■ iiiiriiiiii*"''"'''^'" itfiu'ii-fii.iTiimn I^^S^^^M tl**'i^nttmUiVf'Aii" turned so as to draw back the spindle in which the ^ '""'^^^^^^ dead-centre is inserted, the I . „ . -^- . Ji ^ point of the screw comes ^**- ^• in contact with the base of the centre and pushes it out. Both in this case and in the last, the base of the centre being subjected to frequent 6 TBE SPESD-LATHE. pressure or blows, it is likely to become upset or enlarged. It should therefore be turned for a small part of its length, not exceeding ^ in. at the end, a little smaller, so that if it is thus enlarged it may not fit too tight and thus score or scratch the inside of the spindle. The dead-centre has in some cases a hole drilled through it perpendicular to its axis into which a steel pin can be inserted. It is then easily re- moved by turning it by means of the pin. When no special provision is made for removing the centre, whether live or dead, a copper hammer (not a steel one) should be held under it, and then with a hammer and drift or dull chisel it should be jarred loose by gentle taps against its shoulder. There is but one correct way of inserting a cen- tre in its spindle. First see that the centre and the hole in the spindle are perfectly clean, and if there are any nicks or scratches, even slight ones, remove them with an old smooth file. Put the centre into the hole and push and turn it in its place, but never drive it. Driving the centre is apt to make it hold so tight that blows are required to remove it, and both actions are likely to injure the lathe. A chalk-line drawn along the whole length of the centre will gener- ally keep it from slipping; if it does not the fit is imperfect, and it should be refitted as CABE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LATHE. 7 will be explained in Lesson VII on Engine-lathe Work. To prevent injmy to the dead-spindle it should not be allowed to project beyond the tail- stock farther than is necessary to allow Exercise 2 of getting at the work easily. To set Setting the the tail-stock properly, screw the spin- *^-**°°'^- die as far back as it will go, and move the stock up till the dead-centre touches the work as you hold it between the centres with your left hand ; now screw the spindle out, and the centre, pressing against the work, will push the stock back along the shears ; let the stock go back thus till you have room enough to allow of taking the work out and putting it back easily, and fasten the stock with the clamp-sci-ew. The spindle slides in a smooth hole in the tail- stock and is kept from turning by means of a Fig. 4. spline or groove cut in one side, into which a feather or pin is fitted. To move this spindle 8 THE 8PEED-LATEE. there is a screw which revolves in the stock Ai It is supported and held in place by a bearing B, screwed fast to the end of the tail-stock. This screw turns in a corresponding brass nut C in one end of the spindle, which is made hollow and has a conical or taper hole in one end for the insertion of the dead-centre, and a long cylindrical hole in the other end for the admission of the screw. The thread on the screw may be either right- or left-handed, the latter being preferable, however, for the reason that it is natural for the majority of workmen to turn the screw towards the right to move the spindle forward ; as the screw turns it is evident that if it is a left-handed one the nut must move forward on the screw, whereas if it were right-handed the reverse would happen, the spindle would be drawn backward and the work loosened between centres. In some lathes, how- ever, the right-handed screw is used, perhaps be- cause of a slight difference in cost. Besides being left-handed the screw should have a double thread, which would move the centre twice as far for the same number of turns of the handle as a single thread would, without materially weakening the screw. As the standard angle of a V thread is 60 degrees and the depth -of an ordinary square one is about equal to its width, it is evident that if the pitch is a coarse one the thread will be corre- spondingly deep. For example, if it is desired to CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LATHE. 9 cut a thread that will move the spindle \ of an inch for ever)' turn of the' handle, and the diame- ter of the screw is only half an inch, a single thread having a pitch of J in. will reduce the di- ameter of the core or bottom of the thread to \ «..._ .;» Fig. 5. of an inch, which is too small for practical use, whereas with a double thread of the same pitch the strength is that of a thread of \ inch pitch, as shown in the figure. The workman must make many turns of the screw during the day, and a saving of one half the number is not to be de- spised. 10 TEE SPEEB-LATEE. LESSON II. STARTING AWrv^TOPPING. CALCULATING THE SPEED. In starting the lathe the belt should be run gradually, not suddenly, from the loose to the tight pulley. If it is shifted too sta^n'^ ^' quickly it will slip on the tight pul- ley before the lathe gets into motion, or, which is more troublesome, will run off the pulley altogether. To increase the speed of the live-spindle the lathe-belt is shifted from a smaller to a larger step on the counter-shaft, which Exercise 4. causes the belt to run faster, and ^,gn_ from a larger to a smaller step on the lathe-cone. The latter change of course must be made first. To lessen the speed the op- posite changes must be made. Practise the two changes successively. First, to increase the speed: Holding the left hand against the left edge of the belt about one foot above the head-stock, push the belt with the right hand so as to guide it off from the large step of the cone to the small one. (The holding of the left hand as directed has for its object to prevent STABTINQ AND STOPPING. SPEED. 11 the belt from being pushed too far to the left, which in the case of the engine-lathe might cause it to be caught in the gear-wheel and injured. Though this danger does not exist in the case of the speed-lathe, it is important to form the correct habit in the beginning.) The belt is now slack, being on the small step both of the counter-shaft and of the lathe-cone. It is now to be shifted to the larger step of the cone on the counter-shaft. To accomplish this pull the belt forward with the palm of the left hand, stretching it a little. Removing this hand quickly, you will allow the belt to spring back by its elasticity, and at this moment, giving it a push or throw with the right hand, you will guide it on to the larger step on the cone of the counter-shaft. It will require some practice to get facility in this movement. The reverse operation, first on the counter-shaft aad then on the cone, will reduce the speed. Measure the diameters, first, of the driving- pulley of the engine and the driven pulley on the main shaft ; second, of the driving- Exercise 5, pulley on the main shaft and the Calculating driven pulley on the counter-shaft; *^^*p^«^- third, of the several steps of the driving-cone on the counter-shaft and the corresponding steps on the lathe-cone. Then, counting the number of revolutions per minute of the engine, either by the eye or by the ear, or by a so-called tachometer or 12 THE SPEED-LATHE. speed-counter, determine : first, the speed of the shaft ; second, that of the counter-shaft ; third, that of the spindle with the belt on each of the several steps of the cones. After your calculations are completed you may verify them by taking the speeds of the shaft, counter-shaft, and cone with the tachometer. The measured and the calculated results should nearly agree. They will not agree exactly, first, because of small errors in the measurements of the several diameters, and second, because the belts always slip to some extent on the pulleys, making the driven pulley run less rapidly than the calcu- lation would indicate. In order to be perfectly accui'ate in calculating speeds the diameter of a pulley should always be measured so as to include one half the thickness of the belt which is around the pulley or cone. The diameter of the pulley plus one thickness of the belt will give the correct result. Some fast-run- ning machines, such as circular saws, emery-wheels, engine-governors, etc., etc., have the speed at which they should be run stamped on the machine in plain sight. Now, knowing the desired speed of the machine and the speed of the engine, it is very easy to calculate the sizes of the pulleys needed. When the thickness of the belt is added to each pulley, as, for instance, \" to the 8" pulley on the main shaft and the same (J") to the pulley STARTINa AND STOPPING. SPEED. 13 on the counter-shaft, the proportion is changed : the driving-pulley would now be 8^^" instead of 8", and the driven pulley 4-^" instead of 4". One pulley would now be i-| of the other, and not i, or ^, which would make on a machine at a speed of 500 revolutions, a difference of about 9 revolu- tions per minute. 14 TEE SPEED-LATHE. LESSON III. CENTRING AND MOUNTING WORK. PLAIN TURNING WITH THE GOUGE. Cut ofi a piece of white pine 8" long and 2 J" square. Find the centre of each end by the intersection of' two diagonals, and Exercise 6. mark the centres with a centre-punch mounting ^° or with the lathe-centre, using a cop- per hammer. From this piece turn a cylinder 2" in diameter by the eye. You should have in the drawer of your lathe five tools : two gouges, large and small ; two chisels, large and small ; and a square-nose or part- ing tool. Place these tools on your lathe-bench in front of you, at right angles to the length of the lathe, with their handles under the bed of the lathe and their cutting edges far enough out to be seen as you stand at the lathe, so that you can always pick up the right tool without loss of time or risk of cutting your hand. ♦* To mount the work, feed the tail-spindle back by turning the screw as far as it will go ; hold the work in the left hand, with one end held up to the PLAIN TUBNINa WITH THE GOUGE.' 