BipiPIMIIIIItllW'ir' 'I "11 iii|iiii|| ItliO! RESS HOW/.RD R. KEMBL6 HOWARD R KEMBLE '*04 BELMONT AV HADDONFIELD NJ 08033 Cornell University Library PN 4897.N53B79 History of the press in Camden County, N 3 1924 009 629 993 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. i.t^ -lu*^/- fci'.uH fjiK_((cr^,„i BS^l lAsei^mi NEW JERSET ADVEnnSER. //in IT ^' ^' I I in II H ^BJSeA^Sig HISTORY OF THE PRESS IN CAMDEN COUNTY NEW JERSEY CHARLES S. BOYER President Camden County Historical Society, Life iVIember Gloucester County Historical Society, Member Pennsylvania and New Jersey Historical Societies West Jersey Press SiNNicKSON Chew & Sons Company, Publishers Camden, N. J. 1921 Copyrighted 1921 Bv Charles S. Boyer CONTENTS Page Gloucester Parmer 12 American Star 16 Camden Mail 17 West Jersey Mail 20 West Jerseyman 20 West Jersey Bugle 21 West Jersey Press 22 Semi- Weekly Phoenix 29 Camden Democrat 30 Camden Journal 36 Camden Evening Daily 37 New Republic 39 South Jersey Advertiser 40 Camden Sunday Argus 43 Camden Daily Post 43 Camden Spy 45 Youths' Monthly 45 Camden Tribune 46 Camden Sunbeam 46 The Gem 47 The Bee 47 Saturday Evening Express 47 Camden County Courier 48 Camden Daily Courier 50 Camden County Journal 51 New Jersey Coast Pilot 52 Atlantic Coast Guide 52 Camden Echo 53 Camden Daily Telegram 53 The Sunday Call 54 Camden Sunday Times 55 Stockton Advocate 55 Camden Sunday Review 55 Camden Citizen 56 Camden Post-Telegram 57 Morning News 58 Stockton Times 59 The Outlook 60 New Jersey Sand Burr 60 East Side Press 60 Camden Argus 61 New Jersey Temperance Gazette 63 FOREWORD ' I ^HE "History of the Press", which appears in ■*• the following pages, was prepared by Mr. Charles S. Boyer as a part of the "History of Camden" which he proposes to publish at some time in the future. The manuscript was so inter- esting that the publishers of the "West Jersey Press" requested the privilege of putting it into book form, that the record of newspaper publish- ing in this section might be suitably preserved. It also seemed appropriate that the designing and printing of this volume should be done in the book department of the "West Jersey Press", the only paper now published in Camden as Mr. Boyer shows, which can trace its ancestry back one hun- dred years. The publication of this book, we, also, feel to be a more fitting and dignified way of celebrat- ing a centennial anniversary than by issuing a special historical edition of the "West Jersey Press". Such editions, too frequently, are commer- cialized, and of little or no permanent value. SiNNicKSON Chew & Sons Co. Publishers, West Jersey Press. INTRODUCTION THE newspaper file is the very fountain head for local history. It furnishes maps of the world's progress and records, daily and hourly, of all that is going on about us. It has been called "the mirror of the present and the tele- scope of the distant". Within its covers are por- trayed, daily or weekly, the events of the commu- nity, as witnessed by the writer, and even though they may sometimes be exaggerated, or distorted, they still bring out facts and incidents which would otherwise have been lost to posterity or forgotten in the on-rush of later developments. Let us not for- get that the history of the nation is made up of the combined histories of the smallest political units and that if a community has not provided itself with an adequate local history, it has not fulfilled its highest destiny as an integral part of the state or nation. Nowhere else is there such a gold mine of historical information as that furnished in the daily and weekly newspaper. The local press more clearly reflects the thoughts and customs of the times than any other record of a permanent character. Take up the earliest volume 8 INTRODUCTION published in Camden and you will see that a large part of its columns is filled with advertisements. Two months old foreign news," or week-old home intelligence, occupies practically all of the remain- ing space, while strictly local news is given a few inches at the most. As the examination is continued you see the local news part gradually expanding, the editorial column taking on life and the advertis- ing pages reflecting the business of the community rather than that of the country at large. These changes stealthily creep into the newspaper col- umns in direct ratio to the growth and develop- ment of the community. During the past twenty years the writer has been collecting data relating to the history of Camden and, in the course of these investigations, has had occasion to consult the various files of all the avail- able early newspapers published in Camden. A careful record was kept of the papers examined especially as regards their ownership and dates of founding. In addition, an extensive correspon- dence was carried on with libraries and historical societies known to have copies of these papers. This information is set forth in the following pages in order that one important phase of our local his- tory may be available to the future newspaper edi- INTRODUCTION 9 tor, the historian and the citizen interested in Cam- den's rapid growth and progress. This bibliogra- phy is probably the first one ever compiled in our community and it is obvious that there may be some omissions and errors in a work of this kind, espec- ially in the first attempt. The endeavor has been to notice every publication which had newspaper possibilities, but no attempt has been made to list publications put forth in the interest of individual church, society or private organizations. The writer will be pleased to have any errors or correc- tions communicated to him. CHAS. S. BOYER. April 17, 1921. THE PRESS The history of the press in Camden ante-dates the incorporation of the city by about nine years. Of the numerous local papers which have been is- sued from time to time, the "West Jersey Press" is the only one now published which can trace its origin back to the papers begun early in the nineteenth century. The claim of succession from ihe original "American Star" to the "West Jersey Press" is easily traceable step by step. The next oldest paper in point of years was the "Camden Democrat," which, however, is no longer pub- lished. The oldest of the daily papers now pub- lished is the "Post Telegram," since this newspaper is the direct descendent of "The Post," whose pub- lication was begun in 1875. As in many other cities in the period from 1840- 1860 party strife occupied a prominent place in the editorial and news columns of the press. In Camden the bitter feeling between the "Demo- crats" and "Whigs" was reflected through the "Camden Democrat," particularly under the editorship of Charles D. Hineline, and the "Cam- den Mail," "West Jersey Mail" and "West Jersey- man," successively, under the able direction of Judge P. J. Gray. Hineline was a man of pug- nacious disposition, and his editorials attacking 12 HISTORY OF THE PRESS the opposition were often vitriolic and fiery in tenor, while Judge Gray was a word-painter and his editorials, while; scathing, never reached the level of unseemly personalities. In a majority of cases, however, there was always an "esprit de corps" among these men, which cropped out, even during the most heated political campaigns. They were ever ready to extend words of sympathy to a fellow publisher in distress and, on more than one occasion, the use of the printing plant of one paper was offered to its most bitter antagonist, when the latter's equipment had been destroyed by fire or accident. THE GLOUCESTER FARMER The first newspaper published in Camden was the "Gloucester Farmer", which had originally been established at Woodbury, the county seat of Gloucester County, on January i, 1817, by John A. Crane, a former resident of Essex County. It was a weekly and, like all papers in the smaller com- munities, made only a feeble attempt at printing the local news, or directing public opinion on top- ics of the day. In January, 18 19, it was moved to Camden, the headline stating that it was "printed and published by John A. Crane", while a later number, dated November 2, 18 19, bears the head- line "printed by John A. Crane". Isaac Watts Crane, who had been practicing law in Trenton, HISTORY OF THE PRESS 1 3 moved to Camden in July, 1819, and soon became interested with his brother, in the "Farmer", doing all the editorial work, while John A. Crane, who was a practical printer, did the press work. Isaac W. Crane was a native of Essex County and a graduate of Princeton College in the Class of 1789. He was admitted as an attorney in 1797, first locating at Salem and then in Bridgetbn and prior to his coming to Camden had an office in Trenton. He was a highly educated man and a lawyer of considerable ability but on account of an eccentric turn of mind was neither a successful lawyer nor a brilliant journalist. After severing his connection with the "Farmer" he returned to Bridgeton and later became prosecutor of the pleas for Cumberland county. He resided in Bridgeton until 1850, when he returned to Essex county where he died in 1856. Sometime between November, 18 19, and Sep- tember, 1820, the ownership passed to Isaac W. Crane, who associated with him Edward G. Dor- sey, under the firm name Edward G. Dorsey & Co. A dispute between these partners soon arose and in the "Columbian Herald", published at Woodbury, under date of October 14, 1820, appears a "Notice", signed by Edward G. Dorsey, announcing the dis- solution of the firm and also in the same issue an "Advertisement" of Isaac W. Crane, stating that "the matters in dispute are now in the hands of arbitrators". The arbitrators decided in favor of 14 HISTORY OF THE PRESS the latter, and on December i8, 1820, he sold the paper to Philip J. Gray. It was now moved back to Woodbury and combined with the "Columbian Herald" (established September 28, 1819). On December 20, 1820, Mr. Gray issued from his office in Woodbury the first copy of "The Herald & Gloucester Farmer" as Vol. II, No. 66 of the Herald and Vol. IV, No. 194 of the Farmer. Tracing the history of this journal until its final removal to Camden in 1840, we find that under the above title the paper was published until Septem- ber 15, 1824, when the name "Village Herald and Weekly Advertiser" was adopted, "because of the confusion and mistakes often occurring in taking the Herald to be one paper and the Gloucester Far- mer to be another". Mr. Gray continued to publish the "Village Herald" until August 26, 1829, when, in order "to turn his attention to a business more lucrative", he sold it to Joseph Sailer. Under the new proprietor the name was changed to the "Village Herald and Gloucester Advertiser". The only copy so far lo- cated is in the New Jersey Historical Society's col- lection and is dated Woodbury, Wednesday, Sep- tember 22, 1830. In 1837, the paper passed into the hands of Wil- liam Johnson, son of Isaac Johnson, a former sher- iff of Salem county. It was soon discovered that the son was not nearly so shrewd a political mana- ger as the father and the latter, who was the real HISTORY OF THE PRESS 1 5 owner, after a few years concluded to dispose of the paper as a "Democratic Stock Concern" to an association of twenty-five prominent Democrats of the county, an arrangement which was consummat- ed early in the year 1840. The first thing the stock- holders did was to vote its removal f romWoodbury to Camden, then a part of Gloucester county. The first number of this newspaper after its re- moval to Camden, was issued on April 15, 1840, under the title of the "West Jersey Democrat".