PERKINS LIBRARY I Kike I Diversity K.irc 1». i.Lv •***• JSfc. IRDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS if.. •.■>■ M i k i) "i^I^RM VN&T ORDE^ /- of cowing. Jsftt THI-JUTKOF TIlt'roORrWtfftONOF THE CTT7 %8flf TflEJD^TE OF Till Ml Jt-jO? THERMO ll'AN D pfe t > >/» JHHL Huh uS^tlNi ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND PERMANENT < vIMVERS CITY OF CARROLLTON, LA.. IT.CU THE DATE OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE CITY / To TP ry lOtlx, 18GI3.. f COMPILED AN1> DIGESTED BY ORDER OF Till OH \ N J) CO UN CI 1, , v VV OKI \ .MENTAL TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO INCORPORATE •ITY OF OARROLLTON," APPROVED MARCH SEVENTEENTH, HUNDRED AND FIFTY-NINE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives i' Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That all taxes ■ Mayor and Council of the city of CarroUton, accord- iall be due and payable in the office of the collector of sain -ity, tVi in the first of January in each year, and the said city special lien and privilege on all property assessed, to ivnient of the taxes, with the interest and costs due, to bi pi m. by preference before any mortgage or claim whatever on id voperty, from the moment of recording the tax bill in the lice of the parish of Jefferson. When the controlled tax l>i' : my year have been placed in the city collector's hands, he - notice in the official journal of said city, notify the tax pay< he\ are due and payable in his office, and if not paid, will be recorded on the first Monday in May ensuing, at the costs of delinquents. On the first Monday in May of each year the col- aiid over (<> Recorder of Mortgages for the parish of a all unpaid bills for taxes of the previous year, to be re- corded, audit shall be the duty of the Recorder to enter them in his books without delay, and return them to the collector, with a (1, and his cost marked on each bill. The recorded bi tr interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum trow the lay they were due, and the collector shall collect the m- • I sts from the tax payer. When the said Mayor ami •uncilfind it necessary to sue delinquent tax payers, or to sue for unpaid bills for public works, the collector shall file the bills in the jurisdiction, and the justice of the peace or cleric of the court, 'as the case may be, shall, by an advertisement pub- lish) ifficial journal of said city, cite all the delinquents to ap] i twenty days from the first insertion of said adver- tise- answerto the demand contained in the bill tiled. No be necessary, lmt the bill filed shall he considered a 'the advertisement shall be considered a citation, and ice of citation shall he necessary. The advertisement tin name of the court, the names of all defaulters, and ait 1 from each. All other proceedings in the suits ir and according to law nd each defaulter shall pay twenl uts for costs of the cil u by advertisement, and all '■ ' tin suit, toeetlier with the fees of the attorney em- Council to attend to the suits. it further enacted, e and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. G. Be it further enacted, dV., That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. (Signed) J- B. EL AM, Speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives. ( Signed) ALBERT VOORHIES, Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 21, 1866. (Signed) J. MADISON WELLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: J. H. Hardy, Secretary of State. POlTCOn, tne COUector H11H41 luucn Bnmn journal of the corporation, or by posting as required in b< nl, within twenty .lays, notifying such owner or owners that unit ss pa\ menl is made within thirty days fron the date "f the first insertion of Buch notice, thai the -aid property will lie proc i-t in the same manner is i- pres cribed in tin foregoing tion for the V covery of taxes due said corporation; and all advertising, recording or otherwise shaU be added to the bill for collection, by the offie< r m charge of it." :\. Be it further enacted, etc., I I of said plemental act, approved March 21, 1 SCO, 1 led I In O CM '3 * No. 98.] AN ACT To amend an Act entitled " an Act to Incorporate the city "i Carrollton," approved March 17. 1869, ami ilie supplemental act tlurct>>. approved Marcli 21, 186C>. Section 1. Be it enactedby ///<■ Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, in breheral Assembly convened, That sec- tion ten of said act of incorporation be amended and re-enacted 80 as to read: f" Sec. 10. Be\ it further enacted, etc. That the roads, streets, levees, wharves, public places and thoroughfares in said city, shall be under the entire control of said mayor and council, and they shall pass such ordinances for the regulation thereof as they n i : i \ deem expedient: Provided, That no ordinance in relation to thos< places or the levees shall interfere with the rights of the public thereto as laid down in the Civil Code and laws of this State, They are hereby vested with the power to repair, alter or enlarge said levees; and if necessary for the safety of the inhabitants, to make a new levee in front of :iu\ part of said city, in such places ami manner as the exigency of til" case, in their discretion, may require; and six of the conncihnen concurring, are empowered to levy ami collect a special tax on the real estate and personal property in said city to pay all expenses and costs arising therefrom; they are empowered io curl), gutter, grade, pave, shell, or plank sidewalks, streets and public thoroughfares, and charge the front owners on such places the whole costs for sidewalks, including the curbs and gutters, and one-third of the whole cost for streets; and they ar< emp. >\\i red to make wharves, plant tie posts, and regulate the port of said city; also, to cause vacant lots to be fenced and tilled up t( the gra 1'of the city, at the expense of the owners, when necessary. Sec. 2. t?<' it furtlvr fnact'-tl, etc.. That section eighteen of said act of incorporation be amended and re-enacted so as to read: "Sec is. Be it further enacted, etc., That whenever the owner of any property in front of which paving of any description what- ever, Bide walks, banquettes or other walks shall be done within tin limits of said corporation, by order of said mayor and council, oi whenever the owner of any property which has been rilled up wit! earth, or enclosed or fenced in, by order of said mayor and council, shall fail to pay the amount for which said property may be liable. the said corporation or contractor performing the work shall hav< a special lieu and privilege upon said property, to secure the pay- ment i if the amount so due, with eight per cut. per annum interesl from the date on which the same ought to have been paid, to h< paid by preference over am mortgage or claim whatever upon said property: Provided, Thai such privilege shall not extend beyond th< period of six months from the completion of said v/ovks, unless the hill for tile same, duly certified by the controller and surveyor oi said corporation, has been recorded in the offic< of the recorder of mortgages of the pariah of Jefferson: Provided further, Thai in case such owner shall be unknown, or reside out of the city of Car- roliton, the collector shall insert a notice three times in the official journal of the corporation, or l>\ posting ;is required in section second, within twenty days, notifying such owner or owm ra that unh -s pa\ iii'iit is made within thirty days fron the date of the first insertion of such notice, thai the said property will lie proceeded I linst in the same manner is is pres cribed in the foregoing sec- tion tor the recover} of taxes due --aid corporation: and all costs for advertising, recording or otherwise shall be add. d to the bill for collection, by the officer in charge of it." 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That Bection first of said sup- plemental act, approved March 21, 1m',<;. he am. ml. d acted to read: " Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represt ntatives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That all taxes levied by the mayor and council of the city of Carrolltou according- to law, shall be due and payable in the office of the col- lector of said cit^y from the first of January in each year, and the said city shall have a special lien and privilege on all property assessed to secure the payment of the taxes with the interest and cost due, to be paid by preference before any mortgage or claim whatever on said property, from the moment of recording the tax bill in tin' mortgage office of the parish of Jefferson. When the controlled tax bills for any year have been placed in the city collec- tor's hands, he shall, by notice in the official journal of said city, notify the tax payers that they are due and payable in his office, and if not paid will be recorded ou the first Monday in July ensuing, at the cost of delinquents. On the first Monday in July of each year the collector shall hand over to the recorder of mortgages, for the parish of Jefferson, all unpaid bills for taxes of the previous year to be recorded; and it shall be the duty of the recorder to enter them in his books without delay, and return them to the collector with a note of record and his cost marked on each bill. The recorded bills shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from tlie day they were due, ami the collector shall collect the inter- est and costs from the tax payer. When the said mayor and coun- cil find it necessary to sueAlehuquent taxpayers, or to sue for unpaid bills for public works, t lie collector shall rile the bills in the COUTt having jurisdiction, and the justice of the peace or the clerk of the court, as the case may be, shall, by an advertisement published in the official journal of said city, cite ad the delinquents to appeal within twenty days from the first insertion of said advertisement, and answer to the demand contained in the bill tiled. No petition shall be necessary, but the bill filed shall be considered a petition, and the advertisement shall be considered a citation, and no other service of citation shall be necessary. The advertisement shall con- tain the name of the court, the names of all defaulters, and tin amount claimed from each. All other proceedings in the suits Shall be regular and according to law. and each default) r shall pay twenty-five (cuts for cost of the citation by advertisement, and all other costs in the suit, together with the fees of the attorney em- ploy* d by the council to attend to the suits." Signed) DUNCAN 8. CAGE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signed- ALBERT VOORHEES, Lieut-Governor ami President of the Senat* . Approved March ii:;. 1867. Signed) .T. MADISON WELLS, « iov. rnor of tlie State of Louisiana. A true copy: • I. H. HaKI'Y. Secretary of Stat- i I N" D E X . ANIMALS. Hogs running at large to be Bhot and Bold 11 Dogs without muzzles to be poisoned, .when and how II < 'attic horses and mules to !><• branded, when, and charge for II Cattle, horses and mules taken up, when, and how deall with 12 Hogs proliibited from running at large 12 Cattle brand to be provided Animals of Jefferson Parish permitted to graze, on condition, etc 12 (Joats not to run at Large, or fastened in the Btn 1 Stray animals to be impounded Dead animals to be removed by owners ol property ! ,1 animals not to lie thrown in the Rtreet 52 ASSESSORS. lluw and when elected 49 Dow they must lie opposed ■"» Duties of Principal to make book of plans, and continue it ATTORNEY. I low and When elected To sue and defend for the city 13 Po examine titles and contracts. *14 To institute suits for breaches of ordinances To keep a register of all suits, and make reports 1-1 Compensation for collecting money 51 Is the legal adviser ol the Mayor. Council and officers Must attend to all suits, pro and con 13 Mn-t report amounts due and in suit at the end of his term 14 : 'enalty for neglect of duty To record privileges, when and how Office hours for business AWNINGS. Persons may erect, on banquettes, alter obtaining lines fromsui Size of posts, and manner of erection Additional plank to be used, etc Fixed Beats against posts prohibited 16 Penalty for contravention Posts not to be leas than five feet from corners id" banquette I BALLS. \,'.,t to be given without license. and penal tj is Commissary to attend, and keep order. . Liquors and refreshments ma] be sold at ''■ \\ v i ETTES. Penalty for driving or riding on, . Width of, generally # w idth of, "u Canal Avenne Width of, on First Street Mode of constructing paved i i in, balfof cost of mal Ing U hi Plan of plank banquettes or walks Awnings may lie made over, and how . . and council to p 18 j be pirated on, and now ami a indow -. on, iiral ■ rloa from -jo ling on, must I"- 1 : when paved more tlian one allowed under one license il !N<;. Prohibited in day time, und Parents and gue BATT1 ■ Surveyor to point out. and give ]>•-.. 14 ii:\ for hauling sand permit v for moving sand oul <•!' limit? fDS OF OFFICERS. All officers to give bond What kind "t Mcurity required When security musi be gli en y .iv BOOK OF PL \ Principal assessor to make 1.: \ .ii RECORDS 1 . ged with the - permit them i" i>" taken from 1 Ma\ L'ii e certified transcrii 1 \8 Materials and dimensions of bi • II and dimensions of the JAt enue Po be" made and repaired with cypre >in< 19 td timber to be used. Mad< . HERS, daughter in houses ... oxne sudden mean- 7.; To pay stall rent and meal tax to tanner of market 1 ; •ject to penalty for selling bad meal 45 Musi keep clean in market ■ .-lean b tails BUILDING Buildings t>> bo . . . . ind to be raised before build 1 80 Buil walls on the front line, im banquette "jo Distance for stepB, door and window banquette 20 tened, « lien er be reported -l 20 Ifustl Penaltj for drii .22 l'ri\ B on, if duly 23 ;.:; i I not be driven 1 .". t ('ANAL AVENUE. Size of bridges on, and modeol constructing i;i Size of roadways on Size of banquettes on ' 17 ,;'_-, Line of, Axed . Cs CEMETERY. Square No. 7 ! established for cemetery Ity fur interring dead elsewhere. , , 23 l>c]iih of graves •'■; Price of interment 23 28 Cemetery musl be kepi in good order by Sexton '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." 24 h Penalty for false representation as to col< 24 Penally for negled of duty by Bexton ... .... . 24 Manner of making tombs j J Commissary to visit and inspect cemeter , "i of vaults imes and trading in, forbidden WWW. 27 corpse to be buried within forty-eighl hours . . . . . ...... 27 A corpse may be disinterred and removed, how \\\ 27 Prices to be paid for coffins '' '•< Manner of effecting interments ".-, Price to be pai arer "/-, ipt, with burial certificate, to be delivered to sexton ! W, d particulars 25 Pri if tomb lots and vaults V- ~>\. ' ly for burial of the dead 26 Lots to be forfeited, when, and p 2 C Vaults may be rented from the city one year » " 26 The poor to be gratuitously buried . ' .'' 26 Vault- musl be>kepl closed 27 Vaults, tombs and -rave.-' opened on order of mayor or comptroller 27 Vaults and tombs kept in good order charivari Penalty for engaging in coFPn Amount allowed for those furnished b oa COLLECTOR. How and when elected *a Musi lake oath, ami give bond 'WW. 49 To eollect and receipt fur moneys To pay over weekly to treasurer, ami file receipt with comptroller To enter hi? lulls in a register To enter date of payment in register To credii warrant- with amount of taxes due fn r l <■ record privili < tlliee ho -', COMMISSARY. How and when 1 lei ■ <1 *q Must take oath ami give bond .... in de in tin- city" '.WW. ling liquors without li< 1 n • To arresl peddlers fo "„j la Reward f< 1 property to ■ VI 90, M .■I in:; en< - ■ . lings ob 20 - rveyor ft persons making improvements \ of noticea .... ..... To take census yearly, ana compensation therefor 31, 1 porf monthly the work uperintend the making of ditches :m 'I'., demand license from peddlers, and seize, and how in proceed Empowered t" collect boat tax for jelling ollect timber ta- .' To ■ dy ni' weights ; *. » i ■ 1 measures Not t" remote dirt from one place t" another. without instruction Tn \ isil ami inspect market 45 Tn enter public houses, and report disorder i<> mayoi i" in \ i.-ii mid inspect cemetery, ami report in mayor -' I COMMITTEES. Manner of appointing Btanding < "i Ittees, and their duties, tides 9 ami 'J7. Rule 8, 0, I Time to meet for business. : 'i COUNCILMEN. Division lor long and Bhoxi term .■*:'• Shall not in- security or contract 8 COMPTROLLER. How ami when elected M 'In take oath ami give i I *9 Vacancy, how filled :; examine claims ^ 'I'.. countersign warrants 88 To take charge of real estate To keep a el oi I !■.-! 38 To examine, enter ami certify bills against city :i- To make oul and coun tersign receipts ami bills * :;:i Tn make yearly statement of revenue and expenditure S3 . rman <<\ Finance to appro; e acci Is, and when :; - ; To make monthly report of licenses taken 83 To make yearly delinqnenf tax list 83 Office boars for business 80 Penaltj '•» DITCH Made at expense of the cltj '' ,( ■ -i. ' 84 Penalty tor filling or itopping ■'•'-'■ •• ' Those without muzzlei to be poisoned, how and when 11 Vicious ami noisy not large 83 VII ELECTIONS. Mayor ami Council, QOW elected 2 Notice to be given of elections (Art. 31, Rules) '-'. 10 KERRY. Parties to. and limits :;."> To be Bold tor two years, and terms :!■"> Keeper to have Bign-board, etc 35 Hours of travel :iii Rates of fere 'M'< FENCES. What is a legal fence . . 21 How repaired :.'l FIRING GUNS. . Penalty for 52, .".I FIRE DEPARTMENT. Lot purchased for use ol ' took and Ladder < !o. No. l 37 Lot appropriated for use of Fire < Jo. No. 1 37 Money appropriations on conditione FREE PEOPLE I I lLOR. (See Blaves) 7:' FIRST STREET. Size of banquettes and roadways on 65 Pari of, widened by X. I >. and Carrollton Railroad Co 6G i BOATS. Landing for, regulated how VI Tax on Commissary empowered to collect tax 67 (.OATS. Xoi to nil or be Fastened in street- GUN POWDER. Vendors noi to keep more than 30 lbs 37 Other persons not m ire than 5 lbs HOGS. To be shot and sold II JAIL OB WATCH-HOI Prisoner- not to be kepi more than twenty-four hour-. Fees for prisoners lived 59 Mayor to keep in order and supplied LANDING (seePort). Boats may sell at and tax for Commissary to collect the tax 1 Charge for lying there LAW SUITS. ♦ 1 !oste in certaii i Id A Penalty lor riding or driving on • Commissan ; i 'dear it LICENSES. Liquor licenst ■ Mayo,- to grant, upon bond given Number of license to be on door ' lannol be transferee 1 Mayor may withdraw, in < Liquor not to be old to soldi, r be Iml .ii 10 o'clock Liquor not (.> be sold without license, nn Liquor not to bo sold or traded t<> i Commissary to enter public houses, and nisi lie obtained for certain nth required No liquor to be sold " VIII LICl ;. under penalty i. i:t be kcjii and 1 1 43 Market] 41 rent and i :i Ifil. on si'!' 11 Appli • da i" be m Applicants to Bwear otto transfer stal Whi forfeited 14 ling bad meatt . .... i throw bad i :■•..' into i musl be < lean . ....... .4/ ■ -.'II in. nnde ■ i en ilty Com Farmer to Farmer to aertofurni :••: aol to carry on b ICU fu V.'ili: 1.'» ... . IT ir to i.inn out; ' • not to be ' ,: Penalty for nuisance in. and vulga ilty for refn M \\ni;. I - President of Com When to vote. Duties and salary Bxed 3 '!'•> reporl Coiincllmen and ol Shall keep ;i \" To draw warrants for salaries when due Chairman of Finance to Bigo warrant To order prin lone i>y ant ' ' To advert! . [ fei 35 ittend i" police j ill . lirect police oflBci i olice aw warrai Draw warrants for po To h&\ B I irtei .3 lo Uitb< i To draw wa I '_" TS >1 ictor , .... 8 IX MAYOR AND COUNCIL. When and bow elected ] Mayor to preside over % Number to form a. quorum •_> ( .'eneral powers of ;;, { - Number required to lay a tax or license, and amount :; When to elect officers and fix their salaries, etc ...3, To decide on qualifications of How to fill vacancies Duties of Mayor 3 Shall not lie security or contractor • ... 3 Exempt from giving security I May impose lines, seize ami arrest Required to establish public Bchools | Number of Directors ami quorum fixed 1 To receive school fund from State, etc i What they shall require of the officers I Oath of office, who may administer When to fix the rate of taxes Power to make public works, etc How to open, widen or improve public Btreets, etc. i; How to contest their election What officers they shall elect :; To hold property only for municipal and school purposes I Penalty for interfering with election of ...'. 7 Rules for business. . :i. in Power over levi and public places. NEW ORLEANS. Carts, etc.. of. to pass free NOI8 Penally for making in street- Mti-: be prohibited in liquor houses NUISANCES (SeeOflbi' Commissary to remove Penalty for 30, 5 I OFFICERS. nl duties must be fixed b< To be elected in October How they must give, security * 47 1 security to be gh en Salaries to be paid when due We voters of the city, ami rei ide therein. Mast be sworn and give bond Penalty for neglect of duty Duties in reaped to 1 , :; ■ ial and pa ..nd immoral exhibitions. . 58 mdalous prints and picture! and adulterated food and drink ...... Pilling lots and square- , r »=l ovens, Btanlee, wells and priviei Chimneys of smith shops, etc 64 at obstruct] 1 Officers and employees nol to be interfered with ;,-t Batture sand ... md driving on Btreets and railroads 54 Pent ommltting 54 • v and police tu denounce and report ,.i \ ami police to nders Parents of minora responsible irs of slave- responsible 54 Img and infuriating animala (see slaughter T.t Inflating meat 7.'5 Slaughtering in open air 12 PEIVTLEG Por taxes and works to be recorded 7s Attorney i ' tor to do it 78 PEDDLEB have License, and exhibit it to Commissary on demand v> .-lave- Belling tor masters, must be named in license :' >• to do notify and seize, when, and how to pr id , . . Mt. bed < lhargee for the admission of animals ,'it; Amount paid to persons delivering Btraya at pound 56 Charges for maintaining animals ."><; All charges, with costs of advertising, to be paid i»y claimants of ani- mals 56 per to enter description of all animals in honk :>C, 56 ■i to Bell 5fi • i be recorded 5G Is to Treasurer, after deducting oosts and charges. c>r> • r entitled to receive remainder of proceed-, less "lie-tenth . r >7 ■ make monthly report 57 XI PRINTER. How and when elected, and duties of 60 Must publish in French, when 60 His work to be done by another, when 60 Must furnish twelve copies of each paper containing published pro- ceedings 60 PUBLIC SCHOOL. Must be established and maintained I Board of Directors, how and when elected I. 60 Duties of Board, and powers 61 Must meet once a month 61 Vacancies in, how filled 61 To report quarterly to the Council 61 Bills of, paid when approved by three Directors Forfeit membership, by absence Children of non-residents, how admitted Children of transient residents, *how admitted 62 School money received from State, specially appropriated to use i schools Directors to be sworn 61 Duties of Secretary to Board 61 Means and mode of payment POLICE DEPARTMENT. . Who compose it. and their duties Mayor to regulate and appoint special police "i!i Police jail to be kept in order Prison fees, etc PORT OR LANDING. Commissary to regulate . r >7 Commissary to collect charges 67 jela charged $10 , f >8 Vessels charged $5 58 When to be sued Boats may sell there Commissary to collect tax Rafts of timber, etc PUBLIC WORKS. Councilmen and officers not to contract for (Charter) :; ROADS AND STREETS. Plight of way granted to Jefferson and Pontcharlnun Railroad, o I cer- tain conditions Single track through Levee street granted. Company to fill and grade Levee street ....... May run locomotives, on conditions. I "pper Line street to be widened I Double track through Upper Line street turc of right to run locomotives on I 1" be declared and enforced, when 64 New streets not to be laid out in the city, unless a plan approved by Council Brown ■! line changed. Railroad on Hampi Kai-ffli and how tilled . in oilier, how filled . lint deputy, when office in the city. . i I, and take oath building i, etc.... raperintend public work *8 . md record public « ork £ :; Ive pei mil ig batture saud. - • ' • • ' ' < (fflce hours Jli- ■ XIII SURVEYOR, Continubd. Required to run certain linos, and make measurements, and report diagram of same to Council riiia and report approved Certain surplus land ordered to be embodied in certain squares. . H7. 7f. Report of commit! in surveys 76 Mayor directed to have plan homologated 77 Surveyor to give awning linos 15 To give banquette lines 17 TARGET SHOOTING. Prohibited, except in pi itection alleys 78 Mode of constructing protection alleys 78 TAXES. What is subject to taxation '■'. Batture lets not to be taxed 19 On vessels at the landing - r >!' Timber and lumber tax l!" On boats selling at landing Tax on cord WOO "9. 80 TIMBER. Tax on, and amounts 7!). .so Commissary to report timber to comptroller, and to collect tax. .79, 80 Eat'ts. lumber, wood, etc., to pav tax 79, 80 TOMB LO Price of 25 Mayor authorized to sell 25 Ificate of Comptroller and Mayor, a sufficient deed 'J.*> Lots not to be transferred without consent of Council 2*1 TREASURER. ted annually 49 To take oath and give bond 49 Duties generally To exhibit books to Comptroller 80 Make quarterly report To report at regular meetings of Council To pay out no money without resolution of the Council To report >'ipts to comptroller To take certain receipts as cash 29 Where to keep office 50 Power to sue. and responsible for neglect 81 Form of books Rooks and account Bubject to inspection at all times When to cancel and tile vouchers Bank account 8] TREASURER AND I OR. Collector, and give bond according! . VACA Oft! Not appi VAGRANTS. To be warm; A NTS. . GHTS AND To 1: -A.I>T ACT TO INCORPORATE Tin: 'MTV OF CARROLLTON. Section 1. Be it enacted by of Low I, that the territory and inhabitants within the following limits, to-wrl : Beginning at the Mississippi River, "ii the lower line of the town of Carrollton, in the pariBh of Jefferson, following line extended to the line of the city or New Orleans; thence following said city line to the northern limits of said town of Carrollton; thence following the rear line of said town, as laid down on the original plan thereof, to the extreme north-west point formed by the junction of north and south line street; thence along the west side of south line street to upper line street; thence alon) the upper line of upper line street to tin- River Mississippi; thence to the point of beginning, and not exceeding the limits assigned to -aid town per the original plan thereof, by C. F. /impel, dated April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and deposited in the office ofG. R. Stringer, then Notary Public in New Orleans, shall continue to be a corporation ami body politic, with per- petual succession, by the name of the ••city oi Carrollton." .2. />'' Uj '\' the neighborhood around the polls; and it is he, I ' the dutj of :>il the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and police officers of the parish of Jefferson or City of Carrollton; ami in default of an offii citizen of the city, to exesute all ordei ied by any bwo of said Commissioners, and deliver the of- fender to the city or parish jailor, at (he jail: but oo person thus arrested shall be deprived Of his vote, [f he he a voter' and desire to vote. In the event id' the resignation or refusal to serve, of the Mayor and all the Councilmen, or of the resignation or refusal I aoh number of them so as to leave no quo- rum to do business, it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary (d' the Council to appoint three Cup,. . and order an election to till the vacancies thus made, and which election shall he conducted as in case of the annual election; and in the event of the Mayor and Council neglecting to provide for the holding of the annual election, it -hall he the duty of the Secretary to appoint Commis- !fl and order said election. c. I. Beit) ■ c, That within five days after their election, the -aid Mayor and Councilmen shall meet; and the said Mayor shall preside over thai ami all subsequent meetings, and the Mayor and five Councilmen shall form a quorum to trai hall not proceed to business until they have been duly sworn and qualified, in the absence of (lie Mayor, six Council- men shall fomi a quorum to do business, 01 f whom Bhall I leoted by them- selves as President, pro tern., to act in the place of the Mayor for the time being, fhe President, .whether it bo ft or 01 Councilman, shall have a casting id in election or appoints I r-. and when the Council by ballot. That the said Mayor and Council, when duly organized are empowered to ordain, establish and cause to be carried into effi and execution, all such by-laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations as , ) they may deem expedient for the good government of said corporatiomj^cl^are , {/ ■ w not contrary to the Constitution and laws of this State or of l lie ^MjtlflMMtHtqp They are empowered and authorized to levy and COllecl taxes and ehai-geTiiTsUcl manner as they may deem expedient on all steamboats, ships, flatboats, rafts, and water-crafts of every description, landing at the levee, batturo or wharves in fronl of said city; also, upon all carnages, omnibusses, carts, drays, wagons, timber wheels and any other vehicle, of whatever kind, williin said city. They are author- ized and empowered to lay and collect an annual tax upon all kinds of property, real or personal, and slaves, which shall not exceed one per cent, of their value; and upon stores, trades? professions or occupations, to such amount as the j may deem expedient; provided, that in the imposition, assessment and collec- tion of any of said taxes or charges, equality .