15 live-centre, and move the tail- stock up to it till the tail-centre enters the centre at the other end of the piece and holds it loosely. Now, before fastening the tail-stock, turn the centre-screw so as to push the centre forward against the work, thus pushing the tail-stock back, till there is room enough to allow of removing the work by screwing the centre back without moving the stock, and not much more. If the spindle projects further than is necessary it will bend or " spring," and cause the work to chatter and turn rough. Clamp the tail- stock fast. The gouge and chisel are very much like the cor- responding carpenter's tools except in length and in the form of their cutting edges. The Turning- wood-turner's tools and their handles t°°is. are longer than those of the carpenter's to allow the workmen to stand away from the dust and shavings made by the lathe. The wood- turner's tools are bevelled differently from those of the car- penter : the bevel of the gouge is on the convex side (Fig. 6, A), while that of the carpenter's par- ing-gouge is on the concave side (Fig. 6, B^, and the turner's chisel is bevelled on both sides. The edge also is differently shaped : that of the car- penter's gouge is in a plane perpendicular to the length, while that of the turner's gouge is curved out of this plane, so that the latter is analogous to the jack-plane and cuts a groove or trough, while 16 TEE 8PEEBLATHE. the former is like the smoothing-plane and would cut a more nearly plane surface. The cutting edLgQ Fig. 6. of the turner's chisel is inclined to the axis of the tool at an angle of about 60° instead of being per- pendicular to it, as in the carpenter's chisel. The size of the cutting angle in either of the tools depends on the kind of wood to be worked, and may be about the same as in the carpenter's' tools. PLAIN TURNING WITB TBE GOUGE. 11 The piece of work being mounted between the centres, see that the centre is oiled and that there is no side-play between the centres. At the same time the piece must be ^^^■'""^ '■ .-, . „ Plain turning. free to turn easily. Any excess of pres- sure will cause undue friction on the shoulders of the Journal and face of the bearings, with heating and rapid about !■" from when the the cutting the centre, perpendicu- w o r k (as obliquely (as position you the flying with its edge Fig. 7. wear. Set the rest the work and so that gouge lies on the rest edge shall be above Do not hold the gouge lar to the length of the shown in Fig. 7), but in Fig. 8). In this can stand clear of all chips. Lay the gouge on the rest, the handle swung well over towards the right, the concavity facing towards the left. Bring the cutting edge carefully against the piece near the right-hand end and move it along steadily from right to 18 THE SPEED-LATHE. left, taking off about the same quantity all along the length of the piecp, Carry the gouge back to the riglat-haud end and repeat the operation. You can cut from left to right in the same way, swinging the handle towards the left, keeping the concave side ^^-^^ ^^ *^® ^^^^ to the right, M'^W^^ ^^^ propel- ling it from jp^ *W0&^jMi ^^^ left hand to t h e ^/^^^»# ^"^^^^ ^^"'^• Run at a jiM^ (^^^M'^m moderate speed, in this /^^^^^J MIm^m k ^^^e the lowest that the ^^M^^^^^^" cone wnll give, and, slid- ^® ing the tool along steadily ^ from left to right, take ^i»- 8- successive cuts till the corners are all turned off and the piece is approximately cylindrical. The first cut ^aust be made cautiouslj'', as, while the piece is square or nearly so, there is danger, if you cut too deep, of having the tool caught by the work and perhaps jerked out of your hand. PLAIN TURmNQ WITH TBE OOUGR 19 In turning large, heavy work, and any work while taking off the corners, it is well to hold the han- dle of the gouge firmly against your side. You must stop occasionally and test the work, and take up any play which may have resulted from the wearing away or compression of the wood at the centres. If this last point is not attended to the work will get loose in the centres and will not be turned true, or it may even fall out. After you have become a little accustomed to the handling of the tool 3'^ou should keep your eye on the work rather than on the cutting edge of the tool — just as you do in chipping metal or chiselling wood. As in forge-work, so in wood-turning you must learn to work by eye measurement. Turn the piece down to as near 2" as you can by eye before using the calipei-s. Then face off the end with the chisel, holding it flat on the rest, perpen- dicular to the axis of the piece, and with the long side towards the piece. Push the chisel down towards the centre, cutting off enough to make the work run true. We now call the work approxi- mately true and balanced, and it will now be safe to change to a higher speed before finishing. A point of the utmost importance in turning is to use only properly ground and sharpened tools. It will be worth while to try for once to work with impropei'ly ground tools, so as to impress this thoroughly on your mind. After such experiments 20 THE SPEED-LATHE. you will not be likely to work with bad tools in the mistaken idea that in sharpening them you are losing time. When your work is true and parallel finish it smooth with the chisel. The chisel, like the smooth- ohisei. ing-plane in carpentry and the flatter in forge-work, is only a finishing-tool. All work Fig. 9, should be prepared and brought near to a finish with the gouge, after which the chisel, if in proper condition and properly used, will finish the work better than you can do it with sandpaper. The PLAIN TUBNING WITH THE OOUGK 21 chisel is held in about the same position as tne gouge, with the whole of the bevelled surface bearing on the work, as in Fig, 9. In this position it will cut and polish at the same time. The short side should lie on the rest, the long side or acute angle being turned towards the right, and the handle swung horizontally to the right. All these points are shown in the iSgure. Give care- ful attention to them, f^ if the chisel is held thus, and firmly, it will not slip and dig into the work. Practise with these two tools till you are able to turn very near to size, smooth and parallel, with the eye alone, without the calipers. From the pieces of work left in the last exer- cises turn a taper plug to dimensions fixed in a sketch in advance, say 8" long, and 2" Exercise a. .... . ° Taper turn- and 1 in diameter at the ends. i^g. First lay the gouge with its edge on the tee of the rest, with the handle in the right hand swung well over towards the left, and the concavity fac- ing towards the right. Bring the cutting edge carefully against the piece at A, Fig. 10, about 1" from the tail-centre end, and move it along steadily from left to right. Carry the goiige back again and take another cut; repeat the operation till the piece of work for about i" of its length is turned to the smallest diameter. Now in the same manner turn the taper straight and true, commencing first at B, then O, 22 THE SPEED- LAT3E. D, etc., taking successive cuts downwards from tlie larger to the smaller diameter. Finish the K:r surface smooth with the chisel, as in the last exercise. TUBNINQ CONCAVE AND CONVEX SURFACES. 23 LESSON IV. TUENING CONCAVE AND CONVEX STJEFACES WITH THE CHISEL. Cut off a piece of pine or white wood 8" x 2^" X 2 J" and turn to the shape and size indicated in the figure. First turn to a true cylinder. Mark off the spaces with a lead-pencil while the piece is at rest, then start the lathe and mark with the Exercise 9. acute corner of the chisel, inserting s*'^^s^*^"'* ^ curved sur- the point well into the work at the faces to pat- junctions of the convex surfaces or *^™- beads and ribs a, a. A very light cut must be made at h, b, the boundaries of the concave sur- faces, as these are not to be cut down at the ends. Turn the beads, ribs, and fillets with the chisel 24 THE SPEED-LATHE. alone. (The gouge is not to be used, as the object of the lesson is to attain skill in the use of the cnisel. After this is accomplished it will be found that better work can be done than with the gouge and more quickly.) In doing this you will appre- ciate the advantage of having learned to work with your eye fixed on the surface to be cut rather than on the cutting-tool. The convex surfaces and the concave surfaces will have to be treated differently. To cut the convex surface or bead or rib, place the chisel nearly flat on the tee of the rest, as Fig in Fig. 1 2, the handle swung round to the left and the long edge hg a little raised, so that the tool rests TURNING CONCAVE AND CONVEX SURFACES. 25 on the short edge af. In this position advance it till the heel d just touches the Avork at c, the middle of the bead A, Fig. 11. Turn the chisel gradually up on the short edge af until its plane or face fh is nearly vertical, and at the same time swing the handle to the right and upward, which G Fig. 13. will cause the cutting edge to move along the work to the left and downward, as shown in Fig. 13. The other half ce of the bead is cut by similar but reverse motions. That is, you will stand in the same position, but with the handle of the tool (in the same hand) swung round to the right in- stead of the left (Fig. 14). The long edge bg 26 THE SPEED-LATHE. will be to the left and slightly raised, while the chisel lies nearly but not quite flat, resting on the short edge a'f, Fig. 12. Then turn the chisel gradually up round this edge as before, swinging the handle at the same time towards the left and up- ward, making the heel of the tool move toward the right and downward, till it takes again shown in Fig. 13. While cutting from left to right do not change hands, but learn to hold the handle of the tool in the right hand and the blade always in the left. The iniportance of this will be appre- ciated in underhand cutting later. It is obvious that while holding the blade in your right hand that hand is not free to attend to the dead-centre or to pick up a pair of calipers, or the rule, or the model, without moving the tool from the rest, in doing which it is apt to become nicked. To cut the hollow B, Fig. 11, again use the chisel aloie, but begin near b, and cut the part hi Fig. 14. TUBNINa CONCAVE AND CONVEX SURFACES. 