* Its publishers and principal stockholders were Isaac Bullock, then postmaster of Camden, and William Johnson. The former soon getting into trouble with the Government over his post office accounts, the establishment, in some way, not gen- erally understood, was turned over to Charles S. Garrett, who in August, 1840, issued the "Demo- «crat", as publisher and proprietor and continued the publication for a few weeks. He then disposed of it to Samuel Irwin. The Johnsons always main- tained that they were defrauded out of the owner- ship of the paper and their friends, who were nu- merous in the lower part of Gloucester and throughout Salem county, refused to sanction" the passing of the title through Garrett to Irwin. The latter became discouraged and, about the middle of the year 1841, discontinued the paper and sold the materials piece-meal. * The publisher issued a two page prospectus dated April 13, 1840, a copy of which was offered for sale In the Nelson collection in 1915. 1 6 HISTORY OF THE PRESS THE AMERICAN STAR "The American Star", a Whig organ, the second newspaper published in Camden, and the first one to maintain under various names a continuous exis- tence, was established by Samuel Ellis, a former school master and the first city clerk of Camden. Its first issue was dated Tuesday, April 17, 1821, and was a four page, five column paper, twelve inches by nineteen and one-half inches in size. At the head of the first column it carried the following announcement : "THE AMERICAN STAR Is published every Tuesday, at Two Dollars per annum payable half yearly. No subscription will be received for less than six months, and a failure to notify a wish to discontinue will be considered^ as a subsequent engagement. Advertisements inserted three weeks for one dollar, when not exceeding one square, and contin- ued weekly for twenty-five cents. Larger adver- tisements at the same rates". Under the title, "The American Star," it was published by Mr. Ellis until December 29, 1824, when he changed the name to "American Star and Rural Record" and the day on which it was issued to Wednesday. Just when Ellis' connection with this paper ceased is uncertain, but he was still the owner as late as June 9, 1830, and, together with HISTORY OF THE PRESS 1 7 his brother, Charles H. Ellis, who had an interest in the printing ofBce, until December of that year.^ In the latter part of 1830, Isaac H. Porter and John Wolohon, both of whom had been appren- tices under Samuel Ellis, issued a prospectus of a newspaper to be called "The Camden Mail". From this announcement, we quote the following to show their ideas in bringing out another publication: "Our observation and experience have convinced us, that exclusive devotion to any one party, does not afford the widest field of usefulness for a news- paper. We consider that a public journal belongs to the whole public, and not any part of it; and that its paramount duties and best efforts are due to society in general and to the weal of the whole community and country. Under guidance of these principles, our paper will be neutral in all mere party conflicts ; and in our whole manage- ment of it, we will endeavor to be impartial". THE CAMDEN MAIL AND NEW JERSEY ADVERTISER Shortly after issuing this prospectus they pur- chased "The American Star and Rural Record" and on January 5, 1831, issued the first number of "American Star and New Jersey Advertiser", as Volume I, No. i. In an editorial in this issue they state : "The principles under which it will be conducted are expressed in the Prospectus which we lately * After Ellis sold the "American Star and Rural Record" he continued the printing business, but finally entered the employ of Judge Gray, and died about 1840. 1 8 HISTORY OF THE PRESS issued for a newspaper, to be entitled "The Camden Mail and New Jersey Advertiser". * * * * The project of a newspaper, has, of course been given up". "It is our intention to have issued the paper upon a larger sheet than this (125^ X2i), but in consequence of our purchase, we will be obliged, for the present, to confine our limits to the usual size of the "Star", as our press will not print a larger one". On January 8, 1828, Dr. John R. Sickler issued a broadside containing the prospectus of a weekly paper to be issued in Camden under the title of "The New Jersey Statesman".* The paper was to be a Jacksonian organ, with the object of clearing up "the unfounded aspersion which veniality and misconception have cast upon General Jackson" and to "point out the grounds for his preference to Mr. Adams". The paper does not appear to have been issued. At a later date. Dr. Sickler pur- chased the interest of Isaac Porter in the "Camden Mail" and soon associated with him John Wolo- hon. It was continued by Sickler and Wolohon under the name of the "Camden Mail and New Jersey Advertiser". The only copy under this management, so far located is in the collection of the New Jersey His- torical Society and is dated April 18, 1832. It is a four page, six column paper, very neatly printed ♦ A copy of this broadside was sold at auction in New York on February 4. 1916, and tlie writer liad the opportunity to verify the above information. HISTORY OF THE PRESS 1 9 and a good specimen of early typography. The partnership of Sickler & Wolohon did not last very long, Dr. Sickler buying out Wolohon's inter- est and publishing the journal under his own name. Exactly when Dr. Sickler purchased the inter- est of Wolohon is not known, but it was prior to September, 1832, for on the twenty-eighth of that month Wolohon made an assignment for the bene- fit of his creditors to Isaac H. Porter, which did not in any way affect the credit, or business of the "Mail". The only known copy of the paper as published by J. R. Sickler is dated January 30, 1833. In a short time a Mr. Ham purchased the interest of Dr. Sickler, but whether the latter issued the paper regularly, or only occasionally, is un- known. Dr. Sickler announced in 1834 that he had opened a drug and medicine store at his residence on Market street between Third and Fourth, from which we may infer that his newspaper connections had been entirely severed. CAMDEN MAIL AND NEW JERSEY ADVERTISER On April 2, 1834, Philip J. Gray, returning to journalism in Camden, bought the "Camden Mail and New Jersey Advertiser" and continued its pub- lication under the same name, with the interrup- tion of some months between the transfer from Mr. Ham to Judge Gray, during which time it was only issued at infrequent periods. 20 HISTORY OF THE PRESS One year later Mr. Gray adopted a new title for his paper, namely "Camden Mail and General Advertiser". This was the first number of the second year under the new management and was continued under this name until August 27, 1845. The purposes and objects of the paper are so clearly stated in the headline as to need no further words of explanation. It read, "Tis our aim to in- terest the mechanic and manufacturer — to enliven the fireside of the farmer — and to note the changes in the political and moral world". THE WEST JERSEY MAIL From September 3, 1845, to February 24, 1847, the paper was issued under the title "The West Jersey Mail", The owner having bought new type decided to enlarge the form and "at the instance of friends", also concluded to change the name of the publication. THE WEST JERSEYMAN The paper under the new title "The West Jersey- man" was issued March 3, 1847, and this name was retained so long as Judge Gray continued to be its editor and publisher. In the Prospectus of "The West Jerseyman", the editors say: "The Paper will be devoted to the full and free discussion of the topics of the day, and will sustain c ilOcst 3cr5cij Mhil ^'^e 3^, J-W,.! J««,,p,„,, Sliest Ifrsfj %«%U. QiLuii^^^ uJ West Jersey Press N fit* (riK) Vt*s tota ^tm ChireB ^oti fluttenngs HISTORY OF THE PRESS 21 the supremacy of the laws, the maintenance of public morals, and those conservative principles which distinguish the great Whig Party of the Unioii'\ In the first issue of The West Jerseyman, Mr. Gray announced that he had "associated with him George W. Hartshorn, a young man whose liter- ary attainments and business qualities cannot fail to add to the interest and usefulness of the paper". The name of P. J. Gray, however, continued to be printed on the title page, while the firm name of Gray & Hartshorn appeared at the head of the editorial page. This partnership lasted until the issue of May i, 1848. In January, 1849, William Elliot became a part- ner with Gray in this publication and beginning July I, the price of the paper was raised to two dollars per year. This partnership continued until December 31, 1850. During the ownership of the "West Jerseyman" by Judge Gray, his two sons, Samuel H. Grey, afterwards Attorney General of New Jersey, and Martin P. Grey, who was later one of the Vice Chancellors of the State, were asso- ciated with this paper for some time. THE WEST JERSEY BUGLE The "West Jerseyman" was sold to Thomas M. Newbould of New York, who on January 4, i860, issued the first number of the "West Jersey Bugle". Newbould in