Henrs W. Sage
:c p. 18.
Tofiin: p. 19.
To face p. 19.
Consider first a few examples of elaborately protected
dwellings and public buildings, according to present
ideas. The diagrams in Plates XII. and XIII. pretty
well explain themselves.
Nothing projecting upwards is left unspiked, and the
earths are thorough. These appear to be examples of
excellent, though certainly expensive, protection.
If these houses were powder magazines we should
have to be more careful still and make a more critical
examination, but as ordinary houses they are safe so long
as the conductors are in decent condition.
Now rapidly run over ordinary good orthodox con-
ductors. First, the sky end. Points are good, as
explained, though their importance may easily be exag-
gerated. They can however do no possible harm, and
there are occasions when they may do good ; itis customary
to make them of platinum when expense ia no object, but
platinum points are liable to be melted. The best points
are cones of copper, not too sharp, and thickly gilt.
Gold is better than platinum, in being just as durable
and much better conducting, and therefore less liable to
melt, Many points are better than one, especially as
some are apt to get fused and blunted by some discharge ;
others may still remain sharp. (Plate XIV.)
True, anything will act as a point when the tension
rises high enough, but it is desirable to keep down these
dangerous tensions if anyway possible. So soon as a
knob begins to emit brushes, the sparking point cannot
be far distant j but sharp points will glow and reduce the
strain far before the sparking point.
Whether the glow of sharp points is however as effec-
tive as has been imagined, is a question for experiment
to decide. So far as experiments begun by me and
continued by Mr. A. P. Chattock have gone, they assert
clearly that the discharging power of needle points is
insignificant until they begin to audibly fizz, at which
tension small knobs would do nearly equally well. It is
very curious to find that hundreds of needle points are
insufficient to discharge the electricity supplied by a
small inductive machine, unless their tension be raised
by bringing near them an earth-connected body. In the
free middle of a room, their glow effects next to nothing.
However, points have always been believed in since
the subsidence of the famous old controversy in favour
of knobs, and certainly points are good so far as they
Perhaps the best protected building in the world is
the Hotel de Ville at Brussels, the hobby of M. Melsens.
The whole system used in this building is excellent and
theoretically perfect, so far as I know, in every respect ;
but it is not cheap, and some people might perhaps hold
that it was not artistic.
As for the main conductors, one finds rod, rope, and
ribbon. The plan most approved perhaps by the Lightning
Eod Conference is this copper tape, which is very nice,
neat, and flexible, and free from joints. It is quite the
*^" '-j^r^
' , -^al]iUi(lV .Multil-le I'ouii
To face p. 20.
To face 11. 20.
To face 1^.20.
best kind of conductor from the old point of view, and is
the kind supplied by the most eminent firms.
Two important matters to be thought of in connection
with the conductor are — that it shall not corrode away in
places, and that it shall not be liable to be stolen.
Another point that must not be overlooked in fixing up
any length of conductor is that it is liable to expand and
contract. An allowance must be left for this. When it
is remembered that it is liable to be exposed to the full
glare of the san, backed up sometimes by a kit&hen
chimney behind, and then again at another time exposed
to the coldest nights, a range of 100° Centigrade is not
I once rigged up some copper rod battery conductors
of three-eighths of an inch thickness between two walls,
and one morning after a frost found one snapped clean in
half by the contraction. This would be a bad thing to
happen to a lightning conductor; so either bends must be
left in the rope when put up, or else special compensators
must be introduced at intervals.
The allowance for copper is one in 500 ; say an inch in
every forty feet. The best place for a compensator is
just above a holdfast, so that it will have to support no
weight. A bight or bend in a flexible rope answers every
purpose, but bends should not be made too sharp, or the
discharge will jump across instead of going round. That
is a thing to be remembered. Flexible conductors are
very convenient, but their convenience must notbeabused.
Always take them as straight as possible. Lightning has
no time to go round circles — it will jump across sooner.
Why should it not be let to jump across ? Well, because
it burns the conductor. That is the real objection to bad
joints — the extra heat ; a sort of arc produced there, and
the liability to fusing and destruction of the conductor
at these parts. There is, moreover, some danger from
Now about the earth end. We have had examples of
good earths already. Here is a cheap one advocated by
Dr. Mann : wire rope opened out into a brush, and the
two ends of another short bit, similai'ly treated, spliced
across the first. Two of the fuzzed out ends make contact
with deep soil, one with the surface soil, so that one or
other is pretty sui'e to reach moisture (Plate XVII.).
The whole conductor introduced into the Cape by Dr.
Mann, is simple, cheap, and admirable for cottage purposes
and for emigrants. Squatters in the States, or Canada,
or at the Cape, are far more liable to thunderstorms than
we are in this country, and they should certainly rig up
one of these homely things. A bit of iron fencing rope
will do, with both ends fuzzed out, one supported by a
tube fixed to the chimney, the other sunk deep into moist
ground, or swamp if available.
In towns, where there are water or gas mains very
near the terminus of a lightning conductor, I surmise
that they had better be connected to it ; and this mainly
for their own protection. For if they be not connected,
the lightning will not scruple to still make use of them if
it chooses, and having to jump across a yard or two of
bad conductor on the way, it can easily knock a hole in
them or melt them, instead of getting to them quietly.
It must be understood that what I say of the mains
underground does not apply to the pipes in a house. To
connect lead water-pipes with a lightning conductor
might possibly lead to their being melted ; but to connect
the house gas-pipe with a conductor is a most dangerous
proceeding. The neighbourhood of gas-pipes in a house
must be scrupulously avoided. It is probably better
when possible to avoid even the mains underground, but
To face, p. 22.
Certainly one does not want lightning rushing along
compo-pipes, picking out all the bad joints, and lighting
the gas there. In so far as a house contains escaping
gas, or weak gas-pipes, it must be treated like a powder
magazine, and great care be taken. A ridiculously
minute spark may ignite gas without being noticed ; the
hole in the pipe may quietly enlarge, and the house be
burnt down. A considerable amount of damage has
been done in this way. So soon as Swan lamps are in
universal use, lightning may occasionally play havoc with
their filaments and fuse a few cut-outs, but it will not
find the leading-wires easily combustible or capable of
burning the house down.
Whether it be gas or electric light, however, lightning
should, if possible, be kept out of the house-leads — not
only because of the danger it may do at joints and
insulations, but because gas-brackets and chandeliers are
usually conveniently suspended over desks and near
arm-chairs, just where an unsuspecting person^s head
is likely to bej and a spark to one's head is unsafe.
Hitherto I have spoken of the orthodox system of
protection, the gather up and carry away system. But,
as you know, there is another system suggested by Clerk-
Maxwell, the birdcage or meat-safe principle ; that is to
say, the protective action of a closed conducting sheath.
It has long been known that inside an empty hollow
conductor there is no trace of electrostatic charge (it
was proved last century by Cavendish), and this same
screening action may apply to violent electric discharges ;
at least that is evidently Maxwell's opinion. He does
not enter into detail, and possibly he did not contemplate
some difiicultios that might be suggested on the ground
that a hollow conductor is no protection to ordinary
currents, and might therefore be no protection to the
24 ttOHrmiStG CONDtfCTORS.
furious currents of lightning. The screening effect of
a hollow conductor is clearer now than it was to any
ordinary people when he wrote, possibly clearer than it
was even to Maxwell himself, though this would be a
rash thing to say. However, the fact is true that in a
banker's strong room you are absolutely safe. Even if
it were struck, nothing could get at you. In a birdcage,
or in armour, you are moderately safe. I should not
care to try armour myself, the joints might get un-
pleasantly hot and explosive. And even the birdcage,
if struck by a big enough flash, might get melted. A
melted patch on one's protective armour would be
extremely disagreeable. Sometimes one is told to get
thoroughly wet through instead of seeking shelter in a
thunderstorm; but it is a question whether a stroke is
more unpleasant than rheumatic fever.
However, a sufficiently stout and closely-meshed cage
or netting all over a hoase will undoubtedly make all
inside perfectly safe. Only, if that is all the defence,
you must not stop outside or touch the netting while
outside, for fear of a shock. It would be unpleasant,
when you reached honie out of a storm, to find it so
highly charged as to knock you down directly you tried
to go in. An earth connection is necessary as well.
A wire netting all over the house, a good earth con-
nection to it at several points, and all over the roof
a plentiful supply of that barbed wire which serves so
abominably well for fences, and you have an admirable
system of defence.
Now let us see how far most people agree^ and where
they begin to branch out and differ. The old and
amusing political controversy between knobs and points
has disappeared. Points to the sky are recognized as
correct; only it may be better to have more of them,
any number of them, rows of them, like barbed wire — not
necessarily very prominent — along ridges and eaves. For
a point has in no case a very great discharging capacity.
It takes several points to discharge readily all the
electricity set in motion by a moderately-sized Voss or
Wimshurst machine, even under favourable circum-
stances ; hence, if you want to neutralize a thunder-
cloud, three points are not so effective as 3,000.
No need, however, for great spikes and ugly tridents,
so painful to the architect. Let the lightning come to
you, do not go to meet it. Protect all your ridges and
pinnacles, not only the highest, and you will be far safer
than if you built yourself a factory chimney to support
your conductor upon. At present the immediate neigh-
bourhood of a factory chimney or steeple is not a safe-
guard, but a source of mild danger, even when itself
thoroughly protected. If it have no conductor it is, no
doubt, still more dangerous.
Next, as to the conductor. Should it be iron or
should it be copper ? Should it be insulated from the
building, or should it be connected with all the metal it
contains ? These are questions at present in dispute.
The lightning-rod conference approves copper, though
not putting it specially and strongly before iron. Dura-
bility is its main recommendation. Under all circum-
stances I am not sure whether it is more durable than
galvanized iron. Mr. Preece has great experience of
wires in chemical and all other districts, and I believe he
upholds iron. Franklin, and the Americans to this day,
prefer iron. Certainly it is much cheaper, and not so
easy to melt. We will consider the question, and come
to a definite conclusion later.
Also the question about connecting up the conductors
to all metal masses, roofs, girders, balconies, water-gutters,
etc., we had better leave that open too. Nearly every-
one condemns insulators, but one eminent authority, M.
Callaud, advocates caution and circumspection in what
things you connect and what you do not connect. He
points out, for instance, that if you connect up a balcony
to the conductor, a person standing thereon may become
one of its striking terminals. I must say I agree with
him. Some there are who advocate connecting both
ends of a roof-gutter, or other such nearly closed contour,
and not only one end. I decidedly agree with this also,
for reasons which before long will become abundantly
clear. On this point I have, in fact, no doubt.
As regards the shape of the conductor, whether rod
or ribbon ? Many experiments have been made, notably
some by Mr. Preece on the discharge of Dr. De la Rue's
battery through conductors of various sectional shapes,
to see if extent of periphery matters. Hitherto the
results have been negative. But theory clearly points
to the fact that a bundle of detached wires is electrically
better than a solid rod of the same weight per footj in
every respect except durability. But durability is an
essential feature. No shape can be considered satisfactory
which aids corrosion. One thing is obvious; plenty of
surface encourages cooling, and slightly diminishes danger
of melting. Its other much more important advantages
we will consider later.
Lastly, the " earth " and its testing. An earth is
necessary, or you will have your foundations knocked
about and your garden ploughed up. A good earth is
desirable. A few tons of coke with the conductor coiled
up amongst it is a well known and satisfactory plan if the
soil be permanently damp. A bag of salt might perhaps
be buried with it to keep it damp throughout ; or rain
water may be led there. Often, however, the most
violent thunderstorms occur after a spell of fine weather,
and the soil is likely to be dry. It is best therefore to
run your conductor pretty deep, and there make earth.
It is very well to connect the conductor to water-mains
if near, but they may be far off or non-existent ; and in
the most elaborate cases they should not, in my, opinion,
be used as sole earths. Gas-mains at any rate, if used at
all, should certainly be supplemented by a deeper reach-
ing and more reliable earth. In dry weather gas-mains
are not earthed at all well, and a strong charge may then
surge up and down them and light somebody else^'s gas
in the most surprising way. It may indeed do so even
when the soil is damp if other conditions are favourable ;
and it is diflBcult to prevent accidents of this kind. The
best plan is to have a good deep earth — a well if possible,
a boring if not — and to lead the conductor down into it.
If the flash likes to make a disturbance when it has to
leave the conductor a long way down, no one need
grumble. It can't do much harm there.
There is, of course, no magic in water unless it forms
a large continuous sheet. An isolated puddle in a rock,
such as has been used before now for a lighthouse, is
no earth at all. A thoroughly good earth is really a
geological question; and for an important building a
geological specialist should be consulted.
An occasional test of an earth, in ordinary weather, is
no real security as to what may happen after a long-
continued drought. It is desirable occasionally to make
some test of the underground portion of a conductor just
to make sure that it is still there, and has not been acci-
dentally or purposely removed by a workman engaged on
dr9,inage or other jobs ; and there would be no difficulty
in arranging a plan whereby just raising a handle shall
give sufficient information as to the state of the earth,
without any skilled operator. To this end, two earths
should be provided, quite independent of each other (one
a water-main, for instance, the other a ton of coke), and
they should be connected, first to each other and then to
the conductor, by a substantial copper band. Now let
the band connecting the two earths pass through some
covered outhouse, and have a well over-lapping junction
of two flat areas pressed together by a spring, but capable
of being raised on or off the other by pulling at a handle
or a rope. A galvanometer indicator and Leclanche cell,
permanently connected so as to send a current between
the two earths directly the handle is raised, will show by
its deflection the state of conductivity of the two earths.
Very likely the two earths themselves will suffice to give
the necessary current without an auxiliary battery.
There is this to be said, however. If a building is so
situated, either on high sandy ground or on impervious
rock, that a decent earth is very difficult to get, then, at
least, the house is not likely to make a better earth than
the conductor. That is a weak point in the excuse so
often made concerning an accident to a protected build-
ing, that the earth was not sufficiently good. It can
very seldom be shown that the earth apparently chosen
in preference was any better; often it was obviously
It is a superstition to place much reliance on the test-
ing of conductors with a galvanometer and Wheatstone
bridge. A galvanometer and Wheatstone bridge are
powerless to answer many important questions. A
Leclanche cell can no more point out what path lightning
will take, than a trickle down a hill-side will fix you the
path of an avalanche. The one is turned aside by every
trivial obstacloj and really chooses the line of least resis-
tance ; the other crashes through all obstacles, and prac-
tically makes its own path. A flash strikes a house at
one corner, rushes apparently part way down the con-
ductor, then flashes off sideways to a roof-gutter, sends
forks down all the spouts, and knocks a lot of bricks out.
Another branch bangs through a wall in order to run
aimlessly along some bell-wires. Another goes through
a window, and down a spade or something propped
up against the wall to earth. The lightning tester
comes with his galvanometer and Leclanch^ cell, and
reports that the earth of the conductor has 100 ohms
resistance ; and the accident is therefore accounted for !
But how much resistance would he have found in the
paths which the lightning seemed to choose in preference
to the 100 ohms? Something more like 1,000,000
probably. Or, perhaps, there is a bad joint in the con-
ductor somewhere, the parts being separated by one-
sixteenth of an inch. But why should it prefer to jump
several yards, and knock holes in walls and windows,
rather than jump one-sixteenth of an inch ? No ; the
galvanometer, and Wheatstone's bridge, and Ohm's law,
and conductivity, are simply not in it.
Something has been left out of consideration, and
something very important too ; and until that something
is fully taken into account, no satisfactory and really
undeniable security can be guaranteed.
That something is inertia — electrical inertia.
Suppose you have a pipe or U-tube full of water, used
as perpetual overflow to a cistern, and you want it to be
equal to all demands. You test it, and find it perfectly
easy to pour the water either way ; both ends are per-
fectly open; the pipe is a good conductor. Then comes
someone and hits the stagnant water in your pipe a tre-
mendous blow with a hammer, bursts the pipe, and
scatters the water all about. That is what lightning
does to your lightning conductor and to the electricity
in it. It is no gentle push, it is a terrific blow.
I MADE several assertions in the last chapter which it is
my business now to justify by actual experiment.
The word " inertia " one uses as convoying a correct
general notion of the behaviour of an electric circuit to
sudden electro-motive forces ; a behaviour which is caused
by the influence or induction which every portion of a
circuit exerts on every other portion. Consider a con-
ducting rod as analyzed into a bundle of parallel wires
or filaments, and let a current be suddenly started in all.
The rising current in any one filament exerts an oppos-
ing force on all the others; and this self-generated
opposition B.M.F., due to induction between the different
filaments of the conductor, exactly imitates the effects of
ordinary inertia as observed in massive bodies submitted
to sudden mechanical forces. (For some illustrations of
these well-known mechanical effects see a letter by Mr.
Maclean in "Nature," vol, 37, p. 612.)
The term commonly employed to denote the electrical
inertia-like effect is " self-induction " ; which is becoming
gradually shortened to "inductance"; its original form
when first dealt with by Sir William Thomson was the
" electro-dynamic capacity " of the circuit.
Now since electric inertia is due to a mutual action
between the filaments into which a conductor may be
supposed to be divided, it is manifest that the closer
packed they are the greater the inertia of the whole will
be ; and that to diminish inertia it is only necessary to
separate the filaments and spread them out.
The main count of the indictment against ordinary
procedure is, that too much attention has been hitherto
paid to conducting power, and too little to inertia. In
fact, it is not too much to say that practically nothing
but conductivity has been attended to, or thought of, in
the erection of lightning conductors.
I want to show that conductivity is, from many points
of view, of hardly any moment, and that the circum-
stances of a discharge are regulated far more by inertia
than by conductivity. I can even show that, under cer-
tain circumstances, high conductivity appears to be an
actual objection, and that a stout rod of good conducting
copper carries off a flash less well and quietly than a thin
wire of badly-conducting iron.
Let us proceed to verify this paradoxical statement at
Experiment of the Alternative Path.
The first form of experiment I have to describe is a
very simple one. I call it the experiment of the alter-
native path. It consists in giving a Leyden-jar discharge
the choice between a certain conductor and a certain
length of air, and in adjusting the length of air until it
had as lief take one path as the other.
T am not aware that the partieuliir mode of carryintr
out this simple experiment has any special significance,
but, to be definite, I depict, in Fig. 1, the symmetrical
arrangement I have most frequently, though not exclu-
sively, adopted. ■
The inobs marked A are the ordinary terminals of a
Voss machine. The jars stand on an ordinary wood table,
and their outer coats are led to the discharger, B, the
distance of whose air-space can be varied. The alterna-
tive path, L, is shown by a dotted line. The discharge
has to choose between B and L. Sometimes L is absent.
Fig. 1.
and in that case the charging of the jars is quite well
efifected through the wood of the table; this is the
advantage of having the jars imperfectly insulated. At
the same time the conducting power of the wood is too
low to enable the jars to discharge themselves at all satis-
factorily, unless the knobs, B, are within striking dis-
tance, or unless some path, L, is provided. The only
discharge obtained at A when both paths, B and L, are
absent, is a feeble spitting or intermittent and frequent
sparking, very difi"erent from the loud report heard ag
soon as the knobs, B, are brought within striking dis-
tance. But it is not to bo supposed that the B knobs
must be as close together as the A knobs, in order to
permit complete discharge ; on the contrary, the B knobs
may be almost twice as far apart as the A knobs, and yet
the discharge shall be complete and noisy.
It will be understood that the two sparks occur toge-
ther ; a spark at A precipitates, and is the cause of, the
spark at B. Not vice versa, for until the A spark occurs
there is hot the slightest tendency for a spark at B.
The two B knoba are at the same zero potential, and
may be touched with impunity except at the instant
when the flash occurs at A. Remember that the jars are
standing on a common table all
the time.
Lest it be thought that there
is anything occult in this mode
of obtaining the spark at B, let
us subjoin as Fig. 2 another ar-
^. „ rangement of connection, which
does just as well, and, in fact,
represents the first experiment I tried. The condenser
is a very large one of tinfoil and glass plates, with
carefully insulated terminals. My object in making it
was to obtain a sudden rush of a considerable quantity
of electricity (like lightning), and then study its be-
haviour under various circumstances. I found after-
wards that for most experiments an ordinary gallon or
even pint Leyden jar served just as well, was much
quicker in use, and less dangerous. Moreover, the use
ofinsulated terminals necessitates the continued presence
of some alternative path (L) or other, else of course the
condenser declines to charge.
It majr be noted at onpe th^t with either arrangement
the spark A was very loud whenever tho spark was
allowed to occur at B as well ; but so soon as the dis-
charge was compelled to traverse the alternative conduc-
tor, L, by putting the B knobs too far apart, then the
noise of the discharge was much diminished, not merely
because there is now only one spark instead of two, but
plainly because, for some reason or other, tho discharge
meets with considerable obstruction in the wire, whereby
its duration is lengthened, and its noise therefore very
greatly lessened.
The numbers given below are extracted from a page
of the laboratory note-book, and refer to an experiment
with two Leyden jars, of a size which I sufficiently
specify by calling them " gallon " jars, arranged as in
Fig. 1. The length of the A spark was maintained at
one inch throughout the experiment ; or, as it happened
to be accidentally convenient to measure lengths in
tenths of an inch, I will call the A length 10. The B
length is variable, being altered until a B spark some-
times passes and sometimes misses.
The first alternative path I show is a length of about
40 feet of stout No. 1 (b.w.g.) copper wire or rod, sus-
pended round the room by silk libbon. Its resistance
to ordina,ry currents is very small, being '025 ohni.
Nevertheless, we shall find that the discharge refuses to
take this apparently easy path, and persists injumping the
air-gap B instead, until the B knobs are separated 14 "3
tenths of an inch. This is the critical distance. If they
are further apart than this, the discharge chooses the
thick copper wire by preference, and its noise pr sudden-
ness is then much less.
As a contrast with this, I next try a similar length of
fine iron wire {No. 27, b.w.g.), whose resistance to ordi-
nary currents is 33 '3 ohms, or 1,300 times as great as the
other. We find that the discharge very distinctly
prefers this wire to the other. For if the B knobs
remain at the distance of 14'3 we never now get a B
spark, nor do we get one until they have been brought
distinctly nearer. The critical spark length is now 10'3.
I confess I was surprised at this result.
Let us next try an enormous resistance — a capillary
tube of liquid (very dilute acid), giving to ordinary
measurements some 300,000 ohms. The critical spark-
length at B is indeed a little increased by this great
resistance, but not much above that found for the stout
copper wire. I have not an exact measure of it, but 16
or 17 will not be far out. The spark at A now becomes
very quiet indeed, pointing to the fact that what we were
observing all along was, in some sense or other, the effect
of true resistance ; for the undeniable resistance in the
capillary tube gives just the same kind of effects as does
the copper or iron wire, only a little more pronounced.
I have suspended three other conductors of about the
same length, which it is easy to try in the same way,
keeping the A spark-length 10 all the time. The results
are here summarized : —
Critical B
Alternative Patb. spark-length.
Stout copper wire, No. 1 K = '025 ohm . . . 14'3
Ordinary copper wu-e, No. 19 R= 272 „ ... 13'4
Stout iron wire, No. 1 R= -086 „ ... 10-8
Ordinary iron wire. No. 18 11= 3'55 „ ... 10'8
Thinnest iron wire, No. 27 R = 33-3 „ ... lOS
The copper wires seem to obstruct almost equally, and
the iron wires also obstruct equally among themselves,
notwithstanding their very different diameters ; but the
coppers obstruct more than the irons.
There is nothing absolute about these numbers ; they
are the record of a definite experiment, but their precise
value depends on the circumstances of the experiment.
It is easy to arrange so that the iron is less effective
than the copper — so that, in fact, ordinary resistance be-
comes of consequence again. This is done by putting a
long lead into the A circuit of the jars. But whenever
the flash is made as sudden as possible — and there seems
little doubt but that a lightning flash is often very
sudden — then the order of the numbers is something like
the figures quoted.
Reason of the enormous Obstruction offered by a good
NoWj what is the cause of all this astonishing obstruc-
tion ofifered by good conductors to a sudden rush of elec-
tricity ? One may express it in a popular way, thus :
It is due to electrical inertia, or what is also called " self-
induction." A current cannot start in a conductor
instantaneously, any more than water in a pipe can start
moving at full speed in an instant. Give the water a
violent blow to make it move, and it resists like a solid.
The blow, if very quick and violent, may burst the pipe,
but it will not appreciably propel the water. So, in a
manner, is it with electricity. The flash occurs, and the
conductor must either carry it off at once or not at all.
There is no time to think about it, and the E.M.P. needed
to overcome this inertia like obstruction is so great, that
a considerable thickness of air may be burst by it, and
the discharge may flash off sideways to anything handy.
Another way of putting the matter is this : A light-
ning discharge is essentially a varying current; it
manifestly rises from zero to a maximum, and then dies
away again, all in some extremely small fraction of a
second, say 100,000th or thereabouts. But that is not
all ; there is a certain amount of energy to be got rid of,
to be dissipated, and it may easily be that a single rush of
electricity in one direction does not suffice to dissipate
all the stored up energy of the charged cloud. If the
conductor is highly resisting, a single rush is sufficient,
but if it be well conducting it is quite insufficient.
What happens then ? The same as would happen with
compressed air or other fluid rushing out of an orifice.
If it is a narrow jet, there is a one-directioned blast ; but
if a wide, free mouth be suddenly opened, the escaping
air overshoots itself by reason of inertia, and springs back
again, oscillating to and fro till the stored up energy is
dissipated. Just so is it with an electric discharge
through good conductors; it is not a mere one-direc-
tioned rush, it is an oscillation, a surging of electricity to
and fro, until all the energy is turned into heat.
This fact is often forgotten by lightning-rod men;
they speak as if there were a certain quantity of electricity
to be conveyed to earth and there was an end of it ; but
they forget the energy of the electric charge, which must
be got rid of somehow. If a great weight, or a large
reservoir of water, were propped up above one's house,
one would not say that, the safe thing being to get it
down as quickly as possible, it was advisable to knock the
props away, or to blow the bottom out of the reservoir ;
no, one would prefer to let it slide slowly and gradually
down a well-resisting channel, so as to disperse the
energy gradually.
We will remember, then, that a Leyden-jar discharge
through good conductors is oscillatory, and that the
oscillation continues until all the stored energy is rubbed
away. The oscillations have an enormous frequency;
they may be millions a second, for the whole lot of them
have to cease during the excessively minute duration of
the visible flash. It is well known that a flash is of far
less real duration than the persistence of optical impression
on the retina would lead one to believe ; as is easily
illustrated by illuminating a spinning wheel by an electric
spark. However fast (ordinarily speaking) the wheel is
spinning, it appears to be stationary, and the spokes are
seen singly and clearly by the light of each spark.
It is for this reason that, although the apparent illu-
minating power of a powerful flash need not be greater
than weak moonlight, its actual intensity, for the instant
it really lasts, may exceed strong sunlight, and hence
may exert a damaging effect on the retina and cause
There is another fact which it behoves us to be aware
of. It, is one to the importance of which the attention
of scientific men has only recently been called. Experi-
mentally it has been discovered by Professor Hughes,
theoretically by Mr. Oliver Heaviside, Lord Rayleigh,
and Professor Poynting ; for though the necessary theory
is really contained in Clerk-Maxwell, it required digging
out and displaying. This has now been abundantly
done, but the knowledge has scarcely yet penetrated to
practical men ; indeed, it has not yet been thoroughly
assimilated by most physicists. The fact is this. When
a current starts in a conductor, it does not start equally
all through its section, it begins on the outside, and then
gradually though rapidly penetrates to the interior. A
steady current flows uniformly through the whole section
^f a conductor, a variable current does not. It is started
^rst at the surface, and it is stopped first at the surface.
: Remembering the rapidly oscillating character of an
electric discharge, remembering also the fact that a
rising current begins on the outside surface of a conduc-
■jtor, we perceive that, with a certain rate of alternation.
THitOTTLiA'G. 41
Uo current will be able to penetrate below the most
superficial layer or outer skin of the conductor at all. In
the outer akin, of microscopic thickness, electricity will
be oscillating to and fro, but the interior of the conduc-
tor will remain stolidly inert and take no part in the
Thus we arrive at a curious kind of resistance, caused
by inertia in a roundabout fashion, and yet a real resis-
tance, a reduction in the conducting substance of a rod,
80 that no portion except that close to the surface can
take any part in the conduction of these rapidly alter-
nating currents or discharges. It must naturally be
better, therefore, not to make a lightning conductor of
solid rod, but to flatten it out into a thin sheet, or cut it
into detached wires ; any plan for increasing surface and
spreading it out laterally will be an improvement.
Perhaps it may be as well to guard against one
favourite misconception. It has long been known that
static charges exist only on the surface of conductors ; it
has also long been known that ordinary currents flow
through the whole section and substance of their con-
ductors. It is now beginning to be known that alter-
nating currents may be sufiiciently rapid to traverse only
the outer layers of conductors, and this last piece of
knowledge is felt to be rather disturbing by those who
have been accustomed to dwell upon the behaviour of
steady currents, and seems like a return to electrostatic
notions, and an attempt to lord it over currents by their
help. But the first and third facts mentioned above —
the behaviour of static charges, and the behaviour of
alternating currents — are two distinct facts, independent
of each other ; not rigorously independent perhaps, but
best considered so for ordinary purposes of explanation.
We have thus mentioned two causes of obstruction
met with by rapidly oscillating currents trying to
traverse a metal rod. First there is the direct inertia-
like effect of self-induction to be added to the resistance
proper; the resulting quantity being called by Mr,
Heaviside " impedance/' to distinguish it from resistance
proper. For there is a very clear distinction between
them ; resistance proper dissipates the energy of a cur-
rent into beat, according to Joule's law; impedance
obstructs the current, but does not dissipate energy.
Impedance causes tendency to side-flash, resistance
causes a conductor to heat and perhaps to melt. The
greater the resistance of a conductor, the more quickly
will the energy of a discharge be dissipated, its oscilla-
tions being rapidly damped ; the greater the impedance
of a conductor, the less able is it to carry off a flash, and
neighbouring semi-conductors are accordingly exposed
to the more danger. Resistance is analogous to friction
in machinery; impedance is analogous to freely sus-
pended massive obstruction, in addition to whatever
friction there may bo. To slowly changing forces fric-
tion is practically the sole obstruction ; to rapidly alter-
nating forces inertia may constitute by far the greater
part of the total obstruction: so much the greater part
that friction need hardly matter.
This is a fairly accurate popular statement of the direct
way in which self-inductiou aids resistance proper in
obstructing an alternating current. But, in addition to
these considerations, there is that other indirect way which
we have also mentioned, viz., the fact that conduction
of an alternating current may be confined to the surface of
a rod or wire if the alternations are rapid enough. This
cause must plainly increase total impedance ; for the
total channel open to such a current is virtually throttled,
as a water-pipe would be throttled by a central solid core.
But which part of the total impedance does it affect ?
Does it increase the resistance part or the inertia part ?
In other words, does this throttling of a conductor act by
dissipation of energy or by mere massive sluggishness ?
Plainly, it must act like any other reduction of section, it
must increase the resistance, the dissipating power of a
conductor, the heating power of a current. Hence the
resistance of which we have spoken as entering into the
total impedance has by no means the same value as it has
for steady currents, and as measured by a Wheatstone
bridge. It is a quantity greater — possibly much greater
— than this ; and in order to calculate its value, we must
know not only the sectional area and specific conductivity
of the conductor but also the shape of its section, the
magnetic quality of its material, and the rate of alter-
nation of the current to be conveyed.
Tape V. Rod.
We may here note a vigorous controversy, or diflferenoe
of opinion, between Faraday on the one hand, and Sir
W. Snow Harris on the other. Faraday was often con-
sulted about lightning conductors for lighthouses, and
consistently maintained that sectional area was the one
thing necessary — weight per linear foot — and that shape
was wholly indifferent. Harris, on the contrary, main-
tained that tube conductors were just as good as solid
rods, and that flattened ribbon was better still. Each is
reported to have said that the other knew nothing at all
about the matter. Of course we know that Faraday was
thinking of nothing but conduction, and conduction for
steady currents. Harris had probably no theoretical
reason to give, but was guided either by instinct or by
the result of experience. We shall have to admit that,
in this particular, Faraday was wrong and Harris was
right. The following experiment may serve to illustrate
the point further :
I take two copper conductors of the same length and
approximately of the same weight, but one of them in
the form of wire, the other in the form of ribbon, and I
use them successively as an alternative path. The knobs
at A being fixed at two centimetres apart, the B knobs
were adjusted until the spark sometimes chose the air-
gap, and sometimes the alternative conductor. (See Fig.
1 or 2.) The critical B spark length was then :
With the
wire as alternative
path . .
. . 8-36
With the ribbon „
. . 6-26
wire „
. . 8-45
ribbon „
. . 605
wire „
. . 8-21
ribbon „
. . 6-06
Very distinctly showing the advantage of a flattened
form of conductor over a mere round section.
The dimensions of the two conductors here compared
are as follows: — Wire: No. 12 b.w.g., 218 centimetres
long, weight 91 '6 grammes. Ribbon: 218 centimetres
long and 6'4 centimetres broad, weight 88"7 grammes.
But, it may be said, have not experiments often been
made as to the advantage of tape over rod forms of
lightning conductor, with negative results ? Yes, but
the point usually attended to is the deflagration of the
conductor. But we are not examining which form of
conductor is least liable to be destroyed by a flash —
probably there is not much to choose between one form
of section and another, for there is no time for surface
cooling — we are examining which form will carry off a
charge most easily, and with least liability to side-flash ;
and here thin ribbon shows distinct advantage over round
Another form in which the experiment has been tried,
by Mr. Preece, for instance, with Dr. De la Rue's battery,
is to pass a discharge through rod or through ribbon and
see if it is equally able to deflagrate a thin wire inserted
in another portion of its path. It is found just as ener-
getic in one case as in the other. But so it must be
unless it could be held that rod dissipates energy easier
than tape. Putting conductors in series in this way, so
that the whole discharge current is bound to go through
them anyhow, affords no indication at all as to its pre-
ference for one path over another if it had a choice.
Iron V. Copper.
You remember we have found that a rod of iron
carries off a discharge more satisfactorily than a rod of
But everyone will say — and I should have said before
trying — surely iron has far more self-induction than
copper. A current going through iron has to magnetize
it in concentric cylinders, and this takes time. But
experiment declares against this view for the case of
Leyden-jar discharges. Iron is experimentally better
than copper. It would seem, then, that the flash is too
quick to magnetize the iron ; or else the current confines
itself so entirely to the outer skin that there is nothing
to magnetize. A tubular current would magnetize
nothing inside it. Somehow or other, the peculiar pro-
perties of iron, due to its great magnetic permeability,
I do not believe anyone could have expected this
result. Possibly Lord Eayleigh might have predicted
it, and perhaps Mr. Oliver Heaviside. It would
scarcely become me to express admiration for the work
of so great a master of science as LOrd Eayleigh (though,
parenthetically, I may mention that I feel such admira-
tion in the highest degree), but I must take the oppor-
tunity to remark what a singular insight into the intri-
cacies of the subjectj and what a masterly grasp of a
most difficult theory, are to be found among the writings
of Mr. Oliver Heaviside. I cannot pretend to have done
more than skim these writings, however, for I find Lord
Rayleigh's papers, in so far as they cover the same
ground, so much pleasanter and easier to read ; though,
indeed, they are none of.the easiest.
Can this suggestion with regard to iron be examiaed
and verified or disproved, in some other more direct
way ?
It is easy to try another experiment. I have here two
conductors made of tinfoil ; each is made of a long slip of
tinfoil, about 3 inches broad, and 21 feet long. One
is zigzagged backwards and forwards, with the interpo-
sition of three thicknesses of paraffin paper between each
zigzag to secure insulation, so as to abolish, self-induc-
tion as far as possible. This I call the tinfoil zigzag.
The other is coiled spirally on a glass tube — again with
the interposition of paraffin paper — so as to give as
much self-induction as possible. This I call the tinfoil
spiral. A bundle of fine iron wires — the core of an
induction coil, in fact^pan be introduced into this glass
tube, or withdrawn, at pleasure. The resistances of
these conductors, measured in the ordinary way, are :
•614 ohm for the spiral, and '708 ohm for the zigzag.
They were intended to be alike.
The connections being made as in Fig. l,one or other
of these tinfoil conductors is used as the alternative path
/;, with this result:
The length of the A spark being 73, the critical spark
length at B, when sparks sometimes passed and some-
times failed, was ITl when no alternative path was pro-
vided. When the tinfoil zigzag connected! the outsides
of the jars instead of the Wire, L^ it was not possible to
get a B spark till the distance was shortened to 0"6;
when the zigzag was replaced by the spiral, the critical
B spark length rose to 6"4. The iron bundle was now
inserted in the spiral, and the experiment tried again.
The B spark length remained 6"4. The iron made no
perceptible difference to the impedance of the coil.
Here is a magnetic time-lag raised to an extreme.
Professor Ayrton tells me he has noticed that the per-
meability of iron begins to diminish with very quick
alternations. Here it is becoming virtually no greater
than that of air. It may be said that the iron fails to get
magnetized because of the opposing action of the inverse
" Foucault" currents induced in it, just half a period
behind the inducing currents. I thought this would be
so, of course, with thick rods of iron, but with a bundle
of thin wires I felt doubtful. Lord Eayleigh, however,
thinks these induced peripheral currents competent to
explain magnetic time-lag in every case ; and I can have
no doubt that he is right. Whatever the explanation,
the fact of time-lag in iron is patent. Yet there is some-
thing strange about it, for that a steel knitting-needle
can be magnetized by discharging a Ley den jar round it
is mentioned in every text-book, and (what does not
necessarily follow) it is certainly true. There are points
here requiring further examination. [See further on, where
it is shown that an iron core has some effect on thenoiso
of the discharge, making it much quieter ; apparently
by helping to dissipate energy.]
However, if it turns out to be true that an iron rod
does not get magnetized by the passage of a rapidly
alternating current, it may be held a natural consequence
of the fact that such currents flow mainly in its outer
surface ; and that such tubular currents have no magne-
tizing power on anything inside thern,
The magnetizability of iron is, therefore, no objection
to its employment in lightning conductors ; but rather
the reverse. Its inferior conductivity is an advantage,
in rendering the flash slower and therefore less explosive.
Its high melting point and cheapness are obvious advan-
tages. It is almost as permanent as copper, at least when
galvanized ; and it is not likely to be stolen. I regard
the use of copper for lightning conductors as doomed.
Experiment of the Bye-Path.
We have seen that a conductor is more efficient in
carrying off a discharge and preventing side-flash, in
proportion as its self-induction is lessened ; say by
spreading it out into a thin sheet, or cutting it up into
a number of wires, or otherwise. But no conductor is
able to prevent side-flash altogether, unless it is zig-
zagged to and fro so as to have practically no self-
induction; in that case the side-spark is neai'ly stopped.
But so long as a conductor is straight (and a lightning
a\ -' ii
Fij,'. 3.
conductor must of course be straight), so long will there
be some tendency to side-flash, however thick it be made.
It may be a foot or a yai'd thick, and yet not stop side-
One may easily try the following experiment. Take
a yard of stout brass or copper rod an inch thick, arrange
it in the path of a Leyden-jar discharge, and then arrange,
as a sort of bye-path or tapping circuit, some very fine
wire, such as WoUaston platinum wire (Fig. 3). It may
seem absurd for any portion of the discharge to leave the
massive rod and take the hair-like wire by preferencSj
especially if an air-gap exists at A or at B, or at both.
Nevertheless a portion does choose the fine wire path, and
you get a little spark at A ov&t B about a sixteenth of an
inch long. One may vary the experiment by trying to
get a shock by holding two difi'erent parts of a thick
copper rod through which a discharge is passing. The
mere difiference of potential between conductor and earth
must of course be avoided. It is not easy to get an ap-
preciable shock from a few yards of very stout conductor;
still it can be done. Holding two points of a stout open
spii'alj consisting of about five yards of No. 1 copper wire,
connected to earth, a faint shock can be felt with wetted
hands whenever a Leyden jar is discharged through the
copper. No doubt with a very large condenser the shock
would be quite noticeable ; and a man touching a light-
ning conductor, however well earthed, might perhaps
receive a shock sufficient to kill him. At all events, I
should not care to try the experiment with a real lightning
Expe^Hment of the Side-Flash.
Let me illustrate the tendency to side- flash by an experi-
ment which looks more directly applicable. Fig. 4 shows
a couple of tin-plates or tea-trays fixed a foot or so apart,
one earthed, the other insulated. They obviously repre-
sent, one a charged cloud, the other a layer of thoroughly
good conducting earth. A lightning conductor, B L, is
provided ; L consisting of a considerable length of stout
copper wire or rod. At a possible side path is provided,
so that, if the flash chooses, some of it can spit off through
an inch or so of air, and through an interposed resistance,
B, to earth. A side-flash G, is found to occur unless the
sparking distance is made too great; and the effect of
increasing R is not to stop the side-flash, but to weaken
it. Thus, even with the liquid resistance of nearly a
megohm at R, an inch spark still passes at G for every
flash at B, though the G spark is now very weak.
How can this tendency to side-flash be further
diminished ? At the end of Chapter IV., I hinted at
a partial remedy — elasticity. To stop a pipe full of
water from being burst by a blow given to the water,
you will make the pipe elastic. An elastic cushion will
ease off the violence of the shock of a water-ram.
Electric inertia was known by the other name of self-
induction ; electric " elasticity " is known by the other
Fig. 4.
name of capacity. Increase the capacity — not the thick-
ness or conducting power, but the electrostatic capacity
of your conductor — and it will be able to carry off more.
This phrase, " the capacity of a conductor," when used
by the old electricians, commonly signified merely its
conducting power, this being the sole thing most of them
thought of; but, using it in its modern signification, let
us see what advantage is to be gained by increasing the
capacity of a conductor — say, by connecting to its two
ends the coatings of a Leyden jar.
Take the No. 1 8 wire round the room and use it as an
alternative path, as in Fig. 1, first without ajar connected
to its ends, then with a jar. Length of spark at A, 5-35
tenths of an inch; corresponding critical B spark-lenfth:
Iron wire without jar, 6'5 ;
Iron wire with jar, 5'0.
Not a very great difference. Not so great a difference
as would be gained by diminishing the self-induction by
flattening the wire out into foil. Still it is in the right
direction, and we see what we have to do : diminish self-
induction as far as possible, and increase capacity when-
ever convenient. One may also try the experiment by
attaching ajar to the conductor B, in Fig. 4 : the side flash ,
G, is somewhat shortened.
But of an actual lightning conductor how is it possible
to increase the capacity ? There is no sense in sur-
rounding it with an earth tube, because that, after all,
would only act as an additional conductor, and might as
well be so considered from the first. Neither does a
great series of polarizable voltameter plates seem a
feasible suggestion. No ; the only practicable plan is
to expand it over as much surface as possible. A lead
roof, for instance, affords an expansion of fair capacity
which may be easily utilized; and there should be as
little mere rod projection as possible before some extent
of surface begins. Flat sheet for chimneys is better than
round rod — it has at least some more capacity and much
less self-induction.
For tall isolated chimneys I would suggest a collar of
sheet metal round the top, and at intervals all the way
down ; or a warp of several thin wires instead of a single
rod, joined together round the chimney by an occasional
woof; or any other plan for increasing capacity and area
of surface as much as reasonably possible.
Now try experiments on the liability of things to be
struck. Is a small knob at a low elevation as liable to
be struck as a large surface at a higher elevation ? Is a
badly conducting body as liable to be struck as a well
conducting one ? In other popular words, does a good
conductor " attract lightning " ?
In answering this question experimentallyj we must
draw a careful distinction between the case of a flash
occurring from an already charged surface, which has
strained the air close to bursting point before any flash
occurs, and the case of a flash produced by a rush of
electricity into a previously uncharged conductor too
hastily for it to prepare any carefully chosen path by
induction. The two cases are — 1st. Steady strain ;
2nd. Impulsive rush. Take them separately.
First with Steady Strain.
First an experiment on the liability of things to be
struck when the air above them is in a state of steady
strain gradually increased. I take the two tin plates
arranged one over the other, and stand between them
three conductors, one ending in a large knob, a second
ending in a small knob, and the third ending in a point
(Fig. 5).
The experiment consists in working up the charge of
a jar attached to the top plate until discharge occurs, and
in adjusting the three conductors so that they may be
indiscriminately struck. One finds that the point, even
when very low, prevents discharge altogether. It may
indeed be too low to be effective j or again it may be
insufficient to cope with the supply of electricity; but
we see here the well-known function of a point — preven-
tion of discharge. Remove or cover up the point now,
and attend only to the large and small knobs. If the
knobs are negative and the plate above them positive,
brush discharge goes on from the knobs, and it is not
easy to get a long flash ; but by reversing the connec-
tions the tendency to brush is greatly lessened, and we
now get flashes some
three or four inches long.
But always to the small
knob. The small knob
has to be pulled down
about three times as far
from the charged surface as the big knob is, before it
ceases to protect the big knob ; and the latter is then for
the first time struck. This occurred, for instance, when
the distance of the big knob from the top plate was 9,
and the distance of the small one 29^ (tenths of an
inch). They were then either of them struck indis-
criminately. If the little knob was any higher than 29^,
it alone was struck.
Now what is the ofiect of resistance upon the pro-
tecting power of the point or small knob ? Scarcely
any. Instead of connecting the small knob direct to
the bottom tray, connect it through a capillary liquid
megohm, B, and it gets struck just as easily as before.
Here are distance readings when they get struck with
equal ease : Large knob distance, 7*5 ; small knob dis-
tance, with high resistance, 22'0. The point protects
both, up to distance 60*0, until covered up by a thimble.
Thus the flash actually prefers to jump three times as
much air, and encounter a megohm resistance, rather
than take the short direct path offered by the bigger
knob. The sizes of the knobs in this experiment are :
1"27 inch diameter for big knob, and '56 inch for small
Of course, the cause of this is well known. -It is
merely that the air breaks down at the weakest point, viz.,
on the surface of one of the knobs, and the tension on
the small knob is much greater than that on the big one,
for a given difference of potential. The fact thp,t the
discharge begins in the air above the conductor explains
why it is that adding resistance — even enormous resis-
tance — to a conductor makes no difference to the length
of the spark which strikes it. The path is prepared in-
ductively in the air, and the resistance of the path which
the discharge must ultimately take makes no difference,
provided it is not so nearly infinite as to prevent the free
adjustment of the static charges and inductions set up
as the machine is worked. But though high resistance
makes no difference to the length of the spark, it does
affect its noise and violence. The discharge strikino- the
knob when much resistance is interposed has only
a soft velvety noise. Its energy, or heating effect, is
much the same, but its suddenness, and therefore its
noise and violence, are enormously lessened.
This water resistance is equivalent to a shocking bad
earth ; and its effect is, we see, to make the spark gentle..
But it is an evident advantage to have a discharge take
this quiet and manageable form. The worse a conductor
is, the quieter will be the flash, and, up to a certain limit.
it will protect just as well apparently. Hence, surely, a
bad earth is an advantage. But wait a bit ; we have not
yet considered the other case — the impulsive rush.
Second, with Impulsive Rush.
Let us now modify the experiment to try the second
form of the experiment — the impulsive rush.
Fig. 6 shows the connections. There is no diifference
of potential between the trays up to the very instant of
discharge. The jars gradually charge up (they stand on
the same wooden table) , and ultimately discharge at A ;
a violent rush then takes place into the two plates, and
the conductors between are struck. Adjust them till they
are all struck with equal
ease, as before ; we find the
conditions utterly different.
No longer does the small
knob protect the taller big
knob; no longer does the '^'
point exert any special protective influence. All three
bodies — large knob, small knob, point — are equally liable
to be struck if at the same height, and no one is more
liable than another ; simply the highest is struck if they
are at all equally conducting. It is easy to get all three
struck at once. Now make one badly conducting, and its
protective virtue is gone. Put the liquid megohm into
any one of the three conductors, and that one is no longer
struck. It ceases to protect the other two even if taller
than they ; nay, even if it be raised so as to touch the top
tray, thus establishing direct conducting communication
of a poor kind between cloud and earth, still next to none
of the flash chooses that path, and the other two con-
ductors get struck with apparently just the same ease as
before. This is the real objection to a bad earth; it
cannot protect well against these sudden rushes.
Sudden rushes are liable to occur ; the clouds spark
first into one another, and then, as a sort of secondary
effort or back kick, into the earth. For instance, two
clouds one above the other; the top cloud sparks into
the lower, and this at once overflows to the earth. In
these cases the best conducting and highest objects are
struck, quite irrespective of any question of points and
knobs. Points are no safeguard against these flashes, as
you see. The point gets struck by a vivid flash, exactly
of the same character as that which strikes one of the
knobs; it has no time to give brushes or glows; its
special efiicacy in preventing discharge exists only in the
case of steady action, where the path is pre-arranged by
induction. In the case of these sudden rushes, the con-
ditions determining the path of discharge are entirely
different. No doubt they have to do with what is called
the " impedance '"' of the various conductors, but they
have nothing to do with the shape or size of their
Experiment of the Recoil Kick.
It will have been noticed that in the experiment of
Fig. 1, the spark obtained at B is longer than the spark
at A. And the question arises why this should be so.
Plainly what is happening is this: the discharge at A
sets up electrical oscillations, and the charge of the jars
is rapidly reversed. The difference of potentials of the
inner coats changes from, say, -j- F to nearly — V, and
back again ; the difference of potential of the outer coats
changes therefore from to nearly 2F, and hence the B
spark may be expected to be nearly twice as long as the
A spark ; and so it is.
These electrical oscillations are of considerable interest,
and have sundry practical bearings ; let us proceed to
make them more conspicuous. Fig. 7 shows a couple of
long leads, L and L', reaching round the room (No. 18
wire in two 95-feet lengths was actually employed),
insulated from one another and from the earth, but
attached to the two poles of a machine ; the machine
having also a couple of Leyden jars attached to it in the
given arrangement of main discharge circuit, A. The
customary manner when supplied by the maker. A
discharger, B, can be arranged to bridge the gap be-
tween these leads, either near the machine, as Bi, or
about the middle, as B2, or at the far end, as B^. Now,
of course, sparks can be obtained either at A or at any
of the B knobs, and all about the same length ; but
supposing the A knobs to be brought nearer than the
B knobs, the spark would be expected to occur at A
only. Nevertheless, on trying the experiment, one finds
that every time a spark occurs at A, a longer spark
occurs at jB; it is, as it were, precipitated with a rush ;
and the longest spark of all is obtainable at the far end,
viz., at B-^.
Here are some figures,
in the obtaining of which,
however, for convenience of
manipulation, the B length
remained constant in each
position, and the least
I^ig- 7. length of the determining
spark. A, was the thing observed :
Nearest f Spark length, .4 3-20
position. I Con'esponding spark lengtli, 5,... 3-22 .
Middle f Spark lengtli, yl 1'92
position. I Corresponding spark lengtli, B^... 3'22
Fnrthest ( Spark length, A 1-60
position. ( Corresponding spark length, -B3... 3'22
The electricity in the long wires is surging to and fro
like water in a bath when it has been tilted ; and the
long spark at the far end of the wires is due to the recoil
impulse or kick at the reflection of the wave. Evidently
there are some quantitative relations to be specified
here, and there will be some best capacity of the jars
corresponding to a given length of conductor, and to a
41.j .
. ;j-12
4-KO .
. 6-18
2-37 .
. 2-70
4-80 .
. 6'18
2-2 .
. 2-45
4-80 .
. 6-18
nearer the length of the conductors corresponds to a
half-wave length, or some multiple of a half-wave length,
of the oscillations produced by the discharging jars, the
more perfect will be the s^'nchronism between the pulses,
and a longer recoil kick may be expected. The arrange-
ment may in fact be compared to a resonant tube excited
by a tuning fork or reed, to Melde's experiment with
vibrating strings, or to any other case of forced vibration.
The following numbers will just serve to show some
difference of effect caused by different sizes of jars. Using
two pint jars in series, and fixing the A spark at 4"5, the
Bj spark at the far end just ceases when the knobs are
pulled out to 7'8. But, replacing the pint jars by gallon
jars, the B^ spark does not cease till the knobs are
separated to 10"9j the corresponding spark in the posi-
tion Bi being only a trifle longer than the A spark,
viz., 4*7.
It is not to be supposed, however, that by increasing
the capacity of the jars still farther, a still better effect
will be obtained ; for on replacing the two gallon jars
by the very large condenser of alternate glass and tinfoil
sheets, we find the spark at Bg fails when the knobs are
only 5*9 tenths of an inch apart: the length of the A
spark remaining 4"5, as before.
There is, as I say, a quantitative relation ; and it is a
relation which the modern theory of electricity makes
known. I cannot go into it here, but I may just say
that, very approximately, the wave length of the electric
oscillation of a discharging jar is 27r times the geometric
mean of the static capacity of the jar and the electro-
magnetic inertia of the discharger. ( See Chapter XIII.
and XIV.)
The capacity of the two gallon jars in series (this being
the capacity which gave the best result with 95 feet of
leads) was about "002 microfarad, or, say, 1,800 centi-
metres; bence, supposing the wave lengtb of the dis-
charge through the A knobs to be something like 190 or
200 feet (twice the length of the leads), we should calcu-
late the self-induction of the circuit formed by the jars,
short connecting wires, and A wires, as something like
five metres, which is a reasonable enough value.'
Repeating the experiment (Fig. 7) with the two gallon
jars in series, but insulated this time from the earth, a
still longer spark at 5;,, the far ends of the long wires,
can be obtained; viz., 4 n 4-5, jBg^rM; and even
when the knobs of the discharger are separated beyond
this distance, a brush still passes between them for every
spark at A.
Removing the discharger altogether, and making the
experiment in the dark, a very interesting effect is seen ;
the further end of each wire glows with a vivid brush
light ; showing the exceedingly high potential to which
they are raised by the recoil. I do not see the effect
with thick No. 1 wires, but with No. 18 wires it is very
marked. The glow on each of the two wires is indepen-
dent of the position of the other ; thus, if the connections
are made so that the wires run opposite ways right
round the room from the machine, the distant end being
insulated, it is still the end of each furthest from the
machine that glows, although they are separated from
one another, for most of their length, by the whole width
of the room. With the two gallon jars the wires glow
over fully three-fifths of their entire length. With jars
Since the delivery of the lecture, a great number of quantitative
observations on these lines have been made. Evidence of electro-
magnetic waves three yards long has been obtained. I expect to
get them still shorter. [The shortest waves of which I have now
obtained evidence are 3 inches. 1890.]
of much larger or much smaller capacity the length of
glow is conspicuously less.
Connect a small pint jar to the far ends of the wires,
and all these effects cease. The increase of static capacity
reduces their potential below the brushing point. Ar-
ranging the jar so as to leave an air space between it
and one of the wires, a spark passes into it at each A
spark ; but the jar is not the least charged afterwards —
proving that the spark is a double one, first in and then
out of the jar, a real recoil of a reflected pulse ; hence it
is also that the appearance of the brush is the same on
the two wires, one is not able to say which is the positive
and which the negative wire, for each is both.
Experiment of the Surging Circuit.
What seemed to me, when I first made it, a curious
illustration of these electrical surgings or oscillations
going on in a conductor which is being suddenly dis-
charged at one end, is afforded by the following extremely
simple experiment.
Attach one end of a long insulated wire to the ma-
chine, and connect the other pole of the machine to earth.
Jars connected up also to the machine do no harm, but
they are unnecessary. The wire now practically consti-
tutes one coating of a condenser, of which the walls of
the room are the outer coat. The wire is made to form
a nearly closed circuit, and its further end brought
within an inch or so of the near end, as at B (Fig. 8).
Under these circumstances one would at first sight say
that a spark at B was absurd, for the two knobs are
metallically connected through a stout conductor, which
may be No. 1 wire, and not necessarily many yards long.
Nevertheless, it will be found that sparks at B can be
obtained quite as long, though not quite as strong, as
those at A. Every A spark is accompanied by a J5
spark, unless, of course, the knobs are too far separated.
One may surmise that it is the static charge on the dis-
tant portion of the conductor, which having to rush toward
A, prefers the short path, B, instead of the longer path
via the wire. But this is not the whole account of the
matter, as can be shown by interposing high resistance
in the conductor at various points ; say at the places 1, 2,
3, or 4 (Fig. 8) . Introducing a quarter of a megohm at
the point 1 or at 3 weakens the B spark very much, and
apparently about the same whether it be at 1 or at 3 ; the
strength {i.e., the noise and appearance) of the A spark
remaining much the same. Introducing a high resistance
at the point 4 weakens
both the A and the S
sparks. Introducing a
high resistance at the
Pis- 8- point 2 leavesboth sparks
pretty much as strong as they were without it.
The spark at B is caused by electrical oscillation — a
surging of the charge of the wire to and fro like water in
a pipe. One might liken it to an elastic pipe pumped
very full of water and its end closed with spring valves.
If, then, one end is suddenly opened and shut, a pulse is
transmitted through the pipe, which may force open the
valve at the far end and let some water escape.
It is these electrical oscillations, I doubt not, which
account for the long spark sometimes obtained by the use
of a " "Winter's ring."
This last experiment. Pig. 8, however it may be ex-
plained, has an obvious application to the question of
connecting roof-gutters to lightning conductors. It is
most desirable to connect them, but both ends should
be connected. If only one is connected, the far end is
very likely to spit off a flash.
Again, we see how, when a flash strikes a system,
the electricity goes rushing and swinging about every-
where for no apparent reason, just as water might surge
abBut in a bath or system of canals into which a mass of
rock had just dropped, splashing and overflowing its
banks. Just so with electricity. Bell-wires, gas-pipes,
roof-gutters, conduct side-flashes in a way most puzzling
to the older electricians; and thus gas may get ignited'
in the most unexpected places, and passengers in a train
may feel a shock because a charge has struck the rails.
In powder magazines it is apparent how dangerous this
lawless sparking tendency may be ; for even the hinge of
a door may furnish opportunity for some trivial spark
siifiicient to ignite powder. By no means, it seems to
me, should high rods be stuck up to invite a flash to
such places. Build them, or line them, with connected
iron, barb them all over the roof, connect them to the
deep ground in many places, and I do not see what more
can be done.
Experiments on Overjlow of Jar.
Another way of making these electrical surginga more
conspicuous is by their effect in causing a jar to overflow,
iiS., to spark round its edge. The overflowof a common
jar is in fact very like a lightning flash, for it is a dis-
charge direct between two coatings. That is just what
a lightning flash is. There is ordinarily no conductor
present except the two coatings — the clouds and the
earth. I found a curious remark in Franklin^ about the
overflow or fracture of Leyden jars. He found that when
' ' "Franklin's Works,"^y Sparks, 1840. "Vol. v. p. 462.
one broke from overcharging, a great number went
together; and also that the sparli in the ordinary circuit
did not fadl. He was led by this observation to doubt if
the breakage of the jar was really due to a discharge of
the electricity through it, and he surmises that it may be
due to a sadden expansion of air bubbles in the interior,
suddenly relieved of the strain. (See page 151.)
No doubt he is wrong there, but the observation of
the facts is good and noteworthy. We will repeat the
experiment. It is not necessary to burst the jars ; over-
flow round the edge is just as good, and cheaper. The
overflow experiment can be put into a variety of forms ;
perhaps it will be sufficient if I show the simplest.
[| Fig. 9 shows the arrangement.
'"^-"-^ It consists in nothing but estab-
lishing the connection between
the machine and one or both of
the coatings of a jar, through a
long wire instead of through a
rig. 9. short one as usual. If one con-
nects the jar G by the dotted line, it does not overflow
until the spark length A is very great ; but with a long
lead, L, to make the connection, a very short spark at A
will cause the jar to overflow or discharge round its
Here are a few numbers. The jar is one of the gallon
jars, with the glass fully three inches above the tinfoil,
so that, when it overflows, the spark has to strike along
fully six inches of glass. When L is the thick No. 1
copper circuit round the room the jar overflows every
time an A spark occurs, even though the length of this
A spark is only "64 of an inch. Short circuit out the
long lead, as shown by the dotted line, and the jar
refuses to overflow until the A spark length has been
increased to 1'7 ; and when it does overflow now the
violence is very considerable. Remove short circuit
again, and the jar overflows in ever so many places at
once with great violence, a perfect cascade of flashes
leaping round the edge. Bring the A knobs nearer
together, and the overflow does not wholly cease till their
distance apart is again '62.
On another occasion one got, for the A spark length,
sufficient to cause overflow of jar —
•56 with the long lead.
1'7 with an ordinary short wire.
With a small pint jar, and a less height of glass above
its coatings, I took the following readings : Length of
A spark sufficient to cause overflow —
"67 with iron wire round room.
■52 with copper „
1*40 with short circuit.
Pig. 10 shows very well, in a diagrammatic fashion,
the effect of long leads in causing a jar to overflow, or of
course to burst if the glass edges are too tall for the
thickness and homogeneity of the glass to stand.
t^^JT^ ^O"
Fig. 10.
A are the machine terminals, B those of a discharger,
and J^ and J^ are two jars connected up by fairly long
leads. Now of course sparks may be obtained either at
A or at B, one as easily as the other, and one of the jars
is liable to overflow, but not both. It is the jar /^ which
overflows when a spark occurs at A. It is the jar J^
which is made to overflow by a spark at B. It might
be thought that if the B knobs were fairly near together,
a spark at A might precipitate a spark at B instead of
making J^ oyerflow ; but it is not so. The event is not
indeed impossible by any means, if the B knobs are
pretty near together ; but it is easier for the jar to over-
flow by direct discharge between its coatings over a space
of some six inches, than it is for it to discharge through
the wire and rods of the discharger and an air-space of
an inch or even less. It is not easy to help a jar to
overflow by discharging tongs ; even a foot of conducting
wire is a great obstruction to the passage of the flash ;
it greatly prefers direct discharge through air unob-
structed by the self-induction confinement of a conductor.
This is also illustrated by the extraordinary length of
insulating surface which is found necessary in the Leyden
jars supplied to Holtz and other such machines, and by
the fact that such jars often flash, even over a foot, instead
of through a few inches of air space led up to by the
proper discharging knobs. Though indeed it must be
noticed, as it Was by Franklin, that the overflow of a jar
by no means necessarily robs the proper circuit of its
flash. The two things occur together. It is usually
the spark which causes the overflow. Perhaps one may
say that the ease of discharge direct between coatings
without any conductor, accounts in some measure for the
extraordinary length and unexpected paths of some
lightning flashes.
These electrical oscillations and overflows, which it is
thus easy to set up in a charged conductor, manifestly
explain what is known as the " return stroke." I pointed
out in Chapter I. that the ordinary explanation of the
return stroke, the recovery of electrical equilibrium dis-
turbed by static induction, was by no means able to
account for efi'ects of the least violence; but this fact,
that a discharge from any one point of a conductor may
cause such a disturbance and surging as to precipitate a
much longer flash from a distant part of it^ at once
accounts for any " return stroke " that has ever been
It is for this reason that I think it possible that a tall
chimney or other protuberance in one's neighbourhood
may be a source of mild danger; inasmuch as if it is
struck it may be the means of splashing out some more
discharges to other smaller prominences, which otherwise
were beyond striking distance. It is in this way, also,
that I imagine multiple flashes, such as those referred to
in Chapter II. are produced. I liken theca to the cascade
of flashes rushing over the sides of a jar, when connected
,up with a long lead, and when the^ spark is pretty
Experiment of the Gauze-House.
Finally, we have to ask is it possible for the interior of
a thoroughly inclosed metal room to be struck; or, rather,
can a small fraction of a lightning flash find its way into
a perfectly inclosed metal cavity ; for instance, a spark
li II strong enough to ignite some gun-
—f— o^o— U— cotton in a metal-covered magazine
9 9 which might happen to be struck ?
11 ■ It is not easy, but it can be done ;
lviXf/\ ^^ least under such conditions as are
brfr^F^ E ) li^^^y *o obtain in practice it can
N\ / be done. My friend Mr. Chattock,
^^S- II' to whom I am indebted for much
kindly assistance and suggestion, has made the experi-
ment in the form shown in Fig. 11.
A metal gauze cylinder, with tinplate ends, has a
couple of conductors, one soldered to each end, protrud
ing into the interior, so as to approach very near each
other, and these are the conductors put into the path of
the discharge. If both conductors are entirely inclosed
in the metal chamber, we have not yet succeeded in
getting a spark between them ; but if either of them pro-
trude any portion of their length outside the chamberj
then sparks in the chamber can be obtained.
In Fig. 1 1 the conductor N MB\s shown thus protrud-
ing, penetrating the chamber through a small glass tube
near M, but soldered to it near JV. E Fis a movable
arm or radius, making contact with this conductor. If
contact is made near N, it takes a very strong A spark
to give any spark at B inside the gauze cylinder ; but
as the contact ia shifted towards P or M, it becomes very
easy to get a small spark at B.
The application of this to powder magazines is that if
any conductor (like a gas-pipe) pass out of a building
before being thoroughly connected with its walls, it is
possible for a spafk to pass from something in the in-
terior of the building to this conductor whenever a flash
strikes the building ; even though it be perfectly con-
nected to that same conductor outside. We thus find
that the complete and certain protection of buildings
from lightning is by no means so easy a matter as the
older electricians thought it.
Suggested Practical Recipes.
In many cases we may be content to fail of absolute
security and be satisfied with the probable safeguard of
a common galvanized iron rod or rope. But for tall
and important buildings, for isolated chimneys and
steeples, and for powder magazines, where the very best
arrangement is desirable, what is one to recommend ? I
prefer to call attention to principles rather than to advo-
cate any particular nostrum ; and I return to the matter
at greater length later, but there is no harm in ray
saying that I see nothing better than a number of lengths
of common telegraph wire. I think a number of thin
wires far preferable to a single thick one ; and their
capacity must be increased when possible by connecting
up large metallic massesj such as lead roofs and the like.
But the coiinection should be thorough, and made at
many points, or sparks may result. Balconies, and other
prominent and accessible places, should not be con-
The earth should be deep enough to avoid damage to
surface-soil, foundations, and gas and water-mains. As
to the roof, I would run wire all round its eaves and
ridges, poSsibly barbed wire, so as to expose innumerable
points; and the highest parts of the building 'must be
■ specially protected; but I would run no rods much above
the highest point of the building, so as to precipitate
-flashes which else might not occur, in search for a delusive
area of protection which has no existence.
The conductors must not be so thin as to be, melted or
deflagrated by the flash ; but really, melting is 'not a very
likely occurrence, and even if it does occur, the house is
still protected; the discbarge is over by the time the
wire has deflagrated. The objection to melting is two-
fold. First, the red-hot globules of molten metal, which
after all are not usually very dangerous out-of-doors ;
and secondly, the trouble of replacing the wire. I
should be content to put up a great number of telegraph-
wire conductors, and wait till one is melted, before
thinking too much of the likelihood of such an occurrence.
The few instances ordinarily quoted of damage to light-
ning conductors by a flash do not turn out very impres-
sive or alarming when analjized. The only place really
liable to be melted is the place where the flash strikes
the conductor. .
In copcliision, I trust. that meji of experience ia
these matters will consider the facts and suggestions I
have brought forward as objects worthy of attention and
further inquiry, and will study them in the light of their
^ At my second lecture to the Society of Arts I learnt that some
experiments on lightning protectors, something like those of mine
on " the alternative path," had been made previously by Professor
Hughes and M. G-uillemin (see Professor Hughes' presidential address
to the Society of Telegraph Engineers). Also I find that Dr. Hertz
has made experiments on electric oscillations very like those of mine
on " the surging circuit." (Wied. "Ann.," 1887.) In a subsequent
communication I hope to notice some of the observations of Pro-
iessor Hughe's.
Instances of side-flash referred to in footnote to page 15.
" Lightning," says Prof Arago, " having struck a rather thick
rod erected on a house in Carolina, U.S., afterwards ran along a
wire carried down the outside of the house to connect the rod on the
roof with an iron bar stuck in the ground. The lightning in its
descent melted all the part of the wire from the roof to the ground-
stOrty without in the least injuring the wall down which the fire was
carried. But at a point intermediate between the ceiling and the
floor of the lower storey things were changed ; from thence to the
ground the wire was not melted, and at the spot where the fusion
ceased the lightning altered its course altogether, and, striking off'
at right angles, made a rather large hole in the wall and entered the
kitchen. The cause of this singular divergence was readily perceived,
when it was remarked that the hole in the wall was precisely on a
level with the upper part of the barrel of a gun which had been
left standing on the floor leaning against the wall. The gun-barrel
was uninjured but the trigger was broken, and a little further on
some damage was done in the fireplace." Prof. Arago concludes
that indoor lightning conductors would be dangerous. Another
case is that of a banker at Lyons whose house had a conductor which
had proved itself perfect by carrying off' a previous flash. But he
happened to place in the wall near it a large iron safe, and next
time his house was struck the lightning shattered the wall, got at this
safe, and (so it stated) partially ivelted its contents.
The -footnote at end of last chapter, with which I con-
cluded the lectures in 1888 to the Society of Arts,
demands expansion ; and first I append extracts from
letters which I received from Prof. D. E. Hughes shortly
after the delivery of the lectures, wherein he calls attention
to some previous experiments on telegraphic lightning
protectors made by himself and M. Guillemin somewhat
on the lines of what I call the " alternative path ''
method, and which were not at the time received with
the attention they deserved.
The experiments he describes are conducted on the
"steady strain" principle, rather than on the "impulsive
rush " method ; for any practicable motion of discharging
tongs must be regarded as infinitely slow. For the
rest, the experiments are like mine on the " alternative
path," except that instead of measuring directly the
E.M.F. needed to drive a current through a conductor
by observing the length of spark corresponding to it,
these experimenters make use of a fine wire as their
shunt circuit. [I also have experimented in this way,
but found it less rapid and convenient in practice.] The
slight divergences of results are interesting. The letters,
I think, speak for themselves, and require no further
comment. I would certainly have quoted these experi-
ments in my lectures had I known about them, as I
ought to have done.
Just one remark about one of the concluding sentences
in the third letter, " however much we may doubt the
Wheatstone-bridge method I employed." Any observa-
tions of mine derogatory to Wheatstone-bridge methods
as applied to lightning-conductor-testing relate solely to
the time-honoured practice as learnt by schoolboys from
what seems time immemorial. The methods with alter-
nating currents devised by Prof. Hughes stand on a
different footing altogether, and if only the frequency of
alternation were made great enough (I fear, however,
that the telephone would be then giving a note immensely
too high to be audible) , they might very well be used to
give the information about any conductor which is needed.
But a Leyden jar system of testing would be easier and
better. Though, indeed, it by no means follows that the
path followed by a weak spark will also be chosen by a
strong one. I can get sparks to jump in altogether
different places according to their strength, nothing at
all being varied except energy of spark.
The following are the letters referred to above :
" 108, Great Portland Street, W., March 17, 1888.
" Dbar Pbof, Lodge, — I was very much interested in
the beautiful experiments you made in your lecture at the
Society of Arts this afternoon, and I regret that I was
unable to be present at your first lecture, which no doubt
would have enabled me more completely to understand
your present view of lightning conductors.'
" The great portion of the experiments showed by you
yesterday entirely agree with those obtained by Prof.
Gruillemin and myself, whilst those relating to the use of
iron and copper seem to disagree. Your experiment
certainly demonstrated your view, whilst mine seems to
me to demonstrate just the opposite..
"In 1864 the Administration des Lignes Tellgra-
phjques of France, through th« Commission de Perfec-
tionnement, of which Prof. Guillemin and myself were
members, charged us with the mission of verifying ex-
perimentally the merits of different lightning protectors
in use for the protection of the telegraph instruments
from lightning. These experiments were cari-ied out at
FiK. lli>.
the laboratory of the Bcole de St. Cyr, of which Prof.
Guillemin was the Professeur de Physique.
" We tried to imitate as nearly as possible the condi-
tions which occur in practice.
" The general idea of our experimental arrangement
was the following :
" In order to have a powerful source of electricity at
high tension we made use of a large battery, ^, of 12
large jars, and as we found it took too long to charge
these with the ordinary electrical machines, we used a
powerful Ruhmkorff coil, which would give a spark of
15 centimetres. The jars were charged to a fixed
degree, and could be discharged through our apparatus
by means of the universal discharger B. An insulated
rod of brass, G B F, served to conduct the charge to the
experimental protector E, and by a derivation, F G, to
earth. At G F we could place a telegraphic electro-
magnet, a fine iron wii'e, or an electrometer, the object
being to try and save the fine wire at G F from destruc-
tion by the protective action of the protector F.
" We found that with a high charge no protector
would entirely protect G, even if a small air space inter-
vened between F and G ; and we also found that if D
was directly connected to earth by a copper rod of one
centimetre diameter, there would still be sufiicient elec-
tricity pass D to (? to burn a fine iron wire.
" This result proved that we could not in all cases
expect absolute protection from any known protectors.
" -^7 gradually diminishing the charge we arrived at a
point where we could make comparative experiments.
" The protectors have all a small air space, in order
not to weaken the ordinary working current.
" The received idea that two plates with innumerable
points near each other would protect in a far greater
ratio than simple plates separated by a thin sheet of
parafiin paper or gutta-percha was disproved ; for the
simple flat plates known as the 'American protector'
were invariably better than those with points. The
plates formed a small condenser, the surfaces of which
could be brought far nearer to each other than is possible
in practice with points.
" In a report which I made as reporter, I pointed out
all these experimental factsy and it was published in the
'Annales Telegraphiques,' 1835, and I again gave these
facts in my inaugural address to the Society of Telegraph
Engineers, January 28tb, 1886, and published in their
' Journal/ No. 60, p. 17.
" We tried numerous experiments as to different kinds
of wire at E, and if we placed a very large condenser at
E in place of a protector it seemed to have a far greater
" Havinsr been called to Russia I was unable to con-
tinue these experiments at that time, but Prof. Guillemin
having taken a great interest in them, he continued
them, and published his results in the 'Comptes Rendus '
(I forget what date). He found that if he united J) to
earth by a thin flat plate, even tinfoil, a very large
measure of protection had been obtained, and that flat
conductors were evidently superior for a sudden charge
of high-tension electricity. He supposed that this effect
was due to its electrostatic capacity, thus forming a
species of condenser. Later experiments by myself have
pointed out the advantages of the flat conductors, but
my results lead me to suppose that, in addition to the
reasons of Prof. Guillemin, it is because a flat conductor
has far less self-induction.
" The experiments which you showed yesterday also
seemed to point out the advantage of fiat conductors,
and your views seemed to agree with those of Prof.
Guillemin, and you have experimentally proved this in
the beautiful experiment where you show the different
results obtained from a tinfoil sheet conductor where it
is arranged so as to have more or less self-induction.
" The greatest and perhaps the only difference in your
results was the superiority of iron over copper. The
methods used by you fully demonstrated it, and it also
resembled the method used by Prof. Guillemin and
myself, except that we had one large battery discharged
to earth, whilst you seemed to have two batteries, one at
A and the other at G. If I am correct, there may be
some peculiar phenomena due to our different arrange-
" That self-induction is injurious to rapid transmission
of electrical currents of low potential is shown in practice
by their different behaviour. Practice has shown that
copper alone is suitable for long-distance telephony and
telegraphy, and I still believe that the same marked
difference holds good with high-tension currents for the
same reason.
" However, there is nothing like experiment to prove
a fact, and I shall read your paper and future experi-
ments on this subject with the greatest interest, knowing
that you are a most careful experimenter. The subject
is one of vast importance, and it is astonishing that with
the innumerable experiments that have been made, from
Franklin to Faraday, in all countries, and with apparently
irreproachable methods, there should be still such a wide
division of opinion as to the merits of round or flat con-
ductors and of iron or copper."
Second Letter.
" You suggest that the difference between our results
might perhaps be due to the use of a discharger, and
this may explain the difference.
"The object of Prof. Guillemin and myself was to
send a powerful charge through a wire with the utmost
possible suddenness.
" By the use of the discharger we could charge our
battery to the desired point, then disconnect the Euhm-
korff, and then bring our discharger as suddenly as
possible in connection with the experimental apparatus.
" It is evident that we could never do this with the
rapidity that we desired, as the spark would jump across
the air before full contact was made. We believed,
however, that we came nearer than if we had a fixed
distance, allowing the charge to spark across the interval,
as then our experimental apparatus or any change made
in it seemed to have an influence on the time discharge
of the battery. It is so long, however, since these
experiments were made that I cannot discuss this point,
and probably your views or method may be more in
accordance with the actual conditions of a sudden dis-
charge than ours were.
" We certainly agree in our results and views on the
most important points. For I quite agree with you that
Wheatstone's bridge, or any apparatus used for steady
currents, docs not indicate what passes at the first
moment of contact.
" Judging from our experiment, where we could not
protect the fine iron wire by a direct thick copper, iron,
or any short metallic contact, and from later experience
on self-induction with low-tension currents, I believe
that at the very first instant all bodies offer an infinite
resistance, copper being no better than air. I believe
you also take this view, as you well illustrated it by the
flow of water, the hammer blow, inertia, etc.
" The effect is so marked with discharge from a good
Leyden jar battery that it becomes a serious question if
any lightning conductor yet made could convey the whole
of a lightning discharge quietly to earth without its
seeking other channels through substances having an
infinitely higher ohmic resistance ; and the whole ques-
tion would be discouraging were it not for the fact that
we have undoubted proof that lightning conductors do
protect in spite of the experiments cited.
" I have tried to gain some exact information from the
Eeport of the Lightning Eod Conference, 1882, in the
numerous cases there cited, and I find that in most cases
the rods have protected, but many have failed, mostly
from bad earths ; but numerous cases are there cited in
which rods were melted, both of copper and iron — in
fact, the cases cited do not show any marked preference
for either metal, except that there seems a stronger
testimony in favour of Sir W. Snow Harris's copper tape
conductor than any other.
" It is quite possible that all the researches that have
been made have never yet approached the true condition
of things. Evidently experiments made with simple
sparks from machines never approach the true conditions.
A very large Leyden jar battery or powerful condenser
seems nearer ; but even this must be weak compared with
a true lightning discharge. But still it ought to teach
us, as it has done in your case and others, myself among
the number, that an enormous inertia or apparent resis-
tance is offered by the best of metallic conductors at the
first instant of discharge.
" I shall read your experiments and views on this
interesting subject as soon as they appear in print, and
I hope that your new series of experiments will clear up
such mystery as still remains."