21 then at h' to cut b'l. For the first, begin with the chisel resting on the short edge or right- hand corner af, the longitudinal plane through the cutting edge nearly vertical, as in Fig. 15, ceoeh I T> 6 I b Fig. 15, but inclined over a little towards the right, and the handle swung round towards the left. As the tool cuts, tuin the cutting edge more and more from the vertical towards the right, and swing the handle toward the right and up, so that by the time the point I is reached, the handle of the chisel shall be nearly perpendicular 28 THE SPEED-LATHE. to the work, as in Fig. 16. In cutting h'l the plane of the edge of the chisel inclines increas- ingly towards the left, and the handle, which is swung far to the right in the beginning, is Fig. 16. brought more and more nearly perpendicular, being raised a little at the same time. In finish- ing up remove the ridge that will form in the middle by going over the surfaces lightly with the middle part of the edge (and not with the heel) passing a little beyond the centre of the fillet. TURNINO CONCAVE AND CONVEX SURFACES- 29 Care must be taken to have the two quadrants of the bead and the two half curves of the fillet ex- actly alike and symmetrical. Your ability to do good work on this exercise depends upon having sharp and properly ground tools. The heel does the cutting, while the surface following guides and polishes. If you can succeed in catching these motions you will be able to take off the wood with a cut- ting rather than a scraping motion and will leave the surface smooth. In turning the curved surfaces of the bead and the hollow the heel or obtuse corner of the chisel is the cutting one, while in turning down a side face it is the acute angle that is used, tilted a Fig. 17. little as shown in Fig. 17. This angle is almost always used for cutting off and cutting down shoulders ) but if used for finishing a straight or 30 TEE SPEED-LATHE. square surface it is apt to make the surface of the work wavy. For practice with the tools, and to train the eye and learn the behavior of different kinds of wood, repeat the last exercise with a piece of wal- nut or cherry. To turn a handle for a file or chisel, use the piece already used for Exercise 8 (a Exercise 10. taper plug). Work from a model, A chisel- ^ -, handle. ^'^d copy by eye, using no measure- ments. After youi' last exercise you will have little difficulty in finishing this all with the chisel. First mark off the length of the f-^rrule a, the position of the curve ho and the length d, as in the figure. Tio. 18. With the acute angle of the large chisel cut \\ell down into the work at c and d, slightly at a, and make only a light mark at b. Place the point TURNING OONOAVE AND CONVEX SURFACES. 31 of the heel or obtuse angle of the chisel against the work at h, a little to the left of the mark, and cut out part of the fillet ho down to the notch c. Next round off the end, cutting down to the notch d, a task very much the same as that of turning the bead. When cutting from left to right do not change hands, but, as before, hold the handle in your right hand and the blade of the tool in your left, as when cutting from right to left. The reasons for this have been given before. Now with the heel placed to the left of c cut from left to right, shaping and connecting the two surfaces at c. It is possible to turn out a perfect form at once without these auxiliary cuts ; but it is better, at least at first, to divide the operations thus into parts. Make several of these cuts if necessary, and repeat the operation until the convex and con- cave surfaces are gradually brought down to the desired shape and proper dimensions. This will give more practice for the chisel and eye, which at this stage is very important. The small end is not to be finished, but left somewhat larger than is necessary, to be finished and fitted with a ferrule as a future exercise. 32 THE SPEED-LATHE. LESSON V. CHUCK- WORK. It is required to turn a ring with an external Exercise 11. diameter of 3" and a circular cross- A ring. section of \" diameter Grlue together two pieces of pine each f" thick and Z\" square. Remove the live-centre and put a small piece of waste in the hole of the spindle to keep out the dust. Screw on the face-plate, first cleaning thoroughly the threads of the spindle and the plate. The plate should run on with perfect ease, and it will do so if the threads are clean. As the face-plate approaches the shoulder of the spindle, bring it up into contact carefully and without using undue force. If it is jammed too tight it will be difficult to remove it without injuring the lathe, and besides the thread of the plate may ride up on that of the spindle and one or both be damaged. Measure the diameter of the base of the taper screw of the face-plate at the bottom of the thread. Bore a hole of this size in the middle of the piece of wood and screw it fast to the face-plate, bring- ing it up into close contact. CHUCK- WORK. 33 Set the hand-rest perpendicular to the lathe bed or parallel to the face of the work, about \" distant from it, and at a distance below the centre about equal to the thickness of the chisel, so that when the chisel or parting-tool lies flat on the rest the cutting edge shall be a very little below the centre. Holding the chisel £at on the rest, perpendicular to the face of the work and with the long edge Fio. 19. toward the right, turn down the piece to within ■^-^" of its true size- -that is, to a diameter of 3^^' Then, reversing the chisel, so that the long edge shall be towards the left, trim out the inside of the ring also to within j-^" of its true size — that is, to a diameter lyf ", but only |" in depth. Now 34 THE SPEED-LATHE. shift the hand-rest to its first position or parallel to the axis of the lathe and at the same height as before, and with the parting-tool placed ■^-^" to the left of the face of the piece and perpendicular to the length of the lathe cut in about |" deep. You will observe that the parting tool is much thicker in the middle, having a diamond-shaped cross-section. This gives more clearance to the tool when it is used as a boring-tool or to cut a circle or to make a cut the exact size of the width of the tool. In the present case, however, there is plenty of room to spare, and you may make a cut a little wider than the tool, Avhich will lessen the heating. You should cut lightly and run at a moderate speed, so as to avoid drawing the temper of the tool, which you may easily do if you force it too much. If this does happen it will be necessary to re temper the tool. You have now turned the outside and inside diameters and the thickness of the ring to within -^j" of its true size. Shape and finish it with the chisel and sand-paper. In doing this it is obvious that you cannot cut with the chisel, as you did in forming the file-liandle, for instance. In that case the grain of the wood ran parallel to the axis of the lathe : in this it is everywhere perpendicular to the axis, and if you use your chisel as before it will dig in find mar the work. It is to be used now as a scraper, being held, not with its eA^e on CEUOK-WOBK. 35 the rest, but with its flat face, and with its length perpendicular to the surface which is being cut; the direction of the motion of the revolving wood is then perpendicular to the cutting face of the tool, instead of being nearly parallel to it, as in Exercise 10. After turning as much and as near to the re- quired size as possible on the face-plate, cut the piece off by running the pai'ting-tool or small chisel through at h in the figure, meeting the chan- nel a, and the ring will then drop off on to the tool and will have a nearly circular cross-section. To finish it you must use a " chuck " made from a piece of 1" pine about 5" square. Before doing this face off the remaining piece on the face-plate before taking it off, and glue to it a piece of cherry, maple, or other hard wood, 3J" square and about -|-" thick, from which to turn another ring. While this is drying make the chuck and finish the ring. Fasten the piece for the chuck to the face-plate as you did the piece Just used and turn it to a cir- cular form, leaving it as large as it will hold. Cut out the centre to a depth just half the thickness of the ring — that is, — i" and of a diameter just large enough to hold the ring firmly, but not so tight that you will run the risk of breaking the ring in forcing it in. The bottom of the chuck and the cylindrical surface must be turned perfectly true. 36 THE SPEED-LATHE. In chucking work, and also in reversing it in the chuck, make sure that it is pushed in till it bears firmly all round against the bottom of the recess. Then, using the chisel as a Exercise 12. . ° t i i n ■ ^ Making a scraper and cutting very lightly, finish chuck. the ring, and smooth it with fine "^" sandpaper. It can be removed and reversed any number of times without impairing the accuracy of the work provided the chuck is perfectly true. ^ To familiarize yourself with the behavior of different woods under the chisel, turn, from the piece of maple already prepared, a duplicate of the last exercise by eye. Cut off a piece of black walnut about 8" long and 2\" square. Mount it and turn it to the ^ largest possible diameter. Face off Exercise 13. -, • -, tit Hollow work. One end either plane or very slightly A vase or concave, but certainly not convex, wineg ass. goj-g -(jhis end and fit it to the face- plate. The end being square, the piece should run true without the support of the centre ; neverthe- less, for greater safety, rough out and do all you can in such cases between face-plate and centre. The work is now balanced. Remove the tail-stock and boie the cylindrical cavity as in the last exer- cise, roughing it out with the small chisel. Before doing this make a mark upon the chisel at a dis- tance from the point equal to the depth of the OHUOK-WORK. 37 required hollow. Continue the boring with the chisel until the mark on it coincides with the face of the work. This hole, as will appear later, can be bored very well with the gouge, but not without danger unless the workman is very skilful, as the tool is apt to dig in and be jerked from the hand. Make a number of cuts. Fig. 20, each, cut being sue- ^^^^g^ /////////////////A ■ ^ ^ : B P W///M/////A Fig. 20. cessively about \" larger in diameter and \" less in depth than the preceding one, thus forming a series of steps on the inside, measurement being taken with a gauge, or by marking the chisel as before. The steps ai-e now removed and the cavity roughed out with the same chisel, held with the acute angle reversed or turned toward the centre of the work, as in Fig. 21. Every tool that has a broad surface, when used as a scraper tends to make the work unti'ue or, in turning, eccentric : hence the objection to cutting too much with it at the thin portion a in the figure. As the gouge is 38 THE SPEBD-LATHE. not a safe tool in the hands of a beginner for finishing the curved bottom, this may be done with Pig. 21. a " round-nosed " or " face " tool, Fig. 22, made for the purpose from a fiat bar of steel or an old file ground down thin at the cutting edge. As this is your first attempt at hollow or inside cutting, it is well to finish all hollowing out be- s^^VWW^mil s^^^^^!