his announcement said, 22 HISTORY OF THE PRESS "We have thought fit to call our paper the "West Jersey Bugle", a title in consonance with its con- templated brisk and lively character, and all efforts will be used to make it a journal entertaining and unexceptionable to every family, and stirring in the politics attendant upon the present agitation of our country. Our little Bugle sounds a charge against the present National Administration, and though we emphatically plant ourselves in opposi- tion to Slavery Expansion, yet we utterly eschew the system of bitterness practised by partizan jour- nals, and wish to conduct all controversy in a spirit of conciliation and kindly feeling". D. W. Belisle in a lecture in 1866 said, "He blew his 'Bugle' for a short time, when it was dis- covered that his vim was not acceptable to the Republican Party, whose organ it was, and Mr. Newbould retired". Newbould, when he retired from the West Jersey Bugle, took up the publica- tion of the Philadelphia "Star", a weekly paper. WEST JERSEY PRESS Newbould was succeeded by Dr. S. C. Harbert of Salem, who on April 25, i860, adopted the name "West Jersey Press". In taking over the "West Jersey Bugle" Dr. Harbert said : "We start A No. i, with new title — new type — ■ new everything — and have not awaited the slow process of issuing a prospectus. A necessity was believed to exist for the pub^ lication of a paper, located at a convenient point HISTORY OF THE PRESS 23 for obtaining full information on the current events of the day, to circulate throughout the eight lower counties of West Jersey; to meet this appar- ent want, and to advocate especially the political and general interests of the First and Second Con- gressional Districts, has prompted us to undertake the task." When the call for volunteers was issued by Pres- ident Lincoln, Dr. Harbert immediately offered his services and left Camden on August 21, 1861. Judge Gray took temporary charge of the paper until October when Charles Githens, a practical printer of Philadelphia, bought an interest in the West Jersey Press, which was now conducted un- der the firm name of Harbert and Githens, until May, 1862, when it was purchased by Mr. Sinnick- son Chew. The first issue under the new proprie- tor is dated May 7. This paper has remained in the Chew family since that date and is now pub- lished by the Sinnickson Chew & Sons Company. Sinnickson Chew was the editor from 1862 until the time of his death in 1901, when Harry C. Dole became the editor. Mr. Dole died on July 8th, 1920, and since that time the editorial manage- ment has been in the hands of William H. Chew, the eldest son of Sinnickson Chew. Sinnickson Chew learned the newspaper busi- ness in the Woodbury "Constitution" office, and af- ter serving his apprenticeship returned to Salem where he became connected with the "National 24 HISTORY OF THE PRESS Standard". In a short time he and William S. Sharp purchased that paper and continued its pub- lication until 1862, when he bought the "West Jer- sey Press". The first steam driven printing press in Camden was installed by Mr. Chew shortly after he assumed control of the West Jersey Press and for years after printing presses of this type ceased to be a novelty, the slogan "steam printing house" was used by this establishment. From a paper of purely local influence, Mr. Chew soon by his forcible editorials and fair treat- ment of both friend and foe made his new ven- ture one of the leading papers in South Jersey. He was a clear and lucid writer with a perfect com- mand of the English language which he always used with telling effect. During the Civil War he was bitter towards the opposition party and his scathing criticisms of the editorial policy of the "Camden Democrat" brought forth many tart and caustic paragraphs in both papers. In the "Demo- crat" of June 4, 1862, Morris R. Hamilton, reply- ing to one of these articles said : "Mr. Sinnickson Chew of the West Jersey Press volunteers to furnish an epitaph and not wishing to be excelled in editorial courtesy, even in so grave a matter, we undertake to return the favor by sub- mitting the following: 'Here lies one who s-chew-d the Constitution and died of nigger on the brain' ". The office of the "American Star" was at first HISTORY OF THE PRESS 25 on Whitehall, now Front, street between Cooper and Market streets, and was later removed to the southwest corner of Second and Market streets oc- cupying the second story of a frame building which formerly stood on the site of the brick building, af- terwards used as a drug store by James C. Morgan, and later by Simeon Ringle. At that time Charles H. Ellis occupied the first story of this building as a store. The "Camden Mail" under Porter & Wolohon was also located in this building and re- mained there until January, 1833, when the office was moved to the second building on the west side of Second street below Federal, under Mr. Ham. For a short time, under P. J. Gray, the office was located in the old "Arcade" building, at the south- west corner of Second and Plum (Arch) streets, but in September, 1834, was moved to the frame building on Front street two doors above "Toy's" Hotel, where it remained until December i, 1852. On the latter date the office was moved to the "new building" on the south side of Market street, three doors above the West Jersey Hotel. After several changes from the north to the south side of Market street, west of Front, the West Jersey Press was, in 1872, finally located in its own building at the northeast corner of Front and Market streets. In 1913, the building at Nos. 37 and 39 North Third street was erected and has since been occupied by this newspaper. About the year 1831, a paper was established in 26 HISTORY OF THE PRESS Camden under the title "Camden Republican". The venture proving unsuccessful it was placed in the hands of a receiver who sold it to Josiah Har- rison, at that time city clerk and later the Law Re- porter of the State of New Jersey. By the latter the name was changed to "National Republican," and issued as a Democratic organ in opposition to the "Camden Mail". Mr. Harrison, not being a practical printer, placed the publication in the hands of "two good workmen", E. E. Camp and A. S. Barber. About 1833, these two men left to establish the Woodbury "Constitution", and Harrison continued the publication until May 27, 1843, when it was discontinued, because its pro- prietor was moving to Salem. In the following November, Franklin Ferguson revived the enter- prise under the title "National Republican". Pre- vious to coming to Camden, Mr. Ferguson had edited and published "The Washington Whig" in Bridgeton. The new owner soon changed the pa- per to a "Native American" organ, entitled "The Tribune", better known, however, as "The Two Thousand Gratis", from the fact that the adver- tisers were assured the circulation had reached this figure and to nriake good his word a large part of every issue was given away. After publishing seven numbers, Ferguson became discouraged and sold his establishment. He later established "The Dollar Weekly" at Burlington. HISTORY OF THE PRESS 27 Charles D. Hineline* started the "American Eagle" in the "building lately occupied by the Post Office, adjoining the Railroad Hotel". He is supposed to have been the purchaser of a large part of the equipment of the "Tribune". The first number was dated Wednesday, September 29, 1842, and the second number was issued on Satur- day, October 8, after which time the latter day was the regular one for its publication. It was printed on a sheet 13 x 20 inches, four pages, five columns to a page and the last issue under this title was dated December 24, 1842, as No. 13. Mr. Hineline was soon joined by Henry Curts, a prac- tical printer, and on December 31, 1842, the first issue of the "American Eagle and West Jersey Ad- vertiser" was published by Hineline & Curts, as Vol. II, No. I, Whole No. 14. The last number put out by this firm was dated May 18, 1844. Hineline, having sold out his one-half interest in the plant to Henry Bosse, moved West. The issue of June 15 was published by Bosse & Curts and this * Charles D. Hineline was born in Northumberland County, Pa., in 1817, and died in Philadelphia on May 9, 1862. He entered the newspaper field on the "German Democrat" of Easton, Pa., in 1S29, subsequently going to Philadelphia "Inquirer," under Jesper Harding, and coming to this city to start the "American Eagle." He soon emigrated to Indiana where he began publishing the New Albany "Ledger." He came" back to Camden in 1846 and, as noted elsewhere, started the "Camden Democrat," which he later sold to Colonel Isaac Mickle, and started the Phillipsburg (N. J.) "Standard." His next venture was the "Spirit of '76," which was afterwards merged with the "Democrat." Under President Buchanan, Hineline held a position in the Phila- delphia Custom House. He later started the Philadelphia "American Mechanic" in connection with a Mr. Van Nortwick. His next move was the "Pennsylvania State Sentinel" of Harrisburg, where he came into friendly relations with Governor Packer, who rewarded him for his party fealty by an appointment as Superintendent of Public Printing. He later came back to Camden, but his ambition to found further newspapers was gone, and he devoted his time to reportorial work for several years. 