Third Letter.
"1 find that I have not fairly represented Prof.
Guillemin's views — due to only reading an abstract. I
have found his Paper, entitled ' Sur la D^charge de la
Batterie Electrique et sur I'Influence de la Configuration
des Conducteurs,' ' Comtes Eendus,' 1866, pp. 1,083 to
" In this Paper he believed the advantage of thin flat
sheets to be du? to the mutual reactions of each portion
of the current on each other, and although he does not
use the tei'm he evidently means self-induction.
"1 find also that he demonstrated this, noting the
difference of several copper wires when twisted together
or separated as in a sheet ; in fact, an identical result
which I obtained later with low-tension currents and
Wheatstone's bridge (No. 60, p. 15, ' Journal ' Society of
Telegraph Engineers, 1886). Thus, he did not attribute
the advantage of sheet conductors to electrostatic or
mere surface conduction. The experiments made by
Prof. Guillemin and myself, which I have already men-
tioned, were made in 1864, but not published until
1865 ('Annales Telegraphiques,' 1865, pp. 290 to 302,
Tome VIII.).
" I believe that Sir W. Snow Harris also attributed
the advantage that his experiments showed in sheet con-
ductors to the same reason and not to mere surface con-
duction, as I had previously read, for I find in an abstract
of his Paper, 1843, published in ' Report of the Lightning
Rod Conference, 1882,' p. 86, these words : — ' He says
the beneficial efiect of superficial conductors appears to
depend on the removal of the electrical particles further
out of the sphere of each other's influences.'
" This evidently means the same explanation as given
later by Prof. Guillemin, and still later by myself in my
Paper on ' Self-induction,' so in justice to them both I
feel it my duty to point these out to you ; and I find
now that however much we may doubt the Wheatstone
bridge method I employed, it certainly gave identical
results for a similar experiment with those obtained by
sudden discharges from Leyden jar batteries. I have
suggested to the editor of ' The Electrician' that he should
translate and reprint Prof. Guillemin's remarkable Paper,
as it would be only justice to him, as I know he suffered
severely from the sneers of Messieurs les Savants on the
publication of his Paper.
" Do not trouble yourself to reply to this, as my only
object is to correct my remarks as to Prof. Guillemin's
views made in my first letter.
" With best wishes, sincerely yours,
"D. B. Hughes."
The following is a translation of the Paper referred to
by Prof, Hughes in his last letter :
Leyden Jar Discharges and the Influence of the
Shape of Conductors}
" Some lightning-guard experiments, conducted last
year by MM. Hughes, Bertsch, and myself at the instance
of the " Commission de Perfectionnement des Lignes
T^l^graphiques," afforded us an opportunity of observing
a phenomenon which it seemed to me could not be recon-
ciled with the laws of electric conductivity. A con-
tinuous copper wire did not conduct perceptibly better
than a similar wire into the circuit of which a lightning
guard of the point pattern had been introduced. I now
present to the Academic des Sciences the result of
researches undertaken by me with a view of ascertaining
to what extent this phenomenon really does deviate from
the ordinary law.
"According to Ohm's law, the intensity of a stable cur-
rent is independent of the surface of the conductors. My
experiments show that in the case of Leyden jar dis-
charges (where the current is variable and never sensibly
' Translation of a Paper read by M. C. M. Guilleniin before the
Academie des Sciences, 14th May, 1866. " Comptes Rendus," pp.
steady) increasing the surface of the conductors facilitates
the passage of the discharge.
" To show this, I arranged two conductors in parallel
so that they should be simultaneously traversed by the
discharge from a large 6-jar battery, having a total con-
densing surface of about 1 sq. m. One conductor was
an iron wire, "1 mm. in diameter, and of variable length ;
the other conductor was a thin sheet of tin, 2 metres long
and 6 cm. broad, insulated on a glass table. This con-
ductor was altered in shape without alteration of cross-
section. The efi'ect of these alterations could be gauged
by the length which could be given to the iron wire
without its being melted.
" The first thing I did was to arrange matters so that
the sheet of tin took a sufficient proportion of the dis-
charge to prevent 15 cm. of the iron wire attaining a red
heat. Then the sheet was bent back upon itself length-
ways, diminishing the surface without alteration of length
or cross-section; the iron wire then became dull red. If
the surface of the sheet was still further reduced the iron
wire fused along its entire length. The two conductors
were then put in series, and the tin sheet still had the
best of it.
" This phenomenon arises apparently from the inductive
action of conductors upon one another. Increasing their
surface facilitates the discharge by increasing the dis-
tance between the mutually opposing forces. This view
is confirmed by the following experiment :
" Sixty wires, 2 m. long, and 25 mm. in diameter, were
now placed in parallel. When the wires were 1 cm. apart
the iron wire was well protected, and did not heat to
400° C. ; the closer, however, the sixty wires were
brought together, the hotter the iron became j first it
got warm, then red hot, and finally, when the wires wore
in close proxiinityj melted. When the wires were twisted
into a cable the effect was a maximum. By exaggerating
the conditions of the experiment, it is easy to see that
a conductor of large surface may have a much higher
resistance than a round wire, so far as voltaic currents
are concerned, and yet be a better conductor of static
" The original phenomenon was this. In the case of
two short, thick conductors, the interposition of a thin
layer of air in the circuit of one did not greatly affect the
relative quantities of electricity sent through them. by an
instantaneous discharge.
" These results naturally lead me to think that it would
be advantageous to substitute copper bands, to 3 cm.
broad and at least 1 mm. thick, for the copper wires at
present used on our land lines to connect lightning
guards to earth. The presumption is that the protection
afforded would be far more thorough.
" In these experiments the Leyden jars were charged
from a Euhmkorff coil of large size, and five or six
seconds sufficed to highly charge the six jars. The great
power of this apparatus permitted me to carry out with
ease experiments which it would be very difficult to per-
form with ordinary apparatus. The Reiss thermometer
was used in conjunction with these researches.
In connection with a subsequent lecture of mine at the
Royal Institution on the discharge of a Leyden jar,^ Lord
Rayleigh in 1889 directed my attention to a series of
researches by the American experimenter Ogden N.
Kood, on the nature and duration of Leyden jar and
^ Reprinted at the end of " Modem Views of Eleetricity "
lightning discharges, and on rapidly-revolving mirrors,
an account of which will be found in the "American
Journal of Science" for 1869, 1871, 1872, and 1873.
These observations are of considerable interest, but
they are too long to quote here.
The following brief analysis of Rood's papers may be
useful :
First paper (" Silliman's Journal,'' vol.48, p. 153),
concerns an application of the revolving mirror to de-
termine the duration and character of the Leyden jar
spark. It is practically Feddersen's method modified.
Second paper ("American Journal of Science," vol. 1,
p. 15), concerns the duration of lightning. He drew
black spokes on a card, twirled it rapidly on a shawl
pin, and looked at it during a thunderstorm. Each flash
brought out the pattern sharply, though in some cases
there was a broadening of the pattern. In these cases
he estimated the average duration of a flash, as about
^^th second. Often it was much less. He suggests
phosphorescence as possibly accounting for some of this
Third paper ("Am. J. Sci.," vol. 2, p. 150). He
applies the revolving mirror to a small jar, and gets a
practically instantaneous spark.
Fourth and fifth papers (" Am. J. Sci.," vol. 4,
pp. 250 and 371). Ho studies the multiple discharges
excited by a coil.
Sixth paper ("Am. J. Sci.," vol. 5, p. 163). He
observes multiple flashes of lightning.
The more mathematical development of the "Mann"
lectares was published in the "Philosophical Magazine"
for August, 1888, and from that article I quote here the
following portions for convenience :
That a condenser discharge is oscillatory has been
known ever since 1853, when Sir William Thomson's
great paper " On Transient Currents" appeared. Quite
recently it has been recognized, first quite explicitly
perhaps, by Mr. Heaviside in the "Electrician" for
January, 1885,' that rapidly alternating currents confine
themselves to the exterior of a conductor ; " and Lord
' See also " Phil. Mag.," August, 1886, et seq.
' It is not possible, I tbink, to give Mr. Heaviside tbe credit of
tbe original discovery of this theorem (though doubtless he dis-
covered it for himself), for it had been virtually anticipated by so
many persons. Not counting a wide general mechanical theorem of
Sir William Thomson, which may be held to include this as a special
case, a great part of it is clearly indicated by Clerk-Maxwell in his
paper in the "Phil. Trans." for 1865, It then reappears in a more
or less developed form in several papers of Lord Rayleigh, specially
perhaps that in the " Phil. Mag." of May, 1882; and it is clearly
stated for electrical oscillations in a spherical or cylindrical conductor
by Prof. Horace Lamb ("Phil. Trans.," 1883). There are also
several papers by Oberbeck tending in the same direction. It is well
known that some ingenious experiments of Prof. Hughes first excited
public interest in the matter and quickened the mathematical
abstraction into life.
Eayleigli (" Phil. Mag.," May, 1886) has developed an
expression of Maxwell's so as to give the real resistance
and inductance of a conductor for any frequency of
I propose to apply these considerations to the case of
a lightning flash.
A lightning flash is the discharge of a condenser
through its own dielectric, and is more analogous to the
bursting or the overflow of a Leyden jar than to any
other laboratory phenomenon. The condenser-plates
may be two clouds, or they may be a cloud and the earth.
The discharge occurs mainly through broken-down air,
but a lightning rod may form part of its path.
The particular in which lightning transcends ordinary
laboratory experiments is difference of potential or length
of spark. The quantity of electricity is very moderate,
the capacity of the condenser is quite small, but the
potential to which it is charged is enormous. Flashes
are often seen a mile long, and there is said to be a record
of one seven miles long. Allowing 3,000 volts to the
millimetre, a mile-long spark means a potential of 16
million electrostatic units.
The capacity of a condenser with platea'a square mile
in area and a mile apart is roughly about ^ of a furlong,
or say 10^ centimetres.
The energy of such a condenser charged to such a
potential is enormous, being over 10^° ergSj and there is
no need to assume that so much as a tenth of this is ever
dissipated in any one flash.
We may not be far wrong if we guess the capacity
emptied by a considerable flash as about 10 metres, or
one thousandth of a microfarad. The total charged area
is commonly much greater, but it is not all well con-
nected, and it does not discharge all at once.
To make the problem a definite one consider the fol-
lowing case :
An air-condenser with plates of any size separated by
a distance h (height of cloud) and charged up to bursting
strain ( | gramme weight per square centimetre ; the less
strength of rare air is hardly worth troubling about) .
Let a small portion of this condenser, of area 7r&^, now
discharge itself; being separated from the rest after
the trap-door and guard-ring manner. A volume of
dielectric irlPli is relieved of strain, and the energy of
the spark is ^ i:: ^^ — Tth^li ergs.
The capacity discharged is S zr — , and the maximum
potential can be reckoned by putting
rz llO/i electrostatic units.
Let the discharge pass straight down the axis of the
cylindrical region of length h and radius h, and let the
channel occupied by it have a sectional radius a. If the
path is a metal rod, then a is the sectional radius of that
We have now to calculate the self-induction of such a
discharge. A discharge of this kind differs from ordinary
cases in having no obvious return circuit. What is hap-
pening is a conduction or disruption current down the
axis of the cylindi-ical region considered, and an inverse
displacement current in concentric cylinders all round it.
I shall assume that this inverse displacement current is
uniformly distributed over the whole area. A con-
duction rush is not uniformly distributed over the
section of its conductor, but is concentrated by mutual
induction of the parts towards the periphery; simi-
larly, but inversely, there will be a tendency for the
displacement currents to be stronger near the central axis
than far away ; but there is this difference, that whereas
in a conductor currents are able to dis'ribute themselves
how they please, they will not be so free in an insulator.
It is not quite correct to take the distribution as uniform,
but it will not make very much difference probably.
(That it is not correct may be seen by considering the
initial and final stages of the dielectric. Either it is the
whole of a condenser that is being discharged or it is a
trap-door portion. If only a portion, the initial state is
one of equal strain, but lines from surrounding charged
areas spread in laterally to all the outer regions, and so
finally there is an unequal distribution of strain in it. If
the whole is being discharged, then the initial state of
strain is not uniform, while the final is.)
Calling the whole current down the axis Oq, we
have an equal inverse displacement all over the area
TrQP — a?), so that the density of its distribution is r.
where Oq =r tt (6^ — a/') a-.
The intensity of magnetic force at any distance r from
the axis is
where G is that portion of the displacement recovery
which lies nearer to the axis than r. This is accurate,
for the distribution of the current matters nothing so
long as it is in coaxial cylinders ; the portions external
to r have no effect.
On the hypothesis of uniform distribution.
Hence ^-^o ^1^
where the a may in practice be neglected as usually too
small to matter. This is the number of lines of force
through unit area at the place considered ; and the whole
magnetic induction in the cylindrical space considered
outside the conductor is
hy^yfdr = !.hCo(^2 log^ - 1).
For the part inside the conductor there is an extra term
to be added, which, on the hypothesis of uniform distribu-
tion in the conductor, comes out
H-o^J ; — f^ofi-Oo,
and which may really have any value between this and
zero, according to the rapidity of the alternations, and
the consequent deviation from uniform distribution.
The entire magnetic induction may be written LOq;
hence we get the value of L, the coeflBcient of self-induc-
tion, or the inductance, of the circuit,
Lz=hf2[^log--[A-{-iA.aJ . . . (1)
This I shall write for convenience /i,(j«w^-|"i"o)> so that
u^ is an abbreviation for log -„ — 1 .
In practice m may be a number not very dififerent from
4 or 5.
Of the three terms in equation (1), the first and most
important depends on no hypothesis as to distribution at
all ; the second depends on the assumption of uniform
distribution of displacement-recoil in the dielectric, and
may therefore really be greater, but not less ; the third
term depends on the magnetization of the conductor
itself by a uniformly distributed current, and if the
current keeps itself to the exterior surface, as a very
rapidly altetnating one will, this term vanishes.
Now that we know S and L, we can easily find the
criterion for the discharge to be oscillatory, and can
determine the rate of alternation.
The discharge will be oscillatory unless the resistance
it meets with exceeds a certain critical value, viz. ;
p I 4Z. , 4hr/.u^ 4/i-jixM Ahu^v / %
si 4/^
1 30
where v zz — — -— - ^ the velocity of light ^: — ohms ;
so the critical resistance is
Eo = 1 20^' (2log^--l) ohms . . (2')
\' \ a /
And inasmuch as in practice h is likely to be much
greater than b, and b much greater than a, this is a big
resistance, which is not likely to be exceeded by the
discharger. For if the line of discharge is a metallic
conductor, a is moderate, but then so is B ; whereas if
the flash occurs through air, and it is not easy to say
what the equivalent R is, then a must be considered
extremely minute.
Suppose /i to be a mile, h 50 metres, and a a millimetre ;
the critical resistance JRq comes out about 15,000 ohms.
I think we shall be right in saying that this far exceeds
any reasonable value that can be attributed to the resis-
tance met with by a disruptive dischar'ge. It is generally
supposed, indeed, that a conductor and earth must have a
resistance of only a few ohms, unless they are to form a
considerable portion of the whole resistance a flash meets
In so far as the path consists of different conductors
in series, it is a mere matter of summation to take them
all into account.
If the actual resistance falls greatly below the critical
value i?o the discharge is thoroughly oscillatory, and the
strength of the current at any instant is
C = -° e-"" sin nt, .... (3)
where mi::—, and n^ :^ Y~a ~ ™^' "^^^ impedance is,
2Jj Lb
therefore, nL,
When the discharge is thoroughly oscillatory n is
greatly bigger than m, so that the above is practically
ir Et J.
Ozz- " e-2lsm . . (3')
^//L\ ^{LS)
The time-constant of the dying-away amplitude is
■ — ; the period of the alternation is 27ry/ {L8) .
The frequency constant,
is very great, being usually something like a million a
second, more or less.
Now Lord Rayleigh has shown (" Phil. Mag.," May,
1866) that with excessive frequencies of alternation the
resistance of a conductor acquires the following greatly
modified value, R being its ordinary amount,
it:=^ {lnhi^,n\, (5)
= /('"Mb).
\J \ bu J
Or, taking the permeability of the conductor the same as
that of the space outside,
B'=^^iBR,) (6)
The actual resistance is, therefore, some fraction,
something like, say, an eighth, of the geometric mean of
the ordinary resistance of the conductor and the critical
resistance (2).
Under the same circumstances the value given by
Lord Rayleigh for the inductance is
L' ^ (L for space outside conductor) -f- / ( C? — j ^
or, as we shall now write it,
L' = [^-\-- (7)
The second term has to do with the magnetization of
the conductor, and is, for high frequencies, very small. It
is interesting as showing that of the two terms in the
quantity " impedance,"
or, as it becomes for condenser discharges,
Jii^' + I}'
the second is always the larger j because, by (7),
nL' rz B' -f- n^hu^.
Practically the second term is so much the larger that
it is the only one that matters, and so
, , 2v[/.hu
impedance ^ nL ^z nL zzi ni^hu =: — j — zr ^B^ z=
sl S
h 1/ b \
im-pedance — QOf^ [2 log- — Ijohms. . . (8 )
The total impedance, therefore, to a condenser dis-
charge is half the critical resistance which determines
whether the discharge shall be oscillatory or not ; it has
no important connection with the ordinary resistance of
the conductor ; neither does it depend appreciably on
the magnetic permeability of its substance.
Hence, so long as the specific resistance of the con-
ductor does not rise above a certain limit, its impedance
depends almost entirely upon the amount of space
magnetized round it, and upon the capacity of the dis-
charging condenser ; and is barely at all affected either
by the magnetic permeability, or the specific resistance,
or even the thickness, of the conductor. The one thing
that does matter is its length. True the diameter of the
conductor does appear in the expression for impe-
dance, bat only under a logarithm ; hence the effect of
varying the thickness is only slightly felt.
The fact that impedance to a condenser-discharge is
equal to half the critical resistance, or \/(LjS), and
depends not at all upon the ordinary resistance of the
discharging circuit (provided this keeps well below the
critical resistance for which the discharge ceases to be
oscillatory), is manifest also from equation (3') .
Thus, then, we find that a lightning conductor offers
an obstruction to a discharge as great as what a resis-
tance of several thousand ohms would offer to a steady
current of corresponding strength ; the actual obstruction
being given by equation (8').
Another way of putting the matter, is to say that for
the first few oscillations the damping term, e""* in equa-
tion (3) , has no appreciable effect ; and that, accordingly,
the E.M.F. applied to the conductor alternates rapidly
from Fo to — F) and back again.
But Fq is the initial potential of the condenser, dimi-
nished (so far as the conductor is concerned) by the
E.M.F. needed to jump whatever thickness of air it has
jumped before reaching the conductor. Hence this Fq
may be something quite comparable to the potential
needed to jump through air all the rest of the way, and
it may depend on a mere nicety whether it prefers the
conductor or not.
Thus arises the difficulty experienced io helping a jar
to overflow by means of discharging-tongs brought near
the two coatings. Sometimes the flash will make use of
the tongs, sometimes it will prefer to go all the way
through air ; the fact being that the obstruction offered
by a metal requires a large portion of the potential
needed to break through a corresponding length of air. '
Undoubtedly the metal rod ofiers some advantage ; but
it is much less than has been usually supposed.
During the instant of discharge, therefore, the upper
part of a lightning rod experiences enormously high
potentials in alternately opposite directions. Any con-
ductors in the neighbourhood may easily receive side
flashes, and even the bricks into which its supports are
driven may be loosened and disturbed ; and all this quite
irrespective of any question as to _ the goodness or the
badness of the " earth." It becomes, therefore, quite a
question whether it is not, after all, advisable to try and
confine the discharge to the conductor by means of in-
sulators, or whether it is better to reduce the excessive
potential by lateral extensions of considerable static
capacity. The advantage of sharing the discharge among
a number of well-separated conductors, instead of con-
centrating it all in one, is obvious.
Theory of Experiments on " Alternative Path."
In the lectures to the Society of Arts, reprinted above,
I describe some experiments I have made on the B.M.F.
needed to force a discharge through various conductors,
by seeing what length of air-space it will prefer to jump.
The original potential of the condenser being able to
jump, say, two inches without any alternative path, it
remains able to jump, say, 1 J inches when offered as an
alternative a copper rod a quarter of an inch thick and '
six or seven yards long. This gives a rough notion of
the kind of results obtained, and it shows that the ex-
tremities of the rod experience almost the whole of the
original E.M.P. of the condenser.
Some experiments on much the same lines had been
previously made by Prof. Hughes and M. Guillemin (see
" Comptes Rendus," 1 886, " Annales T^legraphiques,"
1865, Address to Society of Telegraph Engineers,
1886), also Chapter XII. above; but they used a fine
wire instead of an air-space, and tried what conductor
would protect the fine wire from being deflagrated.
Under these conditions the experiment is practically
a comparison between the impedances of two conductors —
one of which has its inertia term the bigger, while the
other has its resistance term the bigger.
The general theory of divided circuits has been given
by Lord Rayleigh (" Phil. Mag.," 1886, pp. 377 et seq.),
and inasmuch as in the present case there is practically
no mutual induction between the two conductors, and
the frequency of alternation is very great, the resultant
resistance and induction take the following forms : —
R1R2 {L1R2 — ^iRi)
^ - b:+e,+ {R,-\-R,) {L,+LJ'' • • • (9)
The resultant impedance is, aa usual,
^=V{^^^+I} • • • • (11)
Perhaps, however, it is hardly fair to assume that the
discharge will remain oscillatory when one of the branches
of the divided circuit is permitted to have a high resis-
tance. Certainly one cannot apply to such degenerate
formiilse for criterion conditions.
The general expressions are : —
h zr —
, {L.R,-hR,f .
^{L, + L.:){{R, + R,y + n\L,+L,y\'^ "">
1 B^
To get the frequency these three equations must be
treated simultaneously ; and even so the solution is not
complete^ for n appears also in the true expression for Ry
and JBg, so that the complete solution for a case of divided
circuit condenser-discharge is by no means simple.
The experiment with an air-gap as the alternative
path is better ; because one may be sure then that none
of the discharge chooses that path, when it is properly
adjusted for its sparks just to fail.
Liability of Objects to be Struck.
There are also described in Chapter IX. above, some
experiments on the liability of objects to be struck. A
distinction is drawn between two possible cases : —
(1) Where the air above the object is subjected to a
steadily increasing strain till breakdown occurs.
(2) Where the strain is thrown instantaneously upon
air and conductors with a sudden rush.
In the first case the path is prepared inductively in the
airj and the breakdown occurs at the place where the
tension first reaches its limiting value ; this is generally
on a small knob or surface, and so this is struck and
carries ofi' all the discharge independently of its resis-
tance. If its resistance is great the flash may be feeble ;
if its resistance is small the flash may be noisy j but the
place of occurrence of the flash is not determined by these
considerations. Glow and brush discharges from points
and small surfaces may readily prevent any noisy flash
from occurring.
The second case is different. When a sudden rush
occurs, the discharge shares itself among several con-
ductors in something like inverse proportion to their im-
pedances, quite independently of any considerations of
maximum tension or pre-arrangement of path by induc-
tion ; so that no distinction is observable between points
and large knobs, in this case. Points cease to have any
protective virtue ; they can be struck by a noisy spark
as readily as can a knob. The highest object will, in
general, be struck most easily, provided its impedance
is not very great. If it has a very high resistance it is
barely struck at all, and it does not then protect the
Experiment of the Recoil Kick.
Among other experiments described above are some
which appear to be of considerable theoretical interest,
wherein a recoil kick is observed at the ends of long
wires attached by one end to a discharging condenser-
Fig. 7 or 12 or 13 shows the arrangement.
The jar discharges at A in the ordinary way, and
simultaneously a longer spark is observed to pass at B
at the far end of two long leads. Or if the B ends of
the wire are too far apart to allow of a spark, the wires
glow and spit off brushes every time a discharge occurs
at A.
The theory of the effect seems to be that oscillations
occur in the A circuit according to equation (3') with a
T=2w^ (L8),
where L is the inductance of the A circuit, and 8 is the
capacity of the jar. These oscillations disturb the
surrounding medium and send out radiations, of the
precise nature of light, whose wave-length is obtainable
by multiplying the above period by the velocity of pro-
This velocity is known to be
V n
so the wave-length is
^=''='-J{-A ■ ■ ■ "^>
Now — is the electromagnetic measure of inductance,
and — the electrostatic measure of capacity. Each of
these quantities is of the dimension of a length, and the
wave-length of the radiation is 27r times their geometric
The propagation of these oscillatory disturbances
along the wires towards B goes on according to the
following laws;—
Let li be the inductance per unit length of the wires ;
let «! be their capacityj or permittance as Mr. Heaviside
calls it, per unit length ; and let r^ be their resistance
per unit length.
Then, for the slope of potential along them we have
_.|F_ c^O .... (16)
and for the accumulation of charge, or rise of potential
with time,
_d^_l dC ^jy^
dt Si dx
These are equations to wave-propagation, and will
give stationary waves in finite wires of suitable length,
supplied with an alternating impressed E.M.F.
The solution for a long wire, for the case when r-j is
small and the frequency big,' is
V = Voe'^" cosn ft--^ . . . (18)
mi rr — ^, and n^ zi ■
21, ^ (l,si)
The velocity of propagation is therefore iii, and the wave-
, ,, . 27r«,
length IS i.
Now, for two parallel wires as in Fig. 12 (page 112),
^ Mr. Heaviside has treated the problem in a much more general
manner, see "Phil. Mag.," 1888, especially February 1888, p. 146.
l^zzA-^ locj--\-^,
a n
— h'
4 log-
while fizrtlie geometric mean between its ordinary value
and ^ WjiAo ; where the /* and K refer to the space outside
the substance of the wires, /*(, refers to their substance,
a is their sectional radius, and h their distance apart.
The second term of Zj is, we have seen, practically
zero for these high frequencies. Hence (wj the velocity
of propagation of condenser discharges along two parallel
wires is simply the velocity of light, the same as in
general space; because l^s^zzifAK.
The pulses rush along the surface of the wires, with
a certain amount of dissipation, and are reflected
at the distant ends ; producing the observed recoil
kick at B. They continue to oscillate to and fro until
damped out of existence by the exponential term in
(18), The best effect should be observed when each
wire is half a wave-length, or some multiple of half a
wave-length, long. The natural period of oscillation in
the wires will then agree with the oscillation-period of
the discharging circuit, and the two will vibrate in
unison, like a string or column of air resounding to a
Hence we have here a means of determining experi-
mentally the wave-length of a given discharging circuit.
Either vary the size of the A circuit, or adjust the length
of the B wires, until the recoil spark B is as long as
possible. Then measure, and see whether the length of
each wire is not equal to
'J (^^4)-
Further on I record some numerical results of obser-
vations made in this way.
It is interesting to see how short it is practically
possible to make waves of this kind. A coated pane can be
constructed of, say, two centimetres electrostatic capacity,
and, by letting it overflow its edge, a discharge circuit
may be provided of only a few centimetres electro-
magnetic inductance. Under these circumstances the
radiated waves will be only some 20 or 30 centimetres
long, corresponding to a thousand million alternations
per second. Some beautiful diffraction experiments
have been described by Lord Rayleigh in a Friday
evening discourse to the Royal Institution (reprinted in
" Nature," June 1888), and some of these might be used
to concentrate the electromagnetic radiation upon some
sensitive detector — possibly one of Mr. Boys's radio-
micrometers, more likely some chemical detector —
some precipitate or other that can be shaken out of
solution by the impact of long waves, or some of Captain
Abney's photographic agents.
Certainly the damping-coefficient Rj2L is high, and
the radiation has a very infinitesimal duration; but a
rapid succession of discharges can be kept up by connec-
tion with a machine.
No doubt much shorter waves still may be obtained
l?y discarding the use of any so-called condenser, and by
pausing the charge in 9. sphere or cylinder to oscillate to
and fro between ita ends, as might be done by giving it
a succession of sparks. These oscillations, it is to be
feared, however, would have too small energy to be
detected by ordinary means. If they could be made
quick enough to affect the retina, no doubt we could
detect them with the greatest ease ; but it is manifest
that this can only be done by reducing the circuit to a
size less than the wave-length of light. The wave-length
of the electrical radiation is six times the mean of the
inductance and capacity, and each of these quantities is
very comparable with the linear dimensions of the
conductor concerned. By setting up electric oscillations
in a body as small as a molecule, no doubt they would be
rapid enough to give ordinary light waves; but the
probability is that this is precisely what light waves are.
Either the atoms are made to vibrate relatively to the
aether, by the effect of heat, and so to produce radiation ;
or else electrical oscillations are set up in comparatively
quiescent atoms, not by heat, but by the impact of radia-
tion from other sources, or by some organic process set
in play by living protoplasm.
It is thus I would seek to explain phosphorescence
and other direct production of light from cold sources.
This direct production of light we have not yet
learned artificially to accomplish ; we can only heat
bodies and trust to their emitting light in some unknown
manner as a secondary result ; but the direct process has
been learnt by glowworms and Noctilucse, and it is for
us, I believe, one of the problems of the immediate
University College, Liverpool,
July 7, 1888.
Postscript. — Since writing the above I have seen in
the current July number of Wiedemann's " Annalen " an
article by Dr. Hertz, wherein he establishes the existence
and measures the length of aether waves excited by coil
discharges ; converting them into stationary waves^ not
by reflection of pulses transmitted along a wire and re-
flected at its free end, as I have done, but by reflection
of waves in free space at the surface of a conducting
wall. My friend Mr. Chattock has also written to me
about a recent experiment exhibited to the Physical
Society by Dr. B. Cook, which (when interpreted) shows
that the same discharge as can excite aether waves a
kilometre long can excite air waves of one millimetre.'
The whole subject of electrical radiation seems work-
ing itself out splendidly.
Cortina, Tyrol, July 24, 1888.
' The experiment consisted in showing that, in the neighbourhood
of a Leyden jar spark, fine powder, such as silica, throws itself into
a "ripple-mark." Mr. Chattock repeated the experiment with
powder in a tube, and by discharging a known capacity through a
circuit of known self-induction verified approximately that the aether
wave-length and the air wave-length bore to one another approxi-
mately the ratio a million to one, as they should.
Referring again to the footnote at the end of Chapter
XI., some early experiments of Dr. Hertz are mentioned
as analogous to mine on the surging circuit. In these
experiments an open rectangle and other shapes of wire
were connected as lateral offshoots to the terminals of a
sparking coil, and supplementary or surging sparks were
seen to occur in the gap of the rectangle and were taken
as evidence of electric oscillation thus excited.
This observation was the beginning of the celebrated
series of discoveries by Hertz, and it closely resembles
what I had been observing too. In fact we were both
on the same tack, but Hertz was a little ahead. In
July, 1888, as mentioned at the end of the last chapter,
written a week after the publication appeared. Dr. Hertz
crowned his researches by the brilliant memoir in Wiede-
mann's " Annalen," wherein he desci'ibed the detection of
the waves by an electric resonator, and the measurement
of their length by an interference method.
I also had measured wave-length by an interference
method, but had only worked with the waves along wires,
whereas Hertz had worked in free air. Hertz had also
worked on wires to some extent either then or later,
and found an apparent discrepancy between the velocity
along wire and the velocity in air.
I, howeverj found no such discrepancy. The wave-
length as calculated with the ordinary velocity of light
in air, and as measured on the wires, agreed within
the limits of accuracy of that kind of observation ; and
subsequent experience has led Dr. Hertz to accept this
conclusion, and to suppose that reflection from walls, or
some other disturbing cause, vitiated the quantitative
accuracy of those particular experiments of his.
When the British Association met in Bath, which it
did in September of this same year. Prof. Fitzgerald,
who was President of Section A, directed world-wide
attention to the discoveries of Hertz, and hailed them as
conclusive proof of the truth of Clerk-MaxwelFs theory
of Light.
The next day it was my business to communicate to
the section a brief summary of the results of my experi-
ments in the same direction ; and the following gives the
gist of my two communications.
Measurement of Electro-Magnetic Wave- Length.'^
When returning thanks for the reception of his address
yesterday moi-ning, our President'^ thought fit to disclaim
too much share in the suggestion of an oscillatory Leyden
jar circuit as a practicable source of radiation of moderate
wave-length. But such a disclaimer he must not be
allowed to make. He mentioned as coming before him-
self the names of Feddersen and other German experi-
menters on these alternations. But to them belongs not
this credit, but another. What they accomplished was
the experimental verification of the existence, and the
' Paper read before the British Association Meeting (Section A)
at Bath, September, 1888.
^ Professor G. F. Fitzgerald.
counting of the freqnencyj of these already predicted
oscillations. Prior credit must therefore be put further
back. As is very well known, Helmholtz in 1847 sug-
gested that a Leyden jar discharge must be oscillatory in
a circuit of small dissipation, and Sir William Thomson
in 1853 calculated out the whole details of the process
and gave its equation ; an equation which, though we
now write it down glibly enough, was at that date unin-
telligible or difficult of comprehension to all but a very
few — perhaps to all without exception. Not the mere
equation, of course, but the coefficient A which it con-
tained, "the electro-dynamic capacity of the discharger,"
or, as we now call it, the self-induction or inductance of
the circuit. Every important detail of this prediction
has now been verified by the labours of the German
experimenters, Feddersen, Schiller, and others. But any
idea that radiation was propagated through the ffither by
such oscillations I am sure had never occurred to them.
I remember the history of the thing pretty well, because
I had been thinking much myself on the direction of how
directly to manufacture light, i.e., how to construct an-
electrical oscillator of a given and sufficient frequency.
In fact, a year or so before the Southport meeting I sug-
gested to this section a plan Tvhereby I fancied it might
be done. That particular plan I saw soon afterwards to
be incapable of working, and the suggestion has there-
fore no merit. But it made me able to clearly appreciate
the suggestion, or rather the certainty, which was ex-
pressed by Prof. Fitzgerald at Southport, that the oscil-
lations in a discharging Leyden jar circuit were just the
things that would be practicable, and which would
generate light of some measurable, though no doubt
still considerable, wave-length.
More recently Lord Rayleigh showed at a Friday
evening discourse in the Royal Institution some remark-
ably beautiful interference experiments in sound, where-
by inaudible sound waves could be detected, measured,
converged, and, in fact, treated in just the same manner
as one is accustomed to treat light waves.
Putting the two things together, I was hopeful of
being able to attack the problem experimentally and to
prove the existence of radiation with measurable wave-
lengths from a Leyden jar circuit by interference experi-
ments conducted after the model of Lord Rayleigh's.
Meanwhile I happened to be experimenting on lightning
conductors, and somewhat to my surprise, as an outcome
from those experiments, I hit on an .arrangement which, .
without any thought or scheming at all, gave me evidence
of the very waves I had been thinking so much about,
and enabled me to measure their lengths, though not in a
previously planned-out way. I described these experi-
ments quite hastily and briefly, in the midst of other
matter, in a lecture to the Society of Arts last March on
lightning conductors, as " the experiment of the recoil
I continued the experiments after the lectures, and
proved the existence of aether waves of various lengths,
the shortest wave that I obtained distinct evidence of
being three yards. I intended to describe those experi-
ments at this meeting with a reference to the South-
port suggestion of Prof. Fitzgerald, quite unknowing
at the time that we should have the pleasure of seeing
him in the chair. However, when going away from
Liverpool on a holiday this summer, I read in the
train the July number of Wiedemann's " Annalen,"
and there found that Dr. Hertz had obtained much
better and more striking evidence of these electro-
magnetic waves, and had measured their length by an
interference experiment exactly like one of those used
by Lord Rayleigh for sound.
I hasten to acknowledge the superiority of Hertz's
method of demonstration to my own; and so far as
evidence of the waves is concerned a description of my
experiments is now superfluous. Nevertheless, the mode
of propagation of the pulses and their mode of reflection
is different in my experiments from what they are in
those of Hertz, and although mine is not so good a
method, yet it may have some interest as confirming the
view taught us by Poynting and others concerning the
mode of propagation of energy through the aether, and
the theory of Kirchhoff and Heaviside concerning the
rate of transmission of signals by a telegraph wire.
The theory of the experiment is given in my Paper in
the August number of the " Philosophical Magazine,"
The velocity of a pulse along a wire is — =^,
where, for very high frequencies, l^^ =z 4 y. log — h — ;
a p
i-j = v/|p i"o -Ki ; and Si =
4 log hja
So velocity of pulse along a wire =z /- — — -, the
same as in free space.
Now take an oscillatory Leyden jar circuit and apply
Thomson's theory to it.
If this circuit emits waves of velocity F, their length
in free space is
Along two parallel wires they go at the same pace, and
therefore have the same length. Apply a discharging
Leyden jar circuit with a pair of long insulated wires
(Fig. 12), and we have waves of known length propagated
along the wires.
Now take the wires of finite length. At the free ends
we shall have reflections, a sort of recoil or kick, evidenced
Fig. 12.
by a brush discharge or spitting off from the ends of the
wire; and in the dark the far ends of the wires glow.
Supply them with knobs, and we get surprisingly long
sparks. For instance, referring to Fig. 13, the A spark
being 4"4 the B spark was 15'0 in one case.
When may we expect to get the longest sparks ?
When the period of oscillation of the circuit and of the
appendages to it are the same. This will be when the
length of each wire is half a wave-length, or some multiple
of half a wave -length. The two will then vibrate together
like a resonant column.
My experiment consisted, then, in so varying the
current or the resonant wire that the recoil kick is a
The results of varying L are shown by some such
curve as this (Fig. 14)j where horizontal distance repre-
sents distance of A knobs from jars, and where vertical
ordinates represent length of B spark ; and are such as
entirely to confirm the theory so far as the accuracy of
the experiments go.
It is much easier to get good measurements with fairly
i_ i ^1
Fig, 13.
big condensers, and therefore long waves, else the energy
is not sufficient to give very marked results. With very
long wires arranged out of doors on a dark night I hope
to get evidence of nodes by the periodic glow. [This has
now been done.]
The experiments with shorter waves were made with
Fig. 14.
an adjustable tube condenser, various lengths of which
could be used ; and on the shortest waves with a mere
coated disc condenser the size of a penny.
To get frequencies of the rapidity of visible light the
linear dimensions of the circuit must be something com-
parable to 10~* centim. ; and so electric oscillations in
atoms will give rise to ultra violet rays.
On the Impedance of Conductors to Leyden Jar
Discharges. '
Among other experiments which I made in connection
with lightning conductors were some on what I call " the
alternative path." These gave some surprising results,
showing that iron and copper acted equally well as
conductors, and that sometimes the iron was better than
copper ; also that thickness of conductor and ordinary
conductivity mattered very little.
Since then I have more completely applied the theories
of Clerk-Maxwell and Lord Rayleigh concerning the
impedance of conductors to very high frequencies of
alternation, and have been able to arrive at a complete
understanding of all, or nearly all, the alternative path
results. I bring forward these experiments, therefore,
as a verification of Lord Rayleigh's modification of
Maxwell for extremely high frequencies.
Impedance being defined as
Eayleigh develops an expression of Maxwell's for B.M.F.
into expressions for R' and L' , which take the form, when
p is infinitely great,
R'=\/ plfj.oR
these being the limits of a Bessel function series ; where
L refers only to the medium outside the substance of the
' Read before the British Association Meeting (Section A) at Bath
September, 1888,
wire, and f^^ is the magnetic permeability of the material
of the wire, I being its length.
Wherefore, 1= s/[pL-\-IiY-\.B'\
1 + ^^
k/p P
where m ^ ? L-2_ •
L depends on the size and shape of the conductor but
not at all on its material, and it only depends slightly on
its thickness; m depends on the conducting substance.
Fig. 15.
and increases with both ia, and R. It is the ordinary
resistance of the wire.
At very high frequencies the first term of those under
the root in the expression for I alone matters, and there-
fore all substances which conduct at all behave in the
same way. At less frequencies the terms involving B
and j[*o begin to be of importance.
All this is borne out by the experiments, and the
theoretical impedance is found to be very nearly pro-
portional to the observed difference of potential needed
to drive a given charge through any given conductor.
The experiment is conducted thus :
Two jars are arranged to be charged and discharged
at A. The circuit is completed either by an air-gap at B,
or by the conductor to be experimented on. The con-
ductor is arranged in the form of a circle and connects
the B knobs so as to afiFord an alternative path. The
experiment consists in adjusting the B knobs until the
spark jumps the air-gap just about as often as it misses
and chooses the conductor ; the size of the jars^ the length
of the A spark, and the position of A on the two wires
connected to the inner coatings being the things varied
in successive series experiments. A whole lot of circular
conductors, I, are tried one after the other with each
adjustment. (Fig. 15.)
The length of spark B measures the E.M.P. needed to
effect discharge through the conductor.
This is found proportional to the theoretical impedance for
No. 2 Iron, No. 5 Copper, No. 2 Brass,
No. 18 Iron, No. 18 Copper, No. 24 Brass,
No. 25 Iron, No. 23 Copper,
No. 40 Copper,
with frequencies varying in different experiments from
twelve million vibrations per second to a quarter million
vibrations per second.
The current amplitude during the discharge was 3,000
amperes, sometimes more, sometimes less.
The impedance of a conductor 2| metres long bent
into a circle was
180 ohms for thick wire. No. 2l at 12 millions
300 ohms „ thin „ „ 40j per second,
the ordinary resistance being "004 ohm and 2'6 ohms re-
spectively. Taking a lower frequency, the impedance was
43 ohms for thick 1
78ohms„ thin | at 3 millions.
At a quarter million vibrations the material just begins
to matter, and iron has a trace more impedance than
copper ; but even now they are practically equal, being
about four ohms for thick and six ohms for extremely
thin wire.
These are the results of the latest experiments. In
some of the older experiments iron came out distinctly
better than copper — even thin iron better than thick
copper. Theory does notj so far as I see, throw any light
upon this, and I am going to repeat those experiments in
something like their original form, so as either to confirm
or to modify these few anomalous results. [For complete
expansion of this, see Chaps. XX. and XXVI.]
The main point established is that for frequencies
comparable to a million per second, such frequencies as
occur in jar discharges and probably in lightning, the
impedance of all reasonably -conducting materials is the
same, both by theory and by experiment, independently
of their magnetic properties as well as of their con-
ductivity ; and that even the sectional area of a conductor
only aflPects its impedance ia a minor degree, so that a
change to j o^oo ^^ ^^^^ scarcely doubles the impedance.
In the course of the meeting a joint sitting of the
Physical and the Engineering section was held, and a
long discussion on the subject of lightning conductors
was opened by Mr. Preece.
It would be tedious to refer to this discussion at length ;
it was reported almost verbatim in the "Electrician" ' for
' An uncorrected and very erroneous report appears in the British
Association volume for the same year, but the "Electrician" and
" Electrical Review " reports are far more correct and authentic
September 21 and 28, 1888, volume xxi., also in the
" Electrical Eeview " for the same dates ; and the main
points at issue were summarized by the present writer as
follows : selecting those statements of Mr. Preece and his
supporters which seem most generally accepted, or likely
to be accepted, on that side ; and numbering the opposing
statements so as to correspond with them. No statement
is here quoted or suggested which to the writer seems
entirely absurd ; because absurd statements may easily
be made in debate without sufficient thought, and because
such statements are not likely to be generally or weightily
accepted, even if pressed by their propounder.
Statements made by Upholders of the Older
or Orthodox Views.
1. Properly constructed lightning rods never fail.
When existing rods fail it is because there is something
the matter with them — usually an insuflBcient earth.
2. Leyden jar discharges have nothing oscillatory or
alternating about them, or at least the existence of such
alternations is an unproved assumption. [This position
was soon abandoned as untenable.]
3. Even if Leyden jar discharges should turn out to be
oscillatory, there is no reason why lightning flashes should
be of the same character. Lightning flashes have an
apparent duration, and transmit telegraph signals, deflect
compass needles, and do other things which alternating
currents could not do.
4. The one thing needful for an efficient lightning
protector is conductivity, sufficient conducting power to
convey tbe whole charge quickly and harmlessly down
to the earth, with which the conductor must make eliibo-
rate contact.
5. No danger is to be feared from a lightning conductor
if only it be well earthed and be sufficiently massive not
to be melted by a discharge. All masses of metal should
be connected to it, that they may be electrically drained
to earth.
6. The shape of the sectional area of a conductor is
quite immaterial ; its carrying power has nothing to do
with extent of surface ; nothing matters in the rod itself
but sectional area, or weight per foot run, and conductivity.
7. Points, if sharp, should constitute so great a
protection that violent flashes to them ought never to
8. Lightning conductors, if frequently tested for con-
tinuity and low resistance by ordinary galvanic currents,
are bound to carry off any charge likely to strike them,
and are absolutely to be depended upon. The easiest
path protects all other possible paths.
9. A certain space contiguous to a lightning rod is
completely protected by it, so that if the rod be raised
high enough a building in this protected region is per-
fectly safe.
Contrary Statements made iy the present writer.
{Numbered so as to correspond with the preceding.)
1 . Rods as at present constructed, though frequently
successful, may and do sometimes fail, even though their
earth is thoroughly good ; the reason being that they
offer to a flash a much greater obstruction — a much worse
path — than is usually supposed : an obstruction to be
reckoned in hundreds or thousands of ohms, even for a
very thick copper rod.
2. When a Leyden jar is charged it corresponds to a
bent spring, and its discharge corresponds to the release
of the spring. Its discharge current alternates, there-
fore, in the same way and for much the same reason as a
twitched reed or tuning fork vibrates. The vibrations
decay in either case because of frictional heat production,
and because of the emission of waves into the surrounding
medium. A single spark of a Leyden jar, examined in
an exceedingly fast revolving mirror, is visibly drawn
out into a close succession of oppositely-directed dis-
. charges, although its whole duration is so excessively
3. A lightning flash is a spark between cloud and
earth, which are two oppositely electrified flat surfaces,
and the flash corresponds therefore to the internal spark-
ing between the two plates of a great air condenser. All
the conditions which apply to a Leyden jar under these
circumstances are liable to be true for lightning. Some-
times the resistance met with, either in the cloud itself
or in the discharger, may be so great that the spark
ceases to- be oscillatory, and degenerates into a fizz or
rapid leak; but there can be no guarantee that it shall
always take this easily manageable form ; and it is
necessary in erecting protectors to be prepared for the
worst and most dangerous form of sudden discharge.
The apparent duration of a lightning flash is due to its
frequently multiple character, and indicates successive
discharges, not one long-drawn-out one. Nothing that
lightning has been found to do disproves its oscillatory
character; because Leyden jar discharges, which are
certainly oscillatory, can do precisely the same.
4. Although some conductivity is necessary for a
lightning conductor, its amount is of far less consequence
than might be expected. The obstruction met with by
an alternating or rapidly varying discharge depends
much more on electro-magnetic inertia or self-induction
than upon common resistance. So much obstruction is
due to this inertia ttat a trifle more or less of frictional
resistance in addition matters practically not at all.
It is desirable to have a good and in dry weather a
deep earth, in order to protect foundations and gas and
water mains from damage, and in order to keep total
impedance as low as possible.
5. The obstruction offered by a lightning rod to a
discharge being so great, and the current passing through
it at the instant of a flash being enormous, a very high
difference of potential exists between every point of the
conductor and the earth, however well the two are con-
nected ; hence the neighbourhood of a lightning conduc-
tor is always dangerous during a storm, and great
circumspection must be exercised as to what metallic
conductors are wittingly or unwittingly brought near or
into contact with it. When a building is struck the
oscillations and surgings all through its neighbour-
hood are so violent that every piece of metal is liable to
give off sparks, and gas may be lighted even in neigh-
bouring houses. If one end of a rain-water gutter is
attached to a struck lightning conductor the other end is
almost certain to spit off a long spark, unless it also is
metallically connected. Electric charges splash about in
a struck mass of metal, as does the sea during an earth-
quake, or when a mountain-top drops into it.' Even a
small spark near combustible substances is to be dreaded.
6. The electrical disturbance is conveyed to a conduc-
tor through the tether or space surrounding it, and so the
more surface it exposes the better. Better than a single
rod or tape is a number of separate lengths of wire, each
thick enough not to be easily melted, and well separated
' See " The Eruption of Krakatoa," a pamplilet by E. Douglas
ArcLibald, Tnnbridge Wells ; or the Ueport of the Krakatoa Com-
so as not to interfere with each other by mutual in-
The liability of rods to be melted by a flash can be
easily over-estimated. A rod usually fails by reason of
its inertia-like obstruction, and consequent inability to
carry off the charge ■without spittings and side-flashes ;
it very seldom fails by reason of being melted. In cases
where a thin wire has got melted, the energy has been
largely dissipated in the effort, and it has acted as an
efficient protector; though, of course, for that time only.'
' The following is a typical case of the way in which a very thin
wire may exert a protective influence with success although it itself
gets wholly destroyed. (See also p. 195.)
Case of the Action of a Small Conductor.
Franklin, in a letter to CoUinson read before the Royal Society,
Dec. 18, 1755, describing the partial destruction by lightning of a
church-tower at Newbury, Mass., wrote, " Near the bell was fixed
an iron hammer to striite the hours ; and from the tail of the ham-
mer a wire went down through a small gimlet-hole in the floor that
the bell stood upon, and through a second floor in like manner ;
then horizontally under and near the plastered ceiling of that second
floor, till it came near a plastered wall ; then down by the side of
that wall to a clock, which stood about twenty feet below the bell.
The wire was not bigger than a common knitting needle. The
spire was split all to pieces by the lightning, and the parts flung in
all directions over the square in which tlie church stood, so that
nothing remained above the bell. The lightning passed between
the hammer and the clock in the abo\'e-meutioned wire, without
hurling either of the floors, or having any effect upon them (except
making the gimlet-holes, through which the wire passed, a little
bigger), and without hurting the plastered wall, or any part of the
building, so far as the aforesaid wire and the pendulum-wire of the
clock extended ; which latter wire was about the thickness of a
goose-quill. From tlie end of the pendulum, down quite to the
ground, the building was exceedingly rent and damaged. . . . No
part of the afore-mentioned long, small wire, between the clock and
the hammer, could be found, except about two inches that hung to
the tail of the hammer, and about as much that was fastened to the
Large sectional area offers very little advantage over
moderately small sectional area, such as No. 6 b.w.g.
7. Points, if numerous enough, serve a very useful
purpose in neutralizing the charge of a thunder-cloud
hovering over them, and thus often preventing a flash ;
but there are occasions, easily imitated in the laboratory,
when they are of no avail ; for instance, when an upper
cloud sparks into a lower one, which then suddenly over-
flows to earth. In the case of these sudden rushes, there
is no time for a path to be prepared by induction, no
time for points to exert any protective influence, and
points then get struck by a violent flash just as if they
were knobs. Discharges of this kind are the only ones
likely to occur during a violent shower; because all
leisurely effects would be neutralized by the rain-drops
better than by an infinitude of points.
8. The path chosen by a galvanic curreut is no secure
indication of the course which will be taken by a lightning
flash. The course of a trickle down a hill-side does not
determine the path of an avalanche. Lightning will not
select the easiest path alone; it can distribute itself
among any number of possible paths, and can make paths
for itself. Ordinary testing of conductors is therefore
no guarantee of safety, and may be misleading. At the
same time it is quite right to have some system of testing
and of inspection, else rust and building alterations may
render any protector useless.
9. There is no space near a rod which can be definitely
styled an area of protection, for it is possible to receive
clock ; the rest being exploded, and its particles dissipated in smoke
and air, as gunpowder is by common fire, and had only left a black
smutty track on the plastering, three or four inches broad, darkest
in the middle, and fainter towards the edges, all along the ceiling,
under which it passed, and down the wall."
violent sparks or shocks from the conductor itself. Not
to speak of the innumerable secondary discharges which,
by reason of electro-kinetic momentum and of induction,
and of the curious recently-discovered effect of the ultra-
violet light of a spark, are liable to occur as secondary
effects in the wake of the main flish.
Just one word on the subject of iron versus copper.
The writer last year thought and stated that, in so far as
the substance of the conductor was magnetized by a dis-
charge, iron would obstruct a lightning flash or any
other rapidly-varying current enormously more than
copper does. But the fact is, that the substance of a
conductor is, by sufficiently rapidly alternating currents,
not magnetized at all. The current is tubular, keeps
wholly to the outer surface, and magnetizes nothing
inside. Hence the magnetizability of the substance of
the conductor is of no moment at all ; and iron, there-
fore, will do every bit as well as copper. Mr. Preece's
experience with half a million iron wire telegraph-post
protectors leads him to uphold iron as entirely satisfac-
tory. So, on this one point, as well as on the necessity
existing for a good earth, the upholders of the older and
of the newer views have been able to agree.
Immediately after the discussion Dr. Janssen exhibited
some preliminary attempts at photographs of lightning
taken with a double-nozzled camera, having two sensi-
tive plates, one fixed, the other revolving thirty times a
second.' The same flash was depicted on both plates, but
on the moving plate it was separated into two or three
distinct streaks, showing its multiple character. Each
constituent, however, was as clear and distinct on the
' The ijlan was suggested by tlie pi'csent writer in a letter to
"Nature," July 12, 1888.
rotating as on the fixed plate, and had, in fact, exactly
the same shape and appearance, so that one could be
superposed on the other exactly ; thus proving its instan-
taneous character. The rate of spin was naturally no-
thing like sufficient to exhibit the alternating character
of each constituent.
It is to be hoped that many more photographs of
lightning will be taken on this plan, because there are
evidently many kinds of composite flashes, and it is
an excellent way of analyzing them and correcting the
impressions, often erroneous, formed by the eye.
The result of the discussion was to impress everyone
with the desirability of making observations on actual
lightning, and ascertaining how far its behaviour accords
with small-scale laboratory experiments.
Appendix to the Bath Discussion.
Among many letters from correspondents in the scien-
tific journals which followed this discussion, on the sub-
ject of lightning photographs, the dark flash, etc., I take
the annexed direct observations from the " Electrician "
for October, 1888.
" I feel inclined to believe with Prof. Lodge that some
flashes are oscillatory and some are not. Those that
meander through the air, striking at nothing in par-
ticular and vanishing into space, should, I think, be
classed as non-x)scillatory, while those which strike direct
from the clouds to the earth — thick heavy flashes — pro-
bably oscillate until the potential between the points is
While on this subject I should like to learn if the fol-
lowing phenomena can be accounted for : — One evening
last year, after sunset, I was watching a dark black
cloud, with clearly defined outline, high above the hori-
zon, when from the top flashes of lightning shot upwards
into quite clear atmosphere. There was nothing visible
for it to strike at. I understand from a gentleman who has
spent some years in India that it is not uncommon for
flashes to strike across the clear blue sky in which there
is no sign of a cloud.
In conclusion, I should recommend all those who are
interested in the study of lightning flashes to refer to
negatives or glass positives for their information, as
there is much interesting detail lost in silver prints. —
Yours, etc., W. P. Adams, A.K.C, A.S.T.B."
Springwell, Barnes, October 8, 1888.
" SiE, — The phenomenon to which Mr. W. P. Adams
refers in his letter to the "Electrician," p. 775, is one
that I have observed on one occasion only, and though I
have described it to several people, I have not hitherto
found that it has been noticed by others.
" It is now so long ago that I cannot remember all
the circumstances, but the impression produced at the
time was so vivid that I am certain of the following
particulars : —
"A thunderstorm travelling from S. to N. passed imme-
diately over the village of Wing, in Rutland, at about
9 or 10 p.m. When it had travelled so far away that the
thunder-cloud was low on the horizon, and the altitude of
the top of the cloud was about half or a third, or possibly
less, that of the lower bright stars in the Great Bear, at
that time in their lowest position (and this fixes roughly
the time of year), I noticed thivt while the true flashes of
lightning between the cloud and the earth were often
visible themselves, they were mostly accompanied by
long thin flashes which extended up well into the space
between the bright stars of the Great Bear, which were
shining brightly in a perfectly clear sky. Sometimes
but one of these lines of light would be formed, generally
two or three, and I remember distinctly that one flash
of real lightning, in or below the cloud, was accompanied
by seven of these mysterious lines, which simply went up
from the cloud into the clear sky and left off.
" These flashes had all the usual character of ordinary
lightning, except that they seemed much thinner or less
luminous. Their light, . though seen direct, was much
less than that in or below the cloud. I was sure that
they were not the only flashes, but that they accompanied
what I have called above the real lightning.
" Though I have often recalled the circumstances I can
offer no explanation. Perhaps they will be of interest to
Dr. Lodge. — Youra, etc., C. V. Boys."
Physical Laboratory, Smith Kensington.
SiE, — The interesting phenomenon observed by Mr.
Boys and by Mr. W. P. Adams, and recorded by them in
your two last issues, suggests a case of discharge by over-
flow. I mean that the upper layers of the atmosphere —
the region of virtual high conductivity (really weak di-
electric strength) — may have discharged down to the
cloud until that overflowed to the earth. Or it might
be that the flash from cloud to earth so lowered the
potential of the cloud as to permit a discharge or set of
discharges from the high-potential i-egions above. I
should thus regard it merely as a case of a couple of
sparking intervals in series.
Many things seem to suggest that it is the upper
layers of atmosphere that are primarily charged, and that
clouds are either conducting protuberances or else step-
ping-stones; probably sometimes one, sometimes the
Mr. Boys would, perhaps, say whether there was
anything in his observation irreconcilable with this
simple idea.
I may take this opportunity of remarking how much
work can be done at meteorological stations and observa-
tories in the matter of accurately observing and record-
ing lightning ; photographic records, obtained by proper
appliances for distinguishing multiple from successive
flashes, being, of course, superior to all others.
An experimental lightning conductor on a flagstafl'
near every meteorological observatory would also be a
most desirable addition. It need not be associated with
danger ; a system of fuses or cut-outs, or an east or west
steel bar, might be used to record the passage of a flash,
and the rod need not be examined until after the cessa-
tion of violent disturbances. By having the conductor
of diflerent thickness at difierent parts one could learn
what size is really likely to be melted. One could also
arrange so as to gain information about side-flashes. —
Yours, etc., Oliver J. Lodge.
I also received the annexed important letter from Prof.
Ewing, wherein he shows that what is often referred to
as anomalous magnetization, i.e., the alternations of mag-
netism set up by Leyden jar discharges in steel needles
near their path, can be explained by a gradual lengthen-
ing of period in the oscillations, combined with the facts
concerning magnetization discovered by himself.
" Deau Lodge, — I see in the report of the lightning
rod discussion (which I was veiy sorry not to be able to
attend) that you referred to the difficulty there is in
seeing how an oscillatory current can leave permanent
magnetic effects in an iron conductor or in neighbouring
iron, and Lord Eayleigh spoke of experiments showing
that when a Leyden jar is discharged through a helix
with a steel bar inside it, the bar may be magnetized in
cylindrical layers with opposite directions of magnetiza-
tion at different distances from the surface. Does not
this suggest oscillations in which the period lengthens
while the amplitude decays ?
"Current A is so transient that its effects are extremely
superficial. The inner layers are protected by induced
currents in the iron (as Lord Eayleigh remarked), but it
magnetizes the surface layer strongly. Current B is not
strong enough to reverse the effect oiA on the outermost
layer, but it is slow enough to magnetize a layer that lies
a little nearer the axis. C, again, is too weak to reverse
the effect of B, but its effects reach deeper still, and so
on. — Yours, etc., J. A. Ewing."
University College, Dundee, September 29, 1888.
Fig. 15a.
The editor of the "Electrician" (Mr. Snell) made a valuable
^suggestion ("Electrician," IS'ovember 2, 1888, p. 810),
that at many telegraph stations abroad, where thunder-
storms are frequent and violent, it might be possible to
set up lightning conductors for experimental purposes,
and thus accumulate experience concerning their behaviour
more rapidly than by waiting for storms and visiting
damaged buildings in this country. He asked me tO'
make some suggestions as to how they should be rigged
up, and what should be tried ; and I am glad to make
such suggestions if they are likely to be any help. Skilled
observers, who are frequently favoured with storms, will
soon accumulate experience enough to render unnecessary
any suggestions from me. But to begin with it may be
useful to draw up a few notes on the subject, and I
accordingly print the following memoranda.
Memoranda with regard to the Erection of Experi-
mental Lightning Conductors at Telegraph
Stations Abroad.
1 . It would not be wise to erect anything experimental
on an inhabited building, still less on a building utilized
for telegraph purposes. A detached shed or a flagstaflf
is a more suitable support for an experimental rod. A
shed offers rather more scope for experimenting than
does a flagstaff, though perhaps it is less likely to be
struck. There are, however, a few experiments which
can properly be made in the neighbourhood of an actual
lightning conductor, always provided that it be not
tampered with in the least. (See § 10 et seq.)
2. To gain experience as to the advantage or dis-
advantage of very thick conductors, a couple of conductors
might be erected on the same shed or on a pair of adjacent
poles : — one a very stout copper rod, the other a quite
thin iron wire, even so thin as No. 27.
3. A lightning conductor might be erected on a pole,
consisting of various thicknesses of wire in series.
Suppose, for instance, iron wire is used. It should be
No. 1, or very thick, at the top where the lightning
strikes, because that is the place where local melting is
almost certain ; then it might change to No. 5, No. 8,
No. 12, No. 16, No. 18, No. 20, and then once more to
No. 5, to take it properly to earth. It would be instruc-
tive to find some of these wires melted and not others.
4. An obvious modification of the above experiment
is to join copper and iron in series alternately, to use
strip in some places instead of wire, and otherwise to
vary the circumstauces, but always making thoroughly
good joints.
5. A distinct conductor might be erected, say of No. 5
iron, with a purposely bad joint, say ^ inch gap, to see
what happens there. At another part of the same
conductor there might be an imperfect joint, the parts in
contact but not joined properly.
6. Since it is the object to get these conductors struck,
rather than to dissipate atmospheric electricity silently.
it may be well to terminate them with knobs instead of
7. As detectors, to record whether a given rod has
been struck or whether a flash has passed in a given
direction, one may suggest —
{a) A small steel bar or needle placed pointing east
and west at right angles to the conductor ; to be tested
after a storm for magnetism with a compass needle.
(6) Some form of lead or tinfoil fuse or cut-out in-
serted in the length of the rod itself.
(c) A branch cut-out adjusted in a tapping circuit,
say a bit of wire joined to two points of the conductor a
few yards apart, and having included in it an exceedingly
fine piece of platinum or other wire to be destroyed by
the branch current.
(d) A similar branch or tapping circuit, say of No. 16
wire, coiled several times round a quill glass tube con-
taining a sewing needle ; to be tested for magnetization.
(e) Some form of registering Cardew or other volt-
meter might be similarly connected to two points on the
(/) An Abel fuse or other convenient explosive might
be used.
((/) A small bulb containing a mixture of hydrogen
and oxygen, with a pair of Pt wires close together, would
furnish evidence of a very minute spark.
8. To observe side-flashes, a short supplementary con-
ductor, with a detector in its course, could be led from
an independent earth to near a point on the conductor a
few yards above ground, leaving, say, half an inch gap.
A side-spark might very well occur across it.
9. Side-flashes may also occur to quite insulated con-
ductors — for instance, a rod hung inside the shed on
silk or glass or paraffin, with one end near the conducter;
only the amount passing in this case, being small, is not
so easily detected. A gas leak, or an Abel fuse, is the
readiest way of obtaining a record of the passage of a
small spark.
10. Near a main conductor — a real one or an experi-
mental one — supplementary short rods might be erected,
some earthed, some insulated, and at varying distances
from the main conductor. Bach of these conductors
should have a detector in it, and induced surgings in
totally disconnected conductors may then be observed,
without any side-flash to them.
11. A horizontal incomplete circuit of wire may have
one end connected with the lightning rod and the other
end arranged anywhere. Spittings off are likely to occur
from this free end, even though it be curved upon itself
and brought back close to its beginning.
12. Along the walls of a shed a series of detached
conductors, tinfoil strips, or thin wire, may be arranged,
with moderate gaps between. They are very likely to
spark into one another when a flash occurs, whether the
final one of the series be connected to earth or not.
13. A pair of insulated wires arranged parallel and
close together anywhere near the conductor, but quite
disconnected from it — one end of one being connected
to the ground, and the other end of the other being
connected with anything fairly insulated — are very likely
to have a spark pass between them when a flash occurs.
One way of proving the passage of such a spark is to
have a powerful battery permanently joined to the two
wires through a cut-out, for the spark will then start an
14. Entirely uninsulated things, such as gas and water-
pipes, are liable to spark into each other when a flash
occurs ; and this also may be detected by a sufficiently
sensitive recording arrangement, such as a suitably
arranged gas leak, or the detonating bulb mentioned in
7 [g).
15. In all cases the best possible earth should be made
for the experimental conductor, and by frequent testing
no loop-hole should be left for any extraordinary and
interesting occurrence to be explained away by the stupid
and commonplace exclamation, " bad earth."
16. It seems to me at present of most interest to
prove the existence under real lightning circumstances,
and with a perfect conductor, of electric surgings in all
manner of unlikely places — between insulated bodies,
between earthed bodies, between bodies at a considerable
distance from the disturbance. It will then be desirable
to ascertain whether or not such surgings are not more
violent when the lightning conductor is a stout rod than
when it is a very thin wire, which is deflagrated while
acting as a protector.
Manifestly the best protector is one which conducts
the flash to earth and which yet sets up least side-flashing
and surging. The object of the experiments, therefore,
is largely to determine what it is that best satisfies those
conditions, and at the same time to note and record all
concomitant circumstances of interest.
Olivee Lodge.
Modes of Damage by Lightning.
Some recent occurrences suggest that what experiment
indicates to be a possibility does sometimes happen, viz.,
that electricity surges up from an earth contact by an
underground route and causes damage without having
any obvious entrance or exit to the sky. When discharge
occurs to the ground, conductors, like gas-pipes buried
in it are so disturbed that they easily give off sparks ; not
sparks which will charge a Leyden jar — the electricity
splashes up and subsides again in an instant, — but sparks
which very readily light gas and give shocks.
This is a straightforward experimental fact. One would
not, therefore, be surprised to hear of lightning produc-
ing a similar effect on a larger scale; so that, when the
ground is struck, earth connections of all kinds to
neighbouring houses and telegraph stations become
sources of danger rather than safety, and bring up from
the main flash echoes or splashes which may in some
cases do damage.
Three instances, or apparent instances, of this have
been reported to me recently. The first is the case of a
house at Wavertree, wherein a gas-pipe was melted in an
underground cellar and the gas ignited, while there was
no trace of any kind indicating how the lightning had got
to the cellar, except that the owner saw a fireball or glow
travelling up the drive, along what turned out to be the
course of the gas-main, (A fuller account is subjoined.)
The second instance is that of a lighthouse in India,
reported to me by Colonel Fraser, R.B., in which while
flashes were striking the lightning conductor, a man was
killed inside the building, though no apparent branch
flash reached him from anywhere. Various explanations
of this case may be suggested, and I do not press it, but
quote it below.
The.third case is that kindly communicated by the Elec-
trician of the Commercial Cable Company, where instru-
ments not connected with any line- wire or cable, but only
connected to earth through the lightning protector, were
completely destroyed. A record of this may be found in
another part of the book.
.Returning to the first, or Wavertree case, the following
is a statement by the occupier of the house, E. Lennox
Peel, Esq. :
"One stroke, 4 (Eig. 16), melted and twisted up 8ft.
I'i-. 16.
of roof-gutter round the corner, and also knocked off 2ft.
of ornamental finishing, G. At first we thought this was
the same stroke as the one that landed (B) in the cellar,
under drawing-room window, D, fusing 3ft. of gas-pipe,
firing the gas, and scorching the cellar ceiling ; but as we
can find no trace of A coming inside the house we fancy
now that we were hit twice, and that we never saw A at
all from the dining-room window, E.
" There were two tremendous crashes, one of which we
put down to a stroke on the church exactly opposite, the
steeple, with conductor, being just opposite dining-room
window, B, across road from the gate shown. At the
first crash (but we now belicTe before we heard it) a ball
of fire seemed to come away from the church, cross the
road, rush through the gates, up to the drive, and pass E
as if to D. I was standing inside the window E, and saw
it coming, but had to shut my eyes. There is a gas-lamp
opposite right-hand gate-post, and our gas-pipes are laid
under the drive up to B. The next crash came thirty
seconds later, and was probably A. Both were distinctly
heard in church, as if the house had been struck twice.
The steeple was surrounded by black cloud, high up,
swirling round, and white vapour low down. The light-
ning came from every quarter, about nine flashes in less
than two minutes, with very large hailstones."
I myself examined the premises some weeks after the
event, and it is clear to me that the church was not struck,
or, at least, not struck violently. The points of its con-
ductor are sharp, and no part of the conductor or earth
shows the least trace of damage. The church steeple
is lofty and its centre is only fifty-two yards from the
house. The conductor is a copper tape by Newall of
Gateshead, and seems in excellent cbndition. The house
is an ordinary building, not so tall as the body of the
church itself; it is, therefore, entirely dwarfed by
the spire, and that it should have been struck in
preference to the spire is remarkable. Service was going
on in the church afc the time. There were seven flashes
all pretty close together, and two of them were specially
loud and alarming. One of them Mr. Peel believes to be
connected with the damage to the roof at A ; the other to
the damage in the cellar at B.
The telephone wires from church to a neighbouring
house are quite thin and uninjured, and evidently have
nothing to do with it. The path of the flash which
struck A is not at all clear. It may have gone down a
rain side-gutter and water-butt not far off, but if so it has
left no trace of its passage. No connection of any kind
is apparent between the two damages. And it seems to
me much more likely that the second flash got into the
gas-pipes outside the house altogether. Several feet of
pipe have been very effectually fused, but this may have
been mostly done by the ignited gas, which burned some
time before discovery. It was ^ in. pipe — not compo —
and it must have been a pretty strong disturbance to
melt it.
The ball of fire seen travelling along the ground which
often makes its appearance in these stories is too fre-
quently set down to imagination, because it is not a thing
to be expected on ordinary theories ; but when we know
so little of the phenomena, it is surely wiser to accept
provisionally even incredible statements, if often repeated,
and try and amend our theories by them, rather than to
ignore what may turn out to be perfectly true.
It may be remembered that during some of the expe-
riments I showed at the Institute of Electrical Engineers,
a wire conveying the discharge glowed with a luminous
brush all along its length (it is an effect I have frequently
obtained in the laboratory) , and a correspondent (" Elec-
trician," May 3, p. 749) wrote to ask about what he
likened to a "luminous mouse" which he saw travel-
ling along the wire, and taking an appreciable time in
The progressive appearance is doubtless an optical
effect, but the luminosity is a reality, and, since it
appeared to travel then, so it may easily appear to
travel when caused by lightning.
I should suppose that gas-pipes conveying the dis-
charge are at so high a potential that the brush from them
may be sometimes visible above the ground. If this
be a fact, it is not one that can be regarded as at all
established as yet ; but the suggestion may direct
observers' attention to the possibility both of this brush
effect and also of damage being done by a charge which
surges up and subsides again whence it came, without
having any separate egress, or, as it has hitherto been
usually expressed by observers, without any perceptible
ingress to the place where the damage is done.
A fourth instance I have heard of quite recently as
occurring at Harvey Road, Cambridge, where damage
was done to roof and to basement, but no apparent con-
nection or path from one to the other. I should suppose
that the roof damage was done by a side-flash spitting
off from the main-flash and returning to it again without
finding any separate earth. It is very necessary to
realize that this lateral expansion or temporary overflow
may occur, so that things are momentarily charged and
discharged again without their necessarily affording any
thoroughfare whatever.
The following are the communications from Colonel
Fraser :
Malabar District, May 29, 1889.
"Peof. 0. J. Lodge, P.R.S.
" Dear Sir, — Having several lightning conductors to
do with, and rather inclined to your expressed distrust
of them, it may be of interest to mention the particulars
of an occurrence at the Mangalore Lighthouse on the
14th inst. This lighthouse (Fig. 17) consists of a masonry
shaft about 10ft, diameter, standing on a cubical plinth
of 12ft. sides or so, with two small store-rooms having
terraced roofs on the flanks. There is a passage in the
plinth having an entrance door and doors at the side
leading into the store-rooms, and an inner door giving
admission to the base of the column, which has flights of
wooden ladders up to the capital, on which there is a
gallery and the lantern of glass and bronze.
" The Public Works have lately been arranging the
lightning conductor, the upper part of which down to
the ground was supplied by the English makers of the
lantern, and consisted of a 2in. copper wire rope fastened
to the exterior of the column and its plinth.
"The earth connection only remained, and as the light-
house is on a dry rocky hill plateau, I had a cable of
49 telegraph wires made at Madras to reach down to a
well to be sunk to moist earth in the valley below. When
at the place last month this cable had been soldered to
the copper rope and laid in an open trench more than
200ft. long to close to the well. As moist ground was
not reached at the depth expected the cable was too
short, and a piece of extra copper rope had to be waited
for as well as the further deepening of the well. From
the ground to the top of the lantern is, I suppose, about
150ft., or less.
"At 7.30 p.m. a thunderstorm came on it is reported,
and as heavy rain fell, the trench and cable were wet for
a length of more than 200ft., so that the earth connec-
tion must have been complete, notwithstanding the
cable not ending in the well.
" The following extract from the Post Officer's report
states what happened : — 'A group of natives had been
Fig. 17. Mangaloee Lighthouse.
a, copper vane ; b, wooden railing ; c, copper wire rope at the back of
the tower.
sitting near the lighthouse, and all but two ran for their
homes when they felt rain. These two clamoured at the
closed door for admission into the lighthouse, in which
two keepers had been on duty. On entering the inner
room one remained standing, and the other, a youth of
twenty-one years, who had lately come up from the
Madras College, sat on the sill of the inner door. Before
the keeper had time to close the outer door the flash
came; the sitting youth fell backwards, and feebly calling
for water, died almost instantaneously; his friend was
struck up the legs, and was partially paralyzed the next
day, but afterwards got over it ; and the second keeper
was hurled across the room. The left arm of the
keeper certainly showed marks of exterior burns. No
external marks appeared on the dead man.' Another
account I had from my P. W. subordinate alluded to a
small piece of zinc sheeting over the outer doorway as
the point the lightning struck.
" However, in writing to the head of the Marine De-
partment in reply to inquiries about the lightning con-
ductor, I quoted from your article in 'Nature ' of March
14, on ' Leyden Jar Discharges,' which I had been
much interested in reading, and its footnote.
"I said, in my opinion, as the force of discharge w^s
not in the wire, but in the open air and space (water
included) round it, the inside of a lighthouse was a most
dangerous place to be in if a flash went through the
conductor, as some of the disturbance would go through
"It is also a question with me if a person, being of con-
ducting material — water, etc. — themselves, they would
not spark from induction, much as a piece of metal ; and
to what extent small masses of metal, such as door-locks,
watches in the pocket, etc., get charged by a lightning
conductor ; and there is a third element, the wetted
exterior plaster in patches not necessarily continuous.
"In my official letter I alluded to the radiations from an
electric discharge, and that some of these may have an
eflfect similar to sunstroke upon the human organism — so
that radiation and not electricity may have caused the
fatal accident.
" This was evidently a very bad thunderstormj as a tree
was struck as well as the lighthouse, but the building
was unaffected.
" The addition of a conductor may have made it proof
against being shattered, and at the same time not to be
occupied without danger when there is electricity about.
" I am inclined to think that the noise of thunder is the
radiations made audible much in the mode of your Royal
Institution experiment on the C note. — I remain, yours
very faithfully, A. T, Feasee."
Calicut, June 13, 1889.
" Prof. 0. J. Lodge, P.R.S.
" My dear Sir, — After writing, I have received detailed
accounts for which I called, and as no conclusions can be
drawn from an inaccurate description, enclose nearly all
my official letters, putting the Marine Department at
Madras right in their facts.
"The statements of the two educated natives, one of
whom was struck, are interesting, but contain so little
more than I have extracted that I do not trouble you
with them.
" The lightning conductor evidently was acting, and is
said to have been struck twice, as well as a tree three or
four hundred yards away.
"I find the lighthouse rooms are tiled, not terraced. It
is possible they were terraced within my recollection, as
the present tiles are certainly new. An amended sketch
is enclosed.
" There is a sheet zinc hood 4f feet by 3 feet over the
front door, and there were twenty-three of the patent clay
tiles, each 6 J lb. weight, blown away at the eaves just
above the hood. — I am, yours very faithfully,
"A. T. Fkasie."
Extract from official letter, June 12, 1889, embodt/ing the
narrative of two native eye-witnesses in Mangalore
Lighthouse on May 14 when struck by lightning, to cor-
rect the first account sent to the Marine Department,
" 1. The detailed account of Inspector Ram Rao, one
Fig. 18. Ground Plan of Lighthouse.
A, assistant master's position ; B, deceased, standing ; C, inspector ;
-D, two other natives.
of those in the Mangalore Lighthouse during the thunder-
storm of 14th May, differs in some particulars from the
information the Post Officer was able to obtain and
" 2. Including the keeper, there were ten natives inside
the basement, — seven in the passage, two in the south
room, and one upon its doorway or sill (Fig. 18) .
" 3. The inspector was on a seat in the passage, near
the door leading to the column, which was closed. The
front (outer door) was also shut and bolted.
'4. The first thing he observed was a 'spark' — no
flash struck anywhere — on the ground before him about
a foot and a half from his seat. No lightning was seen
by him to come through the front door. The electricity
was on the floor of the passage, not far from the door of
the column.
''5. Assistant-master Narani Rao, Government College,
also gives an account of what he saw happen, he being
on the door-sill.
" 6. He says two people in the passage suddenly saw a
light creeping on the floor near their feet, and about the
same moment a long spark in the south room ; two saw
the luminous body on the floor, and two the spark in
the room, but only one saw both.
" 7. Simultaneously with the latter, the narrator and
the native who died both dropped on the ground. His
impression was that a current of electricity was flowing
from his feet to his head, and he soon recovered. He is
satisfied that the current did not come through the front
door. Singularly enough, the deceased was talking to
him about lightning conductors, and asked if his keys
were likely to attract it, just before he was struck, with-
out noticing he was standing close to a large coil of
'' 8. Those who saw the spark in the room are positive
it was not parallel to the floor. One thinks it was per-
pendicular, and the other slightly inclined to the light-
ning conductor outside.
" 9. It seems there was a coil of 94 feet of galvanized
iron fencing wire lying in the corner of the south room,
some 5 feet in direct distance from the conductor outside,
with the wall between.
