CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MUSIC ML las.wy"""'""'"-*"^' ^MimiKSilP.'"*" exhibition, ALbert 3 1924 017 078 720 'm ^ Cornell University Library The original of tiiis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 1,^ «ljg The edition of this Catalogue of the Musical Loan Exhibition at South Kensington, in 1885, consists of only 150 copies on demy paper, 30 copies on royal paper. *f* Of the companion work, " Mr. Weale's Bibliography of Missals," the edition consists of 250 copies on demy paper, SO copies on royal paper. \l BERNARD QUARITCH. F*©^ i A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS CHIEFLY LITURGICAL. Historical Music Loan Exhibition, Albert Hall, London. June — October, i88^. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF RARE MANUSCRIPTS & PRINTED BOOKS, CHIEFLY LITURGICAL, EXHIBITED BY Her Majesty Queen Victoria ; the Universities of Cambridge, Cracow, and Oxford ; the National Hungarian Museum, Buda-Pest ; the Archbishop of Mechlin; the Earl of Ashburnham, Earl Spencer, IV. H. Cummings, A. H. Liitluton, J. E. Matthew, etc. W. H. JAMES WEALE. . LONDON : BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCiA-DILLY.' November, 1886. ISO copies printed on Demy paper. 30 copies on Royal paper. Wyman & Sons. LojfDON, November, 1886. PREFACE. THE Historical Music Loan Exhibition of 1885 may fairly be characterised as a great opportunity lost. A wonderful treat to the few, it might and it ought to have been a source of instruction to the many. The relegation of the Collection to the Gallery of the Albert Hall was, perhaps, unavoidable, but pains should at least have been taken to make its importance known to the public. Any committee gathering together a collection of this sort is morally bound to issue a proper catalogue on the day of opening, or very shortly after. On this occasion weeks and weeks rolled by ; at last, after numerous complaints had appeared in the newspapers, a " Guide to the Loan Collection " was issued, drawn up, apparently, by a clerk, from the slips attached to the objects exhibited, but so carelessly that I do not remember ever to have seen a worse. It is diflficult to understand the reason of this ; but one thing is certain, that collectors will be chary of lending their treasures if those who ask for their loan do not show a better appreciation of their value. There is always a risk in transporting valuable works of art, and the only justification for incurring such risk is the impulse thereby given to research and the advance of knowledge. Towards the close of the Exhibition Mr. Quaritch, justly in- dignant at the neglect of the committee, offered to publish a Catalogue of the Liturgical Manuscripts and Printed Books — which formed by no means the least interesting portion of the very important collections there brought together — if I would undertake to draw one up. Hence this volume, which will, I trust, be found a useful record of this section of the Exhibition. The larger portion is devoted to a careful description of the most vi Preface. important liturgical manuscripts and of all the printed liturgical books exhibited. The latter have been described on a uniform plan. The designation of the book at the head of each notice is followed by the indication of the locality where it was printed, the names of the printer and of the publisher, or persons at whose cost it was produced, and the date of its completion. These are, as a rule, taken from the colophon ; when, however, the colophon does not supply all these data, they have been derived from the com- mencement of the text, from the preface of the Ordinary, and, in books of later date, from the title. The notice of each book, generally based on the collation of several copies, is followed by a description of the copy or copies exhibited, and a chronological list of the works in which the book is noticed, those which merely repeat previous descriptions being placed within brackets. The two last sections of the Catalogue contain the treatises on music, manuscript and printed, and such of the collections of sacred and secular music as I was able to take notes of before the dispersal of the Collection. I must claim especial indulgence for this portion of my work, which is quite out of the usual range of my studies, and which I should not have attempted had I not been urged to do so by several friends. For the notices of the choral service-books belonging to divers colleges at Cambridge and to Durham Cathedral (Part V., Nos. i, 2, 3, and 6-1 1), which will probably be found the most valuable of those included in the last section, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Owen Dullea. My best thanks are also due to Mr. John W. Bradley, for notes on the miniatures and illuminated ornaments of the Italian manuscripts. I have finally to apologise to subscribers for the delay in issuing this volume, the greater portion of which was printed in the earlier part of the spring. Constant and varied occupation have hindered its earlier completion. W. H. JAMES WEALE. Dijon : September 14, 1886. ILLUSTRATIONS. Reduced facsimile of the first page of the Psalter of 1457. To face page 40 „ „ of Cut at the head ofthe Canon of Missale secundum ritum dominorum Ultramontanorum. 1480 ... ... 46 Facsimile of Colophon of the same Missal . . . „ „ of Missale Moguntinum Strigoniense. 1483 1484 i486 1490 1491 1491 c. 1500. 47 49 SI S5 S8 59 60 To face page 64 „ Device in „ Cut in Missale Cracoviense, „ Colophon of Agenda parrochialium ecclesiarum. 1488. To face page 67 Reduced Facsimile of Colophon of Missale Zagrabiense. 15 11 ... 89 „ „ of Cut in the same Missal . . . To face page 90 „ „ of Title-page of Missale Argentinense. 1520. To face page 100 LIST OF REFERENCES. ^Ma«ij?/. — Abhandlungen einer Privatgesellschaft in Bohmen. Prag, 1775-84. Oct. ALi;s. — Anatole Alhs. Bibliothbque Liturgique. Description des Livres de Liturgie imprimis aux xv^ et xvi* sifecles, faisant partie de la Bibliothfeque de S. A. R. Mgr. Charles Louis de Bourbon, corate de Villafranca. Paris, 1878-84. Oct. Arktin. — Johann Christophor Anton Maria von Aretin. Von den altesten Denkmahlern der Buchdruckerkunst in Baiern. Miin- chen, 1 80 1. Quarto. Bandinel. — Bulkeley Bandinel. A Catalogue of the Books bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. Oxford, 1814. Bandtkie. — Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie. Historya Drukarn Krakowskich. Krakowie, 1815. Oct. Bandtkie, ) Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie. Historya Drukarn w Krolestwie J^rol. Polsk. J Polskiem. Krakowie, 1826. Oct. Bartsch. — Karl Bartsch. Die Lateinischen Sequenzen des Mittelalters in Musikalischer und Rhythmischer Beziehung. Rostock, 1868. Bauer. — Johann Jacob Bauer. Bibliotheca Librorum rariorum universalis. Niirnberg, 1770-91. Baumgarten. — Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten. Nachrichten von merk- wiirdigen Biichern. Halle. 1752-58. Oct. BEAUPRi. — Jean Nicolas Beaupr^. Notice bibliographique sur les Livres de Liturgie des Dioceses de Toul et de Verdun. Nancy, 1843. Becker. — Carl Ferdinand Becker. Systematisch chronologische Darstellung der musikalischen Literatur von der friihesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. Leipzig, 1836-39. Beyer. — August Beyer. Memoriae historico-criticae librorum rariorum. Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1734. Oct. BoARDMAN. — Charles Boardman. A Catalogue of Books printed either in Gothic Letter or before the year 1551, forming part of the Library of Stonyhurst College. London, 1862. BoHN. — Emil Bohn. Bibliographie der Musik-Druckwercke bis 1700 welche in der Stadtbibliothek, der Bibliothek des Academischen Instituts fiir Kirchenmusik, und der Koniglichen und Univer- sitats-Bibliothek zu Breslau aufbewahrt werden. Berlin, 1883. b X List of References. B.Bolongaro-Crevenna.—CsXSilogue dela Bibliothfequede M. Pierre Antoine Bolongaro-Crevenna. Vol. i. Amsterdam, 1789. Quarto. BoTFiELD.— Beriah Botfield. Bibliotheca Membranacea Britannica, or Notices of Early English Books printed upon vellum. London, 1854. Bradshaw. — Henry Bradshaw. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothfeque de rUniversit^ k Cambridge imprimis sur v€\\n ; dans " Le Bibliophile," Londres, Sept. et Nov., 1863. Brunet. — Jacques Charles Brunet. Manuel du Libraire. 5° Edition. Paris, 1862. Brunet, Suppl.—'Pierre Gustave Brunet et Pierre Deschamps. Supple- ment au Manuel du Libraire. Paris, 1878-80. £. Bruynincx. — Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothfeque de M. F. A. E. Bruynincx, chanoine gradu^ et archidiacre de I'^glise cath^drale d' An vers. Anvers, 1791. Burette. — M. Burette. Observations touchant I'Histoire litteraire du Dialogue de Plutarque sur la Musique ; dans les " M^moires de TAcad^mie Royale des Inscriptions," torn. viii. Paris, 1733- BuRNEV. — Charles Burney. A general history of Music. London, 1776-89. Quarto. Busby. — Thomas Busby. A general History of Music, from the earliest times to the present; comprising the Lives of eminent Composers and musical writers; London, 181 9. Caballero. — Ramon Diosdado Caballero. De prima Typographiae Hispanicae aetate Specimen. Romae, 1793. Quarto. Campbell. — Marinus Frederik Andries Gerardus Campbell. Annales de la Typographie N^erlandaise au xv^ sibcle. La Haye, 1874-84. Oct. B. Christ. — Catalogus Bibliothecse Christiae a cl. viro loh. Frid. Christio olim collectae. Lipsiae, 1757. Oct. B. Colbert. — Bibliotheca Colbertina. Parisiis, 1728. Oct. Dank6. — Joseph Dank6. Die Feier des Osterfestes nach der alten Romisch-Ungarischen Liturgie. 'Wien, 1872. De Bure. — Guillaume Frangois de Bure. Bibliographie instructive : ou Traitd de la Connoissance des Livres rares et singuliers. Volume de Theologie. Paris, 1763. Oct. Denis. — Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael Denis. Annalium typo- graphicorum v. cl. Michaelis Maittaire Supplementum. Viennae, 1789. Quarto. Denis, Wiensbuchdr. — Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael Denis. Wiens- buchdruckergeschicht bis M.D.LX. Wien, 1782. Quarto. DiBDiN, i.-iv. — Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vols. London, 1814-15. DiBDiN, V, VI. — Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianae. 2 vols London, 1822. List of References. xi DiBDiN, vii. — Thomas Frognall Dibdin. A descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George John, Earl Spencer. London, 1823. Dibdin, Decant. — Thomas Frognall Dibdin. The Bibliographical Decameron. London, 18 17. Dibdin, Typ. Ant. — Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Typographical Anti- quities ; or, the History of Printing in England,. Scotland, and Ireland, begun by Joseph Ames, and augmented by William Herbert, now enlarged with notes. London, 1810-19. Dickinson. — Francis Henry Dickinson. A list of printed Service Books, ^ according to the ancient Uses of the Anglican Church. London, 1850. EsTREiCHER. — Karl Estreicher. Polnische Bibliographic des xv-xvi Jahrhunderts. Krakau, 1875. F^Tis. — Frangois Joseph Fdtis. Biographie universelle des Musiciens. Paris, 1860-80. FoRKEL. — Johann Nicolaus Forkel. AUgemeine Litteratur der Musik Oder Anleitung zur Kenntnisz musikalischer Biicher, welche von den altesten bis auf die neusten Zeiten sind geschrieben worden. Systematisch geordnet, und nach Veranlassung mit Anmerkungen und Urtheilen begleitet. Leipzig, 1792. Oct. Fossi. — Ferdinando Fossi. Catalogus codicum saeculo xv impressorum qui in publica Bibliotheca Magliabechiana Florentiae adservantur. Florentiae, 1793-94. Folio. FRiiRE, Manuel. — Edouard Frfere. Manuel du Bibliographe Normand. Tome II. Rouen, 1859. Gemeiner. — Carl Theodor Gemeiner. Nachrichten von den in der Regensburgischen Stadtbibliothek befindlichen merkwiirdigen und seltenen Biichern aus dem xv Jahrhundert. Regensburg, 1785. Oct. GiusTiNiANi. — Lorenzo Giustiniani. Sagio storico-critico sulla Tipo- grafia del regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1793. Quarto. GouGH. — Richard Gough. British Topography. London, 1780. Quarto. Graesse. — Jean George Theodore Graesse. Tr^sor de livres rares et prdcieux, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique. Dresde, 1859-69. Grass. — Franz Grass. Verzeichniss einiger Biichermerkwiirdigkeiten aus den sechzehenten und siebenzehenten Jahrhunderten, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Korherrenstiftes des Heil. Augustin zu Neustift in Tyrol befinden. Brixen, 1790. Quarto. Grove. — George Grove. A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1883) by eminent writers, English and Foreign. London, 1879-85. Hain. — Ludwig Hain. Repertorium bibliographicum. Stuttgartiae, 1831. Oct. Hawkins. — John Hawkins. A general History of the Science and Practice of Music. London, 1853. xii List of References. Haym. — Niccola Francesco Haym. Biblioteca Italiana o sia notizia de' Libri rari Italiani. Milano, 1771-73. Quarto. Helmschrott. — Joseph Maria Helmschrott. Verzeichniss alter Druck- denkmale der Bibliothek des uralten Benediktiner-Stifts zum H. Mang in FUessen. Ulm, 1790. Quarto. Henderson. — William George Henderson. Missale ad usum insignis ecclesiae Eboracensis. Leeds, 1874. Herbert. — William Herbert. Typographical Antiquities : or, an historical account of the origin and progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland, begun by Joseph Ames. London, 1785-90. Quarto. Hirsch. — Carolus Christianus Hirsch. Librorum ab anno I. usque ad annum L. seculi xvi typis exscriptorum ex libraria quadam (Ebneriana) supellectile, Norimbergae privatis sumptibus in communem usum collecta et observata Millenarius i.-iv. Norimbergae, 1746-49. Quarto. B. Hohendorf. — Bibliotheca Hohendorfiana. La Haye, 1720. Oct. Honecker. — Vitus Godefridus Honecker. Ordo et Argumentum Agendarum Moguntinensium ab ineunte saeculo xvi : Dissertatio Liturgica. Moguntiae, 1785. Quarto. Janozki. — Johann Daniel A. Janozki. Nachricht von denen in der Hochgraflich-Zaluskischen Bibliothek sich befindenden raren Polnischen Biichern. Theil iv. Bresslau, 1753. Oct. Jocher. — Adam Jocher. Obraz Bibliograficzno-historyczny Literatury i Nauk w Polsce. Tom. iii. Wilno, 1857. Kaprinay. — Stephanus Kaprinay. Hungaria diplomatica temporibus Mathiae de Hunyad regis Hungariae. Vindobonae, 1767. Quarto. Kirchenschmuck. — Kirchenschmuck. Ein Archiv fiir kirchliche Kunst- schopfungen und christliche Alterthumskunde. Stuttgart, 1857-70. Knauz. — Ferdinandus Knauz. Libri Missales ac Breviaria Ecclesiae Hungaricae ad receptionem usque Ritus Romani. Strigonii, 1870. La Caille. — Jean de la Caille. Histoire de I'lmprimerie et de la Librairie. Paris, 1689. Quarto. Laire, Index. — Franciscus Xaverius Laire. . Index librorum ab inventa Typographia ad annum 1500. Senonis, 1791. Oct. La Serna, Did. Bibl. — C. de La Serna Santander. Dictionnaire Bibliographique choisi du quinzifeme sifecle. Bruxelles, 1805-7. Le Brun. — Pierre Le Brun. Explication literale, historique et dogma- tique des Priferes et des C^rdmonies de la Messe. Paris, 1718-26. Oct. Le Roux. — Le Roux de Lincy. Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa vie et sa bibliothfeque, suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont appartenu. Paris, 1866. Oct. Litt. Mag. — Litterarisches Magazin fiir Katholiken. Coburg, 1795. Oct. Lit. Woch. — Literarisches Wochenblat. Niirenberg, 1769-70. Oct. List of References. xiii Lowndes. — William Thomas Lowndes. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, revised by Henry George Bohn. London, 1869. Maitland. — Samuel Roifey Maitland. A list of some of the early printed Books in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth. London, 1843. Maittaire. — Michael Maittaire. Annates typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MDCLXIV. Hagae Comitum, 1719-41. Quarto. Marchand. — Prosper Marchand. Histoire de I'origine et des premiers progrfes de I'lmprimerie. La Haye, 1740. Quarto. Maskell. — William Maskell. A Catalogue of Books used in or relating -\i^' to the Public Services of the Church of England during the • xvi*'i and xvn*'' centuries. Chiswick, 1845. i6mo. Maskell, Mon. — William Maskell. Monumenta ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. London, 1846-47. Oct. Id. 2°* edition. Oxford, 1882. Oct. Mendel. — -Hermann Mendel. Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon. Berlm, 1880-81. Merati. — Gaetano Maria Merati. Bartholomei Gavariti Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum adiectis novis observationibus et additionibus. Romae, 1736-38. Quarto. Mercier. — Barthdlemi Mercier. Supplement S, I'Histoire de I'lmpri- merie de Prosper Marchand. Paris, 1775. Quarto. Misc. Crac. — Miscellaneorum Cracoviensium fasciculi duo. Cracoviae, 1814-15. Murr. — Christoph Gottlieb von Murr. Merkwiirdigkeiten der Fiirst- bischoflichen Residenzstadt Bamberg. Niirnberg, 1799. Oct. MuTHER. — Richard Muther. Die Deutsche Biicherillustration der Gothik und Friihrenaissance. 1460-1530. Miinchen, 1884. Orlandi. — Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi. Origine e progressi della : Stampa. Bologna, 1722. Quarto. Ortiz. — Blasius Ortiz. Summi Templi Toletani perquam graphica de- scriptio. Toleti, 1549. Oct. Panzer. — Georg Wolfgang Panzer. Annates typographici. Norimbergae, 1 7 93- 1 803. Quarto. Panzer, Niirnb. — Georg Wolfgang Panzer. Aelteste Buchdruckerge- schichte Niirnbergs. Niirnberg, 1789. PoTHiER. — Joseph Pothier. Les Melodies Gr^goriennes d'aprfes la tradition. Tournay, 1880. Pray. — Georgius Pray. Dissertatio historico-critica de Sacra Dextera Divi Stephani primi Hungariae regis. Vindobonae, 1771. Quarto. Pray, Index. — Georgius Pray. Index rariorum librorum Bibliothecae Universitatis regiae Budensis. Budae, 1780-81.. Oct. Ried. — Thomas Ried. Codex chronologico-diplomaticus episcopatus Ratisbonensis. Ratisbonae, 1816. Quarto. xiv List of References. Sala. — loannis Bona rerum liturgicarum libri duo cum notis et observa- tionibus D. Roberti Sala. Augustae Taurinorum, 1753. Folio. Sandars. — Samuel Sandars. An annotated list of Books printed on vellum to be found in the University and College Libraries at Cambridge. Cambridge, 1878. Saxius. — Joseph Antonius Saxius. Historia typographico-literaria Medio- lanensis, apud P. Argelati, Bibliotheca scriptorum Mediolanen- sium, torn. i. Mediolani, 1745. Folio. ScHRANK. — Franz von Paula Schrank. Baiersche Reise. Miinchen, 1786. Oct. ScHUBiGER. — Anselm Schubiger. Die Sangerschule St. Gallens vom achten bis zwolften Jahrhundert : ein Beitrag zur Gesang- geschichte des Mittelalters. Einsiedeln, 1858. Sinker. — Robert Sinker. A Catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed Books in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cam- bridge, 1876. Sinker, Eng. — Robert Sinker. A Catalogue of the English Books printed before mdci. now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1885. B. Teller. — Bibliotheca Telleriana, sive Catalogus librorum Bibliothecae ill. ac rev. D. D. Caroli Mauritii le Tellier. Parisiis, 1693. Foho. B. Thott. — Bibliothecae Thottianae Catalogus. Tom. vii. Hafniae, 1795. Oct. Tud. Gyujt. — Tudomanyos Gyujtemdny. Pesten, 181 7. Oct. B. van de Velde. — Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothfeque de M. Jean Francois van de Velde, President du Grand College et Biblio- thdcaire de I'Universit^ de Louvain. Gand, 1831. Van Praet, Cat. — Joseph Basile Bernard van Praet. Catalogue des livres imprimis sur v61in de la Bibliothfeque du Roi. Paris, 1822-28. Oct. Van Praet, 2' Cat. — Joseph Basile Bernard van Praet. Catalogue des livres imprimis sur vdin, qui se trouvent dans les bibliothfeques tant publiques que particuliferes. Paris, 1824-28. Oct. Ung. Mag. — Ungrisches Magazin, oder Beytrage zur Ungrischen Ge- schichte, Geographie, Naturwissenschaft und der dahin einschla- genden Litteratur. Pressburg, 1781-87. Oct. Von der Linde. — Antonius von der Linde. Das Breviarium Moguntinum : eine Studie. Wiesbaden, 1884. Weale. — Wilhelmus Henricus lacobus Weale. Catalogus Missalium Ritus Latini ab anno m.cccc.lxxv. impressorum. Londini, 1886. Weckerlin.— J B Weckerlin. Bibliothfeque du Conserva- toire National de Musique et de Declamation. Catalogue Bibliographique, ornd de huit gravures, avec notices et repro- ductions musicales des principaux ouvrages de la reserve. Paris 1885. Wedekind. — Anton Christian Wedekind. Die Eingiinge der Messen. Braunschweig, 1815. Oct. List of References. xv Weislinger, Cat. — lohannes Nicolaus Weislinger. Catalogus librorum impressorum in Bibliotheca Ordinis eminentissimi Sancti lohannis Hierosolymitani asservatorum Argentorati. Argentorati, 1749. Folio. Weszpr^mi. — Istvd.n Weszpr^mi. Succincta Medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae Biographia. Lipsiae, 1774-87. Oct. Will. — Georg Andreas Will. Niimbergisches Gelehrten-Lexicon. NUrnberg, 1 755-1808. Quarto. Zaccaria. — Franciscus Antonius Zaccaria. Bibliotheca ritualis. Romae, 1776-81. Quarto. Zapf. — Georg Wilhelm Zapf. Annales Typographiae Augustanae. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1778. Quarto. Zapf, Bebel. — Georg Wilhelm Zapf. Heinrich Bebel nach seinem Leben und Schriften. Ein Beitrag zur altern Litteratur und zur Gelehrten Geschichte Schwabens. Augsburg, 1802. Oct. Zapf, Mainz. — Georg Wilhelm Zapf. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz. Ulm, 1790. Oct. LITURGICAL MANUSCRIPTS. ( With Musical Notation.) T. Graduale seu Antiphonarium^ secundum usum eccle- siae Romanae. ix century. Vellum. H.2 74m. B. 125 m. Library of Saint Gall, n° 359. This precious manuscript is traditionally said to have been copied by a cleric named Romanus, from the autograph of S. Gregory the Great, at Rome, between 772 and 795, and to have been brought by him to the abbey of Saint Gall. The volume in its present state consists of 81 ff., but the primitive portion com- mences f. 12 v. and ends f. 79 v. The text is well written in long lines of which there are 16 to the page, covering a space 185 millimetres high by 95 broad ; it commences : Domini | ca PRIMA DE I ADUENTU DNI | STATIO AD SCM | ANDREAM. | POST PRESEPE I AnTIPHONA | AD INTROITVM. This Gradual is strictly Roman ; Saint Martin being the only non-Roman saint whose festival it contains. There are no offices for Virgins who were not also Martyrs, nor for any other Con- fessors than the following: SS. Sylvester, Gregory the Great, Cesarius and Martin, and there is no Alleluia for these last. It is also noteworthy that there are two Masses for the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, and none for the vigils of the Epiphany and the Ascension. The Sunday within the octave of the Epiphany is styled Dominica II post Nativitatem Domini, and the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Dominica V ante Natale Domini. Looking at the book from a liturgical point of view, it may very well date from the ninth century ; judged by the writing and notation of the greater portion, it would appear to belong to the later rather than ' Prior to the eleventh century all books of chant were called Antiphonaria, as con- taining alternative chants. ^k" B Liturgical Manuscripts to the earlier portion of that century, yet the Pange lingua (f.So V. -52) has an older look than the rest of the book, as if the pen had been here taken up by some survivor of the preceding generation. The additions at the beginning and end are of various date, from the xi to the xiii century. The manuscript is enclosed between two oak boards, each about 19 millimetres thick, hollowed out to receive the book. The back is formed by a piece of leather nailed to the boards. One board is covered with a thin plaque of copper-gilt, bordered by four flat bands of bone, and divided into two by a fifth horizontal band. Each half is subdivided into four triangular compartments by two bands of bone in saltire. These bands are pierced with a series of quadrilobed rectangles showing the metal underneath. Similar bands of perforated bone, each pierced with two rows of openings, are fixed along the three edges of both covers and on the border of the other side. Inside this border are two plaques of ivory not later than the fifth century, and possibly even earlier. The two plaques, sunk in a slight hollow, join each other closely, and together cover the entire surface within the border. They are carved in rather high relief, and each is divided into two compartments. The uppermost scene represents two men, one of whom is nude and has his left foot on the back of a large dog with a long tail. The other, facing him, is clothed in a long dress with sleeves, girded at the waist but reaching to his ankles. He holds a bow — now in great part broken away — in his left hand, and carries a quiver at his left shoulder. Behind the first man, on the extreme right, is seen the top of a conventional tree. In the compartment beneath this there are also two figures: a man, armed with a short sword and a circular shield, who appears to be hurrying away; and a woman, carrying a spear and seemingly pursuing him, with her right hand placed on the top of his shield. Both are clothed ; the drapery of the woman flutters behind her as she advances, and allows her left leg to be seen bare above the knee. In the third compartment a woman armed with a spear is attacking a man who defends himself with another spear and a small oblong shield. The woman's drapery is gathered in round her waist ; the man is clothed in a long tunic and a mantle which floats out behind him in the wind. In the lowest compartment are four figures, all clothed, two of whom are urging on the other two, evidently captives, as their arms are tied behind their backs. One of the captives is bending down. There is no record of the date at which the manuscript was placed within its present cover ; the With Musical Notgition. 3 ivory plaques doubtless originally formed part of the decorations of a coffer. The portions most in relief have suffered from friction and lost their roundness. I confess myself unable, with the slight knowledge I have of pagan Roman art and myths, to recognise the subjects they represent. Reproductions of these plaques have been just added to the important series in the South Kensington Museum. P. L. Lambillotte, Antiphonaire de Saint-Gr^goire. Facsimile du Manuscrit de Saint-Gall. Bruxelles, 1851. Schubiger, 5-22, and 111,11. POTHIER, 76-82. Troparium. Early x century. Vellum. H. 104 m. X B.86 m. The Library of Saint Gall, n" 484. This manuscript consists of 159 fF., with 10 long lines to the page, occupying a space 73 millimetres high by 60 broad. Commences f. I : Omousios eonon to patru fos eu fotis. F. 2 : Indite cesar aue populorum gloria salue. F. 2 v. Incipiunt tro | pi carminum. I IN.DIUERSIS FESTI | UITATIBUS MISSAR | CANENDl. F.S : LAUDE- Mus OMNES DOMiNUM | qui uirginis per uterum paruus. Ends, f. 159, 1. 10 : ecclesian omologo en. The text on ff. 3 to 128 and 149 v. to 159 has the notation in neums written above it; but on ff. 129-149 the melodies, said to be those of Notker Balbulus's tropes and sequences, are unaccompanied by any words. _J Schubiger, 41-43, and v, 26. Bartsch, 6. Troparium, Graduale et Sequentiae. x century. >< Vellum. H.262m, B.igom. The Library of Saint Gall, n" 376. This volume consists of 218 ff. with 18 long lines to the page occu- pying a space 183 m. high by 130 broad. Commences f. 2 : In festum S. Pantaleonis vt Eia recolamus. | Celsa lux Syon aue martyr Pantaleon. Ends f. 218: Laus Trinitati per secla cuncta regnanti. The first 6 £f. are additions of later date than the text, which commences on f. 7. These are occupied by sequences, more — ■ of which have been written on blank spaces occuring in the volume, the contents of which are as follows : 7. Kalendarium. 19 v. Gloria in excelsis. 20. Incipiunt tropi carminum -In di | uersis FESTIS CANENDl. | HODIE CANTANDUS EST NOBIS | puer quem gignebat ineffabiliter. 42. Domin-i-ante-nat dni-ad te leva- VI animam meam. 156. Four lines of poetry followed by a 1 "^ Liturgical Manuscripts )( dedicatory letter addressed by Notker Balbulus to Luitward, Bishop of Vercelli, and the sequences composed by him. This document, of the highest importance in the History of Sequences, has been several times printed, e.g., in Mabillon, Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti, vii, p. 19; Pez, Thesaurus Anecdotorum, i, 17; Neale, Essays on Liturgiology, p. 360. The melody of each sequence is written in the margin at the side. At the end, in a later hand, are the sequences : Veni Sancte Spiritus and Sollempni carmine tuos Oswalde rex et martyr. The volume is adorned with four full-page miniatures : 1. F. 41V. (H. i8om. B. 142 m.) Saint Gregory the Great, represented vested in a chasuble and seated on a cushioned throne beneath a canopy; he holds a closed book in his left hand, his right being raised as if in the act of teaching ; the Holy Dove is seen flying towards his right ear. At the head of the page, a little above the miniature, is a band of purple bordered with burnished gold ; on this, and on a similar band at the head of the opposite page, are these lines in gold letters : auferat hunc gallo librum per saecula nemo Pena uindicte rapientem nam ferit ipse. 2. F.96. (H. iS9m. B. 135 m.) Christ on a tau-shaped Cross surmounted by the title-board without any inscription on it. He has a cruciferous nimbus and a large lilac loin cloth ; His feet are apart. The B. Virgin holds her left hand covered by her mantle up to her face. S. John has a closed book in his left hand. At the head of this and the next page : GaLLE pater LIBRUM QUISQUIS TIBI SUBTRAHAT ISTUM Nl CITO RESTITUAT CRIMINE DIGNE LUAT. 3. F.99V. (H. i7sm. B. 141m.) Christ, risen from the tomb, is seen in an oval glory, clothed in a white tunic and green mantle bordered with gold. He is raising his right hand in the act of blessing, and holds a. long slender gilt cross in his left hand. The border is formed by a garland of foliage, one half, green with a white and pink scroll wound round it, the other half, pink with a white and green scroll. The verses at the head of this and the next page, here in gold letters on the vellum, are : Hoc OPUS ACCEPTUM TIBI SIT PIE GalLE PER AEUUM At siquis rapiat raptum numquam bene vertat. 4. F.159V. (H.i72m. B.i24m.) The B. Virgin and Child seated on a cushioned throne beneath a canopy with curtains. With Musical Notation. 5 The large versal letters are in burnished gold outlined with red, with the interior ground coloured. The smaller ones are red, with the interior in gold, or in gold and colours. Graduale cum Kalendario, et Liber Sacramentorum. XI century. Vellum. H.242 m. B. 177 m. Library of Saint Gall, n° 339. This Manuscript contains 274 ff, with 20 long lines with neums above the text, or with 23 long lines to the full page. The contents of the five first pages, posterior in date to the rest of the volume, are very varied, and include, besides prayers and sequences, Y\ lists c^ the. ,rehcs^contained : in cruce S. Othmari argentea; in ara S. Stephani prothomartiris apud S. Othmarum; and in ara B. Othmari consecrata a venerabile Curiense episcopo Rudolfo anno 1225, x kal. Octobris. F.3V. in nomine domini Incipit MARTYROLOGivM PER ciRCVLVM ANNi. The Kalendar which follows contains numerous obits. F. 13. Carmen angelicum. Sym- bolum fidei. F. 14. Missa super eum qui furtum facit. F. 15. Antiphonarium Misse. F. 90. Preparatio ad Missam. F. 95. Pre- fationes. F.96. Miniature (H. 213 m. B. 163 m.), Christ on the Cross, the feet apart, with a cruciferous nimbus and an ample hip-cloth; the first eleven words of the Canon are written in golden capitals on either side of the cross within a framework of foliage. F. 98 V. In nomine domini incipit liber sacramentorvm qvaliter missa romana celebratvr. F. 191. Missae votivae. F. 257. Bene- dictio sahs et aque. F. 258 V. Alie Benedictiones. F. 268 V., 1.5, ends : Et resuscitabo eum ego in nouissimo die. The remaining pages are occupied with additions of various dates. Graduale et Sacramentarium cum Kalendario. xi cen- tury. Vellum. H.243 m. B. 176 m. Abbey of Saint Gall, n° 340. This volume consists of 440 flf. with 17 long lines with neums over the text, or 19 long lines to the full page. The Kalendar commences on f. 5 v., the nine previous pages containing additional matter of later date. The Gradual commences f.22: dom- nil DE ad|uentu dni | ad te le|uaui. F. ioi. Preparatio ad Missam. F. 1 1 1 v. In nomi|ne dni nri | ihv xpi. Inci|pit LIBER Sa|cRAMTOR • QVa|lITER MISSA ROImANA CELEBREX in 6 Liturgical Manuscripts burnished gold letters on a purple crimson panel outlined in scarlet — and bordered with . bands of lilac and green. The sequences commence on f. 387. The volume is adorned with five full-page miniatures: i. F. 113 v. (H. 168 m. B. 139 m.) Christ on a tau- shaped Cross surmounted by the title ihc rex iu | deorum ; the head surrounded by a cruciferous nimbus ; the feet apart. The B. Virgin and S. John have their hands outstretched. On a bur- nished gold panel bordered with sculpturesque foliage. 2. F. 121 v. (H. 162 m. B. 136 m.). The Nativity. 3. The Resurrection (H. 158 m. B. 140 m.). The Sepulchre is a domed building with columns ; in the centre, the tomb, in which lie the grave- clothes undisturbed ; on the left, a seraph in white garments seated ; on the right, two of the holy women coming in with spices; in the foreground, five soldiers all asleep. 4. The Ascension (H. 169 m. B. 138 m.). In the upper part Christ, in a burnished gold mandorla, standing with an open book in his left hand, and his right raised in the act of benediction, is ascendmg, accompanied by two adoring angels. Below, in the centre, the B. Virgin stands with both hands upraised between two angels. The Apostles are in two groups at the sides. 5. The Descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The Apostles, all seated, hold closed books. Above them soars the Dove from whom proceed seven rays, and tongues of fire. 6. Graduale et Sequentiae cum Kalendario. c. 1200^ Vellum. H.28om. B. 185 m. The Bodleian Library, Oxford, Misc. Lit. 340. This Manuscript consists of 153 fF., with 18 long lines to the full page, with Teutonic neums over the text ; these have in some places been erased, and replaced by notation on a four-line staff. The initial letters of the Introits for the principal festivals are formed by branches of foliage outlined in red on a blue and green ground, the body of the letter being coloured yellow ; the initial S of the Introit for Whitsunday has a rude representation of the Descent of the Holy Ghost. The following entries in the Kalendar lead me to think that the volume was probably written for some church in the northern part of the province of Aquileia: March 16. Hellari et Taciani. May 31. Petronelle virg. Cantii, Cantiani et Cancianille fratrum. ' This Manuscript is described in the Official Guide thus : "Gradual. 12th century. German. " With Musical Notation. 7 July 12. Hermachore et Fortunati mar. Sept. 19. Eufemie, Dorothee, Tecle et Erasme virginum. Sept. 20. Eustachii, Teos- pitis, Agapiti et Theospiti. In the I^itanies S. Hermachoras comes immediately after S. Stephen, and S. Columba next after S. Scholastica. Two later entries in the Kalendar are noteworthy : Apr. 27. Liberalis miles conf. in ciuitate Taruisina ; and Aug. 19. Hac die gloriosus princeps Ottakarus Bohemie rex in conflictu Rudolphi Romanorum regis occiditur M°CC°lxxix. The text of the Gradual commences on f. 9 with the Introit for the first Sunday in Advent : Ad te le | vavi a | nimam | meam. The sequences, three of which are inedited, occupy ff. 136 to 153 v. - The volume ends, f. 153 v. : O Maria virgo pia matrum gloria. 7. Antiphonarium et Graduale secundum usum Sancti Ambrosii. Pars Hyemalis. c.1200. Vellum. H. 250 m. B. 140 m. L. Rosenthal, Munich. This Manuscript, when perfect, consisted of 144 ff., made up into 16 quires of 8 ff. each, but it now wants 5 ff. of the first quire, i of the fourth and 3 of the last. F. i is wanting. The Office for the Saturday before the second Sunday of Advent commences on the 3rd line of f. 2 : Ps. in b. Qui emittit eloquium suum. The Office of Holy Saturday ends on f. 130 thus : exur | ge domine adiuua nos et libera nos propter | nomen tuum. This is followed by the Angelorum laus : Gloria in excelsis, &c. ; the Preces in Dominica i et 2 de Quadragesima, Antiphons for the Monday and Tuesday of the week before Christmass, and a very curious farced Gloria. F. 134V. ends: tuum Domine exultauit beatus ambrosius et uoluntate j labiorum eius non fraudasti eum magna est gloria eius in | salute tua Alleluia | Alleluia. F. 135 is occupied by different noted Alleluias, followed by Lux orta est iusto of later date. The text in red and black is small, clear and even. There are 21 versal letters of interlaced work on a ground of purple, red, green and yellow, and 5 adorned with birds and monsters on a purple and green ground. The neums are disposed between red and green lines, according to the system of Guido d'Arezzo. In a buckskin cover. 8. Graduale ad usum incertum, et Breviarium ad usum 8 Liturgical Manuscripts ecclesiae Brixiensis. c. 1200'. Vellum. H.296 m. B.i84m. The Bodleian Library, Oxford, Misc. Lit. 366. This volume contains 284 if. with 31 long lines to the full page, with Latin neums. The following note gives us the names of the scribes who copied it. Presbiter Ofredus et Mancafaxia fratres, quos de Guiberto peperit patre Florida mater, hunc fecerunt librum; memor esto qui legis ipsum, ut Rex celorum sit gloria quatuor horum. F. I V. Ad te leuaui | animam meam deus meus in te. F. 39. Jn xpi nomine Incipit nocturnus | Dominica prima de Aduentu Domini Vs ad uesperam. F. 275 v. ends : terram palmo concludis exaudi nos domine in gemitibus nostris seculorum amen. This is followed by 8 ff. with later additions ending f. 284, 1. 22 : aequali- tatisque connexio seculorum amen. The Breviary contains special offices for the following festivals : SS. Faustinus and lovita ; S. lulia ; S. ApoUonius ; S. Filastrus. The anniversary of the Dedication was kept on the Sunday after SS. Crispin and Crispinian. On blank spaces left on ff. 36 v. 37, 38 and 193 has been written in a later hand the Epistola domini nostri ihesu christi descetidens de celo super | altare sancti petri in ierusalem scripta in tabulis marmo | reis et lumen de ipsa sicut fulgur erat. The fly-leaves at the beginning and end are filled with notes which may with a little trouble be deciphered, e.g.: Iste liber est Petri de Cariacenis clerici ecclesie S. Marie de Precca. Iste liber est Petri clerici de Vertra, qui olim fuit magistri Pauli de Gualteriis de Vertra, quando ivit Romam dedit ei anno M" ducentesimo nonagesimo octo. 9. Psalterium cum Kalendario. English, xiii century. Vellum. H.340 m. B.225 m. The Dean and Chapter of Saint Pauls, London. The Kalendar, ff. 2 to 7, contains a few obits : Sept. 7. O Alicia de Ver, comitissa Oxonie, anno gracie 13 12. Nov. 23. O Matildis Everard de Baudak, anno gracie Millesimo cc^lxxj". 27. O Alicia de Trak, priorissa de Halm. 29. O Willelmus Everard iunior de Baudak, anno gracie M-'CClxxij". Dec. 22. O Willelmus Everard 1 This Manuscript is erroneously described in the Official Guide to the Loan Collection, 3"* edition, p. 67, thus : " Antiphoner, nth century. English?" With Musical Notation. 9 -~ de Baudak senior, anno grade 1270. The text, commencing f.9, with the Hymn : Primo dierum omnium, is written in long hnes, 2 1 to the full page, with the musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. The initial B of Psalm I, formed of interlaced work on a burnished gold panel (H. 133 m. B. 103 m.)with figures of our Lord, and of the devil who is playing a violin, has suffered much. There are six other illuminated initials, of less importance, another (f. 63) has been cut out. On f i, is the name of a former proprietor of this Psalter : Dns Willelmus Goodred. 10. Breviarium ad usum ecclesiae Callinensis. xiii century, with later additions^ Vellum. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. Misc. Lit. 339. The volume contains 282 ff. in two columns of 36 or 34 lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. The following notes will give a fairly correct idea of the contents. F.I. Kalendarium. F. 7. Prephaciones. F.9. Canon. F. 11. Jncipit officium ad mittendum | pueros in ecclesia dei. F. 12. Jtem ofEcium ad ingrediendum mulierem in ecclesia. F. 14. Psal- terium BEatus vir qui non habiit in con | silio impiorum et in uiam peccatorum non. F. 62V. Te deum followed by: Te decet laus. Gloria in excelsis. Credo in unum Deum. Pater noster. Credo in Deum. Quicumque vult. F. 63 V. Litaniae. F. 64v^. Jncipit officium de corpore cristi edi | tum a sancto Thoma de aquino | ordinis fratrum predicatorum de man | dato domini Vrbani pape iiij. F. 68 v. Missa, without the Lauda Sion. F. 69. Officium in vigilia S. lohannis Baptiste. Officium in vigilia apostolorum Petri et Pauli. F.69V. Missa in Natiuitate Domini followed by masses for a few of the principal feasts. F. 82. Jn nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi Incipit | breuiarium per circuitum annum impri | mis Sabbato in aduentu ad vesperam. F. 267. Missae. F. 275. Jncipit officium commendacio anime. F. 282 V., col. 2, 1. 