^mmll Winxvmxi^ Jitotg THE GIFT OF J^jf^....//.^^,^... A.-jAj'i'jj.. i.Hum^ ^. CATALOGUE No7887 Cornell University Library Ni70 .H53 Collection of choice enaravings and etch Overs olln 3 1924 030 669 497 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS SrR EDWARD BURNE-JONES ARTIST'S PROOF ETCHINGS BY AXEL H. HAIG and after W. DENDY SADLER, MEISSONIER AND ROSA BONHEUR ELEGANT MEZZOTINTOS PRINTED IN COLORS AFTER GEO. M6RLAND, W. ward, and OTHERS CHOICE PROOF ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS BY SEYMOUR HADEN. GRAVESANDE, REMBRANDT, STRANGE, DESNOYERS, MANTEL, BARTOLOZZI, NORDHEIM, DURER, MASSON, WILLE, AND others TO BE SOLD DECEMBER 3, 4 and 5, 1902 Gatalogaa Compiled and Sale Conducted by STAN. T. umnsMis. At the Book Auction Rooms of DATIS & HART£T, Ills Walnut St., Philadelphia, Fa. The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030669497 BIDS WILL BE FAITHFULLY EXE6UT£D BY THE AUCTIONEER STAN. V. HENKELS, Manager DAVIS & HARVEY'S* Book Department, 1 1 1 2 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir : — Please buy for me at the following lots, indicated below, of not exceeding the amounts enunnerated, and oblige Sale at prices City^ County.. State.. BIDS ARE ALWAYS SO MUCH PER PIECE SEND SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. REMARKS BIDS ARE ALWAYS SO MUCH PER PIECE NO. 1 i Reduced Facsimile of Lot 238 Catalogue No. 887 COLLECTION OP Choice Engravings and Etcliings AND Original Drawings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones Belonging to a Well-known Gentleman of Philadelphia INCLUDING Artist's Proof Etchings by Axel H. Haig and after W. Dendy Sadler, Rosa Bonheur and Meissonier. A Large Collection of Engravings, Printed in Colors after the Ever- pleasing Subjects of Geo. Morland, W. Ward, and their contemporaries. Fine Proofs of Wheatley's Beautiful " Cries of London." Fine Exanaples of the Best Work of Morghen, Strange, Rembrandt, Durer, Desnoyers, Mantel, Nordheim, Bartolozzi, Masson, Seymour Haden, Gravesande, Whistler, Ostade, Schmidt, Wille, Forster, Bervic, and other Masters of the Art. TO BE SOLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 3d, 1902 and continuing Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 4, and Friday Afternoon, Dec. 5 AT 3 o'clock bach day On Exhibition Nov. 29th, and Dec. ist and 2d. CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1 112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ^ ^ 5 1 , a ^ fe -^ NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge. Bids are always so much per volume or piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. Tbrms of SaivB — Cash. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day immediately following the sale. DAVIS & HARVEY. REMARKS. j^HIS catalogue embraces the largest collection of Etchings by Axel H. ^^ Haig, and of Etchings after "W. Dendy Sadler, that has ever been offered at public sale; including also examples, in the finest possible state, of the handicraft of Seymour Haden, Gravesande, Whistler, Eembrandt, Durer Strange, N^ordheim, Desnoyers, Mantel, and others who have attained greatness with the burin. Another important feature of the sale is the collection of fifteen original chalk drawings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones who, in conjunction with William Morris, established the celebrated firm of Morris & Company, of London, noted for their artistic work in beautifying the great English cathedrals, colleges and mansions. It is the first time in this country that examples of Sir Edward Burne-Jones' work have been offered to the public, and in London his works are held in such high esteem that the prices are almost prohibitory. The collection of Mezzotintos printed in colors is far above the average in excellence, and embraces many beautiful examples of the always pleasing subjects of Morland, Ward and their contemporaries. The owner of the collection is Mr. Harold Peirce, of Philadelphia, who, in a letter consigning the engravings to me, says, " / am not a print, but a book collector, and have no room for portfolios, consequently I have selected such prints from my collection as pleased me, to decorate the walls of my house, which has just been completed, and send the balance to you, for sale at auction. I am only sorry I have not wall space to hang the whole of them. Catalogue them in your usual good manner, and let the sale be absolute." STAN. Y. HENKELS. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 227 CATALOGUE. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES. IN BLACK AND WHITE CHALK. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY GENUINE. A CERTIFICATE ACCOM- PANIES EACH DRAWING. 1 MOSES. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execu- tion in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for church at Ashton-u-Lyne in the year 1891. Size, height 711-2 in , width 30 in. 2 ABRAHAM. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. for exe- cution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Ashton-u-Lyne in the year 1891. Size, height 7/ 1-2 in , width jo in. 3 SAINT PAUL. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church 'at Ashton-u-Lyne in the year 1891. Size, height 76 1-2 in , width jo in. 4 SAINT MATTHEW. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne- Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Ash- ton-u-Lyne in the year 1891. Size, height yy in., width lo in. 5 THE CENTURION. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Ashton-u- Lyne in the year 1891. Size, height jy in., width 28 in. 6 TRUTH. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Manchester College, Oxford, in the year 1893. Size, height 60 in., width 2j 1-2 in. 7 SAINT JEROME. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Jesus College, Cambridge, in the year 1893. Size, height 4.8 in , width 23 1-2 in. 8 THE TRANSFIGURATION. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Meole Brace, about the year 1870. Stze, height 38 1-2 in., width 2y in. 9 SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Drawn in black chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Newport, in the. year 1874. Size, height 46 1-2 in., width ig 3-4- in. 10 THE MINSTREL ANGEL. Drawn in black chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for a church at Chiddleton, about the year 1870. Size, height 52 in., width 24.3-4. in. 11 SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST. Drawn in black chalk by Sir Edward Burne- Jones, for execution in stained glass by Morris & Company. Size, height ^o 1-2 in., width 20 1-2 in. 12 LIBERTY. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execu- tion in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Manchester College, Oxford, in the year 1893. Size^ height 60 in , width 23 1-2 in. 13 RELIGION. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for exe- cution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Manchester College, Oxford, in the year 1893. Sizei height 60 in., width 2j 1-2 in. 14 HOMER AND .ffiSCHYLUS. Drawn in black chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Peterhouse College, Cam- bridge, in the year 1873. Size, height ^o in , width 2/}. 1-2 in. 15 SAINT PETER. Drawn in black and white chalk by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, for execution in stained glass, by Morris & Company, for Paisley Abbey in the year 1 874, Size, height 4.0 12 in., width 2^ in. Note — The above fifteen original drawings by Sir. Edward Burne-Jones, are very beautiful and characteristic examples of his work, and command unprecedented prices now in London. In fact, his works are valued so highly in the mother country that the price for the merest sample of his handicraft is almost prohibitory. These examples are all accompanied by the guarantees of Morris & Company, of London, which firm was founded by Sir Edward Burne-Jones and Wm. Morris. ETCHINGS, AFTER PAINTINGS BY W. DENDY SADLER. One of the most noted and popular artists of to-day. 16 For Weal or Woe. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 17 The Honeymoon. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie. Artists' remarqtie proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 18 Marriage by Registrar. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 19 The Christening. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by A. Mongies. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 20 Plaintiff and Defendant. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 21 "For All Time." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Alb. Ardail. Artists' remarque proof Signed by both painter and etcher. 22 Offer of Marriage. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by A. Mongies. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 23 After the Hunt. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 24 Home, Sweet Home. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 25 The "Butler's Glass." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 26 "His Favorite Bin." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 27 London to York. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dsbie. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 28 Mr. Brabazon in "Sowing the Wind." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler, Etched by James Dobie. Artists' proof, with portrait of Brandon Thomas as remarque. Signed by both painter and etcher. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 126 29 The Bagman's Toast. Painted by W, Deady Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 30 The Postman. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 31 Memories. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by McDevitt. Artists re- marqne proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 32 Long, Long Ago. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie. Artists' remarque proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 33 The "Old and Young." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by C, Gaujean. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 34 The Victim. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Gaujean. Artists' proof. Signed by both the painter and etcher. 35 The Middleman. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Gaujean. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 36 The Awakening. Painted by W. Dandy Sadler. Etched by Alb. Ardail. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 37 Darby and Joan. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Mercier. Artists' re- marque proof on parchment. Signed by both painter and etcher. 38 " Hearts are Trumps." Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 39 Breach of Promise. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie. Artists' remarque proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 40 Scandal and Tea. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Gaujean. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 41 End of the Skein. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 42 Nearly Done. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W, Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 43 Rivals. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Gaujean. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 44 Uninvited Guest. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 45 Christmas Time. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie. Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 46 Wrong Side of the Hedge. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' remarque proof . Signed by both painter and etcher. 47 Morning Gossip. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler, Etched by V. Focillon. Artists' proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 48 A Little Mortgage. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by James Dobie Artists' remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. 49 Toddy at the Cheshire Cheese, tainted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. 'Boucher. Artists' remarque proof , Signed by both painter and etcher. 50 Disappointed Anglers. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by Victor L'huilher. Artists' proof. Signed by bsth painter and etcher. 51 Pegged Down Fishing Match. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Artist's proof. Signed. 5a A Hunting Will Go. Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Artist's proof. Signed. S3 Who Is It ? Painted by W. Dendy Sadler. Etched by W. Boucher. Artists' re- marque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. PROOF ETCHINGS BY AXEL H. HAIG. (In the size, the height is given first.) 54 Upsala Cathedral, Interior View. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's prosf, signed. Size, 22 1-4 X 13 3-4. 55 Gate at Seville Cathedral. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 27 3-4x13 7-8. 56 Westminster Abbey, North Chancel Aisle. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 23 i-2 x 15 1-4. 57 Seville Cathedral.— La Giralda. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 27 3-4x13 7-8. 58 Returning from the Fair; Pampluna. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 37 5-8 x 26 3-8. 59 The Basilica of St. Giles, near Aries. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 28 5-8 X 19 3-4. 60 Alcazar at Segovia. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's preof, signed. Size, 24 3-8 x 16. 