"10. I would be inclined to attribute one of the indi-
viduals being fatally struck to his standing near this loose
metal, and there were also some kerosene tins in the
room, all either inductive or conductive surfaces.
"11. But I have to notice that, strictly speaking, none
of them had a right to be admitted into the lighthouse
on the occasion, and it was, unluckily, one of the worst
places they could have chosen in which to take refuge,
and there is no system of lightning conductors, which, in
my opinion, can make it safe. — A.-T. F,"
A Singular Case of Damage by Lightning^
" In the afternoon of the 23rd of May 1889 the wall of a
garden in Windmill Hill, Hampstead Heath, the property
of Mrs. Inman, was damaged during a thunderstorm in
the manner shown in the accompanying drawing (Fig. 19),
which is a copy of a sketch I made on the spot an hour
or two after the storm. The wall was completely per-
forated, the place chosen being at one of the buttresses ;
but the interesting feature of the case lies in the presence
of a lamp-post just opposite, which overtops, and, owing
to the narrowness of the footway, almost overhangs the
wall. The actual dimensions are given in the diagram
(Fig. 20).
" According to ordinary theories the wall should have
enjoyed peculiar immunity from attack at this point, yet
the discharge singled out this very spot, and apparently
preferred to pass through bricks and mortar under the
shadow of a good conductor rather than enter the pro-
jecting end of the ladder-rest, which was not 1 J ft.
" There soems to me only one moral to be drawn from
' "Electrician,'' vol. ^S, p. 621,
these facts, viz., that the flash was what Dr. Lodge calls
an " impulsive rush " discharge ; either it struck the top
of the lamp-post and rebounded sideways along the
ladder-rest, as such a-discharge probably would, or else,
which is quite possible, it entered the wall direct, without
noticing the post at all. The presence of the lamp just
' •>
Fig. 19.
opposite the hole inclines one rather strongly to the
former view, but in opposition thereto is the fact that, so
far as I could see, there was no marked indication of
melting or burning at the end of the ladder-rest. Either
way the case is an interesting one, taken in connection
with the late discussions on the subject of discharges, and
one only wishes the flash had been actually seen. That
this was not the case appears from the following answers
to questions, which, through the kindness of Mrs. Inman,
I obtained from her gardener, who
was in the garden when the accident
occurred :
" 1 . So far as he knew, no one saw
the damage done.
" 2. The bricks fell chiefly into the
garden, i.e., away from the lamp-
" 3. The damage could not have
been brought about by mechanical
means. The wall was in just as effi-
cient repair there as elsewhere.
" 4. No metal object touched the
wall, but some galvanized wire hold-
ing up the trees was very near — about
4 ft. to 5 ft. from the wall, attached to
a tree.
"5. The time of the occurrence was
Fio-. 20. about a quarter to five p.m."
Note on the Bursting of Leyden Jars.
The circumstances attending the electrical fracture of
Leyden jars are of some interest. So far as my expe-
rience goes, they do not often burst by being merely
overcharged to too high a potential — whether they ever
do so I am not sure — but they burst at the instant of
discharge by the recoil and oscillations set up in the dis-
charging circuit. When this discharging circuit is a
long and thick one I should have expected their fracture
to be more probable, were it not that they then readily
overflow. A discharge spark-length of an inch or less
will easily make a jar spark a distance of six inches over
its edge if it be joined up to a suitable circuit, say a
No. or even a No. 12 wire round a large rooruj and this
ease of overflow may perhaps save them from breaking.
With a short discharge-circuit it may bo possible to
take sparks several inches long without their overflowing,
and the question is whether they are then more liable to
burst or not. In other words, are bursting and over-
flowing the same thing, or does one act as a safety-valve
to the other ? Fortunately my jars, though they fre-
quently overflow, scarcely ever burst, and accordingly my
experience is too limited to be any use.
When I take very long sparks from jars I use two in
series ; their liability to overflow is then greatly dimi-
nished. This is no doubt the empirical reason of the
pair of jars used in all forms of inductive machine.
I expect jars usually burst when used singly or joined
in parallel, seldom when joined in series. The double
thickness of glass in the latter case is an obvious con-
sideration, but there is more in it than that. The main
reason of the greater safety of jars in series seems to me
to be that the electric surgings do not operate on both
coatings simultaneously to the same extent as they do
with a single jar.
Apropos of the bursting of jars I have permission from
the writers of the two following letters to communicate
them, and I also quote a statement by Franklin on the
same subject.
The suggestion at the end of Mr. Boys' letter, about
the period of longitudinal vibration of the glass possibly
synchronizing with the electric oscillation when fracture
occurs, is a good one, and future observations should be
so recorded that the truth of the hypothesis can bo
examined. As a convenience I have^ therefore, drawn
np the following list of things which it is well to record
whenever a jar breaks electrically. They are all such as
can be easily obtained after the accident.
Data desirable to Tcnow in future observations of
Broken Jars.
(1) Mode in which jars are connected if more than
(2) Total area of effectively coated surface.
(3) Average thickness of effectively coated glass (say
by weight) .
(4) Quality of the glass (viz., its specific inductive
capacity roughly, or at least its specific gravity) .
[Or, instead of 2, 3, 4, total capacity of jars, as
arranged, before fracture.]
(5) Thickness of glass near fracture.
(6) Total length of discharge-circuit.
(7) General arrangement of discharge-circuit {e.g.,
rough scale plan of same).
(8) Thicknesses of wire or rod used in discharge-
[Or, instead of 6, 7, 8, total self-induction of dis-
charge-circuit] .
(9) Length of air gap in discharge- circuit, with size
of knobs used.
Answer by Dr. FranMin to a question put by Dr. Ingen-
housz about 1777.
By the circumstances that have appeared to me, in
all the jars that I have seen perforated at the time of
their explosion, I have imagined that the charge did
not pass by those perforations. Several single jars that
have broken while I was charging them have shown,
besides the perforation in the body, a trace on both sides
of the neck where the polish of the glass was taken off
the breadth of a straw, which proved that great part at
least of the charge, probably all, had passed over that
trace. I was once present at the discharge of a battery
containing thirty jars, of which eight were perforated and
spoilt at the time of the discharge; yet the effect of the
charge on the bodies upon which it was intended to
operate did not appear to be diminished. Another time
I was present when twelve out of twenty jars were
broken at the time of the discharge, yet the effect of the
charge which passed in the regular circuit was the same
as it would have been if they had remained whole.
Were those perforations an effect of the charge
within the jar forcing itself through the glass to get at
the outside, other difficulties would arise and demand
explanation. 1. How it happens that in eight bottles,
and in twelve, the strength to bear a strong charge
should be so equal that no one of them would break
before the rest, and thereby save his fellows, but all
should burst at the same instant. 2. How it happens
that they bear the force of the great charge till the
instant that an easier means of discharge is offered them,
which they make use of, and yet the fluid breaks through
at the same time. — Fi-nnUin's Works, edited by J.
Sparks, vol. v. p. 462.
The following two letters from Mr. Boys and from
Mr. Bottomley tell their own tale :
Science and Art Department, March 5, 1889.
"It may interest you to hear how some of the large
Polytechnic jars were broken here when we tried the 7ft.
Wimshurst machine on them.
" On connecting up 1, 2, 3, or 4 "for quantity," or in
pairs " for intensity/' with the machine, and charging
until the brush discharge from the conductors was such
as to make further increase of potential unattainable, and
then causing the knobs to approach one another, there
used to be a deafening explosion when they were from
12 to 16 inches apart, and almost every time one (or
more ?) jars were found shattered in one or more places.
At each place of rupture the centre portions of the glass
were white, being completely pulverized. This part
would be a ^ inch or so in diameter. Outside this
radiating but irregular cracks spread in all directions
over a space of two inches or so, and these cracks were
joined by other cracks, more especially near the central
"This never happenedduring the charge, but only when
the discharge was made at the knobs, and no doubt was
largely due to electric oscillations breaking down the glass,
which, while it could stand the steady pull one way, could
not resist the see-saw. This may, for anything I know,
have synchronized with the natural period of vibration of
a bar of glass as long as the jar was thick where it broke.
" Finding that the proceedings seemed destructive of
jars we left off. — Yours, etc., C. V. Boys."
13, University Gardens, Glasgow, March 22, 1889.
" The experiments, of which I wrote to you very
hurriedly on February 6th, were made with a very large
influence machine which my friend Sir Archibald Camp-
bell, of Blythswood, has been building. I will tell you
something more about the machine a little later; but
meantime, in a very imperfect state — indeed almost at
first trial — we got ^ of a milliampere from it, as measured
by decomposition of water. I have no doubt we can get
a great deal more when we know the conditions neces-
sary for keeping the potential of the parts which act as
inductors from falling away as we draw ofif current.
" While the machine was giving a spark of 5J or 6
inches we sparked through two very large jars, 12 in. high
by 7 in. in diameter, the glass about ^ to ^ thick, tin-
foil 9 in. up. On examining them it turned out in each
case that the jar had been perforated in many places. In
one jar there are six or seven holes, in the other I can
count thirteen. The tinfoil was blown outward mi both
sides in each jar in six or seven places. It stood up
from the glass in little protuberances bigger than a split
pea, and in many cases, at any rate, the summit of the
protuberance is pierced. On removing the tinfoil the
glass showed unmistakable signs of many holes arranged
in a line (in the case of the jar with the largest number
of holes in two lines, one branching off from the other) .
The holes are about half an inch apart; the distances
tolerably regular. There is in one of the jars one very
heavily pulverized place and two in the other; — round
spots about a quarter of an inch in diameter, where the
glass is a mass of white powder, in each case at one end
of the line of holes and seemingly a starting place ; and
in the very centre of the most thoroughly pulverized spot
there is a small clean round hole, through which I can
put a wire one-hundredth of an inch in diameter right
through, quite loosely, and without rubbing on the sides
of the hole. (I have not tried the largest wire possible,
as I do not want to disturb the glass powder just yet.)
The remaining holes are small perforations, a crack join-
ing them all, and round about each there is a small
spot covered with metal driven off the tinfoil on to the
" One of the sets of perforations is just round the upper
edge of the tinfoil coatings. The other is round the
bottom of the jar.
" I shall be greatly interested to see what you say about
the matter, and when we break any more — which I doubt
not will be soon — you shall hear of it. — Yours, etc.,
Note added by Mr. Boys.
" The first of Mr. Bottomley's letters reminds me that
the position of the holes in the glass was indicated by
large blisters in the tinfoil, and that in the centre of the
white powder there was, as he describes, a clean hole.
The glass in these jars was not, as far as I can remember,
as much as -J inch in thickness at the places where they
broke. C. V. B."
FiK. 20a.
So far I have abstained, as far as possiblej from practical
recipes and from anything like authoritative advice, con-
tenting myself with calling attention to certain aspects
of the subject which had been overlooked. I have ven-
tured to imply that none of the older electricians had any
notion of the real conditions of the problem ; that they
all, from Franklin to Faraday and down to the present
day, treated it as a much easier matter than, in fact, it
is ; and that there had been very little real progress in
this particular department since the time of Franklin.
Recent advances in electrical theory made it easy for
me to see further into the matter than the far greater
men of the past had had any chance of doing ; and a few
very simple and easy experiments soon brought the con-
ditions of the problem clearly before me.
It was these conditions upon which I laid emphasis in
my lectures to the Society of Arts. Any practical out-
come I left to a later period, and very likely to other
hands. The first requisite seemed to be to grasp the
conditions of the problem as illuminated by theory ; the
^ Being a communication to the Institution of Electrical En-
gineers, 23tli April, 1889. ,
second, to carry out practical reform in the light of a large
Before proceeding to suggestions toward this end I
wish to emphasize further some of the matters already
hastily touched upon, by running over some of the con-
clusions at which I arrived, and re-establishing and
demonstrating their correctness either by theory or by
fresh experiment, whichever may seem the most simple
and satisfactory under the special circumstances.
Two Main Cases of Lirjhtning Flash.
1. All discharge is virtually that of a Leyden jar.
There are always two conductors separated by dielectric,
and the discharge is the breaking down of the dielectric
at its thinnest or weakest place.
In a thunderstorm the charged conductors are obvious,
Fig. 21. Case a.
The accompanying seven figures represent respectively the same
conditions, as they may occur in Nature, and as they can be arranged
artificially. Case a in each figure is the steady-strain case. The
others are varieties of the impulsive rush, where a spark at A pre-
cipitates a spark at B, the place where B occurs having been subjected
to no preliminary strain. Cloudscorrespond to coatings of jars; spaces
between them correspond to glass or other insulating space. The
position of the charging machine M is indicated in Figs. 22, 24, 26,
for convenience. The leak, or imperfect conductor, in F'ig. 26, is
needful in order that the jar may charge. It takes no part in the
discharge. Its {ilace is taken in Figs, 25 and 27 by the rain-shower.
In Fig. 23 the rain-shower, or leak, is permissible, but unnecessary.
being either two clouds, or else a cloud and earth, and
the dielectric is the air between.
2. It must sometimes happen, when one cloud dis-
charges into another, that the potential of this other is
suddenly raised high enough to cause it to discharge into
the earth, even though no strain previously existed in the
air between it and earth. The same thing may happen
in various other ways when two clouds spark into each
other, as indicated by the diagrams (Figs. 23, 25, 27) .
3. There are, therefore, two main cases — (a) When
Fig. 22. Case a.
the strain in the dielectric near the earth has been of
gradual growth, in which case the path of discharge will
be prepared inductively beforehand ; (6) when the strain
arises so suddenly that there is no time for any pre-
arranged path. The first I call " steady strain " ; the
second, "impulsive rush." It is most important to
recognize these two cases, and to understand the ex-
tremely different conditions attending the two. The
first case only was ever contemplated by the older elec-
tricians ; in fact, so far as I know, it was my experiments
in 1888 which first called attention to the other case.
Conditions of Protection and of being Struck., under
the Circumstances of each Case.
4. I will now illustrate experimentally ^ the conditions
under which discharge occurs in each of these two main
cases ; and I will take first the case of steady straiuj or
case a. This insulated sheet of tin plate is supported
horizontally a foot or two above another plate lying on
the table, and it is electrified by a Wimshurst machine.
It represents a charged cloud hovering over the land, the
lower plate representing the earth. Between the two I
can erect buildings, and lightning conductors terminated
in various ways. The typical terminals which I will here
use to illustrate the conditions are four — viz., a large
knob, or, as I shall call it, a " dome " ; a small knob,
which I shall call "knob"; a sharp point; and a gas
flame, to represent a chimney or other furnace current of
rarefied air. Putting the knob and the dome between
the plates, we find the knob struck by preference, even
though the dome stands at a much higher elevation.
Introducing the point, we find it protects both, by a
silent discharge, until it is lowered very considerably ;
and that then several points may protect when one does
not. Eeplacing the point by the flame, we find that it
protects too, but not so efficiently as the point, and that
it gets curiously beaten down and darkened in the act of
protection. The point is not struck by a noisy flash
until it is raised pretty close to the upper plate, when it
is struck ; but a bunch of points is even then not easily
struck, sometimes continuing to discharge with a con-
stant fizz right up almost into the cloud.
' These experiments were shown with a splendid machine most
lihidly brought over and erected for the purpose by J^lr. Wimshurst
5. Try the effect of a bad earth or other very high
resistance interposed in the path of the conductor, say a
capillary water tube or a bit of wet rag or a wet string.
The violence of the spark is greatly lessened, and the
sound is now gentle, but that which was struck before is
still struck ; resistance, so long as it be something short
of infinite, makes no difference to the ease with which a
given object is struck under the circumstances of this
case a. Insert the wet rag in patK terminated by point,
and it still protects, practically as well as before. Insert
it in path terminated by knob, and it gets struck at the
same elevation as before.
The fact is that the path of the disruptive discharge
is all negotiated and pre-arranged in the air above,
especially on the surface of any small conductor reared
into this space, and the resistance which the flash may
ultimately have to meet with in its passage to earth is a
thing of subsequent consideration.
6. So much for the conditions attending case a, the
steady strain. Now attend to case h, the impulsive rush.
We shall find everything very different.
Alter the connection so that a charged Leyden jar
must, when it discharges, discharge direct into the upper
insulated tin plate, and thence overflow to the ground if
it is able to raise the potential high enough. If the
plate is too far above ground for a flash to occur, the
Leyden jar does not completely discharge ; it only pro-
duces a number of fizzes and spits, and the greater part
of its charge remains in it. But when the upper plate
is within sparking distance of the ground (and the
sparking distance under these circumstances is sur-
prisingly great by reason of the impetus with which the
electricity rushes into the top plate) , then the jar dis-
charges completely, and we have a violent crack both
between the knobs of its discharger and in the air gap
between the two plates, which is iu the path of the dis-
charge ; the arrangement being really two condensers in
series, but only one charged (Figs. 23 and 24) .
The only object of the Leyden jar in case a is to give
more body to the flash. In case h the Leyden jar, or its
equivalent capacity, is essential (Figs. 25, 26, and 27 are
varieties of case h) .
7. Putting the dome and the knob between the plates
arranged as in case b, we find that one gets struck as
Fig. 23. Case 61.
easily as the other ; the knob has now no advantage :
whichever is the higher, that gets struck, without refe-
rence to other considerations. Introducing the point
also, we find precisely the same is true for it ; its pro-
tective virtue, so much insisted on by the older elec-
tricians, is entirely non-existent. It gets struck no more
easily, and no less easily, than the dome, and it gets
struck by a flash of precisely the same noisy character as
the others get struck with. A bunch of points acts in
exactly the same way. A comb of 24 needle-points pro-
tects nothing J and gets struck just the same as anything
8. Now introduce the flame, and one notices a marked
diflerence. In case a it protected less well than the
point, but it was not struck noisily any more than the
point was. In the present case it gets struck with
violence, and it gets struck much more easily than any-
thing else. Adjust dome and knob and point at about
the same level, and they get struck, one or other, at
random. Adjust the flame a great deal lower, and it
Fig. 24. Case 61.
protects them all, not by silent discharge, but by getting
struck itself instead.
" Protection," however, is in this case not the word
to use. The flame better represents a chimney requir-
ing protection, while the point corresponds to the pointed
terminal of a lightning conductor raised a good deal
higher with the intention of protecting it. Protect it
it does not, however ; the flash strikes down the column
of hot air and through the flame, while it avoids the more
lofty pointed terminal altogether.
Bring a point or a knob, or anything, into the column
of hot air above the flame : then it gets struck easily
enough, and protects the flame, but not if it is on one
side of the hot-air column. The experiment has an
obvious moral in relation to the protection of chimneys :
It suggests that the Continental plan of a bar or arch
across the mouth of the chimney (Plate XIV.) may after
all be justified.
Kg. 2.5. Case 62.
9. Try the effect of resistance in the path of the dis-
charger now, and we find it is altogether different to what
it was in case a.
In case & things get struck according to their height
independen tof the shape of their terminals, but not inde-
pendent of their resistances.
fails o be struck ; it is not struck, and it fails to protect
tJ. ifi'^l T 7^ f'""'^' ^"^" *^°"^^ ^* be reared up
m It touches the top plate. The top plate need not there "
foie be insulated at all carefully for this case h experiment
Imitation of Lightning.
10. Now let us modify case b by making the top plate
a sieve full of water, so as to get the flashes in a shower
of rain. One cannot well try case 1 in a rain shower :
the plate would be discharged too rapidly and con-
tinuously by the water-drops for its potential to fully
rise. But in case 2 the top plate is not necessarily
Fig. 26. Case 62.
charged at all until the rush comes, and so the rain
shower does no harm.
Mashes in the rain can be got of surprising length
and shape, for they make use of the water-drops as step-
ping-stones. By adding salt to the water they become
longer still, but there is no need thus to improve its con-
ductivity for what I want to show.
Notice how the flash contorts itself, taking sometimes
extraordinary paths as it jumps from drop to drop, but
yet exhibiting its instantaneous character by showing the
, drops as stationary in its illumination.
11. Remove the things standing on earth-plate just
beyond fair striking distance, and what do we see ? Ap-
pearances precisely like those which are observed in
many lightning photographs.
A crowd of violet discharges fill the rainy air — forks,
and branch and multiple flashes, not very bright or very
noisy, but extraordinarily numerous, and striking on in-
numerable places at once. A rot is set up in this air
Fig. 27. Case 62.
at every attempt of the jar to discharge, exactly as hap-
pens in one of the most striking of the photographs
belonging to the Royal Meteorological Society.
Masts and spars and deck and ocean may be simul-
taneously struck by these interesting flashes ; and,
though they do not here appear very violent, yet I
expect that on a larger scale of Nature they are not very
safe, and may easily have a heating effect sufficient to
ignite bodies. These experimental ones are able to ignite
gas in the midst of the rain.
12. While we have this arrangement at work we may
as well try an interesting little experiment on what hap-
pens when lightning reaches water. The rain water has
here been collected in a zinc tray some three inches deep,
and by bringing a knob from the top plate, some six
inches or so above the water, a flash strikes it. It pre-
fers to strike anything metallic if it can, but if there ia
nothing else within reach, it will strike the water. On
reaching the water the flash forks out and ramifies in all
directions in a crow-foot pattern, giving the same sort
of appearance, only coarser, as that obtained by Mr.
J. Brown by taking sparks on to a photographic dry plate
and then developing.
Bring the knob nearer and nearer, the same thing
happens, until the water is touched by the knob, and
even after it is submerged. But as soon as the metallic
conductor is submerged the ramifications get less and
less vigorous, and when a sufficient surface is immersed
they cease. I have never seen these ramifications spread
of themselves helow the surface of the water. They
appear to me to keep entirely to the surface. But I have
not yet finished investigating these appearances.
13. Immersing a half- fall beaker in the water, sparks
can be got to the water inside it, though they prefer to
curl round and go outside. The noise the sparks make
when they go inside is a curious one, and sounds as if
the glass cracked each time, but it does not. If the glass
is moist, a brush cascade round its edge can be seen in
the dark. If it be dry, the water inside gets charged,
and fizzes audibly back to the knob for a second or so
after the spark has ceased, a dimple being visible in the
water below the knob.
14 Live things in the struck water — worms, flies,
fish, etc, — will most certainly get struck ; but so they
do under far less violent disturbances than what they
would here be subject to. There is nothing surprising
in the fish of a pond or lake being killed by a flash of
lightning ; and it has often happened.
When H.M.S. "Conway" was struck many years ago,
and protected by its lightning conductors^ it is related
that the sea-water was seen to be luminous on all
sides of the ship. This is exactly the effect I now
15. There is one more experiment on discharge in
water which I have just tried, and which it is interesting
to show. I take a pointed rod, and, protecting it by a
glass tube, immerse its point under water in a beaker
containing a plate connected to the other coat of the jar,
and pass a spark. With the point negative, there is a
bright glow region round it every time, but the discharge
is quiet. With the point positive, the flash is of a
dazzling white, and is accompanied by a great deal of
noise and violence, threatening to smash the Leyden jar,
and throwing down the copper plate towards the bottom
of the beaker with fury.
Oscillatory Character of Lightning.
16. Before leaving the outdoor department of our sub-
ject I must say a few words on one branch of it concern-
ing which there is evidently considerable uncertainty and
haziness abroad — I mean the oscillatory character of a
lightning flash.
That a Leyden jar discharge is usually oscillatory must
now be regarded as so extravagantly proved that any
doubts that may have existed on the subject must surely
by this time be cleared away, at least for the case where
the discharge has to utilize a wire circuit. But perhaps
it is still doubted for the case when a jar overflows its
edgOj or, still more, when it merely sparks through its
own dielectric, straight between the coatings.
Now, as I have insisted all along, a lightning flash is
a spark through the dielectric of a jar whose two coatings
are either two clouds, or else cloud and earth. Hence,
if any importance is attached to the fact (as I believe it)
that lightning flashes are oscillatory, it is necessary to
prove it for a Leyden jar spai'king direct between its
coatings, especially when the coatings are not very close
17. The reason I do attach importance to the oscilla-
tory character of a discharge is because I have worked
out the quantitative behaviour of conductors on that
aspect of the matter ; and though, as Professor Fitz-
gerald said at Bath, everything would hold just as well
for a single oscillation — viz., one violent rise and decay
of current (which without any doubt must accompany a
lightning stroke or any other quick discharge whatever)
— if rapid enough, yet the rapidity of such a charge as
this does not seem to me probably at all sufiicient to
account for some of the effects. The rapidity of varia-
tion of current in that case would be directly connected
with the total duration of the flash ; and though we have
evidence that it is very momentary, yet we have no
evidence that it is so instantaneous (say a millionth of a
second) as the semi-period of one of the oscillations may
be, a dozen or more of which may accompany an entire
flash. However, I admit, of course, that all I want is a
tremendously rapid variation of current ; and if I can be
given this by one oscillation, the rest are unnecessary,
and may be dispensed with.
18. When I speak of the oscillatory character of a
flash, let it be understood once for all that I do not mean
in the least such a thing as can be analyzed by waggling
the head. Plashes analyzable by waggling the head
must be multiple ones, and the interval of time between
their constituents (which may be, say, the fiftieth of
a second or thereabouts) is a long period compared
with that of an oscillation such as I mean, bearing the
same ratio to it as a quarter of a century bears to an
19. A direct experimental proof that lightning is
oscillatory will be obtained when photographs of it are
taken on a sensitive plate revolving 1,000 times a second.
Something short of that speed would cause the image of
the flash to blur, but that speed might be suflBcient to
analyze out the oscillations, when examined carefully
with a magnifier, the focussing being good.
Till then the easiest proof that it is oscillatory is a
theoretical one, and it can be put in a few words.
20. Consider an air condenser with two coatings, each
of area A, separated by the distance h, and let it burst
its dielectric. It is well known that the discharge is
oscillatory when the whole resistance met with by the
discharge is anything less than a critical value.
i?n =
Now, attending only to the straight part of the dis-
charge, and ignoring the current rushing up in the plates
to the spark path, the self-induction of a straight con-
ductor of length h and sectional radius a is very approxi-
L IT 2|u7i. log
The capacity of the discharged condenser is
Hence the critical resistance which must not be ex-
ceeded is given by
,, 2 327r<*P , 4ip among the wires during a thunder-
storm, and the reply was that there was no storm at Shrewsbury,
it being a mild and calm evening, but I learned that there was a
heavy thunderstorm at Hereford at the time, and that the current,
which was ultimately the cause of the man's death, was carried from
Hereford to Shrewsbury, a distance of fifty miles, by the line-wire —
"No. 8 galvanized iron. On another occasion, at Reading, a No.
4 gauge galvanized iron wire was fused (and that is the only
case where I have known of a No. 4 wire having been fused),
and the No. IG copper wires, covered gutta percha, aftinhed to
the alphabetical step-by-step machine worked two or
three letters forward by atmospheric electricity of some
kind on a wire between his place and Sir Charles Wheat-
Mr. Byershed's observations on clouds go to support
the conclusion that the well-known " return stroke," and
such like observations, prove the conducting nature of
clouds — of some clouds at any rate.
He is quite right in pointing out that all oscillatory
character is liable to be wiped out of a discharge which
has had to travel a great length of thin wire, and that
the finding of a quiet tail of current leaking away in
some obscure corner of a telegraph office is no criterion
as to the vigour or character of the main flash whence
it arose.
When Major Cardew says with respect to No. 30 :
" We all know there are millions of volts," my point is
misapprehended. It is familiar that there are millions
of volts between cloud and earth ; it is not familiar that
there may be millions of volts between the top of a well-
earthed and stout copper lightning conductor and the
earth. When Major Cardew says that a conductor of small
it were melted, and the gutta percha ran over the ends and sealed
"I should like to ask whether a flash of lightning has been proved
to be oscillatory. From what Professor Hughes stated to-night it
does not appear to be so. Mr. Preece gave several examples, one
showing that the action of a flash upon a polarized relay was a con-
tinuous line on the printing instrument, therefore it does not look as
if it were oscillatory. . I have several times tried with hand magneto
machines to test the currents they give with a galvanometer, but
could get scarcely any motion of the needle ; and the faster I turned
the less was the motion. Therefore, I think, if lightning is oscOla-
tory the polarized relay would have either caused a dotted line, or, if
the vibrations were so rapid as to prevent the tongue not touching
the contact pins, no mark would have been made."
impedance is desirable^ everyone must agree with him ;
but when he goes on to state that such a conductor is
obtained by following the rules of the Lightning Eod
Conference (or any other rules for that matter), it is
necessary to disagree with him. The impedance could
not be considered in any sense "small," even if a column
of pure copper, a foot in diameter, was employed. The
impedance of such a column, 100 metres high, to a
current of frequency one million per second, is nearly
900 ohms.
The experience which Colonel Bucknill has had in
connection with the War Office conductors, and the
attention he has for many years given to the protection
of powder magazines, render his practical remarks very
weighty. I regret they are at present so brief.^
' I am permitted to quote his draft rules for Army ligUtuiiig
conductors in an appendix.
His remarks at the meeting were as follows :
" Lieut.-Col. J. T. Bucknill, late R.K. : This is the most in-
teresting and suggestive paper I have ever read on the subject of
lightning and lightning rods.
" Section 5 is very important, as it seems to indicate that ' the
violence of the spark is lessened ' by an increase of ohmic resistance
in the conductor, but that the conductor gathers the stroke as
effectively, so far as striking or sparking distance is concerned, as
with a much lower ohmic resistance.
" That present practice gives conductors a much higher conduc-
tivity than is absolutely necessaiy has been held before. Thus,
Mr. R. S. Brough, in a communication to the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, February, 1877, gave scientific reasons in harmony with
the more convincing arguments and mathematics now published
by Professor Lodge ; and I myself suggested in 1881, to a War
Office authority, that a large telegraph wire will always carry off a
stroke of lightning innocuously.
" The cloud to cloud, or condensers in series action, has been
ably examined by the lecturer, but the possibility of subterraneous
condensers in series acting similarly is not suggested, and this
appears to me to be a more probable explanation of the phenomena
And now I come to the remarks of the President him-
self. There is one point — that with reference to article 56
— where I wish to explain my meaning more fully.
My statement runs, " Plat ribbon has a slight advan-
noted in the Tanfield Moor Colliery than the one given on p. 237
Lightning Rod Conference, and adopted by the lecturer (see
section 46).
" The coal strata separated by strata of very low conducting
power and connected by the galleries, shafts, and winding-gear,
and tramways of the mine, would spark from one to the other
through these imperfect connections.
'' And this leads to a very important mattcx-, which I think has
not received sufficient attention from Dr. Lodge, viz., the position
of the main induced terrestrial charge. Where water and gas
pipes exist, I believe that they become highly charged by induc-
tion before the flash, and that the flash follows the route of
minimum impedance that exists between the charged cloud and
the earth system of conductors which is inductively charged. It
is therefore useless to provide " a good earth independent of the
water and gas pipes," as proposed in section 59 ; on the contrary, it
would evidently be preferable to connect the highest portions of the
water and gas supply pipes to the conductors, and thus get to the
induced charge by the shortest route.
" I am convinced that this word shortest is one that should never
be lost sight of in lightning-rod practice. For similar reasons I
would add the words, hut where they cannot be avoided they should be
connected, to section 63, as disruptive is far more dangerous than
conductive discharge; and I am utterly sceptical as to a flash
melting even a small gas-pipe, or igniting the gas, except by disrup-
tive discharge. Hence, large cast-iron gas-pipes with oakum
packing at the sockets are more dangerous conductors than small
gas-pipes with threaded connections.
" I should like to ask the Professor how he would deal with the
great mass of metal now frequently stored in magazines — (a) by
metal powder cases, which have replaced powder barrels ; (b) by
live shell in the expense magazines.
" Would he connect them ? I say No.
" With reference to section 65. There are notable exceptions —
tall rods being absolutely necessary over powder mills, petroleum
oil wells, etc."
tage over round rod^ but not enough to override ques-
tions of convenience."^ Now it is of course perfectly
true that extent of surface diminishes impedancej that
' The following are Sir William Thomson's remarks :
" The President : I think we must now consider the discussion
as closed. I am quite sure we all agree that Dr. Lodge has done
exceedingly good service in having raised the question in the man-
ner in which he has raised it, and in having brought into the discus-
sion of the theory and pi-actice of lightning conductors some very
important scientific principles that had not been fuUy taken into
account by those who preceded him in the subject. I think we all
admit that the principle of self-induction had not been sufficiently
taken into account in connection with the theory of lightnmg con-
ductors and practical rules for safety in their use. I do not know
whether Franklin had any consciousness whatever that there was
such a question as the mutual influence of currents in neighbouring
conductors, or in different parts of one conductor, in respect to the
tacility afforded for carrying away the electricity by the conductors.
It is quite clear that Snow Harris had some correct views on the
subject: we must not accept all his views of electricity as correct:
but many of us must now feel that in some respects in which we
thought him wrong — in which, forty years ago, I, among many others,
thought him wrong — he was quite right. There is one thing in
Dr. Lodge's summary of results (article 56) that I confess I cannot
understand at all : ' the shape of the cross-section is not of much
importance.' This seems to be altogether at variance with his own
teaching on the subject. Snow Harris thought a great deal of sur-
face and shape of cross-section. In speaking on the subject at the
British Association at Bath, I referred to the lightning conductor set
up fifty years ago on the tower of the old Glasgow University
buildings, under the recommendation of Snow Harris. It was a
large tube of copper, and I well remember being taught to consider
that that had been a mistake, and that the same quantity of copper
in a solid rod or a wire rope would have been cheaper and just
equally effective. We then thought Snow Harris wrong, and I
believe that Faraday himself did not perceive that Snow Harris was
right in that matter. We now know that he was right, and that spread-
ing copper over a wide area is even better than rolling it up the
same breadth in the form of a tube. A sheet of copper, we now
know, constitutes a conductive path for the discharge from a light-
ning stroke much less impeded by self-induction than the same
Snow Harris's hollow tubes were better than Faraday's
solid rodsj and that if only one single stout conductor is
to be used, then tape is distinctly its best, as indeed it is
then also its most convenient, form. But I wished to obtain
quantity of copper in a more condensed foi-m, whether tubular or
" Now, as to the ' practical questions ' put forth by Dr. Lodge, I
think there are some valuable suggestions. No. 72 seems to me im-
portant : ' The cheapest way of protecting an ordinary house is to run
common galvanized iron telegraph wire up all the corners, along all
the ridges and eaves, and over all the chimneys, taking them down
to the earth in several places, and at each place burying a load of
coke.' The burying of the load of coke is the heaviest part of the
business, but the multiplying the mains by connecting a large
number of comparatively small wires instead of one close conductor
does seem to me an important practical suggestion. On the other
hand, he says it is no use connecting them to water-pipes. That I
cannot agree with at all. On the contrary, I would take these gal-
vanized iron wires described by Dr. Lodge, and the more of them
the better, down all the corners and wherever you can get them, and
connect every one of them to a water-pipe. I would far rather do
that than to a load of coke, it is more easily done ; and I think that
that is the best way of doing it for the protection of an ordinary
dwelling-house having water supplied to it in many-branched metal
pipes. An ordinary house can, I believe, be made exceedingly safe
by the water-pipes.
" ' Connecting a lead roof or other such expanse with a lightning
conductor is not an unmixed good, for it virtually increases the dan-
gerous proximity of the lightning conductor.' Well, I would say
I'onnect all pieces of metal to each other, and to the earth if you can,
but if yon cannot connect each of them to an earth, connect them to
the lightning conductor, and give it a good earth. I think, on the
whole, that the spark coming from a lightning conductor is not one
of the main sources of danger, although there is no doubt that Dr.
Lodge is perfectly right in saying that there is a liability that it may
light gas or other combustible substance. There is no doubt what-
ever but that the more completely the house can be caged in the
better ; and for powder magazines I believe that it is perfectly true
what Dr. Lodge says (and what I have said myself), that the way
to make a powder magazine perfectly safe is to completely enclose
small self-induction by splitting up the conductor into
detached portions, making each portion fairly thin. For
these small conductors also, no doubt ribbon is electri-
cally better than wire. But will it last as long ? Is iron
it in iron. Make a complete iron house of a powder magazine : line
the floors with wood or soft material to prevent ignition of stray
powder by persons walking on the floor ; but let a powder magazine
be an iron building with an iron floor and then you do not need an
earth. The powder should be kept well in, far enough from iron
walls, floor, and roof, that no etheric spark can ignite it. AVhether
on a granite rock or in a swamp it would be equally safe : the need
for the earth is absolutely done away with if the magazine is com-
pletely enclosed by metal. In that case I suppose iron would be the
best metal, although it would be rash to say, seeing how very difli-
cult is the subject of the impulsive current in iron. Bemembering
Professor Hughes' experiments and illustrations, and the mathe-
matical theory worked out so magnificently by Ileaviside, we are not
allowed to overlook the impedance due to the magnetization of the
iron itself under the influence of a sudden current. I may be wrong
in this, but my impression is that this very impedance would help to
make the interior of an iron shell freer from electric disturbance
than it would be with a mass of equal conductivity of copper, or
other metal having equal conductivity.
"The subject is so tremendously interesting that I do hope this
is only the beginning of it, and that we shall have a great deal more
of it. Colonel Armstrong spoke of the ignition of ammunition
completely encased in metal. I hope he will experiment in that
direction. The metal was not soldered all round I presume."
" Lieut.-Col. Armstrong : I think it was. The ammunition is
made damp proof, and therefore the case must be complete all
" The President : I hope that Colonel Armstrong will be able to
take up the matter experimentally as a scientific question ; to see,
for instance, if thin steel instead of copper would make any diffe-
rence. Besides that, I think that on a lax-ger scale something should
be done. We all know how Faraday made himself a cage, six feet
in diameter, hung it up in mid-air in the theatre of the Boyal Insti-
tution, went into it, and, as he said, lived in it and made experiments.
It was a cage with tinfoil hanging all I'onnd it ; it was not a complete
metallic enclosing shell. Faraday had a powerful machine working
TAPE V. ROD. 231
ribbon easy to obtain ? So long as common galvanized-
iron telegraph wire is so easy to procurej it seemed a pity
to insist on any other shape of cross-sectionj especially
since a ribbon of corresponding cross-section would have
in the neighbourhood, giving all varieties of gradual working up and
discharges by ' impulsive rush ' ; and whether it was a sudden dis-
charge of ordinary insulated conductors, or of Leyden jars in the
neighbourhood outside the cage, or electrification and discharge of
the cage itself, he saw no effects on his most delicate gold leaf elec-
troscopes in the interior. His attention was not directed to look for
Hertz spai-ks, or probably he might have found them in the interior.
Edison seems to have noticed something of the kind in what he
called the etheric force. His name ' etheric ' may, thirteen years
ago, have seemed to many people absurd. But now we are all
beginning to call these inductive phenomena ' etheric'
" I cannot sit down without expressing in the name of the Institu-
tion our most cordial thanks to Dr. Lodge for having taken all the
trouble he took to bring this subject before us, with the beautifiil
experiments he has shown, and for having stimulated so many minds,
whether to defend or oppose his views. I am sure you must all feel
grateful to Mr. Wimshurst also for the potent assistance he gave to
Dr. Lodge to prove his case, and for the potent application of his
splendid apparatus this evening to further illustrate and to criticise
some parts of Dr. Lodge's case. The discussion has been sometimes
warm, and has been carried on with a considerable degree of humour ;
but I am perfectly sure that we all feel exceedingly obliged, not only
to Dr. Lodge, but to all who have spoken on the subject, whether
they have attacked Dr. Lodge wholly, or agreed with him wholly or
in part. He has pointed out some tla^^'S in the Lightning Rod Con-
ference Report, but I do think that this book continues practi-
cally to hold the field, by its practical rules and recommendations for
the rendering of buildings and telegraphic apparatus safe against
lightning. We may admit the validity of some, or perhaps even of
all his criticisms of the orthodox dogma. We must admire the
vigour of his attack ; and in the brilliancy of his own exposition we
cannot but see much that is instructive and suggestive.
" But, after all, tlie conclusions adopted by the Lightning Kod Con-
ference do afford us very strong reason to feel that there is a very
comfortable degree of security, if not of absolute safety, given to
us by lightning conductors made according to the present and
to be so thin as to be very liable to rust away. All this
I had in my mind in writing section 56. I had so fre-
quently insisted on the advantage of large surface in my
theoretical papers, that I thought it permissible to throw
it over in the practical portion for solely practical reasons,
i.e., because to insist on it to the bitter end seemed to
entail trouble and expense.
But, it may be objected, why then did I say that tape
had only a slight advantage over rod ? Well, it is a
matter of arithmetic to reckon how much better a given
tape is than a given rod. If I make no mistake this is
the result.
The self-induction of a rod of sectional radius, r, is to
that of a strip of breadth, h, both being of same length, I,
very nearly in the ratio
log 2 1 — log r — 1
log 21— log i 6^1 '
the currents in each case being of such rapid frequency as
to keep to the outer surface.
Now, unless the rods are very short, or unless the
breadth of the tape is enormous — its thinness being like-
wise excessive, if it is to consist of the same amount of
metal as the rod — this ratio is not much greater than
unity ; and the same will be the ratio of their impedances.
Similarly the difference between hollow tube and solid
rod is not of any great practical moment in lightning-rod
With far lower frequencies, such as 100 per second,
ORTHODOX rules as actually laid clown in this book. I am quite
sure that the authors of this book will be exceedingly glad to modify
their views in any practical way whatever, when cause is shown
and proof given that such modification will improve the practical
when frictional or dissipation resistance is the important
part of total impedancOj and when currents penetrate a
certain depth into the substance of a conductor, it is an
altogether different matter, and the advantage of tube or
plate over rod is then enormous ; as Sir William Thomson
has so thoroughly brought home to everybody.
Suppose, as rather an extreme case, the ratio of self-
inductions for tape and rod were as great as 2, then the
tape would have half the impedance of the rod for currents
of the same frequency. Such a case I have experimented
on j but I should not like to insist even then on the use
of the tape in preference to the rod, if there were serious
practical objections on the score of cost, unsightliness,
want of durability, etc., to be made against it.
If there are no such objections, then tape by all means,
and the thinner and broader the better. '^
It may be just borne in mind that decreasing the self-
induction goes to increase the irequency, and hence that
if ever the conductor forms a large portion of the entire
path of discharge, the advantage of reducing its inertia
is still less marked, for the impedance depends only on
the square root of L in that case.
The President misunderstands me in one place, where
he thinks I have said that it is no use connecting con-
ductors to water-mains. I do not know whence this
misunderstanding can have arisen ; possibly from section
59, where I say, "A good and deep earth should in
general be provided, independent of water and gas mains."
This may not be perfectly clear, but my meaning was as
follows :
Have at least one independent earth, made by a well
or other suitable means, in addition to water-main
• See Chap. XXI,
connections. In other words, do not depend solely on
water-main connections.
Probably this is a counsel of perfection for the case of
ordinary dwelling-houses, but for an important building
I think it may be wise, for these reasons. Mains are
near the surface, and in some weathers the soil near them
may have become dry. Also they ramify into the house
and into other people's houses, and will therefore conduct
any violent charge communicated to them partly into
these places, where, by a branch flash to a gas-pipe,
damage may be done and gas ignited.
I have shown that well-earthed mains can thus give
off unexpected sparks at a fair distance, even when only
a Leyden jar discharge is run into them ; hence I feel
sure that some cases of damage result from lightning
being thus brought underground into houses.^
Having a good independent earth in addition to water-
mains is not indeed a security against this source of
danger, but it is a step towards it. I do not propose to
avoid the mains altogether, because in so many places it
is not practicable. Whether you connect to them or not,
the lightning will go to them if it chooses, unless they
are far away ; and it is better to give it an easy path
rather than let it fly through air or soil, and knock, or
melt, or burn a hole in them. It may sound absurd to
talk of lightning knocking a hole ; but the concussion
' In the basement lavatory of the hall, 25, Great George Street,
the porter noticed the gas and water pipes sparking loudly into
each other during the course of my experiments, and the same thing
is often noticed at Liverpool, even when neither gas or water mains
are being used as earth. If either system is used as earth the sparks
are stronger. It should be remembered in repetitious of these expe-
liments that risk of fire growing from an unnoticed gas-leak ignited
by one of these sparks is not negligible ; and suitable precautions
sho\dd be taken.
of air is so great as to produce all the efifects of an explo-
sion. I entirely agree with Colonel Bucknillj that
damage is most usually done wherever an air-gap is
jumped. I think compo pipes are mostly melted where
a flash jumps to or from them than where it simply
passes along them.
With reference to the load of coke, I was under the
impression that it was cheap and easy. It is not novel,
and there are dozens of other well-known plans, if any
are handier.
Lastly, I come to the most interesting topic of all —
the cartridges exploded in metal cases mentioned by
Colonel Armstrong (always provided that they were not
merely ignited by heat), and the President's remarks
Experiments on the effect of screens have gone on at
intervals for some time in my laboratory. We can sus-
pend a little electrometer-like needle, charged positive at
one end and negative at the other, inside a tinfoil-coated
glass box, and can deflect it by moving towards it a
charged ebonite rod. But in order to succeed, the lid
of the box must be so put on that a Leclanche cell shall
not be able to ring a bell by conduction along the box.
In other words, there must be a breach of continuity,
or at least a very high resistance in the circuit. So soon
as a Leclanche cm'rent can pass, no practicable motion of
the ebonite rod can disturb the needle in the slightest
degree. But there must be some limit to this. A
stronger charge moved more quickly might do some-
thing, so we have taken to firing charged bullets out of
a miniature cannon towards the box ; or more simply, to
give the case sudden sparks. But not a wink does the
needle show. That only means that the tinfoil coating is
too thick. We are going on to gold leaf, or a silver
film, and so gradually thinning down till an efifect is
obtained. An effect must be forthcoming with a thin
enough conductor, because one can go by gradual
degrees to none at all. Liquid screens can, of course,
also be employed, and probably quite a decent thickness
of these will be fairly transparent. I would suggest,
principally by way of query, that the action will be as
follows :
Let the resistance of a metal box to a current along it
be Ti, then when a steady current (0) flows, a difference
of potential (JB G) will exist between its ends, whence
electrostatic lines of force will radiate both inside and
outside, and an electrometer needle inside will feel them.
Now, instead of passing a current through the box, move
an electrostatic charge, Q, with velocity, v, towards it.
An electric displacement occurs which results in a
momentary current, proportional to Q v, in the metal
walls of the box, and to a slope of potential some speci-
fiable fraction oi R Qv which the needle may feel.
When a spark strikes the box, a momentary current
similarly exists in its coating.
Now, if the momentary current has no time to pene-
trate the entire thickness of the metal so as to flow in its
innermost layers, then none of the slope of potential due
to it can be felt inside the box, though outside it would
be mixed up with the much greater direct action of the
electrostatic charge. But if the covering is thin enough
for some portion of the current to travel by its innermost
layer, then an electrostatic disturbance will occur inside,
which the needle, or a frog's leg, or a vacuum tube, or a
microscopic spark gap, may be competent to feel. I may
say, however, that frogs' legs do not appear very sensi-
tive to this class of effects. A zinc copper contact dis-
turbs them vastly more.
Now, if the metal be iroiij tlie depth to which the
transient currents penetrate is very much less than it is
in the case of non-magnetic metals ; hence a superficial
layer, thick enough to make an effective screen if made
of iron, might be a very imperfect screen if made of any
non-magnetic metal. On the other hand, the resistance
of iron is so immensely greater than that of non-mag-
netic metals to these transient currents, that if the layer
were thin enough to permit an effect to be appreciated
at all, the slope of potential to be felt might be greater
than with copper, or even with tin or lead.^
And now with respect to the " Practical Suggestions,"
which I provisionally made at the end of my paper in
order that they might receive the benefit of criticism ;
and between which and the main body of the paper I
have always drawn a clear distinction. Several have
been criticised, and some have been shaken. May I
quickly run over the list (p. 206), indicating those which
I still strongly uphold and those which I regard as
doubtful ?
Nos. 51, 62, and 53, 1 suppose Mr. Symons would say,
are " reprinted from the Lightning Rod Conference."
They have, certainly, a fine ancient flavour of orthodoxy
about them. But he would not have me throw over
everything, both bad and good ! They seem to me good.
Nos. 54 and 55 I strongly uphold.
No. 56 I have indicated my reasons for provisionally
No. 57 I regard as very important, especially its latter
sentence. It is just one of the points wherein the rules
of the future will differ from the rules of the past.
Nos. 59, 60, 61, 62 are very much open to discussion.
' See "Philosophical Magazine" for June, 1889. " Eleotro-
statiu field produced by varying magnetic induction."
Nos. 63 and 64, 1 think, are sound. But very likely
Colonel Bucknill's addition to 63 is an improvement.
No. 65 is very doubtful. There are, as Colonel Buck-
nill points out, very serious exceptions to it, even if it
can ever be regarded as a rule.
Nos. 66 and 67 are sound, I think.
No. 68 is a fact.
No. 69 is a counsel of perfection: intended for powder
magazines, not for dwelling-houses. Sir W. Thomson
said it, or something like it, at Bath. It must be remem-
bered, however, that " gasometers " are damaged when
struck, according to reports in newspapers.
Nos. 70 and 71 are very doubtful. I throw them out
as suggestions which experience must settle.
No. 72 is, I think, all right, but after the words " a
load of coke " one may add, or any of the well-hnown
earth contact arrangements.
No. 73 has been wholesomely criticised. I think I
am safe in still saying " it is not an unmixed good." But
very likely the gain outweighs the loss. In fact, I have
in the Mann lectures advocated the proceeding as good
on the whole.
No. 74 I should be glad to be able to omit, but see no
present chance of it.
Nos. 75 and 76 have been well criticised. I quite
feel the force of the criticisms, and am glad to take
refuge in No. 74. At the same time a righteous substi-
tute for No. 76, if it be wrong, is very desirable. The
middle part of No. 76 (a chimney with inside metal
shaft not reaching to the top) is a frequent and very
difficult case. It embodies the advice which at present,
for want of better, I give. Boiler firemen, engine
tenders, and dynamos, would be apt to be damaged, I
fear, if contrary advice were followed.
No. 77 is, I think, generally true, for such things as
rain-water conduits under eaves, for picture-rods, etc. ;
not, of course, for a miscellaneous collection of metal
No. 78 is, I think, right, if not too troublesome in
practice. A crown of long points leaning well over into
the smoke may do as well.
No. 79 probably belongs to Mr. Symons and the
Lightning Rod Conference.
Nos. 80, 81, 82, 83 are intended to apply only to
desperately important places : dynamite factories, petro-
leum tanks, and such like. They are of course perfectly
open to criticism.
No. 84 is correct.
Nos. 85, 86, 87 are hints towards more elaborate
methods of testing than the out-of-date plan at present
in use. I call it out of date because it is based upon
the untruth of No. 67, and upon entire ignorance (very
natural a few years back) of the great obstruction offered
by good conductors. It is better than no testing at all,
but it is extremely inadequate, in that it detects only one,
and that a comparatively unimportant, kind of flaw.
Nos. 88, 89, 90, 91 have to do with lightning "pro-
tectors," and, I suppose, are orthodox and indubitable.
Cons [DEE a couple of jars connected to the terminals of a
machine by their inner coats and to a wire circuit by their
outer coats (Fig. 1, p. 33, or Fig. 29).
They form an ordinary circuit with a capacity inserted
equal to the semi-harmonic mean of the two jars sepa-
rately, and an air gap of adjustable width at A ; and the
maximum difference of potential producible in it is
determined by the distance of the A knobs. When
the discharge occurs, a current flows of course equally
round the whole circuit, but the peculiarity is that up to
the instant of discharge the B portion of the circuit is at
a uniform potential. If a gap exists in B also, as it well
may, the terminals of the gap may likewise be at the
same potential up to the instant when the rush occurs.
The discharge will, as usual, be oscillatory unless the
resistance of the whole circuit be too great; and the
period of oscillation will be approximately 27r^{Ij8),
where 8 is the capacity of the two jars in series.
Now number the coatings of the two jars as shown in
the diagram (Fig. 29), and write down their electrical
condition before and during the discharge spark at A :
Before discharge
Plate 1.
Plate 2.
Plate 3.
Plate 4.
+ Q
+ v
+ Q
After 1^ period
+ v
After ^ period
+ Q
+ v
+ Q
After ■; period
+ v
After a whole period ....
+ Q
+ v
- V
+ Q
and so on, with gradual damping (the damping being
omitted in the table for simplicity) .
Thus, then, between the ends of |
the B wire exists at regular in-
tervals ahnost the whole difference
of potential which is able to jump
the air gap at A . Strictly speaking,
the difference of potential is rather
less than that corresponding to the
A gap, thus :
The equation to the current at
any instant is accurately
■ — t
G —
where V„ is the initial difference of potential correspond-
ing to the A spark, and where
p=: 1(1-^-)
Now if Li is the portion of the whole self-induction
which corresponds to the B length of wire (i.e., subtract-
ing from the whole L the part belonging to the A wire) ,
and if B^ is the resistance of the B wire, its impedance is
y/((jiLi)^-|-Ei^) ; and while a current, C, is flowing
through it, the difference of potential between its ends
is therefore ^{{-pL^Y+B^^) G.
Now the current flowing through attains its maximum
value one-quarter period after the 4 spark has commenced.
i.e., in a time
- ; I more exactly, in a time — tan ) j
rting this in C
strength of current, viz.
2p'\ ^' p B
and inserting this in we get the maximum possible
Hence the maximum possible difference of potential
between the ends of the B wire is
^^ v/((.A);+«,-) -g^
p L
that is, a certain fraction of V„ ; the fraction being
total impedance of B wire J damping during
inertia impedance of whole circuit [ ^ quarter period
Very often a sufficient approximation to this is
L '
and if the wires are thick and short, or non-magnetic, and
the capacity big, the damping during the first quarter of
a period is often so aaiall that merely the fraction -^ -,^11
do sufficiently well.
So then, if a supplementary pair of tapping knobs be
connected to the ends of the B wire, as shown in Pig. 30,
and if their distance be adjusted to be — of the A dis-
tance, a spark is liable to pass at these knobs.
This is what I call a B spark, and the spark gap affords
an alternative path to the B wire, or viae versa:
There is no need to tap off the
vihole of the B wire. Any portion
however small will serve, provided
the appropriate value of L^ is used.
The length of the B spark measures
the difference of potential needed to
propel the current through the por-
tion of wire which is thus tapped. J'lg- 3u.
Of course, if a 5 spark actually occurs, it introduces dis-
turbance ; the knobs should be set so that it just fails.
There is one thing not here explicitly stated, but which
has to be taken into account in calculating the value of B,
and that is the loss of energy by radiation. With small
jars and circuits this loss is very great, and it increases
the value of B enormously. See a paper of mine in the
"Philosophical Magazine" for July, 1889, or Chapter
XXIV. below. With big jars and circuits it may be safely
omitted ; the experimentally observed B spark will agree
with calculation. But with small jars, if it be omitted, the
observed 5 spark will be always less than the calculated.^
In this way a measure of the damping due to radiative
dissipation of energy can immediately be made.
' See the " Electrician " for 21st June, 1889.
The observation of Mr. .Wimshurst about the neutral
point, indicates at once that this theory also gives the
length of side-flash obtainable from the wire. Let any
part of the B wire be put to earth, or let its natural
neutral point be found, then the V calculated as above
for any other point gives the length of side-flash obtain-
able from that point to earth.
Side-flash is in fact a special case of the alternative-
path experiment. With a symmetrical wire like this,
everything insulated and the jars equally charged, the
neutral point is naturally the middle. But with a light-
ning conductor the lower end is to earth more or less
completely, hence from the actual bottom of the wire no
side-flash should be obtainable. One always will be
obtainable, however, owing to the impossibility of making
a non-resisting earth of infinite capacity. Higher up, the
length of side-flash obtainable must be its length at the
bottom plus the V corresponding to height of point tried.
The maximum side-flash is obtainable from the top of the
wire. The strength or energy of the spark depends, of
course, on the capacity of the body receiving it (if insu-
lated) ; being -^ 8V^, when V is calculated as already
said. If it be an earthed body, then the whole discharge
divides itself between the two paths, according to the
laws of divided current appropriate to these conditions.
In testing a conductor, a spark should be given to the
top, and the length of side -spark obtainable at the
bottom should be observed. All else can be calculated,
except in so far as there may be defects in the visible
portion of the rod.
If — is the frequency of current conveyed by a wire
of length I, and of ordinary resistance r, made of a sub-
stance of permeability jU, ; then its resistance to currents
of excessively high frequency is
hence the resistance of soft iron is immensely higher
than that of any non-magnetic metal.
The self-iijduction under the same circumstances is
where L^ refers solely to the space surrounding the con-
The inertia portion of the impedance is ^
' At first sight it may seem as if I were making a mistake in
having an R term in the purely inertia part of the obstruction, but it
is quite right. This term R happens to represent exactly the magneti-
zation of the substance of the wire, so far as its outer skin is
of which the first term is far the bigger at high frequen-
cies, even for iron, unless the wire is very thin.
The total impedance is
of which, again, the first term usually far eclipses the
Numerical Examples. — 1. Let the length, /, of con-
ducting rod be 10 metres, its diameter 1 centimetre, and
let it be bent into the form of a circle (if it be straight,
there will be but little difference) ; take ((* :^ 1 for copper,
or 900 for iron; specific resistance, 1,600 square centi-
metres per second for copper, or 7 times this for iron ;
and let p ^ 27r X lO** per second.
Then, whatever the substance of the conductor,
i„ =z 1 2,000 centimetres ;
while, for the ordinary resistance,
"002 ohm for copper.
•014 ohm for iron.
Hence the effective resistance is
jr, J '08 ohm for copper.
[6 "3 ohms for iron.
The inertia portion of the impedance is.
J \-n J 76'4-|- "08 zr 75"5 ohms for copper.
^ "■'" ~ t75-4-f-6-3 = 82-0 ohms for iron.
The total impedances are practically the same — viz.,
f75"5 ohms for copper.
[82'0 ohms for iron.
2. If, instead of taking a rod 10 metres long, we con-
sider a length 100 metres long, of the same thickness,
these quantities become :
io zz 162,000 centimetres.
J "02 ohm for copper.
\ "14 ohm for iron.
D I "8 ohm for copper.
\63"0 ohms for iron.
T . • , D • -\ \ ij003 ohms for copper,
inertia part or impedance i ,'__ , „ . ^^
'^ ^ [IjObo ohms lor iron.
m , 1 . T f 1,003 ohms for copper.
Total impedance -^ /„„„ , „ . ^^
^ (^1,067 ohms tor iron.
3. Lastly, for a wire 100 metres long, but 1 millimetre
in diameter, the values would be
4 = 208,000.
[ 2 ohms for copper.
I 14 ohms for iron.
J, j 8 ohms for copper.
1 630 ohms for iron.
Inertia part of impedance,
J- _ f 1310X 8 = 1,318 ohms for copper.
^ "■*■ — [1310X630 = f,940 ohms for iron.
m,,- T ri,318 ohms for copper.
Total impedance -^n' J A i ly ■
^ [2,040 ohms tor iron.
All this supposes the frequency to be determined
independently of the conductor considered, and to remain
the same ; but as the conductor increases in length it has
a tendency to decrease the frequency; and that is the
meaning of my sentence in section 28, to which Major
Cardew objects, " and of any moderate length, such as
100 yards or less (not many miles)."
I ought to say that the heiif calculated values for B
do not take into account at aw the loss of energy by
radiation. This will always, go to increase B,, often
very perceptibly, sometimes enormously. I will go into
this further in some other place.
These examples illustrate sufficiently well the com-
parative behaviour of iron and copper under well-marked
and frequently occurring conditions. I have chosen the
frequency of a million a second, because I have shown
reason for believing that it is not at all unlikely to apply
to the circumstances of lightning ; the capacity dis-
charged per flashj and the self-induction of its path,
being neither of them very big.
But while wo are about it, it is instructive and quite
easy to write down the values for some considerably
lower frequencies: not for slow frequencies such as alter-
nating machines give, the theory for them is more com-
plicated, but the simple theory will do for, say, 10,000
complete periods per second. The result will be dis-
tinctly different. No longer does inertia constitute the
whole of the obstruction for iron, though it still does for
copper ; and for iron it constitutes the largest part.
Frequency, 10,000 per second.
Re istance,
lIiiLi-fia part
I' Copper
10-metre rod 1 cm. thick \
\ Iron
I Copper
100-metre rod 1 cm. thick \
\ Iron
6 3
( Copper
100-metre wire 1 mm. thick '.
[ Iron
The depth penetrated by the current into the substance
of the wires, is definite at a given frequency — unless the
wire is too thin to leave a central margin — and is indepen-
dent of the diameter of the wire ; at least for these high
frequencies. It is easily calculated with fair approxima-
tion, thus, the sectional radius of the wire being a :
2-7rada r
the ratio of the ordinary resistance, when the current
is distributed uniformly through the section, to the
throttled resistance, when it is cramped in the periphery.
Whence da, the depth effectively penetrated by the cur-
rent, or the thickness of conductor practically made use
of, is —
For the million per second Jin copper ^^ millimetre ;
frequency [in iron ^ko >>
For the ten thousand per i in copper -^ centimetre ;
second frequency lin iron -j Jq „
It may be after all, therefore, that I am wrong in saying
that rod is anything approaching as good as tape for con-
ductors. It is nearly as good in respect of mere impe-
dance, but whenever there is any chance of the wire being
melted, then tape is far better. Eod ought to be apt to
have its skin burnt off it, unless the central core has time
to exert any cooling action by sharing the heat.' But it
is because I doubt whether decently substantial conductors
are in any real danger from heat that I have asserted the
advantage of greater surface to be but small.
' The specimens exhibited by Mr. Preece, of copper wire inci-
piently fused by lightning internally, are interesting. Tliey may
have been fused by the dead-beat tail of a current ; the outside cool-
ing most rapidly. They look as if they had been hottest inside, and if
so an explanation is needed ; but they are not likely to upheave the
foundations of electro-magnetism.
The list of fused conductors at the end of the Lightning
Rod Conference Report, Appendix J, is very short, but
short as it is it includes things not quite free from serious
misleading. Over and over again it has been truly-
asserted that wherever there is an arc or a flash to a
conductor damage is likely to be done. Terminals which
have to receive the flash should always be thicker than
the wire which has only to conduct it. This must be
regarded as very ancient and orthodox, as well as very
true. I now run through the short list of damage, and
analyze it. The table is headed, "List op Metals
1. "Copper rod, '35 inch diameter." This was an
upper terminal, tapering from one-third of an inch dia-
meter at the base to a point, and only 9j inches long
altogether. This terminal was " nearly all melted."
2. "Copper rope, 'SI inch diameter, at Nantes."
Callaud, " Traits," page 89.
3. Rope, said to be "7 inch diameter, at Carcassone.
Callaud, "Traite," page 89.
These I will refer to directly. They were not fused,
but broken, or eaten into, or otherwise "burnt by use."
4. " Iron rod, "2 inch diameter." This was a few
inches melted from the point of an upper terminal, and
some of the links of a chain.
5. " Brass rod, '2 inch diameter." This was a tapering
terminal, ten inches long, of the given diameter at the
base, and it was only melted for one -fourth of its length.
The implied statement in the report is, therefore, that
a brass rod |- of an inch in diameter was melted. The
fact is, that 2^ inches was melted off a sharp brass point !
Fortunately in this case, and in case 1 also, the body of
the report itself contains the material capable of over-
throwing this misreprosenttition.
6. "Copper rod, perhaps '13 inch diameter." This
was a common bell- wire, and it was legitimately destroyed,
but still it protected.
That is the whole list, and it amounts to nothing more
than a bell-wire, and to cases 2 and 3, the account of
which I now proceed to translate from the treatise of M.
Callaud. The Carcassone case is one of the two Mr.
Symons quotes in his remarks (the other is case No. 4,
above) . It is the only one that sounds improbable, and
the evidence for it seems to me weak ; but I leave readers
to judge. The evidence for the French cases, such as
they are, is here reproduced :
Extract from " Traite des Paratonnerres," par A.
Callaud, p. 89 : — " The conductor of the Church Sainte-
Croix at Nantes was a cable of red copper, a centimetre
in diameter ; it was formed of seven strands, each consist-
ing of seven wires, the wires being one millimetre thick.
I was witness of a storm and of violent flashes which
traversed it, and it showed no trace of deterioration.
This size can therefore be permitted, though it seems to
me slight. The cable which existed before that of which
I speak, also of red copper, was found broken by a flash
and damaged over a part of its length ; il avait 8 milli-
metres. I know of conducting bars, 5 millimetres, wliicli
a single storm has deteriorated and eaten into in a way
that ten years of rust would hardly accomplish.
"M. Viollet-le-Duc, whose words I have had the honour
of quoting, has seen at Carcassone some cables of lightning
conductors burnt by use. lis avaient 18 millimetres.
' In this town/ he tells me, ' storms are frequent — daily,
in certain seasons.^ In such a case the size of 18 milli-
metres will be then in sufficient."
This last is a most vague account. The material is
not specified, nor is it perfectly certain whether the 18
millimetres refer to the diameter, or whether it means
that it consisted of 18 wires, each a millimetre thick.
Evidently, however, M. Callaud supposes it to mean the
diameter, and most likely it does. But why in the plural ?
And does " burnt by use " mean anything more than that
some of the thin wires were burnt or fused together, or
that the cable was oxidized superficially ?
Considering the exceptional character of the testimony,
if understood in the Lightning Kod Conference sense, it
is a pity it is second-hand.
Repeurinq to Mr. Wimshurst's observation of the eflfect
of the sign of top-plate (p. 2 16) , the following is an extract
from an April note-book kept by my assistant :
" Large sphere (or dome) , knobs, and point, arranged
between two plates so as to be equally struck by a B
spark. The plates are connected to the outer coats of
the two small or pint jars, whose inner coats are con-
nected to the machine, between whose terminals occurs
a moderate A spark.
1st. With the top-plate positive.
'Dome 2 '5 centimetres.
Large knob... 3"6 „
Small knob... 3'8
Point 3 8 J,
Distances of-
2nd. Top-plate negative.
Dome 2"5 centimetres.
Large knob... 3'0 ,,
Small knob... 37 „
Point 8-0 „
Distances ■
Lengthening the A spark makes the distance at which
the point is struck less."
The following measurements have been made quite
recently, large jars being used, but the vigour of the rush
being diminished in some cases by making the A spark
{i.e., the distance between the machine terminals) quite
Two gallon jars similarly connected, instead of the
pint jars. Objects arranged between plates to be easily
and about equally struck, as before. First, with the A
spark 1 centimetre long.
Top-plate negative.
T,. , „ fLarge knob ... r2 centimetres.
Distances from o ,i i i
, , p-^bmallknob ... r4 „
top-plate of |p^.^^ 2-4 „
Top-plate positive.
(Large knob 1.5 centimetres.
Small knob 2'2 „
Point 2-0
Lengthen A spark to 5 centimetres —
Top-plcde negative.
{Large knob 3'4. centimetres.
Small knob 3"5 ,,
Point 3-9
Top-plate positive.
Large knob 4'0 centimetres.
Small knob 4-2 „
Point 3-9
Eepeat with A spark about 5 centimetres, but the B
distances made greater.
To face p. 254.
Top-plate positive.
Large knob o'4 centimetres.
Small knob 4'7 ,,
Point 4-7
Top-plate negative.
Distances unaltered, and all are struck
occasionally as before, but the small
knob gets struck rather more often
than the others, and the large knob
rather less often.
Hence it is clear that, under circumstances when the
rush is really impulsive, the difference between positive
and negative top-plate, which Mr. Wimshurst called
attention to, does not exist. It only exists in so far as
the rash is gradual.
One of the curious differences between positive and
negative sparks is illustrated by taking a spark to a
photographic dry plate and then developing. Plate
XVIII. shows imperfectly the result as obtained by Mr.
J. Brown of Belfast. The upper diagram is a negative
spark, the lower one is a positive spark.
As illustrating the far-spreading effects of a lightning
discharge, even into regions whither no conductors lead,
and the disturbances that can be set up in distant
insulated conductors, I have made experiments on
Leyden jar discharges in which the Leyden jar coatings
were represented by large insulated plates connected by a
straight rod after the manner of Hertz : the whole being
called a Hertz oscillator. Each plate is connected to
the terminal of an ordinary large Ruhmkorff coil, so that
the spark occurs between the knobs. At each discharge
electricity rushes from one plate into the other, and then
surges to and fro, emitting large waves into the ether,
until the original energy stored up electrostatically on
the plates is dissipated in radiation. There is then an
interval of quiet until the next spark occurs, when the
whole oscillatory disturbance begins again.
The sparks may succeed one another at the rate of, say,
100 a second, but the disturbance caused by each spark
has entirely subsided, and the two or three waves excited
by it have travelled a thousand miles away, before the
next spark occurs. The size of the waves emitted
depends on the size of the plates and on their distance
* Being extracts from a paper by Professor Lodge, in the " Phil,
apart. Full details for different sized oscillators are
given below. The waves emitted are essentially light,
though so much larger than the waves of what ordinarily
goes by that name. Physiologically speaking they are
not light, because they do not affect the retina ; physi-
cally, they have every one of the attributes of ordinary
light, and all the usual optical experiments can be per-
formed with them.
It is much easier to work with a large oscillator than
a small one, because the same extraordinary suddenness
in starting the oscillations is not then essential; only
with large waves, mirrors and everything have to be
-o 0-
Fig. 31. — Large Oscillator used for violent and distant eflfects
Scale g-V-
Plates 120 centim. square. Knobs 3'2 centim. diameter.
Eacti rod 230 centim. long and 8 millim. diameter.
Spark-gap abovit 1'5 centim.
Static capacity, -^ = 25 centim.
Self-induction, - = 8,320 „
Characteristic factor, log - = 7 "9.
Rate of vibration, 10 million per second.
Wave-length, 29 metres.
Dissipation-resistance, 22,500 ohms.
Initial stock of energy, about 300,000 ergs.
Power of initial radiation, 128 horse-power.
Jfumber of vibrations before energy would be at this
rate dissipated, about 3.
heroic to match, and our laboratory was not big enough
for optical experiments on gigantic waves. Electrical
experiments on such waves I have made in large nuni-
bersj obtaining them originally by means of discharging
Leyden jars, but recently sometimes by a gigantic Hertz
oscillator consisting of a pair of copper plates, each con-
sisting of a couple of commercial sheets soldered toge-
ther and rimmed round with wire, connected by a length
of No. copper wire interrupted in the middle by a
couple of large knobs. The plates and connecting rod
are hung from a high gallery, so that everything occu-
pies one plane, their distance and dimensions being here
The electrical surgings obtained while the Hertz
oscillator is working are of just the same character as
are noticed when a Leyden jar is discharging round an
extensive circuit ; but whereas from a closed circuit the
intensity of the radiation will vary as the inverse cube
of the distance as soon as the circuit subtends a small
angle, the radiation from a linear or axial oscillator
varies in its equatorial plane only as the inverse dis-
tance, as Hertz showed.
Hence, for obtaining distant effects the linear oscillator
is vastly superior. Its emission of plane-polarized, in-
stead of circularly-polarized, radiation is also convenient.
(I may mention that a thunder-cloud and earth joined
by a lightning rod or by a disruptive path constitute a
linear oscillator ; and hence radiation efiFects and induced
surgings may be expected to occur at very considerable
distances from a lightning flash.)
Exciting this oscillator by a very large induction-coil,
extraordinary surgings are experienced in all parts of
the building, and sparks can be drawn from any hot-
water-pipe or other long conductor, whether insulated
or otherwisCj and from most of the gas-brackets and
water-taps in the building, by simply holding a penknife
or other point close to them. From conductors any-
where near the source of disturbance the knuckle easily
draws sparks.
Out of doors some wire fencing gave off sparks, and
an iron-roofed shed experienced disturbances which were
easily detected when a telephone terminal was joined to
it, the other terminal being lightly earthed. [Some-
times I utilized the wire fencing as one of the plates of
the oscillator, and thus got still bigger and further
spreading waves.]
The waves thus excited are from 30 to 100 yards long,
and optical experiments with them would be as difficult
and vague as are experiments on sound-waves of corre-
sponding length. Small oscillators can, however, easily
be employed which shall give waves from a foot to a yard
in length.
[Some optical and other details are here omitted.]
The particular form of receiver is a comparatively un-
important matter, but I prefer linear ones to circular or
nearly closed circuits as being more sensitive at great
distances, for much the same reason as has been stated for
Exact timing of the receiver is unessential. If reso-
nance occurred to any extent, so that the combined influ-
ences of a large number of vibrations were really accumu-
lated, the effects might doubtless be great ; but hitherto
I have seen no evidence of this with linear oscillators;
the reason being, I suppose, that the damping out of the
vibrations is so vigorous that all oscillations after the first
one or two are comparatively insignificant ; and very bad
adjustment, or no adjustment at all, will give you the
benefit of all the resonance you can get from such rapidly
decaying amplitudes. The main reason of the rapid
damping is loss of energy by radiation. The " power "
of the radiation while it lasts is enormous^ and the stock
of energy in a linear oscillator is but small.
Ley den jar discharges in closed circuits only die away
after many more oscillationsj and for them some approach
to exact timing is essential, if a neighbouring circuit is
to respond easily.
In working with small oscillators it is essential that
the spark-knobs shall be in a state of high polishj else
the sparks will not be sufficiently sudden to give the
necessary impetus to the electrification of the conductors.
Any hesitation or delay about the spark permits the
potentials of the knobs to be equalized by a gradual sub-
sidence which is followed by no recoil, just as a tilted
beer-barrel may be let down gently without stirring up
the sediment by waves. The period of a natural vibra-
tion is comparable to the time taken by light to travel a
small multiple of the length of the oscillator, and hence
not a trace of delay is permissible in the discharge of a
small conductor if any oscillations are to be excited by
means of it. Thus if an electrostatic charge on a con-
ducting sphere be disturbed in any sudden way, it can
oscillate to and fro in the time taken by light to travel
1"4 times the diameter of the sphere, as calculated by
Prof. J. J. Thomson ; and hence it is by no means easy
to disturb a charge on a sphere of moderate size except
in what it is able to treat as a very leisurely manner.
Even on large spheres the oscillations cannot be con-
sidered slow : thus an electrostatic charge on the whole
earth would surge to and fro 17 times a second. On the
sun an electric swing lasts Q-^ seconds. Such a swing as
this would emit waves 19 X 10° kilometres or twelve hun-
dred thousand miles long, which, travelling with the
velocity of light, could easily disturb magnetic needles'^
and produce auroral efifects, just as smaller waves produce
sparks in gilt wall-paper, or as the still smaller waves of
Hertz produce sparks in his little resonators, or, once
more, as the waves emitted by electrostatically charged
vibrating atoms excite corresponding vibrations in our
retina. It may be worth while to suspend at Kew a
compass-needle with a natural period of swing of 6"6
seconds, and see whether it resounds to solar impulses.
Another, but almost microscopic, recording needle with
a period of ^V second might also be suspended.
The charge on the oscillator used in the present set of
experiments vibrates 300 million times a second, which.
Pig. 32. — Small Oscillator used for optical experiments. Scale ~.
Plates 8 centim. diameter.
Knobs 2 centim. diameter.
Each rod 6 centim. long and 1 centim. diameter.
Spark-gap about 8 millim.
Static capacity, — = 1 '4 centim.
Self-induction, - = 190 „
Characteristic factor, log , = 4'5.
Rate of vibration, 300 million per second.
Wave-length, 1 metre.
Dissipation-resistance, 7,250 ohms.
Initial stock of energy, about 5,400 ergs.
Power of initial radiation, 128 horse-power^
Number of vibrations before energy would be at this
rate dissipated, about li.
Cf. Mr. Oliver Heaviside, "Phil. Mag.," February, 1888, p. 152.
though slower than the electric quiverings on, say, a
three-inch ball, is yet quick enough to demand care and
With very large oscillators, such as that described at
the beginning of this paper, no such minute precautions
need be taken.
My oscillator is a good deal dumpier, and its ends
have more capacity, than those of corresponding wave-
length used by Hertz ; the reason being that I prefer to
make the electrostatic capacity bear a fair relation to the
electro-magnetic inertia, so as to gain a reasonable sup-
ply of initial energy for radiation. The store of energy
is proportional to the capacity; the rate at which it is
radiated per second is independent of it. Large terminal
capacity helps to preserve a high potential longer, and so
prolongs the duration of the discharge.
The wave-length of the emitted radiation is easily cal-
culated approximately from the expression
L 4Z
where ~ ■:^2llog — ; I being the length of the entire
rod portion of the oscillator, and d its diameter. The
measurement of I is the most unsatisfactory part. It is
best to include the knobs and spark-gap as part of the
whole length ; the constriction at the spark will increase
that part of the self-induction, but the expanse of the
knobs will diminish another part. A trifle extra length
should be allowed for the currents in the discs or balls
at the end ; but to measure I from centre to centre is
rather too much allowance. From centre of one to
nearest point of the other is a fair compromise.
As to 8, it will be practically half ' the static capacity
of the sphere or plate at either end of the oscillator,
especially if these are pretty big compared with the size
of the rod. Strictly speaking they are not isolated, even
when far from other conductors, because they are in
presence of each other, but the correction is usually
small. For instance, for two oppositely charged spheres
of radius r, at a considerable distance I from centre to
centre, the capacity is about
3, = i'(i+7).
Hence the ordinary value of the capacity, as recorded
for convenience below, is always a minimum which cir-
cumstances may increase but hardly diminish.
Values of- for Isolated Bodies.
For a globe, its radius.
For a thin circular disc, - times its radios.
For a thin square disc, TIS times inscribed circular disc,
or "36 times a side of the
For a thin oblong disc, a trifle greater than a square of
the same area.
Intensity of the Radiation. — Hertz has shown ^ that the
amount of energy lost per half swing, by a radiator of
length I charged with quantities -\- Q and — Q at its ends
respectively, is
' Half, because the two spheres are technically " in series."
" Wied, " Ann,," January, 1889 ; or "Nature," vol, xxxix.p.452.
He omits the dielectric constant K, because he supposes
Q expressed in electrostatic unitsj but it is better to make
expressions independent of arbitrary conventions.
So the loss of energy per second, being — times the
above, is
and this therefore is the radiation power.