28 HISTORY OF THE PRESS combination continued until August 17, when on account of ill-health, Mr. Bosse sold his interest to Curts. The paper was then continued by Henry Curts, or Henry Curts & Co., under the same title until November 23, 1844, when its name was changed to "Phoenix and Farmers' and Mechan- ics' Advertiser". Curts, in an editorial in the issue of November 30, 1844, states that the reason for the change in the title of the paper was that the names of both the contemporaries in the city corresponded in some degree with the name of the "American Eagle and West Jersey Advertiser"; Ferguson's was called the "Franklin Advertiser", while the other one ("The Camden Mail") has the affix "General Advertiser" in its title. This led to much confusion among his exchanges and letters, which often were addressed merely "The Advertiser". Democracy, whose organ his paper was, had re- cently gone to defeat and it was hoped it would "rise from the ashes of defeat more vigorous, and, as we trust, more powerful than ever" — hence the name "Phoenix". In January, 1844, Isaac Mickle assumed editor- ial charge of the "Eagle", and P. J. Gray editor- ially in the "Mail" of January 10, 1844, said, "We perceive from the last No. of the American Eagle, that our esteemed young townsman, Isaac Mickle, Esq., has assumed the editorial control of that paper. This connection cannot but be grati- HISTORY OF THE PRESS 29 fying to every one who entertains any regard for the reputation of the Press of the State". Mickle continued as editor until December, 1844, when he announced that private business required his re- moval to another state and consequently his with- drawal from all connection with the paper. In the issue of December 21, 1844, the name of Henry Curts appeared as both editor and publisher. Curts continued its publication as a weekly under the same title for some time and then changed the name to "T!he Semi-Weekly Phoenix and West Jersey Democratic Journal". This change was made in June, 1850* and there are two copies of this paper in the Library of Con- gress. During the period when it was published semi-weekly it was issued on Mondays and Thurs- days. The size of the paper was loj^ x 16 inches, of four pages and four columns to a page, and the price was one cent per number. D. W. Belisle says it was subsequently published semi-occasion- ally and finally died a natural death about i860. The ofKce of the "Phoenix" and of the "Semi- Weekly Phoenix" was originally at the. south- west corner of Second and Plum streets ("The Ar- cade") and later at 413 Federal street. There was a paper called the "Hickory Club", edited by Chas. D. Hineline and published by Ed- ward Chandler. It was. apparently a four page • "The West Jerseyman," June 19, 1850. 30 HISTORY OF THE PRESS campaign sheet but the only trace of the paper so far located is one page of the issue of May 17th, 1844, in the Library of Congress. Ferguson soon after selling out the "Tribune" established the "Franklin Advertiser", also known as the "Dollar Weekly", and continued its publica- tion until 1846, when C. D. Hineline, who had again returned to Camden, purchased his interest and soon changed the name to the "Camden Demo- crat". Practically nothing would now be known of the "Franklin Advertiser", were it not for a ref- erence to it in a contemporary newspaper and the editorial by Curts above cited as no copies are known to be in existence. It must, however, have had some influence in the community, as other- wise Curts would not have felt constrained to change the title of his publication in order to avoid confusion with the "Franklin Advertiser". The first issue of the "Camden Democrat" which was a twenty-eight column folio paper, was in No- vember, 1846.* In acknowledging receipt of the initial copy, Judge Gray, in "The West Jersey Mail" expressed the opinion that while "competition is said to be * We have been unable to locate a copy of the first issue of the "Democrat" ■which Prowell and others state was dated January 3rd. However, "The West Jersey Mail" of November 25, 1846, states that it is called upon to announce the appearance of another paper under the title "Camden Democrat," published by Charles D. Hineline. As the "Mail" was issued on Wednesdays and the "Democrat" on Saturdays, it is fair to assume that its first number was dated November 21, 1846. In the early numbers of the "Camden Democrat" the date of its establishment is given as 1832, evidently tracing its founding back to Harrison's "Republican." As the latter was changed to a "Native American" organ, this claim is not well founded. We have, therefore, assumed that Hine- line was the original founder of the "Democrat." HISTORY OF THE PRESS 3 1 the life of trade", this old adage "will better bear a general rather than a particular application". "For instance, further competition, where it al- ready prevails to a ruinous extent, will not 'give life', but must rather be the death of 'trade'. Such, we imagine, must be the result produced by the addition to the number of newspapers already in Camden".* This was a new enterprise and was located in a frame building at Front and Federal streets. The publication office was, however, soon moved to the second and third floors of the frame building next door to Joab Scull's grocery store located at the southwest corner of Second and Federal streets. At this location it was entirely burned out on June 26, 1 85 1, and was then moved to the frame building at the eastern end of Laning's Row on Federal street.t That the adage, "blood is thicker than water", is true in newspaperdom as well as in the family, was demonstrated by the fire. About this time the "West Jerseyman" and the "Democrat" were hav- ing a heated battle over the political issues of the day and the discussion grew so warm that it de- scended to personalities. This naturally engen- dered bad feeling between the editors, but when the fire broke out, Mr. Gray's first thought was for his recent antagonist. In describing the fjre in the next issue of his paper he said much of the infor- • "The West Jersey Mail," November 25, 1845. t "The West Jerseyman," July 2, 1851. 32 HISTORY OF THE PRESS mation was obtained from others, as he was too busy trying to save the effects and supplies of the "Democrat" to personally observe what was tak- ing place in other parts of the burned area. During a portion of the time the "Democrat" wds owned by Mr. Hineline. D. W. Belisle acted as editor and also assisted in setting type and print- ing the paper. After they separated, a most bitter feud sprang up between them, which came near culminating in a tragedy. C. D. Hineline sold the paper in April, 1852, to Colonel Isaac Mickle and upon his death it passed to his cousin Isaac W. Mickle, who in 1856, took James M. Cassiday into partnership. In 1857, John Hood, who had for many years been con- nected with the "Bridgeton Chronicle", succeeded Cassiday and the next year (July, 1858) became the sole owner. Henry L. Bonsall became assistant editor and foreman of the office under Hood's pro- prietorship. With the issue of June 2, i860. Hood was induced to part with the property, and Oscar D. Douglas became the publisher while Morris R. Hamilton was the new editor. The latter had been formerly connected with the Trenton "True Amer- ican", the New York "National Democrat" and the New Jersey "Herald". The paper was continued under the new management without material changes until the first issue of the Fifteenth Vol- ume,* on March 2, i86r, when according to a pre- * How the 15-volume commenced on March 2, 1861, we have been unable, tn learn. HISTORY OF THE PRESS 33 vious announcement, three columns more of read- ing were provided by increasing the length of the pages and its appearance was greatly improved by the aid of new type. Douglas severed his connec- tion with the "Democrat" in September, 1861, to take charge of the "Atlantic Democrat" of Egg Harbor City along with Mr. J. Gifford. During the management under Hamilton, William Zane became foreman of the press room and after Mr. Douglas' retirement Mr. Hamilton's son, Ellis, took charge of the financial affairs of the paper. Morris R. Hamilton remained with the "Demo- crat" until September, 1865, leaving to take charge of the Newark "Journal", and subsequently be- came State Librarian. He was one of the best known journalists among the New Jersey Demo- cratic editors and his exit from the "Democrat" was severely felt by his party. The next editor was Charles N. Pine, who, when Hineline moved with the "Franklin Advertiser", from the building at Front and Federal streets, took possession of it and began the publication of the "Jersey Blue". The latter paper endorsed the Whig policies, but does not seem to have made any material progress and was soon discontinued. Pine, in 1855, moved to Princeton, Indiana, and became the editor of the Bureau county "Demo- crat". He was later appointed postmaster of Princeton and in 1858 selected as United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois, be- 34 HISTORY OF THE PRESS coming the leader of the Buchanan Democrats. His next newspaper venture was as editor of the Chicago daily "Herald" — an anti-Douglass organ. Returning to Philadelphia in 1862, he became suc- cessively editor of the Philadelphia "Bulletin", Philadelphia "Patriot", "Camden Democrat", and Philadelphia "Record", and finally moved to Mil- ford, Pennsylvania, to take charge of the Milford "Despatch". His last publication was the Port Jer- vis, New York, "Gazette". While a brilliant writer, he did not make a suc- cess of any of the many papers with which he was connected, as is evidenced by the many changes that he made during his nearly fifty years in journalism. After the departure of Pine, "years of gloomy uncertainty attended the course of the Democrat". The duty of issuing the paper was assumed by Wil- liam Zane, a thoroughly practical printer, while the editorial page was filled up with voluntary con- tributions from those affiliated with the Democratic party. This naturally led to an unsettled policy and resulted in the loss of patronage and influence. In 1867, Alexander E. Donaldson, formerly of the "Somerset Messenger", assumed editorial charge, but he only lived for a few months and the paper was again largely dependent upon volun- teers, among whom was John H. Jones, one of the founders in 1843 of "The Daily Sun" of Philadel- phia and later the publisher and with Dr. Reynell Coates, co-editor, of the "American Banner and HISTORY OF THE PRESS 35 National Defender", the organ of Native Ameri- canism in West Jersey. It was published in Cam- den for several years beginning about 1850 and. subsequently, according to Westcott ScharflE, in Philadelphia for several months. In 1851-52 it w^as one of the three official newspapers of the city, but otherwise little is known of it. In 1870, '^The Camden Democrat Co-operative Association" was formed with Thomas McKean, Isaiah Woolston, James M. Cassiday, Chalkley A. Albertson, Cooper B. Browning, John Clement, William Sexton, Richard S. Jenkins, Henry Fred- ericks and James S. Henry as incorporators. John H. Jones now became editor and the "Democrat" again became a power in the city and State and it was largely through its influence that its editor was elected Mayor of Camden in 