A /*fei/i" a Ascension S5r. Helena F R. I C A 2fl OUT N 20 3a JOURNAL OF VOYAGES TO CHINA AND RETURN 1851-1853 «•• 1. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/journalofvoyagesOOblan HENRY BLANK Y From a photograph taken shortly after his return from China HENRY BLANEY BOSTON 1822-1S96 journal of l^opageB TO CHINA AND RETURN 1851-1853 llBosfton PKIVATELY PRINTED 1913 COPYRIGHT, I913, BY DWIGHT BLANEY PREFATORY NOTE The following Journals written by my father, touching as they do on that wonderful period of American shipping known as the " Clipper Ship Era," are of sufficient interest, I am sure, to those of my generation to warrant their pub- lication. Those of us, his children, relatives, and friends, who remember him, and love his mem- ory, will have recalled to them by these pages the enthusiasm, generosity, and love of friend- ship of this kindly man. I am under obligation to Mr. George C. Wales, whose knowledge of the sea and ships and whose personal regard for my father have combined to make him of great assistance in the publication of these Journals. Dwight Blaney. Boston, February 28, 1913. ILLUSTRATIONS Henry Blaney Frontispiece From a photograph taken shortly after his return from China Benjamin Blaney x 1794-1857 Abigail (Bowman) Blaney . . . . xii 1794-1873 Clipper Ship, " Flying Cloud " . . .82 From a print in the collection of Mr. George C. Wales Facsimile of a Page from the Journal of Henry Blaney 120 End Paper Track Chart of Outward and Homeward Voyages HENRY BLANEY Born January 3, 1822 — Died February 2, 1896 HENRY BLANEY, the author of the Journals, was born at No. 19 Common Street, Boston, the son of Benjamin (born Sep- tember 20, 1794; died 1857) and Abigail (Bowman, born 1794; died 1873). He was descended from John Blaney (born 1629 ; married Hannah King), who settled in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1659. He received his educa- tion in the Boston Public Schools and Chauncy HaU School. In 1844, Mr. Blaney became a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, and on July 15, 1850, was elected a member of the Independent Company of Ca- dets, becoming sergeant in 1854, and was for a number of years clerk of the First Corps of Cadets, M. V.M. He was also a Mason, joining the Columbian Lodge in 1843, and at the time of his death was a Knight Templar. He was a x HENRY BLANEY charter member of the Boston Art Club, of which he remained a member until his death. He was also a life member of the Massachu- setts Horticultural Society, and for many years a member of the Bostonian Society. Returning from China, as shown in the Journals, June 6, 1853, he entered the counting-room of F. Skin- ner & Company, where he remained for nine- teen years. On March 14, 1854, Mr. Blaney married Mary French Wood (born December 22, 1833 ; died January 6, 1912) and resided first in Dedham, and later in Brookline, corner of Park and Vernon Streets. In 1870, the family, now with four children, moved into Boston, living at 47 Commonwealth Avenue for some years. In the panic following the great fire of Boston in November, 1872, he suffered severely finan- cially, and was forced to give up most of his property, including the Boston house and his Babcock Street, Brookline, property, which entire street he owned and laid out with shade trees. He died in Salem, February 2, 1896, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ross Turner, and *i BENJAMIN BLANKY 1794-1857 HENRY BLANEY xi was buried in the family tomb at Mount Au- burn. "We know little about Mr. Blaney's father, Benjamin Blaney, though a Boston paper of the year 1857 has the following notice of his death : — DEATH OF A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN Mr. Benjamin Blaney, one of our well-known citizens of the old school, died on the 10th inst., in the 64th year of his age. The deceased was born in Boston September 20th, 1794. He was a mason by trade, and worked on many of the most substan- tial structures built in the city from 1815 to 1835. He was a Representative from Boston to the Legis- lature in 1853 and 1854, and has served in other public trusts. He was for many years a prominent member of the fire department, and received a handsome testimonial from the insurance companies, for his efficiency at the famous Beacon Street fire. His integrity and stability of character won for him the respect and regard of a wide circle of friends. Benjamin Blaney patented a domestic oven in 1834, the papers from the United States Patent Office being signed by President Andrew Jackson. He was in charge of the work when xii HENRY BLANEY the granite gate- and fence-posts in front of the State House were put in place. He also had the notoriety of shooting an eagle on the vane on the spire of Hollis Street Church, about 1837, an occurrence which made some discus- sion in the Boston Transcript of March 30, and April 20, 1885. He was a pewholder in the Hollis Street Church, the plan of which, with names of pewholders, showing the position of his pew, is shown at the Bostonian Society. ABIGAIL (BOWMAN) BLANK Y 17114-1873 INTRODUCTION THESE Journals of Henry Blaney, of a Voyage from New York to Hong-Kong, and a Voyage from Shanghai to New York, were written during his passages to and from China, in the employ of Wolcott, Bates & Company. The Outward Journal was sent to his family in Boston, after his arrival out, as the narrative of his experiences. The Homeward Journal, of course, returned with him. Both were written chiefly as intimate family letters. The Editors have felt that, beyond the ad- dition of notes, the Journals should have no more changes at their hands than those abso- lutely necessary. A few omissions have been made, where the daily entry was merely the ship's position, or where an account of the writer's physical condition could hardly in- terest the reader. In such anecdotes as might give pain to the families connected with the actors, other names have been substituted. Of the data included in this introduction, xiv INTRODUCTION and in many of the footnotes, it is obvious that the Editors can have but little knowledge at first hand, and they wish to express the deepest sense of obligation to Captain Arthur H. Clark, of New York, whose interest in the Journals, and whose kindly advice and sug- gestions have been most encouraging and help- ful. Not only has he given freely of his time, but also his permission to quote his work, TJie Clipper Ship Era (G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1910) ; and with his assistance, a task, otherwise involving chance of inaccuracy and loose statement, has been made compara- tively simple. Quotations and records, unless otherwise credited, are from The Clipper Ship Era. The Editors present these Journals of the time when America furnished the speediest and surest bottoms, domestic or foreign, that the world's carrying trade had ever known, — a period that lasted until the great develop- ment of the steamship, and until our national policy in regard to navigation laws threw the foreign carrying trade into other hands. GEORGE C. WALES. JOURNAL FROM NEW YORK TO CANTON JOURNAL FROM NEW YORK TO CANTON SHIP "SAMUEL RUSSELL" CAPTAIN LIMEBURNER March 13, 1851 AFTER making a few purchases in New York, and settling my bill at the Astor House for 6 days' board and washing, etc., took a carriage, and with my trunk and other bag- gage, left the house at 91 o'clk for the ship Samuel Russell, lying at Pier 27 East River. Found everything in readiness for Sea, and Capt. Limeburner anxious to get off for Can- ton. Went up to see Mr. Wolcott and the own- ers of the ship — A. A. Low & Bros. — got my letters, directions, etc., and accompanied by Mr. Henry G. Wolcott — my Employer — started again for the ship, and arrived just as she was leaving the Pier towed by a steamer. 4 HENRY BLANEY The deck was crowded by persons taking leave of their friends, they were not few as you may judge from the nature of our passengers — There were nine passengers in all, 2 male and 3 female missionaries, — 1 squalling 2 year old — (pleasant augury for a 3 months' voy- age — ) property of one of them. Mr. A. . . . (a brother of Geo. A. . . . , Lawyer of Bos- ton — he was once a man of property, but was unfortunate and took to drinking — was going out to China to retrieve his fortune) — a Chi- nese boy of 21 years of age (fine specimen) — and myself. We had a crew of 22 men and boys (who paid $100. each for the privilege of going, and by the way, one of them looked very much like Frank Bowman, but about as large as James) — 3 mates and with the Cap- tain (a fine fellow from Thomaston, Me.) making in all 39 souls. The Steamer towed us out to Sandy Hook where she left us, together with the friends of the passengers — the pilot left us about 10 miles outside and we then bade adieu to America. March ljf. Blew very fresh — sea high — HENRY BLANEY 5 made a fine run of about 250 miles up to 12 o'clk this day — which is called the first day — good health and spirits. March 15. Queer feeling in my stomach — wasn't anybody — my health barometer indi- cating squally weather. March 16. Sunday. Do. Do. Would have sold myself for a shilling — could n't find any- body up for a bid — all turned in — Steward in great demand. March 17. Do — Do — slight variation in my barometer — heard an order to heave the log ; felt my stomach Do. about the same time — faint recollection of the blk. Steward ask- ing Massa Blaney if he hab nothing — tried to speak — uttered a grunt — did just as well. March 18. Health barometer rising — Still blowing fresh — out and on deck. Mr. A. . . . for the want of his customary stimulants, was very nervous and was troubled in the same way as Aunt Eliza — fancied he could hear people talking to him — said he had just heard from his wife in N. Yk. of the death of 2 of his children — were to be buried at 5 o'clk that day — he was in a horrid state of excitement 6 HENRY BLANEY — but perfectly harmless — would take on very bad — asked me if I could hear people talking to him — would go up on deck in the night and imagine his wife was talking to him from the mast-head — the Captain was fearful he would get overboard — and set a man to watch him closely. March 19. Beautiful day — weather very warm, 74 degrees, — got out my thin clothes and stowed the rest away — health and spirits first rate — began to eat my allowance — 6 days out — Lat. 33-57 North — 50-59 Long. West, about 1500 miles from N. Yk. — first rate run — Captain and I first rate friends. March 20. Splendid Day, very warm — wind S.E. nearly ahead — at 12 o'clk going only 8 knots — made this day 185 miles — shortest day's sail since we left N. Yk. March 21. Fine day — not much wind — Saw 5 sail — signalled one — March 22. Made up my mind last night to get up early this a.m. and take a bath — backed out when I woke and found the wind blowing fresh from the South. March 23. Sunday. Fine day, wind blow- HENRY BLANEY 7 ing very fresh from the South, none of the Ladies made their appearance at breakfast — all sick, only one came to dinner — The Mis- sionaries had made up their minds to have services after dinner on deck — but nearly all being sick, gave it up. The Captain had noti- fied the Crew that all who felt disposed might prepare themselves to come aft the mainmast after dinner to attend the Services but were obliged to give it up. Wind ahead all day and blowing very fresh — estimated to be about 2000 miles from N. Yk. A fine run — had we been going to England with this wind would have arrived in 10 days — Steamer time — March 2J±. . . . Shall try in a day or two shower baths — by going on deck early in the morning while the crew are washing the decks, and have them pump on me — made an agree- ment with the Captain to get up yesterday morning and try it — rather cold — we backed out. March 25. Very warm day — not much wind — commenced studying Spanish. March 26. Continued very warm — head winds. 8 HENRY BLANEY March 27. Calm — and head winds. While we were at dinner quite a scene occurred — it was calm — hardly wind enough to move the ship ahead — and unbeknown to the 2d. mate, whose watch it was on deck, she commenced going astern while there was a very bad sea running — when all at once we were startled by the water pouring into the after cabin win- dows — she being very sharp astern as all Clipper Ships are, she did not have the bear- ings which other ships have — therefore instead of rising on top of the waves while going astern — would plunge into it and in a few moments the movable articles in the cabin were all afloat. Then commenced a scene which I am unable to describe — it was an exciting time for a few moments. The Captain started on deck to get headway upon her — while the steward and the two Chinese boys and some of us passengers succeeded after considerable trouble in closing the ports of the windows, while the Ladies mounted the tables and chairs to save a swamp- ing ; after a while with the assistance of swabs, buckets, etc., we succeeded in clearing the cabin, and sat down to finish our dinner. HENRY BLANEY 9 March 28. Calm — made only 72 miles this day — saw the first fish — a Bonito — about as large as a Haddock — jump out of water. March 29. Fine day and very warm — saw a School flying fish, which was the first new sight to me, excepting a gale and storm at sea. March SO. Sunday. A more beautiful day I never saw. The Missionaries were able to appear on deck which they were unable to do on the previous Sunday. By permission of the Captain they were allowed to hold services on deck, and just after dinner all hands were called aft where seats were provided for them, although there were probably only 3 or 4 out of the lot who could speak English, yet all were there dressed in their white pants and blue shirts, and a more attentive and orderly crew you would not find anywhere. The services commenced with a prayer and hymn which one of the ministers had the po- liteness to ask me to lead off — which I did in true Unitarian style, but it was rather a quick trot for them, as I really believe I had finished before they were at the end of the third line, 10 HENRY BLANEY but I had the Captain on my side, and also half the Crew, so I put them through. The tune was Old Hundred, and they being Meth- odists fairly tired me out with their drawling. After the singing one of the Ministers quoted a passage from the Bible — " Boast not thyself of the Morrow" and from that preached a discourse Ex-tempore — which was very well done. The Services were concluded by another hymn which one of the Ministers started but broke down — and after hemming a few times and looking at the other Rev. — as much as to say " what a bad cold I have," he commenced it again and carried it through. Then with a benediction the Services were dismissed. Although we have had two or three very calm days we have made good headway, our position this day at 12 M. was Lat. 15.55 North ; Long. 29.46 West ; having made since yesterday 12 m, which is one day, 222 miles — we are about 800 miles from the Equator — we are in hopes to cross it in about 22 days if we have ordinary winds — which will be within a day of the shortest passage ever made from N. Yk. to the Equator. This ship hav- HENRY BLANEY 11 ing crossed it in Feby. 1850 in 21 days from N. Yk.i March 31. After breakfast went forward on the Cat Head to watch the flying fish as they rose up from the water. It was a lovely day and as I sat looking over the bow it seemed to me as though we had just left Boston on a fishing ex- cursion — the sea was about as rough as it would be off the Castle of a pleasant day, and while the whole horizon was obscured by a thick mist, as is always to be found at sea near the Equator, the sun was shining very warm — wind N.E. — the air balmy and although we were 250 miles S.W. Cape Verd Islands the wind was blowing fragrant and fresh from off the shore — a few birds were flying around us evidently having wandered from the Island, in search of flying fish — It is just about 9 o'clk — (we breakfasted at 8) and I am imagining that you are all sound asleep while I have been up these 2 hours — I calculate it is just about i past 5 o'clk, — 4 minutes to a degree — by the difference in Lat. and Long, with you, and 1 The Samuel Russell later made a record of nineteen days from Sandy Hook to the Equator. 