4^.'^. ^ >i '^-''»'.^ t'lk-^ .^«^ ':Mi ••. -f DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure "Room FANTASTICKS. 1626. ^M:^M:fM)'^S)(M^.^m§^M^M^M^M) NOTE. The ' Fantasticks ' is among the very rarest of Breton's books. Malone wrote in his copy, ' Has any one ever seen another ?' This reproduction is from a fine exemplar in my own Library : 4to, 26 leaves. In Mr. Huth's copy there is inserted a set of copper-plates, illustra- tive of the successive months of the year, with English verses beneath them. They do not seem ever to have belonged to the work (Hazlitt, s.n.) They should find more fitting insertion in Matthew Stevenson's 'Twelve Moneths' (i66i),- — from whence, indeed, it seems likely they have been taken. A few Selections from the ' Fantasticks ' are given in Books of Characters (1857). See our Memorial-Introduc- tion, and Notes and Illustrations at the close. — G. FANTASTICKS Seruing for A PERPETVALL Prognostication. I Descants of ; 1. THE WORLD. 2. THE EARTH. 3. WATER. 4. AYRE. 5. FIRE. 6. FISH. 7. BEASTS. 8. MAN. 9. WOMAN. 10. LOUE. 11. MONEY. 12. THE SPRING. 13. SUMMER. 14. HARUEST. 15. WINTER. 16. THE 12 MONETHS. 17. CHRISTMAS. 18. LENT. 19. GOOD FRIDAY. 20. EASTER DAY. 21. MORNING. 22. THE 12 HOURES. 23. MIDNIGHT. 24. THE CONCLUSION. LONDON : Printed for Francis Williams, 1626. To the worshipfull and worthy Knight, Sir MARKE IVE of Riuers Hall in Essex, N. B. wisheth on earth heart's case, and heauen hereafter. I R, — Your many fauors and my small deserts, make mee study how to discharge ray selfe of ingratitude ; which not knowing better how to doe then by the labour of my spirit to shew the nature of my loue, I haue thought good to present yotir patience with this little voltime of varieties ; in which though the title promise no matter of great worth, yet it may be if you peruse it, you shall finde somewhat that you may like in it : howsoeuer it be, it may serue you in the Winter to keep you from sleep by the fire-side, and in the Stmimer in shady walkes, to passe away idle time. In briefe, wishing it of that nature, that might come neere the worthinesse of your acceptation, I leaue it with my better seruice to the fauor of your good discretion : and so in all humilitie rest. Yours affectionately to command. N. B. Co tl)e ISeaDcr. T was my hap of late, walking thorow Uie fields, to light vpon a peece of paper ; in which I found a kind of discourse set down vpon an imagination of midnight. By whom it was written, I know not, but by whomsoeuer, I liked it .so well, that wishing myselfe able to do halfe soe well, I fell into an humor of imitating tlie vejTie, so neer as I could, in description of the twelue houres, the twelue moneths, and some special! dayes in the yere : how wel to your liking I know not, but my labour herein hath not bin little and my desire much, I meane, to doe well ; which if I have not I can be but sory that my dull wit hath not bin fed with a more pleasing humour : but if you be able to iudge of the work of it and like it, I shall be more glad then proud of it : howsoeuer it be, hoping jour kindnes, I leaue it to your like censtire ; and so loth to entertaine your patience »ith a long tale to little pur- pose, I thus conclude, and in affection and discretion, I rest. Your friend, N. B. FANTASTICKS. Descants of the Quarters, Moneths, and houres of the yeere, with other matters. The World. OUCHING my opinion of the world, I will tell you as briefly as I can, what I thinke of it : a place wherein are contained the variety of things : men thinke, women talk, beasts feed, birds flye, fishes swim, and wormes creep : ayre pearceth, mndes blow, cold nippeth, fire heateth, grasse groweth, and time \vithereth. Wealth is a Jewell, and pouerty is a plague : Conscience is a charge, and care is a burden. Pride is a Lord of misrule, and beauty is painted. Mars must yeeld to Merciuy, and Diana is a strange woman : Cupid is an idle invention, and all is as good as nothing. Loue is more talked of then proued. Couetousnesse the key of wit. Nature the trouble of Reason, and Will the master of the Senses. Beauty is an eye sore. Learning a taske, Valoiu* a heat, and reason a study. \ King, a great man : a Souldier, a stout man : a Courtier, a fine man : a Lawyer, a wise man : a Merchant, a rich man : a Begger a poore man : and an honest man, an honest man. Fayre weather, is chearfuU ; foule weather is melan- cholicke. The day is hghtsome, and the night is dark- som. Meate is necessary, and sleepe is easeful!, and drinke doth well, and exercise doth not amisse. Law is good, and punishment is meet, and reward would be thought on : and fooles would be pityed, and so Opinions differ, and Judgements vary, and Time trauailes, and Trueth is a vertue, and wisedome an honor ; and honor is a title, and Grace a gift, and Patience a blessing, and Content a Kingdome : and so from one thing to another, a trouble in all. A kingdome, full of cire : w it full of trouble : power full of charge ; youth full of action : Age full of griefe : and none content with his condition ; wishing in one, willing in another : think- ing in one, doing in another : working in one, crossing in another : thoughts, words, and deeds, so different in their effects, that for ought Lean see in it, when I haue well considered of it, I can say thus much of it. He is happy that hath not to doe with it. And not to dwell too long upon it, to conclude my opinion briefly of it, I hold it the Labyrinth of wit, and the toyle of ™der- standing, the pilgrimage of patience, and the purgator)- of reason. Farewell. Loue. TOUCHING my Judgement of Loue, it is, if it bee any thing, such a thing to speake of, that to tell truly, I know not well what to say of it : but yet what I imagine of it, I will tell you : at the first, I ghesse, it was an old nothing, to exercise wit in idlenes, and now, is a kind of new-nothing to feed folly with imagination : but be it what it will be, or may be, this wanton Loue that this world is too full of, whatsoeuer it is, thus much I find of it : It is begotten by the eyes, bred in the braines. walkes in the tongue, growes with the flesh, and dyes in an humour : and this ill commonly doth trouble wit. hinder Arte, hurt Nature, disgrace Reason, lose time, and spoile substance : It crosseth wisedome, serueth Beautie, and sotteth folly ; weaknelh strength, and baseth Honoiu' : It is only Willes darling. Patience triall, and Passions torture, the pleasure of melancholy, and the 5aoq>15 FANTASTICKES. play of madnesse, the delight of varieties, and the deuiser of vanities : The Virgins cracke, and the Widowes crosse : The Batchelors bane and the maried mans Purgatory : the Yong mans misery and the Ageds consumption : The abuse of Learning, the ground of Enuy, the stirrer of \\Tath, and the cause of mischiefe : The disquiet of the mind, the distractor of the Wit, the disturber of the Senses, and the destruction of the whole body. A fained god, an idle fancy, a kind of fury, and in some kind a frenzy. To conclude, I hold it an Inuention of idlenesse, and an Imagination of Indiscretion : the plague of people, and the mocke of the Word. Farewell. t^ ^sa^sa ^a^ Money. To tell you mine opinion of money, I thinke it the Monarch of the world : the maintainer of Pride, the Nurse of Couetousnesse, the Steward of Lechery, the sower of Sedition, the cause of war, the sacke of a City, and the ouerthrow of a Campe : The Gluttons Puruey- our, and the Drunkards Cupbearer : the Thiefes tempter, and the Hangmans Master : The