cv> r #313 Duke University Libraries Report of the A Conf Pam #313 DTTDEED71U REPORT ATT( >"R X K V GENERAL Department of Justice, t Richmond, April lb, 1804. \ To the President Sir: There are several matters** hich concern this Department, winch I beg leave to call your attention. The delay in the publication of the acts of Congress*, in pamphlet form, is felt to he an evil. The fourth section of act No. 203, ap- proved oth August, I86J, requires the printing, in such case, to be executed by the Public Printer. I have been informed that his office, under the exigencies of the tunes, is inadequate to the simultam execution of the different classes of work required of him. But, whatever may be the the de.lav is undeniable, and, the law should, therefore, be so amended as to allow a contract toBe o with another office to publish the acts in that form, in the same man- ner, and upon the same term's, as now required and allowed. In this connection, it may be stated, that the printing, of the provisional and permanent Constitutions, and of the acts and resolutions and treaties. of the provisional Government, authorized by the act of the 1 7 th February, 1802, has not been completed. The same* causes which delay the publication, in pamphlet form, of the acts of each session. have delayed the publication in this case The printing, however, is now, after a lapse of about two years, nearly finished, and it is hoped, that in a few weeks, the work will be ready for delivery. The act provides only for binding the volumes in calf, which it authorizes to be postponed until after'the war. It makes no express provision for the distribution of the volumes when bound, and it would be well to have a few copies bound in a*hcap and substantial form for distribu- tion amongst tbc officers of the Government. The limited distribu- tion of the acts of each session, iu pamphlet form, is also felt to be an evil. One copy should be sent to the county court of each county, fur the use of the people ; copies should be sent to the supreme court and Attorney (Jpneral of each State; a larger number should b« allowed to the War.and Navy Departments; a • ild be Sent to each districl court commissioner, and additional co] ii allowed to the marshals for distribution amongst their deputi A." X '. 372. approved 2jlth January, 1862, requires a district judge, when requested ;e with the judge Listrict. When such c ■ ■ >ly upon either pai . ord to a judge <•• • of the motioi the I . idence that the case can!. . in which it is pendin Tl for 1 aymerit of the travelling efcpen s, when I and it lias been - wh'ethei >f the Congv the United 18 i '. which makes such provision, is in fori taps it would be better, therefore., to amend the law iii this respect. The act of the 2 •. I861, Qg this* Department, makes it the duty of the^Attortiey General, " to give his advice and opiu ms of law, when required by the President of the by any of the heads of depart- concern their departments, on lajrassment is felt, at times, for the want ry in the examination of questions thus sub- d. A few books presented to the Department by the* several States, and a few hooks turned over to committee appointed to make a statutory digest t with a copy of the United States tutes* at Large, constitute the library. An appropriation for the purchase of bo asked by 6no of my predecessors, but none has been made. There are good libraries in the States, which be- i lawyers, who h*ve lost their lives in the military service of the Government, several, or either of which, I doubt not, could be bought on reasonable terms, i recommend, therefore, that an appropriation of ten thousand* dollars be made for the purchase of. books for the Department. 1 beg leave to call attention to the accompanying report of the •Superintendent of Public Printing. GEORGE DAVIS. Attorney General. y peanulife* pH8.5