-hall be observed, and that the im- position thereof is not contrary to law; and provided further, that a majority of all the members composing the Mayor and Council concur therein. They are empowered to pass ordinances fur tie. 1 abatement of nuisances and the arrest of offenders, and to dispose of vagrants. The first Mayor and Council elected un- der this act are hereby authorized to assess and collect the annual tax of eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, (which the present Council failed to do,) and also the licenses on trades, occupations and professions for the year eight hundred and fifty-nine; said assessment to be coi or before the fii June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Sec. 6. /■■ id Mayor and Council shall annually eleet. under the provisions of an ordinance to be binding in the premises, one Comptroller, who may act as Secretary to the Mayor and Council, if (hey so or- dain; one Treasurer, who may act as Collector of Taxes; one Surveyor, one Commissary, three Assessors and such oth< as they may deem a< sary for the government of the city; and the term of all ollieers shall commence on the fi] November of each year. The duties and compensations of all officers shall be prescribed and fixed by the Mayor and Council, previous to the election of the officers, and no person shall be eli- gible as an officer unless he be a voter of said city and ident therein: provided, that the term of service of the officers first elected, under thi lion, shall begin on the tirst of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and ex- pire on the first of November, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, SEC. 7. \) m Ac., That the Mayor and Council shall decide upon the (dection and qualifications Of its own members, and of the officers elected under this act: and incase of the incapacity, negligence or malfeasance in office of any Councilman or officer 80 elected, said Mayor and Council shall declare the office vacant: provided, five of the whole number ot Coun- cilmen agiee thereto; and provided further, that when any vacancy thu curs, or happens by any other means, it shall be the duty ol r and Council to una order a new (dection to till the unexpired term <<\' said officer or Councilman, according to the rules hereinbefore laid down; and in case of incapacity, negligence or malfeasance in office of the Mayor so elected, the Council shall d ler a now ■ : provided, that six, of the whole number of Count il eto. Sec. 8. I ial in addition to other duties herein laid down, the Mayor of said city shall superintend the police (hereof, see that the ordinances of, the city are faithfully executed, report to the .Mayor and Coun- cil, in writing, any Cowneilmanor officer of tic city who may be incapable, negligent or guilty of - nnlfoa. B( U the three A elected ac- \ cording to the provisions of thi • nated by sa I or ami Council, as principal ; and it shall be his duty to make out ;iii accurate and distincl assessment roll of the landed property, buildin and other property in said i tion. The other two '• shall be designated a- Assistant ' , . and shall assist the said principal Assessor in obtaining rma ion. ownership, and description of all ( , e property: and when the asset menl roll is so far made as to show I n of all taxabl principal A*ssessor in th are herebyves- ' ted with all the powi iall commence their andte minate the \ Monday In ;- : ' ; t shaU, so soon astermi- omptrolfer of said corpora- tion; and shall cause to be inserted, during twenl toftae in the English language, in the arnal of the corporation, or by posting as required in !i end, as many til nal may be published within said , sub- ein; and during weidy days, any one who mi reby, Bhall have '.ads of said opposition, and og with the pre lendments i mav deem proper; thai ai the expi days, said Assessors Bhall meet and examin Offered in SUppC I ! '- any alteration oughi to be made, make the same according in ir judgment may authorize; ^ and any person who . made opp ition may have been in whole or in*] within five days after said rejection and opinion o ii oil, that the finally I: or, in ca e is finally opposed; and th or the collection of taxes due said corpo- ration, nent roll shall b • taken and received as conclusive proof. After the at roll has been thus (dosed, the ,\s- irs shall report the am tJ Council, who shall, within thii hereafter, fi: ir thai year on the property thus assessed; and within twi thus fixed, the princi] the roll, and c which Bhall .hew :!i" val on the list, i Hint ^ Hie owner or owners of the property. JM. office of th ■ July i ' journal. or by ippear at :■ the p yn ■ -day of Jul e Col bin.. panicd b; of the Peace, that he has 1 G and on the ii'l unpaid tax bills, ii shall be d attorney immediately to put m suit all such unpaid bills for taxes. It shall be the duly of ! of the Peace and 1' Conns in whicb suits may be brought, by an advertisement published in tin- official newspaper of the city, required in tne section second, to cite all said delinquent tax payers to appear in tv< from the date of the iir.-i insertion ol said ad- rertisement, before the respective courts in which .-aid bills are put in suit, and r in the demand contained in said tax bill. No petition shall be n< , hill shall be considered a ion, and tin- advertisement shall be considered as a citation, and no otb i or citation shall bo ne ; said advertisement shall contain the name of the Court, the names of all the defaulting tax payers, and the amount claimed from each. Each defaulting :ver shall pay twenty-live cents for the costs of the citation by advertise- ment, together with such subsequent costs as maj accrue in the -nit. As soon as the delay for answering, expressed in said advertisement, shall have expired, then the further proc »id suit shall be conduct ing to exist- ing laws. All tax hills shall hoar eight per cent per annum in, i the first .M0D ftined in the Civil Code of the Slate. BBC, 20. Bettfurtkei dkc., That the certificate of surveys of the Sur- veyor of said city shall be admitted as evidence, on the same footing as the parish Surveyor's certificate, so tar as regards the said City of Carroliton. 7 Sec. 21. Be itfurtlwr enacted, &c., That in addition to the powers herein con- ferred, the said Mayor and Council, when organized, are hereby vested with all other rights, powers, privileges and immunities incident to a municipal cor- poration and necessary for the proper government of the same, as are not con- trary to the provisions of this act, and have their foundation in law; and all the powers, rights, privileges and immunities possessed and enjoyed by the Mayor and Council of the city of Carrollton, under the charter of eighteen hun- dred and forty-five, and the amended charter of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, shall cease and terminate, and be vested in the Mayor and Council, as estab- lished in this act; provided, that the said .Mayor and Council, and the officers under said charter of eighteen hundred and forty-five, and the amended char- ier of eighteen hundred and Bfty-four, shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices until superseded by the operation of this act; and that the ordinances now in force in said City of Carrollton shall remain in full force and vigor, except so far as modified and repealed by this act, or by the ordi- nances of the Mayor an SEC 22. Be Ufurth thai the election of Mayor and Councilmen. or either of them, may be contested by any defeated candidate for said Office, Or by any five citizens: provided, the contestant files his petition in the District Court of the parish of Jefferson, within iive days after the election, and give bond and security in the sum of one thousand dollars, that the suit is not insti- tuted to delay the public business, or fpr annoyance and vexation to defendant. and to secure the costs of suit: and if any election shall beset aside or annulled by decree ot said Court, on the petition of citizens not being candidates; and if the number of vacancies thus created shall be so great thai there remains not a quorum for the transaction of business, the Court shall have power in such case to order and appoint an election, in accordance with the provisions of this act, for filling the vacancies so created. Sec. 23. Beit further enacted, die, That for any interference with the Com- missioners of Election appointed under this act; for any disturbance at the polls or elsewhere, with a view to intimidate voters, to change their rotes or to pre- vent them from voting, for any coercion or force, to make a person vote, whether a voter or not. for any tumult, riot, bribery, or attempt at bribery, with a view to change the result of any of the elections held, or attempted to be held, under the provisions of this act. each person offending shall, on convic- tion, be imprisoned, not exceeding six months, and be fined not exceeding- live hundred dollars, at the discretion of the Court, for any refusal or neglecl of the Commissioners of Election to perform any of their duties, as prescribed in section third of this act: for any refusal or neglect of any of the officers, or of any citizen, to perform the duties prescribed in said section third, in execu- tion of orders of arrest issued by the Commissioners, the person SO refusing or neglecting shall, on conviction, be imprisoned, not, exceeding three months, and lined not exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2-1. Be Ufurth etc., That nothing i in this act shall be so construed to deprive the State of Louisiana of its right of preference over the City of Carrollton. for the payment of taxes which may be or become due to the State, on anv property within the limits of said City of Carrollton, but the privilege thereon hereby granted to the said cily for the payment of taxes authorized to be imposed by this act, by said city. .-Iiull take rank after those due. or to become due. to the State lor Stat Sec. 25. Beitfurthei shall take it- passage. ■ . WM. Vv. 1TGI1. Speaker of the Bouse of Represents WM. F. GRIFFIN, President of the Senate. Approved March 1 ,". KOBERT C. WICK LI IT K. rnor of the state of Louiai A true ( Andrew £ ■ RULES J^ISTJD REGULATIONS tOLT.TON ,. 1. The Council shall 1 Wednesday, al ~ o'clock I'. M. Abt. 2. At the stated hour of the Council, the President shall laid- the chair, and there being a quorum, tin- ' !ouncfl shall proceed t<> but ii Whenever the I !l deem i; . they may adjourn to any other day of the week, and to any other hour; and in i h adjourn- ment, it shall be the duty of the notice thereof to the members who were no! present, when the bbj . ed for, ami -hall be served i -aid members on the day immediately preceding the extraordinary sitiinir. President of the Council Bhall pres mm: may Bpeak to points of order in ] >to other members, rising for thai order, subject to an appeal nncil by any two members, on which appeal there shall be no discussion; ami in all srly conduct in the hall, he, or the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, i.: tared. \ ;. 5. In c snce of the M , tinted by ballot, bya majo mg the members present, a President jpro tempore, ami his function in on the rising of the Bitting for which In 1 was appointed, or when the President shall makeJus appearance. Am. 6. Tin' President mncil shall cause the proceedings of the preceding sitting tb be read, to the cud that any mistake may he corrected that shall have been mad''. Aft .' the journal, the order of bnsi- diall he as follows: !. Communications from officers of the corporation on public busin *_'. Petitions. :;. Reports from standing commits I. Repoi . eial commit .">. Unfinished business of the preceding mei P. 7. The io put- tin' question, but lie may -late ii siltin.LT. The question shall he put distinctly in the following manner: " \- tnany pf yon as are of the opinion that, (as the question ma; and when the votes have been taken i:; the affirmative: "As many of you as are of a contrary opinion, saj nat." Should the President have any doubt, or should one or more members desire a division, that is, that Hie rotes he taken by rising and sitting, the Council mall divide. Those members who vote in favor of the question Bhall rise first, and after they are seated, those who against ii. The Pre ; ill then declare to the Council the result of the ion. Art. 8. The President Bhall not make any. motion.; he shall w rt in anj debate; nor shall he Lei i ohair, except when the Council forms in the Committee ol the Whole; then, and in al! cases of ballot, he shall he entitled Io vote; hut in all other cases he shall only have the casting vote. Art. 9. All the committees shall he appointed by the Presidett, unless other- wise ordained h\ a. majority of the Council, when thej Bhall be appointed by ballot. Abt. 1". Whe mber is about to speak, he shall rise from his seal and respectfully address himself to the President, and Bhall confine himself to the subject umier debate, carefully avoiding personality. Art. 11. If any member, in Bpeaking or otb is the nil the Council, tic- LI bim to order. The member thus called io order Bhall immediately si; down, unless he be per- mitted to explain, and the Council, ! . to, shall decide, but, without debate, [f no appeal! h Council, the dec ion of the President shall be final. Art. 12. Two or more members rising at the same time, the President shall decide which shall speak first. Art. 13. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave of the Council. No member shall leave the Council chamber without permission: and while a member is making a motion, all the Others shall refrain from private conversation, and from passing across the chamber. Art. 14. No member shall vote on any question, in the decision of which he. is immediately and particularly interested, nor incase of his not having beeb present when the question was submitted to the Council. «.■ Art. 15. Every member present in the Council at the time that any question-'. is submitted to it, shall vote on said question, unless exempted from that obli- gation by virtue of the preceding rule. Art. 16. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be explained by (hi* President; and at his. or the requesl of any member, it shall be committed tyS writing by the mover, and Bhall be delivered to the Secretary, who shall read* it distinctly and in an audible voice, previously to its being debated Art. IT. When a motion has been explained bj the President or read by the Secretary, it shall lie considered as being before the Council, but it may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or an amendment. Art. is When a question is under debate, no motion shall be ret eived, but to adjourn, to lay on the (aide, to postpone indefinitely, postpone to a certain day. to commit or amend, which several motions shall have precedence in the order they are arranged, and the motion for adjournment shall always be in or- der and decided without debate. Art. 19. Every member has the right to call for a division of the question, when it is susceptible of being divided. A::t. 20. While a motion to commit is under consideration, no amendment can be proposed on the principal question. Art. 21. When a motion has been once made and derided, it shall be in order for any member who had voted with the majority, to make, during the session, or at the next meeting at latest, a motion to reconsider; such motion shall be seconded be. ore putting the question, and shall be considered as carried, when voted for by a majority of the members present. Ai;t. 22. Whenever any member calls for the reading of any document, and the reading of the same is opposed, the Council shall decide whether said, document shall be read. Art. 23. Whenever the Council is about to deliberate on matters, that, in its opinion, should be secret, all persons shall be requested to withdraw, nor shall any person be admitted during the discussion or reading of such matter, unless a majority of the Council shall otherwise ordain. Art. 24. Every member may decline serving on a committee immediately on his being proposed, if he is then a member of two other commit; Art. 25. The report of a committee must be signed by a majority of its members, but the minority may also report. Art. 26. No motion calling for the yeas and nays shall be received, unless made and seconded after the entire decision of the question, and at the same sitting. Art. 27. There shall be appointed in the month of October of each year two standing committees of four members each, viz.: 1. Committee on Finance and Claims; 2. Committee on Streets and Landings: which committees shall be changed as often as the Council shall determine. Art. 28. The Committee on Finance and claims shall take into considera- tion the reports and accounts of the Comptroller and Treasurer, and all mat- ters connected with the revenue, expenditure or public debts of the corpo- ration that may be referred to them uncD, and particularly into the appropriations of monies, and to report whether the monies have boon dis- bursed in conformity with the ordinances, and shall also, From time to time. est to the Council the best means to promote the ■ i the ad- ministration, and the accountability of the officers of the corporation. Thej shall also take into consideration all petitions, or other papers relative to 4- 10 claims or demands against the corporation. as they may be presented to the Council, and said committee dial] report to the Council their opinions there- on, with such proposals as may appear to them to be proper. Aut. '2'.'. The Committee on Streets, Landings and Police shall be charged with the consideration of all subjects connected with the poring, opening or widening the streets, and in any manner tending to their improvement; also, with all matters connected •with the Improvement of the port, and shall re- port therein! to the Council. All communications and reports from the Street t tommissi tries and Surveyor shall be referred to this committee; and all ac- counts of expenditures made for paving, opening, widening, or otherwise improving the streets, or for the improvement of the port, mast be examined and certified to by this committee; and they shall .be charged with all matters in relation to the police. / Akt. o0. No resolution, regulation, or ordinance shall be adopted by the Council, until a bill for the same shall have undergone at least two readings at two different sittings, between which there shall be an interval of at least three days. Aut. 31. At all elections of officers of the city there shall be a previous notice given at least one week before the election. Akt. 32. All mattors'within the competency of the Council may he debated in the exraordinary sittings regularly convened. Akt. ::.;. Two-thirds of the members present may at any time suspend these rule-; but they shall not be repealed, or altered, unless by a majority of all the members elected, and after one week's previous notice. vVAi.i'. :U. The Mayor shall specially convene the Council whenever, in his liilion, the public interest may require it. or upon the written request of two of the members thereof, they stating their reasons for such request In BUCh a case, the Mayor shall direct the Secret try to give a written notice of ! i meeting to each member at least twenty-four hours previous thereto. except in case of great emergency, when the Mayor may convene the Council forthwith) by giving each member verbal notice to that effect. And in case of absence or inability or refusal of the Mayor when a called meeting is necessary, the Secretary shall convene the Council at the written request of three members of the Council. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, AND PERMANENT ORDERS. ANIMALS. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING HOGS RUNNING AT LARGE. Adopted November 19, 1845. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary, after ten days' public notice, to shoot down all hogs that may be found running at large in the city: the hogs shot to be sold for the use of the city by the Commissary, after three hours' public notice; provided, the owner does not claim the property and pay one dollar fine. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOGS. Adopted July 29, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That the Commissary be and he is hereby required to procure at the expense of the city, such quantities of poisoned sausages, from time to time, as may be required for the purpose of destroying all dogs found running at large without good and sufficient muzzles. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That this ordinance shall be in full force from the 30th day of May of the present year, until the 1st day of October, and from the 1st day of Ma} T to the 1st day of October of each subsequent year, aud at all times when the Council may deem it necessary. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ANIMALS TURNED OUT TO GRAZE. Adopted February 10, 1841. Art. 1. Beit Ordained, That all cattle, horses and mules belonging to residents of this city, which they may turn out to graze, shall be branded on the right thigh with the cattle brand of this corporation. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to brand all cattle belonging to residents of this city that may be brought to him for that purpose, for which he may charge ten cents for each head as a compensation. Art. :j. J'f it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to give notice that he will, between the hoars of 12 and 1 o'clock, on some day of each week, brand all cattle which may be brought to some convenient place within the limits of the city, to be by him designated. 12 Art. 4. Be. if further Ordained, That it eliall be the duty 01 the Commissary, and the right of any person, to take up and impound all or any cattle found at Large within t lie limits of this city, which may not be marked with the brand bf this corporation; and the same shall be considered as stray cattle, to be dealt with accord- ingly. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That all hogs are unconditionally prohibited from being at large within the limits of this city, and it is hereby made the duty 01 the Commissary, and the right of any citizen to impound the same as strays. Thai the Commissary is authorized, and he is hereby required to procure at the expense of the city a cattle brand, to mars an lal letter C, of three inches in diameter, with a perpendicular line joining the top and bottom of said letter; the said brand to be called the "Cattle brand of the city of Carrollto ORDINANCE CONCERNING ANIMALS OF TIIE PARISH OF JEFFERSON, LEFT BANK. Adopted August 24, 1859. 'i Ordained, c)-c, That the cattle and other animals enumerated in the ordinances of this city relative to strays, and belonging to the of that portion of the parish of Jefferson under the Police Jury of the Left Bank, be, and the same are allowed to graze and pasture within the limits of this city without being subjected to be impounded: provided, that all such animals be previously branded with the brand established by said Police Jury, and known by the letters P. J.; and provided that the cattle and other animals of the residents of this city, branded with the city brand C, shall be allowed to graze within the limits of the juris- diction of said Police Jury for the Left Bank without being subject to be impounded. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING GOATS. Adopted December 10, 1851. Be it Ordained, That ten days after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any goat to run at large within the limits of this city; and il is hereby made the right of any citizen, and the duty of the Commissary, to take up and impound any goat found at large after {hat time; and when impounded they shall be subject to the same charges as hogs, and the Pound Keeper is hereby authorized to proceed with them as with other animals in advertising and selling. 13 ASSESSOR. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OP A BOOK OF PLANS. &c. Adopted December 10, 1845. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That the sketch of a plan for making an exhibit of the property in this cityin a book submitted by the Principal Assessor be adopted, and it shall be the duty of said Principal Assessor to draw a sketch or plan of each and every square of ground. (with the suit-divisions [so far as practicable] thereof marked) in this city, in a book provided for that purpose. Each square to be drawn on a Beparate page, and to have the names of the owner or owners thereof placed on the same page with the sketch, with the portion belonging to each set opposite to the name; said book to be denominated "Book of Plans, &c, of Carrollton, La." Art. 2,. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Principal Assessor from year to year to continue the entries in said "Book of Plans, &c," and to perpetuate the same according to the best of his abilities. ATTORNEY. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Adopted June 12, 1861. Be it Ordained, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That the Attorney shall be the legal adviser of the Mayor and Council, and of any officer of the city, upon all matters which may be submitted to him for his opinion, and when requested shall give his opinion in writing, with as little delay as possible. 2. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Attorney to represent the corporation in all judicial proceedings, suits, actions or contestations in which the city may have an interest; he shall prosecute and defend all actions which may be brought by or against the city or any officer thereof, for and by reason of any matter or duty connected with or growing out of their respective offices, or in which the corporation is interested in any court in this State; and shall institute all suits against de- faulting tax payers in the manner and time and with the formalities required by law, all suits for the recovery of license-tax or other dues immediately after receiving tin- bill or claim from the proper officer; and all suits for the violation of any ordinance or section of the charter of the city, upon the complaint of any officer of the city, or direction of the Mayor and Council. 14 3. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Attor- ney to examine, previous to being executed, all leases, contracts, accounts, titles or bonds to be made by or for the corporation, and shall require that the interest of the city be protected therein by proper and fitting conditions and specifications; aud when required by the Mayor and Council or any officer of the city, shall prepare any bond, contract or other document required; be shall examine all bills for costs which the corporation has been condemned to pay by the several courts, and when made according to law, to approve the same; and he shall draft such ordinances or resolutions as may be required of him by the Mayor and. Council, or any committee thereof. 4. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Attorney to keep in proper books, paged and indexed, a record of all suits for or against the city, and all actions prosecuted or defended by him, and all proceedings had therein; his record must be written up within three days after proceedings had in any suit or action, and his books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Mayor and Councilmen, and to the Comptroller; and he shall make a monthly report to the Mayor aud Council of the condition of business entrusted to his care, and a special report forthwith, whenever a judgment is given against the corporation. He shall also furnish a certified or transcript copy of such decisions as the Supreme Court may render for or against the city. 5. Be it further Ordained, That the said Attorney shall, immedi- ately upon the recovery of any debt due the corporation, forthwith pay the amount thereof into the city treasury, stating the nature of the debt, the person against whom, and the amount and time of recovery; he shall take the Treasurer's receipt therefor, and forth- with file the same with the Comptroller, to be entered in his books. Art. 6. Be it further Ordained; That it shall be the duty of said Attorney, upon the expiration of his term of office, or resignation thereof, or removal therefrom, to report forthwith to the Mayor and Council the titles, nature and amounts in detail, of all suits and actions in his hands prosecuted and defended by him, and then pending ami undetermined, which report shall, if possible, be certi- fied correct by the judge or clerk of the court in which the suits are pending. Adopted July 29, 1857. Resolved, That the Attorney be required to keep his register in the Treasurer's Office of the City of Carrollton. Adopted August 21, 1861. . Resolved, That the Attorney is directed to take the necessary steps to secure the costs in all criminal cases hereafter brought in the several courts of this parish. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING BILLS TO BE SUED. Adopted March 19, 1851. Be it Resolved, That hereafter, when bills or claims of this 15 corporation are placed in the hands of the Attorney for collection, a detailed account of them shall be filed with the Comptroller, who shall charge them to the Attorney, and when collected and returned, credit him with the amount. AWNINGS. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CON- STRUCTION OF AWNINGS OVER THE SIDEWALKS. Adopted May 29, 1850. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That any person may erect over tin 1 side- walk in front of his property, a canvas or permanent awning, at right angles with the front lines thereof, upon his obtaining a certificate from the Surveyor, that the lines for the same have been designated and marked; and the Surveyor is hereby authorized to charge and receive one dollar for the same. Art. 2 fie it further Ordained, That all awning posts hereafter erected, shall not be more nor less than nine feet high above the top of the curb, and that the top rail shall be even with the top of the post, the post shall not be less than five nor more than six inches square.* Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That all awning posts shall be placed close to the banquette side of the curb, plank or stone; and where foot planks arc laid, the same shall be neatly fitted thereto, and an additional plank of at least twelve inches in width shall be laid on the inside, by any person who may erect an awning. Akt. 4. Be it further Ordained, That fixed seats shall not be placed against any awning post, nor any other obstruction allowed on the sidewalks of this city. Art 5. Be it further Ordained, That a fine of ten dollars shall be, and the same is hereby imposed upon any person contravening this ordinance, to be recovered before any competent court, for the use of the city; and it is hereby made the duty of the Surveyor and Commissaries of Streets to see this ordinance enforced, and remove any awning erected contrary to the provisions hereof. ♦The remainder of the original Article, from the word "Square," was repealed September 10, 1860. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING AWNING POSTS. Adopted November 27, 1850. Be it Ordained, That hereafter no awning post shall be placed nearer the corners of the banquettes in this city than five feet. 1C It VI, I. K. ORDINAL BALLS, [NOLUDING BOB Ql I NDMENT. Adopted May 81, L845. ad after the p F this ordinance, it shall nol be lawful foranypers m or pen ..• a public, subscripti siety ball within the limits of this city, without first having obtained permission in writing from tl nnder penalty of B fine of nol less than ten dollars, nor more than twenty d r each contravt rable before any conrl of competenl jurisdiction^ for tfa _'. Be it furl Thai for i thus delivered, there Bhall be paid the 1 relative to the price of lip I i shall be paid to the City Treasurer, and no permission shall be I by the ill ih" production to him of the Treas- ure r"s receipj for said tax. Art. t. /;■ ?' furth [ I >rder mu I and it shall he the duty - 1' the I that the ived, and that no ball , without permission aforesaid: am! i any infraction of this ordinal or disorderly conduct, the ' may withdraw his permission, and prohibit the continuance of the same, or enforce the penalty for the contravention of the firsl article of this ordinal Article ■'. ;■ ■ \. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF LIQUORS, a., at PUBLIC BALLS, Adopted February 10, L85 . Resolv,*/, That i" iving public halls in this city, and paying a license therefor, be and are hereby authorized to retail liquors and other refreshments to persons attending said halls, during the time of the ball, and in the house where the hall takes without paying any other license than the license for the hall, any ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. BANQUETTES. \\ ORDINANCE FIXING Till-: WIDTH OP BANQUETTES. Adopted December l, 184T. Art. 1. B ' davned, Thai all banquettes within the limits of this city, not otherwise specified, shall he of the width following, to-wit: On all streets of sixty-lour feet and over in width, twelve feet; on all streets of fifty-four feet and over in width, ten feet; on all streets of forty-eight feet and over in width, nine feet. 17 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE WIDTII OF BANQUETTES ON CANAL AVENUE. Adopted March 21, 1853. Be it Ordained, That the sidewalks or banquettes on Canal Avenue shall be fifteen feet wide. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF BANQUETTES. Adopted October 3, 1849. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That whenever one-third of the owners of property, and a majority of the residents thereon, on any side of any street, shall petition to have a paved banquette made on their side of the street, according to either of the modes described in this ordinance, the same shall be ordered to be made as far as the end of each square in which any of the petitioners may own property. Banquettes shall also be ordered to be made wherever the Council may deem that the convenience of iho public may require them; * and permission is hereby granted to any person or persons individually, to make a paved banquette in front of their property, provided, the same be made in accordance with the require- ments of this ordinance, and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That the tops of the curbs of all banquettes on the streets running- back from the river, within the limits of this city, shall be laid on the level of the grades adopted by this Council, and the gutters on the cross streets shall rise from each corner toward the center of the square at the rate of one inch in twenty-five feet, and the banquettes or sidewalks shall rise from the curb toward the side of the street at the rate of one-half inch to the foot; the depth of the gutters below t lie top of the curb at the corner of Levee street sliall betcn inches, which shall be increased one inch for every six. hundred and fifty feet toward the swamp. Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That all paved banquettes or side- walks within the limits of this city shall be either of good flag stone, or lake paving brick, supported by * irb stone, or by a good brick curb wall with a top plank at 1< as1 three inches by ten inches, and a o itter timber, at least three inches thick, and six inches wide, laid flat-wise and well secured, and nailed to stakes driven down al Art. 4. Be it further On ha1 it is hereby made the duty of the Surveyor to give the lines and !! banquettes and gutters to be made under this ordinance, without delay; also, to see the same done according to the pn and upon his approval of any work coi ive the con- tractor his certificate to thai efl Art. r>. Beit further Ordaii ne-half fof the whole costof any banquette made under this ordinance, excepting thai portion 1- at ti . walks, shall be reimbursed to the city by t! ■ I rtiea in front of trhicfa ill bave b< i □ made; and the said cost shall sollectable . on the rc«<-i j >t by the Comptroller of the ili.ii the work baa been duly completed. further Ordained, Thai all plank banquet! I within the limits of this city shall be made in the following manner: They shall c placed side by aide, nol lesa than two feet from the d I gut- . laid clear of the ground, and BUpported on blocks or sills, and firmly nailed to the Bame. The planks shall be laid to a uniform level through each square, which level shall be obtained on rising ind, by sinking the Cross blocks below the Burface, or by cut- ing through the ridge as may I ind on falling ground, by placing the blocks one upon an ither to the required height; on i ground of a proper heigh 1 one block onlytobeused, imbeded in the surface. These blocks shall be secured by Btakes driven at each end firmly into the ground, and naili h block* mi .tliiT change* mmli' in tlio let, 3d ;iU'l M!i nrt:rli -. Mfpflng tin in U AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE BEPAIB OF BANQUETTES. lopted May 28, 1861, l by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrottton* That whenever it becomes accessary to repair any of the paved or planked sidewalks < I this city, made according to law, it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Commissary to notify the o* aer of the property fronting such places to repair the same in such manner as he, the Commissary, shall designate in bis notice, within ten days alter notice, the fact and date of service of such notice shall be duly recorded in his diary, and in cases of doubt, he shall consull the and Landings Committee, and follow their directions in the premises. ( Ji-flninrti, That whenever the froril owner, nol in accordance with article l of this ordinance, shall and does repair any of the paved or planked sidewalks in the manner and time required by the Commissary, the Mayor and Council Bhal] and will reimburse the oneJjalf of the cost to such owner, on presentation of a bill for the amount approved by the Commissary. /;. -' ftnth.r Ordained, That for refusing or neglecting to comply with the directions of the Commissary when duly and properly notified as aforesaid, the fronl owner shall be liable to a fine of $10 for each offence; andfor oeglecl to notify the front owners when repairs art iry, the Commissary shall be liable to a fine Of ^10 for each oiTenee. 19 HATTURE. RESOLUTION CONCERNING BATTURE LOTS. Adopted October 7, 1846, Resolved, That the taxes on the batture lots yet unpaid be and the same are hereby cancelled, and that hereafter no batture lots shall be assessed; provided, that the buildings and other improve- ments now on the batture by suffrancc of the Council, be assessed and taxed according to their value. BRIDGES. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE STREETS, DITCHES AND BRIDGES. Adopted June 10, 1840. • Article 1 and article 2 are obsolete. Art. 3. Beit further Ordained, That all bridges shall be at Least twenty inches wide and nine inches deep, clear water way, made in a good and substantial manner, so as to prevent the sides from being pressed in. The top shall be of good cypress or pine plank, at least two inches thick, and shall be supported by a cross piece at least every three and a half feet ; said bridges shall be extended across each street or road to within two feet of the banquette. RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE SIZE, &c., OF BRIDGES ON CANAL AVENUE. Adopted Novembe'r i. 1.846. Resolved, That the bridges on the two centre ditches on Canal Avenue shall Vie made of good white pine or cypress, at least three feet wide, and fourteen inches deep, clear water way; they shall be at Least thii ty feel long; the Bides and tops to 1 ist two inches thick, and the latter to be supported by < three inches thick every three feet; the whole to be well made and put down by the level to be given by the Surveyor. AN ORDINAL ted Oct 347. Art. l. Bti ' ', ' hereafter all* bri of tin's city shall be repaired with and mad f i, pine or cedar lumber. 20 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING BRIDGE TIMBER. Adopted February 12, 1851. Be it Resolved, That the Surveyor be and lie is hereby ordered to receive nothing but good sound limber for any bridges to be made in this citv. BUILDINGS .AJVD FENCES. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING BUILDINGS, AND FENCES. Adopted August 7, 1861. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That no building shall be erected within the limits of this city until the ground to be covered by the building be raised to a level with the established grade of the sidewalk, the lines and level to be obtained from the Surveyor. All persona violating this article shall be fined not less than $25, and $10 a month until the ground so occupied be filled as herein required. 2. Be it further Ordained, That no person shall erect, rebuild or enlarge any building or wall fronting on any street or public way without first obtaining the lines thereof from, the City Surveyor under a penalty of not less than $25 for every offence, and $5 for each day said works may be continued after notice from the Com- missary. 3. Be it further Ordained, That all persons arc forbidden to construct, or cause to be constructed, any gallery or verandah projecting in front of their building over the sidewalk at a less distance than 10 feet above the sidewalk. All persons are forbidden to extend the steps in front of their building more than 24 inches on the sidewalk. All persons are forbidden to construct any door or window projecting more than 12 inches on the sidewalk in front of their building. All persons are required to hook or otherwise secure the shutters of the doors and windows of their buildiugs that open on the street, so as to prevent accidents, and not to obstruct the passage on the sidewalk. Every person who violates the provisions of this article shall be fined not less than $10 for each offence, and $5 for every day the offence shall continue after notice. 4. Be it farther Ordained, That the roof of every building fronting the street shall be provided by the owner with gutters and leaders to collect and convey the rain water so as to prevent its falling on and running over the sidewalk, and any person who violates this article shall be fined not less than $10 for each offence, and $5 for every day the offence continues after notice. 5. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Sur- veyor, the Commissary and all police officers to inquire concerning all houses or other buildings that may be in a ruinous condition; as 21 also about whatever might, by falling, impair the security of pas- sage through the public way, or give occasion to any accident, and report the same to the Mayor and Council forthwith. 6. Be it further Ordained, That in all cases where banquettes or sidewalks are paved in front of any lot or lots of ground in this city, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of^such lots to cause the same to be fenced with good substantial pickets or plank fences, so as to protect said sidewalk. The Commissary shall notify the owner ov agent, in writing, tQ comply with the provisions of this article within ten days after notice, and for neglecting to Comply with said notice, the owner or agent shall be fined $10, and $10 additional, for eveiy subsequent ten days' neglect to comply, until the fence is made cither by the owner or the Council at his expense, and all damage to the pavement caused by such neglect shall be repaired at the expense of the said owner. 7. Be it further Ordained, That all partition fences made in the manner -herein below set forth, shall be considered legal fences when placed on the line which separates contiguous estates, and for which the adjoining proprietors may be liable under article 682 of the Civil Code of "this State, to-wit: 1. All substantial fences at least 7 feet high above the estab- lished grade of the city, made of sound new cypress pickets placed upright close together, and sunk in the ground at least eighteen inches below the grade, well nailed to a 1| inch cross strip, and pointed. 2. All substantial fences at least 7 feet high above the grade, made of new sound cypress pickets, pr cypress or pine inch planks placed close together upright from the ground, or a strong base plank, and well nailed on to a frame made of sound new cypress, cedar or pine posts sunk into the ground at least 30 inches below the grade, with a top and bottom pine or cypress strip two inches thick, of new and sound luafber. , 3. All fences made in accordance with an agreement or under- standing between the parties interested. 8. Be it further Ordained, That the necessity for rebuilding, and the necessity for and manner of repairing a fence held in common when the proprietors cannot agree, shall be determined by a jury of three resident freeholders, summoned and sworn by the Judge having jurisdiction, at the request of one or both the proprietors interested. The decision of the jury shall be binding, and the party who refuses and neglects to abide by and comply with the decision of said jury shall be fined $2.3, and $5 additional for every week he so neglects to comply, and shall pay all damages caused by his neglect. 22 x C ARTS, DRAYS, &c. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CABTS, DBAYB, A.-. Adopted May 21, 1845. Art. 1. Bj it (he rnial. That no person shall cause in run within the limits o^^( r « l rriy of Caxrplltori, any coach gig, hackney coach, cart, dray, "timber carriage, or other carriage to I" 1 let for hire for the transportation of persons;, produce, effects, merchandise or other objects whatever, unless he has obtained :i license lor each of the above said vehicles; and that any person running a dray, cart, wagon, or other vehicle herein designated; in violation of this ordinance, shall be liable to pay a tine of slu f. .1- gaoh ami every contravention, to be sued for and recovered before any court 6f competent jurisdiction. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That the Mayor shall cause to be inscribed, in a book kept for that purpose, the names ami christian names of each proprietor of vehicles above designated, the pi of his residence, number of £ach license which shall he delivered, and the designation of each species of vehicles for- which the said license shall be delivered. Art. 3. Be it further Ordaiwd, That the drays, carls, wagons, carriages, &c., designated in this ordinance, must have the number of tin ir respective licenses painted on a tin or ipon plate 6n a conspicuous part of each vehicle, and .**ich of the figures and cyphers must beat least two inches high; and* every person in contravention of this article' shall pay -a tine of fo besides being liable to a fine of $1 per day I'.ir each day he ,-hall continue io keep for hire, each and every vehicle without the same being thus numbered. Art. 4. Beit further Ordained, That no person shall have the right to claim or receive any payment or compensation for the trans- portation of.any produce, lumber, bricks, or other materials, unless his vehicle has been numbered and duly registered as before prescribed. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That it is expressly forbidden to the drivers of the vehicles hereinbefore designated, as well as all others of what nature or kind soever, to drive said vehicle in the streets of this city with such rapidity as may endanger the safely of the passengers in the streets, under the penalty "fa line of not less than $5 nor more than s_v> lor each offence: and il the driver be a slave, who shall violate this article, he shall suffer the penalty of ten lashes, unless his master prefer to pay said line. Art. 6. Be it further Ordained, That the line imposed by this ordi- nance shall be sued for before any court of competent jurisdiction; and such line, when recovered, shall be put to the use of the city. Art. 7. Be it further Ordained, That all >>w dots of private carts,, drays and wagons, shall be compelled to take out a number, as provided for by the ordinance fixing the prices of licenses, under penalty of a fine of $5 fin - each and every violation of this article. 23 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE FREE PASSAGE OF CARRIAGES, CARTS AND OTHER VEHICLES OF NEW ORLEANS IN THE CITY OF CARROLLTON.* Adopted May 20, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That any carriage, cart or other vehicle, the owner of -which may have taken a number- or license for the same in the City .of Now Orleans, Jefferson City or the Parish of Jefferson, shall pass through or in this city free; provided the authorities of New Orleans, Jefferson City and the Parish of Jefferson extend fhe same privilege to any carriage, cart or other vehicle, the owner of which may have taken out a number or license for the same in the city of Carrollton; and provided further, that this ordinance shall not be construed so that vehicles licensed in New Orleans, Jefferson City and the Parish of Jefferson, may ply regularly in this city, but only as regards the passage in and through the same. * The privilege of this ordinance was extended to Jefferson City and the Parish of Jefferson, by amendment of February q, 1865. CEMETERY. .NX ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CARROLLTON CEMETERY. Adopted June 28, 1848. Art. 1. Be it. Ordained, That all square No. 74, lately bought from Mr. L. Millaudon by the corporation, is hereby established as the Carrollton Cemetery. ' Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That from and after the passage bfithis ordinance it shall be unlawful to inter dead bodies any where else in the limits of tins' cit}- than in said cemetery; and any per- son contravening this ordinance shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars to the corporation for each offence, and pay the expense of removing the same besides; the whole amount-to be recovera- ble before any court of competent jurisdiction in the premises. Art. '.'>. As amended by Article 1st, of the ordinance on the duties of Sexton: Be i> further Ordained, That graves shall not be less than four i'eei deep, and shall be dug on the spot dosignatcd'by the Surveyor, or according to the plan of the Cemetery, under a pen- alty of one dollar, to be paid by the Sextoa for each default. Akt. 4. Be it further Ordained, That the price of interment shall be for free grown persona five dollars, and for slaves four dollars, and for children under twelve years half the above sums. Arts. 5, 6, 7 and 8 repealed. AN ORDINANCE ON THE DUTIES OF THE SEXTON. Adopted April IS, 1849. Article 1. Be it Ordained, That the resolution passed by tho former Council at their sitting of June 28, 1848, be amended as 24 follows: That Art. 3 be amended so as to read: That all graves shall not be less than four feet deep, and shall be dug- on the spot designated by the Surveyor, or according to the plan of the ceme- tery, under the penalty of a fine of one dollar, to be paid by the Sexton, for each default. Art. 2. Repealed. Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Sexton, or keeper of the burying ground, to keep it in good order; and he shall not allow horses, or any other kind of stock, to run within said ground; and when he neglects keeping said ground in the order prescribed above, or allows stock to trespass upon it, he shall be liable to a fine of 5 to 10 dollars for each offence, for the use of the city. Art. 4. Be it further Ordained., That any person who shall bring to the cemetery any corpse for interment, and make a false repre- sentation to the Sexton or keeper, of the color of the deceased, shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars, rocQverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, one-half for the use of the city, and the other half for the person giving information thereof; and should any person contravene the rules of the cemetery, by caus- ing the interment of a deeeased person in a place prohibited by said rules, the person so contravening shall cause the corpse to be removed, at his own expense, within twenty-four hours after being notified thereof. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That whenever the Keeper or Sexton shall permit, through negligence or otherwise, the interment of any corpse in a part of the cemetery not allotcd for the deceased, he shall become liable to the payment of twenty-five dollars for each offence, recoverable as aforesaid, and shall also cause said corpse to be removed at his own expense. Art. G. Be it further Ordained, That all tombs hereafter to be constructed in said cemetery, shall be well and sufficiently plas- tered inside, and the walls of said tombs shall not be less than nine inches in thickness. Art. 7. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to visit and examine the condition of the cemetery as often as possible, and see that all the ordinances relating to the police of said establishment be faithfully executed, and to report immediately to the Mayor any infraction, or neglect of the ordi- nances on that subject by the Sexton, that the same may be remedied. Art. 8. Repealed, June 12, 1861. A RESOLUTION ON THE PRICE OF COFFINS. Adopted April 18, 1849. Resolved, That for all coffins furnished to the corporation, a sum not exceeding three dollars for a large one, and two dollars for a small one, shall be paid. 25 AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE MODE OF EFFECTING INTERMENTS IN THE CEMETERY, AND FOR RECORDING THE SAME. Adopted July 26, 1850. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That hereafter, when a person wishes to have a corpse interred in the Carrollton Cemetery, he *or she shall pay the price fixed, or that may be fixed by the Mayor and Coun- cil, for the grave, vault or tomb, to the City Treasurer, who shall give a receipt for the .same, which receipt shall be carried to the Sexton of said cemetery, accompanied with a certificate express- ing the name, age, color and condition,. (bond or free,) time and cause of death of the person to be interred, signed by. a licensed physician, the Coroner, or by 'two respectable and well-known citi- zens of the city, or by a licensed midwife, in case the corpse is that of a child born dead. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That when a person, wishing to have a corpse interred, has complied with the foregoing article, it shalb be, and is hereby made the duly of the Sexton to inter the corpse in such part of the cemetery as may be lawful. The Sex- ton snail also enter in a book kept by him for that purpose all the particulars contained in said certificate, and on each day of the regular session of the Mayor and Council, he shall return to the Comptroller of this city, before four o'clock, P. M., all the. Treasur- er's receipts for burial fees, and the certificates of deaths which may have come into his possession, to be by the Comptroller filed and charged. Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That fche*book in which the Sex- ton enters the particulars of deaths shall, be the property of the the corporation, and at all times subject to the inspection of the Mayor, Councilmeu and officers of the city; and tire Sexton shall at all times give such information* as may be in said book at the request of any person. Article 4 repeals articles 1 and 8 of the ordinance establishing the cemetery, adopted June 28, 1848. A RESOLUTION FIXING THE PRICE OF TOMB LOTS. Adopted S■. 2. Be it further Ordained, That the Mayor is authorized to grant orders in writing to the Sexton for the gratuitous interment of the corpse of any iudij Lever it shall be shown to him, by a certificate Bigried l>y two i v more citizens, that the deceased was really poor and left nothing wherewith to pay the burial fees. :;. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Sex- 27 ton to close and keep the cemetery vaults closed up with bricks and mortaf, and to preserve the numbers on the vaults as much as possible, and renew them when necessary. ■ 4. Be it further Ordained, That the Mayor is authorized to grant permission in writing, on application in writing-, to any properly interested person, to open any vault or tomb in the Carroll ton Cemetery for the purpose of burying a corpse, or for the purpose of removing the remains of a corpse, or for any other proper purpose. 5. Beit further Ordained, That any person who shall place a corpse in any city vault in the cemetery without the proper author- ity, shall bo liable for a line of $25, and any person who shall open without authority, or break on a tomb or vault in the ceme- tery, shall be liable for a fine of $25 — said fines to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction; one-half for the informer and the other half for the cilv. 6. Be it further Ordained, That in the absence or inability of the Mayor, the Comptroller is authorized to issue the orders and per- mits provided for in this ordinance. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CEMETERY. Adopted June 12, 18G1. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Car roll ton, That all tombs and vaults in the cemetery must be kept in good order, and clear of weeds and grass, and it shall be the duty of the Sexton or keeper to notify the owners thereof to have them repaired and cleared when necessary; otherwise it shall he done by the city at the expense of the owners, who shall be fined in a sum no1 exceeding $25 for each, neglect after notice. 2. Be it further Ordained, That violators of the cemetery ordi- nances and regulations shall be fined $25 for each offence; and for burying a corpse without proper authority and direction, the offen- der shall be fined $25, and liable I" a criminal proi ecution for tres- pass. For injuring or breaking the trees or Bhrubbery%lanted in the cemetery, the enclosures <•!' graves, or the f< oce around the cemetery, the oneafer shaJU be lined $10; and for committing any nuisance or u^ing rndecenf langua re on the cemeten grounds, the offender shall be fined $10 for each ' irbiddea to sell cakes, beer, candies or any merchandize in the i emetery, or'to carry on any kind of games or amusements therein, under a penalty of %\% for each offence. o. lie it further Ordained, Thai it shall be the duty of every per- son afrwhose domicil anypers m shall have died to cause the same .to be buried within forty-eight hours after the death; any pen offending in this particular shall pay a fine not exceeding $100. 4. Be it farther Ordained, 'lint the Mayor and the Comptroller are authorized on wrii|gj^p5licatioii to grant written orders and per- 28 mits t«> disinter and remove the remains of any corpse which Ihis been buried in the cemetery, and for any false representations to procure tin- removal of the* remains, or for disinterring or removing the remains of any corpse without proper authority, or for any .•ration of a grave, tomb, or vault, the offender shall be fined not exa eding $100. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO CEMETERY FEES. Adopted July -21, 1861. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Covmcil of the Citi/ of Currollton, That the Sexton is authorized and required to charge and collect the fees named below, to- wit: for burying an adull in a private tomb-lot, si oil; for burying the body of a child under ten years of age, in private tomb-lot, Si ; for attending to the burial of a body in a tomb or vault, $1. For attending the opening of a tomb or vault for the removal of remains or otherwise, one dollar. For opening a grave and taking up the remains lor removal or otherwise, three dollars. The foregoing fees Shall be paid to the Treasurer at the same time the Sexton makes his regular return of papers, and receipt therefor filed with the Comptroller. 2. Be it further Ordained, That ii shall he the duty of tho Sexton to procure the necessary material and workmen for opening and closing vaults and tombs at the expense and cost of the owner of the vault or tomb, and lie shall see that the same are paid for. AX ORDINANCE DEFINING THK DUTIES OF THE COLLECTOR! pled December 11, 1846. ■ Am. 1. Beit Ordained, Thai il shall be the duty of the Collect- or of this city to collect and receipt for all bills for taxes on real • •state, ai£) such other accounts and bills duo to this corporation, as the Comptroller may from lime to time place in his hands for collection, and shall receipt to the Comptroller for the same. Akt. -J. Be it further Ordained , That the Collector shall have full power to institute suits in the name or the corporation for the recovery of such bills as may be placed in his hands for collection and which may be duo; and he shall be held responsible for all deficiencies that may arise in the revenues from taxes and rents, from delay in prosecuting for the sain • Art. ::. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty pf the Collector to pay into the hands of the er on every Satur-. day, the amount collected by him during the week; he must take the Treasurer's receipt for the same, and file it with the Comptroller on the same day. «A^* 29 'Art. 4.. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Collector to keep a book in which he shall enter under their proper heads, alphabetically, the names of all persons against whom he may have claims, with the amount due by each individual 'set oppo- site to his name, and to note carefully and minutely in said book, opposite -to the names aforesaid, the date of payments.* *Thal portion of the original Avt. 2 allowing the Attorney 10 per cent ; all the Words after "payments," in Art. 4, and all of Art. 6, struck out and repealed, A*ug. 7. 1861. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COLLECTOR TO CREDIT WARRANTS IX CERTAIN CASES. * 4-— - . led October 10, 1848. Be it Resolved, That when persons who hold warrants against this corporation may owe licenses or taxes to this corporation, the Collector shall credit said warrant with the amount due., and the said person holding such warrant shall give receipt as having received. so much cash on account of his warrant, which receipt shall be taken from the Collector by the Treasurer as so much cash received, and the Treasurer shall give such receipt when the war- rant is presented, as so much cash parti towards such warrant. COMMISSARY. AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF COMMISSARY AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES. 4^ Adopted May 1, 1845. Article 4. Be it Ordained, That it shall be the duty of Commissary to examine and attend to all the levees, roads, streets and ditches within the limits of tin' city, and to report in writing to the Council, at lea* a month, the condition of the said levees, roads, streets and ditches, and as oft< n as any amelioration or repairs may hi' necessary to any pf' them, and in case of any urgent necessity i i regard to the levee, he shall report forthwith to th«' Mayor. Art. 5. Be ii fwrtker Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to report in writing to the Mayor the' name ami place of any person who may he selling liquors, beer, soda-water, or keeping any kind of store in the city without a license; also, to arrest and cause to he prosecuted, any peddler who may be ped- dling or Belling within the limits of the city without being licensed according to the ordinances in thai ide and provided; also, io detain any cart, carriage, or other vehicle, which may not he branded or numbered, or in regard to which the owners may not have complied with the ordinances relative thereto. 30 Art. (I. B, it further Ordained,, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to suppress riots, or disturbances of the public pear.', and to take tli«' offenders before the .Mayor, or other magistrate, and also to examine all vaj lto, and such others as. should come under the description of idle or disorderly persons, as i" the mode they pursue of acquiring a livelihood, their place of residence, &c, and upon refusal, or impossibility, on the part of said individuals, to give satisfactory ace unit the, 'Oivhend and carry such persons before the Mayor, or' some other magistrate within the limits of the city, to be deall with according to law; and moreover, it shall be the duty of the said Gommissaty to stop run- away slaves within the city, and bring them before the Mayor, or other magistrate, to be dealt with according, to law, and the reward allowed by law for arresting runaway slaves shall be paid to the said Commissary. Art. 7. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to notify all owners, possessors, agents or tenants of property, whereon any dead animal, or other nuisance may be found, to remove the same within such reasonable time, as from the nature of the nuisance it may appear expedient to the Commissary, that the same ought to be.rcmoved; and should said nuisance not be removed within the time prescribed, the Commissary shall cause the same to be removed at the expense'of such delinquents, who shall likewise be fined in a sum of not less than five dollars, nor exceeding twenty-five, to be prosecuted for by the Commissary before any competent magistrate, for the use of the city. Art. 8. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to be present at each si: I ing of the Council, to execute such orders as may delivered to him by the proper officers, and to enforce order in the Council Room; also, to see that all ordi- nances relative to his department and the'general police of the city be executed, and to give information to the' proper authorities of all violations of the same that may come to his knowledge, together with the names of the offenders and witnesses, in order that they may be dealt with according to law; and for any neglect of duty or non-attendance, except in case of sickness, or other sufficient cause, the Commissary shall, at the discretion of the Mayor and Council, be fined in a- sum not less than five, nor exceeding ten dollars; and further, be liable to be removed from office by a majority of the Council. Art. ( .i. Be it further Ordained, That any person or persons, who shall hinder, molest, insult, or do anything tending to prevent the Commissary from executing his duties as prescribed in the ordi- nances of the Council, and all persons aiding or abetting in such contravention, shall be fined in a sum of not less than twenty-five, nor exceec i i n •-;• one hundred dollars; to be recovered for the use of the city before any competent magistrate. Art. 10. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary, whenever a new fence or building fronting on any 31 street of the city, shall be erected, to request the person putting up such fence or building to produce a certificate of the city Surveyor, showing 1 that the lot on which the new work is made, or being made, has been surveyed; and in case such certificate shall not be produced, it shall be the duty of said Commissary to give notice to such person not to progress any more in said work, and to report on the whole *to the Council at their next meeting; and further, that he shall notify those persons who have placed their fences so as to encroach on the streets to remove the same, and to obtain the proper lines from the City Surveyor. Art. 11. Beit fwrther Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissaiy to keep a diary or reeprd of his proceedings, in a book to be furnished by the Council, and which book shall be accessible at all times to the Mayor and Council of the city; in it he shall insert from day to day, the rounds he may have made in the city, the naines and residences <>!' all poisons lie may find in con- travention of existing ordinances, and the means he has taken to enforce their observance; also, a copy of all notices given by him, together with all other matters touching the execution of his office.* *Articles 1, 2, 3, 12, repealed, and all after " office " in article 11 struck out August 7, 1861. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TAKING OF A CENSUS OF THE INHABITANTS OF CARROLLTON. Adopted March 11, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Com- missary of this city, immediately after the publication of this ordinance, and between the 1st and 15th of October* of each year thereafter, to take a census of the inhabitants and occupations or professions of this city, and that said census shall show the number of persons under the age of three years; over three and under six; fover six and under ten; over ten aud under sixteen; over sixteen and under twenty-one; and all over twenty-one years of age, in separate Columns, with the occupation or profession of each person set opposite to the name. And he shall designate those entitled to vote, and the names, &c, of the males and females shall be put in separate column's, the whole 'to be arranged alphabeti- cally. He shall return the same to the Secretary of the Council, who shall file it in the archives of the corporation, after it shall have been submitted to and approved by the Council. *The wards "between the 1st and 15th of October," put instead ef "in the month of Jan'y," in 1857. Article 2, repealed August 7. ' fTho words "six" and "sixteen,'' substituted for "five" and "fifteen," February 9, 1855. RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE COMMISSARY. Adopted February '.', 1848. Resolved, That the Commissary shall be, and be ta hereby repaired J- 32 to report t<> this Council, on the first meetin b month, the amount of work done on the streets and levee under his superin- tendence, describing the particular place 'where the said work has • me. AN ORDINANCE DEFDHNG- ADDITIONAL DUTIES OP THE COMMISSARY. Adopted October 19, l 1. Be it Ordained, fyc, That it shall be duty of the Commissary of this city to cuter in the record book which be is required to keep by article 11 of the ordinance denning his duties, a correct list and account of all the tools and public property in bis hands or under his control, and to add to his account all .such tools as may come into his hands from time to time; also, to make a note or entry in his book of the loss or destruction t>f all such tools and property as may occur; and for all such tools and property as may come into his hands, he shall file a receipt with the Comptroller forthwith, alter their reception. COMPTROLLER. AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES. Adopted May 1, 1845. Ai:t. 2. Ik it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to examine and liquidate all claims, and to accredit all accounts against the corporation, and to report the same with a statement of facts, and his opinion thereon, if he shall deem it proper, to the Council, at their next regular meeting, for their action thereon; to countersign all warrants drawn on the Treasurer, in virtue of any resolution or ordinance of the Council, for the pay- ment of money; to examine, adjust and settle the accounts of all ons indebted to the corporation; to take charge of all their real estate; to superintend the collection of the revenues and debts due, and to take charge of all title deeds belonging to the corporation. Art. :;. Be it further Ordained, That if shall be the duty of the Comptroller to keep a complete set of books, wherdin shall be stated the appropriations for each distinct object of expenditures, to the end that whenever appropriations for the specific object shall have been expended, he shall communicate the same to the Coupcil. The Comptroller shall also receive all bills and accounts of persons having demands against the corporation, to examine them in detail, and if correct, to eider them in his books, in such manner as the Committee on Finance may direct, and shall certify the same; and shall also keep an. account of all the debts due by and to them, as well as an account of all the property and claims of said Mayor 33 and Council; and it shall bo the duty of said Comptroller to perform any services from time to time, that the Council may require. Art. 4. Be it further Ordained^ That it -shall be the duty of the Comptroller to make out and * countersign all receipts for taxes on real estate and slaves; all bills for ground rents, or receipts for wharfage and other revenue, and deliver the same to the proper officers for collection, charging the officer with the amount thereof, f and he shall, on or before the 15th day of November of each year, make out and lay before the Council, a full and detailed statement of the revenue and expenditure Up to the 31st of October, with such suggestions on the fiscal affairs of the corporation as he may deem advisable.^ Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That in case of vacancy of the office of Comptroller, or hia absence, or inability to perform his duties, the Chairman of the Finance Committee is hereby authorized to.approvc of all accounts due by the corporation, in virtue of any ordinance or resolution of the Council. *The words "make out and" wore inserted by amendment of April 12, 1854, tThe remainder of the 4th article is an amendment, adopted February 2, 1853. JA11 tho words after advisable struck out and repealed, August 7th, 1861. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OP THE COMP- TROLLER. Adopted August*!, 1861. Art. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Carrollton, That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of "the Comptroller to report monthly to the Council for publication, the names of persons to whom licenses have been issued during the month, what kind of licenses were issued to them, and the amount paid the Treasurer therefor. He shall also, in the month of July of each year, enter in the tableau of the previous year, the names of all delinquent tax payers of that year, and the amount due by each, to be taken from a certified list furnished by the Col- lector, and placed in- alphabetical order. COUNCIL. DIVISION OF COUNCILMEX FOR LONG AND SHORT TERM. Adopted October 19, 1859. On motion of Mr. Gogrcvc, seconded by .Mr. Fischer, the Council proceeded to determine by lot among themselves, in accordance with section 2 of the act to incorporate the City of Carrollton, which fourof them shall retire on the first Monday in October, 1800. Four pieces of paper marked "long," and four pieces marked "short" were placed in a hat by the Secretary, and the members each drew out a piece, with the understanding that the members who drew tin' 5 04 papers marked ".short'' arc to retire from the Council on the first Monday in October, 1800; and those who drew the papers marked "long" are to continue as Councilmen until the election on the first Monday in Oct ber, 1861.. Messrs. Fischer, Davenport, Schuler and Mayo, dr. iw cadi a ])aper marked "long," and Messrs. Berrle, Hutchison, Brookes and Go- greve drew each a paper marked "short." The President thereupon declared Messrs. Herrle; Hutchison, Brookes and G igreve, duly chosen For the snort term, and Messrs. Fischer, Davenport, Schuler and Mayo, duly chosen for the long term .if Councilmen. Adopted December 14, 1859. Resolved, That itshall be the duty of the Streets and Landing Com- mittee and the Finance Committee of this Council, to meet for the transaction of public business, at the Council Hall, at one o'clock P. M., on Monday h week. DITCHES. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ROADS. STREETS, DITCHES & BRIDGES'. Adopted January 13, 1847. Art. 1. Be it ' That the roads, streets, ditches and bridges of this city shall be made, cleaned and repaired at the expense and cost of the city, under the superintendence of the Commissary. Art. 2. Be if further Ordained, That all ditches on the streets, at right angles with Canal Avenue, shall be three feet wide on top, one foot deep below the general level of the land, and one foot wide on the bottom. Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That the ditches on the streets leading to the woods shall gradually increase in size; commencing, from the" public road to Levee Street, with, two feet Avidth on the top, one foot depth, and one foot wide on the bottom; then to increase each square, or every three hundred and fifty feet in length, six inches in breadth, until they arc three feet wide on the top, and eighteen inches wide on the bottom; then they shall be dug three inches deeper in eaeli square, till they are two feet deep, when the said ditches shall again be dug three inches wider for every square ■ L - to the woods, till they are four (feet wide on the top, two and a half feet wide on the bottom, and two feel deep. Aur. -1. Be it further Ordained, That the dirt taken out of the ditches shall be thrown into the middle of the streets and leveled off; ♦but the Commissary may order dirt taken from the ditches thrown into low places on the banquettes. le 5 repealed, and article 4 amended, by adding all the words after '-off" Aug. 7, 1861. . 35 FERRY. AH. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE FERRY, &c, TO PLY BETWEEN CARROLLTON AND THE OITOSITE SIDE OF THE RIVER MIS- SISSIPPI. Adopted October 8, 1845. Art. 1. . Be it Ordained, That the following; terms and agreement entered into by the joint Committee of the Police Jury of the Parish of Jefferson, and of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Carrollton, be and same is hereby adopted as :i standing" ordinance of said Town of Carrollton. It is mutually agreed: . 1. That a ferry for the transportation of persons, horses, carriages, Sec, shall be established between the town of Carrollton and the opposite bank of the Mississippi river, to embrace within its privilege the entire front of said town, and the front of the river included between the lower line of Camilla Zeringue's plantation, and the lower line of L. Labranche's planta- tion on the opposite shore; the lauding place on the Carrollton side to be located somewhere between Madison and Jefferson streets in said town, and that on the other shore to be located at any point within three arpents above or below the Glass House, that may be selected by the persou who shall 'purchase the right of the ferry. 2. That the exclusive privilege of keeping said ferry for two years shall be disposed of at public auction to the highest bidder, in the of Town Carrollton, on the 10th day of October, 1845, under the superintendence of the Mayor of the Town of Carrollton, and the President of the Police Jury; the purchase money payable one-half cash, and the other half in twelve months from Hie date of adjudi- cation, in two notes of equal amount, and satisfactorily endorsed: the proceeds of said sale to be equally divided between the Parish of Jefferson and the Town of Carrollton; the privilege not to be vested in the purchaser until the terms of sale are complied with; and if the same shall not be complied with after the' lapse of live days from the day of sale, another sale shall take 1 place within ten days thereafter, to be conducted as above set forth. 3. That any person or persons violating the privilege hereby created, after the same shall have bee"n duly sold and transit as above set forth, shall, for each offence, be an a tine of ten dollars, recoverable by said purchaser for his own benefit before any court of competent jurisdiction. 4. The keeper of the ferry shall erect at each landing a conspicuous sign board to designate the same, and shall ah'. keep said landings in as g iod - i condition as practicable; he shall always keep ready for public di e, al leasl two good ami skiffs, not less than nineteen feel in length, to be provided each with Suitable oars, and steady a: id able boa linen, one of whom, with his skiff, shall remain during the nighl on one shore, and the other on the opposite shore; and thej shall be so arranged that all the akitfs shall at no time (night or i Dgether on the same side of the 3G river. The regular hours of crossing shall be From half past four o'clock, A. M., until half-past eight o'clock, P. M., *cvery half hour; and (the keeper ofthcferry shall post up, mi each landing place-, a copy of the above time;) but the said purchaser shall, during 1 the whole period of the privilege, cause to be ferried across the river, any person wishing the same, at any time other than between the hours above mentioned, and he may demand and receive for each person so conveyed, four times the price hereafter fixed for ferriage during the regular hours. The purchaser may. at his. option, keep, in addition to the skiffs, (but not to interrupt the regular and con- stant running of the same,) a flat or barge, sufficiently manned and furnished for the transportation of horses, carriages, &c. 5. The keeper of the ferry shall be entitled to demand and receive the following rates of fare, for crossing during the regular hours hereinbefore mentioned, viz: For each passenger over 10 years of age 10 For each passenger over 5 and not over 10 5 For each trunk, box or package weighing over»20 pounds, and under 100 pounds 5 For each box, package or barrel weighing over 100 pounds, and under 250 pounds 10 For each dog 10 For a horse and rider r 75 For a gig, horse and rider 1 00 For a four wheeled carriage, one horse and driver 1 25 For a four wheeled carriage, two horses and driver 1 50 For a pedlar's cart or wagon, one horse and driver 2 50 For a pedlar's cart or wagon, two horses and driver 3 00 For a planter's cart, one horse, or two horses and driver 1 00 For each horse, mule or kine, not exceeding two 50 For three, each 40 For four, each 30 For any number over four, each 25 For each sheep or hog, not less than eight A 10 For any number less than eight, for the whole 15 All persons accompanjdng any vehicle, other than the driver, to be charged as passengers. In all articles not enumerated, the charge shall be in proportion to the foregoing rates, and any exor- bitant charges proved against the ferryman shall be deemed a contravention. 6, For any non-compliance with, or contravention of the fore- going provisions, the keeper of the ferry shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, recoverable by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Carrollton, before any court of competent jurisdiction, for the joint benefit of the Town and Parish. *Tho words "every half hour," are added hy Article 1 of an ordinance of February 4, 1852. The clauso included in bracket*, is an interpolation of article 2, entire, of said ordinanco of February 4, 1862. FIRE DEPARTMENT. CARROLLTON FIRE CO. No. # 1. February 25, 18.50. The Council appropriated five hundred dollars to purchase an engine, on the proposition of the Company, that it shouid be the property of the corporation when the Company dissolved, unless the money was refunded. February 4, 1852. The Council appropriated for the use of said Company, as long as it lawfully exists, a lot of ground on Dublin Street, next to the jail, 35 feet front, by 120 feet deep, on which to erect an engine house. March 24, 1852. The Council appropriated five hundred dollars towards building the engine house, and endorsed three notes of three hundred and eighty seven and a half dollars each August 27, 1856. The Council appropriated six hundred dollars to purchase an engine, on condition, that the engine reverts to the corporation when the Company disbands. Other appropriations have been made from time to time, to both Companies, but without conditions. Adopted September 24, 1856. Resolved, That the Mayor be, and is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase from Geo. Reichcrt, in the name of the corporation, a certain lot of ground on Madison Street, for the sum of three hundred dollars, to be paid in six mouths from date of sale, and that said lot be appropriated for the use of Star Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, so long as said Company exists as a corporate body. GUNPOWDER. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO GUNPOWDER. Adopted July 24, 1801. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrallton, That the merchants of Carrollton who have been or may be licensed to sell gunpowder shall not be permitted to have on hand at any one time a greater quantity of gunpowder than thirty pounds, and that shall be kept in a suitable tin or copper canister, to be labeled powder, in large letters, and placed in sight, within conveni- ent distance of the main entrance of the store. Vendors <>f gunpowder, or all others arc forbidden to sell or give gunpowder to minors or slaves, without a written order from parents of owner; and every person violating this article shall be fined not less than twenty five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence. Akt. 'l. Be it furi . That every person is forbidden to keep or allow to remain on or in his or her bouse, room, apartment or premises, any quantity of gunpowder exceeding five pounds; and for every violation of this article-, the offender shall he fined twenty-five dollars for each offence; provided, this article does not apply to persons who are licensed to sell powder. • AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING BOATS SELLING AT THE LANDING. Adopted June 12, 1SG1. Be it Ordained, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That owners or agents of fiatboats or other water crafts lying at the landing and laden with merchandise, provisions or grain, shall have the privilege of o for sale and of selling such goods at the landing or on their boat, on the payment of a tax of five dollars per week in advance; provided, that spirituous or malt liquors, or wine shall not be retailed from such boat at the landing. The tax may be paid to the Commissary or to the Treasurer; but any one offering for sale, or selling goods as aforesaid, without paying the tax, and any one retailing spirituous or malt liquors, or wines at the landing or on the boat, shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each offence. Be it fur/her Ordained, That it is hereby made the duty of the Commissary to collect the tax imposed by this ordinance with comptrolled bills, and to report each and evei^ violation of this ordinance to the City Attorney for suit; and he is authorized to arrest any offender, to be dealt with according to law. LAWSUITS. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF COSTS IN LAWSUITS. Adopted August 22, 1850. Resolved, That the Mayor is hereby authorized, at the instituting of any suit or suits, on [he part of the Mayor and Council of this city, by the Attorney, to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of the Justice's and Constable's fees, required by law to be paid in advance. 39 LICENSES — LIQUOR. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LIQUOR LICENSES. Adopted'May 14, 1845. Art- 1. Be it Ordained, That any person wishing to keep a house for the retail of spirituous liquors by any measure less than a gallon, must obtain from the Mayor a License for that purpose. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That every person applying to obtain licenses as aforesaid, shall subscribe a bond, with such security as the Mayor may require, conditioned to secure the pay- ment of the costs of the license, and the payment of any fine, which the person taking- said license might incur, for any offence against the present ordinance; said bond and security shall remain in force during the whole year for which it shall have been furnished, and till all the conditions o\' said bond shall be complied with. Art. 3. Be it fur/La- Ordained, That every person who shall have obtained a license as afer< said, shall be hound to have on his door, or on the wall of his house, a sign, on which shall be; inscribed in large characters, his name and number of his license; and every person contravening this provision, shall pay a fine of five dollars for every eight days he shall refuse to comply with the same. Art. 4. Be it further Ordained, That all persons who have obtained a license to sell spirituous liquors by the pint, are prohib- ited to sell liquors in smaller quantities; and every person in contra- vention, shall, for each offence, pay a fine from twenty-five to fifty dollars, one-half to the city, and the other half to the informer. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That any person who, after having obtained one or move licenses for the purposes specified in this ordinance, and who shall make over or sell the same to others, shall, on conviction thereof, be lined fifty dollars for. each of the licenses so made over or sold; as shall also the person or persons who may have received the said license in such manner; and said license may be withdrawn by the Mayor, in case the holder shall be guilty of repeated contraventions of the present ordinance. Any person who shall continue in the before mentioned occupation after the .Mayor shall have withdrawn his license, shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars for every week I"- shall so continue; one-half of said fine to the use of the city, and the other half to the informer. Art. 6. Be it further Ordained, That all tavern keepers and other persons are prohibited fron spirituous or fermented liquors of any kind to any soldier in *service, unless such soldier shall be the bearer of a written permission from his officer, on penalty of the vendor paying for every such offence a fine of twenty dollars: one-half of said line to the City, the other half to the informer. Art. 7. Be- it further Ordained, Thai ivern keeper, coffee- house keeper or retailer of Bpil [UOrS, is forbidden to keep the house open after ten o'clock in the evening; and he is required to prevent the persons who may be in said house after ten o'clock, *-Tlio United States" struck out, Au 40 from disturbing by cries, Bongs, noise or otherwise, the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood; and ahoold he tolerate such disorder in his house, after the aforesaid hour, he shall be liable to a fine "I" ten dollars for each contravention. Art. 8. Be it f Wither Ordained, That any person who shall sell spirituous liqnora by retail, without having obtained a license therefor, as herein provided, shall, on conviction thereof, be liable line of one hundred dollars for every otlenee; one-half of said fine to the city, and the other half to the informer. Am. 9. Beit fori --'.That all tavern, grogshop, coffee- house keepers, and other persons, who shall sell or give any spirituous liiiuors to slaves, without a written permission from their masters, shall, for every offence, pay a tine of not less than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars; and every tavern, coffee-house keeper or other person who shall furnish or sell intoxicating liquors aves, in exchange for goods, effects, produce or other merchan- dise, shall be liable to a line of not less than twenty, nor more than one hundred dollars; and besides be liable for all damages toward any person entitled to the same. Tavern keepers and retailers of spirituous liquors arc responsible for the acts of all persons in their employment who shall be guilty of any offence mentioned in this article; and they shall be liable to the fine herein specified, as if the offence had been committed by themselves. Art. 10. Be it- further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary to enter inns, taverns, coffeediouscs, or other public houses, in order to take cognizance of the disorders and offences thai may be committed therein, and he shall report to the Mayor the offences he may have discovered. Abt. 11. Be it further Ordained, That no person shall sell liquors at more than one place, unless he shall have obtained a license for each. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LICENSES. Adopted June 4, 1845. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That all persons wishing to keep a tenpin alley, public billiard table, a house for the retail of beer and Other drinks, (excluding spirituous liquors,) a §oda shop, cigar shop, dry goods or clothing store, a boarding house in which there are iive or more boarders, a dry goods and grocery store, (not selling spirituous liquors,) a general dry goods, clothing, hardware, china and glassware, and grocery store, in which is sold spirituous liquors by the pint and upwards, a baker's cart, and non-residentmilk seller, or any other calling, trade, profession or occupation, must obtain licenses from the Mayor for that purpose, in accordance with the ordinance fixing; the rate of licenses. *"0r any other calling, trade, profession or occupation," added June 26, 1851. 41 Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That every person who shall obtain a license as aforesaid, shall bo bound to have on his door or wall, in a conspicuous place, a sign, with his name inscribed thereon in large characters; and every person contravening this provision shall pay a fine of five dollars for every eight days he may refuse to comply with the same. Art. 3. Be it further Ordoined, That every person who has obtained licenses as aforesaid, for the selling of beer, soda water and lemonade, is hereby prohibited from selling spirituous or vinous liquors, under penalty of from twenty-five to fifty dollars; one-half to the use of the city, and the other half to the informer. Art. 4. Be it further Ordained, That all persons who have obtained one or more licenses as aforesaid, are forbidden, under a penalty of fifty dollars, from transferring or selling the same to others; and the receiver of said license shall be subject to the same penalty, and said license may be withdrawn by the Mayor, in case of repeated contraventions of this article. And any person who shall continue in the before-mentioned occupation, after the Mayor shall have withdrawn said license, shall be liable to a fine of twenty- five dollars for every week he shall so continue; one-half to the use of the city, and the other half to the informer. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That every person who shall not comply with article 1 of this ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-five, nor more than fifty dollars, for each and every contravention. Art. 6. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of a person, keeping public billiard tables and tenpin alleys, to prevent all persons in his house from disturbing by cries, songs or other- wise, the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING MORE THAN ONE BAR UNDER ONE LICENSE. Adopted March 18, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That not more than one bar for the retail of spirituous liquors can be kept under one license, except in rooms that are contiguous, and only separated by a partition. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A UNIFORM RATE OF LICENSES ON PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OTHER BUHN1.SS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE VEHICLES, &r. Adopted December 11, 1861. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Covncil of the City of Carrollton, That from and after the first day of January, 1862, the licenses 6 42 professions, callings and other business, throughout the. City of Oarrollton, shall be fixed, assessed and collected annually, at the rates and sums specially set forth in the following sections, and subject to the conditions hereinafter named: Sec. 1. Every tavern or coffee-house keeper, or retailer of liquors and wines by the drink, shall pay slOO. Sec. 2. Every general store, selling- spirituous or malt liquors, or wines, not less than one pint, not to be drank on the premises, $100. Sec. 3. Every g-cneral store, excluding spirituous and malt liquors, and wines, $50, Sec. 4. Every grocery store, excluding spirituous and mall liquors, and wines, $20; and with liquors and wines, to be sold in quantities not less than a pint, $10. , Sec 5. Every dry goods, feed, hardware, glass or crockery store, $20. Sec 6. Every clothing and shoe store, selling clothing and shoes, not their own manufacture, $20. Sec T. Every public billiard table, tenpin alley, pool table, pistol gallery, or owner thereof, shall pay $10. Sec 8. Every public, subscription or society ball, $10. Sec !>. Every theatre, shuw, eircus or other amusement, for each performanee, $10. Sec 10. Every public cart, carriage, cab, ear, buggy, wagon or dray, drawn by one or more horses or kine, $10. Sec. 11. Every private wagon, cart or dray, drawn by one or more horses or kine, $3. Sec 12. Every resident peddler or hawker, $25. Sec 13. Every non-resident peddler or hawker, $50. Sec 14. Every soda and mineral water shop; every cigar shop; every fruit stand or shop; every cake stand or shop, shall pay $5. Sec 15. Every oyster shop, excluding liquors and wines, $5. Sec 1G. Every livery stable, including carriages, and excluding carts and wagons, shall pay $50. Sec IT. Every auctioneer or auction store, $10. Sec. 18. Every beer-house selling wines and malt liquors, $40. I 9. Every drug and apothecary store, shall pay $20. Sec. 20. Every beer bottler, or other person selling beer, wines or cordials in this city, away from his premises, shall pay $40. 21. Every coal yard, every saw mill, every brick yard, $50; every lumber yard, $25. Sec 22. Every street musician or singer, $10. Sec '2'-',. Every physician, lawyer or dentist, $10. 24. Every non-resident mineral or soda water seller, shall pay $50. Sec 25. Every soap cart, selling a box of soap of not less than twenty-five pounds, S20. Sec 26. Every non-resident beer bottler, or other person, selling beer, wines nr cordials, $50. Sec 27. Every rfon-rcsident seller of crackers, cakes or candy, $20. Ski'. 28. Every dairy for sale of milk, containing from five to' ten cows, $5; from ten to fifteen cows, S10; and over fifteen •cows, $25.* Sec. 29. Every furniture store, $10. Sec. 30. Every retail store not enumerated above, $20. Sec 31. Every wholesale store, $50. Sec 32. Every charcoal peddler, $5 a year for residents, end°$10 a year for non-residents. Be it Ordained, Sfc. } That any person requiting any of the above licenses, for purposes therein specified, and failing to take out the same before the 1Mb of January, of each year, except those for one day and night, shall pay a line of not less than $10, nor more than $25; and all laws or parts of laws, conflicting with this ordinance, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Be it Ordained, l\-c, That the price of all licenses must be paid in advance, except those over $50, of which the first half must be paid in cash, and the balance in a note due on the 1st July, next ensuing 1 , and endorsed to the satisfaction of the Mayor; and on the production of the Treasurer's receipt for the payment, as afore- said, the Comptroller shall issue a license; and licenses taken on or after the 1st of July, shall bo paid entirely in cash. Be it Ordained, fye., That persons taking- out a license for the sale of spirituous or malt liquors and wines, shall give bond and security in the sum of $250. That all licenses shall date from the 1st of January, except those required for any business opened or commenced after January, which shall date from the 1st of the month in which the business was opened, and only the pro rata of the yearly price shall be required for licenses taken after January, calculating from the 1st of the month in which the business was commenced, or in which the license should be taken, except those given for one day and night, and those the price of which is $10, and under; and no license shall be tranferred. *Sec. 28 amended, February 5, 1862, to read thus: Every keeper of a dairy, shall pay $2Q. MARKKT. AN ORDINANCE IX RELATION TO THE MARKET. . May :!, is is. Amended December 8, 1854, and February 9, i Ai;t. 1. Beit Ordained, That a market for the Bale of butchers' meat, and also for vegetables, is established from and after the 11th day of May. 1 18, in the market-house erected in Dublin street, by the corporal ion. 2. Beit further Ordained, That ad the butchers' meat, including beef, veal, mutton and pork, and all les, musl be brought to said market to he sold; and every person selling or exposing for sale, any butchers' meat or vegetables in the street, i C el < where 44 in this city, during- the hours mentioned in Article 3, shall pay a fine for each violation, of five dollars, if a free person; and if a slave, the master shall pay the fine. Art. 3. as amended December 3, 1856. Be it further Ordained, "That said market shall be opened on week daj's at throe o'clock, A. M., and closed at twelve, M.; and on Sundays, said market shall be opened at two o'clock, A. M., and closed at twelve, M.; and for the convenience of butchers and others renting stalls, the farmer shall keep said market open from the 1st of May to the 1st of September, from six to eight o'clock, P. M. ; from the 1st of Sep- tember to the 1st of May, from five to seven o'clock, P. M., under a fine of $5 for each day he so neglects to do." Art. 4. Be it further Ordained, That during market hours, the butchers shall occupy their respective stalls in said market. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That butchers shall pay to the farmer of the market, or to a collector appointed by the Mayor and Council, for the rent of the stands, eight feet, respectively occupied by them, fifty cents, and for every head of horned cattle, whether of fresh or salt meat, fifty cents; and for every head of veal, mutton, pork or venison, twenty cents; provided, that whenever a fore- quarter of veal shall weigh more than forty pounds, the farmer or collector of the corporation may exact fifty cents for the head of veal. And every sausage, vegetable, fish, game or coffee stand, not occupying more than eight feet of the outside walls, inside of the market, shall pay twenty cents per day. Art. 6. Beit further Ordained, That the Mayor is authorized to rent out stands of eight feet each, in space, on the outside walls, inside of the market, at the rate of twenty cents per day, during market hours, to retailers of vegetables, eggs, indian corn, poultry, and all other provisions, such as are sold on the footway of other markets. Art. 7. Be it further Ordained, That any person wishing to obtain a stall or stand in said market, shall apply in writing, to the Mayor of the city. Said application shall be duly sworn to before a magistrate, or any other person duly authorized to administer oaths, that the stall he applies for is for his own individual use, and that he is not applying for any other person, either directly or indirectly, and the written permission or certificate obtained, shall specify the number of the same; and said person shall have the right to occupy said stall or stalls, so long as he continues to pay the rent or fees for the same, or which may be fixed by the Mayor and Council, or otherwise complies with the ordinances governing said market. No person can hold more than two stalls, neither shall he transfer, or dispose of the same, without a previous notice to, and consent of the Mayor, aforesaid. The Comptroller shall keep a book containing the names of those persons renting stalls, and in which an entry of all transfers shall be made. Art. 8. Be it further Ordained, That any person suffering his stall to remain unoccupied for two days, and who neglects or refuses to pay the rent thereof, shall forfeit his right to said stall. 45 Art. 9. Be it further Ordained, That any butcher or other person selling, or exposing for sale, the meat of any animal that died of a distemper, or which is tainted or unfit for use, shall pay a fine of from twenty-five to one hundred dollars; and the Commissary shall cause such meat to be thrown into the river. Art. 10. Be it further Ordained, That within the half hour imme- diately after closing the market, each butcher or occupant of stalls shall cause them to be scraped and cleansed, together with the closets and drawers attached, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence. Art. 11. Beit further Ordained, That all persons selling meat at said market shall be cleanly dressed, under a penalty of three dollars for each offence. Art. 12, Be it further Ordained, That all persons are forbidden to stand, sit or lie upon the stalls or tables in said market, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence. Art. 13. Be it further Ordained, That it is forbidden to all hawkers or peddlers, to sell goods or merchandise in said market, or on the footways thereof, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence. Art. 14. Be. it further Ordained, That the Mayor and Council shall appoint an inspector, (the Commissary,) whose duty it shall be to see the regulations established, or to be established, for the government of the same, adhered to; and it shall also be his duty to have in said market, weights of the legal standard, to be used by any person who may think they have been cheated in their purchases, and when such is the fact, the vendor shall pay a fine of $5 for each offence. Art. 15. Be it further Ordained, That the farmer or lessee shall, within three days after the adjudication, furnish his own promis- sory notes, endorsed to the satisfaction of the Mayor, or neglecting which, a new adjudication shall be ordered by the Mayor, at the risk of the first bidder, Art. 16. Beit further Ordained, That for the better security and payment of said notes, a lien shall be retained on the revenues of said market, and in default of the payment of any of the aforesaid notes, the corporation may receive said revenue; and the Mayor shall take measures so to do, three days after the protest of said notes. Art. It. Be il further Ordained, That the farmer or lessee of said market shall not be entitled to receive any other fees than those hereby established; and said farmer shall, at his own expense,. furnish the necessary implements for cleansing and sweeping said market; and it shall be his duty to cause it to be completely cleansed each day, immediately after market hours, under a fine of $10 for each day he neglects so to do. Art. IS. Be it further Ordained, That the Mayor and Council shall cause the said market-house and the walls and pillars thereof, internally, as well as externally, to be annually whitewashed or painted. Art. 19. Be it further Ordained, That the farmer or lessee of the 46 market shall not carry on, directly or indirectly, any business, nor occupy any stall or stand in said market, daring the term of his lease, under any pretext whatever; should the lessee or farmer violate the said condition, the Council may declare Jhe lease for- feited, and order the unexpired term of the said lease to be sold on account, and at the risk of the farmer or lessee thus violating. AX ORDINANCE .SUPPLEMENTAL TO AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE MARKET, ADOPTED MAY 3d, 1848, AND RE-ADOPTED MARCH 19th, 1855. Adopted December 12, 1800. Art. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton; That when application is made to the Maj'or, in accord- ance with article 7, of the original ordinance for the use of a stall or stand in the market, the oath of the applicant shall contain a declaration that the applicant is not the lessee of the market, and is in no way interested, either directly or indirectly, in the lease or revenues of the market. Art. 2. Beit further Ordained, That the lease of the market, and the collection of the revenues thereof, .shall not be transferred without the consent of the Mayor and Council, previously obtained, under a penalty of $50. t Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That all persons are forbidden to commit any nuisance, or acts offensive to decency inside the market house, or deposit any offensive, tainted or decayed meats, vegetables or other matter therein, under a penalty of $5 for each offence. All persons a-re forbidden to make use of and give utterance to oaths and obscene and vulgar language and noises in said market, under a penalty of $5 for each offence; all vendors in said market-house are required to be clean in person and dress, and civil and polite to purchasers and others visiting the market; they shall not refuse to supply meats, vegetables or other articles not sold, to persons who will pay for them, under a penalty of $5 for each offence ; and on due proof being made to the Mayor of the violation of this article, in any one particular, by any vendor in said market, the Mayor shall withdraw the permission or certificate granted in accordance with article 7, of the original ordinance, and such person shall not be allowed the use of any stall or stand in said market, at any time afterwards. The fines imposed by this ordinance are recoverable before an}- competent magistrate, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting" herewith, are hereby repealed. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALE OF THE MARKET. Adopted December 3, 1856. Be it Ordained, That said market shall hereafter be sold by the- 47 Mayor, on the first Monday in December, of each year, and he shall give ten days' previous notice of such sale, l>y advertisements in the official journal of the city, or by posting in three public places. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING VEGETABLES. Adopted September 8, 1852. Resolved, Thai hereafter, no vegetables shall be sold on any of the butchers' stalls in the market of Carrollton. OFFICERS. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO SECURITIES OF OFFICERS UNDER THE CORPORATION. Adopted May 1, 1845. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That in all cases wherein security is required for the faithful performance of the duties of any office which may exist under the authority of the Council, the person elected shall either give his own bond, with mortgage on his own property, unincumbered, to the amount of the security required, or shall give his own bond, with one or more good solvent sureties, who shall be owners of real estate in the Parish of Jefferson, unincumbered, to the amount of the bond, and on a vote of a majority of the Council to that effect, new sureties shall be furnished, within the time the Council shall determine, in default of which, a new election shall be held. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN DUTIES OF THE MAYOR, IN CASE OF HIS INABILITY OR ABSENCE. Adopted July 1, 184G. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That in case of absence or inability of the Mayor, to sign warrants for the payment of salaries or other claims against this corporation, duly authenticated, the chairman of the Finance Committee be, and he is hereby authorized to sign the same. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE BOOKS & RECORDS OF OFFICERS. Adopted May 12, 1852. Ant. 1. Be it Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the officers • i this * ity. • -.ifi-ly, ami from injury, all the Is and that may appertain t.> their respective (ifl'uvs, and they are hereby prohibited from taking or aUowin be taken, any of the said books or tec irdi onl of (heir respective . without the special order or consent of the Oonncil. . That the officers 6f this city may pies of any part of their books or records, t < » quiring the same for legal purposes; and the Secretary .ni'l Comptroller shall countersign the same, and attach the seal of the city, for which be may charge twenty->fn . and the Doers may charge the same fees that are allowed by law to Notaries Public for copies of their records. i AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE To IXDEXKS AND BOOKS OF OFFIOl Adopted August 12, 1861. Ai;T. L. B ' ' > I led by the Miiyar and Council of the City of , That it shall be, and is hereby made the duty 01 the tary of this Council, t<> number the pages, and place plain intelligible marginal notes ton each page of the journal of the iii>- Mayor and Council, which he is bound to k rding to law. further Ordained, That it shall l"' and is hereby made the duty of every officer under this Council, having a I or books t<> keep, t<> annex a plain and distinct index to each of . books, which index must he made in alphabetical cider, and show the number of the page on which the information sought can he found; and each and every officer shall make a note on the hack of each and every report he may send to the Council, and on each and every paper, and bundle of papers, h«' may hie away in the archives of his office, to show wiiat are the contents of such paper and bundles, and on what page of his hook it is entered. ' further Ordained, That all the hooks, indexes, sta- tionery and blanks, necessary for the performance of the duties of the officers of this city, shall he furnished by the .Mayor and Council, at their own cost and expense, and shall be Considered the property of the Mayor and Council, Subject t" their inspection at all tit aid any officer or other person who shall take away, destroy 01 mutilate any of the records, maps, plans or indexes of the city, shall pay a line of $50, and be bound to replace- the same, at his own expi AN ORDINANCE OONCEENING OFFICERS. Adopted June 12, 1861. Be it Ordained by tin- Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That the Mayor and Council shall annually elect in the month of October, the following named officers^of tiro corporation, to be chosen from the qualified voters of . lo-wit: A Comptroller, who shall also acl as Seci the Mayor and Council, and as Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Public Schools. A Treasurer, who shall also acl as Collector of Taxes. A Commissary, who shall also act as Sexton. A Surveyor; a Printer; an Attorney; a Pound Keeper. Three' Assessors; one Principal and two Assistants; and such other officers as may be determined on, previous to the day of election. 2, Be it further Ordained, Thai the term oi of all the officers of the corporation shall commence on <''■.■' firs! day of November of each year; they shall look to the charter and the ordinances of the city for their duties; and previous to entering upon them, shall be sworn before a proper officer, and shall bond and security in the manner and amount named by the .\i and Council: ami failing to thus qualify within five days after election, the person failing, shall be considered as having declined the office, Be it further Ordained, That the salaries and CO d and paid to the officers of the corporation, shall be in full compensation for all services rendered to the corporation in their official capacities, and no fee or extra compensation shall in any be paid to any officer for the performance ofdutii s appertaining to his office, except in cases wh( lutics are imp on them, which shall be decided by the wh< I . f the Mayor and Council present in session; neither shall the salary oi officer be diminished during liis term. 4 . Be if fa rfher Orda i ne&, That ev< i shall, upon the expiration of his term oJ office, rom, or resignation thereof, forthwith, on demand, deliver to hi BOr in office all money, hooks, pap. . ants ore\ of debt in his hands, and all property in hi ion, belonging to or delivered to him by any city, or by the : pertaining to c all which, he shall taJ pt, and tile tint s. bh with with the Compt entered in his bo< ks. tn the time . Kail he tunic! the Com| 5. Be it fwither ( > cribed by this ordina tc< . tli in or out office, shall 1 !00, and U'm less than 6. or di had according officer for bis I ": be at approba- i :' bis ill f;iil to v. .1 .!.