misguider of Wit, the corrupter of Conscience, the blinder of Reason, and the ouerthrow of Honour : the Usurers God, the poore mans oppression, the Lawyers hope, and the Laborers hire : doth good to few, but hurt to many : puis downe the Churches, and builds the faire houses, makes the Pro- digal! an Ape, and the miser dogged : makes Bridges ouer the Sea, and fire in mens braines : fetcheth the Beasts from the Wildemesse, and the Birds from the Ayxe : it drawes fansies out of fine Wits, and eloquence from learned mouths : It makes friends foes, and enemies friends : It serues all professions, all qualities, and con- ditions, from the King to the Begger. In summe, not to taike too much of it, hauing so little of it : I thus conclude my opinion of it : I thinke it a necessary drosse, and a dangerous mettall, the reliefe of the honest, and the mine of the wicked. Farewell. The Spring, IT is now Spring : a Time blest of the Heauens for the comfort of the Earth ; now begins the Sunne to giue light vnto the Ayre, and with the reple.xion of his beames to warrae the cold earth : the Beasts of the woods looke out into the plaines, and the fishes out of the deepe run vp into the shallow w'aters, the breeding fowles fall to building of their nests, and the senselesse creatures gather life into their bodies, the Birds time their throats to entertaine the Sunne rising, and the little flies begin to fiocke in the ayre : now Cupid begins to nocke his Arrowes and sharpe their heads : and Venus, if she be, will be knowne what she is : Now Pallas and her Muses try the Poets in their Pamphlets, and Diana, if shee bee to bee seene, is a grace to her fayrest Nj-mph : Time is now gracious in Nature, and Nature in time : the Ayre wholesome, and the earth pleasant, and the sea not vncomfortable ; the Aged feele a kind of youth, and Youth, the Spirit ful of life ; it is the messenger of many pleasures : the Courtiers progresse, and the Farmers profit : the Labourers Haruest, and the Beggers Pilgrim- age. In summe, there is much good to be spoken of this time : but to auoyd tediousnes, I will thus conclude of it : I hold it in all that I can see in it, the Jewell of time, and the Joy of Nature. Farewell, Summer. IT is now Summer, and Zephirus with his sweet breath cooles the parching beames of Titan : the leaues of the trees are in whisf>er talkes of the blessings of the aire, while the Nightingale is tuning her throat to refresh the weary spirit of the Trauayler : Flora now brings out her Wardrop, and richly embroydreth her greene Apron : the Nymphes of the Woodes in consort with the Muses sing an Aue to the Morning, and a Vale to the Simnes setting : the Lambes and the Rabbettes run at base in the sandy Warrens, and the Plow landes are couered with come : the stately Hart is at Layre in the high wood, while the Hare in a furrow sits washing of her face : The Bull makes his walke like a Master of the field, and the broad-headed Oxe beares the Garland of the market : the Angler with a fly takes his pleasure with the fish, while the httle Merline hath the Partridge in the foot : the Hony-dewes perfume the A}Te, and the Sunny-showers are the earths comfort : the Greyhound on the plaine makes the faire course : and the wel-mouthed Hound makes the Musicke of the woods : the Baltaile of the field is now stoutly fought, and the proud Rye must stoupe to the Sickle : The Carters whistle cheeres his forehorse, and drinke and sweat is the hfe of the Labourer : Idle spirits are banished the limits of Honour, while the studious braine brings forth his wonder : the Azure Sky shewes the Heauen is gracious, and the glorious Sunne glads the spirit of Nature : The ripened fruits shew the beauty of the earth, and the brightnesse of the aire the glory of the heauens : In summe, for the world of worth I find in it, I thus conclude of it : I hold it a most sw^eet season, the variety of pleasures, and the Paradise of loue. Farewell. FANTASTICKES. Haruest. IT is now Haruest, and the I^rke must lead her yong out of the nest ; for the Sithe and the Sickle wil down with the grasse and the come : Now are the hedges ful of Berries, and the highwayes full of Rogues, and the lazy Limmes must sleepe out their dinner : The Ant and the Bee worke for their winter prouision, and after a frost, the Grashopper is not seene ; Butter, milke, and cheese, are the Labourers dyet, and a pot of good Beere, quickens his spirit. If there be no plague, the people are healthy, for continuance of motion is a presentation of nature : The fresh of the morning, and the coole of the Euening are the times of Court walkes ; but the poore traueller treads out the whole day ; Malt is now aboue wheat with a number of mad people, and a fine shirt is better then a Frize Jerkin : Peares and Plummes now ripen apace, and being of a watry substance, are cause of much sicknesse : The pipe and the taber now follow the Fayres, and they that haue any money, make a gaine of their markets. Bucks now are in season, and Part- ridges are Rowen-taild, and a good Retriuer is a Spaniell worth the keeping. In sum, it is a time of much worth, when, if God bee well pleased, the world will thriue the better. And to conclude, this is all that I will say of it ; I hold it the Heauens Bounty, the Earths Beauty, and the Worlds Benefit. Farewell. Winter. IT is now Winter, and Boreas beginnes to fill his cheekes with breath, shaketh the tops of the high Cedars, and hoyseth the waues of the Sea, to the danger of the Saylers comfort : Now is the Earth nipt at the heart with a cold, and her Trees are disrobed of their rich apparell : there is a glasse set vpon the face of the Waters, and the Fishes are driuen to the bottomes of the deepe : The Usurer now sits lapt in his furres, and the poore makes his breath, a fire to his fingers ends : Beautie is maskt for feare of the ayre, and youth runnes to Physicke for Restoratiues of Nature : The Stagge roares for losse of his strength, and the Flea makes his Castle in the wooll of a blanket : Cards and Dice now begin their haruest, and good Ale and Sack are the cause of ciuiU warres ; Machiauil and the Deuill are in counsell vpon destruction, and the wicked of the world make hast to hell : Money is such a Monopoly, that hee is not to be spoken of, and the delay of suits is the death of hope. In it selfe it is a wofuU Season, the punishment of natures pride, and the play of misery. Farewell. January. IT is now lanuary, and Time beginnes to tume the wheel of his Reuolution, the Woods begin to lose the beauty of their spreading boughes, and the proud Oke must stoop to the Axe : the Squirrell now surueyeth the Nut and the Maple, and the Hedgehogge rowles vp himselfe like a football : an Apple and a Nutmeg make a Gossips cup : and the Ale and the Fagot are the Victu- allers merchandise : the Northeme black Dust is the during Fuell, and the fruit of the Grape heats the stomake of the Aged ; Downe beds and quilted Cappes are now in the pride of their seruice, and the Cooke and the Pantler are men of no meane office : the Oxe and the fat Weather now furnish the market, and the Coney is so ferreted, that she cannot keepe in her borough : the Currier and the Lime-rod are the death of the fowle, and the Faulcons bels ring the death of the Mallard : the trotting gelding makes a way through the mire, and the Hare and the Hound put the Huntsman to his home ; the barren Doe subscribes to the dish, and the smallest seed makes sauce to the greatest flesh ; the dryed grasse is the horses