12 HENRY BLANEY when I turn in to sleep, — lOo'clk, — you are just about finishing your tea, — so you see I get the first look at the sun, and see it rise and set, which by the way is a glorious sight at sea, something which I have seldom seen at home and account for it by the high buildings, not that I don't get up early enough — Oh ! No ! While I was sitting aft on deck this morn- ing with the Captain, one of the sailors passed us and I noticed some lines of India Ink pricked into his arm ; when he passed again the Captain noticed it and called to him — they were — " From Rocks and Shoals and barren Laiid3 O God wilt set me free; From Pirates Guns and Womens tongues Good Lord deliver me ! — " April 1. Pleasant and warm — " Tricks upon Travellers " the order of the day. April 2. Squally, with rain — Fine breeze — April 3. Raining and Squally — not such showers as we see at home — but down it comes in one sheet. One shower lasted about 15 min- utes — and the Captain said he caught about 2 hhds. HENRY BLANEY 13 April 4' Rainy nearly all day ; calm — made about 40 miles on our course — Quite an un- pleasant affair occurred just after Tea — with one of our passengers, Mr. A. . . . who en- deavored to commit suicide by taking about 3 oz. laudanum. He was sitting alone at the table — all the Gentlemen but him had left and gone on deck ; the Ladies had retired to the after cabin, which is separated by a partition with a door at each end — they heard some one jump quickly over the table to a large medicine chest at the end of the table, and then saw him open it, take out a bottle, put it to his mouth and drink two swallows. The Captain knew the bottle was full, therefore knew how much he took — Mrs. Wiley ran to him, took the bottle away from him, and called her husband — it was very fortunate for Mr. A. . . . that Mr. Wiley was a physician, or it would have gone hard with him — he asked him why he took it and it was a long while before he would say anything, and seemed much disappointed that he had been observed. Soon he began to feel the effects of it which brought him to his senses — " It is too late " — says he, " Capt., sew me 14 HENRY BLANEY up and bury me tomorrow at 12 — heave the ship to — put the flag at half mast — and read the Church of England Service over me — " Finally he called for a stomach pump, and seemed very anxious to get relief — Dr. Wiley gave him 20 grains Sulph. zinc and 20 of Sulph. Copper to vomit him, which not producing the desired effect, repeated the dose, which were it not for the Laudanum would have killed him — but in a few moments set him to vomiting — and for half an hour kept it up continually which relieved him much and he went to bed — and singular as it may seem, was up and drest the next morning before any of the rest. He was very penitent and said he felt very foolish for what he did — he seemed as well as ever. April 5. At 8 o'clk a.m. it was hotter than I ever felt it before — not a breath of air stirring — we lay like a log on the water and the rollers pitching us so that it was with difficulty we could keep our feet. By the way ! the water last night had a most splendid appearance — covered over by brilliant little stars — called phosphoric lights — caused by the Animalculae in the water — We have been hovering between HENRY BLANEY 15 2 and 4 degrees of Latitude the last 3 days — hope for some wind by noon. April 6. Sunday. Still very warm — a dead calm. April 7. Very warm with frequent showers. Rain pours down in torrents without the least warning, bringing with it a little breeze, which when it ceased, would all die away again, — Saw a few albacores. April 8. Crossed the line at 7 o'clk this morning — had anticipated some sport at the event, but was disappointed, as all hands were busy trimming sails, and a prospect of a breeze springing up, the Captain was anxious to im- prove it — so the boys escaped a shaving — and maybe the passengers also. Poor Mr. A. . . . was in agony for fear they would Bar- ber him — and threatened all sorts of punish- ments if they attempted it ; he said his face was tender, and he could n't even shave himself and certainly wouldn't trust Neptune. This evening the North Star went down in the hori- zon and the Southern Cross arose in the South. April 9. Very warm day — Calm — Ther. 90 degrees in the shade. Captain treated us 16 HENRY BLANEY to a row round the ship — it was a beautiful sight. She lay perfectly uncontrollable in the water, and the long rollers would pitch and drift her about at their will — After rowing: round once the Captain saw a squall coming up — and put for the ship — hauled the Boat up, and in a few moments, down came the rain harder than I ever saw it before. April 10. At 8 o'clk a fresh breeze sprang up from the South and started us on our course ; by 9 o'clk at the rate of 10 knots — which was quite a relief after being becalmed nearly a week. April 11. Fine breeze ; going over 10 knots nearly all day. April 12. Pleasant day — going finely — passed a ship about sun down, steering N.E., probably bound to England. Nothing else oc- curred during the day to change the monot- ony. Thermometer 70 degrees. April 13. Sunday. Very pleasant — Had services on deck just after dinner ; 2| o'clk, imagined you were all at church at Morning Service — Hope Tom 1 preached you as good 1 The Rev. Thomas Starr King, — minister of Hollis Street Church. HENRY BLANEY 17 sermon as we had — I sang — Capt. blowed. Our minister — Methodist — exhorting the sailors to read the Bible, not occasionally, but often — and in order to impress upon their minds the importance of it in order to be safe, told them the old story of the African Ostrich, who, when pursued by hunters, al- ways, after being unable to get clear, put their heads underneath the sand, leaving their bodies exposed, and are then caught — Jacks looked incredulous — looked as though they could spin a better yarn themselves. Cook looked squint eyed — pulled his wool over his eyes in imitation of Humbug. These services are very unpopular with the sailors — they be- lieve there is no good luck at sea when mis- sionaries are on board. The ministers are young men and very gentlemanly. Saw a ship at daylight this morning ahead of us, going the same way; did not speak her — in two hours she was astern of us and out of sight. April 14' I had the impression when I started, that I should find enough to interest and amuse me all the way out — but I am mis- taken — although I have everything for my com- 18 HENRY BLANEY fort on board, yet I am fairly tired of a Sea Voyage — missionaries no companions — young brat yelling — A. . . . fidgety, silly, and nerv- ous; fairly sore from sitting — although there is plenty room on the quarter deck to prome- nade, yet it is not so convenient when we are going with a 10 knot breeze, for it takes all the time to hold on and keep on your feet. I would give a month's salary to have a good walk or run round Boston Common — have almost made up my mind to go for'ard with the sailors, and go to work with them — Now and then come up with a vessel but go by them just as though they were lying at anchor. Ex- pect to be down tomorrow on the banks oppo- site Rio Janeiro — where we shall no doubt see some whales and whalers — weather getting quite comfortable, growing cooler every day — nights splendid — nearly full moon. April 15. Fine day ; going 9 knots — feel about the same. April 16. Down sick with the Dysentery — Dr. Wiley prescribed Castor Oil, Laudanum, Dovers Powders, etc. Think it is all owing to eating too freely of Roast Pork. The pig was HENRY BLANEY 19 killed last Saturday, and it was brought on in some shape every meal — as it would not keep long, fresh. Am very partial to it, but it is too hearty for warm weather. Dr. Wiley and Mr. A. . . . unwell from the same cause. April 17. Tired of lying down — drest and went on deck ; think it as well if I keep quiet — missed the little attentions I had when I was sick with it before. Cannot get those little comforts at sea which we can on shore — weather nearly calm. April 18. Little better today — "Wind light — from the North — heavy rollers from the S.W. which stops our headway. Made only 60 miles today — Lat. 23.01 South ; Long. 32.33 ; about 630 miles from Rio Janeiro. Saw the sun and moon yesterday rise and set at the same time — a very beautiful sight. April 19. Pleasant day — not much wind — health improving. April 20. Sunday. Fine day — no wind — Missionaries had services on deck — about half the sailors present — Health improving. Saw the Magellan clouds over the Southern Cross — always remain there stationary — Cap- 20 HENRY BLANEY tain cross — and expect we are doomed to be stationary — April 21. Still calm — but about sundown the breeze sprang up and sent us over the water 10 knots — Steering South — 58 miles to 12 o'clk M. this day — Lat. 28.07 South; Long. 32.20. April 22. Eat nearly my allowance — Al- tered our course from South to S.E. Fresh Breeze — going 11-i knots. April 23. Fine day — sailed 205 miles. April 24- Weather beginning to grow cool ; changed my thin clothes for thick ones — There are light clouds trying to come up from the S.W. — but are beaten back by N.W. winds — think it will change to S.W. soon. April 25. Fine day but very little wind — April 26. Wind fresh from W.N.W.— Lat. 35.32 South; Long. 14.03 West; distance today 203 miles — Wind directly aft and sent us thro' the water about 10 knots — sea very high wh. caused the vessel to roll considerably; — have got quite smart again and begin to enjoy the trip very much. April 27. Sunday. At 3 o'clk a.m. the Cap- HENRY BLANEY 21 tain came to my state room and awoke me, and asked me if I wished to see some pretty tall sailing, to come up on deck. The wind had changed at 12 o'clk from W.N.W. to S.W., and at that time (3 o'clk), was blowing fresh. I hurried up on deck and found the ship lying over so that her lee rail was within a foot of the top of the water — Just then, as they were taking in the top gallant studding sail, it swung round and struck the main top gallant sail, and split it in two. I soon found there was tall sailing indeed ; such a sight I never saw before — The sea as far round as I could shy a biscuit was white with foam, and it was with difficulty I could keep my feet. Upon throwing the log, we found she was going 13 knots, and the noble ship did plough through the water in gallant style. At 4, the Captain and myself turned in. The Mate was reported to the Capt., as being very sick and unable to stand his watch, and the 2nd. mate had to stand a double one — I turned out again at 7 o'clk and found the ship going 12 knots — owing to short'ning sail in order to bend a new main top gallant sail — but she soon came up again to 13 knots. 22 HENRY BLANEY There were hundreds of Cape pigeons flying about, as large as a duck ; albatrosses measur- ing 10 feet to the extremity of their wings and " stink pots " 2 about the same size without number. There was now a prospect of making up for the calms we had upon the Equator. And a short passage was in prospect, — soon to be verified. — It was a splendid day, but too rough for the missionaries to hold forth, — pause — The Capt. has invited me to take a bottle Hock Wine with him — sorry — but ah — zoell I donH care! inner man much re- freshed — that 's me — will proceed — The sea was running high, and covered with foam, and was altogether the most beautiful scene I ever saw — We had run this day 235 miles and were in Lat. 36.21 South; Long. 9.27 West; having run within 60 miles of Tristan d'Acunha — passed it about midnight. April 28. Wind came round west N.W., directly aft and we are rolling heavily now as I write — going about 101 knots. Amused our- selves shooting at the Albatrosses — didn't kill any — must have been in the powder — 1 " Stink pots " ; — also known as " boobies." HENRY BLANEY 23 very likely — Cook advised us to elevate the gun a little below the birds. There 's a bull — Yes, and a blot too — but lay it to the lurching — we have run this day 220 miles. April 29. We are now nearly in the latitude of the Cape, and the weather is similar to that of Nov. 1st in feeling and appearance. I have doffed my summer suit, and donned my winter one — have made up my mind to experience some severe weather. The change is so great and the air so bracing that I have to be very select in regard to my diet — have lately adopted Sally's advice and have had recourse to senna which I found in the Ship's Medicine Chest. I find it helps me. Lat 38.20 S ; Long. 5.54 E ; 265 miles. April 30. Still blowing fresh, with showers of rain — No observation today — had to go by dead reckoning — Capt. had delayed taking in the boats thinking we should get clear of stormy weather, but he was mistaken. About 10 o'clk, as he and myself were walking the Quarter deck preparatory to going below, a heavy sea dashed up on the quarter snapping the Guy that confines one of the davits to the 24 HENRY BLANEY boats — He immediately called all hands aft to take them in, which was not accomplished with- out a deal of trouble and time. During the pro- cess some of the men had a very narrow escape from going overboard, and losing the boats. They had fastened one end of the boat to a tackle in the mizzen rigging — let go the guys — and about ten men were hauling it inboard over the lee rail, when a sea struck her which caused her to heel over so that it was impos- sible to hold the boat until she was lurched against the fore davits, and it was possible to recover her — thanks to the strength of the tackles — as it was, some of the men were bruised, but not badly — it was the most unpleasant night I ever passed, and I think none of us slept more than two hours all night. May 1. Lat. 38.11 Sj Long. 10 — made 185 miles — sea running very high ; the most uncomfortable day since we have been out — I never have felt and realized the strength and force of the wind and waves before now — it goes ahead of my imaginations even in my very dreams. I lack the power of description. I should like to be gifted with the spirit of a HENRY BLANEY 25 G. P. R. James — Dickens or Willis for an hour, that I might describe the scene around me — though I am fearful that he, — G. P. R. James, — would commence with his oft proverbial style: — of — "The sun was just rising over the hill when two horsemen were seen approach- ing at a brisk trot," but that would hardly be applicable to our present situation. It would be more like if I were to alter it to : — " The sun was just going down behind a large black cloud, when a person was seen in the Cabin of a Ship, holding on with one hand to the table, and attempting to write with the other" — but the scene is so new and so different from my wildest imaginations, that I lack the power of describing it. Another squall has struck us and I must give up journalizing. Around me everything is in commotion — the ship's lee rail is laying over even with the water. All sails are set, including the wind- ward studding sails alow and aloft. The sky sails were fortunately lowered upon deck two days ago. The Captain is upon the Quarter deck, giving his orders in a rapid and thun- 26 HENRY BLANEY dering tone, which are repeated by the three mates, who with the sailors are distributed about different parts of the ship. The "Watch below have just been ordered up, as is custom- ary in case of emergency, and are taking in studding sails, with all possible despatch — but before that is completed, one sail is split and one boom broke short off to the yard. The other sails are left to their fate, as these clippers carry on as long as possible, and with the top- masts bending like bows, we are sailing — with the wind on our quarter — through the water like mad, at the rate of 14 knots per hour. It is a splendid sight to me and one which I en- joy, to see the sea running higher than our house — home phrase — all around us, rushing and plunging, and seeming to do its utmost to overwhelm the ship — now and then breaking over and leaving a foot of water upon the deck. Then it is difficult for the men to move about from one place to another — they are well experienced and watch their chances with the roll of the ship. Often pieces of plank break loose and go back and forth with the rush of the water making it a shin-breaking HENRY BLANEY 27 business to move about. One of our boys a day or two since, was so unfortunate as to lose his hold and slide across the deck to leeward with such force as to nearly break his ankle — but it was found upon examination to be only sprained. One of the reverends, a 6 feet 2 Chap took a launch to leeward this morning, catching hold of one of the steerage doors in his course, which broke from its fastenings, and away he went into the lee scuppers. I hap- pened to come on deck just in time to see him pick himself out from under a spare spar, for all the world like a drowned rat, and consol- ing himself with the remark, — that " Such is life," as he went below to seek consolation from his more fortunate brethren and a dry shirt. It is amusing to see a regular salt and a green horn in one of these fetchaways. Old Jack, when he finds himself going, always snuggles himself into as small a compass as possible, puts himself into a sort of squatty- bumbo position which is amusing to the spec- tators, and embarrassing to himself. May 2. We find ourselves today in Lat. 38 — ; Long 15.43 East; having made the 28 HENRY BLANEY good run of 265 miles — Still blowing fresh, and going round the Cape of Good Hope — with a 12 knot breeze and a strong head current. May 3. Blowing fresh, and a head current — frequent showers rain. Lat 38.42 S ; — Long. 20.51 — 250 miles. May 4' Sunday. Sea subsiding — going 10 and 11 knots — still with a strong head current against us, and frequent squalls — No probability of seeing a sail (unless we over- take one), until we get nearly to Anjer, as those going west keep within a dozen miles of the Cape in going round, and then head for St. Helena — while we steer directly East for St. Pauls and then up to Anjer Point. Had heavy hail storm last night, took in all the light sails, and double reefed the topsails. Blew a hurricane all day and at night had to tie my- self into my bed for fear of suddenly finding myself on the floor. May 5. Temperature much warmer — sea and wind quite calm. May 6. Lat. 37.25 S. — Long. 34.07 East. 228 miles. Find ourselves about 25 miles north of yesterday's observation, and much warmer. HENRY BLANEY 29 May 7. Lat 37.34 S. — Long. 37.17 E. 158 Miles — quite calm all the morning, but in the afternoon a 7 knot breeze sprang up. May 8. Going at a moderate rate, about 7 knots, Nothing unusual occurred worth relat- ing. Lat. 37.58 — Long. 40.39 ; — East 7 degrees S., 1 165 miles. May 9. Blowing fresh nearly aft. Ship rolls heavily. Mr. A. . . . was so unfortunate as to get a lurch to leeward, sprained both ankles, one badly — his mind has much improved and he makes good company. May 10. Made 12 knots an hour up to 12 midnight — wind then died away to a calm. 7 knot breeze commenced at 8 a.m. Made at 12 o'clk 224 miles ; find ourselves in Lat 39.04 — Long. 50.53 having made an E. 3 degrees S. course. May 11. Sunday. Head the report 1851 of the Seaman's Aid Society — quote from the Title Page — " Would you promote the pres- ent as well as the future happiness of the poor — Give them employment in the place of 1 The entry in the Journal is written as above. " East 7 degrees S.," indicates the course sailed. 