REV. A. G. P. DODGE, JRo > ier 1884 TO 1898 CHRIST CHURCH FREDERICA, GEORGIA ‘\ St. James’ Parish St. Simon’s Island, Georgia A COMMEMORATION One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Anniversary June 29, 1910 SS tb Wa fpr 225 2) Z. Zo Cal’ aD 24 APS Program W PROCESSIONAL Hymn 521 “From the Night of Doubt and Sorrow’’ (Music by the Rector) CELEBRANT THE BisHOP OF GEORGIA ASSISTED BY Reverend Messrs F. A. Brown, G. S. Whitney, and R. E. Boykin Hymn 249 “‘O Sion Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling’’ SERMON BY THE BISHOP OF ATLANTA OFFERTORY RECESSIONAL HyMNn 490 ““Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken’’ Recess LUNCHEON Open-Air Meeting Under the Oaks BISHOP REESE, PRESIDING HISTORY OF THE PARISH By THE RECTOR 4 SHORT ADDRESSES HyMn 672 ‘‘Blest Be the Tie that Binds’’ Choir of St. Mark’s Church, Brunswick, Ga. MAJ. R. E. DART, ORGANIST Respectfully Dedicated to Mrs. Rebecca W. Dodge Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Duke University Libraries Committees Cransportation MR. C. F. STEVENS MR. LEO ARNOLD MR. CALVERT STEUART MR. REGINALD TAYLOR Church Bard MR. C. W. TAYLOR MR. JOHN POSTELL MR. JAMES SHADMAN MR. ELLIOTT STEVENS MR. ARTHUR TAYLOR Reception MRS. J. A. MACINTIRE MRS. A. D. DODGE MISS JULIA GOULD MRS. DONALD McCASKILL MISS ANGELA STEUART MRS. LEO ARNOLD MISS EDNA TAYLOR MR. W. C. TAYLOR MISS DOROTHY STEVENS MR. J. D. GOULD MRS. WM. POSTELL MR. C. G. STEVENS MRS. J. L. STEVENS MR. W. H. SHADMAN Entertainment MR. JOHN L. STEVENS MR. DOUGLASS TAYLOR MRS. I. C. REDIO MR. POTTER GOULD MRS. C. POSTELL MR. CLAUDE CRIDER MISS V. REINHARDT MRS. W. ARNOLD MISS JESSIE STEUART MRS. J. CURRIE MISS MAUDE TAYLOR MISS MARY GOULD MR. DON McCASKILL MISS VIRGINIA CURRIF MISS DEBORAH STEUART MRS. J. POSTELL MRS. J. D. GOULD MR. ARCHIBALD TAYLOR Ushers MR. CLIFFORD POSTELL MR. W. W. ARNOLD Corresponding Secretary MRS. W. H. SHADMAN St. Simon’s Mills, Ga. Oryanization Parish Rector REV. D. WATSON WINN Senior Warden Junior Warden MR. WM. C. TAYLOR MR. JAMES D. GOULD Vestry MR. C. G. STEVENS MR. W. H. SHADMAN MR. J. L. STEVENS MR. C. W. TAYLOR MR. C. F. STEVENS Secretary Treasurer MR. JAMES D. GOULD MR. W. H. SHADMAN Lavy-Reader MR. HORACE A. GOULD Delegates to Diocesan Convention MR. H. A. GOULD MR. C. F. STEVENS MR. R. GOULD Organists MRS. D. WATSON WINN MISS MADA McDONALD wv Sundav-Schoal Superintendent MR. CHARLES W. TAYLOR Teachers MRS. A. D. DODGE MISS MADA MeDONALD MISS EDNA G. TAYLOR MISS MAUDE E. TAYLOR Treasurer MRS A. D. DODGE Woman's Auxiliary (Missionary Bee-Hive Society) President Vice-Presideut MRS. JAMES D. GOULD MRS. W. H. SHADMAN Secretary Treasurer MRS. D. WATSON WINN MRS. C. G. STEVENS W Church-Vard Association President Vice-President MRS W. C. TAYLOR MRS. ANGELA STEUART Secretary Creasurer MRS. JOHN POSTELL MRS. JOHN L. STEVENS Ww Junior Auxiliary President MISS JULIA GOULD Secretarp Creasurer PAYSON MIDDLETON VIRGINIA CURRIE Colored Work Rector’s Assistant REV. G. R. JACKSON Mission Vestry MR. P. C. JOSEPH MR. RICHARD FLOYD MR. ANSELM MERCHANT MR. JOHN LEE Secretary and Creasurer MR. PETER C. JOSEPH Organist MRS. WILLIAM LIFE Sundap-School Superintendent REV. G. R. JACKSON Teachers MRS. WM. LIFE MISS LULA LIFE Aid Society Secretary President Treasurer MRS. J. ARMSTRONG MRS. WM. LIFE MRS. LAVINIA SELLERS St. James’ Parish St. Simons Island, Ga. ai Christ Church Hrederica Services began February 15, 1736 Chapel built in 1738 Parish Bounds Established March 15, 1758 Parish Incorporated by Act of Legislature, December 22, 1808 Church built in 1820; Consecrated January 15, 1843 Parish Reorganized February 26, 1879 Church Rebuilt in 1884; Consecrated January 6, 1886 St. James’ Church Bamilton Donated in 1886; Consecrated January 18, 1887 Colored St. Ionatius’ Jewtown Consecrated January 26, 1893 St. Perpetua Cross Roads Built in 1885 Foreword These notes are put together in the effort to preserve, ‘in some more permanent form, the rcords of this, the /second oldest parish in the Diocese or State. As to the earlier part, little attempt has been made to enlarge on the material already in hand; that being deemed sufficient, in the main, to give a connected, if brief, view of the work done in this place. Some new material has, how- | ever, been secured, and woven into the narrative in places | where its existence indicated the need of a fuller statement. The records referred to were found in the archives of | the Diocese, and in the register of the parish, Vol. II. The modesty of the late rector left the period covered by his incumbency (1879 to 1898) so meager in detail that it has been necessary to fill in very largely in order to get any idea of the things accomplished during that eventful epoch. This has been a grateful duty to the writer, specially that he was, from 1884 to 1898, closely associated with the late rector in his parochial and missionary work, more so during much of that time than any other Priest. This narrative contains little, for the most part, to inter- est the general public; but the Island was the seat of much of the culture and refinement, as well as of large agricul- tural factivities, of the post-Revolution period, and the interest of these earlier inhabitants centered in the little church nestling here among the trees; and as the descendants of these people still figure in the Church work of the Diocese it was felt that this anniversary would do some good in recounting the things done of old, and in giving an oppor- tunity for reunion between those whose homes were once here, and us who remain. But there was a better motive back of these, which was deemed a sufficient apology for it all; and that was to seek to recall to the new workers in this old Diocese of Georgia the benefits of which they have been, and will continue to be, the recipients, through the consecration and generosity of the late rector of this parish, the Reverend Anson Green Phelps Dodge; Jr., S. T. B. THE RECTOR History Christ Church, Frederica, Ga. The history of the Church on St. Simon’s Island is, in its earliest period, closely interwoven with that of the colony itself; for from the very beginning of the settlement of Georgia the services of the Church were maintained among the colonists by public authority as one of the chief agencies for the common welfare. As to the utility of these services at that time, Oglethorpe says: “The change in the people since the arrival of the mission is very visible, with respect to the increased industry, love, and charity.” It should be kept in mind that this Church was, at the first, a part of the missionary work of Christ Church, Savannah, and was served, when there was no clergyman- in-charge, by