ordinary, and the meale of the beanes makes him goe through with his trauell : Fishermen now haue a cold trade, and trauellersa foule ioumey : the Cook room now is not the worst place in the Ship, and the Shepheard hath a bleake seat on the Mountaine : the Blackbird leaueth not a berry on the thorne, and the garden earth is turned vp for her roots : the water floods runne ouer the proud bankes, and the gaping Oister leaues his shell in the streets, while the proud Peacocke leaps into the pye : Muscouia commodities are now much in request, and the water Spaniell is a necessary seruant : the Lode horse to the mill hath his full backe burthen ; and the Thresher in the barne tryes the strength of his flayle : the Woodcocke and the Pheasant pay their lines for their feed, and the Hare after a course makes his hearse in a pye : the shoulder of a hog is a shooing home to good drink, and a cold almes makes a begger shrug. To conclude, I hold it a time of Uttle comfort, the rich mans charge, and the poore mans misery. Farewell. February. T T is now February, and the Sun is gotten up a Cocke- ■*- stride of his climbing, the Valleyes now are painted white, and the brookes are full of water : the Frog goes to seeke out the Paddocke, and the Crow and the Rooke begin to mislike their old Makes : forward Connies be- gin now to kindle, and the fat grounds are not without Lambes : tlie Gardiner fals to sorting of his seeds, and FANTASTICKES. the Husbandman falls afresh to scowring of his Plough- share : the Terme trauellers make the Shooemalcers Haruest, and the Chaundlers cheese makes the chalke walke apace : The Fishmonger sorts his ware against Lent : and a Lambe-skinne is good for a lame anne : the waters now alter the nature of their softnes, and the soft earth is made stony hard : The AjTe is sharp and piercing, and the winds blow cold ; the Tauemes and the Innes seldome lack Guests, and the Ostler knows how to gaine by his Hay : the hunting Horse is at the heeles of the Hound, while the ambling Nagge carrielh the Physitian and his footcloth : the blood of Youth be- gins to spring, and the honour of Art is gotten by Ex- ercise : The trees a little begin to bud, and the sap be- gins to rise \T^ out of the root ; Physick now hath work among weake bodies, and the Apothecaries drugges are very gainful! : There is hope of a better time not farre off, for this in it selfe is little comfortable : and for the small pleasure that I find in it, I will thus briefly con- clude of it : It is the poor mans pick-piu^e, and the misers cut-throat, the enemy to pleasure, and the time of patience. Farewell. a._5)aAS)(av^(i»Ag^;i^Asr&. s i&.gi^<^,^'^<^'^Q^_K'^l^,^'^_'^ Aprill. IT is now April, and the Nightingale begins to tune her throat against May : the Suimy showers per- fume the aire, and the Bees begin to goe abroad for honey : the Dewe, as in Pearles, hangs \-pon the tops of the grasse, while the Turtles sit billing vpon the little greene boughes : the Trowt begins to play in the Brookes, and the Sammon leaues the Sea, to play in the fresh waters ; The Garden-bankes are full of gay flowers, and the Thome and the Plumme send forth their faire Blos- somes : the March Colt begins to play, and the Cosset Lamb is learned to butt. The Poets now make their siuiies in the woods, and the Youth of the Coimtry make . ady for the Morris-dance ; the little Fishes lye nibling ot a bait, and the Porpas playes in the pride of the tide : the bhepheards pipe entertaines the Princesse of Arcadia, and the healthfiill Souldier hath a pleasant march. The Larke and the Lambe looke \-p at the Sun, and the labourer is abroad by the dawning of the day : Sheepes eyes in Lambs heads, tell kind hearts strange tales, while faith and troth make tHe true Louers knot : the aged haires find a fresh life, and the youthfull cheeks are as red as a cherry : It were a world to set downe the worth of this moneth : But in siunme, I thus con- clude, I hold it the Heauens blessing, and the Earths comfort. Farewell. May. IT is now May, and the sweetnesse of the Aire re- fresheth euery spirit : the sunny beames bring forth faire Blossomes, and the dripping Clouds water Floraes great garden ; the male Deere puts out the Veluet bead, and the pagged Doe is neere her fewning : The Spar- hawke now is drawne out of the mew, and the Fowler makes ready his whistle for the Quaile : the Larke sets the morning watch, and the euening, the Nightingale : the Barges, like Bowers, keep the streams of the sweet Riuers, and the Mackrell with the Shad are taken prisoners in the Sea : the tall young Oke is cut downe for the Maypole : the Sithe and the Sickle are the Mowers furniture, and fa\Te weather makes the FANTASTICKES. Labourer merry : the Physitian now prescribes the cold Whey, and the Apothecary gathers the dew for a medi- cine : Butter and Sage make the wholsome breakfast, but fresh cheese and crearae are meat for a dainty mouth ; and the Strawbery and the Pescod want no price in the market : the Chicken and the Ducke are fatned for the market, and many a Goshn neuer liues to be a Goose. It is the moneth wherein Nature hath her full of mirth, and the Senses are filled with delights. I conclude. It is from the Heauens a Grace, and to the Earth a Gladnesse. Farewell. lune. IT is now lune and the Hay-makers are mustered to make an army for the field, where not alwayes in order, they march vnder the Bagge and the Bottle, when betwixt the Forke and the Rake, there is scene great force of armes : Now doth the broad Oke com- fort the weary Laborer, while vnder his shady Boughes he sits singing to his bread and cheese : the Hay-cocke is the Poore mans Lodging, and the fresh Riuer is his gracious Neighbour : Now the Faulcon and the Tassell try their wings at the Partridge, and the fat Bucke fils the great pasty : the trees are al! in their rich aray : but the seely Sheep is turned out of his coat : the Roses and sweet Herbes put the Distiller to his cunning, while the greene apples on the tree are ready for the great bellied wiues : Now begins the Hare to gather vp her heeles, and the Foxe lookes about him, for feare of the Hound : the Hooke and the Sickle are making ready for haruest : the Medow grounds gape for raine, and the Come in the eare begins to harden : the little Lads make Pipes of the straw, and they that cannot dance, will yet bee hopping : the Ayre now groweth somewhat warme, and the coole winds are very comfortable : the Sayler now- makes merry passage, and the nimble Foot-man runnes with pleasure : In briefe, I thus conclude, I hold it a sweet season, the senses perfume, and the spirits comfort. Farewell. luly. IT is now luly and the Sunne is gotten vp to his height, whose heat p.archeth the earth, and biu-nes vp the grasse on the mountaines. Now begins the Canon of heauen to rattle, and when the fire is put to the charge, it breaketh out among the Cloudes : the stones of congealed water cut off the eares of the Corne : and the blacke stormes affright the faint-hearted : the Stag and the Bucke are now in pride of their time, and the hardnesse of their heads makes them fit for the Homer : Now hath the Sparhawke the Partridge in the foot, and the Ferret doth tickle the Cony in the borough. Now doeth the Farmer make ready his teame, and the Carter with his whip, hath no small pride in his Whistle : Now doe the Reapers try their backs and their Armes, and the lusty Youthes pitch the sheafes into the Cart. The old Partridge calles her Couey in the morning, and in the euening, the Shepheard