For a given electric moment, Ql, the radiation inten-
sity varies therefore as the fourth power of the frequency,
i.e., inversely as the fourth power of the linear dimen-
sions of the oscillator, as Fitzgerald some time ago
pointed out.
But inasmuch as different oscillators will not naturally
be charged to the same electric moment, but will rather
be charged to something like the same initial difference
of potential, as fixed by the sparking interval between
their knobs, it will be better to write Q z=. 8V, and to
insert the full expression for x.
Doing so, we get for the radiation activity at any
instant when the maximum difierence of potentials at
the terminals is F,
Stt^tts'lv „^3.,/„,,4zy
VKv F'
12(^Zo/J) I2f.v (^log^l')
an expression roughly' almost independent of the size of
the oscillator. Quite independent of it if the length
and thickness of its rod portion are increased propor-
(The factor /At; may always be interpreted as 30 ohms
whenever convenient.)
Thus all oscillators, large and small, started at the same
potential, radiate energy at approximately the same rate ;
short stout ones a little the fastest.
But the initial energy of small oscillators being small,
of course a much greater proportional effect is produced
in them, and the radiation ceases almost instantaneously,
their energy being dissipated in a very few vibrations.
On the other hand, oscillators of considerable capacity
keep on much longer ; and with very large ends, as in
Leyden jars, the loss of energy by radiation is often but
a small fraction of that turned into heat by the frictional
resistance of the circuit.
The expression for the radiating power may be com-
pared either with the form ^8V or with the form — ;
and the loss of energy may be said to be like a static
capacity of
30 earth quadrants 5,556 microfarads
charged to the potential F, being discharged once a
second ; or like the heat produced per second in a wire
of resistance 360 (log — ^ ohms, having a difference of
potential V between its ends. The duration of the
discharge must therefore be exactly comparable to the
time a wire of this resistance would take to equalize the
potential of the oscillator-euds initially charged to the
same difference of potential.
For the small oscillator used in the optical experi-
4Z .
ments here recorded^ the value of log — is approximately
4 J ; hence the equivalent resistance is 7,250 ohms. And,
since the initial difference of potential is, say, 26,400 volts,
the power of the initial radiation is 96,000 watts or
128 horse-power.
At this rate the whole original stock of energy (5,400
ergs) would be gone in the two-hundred millionth of a
second, i.e. in the time of 1^ vibration ; but of course
the energy really decays logarithmically. The difference
of potential at any instant being given by
where It is the above 7,250 ohms plus the resistance of
the spark and of the oscillator itself to these currents.
The resistance of the spark is probably but a dozen, or
perhaps a hundred, ohms ; that of the small oscillator is
about ^ {Ir) ohms, where r is its ordinary resistance to
steady currents expressed in ohms, and I is its length in
centimetres. This, therefore, is utterly negligible ;
practically the whole of its energy goes in radiation.
Tor the big oscillator the resistance is about ^/ [-^^ Ir) ;
and so for a linear oscillator in general the dissipation
resistance may be considered as simply
E = 360 f log- y ohms.
Nothing approaching continuous radiation can be
maintained at this enormous intensity without the expen-
diture of great power, a hundred and thirty horse-power
if my calculation is right. Under ordinary circumstances
of excitation the intervals of darkness are enormous ; if
they could be dispensed with, some singular effects
must occur. To try and make the radiation more con-
tinuous a large induction-coil excited by an alternating
machine of very high frequency, or by a shrill spring-
break, might be tried. But even if sparks were made to
succeed one another at the rate of 1,000 per second, the
effect of each would have died out long before the next
one came. It would be something like plucking a
wooden spring, which, after making 3 or 4 vibrations,
should come to rest in about two seconds ; and repeating
the operation of plucking regularly once every two days.
A LETTEE by Dr. Sumpner on page 761 of the " Elec-
trician " for 4th May, 1 888, establishes his statement
that the time required for practically complete discharge
of a condenser can be diminished in certain cases by insert-
ing in its circuit a moderate amount of self-induction,
leaving everything else the same. The point is a curious
one, and I congratulate Mr. Sumpner on having noticed
it. Anyone would have thought that since the time-
constant of a condenser circuit is — an increase in self-
induction would have retarded its discharge, and a
decrease would have accelerated it. And this is what
does happen so long as there is suflBcient self-induction
to make the discharge oscillatory. Nevertheless, if one
proceeds to diminish self-induction still further, the time
of discharge begins to lengthen in an unexpected manner,
until it is ultimately possible exactly to double the time
of a discharge by removing all trace of self-induction
from the discharging circuit supposing this to be experi-
mentally feasible.
One finds that with L := ^SBP the time taken over a
complete discharge is just the same as when L z^ ; also
that when L zz ^8R^ the time of discharge is just half
the preceding, and is then a minimum. This happens
to be just the condition when the character of the dis-
charge changes from oscillatory to continuing. The
minimum value of the constant is ^8B, which it has
when L zr ^SR^. Altering the self-induction either
above or below this value lengthens the time of the dis-
charge, though not in a symmetrical manner ; increasing
the self-iijduction above iSR^ lengthens the time con-
Fig. 33.
stant in a simply proportional manner without limit, but
decreasing it below ^8B^ lengthens the time-constant
in a parabolic manner towards an upper limit 8B, which
it attains when L'^ 0.
The above curve shows the whole thing.
Plotted horizontally are successive values of the ratio
L to 8B^, a ratio which I call A, and which may be
altered by varying the discharging circuit. Unit length
is shown by 01. Plotted vertically are corresponding
values of the time-cOBstant T; viz., the time required for
the charge of the condenser to sink from any value to
-th of that value. In a time 2T the charge is reduced
to -, in 3 T to — and so on.
Now, as e'^ is (2' 7 1828) '^ or about 20, and e' is about
54, it follows that in a time equal to five or six times T
the condenser is, for all practical purposes, completely
discharged. In a time IT only one-thousandth of its
original charge remains in the condenser ; and in 2ir it
is reduced to less than a thousand-millionth.
Hence, if we plot the value of T we represent all we
need know as regards the total time of discharge of a
condenser or Leyden jar.
Now, the curve consists of two distinct portions. One
portion is a straight line, MQ, sloping upwards at the
gradient -g-SJB vertical to 1 horizontal, and indicating
the time-constant of the oscillatory discharge for different
values of A. The dotted part of this line below M has
no particular meaning.
The other portion of the curve is a parabola, with
axis horizontal and vertex at M, a point characterized by
the co-ordinates K—OA:=i\ and T = AM=\8R.
The height AM represents the minimum time-con-
stant spoken of as above, viz., its value when L zn
jSR^, The height OP represents the value of the time-
constant SB when L is nothing. The most important
part of this parabolic curve is PM; the dotted part does
not concern us at all, and the bit MO is of small impor-
tance, for there are two time-constants to the non-
oscillatory discharge ; points on MP indicate values
of one of them, and points on MO indicate values of
the other. The bigger of the two is not only intrinsically
more decisive of the time of the dischargCj but its term
is multiplied by a larger coefficient than the other enjoys.
One coefficient always exceeds the other by the amount
SU. The smaller one vanishes for L ^ 0. Both
become iniinite for A zr 4^.
Rate of Discharge from Instant to Instant.
But it now remains to consider what effect the sum of
these coefficients exerts upon the rate of discharge.
Plotting the time-constant does not tell us everything,
for though it is the value of the time-constant that decides
the ultimate time of complete discharge, yet upon its
earlier stages the coefficients can exert a very appreciable
efi'ect, and accordingly conditions which cause the rate
of discharge to be at first comparatively slow may ulti-
mately make it overtake its competitor.
One can hardly make this fully clear without writing
down the equations.
The equation to the current at any instant during the
discharge of a condenser of capacity 8 is of course
L—-BG=V-V'=^. . . . (1)
dt 8
where Q is the charge remaining in condenser at any
time, and =: This equation contains the whole
theory of a discharging condenser, neglecting the static
capacity of the discharging conductors, and ignoring the
series of facts experimentally observed with certain
dielectrics as "residual charge."
It should be well known (perhaps it is) that Sir Wm.
Thomson originally established this equation and worked
out its prime consequences in 1853.
Integrating the equation, it becomes
Q zz Qoe~"''{ cos iii +-siw «,«). . . (2)
which in case n is imaginary may be more conveniently
written, with n ^Z — 1 for n, becoming
(TYb \
coshnt +_ shinntj. . . (3)
m r: — : and m —n ^: — .
2L is
Sometimes it is more convenient to write the equation
in the form
Q._ m-\-n ^_(„,_„)« _ m-w g_(„+„)j /^^
Qo 2n 2n ■ • ■ \ J
It is to be understood that all these four equations are
mathematically identical, and express the same series of
facts in other words. Sometimes one form is convenient,
sometimes another. One can always write the ratio of
actual to original potentials, Vj Vg, instead of the ratio of
the charges, Q/Qo, if one so prefers.
Now what we are at present interested in is to see
how different values of L affect the rate of decay of Q ;
especially do we want to compare the rate of discharge
with any specified small value of L with the corresponding
rate when L is completely abolished — supposing this to
be experimentally possible. It is not practically possible
to dispense with self-induction altogether, but for the
case when a jar overflows its edge, sparking direct from
one coating to the other, it is as small as practicable.
Perhaps, however, in this case R^ is smaller still, so this
overflow discharge may be very oscillatory.
Let us for purposes of comparison write down the
form of the dischaj'ge equation when L is zero. It is
very simple, representing a simple logarithmic curve,
Q=Que~}s (5)
— - may be called the logarithmic decrement; or
may bo called the common ratio of the decreasing
geometrical progression formed by the charge remaining
in the jar at equal short intervals of time after the dis-
cliarge has begun ; or BS may be called the " time-
constant " of the discharge (the meaning of this term
being popularly explained above) ; and this last plan is
commonly the handiest.
In tlie " Philosophical Magazine" for August, 1888, I gave a
general statement of the considerations which had to be
attended to in a discussion of experiments on the division of
a Leyden jar discharged between the two branches of a divided
circuit, and pointed out that by making one of the branches
an air gap a considerable simplification of the theory would
1. The diagram of connections may be drawn in various
forms, which, though apparently different, are essentially the
same. Figs. 34, 36, 38 are identical, and are the most convenient
arrangements in practice. Pigs. 35, 37, 39 are really the same
thing, but they have the disadvantage of being liable to mate
the alternative path part of the charged system, so that it is
unpleasant to touch ; moreover, the effective capacity is more
troublesome to reckon. If these arrangements had any advan-
tage, these slight objections could be easily overcome, but I
see no advantage in them. I have employed them all, how-
ever, at one time or another. Pig. 39 has the additional dis-
advantage of leaving the length of the A spark vague, so that
there is no guarantee that the jar shaU be charged to the
same potential every time.
The electrical machine is not shown in these figures. It
can be connected up in any convenient way to the A knobs.
To prevent the machine itself from becoming an important
part of the circuit and having to be taken into account, ]
often connect it up to the A knobs by imperfect conductors,
' Reprinted from the " Electrician," vols, xxi., xxii., xxiii.
Fi"-. 39.
To face 11. 274.
such as a couple of penholders or lead pencils. They supply
the charge fast enough, but they take no appreciable portion
of the discharge. Very often, however, the A knobs are those
of the machine itself, fixed a measured distance apart.
The capacity charged is the A knobs and wires and the
coats of the jars attached to them. The other two coats of '
the jars are obviously connected together, and may, for con-
venience of handling, be connected by some imperfect con-
ductor with the earth. The difEerence of potential to which
the jars are charged is given by the length of the A spark and
the size of the A knobs. The circuit conveying the discharge
current varies according to circumstances. It consists of two
loops, the portion labelled L and the portion labelled i„.
One might call them the A loop and the B loop ; but perhaps
it is less ambiguous to call them the L loop and the i,, loop,
respectively ; the latter being the alternative path.
Now the circuit conveying the discharge current consists
of the whole of i and a variable portion of £„. On arriving
at the B knobs the current divides, part going on round i,,,
part jumping across the air gap. It is not possible without
bringing the B knobs into contact, nor would it be of any
service, to make the discharge circuit consist of L alone ;
some portion is sure to patronize the £„ route. Only when
the ' alternative path is removed altogether does the circuit
consist of Ii alone.
It is, however, easy to arrange that nothing jumps across
the air gap ; and this is the simplest case ; for in that case
the discharge circuit consists solely of both loops in series,
i + id. But ordinarily there is a spark at B ; and even if
there is no real spark a little brush is visible in the dark
between them at every discharge. Perhaps the quantity
passing in this brush is negligible ; if so, the simplest case is
attained by separating the B knobs until their spark just
fails. Experimentally it is easier and feels more satisfactory,
to separate the B knobs till about half the sparks fail and
half pass ; but perhaps the best combination of advantages,
convenience of experiment and simplicity of theory, is secured
by adjusting the B knobs so that some 90 per cent, of the
sparks there fail, the occurrence of the remaining tenth showing
that they are not Separated altogether beyond a possible range.
The distance of the B knobs is read, with great ease and more
than suificient accuracy, by supporting them on a micrometer
screw arrangement with its head graduated to the 400th of a
2. Calling the self-inductions of the two loops L and L^,
and their resistances B and J?o respectively, we have in the
simplest case when the B sparks are just failing, the induc-
tance of the discharge circuit equal to £ + £(,, and its resistance
equal to E + B„ + resistance of the A spart.
The capacity of the jars (in cascade, if there are two) and
charged portion of the leads being called S, the total quantity
discharged each time is SVg-, and the strength of the dis-
charge current at any instant after commencement of discharge
is given by the equation
C= ^ e-"" sinnt .... (1)
1 E -I- i?„ -I- ^ , 1 „ ..
where m = '-i- : w = -in ■
and (B + R„y = ^n (i^lr + iujnr,) (2)
2^8{L + L„) ( 8(i + £„)
where I is the length, and r the ordinary resistance, of the L
loop ; and l„, r„, the same things for the £„ loop of the circuit.
The impedance of the alternative path is
and the difference of potential between the B knobs at any
instant is
V=-P„0 (3)
This is the quantity whose maximum value is measured by
the length of the B spark. This, therefore, is the quantity
which we experimentally observe, and have to analyze the
theory for, in its applicability to different conditions.
First Approximation.
3. Now, the complete expression for V being rather long
and unwieldy, it is better to begin by making approximations ;
and as a first approximation we can suppose resistance
negligible as compared with inertia, at any rate for the first
few oscillations. Making this simplification, m = 0, and the
current amplitude is —
and r=-^« (4)
!( + £„
a very simple expression, independent of the capacity of the
jar, and showing that the B spark with the alternative path
Lg is shorter than the exciting spark A in the ratio
Fo L + L,
It should be easy to verify this under circumstances when
the first approximation is applicable ; and if it turn out
reasonably accurate, it would give an easy means of comparing
the self-induction of two short and well-conducting simple
circuits ; foi'
and y^lY "^^^y ^*^ taken as the ratio of the Z? spark length to
the A spark length ; the knobs being of the same size.
One sees from these equations, that when the fixed portion
of the circuit, L, is much bigger than the alternative jiath, i,,,
the -B spark is very short, and roughly proportional to -L„ ;
but that when L is much smaller than i;,, the length of the
B spark hardly depends upon the alternative path at all, and
is much the same whatever the nature of that path, or even
if it is absent altogether. For sensitiveness, therefore, it is
better to have Ii rather the bigger of the two. But then
remember that all this only applies to the case when the
resistances concerned are sufficiently small to be neglected.
It is not likely to apply, therefore, to long or badly-conducting
circuits. For these we must proceed to a further apjjroxi-
Second Approximation.
4. As a second approximation we had better take into
account that effect of resistance which is likely to become
important first.
Now, resistance has three main effects. First, it diminishes
the value of n, thereby lessening the inertia part of the im-
pedance ; but since it increases just as much, this does not
affect the value of V. Secondly, it increases the damping
coefiicient and more rapidly brings down the current amijli-
tude, so that if the B spark does not jump until after the
accumulated momentum of several oscillations, or even if it
does, not jump until after the occurrence of a j)ortion of an
oscillation, it is likely, by reason of damping, to be shortened.
Its third effect is an increase in the total impedance by reason
of the JBo term.
Of these three effects, the first scarcely affects V, the last
tends to increase it ; only the second acts so as to make V
smaller with increasing resistance. Hence any diminution of
V which may be actually observed to accompany an increase
of B„ must be due (so it would appear) to an effect of the
damping term, involving the coefiicient m.
Let us see what this term becomes in any very short time,
say at the end of a complete oscillation period T —
m r= ^'r*^ ^ ■r(B + Bf, + A)x/S
n >>/{{L + L^)-lS{B + B<, + Ay'i '
For this to be of any effective magnitude, 8 and one of the
jB's must be great, but the L's have most effect when they
are small ; in fact, their smallness may easily imperil the
oscillatory character of the discharge, and may end by making
m T infinite or worse.
_ The effect of high resistance may thus, in a ciirious way,
diminish total impedance, and so tend to make the B spark
actually shorter for a resisting material than it is for a better
conducting one, especially in the case of a long circuit of not
very high conductivity — a circuit, that is, in which resistance
is an important portion of total impedance ; while its damp-
ing effect, by bringing down the violence of the current oscil-
lation, tends still further in the same direction.
Notice further, that the expression for JB, besides the length
of the conductor and its ordinary resistance, contains the mag-
netic permeability of its substance ; and thus the effective
resistance, or throttling part of total impedance, for an iron
wire, is considerably greater than for a non-magnetic sub-
stance of the same dimensions and specific resistance, while
the inertia portion is much the same. Hence it would appear
possible that iron wire used as alternative path is liable in
certain cases to give a shorter B spark than such substances
as copper on the one hand or lead on the other. (See further
development in §§34 and 36.)
Third Approximatian.
5. If there is the least tendency for m to become com-
parable in size with n — that is, for the oscillation period to
be appreciably lengthened by the resistance, or damping,
coefficient — there is a fourth effect which may possibly have
to be taken into account, viz., this : —
The equation (2) is by no means a complete expression for
the resistance of a conductor to currents of all frequencies of
vibration ; it is only accurately true for infinitely rapid vibra-
tions. So soon as n falls below a certain magnitude, a much
more compUcated expression has to be employed, viz., as
Lord Eayleigh has shown,
where .R is the resistance of a conductor to currents alter-
nating times a second, and r is its ordinary resistance to
2 7r
steady currents ; I is the length of the conductor, and /^ its
magnetic permeability ; J„ stands for Bessel's function of
order zero, and JJ for its first derived function.
For n = the value of the right-hand side is 1. For n= oo
it becomes infinite, being equal to
Now, although this last expression may be used as a good
approximation to the right value of the resistance ratio for
very great values of n (and it is what we have used so far),
yet if there be any decrease in the frequency of oscillation
below a certain ill-defined value, the more complicated expres-
sion must be used to calculate the effective resistance, and it
will have a smaller value.
The whole thing could be easily calculated out and exhi-
bited in curves or numbers if only a table of Bessel's func-
tions were available.
I hope the recently appointed British Association Com-
mittee on Mathematical Tables will speedily see their way to
calculating and issuing these much-needed tables. Mean-
while I do not lay any stress on this, what I have called,
" fourth effect " of resistance ; I merely note it as possibly
acting in the direction suggested, and anyhow not to be lost
sight of when the second approximation is used.
6. Lastly, there is a fifth effect, which I may as well also
note, though it is probably too small to have much practical
bearing. It depends on the value of the inductance of a con-
ductor being affected by the mode of distribution of a current
throughout its substance. With steady or slowly-changing
currents the current is distributed uniformly all over the
cross-sectional area of the conductor, and accordingly the seK-
induction of a single circular loop of length I, made of non-
magnetic wire whose circumference is c, is
L=.2l{log^^-2) (7)
But very-rapidly-varying currents are concentrated near the
outer surface of their conductor, and hence the constant under
the logarithm has to be modified for them, until in the limit
it is unity ; so, when n is very great,
/ Ql \
L' = 2l{log--2j (8)
and this is sUghtly smaller than the preceding value ; but I
doubt if the difference is great enough to be noticeable.
I now propose to record and examine in detail some exjjeri-
mental results, with a view to ultimately seeing how far the
above attempted theory is really applicable to them.
Record of Experiments on the Alternative Path.
As just explained, I proceed to record the series of experi-
ments I have made on the E.M.F. needed to drive a given
discharge through a conductor. These experiments are mixed
up in my note-book with a number of others made with
slightly different objects, but it will be clearer if I pick out all
those of one kind first, and attend to the others afterwards.
I begin with some early experiments — the first tried by me
— when the arrangements for measuring spark length were
comparatively imperfect (a graduated wedge was inserted
between the knobs of the discharger), and when the essential
conditions were less understood. They are not so imme-
diately available for testing theory, but there are some in-
structive points about them nevertheless.
JUarly Experiments. FehnMrij, 1888.
7. A copper wire, about No. 22 b.w.g , and an iron wire,
about No. 20, were stretched round the lecture theatre (a
length of some 35 yards), being suspended by silk threads
from four vertical posts a good way off every wall. A large
condenser, consisting of 16 pairs of llin. square tinfoils sepa-
rated by double thicknesses of window glass each about Voin-
thick, the whole soaked and embedded in a mass of parafiin
and enclosed in a teak box, was specially made and used.
[The capacity of this condenser was subsequently determined
as '028 microfarad.]
The condenser was charged through the long wire, and a
choice was offered the discharge, so that it might go either
round the wire or leap an air gap, as it chose. The arrange-
ment is shown diagrammatically in Tig 35.
A are the ordinary terminal knobs of the machine where
the spark occurs ; B is the discharge interval alternative to
the wire or to other resistance. The spark length B was
adjusted so that it was an off-chance whether the discharge
chose it or the wire. It was noticed that when the discharge
chose B the A spark was strong, but when the discharge chose
the wire the A spark was weak. The difference appeared to
be only in the noise or suddenness of the spark, for when a
Eeiss's electro-thermometer was inserted in the circuit it indi-
cated about the same in either case. A number of observa-
tions were made with this energy-measuriug arrangement,
but I appear to have no record of them.
The following are the spark-length readings :
Critical B Spark
•60 inch
Choice open being
Iron wire round room.
Copper ditto.
Both wires in series (currents in same sense).
Ditto (currents in opposite senses).
A 6-inch capillary glass tube full of tap
The same tube full of dilute acid.
A short copper wire 2ft. long.
Very thick iron rod a yard long.
Very thick brass rod a yard long.
18 inches of thin brass wire.
The same taken once through a large ring of
iron wire.
This was the first experiment that distinctly suggested
that the ordinary magnetic properties of iron were suspended
under these circumstances. The iron ring was in the position
of the iron core of a transformer, and yet it exerted no appre-
ciable effect on the impedance of the wire round it.' The
experiment was made because the previous experiments had
indicated how equal iron and copper seemed, showing none
of the expected great difference between them.
The readings in these experiments are not to be supposed
at all accurate, and the second place of decimals means very
little. No doubt the actual readings are taken correctly
enough, but we had as yet by no means hit on the best pro-
cedure for determining the critical B spark with any nicety,
and in this first set of experiments the length of the A spark
is not recorded.
8. A set of observations was now taken with the object of
seeing what effect the length of the A spark had upon B
under these circumstances.
^ Tliis led on to a series of experiments on the effect of iron cores,
and on the magnetization of steel and iron by a discharge. See
below, §§ 58, 59, etc., pp. 329 and 331.
Experiments on the Connection between Lengths of A and B
(The alternative path being the iron wire round the room all the
time. )
A Spark Length.
•12 inch
The ratio of 5 to J. thus increases with the energy of the
discharge, but seems to approach a limit.
9. Now arrange a gallon Leyden jar (of capacity, as subse-
quently determined, 66 metres electrostatic units, or •OOG
microfarad) as a lateral appendage to the B terminals, in the
same way as the condenser of an induction coil is a lateral
appendage to the contact breaker ; the idea being that it
would reduce the liabiUty to spark across B, and help the
discharge to choose the wire path.
Critical B Spark
Length. A
. •095inch .... ^8
. 22 „
. ^30 „
. ^35 „
. -405 „
. -48 „
. -575 „
. ^648 „
. -726 „
. -726 „
. -744 „
Alternative Path.
Iron wire round room "533 inch
•iSS „
;28 „
,» _ jj •145 ,,
Copper wire round room .... "145 ,,
10. The jar was now removed and the experiments con-
Critical B
. •498 inch
. ^397 „
■ -267 „
• -123 „
• •123 „
Wire round room '295 inch
Capillary tube containing acid (§11)-! ^255
_ •266
Acid tube and wire in parallel . . '226
■240 „ .1
l)\ -255 „ . \ -339 „ \
1-266 „ .J [
. -226 „ . ^339 „
•339 inch
Same with wire cut in middle, and
ends separated a few inches ^ . . -286 „ . ■339 „ . 1'18
Wire and acid tube in series ; acid
tube in middle of wire, filling up
gap -282 ,, . -339 ,, . 1-2
Ditto, with gap mended ; acid tube
at one end of wire -274 ,, . '339 „ . 1'2
Ditto, acid tube at other end . . . -266 ,, . "339 ,, . 1-27
Acid tube only, the wire being in-
cluded in the rest of the circuit . '266 ,, . '339 ,, . 127
When the acid tube was the alternative path, and the B
knobs so far apart that the discharge was obliged to choose it,
the A spart was very weak, being reduced to a quiet spit,
which could be analyzed by a slowly rotating mirror into
several detached sparks.
11. The resistance of the capillary acid tube so frequently
mentioned was afterwards estimated as follows :
The tube full of mercury '^S? ohm.
The tube full of z;inc sulphate solution,"
of strength ^ m 100 cc. L^^^^^ ^j^^^^^
with zinc electrodes. No difference
on reversing battery
The tube full of extremely dilute acid'i » i ^ i i
as generally used ..... Jfrom i to i a megohm.
Experiments with a Smaller Condenser.
12. Instead of the large condenser, I now tried either a pint
or a gallon Leyden jar (capacity 'OOIS or '0061 microfarad)
and got much the same results. The jar often overflowed
its edge and self-discharged, but a spark still occurred at B
when this happened, though not at A.- Hence, an overflow
path was provided, at G (Fig. 40) ; and sparks at B and C
could be got, but not &t A; or at J. and B and not at C ; or
at G only.
It was found that connecting the knob of the jar to earth,
the jar itself being insulated, increased the strength of the
' The brushes and vigorous disturbances subsequently seen at this
gap led to a series of experiments on " the recoil kick. See below,
p. 365.
' This led to a series of experiments on "overflow." See below, p. 346.
B sparks very much, and made them easier to get. Evidently
the wire was acting as one coat of a condenser, the wall being
the other coat.
13. Putting acid resistance into the circuit at If or at JV
weakens but does not stop the B sparks, and it has the same
effect at M as at N. But inserting resistance at Q does not
weaken the B spark perceptibly; neither does cutting the
wire there, only of course, in order to permit the charging of
the jar, the B gap has to be bridged by some very imperfect
Fig. 40.
conductor, this shunt high resistance having no appreciable
effect upon the B spark.
14. The jar was now discarded, and the wire alone used, as
in Fig. 41. The sparks occurred at B perfectly well,' and were
much the same whether the wire was cut at Q or not.
After a great number of experiments in various other direc-
tions, " overflow," " recoil kick," " liability to be struck,"
" side flash," " gauze house," " bye path," etc., some more
experiments on alternative path were done, and to these we
now proceed.
' This led to a series of experiments on the "surging circuit," See
below, p. 363.
Further Experiments with Various Long Leads, March 1888.
15. I had now arranged around the theatre a couple of very
stout wires, almost rods, supported by silk ribbon, each about
27 metres long, one of No. 1 iron, the other of No. 1 copper ;
besides these there were a couple of leads of ordinary thick-
ness, each about 30 metres long, viz., No. 18 iron. No. 19
copper, and one lead of fine iron wire, No. 27, also 30 metres
in length.
The resistance of these leads measured in the ordinary way,
Fiff. 41.
Carey Poster's method being used for the short ones, was
Resistance of No. 1 copper . .
. . -0254 ohm
„ „ 1 iron . .
. . -0881 „
„ „ 19 copper . .
. . 2-72
,, 18 iron. . .
. . 3-55
„ 27 „ . . .
. . 33-3
The copper is evidently of shockingly bad electrical
quaHty, but so is most of what one buys at an ordinary metal
merchant's. I must say, however, that the Birmingham-
wire-gauge nomenclature is never intended to be anything
more than roughly descriptive of the wire. When one wants
to know its diameter really, of course one measures it.
Sectional radius of the No. 1 copper lead
•37 centimetre
» » „ 1 iron . . .
•355 „
„ „ „ 19 copper . .
•0425 „
» ,, „ 18 iron . .
)j )» ti ^' J) ■ • .
•0175 „
Each of the two thick leads formed a rough rectangle about
840 centimetres by 515 centimetres, the entire length of each
wire being 2,710 centimetres. The three thinner leads formed
rough rectangles of 840 by 675 centimetres, and the length of
each of these was 3,030 centimetres.
These dimensions are necessary to be known, in order that
we may hereafter calculate their coefficient of seK-induction
(see § 19).
The static electric capacity of the leads was determined
roughly by charging them with 144 small cells, discharging
through a ballistic, and comparing the kick with that obtained
from a small jar of known capacity treated in the same way.
The results (quite rough) are —
Electrostatic capacity of either thick lead . . 5 metres.
„ ,, either medium lead . 3| „
,, _,, thinnest lead . . .3 „
16. Eor the alternative path exjieriment with these leads,
arrangement Fig. 38 was adopted, two gallon jars being used ;
the A knobs being those of the machine, while the B knobs
belong to a universal discharger. The only divergence from
the figure was that the ends of the alternative path were con-
nected direct to the outer coats of the jars instead of quite
directly to the B knobs. [This plan is not quite so good, and
was subsequently modified into agreement with Pig. 38. See
§ 23.] The length of the A spark was kept at 1 in., the B
knobs were adjusted till their spark just began to go.
Alternative Path. Length of B Spark.
No. 1 copper round room 1-43 inch.
No. 27 iron „ .... 1^03 „
No. 1 iron „ 1-08 „
No. 19 copper „ 1-34 „
No, 18 iron , 1^08 ,,
At the rooms of the Society of Arts these same, or very
similar, leads were rigged up, and the experiment repeated,
with much the same result. But instead of going round the
room the leads were only taken to the end of the room and
back, with about 3 yards interval between going and return
wire, and the circuits were not arranged one over the other,
but all in the same horizontal plane, side by side.
It will be seen how strikingly shorter the sparks are for
the iron alternative paths than for the copper. The B knobs
were however rather small, and this tends to exaggerate the
effect. Their size is given in § 21.
Experiments to Determine the Effect of Self-induction.
1 7. To help study how much of the effect was really due
to self-induction I procured a piece of thick stranded double-
wire cable, each wire being thickly covered in gutta-percha,
and then the two enclosed in a gutta-percha sheath. The
ends could be joined in various ways, so as to put the wires
in series with the currents going in the same direction, i.e.,
with a maximum of self-induction, or in series with them
going opposite ways, so as to have a minimum of self-induc-
tion (" anti-inductively," so to speak), or in parallel, or in any
other way.
The length of the bit of cable was 770 centimetres, and it
was arranged to form a rude circle. The ordinary resistances
of its wires were -0608 and '0586 ohm respectively.
Keeping exactly the same arrangement as before, with the
A spark still 1 in. , the experiments were as follows :
Alternative Path. Len|«;^f
The two gutta-percha-covered wires in series, so as
to enclose max. area 1'77
The two wires in series, currents enclosing min. area '91
The two wires in parallel -91
One wire alone "91
One wire alone, the other having its ends joined, so
as to form a closed secondary -79
18. A number of experiments were now made with this bit
of cable, and with a great thick No. 1 copper open spiral, by
inserting large masses of iron, bundles of iron wire, iron bars
and rings, into their contour, to see what difference the iron
made. So far as one could tell it never made any. To take
definite readings, therefore, I got my assistant to make an
induction spiral of tinfoil, consisting of a strip of tinfoil 3
inches wide and 21 feet long, wrapped round a glass tube with
sufficient insulation between the turns. Also an anti-induction
tinfoil zigzag with the same length of tinfoil.
The resistances of these were ■614 ohm for the sjjiral and
•708 ohm for the zigzag.
The length of the spark A being '78 inch, the following are
the readings taken :
Alternative Path. B Spark.
Tinfoil zigzag joined up to outer coats of jars by
two leads, each a couple of feet of No 12
copper wire -23 inch.
Tinfoil spiral ditto ditto '64 „
Spiral with iron wire bundle inserted in its tube -64 ,,
Leads only (the two No. 12 wires) "21 ,,
No path at all Til ,,
Zigzag connected direct to jar, without leads . -06 ,,
Spiral ditto ditto . -64 ,,
Spiral with iron bundle inside "64 ,,
Compare also the similar experiments related on pp. 341,
353, and 354.
Calculation of 8 elf -Induction of Long Leads.
19. The long leads round the room reaUy enclose rude rect-
angles ; biit inasmuch as I do not know how to calculate the
self-induction for a nearly square rectangle, and inasmuch as
bending them out into a circle of the same perimeter would
certainly not have effected their self-induction much, I reckon
it by the formula (8) given previously, assuming that the
depth to which the currents penetrate into the substance of
the conductor is certainly small.
Using the dimension of these leads as given in § 15, one
thus reckons in electro-magnetic units.
Self-induction of either No. 1 lead
. 390 metres
j» >» »> J-" >>
. 550 „
„ 19 „
. 570 „
»» JJ JJ ^* M
. 630 „
All this time it had not struck me that it was important to
specially know the particulars of the part of the circuit con-
taining the jars, and they were accordingly connected up to
the machine by wires in a very ordinary manner ; but as far
as I can estimate the self-induction of this part of the circuit
now I should say it was between 40 and 60 metres usually.
Further Alternative Path Experiments, April, 1888.
20. A spark micrometer was now constructed out of a
micrometer screw arrangement obtained from Lutz, of Paris,
as part of a " Desains' apparatus" for measuring Newton's
rings. It is depicted in various optical books. Insulated
laiobs (of diameter, one 1'940, the other 1'965 centimetres)
were supplied to this, and the distance between them could be ■
varied and read with great ease and accuracy.
The pitch of the screw was one millimetre, and its micro-
meter head was divided into grades, so that actual readings
were in 400ths of a millimetre. Seldom, however, was it
necessary to read so close as this.
This instrument was always used henceforth to measure the
length of the B spark. Knowing this length, the correspond-
ing potential can be determined as follows :
Connection between Differences of Potential and Length
of SparJc.
21. The potential needed to give a spark in air between two
flat plates d centim.etres apart is 110 d electrostatic units, or
33,000 d volts. The corresponding sp)ark length between two
large spheres, of radii r and r' respectively, is b, where
112 1
d b 3r 3r'
(See Maxwell's " Electrical Papers of Cavendish," p. 386.)
In the present case the knobs are not large enough, in com-
parison with the usual length of spark, for this formula to
accurately apply, but the error cannot be great if we take the
potential corresponding to any very short spark, expressed in
fractions of a centimetre, between the above micrometer knobs
(which are each about 1 centimetre radius), as
99000 I
3 + 6
For longer sparks or smaller knobs one must make a sjiecial
series of experiments to compare one with another, and link
all the different sized knohs together into one set, so that all
their readings can be interpreted. To this end I have recently
made a series of experiments, arranging all the pairs of knobs
commonly used in parallel with a couple of large spheres, and
adjusting them all so that a spark was willing to choose any
of the intervals at random. The large spheres were more
easily manageable than a couple of flat plates would have
been ; while calculation from them to flat plates is easy for all
the lengths of spark tried. The results are shown in the
annexed Table :
Corresponding Lengths of Spark between different sized Spheres,
Simultaneously compared (Expressed in centimetres).
Spark Micro-
meter Knobs,
used for B
Knobs of Voss
Often used for
A spark.
Often used.
12-1 cms.
Used to
with the
Spark Length,
calculated for
Hat plates
from the pre-
ceding column.
18 + 6
2 -57
Hence the length of A spark, 2-4 centimetres, between the
knobs of the universal discharger, corresponds to a length of
1-50 centimetre between flat plates, and therefore to a poten-
tial difference of 50,000 volts.
Comparison of Wire, Gauze, and Foil.
22. In continuing the alternative patli experiments tlie first
question I wislied to examine was how far the distribution of
the same amoimt of substance over different surface would
affect the result. I wished, in fact, to compare a round wire,
a flat strip, and a bundle of detached wires, all as nearly
alike as possible.
Three alternative paths were therefore prepared, each ex-
actly 218 centimetres (about 7ft.) long. One was a piece of
No. 12 copf)er wire, weighing 91'6 grammes. Another was a
ribbon of copper foil 6'4 centimetres wide, and weighing
887 grammes. The third was a strip of fine regular copper
wire gauze of the same width as the foil, consisting of 154
parallel wires, each about No. 34, with a corresponding woof.
The weight of the whole gauze is 136'12, but only half this
is effective, so its effective weight is 68'1 grammes. The
total surface exposed by the foil is 12'8 times its length ; the
siu-face exposed by the wire is '77 times its length ; and the
surface exposed by the effective wires of the gauze strip is
8'23 times its length.
The resistances, measured in an ordinary way, ought to be
inversely as their weights ; or approximately the same ; but,
as so often happens, the copper wire turned out a bad material,
and these were the results :
Resistance of copper foil •01126 ohm.
gauze .... -02931 „
„ ,, wire .... -02446 „
23. The two gallon jars in series were used as before. The
B knobs were those of the spark micrometer. The A knobs,
however, instead of being those of the machine, as heretofore,
were the smaller knobs of the same universal discharger as
had hitherto been often used for the B spark (see § 16). It
was now employed in order to obviate danger of any variation
in the length of the A interval by reason of shaking the
The alternative jjath was sometimes connected to the out-
side of the jars direct, sometimes direct to the knobs of the
spark micrometer. Hitherto no special care had been taken
about this because the alternative paths used were so long ; but.
now that one began to use much shorter ones it was necessary
to be careful where they were connected. Connecting them
as directly as possible to the B knobs, as in Fig. 38, is plainly
the best plan. As this had not been usually done hitherto,
it was necessary to examine what sort of difference would be
made by the change. The A knobs were adjusted to a dis-
tance of 2'4 centimetres apart, and the critical length of B
sparks, when about half of them failed, is recorded below :
Alternative Path. ^-g-/
No. 12 copper wire, enclosing maximum area, and con- Cms.
necting outer coats of jars direct '743
The same, but connecting B knobs direct, as in Fig. 38 •552
Ribbon of copper foil connecting B knobs and en-
closing area '268
The same, but distorted from circular into long U
form, so as to enclose much less area '242
Eibbon of copper gauze, connecting knobs and enclos-
ing area '267
The same, but connecting outer coats of jars . . . '414
No alternative path at all. (Frequent spitting at A) 2-118
No. 19 copper wire round theatre, connecting knobs . 1-649
The same, but connecting jars 1-698
No. 27 iron wire round theatre, connecting knobs . . 1-682
The same, but connecting jars 1-663
High liquid resistance, connecting knobs .... 2.080
No alternative path 2-080 or 2.00
But when no alternative path is used, the critical B length
is less definite and sharp ; and, instead of a single weak spark
as vrith a high resistance, there is frequent fizzing and spitting
at A ; though a strong spark passes at A whenever the B
spark occurs. For comparison of these experiments with
theory, see § 40.
24. Henceforth, the alternative path was connected direct
to the knobs of the spark micrometer, so as to have no un-
certainty about the effect of the short leads joining the outer
coats of jars to these knobs.
In the next set of experiments, the same arrangement was
continued precisely, except that sometimes two pint jars were
employed instead of the two gallon jars. The A spark was
2-4 centimetres, as before,
Alternative Path.
Length of
B Spark.
None • •
Liquid resistance
Two pint jars ;
No. 19 copper round room . . .
capacity in
No. 18 iron ,,
series, 733
No. 27 „ „ . . .
No. 1 copper „ with short
stranded connections .
No. 1 „ connected direct . .
Two gallon
'The same
jars ; capacity
No. 27 iron round room ....
in series, 2,800'
No. 18 „ „ ....
No. 19 copper „ ....
The big jars thus give a longer B spark than do the small
ones. A possible reason for this will be suggested later on
(§ 48).
It will be further noticed that in these experiments the
iron is not maintaining its former position of superiority
with respect to copper (see § 16). Thin iron is no longer
able to beat the thickest copper, but appears about on an
equality with it.
25. Since this seemed possibly due to a difference in the
arrangement of the A part of the circuit — the part containiag
the jars, and which in the first of this series of papers we
called the L loop, a part which hitherto had not been much
attended to — the following modification was made : — One of
the two gallon jars was connected up to the machine by means
of one of the long leads round the theatre, so as to increase
the self-induction of this part of the circuit enormously. The
experiment was now repeated, with entirely fresh results.
Everything else was the same as before.
Two gallon jars, but with
one of them joiaed to
machine through the
No. 19 copper wire
round the room.
Alternative Path.
No. 18 iron .
None . . .
No. 1 copper
No. 27 iron.
iNo. 1 iron .
Length of
B Spark.
-782 centim.
2-618 „
•551 „
1-074 „
•585 „
This experiment shows how vital is attention to every part
of the circuit if the result is to be thoroughly understood.
Hereafter, therefore, the circuit containing the jars and A
knobs was much more carefully constructed, so that its
dimensions could be exactly ascertained.
This last experiment is, moreover, the first to which we can
apply our theory as set forth at the iDeginning of this chapter.
It does not happen to apply in its simplest form, however, when
resistance can be neglected. The resistance of the long, thin
leads seems to be an appreciable item in their impedance, and
we shall have to take it into account.
Application of Theory to the Last Recorded Experiments.
26. The L loop of the circuit in these last observations con-
sisted of the No. 19 copper wire round the room, and some
ordinary connecting wires in addition, the self-induction of
which portions may be estimated as about 100 metres. It
is fortunately unnecessary to know it exactly, because it is
almost lost in the much greater inductance of the No. 19 lead.
Collecting the data required from §§15 and 19, and repro-
ducing them here, we have, for the inductance, length, and
ordinary resistance of the conductors employed, the following
values :
No. 19 copper + connections
No. 1 copper
No. 1 iron
No. 18 iron
No. 27 iron
The first thing necessary to be calculated is the frequency
of vibration ; and inasmuch as it is improbable that in any
of these cases is the resistance sufB.cient to make the co-
efficient m of § 2 comparable in size to n, unless the resis-
tance of the A spark be supposed excessive, I shall proceed to
calculate n in the first instance as simply equal to
^{8(L + L^)\
The electrostatic capacity charged is, the jars, which to-
gether equal 28 metres, and the No. 19 lead and connections,
which equal four metres more. So the value of S is 3,200
electrostatic units.
When either of the No. 1 leads is the alternative path the
total self-induction of the whole circuit is
£ + £„ = 67000 + 39000 = 106000 electro-magnetic units.
Before multiplying these quantities together we must re-
duce them both to the same units, or, what is better, express
both fuUy and without any convention, as S = 3200 K centi-
metres, and L + L^ = 106000 ^i centimetres.
So the product
18400 centimetres
^{8 {L + L,)) = 18400 /(^g) = 3 ^ ^^.o centimetres per sec. "
Hence ?i = 1'63 x 10'^ per second,
and the frequency, being 5-' is in this case just about one
quarter of a million complete alternations per second.
A similar calculation for the other leads enables us to fill
up the column headed n in the subjoined table (p. 298).
27. The next thing is to reckon the effective resistance to
currents alternating at this rate. The rapidity being so great,
one may use the simple formula of § 2, which makes the effec-
tive resistance the geometric mean between r and */ {\n fil) ;
and hence the next column of the table is calculated, and the
column of resistances headed JS„ filled up from it. Unfortu-
nately there is great uncertainty as to the proper value of fi,
the magnetic permeability which should be used. Prof. Ewing
has found values of fj, varying from 60 to 130 or so for hard
iron or steel ; and all kinds of values for very soft iron up to
2,000, and even, when vibrated, up to 20,000. Now the skin of
wires is liable to be hard, and, as they tend to get magnetized
by the current in concentric rings, the lower values of ^
seem most probable, at least for thin wires. None of the
wires were softened or annealed in any way — they were put
up as bought at an ironmonger's. It will be well to try a
few experiments with some specially selected iron wire. Mean-
while, as I am uncertain what value of jx to employ, I propose
to try two very different ones, and see what happens in each
case. First I will consider ^t = 100, and then fx = 2500,
The quantity //(^n fiV) has the dimension of a resistance,
and to bring it to ohms it is divided by 10". The valne of
n L can be similarly expressed.
28. The rest is pretty simple. Having filled up the B^
column as the mean of the preceding and of r, we calculate
impedance by reckoning the value of
^{B; + {nL,y}.
For tlie No. 1 copper wire this comes out 64 ohms.
One estimates the potential V„, to which the jars were
charged, by the length of the A spark, and thus calculates the
current amplitude
The A spark being 2 '4 centimetres long, between the knobs
of the universal discharger, will be found, by means of the
information contained in § 21, to correspond with a length of
spark 1'5 centimetres between flat plates. This gives as the
initial potential, Fq, 60,000 volts ; and accordingly the maxi-
mum current comes out 284 amperes for the circuit including
the No. 1 copper.
Between positive and negative values of this magnitude, the
current oscillates 260,000 times a second until damped out by
the exponential term and dissipated into heat. This process
does not take long. A column shows the time taken for the
current amplitude to decay to one-millionth of its initial value,
i.e., 14 times what is ordinarily called the "time constant."
The next three columns show the proportion of current ampli-
tude remaining after 1 complete vibration, after 10 vibrations,
and after j of a vibration.
Near the middle of the table is a column showing the esti-
mated potential available for the B spark, allowing nothing
for damping. This is got by simply multiplying the impedance
of the alternative path and the current amplitude. Dividing
this by 33,000, we get the calculated length of B spark between
flat plates ; and to obtain from this the corresponding length
of spark between the actual micrometer knobs we have to
make use of information contained in § 21. These lengths
are tabulated in the adjoining column, and for comparison
with them the experimentally observed numbers are tabulated
alongside of those with which they best agree. Considering
,0) M -o hr
, 1
• 4h 43 ( =
M I— ( T3 S *^ 2h
g g ci c«
;-. is fl f-. > -*f
2 2 oS-^ !?.
I— I o
o^ o g cS
o o
o o
o o o
o o o
r-4 lO i-H
^ 0)
H = CO
2 ti CO
'S '^
p9A.i9sqo A[i'B:(uarai.iscIxa
•SuidiU'Bp n^HAV ^iiBcIs q
p8!J'Bin0X'B0 A[X'80T;j9.I09qX
be s^
.SoSS-g S|s
_, +3 CO ^
^ g c8 5 5
g-H O ^ ^
* '-^ '" .2 'MI'S -* 1 s
rcl "S ""
c€ c€
^"S „
s. .
+ s
r— 1
.3 o
.^ "S^-gbb
a -S
1— 1
1— 1
"^i g
c 5
■ 2
k- (
' 1
tliat the calculation attempts absolute, and not merely relative
values, tlie agreement is surprisingly close, for the numbers
calculated by means of /u = 100.
29. But then, so far, no allowance for damping has been
made. We must next make the supposition that the B spark
lags a quarter period behind the A spark, so that the current
amplitude has had time to be slightly reduced. The theoretical
B spark thus obtained is entered in the last calculated column
of the table, and alongside of it the experimental numbers
are again quoted, but this time they agree best with the
larger value of fx.
As a matter of fact, this lag of a quarter pteriod must occur,
in order to give time for the current to rise from nothing to
its maximum value. The only question is whether the B
spark does not lag a little longer, and only occur at the second
or third oscillation. If so, of course damping becomes much
more important ; but I see no reason making it probable that
if it cannot jump at first it will be able to jump at all. I
propose, however, to settle this point by arranging the two
sparks A and B alongside of one another, and examining
them both in a very rapidly rotating mirror.
30. There is just the possibility that the B spark jumps the
gap before the current has had time to be fully excited in the
alternative piath, and if so, the circumstances regulating its
critical value must be different ; the hypothesis really requires
a fresh theory, in which the electrostatic cai)acity of the alter-
native path lead will play an important part. While test-
ing the theory originally suggested above, we must ignore
this possibility. Besides, it can be tested experimentally by
cutting the wire forming the alternative path at its middle,
and seeing whether the length of the B spark is or is not
affected. This I have done, the numbers will be given later
on ; suffice it to say now that the B spai-k is immensely
lengthened by the change, showing that the wire acts by
conduction, not by electrostatic displacement.
31. The column of the table headed "Damping coefficient''
gives values of m calculated on the assumption that the resis-
tance of the spark itself is negligible. This may be untrue,
but I do not know how to estimate it. If it is more than five
or six ohms it ought to be taken into account ; though its
only effect will be to slightly increase the damping coefficient.
Towa.rds the end of the discharge the resistance of the spark
may become very large, but by that time the B spark is
The last entry in this damping coefficient column, 1'65
million per second, is the value of m for the No. 27 iron wire
on the improbable assumption that ;u = 2,500. This value of
m is actually bigger than n, which is only 1-47 million per
second, so the whole second approximation breaks down for
this case, for it depends on in^ being moderately small com-
pared with w". The column headed n ought, indeed, strictly
speaking, to be headed \/(n' + m^) ; and, knowing this, a more
correct value of n can easily be calculated by successive ap-
proximations, except for the last line of the table. It is
because of this failure to satisfy the second approximation
conditions that no further entries are made in the last line of
the table. It is fully worked out in § 38. The most generally
interesting part of the table is included between a pair of
double lines.
Application of Theory to the Last Recorded Experiments.
32. The agreement between theory and observation turned
out so remarkably good in the last article that it encourages
one to go into the matter a little further ; for, although some
of the precise numerical agreement is no doubt accidental,
the numbers being easily changed one or two per cent, either
way by differences in calculation, yet the discrepancies are
well within errors of experiment, and their smallness seems
distinctly to show that we are on the right tack, and have
hold of the clue to a thorough understanding of these ex-
But, concerning the value of /x, I was in considerable uncer-
tainty, and chose two very different values merely to see how
the results would come out. That they came out so very
comparable with experiment was a matter of surprise to me,
and was not expected till quite the end of the calculation,
when I found it necessary to make the observations detailed
in § 21 in order to interpret the spark-length indications.
In order to gain some information as to what value of ju
was probable for the case under consideration, I wrote to
our authority in magnetism, Prof. Ewing, asking him what
value of lu, was probable for an iron wire conveying a rapidly
alternating current ; and have just obtained from him a
reply, which, being of general interest, I quote :
" Next to nothing is known, I believe, about the value of fx
for rapidly-alternating magnetic force. There is certainly a
true magnetic viscosity ; therefore /x for rapid alternation is
certainly less than the static fj.. How much less I have no
definite idea. I think, however, that for such frequency of
alternation as occurs in a transformer, say, it is not much less.
As to the static value, if your wire is annealed, it may be
anything from 3,000 downwards to, say, 100, according to
the particular value of ^ at the place considered. If your
wire is hard-drawn, it may be anything from about 500
downwards, according to the value of I&. Take an example :
a wire four millimetres in diameter, carrying 10 amperes, IJ)
at the circumference will then be 10 C.-Gr.-S. This in an
annealed wire would make IS = 13,000, giving fx = 1,300,
about. In a hard-drawn wire /.i for the same force might be
about 500. At points nearer the axis, where ft is less, ^
would (in the soft wire) be at first somewhat greater, and
then less as you go nearer still to the axis. I should say that
for soft wire fj. = 1,000 would be a fair average value, and for
a hard wire fj. = 300 or 400."
33. It will be seen that he suggests a probable value inter-
mediate between the extreme values I had previously made
the calculation for ; and that for the wires used fi = 400 is a
likely value for oscillations such as occur in transformers.
But then these oscillations are only a hundred or two per
second. Neither Prof. Ewing nor anyone else is able to say
what the value of fj. will be for currents alternating at the
rate of a quarter of a million per second. It would naturally
occur to anyone that my experiments themselves should,
when calculated out, be able to furnish the appropriate value
of fi ; and so I hope they will, but they cannot give a value
at all closely, because an enorinous difEerence in /n makes but
little difference in the length of the B spark. The table
printed at p. 298 shows that it makes but little difference, at
least for cases when the second aiDproximation is easily appli-
cable ; and a further theoretical discussion of the point brings
out the same thing.
There is some advantage about the fact, however, viz., that
it is not necessary to know the value of fi at all closely in
order to make calculations. It may be asked why I do not
determine jj, for the particular wires used by direct experi-
ment. It would be easy to determine tbe fx appropriate to
steady longitudinal magnetization, but this has no connection
whatever with the fi appropriate to magnetization in con-
centric cylinders alternating hundreds of thousands of times
a second. A priori one could not say that for such a case as
this fi is any greater than unity, but I hope that the experi-
ments will enable us to pronounce on this point one way or
I may say that in writing these sections I have not done
the calculations beforehand. I am making them as I go
along, so as to test the theory by the facts whenever we have
data sufficient to make an application of theory possible. The
facts themselves were obtained before I had worked out the
theory. The agreement so far found is sufficiently encourag-
ing to make us willing to write out the theory a little more
fully, so as to investigate all the circumstances on which the
length of the spark alternative to a given conductor in a
given circuit depends.
Second Approximation Theory further Worhed Old.
34. In § 4 a general notion of what is necessary for the
second approximation to the alternative spark length is sug-
gested, but it is not worked out in that first article. Now
that we have a case for which it seems very clearly to apply
we must proceed to work it out further.
The principal effect of resistance is the increase of impe-
dance ; the effect next in importance is the damping out of
the vibrations. It being tolerably certain that the current
must rise to a maximum before a critical B spark can occur,
a quarter period, or — , has to elapse between the A and
the B spark. Hence the potential available for the B spark
is (see § 2)
_ "" "^
V=P,0,e 2»» (9)
Hence V _ P„ e'Yii (11)
So, if we neglect damping, tlie ratio of the B spark to the
A spark is as the total impedance of the alternative path to
the inertia part of the impedance of the whole circuit.
35. The first approximation, § 3, equation (4), gave us for
the ratio of the two sparks
The second approximation, without damping, gives us
-Pq ■
whose numerator contains not only the inertia part of the
impedance of the alternative path, but the resistance part as
Suppose we call the inertia part of impedance "inertia"
simply; and the resistance part let us call "throttling," so
that (impedance)^ = (inertia)^ + (throttling)^
The throttling of the whole circuit write
E„ + E = -/» {^/(i Z„ Mo »•„) + -/(I ^^ »•)} = (* + &)'/»• (12)
where 0'^ = W f^o '"o' ^^'^^ ^^ proportional to both the magnetic
permeability and the ordinary resistance of the alternative
path ; while V represents the same thing for the rest of the
We have also the equations,
P,'=p,' + B: = n'L„' + na' .... (13)
m B + B„ a + b
"^^ + '^^ = ^(i + i„) (14)
It is cumbersome and unnecessary to combine all these
equations with absolute accuracy ; but quite inappreciable
error will be made by using the approximations
1 _ {a + bf
V_ -0
P, = n^{L,' + aW8{L + L,)) . . (17)
-•i -=9%^. (18)
» 2(i + i„)f "^ ''
This clearly shows the relation of the first approximation
(the term outside the square root) to the second. The smaller
the capacity of the condenser (other things being the same),
the better serves the first approximation.
36. By means of this formula, it is easy to see how the
ratio of the B spark" to the A spark varies vcith the different
arbitrary variables, L, £„, 8, a, and 6.
Iron or Lead versus Copper.
The thing which most interests us is to examine how the
B spark depends upon the resistance and magnetic properties
of the alternative path — that is, how it varies with a, since
So take logarithms of (19) and differentiate, abbreviating
VS{L + L,)tol;
1 dV _ a IT
then Y-da~nL„'' + a' 4>{L + L,)^n ' ' ^^^>
This clearly shows that when the alternative path is short,
-J— is negative, and that hence the B spark is shortened by
an increase in either its resistance or magnetic susceptibility ;
but that, as a increases, t— passes through an insensitive
stage, and ultimately becomes positive. When this is the
case, the length of the B spark is increased by increasing
r or fx.
The intermediate insensitive condition — - — . = is attained
when a^ = «|t(i + £;-.i„^| .... (21)
that is, approximately, when Pq = - (p +jpo) • • • (22)
or, in other ■words, when the undamped potential available for
the B spark is about two-thirds that available for the A spark.
Under these circumstances (which are very probable ones)
a change in the material of the alternative path from copper
to iron or lead makes hardly any difference.
The statement (21) for the insensitive condition may be
also written, approximately,
K = ^i]P.+pj-p: ■ ■ ■ • (23)
If the throttling of the alternative path is greater than the
square root of the difference of the squares of - times the
inertia of the whole circuit and of the inertia of the alternative
path, thenafurther increase in its r or /zwill diminish its efficacy
as an alternative path ; but so long as the throttling is kept
less than the above value, then the worse a conductor, or the
more magnetic its substance, the better an alternative j>ath
will it afford.
Thus, the apparently abnormal fact that under certain cir-
cumstances thin iron serves as a better alternative path than
thick copper (actually because it has a higher resistance and a
higher value of /x, and thereby damps out the vibration
sooner) is fully explained ; and the circumstances under which
iron ceases to be better and becomes worse than copper are
completely specified.
On the Value of fi which makes Calculation and Experiment
best Agree.
37. It is an important matter to know what is the true
value of the magnetic permeability of iron applicable to these
very rapid alternations, and we will see if the last article can
help us to an answer.
First, it will be instructive to calculate out the whole cir-
cumstances of the experiment of § 25, assuming the value of
fi to be 400 for iron wire under the circumstances. The
following table (Table 11.) shows the result, and it can be
compared with the table in § 28, which gave the results for
^ = 100 and /i = 2,600.
The meaning of the symbols heading the columns has beeij
already explained, but it may be well to recapitulate. P is
the total impedance of a conductor, p is the inertia part, and
JR the resistance or throttling part of it ; « is 2 ;r times the
number of times the current alternates in a second ; and h is
a constant such that iE = 6 >^n. Its value is »y{\l ix r) where
I is the conductor, r its ordinary resistance, and fi. its magnetic
In one of the rows of the table the expressions by which
these things are calculated, or references to the equation or
section where such expressions can be found, are, for con-
venience, added.
The No. 19 conductor is given a part of the table to itself
because it formed a permanent part of the circuit ; the other
four conductors are alternative paths, and were successively
placed in series with the No. 19 conductor. V„ being the
j>otential acting in the whole circuit, Y is the potential acting
in the alternative-path portion. The last column of the table
exhibits the ratio of these potentials as obtained by direct
measurement of the A and B sparks, for the purpose of com-
parison with the calculated or theoretical values. I may
mention that, by help of § 35, the values of m and n are now
calculated more exactly than they were in § 31.
38. Plainly the agreement between theory and experiment
is, for this value of p., not very good. It was much better for
fj, = 100 if the damping were neglected ; but it can hardly be
legitimate to neglect the damping.
The agreement was very good with /j. = 2,500 for the three
cases which could be calculated out (see Table I., p. 298).
The fourth case was not then worked out, but we ought now
to be able to do it by help of § 35. The result is shown in
Table III.
Thus the agreement between theory and observation is very
close for this fourth case also, if /i be taken as 2,600. This
set of experiments seems, therefore, to indicate 2,500 as a
probable value for /n. It is surprisingly large.
39. To bring out the efEect of different values of p. more
clearly I append here a table (Table IV.) showing the calcu-
lated ratio of potentials, available for the A and the B spark
respectively, with different values of ft, namely, with fi = l,
fM = 100, fi = 400, ,i = 2,500. This table gives not only the
theoretical ratio of potential but also its undamped value in
each case, and thus clearly exhibits the effect of damping.
a 1 ^
50 00 35(35
9? V-?
2 S|s
183 5
5 ^
^ b- 1- ira in
S m 03 CT «t
j« '.O !D OO OO
f *
per second.
2 L?
No. 19 Copp,T ,
No. 1 Copper .
No. 1 Iron .
No. 18 Iron .
No. 27 Iron .
SI s
S 1
CO W Oi 00
' ' ' CO
CO « IC p
COTti top-
a, +
cocp'-r •*
CO w-^ -^
■~ +
f-t^ t~C^ 1
No. 1 Copper. . .
No. 1 Iron .
No. 18 Iron ....
No. 21 Iron . .
There is no doubt but that the largest value of fi gives the
best agreement. We must not put too much confidence in the
indication of this one set of experiments, but we will remember
the hint and proceed to discuss a few earlier observations,
recorded before § 25.
We may, however, just notice before leaving that this last
table serves to illustrate in a general way the truth of what we
P 2
reckoned in § 36, viz., that if — 5_ was less than _ (or "636),
an increase in fi diminishes the ratio ^— whereas so soon
P 2
as ?-- gets up to (or apparently near) -, an increase in /j,
makes — increase. For instance, in the case of the No. 1 iron
an increase in /x steadily decreases the ratio ; whereas for the
No. 27 iron it gets first decreased and then increased.
Application of Theory to Previously-recorded Experiments.
40. Although in the experiments recorded before § 25 we
had not quite complete data for applying theory, inasmuch as
the particulars of the jar part of the circuit were not specially
noted, yet we can try the estimate of 50 metres which we have
already made for its self-induction (§ 19), and see whether
anything can be done. This is the more desirable because the
experiments comparing a round wire, a ribbon of foil, and a
strip of gauze come in this portion of the record (see §§22
and 23). It is probable that for most of these cases the first
approximation alone will serve fairly well, since the resistance
of the whole circuit was but small.
Wire V. Bibhon.
Referring back to p. 292, therefore, and using the dimen-
sion of wire and foil recorded in § 22, I calculate the self-
induction of the piece of No. 12 wire by equation (7) as being
26 metres ; which becomes 25 metres if the current keeps to
the surface.
For the foil, if the current were distributed uniformly all
through it, the self-induction would be
L = 4.7r r(log .^qIqj, - 2) = 436 x 310 = 13-5 metres ;
where b is its breadth (6'4 centimetres), its thickness being
very small. If the current keeps to the surface, i is a trifle
less than this, and if it distributes itself unequally, so as to
make L as small as jjossible, as in practice it will, there will
be a further reduction ; but its amount I do not quite know
how to reckon. So I shall take the self-induction as 25 metres
for the wire, and 13 metres for the foil.
Hence, using them as alternative paths, and applying the
first approximation, with L assumed 50 metres, we should
have :
E. i.
25 , ,
- -r T =Wk for the wire.
Ml + J-lj, <0
^ for the foil.
Comparing these and similarly made calculations with the
observations recorded in sections 28 and 24, as made with
two-gallon jars and various alternative paths, we have the
following table, comparing theory and experiment :
Alternative path.
B spark
flat plates.
length of
B spark
knobs used.
length of
B spark.
Circle of No. 12 wire .
Ribbon of copper foil .
Ribbon of copper gauze
Long No. 19 copper wire
No. 27 iron wire . . .
No. 1 copper wire . .
No. 27 iron wire . . .
No. 18 iron wire . . .
No. 19 copper wire . .
This is not a complete account of the matter, because the
experiments recorded in § 24 as having been made with pint
jars are omitted. The first approximation by itself shows no
reason why the capacity of the jars used should matter ; but,
experimentally, it did matter somewhat.
The calculated spark length for the copper foil is too great ;
probably I have not allowed enough for the freedom of distri-
bution of current inside a ribbon. The real self-induction
would be less than what I have reckoned it. The slight
discrepancy of the No. 1 copper I see no reason for. The
self-induction of the strip of gauze I have not yet reckoned.
Earlier Experiments reduced hy help of § 21. — Again,
going further back still in the record of experiments to §§ 16
and 17, and reducing the spark lengths there given to centi-
metres between flat plates, we have A = V87 centimetre, and
for B the following numbers :
Alternative Observed B spark
path. reduced to flat plates.
No. 1 copper 1-66 cm.
„ 27 iron 1-51 „
„ 1 „ 1-53 „
,, 19 copper 1-62 „
„ 18 iron 1-53 „
Two gutta-percha leads in concurrent series 1 • 80 , ,
„ ,, „ in opposing series . 1'48 „
„ „ „ in parallel . . . 1'48 „
One lead only 1'48 ,,
One lead, with the other one closed . . 1'41 „
Applying the first approximation theory to the No. 1 copper
lead, and taking L as 50 metres, we get as the theoretical B
spark, for this case, 1'65 centimetre ; which agrees with
observation. The other leads seem to require the second
approximation to bring out their slight differences.
We will now proceed with the record of further experiment.
Record of Further Experiments, August, 1888.
41. A circuit was now prepared, of which every detail could
be easily determined, and whose self-induction could be varied
within certain limits at pleasure. The main part of it con-
sisted of two wires stretched parallel to one another, about
four inches apart, being supported at their ends by silk threads
and glass pillars. To the ends of these parallel wires, and as
prolongations of them, were arranged two very small Leyden
jars, such as are supplied with an ordinary Voss machine,
clipped in a couple of retort stands standing on a wooden
table. From the outer coats of these jars, thus 'woodenly con-
nected, two short wires led straight to the spark micrometer.
Connection with the machine was effected through wooden
sticks, so that the machine and leading wires are quite out of
the circuit as far as discharges and oscillations are concerned
(see Pig. 42).
It was proved experimentally that none of the circuit
beyond the wooden semi-interruption made the least diffe-
rence. Nor did it matter whereabouts the wood made con-
nection with the jar circuit. An A spark was provided by
the universal discharger, which was placed under the two
long wires so as nearly to bridge across the gap. This dis-
o- ^ ^ ^' — ^' — ^^^
<-- X ->f — )«- -><- ->
ei 2i 20 70 e5 CLNTIMETSLS
Fig. 42.
J are the two Voss jars arranged as shown in flgure, with long
wire continuations, two No. 17 copper wires a decimetre apart. M is
the machine and H^ are wooden connectors. A is the universal dis-
charger, which can be placed in either one of three positions, 1, 2, 3.
B is the spark micrometer, with an alternative path completing the
circuit shown by a dotted line. Linear dimensions are expressed in
charger could be shifted along the whole length of the wires,
and thus the self-induction of the jar circuit varied. Ordi-
narily three definite positions were employed, one near each
end and one near the middle, labelled respectively 1, 2, and 3,
as shown in the diagram. The knobs of the discharger and
of the spark micrometer are the same as have already been
described and experimented on, as recorded in § 21. The
dimensions of the whole arrangement are best represented in
the diagram.
It is necessary to specify the thickness of the different parts
of the circuit :
Thickness of No. 17 wires . . . . -15 centim.
Thickness of rods inside jars . . . -98 ,,
Thickness of A discharger rods . . . -60 „
Thickness of B discharger rods ... -58 „
Capacity and Self-Induction.
The capacity of the two Voss jars in series, and of the two
No. 17 wires, amounted altogether to 143 centimetres electro-
static units. This, therefore, is the value of 8 when the Voss
jars are used.
Applying calculation to the rectangular circuit included
between the .4 and the B knobs I make out that its self-induc-
tion in electro-magnetic measure is as follows :
For the A knobs in No. 1 position . £, = 1290 centimetres.
;, „ No. 2 „ . ^2 = 2677
No. 3 „ . i, = 4397
Alternative Paths.
42. A number of alternative paths were now prepared, all
consisting of the same length of wire, namely 286 centimetres,
carefully bent into a circle about 2ft. 6in. in diameter, with
ends arranged so as to be easily connected direct to the rods
of the spark micrometer. They were all the same length, but
of very different thickness and material, the finer wires being
supported on a hoop of cardboard.
Table A shows their thickness, their ordinarily measured
Table A.
Description of wire.
No. 5 copper . . . .
No. 2 iron .
No. 24 brass
No. 18 iron .
No. 18 copper
No. 24 brass
No. 25 iron .
No. 23 copper
No. 40 copper
i •Ol
" Longer leads"
'. -15
resistance, and their calculated self-induction, for cases where
the current keeps to their outer surface.
Sometimes much longer leads were used, consisting of a
pair of No. 17 copper wires, each 38'2 metres long, arranged
along and across the room, parallel to one another, so as -to
enclose a distorted rectangle half a metre broad. Particulars
of these are entered in the last line of the above table. The
electrostatic capacity between one wire and the other was 147
Effect of Light on the Sparks.
43. A few rough preliminary experiments with these alter-
native paths were made to begin with, when it was noticed
that the B spark was affected by the presence or absence of
an opaque partition between it and the A spark, and not only
an opaque partition — even a glass plate made a decided
difference. The B spark was longer when the light from, the
A spark was suffered to fall upon it, and shorter when it was
screened. This is manifestly the same effect as had been
previously discovered by Dr. Hertz in the course of his ex-
periments with an induction coil. He showed that it was
ultra-violet light that was most effective in helping the passage
of a spark, and hence the action of a glass screen. Some
readings are given in § 44 and also in § 67.
The experiment is interesting now as proving that the A
Table B.
Length of B spark
Alternative path.
for different positions of A.
Position 1.
Position 2.
Position 3.
No. 5 copper
No. 2 iron .
No. 24 brass
No. 18 iron .
No. 18 copper
No. 40 copper
No. 24 brass
No. 25 iron .
No. 23 copper
"Longer leads " .
spark occurs infinitesimally before the B spark ; sufficiently
before it for light to have time to travel the interval between
the two, though not necessarily any more than this. A screen
of black card was now arranged so as to screen off the B knobs
from the light from A. The varying illumination of the day
was not found to make any appreciable difference, so the
window light was ignored.
44. A systematic set of experiments was now made. The
A knobs were set permanently 1^35 centimetre apart, and the
B knobs adjusted by their micrometer-screw until about half
the sparks failed and half passed. Their distance apart was
then read, and the discharger A shifted to a fresh position
(1, 2, or 3 in the above diagram), always keeping the A spark-
length 1^35. Then B was adjusted again, and so on. Table
B is a record of the readings.
Table C.
Alternative path.
Critical length of B spark
for different positions of A.
Position 1.
Position 3.
No. 25 iron
No. 5 copper ....
No. 2 iron
No. 25 iron
,, ,, .....
>» »s
Longer leads
Longer leads with far ends
disconnected ....
Longer leads with ends
joined again ....
1 ^400
•173 Unillnminated.
•293 With magnesium burn-
ing close to.
•275 Not screenedfrom view
of A spark.
•243 Screened off again.
Sparks just ceasing.
Sparks about half-and-half.
Sparks never failing.
Sparks just ceasing.
The iron conductors gave the sharpest and most definite
value for the B spark length, and the coppers gave the least
definite value of all the alternative paths. When no alter-
native path was used the critical spark length was much more
vague, considerable variation being possible before the B
sparks either wholly failed or always passed.
45. Next day the retort holders were removed from the
jars so as to get rid of a possible effect of their capacity, and
the jars were mounted on paraffin blocks instead ; but when
no alternative path was used their outer coatings were con-
nected imperfectly by a wooden penholder or something of the
sort laid across them, in order that they might have no
difiiculty in charging.
The B interval was now usually adjusted until the sparks
there were just ceasing, instead of being half-and-half. The
same Voss jars were used, and A was still 1^35 centimetre.
Table C shows the result.
The discharger A was then removed from any of its three
regular positions, and put right away at the end of the "longer
leads" described in § 42. In this case an A spark 1-35 cen-
timetre long could not be obtained, by reason of leakage ; so
it was shortened to -^7, and the following readings taken.
The B spark was now relatively enormous when there was no
alternative path, although A had been so much shortened.
Alternative Critical B spark, with
path A at far end of leads.
No. 25 iron ^040
No. 6 copper . .... -031
None 1-620
No. 2 iron "028
As a variation the A discharger was restored to its old posi-
tion, A„ and the B knobs j^ut right away at the end of the
longer lead. The A spark being still "97, the following read-
iuifs were taken :
Alternative patli.
Length of B spark
at far end of leads.
A in Position 1.
A in Position 3.
No. 25 iron . . .
It must be noted that the here used A spark lengths, 1-35
and "97 centimetres, become, when reduced to flat plates, 1-1
and 'SS respectiyely.
Record of Further Experiments in September, 1888.
46. The arrangement depicted in Pig. 42 was still employed ;
but a couple of pint jars were substituted for the two small
Voss jars. The static capacity was by this change raised from
143 centimetres to 670 centimetres, or nearly fivefold. The
A spark was 1-35 centimetres long between the knobs of the
universal discharger (or reduced to flat plates, I'l centimetre).
It could be placed in either of the three positions shown in
the figure, and its light was always screened off the B Iniobs
(see § 48). These were adjusted till the B spark between them
was just failing, passing occasionally, but missing much more
often. The alternative paths used were wire circles, about
2ft. in diameter, whose particulars are already recorded in
§ 42. The following are the results :
Fint Jars.
Length of B spark for difierent positions
of A, in millimetres.
Alternative path.
Position 1.
Position 2.
Position 3.
8-50 j
No. 25 iron .
No. 2 iron .
No. 5 copper
No. 23 copper
5 '85
No. 40 copper
6 3
No. 2i brass
No. 24 brass . . .
The pair of wires called " longer leads " (§ 42) were now
inserted between the discharger and the jars, and the ji sparlc
had to be shortened to 7'5 millimetres. The following were
now the readings of the B spark :
Alternative B spark in i Alternative B spark in
path. millimetres, i path. millimetres.
None. ... 10-55 No. 23 copper . ; -44
No. 5 copper . -22 i No. 25 iron. . i '45
No. 2 iron . . -25 \. No. 40 copper . ] -86
Application of Theory.
47. Applying theory to these experimental results, we de-
duce the following values for the rate of alternation per
second, and for the maximum strength of current passing
through the conductors.
The rate of alternation is slightly different for the different
alternative paths. The extreme values are those for the
thickest iron and the thinnest copper ; so, taking them as
examples, we have —
Pint Jars.
\Mien tlie tliickest or No. 2 wire is used for alternative path.
Position of A
Rate of alternation.
r., ,, , Impedance
Strength of ^f ^iterna- I
max. current. , tivepath. \
No. 1. . . 3'1 millions per see.
No. 3. . . . 2 2 millions per .sec.
End of longer leads I 0-52 million per sec.
3,000 amperes
2,500 amperes
[670 amperes]
7 ohms
5 ohms
1 'i ohms
When the thinnest or No. 40 wire is used as alt. path.
No. 1. .1 2.4 millions per sec.
No. 3 ' 2'0 millions per sec.
End of longer leads 0'r)2 million per sec.
2,700 amperes 10 ohms
2,000 amperes
[660 amperes]
8 '5 ohms
2 2 ohms
The strength of current put in square brackets in the third
column is what corresponds to the same A spark length as in
the other two columns. In actual fact this spark length had
to be reduced, because of leakage, and accordingly the current
was reduced too in about the same proportion.
With the Yoss jars the rate of alternation will be rather
more than double, and the current amplitude about half, what
is recorded for the two pint jars.
Comparison between Theory aiid Experiment.
48. Calculating absolutely to the length of B spark theore-
tically to be expected, by means of the first approximation
(§ 3), which ought to serve for this case, I do not find a good
agreement when small jars are used, the Voss jars giving
greater disagreement than the pint jars.
The sparks ob-
I was at
served are shorter than - — "-- times the A spark,
one time almost prepared to say that this was probably be-
cause loss by radiation damps out the vibrations with these
small capacities more quickly than has hitherto been supposed,
and hence that an extra damping term of some vigour comes
into these small jar operations. I now think it more likely
that it is a mere question of static capacity ; and the potential
falls when a small jar has to empty itself over wires of even
distantly comparable capacity.
But it may be worth noticing that, taking merely relative
numbers, the agreement is very fair. Thus, if we multiply
the value ^ — °^ by the factor 7'6 (instead of by 11, the length
of the A spark between flat plates in millimetres), we get
the column called " calculated (relative) " in the annexed
Pint Jars.
Alternative path, and position
of ^.
Length of B sj)ark when half
No. 25 iron .
No. 2 iron .
No. 5 copper
No. 23 copper
No. 40 copper
No. 2 J brass.
No. 24 brass
{Position 1
Position -2
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
Position 1
Position 3
The agreement here is not perfect, but it is not verjr
It is to be noticed that the distance at whicli half the
B sparks fail is not the best thing to observe. What theory
indicates is the distance at which they all fail. This would
not account for much of the defect in agreement between
observed and calculated absolute values.
Whether we can improve it, and obtain fair absolute, in-
stead of only relative concordance, by taking into account the
radiational dissipation of energy, we will consider later.
49. When the longer leads (§ 42) are inserted, with a self-
induction of about 1,000 metres, the same mode of calculation
gives us the theoretical B spark lengths as closely propor-
tional to the self-induction of the alternative paths, but it is
improbable that the first approximation is now sufficient,
especially with the No. 40 wire. It is scarcely worth troub-
ling about the second approximation in such a case as this,
so I will proceed with the record of experiment, using the
gallon jars instead of the pint. The A spark is still 1'35,
and everything remains the same as before, the light being
screened off.
The capacity charged is now 2,890 centimetres, except when
the long leads are used, and then it is 3,040.
Gallon Jars.
Alternative path.
B spark length when half sparks fail, for
different position of A.
None . . .
No. 5 copper .
No. 2 iron
No. 25 iron .
No. 23 copper
No. 40 copper
No. 24 brass .
! No. 2i brass .
No. 18 iron .
No. 18 copper
7 -.35
6 '25
— 1 91
4-10 1 2'57
3-97 2-77
5-45 3-70
5 03 3-95
5-84 4-60
5-26 3-80
4-10 2-45
4-60 3-14
4-95 3-12
50. Eepeat with "longer leads" joined up to jar, with
their far ends disconnected. A spark shortened to -96, be-
cause it could not be got to form,
B spark length for various positions of the
A knobs.
Alternative patli.
Position 4.
Po.sition 1.
Position 3.
(Far end of long
None ; 6-8
>fo 2 iron
; 4-5o
2 10
No. 5 copper .
4 '80
No 40 copper
No. 25 iron .
No. 23 copper
3 00
No. 18 copper
No. 18 iron .
No. 2i bras.? .
No. 24 lirass .
Comparison with Theory.
61. Taking the ratio - — '^ and multiplying it by the
L + Lo
length of the A spark, we get very fair accord between theory
and experiment. But the agreement is still closer if instead
of multiplying by 11 we multiply by an arbitrary factor 10
for the longer A spark and by 71 instead of 8^5 for the
shortened one (see end of § 45). The table on the next page
shows the comparison between calculation and observation for
the longer A spark :
52. Similarly, comparing theory and experiment with the
shortened A spark, and with the long leads as part of the
charged conductors, we get the table printed on the next page
for each of the three positions tried :
Historical Note.