rectors from that parish. Parish bounds were, indeed, established as early as 1758, but it was a full fifty years later before the parish was really incorporated. Hence it is, and contrary to the general opinion, that the first five ministers of this Church were missionaries, appointed by either the Bishop of London, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, or the Colonial Trustee in whom the appointment vested. There were five such missionaries, afterwards nine rectors, making a total of fourteen officially placed clergymen to date. The narrative therefore easily resolves itself into three periods: The Mission; The Parish Organized; The Parish Reorganized. * *K * Hivet Period The Mission I Ret. Charles Wesley, 1736 The first foundation of the town of Frederica, the very name of which is now little more than a memory, was laid by General Oglethorpe on the fifteenth day of February, 15 1736, and our Church life dates from the same day, when all of the colonists joined in Evening Prayer. The first clergyman was the Rev. Charles Wesley, a devoted Priest of the Church of England, who came with Oglethorpe as his private chaplain and secretary, but who, as chaplain, took full charge of the mission work of the place and garrison. He at once began the daily services, and a noonday prayer-meeting, which all alike, whether military or civilian, were compelled to attend, being sum- moned thereto by the drums of the soldiers. Almost the first building within the walls was one intended in part as a chapel—its site is now covered by the waters of the Frederica River. This building was of “tappy,” or tabby as it is now called, a combination of lime, sand, and oyster shells, mixed with water, and laid while thus plastic, in courses about a foot deep, between boards, the boards being removed as soon as the tabby was hard enough to begin another course. This combination storehouse and chapel was 12 x 20 feet; the cellar and lower floor being used as storerooms, and the upper for a chapel. As long as the soldiers were stationed at Frederica, the chaplain of the regiment or other minister officiated in this building, and the services of the Church were kept up with regularity. For a time all things seemed to move smoothly for the young Priest, Mr. Wesley, but his vigorous shevherding led at length to a rebellion on the part of the flock. False charges were brought against the chanlain, and the General, who at first believed them, made his life a burden. The proof of Mr. Wesley’s entire innocence led, at length, to a reconciliation between the General and himself; but we cannot wonder that, lying desperately ill on the bare ground, and almost uncared for, the glamor of colonial life for him faded away. He concluded that his work was over, and in July of the same year he sailed for England, never to return. K * * Rev. John Wesley During the following sixteen months, the Island was given services occasionally by the still more devoted John Wesley, rector of Christ Church, Savannah, from which place he made his way on foot, trusting for the crossing of the larger rivers to the passing canoes of the friendly Indians. The fact of these visits to Frederica has been 16 questioned, but the writer has seen Wesley’s own diary, in which he tells how he fell into the water from a small boat while embarking from Frederica; and the leaves of the diary showed the marks of the water. II Rev. Geo. Whitfield 1737 to 1738 Upon his departure, the Rev. George Whitfield, having been appointed by the Bishop of London to officiate as Deacon at Savannah and Frederica, sailed for Georgia, passing Wesley’s vessel in the Downs. Whitfield served the Churches to which he had been appointed very carelessly, his mind being intent on other objects. III Rev. Wiltiam Norris 1740 to 1741 In 1739, the Rev. William Norris was appointed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts as missionary in Georgia, and during 1740 and 1741 was posted at Frederica. His character, we read, was very doubtful, his work seeming to have been productive of more harm than good. IV Rev. Samuel Bosomworth 1743 to 1745 In 1743, the Rev. William Barton, as Trustee for the Colony, placed the Rev. Mr. Bosomworth in charge at Frederica. This man had come out with Oglethorpe, as an adventurer and trader with the Indians, a woman of which race he later on married. She was a halfbreed, and had been Oglethorpe’s interpreter with the Indians. He took Orders in the Church, but was a sad disgrace to them; for 17 he and his wife were constantly stirring up strife between the colonists and the Indians, and for ‘the basest personal ends. While at Frederica on one occasion, Bosomworth and his wife induced certain Indians there, who claimed to be chiefs, or representative warriors from the nearby towns and tribes, to proclaim one of their number emperor. This proclamation having been duly signed and witnessed, they persuaded the so- -called emperor to deed to them the islands of St. Catharine, Ossabaw, and Sapelo. Later, Bosomworth got the Indians to proclaim his wife queen of all of the nearby tribes, and then, in order to make good their claim to the said islands, marched on Savannah, where there would have been much bloodshed, and very possibly the destruction of the colony, but for the wisdom and firmness of those in authority there. As it was, this pair cost the colony more than £10,000 before they were satisfied. The islands of Sapelo and Ossabaw being sold by the crown to cover expenses, and St. Catharine being given to the Bosom- worths. In 1745, he was suspended from the ministry, much to the relief of a long-suffering community. V Rev. Bartholomew Zoaberbubler 1746 to 1766 The following year, the Rev. Mr. Zoaberbuhler received charge, for a time, of the whole province. Landing at Frederica, he labored faithfully, not only here, but at Savannah and Augusta. He was the exact opposite of his predecessor, a man full of zeal and of earnest faith, with mature judgment and great discretion, counting his own life as nothing in the service of his Master. For twenty years he traveled the whole length of the colony, serving the Church to the glory of God and the satisfaction of his people. It was during this rectorship that the parish bounds were established, as follows: “The town and district of Frederica, with the islands of Great and Little St. Simon’s, and the adjacent islands, shall be and forever continue a parish, by the name of St. James’.” (Mar. & Craw. Dig., Vol. I, p. 149). Mr. Zoaberbuhler died in 1766, lamented by men of every name and race. 18 | 4 ; . ; fw) P ia THE SECOND CHURCH AT FREDERICA Second Period Che Parish Organized, 1808 In 1790, the