It'"" Duke university Libraries instructions re Conf Pam l2mo #143 fJHTY^ ^ori-^ . ^ Ic^T^t. SiTRGEON General's Office, '** Richmond. April 25, 1863. The frequency Avitli which Reports of Sick and AVoiinded reach this oflBce incomplete and defective, and wholly unsuited to establish accu- rate and reliable statistics couctrning the prevfilcncc; of disease through- out the army, suggests for the future guidance of Medical Officers, th** following Instructions relative to their preparation: I. Ill every case the. spaces left in blank should be appropriately tilled; not omitting to designate, in addition to the number of the Regiment, liattaiion or Battery, the State in which it was raised, or if a I'ost, Hos- pital or Camp, the County and State in Avhich it is situated. II. Only cases of disease occurring during the month or quarter, should be admitted into the body«)f the Report ; tho.^e remaining over from last Report, will be exhibited in the "General Summary," in the columns '•Remaining last Quarterly or Monthly Report." III. All deaths during the j)eriod covered by the Report, whether oc- curring among those taken #ick or received into hospital during that or a previous period, will be entered on its face, opposite; their appropriate, diseases, and recorded on the back of the Report; but deaths occurring among those not on the Sick Report, as when killed in battle, or in any other violent and sudden manner, will alone be recorded on the back of the. Report, "separated from the others by a double line drawn across the page." IV. New diseases supervening upon those already registered, will be embraced in the body of the Report, and the luimber of such supervening cases noted on tVie margin. These subtracted from the whole number of cases, will indicate the actual number of patients to bt; accounted for ("Taken SicJc during the Mouth or Quarter"), and which, when added to those "Remaining from last Report," will c«mstitut« the "Aggregate" of the General Summary. V. In Quarterly Reports properly prepared, the tigures in the coluuiUf« headed, respectively, "Total by each Disease," and "'Jjjytal by each Class," will correspond; and these again, or the %um "Total" in the Monthly Reports, provided there are no " Supervening Cases," or if there are, alter tlit;ir deduction from the others, with the figures in the column of the General Summary "Taken Sick during the Month or Quarter." So too the deaths entered ijj the body of the Report, will correspond with the number in the General Summary, and with tlic number recorded by name on the back of the Report, above the "double lino" mentioned in paragraph III; and the Discharges Tix the General Summary will like- wise correspond with the number recorded by name above this "double line." And finally, if correct, the number still "Kemaining Sick and Convalescent,]' will bo shown by adding together the number disposed of in the several columns headed "Sent to General Hospital," "Kcturned to Duty," "On Furlough," "Discharged," "Deserted," and "Died," and subtracting the same from the "Aggregate;" the result corresponding with the number actually "Remaining Sick and Convalescent." VI. No cases of disease other than those occurring among oflficers and soldiers, will be embraced in these reports. Any other cases, if noticed, will be reported separately. VII. In the General Summary, the "mean strength" for the month is estimated, by adding together the number ^f officers and men present &t stated periods of the month, and dividing the result by the number of such periods; and for the quarter, by summing up the " mean strength" for each month of the quarter, and dividing by the number of months.* VIII. The "ratio of cases per thousaiK^of mean strength" is calcu- Jated by multiplying the " number treated" (which corresponds too with the " aggregate") by one thousand, and dividing the result by the " mean atrcuglli;" and the "ratio of deaths per thousand of mean strength" is ©btaiued in like manner, by multiplying the "deaths" by one thousand, and dividing the^ result by the "mean strength." IX. In General Hospitals, the per centum of deaths occurring among the " number treated," will be estimated and expressed in decimals, car ricd out two figures. X. Medical Officers, to whom any of tbcse reports are to be rendered, or through whom they are to be sent, will examine them, and return for correction any that may re Soap. Salt. "o S 1 1 i 1 i ! i i i • ^ pH8.5