^^^ Fig. 33. fore commencing work on the outer portion, as the work is more firm and is not so apt to chatter and snap off as it would be after having been partly OEUCK-WOBK. 39 turned on the outside. In rounding off the out- side of the cup the chisel should be used as a scraping-tool after the hollow has been roughed out with the chisel a.nd gouge. If used as a cut- ting-tool it is likely to dig in, on account of the springy nature of the hollow. Now bring up the tail-centre very gently, allow- ing it to make its own centre gradually while the piece is revolving. Clamp it fast, and with the Fig. 23. work between face-plate and centre turn and finish the outside as you did the file-handle. First mark out the depth of the hollow a, Fig. 24, the length of the bowl b, and the base c and c, as in the file- handle exercise. Using the acute edge of the large chisel, insert the point well down into the work at b, making a notch as shown in the figure, and pare or cut down and partly round it off as in the last exercise. With the acute angle make another cut and pare down to it. Repeat the operation until the bowl is nearly completed, turn to the true dimensions, and make the thin portion of the inside 40 THE SPEED-LATHE. of the bowl at d concentric, or perfectly true, with a small, round-nose tool, and finish with the large chisel held as a scraping-tool. Rough out the middle portion or stem first with the small gouge and chisel, finishing the fillets and beads with the special tools. Finish the stem and all the curved parts nearest the bowl first and ll\ J y\-%. ^ ^H5o7^. I \LAciit. Sent I A-IJ ■^-- . |l ll/ b ■ > i lAI ~ d I I I ecm.. Fig. 24. tfrf — **— — — cfcor * gradually work toward the base of the cup in order to prevent twisting and breaking the stem. Great care must be taken not to let the chisel or gouge slip and dig in, especially in working near the bowl at b. A dull tool is ever ready to do this and should not be used. In an exercise of this kind when the desio-n is more complicated, with many curves of different radii, several special tools are necessary, called pattern-makei-'s tools. They are all made in the. CHUOK-WOBE. 41 same way as the one just used and can be easily- altered and adapted to any kind of work. For light fancy turning such tools exclusively are used, at least after the first I'oughing out. For further practice in such work as the last, if there is abundance of time, the following variations may be made : Pieces of „ . , , maple, cherry, and other woods being a broad vase glued together, the grain running par- or card-re- allel to the axis of the proposed object, and one of the pieces being exactly central, so that the colors shall be symmetrically arranged, a pleasing variety of effect will be obtained. In this way a duplicate of the last exercise may be made by eye, or the card-receiver, a vase with broad and shallow bowl, may be turned. Centre the piece exactly at the middle of one of the colored pieces and, between centres, turn to the largest possible cylinder. If the piece has been correctly centred, and the several thicknesses were properly prepared, the stripes of color will be symmetrical. Face off the end, boie it and fit it to the face-plate, and then at a low speed and with a light cut turn the outside true. When it is quite true and perfectly balanced, run at a higher speed and turn the cavity for the base, which should be slightly concave, and bore and fit this end to the face-plate. Now cut out the top and finish it to the shape and size given in 42 THE SPEED- LATHE. tte drawing or model, and then, as in Exercise 13, bring the tail-centre up. Rough out and nearly finish the work between centre and face-plate, relaxing the pressure of the centre as the stem gets near the true size, so as to lessen the risk of breaking, but without removing the centre altogether. For the same reason great care must be taken to use sharp tools and light cuts, and to make special tools for particular parts. For repetition of the operations of Exercises Exercise 15. 9, 10, etc, in various woods, an egg- An egg or an shaped soHd, an Indian club, and other Indian club, g^^j^ objects may, if time allows, be made from plain hard wood or from colored woods glued together. The work should always be done from drawings, and should be exact to meas- urement. These exercises involve no new princi- ples and are not necessary, except for the purpose of acquiring quickness and precision. PATTERN-MAKINQ. 43 LESSON VI. PATTERN-MAKING. The preparation of a suitable pattern for a cast- ing requires a knowledge of the properties of the wood from which the pattern is to be made, the process of working it in the lathe or at the bench to any desired form, the process of making a cast- ing from it, and the process of finishing the cast- ing to its proper form and dimensions. This knowledge your previous exercises have already furnished, and you have now to apply it. You remember that wood shrinks and warps, and you will endeavor to prevent this, or to coun- teract its effect by making allowance for the shrinking and by building up the pattern of pieces with their grain in different directions to prevent the warping. You will have to study with care the drawings of a given pattern, and so design it as to give it the greatest possible strength. As the sand is to be packed closely round it, you will have to consider the " di'aught " or inclination of its sides to allow it to be easily 44 THE SPEED- LATHE. removed from the mould. As the metal will shrink in cooling, you must make the proper al- lowance for this in designing the pattern. Finally, as the casting will have to be finished up, allow- ance must be made also for the loss of size in the process of finishing. The amount of " draught " needed for a small pattern is much less than that given to a large one. A very thin pattern can be made with its sides almost parallel, while for a pattern, or any part of one, which enters deeply into the mould or flask a draught of \" or \" to the foot is given. The allowance for shrinkage of the metal depends very much upon the shape and the size of the pat- tern. The shrinkage is the greatest where there is the greatest amount of metal. It is found in practice that in all patterns about 4" or less in any direction no allowance need be made for shrinkage, as the jarring necessary to loosen the pattern from the sand enlarges the mould enough to make up for the shrinkage, so that a casting of this size will be of the exact size of the pattern. Above this size, however, the cast- ing will be smaller than the pattern. The usual allowance made for the contraction of the casting in cast iron is a little less than ■^" per foot, and for brass ^" per foot and over, as you have learned in your course in moulding. First glue up and turn a simple cylinder pat- PATTEBNMAKINO. 45 tern for a casting whicJi is to be turned and fin- ished to a diameter of 3|" and a Exercise i6 length of 8". Make the proper al- a pattern for lowance for shrinkage, and for turning ^ cylinder, in the metal lathe. The size then for the pattern will be : diameter, 3|", plus J" per foot for shrinkage, plus 1^" for the surface, or 3J"; length, 8";, plus i' per foot, plus \", or 8f ." Cut oif four pieces of pine 1" X 4" X 10". Test the pieces to see if they are winding, and if you find them straight glue them together in twos, making two pieces 2" X 4" X 10". To do this, first see if the glue is of the proper consistency ; it is a waste of time to use the glue before it is in proper condition. This is a very important point in pattern-making. The room cshould be warm, the glue hot and not too thin or thick, and the pieces should be heated. You have learned from your soldering and welding exercises that the closer metal and metal are brought together the stronger will be the joint, and the same is true in glueing — the closer the pieces are brought together by rubbing and press- ing out all excess of glue (if it is in proper con- dition) the stronger will the joint be. Glue and fasten the pieces together with the screw-clamps. This pattern is composed of two halves, and is to be moulded in a two-part flask (such as you have used in moulding.) 46 THE SPEED-LATHE. The line aa shows the division of the pattern. Glne the pieces together, but at the end only, for about \" of their length, and you will then have a piece 4" square and 10" long. The parting-line being at aa, care must be taken to centre the piece exactly on this line, so that when the pattern is turned and the joint broken or separated the pieces Fig. 35. P^ 1 ^0^ ^ ®' m ^/4^7j^ ^^^^^^ i» shall be exact semi-cylinders. In large work (and it will be safer in this case) clamps are fastened to the ends of the pieces to hold them together. Fasten to the ends the washers, b, b, provided for the purpose, with the hole enlarged to admit the centres. Without these washers the work is apt, from a Jar or shock, to break apart. It is not necessary, however, to use them in very small work. After turning the piece to the proper diameter (3f "+ i" per foot + i" = 3 J"), before separating the pieces, bore and fit two dowel-pins, one at each end. The length of the piece is now 2" too great. Bore the holes for the dowels, one hole 2" and the other 2^" from the ends, perpendicular PATTERN-MAKING. 