fals to folding of his flocke : the Sparrowes makes a charrae upon the greene Bushes, till the Fowler come and take them by the dozens ; the Smelt now begins to be in season, and the Lamprey out of the Riuer leapes into a Pye : the Souldier now hath a hot March, and the Lawyer sweats in his lyned Gowne ; The Pedler now makes a long walke, and the Aqua vitae Bottle sets his face on a fiery heat ; In summe, I thus conclude of it, I hold it a profitable season, the Labourers gaine, and the rich mans wealth. Farewell. August. IT is now August, and the Sunne is some what to- wards his decUnation. yet such is his heat as_harde- neth the soft clay, dries x-p the standing ponds, wythe- reth the sappy leaues and scorcheth the skin of the naked : now beginne the Gleaners to follow the Corne Cart, and a Uttle bread to a great deale of drinke makes the Trauailers dinner : the MelowTie and the Cucum- ber is now in request : and Oyle and vineger giue atten- dance on the Sallet hearbes : the .Alehouse is more fre- quented then the Tauerne. and a fresh Riuer is more comfortable then a fiery Fumace : the Bathe is now much visited by diseased bodies, and in the fajTC Riuers, swimming is a sweet exercise : the Bow and the Bowie picke many a piu"se, and the Cockes with their heeles spiu-ne away many a mans wealth : The Pipe and the Taber is now lustily set on worke, and the Lad and the Lasse will haue no lead on their heeles ; the new Wheat makes the Gossips Cake, and the Bride Cup is caried aboue the heads of the whole Parish : the FiuTnenty pot welcomes home the Haruest cart, and the Garland of flowers crownes the Captaine of the Reapers. Oh, 'tis the merry time, \\herein honest Neighbours make good cheere, and God is glorified in his blessings on the earth. In summe, for that I iind, I thus conclude, I hold it the worlds welfare, and the earths Wamiing-pan. Farewell. B FANTASTICKES. September. T T is now September, and the Sunne begins to fall •*■ much from his height, the medowes are left bare, by the mouthes of hungry Cattell, and the Hogges are turned into the Come fields : the windes begin to knocke the Apples heads together on the trees, and the fallings are gathered to fill the Pyes for the Houshold : the Saylers fall to vvorke to get afore the winde, and if they spy a storme. it puts them to prayer : the Souldier now begins to shrug at the weather, and the Campe dis- solued, the Companies are put to Garison : the Lawyer now begins his Haruest, and the Client paves for words by waight : the Innes now begin to prouide for ghests, and the night-eaters in the stable, pinch the Trauailer in his bed : Paper, pen, and inke are much in request, and the quarter Sessions take order with the way-layers : Coales and wood make toward the Chimney, and Ale and Sacke are in account with good fellowes : the But- cher now knocks downe the great Beeues, and the Poul- ters feathers make toward the Upholster : Walflet Oysters are the Fish wiues wealth, and Pippins fine are the Costermongers rich merchandise : the flayle and the fan fall to worke in the Banie, and the Corne market is full of the Bakers : the Porkets now are driuen to the Woods, and the home-fed Pigges make porke for the market. In briefe, I thus conclude of it, I hold it the Winters forewarning, and the Summers farewell. Adieu. October. IT is now October, and the lofty windes make bare the trees of their leaues, while the hogs in the Woods grow fat with the falne Acoms : the forward Deere be- gin to goe to rut. and the barren Doe groweth good meat : the Basket-makers now gather their rods, and the fishers lay their leapes in the deepe : the loade horses goe apace to the Mill, and the Meal-market is seldome without people : the Hare on the hill makes the Grey- hound a faire course, and the FoNe in the woods cals the Hounds to a full cry : the multitude of people raiseth the price of wares, and the smoothe tongue will sell much : the Saylor now bestirreth his stumps, while the Merchant liueth in feare of the weather : the great feasts are now at hand for the City, but the poore must not beg for feare of the stockes : a fire and a paire of Cards keepe the ghests in the Ordinary, and Tobacco is held very precious for the RhewTtie : The Coaches now begin to rattle in the Street ; but the cry of the poore is vnpleasing to the rich : Muffes and Cuffes are now in request, and the shuttel-Cocke with the Battel-doore is a pretty house- cvercise ; Tennis and Baloune are sports of some charge, and a quicke bandy is the Coiul-keepers commodity : dancing and fencing are now in some vse, and kind hearts and true Loners lye close, to keepe off cold : the Titmouse now keepes in the hollow tree, and the black bird sits close in the bottome of a hedge ; In briefe, for the little pleasure I find in it, I thus conclude of it : I hold it a Messenger of ill newes, and a second seruice to a cold dinner. Farewell. Nouember. IT is now Nouember, and according to the old Pro- uerbe, Let the Thresher take his flayle, And the ship no more sayle : for the high winds and the rough seas mil try the ribs of the Shippe, and the hearts of the Sailers : Now come the Countrey people all wet to the Market, and the toyling Carriers are pittifully moyled : The yong Heme and the Shoulerd are now fat for the great Feast, and the Woodcocke begins to make toward the Cockeshoot : the Warriners now beginne to phe their hamest, and the Butcher, after a good bargaine drinks a health to the Grasier ; the Cooke and the Cora- fitmaker, make ready for Christmas, and the Minstrels in the Countrey, beat their boyes for false fingring : Schollers before breakefast haue a cold stomacke to their bookes, and a Master without Art is fit for an A. B. C. A red herring and a cup of Sacke, make warre in a weake stomacke, and the poore mans fast, is better then the Gluttons surfet : Trenchers and dishes are now necessary seruants, and a locke to the Cubboord keepes a bit for a neede : Now beginnes the Goshauke to weede the wood of the Phesant and the Mallard loues not to heare the belles of the Faulcon : The winds now are cold, and the Ayre chill, and the poore die through want of Charitie : Butter and Cheese beginne to rayse their prices, and Kitchen stuffe is a commoditie, that euery man is not acquainted with. In summe, with a conceit of the chilling cold of it, I thus conclude in it : I hold it the discomfort of Nature, and Reasons patience. Farewell. December. IT is now December, and hee that walkes the streets, shall find durt on his shooes, Except hee goe all in bootes : Now doth the Laivyer make an end of his FANTASTICKES. haruest, and the Clienc of his purse : Now Capons and Hennes, beside Turkies, Geese and Duckes, besides Beefe and Mutton, must all die for the great feast, for in twelue dayes a multitude of people will not bee fed with a little : Now plummes and spice. Sugar and Honey, square it among pies and broth, and Gossip I drinke to you, and you are welcome, and I thanke you, and how doe you, and I pray you bee merrie : Now are the Taylors and the Tiremakers full of worke against the Holidayes, and Musicke now must bee in tune, or else neuer : the youth must dance and sing, and the aged sit by the fire. It is the Law of Nature, and no Contradic- tion in reason : The Asse that hath borne all the yeare, must now take a httle rest, and the leane Oxe must feed till hee bee fat : the Footman now shall haue many a foule step, and the Ostler shall haue worke enough about the heeles of the Horses, while the Tapster, if