^■"*" $ IBtUtam: * THE WILLIAM R. PERKINS LIBRARY OF DUKE UNIVERSITY I » ■I ■ (2/ A N EXPOSITION WITH Pra&icall Obfervations CONTINUED UPON The Thirty Second , the Thirty Thirds and the Thirty Fourth Chap- ters of the Booke of *c/> '<' #/&& I N G The Subftance of Forty-nine Ledures 3 delivered at Magma ncare the Bridge, London. By Joseph Caryl, Preacher of the Gofpel, and P aft our of the Congregation there, ~Pro: 18. ij7 He thai x fir ft in his oxene caufe^feemcthjuft 3 but his neigh- bour cometh and fearcheth him. LONDON; .Printed for HI. Simmons^ and are to be fold by Thomas Parkier ft at his Shop at the three Crownes sgairslt the great Conduit j at the lower end of Cheap-fide. 1661. h *&& 3t 4 ic A I» A A & * A 4 *A A A A^Stgk^&^A^Ajfj^r&Ss^SairA TO THE CHRSTIAN READER, T O Thofe efpecially of this C i t i e, who yet continue helpfull towards this W O R K E. S I K S 5 *~H fcd«z/e had (according to my poore nteafure) the whole dif- mutation between Job and his bree friends, Ekphzz, Bildad d Xo^h^r, explicated in mnQ parts already publijhed; J now i j ing and good hand of God with we) } ■ j v ith the Tenth :, which indeed, without any depgne orpre-intent of mine, proves likg the Tenth wave from the the common good throw- ing that it is both my duty and Intercfl to fljew the J mall improvement though but of one Jingle talent } rather then, either through float h or fla- vijh modejiy to hide it in a Napkin. In the prefatory Epiftle to the fe con dp art of this book^there was an endeavour of a difcovery concerning the diJiinSi opinion of Tobs thr m * friends, as alfo of what himf ' infjied upon all along in diftin And now that I have done witt on both fides by the difputan open the difcourfe of Elihu „■ Modci ator to give a determ Great QueJiion,fo long vent it a .*»m ', it may feeme fomewhat necejjt ^ am much perfwaded'jfin any competency attained)it will not be unprofitable, to give The Reader a brief e projpeEt of what Elihu ay met h at and doth in this his large and accurate difcourfe, continued in fixe Chapters throughout and divided into (befides his Gener all preface which takes up the whole thirty fecond Chapter J foure remarkeable fe&ions. Elihu To the Chriftian Reader. Elihu is introduced by the pen- man of this booke in a great paffion , both with Job and his three friends y and he gives ws an account why he was in fuch a he ate ofpajfion with both (chap: 32.2,3.} Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu jagainft Job was his wrath kindled , becaufe he had juftified himfelfe rather then God. Alfo againft his three friends was his wrath kindled , becaufe they had found no anfwer, and yet had condemned Job. It remaines therefore , that Elihu was the man, who found an an fwer in this great difficulty and yet condemned not Job. And indexed he condemned him not (as his friends had done) as a man imper- fect &* crooked in his w ayes, as a man that feared not God &ef chewed not evilljn or for thefe things Elihu didnot condemne J ob jhougb his wrath was handled again fl him : he condemned him only for this Jbecaufe he complained fo much of the fever ity of Gods dealings with him, andfo, by confeqitence juftified himfelfe rather then God. And in that poynt or for that fault he fparedhim not Jout repro- ved him asfharply and condemned him as deeply as his friends had done upon other and thofe(mofl of them) undue and infufficient grounds. Thm we read his cenfure of him ( chap .-54. 35. ^ob hath fpoken without knowledge, and bis words were without wifdome. Andagaine (^chap: 35. 16. ) There- To the Chriftian Reader. Therefore Job openeth his mouth in vaine, he multiplyeth words without knowledge \ tbatisy without a chare knowledge of himfelfe both as a creature and at a firmer , as alfo of the defigne and pnrpofe of God in afflicting mm. Now, be fides thofe paff ages in the difcourfe of Elihu wherein he chargeth Jobs three friends with folly for condemning Job when they could not anfwer him,&> thofe wherein he reproves Jobs ignorance or want of \nowledge ,f or wondringhow fu ch great evillsjhonld fall upon him , notwith- standing his integrity Jihgwife his boldnefs orpe- remptorinefs in his own caufe^ jnjtifying himfelfe rather then God.yea and de firing to pie ad bis canfe before hint \ I fay be fides thefe paff ages, we atfrft reading might conclude lhat Elihu did nothing elfe througJjoHt thefe fix chapters , but enlarge or para- phrafe upon thofe things > which had long before been fpoken to by Eliphaz , Bildad, and Zophar, and by Job himfelfe as much as by any of if not be- yond all thrm three. But upon further confederation of the matter in the whole feries and contexture of his difcourfe we may coUeSl two things, infianced in and infifled on by Elihu alone -, upon which his particular opinion and fentence is grounded in diflin&ionfrom all the rzfi+The cleare nnderfianding of which » 3 will lead us To the Chriftian Reader. us to a f aire folution or removall of thofe doubts which arife about the queflion or matter in debate. The two diftinB poynts produced by Elihu, are? Firji? about Revelation? or how God is pleafed to manifeft his mind and will to man. Secondly? about Mediation^ or the me anes which God hath graci- oufly afforded man toheale thofe breaches? which fin hath made between God and him? and fo either frftly 9 or afrefh to reconcile man againe to him f elf e. The Former ofthefe is handled^ chap.- 3 3 . v. 1 ^ 1 5, 16,17. J) For God fpeaketh once, yea twice, though man pcrceiveth it not. in a dream, in a vi- fion of the night, when deepe fleepe faHeth upon men: Then he openeth the eares ot men,and ieal- eth their inftruction, that he may withdraw man from his purpofe,and hide pride from man. And thm? as it is f aid in the c. Hence the opinion or determination of Elihu may be thus conceived. That.notwithjianding all the confufions and clif- orders which feeme to be in the affaires of this world, the providence of God over mankinde in Generally and his great mercy towards the righte- ous in fpeciall , is feene moji eminently in thefe two things., FirJIJn that he infpires them with the knowledge of heavenly things^ or acquaints themfome way or other with his mind .both as to the meaning of what he doth to them^ and of what he would have them doe. Secondly y ln that heprovideth and fends them a meffenger or mediatour both to injirucl them in their duty,& to pray for mercy ,andfo confequent- Vy to deliver them^hen their foule draweth ncere to the Grave, and their life to the deftroyers. Both thefe gracious difpenfations of God are proper to righteous men-, or at leafl appropriate to them in a peculiar manner ; the righteous are the men To the Chriftian Reader. men for whom God provides a mejfenger or media* tour , and the righteous are the men whom God fa- vingly and effetinally infpires with the know- ledge of his will , in the things which concerns both their prefent worke and future reward. Nei- ther hath Satan any power fo to darken their under- (landings about thofe great things as to make them mifcarry\and as for all his other mischievous plots and practices againft them , they ferve to a cleane contrary purpofe then he intendeth , according to that moft comfortable affertion of the Apoftlc CRom: 8. 28. ) We know that all things work together for good to them that love God,to them who are the called according to his purpofe. Satan provoked God for a licence to heape out- ward calamities upon Job in f ripping him naked of his worldly fubftance^ and in tormenting his bo- dy with grievous paines and ficknefs ; which lat- ter Elihu profecutes at large (chap: 33. 19, 2 o 3 21, 22.) He is chaftned alfo with paineupon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with ftrong paine \ fo that his life abhorrcth bread, <&c. And what hefpeakes of ficknefs is applicable to any or all forts ofaffliSlion ; in all which (as it is fayd y v. 27,28,29, 30. ) God looketh upon men , and if any fay I have finned and perverted that which is right, and it profitcth me not j he will deliver his a foule To the Chriftian Reader. fouleirom going into the pit, and his lite (hall fee the light. Lo 5 all thefe things vvorketh God oftentimes with man , to bring back his foule from the pit ; to be cnlightned with the light of the living. From thefe premifes wenuy collet} both what is proper to the righteous ; and that, in what foederis common to them with the wicked, there is neither dif order nor confufion. For though the beji of the righteous are lyable to the fame outward ewills which the worft of the wicked are,yet their condi- tion is not the fame \ feeing to the wicked thofee- wills are purely punifhments ,&> but the beginning ofthofeforrows which jh all newer end;whereas to the righteous they are either but chaftifements for fome fin already committed, or medicaments to pre- vent the committing either of the fame, or of fome other fin. An das for ihofe who byfuch chaftnings are brought to a fight of their fins and for fake them, their foules are ( by this meanes , v. 30. ) brought back from the pit to be enlightned with the light of the living. This poynt is yet more fully and plainly prof ecu- ted by Ehhu in the 36 th chapter ; where he inform- eth us, how fufferings are differently to be comet- wed of according to a threefold difference oftheper- fons fuffering. The frfi,and chief e,h ofthofe,who are. To the Chriftian Reader. are truely righteous and keep clofe to God in righ* teons rv ayes .the fecond is ofthoje who being right* teons in their flate have fallen fonlely in their way, with whom we may alfo reckon fitch as are yet in an unrighteous flate^yetjhall be and at laji are con* werted and brought home to God. The third is of thofe who perfevere and obflinately continue in their wielded ftate and wayes, flopping their eares, and hardning their hearts ^both againfl inflruBion and correction. Elihu feemeth to put all thefe together (v. 5 , 6. ) Behold God is mighty and defpifeth not any , he is mighty in ftrength and wifdome,he prefer veth not the life of the wicked, but giveth right to the poo re. More diflinSHy, Hefpeakj ofthefirfl (v-J.) He (that isfiod) with-draweth not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings are they on the throne, yea, he (doth eftablifh them for ever^, and they are exal- ted. Hefpeakes of ihe fecond fort v.8,9, io 3 1 1 . And if they be bound in fetters and holden in the cords of affliction, then he fheweth them their workeand their iniquity, that they have exceed- ed. He openeth alfo their eare to difcipline,and commandcth that they return from iniquity, &-c. a 2 He To the Chriftian Reader. He /peaces of the third fort (v. I 3,1 4.) But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath \ they cry not ^hen he bindeth them \ they dye in youth , and their life is among the uncleane. Thefe three forts of men are dealt with by God according to their hjnd. The laji of them being altogether wicked and incorrigible , abide under •wrath for ever. The fecond being in an evill jiate or having done that which is evilly yet humbling themfelves (through grace) and being bettered by their afflicti- ons, are ufually reftored to aprofperous eft ate in this life,&> in cafe they dy under affliStion^are al- wayes crowned with the blejfednefs of eternal life. The Firft fort^walkjng conftantly (humane frail- ties excepted J) in their nprightneffe , are not only preferved in peace y but receive high favours and fpeciall marines ef honour from the bountiful I hand of God j which is true^ ejpecially according to the condition of thofe times , wherein God did more engage him f elf e to his faithfull fervants in pro- mifes of temporall happinefs , then now he doth in Gofpel times. And yet even the fe, as now tiey are not y fo then they were not alwayes exempted from fufferings j For as the fecond fort rf rigfiteous men are often ajjliSledin a way of chaftifement for their fins 3 To the Chriftian Reader. fo the Lord referves to himfelfe a liberty (bis So- veraignty allowing it ) to afjliSl the beji and bo* lieU ofhisfervants for the try all of their graces, $r the magnifying of bis owne grace to them and in them,as a Mafta of Heroick Arts and Games im- pofeth a very laborious t as \up on his Schollar- Champion, not as a punijhment of any default,but to confrme his ftrength and exercife his valour. The due confideration of all thefe things layd to- gether by Elihu, might well fat is fie Job , andfu- Jtaine his faith in a patient bearing the burden of all thofe calamities , which the Great and moft wife God was flea fed to impofe upon him , and likewife convince him that he hadfayled much in giving out fo many impatient complaints about them. And no doubt they prevailed much with him, both towards his conviction , and the quiet- ing of bis heart under thofe difpenfations -, For we heare no more of him in that language. Tet Elihu thought he had not done enough, but continuethhis difcourfe, and draweth a further demonftration for his purpofe , from the wonder- full workes of God in nature, from the raine , thunder, f now, windes, Sec. which he doth from the 27 th verfe of the 36 th Chapter 5 to the end of the 37 th » and with that concludes bis an~ fwer*. To the Chriftian Reader, The [cope of Elihu in that Ion" and learned Phi- lojophicall Le&ure was to teach and affnre 7ob, that-, God who caufeth and difpofeth thofe vari- ous alterations and terrible impreffions in the ayre, both for the humbling and benefiting of man , doth much more both fend and over -rule all thofe chan- ges f&> afflictions which befall the fons ofmenjjere on earth so humble them & do them good. And fur- ther to affnre him, that if man be not able to give a fatisfying reafon of thofe worses of God in na- ture, but is often gravel'd and forced to fit downe in afilent admiration-, then furely man is much leffe able, tofathome the depth of Gods pnrpofes in all the ivorkes of his providence, but mnfl in many of them only jit downe quietly andfubmit^For (as Elihu concludeth fromthej epremifes ("Chap: 37. 2 $i2£* )Touchingthc Almighty we cannot find him out, he is Excellent in power and in Judge- ment, and in plenty of Juftice he will not af- flift, (either can fele fly or more then needs, though we feldome fee the caufes or acknowledge the need of his affli&ions ) men doe (that is, they ought ) thereiore leare him ; and if any are jo proud and high in their owne thoughts that they doe not, at their per ill be it , for ) he refpeð not any that are wile in heart j that is , as the carnal wif dome of worldly men cannot be a barre^ To the Chriftian Reader. fo the true wifdome of godly men is no privi- led^e a^ainjl the Soveraigne power of God in af- tti&ingthem. And therefore Job , though tritely wife in heart, waft not looke for any fitch re- fpeti from God as to be untoucht by or priviledgd from affiSlion. For the clofe of all^wemay fumme up the whole fcope of Elihu '.$ under-taking with Job , yea of the whole Book? °fj°^ * n thefe fix poynts or proportions. FirH $ No man can ftand before God in his owne perfonall righteoufnefs. Secondly i How righteous foever any perfon *r, yet Hie Lord may ajjliSl and breakg him in what way and in what degree himfelfc thinhgs 'thirdly , God hath mofl wife and gracious aymes inajflii\ing his righteous fervants. Fourthly , His moH righteous fervanls may not ta\\e the liberty to complaine as if they were wrong d , or as if God were either rigorous or tin* righteous in the leafl, how much or how long fo* ever they are ajfliSled. ■Fifthly ^ There is nothing gotten by complain- ing or flriving under the affili&ing hand of God ; and therefore Sixthly y 'tis beU form or our wifeUway when : To rhe Chriftian Reader. when ihiugs are at worll with us to give glory to God both as juU and good, and ( poffe fling our foulcs with patience) by faith to waite in hope , till he giveth us afrejh experience of his goodneffe, eytherby fweetning our troubles to us, and fupporting us under them, or by bringing us out of them ( as he did Job) in the fittest fea~ fon. If in pernfing this difcourfe of Elihu we carry thefe generall refults in our eye y we jhall read both the Text and Comment with more clear enefle in our under fiandings at all times, and with more profit ( when at any time under them ) in our chaflenings y which , that we all may is the prayer 4>f Your affe&ionate Servant The 24th of the in this worke of" Chrift 3d Moneth 1 6 6 1. Joseph Caryl. A N EXPOSITION WITH Pra&icall Obfervations UPON The Thirty-lecond^Thirty-third, and Thii tv-fourth Chapters of the Book oi IOK JOB, Chap. 32. Verf. i, 2,3. e?p fj&e/e J^ree »*£« ceaftd to anfwer Job , becaufe hs teas righteous in his own eyes. Then was kindled the wrath of hltlw the f on ofBara* chelthe Buzitc of the kindred of Rim : agar nit Job was his wrath kindled \hzcauft kzjttjlified bitn* jelfe rather then God. Mfo againft his three friends was his wrath kindled : - becaufpthev had found no anfwer ^ and yet had con- "ie hft Chapter ended with thefe words, The words of 'job are ended; the beginning of this tells us his three friends had. ended theirs. ,5o thefe three men ce.rfed to anfrer fob ; Thus we have had the whole diipute between J^ and his three friends ; Now followeth the de- termination of it. The difpmants having done, *in ; Firft Eiihu , and afcer him God himfelfe* B Elthu Chap. 32. An Expejition upon the Bool^ of J o b. Verf. 1 Shhu fpends fix whole Chapters in delivering his mind upon this Controverfie ; yet he makes fome paufes and overtures , moving or inviting Job to a reply. But Job inrerpcfed not a word. We may consider this whole difcpurfe of JLl'.hu in fouje cji- ftindt parts ; the firft contained in the 3 zd and 33d Chapters, the fecond in the 34th, the third in :he 3 5th, and the fourth in the 30^ and 37th Chapters of this Book. In the firft part, he direð his fpsech ; firft to Jobs three friends, in this 3 2d Chapter > Secondly , to Job himfelfe in the 33 d. In this Chapter we may confider , firft a'rationall tranfition from the difpste between Job and his friends, to this difcourfe of Elihu, in the five firft verfes ; Secondly, we have a very Rhetori- call or pacheticall Preface, 'wherein Elihu endeavoureth togaine attention by giving an account, or the reafons of his undertaking, in which he interweaves many Apologies for himfelfe, in ventu- ring upon fo hard a taske, refpecting both his youth, and the weight of the argument.. He amplifies and continueth upon this •fubjeel: to the end of the 3 2d Chapter; wherein he engageth himfelfe by folemne promife to carry on the bufineffe without re- fpect of perfons, without feare or flattery. Yet more diftinclly in this firft part,The tranfition; firft, a rea- fon is affigned why Jobs friends left off fpeaking. <>/is it is net good to begin to Jpeak^-, fo neither to give over jp easing, till we fee and, can give a reafon for it • The reafon here given, is, becaufe Job was righteous in his own eyes ( v. 1 . ) Secondly, a reafon is gi- ven not only why Elihu did begin to fpeak, but why he began to fpeak as he did, /« 4/?^; firft, againft Job, which islaiddowne in the fecond verfe, Becaufe \he juftified himfelfe rathr then God ; Secondly, againft his friends ( ver. 3. ) Becauj " *no anfvter^ yet had condemned Job, or, becaufe * though they could not confute him. In the 4th ^ have a difcovery of the caufeof Elihu s model long to fpeak, which he further inla.-geth in of the Chapter. Verf. 1 . So thefe three men ceafed to anjwi They who had tnaintained the difpute all refted, orfate downe. When men fpeak the* Chap. 32. An Expfit'w upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 1. 3 or (land forth. The word in the Hebrew may be rendred thus ; They fabbatiz,ed, implying they had found ic a week of hard work, Vsrbum ipfum and ftrong labour in dealing and tugging with Job • And now as if TO® jndic* their feventh day or Sabot h were come, they fate downe and took ^S,™^ their re#. Speaking, efpecially arpiing and difpucing with ^ nem difpmatio knowing'and refolved adverfary , is tough worke ; And they who n n ptterita have been at it to purpofe, may for very vvearinefle have caufee - #r ingentsm nough to reft or take their Saboth ; fo did thefe three men, they vimpo/hamm cealed or fabbatiz'd from aniwering Job. S«"X. We may yetifurther enquire, why did they ceafe ? Firft,fome Pined; men ceafe to anfwer, becaufe they have no more to anfwer. Se- condly, others ceafe te anfwer, becaufe they fuppofe rhey have anfwered enough already, and will anfwer no more. Some lay the former was the reafon why Jobs three friends cealed to anfvver, they had no more to anfwer ; Others take the latter,thac they had nomind,no will to giveany further anfwer .Buc the reafon e:»pr?;'- fed in the text ( which fhould fatisfie us and fuperfeei further queries ) is, Became he was righteous m his owne eyes. As if it had been faid, Becaufe they f aw they had done no good upon htm> Job kept his ground a>-d maintained his fiandfng, he de- puted every inch with them, and yetlded not an inch • as they found him at firftjfo he was at lafl , they f aw him a man immovtabh fet , downe tn his owne purpofe and opinion , and therefore, becaufe they could get nothing by fyeaki'n^ they would feak, no more. *Tis but hsi labour ■, ( as we fay ) to waflo the Blackraore. The conft ancy and warmih of Job in defending himfelfe they judged obftinacy and a humour to oppofe, or but thefwelling of a* proud fpirit ; whereas indeed it was the love cf truth, not of contention, a zeale to doe himfelfe right, not to doe them Wrong, which caufed him ftiil to hold up the Bucklers, and adhere fo ftirfely to his owne opinion. Thus deipayring to convince or bring him to an ac- knowledgement, that he was unrighteous, they ceafed. Becaufe he was righteous in-his owne eyes. That's fuch ancther forme of fpeaking (Pro. ;. 7.) Be not wife in thine owne eyes ; As alfo that ( Pro. 16. 12.) Seeft thou a man tfife in his ewne conceit, there is more hope of a fool then of hinu. B 2 You 4 Chap. 32. An Expofrtion kfon the Btol^of Job. Verf. 1 Youmayeafier reduce a man that is indeed ignorant", then him that thinks himielfe very wife, or knowing, but is not. This was the app:ehenficu of Jo&f friends concerning him, He was a mar. ( thought they and to they faid ) righteous in hid mne ejes. There are three forts ofLrigliteous perfons, Firft, fuch as are righteous in the eyes of Coa, and lb the Godly are under a two- fold nodon 4 Firft, as being pardoned for or juftihed from their unrighteouiheiTe, through faith in Chrift; BleiTed are they who are thus accounted righteous in the eyes of God. Secondly, they are righteous, as avoyding unrighteous, and doing righteous things. There is a feed a principle of righteoulneile in perform juiiihed and regenerated, which dayly puts it ielre forth in riga- teous agings ; He that doth right eotifnejfe is righteous ( 1 joh: 3. 7. ) He is fo> both as- to. his ftaie, and as to his actions, in the eyes of God and good men. Secondly, Many are righteous in the eyes of men , they have fa ire appearances and out-lides ; you can read nothing amiiie in their converfation, yet they are unrighteous, yea altogether un- righteous in the eyes of God, yea and poifibly in their owne too ; They cannot but fee their own wickednelTe, though they can con- •ceale it from the fight of others. Hypocrites are like painted Se- pukhers, faire without ( as Chrift ipake of the Pharilees ) but within full of rottennefle. They feeme that to men which God ieeth they are not;They can thew their beft fide to and hide their worft from men, but they cannot play this game with God; he feeth their beft is bad, becaufe it is but the covering, not the ha- ting, not the mortifying of that which is bad. Thirdly , There is another fore who are righteous in their own eyes ; fuch Splomon defcribes ( Prov. 30. 1.2. ) There is a gene- ration that are -pure in their tnv'ie cyes y and yet. is notwajhed from their filthixejfe. Thefe have a great opinion of themfelves ; They think all is right and well with them, when indeed they are fil- thy and uncleane, their hearts being yet unchanged, though their waves are fmoothed ; and though they may have left off to doe many fil'hy things, yet they are not wafhed from their filthinefle. The text in hand puts Job into this third fort of righteous men. But was it thus with him ? I anfwer ; Firft, Job was a man righ- teous in the eyes of God, in both the notions mentioned j he was righteous as juftified and righteous as fan&tfied. Secondly, Cjiap. 32. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 1. ,-5 Job was a man righteous in the eyes of many men ; for he faith ( Chap. 29. 11.) The cat rvh cjo heard we blcffed me, and the eye which jaw me gave vitxtfte. tome ; yet Job had not an univeriall testimony given by men ; There' were fome, 1 cannot fay many, in whole eyes he was unrighteous ; He was to in the eyes and opinion or his friends efpecially. Though none could, as to the eye, tax job with any unrighteouihefie, no not they who doubc- lelle had lifted his life to the bran , yet his friends thought him unrighteous, and he (tood judg'd as unrighteous in their eye. As for the third fort of righteoufnefle, that of being righteous in our owne eyes we muft diliinguifh ; jib was indeed righte- ous in hisowne eyes, in a good fence, and that under a twofold consideration ; Firit, as not having committed any grofsorfcan- dalous acl of wkkedneffe , as he profeiled at large and with much confidence in that apologie and vindication which he made for himfelfe in the Chapter foregoing ; where he calls downe the fevereft judgements of God upon himfelfe, if be had done fuch things as he was fufpe&ed of, efpecially if he had defiled him- felfe with thofe common polutions of the world, wantonneile, in- justice and opprefllon. Job flood upon it that he was thus righte- ous. Secondly, job was righteous in his owne eyes, as to the al • lowing of himfelfe in any the leaft fin or unevennefie , either c.' hearc or life ; Thus much his protection or imprecation amoum ; to in the 3 3d verfe of that Chapter; // 1 hAve covered my traxy- qrejfwns as Adam , by hdixg mwe iniquity in my bo fome ; As if h'.i Sad faid, I have nor lived in the love of any fin whatfoever. Thus job was righteous in his owne eyes, protecting to God and bet fore men, that as he was not feandaloufiy wicked in any kinde, fo he was not clofely nor hypocritically wicked ; every hn \tas his burden, and the abhorrence of his foule. In any other fence Job was far from being righteous in .his owne eyes ; He never either laid or thought he had done no evilf, ©r was altogether fin-lefle, like white paper without blot or blur ; yea we very often find him confeffing his fins and failings (Chap. 7. 20. ) I have finned*, ■whatfhall I doemtothee- thottpreferver of men ? He rnaketb a like acknowledgement ( Chap. 9. 2. ) I know it. is fo of a truths bat how fhall mar, be jafl with God ? If he will contend with him , he cannot an fwer him one of a thoufand. Againe ( per. 20. ) If I ju~ ftifie my felfe^my month fhalicondemne mc : If I fay I am psrfeil^ it 6 Chap. 32.- An Ex\ wptlon upon the Bsol^of J B. Verf..i. it fball alfo prove me perverfe. And t \vhile he affirmes the general! vicioufneile of nature, he muft needs imply his owne ( Chap. 1 5. 14. J what is man that he fhouldbecleane ? and he which t-s borne »fa woman, that he flottld be righteous ? Behold he puiteth w trufi m his Saints, yea the heavens are not cleane in his fight, how much more abominable and filthy is man ? In this univeriali conclulion, • he incltidcth himfelfe, therefore 'job was far from being righteous in his ovvne eyes in any proud opinion of his owne rightecuinefie or freedome from any itaine of fin. So much for the opening of thofe words, containing the reafon why his friends cealed to an- fwer ,* Because be was righteous in his owne eyes. It was the defigne of thefe three men not only to convince Job that he was a (inner, but to bring him upon his knees as a no- torious (inner ; And yet all their allegations and arguments could not bring him to it ; My right eoufneffe ( faid htjChapt. 27. 