30 HENRY BLANEY charity, that by lessening their dependence — You thereby increase their self-respect." Quote from Psalms 49.18 — "Men will praise thee when thou doeth well to thyself." Quote from Alton Locke : " But gin ye do weel by yoursel, saith the Psalmist, ye '11 find a' men speak well o' ye — if ye gang their gate." Quere ! The Psalmist was minded to denote the delights of spending borrowed siller. May 12. "Weather fine — jogging slowly — Such is life — Here today and there tomorrow. May 13. Cloudy — breeze freshening, made 200 miles today — we are about 600 miles west St. Pauls — improving my leisure time by studying Spanish — find excellent oppor- tunity to practice with some of the sailors — having nearly every language on board. May lJj-. Fine breeze up to 12 M. — made 285 miles — the best day's run since we have been out — find ourselves in Lat. 39.13 — Long. 69.59 — Wind died away at noon. May 15. Been going 13 and 14 knots since 12 midnight. At 8 a.m. — threw the log and ran the line entirely off the reel, going over 14 knots — strong N.W. wind — made only 237 miles. HENRY BLANEY 31 May 16. Passed St. Pauls 2 a.m. blowing a gale — At daybreak, dressed and went on deck, as the vessel was laboring and rolling heavily, and it was more comfortable on deck than below. The wind was still blowing a gale, and now and then I could see a terrible roller larger than the rest come rushing and tumbling on, higher than the others and soon the huge mass would break over the stern or quarter of the ship, and dash her with terrible force on her way, to be succeeded by another perhaps still larger — who t]»at has heard once, can forget the sea moan of the wind in its rushing course through the rigging of a ship. It is grand, yet truly fearful. We had hardly canvas enough spread upon the whole ship to make a main top sail. The fore and mainmast each bore only a single sail, — close reefed. The sky sail yards were down — the boats safely housed upon the quarter deck — not a man was aloft, as the Capt. took care to have no occasion, before the storm was upon us. Still I had no fear as to the termination of the gale, for I had every confidence in the Capt. — and a trump of a fellow he is too — He knew his course, and 32 HENRY BLANEY was as cool and collected as though he was in his own house ashore. Nothing would have saved us had we but touched a reef, or come in contact with another vessel larger than ours. Made 270 miles this day. May 17. Cold — raw — windy day — made 240 miles. May 18. Sunday. Do. Do. Wind aft, ship rolling very heavily — 236 miles Lat. 35.17 — Long. 89.44. May 19. Made 195 miles — light west winds — getting accustomed to my sea life — comfortable but tedious — have gained about 10 lbs. May 20. Lat. 32.33 — Long. 95.54 —Made only 163 miles — weather very pleasant — Thermometer 67 noon — shade — Since I have been out, have divided my day's employ- ment and recreation as follows — Arose about sunrise, — when the weather was suitable took a salt water bath ; — walked the quarter deck till about breakfast time — ; 8 o'clk, — After which, lounge on deck till about 9i o'clk when I take to my Spanish — study till about 12^ o'clk. By that time the Capt. has worked up HENRY BLANEY 33 his reckoning ; — the chart is taken out upon tlie table, and we comment upon the ship's pro- gress — currents — winds, etc., till 1 — when the steward lays the cloth for dinner, which, at 1| o'clk is ready to be served up. Which being completed, we disperse to different parts of the ship where our fancy wills us — occa- sionally I go aloft to look around — but often look in vain for something new, — As far as the eye can reach — nothing is seen but one vast circle of water, with myself apparently left alone except for the few visible beings below me — with here and there a stray bird — it puts me in mind of the painting of the last man, all others swept from the face of the earth by famine and deluge — and there I sit for an hour thinking of what I was and what I am — what I have been and what I will be. The rest of the afternoon I consume in reading, having plenty of books with me — some a pre- sent from James Lawrence and Mr. Wolcott, and about $100. worth sent out by Redding & Co., 1 of which I have the use, with also a few 1 George W. Redding & Co., " periodical depot," 8 State Street, Boston. 34 HENRY BLANEY sent by Mr. Parker — at A. A. L. & Bro. for his brother Frank. Sometimes when the weather is smooth, we have games on deck — joined by the Captain and rest of the passengers — the evening is spent by spinning yarns on deck, reading in the Cabin, or studying Spanish — At times we present a busy group — Mr. A. . . . and Dr. Wiley studying French, Mr. Colder reading old sermons and writing new ones, the Capt. looking over his chart, writing up his log — or reading some of my books, of which I have given him the privilege. May 21. Fine breeze from the N.W. rather an unexpected quarter, as we are in the track of the S.E. trades ; made 230 miles — Lat. 29.54 Long. 98.56 ; have run since we left New York, 12,834 miles, and being 68 days out, have averaged 188^ miles, which is very fair, considering the winds we have had and not having reefed our topsails but once since we have been out, and not had a 10 knot breeze more than 12 hours at a time. May 22. In Lat. 26.16 Long. 100.56 dis- tance — 248 miles. At 12 M. going about 12 knots. At 1, — a shower sprang up from the HENRY BLANEY 35 south, passed over, and left the wind light from that quarter. May 23. At 3 a.m. the wind veered round to the S.E., and at sunrise we began to go 10 knots with the first of the regular trades — The wind in this lat. commences to blow from that quarter all the year round. 1 As soon as the men had got their breakfast, they com- menced clearing up and washing out under the Top Gallant Fore-Castle, — preparatory to get- ting out the chain cable and cat-heading the anchor, which soon began to have the appear- ance of approaching Java Head : Sun rose this a.m. 6| o'clk and set 5| o'clk. May 2Jf. Weather very pleasant — at noon quite warm ; 238 miles. May 25. Sunday. Fine weather with strong trades; 1|- knot current setting down New Holland Straits. 2 Had it not been for that, should have made our best days work. Made 275 miles. May 26. Wind headed us off at midnight, 1 That is, in this latitude a Teasel enters the zone of the southeast trades. 2 New Holland Straits, — one of the Eastern Passages ; — this name is not used on modern charts. 36 HENRY BLANEY but still blew fresh with squalls — expected still to feel the current from N. H. Straits, and the Capt. was surprised to find at noon, when he took the sun, that we had passed through them. The sails have been close hauled, and getting to windward as much as possible. We are Lat. 11.22 South ; Long. 104.50 E. Made 230 miles. About 4 p.m. Capt. discovered land about 4 points on the lee bow, which proved to be Christmas Island ; he immediately took the sun, and found we were out of our reckoning — We are about 50 miles further east, and about 25 miles S.E. of the Island. To me it seemed a great mistake, but the Capt. said it was quite a common occurrence to be from 30 to 75 miles out of the way, when not making land for so long a time ; this being the first we had seen since leaving N. Yk. It was favor- able that it was to the windward ; had it been to leeward, would have given us a great deal of trouble to have made J. Head, 1 as there is a strong current setting through there to the Westward. May 27. Made Palambang Point at noon 1 J. Head, i.e., Java Head. HENRY BLANEY 37 this day, distant about 20 miles, this is a promontory on the main land of Java. Wind moderate from the S.W., at 4 p.m. died away, and left us becalmed with a 2 knot current setting to Eastward. This was rather dis- couraging after having a good breeze to within 30 miles Java Head, to leave us within sight of Anchorage. About sundown the Capt. set his course due W. and at daybreak found he had run about 25 miles. He then altered his course due North — which in 3 hours car- ried us within 10 miles of Java Head, a high headland which we could see very plainly. "We lay all day in about that position, with hardly wind enough to stir a ripple on the water, and the sun scorching. We amused ourselves in catching with a net, small shells floating on the water, Crabs, water snakes, etc., — specimens of which the ladies preserved. We had a rain squall last night, and I had the pleasure of seeing, and happily not feeling, the influence of a water spout. It passed just astern of us, and we could distinctly hear the rushing of the water as it was drawn up into the clouds, though it would be impossible for a close ob- 38 HENRY BLANEY server to tell whether the water went up or down even if it had been daylight. May 28. At daylight Princes Island bore N.E. 16 miles distant — Calm all day — Amused ourselves in the course of the day watching the water snakes rising to the top of the water. They were from li to 3 ft. long, colored, and with something which had the ap- pearance of rattles like a rattle snake — they would swim up to the side of the vessel on the top of the water, and then swim back without turning round, as though they had a head on each end of their body, and in fact, they did not taper off at the tail, but both ends ap- peared to be of equal size. May 29. In the Straits Sunda — becalmed all day — Very warm. A man at the wheel about noon today was sun struck — he would have fallen had he not been just able to call out to the Capt. who happened to be upon the quarter deck. He was bled and in the course of the day entirely recovered. May SO. At 10i a.m. — hove in sight Anjer, and were beset by a number of Malay boats, manned by from 3 to 15 wretched look- HENRY BLANEY 39 ing Malays, some of whom were entirely naked, who set up such a holloing and jabbering that it was difficult for the mates to hear the Cap- tain's orders. As soon as they reached us they fastened their boats along side, and were anx- ious for the Capt. to trade. He told them he would not till he came to anchor. This did not silence them, for they redoubled their cries and yells, when finding we still persisted in not trading for their cargo — (which consisted of yams, bananas, eggs, chickens, cocoa nuts, or- anges, etc.,) they started off for another vessel which was coming up in sight. Presently the principal man of the Malays — " Penn " — as he is called, came off dressed in his regiment- als, blue frock coat with brass buttons — white pantaloons fastened over the hips by a leather belt with a brass buckle. He is a small sized, intelligent looking man, of about 40 years of age, and about as large as our George — He was very polite, shook hands with the Capt. and passed his book to me to examine. It is customary for all vessels which stop there to insert their names, where bound, and the num- ber of days from port of departure, the names of 40 HENRY BLANEY the passengers, or any message which they wish to leave for other Captains bound up the China Sea. Our Capt. had made a bet with the Capt. of the Ariel, 1 who was bound to Canton, on the number of days out. The forfeit was to be li dozen fat ducks. Although the Ariel left N. Yk. the Sunday previous to us, we arrived at Anjer before them ; — not finding her name upon "Penn's" books, we ordered the ducks to be paid for by Capt. Brewster of the Ariel, upon his arrival at Anjer, with a message — " if he caught up with us he might have them." The stores we were in want of, were inserted in " Penn's " books — amounting to about -$60., with directions to get them off as soon as pos- sible, as there were 3 ships coming around the point, — 1 an American which the Capt. was fearful might prove to be the Ariel. He or- dered 5 dozen nice chickens, 80 cents a dozen ; 20 picul yams similar to potatoes; (picul, 133^ lbs ;) onions, bananas, cocoa nuts ; (Or- 1 " The Ariel, 572 tons, was built by John Currier at Newburyport in 1S46, for Minot & Hooper, of Boston. This ship became celebrated in the China trade, and was bought by N. L. & Q. Griswold, and has a record of ninety days from Canton to New York." HENRY BLANEY 41 anges poor), Eggs, etc. By the time the ship was anchored and everything snug, dinner was ready — of which we all partook lightly, hav- ing lost our appetites with the prospect of going ashore. By the time dinner was finished, we found one of the boats on the davits ready with a flag nicely spread aft. Two of the ladies took their seats, (one being left to keep the baby in tune,) the boat lowered, hauled to the gang- way where the male passengers took their seats, and with five oars were quickly rowed ashore, wh. laid about a mile from the Ship. We passed in between two dykes — about 25 feet apart, formed by spiles driven into the mud — about 20 rods, and landed at the stone stairs — we were beset by about 50 Malays, men, women and children — and a Malay Custom House officer with drawn sword — whom I think could all have been easily disposed of by a stout reso- lute American with a good stick. We were permitted to land without hesitation by a word to the officer from "Penn." This port is the 2nd. in size of the three on the Island of Java — it is situated on the west — Batavia at the north — and Sourabaya on the East. This is 42 HENRY BLANEY the town — Sourabaya, — where Mrs. Eaton — Geo. Patten's J sister, resides. Mr. Eaton, as the principal American Merchant in the place, — has become wealthy, and intends this summer to return to Mass. and take up his permanent residence. This island belongs to the Dutch, and is manned by one company of Dutch and one of Malay, with 4 heavy Can- non. We passed over a bridge, and were per- mitted to visit the Fort, barracks, etc. but as the Governor was taking his afternoon nap — we were obliged to be our own guides. We found everything in the neatest order, and would have done credit to our Navy Yards. As our time was very short, we had to hurry, and therefore could not examine everything per- fectly. We then recrossed the Canal, and found the only shop in the place tended by three Chinamen, but owned and under the direction of " Penn." There we found everything in " European Style." After taking a glass of wine, by the Captain's invitation, we walked down the main road lined on one side by fine 1 George W. Patten, of the firm of Jamea Patten & Co., Importers, 40 South Market Street, Boston. HENRY BLANEY 43 Dutch buildings surrounded by Gardens, and on the other by the seashore, where we saw a bath house with the letters of " Bath House for Ladies & Gentlemen " upon it. This walk was about the width, before it sloped to the shore, of Broadway — N. Yk., and in fine order. We walked about a quarter mile, and came round to the stairs through the Malay portion of the village. We found the streets very nar- row, the houses, small, low and some of them in poor condition. We saw a few Cocoa Nut trees, with tame Buffaloes grazing under them, as quietly as cows, and here and there a miser- able looking dog who looked as though 't would take half dozen of them to lean against a tree to get up a bark. We passed through a num- ber of low sheds which was called their market — the principal article for sale seemed to be the Betel nut, which is chewed by the natives the same as Europeans chew tobacco. We found a great many things to excite our curi- osity about a brick building in the course of erection. We found no one at work, as it is a custom there to work early in the morning and late in the afternoon, to avoid the hot sun. 44 HENRY BLANEY Instead, like the Europeans, building their stag- ing on the outside, they build theirs on the inside which looks most as awkward as com- mencing at the top and building down. As we passed the houses some of the occupants would bring articles to sell, and I saw a pair of China Tea pots offered to one of the ladies for 75 cents. After examining a few of the strange sights, we passed on our way to the landing and noticed some women with a child in one arm, and leading a monkey with a string, and it occurred to me that the monkeys received more attention than the children, who are left to wander where they wished, some of them en- tirely naked. Having arrived at the boat, we put off for the ship and found all our stores hoisted on board, which was expeditiously done in the short space of an hour. The boat was hoisted in with the Ladies, the mate directed to get sail on the ship and weigh the anchor ; which was accomplished in a short time, and we passed on our way up the Java Sea be- tween two small Islands called the "But- ton" and "Cap," — with a strong 10 knot breeze. HENRY BLANEY 45 May 31. Fine 10 knot breeze up the Java Sea — At daylight discovered 2 sail ahead of us, one an English ship which had been be- calmed at Anjer about a week. She was filled with English Troops bound for Hong Kong, the same port as ourselves. At sundown, it be- ing impossible to make the entrance to Gaspar Strait, anchored till morning. June 1. Sunday. At sunrise, discovered land ahead, which proved to be an Island at the entrance of Gaspar Straits ; got under weigh, and passed through with a 12 knot breeze and 4 knot current against us, in com- pany with an English Opium Brig. Clipper. Just before we got to the entrance of the Straits, the Leadsman in the main channel cried out 5 fathoms water (30 feet). This took us all aback — as our vessel draws about 20 feet. The Capt. instantly ordered the helm hard up, and the water soon deepened to 6 — 7 — 10 — 15 fathoms. We stood that course about two miles, and then steered our course again through the Straits. We soon came up to the Brig, passed her about half mile off, and at sun set she was hull down. At noon passed 46 HENRY BLANEY on the east side Gaspar Island, and within a quarter of a mile. June, 2. Fine day — Thermometer 99 at noon — with a seven knot breeze. June 3. Passed West Island, on the west side. Near this place is where a Swedish Brig, about a