61 Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 22 3-8x31 1-4. 62 Exterior of Burgos Cathedral. Etched by A. H. Haig, Artist's proof, signed. Size, 18 X 27 1-2. 63 Amiens Cathedral, Interior Vievs^. Children receiving " First Communion." Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof , signed. Size, 27 1-4 x i8 1-2. 64 Cathedral at Cefalu, Sicily. Interior View during the Celebration of Mass. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 28 3-8 x 18 1-2. 65 Arab Quarters, Cairo. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 24 1-4 X 16 1-8. 66 The Quiet Hour. Etched by A. H. Haig, Artist's proof, signed. Size, 21 1-4 x 12 3-4. 67 St. Edmund's Chapel, Westminster, Interior View. Etched by A. H. Haig, Art- ist's proof, signed. Size, 25 1-2 x 15 1-4. 68 The Sailors' Guild, " Flying Dutchman," Lubeck. Etched by A. H. Haig. Art- isfs proof, signed. Size, 17 3-4 X II 15-16. 69 Chartres Cathedral, North Porch. " The Procession of the Blessed Sacrament," Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's remarque proof , signed. Size, 22 3-4 x 17. 70 Pulpit of the Cathedral at Verona. Etched by A, H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 18 X 12 1-4, 71 Magdalen College, Oxford, Exterior View. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 18 3-4x13, 72 North Chancel, Westminster Abbey. Etched by A, H, Haig, Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 23 1-2x15 i-4- 73 Floating Market at Stockholm. Etched by A. H. Haig, Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 23 3-4 X I g 3-4, 74 Canterbury Cathedral, Exterior. Etched by A, H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 1 8 1-4x12 7-8. 75 L'Eglise des Dominicains, Aries. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 20 X 1 2. 70 76 Ulm Cathedral, Interior. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 21 7-%-x. 14 1-2. 77 Entrance to the Mosque of Mohomet, Cairo. Etched by A. H. Haig, Artist's proof, signed. Size, 15 1-4 x 10 1-4. 78 Mont Saint Michael. Etched by A. H. Haig. (His masterpiece). Artist's proof, signed. Size, 34 3-4 x 24 3-4. 79 Chapel of St. Clement (St. Mark's Venice), Interior. Upright. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist' s proof , signed. Size, 16 1-4 x 11 1-2. 80 The Chapel of St. Clement, St. Mark's Venice. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 1 1 1-8x14. 81 The Baptistry at St. Mark's, Venice. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 15 x 10 1-8. 82 Waiting for the Ferry. Lubeck. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 13 7-8 X 8 1-4. 83 The Madonna, with a Musket, in St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice. Etched by A; H, Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 16x11 1-4. 84 The Pulpit of San Fermo Maggiore, at Verona. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's ptoof, signed, on Japan paper. Size, 17 3-4 x 12 1-4. 85 Schloss Zwingenburg on the Necker. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 16 x 10 1-2. 86 St. Mark's Chapel, Venice. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artists proof , signed. Size, II X 14. 87 Westminster Abbey, View of the Chancel from the South Transept. Etched by A. H, Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 8 1-4x11 1-8. 88 W^estminster Abbey, Entrance to " Poets Corner." Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 11 1-8x7. 8g Westminster Abbey; A Dark Corner ; Entrance to the South Aisle ; Henry VIII Chapel. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 12 7-8 x 7 1-2. 90 Westminster Abbey, Poets' Corner. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof , signed. Size, 12x7 3-8. 91 Westminster Abbey, The Cloisters. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 8x9 3-4. 92 Westminster Abbey, Interior. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed, on Japan paper. Size, 10 1-2 x 7 1-4. 93 North Transept, Rheims Cathedral. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed on Japan paper. Size, 15 x 10. 94 Towing in the Prize. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artists proof, signed. Size, 1 1 1-8 x 8. 95 Tower ot St. Peter's Cathedral, Caen. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 14 5-8 x 7 1-4. 96 A Swedish Pulpit. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 10 x 7. 97 A Moorish Archway, Toledo. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 14 1-4x8 3-8. 98 In Rhineland. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 11 5-8 x 6. 99 Chapel Royal, Holyrood, South Aisle. Etched by A. H, Haig. Artist's ptoof, signed. Size, 10 1-8x7 1-4. 100 Windsor Castle, The Round Tower. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 10 1-4x7. 10 1 01 In Church. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, ^ 3-4 x 6. 102 Regent's Canal. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 8 x lO t-2. 103 A Swedish River. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 7 1-4 x II 1-4. 104 St. Maria de Capitol. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artist' s proof , signed. Size, 10 1-8 x 7. 105 At Haddon Hall, Derbyshire. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Si^e, 10 1-2 X 7. 106 Going His Rounds, Bruges. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 27-8x7 5-8. 107 Burgos Cathedral. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 8x il 1-4. 108 Street Scene, Seville. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 9x5 5-8. 109 Cathedral and Town of Chartres, Etched by A, H. Haig. Artisfs proof , signed. Size, 22 1-2 x 13 7-8. I HO Amiens from the Somme. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 14 7-8 X 21 3-4. 111 St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs pr»of, signed. Size, 23 3-8 X 32. 112 Cathedral of St. George. Limburg-on-the-Lahn. (Companion to Mont St. Michael.) Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 34 1-4 x 24 3-4. 113 Tarragona Cathedral, Interior. Etched by A. H. Haig. Artisfs proof, signed. Size, 23 1-4 X 15 5-8. ETCHINGS, AFTER PAINTINGS BY SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES. 114 Golden Stairs. Painted by Sir Edward Burne- Jones. Etched F. Jasinski. Artists' proof on Japan paper. Signed by both artists. Size, 25 1-4x105-8. 115 Venus' Mirror. Painted by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Etched F. Jasinski. Artists' proof on Japan paper. Signed by both artists. Size, 13 x 20 7-8. CRIES OF LONDON. 116 Knives, Scissors and Razors to Grind. Engraved by G. Vendramini. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1795. Choice open-letter proof. Size, 14 3-i6x II 1-16. 117 Old Chair to Mend. Engraved by Vendramini. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1795. Choice open letter proof . Size, 14 1-16 x 1 1 i-i6. 