hee take not heed, will lie drunke in the Seller : The prices of meat will rise apace, and the apparell of the proud will make the Taylor rich ; Dice and Cardes, will benefit the Butler : And if the Cooke doe not lacke wit, hee will sweetly licke his fingers : Starchers and Launderers will haue their hands full of worke, and Periwigs and paint- ing wil not bee a little set by. Strange stuffes will bee well sold. Strange tales well told, Strange sights much sought. Strange things much bought, And what else as fals out. To conclude, I hold it the costly PtuTieyour of Excesse, and the after breeder of necessitie, the practice of Folly, and the Purgatory of Reason. Farewell. Christmas day. IT is now Christmas, and not a Cup of drinke must passe without a CaroU, the Beasts, Fowle, and Fish, come to a generall execution, and the Come is ground to dust for the Bakehouse, and the Pastry ; Cards and Dice purge many a purse, and the Youth shew their agility in shooing of the wild Mare : now good cheere and welcome, and God be with you, and I tlianke you, and against the new yeare, prouide for the presents : the Lord of Mis-rule is no meane man for his time, and the ghests of the high Table must lacke no Wine : the lusty bloods must looke about them like men, and piping and dauncing puts away much melancholy : stolne Venison is sweet, and a fat Coney is worth money : Pit-faUes are now set for small Birdes, and a Woodcocke hangs him- selfe in a gj-nne : a good fire heats all the house, and a full Almes-basket makes the Beggers Prayers : the Maskers and the Mummers make the merry sport : but if they lose their money, their Drummc goes dead : Swearers and Swaggerers are sent away to the Ale-house, and vnruly Wenches goe in danger of Judgement ; Musi- cians now make their Instruments speake out, and a good song is worth the hearing. In summe, it is a holy time, a duty in Christians, for the remembrance of Christ, and custome among friends, for the maintenance of good fellowship : In briefe, I thus conclude of it. I hold it a memory of the Heauens Loue, and the worlds peace, the myrth of the honest, and the meeting of the friendly. Farewell. Lent. IT is now Lent, and the poore Stockfish is sore beaten for his stubboraesse : the Herring dominiers like a Lord of great Seruice, and the fruit of the Dairy makes a hungry Feast : Fasting and mourning is the Hfe of the poore, and the Dogges grow leane, with the lacke of bones, while the Prisoners heart is nipt with penury : the Beasts of the Forests haue a bare feed, and the hard crusts try the teeth of the Begger : The Byrd hath a little shelter in the Bush, and a bitter frost makes a back- ward Spring : The Sunne giues but little warmth, and the March wind makes the Ayre cold : The Fisher-men now are the Rakers of the Sea, and the Oyster gapes to catch hold of the Crab : Solitarinesse and Melancholy breed the hurt of Nature, and the nakednesse of the Earth is the eyes discomfort : Idle people sit picking of Sallets, and necessity of exercise is an enemy to study : the winds grow dangerous to the Sayler and the Rockes are the ruine of the merchant : the Sentinell now keeps a cold watch, and the Sconce is nothing comfortable to the Souldier : the Shepheard hath little pleasure in his Pipe, and Age hath but a dead feeling in loue : the Colt hath a ragged coat, and the halfe mewed head disgraceth the Deere : the Faulcons wing is but young feathered, and the deepe fallow wearies the Huntsman : there is nothing pleasing but hope, that the dayes will lengthen and time will be more comfortable. I conclude, in it selfe, it is an vncorafortable season, the Heauens frown, and the Earths punishment. Farewell. Good Friday. IT is now Good Friday, and a general Fast must be kept among all Christians, in remembrance of Christs Passion : Flesh and Fish must bee vanished FANTASTICK'ES. all stomackes, strong or weake : Now begitines the Farewell to thin fare, and the Fishmongers may shut vp their shops til! the Holy-dayes be past : the Butchers now must wash their Boords, make cleane their Aprons, sharpen their kniues, and sort their prickes, and cut out their meat for Easter Eue market : Now must the Poul- ters make ready their Rabbets and their Fowle, the Cookes haue their Ouens cleane, and all for Pies and Tarts against the merry Feast : Now the Maids bestir them about their houses, the Launders about their Linen, the Taylors about Apparell, and all for this holy time : Now young Lambs, young Rabbets, and young Chickens dye for fine appetites, and now the Minstrell tunes his Instruments, to haue them ready for the yong people : but with the aged and the religious, there is nothing but sorrow and mourning, confession, contri- tion, and absolution, and I know not what : few that are merry, but children that breake vp schoole, and wenches that are v-pon the mariage. In summe, it is such an odde day by it selfe, that I will onely malce this conclusion of it : It is the Bridle of Nature, and the Ex- aminer of Reason. Farewell. Easter day. IT is now Easter, and Jacke of Lent is turned out of doores : the Fishermen now hang x^ their nets to dry, while the Calfe and the Lambe walke toward the Kitchin and the Pastry : the veluet heads of the Forrests fall at the loose of the Crosse-bow : the Sam- man Trowt playes with the Fly, and the March Rabbit runnes dead into the dish : the Indian commodities pay the Merchants aduenture : and Barbary Sugar puts Honey out of countenance : the holy feast is kept for the faithfull, and a knowne Jew hath no place among Christians : the Earth now beginnes to paint her vpper garment, and the trees put out their young buds, the little Kids chew their Cuds, and the Swallow feeds on the Flyes in the Ayre : the Storke clenseth the Brookes of the Frogges, and the Sparhawke prepares her wing for the Partridge : the little Fa\\Tie is stolne from the Doe, and the male Deere beginne to heard : the spirit of Youth is inclined to mirth, and the conscionable SchoUer will not breake a holy-day : the Minstrell cals the Maid from her dinner, and the Louers eyes doe troule like Tennis balls. There is mirth and ioy, when there is health and liberty ; and he that hath money, will be no meane man in his mansion : the Ayre is wholsome, and the Skye comfortable, the Flowers odo- riferous, and the Fruits pleasant : I conclude, it is a day of much delightfiilnesse : the Sunnes dancing day, and the Earths Holy-day. Farewell. Morning. IT is now Morning, and Time hath wooad \-p the Wheeles of his day Watch, while the Larke, the Sunnes Trumpet, calls the Labotu'er to his worke : there is ioy and comfort through the whole world, that the spirits of life are awaked out of their dead sleepe : It is the blessed time of reason, in which the best things are begunne, while Nattu-e goes to experience for the better perfection of her businesse : The Sunne now beginnes to draw open the Curtaine of his Pauilion, and with the heat of his Beames drawes \"p the \'nwholesome mists in the Ayre : the Mother-Earth is recouered of her cold sicknesse, and sends forth her fayre flowers to perfimie the infected a>Te ; now the Sorceresse with her magicke Art puts her charmes to silence, and the Birds of the woods make musicke to the poore traueller. Now begin the wits of the wise, and the limbes of strength to compasse the world, and make Art honourable : Theeues now are either caued or imprisoned, and knowledge of comfort puts care to a Xon plus. The beasts of the forrests vse the silence of feare, and the Wolfe