various small landholders left the Island for new homes on the mainland, and were succeeded, after some years, by about a dozen well-to-do indigo planters. It was not long, however, before these planters abandoned the cultivation of indigo for the newly introduced cotton plamt, which promised better returns for their labor; and in a short while there were twelve large plantations on the Island, the owners being mostly Church people. After their plans for the cultivation of cotton had been perfected, and feeling the need of having religious services established among them, these planters, with the other people of the Island in sympathy with them, created them- selves a parish by the election of wardens and vestrymen; and in commemoration of the aid received from the mother Church, in Savannah, called themselves the “Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Frederica.” Under this title, they petitioned the Legislature for a grant of land on which to build a church, and which was, by its rental, to assist in the Church’s support. In response to this appeal, the Legislature, on December 22, 1808, duly incorporated the parish, and granted to the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Frederica, and their successors in office, all that land around the town of Frederica, called the “Garden Lots,” comprising 100 acres, with three lots within the town. This land was rented to planters, and the pro- ceeds paid aside for the erection of a new church; services meanwhile being held in a tabby building back of what is now (1910) the Anson Dodge Home for Orphan Boys, and later in a building near the Cross Roads, one mile east of the church. In this Act, William Page and Robert Grant were named as wardens, and Joseph Turner, John Couper, James Hamilton, Ramon Demere, Jr., and George Abbott as vestrymen. Ze VI (1) Rev. Ar. Best 1800 (?) to 1810 The wardens and vestry called to the Church the Rev. Dr. Best, from the old country; and he was the first to occupy the position of rector, though he was the sixth minister at Frederica. Dr. Best remained till 1810, when he resigned, seeing no prospects of the church being built; for the wardens and vestry were depending for that purpose on the proceeds of the “glebe lands” acquired from the State. “It was not till 1820,” to quote Dr. J. Holmes, “that the building was erected; in fact, not until a sufficient sum had been realized from the lease of the land.” eer VII (2) Rev. Hdd Matthews, 9. B. 1810 to 1827 In 1810, the Rev. Edmund Matthews, D. D., was called to the parish, and served faithfully for fifteen years. Until the church was built in 1820, he officiated, as his predeces- sors had done, in improvised places of worship. He made the address at the laying of the cornerstone of the new church, and preached the first sermon from its pulpit. He was an excellent reader, and till relieved by an organ, led in the singing. Dr. Matthews was one of the three clergymen com- posing the primary convention of the Diocese, in 1823, the others being the rectors of Christ Church, Savannah, the first established, and St. Paul’s, Augusta, the third, this Church being the second. It was in 1820 that, the funds from the “glebe lands” having accumulated sufficiently, the church was built, and in it the congregation worshiped till the breaking out of the Civil War, when the men available for service enlisted. Dr. Matthews lies buried under a marble slab, sup- ported on five pillars, near the southeast corner of the present church (1910), and the slab is said to point directly towards the place of the old altar. : 22 That altar is still in practical use, the “mensa” of the old “communion table” being let into that of the new altar while its legs support the ‘credence table.” or shelf on which the elements are laid before being “placed” on the altar. - During the year 1826, the parish received some minis- trations from the Rev. T. C. Elliott, of South Carolina. VIII (3) Rev. T. S. W. Motte 1828 to 1830 In 1828, the Rev. Mr. Motte, of Maine, took charge of the parish, finding only two or three communicants; but he admitted a dozen more during the next two years, at the end of which time he resigned. : During his rectorship, the “glebe lands” were re-sur- veyed, and found to be of quite large extent, being rented for $250.00 a year. (4) - Rev. T. B. Bartow 1830 to 1840 In 1830, Bisho> Bowen, of South Carolina, ordained Mr. Bartow to the diaconate, and placed him at Frederica as rector. In 1831, the convention of the Diocese met for the first time in this church; the delegates from the Island being W. W. Hazard, Esq., Thos. B. King, Esq., and Dr. Thos. F. Hazard. In 1832, new books were presented to the parish, and in one of these, in Mr. Bartow’s own hand, we have a list of the communicants then resident on the Island: 11 Church people, and 3 Presbyterians (Reg., Vol. II, p. 276). In 1836, there was held in this parish a Centennial of its Church life. At this meeting, there were interesting ceremonies, and an address by Mr. Thomas Spalding. In 1837, the convention of the Diocese met for the second time in this church; the delegates at this time being 23 Rife (RUE SINS WISIN Te eliteiar i FIRST BISHOP OF GEORGIA Messrs. W. W. Hazard, James Gould, and John Fraser. There were at this time as many as 13 communicants in the parish, from 14 white families, aggregating 100 persons; while the colored population amounted to about 2,000. In 1840, an addition was made to the church, to accom- modate the large number of colored people who wished to worship there; and there was presented to the Church also a new organ, and set of Communion plate. This plate was unfortunately lost to the Church, by theft from the residence of Mr. William A. Couper, while he was a refugee on the mainland, during the Civil war. The service in use today, or most of it, is that formerly belonging to St. David’s, just opposite this place, on the main, in Glynn County; for these two parishes were united under one pastor at the time of the Civil War. It has been newly replated, as a gift from Bishop Reese, and is again restored to the service of the Church. It was about this time that the “Missionary Bee-Hive Society,’ of which we have record later on, was organized in emulation of a prior community in the church steeple, which did good service for the parish, as its namesake did afterwards. The account of this community is as follows: The church was in need of repairs, and the few Church people were unable to furnish the necessary funds. A gen- tleman passing the church one morning saw the steeple surrounded with bees, and being anxious to explain this rewly-found hive, as nearly all of the bees from the