1874. ^^ 1876, May- or Jones died and, while Morris R. Hamilton then assumed the editorial direction for a short time, its power and influence was very short-lived. In 1877, Dr. Thomas Wescott and Charles G. Dickinson, large owners of the stock of the Association took possession and issued the papej under the editorial charge of Mr. Dickinson and the following year disposed of it to William B. Wills of the "Mount Holly Herald", who formed a partnership in 1882 with Samuel W. Semple. They conducted its affairs under more or less trying conditions until January i, 1885. On the latter date -the paper was leased to John 36 HISTORY OF THE PRESS Carpenter, Sr., of Hunterdon County and John D. Courier, of Camden. In May, 1885, C. S. Ma- .grath, formerly editor of the "Cape May Wave", purchased the interests of Wills & Semple and continued the publication until June 6, 1908, when due to lack of support it was discontinued. In a valedictory editorial over the signature of the pro- prietor and editor, he said : "Honestly and frankly the weekly newspaper business and more especially that of the Democratic brand is on the bum". The publication office during the sixty odd years of its existence had been located in various build- ings. In 1859, the office was on Federal street opposite "Parsons and Smith's Hotel"; in 1867 at no Federal street; in 1883 at 94 Federal street, where it remained until 1889, when it was moved to 125 Federal street. In 1855, Chas. D. Hineline established the Phil- adelphia "Spirit of '76" as a weekly, but after a few months it was merged into the "Camden Demo- crat" and at the head of its editorial column the latter for a number of years carried the two names. CAMDEN JOURNAL In April, 1857, D. W. Belisle began the publica- tion of the "Camden Journal" as the organ of the "straight out" American party. Belisle says of this publication, "For about five months it was printed at the office of the "Philadelphia Inquir- CAMDEN EVENING DAIffl r.i>M)b\, v J. nnxf, jamjarv h, iHie. HISTORY OF THE PRESS 37 er", but published in Camden, A law of New Jersey making it obligatory that legal advertising shall be done in papers "printed" as well as "pub- lished" within their respective counties, deprived me of what printers generally term "fat takes", and knowing, as I did, the situation I purchased materials, set up an office and ran the journal from October, 1857 to April, 1865 — nearly three years of which as a daily — at which time I sold it to Sin- nickson Chew, Esq., who merged it into the "West Jersey Press". The office was on Market street above Front. Belisle was a thorough newspaper man and the paper published by him was a good example of a paper published in a small community during the middle of the last century. Had he been as good a business man, as he was a journalist, his paper might have survived to this day. He said of this venture that "I commenced it in 1857 with a cap- ital of $25, and worked it until 1865, having ingrat- iated myself into the affections of the public to such an extent that I retired from this honorable position $300 worse off than when I began — that is I was that much in debt." CAMDEN EVENING DAILY The earliest attempt to publish an evening daily in Camden, and, in fact, the only daily paper in West Jersey at that time, was made by Philip J. 38 HISTORY OF THE PRESS Gray. The prospectus of the new daily stated that "It is to be entirely independent and free from all political cliques or parties; open to the discussion of every question of public interest, and especially and particularly devoted to the development of the interests of Camden and its surroundings". Judge Gray was very much of a philosopher and the fol- lowing meditations on the press and especially his plea for support of the first Camden Daily are as applicable today as they were sixty years ago : "It is scarcely necessary at this day, to elaborate the value of the Press, since it has become a fixed institution in every reading community. It is a want of the human mind that must be met (of the Yankee mind particularly), for although we are not a nation of Athenians, there is in us a daily thirsting for some 'new thing'. The daily intelli- gence is as necessary an aliment to the mind, as food is to the body; and as the Penny Press is the medium which places it within the reach of the vast body of our population, it becomes a Lever for good or evil, of incalculable power. But the Lever must have a Fulcrum — or it cannot work — we ask for this Fulcrum — give us the support, and there can be no reason why Camden should not have the benefit of 'A DAILY', as well as other cities of similar size in which they have been started." The "Camden Evening Daily" was started Jan- uary 4, 1858, with an advertised circulation of 1000. It was a struggle from the start to get the people of Camden to see the necessity for such a paper although it was a spicy and interesting sheet. ^ A rOLITlCAL LITERARY, ACRICULTUBSL AND FAMILT NEWSPAPER, J /♦ t,l \ 1 1 1 \i . ^ -Il^^i '^i^.';. 1 (!;amftfivJ«"^^l^^-= The New Bepubl c^MOEisT, ^^, j. '■■'RroHD 57' IC. • 'S-S.TUJRDAY. r^OV^lr^je,,. ' ' j^ HISTORY OF THE PRESS 39 Judge Gray in the fifth number of the paper editorially writes: "Our experiment of a Daily Paper addresses itself, we think, to the interest of every resident in the community. If we are to be an independent city, with a center of our own, we must encourage and sustain these appliances — the auxiliaries of a city",. The appeal, however, was in vain and after two months the paper was discon- tinued, with the issue of March 6. The paper was a neatly printed sheet, replete with both national and local news, while its editor- ials were able and timely. It was a four column, four page paper, 1 1 J4 x 175^ inches in size, and the price was fixed at one cent a copy, or three dollars a year. During the entire time that this newspaper was issued. Judge Gray was also publishing the "West Jerseyman", as already noted. The third attempt at a daily was "The Tribune" begun in 1875, but its existence extended over the short period of two weeks. NEW REPUBLIC The "New Republic", a weekly Republican pa- per, made its initial appearance November 30, 1867, as an eight page, five column sheet, and was published every Saturday at the southeast corner of Second and Plum (Arch) streets. It was started by Henry L. Bonsall as editor and proprietor and later came into the possession of Henry L. Bonsall, 40 HISTORY OF THE PRESS James M. Scovel, and T. M. K. Lee, Jr., who were succeeded by a stock company composed of George W. Gilbert, John S. Lee and James Warrington. Eventually the paper came into the hands of Bon- sall & Carse and was moved to 139 Federal street, soon after which H. L. Bonsall retired from the firm to start the "Daily Post". The "New Repub- lic" was continued by George B. Carse & Co., with George M. Robeson, former Secretary of Navy, as the financial backer, and its office moved to No. 20 Market street. From the original eight page paper it finally dwindled by November 17, 1877, to a four page sheet measuring 10J/2 x 14 in- ches. It was about this time that financial difficul- ties arose and for several months each issue was of a different size and printed from a different style of type. In 1878, Milton P. Peirce became the pub- lisher and proprietor. John H. Fort was the last owner of the "New Republic". "The South Jersey Advertiser" was a weekly published by Joseph C. Nichols and Jacob C. May- hew. Its publication was begun in May, 1872, the office being located in the Test Building, north- west corner of Second and Federal streets. The publishers advertised that the paper had a circula- tion of 5000 copies weekly, but if so most of the copies must have been distributed free, for there was not a field for so large a circulation at that time. One of the distinctive features of its read- ing columns was a "History of the City of Cam- HISTORY OF THE PRESS 4 1 den", modeled, if not entirely taken from Fisler's little history. Its life was, however, very short and in August, 1872, all of its materials and equipment were sold to the proprietors of the "New Repub- lic".* On January i, 1880, C. E. Linch revived the "South Jersey Advertiser" as a seven column folio, devoted to general news. It was continued in Cam- den until November 15, 1885, when it became the property of Frank T. Coe, who moved it to Clem- enton, where it was published until removed to Lindenwold and issued as a six column quarto. It was independent in politics and while some atten- tion was given to local and county news it was con- tinued after its removal from Camden primarily as an advertising sheet, and can hardly be classed as a newspaper. "The Evening Visitor" was a daily, published every afternoon, except Sunday, from 106 Market street, with the object of advancing interest in the pantographic method of teaching as carried on at the Philotechnic Institute. All the type setting and press work was done by the pupils of the Institute. This paper was a three column, four page sheet, measuring g}i xii}4 inches. Its first issue, edited by Rudolphus Bingham was dated January i, 1874, and the publication was continued until No- vember, 1876. This was the fourth daily paper * "The West Jersey Press," August 28, 1872. 42 HISTORY OF THE PRESS published in Camden and when started was the only daily newspaper in the city. "The Gloucester Reporter and Weekly" was first issued in 1873 ^s the "Gloucester City Report- er of Gloucester City". It was under the editor- ial charge of Benjamin M. Braker for several years and in 1885 was purchased by Sickler & Rose, who continued its publication in Camden and finally sold it to James M. Fitzgerald, of the "Evening Telegram". At one time, this paper had a wide influence and its views on state issues were fre- quently quoted. In January, 1875, the "Camden Sunday Argus" made its initial appearance as a four page, seven column sheet. The editor, publisher and proprie- tor was John H. Fort and the office located on the third floor of 106 Market street. At the time this was the only Sunday paper published in the State outside of Newark. The paper seems to have made rapid strides from the start and with the twelfth number, dated Sunday, April 18, 1875, Fort said in an editorial that "the Sunday Argus has a larger circulation than all the city papers combined" and at the head of the editorial column he made the further statement that "the circulation of the SUN- DAY ARGUS is greater than that of any weekly published in the State of New Jersey". The edi- tor attempted to take an independent stand, but his leanings were all towards the Democratic party and the paper soon became fully identified with the CAMDEN DAILY IH>ST. BALL ■^s- --oy Z\)t Cinnbcn ?cr^t. |sSjSf„ ^c-idi^i^&^^-^^ofit " "^stt-.,, — _ — ■;r,i !