>]>- inert, ball ima brm, ■ tli«" officer in ■ the time lie d who Bhall rform an ' [ayor and duties, shall I That in itify any in writing, and shall fully lution or law on .! 101 law. and a recorded minui Iii 1 1 icilma; if Hi-- Ii: expiration of the duties of rthwith, ami a new election shall be ordered and held :;s mafic vacant. AX ORD] DONG 01 i J u ■ 26, L861. f Car <>U ton, ion of lip- city, and the c venience of the people, it shall be and is hei tho duty of to keep liii-ii- i' and rami ptrollerand Treasurer, from 1". ' . ' lock P. If. Commissary, Surveyor and Mayor, from 11 o'clock A. M. t<> \1 o'clock M. •..nicy, from '.' o'clock A. M. to 1<> i 'clo •' A. '.: TlMUM' INTHLT. A approve and ac iich bond shall come within the meaning of the ordinance ur.'- ties of officers, and a! the next meeting thereafter, report the same to the Council for record. OFFENC] D NUISANC1 ORDINANi Ad..]. led di; ■ d. Be it cnadrd by > ' ' Thai in prevent d . and to provide for Ihe pi public • and the lawful use of weaj 4. It shall not be lawful for any person to neat a drum, blow a horn or sound :i trumpet, make a false alarm of lire, ring bells, beat kettles or pans, or make any noise to alarm or annoy residents or others, in the streets or public places; provided, that this pro- .11 not apply to any militia, or to any peaceable procession, til ■ ■ ■ cases in which auctioneers are permitted to beat drums. ! is unlawful to abuse, provoke or disturb any person; to , '. or to appear masked or disguised, in the street or any public place; or to use indecent or vulgar language or Bigns; or to commit any nuisance offensive to public decency; or commit any lewdness on any street or levee, cemetery, public squareor other public place, in any open lot, on, or under any wharf or landing, or in any open house exposed to public view. ri upt or putrid water or any matter of any kind which may be offensive to the sight or smell, or injurious to the health, on any banquette, street, alley, wharf or any public place, in any gutter, drain or canal, within the improved limits of the city; and no person shall be allowed to keep or let remain on their premises within their yards or private alleys any of the articles or things mentioned in this section more than twenty-four hours. Ml persons are forbidden to throw Hour, water, or any other substance, on any person passing along the street or any public place; and all persons are forbidden to obstruct the passage or flow of water of any gutter, ditch, pipe or drain in this city, or in any manner dam the same. 9i It shall not he lawful to move or cause to be carried away, 53 any earth or sand from any street, square, walk or commons, or from the levee; and all persons arc forbidden to cut, break, destroy or move any of the plank-walks, bridges or roads, signs, pavements, whether of brick or stone, shell roads, dirt roads or rail roads in this city; and all persons arc forbidden to destroy, injure or move any of the trees, planted in the streets or public squares, or on the sidewalks of this city, according to law. 10. All persons arc forbidden to ride, lead or drive a horse or other animal on the sidewalks, promenades, levees or public squares of this city, and all persons are forbidden to hitch or fasten any horse or any other animal on or to any of said places, or in such a manner and at such place's thai it may gel on those places; or to obstruct the sidewalks or streel crossings wjth any cart, carriage or other vehicle; provided this does not apply to persons crossing the levee at the end of streets, or the banquettes to and from their • premises. 11. No person shall keep or permit to run at large any dog or other animal, which shall by barking, biting, running after persons, howling, or in any other way or manner disturb the comfort or quiet of any person or persons whomsoever; and no owner of any deformed animal, or animal affected with the glanders, or other contagious distemper, shall suffer the same to roam at large on any street or levee, on the commons or in the woods, and it shall not be lawful for any goat to roam at large, or to be fastened on the streets, levees or public places. ./ 12. No wild and ferocious animal shall be kept within the ' limits of this city, on the premises of individuals, or in menageries, unless such animal be under the charge of an armed guard, day ami night; and all persons are forbidden to let loose or permit any wild or any ferocious or vicious animal to go at large. 13. No person shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited in this city any bull or bear fight, or any dog tight, or pugilistic contest, or make any immoral exhibition, or form processions for the purpose of attending such exhibitions, or any immoral or unlawful purpose; and no person shall keep a cock pit, or any place for any immoral exhibition, or for any animal tights or contests. 14. All persons are forbidden to expose, circulate, offer for sale, sell or distribute, any obscene, scandalous or libelous book, print, newspaper, pamphlet, circular or periodical, caricature, picture, drawing, statue or other object whatever, of any immoral or scan- dalous nature, or calculated to excite scandal, immorality or disturbance of the public peace or tranquility. 15. No person shall sell or oner for sale, or keep exposed in any public place, any blown, stale, imperfect or unwholesome provi- sion, or tainted meat or fish, or vegetable, or any animal which lias died of disease, or any impure or unsound food whatever; and no person shall fraudulently adulterate for the purpose of sale, any substance intended for food; or any liquor intended for drink; or any drug or medicine, with any sabstance in any manner injurious to health. And all i" forbidden to keep within the limits 54 of tii or dams iny putrefaction; :ui any lol with manure or oth 1 7. ( kvens, stables, well i and privie Bhall no1 be placed within three feel of any publi nor within three feet of the line of adjoining pro] hall not have an issue on ■ reel or public way, nor propriel »r. 18. The flues or chii ries, smith Bhops, foun I . shall b the highesl adjoini i, within of two hundred feel from lid establi jhmenl 19. All persons a place any stationary or permam i • of any of the public :•■ lev< ;• public squ of t! nd all )>( rsons arc forbidden to leave any car, ran i bide, or any other article so as to obstruct passage in t ion of the streets, public places or lev< hut this planted according tu law. Ail persons arc forbidden to interfere with, obstruct, or prevent any officer or em y in the discharge or of his duty. 21. All persons are i take sand or dirt from the batture, without a permit previously obtained from the Surveyor or acil; and it shall nol 1": lawful to move sand or dirt from the batture, to b limits of OarrolU »n. 22. AM per e forbidden to ride or drive any horse or other animal through th< i, at a furious rate of sp or so as to endanger tl. ty person; all persons are forbidden to run, drivi locomotive, car, cart, carriage or other vehi the rail roads, side walks, levees or public places of this c Bpeed than the law all.... ; to endanger the safety of any person. • further ( . That any person or persons committing any of the off r violatin ' the provisions of the above aaticle named, shall be fined D |5, nor more than $100 for each offence; and in every case where minors or slaves \ iolate an ordinance of this or guardians of the minors, and the of the she. pprentices shall i isible for the line. All fines are recoverable Melon- anycourt of competent jurisdiction. t further Or ' • y made the duty of the Commissary, and the police offi city I i report and 55 denounce, and it" is the duly of the City Attorney to prosecute persons charged with violations of this ordinance. In all cases in this ordinance where an act Or dei lared unlawful, its continuance, after notice from the proper officer, shall be deemed an additional i and the offender shall be fined not less than $5, nor more than $25 for hall continue to violate the provisions of this ordinam Ik, if further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Commissary and all police officers of this city to .take cognizance of the offe; and omissions named in this and all ether ordinances, and take the necessary steps forthwith, to abate the nuisance or offence, by giving notice, and reporting the offender, and if need be, to arrest the offender; and all lings in such cases shall be entered in the police records of the city, or the Comi ' diary or record. It is also made their special duly to" arrest all runaway negroes, beggars and vagrants, J o> he dealt with according to law. AX ORDINANCE CONCERNING HAWKERS OH PEDDLERS. Adopted May .11. I- '.:,. Art. 1. BeiiO >. - about, or cause in be hawk( d al i in any manner whatever, within the limits of the city of Carrollton, any produce, provisi or merchandise generally, wit! ing a license from the Mayor, speci! name of the person to if shall have been delivered, under penalty of' a fine not under ten, nor exceeding - twenty dollars Art. 2. Be it further ' I no slave shall be permitted to hold such license; but any tree person having- the intention to •e merchandise to be hawked aboul or exposed for sale as above said, by one or mi- claration ■ license or lie. : therein the name or nai Buch slavi peddle and hawk about the said merqhand i who shall h obtained sucl ever peddling and hawking, a li further < he the duly of the Commissary, and he is hen I andof all peddlers and hawkers, the licei se in ■■ '■] within limits of the city, and the said offic ir i - au1 mcrchan mch peddl and said peddler shall • All the w. i . .' UUned," itrv and the merchand tained in virtue of iliis ordinance, shall be placed under the protection of any justice of the peace in the city, and remain tisfy all judgments which may be pronounced against the owner of the same, as well for the fine as for amount of the tax and lie. • POUND. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING BTRAYS. Adopted June 11, L851. Art. J. Be it Ordained, That a pound for strays be. and is hereby red to be established in this city, to be called the city pound of Carrollton. 2. That there shall be annually elected a suitable person for pound kei per, whose duty i; shall be to receive all strays brought . for which he shall be entitled I i charge as follows: For each horse, mule or ass sO 7") For each cow or horned animal 50 For each hog 2T> 3. One-half of the above charges shall be paid by the said keeper to the person that may deliver to him a stray, and further, it shall be the duty of said keeper to see all strays fed, watered, and provided with sheds in hot or inclement weather, for which he may charge as follows: For each horse, mule or ass $0 25 per day. For each cow or horned animal 20 " Foreachhog 10 The above to be paid to him by the owners of said strays, on claiming the same, in addition to the costs of advertising the same. •1 It shall likewise be the duty of the keeper of the pound to enter in a bode to be kept for that purpose, the day on which he may receive any stray, with a full description of the same, which book shall on every week day remain open for the inspection of the public. It shall be the duty of said keeper of the pound to advertise weekly in a newspaper published in this city or parish, according to law, all strays thai may be in his possession, giving a full description of the same, and stating that unless the same be claimed, and all charges paid within ten days from dale of adver- tisement, the same will be sold by him at the pound at public auction, to the highest bidder, to defray the cost and charges, and in case of such sale, the keeper shall note down carefully in his book, opposite to the desi riptionofthe animal, what amount the animal sold for, and to whom; and after deducting the amount of cost and charges that he is entitled to charge, he shall pay the remainder, if any, to the Treasurer, within twenty-four hours after the sale, taking a receipt tor the same, which shall be delivered to the Comptroller as soon as possible. 5T 5. The residue of the profits of the sale of any animal, if any, shall be paid to the owner of the same, less one-tenth upon the exhibition to this Council, of satisfactory proof of ownership, and in case of a majority of this Council concurring' in any complaint made against the keeper of the pound for contravening* this ordi- nance, or for abuse or f any animal in his possession, he shall be fined in a sum i ot less than $5, nor more than §50, or be removed from office. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CERTAIN DUTIES OF THE POUND KEEPER. Adopted December 10, 1851. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the pound keeper of this city to make a detailed monthly report of the strays received and disposed of during the month, by him, being particular to describe the animal, and specify the costs and proceeds of sale, and amount paid over to Treasurer. PORT OE LANDIIvG. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE PORT OR LANDING OF THE CITY OF CARROLLTON. Adopted June 13, 18G0, and amended August 7, 1861. Original. 1. Be it Ordained 'by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrotlton, That art. 1 of the ordinance to regulate thi landing, be amended so as to read: That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Commi to supervise and regulate the port or lauding of this city, plant tie posts, direct steamboats and other vessels, and all water crafi where to land and tie up, and require them to be well and securely fastened with chains, when they are to remain at the landing for any period over twenty-four hours. He shall direct and regul their landing and lyin to interfere with other boats, or with the busin occupying t\io batture, with the consent of the Council; and he shall collect the charges hereinafter ed on all such Be it furtherOrdain rt. 2 of said ordinance be so as to read: each steamboat, each steamship, and each sail vessel; ship, brig, schoonor or sloop, lying at the landing-, shall pay the city ten dollars per mouth: h flatboat, keelboat or other small 8 58 water craft, Lying at the landing, Bhall pay the city five dollars per month; provided, that this Bection shall not apply to any boat, •1 or water craft making a temporary landing-, for reception or discharge of passengers, or freight or other purposes; and provided, it does not apply to boats to be broken up on the batture, within ten days after they are tied up there, by any t rrollton. :'.. Br U furl her Ordained, That the charges imposed by the 2d sec- tion of this ordinance shall ' . •. and t<> facilitate tin- matter, lite Comptroller shall counl deliver to the Commissary, and charge him with a requisite number of blanks, for the collection of which, the Commissary shall be responsible: and forthwith, after the collection of an}- of said bills, he shall pay over the amount collected to the City Treasurer, and file the hirer's receipt therefor with the Comptroller. 4. Be it further Ordained, That for any interference with the Com- missary in the discharge of his duty as laid down in this ordinance, and for any neglect or refusal to comply with the directions of the Commissary, as expressed in section first of this ordinance, the person offending shall be liable for and pay a fine of $25; recover- able before any court of competent jurisdiction. ■ >. Be i' further Ordained, That in cases of neglect or refusal to I he charges imposed by this ordinance, within twenty-four hours after demand, and in cases of fines incurred as per section 4, the I 'ommissary is directed to place a bill for the same in the hands of the City Attorney, for collection by suit, and file the Attorney's receipt for such bill forthwith, with the Comptroller. 6. Be it furl her Ordained, That article G of the ordinance to regu- late the port or landing be amended, so as to read: That when vessels or water craft leave the landing before the •i ration of the month for which they have paid, the Mayor is authorized to draw a warrant for a return of the pro-rata of the monthly charge so paid on application in writing to him of the party interested.* •Artiolo 6 amend"') October 10, 1861. POLICE AND CITY .JAIL. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE POLICE AND THE CITY JAIL. Adopted July 24, 1861. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That the department of police of tlie City of Carrollton, shall consist of the Commissary, and such other police officers, policemen and watchmen as the Mayor and Council may from time to time appoint, or such as may be appointed by their authority. * 2. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of all members of the police department to prevent or stop all disturbances of the peace, and all violations of the state laws, and the city ordinances, 59 and if need be, to arrest the offender, to be dealt with according to law. They are authorized to arrest and lock up in the city jail, all intoxicated or noisy persons, and all slaves found in contraven- tion of the law and ordinances, but in no case shall they keep any person, bond or free, in said city jail longer than twenty-four hours. 3. Be it further Ordained, That the -Mayor is authorized, and it is hereby made his duty, to appoint special policemen or watchmen, in cases of urgent necessity, for a period not exceeding one week. and the distribution, management and control of all police officers, policemen and watchmen, and all their operations shall be. are hereby placed in the hands of the Mayor of the city. He is authorized to suspend auy of them for cause, and employ others, but he shall keep the Council advised regularly, by written reports, made every two weeks, of the changes and appointments mad hiin by virtue of this article, and the reasons therefor; provided, that this article shall not bo construed as applicable I ! >tn- missary. 4. Be it further Ordained, That every member of the poiice department shall be a citizen of Louisiana, and resident of Carroll- ton, and must be sworn to the faithful performance of his duties, and give bond and security according to !;;-, 'i sum as the Mayor and Council may direct. 5. Be it further Ordained, That a police record shall be kept by the Mayor at the Council Hall, subject to the inspection of all persons interested, in which every member of the police department shall enter daily, over his own signature, a detailed account of arrests, and disposition of_ persons arrested, and oilier duties performed by him the day and night betore, and a detailed account of all violations of law that may have come to his knowledge. 6. Be it further Ordained, That the city jail fees are herebj' fixed as follows: For the entering of a prisoner, $1; for the going out of a prisoner, 50 cents, which fees shall be demanded and received by the officer, policeman or watchman who locked up or discharged the prisoner; and all fees thus received, shall be paid to the Treas- urer daily, and the receipt of the Treasure' therefor filed forthwith with the Comptroller, by the officer, policeman or watch- man, who received and paid in the money. 7. Beit further Ordained, That the Ma; paired to have the city or police jail kept clean and in order, repaired when necessary, and furnished with blankets and water. print fc::n. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOB THE ELECTION OF a PRINTER, AND DEFINING ID- DUTD ■ luly 1, It Akt. 1. , Thai this city shall be 60 elected annually, agreeably to the rules concerning t!ic election of i ut' the corporation, whose duty il ■ to print and issue all tl gs, ordinances, not ; iseinents of the Council, and the notices or adv< nblic ..I of this city, in a public newe 1 fctober 19, 1859. That it shall ■ duty of the Printer to publish within three days al .'the Mayor and Council, a certified copy of the proccedin id Mayor and Council, which shall be furnished him : From the records. Art. 3. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the dnl Printer to publish all the ordihan ited by the Council, at least twice after the publication of the proceedings; also, to publish all regulations, notia Ivertisements of whatever nature, emanating from the Council, its officers, and the pul this city or its officers, as often as may be required It shall also be his duty to do all job work, such as printing blank receipts for taxes, blank licenses, bonds, &c , &c, for the Council, and blank tickets, certificates, &c, &c, for the use of the public school, as requited; and he, shall print the ordinances ; f the Council, in an octavo pamphlt as there may be matter !-h, and furnish all materials required in the performance of his duties. All publications to be made in the English langu; and in the French Language when the law require Art. 4. further Ordained, That it: case of i or refusal on the paiv oi said Printer to perform any of the duties imposed upon him by this ordinance, the Mayor shall order the work so refused or neglected to be done, to be performed by another Printer, and the cost thereof shall be charged to him and his securities. PRINTER TO FURNISH ! Adopted April 21, 1847. Resolved, That the Printer of this city shall furnish the Council with twelve copies of his i idings of any meeting are published. PUBLIC SCHOOL. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE I CHOOLS. 1 June 12, 1861. 1 . Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton, That in obedience to the 12th section of the act to incorporate the city of Carrollton, there shall be elected by the Mayor and Council in the month of April, annually, a Board of seven directors, to control and manage the public schools of this city; the term of the Board thus elected shall commence on the 1st of May, and 61 continue until their successors are elected and qualified, and the failure to elect in April shall not work a dissolution of the Board, iancies in the Boavd caused iation or otherwise. shall be filled by the Com.. , as may be, after notice. Each Director shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his di as a Director, and any four Directors form a quorum accordinj law. Be it further Ordained, That the Board of Directors is authorized to establish as many schools and departme i ay be required tuitous education to all white children permanently resident in this ci their duty to report quarterly to the Council, the condition of the schools, shpwing the 1 numb pupils » n their progress, and such oilier facts and suggestions in r< be school- play grounds, I ;ary and - shall, at least. once a ir, report the number and class of teachers employed, and tiie amount of salaries paid them in detail, according to rank- all which reports shall be published. They shall not purchase any horn nor build or enlarge any school-house without the ous consent of the 3- Be !, That in obedience to said 12th section, umcil wil ans required over ami above the State appropriations for the legitimate support and maintenance of the public schools, and all bills for the current expenses of the sail be paid when approved and signed by thiee member.- i d. The teacher's salaries shall be I on their sim. pts, at the end of each month of service; the Mayor is hereby authorized to draw warrants on the City all bills duly approved and receipted as aforesaid. 4. Be it further Ordaim ioard of Directors shall hold their meetings in the Council Hall, and shall meet at least on. month, for the transaction of business. The Secretary of the Council being ex-officio Seer-vary of the Board, shall attend their meeth record of their proceedings, and file all their papers among the archives of the city, and the records and papers shall be subject to the inspection and proper use of the Mayor, and members of the Council at all times. Any member of the Board who has neglected to attend three success of the Board, whether regular or called n .shallbec dining rve in the Board, and shall lie reported to the Council by the Secretary, in order that his place maybe filled by the Council; provided, this shall not apply to members who were unavoidably absent from the meetings of the Board. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TIT, ;, !:Ni CHILDREN TO ' ' iOOL. Adopted Februa 146. Akt. 1. Be it Ordained, Thai any person not a citizen of this 02 who may wi i of sending his or her child or children 1 ( !. public school, may secnre the same by payin each child, the annual sum of thirty dolli . Tint upon the delivery of the Treasurer's receipt for one quarter's advance, the Comptroller shall a certificate of the same, the delivery ^f which to the Directors lie school, shall authorize them to admit such h'nt children. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ADMISSION OF TB \ RES] : ., ETC. Adopted September 9, 18 it. 1. Be it Ordained, That the children of transient residents, may not be tax payers of This city, or children whose parents do not reside herein, shall doI ted in the public school of this city, unless on compliance with the ordinance concerning non-resident children, adopted 25th February, 1846; and the Board of Directors are hereby authorized to rei sh admission, under the conditions herein expressed. A RESOLUTIONTN RELATION TO SCHOOL MONEY RECEIVED FROM STATE. i Adopted January 23, 1854. Resolved, That, the money received from the State on account of the public school, shall be specially iriated to the payment of the expenses of the public school, and that the Treasurer reserve all such money Tor thai purp ROADIS ^lTVD STREETS. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING THE JEFFERSON AND LAKE I'ONTCHAR- TIIAIN RAILROAD. Adopted May 29, 1850. Wherea8,The Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad Company has presented a memorial to this Council, asking the grant of the right of way for a railroad from the present terminus i^i' the New Orleans and Carrolltou Railroad through Levee street, to the upper line of the city, thence through Upper Line street to the limits oi the corporation, and also praying for the widening of Upper Line street, proposing- to pay the damages thai may be assessed accord- ing- to law, in widening said street; and whereas, it is the opinion of this Council, that it is expedient to grant the said privileges on ,the terms and for the considerations proposed; therefore, 1. Beit Resolved, That said proposition be, and the same is hereby accepted. 2. Resolved, That the Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad Company shall have the right of way through Levee and Upper Line streets, until March, 188:.)-. provided, that it is not contrary to the constitution and laws of this State; and provided further, that if it should become necessary for this corporation to occupy Levee street for a levee, before the expiration of said term, no damages shall fall on the corporation for loss to the company. 3. Resolved, That said company is hereby invested with the privilege of making and using, until March, 1883, a single track railway though the center of Levee street,, from the end of the New Orleans and Carrollton Railroad to Upper Line street, with necessary turn outs at each end of said railroad on Levee street; provided, that said company shall fill up said Levee street to the grade as they proceed in their work; and provided further, that said company shall make two good and substantial culverts, of the width and depth required by the ordinances regulating street bridges at each street leading from the river; and shall plank or pave the said railroad tracks at each of said streets, so as to make the crossing at said streets convenient and safe; and the said company shall also accommodate the grade of their said rail- road to the grade of said streets, as the same may be fixed by the proper officers of the city from time to time. 4. Resolved, That said company shall have the right to run locomotives on said line of railroad; provided, that they do not put them to a greater speed than five miles an hour through Levee street. 5. Beit further Resolved, That the Council* does hereby authorize the Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad Company, to take the proper and legal measures to increase the width of Upper Line Street, through its entire length, from Levee street to the limits of the corporation, fifty feet beyond its present width; said fifty feet to be taken from the eastern side of said street; and that said Upper Line street, as soon as it shall have been so widened, shall be divided into two road ways, leaving through the center for the entire length of said street as aforesaid, a space or track of twenty-six feet in width; and that said company shall be invested with the right and privilege, during the term of its charter, of constructing and using a double track railway on said space of twenty-six feet in width, together wilh the proper and neces^ turn-outs and appurtenances; and said company shall dig a clear wide ditch on each side of said center space in the said Upper Line street, throughout the entire length they occupy; provided, that the privileges herein contained arc granted on the conditions that thr> said company shall, in the | i stead of this corporation, of land to rod Bhall ay all lawful an ning the same; and provided further, all commi the c ion of s:-iid rail) ber, 1850, and shall corapl< • le Lake, within th From the •Resolution 5 ml amend* Council empowering the instead of engaging to act themselves, in widening I A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE PRIVILEGE GRANTED TO THE JEFFERSON AND LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN RAILRl i.