6\ ) / hold fa ft, / will not let it goe. Now, when they faw him thus re- folded and ftiffe in maintaining the goodnefle of his caufe, and the integrity of his fruit, they quitted the bufmefle, or as the tQXt faith, ceafed toanfwrr. Hence note ; We ceafc to doe when we cannot attaine our end m doing, ImpcfflbiUum^ when we fee it is in vaine to perfwade, we give over perfvva- Item. C °" dingi Defpayre of working our end, puts an end to our working. Induftry is at a ftand, yea withdraweth when impoffibilities ap- peare. And though nothing be impofllble unto God, yet we find Godhimfelfe giving over both fpeaking and fmiting when he feerh he is like ro doe no g^od by eyther. Thus he exprefleth hisputpofe ( I fa. 1.5.) when he had {pent many rods of fore 'Judgements. & afflictions upon that people, when he had liricken them till, from the crewne of the head, to the fole of the feete, they were nothing but a continued wound, and yet they received not correction ; he prefently reafons thus^fVhy fhouldyebeflnchen any more, ye will revolt mote and rmre. As if he had faid, The end why 1 (mote yon was to amend yon , to bring you home to my felfe, to caufe you to turne bach^, or returne from your evill wayes, but I fee I have loft my labour, and ff en t not only my rods but my. f cor- pious in vaine upon you, therefore I w'rll e'eafe from this kind of work, , why fkonldye be ftricken *ny rfon y ye- will revolt more and more. And Chap. 32. e/4" Bxpofition upon the Bocl^ of Job. Verf. 1. 7 — — — _ |j And when God hath fpoken long to a people who regard it nor, he ceaieth to fpeak any more, but faith, Why iTiould ye be taught any more ? Let the Prophets tongue cleave to the roof of his mouth, let him be dumb and filent, as the word 13 ( £2^.3.26.) Thoufhalt be dumb, and (halt not be a reprsver ( why )for they are a rebellious houfe. After ail thy fpeaking, they continue rebelling, therefore fpeak no more. We read the like dreadfull prohibiti- on ( Hof 4. 4. ) Let no man ftrive. nor reprove another ( let all wayes of reclaiming this people be laid afide ) For thy people are as they that ftrive with the Prieft ; That is, they are obdurate and defperatelyingagedin wickedneffe ( Hof: 4. 17. ) Ephraim is joyned to Idols ( he cleaveth and fticketh faft to them, he will not be pulled from his owne inventions) Let him alone. Thus God faith to his Prophets and Minifterv**/*! he faith to his Ordinan- ces, ceafe, when finners will not ceale to fin and doe wickedly againft the Lord. The fame unprofitable and incorrigible people are threatned in the fame manner by another Prophet ( Amos 8. g. ) It {hall come to pajfe In that day, jaith the Lord God, that I mil caufe the Sun togoe downe at noone. And ( ver. it. ) I mil [end a famine in the Land, not a fanrne of bread, but of hearing the ■words of the Lord. God would flop the raining down of heavenly Manna, and the people fhould not heare, becaufe they would not. Such was the fentence of Cbrift againft the J ewes (Math. 23.57.) O Jerufalem, Jerufalem, thou that kjlleft the Prophets, and ft one si them which arefent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together as a ken gathereth her chickens under her wings y but ye would not ? What follows this refufall ? reacl and tremble ( ver. 38. ) Behold your houfe is left unto you de folate, for I fay un- to you, ye (hall not fee me henceforth, &c. As if he had faid, becaufe ye have been fo unreachable , therefore ye fhall be taught nc more. It is fad, when we give God occafion to give over either fpeaking to us or afflicting us. God will not alwayes ftrive with . ihe unwillingnelTe, much leffe with the wilfulneffe of man * nor will men be alwayes doing that to men, which they fee doth them no good. So thefe three men ceafed, &C. Secondly , Note hence ; when men are obftwate and will not bereclaimed, it is good to give over. Wby*fliould they who in any kind are abfolutely refolved, be further . 8 Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon the Bo\ of Jo b. Vccf. r further moved? (Afls 21. 14J tthex Pauls jrU*4s.[aw he muld r.ot be perfivaded, they ccdfed .• they had ufed much perfwaiion to keepe him from going up to 'JcrufcJem, becaufe of the fufferirgs that were propheiied ihould befall him there, yet when he Itood out, in.an holy obitin.icy againft them, cloarhed with a gracious Spirit of courage to Surfer for Chrift ; ]Vhen ht muld n;t bepcr- (rvaded they ceafed, faying, the will of the Lord be done. As it was the height of Pauls hoi iiie is that he would roc be perfwaded, he was obftinate for Gods caufe, or for the doing of a duty ; fo it is the height of many mens wickedrrelfe that they will not be per- i waded, they are obilinate agaiaft God , or againil the doing of their duty ; Such as arc infected with the lull of contending, will maintaine that opinion pertinaciously, which they cannot maintaine truely. As fome drive for the love of victory, rather then of truth ; fo others if rive becaufe they love ftrife even mo:e then victory, and had rather contend then conquer, becaufe that puts an end toTtrife. In fuch cafes they doe beft who doe no more ; And if Jobs cafe had been fuch, if he had held up the dif- eourfe, not for truth but for victory, or becaufe he would have the laft word, like a clamorous Sophifter,' who hath alvvayes fome- what to fay, though nothing to the purpofe ; In that cafe, I fay, . Jobs friends had done wifely in ceafing to anfwer ; They indeed did well upon their owne fuppofition, though as to the truth of Jobs. condition they failed greatly. Job wis not a man of that fpi- Fit, he that perfifts in holding and defending truth , is riot obiti- nate bur- conftant. Further, as to the ground why they-ceafed, according to their fuppofition, Obferve ; * To, be righteous in Mr mvne eyes is hatefull both to God and good men. A man is never fo vile in the eyes of thofe who can difcerne him, as when he is righteous in his owne ; how righteous focver any man is, he fhocld be little in owning it. To infift much upon our owne rigrueoufnefle, favour? rankly of a Pharifee ( Luke 1 g. 5>. ) Chritf ipake a parable ro this purpofe ( that's the title of the Parable ) ( ver. 9. ) And hefyakc this parable unto certain which trtijicd inthemfelves that they vetre right eons , arid defylfe^ others. Then Chap. 32. An Expoftion upon the Boof^cf J o b. Verf. 1. 9 Xhen follows the Pharifees boaft of his falling twice in the weeke, dec. And when the text faith ( ver. 14. ) the Publican went downe to his houfe juftiped rather then the other. It doth not imply that the Pharifee was at all juftih"ed,but rather that being righteous in his owne eyes, he was under a fad fentence of condemnation in the eyes of God. The meaning is not that the Pharifee was fome- what juftihed, and the Publican more ; But tint the Pharifee was not juftiried at all. It is our duty to follow after righteoufnefle, but our fin to boaft of ii(Math. 5.3. )Blcjjed are the pore in [frit. The more foore we are in [pint, the more rich we are in fpiritualls . Poverty of fpirit is directly oppofite to our being righteous in our owne eyes. Chrift came not to call 1 he righteous but [inner s to repentance. (Math. 9. 1 3.) By the righteous there- we are to un- derftand thofe that are righteous in their owne eyes , thofe that have high thoughts of themfelves ; The finners whom Chriit calls to repentance are the poore in lpirit, thougn indeed the righte- ous in their owne eyes, are the greateft finners. As we never doe worfe,or more againft right,then when W2 doe that (as it was faid ©f that ungovern'd age, J^g. 17. 6. ) which is right in our own eyes, fo we are never worfe , then when we are righteous in our owne eyes. From the whole matter of thefe words, we fee, that as Jobs friends had been raiftaken all along in that which they fpake , fo now in the reafon of their ceafing to fpeake ; which was a fuppo- fall that Job was righteous in his owne eyes. Hence obferve ; There is nothing more common then for men to mifta\e and mif- judge one another. Jobs friends concluded him fetled in a proud conceit of his owne righteoufnefle, becaufe he eenftantly denyed their charge of unrighteoufnelTe. Some impofe an opinion upon their bre- thren which is not theirs,and make them fay tbat.which they doe not affirme , how injurious is this ! yea fome mif- judge the word of God, as well as the words of men. They wreft the Scriptures, ( 2 Pet. 3. 16.) They make the Scripture fpeake that, which the holy Ghoft never intended. It is dangerous to ftraine the word of a man, much more the word of God. The former proceeds from a want of charity, but the latter is a great impiety. There C could io Chap. 32. An Expojition upon the Bool^ of J o b. Verf. 2. could not be a more unrighteous thought conceived of Job in any mans heart, then that he was ( as his friends thought him ) righ- teous in his owne eyes ; yet- thus they thought him, nor would they thinke otherwife of him , let him fay what he would to the contrary. So much of the firft verfe which giveth us a reafon why Jobs friends fate downe and ceafed to anfwer ; His being (as they judged him ) righteous in his owne eyes. In the next verfe ElilrA gives out a icverer Judgement againft him then this ; To be at all righteous in our owne eyes (according to the fence intended) argues a man to be both very blind and very proud, but for a ' man to be fo righteous in his ©wne eye?, as that he dares juftifie himfelfe rather then the moft righteous God , argues not only blindnefle and pride , but pride and blafphemy ; yet thus faith E/,7wof Jsby as it followeth. Verf. 2. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the fort of Bar a-* chel the Buz.it e of the kindred of Ram : againft Job was his wrath kindled , becaufe he juftlfied himfelfe rather then Cjod. a Here comes in the fourth fpeaker,as a moderator or determi- ner of this great difpute ; And he begins, much unlike a modera- tor, in a heate. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu. Kovui hie eft It is very common for men to grow hot in difpute , but for a dijputadiaftw, man to begin his difpute with an heat, that's very ftrange ; many nova emmar* ^ yQ been all in a flame upon a little difcourfe, but to be in a fna^moful' ^ ame »pon the- entrance of a difcourfe, is a diing almoft unheard tiliorqudtoma- of. Yet thus it was with this man ; gi* in fiipfam . . . ,"•■ reftexa. Km Then was kindled the vyath of Elihn. xidetur as [ z were? breaths out fire and fmoake at his mouth and no- W.«* ^ineU: ftriHs< £///^ came i n a fl ame u0 this bufineiTe. How unceflant were the oppositions of Job \ no focner had thofe thr.ee aien ceafed fpeaking, but. a fourth rifeih up to fpeake. The Good ; Chap. 32. An Expofitioft ufon the Boof^of Job. Verf. 2. n Goodman found no reft ; his three friends had their ' Saboth, they ceafed or refted from the difpute, but Job was at week- day labour ftill , attending the words of this angry moderator. M r . Broughton renders, Ihe anger of Elthuwas in choler. Artyer is hot, but his anger was heate, or at leaft his anger was heated, yea it was not only heated as at the fire , but kindled like a fire. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihft. Anger' is a fire ; and ( as Solomon faith ) can a man take fire in Phihfiphi ird his bofome, andnot be burned ? fo I may fay , can a man carry anger ty?iv HtyM- in his bofom, and not burne himfelfe, if not others with it ? And ™>facimt$i- as fire is blowne up by bellowes , fo is anger, by provocation. ]SJg ?S. The anger of God is exprefled in a heat ( Dent. 29. 24. ) what ut m pj. ama [ meaneth the heat of this 'great anger ( ver. 20. ) The anger of the fa imprimitur, Lord and his jealonfie fhall fmoke Again ft that man. And ( Vf*l. 2. itafyirituscom- 12 J If his math be kindled fat ai'n/e, &c. The leaft fparklings "^^ Wd£ of it are terrible. The anger of QM is a moftdreadfull fire ; and p^^ the anger of man hath much dreacnn it. We have need to look coc: to our paffions. Fire is good, but it muft be kept in its due place •, fire on the heartb,fire in the chimney is good, but fire in the roof, or among the houfholdftuff confumeth all. There is (as I may fay J an hearth for anger where it will doe no hurt. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihft the fon ofBarachel. There are many queftions about this perfon amongthe learned; It would be too great a diverfion, and poffibly an unprofitable one toftayupon them. We have him here defcribed, Firft,byhis name. The Hebrew Etymologifts lay, This proper name Elihn fignifieth,Ht he bkffing of God. The fons name was, my God is the Lord. And the fathers name was, the blcJfingofGod, or, one whom God hath blejfed. We may note a piece ot'holy de- votion in the old fathers in giving lignificant names to their children. And furely it may be ofmuchufe to give our children C 2 good 12 Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Beok^of J i. Verf. 2.- good and fignificant names, fuch names as carry a remembrance. of duty, or of mercy. When Alexander the Cjreat, met with a common Soiddk*; vvhofe name was Alexander, He laid to him, , lis fur e thou doc nothing umverthy the name of Alexander. His name had a great encouragement in it to gallantry.in warre. And it is Eeu 'airabo ne noted oi Diadumcnm, that having obtained both the Empire and dt/iifi nommi the.name of Antoninus, he faid, / will labour all I can, that I may Antoninorum. not be injurious to the name of the Amhomnes. This fhouid bz much more our care and fuidy, where holineile .makes the name honourable ; John fignirieth xhz grace. of God ; And, as I remem- ber it is the faying of one of the ancients, concerning, a bad man ;h called, Thy name is John^ but tlwu art not John • thy name fig- nifieth g/vzrf, but thou art not gracious. Ambrofe faid to the vir- gin A gr.es , o: Anne, There is clwftity in thy name, doe not contra- il thy name. So Jerome writing to Vammachius, which name, iignifteth a fighter againft all ; jP, that I iliould fecretly confer,: to or openly approve and maintaine what you have faid concern- ing me, or you in faying it. Fourthly, The fame man is faid to juftifie himfelfe ; this felfe- juftification is that which kindled the wrath of £///># againft Job ; The text is expreffe ; Becaufe he juflif.ed himfelfe, dec. This jufti- fiqticn of our felves is of two forts. Firft , Intern-all and mentall ; when in our hearts we give fen- rence for, or approve of our felves ; when we inwardly Boaftand »!ory of our {elves,whether in what we are, or in what we doe anil affirmer. The Pharifee ( Luk^. 1 8. 11. ) flood and prayed thus with himfelfe (cr to himfelfe, that is, filently.) God I thankethee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjtiFt ', adulter ers , or even as this Publicane • If aft twice in the weeke, S^c. Thus he juftified himfelfe. Secondly, There is an external 1 andvoeall felfe-juftification, when we openly commend, and cry up our felves ; Thus Jehu ju- ftiried himfelfe ( 2 Kings 10. 16.) Come fee my ^eale'for the Lord 5 He woi'ld needs blow a trumpet, and prodaime before all men how good a man he was, and what good he had done. Yet further, the justification of our felves is two-fold. Firft , Lawful!, yea and commendable ; Take tha: in two par- - ticulars. Firft, That man who is really and indeed in a juftified ftate, through the free grace of God in Chrift, he, when a juftoccafion is offered, may juftifie himfelfe declaratively before men; For as we ought alwayes to juftifie our felves declararively by our works, that is, give evidence by our workes that we are juftified i>y faith 3 fo we may juftifie pur felves by our words, to magnifie the Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 2. 19 the rich grace of God in juftifyin^ us freely through Chrift. David called others to take notice of what God had done for his foule, ( Ffa/. 66. i<5. ) Thus a beleever may lawfully at any time, and at all times , it is his duty to juftirie himfelfe before men, by giving as the Apoftle directs ( i Ptf.j. 1 5. ) an anfvccr to ever j one that asketh a reafori gfthe hope that is in him, ( that is, of his juftified ftate ) with mceknefs and feare. Secondly , A man chat is found at heart, honeft and upright with God, may lawfully juftifie himfelfe, as to the integrity of his intentions, purpofes, and defignes, when he falls under other mens jealoufies and fufpicions. 'David being often unjuftiy con- * demned by Saul, was as often in this worke of juftifying himfelfe againft him, ( Pfal. 7. 8. ) Judge me, O Lord , according to my righteeufneffe, and according to mine integrity that u in me ; As if he had laid, I am judged nnrighteoufly,but I appeaie to thy righ- teous judgement,who fully knoweft (which i alfo know, my con- fcience bearing witnefs ) mine integrity. I appeaie to thy mercy for the many fins which I have committed againft thy felfe, but I appeaie to thy Juftice whether ( as I am accufed ) I have at all finned againft Saul. We may reade Paul doing the fame at large while heprofeffed ( 1 Thef, 2. 3, 4. ) that he did not ad upon covetous defignes for himfelfe, nor was a flatterer of others , but as he was allowed of God to be put in trufi with the Gofbel, even ft? he ff>ake, not as pleajing men but God, which tryeth the heart. As it was the continuall practife of falfe Apoftles and others to dilcre- dit Pauls Miniftery, by bringing his perfon out of credit, fo ic was his continuall care to counter-worke them, byaprofefled vindication of himfelfe. We may lawfully juftiHe our felves and our actings, when we are not only fufpec^ed, but falfly accufed, and wrongfully charged about them, and that either of thefe two wayes. Firft , When we are charged to have done that evill , which we never did, then we may juftifle our felves by a flat deniall ; 'David did fo in that cafe ( Pjal. 7. 3,4. ) O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there be iniquity in my hand, &c. As if he had faid, O God, thou knoweft I have nor done this which many bur- den me with. Ag|ine ( Pfal. 3 5. 1 1 . ) Falfe witneffe did rife up, they laid to my charge things that I kgew not • I have not had fo much as a thought to do that which they fay I have actually done. D 2 Thus 2© Chap; 32, j4v Expfitlen ttfon the Btok^of Job.; Verf. Thus he difchargcd himfelfe of rhofe crimes, which indeed -he never committed nor was guilty of. Secondly, We may juftihe our felves lawfully, when the good we have dene is charged upon us as an evili dQ^d, or we looked upon as evili doers, when we have done, nothing for the matter, but our .duty,andthat in the manner according to rule.Thus when Fanlhm jufUHed himfelfe, by denying the evili which Termite accuted him of, ( Ails 24. 12, 13. ) h^ prefemly yaftified him- felfe a Kb in what he had done well, though his. enemies judged it evili C ver - I 4- ) % Ht x ^' ls I c° ,} f e jf e -> that after the way which they call herefie,foworfhip I the God of my fathers, beleeving all things ■which are written in the Law and. the. Prophets. This felfe-juftih- * cation is often very needfull ,-ne iniquity in my bofome. I referre the Reader .thither for a fuller difcovery of ir. Fourthly , They juftifie themfelves finfully, who mingle their owne workes with the workes or righteoufneffe of Jefus Chrift for justification ; for though fuch pretend to Chri(r> and fay they lake ■ •22 Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the BmJ^ of J o B . Vcrf. 2 take up Chrift and his righteoufnefle for juftirlcation, yet it will be found a felfe-juftihcation only ; feeing unlefle Chrift juititie us whoIly,he juftifieth us not at all ; As the Apoftle concludes ( Ga- lat. 5.4.) Christ is become of ko effect unto yon , whofoever of ysx Are pi si if e A by the Law ; ye are fallen from grace ; That is, yee who mingle your vvorkeswich Grace, are not juftified by Grace, but ( which will be ( unlefle repented of ) your condemnation ) • by your workes. Laftly , They juftifie themfelves finfully, who fay they are ju- ftified by Chrift from their fins, while they continue in their fins, and hold faft their iniquities ; For as they that mingle theiflfenvne good workes with the righteoufnefle of Chrift, are felfe-juHifi- ers,fo alio are they that take hold of the righceoufnefle of Chrift, while they will noc let goe, nor part with cheir evill workes. To looke for j unification while we continue in the love and praftife of any knowne I'm and unrighteouihefle, is as finfull as to expeft justification by our owne^ighteoufnefle. Object. Buc doth noc the Scripcure fay , that Cod jufiifeth the ungodly ( Rom. 4.5.^ I anfwer, Though God juftifieth the ungodly, yet the juftified are not ungodly -, God juftifieth the ungodly and makes them holy by the grace of fanclification, as well as righteous by the grace of juftification : righceoufnefle of life is alwayes the fruic of righteoufneiTe by faith. Therefore if any man continuing in any knowne fin, faith he is juftified, he hath juftified himfelfe, for none doe fo who are juftified of God. O how deeply are they condemned by God who thus juftifie "themfelves ! Nothing is more defirable then ro be juftified by God, and nothing is more dangerous then to juftifie our felves, either by our owne righire- oufnefle, or in our unrighteoufneiTe. Now as co pftifie our felves any of thefe wayes, is exceeding finfull before God, fo to juftifie our felves any way, layeth us open or obnoxious to the cenfures of men.And that's the reafon why this holy man Job was 1© deep- ly cenfured ; For though he juftified not himfelfe in any of thofe fences which are are finfull, yet he did iome way juftifie him- felfe, and while he juftified himfelfe only as he might, he was condemned as having juftified himfelfe in a way which he mighc noc. We had need be very cautious, how we any way or in any kinde juftifie our felves, few having done it without incurring cenfure, if not condemnation from others. Bur Chap. 32. &An Exfojition upon the Book, of Job. Verf. 2. 2 2 But what was Jtbs felfe-juftification, 0: of what kinde, that ic raifed fuch a du(r,yea kindled fuch a flams of Anger in the breafi: of Eiibn ? I aniwer ; Job did not juflific himfelfe by lyes or fallK he was troubled that God did not kill him out of hand, or out-right ; this was a justification of himfelfe rather then God, as if he knsw better, whether it were more fit for him to live in a hckly,weak- ly, painfull condition, or to be delivered out of it by death. As we fhould be willing to die, when God calls, fo to live till God ■calls, and not to haften death 5 He that beleeves ( as he ought ) will not make haft out of the troubles of this world, much lelfe out of the world, becaufe he rinds it trdfeblefome. Sixthly, He ieemed to juftine himfelfe rather then God, while he was lb much troubled, becaufe God did not prelently reveale to him the reafon of his troubles ; wkj k light given t» a man vehefe way is hid, and whom Cjvd hath hedged in ? was Lis complaint ( Chap. 3.2-3.) that is, wherefore is the light of this naturalllife -given to me, whole way is in the darke, and who know not the reafon why I am thus atf.icVed ? We ought to. (it dovvne in this aflurance , be our condition never fo reftlelfe, that the molt wife God hath a reafon for every ftroake of trouble he layeth upon our loynes, though we fee it not. They who cannot fully refigne themfelves and their waves to God, yea refolve their wills in:o the will of God, are much difquieted andreftlefle in their minds , when they fee not the reafon of Gods dealing with them, or why it is fo with them ?Let all fuch know, this al- fo is to make our felves wifer then God, and to juftirie our felves rather then him. And therefore from all thefe, confederations take thefe two Inferences, which may keepe us ever at a diftancc from this high prefuir.pdon, yea ( which we fhould carefully a- voyd ) from rhe fhaddow and appearance of it ; The juftif)ing of our felves ra:ber then God. Firft , It is enough to condemne us under the guilt of this fin, if we allow not all that God doth to be good , yea and beft: for us, how much or how Iong,or in what kinde foeverhe is plea- fed to affiled us with evill. It is our duty to accept, that is,to take well at Gods hand, the p/4nijhme>it of our iniquity ( Lev: ^6. 41.) how much more to welcome the foreft and heavieft croffe which he is pleated to lay upon us, either for the chaftifement of our faylings and falls, or for the tryall and exerctfe of our graces. It isfaid ( 2 Sam: 3. 36. ) Whatsoever the king ( meaning Da- E vid ) 26 Chap. 32. An Exception upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 2. mil ) lid,p!ts.fed all the people; There was a wonderfull confenn and harmony between the peoples fpirit arid Davids actions; Surely whatfoever Cod do;h, fhould pleafe all his people, what everhedifpeniech, be ntfweet or fowre, hard or (oft, light or darkneiTe, ic fhould pleafe all his people, and pleafe them high- ly ; and io farre as we come more of this frame of heart, fo farre doe we juftifie our felves rather then God. Secondly , It us a fault not or-ly if we are not fatufied and pita- fed with what Gcd doth, bat if ice doe not praife and ghrifie God in and for what he doth ; aM that not only in his jufiice that he hath d e hs r.o wrong, but in his.goodneffe, that he hath done ad for our profit. Tnat which turnes to mans profit, fhould alio turne ro the praife of God ; But (as the holy Apoftle aflureth us, Hcb: 12. 10. ) God chaftneth bis children for their profit ( and that the bell and nobLft profit ) that thej might be partakers of his holi- nefs ; therefore we ought to praife and gloririe him, or to glorifte him with our praifes while he is charming us. Truly God is gnl to lfrael ( Pial. 73.1.) He is lb, not only when h^ gives If ad em ward good thing^or things good to fenfe, but when he afflicts, when he writes bitter things again!* his lfrael, and fhewes them only vifions of forrow and matter of amazement. Till our foules a're wrought up ro this Juftihcation of God in his goodnefle, when things are worft with us, we in fome degree juftifie our felves rather then God. Againe, for as much as Job, who cannot in all things be ac- quitted from this charge of juftifying Jaimfelfe rather then God, was yet of anqrher fpirit and principlc,then indeed or profefTedly to juftifie himfelfe rather then God. Obferve ; We majfpeal^e amijfe and wrong God when we doe not intend it, nor have the lea ft thought to doe ft. 'David prayeth for the pardon of unknowne fins (Pfal. 1 9. 1 2, T2. ) Cleanfe thou me from ferret faults , keepe ba.ke thy (ervant alfo from prefu-mptuons fins, let them not have dom n:on over me. To juftifie our felves rather then God knowingly, is a prefump- tuous fin, to lay any blame upon God direClly is blasphemy -, Da- vid prayed not only to be kept from fuch grofle fin>, but ro be deanfed from fecret fins, that is, from chote fins which he did not v know Chap. 32. An Exfofition uf>tn the Booj^of J o ». Verf. 3. 27 know that he had committed them, and which he never had any intent to commit'. We may fo mif-place words and mif-guide actions, when we thinke not ef it, that we may quickly fin againll God, yea and juftirie our felves sathur then God ; That which we doe or fpeake is tobe judged by a rule, wheth'er it be good or c- vilJ, not naeerely by o*r%tentions though good , nor by our not i"ntcndin£of evill. We may be judged to have done or laid evilly though we meant no evill in doing tr in faying fo. Words and acti- ons well meant may fometimes juftly undergoe an ill conftructi- on. They that heare fhould interpret every word in the rnoft fa- vorable fence ; but it we fpeake unwarily and unfafely, 0: ( as Alofes once ) unadvisedly with our Ar.;, we may thanks our felves if we tall under reproofe for what we have fpokeri. Therefore begge of God to fet a watch over your mouth , and to keepe the doore of your lips let nothing palfe unexamined. 'Tisour wif- dome to read every word over and over before we fVea.ke it ; Many heare ill, vvho have fpoken well, how much more ma y they who fpeake doubtfully or dangeroufly. We have feene the caufe why Ellhu was fo angry with )ob , the next verfe will tell us why he was fo angry with Jobs three friends. Verf, 3. %A'(o againfl his three friends was his wrath \^ndkd r becauf: they had found no anf,ver, and yet had con- demned Job. We. find Ellhu angry on all hands, angry withj^, and angrv with his three friends ; lome querie upon this renewing of his anger ( as Cod did Jonah ) whether he did well to be thus angry or thus to appeare in paflfron , and breake out afrefh in wrath ? and whether the reafonsof his anger will beare him out to have been afigry with Realon ; anger prevailes moft in thofe in whom reafon prevailes leafl,and they have utualiy the ftfongeft paffiens, who have the vveakeff judgements ; children and aged perfons, the iicke and pained are apt ro be angry with others, and hard to be pleafed themfelves. And 'tis a generall ax'om j The weal\e and InxaMu omn? impotent arc naturally angry and faffionate. Therefore we had Wtwawtu* need loske to our palfions, that they grow not ftrong, for they um £j will foone proclaime us weake : he is a wife man indeed, that can be at once wife and angry. ( Proverbs 19. n. ) The dlfcretlon ef a man deferreth his anger ^and it is his glery to fajfe over a tranf- E 2 grejfumi 2 8 Chap. 5 a. An Exfoftlon upon ike Btof^of Job. Verf. y grejJioM ; And as there Solomon teacheth us, that difcretion nu- itereth anger, fo he aflureth us, that angry perions are more then indilcreete,foolifh. (Ecclef. y. y. J Anger rejieth in the bofonte offooles. Anger often ailaults the prudent, but it it abides and takes, up its lodging in any bpfome, 'tis in the bo:ome of a rook, atlealt, inthat'poynr,hedothfoolifhly they found no anfwer, and yet had condemned Job ? For anfwer to this object ion ; I fay, They anfwered Job, but they did net anfwer fufticiencly. The vulgar latine tranfiation puts this gloife ( which is more then the rules of tranfiation al- low ) into the text, rendring the originill thus j Becaufe they had Ed quddtwn found no ratlor.all anfwer, and yet had condemned Job. They did ^veni^nt re- not r.nd out nor hit upon the right anfwer. Improper ana iniurn- Uom i m% cient an wers, how many foever of them we heape up againft any y u lg: mans argument, are no anfwers, they are not worthy to be called anfwers. That only is an anfwer which carrieth a conviction in it, which reacheth the flare and (trength of the queftion, or remo- veth the objection. In this fence Jobs three friends had found no anfwer, and jet had condemned Job. The Hebrew is they made him wielded, or condemned him as a }V; ^T V wicked man. So the Septuagint, they had no anfwer for him, and v * g™*? yet concluded him wicked ; we fay, they had condemned job ; Ztwaiffiij the reafon of it is, becaufe to condemne a man is to leave him tin- Sept: €> po- der a fuppofal of wickednefle, and to ftigmarize or brand him for J"*™"' ewn a-wickedman. All the wicked -flnall at laft be condemned, and e JT s ™P ium <- none.