9,362 5,527 243 2,774,348 85.339 1,935 221,211 284 4i 9,360 6,515 199 2,678,284 84,386 2,547 238,475 719 3 ' 46 32;,975 12,154 7,740 3" 2,363,771 77,337 2,109 242,767 47 399,182 i.',5i4 9,665 352 2,529,003 86,457 1,979 271,395 627 4S 42^.132 14,942 8,967 291 2,253,378 79,160 1,688 246,530 Eoi 49 55o 46 5 48 146 48,650 2,934-60 1,420 13 10 6 1,000 34 8 2 49 142 40,550 2,77;'i5 1,202 3 II 1 200 6 10 8 50 143 44,450 2,789 65 1,370 II 8 2,450 83 9 10 51 142 37,950 2,633'5o 1,186 16 3 4 800 28 9 8 52 IS' 44,975 3.808-55 1,380 3 7 2,900 106 3 4 S3 141 47,300 3.581-10 1,545 10 4 4 1,400 54 8 8 54 14s 49,100 5,171-80 1,540 4 I 6 1,650 71 IS 8 55 '53 48,450 4.499-15 1.613 6 3 5 1,550 63 15 6 56 139 40,750 3.421-55 1,375 II 4 3 850 28 5 8 57 149 43,400 4.039-65 1.552 2 3 750 33 7 2 58 136 46,250 4.229-70 1.767 15 9 2 I,IO0 50 i8 4 59 138 41,000 4.515-75 1,486 9 I IS 4 800 41 4 60 94 27.350 2,933-40 1,042 8 9 4 450 23 10 2 61 99 25,100 2,837-75 992 4 8 I 200 9 II 4 62 106 37,000 3.545-35 1.505 8 I 2 900 41 I 8 63 73 24,600 2,969-95 960 14 5 I 100 652 64 C5 66 74 77 94 47 24.350 27,650 26,700 14.150 2,839-05 3.457-85 2,969-25 1,563-55 988 7 II 1,205 2 8 1,193 2 689 7 6 I 200 67 5 II 8 68 44 37 39 34 16 IS 8 7 I 4 3 2 2 2 I I I 16,500 10,300 12,800 12,000 5,200 6,050 2,300 3.500 100 900 750 400 750 350 100 250 200 2,152-80 1.462-25 1,859-90 1,767-00 650-10 1,046-05 83-80 621-35 2580 247-75 246-55 107-80 137-80 3440 1785 62-95 60-25 785 1 2 442 9 10 649 2 590 15 4 271 15 I 293 II 10 no 4 10 198 II 5 570 41 6 26 17 10 18 3 8 43 10 6 19 5 2 19 19 4 17 12 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 86 Total 4.9S7 1,559,67s 102,723-65 48,492 10 4 20 IS 230 7i,4»S 1,905 II 10 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 71 Table XIII — continued. MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK.— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. With. Profits. Without Profits. Age. With Profits. Without Profits. Age. Annual Premiums. Annual Premiums. N 0. Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. No. * Amount Assured. Aiinual Pi-emimn- No. Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. J^o. Amount Assured. Annual Pi-emium. Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary. Ej tra. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 15 • 4.41S 93 8.234 8 59 1,792,209 78,791 74,512 516 187,420 3.236 16 25,766 514 2,567 12 60 1,848,868 93,163 78,i.'9 ' Ji8 ... 190,312 3,529 17 22,817 423 1,308 61 1,542,476 90,538 65,090 : 504 161,772 3,779 18 38,261 759 ... 13.27s 3 62 1,589,394 99,626 66,838 t 571 158,257 2,528 19 36.528 747 991 9 63 1,427,000 102,033 60,420 392 ... 124,219 2,544 20 62,79 1 1,229 4 3.365 9 64 ... 1,354.053 100,319 57,274 92 138,727 2,798 21 106,383 2,032 3 3-559 26 65 ... 1,235,878 103,021 52,113 ; !i7 117,258 2,516 22 123,771 2,492 9 12,299 100 66 1,140,421 109,554 48,517 79 102,170 1,696 23 209,631 4 4,210 8 7,093 68 67 1.019,953 105,396 43,454 39 91,641 1,561 2+ . ■ 217,384 2 4,487 8 19.154 174 68 1,099,980 106,715 51,434 ; 503 111,903 1,739 25 • 26 . 284,641 9 6,145 17 1S.578 no 69 908,234 99,132 42,010 78 ... 94.674 928 • 425545 9,076 8 47,699 313 70 ... 824,396 86,911 34,389 69 71,753 1,111 27 • 495,860 13 10,776 II 34,131 189 71 716,237 91,637 30,466 29 63,774 4x5 28 . 701,240 10 15,448 78 54.746 359 72 670,926 88,689 3 ',999 ' >.46 62,199 3>9 29 . • 859,265 256 19.294 88 42,243 217 73 581,959 82,749 27,198 06 69,384 314 3^ ■ • 1,024.555 835 23,110 62 59,351 350 74 547,066 87,213 25,548 34 44,397 31 . 1,186,689 144 27,216 158 59.466 372 75 411,936 75,257 16,715 2 40,910 23 32 • 1-371.310 843 32,166 120 69,654 347 76 365,832 71-505 14,326 2 72,712 49 33 • . 1,545,889 477 36,860 129 113.854 675 77 317,676 68,197 12,276 14 23,290 ... 34 ■ . 1,815,199 1,796 44,010 224 114-570 570 78 254.999 57,801 11,120 28,315 16 35 •• 1.937,041 2,306 48,103 273 122, 21S 573 79 193,615 55,634 7,849 ■ 15.921 ... 36 ■ ., 2,111,464 2,651 53.244 285 122,584 491 80 159,127 36,667 6,511 11,229 37 • ■ 1,968,938 2,567 51,103 341 133,484 627 81 115,864 26,590 4,782 9.372 38 ■ • 2,2<'3,4S5 5.644 60,122 227 146,651 536 82 108,032 26,606 4,918 •• 12,270 39 . . 2,645,216 7,233 71,504 419 196,866 1,440 83 82,964 17,932 3,990 8,417 40 . • 2,669,294 14023 74-330 281 200,534 1,061 §4 62,737 18,736 2,505 5,894 41 . ., 2,889,919 11,225 81,919 440 195,296 736 85 45,927 12,244 1,930 ... 7,158 42 . ■ ■ 2,935,929 16,400 85,405 484 220,100 1,468 86 37-708 15,796 1,577 •• 3,781 ... 43 • • 2,907,470 16,787 86,885 567 235.391 1,495 87 35,223 9,174 1,793 ... 2,504 ... 44 • • 2,970,505 23,060 90,721 432 209,049 1,496 88 18,608 3,002 980 ... 5,261 45 • ■ 3,033156 26,178 94,721 662 241,766 1,789 89 10,273 4,104 345 •• i,"3 ... 46 . . 2,818,086 22,4x7 90,147 596 201,263 1,285 90 4,636 1,538 207 ... 47 • . 2,685,050 27,964 88,653 772 224,837 1,565 91 7,346 3-488 325 •• ... 1,741 ... 48 . • 2,930,893 31,775 , 97,062 843 230,678 1,881 92 2,156 1,545 63 ... 164 49 • • 2,672,972 32,867 93.145 1,361 214,292 1,642 93 1,166 34 6S ... SO ■ ■ 2,749,007 38,356 101,275 491 224,187 2,488 94 SI • 2,453,632 39,434 89,743 650 193-341 1,692 95 S2 • 2,352,368 40,005 87.973 472 228,744 2,825 96 2,361 3-395 134 •• ... S3 • • 2,507,480 52,235 94,435 490 209,940 2,566 97 54 ■ ■ 2,383,874 55,360 94,133 793 220,843 3,054 98 616 771 7 55 ■ • 2,357,269 53,063 93.556 586 232,403 3,712 99 55 . 57 . 2,051,186 . 2,092,557 64471 71,677 81,516 87,673 466 513 183,722 2,668 197,739 2,933 58 • , 2,080,657 77,659 86,540 688 191,380 3,114 Total 91,555,245 2,775,249 3,106,833 18 170 7,500,386 76,18c * Infc rmation n3t a-vail£ ■ble. 72 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIII — continued. NATIONAL MUTUAL.— Policies existing as at 30tli September, 1901. 15 16 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 46 47 48 49 50 SI 52 S3 S4 5S S6 57 S8 59 60 61 62 63 64 6S 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 91 Total . WHOLE LIFE. With Profits. Number. Amount Assured. II 18 21 31 64 77 106 102 116 no 131 149 152 231 225 248 297 308 301 370 408 428 480 453 481 546 533 475 536 497 441 463 435 427 394 401 372 403 335 338 377 395 344 293 292 288 272 246 177 181 190 159 169 161 98 125 96 73 81 51 40 32 28 13 8 10.143 £ 600 2,650 3.700 6,500 8,100 15,430 16,000 23.150 24,000 29,600 31,100 38,100 40.950 47.050 80,650 65.750 76,150 98,950 92,350 92,750 1 1 6,400 125,225 125950 133.330 138,050 155,300 161,950 156,450 138,085 161,660 145,800 122,900 '44,285 125,100 "8,957 ii8,ico 107,733 105,505 111,103 91.935 92,006 116,276 128,257 96.158 8i,;6o 83,23675 82,391 65,375 70,631 48,780 50,450 54,840 51,750 46,225 31,750 28,250 30,672 27,757 20,220 22,797 i3>376'362 10,500 7,500 7,845-488 4,400 2,300 2,615 1,730 500 1,650 300 500 700 Bonus Additions. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. 1 Extra. 4,7ox,o86'6 S9'6 30T 357 64-3 88-6 777 2066 187-4 5137 850-2 9282 847-1 1,484-8 2,020-2 2,868-1 3.57i'2 3,85i'2 4,791-2 5,774'9 6,840-7 8,619-7 9,722-5 11,463-1 io,oo8-2 i2,935'4 12,733-0 9,969'5 i3,7i9"i 10,755' I 11,818-8 11,2^9-3 11,072-8 13,115-6 12,9377 io,653'4 i2,i43'5 i4,337'o 15,962-8 12,481-9 11,128-4 ii,503'o 11,888-6 9,0747 ii,385'o 7.727'4 7,882-0 9,076-0 9.o55'2 8,413-2 10,029-1 5,412-3 6,2561 5,5857 3,577'3 4,210-4 3,553'2 2.336'5 1,704-8 1,899-0 6337 380-4 444-4 412-3 61-9 571-7 129-0 321-8 405,423-0 £ 9-708 44-167 62-063 110-554 141-721 271-450 290-542 427-179 452-421 572-533 617-338 756-208 842-246 972-742 1,704-612 1,4.09-021 1,677-113 2,240-429 2,096-829 2,118-729 2,707-008 2,980-054 3,032-262 3,234-650 3,381-883 3.833-196 4,082-308 3,974-750 3,55i-9o8 4.147-979 3,850-992 3,314-563 3,875-958 3,530-983 3,346-112 3,449-517 3,198-113 3,067-133 3,375-654 2,850-021 2,808-942 3,808-200 4,324-896 3,276-279 2,789-329 2,927-071 2,972-992 2,396-633 2,731-467 1,931-529 2,070292 2,306-717 2,162-129 1,930-279 2,326-879 1,235-800 1,322-408 1,305-567 1,008-142 1,151-717 651-362 533-763 395-125 429-762 296-742 149-792 190-325 119-662 31-650 106-408 13-588 42-396 56*408 £ •625 10-625 5-000 2 5 000 105-625 176-000 225-000 179-500 161-875 144-000 124-800 loS'coo 77-125 89-000 54-500 55-500 65-000 46-500 39-000 30-500 49-750 39-373 24-500 15750 18000 22000 19-500 45-375 16-000 19000 13-000 12-375 23-500 19-500 14-500 10250 23-250 25-500 4-000 6'ooo 5-000 10-000 2-000 8 000 20-000 5-750 20-500 13-725 i-ooo 7-500 •500 3-000 7-000 1-500 2-000 2-000 8-000 Number. 135.428-900 2,261-775 I 9 6 18 13 9 17 14 13 10 12 15 5 II 13 IS 20 22 18 26 24 29 25 26 31 25 37 22 35 18 18 23 15 22 17 22 18 13 8 18 10 12 9 4 9 8 6 4 10 2 3 3 3 806 -Withoxit Profits. Amount Assured. 1,350 600 2,300 2,000 1,230 2,700 3.300 6,450 2,350 5,950 4,600 1,300 3,250 3.500 5,750 5,550 0,23O 8,350 1 1 ,000 8,500 10,100 10,925 10,650 9,150 15,650 16,900 10,050 13,150 6,100 10,100 12,200 6,650 6,200 4,350 8,000 6,750 3,600 1,750 7.850 3,450 3,200 3,950 1,050 4,600 2,250 1,400 1,150 4,250 300 800 2,200 2,200 200 600 500 ICO 100 100 289,095 Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. £ 2-758 19-158 8-946 34-746 29-788 19-713 42-692 52-734 104-575 36-762 94-779 81-800 22-079 57-171 64-733 104-071 101-817 113-258 160-867 222133 163-954 212-721 223-479 226-388 197-771 383-930 408-488 247-746 343-438 159-999 257 558 328-829 204-717 168-079 127,950 265-158 201 -900 117-342 59-583 341-296 '47-325 131-450 158-750 37-579 204-754 123-167 77-721 62-317 301-108 15-813 36-913 106-829 195-058 10-117 31-638 34-567 6- 1 29 8-025 5-288 6129 15-0 25-0 82-5 41-0 iS'o 25-0 17-5 15-0 lO'O 5-0 5-0 12-5 5-0 15-0 1-0 S'o '2-5 'e-o 5-0 2 '5 10 7.719-617 I 321-5 Ee-assurances. Uo, Amount. 500 2,000 500 1,500 500 250 1,000 300 9,7.S0 Premiums. 7-917 50-167 60250 "•333 43-300 34-000 20-958 8-500 48-083 39-77' 324-479 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 75 Table XIII — continued. NEW YORK LIFE— Policies Existing as at 31st December, 1901. WHOLE LIFE. With Profits. IS l6 17 18 23 24 % 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34- 35 36 37 38 39 40 41- 42 43 44 45 46 48 49- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 go" 91 92 93 94 95 Total *No. Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. 8,5-17 30,186 60,145 7",748 128,347 167,973 591.675 376,528 514,076 639,983 902,291 1,000,522 l,lo8,6b8 1,320,248 1,382.213 1,566,421 1,754,461 1,900,488 1,961,129 2,203,922 2,222,450 2,187,687 2,222.885 2,367,433 2,5°6,<)93 2,532,630 2,545,758 2,587,254 2,611,825 2,598,718 2,487,430 2,339.244 2,226,821 2,078,211 2,053,211 1,996,855 1,851,051 1,799,324 1,651,500 1,443,415 1,491,974 1,440,962 3^,301,752 1,307,971 1.220,405 '961,319 884,935 759,873 696,281 679,4*0 577,566 504,'93 459,212 409,021 295,942 294,298 277,962 231,460 225,028 184,558 149,759 111,641 127,771 86,407 82,236 57,433 52,152 63,742 31,460 17,692 14,507 14,610 6,000 4,623 4,685 2,897 1,563 205 6i(5 2,055 760 Annual Preuaiums. Ordinary. Extra. 24 33 43 22 96 157 76 187 99 155 352 537 462 767 1.441 2,712 2,621 2,152 4,644 3,208 4,801 5,829 6,017 7,100 7,121 10,011 10,043 12,321 13,956 14,903 14,211 19,570 22,041 25,254 26,057 23,063 23,231 26,881 24,695 28,798 25.543 32,603 26,219 26,105 20,177 19,311 17,430 19,304 13,884 12,622 11,228 7,300 11,435 6,515 7,139 5,157 2,340 5,361 2,465 1,234 837 781 407 91 659 106 244 25 76;736,3io 622V247 l65 590 1,177 1,384 2,511 3,391 6,oo5 7,754 10,586 I3,»38 19,510 21,634 23,972 29,c,o6 31,310 35,245 39,742 45.007 46,443 52,193 54,919 54,060 57,219 60,940 67,114 69,442 73,394 77,250 80,677 82,967 81,955 79,482 77,956 74,893 76,106 76,286 70,518 70,401 64,617 57,962 59,911 59.347 53,613 5S,2i6 52,776 41,334 37,357 30,513 26,1; 26 25,i85 21,061 17,654 15,603 15,433 9,299 9,831 8,870 6,742 5,' 61 4,801 3,243 3,037 3,579 2,117 1,572 1,208 1,107 1,564 734 372 410 588 178 192 137 16 61 40 23 2,376,835 7 5 61 105 222 280 399 461 676 436 764 632 1,008 999 1.419 1,856 1,598 1,709 1,826 1,942 1,809 2,058 2,428 2,855 2,317 2,316 2,375 2,857 2,165 2,387 l,P45 2,455 1,447 1,633 1,316 1,462 1,181 1,232 1,107 815 677 858 538 350 369 445 169 280 77 70 107 9 77 15 27 33 Without Profits. *No. 58,699 Amount Assured. 