2 7 : imitacione complere per Dominum. Carinola is a small episcopal city to the south of the Campania, south of Monte Cassino and not far from Capua. Neither Ughelli nor the Bollandists appear to have known any office book according to the use of this church of so early a date as this. The Kalendar abounds in local saints ; those which are peculiar to ' This Manuscript is erroneously described in the Official Guide to the Loan Collection, s"" edition, p. 67, thus : " Antiphoner, 13th century. English? Bound up with later manuscripts." ^ Ff. 64 V. -8 1 are in a later hand. C lo Liturgical Manuscripts Carinola are: Mar. 12. S. Bernard, bishop of Carinola, died 1109. lune 26. Translation of S. Martin from Mons Massicus to Carinola in 1094 by S. Bernard. Oct. 8. S. Reparata, virgin. Both S. Bernard and S. Reparata are invoked in the litanies. Other peculiar offices are those of S. Nicholas (f. 91) and S. Benedict (f2I4). On the fly-leaf is an inscription partly erased : this much is readable : Istud Breuiarium recuperaui ego Ladislaus comes Purgilliarum decanus Aquilegensis die xj mensis Decembris 1449. II. Antiphonarium. c.1300. Vellum. H.254m. B. 190m. Library of Saint Gall, n" 389. The volume contains 211 ff,, and has 18 long lines of text. The neums are written over the text, which commences thus : Jncipiulit Responsoria et antiphone per circulum anni. Sabbato de aduentu domini. Ad vesperam. The text ends on f 205 v.; the next six flF. containing the office and sequence for the Feast of S. Francis, ending on f. 211 v., Anno domini M^cccOxxiij" scripta sunt ista. i^ 12. Liber Sequentiarum ad usum ecclesiae Traiectensis. XIV century. Vellum. H.285 m. B.203 m. The University Library, Utrecht. The volume consists of 56 ff., and has 12 lines of text to the full page, the accompanying musical notation being on a four-Une staff. It commences (f i) with the sequence for Christmass, in galli cantu, "^ Congaudent angelorum. There are in all 73 sequences, but the last, for the feast of S. Nicholas : Viri sancti merita (f. 40 v.) has been added by a later hand. The Gradual commences f.40 and contains eight farced Kyries and Glorias. The Ite missa est is followed by the hymn for the first vespers of Septuagesima Sunday: Cantemus cundi, and this by the sequences : Marie preconio and Ave, mundi spes, Maria. 13. Antiphonarium et Graduale pro aliquibus festis. North Italian. xiv century. Vellum. H.345 m. B. 238 m. The text: H.235 m. B. 165 m. Dr. W. Huggins. This volume originally consisted of eight quires of 8 ff., but ff. Wtih Musical Notation. 1 1 28 and 64 are now wanting. The musical notation, of the Latin type, is on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves to the page with 7 Hnes of text. Commences : fn Purificatione beate uirginis marie Ad uesperas Antipona. O admirabile commertium. Part i consists of 40 ff., and contains the Offices for the feasts of the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption and Nativity of Our Lady, Easter and Pentecost ; Part 2, 24 ff., the Masses for the same festivals followed by the Ordinary of the Mass, and Votive Masses of the Holy Cross and for the Dead. The volume now ends f.63 v., 1. 7 : dus homo reus huic ergo parce deus, being the last line but two of the Dies irae. The Text on f. 1 is surrounded by a border composed of a burnished gold band outlined with black, along the middle of which runs a narrow band of dark blue; this, on the outer side of the page, is interrupted at regular intervals by rosettes pink and green alternately with golden centres, and terminated above and below by a bouquet of foliage with fruited centre. Well-drawn pen-work stems and tendrils, knotted with black, spring from the band above and below each rosette, and terminate in scarlet, blue, pink and green cinquefoils ; the intervening ground is occupied by black-fringed studs of gold. On the inner side of the page, the band is accom- panied by a series of profile pink and blue flowers alternating with golden studs. At the foot of the page the border is interrupted by two angels supporting a garland of foliage and fruit bound with scarlet cords, and having within it a shield the armorial bearings of which have been carefully effaced. The border at the top of the page has instead of rosettes large double roses. The initial letter O (H. 76 m. B.96 m.), of the Antiphon, pink picked out in white, on a plate of burnished gold, contains a miniature of the Presen- tation in the Temple — 5 figures. F. 20 V. Vidi spetiosam sicut columbam ascendentem. The V, pink relieved with delicate white floriations, is on a plate of burnished gold (H. 72 m. B. 70 m.) from the angles of which springs foliage in profile accompanied by gold studs surrounded by knotted black rings. The interior of the letter is occupied by a miniature of the Assumption. The B. Virgin, enveloped in a blue mantle lined with green, her hands joined, is borne upwards by two scarlet and green ' angels. 14. Missale secundum consuetudinem Romanae curiae, 12 Liturgical Manuscripts cum Kalendario ecclesiae Veronensis. Verona, xiv century. Vellum. H.35om. B.250 m. The Bodleian Library, Oxford, Misc. Lit. 380. This volume consists of 297 ff., the text (H. 245 m. B. 160 m.) in 2 columns of 34 lines each, with I^atin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. The Kalendar, which occupies 6 ff., proves this Missal to have been written for the use of the church of Verona ; e.g. Mar. 23. Depositio S. Proculi episcopi Veronensis. Apr. 12. Depositio S. Zenonis episcopi Veronensis. Maii 21. Translatio S. Zenonis episcopi Veronensis. Maii 22. Translatio S. Firmi. Dec. 8. Conceptio S. Marie. S. Zenonis episcopi. Dec. 9. S. Syri episcopi et confessoris. The text commences, f. 7, col. i : Jncipit ordo missalis se | cundum consuetudinem Roma | ne Curie.; and ends, f. 292, col. 2 : et anime tutelam participi | at per christum dominurh nostrum | Amen. The volume is adorned with one storied and ten ornamental versal letters, and the text on f. 7 is surrounded by a border of heavy flowing acanthus leaves, common in early Florentine and Sienese illuminations. The colours, somewhat deficient in brightness, have an earthy quality. The initial letter (H.63 m. B. 67 m.) of the Introit : Ad te levavi, contains a half-length figure of King David seen in profile, his hands joined and raised in prayer. The ornamental versals are : E, T, R, V, C, D, S, G and E, all of pleasing character and delicate execution. The prominence given to yellow ochre, as a principal in the D on f. 190, is peculiar. The volume is in a good state of preservation. 15. Processionale secundum ■ usum monasterii Sancti Salvatoris de Syon. English, xiv century. Vellum. H.205 m. B. 140 m. Saint Johns College, Cambridge. This volume has 112 ff., the three first and five last of which are additions to the original text. This has eight staves of 4 red lines to the full page. It commences : Vppon cristmasse day | at the procession in | goynge forthe R. | Descendit de ce | lis missus ab arce patris ; and ends : dignatus es carnem Qui viuis et reg | nas cum deo patre. This manuscript formerly belonged to John King, Bishop of London, and to William Crashaw, Fellow of St. John's College, With Musical Notation. 13 whose collection of 157 MSS. was purchased by Thomas Wriothesly, Earl of Southampton, and presented to the College Library in 1635. 16. Directorium secundum usum ecclesiae Sarisburiensis cum Kalendario. English, xiv century. H.i88m. B. 142 m. The Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. The months of July and August (f.4) are wanting in the Kalendar. On f 7 commences the Directorium or Breviarius ; on i. 136, the Directorium Missae, and, on i. 199 v., the Tonale secundum usum Sarum et universalis Ecclesiae. The text is written in long lines, the notation in the last part being on a four-line staff. 17. Psalterium ad usum ecclesiae B. Mariae Virginis, Traiecti. Dutch, c. 1400. Vellum. The University Library, Utrecht. The volume contains 173 ff. The Kalendar occupies ff.2 to 7. The text (f. 8) commences : Adoremus Dominum qui fecit nos. Venite. F. 130 The Litanies. R 136 The Office for the Dead. F. 157 V. The Hymns. The original ends (f 169 v.) with the Hymn from the Common of Virgins : Qui pascis inter. The four last leaves contain additions in a fifteenth-century hand. 18. Graduale ad usum congregationis Olivetanae ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Pars secunda. Proprium et Com- mune Sanctorum. North Italian, c. 1410. Vellum, H.620 m. B.445 m. The Earl of Ashburnham. This volume contained originally 221 ff., numbered on the outer margin of the verso, half-way up, in alternate red and blue Roman numerals ( ) 11 to CLXXXXiin and clxxxxvi to ccxxiii. Two leaves (cxxi and cxxvi) are now unfortunately wanting. The musical notation, of Latin type, is on a staff of 4 red lines. There are five staves to the full page ; these with the accompanying text, of ' It is not known where the first part of this Gradual, containing the Proper of the Season, is now preserved, or even whether it has escaped destruction. It consisted of 194 ff., the first leaf of the second part having on its outer margin in small Arabic numerals 195 as a guide to the illuminator, who has sketched over it in pencil CLXxxxv ; the second and following leaves are, however, numbered as above stated, II to ccxxii. 14 Liturgical Manuscripts the Cassinese type, occupy a space 445 m. high by 315 m. broad, being a little more than half the surface of the page. The quires consist of 8 ff., excepting the twenty-fifth, which has only seven; all have a catchword at the foot of the last page. The versal letters are, as a rule, on rectangular panels or plaques of raised burnished gold. The interior of the letter is occupied either by a miniature with a landscape background, or by sprays of foliage on a coloured ground. If the ground is black, it is relieved by pale yellow floriated ornaments. Garlands or bouquets of foliage with flowers and fruit spring from the letters and spread over the margin from the top to the bottom of the page. These are generally accompanied by pen line floriations with studs of burnished gold. Fine examples occur on fif. XIII v., XXVIII, Lxv and lxix ; sometimes the foliage on the margins is drawn in profile, e.g., on ff. xl, liii v , lxv, etc. The miniatures, in the Sienese manner, are based on models of earlier date; taken by themselves, the figures of some of the Saints, e.g., S. Agatha (f. xix), SS. Andrew and John (f.xcii), might pass for works of the fourteenth century. The hills and rocks are also drawn and coloured in the conventional manner that then prevailed. The figures are full length, and the saints and angels have plain circular nimbi of burnished gold; exceptions to the rule are noticed in the following description. The technical method is that of tempera or gouache as distinguished from the pale washed colours of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries on the one hand, and the stippled aquarelle of the sixteenth on the other. To avoid repetitions, it is well to note here that crimson letters are relieved by delicate white floriations ; and that in both letters and figure draperies green is heightened with yellow, scarlet with gold, and blue with silver or white. The volume begins abruptly with the Introit : Dilexisti iustitiam et odisti iniquitatem. I. The versal D is a magnificent letter (H.rSs m. B. 190 m.) made up of five horns of plenty of a fine pale crimson, or rich pink, heightened with white, with green foliage and fruit forming a band across the centre of either limb where the mouths of the larger horns face each other; flower-sprays, springing out of the smaller horn which terminates the letter above, connect it with the foliage and flowers on the dexter inner margin. The interior of the letter is occupied by a miniature representing SS. Agnes, Lucy, and Katherine, each with her appropriate emblem, the last alone wearing a crown. Landscape background, with two tall With Mtisical Notation. 15 trees cut into a series of diminishing tables terminating in a pyramid. 2. (f.xiii V.) In festo purificationis. Ad Missam. Intr. Svsce Pimus Deus. The versa! S(H. 240 m. B. 245 m.) composed of four crimson and slate-purple horns of plenty, with Veronese green and dark-blue foliage and scarlet berries at their mouths, contains a miniature of the Presentation in the Temple, composed of five figures, one of whom, the holy Anna, has a nimbus of gold rays. Horns of plenty with bouquets adorn the margin. The painting is of its kind most masterly. 3. (f.xix.) In Sande Agathe. Ad Missam. Introitus. Gaudea- mus omnes. The G(H. 167 m. B. 167 m.) handsome, composed of foliage and fruits, the interior occupied by a full-length figure of S. Agatha, holding in her right hand a book in its forel, and in her left a dish with her breasts in it. Open landscape back- ground, with deep blue sky, the clouds lined with silver. Here the fruits placed on the letter are oranges and apples, laid alternately as a central band on each of its three limbs. 4. (f. XXVIII V.) In festo beati patris nostri Benedidi abbatis. In- troitus. Vir Dei Benedictus. The body of the versal(H. 225 m. B. 215 m.)is here composed of five horns of plenty, of a dark slate-purple, heightened with gold, placed mouth to mouth, with Veronese green foliage and yellow and scarlet fruits at the mouth of the inverted horns; these form a sort of canopy over the groups of angels represented as chubby winged boys, perfectly nude, standing on the top and base of the column rising from the mouth of each of the upturned horns. The angel on the top of one pillar holds a mitre ; that on the other, a cross, from which floats a banner argent, charged with a cross gules, and a shield: argent, on a mountain of three summits a cross patde fichde gules between two olive branches proper. The angels at the base of one pillar have each a trumpet, as has also one of those at the foot of the other, his companion holding a tabor. The interior of the letter is occupied by a miniature representing Saint Benedict wearing the white Olivetan habit, and vested in an alb with green and gold apparels, scarlet stole embroidered with black crosses, and a crimson cope thickly sown with gold and silver fleurs-de-lys, and bordered with pale olive-green orphreys adorned with pearls, rubies, and sapphires. In his left hand he holds his abbatial staff, and with his right supports an open book in which these words are inscribed : domine probasti me et cognovisti me ; the book is also held by a winged figure — castitas — in a girded robe of 1 6 Liturgical Manuscripts blue heightened with silver, standing on a prostrate female-^ Luxury — holding a mirror. On the left another figure — pavpertas —in an orange robe heightened with gold, stands on a man — Avarice — clutching a money-bag with both hands. A third — HVMiLiTAS — in scarlet robe heightened with gold, is seen with outstretched arms above the head of the Saint, who is trampling under foot an armed warrior grasping a sword, symbolising Pride. The three winged figures have brightly-coloured wings of three colours and cusped nimbs of burnished gold. On the grass are quails and conies. Beyond the woods which enclose the meadow is an extensive landscape ; on the left, Saint Benedict is seen lying nude among the thorns and brambles of a thicket ; above him hovers a large black-bird ; on the right, near some towers, he is seen in the company of another monk, recalling to life a dead child, whose father is standing by. Three splendid bouquets of foliage, fruit, and flowers adorn the margin. 5. (f. XLv.) In sanctorum apostolorum Philippi et lacobi. Intr. Exclamauerunt ad te. The body of the versal E(H. 130 m. B. 160 m.) is composed of Veronese green foliage and scarlet berries. The miniature in the interior represents S. Philip holding a pilgrim's staif, and S. James the Less with a palm-branch and an open book. 6. (f. XLViii.) Jn natiuitate beati Joannis bapfisie. Jntroytus. De uentre matris. The D(H. 175 m. B. i8om.)is formed of four large and one small horn of plenty, placed mouth to mouth, with green foliage bound to them with scarlet bands, and with scarlet fruit in the openings. Out of the smaller horn, which forms the termination of the letter above, proceed stems of foliage with purple fruits. Within the letter, in a landscape, is the Baptist, clothed in a tunic of hair and a mantle of scarlet lined with green. From his left hand rises a white scroll, bearing the words, ECCE AGNVS DEI; on its upper end rests the Holy Lamb, to which the Saint is pointing. 7. (f.Liiiv.) In festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Intr. Nvnc scio. Thebodyof theN(H. 170 m. B. 2 10 m.) is composed of two slaty-purple pulpit-shaped vessels springing from flower bells, and green fohage with scarlet berries. In the interior of the letter, the two apostles, standing, with their usual emblems, in a tiled courtyard ; landscape background, in the centre of which is a lofty tree cut into the shape of a pyramid composed of a succession of circular tables. 8. (f. Lxv V.) Jn assumptione beate uirginis Marie. Jntroytus. With Musical Notation. 17 GAudeamus omnes. A magnificent versal G (H. 165 m. B. 220 m.) composed of horns of plenty formed of massive foliage of acanthus bound round with a spiral scarlet cord, the interstices filled with scarlet berries or seeds. Three small angels playing on musical instruments (viol, lute, oboe and tabor, trumpet, bagpipes and trombone) stand on the fruit in the mouth of each of the upturned horns. They wear albs shaded with pale blue, and tunics of blue, green, crimson or scarlet : those worn by one group are short ; those by the others, long but tucked up and girded. On the upper part of the letter are two more angels: the one playing the harp, the other bearing a lily spray with three flowers. Within the letter is Our Lady crowned, standing on an upturned crescent surrounded by three hierarchies of angelic beings, scarlet, green and crimson. She wears a blue robe lined with green over a crimson skirt, and has her hands crossed on her breast. Above are the Holy Dove with outspread wings and the Ancient of Days with extended arms. Below, in the foreground, are the twelve Apostles gazing on the glorious vision. In the landscape background are pictured the flight into, and the return from Egypt. The margin is splendidly adorned with foliage and fruits on a black ground. 9. (f. Lxviii V.) Jn natiuitate gloriose uirginis Marie. Jntroytus. SaIuc sancta parens. The body of the S(H. 160 m. B. 175 m.) green, heightened with yellow, is formed by two dragons. The miniature in the interior represents the nativity of the B. Virgin — three figures. A splendid upright ornament of flowers and foliage on a chocolate ground relieved by yellow tendrils, adorns the margin. 10. (f.LXXiiii.) Jn exaltatione sande Crucis. Jntroytus. Nos autem. The body of this letter (H. 180 m. B. i8sm.) — crimson — appears to be an imitation of carved woodwork. The interior is occupied by a group of Olivetan monks kneeling before a gold cross surmounted by the title. In the background, grassy hills with towers, on one of which sits a stork. * 11. (f. Lxxviii.) In dedicatione sandi Michaelis. Jn. BEnedicite. The body of the B (H. 160 m. B. 190 m.) is crimson with foliage and flowers attached to the limbs, facing outwards. The miniature represents the Archangel crowned with a chaplet of flowers and clad in a suit of plate armour, over which is a scarlet cloak lined with green. In his left hand he holds a pair of scales with a soul in either platter, whilst with his sword he pierces a half-prostrate devil on whom he tramples. 12. (f.LXXXV.) In festo omnium sandorum. Introytus. Gaude- D 1 8 Liturgical Manuscripts amus. The G (H. 155 m. B. 180 m.) is composed of crimson horns of plenty, filled with scarlet fruit and bound round with foliage and bands of oranges. The interior of the letter is occupied by a group of Saints, amongst the foremost of whom are SS. Peter, Stephen, Katherine, Benedict and Scholastica, the two last wearing the white Olivetan habit. 13. (fLxxxxii.) In natalitijs apostolorum ad missam. Introytus. Michi autem nimis. The body of the M(H. i8om. B. 195 m.) crimson, adorned with silver fruited blue and green foliage. The interior of the letter occupied by figures of S. Andrew and S. John the Evangelist ^ith a landscape background. 14. (f.ciiii.) In natali unius martiris non pontifids. Introytus. In uirtute. An architectural design (H. 170 m. B. 195 m.)in the form of an hexagonal turret of three storeys with blue and green foliage above and below. The interior of the panel is occupied by a landscape with a castle, river and distant city ; in the foreground stands a youthful saint, holding two arrows in his right hand and a palm-branch in his left which rests on a sword at his side. On the burnished gold above are traced the words : ivsTvs vt palma FLOREBiT. and below : sanctvs sabastianvs martir. 15. (f. cxxiiii.) In natali plurimorum martirum. SAncti tui Domine. A crimson S(H.8o m. B.85 m.) The interior of the panel deep blue, occupied by three-quarter length figures of two youthful saints, each in a girded tunic, with a palm-branch in his hand, a chaplet of roses on his head, and a gold cross suspended to his neck. 16. (f.CLXXi.) In natali unius confessoris pontifids. Introitus. Sacerdotes tui. A magnificent crimson S. (H. i6om. B. i6om.) In front of the letter, an archbishop standing, vested in an alb shaded with pale blue, dark blue dalmatic bordered with gold, and scarlet chasuble with green orphreys. In the centre of the cross of the orphrey is a sun with rays. His mitre and gloves are white ; in his left hand he holds a crosier ; in his right a three-thonged whip. This is probably intended to represent S. Ambrose. 17. (fcxci.) In natali U7iius confessoris non pontifids. Introy- tics. Os iusti. The 0(H. 155 m. B.|i7om.)isa splendid letter made up of four crimson horns of plenty adorned with foliage and jewelled flowers. The interior of the letter is occupied by a full- length figure of an abbot of the Olivetan congregation. In his left hand and under his left arm, is a large book in a crimson cover; against his right shoulder rests his abbatial staff; tall and slender of form. The face is highly finished, and both it and the hands are With Musical Notation. 19 very expressive. It has every appearance of being a portrait — perhaps that of S. Bernard Tolomei, founder of the congregation. Landscape background, with water and distant towers. 18. (f. ccxix.) In anniuersario dedicationis ecclesie. Introitus. TErribilis est. A crimson and green letter (H. 175 m. B. 175 m.) ; the miniature in the interior represents a bishop vested in a crimson cope embroidered with gold stars, attended by an acolyte with a book and holy water vat, standing near the white marble portal of a church which he is sprinkling with holy water ; the tympanum of the doorway is adorned with a painting of Our Lady and Child on a scarlet ground. 19. (f.ccxxiiv.) In festo sandi Laurentij . Introitus. Confessio et pulchritudo. The C(H. 170 m. B. 175 m.) is composed of green foliage with a band of yellow fruit across the middle of either limb. The interior is occupied by a figure of S. Laurence holding a palm branch in his right hand and a gridiron in his left. The Introits of the masses of the minor festivals have ornamental versals : 1. (f. XLV V.) In uigilia sandi Joannis bdbtiste. Jntraytus. Ne timeas Zacharia. The versal N (H. 175 m. B. 185 m.)is of a fine green; the ground of the interior, rich dark brown, is covered with scarlet-centred quatrefoils of deep blue, alternating with others, the colours of which are counterchanged. 2. (fLiv.) In uigilia apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Jntr. Djcit Dominus. The body of the D(H. 70 m. B. 75 m.), crimson and green, is placed on a light-blue panel ; the interior, creamy white, is adorned with a large flower-spray. 3. (f.LV.) In festo commemorationis sandi Pauli. Jntr. Scio cui. The S (H. 75 m. B. 100 m.) green with scarlet fruit; a spray of flowers on the black inner ground which is picked out with light yellow ornaments; bright and fresh. 4. (f. LX V.) In uigilia sandi Laurentij martyris. Jntr. Dis- persit. The body of the D (H. 60 m. B. 80 m.) crimson, on a blue panel relieved with delicate white floriations. The interior of the letter creamy white, with a spray of three large flowers. 5. (fLXXXviii.) In sandi Clementis pape et martyris. Introytus. Dicit Dominus. The body of the D (H. 80 m. B. 1 10 m.) crimson, with a spray of flowers and fruit in the interior on a burnished gold ground. 6. (fLXXXViiii V.) The body of the I(H.7S m. B.95 m.)pale crimson between two richly coloured flowers on a black ground with a narrow border of burnished gold. 20 Liturgical Manuscripts 7. (^.-L^xyiyiv^ Jncipit commune sanctorum. In uigilia uniiis apostoli. Intr. Ego autem. The body of the E (H. 73 m. B. 105 m.) crimson and green ; the ground, burnished gold, on which, in the interior of the letter, are two sprays of scarlet, blue, green and crimson foliage and flowers. 8. (few.) Alius Intr oytus. LEtabitur iustus. TheL(H.iS5m. B. 180 m.) is of remarkable brilliancy and force. The body of the letter is crimson with blue and green foliage ; on the inner — black — ground is a gorgeous spray of flowers and foliage with delicate yellow tendrils accompanied by floriations terminating in studs of burnished gold. 9. (i.cwiw.) Alias Introytus. Ivstus non conturbabitur. The I (H. 75 m. B. 90 m.) crimson, lined with deep blue, between two sprays of foliage and flowers on a burnished gold ground. 10. (f.cviiv.) Alius Introytus. Gloria et honore. The body of the G(H. 75 m. B. 90 m.) crimson, terminating in two gorgeous flowers which stand out well on the black ground of the interior. 11. (f.cxxviiv.) Aliits Litroytus. Sapientiam sanctorum. A bright scarlet S(H. 75 m. B.85 m.) terminated at either end by a green leaf; the interior of the panel black with a spray of foliage and flowers. 12. (f. cxxviiiv.) Alius Introytus. SaIus autem. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B.90 m.) with a spray of foliage and flowers on a burnished gold ground. 13. (fcxxixv.) Alius Litroytus. Clamauerunt iusti. A crimson letter (H.85 m. B.90 m.) with a large flower spray on a burnished gold ground. 14. (f.cxxx.) Alius Intr. Mvlte tribulationes. TheM(H.8om. B.90 m.) crimson ; the interior black adorned with two flowers. 15. (f.cxxxi.) Alius Introitus. Ecce oculi. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B. 90 m.) ; the interior black, with a spray of flowers and delicate yellow tendrils. i(). {i.cxxxiiw.) Alius Introitus. Loquetur Dominus. A crimson letter (H. 80 m. B.90 m.) lined with green, with a beautiful spray of flowers on a burnished gold ground. 17. (f.cxKXUi.) Introytus. Ivdicant. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B.90 m.) lined with blue, with two sprays of flowers on a burnished gold ground. 18. (f.cxxxiiii.) Alius Introytus. LAudate pueri. The L (H. 75 m. B.85 m.) crimson ; the inner ground a sort of ochre bronze with a spray of flowers on it. Wiih Musical Notation. 21 19. (f.cxxxv.) Alius Introytus. Timete dominum. A crimson T(H.75 m. B. 85 m.); intertwined sprays of flowers on the black inner ground. 20. (f. cxxxvi.) Alius Introitus. Ivsti epulentur. A crimson I (H.85 m. B.90 m.) lined with blue; on either side, a flower spray on a burnished gold ground. 21. (f.cLXxn.) Statuit ei. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B.pom.) with a rich spray of flowers on a black ground. 22. (f.cLXxii V.) Alius Introitus. Sacerdotes eius. The S (H. 75 m. B. 90 m.) green with a spray of flowers on black inner ground. 23. (f.cLXXiii V.) Alius Introytus. Sacerdotes dei. A blue letter (H. 72 m. B.Ss m.) with an intertwined spray of flowers on a bronze inner ground. 24. (f.CLXxim.) Alius Introytus. Ivstus ut palma. A green and crimson letter (H. 75 m. B. 80 m.) with intertwining sprays of flowers on the creamy white inner ground of a light blue panel. 25. (f. CLXxxxv.) In natali uirginum. Introytus. Loquebar de testimonijs. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B.90 m.) with two flower sprays on a bronze inner ground. 26. (f. CLxxxxv V.) Alius Introytus. Me expectauerunt. A crimson letter (H. 75 m. B.80 m.) lined with green ; two sprays of flowers on the inner ground, which is black. 27. (f.cLXXxxvi V.) Alius Intr. Vvltvm tuum. A green and crimson letter (H.80 m. B.80 m.), with a spray of flowers on the inner black ground. 28. (f.cLxxxxviiv.) Alius Intr. Cognoui Domine. A crimson letter {H.73 m. B.85 m.) with a spray of flowers on the inner black ground. In addition to the above described, there are 464 ornamental versal scarlet or ultramarine blue letters on square panels (H. 64 m. B. 7 1 m.) filled up with pen-work traceries and ornament of very varied designs in scarlet, green, blue and violet. There are also a considerable number of capital letters and stop-gaps adorned with heads often very cleverly drawn ; the ground partly coloured light yellow. An J on f. 1 is adorned with a seraph's head, and a stop-gap on f. 3 with the arms of the Olivetan congregation. 19. Psalterium secundum morem et consuetudinem Ro- manae curiae cum Hymnario ad usum ecclesiae 2 2 Liturgical Books Regiensis. Reggio. c.1470'. Vellum. H.403 m, B. 266 m. The Bodleian Library y Oxford. Misc. Lit. 411. This volume consists of 269 (2 16, 48 and 5) ff., with 18 long lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 or 3 red lines. It commences : In nomine domini nostri Jesu Christi. Amen. Ordo I psalterij secundum morem et consuetudinem romane cu | rie feliciter incipit. The Hymnal ends (f. 48, 1. 7,) Gloria et honor Deo usquequo. At the foot of f. 50 v. is a three-line inscription, of which I have only been able to decypher these words : vltimo giomo de Livglio MaHro Nycolo libraro de Andrioli .... alias de Transteverio religo questi presenti sal. Ff. 2 1 and 3 1 of this portion are wanting. The 5 ff. which follow the Hymnal are an addition of later date. The illuminated letters, which offer good examples of sculp- turesque foliage, are much in the style of those executed by Liberale of Verona, in the choral books now in the Piccolomini library at Siena, and of others in the Cathedral of Florence. 1. F. 2v. Ps.i. BeaIus uir. The B, on a panel of burnished gold (H. loom. B.99 m.), contains a figure of David in a blue tunic, and scarlet mantle lined with green, playing on a rotta. He wears a gold radiated crown over a blue and scarlet turban; behind him is an open landscape. The text on this page is surrounded by a border of foliage, masks and terminal figures. At the foot in the centre is a shield : gu., two keys in saltire arg. 2. F.31. Es.xxi. Deus deus meus respice. The D(H. 66 m. B. 67 m.) in crimson, green and gold. In the interior a three- quarter length figure of a young man in an ochre tunic and crimson mantle lined with blue, striking his breast. 3. F. 43 v. Ps. XXVI. Dominus illuminatio. The D (H. 80 m. B. 82 m.) contains the figure of a man in a green tunic with long tight sleeves, scarlet robe with brown collar, and scarlet cap lined with green. He is pointing to his eye with his left hand. 4. F.64V. Ps. XXXVIII. Dyxi custodiam. A handsome letter (H. 97 m. B. 98 m.) containing a three-quarter length figure of David pointing to his tongue. 5. F. 81. Ps.Lii. Dyxit insipiens. TheD(H.96m. B.96 m.) contains the figure of a man with a crown of feathers on his head, ' In the Official Guide to the Loan Collection, p. 68, this Manuscript is described thus: "Antiphoner. 15th century. Italian." With Musical Notation. 23 and the leg and hoof of a goat in his right hand, running wildly in an open landscape. 6. F.98. Ps.LXViii. SaIuum me fac deus. The S(H. 73 m. B.76 ni.)is formed of two horns of plenty terminating in sprays of foliage. The miniature within it represents a nude man with joined hands, up to his neck in water. 7. F. 123. PS.LXXX. Exultate deo. TheE(H.98m. B.gSm.) contains the figure of a cleric in a crimson cassock, white surplice and crimson beretta playing in the open air on an organ positive with a single set of pipes. 8. F. 141V. Ps.xcv. CAntate domino. A handsome letter (H. 92 m. B.93 m.) containing a group of clerics singing from a book on a wooden lectern. 9. F. 178 V. Ps. cix. Dyxyr dominus. The D(H.97 m. B. 98 m.) contains a miniature representing the Blessed Trinity. The Eternal Father, with a triangular nimbus, is placing a crown on the head of Christ, who bends forward with His arms crossed on His breast. The text on this page is surrounded by a border similar in style to that on f. 2 v., but much rubbed and worn. 10. F. 183V. MAgnificat. TheM(H.83m. B. 90 m.) contains a miniature of the Annunciation; two three-quarter length figures. 11. F. 184. Ps.cxiv. Dylexi quoniam exaudiet. The miniature within the D (H. 96 m. B.98 m.) represents a man in a short lilac tunic and brown hosen, contemplating with astonishment the nude corpse of a young woman lying on the ground. 12. F. 187 V. Ps.cxxi. LEtatus sum. TheL(H.82m. B.88m.) encloses a three-quarter length figure of a man in a violet tunic and turban with a radiated gold crown over it, his hands raised to express his joy. 13. F. 191. Ps.cxxvi. Nysi dominus. The miniature within the N (H. 94 m. B.99 m.) represents a man building a red brick house. The due relative proportion of size and the perspective are quite disregarded here, as is often the case in such symbolical representations, based on traditional models. 14. F. 194. Ps. cxxxi. MEmento domine. The M(H. 85 m. B. 89 m.) is adorned with a three-quarter length figure of David with his hands crossed on his breast, looking up to the Divine Majesty appearing in the sky. 15. F. 200. Ps.cxxxvii. Confiiebor tibi. The C(H. loom. B.96 m.) is a graceful letter containing a figure of David with hands outspread, expressive of gratitude. Two angels, with joined hands, appear in the sky above. David wears a dark crimson robe and 24 Liturgical Books a scarlet hat with a radiated gold crown. On the ground, in front of him, lies a rotta. 1 6. F. 206. Ps.cxLiii. BEnedictus Dominus. The B (H 99 m. B. 100 m.) has been fine, but is much rubbed. David, seated on a mound, is looking upwards. He is clothed in a dull pink tunic, ochre mantle lined with blue, and has a green turban with a gold radiated crown. 17. II, f. I. Hymn. Summe Deus denientie. An ornamental S composed of foliage, on apanel of burnished gold (H. 41 m. B.43m.) In addition to the above there are a very large number of minor capital letters in blue and red with pen-work floriations, one at the beginning of every verse of the Psalms, Canticles, and Hymns. 20. Antiphonarium. Pars hyemalis. Flemish, c. 1530. Vellum. H.505 m. B.35om. Count George de Nedonchel, Tournay. The volume consists of 164 quires of 8 £f., the text (H.395 m. B. 247 m.) in 24 long lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staif of 4 black lines — 9 staves to the page. The volume is adorned with storied and ornamental versal letters of rather peculiar style. The first 8 ff. commencing : Aspiciebam in visu noctis et ecce in nu, are a slightly later addition. The text of the Proper of the Season commences on f 9 thus : Op den iersten saterdach van den ad | uent ons heeren Hymnus Conditor. Versi- culus. Versal A composed of yellow ochre foliage on a red panel. Inside the letter, a king and two attendants, one with a dog, and a prophet pointing up to the Almighty, who appears with outstretched arms, surrounded by angels ; hilly landscape background. F. 17V. 0(H.86 m. B.88 m.) composed of blue foliage on a yellow ochre panel relieved with light yellow floriations. F.23V. H(H.i3om. B. 128 m.)composed of branch-work, foliage and jewels, brown heightened with gold, in relief on a crimson panel. The interior of the letter occupied by figures of Mary and Joseph adoring the Babe of Bethlehem. Through the doorway of the stable is seen a bit of landscape. F. 29 V. S (H. 84 m. B.88 m.) in blue and white on a dull crimson panel, with a flower-spray and a bunch of purple grapes. F. 35. V(H.8om. B.Ssm.) lilac on a pink ground; in the interior a white crocus with two leaves. F.41. E(H.8om. B.85m.)red on a blue panel; in the With Musical Notation. 25 interior, the Holy Lamb with cross and banner reposing in a meadow. F.46V. H(H.89m. B.92m.)blue relieved with white and gold on a grey panel with darker grey floriated work heightened with light yellow. F.57V. D(H.65m. B. 70 m.) pink on an orange panel with blue floriations. F.60. I(H.76m. B. 77 m.) light blue outlined in dark blue, and adorned with gold floriations and white designs touched with scarlet, on a yellow panel with flower sprays. F.62. D (H.62 m. B. 62 m.) blue and white, on an ochre ground, with light yellow floriations. F.I GOV. O (H.81 m. B.83 m.)pale blue and white, on a pink panel : in the interior are represented the Five Wounds surrounded by rays of glory. F. 118. T(H. 85 m. B. 82 m.) turquoise blue on a very deep crimson panel, with 2 red-tipped daisies with leaves. F. 150V. MCH. 124 m. B. 114 m.) pink letter composed of foliage delicately outlined in burnishedgold. The angles of the panel of brush gold are adorned with flower sprays : rose, forget- me-not, dianthus and strawberry. The interior occupied by a miniature of the Annunciation. Other ornamental letters of similar character are : C, f. 90 v. ; A, f. 141 V. j D, f. 135 v, ; E, f.68 v. ; I, ff".85 v., 89 v., and 93 v. ; L, ff'. 64 V. and 81 ; S, ff. 106 v., 129 and 140V. ; T, f. 73 ; V, ff. 77 and 115. The text ends (f. 154 v., 1.6) : dominus tecum Alleluia, ps Venite. Binding: Pigskin with 10 knops and comers. 21. Graduale ad usum ecclesie Sarisburiensis. xv century. Vellum. H.420 m. B.275 m. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth palace. The volume consists of 187 if., with 13 staves of 4 red lines (H. 317 m. B. 200 m.) to the page. The largest versal letters are dark blue on a ground quartered, of two colours covered with tracery of thin white lines. The smaller versals are dark blue, with red pen-work hatchings in the interior showing a white foliated pattern, and floriations around. The initials in pen-work are adorned with grotesque heads. At the end is a printed kalendar of 6 ff. on vellum from a Missal printed by R. Pynson(H.4oo m. B.27S m.) E 26 Liturgical Books. 2 2, Antiphonarium ad usum ecclesiae Eboracensis. English. XV century. Vellum. H.415 m. B. 270 m. Lord Herries, Everingham, Park. The text of this volume (H. 280 m. B. 180 m.), of which the first leaf is wanting, is written in two columns of 48 lines each ; the musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 16 staves to the column. The principal versal letters are in gold and colours ; from them spring sprays of foliage which extend round three sides of the page. The lesser versals are executed in pen-work either in blue and red, or in black decorated with quaint heads. The quires consist of 8 ff. The volume, as it now stands, commences : a pueris uel a diaconis si fuerint presentes, and ends : aUas horas vt in communi plurimorum martyrum cum oratione Con|cede que- sumus omnipotens deus * * r * f * * cet. On the fly-leaf, a frag- ment of a 13th century Breviary, is written : Iste liber pertinet ad capellam beate marie et sanctorum angelorum et archangelorum Eboraci. — Thomas Ffoxgatt hath thys booke. 23. Graduale ad usum ecclesiae Ungaricae incertae. End of XV century. Vellum. H.520 m. B. 372 m. The University Library, Cracow, This volume consists of ccxxxx fif., of which six are wanting, and the last sixty contain additions of the i6th century. The musical notation, of the Teutonic type, is on a staff of 5 red lines — 8 to the full page. It is the oldest manuscript known that contains Hungarian melodies, e.g., f. 2, Ungaricum Kyrieleyson ; f. 14, v., Ungaricum Sanctus de Beata Virgine«pulchrum. The versal letters, with sweeping sprays of foliage and flowers on the margins, are fine in style and execution ; the interior of the letters are adorned with miniatures, most of which have been cut out. II.— LITURGICAL BOOKS. {Without Musical Notation.) I. Psalterium cum Canticis, Hymnis, Litania et precibus. Moguntiae. Per lohannem Fust, civem Maguntinum, et Petrum Schoffer de Gernszheim. 