- $o Chap; 32. An Exposition tipen ihe Bsok^of J ». Verf. $. none oughc to be condemned, nor are any condemned judly now bun the wicked ■ He that inftlfieth the wicked, and he that con- demneth the juft, even they both are an abomination to the Lord, (Pro. 17. 1 ^.) There is a very el-gant tranfpofitionof the words in the Hebrew ; we may render the text thus ; He that juftifitth the wicked, andwickedeth the juft, &c. The law of Mefes gave an exprefle rule againft this perverlion of Judgement, in termes quite croile to thole in Solomon ( Deut: 25.1.) If there be any coKtro- v or fie between men, and they come unto 'judgement, that the Judges may Judge them, then they frail juft; fie the right com, and condemne the wicked. Which you may render thus ; They jhall juftifie the juft, and wiched'fe the wicked, that is, they fhall declare the juft man juft, and the wicked man to be wicked. That man either re- ally is, or is accounted wicked, who is caft in his caufe and con- demned. That was a dreadfull fentence ( the Scripture ( Atbs 1 . 20. ) fbewesit fulfilled upon the tray tor Judas ) when he is ;ud- ged,let him be condemned ( Pial. 109.7. ) we put in the mar- gen, let him got eat guilty or wicked. In this lence Jobs three friends when they condemned him, cift him as a wicked man, though they had noihing to anfwer the plea which he made for his cwne integrity. We muft not conceive any fuch wickednefie vamwimt pro - m tnem ^ tney vy , re re f i ve j co condemne him ri^hc 0: v7ipio,etJinullj ,. 1 « j i • \ r ■ n l t- l "a ineum crimina vvron g? )' et: they held their conclufion againlt the tight and rea- .probare pojfer.t fonofall his premifes , and though they could prove no ill a- quibm xle fa- gainft him, yet vehemently (ufpe&'ing him, they concluded he an xitam con- was an [[{ ^j n anc j f conc f em ned him. umiivjjent. Mere: Hence note firfr. Somcw.il proceed to cendemne beth per fans and opinions, though they can give no reafonable account why they condemne either. We read ( I fa. f <5. 10. ) of dumbe dtggs, that cannot barke, that is, Who know not what to fpeake 0: lay topurpofe. There are many who ( in this fence ) cannot barke , yet they will bi r e ; and when 'hey have no anfwer, they will condemne ; and ufuaily dumbe doggs that cannc barke have the fitarpeft teeth, and are beft at biting , or 'hey are better at condemning then ar aniwe:'- ing. As tome finde an anfwer where there is none ; that is, when fuch reafons are layd before them as are unanfwerable, yet they will not give over anfwerin:, but (till feek a knort iu a ruth, and draw Ch.*p. 32. i/4n Exfofition upon the Btol^ of J o 1. Vcrf. 3. 31 draw the law ot contention as well wichouc end as without caiife ; fo others canno: rind an- antwer where it is ; yet when they can- not an.wer , they can cenfure and condemne him for wicked or perverie, whom they cannor prove fo. Tis much eafier to fay a man is faulty, then to rind his fault ; yet they who have a mini to hnd faults, arc feldome to feeke for lomewhat or other which they call io. Note fecondly. Jo condemne opinions or perfons -when we smmt tnfacr th*m y is a prauife ]f*flly condemnnble. 'Tis unjuft ( as was intimated before ) to condemne a man be- fore he is heard. For though pofibly a man unheard may have ju- stice when he is condemned, yet all agree 'tis injitftice to con- demne him when he is not heard ; Now if it be injuftice to con- demne a wicked man before he is heard, how unjuft is it to con- demne a man in whom we can hnd no wickedneife after we have heard him. Thirdly , From the manner of the phrafe here ufed, Note. To condemne a man is to render flfcr* wicked. Condemnation ( as was fhewed ) is 6ut only to the wicked, and if an innocent be condemned, he is reputed wicked, and re- ceives punifhment as guilty. A* that fentence of condemnation which proceeds out of the mourh of God againft impenitent fin- ners and evill doers, bindes the guilt of their evill deeds upon them, and delivers them up to punifhment ;fo he that condemnes his brother, faftneth guilt upon him, and fpeakes him deferving punifhment ; for as where guilt is , punifhment followeth, fo a fault is conceived to goe before. Thereare thefe three things in fiH , the fault, the guilt, and the blot, o: pollution of it ; he that fafineth gnilt by condemnaron, faftneth the f "ault and blot much more ; how fad is it then ro be defervedly under condemnri n ? And how great is the priviledge of beleevers,to whom ( though in therrielvcs they defe-ve it) thrre is no condemnat'on ! (Rom 8. r. ) They who in this life are paft condemnation, are ^l r o raffed from dearh ro life. Many are condemned who are good in rhe fight of God ; but all condemnation makes a man evill, yea wi k— ed; 32 Chap. 32. An Expoftion upon the Book^ of J B. Verf. 3. ed in the fight of the world. And becaufe every fentence of con- demnation renders a man wicked in the eyes of worldly men, therefore righteous Magiirrates will not condemne haftily • Ihey will not judge ( as Ghrilf did nor, I fa. n. 3. ) After the fight of their eyes , wr r'epove after the hearing of their eares ; To jud^e by the fght of the eye, is to Judge according to the flrft appearance of things, before inquilition hath been made, and to reprove by the hearing of the care, is to reprove acco -ding to the firit reporc which is made, without examination. We muft not judge thus, becaufe we muft judge in righreoufnetfe, which cannot be, if we judge thus. How deliberate, how tender fhould we be in con- demning any man, feeing condemnation doth not only impole a punifhment upon, but iuppole a crime, a wickednefle, a fault in him. It is grievous enough to beare punifhment , but to beare the burden of a crime or fault , is in reality much more grie- vous. But feeing Elihu declares his anger againft fobs three friends, becaufe they condemned fob,md had found no anfwer. Some will fay, did not Elihu condemne fob fo too ? No, he condemned him indeed, but he firll found an anftver. Againe, Elihu condemned fob,but not as his friendyrondemned him, his friends condem- ned him as to his ihte, ^roging him unfound at heart ; But Elihu condemned him only as to this or that particular act or fpeech ; He condemned him,Firft,becaufe he (pake fo largely in the /uni- fication of himfelfe(f />*/>: 3 3.8,9,10,1 1.) Surely thou haft frozen in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words, faying J am clean without tranfgrrjfion ; I am innocent, neither is there iniquity in me. ( And Chap. 34. 5, 6. ) For fob hath f aid, I am righteous, and Cjod hath taken away my judgement ; fhould I lye againft my Tight, my wound is incurable without tranfgreffian. Secondly, he condemned him for complying with the wicked, not rhat he thought fob a£ted like them , but becaufe being a godly man, he in his fufferings fpake fometimes and behaved himfelfe like them ( Chap. 34. 8. ) which goeth in company with the workers of iniquity, and walketh with wicked men. Further, he charged him with {(ubbornnefle againft God {Chap. 34. 37. ) For he addeth rebellion unto his fin ; and ( which founds ftrangely ) with an eafi- neffe towards evill men (Chap: 36.17. ) Thou h*[t fulfilled the judgement of the wicked, judgement and jnftict take hold on thee. Thus Chap. 32. An Extofmon upon the Book^of J 1. Verf. 3. n Thus Eliktt condemned Job many wayes, but he condemned him not, without finding an anfwer. Yea, I may fay, Elihu is he, who in this great controverfie and difficulty, hath found an anfwer, and yet hath not condemned Job, that is, he hath not condemned him as his three friends had condemned him : He condemned not Job as one perverfe and crooked in his wayes, he condemned him not as one that feared not God and efchewed not evill , He condemned him not as an hypocrite, rotten at heart and unfound in his eftate ; Thus Elihu found an anfwer for J«b, but condemned him not , no not while his wrath was kindled againft him , becaufe he juftified himfelfe, rather then God. And the procelTe of this booke will fhew , that though Elihu ( in the fence fpoken of) condemned not Job , yet he found an unanfwerable anfwer, fuch an anfwer, as to which Job neither could nor would make any reply ; and that is the fpeciall bufi- nefle we havetolooke at in profecutmg his difcourfe, even„to finde out the anfwer which he found ; for that will be as the key of the worke, to open the whole matter to us, and to ("hew us - wherein Job had either fayled or exceeded, either in bearing the croffes layd upon him by God, or in managing this contro- verfie with his friends. JOB, 34 Chap. 32. An Expo fit ion upon the Boei^ef Job. Verf. 4. JOB. Chap. 32. Verf. 4, 5, 6 3 7. IV^n? Elihu had waited till Job hadfpok.cn : because they were elder then he. When Eliku faw that there was no anfwer in the mouth of thefe three men, then his wrath was hjndled. And Ehhu the fon of Barachel the Buzite anfwered and [aid '. I am youngs and ye are very eld, where- fore I mas afraid^ and.durji notfjewyon mine opi- nion. I faid Dayes fl)ould feak^ and multitude ofyeares fiould teach wrfdome. TBis context aflignes the reafon, Firft, why Elihu forbare fo long to fpeake, namely, becaufe he was young^ that reafen you have in the 4th verfe,.as alio in the 6 [ h and 7th. Secondly, why he began at laft to fpeake, namely, becaufe his elders, thole grave ancient men would or could fpeake no more. This he layes downe in the 5^ verfe, when Elihu [an that there was no anfwer ibthemaith of thefe three men , then &c, Verf. 4. Tslow Eli ha had waited till Job had fpoken. The Hebrew is, He expelled Job in words ; Job was long in words, or he fpake long in many words ; and all that while Elihu waited, he kept filent ; but when Job had fpoken out, and Elihu had ftayd fonle time after, to fee whether either himfelt'e or his friends would fpeak againe, then he began. M r Broughton tran- ftyyytnen- Hares, yet Elihu waited to ff>ea\^wnh 'job. The word notes the tern expe3atio- moft patient expectation, a waiting with much long-fuflferance, nemforut, qua a waiting alfo in much confidence, as referving our (elves till y VlM m Ju^ better times, or for a more favourable difpenfa.ion. So the word mdioribw fa- 1S ufed ( Dan. 12. 12.) Blejfed is he that waiteth, and comet h to vantes. Bold, the thoufand three hundred^andfive and thirty dayes ; that is, Blef- fed is he that waiteth out tbofe dayes of the Prophecy there fpe-- eiried - } he hath a ftretched out patience, that waiteth to the vcrry laft Chap. ja. An Expofition upon the Boo\of Job. Verf. 4. 3 5 hit day, and to the laft of that day. The word is ufcd againe ( Habal^. a. 3. ) If the vljion ( that is, the mercy or deliverance revealed and promifed ) tarry, waite for tt • that is, if it tarry be- yond the time fuppofed by man (it never tarries beyond the time appointed by God ) waite patiently for ir, that is, for the ac- complishment of it ; yea the word implyeth a waiting, as it were, with open mouth, or gaping to receive that good which is aflured by prophecy or in the promife. Such an expectation is here a- fcribed to Ellhu, he waited for the iliue of that great and long debate between Job and his three friends, or he gaped for iuch a folid anfvver as might fatisfie him, and determine the Queftion under debate ; Now Ellhu had waited till Job had fyoken. Hence note. Fi.fr.- ^As it is ah ayes our duty to waite on God, fo fomethnes on men. , We fhould waite, Firft, to fee what men will doe for us •, we fhould waite, Secondly, to heare what men have to fay to us ,• we fhould waite for counfell, for comfort, for infraction, for conviction. We fhould waite, Thirdly, to performe duty, and to do£ good to men. Thus God is pleafed to waire upon ( his crea- ture ) man , ( Jfa. 30. 18. ) Therefore will I vcaite to be qraclom ; As God waiteth to beftow acts of grace on man, lb man fhould waite to performe offices of love and refpect to man, or to give him advice, helpe and aifiilance, as his cafe and needs re- quire. Secondly , Confider Ellhu who had waited long as a hearer, was afterwards a great fpeaker. Hence note. They tl.at wlft fpe,.k to ar.y wans cafe rightly, mufr firfi heare ■h.m patiently.. They rhtrft be hearers, who would be learners ; Paul fate at the feete of Gamaliel, \\\^c he waited as a learner ; And if they rauft waite as hearers, who would be learners, how much more ought they, who would be teachers, reprovers, or reformers ? Thirdly , Ellhu waited that he might fpeake opportunely, or in time, Hence note. F 2 Due 3 6 Chap. 31. J&h Exptfetion upon the Beok^of Job. Verf. 4,'. *Z>//f f;'w;.f andfeafons of ff easing mH fi be obfervedand taken. ( Ecclefajles 3.7.) There is a time to jpea!^, and a time t$ kcepflence. The providences of God po.nt wife men to both. And ufually times of filence tit us for times of fpeaking ; Every thing is beaut i full in its feafon; words fpoken in their feafon, are not only more erfettuall, but more beautifull, they are like apples of gold in pictures of fiver. And therefore as the wife man gives us caution, ( Ecclef 5 . 2. ) f Nn to he rajh with our months to ni- ter any thing before God-, So Ave fhould not be rai2h with our mouths to utter any thing before men, but well to conlider what we have to fay, and wake our time to fay it. The Apoflle fames ( C hap. 1 . 19. ) would have us fm ft to heare, flow to fpeaJ^; and probably, the (lower we are to [peak, the furer we fpeake ; Hafly fpeaklnn hath given men more dangerous ftnmbles and falls, then e- ver haftj going dd. The Prophet reprefencs our Lord Jefus Chrilf thus bei^eaking his Father as to his preparation ind furni- ture for the exercife of his Prophetical!, yea of his whole Media- toriall office ( Ifa. 50. 4. ) Thmhafi given me the tongue of the learned that 1 might know hew to fpeake a word in feafon. As there is much wifdome in hitting the matter what to fpeak , and the manner of fpeaking, how t© death and dreffe the matter of our fpeech ; fo there is much wifdome in hitting the time and feafon- vvhen to fpeake. And as to time a thing well in acting, fo to time it well in lpeaking, is the better halfe of it. Elihn wa'ted till Job had fallen. What I have now touched, may be one reafonof his waiting ; But the fpeciall reafon of it follows in the text. ^ Becaufe they were elder then he; and good reafon that he fhould waite upon his elders. J-Pl fs ni fi cM ^ ne Hebrew is, They were elder for dayes ; they were not only non tantum fe- old men for dayes, bat elder for dayes then he j The word, ftri&ly. 1im I^ en ^y taken,imports a man more then old, even one that is worne with Mmlmiinh k 2 S e - Further, it denotes a two- fold elderfhip ; Firlt, an elder- nm axaxe fed imp m time,dayes or yeares. SecondIy,an eldenhip in wifdome, Jlipiaitia. and understanding. They are oar elders indeed, who are wifer then we ; elderfhip in time deferves refpect, hut elderfhip m wifdome com- mands it. And as fuch are expreft by this word in the Hebrew, foboth the Grecians and Remans expreffe their wife men by Chap. 32. An Expofttlon upon the Bool^of ] b. Verf.4. 57 a word of the fame force ; Sectors were elders, not alwayes in lime ( there was no Law much leife neceilicy chat every Senator fhould be^an old man) but in underlhnding : every Senator ought to be a wife nun, though not an old man. They who are to go- veme others wifely, had need be furnifhed with wifdome them- selves. Gray haires alone cannot make a good Magistrate. We read the wo;d applyed bo:h to Church-Elders called (Ifa.%e no further ufe of it. Then was the anger of Elihu kindled when he faw, they could anfwer no more, or that there wot no anfwer in the motith ofthefe three men. Thirdly, As the anger of Elihu is often fpoken of, fo ftill ws find fome what or other is afligned as a ground of it ; Whence note ; We fkould fee good reafon for our anger before -we are angry y whe~ ther in eur own caufe, or in the caufe of (jod. There is nothing can excufe an^er but the caufe of it. Reafon is a good plea for pafhon ; And he that hath a true reafon for his anger,will probably manage his anger with reafon, yea, and mingle it with grace ; And io his proves not only a rational,but a gracious anger. Fourthly note ; ^Provoked patience breaks out into greater pa ffi on. In the former Verfe, We find Job waiting, he waited long and patiently ; but being difappointed of what he waited for, his wrath broke out ; His anger was h}n^dy As whenjGod waits Jong and is difappointed, his anger is™creafed in the manifefta- tion of it (Rom. 2. 4,5. vtr.)^De[pifefl thou the riches of his good- ne(fe Chap. 32. Jia.^£xpoJiticn upon the Booh^of Job. Verf. 6. 41 neffc andfovbearance andlong-ftifferiyg) not knowing that the good- nejje of God leads thee to repentance ? but after thy hardnejje and impenitent heart, treafureft up wrath, bcc. As it" he had laid, the more patience God fpends upon thee, the more wrath is treafu- red up for thee, and that wrath will break out the more fiercely and violently toconfume thee, the longer it hath been treaiured up. No.v I lay, as the wrath of God Is the more cech. ed againft man, by how much his patience is the more abu 1 fed ; So he abufed patience of man will turn to greater anger, and he g-oweth the more palfionateby how much he hath been :he more and the oft- ner deceived. Thus£//; m* (;ill defcribdd acting augerfy, yet in the very next verfe we lhall find hiai ipeakingioberiy, plainly and to purpofe. Verf. 6, AndElihuthe fonofBarachell the Buzjtc anfpered and faid. When El'ihti fawthefe three men gravel'd, and tha 1 : after all the ou mine opinion ; They imply, he hid his fpeech,as Ser- re & denotat penes hide themfelves when men approach. (Micah-j. 17. Y^^\^y M Serpents which are a terrour to men, and make them afraid, are q U ,rl'enthtm<& alio afraid of men, their appearance caufeth them to run and hide viieri metuen* their heads. The Rabbins take much paines in their Criticifmes tium. Aben- about this word to exprelfe a vertuous modefry. As it is a 'duty to Ezra * be ( as Chrift exhorts his Dhciples to be ) efpecially in times "of perfecution (Math: 10. 10. ) wife as Serpents, fo it is aver cue to be fearefull as Serpents, evento feare as-much to be heard by fome men, as Serpents fear . b '"eene by any man. Thus Ellm ReptOim mo- held downe his head, be was fi aid and durft not (hew his opini- rc f m ^, "^ on fuddenly, nor declare his judgement in the cafe,for the re've- ^Aitjfcmtjfo rencc he bare to thofe graver and elder heads. C jpite xmtm fum. Druf: Note hence. & Firft , Tonng men are apt to rttn intomiftak**, their heat ufnally exceeds their light. Youth drives furioudy, and commonly carrieth preemption with it, or is it lelfe hurried by preemption. Though (^od hath given a young man a good unde; (landing, quick parts, md a ready tongue, yet he wants much, becaule he hath not ieene much, and fo is very liable to miscarriage. He cannot look through, nor fee to the end of things ; for as it is the great and lole priviledge of God to caft an eye quire through all intermediate , both acti- on 1 ' and revolutions, and to fee the end from the beginning : fo it is more peculiar to thofe that are aged and long experienced, to fee much of the end of things in their beginnings, or to fee what is like to be as well as what is. 'Tis the part of a wife man to confider what may come, and whether things tend ; there is much wcaknefs and deficiency in young men as to this. As moft young men want fences exercifed ( as the Apoftle fpeakes of all un-improved Christians of what age foever ( Heb: 5. 19. J as I fay, moft young men want fences exercifed ) ro difcerne what is good or evill ; fo they want fences exercifed to difcerne what good or evill is like to be, they rarely fee etfe&s in their caufes, or events in their prognofticks. Therefore Elihtt might well fay, / Mm young, therefore I durst not venture to [herv mine epinion. G 2 Pstil 44 Chap. 32. An Expofitlon upon tfo B$ok^of J o 1. Verf. 6. P*«/^>iveth Timothy fomewhat a ftrange warning (2 Tim. 2. 22.) Flee youthfull Jufts. Timothy was young, but was he noted for in- dulgence to any youthfull luib ? what Iults doth he meane ? turely no: drunkenneflei nor undeannelle, nor anyioofe behaviour ; for though the moll ibber and temperate young men, have in them the iced of all thete, yea of every lull, yet Timothy at that time was a partem, a mirrour, nor only of fob. lety , but of holinefle ; and Paul was even forced to bid him take more liberty in the ufe of die creature, then he ufed to allow himfelfe ; Drinkjifo bngrr water, but ufe a little wine for thy fiomac l^ fake, and for thy often infirmities. Surely Timothy was a man that tied fuch youthfull luffs fait and far enough when he drank nothing but water, and muii be bid to drink a little wine ( 1 Tim: 5. 23. ) What lufts then were they which Timothy was exhorted to flee ? the words following (^.23,24,25. ) feeme to cleare it ; that bec?ufehe was young,, he fhould rake, heed of rufhing into unneceflary QueRions and dilutes, which!f&ung men are apt to doe in the heat of their fpi- rits; nor are there any lulls of the lower or fenfuall appetite, to which the heart of man is more intemperately and vaineh carri- ed out, then to thofe of the underftanding ; and therefore the Apoftle counfels Timothy to avoid, unprofitable Que fl ions, knowing that the fe gender firife ; ( Thofe Qnellions cannot promote faith in or holindfe towards God , which only lHrre up and foment fh'ife ammg men ) and thefervants of the Lord must not firive, but be gentle to all, andiatient. Thefe vertues, and graces, are op- pofed chiefely to the youthfull lufts which Paul exhorts Timothy to take heed of ; As if he had faid, Be not too hot-headed and hafif # ( as young men are very apt to be ) in purfmno^ of centrozerjies and entangling thy f elf e in the thickets of Opinion' fis. Elihu was of an excellent temper, who, becaule young, was afraid and durft not flievv his opinion. Secondly, Note. It is (rood to feare, and fufpeti our own judgements, or, to feare that we may err e j they feldome doe or fpeakjamlffie who f ears they may. Anover-con. c dence of being in the right, harh ferled many in a wrong way ; to be under a fence of our readineffe to fall, pre- serves us from falling, ( Hofea 1 3 . 1. ) When Ephraim ftakg trtm- Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Bool^of ]o 1. Verf. 7. 45 trembling-, then, he exalted him[el[e ; There -are feveraJl fences gi- ven of that place, bur. according to our tranflation, the- meaning is Carried thusiWhen Ephraim wis in an humble frame, and jealous of himfelfe, nor conadent, nor over-bold ( as lbme are who pre- fume to carry all before them J when he fpake trembling, or did even tremble to fpeake , then he did that which tended to his own advancement and exaltation. This gracious trembling doih ar once fettle us the fafler, and rayie us the higher in the"" waves and things of God. It is a high poy>;t of wi [dome to have low appre- henfions of our f elves ; though thac be true, Ton frail be efteemed of Tantierk alii* others , as jot* eft eem your felves ; If a man uvder-value himfelfe quantitibi fa- rthers will •; yet> 'tis belt erring on that hand ; Let the price be r0i much too loyv-i rather then a*y tjjtftg too high, when jot* are occajio- ned to put a value upon or rate your [elves. Againe , ConUder what an excellent fpeaker Elihtt was when he came to it, as will appeare hereafter, yet fee how he flood trembling, he durlt not fpeake, nor offer his opinioiv Hence note. 1)[ually they ivhi have moft ability to [peeik^i are mos~i backc ward to fpea\j tr [paring of fpeech. They are not cafily brought to it, who have if in them ; The belly of Elihu was as full with matter, as an Egge with meate or a bottle with wine ; yet how flow was he in opening himfelfe ? They who are and have kafl are motf dehrpiis, if not ambi'ious, to appeare molt , and would make up infeeming what they are not in being. As El'hu in this verfe hathifhewed himfelfe afraid to fay any thing , fo he fnewes us in rhe next, who, he hoped, would have faid all, and altogether have faved him a labour.' Verf. 7. / [aid , dayes [kould fpeak^y and multitude of year es. ftcottld teach vpifdome - y Or, as the text may be rendred, let dayes fpeakj dayes lliall not Loquantur be hind red by me from leaking, let dayes (peak their frlf. But ^ es J mT emm what meaneth he, when he faith , let dajes [peal^? how can dayes twvqdlfaam fpeak ; 'tis an elegjney in Rhetqriqk, when, thac which belong-, to i , iU i i'uo's, non a perfon, is afcribed to a thing, as here fpeech to time,, let dayes pr «j«* by dayes or yeares, by ufe or experience only. And it was very m »™ fa fort- probable, that they who from their youth had been inftruded in ^inii'mimw' the thing? of God, being growne old, fhould alio be grovvne fur- non ami, non therin this wifdome, and riper in this fort of knowledge. And ufw,wvexpe- therefore Elihu fpake according to the rule of right reafon,vvhen riemia ' Mcrh- he judged that thofe trree aged men had attained to a very high degree of divine light. Such is the goodnefie of God to his peo- ple, that ufually they grow in grace and knowledge as they grow in yeares ; For though God is Debror to no man (but Creditor to all men ) and though old age in it felfe con'idered, deferves no- thing of God, yea is not only undeferving, bat (becaufe fin mul- tiples as our dayes doe ) ill deferving, yet as Chrift faith, To him that hath, ( that is, who ufeth and improveth what he hath ) morejhall he given ; And therefore though true wifdome be a free gift, and is infufed and wrought by the Spirit of God, yet we may in probability, and ought according to chariry, iu^ge, that thev who have moft dayes, have alfo moll wifdome. Though wifdome be not entayled upon old age , yet the r e we are moft likely to finde it. / fayd multitude of yeares jhould teach wifdome. Hence. 4# • Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Book^ of J o b. Verf. 7. Hence obierve 6rft. H e may well expect they jhottld he very wife, and knowino-^ rcho haze had much mcar.es, ar.d many opportunities of obtaining- knowledge and wlfdome. «. A Ad therefore we hive reafon to expeft much vvtfdom'e from thofe who have had a multitude of yeires paft over cheir heads ; Caujrsfvfficien- h is a common rule in Logical* hen fyjficicKt caxfes are put in act^ tibw pqfhti in the effetl nmfi needs follow ; And 10 where prob y° u thac ^ ave haC * e WOrd fo Ion ^ P reac ^ ed > anc * tnat ac Oifi: lib. u London ( more famous for Gofpel knowledge, then Athens for philofophy ) furely you are filled with all knowledge in the my- ftery of Chrift, and with all goodnefle in the practice of godli- nene. And doubtlefleVhe Lord will argue it with thofe that have had Cbap. 32. An Expofitiw upon the Btti^of Job. Vcrf. 7. 49 had time and opportunities, as a rich price in their hand to gee wifdome, as Elihu did with his friends being aged men. Who "" can imagine,but that they are full of wifdome ,that they abound in knowledge and fpirituall underltanding, who abounding in dayes and yeares, have abounded alio in meanes of knowledge. Note Secondly. z/fs old men fhould abound in knowledge, [0 they fhould approve themfelves reaiy to teach the ignorant. I [aid dayes fhould [peak, and multitude of yeares fhould teach wif- dome. 