like a Dog dares not looke out of his denne : the Wormes into the earth, and the Toades into the Waters, flye for feare of their heads : This is a time that I ioy in, for I think no time lost, but in sleepe : and now haue imagina- tions their best meanes to attire themselues in the golden liuerie of their best graces ; to which the night is at no time by depriuation of action. I conclude, it is in it selfe a blessed season, a dispersing of the first darknesse, and the Diall of Alexander. Farewell One of the Clocke. IT is now the first houre and Time is, as it were. stepping out of darknesse, and stealing towards the day : the Cocke cals to his Henne, and bids her beware of the Foxe ; and the Watch hauing walkt the streets, take a nap \'pon a stall : the Bell-man cals to the maids to looke to their lockes, their fire, and their light, and the child in the cradle cals to the Nurse for a Dug : the Cat sits watching behind the Cupboord for a Mouse, and the Flea sucks on sweet flesh, till he is ready to bm'st with the blood : the spirits of the studious start out of their dreames, and if they cannot fall asleepe againe, then to the Booke and the waxe Candle : the Dog at the doore frayes the Theefe from the house, and the Theefe within the house may hap to be about his businesse. In some places Bels are rung to certaine orders : but the quiet sleeper neuer tels the Clocke : not to dwell too long \-pon it, I hold it the farewell of the night, and the foreruimer to the day, the spirits watch and Reasons workemaster. Farewell. FANTASTICKES. Two of the Clocke. IT is now the second houre. and the point of the Diall hath stept ouer the first stroake, and now Time beginnes to draw backe the Curtaine of the night : the Cocke againe cals to his Henne, and the Watch beginne to bussle toward their discharge : The Bell-man hath made a great part of his walke, and the Nurse beginnes to huggle the child to the Dugge ; the Cat sits playing with the Mouse which she hath catched, and the Dog with his barking wakes the seruants of the house ; the studious now are neere vpon waking, and the theefe will be gone, for feare of being taken : The Forresters now be about their walkes, and yet stealers sometime cozen the Keepers : Warreners now beginne to draw homeward, and far dwellers from the to\\Tie, will be on the way to the market ; The Souldier now lookes towards the Court de Garde, and the Corporall takes care for the reliefe of the Watch : the earnest Scholler will be now at his booke, and the thrifty Husbandman will rowse towards his rising : the Seaman will now looke out for light, and if the wind be faire, hee cals for a Can of Beere : the fishermen now take the benefit of the tyde, and he that bobs for Eeles, will not be without Worms. In simime, I hold it much of the nature of the first houre, but somewhat better. And to conclude, I thinke it the enemy of Sleepe, and the entrance to Exercise. Farewell. Three of the Clocke. IT is now the third houre, and the Windowes of Hea- uen beginne to open, and the Sunne beginnes to colour the Clouds in the Sky, before he shew his face to the World : Now are the spirits of life, as it were, risen out of death : the Cocke cals the seruants to their dayes work, and the grasse horses are fetcht from the Pastures : the Milke-maids begin to looke toward their dayry, and the good Huswife beginnes to looke about the house : the Porrage pot is on for the seruants breakfast, and hungry stomackes will soone be ready for their victuall : the Sparrow beginnes to chirpe about the house, and the Birds in the bushes will bid them welcome to the field : the Shepheard sets on his Pitch on the fire, and fills his Tar-pot ready for his flocke : the Wheele and the Reele beginne to be set ready, and a merry song makes the worke seeme easie : the Plough-man falls to harnesse his horses, and the Thrasher beginnes to looke toward the bame ; the SchoUer that loues learning, will be hard at his Booke, and the Labourer by great, will be walking toward his worke. In briefe, it is a parcell of time, to good purpose, the exercise of Nature, and the entrance into Art. Farewell. Foure of the Clocke. IT is now the fourth houre, and the .Sunne beginnes to send her beames abroad, whose glimmering brightnesse no eye can behold : Now crowcs the Cocke lustily, and claps his wings for ioy of the light, and with his Hennes leaps lightly from his Roust : Now are the Horses at their Chaffe and Prouender : the seruants at breakfast, the Milk-maid gone to the field, and the Spinner at the Wheele : and the Shepheard with his Dog are going toward the Fold ; Now the Beggers rouse them out of the Hedges, and begin their morning craft ; but if the Constable come, beware the stocks : The Birds now beginne to flocke, and the Sparhawke beginnes to prey for his Ayry : The Thresher beginnes to stretch his long amies, and the thriuing Labourer will fall hard to his worke : the quicke witted braine will be quoting of places, and the cunning workman will bee trying of his skill : the Hounds begin to bee coupled for the chase, and the Spaniels follow the Faulconer to the field : Trauellers beginne to looke toward the Stable, where an honest Hostler is worthy his reward : the Souldier now is vpon discharge of his Watch, and the Captaine with his company may take as good rest as they can : In summe, I thus conclude of it : I hold it the Messenger of Action, and the Watch of Reason. Fare- well. Fiue of the Clocke. IT is now fiue of the Clocke, and the Sunne is going apace vpon his ioumey : and fie sluggards, who would be asleepe : the Bels ring to Prayer, and the streets are full of people, and the high-wayes are stored with Trauellers : the SchoUers are vp and going to schoole, and the Rods are ready for the Truants correc- tion ; the Maids are at milking, and the seruants at Plough, and the Wheele goes menily, while the Mistresse is by : the Capons and the Chickens must bee serued without doore, and the Hogges crj' till they haue their swill : the Shepheard is almost gotten to his Fold, and the Heard begiimes to blow his home through the Towne. The blind Fidler is \n^ with his dance and his song, and the Alehouse doore is \'nlocked for good fellowcs : the hounds begin to find after the Hare, and horse and foot follow after the cry : the Trauellcr now is well on his way, and if the weather be faire, he walkes with the better cheere : the Carter merrily whistles to his horse, and the Boy uith his Shng casts stones at the Crowes : the Lawyer now begins to look on his Case, and if he giue good counsel, he is worthy of his Fee : In briefe, not to stay too long vpon it, I hold it the necessity of Labour, and the note of Profit. Farewell. 