sur- rounding places had forsaken their habitations, he made an examination, and found the steeple filled with honey; and later enough of it was sold to make the necessary repairs, and to add a vestry-room. Some ten years ago, a school- mate of the rector sent him this story in verse, written by his father, while a tutor on the Island, and afterwards the first missionary of our Church to go to Africa—the Rev. Dr. Savage. On March 13, 1841, Bishop Elliott made his first visita- tion to this parish, continuing the services through the five days following. The Bishop says, “I found the church edifice in very excellent repair, and the grounds about in that order which indicates an interest in its welfare.” In September, 1851, Mr. Bartow resigned, to become a chaplain in the United States Navy. 25 on ~— Rev. Edward T. Walker 1842 to 1844 The next year, the Rev. Mr. Walker was elected rector. “Within the year, the glebe lands attached to the church have been sold, the proceeds invested, and the interest applied to the minister of the Church.” Thus a quotation from the Journal of 1842, and evidently refers to a partial sale of the lands in question, as there was a sale of “glebe lands” in 1848. On January 15, 1843, the second Sunday after the Epiphany, Bishop Elliott consecrated the church, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Vaughn, of Pennsylvania, Rev. F. J. Good- win, of Long Island, the rectors of Christ Church, Savannah, and of this church. During this visitation, the Bishop baptized 35 persons, most of them colored, 5 by immersion in the river at Fred- erica, and confirmed 28, mostly colored; bringing the number of communicants up to 41. This upbuilding was due to the earnest work of the Rev. Mr. Walker, “who,” we read, ‘baptized great numbers of the colored people,” and who, Dr. Holmes says, “succeeded in re-assembling the Church people of the Island; but from feeble health was obliged to retire, having been in charge only two years.” The Journal of the Diocese for the same years shows a still more reliable evidence of the spiritual vitality of the parish; the handful of Church people raising for home and foreign missions the sum of $60.00, the colored people even adding to that amount, while the above mentioned Mis- sionary Bee-Hive Society raised $140.00 on its own account, and had the church repainted. The Bishop says of the parish at this time: “I found the church much improved, the external appearance spoke well for the people, and the increased interest in spiritual things for the rector.” The Bishop was, however, far from being satisfied with his own work among the Colored people; and Dr. Holmes quaintly remarks about it: “The Colored people of the Island were all Baptists, and our beloved Bishop always collected them together on the Sunday afternoons of his visitations, and preached to them, and taught them under- standingly and kindly, and they venerated him for his 26 goodness towards them; but he utterly failed to convince them that his Baptism, even by immersion, was valid. On one occasion, the rector presented him with a class of 40 for Confirmation, and they were delighted with the laying on of his gentle hands, and his fatherly benediction—but a found they were ‘joined to their idols,’ and he let them alone.’ XI (6) Rev. Edmund PY. Brown 1844 to 1868 In 1844, the Rev. Mr. Brown took charge of the parish, in conjunction with St. David’s, in Glynn County ; and the year following, he was advanced to the priesthood, by Bishop Elliott, in Christ Church, Savannah. Mr. Brown continued to labor faithfully till the begin- ning of the Civil War, when all Church life on the Island seems to have been suspended; but after the war Mfr. Brown tried to re-establish the active work of the parish, though in the end he had to give it up, leaving the Island for good about 1868. He reported 54 communicants, two-thirds of them Colored. Mr. Dodge records that during this rectorship the “glebe lands’ were sold. This was evidently a second sale, as there had been a sale of these, or a part of these, lands in 1842, as stated in the Journal of that year. This is corroborated by Dr. J. Holmes, who places the sale in 1848. He says “It may be well to mention that the land upon which the old church (1820) stands, with the cemetery, was reserved, also three acres in the town of Frederica, when the remainder of the glebe lands were sold . . . in 1848, long after the first lease had expired, and the church had been vacant for many years; and the proceeds, $1,000.00, invested in one of the Savannah Banks, and lay buried in the common ruin of the war.” There was also reserved a strip of land, twenty yards wide, for a distance of 500 yards along the road from Frederica beyond the Savannah, for the purpose of sup- plying wood for the rector. The following is Mr. Dodge’s statement of the condition of things after the close of the war: 27 “The war made many changes in the population of the Island. Within two years after the close of the war, but four or five white families, formerly resident here, returned. The places of those thus leaving have been filled but slowly. The Church building was occupied by the Federal troops during the war, ‘and to a great extent destroyed. The altar’ was used, apparently, for a meat block, and was broken in pieces, the pews burned, and the windows broken out. This last act of wanton destruction was the seat of decay of the whole structure. “The endowment of the parish was lost by the failure of the Savannah Bank, and the people were too poor to rebuild their own church, or to support their own Priest; so that the work seemed ruined. Mr. Brown did, indeed, endeavor to renew it after the war, holding at the same time the parishes of Brunswick and St. David's; but in 1868 he abandoned the struggle, and left all three points vacant. “As before, in 1/66, so now, a century later, the Island depended for occasional services upon the kindness of oth- ers, and many of the clergy gave their help willingly. Among others, should be named Rey. Messrs. Coley, Pinker- ton, Boone, and Lucas, of Brunswick, and Rev. Samuel Benedict, D. D., of Savannah. But great as was the blessing of the services to those fixed in the Faith, we cannot wonder that many of the colored people were led astray therefrom, and fell away to the Baptist body ; to which most of their fellow- Negroes belonged. So general was this defection, that but one of the “communicants of that race remained. In 1879, there were on the Island some twenty white communicants, and the then Bishop of Georgia, Rt. Rev. J. W. Beckwith, D. D., appointed Messrs. Horace A. Gould and A. G. P. Dodge, Jr., lay readers. Services were kept up