118 Fresh Gathered Peas' Young Hastings. Engraved by G. Vendramini. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1795. Choice open-letter proof . Size, 14 4-i6x II 3-16. 119 Strawberrys, Scarlet Strawberrys ! Engraved by Vendramini. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1795. Choice open-letter proof. Size, 14 4-16 X II 2-16. Reduced facsimile of Lot 131 II 120 Turnips and Carrots, Ho. Engraved by T. Gaugain. After F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1797. Brilliant imfression. Size, 14 2-16 x 11 2-16. 121 Hot Spice Gingerbread— Smoking Hot ! Engraved by G. Vendramini. Painted by F. Wlieatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1796. Choice open-letter proof. Size, 14 2-16 X II 2-16. 122 New Mackrel; New Mackrel. Engraved by N. Schiavonetti, Junior. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1795. Choice open- letter proof. Size, 14 3-16 X II 3-16. 123 A New Love Song. Only Ha'Penny a Piece ? Engraved by A. Cardon. Painted F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1796. Choice open- letter proof. Size, 14 3-i6x II 1-16. 124 Sweet China Oranges, Sweet China ! Engraved by L. Schiavonetti. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1799. Choice open letter proof . Size, 14 3-16 X II 1-16. 125 Do You W^ant Any Matches ? Engraved by A. Cardon. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stipple. Published, London, 1794. Brilliant impression. Size, 14 i-i5 x 11. 126 Milk, below Maids. Engraved by L. Schiavonetti. Painted by F. Wheatley. Stip- ple. In brown. Choice proof before all letters. Size, 14 3-16 x 1 1 1-16. See Reduckd Facsimile. ENGRAVINGS PRINTED IN COLORS, AFTER MORLAND AND OTHERS. 127 First of September, " Morning." After Geo. Morland. Engraved by W. Ward. Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, . Published, Sep. i, 1796, by T. Simpson, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Darling & Thompson, Gt. Newport Street. Original impression. Size, 18 x 23 5-8. 128 First of September, " Evening." After Geo. Morland. Engraved by W. Ward, Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Published, Sep. i, 1796, by T. Simpson, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Darling & Thompson, Gt. Newport Street. Original impression. Size, 17 7-8 x 23 5-8. 129 The Corn Bin. After Geo. Morland. Engraved by I. R. Smith. Mezzotinto. Beau- tifully printed in colors. London, Published, May i, 1797, by I. R. Smith, King Street, Covent Garden. Original impression. Size, 17 1-2 x 21 7-8. 130 The Horse Feeder. After Geo. Morland. Engraved by L R. Smith. Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Published, May i, 1797, by I. R. Smith, King St., Covent Garden. Original impression. Size, 17 3-8 x 217-8, Companion to Lot 129. See Reduced Facsimile. 131 The Shepherd. After Geo. Morland. Engraved by W. Barnard. Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Published Sep. 12, 1801, by W. Barnard, No, I Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy Square. Original impression. Size, 22 7-8 x 19. See Reduced Facsimile. n2 Gipsies. After Geo. Morland. Engraved by W. Ward, Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Published April 9, 1792, by T. Simpson, St, Paul's Church Yard, and Darling & Thompson, Gt. Newport St. Original impression. Size, 17 1-2 X 22. 12 133 The Effects of Youthful Extravagance and Idleness. After Geo. Morland, En- graved by W. Ward. Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Pub- lished July 1, 1789, by T. Simpson, St. Paul's Church Yard, Original impression. Size, 20 1-2 X 16. See Reduced Facsimile, 134 The Stray'd Child. After J. Ward. Engraved by B. Pym. Mezzotinto. Beau- tifully printed in colors. London, Published May 20, 1798, by S. Morgan, 2i6 Holborn. Original impression, with margin. Size, 18 3-8x236-8. 135 The Stray'd Child Restored. After J. Ward. Engravedby J. Young. Mezzotinto. Beautifully printed in colors. London, Published May 20, 1798, by S. Morgan, 216 Holborn. Size, 18 1-4x23 3-4. 136 The Romps. Engraved by W. Ward. After W. R. Bigg. Mezzotinto. Beauti- fully printed in colors. Published May i, 1796, by W. R. Bigg, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Original impression, wide margin. Size, 18 1-8 x 23 6-8. 137 The Truants. Engraved by W. Ward. After W. R. Bigg. Mezzotinto. Beauti- fully printed in colors. Published May i, 1796, by W. R. Bigg, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Original impression, wide margin. Size, 18 x 23 7-8. Companion to Lot 136. 138 The Rocking Horse. Engraved by J. Ward. After J. Ward. Mezzotinto. Beau- tifully printed in colors. London, Published Feb'y 5, 1793, by T. Simpson, St. Paul's Church Yard. Original impression, wide margin. Size, 17 1-2x21 3-4. See Reduced Facsimile. 139 Innocent Revenge. After R. Westall. Engraved by C. Josi. Stipple. Printed in colors. Published the ist of May, 1796, by C. Josi. Original impression, full mar- gin. Size, 15 X 12. 140 Cries of London, The Orange Girl. Engraved by Wm. Nuter. After Singelton. Stipple. Printed in colors. Size, 14x11 7-8. 141 Cries of London, The Nosegay Girl, Engraved by W. Nuter. After Singelton. Stipple. Printed in colors. Size, 14X 11 7-8. 142 The Angel at the Sepulchre, Engraved by W. Nutter. After B. West. Stipple. Printed in colors. Published, Jan. i, 1825, at R. Ackermann's Reposit«ry of Arts, loi Strand, London. Framed and glazed. Size, 19 3-8 x 14 6-8. 143 Group of Children in the Open. Engraved by Thos. G. Appleton. Mezzotinto. Printed in colors. Artists proof , signed Size, 20 7-8 x 17 7-8. 144 The Fortune Teller. Eny:raved by S. Arlent Edwards. Mezzotinto. Printed in colors at 07ie printing, without retouching. Artists proof, signed. Size, 15 1-2x15 1-2. 145 Sophia Elizabeth, Reclining Portrait. Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards, Mezzo- tinto, Printed in colors at one printing, without retouching. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 10 3-4 x 16 3-4, 146 Elizabeth Countess of Grosvenor. After Sir Thos. Lawrence. By Sam'l Cousins. Mezzotinto. Colored reprint. Size, 9x7, 147 Lady Wallscourt. After Sir Thos, Lawrence. By H, Phillips. Mezzotinto. Colored reprint. Size, 8 1-4x6 1-2. 148 Lady Castlereagh. Etched by Eugene Lily. Cdored Artists proof, signed. Size, 13 1-2x9 1-2. 149 Miss Otway. Etched by Eugene Lily. Colored Artists proof, signed. Size, 12 1-2x8 f-2. r ' s > 150 Miss Penelope Boothby, " Innocence." After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzotinto Colored proof , Size, 93-8x7 7-8. 151 Jupiter and Semele. After Benj, West. Engraved by Thos, Cook, Line. Printed in colors. Published, London, July 18, 1782, Size, 15 1-4 x 20 1-2, Reduced facsimile of Lot 133 13 OLD AND MODERN ETCHERS. ALDEGREVER (HENRY) One of the " Little Masters." 