1457, 14 Augusti. Folio. The first printed book to which the place and date of impression are subjoined. Only nine copies known, three of which are in this country. As these vary considerably from one another, I shall confine myself to giving an exact detailed bibliographical descrip- tion of the copy here exhibited. It was discovered by the well- known bibliographer, John George Schelhorn, in 1765, in the choir of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Roth, near Memmingen, and was purchased in 1798, for the Althorp library, for the sum of 3000 florins. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.384 m. B. 244 m. Vellum. F. 125 wants the outer margin and part of the text. The versal letters have been in part cut away by the binder from 58 if. There is also a defect in the first leaf; the inserted priece of vellum extends over four lines : 15 to 18. This copy consists of 143 (114 and 29) ff., printed in red and black from movable cut, not cast, metal type of two sizes; of the larger type there are 20 (Comp., 293 m.), and of the smaller 24 (Comp., 287 m.) long lines to the full page. To this there are but two exceptions : f. 3 v., which has 2 1 lines of the larger type, and £28, which has 3 lines of the larger and 21 of the smaller type, together equivalent to 25 lines of the latter. The leaves, it is almost needless to say, have neither catchwords, nor signatures, nor foliation, nor running title. The quires have 10 ff., excepting the eleventh, which has 8, the twelfth which has 6, and the last (fifteenth) which has 9 ff"., the seventh being single. Blank spaces occur frequently : these were left not only for the musical notation, but also for the insertion of 28 Liturgical Books antiphons, &c., and in six places (ff. 28, 29 twice, 29 v., 34 v. and 136 V.) for versal letters of 2 lines of the smaller type. The more important versal letters, those of 2 or more lines of the larger type, are printed. Of these there are 200 in all, neither more nor less, produced from 24 metal blocks, the work of at least two, more probably of three, craftsmen. These letters were printed, subsequently to the typography, in one of two colours, red or greyish blue,i not by a pull of the press, but by the blow of a mallet on the superimposed block. Finally, the body of the letter was coloured by the stenciller, — ^red, if the printed floriations were blue ; blue, if these were red. We subjoin here a complete list of the printed versal letters. The Roman capitals represent those coloured blue with red floria- tions \ the Italic capitals, those coloured red with blue floriations. 1 B, occupying a space (H. 91 m.) equivalent to 6 lines of the larger type ; with the floriations in the margin (333 m.) f. \? 2 C, a 4-line letter (H.62 m.); with its floriations (208 m.) f.98. D „ „ „ (192 m.) ff.20, 37, 60, 1 15.8 „ (192 m.) f.49. „ (200 m.) f. 85 V. „ (208 m.) f.70. „ (169 m.) f>l fr.43, 66, 72, 88 V. (j „ ff.isv., 19V., 33V., 58V., 117, 121V. The other versals* occupy a space (H. 3 1 m.) equivalent to 2 lines of the larger type, the floriations in the margin extend over a space varying in height from 57 to 129 m. {A fr.34, 56, III v., 120 v. I A fr.22, 37 V., 38,5 78, 119, 141 V.6 g f ^ ff.19, 3I) i°iv- t B ff.i6v., 24V., 40V., 42, 51, 88, loov.. Ill, 116, I22V., 130V. ' Some of the floriations are more or less violet ; this, however, is purely accidental, and owing to the printer not having taken care to remove all traces of one colour previously to using the other. In the Althorp copy the pattern on the body of the blue C and D has been entirely over-painted by the illuminator. ' The B is blue, with red floriations, in the copy at the British Museum. ' The D on f. 115 is blue, with red foliations, in the copy at Windsor Castle. * The 4-line S and the 2-line F, K, L, P and Q project into the margin. " The A on f. 38 is red, with blue floriations, in the copies at the British Museum and Windsor Castle. ' Ff. 137-141 are wanting in the copies at the British Museum and Windsor Castle. (D " 4 E )> 5 S' >» (J, entirely on the margin ( Without Musical Notation. 29 9 f C ff.s,8v.,i2v.,23v.,76v.,94,io3,io7,iisv.,ii25v.,«i27,i34v. IC ff. 2, 35, 48 V., 84, 105, 118 V. D ff.2,'3v., 8, 13 v., IS v., i6,'2iv.,8 28, 64, 81V., 83, 86v.,89v., ^^ 92V., 96V., 99V., 109V., 114V., 118, 123V., 141.* |D ff.3, 4v., 7v., 10, 21, 23, 28v.,6 32, 44, 46V., S2V., 54V., s6v., ^ 72, 73V., 86v., 95, 9SV., 98V., 123, 127V., 129V., 141,^ 141 v." jj f-E ff.gv., 41,50. S3 v., S8v., 124V.," 128V.,'' 131 v., 142. ' E if. 13 v., 18 v., 38 V., 60, 63, 64 V., 65 V., 66 v., 69, 136. 12 F f.89v. ff-23. 39> 99-° ft.6v.,' 135, 137.^ 14 K f. 137V.* 15/^ ff. 17 v., 29 V., 1 16 v., 119, 1 19 v., 133. iL ff. 118, 120, 125, 132 v., 133 V. jg/-^ ff34v., 47 V., 61V. I M ff.3ov., 55, 62, 90 v., 99, 1 23 v., 134. i JV ff.44v., 64V., i?2. I N ff. 29 V., 77, 120 v., 136 V. ^■SS, 134, 141, 141 v.* ff. 140V., 141,* 142 v., 143.'' 13 {[ 17 18 r (o jg|^ ff.36, i4iv.,*i43- P ff. 109, 143 V. 20 f <2 ff- 1 V.,' 33, 51 v., 57 v., 74, 87 v., 121, 135. "I Q ff.26, 82. R ff2S, 32.« ^ ff.62 v., 122 V. S ff.7, 126 V. ^ fT- ff. 68 v., 136. \ 24 1 T f. r4v. U ff.2v.,' 7 v., 77 v., 130,8 137.* U ff. 75 v., 93 V. ' The C on f. US v., the D on ff. 2 and l6, the E on f. 124 v., the Q on f. iv., and the U on f. 2 v. are red with red foliations in the Windsor Castle copy. = The C on f. 125 v. is blue, with red foliations, in the British Museum copy. ^ The D on f. 21 v. is blue, with red floriations, in the Windsor Castle copy. ' Ff. 137-141 are wanting in the copies at the British Museum and Windsor Castle. ' The D on f . 28 v. is red, with blue floriations, in the Windsor Castle copy. " The E on f. 128 v., the I on f. 99, and the U on f. 130 are red with red floriations in both this and the Windsor Castle copy. ' The I onf. 6v. and the O on ff^. 142 v. and 143 are red, with blue floriations in the other two copies. ° The other two copies have a blue R with red floriations on f. 34 V., here omitted and supplied by hand without floriations. 30 Liturgical Books The 6-line B, the 4-line D and S, the marginal J and the 2-line B, D, F, L, M, N, P, Q, R and S, excellent both in design and execution, are, I believe, by one hand. As to the 2-line T, I am doubtful. The 4-line C is very good, but is unUke all the others, being designed on a different principle. The 4-line E, a clever design well carried out, is the work of a third hand, but wants the spirit and elegance of the letters by the designer of the B. Most of the versals in this copy have been touched up by hand with a more brilliant red and a bright ultramarine blue ; this has been detrimental to the delicate ornamentation in the body of the five larger letters, the superposed colour having spread on to the reserved vellum ground ; in two cases (ff. 49 and 98) it has covered it entirely. The illuminator omitted to retouch the 2-line E on f. 38 v., which remains as when the volume left the publishers' office, of a dull grey blue. The 2-line D on f 95 v. was also printed with red floriations ; the stenciller, when about to colour the body of the letter, took up the wrong brush ; perceiving his mistake, he stayed his hand; the vertical limb remains dull blue, the curved part red, and the floriations dull red.i These two instances clearly prove what was done at the publishers' offices and what subsequently to the sale of the volume. As no correct account of the printed contents of this Psalter has yet been published,^ I have drawn up the following table, the rigorous accuracy of which may be relied on. I have printed the words at full length, but have taken care to keep to the exact spelling of the text. ' In the Windsor copy the blue versals have not been retouched, and offer a striking contrast to the bright light ultramarine capitals of the manuscript additions. ^ A VON DER LiNDE (Quellenforschungen, 20-30) is the only writer who has as yet attempted to give such an account ; but his essay, apparently written from notes, and not revised in presence of the Psalter, abounds with mistakes. Moreover, he has, like all previous writers, entirely failed to recognise the true character of Fust and Schoffer's work. He calls this Psalter the Editio princeps of the Mentz Breviary. It is, however, nothing of the sort. A Breviary consists, leaving aside the Kalendar and preliminary matter, of four parts : I, the Proper of the Season ; 2, the Psalter ; 3, the Proper, and, 4, the Common of Saints. This book contains only one of these four parts — the second, and this is not according to the use of Mentz. Indeed, it would never have answered commercially to print a choir Psalter of this importance according to the use of any one diocese (excepting perhaps Sarum and Utrecht), for it must be remembered that the religious orders had their own uses, and did not follow that of the diocese. The possible sale of a Psalter, according to the use of Mentz, would have been restricted to the cathedral and parochial churches of the diocese ; these at that time would have had, each according to its importance, one or more manuscript noted Psalters which they would only replace when deteriorated by long use. The Without Musical Notation. 31 Folio. line. Psalm. Contents. I 7 I BEatus vir qui non abijt I V. I II Qvare fremuerunt gentes : 2 I III Domine quid multiplicati 14 IV Cum inuocarem exaudiuit 2 V. 10 V VErba mea auribus 3 15 VI Domine ne in furore tuo 3v. 14 Antiph. Seruite domino in timore,' a Ex omnibus' evovae' 15 VII Domine deus meus in te speraui : 4v. 4 VIII Domine dominus noster : 5 I IX Confitebor tibi domine. 6v. II X In domino confido 7 5 space of 2 lines 7 XI SAluum me fac domine 7v. 4 XII Vsquequo domine 16 XIII Djxit insipiens in corde suo : 8 18 XIV Domine quis habitabit 8v. 10 space of S lines IS XV Conserua me domine 9 17 space of 4 lines generally received opinion that Fust and Schoffer went to the trouble and expense of preparing type to print some fifteen or twenty copies for the churches of Mentz is simply absurd. They printed the Psalms, Canticles and Hymns in general use, and left blank spaces in which the purchasers could insert by hand, together with the musical notation, the antiphons, etc., proper to the use which they followed. Thus the blanks in one copy would contain the antiphons according to the use of Mentz, another those according to the use of Worms, a third those of Speyer, Trier, Strassburg or some other church. Most likely some hundred copies of this Psalter were printed. The present copy was, no doubt, sold by Fust and Schoffer to the Premonstratensian Canons, as it contains the Antiphons, Versicles, etc., according to the use of that order. ' The first Antiphon : Servite Domino in timore, being in general use in the churches which followed this arrangement of the Psalms, is printed. " These are the two first words of the second Antiphon according to the use of Mentz and a few other churches. They have been erased in the present copy, and the first word of that used by the Premonstratensians written in their place. ' The vowels of the last words of the Gloria Patri — sscalorxim; — the notes placed above them form the ending of the chant to which the following Psalm had to be sung. The first note of the evovae^the prevailing or reciting note of the chant — and the final note of the antiphon give the tone of the chant. This word, or rather this compages of letters, has, of course, no connexion whatever with the Bacchic shout of lo or Evoe. I should not allude here to this silly story were it not that on several occasions I have heard it repeated by persons who noticed the presence of the evovae in one or other of the books exhibited, and who evidently believed in its truth. 32 Liturgical Books Folio. line. Psalm. Contents. 9V. I XVI Exaudi domine iusticiam 10 II space of 2 lines 13 XVII Djligam te domine fortitudo 12 V. 7 space of 4 lines II XVIII CeH enarrant gloriam dei : 13 19 spcue of 2 lines 13 V. I XIX Exaudiat te dominus 17 space of 2 lines 19 XX Domine in virtute tua 14 V. 4 space of 4 lines 8 Hymnus Te deum laudamus : 15 18 space of 3 lines iSv. I XCII Dominus regnauit decorem 12 space of 4 lines 16 XCIX Jubilate deo omnis terra : seruite 16 5 space of 4 lines 9 LXII Deus deus mens : ad te 16 V. 9 space of 4 line^^ 13 Can tic. BEnedicite omnia opera domini domino : 17 V. 6 space of 6 lines 12 CXLVIII LAudate dominum de celis : 18 12 CXLIX cantate domino canticum nouum : 18 V. 5 CL Laudate dominum in Sanctis IS space of S lines 20 Hymnus Ecce iam noctis tenuatur umbra 19 7 Vers. Jn matutinis 8 Resp. Quia fuisti Cantic. BEnedictus dominus 19 V. 10 Hymnus lAm lucis orto sidere, with space of one line above and below for the musical notation 17 space of 4 lines 20 I XXI Deus, Deus meus respice 21 17 XXII Dominus regit me 21 V. 10 XXIII Domini est terra 22 6 XXIV Ad te domine leuaui 23 I XXV Ivdica me domine quoniam 19 LIII Deus in nomine tuo saluum 23 V. II CXVII Confitemini domino quoniam 24 V. 14 CXVIII BEati immaculati in via : Without Musical Notation. 33 Folio. line. Psalm. Contents. 25 17 CXVIII REtribue seruo tuo 26 I Symb. Quicunque vult 27 V. 12 space of 6 lines 18 Cap. Omnis homo quicunque inuocauerit nomen domini saluus erit in christoihesu domino nostra. Deo gratias 28 I Cap. Domine miserere nostri te enim expectaui- mus. esto brachium nostrum in mane, et salus nostra in tempore tribulacionis. Deo gratias 4 R. Christe fili dei viui etc. V. Exsurge Domine adiuua nos. Et redime nos propter nomen sanctum tuum. 5 Pieces Kyrieleison &c. 29 V. II "Hymnus Nvnc sancte nobis spiritus 17 CXVIII LEgem pone michi 30 V. 2 CXVIII MEmor esto verbi tui 31 7 CXVIII Bonitatem fecisti cum seruo tuo 31 V. 14 space of 7 lines 32 I space of 12 lines 13 Hymnus REctor potens verax deus 19 CXVIII DEfecit in salutare tuum 33 4 CXVIII Qvomodo dilexi legem tuam 33 V. 8 CXVIII jNiquos odio habui : 34 II speue of 8 lines 19 Cap. ALter alterius onera portate. et sic adim- plebitis legem Christi. Deo gracias. 34 V. I space of ^ lines 5 Hymnus RErum deus tenax vigor II CXVIII Mjrabilia testimonia tua : 35 15 CXVIII CLamaui in toto corde meo 36 I CXVIII PRincipes persecuti sunt 36 V. 6 space of xn, lines 37 I space of 2 lines 3 XXVI Dominus illuminatio mea 37 V. 16 XXVII Ad te domine clamabo 38 17 space of 2 lines 19 XXVIII Afferte domino filij dei : 38 V. 1 IS XXIX Exaltabo te domine F 34 Liturgical Books Folio. line. Psalm. Contents. 39 17 space of 2 lines 19 XXX In te domine speraui 40 V. 10 XXXI BEati quorum remisse 41 14 space of 2 lines 16 XXXII Exultate iusti in domino : 42 9 XXXIII BEnedicam dominum 43 I space of 2 lines 3 XXXIV Jvdica domine nocentes me : 44 15 XXXV Djxit iniustus ut delinquat 44 V. 16 space of 2 lines 44 V. 18 XXXVI Noli emulari in malignantibus : 46 V. 4 XXXVII Domine ne in furore tuo 47 V. 4 space of 4 lines 8 L Mjserere mei deus 48 V. 3 space of 6 lines 9 c Confitebor tibi domine 49 5 space of 12. lines 17 XXXVIII Djxi custodiam vias meas : 5° 7 XXXIX Expectans expectaui 51 6 space of 2 lines 8 XL BEatus qui intelligit 5fv. 13 XLI Qvemadmodum desiderat 52 V. 2 space of 2 lines 4 XLIII Deus auribus nostris S3V. 12 XLIV Eructauit cor meum 54 V. 5 space of 2 lines 7 XLV Deus noster refugium 55 5 XLVI OMnes gentes plaudite 17 space of 2 lines 19 XLVII MAgnus dominus 56 I XLVIII Avdite hec omnes gentes : 56 V. 17 space of 2 lines 19 XLIX Deus deorum dominus 57 V. 17 LI Qvid gloridris in malitia : 58 14 space of 7 lines 58 V. I XLII Jvdica me deus 13 space of 5 lines 19 C Ego dixi in dimidio 59 V. 7 space of 14 lines Without Mvsical Notation. 35 Folio. line. Psalm. Contents. 60 I LII Djxit insipiens in corde suo : 17 LIV Exaudi deus orationem meam : 61 V. 1 space of 2 lines 3 LV Mjserere mei deus quoniam 62 6 LVI Mjserere mei deus miserere mei : 62 V. 7 space of 2 lines 9 LVII Sj vere utique iusticiam 63 8 LVIII Eidpe me de inimicis meis 64 I space of 2 Imes 3 LIX Deus repulisti nos 64 V, 4 LX Exaudi deus deprecationem 17 space of 2 lines 19 LXI Nonne deo subiecta erit 65 V. I LXIII Exaudi deus orationem meam 19 spcu:e of 2 lines 66 I LXV Jvbilate deo omnis terra 66 V. 14 LXVII Exsurgat deus et dissipentur 68 19 spcue of 2 lines 68 V. I space of 3 lines 4 LXIV TEr Pluet altered altered 2 7 : inserted after procella- rum erased erased 12 XI, 3 ■ *et omitted l>efore\mgaa.m supplied 42 Liturgical Books F. 1. Psalm. Errors in the Al thorp copy. Alterations by hand. British Museum. Windsor. 7, 14 XI, 4 : inserted after raagnifi- cabimus erased erased IS 4 . for : after sunt altered altered 19 7 : inserted after examina- tum erased erased 7 v., 14 XII, 6 : inserted after tuo erased erased 8, 8 XIII, 7 : inserted after eorum erased erased 12 9 Deum7»r Dominum : omitted after inuocaue- runt altered inserted altered inserted 13 : inserted after timore erased erased 14 10 : inserted after est erased erased confudisti^^ confudistis altered the s in- serted and afterwards altered erased 17 II : inserted after sue erased erased 8 v., 8 XIV, 6 : inserted after vsuram * innocentes for inno- centem erased altered erased altered 9 7 commouebitur_;&>- moue- bitur altered altered 15 XV, I domiue^;- domine corrected 16 : inserted after tu erased erased 2 in terra %mAfor sunt in terra altered altered 9, IS II : inserted after vite erased erased 9 v., I XVI, I : omitted after meam inserted corrected corrected : inserted after intende erased corrected corrected s 3 equitatem^r equitates altered corrected corrected 8 S : inserted after tuorum erased erased II 7 : inserted after me erased corrected corrected 12 : omitted after deus : inserted after michi inserted erased corrected erased corrected 18 II : inserted after circum- dederunt erased erased 19 12 *Proitientes^r Proiici- entes lO, 4 14 meam omitted after ani- mam added in margin Without Musical Notation. 43 10, 4 9 lo 10 v., 9 lO 11, 8 11 v., 9 12, 16 19 12 v., 5 13, 3 7 14, 6 14 v., II IS, Psalm. 13 16 3 5 8 10 17 IS v., II 16 20 16, I 12 XVI, 14 17 17 XVII, 9 10 12 20 33 49 SI S4 XVIII, 8 10 XX, 4 TeDeum 4 s 9 16 17 18 21 23 28 7 XCIX, I 4 XCII, LXII, 3 Errors in the Althorp copy. : inserted after impio cum iusticiay&r in iusticia in inserted after apparebo conspectu^r conspectui : inserted after commota sunt : inserted after ira eius * cherubin_/»^ cherubim : inserted afterloVassaim *hijsy&?- his : inserted after eius : inserted after inueterati sunt : inserted after michi regi for regis : inserted after fidele : inserted after vera : omitted after te : inserted after ei : inserted after seculum * Magna gloria ^^ Mag- na est gloria *cherubin^/' cherubim * seraphiny&y seraphim : omitted before dominus : omitted before laudat snscepturus for suscep turus de victo_^^ deuicto : omitted after sedes : omitted after tuis : omitted after eos : omitted after speraui : inserted after domine * domino ^r dec : omitted after eius : inserted after confes- sione et in via. for et inuia Alterations by hand. erased altered erased altered erased erased altered erased h erased erased erased erased altered erased erased supplied erased erased altered altered supplied supplied altered supplied supplied supplied supplied erased altered supplied erased altered British Museum, Windsor. erased altered erased altered erased erased erased erased erased erased erased erased supplied erased corrected altered corrected corrected erased altered corrected erased corrected corrected 44 Liturgical Books F. Psalm. 1 6, 12 LXii, 3 i6 V. 17. 1 7 v., iSv., 19 V. 20, 13 2 4 20 2 15 5 16 17 19 14 17 19 13 5 12 12 2 3 IS 19 II 12 Errors in the Althorp copy. Alterations by hand. Bened. 5 6 10 IS 20 CXLVIII,4 CXLIX, 2 4 6 CL, S Hymnns 9 Bened. 3 Hymnus 5 XXI, I 19 20 in aquosa/(7r inaquosa : omitted after inaquosa : inserted after tibi : inserted after exultabo : inserted after meam ovccDSs,for omnes frigus et estus_/2'r estas snperexaltet for super- exaltet * domino yw^ dominum : inserted after gloriosus *aque que for aque omnes que : inserted after sunt *in seculum et for in eternum et *filiay»r filii * exaltauity»>- exaltabit * Exultaciones for Exal- taciones : inserted after bene sonantibus Prestatyo?- Prestet quia difor qui a 'Ligaa.m for Linguam : omitted after dereli quisti : inserted after mea : omitted after ventre inserted after mea "■a me : omitted after tuum British Museum. supplied erased erased erased altered altered erased erased altered altered altered altered erased altered altered altered supplied erased supplied altered erased inserted corrected & erased erased erased corrected corrected corrected erased erased Exultati- ones erased altered corrected altered supplied & erased erased supplied & erased quoniam erased Windsor. corrected corrected corrected corrected Exultati- ones corrected altered quomam inserted Of these 39 pages, there are only five (if. 3, 4, 7, 7 v. and 8) which are exactly alike, that is to say, printed from the same composition, in all three copies. Two other pages (ff. i v. and 8 v.) are alike in Without Musical Notation. 45 tlie Althorp and British Museum copies, and thirty in the British Museum and Windsor copies. The text of f.4 v. is alike in all three copies, as is also that of flf. 5 v. and 6 in the British Museum and Windsor copies, but the red-letter portion differs. In the 39 pages there are in the Althorp copy 137 errors, which may be classed thus : 1. Omissions of the : used to mark the pause in the middle of each verse ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 2. Insertions of the : in the wrong place 57 3. Errors due to negligence 30 4. Errors of the text which occur in contemporary Psalters, e.g., in the Mentz Breviary printed by the Brothers of Common Life in 1474, distinguished in the above table by having an asterisk (*) prefixed to them 22 137 Twenty-five of these errors were corrected before these pages of the British Museum copy were printed, leaving 21-I- 47 4-224-22 = 112 errors ; and four more before those of the Windsor copy were struck off, leaving 20-1-46-1-20-^22 = 108 errors. But in recom- posing some of the pages, fresh mistakes were introduced, so that, in these pages, the British Museum copy has 24-1-49-1-26-1-22 = 121 errors, and the Windsor copy 24-1-49-^28-1-22 = 123 errors. Most of the pages in the volume have been entirely re-composed once, and many twice. All, however, commence with the same and always with an entire word in all three copies, and all the pages end with the same word, with the exception of f.3 v., which in the Althorp copy, instead of being terminated by ab, has ab inimids, the latter word being the first on f. 4 in all three copies. It should be further noticed that the lines in the British Museum and Windsor copies are more equal in length than in the Althorp copy ; this has been effected by varying the abbreviations and by the frequent suppression of the full stop at the end of each verse. I shall not attempt to give a list of the books in which this Psalter is noticed. It may be as well, however, to say that the earliest mention of it is in John Andrew MuUer's notice of the Library of the Gymnasium at Freiburg (I, 129 and 130) published in 1653 ; the next, that in Lambecius's Commentaria de augustissima Bibliotheca Caesarea Vindobomnsi (II, viii, 989) published at Vienna, 1665-79. From that time down to the present it is noticed in almost every work on the History of Printing. SCHELHORN, Atltnerk. DiBDIN, I, IO7-II7. VON DER LiNDE, 67-77, 46 Liturgical Books Withotit Musical Notation. 47 2. Missale secundum rltum dominorum Ultramontanorum. Verone. 1480, 27 Augusti. Folio. The only edition of this use, and the only Missal printed at Verona. Seven copies only known, all in Hungarian libraries ; of these I have collated four, all however incomplete. The volume is divided into five parts, and contains 358 (6, 186, 1 10, 40 and 16) ff., printed in red and black from type of two founts, in two columns of 29 lines each(Comp., 242 m.)to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal and initial letters of 8, 7, 6, 5, 2 or I line, and blank spaces for the musical notation. Without running title, signatures, or foliation, but with catchwords to every leaf in the first half of each quire, as also to the last leaf. The quires have 10 ff., excepting the first and last (thirty-sixth) which have 6 ff. each, and the eighth, eighteenth, and nineteenth, which have 12 ff. each. The text commences (11, f. i, col. i): Jncipit ordo missa- | lis secundum ritum | dominorum vltramon- | tanorum cum quibusdam I oflSciis nouis. Domini- | ca prima in aduentu | Jntroitus. The colophon (v, f.i6v., col. 2, below 1. 26) runs thus: Jmpressus uerone ui- I gesima septima augusti [ M.cccc. octogesimo | A S C U. dcbtjmofa t)tc9 ilia: que refurgct ex fauUIo: iudicandu^ bomoreue: buicergoparce Deo^: ieieru t)oiiiie:t)onaeif reqmem«3metu 3(mp2e(ro5uc:onciii Sefumfcptiaangnfli ^©.cccGOCtogcfimo :h S & 48 Liturgical Books The volume is adorned (11, £.150 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 2Som. B. 167 m.) representing Christ on the Cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John, beneath a trifoliated arch ; probably the work of a German artist, but showing in the figures the influence of Mantegna. {See the reduced facsimile on p. 46.) The Hungarian National Museum, Buda-Pest. H. 316m. B. 242 m. Wants 11, f. 62, but hasv, ff. 11 and 16 in duplicate, one copy of the latter leaf having a blank space in place of the colophon. A fine clean copy, without any additions by hand. Binding : Oak boards, covered with the original stamped brown leather. Pray, 40; Imiex, n, 116. (Denis, 120, 856. Panzer, hi, 503, 6.) Knauz, 3. JCirchenschmuck, xxv, 34. Weale, 216. 3. Missale Moguntinum. In inclita civitate Maguntina per Petrum Schoffer de Gernszheym impressum. 1483, 24 lulii. Folio. The third edition of the Mentz Missal, and also the first Missal to which Schoffer has subscribed his name. Two copies only known, both collated by me. The volume is divided into four parts, and contains 234 (6, 95, 6 and 127) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 38 lines each (Comp., 283.7 ™-)j or in 19 long Unes to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal and initial letters of 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or i line. Without running title, signatures, foliation, or catchwords. The text commences (11, f. i, col. i) : Dominica prima in aduentu domini. The colophon (iv, f. 127, col. i, below 1. 15) runs thus: Presens missale Ad dei laudem | et honorem-per petrum schoffer de I gernszheym Jn inclita ciuita- | te Maguntina • huius artis im- 1 pressorie inuentrice : atque elima | trice prima ■ glorioso deo fauen- 1 te • suis consignando scutis • Jm- | pressum et finitum Anno domini | M ■ cccc • Ixxxiij • Jn vigilia san- | cti Jacobi apostoli. Below this is Schoffer's device. {Reproduced in facsimile on p. 49.) The volume is adorned (in, f. i v.) with one full-page cut ( H. 3 1 3 m. B. 208 m.) representing Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.385 m. B. 267 m. Additions by hand: Two versal letters in gold and colours ; the remainder and the initials in colours. The cut coloured and gilt. To the lower margin of I. 5 of part iii; is attached a miniature on vellum of S. Veronica holding a circular Vernacle in front of two cross- Without Musical Notation. 49 n l|ono2etnp intit (tOoffn; qe aernl^l^eFinSn tnrlita nutta:> n iQagatiiia- \\vam atoo int^ pteflfone tnii;ntntr:atq^ d jnta tnie|iriina«0lo2fo(b teo f^tif « ff'fins rSQ^nantD fam^^m' pnflitin {tfinitumBnno DiQ jiRnaliEfjEtft-3»iiii0fltaIiut« ti3laioliia]))ttQU. keys. Additions with musical notation occur: i, flf. i and 6 v. II, f.95 v.; and iv, ff. in v. and 127. Binding: modern. Denis, 174, 1309. Zavw, Mainz, 91. (Panzer, ii, 130, 55.) Dibdin, IV, S34. 990- Hain, 11333. Weale, 100. Missale Divinorum Ofificiorum tarn de tempore quam de Sanctis secundum chorum alme ecclesie Strigoni- ensis. In imperiali civitate Germanic Nurenberga, per Anthonium Koburger, incolani prefate civitatis. 1484, 31 Augusti. Folio. The second edition of the Gran Missal, and the first Missal printed by Koburger. Three copies only known, all in Hungarian libraries; of these I have collated two. The volume consists of 216 ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 40 (Comp. H 50 Liturgical Books 291 m.) or 21 lines each to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal and initial letters of 9, 6, 5, 4 or 2 lines, and blank spaces for the musical notation. Without running title, signatures, or catchwords; but the leaves, with the exception of the first twelve and the last nine, are numbered, many wrongly, I to cxci. The quires have 8 ff., excepting the first and last (twenty-seventh), which have 10 ff. each, ar>d the twelfth and thirteenth, which have 6 ff. each. The text commences (f. 13, col. i) : Jncipit missale diuinorum offi- I ciorum tam de tempore quam etiam de san | ctis cum certis ofiicijs annexis. | vtputa de transfiguratione domini. | de pestilentia et cetera, secundum cho | rum alme ecclesie Strigoni- ensis. | Dommica prima in aduentu domini | Jntroitus ad missam. The colophon (f. 215 v., col. 2, below 1. 12) runs thus: Finit missale diuinorum ofEciorum | tam de tempore quam de Sanctis cum cer- | tis officijs annexis : vtputa de | transfiguratione domini. de pestilen- | tia etcetera, secundum chorum alme ec- 1 clesie Strigoniensis. correctum ac | emendatum de consensu ac fauo I re Reuerendissimi in christo patris | ac domini. domini Michaelis episcopi | Milkouiensis. ac in pontifica- | libus vicarij generalis prenominate | ecclesie Strigoniensis. aliorumque | domin- orum de capitulo. regnante | felicissime serenissimo ac. inui- | ctis- simo Mathia hungarorum | rege domino nostro gratiosi- | ssimo Anno incarnate delta- | tis. M.cccclxxxiiij. die vltima | mensis August!, in imperiali ciui- | tate germanie Nurenberga. per | An- thonium Koburger inco- | lam prefate ciuitatis. Ad lau- | dem dei eiusque genitricis perpe- | tue virginis. cui honor et gloria in I euum Amen. {Reproduced in facsimile on p. 51.) The volume is adorned (f. 88 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 293 m. B. 187 m.) representing Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John. The Hungarian National Museum, Buda-Pest. H.371 m. B. 263 m. Additions by hand: The larger versals in gold and ^ colours ; the others in colours. The cut coloured and gilt. A Musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. At the end 2 leaves with Sequences and Masses. Binding: Oak boards, covered with the original stamped brown leather, protected by ten knops and two clasps. Kaprinay, I, 112 (1) and 128. Pray, 38, 40 and 42. Weszpremi, cent.i, 112; cent. II, 2, 409. Ungrisches Mag., 11, 117, and IV, 444(3). {Ji'B.-i^v!,, Wiensbuchdr.,z\. Denis, 187, 1428. Panzer, 11, 197.) Knauz, S, 2. Dank6, 15. Weale, 194. Without Musical Notation. 5 1 trnn or tee (^ 0e &iur^ m ror ti0 dffiat$^nnQci0 : inpum iie nSf^mrone otttde pfltitr - mi(}0$ almrrt- rtefir Stri0ontm.(on:ntii|ai: tmttmm oemnlMii ocMd reaenfmiflrmstinj^d pfamo ar Oominitiomi JBuliaef tpt m ponti^a^ ub^trtfanfgmera^itontinate ni^te Str^ontntnd.alidrg^ Odmto$orraptnilo.r(gnaiiit firtiAffimefrrmiirmto acinui/' Mvm ffiatttia ttimgaronif rrgroontimi ttoQrograinJfi^ fftmo^ntto itnarnaieaeim ^ ti0.^(n:d)g^i . tat oltntta Ittfu0lto0iiftttiniptaltnui^ laiir 0mttanie Ourmt)er0a.e %it^nn{tn }\(tt)iii^0erinn)^ lam pr^ur nuitatie* ^ lan^ 0eiit0netuf(ii grnitnndepe': (ttr^onor iglona t ruum^tiiKn; 52 Liturgical Books 5. Missale secundum rubricam ecclesie Cracoviensis. In nobili civitate Moguntina impressum per Petrum Schoiffer de Gernszheym. 1484, 10 Novembris. Folio. The first edition of the Cracow Missal, and the second Missal to which Schoiffer has subscribed his name. Three copies only known ; of these I have collated two, both imperfect. The volume is divided into eight parts, and contains 288 (6, 86, 6, 62, 60, 40, 10 and 18) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 37 lines each (Comp., 275 m.), or in 19 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal and initial letters of 7, 3, 2 or i line. Without musical notation, running title, signatures, foliation or catchwords. The quires have 8 ff., excepting the first, eleventh, thirteenth, twenty-first, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth, which have 6 ff. each, and the thirty-fifth and last (thirty-seventh), which have 10 ff. each. The text commences (11, f. i, col. i) : Dominica prima in aduentu. The colophon (vii, f. 17 v., col. i, below 1. 17) runs thus: Cum in diocesi Cracouiensi esset | magna penuria emendatorum | codicum missalium secundum or- | dinationem (et ut vulgo dicitur ru- 1 bricam) ecclesie Cracouiensis | ijdemque magna ex parte corru- I pti ac deprauati essent-Reue- | rendissimus dominus dominus Jo I hannes Rzesowskij memora | te ecclesie episcopus • animad- 1 uertens officij sui esse-eiusmo- | di penurie occurrere atque pro- 1 uidere : ut ex facili codices quam | emendatissimi haberi possent | prouideque in earn rem intendens • vt et | optime emendarentur et emenda | ti imprimerentur curauit • Ex | auctoritate itaque et iussu suo I presens opus missalium secundum ru- | bricam ecclesie Cracouiensis ca | stigatum atque emendatum prius | Jmpressum per petrum schoiffer | de gernszheym • in nobiU ciui- | tate Mogu- tina huius impres- | sorie artis inuentrice elimatrice | que prima- Anno incarnationis | dominice millesimoquadringen- | tesimoocto- agesimoquarto ■ | decima die nouembris feliciter | est consumma- tum. Below this is Schoiffer's device. The University Library, Cracow. H.33om. B. 2S2m. Wants part III ; iv, f.62 ; vii, f. 10 ; and vm, f. 18 ; these three last being probably blank leaves. Part 11, f. i, and iv, f. i, have lost their margins in part. Additions by hand: The Canon, 7 ff. on vellum. The versals in gold and colours with sprays of foliage spreading over the margins, or in colours. The foliation and marginal Without Musical Notation. 53 references. On the last leaf: Missa contra paganos, with a sequence commencing : Sponsa Christi tu decora. Ex Bibliotheca Dr. Max Zatorski, prof. Univ. Binding: Oak boards covered with brown leather stamped, and in parts gilt and silvered. In the centre a block-produced panel representing Christ on the Cross, with three figures kneeling around, within a circular medallion with the legend : crvx-ave-spes-vnica-pasionis. In the angles of the panel are the Evangelical animals. A band of roll- produced ornament offers figures of Lucretia, Fortitude, and Justice. JOCHER, III, 90, 6430. (ESTREICHER, 169.) WeALE, 6i. Missale Divinorum Officiorum tarn de tempore quam de Sanctis secundum chorum alme ecclesie Strigoni- ensis. Impressum Venetiis, iterum secundo, per Erhardum Ratdolt de Augusta. i486, 18 Martii. Folio. The third edition of the Gran Missal, and the first Missal printed by Erhard Ratdolt. Four copies only known, all in Hungarian libraries ; of these I have collated two. The volume consists of 236 (14 and 222) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts in two columns of 39 (Comp., 254 m.) or 27 lines each to the full page, with 2-line initial letters, and staves of four red lines without notation; 8 staves, each with a line of text below it, to the full page. Without running title or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies three quires ; of these the first has eight, the second four, and the third two leaves. The leaves of the text numbered in the middle i-ccxxi, followed by one unnumbered leaf, form 28 quires bearing the signatures a (a a2 a3 a iiij)*-i^ k^° P m^-z^ a'-d* and E*. The text commences (f.i, col. i) with the same words as in the first edition. The colophon (f. 222, col. i) runs thus : Finit feliciter Missale diuino | rum officiorum tam de tempore | quam de Sanctis cum certis officijs | annexis : utputa de tansfigura- 1 tione domini : de pestilentia : et cetera : | secundum chorum alme ecclesie Stri- | goni- ensis. bene reuisum ac fideli | studio emendatum : de consensu ac | fauore Reuerendissimi in christo | patris ac domini : domini Michae | lis episcopi Milckouiensis. ac in pon- | tificalibus vicarij generalis pre- I nominate ecclesie Strigoniensis. | aliorumque dominorum de 54 Liturgical Books capitulo I Jmpressum Venetijs iterum se | cundo per Erhardum ratdolt I de augusta. Regnante felicissi- | me serenissimo ac inuictissi- | mo Matthia hungarorum rege | domino nostro gratio- sissimo Anno salutifere incarnationis | domini nostri ihesu christi. M.cccc. I Ixxxvj. die xviij. Martij Ad lau | dam dei eiusque geni- tricis perpe | tue virginis : cui honor et glo- | ria in euum Amen. Deo gratias. {Reproduced in facsimile,, p. 55.) The volume is adorned with one full-page cut (11, f. 83 v.) repre- senting Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John, and 41 ornamental versal letters printed from 16 blocks. These are T(H. 83 m. B.79m.); ABCDELMNPRSTY (H. 49 m. B.43 m.); G(H. 37 m. B.36 m.) and G(H. 29 m. B. 29 m.). The Hungarian National Museum, Buda-Pesf. H. 300 ni. B. 209 m. Additions by hand: The cut coloured. The musical notation in many places. Inside the cover, the following entry : Comparatum sumptibus propriis civium Posoniensis civitatis ad usum parochi et capellanorum ecclesiae eiusdem S. Martini Anno 1600 mense Septembri. This is followed by notes relating to Hungarian bishops, 1572-1609. Pray, 40. Knauz, 7, 3. Dank6, 15. Weale, 195. 7. Missale Coloniense. Basilee, typis Michaelis Wensler. 1487. Folio. The second edition of the Cologne Missal, and the only one printed at Basel. Six copies only known, all of which I have collated ; two of them are incomplete. The volume is divided into five parts, and contains 362 (10, 180, 28, 86 and 58) £f., printed in red and black, from type of three founts, in two columns of 33, 30 (Comp., 240 m.) or 16 lines each to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters of 9, 6, 5, 4 or 3 lines, blank spaces of 2 or i line alternating with red initial letters, and blank spaces for the musical notation. Without running title or catchwords. The preliminary matter, occupying 10 ff., is followed by 22 quires bearing the signatures a (a ij a iij a iiij a v)!** b^" c^ y' ; the leaves are numbered i to clxxx. Twenty-eight leaves without signatures or numbers intervene between these and the quires z' aaMi^ kk* IP-pp* qq'" rr* numbered CLXxxi-cccxxiii ; f. 8 of rr is without a number. The preliminary matter commences (i, f. i, col. i) : Ex statutis prouincialibus domi | ni Guilhelmi sancte ecclesie | Coloniensis archiepiscopi. Without Musical Notation. 55 raolfido:u5i9tn berempoze. ^def^nctidctt ceiti0 omc^e atmcEid:titpma detaniftgnm^ tidetmi:de pefbiecia: ^mem : (if|cbo:naimc etii:£K>ttitm j^bic^c tecpi iS&tlckouidi^c in poti/ i^caUbu^ vicarii sencralie p/ mmMc ccdelie Strigonien, ^^Tqs^ommo^de capttolo ^mp:eflUm Bcnctqe item fe cnbo per4r|?^&iim rat{K>It me ferettiflTnno ac mntctini/ moig^dtti^ !?uti0aro:u rege Nomine noftro gratiofiflimo r^nno fainttfcrc iticamatidis^ Mri ncJUri il?efu jcpLi^^cccc InrPi^&ie rrtij j^J^ardj :a& laa de {)demr95gemtrid0pcrpe ti)€ Virginia: cni l?ono: ^ glo^ m in enttm:»men« 3cogratia0* 56 Liturgical Books The text commences (11, f. i, col. i) : Jncipit ordo missalis per cir- 1 culum anni. Dominica prima | in Aduentu domini Introi- 1 tus ad officium misse. The colophon (v, f. 58 v., col. 2, 1. 28) runs thus : Explicitus est liber missalis bene visus | et optima dihgentia impressus ba | silee. anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxvij. The volume is adorned (iii, 17 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 246 m. B. i6sm.) representing our Lord on the Cross. The first page of the text has an elegantly-designed border of foliage and flowers, and the Canon, an ornamental versal T (H. 92 m. B. 61 m.) of 6 lines. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H.33om. B. 225 m. Wants 13 ff., ten others are more or less damaged. Additions by hand : Two versal letters in colours, the remainder and the initials in blue. The musical notation in part. From the Church of S. Andrew, Antwerp. Weale, 55. 8. Missale iuxta rubricam ecclesie Cracoviensis. In nobili urbe Maguncia per Petrum Schoiffer de Gernszheym. 1487, 16 Augusti. Folio. The second edition of the Cracow Missal, and the fourth Missal to which Schoiflfer has subscribed his name. One copy only known. The volume is divided into six parts, and contains 267 (6, 80, 8, 56, 57 and 60) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 38 lines each(Comp., 284.5 ™-) o"" '" 19 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal and initial letters of 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or i line. Without musical notation, running title, signatures, foliation or catchwords. The quires have 8 ff. each, excepting the first, thirty-second, and last (thirty-fourth), which have 6 ff. each, and the twenty-sixth, which has 9 ff. The text commences (11, fi, col. i): Dominica prima in aduentu. The colophon (vi, f. 60 v., col. 2, below 1. 