53. It has been everybody's opinion, I believe, that the
original alternative-path experiment was performed by Para-
day ; but Mr. Oliver Heaviside has been good enough to send
me the following extract, showing that it is much older and
is due to Priestley :
Extract from John Cuthhertson' s " Practical Electricity and
Galvanism," dated 1807. Printed for J. Callow, London.
" An electric discharge prefers a short passage through the
air to a long one through good conductors.
Gallon Jars.
Observed B spark.
Calculated (relative).
No. 25 iron .
• -i^
No.2 iron
■ -12
3 3
No. 5 copper
. .^2
6-9 ;
No. 23 copper
5-0 1
• -12
1 3
No. 40 copper
No. 24 brass .
. .\2
f 1
7 '2
No. 24 brass .
■ \l
t Jars and Long Lee
Calculated (relative).
4-4 i
No. 2 iron
2-3 1
No. 5 copper
.- III.
0-17 !
0-20 :
No. 40 copper
. III.
.- III.
No. 25 iron .
0-31 j
5-5 [
No. 2.3 copper
3-0 :
No. 18 copper
2-7 1
Iiv. ,
No. 18 iron .
0-16 !
No. 2J brass
' 1
No. 24 brass
" Exp. 106. — Bend a wire, about 6ft. long, in the form
of an Q, that the parts a h may stand about a quarter of an
inch from each other, then connect the end a to the outside
of a battery or coated surface sufficient to melt wire. When
it is charged set one leg of the insulated discharge upon a
and make the other end to touch one of the knobs of the
battery : it will be discharged. At the time of the explosion
a spark will be seen between a and 6, which shows that the
electric fluid prefers a short passage through the air to a long
one through the wire. This spark at first was supposed to
contain the whole discharge, but the contrary is proved by
the following experiment :
" Exp. 107. — Lay a small wire from a to 6 of such a thick-
ness as the battery is capable of melting when charged to the
same height as before ; discharge it, and the small wire will
not be melted ; cut the large wire in two at c so as to dis-
connect the circuit, make a discharge as before, and the small
wire will be melted by the same explosion which before scarcely
made it red hot. In this manner Dr. Priestley, who is the
inventor of this experiment, states the conducting power of
different metals may be tried, using metallic circuits of the
same length and thickness, and noting passage through the
air in each case."
Alternative-Path Experiments in September, 1888 —
Comparison of Various Metals.
54. September 26, 1888. — I now arranged a new set of wires
round the room, making them all the same length, and each
enclosing a rectangle 475 x 875 square centimetres. The.
wires were of iron, copper, and lead respectively, a thick and
a thin wire of each. The length of each wire was 2,686 centi-
metres. The following are the particulars :
Description of wire.
Self-induction. !
No. 12 iron .
No. 27 „ . . .
No. 12 copper . .
No. 27 „
No. 11 lead . . .
No. 23 „ . . .
2 90
These wires were to be used as alternative paths, and the
rest of the circuit was to be varied as seemed good. The
object of this series of experiments was to examine more
closely into the question of iron versus copper, to see whether
the apparently anomalous result of iron wire affording a better
alternative path than thick copper could be definitely repeated,
and to determine the conditions under which the result
occurred. At Bath I had promised to go into this matter
more carefully, and at that time I had not worked out at all
fully the theory of the alternative path experiments, nor had
I taken into account the damping in the way we have now
done, so that I was in the dark as to the conditions under
which the apparently anomalous result was to be expected.
The gallon jars already specified (§ 12) were employed.
The A knobs were those of the universal discharger already
described (§ 21), and the machine was joined up to them with
the intervention of pieces of wood pretty much as in Fig. 42.
The B knobs belonged to the spark micrometer (§ 20).
The A spark length was 2-44 centimetres ; its light not
screened off the B knobs. The B knobs were adjusted till
about half the sparks passed and half failed. The alternative
j.;aths were joined up to the B knobs by pieces of wire, each
122 centimetres long ; at first of No. 12 copper. (Table
printed opposite.)
Thus, then, under these circumstances, iron showed often
some slight disadvantage as compared with copper, only in
one case showing an advantage, and that not great. But it
was noticed that the noise of the A spark was always distinctly
enfeebled when the thin iron wire was in circuit.
The object of interposing different conductors between the
B knobs and the main length of alternative path was to see if
the first portion of this path had an exaggerated influence on
the result. Hence the use first of No. 12 copjjer leads and then
of No. 27 iron. No such exaggerated influence of the first por-
tion was detected, however ; nor is it now pointed to by theory.
I see no clear reason why introducing longish wires into the
A part of the circuit should in one case lengthen the B spark
and in the other case shorten it. The only obvious difference
between the two cases is that in one case the wires were
charged, forming part of the inner coats of the jar, while in
the other case they formed part of the outer coats and were
uncharged. The tZecrease they cause is natural (extra self-
Details of circuit.
Length of B spark with diflie-
rent alternative paths.
No. 12
No. 12
No. 27
No. 27
A knohs connected direct to jars
A Icnobs connected to jars by
means of a couple of length.s of
No. 17 copper wire, each 230
centimetres long and 0' 15 centi-
metres thick, opened out to
form a rofigh circle ....
Same, but with a couple of No."
27 iron wires used to loin up the
alternative paths to the B knobs
(each wire 122 centimetres long)
instead of the No. 12 copper
Same, but with relative position^
of jari3 and connecting wires in I
the A part of the circuit inter- j
changed j
Long wires between jars and ^\
knobs removed j
/I -88
1 "575
1-76 I 1-79
induction), but the only obvious reason for the mcrease is
their static capacity, -which one -would not suppose sufficient
to make so much difference.
56. September 27. — Next day the gallon jars, standing or-
dinarily on a table, -were connected direct to the knobs of the
machine, these knobs being used as A spark (as in Fig. 38,
p. 274), and the outer coats of the jars were connected to
the alternative paths round the room by a yard or two of
No. 18 copper wire. Length of A spark being about 3-52
centimetres, the following are the B spark readings when
balanced against different alternative paths :
Alt. path.
No. 12 copper
No. 12 iron . . .
Thick copper again
B .spark.
The greatest length of B spark attainable was
4-15 ; it then nearly always failed. At 3-1 it
nearly always passed. Sometimes it could be
screwed up to the maximum without failing,
and then, once it failed, it had to be screwed
down to 3 -6 or so before it could go again.
3-1 or thereabouts. It fails mostly even at 2-9.
^yent up to 3-4 or so.
Ait. Patli. B Spark.
No. 27 iron . . . At 2 '65 it was half and half. At 2 '8 it generally
Thick copper again Generally passed at 2-8.5, nearly always at 2 '8.
Thin iron again . Always failed at 2 -8.
To compare these two leads more particularly, a couple of
switches or bridges were emjiloyed, one of which switched in
the thick copper lead, the other the thin iron; and it was
clearly perceived many times that the B spark was both longer
and stronger with the thick copper alternative path than with
the thin iron. With the thin iron path it failed more fre-
quently at a set distance between the B knobs, and when it
occurred it sounded weaker, " showing distinctly that iron
does cause a shorter and weaker spark than copper ; but why ?
It must be the surgings in the conductor one is observing,
and they are weaker in the iron." This is a quotation from
my notebook at the time, and shows that the true explanation,
subsequently confirmed by theory, was first suggested by
Experiments in Answer to Criticism.
56. September 28. — At Bath, Prof. Forbes questioned my
mode of connecting up the alternative path to the outside of
the jars, and though the objection does not bear critical ex-
amination, it was worth trying what difference there would
be if the long wire were charged instead of remaining at zero
potential. Accordingly the connections of Pig. 37 was adopted.
The A spark being set at 1-89, the following were the B spark
lengths when balanced against the stated alternative paths,
and just failing :
No. 12 copper round room .... 1 60
No. 27 iron ,, ,, 1-6.S
No. 27 copper ,, ,, l-gj
Practically all the same, but a trifle longest with the iron.
To be sure that the wire was acting conductively, and not
merely by static capacity, it was cut in the middle of its
length, i.e., at the far end of the room, and a six-inch length
of silk thread interposed. The B spark length was now 3-6,
everything else remaining the same. At the break in the wire
long sparks could be got to discharging tongs, etc., and there
was a slight noise or click at the cut gap at every failure of a B
spark, a noise noticed \>j an observer standing near the, gaji
before the sound of the A spark was audible across the room.
Ijxperiments on Effect of Surrounding Medium,
57. At Bath, Mr. Preece suggested that the nature of the
medium surrounding the wire would probably have an impor-
tant influence in these alternative path experiments ; and
although I saw no reason for the supposition it seemed quite
possible, so to test it the following experiments were made at
beginning of October, 1888 :
A couple of pieces of wood, 17|in. by 16in. by |in. thick.
Fig. 42a.
were edged with thin wooden flanges or projections, so that
when wound with wire the wire would have a half-inch clear
space between it and the wood. A length of 302in. of No. 12
copper wire was then wound on each frame in 8 coils, each
coil having 2in. between it and the next, the pair of frames
being wound exactly alike.
Their equality was then tested by using them as alternative
paths. The following are the B spark lengths (length of A
spark, 1'51 centimetres) :
No. 1 coil. No. 2 coil.
Length of B spark, : / -928 -928 \
using pint jars . . ' ^ -928 -928,/
Using gallon jars. . | { }!«*« \!^^]
They are practically exactly equal.
No, 2 -ijvas riow immersed in melted paraffin, in such a way
that when solid it should be completely embedded in a cake
of solid paraffin, lin. thick above the wire everywhere.
They were then tested again.
Pint jars . .
Gallon jars .
A spark 2-0
„ 1-5
„ 2-5
„ 1-5
„ 2-0
No. 1 coil.
No. 2
(paraffined) coil.
Their equality is, as far as one can tell, absolutely undis-
turbed. The change of surrounding medium from air to
paraffin makes no appreciable difference.
To see if a conducting covering would have much effect, the
paraffined coil (which looked like a solid block of paraffin)
was now coated all over with tinfoil, except just at the places
where the terminals protruded. The following were now the
IS spark lengths :
No. 1 or
No. 2 coil
with tinfoil
No. 2 coil
with tinfoil
No. 2 -ndth
tinfoil to one
of the jars.
A spark 1 -5
^ spark 2-0 .
A spark 2-5 .
Covered No.
A spark 1-5
A spark 2 -0
1 258
2 up now in
tinfoil, ex
soldered tinj
cept for the t«
late, in addii
ion to the
Thus in this case there is a distinct though not very great
diminution of the B spark caused by the surrounding metal,
whether it be earthed or not. The armour-plated coil makes
a better alternative path than the bare wire, a result which is
natural enough, since the space round it, and therefore its
inductance, is somewhat less.
Effect of Iron Introduced into Alternative Path Spirals.
58. Referring back to § 18, where iron inside a circuit is
reported as having no effect on the length of the B spark, I
proceeded to test the matter further.
September 28, 1888. — Wound a spiral of uncovered No. 12
copper wire on a long glass tube, with interspaces of between
iin. and jin., and made a long paraffined bundle of fine iron
wires, say 2ft. long and fin. diameter, to fit the tube. "Used
this spiral as alternative path both with and without the iron
core. A spark between machine knobs 4-1 centimetres long.
B spark with spiral as
alternative path.
Without iron core .
With iron core inserted
Remove iron core .
Centim.length at which
B sparks just fail.
They still just fail.
They occur and fail
about equally often.
They do just the same.
But this is noticeable, that whenever the B spark fails, so
that the discharge has to go round the spiral, the noise of the
A spark is distinctly less when the iron core is in the spiral than
when it is withdrawn. Eepeated this many times, and made
quite sure of the observation. The difference is very marked:
without the iron core the discharge is much noiser. Compare
this with the effect of an iron wire as alternative path as re-
ported in § 55, and for theory see § 62.
Magnetization Observations.
59. Tried whether the iron bundle was magnetized after
this treatment. It was. It lost some on tapping, but not
much. Inserted it the other way into helix, and passed a
spark : no change in the magnetism. Passed three sparks :
magnetism destroyed. Passed more sparks : magnetism piit
back in old direction. Passed still more : magnetism reversed.
Put the core in now the original way, and sent sparks :
magnetism not destroyed till after several sparks, then it be-
came reversed again. On the whole it appears that the
magnetization caused by discharge current is somewhat acci-
dental, but that there is a tendency in one direction.
October 1. — Tried this further with a set of 4 steel knitting
needles, kept well separated by corks and inserted inside spiral.
Whenever the B spark failed, so that the whole discharge
had to pass round the spiral, the magnetization produced was
feeble but in the correct direction. It took several sparks to
produce much effect.
Wherever the B spark occurred, so that probably all the
oscillations after the first were short-circuited through the
air gap, the magnetization excited was much more vigorous,
but it was almost a toss-up which polarity it had ; a prepon-
derance was found for the same direction as before. Often,
however, it was suddenly and violently reversed.
Lengthening the B gap so that all the flash had to go by
the helix again, the magnetism was gradually set right even
if it had been started wrong, but the residual magnetism was
now only feeble.
To sum up : — The entire discharge gave feeble magnetism
definite in direction ; while, when partially shunted by a J?
spark, it gave strong magnetization uncertain in direction.
Further Alternative Path Experiments comparing Iron,
Copper, and Lead.
60. October 13, 1888.— Having found that the effect of
iron wire used as alternative path was to shorten the B spark,
and to diminish the noise of the discharge altogether, I pro-
ceeded to examine and make sure of this ; and for this pur-
pose had had the new wires rigged up round the room as
reported in § 54. Six wires altogether, of iron, of copper, and
of lead, a pair of each metal, one thick and one thin, their
particulars bemg given above, -p. 324.
G-allon jars standing on table connected up with short wires
to machine, their outer coats connected to knobs of spark
micrometer (where the B spark occurs).
Distance between the A knobs (those of the machine) 4
centimetres. (Table printed on next page.)
Summary of Table.
61. It is here to be noticed that the B spark with iron as
its alternative path is shorter than with either of the other
metals, as if it formed an easier path for the discharge ; the
real reason being its enormous resistance or throttling to
an alternating current. Thereby the vibrations are rapidly
damped out, and the difference of potential considerably re-
duced even in the time of a quarter- period, i.e., the time
which elapses after an A spark before the B spark occurs.
This same resistance it is which so markedly reduces the
noise and violence of the A spark, i.e., of the discharge alto-
gether, when iron forms part of the circuit. A thin lead
wire has something of the same effect, but a thick lead wire
permits nearly as noisy a discharge as does copper. The
throttling effect of even a thick iron wire is very marked.
Alternative path.
Length of B
spark in cms.
Copper is al-
No. 12 copper wire
B spark occurred
ways less de-
finite than
Ditto . .
Spark still often
iron in fixing
a B .spark
No. 12 iron . .
3 074
Pretty definite. Spark on the
verge of failing altogether.
No. 12 lead . .
Sjjark fails to pass 4times out of 5.
No. 12 copper again
Fails 3 times out of 4.
No. 12 lead
No perceptible
difference in noise, or anything
between lead and copper.
No. 12 iron . .
Fails 9 times out of 10. Noise
of spark much less.
No. 12 lead
Fails 5 times out of 6.
Thin lead .
Fails 3 times out of 4. Nearly
as quiet as iron.
Tliin iron . .
Fails 4 times out of 5.
Thin copper .
Fails 1 out of 2, but pretty de-
finite. Noisier than either
iron or thin lead.
To compare with
some old alte
rnative paths.
Old circle of No. 5
copper (see § 42)
! 0-952
Fails 3 times out of 4.
Ditto No. 2 iron .
Fails 7 times out of 9.
Same length of No.
12 lead .
Fails 3 times out of 4.
It is noteworthy also that the adjustment for the critical
B spark length is decidedly sharper and more definite for iron
or thin lead than it is for copper, especially for thick copper.
Singular Effect of Iron Cores.
62. It is further to be noticed that the introduction of
iron into a helix, through -which the discharge has to pass,
although it does not affect the difference of potential required
to propel the discharge through that helix, yet exerts a very
marked effect in quieting the discharge. It may be under-
stood as increasing the radiating power of the circuit, and
thus aiding the quiet dissipation of energy. But if it did
this alone it ought to shorten the B spark, as iron does
when forming part of the circuit. It does not affect the
7? spark at all, so far as I have been able to ascertain, when in-
serted into helices ; hence it would appear that it must increase
the impedance of the alternate path, as well as the damping
factor, and that the two effects, the one tending to lengthen
the B spark, the other to shorten it, just neutralize each other.
I see no theoretical reason why these two different effects
should just balance each other, and hence was at first disposed
to explain the constancy of the B spark, when iron cores
were introduced or removed, by supposing that they produced
no effect whatever. But they do produce some effect, as is
evidenced by their quieting of the noise of the discharge, § 58.
It is therefore singular that the E.M.P. needed to drive
a discharge through a coil should be independent of the
presence of iron in its core.
Referring back to § 34, theory gives for the ratio of the
B spark potential to the A spark potential
A p+p„
where p„ is tlie inertia part of the impedance of the alternative
path, and p the same thing for the rest of the circuit ; and
where JJ„ is the resistance or dissipation of energy constant
for the alternative path (inclusive of its radiating power),
and B the same thing for the rest of the circuit. Now an
increase of p„ alone would almost always increase the ratio
B/A, but an increase of E„ alone need not. The effect of an
iron core may naturally be supposed to consist in an increase
of both p^ and E„ ; and experiment suggests that while B„ is
largely increased by the insertion of iron cores, there is also
a corresponding increase in p^ of such magnitude that the
above ratio 7- remains appreciably constant.
Calculation of the Effect of Badiational Dissipation of Energy
on the Length of the B Spark.
63. In order to see whether the suggestion made in the
last paragraph; that the effect of iron cores may be to increase
the radiational dissipation of energy by the circuit, let us see
what the effect of this term is in general. The rate at
which a discharging condenser loses its energy by radiation
may be expressed in terms of a dissipation resistance coeffi-
cient, extra and added to any resistance which the metals of
the circuit may have. Call this resistance p, then the rate of
loss of energy at any instant is
dt p /L\^'
the last term being obtained in the " Phil. Mag.," July, 1889,
p. 56 ; I being the length of the circuit, L its inductance, and
(U V being 30 ohms.
This conclusion is independent of the capacity of the jars ;
for, while the rate at which a discharging circuit loses energy
depends only subordinately on the circumstances of the con-
ducting portion, so long as it has a simple open contour, it
depends not at all on the capacity of the condensing portion.
But though the loss of energy per second is independent of
the capacity of the jars used, %hB ^proportionate loss of energy,
on which damping depends, is very much otherwise. "For the
potential amplitude at any instant falls exponentially thus
and the damping coefficient effective in these alternative path
experiments is just this same exponent factor, with t equal to
a quarter period or jir>y(LS).
Hence, the extra or radiational damping term is
TT / L TT fiv /L/n TT ji^ P I Lin
- 2p\/ s - "27 \/ S/7f ~ "ex^v s/k'
e ^ =e * =e
64. To find what sort of value this term has in ordinary
open circuits without iron, we can refer back to the experi-
ments, recorded § 44, page 315. The values of 8 for the
cases there treated were —
For the gallon jars (§ 49) . 2,890 K centimetres.
For the pint jars (§ 46) . . 670 K centimetres.
For the voss jars (§ 41) . , 143 K centimetres.
The self-induction varied with the alternate path and with
the three positions of the discharger (Pig. 42). Its smallest
value for the No. 2 wire and No. 1 position is 2,230 + 1,290
= 3,600 n centimetres, or, say, as follows :
Values of Ljfi in Centimetres.
Position 1. I Position 2.
Thick wire patlis . . . 3,600 5,000
Meiliura paths 4,600 6,000
Thinnest (No. 40) path . , 5,500 ! 6,900
Position 3.
So the values of / (-dt\ are about
8 for the thinnest wire, smallest jars, and No. 3 position.
5 for the thick wire, smallest jars, and No. 1 j)osition.
3^ for the thick wire, pint jars, and No. 3 position.
1^ for the medium wire, gallon jars, and No. 2 position.
In none of the cases is this term bigger than 8. As to the
value of I, we may suppose that to be about 10 centims. only,
if we measure it from jar to jar, as the effective length of a
horseshoe magnet is measured ; and in that case L = 500 fi I.
But even if we took it as the whole length of the circuit, so
that L = 10 fil, the radiational resistance would still come out
9,000 ohms, or much too big for the radiational damj)ing
term to have any appreciable effect in these particular cases.
This teaches lis that while radiation is the principal way
in which small linear oscillators like Hertz vibrators get rid
of their energy, it is otherwise with our closed circuits with
electrostatic ends close together, and therefore of great cajsa-
tity. These dissipate the greater part of their energy by
heating the wire ; the waves they emit are very long, and
the portion of wave broken off and abandoned to space con-
tains but a small fraction of the total energy.
65. Hence, for an explanation of the fact noticed in § 48,
that the B sparks from small jars fall below their calculated
value, we must look, not to their larger radiation
term as there suggested (because, though it is larger for small
jars than big ones, it is not large enough to be effective), but
to the fact that the electrostatic capacity of the B portions of
wire has in the calculation been ignored. The capacity of
these wires is not usually enough to have any appreciable
influence on the discharge of large jars, but with small ones
an appreciable fraction of their relieved charge is occupied in
charging up the B leads, and hence the energy of its rush is
diluted. That seems to me now the most probable explanation
of the very satisfactory agreement with theory shown by large
jars, and of the distinctly defective vigour of small ones.
Experiments on the Deflagration of Different Wires.
66. To see how the material of a lightning conductor
affects its liability to be destroyed by a flash, a set of ex-
ceedingly fine wires supplied by Johnson and Matthey, all of
the same diameter, of gold, silver, platinum, and iron, were
eraiiloyed. A scrap of eacli was laid down on a 4in. glass
plate in four parallel lines, between two tinfoil strips, so' that
the length of each wire was 1-5 centimetres. A number of
such plates were prepared. One of the large glass condensers
was employed, capacity -02 microfarads, and the four wires
were arranged in its circuit.
Four Wires Parallel.
Spark length of discharge
sent through them.
10 niilliu
5 ,,
2 „
Another plate, r.5 niilliiii.
Same plate, repeated, 1'5
Same again, 1 o millim. .
Same again, 1 'o , ,
All four wires deflagrated,
No effect on any.
Silver deflagrated and smeared on the
glass. Copper disappeared bodily,
without deposit. Iron and platinum
Silver melted at one end. Copper oxi-
dized. Other two untouchecl.
Copper disappeared with very slight
trace. Iron and platinum remain.
Platinum is deposited in small globules.
Iron all right.
Iron deflagrated and broadly dispersed.
This is typical of what happened in many trials. When in
l)araUel the best conductor toot most of the discharge and
was most damaged. The iron having much the highest
throttling resistance took very little, until there was no other
path open. Even platinum got destroyed before iron.
When the wires are in series, however, so that the same cur-
)'ent has to pass through all, the order of their disappearance is
inverted, and the iron is distinctly more heated than the others.
Four Wires Fnd to End.
Spark length,
2 millims
Another plate, 1 millim.
Platinum melted into globules. Iron
deflagrated ; other two uninjured.
Platinum broken in two near the mid-
dle. Iron has evidently been very
hot, but is not destroyed. The cop-
per and silver are all right.
Effect of inserting Long Leads in the A portion of the Circuit.
67. So far, the various long wires round the room had
been used as alternative path, i.e., had been made to shunt
the B spark. I now proposed to insert them into the circuit
in another place, so that while they exerted their full effect on
the frequency and damping of the oscillations, they should
not otherwise directly affect the B spark, which was to be
shunted by a distinct and constant conductor.
Fig. 426.
For this latter purpose I wound on a glass lamp chimney a
spiral of copper wire of the following dimensions :
685 centims. of No. 12 copper wire in 39 turns.
Diameter of each turn 5-5 ceutims. Thickness of wire '24!
centims. Total length of spiral 28 centims. Free ends, 13
centims. the two, attached to spark micrometer. A pair of
No. 16 copper wires, 18 inches each, joined the micrometer to
the outside coats of the gallon jars standing on insulating stool.
The spiral was easily detachable, and so the alternate path
was either this spiral or nothing.
One or other of the long leads round the room was now
used to join the knob of one of the jars to the machine. The
knobs of the machine were set 4 centims. apart, and the
experiment was ready to begin.
It was found that under these circumstances (as had often
been found before), i.e., with a long lead in the main circuit,
the jar to which it was connected was very apt to overflow,
i.e., to spark round its edge, a distance of 8 inches; this
tendency being more marked when the circuit is formed of
good conductors than when the resistance and consequent
damping of oscillation is considerable.
The leads inserted in the main circuit were the same as
have already been described — viz., about 27 metres of No. 12
and of No. 27 of iron, copper, and lead respectively. October
15th, 1888. The following was the result : — A spark length 4'0.
Lead in main
Length of max.
S spark.
Thin copper.
Jar does not overflow.
Jar sometimes over-
Thick copper
Does not overflow.
approximately -9 But jar now overflows |
every time.
Decidedly shorter
Thin iron .
than with copper.
Jar sometimes over-
Thick iron
Thin lead .
Overflows rather often
Thick lead .
Sometimes overflows.
Overflo-ft'S nearly
every time.
Thus, unless the circuit is closed by the alternative path,
there is no overflow of the jar, but the maximum B spark is
very long, about twice as long as the exciting A spark. When
the air gap is bridged by the copper spiral, overflow occurs, but
much more easily with the thick copper lead than with the others.
The reason why the B spark is so short is because the main
part of the circuit is so long, i.e., because in the approximate
formula —r — ^ =^'
A L + L„
L is much greater than io- (^p i^ *h® inductance of the alter-
native path ; L is the inductance of the rest of the circuit.)
Long Leads in hoik A and B PoiMons of Circuit.
68. The same arrangement of jars, etc., was tried again
on October 17th, but some one or other of the long leads was
used as the alternative path, while another of them, viz., the
thin copper, was included in the main or A portion of the
circuit. The comiections were modified by removing the spiral
marked L„, and substituting another long wire, like L. The
remarks appended in the last column of the following table,
showing the number of times the B spark occurs and the
number of times it fails under given circumstances, are useful
as indicating the sharpness of the adjustment and the range
of uncertainty.
Length of B
spark-gap in
None . . .
Thin iron .
2 B sparks occur in 10 attempts.
3 sparks in 6 attempts.
Thick copper
Thin lead .
Spits over edge of jar every time.
2 B sparks pass in 17 attemiits.
2 „ „ 8
6 „ „ 6
Thick iron .
6 „ ,,8
,, . .
2 „ „ 7 „
)j • •
1 >. „ 13
Thick lead .
3 „ „ 3
)) • ■
3 „ „ 6
1 „ „ 10
With the thick iron the jar spits round its edge pretty
often, and with the thick lead it does so nearly every time.
With the thick copper, as stated above, it always does so, and
hence no satisfactory readings could be taken with it.
Experiments on the Effect of Mutual Induction between A and
B Portions of Circuit.
69. But since the two leads used in this experiment both
went round the same room, and not more than a foot apart,
there is some mutual induction between them ; so observa-
tions were made, noticing carefully whether the discharge
was going the same way round the two wires or the opposite
way round. The main circuit conductor was still the thin
copper wire, and the alternative path was one of the others.
When the current goes the same way in both I call it
the concurrent arrangement; when opposite ways, non-
The A spark was shortened to 3-5 centims. in order to
avoid so much overflowing of the jars.
Alternative path.
Length of B
Thin iron, concurrent arrangement . . .
Ditto non -concurrent
Ditto concurrent again . . ...
Tliick copper, concurrent
Ditto non-concurrent
Ditto concurrent again
Thus the efllect of mutual induction was slightly to increase
the appareat impedance of the alternative path when its
current flowed in the same direction as that in the main
circuit. But the effect is not great. The fact is that L and
L^ are both affected together, and so the effect on the ratio
J , -r is unimportant.
Effect of DiminisMng Self-induction in B Circuit.
70. A zigzag of wire was now prepared, consisting of the
same length of the same wire as those round the room,
wound zigzag on pegs on a board. A pair of wires were thus
prepared, one of thin iron the other of thin copper. The
thin copper wire round the rooms was still kept in the A
circuit, and, in fact, everything else remained as it had been.
There was now, of course, no mutual induction between
the parts of the circuit.
Alternative path.
Length of B spark.
Substitute now in the A circuit the thin copper zigzag
instead of the thin copper wire round room ; leave all else
the same. {A spark still 3-5.)
Alternative path.
Length of B spark.
None .
Thin iron ziffzao^
The dimiimtioii of L has brought up the length of the B
spark tremendously.
Effect of the Light of One Sparh in Assisting the Other.
71. A large number of similar experiments were made,
combining the zigzags with the wires round the room in
various ways, and inserting other things in the A portion of
the circuit ; but it is unnecessary to reproduce any more of
these. As has been previously noticed (see § § 43 and 44,
the adjustment of the maximum B spark was often found to
be different when it could see the A spark from what it was
when the light of the A spark was screened from it. The
effect is not very large, and the conditions have to be such as
give fair sensitiveness to the B spark — i.e., thos» which make
it neither very short nor very long ; but, under these condi-
tions, the effect of the light of the A spark in assisting the
passage of a discharge across the B spark-gap is quite distinct,
even when the two sparks are not at all close to each other.
The following extract indicates this :
October 24iA. — Spiral on lamp glass (§ 67) in A circuit.
A spark length 3' 5 as before.
Alternative path.
Condition as to light.
Length of
B spark.
Remarks concerning
B spark.
Light of ^ screened off
Light of ^visible at B
Thin copper wire round
room . . .
Light visible
sparks pass on
t of 10
t> >> t'
)i >i
•> (> j>
Light screened off
U tf n
>» j«
,, „ „
If *t
11 tt It
It »•
Thin iron round room .
Light visible
Thin lead round room .
Thick lead . ...
Thick copper
Thick iron . .
2 40
Thin iron zigzag .
Thin copper zigzag . ,
Old No. 5 copper circle,
Old No, 2 iron circle
No. 26 iron circle
No. 26 copper circle
No. 18 iron circle . .
No. 18 copper circle . .
The effect of the light of one spark in helping the other is
plain enough in the above " thin copper wire round room ";
but it was repeated and verified with many other arrange-
ments. It had been previously observed in another manner
by Hertz.
Experiment to Compare Zigzags with Spirals of the same
72. The same kind of wire as had been used for the zig-
zags (27 metres) was now wound on an open wooden frame
in a spiral, say, a yard long and a foot square or thereabouts,
with about an inch between the different turns.
The small spiral on lamp glass of § 67 was put in A
circuit, and A spark adjusted to 3'5 centims. [Setting of A
spark not precisely accurate from one day to another.] The
following is a typical selection from the readings :
Alternative path.
Length of
B spark.
Thin copper zigzag
Thin iron zigzag .
Thin iron spiral .
Thin copper spiral .
Both zigzags in series
4 03
but overflows jar nearly every time.
Thus, the effect of increasing L„ on the length of B spark,
everything else remaining the same, is very marked. The
figures show that either spiral offers far more impedance
than both the zigzags (of the same wire exactly) in series.
This is the end of the account of my experiments on " The
Alternative Path."
The following experiments among others were made in the
course of 1888, beginning in February of that year. A brief
account of the early experiments, with some of the deductions
from them, was given in the above lectures to the Society of
Arts on Lightning Conductors ; and in the " Electrician,"
vols, xxi., xxii., xxiii., under the same title, a number of others
were published at length, viz., the series of experiments
relating to the " alternative path." But an account of the
rest of the experiments has only now been communicated to
the Eoyal Society. This account follows here.
Description of Jars Used.
1. The pattern of jar ordinarily used was an open cy Under
without lid or neck, with the charging rod firmly supported
from the interior and quite free from the glass above the
They were of two principal sizes, which I call for short
" gallon " and " pint."
Each gallon jar was 40cm. high and 13cm. diameter, coated
to within lO'Scm. of the top ; and the capacity of the pair
chiefly used was 0062 microfarad each. Two in series had
a capacity of 28 K metres Each pint jar was 16-5cm high
and 8-2cm. diameter, and was coated to within 5cm. of the
top. The capacity of the one chiefly used was 0-0016 micro-
farad. Two pint jars in series had a capacity of 66 K
In addition to these ordinary jars, a couple of large con-
densers were made, each consisting of 16 pairs of 11-inch
square tinfoil sheets, separated by double thicknesses of
window glass, each pane about ^V inch thick, and with a good
margin ; tinfoil strip connectors protruding on alternate sides,
and copper wire prolongations, with all joints soldered, termi-
nating in a pair of knobbed rods projecting upwards through
stout glass tubes more than a foot apart ; the whole thoroughly
soaked and embedded in a mass of paraffin, poured molten
into a strong teak outer case 22 x 20 x 13 inches, the whole
when finished weighing about 3 cwt.
The capacity of one of these condensers was 0-028, of the
other 0-02, microfarad. Single glass thickness would have
given much greater capacity, but preliminary experiments
showed that single thicknesses of glass were punctured by
very modest sparks.
It is important in these experiments to have joints better
made than is usual for high-tension electricity. Fizzing or
sparking inside jars is abominable.
Account of the Long Conductors used in the Early
2. Round the Physics Lecture Theatre in University
College, Liverpool, supported on four vertical posts a good
way from every wall, were stretched and supported, either by
silk thread or silk ribbon according to the strength demanded,
four or five wires, two of them of copper, one thick (No. 1
B.w.G.) and the other thin (No. 19) ; two of thera of iron,
one thick (No. 1) and the other thin (No. 18). They are
called respectively " long thick copper," " long thick iron,"
" long thin copper," "long thin iron." Sometimes a "thinnest
iron " of No. 27 b w.g. was used too. The thick wires formed
a rude rectangle 840 x 515cm. ; being joined mechanically
not far from their ends by a foot or so of silk ribbon, and
sufficient free ends being left to connect directly with jars or
machine ; connection being generally made by wrapping tinfoil
tightly round the joined coiaductors. The thinner wires
formed rather larger rectangles.
Particulars of these conductors here follow :
Lightning condVctors.
No. 1 copper
No. 1 iron .
No. 19 copper
No. 18 iron .
No. 27 iron .
The copper is commercial quality and evidently of miser-
able conductivity. I afterwards got some real copper from
Messrs. Thos. Bolton and Sons, and -with it the phenomena
are still better marked.
Early Experiments.
3. The large glass
through one or other
offered the discharge,
wire or leap an air gap,
A are the ordinary
Fig. 43.
A capillary tube was
condenser (0-028mfd.) was charged
of the long wires, and a choice was
so that it might go either round the
as it chose ; as shown in Pig. 43.
terminal knobs of the Voss or Wims-
hurst machine where the spark
occurs ; B is the discharge interval
acting as a shunt to the wire or
other resistance. M Q, N repre-
sents diagrammatically one of the
wires round the room. The spark-
length B was adjusted so that it
was an off chance whether the dis-
charge chose it or the wire. It
was noticed that when the dis-
charge chose B the A spark was
strong, but when the discharge
chose the wire the A spark was
weak. The difference appeared to
be only in the noise or suddenness
of the spark, for when a Eiess's
electro -thermometer was inserted
in the circuit it indicated about
the same in either case,
filled with very dilute acid so that its
resistance was about f megohm, and was connected across the
B knobs instead of the long wire. When this acid tube was
thus made the alternative path, and the B knobs placed so
far apart that the discharge was obliged to choose it, the A
spark was very weak, being reduced to a quiet spit, which
could be analyzed by a slowly rotating mirror into several
detached sparks.
After a number of readings of spark-length, which have
been elsewhere published (and which showed among other
things that it made very little difference whether the alter-
native path were copper or iron), a common Leyden jar was
substituted for the condenser, and similar results were obtained
with it.
But it was now noticed, in addition, that the jar frequently
overflowed by sparking over its lip ; and that when this
happened a spark still occurred at B though not at A.
A special overflow or short-circuiting path was then pro-
vided, equivalent to a pair of discharging tongs ; calling this
air gap G, it was found that, according to the adjustment of
the width of spark gaps, flashes at B and could be got
without A ; or at A and B without G ; or at only. (This
was the beginning of experiments on overflow.)
Putting acid resistance into the circuit at Mor at JV weakens
but does not stop the B sparks ; and it has the same effect at
M as at N. But inserting resistance at Q does not weaken
the B spark i>erceptibly ; neither does cutting the wire there ;
only, of course, in order to permit the charging of the jar in
this case, the B gap has to be bridged by some imperfect con-
ductor ; this shunt high resistance, which may be a piece of
dry wood or anything just sufBlcient to convey the charging
current, having no appreciable effect upon the B spark.
But it was noticed that when the wire was cut at Q a sin-
gularly long spark or strong brush discharge attempted to
jump the space there whenever the machine spark occurred.
(This was the beginning of experiments on " recoil kick.")
It was also found that connecting the machine side of the
jar to earth (the long wire, not interrupted anywhere, being
insulated) increased the strength of the B sparks very much,
and made them easier to get. Evidently the wire was acting
as one coat of a condenser, the wall being the other coat.
Even when the jar was discarded, no connection being made
in its place, and the wire alone used, sparks occurred at B
perfectly well whenever the machine gave a spark at A.
(This led to experiments on the " surging circuit.")
Experiments on Overflow {February, 1888) .
Small Jar.
4. Tried the arrangement shown in Pig. 44, the jar being
pint size, as described above, of plain cylindrical shape, open
at top, with its lip projecting 2 inches above the tinfoil so that
the overflow distance was 4 inches. The long wire was the
30 yards of No. 1 copper. In addition to the machine spark
gap A, a couple of other intervals, labelled D and F, were
also provided ; the spark gap B being
led up to through the long thick wire,
the sjjark gap J" through the capillary
water tube of high resistance already
mentioned. The A knobs were each
2-34cm. diameter. The size of the
others does not seem to be recorded.
Separating the machine knobs too
far for a spark there, sparks could be
got either at C or a,t F or over the lip
of the jar, or in two or three places
at once. The lengths were D = 0'72
inch, F = 0'68 inch. Bringing the
A knobs nearer together, a distance
of 0'57 inch, it went there too. The
A spark is the noisiest, then D, and
lastly F; i^ is in fact quite weak.
When it sparks at D it mostly goes at J" too, and likewise
overflows the lip of the jar too, but not always.
Shorten all the air gaps so as to avoid overflow, and they
spark simultaneously at the following distances :
A. D. E.
0-435 0-565 0-575
Modified the plan of connections to that shown in Pig. 45 ;
the second water resistance or " leak " being now introduced
merely in order to give the jar the possibility of charging.
Whenever an A spark occurs, a considerable range is per-
missible with the others. As to F, it does not matter how
short that is made ; it is affected by the others, but has no
Fig. 44.
effect on them. The overflow of jar specially accompanies a
spark at B. Frequently sparks occur in all four places at
once; and at times the overflows of jars are violent and
numerous, so that, when A and D are both pretty long, flashes
fly from cork and wood and almost anything that happens to be
in contact with the jar. (The jar stood on a wooden block on
an insulating stool : it was principally from this that flashes
sprang sometimes.)
The following readings give an idea of the range of adjust-
ment permissible ; all the flashes in a horizontal line occurring
simultaneouslv :
Length of Sparhs (in inches).
Jar lip.
Overflowed (4 inches).
Here F began to fail.
Overflowed violently.
Here D began to fail.
Flashing from wood
or anything.
Here F began to fail
again, or to be re-
placed by other
Thus, with a long D spark, F could be anything up to
nine-tenths of an inch ; whereas, with a short D spark, it
failed at half that distance. The jar-overflow is precipitated
by a moderate A spark if D occur too. D can be much longer
than A . If both A and D are long, the overflow is violent.
Larger Jars.
Now replace the first pint jar by one of the large " gallon "
jars of similar open shape, but with the glass protruding
4 inches above the coatings, so that its overflow flash was
8 inches long.
(The capacity of the jar was 0'0062 microfarad.)
With A spark 0'62 inch long, the D and F gaps might be
anything, but so long as the D spark was allowed to pass the
jar overflowed every time the machine gave a spark at A.
On putting one terminal of the machine to earth (the
one not attached to the jar), the D spark is considerably
lengthened ; and, even when the knobs are widely separated,
brushes leap from each into the air whenever an A flash
Simplified Connections.
5. Tried now this same gallon jar connected up to the
machine in the simplest possible manner, either direct by a
foot or so of ordinary wire, or else by the long thick copper
round room or some other long wire, or sometimes by both.
lent/ fhick copper^
Fit;. 4d.
Fig. 46.
as shown in Fig. 46, so as to see what difference the length of
connecting circuit made to ease of overflow.
The machine's knobs were gradually separated until the jar
Hashed over its lip, and then their distance apart was read.
It was found that with the long connector a very much shorter
A spark was sufficient to cause overflow than with the short-
circuiting wire. And not only was it shorter, it was incom-
parably quieter ; the jar seemed to overflow without any
trouble or violence when attached to the long circuit, whereas,
when this was short-circuited out, the A spark had to be long
to cause an overflow, and when it occurred its violence was
great, as if threatening to smash the jar. If, under these
circumstances, the short circuit was removed and the long
wire replaced, the jar overflowed, not in one streak, but in a
torrent or cascade of sparks ; the number of these splashes
gradually decreasing down to one again as the spark A was
It was also found that after an overflow another was more
likely, whereas after a failure another failure was probable :
that there was, in fact, a kind of hysteresis, the conditions of
overflow being easier for a decreasing A spark than for an
increasing one of the same length. This seemed especially
noticeable when the long connector was thin copper, instead
of being so thick and massive as the No. 1 copper on the one
hand, or so highly resisting as thin iron on the other.
The following table summarizes the readings. The full
contrast does not come out strong in the early numbers :
there is some caprice about whether the jar overflows or not,
probably having something to do with the state of the glass
The contrast comes out best towards the middle of the table.
The " thick copper " and other long leads referred to are those
specified in § 2.
Conductor used between
machine and outer
coat of jar.
Length of A spark
able to make jar
(in tenths of inch).
Short wire ....
Long thick copper wire
Long thin copper wire
Long thin iron wire .
Short wire again . .
Long iron shunted by
short wii-e
Long iron alone . .
Thick copper again .
Thick copper shunted by
short wire
Long thick copper alone
Retain thick copper.
Earth one knob of ma-
from 6 -63 to 7-4
6 2
According to which
it did last.
No overflow.
Still no overflow.
Overflow every time
until gay is shorten-
ed to this.
Does not overflow till
this long and noisy
spark is reached.
StUl overflows even
at this, the spark
bein^ gentle.
Jar still overflows.
Table contimied on next page.
Conductor used between
machine and outer
coat of jar.
Length of A spark
able to make jar
(in tenths of inch).
Retain thick wire, but
earth jar end of it
Now eartli machine end
of it
Short-circuititonce more
Still does not over-
Simple thick wire alone
once more
Thin copper wire . . .
min. 6 4, max. 7 1
A little indetermin-
ate, according to
whether overflow
or failure happened
last, that which
happened last be-
ing easiest to get
Short-circuit again . .
A has to be enormous
before it overflows.
Thin iron wire
With this thin iron
wire the overflow
point seems defi-
nite, whereas with
the thin copper it
was not.
All three long wires in
Thick wire again, but
with a bridge across
trying to shunt out all
but about 3 yards of it
Short-circuit again added
Remove the bridge but
from 8-7 to 10-2
No apparent reason
leave the short-circuit
for this shortness.
Disconnect one end of
thick wire, but leave
Disconnect both ends,
So now evidently the
having only short-cir-
jar is easier to spark
over, as it was at
the beginning.
Restore thickwire simply
Spiral Conductor.
6. Another connecting path was now made, consisting of
8 yards of the No. 1 copper wound into an open spiral about
a foot in diameter, and suspended in air by ribbon, as indi-
cated by the dotted Une in Fig. 47 ; when in use, its two ends
were led, one to a machine terminal, the other to outer coat
of gallon jar, whose inner coil was connected to the other
machine terminal.
This being so, the lengths of machine spark needed to
make the jar overflow (round its lip always) under different
circumstances were again read as follows :
Kind of connector used.
Length of a spark needed
for overflow.
'Thick copper spiral . .
Short circuit
Spiral again
Long thick wire round room
Both this and spiral in series
The two in parallel . . .
The spiral alone again . .
Thick copper spiral
Thick wire round room .....
Snort circuit
Tnick iron wire round room . . .
Iron and copper round room in parallel
lion alone . .
Copper alone
Shorl-i circuit
, Copper again
0-61 inch.
0'58 to 0-52 inch.
0-51 inch.
Effect of High Besistance.
7. Interpose the capillary liquid tube (j megohm) in the
circuit of the thick copper wire, putting it at one or the other
end of it, and the jar refuses to overflow, although the spark-
length A is increased to 2|- inches.
The spark is quiet, long, and zigzaggy. The resistance has
the same effect at either end, but the spark seemed straighter
when the resistance was at jar end of long wire.
To test effect of putting resistance into the middle of a
long connector, both the thick wires round room (one copper,
the other iron) were joined in series and used as connector.
Overflow began when A = 0'6 inch. The wires were now
disconnected at their far ends, and the capillary tube made to
bridge the gap. The jar now refused to overflow, though A
was more than trebled in length. (Fizzing stopjjed it at that
Contrast between G Path and Overflow.
8. But when an artificial overflow path is supplied to
the coatings (as indicated by the strong line to knob in
Fig. 47) the matter is different. It does not now feel the effect
of a long circuit as different from that of a short one. The
space at C being 0'94 inch, a spark jumped there sometimes
and sometimes at ^ = 075, with the high resistance inter-
posed in the two long leads ; and just the same happened
when the resistance was removed and the long wires directly
When A was shortened to 0-64, the overflow was unable
to select C, but it jumped the lip of the jar instead. It pre-
ferred 8 inches of jar-lip to 1 inch
r;;'";-;]) between the C knobs. When strong
<'.''/.::::< enough it would seem to go at C; when
^zizzz^-'^! too weak for that it jumps the edge ;
P--------:j:. but this is not a clear account of the
^-;-"-;'>.; matter. A better statement is the
"---IV.T---' following:
Fit'. 47. -^^^ ^ spark precipitates an overflow
"' ' (t.e., over the lip of the jar), but it does
not precipitate a spark. When a spark occurs at C there
is quiet at A. The A and G sparks are alternative, not simul-
taneous. Moreover a G spark does not cause overflow. An
A spark can easily occur without the edge of the jar beino'
jumj)ed, but the edge is never jumped without an A spark.
(Connections being as in Fig. 46, with the addition of a short
or artificial overflow path, as shown by the thick line in
Fig. 47.)
Long Connector in G Circuit.
9. But now the thick copper spiral above mentioned (§ 6)
was arranged to connect one of the G knobs with the outer
coat of its jar (as indicated by the dotted line in Tig. 47, the
strong-line shunt being remoTcd), one of the two long thick
wires round the room being used to connect up the machine
to the same outer coat, as in Fig. 46. Under these circum-
stances, simultaneous sparks could be got at A and at G, and
both about the same length, but not when they were too long,
say, J. = 0-62, = 0-57 inch. But now the jar could be made
to overflow by either spark if of sufiScient length. Thus if
^ = 061 or if = 0-74, the jar lip gets jumped, and some-
times the A spark occurs, sometimes the 0, but not both.
Another reading: JL = 0-69 or 0=0-94; jar oTerflows in
either case.
Restore now the usual short wire to the knobs, and the
spark still often goes, but it has no effect on the jar. The
A spark makes the jar ovei-flow as before.
But if the long lead between machine and jar be short-
circuited-out (as by the dotted line of Fig. 46), while the thick
copper spiral still joins up to the knobs (as indicated by
the dotted line in Fig. 47), then A cannot make the jar jump,
while can easily.
Thus overflow is always easily produced by the action of
the spark occurring in a long good-conducting lead, not in a
short or bad-conducting one.
Effect of Iron Gore.
10. Using the thick copper spiral as before (§ 6) to make
the pint jar overflow, I tried whether inserting large massive
iron bars in it as a magnetic core would have any effect.
There happened to be three large bars, each about 3 inches
in diameter, which were used. They were of soft iron, and
intended for the legs of an electro-magnet.
No effect was found. The length of the A spark needed to
make the jar overflow was, as near as one could tell, the
same whether the iron was in the spiral or not. Thus :
Without iron A=.0-5B
With one bar in spiral . . . 0-51
With three bars 0-515
No difference that one could be sure of. For further experi-
ments see p. 331.
Effect of Capacity.
11. The spiral was now shunted out by a couple of Leyden
jars in series, i.e., with their knobs touching either end of it
and with their outer coats connected. If the jars only
touched one end of the wire, they had no effect ; but when
they touched both ends, a larger A spark was needed to cause
With the spiral alone . . . . A = 0-53
With the capacity shunt . . . J. = 076
Experiments on Large Condenser.
12. It was not desirable to expose the large condenser (§ 1)
to such conditions as would make it want to overflow, because
overflow with it would mean bursting ; but one of the pint
jars was arranged on it as a safety-valve, and it was then
connected up to the machine. On now taking machine spark
at A, the pint jar might or might not overflow its 4 inches.
With very short connections . . A = ()^b inch did not over-
flow it.
With wires each a yard or so long . A = 0'4 inch was sufficient.
And with spiral of thick copper . A = 0'3 inch was enough.
Iron Core Again.
13. Tried a stout spiral of brass wire (a spiral spring about
a foot long and an inch diameter) ; it made the jar overflow
fairly easily. Then inserted in the spiral a bundle of fine
iron wires wrapped in paraffin paper, but could detect no
difference whatever (cf. § 18, p. 287 and §§ 58 and 62, pp.
328 and 331).
14. The noteworthy circumstance in all these experiments
is the remarkable action of a long thick and good conductor
in causing the jar to overflow, especially if it be insulated,
the most powerful conductor for this purpose being one vvdth
considerable self-induction and capacity but very little resis-
tance. Evidently such a conductor assists the formation of an
electric surging, whose accumulated momentum charges the
jar momentarily up to bursting point. Resistance damps the
vibrations down, and short wires have insufficient electric
inertia and capacity to get them up. Iron, whether massive
or subdivided, shows no effect whatever on the effective
inductance of a circuit surrounding it.
It is also noteworthy how far more readily a jar overflows
directly between its coatings over the lip than it does through
a pair of discharging tongs held round the lip. Probably the
sharp edges of the tinfoil contribute to this effect, possibly
also dust or other specks on the surface of the glass, or it
may be the action of the air film itself, but it seems as if the
extremely small inductance of such a path likewise aids what,
if it is to occur at all, must take advantage of a flood tide, a
millionth of a second's duration.
Confirmatory Experiments (6th March, 1888).
15. Two similar jars, each with dischargers, were connected
as shown in Fig. 48.
A spark at A now caused the distant jar to overflow easily,
but had no effect on the near one. Similarly, a spark at C
Fig. 48.
caused the jar distant from G to overflow easily, but had no
effect on its own jar.
An A spark never caused a spark'at C. Sparks occurred
either at A or at according to which happened to be the
uarrowest gap, but not at both; and it was always the jar
most distant from the spark that overflowed its lip.
16. The explanation probably depends upon the fact that
when a spark discharges its near jar the charge from the
distant one rushes forward, but, not being able to arrive in
time, surges back violently and overflows. The effect can pro-
bably be imitated with a long water trough by momentarily
opening and suddenly closing a trap-door at one end. It can
certainly be observed in a lavatory where there is a constantly
dribbling cistern for flushing purj)oses. By opening and
suddenly closing one of the wash-basin taps a surging is set
up in the connecting pipe, and the dribble becomes periodic
for a second or two, in synchronism with the period of longi-
tudinal vibration of the water in the pipe.
Something apparently of the same sort has been quite
recently observed with sinuously alternating currents by
Mr. Ferranti in the Deptford mains. But whereas that case
can be described as a long stretch of capacity with locally
concentrated inductance, mine is a long stretch of inductance
with locally concentrated capacity. Accordingly, while he
observes an extra current-amplitude, I observe an extra
The phenomenon in another form seems to have been first
observed by Sir W. E. Grove, and fully explained by Clerk-
Maxwell (see "Phil. Mag.," for March and May, 1868). It
was consequently rediscovered by Dr. Muirhead, and ex-
plained by Dr. Hopkinson (" Journ. S.T.E.," 1884). A note
sent by me to the "Electrician" for 24th April, 1891, con-
tains a summary of the history and explanation.
Discussion of Overflow and Surging Experiments.
17. For the complete explanation of the overflow experi-
ments, the static capacity of the long wire, and the momentum
of the pulses rushing along it, must be taken into account,
and a wii-e is more effective when insulated and charged than
when lying on the ground.
It does act, however, even when lying on the ground, i.e.,
when its magnetic momentum is all that can be supposed
effective. But the ordinary theoiy of discharge oscillation
will not account for the jar being thereby raised to a higher
potential than it was at the beginning of the series; the
amplitude of the vibration necessarily decreases. Hence it is
probable that the fact of overflow does not prove that the
entire potential of the jar is raised ; only that the potential of
the tinfoil edges is excessive. The charge is prfibably not
uniformly distributed at the extremity of each swing. The
fringe of sparkings above the edge of the tinfoil are well
known whenever a jar is discharged ; and overflow is merely
an exaggeration of these sparkings, which usually leap up
and subside. In fact they can be seen to jump higher and
higher, as the spark is gradually increased, until the lip is
The idea of the pulses rushing along the connecting wires,
and adding their momentum to the oscillation of the jar-
discharge, suggests that there must be a best length for the
connectors, viz., when the period of their pulses agrees with
the period of oscillation of the discharge ; and the fact that
there is a best length is found experimentally.
The same length of connector is not equally effective with
pint and gallon jars. A longer one is best for the larger jar ;
and if a connector be too long it does not promote overflow
any more vigorously than if it were somewhat too short.
The damping effect of resistance no doubt partly comes in
here as helping to account for the evil of unnecessarily long
connecting wires ; and no fine adjustment of length has been
found necessary to bring out in a marked manner the surging
If any experimenter should fail to obtain these conspi-
cuously, he probably has his connectors too short or too long.
It is advantageous, though not essential, to have the long
wire insulated. It is essential to have it highly conducting.
Iron is for these purposes by far the worst conducting metal,
because it is magnetically throttled.
Another small point is that good contacts aid in causing
overflow, especially when the connecting wires are not long
enough. Insignificant air spaces suffice to damp out some of
the vigour of the subsidiary oscillation to which these effects
seem due. With long massive leads, however, good joints are
not of so much consequence.
(Parenthetically it may be remarked how well adapted the
usual orthodox lightning conductor is to develop violent
surging and splashing effects.)
Further Overfloio and Surging Circuit Experiments.
18. Two jars standing side by side, and connected in
parallel by long wires to the machine, sometimes both over-
flowed. Sparks taken at the jar knobs with ordinary dis-
charging tongs had no such effect.
The tongs were sometimes arranged over the lip of a jar, so
as to help its overflow if possible ; but it was not easy to do
this. Near the edge of each coating they had the best chance,
but the splash usually preferred an immense jump through
Fig. 49.
air over a glass surface to a much smaller jump through the
discharging tongs. Overflow is evidently a very quick effect,
and must occur in a hurry or not at all.
A couple of jars standing side by side on the same metal
plate had a gap between their knobs as shown in Pig. 49, and
one of them was connected by long leads to the machine.
There was now often a spark across into the second jar
when an A spark occurred. But the second jar was not
thereby charged. The charge just sprang into itand out again.
Connector without Self-induction.
19. Connected up a jar to the machine with a special anti-
induction zigzag of tinfoil, folded to and fro in twenty long
layers with several thicknesses of paraffin paper between.
Could detect no effect on
the jar overflow. It acted
like a simple short circuit.
Tried, on the other hand,
a high inductance coil, viz.,
the gutta-percha -covered
bobbin of a Wiedemann
galvanometer, with an iron-
wire core inside : but its re-
sistance [was too high: it
damped the oscillations.
Connector with Self-
Interposed between ma-
chine and jars two thin
wires round the room, and
led the outer coats of the
jars direct to a discharger,
as in Fig. 60 ; the jars being
gallon jars, standing on
wooden table. Compared
A and B sparks ; B was very long. Then substituted short
wires for the long ones, and compared again. B was nearly
as short as j4. Readings follow :
Fig. 50.
Length of A
Length of B
Jars joined to machine by long wires
Short wires substituted ....
■4: inch
0-4 „
2-2 inches
0-5 „
Overflow of Plate Condenser.
20. Connected a pair of tea-trays to the machine by long
thick wires, and fixed them parallel to one another, keeping
them asunder by glass or parafiin pillars ; the jars standing
on a wooden table, or being otherwise leakily connected so
that they might charge. Every machine spark at A (Fig. 51)
caused long brushes, or sometimes remarkably long flashes
between the plates.
A jar standing on bottom plate will receive a flash, but it
will not necessarily be thereby charged ; a slight residual
charge may be found in it, but no more.
Points also get struck, just as noisily as knobs, and no
more readily. Crowds of points, and knobs of all sizes, get
struck equally well, if of the same height and all equally
well connected to the bottom plate. The highest get struck
at the expense of the others. Often, however, several get
struck at once. A gas-flame burning on the bottom plate
gets struck at a much greater distance than does any metallic
conductor. The weak hot-air column is precisely what this
overflow discharge prefers. It takes it in preference to a
metal rod of twice the apparent elevation, and strikes down
right through the flame.
Bu t though it thus readily smashes a weak dielectric, it
will not take a bad conductor. A wet string or water tube
may, in fact, reach right up till it touches the top plate,
and yet receive no flash, while the other things shall be getting
struck all the time.
When the striking distance is too great for a noisy flash, a
crowd of violet brushes spit between the top plate and pro-
tuberances on the lower plate ; reminding one of some light-
ning photographs. The effect is still more marked if the top
plate is a reservoir of water with a perforated bottom. The
rain shower increases the length of these multiple gentle high-
resistance purple discharges. Adding salt to the water tends
to bring about the ordinary noisy white flash of great length.
Contrast between Path of Discharge under circumstances of
Hurry and Leisure.
21. When the plates are arranged as in Fig. 51, so that
until an A spark occurs they are at the same potential and are
then filled by a sudden and overflowing rush of electricity, all
good- conducting things of the same height are struck equally
well, independently of their shape.
But when, on the other hand, the difference of potential
between the plates was established gradually, as in Fig. 62,
so that the strain in the dielectric had time to pre-arrange a
path of least resistance, then small knobs got struck in great
preference to hig ones, and points could not be struck at all,
because they take the discharge quietly.
An intermediate case is when the charge and discharge of
the top plate is brought about by pulling a lever over with
string, so as to connect it with the jar, as in Tig. 53.
Sparking Distance between Plates in the Different Cases.
Unless the jars are large, compared with the capacity of the
plates, even the conditions of Fig. 51 will not make the rush
Fig. 51.
quite sudden ; and in that case points and small knobs do get
struck more easily than large knobs and domes, especially
when the top plate is negative.' But when the rush is really
Terminal of rod
standing on bot-
tom plate.
spark, Fig. 51. *'«■ ^^•
case, Fig. 53.
Brass knob 1 -27
inch diameter
Brass knob 0-56
inch diameter
Brass point . .
0-93 inch
0-93 „
103 „
At 6 inches it pre-
vented discharge
until covered up
with a thimble.
This fact being emphasized by Mr. Wimshurst.
sudden, no difference as to sign manages to show itself ; and
even such insignificant advantage as the point happens to
show in the first column of the above table disappears.
High resistance, interposed between knob and bottom plate
in Pig. 52, alters the character of the spark entirely, making
it soft and velvety, but has no effect upon its length nor upon
the ease with which its knob gets struck as compared with
others connected direct. But the same resistance, interposed
in Fig. 51, prevents its being struck altogether.
In other words, sudden rushes strike good conductors, in-
dependent of terminal : steady strain selects sharp or small
terminals, almost independent of conductivity; the violence
of the flash being, however, by high resistance very much
altered. The total energy is, doubtless, the same, or even
Fit'. 52.
greater with the quiet heating spark, because of concentration
and no loss by radiation ; but the duration of the discharge
is what makes the difference. The spark through high resis-
tance, instead of being alternating, can be seen to be inter-
mittent (i.e., multifile), when analyzed in a revolving mirror.
There is no need in these sudden rush experiments for the
long leads of Fig. 61, though perhaps they add to the length
of the sparks.
22. Sparks thus obtained from the outer coats of jars are
convenient for taking under water, or to water ; and the phe-
nomena thus seen are singular, and sometimes violent.
Water acts mainly as a dielectric under these circumstances,
and, with small electrodes, such as the bared end of a gutta-
percha wire, the water between gets burst with extraoi-dinai'y
violence ; often breaking the containing glass vessel.
SURGING cmcvir.
This arrangement of Leyden jars should be handy for
blasting operations, because no specially good insulation of
the leads is necessary.
Fig. 53.
Experiments on Surging Circuit Proper.
23. Although all the overflow experiments are controlled
by electrical surgings, I have been accustomed specially to
apply the name " surging circuit " to the case where sparks
are obtained not between
two distinct parts of a cir- 11 A
cuit, but between two points r ©
on one and the same good
conductor, under circum-
stances when it does not
form the alternative path
to anywhere, and when it
would ordinarily be sup-
posed there was no possible
reason for a spark at all.
For instance, in Fig. 64 the
loop of wire round the room
is a mere oft'-shoot or appendage of an otherwise complete and
very ordinary arrangement, and yet a spark can occur at H
whenever the ordinary discharge occurs at J. ; a spark, too,
often quite as long, though not so strong, as the main spark
at A.
The jar is not essential to this experiment ; and, in order
to analyze it by inserting resistance at various places, it was
modified to Fig. 55, and the following readings taken : first,
with a thin copper wire, and then with a thick co^jper wire,
round room. The i megohm liquid resistance could be in-
serted at either M, N, 0, P, or Q.
Fig. 54.
The A knobs used were the sinall ones of the universal
discharger, l-4cm. diameter, and 2-4cm. apart all the time
Longtli of
Character of
E spark.
E spark.
^Resistance insertedatP
0-819 cm.
No resistance inserted
anywhere ....
0-597 ,,
Resistance at P again .
0-822 „
No resistance ....
0-555 ,,
Resistance at M . . .
0-.-)71 ,,
No resistance ....
0-571 „
Resistance at M again
0-571 „
Strong. 1^
Resistance a.t N . . .
0-423 „
Very -weak.
Resistance at . . .
0621 „
No resistance ....
0-536 „
.Resistance sX Q . . .
No E spark at all, and A very -sveak j
A^'^ . (■ No resistance ....
0-524 cm.
§g£ Resistance at JV". . .
0-379 „
Very weak.
rt g "S j Re.sistance at il/ . .
0-638 „
6 53 -a Resistance at §
No spark at all, and A -weak. '
!zi p^"^ (, Resistance at P . .
0-793 cm.
E weak but A ^
(equivalent to l"5cm. spark-length between flat plates). The
a knobs were those of a spark-micrometer, and were l-96cm.
This table evidently shows that the main part of the .B
spark is the rushing of the charge in the JV" part of the wire
back to the discharged A knob. It has two paths, through the
wire via 0, aud direct across the spark gap E. Most of it
chooses E, except when there is high resistance at N or P.
Resistance at interferes but little, and in fact it may help
more across E ; and resistance at M must certainly have this
effect. Eesistance at Q prevents any sudden effect of the A
spark on the long circuit, and therefore never calls out a
spark at E at all: the charged wire discharges leisurely
through resistance at Q, and accordingly (there being no jar)
the spark at A is quiet.
The fact in the table not immediately intelligible is the
extra length of E spark caused by insertion of resistance at P,
or, to a less extent, at 0. It would appear to indicate the
effect of surgings in the conductor, which accumulate a
momentary opposite charge on one of the knobs before the
one partitioned off by high resistance has had time appre-
ciably to discharge.
Experiments on Recoil Kiel;.
A number of other experiments, in which the wave-length
along wires is measured, are of more purely scientific interest,
and are, therefore, not related in detail here. They appear in
the Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1891.
A LIGHTNING conductor used to be regarded as a conduit or
j)ipe for conveying electricity from a cloud to tlie ground.
The idea was tliat a certain quantity of electricity had to get
to the ground somehow ; that if an easy channel were opened
for it the journey could be taken quietly and safely, but that
if obstruction were opposed to it riolence and damage would
result. This being the notion of what was required, a stout
copper rod, a wide-branching and deep-reaching system of
roots to disperse the charge as fast as the rod conveyed it
down, and a supplement of sharp points at a good elevation
to tempt the discharge into this attractive thoroughfare, were
the natural guarantees of complete security for everything
overshadowed by it. Carrying out the rainwater-pipe ana-
logue, it was natural also to urge that all masses of metal
about the building should be connected to the conductor, so
as to be electrically drained to earth by it ; and it was also
natural to insist on very carefully executed joints, and on a
system of testing resistance of conductor and " earth " so as
to keep it as low as possible. If ever the resistance rose to
100 ohms it was to be considered dangerous.
The problem thus seemed an easy one, needing nothing but
good workmanship and common sense to make accidents
impossible. Accordingly, when, in spite of all precautions,
accidents still occurred, when it was found that from the best
1 " Industries," )3tli June, 1890.
constructed conductors flashes were apt to spit of£ in a sense-
less ;manner to gun-barrels and bell-ropes and wire fences and
WH pj:butts, it was the custom to more or less ridicule and
condemn either the proprietor of the conductor, or its erector,
or both ; and to hint that if only something different had
been done — say, for instance, if glass insulators had not been
iised, or if the rod had not been stapled too tightly into the
wall, or if the rope had not been made of stranded wires, or
if copper had been used instead of iron, or if the finials had
been more sharply pointed, or if the earth-plate had been
more deeply buried, or if the rainfall had not been so small,
or ifi.the testing of the conductor for resistance had been more
recent, or if the wall to which the rod was fixed had been kept
wet, or etc., etc. — then the damage would not have happened.
Everyone of these excuses has been appealed to as an expla-
nation of a failure ; but because the easiest thing to abuse
has always been the buried earth connection, that has come
in for the most frequent blame, and has been held responsible
for every accident not otherwise explicable.
All this is now changing or changed. Attention is now
directed, not so much to the opposing charges in cloud and
earth, but to the great store of energy in the strained dielectric
between. It is recognized that all this volume of energy has
somehow to be dissipated, and that to do it suddenly may be
b} '10 means the safest way. Given a store of chemical energy
in iMi illicit nitro-glycerine factory, it could be dissipated in
an instant by the blow of a hammer, but a sane person would
pj-ter to cart it away piecemeal and set it on fire in a more
If- fiirely and less impulsive manner. So also with the electrical
energy beneath a thundercloud. A rod of copper an inch or
a j3>ot thick may be too heroic a method of dealing with it ;
fo^ we must remember that an electric discharge, like the
reaoil of a spring or the swing of a pendulum, is very apt to
orershoot itself, and is by no means likely to exhaust itself
ifl. a single swing. The hastily discharged cloud, at first
sappose positive, over-discharges itself and becomes negative;
tliis again discharges and over-discliarges till it is po. '"'^'
at first, and so on, with gradually diminishing anij)liti '■
swing, all executed in an extraordinarily minute fractioL
second, but with a vigour and wave-producing energy -^ ''
are astonishing. For these great electrical surgings, o '''
ring in a medium endowed with the properties of the "'
are not limited to the rod or ostensible conduit ; the dis ''
bance spreads in all directions with the speed of light '>
every conducting body in the neighbourhood, whether j 'TT
to the conductor or not, experiences induced electrical surg -<
to what may easily be a dangerous extent. Not oi "
there imminent danger of flashes spitting off from such b' or
for no obvious reason — splashes which, on the drai^ ^'d.
theory, are absolutely incredible — flashes sometimes fro "'t
jjerfectly insulated, sometimes from a perfectly earthed, p '^
of metal; but, besides this, remember that near any consid ''^
able assemblage of modern dwellings there exists an extensive'
metallic ramification, in the gas-pipes, that these are in places '
eminently fusible, and that the substance they contain is
readily combustible.
On the drain-pipe theory, the gas-pipes, being j)erfect^
earthed, would be regarded as entirely safe, so long as t^ ' /
were able to convey the current flowing along them with ''J'
melting ; but, on the modern theory, gas-pipes constitu '^
widely spreading system of conductors able to propagate '^
turbance underground to considerable distances, and ''^'
liable to have some weak and inflammable spot at pi '
where they are crossed by bell wires or water-pipes or ^'
other metallic ramification.
Above ground we have electrical waves transmitted by ''
ether, and exciting surgings throughout a neighbourhooc" '^
inductive resonance. Below ground we have electrical pi. "
conveyed along conductors, leaking to earth as they go, "^
retaining energy suflicient to ignite gas wherever condit" '9*
are favourable, even at considerable distances. ■ '
The problem of protection, therefore, ceases to be an e. '1'^^
, .id violent flashes are to be dreaded, no matter how good
'conducting path open to them. In fact, the very ease of
'conducting path, by prolonging the period of dissipation
/\nergy, tends to assist the violence of the dangerous
illations. The drain-pipe theory, and the practical apho-
is to which it has given rise, would serve well enough if
'jhtning were a fairly long-continued current of thousands of
-^eres urged by a few hundred volts, or if there were no such
II CO' ,
.lig as electro-magnetic inertia ; but, seeing that the inverse
iportion between amperes and volts better corresponds to
J, and seeing that the existence of electro-magnetic inertia
'emphasized by multitudes of familiar experiments, the
^ in-pipe theory breaks down hopelessly, and only a few of
" ' aphorisms manage to survive it.
What, then, are we to set up in place of this shattered idol ?
' J'irst of all we can recognize, what was virtually suggested
by Clerk-Maxwell, that the inside of any given enclosure,
• such as a powder magazine or dynamite factory, can, if
desired, be absolutely protected from internal sparking by en-
closing it in a metallic cage or sheath, through which no con-
.4nctor of any kind is allowed to pass without being thoroughly
''!)nnected to it. The clear recognition of the exact, and not
"proximate, truth of this statement is a decided step in
J^ance, and ought to be satisfactory to those who have to
. •' ' lerintend the practical protection of places sufiiciently
agerous or otherwise important to make the aiming at
solute security worth while. Similarly, for wire-covered
I ' ^an cables absolute protection is possible.
But not for ordinary buildings, any more than for ordinary
dd telegraph offices, is such a plan likely to be adopted in its
tiirety. Some approximation to the cage system can be ap-
Jed to ordinary buildings in the form of wires along all its
> ominent portions ; and such a plan I suggested, and I under-
>nd it was carried out, for the entrance towers and part of
e main body of the recent Edinburgh Electrical Exhibition,
^' ix, A. E, Bennett having asked me to recommend a plan to
the committee as a sort of exhibit. For chimneys a set of
four galvanized iron wires, joined by hoops at occasional
intervals, and each provided with a fair earth, seems a satis-
factory method ; but it is to be noted that a column of hot
air constitutes' a surprisingly easy path, and that it is well to
intercept a flash on its way down the gases of a chimney by a
copper hoop or pair of hoops over its mouth. Mr. Groolden
tells me that he has just applied this method to a new chimney
at his works in the Harrow Road. For ordioary houses, a
wire down each corner and along the gables is as much as can
be expected. At many places even this will not be done ; a
couple of vertical wires from the highest chimney stacks on
opposite sides must be held better than npthing, or than only
Earths will be made, but probably they will be simple ones,
entailing no great expense. A deep damp hole for each con-
ductor, with the wire led into it and twisted round an old
harrow or a load of coke, may be held sufficient. And as to
terminals : rudely sharpened projections, as numerous as is
liked, may be arranged along ridges and chimney stacks ; but
I have at present no great faith in the effective discharging
power of a few points, and should not be disposed to urge any
considerable expense in erecting or maintaining them. Crowns
of points on chimneys and steeples are certainly desirable, to
ward off, as far as they can, the chance of a discharge, but a
multitude of rude iron ones will be more effective than a few
highly sharpened jslatinum cones. I find that points do not
discharge much till they begin to fizz and audibly spit; and
when the tension is high enough for this, blunt and rough
terminals are nearly as efficient as the finest needle points.
The latter, indeed, begin to act at comparatively low potentials,
but the amount of electricity they can get rid of at such
potentials is surprisingly trivial, and of no moment whatever
when dealing with a thundercloud.
But the main change I look for in the direction of cheapness
and greater universality of protection is in the size and
material of the conducting rod itself. No longer will it be
thougM necessary to use a great thick conductor of inappre-
ciable resistance ; it will be perceived that very moderate
thickness suifices to prevent fusion by simple current strength,
and that excessive conducting power is useless.
In the days when the laws of common " divided circuits"
were supposed to govern these matters, the lightning rod had
to be of highly conducting copper, and of such dimensions
that no other path to earth could hope to compete against it.
But now it is known that low resistance is no particular
advantage : it is not a question of resistance. The path of a
flash is a question of impedance ; and the impedance of a con-
ductor to these sudden rushes depends very little on cross -
section, and scarcely at all on material. A thin iron wire is
nearly as good as a thick copper rod ;' and its extra resistance
has actually an advantage in this respect, that it dissipates
some of the energy, and tends to damp out the vibrations
sooner. Owing to this cause a side flash from a thin iron
wire is actually less likely to occur than from a stout copper
The only limit is reached when the heat generated by the
current fuses the wire, or runs the risk of fusing it. But in
so far as oscillations are prevented, the mean square of current
strength, on which its heating power depends, is diminished.
Accordingly, a fairly thick iron wire runs no great risk of
being melted. Its outer skin may, indeed, be considerably
heated, for these sudden currents keep entirely to the outer
skin, penetrating only a fraction of a millimetre into iron, and
may make this skin intensely hot. But the central core keeps
cool until conduction has time to act; and, consequently,
unless the wire is so thin as to be bodily deflagrated by
the discharge, its continuity is not likely to be interrupted.
Thickness of wire is thus more needed in order to resisc
ordinary deterioration by chemical processes of the atmosphere
than for any other reason.
But the liability to intense heating of the outer skin should
not be forgotten, and care should be taten not to take the
wire past readily inflammable substances for that reason.
For instance, it would be madness to depend on Harris's
notion that a lightning conductor through a barrel of gun-
powder was perfectly safe, especially if said conductor were an
iron wire or rod.
In the old days a lightning conductor of one or two hundred
alims resistance was considered dangerously obstructive, but
the impedance really offered by the best conductor that ever
was made to these sudden currents is much more like 1,000
ohms. A column of copper a foot thick may easily offer this
obstruction, and the resistance of any reasonably good earth
connection becomes negligible by comparison. A mere wire
of copper or iron has an impedance not greatly more than a
thick rod, and the difference between the impedance of cop])er
and iron is not worth noticing.
But although, in respect of obstructing a flash, copper and
iron and all other metals are on an approximate equality, it is
far otherwise with their resistances, on which their powers of
dissipating energy into heat depend. It is generally supposed
that iron resists seven times more than copper of equal section,
and so it does steady currents, but to these sudden flashes its
resistance is often 100 times as great as copper, by reason of
its magnetic properties. This statement is quite reconcilable
with the previous statement, that in the matter of total ob-
structio]! there is very little to choose between them ; the
apparent paradox is explicable by the knowledge that rapidly
varying currents are conveyed by the outer skin only of their
conductor, and that the outer skin available in the case of
magnetic metals is much thinner than in the case of non-
Questions about shape of cross-section are rather barren.
Thin tape is electrically better than round rod ; but bettor
than either is a bundle of detached and well-separated wires —
for instance, a set of four, one down each cardinal point of a
chimney ; but it is easv to over-estimate the advantage of
large surface as opposed to solid contents of a conductor.
The problem is not a purely electrical one — it is rather mixed.
The central portion or core of a solid rod is electrically neutral,
but chemically and thermally and mechanically it may be
very efficient. It confers permanence and strength ; and the
more electrically neutral it is, the less likely it is to be melted.
Its skin may be gradually rusted and dissolved off, or it may
be suddenly blistered off by a flash ; but the tenacity of the
cool and solid interior holds the thing together, and enables
it to withstand many flashes more. Very thin ribbon or
multiple wire, though electrically meritorious, is deficient in
these commonplace advantages. Painting the surface has no
electrical effect either way.
There were two functions attributed to high conducting
l^ower in the old days — first, the overpowering of all other
paths to earth ; second, the avoidance of destruction by heat.
The first we have seen to be fallacious ; on the second a few
more explanations can be made. In so far as fusion by simple
current strength is the thing dreaded, it must be noticed
that a good conductor has no great advantage over a bad
conductor. It is a thing known to junior classes that, when a
given current has to be conveyed, less heat is developed in a
good conductor ; but that, when an electro-motive force is the
given magnitude, less heat is developed in a bad conductor.
The lightning problem is neither of these, but it has quite as
• much relationship to the second as to the first. There is a
given store of energy to be got rid of, and accordingly the heat
ultimately generated is a fixed quantity. But the rise of
temperature caused by that heat will be less in proportion as
the production of it is slow ; and though by sudden discharge
a quantity of the energy can be made to take the radiant form,
and spread itself a great distance before final conversion into
heat, instead of concentrating itself on the conductor, yet this
cannot be thought an advantage. For, just as in the old days
a lightning rod was expected to protect the neighbourhood at
its own expense by conveying the whole of a given charge to
earth, so now it must be expected to concentrate energy as far
as possible on itself, and reduce it to a quiet thermal form at
once ; instead of, by defect of resistance and over-violent
radiation, insisting on every other metallic mass in its neigh-
bourhood taking part in the dissipation of energy.
The fact that an iron wire, such as No. 5 or even No. 8
B.W.G., is electrically sufficient for all ordinary flashes, and
that resistance is not a thing to be objected to, renders a
reasonable amount of protection for a dwelling-house much
cheaper than it was when a half -inch copper rod or tape was
thought necessary.
A recognition of all the dangers to which a struck neigh-
bourhood is liable, doubtless prevents our feeling of confidence
from being absolute in any simple system of dwelling-house
protection; but at the same time an amount of protection
superior to what has been in reality suppUed in the past is
attainable now at a far less outlay ; while, for an expenditure
comparable in amount to that at present bestowed, but quite
otherwise distributed, a very adequate system of conductors
can be erected.