1502-1562. Engraver. German. 152 Adam and Eve. 1529. Bartsch, p and 10. 2 pieces. BEHAM (HANS SEBALD) One of the " Little Masters." 1500 . Engraver. German. 153 Adam and Eve. 1543. Very fine and rare. Small. Bartsch, 6. DEBAINES (ALFRED LOUIS BRUNET) 1845. One of the most noted of modern French etchers. 154 On the Strand, London. Artist' s proof , signed. Size, 83-4x6 1-4. DURER (ALBRECHT) 1471-1528. Engraver and Etcher. (Founder of the German school.) 155 Idleness ; or. The Dream. Bartsch, 76. 156 The Cavalier and the Lady. Fine. Bartsch, p^. 157 The Prodigal Son. Very fine. Bartsch, 28.- See Reduced Facsimile. 158 The Angel Appearing to St. Joachim. ("Life of the Virgin " series.) Woodcut. Bartsch, 78. 159 The Warrior on Horseback Followed by a Halberdier. Woodcut, Bartsch, iji. FONCE (CAMILLE) Celebrated Etcher. 160 Canterbury Cathedral. Etched by Camille Fonce. Artist's remarque proof, signed, with portrait of Dean Farrar as remarque, with signature. Size, 18 x 26 3-4. GAILLARD (CLAUDE FERDINAND) 1789-1863. The Durer of the Nineteenth Century. 161 St. George and the Dragon. After Raphael, from the picture of the same size in the National Gallery. Choice artist's proof, on India paper, signed. Size, 12 x 10. Gaillard's last plate. GILBERT (ACHILLE) 1828 . Etcher. I'rench. 162 Sheep Cote. After Jacque. Etched by Achille Gilbert. Artists' remarque proof on parchment. Signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 25 1-2 x 20 3-4. DE GRAVESANDE (CHARLES STORM) 1841 . Etcher. Dutch. 163 Au bord du Gein pr6s d'Abconde. Artist's proof on vellnm paper, signed. Size, 10 1 3-16 X 17 14-16. Hammerton ij^ Of this beautiful etching, Hammerton says : " This is one of the most perfect etchings produced by the modern schools ; so perfect indeed, that if I were restricted to the possession of six madern etchings, this should be one of them. The material is nothing but a river shore, with a few trees and bushes, and a windmill. The sky and the water are both tranquil spaces of white paper, etc. This etching is indeed a model for three great qualities, whose union is rare indeed. It is both very tender and very strong, and at the same time very reserved in the best and wisest way." See Reduced Facsimile. 14 HADEN (FRANCIS SEYMOUR) iSiS Etcher. Engligh. 164 Sunset in Ireland, 1863. Etched by Seymour Haden. Superb artists proof, signed. Size, 5 1-2x8 1-2. In reference to this etching, Messrs. Frederick Kejiple & Co., say, " About the Haden ' Sunset in Ire- land,' we beg to assure you that it is a unique state, simply a trial taken before the plate was finished, or rather, before it reached the condition in which it was published. There were other trials taken, with more or less work, but they are described in Drake's Catalogue. This proof escaped Mr. Haden's notice when he was supplying information for that book." HUTH (F) Modern Etcher. 165 The Introduction. Etched by F. Huth. After Leghe Suthers. Artists proof on Japan paper, signed by both artists. Size, 12 1-4 x 16 1-4. JACQUET ( JULES) 1841 Etcher. French. 166 Cavalry Charge, Battle of Friedland, 1807. After Meissonier. Etched by Jules Jacquet. Artists' proof on Japan paper, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 18 I-2X 33. Very rare. LAW (DAVID) 1831 . Etcher. English. 167 Edinboro Castle. Etched by David Law. Artist's proof on Japan paper, signed. Size, 17 3-4 X 27 1-2. 168 The Golden Vale. Etched by David Law. After J. Clayton Adams, Artists' proof on Japan paper, signed by both artists. Size, 15 x 21. 169 The Meadow Pool. Etched by David Law and Chas. O'Murray. After J. Clayton Adams. Artists' proof on Japan paper, signed by both artists. Size, 16 1-4 x 26. CHAUVEL (THEOPHILE NARCISSE) 1831 Etcher. French. 170 " Banks of the Ivy O." Etched by Th. N. Chauvel. After B. W. Leader. Artists' proof, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 1 3 3-4 x 20 1-2. 171 "The Severn Stream," Etched by Th. N. Chauvel. After B. W. Leader. Artists proof, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 17 x 28. LE COUTEUX (LIONEL) 1847 . Etcher. French. 172 Sheep on the Pyrenees, After Rosa Bonheur. Etched by Lionel Le Couteux. Artists proof on parchment, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 17 i -4 x 26 3-4. 173 Lords of the Flock. After Rosa Bonheur. Etched by Lionel Le Couteux. Artists' proof on parchment, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 17 1-4 x 26 1-2. LEYDEN (LUCAS VAN) 1499-1533. Engraver. German. 174 The Dairymaid. Bartsch 158. 15 MARTIN (H) Celebrated Modern Etcher. 175 Summer Sea. Etched by H. Martin. After Wm. T. Richards. Ar^sts' rcmarque proof on parchment, signed bj both artists {on stretcher?) Size, 15 3-8x2; 6-,S. 176 The Storm. Etched by H. Martin. After Wm. T. Richards. Artists remarque proof on parchment, signed by both artists. Size, 15 1-4 x 26 3-4. MERCIER (G) Celebrated Modern Etcher. 177 A Sidewalk Dance. Etched by G. Mercier. After J. G. Brown. Artists remarque proof on parchment, signed by both artists. Size, 19 1-4 x 29. MURRAY (CHAS. O) 1843 • Etcher. 178 Street Scenes in Oxford. Etched by Chas. O. Murray. Artisfs remarque proof, on Japan paper, signed. Size, 15 1-2x22 1-2, OSTADE (ADRIAN VAN) 1610-1685. Etcher. Dutch. 179 Le Coup de Couteau. Etching. Fine impression, from the Schloesser Collection. Bartsch, 16, 180 Grace before Meat. 1653. Etching, bartsch, 34, i8i Rustic Tenderness. Etching. Fine impression. Bartsch, 11. PRATT (JOS. B) 182 Scotch Cattle at Rest. After Rosa Bonheur. Etched by Jos. B. Pratt. Artisfs proof, signed by both painter and etcher. Size, 23 1-2x31 1-2. REMBRANDT (PAUL VAN RYN) 1606-1675. Painter and Etcher. Dutch. (The Great Father of Etching.) 183 The 'Woman of Samaria, called " Aux Ruines." Fine. Bartsch, 71. 184 Rembrand and Saskia. Fine. Bartsch, 19. SCHLECHT (CHARLES) Modern Etcher. 185 A Word of Advice. Etched by Chas. Schlecht. After Ridgway Knight. Artisfs remarque proof on parchment, signed by both pamter and etcher. Size, 25 1-2 X 20 1-2, SCHMIDT (GEORGE FREDERICK) 1712-1775. Engraver and Etcher. German. 186 Jewish Bride. After and in the style of Rembrandt. Etching. Very fine. First state. Andresen, 68. Size, 9 3-16 x 7 3-16. 187 Father of the Jewish Bride. After and in the style of Rembrandt. Very fine. First state. Andresen, 67. Size, 8 lO-iSx 7. i6 SCHULTHEISS (ALBRECHT F) 1823 Engraver and Etcher. German. 188 Rembrandt and Saskia. After Rembrandt, Etching. Artists remarque proof, signed. Size, i/x 13 1-8. SLOCOMBE (FRED) Modern Etcher. 189 A Hunting Moon. Etched by Fred. Slocombe. Artist's remarque proof, signed. Size, 24 X 14 3-4. WALTNER (CHAS) 1847 , Etcher and Engraver. German. 190 Lady Camden. Three-quarter length, seated. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Etched by Chas. Waltner. Artist's proof on parchment, signed. Size, 19 1-8 x 14 1-2. WIERIX (JEROME) 1551-1619. Engraver. Dutch. 191 Les Armoiries ^ la Tete de Mort. After A. Durer. Brilliant impression. Bartsch (Durer) lOl A. Size, 8 1-2x6 1-4. WHISTLER (JAMES McNEILL) 1834. Etcher. American. 192 Becquet. Etched by James McNeil Whistler. W., 48. Size, 6 i-2x 7 3-8. 193 The Pool. Etched by James McNeil Whistler. Size, 8 1-2x5 1-2. Whistler may well be called the father of American etchers. FAIVREZ (CL) Modern Etcher. 194 The Game of Chess. Etched by CI. Faivrez. After F. Reybet. Artists' remarque proof , signed by painter and engraver. Size, 13 1-4x17 1-2. Framed and glazed. •7 ENGRAVINGS. APPLETON (THOS. G.) 195 Marcia. Mezzotinto. By Thos. G. Appleton. Artist's proof , signed. Size, 23x18. 196 Alone. Mezzotinto. By Thos. G. Appleton. After G. H. Boughton. Artists' proof, signed by both painter and engraver. Size, 22 1-4x13 1-4. Framed and glazed. AVRIL ( ) 197 Madonna of Silence. Engraved by Avril fils. After A. Carrache. Line. Size 14x171-4. BANKEL (JOHANNES) 1837. Engraver. German. 198 Castor and Pollux Carrying ofT Phcebe and Elaira, Daughter of Leucippus. Engraved by J. Bankel. After Peter Paul Rubens. India proof before all letters Size, 18 1-4 X 17. BARLOW (THOS. O) Engraver. English. 199 The Huguenot Lovers. Engraved by Thos. O. Barlow. After Millais. Mezzotinto. Artists' remarque proof , signed by both painter and etcher. Sire, 25 x 16 3-4. BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO) 1730-1813. Engraver. Italian. 200 Lady Macduff and Family Surprised and Murdered by the Order of Macbeth. Stipple. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. After Wm. Martin. Published 1804. Size, 17 3-8 X 23 5-8. 201 The Right Honble. Wm. Pitt. Three-quarter length, standing. Stipple. By F. Bartolozzi, 1790. After Gainsborough Dupont. Size, 17 1-4 x 13 3-8. Rare, BERVIC (CHAS. CLEMENT) 1756-1822. Engraver. French, 202 The Education of Achilles, Line. Engraved by C. C, Bervic. After J. B. Reg- nault. Choice proof before all letters. Size, 18 x 14 1-8. BURNET (J) Engraver. English. 203 The Letter of Introduction. Line. Engraved by J. Burnet. After D. Willcie. Open letter proof . Size, 14 3-8 x 12. COUSINS (SAMUEL) Engraver. English. 204 Cherry Ripe. Mezzotinto. By Samuel Cousins, After Millais. Artists' proof, signed by both painter aud engraver. Size, 20 1-4 x 13 7-8. 205 The Most Noble Richard Marquess Wellesley. Mezzotinto. By Samuel Cousins. After Sir Thos. Lawrence. Published 1842, Size, u 1-4x9 1-2. DESNOYERS (A. G. L. BOUCHER) 1779-1857. Engraver. French. (Ona of the most noted engravers of his time.) 206 La Vierge de la Maison D'Albe. Line. Engraved by Desnoyers. After Raphael. Choice copy. Second state. With monogram stamp of the engraver. Size, 17 3-4 X 14 3-16. 207 B61isaire. Line. Engraved by Desnoyers. After F. Gerard. Choice artists' proof ; signed' '' Epreuve de Choix B. Desnoyers" with steimp. Size, 19 3-8 x 15. One of the most sought-after engravings, and a magnificent copy. See Reduced Facsimile. DRESCHER (A) 208 A Village Stream. Line. Engraved by A. Drescher. After S. S. Carr. Artists" proof on India papzr, signed by both artists. Size, 8x15 5-8. DURAND (A. B.) Engraver and Painter. American. 209 Ariadne. Line. Engraved by A. B. Durand. After J. Vanderlyn. Artists proof, signed. Size, 14 1-4 x 18. EGINTON (J) Engraver. English. 210 The Affectionate Daughter. Stipple. Engraved by J. Eginton. After Wheatley. Size, 12 X 10. EVERY (GEO. H) Engraver. English. 211 Viola. Mezzotinto. By Geo. H. Every. After Sir F. Leighton. Size, 13 5-8 x 9 5-8. Framed and glazed. FABER (J) English. Engraver. 212 Miss Hoare, Daughter of the Artist. Mezzotinto. By J. Faber. After Wm. Hoare. Size, 10 1-2 x 8 3-4 FELSING (GEO. JACOB) 1802 . Enfiraver. German. 213 Sta: Cacilia. Line. Engraved by G. J. Falsing. After H. Hofmann. Open letter praof. Size, 13 1-8 x 10 1-4. Framed and glazed. 214 Holy Family. Line. Engraved by Geo. J. Felsing. Choice proof before letters on India paper. Size, 20 1-2 x 14 3-4. FORREST (WM.) Engraver. American. 215 The Heart of the Andes. Line. Engraved by Wm. Forrest. After F. E. Church India proof . Size, 13 1-2x25. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 157 19 FORSTER (FRANCOIS) '73° • Engraver. French. 2i6 La Vierge, au bas-relief. Line. Engraved by F. Forster. After Leonardo da Vinci. Choice proof before the inscription or address. With Forster's stamp. Impression No. loi. Size, 15 1-4x11 7-8. GELl&E (FRANCOIS ANTOINE) 1796-1860. Engraver, Frencli. 217 Daphne and Chloe. Line. Engraved by F. A. Gelee. After L. Hersent. Mag- nificent artists' proof, 1824.. First state. From the Louvre collection. Size, 17 7-8 X 13 .1-4. See Reduced Facsimile. GREENHEAU (H. G) Engraver. English. 218 Elizabeth, Lady Grosvenor. Mezzotinto. By H. G. Greenhead. Artist's proof' signed. Size, 22 3-4x15 7-8. HALL (H. B) Engraver. American. 2ig The Three (Scape) Graces. Stipple. Engraved by H. B. Hall. After J. G. Brown. Open letter proof , on India paper. Size, 21 3-4 x 19 3-4. Framed and glazed. HATCHE (LORENZO J) Engraver. American: 220 Fording the Stream. Line. Artisis proof , signed Size, 13 3-4 x 22 1-2. HESTER (E. GILBERT) Engraver. English. 221 Margarette. Mezzotinto. By E. Gilbert Hester, After Sir Thomas Lawrence. Artists' proof , signed, on India paper. Size, 22 3-4x17 3-4. HODGETTS (T) Engraver. English. 222 Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand. Mezzotinto. By T. Hodgetts. After A. Scheffer. Size, 143-4x11. KNOLLE (V) Engraver. German. 223 The Tribute Money. Line. Engraved by V. KnoUe. After Titan. Open letter proof on India paper. Size, 10 1-16x7 12-16. LANDSEER (THOS) Engraver. English. 224 The Horse Fair in Paris. Engraved by Thos. Landseer. After Rosa Bonheur. Defaced plate. Size, 20 x 42. 20 LEFEVRE (ACHILLE) Engraver. French. 225 ImmacuI6e Conception. Line. Engraved by Achille Lefevre. After Murillo. Choice open-letter proof ■ Size, 25 7-8 x 17 7-8. LEWIS (CHAS. G) Engraver. English. 226 Huntsman Taking Hounds to Cover. Engraved by Ciias. G. Lewis. After Rosa Bonheur. Artists proof on India paper, signed by the painter. Size, 19 3-4x24 7-8. MANDEL (JQHN AUGUST HOWARD) 1810-1884. Engraver. German. 227 La Madonna CoUe Stella. Line. Engraved by J. A. H. Mandel. After Carlo Dolci. Magnificent proof on India paper- Seecond state before the inscription or border. Size, 12 15-16 x 10 6-16. See Reduced Facsimile. 228 Charles I., of England. Three-quarter length. Line. Engraved by J. A. H. Mandel. After Van Dyck. Choice proof on India paper. Third state. Size, 14 1-2x11 1-4. 