616 1,192 925 2,199 7,911 6,473 19,377 29,837 24,802 37,624 35,960 49,234 4^,563 62,920 63,845 69,619 73,934 90,147 124,607 117,579 141,=; 60 144,868 144,375 262,951 189,705 188,739 182,718 176.574 176,903 213,562 199,918 215,226 224,494 206,247 207,829 2o5,ooo 192,438 201,048 186,746 177,068 I3'<,457 156,149 148,156 123,806 103,134 117,374 86,633 80,099 58,235 45,022 51,084 36,762 44,549 45,947 27,679 13,870 16,747 16,994 7,377 12,781 4,747 2,918 3,226 3,740 2,343 62 2,589 1,562 514 Annual Premiums. 5,957,012 3 5 5 77 28 171 1 96 188 296 258 383 248 458 330 405 290 588 973 618 910 845 8go 1,099 1,657 1,878 1,382 I,2l6 1,303 2,I02 1,894 2,066 2,547 2,836 2,443 2,681 2,969 2,430 2,328 2,355 2,295 3,004 3,453 2,431 1,821 2,197 1,544 973 701 683 417 226 332 203 426 94 74 41 75 67 27 22 80 Be-assnrances. *No. 64,560 Amount. Annual Premiums. 1,000 100 50 7,500 20,000 5,000 60 1,050 125 250 17,028 45,coi 10,000 11,214 1,564 10,274 26,019 1,644 4,932 2,158 26,110 1,027 4,110 1,027 2,055 2,055 5,137 822 4,315 411 245,697 * Information not available. 74' CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIII — continued. PEOPLE'S PRUDENTIAL— Policies existing as at 31st August, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. OKDINART BEANCH. Age. ■With Profits. Amount Assured, Bonus Additions. Annual Premiums. ■Without Profits. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. £ s. d. o 6 3 2 4 O i6 4 2 9 8 I i8 4 3 2 o lO 4 2 o 6 4 lO 6 2 17 4 8 H 5 13 8 4 i8 10 I 19 3 2 I 10 4 8 18 10 13 3 4 8 14 3 lO 4 9 II 13 I 7 II 8 II 6 4 lO 16 o 18 4 3 4 3 19 4 14 12 I 7 6 8 18 I 2 4 2 3 4 I 7 6 8 2 8 2 18 2 '9 6 3 "s 3 17 4 I 19 6 6 S 9 3 8 7 9 II 19 20 23 24 =5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 4=; 46 47 4« 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Total 50 50 250 200 • '25 100 200 700 50 ICO 203 400 175 15° 1=0 75 500 350 200 250 25 50 400 i=;o ^3 25 5^ £ 8. d. 5 o I o I o 15 1 o 3 10 I o I 10 o 5 £ s. d. o 15 4 o 16 o 408 5 10 6 6 4 I' 012 o ■■-■■■-■■^ 18 10 7 I S 8 2 13 590 II 17 8 580 4 16 o 4 19 o 292 16 12 4 12 12 o 7 5 8 9170 10 I 3 o iS 4 240 17 II 5 615 o 590 I 7 10 I 10 2 2 19 II 67 5.675 30 'S o £ 25 125 50 125 100 150 25 100 2 CO 125 375 225 200 125 35' 300 425 275 325 350 225 325 300 25 75 105 350 150 200 50 50 50 50 25 75 100 6,450 219 i5 o CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 75 Table XIII — continued. PEOPLE'S PRUDENTIAL— Policies existing as at 31st August, 1903. 1 WHOLE LIFE. 1 Age. With Profits. Age. With Profits. Age. With Profits. No. Amount Annual No. Annual Assured. Premiums. Assured. Premiums. Assured. Premiums. £ s. d. £ s. A. S, 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. I 9 120 2 12 26 12 243 9 7 3 51 31 500 8 32 5 8 2 9 T20 2 12 27 8 198 6 6 I 4 52 45 fgo 19 49 )6 8 3 17 ;6o 5 12 8 28 13 284 5 9 2 .'3 38 569 10 41 12 4 II 160 3 9 4 29 21 453 9 14 19 54 25 405 8 41 12 8 S 19 240 540 30 12 265 9 2 .'5 18 263 3 21 13 4 6 17 190 4 2 4 31 15 304 4 10 16 8 56 16 205 14 17 2 4 7 20 220 4 13 4 32 23 535 6 19 I 4 57 32 362 5 31 12 8 8 t5 230 4 19 8 33 22 452 15 17 2 4 58 i6 200 17 18 8 4 9 18 22D 4 15 4 34 22 477 I 18 8 4 59 18 288 9 25 7 lO 17 220 4 15 4 35 12 241 13 9 15 60 12 149 16 15 12 1 1 20 270 5 17 36 20 479 17 20 7 4 61 20 255 27 I 8 12 15 199 12 468 37 30 584 8 22 6 4 62 14 160 13 17 19 8 13 14 159 14 3 9 4 38 30 t27 15 27 14 8 ('3 9 J 19 20 13 13 14 23 287 12 658 39 26 593 2 26 13 64 II 124 8 16 8 i.S 19 295 12 6 10 40 24 591 17 23 3 4 65 10 103 12 13 8 8 i6 18 260 9 5 17 41 33 732 14 3t '5 £6 4 43 6 540 17 iS 306 17 6 18 8 4J 32 528 7 26 13 67 2 22 18 411 i8 17 270 4 658 43 30 475 8 29 jH 68 4 67 10 1270 '9 14 245 II 5 17 44 31 561 14 30 2 4 70 I 9 10 160 20 6 83 12 3 9 4 45 33 580 8 3' 17 7' 2 30 4 2 4 21 15 3+5 I Q 6 4 46 33 4*5 26 8 K 72 5 t8 16 17 II 22 1 1 238 2 6 10 47 29 487 16 28 16 4 75 I 15 3 18 23 12 234 10 76 17 6 14 4 234 48 49 31 41 556 17 655 5 34 9 76 I 1000 2 12 2 + 3 41 12 25 15 296 7 8 13 4 50 29 439 19 29 5 Totil .. 1,321 22,040 19 1,127 II 4 PROVIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL OF NEW ZEALAND— Policies existing as at 30th June, 1899. WHOLE LIFE. Age. Without Profits. Age. Without Profits. Age. Without Profits. » No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. * No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. * No. Amount Assured. Anmifi.! Premiums. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ P. d. £ H. d. £ f. d. I 1,548 2 33 16 10 27 901 13 26 8 8 53 2,635 '6 ° I 60 1 2 I 2 3,490 75 12 4 28 1,253 10 36 4 9 54 2,217 II 13' 17 7 1 3,050 66 I 8 29 1.255 '5 36 2 7 55 2.056 13 4 '31 8 2 4 3.400 73 13 4 30 1.380 16 41 9 10 56 1,828 5 123 5 II 5 4,020 87 2 31 1,319 41 2 I 57 I 704 14 121 4 7 6 3.340 72 7 4 32 1,146 16 38 2 10 58 1,476 3 III 18 7 7 3,770 81 9 4 33 1,199 13 38 12 5 59 ... 2,091 5 157 19 5 8 3.330 72 3 34 1,474 8 49 3 8 60 1.393 4 106 6 7 9 3.370 73 4 35 1,460 49 6 II 61 1,706 8 142 4 I 10 3,410 73 19 10 36 1,458 9 53 8 8 62 1,182 15 112 2 6 II 3,579 j8 78 2 2 37 2,056 18 79 12 6 63 1,035 II ° 88 4 9 12 3,817 82 19 8 38 1,813 17 69 6 8 64 814 19 75 I 6 13 3,230 12 70 19 2 39 2,276 91 I I 65 493 3 49 15 6 14 2,887 7 62 8 40 1,817 I 72 13 10 66 633 10 6 71 10 8 15 2,853 19 62 15 7 41 2,482 13 103 9 I 67 327 2 34 6 10 16 2)934 5 63 18 4 42 2,872 9 125 12 7 68 ... 269 19 32 8 II 17 2,562 8 56 5 7 43 2,230 4 95 18 7 69 157 16 20 8 5 18 2,42 1 2 53 12 6 44 1,865 15 83 3 70 145 II 14 7 I 19 2,599 4 58 4 7 45 2,127 5 100 7 I 71 34 8 540 20 2,241 2 51 2 10 46 2,244 14 107 6 I 72 30 3 9 4 21 1,992 3 47 19 II 47 2,236 4 106 14 II 73 ... 22 1,689 14 39 3 3 48 2,632 134 II 5 74 900 160 23 1,781 5 1,829 II 43 I* I 49 2,608 II 2,832 8 137 9 7 75 14 8 2 12 24 47 4 50 • 157 3 10 25 1,225 12 31 I 10 51 3,275 16 188 8 8 Total ... 144,723 II 10 5.527 6 4 26 944 14 23 13 5 52 2,925 17 175 5 3 * Information not supplied. 76 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE: Tablk XIII — continued. STANDARD LIFE.— Policies existing as at. 30th Jime, 1902. WHOLE LIFE. OEDINAET BRANCH. i D 1 11 II Ah ro H ., ^ o\ JtJ N CO Age. "With Profits. Without Profits. Age. With Profits. Without Profits. No. A-mount Assured. Annual Preminms. No. Amount As- sured. Annual Premiums. No. ' Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. . No. Amount As- sured. Annual Premiums. n ^8 8 M W 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 2 2 I 3 I 2 I I I 7 5 I 4 2 3 5 9 2 5 3 £ 300 300 50 300 100 250 100 200 100 95° 650 1,350 75° 500 300 380 55° 800 200 1,100 250 £ e. d. 5 10 2 5 18 I £ 500 £ 8. d. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Total 7 4 9 5 7 5 5 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 I 2 £ 1,225 600 95° 550 1,200 725 1,425 400 450 600 400 200 200 250 900 200 200 100 150 £ s. d. 40 19 II 22 19 7 35 3 II 21 8 3 46 5 28 13 8 58 18 7 17 18 21 I 7 29 4 6 19 7 8 10 10 I 3 14 10 49 7 6 12 II 13 2 4 680 ... £ £ B. d. 19 3 6 8 6 2 3 6 5 16 7 i W 00 a 's • Ph CM -3 ■ M ■ .— « 4) 2 5 10 496 260 23 4 9 16 4 37 3 3 26 9 I 13 10 8 7 19 10 10 19 5 15 17 3 23 17 II 6 5 6 36 12 II 863 II 10 8 12 I 8 150 20,205 731 15 II I 500 12 I 8 1 STANDARD LIFE.— Policies existing as at 30th Junej 1902. * WHOLE LIFE. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH, Age. With Profits. Age. With Profits. Age. With Profits. 1 No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. No, Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. £ 3. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 57 570 12 7 29 4 loi 5 3 5 55 S3 970 10 81 9 4 4 63 660 14 6 30 4 109 2 3 13 8 . 56 34 590 4 51 II 4 .s 65 660 14 6 31 4 82 14 2 16 4 57 .36 609 7 54 7 8 6 67 680 14 14 8 32 6 188 15 6 10 58 34 491 12 46 3 7 57 570 12 7 33 8 245 16 8 9 59 41 615 62 12 4 8 49 510 ir I 34 3 57 II 2 3 4 60 45 687 14 5 74 19 4 9 59 600 13 35 5 171 17 6 I 4 61 37 512 8 57 17 10 31 310 6 14 4 36 4 195 6 6 14 4 62 29 331 4 37 I II 50 510 II I 37 7 183 14 7 II 8 : 63 35 506 4 58 I 4 12 37 390 8 9 38 8 168 2 6 18 8 64 14 134 16 5 13 46 510 II I 39 10 285 13 II 9 8 65 15 172 3 24 I 14 34 357 14 8 4 40 12 309 5 14 I 8 66 21 249 18 35 15 15 27 316 I 4 6 8 41 12 344 II IS 12 67 21 174 4 26 16 20 205 17 4 II 42 18 441 10 21 4 68 16 15s 24 14 17 37 454 7 10 3 8 43 20 504 24 9 8 69 10 90 18 7 14 19 18 19 197 16 4 II 44 24 529 12 27 14 8 70 14 167 29 5 19 21 256 3 6 I 4 45 18 535 3 28 7 8 71 5 64 8 12 7 , 21 22 18 283 14 6 18 8 46 21 520 2 29 5 72 20 3 18 ; 9 8 145 6 92 16 3 9 2 7 4 8 47 48 26 32 631 16 807 4 37 5 44 8 4 4 73 74 2 II 12 2 12. \ 23 8 131 8 3 9 4 49 29 756 18 47 4 75 3 23 2 540 24 4 95 2 2 12 50 13 334 14 21 4 i 76 I 10 8 2 12 5 6. 161 12 174 15 4 2 4 II 4 5' 52 40 43 1,021 14 870 13 70 12.; 65 4 H ; 25 i 26 4 Total,.. 1,759, 27.519 7 i,6ia 14- 27 2 107 3 2 16 4 53 50 1,153 10 86 4 28 9 254 3 5 4 54 49 1,178 7 88 12 4 ' CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIV. AUSTRALIAN METROPOLITAN— Policies existing as at 31st August, 1902. 77 OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. Ordinary Branch, Industrial Branch. No. Amount Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Endowment Assurances Joint Lives Assurances Children's Endowment Assurances Pure Endowments Total 329 60 "118 £ 28,725-00 5,12500 £ 381-62 8262 £ ',456-55 261-98 456 112 2,577 1,762 £ 8,187-45 3.452-55 45,221-25 36,383-61 £ 733-85 272-57 3.165-50 2,646-80 6,861-97 394-61 507 40,711-97 464-24 2.113-14 4,907 93,244-86 6,818-72 AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT— Policies existing on 31st December, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. ■W-ith Profits. ■Without Profits. No. Amount Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual j Premiums. ; Deferred Assurances, with return of Premiums... Single and Limited Premiums Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Joint Lives „ Contingent „ Endowments Total 291 2,690 97.401 602 14 £ P. d. 170,925 1,474,566 20,435,299 10 207,177 28,250 £ £ s. d. 1,512 18 4 27,230 17 784,656 18 5 9.703 10 3 1,004 15 5 21 38 2 3 997 £ £ s. d.: 632,181-0 2,654,897-3 29,101-7 2,150-1 12.159 7.900 4.550 1,900 169,129 243 13 II 346 9 5 189 18 8 29 5 8 7,104 10 100,998 22,316,217 10 3,318,330-1 824,108 19 5 1,061 195,638 7,913 8 6 AUSTRALASIAN TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL— Policies existing as at 30th September, 1902. Class. Pabticipatiito. ^Endowment Assurances ... Joint Lives Assurances Endowments and Deferred Endowment Assur- ances, &c. Not Pakticipating. Endowment Assurances ... ... ... Joint Lives Assurances Endowments and Temporary Assurances Endowments Total ... OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. No. 6,835 lOI 945 31 2 10 7,924 Ordinary Branch. Amount Assured, Bonus. 920,278-100 15.965-000 137.247-029 4,995-000 323-000 1,800-000 I;©80, 608-129 £ i,275-483 IIOOOO 412-800 6,798-283 Annual Premiums. 35,536-387 705-283 4,732-796 208-287 14 600 30-525 41,227-8 Extra Premiums. 147-733 5-COO 15-529 -883 169-145 Industrial Branch. No. 12,815 459 17.235 30.509 Amount Assured. 295,085 13,860 358.432 667,377 Annual Premiums. 