Duke University Libraries Report of the S Conf Pam 12mo #252 DTTD7TEflTA REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE Louisiana Itnitnt-tiarj, APPOINTED TO EXAMINE THE BOOKS, ACCOUNTS AND VOUCHERS, AND ALL MATTERS CONNECTED THEREWITH, TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, BATON ROUGE: J. M. TAYLOR, STATE PRINTER. 1861. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/reportofspecialc01loui REPORT The Special Committee appointed to examine the affairs of the Louisiana Penitentiary, beg leave to report : That they have, with more than ordinary care and labor, examined the accounts and vouchers of the Lessees of the Penitentiary, embracing the term of their administration, from the commencement of their lease, on the 1st April, 1857, to the 31st of December, 18G0, and have found the same entirely correct and satisfactory. We find that the Lessees have charged to their expense account, the discount on such sums of money as they have from time to time been required, to obtain to carry on their business, but have permitted their profits to accumulate and remain entirely untouched. Your Committee also find, that the Lessees have made certain necessary improvements, and added cotton and woollen machinery to the Factory, which, although not authorized by law, your Committee are of the opinion that the charges made should be allowed and approved by the State, as these improvements and additions, as well as the borrowing of money, were absolutely necessary to carry on the business with whatever of success has attended their operations. During the existence of the lease, the Lessees have paid in cash, for the cotton and woollen machinery purchased by them, and for buildings and improvements erected, the sum of $87,252 10. Up to the 31st of Decem- ber, 1860, they have placed to the credit of machinery, for the State's share of profit resulting from their management, $45,776 83, which leaves a balance due by the State to the Lessees, of $41,475 27, represented by the machinery, buildings, and improvements paid for and erected by the Lessees. Your Committee visited the Penitentiary, and after having thoroughly examined the same in all its arrangements, arc fully satisfied that, for humane treatment, morally and physically, of its inmates, for admirable dis- cipline, and internal management generally, it Avould be impossible to bring it to a greater degree of perfection. The Lessees have evidenced by their management, that they consider and have a proper regard for the comfort ' 4 and well-being of the unfortunate people committed to their charge ; and for the success that has attended their efforts to ameliorate the condition of the prisoners, and to promote the objects, and carry out the purpose for which institutions of this kind are established, it is but just that your Com- mittee should thus speak of their administration, and accord to them, in this manner, their approbation. Your Committee, acting in joint conference with the Committee on the part of the Senate, have united in presenting a bill in reference to the future administration of. the Penitentiary, and having for its objects a full settlement with the Lessees of the amount due them by the State, without any disbursement from the Treasury, which they believe to be just and equitable, alike to the Lessees and to the interest of the State, and recom- mend its passage. WILLIAM J,. KNOX, Chairman of the Committee. peanulife* P H 8.5