229 La Madonna di San Sisto. Engraved by J. A. H. Mandel. After Raphael. Choice open-letter proof on India paper. Framed and glazed. Size, 27 1-2 x 20 1-4. A beautiful reproduction of the world's masterpiece. MASSARD (JULES) Engraver. French. 230 Mme. Le Brun and Daughter. Line. Engraved by Jules Massard. After Vigee Le Brun. Artists remarque proof , signed. Size, 15 1-8 x ti 1-8. MASSARD (JEAN BAPTISTE RAPHAEL URBAIN) '77S • Engraver. French'. (One of the greatest engravers of the French school.) 231 Homer, the Blind Poet, Led by a Youth. Line. Engraved by J. B. R. U. Massard. After Gerard. Choice open-letter proof . Size, 19 3-8 x 15. A worthy companion to Desnoyers' great engraving of Belisarius, which is described under Lot 207 in this catalogue. ■ MASSON (ANTOINE) 1636-1700. Engraver. English. (One of the greatest masters of the French school.) 232 Guillaume de Brisasier, Secretary to the Queen. (The Gray-haired Man). Line. Engraved by A. Masson. Magnificent impression. Second state, with '• Bruier" and " Secretaire." Size, 13 3-8 x 10 1-4. Has never been surpassed, and, as Bryan says, is a model of lightness and precision. She Reduced Facsimile. MILLER (JNO. D) Engraver. English. 233 Invocation. Mezzotinto. By Jno. D. Miller. After Sir Frederick Leighton. Artists remarque proof, signed by both artists. Size, 21 1-2x13 >-4. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 207 21 MITCHELL (JAMES) Engraver. English. 234 Alfred in the Neatherd's Cottage. Line. Engraved by James Mitchell. After D. Wilkie, Open- letter proof. Size, 14 3-8x21 5-8. 235 Rat Hunters. Line. Engraved by James Mitchell. After D. Wilkie. Open-letter proof. Size, 9 5-S x 8. PIGEOT (FRANCOIS) 1717-1778. Engraver. French. ^Z%% Le M6nage HoUandais. Line. Engraved by Pigeot and Lacour. After Dow. Brilliant proof on India paper. Size, 22 5-8 x 18 3-8. MORINNI (GIUP :) Engraver. Italian. 236 Sibyl. Line. Engraved by Giup. Morinni. Artist's proof, signed. Size, 16 1-4 X 12 1-4. MORGHEN (RAPHAEL) 1758-1833. Engraver. Italian. 237 The Last Supper. "Amen dico vobis quia unus vestrum me traditurus est." Line. Engraved by Raphael Morghen. After Leonardo Davinci. Fine impression. Size, 17 X 35 1-2. Fine copy of one of his most famous engravings. NORDHEIM (JOHN GEORGE) 1804-1853. Engraver. German. 238 La Madonna di San Sisto. Line. Engraved by J. G. Nordheim. After Raphael. Magnificent proof before all letters, with stamp of E. Arnold, Dresden. Size, 26 3-8 X 19 5-8. See Reduced Facsimile. 239 The Same. Choice early impression. Framed and glazed. PELEE (P) Engraver. French. 240 Sainte C6cile. Line. Engraved by P. Pelee. After Raphael. Open-letter proof. Size, 12 1-2x8 1-4. Framed and glazed. PRATT (JOSEPH B) Engraver. English. 241 Lost Chord. Mezzotinto. By J. B. Pratt. After Frank Paton. Artists' proof, signed by both artists. Size, 131-2x161-2. 242 The Duel. Engraved by J. B. Pratt. After Rosa Bonheur, Artists proof, signed by both painter and engraver. Size, 22 1-4 x 33 i-3. 22 RAIMBACH (ABRAHAM) Engraver. English. 243 Blind-Man's Buff. Line. Engraved by A. Raimbach. After D. Wilkie. Published 1822. Fine impression. Size, 16 5-8 x 23 3-4. 244 Rent Day. Line. Engraved by A. Raimbach. After D. Wilkie. Open-letter proof. Size, 16 1-2 X 24. 245 The Parish Beadle. Line. Engraved by A, Raimbach. After D. Wilkie. Fine impression. Size, 15 x 22. 246 The Errand Boy. Line. Engraved by A. Raimbach. After D. Wilkie. Open- letter proof on India paper. Size, u 3-16 X IS 1-4. 247 The Cut Finger. Line. Engraved by A. Raimbach. After D. Wilkie. Open- letter proof . Size, II 1-4 X 14 1-4. REYNOLDS (S. W) Engraver. English. 248 Madame Vestris as Mrs. Page. Mezzotinto. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds. Size, 16 7-8 X 12 3-4. ROSSEAUX (E) Etcher and Engraver. French. 249 Marie Marquise de SevignS. Portrait. Line. Engraved by E. Rosseaux. After Nanteuil. Cheice India proof. Size, 12 3-4x9 3-4. SAY (WM) Engraver. English. 250 Her Royal Highness Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh. Full length, seated. Mezzotinto. By Wm. Say. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Size, 17 5-8 x 13 1-4. SHORT (FRANK) Engraver. English. 251 Hope. Mezzotinto. By Frank Short. After G. F. Watts. Artists' proof on Japan paper, signed by both artists. Size, 19 x 15. SIMMONS (W. H) Engraver. English. 252 The Monopolist. Engraved by W. H. Simmons. After R. W. Buss, India proof. Size, 123-4x18. SMITH (EDWARD) Engraver. English. 253 Guess My Name. Line. Engraved by Edward Smith. After D. Wilkie. Open- letter proof on India paper. Size, 15x11 7-8. STEWART (JAMES) Engraver. English. 254 The Pedlar. Line. Engraved by James Stewart. After D. Wilkie. Size, 14 3-4x12 1-4. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 217 23 STRANGE (SIR ROBERT) 1721-1792. Engraver. English. 255 Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, with her Children, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. Li7ie Engraved by Robert Strange. After Van Dyck. Superb proof before all letters. Size, 22 7-8 x 1 8. TOSCHI (PAOLO) 178S-1854. Engraver. Italian. 256 Madonna of the Palm. Line. Engraved by T. Toschi. After Correggio. Size, 23X 16. VISSCHER (CORNELIUS) 1610-1670. Engraver. Datch. 257 The Rat Catcher (Vender of Rat Poison). Line. Engraved by Cornelius Visscher. Fine impression. Fourth state. Size, 14 1-8 x 12 1-4. VISSCHER (LAMBERT) 1633-1690. Engraver. Dutch. 258 Jan and Cornelius de Witt, with Scene of Murder. (The portrait of Cornelius en- graved on plate in place of Town Hall.) Line. Engraved by Lambert Visscher, Brilliant impression. Size, 20 1-2 x 15. 259 The Laughing Boy with the Cat. Line. Engraved by Lambert Visscher. Brilliant impression. First state. Size, 77-16x5 14-16. WAGSTAFF (C. E) Engraver. English, 260 Canterbury Pilgrims at the Tabard, Southwark. Engraved by C. E. Wagstaff. After Edward Corbould. Op en- letter proof on India paper. Size, 22 1-2 x 31 3-4. WALKER (WM) Engraver. English. 261 Literary Party at Sir Joshua Reynolds'. Stipple. Engraved by Wm. Walker. After Jas. E. Doyle, Proof Size, 15 x22 1-4, WILLE (J NO. GEORGE) 1717-1808. Engraver. French. 262 Instruction Paternelle, better known as the Satin Gown. Line. Engraved by J. G. Wille. After Terbury. Size, 15x12 3-4. 263 La Divideuse (The Spinner), Mother of Gerard Dow. Line. Engraved by J. G. Wille. After G.Dow, Third state. Size, 13 3-8 x 10 3-4. 264 Spare the Weeds. Engraved by Arthur Tunell. After G. B. O'Neill. Artists' proof, signed by both artists. Size, 18 1-2 x 23 7-8. 26s The Smugglers' Intrusion. Line. Proof before all letters. Size, 105-8x8 7-8. 266 Always Tell the Truth. Stipple. Proof before all letters. Size, 24 1-4 x 19 1-4, 24 PHOTOGRAVURES. 267 Breaking Home Ties. After Thos. Hovenden, Proof on India pxper, signed by the artist. 