'Tis a duty incumbent upon them who have learned much, to teach much. To conveigh wifdome and knowledge to others is moil proper to fuch , as well as moft ornamental , and honou- rable. To be knowing our felves is a great mercy, and to helpe others to the knowledge of what we know is a great duty; we loofe one fpeciall end of knowing, if we know only for our felves. To communicate and diffufe our knowledge to others is the nobleft way of uiing it, and the beft way of improving it, and that in a double refpect ; Firft,it is the beft way of improving it, as to encreafe ; Secondly, it is the beft way of improving it, as ro reward. The more we give out our knowledge, the more we frail have of it, and the more we fhall have for it bo:h from God and men. The Apoftle faith of a Gofpel Minifter ( 1 Tim. 3.2. ) He mufl be apt to teach, not only able, but apt, that is, ready and willing to teach ; now what the Apoftle fpeaks there of an Elder by office, is true of thole that are elders in time, they alfo fhould bz apt to teach ; not only able, but ready and willing to teach in and according to their fpheare and power. / [aid dayes fhould //*<, &c. Thirdly, Note. '7u a reproach to old age, not to be knowing and w'fe, not to be able and apt to teach wi[dome. That old age is venerable, not which hath white hayre, but which whiteneth with vertuous and worthy actions ; Elihu fpeaks SeneBus fla here, not only narratively but reprovingly, he reflects upon the -venerabMstfi, ancient, whole abilities come not up to or doe not equall their non W* cams yeares. The aged may well blufli and be afhamed to be found { d \ met }\ al ~ ignorant of, or unskilfull in any thing that they ought to know. Jci'^ft ,0 H The * 7 ' F 7 50 Chap. 32. An Exptjition ttps;* the Boel^ of j b. Verf. 7. The Apoftle fhames the Hebrews with this, and 1 ells them thsy were dull of hearing ( Heb. 5. 11,12.) becattje when for the time they otight.ts be teachers , they had need that one fhould teach them-* agair.e which be the fir fl principles of the oracles ofCjod, a>:d n ere become fnch as had need of mi Ike and not of fir on g meate ; As if "he had faid, When for rhe time, da) es, and yeares, which have ^o^z over your heads, ( the reproofe lyes there ) you fhould be able to teach others, what a fhame is it that you your felves fhould not be capable of thofe higher teachings, which he &H\s.firofra meat, but ftmft be dealt with * ing 'job, by telling him that man hath a reafonable foule, which is common to all men. Yet I rather conceive that in this firft part of the verfe, the fpirit fpoken of is the naturali fpirit of man, which in the latter part of the verfe he affirmes is inftru£ted,by the infpiration of the Almighty, with fupernatural light for fpe- ciallfervices. The word is often ufed in Scripture to note the reafonable foule, or tho r e powers of the foule which are the vef- fells of reafon, or in which naturali reafon hath its feate and exer- cife. There is a power of reafoning in man , or a fpirit which is rVH animam able to difcourfe of all things ; there was fuch a naturali power wiomlem-de- H 2 im- mau 5 2 Chap. 32. An Expo/kiftt upcn the *2k»j^ af J i. Vcrf. $". implanted in man at his Crearion,and chough that power be much weakned and broken by the fall, yet there are, to this day, fome remaines of it in all men as borne imo this world ; Surely there is afyirit mmAfi^htl/d becaufe the word i> univerfall, or extendable to all meiijChereibVe it is more then probable the wo:dfpint here is to be taken in the largeft fence ; for every man harh not the Spirit of God : yea the word h~re ufed for man, notes man of the meaneft ranke or IcveK forme ; furely there is a fpiric ( in enofh Ml Brighton tranllates ) in fad man, in fickly man, in weak man, in the fickliert weakeft and loweft of men there is a foule, a Spirit indued with reafon ; this is, as i\\z fnbjlratnm or ground of the whole bufineSle, Surely there is a fpirit in ma». And in the latter part of the verfe, Elibu fheweth what that is which heighteneth raileth and improveth this naturall fpirit, certainly there is a fpi- ric in man, every man hath a reasonable foule. i/ind the infpiration of the Almighty giveth underflanding. Ineji quiiem The worke of God inlightning man is exprefted by breathing • hominibus -vis w hen Jefus Chrift gave his Difciples the Spirit, he breathed up- fd mi °^fiTei 0n them ' ( or ini P ircd them ) *» d [* ld i receive 7* thc hol J Ghoft aijbmdirigj- (J !™ 20.22. ) For, as in- the tirft Creation, when God gave tur,i-e->-ifapere man a naturall being,he breathed into his noflrills the breath of life, nonpotsjhEcz, and man became a living foule ( Gen. 2. 7. ) fo in the Second or "Htt; PUtjLJJ Hew Creation God breaths a fpirituall life into that life, and man a DuJi wne~ b^o^s a quickned foule ; Arid as his own foule is quickned by the holy Spirit of grace,fo he is fitted,as an inftrument in the hand of God,to quicken the foules of orhers vjiith grace , or to inftruft them in the waves of grace. ^ The infpiration of th& Almighty giveth mderflanding. But bath not the reafonable foule of every man an undemand- ing ? Doubdene it hath. Therefore Ianfwer; The understand- ing may be taken two wayes ; Firft, for the facuhie ; Secondly, for the furniture and enrichings of it ; now though every man hath an understanding, yet every man hath not a furnillied and an enriched understanding, a beautified and an adorned under- handing. The Scripture fpeakes of fome men as if they were no- thing.but understanding ( Vrov. 1 , 5 . ) A wife man pittmcredfi know- Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the BosJ^of Job. Verf. 8. 5 3 knowledge ^xnd a man of under flanding will Attame unto all (fouxfell ; Every man hath an underftanding, but every man is nor. a man of underfland'.ng - } every man is not a man of underltanding in naru- rall and civill things, much le tie in things divine and i'pirituall. As fome men have ib much will, or rather wUfukielfc, that they are nothing but will ; and ibmc have lb much palfion , that they are nothing but palfion; fo others have fuch riches and treafures of underlhnding , as if they were nothing but underltanding. Now, it is the fpeciall infpiration of the Almighty which giveth fuch an underftanding ; that is, anenlrged and an enriched un- derstanding. We lay, the infpiration of the Almighty grvcth underftanding. The Hebrew is but one word, which we may exprefle as fome lDTSJY doe, Ic Intellect fieth. So then, the fcope and meaning of this • ^f'^f verfe is plainly this ; That howfoever every man, the meaneft of men, hath a reafonable foule, yet the furniture of the underftand- ing,or mans fulnefs of wifdome and knowledge is by gifc ©r infpi- ration of the Almighty ,• and therefore fome read the verfe thus ; Surely there is afpirit in max, bat the infpiration- of the Almighty maheth them to underfland. Thus Eli ha would gaine credit and authority to what he had to deliver, as being by the teachings and dictates of the Spirit of God. The Seventy comply fully with $ft $*?*"* f n . this rendering; There is afpirit in men, but the infpiration ef the ^™tf«iSi^'" Almighty teacheth ; As if Elihn had hid y Though man be endewed ennil:ot ^ nis with n at ur all knowledge and reafon> which can doe fome:vhat , yet docet. Sept: . Hit ili light fhines from above, till the j pir it of God comes in and en- largeth the natter all fpirltjt cannot fee farre, :tor doe any great mat- ter. Or take the fence of the whole verfe thttSj in connection .• with what went before ; Though old age hath odds of youth, yet one man at well at another hath afpirit of re af on and judgement in him, whereby through fupply of fpeciall infpiration from God (who can dH all things ) he may be able to k^ow that which want of y eases , denieth him. From the.words thus opened, Obferve , Firft. » Wifdome or underflanding is the V>8 hath m*de mAns maah ? &c. As it he had faid , Cannot he give words into thy mouth, who gave thee a mouth ? cannot he act thy organs of Ipeech who made them ? Now therefore gte and 1 will be with thy mouth; aid teach ift ^ iUt in n5 . theemhdt thoufralt fay. The Infpirarion of the Airmgh.y ti\x\l&ff,fimtei give thee undemanding. Heathen Poets hive boalied of their. m erda call , raptures and infpirations. The people of God have apromife of ft } f* ■ f£~ the Spirit to lead them into all truth, and to helpe them in main- *^^' taining thole tiu hs. From this general!, tharthe furniture of the underfbnding i the gift of God, or by Infpiration of the Almighty, take t hints by way of Coralary. Firft, If a right undemanding flow from the infpiration of the Almighty, then pray for an underftanding,pray for the Spirit ; It have not kecanfe ye askenot, faith the Apollle {James 4. 1, ) God gives wifdome, but he gives it to them that aske it ( Jam: 1 • 5 • ) If An ) mAn WAnt wifdome, let him askjt of God, -who give th liberally and upbraideth not . Godu: braideth us nDt, cither with our want of wifdome, or with the abundance of witdome that he is pleafed to fupply us with, and give out to us. When Solomon was put to his choice what to aske, he laid, Give thy fervant an u>idcrftandi>:g heart. God gave Solomon witdome , but Solomon asked it firit. All good things are (hut up inpromifes and the pr.omii.es are opened to give out theirgood thingswhen vve pray. ( Vrov. 25. 5. ) When thou ftjCfl after knowledge, and liftefi tip thy vpyce fcr under ji and: ng, then (halt thou under jt and the feare of the Lord) and find the knowledge of God. To pray -well is to flud e well, becaufe by prayer light comes in from on high to make (lu- dies fuccefsfull, and the worke toprofper in our hand. As the hry breathetb downe on us,fo we muff breath u^> to the Al- mighty. To expect and no: to pray, is to tempt God,not to truft him. . Secondly , Doe not onely pray for wildome, but uk meari;?, and be induftrious for the obtaining of it ; The gift sf God doth I net j8 Chap. 32. An Expfiticn upon the Bool^ $f J B. Verf. 8 # not take off the diligence of man. God doth not worke in us that we Jhould fit (till, ( i'rov. 2. 4. ) Then [hah thou knave jvifdome when thou feekeft her m filver, and fear c heft for her as for hidtreafure. And where is this xreafure to be had ? Sorely in the mines of Scripture, and in all thofe Appoyntmcnts wherein God hath pro- mifed tomeete his people , to (nine upon them and give them the knowledge or his wayes in Jefus Chrift. Thirdly , Be thankfull for any gtft of knowledge ; for every beame and ray of light be thankfull ; It is God who commands light to fhine out of darkneife , and that God who at ririt com- manded light to fhine out of darknefle , dayly ihineth into our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the gUry of God in the faceoffcfiu Chrift, ( 2 Cor. 4. 6. ) Fourthly, If underftanding be from Infpiration , then they who have received much underftanding,muftbe caution'd againft twoevills ; Fiift, not to be proud, nor high minded ; that our gifts come from on high, fhould make us very low in our owne eyes. M'hat haft thou that thou haft not received, and if thou haft received it, why doe ft thou glory as if thou had si: not received it f Thefe are the Apoftlesfoule-humblingand pride- mortifying que- stions or expostulations rather ( 1 Cor. 4. 7. ) You that have re* ceived the greateif gifts, whom the Infpiration of the Almighty hath made moil wife and underftanding, be ye moft humble in your felves. Secondly, let me adde ( which is another dange- rous rock upon which great gifts are apt to dafh and fplit you ) take heed of defpifing thofe who have received leiTe • our porti- ons are divided and allotted to us by the hand of God. Divine wifdome gives us our portion of wiidome ; He that hath moft, hath no more then God hath given ; and be that hath leaft, hath as much as God ispleafed to give. They defpife the wifdome and queftion the underftanding of God in giving wifdome, who defpife thofe to whom he gives leiTe wifdome and underftanding then he hath given to themfelves. Fifthly , To thofe who have received but little,! fay alfo two things, by way of caution ; Firft, doe not envie thofe who have received much; It is of God that they have more then you,is your eye evil becaufe the eye of God is good?Secondly,be not difcon- temed with your ownlefier portion ; doe not fit downe fullen; fay not,wc will doe nothing with what we have received, becaufe we Chap. 32. An Expojition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 8. 59 we have hoc as much as others : we know the doome parted on him who having but one talent hid it in a napkin. If we are dis- content with a little portion, or with one talent, that little is t66 much, and that one too many for us ; nothing doth more dim the glory of God, nor more dcltroy and eate out our own com- forts, then difconcent ; the Devill,fince his fall, is the molt dis- contented f pit it in the world, and he was not contented while he flood , he thought he was not high enough, & that was his un- doing .They who are difconcent with the gift of Cod, loofe what is given, and fo fall into deeper difcontent ; yea, as the Apoflle fpeakes in another cafe ( iTim. 3. 6. ) into the condemnation of the devill. Sixthly , Then, let us not be lifted up in our ovvhe natur wild ome and reafon, he that would he wife^mufi become afocle % ( 1 Cor. 3. 18. ) untill we fee our ovvne wifdome folly, we can- not attaine the wifdome of God, or Godly wi.'dome. Seventhly, This fhews us the reafon of the various kinds,, and feveralf meaiures of gifts among the fons of men. Men differ not more in the meafures and degrees of their outward eftates, worldly riches, tides and honours, then they coe in the mea- iures and degrees of their inward abilities,wifdome, knowledge., and understanding r men ditfer not more in the feature and figure of their faces then in the furniture of their minds. One hath five talents, another two, a third but one. And as the various degrees of the fame gift, fo diverfities of gifts are from the foveraigne pleafure of God. TheApoftleis large and very diftintt in this matter ( 1 Cor. 12.4, 8, 9, it.) There are d:vcrfities if gifts, but the fame Spirit ; to one is given by the Spirit the word of wif- dome, to another the word of knowledge by the fame Spirit , to another p-ophecy, to another difcernirg of Spirit s, to another divers \fnds of tongues, &c. But alt thefe worketh that one and tjje felfe-fame Spi- rit, dividing to every man feverally at he will. It is only the will of the Split, the will of God which makes this division and di- veriif cation of gifts among men And as theApoftle fheweth here the rife or fpring of all to be from God , fo he had fhewed' than the reafon and intendment of all this is the benefit of men (v. 7.) The manifestation of the Sp'rit is given to every man to profit rvith- all. What ever your gift is God hath given it for profit and ufe. One hath skill in Sciences, another in languages , one is more I 2 acute, 60 Chap. 32. An Exyofuvn ufon the Beol^ sf Job. Verf. 81 acute, another more iblid, one hath a Wronger judgement , ano- ther a quicker phanlie and a more tearching inven[ion,One is beft at an argument to convince the under! landing , another at a mo- tive to quicken the affections ; one can confute an error and Rate a Controverfie well, and another can beft diicover fin , and con- vince the Confcience ; one hath weight of matter , but is flow of fpeech, another hath a fluent tongue , but is leffe material! ; a third is both j but all to profit withall. Such a Character was gi- ven of thole three Eminent men in the beginning of the refor- Kes (ineviY- ilut i° n > l*%tk&i Erajmus, and Meladihon ; Lmher had matter k» LMtherw, and no: wo:ds,be dia not afteCt any exaclnetVe of llile or fpeech ; verba fixe re- Erafmui had words at will, but leffe weight of matter ; Melax- km Erafmuf, [the;-; was full in both, there was a concurrence or complication p£r w of many eminent gifts in him. The. fame Erafmtu, mentioned % y m * laft but one, hath a like pillage in his Preface to the workes of the AncLnts ( which he with wonderfull skill and induftry re- deemed from many miftakes, and fet forth more defecate and pure to the view and ufe of the world ) where obfetving the dif- ferent veines of divers Authors in their writings, he concludes thus .; Sever all men have. their fever all gifts , as it tleafeth the gift giving Sfirit to give tt them. In Athanaftu we admire a ferious perfpicuity of fpeaking, and iwChryfofiome a flowing Eloquence ; in Bafil) belides his fublimity, a plea fant language ; in Hilary we Tee a lofty (tile, well matcht with the loftinefle of his matter ; in Cyprian we reverence a fpirit worthy the crowne of Martyr- dome ; and we are halove with the fweet incentives and mode- fly of St Ambrofe ; In Jerome we commend his rich treafures of Scripture-knowledge, and niuft acknowledge in Gregory a pure and unpolilht fanctity. He fhuts up thus ; Leaft I fhoutibt tedi- ms ; others have, from the bounty of the fame Spirit, their di- ftin£t abilities, by which they are commended to the confeiences of the Godly. Ihe Infriration of the Almighty giveth mderfiand- ing. And as this is true with refpeA to the gifts of Illumination, which Elihn pitcheth here upon ; lb 'tis much more true in re- ference to the gifts of fanclification ; The Infpiration of the Al- mighty .giveth a fpirituall underftanding to know fin, and hate it, toknowChrift and love him ; fo to know as to be- conformed unto, yea transformed into that which we know. The Infpiratn on of the Almighty gives this underftanding, this heart- change- ing and life-renewing underftandivg. A- Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Bwl^of Job. Verf. 8. <5i Agline , There is afpirit I m man ^\ And the Infpiration of the Almighty giveth tl*m wider jiandinsg ; The word is £»»/, weak* man. Hence No:e. • God can make the weakest and the mlikeliej} of men wife And fall of under ft anding. It is no matter what the man is, if God will ufe him ; he can make Enos to be./yfc, the weake man ftrong, the ignorant a lear- ned a knowing man ; Amos was a husbandman, and God gave him an excellent undemanding ; the ApouMes were Pifhermen, and yet the Infpiration of the Almighty made them wife above many ; God can make the wile foolifh, and foolcs wile. The power of God triumphs over all humane power , and in all hu- mane infirmity. So much the Apoftle tcacheth ( 1 Cor. 1. 27. ) God hath chofen the feolijh things of the world to confound the wife, And the weake things of the world to confound the things wh'-ch are mighty ; And bafe things of the world , and things which Are de- Jpifed hath God chofen y yea and things which are not , to bring to nought things which are, that no ftejh fhould glory in his prejence. God chufeth thofe things which have the greateft improbility for his worke, that the power and fucceiie : of the worke may be a- feribed to him alone. When we chufe,we ihould chufe thofe that are fit for the worke, to which they are chofen ; we ihould not chufe a foole to governe, nor one that is of low parts himfelfe to teach others ; we ihould pitch upon the . wifett and ablefl: we can get. 'Jofeph faid well to Pharoah ( Gen. 41 . 33.) Lookt out a man d'ferect and wife y And fet him oxer the Land of Eqjpt. We cannot make men wifer then they are, and therefore we mi?(t chufe and take thofe that are wife to doe our worke. But when God comes to doe his worke, he often takes the foolifh and the weake, because as he caile< h them to , lb he can fit them for hisvvorke. As the ftrongeft opposition 0: nature againft grace cannot hinder xhe worke of the Spirit ; when the Spirit comes, l^e will mike a proud man humble, a covetous mm liberal!, an uncleane perfon modeft and temperare \ fo the weaknefle of nature cannot hinder his worke. If a man below in parts, God can raife him ; Om of the mouths of babes a-«d fuckfj/rqs haft thou tr.daincdftrength ( P&1..8* 2..) or ( as Chrirt alledgeth that text, M*th; 6l Chap. 32. An Exfrftion tipan the Beo\t^«f J B. VerC p. Math: 21. t 6. ; 77;w /j^r/? forfeited yraifc ; one might thinke, Surely God will cake the aged, the learned and great for his praile; no, he ordaines praise to himlelfe out of the mouths of tubes and lucklings, that is, out of their mouths who inallmcu- turall coniiderations, are no way formed up nor fitted ro {hew forth his praile. ( Jfa, 3 2. 4. ) The heart of the rajh ( or hafiy J fhall mderftand k^iewledge . Heady and inconfiderate perfons, whofe tongues ( as we fay ) run before their wics, fhall then be grave, advifed,and fcrious, both in what they doe, and (as icfol- loweth ) m what they fay ; The tongue of the ftammerers (hall Jfeake flawly, th.it is, cleare words with cleare reafon ; or they inall fpeake well both in matter and forme , right things rightly. All this the Lord doth that he may honour himlelfe, and lift up his owne name only , which alone is to be lifted up. Never feare toyut ancmptyvcffellto afullfoHntaine \ no matter how empty the veflell be, if the fountainebe full : God delights in broken weake and empty creatures , that he may mend , ftrengthen, and fill them. There is a fpirit in man [ in weake man ] and the Infpirationofthc Almighty giveth them uuderfl an ding. Elihn having fhewed the original of mans wifdome to be from God in this 8th verfe, makes an inference from it in the 9th ; Theinfpiration of the Almighty giveth underftandmg ; And what then ? iurely even hence it cometh to palle,thar, Verf. 9. Great men are not alwayes wife , neither doe the aged mderftand Judgement. It is well conceived by fome Interpreters, that the Apoftle doch more then allude to, even cite this text ( i Cor. 1 . 16. ) Ton fee your Calling Brethren, how that not many vo'.fe men after the flefh-i not many mighty, net many ]\foble are called. If God fhould chufe only or moflly wife men, they would be ready to fay, we are chofen for our wifdome ;Ifhe ould chute and call only or moflly rich men, they would be ready ro r hirke, we are chofen for our riches ; If he ilould call only ormoftly Kings and Prin- ces, they would conclude, we are called for our Greatnelfe ; Therefore the Lord paflfeth by moft of thefe, and calieth the Fifherman , calleth the poore man , the ignorant man , and iaith, You that have nothing, you that (intheeikeme of the world ) Chap. 32. i/in Expofitwn tifoft the Bevl^ of Job. Ve-rf. 9. 63 world ) are nothing, doe you follow me , who have all things, and can fupply you with all. Thus here faith Elihu, Great men Are net afoayes wife ; Why not ? the reaion is becaufe God doth not alwayes beftow wifdome upon them , It is the Inspiration of the Almighry that giveth underfhnding ; GrearnetVe doth it not ; Not many wije men after thefiefk, not many Great or Noble are Called. Elihu and the Apoftle Paul fpeake the fame thing al- moft in the fame words. This is alio a proofe of the divine Au- thorise of this booke, as well as that ( 1 Cor. 1. 19. ) taken out of the fpeech of Elifhaz, in the 5th Chapter at the 1 3th verfe j He taketb the wife in their owxe craftineffe, &c. Great men are net alwayes wife. The word alwayes is not at all in the Originall text,and there- fore put in a different Character ; Great men are not wife ; but 'cis well fupplyed by that word alwayes ; For the meaning of Eli- hu is not that great men are never w/le, but not alwayes wife. Great men, the Rabbles, the honourable men of the world, men 3^ yyfoo nif f in Authorise and great place are intended by this word. The Of- unde Rabbi fleers which King Ahafuerus fet over his feaft, are called Rabbles rtfyiji'er,qui {Eft. 1 . 8.) fo that we may expound it here in the largeft fence, m ^^n erudi- as including all forts and degrees of Great ones. HonZabil//' Great men are not alwayes wife. Pa 8 n: #%'«■ tes. Tygur: That is, wifdome neither floweth from, nor is it alwayes aflo- ciated with Greatneffe. As fome are little yet great, little in the world, yet great in true wifdome ; fo others are Grear, yet little, they are little in wifdome, or have little true wifdome, though .'.hey are great in the world, or have great worldly wifdome. Hence note. It is not great*ejfe of birth, of place, or fewer, that can make any man wife, nor doth it at all affurc at, that a man is wife, becaufe vte fee him exalted to and fetled in a place of power and greatnefs. The Prophet ( Jer. 5.-4, 5. ) finding fome very incorrigible and hardned in finfull courfes, concluded them meane perfons, and in the loweft forme of the people. Therefore I faid, Surely thefe are poor c, they are fool ifh, for they know not the way of the Lordy 64 Chap. 32. An Expjulon upon the 'BooJ^ of J o b. Verf. 9 Z>W, nor the judgement of their God. To be poors and fooliih is very common ; thefe are poo re and foolifh ( faich che Prophet ) buc iiirely I (hall linde the Great ones better accommodated \vi:h wifdome ; and thereupon he refolved, I will get me to the great men, and will Jpcal^unto them, for they have l^:$wne the way of the Lord, And the judgement ef their God • That is, thefe great men have had great mbanes of knowledge, and we have reaibn tofuppofe them as great in knowledge , as they are in place or power. Bur did the great men anfwer his expectation ? did he find that in them , which he iought and looked for ? nb.hing lelle r The great men proved more foolifh, or leile in true know- ledge then the poore, as it followetb, But thefe have altwethfr broken the Jiakc and bwrfi the bonds ; As if he had faid, / thought thefe great men had been wife, but I fee they are very fooles. Wnat can be a greater argument of folly, then tobreake thofe yoakes" and bonds, which the wifdome of God hath put upon us? 'Tis both our wifdome and our freedome to be bound by the mod wife and holy will of God ; and hence the Prophet accounts this one as ftrong as a thoufand arguments, to prove that the Great men among the Jewet- were not wife, becaufe they were nor only unwilling to be bound to the obedience of the will of God , but wilfully hurft thofe bonds. When Jelus Chrift came into the world,the great ones,the Rabbles had the leaft true vvifdome,they would not believe on him, nor receive him ; yea fome boafted of this their unbeliefe as an argument of their wifdome ( 'johnj. 48, 49. ) Have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharifces believed on him I No • they were too wife to believe ; Faich in Chrift was left to the fooles, and counted folly by thofe wife men ; But this people ( lay they, meaning the common fort or ignorant vulgar ) ivho knoweth not the Law are curfed. And they thought them ac- curfed becaufe they believed in and received Jefus Chrift, the chicfeft bleffing. Great men are no: afvVajF.es wife in civill things, very rarely in fpirituall things ; They have nor alwayes the. wifdome of a man,they feldome have the wifdom of a reall Chri- ftian. They are not alwayes worldly wife , or wife for this pre- fent world , much lefle are they alwayes wife for the world which is to, come. Great in title, azdw'ife m truth, area fweete couple, but feldome feene. If fo Then there is no taking of things upm trufl from thegreatefi in the Chap. 32. An Exfoftuon upon the Book^of. Job. Verf. 9. 6$ the world. As it is dangerous to follow the multitude (£aW.2 3. 2. ^ the moft are ufuallv the vvorft, and they who are evilf, will leade to evill ; fo there is no following great ones blindfold; for even they are often blind, or ( which is worfe ) will not fee ; And they who either doe not or will not fee their own way , may foone leade others out of the way, and turne them afide to that which is not good. Againe , This firft part of the verfe ( Great men are not al~ , \ . wayes w'fe) is rendredby the Septuagint, men of many yeares y * K °' * r * ,J " or great in yeares, are not alwayes wife. The Original word may *J C / g^' refer to greatnefle of age, which cenfifts in having lived many yearcs, as well as to grearneife of honour, which confifls in the enjoying of high places and dignities. But I rather adhere to our tranfiation , that the great men here intended are the Great in power and place, not in yeares and dayes, though it be a truth, that fuch are not alwayes wi.e ; and if we take in that fence alfo, it is a further confirmation of the general! truth in hand, That wifdome is the gift of ood , and therefore thole men are not al- wayes wife, whom we might mott probably lookeu, on as luch. For as we fee Great men, who have the advannge of meanes for education in learning, are not alwayes the wifeff ; fo the aged, who have that great advantage of time and experience to ga- ther wifdome are not ; Bo:h often come fhort in abilities of understanding and prudence, the former of their inferiors, the latter of their juniors. This is expreife in the latter part of the verfe,and therefore needs no: be inferred from this firft part of it,by way t)f interpretation ; Great men are net alwajes wife, then followes this disjunctive propolit ion ; "^{either doe the aged mderftand Judgement ,• or, that which is right. The word Mifhpat is taken two waves in Scripture ; firft, for the rule of RighteoufnefTe ; Samuel told the people, the judge- ment or manner of the Kingdome, ( 1 Sam: 10. 