by them, and the legal life of the parish maintained by the election of new wardens and vestry on the call of the surviving members of the vestry of 1866.” This statement of Mr. Dodge, in the paragraph above, is a modest one, and gives to him who merely reads the account no idea of the fact that to him alone was due the resurrection of this wellnigh dead and buried parish—but of this, later. It is with pleasure that the writer can add a few lines to show that the spirit of devotion was still alive in a few earnest Churchmen. Immediately after the close of the war, and on his return to the Island, Church services were resumed by the last member of the old vestry still resident here, Mr. Horace Bunch Gould. He read Evening Prayer 28 every Sunday in his own home, various other persons nearby also attending. This he kept up till 1875, when he surrendered this privilege to his son, Horace Abbott Gould, who continued to act as voluntary lay reader till he was duly licensed to serve officially some four years later. Mr. H. A. Gould changed the place of holding the service to the old church, and, in default of a better vehicle, making the trip in an ox-cart with the family, and having the service in the afternoon with such as would attend. This service Mr. Gould continued till about 1889, when he removed from the Island; but he is again, and has been for years past, the lay reader of the parish, assisting the rector, when necessary, on his occasional visits to the Island. The surviving members of the vestry of 1866, referred to above, were Messrs. William A. Couper and Horace B. Gould, the latter only being in residence, and it was on the call of these two that the continuity of parochial life was assured by the election of a new corporate body for the parish, in 1879. 29 Chird Period Parish Reorganized, 1874 It was to A. G. P. Dodge, Jr., before he took Holy Orders, that the parish owes so much, apart entirely from the earnest spiritual work in which he was engaged here from 1884, when he, as a Deacon, took charge, to 1898, when he, as Rector, laid down his life in her service. He came in 1879 on a visit to the Island; he remained to give fortune and life to the re-establishment of the Church here. He found it a dying remnant of a parish; he made it, from the missionary standpoint, the most important in the Diocese, for it became, by the gift of the greater part of the fortune of himself, and of his late wife, the center of the new missionary effort then initiated, which from two diocesan mission stations, begun in 1883 (the writer being the first Priest-in-charge), can now show 32 stations, 39 of these being the direct outcome of the money referred to above, sometimes called the “Dodge” fund, but technically known as the “Georgia Missions” fund. Mr. Dodge was a man of remarkable personality, oppo- site attributes, and many attainments. He seemed to absorb knowledge without apparent study. A man of an unusually wide range of reading, he could give as soon as called for, accurate information on a variety of subjects, with which one would little expect to find a man of his years con- versant. At the time he consecrated himself to the Church, he had seen the world from the standpoint of a wealthy man’s son, and knew well the renunciation he made when he gave his life to the Church in Georgia. That life beautifully illustrated the spirit of devotion that possessed him. Bishop Reckwith once said of Mr. Dodge, while yet a very young Priest, that in him was the making of a grand man, and this expectation was being realized vear by year, when death overtook hm, for to glorify God in the service of his fellow- man became the passion of Mr. Dodve’s life. The writer has seen. somewhere, a verse that aptly states his concep- tion of Mr. Dodge’s ideals and work. Without being sure of the meter, the words are as follows: 31 “Three roots bear up Dominion, Knowledge, Will; these two are strong, But stronger still the third, Obedience: ’*Tis the great tap-root. that knit round the rock of Duty Is not stirred, though storm and tempest Spend their utmost skill.” It was this sense of his duty, as God’s man, which led his will to that complete obedience which was exemplified in the consecration of fortune, talents, and life to the service of God, all used to lead men, through the Church’s instru- mentalities, to a closer union with God, that He thereby might have the Dominion. BE SK" LAE XII (7) Rev. Henry E. Lucas 1882 to 1884. In 1882, Rev. H. E. Lucas, rector of Si) Masks Brunswick, became Priest-in-charge, till the rector-desig- nate, Mr. Dodge, could complete his Theological studies, and receive Ordination. Mr. Lucas served the flock with such regularity and such constant love that he is regarded by many of the older communicants as their spiritual father, says Mr. Dodge. Under him, Mr. J. C. Chapman became the lay reader, and the services were for a time held under the old oaks, beside the ruined sanctuary, the supposed preaching place of John Wesley. “In January, the new church was commenced upon the site of the older one, Mr. Chapman being its architect. It was erected, and endowed, in part by the late Ellen Ada P. Dodge, and in part by her husband, the present rector (1885), as her memorial.” It is in these few words that Mr. Dodge tells of the gift of this beautiful building, and of the generous endow- ment for the preservation of the parish. 32 XIII (8) Rev. A. G. BP. Dodge, Jr., S. T. B. 1884 to 1898 On June 11, 1884, Mr. Dodge became rector, having been duly elected as such, and ordained Deacon to that end by Bishop Beckwith, in May of the same year. December 6, 1885, at an election held pursuant to a call of the vestry of 1879, and of the sole survivor of that of 1866, and in accordance with the Act of 1808, Mallory P. King and Horace A. Gould were elected wardens, and W.C. Taylor, W. H. Gowan, W. A. Fuller, J. D, Gould, and H. Bagot vestrymen for the ensuing year. On January 11, 1885, the rector was made Priest in St. Mark’s Church, Brunswick, by Bishop Beckwith, and on the Feast of the Epiphany of the next year the church was consecrated. The following account is from the Church Press of that time: “A specially interesting service was held on St. Simon’s Island, Ga., on the Feast of the Eviphany. The Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Rev. J. W. Beckwith, D. D., Revs. Thomas Boone, H. E. Lucas, Byron Holly, W. A. W. Maybin, H. B. Stuart-Martin, D. Watson Winn, and the rector of the parish, Rev. A. G. P. Dodge, Jr., met in the vestry-room of Christ Church, Frederica, whence, after robing, they marched in procession to the main entrance, where they were received by the wardens and vestry. Entering the church in due order, the service of consecration was begun by the antiphonal rendering of the appointed Psalm. At the proper place, Morning Prayer was read by Revs. H. E. Lucas and Byron Holly, Rev. Mr. Maybin reading the lessons. The Bishop was assisted in the Communion Office by the Rev. D. W. Winn, who read the Epistle, the rector reading the Gospel. Rev. Thomas Boone, Dean of the Convocation of Savannah, preached the sermon. The post- Communion was read by the Rev. H. B. Stuart-Martin, the Bishop pronouncing the benediction. The church edifice consecrated on this occasion is a perfect little gem; situated in a grove of venerable and majestic live oaks, and sur- rounded by God’s acre, in which rest the remains of ances- tors of many of those present at the service. Under the wide-spreading branches of one of these monarchs of the woods, in the old Colonial Days. the famous brothers, John and Charles Wesley, stood and preached to the new settlers. 