ii|i!llilisl!iPtii'i.i;;i:A (i]:0rncll HttitterBtta ffiihrarji 3)tl;ata, Htm ^atk BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Cornell Unlvarslty Ubnry JN309 .G83 The l 13. 31. Their maintenance, 8, IJ, 37- Kirkeby, John de, 16. Letters Patent, 124. Local Government Board, xi, 133, I3S- Locke, Matthew, 58. Lord President of the Council, 32, 7S, 108. Lord Privy Seal, 27, 32, 36, 75. Marlborough, Duke of, 78. Maunsell, John, 13, Melton, William de, 18. Military Boards, Office for, 112. Milton, John, 55. Ministers: Collective responsibility of, 78. Combinations of, 68, 76, 77. Relation of, to Commons, 68, 73, 78, 80. Responsibility of, 74, 77. Navy, The : Commissioners of, 54, 56, 60, 64. Direction of, 43. First civil staff of, 22. Staff under Henry VIII., 42. Staff under Charles II., S9- Staff in eighteenth century, 86, 98. Treasurer of, 48. Victualling of, 42, 48. Navy Board, The : Office of, 48, 83. Transferred to Admiralty, 112. Norwico, Richard de, 19. Ordnance : Board of, 41, 56, 59, 64, 112. First department of, 23. Office of, 48, 83. Staff of, 59, 87,98, 113. Transferred to War Office, 130- Pace, Dr., 32, 40. P^et, Sir W., 3S. Parties, of offices of State, 66. Paymaster-General, 116. Paymaster of the Forces, 58, 81, 85. Pells, Clerk of the, 87, 114, iii;. Pensioners, 71. Pepys, Samuel, 59, 62, 85. Perton, W. de, 16. Petre, Sir W., 35. Police, 117. Poor Law Board, 119, 129. Abolished, 134. Post Office, The, 63, 113. Development of, 96. Presidents, paid, of Boards, 119. Privy Council. See Council. Privy Council Warrants, 48. Privy Seal. See Seal ; Lord Privy Seal. Public Health Board, 119, 129. Abolished, 134. Revenue, The, 4, 61. Accounts of, 72. Control of, by Commons, 71. New form of Accounts, 91. Richard de Capella, 8. Rochester, Lord, 77. Rockingham, Lord, 79. Roger the Clerk, 8. Routhale, Dr., 31. R)fnel, John, 28. Sandale, John de, zi, 18. Scotland, Secretary for, 88. Seal, The Great, 4, 13, 16, 24, 36, 38. 72. Seal, The Privy, 12, 26, 36, 38. Fees of, 85. Office of, 83, 87. Seals, Formalities of the, 76. Secretary, The King's : Appointment of a second, 28. Becomes a new title, 13. Division of duties, 51, 52. Drawn from King's Clerks, II, 13. Emoluments of, 15, 40, 52, 81, 85. Executive orders by, 36. His clerks, 30. Increasing importance of, 25, 29, 31. 32. 39. 43- Mode of appointment, 31. 144 INDEX Secretary, The King's : Originally the Chancellor, 3. Power in regard to armed forces, 43. 44. 49- Seated in Parliament, 32. Title not always used, 18, 27. Two with equal duties, 30, 40, Secretary, The French, 28, 30, 86. The Latin, 86. The King's Private, lOl. at War, 56, 58. Secretaries of State : Early sources of power, 45. Executive power of, 50. Financial powers of, 55, 65. George III.'s attitude, ix, 74. Intrigues of, 66, 70. Members of the Cabinet, 64, 75, 100. Mode of appointment, 124. Office premises, 83, 132. Power in regard to armed forces, 58, 64, 100. Regarded as Household officials, ix, S2, 8i, 95. Relation to foreign affairs, x, 45, Relation to home affairs, 46, 73> 134- Re-arrangement of duties, 94. Seniority of, 52. Third created, 87. suppressed, 90. restored, 93. Title first bestowed, 47. Fourth created, 130. Fifth created, 133. Secretaryship : Its Duties, 10. Relation to Parliament, 25, 29, 32, 53, 66, 68, 73, 80, loi. Relation to Privy Council, 27, 35, 49, 64, 78. Sign Manual, Countersigning of, 19, 58- Signet, The, 26, 28, 31, 36^ 124. Two in use, 40, 46. Office of, 38, 87. Writers of, 30, 37. Somers, Lord, 77. Spithead, 43. Statute of Labourers, xi, 121. Sunderland, Lord, 78, 80. Swift, Dean, 79. Trade, Board of; xi, 65, 88, 90, 118, 128. Commissioners for, 88, 90, 93, 118. Office of, 84, 131. Staff of, 98, 113. Treasurer, The, 3, 27, 63, 64, 75. of the Army, 48. of the Navy, 48. Treasury, The, Commission of, 54, 65, New powers of, 63. Offices of, 83, 131. Relation to armed forces, 58. Relation to Civil Service, 90. Staff of, 87, 98, 113, 125. The oldest department, ix, 4, 5- Varied duties of, 63, 113, I20 127. Valence, Aymer de, 18. Vane, Sir Henry, 50, 77. Vannes, Peter, 40. Vescy, Johnde, 15. Victualling Office, 48, 60, 83, 86, 98. Transferred to Admiralty, 112. Volore, Gervais de, 28. War Office, 84, 98, 113, 130, 135- Reformed, 138. War, Secretary at, 56, 58, 130. Secretary of State for, 130. Wardrobe, The : Keeper of, 18. Clerk of, 23. Ordnance reckoned in, 24. Wengham, Henry de, 13. Whitehall, 60, 83, 132. Windebank, Sir F., 50, 52. Wolsey, Cardinal, 32. Printed by Morrison & Gibb Limited, Edinburgh