19,242-833; 924-517; 21,688-550 41,855-900 78 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIV — continued. AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND— Policies existing as at 30th September, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Cluss. Participating. Non-Participating, 1 No. iZ^l Annual Premiums. No. Amount Annual Assure i. Premiums. Whole Life by Single and Limited Premiums ... Endowment Assurances ... Joint Lives Assurances Short Term As3ura'_ces Endowments Deferred A'surances ... ... Total 325 14.331 121 2,290 157 £ 8. d. 118,371 19 2,675,265 18 32,3(0 354.237 5 28,875 £ s. d. 11,085 4 72,929 12 1,326 £ e. d. 2,947 8 10 106,480 II 3 1,549 14 7 6 I I 11 13 £ s. d. 1,283 ICO 200 7,000 2,752 £ s. d. II 17 6 3 10 163 17 II 77 18 4 2,750 12 14 16,278 3 762 18 10 17,224 3,209,030 2 88,092 2 128,018 13 9 32 11.335 257 3 9 CITIZENS' LIFE— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. OEDIirAF.Y BZAKCH. Class. No. Amount Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. I. With Paeticipation in Pnorns. Assurances for the whole term of life : premiums limited in number „ „ „ deferred premiums parable for life Joint assurances ... .. ... ... ... ... Endowment assurances (sundry groups) ; premiums payabli for full term... „ „ (deferred) ,, „ „ ., (including scale of premiums) : fir=t stage ... „ „ „ „ lait stage, uniform premiums for full term. Endowments : with return of premiums and interest on prior death ... „ with return of premiums and interest on prior death, premium ceasing on death of parent or guardian. ,, with return of premiums on prior death, and guaranteed bonus : fixed terms ,. .. •, ., ,, fixed age^ Free asjurances : whole term of life ... ... ... ... ... ... „ endowment as-urances ... ... ... ~> ,, endowments : witli return of premiums and interest on No prior death. }■ premiums „ endowments : with return of premiums on prior death and | payable, guaranteed bonu'. J II. Without Paetioipation in Propits. Assurances for the whc.le term of life : premiums limited in number ,, ., „ with return of premiums t premiums payable for life. Endowment a.Burances : premiums payable for full term Term assurances ... Endowments: with return of premiums on prior death Free assurances : whole term of life ... ... ... ... \ -j^ „ joint assurances ... ... ... ... ... ... / ." „ endowment assurances ... ... ... ... ... (P 11"^^ „ endowments: with return of premiums on prior death ... ' P'^J^ ^• Total 231 124 469 19,701 685 7 206 1.341 264 1,280 2,266 13 5 2 10 I 15 16 3 760 55 I 83 46 £ 34.350 27,100 59.875 3.031.91^ 83,150 700 23425 111,105 27.6^5 102,480 162,217 1.500 1.275 200 862 100 2,450 1.450 7.300 60,872 2,566 27 5,264 1.705 s. 4 ID 12 16 II 13 d. £ s. 1,844 10 d. 3 2 7 6 3 9 6 6 8 £ s.' d. 1,488 18 8 241 5 9 2,759 2 10 117,140 16 2,584 15 3 20 19 6 1,368 12 2 6,072 6 10 1,528 II 5,793 18 8,918 15 II 3,611 88,377 I 82 2 119 I 33 18 3.614 4 6,734 II 173 21 3 36 4 410 82 18 II 70 7 6 273 4 2,866 15 27.584 3.744.516 6 104,652 18 2 151,214 18 3 Include3 a Ke -assurance of a Term Assurance for the sum of £3,5^0 al an annual x^remium of £129 4a. 2d.j and of Accident Benefits at premiums per annum of £41 IIS. 2d in connection with Endowment Assurancss. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.-LIFE ASSURANCE 79 Table XIV — continued. CITIZENS' LIFE— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Clas3, Without Pkbsent Paetioipation in Profits. Assurances for the Whole Term of Life : Premiums Limited Joint Assurances ... ... ... ... ___ " ' ' Endowment Assurances, includins Old'-'age Endowmentj wiiu Oraduated Death Benefits' Premiums Payable for Pull Term. Semi-endowments : Premiums Payable for Pull Term. Endowments .,, Free Policies : Whole of Life ... „ Endowment Assurances „ Semi-endowments... „ Endowments Total No. 840 685 92.742 7,oc8 12,405 3.009 712 1,029 1.430 119,860 Amount Assured. 2,1 £ 8. d. 21,093 18 2 18,608 17 6 80,152 9 3 133.730 S 329.075 3 16,672 8 4.632 9 8,493 II 11,164 4 2,723,623 6 II INDUSTEIAL BRANCH. Bonus. Annual Premiums, £ s. d. 1,082 18 o 1.34 1 4 o 89,840 12 4 7,066 3 o 17,403 10 8 116,737 8 o CITY MUTUAL— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. | Class. No. Amount Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. Wiin Peofits. Whole Life: Limited and Commuted Premiums... Guaranteed Bonus for three years .. . Guaranteed Bonus for Life ... Joint Lives Assurances... Endowment Assiu-ances ... .. ... ... ... Mortuary Dividend : Whole Life ... Endowment Assurances Infantile Guaranteed Consols ... 257 269 28 253 6.151 63 20 II 5 74 1,093 431 34 I I 53 7 £ B. d. 18,925 43,146 10 3,900 34,607 10 703,374 18 11,382 2,350 398 5 625 9,940 109,020 8 40.176 13 7,' 75 206 100 3,885 19 803 823-566 4,814-465 89"332 1,149-788 20,828173 S73'4i3 27-831 8167 £ s. d. 148 I 10 1.273 9 5 13s 17 I.4S5 9 7 29,087 18 10 321 3 100 9 I 830 21 2 II 289 15 8 4,938 8 2 2,166 16 3 268 4 9 7 18 8 3 I 160 14 2 27 13 7 Semi-endowments Endowments ... Children's Endowments Without Peofits. Temporary Assurances ... ... ... ... 777'432 1,324-688 399-280 Joint Lives Assurances ... ... ... Endowment Assurances Endowments ... Children's Endowments . . , ... . ... , Total 8.751 989,916 5 30,816-135 40.414 6 II COLONIAL MUTUAL— Policies existin; a? at 31st Daeambar, 1893. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. | Class. With Profits. •Without Profits. | No. Amount Assurad. Bonus. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. Assurances by Single, Limited, or Com- '^ muted Premiums... ... ... ) Absolute Assurances ... Annuity Assurances ... Ecdowment Assurances Joint Life Assurances Eeversible Premium Assurances Endowments (Ordinary) Endowments, premiums ceasing on death) of parent ... ... ... ... J Whole Life, increasing premiums Contingent Assurances Term Assurances Deferred Assurances ... Total 795 187 9 11,041 87 27 850 552 I £ p. ri. 307,780 4 7 39.737 10 1,6.0 2,222,550 18 22,6cO 9,8 )0 148,413 19 88,550 1,253 £ s. d. 3.213. 17 3.438 7 II 17 64,138 13 2,127 9 £ s. d. 10,094 4 6 1,040 18 I 65 5 2 91,963 16 7 1,042 4 3 384 5 4 7,096 iS 10 4,906 14 4 16 16 6 £ 8. d. 46 10 10 38 27 10 3 9 46 I £ s. d. 16,999 £ s. d. 2,750 3,811 4,500 89 I 6 222 18 4 280 17 124 6 6 3,110 116 16 10 i8 9 13,535 14 2 24,700 100 145 10 377 18 5 7 2 4 13-549 ;,S42,282 II 7 76,155 19 116,611 3 7 181 16 I 13* 66,395 14 2 1,122 18 5 Ee-assurances Without Profits. Six Endowment Assurances, for £8,650 ; Premiums, £383 43. lod. 8o CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE, Table XIV — oont'.nued, EQUITABLE LIFE— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1901. 1 OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. With Profits. Without Profits. \ ^ No. Amount Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. " Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary, Extra.. Norf-DEiEREEB Bonus. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ' Wliole Life, Limited Premiums ... 1.8)5,325 41.167 77,864 917 ... 112,625 5.030 2 Joint Life 85,829 4.238 5.425 52 ••• 11,067 Endowment Assurances 3.835,609 109,530 209,704 987 ... 1,063,730 15.685 I Joint Endowments ... ... ... ... - 6,250 SO J 483 3 4.971 Endowments... Term Survirorsliip ... ... , Defeebed BoifTTS. Whole Life, Limited Premiums ... .Joint Life Endowment Assurances (including Semi-Endowments)... Joint Endowments ... Total 148. "3 85,908,899 376,846 5i,28o,8?2 50.833 600 6,35' 3,184,699 19.391 :. 9 '8,259 4,163 25.319 1,248 39.684 17 68,227 *5.375 2,831,457 3771 .-• ••• 96 45.^22 41 66,074 1:4 143,5:8,586 159.044 6,426,339 4,032,996 '37 ' Including Staple Endowments. MUTUAL LIFE OF AUSTRALASIA— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1899. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. ■With Profits. Without Profits. No. Amount Assured. Eomis. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. For Whole Term of Life— By Increasing Premiums ... By Single or Limited Premiums ... With, return of Premiums ... Temporary Assurances .. . Temporary Assurances with return of Premiums ... Endowment Assurances Joint Lives Assurances... Adult Endowments Endowments Total 38 1-074 2,340 8,063 '3' 237 £ B. d. 20,700 425,142 6 706,250 I 3 £ s. d. " £ s. d. 429 II 3 11,660 II 10 19,276 17 £ S. d. 16 15 93 26 '7 9 140 I 902 £ s. d. 66,700 4,608 87,850 2,250 46,609 500 £ s. d. 1,075 8 5 6 19 2 34,873 '7 I i,oS8 7 4,074 2 6 81 6 7 1,375 2 20 II 8 1,734,122 37,735 49,680 74.577 1,367 7 26 13 68,590 17 3 1,674 10 5 1,994 8 8 i3',33i 3 6 S.406 12 5 11,883 2,9-3.629 7 3 121,933 4 103,626 16 5 16 IS 1,188 339,848 3 6 12,043 2 9 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.-L/FE ASSURANCE. Table XIV — continued. MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK-Policles existing as at 31st December, 1902. 8 1 1 OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. With Profits. Without Profits. [ ♦No. Amonnt Assured. BomiB. Annual Premiums. *No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary. Extra. > ■ Whole Life, Limited Premiunia ... Joint Life Joint Life, Limited Premiums Endowment Assurances Joint Endowment Assurances Endowments... Term Joint Term ... Sarvivorsliip Assurances £ 122,919,754 425,674 66,109 44.409,627 ?9,6o8 494,157 1,361,500 £ 1,199.715 £ 4,309.548 21,822 3.868 2,23*<,309 7.615 15,272 28,456 £ 13.697 1,857 152 8,863 612 297 £ 317.964 11,646 £ 13.413 14 44 321,801 180 1,331,242 3,199 39.109 466,204 1,027 6,160 10.975 308 3,809 44 Total 169,766,429 1,521,696 6,624,890 25,478 2.176,551 28,563 44 Information not available. NATIONAL MUTUAL— Policies existiag as at 30th September, 19J1. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. Class. With Profits. Without Profits. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. 1 Ordinary. Extra. Ordinary. Extra. Whole Life, Limited Number of Premiums Whole Life, Half-Premium Table Whole Life, With Eeturn of Premiums Endowment Assurances Erdowment Assurances, One Life Endowment Aesurances, Joint Lives Short Teim Assurances Double Benefit Assurances ... Joint Life Assurances Deferred A'surduccs for Children Contingent Assurances Total Assu-ances ... Deduct Ke-assurances Endowments — Ordinary Endowments ... With Premiums payable during Joint Lives ... Total Endowments ',523 312 50 26,107 7 43 621 164 £ 601,075775 I32,90o'ooo 11,600000 £ 29,918-3 £ 16,092-070 3,027-742 354-146 £ 56-500 3000 402375 45-500 4-000 79 7 ;63 39 2 4 £ 13,149-000 2,200-000 £ 114-487 59-329 £ 1,550-3 13,660-371 239-717 4,680,386-250 i,925-ooo 269,233-1 389 172,454-125 93-612 40,560-000 586775 I5,oco'coo i45.633'°oo 28,700'OCO 416-5 14,794-4 3X1-846 5.964-4 '7 609792 5,6oc'joo 247-800 4.400-000 86700 2-5 28,827 S,6l7,220'025 8,ooo'coo 315,951-5 198,977-753 500-083 51^-375 294 79.569-371 22,500-000 1.334-80S 602-042 2-5 28,827 5,609, 220'O25 315,951-5 198,477-667 511-375 294 57,069-371 732766 '2-5 2,991 1,021 509,276-475 140,100-000 6,182-3 603-0 18,723-300 6,644-162 17-438 ... 4,012 649,376-475 6,785-3 25,367-462 17-438 EE-ASSUEANCES. ' Whole Life, Limited Number of Premiums Whole Life, Half -Premium Table Endowment Assurance, One Life... ... £ 4,000 2, coo 2,000 £ 349-500 75-500 75-083 £ 4.500-000 £ 257-917 ... 2,000-000 16,000-000 143-000 201-125 Total 8,000 500-083 22,500000 602 042 J 82 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIV — continued. NEW YORK LIFE— Policies existing as at 31st December, 1901. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. 1 Claas. With Profits. Without Profits. 1 «No. Amoirnt Aesured. Bonus. Annua'. Premiums. •No. Amount Assured. Anni-al Premiums. Ordinary. Extra. Whole of Life, with Life-long Premiums and wilh Premium Return ... ... Whole of Life, with limited number of Premium Pajments... Endowment Assurances ... Joint Lite... Term Term Assurances... ... ... ^ Life, Limited Pojment ... Deduct Rc-A=surance3 \ (Endowment Assurances ... T.tal ... £ 24,084,434 78.724,187 78,016,463 414.322 269.434 9,753.348 £ 24,651 81,164 149 4S0 £ 797.983 3."7,244 4.581, '73 22943 6,741 £ 25,1 II 35,co6 51,676 750 229 £ £ 9,376 23,127 434 3.627 28,731 216,788 1.155.183 13,336 3.957.773 388,811 191,262,188 255.295 8,526,084 112,772 5.731.891 f 5 295 127,799 260,676 8,301 17,192 ... 