47 to the plane surface, and 3" deep, piercing but not boring through the bottom half b. The object in fitting one dowel-pin nearer the end than the other is to insure the putting of the parts of the pattern together in the position in which they were turned. If put together in the reverse position in the mould they might not form a perfect cylin- der. Mark and cut off the pins, which should fit snugly, but not too tight, in the upper half of the pattern, put a little glue on the pins near the top, and drive them into place. With the parting-tool cut off 1", or the amount necessary, from each end to make the pattern of the exact length, 8" + i" per foot + i" = 8f ", Fig. 26. giving it also the proper di*aught. This waste at each end will remove the holes made by the screws to fasten on the washers, and also the part in the line aa of division which has been glued. When these ends are cut off with the back-saw the parts of the pattern will easily separate. If 48 TEE SPBBD-LATHE. you find, however, the pins fit too tight, rub them a little with sandpaper. They should fit easy, but without shake. Shellac the pattern, giving the ends two coats, and when it is dry it will be ready for use. Next turn a pattern for a simple hollow cylinder 4" long and 4" in diameter. The casting from Exercise 17. this pattern is to be used as an ex- a hollow ercise on the metal lathe, and to be cyUnder. finished all over, faced, turned, and bored. Allowance must be made for shrinkage as in the last exercise, and also for the turning and finishing up of the casting to the given di- mensions. As the cylinder is to be cast hollow, or with a hole clear through it, provision must be made for coring. To do this, add to the length of the cylin- der about 4" for the core-prints. Fig. 27. While the core-prints^, A form a part of the pattern, they will not be a part of the casting, and they are generally distinguished from the pattern PATTERN-MAKING. 49 by being painted black. They are added to the pattern to form an impression in the sand into which the core (the exact size of the print) can be laid and supported in the mould. A is the core and BB the space round the core into which the metal flows and thus forms the cast- FiG. 28. ing without displacing the core, as it is held firmly between the upper and lower moulds, or "nowel and cope," as they are called. The diameter of the prints should be \" less than the bore of the cylinder. Glue up the pieces, tuia, bore, fit, and cut them oif, all as in the last exercise. The pattern-maker understands that, while he is to make the whole pattern larger to allow for shrinkage, allowance for the metal ma- Exercise is. chine tool is made only where a crow- ■*■ ^"i^*-"? foot X, or the words "finished size" cylinder and appear on the drawing. Then the .steam-chest, length of this pattern when finished will be the 50 THE 8PEED-LATHE. vr tt — R-r » PA TTBRN-MAEING. 51 length given in the drawing, Fig. 29 (which shows the finished casting), plus the shrinkage, plus allowance for the metal-tool, plus the length necessary for the core-prints; and the diameter will be the diameter of the flanges, plus the shrink- Fig. 30. age, plus the allowance for the tool. Allowance for shrinkage and the tool is made in the same way for the steam-chest A. As there is to be no turn- ing of the metal between the flanges, no allowance 52 THE SPEED- LATBE. need be made in the diameter of the cylinder ex- cept for shrinkage. The pattern for this casting is shown in Fig. 30, omitting the core-prints at D. The dimensions must be found, from those given in Fig. 29, by adding the proper allowances. First, glue up and turn, as in the last exercise, the simple cylinder as shown in the detail draw- ing, Fig. 31, turning the grooves a, a for the flanges. Second, turn and fit the flanges or rings. - - a a Pig. 31.. Third, make and glue on the flat seat (7 for the steam-chest. To make and fit the rings, fasten to the face- plate a piece of pine, large enough for a face- plate, and screw it fast, as you did the piece for a chuck in the ring exercise. Face it off true and find the centre by holding up to the revolving piece your lead pencil, supported upon the T of the hand rest, making a little dot by touching it gently. Draw aline through this point across the grain of the wood and fasten one of the pieces for the flanges (which are to be in two halves) to this PATTEBN-MAKING. 53 face-plate with screws, taking care to have the edge aa coincide with the line drawn through the point on the face-plate. Fig. 32. Fasten in the same manner the second half, sliding it up to the edge of the first piece. It will then be ready for turning. Turn the outside diameter ^" larger and the inside diameter ^" smaller than the pattern, and make the thickness \" larger than the width of the grooves aa in the cylinder. Be sure the face is square with the inside diameter before removing the pieces from the face-plate. The halves should be exactly alike when compared. If the pieces are square and true, remove them Fig. 33. 54 TBE aPBED-LATEE. from the face-plate, remount the cylinder, and fin- ish the grooves to fit the flanges accui'ately. Use the flanges as you would the calipers, trying them frequently in the grooves. When they are fitted, glue the pieces to the cylinder, beiug very careful to have the ends a, a, Fig. 32, agree with the line of division on the cylinder. If the grooves are well smeared with glue it will not be necessary to put any glue on the flange-pieces, but only to rub them down well in place, pressing out all excess of glue. After scraping off all the glue, if there is any, between the ends a, a, clamp them to the cylinder with the clamp-sci'ews. When this is dry, remove the clamps and turn and finish the flange part of the pattern and the core-print, as shown in the sketch. As this is a difficult pattern to draw from the sand, give the proper draught, not only to the pattern proper, but to all the prints as well. Turn and finish in the same manner the cylin- der for the steam-chest and then glue it on to the steam-cylinder, as in the drawing, Fig. 30. The hollow cylinder. Fig. 34, is to be cut into Exercise 19. ^ings in a later exercise (Part II., A pattern for Lessou 13, Pistou-rings). You have a hollow already learned (Ex. 17) how to make cylinder •' _ ^ / without a pattern with core-prints for such a prints. cylinder; the same object may now be made from the pattern shown, without a core. PA TTEBN-MAEING. 55 As this pattern will be fragile, it is to be built up of several layers or rings, as shown in the elevation A, each ring consisting, as shown in the -sH' Fig. 34. plan B, of several segments, all of which have the grain of the wood running lengthwise. First make a template by dividing off the ring between two properly drawn circles into 6 equal Pig. 35. parts, Fig. 35. Using one of these segments as a template, mark out parallel with the grain of the 66 THE SPEED-LATHE. wood a sufficient number of pieces to build up the pattern, and saw them out. Build the first course upon a piece of wood, say- cherry or maple, 6" square. First with the com- passes describe a circle ^" smaller than the inside diameter of the jDattern. Place two of the seg- ments upon the block with their ends touching and their inside edges coinciding with the circle, Fig. 35. Fasten them to the block temporarily with four small brads, and saw through the Joint carefully with the back-saw, Fig. 35. If, after removing the brads and bringing the ends up together again they do not fit accurately run the saw through a second time. If the pieces are marked and sawn out carefully from the template, they ought to fit after running the saw through Fig. 36. the Joint the first time. Fit all the Joints in the same manner. The last segment may be a little long, so that as it is brought up to the circle, Fig. 36, it will need sawing two or three times through the Joint to make the edge and the circle agree. Upon the block as a foundation the seg- PATTEBN-MAEING. 57 ments of the first course are to be glued, each one being glued on its side face to the base-board and its end to its next segment. The segments of the second course are glued to the first in the same manner, but breaking joints, that is, with the joints opposite the middles of the pieces of the first course, as in Fig. 34, so that alternate joints will lie in the same plane. Fit and glue up in this manner a sufficient number of courses to make the pattern of the proper length. When the glue is thoroughly dry turn and fin- ish the pattern, very much the same as you did the cup or card-receiver. Make allowance for shrinkage, etc., as in the preceding exercise in pat- tern-turning. After it has been turned and fin- ished cut out the lugs. Fig. 36, with the back- and compass-saws to make the casting as light as possible. The lugs are used to bolt the casting to the face-plate of the engine-lathe, in a later exercise. 58 THE SPEED-LATHE. LESSON VII. B E A 8 S - T U E N I K G . The methods and processes in brass-turning are similar to those in wood-turning, but the tools used are held more firmly on the hand-rest, because brass is much harder than wood. The same speed may be used as in turning hard woods, and also some of the tools used, first softening them a little by lowering the temper to a straw color. The top-rake also, if there is any, must be ground off, because the advantage gained by the top-rake in assisting the tool to cut freely is more than coun- terbalanced by its tendency to dig into the work, spoiling it, and often breaking the point of the tool. You have learned by experience that it is ahnost impossible to turn woodwork absolutely true with the chisel without having first used the gouge or a similar tool in roughing out and turning it true and nearly of the required dimensions. As the flatter-tool in blacksmithing, the smoothing- plane in carpentry, and the chisel in wood-turning BBASS-TUnNlNa. 