33 RT. REV. JOHN W. BECKWITH, D. D. SECOND BISHOP OF GEORGIA Bitterly cold as the day was (before the memorable freeze of that year), the church was crowded with worship- ers, among whom were several who were present at the consecration, forty-three years before, of the former edifice, which was removed that the present building might be erected upon the former site, and upon the old cornerstone. From Brunswick and Darien, in chartered steamers, came numerous friends, and all felt that it was good to be there. The solemn services and the happy occasion will long be remembered by all; and never will it be forgotten by the rector of the parish, to whose devotion, zeal, and unflagging efforts this island parish, and the Diocese are indebted, under God, to the achievement of so happy a consummation—Laus Deo.” The building referred to, charmingly placed among oaks, pines, cedars, and hollies, is cruciform, with vaulted roof, and recess chancel, the latter flanked by baptistry and ves- try-room. In addition to the chancel windows to the Rey. Dr. Matthews, and the very handsome west window to the late rector, donated by his mother, and his friend, Mr. James L. Foster, there are many others: Hon. Thomas Butler King and his wife, Anna Matilda Page; Ellen Ada P. Dodge; Thomas Butler King, Jr.; Captain Henry Lord Page King and Capt. Mallory Page King; Horace B. Gould and Wilson Campbell; Deborah Abbott Gould; Couper-Wylly; Rebecca Holmes Dangerfield; Major William Page and his wife Hannah Timmons; and William Earl Dodge. There are three mural tablets. The first, in the south transept, is as follows: To the glory of GOD, And in loving memory of Ellen Ada Phelps Dodge Beloved Wife of Rev. A. G. P. Dodge, Jr. Born February 26, 1862 Died November 19, 1883 At Allahabad, India. To her, under God, is Due the rebuilding and Endowment of this Church May she rest in peace! oo The other tablets are to the memory of Mr. Dodge, and of his son, by his second wife, Anna Deborah Gould Dodge. In 1890, a chapel for the convenience of summer visit- ors was erected on the Beach, and consecrated; but when by the destruction of the larger hotel, and the shifting of the summer population, its utility was no longer apparent, it was in 1906 taken down, and the furniture, with much of the fabric, used to complete a chapel near Brunswick— St. Andrew’s. In 1893, a chapel for the use of the Colored people was consecrated near St. Simons Mills, under the name of St. Ignatius’. In 1897, a terrific cyclone struck the Island, demolish- ing this chapel, but by the blessing of God, and the con- certed action of the Colored people and friends without the parish, it was rebuilt, in much better style; and consecrated anew by Bishop Nelson, assisted by the rector and the Revs. F. M. Mann and E. H. Butler, Colored clergy. This has, for a long time, been the center of Colored work, and has been a great help to the community. The Church has appealed to many of the best among the Colored people, and they have taken hold of it with devotion. The rendering of the services of the Church by this congrega- tion is a constant source of delight to the rector. The work is under the immediate care of the Rev. G. R. Jack- son, Deacon, while the rector visits it regularly for the Cele- bration of the Holy Communion and week-day services. By the same storm, the private chapel of Mr. N. W. Dodge, at St. Simons Mills, was badly wrecked. This gentleman restored and improved the chapel, and gave it to the Diocese under the name of St. James’, and in memory of his late wife Emma Dodge. On January 18, 1887, it was consecrated by Bishop Nelson, assisted by the rector, and Rev. Messrs. D. Troy Beatty and D. Watson Winn. On May 29, 1890, Mr. Dodge was married to Anna Deborah Gould, of this Island; and they both, in 1895, after the death of their only son, established in his memory the Anson Dodge Home for Orphan Boys, at Frederica. During the fifteen years past, this Home has been a blessing to many boys, who would otherwise have had little chance to make a start in the world. Some half-dozen of these boys are at college doing excellent work, and showing themselves a credit to their Home at Frederica; while sey- eral have left school and are doing well in special vocations. Besides his work as rector of this parish, Mr. Dodge acted as “Missionary Trustee” for the large sum he had 36 given to the Diocese for its mission work. In accordance with the terms of the trust deed conveying this money, and acting under specific authority from the Bishop, he had control of the mission work covered by this conveyance. This conveyance gave the right of nominating missionary clergymen and teachers to vacancies in the territory cov- ered, fixing the stipends of the missionaries, with length of their service; and these rights were to inhere in the rector- ship of Christ Church, Frederica, in perpetuity. In this capacity of “Missionary Trustee,” Mr. Dodge devoted much of his time to the establishment and main- tenance of missions throughout the larger part of what is the present Diocese of Georgia; and, ag stated above, exactly two-thirds of the fifty-two stations in the Diocese at this time owe their existence to the “Dodge” Fund, and many of them to his individual exertions. Mr. Dodge modestly sums up this work in the next few lines: “During the past ten years, the following clergy have filled the posi- tion of White and Colored assistants in the parish, to the general satisfaction. Their presence has enabled many out- lying stations to receive ministration.” The clergy referred to were Revs. Winn, Stuart-Martin, and W. H. Phillips; and F. W. Dunn and E. H. Butler, Colored. (Reg., Vol. II, p. 11). On March 14, 1897, the Rev. D. W. Winn