ftlti- Duke University Libraries Proclamation, b Conf Pam q#144 PROCLAMATION, BY THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Montgomery. Alabama. Dec. 20. 1861. With all tlio purchases by tUe State, ami the private contributions made by individuals, our soldiers in .the fieM areiuot sufficiently supplied with clothing or blankets. And now under the proclamation of the Executive of 22nd of November, several thousand additional troops are rapidly enlisting for a march n> Tennessee and Kent ucky, under a requisition made on the State by < leneral A. S. Johnson. They must be furnished with arms, warm clothing and blankets. They go to a cold ami inhospitable climate- Will not every citizen, male and female, contrih itc to the equipment of these gallant men who arc rushing to meet the enemy, in almost countless numbers, in the great Valley of the Mississippi? Many have guns rusting in their houses, and blankets lying upon their shelves, which they can well afford to give orsell to their country. Will they uol lay them upon its bleeding altar. God have pity upon the miserly wretch who will neither fight, nor labor, nor spend his substance in the defence of his 1 ie and liberties! The big-hearted men Ol the State have contributed freelj ol ■ i/crything and in every way, and, thank God, will over respaud to the call of their country. To them I appeal for arms and blankets for our gallant troops. We want thousands of guns, and wi need tm thouxmut bVml ■•. Send all yon can give, and all you can sell, and send without delay. As nearly all the tro »ps now moving for Tennessee and Kentucky are from the valleys of North Alabama, an appeal to the patriotism of South Alabama for guns and blankets, 1 know, will not be in vain. Deliver to Col. Wm R. Pickett, A. <.». M. of Alabama, at Montgomery, or to the Judges of Probate in the several c (Unties, who will imme liately forward to him. Articles sold will be valued by competent rum. on receipt, by Col. Pickett, and the money promptly paid by him to owners or their agent-. Contributions in North Alabama, and articles for Bale, will be delivered to the Stat.' Agent, Mr. Shanklin, at Suntsvillo. JNO. G-ILL SHORTER. / far / Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5