1 ^88.47? 25.493 . „,. 190.873,713 255.295 8,50f.59' 112,772 5 73',89i 65,295 i= Information not available. PEOPLE'S PRUDENTIAL— Policies existing as at 31st August, 1902. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. j Class. ■ ffith Profits. Bonus. Without Profits. No. 41 24 6 21 Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual PremiuxE. I. — OEDiNAny Beancd. * Endowmeut Assurances ... Civil S:rvic8 Endowment Assurances Infantile Endowments II.— Industrial Beancd. Joint Life ... .., Endowment Assurances Endowments ... Infantile Endowments £ 3,705 2,225 575 £ s. il. 19 15 3 ID 4 10 £ s. d. 197 18 6 74 12 5 37 17 II I 690 171 £ S. d. £ s. d. 2 12 39 12 17 I 14 8 9.954 9 6 1,896 16 832 18 8 183 9 4 Total 92 6,522 27 IS 312 3 6 862 11,850 17 6 991 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901. —LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIV — continued. PROVIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL OF NEW ZEALAND-Policles existing as at 30th June, 1899. 83 Class. ^Endowment Assurances., Endowments ProTident Policies Total . OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. 391 1,310 410 Without Profits. Amouut Assured. £ s. d. 10,061 6 8 29.492 9 II 10 960 o o 50,513 16 7 Annual Premiums. £ s. d. 630 19 9 2,075 18 4 1,078 4 6 3,785 2 7 STANDARD LIFE— Policies existing as at 30th June, 1903. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. OEDIlfALY BKANCH. Clasf. With Profits. No. Amounts Assured. Bonus. Annual Premiums. Whole term of Life (Limited Premiums) Joint Liyes... Endown-.ent Assurances ... ... Guaranteed Bonuses — Endowment Assurances Endowments ... Total 5 7 705 34 671 £ 459 975 82,945 3,coo 51,243 £ 77 5 400-8 £ s. d. 8 16 I 52 4 4 3.538 9 I 251 5 9 2,871 17 7 1,422 138,622 478-3 6,722 12 10 STANDARD LIFE— Policies existing as at 30th June, 1903. OTHER THAN WHOLE LIFE. UTDUSTEIAL BRANCH. Class. With Profits. Without Profits. No. Amount Assurei. i 1 AnuTial Premiums. No. Amount Assured. Annual Premiums. Joint Lives Endowments — Old ^-'ew Endowment Assurances Increasing Assurances... Total 200 368 £ 4,224-80 15.232-95 £ s. d. 3^9 3 8 ! 952 8 1 £ £ s. d. 9,547 3,494 135,600-85 92,034 -£0 13,663 5,457 12 4 5,187 io9,ii3'3i 4,608 I 4 1,343 ii,397'57 2,500 15 4 5,755 128,571*06 5,869 5 8 14,384 239,03292 21,621 7 8 84 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 7901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XV. — Asnuities (Immediate) Payable Annually. Age Attained. NAME OF COMPANY. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and General. Australian "Widows' Tund. Citizens' Life. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New Tork. National Mutual. New York Life. Tinder 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 65 70 71 72 73 74 75 31200 i5'333 52'25^ So'ooo 120000 7-500 31-200 35717 122-700 123-700 1 14-400 578-533 161-450 301-950 I90'633 336-917 165-050 84800 268-017 2640-7 499'483 619-250 184-667 450'933 144-967 276-850 .597%67 355'95o 340900 476-198 337'i83 1,925-000 936-600 1,284133 941-983 747750 1,668650 2,035-217 1,990-800 1,278-383 1,078-867 1,287-200 998-700 650-667 1,510-850 1,269-683 12-025 61C00 40-625 468 000 12-025 45-000 33'07S 25-875 252-533 32-383 36-083 28700 100-000 16-300 24-183 28983 54-583 47-242 iS7-9'7 31-600 42-083 73-333 84-517 21-125 22100 lOO'OOO 146-400 lODOOO 9-250 69-017 52750 25-375 20-000 12-583 32-500 79-217 166-900 40-000 26000 14-083 40-000 13-000 4-167 57-250 10-229 2750 50-633 8-8oo 29"55o "68'-867 3-117 2854 608 83 146 116 135 125 115 137 104 203 167 690 218 481 373 372 381 304 401 782 690 1,164 1,480 1,972 1.855 983 2,594 1,106 693 1,842 2,346 1,972 2,c68 2,897 2,359 2,561 3.434 4,192 3,069 3,706 3,872 3.481 4,523 6,879 4,437 6,765 8.329 6,030 4.127 S.416 4,006 5.246 6,494 4,004 3,274 3,790 17-100 3-275 6-350 76-000 iS-400 207-267 77-000 75-000 171-717 80-000 143-350 9-550 60-900 24-000 50-650 139-400 123-300 10-000 "48-825 72-000 95-200 19-300 IC7 338 473 438 382 1,070 763 242 1,388 520 1,386 470 1,087 1.315 1,936 1,102 1,853 1,117 1,694 1,950 2,878 3,013 2,854 4,240 4,577 3,825 2,834 2,978 12,090 5, 1 80 6,424 5,432 8,144 8,164 7,864 7.356 8,769 9.310 9,228 ".584 10,365 13794 12,334 12,084 12,217 12,524 ",295 ",473 12,153 11,144 20,603 8,586 11,140 9,194 8,493 7,136 7-083 16-717 350-833 lOOOOO 2O-0OO 52 6c8 3 ''300 8-133 30-200 339*633 51-342 50-000 68250 260-542 59-208 468-958 737-267 352000 63-125 122-067 972 128 217 201 5 108 140 H8 815 260 97 408 H3 1. 130 472 582 833 833 646 935 471 784 1,406 679 999 1,859 6,121 1,878 1,461 2,383 3403 4,673 3,500 3,882 5,034 4.505 4,887 7,400 7.1 14 6,411 6,401 6.380 9.502 10,146 10.751 7.514 9,928 13,360 9,085 9,807 11,378 12,210 13,653 11,096 9,411 6,631 8,135 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.-LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XV.— Annuities (Immediate) Payable AmvLaaj— continued. 85 Age Attained. NAME OF COMPANY. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and General. Australian Widows' Pund. Citizens- Life. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 g6 97 98 99 100 £ 2,299-417 628-267 550-950 808-833 411-333 370-800 203-383 194 917 1,4.08-767 1,614-517 498983 235'4i7 44683 2,000-000 52 000 £ £ 181-108 194-617 16-267 49-833 35767 £ 260 000 96-000 £ £ £ 2,486 3.350 2.455 3,157 1.527 1,896 1,630 1,268 591 1,214 1,025 '.33' 25 757 488 86 21 31 57 £ £ 9,981 6,788 5,470 4,469 2,630 2,819 2,547 I.S35 833 906 1,936 1,108 677 44 952 10 £ 67-833 30-500 175-600 250-000 179-192 34-200 £ 7,758 350-oco 24-000 45767 7,270 26-000 76-567 30633 7,255 6,219 104-000 6,341 4,876 5.032 125-COO S 1-200 64000 113-967 3,455 3,986 3,640 2,522 1,404 1.35' 576 2,242 382 87 995 600 185-479 24-883 65-050 48-200 191 31 79 4 538 160-000 A< Joint Lives or Sur- yiTorship 1,486-417 74-583 411-771 17.770 61-000 55.376 572-792 33,427 Table XVI. — Annuities other than Immediate. Name of Company. DBPEEEED. EBVEESIONAEY OB CONTINaENT. TEMPOEAEY. CBETAIN. 1 Amount. Annual Premium. Total Premiums Eeceived. Consider- ation Eeceived. Amount. Annual Premium. Total Premiums Eeceived. Consider- ation Eeceived. Amount. Consider- ation Eeceived. Amount. Consider- ation Eeceived. Australian Mutual Provi- dent £ 3,439-533 £ 1,013-637 £ •9,253-537 £ 7.699-542 £ 3,152-200 £ 307-108 £ 8,957-' 58 £ 3,2o6-86? £ 370883 £ 3,571-825 £ 267-933 £ 3,357-562 Australian W idows' !Fund 91-296 742-000 Citizens' Life 12-617 lOO'OOO 100-000 33-6.^3 350-000 Colonial Mutual 142-767 29-550 37-800 150-000 70-350 316-600 ... ... Equitable 6,806000 4,582-000 20,012-000 23,009-000 378000 Not stated 62-000 62 7 000 Mutual Life of Australasia 610-500 210-392 2,264-408 76-000 72-250 318-000 60-000 531-000 - Mutual Life of New York 14,353-000 8,706-000 46,483,000 33,268-oco 10,839-000 132,084-000 National Mutual 350-000 3,685-083 119813 686-996 808-600 2,963-421 New York Life ... 21,497-000 7,773-000 40,009-000 58,259-000 8,701-000 4,299-000 29,819-000 442-000 86 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XVII. — Interest Earned. Name of Company. Tear. 1897. 1899. igoo. 1901. 1902, Method of Computation. Australian Metropolitan. Australian Mutual Provident £ s. d. Australasian Temperance and General. Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial City Mutual Colonial Mutual., Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia ... Mutual Life of New Tort National Mutual New York Life ... People's Prudential ^ Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. Standard Life — Ordinary Industrial 04 16 9 4 4 £ s. d. 4 15 5 44 2 o c4 II 10 4 2 II 4 3 I 540 4 4 10 4 6 II 390 4 17 2 486 4 17 5 4 14 5 277 d 3 10 6 £ s. d. 4 13 o 44 18 o e4 9 7 3 IS 2 3 15 I 540 423 461 4 12 o 498 4 14 9 4 3 10 3 I 3 I I II 329 £ s. 6. 4 10 4 h^ 6 o c4 7 6 404 4 I 7 540 4 I 10 464 3 16 7i 4 II o 4 5 I 4 16 2 4 I 9 3 4 II I 10 5 4 17 II £ s. d. 496 44 10 o c4 6 6 4 I 10 4 I 8 540 429 4 3 8 329 4 10 9 423 4 16 II 408 4 17 5 2 II II 3 17 I o 12 o o 12 o £ B. d. 03 12 ID 4 9 3 I4 10 o 4 2 10 427 560 438 3 18 o 4 9 3 430 4 14 II 4 I I 569 2 15 10 3 18 I 120 o 14 o Add together the amounts of the funds at the beginning and end of the year, subtract the interest receired during the year. Jlivide double the interest received by the difference obtained. On the 31st December of each year one full year's interest on the productive assets is computed at the rate at which each class of security is at that date invested. The total amount of such interest is then divided by the total productive and non-productive assets of the Society, and the resulting rate is taken to be the average rate at which the funds were invested at the close of the year. The average rate of interest earned by the funds of the Society during each of the last five years was as stated, being found by dividing the total net interest earned by the arithmetical mean of the funds at the commencement and end of the year. A full year's interest is computed on each security at the rate it yielded on 31st October. The total amount of such interest is then divided by the amount of the Society's funds on 3iBt October (whether productive or unproductive). The result shows the average rate of interest at which the funds were invested at the close of the year. These rates were obtained by dividing the interest received by the mean of the funds diminished by half the interest. The interest earned during the year is divided by the mean funds for the year. These rates have been computed by dividing the interest received each year by the arithmetical mean of the Assurance Funds at the beginning and the end of the year diminished by half the interest. These rates are ascertained by comparing the interest earnings with the mean funds, diminished by half the interest. If I ^ Interest earned during year... ■) Jlate 2I A = Funds at the beginning of year > , —r — n — ^ B= „ end „ 5 percent., A+B-I These rates have been computed by dividing the amount of interest received during the year by the mean amount of the net funds at the beginning and close of the year, less half the interest receipts for such year. This is ascertained by comparing the interest and rents as per Revenue Account for each of the years above mentioned with the mean amount of the funds at the beginning and end of the year; the latter excluding the year's interest and rents. The average rates are the percentages that the annual income from interest bore to the Assurance Funds at the respective dates. This percentage is, for the close of each year, the ratio which the total amount of one year's interest receivable on all our holdings at that date bears to the Life Assurance Fund at the same date. The foregoing takes no account of the profits realised by the sale of securities, which amounted during the five years, 1898, 1899, 19°°. I9°i, and 1902, to £1,231,148 7s. 3d. Add together the amounts of the Assurance Funds at the beginning and end of the year; from this sum subtract the interest received during the year ; divide twice the interest received by the difference last obtained. . The rate of interest has been calculated on the mean of the Assurance Funds and Paid-up Capital at the beginning and end of the year. The percentages are calculated from the formula \ — ^ where A = Funds at the beginning of year. A -(- Ji — i B = end J- = Interest actually earned in the year. The Paid-up Capital is included in A and B, so far as the Industrial Branch is concerned. a Year ended 3i8t August. h Year ended 3otli September. -aSived at by comparing the total interest with part of funds on'^r Tt'^e'oond°lt'akes info^acco'^t *! X^Vo^fYhla's*' '"^fN^VleteLtuX"^' CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 87 Table XVIII.