■■'■: hix'.iii ■ i. Camt)cti Mfe Sdcflxmn, Z lh\lR\l USTtlllTIU mumrapir iiwIiMnm siDnwiHOFTimn wj', uiiuii iiic™ iitiiniiiiiriiT «hs sfniiOi id " fcni!\fmE5 Hniomiisfim imsumsniBi* inaoK^Bosstiii nmifCHiws fiimwiihi huh mm rn ftDIKHIfrW ^iii„„ ^ ,^ „^ ^^ n— .,.1 OdlMIIIM Tmtwsrm.npi, HISTORY OF THE PRESS 43 latter's cause. Notwithstanding the statements as to circulation above quoted, the paper was only published for about one year, when it was forced to discontinue for lack of support. "The Daily Post" was first issued October 2, 1875, by Henry L. Bonsall, who was soon joined by his son, B. L. Bonsall, and the firm became H. L. Bonsall & Son. The original office was at 205 Market street, where the type was set, the printing being done at the "Camden Democrat" office. Af- ter the "New Republic" was sold out by General Carse the office of "The Post" was moved to 139 Federal street, where equipment was installed to do its own press work. In 1886, the Post Printing and Publishing Company, of which H. L. Bonsall was president, Joseph M. Engard, treasurer, and B. L. Bonsall, secretary, took over the plant and the paper was enlarged to an eight column folio. In October, 1887, the building at the northeast corner of Front and Federal streets was erected and the paper issued from that location. "The Post" was continued until 1899, when, by a con- solidation with the "Camden Daily Telegram", it was merged into the "Camden Post-Telegram". Henry L. Bonsall came to Camden in 1840, when only six years old, and at the age of twelve entered the printing office of the "West Jersey Mail" and later that of the "Camden Democrat". About 1858, Mr. Bonsall moved to Philadelphia, where he edited "The American Mechanic" for Hineline 44 HISTORY OF THE PRESS & Van Nortwick and later to Harrisburg where he managed the "Pennsylvania State Sentinel". Mr. Bonsall's next venture was the "United States Me- chanics' Own" which he moved to New York in June, i860, and associated with him W. H. Sylvis and J. S. Cassin. This paper was devoted to Land Reform and to the interests of the laboring man and was continued until the out-break of the Civil War. As an army correspondent for several metro- politan papers he spent several years with the Northern troops and at the end of the war returned to Camden. Feeling that there was a field for another Republican paper, he established the "New Republic" with which he continued until shortly before the founding of "The Daily Post". He was a bold and forceful writer and possessed an unbounded vigor and energy. Many of his best editorials he would compose and set the type at the same time, a faculty given to few editors. Between the years 1871 and 1873 there sprung up all over the country a craze among the young men to become newspaper editors. This wave spread to such an extent that there was a National Amateur Press Association as well as an Eastern Amateur Association, each having a very respect- able sized membership. Camden had at one time seven papers published by amateur editors as follows : ®IHt«llt» *#f ^* " y/ie iustirirtii-G ileiirr. /or hoppi'tiri* is thf. c'trise of oH action." 7'h (Ji'Videu, N. J., Janmuy 1, lS7i!. VOL. 1.^ TROUBLES OF A DRUMMER. Accordingi/, Eataiilun stepped ',.,,+ ,.r f>,p. countiUK-roimi, and VOUTHS' MONTHLY. HISTORY OF THE PRESS 45 "The Spy", of which Bartram L. Bonsall was editor and proprietor, made its first appearance on January i, 1872. In the first issue the editor said, "It is hoped that it will not be expected to accom- plish great things, as it is an amateur publication — ■ or, in other words, a paper run by a boy". It was originally a four page, two column paper, 5% x 8^ inches, but with the second issue was changed to an eight page paper and its subscription price was twenty-five cents a year. The second year the paper was increased to three columns and the size of the sheet to gxiij4 inches. During the first two years the following papers were absorbed by "The Spy": "American*6tar", of Vineland; "Our Boys and Girls", of Sharon Hill, Pa. ; "Boy's Rec- ord", of Philadelphia; and "Jersey Boy", of Cam- den. "The Youth's Monthly" was started by John F. Harned and Chas. H. Felton in January, 1872. Its publication office was at 616 West street but the printing was done by Sinnickson Chew. The pa- per was neatly printed on a 10^x8% sheet of four pages, three columns to a page, the first three being filled with reading matter and the last with advertisements. Its motto was "Perseverance". At the beginning of its second year the size of the sheet was enlarged to 12 x ()j4 inches. Felton sev- ered his connection with the paper in June, 1873, and after that it was continued by John F. Harned. In January, 1874, the name was changed to "Cam- 46 HISTORY OF THE PRESS den Tribune" and its size enlarged to i6>2 x ii>4 inches, four pages of four columns each, and every issue was embellished with a wood cut of a prom- inent building or a character. It now had the ap- pearance of a permanent fixture in the newspaper world. However, in the issue of December, 1874, the editor and proprietor presented his "Adieu" with a brief history of the amateur press in Cam- den. "The Camden Sunbeam", edited by Atlie A. Bingham and H. H. Spencer made its appearance in December, 1872 and continued until December, 1873. All of the printing was done in its own ofRce located at the foot or Cooper street. "The Star of the East" was the product of John K. R. Hewitt and George Young beginning in January, 1873 and continuing until June when it was consolidated with "The Youths' Monthly". "The Jersey Boy" was published by Benjamin D. Coley, Jr., and Howard Ireland and lasted from January, 1873 until August of the year when it was absorbed by the "Spy" as above noted. "The Meteor" was put out by Raymond Shill and Harry Anderson, but its life was a short one continuing only from April, 1873 until the follow- ing January. "The Camden Mirror" was issued by Markley and Read in April, 1873, lasting only a few months. "The Gem", a two-column, four-page amateur HISTORY OF THE PRESS 47 paper was published semi-monthly for several months at 509 Arch street by Lothario Traubel and Upton S. Jefferys who borrowed most of the type from Henry Curts, the old-time printer, whose plant was on Federal street below Fifth. It was printed on a small hand press. Horace L. Traubel, later one of Walt Whitman's literary executors, was a contributor to its columns. "The Bee" was a daily, published about 1878, its office being on Second street below Federal. Little is known of this paper except that it devot- ed most of its energies to ferreting out items of personal activities, which were better left unpub- lished. Its career was, however, short-lived. "The Saturday Evening Express" was started by D. W. Belisle, in 1879, as a weekly and was pub- lished every Saturday from No. 120 Federal street. The office was moved, in 1881, to No. 434 Federal street, where it remained during Belisle's editorship. It was purchased by Alexander Schles" singer in 1884 and issued from the office of "The Camden County Journal", then located at No. 514 Federal street and subsequently followed the latter in the various wanderings. After Thomas C. Hamilton and Upton C. Jef- ferys had severed their connections with the "Cam- den Daily Telegram" in 1890 they purchased "The Saturday Evening Express" from Louis Hol- ler, who had the year before taken over the "Cam- 48 HISTORY OF THE PRESS den County Journal" and its affiliated papers. The publication office was now moved to 21 1 Mar- ket street, and for years this newspaper was regu- larly served to its Camden readers, being edited in Camden, but printed in Philadelphia. Mr. Jef- ferys, in the course of a few months, surrendered his interest in the paper to become New Jersey editor of the "Philadelphia Inquirer". Its editor in 1894, was R. S. Keeler, while in 1895 T. C. Ham- ilton is again noted as the editor. Of "The Camden Local News" little seems to be known, and so far no copy of it has been located. It made its appearance early in 1882 under the editorial care of H. E. Caulfield and had its office at 215 Federal street. In an advertisement which appeared in Ferris' Camden City Directory for 1882-83 was a cut of a tombstone on which was the following wording: "Here lies the Camden Local News — died April 1882 — lack of nourish- ment — H. R. Caulfield, ex-publisher". The "Camden County Courier" was started as a weekly by Charles H. Whitecar, at Haddonfield, about May, 1878, under the title "Haddonfield Courier", and moved to Camden in July, 1879. Whitecar, who was a practical printer and previ- ously connected with the Camden Daily Post, was run over by a railroad train in October, 1879 and after his death the paper was purchased by William Calhoun and Jacob C. Daubman, who changed the name to the "Camden County Cour- Camden County Courier c-1 CAMDEN DAILY COURIER. r::;d POSTSCRIPT # ~l^^ CAMDEN^£AiLYjgOlJRIER 'n.vM siraifun -ir-r-s-:; lOnutiiaiH Harding Can/inns Hooaer; i' Henri- Wallace Appointed \APPEALS TO FOLLOW fill f tiil Ifl MllVf \ '^^ ™ SENTENCE OF *'"'^'*'^*^: JAMES Am SCHUCK HISTORY OF THE PRESS 49 ier". It was published by them every Saturday until September, 1880, when the paper was bought by F. F. Patterson, Sr. Mr. Patterson was a journalist of the old school, having received his early training in a country newspaper office, the Woodbury "Constitution" and was thoroughly conversant with every stage in the publication and distribution of a newspaper. When only twenty-one he purchased the Bridge- ton "Chronicle". After a few years he sold the "Chronicle" and purchased the Trenton "True American", publishing it as a daily and weekly. In 1866, he removed to Newark and established the "Newark Evening Courier" which he success- fully conducted for eight years. His next venture was the Newark "Sunday Call". Severing his con- nections