Only one difficulty do I see. In coal-burning towns galva-
nized iron wire is, I fear, not very durable ; and renewal ex-
jienditure is always impleasant. It is quite possible that
some alloy or coating able to avoid this objection will be forth-
coming, now that inventors may know that the problem is a
chemical one and that high conductivity is unnecessary.
With Observations on the Effect of Conducting Enclosures.^
In the paper which I read before the Institution last
year, I spoke at length and showed some experiments on the
subject of the protection of buildings from lightning ; but
although there were a few sections in that paper, as ultimately
printed, dealing with lightning protectors for telegraphic in-
struments and cables, yet time prevented my calling attention
to this portion of the subject at the meeting, or of showing
any experiments in connection with it.
The present communication may be regarded as a develop-
ment of this omitted but important branch of the subject.
I do not know whether I shall escape controversy this time,
but I have no wish to provoke it ; and I wish entirely to avoid
decrying the merits of other specific protectors in order to
emphasize the advantages of my own. All I have to say on
this head, will have a quite general application, and amounts
to about this : that whereas all protectors proceed on the ad-
mitted fact that the greater portion of a sudden flash prefers
' Excerpt, "Journal of the Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers," Part 87, vol. xix.
to jump an air space, rather than traverse a moderate length
of wire, the cause of this well-known fact was but imperfectly
appreciated ; could not, indeed, be perfectly appreciated with-
out recognizing the rapid oscillatory character of sudden
discharges, and the doctrine of impedance, or imm.ense ob-
struction which good conducting wires offer to currents of
this character: an impedance, it may be, of 100 or 1,000
ohms, whereas the resistance to steady currents may be but
a ten-thousandth part of this amount.
In a word, the complete theory of lightning protectors has
not till recently been known, and accordingly the many in-
genious devices which are in use are naturally deficient in
details which a completer recognition of theor'y would have
2. Long ago it was shown by the experiments of M. Gruille-
min and Professor Hughes that existing lightning protectors
were not perfect safeguards, inasmuch as they could not
jDrotect a fine wire from deflagration by a Ley den jar dis-
charge. At the same time it was admitted by these experi-
menters, and is, I understand, a matter of common experience,
that almost any lightning protector is better than none, at all,
and that the best of those in use are by no means inefiicieut
instruments. They do not afford perfect security, but the
occasions when they partially fail are perhaps not very nume-
rous. It is therefore the practice to establish some sort of
proportion between the elaborateness of the protector and the
value of the apparatus to be guarded. In telephone exchanges
a simple double comb is used. In telegraph ofiices a pair of
plates finely adjusted close together is the form employed.
While at cable stations the most elaborate kind of protectors,
and often a number of different ones in combination, are
arranged, because of the enormous interests at stake.
3. In electric light installations, on the other hand, it is
customary, I believe, at present to use no protector at all.
But I cannot suj)pose that this will much longer be regarded
as a reasonable procedure. When one considers the extensive
ramifications of conducting leads which are rapidly growing
up, and the liability of the neighbourhood of house lightning
conductors to some portion of such ramification, it is apparent,
I think, that lightning arresters are just as important for
electric light leads as for telegraph wires. However, there is
no need for me to emphasize this assertion, for I expect that
before long a flash from somebody's lightning conductor get-
ting into some electric light leads and burrowing underground
throughout a district will do an amount of damage sufiicient
to eloquently call attention to the danger. At Peterhouse,
Cambridge, lightning got at the steam engine, thence to the
dynamo, and thence into the leads ; where, I believe, it did
little more than fuse a large number of cut-outs. But it is
not likely alwaj^s to spare the lamps in so considerate a manner ;
while danger of an altogether more disastrous kind can by no
means be considered absent.
4. Returning from this digression to the telegraphic pro-
tectors at present in use, my contention is that, in all except
the very simplest and crudest form of protector, a perception
of the true conditions may lead to more complete protection
without necessarily much increase in cost. And, proceeding
to cases where cost is altogether a secondary consideration,
and supposing it possible that telegraph engineers are fairly
satisfied with the quality of the protection at present supplied
to submarine cables, I would ask them (not pretending to
know anything at first hand about the matter) whether a
number of obscure and unexplained faults do not develop
themselves in the gutta-percha of cables ; whether it is not
possible that some of these are due to electric waves of high
potential which have got into the core and punctured its
dielectric at previously weak spots ; whether, indeed, such
faults are no(, found occasionally to develop in the wake of
a storm.'
' Dr. Alexander Muirliead tells nie that condensera have several
times been returned to him perforated by lightning ; and that he is
of opinion that many cable faults arise from the same cause, for he
5. I would also point out that tlie fact that a lightning
switch is found damaged, or its wire perhaps fused by a flash,
is no proof that it has entirely protected the cable from hostile
influence. It shows that it has done the best it can ; but
since that best falls short of perfection, the damage to the
protector, proving that there has been occasion for its activity,
proves likewise that the cable has been in a position of danger,
has received some proportion of the damaging current, and
in all probability has suffered some amount of deterioratioa.
The voltage which plays about in the very feeblest form of
statical discharge is so enormously greater than anything ever
developed by ordinary voltaic batteries that one cannot regard
with equanimity the entrance of any portion of such electro-
motive forces into the delicate vitals of a cable. Remember
that a millimetre spark means 3,000 volts.
6. To illustrate by experiment the assertion I have. virtually
made — that no conceivable form of single air gap, whether it
be between knobs or points or plates or wires, or between
wire and tube, or coil and cylinder, or any other possible
device, can possibly afford complete and adequate protection —
I take the following simple instances :
finds that if the gutta-percha is punctured by a spark it does not show
itself as a fault for three or four months afterwards.
Mr. Gott, chief electrician of the Commercial Cable Company, sent
me last year an account of damage done to lightning guard and
instruments at Canso, Nova Scotia, and I communicated it to " The
Electrician" for July 12th, 1889.
The following is an extract from the Cable Company's superin-
tendent at Canso :
" On the northern cable, the signalling coil (Thomson recorder) and
lightning guard were fused, a one-microfarad section of condensers in
cable-sending block destroyed (short-circuited), and a five-raici'ofarad
section artificial-line block damaged. Insulation reduced to 15,000
ohms. On the southern cable, the signalling coil and lightning guard
were also fused, and two ten-microfarad sections of cable block de-
stroyed. The fine platinum wires in lightning guards were entirely
dissipated. Owing to violent kicks, cables had been earthed ten
minutes before thunderstonn broke over the station."
Experiment No. 1.
Arrange a small air gap, as, for instance, between the
knobs of a common " universal discharger ; " connect the ends
of a tangle or loop of thin covered wire, one on each side of
the gap, and pass a Leyden jar discharge across it. The
insulation of the thin wire is sparked through wherever two
j)ortions happen to come close enough together. [The wire
actually employed had been the secondary of an old induction
coil, and had been well soaked in paraffin.]
Experiment No. 2.
Diminish the air gap until the knobs actually touch. The
sparking at the crossings of the tangle are rather less bright
and numerous than before, but they still frequently occur.
Experiment No. 3.
Instead of an air gap, however short, use a foot or two of
stout No. copper wire or rod of highest conductivity, and
shunt this with a thin wire tangle or coil. On passing a dis-
charge along the rod, the crossings of the tangle sparkle as
before, showing that the double insulation is still broken
7. These extremely simple observations establish the posi-
tion I hold that no ordinary protector can switch the whole
of a flash out of a coil ; for a solid copper rod, no matter how
thick, is unable to do it, although such a shunt as that would
divert every appreciable vestige of signalling or other useful
current. The fact is that to sudden discharges the impedance
of a short copper rod may run as high as 100 ohms ; and if
the discharge current while it lasts is 100 amperes, which is a
very moderate value, then we see at once that the E.M.F.
needed to drive the current through the rod is 10,000 volts,
and this is therefore for an instant the difference of potential
between its ends. Such a difference of potential can leap
three or four millimetres of air, and is aniply sufficient to
burst through the insulation of silk-covered wire several times
8. The particular mode adopted in these and such-like
exjjeriments for sending a Leyden jar discharge through the
rod or across the air gap is quite immaterial ; any convenient
plan serves, from simple hand discharging tongs upwards.
But, once more, I may say that the handiest method of
working is to use a couple of jars, to connect their internal
coatings with the terminals of an electrical machine, the dis-
tance apart of whose termi-
nals regulates the energy of
the disch arge employed ; and
to connect the outer coats
of the jars to the two ends of
the rod, or to the two rods
of the universal discharger,
or to whatever the flash is
wanted to pass through.
9. Instead of a wire
tangle or loop, which only
represents the coil of an in-
strument, and whose only
advantage is that one has
no compunction in sijoiliug
it, I next proceed to employ
an actual galvanometer,
and take it as representing
anything requiring j rotection, whether it be telegraph instru-
ment or cable or eL'ctric light installation of any kind. A
galvanometer serves pretty well, because it indicates whether
any disturbing current passes round it or not. Notice, how
ever, that it indicates properly only when the discharge really
goes round the coil. If it jump across insulation, and, still
more, if it jump from terminal to terminal, the needle indicates
less or nothing. There are, in fact, two things to be aimed at
and considered separately in the protection of instruments :
Mrst : the current has to be prevented from passing
round the coil, and thus disturbing the magnetism of the
Second : it has to be prevented from jumping across from
layer to layer, and so damaging the insulation.
Conduction protection, and insulation protection : both
must be attended to. To carry out both these protections
completely is not easy ; but I apprehend that the protection
of the insulation from permanent damage is usually more
important than the elimination of temporary disturbing
currents which interfere with signalling and make the needle
kick while they last.
10. The galvanometer I use is a simple reflecting instru-
ment, of a pattern devised by Professor Stuart at Cambridge
some time ago. A copper iron junction momentarily touched
with the finger demonstrates that it is in a sensitive con-
dition, and could easily be made to furnish its effective
constant were it worth while. Connecting its terminals to
the outsides of the pair of Leyden jars whose knobs are
attached to the machine, separating the machine terminals
about the fiftieth of an inch, and turning slowly, we see au
attempted steady deflection representing the charging current,
interrupted by a series of reverse kicks which occur at every
minute discharge ; though the sparks of any discharge such
as it is safe to send through the instrument are too faint to be
Experiment No. 4.
Now insert between the wires leading to the galvanometer
a sort of lightning guard : a pair of plates mounted on a
sliding arrangement, so that their distance can be varied
(Fig. 56). Directly the plates approach within sparking dis-
tance, the galvanometer is apparently protected, and its kicks
cease, even though by further separating the machine
terminals the energy of the discharges be increased.
Interpolated Experiment No. 5.
11. Although not immediately important, a little fact may
here be noted. If the plates of the guard are pushed still
nearer together, or lightly pinched together, so as to leave
only a microscopic interval, and almost to obliterate the
existence of a spark between them, the needle of the galvano-
meter again begins to kick at every discharge ; but this time
wildly and irregularly, and sometimes in the reverse direction.
Occasionally these disturbances are very strong, and the spot
of light disappears ; only to be recovered by tapping the
instrument. At the instant when these kicks occur, the
plates are momentarily short-circuited, as may be proved by
replacing the galvanometer by a Leclanche and electric bell.
The bell is liable to ring at every discharge, and obviously
for the same reason as the galvanometer kicks.
But whereas the bell only proves momentary conducting
contact, the galvanometer proves this plus an electro-motive
force of occasionally uncertain direction and always uncertain
magnitude. This E.M.F. would seem possibly to have some-
thing to do with the infinitesimal spark which temporarily
connects the plates, and suggests an E.M.P. like the E.M.F.
in an arc'
' When I first came across this eft'ect some weeks ago it was with
tinfoil inserted betiveen a pair of sparking terminals, and after the
kick the tinfoil was often found fused on to one or other terminal. I
therefore put it down to a thermal junction between tin and copper,
caused and excited by the heat of the spark ; and since it was a toss-up
which side of the tinfoil adhered (being the side which made a, just
imperfect enough contact), the fluctuations of direction were easily
accounted for ; and by special trial this explanation was found to
hold good. But then in this case after one kick the galvanometer
was quiescent at subsequent discharges, until the tinfoil was disturbed
sufficiently to break the fused contact again.
The experiment described in the text differs, in that there are no
two metals, the metal is not fusible, the infinitesimal spark occurs
between a pair of similar brass plates, or knobs, and the short-
circuiting is quite temporary. I surmised therefore, that it might
12. Eeturning now to Experiment 4, which illustrated the
protection afforded to a galvanometer by a shunting air gap,
it is natural to ask how it can be reconciled with our previous
observation, that protection by a single air gap was impos-
sible. But remember that complete protection involved two
things, conduction protection and insulation protection ; and
the non-deflection of the needle merely shows that no im-
portant quantity of electricity now finds its way round the
coil. But is the galvanometer therefore safe ? By no means.
Its insulation is in imminent danger, and if but moderately
energetic flashes are employed we shall see sparks leaping
across the coils or jumping from them to the- metal work in a
very pronounced manner.
Experiment No. 6.
As this is rather rough on the galvanometer, I prefer not to
use strong flashes, but to show the existence of the tendency
with smaller ones by arranging a safety-valve or supplemen-
tary minute air gap between the galvanometer terminals ;
said safety-valve being either a couple of pins brought close
together or a chink cut across a narrow strip of tinfoil pasted
on glass.
The high electro-motive forces which are endangering the
insulation, and very likely already jumping in invisible places,
can now demonstrate their existence by leaping this chink ;
and no matter how the lightning-guard plates are arranged,
it is impossible to check the little sparks occurring at the
possibly be a phenomenon of greater interest than a mere thermo-
electric one. But after the reading of the present paper. Professor
Hughes informed me that he had come across the very same effect,
and had satisfied himself that it was only a thermo-electric one. I
now think it possible that he is correct, and that the junction is
caused by a momentary heat-pimple after the fashion of a Trevelyan
rocker or Gore's circular railway. And though this plausible explana-
tion deprives the obiservation of any theoretical interest, I do not blot
it out of the text, but leave it as a record in order to save the time of
future experimenters who may easily come across the same thing.
safety-valve at every flash. Bringing the plates into absolute
contact lessens the brightness of these sparks, but does not
stop them ; neither does replacing the plates by a solid bar
of metal, as in Fig. 57.
13. But, directly the safety-valve is employed to filter off
and render manifest the residual effects left by a lightning
guard, the galvanometer needle begins to kick again whenever
it acts ; so that, singularly enough, whereas when no safety-
valve was employed the
galvanometer appeared
protected by the light-
C y^ — ^^^ — , I fe T^i ning switch, inasmuch as
its needle is stationary,
directly the safety-valve
is added and allowed to
sparkle the needle kicks
wildly with the very same
flashes as before it
This behaviour appears
mainly due to the same
cause as produced the dis-
turbance in the experi-
ment interpolated above ; '
but it may be partly due to the weakening down of the
flash by the safety-valve so much that a residue of it is
able to make its way round the coil, whereas it had pre-
viously been too strong and preferred jumping across insula-
tion in a manner ineffective for galvanometry. The possibility
of the occasional truth of this latter explanation is by no
means to be overlooked. It often happens that an unpro-
tected galvanometer has its needle less strongly affected by
sparks say an eighth of an inch long, than by sparks the fiftieth
of an inch long ; but the reason obviously is that the more
' I do not feel quite certain of the sufficiency of Prof, Hughes'
thernw-electric explanation,
Fig. 57.
violent discharges are not really passing round the coil, but
are taking all manner of short cuts.
14. Instead of employing a rigged-up model of a protector,
for the purpose of calling attention to principles, an actual
lightning guard may of course be used, and its behaviour
studied in detail. I take, as an excellent instance, a Saunders
protector, so much employed in connection with submarine
cables. Its essential part is a fine wire, through which the
useful currents have to pass, surrounded by an earth tube
with points protruding towards the thin wire, which is
stretched by a spring along its axis. The idea is that the
tube will relieve the wire of dangerously high potential, while
the wire itself will fuse if dangerously strong currents try to
pass along it. A supplementary device is a short-circuiting
contact, whereby a spring puts the cable to earth directly the
wire is fused or in any other way broken. The diagram
(Fig. 68) sufficiently represents the instrument. A Jamieson
protector is another neat arrangement, involving a fine wire
as well as an air gap ; there is also some wire coiled on a
metal cylinder, but the metal deprives it of all appreciable
Experivient No. 7.
If I now send very small discharges down the line wire
towards a galvanometer protected by this Saunders guard,
they will, if small enough, escape it and pass through the
galvanometer, either exciting its safety-valve or disturbing
its needle, or both. But if stronger flashes are sent, the
protector begins to act, sparks are seen between fine wire
and surrounding tube, and the galvanometer disturbances
diminish as already explained ; but those at the safety-valve
never wholly cease. One is not to suppose that the bigger
the flash the less the effect ; that would be a very desirable
but somewhat impossible conjuncture. The smallest effect is
got with the weakest flash which is just sufficient to spark to
the protecting tube. Anything stronger or anything not
greatly weaker than this gives larger effects.
15. The fine wire part of this guard is a good feature and
one that may be advantageously introduced into any protector,
on the principle of a safety-fuse or cut-out, to eliminate
steady or slowly-varying currents of too great strength. But
the short-circuiting of the protected terminal to earth by the
terminal D as soon as the wire is destroyed, is perhaps not
an unmixed good,, for a subsequent earth-seeking disturbance
has then two paths between which it may divide if the
connections are made as in Fig. 58— one along the intended
earth wire, and the other through the instrument intended to
be protected.
True, this latter is a much longer route, but not so infinitely
longer that it need convey none ; especially if a few short
cuts across insulation can be taken.
We see, at any rate, how important it is to make the earth
lead as short and direct as possible, and how it is better to
connect the thing to be protected to the two binding screws
G and B of the iustrument as indicated by the dotted line
rather than to laake an independent earth.' If, for instance,
a cable be joined inside to C, outside to B or D, the spring
short-circuiting is all good, the only objection being that
however prompt the spring may be, there is ample time for
damage before the contact can be made.
16. The statement concerning the importance of a short
and direct earth also applies to the desirable mode of connect-
ing up lightning guards in general. They should always be
inserted direct into the line circuit between line and earth,
never be simply led up to by side wires.
Fig. 59.
Fig. 60.
Fig. 61.
Fig. 62.
Thus, of the various modes of connecting a plate or other
lightning protector to a telegraph instrument, Pig. 59 is an
altogether bad mode ; Fig. 60 is but little better ; Pig. 61 is
the same thing, or even worse ; while Pig. 62 is a good way.
As I have said so often, even this is not perfection, but
it is quite the best that can be done with a single air gap of
whatever kind.
Throw the leads into the protected circuit ; let nothing
interfere with direct connection of lightning switch to line
1 The dotted line connection to D in Fig. 58 is the most favourable
possible, and it was the one used at the meeting. It is far better
than an independent earth for the galvanometer terminal.
and earth respectively, and don't use an independent earth
for your instrument's earth terminal. The time taken for a
disturbance to travel even a foot of copper wire is by no
means to be despised, notwithstanding that it travels with
the speed of light ; and the impedance of every inch tells.
17. I will now describe the principle of my own lightning
guard, and will then connect it to the circuit in place of
Saunders', and show that it affords practically complete pro-
tection for both smaU and big flashes.
The principle is one very easy to understand. It is merely
to take the overflow from one protector and give it the chance
of another, then to take the overflow from this and offer it
Fis. 63. PKINCIPLE OF lodge's GUARD.
another air gap, and so on till nothing is left ; at the same
time diminishing the overflow from each protector as much
as possible by the use of highly insulated small self-induction
coils, which impede the violently varying or alternating-
rushes by their electro-magnetic inertia ; the best shape of
these coils being the flat, or collar-box, shape employed by
Hughes in his induction balance.
Thus, for instance, using a series of plate protectors, we
may couple them up as shown in Fig. 63 ; the coils being only
diagrammatically indicated.
Only a small fraction of a sudden shock will escape No. 1 ;
say a thousandth part, since it is offered the inertia or im-
pedance of the coils as the only alternative. A thousandth
of this again may escape No. 2 ; and a thousandth of this, or
a thousand-millionth of the whole, is all that is left for the
galvanometer. By adding to the series, if it were necessary,
it is manifest that a disturbance may be diluted down to any
desired extent, with the rapidity of a geometrical progression.
18. I do not, indeed, purpose to use plates commonly;
simply because they are more bulky than necessary, not so
easy to adjust, and not so open to inspection as knobs or
points. Moreover, the first or exposed pair of such a series
is likely to be damaged by lightning ; and when damaged, it
may be permanently short-cir-
cuited or otherwise inconveniently
altered in a troublesome and in-
visible manner. I prefer that the
terminals of the first air gap shall
be easy to examine, easy to re-
move, and cheap to replace.
The last air gap of a series I
prefer to be very finely adjustable and earth, terminals ; C D
indeed, with screw adjustment; are the protected terminals,
and all of them should be open to Corresponding terminals are
,. , -J • lettered similarly in all the
inspection, so as to avoid acci- ,. ■'
dental contact on the one hand, or °
undue air space on the other. I therefore propose simple
brass rods for the exposed air gap, adjusted far enough apart
to exclude that disturbing thermo-electric or other effect
caused by a strong spark occurring between their surfaces.
All rods must be short, so that heat-expansion may not short-
circuit them. The theoretically best place to tap ofE the
useful current is from near the tips in contact, so as to tap
off a minimum of impedance with a maximum, as thus,
Fig. 64:
19. Making a rough model of such an arrangement, with
coils of a few yards of stout gutta-percha-covered wire, wound
on cotton reels, I tested it by inserting a scrap of extremely
Fig. 64.
A B are the exposed, or line
fine wire between B and C, by holding them with wet fingers,
and so on ; but was unable to fuse the finest wire, or to feel
any disturbance, although great flashes were going to A and
B, and the early air gaps were sparking properly. Large
condensers, composed of great piles of window-glass — the
same condensers as I had used for obtaining Tery slow oscilla-
tion, and the discharge of which had a powerful deflagrating
effect, were used in this experiment, as well as more moderate
capacities, such as a Leyden jar battery and single jars ; but
still no effect at the protected terminals. This was the stage
I had reached when I read my paper on Lightning Conductors
to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, see p. 179 above.
20. I have now to report that Dr. Alex. Muirhead has kindly
made me an actual and highly-finished instrument on this
plan ; designing it himself. This instrument I have here
(Fig. 65) ; and I have also received from him this round
and more compact and, I suppose, cheaper form of the same
instrument (Fig. 66) ; with one-half the coils omitted, accord-
ing to a plan of mine which, though not in all respects so
theoretically satisfactory, may answer well enough for many
purposes — as I shall mention further on. The width of the
air gaps I adjust to the thickness of millboard, cartridge-
paper, note-paper, and tissue-paper respectively.
21. I now insert the first-mentioned protector in the path
from Leyden jars to galvanometer, and I show that with all-
sized flashes, from the smallest to the biggest here practicable,
the galvanometer is protected ; its needle does not move,
neither does its safety-valve sparkle. Examining it still more
strictly and rigorously, I find
that the insulation protection is
indeed quite perfect, but a faint
trace of a wave does pass round
the galvanometer wire and affects
the needle slightly when in a
sensitive condition. To see this
clearly, one must allow the needle
to recover from the disturbance
due to the charging current be-
fore permitting the discharge.
The galvanometer shows easily
the charging current from a
common f rictional plate machine ;
in fact, the spot of light moves
several inches with such a current.
Connecting it up through the protector, with a small single-
pair-of -plates inductive machine charging the jars and giving
pretty long sparks, the usual occurrences observed are as fol-
lows : between each spark, while the jars are charging, the
spot of light deflects considerably, gradually less as the jars
get fuller, until they discharge ; when, instead of a kick back,
as one might expect, there is rather a leap forward, by reason
of the suddenly restored strength of the now almost un-
opposed charging current.
22. Whenever we thus want to see the charging current, we
lodge's guard.
must of course make fair metallic contact with the outsides of
the jars, so as to close the circuit through the galvanometer ;
but, in order to further test the instrument, I make a break
at one or both of its terminals, and allow flashes to strike
either A or B, or both. It is not really a more severe test
than the other— not quite so severe, in fact ; but it looks
worse, perhaps, and at any rate it is the simplest plan of
keeping the charging current out of the galvanometer, and so
securing that the needle shall be ready to indicate the slightest
effect which the unfiltered-off portion of the discharge is able
to produce. But there is practically no effect to be seen.
23. Tou observe that my instrument is symmetrical, i.e.,
that there are just the same coils in its earth-connected as in
its insulated portion. It may easily be supposed that this
doubling of the parts is unnecessary, or even deleterious. It
may be plausibly argued that coils interposed in the earth
connection are bad as well as useless, and that both the ter-
minals on that side, B and D, should be agglomerated to-
gether : that, in fact, a preferable pattern would be that
shown in Fig. 66, where there is only one earth terminal
towards which all the others point. I think, indeed, that
there are many cases where this will serve sufficiently well,
but I do not regard it as so theoretically sound as the other,
for this reason. It proceeds on the assumption that every
disturbance arrives from above and is anxious to make its way
to the earth. But we have no guarantee that such shall be
always the case : disturbances are as likely to reach the ap-
paratus from below, surging up from earth to line, and in that
case the coils are wanted in the earthed half of the instrument.
I return to this question later.
24. When I speak of a disturbance travelling from earth
to sky, instead of from sky to earth, I do not mean that in
one case the sky is negative and in the other positive. Ques-
tions about sign of charge have nothing to do with it. There
is some amount of unnecessary haze abroad on this matter.
Think of a sudden electrical disturbance imparted to a thin
isolated copper wire ; it starts at some point and flashes along
the -wire with precisely the speed of light, and the electric
wave or pulse reaches the different portions of the wire in
successive epochs of time.
Instead of a single wire, think of what must always exist,
viz., a closed circuit: two pulses of waves originating at some
point of this circuit flash round it hoth ways, at a pace usually
rather less but never more than the speed of light, and meet
at the antipodes of the starting point. If the circuit is un-
closed, each pulse will get reflected and return, surging to and
fro perhaps several times, and in such cases any point of the
wire is reached by pulses travelling first one way and then the
other — a phenomenon very characteristic of disruptive dis-
turbances ; but the first pulse is likely to be the strongest.
It must be clear, I think, that for such alternating currents,
as well as for rushes of uncertain direction, a symmetrical
protector is best.
25. To illustrate these things, make a few more experi-
ments with Saunders' protector, which I choose as one of the
best ; any other will do.
Experiment No. 8.
Connect a Saunders protector to earth and to any line wire
in the proper way, and attach a single wire to the "protected"
terminal : like the wire C Gr in Fig. 58. Now send a discharge
between line and earth either way, and the "protected" wire
will be found ready to give off sparks at every flash. It will
spark to anything : to the earth, to an insulated body, even
to its own earth screw B or D. Connect to it a galvanometer,
or better, a coil of wire one has no compunction in spoiling ;
then if the far end of the coil be attached to anything, either
to the earth or to another Hne, or to an insulated body — even
an insulated body of small size — sparks between the turns of
wire will demonstrate the fact that the insulation is being
broken down by the lateral waves rushing along the nominally
"protected" wire, and being either reflected or absorbed
according as it is connected to an insulated body or to tlie
earth. The connection which permits least disturbance is to
the screw B or J). But there must be no chance of the galva-
nometer being either purposely or accidentally connected to
earth in some other way also, else even this partial protection
has its virtue removed.
Experiment No. 9.
26. The " earth" in the previous experiment being the gas-
pipes : instead of striking the instrument by a flash direct,
let a flash be imparted to the gas-main at some other point —
say in another room — to typify the possibility of a lightning
flash striking the earth in the neighbourhood of a telegraph
station. Immediately some of the charge splashes up from
the earth, aud the protected wire again emits a spark ; or, if
it be connected to anything by a scrap of fine wire, that wire
may be deflagrated. Thus we see that earth connection is not
so utterly safe as might be supposed : secondary surgings may
rise up out of the ground and do damage to whatever is con-
nected to it. I believe there are more instances of such
occurrences than are usually recognized. But I prefer to
leave the enumeration and discrimination of instances to
persons of experience.
Experiment No. 10.
27. But now insert in the so-called protected wire an
arrangement of air gaps and self-induction coils, after the
fashion which constitutes my system of protection (Fig. 67).
Then, inserting a fine wire, or a coil, or a galvanometer, or any
other detector, in the interval, and connecting the far end of
the wire to anything as before, it will be found that although
every trace of signalling current is able to affect the galva-
nometer, no appreciable trace of a violent disturbance is felt
there; it is now securely protected whichever way the dis-
turbance comes.
28. The electro-magnetic inertia possessed by the coils
protects from sudden currents in the same manner as the
inertia of a penny protects it from disturbance when it is
balanced on a finger with a card under it, and the card smartly
fillipped away. It is not, however, to be supposed that inertia
alone, without successive air gaps, can exert this protective
influence. The coil of a galvanometer has plenty of the
required impedance, far more than the thick-wire coils on my
instrument, but the only effect of that is to shunt violent dis-
turbances through the insulation — by no means a satisfactory
property. The combination of air gaps or escape valves along
with obstructive inertia is essential to the device. Let me here
interpolate the remark that the self-induction of my coils is
quite small ; a very small amount of wire thus distributed
suffices. Two or three yards of No. 16 wire for each are all
I need use. I am well aware of the objection to introducing
great self-induction in circuits where rapidity of signalling is
desired. Very thick gutta-percha insulation is used for the
more exposed coils, to prevent any avoidance of impedance by
jumping across from layer to layer.
29. With respect to the use of the one-sided pattern (Pig.
&6), its effect will be represented in Pig. 64 or 65 if the right-
hand set of coils are short-circuited out by a thick wire. In
that case the galvanometer, though it is protected from dis-
turbances arriving from the left, is exposed to those coming
from the right. Moreover, it is possible for disturbances
arriving at A to jump into G across a couple of air gaps with-
out going through the coils.
Experiment No. 11.
To illustrate this I take the round-pattern guard and con-
nect it as indicated by Fig. 68 to a coil of wire and safety-
valve, or to a scrap of fine wire, or anything convenient. On
sending disturbances along the A B leads as usual, the safety-
valve sparkles, even when the wires C and G are detached
from its lower knob as
shown in the figure.
The rush into the cen-
tral terminal of the
guard is so strong as to
cause a spitting off from
every wire connected to
it, even into such a little
body as the insulated
rod of the safety-valve.
The sparks are not
strong, but they cannot
be prevented so long
as this pattern is used
with direct connection
between one exposed
(although earthed) and
one intended-to-be-protected terminal. The sparks are able
to fuse fine wire, and it is impossible to protect the finest
wire from fusion with this pattern, and B merely earthed.
Connecting up the G wire makes no difference, except that
now its spark gap begins to sparkle too, whereas it might
have been quiet : it manifestly receives a charge through the
■central terminal.
This dichotomized pattern is, therefore, only permissible
when there is a fair presumption, or complete certainty,
against disturbances arriving from the earth, and when
Fig. 68.
there is a guarantee that nothing can splash across the earth
terminal direct between A and G. Cases of this sort will he
mentioned in connection with the protection of cables.
30. The patterns so far drawn correspond rather to the
sort suitable for a terminal station ; but for an intermediate
station where an "up" and "down" line wire meet, but
where there is no necessary " earth," except an earth adapted
to filter off lightning disturbances from the wire instead of
passing them from station to station, the following pattern
is suitable (Fig. 69). It explains , „ ,.
., ij. .. > . ^ \, ,, ^ , Upline Down line
itselt ; it IS Virtually the round ^
pattern doubled.
31. There is one fact which,
though fairly obvious, may be
here explicitly mentioned, viz.,
that the air-gap method of pro-
tection only avails for very
rapidly- varying currents. If the
discharge from a large condenser
be prolonged, and its oscillation
made more leisurely by includ-
ing a great self-induction coil
in its discharge circuit, so that,
for instance, the spark ceases to
snap and approximates to a very
short, shrill whistle, then my whole series of gaps fail to protect
a fine wire from being deflagrated, or a galvanometer needle
from being strongly disturbed. It is manifest that anything
which could filter off currents varying with moderate rapidity
would eliminate the very currents on which signalling de-
pends ; hence it is impossible to stop this kind of disturbing
current unless it gets strong. So soon as it is much stronger
than the telegraphic currents desired, it can be stopped by
the fusion of a cut-out — a short piece of very fine wire inter-
posed near the protected terminal. These leisurely currents
do not endanger insulation, but they are more troublesome
to get rid of than the dangerous sudden ones. The fine-
wire cut-out requires replacement, and I arrange for an
easy supply of fresh ones by merely turning a button. But
whereas the fine wire of ordinary protectors gets damaged by
every kind of disturbance, sudden as well as slow, in mine
the fuses only come into operation when absolutely necessary
— i.e., when no other means suffices. T}ie fine wire protects
against amperes ; the series of air gaps against volts.
Submarine Cables.
32. All that has been said applies by implication to the
protection of cables, as much as to any other sort of covered
wire out of which it is desired to keep violent rushes of
potential, but about cables there are a few special things to.
be said which we will proceed to say now. Not only is a
cable a tremendously valuable piece of property in which a
slight fault costs a large sum^ to repair, and hence the utmost
precaution ought to be taken in their case (even the instru-
ments employed in signalling being so expensive as to deserve
a thorough protection if it can be given), but the fact that
cables are always coated with a stout metallic sheathing is a
peculiar circumstance not found in the lines of land tele-
graphs, whether overhead or underground, and it is a circum-
stance which, I wish to point out, renders their complete
protection from lightning peculiarly definite and easy.
33. rirst, it is clear that risk is run wherever a cable is
connected to a land line. I do not suppose this is ever done
with the long ocean cables ; but for short lengths, across
gulfs, etc., I suppose transmission is usually immediate.
Even with ocean cables I understand that the land line to
the station is often led to the same switch-board as the cable
instruments are connected to ; and whenever there is any
sort of proximity of this kind, a flash received by some
distant part of the land line must be liable to spit across
some of the terminals and flick off a bit of itseK into the
cable and its instruments.
Two lightning switches at least ought to he employed in
every such station : one, a coarse one, at the place where the
land line enters the huilding, to eliminate the grosser vio-
lence ; and another, a fine one, at the mouth of the cable, to
filter out the last traces of dangerous disturbance. An inter-
mediate one between switch-board and instrument may occa-
sionally be desirable.
34. A proper mode of connecting one of my protectors to
a cable is shown in Tig. 70. Here the outside sheath of the
cable is used as sole earth ; as is, I believe, customary.
Another proper mode is to have a subsidiary or local earth ;
connection being made as in Fig. 71.
I am not prepared to support one of these in strong pre-
From line or switchboard
Fig. 70.
ference to the other. The second plan, however, is not to be
adopted without the local earth. If there be no local earth,
the first is the only proper plan, for it permits disturbances
coming down the line to get to the outer sheath of the cable
as directly as possible, the interior being protected by im-
pedance ; it also permits disturbances surging up the cable
sheath, as they may when the shallow shore water is struck
by a flash, to get to the line capacity directly, and not to
easily enter the cable core.
35. But now suppose a case where no land line or connec-
tion is permitted to come within many yards of the cable
station, though I suppose such a plan would be extremely
inconvenient : let the cable be connected to nothing but its
own instruments — where is the need of a lightning switch
The only danger that can occur now is when these instru-
ments are struck direct, either from the roof or walls, or from
gas-pipes, or from the earth upon which they stand. A filter
must therefore be arranged to protect the cable, even in this
case. No fragment of cable core exposed outside its sheath
can be considered safe. It would only be quite safe if it
could be wholly put inside its metallic sheath and kept there.
But while so carefully contemplating the protection of the
cable, why not protect its instruments as well ? — for a siphon
recorder and an artificial cable are no cheap toys. It can be
Fig. 71.
done perfectly well. Put them all inside the sheath of the
cable and they are safe. Of course the sheath of the cable
must be enlarged to receive them, but that is easy enough.
Use a metal house, and at the point where the cable enters it
attach thoroughly its sheathing wires to the house, making a
good joint all round, and the thing is done. The cable station
is now an expansion of the sheathing, and everything inside
it is perfectly safe (Fig. 74).
36. It may be objected that a metal house in hot climates
would be a nuisance. Very likely ; there may be sufficient
practical objections to the plan, but that is for others to
judge. However, continuous sheet metal is unnecessary.
Wire gauze, even with meshes so large as is used for poultry
yards, may serve sufficiently well, if a few stout wires be
added to make effective contact with the cable sheathing.
Unless practical difficulties in so casing in a cable station
are greater than any I foresee, I cannot help thinking that it
would be worth while ; because then, even during a thunder-
storm, the operators might continue signalling in undisturbed
security, instead of having to suspend operations, disconnect
the instruments, and short-circuit the cable to its sheath.
Slow trails of disturbing current might indeed render signal-
ling difficult or even impossible, but there would be no
37. Reliance is commonly placed on a short-circuiting of
cable and sheath. If the short-circuit is very short indeed,
the reliance is fairly justified ; but if it be effected by a loop
Fig. 72.
of any size (Mg. 72), then there is no absolute security ; for a
flash striking at A wiU bifurcate, and part of it rush into the
cable. It may be said that that will not matter, because
another part of it will be travelling down the outside, and
that hence the G-.P. between the two pulses (the internal and
the external) will not be strained. But there is no guarantee
that they wiU travel at the same rate. There is, indeed,
every certainty that they will not. The outside pulse, more-
over, will soon dissipate itself by leakage into sea water,
leaving the internal one to work its way out through any
weak place it can find. Several hundred volts is a very
insignificant potential for such a pulse, but it is not cus-
tomary to apply several hundred volts to a cable with
But if instead of a mere loop we put a thimble or hollow
metal vessel over the end of the cable, connecting its sheath-
ing to the walls, and connecting its core to the interior, then
no sudden splashes can enter the cable at all ; they will keep
to the outside and do no harm (Fig. 73).
Such a magnified thimble is the proposed metallic or wire-
netted cable station ; and it is one that has the advantage of
never needing to be removed ; one which contains instruments
and operators, and protects them all alike from dangerous
disturbances (Fig. 74).
38. It may be asked whether such a house should depend
for its earth entirely on the cable sheathing, or whether a
local earth should be provided.
It is not a vital point, but a local earth is to be recom-
mended in order that even the outer sheath of the cable shall
not have to carry flashes of exceptional violence, which might
unduly heat it. Extra earthing the house can do no harm,
and may thus occasionally do good. But do not think of
sending out to any local earth a wire from the earth terminal
of the recorder or any testing instrument inside. The inside
•of the metal house is their appropriate earth, and no other
must be permitted. Again, gas-pipes, water-pipes and every-
tliing else may be permitted to enter the house, but only on
the strict condition that they be effectively united to it at
the point of entering — not at some other point. Connecting
them or anything else to the house by a mere vdre is not a
bit of good. The cable, the gas-pipes, and every other con-
ductor which penetrate the walls of the house must be at that
place united to those walls. I have ample experimental as
well as theoretical grounds for this assertion. See, for in-
stance, the remarks below on Figs. 77 and 78. No insulated
conductor must be allowed to protrude, imless it be enclosed
in a metallic sheath connected to the walls, with the distant
end of this sheath itself closed. Such an insulated conductor
is, of course, the core of the cable itself ; the completing
closed sheathing being the distant cable station. If that be
a mere wooden shanty, disturbances may there enter the cable,
and not only do it damage but derange the signalling power
of your instruments at this end also ; all your fine protection
being no good if not imitated at the far end of the cable.
39. Since no insulated conductor must on this plan be
allowed to penetrate the walls, it is manifest that no land
line can be permitted to enter a cable station. The land
signalling station must be a separate chamber. It need not
be a distinct building ; it may be under the same roof, but it
must be wire-fenced off from the cable compartment, and the
messages must be put through non-electrically.
Whether such a separation is too inconvenient to be con-
templated, I leave to those with more practical knowledge to
say. I am only pointing out what is necessary for absolute
protection. Of course a reasonable amount of protection can
be obtained under less stringent conditions, and I am by no
means laying down the law as to what ought to be done in
practice ; all I say is that unless all this is done the protection
will not be absolute. Practical men are far the best judges
of questions relating to temporizing and expediency. Por
instance, windows and doors are necessary in a cable station.
and although they may be fenced over with wire netting, it
is not to be supposed that in all conditions of practice they
will never be left open, or that there will never be a break or
a serious imperfection in the continuity of the metallic
sheathing to the house ; and in face of the liability to such
accidents, it is not to be supposed that proper lightning
guards can be dispensed with. They will, however, then
become the last citadel of security, and not, as at present, the
outer line of defence.
40.* It is customary, I believe, to land the ends of cables in
a cable hut on the beach, so as to be able to get testing instru-
ments as close as possible to the real thing, undisturbed by
insignificant shore leads. There is not the slightest difficulty
or danger introduced by this practice, provided the hut or an
enclosure inside it is made of iron, and both cable and shore-
lead are well connected to its walls by their outer sheathing
as they enter it. Testing instruments and all inside the
enclosure are then perfectly safe, except from disturbances
conducted in through the central core of the lead ; and this
can only happen when there is some great defect at the cable
station. It is this lead from hut to station which now repre-
sents the cable, and all the care described as proper to be
taken of the cable must of course be taken of it.
The cable hut need not be itself of iron ; if it contains an
iron box, as shown in Fig. 75, all requirements will be satis-
fied, and such a plan may perhaps be convenient ; the lid can
be removed for occasional testing without appreciable risk.
In case a trace of disturbance should by chance get into the
lead, a lightning switch may, for a final appeal, be included
in the box.
41. I said above that there were cases when the dicho-
tomized pattern of Fig. 66 was sufiicient. This is one of
them. There is not the slightest objection to a single terminal
here, connected with the inside of the box, because nothing
violent can splash up into it.
The box may advantageously have some rude local earth of
its own, merely in case its hut should happen to receive a
direct flash of lightning.
Experiment No. 12.
42. To demonstrate the protecting action of cages I put a
parrot cage over a thin-wire reflecting galvanometer standing
on a copper plate through which a lead-sheathed cable passes,
the lead being attached to the copper where it passes through
the hole by a number of soldered wires. If this junction is
defective the experiment is liable to fail ; i.e., the protection
will not be thorough. The cage also should be well connected
with the copper plate. The terminals of the galvanometer
are connected, one to the inside of the cage at any point
whatever, the other to the core of the cable. The distant end
of the cable may be similarly treated, or for simplicity its core
may be directly connected to its sheathing, and a tight-fitting
metal thimble or hat put over it. Before doing this, however,
I apply something representing a signalling E.M.F. to the
distant end, to show the sensitiveness of the caged galva-
nometer : e.g., touching the core and its sheath simultaneously
with a pair of wet fingers immediately drives the spot of light
ofE the scale.
All being properly arranged, flashes are sent from a jar to
any point of the cable — to its far end, or to the cage of the
galvanometer, etc. ; some other point of the cable or cage
being earthed. Not a wink does the needle show, at any rate
to a cursory inspection ; and if a safety-valve be supplied, no
matter -with how microscopic a spark gap, it cannot be made
to overflow.
But, all the time these splashes are going on, an operator
in the distant cage may be sending voltaic currents along the
cable and signalling to the sensitive galvanometer inside the
cage without any disturbance from the violent rushes outside.
43. It is not to be supposed that such cable houses afEord
any protection against earth currents, or any other steady or
slowly varying effects. These will produce their full effect
quite careless of the fact of metallic enclosure. Nothing but
a perfectly conducting screen can entirely protect against them,
and that is not a likely invention. Atmospheric disturbances
also, and even discharges in so far as they are slow or leave
subsiding effects behind them, will be felt by the galva-
nometer ; but then, although inconvenient to a reader of
signals, slow disturbances are not dangerous. It is the violent
and sudden rushes that are dangerous, and these are wholly
excluded, occurring only in the outer metallic sheath. To
exclude steady currents of too great strength a short length of
very fine wire must be included in the circuit.
Experiment No. 13.
To emphasize the fact that a caged galvanometer is not in
the smallest degree protected from steady currents, except in
so far as the resistance of core and bobbin bears a large ratio
to the resistance of sheath and cage, according to rudimentary
laws of divided circuits, I take the terminals of a single
storage cell and touch them to two points of the outer sheath
of the cable an inch apart, like A B (Pig. 76). Instantly the
spot of light is flung off the scale. Applying the terminals to
points one-eighth inch apart only, the needle is still strongly
disturbed ; and indeed it is only by very careful feeling about
and adjusting within the hundredth of an inch on the same
sectional circumference of the cable-sheath that a neutral
position for the second terminal can be found, and the galva-
nometer cease to tap off any fraction of the current.
Diagrammatically the arrangement is shewn in Fig. 76 :
With battery terminals at A B, the galvanometer plainly
receives a minute branch current, unless A B are coincident.
The simplest way to realize the matter is to recognize that
when a current is passing in the sheath from Aio B all the
left-hand portion of the cable is at A potential, and all the
right-hand portion is at B potential ; hence, of course, there is
a tendency to leak along any available path between the two
portions ; and the core is such a path.
But Leyden-jar flashes may be sent, not merely to points
close together like A and B, but to points as far apart as you
please, like B and F, and the galvanometer shall show
44. But now arises a very interesting question. The protec-
tion thus illustrated, is it theoretically perfect, or only perfect
enough for all practical purposes ? Does a metal cage protect
a galvanometer absolutely from these sudden disturbances ?
Put it in another way. Everybody knows Faraday's cage
or metal-lined room, into which he went with electroscopes,
birds, frogs, and other instruments, arranged that the outside
should receive violent flashes, and detected nothing inside.
Suppose he had added to his stock a galvanometer, connecting
its terminals to two points of the walls, would he have got
anything then ? It naturally occurs to ask, Why did he not
try it ? What would he have expected the result to be ? Did
he perhaps not try it because he felt already sure of the result ?
If so, the feeling of certainty was premature. Whether his
guess might happen to turn out right or no, he certainly had
not all the facts before him on which to base an opinion.
46. Let us go into the question. First of all, Mr. Chattock
and I obtained the following result a year or two ago, viz. :
that between two wires wholly inside a wire-gauze house not
a trace of spark can be obtained, whatever flashes pass along
the outside. The only way we got sparks inside a metal
Fig. 77.
enclosure was by allowing one of the wires to protrude a little
through a hole in the walls without touching the sides of the
Thus, for instance, the arrangement of Fig. 77, with the
wires soldered to the metal case where they enter it, gives no
sparks inside ; but modifying it as shown in Fig. 78, where
Fig. 78.
one of the entering wires is soldered to the cage elsewhere
than where it enters it, may give some very small ones.
But this last is hardly a fair device: it is equivalent to
turning a portion of the enclosure inside out ; the protruding
wire can be regarded as part of the interior surface. Inside
a thorough and fair metal enclosure sparks cannot be got
between its walls.
46. Recently Hertz tried what is practically the same experi-
ment, his object being to demonstrate that rapidly varying
currents traverse only the outside of a conductor (" Phil.
Mag.," August, 1889). He took a sort of mouse mill of wires
{Fig. 79), with two rods entering it and joined to it — ^one of
them through a sUvered glass tube — and, inserting it in a
place where sparks would naturally occur between the axial
wires, he found it not possible to obtain any until many ribs
of the mouse mill had been removed, so as to leave a great
gap for the penetration of electro-magnetic waves, or unless
he coated the glass tube portion of his enclosure with only a
film of silver so thin as to become incipiently transparent to
such waves — i.e., transparent to light. All this shows clearly
why a cage protects a cable : no sparks are possible inside,
and therefore its insulation cannot get damaged.
47. But what about a galvanometer or telegraph instru-
ment? — i.e., what about the conduction test? Insulation is
Fig. 79.
safe enough, but will the signalling be interfered with during
the continuance of a storm ?
Well, if we try the experiment by putting a galvanometer
inside a good conducting vessel and attaching its terminals to
the walls — a small patch of gauze being, of course, provided
for the ray of light to get in and out — nothing will be seen
when ordinary flashes are given to the cage ; and that must
certainly have been the result of the experiment if it had been
tried in Faraday's bime with the galvanometers of that day.
48. But a galvanometer is in this arrangement so severely
handicapped by short-circuiting that it is perhaps unfair. It
maybe better to use an elongated form of enclosure and attach
a low-resistance galvanometer to points of it a good distance
apart. The metallic sheathing of a cable is such an elongated
enclosure; hence modify the simple cage experiment thus:
Bxperimeni No. 14.
Instead of the thin-wire galvanometer, which we find easy
to protect, encage a thick- wire galvanometer and join it up to
the lead-covered cable as already described, with good con-
nection between cage and sheath. Sheathe also the distant
end, and connect up as in Fig. 76. Now send flashes to E, or
to F, or to both ; or spark to E, and let F be earthed, or vice
versa. The galvanometer, if sensitive, gives a slight kick at
every flash. Its safety-valve shows nothing, but a feeble
pulse does pass round its wire.
49. When I first got this effect the cage employed was a
common parrot cage ; but, since its wire junctions could not
be depended on, I had one made of fine copper gauze, soldered
to a disc of copper at top and to a flat ring at bottom, suitable
for clamping down to a copper plate. The same disturbance
was still found when it was used ; so a solid sheet-copper water-
tight hat was made and soldered down to the plate, with
the galvanometer inside ; the gauze cage being placed over
all as a supplemental and outer covering. Still the residual
effect remained, apparently unaltered in strength.
50. The protection of a galvanometer from these sudden
discharges is therefore not theoretically complete. No amount
of covering-in can absolutely eliminate all disturbance. No
matter how sudden a pulse may be, so long as there is an
integral passage of electricity in one direction along a con-
ductor, the central portion of that conductor will convey some
trace of it. The integral passage of electricity along the axis
is, in fact, that determined simply by its relative conductivity
as compared with its surrounding sheath, irrespective of more
complicated considerations. But whereas in the outermost
layer of the sheath there are violent surgings, the current-
strength being very great and alternating, nothing of the sort
occurs in the central portions; the violence is all damped
out, and there remains nothing there but a quiet and sluggish
flow. The rush in the outer layer of a conductor induces
currents in the layer next below, these again in the layer
below that, and so on ; a sort of diffusion of currents occurring
towards the axis, like the diffusion of heat in a body to whose
surface heat, or an alternation of heat and cold, has been
suddenly applied. Such diffusion is accompanied by a flatten-
ing out of the waves, a decay of all their suddenness, so that
the axial disturbance is a mere peaceful flow, analogous to
that given by a voltaic cell, not having a trace of jump left
in it. The very smallest breach of continuity stops it alto-
gether : it is impossible to get a spark in the axial wire ; but
if this wire be a completed conductor it takes its share of
integral current along with the rest. Not simultaneously,
however, the diffusion inwards occupies time, but the delay
has no particular effect to call for notice liere.
51 . Another way of putting the matter is to use the me-
chanical analogue of slipping wheel-work as representative of
a conductor ; then, if the outer layer of wheels be spun to and
fro violently and left with a certain residual spin, to represent
the impact of electro-magnetic waves from the dielectric on
the metal, that residual spin will penetrate to all parts of the
geared mechanism, except where there is absolutely perfect
slip — i.e., except into space bounded by a perfect conductor.
62. To suppose that the axial part of a conductor (whether
solid all through or hollow with a wire along its centre makes
no difference in principle) takes no part in conveying a
momentary transfer of electricity, is to make the same error
as is published so uniquely and interestingly by Sir William
Thomson in the March, 1890, "Phil. Mag.," wherein he
corrects his original idea that the ordinary resistance of a
ballistic galvanometer wire would not be the right resistance
to introduce into its formula, because the outer layer of the
wire conducts most of the current ; and shows that, examining
the matter stiU more completely, every part of the wire is
ultimately effective, and equally effective as regards integral
flow. All the rush does go by the outside at first, and all the
violence is there expended anyhow, but every part of the
section does its full share of conduction ultimately.
It is worth entering thus fully into the matter, because
these are things about which it is easy to get bothered if one
does not happen to get hold of them right way up. And this
matter of protection by cages is one on which there has long
been some uncertainty or hesitation.
Now that I see clearly how they act, their behaviour seems
natural enough, and what one might have expected^what I
think Maxwell (doubtless others also) would have expected ;
certainly it all comes out clearly enough on his j)rinciples.
But a little time ago the matter was by no means so clear in
my mind, and I rather gather that several others felt a
similar sort of temporary uncertainty.
5'3. One more way of putting the result may be permitted.
It is not given as an experiment, because I have not tried it.
Take a sheet of metal or gauze, tap it along a certain line
with a galvanometer on one side and with a spark gap on the
other, arrange to send flashes along the same line, and then
fold the sheet about this line into a cylinder, cither upward
or downward, so as to enclose at pleasure the galvanometer
or the spark gap, but not both (see Fig. 80).
The indications of the galvanometer will be wholly unaf-
fected by the way the sheet is folded, or whether it be left
flat ; provided always the insulation of its wire is and
remains perfect. But to the air gap the folding of the sheet
makes all the difference. When enclosed it will be quiescent,
when exposed it may sparkle.
In the discussion Sir William Thomson made the following-
remark : " Dr. Lodge's new principle of inductive quasi-inertia
interposed in the line of conduction between a series of
points separated from an earthed conductor supplies what is,
I believe, a practically convenient and a thoroughly efEective'
protection against the electrification to too high a potential
of even the shore end of the insulated wire." ^
Mr. C. E. Spagnolbtti gave the following results of expe-
rience : " Bearing on some remarks that have been made in
this discussion, T should like to bring before the Institution
one or two cases of the effects of lightning on telegraph wires,
which will show that its vagaries depend entirely on the
potential of the flash. In one case, between Worcester and
Wolverhampton, a severe storm visited that neighbourhood,
and ten poles were split down, the cross arms broken, insu-
lators smashed and scattered about, and wires fused. This
must have been a flash of extremely high potential, as it
would have to jump an air space of 8 or 10 inches.
" In another case, which happened on the Shrewsbury and
Hereford Eailway, a lineman was up amongst the wires at
Shrewsbury. It was a calm, fine summer's eve there, but a
severe storm was raging at Hereford, 50 miles away, and the
wires were struck and the man at Shrewsbury rendered insen-
sible ; he was burnt under the arm and on the leg by the
entry and exit of the current through his body ■- he never
recovered his vigour, and died three or four months after-
' Remarks of other speakers are reported in the Journal of the
Institution of Electrical Engineers for 1890, pp. 382, et seq.
wards. Now this flash, although strong enough to have this
serious effect on the body, did not damage a single pole along
the route of the 50 miles it travelled.
" Another case happened on the Metropolitan Eailway.
There was a continuous tunnel from Edgware Eoad to
King's Cross, and five intermediate stations were in this
length ; the wires were insulated, and attached to gas and
water pipes for earth, so that there were not any exposed
wires. In a violent storm passing over London the instru-
ment coils at some of these intermediate (and, one would
think protected) stations were fused. The only way the
lightning could have got to them must have been through
the gas or water pipes, or there must have been an upward
flash from the earth.
"On another occasion, in. North Wales, a Bell instrument
Tvas struck, and the wire on the coils was cut into nearly
■equal lengths and scattered with such force that the wooden
case was lined like a wire brush with bits of wire sticking in
by one of the ends ; the core was stripped of wire, and it
seemed as if the wire on the coil had been cut like a cross,
taking the lines from top to bottom and from right to left,
•or vice versa.
" On another occasion, the men reported that while working
in the tunnel on the Clifton line, near Bristol, running wires
in casing, the lightning during a violent storm ran into the
tunnel along the rails, flashing and frisking along them and
darting up to the wires they were then putting up against
the wall, lighting the tunnel in brilliant flashes.
"Lightning jsrotectors and conductors are unfortunate
things ; they get Uttle or no credit for what good they do, as
we know not the danger they avert."
Di\ Lodge : Several persons of great practical experience
seem to think that the present instruments do their work
well, and that no new one is necessary. Other authorities, I
know, are not of the same opinion, and some of the reasoning
which has led to this idea is rather fallacious. Thus one of
the arguments is based upon the fact that existing j)rotectors
are sometimes found damaged, the idea being that therefore
they have acted and saved whatever is attached to them.
Mr. Saunders says that very often his fine wire is fused.
Mr. Preece says that the plates of the Siemens or other plate
protector were often found burnt or damaged in some way,
showing that sparks had occurred. Now I say that experi-
ments made in the laboratory demonstrate that whenever a
protector has been damaged hitherto something else has been
liable to be damaged also — not necessarily very much, not
necessarily visibly, and possibly not at all, but it has run the
risk of being damaged. I say that from the poiiit of view of
complete protection there is no cable and there is no instru-
ment completely protected from all possible danger from
lightning, and the damage of the instruments and the fusion
of the fine wires show that a great amount of disturbance has
entered the cable and may have done damage.'
With regard to the use of fine wire I entirely agree ; fine
wire is a most useful addition to any spark-gap lightning
protector. There are two things to be guarded against — high
potential and strong current. High potential is kept out by
a judicious arrangement of spark gaps and self-induction ;
strong currents by a fine- wire fuse. High potential is by far
the most dangerous ; but strong currents are not to be desired.
Strong steady currents cannot be kept out by spark gaps.
Steady or slowly varying currents can only be kept out by
fine wire. Fine wire has long been used in protectors. I
have all along contemplated using it as an additional safe-
guard wherever convenient, but the essence of my instrument
is its arrangement of coils and spark gaps. In some places
' That land signalling instruments do get damaged notwithstanding
their lightning guards, at any rate in France, is proved by the official
returns, a copy of which for the year 1883 has been kindly given me
by Professor Hughes. It shows that 90 sounders, 24 Morse instru-
ments, and 477 lightning guards were damaged in that year. And
Dr. Muirhead tells me of cases where the condensers of cables have
been burst by atmospheric electricity with a loud report.
fine wire is objectionable, siace it entails replacement when
damaged. As Sir William Thomson says, the fine wire ought
to be at the protected terminals, not at the exposed terminals,,
or else it may be deflagrated unnecessarily by discharges
which the spark gaps alone are well able to tackle. That is
one defect in Mr. Jamieson's protector : the flash coming in
from the line deflagrates its wire with extreme ease ; it is not,
however, the only defect. I may say here, in connection also
with Professor Hughes's remarks, that no thin silk-covered
wire coiled on a metal bobbin can be satisfactory ; for, besides
the inductive neutralization of self-induction, it acts very
much as if the wire were wholly uncovered ; the coil is
practically shunted out by the metal. Thus in Jamieson's
instrument the cable terminal receives discharges from the
earthed bobbin by its sparking through to the wire upon it
at the nearest point, or often at several points simultaneously.
And no discharge thinks of going round the coil: it jumps
from it at beginning and to it at end, travelling by the reel.
Mr. Preece and Sir Henry Mance contend that the self-
induction in telegraph instruments is sufficient to canse sparks
to jump the air gaps of their protectors. But lightning
ignores altogether the self-induction of a silk-covered coil ; it
jumps right across it from layer to layer, and may easily fuse it.
Moreover, a self-induction coil alone, without an overflow to
get rid of the current which has got into it, is incomplete.
Corkscrew spirals of wire used for connection, although
they have some self-induction, are by no means of the right
shape if that were their object. The shape of coil which gives
maximum seK-induction with a given length of wire is a flat
shape, very like that employed by Professor Hughes in his
induction balance.
I am surprised that it is not thought desirable to protect
telephones, considering their frequent proximity to the human
ear ; but I suppose the British Isles are exceptionally free
from violent storms.
Sir William Thomson instructively said that a fine wire in
conjunction with a condenser must be of service in protecting
a cable even from rapidly- varying currents ; for in order to
charge the condenser to high potential a certain Quantity is
necessary, and a fine wire might exclude that. This may be
the reason why Saunders's guard has acted as well as it has.
The fine wire is probably the most important part of the
protection in that instrument.
Major Cardew spoke about my experiments last time, and
said I had to be careful to strike the lightning protector at
the right end, and that if I had struck it with flashes at the
wrong end it would have told a different tale ; but what I
did really was not to represent the lightning as striking the
protector direct — of course it may strike the protector direct,
and it may strike the end of the cable direct ; you cannot
prevent that, except by a metal house — but what I did was
to imitate a flash or disturbance coming along a line wire
to the instrument ; what I struck was a line wire terminal,
a line wire which might, have been struck a mile away for
that matter, and of course the disturbance reaches the instru-
ment at the terminal to which the line wire is attached, and
not the other way.
With regard to what G-eneral Webber said about leads — ■
danger from overhead leads as compared with underground
leads, and so on — I did not say anything about the danger
from overhead wires, because it is obvious ; but I wanted to
point out that even underground leads were not safe. If
they were entirely underground they might be — except from
the neighbourhood of gas and water pipes, as Mr. Spagnoletti
instructively reminds us — but that is absurd : if they are
completely underground you cannot get the lines into your
house. Danger arises from the above-ground or inside-house
portion. Buried leads covered with insulation are plainly
more susceptible to permanent damage than bare copper strips
enclosed in an air-trough, because the latter would be none
the worse if a spark or two did jump from them to earth.
Mr. Mordey has mentioned that sparks are liable to strike
arcs. I have liad arcs struck like that in the course of these
lightuing experiments : some flashes put into the storage
battery wires struck an arc across them, making a great flare.
That is a thing very much to be taken into accoimt in pro-
tecting electric light leads, but that does not mean that my
lightning protector won't do for houses and electric lighting ;
it only means that a special pattern must be devised in order
to stop the arc the instant it is formed. (See p. 423.)
Mr. Crompton wished to know how I thought that house
leads should be protected. My suggestion is that a number
of houses wired together should be disconnected as regards
lightning flashes on the pirinciple of fire-proof doors. An
arrester should be placed wherever overhead leads enter the
ground ; it should also be placed between different houses,
so as to isolate a struck house and not let damage spread
through a district.
The following are the Directions for Lodge's Lightning Guards,
as constructed and issued by Muirhead and Co., Cowley
Street, Westminster, S.W.
These are of two main patterns, the double pattern and the
single pattern.
The double pattern has four terminals, symmetrically
situated. One pair of these may be called the exposed ter-
(For actual instrument, see p. 390.)
minals, and are labelled A and B. The other pair are the
protected terminals, and are labelled C and D.
The ordinary use of this pattern is to protect a telegraphic
instrument, say a siphon recorder.
To do this, the recorder terminals are connected to C and D,
line " and " earth," are
while the switch board terminals,
connected to A and B.
The instrument acts as follows : — By its construction A and
C are always electrically connected for signalling currents ;
and so are .B and B. But for lightning and sudden dis-
charges, both these pairs are practically disconnected, while
A and B are connected instead.
Thus lightning is shunted out, while the full signalling
current proceeds on its way to the recorder.
Another use of the instrument is to switch out lightning
flashes from a lead, and take them to earth. To this end the
lead is cut and connected to A and C. B is connected to earth
by the shortest available route, and D is not connected to
But the single pattern is frequently used for this purpose,
and except when disturbances arrive from the earth instead of
from above, it is equally effective.
The single pattern has three terminals, A, B and G. It is
simply the double pattern with B and D short-circuited to-
A and C are put in the lead. B is connected to earth direct.
The single pattern, when enclosed in a metallic case, is
perfect for the protection of all things enclosed or virtually
enclosed in the same sheath.
Thus, for instance, it is the pattern used to protect sub-
marine cables.
The core of the cable is taken inside the case and attached
to G, its metallic sheathing being at the same time connected
closely with the metallic case, in such a way as to leave no
part of the core exposed (fig. 82).
The sheath of the cable is thus virtually a prolongation or
enlargement of the metal case, and its core is entirely pro-
The wire bringing the signals (from the outlet board) is
taken inside the case and attached to A.
The B terminal is permanently connected with the case and
is thus already earthed by the cable sheathing.
It may with some slight possible advantage be separately
earthed as well, but only if the flashes feared are likely to be
strong enough to damage the cable-sheathing when going to
earth by its means alone.
Anything that can without inconvenience be put inside a
metal house or cage, may be completely protected by one of
these encased single pattern or " hat " protectors, provided
the connecting leads be taken through a metal tube connect-
ing the two cases.
Whenever a delicate instrument cannot conveniently be thus
caged, a double pattern instrument must be used, as above
Lightning Guards for Electric Light Installations.
The same principle as has been applied in all other forms
of the Lodge Lightning Guard is applicable also to Electric
Fig. 85.
Light Installations, viz. -. a succession of air-gap paths to
earth, connected up by coils of well insulated wire, across the
turns of which the lightning, weakened as it is by the first
air-gap to earth, is not able to break. The only extra difSculty
which occurs in protecting electric light leads instead of
telegraph lines and cables is that the lightning spark is able
to start an arc across the air-gaps to earth, and thereby to
divert the main current out of its proper channel.
To check this diversion without a moment's delay the air-
gap." are led up to through a fine wire or tinfoil fuse ; this is
able to guide the flash, but is destroyed either by it or by the
main current, whose path to earth is thereby instantly stopped.
Fig. 87.
Tor high voltage installations the length of these fusesor
cut-outs can be adapted to the demands of the circuit. They
are now made to interrupt any arc up to one foot long (fig. 86) .
In order to enable the same instrument to take a succession
of flashes without attention, a dozen fuses are provided in
parallel ; one of which is liable to go at every stroke. Fresh
ones are supplied, and can be inserted with the greatest ease,
as shown in the two figures (fig. 87).
Each instrument has three obvious terminals. One ter-
minal A for the line (especially if it be an overhead line) at
the point where it enters a building, another terminal B for
the main inside leading wire ; while the third, E, is to be con-
nected as thoroughly and directly with earth as possible.
For low tension installations the same form of instrument
is made, but the lengths of fuse are much less (fig. 88).
Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
Concerning Army and Navy Regulations for the
Protection of Powder Magazines.
Colonel Bucknill has been good enough to send me
various documents relating to the protection of powder
magazines and other important buildings, with which at
one time he was closely connected. He also wrote me
one or two letters which he asks me to reproduce in
full. I accordingly do so, in amplification of his remarks
at the oflBcial discussion at the Institute of Electrical
Engineers (see above, p. 225) . I also reproduce, at his
request, a leading article which he wrote to the journal
"Engineering," March 10th, 1882, on the occasion of the
appearance of the Report of the Lightning Rod Con-
Thornfield, Bitterne, Hants, 5th May, 1889.
Peofessok Oliver Lodge.
" Dear Sir, — Your paper on Lightning and on Con-
ductors, etc., for our protection from its ravages, clears
away in a most satisfactory and convincing manner many
of the difficulties which have for so long enshrouded the
subject. I fear that I shall not be able to take part in
the discussion upon it, but your remark numbered 46 —
first two lines — has given me the greatest satisfaction, as
for so many years 1. have borne the odium of, I think,
some very undeserved sarcasms in an abstract of my
paper read at the Royal United Service Institution on
6th May, 1881 — such abstract being published in the
report of the Lightning Rod Conference as an appendix.
" My views were accepted at the time by the W. 0.
authorities, and I was appointed to re-write the Instruc-
tions regulating the application and inspection of lightning
conductors, such instructions being issued as part of the
W. 0. Circulars of 1st Sept., 1881. The L. R. C, for
some reason best known to the members, ignored those
instructions, and quoted in full the W. 0. Instructions
of 1875 ! The Admiralty Instructions of 1880-1 were
also ignored.
" When the L. R. C. Report came out, I wrote a lead-
ing article on it, which was published in " Engineering,'^
10th March, 1882 (reprinted p. 432) .
"At the time I was writing the W. 0. Instructions of
1881 I wished to insert a paragraph, that probably a piece
of No. 8 iron wire would carry off any stroke of lightning,
and gave some reasons in support of this view, but I was
advised not to publish the same. I have the MS. now
before me.
"I hope and trust that your powerful paper and con-
vincing arguments will sweep away much of the quackery
connected with the subject; a quackery that is only
equalled (not surpassed) by the vendors of many patent
" I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,
" P.S. — I cannot concur in some of your practical appli-
cations at the end of your paper, and they do- not seem
to me to be logical sequences from your theories, which
are apparently incontestable. — J. T. B."
Thoi-nfield, near Southampton,
Wednesday Evening, 8th May, 1889.
" My deak SiEj — Your letter just to hand. I have sent
a few friendly remarks on your paper, which, in my
humble opinion, will be the cause of an entirely new
departure in L. R. practice.
" You will have a quite sufficiently uphill battle to fight
to establish the truth of your 'principles ; the correct
practical applications will follow as a matter of course :
but each case will, I fancy, require much sagacity, and, as
you truly imply, the problem becomes more difficult by
your important discoveries.
" I have always maintained that it is quite impossible to
make yourself perfectly secure from the effects of light-
ning, and your views emphasize this opinion.
" With regard to your sections 51 to end :
" I quarrel with sections numbered 59, 63, and 65 —
see my notes to the Institution of Electrical Engineers
on p. 226.
"I also add now to you that I think the words — hut
each should have a direct route to earth — should be added
to section QQ.
"As regards 69, I cannot believe in "complete se-
" As regards 70, I don't like it ; better connect the
stoves, etc., if only by a small wire.
"As regards 71, 1 should much prefer to connect the
conductor by branches through brickwork to roof inside
in several places.
" 72 is first-rate.
" 73 — I should prefer to have two or more conductors
connected to a flat roof at each end.
" 74 — Quite so.
" 75 — I prefer the orthodox rule in majority of cases.
" 76 — I don't believe it. I believe that the earth
charge is generally collected there, and will flash to con-
ductor unless you connect them to it.
" 78 — I always recommend a double conductor for a
tall chimney : one on each side, joined by a cross con-
ductor at top to attract the attention of the stroke, and
prevent it flashing down the inside of chimney.
" 79 — I think there are exceptions ; notably on ships of
" 80— French Instruction, 1823.
"81 — Clerk- Maxwell nearly; but very difficult to carry
" 82— A big IP.
" 83— Difficult— difficult.
" 84 — Not understood.
" 85, 86, 87 — Veet difficult to carry out, except as
scientific experiments.
" 88 — What is an ' eemcient ' Lightning Protector ?
" 89 — I have no experience in such circumstances.
" Yours very faithfully,
The Lightning Rod Conference.
" The devastation produced by lightning is fortunately
not so considerable in England as in many other
countries, and this may account for the fact' that
no rules have ever been drawn up to guide the general
public in the erection of lightning conductors, — except
by private individuals. In France, the Academy were
requested by Government on several occasions to draw-
up such rules, and the practice in France is conse-
quently very much more uniform than in this country.
The want being felt, the Meteorological Society issued
invitations in May, 1878, to the Royal Institute of
British Architects, to the Physical Society, and to the
Society of Telegraph Engineers, and delegates were
chosen by each society to co-operate in drawing up a
report on the subject. Had the matter been taken up
by Government it is probable that the Royal Society
would have been asked to report ; but inasmuch as
there were no less than seven Fellows of this society on
the Conference, it may be conceded that the report
almost carries upon it the stamp of our great scientific
society. For this reason we must confess to a feeling of
disappointment in perusing the report, which occupies
only nineteen pages of large letter-press, which contains
several suggestions of a doubtful character, without
giving any reasons for them, and which omits many
matters of scientific interest, which were certainly to be
expected from so distinguished a Conference. The prin-
cipal labours and the greatest success lie in the appen-
dices, which occupy 260 pages of closely-printed matter,
and which give in a condensed form a vast amount of
historical information on the subject. The members of
the Conference divided this labour, and a most valuable
book of reference is the result. The small advance in the
knowledge of the lightning discharge is due to the impos-
sibility of carrying out experiments except with electricity
of a much lower potential. Authentic history is there-
fore of the greatest importance, and all records written
by scientific and careful observers become of the utmost
value. The Appendices of the Conference enable the
student to easily get at any desired information, and any
further investigation is assisted by the excellent catalogue
of works upon lightning conductors in Appendix G.
" The report recommends that each terminal rod should
be provided with a multiple point, the central point
being a few inches higher than the others, and thereby
the opinion of Mr. Preece, Appendix B, that " each
conductor should end in one fine platinum point," and
that " he sees no advantage whatever in multiplying
these points," is not endorsed. The report next recom-
mends copper as the material for a conductor, although
giving a comparison with iron which seems to be in favour
of the latter metal. As regards the size of a conductor, a
sectional area of 0.11 of a square inch for copper and of
0.64 of a square inch for iron are recommended. Con-
cerning the sectional shape of a conductor, and the
desirability of its being free from any joints and the
encasing of the foot of the conductor to protect it from
the thief, and the painting, &c., there is nothing new.
In reference to the attachment of a conductor to a
building, it is stated that it shall not compress the rod
but that it shall hold it firmly, and yet shall allow play for
its expansion and contraction. The form of attachment
which possesses these opposite virtues is not explained.
" As regards the earth connection the usual precautions
are recommended, but we note that a connection to a
gas main is not only permitted when other things fail,
but is advocated as an efficient arrangement at all times,
although an accident in Halifax, N.S., is on record in
which the Provincial buildings narrowly escaped destruc-
tion by fire occasioned by a lightning rod being struck
which had been taken to earth in this way. We also
note that in a rocky and dry situation it is recommended
to bury 3 cwt. or 4 cwt. of iron at the foot of the conduc-
tor in addition to the ordinary earth plate, What action
the 3 cwt. or 4 cwt. of iron will have upon the electric
discharge is not explained, although it would be very
interesting to learn.
" The space protected by a lightning rod receives con-
siderable attention, this being a hobby of one of the
members of the Conference. His views, however, are
not fully endorsed, and the more guarded opinions quoted
from the War Office instructions of 1875 (which are
printed in one of the Appendices) are practically adopted.
And here we would observe that the more recent instruc-
tions issued by the War Office last year are not quoted
or mentioned, nor are the last instructions issued by the
Admiralty in 1880. The recommendations of the Con-
ference on the height of the upper terminal are illogical,
as the matter is first stated to be one which may be left
entirely to the option of architects and engineers, whereas
in the following sentence the lofty rods often used in
France, and the low rods usual in England, are regarded
as ' opposite errors.'
" Concerning the testing of conductors, an annual exa-
mination both visual and electrical is recommended, and
various apparatus are noted. 'The simplest and best is
effective as regards testing the efficiency of the conduc-
tor, but not that of the earth connection ;■" but inasmuch
as the earth connection is exactly that part of a conduc-
tor which most frequently requires repair, and is also the
part which being under ground can only be examined
electrically, it would not have been anticipated that a
testing apparatus which could be used only for the con-
ductor and not for the earth connection, would have been
recommended as the ' best,' although it might easily be
the ' simplest.' This apparatus is made after designs
which were furnished by Mr. Preece, who saw a similar
arrangement in France.
" The Conference recommends that all masses of metal
in a building (church bells in a well-protected spire ex-
cepted, reason not stated) , whether internal or externalj
should be connected to each other and to a conductorj or
to the earth. Clerk-Maxwell, who followed up theoreti-
cally by such beautiful mathematical processes so many
of the discoveries due to the experimental researches of
Faraday, considered that masses of metal should be
treated differently according to their position ; the
internal masses being kept separate from the system of
conductors, but the external masses being connected
" The report concludes with the code of rules, which
seem to err on the side of brevity ; indeed some details
of importance are not mentioned at all. For instance, in
the case of large buildings with flat roofs, the spacing of
the points and of the conductors, as well as the number
and the best positions of earth connections, are not
mentioned, nor whether surface as well as deep earth
connections are to be provided as recommended in the
instructions drawn up by the French Academy.
" Some of the rules appear to be drawn up without
much care ; for instance, where it is stated that ' the
lower end of a conductor should be buried in perma-
mently damp soil,' and it adds, ' hence proximity to
drains is desirable.' We were always under the impres-
sion that drains produce dryness in soils. Again, in the
same rule we find, ' a strip of copper tape may be led
from the bottom of the rod to the nearest gas or water
main, not merely to a lead pipe.' The use of the word
merely is probably not intended, as any connection to a
soft metal pipe is deprecated previously in the report.
" The line of reasoning which appears in some of the
rules does not carry conviction. Thus, in the rule about
' collieries,' it is stated that ' undoubted evidence exists
of the explosion of firedamp in collieries through sparks
from atmospheric electi'icity being led into the mine by
the wire ropes of the shafts and the iron rails of the
galleries. Hence^ the head gear of all shafts should be
protected by proper lightning conductors.' As the
damage, however, is not occasioned above ground but in
the mine, it would, perhaps, be preferable to ' earth '
the head gear by a wii'e rope down the shaft, the iron
rails of the galleries being connected en route, and earth
plates provided both near to bank and at the various
seams, and at the bottom of the pit. At all events, some
reason should be given for the belief that protecting
the head gear with a proper lightning conductor, and
' earthing'' this conductor as laid down in the rule for
' earth connection ' in the previous paragraph, would
rectify the evil. The head gear, the winding engines,
and the boilers and pipes, &c., already afford a metallic
system to ' earth ' which would appear to require no
special lightning conductor.
" It is most unfortunate that the rules and the report
have not been drawn up in a fuller and more convincing
manner, as something of the kind of unquestioned
authority was and, we are compelled to think^ still is
much required.
On the Protection of Buildings from Lightning.
By Captain J. T. Bucknill, R.E.^
" In whatever manner the electricity is produced, the
thunder clouds act as collectors; and more than this,
^ Bxti-acts from a paper read at the United Service Institution,
Friday, May 6th, 1881. Reprinted by permission of the Institution.
when the surface of the earth beneath them is not far
distant, and is composed of fairly good conducting media,
the earth, the clouds, and the intervening air form huge
condensers — the electrified clouds acting by induction
upon the earth, and the latter reacting upon the cloud.
" Now the amount of electricity of a given potential
which a cloud is capable of receiving, depends firstly upon
its size, the amount varying directly as the linear dimen-
sions of the cloud; and, secondly, upon the intensity of
inductive action of the earth's surface, the cloud's power
of receiving electricity being greatly increased thereby.
" For example, a cloud of given dimensions at an
altitude of 300 feet, could be charged by 80 times the
electricity that would charge it were its altitude increased
to four sea miles.