2 5. J that is, how the kingdomefhould be ordered and governed, according to judgement and rules of righteoufneffe. Secondly, Such an actu- al! Administration as is according to that rule of righteoufneffe, is in Scripture called judgement. The aged doe not alwayes Knderftand judgement in either notion ; they dos not alwayes K un- 66 Chap. 32. An Exptjitm npon the Be-ak^ of J b. Verf. p- understand the rule, nor doe they alwayes a£ according to the rule which they underftand ; they who fayle in one, much more in boih thefe, doe not understand judgement. Sometimes the aged are at a loife and know not what to doe, and oftentimes they ate fo en:an:led with their lulls, that they will not doe what rhey know. Yet here remember, thefe words are not to be taken as an abiblute negation oF vvifdome to the ancient , much lefle as a reproach upon them : For ufually the aged are molt underftan:iing in judgement, and we may more probably and doe more frequently rsnde Judgement with them, then among thole that are young. And therefore when El'hu faith, neither dqe the aged urMrftanl Judgement ; his meaning is only r his, old age do:h not give vvifdome, nor is it the old mans priviledge only x to underftand judgement. Hence note. mu ^ no[ f vva y y 0U . ^jj s oulvV a;d gelhire, tone and gravity* Etenimcani'ies ^ s ^ eveie or demure lookes, which mu^fa^ect, almoft ailonilh dicenti,gekut unlearned auditors, and make them ready to fwallow any thing. fi!perciLa,£ were young, yet honourable forpudence and piety; and therefore, feeing great men are not alwayes wife, neither doe the aged un- derltand Judgement , as we fhould nor accept what old men fay becaufe of their age ; fo.let us no: flight what young men fay becaufe of their yomh. When Cod furnifheth young men with abilities, and «.v.Uerh ■ them to his worke, even old men mu ft be willing, at leaft not. diff- Chap. 3 1. An Exposition upon the Bosl^of Job. Ve:f. p. 69 dudaine, ro heare them.Chrift mafi be heard in or by whom foe- eveoJie will fpeake, God indeed doth ufually ferve himlelfe by the aged»yet he hath aburtdan.ly telHried chac truth is not bound uo co old age. Modelty ihould bridle young men from beipg over-forward co ("hew themfetves , buc ic mull nf>c font or fenle up their lips. Old men muft have the preh^minence ; Ehha lnewes us chat order ( v.j. J I ( faich he ) fald dayes {leal fpc.-.ke, and multitude of yeares fhall teach rvifdane : We mult hrft attend and give eare to our elder*. And when we are co chufe Officers o: Governours, co chute ignoranc Greene-heads before knowing Gray hayres, were a perverting of all order. Therefore men ef yeares having grace and wifdome proportionable, are co be pre- ferred before che younger. In that cafe ic were a fhame to ad- vance young men, wich a neglect, of the aged. Buc when God gives more grace and underihnding co young men then to anci- ents, our approbation fhould follow his preparation, and whom he qualifies belt, we fhould fooneft chufe. The order of Nature is good, yet >iot alwayes jitteft to be ob fervid. Right reaion and the rule of he word of God muft f.vay and cart our vote , no: che a>e md yeares of men. When Samuel was fenc to anoynr a King m the place of Sa-d among the fens of Jeffe y he looking on Eli 'ab' hid, Surely the Lords anoynted is be r arehim(- 1 Sam: 16. 5. ) but the Lord [aid unto h m ( v. 6. ) Loohe not on his coptntenAfrce^ or en the he : ght of his ftature, iecaufe I have refufed him, for the Lsrd feeth '-or as man feet h ; for man loo^eth on the outward appearance, but the Lord lookjth en the heart. Now, as we are no: to be taken with the beauty and Mature men , fonoc wich their gray haires and outward gnvity . Old men are not alvea^es wife.; wifdome and a heart for God, a good heart, or a heart to doe good, may dwell with a greene Head, even wi'h a eteener then feven, the eighth • or g-eeneft of all ( io was Tlavids ) that come or Hand in a day/ of Ek&ion before .us. JOB, yo Ctap. 32. An Expoftion upon the Book^of J o «. Verf. 10 JO B. Chap. 32. Verf. iq 11, 12, 15, 14* Therefore if aid, Hearken to me : I alfo will fiav mine opinion. Behold, I waited for yottr words : Igaveeare to your rcajons, whilcfi you fe arched out what to fay. Tea, I attended unto you : and beholdjhen was none of you that convinced 'job , or that anjwcred his words : Left ye fiould fay j We have found out wifdome .* God thrujieth him downe and not man. Now he hath not dire&ed his words againji me ; neither will I anfwer him with your fpeeches. ^pLihu having afferted this negative propofition in the former JL. verfe, Great men are not always* wife, neither doe the aged, nnderftand 'judgement , makes his inference from it in thefe words. Verf. 10. Therefore I fay A hearken to me. As if he bad faid ; Though I am none of the great men of the world, though I am none of the aged among xhefons of men, jet hear- ken t.mome ; for feci* g great" and Aged men are not alwayes wife^ nor have inqyoffed all wfdome and under/landing to fhemfehes, it is fojfible that fme keames of wifdome may fhine forth even from fo mea> e a junior, even from fuck a puny as (I murt confeffej I am. We may alio make the inference from the 8th verfe ; There is a ffirit in man* and the itfpiration of the Almighty giveth under- standing. Therefore I [aid hearken to me ; As if he had faid, Though I am, a young man^ and have not had either thofe naturahor acci- dental advantages of the ancient for the gathering of any great fiocke or trte( nres of wifdome , yet there is an infpiratwn of the Al- mighty which g'veh under ftand'ng. If the Lord will make ufe of me, and infpire me, if he fleafe to breath his truths into me, and rrrad'ate my foule with divine I'ght, I may be able to doe and fay fome thing in th's matter. The inference, you fee, followes vveli and without ftraine from either of thofe premifes. There- Chap. 32. *j4n Expofttion upon the BoeJ^ of J B. Verf. 10. 71 Therefore I faid , hearken to me. It may be queried, to whom did Elihu fay this ? We tranflate the words ^definitely, not determining [hem to this or thar per- lon ; But trie Original feemes to fpeake perfonally ; Therefore I [aid, heare thou me. Which may be understood two waves j Firft, that £///.# directed his fpeech principally to Job, Heare thou what I frail fay. Secondly, that Elihu fpake to the whole company there prefcnt,as if they had been but one man \ we may i'peake in a congregation of hundreds and thoufands, we may ipcake [o many, as if there were but one to heare ; as what is fpo- kv n to a few, may be intended to all. ( M«rkj.i, t 37. ) What I fay wtoym, ( my Difciples ) I fay mto all, watch. So that which is laid to alt, is furely faid to every one in the aflembly where 'tis faid. Though we take Elihu here, as fpeaking directty but to one perfon,yet we muft take him as defiring that every perfon preienc fliould take ic as fboken to himfelfe ; Hearken to me. Hence note firft. When any fpeake reafon , and fotd .out truth, they are to Re- heard, No man Should flop his eare with a prejudice to the perform He that fpeaks truth, deferves to be heard : though (as Ellhtt ) he be a young man, or infei ior to many in age, yet he is to be heard, though infei ior to many in power and experience, yet he is to be heard ; ( Side; 4, 1 3. ) Better is a poor e and wife child, then am- old and foolijh K>rg that will net be admc-nified. And better is a poore and wife cnild, then an old man chat can give no admoniti- on. As that man is in a fad condition, whether king or fub 1 ec>, that will not be admonifhed,io tint man, be he never lb ancient, is not much ro be regarded, that is not able to give admonition. But though both ciiicreete young men, and diicreete poore m.^n are to b^ heard when they (peak truth and reafon , yet that of So- lomon ( Ecc/e: 9. t6. ) is too often verified ; The poore mars wifdvme is defpijed, and his word* are not heard. IVoft concludes if a man be poore, hi> counfell is fp roo, and if he be young, hew can he be a ccuafcller ? yet^Mr* me ( faith Elihu ) . 72 Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the BooJ^ of J © b. Verf.io. VI Sdenti- I alfo will frew mire opinion , or my kuowlejlge. am imam. I will fhew what my underftanding is, or what light God nath Mont. given me in this cafe. The words are phine. Note from them. Whet truth ot truths we have received and £w»>, we fhsull communicate and make \nowne. "lis a duty to fhew our opinion when we have a call and an occafion to ihew it, as Elihu here hid. Some have knowledge* who will not {hew it ; They ( which Chrift forbids,/W<*//>: 5.15.) put their candle under a bull ell. God haih lighted a candle, and fee it up in fome m^ns fpirits, yet they either quite con- ceaie or much obfeure it. God hath given them a talent of knowledge, and they like the unprofitable fervant, wrap it up in a Napkin. They will not ihew their opinion. Not to fhew what we have, when called to it, is a deniall that we have it. As good not have a candle, or a talent, as let our*candle be hid, or hide our talent. The very Ijearhen condemned this , while they fayd, Covered venue, is f?Hr' elver tue. Yea while a man covers his vermes, parts, and abilities, he burieth himfelfe alive, or is dead while he lives. As, the Scripture laith, they have only a name to be alive, but are dead, who make a (hew of more then they have ( Rev: 3 . 2. ) fo they have a name to be dead, or may be numbred among the dead, who will not ihew what indeed chey have. There are two things which hinder men from ihewing their 0- pinion ; Firft,idlenefle, they are loath to take the paines to fhew it. Secondly,fhamefaftnetVe ; There is a commendable modefty, 'tis not good to be over-forward in (hewing our opinion; But that modefty is finfull , which quite hinders us from ihewing ©uropinion. They who keepe in their knowledge and opinion either through idleneiTe, or fhamefaftneffe, doe almoft as ill as they who (hew their opinion , and declare their knowledge through pride and and high-mindedneffe, or meerely to fhew themfelves, to (hew their wit, and to make a noyfe of their parts and learning. 'Tis finfull felfe-pleafing either to know only that we may know, or to publiih what we know only to be knowne. With fome 'tis nothing that they have knowledge, unleffe others know Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 10. 73 know that they have it. An arrectatioii toappeare knowing, is as bad as to be ignoranr. / will fteiv mine opinion ( faid Elihu J But why would he ihew it ? We have reafon to judge , it was from thehonefty of his heart, not from the height of his Spirit. And when ever we fhew our opinion, we ought to fhew it out of an honelt heart, and for honeft ends, fuch as thefe. Firtt, To inftruc} thofe who are ignoranr. Secondly , To reduce thofe who are out of the way. Thirdly, To feed hungry foules with wholefome doilrine. ( Prov. 10. 2 1 . J The lips of the righteous feed many. Fourthly , To ftrengthen the weake. Fifthly , To continue the doubt full. Sixthly , To- comfort the forrowfull. Sevenrhly , To encourage the fearefull. Eightly , To quicken the floathfull in the waves and worke- of Cod. Laftly , And above all , That God may be glorified by the u(z of the talent that he harh given. ( 1 Pet. 4. 10. ) Ai every man hath received, the gift, evcnfo minifter the fame one to another, at good Stewards of the mam fold grace of God. Stewards feuft not kc lip their owne, but their Matters Intereft. We fhould minifter by every gift as Stewards of the manifold grace of God. / will fhew m.ne opinion ( faith Elihu. J But what hafte ? Elihu. it feemethforefawfome ready to ob- ject ; Why doe you a young man take upon you to foeake in ~i caufe, wherein fo many of your Elders and Betters have not pre- vailed ? why are you fo bufie ? 'Tis much boldnes for you, or inch as you to declare ycur opinion in this controverfie, wherein fuch wife, lea - n':d, & godly men have,without fuccefle, ingaged alrea- dy. To this objection, Elihu makes a preventing anfwer, rendring this accoum of his undertaking; As if he had \aid J have attentive- ■ vbferwd all the pafj r ages and traverfes tf this dilute, I have heard at 'I that jobs f ''tends have offered, whether for vir.d cation of the ju~ fdce a-'d right eoufnefs of (fed in laying that great affliction upon Iv.m, or for the convillien of fob , to make him fee his fin, and Jit downe humbled. I have heard all this (faith Eh.hu ) and upon the whole matter I find, fob is yet unanfwercd, or that there is need of her anfwer to flop his mouth , to file nee his complaints, and L hun&le 74 Chap. 32. An Exf option upon the Booj^of Job. Verf.n* humble him under the hand and foveragne power of Cjod. This is the fcppe and iumrne of chefe two verfes following. Verf. ii. Behold, I waited fir yo%r words, I gave eare to your reafons, whileft you fear ched out what to fay. Verf. 12. Tea I attended unto ym ; and behold , there is none of you that convinced Job, or that anfwcred his words. You have the generall fence of the text, \ fhall yet proceed co a more particular explication of it. Behold , / waited for your words. XP moratuf The word which we translate to wane, imports three thin»s ^^ la " in Scripture ; Bill, an act of hope, or to be carried towards any thv'h eX ^ S ~ r ^ n § defirable, with a wonderful 1 defire to enjoy it ; Hope can- feth the fifth to heath after fruit ion. Secondly, the.word implyeth that griefe or trouble which poflefleth the mind upon a long Ihy ■ or detainment of that good which we delire and hope to attaine. Thirdly, it notes, the ioules patient waiting ( though grieved and burdened with prefent delayes ) for future enjoyment. In all or any of thefe fences, Ehhu might fay , Behold, I waited for your words, I earneftly denred to heare you fpeake to latisfaCiion, and I am grieved that you did not ; and I would, if need were, patiently waite itill,did I not perceive you had done,and quitted . your hands of this worke. Behold, I -waited for your words. 33 ''OlT Mr Broughtrn renders, Behold, 1 waited through your jpeech, or, into your words. I ftood ftill,but I have not been afleep, 1 have long expected , you would fay what is right, and I have feriouf- lyconiidered what you h)d,I waited for your words ; . I gave eare to your, reafons. Attendi ufq m ad "^ at is i to find what convincing reaion was couched in your fenfa veflra\ arguments. The Hebrew is, / gave eare to your underflanding ; lun: i.e. Accu- That is,. I attended to find out your apprehenilons , or to gather vitijjmt <& U p y 0ur fence in this matter, that I might not miftake your guam penitifft- meaning, nor anfwer at randomc. The vulgar tranflatioq reads it, wjMexpio™- 1 have heard your wifdome j That is, what wifdome there was in Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 11. is your words. The truth or reafon that is in worcfe, is the wifdome f^^ p ™ of them. So that, when Elihtt faith, I gave care to your r '*/^j£"|J^ ul or, to your under fiandmg^ it intimates that he tooke the kta&eft M.gentiJJiml heed he pollibly could to find our theutmoil tendency mid! pur- aujcuhcvi ra- pofc of their difcourfe. As if he had laid ; I Live weighed every #'«*» vefi-as, tittle that ye have #>%», and tryed it by mine ear e. to find whether Vf^J* ,efMpn Scma- fearch after that which is hidden, remote and fecret. 'lis apply- r^, perfrv.tj- ed ( Dent? 13.14.,) to that care which Judges ought to take in x ™ e £ 2 re ^ 0t(1 finding our the trurh of anaccufation brought againlt eriticers to ™ j l ™) Ji ldola:ry. The llrietnefs of the Originoll is, while ye fearched out words. As if he had faid , / am perfwaded you haze fir awed your fclves to the tttwofi, to find out what to fay , you d'd not weak} what came next \hut fearched for your an fivers. ■ We may learne a good leflon from the practice dtEl'hu - we fee he was no idle hea-er ; yea in him we have the description "or character of an active hearer ; / waked for your words ^ I g&v* ■care to your reafonmgs, while ye fearched out what to fay. H nee note. ■Wenf/.fi dUnemly heare and give care , we gh a>;d confider Wr:at us f pollen, before we give atfwer. No man is well prepared to anfwer, bur he that hath been an arennve hearer. And as no man can be a fit an.'werer in poynts under difputarien, fo no man can be a fruitful! pracUfer in poynrs •of inft; ucHon, but he that hath been adiligenr, hearer. Tig our duty, when the word is preaxht, to waire, not for a found of words, net for fine words, or words drefled up with affected eloquence , but for found favory words , for words that have L 2 •' weight 7 6 Chap. 32. An Expoft'ion upon the Beck, of J o b. Verf.n weight aid light in them , for words that have ftrength and au- thority in them , to prevaile upon the heart, and conquer us to obedience. Thefe are the only words ,, worth the waiting for ; and for thefe we ought to waire." Secondly , Before El'.hu comes to give his opinion, he tells Jobs friends, that he had diligently heard the nutter cut,. even all their reafonings and.tearchings. Hence note. We muft not make a judgement from Any one part of a dif- c our ft , we. muft take all together. We muft compare the firft and laft, the Alpha and Omega, . the beginning and ending of what is fa yd ; We muft looke quite through. 'Tis not ingenuous to picke up this or that paflage, to take a piece here , and a piece there ; we can never make a true judgement till the whole is layd together. As, many ex- ceedingly miftake. about the works of God, fo about the words of men,becaufe they judge the whole by this or that part: Where- as they fhould judge of the parts by the whole. As therefore we ought not to make conclusions about the providentiall works of God, till the laft Adl, or till all is concluded ; lb we muft not judge the difcourfes of men, till the laft word, or till they have concluded their ditcourfe. Heare a man out, and then anfwer him. Abjquoatten- Thirdly , Ehhu feemes to chalenge it as his due to be heard.: tiemmjibicon- fpeake,after he. had fully heard them fpeaking. Hence note, 7 hey who have had the patience to heare others^ ought to have the pnviledge of being heard themfelves. Heare w?, faith Elih* ; Why fo ? / have heard you. It is but equall and rational!, that he fhould have liberty of fpeaking, . who hath, fhewed an attentive perfeverance in heai ing. From the laft branch of the \ztiz x whileyefearehed out what to - to- ; , Obferve. We »ught to ponder and try what we fpeal^e, before we fpeake- it. The worke of the tongue muft follow that of the underftand- tiliat. Merc: Chap. 32. An Expoftion upon the Boek^of Job. Veif. 12. 77 ing. (Eccl: 12. 10. J The Preacher fought to ful oat Acceptable S2H "HTl words.) or words'of de/lght, words of pleafe-re. The preacher fougbc ; But how did he feeke ? He fought diligently and earneftly. The preacher fought, but inwhat way did he ieeke ? fu rely he fougrr by diligent Ihidy and earned: prayer , to fitdwt acceptable word*. \Vha. words were thofe ? not m en-plea fr.g words, not fofr words, which, might paffe with all torts, or humour all rhanlies not fufch words as would ferve for pillows under bad mens elbows. The acceptable words which the Preacher fought, were words of trir.li and fobriety, words of power and Authority ; in no other fence may we feeke out acceptable words, or words of delight ; nor is there any nue delight, but in wo r dsof truth. Thus every faith- full Preacher fhould feeke to find out acceptable words ; every holy and wholfome doctrine is made ■ up of fuch words. Only thale doctrines and exhortations which are firmed and compe- ted of fuch words, are ( as the Apoftle faith of the great do&rine of Jefus Chrift , manifefted inj the flefh tofave finners ) faith- full fty'ixgJ ) and worthy of acceptation ( 1 Tim: 1. 15. ) Ellhu tooke notice of this in fobs friends, they did not fpeak hand over head, but fearched what they might fay moiho the purpoie ( as they judged) ofthecaufe in hand, and to the profit of thcir hearers. Elihu thought he had not yet ipoken enough in way of apoJo- gie for himfelfe. And therefore the penman of this diipute re- prefents him fpeaking further, yet much to the fame fence. Verf. 12. Tea, I attended unto yon , and behold, there was none of you that convinced job, or that anfwered his words, l attended unto you ; That is, I did not frly deflretoreceli'c full fatisfallion from you, but I attended, hoping at Lift to find it. I flayed, I did not make hafte, nor did I haften you. Some ex- 2)f

. ) Moreover, if thy brother fha/i trefpafe aga? ft tl.ee, noe and tell him of his fault. To reprove a man, is Firft to tell him of his fault, and then ro blame him for ir. Every mam fruit rr.rft be clearely proved , before he can be jirfily re- proved. 'I bus the Bap r ilr reproved Hercd (Luke $'. T9.) And becai ie Ltsfct vroves, therefore it alfo reproves (John y. 20. ) Every one that doth cvill, hate h the I ght y neither cometh to the I'ght, kfi his deed', ficnld be reproved. The fame word is itfed . (Eph: 5. it. J Have no fellow fo'prcih the unfruitful! works of dark? G)wp. 32. t/f n Expofition ttpo/t the Bool^ of Job. Veri. 12. 79 r darknefi, but rather reprove them. And.igaine { ilim: <,.zo.) 1 Lcmihat fin (chit i-, ei. her openly, before ail, or whole {in hath been pj o\cd before all ) rebuke before- all ; and, as the tame le directs [1 it; 2. 25. j Rebuke them jlarply. Thiroly , The word figniheth, as to prove ana reprove, fo to chaiten ami correct, to rebuke by the hand as well as by the tongue {Hcb: 12. 5.^ Te have forgotten the exhortation which 'J* esn f chief e^O mighty man ? The Apo(ile found thofe (Phil. 3.19.) who gloried in their fhame ; That is , in finfull practices ( even ■ making their belly their God ) whereof they ought to be afha- med. The Prophet fpake of their like long before, ( Ifa. 3. 9. J They declare their fin as Sodome, they hide it net ; As if it had been their ornament and their honour, their beauty and bravery to be wicked. But efpecially if bad men doe that which is good, they boaft of it. A carnal man, may for the matter doe good ; yea, he may have a zeal e for God. Jf/w (aid, Comefeemyx^ealefortheLoriy, ( 2 Kings \o.\6. ) But Jehu defired more to have his zeale for the Lord feene, then to be zealous for the Lord-. And fo his was indeed zeale for himfelfe., not for the Lord'. The Pharifees did many good things, but they could not. forbeare boifting in the good they did ; They doe all ( faith Chrift, who knew not only what they did, but with what heart ) to be feene of men, or to have prayfe with men. Yea, not only are evill men ready to boaft of the good they doe , but the temptation lies hard alfo upon godly men to. doe fo, their hearts are often unduely transported, as-: Chap. 22. An Exfofnion upon the Bosl^of Job. Verf. 1 5. '3 5 as with the thoughts of their gifts, parts, and graces, fo wich what they doe through the gift of grace. Our very graces, much more our outward priviledges, may be an occanon of bo.ilting. Pride and boading are w^eds which grow up from the bell and richelt foyle. 'lis rare to lee any man rich in gifts and graces, and poore in fjurit ; poverty of lpirit is the pureft and truett riches of gcace. Secondly, As to the particular here fjokenof, Left je fhouU fay y ire have found out ivijd>we. Nore. {J[{aH is very prone to make boast of or gl/ry in that which hecalleth wifdome. When he hath found out ( though but fuppofed ) wifdome, he cannot contains, he muft cry it up. It is faid of the old Mathe- Archimedes, matician, when ( after long ftudy and beating his braines ) he had found cut a Conclusion in Geometry, he ran about the Citie ( as if tranfported ) or ravilned with this loud out-cry, / have found it j I have found it ; and thus fobs friends were ready to cry out, they had fonnd y they had found, out wifdome. There is indeed a ve- ry great temptation in the finding.out or attaining of wifdome, to puff" man up, and to make him vaine-glorious. We have great caufe to be humbled, that we have* fo little wifdome ; and they that have any ftore ( as they thinke ) mo:c then their neighbours, are in great dangof of being proud of it. Knowledge : puffeth up, ( 1 Cor- 8. 1. ) When the head is full , the heart grows high. Yet this is robe underftaod of literall knowledge, not of fpiritu- al^or of knowledge when and whete it is alone without grace y not of gracious knowledge. The more a gracious man knowes, the more humbh he is, becaufe his knowledge fhewes him his own vilenefs and emptinefs ; but the more a ca mall man knowe?, . the more proud he is, becaufe ( while fuch ) whatsoever or how much foever he knoweth, he knoweth not himfelfe, nor doth he know any thing as he ought to know it, as the Apoiile fpeakes there at the fecond verfe. And as meere naturall men, fo they who are but fmatterers, or beginners in the wayes of godlinefs, are alfo very ready to be tranfported with an opinion of their parts and knowledge. And therefore, the fame Apoftle gives it in charge ibTiimth) ( 1 Tim. 3.6.} that he who is called and received unto $6 Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Bsok^of J B. \forf. 1 ?. unto Office in the Church, fhould not be a twice ; he means ic not fo much of one that is young in yeares, as of one that is young in the faith, a new plant in the Church, or one newly converted. And he gives this as a re.ubn, Left being puft up ( with pride he meanes ) by being in fiich a function, or by having- fucH reputati- oafor wifdome and knowledge, as is requisite to aCofpel Mini- Her, he ( which is a fad fall, if not a down-fall into utter mine ) fall into the condemnation of the devill. Not that thcdevili will ■condtmne him for his pride, no, the more proud men are, the more the devill approves of them ; nor is it the devills office to condemns, it is his office to execute ; he is the executioner, not the Judge ; and wnat ever he condemnech any man for, he will not condemne him for pride, no nor for any fin. So that when the Ajroftle faith,' Left he fall into the condemnation of the devill, it is as if he had faid , Left he be condemned for the fame fin that the devill was condemned for, which vans pride : And it was pride (for he is the right father of the Gnofticks ) arifing out of a high opi- nion, or conceit of his owne wifdome, and knowledge. Zophar fayd ( Job 1 1. 12. ) Vaine man would be wife. But is it an argu- ment of a mans vanity that he would be wife ? it is a mans duty to be wife, that's a good defire ; why then do:h he fay , Vaine man would be wife ? The meaning is, Vaine man would be in ac- count fo: wifdome , he woulcfbe reckoned among wife men, or he defiresmore to be thought wife, then to be wife. ( <*■* 4» ? 16. ) A,d Jofeph ««f*ered Centum meo Pharoah, faying, It is not in me, but God ft all give Pharoah an an- effellwus eft. fwer of peace. When Pharoah proofed to him his Dreames of lun: the fevenleane kine, and of the fevcn thin ears of Come, Jo- feph profelfed it was not in him to expound them, but only in God; and that God would doe it he was conrideir ; God fh all give to Pharoah an anfwer of peace. I ovvne no wndome in or of my felfe, enabling mc to refolve this queftion, or to open this fecret ; If ever I die it, 'tis God who dnh it, not I ; unlefle he re- veale the fecret unto me, I cannot reveale it un:o thee. Thus ?l- fo fpake Daniel, ( Dan: 2.27.) When all the wife men of 5^- /l Unt~ eth ay thing, neither he that rsatere; h, but God that giveth the en- cresfe. God only thrulfs mtn downe from his vaine and carnal Rate, God only lifes him up unto a blei'.ed and a heavenly ftare. This you fee, is animproveable interpretation, as the words are luppofed fpoken by El'.hu. ik:r, I rather referre them to 'jobs friends, being collected or grhered up by Elthn., as the illue of their whole difcourfe with job. God thrush eth him dow'nei, a*iimtman. This is it, t hut you ; -,iean; (faith £!ihn ) this ft the top of you: wifdome, the flower andCreame,the fumme and fubihnce of all your arguments." AH that ye have tayd U reducible td tht.f one profit ion , God thruftcth him downe s k$i man, and therefore he is a wicked mm ; This is the .vifdome which ye glo-y to have found. Now though we take' the words as the fumme of what Jobs frienashad fpoken, collected and drawne together by Elihu, vet there is iome variety in opening the hincz of them ; I will but touch a little slz what is offered by feverall Interpreters, and ft.iy upon that which I conceive moft proper to the place. Firff , Some conceive that in thefe words an account i> given why Jobs friends gave over fpeaking, or why they fhxd filenr, either revolving to fpeake no more, or prefuming they had fpo- N ken po GhflC; 52. An Exfofition HpOfi the Bool^of j o b. Verf.13. Zlihu ie ami- ken all ; As it' they had iaid, M t have found out and conclnded a~ conim Jobi Jt- MO t-g ourfeives^ that 'tis mofi advisable for m^ or our v;£eji way to erat0 ^ n ^e- [ ay ng mort y ou no:Tblv thinke we can lay no more, buc we ck>e dent. R'cimuf indtittrioiifly forbear :o fay any more; wny ihould we trouble him AiM.jl-ij.r.xi any further ; God troableth and vexech him enough. Godjlxrujtet-b oporw homi himdmn^ therefore Ieflioc man ; And therefore we- thinke ic nsm exjgitjre our w iidome ( hiving fayd this ) to forbtare and give him over, l°uZ'' jL '<" fo - vvcwttl not adde affliction any longer to [he afflicted. Su 'exagitetur. ■ rnu as c .9> Apcttle ipeaks concerning, the repen.