year since, was attacked by Malay Pi- rates in three boats ; — two of them were sunk by cannon shots, and a good breeze springing up — she ran over and sunk the third. About noon we were becalmed, and as is customary with vessels bound up the China Sea, the pow- der was got out ; our two cannon were shotted and ready in case of emergency. This precau- tion was deemed necessary, more to satisfy the Insurance Companies in case of loss, than for self-preservation. June 4' Wind calm — Thermometer 90 de- grees — but felt much warmer as the weather was sultry. My health A. No. 1. Face getting quite moon like. Hark there is the dinner bell — expect to have one of the turtles which was procured at Anjer served up today — one, the Capt. is going to keep for dinner on the 4th. July, and has invited me to come down to HENRY BLANEY 47 Whampoa — 12 miles from Canton, where the vessel lays, to partake — The people told the Sexton and the Sexton tolled the bell. " Dinner ready, Jfassa Bany ; Turtle git- tin* cold." June 5. Crew busy scrubbing paint inside and outside. Decks to be scrubbed and holy stoned, rigging tarred down, and the hull to be painted outside, to look well when we arrive in port. Saw a great many snakes such as I have described — floating by on the top of the water — some three or four feet long. June 6. Still calm ; only made 45 miles. Saw a number Cuttle fish floating by, the bone of which is frequently given to Canary birds. June 7. Vessel did not move at all last night, and at 9 a.m. was going only one knot. Thermometer at 10 a.m. in the shade, 98 de- grees, — getting towards China weather. June 8. Sunday. Very pleasant weather. Towards noon, little breeze from the west — made only twenty two miles. June 9. Still calm. June 10. Fine breeze sprang up varying at 48 HENRY BLANEY times from the S.W. to S.S.E ; — made 180 miles. June 11. Same wind — with frequent heavy squalls. Some of them the Capt. said, were the heaviest he ever saw. I took a shower bath this evening, which was very fine. The water was very luminous, and as it was thrown over me it seemed like one sheet of fire. The vessel's path was one broad track of light, and to heighten the interest of the phenomenon, crowds of porpoises were playing about in dif- ferent directions, their tracks a living flame. They would shoot out, and leave a train of light thirty feet ; now darting back and pursu- ing each other round and round, till the path appeared a tangled skein of light. June 12. Going the same rate with a fresh breeze directly aft, passed at sunrise three Chinese Junks bound to Canton. We were not near enough to speak them — they were going about 4 knots while we were going 10 knots. This evening a large bird of the duck species flew on board, probably attracted by our binnacle light. It was called a booby. We fastened a placard round its neck with the HENRY BLANEY 49 ship's name, and when and where taken, then let him go. June 13. Capt. took an observation at 12 m. and found we had made 185 miles — 190 miles from an Island called the " Asses Ears," and 230 miles from Hong Kong. Our barometer had fallen from 29.65 to 29.30, the lowest since we had been out, which indicated a heavy storm. The skysail and royal yards were sent down, and towards sundown it began to blow fresh from the S.W. Double reefs were taken in all the three topsails, all the other sails furled and everything made snug. June lJf. Still blowing fresh. Just before daybreak had a very severe shower — at sun- rise the wind increased to a hurricane ; we lay to under close reefed topsails till noon, when the wind moderated, and we stood in shore; we made land about sundown, but as the heav- ens still show signs of a blow, Capt. thought it advisable to tack ship and stand off. He short- ened sail so as to run about a knot an hour. June 15. Sunday. At sunrise, still blowing fresh and raining — laid to till noon, when we stood in shore again, anxious to get a pilot. 50 HENRY BLANEY The Capt. would not have had any fear of running in close to land if he had a pilot, but thought it hazardous to risk it without one. The pilots are frequently seen 20 miles from land, but as it had been blowing heavy a num- ber of days, were afraid to venture out. We made the " Asses Ears " again, this p.m. Stood in to within 20 miles of it, but at sundown no pilot in sight — tacked ship and stood off again. June 16. At midnight cleared off and the moon came out. Clear and bright ; stood in for land and at day break it clouded up again, and looked as though we were to have a repe- tition of yesterday's weather. At 8 o'clk a.m. made the land again, at the distance of 20 miles. We felt quite encouraged at the pros- pect of getting a pilot, and of soon seeing Hong Kong, but were doomed to continued disap- pointment. At 11 a.m. a dead calm ; sent up our royal and sky sail yards to get the benefit of the best breeze. At 12 M. the sun just dis- cernible. Capt. took a sight and found us to be 10 miles from land, — but it was cloudy and could not see it. HENRY BLANEY 51 June 17. Little breeze sprang up and we stood in, hoping to get sight at a fisherman or pilot. Our hopes began to diminish, when the mate from the top gallant forecastle discovered a boat putting towards us, this was quite en- couraging and we stood for it, but a squall sprang up and added to our innumerable mis- fortunes by shutting it out from our view. Soon it cleared up, and made out the boat about a mile ahead, hove to for us to come up, when they threw us a line, and one of the party came on board, dressed in India rubber pants, thin black linen frock, and a large bamboo hat shaped like a parasol. He shew the Capt. his book of recommendations, and waited quietly for him to state his wishes. The conversation was as follows — Capt., " you take ship in Hong Kong" — Pilot, "very well — I take you in." Capt., " How much you charge ? " Pilot, " How much you pay last time?" Capt., " Fifteen dollars " — Pilot, " very good — I take you safe," he manifested considerable shrewdness, and I was surprised to see how intelligent he was. As we neared the land we noticed several 52 HENRY BLANEY vessels coming out, bound to Shanghae — Cal- ifornia and England. The Islands look splen- didly with the setting sun shining upon them, and had the appearance of copper. We ran in to within a stone's throw of one called the Camel's Island, which looked beautiful with a heavy stream of water running down from the top of the rock. The wind dying away but the tide setting in, we kept on our course between the Islands, although a number of ships had run under the land, and anchored. June 18. Just before daybreak, we noticed lights ahead on shore, which our pilot informed us was Hong Kong, and at daybreak we an- chored within a half dozen ship's lengths from the shore. It was a pleasant sight to us after being knocked round on the water for 92 days. Soon a boat came off, and Geo. Haskell — son of Coolidge & Haskell, Boston, and brother in Law of Henry Burdett, Boston, jumped on board, and I was glad to see him looking so finely. Instead of our bringing him the paper of the latest dates, March 13th., he shew us one of 8th of April, and in it I noticed addi- tional trouble with the negroes of Boston, and HENRY BLANEY 53 Fletcher Webster being arrested for stopping a watchman from ringing a bell, etc. At 8 a.m. went on shore in a Sampan Boat pulled by 2 women, which work is nearly all done by them. Presented my letter of intro- duction to the Am. Consul, F. T. Bush, Esq., a Boston gentleman, but who had resided in Hong Kong for the last 8 years, who soon made me feel at home, and kindly invited me to stop and dine with him, which I accepted. Mr. Schwermann, the resident partner of Wolcott Bates & Co., Canton, had been waiting there for me 3 or 4 days, and had the day before started for Canton and left instructions for me to join him as soon as possible, as he was very busy and needed assistance. By the advice of Mr. Bush, stopped at his house that night, and at 8 the next morning [June 19] started for Canton in the steamer, as I was fearful the ship would be detained by calms on the way up. At 5 p.m. steamer arrived at Canton. Small boats were immediately along side, eager to take us ashore, and in a few moments more, with my trunk, I was dodging from one line of junks to another in a tanka boat similar to a 54 HENRY BLANEY Sampan, with a screened apartment in the Cen- tre, and propelled by two women, now with oars and now with long bamboo poles, and now with hands as they seized the sides of a line of anchored vessels riding in the stream, until we reached the stone steps in the garden, and op- posite the American Hongs — otherwise called the factories. I soon found my future home, and intro- duced myself to Mr. Schwermann, whom I found quite a gentleman, and soon I felt as much at home as though I had resided there some time. Our house is a new four story brick build- ing, about the size of your main house, with the exception of ours being a story higher ; and furnished as fine as any house I have seen in Boston. I found my room all ready, and fur- nished at the expense of the House, — all the furniture being made of Camphor Wood which is very fine. There are at present stopping with us, 1 Spanish Gent., the Owner of a ship wh. we are loading for Manila, 1 German Capt., and a Mr. Rice, a Boston Gent., nephew of the Burroughs, who used to reside in Hollis St. HENRY BLANEY 55 June 19 {and later). At dinner, which is at 31 o'clk, Mr. Schwermann took his seat at one end of the table and placed me opposite him, as my future seat to assist him in doing the honors. The 3 Portuguese under clerks — dine at an earlier hour and at another table. I never saw a table better provided for or better waited upon — by six Chinese servants sur- passing any I have seen in the U.S. The sensation of awakening for the first time in a strange place is usually a disagree- able one with me, — there is an unfamiliar newness of everything around and an absence of Old Associations, and it has caused me to feel, ever since I have arrived, very blue, but think I shall feel differently when I become acquainted with the manners and customs of the place. The mosquitoes never seem to tire of me, and despise such proverbs as " Too much of a good thing " or " Enough is as good as a feast," — even now while I am writing I am duly armed with a towel whirling round my head — whack, whack, — to keep off the tor- mentors. You can imagine what quantity of 56 HENRY BLANEY resolution and perseverance — whack, whack, — I take to pen you these lines. I have made several visits outside the Fac- tory walls to the Chinese shops, and found a great many interesting things. I visited a por- trait room, and saw some very fine paintings and portraits — the Chinese are considered fine copyists 1 and copy a picture, or take a portrait very faithfully. I heard a story of one of them, — A lady was having her portrait drawn ; as the work proceeded she expressed her strong disapprobation at the performance. " S'pose," said the painter, " you smile a little, he lookee better " — 't was useless, for when the pigeon — (difficult for the Chinese to pro- nounce business, and they substitute the Anglo- Chinese) — was done, her indignation was so great and so disagreeably expressed that the irritated artist exclaimed, " If handsome face no got, how handsome can make ? " The effect of seeing the better class of Chinese, the Brokers, who are dressed in pure 1 Mr. Blaney later commissioned a Chinese artist to make for him a portrait of Lady Blessington. This painting is now in the possession of his son, Mr. Dwight Blaney, of Boston. HENRY BLANEY 57 white dresses reaching to the ground, is very- singular, and they might be taken for monkeys, but for the different locality of their tails' ori- gin. I have not seen any of the Chinese Ladies, but have passed them in their covered chairs or Palanquins. They live entirely excluded from foreign eyes. They have a queer habit on retiring to rest, of softening their nails in warm water, and then winding round their wrists to prevent being injured. The men and women are great opium smok- ers, but the upper class here smoke in secret — just as many an old lady at home takes a quiet Cordial, and throws the blame of a consequent red nose upon the effects of the Sun. It may be interesting to you for me to note the 10 commandments of the Buddhists — the Chinese principal religion — the first five being obligatory upon the people — the last five upon the priesthood only. 1st — Do not kill animals. 2nd — Do not steal. 3rd — Do not commit adultery. 4th — Do not tell lies. 58 HENRY BLANEY 5th — Do not drink ardent spirits. 6th — Do not rise before daylight. 7th — Do not eat anything from midday till past midnight. 8th — Do not sleep on a place more than one cubit high. 9th — Do not anoint your body with frag- rant oil or powder. 10th — Do not look at a female, nor at theatrical exhibitions. The "Samuel Russell" will probably leave Whampoa, 12 miles below Canton — on the 1st of July, and I find the time very short as I am very busy, and must leave out consider- able which I wish to write you, and will post- pone it till some future occasion. This, Dear Sally, I send you thinking it might be interesting, or for future reference ; you will no doubt find some difficulty in mak- ing out some of this writing, but if you come across any tough words, skip them and jump at conclusions. Tell George I want him to be sure and write me every chance he can get — he must not be fearful of writing too large a one, as the ex- HENRY BLANEY 59 pense by vessel is nothing, and he had better take all parcels to Geo. Patten in South Mar- ket St., as he has kindly offered to forward any packages to me by first vessel. I trust that you and the rest will not forget to write me occasionally, and keep me posted up in the current events of the day. Capt. Bradbury, 1 I am sorry to find, does not come here from California, but goes to Shanghae — Therefore do not expect to see him this voyage. I shall keep up a regular correspondence with Joseph and hope soon to hear from or see him. I wrote you from Anjer and left it to be sent by the first vessel bound home. And also to Joseph Whitney — (shall write to him again) and also to Geo. Patten from here. Tell Mother I will send her the present I promised in time for the warm weather next summer, as if I sent it now it would not reach her till Oct., and would not be of service then. Give my regards to Molly and the rest of 1 Captain Bradbury was one of the old captains in the China trade, and commanded the N. B. Palmer for one voy- age. Later he was a commander in the Pacific Mail Steam- ship Company for many years. 60 HEXRY BLAXEY the gals — and tell them I will send a " Cum- shaw'* — present — one of these days, and also to Boh Bob if he is a good boy. My regards to David — William — Charles and George, and should be pleased to receive a line from them at any time. Tell Abby I should not be surprised to see her boy grown up and out this way before I come back ! — In short give my regards to all enquiring friends, and apologize on account of abrupt departure to those whom I failed to call upon. By this same conveyance shall write a line to Father. From your affectionate Brother, HJE2TRY. As it is impossible for you to send "Spry" to me at present, I hope soon to have him with me as those kind of dogs are a great prize here. Ask. if agreeable, to send a wag of his tail, and give him an extra bone to polish at my expense. I have just opened a keg Cranberries which was sent out by Mr. Wolcott in the " Samuel HENRY BLAXEY 61 Russell" to Mr. Sehwermann — The water had leaked out and they were consequently de- stroyed. It was unfortunate, as they would have been a great treat here. Please excuse the horrid state in which I send this, but I am much pressed for time and cannot copy it. 22 days to the Line. 50 " " " Cape Good Hope. 64 " " St. Paul's. 77 " " Anjer. 