\D Ci IMPANT, TO RUN !."■ Adopted May 10, 1854. Whereas, The Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad have ■ i. of way throu , with a privilege to run 1 ves on the same, p of five miles per hour; and wh inhabitai treet, and the public generally are constantly complaining, and have tioned the Council, in r< rousrate al which the locomotives are driven, which the rate provided forinthe resolution granting said privilege; and whereas. the S through Levee street, from its intersection with Upper Lin (street, Madison street, to be two thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven feet, and time required to run the said distance to be six minutes and forty seconds, being at the rate of fiv- •■ Q hour; then i Be it Resolved, That whenever it comes to the kno of the ncil, by information fro that the Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad Company's Locomotives have been driven through L al a rate ceding five miles per hour; thai is, if th 1 etween the intei F said i ., is run in less time than six minutes and forty , the Council will declare the rson and Lake Pi . tin Railroad Compel a on said Levee street, I, andwil teps to enfoi 'lie. • CIVE TO N ETS. Adopted December 1, 1847. Art. 1. Be il ', That no new streets or public thorough- fares shall be laid out or opened within the limits of this city, 65 without a plan of the same, including the property fronting thereon, being first submitted to and approved of by the Mayor and Council of this city. RESOLUTION ABOUT RAILROAD OF BROWN A" CO. ipted October 31, 1860. Resolved, That S. II. Brown & Co. be and are hereby authorized to lay a R. R. track across the upper side of Upper Line Btreet, at a point opposite Plum street, so as to form a connection with the Jefferson and Lake R. R., and the R. R. which they will construct in street of New Carrollton; provided, they lay the said track to the city grade, till up the street in which it is laid to the grade, dig and keep open the ditches required around and about it. make and keep in good repair the bridges over which it may pass, and plank the space between the rails of said track, and twelve inches on each side of it; and when required by the Council, they shall remove said R. R. track at their own expense. AX ORDINANCE CONCERNING CANAL AVENUE AND FIRST STREET Adopted March 8, 1848. Art. 1. Be UOrdained, That in addition to a banquette of fifteen feet in width, on each side of Canal Avenue, there shall be a road- way on each side of thirty* feet clear width, thus leaving a space in the center of sixty feet in width; and that tho said center space shall be called the promenade; provided, that this ordinance shall not be so construed as to prevent the use of said center space for a public road. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That the banquettes on Firs! street be fixed at nine feet in width, and that the roadway on each side of the railroad be fixed at twenty-seven . ■ width, that is, clear of the curbs. AN ORDINANCE FOR WIDENING A PART OF FIRST STREET, GIVING TO THE N.O. AND CARROLLTON RAILROAD < OMPANY THE RIGHT OF WIDENING Til! SOUSE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOS1 3. Adopted dune 13, 1849. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That the proposition i ■ >.v Orleans and Carrollton Railroad Company to dedicate to public use, on certain conditions as herein exp pound of eighteen •Originally 12 anl 9 G6 feet in width, running from Canal Avenue to Lei lo of First st: i widening the same,) be, end I npi m said conditiona B I further Ordttt -hall, within six months, Laj i le and put in rd< r, a sti thirty-eight f< the width of the w exietii fn»m ''anal A adjoining the garden and hotel lot, as the aame will be when the fence shall be i . that the . . ill also within the Baid pei tod, lay good plank banquet- id both sides of the street ao laid off, the Bame to be ich width aa directed by the Oonnoil; and that Baid company ;d street .shall be paved, keep the same in good order, and repair the same from time to time, under the direction of the proper officers of the Council. Am. ">. Be U further Onli'med, That in consideration of the premises, the railroad company shall have the privilege of widening and extending their car-house, on the side a< bob I, to the extent of eighteen feel beyond its presenl line, and bIuiII have and enj.y the privilege of using for all the purposes of the company, the space between the Baid streel so to be laid out, and the rail- road as now existing, from said Canal Avenue to Levee street, luding that portion opposite to Dublin street. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE NAMES OP STREETS. Adopted September 1, 1854. Aw. l. Be it Ordained, That all streets hereafter laidontby property holders in Carrollton, snb-dividing the original double squares, shall be not less than fifty feet wide, and shall equally divide said original squares. Art. - />' it further Ordained, That the names General Scott, Millaudon, Biliary, Burdette, Short, Dublin, Carobronne, Leonidas, Mary, Holy-Grove; Laurel-Grove, Live-Oak, Highland, Blackberry and Philip, be established as the names of the streets running'from the liver to the roar corporation line, intermediate between the streets projected e Armas, Ann. Esth ir, Wall and Oliver, be established as the names of the cross streets. lying between Pirsl street and Levee Btreet Art. o. Be ii further Ordained, That the ordinance adopted February 3d, 1850, fixing the names of certain streets be, and the same is hereby repealed. 67 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CUTTING OF TREES IN THE STREETS. Adopted October 3, 1851. Resolved, That permission be granted to any person or persons to cut or clear away the wood and trees on the roads or streets laid out in the rear of the city of Carrollton. RESOLUTION TO PAY STREET HANDS MONTHLY. Adopted May 2, 1860. Resolved, That hereafter, the Commissary's street hands be paid for their services on the first of each month, according to the Commissary's pay roll, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to draw his warrants in favor of the persons named, and for the amounts specified therein; provided, that there is no greater number of hands on the roll than has been authorized by the Council to be employed; and provided, the roll is certified to by a majority of the Streets and Landings Committee as correct. ORDINANCE CONCERNING SHADE TREES. Adopted October 21, 1857. 1. Be if Ordained, That hereafter, no tree shall be planted or set out in the streets or on the banquettes of this city, unless they be planted on the banquette, within eighteen inehes of the outer or street edge of the banquette, and any one violating this ordinance shall be liable to a tine of $5 for each offence. 2. Be it further Ordained, That any one destroying a tree placed on the banquette, according to the existing ordinance — himself, his child, servant, cow, horse, gnat or other animal, shall be liable to a fine of $1"; and any one injuring a tree so placed, shall lie liable to a fine of s."> for each offence. Ik it further Ordained, Thai fifteen cents per tree shall be paid by the Mayor and Council to any residt at who may plain properly, according to ordinance, any number of oak trees, between the months of November and M I less than twenty-live nor more than thirty feel i r 18, 1857). AX ORDINANCE TO \NI>. A<\ " rcb T, 1- L Who ented thai the distance as found by mens* urementon Canal Avenue, from First street to Eleventh 91 -aid Btreeta arc now located, is such that alter allowing- the surplus measure of one foot to each square, in accordance with existing ordinance, there still remains an excess of measure over the distance called for by private titles, and by the orig-inal plan of Carrollton. '2. Nbv> therefore be it Ordained, That all locations hereafter made between First and Tenth streets, shall be made from First street; and that all locations between Eleventh and Tenth streets shall he made from Eleventh street, a surplus of one foot being added to each square: and that the measure of six hundred and fifty-two feet being allowed to the lands below Ninth and Tenth streets; any Burplns land thereafter remaining shall be placed in Tenth street. '.). Be it fv/rther Ordained, That all locations between Eleventh and Thirteen streets shall be made in conformity with those streets as already located, and any surplus land found to exist between those streets shall be equally divided between the squares. 4. Be if further Ordained, That all locations made between Thirteenth street and the New Orleans shellroad, shall be made from Thirteenth street, a surplus of one foot being added to each square, and any excess of land thereafter remaining, shall be placed in the last square at the termination of Canal Avenue. 5. Be it further Ordained, That the south corner of Canal Avenue and First street, and the east corner of Canal Avenue and Eleventh street, as said corners are 7iow located, shall be taken as fixing the line of Canal Avenue. \\ ORDINANCE DEDICATING CERTAIN LAND* TO PUBLIC USE. Adopted May 15, 1861. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councilofthe City of Carrollton, That all that portion of square. 56 in Carrollton, purchased by the Mayor and Council from Mrs. M. A. E. Hampson, by act passed before C. C. Porter, Notary Public, on the 11th of June, 1860, be, and the same is hereby appropriated and dedicated to public use, as portions of Mary and Plum streets; say, that portion from the upper part of the square to Mary street, and that portion from the center of the square to Plum street. 2. Be it further Ordained, That all that portion of square 38 in Carrollton, purchased by the Mayor and Council from Michael Bock, by act passed before C. C. Porter, Notary Public, on the 13th of November, 1860, be, and the same is hereby appropriated and ded- icated to public use, as portions of Short and Zimple streets; say, that portion from the upper part of the square, to Short street; and that portion from the center of the square, to Zimple street. 3. Be it fmthcr Ordained, That all that portion of square Sixteen, in Carrollton, ceded and transferred by the N. 0. & C. R. R. Co., to tli<) Mayor and Council, by act passed before C. C. Porter, Notary 69 Public, on the 6th day of May, 1861, be, and the same is hereby dedicated to public use, as part of Levee street. 4. Be it further Ordained, That the surveyor of Carrollton is authorized and directed to fix the lines of the several streets named, in the localities named, in conformity with the several acts mentioned above. A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO MOVING DIRT FROM STREETS. Adopted August 4, 1852. Resolved, That the Commissary is hereby forbidden to move the dirt or earth from one place to another, in the streets of this city, unless previously instructed so to do by the Mayor and Council; and when instructed or authorized by the Mayor and Council to remove any dirt, it shall not be taken or cut down below the grade of the street. A RESOLUTION GRANTING TO THE JACKSON AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. THE RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH THE STREETS OF CARROLLTON. Adopted May 11, 1853. Resolved, That the right of way through the streets of Carrollton as designated by this map, * be, and is hereby granted; provided, that the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Company will make the necessary culverts for draining the city, as they may be required at times by the Mayor and Council of this city; nor shall said railroad company extend their railroad nearer to the river than 12th street, nor further towards the canal than 16th street. . SECRETARY. ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE SECRETARY OF THE COUNCIL. Adopted April 24, 1845. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That a suitable and discreet person shall be appointed Secretary of the Council, whose duty it shall be to attend on all its deliberations, and of such committees as from time to time maybe appointed; to keep a correct account and record of the deliberations of the Council, and enter the same in a clear and correct manner on the journal; to perform all duties that may be required of him by the Council, and carefully preserve *A mnp delineating the route of the railrond through Carrollton, furnished by tbo Company ww presented with the abovo resoluticn. ' 70 in the archives thereof, all documents, records and papers, that may belong- to the Council. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Secretay, within two days after any ordinance or resolution becomes a law, to transmit a certified copy of the same to the officer whose special duty it may be to carry the same i 1 1 1 • » effect; it shall like- wise be his duty to write up the journal of the proceedings within twenty- four hours after the adjournment of the Council, and not to permit any report of committee or other paper, to be taken out of the Council Chamber, that properly belongs to the archives of the Council. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR. Adopted June 26, 1861. 1. Beit Ordained, by the Mayor and Council of IhcCity of Carwllton, That it shall not be lawful for 'any slave to lodge or sleep in any house or premises other than that of his or her owner or master, or that of his or her owner's agent, or of the person to whom he or she may be hired, without special authority in writing to do so; which authority or permit shall specify the length of time for which it may be given. 2. Be it further Ordained, That all persons be, and are hereby forbidden to let or hire by the month, week, day or any time, an}' house, room, apartment, closet or place whatever, within the limits of this city,, to any slave, even with the permission or authority of his or her owner ov owners; and all persons are forbidden to hire or employ any slave for any time without the consent of the owner. 3. Be it further Ordained, That it shall not be lawful for slaves to assemble in any of the streets, roads, public squares, railroad depots, markets, or in any house, cabaret, grocery or coffee-house, or on the levee or batture, or on any vessel or boat, or any other place whatsoever, in this city; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prohibitslaves from assembling, with their owner's consent, in a church, during the hours conse- crated to divine service, nor from attending funerals; and provided, it shall not apply to small parties of slaves seeking pleasure or promenading on Sunday, with their owner's consent. 4. Be it further Ordained, That all slaves are forbidden to assemble with free persons of color at any place whatever, and shall not be permitted to attend anj r ball given by free persons of color, or wherein such persons are admitted; and any free person of color found assembling with slaves, or permitting slaves to mingle with them in balls or elsewhere, shall be liable to a fine of $25 for each offence. 5. Be it further Ordained, That all slaves, except the blind and 71 infirm, are forbidden to be armed with a cane or stick; all slaves are forbidden to fight, wres'tlc, quarrel, curse or sing obscene songs, or in any wise to disturb the public peace, or to gamble or play cards or games of any kind iu the streets, roads or other places, or on the levee or lauding, or on vessels or boats moored at the landing, or on the premises of any person, whether public or private. G. Beit further Ordained, That all slaves are forbidden to travel or take passage in any carriage, cab, or other public vehicle whatev- er; in any steamboat, shin or other vessel, or craft whatsoever, with- out the written permission of his or her owner or the owner's agent. 7. Be it further Ordained, That whenever the owner of one or more slaves be desirous of permitting his or her slaves to give a ball or dance at the dwelling or residence of such owner, it shall be the duty of such owner to obtain a written or printed permit to that effect from the Mayor; but said permit shall expire at 12 o'clock, P. M., and the owner shall have a white person present at the ball or dance" to keep order, and to prevent the use of spir- ituous liquors among the slaves present. 8. Be it further Ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any slave to walk or appear on the streets, levee or public places of this city intoxicated or drunk, and all slaves are forbidden to enter any cabaret, grog-shop, grocery, coffee-house or other premises for the purpose of drinking spirituous liquors, or for the purpose of obtaining such liquors. 9. Be it further Ordained, That every slave found in contravention of any of the foregoing articles of this ordinance, shall receive not less than ten, nor more than twenty-five lashes for each offence, unless his owner pays a fine of $5 for each offence; and if any free person, white or colored, shall aid, abet or force any slave to a contravention of any of said articles, such free person shall be liable to a fine of $25 for each offence. It shall be the duty of any police officer, and the right of any free person, white or colored, to arrest any slave found in contravention of any of said articles, and put such slave in jail to be dealt with according to law. To make such arrests, all police officers and others are authorized to enter such house or premises as may be necessary It shall also be the duty of all police officers to file information with the Attorney, of violations of this ordinance by free persons, white or colored, that he ma}' prosecute them according to law. 10. Be it further Ordained, That every slave found on the levee, or in the streets or highways, or public places within the limits of this city after 8| o'clock, P. ML, from 22d September to 22d March, and after 9J o'clock, P. M-, from 92d March to 21st September, without a legal pass or permit specifying the time such slave ia allowed to remain out after said hour, shall be arrested and locked up in the police jail. If a of Carrollton, the owner shall be notified by the officer making the arrest, early next morning. to come forward, pay jail fees, and $1 to the officer who made the arrest, and take his slave away; and the owner failing to comply 72 with the notice before noon that day, the slave shall be treated as B runaway. If the owner of a Blave arrested as aforesaid, during tin- night, is a non-resident, the slave shall bo treated as a runaway according to law. 11. Be it further Ordained, That all persons bringing into this city, slaves from other States or territories, shall, within twenty-four hours after their arrival in the city, make a declaration under oath before a justice of the peace or other proper officer, and file the same with the Mayor, of the number of Blaves brought by them, their sex, name and age, the place from which they were brought, and the name of the town or county where they last resided. Every person shall be fined not less than slO for every slave brought into the city in violation of the provisions of this section. 12. Beit further Ordained, That it shall be the duly of every free person of color who may move or come into this city to reside, to report himself or herself and family in detail to the Mayor, and exhibit to him the proof or evidence of their right to reside in this State; all of which shall be recorded by the Mayor, in a book kept for that purpose. If any free person of color refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this article, he or she shall be liable to a fine of $10 for each day they may so neglect, and be arrested for trial, on the charge of being in the State in contravention of law. All hotel or boarding house keepers, or other persons harboring or keeping in their houses or premises, renting houses to or employing any free person of color being in the city in contraven- tion of law, snail be fined not less than $25 for every offence. 13. Be it further Ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to leave their house or premises entirely in charge and possession of slaves for any time over twenty-four hours, and any person violating this section shall be fined not less than $10 for each offence, and the slave thus left in charge shall be arrested and dealt with as a runaway. SLAUGHTER HOUSES, &c. ORDINANCE CONCERNING VENDORS OF FRESH MEAT, SLAUGHTER HOUSES AND NUISANCES. Adopted June is, 1845. Articles 1, 2, and 3, repealecl.* Art. 4. Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of every butcher or other person, who shall slaughter, or cause any animal to be slaughtered within the limits of this city, to do the same in a slaughter house, and not in the open air; and it shall be his duty to keep said slaughter house, and the lot in which il may be situated, clean. ♦Articles 1, 2 and .1, related to private stands of batchers, before the establishment of the rnaiket, repealed Juno 2, 1848. Articles 5 and 7, repealed August 7. 1861. 73 AX ORDINANCE CONCERNING SLAUGHTER HOUSES, Adopted January 21, L852. Am'. 1. Ik it Ordained, Thai there shall be no slaughter houses to slaughter beeves, calves, ho^s, sheep or other animals, in front of Third street, below Adams street, and in fronl of Fifth street, above Adams street: and any butcher or other person slaughtering any beeves, calves, hogs, sheep or oilier animals, between said streets and the river, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $10 for the first offence, and $20 for any subsequent often Art. ■_'. Be it further ', That it: shall be the duty of every butcher or other person slaughtering animals, to kill the same by" some sudden means, and to bleed them thoroughly immediately after falling; and if any person shall slaughter any animal for market immediately after being heated or infuriated by driving or beating, or goading, he or they shall, upon co\ ictibn thereof, be fined in a sum not less than $10 nor more than $50 for the first offence, and one hundred dollai ■•■;> mbseqi ice; the informer to receive one-half of the line. Articles 3 and -1, repealed August .', ! Art'. 5. Be it further Ordained, That, all persons are forbidden to goad, beat, torment, worry with do ifuriate by any means, any animal that is intended for slaughter or no ir in the streets, yards, lots or houses in the limits of this city; and are forbidden to blow up or inflate with air. n ■ be offered for sale in the market of this city: and for each offence hall be liable to a fine of §10, recoverable before nu\ iuct, one-half for the informer, and the other half for the city. 8URVEYOK AND SUItVEYH. ANORDINANI G THE OFFU OR AND DEFINING TITE DUTIES OF TH V\ OFFK ; \ a -list 6, 1845. Articles I ai 561. \i;r. 3. Be it further Ordained, Thar it shall hi the duty of the Surveyor to give the lineatiou of ail Btreets, banquettes or .side- walks, for all buildings that may be erected on the line ol any street or road, and and. when called up m for thai purpose; h< shall make all mi, and, superintend the execution of all improvements and public works within the limits of the city, which tin' ordi ribe; and b- shall careful'; rve in his office all plats, maps ur pla mates and specificati works projected < nperintendence by order of said corporation, which will form the 10 ■4 1 74 records of said department; they Bhall be the property of the cor- poration, and shall at all times he accessible to the Mayor and Councilmen, and they shall he transferred from time to time to the custody of the incumbents of Baid office; he shall also keep a book wherein shall be recorded the*quantity and valuation of all paving and sidewalks done under his superintendence pursuant to the city ordinances, exhibiting a pli ><\ the d nation of the several lots of ground in front of which said paving has been done, together with the number of yards, and the proportion thereof chargeable to each l"i i f ground, which said book and plans shall, in like manner, ho preserved as public records belonging to said department, a I be open to th ction of all persons interested, and shall he transferred (<> ilie custody of the city Surveyor for the time being; and said Surveyor shall, at the request of any individual, furnish certified extracts from said hook, upon being paid by the person applying for the sa Articles 1 and c, obsolete. Art. 6. Be it further Ordained, That the Surveyor shall point out to the citizens the place or places on the batture from whence they may take batture, sand or earth, for the purpose of building- or tilling- up lots or streets, within the limits of this city; and he shall prescribe the manner in which the said sand or earth shall he taken off the batture, also the quantity; he shall also give a permit in writing- to all proper applicants for that purpose. Art. 7. Be it further Ordained, That the Surveyor shall, as soon as possible after entering upon the duties of his office, ascertain the relative level of the surface of the city nexi to the river, compared with that of the high water mark of the Mississippi; also, compared with the level of the water in the Lake Fontchartrain or New Canal, at its ordinary stage; also, the surface of the land between the New Canal and the river, on a line running parallel to the streets, leading from the river to the said New Canal, and shall make profiles of the same, to the end that a regular and proper grade may be established for the running of water toward the said canal; and as soon as the grade and level of the streets is established, he shall cause to be placed at the river end of each of said streets, a permanent stone level mark, from wdieuce the grade of the said streets may be commenced; and he shall enter on the records of his office the relative level, and fall or grade of each street. RESOLUTION FIXING THE SURVEYOR'S ClIARGIJS. Adopted '.pril 21, 1847. Resolved, That from and after the passage hereof, the compensation of the Surveyor, for giving the Hneation of lots of ground, when 75 the numbei I ! does not exceed three hundred in any one survey, shall be 1| cents per running foot, and for every foot exceeding- three hundred feet, the sum of $ of a cent per foot. IN ORDINANCE REQUIRING CERTAIN DUTIES OF THE SURVEYOR. Adopted November 19, 1845. Art. 1. Ik it Ordained, That previously to making' a general plan of the city, it shall be the duty of the Surveyor, as soon as possible, to proceed to mark the line of Fourth street at a right angle with Canal Avenue; said Canal Avenue to be located by the old existing boundaries, or first surveys; and in locating Fourth street, he shall likewise be governed by the old existing boundaries or first surveys, as far as practicable; he shall then ascertain accurately the distance on Canal Avenue from First to Fourth street, to the end, that if there be any more land than is called for by the ■ veral acts of sale, and the width of the streets, the same may be apportioned by the Council according to law; he shall also ascertain the dimensions on the lower side of Fourth street, between the lower and upper line of the city, tracing and marking the said lower and upper line by the original boundaries; it shall be his duty also to ascertain the exact measurement between Fourth and Levee streets on the several streets running from the river, all of said streets to be located according to the old boundaries or first surveys, where they exist, and where they do not, he shall be governed by the dimensions marked on the original plan of the city. The existing buildings and fences on the lower side of Levee street, where they occur on the corners, shall be the points from which the last measurement shall be taken, in order that the Council may fix definitely the line of said Levee street; he shall also, with the least possible delay, prepare a plan of all that portion of the city comprised between Fifth street and the river, with the dimensions ascertained as above, distinctly marked thereon, and shall submit the same to the Council. RESOLUTION CONCERNING SURVEYOR'S REPORT, Sac ' Adopted September 2, 1X40. 