— Extda Eisks. Name of Company. Method of dealing with Extra Rislcs. Australian Metropolitan . . . Australian Mutual Pro- Tident. Australasian Temperance and General. Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life City Mutual Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual ... New York Life .. People's Prudential Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. Standard Life Rated-up lives valued as ordinary lives at their rated-up ages. The Society does not transact business at other than European rates. In the case of policies on lives which have been rated-up, the Surrender Value is the same as if the increased ages were the actual ages of the assured. Policies on lives which have been charged a higher premium than that corresponding to their true age on account of ill- health are dealt with at their true ages. No business is transacted at other than European rates. The Society does not transact business at other than European rates, but in certain cases, for medical or other reasons, premiums in advance of those corresponding to the real age have been charged. The cnly extra premiums payable are in respect of War and Accident Eisks. Policies on lives that rre considered to be vmder-average are issued either with an addition to the ordinary premium rate, or with limitations of the death benefit, ordinary rates in this latter case being charged. No business is issued at rates other than European rates. Policies on unhealthy lives are issued at the rates for the advanced ages, or at the rates for the present ages under a scheme of contingent debt during a fixed period. The Society does not grant policies at other rates than those obtained from the "Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies " collected by the Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland, the " Carlisle Mortality Experience," the " Peerage Tables," and the latest " British G-overnment Aunviitants' Experience." In policies with extra premiums charged on the ground that the lives were below the required standard of health, the ages have been raised in the Valuation to correspond with the ages for which the premium was charged. In such cases where an extra premium has been charged for climatic or other special risk, a reserve has been made of fix months' extra premium . Extra premiums for foreign residence and travel and for dangerous occupations are charged at the discretion of the officers, and are in no case included in the ordinary premium stated. Until the last two years the Society avoided all risks below the standard point of health, physical development, or family liistory, and has knowingly accepted such in very few cases only. These of late years have been classified and valued at the higher age assured in accepting them ; and in the case of the few policies so taken in earlier years, the extra premium— not included in the sum of ordinary premiums — is believed sufficient to cover the extra risk. Since 1900 we issue policies on lives below the usual standard of health. Provision for the extra risk is made by reducing the assvirance at the stait by a lien, or by an increase to the age, and in the former case we increase the assurance annually thereafter by an amount equal to the annual premium payable, until the assured attains full benefit under the policy. The same rates are charged as for healthy lives. The reserves will take into account the conditions of the policies as to amounts at risk from year to year, and will be calculated at the rated-up age agreed on by the Medical Board, equivalent as near as possible to the degree of impairment. Policy-holders in hazardous classes are charged the higher rates of premiums called for by the rules on account of the greater risks attached to their occupations, hut in other respects they are treated the same as policy-holders in the Ordinary or Preferred Class. The Association does not assure at other than European rates, nor grant policies on unhealthy lives ; but eligible assurants whose prospects of longevity are believed to be less favourable than those of first-class lives of their age are accepted at an advance of from one to seven years, and their policies are valued at their real age, a reserve being made of the additional premium paid beyond 31st llecemher, 1899. In those instances where an extra premium is charged for residence or occupation, it is not included in the ordinary premiums stated in the returns, but it is treated as covering the extra risk for the time being. The Association has not transacted business at other than European rates. The Association does not grant policies on unhealthy lives ; but when the personal or family history, the occupation, or any other circumstance connected with the person proposed for assurance leads the Directors to believe that his prospects of longevity are not so good as those of persons in every respect unexceptionable, the proposal is accepted at a rate of age somewhat in advance of the actual age. The proposer, however, has the right to complete his policy at the minimum rate for his actual age, subiect to a contingent debt, equal to the value of the additional premium sought to be charged, to be deducted from llie amount of the policy if the person assured shall die under the average age attained by persons of his age ; but when he attains the said average age the contingent debt is expunged, and no additional premium is charged. In all such cases the sui render value is calculated as if the premium for the actual age is paid. The Company accepts risks when the health is impaired, under a separate form of policy, known as the Adjustable AccuniuUtion or ''A.A. " policy. The risks insured under this special policy are placed in a separate class as to dividends with Deferred Dividend Periods of fifteen and twenty year?, and with the agreement that the dividend to be declared at the end of the period shall depend upon the mortality in this special class. The policies are also made fubiect to the condition that if death takes place within a speciBed number of years the Company is liable, not for the face amount of the insurance, hut for a smaller amount in accordance with the provisions of a schedule incorporated in the policy. The amounts in the schedule are arrived at by assuming the policy to be subject at the start to a Ken cr contingent debt varying in amount according to the degree of impairment. This initial lien is assumed to be reduced tverv time an annual premium is due and paid (including even the first annual premium) by a sum equal to the amount of such annual premium. Thus, the real deduction from the face amount of the insurance, which would be made if death should take place in the first policy-year, is not the amount of the lien above referred to, but the amount of such lien less one annual premium. Also, when the amount of all the annual premiums which have become due and have been paid, equals or exceeds the amount of tlie said lien, the policy is no longer subject to any contingent debt, but is payable by the Company in full at death. No business is transacted at other than European rates. 1 u . ■,, No business is transacted at other than European rates. Medical examinations are not required, as a rule, but if an unhealtliy life were accepted he would be charged for an age in excess of his true age, and the policy valued at the age corresponding to the premium charged. , , ^ The Association does not transact business at other than European rates . ^, . .. . Unhealthy lives (i.e., lives regarded as sub-standard) are dealt with m either of the following ways :— raJ An addition is made to the premium payable or ^ . „ rij A deduction is made from the sum assured should death occur during the early years of the policy. In some cases the Association will accept without loading under one table a life which it would not accept under the table originally asked for. M 88 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIX.— Poltcies Existing Name of Company. Whole Life Assurances. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Endowment ABSurances. No. Amount. Annual Fremiums. Endowments. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. NEW SOUTH WALES. Auetralian Metropolitan — Ordinary Industrial Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary Industrial Australian Widows' Fund Oilizens' Life — Ordinary Inauatrial City Mutual Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order ol Foresters , Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual ... New York Life People's Prudential — Ordinary.. Industrial Provident and Industrial of New Zealai d — Ordin ary Industrial Standard Life — Ordinary Industrial 67 1.057 20,527 1.837 7.474 6,<'39 i.43« 24,940 2.359 1,638 2.637 678 2.591 2,047 8,M5 971 167 1,322 1.381 lOI 3.300 8,425 o o 22,104 8 o !, 730,877 o o 265,692 o i3'\745 o 1,404,402 12 199,896 7 464.859 7 395,000 II 493,002 I 1,196,865 o 110,000 o 945.097 16 1,082,884 10 1.922,317 3 443706 19 12,155 IS 22,080 II 700 o 36,571 2 o 12,050 o o 33,035 2 O £ s. d. 304 17 2 1,287 57.335 10,196 17 9 8,527 II 4 51,702 12 10 7,227 20,754 5 8 * 13932 I # 1.927 15 28,378 12 2 40,6(3 14 2 63,427 17 5 16,033 6 7 407 16 1,130 3 4 26 12 8 1,701 IS I 444 S 2,6^9 2 108 1,058 26,727 £ s. d. 9,625 o o 18,052 15 o 5,970,780 o o £ 453 1,365 230,529 Included in previous column 5.763 26,318 4,740 1.S67 795.6/2 9 o 595.931 3 9 520,135 18 o 328,739 13 o 29,07s o 5 26,681 17 o # 13,615 6 o Ireluded in previous column. 3 373 I 765.550 o o I 30,981 14 Included in previous column. 1,290 350,251 14 5 18,641 6 65 5.953 5 o 272 I 10 II Included in previous column. 496 I 56,425 o o I 2,398 3,150 ) 67,695 2,917 8 14 t.009 359 154 4,825 1,149 1,436 4,292 788 204 45 284 36 894 861 222 426 9.537 £ s. d. 913 o o 21,029 8 4 72,020 o o 14,992 10 o 106,641 o o '78.735 o o 98,385 I o 103,644 19 II 61,227 3 o 24,772 o o 6,851 o o 52,318 o o 6,072 9 o 121,975 o o 579 10 11,851 S 5,174 13 28,165 o 160,349 16 7 £ 8. d. 46 14 II 1,484 12 o 3.152 o o 682 14 10 6,565 o o 8,065 I' 3 5,653 17 9 5,297 I 1,099 4 * 2.387 300 5.173 3 2 16 9 10 37 988 17 II 8 391 19 1,717 6 13,908 18 VICTORIA. Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and G-eneral — Ordinary Industrial Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial City Mutual Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual... New York Life Standard Life — Ordinary Industrial 18,997 5,806 22,226 11,148 1,632 19,090 129 3,273 3,011 873 '.251 584 18,537 I.34I 62 1,002 £ s. d. 90,561 o o 849.046 4 392,236 o 2,292,365 2 230,044 8 354.293 13 27.581 5 939.963 I 1,346,989 o 125,600 o 347,664 12 327:687 17 3,736,450 5 601.047 19 10,089 o 10,106 6 £ 203,811 28,814 15 2 21,740 19 8 82.177 1 7 8,232 13 10 15.178 II 8 # 26,169 17 10 * 2,243 17 o 11,017 4 10 12,226 14 5 121,245 8 4 22,011 15 10 360 12 10 1,781 13 o 31,260 £ s. d. 6,086,406 o £ s. 235.592 Included in previous column. 5.552 28,15^ 510 2,.s88 794,792 17 o 600,014 4 6 67.333 o o 447.534 I o 31.094 15 24,786 17 * 18,535 7 Included in previous column. 2,866 I 489,190 o o I 18,017 II [ Included in previous column. 