r #13 Duke University Libraries Notice to judic Conf Pam q#19 D t H027013* NOTICE TO JUDICIAL OFFICERS TAKING TESTIMONY IN CASES OF SLAVES ABDUCTED OR HAREORED BY THE ENEMY, AND OF OTHER PROPERTY SEIZED, WASTED, OR DE- STROYED LY THEM. 1. The owner of slaves abducted or harbored by the . or of other property seized, wasted or destroyed by them, shall ownership and of loss by such abdi be not living, or if laboring under the legal disability of infancy, insanity or coverture, then the legal representative <>f Buch owner shall make affidavit of ownership and loss <«r injury. •ted or harbored by the enemy, or of other property seized, t II, if living, either by himself or attorney, mike affidavit of / on, harboring, seizure, waste or destruction ; if the owner * 2. In no case will the affidavit of the owner, attorney or legal representative be taken as evidence of the fact of loss, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the judicial officer taking the same that no other and better evidence can be obtained, which fad shall distinctly appear in the certificate of such officer ::. The judicial officer shall reduce to writing the oral evidence offered in support of the alleged ownership and loss or injury; and the evidence thus reduced to writing, together with the affidavits taken by him, shall be transmitted by him to the Secretary of State within thirty days from the day of hearing. I. The judicial officer shall state in his certificate whether the evidence so heard and trans- mitted is or is not entitled to credit. 5. Evidence shall also he taken, or affidavit made, and transmitted with the other evidence, showing the state or i ountry of which the owner alleging loss or injury was a citizen at the time. of such loss or injury and at the time of offering evidence or making affidavit, G. In ease the Department should be required to furnish cert i fie papers filed, the charge for furnishing the same, as established by law, will !>>• ti a ■ ery hundred words of copy. \VM \\ BROWNE, Acting Scrctary of Stale Department of State, Richmond, Oct. 25. 1S01. . RV2 peRTTUllfe* pH8.5