1. I ived. That tin; plan and rep.uu of Surveyor, made agreeably to the ordinance I November 19, 1^45, specifying •The Surveyor's report here alluded to, i- in r< latton 1" the duties required by the preceding 76 • particularly the duties of the Surveyor, be, and the same are hereby adopted, and that the said re; eluded in the minu: and thai the recommendations of the Surveyor in regard to the ition of th.' Btreeta and the disposition of the surplus land found within the lines "i his survey, be, and the same are ueroby adopted, and fixed as a standard for all future surveys in this city. -. lie it further Resolved. Thai the Surveyor be and he is hereby required to embody the Location of the street and th'' disposition of the surplus land referred to in the foregoing resolution, in the plan of this city, called for by Article 5 of th" ordinance, creating tin- office of Surveyor, &c, adopted August •'>, 184i REPORT ON SURVEYS, WITH RESOLUTIONS. Ad • ptember 7. 1*49. The Committee on Streets and Landings beg leave to report upon the surveys of Oarrollton : 1. That the whole history of the surveys of the town shows tiiat the original surveys of Zimpel, laying out the town, were exceed- ingly defective and inconsistent with the dimensions given on the map by which the town was laid out and sold, dated April 16, 1S33. 2. That the locations made by Zimpel himself at that time and afterwards, show his recognition of error generally excessive in surement, and that the excess which saidZimpefs surveys gave in certain localities, have, in a large majority of localities, by sub- sequent surveys been followed. 3. That the private map kept by Zimpel himself, of his surveys in Oarrollton, has been before your Committee, and that said map shows the excess found by Zimpel in his own surveys are not uni- form, but the squares have double the excess above Canal Avenue, that they have below between the streets parallel to the avenue. '. Thai (rom April L6, 1833, to March 10, 1845, a period of 12 years, the surveys of the town have been made by a number of sur- veyors, bavin icert with each other; some admitting, and others not, an excess in each property; that after the incorpora- tion of Oarrollton, and the election of a Surveyor, who alone should make future surveys, an attempl was made to determine thee:.' claimed by some, and denied by others, to exist; that on the 2d day of September, 1846, the Council adopted a report made by Heaton, Surveyor, based on certain measurements he had mad' i nizing an excess of two feet in every double square of the town above the Avenue, and pro rata for fractional squares above ('anal .'■ mal Avenue this excess was not al. lutiona were repealed July 26, 1848, but were revived by resolution September ;. '■ - 1 ■ , and resolution on surveys. 77 lowed unly in depth toward the swamp, while no excess was ad- mitted at right angles to the avenue below it. 5. That this was the guide of the Surveyor up to July 26 1848 when, upon a report of Mithoff, Surveyor, the Council repealed the ordinance of September 2, 1846, and adopted another in lieu there- of, denying the existence of any excess, and requiring the surveyors to make locations of lots and streets exactly in accordance with the written lac ■ of the plan by Zimpel, of April 16, 1833; that this or- draance was acted npon, and the streets, bridges, -utters and ban- quettes as well as lots and sqii under this incum- bent, and located from Canal Avenue as a basia withoui any ex- cess; this presents the utmost confusion of locations, and has already begun to produce law suits and contention among neighbors- that from the resignation of Mithoff, February 23, 1849, to the 3d day of May. the Surveyor, Heaton, made his locations giving an excess though contrary to the existing ordinance known as Mithoff with- out reviving the former or »f 1846; and thus we are without any other guide than the Surveyor's option in the location of prop- ■ y ' Btreets and public improvements; 6. That the public dissatisfaction is such as to justify and re- quire ot the Council the promptest measures of settling thoroughly the controversies as to surveys; and, in the opinion of this cornmit- the expense will be cheerfully borne by the citizi «. That, believing, as your committee do believe, after the maturest reflection, that there can be no validity given to any sur- vey made exparte under the orders of the Council, and that the question of boundary con only be settled by a judgment of court we recommend to the Council, at once to have the plan adopted by the Council on the 2d of September, 1846, laid before the Dis- trict Oourt, so as to be forever free from future disturbance. In accordance with the above views, the committee pi Mow- ing resolution : Be if Resolved, That the -Mayor he, and he is hereby instructed to jate the necessary steps to. have the plan of surveys adopted on the 2d of September, 1846, homologated by the competent authori- ty; and that in the meantime, the surveyor be and he is hereby re- quired to make all surveys hereafter in a e therewith. I . W. MUNCASTEE B. MASON, S. X. CANN< ORDINANCETO provide FOR RECORDING PRIVILEGES LN] Adopt* d July IT. 1860. Tl L , .fi "' !' aril of the City of < 'arroUton Lnat it is the duty of the At- • .,,,-,1 be js dereby 78 directed, in accordance with Section IT of the Act to incorporate the <"ity of Carroll ton, to cause to be recorded in the Mortgage Of ficc of the Parisli of Jefferson, all tax bills which remain unpaid al the end of the delay oi' 20 days, for answering as fixed by section 10 of said act; and to that end and for that purpose, it is hereby made his duty to prepare a list showing the nami debtors, the amount due by each, the year for which it is due, and the de- scription of the property, as found on the bill, on which the tax is due: which list shall be made and signed by him forthwith after the expiration of said delay of 20 days and filed with the Recorder in the least possible delay, in be entered on his books according t" law. The Attorney shall take judgments by default against all persons who have not answered, and then stay law pjoceedings, on all unanswered tax suits until further orders of the Council, in all answered suits he shall proceed according to law. 2. Be it further Ordained, Thixt all bills for paving or other work done OB the streets and sidewalks and for which the front owners are liable according to law, ami all bills for work lawfully done on private property and for which the owner is liable, shall be record- ed in the Mortgage Office by the Collector previous to being put in the hands < if the Attorney for suit. TARGET SHOOTING. AX ORDINANCE CONCERNING TARGET SHOOTING. Adopted July 29, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That all target shooting be and is hereby prohibited within the limits of this corporation, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every contravention hereof, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction, for the use of the city, except where a good and sufficient protection or shooting alley may be erected, and then on permission of the Coun- cil only. Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That any barricade, or protection, in which musket or rifle target shooting may be permitted by the Council, shall be made as follows: The bulkhead shall be at least fourteen feet high and twenty feet wide, and of sufficient thickness to prevent the passage of balls; the sides to be protected by an oak plank fence, at least one and a half inches thick and nine feet high, extended from the bulkhead to within ten feet of the shooting stand, the whole to be well and securely made, and to be approved of by the Council, before permission is granted for target shooting thereon. 79 TIMBER. AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A TAX ON TIMBER CUT DT ON THEBAT- TURE, Ac Adopted April 1, 1846. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, Thai from and after the promulgation of this ordinance, all rafts now lying at the landing in front of the incorporated limits of the City of Carrollton, and all that shall here- after be landed within said limits, for the purpose of being conver- ted into cord wood, shingles, pickets, laths, clapboards, &c.,onthe batture on said front, shall pay a tax of three cents pin- tierfo/ each and every tier of ash or other timber to he converted into cord wood, and fiN for each and every tier of cypn or other timber to be converted into lumber. * Art. 2. Beit further Ordained, That all persons using the bat- ture for the purpose of selling cord wood, shingles, laths, pickets, clapboards, &c, in accordance with this ordin: II, in no case, place obstructions at the terminations of the streets leading- to the river. Art. 3. Be ii further Ordained, That all persons bringing and exposing for sale on the batture from the woods, or elsewhere, cord wood, shall pay three cents for each and every cord so exposed. Art. 4 repealed June 13, 1860. Art. 5. Be it further Ordained, That it shall hi- tho duty of the Commissary, immediately after the promulgation of this ordinance, to take an account oi' all the timber and other objects now lying within the limits of the front of the city, and all which may be hereafter landed within the said limits and subject to the opera- tion of this ordinance, and make return of the same to the Comp- troller, whose duty it shall be to issue a receipt for the amount of the tax imposed thereon, which, on being signed by the Commissary and countersigned by the Comptroller, shall be collec- ted by said Commissary, and paid into tho treasury within ten days from the issuing- of said receipt. y Art. 6. Beit farther Ordained, That any person or persons refus- ing to pay the amount of tax imposed by this ordinance, within ten days alter demand, shall be subject to a fine often dollars for each every contravention AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING RAFTS 01 TIMBER, LUMBER AND WOOD. Adopted July 24, 1861. J . Be it Ordained by the Mayor a nd don nci! of the City of Cai r That every raft of timber, lumber or wood lying at the landing oi -.Ml ,-ificr ilir- word lumber In d" original ;irti< le l wot itrui k out ai>'i repealed Julj tArtirio 5 was repealed by the operation of an ordinani f A] 'Hi 31 ,1862; bn1 waa re-tiutatof! anil owndpil February '■'. ISiSS. on tlif ba a tax of five dollars; allrt ing shall : ail rafts : of five (•«■): ; aud all ! ild at the lauding shall s of two Id, and I very '.I Bold : pn>\ : :1c shall a ap- ply to Midi timber as may hav< icle 1 dinance concerning timbei • battan i 2 Beit fur te the landing ami to in- terfere with hunts, ami it is hereby made Ins duty I i collect the charges imposed by ai I icl • l , comptn t timber taxes, from th< of the raft, lu'i ->■ where the bill is qoI paid withii tall place it in the for suit. The Commie ■'! be re i] e for and ■ ] i'i; 1 • - :1 in tin- premi with the G emis- sary iii the dif f bis dui >wn in this ordinance, ami ry person who he hill a I within . it is n II be liable I • n fine i each ■ Adopted i l . I. 1846. ', That ii luty of tln-Tiv of this city to i and other evidences of debl due this corporation, and to k< ■• I of the same; be lia.ll, <>n tlic demand * • t' the Comptroller, exhibil to him such ad documents be- longing to his office, as he ma;. Droasurer shall, every three months, make a report to I acil of the amount moneys, notes, and ob .- d during that time, specifying the different sources of revenue from which the same may h;.-. received, stating also the amounl of ■ in dui in . for what purpo $c oi ind shall dep 'fl with the Comp- ler, who shall cancel and file them in his the Treasurer ! acil, at its r< gular meetings, a - uccint I at of the receipts and expenditures since its last regular . showing the balance on hand at the time; uo money shall aid by the Treasurer, in thorized by a resolution or ordi 81 nance of the Council, drawn for by the President of the Council, and certified by the Comptroller. Art. 2. Be it furt/ier Ordained, That the Treasurer shall have full power to institute suits in the name of the corporation, for the recovery of all sums of money that may be due on the notes, or other evidences of debt in his hands; and he shall be held respon- sible for all deficiencies in the revenue from such sources from de- lay in prosecuting for the same. Art. 3 Be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, on the payment of any money into his hands from any casual source, to make memorandum of the same, and after sign- ing it, file said memorandum forthwith with the Comptroller. * AN ORDINANCE COMBINING TIIE OFFICES OF TREASURER AND COL- LECTOR. Adopted April 21, 1852. Art. 1. Be it Ordained, That the Treasurer of this city, in ad- dition to his duties as such, shall perform the duties of Collector of this city, agreeably to the ordinance concerning the office of Collector, and shall give bond according to the ordinance in the joint sum of that required for each separate office."]" . Art. 2. Be it further Ordained, That the Treasurer and Collector shall keep his office open and attend therein,! for the receipt and expenditure of the funds of the city, and shall hold his books ready for the inspection of any committee of the Council, the Mayor and Comptroller. SUPPLEMENTAL ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE TREASURER. Adopted August 7, 1861. 1 . Be it urdaiited by t/ie Mayor a nd Council of the City of Carrotttun, That the Treasurer shall keep the books prescribed and in the form prescribed by the Comptroller and the chairman of the Finance Committee of the Council, and nil books kept by him, including* his check-book, bank-book, cash bonk and all returned checks and war- rants and evidences of claim against the city, paid by him, and all receipts taken by him, shall be at all times subject to the inspec tion of the Mayor, the Comptroller and the chairman and members of the Finance Committee of the Council. He shall cancel daily all warrants and evidences of claim- against the city which shall ' ; Artif !<• 4 rap Bled, nil tlr l1 pari Of article 2 allowing nttornry ton per cent nrnnml— Imi, r „ . p<-dl. The said railroad shall be laid in the middle of the street, and shall be constructed with the same pattern of rails and with the .same guage as the street Railroads heretofore construcl in the City of New Orleans; all materials used in the construction' nd road shall beof the bes1 qualify, and the ti ' belaid 84 in accordance with lines and levels given by the Surveyor of the City of Carrollton, at the expense of said Kaiser. But the plan or mode of construction and the specifications therefor, may be such as said Kaiser may adopt, provided the same be in accordance with the best customs, and approved by the Surveyor and the Council. Art. 6. The cars used on said railroad shall be of the same style of construction as those used on the Street Railroads of New Orleans, and shall be drawn only by horses or mules. They shall be run at intervals of not more than thirty minutes from 5 o'clock A. M., to 10 o'clock, P. M., and not more than 30 minutes from 10 o'clock, P. M., Vo 12 o'clock, at night All Cars running between sundown and daylight shall be furnished with head and rear lights of ample size, and set in conspicuous places; and for any violation by the said Kaiser, or his successors, or by the officers or employ- ees of said road, of this rule, or any other rule contained in this Ordinance or in any other Ordinance hereafter enacted, said Kaiser or his successors shall be liable to a fine of from ten dollars ($10) to twenty-five dollars ($25) for each offence, recoverable before any competent court, for the benefit of the City of Carrollton. Art. 7. The fare on said railroad, between Dublin Street, in this City, and Joseph Street shall not exceed five (5) cents per passen- ger either way, for the first ten years; after the expiration of which time tickets in packages of ten shall be issued to persons demand- ing them, at the rate of three cents per ticket. Art. 8. The said Kaiser shall furnish good and solvent security in the sum of seven thousand dollars for commencement and com- pletion of said road, and for the faithful observance of all the rules and conditions contained in this Ordinance. Art. 9. This privilege is granted to said Kaiser for the term of twenty-five years, but with the understanding that it shall expire on the same day with the privilege adjudicated to him by the City of Jefferson, and granted to him by the Police Jury of the Parish of Jefferson, Left Bank, each within its own limits. Art. 10. At the expiration of the aforesaid term, the said rail- road tracks shall pass to the ownership and possession of the City of Carrollton, upon an appraisement made thereon by three compe- tent and disinterested persons, one to be chosen by said Kaiser or his successors, one by the Mayor and Council of Carrollton, and the third by the other two; but in case of disagreement by those two in the choice of the third, then cither or both of the first two shall notify the district judge presiding in the Parish of Jefferson, who shall appoint the third. The appraisement shall be based upon the actual value of the materials and labor existing in the tracks, and the amount of the appraisement shall be paid to said Kaiser by the City of Carrollton in equal installments, in one, two and three years, with interest at six per cent, per annum. Art. 11. In case of the failure of said Kaiser either to com- 85 mence or complete said railroad within the period herein prescribed the Council shall have the right to annul the contract and privilege herein granted, without putting said Kaiser or his successors'"., default in the manner indicated in article 1,905 of the Civil Code and without applying to a Court of Justice to annul the same and without indemnity; and in case said Kaiser shall at any time aban- don said work, or fail or refuse to furnish and complete the sara" in conformity with this Ordinance and his contract, he shall forfeit all claim for indemnity for the work done bvhim up to the date of abandonment, and the City of Carrollto^ shall be discharged from nnv nnrl nil linliilifir +1-./-,..,-.^.. any and all liability therefor. Adopted January 22, 1862. Resolved, That the Streets and Landings Committee be and are hereby empowered to direct the Commissary to open ditches and build bridges when and where, in their opinion, it is necessary AX ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE FIXING THE PRICES OF LICENSES. Adopted February 5, 1862. r Beit Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Carroll! on That Section 28 in Article 1 of "An Ordinance to establish a uni- form rate of Licenses on Professions, Callings and other business, and on public and private vehicles," adopted December 11, 18fil,' be and the same is hereby amended so as to read : Sec. 28. Every keeper of a Dairy shall pay $20. Adopted February 19, 1862. Be it Ordained, That the Council may, in their discretion, order paved walks to be constructed in the middle of the banquettes'of any street, in lieu of paving the entire width of the banquette, and In such case said paved walks shall be no.t less than three feet wide, and shall be laid not less than three feet from the line of the ditches or gutters, and shall, in other respects, be constructed in accordance with the first, second and third articles of the ordi- nance concerning the construction of banquettes, adopted October 3d, 1849. o GHABTEll 0£ THE •til $i garoUtou. Jfo 2 -AN -ACT To amend an act entitled an act to in corporate the city of Carrollton approved March 17, 1859, and a< supplementary thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted by tin Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in G-eneral Assembly convened. That the hist Bection of an act entitled an act to incorporate fnfc city of Carrolltor be and the same is hereby amended ho as to read : "Section 1. Be it enacted by tin Senate and House of Representative oi the State of Louisiana in General As- sembly convened. That the territory and inhabitants within the following limits, to wit : Beginning at the Mis sissippi river, on the present uppe] line of the city of New Orleans, of tin lower line of "Lowerline street, of Car- rollton,. following tin u} p« r line of th< city of New Orleans to the northeri limit of the parish of Jefferson, ai < ! fch boundry of said parish, with tin pari! and city of Mew Orleans, to the la bane road, thence along the centre • . said road to the J* ississippi river, them c f olio wing -4he river bank to the place of beginning, shall be a corporate and body politie, with perpetual succession, by the name of the City of Carrollton." Sec 2. Be it enacted, etc., That section five of said act be and the stone is so amended and re-enacted, as to read : Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said Mayor and Council, when duly organized, are empowered to or- dain, establish and cause to be carried into effect and execution all such by- laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as they may deem expedient for the good government of said cor- poration which are not contrary to the constitution of the State or the United States. They are empowered and authorized to levy and collect taxes and charges in such manner as they may deem expedient on all steamboats, ships, flatboat, rafts, and watercraft oi every description landing at the levee, batture or wharves in front of said city ; also upon all carriages, omnibuses, c carts, drays, wagons, timber wheel and every other vehicle of whatsoever kind within said city. They are authorized and empowered to lay and collect an annual tax upon all kinds of property, real or personal,and upon stores,trades, as they may deem expeclient";pro that in the imposition, assessment an " collection of any of the said taxes o, charges equality shall be observed, ant that the imposition thereof is not con- 11 trary to law; and provided further, ; a majority of all the member! composing the Mayor and Council » ■.( ,i i cur therein: They are empowered to pass ordinances for the abatemerdj of nuisances and the arrest of offenders? and to dispose of vagrants. The pi sent Mayor and Council are authorize^ and empowered to fund the outstand- ing debis'and obligations of the said city of Carrollton, created for the wharves, streets, gas and other im- provements of said city, by issuing bonds of said city in such sums as said Council may deem advisable, running for thirty years, with interest at eight per cent, payable semi-annnally ; pro- vided, that any ordinance porvidingfor the issuance of bonds shall provide for die payment of the principal and in- terests' oi such bonds, by levying such tax as will provide a sufficient sumto pay the interest of said bonjjjs as the same may come due, and pro Meed a sufficient sinning fund to meet .tin principal at maturity ; and pro- pitied further, that the Mayor shall Loive the power to veto any ordinance or lesoluuon, or any specific appro- priation not required by the law of the . tare, by giving in writing at or before . e lirst regular meeting of the ( oun- cil [hereafter, Ins reason against me me, otherwise he shad sign all oft uinances and resolution pi ■ in du«J by the Council; and such .nance- and re; olution shalhthere- :,. have the force of iaw : and jsix members] members of the Council volmg.ior any vetoed ordinance, r< joiution or appropriation shall pasa the same, the objection of the Mavot notwithstanding. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That section ten of said act be and tin same is amended and re-enacted so as to read : "Sec. 10. Beit i'urther enacted, etc. That the roads, st rets, We< s, wharves and public places and thorougbfai es in said city shall be under the entire •ontrol of said, Mayor and Council, ami they may and shall pass such la\ *> and ordinances for the regulation thereof as they may deem expedient : pro- vided, that no ordinances in relation to those places or the levees shall in- terfere with the rights of the public thereto, as laid down in the Civil Code and laws of this State. They arehere- by vested wiih the power to repair, alter or enlarge said levees, and. il < ssary for the safety of the inhabit- ants, to make a new levee in front of any part of said city, in such places and manner as the exigency of the case, in their discretion, may require, and two- thirds of the said Mayor and Council concurring, are empowered to levy and collect a Bpecial fox on the Real Estah and persona] property in said city to pay all expenses and costs arising therefrom. They are empowered to curb, gutter, grade, pave, shell or plank sidewalks, streets and public thorough- i'ares,a])dThar-ethe front, owners on snch places the one-half cost for side- walks including curbs and gutters, and one-hall qfthe whole costs for streets except crossing; and to pay fortheoW third of the whole costs fox streets, and • the crossings and corners. They are ■uthonzed and empowered to issue I improvement bonds, running for ten twenty or thirty years, bearingunterest atnot exceeding eight per cent per annum ; provided, that all improve- ment of struts shall be done under contract, upon terms to be made bythe said Mayor and Council: and said flavor ami Council are empowered to make wharves, plant tie-post, and regulate the port of said city, and also to cause vacant Jots to he fenced and failed up to the grade of the city, at the expenses of the owners AvhoYi necessary." Sec 4. Be it further enacted, etc., ,, '; it ^e pesent Mayor and members l! "" Council shall serve the term for ^uch they weivt o respectively ; elect- The above amended Charter wag ed at the office of the Secretary, of State, on the 12th of February, 1872, md it having been presented to the [governor of the State for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the House of the Gem ral Astembly in which it originated within the time prescribed ^y the constitution of the State 1 of Louisiana, has become a law without his approval. *ttd provided further, that anyvacan- eycausecl^y death, resignation, or other wise the Governor shall have full lower I o till said vacancy for the un- expired ten,, of said office. S&ned) O. H. BKEWSTER Speaker of the House of Kopresenta- (S^ed) P. n.s. PINCHBACK. Lieutenant Governor and President >I the Senate. A true copy : b. J. Hebron, Secret: AN ACT No. 28 To amend an act entitled an act to incorpo- rate the city of Carrollton, approved March 17, 1859, and acts supplementary thereto. Suction 1. Be it resolved bj the Seuate | and House of Jtcprosentafives of Hie State ofLonisiana in (General Assembly convened, ['hat in addition to the duties already ioi posed upon the mayor ofthe citv of Carroll- ton. the .said mayor shall be ox-offlcin justice ofthe ptiace,and vested with the same power*, duties and jurisdiction as shall l><> a ,. atof of the peace, and shall i scrciseaud per- forui all the duties of committing magistrate in and for the city of Carrollton, and impose all penalties for violation of the city ordin- ances of said city of Carrollton, the same as are now vested in recorders ofthe i New Oilcans. He shall receive a Kalarybi b\v« thouaaud dollars per annum, payable niouthlj on his own warrant, in lien of tics i,, criminal eases as commit Ling magi^wte, and no foe* shall be allow.,! in criminal proceedings 1.. committing magistrate iu«aid city of Carroll- ton. Sec. 3. Beit further ena . rhai the mayor shall, subject to the approval of the Council of said city of (anollton, ap- point one clerk ofthe court tor the term of the oiliee of said mayor, as specified in section three ofthisact, whoshall give bond, as the Council may determine, tor the faithful formanee of his duties. The salary of said elerk shall be eighteen hundred dollars per annum, payable by said city of Carrollton monthly, on his own warrant. . Ele shall keep proceedings of all the business of said court, and a record of all criminal proceed- ings as required by law, andin bookaprovided by the city Council for that purpose. He shad make weekly report of all fines imposed and collected, and forfeiture of all bonds in ciiminal proceedings. And all money re- ceived shall be paid over by the mayor of said city to the city treasurer each and even week on snch day as the Council may deter nun.-. The mayor of the city hhal keep his office and hold his court in snch place shall be provided by the City Council ofthe city of Carrollton. Anditshall be thedutv of an officer of the Metropolitan force to attend upon the court during the examination • d'all cases and i<> preserve order therein. All arrests by tie- police in said city of Carroll- ton shall be reported to the mayor. All warrants for arrests issued by the mayor of said city in criminal cases, for violation of city ordinances, and all writs, subpoenas for witnesses, notices of trials, etc,: in all casps shall be executed j> m l .served bythe police of said city. • farthfv : 1 hold, li i! hold ■ I further en i \\ itb thin ■ let Lta » BARLBSW. LOWKLL, f Ri ;)!••>! nt:ii . B e4) i . c arrows, j r 1 1 <.*'A . ! uor and i'i Si: Appi edj WILLIAM P. EELL04 a c! ill \ irne • 1 '. • ■ I • i - C* . nil •fo IV,. / 352.0763 C319PA 324377