13) runs thus: Cum in diocesi Cracouiensi emen | datorum codicum missalium- secundum | ordinationem ecclesie Cracouien | sis penuria esset magna: ijdemque | magna ex parte corrupti depra | uatique-Reue- rendissimus dominus • | dominus Johannes Rzesowskij dicte | ecclesie episcopus : animaduertens sui esse | oflficij : tante penurie cupiens oc- I currere prouidereque-presensopus | missalium • iuxta rubricam ecclesie | prefate • castigatum et emendatum | prius ■ Petro schoiffer de gernsz | heym in nobili vrbe Maguncia | impressorie artis Without Musical Notation. 57 inuentrice eli- | matriceque prima: imprimi de- | mandauit. Et annodomini-M-cccc | Ixxxvij -xvj-die mensis augusti | feliciterest consummatum. Below this is Schoiffer's device. The University Library, Cracow. H.375m. B.274in. Entirely on vellum. "Wants iii, f. i, and iv, f. 49. The lower margin of five leaves has been cut off. Additions by hand : The larger versals in gold and colours, with sprays of foliage spreading over the margins ; the smaller versals in colours. At the commencement: noted Kyries and Glorias on a leaf of vellum, and at the end, four leaves with noted Prefaces and Paternosters. The margins of the Kalendar are partly occupied with notes. Binding: Oak boards, covered with brown leather, adorned with block and roll-produced ornaments in part gilt, 1578. Eight brass corners, stamped. Clasps wanting. Panzer, iv, 364, 59*. Misc. Crac, i, 2. Bandtkie, 116; Krol. Polsk., Ill, 127. (Hain, 1 1286. JocHER, III, 90, 6431. ESTREICHER, 169. WeALE, 6i.) Missale Divinorum Officiorum tarn de tempore quam de Sanctis secundum chorum alme ecclesie Strigoni- ensis. Impressum Nurnberge per Georium Stiichs de Sulczpach. 1490, 18 Septembris. Quarto. The fourth edition of the Gran Missal, and the second Missal printed by George Stiichs. Five copies only known ; of these I have collated three, all incomplete. The volume contains 578 {18 and 260) fF., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 34 lines each (Comp., 181.5 m.), or 18 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces of 6 or 5 lines for the versal letters. Without musical notation, running title, or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies two quires ; of these the first has 8, the second 10 ff. - The text fills thirty-two quires, with signatures a (a a ij a iij a iiij)^- jjjs jji2 o^-z", et', con*, ter*, us', rum' and a'-d'. The text commences (11, f i) with the same words as in the first edition. The colophon (11, f. 260, col. 2, below 1. 11) runs thus: rinit feliciter Missale diui- | norum officiorum tarn de tempore quam | de Sanctis cum certis officijs | annexis. vtputade transfigu- I ratione domini. | de pestilentia. et ce- | tera. secundum chorum alme ecclesie | Strigoniensis. bene reuisum ac | fideli studio emen- datum. Jm- | pressum Nurnberge per Geo- | rium Stiichs de Sulczpach. I Anno salutifere incarnatio- | nis domini nostri iesu I 58 Liturgical Books christi. M. | cccc.lxxxx. die. xviij. Septembris. Ad laudem dei eiusque ge| nitricis perpetue virginis. | cui honor et gloria in euum I Amen. | Deo gratias. fiam59ffiicto9tdmtetpecB terancn[da»cmi:d ofliMfs dtmQ:i8«vtputat)?trliri^' ratoe Dm.tepdhlet£9*'zce' tera.^icbo9 alme^ecdefiie 0tn^om<:n*beneretttini ac ficeUftttMo ane^atn. 3m^ pzdfttsiBumbcr^ceSea' nu SScbs ce S{il(5pacb» Brno fatoferc t topi^Qp' oiibpnotT glozfa^eutiiti The volume is adorned (11, f. 97 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 176 m. B.I 13 m,) representing Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, between the B. Virgin and S. John, and with one storied versal T (H. 79 m. B.72 m.) representing the sacrifice of Abram. The University Library, Buda-Pest. H. 232 m. B. 164 m. Wants part I, f. 1. Additions by hand: The cut and versal at commence- ment of the Canon coloured. Prefaces with musical notation on II, f 97. MS. obits in the Kalendar, 1586-93. Denis, Wienshuhdr., 21. (Denis, 292. Panzer, ii, 207.) Hain, 11430. Knauz, 10, 4. Weale, 195. Without Musical Notation. 59 10. Missale secundum veram rubricam sacre ecclesie Strigoniensis. Impressum Brunne per Conradum Stahel et Matheum Preinlin, impressores Venetos, impensis Theobaldi Feger, concivis Budensis, librarii. 1491, 21 Novembris. Folio. The fifth edition of the Gran Missal, and the only Missal issued from this press. Five copies only known ; of these I have collated two, both incomplete. The volume, contains 308(8, 12, 114,. 8 and 166) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 35 (Comp., 234.5 m.) or 24 lines each to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters, of 7, 5, 4 or 3 lines, and for a moiety of the initials of 2 lines, and with staves of 4 red lines (9 to the full page, with 9 lines of text) for the musical notation. Without 5init focUcitcr 0!>iflHlcfct5ni t^cram xnhiki facrc ccclcfic :©trigonicri. fideliffimc rcuifil p nonullos Dominoa capitult pfare ecclefte gmpffum B:unc: jnipcnfia Cbcobaldi fc get cociuia budcnfia libzarij- ^er ingenio. foa ac magnay induftrto viroa €onradu5 ftabcli'T ^atbeu pzcinim impflb2C0Vcne> toa.TXcgnantcMcilTiiiic 3Uuflrimmop:irt cipe ac t)no'.t)no wladillao bdgarie; bobe^ itiic:t)almatic:croaticq5'rc regc ii&arcbio^ • nc mo:auie:luccnburgcnfc: -r flefic Duce:ac lufatic mar cbione %c Dno nf Qgratiofiffimo ' -Regno? fuo? bugarie fctJo.:6obemic ^o ; vigefimop:imo.ianno vcrbigcnc abiHeft- mo Quadzingentefimo nonagcf imop:imo : »icvcroBotta)»aviccfim«p:ima^ 6o Liturgical Books running title or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies three quires; the first has 8 ff., the other two, bearing the signatures fl and gl 6 ff. each. The text occupies 36 quires, with signatures a (a a 2 as a4)*-n* o" p'-v' w*-z^ a'-l' and m^; the leaves are numbered, exclusive of the eight forming quire fifteen, and the last leaf of all, i to cclxxix. The text commences (m, f i) : Dominica prima in aduentu | domini Jntroitus ad missam. The colophon (v, f. 166) runs as follows : Finit foeliciter Missale secundum veram rubricam | sacre ecclesie Strigoniensis. fidelissime reuisum | per nonnuUos dominos capituli prefate ecclesie | Jmpressum Brunne : jmpensis Theobaldi fe- I ger conciuis budensis librarij. Per ingenio- | sos ac magnarum industriarum viros Conradum | stahel: et Matheum preinlin im- pressores vene- | tos. Regnante felicissime Jllustrissimo prin | cipe ac domino: domino wladislao hungarie: bohe- | mie: dalmatie: croatieque etc. rege Marchio- | ne morauie: lucenburgense: et slesie duce : ac | lusatie marchione etc. domino nostro gratiosissimo Wiihout Musical Notation. 6i I Regnorum suorum hungarie secundo. Bohemie vera | vigesimo- primo. I Anno verbigene Millesi- 1 mo quadringentesimo nonagesimo primo: | die vera Nouembris vicesimaprima. Below this is the printer's AtYicz (Reproduced in facsimile p. 60). The Canon (iv, f. i) is adorned with a full-page cut (H. 217 m; B. 138 m.) of Our Lord on a tau-shaped Cross, with His Blessed Mother and S. John at the foot, and with an ornamental versal T(H.8i m. B. 68 m.) evidently imitated from Ratdolt's alphabet. The Hungarian National Museum, Buda-Fest. H.318 m. B. 216 m. Wants part i, and the lower corner of part v, f. 125. Additions by hand: The cut coloured. The versal letters in colours ; the musical notation, in a few places. Pray, 40. Denis, 311, 2553. Panzer, i, 263. Tud. Gyiijt, v'l, "ji. Knauz, 12, 5. Dank6, 15. Weale, 195. II. Psalterium cum Canticis et Hymnis. Sine loco et anno. The volume contains 176(144 and 32) ff., printed in red and black, 20 long lines (Comp., 143 m.)to the full page, with blank spaces for the antiphons in the first part, and staves of 4 red lines for the musical notation in the second. There is also a blank space of 3 lines for the initial letter of Psalm i. Without signatures, running title, or catchwords. The leaves are numbered, beginning with the second : Folium, ij.-clxxij for 1 76. The text commences : (B)eatus vir qui non abijt pS. i. Part i ends f. 143 v., 1. 9 : esse non poterit Gloria patri. F. 144 is blank. Part II commences f. 145 : Conditor al, and ends £176, 1. 5 : cum sancto flamine. Amen. F. 176V. is blank. The volume is adorned with one ornamental versal letter, a C(H. 61 m. B. 62 m.) in which are seen a cantor and boys grouped before a lectern on which a music book lies open. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 195 m. B. 138 m. 12. Missale mixtum secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum Mozarabes. Impressum in regali civitate Toleti, per magistrum Petrum Hagembach, Alemanum, impensis Melchioris Gorricii Novariensis. 1500, 9 lanuarii. Folio. The first edition of the Mozarabic Missal, and the only Missal 62 Liturgical Books printed by Peter Hagembach. Nineteen copies only known, five of which are on vellum. The volume contains 480(8 and 472) fF., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 32 lines each (Comp., 2i^2 m.) to the full page. With one space of 7 lines with a small type-indicator for the initial letter of the Introit on the first Sunday in Advent. With blank staves of 5 red lines (7 to the full page, with a line of text beneath each) for the musical notation. With running title, but without catchwords. The quires have 8 if. ; and are signed, commencing with the second : a (a a ij a iij a iiij), to z, A to z, and Aa to Nn ; the if. are numbered i to cccclxix, the three following being without any number. The title, in large type, is as follows : Missale mixtum secundum re I gulam beati Jsidori dictum | Mozarabes. The text (11, f. i, col. i) commences : |[ Dominica prima aduentus | domini. Ad missam officium. The colophon (11, f. 472) runs thus: Ad laudem omnipotentis dei . | necnon virginis marie matris eius : omnium | sanctorum sanctarumque . Expletum est missa- | le mixtum secun- dum regulam beati Jsidori dictum | Mozarabes : maxima cum diligentia perle- | ctum et emendatum per Reuerendissimum in vtro- I que iure doctorem dominum Alfonsum ortiz | Canonicum Toletanum . Jmpressum in re- | gali ciuitate Toleti . Jussu Reuerendissimi in | christo patris domini . domini . Francisci ximenes : eiusdem | ciuitatis Archiepiscopi . Jmpensis Nobilis | Melchioris gorricij Nouariensis . Per magi | strum Petrum hagem- bach . Alemanum . An | no salutis nostre Millesimo quingentesimo I die vero nona mensis Januarij. The title-page is adorned with the arms of Archbishop Francis Ximenes, a shield with Our Lady enthroned, sinister, investing S. Ildephonsus, kneeling at her feet, with a chasuble ; in dexter chief a mitre. The border of the shield charged with the legend : INDVI • EVM VESTIMENTO • SALVTIS • SACERDOTES • EIVS ■ INDVAM • SALVTARi. It is surrounded by the cord of S. Francis, and accompanied by a crosier in pale ensigned with a cardinal's hat. At the head of the Canon (11, f. 229 v.) is a full-page cut (H. 246 m. B. 168 m.) representing Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 338 m. B. 233 m. Additions by hand: The musical notation. On the title a certificate of the orthodoxy of the volume signed by Fray Pedro and dated 1640. Binding: Red morocco, tooled. In the middle of either cover, within an oval, are the arms of J. B. Colbert, the minister of Without Musical Notation. 63 Louis XIV. encircled by the collars of the orders of S. Michael and of the Holy Ghost. Colbert's cypher, surmounted by a coronet, and the viper and fleur-de-lys are repeated several times on the back and on both covers. The latter are doubled in morocco tooled with a fleur-de-lis^ border. The edges marbled and gilt. Ortiz, c. La Caille, 45. B. Teller., 156. De Vayrac, i, 553. B. Hohendorf., 13, 99. (Orlandi, 204. Le Long, i, 362. B. Colbert., I, 20, 342. Maittaire, I, 730.) Beyer, 158, lxiv. (Merati in Indice. Marchand, 81, cxxi.) De Bure, i, 189. Caballero, 81. Fossi, 11, 201. Panzer, hi, 48, 7; iv, 427, 7. DiBDiN, I, 13s, S4- Van Praet, 2» Cat., i, 131, 372. Brunet, Suppl., I, 1040. Weale, 105, 13. Missale secundum rubricam Cracoviensem. Nurm- berge. Per librorum impressorem Georgium Stuchs ex Sultzbach, concivem Nurmbergensem, imprimi curavit dominus lohannes Haller, civis Cracoviensis. C.I 500. Quarto. The sixth edition of the Krakau Missal, the first in quarto, and the ninth Missal printed by George Stuchs. Three copies only known, all in Polish libraries. The volume is divided into five parts, and contains 356(8, 168, 12, 104 and 64) if., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 34 lines each (Comp., 183 m.), or 21 long lines to the full page. Without musical notation or catchwords. A running title replaces the first line of text on those leaves on which the Common of Saints is printed (v, if. i to 20). The quires, 45 in number, have 8 ff., excepting the twenty-third, which has only four. The first and twenty-fourth are without signatures, the others are signed a (a a ij a iij a iiij) to y, and a to x ; the leaves are numbered j to cccxxxvi with 12 unnumbered fF. between clxviii and CLXix. The first page bears this announcement : Elimatum hoc missale | secundum rubricam cracouiensem. ex exemplari emendatis | simo. data opera, impressum est. quod exemplar domini | canonici craco- uienses singulari industria correctum | concesserunt : illud vt quouis absque defectu. quam casti- | gatissime imprimeretur : vigili cura. magnisque expen- | sis. circumspectus dominus Johannes haller. ciuis craco- | uiensis. per solertem librorum impressorem 64 Liturgical Books Georgium | stuchs ex sultzbach conciuem nurmbergensem pul- 1 chris correctisque characteribus concinne imprimi cu | rauit. At ne eundem aliquis librum (livoris omitted) auidus aut inui- | dus. in eius detrimentum imprimere de nouo audeat | Jllustrissimus princeps Fridericus diuina miseratione | in septem solijs rhome cardinalis presbiter. Ecclesie gnes | nensis archipresul et primas atque episcopus cracouiensis : vna | cum suorum venerabilium canonicorum cracouiensium cetu. | firmiter sanxit : quod non alter suarum diocesium quispiam | de nouo in prefati Johannis haller detrimentum hoc ] missale cracouiensis rubrice imprimere audebit : sub I certa indicia pena : in data desuper copia descripta. The text ends (v, f.64, col. 2, I.35) : Misse defunctorum cccxxvj. The volume is adorned (i, f. i v.) with one full-page cut (H. 179. m. B.I 20 m.) representing Saint Stanislaus in cope and mitre, holding a pastoral staff with its veil in his right hand, and with his left blessing a figure in a shroud rising from the grave and kneeling on its edge. To the right Cardinal Frederic von Polen, kneeling, his crosier resting against his left shoulder and a shield with his arms, an eagle displayed crowned, on the ground leaning against him. There are also sixteen ornamental versals printed from 13 blocks: A, B, C, D repeated twice ; E, H, L, P, R, S repeated once ; T, T and U. Of these A is 48 x 42 m. ; the others, 42 x 43 m. The University Library, Cracow. H. 249. m. B. 170 m. Wanting f. 4 of part iii, replaced by a leaf of vellum with a pen- and-ink sketch of the Annunciation on the recto, and a woodcut on the verso representing Christ on a tau-shaped cross with the B. Virgin and S. John, with a wooded hilly landscape background. This is coloured and gilt, as are also the versals, from some of which spring sprays of foliage spreading over the margin. Attached to the margin at the foot of part in, f. 5, is a small piece of vellum, on which is painted a shield bearing paly of 6, arg. and sa. with the initials D. M. B. for Dominus Martinus Belza, canon of Cracow, doctor in arts and law, who bought this Missal in 1504, and bequeathed it to the University. He died on the i6th May, 1542, and the volume was rebound in the following year. Its oak boards are covered with reddish brown leather stamped with ornaments and with a block representing S. Hierome, gilt and silvered. The edges of the leaves are tooled. Between parts n and III are inserted 16 ff. MS. with noted Kyries, Glorias and Prefaces. On f. 64 v. of part v is written the Sequence : Ave veneranda Dei Genetricis parens. At the end is added a single leaf containing the mass for the feast of the Immaculate Con- ^[Face page 64. Without Musical Notation. 65 ception composed by Leonard Nogarolus ; in 2 col. of 33 1. each, commencing : |[ Jncipit officium immacu- ( late conceptionis virginis ma | rie and ending on the verso, col. 2, 1. 19 : cipiant. Per dnm. Janozki, IV, 99-104, XXI. Misc. Crac, i, 3 et 82; 11, 26. Wealk, 62. K III.— LITURGICAL BOOKS. ( With Musical Notation.) Missale secundum ordinem Fratrum Predicatorum. Impressum Venetiis, opera et expensis Octaviani Scoti Modoetiensis. 1482, 24 Decembris. Quarto. The first edition of the Dominican Missal, and the second Missal printed by Octavian Scotus. The volume is divided into two parts, and contains 212 (10 and 202) ff., printed in red and black from type of two founts, in two columns of 33-34 lines each (Comp., 152.5 m.), with blank spaces for the versal letters of 7, 5 or 3 lines, and Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 8 staves to the full page. Without running title, foliation or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies one quire signed a ; the text, twenty-five quires, b (b b iij b iiij f-':fi et^ con^ rumi". The text commences (11, f. i, col. i) : Jncipit missale secundum ordinem | fratrum predicatorum. Dominica pri | ma in aduentu domini ofificium I . The colophon (11, f. 202, col. 2, below 1. 25) runs thus : Explicit Missale secundum or- | dinem fratrum predicatorum. Jm I pressum venetijs opera et expensis | Octauiani Scoti Modoe- tien I sis. mcccclxxxjj. | Nono Kalendas Januarij. The volume has (11, f 80 v.) one cut (H. 143.5 i"- B. 95 m.) representing Christ on the Cross, with the B. Virgin, S. John and two angels. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 210 m. B. 154 m. On the verso of the last leaf is the Sequence for feasts of the Apostles : Clare sanctorum senatus. On the recto of 1. 1 is written : Missale ad vsum fratrum predicatorum in primis datum Heymio ad vsum incertum. In silentio et in spe erit fortitude vestra. Lower down, the signature of a later owner of the book : M. Kremer. Denis, 154, 1134. Murr, ii, 346. Hain, 11289. Weale, 242. O fsi Vi^ i ** '""^ m7 .*^ tut ttV ^ WziA Musical Notation. 67 Agenda parrochialium ecclesiarum.. In urbe Basiliensi elaboratum ingenio et impensis Michaelis Wenszler et lacobi de Kilchen. 1488, 12 Maii. Folio. This volume is divided into two parts and contains 168 (48 and 120) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, 19 or 27 long lines (Comp., 218 m.) to the full page, with versal letters of 3 lines, and Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 6 staves to the full page. Without foliation, running title, or catchwords. There are in all 2 1 quires signed a^ b (b b ij b iij b iiij)^ c^ d^ e^ f^" and a^-p^. The volume commences : Jnformatorium sacerdotum de agendis circa confe- | ctionem et dispensationem sacramentorum et sacra- men- I talium : cum annotatione canticorum in taUbus cum | opus fuerit cantari consuetorum. | Prefatio. This preface, which alone is printed in small type, occupies f. i. The text of the ritual commences (f. 2, 1. 1): Agenda parrochialium ecclesiarum. | Si sacerdos baptizare volens puerum | non habeat sal benedictum : seu aquam | benedictam benedicat ut infra. The colophon (11, f. 120 V.) runs thus : Anno a partu virginis Millesimo | quadringen- tesimo octuagesimo octa | uo. quarto idus Maij. finitum est hoc | opus preclarum et in vrbe Basiliensi ] feliciter elaboratum ingenio et impen- | sis spectabilium virorum Michaelis ( Wenszler et lacobi de Kilchen vrbis | prenominate ciuium. Beneath is the printer's device {Reproduced in facsimile). Alfred Henry Littleton. H. 294 m. B.20S m. Wants part 111, ff.4 and 27 to 30. Part i, £ i damaged. Modem binding. Missale iuxta morem Romane ecclesie. In floren- tissima civitate Venetiarum. Joannis Hammani de Landoia mira arte impressum. 1488, 15 Octobris. Folio. The thirty-fifth edition of the Roman Missal, the seventeenth Venetian edition, and the third Missal printed by John Hertzog of Landau. The volume consists of five parts, and contains 296 (8, 134, 44, 56 and 54) fi"., printed in red and black from type of two founts, in two columns of 31-32 lines each (Comp., 239 m.) to the full page, with blank spaces of 6, 5, 4, 3 9r 2 lines for the versal letters, a 68 Liturgical Books moiety of those of 2 lines, however, being printed in red. With Latin musical notation on a staff of four red lines — 8 staves to the full column. Without running title, foliation, or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 8 ff. ; the text, 37 quires, signed a (a aij a iij a iiij) ^-f® g^ h^" i^-m^ n^ o^" p* q^ r^ r^-v^ x^ yS A^-N* and o^ The text commences (11, f. i) : Jncipit ordo missalis secundum I consuetudinem Romane cu- | rie. Dominica prima de ad- | uentu static ad sanctam mariam | maiorem. ad missam introitus. The colophon (v, f.S3 v., below 1. 18) runs thus : Accipite optimi sacer- dotes Missale iuxta | morem Romane ecclesie expletum : Joannis I hammani de Landoia mira arte impressum : | in florentissima ciuitate Uenetiarum : Augusti- | ni Barbadici inclyti principis tem- pestate : | Anno incarnationis dominice Millesimo | quadringen- tesimo octuagesimooctauo : Jdi- | bus Octobris. | laus dec. Thevolume is adorned with two cuts, the one (H. 226 m. B. 141 m.) represents Christ on the Cross with the B. Virgin and S. John ; the other (H. 116 m. B. 79 m.), the Resurrection. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.343 m. B.245 m. Vellum. Additions by hand : The oflBce of S. Roch in manuscript occupies the fly-leaf and the recto of f. i. The versal on f. i of the text in gold and colours and a beautiful border with two circular medallions containing miniatures of S. Roch and S. Sebastian. Immediately below the colophon is the following interesting note : Lucas Antonius de Zonta, librarius, Petrus Bensonus, librarius, Dederunt pro elemosina. Binding: modern. DiBDiN, VI, 192, 1 187. Van Praet, Cat., i, 84, 90; v, 362, 90; vi, II, 90. Hain, 11392. Weale, 137. Liber agendorum sive benedictionum secundum ritum alme ecclesie Bambergensis. Bamberge impressus. Industria ac impensis Laurencii Sensenschmidt, Johannis Pfeyl et Heinrici Petzensteiner. 1491, 31 Augusti. Quarto. The first edition of the Bamberg Agenda. This volume contains 120 if. printed in red and black entirely from one fount of type, 20 long lines (Comp., 154 m.) to the full page, with versal letters of 3 or 2 lines, and Teutonic musical notation on a staff of four red lines — 5 staves to the full page. Wiih Musical Notation, 69 Without running title, foliation or catchwords. Signatures : a (a a ij a iij a iiij a v) i» bi» c^ d^-o^ and pS. The text commences (f. 2) : Jncipit agenda siue obsequiale secundum im | perialem ecclesiam et dyocesim Bambergensem I Exorcismus salis et aque. Adiutoiium. The colophon (f.izo, below 1. 14) runs thus : Liber agendorum siue benedictionum secundum ritum | alme ecclesie Bambergensis. industria ac im- I pensis Laurencii Sensenschmidt. Johannis | pfeyl et Heinrici petzensteiner Bamberge | quam accuratissime impressus Anno salutis I Mccccxcj. pridie kalendarum septembrium Finit feliciter : W. H. James Weak. H.21S m. B. i6om. Wants ff. i and 120. Ex Bibliotheca monasterii S. Michaelis archangel! ordinis S. Benedict! Bambergae. Binding : Oak boards covered with original stamped pigskin ; wants metal comers, knops and clasp. Panzer, ix, 211, 8b. pro Pataviensis ecclesie ritu. Auguste im- pressum opera et impensis Erhardi Ratdolt. 1494, 21 lanuarii. Folio. The second edition of the Passau Missal, and the sixth Missal printed by Erhard Ratdolt. The volume is divided into six parts, and contains 276 (14, 106, 22, 6, 88 and 40) if., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 41-42 (Comp., 266 m.) or 29 lines each, or 24 long lines to the full page, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 9 staves to the full page. Without running title or catchwords. The preUminary matter occupies two quires, which have, the first 10, the other 4 ff. The text fills 33 quires signed a (a aij a iij aiiij)^-m8, n"*, (o)^ (p)^ (q)^ (r)^ s^-z*, a^-h', i^ and K^*; the leaves numbered i to cclxi, the last leaf blank. The text commences (11, f i, col. i) thus : Jncipit liber missalis secundum cho- | rum Patauiensem, Dominica pri | ma in aduentu Domini. Officium. The colophon (vi, f 36, col. 2, below 1. 28) runs thus : Expletum est hoc opus librorum mis- | salium pro Patauiensis ecclesie ritu : | peruigili cura magistri Sixti haugen | reuisum et castigatum : atque cara- | ctere iucundissimo Auguste im- 1 pressum opera et impensis Er- | hardi Ratdolt ibidem artis im- | pressorie vulgatissimi. Anno sa- | lutis dominice Millesimo quadrin- | gen- tesirao Nonagesimoquarto | Die. xxj. Januarij. The volume is adorned with two full-page cuts. The first 70 Liturgical Books (H. 262 m. B. 167 m.) represents the patron saints of Passau : Stephen the protomartyr, Valentine and MaximiHan, and the arms of the bishop and chapter : the one arg. a lion rampant gu.; the other, or a demi-goat sa., langued gu.; the other (H. 254 m. B. 163 m.) our Lord on a tau-shaped Cross with the B. Virgin and S. John. On the verso of the fourth leaf of the Canon is a circular medallion (D. 44 m.) representing the Holy Lamb. There are also sixteen ornamental versals printed from thirteen blocks: t (H.89 m. B.77 m.); a (H.63m. B.5sm.) and B, c, D, E, L, o, p, r, s, t, u(H.49.s m. B.43 m.) ; a rotula surmounted by a cross (H. 177 m. B. 161 m.), and the printer's device. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 360 m. B. 240 m. Five leaves (iv, ff. 2 to 6) on vellum. Wants iv, f. i. Additions by hand: The two full-page cuts coloured. On the first leaf, this note : Missale sublatum ab ecclesia quadam certa (mihi tamen incognita) per milites, emptum autem a me levissimo precio ne ulterius profana- retur. Ubi vero constiterit ex quonam templo surreptum sit eidem gratis mox ofFerre et restituere paratum obligatumque sese hoc monasterium Axpacense agnoscit et profitetur, etc. Emptum et scriptum hoc 26 Aprilis anno 1620. Ex hbris Bibl. venerabilis Conventus Viennensis in Rossaugia Ord. Servorum B. M. V. Lit. Woch., B2, 129. Zapf, 39, 305. Bauer, hi, 78. (Panzer, i, 121, 124.) Van Praet, Cat., i., 218, 305. DlBDiN, vii, 166, 263. Hain, 11349. Weale, 120. Missale divlnorum officiorum secundum usum ecclesia Sarum Anglicane. Impressum Venetiis, per loannem Hertzog de Landoia, sumptibus Frederici Egmont. 1494, I Decembris. Octavo. The fifth edition of the Salisbury Missal, the first in octavo; and the eighth Missal printed by John Hertzog. The volume consists of three parts, and contains 346 (10, 136 and 200) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 36 lines each(Comp., 120 m.) with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves to the full page — and running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 10 ff.; the text 42 quires of 8 ff. with signatures a (a aij aiij aiiij)-q, qq, r-z and a-s. The leaves of quires a-p are numbered i to 120, and those of r-s, 129 to 328. With Musical Notation. 71 The Text commences (n, f. i, col.|i) : Jn nomine sanctissime trini- | tatis. Missale ad vsum chori | sancte ecclesie Sarum angli- I cane feliciter incipit. | Dominica prima de aduentu | domini Ad missam Introitus. The colophon (iii, f. 200, col. 2, below 1. 20) runs thus : Jn laudem sanctissime trinita- | tis totiusque milicie celestis ad I honorem et decorem sancte ecclesie | Sarum anglicane : eius- que deuo- | tissimi cleri : hoc missale diui- | norum officiorum vigilanti stu- | dio emendatum et reuisum. Jm | pressum venetijs per Joannem | hertzog de landoia : felici nu- | mine explicitum est. Anno domini | M.cccc. xciiij. kalendas mensis de | cembris. On the verso below the printer's device : Fredericus egmont | me fieri fecit. The volume is adorned with one full-page cut (H. 118 m. B. 80 m.) representing Christ on the cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John; and with eleven ornamental versal letters printed from 7 blocks : A B D E I R T. Henry Bradshaw. H. 165 m. B. 113 m. Wants i, ff. i and 8; II, fr.20, 21, 112-114, and 136, and ill, ff. 153-156, 185- 188 and 196-200. Sinker, 85, 320. Weale, 179. 7, Agenda ecclesie Moguntinensis. s. 1. et a. sed Mogun- tiae, typis Petri Schoiffer, c. 1495. Quarto. The second or third edition of this Ritual. It consists of 64 ff., printed in red and black from type of two founts, with 24 long lines (Comp., 181 m.)to the full page. Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 3, 4 or 5 lines, printed from blocks. Without running title or catchwords. There are eight quires signed a (a a a iij a iiij)^ . -h^, numbered, commencing with the third leaf, i-lxii. W. H. Cummings. H.2S2 m. B. 163 m. Wants ff. 53 and 54. Ex libris lohannis Wilman. HONECKER, 120 et 121. 8. Missale secundum consuetudinemfratrumPredicatorum. Venetiis per magistrum Andream de Torresanis de Asula impressum. 1496, 30 Decembris. Folio. The eighth edition of the Dominican Missal, and the third Missal printed by Andrew de Torresanis of Asula. 72 Liturgical Books The volume, divided into two parts, contains 244(20 and 224) ff., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 36 lines each (Comp., 256 m.) to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters of 9, 8 or 4 lines, and Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 9 staves to the full column. With running tide, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies two quires signed a^ b^^. The Text fills 23 quires, signatures a (a a2 33 34)8 b^O-uio x^ y^ and z^", numbered 1-222, the two last leaves not numbered. The Title runs thus : Missale secundum consuetudinem fra | trum predicatorumcum | omnibus additionibus | tam ad conventua | lem quam ad priua- | tam missam | pertinenti | bu | s | . | The colo- phon (11, f. 222 v., below 1. io)is as follows: Missale secundum consuetudinem fratrum predicatorum | cum omnibus additionibus tam ad conuen- | tualem quam ad priuatam missam pertinentibus I ex exemplar! castigatissimo exceptum | per magistrum Andream de torresanis | de Asula tempore Reuerendissimi patris fratris I Johachini turriani ueneti sacre | theologie eximii professoris ac totius I ordinis predict! generalis magistr! | solertissime impressum anno | salutis M^cccc^xcvj". die | vero penultimo mensis | decem- bris felicissime | explicit. Below this is the printer's device. The volume is adorned (11, f 83 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 252 m. B. 170 m.) representing Christ on the Cross with the B. Virgin and S. John, and (11, f. 222 v.) with the printer's device. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H,3S7 m. B. 240 m. Vellum ruled. Wants I, f I, and 11, ff. 19, 28, 29 and 38, supplied in facsimile. The principal versals supplied in gold and colours, the others in colours with floriations. Illuminated borders of foliage with flower, sprays, birds and insects on a brush gold ground on 5 ff. ; in one of these (11, f. 84), are angels with the instruments of the Passion ; in another (11, f 87) is introduced a shield, bearing the arms of the Third Order of S. Dominic : gyronny of eight sa. and arg., a cross flory quarterly counterchanged ; on a bordure of eight pieces, eight estoiles, all counterchanged. Binding : modern, but with old tooled edges. Denis, 413, 3498, (Panzer, hi, 383, 2008.) Van Praet, Cat., 1, 247. 347 ; V, 36s, 347 ; VI, 37, 347. DiBDiN, VII, 166, 264. Maskbll, 2. BoHN, 249. Weale, 244. 9. Missale secundum notulam metropolitane ecclesie Salisburgensis ordinatum. Nurnberge. In officina Georii Stochs ex Sulczpach, civis Nurnbergensis, With Musical Notation. y^ expensa loannis Ryman impressum. 1498, 13 August!. Folio. The second edition of the Salzburg Missal, and the seventh Missal printed by George Stuchs. The volume is divided into six parts, and contains 270(10, 140, 14, 8, 6 and 92) if.; printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 38-37 l.each (Comp., 266-258 m.) or 16 long lines to the full page, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 8 staves to the full page. Without running title or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 10 ff. ; the text, thirty-three quires signed a (a a ij a iij a iiij) ^ b^-r^ s^ ts v6 x6 yio z8 a^-h8 and j^" numbered i to ccli, the last leaf being without a number. The Canon, between quires v and x, occupies a quire of 8 ff., without signature or foliation. The Text (11, f. i, col. i) commences : Jncipit missale integrum tam de | tempore quam de Sanctis secundum rubricam | ecclesie Salczeburgensis cum om- | nibus suis requisitis. Et primo | de dominica prima in aduentu | domini Jntroitus. The colophon (vi, f.92) runs thus : Missale et de tempore et de Sanctis nonmodo secundum notulam metropoli- | tane ecclesie salisburgensis ordi- natum : verumetiam haud exigua opera ad- | hibita : tum in quottis foliorum locandis : tum in remissionis discfeto nu | mero tam circa quamlibet lectionem vel prophetalem vel apostolicam quam circa I quodlibet euangelium alio in loco plenarie locatum : situando reuisum. | Deinde autem per cola et comata distinctum: simplici puncto in coUectis | secretis complendis lectionibus epistolis et euangelijs locate: colum indi | cante : gemino vero puncto coma significante. sed in introitu graduali | alleluia sequentijs offertorio et communione : puncto simplici locato medi- | am distinctionem que comatis appellatione venit presentante : gemi- | no autem puncto subdistinctionem que colum nuncupatur signante. Demum vero I in officina Georij Stochs ex Sulczpach ciuis Nurnbergensis. expensa | Joannis Ryman impressum. Jdibus augusti anni ab incarnatione | messye nonagesimioctaui supra millesimumquadrin- gentesimum : finit. The volume is adorned with two cuts; the first (H. 210 m. B. 164 m.) two shields juxta-posed, the one : per pale, i or, a lion rampant sadk, langued guks ; 2 gules a fess argent ; the other : sable EL turnip proper, accompanied by a crosier and pastoral staff saltirewise, and ensigned with a mitre. The other (H. 270 m. B. 165 m.) represents our Lord on a tau-shaped cross with the B. L 74 Liturgical Books Virgin and S. John. There are also 27 ornamental versal letters printed from 13 blocks : A (H. 56 m. B. 57 m.) B C D E G I P R S T and V (H. 41 m. B.42 m.) Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.349m. B.247m. Wants part iv. The cut with armorial bearings coloured, the versal letters on the first leaf of parts 11 and iii coloured and gilt, and the margins adorned with branch-work and foliage. Modern binding. ScHRANK, 203, 73. Denis, 4S0. 3830. Helmschrott, i, 183, 411. DiBDiN, VII, 167, 265. Hain, 11421. Wealb, 176. 10. Missale Herbipolense. Herbipoli. Per Georgium Reyser, artis impressorie magistrum iuratum. 1499, II Oct. Folio. The tenth edition of the Wiirzburg Missal, printed like its prede- cessors by George Reyser. The volume is divided into five parts and contains 384 (10, 116, 34, 10, and 214) ff., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 32 lines each (Comp., 291 m), or 19 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters of 9 lines, and blank spaces for the musical notation, except in part iii, where the notation, of Teutonic type, is printed on a staff of 5 red lines— 9 staves to the full page. Without running title, signatures or catchwords. The preliminary matter fills a sheet of 10 ff. The text occupies ff.j to CCCxxviij, besides 44 unnumbered leaves inserted between Cxvj and Cxvij and two more at the end of the book. As in the previous editions, there is neither title nor colophon to this Missal. The text commences (11, i. i, col. i) : d te levavi I animam meam • deus meus in, and ends (f. 212 v., col. 2, 1. 32) pro- moueant. Per eundem. The volume is adorned with two engravings, the one (B. 193 m.) representing Saint Kilian, the arms of Bishop Laurence von Bibra, (quart, i arg. a chief dancett^e^^. ; 2 and 3 i^r a lion rampant sa. ; 4 az. in bend a banner quart, gu. and arg. ; ensigned with a helmet with coronet and mantling ; crest, three plumes supported by two blatant horns embowed gu. and arg. with banners out of them), and those of the chapter; the other, our Lord on a tau- shaped Cross with the B. Virgin, S. John and two adoring angels. £arl Spencer, Althorp. H. 392 m. B. 265 m. Wants I, f. i, and IV, f. I. Additions by hand : Two versal letters in gold and colours. Wiik Musical Notation. 75 Between flf. 2 and 3 of part iii, 8 ff. MS. on vellum. Binding .■ modern. Litt. Mag., III., 285. (Panzer, iv, 333, 8°.) Dibdin, vi, 193, ii88. (Van Praet, z' Cat., i, 147, 421. Hain, 11316.) Weale, 76. II. Missa de Requiem. Vienne. Per loannem Winter- burg. 1 499. Folio. This volume consists of 16 ff. printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 35 lines each (Comp., 219 m.) or 18 long lines (Comp., 226 m.) to the full page, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 8 staves to the full page. Without foliation, running title or catchwords. Signatures a (a a ij a iij a iiij)^ and b*. On the recto of the first leaf are these lines : Ad Lectorem Ut veniam poscas defunctis rite animabus Sepe Deo mentis munera pura feras Sic eadem pietas sera te morte sequetur Nam redeunt donis vberiora datis The text commences (f. 2, col. i) : Sj enim credimus. The colophon (f. 16 v., col. 2, below 1. 17) runs thus: Finit feliciter Uienne Per loannem Winterburg. 1499. The book is adorned with one storied and one ornamental versal letter: T(H.62m. 6.54 m.) with the sacrifice of Abram, andS(H. 36 m. B.33m.) Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 300 m. B. 2 1 2 m. The versal letter at the commencement of the Canon, coloured. Ex libris Bibl. venerab. conventus Viennensis in Rossaugia ordinis Servorum B. Mariae Virginis. Modern binding. Denis,47o, 4021; Wiensbuchdr., 11. (Panzer, hi, 525, 13.) Hain, II 247. 12. Graduale secundum ordinem sancte Romane ecclesie. Impressum Venetiis, arte loannis Emerici de Spira, impensis Luce Antonii de Giunta, Florentini. 1500, I Martii. Folio. This Gradual, divided into three parts, contains 382 (218, 106 and 58) ff., in quires of 8ff., printed in red and black, 7 long lines to the full page with musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines, and with storied versal letters. 76 Liturgical Books The Common of Saints ends f.cccxxiiiv.: Finit feliciter commune sanctorum | maxima cum diligentia ac sum|mo studio emendatum : impres|sum Venetijs impensis no]bilis viri Luceantonij | de giunta florentini. arte autem Joannis Emeri| ci de Spira : anno | natiuitatis domini | m. cccc. xcix. xix. kalendas Februarij. The colophon runs thus : Explicit volumen graduum : summa cura lon|gissimisque vigilijs perfectum : Jmpressum Vene|tijs impensis nobilis viri Luceantonij de giunta | florentini : arte autem Joannis emerici de spi|ra. Anno natalis domini m. ccccc. Kalendis Martij. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 540 m. B. 360 m. Wants ff. i- ccxviii. F. ccxix commences : Jn vigilia sancti An|dree apostoli Jntroitus. 13. Speciale secundum chorum Maguntinensem. Spirae. Petrus Drach. 1500, 3 lunii. Folio. This Gradual consists of 124 ff., printed in red and black with ornamental versals excepting in six places where blank spaces are left ; Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves (Comp., 180 m.) to the full page. Without running title, signatures, or catchwords. The quires have 8 ff., excepting the second and ninth, which have 9 ff. each, the sixth, which has 10 ff., the tenth and eleventh, which have 6 ff each, and the last (sixteenth), which has 4 ff The leaves are numbered ( )ij to cxviiij, ff. 13, 46, and the three last being without numbers. The text commences (f 2) ; Dominica in aduentu. Ad te leuaui animam. The colophon (f. 123) runs thus: Consumatum est spe- ciale secundum chorum maguntinensem | tertia die mensis junii Anno quingentesimo. On the verso of f.J2 3, above the table of contents, is the device (H. losm. B. 76 m.) of Peter Drach, printed in red from a metal block. W. H.James Weak. H.300 m. B. 250 m. Ex Bibliotheca Weisenaviensi. Inside the cover is the book-plate of an abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Weissenau near Wiirzburg, with his arms. Binding : Original stamped pigskin with two clasps. 14. Missale monasticum secundum consuetudinem ordinis Vallisumbrose. Venetiis. Per dominum Lucam With Musical Notation. jy Antonium de Giunta, Florentinum. 