92 " " Hong-Kong. JOURNAL FROM SHANGHAE TO NEW YORK JOURNAL FROM SHANGHAE TO NEW YORK SHIP "MANDARIN" CAPTAIN T. C. STODDARD February 18, 1853 LEFT Shanghae in a Chinese fast boat in company with Saml. Robertson, Esq., and J. Lord, Jr., for the ship "Mandarin" which had gone down to Wosung the day previous. About a mile from Wosung finding Mr. Lord slightly tinged with the blues, Mr. R. called his boat alongside and he and myself got into it leaving Mr. L. alone, stretched in an arm chair with an inclination to sleep. Soon after going on board Mr. R.'s boat, his boy spread a clean napkin upon the bed, with cold mutton chops, Beer, etc. of which we partook ; our ap- petites being nicely set. At 1\ o'clk arrived at Wosung, and went on board the Opium Ship " Science " Capt. Roundy, whom we found on 66 HENRY BLANEY board together with C. W. Orne, and C. M. Moulton, Esqes., who had just finished their dinner and had been waiting for us. The wine was passed round, songs sung, healths drunk, etc. until 10 o'clk when after wishing all good- bye, with a pleasant and speedy Voyage in re- turn, started in company with S. Robertson, Esq., for the Ship " Mandarin " wh. lay about three miles below the shipping, where we ar- rived safe. The wind blowing very fresh ac- companied with Snow and Hail, Mr. R., after wishing me a speedy voyage, returned to the " Science " with a fair wind. I turned in soon after arriving on board and arose the next morning at 8 o'clk. The weather still very cold with an occasional squall of snow. At 3 p.m. at first of ebb tide made sail and hove up our anchors. A strong N. Wester blowing at 6 p.m. The Chinese pilot refusing to take the responsibility of going out that night, advised the Capt. to anchor till morning, but he not being so inclined, hove to, discharged the pilot, and started again to go outside ; but at 8 o'clk finding it very dark, thought it best to anchor. HENRY BLANEY 67 February 19. Hove up anchor at 6 a.m. and at 7, passed out by Gutzlaff and between the Islands, weather very cold, strong N.W. wind. February 20. Lat. 30.31 ; Long. 122.32 ; Strong N.W. wind and very cold; made this 24 hours, 12 knots an hour. Chinese New Year. February 21. Lat. 27.07 ; Long. 121.07. Wind still blowing strong from the N.W. At 4 p.m. passed a bark sunk with all her masts standing, 4 or 5 ft. above water, supposed to have sunk recently. February 22. Sunday. Wind changed to the N.E. and blowing fresh, the Air feeling much warmer. Washington's memory was not forgotten. Lat. 23.55 ; Long. 118.15. February 23. Lat. 21.30 ; Long. 115. Air quite warm ; at 5 p.m. passed a ship and Bk. The Bark passed within a pistol shot. At 8 a.m. saw a ship standing across our bows ; sup- posed to be a whaler bound for Hong Kong. An hour after she was hull down astern. At noon we were within 65 miles of H. Kong. February 2fy. Arose at daylight, went on deck and took a salt water bath. The first I 68 HENRY BLANEY had seen of salt water for 6 months. The bath was truly delicious. Dressed in thin flannels and summer clothes. The thermometer had risen the last five days 60 degrees — and quite a contrast to what it then was at Shanghae. February 25. Lat. 15.40 ; Long. 113.28. This noon find we are about 1200 miles from Shanghae, having averaged since we left about 200 miles. Wind very light from the N.E. February 26. Arose at Sunrise and took a salt water bath on deck ; weather very fine with light winds ; saw large schools flying fish ; Capt. Stoddard complaining of a sick head- ache. I am very much pleased with him ; think him a very gentlemanly man, kind to his men and tries to make every one comfortable around him. The passengers who came out with him the last voyage are very much pleased with him and he also with them ; particularly with Miss Lydia Nye of Fairhaven, Mass., and Mrs. Gideon Nye, Jr. The names of the other pas- sengers were Rev. Mr. Washburn, an Episco- palian, settled in Newburyport, Mr. Geo. Mun- roe, Jr., formerly a broker in Exchange St., HENRY BLANEY 69 Boston, with his wife and two children and Miss Linsley of Washington, second cousin of Danl. Webster. Also two servant girls, one of whom died ten days after her arrival in Shang- hae, of consumption ; from a cold contracted on Shipboard. Mr. Washburn, Mrs. G. Nye, Jr., and Mrs. Munroe are brother and sisters, and children of Abiel Washburn, Esq., Dry Goods Merchant of Boston. Mr. Washburn was a man about 32 years of age and was a jolly parson ; he had presided over a congre- gation in Newburyport about seven years and possessed no property but a salary from the So- ciety of $800. As his sisters were coming out to China and he being tired of his society, Mr. Gideon Nye, Jr., who is wealthy, offered to pay all his expenses out and home overland through Egypt if he would join them, which he concluded to do. During the passage out and for want of something to employ his leisure was very attentive to Miss Linsley and before he arrived out proposed to her and was ac- cepted. This was kept secret at Shanghae as Miss L. did not wish her Aunt Mrs. P. Parker at Canton to be informed of it, as Mrs. Parker 70 HENRY BLANEY imported her from the States and intended her for Mr. Moore. About three weeks after the arrival of the party they all took passage for Macao in the Bark " Antelope," Capt. Potter ; but just previous to sailing the Rev. at a supper given by Capt. Endicott of the Opium Ship " Snipe " at Wosung happened to get " how came you so " over a glass of old " Jamaica " and blew the whole affair of the engagement ; this was " Nuts " for the people in Shanghae and a story in China never loses strength by Circu- lation. Capt. Stoddard says the Rev. was a talented man and a jolly companion and no more use as a Christian than a " towline in a ten knot breeze " ; Steward says he would drink his " three fingers six times a day." One can judge of the quantities of wines and liquors drank coming out, by the extra bill for those alone, paid at Shanghae, amounting to $400. Mr. Geo. Munroe goes out to Nye, Parkin & Co., Canton, as clerk, but Capt. S. thinks it doubtful if Mr. M. stays there more than a year. February 29. Sunday. Lat. 09.07 ; Long. HENRY BLANEY 71 110. — Last night it being very warm slept on the house and was very comfortable. At 4 a.m. a breeze sprung up from the N.E. and at 11 a.m. was going 9 knots. Made this day 81 miles, passed a quantity of floating wood and weeds, and shellfish. Saw a live Crab floating on a piece of wood and bound North, probably to Canton to celebrate the Chinese New Year. March 1. Lat. 6.18; Long. 109.06 first day of Spring. Thermometer 85 degrees. At 1 p.m. a slight shower. After Tea this even- ing Capt. Stoddard related me a circumstance which happened when he was in the Ship "Carrington," John Brown & Co's Ship, Lewis Whf. (Mr. Brown was lost in the "Lexing- ton ") Capt. Robt. Soule and Mr. Scholfield partners — Capt. Stoddard was sent out by them to China from England, with a credit of £100,000 on Baring, Bros. & Co. London, and was instructed by them to purchase Car- goes of Teas for three Ships for the U.S. Soon after Capt. S. left England, a ship arrived from China (there being no overland mails then) bringing the account of disastrous prices for Tea then ruling ; in consequence of which 72 HENRY BLANEY Baring, Bros. & Co., sent out a yacht to China to annul the Letter of credit but did not arrive until Capt. S. had left although he stopped at Manila several days. Upon Capt. S's arrival in Manila was consigned to Paine, Strieker & Co., and from Mr. Gordon Reed (one of the partners) he learned of the state of the Tea Market in China. He at once saw ruin staring in the faces of the Owners by following their instructions in purchasing the three cargoes. He shew Mr. Reed his instructions and asked his advice ? but Mr. R. saw no possible way to evade them, there it was written in full " to purchase three cargoes of Tea at the most favorable prices " and at the same time he saw that if he did follow their instructions it would be at a sacrifice in the U.S. to the owners of $300,000 : He did not know what to do ; he was at his wit's end, and almost distracted ; but at last concluded to take the responsibility and send home two of the ships from Manila with Sugar and Hemp and proceed with his own Ship to Canton where he found the state of the market much worse than the accounts were at Manila. He called upon David Jardine HENRY BLANEY 73 for his advice in the matter and he told him he could see no possible way to avoid his in- structions, but tol$ him " it was a dead ruin if he sent Teas at that time to the U.S." Finally Capt. S. concluded to take still more responsi- bility and send the ship home in Ballast. Meanwhile Messrs. Brown & Co. were in a deplorable state knowing that Capt. S. had his written instructions to purchase those Teas and would not dare to do differently, Mr. Brown being in England at the time would ask Mr. Bates of Baring, Bros. & Co. what he thought Capt. S. would do? he told him he could not do differently than to buy the Tea. Mr. Brown was in Boston when Capt. S. ar- rived and expected of course to find himself ruined, but when Capt. S. told him he had not purchased a lb. of tea it was a joyful time for all interested, and what was still better, the two cargoes of Hemp and Sugar paid a profit, and one of them 120,000. March 2. Lat. 4.16 N. Long. 108.46 very little wind today and very warm. At noon had a shower of rain. By the Chronometer found we were only 30 miles N.E. Great Natunas 74 HENRY BLANEY but owing to a thick fog, was not visible. At 8 bells saw a clipper barque beating to the Northward. Supposed to be the " Race Horse " 1 from Bombay. At Sundown passed Flat Island where the " Mary Ellen," Capt. Dearborn, was lost three years ago. March 3. Lat. 2.52 Long. 108.10 Wind nearly calm. Since noon we had been on the lookout for Gt. Natunas, although we were by observation only 30 miles from it, and 2 p.m. steered directly for it and the mate (Mr. Han- son) was directed to get one of the anchors over the bow and " light up " 50 fathoms chain. At 5 o'clk could just discern the mountain upon the Island, which before was not visible owing to the fog. At Sundown the Island bore directly W. March 4- At daylight could just discern the mountain astern of us and Low Island on the Starboard bow, so called from it being much lower than the other Islands around it, although it was a high land extending about two degrees 1 " Bark Racehorse, — 512 tons, owned by Goddard & Co., Boston, built by Sam'l Hall at East Boston " (see also Notes). HENRY BLANEY 75 North and South sloping evenly to the water on both sides. At 4 p.m. came up with Tam- belan Islands. A rock about 15 miles North of the island rises two hundred ft. from the water, of the size of a ship, separated in two nearly to the water's edge, by a large gap from which the rock takes its name. At noon passed the Tambe- lan Island and about Sundown Green Island bore West. Our course was South. The Borneo Coast was distinctly visible nearly all day. March 5. At 4 a.m. St. Barbe bore N.W. distance 20 miles — run this day 103 miles. At 5 a.m. passed Belvedere Shoal where about 5 years since the Eng. Ship "Staffordshire" struck. She was from Shanghae with a cargo of Silk and Tea valued at a million and a half dollars. Soon after she struck the Ship " Gen. Harrison" from Boston for Manila hove in sight and took off all the Officers and Crew. The Capt. of the "Staffordshire" told the Capt. of the " G.H " what a valuable cargo he had on board and as he had abandoned her, advised him to anchor within a | of a mile and fill his ship which was in ballast, with at least the bales of raw Silk as there was at least 76 HENRY BLANEY $800,000 worth, and his salvage would be | of ^ of the whole Value ; his Owners receiving the other | ; but he refused, as he said he should lose his character if he should stop for any of the cargo and should happen to get on shore before he arrived at Manila. He was blamed very much by the merchants of Manila for not filling his ship with her Cargo, as it would have netted his owners at least $400,000. As soon as it was made known at Manila, a vessel started for the Wreck but found she had en- tirely broken up. At sunrise the faint outlines of Gaspar Island could be seen and as we were running with a free wind 6 knots, by daylight were within 15 miles of it on our starboard bow. This is the Island where Capt. Gordon landed from the "Memnon" 1 on Pulo Leat. About 15 miles S.W. of the Island is a Shoal on which Capt. Gordon ran the "Paul Jones" 2 1 " The Memnon, 1068 tons, owned by Warren Delano, was built by Smith & Dimon in 1848." She was " the only clipper ship to make the voyage to San Francisco prior to 1850, . . . under Captain George Gordon." 2 " The Paul Jones, of 620 tons, built by Waterman & Elwell at Medford in 1842, was owned by John H. Forbes and Russell & Co. of China. ... In 1848 this ship made the run from Java Head to New York in 76 days." HENRY BLANEY 77 four years ago, but succeeded in getting her off after throwing overboard | of her cargo. Be- tween Gaspar Island and the Hammocks at equal distance lies a rock about twice the length of a ship and upon each end a tree, which can be seen long before the rock is in view and which, as Capt. Stoddard says, have stood as long as the rock has been known. About a mile off the Southern end of Gaspar Island is a large rock connecting with the main land by a reef of rocks. Close in by this rock by the aid of a glass I could distinctly see a number of Malay Proas or boats which were probably filled with Malay Pirates waiting for some unfortu- nate Ship which was becalmed. It may have been fortunate for us we were going 8 knots. A few miles to the leeward of us is a shoal where Capt. Dumaresq ran the " Akbar" 1 as he was beating down in company with an Eng- lish Ship, and succeeded in getting off with the loss of his keel. At 8 a.m. was abreast of the 1 " . . . the Akbar, a ship of 650 tons, built by Samuel Hall in East Boston in 1839, for John M. Forbes, and others, . . . Later, she was commanded by Captain Philip Dumaresq, who made a number of rapid passages in her to and from China." 78 HENRY BLANEY Hammocks on the Island of Banca (where the celebrated Tin is produced) in Gaspar Straits, and an hour after entered Macclesfield Straits. March 6. At 10 a.m. was abreast of Pulo Leat and could distinctly see the spot where Capt. Gordon ran " Memnon " ashore four months since. He was beating down through the Straits and was warned by his mate Mr. Fisher that he was standing too near in shore, and Capt. G.'s reply was, " he knew his busi- ness " — ten minutes after she struck. Capt. G. found it was impossible to get her off, and he with his wife and crew took to the boats — (the Malay pirates swarming up one side while they were going over the other,) — and started for Gaspar Island which lay 25 miles north. The next day Mr. Fisher (mate) with one of the boats and a pair of sails with part of the crew started for Singapore bearing N.W. dis- tance 300 miles. The first days run was 156 miles and two days after arrived at Singapore where he reported the loss of the " Memnon." A vessel was sent for Capt. Gordon but he had put off 8 days after Mr. Fisher in the other boat for a ship which was coming down through HENRY BLANEY 79 the straits bound for Singapore where he and his wife and crew arrived without any further accident. By the following mail Capt. G and wife started overland to Boston where they belonged. This Island Pulo Leat has been the cause of a great many shipwrecks. It stands directly in the Centre of the passage through which a 5 knot current is constantly running, changing its direction once in six months with the Monsoon. The passage is about two miles wide and bounded on the opposite side by shoals. Two Frigates were also lost upon this Island a few years since, (one English and one French) named the " Alceste" and "Amelia." At noon we were fairly in the Java Sea and at sundown the Islands in and around Gaspar Straits were out of sight astern. This p.m. saw a large snake swimming on top of the water, which are nu- merous in this sea. March 7. Sunday. At 4 a.m. passed two ships supposed to belong to the Dutch Com- pany, at anchor. They are instructed by this Company if the wind is ahead always to an- chor and not attempt to pass through the Straits of Sunda. At daybreak two rocks 80 HENRY BLANEY called the Brothers which lay at the entrance of the Straits of Sunda, " hove in sight," and also the coast of Sumatra which lay about 14 miles westward. "We could distinctly see the trees upon the Coast, and long before daylight a fine perfume came off the land which was delicious. We sailed all this forenoon with a fine 8 knot breeze, and by noon expected to see boats filled with fruit coming from off the shore. This was our only chance of getting any stock here as the Underwriters do not allow ships to anchor at Anjer during the N. West Monsoon (between Sept. and April) and also at the Cape of Good Hope from Apl. to Sept. as during those periods strong winds blow di- rectly on shore and ships would be in great danger of dragging their Anchors. If a ship was lost the Underwriters would be liable, but at the same time the Captain would be cen- sured. At 8 bells two boats were seen putting off for us and at two bells we sat down to dinner expecting the bananas and oranges fresh from Java, by the time we were ready for our dessert. At 2 p.m. we were within five miles of Anjer and 40 of Batavia ; and were boarded HENRY BLANEY 81 by two boats from Anjer manned by five or six Malays in each and filled with all kinds of tropical fruits and birds ; such as Mangosteens, Mangoes, Oranges, Limes, Bananas, Plantains, Cocoa Nuts, Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Parrots, Paroquets, Minors, Sparrows, Peacocks, etc., I purchased a Minor, 6 Paroquets, and 20 Java Sparrows for two dollars, but found a day or two after the Minor required too much atten- tion and gave him to one of the Crew. The Captain purchased a few piculs of Yams, Sweet Potatoes, and added a few dozen of Java fowl to our present Shanghae lot. They were full size but very small and a dozen would hardly make sufficient breakfast for three persons. After remaining along side a couple of hours the ship going all the time six knots the Ma- lays cast off a moment before a rain squall struck and were shut out from our view. As soon as the squall passed over, it left us be- calmed and entirely at the mercy of the current, which was setting us down through the Straits of Sunda, and towards a large rock on the edge of the Channel, the east side of which connects with the Island called " Thawt the Way " by a 82 HENRY BLANEY reef covered in some places by only 17 feet of water ; our ship drawing 15 ft. 8. Towards this rock and reef a four knot current was setting us, and for an hour there was considerable anxiety on board of the Ship for our safety. By the chart we knew there was no anchorage short of Seventy fathoms except close in to this reef, and we were fearful the current would set us where there was less water than we drew. Within the last ten years several ships had touched upon this reef and two of them belong- ing to a Boston house, John Brown & Co. — and drawing less water than our ship ; one of them taking a piece of the reef weighing 133 lbs. home with her. But we fortunately passed over without touching. At 7 o'clk p.m. we were exactly opposite Anjer and were again boarded by three Malay boats filled with live stock, etc., part of which the Capt. purchased. When the boats came along side the leader jumped on board with his book in which the name of every vessel that passes is placed together with any information which might be of benefit to ves- sels following. I noticed the "Flying Cloud" had passed a few days before us, 6 days from HENRY BLANEY 83 Hong Kong which is the shortest passage by 6 days on record. This same vessel sailed from New York to San Francisco in 89 days, the quickest trip ever made from port to port. 1 I noticed the " Lantao " Capt. Bradbury passed 30 Octo. 27 days from Shanghae, and with his memoran- dum of 5 piculs Sweet Potatoes, 5 piculs yams and 2 dozen fowls — The" Oriental " 27 days, "Tartar " 12 days, " Adelaide " 17 days, and our own ship "Mandarin" 17 days, all from Shanghae. March 8. Becalmed all day wdthin sight of Anjer off Cockatoa Island, a beautiful pyra- midal shaped hill, the summit of which is fre- quently obscured by clouds half way to its base. March 9. At daylight Cockatoa still in sight and bearing North. Lat. 6.10; Long. 105.20. Strong currents setting into the Straits. At 8 p.m. Cockatoa bearing N.E. by N. distance 10 miles. March 10. Lat. 6.43 ; Long. 104.30. At 4 p.m. Cockatoa bearing east by north. Princes 1 The record of the Flying Cloud, quoted above, was made in 1851, and in 1854 she duplicated her earlier performance. The Andrew Jackson, in 1860, was the only other clipper ship to equal this record. 