(h^^JUfjr^.^^ \^ [^oL'sfc Bill.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dec: 28, 1863.— Read first and second times, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Oi.apk] A. J3ILL To be entitled an Act to provide Ur wounded and disabled officers and soldiers an asylum to be called "The Veteran Soldiers Home." 1 Section 1 . Tht CongTe^s of the Confederate States of Amci ica do 2 CTMct, That in order to make a just and adequate provision for 3 the maintenance and comfort of officers and soldiers or seamen, 4 Avho have been or may be disabled by wounds received, or disease 6 contracted in the military or naval service of the Confederate 6 States, during the pending war. the sum of '* dollars be. and the same is hereby, appropri- 8 ated to be expended, or s(» much thereof as may be necessary, by 9 the Secretary of War. under the approval and direction of the 10 President, in the lease or purchase of some safe and suitable 1 1 location for an asylum to be called *'The Veteran Soldiers Home, 12 and for the erection and furnishing of such buildings and fixtures 13 as the probable number of inmates may render necessary ; and 2 1-4 in order that the several Confederate States and the citizens, 15 thereof, may have the opportunity of becoming identified with 16 this philanthropic and patriotic enterprise, and of participating 17 in the pleasing and grateful duty of contributing to the relief of 18 those who have perilled all, and have been disabled in the service 19 of their country. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, 20 immediately after the passage of this act, to invite the aid and 21 co-operation of said states, through the respective Governors 22 thereof, and to request the appointment of one person on behalf 23 of each State, as a manager of the institution hereby established; 24 and the several persons so appointed, shall, as soon as practicable, 25 assemble at seme time and place, to be designated by the Secre- 26 tary of War, and organize themselves into a board of managers 27 by the election of a president and other necessary officers, with 28 such compensation as the board may deem adequate, and a majori- 29 ty of the persons composing said board shall constitute a quorum 30 for the transaction of business. They shall continue in office 31 for the period of two years from the date of their appointment, 32 and until their successors are in like manner appointed, and sub- 33 ject to the general approval and direction of the Secretary, of 34 War, They shall have the management and control of said insti- 35 tution, and the power to make all requisite rules and regulations 36 therefor, including the appointment of stewards and nurses, the 37 organizing a police force and other necessary arrangements- 38 Upon their recconmeDdation and application, the proper authori- 39 lies i-hail appoint or assign for duty, at said institution, a com- 40 misfary, ^vho shall provide needful supplies for the same, on <11 Go\eument actount, end such Mugeons and assistatf^urgecnp, 42 in the pay of iht Gcvernment, as the -wants of the institutiofk may 43 require, or as ni.iy 1)0 necessary for the' skilful and succegsful 44 m;ui?gin;tnt of an infiiuiaiy, Avhich the hoard may ettahlish as a 45 pyitof ihe institution, for the benefit of all those invalids, 46 solcitis or seamen, uho n.oy need the repose snd treatment furn- 47 ii-hcd ihertin, logeiher with all other persons of said classes, 48 -whose Avounds, fum hasty field operations, require further sur- 49 gical fctttntion ; ar.d the Suigeon General shall be authorized to 61) ii] pcint the most skillful surgeons to discharge the duties of said 51 iiifiin.njy. They shall adopt such measure as they may deem 52 best fcr obtaining contribution.-^ ficm individuals desiring to aid 53 the cntirpiise, and shall preserve a registry, -which shall be kept 54 optn to public inspection, of the names of such contributors and 55 the amount contributed by each, and, also, all donations received 56 from the several state governments. 1 fc^tc. 2. Qhe funds of the institution shall be placed in the ,2 ha'nds of a trea#rer, to bo elected by the Ecard, who, before 3 assuming the duties of his cffice, shall enter into a bond and 4 sccuiit} for the laithful pufcimance theieof, -which bond shall be 5 r.ppioAed by the Ecard of ?-.'anagers, and made payable to said 6 board and their successcvs in tffce, and fcay by them, for any 7 infiacticn of the same, be put in suit in any Stale or Confederate 8 Counhavinc juiisdictio'n of the amount. The said funds, subject 9 to the gtnt)al r>]proval of the Fcciclaiy of "War, as aforesaid, 10 shall be cxp(n<\u l.y the Ecard cf Managers in the erection of 11 such Itilcbr.^s, f.xtuies snd appurtenances as may le necessary, 12 {ir.d in p)c\idirg fci svch rgiicultuial, hoiticultuial, mechanical 13 or other enplerment or pirsuit, as the -wants of the institution 14 or the comfort and reci-eation of the inmites may suf^gest. The 15 said board shall, before the asssembling of each regular sessioa 16 of Congress, submit a report of the conditioti and state of affairs 17 of the institution to the Secretary of W