" For a similar reason a cloud over a conducting area
could be charged much more highly than the same cloud
at the same height over a non-conducting area.^
" Now it generally happens that the thunder clouds in
a storm are sufficiently numerous to cover both favourable
and unfavourable areas of the earth's surface, and, as
little or no inductive action occurs over the latter, but
very considerable action over the former, the electrostatic
capacities of the clouds become greatly altered, and light-
ning plays from cloud to cloud, until those which are
situated over the earth's conducting surfaces become so
highly charged that the electricities are able to overcome
the resistance of the intervening air and to unite across
it by what is termed the disruptive discharge. This is
" I have been thus particular in describing the actions
produced by the earth's surface upon thunder clouds,
' It is questionable whether any actual area is sufficiently non-
conductinti' to make this true. — 0. J. L.
because the somewhat important conclusion must be
arrived at, that lightning is most to be feared by those
who live on well conducting areas, even of low elevation ;
and that lightning is least to be feared by those who live
on non-conducting areas. This is shown on plate, Fig. 9,
where the distribution of the electrical charge is shaded
in. The cloud over the Portsdown Hill, although nearer
to the ground, is much less highly charged than the cloud
over Portsmouth and Spithead, because the former
Fig. 6.
presents a non-conducting area and the latter a conduct-
ing area. This electrical distribution is of considerable
importance, and it shows that it is much more necessary
to provide lightning conductors for buildings situated
upon a damp clay or boggy bottom than for those on a
chalk down.'^ This is very convenient, for it is almost
impossible to make an efficient earth connection in the
latter situation.
' " At Portsmouth It has been noticed that although severe thunder-
storms often occur in the vicinity, the clouds move round and seem
to avoid the Portsdown Hills, which are of chalk and possess few trees."
" As before stated, disruptive discharge constitutes a
lightning flash. Immediately before the stroke the par-
ticles of air are subjected to a high strain by static
induction, producing a polar tension which is propor-
tional to the square of the potential. Faraday's expe-
riments proved this, as well as the fact that the
stroke tends to traverse the air in the direction of such
polarity. The tendency of lightning is therefore to strike
in a direction normal to the earth's surface.
" But there is another mode by which thunder-clouds
are discharged, viz., by the brush discharge.
" Electricity of high potential leaks, as it were, from
conductors which are provided with projections in the
nature of points, where the distribution of electrical den-
sity is greatest, a stream of electrified air being thrown
from each point, and the charged conductor robbed by
continuous streams of its electricity in this manner.
" Although the brush discharge is frequently so intense
as to be luminous to a height of 6 or 8 inches, it is not
attended with any appreciable heat. Its action should
therefore be fostered, as it often wards ofi^ a dangerous
stroke of lightning by neutralizing the opposiug electri-
cities in a harmless manner.
" It has been observed so long ago as 1758 by a Mr.
Wilcke, that a thunder-cloud in sweeping at low elevation
over a forest, not unfrequently appears to lose charge
without the occurrence of lightning. The under surfaces
of such clouds at first present a serrated or tooth-like
appearance, which gradually disappears, the teeth re-
treating into the cloud, and finally the cloud itself rising
away from the forest.
" In such cases the numerous points on the branches of
the trees present facilities for the brush discharge on an
extended scale.
" To illustrate this action, an experiment was made by
Franklin, as follows : — A very fine lock of cotton was
suspended from the conductor of an electric machine by
a thread, and other locks were hung below it ; on turning
the machine the locks of cotton spread forth their fine
filaments like the lower surface of the before-mentioned
thunder-cloud ; on presenting a point which was con-
nected to earth below them, they shrank back upon each
other, and finally upon the conductor.
" But to return to the lightning. Just as a certain
amount of water falling through a difference of level
produces a definite amount of energy, so a certain amount
of electricity falling through a difference of electrical
potential produces a definite amount of energy. It is
known that if p be the potential and g the quantity of
electricity in a flash, the work done during the stroke is
ilP- Now' the dui-ation of the illumination of a stroke is
rather less than the 10,000th part of a second,^ and
although g is small (Faraday said not more than would
decompose a single drop of water) , p is so enormous that
the flash is often capable of decomposing a million drops
of water in series. The potential can be calculated
approximately, because it is known that 10,000 volts
will spark across a little more than half an inch at
ordinary atmospheric pressure; and, as the sparking
distance varies as the square of the potential, a flash of
lightning 1,000 feet long must be impelled by an elec-
' " This fact has been distinctly pvoved by experiments with
revolving chequered discs. Wheatstone's classical experiment
proved that the duration of the luminosity of the spark from an
electrical machine is about the 24,000th of a second. The longer
dnration of luminosity in the case of lightning is probably due to the
higher temperature to which the particles of the dielectric are
raised by the stroke, and their consequent more tardy return to a
non-luminous condition.'' (See also Rood, p. 85.)
trical potential of IJ millions of volts or thereabouts.
This is only approximately accurate, because the mean
atmopheric pressure would be less than that at the
earth's surface, and therefore a correction should be
made, as the pressure of the atmosphere decreases very
rapidly with altitude, and the sparking distance increases
very rapidly with decrease of atmospheric pressure.
The work '^q'p done by a flash of lightning is used up in
the disruption of the air, in the destruction of non-con-
ducting solids that obstruct its path, in heat, light, and
in chemical decomposition. Ozone is always produced
during thunderstorms. All that can be done to protect
buildings from its destructive action is (first) to attract
the lightning to another spot if possible, and (second) to
arrange that even if the building be struck, the work
shall be given out at other portions of the path of the
stroke. To do this it is necessary to provide a sufficient
conducting channel or channels to convey the electricity
past the buildings from the air to the ground.
" Firstly, let us examine the methods which have been
pursued for attracting lightning away from the building
which it may be desired to protect. The French
Academie des Sciences has issued information concerning
lightning conductors on different occasions, the several
instructions having been the results of the labours of
various commissions of celebrated physicists.
"In the first instruction, 1823, with Gay Lussac as
reporter, the rule is laid down that a conductor ivill
effectually protect a circular space ivlwse radius is twice the
height of the rod, and it is stated to be in accordance
with calculations made by M. Charles.
"Accordingly we afterwards find in the same instruc-
tions that magazines should be protected in the manner
shown on Fig. 5, the wording being : ' The conductors
should not be placed on the magazines, but on poles at
from 6 to 8 feet distance. The terminal rods should be
about 7 feet long, and the poles be of such a height that
the rod may project from 15 to 20 feet above the top of
the building. It is also advisable to have several con-
ductors round each magazine.'
" In 1864, however, the next commission, with M.
Pouillet as reporter, no longer supported this rule. The
report says :
" ' At the end of the last century it was a generally ac-
cepted opinion that the circle protected by a conductor
possessed a radius equal to twice the height of the point.
The Instruction of 1829 (Gay Lussac, rapporteur) having
found that practice established, adopted it with certain re-
servations. . . . These rules . . . rest on much that is
arbitrary, . . . and they cannot be laid down with any
pretence to accuracy, since the extent of the area of
protection in each case is dependent on a multitude of
" It is the more necessary to make this quotation, be-
cause an attempt has recently been made by Mr. Preece
to revive the theory in a modified form. In a paper
which he read before the British Association last year he
attempted to prove that —
"'A lightning rod protects a conic space whose height
is the length of the rod, whose base is a circle having its
radius equal to the height of the rod, and whose side is
the quadrant of a circle whose radius is equal to the height
of the rod.'
" His argument was similar to, but not of such general
application as, that used by M. Lacoine in a somewhat
remarkable paper read 20th June, 1879, before the
French Societe de Physique, from which the following is
extracted :
" ' Experience shows that a thunderbolt has a tendency
to fall on the metallic portions of a building. If then, by
the assistance of a lightning conductor we are enabled to
■protect a certain metallic surface, much more therefore
will the same conductor protect the same surface if non-
"'Let JV, Fig. 7, represent a thunder-cloud situated
over the surface AG to be
protected. Assume that
the cloud is at such a dis-
tance from the point P of
the lightning conductor
; /y^yy^^y/'^Ai'/ .-.
Fig- V. 'PO, that the circle de-
scribed from iV as centre with JVP as radius will be
tangential to the surface AG. Then the cloud will be
equally attracted by the points P and J?,^ because these
points are at the same potential, this rule having always
been admitted in all the instructions of the Academie
' " This is open to doubt ; tlie electrical cliarge on the cloud is
attracted by the induction of an opposing surface.^ the total attraction
being proportional to the sum of the tubes of force existing between
the two opposing surfaces, charged by inductive action. To assume
that the charge on a thunder-cloud is concentrated at a single point
is not in accordance with the circumstances of the case in nature.
" Faraday's experiments lia\'e conclusively proved that static induc-
tion polarizes the particles or molecules of the interposing dielectric,
and that dynamic currents tend to traverse the same by disruptive
discharge in the direction of the said jiolarity.
"Assuming therefore that a lightning flash from the charged surface
NN occur at jV, it will have a tendency to follow the direction NE
rather than the alternative route NP, because polarity exists between
NE to a greater extent than between NP.
"This consideration will cause the theoretical circle of protection
advocated by M. Lacoine to be considerably diminished when the
charged clond lies low, but when the cloud is at a considerable alti-
tude NP becomes more nearly normal to the surface A C, and more
nearly parallel to the direction of polarity of the atmospheric particles."
Fran9aise. Cousequently every point on the surface AG
within the circle with radius OE will be protected^ but
every point outside E towards A would be unprotected.
" ' Hence the radius of protection r^z\/NE'^ — NB^, NE
being the height of cloud above the ground^ NB being
the height of cloud above the conductor.
" ' It is enough then, to know the height of the thunder-
cloud, to know the radius of action of a certain conductor.
" ' By several years^ observation, and by direct measure-
ment, the average height of thunder- clouds could be
obtained, and the mean value of r for any given con-
ductor deduced therefrom.'^
" Mr. Preece does not work out any such formula, but
bases his rule on an assumption that a thunder-cloud
would never be nearer to the earth than the height of
the lightning rod. This is open to question, as very low-
lying thundei'-clouds may be driven by the wind into the
neighbourhood of lofty conductors that command the
clouds, and this is corroborated by a case recorded in
Mr. Anderson^'s excellent book on lightning conductors,
page 67, where the belfry of an edifice, 115 feet high,
'' remained standing out clear above the electric cloud ■"
whence issued lightning that killed two priests near the
altar of the church. As a single application Mr Preece's
rule comes at once from M. Lacoine's formula.
" It is perhaps important to bear in mind these theories
concerning the area of protection given by conductors,
' " As the height of thunder-clouds varies enormously, the values for
r would range between proportionately wide limits, and the mean
value of r obtained by M. Laooine would seem to possess no definite
or practical utility. If, however, the observations were directed to
observing the minimum altitudes of thunder-clouds in each locality
(the altitudes will be found to vary with the locality), the smallest
areas of protection given to condvictors there situated could be
approximately established,"
when it is necessary to fix a few conductors on buildings
of considerable extent, such as barracks, hospitals, etc.,
but sufficient reliance cannot be placed upon the rule to
enable us to consider the protection to magazines, as
shown on Fig. 1, p. 428, and already alluded to, as efficient.
FiR. 8.
" The area of protection aiTorded by a conductor
depends much more upon the efficiency of the earth con-
nections than upon the height of the terminal point, and in
proof thereof many instances might be cited. For example,
in the case of Shelton Church, in the Potteries, which
was struck on the 10th June, 1880, the tower, about 16
feet squarej is surrounded by four pinnacles 16 feet above
the roof, which is nearly flat and covered with slates,
with lead guttering and ridges. From the centre of the
roof springs a large flagstaff, about 40 feet high, see
Fig. 8j secured to the tower in the upper chamber 20 feet
below the roof by large cross beams unconnected, except
by stonework, with the clock-works, bells, and gas- pipes,
in the chambers of the tower. A copper wire rope ^ inch
diameter is fitted to one pinnacle and taken direct to
earth. Although the flagstaff projects some 20 feet
above the conductor, and is distant only 10 feet, a very
heavy stroke of lightning, which caused much alarm, and
which was seen to fall upon the tower, struck the con-
ductor, knocked the point slightly out of the perpen-
dicular, and passed off by it innocuously. In this case a
good conductor, well connected to earth, protected some-
thing higher than itself, but not well connected to earth.
" Again, Sir William Snow Harris mentions a chimney
at Devonport which, although provided with a conductor,
was struck on the other side, and shattered down to the
level of a metal roof below. Here the conductor must"^
have been badly connected to earth, and was useless.
" Moreover the safe area rule may be upset in practice
by all sorts of accidental circumstances. Thus, a house
within the theoretical circle of protection given by a
church spire close at hand might be struck if the line of
least resistance from cloud to earth were afforded by a
column of rising smoke from the kitchen fire, and the
shorter of the two chimneys in Fig. 8 would most
assuredly be struck, for a similar reason, although it is
within the theoretical cone of safety of the taller chimney
as fixed by Mr. Preece.
" In short, if thorough protection be desired for any
1 Query.— O. J. L,
building, it is necessary to put a conductor or conductors
upon it."^
" Let us now examine the manner in which conductors
should be applied.
"Churches and dwelling houses of ordinary dimensions,
factory chimneys, monumental columns, etc., need but
one conductor led from the most lofty point to the
ground, to which a thoroughly efficient earth connection
(to be described presently) must be given. . As a rule it
is the best plan to fix the conductor externally, in which
case it should be connected to all external metal surfaces,
but not to any masses of metal wholly within the build-
ing. It should be fixed to the exterior by strong cramps
of iron or other metal, and provision should be made for
its expansion and contraction due to differences in tem-
' "A lamentable result of the practice of placing lightning conduc-
tors distant from a building occurred at Compton Lodge, in Jamaica,
the residence of J. Senior, Esq. A lightning rod, of small dimen-
sions, of iron, had been set up within 10 feet of the south-east angle
of the building, as used to be the practice with gunpowder magazines,
on the assumption that the rod would attract the lightning and
secure the building. So far from this, the building itself was struck
in a heavy thunderstorm, 28th July, 1857. The south-east angle
was shattered in pieces ; the escape of the family appears to have
been miraculous ; whilst the lightning rod, 10 feet distant, remained
untouched. If this building had been a deposit of gunpowder, it
would certainly have blown up.
" Sir Wm. Snow Harris said : — ' To detach or insulate the conduc-
tors is to run away from our principle, which is, that the conductor
is the channel of communication with the ground, in which the elec-
trical discharge will move in preference to any other course. To
detach or insulate the conductor is to provide for a contingency at
once subversive of our principle. Is it possible to conceive that an
agency which can rend large rocks and trees, break down perhaps a
mile of dense air, and lay the mast of a ship weighing 18 tons in
ruins, is to be arrested in its course by a ring of glass or pitch, an
inch thick or less, supposing its course were from any cause deter-
mined in that direction ? ' "
perafcure. It should be continuous from top to toe. It
should possess a proper amount of conducting power per
unit of length.
As regards the last mentioned and most important
matter of conductivity, the last French instructions,
dated 14th February, 1867, state that there is no case
on record where lightning has fused a square bar of iron
having a side of 0'6 inch, or a sectio,n of 0'36 Q" — and
square iron conductors 0"8-inch side are recommended,
which gives a section of 0"64 q". Also Sir William
Thomson considers that a round iron bar 1" diameter
would form a very safe protection for magazines ; this
would be about 0'77 □" sectional area. It would appear
that continuous iron conductors weighing 6 lbs. per yard
would be quite safe, as shown in the following table :
Table A.
Iron Conductors.
Limits of safety — French instruc-
D 0-6"
D 0'75"
D 0-8"
lb. per yard.
Conductors recommended by ditto —
Sir William Thomson recommended
New W. 0. Instructions ....
Now proposed for general purposes.
Now iron has about one-seventh, and good commercial
copper about four-fifths of the conductivity of -pure
copper. Hence iron has about one-sixth conductivity
of good commercial copper. A safe conductor in good
copper must therefore weigh 1 lb. per yard.^
^ This portion, relating to conductivity, is now admittedly erro-
neous. — 0. J. L.
G a
It is, however, inconvenient to specify for a conductor
either by sectional area or by weight per yard, because
different samples of metal, and especially of copper, vary
considerably in their conducting power. See Table.
Table of conducting power of different descriptions of
copper :
Table B.
Pure Copper . ... 100
Lake Superior 98'8
„ Conunercial 92 "6
Burra Burra 887
Best selected 81-3
Bright wire 72-2
Tough 71-0
Demidoff 59-3
Rio Tinto 14-2
Temp, about 15° C. or 60° F.
Imagine a conductor made of Rio Tinto copper (!)
No doubt many exist.
A limit of electrical resistance per unit of length should
therefore figure in any contract for a lightning conduc-
tor, and for the conductors already recommended this
limit would be 0'3 ohm per 1,000 yards, or 0'03 ohm per
100 yards, at 60° Fahrenheit or 15° C.
This would be obtained from iron wire rigging ropes
weighing 6 lb. per yard, or from copper (equal to 80 per
cent, pure in conductivity) ropes weighing 1 lb. per yard.
When two "earths" are used, and the conductor is
carried up one side and along the ridge and down the
other side of the building to be protected, it is evident
that the conductor may be reduced in power by one-half,
but no further reduction can be made when a still greater
number of " earths " are used, because the lightning may
strike the system of conductors at any point. A 3-lb.
iron (or a half-pound copper) rope is therefore the
smallest that should ever be used in any situation.
There is much difference of opinion as to whether iron
or copper is the better material for lightning conductors.
The French use iron almost exclusively^ and Sir W.
Thomson prefers it to copper.
For the same money the same conductivity can be pur-
chased in either metal (iron being one-sixth of the
price and one-sixth of the conductivity of copper), and
iron has the following advantages :
(a.) The mass of an iron conductor being greater
than that of a copper conductor of equal conduc-
tivityj it is heated less by a given current of
(6.) The fusing point of iron (2,786° F.) is much higher
than that of copper (1,994° F.).
(c.) Iron is more constant in its conductory power
than copper of different samples.
{d.\ A conductor made of iron is not so liable to be
stolen as copper, and being so much the stronger is
therefore less liable to be broken, accidentally or
(e.) A copper conductor if connected to a cast-iron
water supply pipe (to form an "earth") produces
galvanic action, to the damage of the pipe.
On the other hand, a copper conductor lasts longer in
smoky towns or near the sea shore, where the air rusts
iron quickly, and being of much smaller size it does not
interfere so much with architectural effects. But Sir
W. Thomson has suggested that iron conductors should
be treated boldly by architects, and brought into promi-
nence purposely and artistically, and the late Professor
Clerk- Maxwell recommended that in the case of new
buildings the conductors should be built into the walla.
They would then not only be hidden but protected from
the weather, from the British workman carrying out
repairs, and from the thief.
As regards the liability of iron to rust, galvanizing is
in most situations a sufficient protection, and in smoky
towns an iron conductor should be painted periodically.
On the whole, therefore, the advantages of iron out-
weigh those of copper so considerably, that the employ-
ment of copper in lightning conductors should be the
exception instead of the rule.
Those who make, supply, and apply lightning con-
ductors in this country, nevertheless, invariably recom-
mend copper; and it is quite difficult to convince them
to the contrary.
Another point I notice is that large conductors are
always recommended for lofty buildings, and smaller con-
ductors for smaller buildings, and tbe same for masts of
ships. This is unscientific and wrong. The stroke of
lightning falling on a short conductor is no less powerful
than the stroke that falls on a lofty conductor ; indeed
the chances are in favour of tbe shortest conductors
receiving the heaviest strokes, if they are struck at aU.
On costly and important buildings, the proper course to
pursue is to increase the number of conductors, and of
the earth connections, the limit of electrical resistance
between any possible striking point and earth, being kept
below what is fixed upon as the point of safety, viz.,
0'3 ohm per 1,000 yards.
We will now examine the question as to the best /orm
of conductor. Mr. Preece has investigated this subject,
and by permission of Dr. Warren de la Rue carried out
in that gentleman's splendid laboratory, a series of ex-
periments on the best sectional form for lightning con-
ductors. The results were communicated to the British
Association at Swansea last year. He found that ribbons,
rods, and tubes, of the same weight per foot, were equally
The application of rods and tubes necessitate frequent
joints, generally made by means of screw collars. I have
found by electrical tests that these joints after long expo-
sure to weather offer very high resistances; especially so
in copper conductors. For instance, at Tipner magazine
Fig. 9.
Fig. 10.
a screwed joint in a large tubular copper conductor tested
10,000 ohms, and a riveted joint in a ribbon conductor on
a battery in the Isle of Wight 700 ohms. These joints
could not be moved by hand, and were apparently quite
Ribbons of copper are now made in long continuous
pieces (as much as 70 or 80 feet in one length), and can
be applied to irregular architectural outlines, but the
joints, although less frequent than with rods and tubes,
are open to the same objections. The copper ribbon,
however, possesses one decided advantage, viz., that by
the introduction of suitable bends, the expansion and
contraction from heat and cold can be allowed for. Iron
conductors, when in the form of tubes, rods, or ribbons,
are difficult to apply, and must possess a number of
joints. Moreover, in long conductors, compensators to
allow for expansion and contraction by heat and cold
have to be introduced. In order therefore to obtain with
iron the necessary continuity and pliability, it is best
to resort to the wire rope, which form is already very
generally employed for copper conductors. Pliability
can be obtained in several ways —
1. By using small wires.
2. By making the rope ^a<.
8. By using a hemp core with the round rope.
It is not advisable to make the iron wire ropes with
very small wires, because oxidation destroys such a rope
rapidly if through carelessness the conductor be left
unpainted. A fair amount of pliability can be obtained
with a round iron rope 6 lb. per yard if the wires are
about No. 11 B.w. gauge, and arranged in six strands
of seven wires each round a hemp core, thus producing a
rope about 3^ inches in circumference.
But there are few situations in which two ropes of
half the size could not be more readily applied ; and I
think the double rope, if taken up on one side of a tower
and down on the other, in one continuous length, has
many advantages.
Where a single conductor is desired, the best for
general purposes is probably a flat iron wire rope about
2f' xi" (11 lb. per fathom), or 2i" X J" (13 lb. per
fathom). The round ropes cost from 21s. to 24s, a cwt.,
ov about 2s. &d. per fathom for a 12 lb, rope; and the
flat ropes 33 per cent, more, or add one-third.
The next question that presents itself is concerning
the terminal point, and a good deal of nonsense has been
written about it. Points made of silver or of copper, points
covered with platinum or with gold, points of so many
millimetres in height and diameter, and possessing cer-
tain exact forms, have been proposed, and rejected or
adopted as the case may be.
The height of the points above the surrounding roof
or tower to be protected has also been much debated
with very little profit, for to this day many of the rods
erected on the continent are made much longer than is
It is a good plan to carry conductors on lofty rods
high above powder mills, flour mills, and petroleum oil
wells ; but these are exceptional cases, the air close to
the buildings being frequently charged so as to be dan-
gerously explosive.
The English practice of using a short rod in most situ-
ations is a reasonable plan, the rod being placed on the
highest part of the building. The rod should be made
of the same metal as the conductor, and the connection
formed with bolts and afterwards run in with molten zinc
or solder. The weight of the rod per foot should be the
same as the conductor. The top of each rod should be
provided with several points, (a) because the gathering
power is increased thereby, and the chance of lightning
striking other things in the immediate vicinity of the
conductor is proportionately diminished ; (6) because the
top of the rod is less likely to be fused when struck, the
stroke being divided between the various points ; and
finally (c) because the brush discharge is facilitated.
Another plan is to carry the wire rope up the side of
the rod, which in this case might have one point, the wires
being opened out to form a brush-like arrangement just
under the point. The wire rope and the rod should be
bound together with wire and connected with molten
We must now pass to the foot of the conductor, and
here we enter upon the most difficult part of our subject.
The earth connections of a lightning conductor constitute
the most important portion of the whole arrangement.
If the electrical resistance of the earth connections be
high, a conductor, perfect in all other respects, may fail,
some alternative and perhaps dangerous route being
taken by the lightning discharge. It is difficult to fix
the limit of maximum resistance of the earth connections.
The Academic des Sciences recommends an iron earth
plate, consisting of four arms on a central bar, or five
arms in all, each 2 feet long and of square section 0"8
inch side, thus presenting a combined surface of 2'6
square feet, to be immersed in water in a well that never
Again, Mr. Anderson, in his book before referred to,
says that : " When a conductor is taken deep enough into
the ground to reach permanent moisture, the single rope
touching it will be quite sufficient. But when the per-
manency of the moisture is doubtful, it will certainly be
advisable to spread out the rope like the fibres in the root
of a tree.'" Here a few square inches touching permanent
moisture is considered sufficient.
Again, Professor Melsens used three earths for the
Hotel de Ville at Brussels — one the gas-main, another the
water-main, and the third a cast-iron pipe, nearly 2 feet
diameter, sunk in a well and giving 100 square feet of
surface to the water, which was rendered alkaline with
lime to prevent oxidation. The total surface of these
three earth connections amounts to more than 2^- millions
of square feet !
As opinions differ so greatly concerning the surface
required for the earth connections, it will be necessary,
before laying down any rule, to give some of the reasons
upon which it is based.
The electrical resistance offered by a cylinder of
spring water 1 yard long is as great as the resistance
offered by a cylinder of copper of equal diameter, but
seven times longer than the distance of the moon.
Now the practice in the War Department has always
been to give joints in conductors a surface of about six
times the sectional area of the conductor. This is a very
good rule, and is borne out by the French practice,
where even with soldered joints, 6 square inches of sur-
face is laid down as necessary at each joint in an iron
conductor. An obvious corollary to this rule is that
when a conductor is made of two metals (end to end) the
joint must have a surface equal to six times the efficient
section of that conductor of the two joined which pos-
sesses the lowest conductivity. The efficient section of
the better conductor ought not in any way to govern the
amount of surface of the joint. Thus copper to iron
requires a joint of 6 square inches, the same as would be
required by iron to iron. In short, the joints should be
made of such a size as to prevent the conductors of lower
conductivity being damaged by the lightning.
A copper to copper joint only requires 1 square inch
of surface, but it is generally convenient to give more.
Now the earth connection is really a joint, a very
difficult joint to make well, and one that should follow
the rules of other joints, unless we can show good reason
to the contrary.
It is found that increasing the size of an earth plate
does not proportionately decrease the electrical resistance.
A limit of size is soon arrived at, beyond which it is useless
togo. "In the sea this limit is quickly reached." — (Culley.)
CuUey states that if a plate containing 1 square foot
of surface gives a resistance of 174 ohms, a plate of 4
square feet will give 140 ohms, and so on, a reduction of
only 20 per cent, in resistance being obtained by quad-
rupling the earth plate surface.
The explanation that suggests itself as probable is
that the electric current is distributed through the
humid ground by an ever-increasing sectional area (often
by an hemispherical surface), thus arriving at the effi-
cient section for a water conductor of 2 millions of
square feet (see Table C), at the small distance of 200
yards, or thereabouts,^ from the earth plate ; and this is
borne out by the fact, noted by Culley, that the resistance
depends to a certain extent upon the depth at which the
plate is buried. Thus, a deep plate would disperse its
charge in all directions by an ever-increasing spherical
surface up to the limit of a sphere whose radius is equal
to the depth of the plate underground, and afterwards by
a segment of an ever-increasing sphere, which segment
would always in this case be larger than, but would gra-
dually approximate, the hemisphere. These sections are
roughly shown on Fig. 11 :
Culley states that the resistance alters with the depth
at which the earth plate is buried, as follows :
4 inches . . . 100 ohms.
1 In an avid plain with a dry
subsoil, the surface of which was
wet by rain only to a, depth of 1 inch, the efficient section of a water
conductor would not be reached at a less distance than fifty miles,
It would appear, therefore, that little is to be gained
by increasing the surface of junction between the earth
plate and the earth (1) beyond the amount required to
insure that the resistance to earth at foot of conductor is
less than the resistance to earth through possible alter-
native routes in the vicinity of the conductor, and (2)
beyond the amount required to prevent damage to the
conductor by the flash of lightning when it leaves for
earth. It is evidently impracticable to give a surface of
some millions of square feet to the earth connections, and
if it were practicable, the foregoing considerations prove,
I think, that it is not necessary to do so.
Fig. 11.
The difference in the conductivity of iron and water is
so enormous that an intermediary appears to be very
desirable. Carbon is eminently suited to act in this
manner, especially if used in the cheap form of coke or
ashes. The minimum effective section for coke is about
4 square feet, the iron which is surrounded by coke
should, therefore, have a surface of 24 square feet. More-
over, inasmuch as the contact between an iron plate, of
whatever form, and coke loosely surrounding it must fre-
quently be discontinuous, and as the conductivity of coke
in a mass composed of loose particles must be very much
lower than that of a solid piece, the above surface should
in practice be a minimvim ,
The total surface may^ however, be divided if a number
of earths be used.
The outer surface which should be given to the coke,
must depend very much upon the nature of the ground ;
when the conductor is led into soil which cannot be re-
garded as permanently damp, the surface of the carbon
" earths " must be increased.
As the surface of the earth connection should vary
directly as the resistance per unit of area, an intermediary
of coke becomes unnecessary where a conductor is led
into salt water ; but the conductor should still present a
total surface to earth of from 20 to 80 square feet, the
amount being divided between the " earths " if several
conductors be connected. '^
Professor Pouillet's committee, which reported upon
the application of conductors to the Louvre in 1854-55
(the said report being adopted by the Academic des
Sciences) , recommended that when permanent water is
not found near the surface, two descriptions of " earth "
are necessary ; first, the deep earth connections to per-
manent water, and secondly, the shallow earth connection
to the surface water. This for the following reasons :
After a long drought, the " terminating plane of action"
(to use Sir William Snow Harrises term) is situated on
the upper surface of the deep water-bearing strata, the
induced charge being consequently collected there . After
a heavy rain, however, which thoroughly impregnates
the upper strata with water, the " terminating plane of
action " is raised to the surface of the ground, and the
induced charge is accordingly collected there. It is
evident, therefore, that a perfect arrangement should in
many situations provide both for surface earths and for
^ A 3" (oii-cumference) ivire rope offers abont 1 q ' surface per
4' mn.
deep earths. In some situations, however, such as the
top of a chalk hill, deep earths would be of little value ;
whereas in other situations surface earths would be in-
efEcient— in a well-paved town, for instance, where the
surface water is at once carried off by gutters and drains.
A deep earth connection can be effected in the manner
shown in Fig. 12, the well being carried down 10 feet
below water level in the driest
seasons. The diameter of the
well may be fixed at 3 feet. It
should be rendered alkaline with
lime, so as to protect the iron
from rust.
The bottom 10 feet . should
have no mortar or cement in the
walls, and should be filled in
with blocks of coke. The iron
conductors should terminate in
cast-iron pipes, offering together
24 square feet of outside surface.
The pipe should be galvanized
to preserve it from oxidation.
The dimensions of the pipe may
be, length 10 feet, diameter
1 foot. The pipe may rest on
the bottom of the well, in a vertical position. The best
way to connect the pipe with the conductor is to have a
flange at the top (all ordinary gas or water pipes have such
flanges), and to rivet a small cylinder to the inside of
the pipe at the upper end, thus forming a ring or annulus,
into which the end of the conductor can be introduced,
and the space filled in with molten zinc, the surfaces of
the conductor and of the pipe having first been cleaned
and painted with hydrochloric acid.
Fis. 12.
In situations where iron water supply pipes are at
hand, they can be employed in place of the deep earth
connections already described, but great care must be
devoted to the connections. The conductor must be laid
along the iron pipe for a distance of 4 feet (if an iron wire
rope it should be unlaid for this distance) , it must then
be bound to the pipe with wire, and a metallic connection
formed by means of lead, zinc, or solder. The connection
should then be tarred and covered with tarred tape to
prevent galvanic action.
Surface "earths" should consist of a trench filled
with coke and ashes, and carried away from the walls.
Clay and other soils which keep the rain-water near to
the surface, require shallow trenches about 1 foot deep ;
whereas gravel, sand, or shingle, through which the water
penetrates easily, require deeper trenches, say 2 feet deep.
In each case, however, the top surface should be kept
on the ground level.
The end of the metal conductor should be carried
along the bottom and through the whole length of each
trench. This length may in ordinary soils be fixed at 25
feet, and in very porous soils at 50 feet.
The water-pipes from the roof of the magazine or
building may with advantage be caused to deliver into
gutters which lead to the surface " earth " trenches.
The shallow trenches, 1 foot deep, recommended for
stiff soils, may conveniently be split into a V shape on
plan (the conductor being split also), so that the total
side surface may be equal to that given by the same
length of deeper trench used with porous soils.
Important buildings and magazines provided with
several conductors, may have a few deep " earths," and
several shallow "earths," an "earth" of one or the
other description being provided at the foot of each
vertical conductor, and in order to connect the whole it
is advisable to employ a horizontal conductor near the
foot of the wall, but above ground in order that it may be
open to inspection, such conductor being carefully con-
nected to all the vertical conductors, and to all the metal
water-pipes. By this means not only is the cage principle
advocated by the late Professor Clerk-Maxwell and other
physicists embodied, but the earth connections are con-
nectedinan efficient and reliable manner. (Figs, onp.428.)
Sir W. Thomson considers that conductors on maga-
zines should be spaced at intervals of about 50 feet, by
which plan no portion of the building would be more
than 25 feet from a conductor. This rule has been
adopted by the War Department for all large magazines,
and a conductor of power equal to an iron rod weighing
8 lb. per yard has been adopted for single conductors,
and of half that weight for all others. A wire rope of
4 lb. per yard, applied as shown on diagram, Pig. 4,
page 428, is now considered the best arrangement.
It will be seen that wherever the lightning falls a con-
ductivity equal to, or more than, that of a single large
conductor will carry the stroke off to earth.
Small magazines can be protected by one rope led to
a deep " earth " at one end and to a shallow " earth " at
the other, as shown on diagram, page 428.
Powder mills must be provided with lofty conductors,
to guard as much as possible against powder dust in the
air being ignited by the stroke.
As regards the inspection of lightning conductors,
opinions vary greatly, and it was mainly in order to
obtain a report on this matter that I was ordered last
summer to inspect a number of conductors on magazines
in the Portsmouth district. I will read a few extracts
from my report. (See Appendix A.)
Before concluding this paper, I may observe that the
principal object has been to prove the following points :
1. That iron is the best metal to use in conductors.
2. That wire ropes are more easily applied than rodsj
ribbons, tubes, etc.
3. That conductors should be continuous^ and that all
unavoidable joints should be soldered.
4. That conductors should be specified in terms of
electrical units.
5. That lofty conductors require no additional con-
ductivity per unit of length.
6. That high lightning rods are only required in ex-
ceptional situations.
7 . That several points are preferable to a single point.
8. That greater surface than is usual with present
practice should be given to earth connections.
9. That both deep and shallow earths are required.
10. That periodical inspection is most important.
11. That the history of conductors and of former tests
should be carefully recorded.
12. That electrical tests may then be of value."
Appendix A.
" I have to report that^ in accordance with instructions,
I have made nearly 600 tests, and have inspected the
whole of the lightning conductors on fortifications in the
Portsmouth and Gosport Divisions of the southern dis-
trict, and have come to the deliberate conclusion, after a
careful study of the subject, that wiih the lightning con-
ductors erected as they are at present by W.D., electrical
testing is of small value.
The fact that the conductors on one building test
lower than the conductors on another building, certainly
points to the inference that the earth connections in the
former case are of superior efficiency; but it does not
prove it. Moreover, although the tests are sometimes of
value to the inspector when he knows the details of the earth
connections from office records,^ the tests taken by them-
selves are frequently positively misleading, so far as the
earth connections are concerned. As regards the con-
ductors themselves, above ground, high resistance tests
do not prove inefficiency when the W.O. rule that the
surface of the joint shall be at least six times the sec-
tional area of the conductor is strictly adhered to ; and
. in this view I am borne out by Sir William Thomson's
opinion, which now lies before me, viz., " that although
it would be desirable that the joints should be soldered
and run in with lead, so as to make sure of absolute
contact, at the same time it is to be remarked that the
great resistance at imperfect joints is not detrimental to
the lightning conductor, because, when a discharge takes
place, the imperfect joint is bridged across, and the
resistance, which is very great when tested by a feeble
current, becomes practically annulled in the electric arc
during discharge."
Dr. De la Kue also writes to me and says : — " The
resistance of many megohms would offer an insignificant
obstacle to a lightning discharge, on account of the
extremely high potential of a thunder-cloud. Conse-
quently, a conductor would be quite efficient, although
offering a megohm resistance.''
The opinion that lightning conductors with large sur-
face joints are efficient, although offering high resistance
at the joints, is also substantiated by the well-known
action of plate paratonneres, as applied on the flanks of
' Which are but seldom obtainable.— J. T, B., 1891,
electric telegraph stations, to protect the instruments
therein from the effects of strokes of lightning upon any
portion of the line. These paratonneres consist of plates,
in most patterns smaller than the flat joints of lightning
conductors, and paraflaned paper is interposed between
the plates the more thoroughly to insulate the lower
plate from " line." A number of these paratonneres are
in store at Woolwich, and they each test from 3 to
40 megohms of resistance ; yet in practice a flash of
lightning is always found to pass across them to good
" earth,^' in preference to the alternative path offered
through the telegraph instrument, usually of less than
2,000 ohms. It is therefore quite erroneous to suppose .
that lightning always passes to earth by those paths,
which, to the ordinary voltaic current, test lowest. It,
however, does pass to earth by those paths which, to a
current of its own potential, would test lowest
With regard to the conductors now existing on our
magazines and fortifications, and which have been erected
for the most part on sound principles, and which have
never yet failed, it would appear that the periodical in-
spection should be performed by a thoroughly compe-
tent inspector who has studied the subject. He should be
provided with drawings and record plans, and every infor-
mation that can be afforded of each and every conductor
in the district to be inspected. The information con-
cerning the earth connections should be most minute
and exact. He should also be provided with a light
equipment for making such electrical tests as he may find
necessary. If this were done, my recent experience
would point to the conclusion that the electrical tests
would form the least important portions of his periodical
As far as my own experience has gone, it would seem
that our conductors are, with few exceptions, as eflScient
now as when they were first put up ; but the earth con-
nections of most of the conductors are, and always were,
considerably below the standard
Although the lightning conductors at present on our
magazines and forts are no doubt, so far as the conduc-
tors themselves are concerned, efficient, their efficiency
could nevertheless be guaranteed with greater certainty if
more modern practice were followed
The adoption of modern practice would at once make
electrical testing of considerable value, because with un-
brohen continuity and the best earth connection, all con-
ductors would test at a very low figure, unless out of
order. An economy would also be efiected on all new
works, because the metal pipes and rods with costly
sliding joints, to allow for expansion and contraction,
would no longer be required.
As regards the testing of conductors : a few tests
were taken with the three-coil galvanometer, but with
no satisfactory results, as the instrument is not sufficiently
accurate when used as a measurer of electrical resistance.
An attempt was then made to test by means of the
" earth " cells produced by the earth of the lightning
conductor, which was always either of copper or iron,
and a test earth of iron or copper. This gave promise at
first of becoming a good test, the astatic galvanometer
being employed, but the method was soon discarded
from want of accuracy. It is, however, useful for the
tester sometimes to discover the metal of the earth con-
nection of a conductor, and the above method can then
be resorted to
A quarter of a mile of the light insulated wire for
Bno-ineer mountain equipment (60 lbs. per mile) was cut
up into three pieces, each 1 10 yards long and 4 ohms
resistance^ and two pieces each 55 yards long and 2 ohms
resistance. This wire was found to answer well, and
being so light, could be carried over a man's shoulder
without any difficulty for considerable distances
Two small plates (one copper and one iron) were used,
their dimensions being 7 inches wide and 8 J inches long ;
they were of oval shape, and made of quite thin metal.
A lip was formed at the top, and a hole punched in the
plate 2 inches below it ; a 2-foot piece of Navy demo-
lition cable was then brought through the lip, passed
through the hole, the wires cleared of insulation for 1^
inches, and the ends spread out like a fan and soldered
to the plate. The lip at the top was then firmly ham-
mered over the covered wire until it held the wire tightly.
The other end of the piece of core was then stripped and
the wires sweated together ready for insertion into a brass
connector when required.
A number of resistance tests having been taken with
the P.O. pattern resistance coils, an astatic, and service
six-celled portable test battery, it was found that the tests
usually ranged below 200 ohms; and I designed an
instrument to test these resistances with approximate
accuracy up to 200 ohms, and to measure roughly up to
2,000 ohms, the bottom plug being placed in the
" X TEN" hole when measuring the higher resistances.
The whole arrangement weighs less than 6 lbs. when the
battery is charged ; its dimensions, moreover, are only
9" X ^y X 6" over all, and the method of using it can be
taught to any intelligent man in a few minutes. The
instrument shown on Fig. 13 is the latest and improved
pattern, and has a range up to 1,110 ohms, when testing
direct by steps of 1 ohm; and to 11,100 ohms by steps
of 10 ohms, when using the multiplying hole marked
X TEN. In testing a conductor's " earth " the wire to
the conductor would be taken to terminal L' , one pole of
the battery and the wire to the test earth plate to ter-
minal BL, and the other pole of the battery to terminal
B' ; the plugs on the upper row of brasses would then be
moved about until no deflection is produced upon the
galvanoscope on the battery key being pressed down, the
bottom plug being placed in the "EQUAL" hole. If,
however, the resistance to be found is more than 1,110
(shown by above trial) the bottom plug is moved to the
" X TEN" hole, and a balance obtained and recorded.
Fig. 13.
A special clamp was found to be useful in connecting
the test wire to the conductors, a small clean spot being
produced by a file for the end of the screw to seat upon.
When the leads had to be connected for long stretches
the naval pattern brass connectors were used."
Appendix B.
Extracts from a Memorandum hy Colonel H. Schaw, B.E.,
1879, on Lightning Conductors.
The testing of the electrical resistance of a system of
lightning conductors will generally present great difficul-
ties, because the ordinary means of allowing for expan-
sion and contraction by slotted joints destroys the
metallic continuity of the conductors, and introduces a
variable resistance of oxides and foreign substances be-
tween the slipping surfaces.
This resistance will generally be very much in excess
of that of the whole length of the conductors ; it is, how-
ever, of little or no consequence when opposed to electro-
motive force of such high tension as a lightning discharge,
which will easily pass the obstruction as exemplified in
the form of lightning protector used by Messrs. Siemens
for electrit! telegraph stations, which is formed by two
brass plates with roughened surfaces placed face to face,
but prevented from coming into contact by a thin strip
of mica.
If the line wire is struck by lightning, the discharge
takes place to earth through the protector, the two plates
becoming oppositely charged by induction, and a spark
passing between them. . . .
The ordinary currents have not a sufficient tension to
pass the air space in the lightning protector, but go to
earth through the more circuitous route of the instrument.
The test by simple inspection would seem to be the
best for the conductors above ground. A resistance test
could only be applied with advantage where there were
no slip joints, and where the conductors were difficult of
As regards the earth connection, simple inspection
may frequently be tlie easiest and most satisfactory test
also. It is known by experience that 10 superficial feet
of metallic conductor in contact with wet earth or water is
sufficient to carry ofi" safely any discharge of lightning.
If then we can by inspection ascertain that in dry summer
weather we have such a connection we may be satisfied.
Should it be difficult to inspect, then the electrical test
should be used, and I should prefer the Wheatstone
balance test. . . .
It might happen that the connection between the con-
ductor and the plate, or tube, or mass of metal forming
the earth, was imperfect, owing to oxidation. In such
a case the resistance would appear considerable, yet in
reality the connections might be practically good as
regards lightning, as a spark would pass from the con-
ductor to the plate, etc., and from its large surface in
contact with water it would escape freely and harm-
lessly. ...
Hence I consider that in all possible cases inspection
is the best test, but that electricity carefully used may
assist the inspection in cases where the earth connection
is difficult to get at.
It is most necessary that tests or inspections of earth
connections should be made at the driest time of the year.
In wet weather they must always be unreliable.
In rocky or very dry sites good earth connections are
most difficult of attainment. . . .
I do not think that tests made by weak currents are
of any very great value in deciding on the resistance of
earth connections intended to carry off a great charge of
electricity at one instant of time, as in the case of a
lightning discharge.
24th January, 1879. H. ScHAW, Colonel, R.E.
P.S. — Were all systems of lightning conductors
arranged so that expansion and contraction might be
allowed for by S bands of flat iron instead of by slip
joints, and all other joints welded or soldered, electrical
resistance tests could be applied without difSculty, and I
consider this would be very desirable. — H. S.
Extract from Discussion.
Major Hamilton Tovey, R.B.: I have had to superin-
tend the arrangements for tho protection of extensive
buildings at Waltham Abbey, in connection with the
powder works, and there naturally we had to be very
careful. During the time I have been there, there have
been four distinct cases in which buildings have been
struck, and I had the opportunity of seeing them imme-
diately afterwards. This circumstance, taken in connec-
tion with the situation in which Waltham Abbey lies, is a
striking illustration of the truth of what Captain Bucknill
says as to lightning being particularly liable to strike on
damp soils, for, of course, four distinct cases within a
short period and within a limited area is very far above
the average. The first case was that of an entirely new
building — a range of new mills for incorporating powder.
The centre building was about 50 feet high, and on each
side of it extended about 60 or 70 feet of lower buildings.
There were lightning points over the centre and also at
the extreme end of each wing. During a thunderstorm,
the point at the end of one of the wings was struck, but
no damage was done, excepting that the stroke seemed to
have a sort of shaking effect, loosening part of the iron
roof trusses with which the conductor was connected, and
shaking all the mortar out of some of the joints of the
ironwork and brickwork. The stroke passed away with-
out doing any other harm to the building. That is
rather a striking illustration of how the lower part of
a building can be struck when, the high part is not,
because the tower, which is considerably higher than the
point struck, escaped.
The second case was rather a striking one. A small
low wooden building, fitted with a copper conductor
leading into water, was struck, although it was within 220
feet of a very high chimney — 150 feet high — and was also
surrounded by trees, a most unlikely place to be struck.
The building was situated alongside a stream of con-
siderable size, and the conductor led directly into the
water. '^ That, possibly, might have led to its being
struck. There again the passage of the lightning had a
shaking effect. The building was a low wooden one, and
there was an arrangement by which a large copper basin
full of water was balanced over the mill, so that in case
of an explosion it would be upset over the powder, and
this was shaken down. At the same time the lightning
conductor was shaken away from the woodwork in places.
In another case the lightning struck a bell wire which
was carried along upon several posts, and was used for
ringing a bell at the works. The lightning seemed to
have struck a tree to which the wire was fastened, and
then ran along the wire and passed down the posts. It
was curious to see the way in which the electricity passed
from one copper nail to another on the posts. After
passing down the copper as far as it extended, it seemed
to have jumped from one nail to the other, tearing the
intervening wood out as it went.
' The conductor was of copper band, 1^ in. by y in. in section ;
it was immersed for 3 feet of its length in water, the last 2 feet of the
band being split up, forked apart, and covered with stones to keep it
in place.
The last case was not in the powder factory, but about
one and a half miles off, in a private house, close to some
works that we were executing — a row of villas. The
chimney of one was struck. There was no lightning
conductor, and the lightning passed down the chimney,
probably attracted by the warm air from the fires, and
then wont from room to room down three floors, shaking
the iron grates out of place, and in one case throwing it
right out into the room, but fortunately no one was
injured. That case showed how very difficult it is to
know when you are near a flash of lightning, exactly how
near you are, because a number of workmen were about
the buildings, and although they must have been at least
100 yards away, they were terrified at the flash, and
were all ready to swear that it struck the place they
were in.
After this paper. Colonel Bucknill was asked to draw
up a report on the subject for the War Office. From
this draft, which contains many of the suggestions
adopted in the last War Oflice Eules, 1887, and is too long
to quote in full, I extract the following important appen-
dices, viz., statements by Sir William Thomson, and the
account of an observation made by Mr. Brough :
Appendix C.
Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., etc., in answer to a letter
from Colonel Stotherd, R.E., on the subject of lightning
conductors, made the following remarks, 11. 2. 74 :
''" I have always maintained that iron is better than
copper for three reasons :
"First — for the same value of metal, roughly speak-
ing, as much conducting power can be obtained in iron
as copper.
" Second — with, the same conducting power, the mass
of iron is greater than the mass of copper, and the specific
heats being nearly the same, the elevation of temperature
produced by the same electric energy dissipated is less
in iron than in copper.
" Third — the melting temperature of iron is much higher
than that of copper, and, therefore, even were the eleva-
tion of temperature the same, the copper conductor
would melt before the iron.
" On the other hand, some, even taking the advantages
into account, prefer copper to iron because of its less
liability to rust. You on the other hand point out that
the copper is more liable to suffer from the thief. . . .
I think it is quite clear that for all powder magazines,
powerful iron conductors are preferable to copper
I believe that a solid iron rod of one inch diameter
will always be sufficient. I believe that no conductor of
the same conducting power as this, whether of iron or
copper, has ever been melted by a lightning discharge.
.... The merit of a tubular conductor in comparison
with a solid one of the same mass must not be rashly
decided. So far as mere conducting power is con-
cerned, one is as good as the other, but there is a quasi
inertia due to mutual electro-magnetic induction between
parallel conductors, in virtue of which the solid iron rod
will be somewhat less effective in permitting a very sudden
discharge through it
I should think that a solid iron rod of an inch diameter
every fifteen yards would be very safe .... and a solid
pointed iron rod with the point gilt will certainly give in
any case, for the same expense, much better protection,
than a solid pointed copper rod.
I would certainly have all tlie joints soldered, as
much resistance is added by any unsoldered joint that
can be madCj and there is danger of fire at any un-
soldered joint. The expansion and contraction might be
allowed for by suitable bends introduced at intervals in
any horizontal lines of conductor
Periodic inspection of every joints and of the earth
connections, ought to be ordered and regularly carried
out The ease with which copper wire rope can
be placed on buildings with complicated architectural
forms recommends it strongly to architects. For example,
it was chosen on this account for our own University
For protecting powder mills the external pointed con-
ductors ought to be at a suflScient height above the
buildings, or to be so placed that a lightning discharge
to the point may have no chance of igniting dust of
powder in the air. A fork or brush of three or four
points at the top of a lightning rod is probably in
general preferable to a single point ; but of what prac-
tical value this preference may be I cannot tell for certain,
although I think it may be considerable.
Believe me, etc.,
William Thomson.
Sir William Thomson was asked unofficially, 30th Sep-
tember, 1880, the following questions:
(1.) Are joints in lightning conductors objectionable
when the said joints offer high resistances to the passage
of voltaic currents ?
N.B. All W.O. conductors have the joints (if any)
outside the buildings, so that the danger of fire at the
joints is reduced to a minimum, and the rule of the service
is to make the surfaces of junction equal to six times the
sectional area of the conductorj which itself is always
equal in conductivity to, at least, a rod of copper half an
inch in diameter; say "00012 ohm per yard run.
(2.) Assuming, with Sir Wm. Snow Harris, that such
a conductor is sufficient to carry off the largest stroke of
lightning, is it necessary, when several vertical conductors
are united at the top of the building or magazine by
horizontal conductors, to make them all of such large
dimensions ? In principal magazines containing, say
700 tons of gunpowder, the present practice might seem
desirable, but in positions of secondary importance and
in the case of buildings (always assuming the earth con-
nection or connections to be good) , it would appear that
a number of small conductors somewhat exceeding in
joint conductivity the aforesaid limit of '00012 ohm per
yard of height, or -J-ohm per knot, ought to be efficient.
This idea is taken from the manner in which the Hotel de
Ville, at Brussels, has been protected by a large number
of small conducting wires joined at the top and joined
again at the bottom, great care being taken to provide a
good " earth " and good joints at the top and near the
(3.) How much surface (in square feet) do you think is
necessary for the earth connection ?
(a.) In dry soil, as in the case of a fort on the top of a
chalk hill, the only water supply being rain in cemented
(&.) In damp soil, such as water-bearing strata a few
feet down.
(c.) In salt water, for sea forts.
(4.) Concerning the advisability of connecting all
masses of metal with the system of conductors, for in-
stance, the iron doors or copper-covered shutters of the
windows of magazines. In such positions the metal-lined
cases full of gunpowder may be close inside, and to me
it would appear advisable to keep the conductors away
from such openings and not to connect them, as is now the
The following was received in reply :
The University, Glasgow,
October 19, 1880.
Dear Sir,
The following is from Sir Wm. Thomson in answer
to your letter to him, of date September 30th :
" I think it would be desirable that the joints should
be soldered and run in with lead so as to make sure of
absolute metallic contact. At the same time it is to be
remarked that the great resistance at imperfect joints is
not detrimental to the lightning conductor, because when
a discharge takes place, the imperfect joint is bridged
across and the resistance, which is very great when tested
by a feeble current, becomes practically annulled in the
electric arc during the discharge.
" I quite assent to your answer to question No. 2.
" The third question with reference to earth connec-
tion is much the most difficult. For case (») I think it
would be scarcely possible to obtain a thoroughly safe
earth connection. As to cases (6) and (c) I am not able
to give any definite information, although, no doubt,
some rules for them have been derived from practical
" Perfect security would be obtained by having sheet-
metal over the floor and walls and roof of the whole
building. Thus a building of galvanized iron with sheet-
iron floor would be perfectly safe for a powder magazine
without any earth connection whatever. Even windows
of some considerable size, and wooden doors would not,
I believe, impair its safety. Indeed, it seems to me that
in all oases gunpowder magazines should be made of
(? galvanized) sheet-iron. The gunpowder itself might
be stored on stone slabs laid upon the sheet-iron floor or
on stone shelves fixed to the iron walls. The metal floor
and walls and roof should all be in thorough metallic
connection. I should be glad to hear what you think of
this from the practical point of view, that is to say whether
sheet-iron buildings could or could not be used as gun-
powder magazines.
" All the conductors should be as thoroughly connected
as possible by solder and lead connections.
William Thomson.
Per A. Gray.
Appendix D.
" On a Case of Lightning,'^ from the Proceedings of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal for February, 1877, hy B. 8.
The south-west monsoon of 1871, in the neighbour-
hood of Calcutta, may be considered to have been
characterized no less by its copious and protracted rain-
fall than by the violence and frequency of its thunder-
storms. During the progress of one of these storms in
the early part of the monsoon, one of the trees standing
near the gate of the compound building, then occupied
by the Sadr Diwani Adalat, and now used as the
European Military Hospital, in Lower Circular Eoad,
was struck by lightning. The branches of this tree
overhung the wires of the telegraph line, from which they
were only about a foot distant. The discharge passed
from the tree to the wires (of which there are four), broke
fourteen doable-cup porcelain insnlatorSj and passed to
earth through the iron standards on which the wires are
The one ends of all the four wires were connected to
earth through instruments in the Calcutta Telegraph
OfficOj at a distance of about 5 J miles from the locality of
the accident. The other ends were connectedj as follows,
to earth through instruments : the first at the telegraph
workshops, a distance of less than a quarter of a mile ;
the second at the Lieutenant-Governor's residence, less
than half a mile ; the third at Atchipur, less than 14
miles ; and the fourth at Diamond Harbour, less than
26 miles. At the moment of discharge nothing extra*
ordinary was noticed at any of these offices.
It is often far too generally stated in text-books that
lightning invariably follows the best conductor to earth.
This statement is misleading at the best ; and is abso-
lutely untrue if the word " conductor " be employed in
the sense to which it is usually restricted in electrical
science. In this instance, for example, we find that the
lightning broke 14 insulators, each having probably
electrical resistance of several thousand megohms, in
preference to traversing a resistance of not more than
500 ohms to earth through the receiving instrument in
the telegraph workshops. The writers appear to over-
look the fact (experimentally illustrated long ago by
Faraday) that there is exerted a mechanical stress pro-
portional to the square of the potential, tending to
produce disruptive discharge, as well as an electro-
motive force proportional to the simple potential, tending
to produce a conductive discharge. Thus the discharge
may occur either along a path of minimum mechanical
resistance, or along a path of minimum electrical resis-
tance. Which form of discharge will occur in any
particular instance depends of course on the special
circumstances of the case ; but generally speakings as
the potential increases the tendency naturally is for the
disruptive to predominate over the conductive. In the
case of lightning, the potential is so great that for any
form of "lightning protector '' to be efficient the con-
ductive facilities offered must be correspondingly great,
that is, the protector must offer no sensible resistance to
earth, otherwise a disruptive discharge may take place
from the pi-otector itself, which under these circumstances
becomes merely a source of danger. This tendency to
disruptive discharge is taken advantage of to protect
telegraph instruments from lightning.
Another assertion of the text-books is that the metallic
rods now employed as lightning protectors on buildings
do not " attract " lightning. This statement is literally
true, according to the meaning of the word " attract,"
but it is untrue in fact. For such a rod lightning pro-
tector determines a line of maximum induction, and a
discharge is more likely to occur at the place than if the
protector were not there. Professor Clerk- Maxwell does
not appear to hold this opinion, but it seems to me
unquestionable that if a charged thunder-cloud is carried
over a building furnished with a lofty metallic rod, dis-
charge is more likely to occur than if the rod were away.
Professor Clerk-Maxwell observed in his paper recently
read before the British Association at Glasgow, that such
lightning protectors are designed rather to relieve the
charged cloud than to protect the threatened building.
In fact lightning rods are legitimately employed for this
very purpose in the vineyards, where the object in view
is to relieve charged clouds and prevent disruptive dis-
charges and the consequent showers of hail.
[The calculations then entered into in the paper prove
tlie electromotive force of the discharge under examina-
tion to have been at least 216,810 volts. j
Assuming the sparking distance to increase as the
square of the potential, it can be calculated from the
experimental results obtained by Messrs. Warren de la
Rue and MuUer (Proc. Roy. Soc, January, 1876), viz.,
that 1000-rod chloride of silver cells give a spark
0-009166 inch, that a difference of potential of 216,810
volts would, produce a spark in air between two electrodes
at a distance of about 36 feet apart. This is of course a
relatively very short distance, but it must be remembered
that we have only taken into consideration that portion
of the energy of discharge which was employed in break-
ing the 14 insulators, and have neglected all that was
spent in heat, light, etc.
Appendix E.
During the discussion on Mr. W. H. Preece's paper
on Lightning and Lightning Conductors, read before the
Society of Telegraphic Engineers, 11. 12. 72, Sir William
Thomson observed :
There is no reason to suppose that clouds are essential
to electrical discharge in the atmosphere. On the con-
trary, instances are recorded, both in ancient and modern
times, of lightning flashes occurring in a perfectly clear
sky. Clear air is generally of as much importance as
cloud, possibly in general of greater importance than
cloud, in the theory of atmospheric electricity, and clouds
must not be spoken of and studied to the exclusion of the
rest of the atmosphere. The electric potential of any
point in the air can be measured relatively to the earth
without the slightest ambiguity. One of the methods of
doing this is by means of a water-dropping apparatus.
This consists either of an insulated vessel from which a
stream of water flows in the form of a fine jet, and
breaks into drops at a definite point in the air, or of an
insulated receiver in which drops from an insulated jet
are collected
I have learnt from this and other unmistakable ex-
periments that the lower stratum of air is, in fine weather,
in general negatively electrified.
The potential of the air out of doors in fine weather is
always, but with very rare exceptions, found to be
positive. In showery or wet weather it is sometimes
positive and sometimes negative, occasionally altering
with extreme rapidity. As the lower portions of the
atmosphere are, in fine weather, negatively electrified ; if
a large quantity of air spread out in a horizontal sheet —
say about a quarter of a mile thick, and extending over
an area of several square miles — were to be raised by a
current, so as to form a vertical column, this would
produce exactly the eff'ect that a negatively electrified
cloud or other body would do if placed over the earth at
that point
Mr. Latimer Clark, during the same discussion, said
that he witnessed in 1869, in the Persian Gulf, a most
interesting electrical storm, of which he made memoranda
at the time, and he would, with permission, read extracts
from them :
The thermometer had fallen nearly thirty degrees,
and a tempest of thunder and lightning burst over the
two vessels on a scale of great grandeur and beauty,
which, as the vessel's masts and riggings were all of iron,
could be enjoyed without apprehension ; the flashes
averaged thirty or forty per minute, and the roll of
thunder was incessant. Many of the flashes appeared to
drop into the ocean perpendicularly as a single stream of
fire, which enlarged at the point where it struck the
water. Prom their distance and apparent height, many
of these flashes were estimated to have fallen from a
height of IjOOO feet. They were followed by rapid inter-
changes of electricity among the clouds above, as if the
disturbed equilibrium were re-adjusting itself. ....
It was noticed that the thunder caused by those flashes
of lightning which struck the vessels did not follow the
flash instantaneously, but after a very perceptible interval
of time, showing that from some cause the lightning
travelled the last three or four hundred feet in silence.
Another circumstance of a technical character, still more
unexpected, was that the electrical instruments connected
with the cable were not in any way affected during the
storm, although they were of the most sensitive construc-
tion, and were arranged in a manner well suited to show
any effects if they had existed. The vessel and rigging
were of iron, and the cable was coiled in iron tanks
riveted to the sides of the vessel, yet even when the
discharges were sufficient to burn pieces of canvas on
the rigging none of the electricity appeared inclined to
enter the cable, but the whole escaped silently to the
sea, without causing even a quiver of the galvanic needle ;
thus recalling to recollection Faraday's celebrated obser-
vation, that the whole quantity of electricity in a flash of
lightning is not greater than that caused by the decom-
position of a single drop of water. "^
' Grove, in his " CoroUation of Physical Forces," however, truly
remarks on the above observation that the potential of a flash of
lightning is sufficient to decompose a million drops of water in
The first War Office circular on the " Protection of
Powder Magazines and other Buildings," seems to have
been drawn up, in 1876, on the lines of Snow Harris's
papers, and insists strongly on the importance of con-
ductivity. It is an admirable summary of practice based
on the drain-pipe view of the function of lightning
The next edition of the circular, issued in 1881, was
largely modified on the lines of Col. BucknilPs paper
quoted above.
The last circular, that of 1887, introduces some fresh
modifications, and here and there seems to return to
something more like the rules of 1875.
Since this circular may be taken as embodying the
best existing practice, and as it was not referred to by the
Lightning Rod Conference, it may be convenient and
permissible to quote it in full. (I have obtained per-
mission from the War Office and from H.M. Stationery
I would not, however, be understood as endorsing the
whole of its statements by any means.
Regulations for the Royal Engineer Department.
Instructions as to the application of Lightning Oonductors
for the Protection of Powder Magazines and other
General Principles.
(a.) A thunder-cloud is a mass of vapour charged
with electricity at extremely high pressure or potential.
The origin of this charge has been variously ascribed to
evaporation^ to friction of air currents^ as well as to all
the changes in the physical condition of the earth's
surface which are incessantly occurring.
(b.) A thunder-cloud acts by induction on the land or
water beneath^ or on clouds near it, and draws a charge
of electricity of opposite kind to the surface. This in-
duced charge re-acts upon the cloud in a similar manner,
thereby forming a huge electrical condenser.
(c.) When the difference of electrical pressure be-
tween the oppositely electrified cloud and earth, or cloud
and cloud, is suiEciently strong to break across the air
space which separates them, an electric discharge of a
disruptive nature, with consequent disengagement of
heat, takes place.
(d.) Clouds are imperfect conductors, and therefore
do not part with all their charge at once. Hence a
single discharge does not necessarily deprive a cloud of
the whole of its charge ; there may be several successive
(e.) The surface of the earth is formed of fairly good
conducting media, but there are some portions, such
as sandy deserts and chalk downs, which, after long
droughts, form non-conducting areas. Lightning is
least to be feared in such situations, the induced charge
not being so easily drawn to the surface.
(/.) The lightning discharge between cloud and earth
follows the line of least resistance, or, in other words,
selects the easiest path. Objects which project above
the general level are, therefore, cceteris paribus, most
frequently struck. Dry air is practically a non-conductor
of electricity, but moist or hot air possesses a certain
conducting capacity. Hence rain or hail, and columns
of rising smoke or steam, sometimes determine the direc-
tion of the discharge, which does not therefore always
strike the highest points. Metals, which are the best
conductors of all, generally determine the path of the
electrical discharge.
(g.) The lightning discharge does not always follow a
single track; it frequently divides into several lines.
When alternative routes are offered for its passage, the
electric discharge will divide itself among them in direct
proportion to their several conducting capacities, i.e.,
inversely as their respective resistances. In its passage,
to earth, however, the discharge will not leave a line of
good conductors for an inferior one, with which it is un-
connected, except when the latter offers a much more
direct path to earth, in which case a portion of the dis-
charge may leave it. Again, when a conductor is bent
abruptly through a considerable angle, the discharge may
seek a shorter path to earth by bridging the air space
connecting the nearest portions of the conductor, and a
portion of the discharge is then very liable to be diverted
to any alternative route which may present itself. This
action is due to the attractive effect of induction.
[h.) Atmospheric electricity is only destructive when
it is overcoming high resistances. If the conductivity
of its path to earth be sufficient, the discharge passes off
When the electric discharge bridges a gap or sharp
bend in a conductor, or jumps from one conductor to
another, a considerable mechanical effect is produced.
The conductor may be broken, bent, or melted, both at
the point where the discharge leaves and at that on
which it jumps, and the effect is greater in proportion to
the distance across which the discharge jumps. Hence
the importance of insuring perfect metallic continuity in
the joints of all lightning conductors, of leading them to
earth by the most direct route, of avoiding sharp bends,
and of connecting all masses of metal in the line of
probable discharge with the lightning conductor, so as
to avoid the danger of lateral discharges across the air,
or it may be through the building.
(i.) A lightning rod is a pointed conductor, in intimate
connection with the earth, fixed on the salient feature of
a building with the object of protecting it from the de-
structive action of lightning. It fulfils two functions :
1st. A lightning rod tends to prevent a disruptive
discharge occurring by silently ^ neutralizing the condi-
tions which determine the formation of an induced charge
in its neighbourhood.
2nd. It protects the building to which it is attached by
offering a path of high conductivity by which the discharge
may be carried off harmlessly to earth.
(j.) The preventive action of a lightning rod depends
on the power of its pointed end. A thunder-cloud in the
vicinity of a building draws a charge of electricity to the
^ The word silent is the conventional term used to describe a
continuous brush discharge which generally is not audible. The
brush discharge when very rapid is, however, accompanied by con-
siderable noise, and is frequently visible at night.
lightning rod, and this charge will escape from the point
as fast as it can be induced, provided there be a sufficient
number of sharp points all well connected with the earth.
This power of points to dissipate a charge is due to the
self-repulsive action of electricity of the same kind, and
to the law of distribution of electricity on a surface that
the density is greatest at points or on portions of the
surface of greatest curvature. It is essential, therefore,
to foster this gradual or brush discharge by providing a
sufficient number of sharp lightning rods in intimate
connection with the earth by means of continuous metallic
conductors, so as to collect or tap the induced charge, and
to oppose the least possible resistance to its escape from
the points.
Further, the flow of electricity from the points being
directed towards the charged cloud, some of the inducing
charge may thereby become neutralized. Hence not
only does a lightning rod tend to prevent the accumula-
tion of electricity on the surface of the earth within its
sphere of action, but it also tends to restore the clouds
to their natural state, both of which concur in preventing
lightning discharges.
(&.) Should, however, this brush discharge of elec-
tricity from the points of the lightning rods be insufficient
to prevent the accumulation of a charge, and a lightning
discharge take place, it would pass to the points, because
the density and consequent attraction are greater there
than anywhere in the neighbourhood, and also because
the flow of electricity from the points reduces the mecha-
nical resistance of the intervening air. The discharge
in this case would, in all probability, be greatly modified
by the previous escape of electricity from the points, and
being conveyed to earth by a continuous conductor of
ample capacity, would leave no trace of its passage.
This may be termed the protective function of a lightning
(L) A lightning rod in imperfect connection with the
earth, due either to insufficient surface of conductor buried
in the ground, or to defective joints, although it may save
a building from actual damage by determining the path of
the electric discharge to earth, is generally regarded as a
source of danger, inasmuch as the sudden and disruptive
discharge would be liable to fuse or scatter some portion
of the conductor in its passage, and so leave the building
unprotected from further strokes. Again, a lightning
rod in such a condition, by allowing the comparatively
slow accumulation of an induced charge, tends to attract
or invite an electric discharge, while the resistance
offered at the defective portions of the conductor may
cause a portion of it to seek another path disruptively
through the building. A faulty lightning conductor
may thus prove worse than useless.
(m.) The lightning rod terminal should be designed
so as to combine, as far as possible, both its preventive
and protective action [vide paragraph i). The require-
ments are somewhat antagonistic, because the sharper
the point the more rapid is the brush discharge, but at
the same time the more liable is it to be fused should a
heavy disruptive discharge fall upon it. Attempts have
been made to obtain a resisting point by the use of
platinum tips, and silver or other alloys, but they enor-
mously increase the cost, and have not proved reliable.
The system which has been adopted is to separate the
double function of a lightning rod by prolonging the
upper terminal, and bevelling it off to a blunt right-
angled cone of the effective section of metal capable of
safely carrying off any disruptive discharge, and with a
view to facilitate as much as possible the brush discharge,
to add three or four very sharp-tapered points projecting
upwards from a ring fixed about a foot below the top of
the lightning rod.
(w.) As regards the earth connections^ it is most im-
portant that the electrical resistance which they offer
shall be very far less than that offered by any alternative
route in the line of probable discharge^ such as the rain-
water or gas pipes outside a building. The earth con-
nections should be the best which the nature of the soil
will admit of, and all available means which will assist in
tapping a large extent of moist earth in the immediate
vicinity of the building should be utilized.
(o.) Except where the permanent water level is very
near the surface, both deep and shallow earth connections
are required, because after a long period of dry weather
the induced charge may be collected on a damp sub-
stratum, whilst after rain it may be collected on the
surface. The deep earths should be carried down to
water-bearing strata or to permanently moist soil, and
the shallow earths should be arranged so as to offer a
considerable surface of connection with the soil around
the building.
{p.) Earth connections should be buried throughout
in small coke, which is a fairly good conductor of elec-
tricity, readily absorbing and retaining moisture. The
contact surfaces between the metal conductor and the
soil in which it is laid are thereby much increased, and
the tapping of any induced charge or the transmission of
any discharge to earth facilitated. A layer of coke also
tends to preserve copper from corrosion.
(gf.) The metals employed in lightning rod construc-
tion are iron, plain or galvanized, and copper. Eoughly
speaking, they cost the same for equal conductivity, but
conductors made of iron are stronger, less easily fused.
and less liable to be stolen. Copper conductors, on the
other hand, have the advantage of being far more
durable, and, being smaller and lighter, they interfere
less with architectural features, and are much cheaper to
€rect. Copper tape of high conductivity, which is now
manufactured in long lengths, thereby obviating the
necessity of numerous joints, has been adopted for all
conductors on War Department buildings.
(r.) The size of conductor required for lightning rods
is based on recorded instances of metal bars and rods
which have been fused. The Lightning Rod Conference
of 1881 recommended the following as the minimum sizes
of conductors to be employed, viz :
Area sq. in.
Weight per ft.
Copper tape . .
„ rope
„ rod . .
Iron rod ....
3" V I"
i" diameter.
8" "
6 oz.
7 „
7 „
35 „
The recorded instances of lightning rods which have
been fused or damaged can invariably be traced either to
faulty earth connections, defective joints, want of con-
tinuity or adequate sectional area in the conductor, or to
the propinquity of neighbouring masses of metal uncon-
nected with the conductor which have invited a portion of
the discharge to leave the main conductor by providing
an alternative route. There is no authentic record of a
properly constructed lightning rod having been injured
or having failed to do its work, and there is every reason
to infer that a smaller size of conductor would suffice to
carry off any electrical discharge, provided perfect con-
tinuity and efScient earth connections could be perma-
nently maintained. The size of conductor required for
lightning conductors is, however, practically ruled more
by considerations of strength and surface for making
good connections than by that of electrical resistance.
The smallest size of copper tape to be used for the main
conductors on War Department buildings is 1" x J". •
(s.) It may be accepted that a lightning rod will pro-
tect a space included in a cone having the point for its
apex, and a base whose radius equals the height from
the ground. Buildings protected on this principle would
require very lofty lightning rods. It is considered that
a number of smaller rods well connected together by
conductors, carried along the salient features of a build-
ing, provide a more reliable protection than an equal
amount of metal in higher rods spaced at greater
intervals, and the former is the system which has been
adopted for the protection of all War Department
buildings .
I. A complete system of lightning conductors should
be provided for all overground magazines, and for all
buildings in which the manufacture or manipulation of
explosives is carried on.
II. Important underground magazines, although less
exposed to lightning than overground buildings, should
nevertheless be provided with conductors, because
magazines are now so frequently filled with gunpowder
in metal cases that a line of smaller electrical resistance
than through the surrounding earth might be offered to
the lightning through the body of the magazine.
III. Expense small-arm ammunition magazines need
not be fitted with lightning conductors, except in casea
where they occupy very exposed sites, or have much
metal connected with them. Steps should be taken to
remove forthwith defective lightning conductors on these
magazines, or to make them efficient should it be
decided to retain them.
IV. The salient features of barrack buildings should
be provided with lightning rods when experience has
shown that the locality is attractive to lightning, more
especially when any considerable mass of metal enters
into their construction.
V. It is advisable to fix a lightning rod on any flag-
staff that may be near a magazine, and also on all high
chimney shafts.
VI. All lightning conductors on War Department
buildings should be brought as far as possible into con-
formity with these rules, but existing arrangements may
generally stand, provided care be taken to improve
defective earth connections and to make good all joints.
VII. Whenever lightning conductors are to be erected
or reconstructed on any War Department magazine or
building, the Commanding Royal Engineer of the Dis-
trict should invariably forward a special report, accom-
panied by descriptive drawings, to the Inspector- General
of Fortifications, in order that the details and general
arrangements may be approved before any steps are
taken to carry out the work. In cases where a doubt
may exist as to the necessity of erecting lightning rods
(^vide paragraphs III. and IV.) a report should be made
specifying any peculiarities of the site ; its height as
compared with the neighbouring ground ; liability of
locality to thunderstorms ; nature of soil and substrata,
and depth of permanent water level ; and full particulars
of building, and of all masses of metal entering into its
construction or placed near it.
VIII. The angles and prominent features of a building
being the most liable to be struck, lightning rods should
be fixed on gable ends, chimneys, turrets, etc., and they
should be connected together by continuous conductors
along the ridges.
IX. Lightning rods should be about 4 feet high, and
spaced at intervals not exceeding 50 feet, so that no point
on the building is more than 26 feet horizontally distant
from a lightning rod.
X. The material to be exclusively employed for the
construction of new lightning conductors is copper tape.
It is manufactured in lengths of 300 feet and upwards.
A conductivity of at least 96 per cent, of that of pure
copper should be specified, and the tape should be soft
and flexible, so as to admit of its following closely the
outlines of a building. Copper tape 1" X J", weighing
about \^. per foot, is the most suitable size for all
ordinary conductors, and 1^-" X J" may be used for very
high chimney shafts.
XI. In situations where copper tape is liable to be
stolen, it may be let into the walls of the building and
cemented over, or otherwise concealed where it is
accessible. The practice of protecting the lower portion
of copper conductors on buildings by enclosing them in
iron pipes at the base of a building is questionable.
XII. In order to guard against those accidental defects
and disarrangements to which conductors are liable,
buildings provided with lightning conductors should have,
as a rule, at least two earth connections, the conductors
leading to them being connected at the base of the build-
ing, either above the ground line, or by a conductor
underground forming a " surface " earth (see paragraph
XV. Bach lightning rod should be connected direct to
earth by the shortest path outside the building, and.
where practicable, it is well to carry the conductor down
that face of the building which is most exposed to prevail-
ing wet. In the case of gabled buildings, the conductors
should be taken down the barge courses in preference to
the gable, so as to protect the angle of the building, and
at the same time secure the advantage of the additional
moisture in the ground near the rain-water down-pipes,
and facilitate their connection thereto.
XIII. When the level of water or permanently wet
soil lies within a few feet of the surface, the conductors
should terminate in earths offering each about 18 square
feet of external surface. These may consist of copper
plates, about 3'x3'XxV'' riveted to the ends of the
conductors, and buried in water or wet soil from 15 to 25
feet from the building. A better plan, however, is to coil
the end of the conductor spirally on a wooden frame, the
external diameter of the coil being 4 feet, with 6-inch
intervals between the turns. About 33 feet of tape are re-
quired for this earth connection ; it obviates the necessity
of any underground joint, taps a larger surface of earth,
and, the tape being twice the thickness of the plate, it is
more durable, besides being a cheaper arrangement.
XIV. When the permanent water level is deep, it may
be necessary to sink special wells for the earth plates,
which should be of the same size as those specified in the
previous paragraph. The wells should be carried down
several feet below the water level in the driest seasons,
and the lower portion of the well should be built dry.
If coils of copper tape, however, be employed for
earths, special wells are not necessary, because, there
being no joints underground, the same necessity for
periodical examination no longer exists. In this case
the earth coils may be buried at the bottom of a pit, sunk
below the level of permanently wet soil.
Where the depth is considerable, two or more con-
ductors may be connected to the same earth plate, and
in the case of a coil of tape the inner, as well as the outer
end, may be brought up to the surface of the ground so
as to form two earth connections. In both cases the size
of earths should be made proportionately larger.
XV. In addition to these deep earths it is necessary
to provide surface " earths " laid in trenches, from 1 foot
deep in clay soils to 2 feet deep in sand or shingle, through
which the rain percolates more freely.
These surface earths may consist of that portion of the
conductor which leads from the base of the building to
the well or deep earth, or they may be arranged as
separate conductors led in trenches away from the build-
ing. In the latter case, the deep and surface earths
should be connected together by a conductor carried
round the base of the building.
The length of each surface earth trench may be from
25 feet in ordinary soil to 50 feet in dry soil, and the
width at bottom should be about 9 inches. A few inches
of powdered coke should be spread both above and below
the conductor, and the trench filled in with light soil.
The rain-water down-pipes from the roofs may with
advantage be led into these trenches.
XVI. In the case of forts and magazines near the sea,
good earths can be obtained by laying a length of tape
so that at least 5 square feet of it shall always be under
water; or a coil of tape may be buried in permanently
wet sand.
When the distance to the sea is considerable, these
earths should be supplemented by surface ones round the
building, so as efficiently to tap any induced charge in its
XV [I. Iron water mains form good earth connections.
Soft metal pipes and gas mains should not be used, but
when they run close to the conductors from a building,
they should be connected to the lightning conductor
system. There are many recorded instances of both
water and gas pipes which have been damaged by light-
ning springing on to them from neighbouring conductors,
which would have been obviated had they been con-
nected thereto. {Vide Grenei'al Principle /i.)