1,301 243 2,037 451,823 13 10 29,520 o o 41,418 5 10 25,857 ic 1,391 12 1,690 i£ d. 185 ( 298 ] 10,407 c 564 3 1,714 8 4,696 517 4 168 52 4 190 { 7 805 5 245 3.872 £ s. d 30,527 o o 31,961 10 213,299 o 83,901 o 131,143 16 116,634 4 61,415 o 25.032 9 6,814 o 28,975 o 747 14 118,856 6 23,078 o o 82.518 9 5 £ s. 1,262 o 1.359 19 12,843 15 3,906 2 6,914 16 6,039 16 1,226 19 9 1,110 13 o 33 3 9 4,654 7 1,154 II 2 6,163 14 8 QUEENSLAND. Australian Metropolitan — Ordinary Industrial Australian Mutual Provident ... Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary Industrial Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial City Mutual Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Fcesters... Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual ... New York Life ... Provident and Industrial of New Zealand — Industrial £ s. 421 33.895 2,009 48,239 19 10,224 3.878,277 256 37.025 1.362 30,336 217 52.393 1,710 234.298 3 12,568 233,208 9 699 109,659 10 1,530 481,811 9 1.782 625,777 329 45.700 1,358 392,447 11 572 194,396 7 4,292 1,156,321 511 235,816 5 412 9,545 I o £ s. d. 1.473 2,930 13,978 II 8 3 4 1,506 2,062 5 4 2 8 1,742 7 10 8,212 9 5 10,273 13 8 14,177 * I 6 939 10.948 3 14 6 7,372 36,774 7,610 14 15 6 10 6 7 381 3 5 221 1,975 £ 8. 19,100 o 35.355 19 1,171,438 o £ s. d. 1,002 19 9 2. 534 7 o 44,994 o o Included in previous column. 2,076 11,435 902 1.562 357,947 o o 263,505 19 I 1 1 5,986 o o 243,346 4 13,469 18 3 11,625 9 4 « 10,078 II 9 Included in previous column. 699 I 140,200 o o I 5,711 12 Included in previous column. j 371 I 107,510 10 7 I 6,244 19 5 Included in previous column. 104 753 76 37 531 4 710 :.392 279 124 95 9 393 37 £ s. d 5,948 19 4 15,354 3 10 11,850 o 3,999 10 9.921 o 400 o 56.086 17 35.719 3 31,150 o 17,900 o 1,500 o 14,650 610 8 5 1,500 55 7 56.915 2.324 8 448 4 8 £ s. d. 347 17 4 1,162 4 475 o o 167 8 701 15 16 3 3.141 7 1,834 19 # 919 3 3 45 18 8 *■ Information not available. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. in each State as at Valuation Dates. 89 Term Assmauces, &c. No. Amouxit. Annual Premiiuns. Total Assurances and Endowments. No. Annual Premiums. Annuities, No. Annual Amount. Annual Premiums. Name of Company. NEW SOUTH WALES. >>S43 s. d. 872,694 o o S.IOO £ 8. d. 18,294 168 II 6 3. "4 49.156 1,991 12,299 7,188 8.637 55.55° 7,887 3.709 2,682 678 6,254 2,083 9.309 2,261 238 2,183 1.603 1,023 14.987 £ s. d. 18,963 o o 61,186 II 4 15,646,371 o o 280,684 10 237.386 o 1.583.137 12 1.093.953 17 1.164,43s II 976,383 12 846.513 14 1,203,716 O 110,000 o 1,768,065 16 1,088,956 19 2,044,292 3 793.958 14 i8,6t8 10 33.931 16 700 o o 41.745 15 7 96,640 o o 261,079 19 o £ 8. d. 805 3 6 4.136 12 09,310 339 10,879 12 7 2 15,092 II 4 59.768 4 I I 41,955 18 2 5 52.733 4 ... # 7 28,646 10 10 2 * II 1,927 15 61,916 10 II 40,924 10 2 41 68,601 7 3 4 34,674 12 8 6 718 4 10 2,118 II 4 26 12 8 2,093 14 I 4,559 14 19,465 6 8 £ s. d. 8 20,801 8 lOI 12 6 4 107 16 390 15 8 4 100 13 52 802 1.398 6 1,940 8 10 251 10 I 1. 183 4 10 717 441 10 o 62 I 10 Australian Metropolitan — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Mutual ProTident. Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life — Ordinary. Industrial. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. People's Prudential — Ordinary. Industrial. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand — Ordinary. Industrial. Standard Life — Ordinary. Industrial. VICTORIA. a s. d. 866 344,440 o o 500 o o £ a. d. 7,685 o o 13 13 9 51,308 6, 104 32,633 11,712 8,898 51.944 1,156 6,029 3.063 873 4.308 591 19,312 2,642 550 6,911 £ s. d. 13,351.934 o o 14 o »»i,co7 605,535 2.376,266 2 6 1,155,981 I o 1,070,942 2 10 156,329 5 o 1,412,529 II 8 1,353,803 o o 125,600 o o 866,329 12 4 328,435 11 8 3,855,306 II II 1,052,871 13 5 62,687 o o i34.°43 I 3 £ s. d. 448.350 o o 30,174 14 34.584 15 86,083 4 46,242 5 46,005 5 45,932 4 II * 2,243 17 o 30,159 2 II 12,259 18 2 125,899 15 4 47,8f9 5 10 2,906 16 5 9,636 o 8 174 4 37 13 49 5 9 25 £ s. d. 9.483 19 8 568 15 4 II 1,582 19 71 15 6 "8 63 12 453 10 8 3.945 361 4 703 I 10 1,802 4 760 9 10 £ s. d. 272 o o Australian Mutual ProTident. Australasian Temperance and^ General — Ordinary. Industrial. Ausiralian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life — Ordinary. IndustriaL City Mutual. ColoLial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. Standard Life — Ordinary. Industrial. QUEENSLAND. 368 £ s. d. 148,552 o o 250 o o £ s. d. 3,606 o o 10 15 3 746 4.737 15.656 293 1.893 221 4.496 25,395 1,880 3,216 1.790 329 2.153 581 4.6i^5 882 449 £ 8. d. 58.943 19 4 98,950 I 10 5,210,117 o o 41,024 10 o 40,257 o o 52,793 o o 648,332 o o 532.433 II 11 256,795 10 o 743.057 13 10 627,277 o o 45,700 o o 547.547 11 8 195,896 7 o 1,213,236 o o 343.326 16 5 9,993 5 8 £ B. d. 2,824 8 4 6,626 19 4 163,053 o o 1,673 13 2 2,764 o 4 1,758 II 8 24.823 IS 4 23,734 2 o * 25,174 16 6 « 939 3 o 17,281 10 7 7,428 I 10 39.099 3 6 13.855 6 o 427 2 I 41 3 I 3 "e 10 I I £ s. d. 2,02» la 100 15 4 19 5 o 7 17 4 294 o o 284 12 O 567 4 o 100 O O ICO O o £ 8. d. 43 o o 34 o 10 Australian MetropoJitan — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Mutual ProTident. Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life — Ordinary. Industrial. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand — Indust rial. * Information not available. go CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIX. — Policies Existing in each 21ame of Company. Whole Life Assurances. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Endowment Assurances, No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Endowments. No. Amount. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Australian Mutual PrOYident Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary Industrial Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of JSew York National Mutual ... New York Life 5,717 1,791 6,693 2,000 859 13,702 781 1,050 141 656 277 4,i4S 35 s. d. 2,012,359 o o 284,181 13 o 149,076 o o 416,042 18 o 120,517 10 257,747 9 213,685 19 362,875 o 25,200 o 199,520 o 93,219 o 842,105 o 8,055 I s. d. 61,186 o 9.989 7 5 7,338 18 8 14,948 13 I 4,272 I 5 10,061 15 8 5,295^ 5 2 491 14 6 6,277 15 7 4,169 3 I 27,946 I 4 319 I 10 10,401 8. d. 2,08;, 949 o o 8. d. 82,251 o o Included in previous column. 2,761 13.825 625 390,675 II 332,877 13 110,050 16,484 6 II 11,683 15 o 4,557 18 I Included in previous column. 608 I 121,770 o o I 5,190 o 9 Included in previous column. ] 61 16,151 4 10 1,116 16 8 94 84 1,472 249 630 1,407 53 99 237 £ s. d. 15.550 9.465 28,571 32,228 5 49,409 6 32,464 13 8 7,100 1,100 6 16,887 3 31,350 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Australian Mutual Provident . Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters., Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual ... 3,135 341 2,875 319 1,064 200 319 444 2,065 £ s. d. 1,360,893 o o 58,17s o 66,602 I 100,934 19 458,343 o 49,000 o 119,246 5 176,255 4 519,131 o £ 8. d. 38,865 1,926 6 2,555 16 2,543 6 9 I 909 II 3,709 13 8,112 5 16,875 15 5 4 9 3,233 1,360 6,080 377 £ s. d. 762,725 o o 266,564 o o 179,594 18 4 72,762 o o £ 8. d. 28,292 o o 10,278 18 2 8,175 I o 3,013 II 2 Included in previous column. 284 j 93,88i o o I 3,963 6 I Included in previous column. < 37 361 530 23 25 9 £ 8. d. 4,650 35,200 14,955 3,600 8 9 1,000 5,200 900 22,270 9 TASMANIA. Australian Mutual Provident Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary lud ustrial Colonial Mutual Equitable Life Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual ... 2,726 666 236 3,350 313 526 167 392 1,516 £ s. d. 1,087,259 o o 144,113 o o 36,049 II 57,980 II 98,991 19 217,580 o 57,910 5 130.978 3 291,475 o £ e. d. 33,112 o o 5,179 6 4 1,242 2 2,834 4 2,665 II 1,697 4 4,589 II 10,058 3 £ 8. d. 4,312 862,312 10 o 34,291 o o Included in previous column. 650 379 3,935 12 3.077 6 2,594 IS 94.519 9 o 98,104 II 5 62,650 00 Included in previous colbmn, ^^^ I 31,550 o o 1 1,2815 16 Included in previous column. 86 216 235 46 6 24 23 80 £ s. d. 9,500 o o 13,350 o o 15.139 5,365 5,500 1,500 3,010 2,500 11,100 * Information not available. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 91 state as at Valuatign Dates — continuid. Term Assurances, &c. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Total Assurances and Dndowments. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Annuities. No. Annual Amount. Annual Premiums. Name of Company. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 395 £ 8. d. 165,008 o o £ s. d. 3,283 o o 3 18 4 16,607 1-875 8,16s 2,249 4.250 28,934 1.459 1,058 141 1.364 277 4,382 96 & s. d. 4,278,866 o o 293.646 13 o 177.647 o o 448,271 3 o 560,602 7 623,089 16 330,835 19 363,975 o 25,200 o 338,427 3 93,219 o 873.455 o 24,206 6 147,294 o o 10.559 2 4 8,916 18 4 16,407 16 3 23,441 18 23,408 9 10,167 14 * 491 14 12,457 o 4,169 3 29,319 18 1.435 18 55 4 3 17 I £ s. d. 3.689 18 4 24 I 8 214 6 583 6 10 10 428 102 9 267 7 4 615 5 2 44 12 £ s. d. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and General — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life. Ordinary. Industrial. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 91 £ f. d. 34,500 o o 8. d. 699 6,496 2,062 9.485 719 1,072 200 628 453 2.233 £ B. d. 2,163,168 o o 359.939 o 261,152 8 177,296 19 459.343 o 49,000 o 218,327 5 177.155 4 541,401 9 £ s. d. 68,057 2 14.050 14 7 ... 11,481 3 4 5.721 I 6 # 2 509 11 7,889 5 6 8.159 10 1 17,891 12 10 £ s. d. 173 6 4 155 o o £ B. d. Australian Mutual Provident. Citizens' Life — Ordinary. Industrial. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. TASMANIA. 275 £ s. d. I3!',822 o o d. :,8 = 8 7.383 752 1,102 7,547 738 532 357 415 1,596 2,079,893 10 o 157.463 o o 145.708 5 161,450 3 167,141 19 219,080 o 92,470 5 133,478 3 30^575 o £ 8. d. 70,683 54 5.805 4 5 2 6,012 1 4 1 6,177 3 4 5.540 7 4 * I 3.107 4 6 2 4,707 11 8 8 10,535 16 « £ s. d. 743 9 8 20 7 13 8 190 10 25 50 13 149 H 3 £ s. d. 34 o o Australian Mutual Provident. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life- Ordinary. Industrial. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life, Mutual Life oj; Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. NatioDal Mutual. ^ Information not available. 92 CENSUS OP NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XIX. — Policies Existing in each Name of Company. Whole Life Assurances. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Endowment Assurances. No. Annual Premiums. Endowments. No. NEW ZEALAND. Australian Mutual Proyident . . . Australian Widows' Fund ... Citizens' Life — Ordinary ... Industrial Colonial Mutual Equitable Life Mutual Life of Australasia National Mutual .. , New York Life ... Proyident and Industrial of New Zealand — Ordinary Industrial 12,639 1,249 650 4,895 2,041 1,261 2,784 7,22i: 139 431 7.509 £ B. d, ^,309,008 o o 358,923 o o 104,282 o 93.138 18 724,458 8 499,967 o 834,119 10 1,796,054 12 54.268 19 49,448 II 162,885 4 £ 8. d. 123,571 13,399 II 6 3.436 15 8 5,114 12 8 17,611 7 II # 23,210 8 57.468 12 5 1,920 9 10 1,937 17 8 7,411 7 15,899 £ s. d. 3,328,639 o £ 125,25+ Included in previous column. 14,634 10 II 10,811 4 8 19,252 19 2.334 387,683 9 o 11,641 255,020 17 ic 2,379 464.860 o o Included in previous column. 3,0191 658,145 o o| 26,987 I Included in previous column. 186 63,433 13 7 3,112 7 Included in previous column. 176 251 846 1,258 232 9 624 1,684 1,893 £ s. d. 25,032 48,37s 74,603 10 30,986 14 35,450 2,000 109,500 299,860 41.863 13 7 ELSEWHERE. Citizens' Life — Ordinary ... Industrial ... Colonial Mutual ... Equitable Life Independent Order of Foresters... Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual New York Life 66 91 10,103 394,641 203,148 237 537,051 2,890 473,288 £ 8. d. 15,650 2,074 14 4,654,825 18 9 240,820,167 46,346,162 118,242 10 272,910,546 3 1,158,365 220,007,490 £ 8. d. 499 19 I 88 16 8 128,861 18 4 * 518,042 3 3 4,192 19 4 lit 37,602 16 I 7,217,993 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 207 54,325 2,212 7 7 72 1,959 7 4 65 4 4 2,721 742,119 30,736 I 10 Included in previous column. 