-ng Coriacbian VatabI: ( 1 Episl. Cor. 2. 6, 7. J Sufficient to fuck a irn&n is tins ptnifh- Cur. dew pro- ment which was infilled or many, fo that con trar; wife ye ouoh. ra- ptUat turn mhtl t y r to j or ^ ve \y m Ar J comfort him, left perhars fitch a one r ut ab homine be fsvallovted up with overmuch forrow;iojcbs friends (according to Hnpvgnetur ; ut thislsxpofition ) are b. ought in fpeaking the tame fence; Suffi- effliSo infuper e cr.t /* him is thxt pumfkment which hath been inflicted or. him &ddj;urajju8ioi-£y one ^ gvsn by-God y fo that cor.tr anmfe we ought rather to com- quia ja « ej r { ^ left hi (kould be f wallowed up with overmuch sorrow, §: ; *d dew eun J \ / 4 J f . ,1 • ok fua peccata Seconal)', Others give their meaning thus rigidly ; fie th nk^ perfeqiutur. tt oter w'flome to fay no more, but to remit or give him up to God y Efeab: Levi, as a man that it ebfimate and will net be convinced, E'.ihu told them a little before that none had convinced Job ; and here they are reprefefieed, laying, we indeed have left him to God,, as un* convincibi e by us, and therefore, God mufi thrufi h*n dewne, net man • thee is a truth in this. Some men are # fo obilmate in their wayes, though evill, and ftirfe in their opinions, though grofeii: errors* that there is no more dealing with them, fuch as thefe are ah animi oh- P a ^ mms s ^ to recall or reclaime, they mult be left to God. As jim.itio omne in exrreame dangerous cafes of travel in child-bir:h,:he good wo- ampliwloquen- men hgh and give over, faying, This is not womans worke, we mufi di dejidemim have her to the man ; So in dealing with fome men, after long la- edimit cum eo jj 0ur ^ no f ucce {f s> vve mu ft even-fay, This is not mans worke, ■nmohomo po- ^ e mu ^ ^ c ^ e ^ c t0 ^ 0< ^ > w ^° ^ one can rnru ft him downe, man terit, fed deut cannot. Mui de iih a- Thirdly, That which is,I conceive,chiefly intended, take thus° nkmpmmach. j ( fa[ t h £liht* ) have undertaken after long waiting and expe- epeliere. un: £^ ance co i"b e w mine opinion, Lefl ye (hofiidfay, we have found out , / a. wi '(dome fXVAK. is,an argument fo llrongly concluding fob a wicked gatur% tnult- maT1 > cnac no w ^ e man can °^ e <^ againft it.' But what was that utomodo qjjU- irrefragable argument, by which Jtbs friends honed to conclude zuur,idpateo him, and flop his mouth for ever ? Surely that which followethin this Chap. 32. An Eficfofitiojpttfon the Bcol^ef Job. Verf. 13. 91 this vecfe, Cod tkrttfteth him downe y m man j That Jobs friends jujh, qui nee hyd the maine ground-worke of their hard opinion concerning %Zi? e ff.\ him in the dealings of God with him, is evident by .whit ^^dia^oJfsqui- been fhewed from many palfages quite through the Bool^e ; All tur plant >• which miy be refolved into the fence, now given, of this onz y G$d bum efjc im- thrnfhth him downs, not wan, and therefore he is x wicked man. P rooi [- M vx ^'> m Drui:Mer« Hence obferve. F' ru , 7 he ajflittitns and tlr a/Fines' &4wt>e effom* men tire e. riintly from the kand of lied. Every affliction is from God, but feme are more from God. As God is more vifibly feene in the lifting up of fomimen , lo in the carting dovvne of others. Every man that is lifted up, is lifted up by the hand of God ; "lis the moll High, who one way or ether, ietteth any man on high ; but infecting up tome men on high, his wo/kings are io high, that every man may fee them and fay, The finger of God is there, the hand of God hath done it. ns thus alio in thruftingmen down^ ; every affliction, every thruiiing downe,is from God, there is a hand of God in it ; for as E'ifh.Jz, fpake ( Chap. 5.6.) Ajjl'tt'o* comes r.ot forth of the dnft, not ■ dot in trouble '.firing out of the ground • Whence then are troublesrSurely they drop dovvne frum heaven; they are from the earth as to the contracting of them , but from heaven as to the contriving of them. Yet there are fome troubles which fall frcm heaven more apparently then others doe ; That is, there is more of God, more of the hand of God in fuch a difpenfation, then there is in others, though there be a hand of God in every one : therefore dyjoh friends, God thrajis him downe, and not man ; ■ his nitfns iffrctions are mighty ftroakes from heaven, For though God ha' h railed up and ufed inftruments againft him,yet himfelfe hath appeared moft againft him. Second iy , Obferve. 'ih'fe .ff man, fo he is fo wife that he cannot be deceived in any man.. He cannot mifle his mark, nor fall ujron a wrong fub.je£i in his difpenfauons -therefore we have ,f aire warrant to lay, that a man-- againft whom God appeares fo much,appeares very foule to him, , what ever faire.appearances-he may have among men., Fourthly ., Take this Confederation alio, when men afflict their brethren,they often do it either out of refolved malice,or in heat of revenge^but God cannot do it with fuch a fpirir,nor from fuch principles • The higheft atts of revenge in God y are but the awards ofjuftice. Againe, Men will afflict oihers out of envie,or to eafe themfelves ; as the Apoftle fpeaks of parents chaining their chil- dren ( Heh: 17. 9j io.- ) We have had fathers of our jlefh y which have corrected us, and me gave them reverence, (hall we not much more be in fnbjeBion to the father of fririts and live? For they veri- ly for a few dayes chaftned w after their owne pleafure, or ( as that jtfwrfTd eTcfcy^text may more clearelybe rendred out of rhe o iginal Greek ) ttv-roit. ptout M itfecmedaood to them, or as they tfanvht eeod : As if he had spjtsvidebatur*. *'■-' * ' * - • J r- A Bez; im > Chap. 33. Ah hxpsfition upon the Boak^of J o b. Verf. 13. 93 faid, They will doe it upon their natural! prerogative , or the ri^ht of paternity, withouc giving ajiy account ; Yea,a father will afflict and chaden his child lometimes ( in another fence ) for his pleafure ; That is, to vent his paffion, and eafe hirrifeife : but God n^ver chaftneth us in paiiion, nor ever purely upon prerogative, but with a refpedt alio to our fpirituail"( which is tne bed ) pro- fit, and fos (^ good. Now among the good things which God aymeth at in afflicting any mm, this is not the lead , the purging out ot his evills. And therefore when we cannot afcribe the chadifement of man to man, but to God alone, 'tis a witnefs a- aainrt him, at lead, it drawes a futpition upon him of fome great fmfulnefs lodged in him, or finfull waves walked in by him. Thirdly, Obferve. Jt is no ( oncluding argument again ft Any man that he is w. ek- ed, becaufeGod afflicts him immediate!} ; or, how muchjacver the hand of God appeares in an affl.i'ib.on y *Us no concluding ar- gument againfi the afflicted. 'Tis one principall fcope intended by Elihtt in this difcourfe, to (hew that there were other caufes & reafons of Gods afflicting , 'job, or any lHan elfe befides him. And that we fhould not make Conclufionsj that the greateft fuflFerers, are the greateft finners. For fird, though indeed God threatneth to punifh the wicked, who wilfully tranfgrefle his Law , yet he afflicts many, with- out refpec~l to wickedneffe. Secondly, though God threatens the wicked only or chiefelyat lead, yet he relerves a liberty to try the innocent •, yea, as -Job faith in the o*h Chapter, He laughs at the trial I. of the innocent ; And therefore the moft innocent, are mod tryed. I have had occafionmore then once to lherv why they are mod or lb much tryed. Fird, for the exercife of their faith ; Secondly, for the -improvement of their patience ; thirdly, to humble them ; Fourthly, fometimes to fet them up for examples to o:hers ; as the Apoftle fames fpeaks ( Chap. 5 . 1 o. ) Take my Brethren, the Prophets, who have fpokeu in the name of the Lord, for an example^ of fuffering affliction and of patience. The Prophets have futfered affliction , and God hath let them furfer, that they might be patternes of fuffering ; and 'tis fo in many o:her indances j Fifthly, God doth it to mortirie their corrupti- ons j Sixthly, to prevent future tranfgrefflonsjh.e hedgeth up their way 94 Chap. 3 2. An Evpe/ition upon the BsoJ^of ] b. Verf. i 3. Way with thomes ; Seventhly, to difcover or gaine a teftimony of their fmcerity. They ferve £hrilt to purpofe, whoxan furfer while they ferve, and bleed under his croffe, while they fweat un- der bis yoke. Surely then, there is no concluding againfl any man that he is a ion of Bclial,b:hxtb call ort the yoke of Chrift, be- caufe Chrift Durdeneth him with his croife. Yet this was the great Afaxime, which Jobs friends infilled upon, (ft mult needs be a wicked man, becaufe the Lord had thruft him downe, not man. But when we fee good men thruft downe by the hand of God, ■ there.'is a better ufe to be made of it, then to judge them, and that is to be watchfull over our felves, left we put a rod ino the hand of God ro chattels us, or a fword into his hand to wound u-j. For as Chrill fpake ( Luke ^2. 33. ) If it be thus done to the grec;/e tree , what/kail bt done to the dry ? If Chrift flittered fo much, who was a greene flourilhing fruit-bearing tree, what may we who are dry and barren trees ? Or take the meere ions of men, fume of them comparatively to others, are as greens trees flourilhing in grace and holinefle, who yet are under lore af- fliction; and if this be done to a greens tree, what (hall be done to thole who are but dry barren fruitlefs trees , yfa , trees that bring forth eviil fruit. The Apoftle ( 1 Pet. 4. 17. ) gives a {u- table caution ; If Judgement begin at the houfe of God ( he does not fay at the Temple of Idolls , But if it begin at the houfe of God ) wbAt will the end be ofthofe thAt obey not the Gofpel! Let others -looke to it when they fee God afflicting his people, when they fee God bringing fuch roubles into his o'wne houie, what troubles may they expect," who are indeed but a den of theeves, and whole houfes are, yea who themfelves are as a Cage of un- le birds ? Thus we fee .the great argument diiproved, which Jobs friends ufed to prove him wicked, becaufe God did thrufi him doivzey not m*n. And, faith Elihu, this is it you fay and boaft of, as your wifdome ; but indeed youhave not convinced Job, no' not by thi-. What you have taken For a demonstration, is but a fallacy. And though I might wave mine ownerouble in fhewing that it is fo, becaufe I am n$t the mm ( but ye are the men ) to whom fob hath fhaped his whole dilcourfe, yet I cannot forbeare to doe.it, only I promife you, I will not tread in your.fteps, nor take up your method in doing ir. That's the fumme of the words which follow. Verf. •p. 32. tA n Bxyifit.oa uior. the Bock^ of Job. Verf. 14. 95 \ V i. 14. 'Xow he hath hot dir cited his^ords a^ainjl me , nei- n either will I anfwer him with your f pee ekes. In [hi s verfe Elihu fpeakes Negatively in two things ; Firft, He tells in, ifttt 7^ had riot fpokenproreiiecly, nor directly co n . Secondly, he cells us,how he would not deale with Joi ; that is, not as his friends before h:.d done. JVjw he hath not directed his words a^tinft me. As if Ekhu had (aid, I confe(Ye I have not been at all" ipoken to ;J1 this while, r.nleiVe in common with all the Auditory, and therefore might well enough looke upon my felfe as unconceind in this matter. The word here ufed to dir eft, hath a great elegancy in it, and may be anallufion; Firft, to an Archer who aymesat, or directs his arrow to the marks. Secondly,to a Warrier,efpecially a Com- mander in warre, who, fees his men in battel array againfl: the ene- my ; As if Elihti had laid, Job hath not aymedat me, nor hath he -py digeji ordered or fet his words in order to opprfj'e me. Job hath not draw tie dtfpofuit, ordi- up hit forces, nor Jet himfelfe in array agamjt me, biit againft you \ navit, verbum And [0 perhaps that hate and bitternefs offpirit, which you have bel {[ curn ^ e f ci * controlled by this long- continued: debate with Job, hath given you. oc- tuy l Tyjerc: tajiffti prudently to withdraw, and frr bear e the entertainment of any further difcourfe wit h' him. Tea, pojjibly ye are now fallen into a deep contempt of him, as a man for fah en of God, and there fere to be ho more dealt with by man. But theattmot the like reafon for me to forbear e fpeahiyg with him ; feeingju he hath not at all oppofed me, f& I am not at all difturFd in my owk 'thoughts about him, nor is my fpirit imbitteredwith any umdiUive motions again ft him ; and fh all therefore enter the lifts of this dif put at ion, with a peaceable and cjuiet wunde ; or rather I {hall (being a per (on everyway unprejudiced J doe my heft endeavour to moderate and compofe this great difference between you. Now he hath not directed his words atrainft me, Sec. Hence note. Firft, Our words fhould be well ordered. They fbould be drawne up like a wel difciplin'd Army, in ranke and file.Coifufion in words is as bad as confufion in things • Some heape up words, but they doe not rightly difpofe nor order them ,* g6 Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Book^ of J o B. Verf.14. them ; all they fpeake is one 0? joynt or frame. As a multitude or roue of men , cfotrfnot make an Army ; we may fee cenxhou- fand men together, and yet no Army ; why ? because they are not in order o: method , they are no: under Discipline , and fc they are but a confuted throng, not an Hoft of men. And thus a great many words hudled and throng'd together, ate of no more force nor u(c^ then a number of men without order ; Method is • very good in every thing we doe, efpecially in what we fpeake ; A ipeech rightly ordered, is like an Army rightly mirihaled. A word fitly Lpoken, fitly as to the feafon of it, an i fitly as to the joynting and dilpofing of it ( vye miy take in bo:h in that place of Solomon y A word fitly fpoken J is like apples of .gold in pi fores of Jiher. Vttlt ofhndere There is another thing considerable in this former part of the quod Hon hqui- verfe, Elihu (as was lately intimated) fpake thus to ("hew he came turquajiproxo- t0 tne difpute unprovoked ; He hath not directed his words again]} catw. Aquin: W(f . ^ e hath not touchtme. Ye indeed have been provoked by his words, he hath touched you often and often to the quicke, and this hath made you touchy, angry and paflionate, and you havegrowne into heats ; but becaufe he hath not dire&ed'his fpeech agalnrt me, therefore I fhall come upon the fnge, and en- ter this difpute with much coolnef? and temper. In a word,I bring nopafllon againft his perlon, as you ( being flung by his words) have done. Hence note, Secondly. They -who are not provoked) have no reafen to fpeake provo- That's it which Elihu would have Job perfwaded of ; we ufe to fay, Speake when joh arefpeken fo.Then furely we arc not to fpeake cherwife, then we .re fpokento; we mr.ft not give rayiing lor rayling, much lefTe may we rayle when raylingis not given. He hath not directed his words againft me. Superbi qu£ ad One of the Ancients Commenting upon this text, faith, Elihu comunemomni difcovers pride in this fpeech, He hath not directed his fpeech *- um utiliutsm ^nsi me ; As if El hu difdained to take notice of what was fpo- Aicunturnun- *^ en t0 t ^ m . which ( faith he ) is the humor of a proud man ; S'm'wt wholookes not upon himfclfe as engaged by any thing fpoken, ■Grigon ' "^fle Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the BooJ^of Job. Verf. 14. $7 unletfe you fpeak perfomlly and dire&ly to him ; whereas Chrift fpeaking perionally 10 his Difciples only, would yet have all men Ice tfecmteiVes ipokento ( Mark. 13.34.^ What I fif to yon^ I jay to a'ly match. El'hu fhould have taken what 'job lpake to his thrcj friends, a (poken to all that were prefent, and fo might well enough have fparfed this complement, as my Author con- ceives. But I pafle hat as a curidlity ; Efpecially becaufe it ap- peare's plainly enough, rhat Ehhtt, though the words were not v fpoken' directly to him , yer did rake himfelie to be mucfr con- cerned ; and therefore rifeth up as a Moderator in this cfcitro- verlic ber ween job and his three friends. He hath not directed his words Aga-njl me. Neither will I anfretv him with your fpeeches. I will nor goe your way, nor follow your example in this un- Mhi integrum dertaking ; 1 (hall proceed upon O'.her principles, and ufe orher eft refpondere medium's then ye have done ; iuch,I hope, as will be found much & v^dem lon- more effeaualUand atraine their ertd.We may take thefe words " ; |j£ 'K^* I will not a^fwer him with ywr fpeeches > two cvayes ; FJTrt,' as t0 ' //"j| ^&i. their fpeeches had too ikde light of reafon in them ; Secondly, teB^obm non as rheir fpeeche" had roo much fire of pailiort in them. As if he oppugmveriu had iayd, I will ufe milder Words and ftronger arguments ; I ut- ^5 ult - terly difapprcve the courfe you have taken with him ; and there- a /";Sj^™" fore I will neither infiit upon your theame to condemne him for fpondendo, Jed; an hypocrite, nor ul'e your argument to prove it, becaufe God alias efficacio- hath thus fo-cly afflicted him ; for 1 hold that a meere Sophifme. riS iweniam. I will not ax f *er him with your [pecches ; That is, with fpeeches A< J uin: which have fo much pailion, and 10 little true rcafon in them,as to the poynt in hand. For chough Jobs friends had fpoken many things of much weight and reaibn confidered abftra&Iy, or in Theft, ye: when it came to 'he hypothecs, as appliable 10 jobs fpe- ciall cafe, then their fpeeches had little or no weight in them. So that in this profelfion Ehha feemes to promife thefe two things, Firfl , That he would ufe ftronger arguments then they had done ; I will not ufe yours, that is,weake ones, I purpofe to come better prepared to the Combare then you ; For though Etihu doth fomerimes ufe fuch arguments as they, yet he doth not ufe them to their end to prove that Job a&ed rebellioufly, or like a O wicked pS Chap. 32. An Exfofition Hfon the Bool^of Job. Verf.14- wicked man againft God, as they did : but to (hew, that he car- ried himfelfc too highly, or over-confidently towards God* And this ( as it appeares by the ilTue) tooke more upon Job then all his friends hard fufpitions, charges, and accufations. This hum- bled him, this filenced him ; he had nothing to returne, but fate downe convinced ; and therefore Ehhx dealt with him in »more. iirength of reafon and divine authority then they had done. Secondly, When Eli ha faith, ,/ will not anfwer him with your fpecchqJac feemes to engage that he would deale mildly with him, o§ without palfion i.he would not ufe bitter words, • but de- hate and argue the matter gently and meekly. For though Elilm. gave 'Job many fevere reproofes, yet alwayes in a more friendly manner, not to prove that he had done wickedly, but to convince him that he had fpoken overboldly;or that while he was fo zealous to defend his own innocency , he fometimes intrencht upon the foveraignty of God, in his eager and earneft defire of pleading, his caufe before him. And furely it was but need that Job fhould have a man of a milder temper fent in to fpeake to him, elfe his ipirit might have been quite over- whetm'd and funke. Nor was it without the fpeciall hand of God,that after this poore afflicted ibule had been fo hardly ufed , and fo grievoufly cenfured by rhofe rigid difputants, he fhould at laft meetewith a man more, meeke and compaflionate,in fome meafure,to mittigate and allay his forrow. Firft, In that Eli ha faith, / wiit not anfwer him with yom ffeechss. Obferve. It is not good to imitate others in any thing they doe or [feake- which is not good. We muft not either a& or fpeake by example, but by rule, or by example only fo farre as it anfwers the rule. 'Tis dangerous treading in their fteps who tread awry. When Paul found that Peter did not goe right, he was refolved not only not to follow him, but to reprove him ( Gal. 2. 14, ) Thus farh £//£#, here I will not write after your Coppy, nor take up directions from what you have done, for I fee you have gone and done amuTe. Againe , When Elihn faith, / mil not anfaer him with your fyeeihes. Note Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Boof^of J B. Verf. 14. 99 Note Secondly. 0hat we fpeakefhould be sur owne fence ', not the fence of others? unleffe their fence, either of things ar per fens, he the fame with ours. Some pin their opinion upon the (leeves of others, and they will be juft of the judgement of fuch a man ; what he faith , they will fay. As fome expect that every one ihould be of their Judgement, and fay as they fay ; they are many Mafrers ( which the Apofile fames forbids , My Brethren, be not many Maflers, doe not take upon you to give the rule to all others , fome are proud at this rate, they thinke themfelves able to give the rule to all men ) fo not a few are fo eafie, that prefently they will take up any thing as 3 rule from any Mafter ; whereas we fhould not be fo apt to follovv,but labour to have thejudgment or reafon of things in our felves,rather then to take it up upon truft.When Luther was much troubled about the dealings of God in the world, to fee how matters went, and was faying within himfelfe, Surely it were better things were carried thus and thus ; while Luther ( I fay) was thus troubled, he thought he heard this word of reproofe from God ; O Martin, Martin, I fee thou art very lYknine^MaY- wife, thou car.fr give rules, even to God himfelfe, but I am not a Cjod tine, tu wide eajie to be led by men. I will not take thy Counfell, though I fee thou f a P" > M e g° haft an honefi heart in what thou connfellefl. I have a way of my n9n f um & s ™ owne y a"d I will have my ovone way, though the world, yea, though goad men, and my owne faithfull fervants are grieved and mourne at it. Man would appoint to God himfelfe, but God will not model matters by mans wifdome, nor in his way. Thus in the prefent cafe ( I only allude ) it is not good for us when we heare what others fay , prefently to receive it, or take the impreffion from them ; and fo anlwer in their words , or vote their opinions, though they are wife and good men ; Elihu takes the liberty to diffent, as in his opinion, fo in his Method of proceeding with Job, I will anfwer, but it (hall not be with your fpeeches, 1 will take my owne courfe. Thirdly, Note. 7 he fay lings and mi flakes of others, fhould be our warnings not *" te doe the I ke. Elihu obferved where they mifled as to tne matter in hand, O 2 he ioo Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon the Beo]^ of Job. Verf.14. he obferv'd alfo wherein they mifled , as to the manner of proceeding ; and he obferved both vvell> and wifely to avdyd the like inconveniences J and thereupon profefled, / will net anfwer him with your fpeeckcs. Fourthly , Note. We (hould an f veer to every poynt and per [on with reafon and fweetnejfe 3 not with pajfim and bit: erne •jje. There is no convincing others with wrath ; The -wrath of man ( faith the Apoftle ) works net the right eoufneffe of God, ( 'james 1. 20. ) That is, wrath will never bring about no; effect thole righteous things , or ends, which God would have us ayme at. The wrath of man puts him quite out of the way of righte- oufneffe, both out of the way of right (peaking, and of right act- ing. To (hew much reafon, and little paifion, is our wifdome. So the Apoftle gives the rule ( zTim: 2. 26. ) The fervant of the Lord mttft not ftrive ; he doth not meane it of bodily (hi- ving; As if he had laid, he muft no: be a fighter. As when the Apoftle faith ( 1 Tim: 3. 3. ) A Minister map not be a /Inker j It can hardly be thought he thould intend only, if at all, that Mi- nifters llould not be like groisly boyfterous men, who are not fc much as Civill in their behaviourjfurely fuch are farre enough off from a fitnefs to be received into the Miniftry ; therefore lbme expound the Apoftle to the poynt in hand , he muft be no ftriker with his tongue in paffion, anger , and wrath, no word-ftriker. There is great ftriking, yea, wounding with words. Though Mi- nifters muft ftrike and wound with the authority of God, yet not with their owne animoftties. They muft wound the confeiences of fanners, with the Word and Spirit ©f God , but not with their own wrathfull fpirits ; fuch ftrikers they may not be, nor may the fervant of the Lord ftrive, thus, but be gentle to all men , apt to teach-, yea, patient in teaching. It is a great exercife of patience to teach, with line upon line, precept upon precept j When we fee little received or heeded, yet toinfift upon it, rhis is pati- ence ; In meeknejfe inftruEting fuch as eppofe t hew J elves , if God per adventure will give repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth. As the Apoftle James exhorts ( Chap. 1 . 2 1 . ) to receive the word with meeknejfe ; that's a moft neceflary rule in hearing the word ; for many times the hearer is in a paflion , there is fwch Chap. 32. An Exception ufm^the Book^of Job. Verf. 14. 101 fuch a ftorme in his bowels that he cannot heare to purpole, therefore if any would receive the ingrafted word , they mult re- ceive it wich meekneile. I lay alio the word fhould be given out or fpoken if meeknefs, though not wich coldneiie ; I doe no: lay wich coldnefie or wich a flightnefs of fpirit , but wich meekneile. And the truth is, milde fpeaking or m^ekndle of fpeech ( as to the fpirit aiW conference of the hearer ) is not only moll com- fortable , but molt prevailing. Meekneife fhould be ihewed, even wh'ere there is the greateft zeale ; and zeale then prevailed moft, when there is molt meekneife in it. The Apoitle )ude faith, Of fome have eompaffion, making a difference, others fave with feare ; That is, fave them by preaching that which may make them afraid, fcare them out of their fins ;4)utyet ftill this is to be done in a fpirit of meekneife. ( Cjal. 6. 1. ) If any cat be over-taken in a fault (what then ? rayleon him, rage agiinft him, and revile him, no, but faith the Apsftle ) ye that are fpiri- tuall, rtfl ore fuch a one with the fpirit of meekneffe ; conftdering thy felfe, left thou, alft be tempted. Bones muft. be fet ( to that the word which we tranflate reftere alludes) with a tender hand. Thofe three»things which are required in a good Chirurgion, or Bone-fetter, are as neceflary in a reprover, or in him that would reduce another from the error of his way. Firft, He muft have an Eagles eye, to difcerne where the fault or fayling is. Secondly, K Lyons heart, to deale freely with the faulty, how great foe- ver they are. Thirdly, A Ladies hand, toufe them gently and tenderly. AH which will more fully appeare, while Laftly , From the example o£ Elihtt, we collect and iearne, that a good Moderator or compofer of differences, muft avoyd five things. Firft, (lightnefsof fpirit and 'of fpeech. It is not good to fpeake lightly of little things, but it is a flume to fpeake lightly of great things. Weighty matters muft be handled wekh- tily,and we fhould put not a little finger, but our fhoulders to them ! Secondly, pa'fionveneis ot ' fpit'it and of fpeech, muft be avoyded. That which hinders rea on, had need be fruit out while we are reafoning. What a contradiction in the adjunct is it , to heare of an angry moderator ? or to fee a man fet himlelfe to compofe diffe~ences between others with a difcompofed fpiric ofhisowne. Thi r dly, partiality in fpeaking, or the favouring of a party muft be layd afide ; for as Elihn did not fpare to tell fobs ioi Chap. 32. An E'xpfitlon upon the Bsol^of J b. Verf. 14. Jobs friends their owne , fo neither did he fpare to tell Job his owne, he wag not partiall on either fide. What can be imagin'd more uncomely, then that he who ftands between two fhould leane to any one ? or that he who comes to be an umpire or a Judge, fhould make himfelfe a party or an Advocate. Fourthly, he muft avoyd timoroufcefie, and not be daunted with what man fh all fay or can doe againfthim, while he is ut flood fiiU) and anfwered no more ) ^ I f*idj&. will anfwer aljo my fart , I alfo will flier* mine opinion. For I am full of matter , the fpirit within me con' flraineth me. "Behold^ my belly is as wine which hath no vent) it. is ready to burfl like new bottles. I will fpeal^) that I may be refrefjed : I will open my lips and anfwer. ELlhu had fpoken of his friends filence before, and here he returns to it againe, with a further addition and aggravation. Vcrf. 15. They were Amazed) they Anfwered no more, they left of fteakix£,&C There are two opinions concern ; ng the perfon who fpake thefe words. Firft , Some referre them to the writer or penman- of this Book, but I. rather take them as the words of El'ihu him- feife. They were amazed. The root fignifies to be aftecled with a very pafllonate and nnn cumpa* ftrong feare, even fuch-a feare as they are arretted with who flee ™emajfert , or fall bsfore their Enemies in battel.. So the word is ufed ^abllte' (Jer: 5 o. 26. ) ^Afword is upon her mighty men, ™dthejfhall^ tiJ j;2L. be difmayed. Difmay or amazement, is the difplacing, at leaft the perantur. : difturbing of reafon it felfe ; Ehhu fhews how unable and unfit fobs friends were to argue with him any further, feeing upon the matter, they had loft the ufe of their reafon, and were as men crack-brain'd, or broken in their underftanding. They were cma- 1 z,(d, They> IC4 Chap. 22. An Expofltion upon the Bo'\ of J B. Verf.15. They anfveered no more , they left off [peaking, or Speech was departed frem them ; there is a two-fold E*pofi- \p HVHq.d tlon ofthatfpeech' {they left off [peaking ) Some underftand it ab iJIii aM/a paflively, like that ( Luke 12. 