59 are used for finishing, and not for roughing out, so in metal-working, the broad finishing-tool should be preceded by a roughing-out tool. Such roughing-out tool is most commonly the gi'aver. This is made from a bar of square steel or an old square file, by grinding the end obliquely to being exactly midway between the faces. Before cutting any deeper with the parting-tool chamfer the ends off till, tested with the calipers, the work measures the same across ao, ac, Ih, and dd. Then cut off and chuck the partly turned ball, with the line hb a little out- side of the chuck, Fig. 65, and running perfectly true. One half of the ball can now be finished. WOOD-TURNING. 95 Rough out the exterior first with the small gouge and finish with the chisel or other scraping-tool, cutting away half the breadth of the line bh. As the ball is to be of a standard size, apply to it the V^ B Fig. 65. gauge. Fig. 65, a piece of sheet brass about tV" thick. Several such gauges are kept on hand to be xised for this purpose, and sometimes a plate or block of metal. Fig. 66, with a series of PoOo : iiG. (iii. holes accurately turned in it to test finished balls. Having turned one half the ball true to gauge, remove the chuck, push out the ball, and make another chuck to receive and hold the fin- ished part which has Just been turned. Hollow out this second chuck so that the half ball will go into it far enough to hold tightly, allowing the 96 THE 8PBED-LAT3E. angles to be turned off, the line h remaining out- side a little distance from tlie face of the chuck, in which it should be carefully set as before. Turn this outer half in the same manner. The work must gauge precisely the same at all points. Test with calipers and gauge, including the ring-plate if you have one, and mark with a pencil or with the gauges themselves any little protuberances found. These protuberances can all be removed very quickly between female centres or blocks. Fig. 67, having in each a small cavity or hollow Pig. 67. turned to receive the ball. The chuck-block h is made fast to the face-plate, while the block a is loose and held up to the ball by the dead-centre ; this block or centre should be perfectly true, so that the ball can be moved from one desired position to another and always revolve concen- trically. This is very slow work, and not so ac- curate as with a lathe having special attachments for the purpose, such as spherical slide-rests, etc., and it requires much more skill. Metal balls, used as valves in some pumps, are WOOB-TUBNING. 97 often turned and fitted to their seats by hand. To save time the balls are cast two or more Exercise 36. on a stem, so that they can be roughed ■*■ ™^*3i ^^i- out to size and shape between the centres, after which they are nicked and cut off with a metal- saw, or if the nick is midway between two balls, as at a, they can be broken off and the projections filed off to fit the gauge. The chucks are then prepared to fit the partly finished balls, as in the last exercise, and the balls are turned and finished in the same way as the Pig. 68. wooden ball. The ball, which should have been turned very close to the form of the gauge and set of calipers, is now chucked either in a chuck with a hollow large and deep enough to receive about one half of the ball and hold it firmly, or between the shallow chuck and female centre, as described in the last exercise. Now with a keenly sharp- ened tool cut a little flat ring of a diameter exactly equal to that of the ball. Turn the ball so that the plane of the ring shall pass through the axis of the lathe, and turn another band or ring at right angles to the first, cutting down till it just touches 98 THE 8PBED-LATEE. the first ring. By thus turning the ball round a few times in the chuck, so that the marks shall cross and recrosa each other, cutting as many as convenient, it will be easy to finish entirely by hand, without the assistance of the ball-cutter, a perfectly true ball, so that when it is ground to its seat with glass, sand, or burnt foundry-sand, and oil, it will be absolutely tight. OVAL TURJWfa. 99 LESSON IX. OVAL TTTENING. When two head- and tail-stocks from lathes of the same size are mounted together temporarily on one bed by means of a plate made for the purpose, and with a long di'um or overhead gear, as it is called, of the same length as the bed, the machine thus produced is a " double-header," Fig. 69. It will have two cones and two dead-spindles. This allows you to place any piece of work between one pair of centres without disturbing that mounted in the other. Different speeds also can be obtained, comparatively slow in one and fast in the other, one mandrel or centre revolving say at 25 and the other at 250 revolutions per minute, and both turning in the same direction or, if one belt is crossed, in opposite directions. The work to be turned is, of course, mounted between the front-centres. The tool may be a rapidly revolving disk h, carrying one or several cutters, and driven by the overhead drum. The shape or form of the cutters is made to suit the special kind of work. The disk is carried in a slide moving in and out, to and from the centre, 100 TSE BPEED-LATBB. perpendicularly to the axis of the lathe. The cutter is pulled up toward the centre by a weight or spiral spring, and moved along the bed by a screw or lever. Now the pattern of an axe- Fro. 69. handle or any oval piece of work is mounted be- tween the back-centres and the proper speed given to it, which in this case must be the same as that of the work to be turned. The two mandrels, one driving the pattern and one the work to be turned, are revolved. A pulley a, having the same diameter and form as OVAL TURNING. 101 the cutter h, is fastened to the slide, and is held in contact with the pattern by a weight or spring, not shown in the figure. As this oval pattern re- volves, it pushes the slide and the cutter out and further away from the centre, and as it continues to revolve the weight or spriog draws the slide back toward the centre again. The pulley is thus kept close to and bearing against the pattern, and if the cutting edge of the cutter or disk and the form aod circumference of the pulley are the same, an exact copy of the pattern will be produced. It is easy ^^^' ™' to see that the common lathe can thiis be made to do many kinds of work. An " index-plate," a pair of extra centres adjustable as to height and angle with the lathe-bed, and other attachments are now found permaneutly fixed on beds of lathes or machines designated and sold by special names. With such machines the workman is valued not so much for the amount and accuracy of the work accomplished, as for his ability to invent, design, and set up his tools, as will be seen later in the study of engine-lathe ^voik. 102 THE SPEED-LATHE. LESSON X. METAL-SPINNING AND BUENISHING. Metal-spinning and burnisliing can be done on the hand-l^the without the use of other attach- ments ; all that is needed is the T, necessary chucks, mandrels, and the ordinary hand-tools, tilting-rest and compound rest. For this work the lathe should make about 800 or more revolu- tions per minute. Fia. 71. METAL-SPINNINO AND BUBNISHINa. 103 To burnisli a piece of work is to polish or give a gloss to the surface, and it is done by holding up to the work a burnisher, a tool with a small, bright surface, generally rounded at the end. The tool must be made very hard and kept cool. To burnish a piece of work, a ring, for Exercise 37. instance, Fig. 71, the work must first Burnishing, be finished smooth, and all the scratches removed wi|h files, emery, and oil. The tool is then ap- plied by holding it in the rest and pressing it against the work as it revolves at a high speed. This gives that high polish to the surface that is found in highly finished silver- and steel- work. Fig. 72. Spinning is very interesting work and is almost a business in itself. To spin metal, the speed must be high and the metal thin and properly annealed. A rest with a long T is required, with a number 104 THE aPEED-LATES. of holes for the insertion of the steel pin which is to serve as a fulcrum for the tool. But little skill is required in spinning, compared with that demanded by other kinds of lathe-work. The effect required is produced by pressing against the metal with a smooth tool free from all sharp cor- ners. For ordinary use the most convenient tool is the one shown in Fig. 72, having an elliptical cross-section ; but sometimes several different to,ols are used in one piece of work. Try as an exercise to spin a common bowl or any concave vessel. First a disk of metal is cut of the Exercise 38. pi^op^i" diameter and a mould turned Spinning. A of the required form (Fig. 73) and metal cup. fastened to the face-plate. The disk is placed between the mould and a cylindrical piece of wood, and held in position by the centre. Fig. 73. The mould is often hollowed a little on its face to make it hold better. First centre the disk METAL-SPINNING AND BURNISHING. 105 by holding the tool or a piece of wood on the T with the end bearing up against the lower edge of the metal, Fig. 74. Press gently as you turn Fig. 74. the work by hand, and, the pressure between the head-stock and the metal being released, a few revolutions will cause the work to revolve concen- trically. Now, with the disk properly chucked, and a speed which will generally be the highest that can be obtained on the ordinary lathe, place the steel pin in one of the several holes that will bring the tool about at right angles to the lathe- bed when held ready for work. Holding the cen- tring-tool, made of wood, in the left hand and the tool of steel in the right, place them both on the rest, with the disk between them. Now bring a gentle pressure to bear against the metal, near the centre first, and if you give it time you will cause the metal to conform perfectly to the mould, but if you force it too rapidly the metal will crack. The object in using the wooden tool is to prevent 106 THE SPEED-LATHE. this cracking or buckling and to steady the plate and the tool. If the work buckles and cracks the speed probably is not high enough. It is this high speed and a light pressure, such as would produce a slight indentation if the lathe wei'e at rest and a series of circles when revolving, that wiU enable you to draw out and mould the metal into any de- sired shape ; an expert after spinning a piece of Work like this can spin it back again to its origi- nal form, a disk. Spinning is usually done dry, although in some cases soap-suds are used. Press- work or stamping is taking the place of spinning to some extent, particularly in sheet-brass work, when large quantities are ordered. White metal is mostly spun at present, as it cannot so easily be MBTAL-SPINNINa AND BUBNISHINO. 