14 FANTASTICKES. Sixe of the Clocke. IT is now the first houre, the sweet lime of the Mor- ning, and the Sunne at euery window calls the Sleepers from their beds : the Marygold beginnes to open her leaues, and the Dew on the ground doth sweeten the Ayre : the Faulconers now meet with many a faire flight, and the Hare and the Hounds haue made the Huntsman good sport : the shoppes in the City begin to shew their wares, and the market people haue taken their places : The SchoUers now haue their Fourmes, and whosoeuer cannot say his Lesson, must presently looke for Absolution ; The Forester now is drawing home to his Lodge, and if his Deere be gone, hee may draw after cold scent : Now begins the curst Mistresse to put her Girles to their taskes, and a lazy Hylding will doe hiu-t among good Workers : Now the Mower falles to whetting of his Sj-the, and the Beaters of Hempe giue a hoh to euery blow : The Ale Knight is at his Cup ere hee can well see his drinke, and the begger is as nimble toung'd, as if he had beene at it all day : the Fishermen now are at the Craier for their Oysters, and they will neuer lyn crying, while they haue one in their basket : In summe, not to be tedious, I hold it, the Sluggards shame, and the Laboiu"ers praise. Farewell. Seuen of the Clocke. IT is now the seuenth houre, and Time begins to set the world hard to worke : The Milke-maides in their DajTy to their Butter and their Cheese, the Ploughmen to their Ploughes and their Barrowes in the field : the SchoUers to their Lessons, the Law7ers to their Cases, the Merchants to their accounts, the Shop-men to Wliat lacke you? and euery Trade to his business : Oh tis a world to see how life leapes about the hms of the health- full : none but findes sometliing to doe : the Wise, to study, the strong, to labovu- : the Fantasticke to make loue : the Poet, to make Verses : the Player, to conne his part : and the Musitian to try his note ; euery one in his qualitie, and according to his condition, sets himself to some exercise, either of the body, or the minde : And therefore since it is a time of much labour, and great vse, I will thus briefly conclude of it ; I hold it the enemy of Idlenesse, and imployer of Industry. Farewell. Eight of the Clocke. IT is now the eight houre, and good stomackes are ready for a breakfast : The Htmtsman now calls in his Houndes, and at the fall of the Deere the Homes goe apace : Now beginne the Horses to breathe, and the Labourer to sweat, and with quicke hands, worke rids apace : Now the SchoUers make a charme in the Schooles and Ergo keepes a stirre in many a false Argu- ment : Now the Chapmen faU to furnish the shoppes. the market people make away with their ware : The Taueme hunters taste of the tother Wine, and the nappy Ale makes many a dnuiken NoU : Now the Thrasher beginnes to faU to his breakfast, and eate apace, and worke apace, riddes the Corne quickly away : Now the Piper lookes what hee hath gotten since day, and the Begger, if hee haue hit weU, will haue a pot of the best : The TraueUer now begins to water his horse, and if he were earley \'p, perhaps a bait wiU doe well. The Osteter now makes cleane his stables, and if Ghestes come in, hee is not without his welcome. In conclusion, for all 1 finde in it, I hold it the Mindes trauaUe, and the Bodies toyle. FareweU. Nine of the Clocke. IT is now the nynth hoiu'e, and the Simne is gotten vp well toward his height, and the s\veating TraueUer beginnes to feele the biulhen of his way : The SchoUer now faUes to conning of his Lesson, and the Lawyer at the Barre falls to pleading of his Case : the Soldier now makes many a wear)- steppe in his march, and the amorous Courtier is almost ready to goe out of his Chamber : The market now growes to bee full of people, and the Shopmen now are in the heat of the market : the Faulconers now finde it too bote flying, and the Huntsmen begin to grow weary of their sport : The B)Tders now take in their Nets and their Roddes, and the Fishermen send their Fish to the Market : The Taueme and the Ale-house are almost full of Guestes, and Westminster and Guild HaU are not without a word or two on botli sides : The Carriers now are loading out of Towne, and not a Letter but must bee payd for ere it passe : The Cryer now tryes the strength of his throat, and the Beareward leades his Beare home after his chaUenge : The Players Billes are almost all set vp, and the Clarke of the Market begins to shew his Office : In summe, in this houre there is much to doe, as weU in the City, as the Coimtrey : And therefore to be short, 1 wiU thus make my conclusion : I hold it the toyle of Wit, and the trjaU of Reason. FareweU. Ten of the Clocke. IT is now the tenth houre, and now preparation is to bee made for dinner : The Trenchers must be scraped, and the Napkins folded, the Salt couered, and FANTASTICKES. '5 the Kniues scoured, and the cloth layed, the Stooles set ready, and all for the Table : there must bee haste in the Kitchin for the Boyld and the Roste, prouision in the sellar for Wyne, Ale, and Beere : The Pantler and the Butler must bee ready in their Office, and the Usher of the Hall must marshall the Seruingmen : The Hawke must bee set on the Pearch, and the Dogges put into the Kennell, and the Guests that come to Dinner, must bee inuited against the houre : The Schollers now fall to construe and parce, and the Lawyer makes his Clyent either a Man or a Mouse : The Chapmen now draw home to their Innes, and the Shopmen fall to folding up their Wares : The Ploughman now beginnes to grow towards home, and the Dayry mayd, after her worke, falls to clensing of her Vessels : The Cooke is cutting soppes for Broth, and the Butler is chipping of loaues for the Table : The Minstrels beginne to goe towards the Tauemes. and the Cursed Crue visit the \7le places : In summe, I thus conclude of it : I hold it the Messenger to the stomacke, and the spirits recreation. Farewell. Eleuen of the Clocke. IT is now the eleuenth houre, children must breake vp Schoole, Lawyers must make home to their houses, Merchants to the Exchange, and Gallants to the Ordin- ary : The Dishes set ready for the meat, and the Glasses halfe full of faire water : Now the market people make towards their Horses, and the Beggers begin to draw neere the Townes : the Porrage put off the fire, is set a cooling for the Plough folke, and the great Loafe, and the Cheese are set ready on the Table : Colledges and Halles ring to Dinner, and a Schollers Commons is soone disgested : The Rich mans Guests are at Courtsey, and I thanke you : and the poore mans Feast is Welcome, and God be with you : The Page is ready with his Knife and his Trencher, and the meat will bee halfe cold, ere the Guests can agree on their places : The Cooke voides the Kitchin, and the Butler, the Buttery, and theSeruing men stand all ready at the Dresser : the Children are called to say Grace before Dinner, and the nice people rather looke then eate : the gates be lockt for feare of the Beggers, and the Minstrels called in, to bee ready with their Musicke : The pleasant \\\\. is now breaking a Jest, and the hungry man puts his Jawes to their proofe : In summe, to conclude my opinion of it, I hold it the Epicures loy, and the Labourers ease. Farewell. Twelue of the Clocke. T T is now the twelfth Houre, the Sunne is at his height, ■*■ and the middle of the day, the first course is serued in, and the second ready to follow : the dishes hauc been red ouer, and the reuertion set by : the wine beginnes to be called for, and who waits not is chidden : talke passetli away time, and when stomackes are full, discourses grow dull and heauy ; But after Fruit and Cheese, say Grace and take away : Now the Markets are done, the Exchange broke vp, and the Lawyers at Dinner, and Duke Humphreys seruants make their walkes in Patties, the Shop men keepe their shops, and their seruants goe to dinner : the traueller begins to call for a reckoning, and goes into the stable to see his Horse eate his prouender : The Plough man now is in the bottom of his Dish, and the Laborer drawes out his Dinner out of his Bagge : The Beasts of the field take rest after their feed, and the Birds of the Ayre are at Juke in the Bushes : The Lambe lies sucking, while the Ewe chewes tlie Cud, and the Rabbet will scarce peepe out of her Borough : the Hare sits