20. ) This night [rail thy [ulebe [tint verba, required, or taken from thee ; thou fhak not freely deliver it up, but k fhall be inatcht from, thee ; So here, their fpeech was ta- ken from them; o: by an unanfwerable. conviction, iifefce was impofed upon them. Mr Broughton renders , j key doejfeake m more, Jjeeches be departed from them. How can the) fpeake from whom fpeech is departed. We traniiate actively, they left off [pealing, as implying 3 vo- luntary ac^,they gave a (tO;" to themiclves ; eir'ier rhey were not able, or it was not fir for them ro lay any more. ■ he Hebrew is, They removed foeech from then.felves , and io became a-- Jen: as if they could not fpeake at •II. They wee as mute as ■ ■fhes. The following verle being of rhe fame fence, I fhall opetl that before I give the obferva ion-; fom this. Verf. 16. When I had na'ted ( fer they (p^kenot bx( flood flill y and axjwercdno more ) Job waited hoping they would ipeak feniewltff wor'hy of th. mfelves, worthy of that opinion ton which they Stare pro ta- had in the world fo; wi dome, bu ed his expe&ati- cere. or!) He could not have no> hea.-v a word I ori om them. This Elihtt putJ ino a p' r enthelis ( for they fake fot , but fload ftill y And Anf&ered no more ) He uleth man] w ds the lame pur- pose, to ibew that '.here was fomewhat .- ■ raordinary in their fi- lence ; They (pake not, rhe'.r tongues flood [till. As fpeech is the * image of the mind, and from the aboundance of the heart, fo it is by the motion of the tongue. If the tongue ftand ftill , dif- courfe is frayd. Their mouths were ftopt, as being either unable or afhamed '0 urge their accufations and arguments any further. They flood fiill and anfeered no more. It is faid of thofe forward accufers of the woman taken in adultery ( John 8. 9. ) That be- ing Cenvttcd by their owne Csnfcience, they went away one by one ; they fhrunke away, having not a word to reply ; And fo did Jobs friends, Who while they flood ftill , carried it as men unwilling ro be heard or feene any more upon the place.Tbej were amAzjed, tec. Firft, Chap. 32. An Exp&fition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 16, 105 Firft , Hence note. ^Ama^ement unfits tu for argument. Where wondering begins, difputing ends. They were amaz,ed t they answered, no more. Secondly , Note. The fame men are fome times fo changed, that they can [cart ely be knovone to be the fame men. Ellfhaz, fayd ( Chap: 4. 2. ) who can withhold himfelfe from, freaking ? He was fo forward that he could nor be kept from words, but now he had not a word in his keeping, fpeech was wkhheld, or departed. Thirdly, Note. Fa/fe grounds or psjitions, cannot be alwayes maintain A. God will fupply both matter and forme,arguments and words, toconHrme his owne truth; they who are in the righr, fhalinot wane reafon to back it: but they who are in the wrong,may quick- ly find a Hop , and havS* no more to fay. The Apoftles were weake, becaufe unwilling in a bad caufe ( 2 {or: 1 3 . 8. J We can doe nothing against the truth, but for the truth ; and they who aYe willing to be again!} the truth , fhall be weake and not able long to doe any thing againft it ( They [pake no more ) ^/is God gives a banner, ( that is, outward power ) to them that fear e him y that it may be dlfplayed, becaufe of the truth ( Pfal: 60. 4. ) So he gives wifdome and understanding ( that is, inward power ) for the maintaining of the truth. In thy majefly ride profperoujly becaufe of the truth ( Phi: 45. 4. ) As Cbrift who is truth, and the giver forth of truth, fothey who are undertakers for truth, fhall ride and prolper. Truth may be borne downe by power, and out-fae'd by impudence, but ic canno: be overcome. Never feare to under- take a good Caafe ; and ever feare to undertake a bad one, for it will beflurd at laft. Truth may be oppoied , but r ruth-defenders ("hall never be alhamed , nor want a tongue to ipeake for it. Chritt^Math: 10. 17. j waines his Difciples what entertain- ment they were like to find in the world ; They [hall deliver you up t e Rulers, je (hall be brought before (Jovemours and Kings for m }'f"kf; But he withall encourageth them ; Take no thought P vehat io6 Chap. 32. An Expfetion upon the Bael^of Job. Verf.i-6. what ye (hall Jpeak.,or what ye {hall anfwer. For feme might fay, What if we fhould be called inqueliion for the truths of the Go- fpel ? we are willing to burne for them ( as that Martyr faid) but wefeare we cannot difpute for them. Well,taith Chrift, take r.a thought what yon (hall fpeai^ font Jh all be given yon in the fame home. God himfelfe by his Spiik will prompt you, he will vvhif- per ilich things into vour eares, as all. your oppofers thall not be dtele to gainiay. Indeed we fee fome men of corrupt minds, and reprobate concerning the truth (as the Apoftle gives their Cha- racter) who have courage enough to fet forth lyes , and (lander the truth, who ftraine their wits to the utmoft, and ( as the Pro- phet fpeakes, ( Jer: 9. 3. ) bend, their tongues like their hew for lyes. But let them remember what the Apoftlejfayd of fuch as they ( 2 Tim: 3. 8. J Tstyv at Jannes and Jambres withftoodMo- fes, fo doe the fe alfo rejift the truth - t but ( v. 9. ) they [hall proceed no further ', for their jolly Jhall be made mamfeft to all men ;That is, fhortly all fhall fee that thefe men have but playd the fooles; we may fay of all thole who hold wild rauraing opinions, they fhall proceed no further, though they a£fc highly againft tfce truth now, yet ftay but a while, and they will have nothing to anfwer or returne, they will have emptied their quiver, and quite fpent their powder, you ftiall heare no more- of them. From that 1 6*h verfe, where Elihtt addeth, / waited ( for they fpake not but flood ft ill, and anfwer td no more ) Obferve , Firft. It is our wifdome and our duty to ftay our time before we put our f elves out upon buftnefs. It is good to wait ; God himfelfe is not hafty upon us , he waits to be gracious, and we muft wait our feafon to be fervice- able ; Elihu did not prefently engage. The providences of God, and the Exigency of things, muft put us on, we muft not put our felveson. Chrift tells us (Math: 9. 38. ) The harveft is great, and the labourers few-, pray therefore the Lord of the harveft that he would thruft forth labourers into his harveft • he doth not fay, pray that labourers would thruft forth themfelves into the harvest , or run into it before they are fent, but pray the Lord of the har- veft that he would thruft forth labourers ; that is, that he would powerfully encline their hearts to -the worke, whom he hath fitted Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the BoeJ^of J o 1. Verf. 17. 1 07 fitted and prepared for it. And as untill we are, at leaft, both competently prepared, and fairely enclined to that or any other good worke, 'tis beft for us to wake ; fo when once we are pre- pared and enclined, 'tis beft for us , without delay , to fet upon the wo/ke ; Ellhu did fo, as appeares in the next verle. Verf. 17. / [aid alfo I will anfwer my part, I will {hew my opinion. Now Elihu addrefleth to his worke, his duty ; and in this with the verfes following to the end of the Chapter, we have,firft, his reiblvednelfe tofpeak, I [aid I wdl anfwer for my fart, &c. Se- condly, his ability, readineis and furniture to fpeake ( v. 18.) For I am full of matter, &c. Thirdly, we have the motives that preft him to fpeak, or that he was exceedingly preft to it in the latter end of the 1 8th verfe, as alfo v. 1 9, 20. Myfpirit within me Con- fir aineth me. Behold my belly is as wine which hath no vent, &C, / will fpeake that I may be refrcjhed. Fourthly, in the two laft ver- fes, he tells us what caution, yea what confeiencehe meant to ufe in fpeaking ( v. 20. ) Let me not I pray yon accept any mans per- [on : neither let me give flattering tides unto man, &C. / faid I will anfwer fsr my fart, Sec. Now you have done, I will begin ; thofe words, Ifaid, are not in the Hebrew text explicitly , yet are well underftood. I will anfwer for my part, that is, ( as fomc conceive, the force of the phrafe ) I will anfwer with my ftrengrh, and might, I will put my fhoulders to it ; but better Grammarians conclude,that the word ^ U(l ^ uoi ali ~ imports, A mans fhare or portion in any worke to be done, rather j^J^^/"" then the ftrengrh which the workman ufeth or puts forth in doing p ro mei xirili it. And fo the fence is plains, as if Ellhtt had faid,they have done pane am pto their part, thjy have goneto the utmoft of their line ; now I fee w*b*9 j ati ^ k falls to my turne to ipeak, and I will do what falls to my turne, *°\ IW &ir ' um I will mfatr alfo for my pan. £ermn2L I alfo will (hew my opinion. c» fignijicatio- J J J ' nem. Pined: We had thefe words in the negative at the 6th vetfe ; There Ellhtt fayd, / was afraid and durst not {hew yon my opinion-, But here, as flfo before ( t>. 10. ) Ellhu had taken courage and was P * refol- io8 Chap. 32. An Expofttion upon the Beok, of J B. Verf.17. refolved wfhew his opinion. I fhall not ftay upon any opening of this claufe, only I (hall note two or three things briefely from it, as connected with the former verfe. There we had Elihu waitr ing, here we have him purpofing to fpeake. Hence note. They who confder and waite before they fpeake, fpeake mojl pre- * vailmgly, mojl weightily. It was long ere Elihu ventured to fpeake, but when he did,, he did it to purpofe and with full effect. Thatwhich comes from our owne heart, is moil like to take upon the hearts of others ; they fpeake as much from their hearts as with their tongues, whom we fee long waiting before we heare them fpeaking. And therefore, it is not good, no not for good fpeakers, to be fpeaking before they have been waiting ; many through haft bring forth untimely births, and unripe fruit ; Elihu could fay, / have waited, before he fayd, / will anfwrr for my part. Secondly, Note. We ought to obfsrve order Tn fpeaj^ng, and aU our proper part. I will anfwer for my part ( faith El'ihu ) or my turne is come to anfwer. The Apoftle Paul gives this rule at large ( t Cor: 14. 28, 29, 30. ) He would have no Interruption , no confufion in Church-meetings, or Church-fpeakings. Thirdly , When he faith, J will anfwer alfofor my party I alfo yeilljhew mine opinion. Note. He that hath received a gift er taknt, foould makeufe of /V, and nGt hide it. It is good to be doing our part,and fhewing our opinion where we may be ufefull. Some love to act other mens parts rather then • their owne , and to intrude into Provinces which are not theirs. But whatfoever our hand findes to doe ( as Solomon fpeakes , ' Eccl: 9. 10. J that is, whatfoever is, as Elihu here calls it, our part, that we fhould doe with all our might. More was given a- bout ufing our talent and ftiewing our opinion at the 10th verfe of this Chapter, whether I referre the reader. Fourthly , Elihu was here but an auditor, not a difputant, not Chap. 32. M Expofitlon upon the Boe]^of Job. Verf. i3. 109 a party , he came in only upon the by ; yet having received a word he utters it. Hence note. Every man fhotild thlnke. hlmfelfe Qncernd to fpeake for the truth) when 'tis wroxged y and doe his best to right it. Or we (hould take all occafions and ieafons of doing good by bur words as well as by our workes. As it is not good to out- ~un providence, lb to neglect or foreilow it is not good. Laftly , Obferve. fVhat others fayle in y rve fhould labour to fnpply in the catife of God) and for his truth. It is a proverbiall fpeech among the Hebrewes ; where there Vbi non eft u not a, man , there be thou a man ; That is, if we fee any un- Wi w *"' able to carry on and goe thorow-ttitch -with the worke before e ft°* them, we fhould lend a hand to helpe and fupply them ; thus faith Elihit) I will anfwer for my part, I alfo willfhew mine opini- on. And it feemes ( by that which follows ) E/ihu did io,not on- ly to aniwer his duty, but to empty and eafe his tpirit. For In the 1 8th, i^th, and 20th verfes, he gives us that further account of his interpofition about this controverfie. ^ Verf. 18. For I am full of matter. Yea I am under a mighty Conftraint ; there is a kinde of force upon me , The Spirit within me Conftrair.eth me. I am full of matter. The Original is , / am full of words ; yet of more then words, as appeares in the following part of this Chapter; therefore we tranflare, / am full of matter ■ that is, I am full of fuch words as are materiall ; words of truth, words of fobernefte : I am full of fuch words as will carry with them a Conviction home to thy Confcience O Job, & filence all thy complaints.Or as if Slihu had cumaitfeplo faid to Jobs friends , Though ye have fpent your ftore upon Job, mm, amkorum yet I have ftore and plenty by me to fpend upon him. Thus he re- inpiam notare fleets upon them as fcanty and fhort in their undertaking ; your "^w. pined:- Lamps have fpent their oyle, you have emptied your veflels ; fohavenof I, I am full of matter.. The no Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Book^of J 1". Verf. ift. The Spirit within me Confiraineth me. P^S inHiphil ^he rexc IS 1 My fpirit in my belly Coifiraineth me. Mailer anxit,aiigiij}o- Broughton renders , My belly cs Spirit doth prefs me : The Seven- vhprdfc. ty render, The [pint of my belly deflroj r eth me. A Greek tranfla- ter faich, My [prat within me jets me on fire, or , I am all in a cvvx-Aieoi am- flame. The word which we render (forflraint, fignifies to prefs eum. Sym. vef y p Qre ^ j ue ip S j ^ j 7> j ^ fJ j - n came t0 ptjj'f thsfeventh day y that he tdd her, becaufe fke lay fore upon him, or conflr awed him. It may be questioned, whole fpirit, or what fpi it it was that Conftrained Elihu ? Some Expound it of the Spirit of God ; he dictates both words and matter to me. Mafter Calvin feemes to Comply with this Exposition ; God hath printed fuch amarke in the do- clrme of Elihu, that the heavenly Spirit is apparent in his mouth ; God ( iaich Elihu ) hath put his Seale to what I have to fay, there- fore doe not receive it as the word of a mortal! man, the Spirit of God Conftraines me. Paul ufeth a word in the Greeke of like fignificancy ( iCer. 5. 14. ) The love ofChrift Confiraineth me y it preffeth and overbear eth me ; I am not able to get out of the power of it. 41 Againe , Others underftand it of his ovvne fpirir, yet acted by • the Spirit of God ( Prov: 29. 1 1 . ) A foole utter eth all hlsfplnt ; we tranflate, all his minde ; th^ fpirit preffing Elihu was his mind carried ftrongly or refolvedly bent upon this bufinefs. The ftrong inclination or difcofition of a mans mind to any thing good or bad, is in Scripture language called his Spirit. The Spirit within me. The Hebrew is, SbiriM vsn- ^ je fc Tlt *f m y ^J ' Which forme of fpeech notes only tm efl nxtpi- tnar vv hich is moif hrernall , or lyeth clofeft within us. Solomon two. fo ala- faith of the words of wild ome ( Prov.- 22. 18. ) It is a pleafant crius urgens thing if thou keep them within thee ; The Original is, /* thy belly, y «*#«»«- ( "john 1 . 38. ) Out of his belly fh all flow rivers of living water ; dumf CocT"" ^ z ls > out °' ^ " lwar ^ RIan J there ^ a ^ be a ^P' r ' c ' n hi* fpi- rit ( for this Chriff fpake of the Spirit which fhould be given) and the lame word is ufed of the wicked man ( Job 1 ^ . 3 5. ) His betly ( that is, his mind or underftanding ) prepareth deceit. And Solomon {Cant; 7. 2. J fpeaking of the Church, faith, Her Mlly is like an heap of wheat fet about with Ulli.es ; That is, /he is Chap. 32. An Exfcjition upon the Botl^ of Job. Verf. 19. 111 is big with holy thoughts and conceptions, as a woman great with child, ready to be delivered. A gracious heart is continually me- ditating and conceiving holy things, which it brings forth, and is as it were delivered of, upon any good occafion. ihefpirit with- in me Conjirameth me. What Elihu had thus fpoken in plaine cermes by way of afier- tion in this verie, he illuftrates by way of fimilitude or allufion in the next. Verf. 1 p. Behold , mj belly is as wine which hath no vent, fl"m *10n it is ready te bxrft l Aiy bell J is as new w:nethat hath no vent, and it is ready nibui vocem t0 b tir ft /,£, nerv fatties ; even new bottles will break, unletfj? the emitterent. ■ ^ ^ ^ nc j b ecau f e :noU ah new bottles be On A e a Green n . , , . ... , o . tpyurpipuS.t lironger then old to keepe in wine , yet toe wine may be io di:untw. ftrong as to breake them, therefore Elihtt here-by fhewes that his Merc: defire or necelTity of lpeaking was fo urgent upon him , than though he fhould ttrengthen himfelfe, yea ftrive with himfelfe as much as he could to refraine from lpeaking, yet fpeake he tiiuft. / am full of matter, &c. Obferve , Firft. e/fman fhould not $eaj^, efpecially in wtighty matters , till himfelfe be wellftored with matter. Secondly , Obferve. Whenfome veffells are drawne quite dry-, and inflrnments fpent and worne to the flumps, when they can neither doe nor fay anymore, then God fills up and f ami (heth others for his pur- There was not a drop more to be fqueez'd out of fobs friends, but Elihu was a full bortle ( Mai: 2. 1 5. ) there is a refidue of the Spirit ; God hath more Spirit or fpirituall abilities to dif- pofe of, and beftow then he hath yet difpofed of to, or beftowed iipon any one or all the fons of men. Thirdly , Note. God can furn'fh Inflruments with proper gifts for the- -worhe which he CalU them to. Here was a man Cut out on purpofe for this worke, he was Clothed with a fpirit of prudence and courage, as well as with a fpirit of difcerning. We have a wonderfull Example of this in Luther, Chap. 32. An Exception upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 19. 113 Luther-, who came forth againli all the powers of the papacy. What a fpirit had he ? his was a fpirit of might, his fpirit Con- (trained him, his belly was like a bottle full of new wine, there was no (topping of it. Others would have been daunted and cowed downe with the tenth of that oppoiition which he met wich, but he was bold as a Lyon, who turneth not afide. Againe , Why did Ellhu come forth ? why did his fpirit con- ftraine himPwhat made his belly like winePSome charge him with pride and arrogancy of fpirit, as if he did it out of vaine oftenta- tion, to fhevv his parts and gifts, to let himfelfe above thofe 0- ther Worchyes who had dealt and difcourfed with Job before. But we have reafon enough ( confidering what he ipake, and ' what the ilfue of his fpeaking was ) to determine, that he was moved with a zeale for God, and to doe good to Jeb, not with a fpirit of pride, to (hew his learniug , wit or wifdome among men;, and therefore we finde that when the whole matj^r was' brought to an iflue, and God himfelfe came to deale with Job and his three friends, God commends Job, and reproves his three friends , but there is no reproofe upon Ellhu. Now for as much as Goi himfelfe doth not charge him, what hath man to doe to charge him ? Not only charity but reafon and judgement command us to thinke his defigne honeft, and his aymes fincere, while he profetTeth under fo vehement an impulfe or impreifion upon his fpirit to engage and fpeake in this matter. Hence note, Thirdly. To fee truth ill handled, fhould fill our fpirit s with much zeal for God. That was it which drew Ehhu to this engagement, he faw thofe men ( though good men ) had put a diiguife upon the rhings and dealings of God ; and if men difguife the truth, and maintaine erro-, if they deface the doctrines of faith and pure worfhip, with their ovvne phanfies and falfe glofTes , it fhould kindle a holy fire and fervour of fpirit in us, to affert and vindi- cate the truth. Our fpirit within us ( in all fuch cafes ) fhould Conftraine us. Fifthly : In that Ellhu was foConftrained and preflfed in fpi- rit, as wine which hath no vent , or as a woman with Child ready to travell, CL Note, 114 Chap. 22. An Exfofition upon the Beol^of Job. Vj^'rCiy Note. It is a paine not to fpeake when we have much to utter , and much minde to utter it. When Ll'hii was full he hid a Conftraint upon him to venc his opinion. D-tfWfaitl] ( Pfal .39. i 7 2, 3. ) I held my peace, eze;; from good words ; ( he did noconiy forbeare idle and evill difcourfe, but refrain'd from-good ) buL.it was a trouble to him not to fpeak, efpecially notto fpeak g6od words 5 therefore he add:-;, {JMy heart waxed hot within me. Jeremy found it no ealie vvorke to keepe in words ; yea, he defcribes himfelfe as much pained by not delivering his minde, as a woman is when not de- livered in child-birth ( Jer: 20. 9. ) Then [aid I, I will not make menu on of him, nor fpeaJ^ any more in fas name, but hi* word was in my heart as a burning fire $:ut up in my bones, and' I was weary ' with forbearing, and I could mt ft ay. There was wine , new wine in his belly, yea there was a fire within him ; as we may be weary with ipeaking , fo with not fpeaking, or forbearing to fpeake, Cjer: 4. 19.) My bowels, my bowels, I am pained at the very heart, my heart maketh a noife in me , I cannot hold my peace. Read him in the like trouble upon the fame occafion('/#v<5.i 1.) Eliphaz, ( Chap: 4. 2. ) was thus prefled, Who can withhold him- Jelfe from fpeaking ? Tis a great paine, to be mind-bound, or not to deliver our mind, when our mindes are full and we full of de- fire to deliver it. Sixthly , When he faith, lam Conftraind , I am like a bottle ready to burst, It ceach'eth us. The Spirit of (Jed doth Jo over-power feme men, that they can- not contame. The Pharifees and high Priefts, thought to ftop up the Apo- ftlesthofe boitles full of the new wine of the myfteries of (Thrift, and therefore gave them Counfell, yea a command to fpeake no more in his name. At the iothverfe, they laid of fome in a common fence , Thefe men are full of new wine, that is , they are drunken; but the truth was, they were full of the Spirit, full of Gofpel-truths, and like bottles full of new wine they could not bold. And when the Pharitees and high Priefts would have ftopt up thofe bottles, and charged them that they fliould fpeak no more Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Booj^of Job. Verf. 20. if 5 more in the mme of Jefus ; they anfwered , whether it be meet to obey Cjod or Than judge ye ■ for we capnot bui fpeake the things that we have [eene and heard ; you may cut out our tongues if ye Will, take ajway the organs of fpeechyemay, but otherwise we cannot but (peak. As it is faid of Chrift, they eoul'd nor renft the Spi: it by which he fpake ; fo they were not able to refift he Spi- rit by which,the Apoftles fpake. Some have (itch ImpulfeS from the Devill upon them , that they cannot but fpeak boldly as well as wickedly and blafphemoufiy ; it is ftrange to fee what fame bch old and new Impoftors have done, their bellyes h;.ve been like bottles full of new wine, they have even buril to- vent their . ^ wicked opinions. Bernard difcouriinsj of fuch an Opinionift in his J l Vf •' mt r ■ 1 rr / t t ■ n c a v ' 1 r r r auditore: qui- time, laith, He hungers and thrrjts for Auditors, into whole bojomes y^ omne e U od he might empty hmfelfe, and powre out all his fentiments, that fc fentit ejfundat, might appear e who and how great a man he was. lie careth not qwbut qualti to teach thee what than \rnowek not. nor to be tamht by thee what he . V®^™ f lt , , / / 1 1 • 1 if 111 1 t tnnotefcat. Non doth not know ; but that himj elf e may be Knowhe tok*ow what he CUYatt * docers knoweth. Now if there be fuch preffures upon the fpirits of vaine vela te docen men to be delivered of their falfe and ayery conceptions : How quod nefiit,jed much more when a man hath ftrong imprefiions from the Spirit of ut fi^ffdatwr God ( 'tis diicernable by the matter that comes out of the bottle, f^. Ber * whether it be the wine of Sod«me, or of Sion ) is he unable to ' / containe himfelfe ? Such a man muft fpeake not only toinftrucl: and refrefh others, but (as it followeth in the next verfe ) toeafe and refrefh himfelfe. ' - Verf. 20. / will fpeal^ that I may be refreshed. The Hebrew is, That I may breath, or, I may have roonte. FH") latw di- The word properly fignines, that which is enlarged' or widened ; htatuf,recrea- when a veflell is full, a&S fhu draw feme of the liquor out of it,' tut , l°* mr & then there is room ; So faith ttifau I will [peak, that I may be™*- htum e ~. refie^or havers P % 3 tdtaZeZ I will ,p cn my lips, and an[,er. !w J£i- To open the lips is a preparation tofpeaking; Chrift opened f™, interio ~ his mouth and fpake j fpeaking is begun with opening the mouth : & abaZTta a man may open his lips for other ends then for fpeaking, and a te 'ejidevij re' durnbe man opens his lips who cannot fpeake , yet no man can quiefiam.. CL.2 fpeak A is, I will have and give an equall, or nei- ther a more nor lefl~e(to the beft of my underftanding)ihen a due regard to every mans perfon.And,/ will not give flattering titles ; that is, I purtofe to fpeak plainly, I will not complement men, but doe my beft to accomplilh the matter. And as he afliires us how he will proceed in this 1 i*h verfe, fo Secondly, He gives us the reafons of this his intended im- partiall,plaine , and down-right proceeding in the 2 2d. Thefe reafonsare two-fold. Firft, He would not doeotherwife, becaufe he could not with any content to himfelfe. It was againft the very graine -of his fpiric to doe othetwife ; his difpofition by a quite contrary way, he was a man of another genius or temper, a man of another mould and make, then to doe ffch : ©w and unworthy things, as accepting the perfons of, or giving flat: enng titles unto men. • He is exprefle in this ( v. 2 z. ) I know net to give flattering titles* ' Second- Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon thrBsok^ of Job. Verf. 21. 119 Secondly , He would not becauie he dur/l not: give flattering titles, nor accent the pe> fins of men. The danger and dammage he fhould incurre by doing fo, kept him from doing fo, as wel as his owne indifyoiition' to it. He il.oi.ild layhimfelfe open and ob- noxious to the wrath of God by fuch feeking the Favour of men ; as appeares in the dole of the verfe ; Info dswg my Maker would foon take me away. Thus you have the parts and purpofe of thefe words • I fhall now give a more diftinct explication and account of them. Verf. 21. Let me not, I pray you, accept any mans per fin ; or, let me not now. So that particle is rendred ( Job 5. 