107 pressed out in dies with a press. Though it is very flexible and can be spun nicely, it needs more " coaching " and time than sheet brass, and when stamped is likely to tear under the great pressure, while sheet brass, if annealed, does not. The spinner, like the pattern-maker and the lathe-hand, is supposed to know how to design and make all his tools, moulds, etc. Some of the moulds used for spinning fancy oil-cans, sugar- bowls, teapots, and some of the large work spun for locomotive and marine engines require much thought and skill ; the moulds, instead of being solid, are in sections and would puzzle an inex- perienced workman to put them together. 108 THE SPEED-LATHE. LESSON XI. SPECIAL TOOLS AND APPLIANCES. You have found that it takes a considerable time to turn an oil-plug, a binding-post, or any exercise which requires a considerable number of opera- tions. If a great number of such pieces were required quickly a sample would first be made by hand, and then special tools would be designed, to be used in an appropriate machine. Such machines are the screw-cutter, the tapping-machine, the milling-machine in its different forms, the gear-cutter, the monitor, the turret-lathe, and many others specially designed for turning out work accurately and in large quantities. If you could see the binding- post turned and finished in the turret-lathe or the screw in the screw-cutter you would find that a very great number can be produced in a short time. These special tools and machines are all very costly, and if a tap, die, or forming-tool should be ruined by cutting a dirty casting or piece of work with iron or steel in its composition, the loss would be considerable. SPECIAL TOOLS AND APPLIANCES. 109 All castings and brass must therefore be clean, and the finisher must insist upon this. A well- equipped shop will have in connection with it a foundiy and all the necessary tools. It will be provided with a separator to separate all the iron and steel chips and filings from the brass. This consists of a vertically revolving magnetic disk, over the edge of which is fastened a band of •very thin sheet brass, covering the rear half of the edge. The cuttings from the machines are put in a funnel directly over the slowly revolving disk and allowed to fall on the brass strip, and thence on the magnet. The brass filings and chips are not attracted by the magnet, and as the disk turns they drop off into a receptacle placed to receive them, while all the steel and iron re- volves with the magnet, but before making a com- plete turn is brushed off by brushes Avhich come in close contact with the cylinder. This operation is sometimes repeated. All castings are washed or cleaned by putting them into a revolving barrel called a tumbler. This barrel is sometimes made of iron, but Avood is much better, as the iron sticks to the castings, giving them a bad color. The tumbler should not be entirely closed, and is generally suspended in an inclined position over a tub or sluice with two or three compartments to receive the dirt and water from the barrel. All the sweepings from the floor of 110 THE HPEED-LATHE!. the foundry, tte burnt sand, pieces of scrap-iron, and dirt or dust are put into the barrel with the cast- ings. As the barrel revolves, full of water, not only Fig. 76. are the castings cleaned, but the brass lumps and chips also. The inclination of the tumbler will cause all the pieces to rub together. The dirty water and the pieces of brass that are washed out through the cre^'ices made in the barrel drop into the tub, the heavier pieces in the first compart- ment, the next lighter in the second, and the light- est in the third, the dirty water flowing on and discharging into the drain ; the overflow being at the top of each tub, nothing is lost, and every piece of bi-ass in the sand is found and is per- fectly clean. The castings after revolving for a time in this barrel of water, sand, and scrap are clean and fresh-looking and have what is called a good color. SPECIAL TOOLS AND APPLIANCES. Ill The foiming-tools, reamers, taps, and dies, and all special tools used for producing work accu- rately and quickly, are very expensive. Exercise 39. This will readily be seen, for instance. The forming- in the case of the forming-tool used *°°^" for valve, injector, and beer -pump work, Fig. 77. This is a cutting-tool resembling a piece of wide moulding, sometimes 6" or more in width, with the end cut off obliquely instead of square. The Fig. 77. stock is first roughed out or cleaned with a com- mon hand-tool. The tool, which is set vertically and at the proper distance from the line of centres and parallel to it, is brought down in the same way as the knife in the shears, cutting first at the acute angle, at the very end of the piece, and gradually along the whole length of the tool, 112 THE 8PBED-LATEE. thus meeting with but little resistance. If this tool were square at the end it would be im- possible to cut with it, nor would it be prac- ticable even to use it as a scraper-tool, as it would fill the wort full of " chatter "-marks — little cuts like those on milled work. The reason of this is that all broad-faced tools spring away from the work and return to it with a series of vibrations ; but with the cutting edge at an angle as just described, properly gi"ound and tempered, it will cut a very smooth surface and a great many such, making them all alike. With these special tools, emery-wheels, buffers, and rag-wheels, some very fine work in brass is finished by cheap labor, as that of boys or un- skilled hands, in a short time. The rag-wheel is made of disks of rags, 12" or more in diameter, fastened to a mandrel and revolving at a speed as high as 4000 revolutions or more per minute, giving a fine polish to the work which is pressed against it. UNBERRANB CUTTING- WITH THE GOUOE. 113 LESSON XII. UNDERHAND CUTTING WITH THE GOUGE. Having learned how to do good work by hold- ing the handle of the gouge in your right hand and the blade in your left, with the knuckles on top, which is called " overhand " working, you may now begin using the tool in the following ways: First. When turning large work, 20" or more in diameter, hold the handle in either the right or the left hand, and press your arm firmly against your side, holding the knuckles of the left hand either above or below the blade. Second. In turning very small work hold the handle in your right hand and the blade in your left, with the thumb on top and the forefinger under the T, as in Fig. 78. Third. In small work, either in wood or brass, when the work is hard or angular and it is necessary to hold the blade of the tool very firmly on the T, place the thumb in the con- cavity of the gouge, the forefinger around the 114 TEE BPMBD-LATEM. Fig. 78. UNDERHAND GUTTING WITH THE GOUGB. 115 T, and the other fingers grasping the socket and the rest, as in Fig. 79. Fig. 79. Fourth. In turning small work, when it is nec- essary to use the gouge or calipers frequently, hold the knuckles underneath, as in Fig. 80, so that the tool may drop into a vertical position, out of the way. 116 TEB 8PBBD-LATHB. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. UNDERHAND CUTTING WITH THE GOUGE. Ill Fifth. When using the fingers of the left hand to measure and dismount the work quickly while it is running, place the thumb in the hollow of the blade while the fingers are stretched over and around the revolving work, as in Fig. 81. Sixth. Work that is fas- tened on the face-plate or held in the chuck is called face-plate or chuck work. For such woik the gouge is held as in Figs. 78-81 to turn the exterior, and as described on pages 91 to 93 to bore, enlarge and finish the inside. The exercises shown in Fig. 82. Fig. 83. the following figures are suitable for practice in these several ways of working, none of which, 118 TBE 8PEBB-LATHB. Knobs. Fig. 84. Chessman. UNDERHAND CUTTING WITH TEE GOUGE. 119 however, are to be attempted before you have be- come skilful in " overhand " turning. Fig. 82 shows the frame and Fig. 83 the cyl- inder of a small vertical engine. This is to be turned by the first method, except ^\^hen the work- man prefers to turn it on an engine-lathe. m Fig. 85, Fig. 86. 120 THE SPEED-LATHE. Figures 84 are suitable for the second method. Figures 85 illustrate the third case. The pieces in Fig. 86 are suitable for the fourth method, where the frequent use of the calipers, or of the "sizing-chisel" shown in Fig. 87, is required. Fig. 87. Balusters, spindles for cabinet-work, rungs for chairs and tables, such as Fig. 88, when made in Fig. 88. large quantities and cheaply, are gauged by the sense of touch and mounted and dismounted without stopping the lathe. They are suitable for the fifth method of working. Figures 89redge's Electric Illuminations 3 vols. , 4to, half morocco, 25 00 Vol.11 4to, 7 50 Gilbert's De magnete. (Mottelay.) 8vo, 2 50 Holmau's Piecision of Measurements 8vo, 2 00 Michie's Wave Motion helating to Sound and Light 8vo, 4 00 Morgan's The Theory of Solutions and its Results 12mo, 1 00 Niaudet's Electric Batteries. (Fishback.) 