84 HENRY BLANEY Island S.S. East. At noon by observation 45 miles from Java. Light winds. . . . March 11. Lat. 7.30; Long. 102.21. Fine breeze from the South East, with studding sails all set. March lJf. Sunday. Lat. 11 ; Long. 92.25 — frequent rain squalls — made 216 nils. On Sunday the men are left entirely to their own inclinations; the greater portion of them are sitting round forward, and upon the forecastle, dressed in white and blue pantaloons, clean shirts, etc., some are reading, others are spin- ning long yarns, or playing with monkeys and birds. Occasionally Jacko would cause a laugh among the Crew, by some of his pranks, but the merriment could scarcely be heard aft, and all were aware that the Captain respected the Sabbath, and though indulgent, would not al- low any unnecessary noise or bustle. One Sun- day afternoon Jacko was amusing the boys at the expense of the black Cook, by lying in wait for him over his galley, and whenever he made his appearance dropping some article upon his head and escaping to the rigging beyond his reach and rage. This afternoon I speak of, the HENRY BLANEY 85 wind was blowing very fresh and Jacko was upon the top of the galley with a large board ready to launch upon his victim, the poor Cook, between whom there had been existing a mortal enmity. But the Cook was equally upon the watch and armed with a dipper of hot water, had his eye upon Jacko when he little thought it. Suddenly the Cook jumped out of the lee side of the galley and threw the hot water at Jacko with a most malicious spirit and deter- mination, but Jacko was too quick for him. Up flew the board as a shield and back flew the hot water into the Cook's face which made him curse and swear like a " Davy Crockett " at being foiled by a monkey. But Jacko was not to be bluffed off. He seemed determined to get a lick at the Cook's head before he left his post. By this time all hands had congregated around the galley to witness the sport, and encouraged the Combatants with roars of laughter. The Captain and niyself were upon the quarter deck where we could distinctly see the whole perform- ance. The Cook now armed himself with an- other dipper full of scalding hot water, and, as " Titus Andronicus " says in the play, " Yenge- 86 HENRY BLANEY ance is in his heart and Death in his hand," mounted a cask on the weather side and aimed the whole contents at Jacko's body, but missed him again, for the monkey saw him in time and dodged, and the poor Carpenter who was stand- ing on the other side of the galley with his neck stretched out at full length and on tiptoe, and enjoying the fun, received the whole con- tents in his bosom. This was too much for the Cook and he darted up on to the galley armed with a huge cudgel, and with one blow stretched Jacko flat and apparently lifeless ; but he soon recovered himself and ever after gave the Cook and Galley a wide berth. March 18. Lat. 16.32 ; Long. 78.08 At 10 a.m. the wind died away to a calm. At 3 p.m. signs of a squall from the South East, sails reduced to reefed topsails and mainsail, At 1 past 3 the squall struck accompanied with rain. The stanchion supporting the wheel awning was carried away, and came down upon the head of the man at the wheel. This was a very severe squall and the rain came down with great vio- lence and lasted till 6 p.m. when the Sun set clear. Thermometer fell from 84 degrees to 76 HENRY BLANEY 87 degrees. At 6i shook the reefs out of the top- sails and set the spanker. Ship going 11 knots. Capt. Stoddard much troubled with the ery- sipelas which has broken out today all over his head and body. This p.m. is so bad as to scarcely see. He is a religious man and reads his chap- ter in the Bible every morning and evening. Is an agreeable companion and I am very much pleased with him. March 19. Light winds all the forenoon. A squall came on just before 12 o'clock. No observation. At li o'clk a very severe rain squall struck us and it seemed as though 100,000 cisterns had burst above. At one time there was six inches of water upon the decks, and when the ship lurched to leeward it sounded like a cataract. Some of the men rubbed them- selves over with soap and in a few moments were perfectly white with foam. March 20. Lat. 18.35 ; Long. 73.56. Light winds aU day. Made only 93 miles. At 2 p.m. had a heavy rain squall from the N.N.E. This P.M. one of the men harpooned a " Bonito " under the bows — and the next morning: had him served up fried for breakfast. It was truly 88 HENRY BLANEY delicious. When taken, it much resembled a large Mackerel and was about the size of a full grown Haddock. Today the steward gave us a Clam Chowder for dinner. It was very nice but did not taste as good as I have tasted at home. March 21. Sunday. Lat. 19.43 ; Long. 71.55 — made 126 miles. Light winds and fine weather. Had a heavy rain squall last night. " Jacko's fat all in the fire today." While his friend the Cook was boiling doughnuts, Jacko would dive into the galley while his back was turned, and run off with some, which the Cook noticed and laid a trap for him. He took off the kettle from the fire with the fat simmering hot, placed it outside where Jacko could see it, leaving a solitary doughnut swimming upon the surface. No sooner had he turned his back when Jacko pounced upon it. Fire and Furies ! did n't he scream ? while the Cook roared with laughter till his opened mouth looked like a thrown back Chaise top. Poor Jacko did not get over that scald for several days and I really believe the cook freely forgave him for all the tricks he had cut upon him. March 22. Lat. 20.36 ; Long. 70 degrees. HENRY BLANEY 89 Made 120 miles — been going along this morning only five knots and very little prospect of getting home in 90 days. This noon find we are three thousand miles from the Cape Good Hope. At 4 p.m. saw a large English ship ten miles off our larboard beam and standing for us. She had no studding sails or royals set, and evidently had encountered bad weather off the Cape. She was probably bound for Calcutta, or some of the other ports in India. As soon as she came up within 5 or 6 miles of us she ran up her English Ensign, and we answered her with the Stars and Stripes. She then hauled down her ensign and hoisted up her numbers, but as we had none of Marryat's Signals could not find out her name or inform her of ours. I took a memorandum of her signals to report at St. Helena. We hoisted our name which was sewed in large blue letters on a white ground but think it doubtful if they could read it. Two hours later, a squall shut her from our sight. March 23. Lat. 21.34 ; South. — Long. 67.42 East. Last night experienced a severe rain squall, but this morning the sun rose 90 HENRY BLANEY bright and unclouded. Last night saw the moon, which was two days old, go down about seven o'clock. The sun crossed the Equator on the 20th inst. and the two occurrences of the Sun and Moon happening so close together the Captain thought betokened unusually strong winds at the Cape. Made today 131 miles. March 2Jf Fine breeze and pleasant weather, with studding sails out on both sides. Lat. 22.58 South — Long. 65.26 — 33 days out — made this day 158 miles. March 29. Lat. 25.32. Long. 55.07 made 159 miles. Studding sails set on both sides. April 3. Lat. 28.16 — Long. 43.12 — made 184 miles. At daylight saw an English ship astern, probably from Calcutta, and another ship off the lee bow. Both standing the same course with us. We had been sailing close-hauled, the ship astern had been sailing with the wind free. As soon as she came within four miles of us, she hauled close on the wind. The ship to the Leeward of us at daylight had her top gallant sails and royals furled, but at 7 o'clk had all sails set. At 8 a.m. altered our course from HENRY BLANEY 91 S.W. by West, to West | South. At 9 o'clk the wind moderated to 6 knots. Had been going 9 knots all night. We are now about 100 miles south of Cape St. Mary, on Mada- gascar. April 4' Sunday. At 8 a.m. nearly a calm. One ship was about three miles astern of us, the other on the lee bow about 5 miles, both apparently English Ships from Calcutta. I was in hopes we should be close to them at daylight, so as to board them and get a few papers, as they would most likely have a later mail than ourselves, and also attend service which English ships are obliged to have at sea, by Law, when a certain number of men are onboard. At 8| o'clk we set our ensign in answer to the ship on the lee bow. Soon after she altered her course with the evident wish to speak us. At 1 p.m. we are becalmed and 4 miles distant from one of the ships and 6 from the other. They are both large Ships and resemble those belonging to Green & Co., of London, who are the largest ship owners in the world. Brockle- bank of Liverpool is owner of more ships than 92 HENRY BLANEY Green & Co. but not so many Tons. At 6 p.m. a strong north west breeze sprang up. At 9 p.m. the ship astern was out of sight and the other abeam. We are going 9 knots although sharp on the wind. April 5. At daylight wind blowing a gale from the South West with a very heavy sea from the same direction. Both of the ships out of sight astern. At 10 a.m. the wind still blow- ing a gale. An effort was made to set the jib, but hardly had they completed, when it was blown to atoms, and several men were ordered to go out on the jib boom to take in the rem- nants, in doing which one of the men, named Aleck, fell overboard. Several men with the Captain and mate were upon the jib boom and forecastle at the time, and saw him fall. In- stantly the Cry was raised of " Man-overboard !" The thrill and terror of those words at Sea, and in a Gale of wind can better be imagined than described. I had an attack of sea sick- ness that morning and was lying on the tran- som in the after cabin when the cry was raised. I rushed upon deck and found every one in the greatest excitement and everything in confu- HENRY BLANEY 93 sion. Capt. Stoddard was yelling his orders " to hard down the helm " and swinging his arms wildly to enforce his commands, but never does Jack work more willingly than when one of his ship mates is in danger. Although we were going 9 knots, owing to the head sea, she refused to come about. He then tried to wear, but she refused to do either. At the first cry, Mr. Hanson, the mate, rushed aft, and cut adrift the life preserver which had fortunately been lashed over the rail astern in case of emergency. Although the man was some ways astern, and burdened with his thick boots, he swam about the length of the ship to the life preserver, and fortunately succeeded in reach- ing it. The Captain, finding it impossible to put the ship about, or wear, ordered the top- sails to be backed, as the man could be seen from the top of the quarter rail, about a mile astern. Meanwhile some of the men were get- ting out one of the Life Boats from the top of the house. After some difficulty in getting it over the side and down into the water, there being great danger of staving it to pieces by the heavy sea running, two men with the 2nd 94 HENRY BLANEY mate got into it and pushed off. The man was then about a \ mile * off, nearly astern, and I could with difficulty keep track of him. Now he would be upon the top of a high wave, and then for several moments lost to view in the hollow of the sea. After rowing about ten min- utes and expecting every moment to see the boat fill, they succeeded in reaching the man and getting him on board the boat, and brought him safely on board the ship. It was a very narrow escape for the poor fellow, and had it been in the night time, it would have been im- possible to save him. Upon attempting to walk after we had got him on deck, he found his leg pained him, and it was with difficulty he could use it. When he fell he went down head first and caught his leg upon one of the bowsprit stays. Although his leg was scraped and bruised very badly, it was not considered dangerous. Just before the boat reached him a large Al- batross, which had been hovering over his head, lit upon the water within a few feet of him, 1 There seems to be a discrepancy in the matter of the distance between the ship and the man overboard ; — the text of the manuscript is followed as written. HENRY BLANEY 95 and when the boat came up he started with a scream at being deprived of an anticipated meal. The day before this occurrence, Aleck and Frank had an angry tussle together and had not spoken to each other since ; but when Aleck fell overboard Frank was the first to jump into the boat to save him, and came aft for several days afterwards to get medicine and salve for him. Lat. 29.05 ; Long 39.48. The Gale continued all day, and the sea ran very high. I have heard of the sea running mountains high, and have had a curiosity to see it in its most angry state. No where in the world does the Sea run so high as at the Cape of Good Hope, and never have I seen it more than 12 or 15 feet high as near as I could judge. Capt. Stoddard says the height of the highest wave on record, measured from the shore, is 15 feet from the level of the water ; not measuring the hollow. April 6. Lat. 29.54 ; Long. 37.32 — made 160 miles. Strong gales with a head sea. At sundown wind moderated, and set all the stud- ding sails. 46 days out. April 7. Lat. 31.28; Long. 33.46 — made 96 HENRY BLANEY 225 miles. Strong N.W. wind. This day was a disagreeable one. The ship pitched and plunged bows under, and it was with difficulty I could keep my feet. At our meals we were obliged to hold on with one hand and eat with the other. Now and then a dish of something would fetch away, and bring up in the lap or bosom of one of us. At midnight the wind sud- denly changed to the West and blew as it had from the N. West. April 8. Today we make but very little progress as we are jammed hard on the wind. Soon after breakfast we saw a large ship on our lee bow, standing on the opposite tack. She like ourselves was bound round the Cape. At noon we tacked to the North, and at 4 p.m. was abreast of her about three miles to the lee- ward. She was an Eng. Ship of about 1200 tons and heavily loaded. Lat. 33.08 ; Long. 30.32. April 9. At noon this day we saw the coast of Africa, and by Chronometer, found we were 50 miles from Buffalo River, in Lat. 32.42 ; Long. 29.32. Today Joe the Cowboy found twenty hens' eggs in the coop, which were all HENRY BLANEY 97 laid today. Very few farmers in New England can boast of a better lot of Fowls than we have on board. The principal part were bought in Shanghae, the rest in Java. We are now out 49 days. While we were at dinner today, the 2nd mate, Mr. Delano, hooked a shark and with the assistance of some of the men hauled him on board. He measured ten feet, which is much longer than they average. He was cut up and divided among the men. One claiming the back bone, another the jaw bone, and Mr. Han- son the fins, which, when made into a soup by the Chinese, is considered one of the best Man- darin dishes. On the voyage out, Mr. Hanson collected about 30 fins, and exchanged them at Shanghae for a chest of Tea and several pieces of Silk. At 3 p.m. the wind shifted to the South, but soon after died away calm, with a current from the South West setting us to- wards the African coast which we could see very plainly on our lee, distant about 30 miles. This part of the Coast is unsettled by foreign- ers, and is inhabited by savage Hottentots, from whom we should receive but very little mercy should they get us in their power. Today 98 HENRY BLANEY I saw a " Thrasher," the chief enemy of the whale. He jumped nearly his length perpendic- ular out of the water. I should think he was about 20 feet long. April 10. We have been becalmed nearly all day, with the exception of a run of 20 miles last night in the middle watch. The current close in shore, sets to the westward nearly all the year round. The last 24 hours we have made 127 miles, which shows a current in our favor of 107 miles. At the time of writing this, we are just in sight of the land, and steering S.S.W. with a light breeze from the South, and a heavy swell from the westward. By the chart, we are about 110 miles to the Eastward of Port Elizabeth, and 500 Miles from Cape Good Hope. This a.m., while I was aloft on the main topsail yard, saw a vessel directly ahead and apparently coming toward us. An hour afterwards she was abeam, and proved to be an English Brig, from the Cape Good Hope and bound to some of the ports on the African Coast. She was about as poor a specimen of an English vessel as I ever saw and looked as though she had been keeping company with HENRY BLANEY 99 the " Flying Dutchman." Her sails were in miserable repair and in her main top gallant sail was a hole large enough to put a hogshead through. Even her ensign, which she hoisted as we passed, was rent the whole length. It