r #63 TO THE VOTERS OP tub County of Guilford, at Homo and in the Army. Fellow Citizens I have already announced myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff" in the County of Guilford, at the election on the 4th of August. Circumstances over which I have no control will make it impossible for me to canvass the County. My duties as War- den of the poor, and as Commissioner to distribute food to soldiers' families require my constant presence at home, for I have the care of 45 families of soldiers with other poor families. Beside this, my own private business as a farmer demands my daily oversight in this busy season. I regret my inability to meet the people, the less from the fact that I am personally known to most of the voters ot the County. Neither do I suppose that the good people of Guilford in this time of grief and suffering are disposed to be ha- rangued for their votes. While I shall stay by my duties, and quietly await your de- cision, I deem it proper to set before my fellow-citizens the reasons that have induced me to become a candidate. 1 am a candidate on the repeated solicitations of many of the most worthy citizens of the different parts of the County who are of the opinion that the office of Sheriff should not remain too long in one man's hands — it beina an office of considerable profit it should after short terms pass into the hands of new incumbents —they believe that the present Sheriff has held the office sufficiently long to satisfy a proper regard for rotation in office. Others of my fellow-citizens desire a change in this office, because they wish a Sheriff who shall more fully meet the views and wishes of many of the people in the conduct of an office so important to their welfare. Be- lieving it to be the duty of every true man, and of every good citizen to hold his ser- vices subject to the call of his tellow-citizens, I felt that I had no right to refuse to be- come the candidate of those who think that a change in the Sheriff of our county is de- sirable. I am now before the people of ray county and solicit their votes I only ask your calm, unprejudiced decision. i feel grateful for past favors at the hands of my fellow-citizens. I believe in the rights and authority of the people. If you elect me to this responsible place i shall hold myself to be the Sheriff of the People. I shall not become the official of a clique or of a party— I shall discharge all the duties of my office as promptly, faithfully, justly and kindly as shall be in my power. Forget me not in August. Very truly Yours, W. M. MEBANE. July lli-n, ] 60*. TV Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/tovoterso lintyOOmeba peomalife* P H 8.5