12mo, 2 50 Reagan's Steam and Electrical Locomotives 12mo, 2 00 Thureton's Stationary Steam Engines for Electric Lighting Pur- poses 12mo, 150 Tillman's Heat 8vo, 1 50 ENQINEERINQ. Civil — Mechanical— Sanitary, Etc. {See also Bkidges, p. 4 ; Hydraulics, p. 8 ; Materials op En- GINEERI.NG, p. 9 ; MECHANICS AND MACHINERY, p. 11 ; StBAM ENGINES AND Boilers, p. 14.) Baker's Masonry Construction 8vo, 5 00 Surveying Instruments 12mo, 3 00 Black's U. S. Public Works 4to, 5 00 Brook's Street Railway Location 13mo, morocco, 1 50 Butts's Engineer's Field-book 13mo, morocco, 2 50 Byrne's Highway Construction 8vo, 7 50 " Inspection of Materials and Workmanship. 12mo, mor. Carpenter's Experimental Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Church's Mechanics of Engineering — Solids and Fluids. .. .8vo, 6 00 " Notes and Examples iu Mechanics 8vo, 2 00 Crandall's Earlhwoik Tables .8vo, 1 50 ' ' The Transition Curve 12mo, morocco, 1 50 7 *Dredge's Peun. Baitroad Construction, etc. . . Folio, half raor., |20 00 * Drinker's Tunnelling 4to, half morocco, Eissler's Explosives — Nitroglycerine and Dynamite 8vo, Fowler's Coffer-dam Process for Piers . . 8vo. Gerhard's Sanitary Hoiise Inspection 16mo, Godwin's Railroad Engineer'sField-book.l2mo, pocket-bk. form, Gore's Elements of Geodesy 8vo, Howard's Transition Curve Field-book . . .12mo, morocco flap, Howe's Retaining Walls (New Edition.) 12mo, Hudson's Excavation Tables. Vol. II 8vo, Hutton's Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants 8vo, Johnson's Materials of Construction 8vo, " Stadia Reduction Diagram. .Sheet, 22i X 28i inches, " Theory and Practice of Surveying 8vo, Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book 13mo, morocco, Kiersted's Sewage Disposal 12mo, Kirkwood's Lead Pipe f oi- Service Pipe 8 vo, Mahan's Civil Engineering. (Wood.) 8vo, Merrlman and Brook's Handbook for Surveyors. . . .12mo, mor., Merriman's Geodetic Surveying. .8vo, " Retaining Walls and Masonry Dams 8vo, Mosely's Mechanical Engineering. 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Warren's Stereotomy — Stone Cutting 8vo, 2 50 Webb s Engineering Instruments. 12mo, morocco, 1 00 Wegmann's Construction of Masonry Bams 4to, 5 00 Wellington's Location of Railways 8vo, 5 00 Wheeler's Civil Engineering 8vo, 4 00 Wolff's Windmill as a Prime Mover 8vo, 3 00 HYDRAULICS. Water-wheels— Windmills— Service Pipe — Drainage, Etc. (/See also Engineering, p. 6. ) Bazin's Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein (Trautwine) 8vo, 2 00 Bovey's Treatise on Hydraulics 8vo, 4 00 Coffin's Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems 12mo, 2 50 Ferrel's Treatise on the Winds, Cyclones, and Tornadoes. . .8vo, 4 00 Fuerte's Water and Public Health 12mo, 1 50 Ganguillet & Kutter'sFlow of Water. 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Strength — Elasticity — Resistance, Etc. {See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baker's Masonry Construction 8vo, Beardslee and Kent's Strength of Wrought Iron 8vo, Bovey's Strength of Materials 8vo, Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of Materials 8vo, Byrne's Highway Construction 8vo, Carpenter's Testing Machines and Methods of Testing Materials. Church's Mechanics of Engineering^=Solids and Fluids 8vo, Du Bois's Stresses in Framed Structures 4to, Hatfield's Transverse Strains 8vo, Johnson's Materials of Construction 8vo, Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, Merrill's Stones for Building and Decoration 8vo, Merriman's Mechanics of Materials 8vo, " Strength of Materials 12mo, Pattou's Treatise on Foundations 8vo, Rockwell's Roads and Pavements in France 12mo, Spalding's Roads and Pavements 12mo, Tliurslon's Materials of Construction 8vo, 10 2 50 3 50 3 00 3 00 4 00 1 00 5 00 $3 00 3 50 35 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 50 3 50 2 50 3 50 5 00 1 50 7 50 5 00 5 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 6 00 7 50 5 00 4 00 1 00 5 00 1 25 3 00 5 00 Thurston's Materials of EDgineering 3 vols., 8vo, $8 00 Vol. I,, Non-metallic 8vo, 3 00 Vol. II., Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Vol. III., Alloys, Brasses, and Bronzes 8vo, 2 50 Weyrauch's Strength of Iron and Steel. (Du Boia.) 8vo, 1 50 Wood's Resistance of Materials 8vo, 3 00 MATHEMATICS. Calcui-us — Gkometby — Trigonometry, Etc. Baker's Elliptic Functions 8vo, 1 50 Ballard's Pyramid Problem 8vo, 150 Barnard's Pyramid Problem 8vo, 1 50 Bass's Differential Calculus 13rao, 4 00 Brigg's Plane Analytical Geometry 13mo, 1 00 Chapman's Theory of Equations 12mo, 1 50 Chessia's Elements of the Theory of Functions. Comptou's Logarithmic Computations 13mo, 1 50 Craig's Linear Differential Equations 8 vo, 5 00 Davis's Introduction to the Logic of Algebra 8vo, 1 50 Halsted's Elements of Geometry 8vo, 1 75 " Synthetic Geometry 8vo, 1 50 Johnson's Curve Tracing 12mo, 1 00 " Differential Equations — Ordinary and Partial 8vOi 3 50 Integral Calculus 12mo, 150 " " " Unabridged. " Least Squares 13mo, 1 50 Ludlow's Logarithmic and Other Tables. (Bass.) 8vo, 3 00 Trigonometry with Tables. (Bass.) 8vo, 3 00 MahAn's Descriptive Geometry (Stone Cutting) 8vo, 1 50 Merriman and Woodward's Higher Mathematics 8vo, 5 00 Merriman's Method of Least Squares 8vo, 3 00 Pai-ker's Quadrature of the Circle 8vo, 3 50 Rice and Johnson's Differential and Integral Calculus, 3 vols, iul, 12mo, 3 50 Differential Calculus 8vo, 3 00 " Abridgment of Differential Calculus 8vo, 150 Searles's Elements of Geometry 8vo, 1 50 Totten's Metrology 8vo, 8 50 Warren's Descriptive Geometry 3 vols., 8vo, 3 50 ' ' Drafting Instruments 12mo, 1 25 " Free-hand Drawing 13mo, 100 " Higher Linear Perspective ; 8vo, 3 50 " Linear Perspective 13mo, 1 00 " Primary Geometry 12mo, 75 11 Warren's Plane Problems ISmo, $1 85 " Problems and Theorems 8vo, 3 50 " Projection Drawing 13mo, 1 50 Wood's Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, 3 00 Trigonometry , ISmo, 1 00 Woolf's Descriptive Geometry Royal 8vo, 3 00 MECHANICS- MACHINERY. Tbxt-books and Practical Works. {See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings ISmo, 8 50 Benjamin's Wrinkles and Recipes 18mo, 8 00 Carpenter's Testing Macliines and Methods of Testing Materials 8vo. Chordal's Letters to Mechanics 13mo, 3 00 Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 " Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, 3 00 Crehore's Mechanics of the Girder 8vo, 5 00 Cromwell's Belts and Pulleys 13mo, 1 50 Toothed Gearing ISmo, 1 50 Compton's First Lessons in Metal Working 13mo, 1 50 Dana's Elementary Mechanics 13mo, 1 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making 13mo, 3 00 Dredge's Trans. Exhibits Building, World Exposition, 4to, half morocco, 10 00 Du Bois's Mechanics. Vol. I., Kinematics 8vo, 3 50 Vol. IL. Statics 8vo, 4 00 Vol. m., Kinetics 8vo, 3 50 Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist 18mo, 1 00 Flather's Dynamometers ISmo, 3 00 Rope Driving ISmo, 3 00 Hall's Car Lubrication ISmo, 1 .00 Holly's Saw Filing 18mo, 75 Johnson's Theoretical Mechanics. An Elementary Treatise. {In the press.) Jones Machine Design. Part I. , Kinematics 8vo, 1 50 " " " Part II., Strength and Proportion of Machine Parts. Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 50 MacCord's Kinematics 8vo, 5 00 Merriman's Mechanics of Materials 8vo, 4 00 Metcalfe's Cost of Manufactures 8vo, 5 00 Michie's Analytical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Mosely's Mechanical Engineering. (Mahan.) 8vo, 5 00 13 Richards's Compressed Air 12mo, $1 50 Robiuson's Principles of Mecbanism 8vo, ? 00 Smith's Press- working of Metals 8vo, 8 00 The Lathe and Its Uses 8vo, 6 00 Thurston's Friction and Lost Work 8vo, 3 00 " The Animal as a Machine 12mo, 100 Warren's Machine Construction 3 vols., 8vo, 7 50 Weisbach's Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. (Du Bois.)..8vo, 5 00 " Mechanics of Engiueering. Vol. III., Part I., Sec. I. (Klein.) 8vo, 5 00 Weisbach's Mechanics of Engineering Vol. III., Part 1., Sec. II (Klein.) 8vo, 5 00 Weisbach's Sleam Engines. 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Barringer's Minerals of Commercial Value oblong morocco, 2 50 Beard's Ventilation of Mines 12mo, 2 50 Boyd's Resources of South Western Virginia 8vo, 3 00 " Map of South Western Virginia Pocket-book form, 2 00 Brush and Penfleld's Determinative Mineralogy 8vo, 3 50 Chester's Catalogue of Minerals 8vo, 1 25 " " " " paper, 50 ' ' Dictionary of the Names of Minerals 8vo, 3 00 Dana's American Localities of Minerals. 8vo, 1 00 13 !13 50 2 00 1 50 3 50 35 00 3 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 4 00 1 50 2 00 5 00 7 00 2 50 4 00 3 00 1 35 Dana's Descriptive Mineralogy. (E. 8.) ■ • ■ .Svo, half morocco, ',' Miueralogy and Petrography (J.D.) 13mo, " Minerals and How to Study Tbem. (E. 8.) 13mo, " Text-book of Mineralogy. (E. 8.) 8vo, •Drinker's Tunnelling, Explosives, Compounds, and Rock Drills. 4to, half morocco, Egleston's Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms 8vo, Eissler's Explosives — Nitroglycerine and Dynamite 8vo, Goodycar's Coal Mines of the Western Coast 13mo, Hussak's Rock forming Minerals. 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Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo, 2 50 Clerk's Gas Engine , 13mo, 4 00 Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, ] 00 Hemenway 's Indicator Practice 13mo. 3 00 Hoadley's Warm-blast Furuiice 8vo, 1 50 Knenss's Practice and Theory of the Injector 8vo, 1 50 MiicCord's Slide Valve 8vo, 3 00 *Maw's Marine Engines Folio, half morocco, 18 00 Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, 10 00 Peabody and Miller's Steam Boilers 8vo 4 00 Peabody's Tables of Saturated Steam 8vo, 1 00 " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine 8vo, 5 00 " Valve Gears for the Steam Engine 8vo, 3 50 Pray's Twenty Years with the Indicator Royal 8vo, 3 50 Pupin and Osterberg's Thermodynamics '. 12mo, 1 25 Reagan's Steam and Electrical Locomotives ISmo, 2 00 R5ntgen's Thermodynamics. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 00 Sinclair's Locomotive Running 13mo 2 00 Thurston's Boiler Explosion 12mo, 150 14 Thurston's Engine and Boiler Trials 8vo, $5 00 " Manual of the Steam Engine. 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