is somewhere in this vicinity that the fable of the " Flying Dutchman " originated. The magical appearance that an iceberg (which are seen here in Nov. and Dec.) sometimes exhibits by the radiance of the sun, when viewed at a con- siderable distance, possibly might have been experienced by some of the early navigators when passing the Cape Good Hope and there- by have arisen the Fable. At noon the wind came out from the South West and jammed us close on the wind. Lat. 33.59 ; Long 27.41. April 11. Sunday. Very squally weather all day with the wind ahead. Here there is a vari- ation from the true north, of 26 degrees west, in the compass, which is accounted for by the attraction of the earth. At New York there is a variation of ^ point ; at Boston of li points. In the China Sea there is none. Here near the Cape of 21 points nearly, or 26 degrees (11| degrees to a point). To find the true north 100 HENRY BLANEY from the magnetic north, when the variation is west, count to the left, when east to the right. Near an island in the Gulf of Finland the compass flies round and round, and in another part of the Gulf stands perfectly still. At the Island it is accounted for by the minerals and metals of which it is composed. This day we are in Lat. 35.03. Long. 25.04. April 12. Lat. 35.34 ; Long. 23.14. Last night we had squally weather with a heavy head sea. Shipped a heavy sea forward and aft at the same time, and floated everything about the decks, which was not lashed down. The noise was very heavy and sudden, and awoke me from a sound sleep. At the same time the heel of the Jib boom was carried away. The Steward awoke the Captain, and very innocently told him the heel of the "Fly- ing Jib " was carried away. This last 24 hours we made 94 miles, which distance was nearly all gained by the force of the current. We are about 260 miles from the Cape Good Hope. April 13. Lat. 35.11 ; Long. 22.08 — 72 miles. Last night we were on Agulhas Banks, and during a calm the mate caught three fish ; HENRY BLANEY 101 Two Groupers and one Lance. One of the groupers weighed 120 A lbs. When fried for breakfast, and made into a chowder for dinner, they are delicious, and resemble the Haddock caught on our Coast. These fish swim on the bottom to avoid the sharks which are very- numerous on these banks, and the depth of the water where these fish were caught is 60 fathoms. This a.m. the wind came out from the East, but with a heavy swell from the South west, and could make but little progress. By tomorrow night we are in hopes to be round the Cape. At sundown the wind is strong from the east, and sending us through the water 10 knots an hour, and we can distinctly see Cape Agulhas bearing North, distant 45 miles. April llf. Last night the wind came out from the N. West and directly ahead. At noon today, by observation we are in Lat. 35.55 ; Long. 18.48 and directly south the Cape Good Hope, distant 85 miles. The wind still blowing fresh from the course we want to head. At sundown the wind blowing a gale, and our ship with the least possible sail on her. At 8 p.m. 102 HENRY BLANEY the wind hauled to the West. Altered our course to the Northward. April 15. Wind blowing fresh with a heavy head sea. At noon found we were 100 miles south west of the Cape, and at 8 p.m. we are about 80 miles directly west of the Cape with all larboard studding sails set, and a fresh breeze from the South west. This a.m. saw the back of a whale, and soon after saw him spout a column of water high as our mast head. We have thus far sailed 8,000 miles, and are about 7,000 to New York. It is estimated that it is about 15,000 from New York to Canton; 2000 from Canton to Java Head — 6000 thence to the Cape and 7000 thence to New York. Lat. 35.06; Long. 16.45. April 16. Lat. 33.22 — Long. 13.29 — We have had a strong breeze from the S. East all day, but do not expect to get the Trade winds from this same quarter for a day or two. We are rolling along finely, direct for St. Helena with the wind directly aft. Aleck came on deck today for the first time since the accident, and is still quite lame. One of my paroquets died last night from the effects of the cold, and HENRY BLANEY 103 have only one left which I am in hopes will live to get into N. Yk. They resemble a Par- rot, are about as large as a Sparrow, and of brilliant plumage. Thermometer today 40 degrees. April 17. Lat. 31.36 ; Long. 10.12 — 1 de- voted nearly all this morning writing up my Journal, as the sea is calmer than we have had it for several days. The Captain is keeping further to the south than usual, with the hope of finding stronger breezes. The usual track for vessels bound across the Equator, is about 150 miles to the North, and steer directly for St. Helena, but as he does not intend to stop he has adopted the above course. April 18. Sunday. Is cloudy all day and cannot get the Sun. Took a Lunar in the after- noon and found our position to be Lat. 29.45 ; Long. 7 — Fine trades, and all sails drawing to the best advantage, made 174 miles. April 19. Lat. 28.01 ; Long. 5.5 — Smooth sea. At 9 a.m. a ship hove in sight to wind- ward, steering N.N.W. This day the afternoon watches commence on deck. Made 157 miles. April 20. Lat. 27.01 — Long. 3.33 — Made 104 HENRY BLANEY only 68 miles. Gentle breeze and fine weather. Studding sails set on both sides. 60 days out. April 24. Lat. 23.04 — Long. 2.16. Made only 32 miles. This day's run is, I think, the shortest since we left China. Light airs from the N.N.E. with clear fine weather. This fore- noon while looking over the bow saw several " Albacores " playing upon the top of the water. One of the men succeeded in catching one with a hook and line. He weighed about 60 lbs. The next day, he was fried, and made into a chow- der. April 25. Sunday. Lat. 22.53 — Long. 1.42 — Made only 30 miles. Thermometer 65 de- grees. After 6 days calm weather, during which time we have made only 360 miles, we are fa- vored with the regular S. East Trade winds, and soon after the commencement of this sea day, sailed at the rate of 6 knots, which we averaged the day through. We are now about 600 miles from St. Helena and expect by Thurs- day a.m. to be up with it. April 26. In the morning we had gentle breezes from the S.E. and at 2 p.m. the wind hauled to E.S.E. and freshened again to 6 HENRY BLANEY 105 knots. Lat. 21.39; Long. 00.01 East. Made 120 miles. Thermometer 68 degrees. April 27. Lat. 19.50— Long. 02.04 W. Made 168 miles. We have a fresh breeze from the S. East all day, which is very encouraging. At 10 a.m. saw a bark on our lee bow, and at ^ past twelve made her out to be an American Whaler. Soon after she passed across our bows about 5 ships lengths ahead and as we came up abeam she was about two ships lengths off. Capt. Stoddard hailed her with, " Where you from? " " Where you bound? " " What 's your longitude? " " How much Oil have you? " Her Captain answered, " From New York " — "Cruising for Sperm Whales." "1.30" — " 230 bbls." We could distinctly read her name. " Nimrod — Sag Harbor " as we passed. By the time we had asked those questions and re- ceived the answers, she was out of speaking distance, and steering East, and we kept on our N.W. course. April 28. Lat. 17.12 — Long. 4.20 — Made 190 miles. Clear pleasant weather, and all sails set to the best advantage. April 29. I arose at 5 o'clk., and as soon as 106 HENRY BLANEY it was daylight, with the hope of finding the ship close to St. Helena, but was disappointed. A heavy dark cloud obstructed my view beyond 8 or 10 miles, but an hour after, it passed to the westward and I could plainly distinguish the faint outline of a dark mass directly ahead, and apparently 20 or 30 miles off. It is very difficult for one unaccustomed to detecting ob- jects at sea, to distinguish land from the dark clouds arising above the edge of the horizon, or to make up one's mind with any degree of certainty as to the nature of any dark object which is just discernible to the naked eye, or even with a good Spy-Glass ; but knowing we were heading directly for the Island and from the observation of yesterday, and the distance we had run by dead reckoning, the ship was about 40 miles from the Island, I concluded that the dark object ahead could be nothing but St. Helena. At 8 o'clk the Island could be plainly distinguished, and was apparently about 20 miles off. We were then going about five knots, and Capt. Stoddard remarked that if we should have a strong breeze so as to come up with St. Helena by 12 o'clk, he would drop HENRY BLANEY 107 anchor for a couple of hours. Almost as if by magic a 10 knot breeze sprang up from the South East, and lessened the distance so as to make the Trees at Longwood distinctly visible. It presented a mass of rocks without the least sign of vegetation, with the exception of the few trees seen at Longwood, the residence and tomb of the late Emperor Napoleon. As we passed the east end of the Island about two miles off, I could with the aid of a glass, dis- tinguish from among the trees the Emperor's house, which is the only one on this end of the Island, and am told that it is used for a farm house, and the room which he used for his par- lor and in which he died is now turned into a carriage house. This building is now resorted to by all persons who visit the Island, from curiosity to see and touch the place where the greatest soldier of the age resided the last six years of his natural life, or anything which was formerly in his possession. His tomb is about two miles from the house, and is a spot much resorted to by strangers, as the place where all that remained of the great man who was the terror of the European powers, and which took 108 HENRY BLANEY three of the greatest powers of the Earth to crush, reposed for the period of nineteen years, until the change of rulers in France, prompted them to ask of England the liberty of trans- ferring the remains to his native soil on the banks of the Seine, " in the heart of his dear France, and in the midst of the people whom he so dearly loved." Several of the willows were transferred to France with the body, and I had previously made up my mind, if possi- ble, to visit the spot and gather a shoot of the willow as a memento of my visit. As our stay was very short I was deprived of this pleasure, but fortunately the American Consul's lady, whom I called upon, kindly gave me a twig which she had gathered a few days previous on one of her visits to the Tomb, and had preserved in a large bottle. On rounding the North East point of the Island, the anchorage, which is the only one around the Island, came in view, and twenty minutes after let go our anchor. We were im- mediately boarded by the Port Physician, Har- bor Master, News Collector, and the American Consul, Mr. John Carroll. From the latter I HENRY BLANEY 109 learned that the American ship " Adelaide," Capt. Cobb, who had left Shanghae 14 days before us, bound for New York, had not ar- rived, neither the American Bk. " Oriental," Capt. Dale bound for Boston, who left a week before us. We procured files of English pa- pers to the 20th January, and American to the 1st. Nov., and from them we learned of the new troubles in France, and the great fire in Washington, etc. There were only six vessels in port — One English Man of War, Two Eng. Merchantmen, one American Whaler, (Bark "Mary Gard- ner " Capt. D. Smith, Sag Harbor) and two French Merchantmen. The appearance of this immense mass of rock, looking up from the ship, was truly grand ; and with the several Forts both upon the top and sides of the rocks, defended by cannon and about 450 men, presented truly a warlike appearance. Soon after the anchor was dropped, Mr. Car- roll invited the Captain and myself to go on shore. We landed at the foot of Jamestown, or as it is sometimes called, Napoleon's Valley, at 110 HENRY BLANEY the same stairs where Napoleon landed after being made a prisoner by the English in the year 1815. This town is situated at the entrance of the valley, and is almost obscured by the over- hanging rocks enclosing it. A row of trees be- hind the ramparts, and another behind the Governor's house, give it a pleasant appear- ance. The houses are neatly built on each side of the principal street, which lies in a direct line up the valley. I am told there is a run of water proceeding from a small spring, and from a waterfall which falls over a precipice about 200 feet perpendicular into an ancient volcanic Crater, but I did not have time to visit it. About two miles from Longwood, (Na- poleon's residence) is a fine spring of water, from which all the water for his use was brought. Napoleon was very fond of visiting this spot, and in his will expressed the wish to be buried there, which was complied with. On the right side of the valley, a zig zag road is cut for ascending Ladder Hill, which is about 800 feet high, and also a flight of steps lead- ing directly to the summit. On the top of this HENRY BLANEY 111 hill is mounted a heavy battery of guns, which commands the valley and anchorage. At the other side of this valley is Sugar Loaf Hill, with a signal post at the top, and at its base are three other batteries at a little distance from each other, called Butter Milk, and Banks Upper and Lower Batteries. A little to the South West of these, Rupert battery appears at the bottom of the Valley of this name, formed by a strong stone wall mounted with heavy cannon. Close to the landing is a Fort, called Munden Fort, on a point of rocks, manned by a number of guns, which also com- mands James Valley. Around this point and close to the sea, is a long line of Batteries commanding the landing and the shipping at anchor. On the summit of the hills are signal posts all over the Island, which communicate by telegraph with each other and with the castle. When Bonaparte was a prisoner here, a gun was fired whenever a ship was seen ap- proaching, and this was repeated by other posts to the Castle. This was called an alarm. If more ships appeared a gun was fired for each, till five in number, when a signal was 112 HENRY BLANEY made for a fleet, but if more than two sail ap- peared to be steering for the Island, a general alarm was beaten, and every person immedi- ately took the station assigned him, and re- mained under arms till the Governor was in- formed what ships they were. There were always four men of war cruising off the Island, so that an attempt to rescue Napoleon would have been perfectly insane. There is a story current of a Yankee Smuggler, who offered to get Napoleon off the Island by means of a submarine conveyance, provided he would find means to lower himself down to the edge of the water, but as every path was guarded by a sentinel and he having grown very corpulent, the project was given up. Arriving at Mr. Carroll's house, we were introduced to his family, consisting of his lady, his son John and lady, and two younger sons ; together with Mrs. Babcock wife of the Cap- tain of one of the whalers cruising off the Island. Our visit, though short, was very pleasant, and was quite a relief after being cooped up on board ship for 70 days. This Island is about 9 miles long and 3 miles HENRY BLANEY 113 wide. The highest point of land is in the centre of the Island, about 2200 feet high and is called Diana's Peak. Near this is a conical shaped hill a little over 2000 ft. high. The difference of Temperature on these hills and the valleys is said to be about 10 degrees, and on the former the air is always cool and pleas- ant, blowing from the South East all the year round. The whole island is said to have been formed by a volcanic eruption, and to look down from some of the hills, it has the appear- ance of being thrown up by a convulsion of nature, and the burnt appearance of the rocks seems to prove this origin. I am told that heavy dark clouds frequently burst over the valley and deluge it completely. Several years back, a heavy cloud broke over Rupert Mountain, deluged it with a torrent of water, and carried a great part of the breast work and some of the guns into the sea. Mr. Carroll estimated the number of inhab- itants to be about 7000, — 5000 of whom are natives of the Island and descendants of slaves from the coasts of Africa. Nearly the whole of this class are held as slaves, and subsist almost 114 HENRY BLANEY entirely upon Rice. A few days before we ar- rived, the lady of the Captain of a Spanish vessel wished to purchase a girl for a servant, and as soon as it became known, several were advertised for sale at reasonable prices; and this in one of her English Majesty's Colonies ; who makes such a great cry at home about the wickedness of Slavery in our Country. As the Consul was very anxious to have his family see the cabin of our ship, which is fitted up in very neat style, Capt. Stoddard invited them off on board, and sent word to the steward to provide a dinner for twelve. Soon after, we went on board in company with Capt. Smith of the Whaler and Mr. Carroll's father in law, an old Captain of the English Infantry who was a lieuftenant when Napoleon landed. They were all very much pleased with the ship, and more particularly with the dinner which was served up in the steward's best style. The preserved Corn which was brought from the States and put up in tins, took the eye of Mrs. Babcock and Capt. Smith, both of whom were natives of Sag Harbor. As they sat down to dinner they both exclaimed " Well! if here aint some HENRY BLANEY 115 ' Sackertash ' ! Who 'd a thought of seeing 1 Sackertash ' in St. Helena ? " By the time we had finished our dinner, the water and other stores were on board ; the mate gave the word to heave the anchor short, and preparations were made for the party to return on shore. As soon as they took leave and descended into their boat, our anchor was weighed, sails hoisted, and we bid adieu to St. Helena, in company with the English Man of War for the African Coast, two French ships for France, and our own