56 /5 65° 469 121 1,743 326 1,970 £ 8. d. 7,100 469 2 121,595 ° 133,323 £ 8. d. 398 15 9 24 I c 6,357 9 II 773 220,164 9,468 15 3 1 Included in previous column. \ 223,10394,575,873 05,484,390 34,220 10 380,04s II 2 71,750 673,564 1,181 15 c 3.336 II 2 26,063 TOTAL. Australian Metropolitan — Ordinary Industrial Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and Q-efleral — Ordinary Industrial Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life — Ordinary Industrial City Mutual Colonial Mutual Equitable Life ... ... Independent Order of Foresters, . . Mutual Life of Australasia Mutual Life of New York National Mutual New York Life People's Prudential — Ordinary Industrial Provident and Industrial of New Zealand — Ordinary i,. Industrial Standard Life — Ordinary Industrial ... 3,066 73,965 9,690 37,755 21,319 6,932 81,511 3,187 19,998 405.972 205.369 ■ 9,363 541,367 49,088 476,285 167 1,322 439 9,302 163 3.302 £ 42,320 70,344 28,269,234 1,435,944 17 702,393 o 4,668,239 12 998,912 19 1,529,905 4 532,241 6 7,707,673 17 245.528,563 o 46,701,662 o 3,014,248 II 274,915,967 2 1,142,219 1 221,350,385 o 12,155 15 22,080 II 50,148 11 209,001 7 22,139 o 43,141 8 £ 8. d.i 1,778 8 si 4,217 8 4 831,858 o o So.5°7 5 6 39,669 14 4[ 169,149 13 2; 35.049 9 i| 66,86i 16 4' 17,264 7 10' 211,256 8 10 * i 525,042 3 3 89,432 4 6 * 371,399 10 2 7,265,888 o o 407 16 o 1,130 3 4 1,964 TO 4 9,493 19 I 804 18 o 4,420 13 o 329 3,033 96,820 £ s. d 28,725 o o 53,408 14 o 20,268,249 10 o £ s. d. 1,456 II 2 3,899 7 o 781,203 o o Included in previous column. 20,703 101,491 6,152 12,498 3,142,179 15 2,327,008 15 703,474 18 2,472,060 18 o 121,185 10 5 96,9°^ 15 4 29,090 19 10 102,384 10 3 Included in previous column. 11,7881 2,520,450 o o| 101,607 14 II X Included in previous column. < 226,31295,565,044 o 05,539,363 o 65 95,565,044 o o 5,953 5 o 272 10 II { Included in previons column. 739 5,187 85,945 o o 109,113 6 3 3,789 14 10 4,608 I 4 1,762 997 573 17,235 2,303 5,969 13,835 1,584 1,500 605 1,462 1,827 4,587 1,970 6 861 2,152 671 13,409 £ 8. d. 6,861 19 4 36,383 12 2 169,129 O 60,418 O 358,432 o o 356,989 5 o 467,067 15 340,239 7 153,792 3 240,949 9 154,088 o 264,760 13 6 391,765 14 2 734,076 15 8 673,564 o o 579 10 o 11,851 5 47,486 II 10 51,243 o o 242,868 6 o * Information not available. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Sbate as at Valuation Dates — continued. 93 Term Assurances, &c. No, Amouut. Annual Freminjus. Total Assurances and Endowments. No. Amount. Annual Premiums. Annuities. No. Annual Amount. Annual Premiums. Name of Company. NEW ZEALAND. 692 352.561 s. d, o o 2,100 O £ s. d 6,742 o o 63 17 29,406 1,500 3.830 17.794 4.652 1,270 6,433 8,912 325 431 9,402 £ 8,015,240 407,298 566,568 19 379.146 10 1,224,768 8 501,967 o 1,603,864 10 2.095.914 12 117,702 13 49,448 II 9 204,748 17 II £ 8. 256,585 o 15,682 II 21.777 17.454 38.611 * 54,558 68,141 5.032 I 13 19 17 1.937 17 8 10,124 6 II 138 2 £ 8. d. 7,318 4 42 II 4 25 4 100 123 743 I 10 241 10 3 70 £ 8. d. 243 o o 7 8 I Australian Mutual Provident. Australian Widows' I"und. Citizens' Life- Ordinary. Industrial. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Mutual Life of Australasia. National Mutual. New York Life. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand- Ordinary. Industrial. ELSEWHERE. 8. d. 8,600 8. d. 193 8 o 329 18S 13.474 395.110 203,148 1,141 538.794 3,216 698,361 £ s. d. s. d. 77.075 o 4.503 3 4 5,518,539 18 9 240,953.490 o o 46,346,162 o o 381,227 o o 273.290,591 " 5 1,230,115 o o 3,111 2 178 2 165,955 10 * 518,530 2 15.036 17 40,939 7 3 315,256,927 o 012,728,446 o o 5 2,644 49 7,248 56 9.903 £ B. d. 74 12 I 549 13 172,281 4 3.785 440,602 16 II 4,614 19 4 386,140 8. d. 17 18 Citizens' Life — Ordinary. Industrial. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New Yori. National Mutual. New York Life. TOTAL. 4.230 25 8. a. 2.056,977 o o 16,800 O O S. d. 43.167 454 4 o 935 7,861 176,012 10,263 54.990 23,622 33.604 196,837 10,923 33.996 406,577 205,369 22,638 543.194 53.675 704.567 238 2,183 439 11.454 1.573 £ 8. d. 77,906 19 4 160,136 13 50,763.589 10 o 1.496.363 7 7 1,060,825 10 5,025,228 17 6 4,608, 1 60 4,197.153 1,389,508 10,420,684 245,682,651 46,701,662 5,816,259 275.307.732 17 12,156,295 16 10 317,588,993 o o 18,688 10 o 33.931 16 6 50,148 II 256,487 19 159.327 o o 395."3 ° 3 £ 8. d. 3,629 II 10 10,763 II 4 1,663,332 803 53.287 2 10 8 61,358 5 4 ... 185,505 II 9 46 181,414 16 2 24 181,172 2 4 ... 53,648 19 10 12 325,749 i« 3 27 2,719 525,042 3 3 202,405 13 I 92 7,319 400,128 3 7 109 2,831,314 9,933 718 4 10 2,128 II 4 ... 1,964 10 4 12,645 3 1 ... 7,466 10 5 29,101 7 4 d. 47,239 5 4 694 8 10 1,968 I 3 1.259 9 183 II 1,363 II 178,053 o 6,725 6 444,230 13 7,526 8 10 388,298 o s. d. 1,320 14 II 126 18 3 459 8 o 11,932 o o Australian Metropolitan-^- Ordinary. Induetrial. Australian Mutual Provident. Australasian Temperance and G-eneral — Ordinary. Industrial. Australian Widows' Fund. Citizens' Life — ■ Ordinary. Industrial. City Mutual. Colonial Mutual. Equitable Life. Independent Order of Foresters. Mutual Life of Australasia. Mutual Life of New York. National Mutual. New York Life. People's Prudential — Ordiniiry. Industrial. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand — Ordinary. Industrial. Standard Life — Ordinary. Industrial. * Information not available. 94 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XX. — Surrender Values of Policies of £100. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (S5 or Death). Endowment (PayaMe at 21). Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. 5 Years. 10 Tears. IS Tears. 20 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 20 Tears, 5 Tears. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Tears. 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 3 10 I 5 I 2 7 6 10 10 7 II £ 8. d. 8 I II 1164 16 3 10 22 9 £ B. d. 12 19 7 18 2 10 25 5 II 33 16 5 £ 8. d. 18 9 25 II 8 34 16 4 44 19 7 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 6 17 2 II 132 23 18 I 100 £ 8. d. 16 I 27 4 5 56 I 10 £ B. d. 26 6 5 45 4 6 100 £ 8. d. 38 12 10 67 4 10 I 3 5 7 £ 6. d. 16 7 2 19 5 8 23 27 16 9 £ 8. d. 34 3 4 39 IS 10 46 17 6 56 10 £ B. d. £ 8. d. AUSTRALASIAN TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL • Whole Life. Endowment Assurance {60 or Death). Endowment (Payable at 21). 1 Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Years. 20 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 20 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 20 Tears. 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 2 I 8 3 3 4 4 16 2 7 I 4 £ 8. d. 504 768 10 19 3 15 IS £ B. d. 8 IS 12 16 18 12 I 25 14 £ 8. d. 13 9 8 19 II 3 27 13 9 36 16 II 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 3 8 2 5 17 I II 3 2 27 15 £ 8. d. 8 5 7 14 26 3 8 £ B. d. 14 11 I 24 5 9 44 16 II £ 8. d. 21 14 8 36 13 5 I 6 II £ 8. d. 10 17 6 16 6 27 II 6 £ s. d. 21 15 42 6 10 £ e. d. 49 12 6 £ 6. d. AUSTRALASIAN WIDOWS' FUND. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (5° or Death). Endowment (Payable at 21). Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. 3 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. IS Tears. 3 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 3 Tears. S Tears. 10 Tears. IS Tears. 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 176 2 I 3 3 I 488 £ B. d. 295 3 12 5 5 6 3 7 II 6 £ s. d. 654 8 16 2 12 10 8 17 9 6 £ 8. d. 10 13 8 IS 7 21 I 27 19 . 8 20 25 30 35 40 £ 8. d. 3 12 5 4 18 II 6 16 2 9 19 4 16 IS 9 £ 8. d. 676 8 12 6 II 15 3 17 9 5 29 3 5 £ 8. d. 15 19 21 6 8 29 7 2 43 18 lo £ B. d. 28 I 7 37 13 5 52 4 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8. d. 727 7 13 4 854 8 18 9 9 13 II 10 8 8 £ s. d. 12 5 9 13 4 4 14 5 I 15 8 4 16 14 6 18 4 5 £ 8. d. 30 9 2 32 15 35 6 2 38 3 7 41 8 4 45 2 I £ 8. d. 53 9 I 57 9 10 61 19 II 6y 1 72 14 II CITIZENS' LIFE. Whole Life. j Endowment Assurance (60 or Death.) Endowment. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. 3 Tears. S Tears. 10 Tears. 3 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Years. 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. I 5 5 224 384 5 7 7 £ 8. d. 250 3 13 7 5 19 I 9 4 5 £ 8. d. 5 4 2 8 I II 12 18 I 19 10 s 20 30 40 50 £ 8. d. 227 406 860 22 18 2 £ 8. d. 3 IS 8 7 I II 14 14 4 40 19 7 £ 8. d. 8 17 4 16 6 4 34 6 3 • . . . . V .1. Surrender Value is two-thirds o£ the premiums paid. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE 95 Table XX. — Surrender Values of Policies of £100 — continued. CITY MUTUAL. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (55 or Death). Endowment. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Term. Duration. 5 Tears. 10 Years. 13 Years. 20 Years. 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. 20 30 40 SO £ s. d. 1 13 9 2 10 6 3 15 9 5 9 3 £ 8. d. 440 6 I 3 8 17 9 12 12 £ 8. d. 7 I 9 10 4 14 10 6 * £ 8. d. 10 7 9 14 IS 3 20 10 6 * 20 2S 30 3S 40 £ 8. d. 3 7 3 440 600 8 10 6 12 16 9 £ 8. d. 8 10 6 10 19 9 IS I 3 21 4 9 * £ s. d. 14 16 6 19 4 26 4 6 * £ s. d. 22 8 9 29 8 * 30 25 20 IS II £ 8. d. 4.18 9 6 13 2 963 13 18 9 20 12 11 £ 8. d. 13 3 6 17 15 24 16 8 £ 8. d. 19 IS 26 12 8 * £ s. d. ^ Special value. COLONIAL MUTUAL. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (Payable in 15 years). Endowment. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Surrender Values are three-fourths of premiums paid. 4 Years. 10 Years. 15 Tears. 20 Years. 4 Years. 7 Years. lo Years. - IS 40 60 £ 8. d. I 13 6 388 6 16 5 £ 8. d. 620 II 7 9 20 9 I £ 8. d. 9 7 II 17 19 3 30 16 3 £ 8. d. 13 2 9 25 3 39 8 5 15 30 5° £ 3. d. 14 8 4 13 16 10 13 12 I £ 8. d. £ B. d. 27 13 7 42 81 26 18 6 41 16 2 26 6 3 40 18 £ 8. d. EQUITABLE LIFE (Guaranteed Surrender Values). Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (55 or Death). Endowment. Entry Age. Buration. I Entry Age. Duration. 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. 25 3 14 9 18 16 23 25 820 22 6 36 14 54 35 5 II 14 12 23 6 32 16 30 10 16 29 12 48 14 71 16 45 840 21 6 32 14 44 2 35 14 18 40 14 67 8 55 II 12 29 2 42 16 55 2 40 45 21 16 37 10 60 Returns not given. MUTUAL LIFE OF AUSTRALASIA. Whole Life, Endowment Assurance (55 or Death). Endowment. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Based on premiums paid. 3 Years. 5 Tears. 10 Years. 15 Years. 3 Years. 5 Years. 10 Tears. 15 Years. 20 30 40 5° £ 8. d. I 3 5 1 15 I 2 12 I 3 16 I £ 8. d. 2 3 10 3 4 II 4 16 4 6 19 £ 8. d. 5 3 II 788 10 17 5 IS 6 II £ 8. d. 8 19 5 12 16 7 18 5 2 24 16 4 20 30 40 45 £ 8. d. 2 6 II 4 3 3 8 13 3 14 II II £ 8. d. 482 7 IS 8 16 S 9 £ 8. d. 10 II 6 18 10 6 £ 8. d. 18 15 8 33 5 3 N 96 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE Table XX. — Sueeendee Values of Policies of £100 — continued. NATIONAL MUTUAL. Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (60 or Death). Endowment. Entry Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. Returns not given. 3 Years. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 2 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 25 40 SO £ B. d. 12 I 14 2 III 1 II I £ s. d. 2 17 3 3 7 7 5 I 7 5 8 £ s. d. 7 5 3 8 12 4 12 13 2 17 18 £ 8. d. 12 I 4 14 9 2 20 12 9 28 I 10 15 30 50 £ 8. d. 10 4 190 10 7 I £ s. d. 330 679 33 18 8 £ e. d. 7 18 4 16 9 9 £ 8. d. 13 II 6 28 7 6 NEW YORK LIFE (Guaranteed Surrender Values). Whole Life. Endowment Assurance (Term of 20 years). Endowment. Entry- Age. Duration. Entry Age. Duration. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Tears. 20 Tears. 5 Tears. 10 Tears. 15 Years. 20 Tears. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 20 300 800 13 19 20 17 40 67 100 30 500 12 19 27 30 1700 40 67 100 Returns not given. 40 700 17 27 38 40 1700 40 67 100 SO II 25 37 49 50 18 40 9 66 100 MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK— Paid-up Insurance for Whole-Life Policies (Instead of Surrender Value). Policies issued prior to 1899. Policies issued after January 1, 1899. Entry Age. 5 and 10 year Distribution. 15 and 20 year Distribution. Duration. 5 years. 10 years. 15 years. 20 years. 5 years. 10 years. 15 years. 20 years. 5 years. 10 years. IS years. 20 years. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 25 960 19 28 14 38 8 10 16 21 12 32 6 42 12 10 16 22 12 35 2 45 18 35 12 10 24 16 36 12 47 12 14 2 27 12 40 50 14 14 2 27 14 42 4 53 18 45 16 6 31 6 44 14 56 6 17 18 33 8 46 6 57 17 18 33 6 49 6 61 4 55 20 37 6 51 14 63 10 20 16 37 16 SI 6 6i 14 20 18 38 8 55 4 67 Australian Metropolitan. — No hard and fast rule has been adopted, each class of assurance being dealt with separately. Independent Order of Foresters. — No surrender values given. People's Prudential. — No surrender values are at present allowed, as none of the policies are of duration long enough to entitle them to such. The method to be pursued in calculating has not yet been determined. Provident and Industrial of N.Z. — Surrender values are only allowed under Endowment Tables, and these are specially dealt with when applied for. Standard Life. — There are no such minimum values, and pending the final settlement of the [basis of valuation, each application for surrender is dealt with on its particular merits, care being taken that no loss accrues to the Association by the discontinuance. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 7907.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 97 Table XXI. — Dues ob Chae&es other than the Tabular Premiums, payable at the commencement or during Currency of Policy. Name of Company. Initial Tees. Periodic Duos. Australian Metropolitan.. Nil. Nil. Australian Mutual Pro- ■vident. Nil. Nil. Australasian Temperance and General, Nil. Nil. Australian "Widows' Fund Nil. Nil. Citizens' Life Nil. Nil. City Mutual Nil. Nil. Colonial Mutual. . . Nil. Nil. Equitable Life ... Independent Order of Foresters. Nil. Nil. Description of Fee. For Assurance of— Description of Charge. Tor Assurance of — £100. £200. £400. £600. £800. £1,000. £100. £200. £400. £600. £800. £1,000. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d (Payable Monthly) 9. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 8. d. ♦Entrance Fee s <"' 050 050 050 050 050 ♦Branch dues ... 10 10 10 10 10 10 Medical Fee tStamp Duty 050 076 10 12 6 IS 100 Principal Office") dues. ( Business exten- f eiou dues. ) 2i 5 7i 10 I oi I 3 ♦Registration Fee ... 020 040 080 12 16 100 Other dues (speci- ♦Policy or Certificate Fee. Other Fees (speci- fied). 050 Nil. 050 050 050 050 050 fied). Total Monthly Dues I oj I 3 I Si I 8 I loi 2 I * This charge may be increased by the Branch if found insufficient to cover its operating expenses. Total Fees ... 17 I I 6 I 8 I 14 6 210 2 10 •These Fees may at any time be temporarily or permanently removed by the action of the President, Executive Council, or Supreme Court. t Stamp Duty is only collected where required by the laws of the country, in amount only to the extent of such requirement. Mutual Life of Austral- asia. Nil. Nil. Mutual Life of New York Nil. Nil. National Mutual There are no dues or charges (other than the tabular premiums) payable, either at the time of proposal for assurance or during the currency of the policy, except in a very few cases, which are as follow : — When, as in the case of assurances for short terms of years, the premiums are much less than those at the same age for ordinary assurances payable at death, it is customary to charge the amount of the medical fee to the proposer. This fee is generally one guinea, irrespective of the sum assured. When Annuity Bonds are subject to stamp duty it is customary to charge this to the purchaser. The amount of the duty is usually 5s. for each £50 or fractional part of £50 included in the consideration. New York Life Nil. Nil. People's Prudential Nil. Nil. Provident and Industrial of New Zealand. Nil. NU. Standard Life Nil. Nil. 98 CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH' WALES. 1901. -LIFE ASSURANCE. Table XXII. — Answers to Questions 33, 33, and 34. 31. Are all Policies effected with the Company indefeasible, subject only to the due payment of the Premiums ? 33. Is it allowable, under the Society's Articles of Association, or according to any Rules or By-laws of the Society, to decrease the amount of Assurance for which a contract has been made, the Premium remaining constant ? 34. Is it in the power of the Society to levy at will any sums, as assessment, other than those referred to in questions 17, 29, and 30 j if so, to what extent ? Name of Company. ANSWERS. Australian Metropolitan Australian Mutual Provident Australasian Temperance and &eneral Australian Widows' Fund Citizens' Life ... City Mutual ... Colonial Mutual Equitable Life... Independent Order of Foresters Mutual Life of Australasia . . . Mutual Life of New York ... National Mutual 31. Yes ; except in the case of suicide within two years, and fraud. 33. No. 34. No. 31. Yes; unless the Declaration, which is the basis of the Contract, shall be found to be fraudulently nntrue in any particular, or unless the life assured shall, whether sane or insane, die by his own hand within thirteen months from the commencement of the risk. Provided, however that should any other person or persons have a bona fide interest in the policy (in the event of the assured dying by his own hand), acquired by assignment, or by legal or equitable" lien, then, upon proof thereof being furnished to the satisfaction of the Directors of the extent of such interest, the funds of Society shall be liable to pay to such person or persons an amount equal £0 such interest, as determined by the Directors. 33. No. 34. No. 31. Yes. 33. No. 34. No. 31. All policies are indefeasible, except as provided as follows : — (i) Articles of Association, No. 59, Clause 2. — If any material information shall have been withheld or omitted from the proposal and declaration referred to in the policy, or from the personal statement or statements referred to in the said proposal and declaration, or if the information given or the statements made in the said proposal and declaration, or in the said personal statement or statements, be not full, true, and accurate in every particular. (2) Clause in PoKcy.— Provided also that if the said member shall, within the period of two years from and after the date of the commencement of the risk under this policy, die by his own act, whatever be his motive or intention for or in connection with such act, and whether at the time of the happening of such act he be sane or insane, or, if insane, whether he then understand or do not understand or be capable or incapable of understanding, the physical nature, consequence, or result of such act, this policy shall thereupon be utterly null and void, and all moneys which may have been paid for or on account of this policy shall be forfeited to the said Society. 33. No. 34. No. 31. Yes, provided fraud has not been practised ; except in the case of combined life and accident policy, under which Company has right to cancel the accident, &c., provisions ^only), after paying two claims thereunder. 33. No. 34. No. 31. Yes; except suicide within twelve months of the issue of policy. This voids the contract. 33. No. 34. No. 31. All policies are unconditional, unchallengeable, and indefeasible on any ground whatever (fraud alone excepted), and persons once assured may change their residence or occupation, and may voyage to or travel in any part of the world without the necessity of notice to the office, or payment of any extra premium. (In particular eases, where a specific extra risk is involved from the outset, special conditions may be imposed.) 33. No. 34. No. 31. Subject to the due payment of the premiums, the Society's policies become incontestable by their terms after being two years in force. 33. No contract in this Society can be decreased while the premium remains constant, with the exception of some of what are called " Under-average Risks " that have been issued during the last three years, under which the usual premium for first-class lives is charged, and a small amount of assurance given in case of death in the first year — the assurance increasing each year by an addition of the premium to the assurance of the first year, until the full benefit is reached. 34. No. The Society does not transact any assessment assurance. 31. All policies are subject to the good standing of the holders (members) in Courts of the Order, and to the due payment of the premiums. 33. No. 34. Yes ; in the event of the Insurance Fund becoming depleted, extra premiums or assessments may be levied to the extent necessary to provide for unpaid claims, or to fulfil the requirements of the Act of the Parliament of Canada. 31. All policies effected with the Association are indefeasible from date of issue. 33. The Association has no power to decrease the amount of assurance, as specified in the policy. 34. The Association cannot levy any sums other than the premiums specified in the policy. 31. All policies indefeasible after tiro years. 33. No. 34. No. 31. Fraud or suicide within thirteen months. 33. There is no such provision under the Articles of Association, or according to any Rules or By-laws of the Association. 34. It is not in the power of the A ssociation to make any levies, other than the amounts provided for in the contract. CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.— LIFE ASSURANCE. 99 Name of Company, New York Hfe... People's Prudential Table XXII. — Answers to Questions 31, 33, 34 — continued. ANSWERS. FroTideot and Zealand. Standard Life Industrial of New 31. Policies efEected with this Companj, if Domestic, are indefeasible, subject only to the due pa,ynient of premiums. Policies efEected at tropical rates are indefeasible one year from date of issue ot policy. 33. This Company's Articles of Association do not allow any decrease in the amount of insurance tor which a c )ntract has been made, the premiums remaining constant. 34. This Company has no power to levy at will any sums as assessment 1, beyond the tabular premiums. 31. Yes ! fraud, and suicide within twelve months of the date of the policy, only excluded. 33. No provision made for this under the Articles of Association, or otherwise. _ 34. The Company has not the power under its Articles of Association to make a levy of any description. 31. Policies may be cancelled if obtained by fraud, otherwise they are indefeasible. j -iv, t 33. The sums assured are clearly shown in the policy, and do not decrease. Where policies are issued without medical examination, the full sums assured are not payable in the event of death within from six to twelve months after tlie date of the policy, except when such death is the result of an accident, ihe sums assured under children's poKcies increase with the age of the child, as shown on the policy. 34. The Company has no power to levy any sum as assessment. 31. The only conditions for cancellation are, deliberate fraud in the obtaining of the policy and suicide withiu the first twelve months. 33. No. 34. No. Sydney : William Appleyate Gullick, Government Pi-inter.— 1901.