1503, 13 De- cembris. Folio. The only edition of this Missal. The volume consists of five parts, and contains 318 (10, 4, 164, 74 and 66) ff., printed in red and black from type of five founts in two columns of 34 lines each (Comp., 272 m.)to the full page. With Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 9 staves to the full column. With running title on a scroll, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies two quires, the first, numbered at the foot of the page, having 10 ff., the second, signed +*. The text fills 31 quires signed a(a aij aiij aiiij av)^''-o^'' p^ q8 J.8 si2 t;io_zio A.13 ^io_i-io q8 jj8 q^^ nuHtbercd i-ccciii. The title runs thus : Missale monasticum secundum | consuetu- dinem ordinis | Uallisumbrose. Above it is a cut (H. 113 m. B. 79 m.) representing S. John Gualbert trampling on the devil, and at the foot of the page, the printer's device. The colophon (f. 303V., col. 2, below 1.5,) is as follows: <[ Ad laudem et gloriam san- I ctissime trinitatis et beatissi- | me marie semper virginis : | beatorumque confessorum Benedi- | cti et Johannis gualberti ac | bernardi episcopi : necnon et ad con- | solationem venerabilium mo- I nachorum : Missale secundum ritum et | consuetudinem ordinis Ual- | lis vmbrose : quod per multos | ante annos inordi- natum de- | prauatumque fuerat : Reueren- | dissimi in Christo patris et domini : domini | Blasij francisci melanensis | florentini totius ordinis pre- | fati generalis dignissimi cu- | ra ac diligentia ordinatum | correctum emendatumque fuit : | Eiusdemque reueren- dissime | dofninationis sue impensis per nobilem | et egregium virum dominum Lucam- | antonium de giunta Florentinum | sum- ma diligentia Uenetijs : | Anno salutis. M.ccccciij. | pridie nonas Decembris im- | pressum explicit feliciter. | Deo gratias. This is one of Giunta's master-pieces, the typography being excellent, and the illustrations remarkable. These were executed expressly for this work at the expense of the General of the Order, and the number of blocks employed is far larger than usual in Italian Missals, although, as many of the cuts occur only once, the volume at first sight does not appear to be so richly illustrated as some of the later Missals in which the same cuts are repeated forty or fifty times. The most remarkable of the illustrations are the borders that enclose the text of the eleven pages on which the Masses of the principal festivals commence. This framework of an architectural character is in the style of the Florentine Renaissance; 78 Liturgical Books it consists of i, a base; 2 and 3, two columns, adorned with groups of figures, 4 and 5, and supporting 6, a rounded arch, the tympanum of which is occupied by a figure of the Eternal seated on the clouds. His left hand resting on a cross-surmounted globe, His right raised in benediction ; on each side, an adoring angel. The triangular spaces above the arch, and the bases of the columns are adorned with figures of the Evangelists seated writing. These portions of the framework do not vary. Of the figures which decorate the sides there are five varieties : i. The Annunciation (ff. I and ccxxix v.), the Angel kneeling on clouds in front of the dexter column, the B. Virgin praying on the opposite side ; 2, the Angel appearing to the shepherds (f. x) ; 3, the three Marys going to the Sepulchre, at, the side of which stand two angels (f. cxxi) ; 4, Christ calling Simon and Andrew who are busy with their nets in a boat (ff.cLxv and ccxxxix); and, 5, two groups of distinguished members of the order (ff. 14 v., cxvi v., cxxxv, cci and ccxii v.). The subjects which adorn the base also vary: 1". John Gualbert riding homewards with his man on Good Friday meets the murderer of his brother Hugo, and draws his sword to slay him ; the murderer on his knees is imploring pardon for the love of Him who died on the Cross on that day. On the left, John is seen kneeling before the altar in the Benedictine Church of S. Minias, begging God to grant him pardon for his sins; his sword and cap lie on the foot-pace. The figure of Christ on the Cross is bowing its head to him ; on a scroll above is the legend : CRVCIS AMORE PARCIT INIMICO lOANNES GVALBERTI PRO QVO CRVX siBi GRATES EGiT CAPiTE. These scenes occur on ff. i, cxvi v. and ccxxix V. 2''(f.x). John begs the Abbot of S. Minias to admit him into the order ; the abbot fearing the father's displeasure, puts him off, but allows him to remain as a guest. His father coming in search of him, John cuts off his hair, and takes a habit from the altar and puts it on. On the right, the father and the abbot in conversation ; on the left, John taking the habit from the altar, near which stand two monks. Between the two groups, a scroll bearing the legend : qvesitvs a patre habitvm svmpsit ab ara. 3°(f.cxxi). On the death of the abbot, the monks of S. Minias choose John as his successor, but he refuses to accept the ofi&ce, and, leaving the house with one companion goes to the hermitage of Camaldoli j there he forms the design of founding a community according to the primitive rule of S. Benedict. On the right, the Saint and his companion are kneeling at the feet of the Camaldo- lese hermits, whose superior encourages him to carry out his With Musical Notation. 79 undertaking ; on a scroll are his words : vade et in nomine trini- TATis TVVM INCIPE INSTITVTVM. On the left, the Saint and his companion are arriving at a hermitage in the shady valley of willow trees which was to give a name to the order ; two hermits who dwelt there are welcoming them. 4° (ff.cxxxv and ccxii v.). The new monastery of Vallombrosa ; the Saint is giving the habit to three postulants ; above, on a scroll : institvit monasterivm ET ORDINEM VALLIS VMBROSAE. S° (ff. I4 V., CLXV, CCI and ccxxxix). In this last are portrayed two of the distinguishing features of the Saint's character — his hatred of simony, and his love of the poor. On the right, he is reproving an abbot and a bishop ; on the left, causing his last loaf of bread to be given to a poor man. The accompanying scrolls bear the legends : abbatem ET EPISCOPVM SYMONIACOS PRAEDICAT. PANEM SIBI SOLVM PAVPERI TRADIT. The cuts next in importance are f.cxvi v. : a Calvary (H. 170 m. B. 127 m.) Christ on a tau-shaped Cross, with the B. Virgin, S. John and S. Mary Magdalene. F. i : S. John Gualbert holding a cross in his right hand, and standing on a prostrate demon, whose head he is transpiercing with the point of his tau-shaped abbatial staff. F. 14 v. : The arms of the order — a. shield, issuing from the sinister side a hand vested in the sleeve of a cowl, resting on a tau-shaped staff; in chief, a mitre. Besides these and the printer's well-known device, there are 18 storied versal letters (H. 1 14 m. B.96m.); 1 1 r storied versals (H. 46 m. B. 47 m.) printed from 53 blocks; 174 of_smaller size(H.3i m. B. 29 t 5 m.) printed from 44 blocks ; one ornamental versal P, and a large number of ornamental border pieces. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.3S5 m. B. 240 m. Wants the last leaf. On the title-page is written : Del monasterio di Santa Christina. DIBDIN, VI, 196, 1191 ; Decam., I, 75-84. Van Praet, Cat., I, 235, 330 ; VI, 3S, 330. ALfis, 424, 256. Weale, 241. 15. Missale iuxta ordinem et veram rubricam Halbersta- tensem. (Moguntiae, per Petrum Schofifer), c. 1504. Folio. The second edition of the Halberstadt Missal, probably printed by Peter Schoffer at Mentz. It is divided into eight parts, and con- tains 284 (17, 126, 15, 8, 14, 88, 14 and 2)ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 42 lines each 8o Liturgical Books (Comp., 292 m.),or 42 or 19 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces for versal letters of 11, 8 or 2 lines, and Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. Without running title or catch- words. The volume is made up thus : first, a single leaf with a large shield bearing per fess, in chief, a cross, in base, a bend, ensigned with a tiara and cross keys ; this is followed by two quires of 8 ff. each, containing the preliminary matter. Fifteen quires signed a(a aij aiij aiiij)^-p^and q^ numbered i to cxxvi,are followed by a single leaf, two quires of 6 ff., one of 2, and one of 8, without signatures or foliation. The next fifteen quires are signed r^, 38, t^-z' and a*-f^ numbered cxxvii to ccxxviii, g^ and h^ without foliation ; 2 ff. without signature or foliation complete the book. The text (11, f. i, col. i) commences : Jncipit ordo missalis secundum | diocesim Halberstatensem. | Dominica prima in aduentu. ; and ends (viii, f. 2 v., 1. 8) salutari meo. There is no colophon. The Canon is preceded by a full-page cut of our Lord on the cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John. There are also four ornamental versal letters (H. 55 m. B. 55m.)D, E and R, the second occurring twice. W.H.James Weak. H.393 m. B. 281 m. Wants part i, f i ; III f. I ; IV, i. I, and vii, f. 14. Additions by hand : two versal letters (i, f. i) in gold and colours, the remainder, in colours. Between ff. 9 and 10 of part iii, 2 ff. with noted prefaces for feasts of the Apostles. On f. 1 2 v. of part iii, the ordinary of the Mass. On f. 2 of part i, the following note : Anno Domini etc. v" quinto, feria quarta post Omnium Sanctorum, procuratus est presens liber ad altare Sanctorum Bartolomei apostoli et Martini episcopi in ecclesia Halberstadensi per dominos Wernerum Sandri et Ludolphum Saligen, vicarios ad eundem altare. Original stamped pigskin, wanting one of two clasps. Weale, 74. 16. Processionale ad usum ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Rothomagi ? c. 1504. Quarto. This Processional, printed in red and black, has 28 long lines (Comp., 162 m.) to the full page, with storied and ornamented versal letters, Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves to the full page ; and with running title. F. Jenkinson. H. 183 m. B. 123 m. Four leaves (ff.cciij-ccvj). With Musical Notation. .81 17. Missale ad usum insignis et preclare ecclesie Sarum. 144, 151-156, 158-160, 186, 188, 189, 191, 201-204, 206, 207, 209-215, 217, 220, 221, 224-235, and 238-248; II.; III., 2-4, 6, 7, 9-64, 115-118, and 121 ; iv., 18, 23, and 25-32 ; several of these being imperfect. Sinker, 365, 952. 33. Missale diocesis Argentinensis denuo excusum casti- gatius. Impressum Hagnoe per Thomam Anshelmum Badensem. 1520. Folio. The second edition of the Strassburg Missal, and the third and last Missal issued from this press. loo Liturgical Books The volume consists of six parts, and contains 362 (iq, 174, 4, 14, 10 and 150) ff-> printed in red and black from type of six founts, the text in two columns of 34 lines (Comp., 266 m.)each, the Canon in 19-21 long lines to the full page. With Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 lines — 7 staves to the full page ; three of the staff lines are black, the fourth or fa line, red, a system peculiar to Strassburg scribes and printers. With running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of loff. ; the text, fifty-four quires with signatures a (a aij aiij aiiij)^- z6 a^-f6 numbered i-clxxiiii, ( + )* a* b* c^ d* (e)^* without foliation, g^-x^ y* z^ aa^-gg^ and hh^ numbered, with exception of the last 22 leaves, clxxv-cccii. The title, at the head of the page, runs thus : Mjssale diocesis Argentinensis | denuo excusum castigatius. Immediately below it is a cut (H. 269 m. B. 194 m.) divided into nine compartments; those at the sides and above being occupied by representations of the Seven Sacraments grouped around a figure of Christ on the Cross, from whose merits they derive their power of giving grace. The ninth compartment, at the foot of the page, represents. William, bishop of Strassburg, vested in cope and mitre, kneeling before the Infant Christ whom the B. Virgin holds in her arms, whilst the Prophet Micheas and Saint lude support a shield-shaped cartellino on which is printed : Miches VII. In fine deponet | iniquitates nostras, et proiiciet in profundum | maris omnia peccata nostra. | Sanctus ludas | Sanctorum communionem | Remissionem | pecca- torum. A shield of arms, by the bishop's side, bears cheeky a bend sinister indented. In the uppermost compartment is the artist's cypher. {See the reduced facsimile.^ The colophon (vi, f. 149 V.) is as follows: Habetis deo sacrati sacerdotes : diuinissimi sacrificij li | brum : denuo. longe autem exactiore quam antea cura ela I boratum. Nos enim pro ingenii tenuitate loca que- | dam deprauata fideliter emendauimus : ea opi | nor solertia : vt si quis errorum causas : et rationes | emendationum : collato priore exemplari : se | positoque liuore diligenter excusserit : pau | ca admodum sint : que ad plenam libri in- J telligentiam : de- siderentur. Vos ergo | laborem nostrum vel gratuitum : bo | ni equique facite. Valete. Im | pressum Hagnoe per industri | um virum Thomam Ans | helmum Badensem. Anno a | Christi natiuitate supra | millesimum et quin | gentesimum vi | gesimo. Below is the printS's cypher. This Missal has at the commencement of the Canon a full-page cut (H. 246 m. B. 173 m.) representing Christ on a tau-shaped la 3(rale Dtoceffe ^gcntinenriis [Face page loo. With Musical Notation. loi Cross, witli the B. Virgin and S. John. The volume is further adorned with 52 storied versal letters, printed from 38 blocks, 75 ornamental versal letters printed from 18 blocks, and ornamental borders On 21 pages. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H. 360 m. B. 250 m. Binding : Pig-skin, adorned with stamps produced by 3 rolls, one signed np 1559 has representations of the Annunciation, of Christ on, the Cross, and the Resurrection; another, portraits of John Huss, Martin Luther, Philip Melancthon, and Erasmus of Rotterdam in medallions alternating with foliage ; wants two clasps. Ex libris Collegii Societatis lesu Bruxellis 1642. B. Colbert., I, 20, 338. Weislinger, Cat., 251. Van Praet, Cat., VI, 29, 27i«'; 2' Cat., 1, 123, 357; iv, 22, 357. Muther, 1519. Weale, 27. 34. Missale Cameracense. Impressum Parisiis, commu- nibus expensis bibliopolarum Petri Roffet, Nicole Vostre, Symonis Hadrot et Nicolai Prepositi, huius voluminis impressoris. 1527. Folio. The fourth edition of the Cambray Missal, and the fourth Missal printed by Nicolas Prevost. It is divided into four parts, and contains 274(8, 152, 74 and 40) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 42 (Comp., 247 m.) or 21 lines each to the full page. With Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 10 staves to the full column. With running title, but without catch- words. Signatures : + ^, the leaves not numbered ; a (a a ij a iij a iiij)^-s^ numbered (j)-cxliiij ; t^ v° a^-h^ and i'" the leaves not numbered ; a^-e^ numbered j-xl. Signature title : C. The title is printed within two superposed medallions connected by two chains and a small shield; the upper medallion, surmounted by a crown, is supported by two falcons perched with one foot on the lower medallion and the other on the chain. It runs thus : |[ Missale | Cameracense com | pletissimum / nouissi | meque impressum et emen- | datum : vna cum mul- | tis missis deuotissi | mis nunquam antea impressis. | ^Uenun- | danturParisijs in | vico nouo nostre do | mine ad intersignium | sancti Johannis euange | liste atque Falcarij. Et | in via iacobea ad in | tersignium | sancti I Georgij. The colophon (iv, f.4ov., under 1. i8,)is worded as follows : C Missale Cameracense peruigili cura recognitum : atque I02 Liturgical Books I venustissimis litteris / suis in locis insertis / decoratum : | elegan- tioribusque characteribus / quam vnquam prius im- | pressum Parisijs in vico diui Jacobi sub signo | sancti Georgij communibus expensis honestissi- | morum biblyopolarum Petri roffet / Nicole | vostre / Symonis hadrot / et Nicolai pre- | positi huius voluminis impresso- | ris. Anno a saluatione mun- | di. Millesimo quingen-| tesimo vigesi- | mo septi- | mo. | + The volume is adorned with 2 full-page and 120 smaller cuts printed from 76 blocks, 66 storied versal letters of 7 lines, printed from 46 blocks, and 322 ornamental versal letters of 6, 5, 4 or 3 lines, printed from 78 blocks. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H. 330 m. B. 220 m. Two leaves on vellum. The two full-page cuts at the head of the Canon coloured. Le Brun, I, 213. Sala, in, 143 (12). B. van de Velde, i, 104, 1382. Weale, 47. 35. Missale ad usum insignis ecclesie Tornacensis. Antverpie excusum opere Christophori Ruremund- ensis. Venundantur per Michaelem Hilleneum et Wilhelmum Vorsterman. 1527, 18 Octobris. Folio. The third edition of the Tournay Missal, and the third Missal printed by Christopher of Roermond. The volume consists of four parts, and contains 274(8, 128, 14, 82 and 42) fif., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 42 (Comp., 247 m.)or 21 lines each to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 10 staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 8 ff. with the signature -f- ; the text, 34 quires, a (a.j. a.ij. a.iij. a.iiij.)^-q^ numbered Fo.j.-cxxviij.; r^ s^ t" without foliation; a'-i^ K^" numbered Fo.j.-lxxxij.; a^-d^ e^" numbered Fo.j.-xlij.; the signed leaves bearing in addition at the foot of the first column, in the middle the signature title : Torn. The title runs thus : Missale ad vsum insignis eccle- | sie Tornacensis / nuper / per eiusdem ecclesie probatos ac diui | ni verbi tritos viros / auctum et recognitum. Jn quo tamen | vt lectoris memoriam iuuaremus / historias / arte ac ingenio | ere incisas / fronti vniuscuiusque euangelij prefiximus : quo et | Hec editio / parem / cum alijs huius generis euulgatis codici | bus / participaret With Musical Notation. 103 elegantiam atque decorem. Canon | quoque quod in exemplari / diminuto quidem charactere | non sine legentium fastidio / in arctum digestum erat : in hoc quidem / perspicuo / ac solito elabor- atum constat. | 1257. The colophon(v, f.42, C0I.2, below 1.26)is as follows : |[ Explicit missale ad vsum insi- | gnis ecclesie Tornacensis nuper per | eiusdem ecclesie primates et fidedi- | gnos viros / recognitum et emenda- | turn. Jn quo tamen / nonnuUa / in aliquibus locis : in quibus ipsum exemplar | mutilum visum est / ad probatiorum fidem | opere precium erat infarcire : atque sup I plere : quo vel sensus qui sparsim vt | cumque durus atque interruptus exta | bat hac vltima editione redderetur | concinnus atque completus. Et sic prelo | excusum / opere Christophori Rure- I mundensis. Anno salutis. M.cccc. | xxvij. Die vero. xviij. mensis octobris. The volume is adorned with one full-page cut (H. 272 m. B. 181 m.) representing Christ on the Cross, with the Blessed Virgin and S. John, and with a large number of smaller cuts, and of storied and versal letters. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H.322 m. B. 206 m. Two leaves on vellum. From the library of the Jesuits' College, Courtray. Binding: Boards, covered with brown leather, adorned with blind tooling. Weale, 203. 36 Missale ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarutn, Antwerpie excusum arte atque labore Christophori Ruremund- X^ ensis, sumptibus Francisci Byrckman, bibliopole. 1527, 28 Martii. Folio. The forty-third edition of the Sarum Missal, and the fourth Missal printed by Christopher of Roermond. The volume consists of five parts, and contains 308 (8, 138, 18, 72 and 72) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 42 (Comp., 247 m.) or 21 lines each to the full pages with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — ten staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. Signatures : ^-^ leaves not numbered; a (a.j. a.ij. a.iij. a.iiij.)'-q* r" numbered ( )-cxxxviij ; a'-c*, leaves not numbered ; a'-i*, numbered j-lxxij ; a'-g' h* i* k" numbered j-lxxij ; signature title : Sar. I04 Liturgical Books The title is as follows: Missale ad vsum insignis eccle | sie Sarum : in quo quidem at illi / quos dicta ecclesia ob- | seruat ritus / consuetudinesque / debito compilantur ordi- | ne. Nonnulla etiam que et anglicanus cultus et obseruan- | tia / in prius editis volumi- nibus expectabat / hue / illlucque | congruo sue loco / inserta extant. Preterea et calci quidem | tabula quorundam festoruin ac domini- carum/ facilem indagandi | viam / numero foliorum prebens / annexa est. Postremo|applicatumest opusculum(quodaccentuariumli- buit appellari) in quo et cuiuslibet dictio | nis accentus / productus / turn corre | ptus / pulchro atque distincto | ordine alphabet! / edocetur. I 1527 I Uenundantur apud Franciscum byrckman. The colophon (v, f. 72) runs thus : Explicit missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum / nouo quidem | eodemque polito charactere (vt inspicienti patet) Antwerpie | nouissime excusum. Jd quidem non paruo labore / in mendorum | abstersione actum fore a quocumque mediocris ingenij dinosci | potest : presertim si vtrumque exemplar / turn vetus / tum hoc recens/ | adinuicem pari coniectura applicentur. Quod quidem /tum prouiden- | tie ac honori ipsius Francisci byrckman /bibliopole eximij | asscribendum est / cum is quidem in hoc negotio haud pecunijs vn-| quam pepercit ac sumptibus / tum et ipsi Christophoro Ruremundensi. | cuius quidem arte atque sedulo labore id exaratum constat. Anno | domini, M.ccccc.xxvij. die vero. xxviij. mensis Martij. The volume is adorned with a full-page cut (H. 273 m. B. 178 m.) representing our Lord on a tau-shaped cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John. 1. Pembroke College, Cambridge. H.32om. B.203m. Partiii,ff.9 and 10 on vellum. The upper p?irt of the leaves of the last part water-stained, and the last quire damaged. Additions: Rubrical notes and musical notation on the margins of some leaves. 2. The Royal College of Music, Kensington Gore. H. 305 m. B. 193 m. Wants part iii, ff.9 and 10, and v, ff.61-72, the two first supplied by 2 ff. on vellum with a miniature. On the lower margin of part 2, f.i, is this note : M" that Hugh Ocley hath gyven to the church of Addyng the vj day of January anno Domini 1558 and xij d. towards the mainteynance of the same church. Inside the cover, a book-plate of Joseph Gwilt. Van Praet, Cat., i, 228, 318; vi, 35, 318. Sandars, 43, 97. Weale, 186. With Musical Notation. 105 37. Processlonale ad usum Celebris ecclesie Eboracensis. Rothomagi. Impressum arte et opera magistri Petri Olivier, ere et impensa lohannis Gachet, alias de France, librarii. 1530. Octavo. The first edition of the York Processional. This volume contains 94 ff., printed fi-om type of two founts, in red and black, 28 long lines to the full page(Comp. 157 m.), with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red hnes — 7 staves to the full page. Without running title, foliation or catchwords. There are in all eleven quires with signatures a^ B(f i, b f. 3, b ii)*- The title runs thus : Processlonale completum | per totum anni circulum ad | vsum Celebris ecclesie Ebo | racensis Rothomagi recen | tissime Jmpressum Arte et | opera. M. petri oliuier artis | impreSsorie vtcunque scioli | ibidem moram trahentis | Ere vero et Jmpensa Jo | hannis gachet alias (de fran | ce) librarij Ebo- raci commo | rantis. The volume ends (f. 93 v., 1. 16) : |[ Finit pro- cesslonale. The volume is adorned with 100 ornamental versal letters printed from 31 blocks. The Dean and Chapter of Ripon. H. 196 m. B. 134 m. Wants f. 94. F.I mutilated. Binding; modem. Dickinson, 22. Brunet, iv, 892. 38. Missale ad usum Romanum. Impressum Parisii, per Franciscum Regnault, librarium iuratum solertemque typographum, expensis et sumptibus eiusdem. 1530. Octavo. The third Missal printed by Francis Regnault. The volume consists of four parts, and contains 264 (8, 144, 42 and 7o)fr., printed in red and black from type of four founts in two columns of 45 (Comp., 119 m.) or 26 lines each to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — seven staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. Signatures : +', the leaves not numbered ; a (a j a ij a iij a iiij)*-s numbered Folium primum. — Fo. cxliiij. ; a'-e^ f^, the last leaf only numbered Fo. xlij. ; a'-h', i' numbered Folium primum-Fo. Ixix., the last leaf blank. Signature title on the first leaf only of each quire, Ro. P io6 Liturgical Books The title, within an architectural border, runs thus : <[ Missale ad vsum eccle | sie Romane / tam in cantu quam in litera | recognitum / congruentibus historijs | adornatum / marginalibus quotatio | nibus / prosisque ac varijs additamen | tis locupletatum. Parisijs per | Franciscum Regnault Impressum. | Anno domini. M. ccccc. XXX. I |[ Uenundatur in vice sancti Ja- | cobi / e regi- one porticus Maturi- | norum. A.d signum Elephantis. The colophon (iv, f. 69 v., col. 2, below 1. 31) is as follows : C Finit Missale ad vsum Ro- | manum : tam in cantu quam in li- | tera recognitum : cum multis | additionibus nouiter insertis. | Jmpres- sum Parisij per Fran | ciscum Regnault librarium iu- | ratum / solertemque typographum. | Expensis et sumptibus eiusdem. The volume is adorned with one full-page cut (H. 126 m. B.83m.) representing David enthroned playing the harp, and a large number of small cuts and ornamental versal letters. W. H. James Weak. H. 150 m. B. 100 m. Van Praet, 2« Cat., i, 60, 137. Weale, 155. 39. Missale Romanum. Cesarauguste. Georgius Coci, Theutonicus. 1548. Quarto. The tenth Missal, and second of Roman use, issued from this press. The volume consists of two parts, and contains 260 (to and 250) ff., printed in red and black from type of six founts, in two columns of 36 (Comp., 152 m.) or 29 lines each to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. Signatures: + !•', the leaves not numbered ; a (a a ij a iij a iiij)*-z^ a*-g^ hI" numbered ( )-ccxlix and one blank leaf. The title-page is adorned with a cut (H. nam. B. 79m.) representing S. Hierome in his study, extracting a thorn from a lion's foot, beneath which is the title in large type : Missale ro- | manum. enclosed within a border composed of four bands of ornament ; in that at the foot of the page is the publisher's cypher. The colophon (11, £249 v.) runs thus: |[ Charitatis exercitium antiquis erudientibus philosophis dicere soli- | ti erant. Solum sibi natum esse neminem. Cui propemodum astipulatur : quod chri- I stus ille noster legifer dixit. Alter alterius onera portate. Cuius eximium | sententie fructum considerantes nonnulli sacre nostre legis insignes zelatores / | prestantesque viri : vt legislatoris nostri inclyti adimplerent preceptum : et poste | ros suos ab With Musical Notation. 107 immensis eximerent laboribus : in condendis ordinandisque diui- | norum officiorum libris plurimum laborauerunt. Pro quo fecundo hoc labo- I re nostri causa assumpto : nedum summo laudis extoUantur preconio : equurfl est : | verum immortales demeriti sunt gratiarum actiones. Quarum quidem si | militer non minus particeps effici et merito sperat / Georgius Coci | Theutonicus / artis impressorie non modo mediocri experientia precla- | rus : qui hoc diuinorum mysteriorum opus / vestre vtilitatis gratia : cum semel | mira perfectione magno presserat volumine. Nunc rursum / etsi quantita | te minus / perfectione tamen longe maius : in- dustria sua / amplissimisque ex- | pensis / Cesarauguste. 1548. ad finem vsque felici sidere perduxit. Beneath is the printer's device (H.69 m. B.48 m.) with this legend around it in typo- graphy :+ mvlti PACIFICI SINT I TIBI : ET CONSILIARIVS SIT | TiBi vNvs DE MiLLE. | ECCLESiASTici CAPi. SEXT. enclosed within a frame formed by four narrow bands of ornament. The volume is adorned with 51 cuts printed from 23 blocks, 56 storied and ornamental border-pieces printed from 34 blocks, 12 storied versal letters printed from 10 blocks, and a large number of ornamental versal letters. W.H.James Weak. H. 196m. B. 140m. Weale, 159. 40. Missale secundum consuetudinem, usum ac ritum insignis ecclesie Virdunensis. Excusum Parisiis, industria ac typis loannis Amazeur, typographi, pro Gulielmo Merlin, 1554. Folio. The third edition of the Missal of Verdun, and the third Missal printed by John Amazeur. The volume consists of five parts, and contains 288(10, 136, 10, 86 and 46) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 44(Comp., 251 m.) or 22 lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 11 staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 10 ff. with the signature -|- ; the text, 36 quires : a (a a ij a iij a iiij)^ _i.8 gZ (-8 numbered ( ) Fo.ij.-cxxxvij and 9 ff. without foliation; a^ -K* l"; a'-e^ f° numbered Fo.j.-xlvj.; the signed leaves bearing in addition the signature title, Virdun. or Virdunen. The title runs thus : Missale secundum vsum | ritum, et con- suetudinem insignis ecclesie et diocesis Virdunensis, no | uissime per io8 Lihtrgical Books R. P. D. Nicolaum Psaulme eiusdem ecclesie epi- | scopum et coinitem sedulo recognitum, et quanta potuit dili- | gentia emendatum : cum multis ac varijs additamentis | antea nusquam impressis, aliquot missarum officijs : cui | etiam accesserunt loci fere omnes ex sacris | Biblijs deprompti, ad margi- | nem adscripti. The colophon (iv, f. 46 v.) is as follows: Missale secundum con- suetudinem, | vsum ac ritum insignis ecclesie Virdunensis nuper typis exaratum, atque ex- | acte accurateque elaboratum, multisque in locis commode immutatum, necnon | erroribus quibus scatebat repurgatum ac emendatum : varijs preterea re- | center et proprijs insignitum historijs, et id genus additamentis multipha- | riam locupletatum summis vigilijs, laboribus ac diligent! cura reueren- dissi- I mi domini Nicolai Psaulme eiusdem ecclesie antistitis ac pastoris vigilantissi- | mi, necnon et venerabilis eximijque ipsius ecclesie capituli. Jn honorem dei opti- | mi maximi, ac intemerate semperque benedicte dei genitricis virginis Marie, | ipsius ecclesie patrone tutissime, ceterorumque beatorum, spirituumque celestium I feliciter deo fauente Finit. | Lower down is the publisher's device, and beneath it : <]" Excusum Parisijs industria ac typis Joannis Amazeur ty- | pographi pro Gulielmo Merlin in ponte teloneorum commo- I ranti, ad Syluestris hominis signum : impensis vero et sum- I ptibus antistitis prefati. 1554. The volume is adorned with two full-page, and 239 smaller cuts printed from 154 blocks, with an ornamental border to the first leaf of the text, publisher's device, 47 storied versal letters printed from 13 blocks, and a large number of ornamental versal letters. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H.323 m. B. 225 m. Ruled. Two leaves on vellum. Le Brun, I, 446. Van Praet, Cat., i, 191, 279, ; vi, 30, 279. Beaupr£, 47-49. Weale, 215. 41. Manuale ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarlsburiensis. Londini. 1554. Quarto. This volume contains 168 ff., printed in red and black, 32 long lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red Unes — 8 staves to the full page. With running title, and signatures a'-x' numbered ( ) Fo. ij.-clxvij, and i f. not numbered. Title : Manuale ad | vsum per Celebris eccle- | sie Sarlsburiensis. I Londini nouiter Impressum. | Anno Domini. | 1554. Colophon: Explicit Manuale ad | vsum insignis ecclesie Sarlsburiensis tam | in cantu quam in litera diligentissime re- | cognitum : et nusquam With Musical Notation. 109 ante hac eli- | matius impressum. Jn quo ea | que seruat ecclesi- asticus ri | tus ordine congruo | connectuntur. | lonuini, | 1554. The volume is adorned with a cut of Calvary (H. 100 m. B. 74 m.) and 43 ornamental versal letters printed from 23 blocks. The Archbishop of Westminster. H. 219 m. B. 155, m. Binding: Brown calf, stamped. 42. Processionale ad usus insignis ecclesie Sarum. Londini. 1554. Quarto. ^ The eleventh edition of the Salisbury Processional; printed at the same press as the Manual above described. The volume contains 196 ff., printed in red and black, 28 or 34 long lines to the full page. With Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 7 staves to the full page. With running title, but without catch-words. Signatures : a^-z' a^ b^ the leaves numbered ( ) Fo. ij.-cxciij. and 3 fF. not numbered. Title within an architectural frame : Processionale | ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum, j obseruandos accommodum preser- | tim in lis que in habendis processio- | nibus, ad cerimoniarum splendo- I rem faciunt imprimis opportu- | num : iam denuo ad calculos | reuocatum : et a multis qui- | bus ipsum viciatum e- | rat mendis, purga- I turn atque ter- | sum.'. | Impressum Londini. | 1554. Colophon (f. 195, below 1. 27) : |[ Explicit Processionale ad vsus insignis | Ecclesie Sarum obseruandos ac- | commodum : iterum prelo ap- | plicatum absolutumque. | Londini, | Anno Domini. M.D. LIIII. The volume is adorned with 166 versal letters, printed from 30 blocks ; the A of one of the alphabets bears the cutter's initials I. R. Charles Walker. H. 188 m. B. 133 m. Dickinson, 21. AlSs, 341, 205 43. Processionale secundum usum Sarum. Rothomagi ^ impressum in ofificina Ricardi Hamilionis, impensis A Roberti Valentini. 1555, 18 Octobris. Quarto. The twelfth edition of the Salisbury Processional. The volume contains 162 ff. printed in red and black, with 41 long lines to the full. page. With Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 8 staves to the full page. Signatures : a^-t' v'°- Title : |[ Processionale ad vsum in | signis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum / nouiter ac rursus ca- | stigatum et emendatum / Impensis I lo Liturgical Books honesti viri | Roberti valentini Rothomagi impressum. ( Device of R. Valentin (H. 102 m. B.74 m.) | M. D. Iv. | C Uenale habetur Rotho- I magi apud Robertum valentinum calcographum in | atrio bibliopolarum cathedralis ecclesie moram degentem. The Colophon (f. 162) is preceded by the following verses : Quis satis enumeret quantain pressoria nobis Conferat ars cunctis vtilitatis opem Tempore sub modico facili commissa papiro Et precio paruo grandia lector habes Innumeris mendis scriptorum ignauia quondam Tedia quam multis grandia sepe dabat Sed cum pressores patuerunt arte periti Palladis occulte tunc rediere faces Ergo tibi hoc munus sarensis mater habeto Quod tibi diuinis proderit officijs. |[ Finit processionale secundum | vsum Sarum Rothomagi impressum in officina | Ricardi hamilionis impensis Roberti valen- | tini Anno salutis humane Millesimo | ccccclv. xviij die mensis Octobris. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. H. 214 m. B. 163 m. Dickinson, 21. 44. Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum. Antverpiae excudebat Christophorus Plan- tinus, Regius architypographus. 1574. Folio. The twenty-third edition of the Missal of Pius V., the seventh issued from the Plantinian press. The volume consists of six parts and contains 392 (32 ff., 308, cxij, 168, 112 and 20 pp.) ff., printed in red and black, in 2 columns of 37 lines each to the full page, with cuts, storied borders and versal letters, by Anthony van Leest and Cornelius Muller, chiefly after designs by Peter van der Borcht of Mechlin. By a brief dated July 28, 1570, Pius V. granted Christopher Plantin the privilege of printing the Missal conformably to copy sent from Rome, for the Low Countries, Hungary, part of Germany and Spain. The first edition issued from this press was published, on the 24th of July, 1571. This particular edition of 1574 was pre- pared especially for the churches of Spain, which refused to accept the Plan Missal unless they were allowed to keep their own chant. With Musical Notation. Ill On the verso of the title is the following intimation : Cuncta in hoc Missali contenta, quae ad rationem Ecclesiastici cantus pertinent, disposita sunt et ordinata, iuxta modum et formam cantus Toletanae Ecclesiae : sicuti a sanctissimo Domino nostro Pio V. Pontifice Maximo provinciae Hispaniae permissum concessumque est : (ut ex ipsius Uteris infra positis apertissime constat) idque factum et ordinatum est, iuxta veritatem antiquissimi Intonarii Ecclesiae Toletanae manu scripti anno Domini millesimo tre- centesimo septuagesimo. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H. 316 m. B. 2r9m. Wants part I, pp. v-viij. Weale, 165. 45. Graduale Romanum. Venetiis. Ex ofificina Petri Liechtenstein, patricii Agrippinensis. 1580. Folio. The first edition of the Gradual arranged to agree with the Missal published by order of S. Pius V. The volume contains 200 ff., printed in red and black, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — r i staves to the full page. With running title, but without catchwords. Title. At the head of the page, on a scroll held by two kneeling angels : Gloria Christo Domino. Amen. | Graduale Sacrosancte Ro- I mane Ecclesie integrum et com- | pletum / tam de Tempore I quam de Sanctis | Juxta ritum Missalis noui / ex decreto Sacro- | sancti Concilij Tridentini restituti / | Et Pij Quinti Pontificis Maximi iussu editi : | Nunc primum accuratissime impressum / I summaque diligentia tam in textu / | quam in cantu emendatum. | Cum Kyriali modulationes omnes continente, quibus in | ipsis, Hymno Angelico, ac Symbolo decantando | Romana vtitur Ecclesia, | 15 (Cut : the Holy Lamb in a medallion (D. 83 m.) 79. I Uenetijs. | Ex ofificina Petri Liechtenstein : Latine : Lucidus I Lapis : Patricij Agrippinensis. Colophon (f. 200) : Laus et honor omnipotenti Deo. | Finis Gradualis Romani : iuxta ritum Mis- | salis reformati ex edicto sacrosancti | Concilij Tridentini. | -|- | Anno Christi Redempto- I ris. 1580. Uenetijs | (Printer's device) | Ex ofiicina Petri Liech- tenstein I Latine : Lucidus Lapis : Patricij | Agrippinensis. The volume is adorned with cuts and with 32 storied versal letters. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. H.405 m. B. 260 m. 1 1 2 Liturgical Books 46. MIS SALE I ROMANVM, | EX DECRETO SACRO | SANCTI coNCiLii TRi- I dentini restitutum. | pii. v. pontif. MAX. I ivssv EDiTVM. | Cum Kalendario Gregoriano. I Cut (H.77m. B.77 m.). SS. Peter and Paul. | Cum Licentia & Priuilegio. \ salmantic^, | Excu- debat Guillelmus Foquel. | m.d. lxxxviii. Quarto. 434 (34 ff., 656 et 144 pp.) ff-; printed in red and black in 2 columns of 36 or 29 lines. Pembroke College, Cambridge. H. 246ni. B. 170 m. 47. MISSALE 1 MOGVNTINVM | Compluribus in locis, I TVM EX MANVSCRI- | PTIS EISDEMQVE VETV- | STISSIMIS EXEMPLARIBVS. ] TVM EX ROMANO EMENDATVM. | Et ad pristinam normam ac ordinem Bre- 1 uiarij restitutum. | Engraving (H. 105m. B. 162m.). The Last Supper. | MOGVNTi^, I Excudebat Balthasarus Lippius, | M.DCii. Folio. The fifteenth edition of the Mentz Missal, revised by Bishop WolfFgang von Dalberg, but printed and promulgated by his successor, John Adam von Bicken. The volume consists of 369 (30 if., 576 and cii pp.) if., printed in red and black, in 2 columns of 41 or 31 lines each, with 3 plates and 3 storied borders engraved by John Hogenberg, and a large number of storied versal letters. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. B. Teller., 156. Le Brun, i, 160. Weale, 102. 48. MISSALE I ROMANVM, | EX DECRETO SACROSANCTI | CON- CILII TRIDENTINI RESTITVTVM, | PII V. PONT. MAX. IVSSV EDITVM I ET I Clements viii. auctoritate recognitum | In quo Missae proprise de Sanctis omnes ad longum | etiam, pro faciliori celebrantium commoditate, positae. | Additae sunt insuper Missse aliquot Sanctorum ex mandato | Pavli v. Gregorii xv. et s.d.n. Vrbani viii. I coLONiiE AGRippiN^, | Sumptibus Cornelii ab Egmondt et Sociorum. j a", m dc xxix. Folio. With Musical Notation. 1 1 3 This volume consists 'of 402 (30 ff., 632 and cxij pp.) ff., printed in red and black, in 2 columns of 31 or 26 lines each, with title- page engraved by Simon de Pas, 10 plates and 10 storied borders by Cornelius Galle, and storied versal letters. The Bishop of Shrewsbury. 49. AnTIPHONALE I DIVRNVM, DISPOSITVM | IVXTA BREVI- ARivM I Monasticum, | pavli v. pontificis maximi AVCTORITATE | nuper recognitum. | In quo Anae ferial es per Annum, & de Tempore suis locis dis- positse ; Inuitatoria, & Aiiae iij. | Nocturni ad Cantica, tarn in solenioribus totius anni Festis, quam in Comuni SS. item Respo- | soria Feria; v. in Coena Dni. Feriae vj. in Parasceue, & Sabb. Sancti ad Matut. posita sunt ; etia [ cantus Psalmi, Venite, secundum 8. Tonorum differentias. pro maiori cantantiu comodi- tate. ( Adiecta sunt Officia SS. que de nouo apposita sunt Breu. Rom. iussu Vrbani PP. VIII. edito. \ Pro omnibus sub Regula SS. Patris Benedicti militantibus. I TVLLI LEVCORVM. | Ex Officina S. BELGRAND & I. LAVRENTii, Regis Christ. Typogr. | m.dc.xxxxiii. Folio. 4 ff., 464 and Ixxxviij pp., printed in red and black, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 9 staves to the full page. The title-page is adorned with an engraving (H. 194 m. B. 184 m.) representing SS. Hydulph and Vito supporting the armorial bearings of the congregation, signed: L. Gaultier incidit 1616. There are also a large number of storied versal letters. The Prior of S. Gregory's, Downside. 