268 Boswell's First Introduction to Dr, Johnson. After S. Lewin. Proof on India paper, signed by the artist- 269 United States Frigate '♦ Constitution." After Marshall Johnson. Remarque proof, signed by the artist. 270 The Coliseum. A Fete Day. After Alma Tadema. India proof, signed by the artist. 271 Roses. After Hubert Herkomer. Japan-paper proof, signed by the artist. 272 Summer Shower. After E. Blair Leighton. India proof , signed by the artist. iTi She Has Lost Her Way. After Ridgway Knight. India proof, signed by the artist. 274 A Dead Heat. After Arthur J, Elsley. India proof, signed by the artist. 275 The " Owner has no further use for him." After J. C. Dollman, India proof, signed by the artist. 276 Run of the Season. After Alfred Strutt. India proof, signed by the artist. 277 Roses. Love's Delight. After Alma Tadema. India proof, signed by the artist. 278 An Earthly Paradise. After Alma Tadema. India proof, signed by the artist. FRAMED WATER COLORS, ETC. 279 Roses. Water color. By E, Colin Campbell. 280 A Morning Walk. Water color. 281 Landscape. Water color. 282 Madonna with the Auburn Hair. Platinotype. 283 Female Head. Crayon drawing. 284 An Interrupted Courtship. Process print. 285 Pierre Perugin. Engraved by J. J. F. Tassaert. Stipple. 286 Caught in a Storm. Crayon drawing. By Walter Shirlair. Reduced Facsimile of Lot 232 2? COLORED ENGRAVINGS AND MEZZOTINTOS. 287 The Gamekeeper and The Fisherman. Stipple, printed in colors. Designed and engraved by T. Pierson. Size, 15 3-4 x 12 1-8. 2 pieces. 288 Shakspeare. King Henry the Eighth. (Abbey of Leicester, Woisey, Northumber- land, and Attendants, Abbot of Leicester, etc.) After R. Westall. Stipple. En- graved by Robt. Thew. In colors. Open-letter proof . Size, [7 3-8 x 23 3-8. 289 Cottagers in Winter. After Geo. Morland. Stipple. Engraved by Thos. William- son. In colors. Size, 17 1-2 x 22 1-2. Framea and giazed, 290 Favorite Chickens. (Saturday Morning — Going to Market) After W. R. Bigg. Stipple. Engraved by T. Burke. In colors. Size, 18 1-4 x 23 1-8. Framed and glazed. 291 Bonaparte dans L'lle Ste. H616ne. After Martinet. Aquatint, printed in colors. By Jazet. Size, 18 3-4 x 27. Framed and glazed. 292 Henry W. Betty. Full length, standing before a bust of Shakespeare. After James Northcote. Line. Engraved hy James Heath. In colors. Rare. Size, 22 1-2x16. Framed and glazed. 293 A Poultry Market. Painted and engraved by Wm. Ward. Mezzotinto. Scarce. Size, 18 X 24. 294 The Village Blacksmith (The Politicians). Engraved by Earloni. Mezzotinto, Choice proof before letters, with artist's name scratched in. Size, 21 3-4 x 17 7-8. 295 The Sportsman's Departure. Mezzotinto, cut close. Brilliant impression. Size, 16 3-4x21 1-2. 296 A Visit to the Grandfather. After I. K. Smith. Mezzotinto. By E. Dayes. Pub- lished, 1788. Rare. Size, 20 3-8 x 15 7-8. 297 Silenus. After Rubens. Mezzotinto. By C. H. Hodges. Published, 1789. Size, 17 3-8x23. 298 St. John the Baptiste. After Murillo. Mezzotinto. By Val. Green. Size, 18 1-8 x 14. 299 Lady Sitting in a Chair. After Rubens. Mezzotinto. By James Watson. Size, i6x 12. 300 The Hon'ble Frances Ingram. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzotinto, By L R. Smith. Published, 1781. -Rare. Size, 13 1-2 x 10 7-8. 301 Sir Thomas Chaloner. After Van Dyke. Mezzotinto. By Richard Earlom. Pub- lished, 1778. Size, 15 3-8x11 7-8. 302 Europe, Asia, Africa and America. A set of four brilliant mezzotintos. " A Augsbourg chez, I. I. Haid et fils." Engraved before Australia was discovered. Verjf rare. Size of each plate, 9x6 3-4. 4 pieces 303 Domestic Happiness. After Singleton. Stipple. Cut close. Size, 20 3-4 x 16 1-4, 304 The Languishing Fair. After J. B. Cipriani. Engraved in stipple \iy].Y^,'Sa.zx^\t\.. Printed in brown. Size, 9 3-16 x 7 3-16, Echo. After Head. Engraved in line hy Jo. Folo. Open-letter proof on India paper. Size, 13x9 1-4. 305 26 306 The Shepherd. Stipple, in brown. Oval. Cut close. Size, 6 3-4 x 9. 307 Girl Reading. Stipple. Cut close. Size, 8x7. 308 [Comus and Lady. By W. Nutter. — Hero Awaiting Leander. Hy C. Bertland. — The Fortitude of Margaret. By C. Tay lor. — Eleanora ; or, The Force of Affection. By W. Nutter. — and The Sybil'-s Request. By T. Rider. A set of five beautiful stipple engravings. Printed in brown. From the Temple of Taste. 309 Female. Stipple , in red. Engraved by H. Bryer. Proof before letters. Oval. Size, 83-4x6 3-4. ENGRAVINGS BY FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZl. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. 310 The Judgment of Paris. After Angelica Kauffman. Stipple. Rare. Oval. Size, 13 3-8 x 17 1-8. 311 The Prince of Wales Presenting the Captured King John. After J. F. Rigaud. F3ngraved in stipple by F. Bartolozzi. Printed in brown- Choice proof before letters. Rare. Size, 11 1-8x15. 312 Maria Cosway. After R. Cosway. Stipple. By F. Bartolozzi. Rare. Size, 8 3-4x5 1-2. 313 The Circumcision. Line. Folio. 314 Landscape. Line. Folio. 315 Painting. After Cipriani. Stipple, in red. 316 The Adultress Before Christ. After Carracci. Line. Folio. 317 Venus Bathing. Line. Folio. 318 Bacchanalian Dance. Stipple, in brown. 319 Testamento di Evdamida di Corinto. Engraved 1765. Line 320 The Infant Bacchus. Etching, in brown. 321 Mythological Subjects. Engraved by Bartolozzi. 322 Scriptural Subjects. Engraved by Bartolozzi and Zocchi. 323 Scriptural Subjects. Engraved by Bartolozzi. 324 Miscellaneous Subjects. " " 325 Miscellaneous Subjects. " " 326 Miscellaneous Subjects. " " Folio. Rare. 4 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 10 pieces 327 Peasants of the Vale of Langallen. After K. W. Bunbury. By J. Baldrey. Stipple. Circular. 2 pieces 328 Landscapes. Etched by T, Rowlandson. After Gainsborough. Printed in brown. 2 pieces 329 Polygamy, and a College Scene. Stipple. 2 pieces 27 330 A Visit to Dr. Johnson's, Stipple. 331 The Sportsmen Resting. Engraved by J. Cruikshank. Stipple. 332 The Playful Kitten. Stipple, in colors. 333 Miscellaneous Subjects. By Bunbury and others. 6 pieces 334 Heads. Stipple. 5 pieces 335 Lot of Engravings. 336 Une Partie de Plaiser. Photogravure. After Jules Denneulin. Frames and glazed. 337 Lord Palmerston Speaking in the House of Lords. Engraved by T, O. Barlaw. With key. Mezzotinto. Framed and glazed. 338 Landscape. Water color. Framed and glazed. 339 Princess Potoka. Photograph. Framed and glazed. 340 ^A^ater Colors ef three of the characters assumed by members of the Mask and Wig Club. Framed and glazed. 341 Landscape. Etching. By N. E. Angell. Artist's proof, signed. Framed and glazed. 342 Landscape. Etched by E. Field. Artist's remarque proof, signed. Framed and glazed. 343 English Scenes. A series of six small Etchings. By Wilfred Ball. All artist's proofs, signed. Framed and glazed. S. £. Cor. Tentb and Market Stg