good ship for " the land of the free and the home of the brave." The two French ships steered the same track with ourselves, and we soon passed ahead of them ; by 7 o'clock p.m. they were both hull down astern. April 30. Lat. 15.10 ; Long. 7.05 — Made 90 miles. At breakfast this morning the steward broiled a few of the mackerel which had been procured at St. Helena with other stores. Mr. Hanson (the mate) and myself ate heartily of them, and soon after we were attacked with vertigo and a violent rush of blood to the head, which Capt. Stoddard said was caused by the 116 HENRY BLANEY mackerel poisoned by the influence of the moon. A light dose of medicine and a good nights rest removed all the effects of our impru- dence. May 1. Lat. 14.15; Long 9.32— Made 150 miles. Fine pleasant weather, wind di- rectly aft, and studding sails out on both sides. Steering north west 1 north — variation of 1£ points. May 2. Sunday. Lat. 13.11 ; Long. 12.02 — Made 162 miles. Weather and wind about the same as yesterday and we are steering the same course, which we do not vary from, till we arrive in the Latitude of N.Yk., unless the wind heads off. May 3. Lat. 12.08; Long. 14.05— Made 130 miles. Today a very laughable occurrence took place, though the death of a poor monkey was the result of it, through the ignorance of Joe the Cow boy. He had a very vicious mon- key, and in order to instill into his noddle a comprehension of the sin of not strictly follow- ing one of the commandments — " Thou shalt not steal " — would fasten him to a line and tow him in the water over the bows, until, as HENRY BLANEY 117 the Cook says, "he almost distinguished the vital spark." Today Joe was unusually severe, and towed him till life was nearly extinct. Seeing he was unable to move, Joe's conscience smote him. The Steward advised him, as the fire in the galley had gone out, to build a new one and endeavor to resuscitate him. He went to work, built a strong fire, and hoping to warm him through speedily, put him on the top of the stove and covered him over with a piece of can- vas, and as he thought he had finished his part of the charitable performance, left nature to do the rest. She did do it, and as Mrs. Atherton used to say, "faith, she did it brown." Joe, thinking it possible poor Jacko would be dried through or might want to be turned over, took off the cloth. Whew ! what a smell of burnt rags. He was dry with a vengeance. One side was burnt to a crisp and the other as brown as a nut; while his tail, which was originally a long one, and straight, was kinked up and almost twisted into knots by the heat. May Jf. Lat. 10.32 — Long. 16.42 — Made 180 miles. This day I was in hopes we should make over 200 miles. The ship had averaged 118 HENRY BLANEY over 9 knots up to daylight this morning, when it slacked off to 5 knots. May 5. Lat. 8.53 — Long. 19.42 — 207 miles. First part of the Trades — Studding sails set on both sides. Rain showers in the night — Wind S.E. course N.W. | North. May 6. Lat. 07.08 South — Long. 22.45 West. Made 215 miles. Strong trades ; pleas- ant weather with an occasional shower. Course N.W. 1 North. Wind South East. May 10. Lat. 2.06 —Long. 29.44 — Made 37 miles. Weather today the same as usual in these latitudes, pleasant in the morning and raining in the afternoon. This p.m. a bark hove in sight, steering N. by West. Talking with Capt. Stoddard today of Ships and the Cost of running them, he said the " Mandarin " cost about $70,000, and the cost of running her, ex- clusive of port charges, was $50. per day. May 12. Lat. 0.38 South — Long. 30.4 West. Made 30 miles. Light baffling winds. In company with one ship and two brigs steer- ing Northward. P.M. wind south, course N. by W. May 13. Lat. 0.08 North — Long. 30.12 — HENRY BLANEY 119 distance 40 miles. Wind from all points of the Compass, and frequent squalls. A French Man of "War in sight steering N.W. probably- bound to some of the Islands in the West Indies. Crossed the Equator about 10 o'clk this morn- ing. Today the sun arose at 6 o'clk and set at 6. May U. Lat. 1.17 — Long. 31.17 — Made 94 miles. Gentle breezes from the N. East in the morning, and squally with much rain in the afternoon. May 15. Lat. 2.18 — Long. 31.37 — Made 65 miles. Light airs from the South. At 2 p.m. strong breeze from the North East, with heavy rain showers. Course North by "West, wind South by S. West. 85 days out. May 16. Sunday. Lat. 3.25 —Long. 32.17 — Made 80 miles. This day came in with light airs and passing clouds. At 3 p.m. the weather very hot, and a light swell from the N. East. At midnight moderate breezes from the East- ward. May 17. Lat. 5.04 — Long. 35.35 — Dis- tance 220 miles. All Starboard studding; sails set. At noon strong Trades with squalls of rain. 120 HENRY BLANEY May 18. Lat. 7.14. Long. 39.40 — Made 280 miles. Trades very fresh from North East by North. At 2 p.m. split the main royal. May 19. Lat. 9.50 — Long. 43.24 — Made 280 miles. Strong Trades from the N.E. mak- ing N.W. course. This Evening saw the north star just above the horizon. May 20. Lat. 12.17 — Long. 47.10 — Made 262 miles. Trades began to moderate so that the starboard studding sails could be set. Wind N.E. Course N.W. May 21. Lat. 14.44 — Long. 50.45 — Made 258 miles. Wind N.E. Course N.W. Trades still moderating. May 22. Lat. 16.52 N. Long 53.56 W. distance 220 miles. Today we are directly under the sun, and at 12 Meridian, can stand in its rays without its casting a shadow. The sun revolves from East to West between the parallels of Latitude of 23^ degrees North and South. From the 17th. to the 23rd. June, the sun has reached its northern limit, 23 1 de- grees, and on the 24th June begins to return south ; during that period the days at Boston are 15 hours and 17 minutes long. On the 20th Facsiinilt qfapayefrom Journal of Henry /'■ < 'aJ~ o6& J / J& '/*> '4%e**6. s fs >■ y sft^-t^. fc*«&^ 2^2^/^ la*. J/ C ^t*^ ft/^r^^s ss//6 s&tsv&oju *? *>£.'&&* **>*>&. ^L A ^j.;/^7^y^^ ^^^^J y 3 * * I W I \1 i HENRY BLANEY 121 December the sun reached its southern limit, 23 1 degrees and remains till the 23rd when it progresses North. The length of the days then, at Boston, is 9 hours and 4 minutes. The last three or four days I have noticed immense fields of floating yellow weed. When the weather was calm and the water smooth, it was seen in great quantities, and when a breeze sprang up, would detach and float by in clusters. Capt. Stoddard says it is found in the water far from any land or rocks, and is seen only between the Longitudes 50 degrees and 70 degrees West and Latitudes 10 deg. and 40 deg. North. It is also seen in the Pacific Ocean near the Bashee 1 Islands. May 23. Sunday. Lat. 19.24— Long. 56.37 — distance 220 miles. Course N.W. by N. Wind N.E. by E. Fine trades — Pleasant weather, smooth sea. Today saw the first species of a whale. Two fin backs. I was sitting aft on the quarter deck when one arose close along side, with a noise 1 The Bashee Islands are in Lat. 20° 4ff N.; Long. 122° £. ; about halfway between the Islands of Luzon and For- 122 HENRY BLANEY like the first snort of a Steam Engine. They spouted no water, but played around the ship about two hours. May 24. Lat. 22.03 Long. 59.02— dis- tance 208 miles. Course N.W. by N. Wind N.E. by E. Fine trades, clear pleasant weather. Crew painting ship inside. May 25. Lat. 23.35— Long. 60.56— dis- tance 150 miles. First part of the day fine breeze from the East, and pleasant weather. Painting ship outside. May 26. Lat. 24.33 — Long. 61.46 — dis- tance 76 miles. Light airs and clear pleasant weather. Larboard studding sails set. Course N.W. 1 North. Wind East. May 27. Lat. 25.30 — Long. 62.16 — dis- tance 94 miles — Light breezes from the South East. Clear pleasant weather and smooth sea. May 28. Lat. 26.51— Long. 64.19 — dis- tance 130 miles. Light breezes — smooth sea. Studding sails out on both sides. Occasional showers. Saw a Schooner bound south and west. May 29. Lat. 28.25 —Long. 65.36 — dis- tance 115 miles. Gentle breezes from South HENRY BLANEY 123 East — Clear fine weather, smooth sea — Course N.W. by N. May 30. Sunday. Lat. 29.20 — Long. 66.40 — distance 75 miles. Light airs, fine weather, studding sails out both sides. At day- light saw a fore and aft schooner and a herm. brig. We are 100 days out from Shanghae. Think we shall arrive next Friday p.m. Wind South, Course N.W. May 31. Lat. 30.47 — Long. 68.07 — dis- tance 118 miles. This morning at daylight the wind came out from the South West and at noon had increased to 10 knots with the pros- pect of improving. This a.m. passed a herm. brig, bound probably for Cuba or some of the Leeward Islands. This day we are in latitude of New Orleans. June 1. Lat. 32.38 —Long. 69.54 — Course North West. At 3 a.m. squally with much rain. Took in the royals. At 6 a.m. calm with a strong swell from the North West. We made this day 144 miles. June 2. Lat. 34.47 — Long. 71.26 — fresh breezes from the South West. At 4 a.m. wind shifted to North East — our course N.W. by 124 HENRY BLANEY N. At 10 a.m. we are directly in the Longi- tude of Boston State House (which lays in Lat. 42.21.5 Long. 71.04.2). Therefore our Chronometer time and old Hollis St. Church should compare. At 2 P.M. crossed the Eastern edge of the Gulf Stream, which we noticed by the Tide rips. This stream, where we cross, sets to the Eastward 2^ or 3 knots per hour. Our course is not altered to allow for this cur- rent, as there is a counter current on the east and west edges, and gives a straight course. In immersing a Thermometer in the water, I noticed a difference in the temperature of 5 degrees ; outside the edge of the stream 71 de- grees — Inside 76 degrees. Middle of the stream 80 degrees. The Southern vessels bound North in thick weather guide themselves solely by the temperature of the water. The distance run today was 160 miles. Distance from New York 370 miles. Are still sanguine of being in N. Yk. Friday p.m. June 3. Lat. 37.15— Long. 72.38 — dis- tance 174 miles. Course N.W. by W. Wind very fresh from the W. S.W. At daylight still in the Gulf Stream — temperature 80 degrees. HENRY BLANEY 125 Saw a Schooner on our larboard bow steering the same course as ourselves. At 9 a.m. tem- perature of the water 73 degrees, showing we are approaching the western edge. Passed 2 ships, and one Bark on our lee, all probably Cotton vessels from N. Yk. bound to some of the Southern ports. At 1 p.m. 2 other ships bound the same as the others. At 2 p.m. Temperature water 62 degrees — color dark blue — In the Gulf Stream — black, p.m. all hands busy getting the Anchors over the bows. At 8 p.m. wind came out from the north, just the course we wished to steer, i an hour after, a severe squall struck the ship, but the royals and top gallant sails were fortunately taken in in time. At 9 p.m. was boarded by a New York Pilot who reported us to be 160 miles south of Sandy Hook and 15 miles east of Cape May. Sounded at midnight and found 37 fathoms water. Tacked ship and stood off to the N.E. The pilot brought on board a file of newspapers the latest of which was 31st May. Every article was read with the greatest interest, even the advertisements. The last we 126 HENRY BLANEY had seen were obtained at St. Helena, and dated Jan. June 4' At sunrise wind still ahead and blowing a gale. Took in all the light sails and reefed the topsails. At noon reckoned our- selves to be 90 miles South Sandy Hook and 10 miles off Little Egg Harbor in New Jersey. Could plainly see the land — very low sand hills. Standing off and on all day without gain- ing a mile on our course — 6 or 8 small vessels in sight — part of them Pilot boats. At sun- down wind died away, and a prospect of the wind coming out from the westward. In that case shall probably be in New York by Satur- day P.M. June 5. At daylight wind came out from the North and directly ahead. The morning was spent in beating off and on the coast. At noon a calm. At 5 p.m. wind came out light from the Southward ; put her before the wind and set larboard studding sails. At 8 p.m. 5 steamships passed us from New York — 2 for Chagres — 1 for Charleston — 1 for Savannah and 1 for Norfolk. June 6. Sunday. At daylight made Sandy HENRY BLANEY 127 Hook and at 8 a.m. a steamer took us in tow and carried us along side the wharf in New York City — after a very pleasant passage of 105 days. From Shanghae to Anjer (Java) 17 days Anjer " Cape Good Hope 38 Cape Good Hope to St. Helena 15 St. Helena to the Equator 14 Equator to New York 21 Shanghae to New York 105 Henry Blaney. THE END NOTES "In 1847, A. A. Low & Bro. brought out the Samuel Russell, of 940 tons, built by Brown & Bell and commanded by Captain N. B. Palmer, formerly of the Houqua. Her first voyage from New York to Hong-Kong was made by the eastern passages in 114 days. On a voyage from Canton in 1851 she sailed 6780 miles in 30 days, an average of 226 miles per day, her greatest twenty-four hours' run being 328 miles. This ship was named for the eminent New York merchant, founder of the house of Russell & Company of China, with whom the brothers Low began their career as merchants and shipowners. She was a beautiful vessel, heavily sparred, with plenty of light canvas for moderate weather, and every inch a clipper." (The voyage from Canton in 1851, referred to above, was presumably the return voyage next after Mr. Blaney's outward passage.) 130 NOTES " The only clipper ship to make the voyage to San Francisco prior to 1850 was the Mem- non, under Captain George Gordon, which arrived there July 28, 1849, after a record passage of one hundred and twenty days from New York. The first contest of clippers round Cape Horn took place in 1850, between the Houqua, Sea Witch, Samuel Russell, and Mem- non, old rivals on China voyages, and the new clippers Celestial, Mandarin, and Race Horse. All of these vessels had their friends, and large sums of money were wagered on the re- sult, the four older ships, especially the Sea Witch, having established high reputations for speed. The Samuel Russell was commanded by Captain Charles Low, previously of the Hou- qua, while the Houqua was now commanded by Captain McKenzie ; Captain Gordon was again in the Memnon; and Captain George Fraser, who had sailed with Captain Water- man as chief mate, commanded the Sea Witch. " The Samuel Russell arrived at San Fran- cisco May 6, 1850, after a passage of 109 days from New York, thus knocking 11 days off the record, and her friends and backers NOTES 131 felt confident that this passage could not be surpassed, at all events not by any of the clippers of that year. This opinion was in a measure confirmed when the Houqua arrived on July 23, 120 days from New York, but on the following day the Sea Witch came romp- ing up the bay, 97 days from Sandy Hook, reducing the record by another 12 days. This passage astonished every one, even her warm- est admirers, and well it might, for it has never been equalled by a ship of her tonnage and not often excelled even by larger vessels. This performance of the Sea Witch was the more remarkable, as she had rounded Cape Horn during the Antarctic midwinter. " The remainder of the fleet arrived in the following order : Memnon, September 27, 123 days ; Celestial, November 1, 104 days ; Race Horse, from Boston, November 24, 109 days ; and the Mandarin, November 29, 126 days from New York. These were all fine passages, especially when we consider that none of the vessels was over 1100 tons register. The rec- ords show that from June 26 to July 28, 1850, seventeen vessels from New York and sixteen 132 NOTES from Boston arrived at San Francisco, whose average passages were 159 days, so that even the Mandarin's passage of 126 days was very fast by comparison. We must remember also that none of these vessels had the advantage of using Maury's Wind and Current Charts, as at that time sufficient material had not been collected to perfect them." The Samuel Russell made the following re- cords : — Cape St. Roque to 50 degrees S., 16 days, — best time for period 1850 to 1860. New York to San Francisco, — 109 days in 1850, arriving in May; — 106 days in 1854, arriving in January. " The Samuel Russell was wrecked in the Gaspar Straits in 1870, under command of Captain Frederick Lucas." Captain Limeburner was the first com- mander of Donald McKay's Great Republic, launched in 1853, " the largest extreme clipper NOTES 133 ship ever built," " and by far the largest mer- chant ship constructed up to that time." He was in command for several years, during which period she made the voyage from New York to San Francisco in ninety-two days, within three days of the best record. " The first California clippers, thirteen in number, were launched during the year 1850, the Celestial, 860 tons, built by William H. Webb and owned by Bucklin & Crane, of New York, being the first to leave the ways. She was soon followed by the Mandarin, 776 tons, built by Smith & Dimon for Goodhue & Co., of New York, and the Surprise, 1361 tons, owned by A. A. Low & Brother ; Gamecock, 1392 tons, owned by Daniel C. Bacon, Boston, and the barque Race Horse, 512 tons, owned by Goddard & Co., Boston, all built by Samuel Hall at East Boston." " The Mandarin, ... a fine-looking ship, was intended by her builders to be an improved Sea Witch, and although she made some ex- cellent passages, she never came up to the 134 NOTES older vessel in point of speed ; the Sea Witch was her builders' masterpiece, and they, like many others, found her a difficult ship to im- prove upon." The Mandarin made the following records : — Cape St. Koque to 50 degrees S., 20 days. Canton to New York, 89 days. New York to Melbourne, 71 days. In 1853, after the homeward voyage in the Mandarin, Captain Stoddard commanded the Kathay, of 1460 tons, built by Jacob A. Wes- tervelt; this command continued for several years. PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON * CO. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. U.S.A.