with the latter publication he became New Jersey editor for the "Philadelphia Press", which he relinquished to take control of the "Camden County Courier". Notwithstanding his newspaper activities, Mr. Patterson found time to acceptably fill several political offices, namely that of Engross- ing Clerk of the New Jersey Senate and Collector of the Port of Camden. The "County Courier" was a nine column, four page paper, measuring twenty-seven and one-half inches by twenty-one and one-half inches. It was particularly a family paper and when weekly news- papers were recognized as a public necessity enjoy- ed a large measure of success, both for the skill ex- so HISTORY OF THE PRESS ercised in the character of the reading matter and for its lucid and fearless editorials. On June 2, 1882, F. F. Patterson, Sr., began the publication of the "Camden Daily Courier" in connection with the weekly just mentioned. The ownership was subsequently transferred to the Courier Publishing Company, of which, on Feb- ruary I, 1883, F. F. Patterson, Sr., Thomas C. Hamilton, and John H. McMurray secured a con- trolling interest. Originally it consisted of four pages of six columns each and was gradually ex- panded to a seven column, six page sheet. In 1888, V. L. Cavanna, George A. Frey and associates purchased the Daily Courier and on June i, 1892, changed it to an eight page form. It continued to be published at No. 132 Federal street until No- vember, 1899, when the present Courier Building, at the northwest corner of Third and Federal streets, was purchased and re-modeled. On De- cember II, 1919, it was announced that the stock of the Courier Publishing Company had been sold to J. David Stern and Walter L. Tushingham. The former was at one time publisher of the "New Brunswick, [N. J.] Times" and came to Camden from Springfield, Illinois, where he had been pub- lishing the Springfield "News-Record". Mr. Tush- ingham had been business manager of the "Cour- ier" for a number of years. Politically the paper has always been a staunch advocate of the principles of the Republican party. Its influence in the com- HISTORY OF THE PRESS 5 1 munity and State has been recogmzed by men of all parties. As a progressive and up-to-date newspaper the "Courier" has issued two special publications advertising the advantages of the city of Camden. The one issued in 1909 under the ti- tle "Greater Camden" consisted of 84 pages, 10^2 X 15 inches in size, of historical, industrial, and municipal data, interspersed with many illustra- tions, while the publication, dated June, 1917, un- der the title of "The Story of Camden, New Jer- sey", consisted of 82 pages, 9X 12 inches in size, devoted to a "brief resume of the varied institu- tions and interests which have contributed towards making Camden, New Jersey, one of the most pro- gressive cities of the State, and one of the greatest industrial centers of the world". "The Society News" was started in 1884 by Alt- man & Dunbar, but after two years' existence, was forced to suspend in February, 1886, at which time its publication office was at 764 Federal street. It was a bright little paper published in the interest of the various secret societies. In 1887, the paper was revived by John Neutze & Co., of 907 South Fourth street, but only survived for a short time. In 1888, Neutze began the publication of "The Wigwam", a semi-monthly paper devoted to news about the Improved Order of Red Men^ The publication was continued until 1890. "The Camden County Journal", a German weekly, was started by Alexander Schlessinger in 52 HISTORY OF THE PRESS March, 1883, to meet the want which began to be felt by the large German population for a paper printed in their own language. It was at first lo- cated at No. 514 Federal street. In 1889, Louis Holler became proprietor and editor. Under Hol- ler the paper wielded considerable influence among the Germans of the city and its editor was rewarded with several appointments at the hands of the Republican Party, whose doctrines he ad- vocated. In 1913, Holler decided to go West and the paper was sold to Otto Erdlen, who has since continued its publication. It is an eight page seven column sheet, 17^4 x 23^ inches in size. "The New Jersey Coast Pilot" was founded by Theo. F. Rose, its first issue being dated Saturday, March 4, 1882, and was published continuously under Rose and later under George M. Wallace until 1887. Shortly after Rose retired from the "New Jersey Coast Pilot" he established the "Atlantic Coast Pi- lot", the first issue of which appeared in December, 1887. In the announcement of the publication. Rose stated that the paper "was published for the development and advancement of the numerous resources of the Atlantic Seashore Region, espe- cially of New Jersey". In January, 1888, its title was changed to "Atlantic Coast Guide". It was a weekly and was issued every Saturday until the year 1903, when the daily papers from New York T H E e A M Dej,^|:§;tt?.. timit!iiim«s« ■- -. . QUAi-i_'j. mm I mi: GROCERY S[East Side Press. ^ ^SS aOaiB ■"- "^^ "H«. - I PMILADFLPMrx !"% KEITH'S -AND EAST SIDE PRESS- RdUS XI. \(iMKEtL HISTORY OF THE PRESS 53 and Philadelphia came into this field and limited the opportunities of a weekly paper. In 1883, two other attempts were made to start newspapers in Camden but in neither case was the publication of long duration. The "Sunday- Globe", edited by T. C. Hamilton and published by A. J. Milliette, was projected as an indepen- dent paper, but survived only a few issues. The "Morning Journal, in which Judge Charles T. Reed was interested, lasted only a few weeks dur- ing the month of November. In 1884, Alfred A. Holt began the publication of the "Camden Echo", a weekly paper devoted primarily to local church news and to the cause of temperance. Its paid circulation was very small, but, on account of its being distributed "gratis" throughout the city, wielded some influence, partic- ularly in its antagonism to certain political meth- ods then in vogue. On the death of its editor and publisher in July, 1909, the paper was abandoned. Its influence had however, been much curtailed during the latter years of its existence. "The Evening Telegram" was first issued Feb- ruary 24, 1886, by James M. Fitzgerald and Al- vah M. Smith in the interest of the Democratic Party. In September, Smith retired from the pa- per, which was then continued for a short time by Fitzgerald, when John H. Fort, having acquired a controlling interest, changed the title to "The Daily Telegram". 54 HISTORY OF THE PRESS The paper was taken over in 1888 by the Tele- gram Publishing Company, with John H. Fort, as president, Upton S. Jefiferys, as secretary and treas- urer, and Thomas C. Hamilton as business man- ager. During the Fort regime it was Democratic in its politics, but under the new company it be- came independent. During the next few years numerous changes in control, business management and editorial policies took place and as a conse- quence, its policies were vacillating and its influ- ence in the community very small. In September, 1894, however, the paper was purchased by a syn- dicate composed of several Republican Party leaders, who organized the Camden Daily Tele- gram Company, and placed F. F. Patterson, Jr. in charge. One of the first moves of the new manager was to discard much of the old equipment and in- stall modern methods and mechanical equipment. This was the first newspaper in Caniden to be equipped with typesetting machines. This was also the first paper in the city to re- ceive telegraphic news over its own wire, ^s soon as the enterprise was started a direct wire was run to Cooper's Point, where it was connected with the Baltimore and Ohio cables and became a member of the United Press syndicate. "The Sunday Call", an Independent paper, was issued in 1887 with Harry Sheldon as editor at No. 211 Federal street. Its chief feature was a first HISTORY OF THE PRESS 55 page local political cartoon. "The Call" had a brief career. "The Camden Sunday Times" came forth in 1877 under the editorship of Calvin F. Linch and was published at the southeast corner of Second and Arch streets. Its life, however, was a very short one. "The Stockton Advocate" was started by Charles E. Boyer as a weekly on September i, 1888. The plan of the publisher was to issue the paper every Saturday, but the general printing business, which was conducted in the same office, then located at Federal and Arlington streets, was always given preference and occasionally an issue of the paper was omitted. The editor had a penchant for poe- try and styled himself the "Snolligoster poet". In 1893, it was changed to a daily under the title of "The Stockton Daily Advocate" and run as a campaign sheet for a few months. At that time it was published by W. B. Swan and the office was located at 12 North Twenty- fifth street. "The Camden Sunday Review", established April 15, 1889 by T. N. Patterson, was soon taken over by F. F. Patterson's Sons and continued as an Independent Republican paper. In August, 1892, the paper was purchesed by a syndicate, financed by Wm. J. Thompson, and issued with Harry B. Paul as publisher. It was at once changed to a daily with the title "Daily Review", under the pro- prietorship of the Review Publishing Company 56 HISTORY OF THE PRESS and became the recognized Democratic organ of Camden County. The first editor of the newspaper was George M. Todd, formerly of the Elizabeth "Herald", followed by Charles Bowman. The original issue of the daily was that of September 6, 1892, and consisted of four pages of seven columns each. After a very short run the plant of the "Re- view" was levied upon by the Sheriff on February 13, 1894, and was sold to William J. Paul, who con- tinued the paper until about 1900. "The Camden Citizen" was established by Jo- seph H. Hall and Edward M. Benton about 1893 at No. 35 Federal street, and finally removed to the third floor of 207 Market street. Benton, who was the editor, came here from one of the New York dailies. He was a brilliant, though erratic, writer, and died a few years ago at Townsend's In- let. About the time the paper was started the bit- ter fight against the methods of the local political regime then in power began. The "Camden Citi- zen" was devoted to the interests of the Citizen's League and had a stormy and