XVIII. In extremely dry or rocky situations it is
often impossible to obtain good earth connections except
at a great distance. In such cases the best plan to adopt
is to bury several hundredweight of old iron at the foot
of the earth coil or plate in a mass of coke, leading the
rain-water pipes so as to discharge into it.
XIX. Coke, suitable for improving the earth connec-
tions of lightning rods {vide General Principle p), is
procurable as a waste product of gas-works. Clean
smiths' ashes may also be used. A layer of about 3
inches should be spread both below and above the con-
ductors in the trenches, and also round the earth plates
•or coils.
XX. The earth connections of flagstaffs near maga-
zines should be led in a direction away from the building.
Should, however, the horizontal distance between the
flagstaff and the nearest lightning rod on the magazine
be within 60 feet, or should any portion of the building
lie within the cone protected by the flagstaff rod (General
Principle s), then the magazine and flagstaff earths may
be connected, or have an " earth " common to both.
This rule is also applicable to shafts of powder mills, etc.
XXI. The rain-water pipes and gutters should never
be utilized as a portion of the system of lightning con-
ductors, to which, however, they should be connected.
All external masses of metal, such as copper sheeting
on magazine doors and ventilators, etc., should also be
connected to the nearest conductors by lengths of copper
In the construction of magazines and other buildings
in which the manipulation of explosives is carried on, the
employment of external masses of metal should be avoided
as far as possible.
XXII. Lines of rail near buildings protected by light-
ning rods should be connected to earth direct on- both
sides of the building, and when the line is carried inside
the building it should be connected also to the system
of lightning conductors. Iron railings round magazines
should be connected direct to earth at intervals of about
50 feet.
XXIII. All large and long masses of metal, such as
beamfe, girders, pipes, hot- water systems, and large venti-
lators fixed in the interior of buildings, should be electri-
cally connected with the earth as well as with the con-
ductor ; but the soft metal gas-pipes should never be
used as conductors ; and the lightning conductors should
be kept as far as possible from them, and also from all
internal gas-pipes.
XXIV. Lightning conductors should not be insulated
from the buildings to which they are attached. The
copper tape should be laid on the ridges and walls, and
secured by suitable fastenings screwed or nailed to the
building. The holdfasts should be of gun-metal fixed by
nails of hard copper, and they should allow free expan-
sion or contraction, at the same time preventing all the
weight falling on any one bearing.
XXV. Powder mills, etc., with zinc or galvanized
roofs, should be protected by copper conductors laid over
them, but protected from actual contact by strips of
wood, paint, or tarred felt* The zinc roof itself should
be treated like any other external mass of metal, and
should be thoroughly well connected to the conductors in
several places. The system sometimes adopted of having
sheet zinc lightning rods, and copper tapes from the
eaves of the roof to earth, is very unreliable, because the
lightning rods are of ineffective section, the zinc sheets
are insulated from one another by a layer of oxide, and
the joint between the zinc and copper is liable to failure.
XXVI. Chimney shafts should be protected by a ring
of copper tape 1^" X -^s", placed round the outside of the
top of the cap and a few inches below it, having stout
copper points, projecting 1 foot above the top of the
shaft, at intervals of 3 or 4 feet all round. A copper
tape should be carried down on opposite sides of the
shaft to earth from the ring ; and these conductors should
be connected at the base, a test clamp being added to
enable the continuity of the conductors and the state of
the earth connections to be ascertained when necessary.
XXVII. Metallic continuity should be insured at the
joints of all conductors. Solder should never be used
where this can be done by closely fitting riveted or
screwed joints. The solder is seldom properly sweated
through the joint, and often consists of an imperfectly
adhering mass of metal hiding up badly fitting and dirty
surfaces. Solder tends to set up galvanic action, which
after a time will destroy the connection ; and, in the case
of copper conductors, its use is objectionable, because it
interposes an alloy of high resistance and low melting
point in the joint. Soldering conductors in the vicinity
of magazines and powder factories is attended with so
many restrictions and precautions, that it is practically
unsuited for War Department requirements.
For these reasons it is considered preferable to insure
a perfect metallic contact between copper tapes by draw-
ing the surfaces together by close riveting or by screw
clamps, and to exclude damp from the joint by paint or
other means. [Or they might be electrically welded.
0. J. L.]
In riveting copper tapes, five rivets should be used,
and the holes should be bored, not punched. The
" arris" being removed, and the surfaces brightened with
emery, the joint should be brought together with a hollow
punch before riveting.
XXVIII. The connection between the lightning rod
and t^e conductor is made by means of a slotted clamp
similar in design to those employed for test or other
joints. The lightning rod terminates at its lower ex-
tremity in a 4-inch bolt, which is screwed into the clamp,
thereby making firm contact with one or more tapes
inside it. This joint admits of visual inspection.
XXIX. For the repair of old lightning conductors,
however, it is sometimes necessary to use solder. For
copper the solder usually employed consists of equal parts
of tin and lead, which has a resistance nearly ten times
that of copper. The surface of the joint should, there-
fore, be not less than 1^ square inches.
Molten zinc should be used for soldering iron con-
ductors. Being nearly twice as conductive as iron, the
surface of the joint need not necessarily exceed that of
the cross section of the conductor.
In both cases the joint should be put together pre-
viously by screws or rivets, and the soldered joint,
especially in underground work, should be carefully pro-
tected from galvanic action by tarred tape.
XXX. Existing iron wire rope conductors may be
connected to copper tapes in the following manner.
Take a piece of sheet copper 4>l" Y.^" Y.^' , and cut it down
at one end to the size of the tape for a length of \^" , and
rivet the tape to the sheet at this part ; then bend the
remainder of the sheet round the end of the rope, which
has been previously frapped with fine wire^ thus forming
a tube which should be previously tinned inside. Sweat
up the joint with zinc solderj and protect it by tarred
tape bound tightly over it.
XXXI. Copper tape conductors may be connected to
iron water mains by filing about a foot of the top of the
pipe bright, binding the tape on to it by wire, and solder-
ing with zinc ; or a short length of iron bar, 2"y.^" , may
be riveted and soldered to the copper tape, and then -J-
screws studded together both through the bar and a
flange ofiihe pipe.
It is a good plan to coil several turns of the copper
tape round the main, keeping it from actual contact by
battens previous to fastening the end, so as to increase
the earth connection should the joint ultimately fail.
The greatest care must in all cases be taken to protect
the joint from galvanic action by layers of tarred rope, or
by imbedding the main at the joint in cement.
XXXII. Metal surfaces on which the rays of the sun
fall are exposed to a maximum range of temperature of
about 144° Fahr. This range of temperature produces
an expansion and contraction in copper conductors of
about 1 inch in 60 feet, which should be provided for by
forming small loops near the base of the lightning rods,
and by allowing the conductor free play through the hold-
fast employed to fix it on the building. Conductors
should never be screwed or nailed down. Vertical con-
ductors on shafts, flagstaffs, and high walls should have
small lo'ips above every second or third holdfast, to take
the weight of the conductor while still allowing for
expansion and contraction. The holdfasts should in this
case be about 4 feet apart.
XXXIII. Artisansj and especially painters employed
on War Department Works, should be cautioned never
on any pretence to disconnect, move, or tamper with any
portion of a lightning conductor without first obtaining
the written authority of the Royal Engineer Officer in
XXXIV. Lightning conductor records should be kept
in the office of the Commanding Royal Engineer of each
district. In addition to the usual small scale plan,
showing the details of the conductors, the position of the
buildings protected and the earth connections should be
marked on the lithographed plan. Copper conductors
should be shown by red, and iron by blue lines. The
lightning rods numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., conductors a, h, c,
and earths Bj, Eg, Eg, etc., to correspond with a de-
scriptive record containing as many of the following
particulars as possible :
(1.) Date of erection or reconstruction of lightning
(2.) Character of soil and substrata, and depth of
permanent water level or wet soil.
(3.) Full particulars of lightning rods, conductors,
and earth connections, nature of joints and connections,
(4.) Details of all external or internal masses of metal
entering into construction of building, and how connected
to conductors.
(5.) Position of test joints, if any. Nearest earth
available for testing, etc.
(6.) Quantity of powder, etc., kept in store.
(7.) Date of last inspection and ijrecis of former tests,
suggestions, etc., of inspecting Officer.
(8.) To whom notice of inspection should be sent, so
that ladders may be ready for getting on the roofs, etc.
XXXV. Lightning conductors should be periodically
inspected, once a year, and the Inspector should forward,
on the accompanying form, a report to the Inspector-
General of Fortifications, through the Commanding Royal
Engineer of the district.
The Commanding Royal Engineer should take steps to
have every portion of the system of lightning conductors
visually examined by a competent mechanic, in order that
all defects may be remedied, so far as the means at his
disposal will admit, before the periodical inspection.
Annual Inspection of Lightning Conductors.
Name of fort, battery,)
magazine, etc. . .J
State of soil when inspected.
Date of inspection.
Lightning rod.
a ; State of points
g 1 ■ and
XXXVI. In the case of lightning rods which require
repair or reconstruction, the Inspector should submit, in
addition^ a special reportj accompanied by tracings or
hand-sketches, foolscap size, of the existing system of
conductors, detailing fully the various defects either in
design or construction, and his suggestions and proposals
for their improvements.
XXXVII. The object of electrical tests of lightning
conductors is to determine the resistance of the earth
connections, and to localize the position of any defective
joints or connections in the conductors. The resistance
of the conductor itself is quite inappreciable (less than
^ ohm per 1,000 yards for copper tapes \" X -J ), and
could not be detected by the portable testing apparatus
employed. The resistance of the earths depends on the
nature of the soil, and its state of moisture at the time of
the test. As a rough guide, however, it may be men-
tioned that the joint resistance of two earths, such as
those described in paragraph XIII., 30 yards apart in
damp soil, will not exceed 2 ohms.
XXXVIII. The best system of testing lightning con-
ductors is to balance the resistance of each of the earths
of the building against the remainder of the system, from
which the state of the earths may be inferred with suffi-
cient accuracy for all practical purposes. With this
object test joints should be added to all magazines and
When the system of conductors is permanently riveted
up, the resistance of two small test-earths, placed not less
than 20 yards apart in water or moist soil, or of any two
convenient earths unconnected with the system of light-
ning rods, such as a gas and a water-pipe, is first
ascertained. Then the sum of the resistance of each test-
earth in succession, and the earths of the lightning con-
ductor system, is ascertained, and the joint resistance of
the latter calculated from the resulting three equations.
Let L ^ conductivity resistance of the
Then the resistance of leads and test-
earths ^ L-\-e^-{-e2=: A
Resistance of leads, one test-earth,
and the earths of lightning con-
ductors =:L-\-e^-^E = B
Resistance of leads, other test-earth
and earths of lightning con-
ductors z^ L -\- 62-}- E :^ G
Then E = i{B+0-A-L) (1)
e,= l{A + B-0-L) (2)
e2Z=l{A-}rC-B-L) (3)
Very short contacts should be made in order to avoid
polarization of the test plates. If the resistances be very
unequal, the results obtained from these equations may
not be very accurate.
XXXIX. The resistance of the conductors from each
lightning rod point to that part of the conductor from
which the resistance of the earth connections was ascer-
tained, is then found. As the resistance of the conductor
should be practically nil, any resistance in excess of that
of the leads must be due to defective joints, and the faults
should be localized and marked for repair.
XL. Conductors made in short lengths and connected
by joints, the metallic continuity of which has not been
insured by soldering, or by a good system of riveting,
if tested electrically, give results of little value.
Underground joints and earths, the nature of which
is not known, should be dug up and examined when
The rules for the Navy are very brief^ and are as.
follows :
Admiralty, S.W, 4tli November, 1880.
[Lightning Conductors — Mode of fitting. \
The Superintendent at Yard is
informed that the following instructions with regard to
the fitting of Lightning Conductors in Her Majesty's
ships should be adhered to in future :
(1.) In Wooden Ships with wooden masts, the copper
strip down the mast is to be connected with a continuous^
strip of copper passing along the lower deck beams and
down the side, and connected with the copper sheathing
by a copper bolt leading through the bottom, and at the
heel of the mast with a strip in contact with two of the
bolts securing the mast step, which are also in contact
with the metal sheathing of the bottom.
(2.) With iron masts the lower mast itself forms the-
conductor, and is to be connected in the same way with
the sea.
(3.) In Iron Ships with iron masts the connection,
with the iron step, which is made bright before the mast
is stepped, is considered sufBcient.
(4.) In Iron Ships sheathed with wood, with wood or
iron masts, the connection with the sea is to be made by
copper bolts passing through the bottom and insulated
from the metal on the bottom of the ship by vulcanite,,
as a preventive against galvanic action.
(5.) No conductor can be better or more direct than
an iron mast in direct metallic contact with the outside
of the Ship, so that where this can be attained it is not
necessary to fit copper conductors to the lower masts or
(6.) When a woodea mast is stepped in an Iron Ship,
whether sheathed or not, the wire rigging forms an
alternative route for the electricity of larger sectional
area than the conductor on the mast, and this route being
only broken by the lanyards of the riggings it is quite
conceivable, especially in wet weather, that a man might
accidentally form part of the circuit. In this case it is
considered necessary that a metallic connection between
the wire shrouds and the chain plates should be fitted.
(7.) On completion at a Dockyard the Lightning
Conductors of every Ship are to be tested for continuity,
from the masthead to the sea, by the Yard Officers, by
means of the Galvanometer supplied for the purpose ; and
the report of completion, Form No. 237, is to be under-
stood as including the Lightning Conductors.
Wm. Houston Stewart,
A BemarJcable Flash of Lightning.^
On May 15th last I was asted to inspect a stable on the farm
of Mr. 0. Jagau, near Hanover. On May 8tli it had been
struck by lightning, which set it on fire and killed a horse
which was in it, and this, although the building had four
conductors, in the immediate neighbourhood of one of which
the lightning struck.
The accompanying illustration shows the positions of the
buildings and the conductors. To the east lies the yard,
which seems to be quite unoccupied. To the south also there
are no buildings within the distance of 100m. It was at the
request of Mr. EudoK Siemsen, who had erected the con-
ductors, that I went to see the place. The iron rods are 4m.
high, and the 12-strand copper conductors have a cross section
of 0-06in. The earth-plates are 100 by 50 cm.; those at a
and 6 hang right under water in two wells ; that at c is buried
l'5m. deep in the ground. Prom the gilded tips of the rods
down to the earth-plates, all joints were properly soldered.
It might have been well to connect rods 2 and 3 along the
roof, but with that exception no fault could be found with the
arrangements. Those in the house had no idea that the stable
had been struck until, shortly after, they saw smoke coming
from the roof, and found that some loose hay lying in the
loft was burning, which was easily extinguished ; but it was
found that a horse was lying dead just within the door.
Distinct traces of the flash, in the form of numerous small
splinterings, could be seen on the first two beams going to the
• From the " Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift.''
nortli-west, under the ceiling of the stable behind the door e.
"Wood was splintered both on the inner and outer sides of the
door itself, and here and there its nails and bars were melted
at the ends and angles. The yard gate was also splintered.
Finally, on the birch-tree d, at about l-7ni. from the ground,
we found two burns, which were undoubtedly fresh, and which
had gone through the bark to the better conducting interior
of the tree. The most careful search has not brought to Hght
any other traces of the lightning's course. We took down the
conductor 1, but even with a magnifying glass could find no
a.b.c-.Eea-th plates.
o:RodsI top.
Tu:u Water pipe.
f Stable which was struck.
h: Ditch.
m;Yard gate,
traces of its being touched by lightning. Eod 2 we examined
through a telescope with the same result. The common con-
ductor of rods 1 and 2 goes to earth at the well a. The water
was about ISm. below the ground. The well is built in
sandstone, and is about 3-5m. deep. The earth-plate a was
quite under water.
Earths a, h, c were 10 ohms, 11 ohms, and 32 ohms respec-
tively. There is thus nothing much to be said against the
arrangement of the conductors. It would have been better
had the resistances of the earths been smaller, and had rods
2 and 3 been connected ; but I think one can hardly say that
the buildings were insufficiently protected, and I can find no
definite reason for tlie fact that the lightning injured them ;
and, moreover, injured them at a spot certainly not beyond
the commonly supposed protective distance of the rod, and
which was nowhere more than 5m. from either end of the rod.
In this region the ironstone, which lies generally about a metre
below the surface, in various sized beds, has a great deal to do
with determining the course of a flash of Ughtning ; but, on
digging in the stable, near the birch, and round the neighbour-
hood where the lightning struck, we came to the water-level
at l'25m. down, but found no ironstone. The nearest we
found was a small bed in the field, towards the east and about
25m. from the stable. The field lies about 0'8m., and the
water in the ditch h about ISm. lower than the yard. In the
stable or beneath it, was no amount of metal worth mention-
ing. No farm implements were kept there ; the stable was
empty, save for the horse, which happened to have been put
there temporarily.
The following explanation is possible : The lightning struck
the highest point in the neighbourhood, the birch d, passed
through the twigs at n, which touched the roof of the building,
and also through the tree, coming out lower down the tree,
from whence it injured the yard gate m. All visible traces
left by the flash fit in with this theory, for all the injuries to
the building itself are just under the twigs n.
Notes on a Gurious Lightning Flash.
SiE, — Knowing that at the present time everybody's atten-
tion is turned towards thunderstorms, I send herewith what
may be interesting to some of your readers.
On the afternoon of July 17th a storm broke over Surbiton
of rather a severer character than has been known for some
time past in this neighbourhood. The storm commenced
between five and six o'clock, after a very sultry day, accom-
panied with a great darkness and much rain, the rain falling
in dense sheets. At 6.40 I was fortunate enough to see one
of those most appalling sights known commonly as globular
lightning. The room I was standing in was situated about
30ft. from the ground, when all at once at the time mentioned
it seemed to me as if a huge ball of reddish yellow fire was
suspended in mid air, about th.e level of the window. (The
colour was that of an electric arc as seen in a dense fog.)
It did not last a moment, then it rapidly changed colour,
and turned to an intense whiteness, more vivid than any-
other light I have seen, and burst with a terrific explosion,
increasing in size many times over, and dozens of small
splashes darted out of it on all sides ; its brilliancy dazed me
for several moments after. I have made several inquiries as
to whether anybody else saw it ; several people heard the
explosion, but only a small boy saw anything of the real thing
A, Zinc top; B, Earthenware (these were shattered to pieces); C
Slits found in chimney ; D, D, Lead edging ; E, E, Portion of roof
quite smashed up ; F, P, Slate ; G, Cold-water cistern ; H, Water-pipe,
indications of fusing between H and wall ; K, Verandah of wood and
glass ; L, X, i, Iron ridging, gutter and pi]3e ; M, Mantel-piece,
broken ; N, Iron register, broken and thrown into the room ; P, P,
Supposed earthing.
besides myself. He states that he saw a big red ball moving
along towards the house ; but it soon passed out of his sight,
owing to his situation in the room ; but he heard a terrific
bang just after it passed from his view. As far as I am able
to discover, it came and went leaving no trace at all of its
existence. Another fireball that was also seen in the neigh-
bourhood was said by those who saw it to have been like a
red ball surrounded by several smaller ones. I also heard of
another one, but up to the present moment I have had no
satisfactory details of either of these last two. Below will be
found the account of two houses struck simultaneously within
a few hundred yards of this house. By the kind courtesy of
Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Tifiin, I have been able to make a careful
examination of the result of this said flash ; and I enclose a
rough sketch, which will explain itself. It appeared to havfr
struck the chimney stack, which is common to both houses,,
and descended inside for a few feet. Here it evidently
separated into two branches : one branch continued down the
chimney to a fireplace of the first-floor bedroom ; here it broke
the masonry around the fireplace, also breaking the register
and throwing the same into the room in fragments. After
this we have no further clue of this branch, except that a
large quantity of soot was found on the kitchen range, so I
presume that it burst into the kitchen flue, and earthed itself
through the pipes under the range, etc.
Now, going back to B, another portion of the current burst
through the chimney, leaving two small slits in the same to-
reach the lead edging, by which it continued its path to B,
where the lead stops, and a slate edging commences. A little
way down under this slate-edging there is a water-tank, and
over the tank there is a pipe from the hot- water cistern. The
lightning leaving the lead, which it fused at the end, made for
this water-pipe, fracturing a hole some 2ft. 6in. by 1ft. 6in..
in the roof, splintering slates and rafters. The slate-edging
here is very thick, being about the size of an ordinary man's
wrist. A piece of the slate was driven right through the
ceiling below, and another was driven with such force as to
enter about lin. into a beam. The hot- water system has been
blocked since the house was struck.
We now come to what seems to me to be the most curious
of everything : it will be seen by reference to the sketch that
a verandah adjoins the house, partially formed of wood and
partially of iron ; at the spot indicated a round hole of about
2in. diameter has been pierced, as if a stone had been thrown
from underneath, as I found glass outside the hole on top ; it
seemed as if the glass had been fused round the edges, but
not to the extent one would expect. A very small quantity
of glass was found inside. There was no further indication
of the lightning going to earth to be found. I have been
looking through some periodicals, and I came across one of
Dr. Oliver Lodge's Papers read before the Institute of Electrical
Engineers, in which he quotes " Note on the Lightning Flash
at Antwerp Eailway Station," by M. Melsens. It seems to me^
on reading this, that this case bears a little resemblance,
although the fusing of the glass in this instance is very slight.
The fusing of the glass is on the iaside of the glass.
If it -was not for the fusing of the glass, which is very slight
(which glass is still preserved), I would naturally think that
this hole was caused by a piece of slate in falling, etc. I
would also here note that the verandah door was wide open.
That the house next door, which is only a few yards off, and
certainly higher, is thoroughly well protected by lightning
conductors. Also that, except for the fusing between the
different pipes on descending the house, and also of the lead,
there is no indication of scorching or charring. — Tours, etc.,
Surbiton, July 22, 1890. D. F. Adamson.
An Erratic Lightning Flash.
During a thunderstorm at Larnaca the entrance door of a
house occupied by one of the Eastern Telegraph Company's
employes was struck by lightning. The woodwork round the
iron lock on the inside of the door and down to the top step
of a flight of stone steps was completely splintered, and the
lock was almost wrenched from the woodwork. Attached to
the outside wall of the house was an iron stove-pipe, reaching
considerably above the roof. No trace whatever could be
found of this having been touched, and nothing inside or
outside of the house showed any sign of an electrical dis- .
charge except the door. Within a stone's throw of the house
in question are the buildings of the Anglo-Egyptian Bank,
with a Ughtning rod of considerable altitude ; also, quite
close, are several high consular flagstaffs. None of these
were touched. In the immediate vicinity are several iron
telegraph poles, with lightning rods attached, and not far
distant are several mosque minarets of great height, with
metal caps. None of these were touched. It is difficult to
understand, on the principle of the "protected area," why
the flash struck the door almost on a level with the street
instead of the iron stove-pipe, or the adjacent lightning rod,
or the flagstaffs, telegraph poles, or minarets ; or why it did
not make direct earth in the muddy and flooded street withia
a few feet of the wooden door. Again, the houses adjoining
and on the opposite side of the street— a narrow one — are
built of sun-dried mud bricks, and these were saturated with
rain, making capital earth; yet they escaped. The house of
which the door was struck is built of trimmed blocks of
There is an interesting account of damage by lightning ia
the Quarterly Journal of the Eoyal Meteorological Society by
Mr. Alfred Hands. ^
Lightning in Medric Light Leads.
Sib, — The enclosed letter from a correspondent in Portugal
reached me shortly after the recent meeting of the Institution
of Electrical Bngiaeers, where I had been surmising that
such occurrences might be not uncommon. Although the
damage done was only slight, the account is perhaps of suffi-
cient interest for insertion in your paper. — Tours, etc.,
Liverpool, April 26, 1890. Oliver J. Lodge.
(copy op letter.)
Companhia de Luz Electrica, Oporto, Portugal,
April 19, 1890.
To Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, University College, Liverpool.
Sir, — Though personally unacquainted with you, I take the
liberty of sending you a specimen of a hghtning-injured wire,
and a statement of the circumstances, which seem to me to
go to confirm your views on the lightning-rod question.
The electric light system here is operated by means of both
overhead and subterranean wires on the low-tension direct
system, and the station stands well in the middle of the city
and its district, iu a roughly-pentagonal space bounded by
five streets.
About 9 p.m. on the night of April 17th (Thursday last),
a severe flash struck apparently into this space ; but, dividing
between many telephone wires, two or three lightning con-
ductors, and tall houses very wet from four days' nearly
continuous rain, did no structural damage. The report in
the electric light works followed instantaneously after the
flash. Nothing was observed on the lightning protectors of
\he lines, and no damage was done to any part of the
apparatus or machinery.
But two faults were caused in installations within 100ms.
of the works, the wire I enclose being one. In this case the
shop is supplied from an overhead line. The damaged wire
was inside a tubular arm on a combination (gas and electric)
pendant, and the pendant gave a good earth through gas-
pipes. The people in the shop say that the lamp gave two
sharp cracks and then went out. The lamp, however, was
not damaged. It merely went out because the discharge
ruptured the wire. No other wire or lamp in the shop was
damaged, and the faulty wire was at the extreme end of the
shop, as far from the entrance of the leads as could be —
perhaps 8ms. or so. The brass tube enclosing the wire
showed no injuries externally. One end of the wire earthed
on the pipe, and the fault was detected by the insulation test
of the following morning before any complaint reached me.
The overhead line runs very low, and is crossed by many
telephone wires at up to 10 or 15ms. greater altitudes.
The other case occurred in a shop connected to the under-
ground line. A spark passed between an electric bell wire
and a twin wire leading to a single lamp, at a spot where the
bell wire crossed the Ught conductor. All these wires, the
P. and N. light conductors and the beU wire, were ruptured,
the bell wire losing about 1cm. by volatization or fusion.
The insulations showed no signs of overheating, and the
fuse wire in the cut-out was not fused. Surrounding wood-
work was slightly scorched and smoked at the point of rupture
of the wires.
This case is rather curious. The bell wire and its circuit
is wholly within the house. The electric lighting line is
entirely underground, and no discharge could have got into it
from an overhead line without passing through the works
and running the gauntlet of two lightning protectors, one on
each line terminal. A telephone wire runs near the bell
circuit inside the house, and this wire got some discharge,
the aerial Une parting outside the house, and the instrument
being rendered useless.
Does it not appear probable that the spark which passed
between the bell and the light wire was due to an induced
current set up in them, or perhaps to a resonance effect ? It
seems impossible that any direct lightning discharge can have
got at either circuit, at least witliout leaying behind it unmis-
taiable traces. And in the first case, though not clearly
impossible, it seems to me improbable that any part of the
actual flash reached the line, it being so well protected by
the higher network of telephone wires. Also any lightning
flash would pretty certainly have done much more damage,
and would hardly have picted out the last pendant in the
shop to burst through in. In this case the main gas-pipes
run down one side of the shop, the electric light wires down
the other, thus in plan —
Gas Pipe.
Line of Pendants.
perhaps thus forming an incomplete resonant circuit, of
which the fault formed the spark gap.
On the same night, probably a few minutes later, a flash
struck near or actually on to a small theatre lighted from our
circuit. This theatre is roofed and walled with galvanized
iron, so that any entry of a flash would seem impossible.
But a lamp in the manager's office burst, short-circuiting
across the platinums inside at the moment of the flash. This
is an accident that sometimes, but rarely, occurs to a lamp at
normal pressure; nearly always, however, to new lamps,
whereas this lamp was old. It happens that the lead and
return of this particular lamp do not run together, but form
a loop ; in fact, the lead comes off one circuit and the return
off another, the two circuits being in separate casings, parallel,
about 3 or 4ms. apart. Might this have been another case
of a resonant circuit ? Anyway, something raised the poten-
tial difference between the two wires considerably at the
No complaint has been received from any other installation
on the same circuit, and its insulation was normal on the
following morning. It is, I should say, an overhead circuit,
about 350ms. in length, the theatre being at the far end from
the works.
My apology for troubling you must be the interest you
have shown in collecting information as to lightning effects ;
and the reiterated complaints of those who study the matter
of the difficulty of getting such information untinctured with
optical illusion effects, and so on. I could tell you of some
wonderful things seen in shops, etc., lighted by us, on the
occasion of this flash (which was most startling) ; but I did
not notice anything of the kind, and rather doubt whether
anyone who caught the full light of the flash could know for
a minute after whether the lamps burnt blue or green ; or,
indeed, whether they were alight or out. If these slight
remarks are of any value, you will please put them to any
use you see fit. H. M. Satbes.
Lightning and Telephone Wires}
The following article relating to telephone circuit protection,
and recording experience with wire systems, Mr. A. E. Bennett
permits me to reprint.
It has, I believe, been generally accepted that protection
from lightniag is unnecessary at both ends of a metaUic
circuit, provided it is run on poles fitted with earth-wires and
has the exchange end guarded in the usual way. Experience
has long shown that metallic circuits are frequently struck — -
indeed, it has been said that they are more liable to that
accident than single wires, for translator coils have often been
fused when the indicator coils on the single earthed Unes
running on the same poles and entering the same switch-
room have all escaped — but, until quite recently, no further
damage has ever resulted. The greater frequency of dis-
charges from, or to, metallic circuits, may be accounted for
by the fact that such circuits are almost invariably mucTi
longer than single wires, and consequently expose a greater
area to the atmospheric influences ; and it may almost be
inferred that, being insulated from the earth at all points,
induced currents, instead of dissipating gradually and quietly,
as in single wires, sometimes become stored up until striking
potential is attained. The charge nearly always escapes by
breaking down the insulation between the primary and
secondary coils of the translator and so reaching the earth.
Therefore, when translators are used at both ends, as is
always the case with metallic surfaces joining two exchanges,
further protection, on the score of safety, seems superfluous,
' From the "Telephone," February 1, 1889.
although to avoid interruption of service through damage to
the coils, it is the custom to lead both wires of the circuit
through guards of the ordinary toothed pattern. But metallic
circuits occasionally terminate in subscribers' offices or houses.
This is the case -with private lines erected with double wires,
and also where a metallic loop is run from the exchange to a
subscriber's station. Such loops, so far as my observation
has extended, it has been the rule to leave unprotected — at
both ends in the case of the private — and at the subscriber's
end in that of the exchange line ; a practice justified by some
telephonists on the assumption — obviously an erroneous one
— that as metallic circuits have no earth connections they are
safe from lightning, and by others on the plea that the earth-
wires on the poles, if weU fixed, are a sufficient protection.
The latter opinion I have hitherto shared, and an experience
of some ten years without the occurrence of a single accident
would seem to show that it is not an utterly unreasonable one.
But ten into Eternity goes a good many times ; a thing that
does not happen once in ten years, may chance to occur several
times in eleven, and the fallacy of the opinion has lately been
demonstrated in a remarkable manner. A metallic circuit
about two miles long, erected on poles sufficiently earth-
wired, a soldered connection from the main earth being taken
to the bolt of each insulator, terminated at one end in an
exchange, where it was led through a toothed guard and the
secondary of a translator, and at the other in a private house,
where it was joined through an instrument of the usual
magneto type. During a slight thunderstorra a discharge
took place between the test-plates at the window and an
adjacent gas-bracket. Fire was immediately afterwards found
to have broken out in quite another part of the house, and
examination showed that a length of the fusible composite
gas-tubing in such common use had been melted and the gas
ignited. The tubing was laid behind wainscoting, which had
to be torn down to get at the fire, and could not possibly have
been fused by any other means than lightning. Fortunately
the damage done, owing to the prompt measures taken, was
inconsiderable ; but one cannot help speculating as to what
would have been the consequences had the occurrence hap-
pened at night. The coils at the exchange were not fused,
nor was any special disturbance noticed there. How, then,
did a discharge of such violence occur at one end without
indicating its presence at tlie other ? Either one of the spans
nearest the house must have been struck and the charge dis-
sipated between the gas-pipes in the building and the earth-
wires of the nearest poles ; or the discharge may hare been a
back stroke, and jumped from the gas-bracket to the wires,
there dissipating to the clouds. The marks left by the light-
ning were unmistakable and indicated that the discharge was
in reality a back stroke, for the brass test-plates were burned
and blackened, while the bracket was unharmed. But the
cause is of less interest to telephonists than the effect. One
thing is certain, and that is that overground metallic circuits
protected at one end only are not safe. As a consequence, all
such circuits under my care are now being guarded as indicated
in the figure. A third plate is fixed between the two test-
plates usually placed at the window or other point at which
the outside and inside wires meet. The two line wires are
attached to the outer plates, and from the middle one a high-
conductivity copper wire is led to the instrument, stapled be-
tween the two line wires. At the instrument it is joined to
the terminal of the discharger thereon provided, and thence
continued to a soldered connection with the water main or
other ef&cient earth. Use of the gas-pipes is strictly forbidden
for the purpose. The wires should be led as far away from
the gas-fittings as possible, and crossing of gas-pipes should
be avoided. The plates at the window should preferably be
mounted on ebonite to secure the insulation of the loop,
which would suffer if they were screwed direct to damp wood
so near the earth-plate. The plates may be toothed as shown,
but this is scarcely necessary, since the earth is so close to the
line wires throughout the whole of their inside course that
jumping in any other direction need not be feared. This
arrangement, when properly carried out and maintained, will
render metallic circuits as safe as single wires, whether from
direct or back strokes. The expression " as safe as single
wires " will not, I am afraid, find favour with some telephonists ;
but, nevertheless, I regard it as incontestable that single wires
properly earthed on the water-pipes, or main gas-pipes on the
ground side of the meter and beyond the last red or white-
lead coupling, with all joints soldered, offer such a ready
passage to any ordinary discharge that there is little likeli-
hood of the lightning deserting the line for a gas-bracket or
other object having a more or less perfect connection with the
ground. Under such circumstances, a very heavy discharge
has heen known to fuse a long span of iron wire into globules
and pieces not exceeding half-an-inch in length, and to destroy
the bell-coils of the magneto, and yet do no damage to the
ibuilding ; whilst moderate discharges generally fuse the bell-
■coils only. The reason is readily understood, for there is
always the earth on the magneto, and the lightning, after
fusing the coils, has only an inch or so to jump to the earth-
wire, which is still its best path. Of course imperfect earths
of any kind are dangerous, and notably those taken off gas-
pipes. One of the difiBculties of practical telephony is to get
the very young men employed by the companies as fitters and
inspectors to realize this sufficiently and work accordingly.
When a gas-pipe is handy and water a long way off, there is
a great temptation to use the former, and I have found it
necessary to rule strictly that no gas earths be employed
without the express sanction of the engineer in charge, who is
made personally responsible for the efficiency of any that it
may be found necessary to use. In some cases it is better to
sink a special earth-plate, or to run a span to a more suitable
building, than to use the gas. Iron wire, or small-gauge
copper, should not be employed for earth-leads, for although
adequate for telephonic purposes, they have not sufficient
capacity to carry off a lightning stroke harmlessly. With
such precautions as these, danger from lightning has been
reduced to a minimum for single wires. The accident de-
scribed suggests the reflection that a telephone exchange
system, consisting entirely or chiefly of overground metallic
circuits, would not, without special precautions, be nearly so
■safe as one on the single-wire plan. At present, the open
wires strung in all directions over a town act as a protection
to the houses beneath them, for the multiplicity of earth-con-
nections afford paths of next-to-no resistance for the discharge
of atmospheric electricity, so that an actual storm with visible
lightning is requisite to produce any effect appreciable by our
senses. But a well-insulated metallic circuit system similarly
situated would act differently. During electrical storms, indeed,
charges — as already remarked — would be stored up until
relief were obtained by a series of jumps to the lightning
guards or other convenient earths. The switch-rooms and
subscribers' stations could be protected, by proper precautions,
at small cost, but the buildings supporting standards and
wires would require to be fitted with expensive conductors in
order to be safe. The roofs of few buildings in towns have
any proper earth-connections ; the effect of the gutters, spouts,
and inside gas and water-fittings being to make the building
the path of least resistance, thereby inviting a stroke that
cannot be disposed of without disruptive effects when it conies.
The placing of a copper conductor from the summit of each
standard to the water-main in the basement would be the
least that could be done. Such conductors are sometimes
fitted now to satisfy the requirements of way-leave grantors,
but with single wires they are not needed. It would be well
if architects could be got to discountenance the use of fusible
gas-piping. Lightning does not require electrical fittings to
attract it — the discharge I have alluded to might well have
taken place had no telephone wires been present, only, in that
case, it would have passed straight from the house to the
clouds — and destructive adjustments of potential may take
place with no louder sound than a sharp crack, and at times,
when no visible storm is raging. After the occurrence de-
scribed, I am by no means disinclined to think that at least
a proportion of the destructive fires which are continually
taking place without apparent cause are due to lightning acting
on fusible gas-pipes.
Lightning Conductors on the Melsens System.
The following account by Mr. J. W. Pearse of the Melsens
system is taken from the " Electrician."
The two leading systems of lightning conductors were ably
defined, as follows, by M. Mascart, Professor of Physics to
the College of Prance, at the Paris Electrical Congress of
1. The Gay-Lussac system, based on the use of a small
number of conductors of considerable sectional area and rods
of great height ; and
2. The Melsens system, which consists in surrounding the
edifice to be protected with a kind of metallic cage, formed
by many conductors of small sectional area, and provided
with short but numerous rods or points.
The reason why lightning conductors have hitherto been
mounted so high above the edifices they are intended to pro-
tect is probably because most of the formulae for giTing the
zone of protection have been based upon the height ; there-
fore, the greater the height the greater the supposed zone of
protection. But it is a remarkable fact that the zone of pro-
tection admitted in the famous instructions of the French
Academy, drawn up by Gray-Lussac in 1823, has, according
to the opiaion of scientific men, continued to decrease, until
at the present time it has dwindled down to nearly one-fiftieth
of what was then considered admissible. It will be seen by
the annexed diagram (JPig. 14) of the various zones of pro-
tection admitted by the leading authorities, that taking as
unity the capacity of the zone given by Gay-Lussac in 1823,
that of the various authorities has successively decreased
1 ; II
1 1 1 '
N r-IOO.rt -i lo'o.M.—
ill 1
— V-50.M>-Ji-S0JVL- A— I75.Ht
: 1
1. JBCK Cylinder
2. BAG Cone
3. DAE Cone
4. LFGM Cylinder
5. FAG Cone
6. OHIP Cylinder
7. FAG Special Cons
8. HAI Cone
Gay Lussac 1823
De Fonveille 1874
Paris Commission 1875
Chapman 1875
Adams 1881
Preece 1881
(approximately) to \, i, iV. tV. and -^. M. Melsens is
inclined to think that even ^ of the original area cannot be
implicitly relied upon. At any rate the transept of the
church of Sainte-Croix, at Ixelles-lez-BruxeUes, was injured
by lightning on the 3rd July, 1874, within a cone the radius
of whose base is 1|: the height of the lightning conductor.
■wMch was afterwards found to be in good condition. This
is equal to one-fourtli the zone originally supposed to be
protected ; and instances have occurred on board ship of
lightning striking the deck, when the lightning conductor on
the masthead remained intact.
M. Melsens has adopted as the motto of his system, " Divide
'et impera," and he carries it out by multiplying the terminals,
the conductors, and the earth connections. In fact, his
paratonnerre resembles a tree, with branches extending into
the air, and roots ramifying in the soil. His terminals are
very numerous, and assume the form of an aigrette or brush
with five or seven points (Fig. 15), the central point being a
little higher than the rest, which
form with it an angle of 45°. The
galvanized iron wires composing
them are from six to eight milli-
metres thick ; and the extremities,
which may be of copper, are drawn
out to sharp points, and should
be tinned. The terminals are
placed in great number on the
more prominent parts of the build-
ing. It is now generally admitted
that lightning does not strike build-
ings at a single point, but rather
in a sheet. It is obvious that in
such a case, or in the event of the
globular form being assumed, the
brush will constitute a much more effective protection than a
single point. The conductors are also numerous, and consist
each of a single wire of small sectional area (8ram. = 0'3 inch),
so as to be easily laid, and readily follow the contour of a
building. The wire should be employed in long continuous
lengths, and certainly not in the form of a surveyor's chain,
in which there is but slight contact between the links, and
that a very poor one.
WhUe copper may be advantageously employed for the
terminals, on account of its resistance to oxidization, it is not
adopted for the conductors, and this for the following reasons :
— Its first cost is great ; and its high value offers a tempta-
tion to theft, which would leave the building in a worse con-
dition than if no lightning conductor had been provided.
Fig. 15. AIGRETTE.
But, more than this, although the conductibility of copper is.
six or seven times that of iron in the case of a continuous
current of slight tension, M. Melsens' experiments show that,
for long lengths of small sectional area, iron will conduct aa
well as copper an instantaneous discharge of high tension.
He found that Ohm's law was not applicable in its entirety
to sparks of a high tension furnished by charged Leyden jars,
frictional electric machines, a Holtz machine, or a large.
EuhmkorfE coU, in which case the current passes with equal
facility through conductors of the same sectional area com-
posed of iron and copper. He has employed bundles or^
twisted ropes and aigrettes of the same shape, composed of
different metals, but always obtained the same results. The.
current was sometimes divided between the two metals,
although the portion in the iron seemed generally weaker
than that in the copper. The current also passed alternately
by one or the other ; and a change of direction appeared to.
exercise no influence on the result of the experiment. There-
is this difference between the spark produced by the Holtz
machine and that of the Euhmkorff coil. In the former, a
single spark passing simultaneously through two conductors,
one iron and the other copper, of the same dimensions,
generally gives two sparks issuing from their extremities, while
in the latter the spark is not divided, but passes sometimes
through one and sometimes through the other, even when
the length, and consequently the resistance, of the iron is^
considerably increased. It is true that if Leyden jars, power-_
fully charged, be discharged through short iron and copper
wires, say only a few centimetres long and j-rd of a milli-
metre in diameter, the iron becomes red-hot and burns,
whereas the copper remains intact. But if, on the other-
hand, copper and iron wires be taken several metres long and
r^ih. of a millimetre in diameter, or finer still, in this case the
iron will stand, while the copper is partially melted in the.
form of a string of beads, or even completely pulverized, and
projected to a distance in the state of dust composed of
spherical metallic grains, and sometimes in the form of-
blackish dust, which is oxide of copper. Moreover, practical
experience confirms the results ascertained by experiment,
as ordinary telegraph line wires must frequently have been
struck by lightning ; but there is no record of their having
been melted. With regard to the division of the current
between several conductors, M. Melsens has found by experi-
ment that it -will take place between as many as 390 con-
ductors, of conductivity varying from 1 to 6, and of diameters
varying from O'OSmm. to 6-3mm., the direction of the current
exerting no influence on the division. He concludes that the
spark still becomes divided if, instead of striking the point
where the several conductors meet, it strikes only one of
them, provided, however, that this one be not too delicate.
On placing any one of the 390 wires in contact with gas and
water pipes, he could easily detect electrical manifestations
in both of them. But the sectional area and conductivity of
some of the wires experimented upon could not have allowed
to pass more than the g-g^ or even the i-jVo part of the single
spark from a large Euhmkorff coil. Indeed, subsequent
experiments showed the remarkably small fraction of -gai^o-
The experiments proved, in addition, that, in the case of
homogeneous wires of the same length, when deterioration
takes place, it is the same for all ; that is to say, it is divided
equally among the conductors, or the mechanical energy is
the same for all. Moreover, strong sparks from a Leyden
jar battery, passing through fine wires stretched so as to be
parallel, produced a series of irregular undulations, which
were the same in all the wires.
The failure of lightning conductors is generally due to
deficient communication with the earth. In order to trans-
mit to water with perfect freedom — that is to say, without
any other resistance than what is offered by a good conductor
such as iron — the electricity which traverses it, or the light-
ning which strikes it, a conductor of a square centimetre
(0'155 sq. in.) sectional area ought to terminate ia a square
iron plate, the side of which is 225 metres or 738 feet, entirely
immersed. Again, to realize the same conditions in damp
earth merely, the square plate ought to have a side of not
less than 450 metres, or 1,476 feet. It is evident that these
conditions cannot be carried out practically ; but in order to
reconcile practice as far as possible with theory, it is well to
increase, by all the means at disposal, the surface of contact
with water or damp soil ; to increase the superficial area of
the underground portion of the conductor in the pit ; and,
especially in towns where large buildings are chiefly situated,
to connect the conductor with the immense ramifications of
the gas and water pipes, and also with warming and ventila-
tion tubes. It is true that M. H. Aerts, manager of the
Brussels Gas "Works, in a paper before the Society of Belgian
Gas Engineers, objected to the connection of lightning conduc-
tors with gas-pipes, on the ground that joints were frequently
formed of non-conducting substances. But M. Melsens eon-
tends that continuity is preserved by the approximate contact
of iron with iron, and also by the damp soil surrounding large
^vt:*-, -
• 1
pipes, and that there is practically nothing to fear on this
account ; at the same time, such gas-pipes should not consti-
tute the only earth contact. It is highly important that the
earth connection should be easily accessible to inspection, so
as to make sure that, if water, it do not fail, and if earth, it be
always damp. In the case of farms and isolated country
houses, if the connection be not made with a well or pool,
M. Melsens recommends that the conductor terminate in a
hollow cylinder of cast iron perforated with holes, projecting
aboTe the ground, so as to be always in sight. The upper
part may be made into the form of a vase (Fig. 16), so as to
receive a plant that requires a great deal of water, when its
thriving or otherwise will afford a good indication of the
state of the ground below.
The conditions for protecting edifices from the lightning
shock have changed considerably since Franklin's discovery.
Large masses of iron are now employed in building which it
is highly important to place in electrical communication with
the conductor. And to this end it is also important that the
lightning conductor be taken into consideration in the design
of a building, just as are the arrangements for warming and
ventilation. This condition has been realized in the case of
the new athenseum now being built at Antwerp, in which
provision has been made for connecting all the ironwork with
the lightning conductor from the very foundations. On the
other hand, the want of such foresight is strikingly exemplified
in the new Palais de Justice, Brussels, in which there are no
less than 9,615 tons of iron. Of this quantity it has been
found impossible, except at too great expense, to connect
5,887 tons, or more than half, to the conductors on the Melsens
system, connected with numerous brushes on the roof. ' If
the lightning conductor had been taken into consideration in
the design, it would have been possible, at comparatively
slight expense, to make every particle of metal concur in the
system of protection, and, by thus providing innumerable
channels by which the electric fluid might reach the common
reservoir, to have rendered the building absolutely invulner-
able to the lightning shock. Fortunately, however, in the
case of the dome (102i metres = 336 feet high), the point
most exposed to be struck, everything was provided for from
the commencement ; and all the iron in this part of the
structure, weighing no less than 3,252 tons, is connected with
the conductors and aigrettes. The following rule, which is
rather more strict than that generally admitted, is laid down
by M. Melsens on this subject : — " All parts of metal, if they
be of any considerable size, should be placed in communication
with the lightning conductor, in such a manner as to form
closed metallic circuits, that is to say, by two points, or with
connection to two leads at least." At the same time, if the
greater portion of the ironwork be electrically connected, so as
to realize Faraday's cage, some portion may be left uncon-
nected. This fact has been proved by the following experi-
ment, which M. Melsens lately communicated to the Belgian
Academy of Science. On placing a rat, or other small animal
in a cage composed entirely of metal, and leaving its body in
immediate contact -with the wires, a current of sufEicient
tension to cause instant death may be sent through the cage-
without affecting its occupant. If the tail be held forcibly
outside the cage and in proximity with the opposite pole of
the battery, a current sent through the cage will leave the
wires where the tail projects, and only affect that organ, just
as it will if sent through the tail and out by the cage.
M. Melsens holds, with G-ay-Lussac, that lightning con-
ductors for powder mills and magazines need not differ
essentially from those for any other kind of building. He
does not disapprove of the use of metal in their construction,,
provided it be all in electrical communication, and be suf-
ficiently connected with water or damp earth. If — which is-
not likely — there be gas or water pipes in proximity, the con-
ductors should be placed in connection with them. As all
the electricity with which a body is charged remains on the-
outside, the interior, even if electrified by powerful apparatus,,
is exempt from electrical manifestations, as proved by the-
most sensitive instruments, and also by Faraday's experiments.
M. Melsens therefore advised the director of the Wetteren
Powder Mills, covering 24 hectares (nearly 60 acres) of ground,,
to provide all the buildings with lightning conductors having-
multiple terminals, leads, and earth connections, and to put,
all of them in intercommtmieation, thus constituting one
single lightning conductor.
Pig. 17 shows a type of powder magazine most exposed to
be struck by lightning. Instead of employing only two con-
ductors of large sectional area, crossing one another oyer the
roof, as recommended by Gay-Lussac, M. Melsens adopts
several transverse conductors of small sectional area, crossed
by one longitudinal, with aigrettes at the intersections, and
further connected by belts, K L and M N, consisting of iron
wire six to seven millimetres (about ^ inch) in diameter. This
arrangement, which realized the Eomas metallic cage, affords
a comparatively large number of earth contacts, which may
be easily supplemented by a branch leading to a sheet of
water or damp soil, either closely adjoining, though sufficiently
far from the powder, or at some distance. There is nothing
to prevent the magazine, thus protected, from being sur-
rounded by poles surmounted by aigrettes, connected by wires
crossed in all directions, thus realizing a double cage, and
affordiag additional protection. If by any chance the light-
ning were not arrested by the outer network, it would be
hardly likely to penetrate the inner also.
A similar application to telegraph lines, consisting in pro-
viding each post with an aigrette, connected with the earth,
and also with a supplementary wire led above the rest, would
probably destroy, or at any rate considerably weaken, the
instantaneous or other currents in telegraph wires which so
frequently interrupt the service. M. Melsens has so simpli-
fied the Marianini rhe-electrometer that it can be made at a
cheap rate and easily applied. The indications of this instru-
ment, when fitted both to telegraph wires and to the protect-
ing wire mentioned above, would probably permit of ascer-
taining the direction of induced and other currents, and would,
also, when placed in suitable positions, probably afford valu-
able information as to the meteorological phenomena which
accompany storms.
The application of this rhe-electrometer to lightning con-
ductors generally would also permit of ascertaining the direc-
tion of the electric fluid, because there is reason, supported by
Faraday's opinion, to believe that the lightning discharge
commences from the earth more frequently than is generally
supposed. If this be the case, a lightning conductor provided
with numerous points is in a far better position for transmit-
ting the electric fluid to the clouds than one having only a
single point.
The lightning certainly took an upward direction in a re-
markahle discharge which occurred on 10th July, 1866, at the
Antwerp Railway Station, and which cannot be accounted for
by any of the theories at present admitted. The electric fluid
passed through a pane of glass 4nini., = O'lS in., thick, in the
3 It
' ♦—
,....V 4,
.JwoRlteHOPS "
3 '■•
Fig. 18.
station roof, making a hole like that produced by a projectile
in an upward direction, moving at the rate of 100ft. to 150ft.
a second, the edges of the hole being melted. Strange to say,
the electric fluid passed through a bad conductor, while only
a few centimetres distant were lead and iron conductors in per-
fect metallic connection with all the iron of the station, ex-
ceeding 120 tons in weight. But the anomaly does not stop
here, because, to the right and left of the lantern in which was
situate the pierced pane, the zinc roof of 2,500 square metres
(26,910 square feet) weighs at least 15 tons, while three
high lightning conductors were in immediate contact with
the zinc, the whole being connected to twenty-eight cast-
iron columns, which also served to carry off the water from
the roof.
The preventive as well as protective action of such a light-
ning conductor is shown by the observations, extending over
Fig. 19. AIGRETTE.
several years, of Dr. Mann, President of the Meteorological
Society, who states that, at Pietermaritzburg, in Natal, after
the erection, at his instigation, of a large number of lightning
conductors provided with numerous points, lightning shocks,
which had been frequent, then became very rare.
M. Melsens is of opinion that insufficient attention is paid
to the protection of small houses and farms in the country by
means of inexpensive lightning conductors. Pig. 18 shows the
plan of a farm protected under his direction, and, as he be-
lieves, placed in perfect security from lightning. The roofs,
in nine different horizontal planes, are about 300 metres (985
feet) long. The aigrettes, to the number of 36, having alto-
gether 210 points, are shown by stars ; and the dotted lines
represent the conductors, wMch follow the ridges, or are sus-
pended from one to another. There are 11 earth contacts,
marked E, including two in the pond, and two others con-
nected with the pump pipes of two wells. They are arranged
so as to be always open to inspection ; and testing with the
galvanometer showed that there was scarcely any resistance
to the current. The aigrettes are of the form shown at
Fig. 19. They consist of iron wire of six or seven millimetres
(about J- inch) in diameter, cut to lengths of 1, f , or \ metre,
sharpened with a file, and tinned or galvanized. Five or six
are bound together with wire and soldered, and then sur-
rounded, by means of an iron mould, with a lump of zinc,
leaving a groove for the conductor G. The aigrette is inserted
in a hollow spike (Fig. 20) made out of gas-pipe and galvanized,
which is driven into the timber of the roof. The branches
are then bent out so as to form an angle of 45° with the
central point, as shown at Fig. 15. An exact account was kept
of the cost of this conductor ; it is as follows :
fr. c.
600 metres of iron wire, 6mm. = Jin. in diameter 91 30
Total cost (labour and materials) of 37 aigrettes, with galvan-
ized points, at Ifr. 60c 59 20
Old zinc for joints of earth contacts, 20 kilogrammes at Ofr. 35c. 7 00
Solder, 2 kilogrammes at 2fr. 50c 5 00
Labour, including fixing on roof 150 00
120 hooks for fixing conductors 24 00
Pitch, tar, oakum, and drain-pipes 20 00
10 cast-iron pipes, 420 kilogrammes at 8c 33 60
£15 12*. \d. = 390 10
Taking an even sum, 400fr. or £,\G, this outlay represents
20c., or 2d. per square metre (1-196 square yard) of surface
protected. The cost of lightning conductors on the Melsens
system applied to three large public buildings in Brussels is,
on an average, QQ centimes, or Gd. per square metre of surface
protected. These are the Bourse (47c.), the new Palais de
Justice (65c.) and the Hopital St. Pierre (47c.) Compared
with these figures, the protection on the old system of several
large buildings cost on an average 4fr. 46c. (3s. Qd.) per
square metre. Among them may be mentioned the king's
palace at Brussels '(3fr. 2c.), the king's stables (6fr. 23c.), the
ting's palace at Laeken (9fr. 68c.), and the hothouses at the
Botanical Gardens (3fr. 99c.).
Sir William Thomson relates that when he urged the
Scotch mamifacturers to protect their works, they contended
that it was cheaper to insure them than to erect lightning
conductors. Now, M. Melsens wishes to change all that, and
especially to eliminate the empirical element, so that "every-
where, hoth in town and country, one may afEord the luxury
of protecting one's habitation by a lightning conductor, just
as one now has the luxury of a fireplace to counteract the
cold, and a chimney to carry off the products of combustion."
The aigrettes or brushes, such as are described above, may be
made by a country blacksmith at a cost of 2s. to 2s. &d. each,
including both labour and materials, while a highly-finished
si^ecimen in phosphor bronze may be produced for 12s. ; at
the same time it is far easier and cheaper to erect several
small conductors than one large. M. Melsens has abstained
from taking out any patents for his applications, but places
his researches at the disposal of all. He also gives his advice
freely to those constructors who consult him on the subject
which he has so deeply studied. He contends that his light-
ning conductor, with its perfect and multiple earth contacts,
but provided with numerous divergent points placed on the
exterior of an edifice, is represented by Faraday's cage, and
that these points have certainly not the property of provoking
electrical manifestations in the interior of a metallic frame-
work in perfect communication with the common reservoir.
The sharp points adopted are but a return to Franklin's
original model, conical points more or less obtuse having
been employed subsequently. There are many thousands of
these points in Belgium — the Brussels Hotel de Ville is fur-
nished with no less than 510 ; and yet, when properly tinned
or galvanized, they have not become blunt.
Tall Chimney Climbing.
The following is an extract from a pamphlet issued by
Messrs. Richard Anderson and Co. (successors to Sanderson
and Co.), 101, Leadeuhall Street, B.C.
The plan which was adopted in the earlier days of big
chimneys for gaining access to their tops for purposes of
examination and repair was deserving of some admiration
and praise on account of its ingenuity. It was managed by
bringing into operation the ascendrag power of the kite. A
kite was flovm by a trained and skilful hand over the top of
tlie cHmney, iintil its string was placed obliquely across tlio
orifice of tiie shaft, and the kite -was tlien pulled down to the
ground by a second string attached to the one which was used
in managing and controlling the flight, leaving, in this way,
the string looped over the top. The kite being then removed,
a stout cord was attached in its place and drawn over the
top of the chimney until the cord had taken the place of the
string, rising from the ground, crossing over the mouth of
the chimney, and descending to the ground at the other side.
This process was then repeated, stouter and stouter cordage
being used each time, and finally a strong iron chain, until at
length a tackle was raised and fixed, from which an adven-
turous workman could be pulled up to complete the adjust-
ments and attachments of more reliable machinery above.
In instances in which hot vapours were issuing from the
chimney during the raising of the tackle, the part of the
kite-string which had, in the first instance, to be looped
across the top of the shaft, was formed of a strand of metal
wire. In most of the large chimneys of this earlier date,
upwardly curved hooks of iron were left fixed at the rim in a
position conveniently arranged for catching the kite- string.
Some practice and skill were required for the attainment
of distinction in the art of kite-flying for getting at the top of
tall chimneys. Mr. Solomon Sanderson, of Huddersfield, had
some years ago acquired a high reputation for his successful
practice of this craft. As recently as nine years ago it was
no uncommon thing to come across him practising with his
kites at Melton Moor, five miles from Huddersfield, where he
seems also to have had great delight in repeating Franklin's
renowned experiment of getting sparks from the string of a
kite, when highly-charged storm-clouds were hovering above.
But the tall chimney engraeering owes a larger debt to this
ingenious constructor, who died about three years ago, after
having spent a long life in useful and successful work. He
contrived the means which have now practically superseded,
the use of the kite, and which it is one object of this little
sketch to bring" under review.
One very great disadvantage of the kite-flying process was
the delay that continually occurred in getting the tackle
attached to the top of the chimney by its instrumentality.
A contracting firm who had undertaken any particular work
of reconstruction or repair, very naturally hesitated to send
down a competent staff of workmen to any distant place until
there was good assurance they could at once enter upon their
task. A kite-flyer was therefore despatched as a prehminary
m.easure, to establish a practical connection with the chimney-
top. But when this avant-courier was once well away from
the superintending eye, it very seldom indeed happened that
a favourable wind could be secured. The public-houses of
the place, which naturally became the refuge and resort of
the kite-bearing artist and messenger, appear to have exerted
some very curious meteorological influence upon the direction
and force of the currents of the air. Weeks, and, in some
special instances, months, slipped by before a favourable and
manageable breeze would present itself for the raising of
the kite. It was in these embarrassing circumstances that
Solomon Sanderson determined to contrive some upward
path that would be independent alike of the caprices of the
wind and of the seductions of the drinking-shops. He sig-
nally succeeded in his design, and about fifteen years ago he
introduced the ingenious method of getting at the tops of
tall chimneys which is now almost universally followed.
Mr. Sanderson's method consists of pushing length after
length of short segments of a ladder, as it were telescopically,
up against the perpendicular face of the shaft of the chimney,
and of climbing simultaneously upon the lengthening-out
ladder as it goes — a most formidable-looking proceeding, it
will be allowed, when it is a chimney of 250 or 300 feet that
is so attacked, but one which has, nevertheless, been so per-
fected by the sagacity of the inventor and his successors, that
it is now employed, in the hands of good climbers, with an
almost complete immunity from dangerous risk.
The ladders which are used in this process were in the first
instance in lengths of twelve feet, until it was shrewdly
pointed out by some workman familiar with the conditions of
railway transport how great an advantage would be derived
from changing the standard measure of the section of the
ladder to fifteen feet, because that corresponds with the
adopted length of the railway truck. Fifteen feet ladders
are as easily carried by railway as twelve feet. There is
consequently a material saving in the carriage of ladders of
the fifteen feet span, when large works are in hand.
It will, therefore, be understood that a number of ladders
of fifteen feet length are in the first instance prepared, which
are identical with each other in detail and form, and which
are so fashioned that the bottom of any one ladder can be
dropped into sockets provided at the top of any of the rest.
The sides of each segment are pivots at the bottom and
sockets at the top. There are also standards or pegs about
eight inches long projecting out from one face of each seg-
ment, which serve the purpose of keeping it just so far off
from the brickwork when it is fixed, and of, by this means,
providing a secure foothold and handhold.
The first step in. the erection of the ladder consists in
placing one of the sections standing perpendicularly upon the
ground, against the bottom of the chimney. A workman
then drives an iron dog or holdfast firmly into the brickwork
one foot up from the bottom of the ladder, and one foot
down from its top. These holdfasts are of a hooked form,
so that they can each be made to clamp one of the rungs of
the ladder when they are driven home upon it into the brick-
work. The segment of the ladder is as firmly attached to
the shaft of the chimney, when this has been accomplished,
as it would have been if it were originally an essential part of
the structure.
When one section of the ladder has been attached in this
way, a free ladder is sloped against it, and the climber then
ascends upon this until he can reach about a foot above the
top of the fixed segment. He there drives in a holdfast, and
attaches to it a pulley and block, so that one end of the rope
reeved into the pulley can be brought half down a second
loose section of the ladder, placed perpendicularly and side
by side with the first. The rope is there fastened at midway
height, and by means of the block the second section of the
ladder is hauled up by men standing upon the ground until
it projects half-ladder height above the section No. 1. In
that position it is temporarily lashed to the fixed section,
rung to rung, so that the climber can mount to its top, and
drive a holdfast into the brickwork a foot above its upper
extremity. He then shifts the pulley and block to this upper
holdfast and descends to the ground. Section 2, stUl
attached to the rope at its middle part, is then hoisted up to
its full height above Section 1. The climber, following its
ascent, next inserts the bottom of its sides into the sockets
at the top of section No. 1, mounts upon its steps as, still
held by the pulley, it leans against the chimney, drives home
two hooked holdfasts, clamping its rungs to the chimney,
near the bottom and near the top ; and this having been done
the second section remains fixed in continuation of the first,
and the ladder attached to the brickwork, and, affording a
practicable way to the climber, has thus grown from fifteen
to thirty feet of continuous height. The climber is then able
to mount to its top, thirty feet up on the chimney, and,,
extending his arm about a foot higher upon the brickwork,
drives in there the holdfast which becomes the point d'appui
for the hauling up a third section of the ladder, first half its
length and then full height, above the second segment, so
that it can be in its turn pivoted into the sockets. The third
section, in doing this, is handled in every essential particular
like the first, pulled half-ladder high, temporarily lashed tO'
the topmost rungs of the fixed ladder, then lifted to its full
height, pivoted into the sockets of the fixed ladder there,
and clamped firmly to the brickwork, and the fixed ladder
has grown to a length of forty-five feet, by the junction of
three segments of fifteen feet each. This process is after-
wards repeated with other sections of the ladder again and
again, half-lengths at a time, until a perpendicular path has
been laid from the bottom to the top of the chimney. A
chimney 355 feet high, it will be observed, requires seventeen
sections of the ladder to reach to its top.
The essential points in this ingenious process which furnish
a ready explanation of its success, thus are : — (1) the tempo-
rary lashing of each section of the ladder when it is half way
up, so that the climber can get safely to the top, as it is held
still attached to the pulley, and fix a fresh block above its
upper extremity for the accomplishment of the second half of
the hoist; (2) the joining of the sections by appropriate
sockets as each one is placed in position upon the one
beneath ; and (3) the fixing of each section, when it is once
lifted into its place, by the holdfasts driven into the brick-
work of the chimney. The ladder virtually creeps up to the
top of the chimney, joint above joint, and fixes its tenacious
fangs into the brickwork as it goes. The process is so easily
performed by practised hands that the highest chimneys are
scaled in incredibly brief intervals of time. The chimney at
the Abbey Mills pumping station, and which is some 230 feet
high, was laddered completely from the ground to the summit
in three hours and a half.
AlK condenser, discharge of, 89.
horizontal whirl of, causes elec-
trification, 4.
Aitken, 8.
Alternating currents (see also
OsciUatory Discharge), mag-
netic effects of, 48, 129, 302.
traverse surface of conductor
only, 40.
Alternative path experiments, 32,
47, 50, 74, 176, 218, 281, 313.
theory of, 97, 240, 274.
Arago, 73.
Area of protection meaningless,
18, 137, 190, 442, 522.
Atmosphere compared to Leyden
jar, 8, 88, 156.
Atmospheric electricity, origin
of, 2.
Aurora, 3.
Ayrton, 48.
Bennett, A. R., 518.
Bertsch, 83.
Bidwell, Shelford, 8.
Bottomley, 152.
Boys, C. v., 126, 149, 151.
Brown, J., 255.
Brush discharge, 10, 196.
Bucknill, Col. J. T., 429, et seq.
Bursting of Leyden jar, 148, 170.
Cables, protection of, 369, 398.
Callaud, 26, 251, 252.
Capacity of conductor, analogous
to elasticity, 52.
desirability of increasing it, 72.
effect of, 53, 354.
its relation to wave length, 61.
Cavendish, 23.
Charge, energy of, 9.
Chattock, A. P., 20, 70, 106, 146,
Chimney climbing, 534.
Chimneys, a mild source of dan-
ger, 69, 222.
protection of, 53, 370, 448.
Circuit, surging, cases of, 192,
experiments on, 63, 356, 358.
Clark, J. W., 6.
Cloud, acts as a conductor, 4.
capacity of, 88.
compared to spangled jar, 215.
discharge of, 170, 213.
energy of charged, 88.
potential of, 88.
quantity of electricity on, 88.
Coalescence of electrified glo-
bules, 5.
Condenser (see also Leyden
Jar), 1.
rate of discharge of, 271.
time constant of, 270.
Conductor, capacity of, 52.
cross section of, 372.
hollow, protection afforded by,
23, 70, 369, 399.
iron V. copper for, 25, 35, 46,
124, 175, 219, 248, 305, 315,
323, 371, 451, 474.
points for top of, 25, 55, 57,
189, 218.
rod V. ribbon for, 26, 41, 44,
197, 228, 249, 309, 452.
stranded v. solid, 26.
throttling of, by induced cur-
rents, 40.
Conductors, allowance for expan-
sion in, 21.
connection to roof-gutters, 64,
188, 192.
details regarding their failure,
experimentallightning, 131,221.
failure of, 15.
for houses, 19.
forms suggested for by Bucknill,
441, et seq.
Lightning, discussion on at
Bath, 117.
Lodge, 207.
Mann, 22.
Maxwell, 23.
melting of, 250.
should not be connected to gas
pipes, 22, 135, 192, 200.
Conference, Lightning Rod, 20.
Cook, Dr. E., 106.
Copper V. iron for lightning rods,
25, 35, 46, 124, 175, 219, 248,
305, 315, 323, 371, 451, 474.
Core, effect of iron, 328, 353, 354.
Culley, 458.
Current, alternating (see also Os-
cillatory Discharge), lag of
in B-circuit, 300.
magnetic effects of, 48, 129,
traverses surface of conductor
only, 40.
Cuthbertson, 321.
Deflagration of wires, 334.
Direct generation of light, 105.
Discharge, current during, 9.
heat produced by, 13, 21.
jumps across bends in conduc-
tor, 21.
of air condenser, 89.
of cloud, 170.
oscillatory, 38, 59.
oscillatory, criterion of, 92, 168.
oscillatory, magnetic effects of,
48, 129.
potential required for, 9.
quantity of electricity con-
cerned in, 9.
time of, 269.
various kinds of, 10.
" Earth " of lightning rod, 16,
27, 72, 456.
testing of, 28, 190, 464.
Electrical Inertia {see also Induc-
tance, Self-induction), 11,
30, 31, 38, 42, 173, 187.
Electricity, origin of atmo-
spheric, 2.
Electric light installations, pro-
tection of, 423.
Energy, loss of by radiation, 243,
of charge, 9.
of charged cloud, 88.
Everett, 5.
Ewing, 302.
Expansion, allowance for in light-
ning rods, 21.
Experimental lightning rods, 131,
Experiments of Hughes and Guil-
lemin, 74.
Experiments of Lodge.
on alternative path, 32, 47, 50,
74, 176, 218, 281, 313.
on bye-path, 50.
on deflagration of wires, 334.
on discharge by impulsive rush,
57, 99.
on effect of iron core, 328.
on gauze house, 70.
on liability of objects to be
strack, 54, 57, 99.
on lightning guards, 180, 379,
on overflow of jar, 65, 337, 346,
on protection by hollow con-
ductor, 405.
on recoil kick, 59, 100, 113.
on side flash, 51, 176.
on steady discharge, 54, 99.
on surging circuit, 63, 358.
with Ley den jar, 32, 47, 48, SO,
Failure of conductors, 15.
Faraday, 2, 44, 407.
Feddersen, 108.
Fitzgerald, 108.
Flash, discharge by, 10.
duration of, 40, 86.
Flash, illuminating power of, 40.
secondary, 11.
side, 51, 192, 196, 216.
side, cause of, 64.
side, theoiy of, 241.
Flashes in high air, 126.
in rain, 163.
multiple, 17, 69, 86, 195.
oscillatory character of, 166.
Forhes, 326.
Franklin, 1, 26, 65, 68, 122, 150.
Friction, prohahle cause of atmo-
spheric electricity, 2, 3.
Gas-pipes should not be near light-
ning-rod, 22, 135, 192, 200.
Generation of light, direct, 105.
Globules, coalescence of electri-
fied, 5.
potential of, 5.
Guards, lightning, 375.
connecting up of, 387.
experiments on, 180, 379.
Jamieson's, 385, 416.
Lodge's, 388, 419.
Saunders's, 385, 393.
Guillemin, 81, 83.
Harris, Snow, 2, 18, 44, 81, 82,
Heaviside, O.,40, 42, 46, 87, HI,
219 261.
Helmholtz, H. von, 109, 202.
R. von, 7.
Hertz, 73, 105, 107, 110, 256, 314,
High air, flashes in, 126.
Hollow conductor, protection by,
23, 70, 369, 399.
H6tel de ViUe, Brussels, 20, 206,
Houses, protection of, 19, 71, 234,
448, 486.
Hughes, 40, 87.
and Guillemin, 73, 74, 83.
Impedance, calculation of, 43, 95,
determines path of impulsive
rush, 58.
distinguished from resistance,
Impedance due to magnetization
of space, 172.
independent of material at high
frequencies, 96, 219.
of Leyden jar discharges, 114,
Impulsive Rush {see Rush.)
Inductance (see also Self-induc-
tion, Electrical Inertia), 31,
38, 42, 82.
its relation to wave length, 61.
Inertia, Electrical (see also In-
ductance, Self-induction), 11,
30, 31, 38, 42, 173, 187.
its relation to wave length, 61.
Instruments for testing " earth"
of lightning-rod, 28.
protection of, 180, 380, 419.
Iron core, effect of, 328, 353, 354.
Iron V. copper for lightning rods,
25, 35, 46, 124, 175, 219, 248,
305, 315, 323, 371, 451, 474.
Isobars, -depressions in during
thunderstorms, 3, 4.
Jamieson's lightning guard, 385,
Janssen, 124.
Karsten, 193.
Kirchhoff, 111, 200.
Knobs, behaviour of to impulsive -
rush, 253, 361.
Lag, magnetic, in iron conductors,
of current in B-circuit, 300.
Lamb, 87.
Leyden jar, arranged for blasting
operations, 363.
bursting of, 148, 170.
discharge, 55, 88, 101.
discharge, impedance of, 114.
discharge, magnetic effects of,
48, 129.
discharge, oscillatory, 39.
earth's atmosphere compared
to, 8, 88, 156.
experiments with, 32, 47, 50,
57, 60, 74, 342.
overflow of, 65, 337, 346.
spark, character of, 86.
Liability of objects to be struck,
54, 57, 99, 158.
Light, an electric phenomenon,
direct generation of, 105.
effect of, on sparks, 314, 340.
Lightning, buildings, etc. struck
by :
Churches : Cardiff, 199 ;
Chichester Cathedral, 223;
Crumpsall, St. Mary's, 192;
Garding, 194 ; Greifswald,
Nicolaikirche, 200 ; Itzehoe,
St. Lawrence's, 201 ; Leices-
ter, St. George's, 14; Nantes,
Ste. Croix, 251 ; Newbury,
Mass., 122; Rosstall, Bavaria,
15, 18 ; Shelton, Potteries,
446 ; Stralsund, 201 ; Wyatt
Papworth, 192.
Electric bell wire. North Wales,
Electric light leads. Oporto,
Gas meter, 199.
H6tel de Ville, Brussels, 206.
Houses: Carolina, U.S., 73:
Compton Lodge, Jamaica,
448 ; Larnaca, 514 ; Lyons,
73 ; Surbiton, 512 ; Waver-
tree, 135, 136.
Instruments : Canso, N.S., 135,
Lighthouse : Mangalore, India,
Powder magazine : Bruntcliffe,
192 ; Lake District, 223.
Railway Station ; Antwerp,
204, 531.
Schoolhouse : Elmshern, 201.
Ship : H.M.S. Conway, 17, 166.
Stable : Hanover, 509.
Street Bracket, 199.
Telegraph lines : Calcutta, 479 ;
Shrewsbury and Hereford,
224, 413 ; Worcester and
Wolverhampton, 413.
Tower : Slough Fort, 223.
Underground lines : Metro-
politan Railway, 414 ; Clif-
ton, 414.
Wall : Hampstead Heath, 146.
Lightning conductors, discussion
on, at Bath, 117.
experimental, 131.
disruptive effect of, 14.
oscillatory character of, 166.
protectors, 180.
Lodge's lightning guard, 388, 419.
for electric light installations,
Maclean, 31.
Magnetic lag in iron conductors,
Mahon, Lord, 11.
Mann, Dr., 2, 22.
Maxwell, 23, 40, 87, 88, 114, 369.
Melsens, 20, 203, 456, 522.
Metallic screens, effect of, 235.
Multiple flashes, 17, 69, 86, 195.
Oberbeck, 87.
Oscillations, electric, at discharge
of cloud, 170, 367.
at discharge of condenser, 170.
in conductor, 64, 101, 108, 367.
Oscillator, Hertzian, 257.
radiating power of, 263.
wave length of, 262.
Oscillatory discharge, 38, 59.
confined to surface of conduc-
tor, 40.
criterion of, 92, 168.
dui-ation of, 39.
magnetic effects of, 48.
of clouds, 170, 367.
Overflow of jar, effect of high re-
sistance on, 352.
effect of iron core on, 353.
effect of length of circuit on,
67, 348.
experiments on, 65, 337, 346.
Path, alternative, experiments
on, 32, 47, 50,74, 176, 218, 281,
theory of, 97, 240, 274.
Permeability, magnetic, value of
for rapidly alternating forces,
302, 306.
Points, behaviour of to impulsive
rush, 253, 361.
Points, discharging power of, 20,
for top of conductor, 25, 55, 57,
189, 218.
Potential and spark length, 290.
of coalescing globules, 5.
Potential req^uired for dis-
charge, 9.
Powder magazine, destroyed by
lightning, 192.
protection of, 70, 429, 486.
Poynting, 40, 111.
Preece, 26, 45, 117, 124, 184, 214,
249, 327.
Protection, area of, meaningless,
18, 137, 190, 442, 522.
best kind of, 10, 24, 71.
by hollow conductor, 23, 70,
370, 399.
by non-conducting soil, 438.
conditions for, 158.
of cables, 369, 398.
of chimneys, 53, 370.
of houses, 19, 234.
of instruments, 180, 380.
of powder magazines, 70, 192,
Protectors, lightning, 180.
cost of, 533.
Jamieson's, 385, 416.
Lodge's, 388, 419.
Saunders's, 385, 393.
Eadiation, electric, 256.
fi-om Hertz oscillator, 263.
loss of energy by, 243, 332.
Rain drops, coalescence of, 6.
sparks in, 163.
Kayleigh, Lord, 5, 40, 46, 48, 87,
94, 98, 104, 109, 114.
Becoil kick, experiments on, 59,
100, 113, 365.
Return stroke, 11, 58.
Resistance, analogous to friction,
critical for alternate currents,
92, 175.
effect of on impulsive rush, 57,
effect of in surging circuit, 64.
effect of on steady discharges,
52, 55, lOe.
Resistance of conductor to cur-
rents of high frequency, 245.
Ribbon v. Rod for conductors, 26,
41, 44, 197, 228, 249, 292, 309,
Rood, 85.
Roof gutters, connection of light-
ning rods to, 64, 188, 192.
Rush, impulsive, and steady-
strain, effects of compared,
54, 99, 156, 360.
Saunders's lightning-guard, 385,
Schaw, Col., 470.
Schiller, 109.
Screens, metallic, effect of, 235.
Secondary flash, 11.
Self-induction (see also Electric
Inertia, Inductance), 31, 38,
42, 82, 245.
influence of on cloud discharge,
its relation to wave length, 61.
of path of a flash, 91.
Side flash, 51, 176, 192, 196, 216.
theory of, 241.
Silent discharge, 10.
Snow, Harris, Sir W., 2, 18, 44,
81, 82, 198.
Spark, difference between posi-
tive and negative, 253.
effect of light on, 314, 340.
Sparks in rain, 163.
to surface of water, 165.
under water, 165.
Steady strain and impulsive
rush, effects of compared, 54,
99, 156, 360.
Steam, opacity of when electri-
fied, 7.
Stroke, return, 11, 68.
Sumpner, 298.
Surging circuit, cases of, 192,
experiments on, 63, 356, 358.
Symons, 221.
Tape V. Rod (see Ribbon v. Rod).
Thomson, J. J., 260.
Thomson, Sir W., 32, 87, 109,
228, 272, 474.
Throttling of conductor by in-
duced currents, 40, 173.
Thunder-cloud, formation of, 6.
Time-constant of a condenser,
Tyndall, 11.
VioUet-le-Duc, 252.
War Office rules for lightning
protectors, 486.
Water, sparks to surface of, 165.
sparks under, 165.
Waves, electromagnetic, in con-
ductors {see also OscUlatory-
Discharge), 61, 101.
on wires. 111.
production of, 258.
Whirl of air, horizontal, may-
cause its electrification, 4.
Wimshurst, 215, 244, 253.
Wires, deflagration of, 334.
waves on, 111.