was, by the unanimous election of the vestry, chosen as “Associate- Rector, with the right of succession;” and on the receipt of the approval of the Bishop he accepted the same; the Bishop’s letter being dated the twenty-ninth of the same month. This action was brought about by the condition of the rector’s health. He had, some time before, received painful injuries in a runaway, while on a visit in the North. In consequence of which his physician’s orders were emphatic ; that he should undertake no work that entailed fatigue, no matter how important the duty, nor how little the fatigue. “Three times during the eight years previous Mr. Dodge had asked the writer to return to the Island; but it was not till cone of the vestry made it plain that it was essential for Mr. Dodge to have with him someone familiar with his work in the past, as well as with his already-made plans for the future, that the call to be associate-rector was accepted. In June of this year, the Rev. G. R. Jackson was made ‘+ector’s assistant for Colored work. Yet, even with this 37 help, the rector would not give up all active work, but insisted upon doing what he could. In August following, he was taken with fever, with complications, and notwithstanding that he received every attention possible, he succumbed to the fever on the twentieth of the month, to the unfeigned sorrow of his people and of the community at large; respected and lamented by all, and loved by those who knew him best, and were able to appreciate the sterling qualities, the noble nature, and the loving heart that went to make up the personality of the man. It is characteristic of Mr. Dodge that death found him prepared. He had, some time before, plotted the cemetery, locating, naming, and numbering every grave possible, and making a complete record of the same in a book kept for the purpose. He had his business affairs in order, his wll in the safe, and, when his eyes were closed, the friends in attendance had only to take down a small ornamental basket hanging from the bookcase, to find every detail of the funeral written out. He desired to be buried by the Rey. Messrs. Lucas, Winn, or Stuart-Martin, as the presence of any one of the three, in order, could be had. All of them were present at the funeral, on the twenty-seventh of August, as were also Rev. Messrs. Harry Cassil, of Camden, EF. A. Osborne, chaplain United States Army, and L. C. Birch, St. Jude’s, Brunswick. So closed. the earthly career of one who leaves his indelible mark upon the State of his adoption, the Church to whose service he was dedicated at his birth, and the peo- ple for whom he labored so lovingly and so well. Sete SW 2 XIV (9) Rev. A. Watson Winn 1898 Rev. D. W. Winn became rector, August 20, without further action of the vestry, as per the terms of his call; and the next day a new minute-book of the vestry was opened, Vol. III, the older one being about filled. The original minute-book of the vestry was lost when the resi- dence of Rev. Mr. Brown, then rector, was burned, over at St. David’s. The book in the hands of the vestry in 1898 (Vol. II), dates back only to March, 1890, while Vol. 38 III takes us to January 18, 1910. On May 1, 1910, a large and sufficient book was opened, and the contents of the other two, they being very poorly bound, were copied out, so that the records of the parish might be always at hand; the old books being placed in the safe. On October 2, 1898, a second violent storm of wind and rain visited the Island, coming from the northeast, or beginning from that quarter. It backed up the water of the river till it came over the bluff, rising nearly eight.feet above mean high water mark, while it reached nearly ten feet on the ocean side. The center of the storm passing, the wind, after an interval of some fifteen minutes, came from the opposite quarter, and the waters receded nearly as rapidly as they had arisen. There was only one death (on Long Island) from this storm, but scores of cottages were destroyed. The chapel of the Transfiguration was thrown from its pillars, and injured, but was afterwards restored, and later, as has been told, removed to another place. The organ and books were a total loss. ; About 1906, the Hilton-Dodge Lumber. Company abandoned the use of the large saw mills at Hamilton, the Superintendent’s and one other Church family only remain- ing till early in 1909; the Church, by this, losing largely in membership. When the present rector assumed charge of the parish, the vestry announced that for various reasons it was best to hold service at Christ Church only twice a month. It is a pleasure to state that on these two Sundays the attendance at church usually represents very nearly the White popula- tion of the Island. By this plan, the rector, following established prec- edent, is enabled to do a considerable amount of mission work for the Bishop, elsewhere in the Diocese, and without material detriment to his work in the parish, using for such work the alternate Sundays. There is little worth reporting for the twelve years past; except to say that the parish keeps up its interest in missions. Knowing that the “testimony of Jesus is the spirit of nrovhecy,” it knows also that the test of vital Christianity is the necessity of making mission work. as it testifies of Tesus, a vital element of its organic Church life. Since 1879, the parish has not only never failed to send in its full quota for Diocesan Missions, but has also. since the introduction of the plan of “Annortionment for General Missions,” invariably paid in the full amount annortioned ; 39 while from 1898 to 1906, when it lost so many members by removal, it paid never less than 35 per cent., and several times 100 per cent. more than was asked. Not only so, but the children of the parish seem to consider it a pleasure to work for missions. For years past, they have sent to the “Children’s Offering” annually $25.00, and this year, with little more than one-third the number of children, they have sent the same sum total. The rector is not ashamed to boast in this matter; he is simply telling what these little ones of the Master would never dream of saying for themselves; they consider such acts of loving devotion just part of their Church member- ship. The rector must also be permitted to say here, that this spirit in the children of the parish has been cultured, fostered, and encouraged by their day and Sunday-school teacher, who while of another Christian following gives her unstinted service to the development in these children of all that is Churchly and Christlike; while the boys from the Home have learned this same lesson from their bene- factress. The present statistics of the parish are of no concern for this narrative; they may be seen in the Journals of the Diocese; but some valuable data are to be found in the Appendix. The rector, in conclusion, desires to thank the vestry for ready co-operation in the past, and an increased inter- est in the present; the congregation for a courtesy he deems indicative of confidence and affection, and which is his recompense and joy; his visiting friends and guests today for their presence and assistance in making this anniversary a real memorial of some of our fellow-workers of the past, who “having finished their work in faith, do now rest from their labors.” 