perilous career, fi- nally culminating in a libel suit on account of an article which it had published attacking some members of the opposite faction. This suit result- ed in the conviction and sentence of the proprie- tors, but through the efforts of one of those libelled, they were both pardoned by the Governor. On Feb- ruary 8, 1896, the title of the paper was changed by permission of the Court to the "Camden Inde- pendent". HISTORY OF THE PRESS 57 About this time a stock company known as the Independent Publishing Company was formed and took over the "Camden Independent". The men who composed this company were associated with the "Committee of One Hundred", a political or- ganization formed in opposition to the political faction then in control of municipal affairs. The new company immediately enlarged the plant and moved it to No. 32 South Fourth Street. The manager and editor of the "Independent" was Harry C. Kramer who was assisted by George M. Cline. The paper was issued from 1896 to 1899, when it died a natural death. The last manager was S. Clement Hornblower. In June, 1899, the Post- Telegram Company was organized by H. L. Bonsall, Joseph M. Engard, Francis F. Patterson, Jr., and Theo. N. Patterson and took over "The Post" and the "Camden Daily Telegram". These two papers were combined in- to the "Camden Post-Telegram", of which the first issue was dated June 12, 1899. This paper through its absorbtion of "The Post" is, with one exception, the oldest daily newspaper published continuously south of Trenton. H. L. Bonsall, who had been editor of "The Post" from its beginning and contin- ued in that position on the "Post-Telegram", died in 1900 and was succeeded as editor by Upton S. Jefferys, then New Jersey editor of the "Philadel- phia Inquirer". Mr. Jeflferys also took over Mr. Bonsall's interest in the Post-Telegram Company. 58 HISTORY OF THE PRESS Mr. Engard, who had been business manager of "The Post", also died a few years after the merger. "The Post- Telegram" wields a wide influence, not only in the community, but throughout South Jer- sey and its editorials are extensively quoted by pa- pers in all parts of the State. Its regular issues are in 10, 12 or 16 page forms. It has a widely recog- nized standing as an advocate of Republican prin- ciples. "The Morning News and General Advertiser" was established by James M. Fitzgerald, who con- ceived the idea that there was a profitable field for a daily morning newspaper in Camden. He inter- ested W. Harry Getty, a prominent Democratic politician, in the enterprise and conducted the pa- per in the interests of the Democratic party, being the only daily paper ever issued in Camden advo- cating these party principles. The first issues were printed on a hand press in a little office at the north-west corner of Kaighn Avenue and Fourth street. The office was soon moved to No. 125 Fed- eral street and a company, known as the Facts Pub- lishing Company, formed by a number of Demo- cratic politicians with Fitzgerald as president and Getty as secretary and treasurer. This paper pub- lished verbatim the testimony in the "Leconey Trial", which instantly brought it into promin- ence. The first issue made its appearance early in 1889 and was published for less than two years, during which tirtie the financial backers lost con- HISTORY OF THE PRESS 59 siderable money. It was the first paper in the city to install a perfecting press and stereotyping plant and had not a serious disagreement between Fitz- gerald and Getty arisen it is probable that the pa- per could have been placed on a sound financial basis. "The Independent" was a small two page weekly which made its first appearance in August, 1892, with Samuel W. Wheeler as proprietor and edi- tor. In 1896, its title was changed to "The Inde- pendent Eagle", so as not to conflict with the "Cam- den Independent", then issued by those actively engaged in the "Committee of One Hundred Fight". For a while the "Independent Eagle" was issued tri-weekly. In connection with the "Eagle", Wheeler at another time also published "Thought", a "magazine for thinkers". "The Stockton Times" came on the scene as a weekly under the editorship of George A. Lang. Its first issue was dated Saturday, February 17, 1894. In 1897, Charles W. Miller became its pro- prietor and editor and conducted this paper until 1 901, when he was killed in a railroad accident. His daughter, Lillian, then took charge and con- tinued its publication for about six months, during which time she set the type, ran the printing press, gathered the news and solicited the advertisements — the editorials being written by Rev. Roland Ringwalt. She later sold it to John J. Tischner, who shortly afterwards changed the title to "The Camden Times". 6o HISTORY OF THE PRESS "The Outlook" was established about 1890 as a weekly family paper. On August 30, 1900, The Camden Outlook Company was incorporated by Mrs. Mary M. Wynne, Mrs. Alice R. Varney, Mrs. Sophia E. Groff and Mrs. Vida B. Baer. The new company immediately took over the pub- lication of "The Outlook", which at one time had considerable influence as an advocate of the tem- perance cause. In 1893, Walter L. Tushingham began the pub- lication of "The Stockton News", a small weekly which it was hoped would find a welcome field in the old town of Stockton. After a short run the paper was discontinued. "The New Jersey Sand Burr" was started as a monthly literary magazine by George Carpenter Connor in October, 1896. It was printed on a 6 x 9 foot power printing press, one page at a time. Shortly afterwards a connection was made with William Miles, as a result of which the paper was changed to a weekly and issued every Thursday. In 1902, the title was changed to "The East Side Press" with Connor as publisher and editor and John W. Coleman as associate editor and the pub- lication day changed to Saturday. Connor had a penchant for poetry and many of his verses were published in "The Sand Burr" and afterwards in a book of verse under the title of "Sand Burrs". About 1906, Connor sold the paper to William HISTORY OF THE PRESS 6 1 B. Knight, Charles H. Ellis and John A. Coleman, who had it printed at various offices during the period that it was issued under their auspices. During the Connor regime the "East Side Press" espoused the cause of the "New Idea" party and was for a time the official organ of that movement in South Jersey and it was the first paper in this section to take up this cause. The paper was purchased by William H. Jef- ferys on May 27, 1907, and until the issue of No- vember 2, 1907, was continued under the same title. On the latter date the name was changed to "The Camden Argus and East Side Press". When Jefiferys bought the paper it was a six column, four page sheet with headline advertisements promi- nently displayed on the first page. The first change the new proprietor made was to increase its size to a seven column, four page paper and in a short time entirely eliminated display "ads" from the first page. On February 27, 1909, the sheet was altered to a seven column, six page paper and the day of pub- lication changed to Thursday. When Jefiferys purchased the Review printing office he moved the publication office to 118 Federal street and from that time not only edited the paper but did his own printing. In August, 1920, the plant of the Argus Printing Company was moved to 102 1- 23 Market street, where increased facilities were available. 62 HISTORY OF THE PRESS "The Argosy" was a weekly, issued about 1894, by H. Nutley Kirkbride. George Carpenter Con- nor was associated with Kirkbride in this venture. "The Sun" a "local weekly paper, devoted espe- cially to the interests of the northeast section of the city", was begun by Albert Scherneck January 7, 1904. It is a small four page sheet i6x 11 inches and the reading matter is chiefly made up of church news. "The Voice of Labor" is a weekly which first made its appearance in 1910. It is issued by the Camden County Socialist Party in advocacy of their doctrines. In 191 1, the Camden Board of Trade decided upon the publication of a monthly journal "wholly devoted to the task of spreading abroad informa- tion about the city of Camden ; about its industries and achievements in the line of finance and com- merce and about its great possibilities". The first issue under the title "Camden Board of Trade Journal" was dated, January, 191 1. Its name was later changed to "Chamber of Commerce Journal", and finally discontinued with the issue of Decem- ber-January, 1919-20. "The Camden News" is a small weekly publica- tion devoted to the uplift of the negro. Its first issue was dated May 8, 1915, and consisted of a sheet 7 X 10% inches, four pages and two columns to a page. Its first editor was the Rev. E. R. Ben- HISTORY OF THE PRESS 63 nett, while C. N. Green has been the business man- ager since its first issue. There have been many other publications from time to time which have sought public notice, but which were either short-lived, or mainly devoted to some special purpose. While it is impossible to give a complete list of these minor publications mention will be made of as many as have come to the attention of the author in searching various records and files. "The Reformer and Enterprise' was a Sunday paper published by James M. Scovel. The first issue appeared on August 11, 1892. "The New Jersey Temperance Gazette" of which Rev. James B. Graw was for a long time the proprietor and editor, was originally estab- lished at Vineland in 1869 and moved to Camden in 1 88 1. A few years later his son, A. C. Graw, was admitted to partnership. At first, the office was located at No. no Federal street, but about 1885 the building at No. 131 Federal street was purchased and equipped for newspaper press work. In 1910 Graw, Garrigues & Graw succeed- ed the old firm. In connection with the printing office of the "Temperance Gazette", J. B. Graw & Son began the publication of several other papers among which were "The Island Heights Herald" in 1885, and the "Pitman Grove Herald" in 1886. The latter was taken over by the Pitman Grove Asso- 64 HISTORY OF THE PRESS ciation in 1890. The latter continued as "Pitman Review". "The Epworth Advocate" was another of the Graw publications which, however, in 1893 was issued by the New Jersey Methodist Publish- ing Co. (0