close asleepe in her muse, while the Dogges sit waiting for a bone from the Trencher : In briefe, for all I find of it, I thus conclude in it : I hold it the stomacks pleasure, and the spirits wearines. Farewell. Midnight. NOW is the Sunne withdrawne into his Bedchamber, the Windowes of Heauen are shut vp, and silence with darknesse haue made a walke over the whole Earth, and Time is tasked to worke vpon the worst Actions : yet Vertue being her selfe, is neuer weary of well doing, while the best spirits are studying for the bodies rest : Dreames and Visions are the Haunters of troubled spirits, while Nature is most comforted in the hope of the morning : the body now lyes as a dead lump, while sleepe, the pride of ease, lulls the Senses of the Sloathfull ; the tired Limbs now cease from their labours, and the studious braines glue ouer their businesse : the Bed is now an image of the Graue, and the Prayer of the Faithful makes the Pathway to Heauen : Loners now enclose a mutuall content, while gracious minds haue no wicked imaginations : Theeues. Wolues, and Foxes, now fall to their pray, but, a strong locke, and a good wit, will aware much mischiefe : and he that trusteth in God will be safe from the Deuill. Farewell. The Conclusion. AND thus to conclude, for that it growes late, and a nod or two with an heauy eye, makes me feare to proue a plaine Noddy, entreating your patience till to morrow, and hoping you will censure mildly of this my Fantasticke Labour, wishing I may hereafter please your senses with a better subiect then this ; I will in the meane time pray for your prosperity, and end with the English Phrase, God giue you good night. FINIS. i6 FANTASTICKES. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Epistle-dedicatory. — Sir Marke Ive was among the large batch of knights created 23d July 1603, before the coronation of King James i. : he was son of John Ive and Frances, his wife, — the latter, buried at Boxted, Essex, having died 6th August 1597- Riuers Hall was alienated to the Baynings. See our Memorial-Introduction. LouE. — (/, 14) ' ^rtJcM ' = debaseth : (/. 1 8) ' crflt ,t(^ ' = flaw. So Shakespeare, yVt^^^wf/z/^r. The Si'RiNG. — {I. 3) ' reflexion ' = reflection ; (/. 10) * nocA-f ' = knock. Summer. — (/. 4) *fur:* usually the singing nightingale is called male : but in Barnfield, and elsewhere, both male and female: (/. 7) ' f(»«.r£>r/ '= concert : (/. g) 'run at ^(ijf' = the game of prisuner's-bars. See Strutt, s. v. : [i. 16] * vterline' -=■ a small hawk. Cf. July {/. 10) : (/. 23) */orekorse ' = foremost horse in a team. Haruest.— (/. 20) * J? owen-tat'iJ' = sprouting, or short. * Rowen ' is a field kept up till after Michaelmas, that the corn left in the ground may sprout (Tusser) : (/. 20) ' Rciriuer'=-a. kind of dog that recovers game sprung or shot. Winter.^/. 15) '.^orAiizttiy' = Machiavelli, — long a syn- onym for ^almost] Satan himself Ianuary. — (/. 9) * during' = enduring, lasting : (/. 12) ' PaHtUr'= panterer {^anetier, Fr.), the officer who has charge of the bread in a great house. So Shakespeare : ' call me pantUr and bread-chipps ' (2 Henry iv. ii. 4) : et alibi. {I. 14) 'borough'' = burrow : (/. 15) ' Cun-ier^ = quarier, — a light formed by sticking a wick into a lump of wax ,or tallow), and the reference to snaring birds by lanthom lights and nets isee Brome, etc. J : 'Lime-rod' = twig with bird-lime on it to catch birds :- (/. 30) ' Muscouia' = Russia, as in Milton : (/. 36) ^ shooing-kome' =■ a. horn for more easily drawing on shoes: here a preparative for drinking, i.e. after the salt bacon. Febru-\ry. — {I. 2) ' Cocke-stride' = short step or measure toward the zenith : (/. 4) * Paddocke' ■= a large toad or frog, the ' frog-paddock ' of Isaac Walton, later : (/. 5) ' Makes ' = mates : /. 10) ' makes the chaike "walke apace ' ^ increases the score or debt marked with ' chalk ' on the back of the ale-house door. March. — (/. 8) ' the Adder dyes,' an old superstitious belief often found in the poets on to Herbert : (/. 17) ' rneTv' = coop or cage. April. — (/. 2) ' Aer.' Cf. Summer (/. 4) and relative note: (/. 7) 'Samtnott* = salmon: Fr. saumon. Cf. 'samman' in Easter Day (//. 5. 6); (//. 10, 11) 'Cosset lamb ' = a lamb brought up by hand instead of by its dam : (/. 14) ' Porpas' =. porpoise : (/. 19) ' Sheepes eyes' = wanton looks in young maidens. May.— (/. 4) * Velnet head* = incipient horns of a stag: (/. 5) * pagged ' = young-full, — from Pag, to carry, if it be not a misprint for bagged, which is a common colloquialism for the eflfective result of intercourse: (i. 6) ' me7v.' See March {/. 17) : (/. 29) * Pescod' = pea-shell, or peas in the pod. lUNE. — (/. 4) '^ F&rke and the Rake' =^ male and female reapers : (/. 9) ' Faulcon and the Tasseir = the falcon wear- ing its ornaments: (/. 14) * greene apples^ etc. = maternal longings for, while enceinte. luLY. — (/. 9) ' /^(j?-«fr ' = dealer in horns; (/. 10) ' Spar- hawke,* etc. Cf Easter Day / 15); (A 11) * borough' ^ burrow. See January (/. 14). August.— (/. 14) 'Cockes,' viz., in betting at cock-fights: (/. 19) ' Furmenty,' also 'frumenty' and 'furmety' ^hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned. September.— (/. 18) ' Poulters ' = poulterers : (A 19) ' IVa/- flet :* evidently some locally famous oyster: (/. 22) * Porkets* = young hogs. October. — (I. 6) ' ieapes' = weals to catch fish: (/. ai) ' Balount" = balloon-play. See Strutt, s. v., and so too (/. 23) * bandy,' — both games. Nouember. — (/. 6) * nioyied' ^= toiled: (/. 7) ' Heme' ^ heron : (/. 7) ' S/tauierd,' or ' shoulere,' — a bird, the shoveller : (/. 9) ^ Cocke shoot' = net to shut in and catch woodcocks: (L 9) * Warriners' =^ keepers of warrens ; (/. 11) ' Comfit*naker' ^ confectioner, or sweet-meats maker : (/. 20) ' Goshauke' ^ a kind of hawk used in hunting : (/. 21) ' Mallard' ~ wild drake. December. — (/. 12) * Tiremakers' = head-dress makers: (I. 20) ' Tapster ' ■= drawer of beer in an ale-house ; (/. 25) ' Starchers and Launderers * = females of the laundry. Christmas Day. — {I. 13) * Pit-falles' = snares: (/. 17) ' Mutnnters' = fantastically dressed performers, as at Christ- mas, — wearers of masks, etc. Lent. — (/. 1) ' Stockfish^ — a kind of salted and dried fish : (/. 19) ' i'ct^w* ' = fort, or block-house, or defence: (/. 22) ' tttewed' = moulting. Good Friday. — (/. 8) * prickes' = skewers ; (/. 9) ' Poulters' See September (/. 18): (A 13) 'i^Km/errj' = launderers or laundresses. See December (/. 25). Easter Day. — (A 1) Jacke «3/i^'«' = lin, cease. Eight of the Clocke. — (A 11) 'A'l?//' = simpleton. Cf. The Conclusion y. 3). Nine OF the Clocks.— (A 12) ' Byrders' = snarers of birds : (A 19) ' Beareward' = keeper of bears. Ten of the Clocke.— (A 7) * Pantler.' See January (A 12) : (A 14) ' Mouse ' = nothing at alL Eleuen of the Clocke. — (A 15) ' voides' = vacates. Twelue of the Clocke. — (A 10) ' Duke Humphreys seruants.' So Hutton in ' Satyres and Epigrams ' (1619), 'Dine with Duke Humfrey in decayed Paules' (see also Donne) = go without dinner by walking up and down St. Paul's: (A 17) 'a^ yuke'=on the perch : (A 19) " borough' = burrow, as before : (A 20) ' ntuse'^=- hole in a hedge. The Conclusion.— (A 3) 'Noddy' — simpleton.— G. v From the Library of J, O. H alii we II- Phillipps, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., &c., which was bequeathed to his Nephew and Executor, Ernest E. Baker, F.S.A., January, 1889, Ak4) ::->«^ ^.^ V -■'-Wkl^ fc^ NT iV . J -^; .r^> »^ '^;- ' ■*rvl^ **< 'K^ ■^ ^: i ■*' y«