40 ore Whore Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rey. Rey. Rey. Rey. Rev. Rev. Rey. Rev. Rey. Rev. Appendix I Clergumen in Charge Missionaries Charles Wesley, 1736. George Whitfield, 1f37-38. William Norris, if 0-41 Samuel Bosomworth, 1443-45. Y Bartholomew Zoaberbuhler, 1746-66. Rectors A hs Best, D. D., 1800 (?) -10. Edmund Matthews, D. D., 1810-27. T. S. W. Motte, 1828-30. T. S. Bartow, 1830-41. Edward T. Walker, 1842-44. Edmund P. Brown, 1844-68. Henry E. Lucas, 1882-84. A. G. P. Dodge, Jr., S. T. B., 1884-98. D. Watson Winn, 1p f-1910. LOFR— II Lay Readers Horace B. Gould, 1866-75. Horace A. Gould, 1875-91. mAs Ge b Dodge, jr; 1875-84. . J. C. Chapman, 1882. Frank A. Boyle, 1889-95. W. C. Taylor, 1891-92. J. D. Gould, 1891-92. B. F. Macintire, 1892-97. Horace A. Gould, 1906-10. 41 III Vestry The Old Church 1808. Wardens—Messrs. William Page, Robert Grant. Vestry—Messrs. Joseph Turner, John Couper, James Hamilton, John Demere, George Abbott. 1841 Wardens—Messrs. John Couper, James Gould. Vestry—Messrs. James F. Gould, Paul Demere, John Demere, W. A. Couper, H. B. Gould. 1851 Wardens—Messrs. Thos. B. King, William W. Hazard. Vestry—Messrs. William A. Couper, James F. Gould, H. B. Gould. 1866 Vestry—Messrs. William A. Couper, Horace B. Gould. The New Church Wardens Mr. Horace B. Gould, 1879. Mr. Mallory P. King, 1879-86. Mr. Horace A. Gould, 1886. Mr. W. C. Taylor, 1888-1910. Rev. D. W. Winn, 1888-89. Mr. J. D. Gould, 1890-1910. 42 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Vestrymen A. W. Smith, 1879. H. A. Gould, 1879. S. C. Sutton, 1879. W. C. Taylor, 1879-87. W.H. Holmes, 1879 and 1890-92. W. A. Fuller, 1885. H. Bagott, 1885-86. W. H. Gowan, 1885-86. J. D. Gould, 1885-89. J. E. Young, 1886. H. B. Robinson, 1890-92. B. F. Macintire, 1890-98. J. L. Foster, 1890-1901. & G. Stevens, 1891-1910. B. Philips, 1893-1901. J. Postell, 1901-06. J. H. Whitmire, 1901-10. J. A. Foster, 1903-09. W. H. Shadman, 1906-10. or W. Taylor, 1910. C. F. Stevens, 1910. if See IV Delegates to the Diocesan Convention, From the Old Church It was so largely the custom in the early days of the Church in this country, to send only wardens or vestrymen to represent the parishes in convention, that in the following list of delegates of the Old Church, from 1831 to 1847, the first two named are almost sure to have been wardens, and the last one a vestryman. 1831 Wardens—Wm. W. Hazard, Esq., Thos. B. King, Esq. Vestryman—Dr. Thos. F. Hazard. 1836 Warden—Mr. James Hamilton Couper. Vestryman—Mr. Charles Peabody (took seat). 1837 Wardens—Mr. W. H. Hazard, Mr. James Gould. Vestryman—Mr. John Fraser. 1838 Wardens—Mr. James Gould, Mr. W. W. Hazard. Vestryman—Mr. John Fraser 1840 Wardens—Mr. James H. Couper, Mr. W. W. Hazard. Vestryman—Mr. John Demere. 1843 Wardens—Mr. Charles Grant, Mr. James F. Gould. 1844 Wardens—Mr. Charles Grant, Mr. John Demere. Vestryman—Mr. Paul Demere. 1845 Warden—Mr. Charles Grant. 1847 Wardens—Hon. Thos. Butler King, Mr. John Demere. Vestryman—Mr. W. W. Hazard. The Journals of the Convention contain the names of the delegate from this parish since 1879; while the Minute Books of the parish have a complete list of Wardens and Vestrymen since 1880. 44 Vv Parish Papers The following are among the important papers, belong- ing to the parish, and are kept in a safe provided for that purpose, received from the late rector: 1. Rector’s account of all money that has passed through his hands. 2. Parish Registers, three. 3. Minute Books of the Vestry, three. 4. Trust Deed of Frederica Fund, No. 1. 5.-Trust Deed of Frederica Fund, No. 2. 6. Trust Deed of Frederica Fund, No. 3. 7. ‘Trust Deed of Georgia Missions Fund. 8. Trust Deed of Anson Dodge Home. Oey Wallkot Rev. A: G: P. Dodge, Jr. 10. List of real estate of the parish. 11. List of the property covered by insurance. 12. Schedules of nominations of missionaries under the Georgia Missions Fund. 13. Copies of all reports made to Diocesan Conven- tions for twelve years past. 14. Sundry papers of historical interest to the parish. VI Frederica Fund This Fund is held by the Corporation under three sep- arate Deeds of Trust. First: *Dated*February 3, 1886; ison ==a=aee $ 7,747.50 Income from this part is, first, for ““Rector’s Salary,” but “may * * * be used for Repairs, Maintenance and Improvement of Church, Parsonage, and Church-yard.” Second: +Dated February 24, 1886, is for ______ $10,511.80 Income from this part is for “Rector’s Salary.” The other two deeds are merely parts of this principle one. Third: tDated September 5, 1887, is for ______= $ 9,500.00 Income from this part is “1-19 for Rector’s Salary, 8-19 for Repairs and Insurance, and 10-19 for Colored work.” $27,759.30 *Note. This amount was received in 1904 from Rey. D. Stuart Dodge, he sending first $5,690.00, and later $2,057.50. +Note. The original amount was $7,500.00, but by the merging in 1905 of this and the “Special Fund,”’ of $1,711.80—from sale of the old rectory, with some accumulations, it has grown under the Corporation to its present figure. zNote. From 1898 to 1904 the amount required by the Third deed for “Repairs and Insurance’? was about $280.00 a year; and this sum was disbursed by the rector through the ‘‘Reserve Fund,’”’ as specified; but since 1905 the rector has been using for ‘repairs and insurance’’ under this deed, and for “yepairs, maintenance and improvement of Church, parsonage, and church-yard,”’ under the first deed, one-fourth of the total income of this Fund, anmually. Note. Mr. Dodge always took charge of the Colored work, and employed assistants to work under him; one of them to be paid by the “Core Missions Fund;’’ and this plan has been retained in the parish. Note. For many years past, owing to unforeseen conditions incident to invest- ment, nearly one-fourth of the total corpus of Frederica Fund has been non- interest bearing; has indeed been a charge to the income of the parish of several hundreds of dollars; but the officers of the Corporation are doing all they can to correct this difficulty. Tag