50. PSALTERIUM | DAVIDICUM, | AD USUM ET RITUM SACRI I & Religiosissimi Ordinis Cisterciensis, | per Hebdo- madam dispositum. | nunc recens a mendis quam PLURiMis I repurgatum, & Canticis, Hymnis, Invita- toriis, Benedictionibus, Anti- | phonis, Versibus, Capitulis, Collectis, aliisque omnibus necessariis | ad Q 114 Liturgical Books persolvendum Divinum officium adaiictum. | Authori- tate Reverendissimi Domini Abbatis Generalis Con- gregationis | Alcobacensis S. Bernardi. | colonize, | Sumptibus henrici du sauzet. | m.dcc.xxiii. Folio. I off. and 612 pp., printed in red and black, 23 long lines, or two columns of 53 lines each to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 8 staves to the page. The title-page is adorned with a small engraving representing the B. Virgin and Child, with SS. Benedict and Bernard, and the arms of the Order, signed: F. Morellon la Cave sculp. 1723. There are also a number of ornamental versal letters. The Diocesan Seminary, Mechlin. 5 I . GrADUALE I ROMANUM | DE TEMPORE, ET SANCTIS : | Ad normam Missalis | ex decreto sacrosancti | Concilii Tridentini restituti, | s. pii v. pontificis MAXIMI 1 JUSSU EDITI, | CLEMENTIS VIII. AC URBANI VIII. auctoritate recogniti ; I Omnia exhibens ad Eccle- siasticum cantum in quibuscumque Missis cum solemnibus, | turn feriatis necessaria : nunc postremo iis etiam locupletatum, quae | nuperrime a Summis Pontificibus fuere concessae. | editio omnium optima [ Ab innumeris fere, qui in superioribus editionibus, in Musice prsecipue irrepserant, erroribus | expurgata ; ac non medico labore, & diligentia pristine candori restituta. | (Engraving. The Imperial arms (H. 130 m. B.i97m.). Suor Isabella Bianca del. Zanchi inc. venetiis, mdccxxxiv. I Ex Typographia Balleoniana. Folio. 247 (364 and cxxx pp.) ff. ; with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 10 staves to the full page. The Bishop of Shrewsbury. H.478 m. B. 330 m. 52. GrADUALE I MISSALI ROMANO, | CANTUI VERO GREGORIA- | NO-MOGUNTINO I ACCOMMODATUM | JUSSU ET AUTORITATE I EMINENTISSIMI AC REVERENDISSIMI | DOMINI I D. JOANNIS WiiA Musical Notation. 115 I PHiLippi, I Sacrae sedis Moguntinse Archi-Episcopi, | Sacri Romani Imperii per Germaniam | Archi-Cancel- larii, Principis Electoris, | Episcopi Herbipolensis & Wormatiensis, Franciae Orientalis | Ducis &c. | domini NosTRi CLEMENTissiMi | EDiTUM. ] Pro fundatione chorali in Kiedrich reimpressum. | mogunti^. | Juxta exem- plar ChRISTOPHORI KuCHLERI. J M.DC.LXXI. I Typis FraNCISCI SaUSEN. I MDCCCLXk. ' Folio. 4 and 902 pp., printed in red and black, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 5 lines — 10 staves to the full page. Rev. J. Weber, Mainz. H. 486 m. B. 343 m. Stamped pigskin. 53. EXTRACTUS I antiphonarii | complectens I vesperas dominicarum et festorum I TOTius anni pro parochiis archi-dicecesis moguntin^, I breviario ROMANO, CANTUI YERO GREGORIANO-MOGUNTINO | AC- COMMODATUS, I JUSSU ET AUCTORITATE | EMINENTISSIMI AC REVERENDISSIMI | DOMINI | D. LOTHARII | FRIDERICI, I SANCT^. SEDIS MOGUNTIN^ | ARCHI-EPISCOPI, | SACRI EOM. IMPERII I PER GERMANIAM ARCHI-CANCELLARII, I PRINCIPIS ELECTORIS, EPISCOPI WORMAT. | ET SPIR. PR^P. WEISSENB. ET ODENH. | DOMINI NOSTRI CLEMEN- TISSIMI I EDITUS. I MOGUNTI^. | M.DC.LXXIII. \ JuXTA EXEMPLAR Christophori Kuchleri. | Acccdentzbus Festis recentioribus pro fundatione chorali in Kiedrich reimpressus. \ Typis Francisci Sausen. j m.dccc.lxxii. Folio. 6, 8, 528 and 58 pp., printed in red and black, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 5 red lines — 9 staves to the full page. Rev. J. Weber, Mainz. H.474m. B. 276 m. Stamped pigskin. 54. ExTRACTUS I ANTIPHONARII | COMPLECTENS j VESPERAS DOMINICARUM ET FESTORUM | TOTIUS ANNI PRO PAROCHIIS ARCHI-DICECESIS | MOGUNTIN^, BREVIARIO ROMANO, CANTUI ii6 Liturgical Books I VERO GREGORIANO-MOr.UNTINO ACCOMODATUS | JUSSU ET AUTORITATE | Eminentissimi ac Reverendisstmi Domini I D. LOTHARII I FRIDERICI | SANCTiE SEDIS MOGUNTIN^ ARCHI-EPISCOPI, S.R.I. PER GERMANIAM ARCHI-CANCEL- LARII I PRINCIPIS ELECTORIS, EPISCOPI WORMAT. ET SPIR. PR^P. I WEISSENB. ET ODENH. | DOMINI NOSTRI CLEMEN- TissiMi. I EDiTUS. | Acccdentibus Festis recentioribus pro fundatione chorali in Kiedrich reimpressus. | mo- GUNTI^. M.DCLXXIII. ] JUXTA EXEMPLAR CHRISTOPHORI KUCHLERI I TYPIS FRANCISCI SAUSEN. | MDCCCLXXI. Quarto. 8, viii and 6i6 pp. Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 5 lines — 7 staves to the full page. Rev. J. Weber, Mainz. H.222m. B. 170 in. 55. MaNUALE I ECCLESIASTICUM | COMPLECTENS | FESTORUM SOLEMNIORUM OFFICIA, | VESPERIS TAMEN ET COMPLE- TORIO j EXCEPTIS, PROCESSIONALE, NECNON | ORDINARIUM MTSS^ I SECUNDUM DIVERSOS MODOS, CANTUI GREGORI- ANO- I MOGUNTINO ACCOMODATUM | PRO | FUNDATIONE CHORALI IN KIEDRICH | EDITUM. | MOGUNTI^ 1 TYPIS JOANNTS FALK III. | MDCCCLXXV. Quarto. 8 and 500 pp. Teutonic musical notation on a staiT of 5 lines — 7 staves to the full page. Rev. J. Weber, Mainz. H. 222 m. B. r7om. These four volumes were printed at the expense of the late Sir John Sutton, of Norwood Park, for the choral foundation established by him in the old church of Kiedrich, in the Rheingau, the restoration and embellishment of which were also due to his munificence. 56. Historia horarum canonicarum de S. Hieronymo et de S.Anna, cum aliquibus Hymnissapphicis Augustae Vindelicorum in aedibus Erhardi Ratdolt. 15 12, 17 Septembris. Folio. This volume, of the greatest rarity, contains 38 ff., printed in black and red from type of 13 founts, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines. With Musical Notation. 1 1 7 The title is as follows : divo hieronymo | sacrvm | divae ANNAE I SACRVM | Historia horarum canonicarum De | S. Hieronymo vario carminum | genere contexta. confirmata ; at in | dulgentijs dotata a Reuerendis- | simo Archiepiscopo Moguntin- ensi. I Historia horarum canonicarum De. S. Anria | etiam vario carminum genere composita. | Hymni Sapphici | De sancto Georgio martyre. | De sancta Barbara virgine et martyre. | De Conceptione immaculata. b. virginis. | De sancto Thoma apos- tolo. I De Sanctis Cosma et Damiano. cum eorundem succincta | historia elegiaco carmine descripta. | De sancto Leonharto con- fess. I De sancto Beato confess. | De eodem hymnus duobus aschlepiadeis. Pherecra- | tio et Gliconico versu compactus. The colophon (f. 37, col. i, below 1. 20) runs thus : Augustae vindelicorum in aedibus Erhardi | Ratdolt / cuius studio et impensa : arte poll- | tiori. suis aeriis : notaminibus musicis : et | XIII formis characterum diuersis : opus hoc : ab | archetypo excusum est / Anno Salutis. M.D. | XII. Quintodecimo Kalendas Octobres. | Si uis Saluus esse | Sensuum oblectamenta neglegito Molesti- I as animi et corporis expellito Melodiam quae- | rulam vel leuem reicito Grauioribus canti | bus et fidibus incumbito Mentem ad subli- | mia Deum que pro viribus erigito. | Erhard Ratdolt's well-known device, in red and black, is printed on the verso. This curious volume is not only a remarkable specimen of typo- graphy, but is of considerable interest as affording an example of the encouragement given by high ecclesiastical dignitaries to those who, though within the Church, were doing as much as, if not more, to sap the foundations of the Christian religion, than even Huss or Luther. The office of S. Hierome, composed for the Abbey of Zwiefalten in 1509 by Henry Bebel of Justingen, Leonard Clement of Ulm, archpriest of Zwiefalten, and John Cassel of Gyslingen, was approved, indulgenced and promulgated by Uriel, archbishop of Mentz, nth May, 15 10. The office of S. Anne was entirely composed by Bebel ; the melodies and musical notation for both offices were written by Clement. The hymns that follow in honour of S. George, S. Barbara, S. Thomas the apostle, SS. Cosmas and Damian, are by Bebel, and those in honour of S. Clement and S. Beatus, by Clement. The dedicatory epistle to Leonard Diirr, abbot of Adelberg and visitor of the Premonstratensian order in Suabia, Bavaria, and Switzerland, is followed by a letter of Bebel's addressed to all archbishops, bishops, and prelates in Germany. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 279 m. B. 190 m. Disfigured ii8 Liturgical Books by having a number of scraps pasted on to the leaves wherever blank spaces occurred. 57. Cantorinus Romanus. Impressus Venetiis per Lucan- tonium de Giunta Florentinum. 15 13, 3 Decembris. Octavo. This compendium consists of 120 if., printed in red and black from type of 3 founts, 30 long lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines —6 staves to the full page. With running title, but without catchwords. There are 15 quires with signatures a (a a ij a iij a iiij)^-?^ numbered ( ) 2-120. The title is as follows : Compendium musices | confectum ad faciliorem instructionem can- | turn choralem discentium : necnon ad intro- | ductionem huius libelli : qui Cantorinus | intitulatur : omnibus diuino cultui de- | ditis perutilis et necessarius : vt in tabula I hie immediate sequenti latius apparet. The colophon (f. 120) runs thus : C Finis Cantorini Romani : impressi | Uenetijs per dominum Lucantonium de | Giunta Florentinum : Anno | domini millesimo quingente | simo tertiodecimo | die vero tertia | decembris. | . -|-. The volume is adorned with six cuts, the printer's device, three storied, and a large number of ornamental versal letters. James E. Matthew. H. 1 2 7 m. B. 90 m. 58. Cantorinus et Processionarius secundum ritum con- gregationis Cassinensis, alias Sancte lustine, ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Venetiis excusus in officina Luce- antonii lunte Florentini. 1535, mense Februario. Octavo. This compendium consists of 92 ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, 3 1 long lines to the full page, with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 6 staves to the full page. With running title, but without catchwords. There are 11 quires with signatures a^-k^ l^^ numbered ( ) -92. Title : Cantus monastici for- | mula nouiter impressa : ac in melius | redacta : cui que deerant adiuncta : | que vero superflua videbantur / | adempta sunt : cum tono lamen | tationis hieremie prophe I te et aliquibus alijs can- ) tibus mensuratis ipsi | tempori Wiih Musical Notation. 119 congruis. Colophon (f. 92): Cantorinus et processionarius per totum I annum in diuinis officijs celebrandis secundum | ritum congregationis cassinensis alias san- | cte Justine ordinis sancti benedicti di | ligentissime compositus et ordinatus | cum multis in eo de nouo apposi- | tis studiosissime reuisus: et in | officina Luceantonij Jun | te florentini Uenetijs ex- | cusus Anno domini | M.D.xxxv. men- | se februario. The volume is adorned with a cut (H.iism. B.8om.) representing SS. Benedict, Placid, and Maur and two groups of kneeling monks. Beneath is the legend : Hie stare fecit cantores contra altare. Giunta's device is on the first page, below the title, and there are also three storied versal letters. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 148 m. B.93 m. Title mended. 59. Sacerdotale ad consuetudinem sacrosancte Romane ecclesie aliarumque ecclesiarum. Venetiis. In ofificina Petri Liechtenstein, Agrippinensis. 1567. Quarto. The fifth edition of the Sacerdotale drawn up by Albert Castellanus. The volume consists of 166 (4ff. and 328pp.) ff. — 39 long lines to the full page ; with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines — 9 staves to the page. The title is as follows : Sacerdotale ad consuetudinem Sacro Sancte | Romane Ecclesie : aliarumque ecclesiarum : Ex apostolicae bibliothecae, ac sanctorum patrum iurium sanctionibus, et ec- | clesiasticorum doctorum scriptis, ad optatum commodum quorum- I cunque sacerdotum, collectum : atque summorum pontificum | authoritate multoties approbatum : omni nuper | diligentia emen- datum et auctum. | Jn quo, non solum omnium Sacramentorum, quas a sacerdo- | tibus fieri possunt, officia : verumetiam Reso- lutiones omnium | dubiorum ad ea pertinentium : et excommu- | nicationum Canones : | Cum breui illarum et absoluta declaratione ex sacris doctoribus collecta, con- | tinentur. Quibus etiam multa alia Sacerdotibus valde utilia ac | necessaria sunt addita : quae in alijs hactenus | impressis minime reperiuntur. | m. d. lxvii. Uenetijs. | Jn Ofificina Petri Liechtenstein | Agrippinensis. The title-page is adorned with two cuts : one at the head of the page representing the compiler and editor of this book presenting it to the Pope surrounded by cardinals, and the other, the Holy Lamb in a circular medallion. I20 Liturgical Books. James Walker. On the title-page is this note : R. Dominus Simpertus Morhaubt in Fridberg plebanus me cum sociis 274 monasterio S. Crucis Augustae testamento legavit anno 1580. Inside the cover is the Ex libris of A. Fenwyke. Zaccaria, I, 144. 60. SACERDOTALE | Ad consuctudinem S. Romanse Ecclesise aliarumque | ecclesiarum ex Apostolicae bibliothecae ac Sanctorum | Patrum iurium sanctioni- bus, & ecclesiastico- | rum doctorum scriptis, ad optatum quo- | rumcunque sacerdotum commo- | dum, collectum : | atqve svmmorvm pontificvm | authoritate multoties approbatum : \ Summa nuper cura iuxta S. TRlDENTiNi Concilij | Sanctiones emendatum, & auctum : ] In quo omnium sacram,entoru7n officia, resolutionesque OTnnium dubiorum ad ea \ pertinentium, excommunicationum Canones, cum breui illarum, & abso- I luta declaratione ex sacris Doctoribus collecta, continentur. \ Quibus etiam Rubricae generales turn Missalistum Breuiarij Noui, mul- 1 taque alia sacerdoti- bus ualde utilia ac necessaria, sunt addita : quae | in alijs hactenus impressis desiderabantur. | Cut : (H. 56 m. B. 54 m.), a pope kneeling before an altar. | Venetiis, apud Guerrseos fratres, & socios. | m d lxxvi. Quarto. The volume contains 378 (4 and 374) ff., printed in red and black, — 37 long lines to the full page, with 23 cuts printed from 13 blocks, ornamental versa! letters, Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines, — 7 staves to the full page. The Compendium Musice begins onf. 319 v. and ends onf 328. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. H. 217 m. B. i5Sm. Ex Bibl. Academiae Herbipolensis. IV.— TREATISES ON MUSIC. {Manuscripts.) Ars musice. xiii century. Vellum. H.136 m. B. 108 m. The Earl of Ashburnham. This Treatise occupies 7 leaves ; the text is written in two columns of 36 lines each (H. mm. B. 93 m.) to the page, and is illustrated with two diagrams. Commences: Jncipit ars musice | Qvoniam circa artem | musicam necessaria j and ends : intonacionibus per hos versus. The headings of the chapters are as follows : 2. De multiplici- tate nominis musice artis. 3. Quid sit musicus. 4. Unde dicatur musica. 5. Quid sit genus. 6. De materia que sit 7. Que sint partes musice. 8. Que sint species. 9. Quod sit instrumentum. 10. Que sit utilitas eius. 11. De inuencione artis musice. 12. De officio. 13. Que sunt 4 partes in musica principales cum figura. 14. De proportione. 15. De mutationibus cum figura. 16. De speciebus. 17. De semitonio. De ditono. De semiditono. De dyatesseron. De Dyapente. De Tono cum Dyapente. De semitonio cum dyapente. De dyapason. Ter quaterni sunt species quibus omnis cantilena contexitur, with musical notation. De modis. Prefixed to the Treatise is a miniature (H. 118 m. B. 105 m.) cut from a Psalter of the twelfth century, representing, within a lozenge set in a square panel, King David holding a harp in his left hand, and the end of a string and a tuning fork in his right. In the triangular spaces are four figures of musicians; one, holding a hammer, above whom are suspended bells, is talking to the man in the opposite compartment, who has a violin and bow. The third has a Pan-pipe and a hand-bell ; and the fourth a hand-bell and a horn. R 122 Treatises on Music. 2. Treatise written at Oxford by a Friar Minor in the year 1351. Metrologus Liber de plana musica. Second half of xiv century. Vellum. H. 210 m. B. 150 m. The Bodleian Library, Oxford; n" 515. The volume contains 90 ff. ; the text is written in long lines — 30 or 24 to the full page, and is illustrated with diagrams. Commences, f. i ; Jsta dictio sequens pertinet ad mundanam musicam et humanam. The first Treatise commences, f. 4 : Quoniam circa musicam Deo auxiliante consciam que ductus necessaria quedam ad cantuum utilitatem tractare propono. Chapter 49 ends on f. 77V. thus: Et hec de musice continue et eciam distincte principiis sufficiant ad presens, que tanto, ut credo, accepciora sunt quanto aliorum dictis concordantiam habent. Nam in isto libello nil apposui, quod non ab auctoribus et magistris peritis et appro- batis, mediante gracia Dei, addidici, nee eciam clausula in predicto opusculo inserta est sine causa certa ; verumtamen insufficienciam meam excuset pius lector, si in aliquo defeceram, cum sensui hominis difficile est omnia comprehendere, sed tamen semper benedicam Dominum qui tribuit mihi intellectum ut predictum opusculum comprehendere poteram. Igitur qiiod corde concepi, ad honorem Dei et Sancte Matris Ecclesie, atque propriorum utilitatem in scriptis apposui, cuius operis finis erat pridie Nonas Augusti, anno Domini m° ccc° quinquagesimo primo ; illo autem anno regens erat inter Minores Oxonie frater Simon de Tustude, doctor sacre theologie, qui in musica pollebat, eciam in septem artibus liberalibus. The second Treatise commences on f. 78 : In nomine Sancte et Individue Trinitatis incipit metrologus liber de plana musica et brevis sermo. Quid est musica ? Musica est pericia modulacionis, sono cantuque consistens. It ends, f. 90, 1. 28 ; et cantus naturalis coronari potest si licet faburdonii. 3. Five Treatises; i Musica Theinredi in tribus libris. 2 Regule discantus Anglice opus Ricardi Cutell de Londonia. 3 Musica magistri Franconis in sex capitulis. 4 Breviarium eiusdem de discantu in tribus capitulis. 5 Breviarium regulare musice cum aliis parvis. xiv century. Vellum. H.221 m. B. 140 m. The Bodleian Library, Oxford ; n° 842. Printed Books. 123 The volume contains 77 leaves ; the text, written in long lines — 32 to the full page — is accompanied by diagrams. Commences, f. i : Alueredo Cantuariensi Theinredus Doverensis de legitimis ordinibus pentachordorum et tetrachordorum. Ends, f. 77 v., 1. 6 : proprietate coniungatur ut hie. {Printed Books.) Peter Aaron of Florence. 14 -1533- I. LIBRI TRES DE INSTITVTIONE | HARMONICA EUITI A PETRO I AARON FLORENTINO IN- | TERPRETE lO. ANTO- ] NIO FLAM. FORO | CORNELITE. Colophon (f.62): C Impres- sum Bononiae in Aedibus Benedict! Hectoris Biblio | polae Bononiensis. Tempore Pontificatusdomini nostri I Leonis Pape Decimi. m ccccc xvi. Quarto. 64 fF. ; 36 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 5 or 3 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of chapters, and with running title, but without catchwords. There are 8 quires with signatures a* b^-g* and h'" numbered ( ) 2-62, followed by 2 ff. of Errata. The title-page is adorned with a border of sprays of flowers with butterflies, &c., on a cribl^ ground. The printer's device occurs on f. 62, below the colophon. The treatise, dedicated by the author to the Bolognese patrician Hierome di San Pietro, was edited by John Antony Flaminius, whose account of how the treatise came to be printed is very amusing. James E. Matthew. H,2io m. B. 143 m. MaITTAIRE, II, 286. FORKEL, 29$. PANZER, VI, 329, 83. HAWKINS, I, 290. Brunet, I, 493. 2. THOSCANELLO DE LA | MVSICA Dl MESSER | PIETRO AARON FIO- I RENTINO CANO- | NICO DA RI- | MINI. | CON PRI- viLEGio. Colophon (f. 52) : Impressa in Vinegia per maestro Bernardino et maestro I Mattheo de uitali 124 Treatises on Music. fratelli Venitiani, regnante | Andrea Gritti, Serenis- simo Prencipe, | nel di. xxiiii. di Luglio. m.d.xxiii. Folio. 53 ff. with 36 long lines to the full page in 13 quires : a* A* B* c*-L* M^ without foliation. Musical notation on a staff of 5 lines. The Title is enclosed within a border of foliage and animals with two medallions in the side pieces ; the one representing the Unicorn taking refuge in the Maid's lap ; the other, the Phoenix. At the foot is a blank shield supported by two sphinxes, between a lion and a cow, each looking at a book lying open on the ground before it. A full-page cut (H. 246 m. B. 163 m.) on f 4V., represents Aron seated in his professorial chair, with a group of clerics on either side; in the foreground, a table, on which are diverse musical instruments ; the whole enclosed within an ornamental border with busts of men at the angles ; signed : Ca. There are also 9 ornamental capital letters. This treatise, named after the author's native country, Tuscany, is dedicated to Sebastian Michele, a Venetian patrician, Knight of Jerusalem and Prior of S. John dal Tempio. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 267 m. B.200 m. Reprinted at the same press in 1525 and 1529, by Mark Sessa in 1539, and by Dominic Nicolini in 1557 and 1562. Walther, 50. Haym, n, 561, 12. Forkel, 434. (Panzer, viii, 477, 1 168.) Becker, 455. Hawkins, i, 290. Brunet, i, 493. Weckerlin, I. 3. TRATTATO | DELLA NATVRA ET CO- | GNITIONE DI TVTTI | GLI TVONI DI CANTO | FIGVRATO NON DA | ALTRVI PIV SCRITTI I COMPOSTI PER MESSER | PIERO AARON MVSICO | FIORENTINO CANONICO | IN RIMINI MAESTRO DI | CASA DEL REVE"*" ET MA- | GNIFICO CAVALIERE | HIEROSOLIMI- TANO MES- j SER SEBASTIANO MICHE | LE PRIORE DI VINETIA. Colophon (f. 22) : IMPRESSO in VINEGIA PER MAE- I STRO BERNARDINO DE VI | TALI VENITIANO EL DI | QVARTO DI AGOSTO. | M.CCCCC.XXV. Folio. 22 ff., 33 long lines to the full page, without running title, catchwords or foliation. Eight quires : the first without signature ; a3_d2 e*-g*. The Title is within an elegant framework composed of 4 pieces ; Printed Books' 125 on the lower border are the Muses, in two groups, singing and playing divers musical instruments j the side pieces are divided each into five compartments or niches, containing half-length figures of the most celebrated Latin poets and prose writers. In the tympanum above is a half figure of a woman playing the violin. The cut representing Aron seated in his professorial chair, with his pupils grouped around him, is the same as in the Thoscanello of 1523. There are also 13 ornamental versal letters. The treatise is preceded by a dedicatory epistle to the Venetian patrician, Peter Gritti. James E. Matthew. H.271 m. B. i9Sm. On the title-page: Ex libris Congregationis Oratorii Nannetensis. FoRKEL, 273. Hawkins, i, 290. Becker, 272. Brunet, i, 493. John Mary Artusi of Bologna. I. l'aRTE del contra- I PONTO, DEL REVER. | D, GIO. MARIA ARTVSi | DA BOLOGNA, | Canonico Regokre della Congregatione del Saluatore ; | Nella quale con ordine, e modo facilissimo si inse- | gnano tutte quelle Regole, che a questa | Arte sono necessarie. j Noua- mente ristampata,& di molte nuoue aggiunte, \ dalV Aut- tore arrichita. \ Con due Tauole, vna de Capitoli, & I'altra | delle cose piu notabili. | (Printer's device) | in VENETiA, I Appresso Giacomo Vincenti. 1598. Folio. 6 ff. and 80 pp. The Title enclosed within an ornamental framework. Dedicated to Father Ambrose Morandi, prior of the Canons Regular of the Holy Saviour at Bologna. The first edition of this compendium was pubUshed at Venice in 1586-89; this contains, among other additional matter, a list of 29 writers on the theory and practice of music, of whose works the author had made use when composing this treatise. James E. Matthew. H. 286 m. B. 192 m. Walther, 52. Haym, II, 563, I. B. Bolongaro-Crevenna, II, 135, 2102. FoRKEL, 434. Hawkins, i, 403. Becker, 455. Brdnet, I, 521. Grove, i, 96. Mendel, i, 308. Weckerlin, 34. 2. l'artvsi I Ouero delle | imperfettioni | della MODERNA MVSiCA | Ragionamenti dui. | Ne' quali si ragiona di molte cose vtili, & necessarie alii | Moderni 126 Treatises on Music. Compositori. | del r.p.d. gio. maria artusi | da ■ BOLOGNA. I Canonico Regolare nella Congregatione del Saluatore. \ Nouamente Stampato. | (Cut: an oval escutcheon with the arms of Cardinal Arigoni.) | In Venetia, Appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1600. Folio. 8 and 72 ff., in 21 quires: a* a^ b^ a* — s*. Dedicatory epistle to Cardinal Pompey Arigoni, and laudatory verses in honour of the book and its author, by Dr. Vincent Mary Sandri, Mutius Manfredi, and Erycius Puteanus. 3. SECONDA PARTE | DELL ARTVSI | OUerO | DELLE. IMPER- FETTIONI I DELLA MODERNA | MVSICA. | Nella qUale si tratta de' molti abusi introdotti da i moderni | Scrit- tori, & Compositori. | Nuouamente siampata \ (Printer's Device) | in venetia, mdciii. | Appresso Giacomo Vincenti. Folio. 6 ff., and 56 pp. in 8 quires : a° a'-g°. Dedicatory epistle to Hercules Bottrigaro. James E. Matthew. H. 276 m. B. 188 m. Walther, 52. Haym, II, 563, 2. B. Bolongaro-Crevenna, li, 135, 2103. FORKEL, 95. Hawkins, i, 403. Becker, 62. Grove, I, 96. Brunet, I, 521. Mendel, i, 308. Weckerlin, 34. Bonaventure of Brescia. I. Regula musice plane venerabi | lis fratris Bonauen- ture I de Brixia ordinis | Minorum. Colophon (f. 31) : ^ExpHcit Breuiloquium musicale. editum a I Fratre Bonauentura de Brixia : ordinis mino- | rum : in conuentu nostro Sancti Francisci de | Brixia. Deo gratias. | <[ Impressa in Venetia per lo. Francisco & | lo. Antonio de Rusconi Fratelli. Nelli I anni del signore. m.d.xxihi. | adi. x. Octobrio. Imperan | te inclyto Principe An- | drea Griti Ve | netiarum | Duce. | +. Octavo. 32 ff., 22 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 3 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of the chapters. Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 lines, printed from metal blocks. With a catch-word to each sheet, but without running title or foliation. The volume is adorned with three cuts, 4 ornamental versal letters, and the printer's device. Printed Books. 127 This treatise, of which earlier editions were printed at Brescia in 1500, at Milan in 1507, at Venice in 1516 and 1523, and an Italian translation at Venice in 1513, is dedicated to Father Mark de Duchis, of the province of Milan. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 153 m. B. 102 m. Walther, 105. FoRKEL, 297. Becker, 303. Brunet, I, 1094. Mendel, ii, 130. Weckerlin, 56. Nicholas Burci of Parma, n. Nicolai Burtij parmensis : musices professoris : ac | iuris pontificij studiosissimi : musices opusculum inci I pit : cum defensione Guidonis aretini : aduersus que j ndam hyspanum veritatis preuaricatorem. Colophon (f. 68, 1. 27) : Impensis Benedicti librarij bononiensis. ac suma industria | Ugonis de rugerijs : qui propatissimus huius artis I exactor impressus Bononie. Anno domini m.cccc.lxxxvij. | die vltima aprilis. Quarto. 68 fF. 29 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 5, 4, 3, or 2 lines for the initial letters of chapters. Musical notation on a staff of 5 lines, printed from metal blocks. With diagrams. There are nine quires : a'-h' i*. The volume is addressed to poor clerks and religious, and followed by a poem of 30 lines. The writer qualified as " quidam Hyspanus veritatis prevaricator" is Bartholomew Ramos da Pareja of Salamanca, a professor of music, who had settled at Bologna and had attacked the teaching of Guy of Arezzo, in a work published in that town in 1482. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 203 m. B. 142 m. Wants I. i. Walther, 120. Denis, 226. De Bure, ii, 540, 2040. B. Bolongaro- Crevmna, II, 134, 2099. FoRKEL, 475. (Panzer, i, 217, 97.) DiBDiN, III, 233, 656. Becker, 519 and 276. Hain, 4145. Brunet, i, 1414. John Dobnek of Wendelstein, surnamed Cochlaeus. 1480-1552. II. Tetrachordum Musi [ ces Joannis Coclei | Norici. Artium Ma- | gistri : Nurnberge nuper contextum : pro iuuentu- | tis Laurentiane eruditione imprimis : dein ad ce- | terorum in musicis Tyrunculorum salubriorem | planioremque eruditionem / nunc prima 128 Treatises on Music. I sui Aeditione Typis calcographo | rum exaratum. deo Au- I spice, in lucem. | prodit. Huius Tetrachordi Quattuor Tractatus : Primus de Musices dementis. Secundus de Musica Gregoriana. Tertius De Octo tonis Meli. Quartus De Musica mensurali Quorum quilibet decern capita complectitur. Colophon (f. 30 V.) : Finis Tetrachordi Musices Nurnbergse Im- | pressi In officina excusoria lo- | annis Stuchssen Anno | 15 12. Quarto. 30 ff. The second edition of the Tetrachord in this form. It appeared originally at Cologne in 1507 with the title: Musica, but was entirely re-written and printed at Niirnbergin 1511, and again in 1512, 1514, and 1520. The Dedicatory epistle to Anthony Kress, provost of the church of S.Laurence atNiirnberg, is dated 24 lune, 1511. Verses in praise of the author by Bilibald Pirckheimer and Chelidonius on the title-page. Gesellschafi der Musikfreunde, Vienna. H. igSm. B. 147 m. Will, i, 205. Becker, 276. Hawkins, i, 306. F^tis, ii, 328. Brunet, n, 117. Mendel, ii, 507. Weckerlin, 82. Louis Fogliani of Modena. I. MvsiCA THEO I RICA | Ludouici Foliani Mutinensis : docte si- I mul ac dilucide pertractata : in qua | quam- plures de harmonicis inter- } uallis : non prius tenta- tae: j continentur specu- | lationes. Colophon (f.4s): <[ Venetiis per lo. Antonium et Fratres de Sabio. I Anno Domini mdxxix. | Mense lulii. Folio. 2 and xliiii ff., adorned with 6 cuts, numerous diagrams, and thirty-two ornamental versal letters. fames E. Matthew. H.302 m. B. 208 m. Walther, 252. B. Christ., I, 410, 3886. FORKEL, 242. (Panzer, VIII, 514, 1505.) Hawkins, 1,306. Becker, 231. Ftns, in, 285. Brunet, ii, 1315. Mendel, hi, 586.. Weckerlin, 118. John Frosch. I. RERVM I MVSicARVM I opvscvLVM RARVM AC IN- 1 signe, totius eius negotii rationem mira in- | dustria & Printed Books i 29 breuitate complectens, iam | recens publicatum. ioan. I FROscHio, I Autore, | ■.• Colophon (f. 39 v) ; ARGENTORATI APVD PETRVM | Schcfiffer & Mathiam Apiarium. Anno Salutis | m.d.xxxv. Folio. 40 ff. in 7 quires : 1 V-d'e*f* without foliation. A large folding diagram between ff. 18 and 19. Dedicatory Epistle to George, Count of Wurtemberg and Mont- b^liard. Prefatory verses by Melchior Cumanus, and Frosch. Below the title is a pretty cut (H. 134 m. 6.135 m.), in the middle of which is a shield charged with a chevron coupd, between three roses, 2 and i. On the left are a knight and a lady, and on the right two shepherds, one of whom is playing the bagpipes. Above the shield on a scroll, the motto : Ingenium vires superat ; beneath it, the cypher of Hans Baldung Grien. This is probably the device of Peter Schoeffer. fames E. Matthew. H. 304 m. B. 194 m. Wants the last leaf WaLTHER, 265. FORKEL, 366. HaWKINS, I, 308. BECKER, 426. FfiTis, III, 348. Brunet, II, 1411. Mendel, iv, 73. Weckerlin, 122. Francis Gafori of Lodi. I. Franchini Gafori La.udensis theoricum opus armonice discipline. Impressum Neapolis per magistrum Franciscum di Dino, Florentinum. 1480, 8 Octobris. Quarto. This volume consists of 116 ff., 26 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 7, 5 or 3 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of the chapters. Without running title, signatures, or foliation. The quires have 8 ff. each, excepting the first, which has 12. Ff. I and 2 blank. F. 2 v., 1. 1, liber primvs hvivs operis. F. 3 v. CLARISSIMI AC PRESTANTISSI | MI MVSICI FRANCHINI GAFORI I LAVDENSis Theoricum opus musice | discipline Ad Reuerendissimum in christo patrem | dominum dominum lohan- nem Arcimbol | dum miseratione diuina sacrosancte Roma | ne ecclesie prespiterum Cardinalem Nouariensem | prohemivm. F. 6. de effectibvs et comenda I tione mvsice. Ends : alia uolumina diffusius | locis congruis apperient | Et sic est Finis. Followed by a poem of 8 Hnes. S 130 Treatises on Music. The colophon (f. 114 v.) runs thus : franchini Gafori Laudensis Musices I professoris theoricum opus armonice discipH | ne Ex- plicit. Impressum Neapolis per Magi | strum Franciscum di dino florentinum. Anno | domini. m.cccc.lxxx. Die octauo octo | bris. Inuictissimo Rege Ferdinando regnan | te. Anno regni eius vigessimo tertio. The Register follows, occupying the recto of f 115. Ff 115 V. and 116 are blank. The volume is adorned with 7 diagrams (ff. 33 v., 55, 56, 62 V. and 112 v.)and two full-page cuts (ff. 18 and 102), the one (H. 149 m. B. 122 m.) representing six youths striking an anvil with hammers of different sizes ; the other (H. 204 m. B. 104 m.) a cleric, seated, playing an organ with one row of pipes. F. 98 v. is left blank for the insertion of the Hymn for the Nativity of S. John Baptist : Ut queant laxis. 1. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 208 m. B. 135 m. 2. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 205 m. B. 130 m. Maittaire, 1, 406. Burette, 60. Mercier, 97. Burney, in, 152. Laire, Index, II, 28, 13. Forkel, 76. Giustiniani, 67. Fossi, I, 715. (Panzer, 11, 160,41; iv, 372, 41.) La Serna, Diet. Bibl., II, 429, 622. Busby, i, 413. Becker, 48. Hawkins, i, 278. Brunet, ii, 1433. FfiTis, iii, 377. Grove, I. S7S- Weckerlin, 123. — Second Edition. Mediolani. 1492, 15 Decembris. Folio. Title : theorica mvsice franchini gafvri | lavdensis. F. 3 V. AD magnanimvm et pientissimvm dominvm lodo I VICVM MARIAM SPHORTIAM VICECOMITEM : BARI DV- I CEM : PRINCIPIS EXCELLENTISSIMI : ET REI MEDIOLANEN- | SIS GVBER- NATOREM : FRANCHINI GAFVRI LAVDENSIS ) IN DELVBRI MAIORIS CHORO PHONASCI THEORICVM OPVS MVSICE DISCIPLINE. F. 4 V. Ad Lectorem. Quisquis ades : cuius digitis dictata teruntur. 18 Hnes. F. 5. DE MVSICIS ET EFFECTIBVS ATQVE COMENDATIONE | MVSICE DISCIPLINE. Great part of the work re-written, many alterations. Ends f. 65 : sed latius horum progressiones & formulas in pri- | mo praticae disposuimus. | finis, followed by carmen lancini cvRTii, which occupies 6 pp., and ends with a eulogium of Gafori. F.68v. Blank. Printed Books. 131 Colophon (f. 68) lavs deo. | Impressum mediolani per Magistrum Philippum Man- | tegatium dictum Cassanum opera et impensa Magistri | loannis Petri de lomatio anno salutis M.cccc.Lxxxxii. I die XV Decembris. 68 ff., 38 long lines', to the full page, with spaces of 6 or 5 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of the chapters. Without running title, foliation, or catchwords. There are 1 1 quires : the first, consisting of 4 ff., is followed by signatures a (a i a ii a iii a iiii)' bM' k^ This edition has 18 diagrams and 2 full-page cuts(ff. i and 18) the one (H. 203 m. B. 103 m.) representing a cleric seated playing an organ with one row of pipes, copied by William I>e Signerre of Rouen from the edition of 1480 ; the other, in four compartments (H. 249 m. B. 183 m.); i, six youths striking an anvil with hammers of different sizes in presence of ivbal; 2, pytacora, a man playing on six bells, and another on six glasses, each with two sticks; 3, PiTAGORAS, a man playing on cords stretched by weights ; 4, two men, pytacora and phylolavs playing on reeds. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 270 m. B. 200 m. Saxius, I, cccxLVii et dxci. Burney, hi, 152. Forkel, 76. Van Praet, Cat., iii, 77, 107. Becker, 48. Hain, 7406. Brunet, II, 1434. FfiTis, III, 377. Weckerlin, 124. Franchini Gafori Laudensis practica musice. Impressa Mediolani, per Guillermum Signerre Rothomagensem, opera et impensa loannis Petri de Lomatio. 1496, 30 Septembris. Folio. 112 ff.; 38 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 3 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of the chapters. Without running title, foliation, or catchwords. The quires signed r* a^ b* c° aa^-kk^ IP. The musical notation on staves of 4 or 5 lines printed from blocks. Title : practica mvsice franchini gafori lavdensis. Colo- phon (f. hi v.) : Practica Musicae Franchini Gafori laudensis quattuor libris comprsehensa Finit. | Impressa Mediolani opera & Impensa loannis petri de Lomatio per Guillermum | Signerre Rothomagensem anno salutis Milessimo quadringentessimo nona- gessi- I mo sexto die vltimo Septembris. Alexandro sexto Pontifice maximo : et Maxi- | miliano Romanorum rege semper augusto 132 Treatises on Music. ac Lodouico maria Sfortia Anglo | inuictissimo Mediolanensium Duce : foelici auspicio regnantibus. The volume is adorned with one curious full-page cut by William Le Signerre of Rouen ; 4 storied borders printed from 2 blocks, and 5 large ornamental letters : E H M P Q. One of the borders, adorned with foliage and birds, has figures of Amphion, Arion and Orpheus in circular medallions at the angles, and two winged boys supporting a garland with a blank shield. The other border has two sides occupied by foliated ornament, whilst below a blank shield supported by two youths separates a group representing F. Gafori teaching the theory of music, from another where he is directing a choir of boys standing before a lectern. On the outer side are seen Apollo and eight boys playing on musical instruments. The treatise is preceded by a dedicatory epistle to Louis Mary Sforza, duke of the Milanese, and a poem of 22 lines by Lucinus Conagi. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H.262 m. B. 187 m. Maittaire, I, 625. Burette, 61. Saxius, cvi, cccxlvii et DXCIX. (BuRNEY, III, 152.) FORKEL, 362. Laire, Index, II, 213. (Panzer, ii, 83, 501.) Van Praet, 2" Cat., i, 283, 83. Becker, 425. Hain, 7407. Hawkins, i, 278. Brunet, n, 1434. FjStis, III, 377. Grove, i, 575. Weckerun, 125. — Third Edition. Brixiae. 1502, 13 Augusti. Title : Practica Musicae utriusque cantiis | excellentis franchini gaffori I Laudensis. quatuor libris i modulatissima. Colophon (f 108) : Practica Musicas Franchini Gafori Laudensis quatuor libris compraehensa Finit | Brixiae Impressa per Bernard- inum Misintam de Papia Sumptu & Impensa. | Angeli Britannici. Anno Salutis. M.D.II. Idibus Sextilibus. 108 fF., 40 long lines to the full page. The quires signed, excepting the first which has4ff., a* b^ c° a'-k' l°. The musical notation on staves of 4 or 5 lines printed from blocks. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 3 1 7 m. B. 2 1 2 m. Walther, 270. Bhrney, in, 123. Forkel, 362. B. Thott., vii, 62. (Panzer, vi, 339, 11.) Becker, 425. Hawkins, i, 132, Brunet, ii, 1435. Weckerlin, 127. —Fourth edition. Venetiis, 15 12, 28 luHi. Folio. Title : Practica musicae vtriusque cantus excellentis Fran- | chini Printed Books. 133 gaffori laudensis. Quattuor libris modula | tissima : Summaque diligentia nouissime impressa. Colophon : |[ Musicas Franchini Laudensis : cantoris solem- nissimi pratica quat- | tuor libris compraehensa explicit. Impressa nouissime Ve- | netiis : multisque erroribus expurgata per Au- | gustinum de Zannis de Portesio bi- | bliopolam accuratissimum. An- I no dominicae incarnatio- | nis. M.D.XII. Die. | XXVIII. lulii. 82 ff., 44 long lines to the full page. This edition has one full page cut (H. 216 m. 6.165 m.) signed l, representing a group of men and boys singing from an open book on a lectern ; 4 large ornamental letters : E H M P, and a large number of smaller letters. A reprint of the 1496 edition. A fifth edition was published at Venice in 1522. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 290 m. B 200 m. Ff. i, 2, 81 and 82 damaged. B. Christ., I, 410, 3886. BuRNEV, III, 153. FoRKEL, 362. B. Thott., VII, 62. (Panzer, viii, 410, 601.) Becker, 425. Hawkins, I, 278. Brunet, II, 1435. FfiTis, III, 377. Weckerlin, 127. Angelicum ac diuinum opus musice | Franchini Gafurii laudensis Re I gii musici : ecclesieque Me | diolanensis phonasci : | materna lingua | scriptum. Colophon (f. 47 V.) Impressum Mediolani per Gotardum de ponte Anno Salutis Millesimo quin | gentesimo octauo die sextadecima septembris : lulio Secundo Pontifice Maxi | mo : ac Christianissimo Francorum Rege Ludouico Duce Mediolani Foelici | auspicio regnantibus. Folio. 48 ff., 40 long lines to the full page, with spaces of 8, 6, 4 or 3 lines with small type indicators for the initial letters of the chapters. Without running title, foliation, or catch-words. There are nine quires signed a (a i a ii) ^ b^-f" g* h* i^. The musical notation on 5 line staves printed from blocks. The volume is adorned with 16 diagrams, and two cuts (ff. 2 and 48 V.) by William Le Signerre of Rouen ; the one represents the author lecturing to 1 2 scholars, with this legend as a border : fran • GAFVRIVS LAVDENSIS TRIA DE MVSICIS VOLVMINA-THEORICAM • AC PRACTICAM • ET HARMONIAM • INSTRVMENTORVM ACCVRATISSIME CON- SCRIPSIT. The other, representing a cleric at the organ, is printed 134 Treatises on Music. from the same block as the cut on the title-page of the Theorica Musice of 1492. There are also two borders; the one (f.4 v.) orna- mental; consists of vases, foliage and a garlanded shield, the designs white on a black ground ; the other (f 5) with figures of Amphion, Arion, and Orpheus, from the same block as the border in the Practica Musice of 1496. The printer's device (H. 73 m. B. 56 m.) is immediately below the colophon. This treatise, in Italian, is preceded by a dedicatory epistle to Simon Grotto, patrician of Milan, and by divers laudatory poems, more of which are to be found at the end of the volume. Apparently the 2nd edition, the first having been issued from the same press on 10 Nov., 1500. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H.295 m. B. 205 m. Maittaire, I, 739. Bdrette, 61. Saxius, dcvii. Forkel, 77. Havm, II, 561, 10. BuRNEY, in, 153. Panzer, ii, 93, 573. Becker, 48. Hawkins, i, 278. Brunet, ii, 1434. Ffixis, in, 377. Le Roux, 219, 123. Grove, i, 575. Weckerlin, 127, 7. Franchini Gafurii Laudensis Regii Musici publice | profitentis : Delubrique Mediolanensis, Phona | sci : de Harmonia Musicorum In I strumentorum Opus. Colophon (f. 102 V.) : C Impressum Mediolani per | Gotardum Pontanum Galco | graphum die. xxvii . Nouem | bris . 1518, Authoris Prsefectu | rse Anno trigesimoquinto. Leo | ne Decimo. Pontifice Maximo : | ac Ghristianissimo P'rancorum | Rege Francisco Duce Medio | lani. Foelici Auspicio Regnan | tibus.. Folio. 4 and cii ff., 33 long lines to the full page, adorned with 5 cuts by William le Signerre of Rouen, 2 of these appearing here for the first time, viz. the arms of John Grolier of Lyons, to whom the work is dedicated, and the eight musicians playing on wind- instruments on f. 64 V. The authorship of these cuts is made known by the following verses appended to a sketch of the life and works of Francis Gafori by his fellow-countryman Pantaleon Maleguli, on f lor. Magister Gulielmus lesignerre Rothomagensis : Figurarum Celator. Ad Lectorem. Desine Mirari : si qua mendosa Figura Lector : In hoc libro Cernitur esse : Rogo : Ingenii Studiique mei Complesse putaui Partes : Ast doleo non placuisse Tibi : Dum madet ac siccat (quod nosti) tanta papyrus Spargitur : Inuito ssepius artifice : Vale. Printed Books. 135 There are also a few storied and a large number of ornamental versal letters and diagrams, besides the printer's device which differs from that in the Opus musice of 1508. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 310 m. B. 208 m. Grolier binding. Ex Bibl. domus professae Paris. So. lesu. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 291 m. B. 201 m. Walther, 270. Maittaire, II, 314. Burette, 6i. Saxius, cvi etCCCXLVIII. FORKEL, 77. (PANZER, VII, 397, 158.) HAWKINS, I, 278. Brunet, II, 1435. Le Roux, 222, 126. Grove, r, 575. Weckerlin, 128. Adam Gumpelzhaimer of Trossberg. 1 560-1 62 7. COMPENDIVM I MVSICAE LATINO- | GERMANICVM. | Studio & opera Adami Gum- ] pelzhaimeri, Trospergij | Bavari. | nvnc editione hac | Tertia non nusqvam correctum, j & auctum. | avgvstae, | Typis & impensis Valentini Schoenigij | anno M. DC. Quarto. So ff. with diagrams. The title within a border repre- senting maidens and angels playing various musical instruments. James E. Matthew. H. 205 m. B. 160 m. The first edition of this compendium was printed at Augsburg in 1595. It had a great success and was reprinted a dozen times. The first portion is a reproduction of the Compendiolum pro incipientibus by Henry Schmidt (Faber), printed at Brunswick in 1548. Walther, 297. F^tis, iv, 325. Mendel, iv, 457. Weckerlin, 147. Sebald Heyden. I498-I56I. MVSICAE, I ID EST, ARTIS CA- | NENDI LIBRI DVO. | autor I Sebaldus Heyden. | Cut : Within a garland a shield : per pale i a double eagle displayed ; 2 chevronny of 6, both dimidiated) | Cum priuilegio Imp. ad sexennium. | Norimbergae apud loh. Petreium, Anno I salutis m.d. xxxvii. Quarto. 4 ff. and 116 pp. 136 Treatises on Music. The first edition of this extremely scarce treatise. Dedicatory epistle to Hierome Baumgarten, dated March i, 1537 followed by verses by Thomas Venatorius. James E. Matthew. H. 213 m. B. 160 m. Title in facsimile Four other leaves want the lower corner ; supplied in MS. WALTHER, 306. FORKEL, 303. BECKER, 313. HAWKINS, I, 314 FfiTis, IV, 325. Brunet, III, 150. Mendel, v, 230. John Holthuser of Kempen. COMPENDI- I VM CANTIONVM EC- | CLESIASTICARVM, CON- I tinens praecipua Responsoria, Versus, An- I tiphonas, Hymnos, Introitus, Sequentias, | ac nonnulla alia pulcherrima Ecclesiae Ca- | tholicae cantica, quae in ea quotannis ad del | laudem decantantur, non tarn Scholis Ca- | tholicis, & ijs qui sacris initiari ordinibus | cupiunt, quam quibuslibet etiam Ecclesia- I sticis personis, vt Sacerdotibus, Parochis, omni- busque Laicis cantum Ecclesiasti- | cum perdiscere cupientibus ap- | prime vsui futu- | rum. | editvm per I M. loanneTn Holthusium Kempensem, Augustus Vindelico- \ rum in Ecclesia Cathedrali ScholcBrectorem & I ordinandorum examinatore-m. \ Cum gratia & priuilegio Csesarese maie- [ statis ad quinquennium. I M.D. LXVII. I Colophon (f. 220 V.) : augvstae vindeli- | corum excudebat Mat- I theus Francus. Octavo. 16 et 224 if. Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 5 lines — 6 staves to the full page. Dedicatory Epistle to Wolfgang Andrew Roemus von Kotz, canon of the cathedral of Augsburg, and provost of S. Maurice. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 150 m. B. 102 m. Reprinted by M. Manger in 1579. Weckerlin, 156. Printed Books. 137 James LEFiBVRE of Etaples. 1446-1547. lordani Nemorarii Elementa Arithmetica ; lacobi Fabri Stapulensis Elementa musicalia ; Eiusdem Epitome in duos libros Arithmeticos divi Severini Boetii ; Bernardi Vencarii doctoris medici Rithmi- machia. Parhisijs, labore et sumptu Henrici Stephani. 1 5 14, 7 Septembris. Folio. 72 ff., of which the Elementa musicalia occupy 21. Title: Jn hoc opere contenta | Arithmetica decern Hbris | demon- strata. I Musica libris demonstrata | quatuor. | Epitome in libros Arith- I meticos diui Seuerini | Boetij. | Rithmimachie ludus qui I et pugna numerorum ap- | pellatur. These lines are printed in a circular medallion which occupies the centre of a full-page cut, and is surrounded by foliage and by ten angels, two of whom above support a shield bearing 3 fleurs-de-lys, 2 and i, in chief a hand proceeding from the clouds holding a closed book ; two more at the foot support a smaller blank shield ; the others hold garlands with the initials H S, and horns of plenty. Around is this marginal inscription : |[ haec secvndaria est et castigatissima ex offi- ciNA AEMissio. At the foot : j[ Haec secundaria superiorum operum asditio / venahs habetur Parisijs : | in officina Henrici Stephani e regione scholae Decretorum. Colophon (f. 72) : ff Has duas Quadriuij partes et artium libera- lium precipuas atque duces cum quibusdam ammini- | cularijs adiectis : curauitex secunda recognitionevnaformulis emendatissime mandariad studiorum | vtilitatem Henricus Stephanus suograuissimo labore et sumptu Parhisijs Anno salutis domini : | qui omnia in numero atque harmonia formauit 15 14. absolutumque reddidit eodem anno : die septima | Septembris / suum laborem vbicunque valet semper studiosis deuouens. The Treatise on music is dedicated to Nicolas de Hacqueville, and has prefixed to it a letter by James Lefebvre to the musicians James Labinius and James Turbelin, whose pupil he had been. The first edition of these Treatises was printed at Paris, 22 July, 1496, by John Higman and Wolfgang Hopijl with the aid of David Lauxius of Edinburgh. Reprinted at Paris in 155 1 by William Cavellat. 138 Treatises on Music. GeselUchaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. H. 278 m. 6.196111. Maittaire, II, 25s ; Index, i, 196. B. Thott., vii, 68. Panzer, VIII, 15, 725. Becker, 230. Hawkins, i, 293. F£tis, hi, 196. Brunet, III, 567. Mendel, hi, 448. Weckerlin, iio. Nicolas Listenius of Brandenburg. I. mvsica[nicolai li-[|stenii.[ab avtore denvo j recognita, multisque nouis | regulis &exemplis | adaucta. | (Prin- ter's canting device.) I francofordiae ad I Oderam, in officina loan. | Eichorn. C. 1550. Oct. 48 flf. with signatures a'-f'; musical notation on a staff of 5 lines — 6 staves to the full page. Without running title or foliation, but with catchwords to every page. With tail-pieces. Dedicatory epistle to John George, Marquis of Brandenburg, eldest son of the Elector Joachim II., preceded by some verses of Valentine Chudenius of Salzwedel, more of which close the volume. T. W. Taphouse. H.i43m. B.85 m. 2,. MVSICA I NICOLAI LISTENII, | DENVO RECOGNITA, MVL- I tisq. nouis regulis & exemplis | adaucta, ac cor- rectius | quam antea edita. \ (Cut : within a rectangle, a shield, per pale, i, a double eagle, crowned and nimbed ; 2, bendy of six, both dimidiated.) |noriberg^, I EXCVDEBAT THEO- | doricus Gerlatzeuus. | Anno M.D.LXIX. 44 ff. with signatures a'-e' f*. Verses by John Spanberg follow those by Chudenius at the end of the volume. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 147 m. B. 95 m. The first edition of this little book was published at Wittemberg in I s 33 by George Rhaw, who reprinted itini548andiSS7. Other editions appeared at Niimberg in 1548, 1549 and 1577, at Leipzig in 1543, and at Breslau in 1573. Becker, 279. Hawkins, i, 314. F^tis, v, 318. Mendel, vi, 344. Weckerlin, 174. Printed Books. 139 Henry Lorit {Glareanus). ISAGOGE IN MVSICEN j HENRICI GLAREA | NI HELVETIl | FOE. LAV. I e quibusquam bonis au | thoribus latinis & grsecis ad | studiosorum utilitatem [ multo labore | elaborata. | ad falconem coss. | vrbis aventicensis. Quarto. 4 off.; 29 long lines to the full page, with running title and catchwords. Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 lines. Signatures a*-e*. The title is within a woodcut by Hans Holbein ; the volume is also adorned with 1 1 ornamental versal letters and several diagrams. The treatise is preceded by a dedicatory epistle to Peter Falco, consul of Freiburg in Switzerland, dated Basel, 15 May, 1516, and followed by a poem in praise of the guitar and of music. James E. Matthew. H. 210 m. B. 145 m. B. Christ., I, 411, 3899. FfiTls, IV, 20. Brunet, u, 1623. Mendel, IV, 258. 2. GLAREANI ] Ai2AEKAXOPAON. | basiled per HENRICHVM PETRI | MENSE SEPTEMBRI ANNO POST | VIRGINIS PARTVM. | M.D.XLVII. Folio. 10 ff. and 476 pp., with cuts and diagrams. In the dedicatory epistle to Cardinal Otto, bishop of Augsburg, Lorit mentions a valuable manuscript then preserved in the Benedictine abbey of St. George between Rothweil and Freiburg in Brisgau, containing treatises by Severinus, Guy of Arezzo, Berno, William, Otto, Bishop Theogerus and Pope John XXH., which had been of the greatest use to him. He bears the following testimony to the purity of the chant in the liturgy of the Preaching Friars : " Ni fallor Prsedicatorum ordo synceriorem reliquis quibusdam ordinibus habet cantum, loquor de eo, qui ad substantialia Missae pertinet, eum nos plserunque libro secundo secuti sumus, quanquam ne huic quidem ubique accedo." L. Rosenthal, Munich. H.31S m. B.208 m. Becker, 426. Hawkins, i, 315. FfiTis, iv, 21. Brunet, Suppl., i, 551. Me.vdel, IV, 258. BoHN, 9. Weckerlin, 143. 140 Treatises on Music. AuRELius Marinati of Ravenna. LA PRIMA PARTE | DELLA | SOMMA DI TVTTE | LE SCIENZE | NELLA QVALE SI TRATTA DELLE | SETTE ARTI LIBERALI, | In modo taleche ciascuno potra da se introdursi nella| Grammatica, Rettorica, Logica, Musica, | Aritmetica, Geometria, & Astrologia, | Di Aurelio Marinati Dottor di Leggi da Rauenna. \ al santis. et beatis. siSTO V. I PONT. OTTiMO MASSIMO. | (Arms of Sixtus V.) I CON PRIVILEGII ET LICENZA DE SVPERIORI. | IN ROMA, Appresso Bartholomeo Bonfadino, 1587. Quarlo. 4 ff. and 156 pp., with a portrait of the author in an oval medallion, 7 full-page and other smaller cuts and diagrams. James E. Matthew. H.2oom. B. isom. FitTIS, V, 456. Weckerlin, 186. Hannibal Melons. iL DESiDERio | OVERO, | Dc' Concerti di uarij Strumenti Musicali, | dtalogo, | di alemanno benelli ; | Nel quale anco si ragiona della participatione di essi | Stromenti, & di molte altre cose pertinenti | alia Musica. | In Venetia appresso Ricciardo Amadino, | m d xciiii. Quarto. 6 ff. and 52 pp. The title within an architectural frame, the base of which is adorned with two groups of angels singing the praises of God, who appears in the tympanum between two angels. The pillars at either side are wreathed around with divers musical instruments. Alemanno BeneUi is a pseudonym formed by the transposition of the letters of the author's name. Hercules Bottrigari, of Bologna, having made a copy of the manuscript of this wOrk at a time when Melone consulted him about it, had the effrontery to publish it as his own at Bologna in 1599, and has often been cited as its real author, e.g., by F(!tis, who says that Melone publicly claimed the authorship, and quarrelled with Bottrigari, but was soon after reconciled to him, and wrote him a letter which Bottrigari printed at the head of a treatise entitled Printed Books. 141 // Melone ; but this letter of Melone's is dated May 28, 1591, and // Desiderio was re-published at Milan in 1601 with Melone's name as author on the title-page. The chief interest of the book lies in the information it contains as to the composition of an orchestra at the end of the sixteenth century. James E. Matthew. H. 207 m. B. 150 m. Becker, 466. Hawkins, i, 445. Ffixis, vi, 75. Brunet, hi, 1593. Weckerlin, 48. MUSICA. i8 ff. in 3 quires with signatures : a' b'c^ Teutonic and modern musical notation printed from metal types. F.iv. A diagram headed Introductorium musice. F. 2. De definitione Musice | eiusque diuisione. | Musica est recte modulandi scientia. Et deducitur. F. 1 7, last line ; Finis contrapuncti simplicis. F. 18, 1.2. Tercie '^9\ duralis Tritura septima. L Rosenthal, Munich. H. 169 m. B. 128 m. FfiTis, III, 460. Brunet, Suppl., i, 1134. Othmar Nachtgall {Luscinius) of Strassburg. 1487-1536. MVSiCAE INSTITVTIONES | Othmari Nachtgall Argentini a nemine un- 1 quam prius pari facilitate tentatae, stu- I diosis, qui a.^o()vith a cut (H. 58 m. B. 48 m.) representing S. Martin on horseback, dividing his mantle with his sword to give the half to a cripple ; another poor man is holding out a bowl for an alms. James E. Matthew. H. 139 m. B.95 m. FORKEL, 297. FfiTIS, VIII, 503. BrUNET, V, ISIS- v.— MUSIC. (Manuscripts.) Choir Book — Tenor — containing Motetts, Masses and a Magnificat. Early xvi century. Paper. H.325m. B. 227 m. The University Library, Cambridge. Choir Book — Bassus. Early xvi century. Paper. H.32om. B.234m. Saint Johns College, Cambridge. These two Choir-Books originally formed part of the same set, and correspond exactly in their contents. Each composition has its initial letter illuminated, and the headings and names of the composers are rubricated. The collection includes eleven Motetts: 3 "Ave Dei Patris filia," " Lauda verum Alpha et O," and " Eterne laudis liHum," by Dr. Fayrfax ; 2 " O bone Ihesu, o piissime," and " Plaude potentissima," by Stephen Prowett; 2 "O Domine celi terreque," and " Stabat mater dolorosa," by Richard Davy ; "Te matrem Dei laudamus," by Hugh Austen; "Ave Dei Patris fiUa," and " Gaude plurimum Servatoris," by John Taverner ; and "Ave fuit salus," by Lovett. These are followed by five Masses : " Missa de regali," and " O bone Ihesu," by Dr. Fayrfax ; " Te Deum,'' by Austen ; " Cristus resurgens," by William Pasche ; and " God save Kyng Herry," by Thomas Aschwell. There is also a Magnificat by Fa:yrfax. On the outside of the cover of the Bass book is the name of a former owner • Launcelot Prior. Four Choir Books, xvi century. Paper. St. Peter s College, Cambridge. This important collection of English Catholic church music consists of the Medius, Contratenor, Triplex and Bassus parts. Manuscripts. • 153 The Triplex volume wants the page of contents found in the other books, as also several compositions at both the beginning and end. In other respects the collection, which dates from the latter years of Henry VIII. or from the reign of Mary, is in very good condition, but it has been rebound during the last thirty years. It contains three Masses : "Taverner," "Mater Christi," and "Small Deuotion,'' a Magnificat, and nine Motetts, by Taverner ; four Masses: "O quam glorifica," "Tecum principium," " Albanus," and one without title, four Magnificats, and three Motetts, by Fayrfax; three Masses: "Vidi signum," " Inclina Domine," and " Regnum Mundi," and four Motetts by Nicholas Ludford ; a Mass " Veni Sancte Spiritus," and a Motett by Pygott ; a Mass "Te Deum," and four Motetts by Hugh Austen ; four Motetts by John Mason of Chichester ; a Stabat Mater and a Motett by Robert Hunt ; a Mass " Spes nostra," and a Magnificat by R. Jonys ; a Mass and a Motett by Lupus Italus ; a Motett and a Magnificat by Pasche ; a Mass and a Magnificat by Appleby : and a Mass " Salve intemerata," and two Motetts by Tallys. There are also compositions by Catcott, Bramston, Norman, Edwards (a Motett, " Terrenum sitiens "), James Northbrook, William Alen, Rasar, Darke, Tye (a mass), Merbecke (a Motett, " Ave Dei Patris"), Robert Chamberlayne, Walter Erley, Edward Martyn, and Thomas Knyght. Choir Book of the Abbey of St. Gall. 1562. Vellum. H. 540 m. B.390m. Library of St. Gall, n° 542. This volume of 400 ff. contains the Masses for the principal festivals including the Sequences, set to music composed by M. B. Lupus of Correggio, who, at the request of Abbot Diethelm, introduced four-part singing at St. Gall in 153 1. The volume, written by Brother Henry Keller of Rapperswijl, organist of the abbey in 1562, is adorned with a number of miniatures by Caspar Kartell of Lindau. The principal contents are as follow : Vespers of Holy Saturday, Mass of Easter Sunday with the two Sequences : Laudes Salvatori and Victimae Paschali ; Masses for the following feasts— Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, Anniversary of the Dedication, Christmas, Epiphany, S. Gall, S. Othmar, S. Benedict, S. Notker, and the Assumption, followed by various settings of the Kyrie, Credo, &c. X 1 54 Music. The chief miniatures are : i (H. 137 m. B. 272 m.), Jonah being cast into the sea, and thrown up on shore by the fish. 2 (H.152 m. B. 272 m.), the Resurrection, with the three Maries coming to the Tomb. 3(H. 97 m. B. 272 m.), the journey to and the Supper at Emmaus : in the landscape background, Christ ap- pearing to S. Mary Magdalene. On the wall, behind the seated figure of Christ, is the date 1562, and, on the vaulting of the alcove, Caspar Harteli's cypher. 4 (H. 187 m. B. 245 m.), Elias taken up into heaven : in the foreground are Elias striking the waters of the Jordan with his folded mantle, and the bears devouring the children that mocked Elisha. The painter's cypher is here repeated on a rock. 5 (H. 195 m. B. 245 m.), the Ascension. 6 (H. 184 m. B. 258 m.), the children of Israel gathering the Manna. 7 (H. 184. m. B. 258 m.), the Last Supper. 8 (H. 290 m. B. 290 m.), scenes from the life of Saint Gall in a circular medallion within a square frame, the angles being occupied by shields with armorial beari ngs. On the border of the medallion is the legend : hec REQVIES MEA IN SECVLVM SECVLI : HIC HABITABO QVONIAM ELEGI EAM. PS. I3I. DNE IHV XPE NE DESPICIAS DESIDERIV MEV SED IN HON ORE SCTE GENITRICIS TVE ETC. I562. 9 (H. 298 m. B. 298 m.), another circular medallion set within a square frame; the subject of the miniature is the Translation of Saint Othmar, abbot of St. Gall, from the island of Stein to St. Gall. In a boat is seen the body of the saint, clothed in the monastic habit with a red cope and iriitre, with four tapers burning, two at the head and two at the feet ; four monks with open psalters keep watch around the body, which two boatmen are taking across a lake ; the oars- man, seated in the fore part of the boat, is carrying a small barrel on his right shoulder ; the other with a pole, stands at the stern. In addition to these miniatures, which are in the ordinary late German style, heavy and affected, there are at intervals, throughout the volume, a number of floral borders, consisting of running stems which throw off symmetrical scrolls of foliage and curls terminating in flowers of fanciful design, interspersed with birds, drolleries, shields of arms, figures of boys and girls playing on musical instruments, or of saints. The chief interest of these lies in the representations of musical instruments. 5. Collection of Motetts, &c. written by John Baldwin, 1581-1606. Paper. H. 287 m. B.201 m. Her Majesty tJie Qv£en. Manuscripts. 1 5 5 The transcriber of this volume was a lay-clerk of Windsor at the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries. He was also one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, into which he was first received in March, 1593-4, without pay, " until a tenor's place be voyde." The full privileges did not accrue to him until August, 1598. He died on the 28th August, 1 615. The transcription of the volume was spread over many years. The dates are given when several of the compositions were copied, the earliest being 1581. To the latest, 1606, Baldwin has appended his signature and the words " Laudes Deo. Finis.'' At the beginning and end of the book are the following verses by him, which mention the chief musicians of his time ; as will be seen, his praise of Byrd is unbounded. Reede, here, behold, and see : all y* musicions bee : — what is in closde, heere in : declare I will begine : — anno. 1591. iulij. 25. A store housse of treasure : this booke maye be saiede : — of songes most excelente : and the beste that is made : — collected and chosen : out of the best autours : — bothe stranger and Englishe borne : which be the best makers : and skilfulst in musicke : the scyence to sett foorthe : as herein you shall finde : if you will speake the truthe : there is here no badd songe : but the best can be hadd : the cheefest from all men : yea there is not one badd : and such sweete musicke : as dothe much delite yeelde : bothe vnto men at home : and birds abroade in fielde : the autours for to name : I maye not here for gett : but will them now downe put : and all in order sett : I will begine with White : Shepper, Tye, and Tallis : Parsons, Gyles, Mundie th'oulde : one of the queenes pallis : Mundie yonge, th'oulde mans sonne : and like wysse others moe : there names would be to longe : therefore I let them goe : yet must I speake of moe : even of straingers also : and firste 1 must bringe in : Alfonso Ferabosco : a strainger borne hee was : in Italie as I heere : Italians sale of hime : in sk'll hee had no peere : Luca Merensio : with others manie moe : as Philipp de Monte : th' emperous man also : and Orlando by name : and eeke Trequillion : Cipriano Rore : and also Andreon : All famus in there arte : there is of that no doute ; there workes no lesse declare ; in everie place aboute : 156 Music. yet let not straingers bragg : nor they these soe commende : for they maye now geve place : and sett them selves be hynde : an Englishe man, by name : William Birde for his skill : which I should have sett first : for soe it was my will : whose greate skill and knowledge : dothe excelle all at this tyme : and farre to strange countries ; abroade his skill dothe shyne : faraus men be abroade : and skilfuU in the arte : I doe confesse the same : and will not from it starte : but in Ewropp is none : like to our Englishe man : which doth so farre exceede : as trulie I it scan : as ye can not finde out : his equale in all thinges : throwghe out the world so wide : and so his fame now ringes : with fingers and with penne : hee hathe not now his peere : for in this world so wide : is none can him come neere : the rarest man hee is : in musick's worthye arte : that now on earthe dothe Hue : I speake it from my harte : or heere to fore hathe bene : or after him shall come : none such I feare shall rise : that maye be calde his sonne : O famus man of skill : and iudgemente greate profounde : lett heaven and earth ringe out : thy worthye praise to sownde : ney lett thy skill it selfe : thy worthie fame recorde : to all posteritie : thy due deserte afforde : and lett them all which heere : of thy greate skill then sale : fare well fare well thou prince : of musicke now and aye : Fare well I sale fare well : fare well and heere I end : fare well melodious Birde : fare well sweete musicks frende : all these thinges doe I speake : not for rewarde or bribe : nor yet to flatter him : or sett him vpp in pride : nor for affeccion : or owght might moue there towe : but even the truth reporte : and that make knowne to yowe : Loe heere I end farewell : comittinge all to God : who kepe us in his grace : and shilde vs from his rodd : Finis : — lo : Baldwine. In the early part of the book the compositions are written in score, irregularly barred. With the exception of the first two works, the only words given in these scores are those of the titles, whilst, in a series of compositions by Luca Marenzio, not even the title is given. In the middle of the collection are a large number of lessons in Discant by Baldwin himself. Dr. Giles, and others. In the latter part of the book the music, generally for three voices, is written in parts with full words. The collection is specially Manuscripts. 157 rich in pre-Elizabethan Church music. There is a Mass for three voices by Byrd, and many other compositions by him. Such names as TalHs, Taverner, J. and W. Mundy, Shepherd, Parsons, Tye, and Elway Bevin recur frequently. There are also many motetts by less known composers, such as W. Damon, Golder, John Byrchley, Robert Johnson of Windsor, Moris Gore, Thomas Woodson, John Bedyngham, John Wood, John Thorne of York, John Dygon, Dr. Cooper, Moorecocke, and Wilkinson. By the last-named is a canon in thirteen parts set to the words of the Nicene Creed. The dux is assigned to Our Lord, and the other parts to the twelve Apostles. 6. Eleven Choir Books, xvii century. Paper. The Master and Fellows of S. Peter s College, Cambridge. There are two sets of these books. Set I. has only four volumes: — Medius and Bassus Cantoris, and Contra-Tenor and Bassus Decani. Set II. is more complete, and comprises seven volumes : — Medius, Tenor, and Bassus Cantoris, and Medius, Contra-Tenor, Tenor, and Bassus Decani. Both sets are written by different hands, and at various periods, ranging from imme- diately after the Reformation to just before the Great Rebellion. The paper used is of various sizes and qualities. The collection appears to have been made during the Mastership of Dr. Cosin (1634-44), who devoted great attention to the services of the College Chapel, which was built in 1633. Both sets have elaborate indexes, classified under several heads, such as " Full " and "Verse" Services, which are again subdivided into "Ad Matutinas," " Ad OflScium Altaris," and " Ad Vespertinas." The "Full" and "Verse" Anthems are also each subdivided into Anthems "Of praise," "Of prayer," and " Of penitence." Then there are headings for Litanies, Psalmi Festivales {i.e. Psalms set in canticle form), Antiphonse Festivales, " Ad Domine labia," " Ad Dominus vobiscum," &c. A notable feature is the number of Latin settings of Services and Litanies for collegiate use. A Latin Litany by Molle is stated to have been written " Pro Coll. Sti. Petri," and a Latin Te Deum and Jubilate by Dr. Child is "For the Right Worshipful Dr. Cosin." ' Further details as to this interesting collection are to be found in an article by Mr. R. C. Hope in the " Autiquarian Magazine," vol. iii. pp. 24-27, London, 1883. 158 Music. 7. Cantus Choir Book, xvii century. Paper. H. 220 m. B. 163 m. Lambeth Palace Library. This volume dates from the. early part of the xvii century. It contains a large collection of Services, Anthems, Responses, and of the elaborate settings of " Psalms " peculiar to the period between the Reformation and the Great Rebellion. The services are by T. Tomkins, Tallis, O. Gibbons, Mundy, Hooper, Strogers, Portman, Morley, Byrd, and Giles. Out of ten services for Matins, all but two have the Venite set in canticle form. Only one has a setting of the Jubilate in place of the Benedictus. That choral celebrations had not quite died out, is shown by two settings of the Sanctus and Gloria. There are 65 Anthems, arranged under the categories of "Verse" and " Full." They include several specially designated for Holy- days, such as Christmas, Innocents', Circumcision, Candlemas, Easter, Ascension, and S. John's, S. Stephen's, and S. Peter's Days. Forty-five are anonymous as regards composers, though in most cases it is easy to supply this information. The composers whose names are given are O. Gibbons, W. Cranford, T. and J. Tomkins, Giles, R. Portman, and T. Ford. 8. Organ Book, Durham cathedral. xvii century. Paper. H. 282 m. B. 173 m. The Dean and Chapter of Durham. A volume of Services and Anthems of the Anghcan Church, roughly compressed into score in six-hne staves for use at the organ. With one exception (an Anthem by Ferrabosco) they are all by English composers. Amongst the Services, there are settings, more or less complete, by Stevenson, Derrick, John Foster, Elway Bevin, Loosemore (includes Litany), Parsons of Exeter, Byrd, Farrant, and Mundy. The last-named is strongly represented by some half-dozen Services, one of which is in " 3 parts for men," and another in " 4 parts for men." There are nine settings of the Benedictus to three of the Jubilate, and the Venite occurs thrice. There is also a setting of the Sursum Corda, Sanctus, and Gloria in excelsis. Amongst the Anthems are works by Tallis ("Arise, O Lord," "O Thou God Almighty," "This is my commandment"), Cranford (" Hear my prayer," — " for a basse alone "), John Foster, Dr. Bull, T. Tomkins, Nicholson, &c. Binding : Brown leather with bands of roll-produced ornament ; miich worn, xvii century. Manuscripts. 159 Tenor Decani Book, Durham cathedral, xvii century. Paper. H. 295 m. B. 187 m. The Dean and Chapter of Durham. This volume contains nothing but Anthems by English composers of late xvi and early xvii centuries. There are many works by Gibbons, Mundy, White, Giles, Byrd, Tomkins, &c. Amongst the less-known composers are Jefferies, Thomas Warrock, Henry Palmer, J. Geeres, Warde, Martin Persone, Fido, Richard Hutchinson. In a dilapidated condition, several leaves wanting and the corners of the leaves worn away. Binding : Brown calf, tooled. 10. Contratenor Cantoris Book, Durham cathedral, xvii century. Paper. H. 500 m. B. 300 m. The Dean and Chapter of Durham. A collection of Services, Responses (not Preces) and " Psalms " by composers of the late xvi and early xvii centuries. It is an excellent specimen of musical calligraphy, and the initial letters have been left blank for illumination. Special settings of the Responses and " Psalms " are provided for the Matins and Evensong of Christmass, the Epiphany, Easter, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, and All Saints Day, though there are no settings for Evensong of the last-named festival or of the Epiphany. Amongst the Services are " full " settings by Parsons, Shepperd, Mundy, and Byrd for Matins, Ante-Communion, and Evensong.. These include the Venite and the Benedictus. There are also "Verse" settings of the Te Deum,. lubilate, Kyrie, Credo, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Dr. Giles (no. I) and Morley, and two evening services (iii and iv) by Adrian Batten. The volume has an elaborate and rubricated table of contents in which the Kyrie and Credo are designated " High Service.'' In good preservation. Binding: Brown calf, tooled ; impressed with the arms of the Chapter, xvii century. 11. Bass Part Choir Book, Durham cathedral, xvii century. Paper. H.295 m. B. 185 m. The Dean and Chapter of Durham. An interesting collection of over 170 Anthems by English 1 60 Music. composers of the late xvi and early xvii centuries, and at the same time an excellent specimen of musical calligraphy. At the beginning is a table of contents, divided into "Full " and "Verse" Anthems, and at the end is a list of " Verse " Anthems arranged under Festivals and Holy Days. These Anthems for special days form a remarkable collection. Not only are the greater Holy Days amply represented — thus there are two Anthems for Christmass, two for Ash-Wednpsday, three for Good Friday, three for Easter Day, four for the Ascension, three for Whitsunday, three for the Purification, two for Michaelmass, and two for All Saints — but there are settings for the 4th Sunday in Advent, Holy Innocents' Day, the Circumcision, ist Sunday in Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter Monday, and many of the Saints' Days. There are also two Anthems for the 5 th of November, and no less than six for "The Kinge's Day." In one of these by Cranford, the words of the twenty-first Psalm have been curiously altered so as to read " O Lord, make Thy servant Charles, our gracious King, to rejoice in Thy strength ; exceeding glad," &c. The chief composers of the period are well represented, and there are many works by the lesser lights such as Rutter, Allinson (? Allison), Geeres, Read ("God stand eth "), Warrock, Yarrowe ("Almighty and everlasting God "), Warde (" Let God arise "), Hinde, Fido (" Hear me, O Lord "), Parsons of Exeter, Gale (" O how amiable"), Cranford, Tozer ("O Lord, let me know"), Ravenscroft ("Olet me hear"), Amner (" I will sing"), Gibbs ("See sinful souls"), &c. The Anthem, "O Lord, the maker of all things," sometimes attributed to Henry VIII., is put down to Shepherd. In good preservation. Binding: Brown calf, tooled; xvn cen- tury. 12. Benjamin Cosyn's Virginal Book, xvii century. Paper. H. 413 m. B. 268 m. Her Majesty the Queen. This Volume is prefaced by A Table of all the lessons generally contained in this Booke, are in Nomber : 96. By me Beniamin Cosyn Right owner of this Booke. At the foot of this table is a " Cach of nine parts in one," set to the words : " Let us goe pray for John Cooks son for he was a very honest man. An arant knaue." The virginal lessons are written on six-line staves, and are, with two exceptions, by Dr. Bull, Orlando Gibbons, and Cosyn himself Manuscripts. 1 6 1 They comprise original compositions, such as Preludes, Fancies, Galliards, Pavins, Almains, &c., and arrangements of popular songs and dance music of the day. The two exceptions are arrangements of Tallis's " Felix namque " and Byrd's " Goe from my window," and from the table of contents it would seem that these works were arranged for the Virginal by the composers themselves. The latter part of the volume contains, under a distinct pagina- tion, scores, equally barred, of Church Services by Tallis (in Dorian mode), Gibbons (in F), Bevin, Strogers, Byrd, and Weelkes, and also the latter's, " O Absalom, my son." In all of these Services there is a setting of the Venite. Binding : calf tooled, with the initials M O barred through, and B C impressed immediately above. 13. A Mass by an English composer, c. 1490. Vellum. \y>- H. 585 m. B. 440 m. The University Library, Cambridge. Nn. vi, 46. This volume consists of 18 ff., and contains a Mass in three parts : Cantus, Contratenor and Bassus, preceded by some other pieces headed Cantus collateralis, apparently a musical instruction in counterpoint in cipher. The versal letters, of which there are 25, are in burnished gold on a crimson and blue ground relieved by delicate white floriated work. On f 2 are two figures : a king — Henry VII. ? — holding a rose, the petals of which are marked with the letters TENOR; and a civilian in a furred gown, — doubtless the composer, — holding three keys in his left hand to which he points, and says : Make age youre guyde now at youre neede By youth of treuth ye can not speede Oif this Tenor I haue the kayes Who lyst to knowe ensue my wayes. On a scroll held by the king are these lines : Or ye any Armony make Off me ye shall youre noumbr take Dyapentes ye must haue three Than wyth this Rose ye shall agree. Y 102 Mtisic. 14, Will. Forster's Virginal Book. 1624. Paper. Her Majesty the Queen. At the beginning of the manuscript is "A Table of the Lessons" included in it, signed, "31 Januarie, 1624. Will Forster." The volume contains 75 compositions, of which no less than 35 are by Byrd, and 26 anonymous. There are specimens of the Corranto, Grounde, Allmaine, Pauan, Quadran Pauan, Parludam, Galliard, Lachramie, &c. Popular music is represented by settings of "LordWillobee's wellcomehome," "Johnson's delighte," "Watkin's Ale,'' " The marchants dreame," &c. Amongst the more serious and scientific music of the time are arrangements of Parson's " Innomyney " and of nine Anthems by Ward. {Printed Books.) John Animucia. 1500-1571. Joannis Animuciae Magistri | Cappellae Sacrosanctae | Basilicae Vaticanae | Missarum Liber | Primus. Colophon (f. 108 V.) : Cum gratia et Priuilegio. | (Printer's device with the motto : nvlla est via invia virtvti) | romae | Apud Haeredes Valerij et Aloysij | Doricorum Fratrum | Brixiensiura. | ANNO DOMINI. M.D.LXVII. Folio. 108 ff. ; 12 staves of five lines to the full page, with running title on a scroll. Dedicated to the Canons of the Vatican Basilica. The title- page, adorned with the papal keys and tiara, is enclosed within a border representing a variety of musical instruments, with Satyrs and Nymphs playing. The volume also contains a great number of ornamental capital letters, some adorned with the arms of the Cenci family; the largest of these measure 129 by 108 millimetres, the smallest 23 by 23. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 422 m. B. 278 m. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Walther, 37. FfiTis, I, no. Printed Books. 1 63 William Byrde. c. 1538-1623. 1. GRADVALIA, | AC | CANTIONES SA- 1 crae, quinis, quaternis, trinisque | vocibus concinnatae. | lib. primvs. | Authore Gulielmo Byrde, | Organista \ Regio, Anglo. \ editio Secunda, priore emendatior. | Dulcia defectd modulatur carmina lingua \ Cantator Cygnus funeris ipse sui. | Mardalis.| -C0NTRATEN0R-|(Band of foliated ornament terminating in lions' heads.) | londini, | Excudebat H. L. Impensis Ricardi Redmeri, | Stellce aurece in D. Pauli Ccemeterio. | 16 10. Quarto. 20 ff. ; architectural head-piece to the title-page ; storied and ornamental initial letters Dedicated to Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 196 ra. B. 146 m. BuRNEY, III, 84. Hawkins, i, 467. FStis, ii, 136. Brunet, i, 1433. Grove, i, 287. 2. svperivs. I Liber primus \ sacrarvm cantio- | num Quinque vocum. | Autore Guilielmo Byrd Organista j Regio, Anglo\ (Band of ornament.) | Excudebat Thomas Estexassigna-\ tione Guilielmi Byrd. \ Cutn priuilegio. Londini. 25. Octob. 1589. Quarto. i6ff. Dedicatory epistle to Edward Somerset, Earl of Worcester. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 206 m. B. 148m. BuRNEY, III, 84. FfiTis, II, 136.- Grove, i, 287. Valkntine Coler of Erfurt. liber primvs I CANTIONVM | SACRARVM, QV/9t VVL- | GO MOTECT^ APPELLANTVR, TAM j VIV^E VOCI, QVAM I NSTRV- MENTis, QvATERNis, | Qvi- 1 nis, senis, septenis, octonis & pluribus voci- | bus accommodatarum. | Avctore | VALENTINO coLEKO ERPHOR- \ diano IlhistriwH Comi- 1 64 Music. turn a Schvvartzeburgk \ Phonasco Sunder shusano. \ CANTVS I Cum Gratia & Privileg. &c. \ vrsellis. \ In officina Musica Cornelij Sutorij sumptibus loannis Lu- I douici Butschij Francofurt. | — | Anno m.dc.iv. Quarto. 7 2 pp. ; ornamental capital letters. Rev. J. C. Jackson. H. 188 m. B. 150 m. FfiTis, II, 333. John Dalla Crock. c. 1 560-1 609. CANTVS. I MvsTCA SACRA : | TO | Sixc Voyces. I Composed in the Italian tongue \ by | Giovanni crock. | Newly Englished. \ (Cut: David harping.)] in London |printkd BY THOMAS ESTK, | the assigne of William Barley. | 1608. Quarto. 1 2 fF. ; ornamental initial letters. Sonnets by Francis Bembo. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 21 1 m. B. 160 m. FfiTis, II, 394. Grove, i, 419. Richard Dering. c. 1 590-1 658. CANTICA SACRA | AD MELODIAM MADRIGALIVM | ELABORATA | SENis vociBVS, I Cum Basso Continuo ad Organum, \ AVCTORE I RICHARDO DIRINGO ANGLO, | IN FACVLTATE MVSiCAE BACALAVREO, | Venerabilium Monialium Anglicarum Bruxellae, in | Monasterio Beatissimse Virginis Mariae | degentium Organista. | cantvs. | (Printer's device.) j ANTVERPiyE | Apvd Petrum Phale- sium I — I M.D.cxviii. Quarto. i2ff. ; ornamental initial letters. The above title Printed Books. 165 within an ornamental border. Dedicatory epistle to Lady Mary Percy, abbess of the convent. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 2 1 1 m. B. 160 m. BuRNEY, III, 368. Hawkins, ii, 577. Grove, i, 441, i. SixTus Dietrich of Augsburg. T I MAGNIFICAT | OCTO TONORVM. | AVTORE XISTO THEO | DERico. I Liber Primus. Colophon : Argentorati, per Petrum Schaefferum, & Mathiam Apiarium. Anno . m.d.xxxv. Sexta die Martij. Oblong quarto. 20 ff.; sign. A^, B^, C^; 4 staves of 5 lines to the full page. Dedicatory epistle to Simon Grynaeus. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 122 m. B. 142 m. 20 additional fif. in MS. : Canticles, Antiphons and Psalms set to music. WaLTHER, 604. FfiTIS, III, 18. Boniface Gratiani. 1609-1672. MOTETTi I A DVE, TRE, | E Cinque Voci. I DI d-bonifatio gratiani I Maestro di Cappella nella Chiesa del | giesv, e Seminario Romano. | libro terzo oeera settima | (Arms of Cardinal Francis Barberini.) | in roma, | Per Mauritio Balmonti. m.dc.lviii. | — [ Con licenza de Superiori. Quarto. 20 ff. ; the above title within an ornamental border ; ornamental initial letters. With dedicatory epistle to Cardinal F. Barberini. Fdtis and Mendel are in error in stating that none of Gratiani's works were published during his lifetime. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 2 1 1 m. B. 1 60 m. Peter Joannelli of Bergamo. CANTVS. I NOVI THESAVRI | MVSICI | LIBER PRIMVS | QVO selectissime I Planeque nouse, nee vnquam in lucem 1 66 Music. seditae | cantiones sacrse (quas vulgo moteta vo- 1 cant) continentur octo, septem, sex, quinque | ac quatuor vocum, a prestantissimis ac|huius aetatis, precipuis Sym- phoniacis | compositse, quae in sacra Ecclesia catho- 1 lica, summis solemnibusque festiuitatibus, | canuntur, ad omnis generis instrumenta | musica, accommodatse : Petri loannelli | Bergomensis de Gandino, summo | studio ac labore collectae, eiusque | expensis impressae. | Venetijs Apud Antonium Gardanum. 1568 | cvm GRAT : ET PRiviL : | Sac : Ro : Cae : Ma : Et 111 : Senatus Venet. 6 vols, quarto. The five first volumes containing the Cantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, and Quintus, have each 240 ff. ; the sixth, Sextus, only 126 ff. The title-page has an architectural border; the work is further adorned with the portrait of Ferdinand I., with the arms of Maximilian II., and with those of the archdukes Ferdinand and Charles, and of Peter Joannelli, as also with a number of ornamental versal letters. L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 247 m. B. 175 m. A presentation copy, preceded by a printed leaf with this dedication : magnifico | AC GENEROSO DOMINO | DOMINO lOHANNI HAVG- | WITZ, DE BIS- CAVBiTZ, I IN RATSCHiTZ, SACRiE CiESARE^ | Maie : Consiliario, nee non Morauise Camerario, &c. | Domino suo Gr^tioso, Petrus loanellus de | Gandino, ofificij ac obseruantiae ergo | dono dedit. Walther, 331. FfiTis, IV, 442. John Hierome Kapsberger. LiBRO Primo I Di Mottetti Passeggiati | a una Voce | Del Sig. I Gio. GiROLAMO | Kapsberger ] Nobile Alemano. | Raccolto | Dal Sig' | Francesco | De Nobili I In Roma 161 2. Con Priuilegio. The above title on the central panel of an engraved title-page. Folio. 12 ff. The music engraved on copper-plates. H. 270 m. B. 190 m. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 332 m. B. 225 m. Walther, 335. Ffixis, iv, 477. Printed Books. 167 John Knoefel of Lauban. DVLCISSIM^ QV^DAM | CANTIONES, NVMERO XXXII. QVINQVE, I SEX ET SEPTEM VOCVM, ITA FACTy^i:, VT | turn humanae voci, turn Musicis Instrumen- 1 tis aptae esse pOSsint, I AVTHORE I lOANNE KNEFELIO LAVBENSI,| iLLVSTRis- 1 simi Principis ac Domini, Domini henrici, Ducis Silesiae, Lignicen. [ Brigen. & Goltbergen. Musici chori Magistro. | altvs | cvm gratia et privilegio c^SARE^ | Maic. ad annos sex. | NORiBERGiE, I IN OFFICINA THEODORICI GERLATZENI. I M.D.LXXI. Oblong quarto. 28 ff. ; with ornamental capital letters. Rev. J. C. Jackson. Walther, 342. F^TIS, V, 65. Peter de La Rue. Misse Petri de la Rue. |Beate virginis | Puer natus | Sexti. Utfa | Lomme arme | Nuqua fue pena maior. Oblong quarto. 16 fF. in 2 quires with signatures Aaa*^ Bbb^ ; evidently therefore having formed part of a large collection of sacred music printed at Venice by Octavius Petrucci in 1503. Produced by two printings ; apparently the notes and text first, and then the staves. W. H, Cummings. H. 153 m. B. 219 m. Mendel, vi, 250. DfiMOTZ DE La Salle. 16 -1741. BREVIAIRE I ROMAIN NOTfi | SELON | UN NOUVEAU systIime I DE CHANT, | Tres-court, tres-facile & tres- siir. I APPROuvfi PAR MESSIEURS | de I'Acaddmie Royale des Sciences, | & par les plus habiles Musiciens de | Paris, l/'a;' M * * * Pretre.l Contenant I'Exercice 1 68 Music. du Chretien, un extrait | des Rubriques, des Ceremonies & du Rituel, | la Methode pour apprendre ce nouveau | Systeme, le Pseautier, I'Antiphonier, le | Processional, les Messes de toute I'annee, | & les plus belles & plus curieuses pieces de | Chant. | a paris, | Chez Gabriel- Francois QuiLLAU I Fils, Imp. Jur. Lib. de 1' Uni- versity, I rue Galande, a I'Annonciation. | - | m.dcc. XXVII. Duodecimo. 22 fif., 1476 and xxx pp. ; with portrait of J. B. J. Languet de Gercy, curd of S. Sulpice, Paris, to whom the volume is dedicated. Charles Walker. H. 148 m. B. 82 m. This copy belonged to the author, who was parish priest of Virieu le Grand. FfiTIS, II, 466. Roland de Lattre. 1520-1594- CANTVS I MISS^ ORLANDI LASSI | CVM QVINQVE, ET SEXVOCIBVS I CANENDE, NVPERRIMEIMPRESSE. [(Printer's device.) | Venetijs Apud Angelum Gardanum. | M.D. LXXXXI. Quarto. 64 pp. ; ornamental versal letters. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. Peter Philipps. c. 1 560-1 630. CANTIONES I SACRAE, | PRO PR^CIPVIS FESTIS | TOTIVS ANNi I Et Communi Sanctorum | qvinis vocibvs, ] AVTORE R. D. | PETRO PHILIPPI ANGLO, | CANONICO soiGNiENSi I Et Serenissimorum alberti et isabell^e Archiducum \ Austrm, Ducum Burgundies, Brabantia etc. & Bel- I gicarum Prouinciarum Principum \ Printed Books. 169 ORGANiSTA CONCINNAT^. j ALTVS. | (Cut : the Blessed Virgin and Child. H. 42 m. B. 42 m.) | antverpi^ | Ex Typographia Petri Phalesij ad insigne | davidis REGIS I — I M.D.cxn. Quarto. 40 ff. ; ornamental versal letters ; dedication to Our Lady of Montaigu. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 196 m. B. 146 m. Walther, 477. Hawkins, i, 483. FfiTis, vii, 39. Grove, ii, 705. PARADISVS I SACRIS CANTIONIBVS | CONSITVS, | VNA, DVABVS ET TRIBVS | VOCIBVS DECANTANDIS. | Cum BaSSO Generali ad Organum. \ avctore r. d. | petro philippi ANGLO, I ECCLESI^ COLLEGIATiE S-VIIST- | CENTII SONEGIEN- sis CANONico, I Et Serenissimorum Albert: et Isabella | Archiducum Austriae &c. Organista. | Nuncprimum in lucem editus. \ prima pars. | (Printer's device.) | antverpi^, | apud petrvm phalesivm | ad insigne Dauidis Regis | — | m.d.cxxviii. Quarto. 56 fF. ; with dedicatory epistle to Francis de Rie, arch- bishop of Csesarea, dean of Besangon, almoner and chaplain of the archduchess, dated from Brussels, 31 March, 1628. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 21 1 m. B. 160 m. Grove, ii, 705. John Antony Rigatti. 16 . .-1649. PRIMO Soprano | MOTTETI | a dve e tre voci I con VNA MESSA BREVE NEL FINE | DI GIO ANTONIO RIGATTI | DEDICATI I AL Molto Illustre Et Reuerendissimo Signer I ERA BERNARDO VITTE | PROTHONOTARIO APOSTOLICO | ADMINISTRATORE DELLA CHIESA PRIORALE | DI SAN GIO : GEROSOLIMITANO | IN PRAGA. | CON PRIVILEGIO | Z 1 70 Music. (Printer's device.) | in venetia, | | Appresso Alessandro Vincenti. m dc xxxxvii. Quarto. 56 pp.; ornamental initials. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. Gai.eazzo Sabbatini. CANTVS|SACR^.LAVDES | mvsicis concentibvs I A GALEATIO SABBATINO | CONTEXTAE, | DVABVS, TRIBVS, QVATERNis | QviNiSQVE vociBvs | Concinnendse. | Vna | Cum Bassus Continuus pro Organo. | ill"""- ac r™°- d.d. MALATESTAE BALEONO | PISAVRENSIVM EPISCOPO. BETVN^. ETC. DOMINO I DICAT^ j OPVS TERTIVM | LIBER PRIMVS | svPERioRVM PERMissv. | (Arms : a fess, surmounted by a cardinal's hat.) | venetiis. Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. 1626. Quarto. 16 ff. ; ornamental initials. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. Francis Sale. MISSARVM I solenniorvm, tam sancto- | rum quam Festorum | officia labentis anni, in ca | tholicae Ecclesise vsum, harmonice contra punctum ac | suauissime concinnata, sicque antea in lucem non sedita. | serenissimae reginae magdalenae | chori Halae ad Aenum Magistro francisco sale Authore | PRIMVS TOMVS. I Anno m.d.lxxxix. Folio. 198 ff.; with signatures +* A*-Z* a*-z* aa* bb* cc^. The above title within an architectural frame adorned with the arms of the Pope, the Emperor, the kings of Spain and France, the archdukes of Austria, and the duke and duchess of Bavaria, signed [^ and headed patrocinivm mvsices. Dedicatory epistle to Wolfgang Theodore, archbishop of Salzburg. Printed Books. 171 Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley, Bart. H.455 m. B. 340 m. Stamped pigskin with brass corners, knops, and clasps. Walther, 538. FfiTis, VII, 377. Louis Senfl of Augst. C.I 490- 1 556. LIBER SELECTARVM | CANTIONVM QVAS | VVLGO MVTETAS I APPELLANT SEX | QVINQVE ET | QVATVOR | VOCVM. Folio. 272 ff . ; sign, A^-Ll^ ; musical notation on 5 line staves, 8 to the full page. On the verso of the title are the arms of Cardinal Matthew Lang, archbishop of Salzburg j i and 4, per pale, I a lion rampant, 2 a fess ; 2 and 3 a demiated rose impaling a demiated fleur de lys ensigned with a crosier and cardinal's hat. The volume is dedicated to the Cardinal by Dr. Sigismund Grimm and Mark Wirsung of Augsburg. From this dedication and from an afterword (f. 271 v.) by Conrad Peutinger of Augsburg, dated 28 October, 1520, we learn that the volume was edited by Louis Senfl, and printed by Grimm and Wirsung, at whose cost it was produced. On f. 272 is a Canon by Senfl : Salve sancta parens dulcis amor mens, within an ornamental border, at the foot of which are satyrs, two shields with the arms of Grimm and Wirsung, and the date 1520. Alfred IT. Littleton. H.432 m. B. 280 m. Zapf, lviii, lxiii, and 79. (Panzer, vi, 159, 188.) FfiTis, viii, 15. ElTNER, 14. Caecilia, 25, 277. Mendel, ix, 217. Grove, in, 463. Michael Varoti. CANTVS. I REVERENDI j D. MICHAELIS | VAROTI | CATHE- DRALIS ECCLESI^ I NOVARIENSIS CANONICI | PSALMODIA VESPERTiNA | IN DIALOGO | Octonis vocibus, altcrnatis Choris I decantanda. | primvs chorvs ] (Printer's de- vice.) I MEDiOLANi, I — I Apud haeredes Francisci, & Simonis Tini. 1594. Quarto. 12 if.; the title within an ornamental border. Dedication to the canons of Novara. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. 1 7 2 Music. Peter Vinci of Nicozia. C.I 540-1 584. CANTVS I PETRI VINCII SICVLI | NICOSIENSIS | CAPELL/E S. MARIM MAIORIS | BERGOMI MAGISTRl\ MissaVUm CUM quinque sex, & octo, vocibus. \ Liber Primus. | (Printer's device.) | venetiis. \ — | apvd haeredem HIERONYMI SCOTI. | M D L XXV, Quarto. 24 pp. Ornamental versal letters. Dedicatory epistle to Antonello Arcimboldi, protonotary apostolic and senator of Milan. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. FfiTis, VIII, 356. PSALMORUM SE- 1 lectorvm a pr^stantissi- | mis HVIVS NOSTRI TEMPORIS IN ARTE MV- | SICA ARTIFICIBVS IN HARMONIAS QVATVOR, | QVINQVE, ET SEX VOCVM REDACTORVM | TOMVS PRIMVS. | QVI CVM FERE, VT RELIQVI I tres, nouos, & hactenus in publico non conspectos | uel auditos Psalmos contineat, Recens natus recte did potest. \ (A cartellino dated 1546, inscribed tenor.) | Noribergae, ex ofificina loannis Montani, & Vlrici Neuberi. | Anno salutiferi Christi lesu partus m.d liii. Oblong quarto. 66 ff. ; signatures a*" b*-q* ; ornamental initial letters. The title of the Tenor part only in red and black ; the other parts are headed : Discantus, Altus, Bassus tomi primi. Dedicatory epistle by Montanus to Clement, abbot of Brunbach, dated 11 August, 1553. TOMVS SECVNDVS | PSALMORVM SELECTORVM, QVATVOR ET PLVRivM VOCVM. | (tenor) | Noribergas, in officina loannis Montani, | & Ulrici Neuberi. Anno salutis | m.d. liii. 66 ff. ; signatures a*-q* r- with a cut of the Transfiguration. TOMVS TERTIVS | PSALMORVM SELECTORVM, CtC. aS above. 76 ff.; sign. a*-t*. TOMVS QVARTVS | PSALMORVM SELECTORVM, etC. aS abovC. 82 ff. J sign. a*-u* x~. Printed Books. 173 L. Rosenthal, Munich. H. 134 m. B. 187 m. Original stamped leather binding. EiTNER, 127 and 136. SVPERIVS I CANTIONES, QVAE AB | ARGVMENTO SACRAE VOCANTVR, I QVINQVEET SEX PARTIVM, AVTORIBVS | Thoma Tallisio et Guilielmo Birdo Anglis, Serenis- | simae Regineae Maiestati a priuato Sacello ge- | nerosis, & Organistis. | Cvm privilegio. \ Excudebat Thomas VautroUerius typographus Lon- | dinensis in claustro vulgo Blackfriers | commorans, 1575. Oblong quarto. 32 ff. ; with engraved title-page. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 150 m. B. 210 rn. F^Tis, 11, 135. Grove, i, 286. CANTO I DEL PRIMO CHORD. | DI M. GIOVANNI PIERLVIGI | DA PALESTINA | VNA MESSA A OTTO VOCI SOPRA IL SVO | CONFITEBOR A DVE CORI. | ET DI M BARTHOLOMEO LO ROI I MAESTRO DI CAPELLA DEL VICERE DI NAPOLI | vna Messa a quattro Sopra Panis quern ego dabo tibi, de Lupo. ( Nouamente poste in luce. \ (Printer's device.) | IN viNEGiA. Appresso I'Herede di Girolamo Scotto. | M D LXXXV Quarto. 20 pp. ; ornamental initial letters. Dedicated to the Lady Leonora Cibo of the Convent of the Murate at Florence, by John Becci, canon of Fiesole. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. CANTVS I MISSAE DOMINICALES | QVINIS VOCIBVS j DIVER- SORVM AVCTORVM. | A F. IVLIO PELLINIO CARMEL. MANT. | COLLECTAE. | (Arms.) | mediolani, | Ex Typographia Michaelis Tini, Ad signum Famae. \ — | m.d.lxxxxii. Quarto. 24 ff. ; ornamental versal letters. Dedicatory epistle to Alphonsus II, duke of Ferrara. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. 1 74 Music. FLORILEGIVM | sacrarvm | cantionvm | qvinqve vocvM I Pro diebus Dominicis & Festis \ totius Anni, | E CELEBERRIMIS NOSTRI | TEMPORIS MVSICIS, | Quorum nomina habentur in Indice. \ altvs. | (Printer's device.) I ANTVERPiiE I Ex Typographia Petri Phalesij | ad insigne Dauidis Regis. | — | m. dcix. | cvm privilegio. Quarto. 48 ff. ; ornamental versal letters. The title enclosed within an ornamental frame. Dedicatory preface to Arnold von Machelen, canon of the Cathedral of S Donatian and archdeacon of Bruges, dated from Antwerp, 3rd July, 1609. Her Majesty the Queen. H. J96m. B. 1.1.6m. CANTO I. I SCELTA Di MOTETTi | De diuersi Eccellen- tissimi Autori | A dzte, tre, quattro, e cinque voci, \ Da potersi cantare in diuerse Feste dell' Anno, si per | Monache, come anco per voci ordinarie. | raccolti | DA . GIOVANNI POGGiOLi. | (Arms of Paul Caccia, lord of Poggio Sommavilla, to whom this volume is dedi- cated : on a fess, a dog courant, in chief 3 fleurs de lys.) I IN ROMA, Per Lodouico Grignani 1647. Con licenza de Superiori. \ — | Ad I stanza di Antonio Poggioli air Insegna del Martello in Parione. Quarto. 48 pp. ; ornamental initials. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 206 m. Ejn hubsch new Gesang | buch darinnen begrieffen die Kirchen or- 1 dnug / vnnd geseng / die ziir Lants Kron/vnnd | Fulneck inn Behem, von der Christly- chen Bru- 1 derschafft den Piccarden / die biszhero fur vnchris- 1 ten / vnd Ketzer gehalten / gebraucht vnnd teglich | Gott zli ehren gesungen Werden. Colophon: |[ Gedruckt zii Vim bey Hans Varnier. | An. M.D. xxxviij. Printed Books. 175 Oblong quarto. 4, cxiiij and 6ff. ; 22 long lines to the full page ; with ornamental initial letters to the hymns, and with Varnier's device on the title-page ; the title only in red and black ; the musical notation on a staff of five lines, five to the full page. Signatures : a*-z+, A*-G*. This is the first printed Protestant Hymn-book known. The hymns are set to the melodies of old Catholic Sequences and Hymns, e.g.^ Veni Redemptor gentium ; Ave hierarchia caelestis et pia ; Dies est laetitiae ; Kyrie Fons bonitatis ; Grates nunc omnes, &c. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H. 135 m. B. 184 m. Wants f. xlv. This volume belonged to Sebastian Bach, whose son Charles gave it to Doctor Burney in 1772. It subsequently belonged to Mr. J. Staffoj-d Smith and to the Rev. W. H. Havergal. There is another copy — imperfect — of this edition in the Royal Library, Berlin. Burney, hi, 31. Souter Liedekens | Ghemaect ter eeren Gods / op alle die | Psalmen van Dauid : tot stichtin | ghe / ende een gheestelike ver | makinghe van alien I Christen menschen. | (Cut : David seated, playing the harp.) I c; Gheprent Thantwerpen / op die Lom- baerden veste / teghen [ die Gulden hant ouer / By mi Symon Cock. Anno | M. CCCCC. ende XL. den. xij. in Junio. | Cum Gratia et Priuilegio. Octavo. 4 and Clxxxij ff., in red and black. The Psalms are here set to popular airs such as : Een ridder ende een meysken ionc ; Vrou Venus ghi zijt so schoonen wijf ; Die Bruyt en wou niet te bedde ; Nu hoort na mi ghi Venus kinderen. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 159 m. B. 102 m. Original binding with roll-produced bands of ornament. VoGT, 558. C The booke of Common praier noted. | 1550. Colophon, beneath the printer's device : imprinted by richard I GRAFTON PRINTER TO THE | KINGES MAIESTIE. | 1550. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1 76 Music. By John Merbecke, organist, Windsor. Quarto. 68 ff., with musical notation on a staff of four red lines storied and ornamental initial letters. The title within an architectural frame, having Grafton's device on the base. Signatures : A2 B*-R* S2. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. H. 194 m. B. 142 m. FfiTis, V, 439. Grove, ii, 312. DEssus. I PSEAVMES | en vers mezvrez | mis en MVSiQUE, I A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 8 parties, j Par Clavde le Ievne, natif de Valentienne, Compositeur! de la Musique de la chambre du Roy. | a Paris, Par Pierre Ballard, Imprimeur en Musique du Roy. I — I 1606 I AvEC Privilege de sa MaiestS:. Oblong quarto. 40 ff.; with portrait of Claude le Jeune, 1598,1 ornamental head-pieces and initial letters. The title within an engraved border. The volume is dedicated by Cecilia le Jeune to M. Odet de la Noue. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 162 m. B. 210 m. Hawkins, ii, 354. Grove, ii, 118, 2. Marcellini Verardi Csesenatis Elegia. Impressum RortiEe per Magistrum Eucha | rium Silber : alias Franck : Anno Domini | m.cccc.xciii. Die uero. VII. Martii. Quarto. 8ff. ; 26 long lines to the full page ; without running title, signatures, foliation, or catch-words. The two last pages are occupied by an Italian song, the notation on a staff of five lines printed from blocks. These poems were published together with a drama by Charles Verard, Marcellinus's uncle, entitled . Historia Baetica, seu de expugnatione Granatae a Ferdinando Hispaniarum rege, represented at Rome on the twenty-first of April, 1492. Alfred H. Littleton. H. 204 m. B. 145 m. Brhnet, V, 1 128. VARIA CARMI- I NVM GENERA, QVIBVS TVM | HovatiuS, turn alij egregij Poetce, Grcsci & Latini, ueteres & recentiores, \ sacin & prophani usi sunt, suauissimis Printed Books. 177 harm'onijs composita, authore \ lvdovico senflio HELVETio, Illustrissi-\ mi Boiorum principis Guilielmi etc. I Musico primario. \ cantvs secvn | dus Tenorein agens. Colophon : Norimbergje apud Hieronymum Formschneider | Anno. M.D.xxxiiii. Oblong quarto. 40 ff. media vox. 32ff. bassa vox. 32 ff. CANTVS SECVNDVS. 32 ff. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H.97 m. B. 144 m. Brunet, v. 289. Mendel, ix, 216. Grove, hi, 463. BASsvs. I Songs of sundrie natures, some of | grauitie, and others of myrth, fit for all com pa- | nies and voyces. Lately made and composed in- \ to Musick of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts : and pub- \ lished for the delight of all such as take \ pleasure in the exercise of \ that Art. I By William Byrd, one of the Gentlemen | of the Queenes Maiesties honorable | Chappell. | (A tail- piece between two bands of ornament with the royal arms and crowned Rose.) | Imprinted at London by Thomas | Este, the assigne of William Byrd, and are to bee ! sold at the house of the sayd T. Este, beeing in I Aldersgate streete, at the signe of the | blacke Horse. 1589. | Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. Quarto. 3off. ; with storied and ornamental initial letters. Dedicatory epistle to Sir Henry Garye, Baron of Hunsdon. Rev. J. C.Jackson. F^Tis, II, 135. Grove, i, ^7. THE I CITTHARN | SCHOOLE | BY | ANTONY HOLBORNE \ Gentleman, and seruant to her most | excellent Maiestie. | Hereunto are added sixe short aers | Neapolitan like to three voyces, with- | out the Instrum,ent : done by his bro- \ ther william holborne. I (Printer's device.) | at London \ Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on | Breadstreet hill at the signe of | the Starre 1597. 2 A 1 78 Music. Quarto. 68fif. ; with the printer's device at the end. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Burgh, baron Gainsburghe, lord governor of Breill and the forts of Clayburgh and Mewennowt in the countie of Holland, in the Low Countries. The Royal College of Music, Kensington Gore. LE MVSICHE I DI lACOPO PERI | NOBIL FIORENTINO | Sopra I'Euridice | del sig. ottavio rinvccini | Rappresentate Nello Sponsalizio | della Cristianissima I MARIA MEDICI | REGINA DI FRANCIA | E DI NAVARRA. | (Arms : France impaling Medici.) | in fiorenza | APPRESSO GIORGIO MARESCOTTI | MDC. Folio. 29 fif. On the last is the printer's device, and beneath it : IN FIORENZA | NELLA STAMPERIA DEL MARESCOTTI. | MDC. Count P. de Resse. Brunet, IV, 1311. DESSVS. I LE PRINTEMPS | DE CLAVD. LE lEVNE, | NATIF DE VALENTIENNE, | Compositeur de la Musique de la chambre du Roy. | a devx. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. et 8. parties. I A PARIS. I Par la Veufue R. Ballard, & son Fils Pierre Ballard | Imprimeur en Musique du Roy, demeuransrue S. lehan | de Beauuais a I'Enseigne du mont Parnasse | m.dciii, | — | Auec priuilege de sa Majeste. Oblong quarto. 42 ff. Tke title within an engraved frame Portrait of Claude le Jeune. Dedicatory epistle by Cecilia le Jeune to King James I. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 162 m. B. 210 m. Hawkins, ii, 534. Ffixis, v, 262. Brunet, hi, 953. Mendei,, vi, 289. Grove, ii, 118. DESSVS. I octonaires | de lavanite, etincon- I stance DV MONDE. I Mis en Musique a 3. & a 4. parties | Par Clavde le Ievne, natif de Valentienne, Compositeur! Printed Books. lyt) de la Musique de la chambre du Roy. | a paris, | Far Pierre Ballard, Imprimeur en Musique du Roy, de- 1 meurant rue S. lean de Beauuais, a I'enseigne du mont Parnasse. | — | 1606. | Avec Privilege de sa MaiestE. Oblong quarto. 26 S. The title in an engraved frame; the printer's device on the last page. Dedicatory epistle to M. Constans, governor of the island and castle of Marans. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 162 m. B. 210 m. Hawkins, II, 534. Brunet, iii, 953. Grove, 11, 119, 2. MVSICKE I OF I SVNDRIE | KINDES, | Set forth in two Bookes. I THE FIRST WHEREOF ARE, | AriesfoT 4. Voices to the Lute, OrphoHon, \ or Basse-Viol, with a Dia- logue for two I Voices, and two Basse- Viols in parts, | tunde the Lute way. | the second are j Pauens, Galiards, Almaines, Toies, \ ligges, Thumpes and such like, for two | Basse- Viols, the Lieraway, so made as the | greatest number may serue to play alone, very \ easie to be performde. | Composed by Thomas Ford. | Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet at the Assignes | of William Barley and are to be sold by Iohn Browne | in Saint Dunstons churchyard in Fleetstreet 1607. Folio. 24 ff. The above title within an architectural frame, adorned with six figures of Justice, Prudence, &c. Ornamental borders, head and tail-pieces, and initial letters. Dedications to Sir Richard Weston, Knight, and Sir Richard Tichborne. Extremely rare. Anderson's College, Glasgow. H.373 m. B. 225 m. Hawkins, ii, 570. Ffixis, in, 291. Grove, i, 540. PARTHENIA | or | the maydenhead | of the first musicke that | euer was printed for the Virginalls Composed | By three famous Masters : William Byrd, Dr. Iohn Bull, & Orlando Gibbons, \ Gentilmen of 1 80 Music. his Ma*"' most Illustrious Chappell. \ Dedicated to all the Maisters and Louers of Musick \ Iiigrauen \ by William Hole. \ for \ Dorethie Euans. | Cum | Priuilegio. | (Figure of a young lady seated playing on the virginals.) | Printed at London by G : Lowe, and are to be soulde | at his howse in Loathberry. The above title engraved on a plate (H. 245 m. B. isom.) is followed by 2 1 pieces all on six-line staves, and engraved on copper plates, being the first musical work thus produced in England. Commendatory verses by " Mr. Hugh Holland on his worthy frend W. H. and his Triumuiri of Musicke " and others by " Mr. Geo. Chapman in worthye loue of this new worck, and the most Autenticall Aucthors '' are prefixed. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 300 m. B. 190 m. BuRNEY, III, 91. Hawkins, i, 468. Grove, ii, 653. Musical Times, 1877, 524. CHOIX I DE CHANSONS | MISES EN MUSIQUE \ PAR M. DE LA BORDE, I Premier Valet-de-Chambre ordinaire du Roi, I Gouverneur du Louvre. | ornees d'estampes \ par J. M MOREAU, I D£DI£ES A MADAME LA DAUPHINE. | A PARIS 1 Chez DE LoRMEL, Imprimeur de I'Academie Koyale | de Musique. i;73. Oct. 4 vols. Portrait of J. B. de La Borde engraved by L. T. Mesquelier after Denon. The other plates of vol. i are by J. M. Moreau le Jeune; those in vols. 2, 3 and 4 by Masquelier after Le Bouteux and Le Barbier. The music and text engraved by Moria and Vendome. Her Majesty the Queen. H. 240 m. B. 160 m. Bound in red morocco tooled. Brunet, III, 712. i8i INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS. PAfiB Antiphonarium secundum usum ecclesiae Romanae. ix saec. ... i „ secundum usum S. Ambrosii. c.1200 ... ... 7 „ c. 1300 10 „ pro aliquibus fastis, xiv saec. ... ... ... 10 „ ad usum ecclesiae Eboracensis. xvsaec. ... ... 26 „ Pars hyemalis. c. 1530 ... ... ... ••■ 24 Ars Musice. xiii saec. ... ... ... 121 Baldwin (John), Collection of Motetts, etc. 1606 154 Breviarium ad usum ecclesiae Brixiensis. c.1200 ... ... ... 7 „ „ „ Callinensis. xiii saec. ... ... 9 Breviarium regulare musice. xiv saec. ... ... ... ... 123 Choir Book of the Abbey of Saint Gall. 1562 ... ... ... 153 Choir Books, containing English Catholic Church music. Early XVI century ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 152 „ containing Anglican Church music, xvii century 157, 158, 159 CosYN (Benjamin), Virginal Book, xvii century ... ... ... 160 CuTELL (Richard), Rules of Discant. xiv century ... ... 122 Directorium secundum usum ecclesiae Sarisburiensis. xiv saec. ... 13 FoRSTER (William), Virginal Book. 1624 162 Franco (Magister), Tractatus de Musica et de Discantu. xiv saec. 1 2 2 Graduale secundum usum ecclesiae Romanae. ix saec. ... ... i „ ,, „ i> X saec. ... ... 3 » .. XI saec 5 „ „ >, c.1200 6 » c.1200 7 Graduale ad usum congregationis Olivetanae, ordinis S. Benedict!. c. 1410 ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... 13 „ ad usum ecclesiae Sarisburiensis. xvsaec 25 „ ad usum ecclesiae Ungaricae. xvsaec. ... ... ... 26 1 82 Index of Manuscripts. PAGE Mass by an English composer, c. 1490 ... ... .,. •■. 161 Metrologus Liber de plana musica. xiv saec. ... ... ... 122 Missale Romanum cum Kalendario ecclesiae Veronensis. xiv saec. 1 1 Processionale secundum usum monasterii S. Salvatoris de Syon. XIV saec. ... ... ... ... 12 Psalterium cum Kalendario. xiii saec. ... ... ... ... 8 „ ad usum ecclesiae B. Mariae Virginis Traiecti, cum Kalendario. 0.1400 ... ... ... ... ... 13 ,, cum Hymnario ad usum ecclesiae Regiensis. c. 1470 21 Sequentiarum liber ad usum ecclesiae Traiectensis. xiv saec. ... 10 Theinredi Doverensis Musica. xiv saec. ... ... ... ... 122 Tractatus de Musica. 13J1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 122 Troparium. x saec. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 i83 INDEX OF PRINTED BOOKS. PAGE Aaron (Peter), Libri tres de Institutione Harmonica. Bologna, 1516. Quarto. ... 123 „ „ Thoscanello de la Musica. Venice, 1523. Fol. 123 ,, ,, Trattato della natura et cognitione di tutti gli tuoni di canto figurato. Venice, 1525. Fol. ... 124 Agenda ecclesie Moguntinensis. (Mentz), c. 1495. Quarto. ... 71 „ parrochialium ecclesiarum . Basel, 1488. Fol. ... ... 67 Agendorum (Liber) ecclesie Bambergensis. Bamberg, 1491. Quarto 68 Animucia (John), Missarum liber primus. Rome, 1567. Fol. ... 162 Antiphonale diurnum, dispositum iuxta Breviarium Monasticum. Toul, 1643. I'ol- ••• •■• ■■• ■•• ■•• ^^3 Antiphonarii Romano-Moguntinensis (Extractus). Mentz, 187 1. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 115 Antiphonarii Romano-Moguntinensis (Extractus). Mentz, 1872. Fol IIS „ Sarisburiensis pars hyemalis. Paris, 15 19. Fol. ... 98 Artusi (John Mary), L' Arte del Contraponto. Venice, 1598. Fol. 125 „ „ „ L'Artusi, overo delle imperfettioni della moderna Musica. Venice, 1600. Fol. ... ... 125 „ „ „ Seconda parte dell Artusi, overo delle imperfettioni della moderna Musica. Venice, 1603. Fol 126 AvENTiNus, see Thurnmaier. Bonaventure of Brescia (Brother), Regula musice plane, vel Breviloquium musicale. Venice, 1524. Oct. ... 126 Benelli, see Melone. BuRCi (Nicholas), Musices opusculum, cum defensione Guidonis Aretini. Bologna, 1487. Quarto. ... ... ... 127 Byrde (William), Gradualia ac Cantiones Sacrae, quinis, quaternis, trinisque vocibus concinnatae. London, 16 10. Quarto. 163 „ „ Liber primus Sacrarum Cantionum quinque vocum. London, 1589. Quarto. ... 163 184 Index of Printed Books. PAGE Byrde (William), Songs of sundrie natures, some of gravitie, and others of myrth. London, 1589. Quarto. ... ... 177 Byrde (William) and Tallis (Thomas), Cantiones quae abargumento sacrae vocantur. London, 1575. Quarto 173 Cantorinus Romanus. Venice, 15 13. Oct. ... ... ... 118 ,, et Processionarius secundum ritum congregationis Cassinensis, ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Venice, 1535. Get n8 CocHLAEUs, see Dobnek. CoLER (Valentine), Liber primus Cantionum Sacrarum, quae vulgo Motectae appellantur. Ursel, 1604. Quarto... ... 163 Croce (John dalla), Musica Sacra to sixe voyces. London, 1608. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 Bering (Richard), Cantica Sacra ad melodiam Madrigalium elaborata. Antwerp, 16 18. Quarto. ... Dietrich (Sixtus), Magnificat octo tonorum. Strassburg, 1535 Quarto. Dobnek (John), Tetrachordum Musices. Nuremberg, 15 12 Quarto. Faber, see Lefebvre. Florilegium Sacrarum Cantionum quinque vocum. Antwerp, i6og Quarto. FoGLiANi (Louis), Musica theorica. Venice, 1529. Fol.... Ford (Thomas), Musicke of sundrie kindes. London, 1607. Fol, Frosch (John), Rerum musicarum opusculum. Strassburg, 1535 Fol 164 165 127 174 128 179 128 Gafori (Francis), Theoricum opus armonice discipline. Naples, 1480. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... 129 J) J) jj )) )j jj Milan, 1492. Fol. ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 „ ,, Practica musice. Milan, 1496. Fol. ... ... 131 „ „ „ „ Brescia, 1502. Fol. ... 132 ,> „ » » Venice, 1512. Fol 132 „ „ Angelicum ac divinum opus musice. Milan, 1508. Fol. ... ... ... ... ... ... 133 „ „ De Harmonia Musicorum Instrumentorum opus. Milan, 1518. Fol. ... 134 Gallus, see Wollick. Index of Printed Books. 185 PAGE Gesangbuch (Ein hubsch new) von der Bruderschaflft den Piccarden. 'Ulm, 1538. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... 174 Glareanus, see Lorit. Graduale Romano-Moguntinum. Mentz, 1870. Fol 114 „ Romanum. Venice, 1500. Fol. 75 .. 1580. Fol. Ill „ ,1 >, 1734- Fol. 114 Gratiani (Boniface), Motetti a due, tre, e cinque voci. Rome, 1658. Quarto. ... 165 Gumpelzhaimer (Adam), Compendium Musicae Latino Germani- cum. Augsburg, 1600. Quarto. 135 Heyden (Sebald), Musicae, id est, ' Artis canendi libri duo. Nuremberg, 1537. Quarto 135 Historia horarum canonicarum de S. Hieronymo et de S. Anna, cum aliquibus Hymnis sapphicis. Augsburg, 15 12. Fol ~. 116 HoLBORNE (Antony), The Cittharn schoole. London, 1597. Quarto 177 HoLTHUSER (John), Compendium cantionum ecclesiasticarum. Augsburg, 1567. Oct 136 JOANNELLi (Peter), Novi Thesauri musici libri sex. Venice, 1568. Quarto ... 165 Kapsberger (John Hierome), Libro primo di Mottetti Passeggiati k una Voce. Rome, 1612. Fol. 166 Knoefel (John), Dulcissimae quaedam Cantiones. Nuremberg, 1571. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... 167 La Borde (John Benjamin de), Choix de Chansons mises en Musique. Paris, 1773. Oct 180 La Rue (Peter de), Misse. Venice, 1503. Quarto. 167 La Salle (Ddmotz de), Brdviaire Romain notd selon un nouveau systSme de chant. Paris, 1727, i2mo ... ... 167 Lattre (Roland de), Cantus Missae Orlandi Lassi cum quinque et sex vocibus canende. Venice, 1581. Quarto 168 LEFiBVRE (James), Elementa Musicalia. Paris, 1514. Fol.... 137 Le Jeune (Claude), Le Printemps. Paris, 1603. Quarto. ... 178 „ „ Octonaires de la Vanitd et Inconstance du Monde. Paris, 1606. Quarto 178 „ „ Psaumes en vers mezurez mis en musique. Paris 1606. Quarto. ... ... .•■ ••• ••• .•• 176 2 B 1 86 Index of Printed Books. LiSTENius (Nicolas), Musica. Frankfort on the Oder, c. 1550. Oct „ „ „ Nuremberg, 1569. Oct.... LoRiT (Henry), Isagoge in Musicen. Quarto „ „ ■ Aa)SeKa)(ppSov. Basel, 1547. Fol. ... LusciNius, see Nachtgall. Manuale ecclesiasticum cantuiGregoriano-Moguntino accomodatum, Mentz, 1875. Quarto „ insignis ecclesie Eboracensis. London, 1509. Quarto... ,, insignis ecclesie Sarum. London, 1506. Fol. ... „ insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis. London, 1554. Quarto Marinati (Aurelius), La prima parte della somma di tutte le scienze. Rome, 1587. Quarto. Melone (Hannibal), II .Desiderio overo De' Concerti di varii Stru menti Musicali. Venice, 1594. Quarto. Merbecke (John), The booke of Common praier noted. London, 1550. Quarto Missa de Requiem. Vienna, 1499. Fol Missae Dominicales quinis vocibus diversorum auctorum a F. lulio Pellinio collectae. Milan, 1592. Quarto. Missale Argentinense. Hagenau, 1520. Fol. „ Cameracense. Paris, 1527. Fol „ Coloniense. Basel, 1487. Fol „ Cracoviense. Mentz, 1484. Fol » 1487- Fol „ „ Nuremberg, CI 500. Quarto. „ Eboracense. Rouen, 15 16. Fol. ... ,, 1517- Quarto „ Halberstattense. (Mentz), c. 1504. Fol „ „ (Halberstadt), 15x1. Fol. „ Herbipolense. Wurzburg, 1499. Fol. „ Mindense. Nuremberg, 1513. Fol. „ Mixtum, dictum Mozarabes. Toledo, 1500. Fol. „ Moguntinum. Mentz, 1483. Fol. „ „ Mentz, 1602. Fol. ,, Pataviense. Augsburg, 1494. Fol. „ Pragense. Nuremberg, 1508. Fol. „ Ratisponense. Augsburg, 1515. Quarto... „ „ Bamberg, 1518. Fol „ Romanum. Venice, 1488. Fol Paris, 1530. Oct 138 138 139 139 116 86 82 108 140 140 175 75 173 99 lOI 54 52 56 63 95 96 79 90 74 92 61 48 112 69 84 93 97 67 105 Index of Printed Books. 187 PACE Missale Romanum. Sacagossa, 1548. Quarto 106 „ „ Antwerp, 1574. Fol no „ „ Salamanca, 1588. Quarto. ... 112 „ „ Coeln, 1629. Fol 112 „ Salisburgense. Nuremberg, 1498. Fol 72 „ Sarisburiense. Venice, 1494. Oct. 70 „ „ London, 1504. Fol. ... 81 „ „ Antwerp, 1527. Fol 103 „ Strigoniense. Nuremberg, 1484. Fol. ... 49 „ Venice, i486. Fol 53 „ „ Nuremberg, 1490. Quarto.... 57 „ „ Brunn, 1491. Fol 59 „ Tornacense. Antwerp, 1527. Fol. 102 „ Traiectense. Paris, 1507. Fol. ... ... ... ... 83 » » ), 1515- Fol 94 „ Virdunense. Paris, 1554. Fol ... 107 „ Ultramontanorum. Verona, 1480. Fol 47 „ Zagrabiense. Venice, 1511. Fol ... ... ... 88 „ ordinis Vallisumbrosae. Venice, 1503. Fol. ... ... 76 „ Fratrum Predicatorum. Venice, 1482. Quarto. ... ... 66 » ,, ,. ., 1496- Fol 71 MoNTANUS, see Psalmorum. Musica ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... 141 Nachtgall (Othmar), Musicae Institutiones. Strassburg, 1515. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 141 Palestrina (John Pierluigi da), Una Messa a otto voci sopra il suo Confitebor. Venice, 1585. Quarto ... 173 Parthenia, or the Maydenhead of the first Musicke that ever was printed for the Virginalls. London. ... ... ... 179 Peluni (Julius), see Missae Dominicales. Peri (James), Le Musiche sopra I'Euridice del Sig. Ottavio Rinuccini. Florence, 1600. Fol. ... ... ... 178 Philipps (Peter), Cantiones sacrae pro praecipuis festis totius anni et communi sanctorum. Antwerp, 161 2. Quarto. ... 168 „ „ Paradisus sacris cantionibus consitus. Antwerp, 1628. Quarto 169 Playford (John), A breif Introduction to the Skill of Musick. London, 1658. Oct 142 PoGGioLi (John), see Scelta. Pontificahs liber. Lyons, 1511. Folio ... 87 1 88 Index of Printed Books. PAGE Praetorius, see Schulz. Prasperg (Balthasar), Clarissima plane atque choralis musice interpretatio. Basel, 1507. Quarto. ... ... ... 142 Processionale Eboracense. Rouen, 1530. Oct 105 „ Sarisburiense (Rouen?), c. 1504. Quarto. ... ... 80 ,, „ London, 1554. Quarto. ... ... 109 ,, ., ,, iSSS- Quarto 109 Processionarius secundum ritum congregationis Cassinensis, ordinis Sancti Benedict!. Venice, 1535. Oct. 118 Processionarium ordinis Fratrum Predicatorum. Venice, 1509. Oct. 85 Promptuarium in offitia Missarum secundum ritum ecclesie Verdensis. Liineburg, c. 1511. Fol. ... ... ... 92 Psalmorum selectorum tomi iv. Nuremberg, 1553. Quarto. ... 172 Psalterium cum Canticis, Hymnis, Litania, etprecibus. Mentz, 1457. Fol. ... 27 „ „ „ at Hymnis. 61 „ Davidicum ad usum Ordinis Cisterciensis. Coeln, 1723. Fol. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 113 Reisch (Gregory), Margarita philosophica. Strassburg, 1504. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 143 RiGATTi (John Antony), Motteti a due e tre voci con una Messa breve. Venice, 1647. Quarto. ... ... .. 169 RijNE (James van den), Tractatus brevis in laudem Musice Artis et de eius utilitatibus. Antwerp, 149 1. Oct ... 144 Roi (Bartholomew lo), Una Messa a quattro sopra Panis quem ego dabo tibi de Lupo. Venice, 1585. Quarto. ... ... 173 Sabbatini (Galeazzo), Sacrae Laudes musicis concentibus contextae Venice, 1626. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... 170 Sacerdotale Romanum. Venice, 1567. Quarto. ... ... ... 119 1576. Quarto 120 Sale (Francis), Missarum solenniorum tam Sanctorum quam Festorum officia. 1589. Fol. ... ... ... ... 170 Salinas (Francis), De Musica libri septem. Salamanca, 1577. Fol. 144 Scelta di Motetti de diversi autori, raccolti da Giovanni Poggioli. Rome, 1647. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... 174 ScHULZ (Michael), Syntagma Musicum. Wolfenbuettel, 1614-20. Quarto. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 Senfl (Louis), Liber selectarum cantionum quas vulgo Mutetas appellant. Augsburg, 1520. Fol 171 Senfl (Louis), Varia carminum genera. Nuremberg, 1534. Quarto. 176 Index of Printed Books. 189 PAGB Souter liedekens, gheraaect op alle die Psalmen van David. Antwerp, 1540. Oct 175 Spangenberg (John), Questiones musicae. Wittemberg, 1542. Oct. 145 Spechzhart (Hugo), Flores Musice omnis cantus Gregoriani. Strassburg, 1488. Quarto. ... ... 146 Speciale secundum chorum Maguntinensem. Speyer, 1500. Fol. ... 76 Tallis (Thomas), and Bird (William), Cantiones quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur. London, 1575. Quarto, 173 THURNMAiER(John), Musicae Rudimenta. Augsburg, 15 16. Quarto. 147 TiGRiNi (Horace), II compendio della Musica. Venice, 1588. Quarto .. 148 Vanned (Stephen), Recanetum de Musica aurea. Rome, 1533. Fol. 149 Varoti (Michael), Psalmodia Vespertina. Milan, 1594. Quarto... 171 Verard (Marcellinus), Elegia. Rome, 1493. Quarto. ... ... 176 Vinci (Peter), Missarum cum quinque, sex, et octo vocibus. Liber primus. Venice, 1575 172 WoLLicK (Nicolas), Opus aureum Musicel castigatissimum. Coeln, 1501. Quarto. ... ... ... 150 Zabern (James von), Ars bene cantandi choralem cantum. Mentz, 1509. Oct 151 igo INDEX OF PROPRIETORS. Her Majesty the Queen, 154, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174 Anderson's College, Glasgow 86, 117, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 166 Ashburnham, Earl of 13, 121 Bodleian Library, Oxford ... 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 22, no, izo, 122 Bradshaw, Henry 71 Buda-Pest : Hungarian National Museum ... 48,50,54,61,90 University Library ... 58 Cambridge : Corpus Christi College 83 Pembroke College 96, 104, 112 St. John's College 12,152 St. Peter's College 152,157 Trinity College 99 University Library ... ... ... ... ... 152,161 Cracow: University Library ... ... ... ... 26, 52, 57, 64 Cummings, W. H. 71, 167 Downside: S. Gregory's priory 113 Durham: Dean and Chapter 158,159 Glasgow: Anderson's College 86, 117, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 166 Herries, Lord ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 Huggins, Dr. W 10 Jackson, Rev. John C 95,164,167 Jenkinson, F. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Lambeth Palace Library 25,144,158 Littleton, Alfred H. ... 61, 66, 67, 124, 132, 146, 162, 165, 171 Matthew, James E. 118, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 143. I4S> 15°. 151 Index of Proprietors. 191 Mechlin: Diocesan Seminary 56, 65, 84, loi, 102, 103, 108, in, 112, 114 Music, Royal College of 98,104 Nedonchel, Count George de Ouseley, Sir F. A. Gore . . . Oxford : The Bodleian Library 24 171 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 22, no, 120, 122 Ripon : Dean and Chapter 87,96,105 Rosenthal, L. 7, 76, n9, 127, 136, 138, 139, 141, 147, 148, 149, 150, 163, 166, 173 I. 3. S. r°. 153 8 St. Gall: Library St. Paul's : Dean and Chapter of Salisbury: Dean and Chapter 13 Shrewsbury, Bishop of 113,114 Spencer, Earl 27, 48, 62, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 79, 82, 127, 130, 135, 147 Taphouse, T. W Utrecht: University Library Vienna : Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Walker, Charles Walker, James Weale, W. H. James Weber, Rev. J Welchman, C. W. F. Westminster, Archbishop of 138, 142, 143 10, 13 ... 128, 138 ... 109, 168 69, 76, 80, 8s, 91, 93, 94, 106, 107 IIS) "6 88 109 WVMAN AND SONS, PRINTERS, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LONDON, W.C.