1. ) Call now , If there be KJ adverbiutn any that will anfaer the?; yet 'tis an Adverb of befeeching or in- f eu panicula treating ; and therefore we render weLZrft me not , I pray yon ; °tf e cf*™»>fJ3, brew, face, Let me not I ft up the face of a man, o~ wonder at any mans face, as the Septuagint often render this phrafe. And ic is ufuall to put the face, or the countenance for the perfon, becaufe the face declares the perfon and fhews who the mans is j and it is elegantly expreffed by the face, becaufe accepting of perfon?, imrorteth a refpeet to others for their outfldej or in conikleraci- on 120 Chap. 32. An Expojhion Ufa the Book^ of J o b. Verf.27. on of fome external! glory. Let me not accept the face of any jm>^ or perfon, lee him be who he will. The origimll word Ifh, molt properly figniSeth an eiMnenr, or honourable pan, a learned or wile man. As if Elihtt hid fayd, I will no: accept or life up the face of a man, though he be ( ifh) a man never lb much lifted up, and exalted above his brethren. To accept the perfon of a man, is not a faille in it felfe ; for as our perfons are accepted of God, fo ought our perfons to be accepted -with one another ; yea, i: is a duty to accept the perton of a man ; that is, to give him favour, honour, and due reiped. Not only civility and humanity,but reli- gion it felfe calls us to give outward reverence to them who ex- cel!, and are fuperior, cither toothers otourfelves. Godhim- lelfe is fayd to accept the perlons of hifcpeople firftj and then their faciiHces or fer vices. And we ought to accept the perlons of men according to their diiferencesin place and power, efpeci- ally according to thofe gifts and Graces, which fhine in theirt. Therefore when Elihtt faith, Let me not ■, I pray you, accept any mans perfon, his meaning is, let me not doe it in prejudice to the cauie or truth that is before us. Then we are properly and ftrift- ly fayd to accept per fans, when in any matter, bufinefle, orpoynt of controveriie, our eyes are fo dazel'd or blinded by external appearances, that we have refpect rather to the perfon of the man, then to the matter, or the truth of the caufe in hand. So then,this fan of accepting perfons,isalwayes committed when we are more fwayedby,or when there is more attributed to perfons then to things , that is, when the mans worth is more looked to then the worth or merit of his caufe;or further, when fomething in a perfon which hath no refpect to the goodnes,or badnes of his caufe, moves us to give him more or lefle then is meete, this is hnfuliy to accept or refpect a perfon. Thus Elihtt acquits him- felfe from all thofe bonds and blinds which his refpect to thofe worthy perlons before him, might lay upon him. They were an- cient andyjrave men, they Were wife and good men, he had a great^felpect for them , he owed much reverence to them, con- sidering their age and gravity, their degree and digniry ; yet he owed a greater refpect to God, and to the truth, then to their perfons, and was thereupon refolved, ( though he had many and great temptations to dde it , ) not to accept the perfons of wen. Hence Chap. 32. An Expoftmn upon the Boek^of Job. Vcrf. 21. 12I Hence note. To accept perfons in prejudice to the caufe or truth before us, U * h'gh offence both to God and good men, *Tis lb in a double notion ; Firft, in the a& of it , becmfe we doe that which in it felfe is not right, nor according to the mind of God. Secondly, in the iifue, confequence or effects of it, be- caufe by refpe&ing perfons, we are endangered to many other fins. While Solomon only faith (Prov: 28. 21. J To have re- fpett cf perfons is not good ; his meaning is , 'tis very evill, 'tis ftarke naught. And the reafon which he gives of the evili of it, is not only becaufe the a& in it felfe is evill, but becaufe the iflue and confequence of it is worfe ; For, ( faith that Scripture )for a piece of bread that man will tranfgreffe ; That is, he that refpedts perfons, will turne afide from juftice, for his owne advantage, though it be very fmall, even for a piece of bread. The Prophet complaines of thole ( Amos 2. 6. ) who fold the righteous for fi- ver, and the poore for a paire offhoes. They who have fold or gi- ven up themfeives to this crooked Spirit of refpedting perfons, will not fticke to fell both the perfons of the righteous, and the moft righteous caufes, not only ( as the Prophet faith ) for a paire of flioes, but ( as we fay) for a paire of fhoe- buckles. They will foone judge amiffe of things, who have rejpett to perfons, and they al- wayes looke be fide the caufe, who loeke too much upon the j ace - no- thing fhould weigh with us in judgement, but truth or right, and that in a five-fold oppofition. Firft , Truth and right muft weigh with us in oppofition to relation. When a Broiher, or a neere kinfman be in the caufe, we muft not decline, nor be biaifed from the truth, yea though it be on his fide to whom we have no relation, but that oiman. Secondly , We muft keep to the truth, and doe juflice in op- pofition to. friendfhip. Though he be my friend, my old friend, and my fathers friend, I muft not refpect him, if truth ftand upon the other fide, upon the fide of the meereft ftranger. It was an- ciently fayd, Socrates is myfriend,and Plato is my friend \but truth Amicus Socra- is more my friend, and therefore I will fiickjo that. tes , Amicus Thirdly , W T e muft hold to truth, in oppofitioia to or notwith- tl non his. Then all forts and degrees of men are judged righteoufly, f l alx f n l!! when there is no regard had or notice taken in udgement, of .■,..■„.„..„ " what fort or degree any man is. judges are called gods, and there- fore fhould aft like God without refpeel to men. And as this is a truth in all thofe cafes of judgemen", where Magiflrates (it in the place of God, fo it is as true in all the pri- vate judgements and determinations of brethren concerning per- fons or things, which ( by way of diftinction from the former ) is commonly called the putting or referring of a matter in dirfe- R 2 rence 124 Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Boof^of J 1. Verf.21. rence to men. We mult take heed in private judgements,that we be not fwayed according to the condition of perfons, nor mutt we make the fault great or lelfe, the caufe better or worie, becaufe the perfon is greater or lefle* friend or ftranger to us. The A- poftle gires this counfeiand caution to the Churches ( James 2. 1, 2, 3,4, 5. ) My Brethren, have not the faith (that is, the doctrine of faith or profelfion ) of our Lord Jcftu, the Lord of glory, with reflect of perfons ; For if there come into your ajfembly a man with a (toU ring, and there come in alfo a poo-re man m vile rayment, and you have refpecl to him that weareth the gay clothing, and fay unto him, fit thou here in a good place, and fay to the poore, ft and then there, or fit here under my footfiool : are ye not then partial I in jour j elves, and are become judges of evill thoughts. In admini- ftting the things of God which are fpirituall, we muft obferve no civiJl difference,no diftinttion among men.Chrift hath given him- ielfe alike and equally to rich and poore,bond and free,and there- fore, as to Church-priviledges and enjoyments, they muft all be alike,and equall unto us. No man is to be knowne after the flefh in the things of the Spirit ( 2 Cor: 5. 16. ) that is, no man is to • be valued meerely, upon natural or worldly accounts ; if we doe, then ( as the Apoftle James concludes in the place laft before mentioned ) are we not partiall in ourfelves ? that is ( as fome alfo tranflate that reproving queftion ) Have we not made a dif- ference, a groundlene difference, or a difference grounded upon carnal refpe£ts,rather then upon any folid reafon ; and fo as it fol- lows in the clofe of the verfe, are beceme judges of evill thoughts, that is, have made our judgement of thofe perfons, according to the dictate of our owne evill and corrupt thoughts, not accord- ing to the rule of the vvord. Further, this fin of refpe&ing perfons, is found alfo in the or- dinary cenverfe of men; For when we caft favours upon thofe that are ill deferving, and commend thofe ( as we fay ) to the skies, who fbould rather fall under our fevereft cenlure, and are led to doe all this alfo>becaufe the perfon is a kinfman or a friend.; for though ( uteris paribus, other qualifications and circum- ftances being equall ) we are to refpecl friends and kindred, who are our owne flefh, before ft rangers, yet vertue and worth fhould out- weigh relations, and ( as Levi in doing Juftice,.Z>#f: 33. ^ 11D: Wicn covered words, as it I were unwil- tnine foquar. Hfig to touch th©:e to whom I fpeake. Our tranflation is yet more Merc: cleare to the fcope and tendency of this place; / will not give Ego noningra- flatt&irfg titles. xZlZafoc- ' ?kisiet}terice is but two words in the Hebrew; The verbs culte eum de- 'fighlfies ( lay the Rabbins ) to hide^ or conceale y o: to carry amat- ftgrnns <& w- ter clofely and obfcurely ; and they give the reafon of it, becaufe men proprium m flattering there is a hiding of what men are, and a fhewing of immutans.Vet-- ^ mz ^y are not< ^he word fignirleth alfo to give zncke name Seat aliqmn or a h' name * an ^ f° nne & nce 1S '> * w ^ non §^ ve fecret refle&i- acculti dejg- ons > no f g^d at any man.upon the by ; Jobs friends had done fo mre. Merc: fometimes, though they after fpake explicitely and directly e- "■^m! nough. Further, the word fignifies the giving of any Additional! \it remnttomi- tnle > ^ us * ™^ e lz u ^ m ^ e P ro P net ( V a: 44- 5- ) 0»ejhatl nibmager:, utf a )'-> I A1 P *h* Lords ; ( fpeaking how perfons iTiall flow into the non pojjls riifi Church ) and another (hall call himfelfe by the name of Jacob : tbfewd quid a ^J[ another jhall fubferibe with his hand unto the Lord y andfirname lUC^on- hif "f el f e h the mme oflfrael: He (hall frname himfelfe ; that's the iwimeftjpe- wor< ^ ^ ere ufed,he fhall take up that title, that illuftrions title, tire os, et ok* he fhall lift or enroll himfelfe among the people of God , and c»y ok* tM thinke it his honour and glory to flfmme himfelfe by the *amt of appeUare.Coc: jf rae l. The word is To ufed ag'aine ( Ifa: 4^.4.^ For Jacob my ferv ants fake ^ and Ifmelmine eleU:, I have even called thee by thy name • I have firnamed thee, though thou haft not knowne me. It is fpoken of Cj rm -> I have given thee a glorious title ; God did not only name Cyrus, but gave him a firname, he called him, C yr us my ferv ant, And Cyrus mine anoynted. Thus the word fig- nifies to give a title, or a firname ; now there are firnames or ti- tles of two forts ; Firft, difgracefull and reviling ones, juftly gi- ven to,but commonly by vile men. Secondly, Honorable and ad- vancing ones. And thefe are of two forts. Firft , Such as are true and well deferved , many by the great acts which they have done, have purcrnfed firnames ; Alexander King Chip. 32. An Exposition upon the Book^ of Job. Verf. 21. 127 King of Greece^ for his Warlike valour and fucceiies, was called The Great ; And among The Romans .SV/p/o after his # victories over the Carthaginians in Africa^ was firnamed Afllcanw. The Romane Hiftoiies fupply (undry examples of this kind. And when in Scripture Paul is called an Apostle Jeter an Ajeftle, They well deferved thefe honorable Tides, becaufe as they were meerely of Grace immediately called and fent of God, topublith and plant the Gofpel all the world over , fo they laboured aboun- dantly in it, and by their miniftery fubdued» and conquered the world to the faith and obedience of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Secondly, There are alio titles and fiimmes, which are meere pieces of flattery, there being no worth in the perfon that may juftly deferve them. 'Tis nor finfull to give titles, but as we tran- slate to give flattering titles unto men .We Should call men as they are, and as they deferve ; I will call a [fade afpade, (faith Ellhu) he that is good I will call him good, and he that is bad I will call him bad ; and that which is ill done I will fay it is ill done ; Let we not give flattering titles w-ito men. Hence obferve. E lattery is iniquity : to give flattering titles untt men is to tranfgreffe the Law of God. Some will not give true and due Titles to any man ; The moft truly honorable perfons and higheft Magistrates, Shall have no- thing from them but Thou and Thee. "Jacob a holy and aplaine man, yet called his owne brotner, Mj Lord Efau, ( Gen. 32.4. Gen: 33.8.) Luke The Evangelift called Theophllns, Moft ex- cellent ( Luke 1. 3. ) And ZWftiled Feslut, Moft Noble ( Acts 26. 2 ?.) Now as they erre upon one extreame,who will not give true titles, fo doe they on the other, who give ( which Ellhu here difdaimes ) flattering titles. There is a two-fold flattery. Firft , In promifes. Secondly, In praifes. Some are full of flattery in promiSes,they will tell you of great "* matters which they will doe for you , yet meane no Such thing. Thus ( Pfal. 78. 36. ) Jhe children of Ifratl dealt with God, when in the time of their Straights and calamities they proniifed to doe great and good things, they would turne to the Lord and Serve him •> Nwertheleffe ( faith the text ) they did flatter hiuu with 123 Chap, $2. An Expofition upon the Book^ of Jo b. Verf.2i' with tl cir month , and they Led unto him with their tongues ; for their heart was not right with him, &c. Thus many upon their lick-beds, or in a day of trouble, what promifes will they mike ? How deeply will chey engage for ciucy,if God will reftore them ? bow holy and zealous and upright will they be ? they will leave their former ill courfes, and yet all is but flattery, they really in- tend it not. 'Tis flattery in promifes to God, when there is not a purpole in the heart to doe what we fay , but only to get our ends upon him ; And we deale no better many times by one ano- ther ; men in (freights will promife any thing,and when they have ^ gained enlargement, performe no hing. Secondly , There is a flattery in praifes, and that's here pro- felled againlt. This flattery in praifmg hath a double refpe6t. Firft, To the actions of men. 'Tis flattery to call that act Mulufuntqut o od that is nought, that juit that is unrighteous: To put ti- bus vicinu ho- l ^s of vertue upon thofe things that are vicious, to call thit nejhre conten- which is indeed a covetous act, a thrifty one, and to call that a£t dunt e> viti- which is cruell,jurt, at moft but ftri6t or fevere, this is to flatter urn omne pati- men ^ wriac t h ev £ Q ^ nomenclatura'l Secondly , There is a flattery of perfons, as to what they have vicinofubjeS* an d are, when we fpeake more of them then is in them, when we virtu*. Bad: fpeake highly of them, who are low in all abilities and attain- in P&h 6u ments. How groflely doe they give flattering titles , who blow up very Ideots with a conceit of their learning, who extoll fooles for wifdome, and commend the wicked as vertuous, yea recom- mend them as patternes of vertue. We fliould give honour to all men to whom it belongs ; but we are not to flatter any man, for that belongs to no man. ( Rom: 1 3 . 7. ) Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute ts due, cuslome to whom cuftome,feare to whom fear r, honour to whom honour. There is an honour that belongs to men with refpect to their degrees, when none belongs to them with refpect to their qualities. He that is very honorable as tohis place, may not de- ferve any honour as to his worth, yet he muft be honoured as much as his place comes to. And as there is an honour due to thofe that are above us,fo there is an honour due to thofe that are our equal Is, yea to thofe that are our inferiours, and below us. The Apoftle gives that dire&iou more then once ; we have it firft ( Rom: 12. 10. ) Be kindly ajfeftionate one to another, in ho- nour »— « •— ■ — ' ' '" ■ ■ ^-TJ 1 Chap. '.j 2. An Expo/it ion upon the Boo\rf ] b b. Vert, 'fi. 129 nottr preferring one another. The people of God fl-iould be fo farre from an ambitious afte&ation of preheininence above 0- rfiers, chat they fhculd freely and really^ not as many doe com- plementally )'§ive others the preheminence, and offer them the upper place or hand j The grace of humility, doth not only for- bid us to exalt our felves above our betters, but ic alio ( in many cafes) bids us Yet our ielves below thole whofe. betters we are. One of the Ancients hath made three degrees W-th'is kind of hu- mility. T-hefirftis, when we make our felvesinferior to our e- quals; The fecond, when we make our felves but equal to our inferiors ; The third, when we make our felves inferior even to our inferiors, and leffe then thofe who are lefler then we. Of this third fore of humility, the ApohMe fpeakes againe in that ierious admonition to the Church ( Phift 2. %. ) Let nothing be done throttvh ftrife, or vame glory , but in loivhnejfe ojmmde -^ Let each •efteeme other better then htmfelfe. As it is good to judge ( ac- cording ro truth ) the worft of our felves, and the bell of o- thers, fo it is good to have a better opinion of others then of our Ielves. So then, the poynt lyethnot agalnftgiving-honour to any man, 0: to men of all forts, bur only againft the giving of undue honour to any. Of that the Apodle fpeakes (Jjd: 1. 10. ) If I yetpleafe men, I fhould not be thefervant ofCkrijl ; that is,if I lhould pleafe men by Haxtery,fmoothing them up in their fins or errors,! could not be the fervant of Chrifi They that were the (trick observers of Chrih\ could not but obierve this in him, that though he came to fave man, yet he was farre enough from pleafing, that is, hu- moring any man: ( Luke 10. 2 f . ) And they n$\ed hint, faying, A f.:ficr,we k'noiv that thonfayefi and teacheft rightly, neither tic- *epttft thou the perjon of any, but tcitchtjlthrrray of God truly. Yet caution is to be uied here. Forfome goe fo farre to the other hand, that while they thinke they ought not to flatter or pleafe, they care nor how they flight or difrefpeel: the perfons of men ; and in Head of forbearing ( as they ought ) to give un- due titles, they will not ( as was toucht before ) give fo much as thofe that are due ; that's a fin in defect, as the other is in ex- ceffe. And they fin much more who while they refufe to give flat- tering tides , a e free to give reviling titles. There are thefe twog'eat tongue-evilte among men ; c ome give flattering titles, S others 130 Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon the Beol^of Job. Verf.22. others give reviling tides, detracting, calumniacing, and biting titles ; it is as dangerous not to torbeare the one, as to be free and forward in giving the orher , and therefore we fhould take heed of both theie extreames, that our fpeech may have an e- quall refpeet to truth, both while we praiie, and while we re- prove. Verf. 22. For I know not how to give fluttering titles. Nefdo cosno- ^ feemes to have little vertue in it, or matter of commenda- mimre', i.e. tion, not to give flattering titles, when we are not able, or know hUniiri. .Bez: not how to give themfTo heare one that is(as we fpeak) a meere Countryman, or a clowne fay , I will not give flittering titles, fpeakes not his praife at all, becaufe 'tis fuppofed he at moll can • but ipeake fence, or true Englifh ; but to heare a learned man, or fome Great Courtier fay, I will not give.flattering titles, this is fomething, this fhewes that his honefty mailers his ability,., and that his confidence is too ftrong for his parts. How is it then that Ell hit faith, I know not to give flattering titles ? Had not Ell- hu wit and skill, words and language at command to give them ? Was he fo courfely bred that he could not reach them ? . I anlwer, Thofe words, I know not, may have a three-fold in- terpretation. Firft , I know notjs, I have not made that piece of knowledge myftudy , I have not fet my felfe toleametbe art of flattery, nor to' gaine the skill of carnal CourtLhip. Thus / know not to doe it, is, I have not fet my felfe to doe it, I have not made it my bufinefle, or my ayme to doe it ; A good man hath, or at leaft Aejlreth no skill in that which u evlH, or not his duty ; how much- foever any man knows to flatter, yet we may fay he knows not to flatter who abhorreth flattery ; And can fay (as the Apoftle fpeaks,.. Ephef: 4. 20. J He hath not fo learned Christ ; that is , he hath heard nofuch leflons, nor received any fuch inftru£tion in the. fchoole of Ch rift. Thus Ellhu faith, I know not to give flattering titles. And doubtlefle, 'tis beft being an Ideot , or a bungler at the doing of that which is not good , or ( as the Apoftle faith, fome are to e- very good work ) to be reprobate to every evill work, and word. How knowing are they, who can fay in ttuth , they know not how t© Jie, or flatter, &? % I dare not fay ( with the Papifts ) that ig- Horance Chap. 52. An Exposition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 22. 1 31 norance- is , but I am lure this nefcience is not only the mother of devotion, but a great poync of devotion it felfe. And, in this fence every godly man, and only a godly man knoweth not how to doe evili. For as the wicked may have the Theory of good workcs, and j know what it is to pray, what it is to heare the word Of God , yet I they have no skill, they are not ftudied, nor fitted forthepra- ctileof thofe workes ; So a godly man may know in fpeculacion what it is to doe wickedly, and how to doe it as well as the rfcofl .^wicked man-in the world, yet he is not at all difpofed nor ready for the prattife of any wickednefs. As nature makes us reprobate to good, ib grace to evill workes. The Prophet lakh of a bid iort of men, ( J err 4. 22. J 7 hey are wife to dye evill, but to die good they have no know ledge. Were they an ignorant people ? hio^ the meaning is, they had not fet themfelves to learne the doing of that good which they knew ; theirs were not f.ns of ignorance, but of wiJfulnefle, and perverfnefie. So on the other fomdy tis the commendation of the people of God, 7 hey are w.feto doe goody but to doe evill they have no knowledge. I know not to give flatter- ing titles. Secondly , As to know a thing or pe#bn, imports the allow- ance and approbation of it. ( Ffat: 1.6.) The Lrrd knoweth the way of the right com ;. that is, he approve th it. (Pfal; 101.4. ) I will net know a wicked perfon • that is, I like him not, I regard him not, I will never give him teftimony, he fhali neither have my hand, nor my hearr. So, not to know a thing or peribn, notes our disallowance and diltaft ofei r her j inthisience Chntl wilt lay to thofe great knowing profefiors ( Luke \ 3. ij. J I tell yotu 1 know yon not wher.ee ypu arc , depart from me, &c. Thus, here when Lb.hu vroretieth, I k>.ow not to gtve flattering titles • his meaning is v I like not, yea, I cannot abide to doe it. I may be as much skilled as any man tofreake high words, pofibly I could Court it as well as others, but I have no heart to doe it, yea it is rhe abhorrence, of my r oule ro doe it. ^4 gwd man doth vet ap~ f rove the doing of evilly and therefore though he know well enovurh how to doe evill* yet he is truely jayd not to l^ow how to doe it. Thirdly, K^ot to know a thing, is not to be accuffomed , or praftiled in it. Thus when Elihu faith, / know not 40 give flatter- ixg titles ; he feemes to fay, It is not my manner, I have not been S 2 ufed 1 32 Chap. 3 2. An Expfition upon the B@o\^ of Job. Verf.22 ufed to flatter. As ufe doth not only make fitnefle, but encreafeth our knowledge, fo dilufe doth at once unfit us ro doe a thing, and diminifheth cur knowledge bow to doe it. And therefore what we ufe no: to doe, we are rightly fayd not to know -to doe. I know not to give flattering titles. Hence note. 7 lie jfirit of a good man is fet again fl 'all that is evilly hi can- ;:-t clofe nor comply with it. His underftanding aiienteth not to it, his will chufeth it not, hi? conscience cannot fwallow it, though not a camel, but a gnat, the leaft of fin-evils, much lefle doth he give himfelfe up to the tree and cuftomary practise of great fins. A good man may well be fayd, not to know to fin, becaufe though he knoweth the nature of all fins, yet he knowingly declines the doing of every fin. I know not to giy* flattering titles , In fo tiding my Maker would foone take me away. Thole words, in fo doing, are not expreffed in the Original!, but fupplyed to make up the fence ; and yet we may very well read the text without th#n ; / know not to give flattering titles, my Maker would foone take me away, or as hit Browhten renders, my Ma\cr would be my taker away. Olfy CMaktr. Elilw exprelTeth God, by the work of creation, or by his rela- tion to God as a creator ; Elihu dorh but include himfelfe in the number of thofe whom God hath made, he doth not exclude 0- thers from being made by God , as much as himfelfe, while he faith, My Maker. God is the maker of every man, and .is fo in a three- fold confideration. Firft , He is the maker of every man, in his naturall conftitu- tion,ashe is a man, confiding of a reafonable foule and body. / am f ear ef ally and wonderfully made, fayd David, with re(pe& to both, ( Pfal: 119, 14. J Secondly , God is every mans maker, in his civill ftare, as well as in his naturall ; he formeth us up into fuch and fuch a conditi- on, as rich,or as^poore,as high,or as low,as Governours or as go- verned, according to the pleafure of his ovvne will. (Prov.22.2.) The Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the BooJ^of J o t. Verf. 22. 1 3 3 The rich and the pore meete together, the Lord is the maker of them both ; he meaneth it not only, if at all in that place, that the Lord hath made them both as men , but he hath made the one a rich man, and the other a poore man. Thus the Lord is the ma- ker of them both. And as the Lord makes men rich , ib Great and honorable. (Pfa/.-j^. 6.) Promotion cometh not from the Eafi, nor from the Weft, nor from the South ; It cometh from none, of thefe parts or points of earth or heaven, it cometh from nothing under heaven, but from the God of heaven ; God is the Judge, he putteth downe one, and fetteth tip another . Thirdly , The Lord is the maker of every man in- his fpirituall ftate,as good, and holy, and gracious. ( Ephef 2. 10. ) We are his tvorktnanfhip, created in Chrifl Jefus unto good works ; till we are wrought by- God, we can doe none of Gods worke^ nor have we any mind to doe ir. Now when Slihu faith, My Maker -would foo;;e take me away, we *may understand it in all thefe three fences ; he that made me this body and foule, when I came in- to the world, he that ordered my way and ftate all this while- that I have been in this world , he that formed me up into a new life, the life of Grace, and hath made me a# man intkis and for another world. This my Maker would foone take me away. Hence note. It is good to remember Cjod as our maker. Man would not make fuch ill worke in the world, if he re- membred God his maker, or that himfelfe is the work of God. We iliould remember God our maker ; Firft, as to our being, as from him we receive life and breach. Secondly, as to our well-being, as from him we receive all good things, both for this life and a better. (Ecclcf 12. 1. ) Remember now thy creator ( not only that God is 3. creator, but thy creator, remember this) in the dayes of thy yo'4th;And furely if thou remembreft him well, thou wilt ngt forget thy felfe-fo mu^h as to forget the duty which tbau oweft him. Thinke often upon thy maker , and then this thought will be upon thee alwayes, If I owe my felfe wholly unto God for makrngme in n'ature, how much more doc I owe my felfe unto Cjod, for making me anew creature. We ought to live wholly to him from whom we have received our lives. He that hath made us fliould have the ufe of us. He hath, made all things for him- felfe, 134 Chap. 32. An Exposition upon the Bwl^of J b. Verf. 22, felfe, ( Trov: 1 6. 4. ) chiefely man, who is the chiefe of all vifr bles which he hath made. Thofe two memento's, That we are made by the power of God, and that the price by which we are redeemed is the blood of God, fhould conftraine us at all times and in all things to beat the -call and command of God. My Maker Would, foone take me away. ■invoce^Wti'* ^ e W tne ftroe w° : d m tne former verfe, there 'tis ufed toUeret me, al- for accepting a perfcn ; here for taking away a perfon. The Lear- luditadprace- ned Hebricians take notice of an elegant flower of Rhetorick in dens Kti/fc* .q. t fr ls expreflion ; If I take perfons, God will takeaway my-perfov ; faciemme^ca- *° vve ma y tranilate the Text ; // / take men, my God will take me piet. Coc: away. Yeajiiy maker would not only take me away at lair, or ( as we lay ) firfi or laft , but he would make difparch, and be quicke with me, My maker would Soone take me away. Some render, Trie would take me away as a little thing ; But the mind of our rranflation is, he would take me away in a little time. ADVD'D The original! word beares either fignification, and lb may the fcope of the text ; My Maker would take me away as a little thing, he would blow me away as a feather, or as dull, and crufh me as a moth ; and he would doe it in a moment,in a little time ; all the men of the world, yea the whole world is but a little thing before God, and he can quickly take both away. ( I fa.- 40. i<$.) Belw'd, the nations are M a drop of a bucket, and are counted ax the fm all dvfl of the Balance ; Behold, he taketh up the Iflands at a very little thing. Now if Whole Ifiands, if all nations are fuch lit- tle things as drops and dufts,then, what is any one particular man, how big ibever he be ? And how foone can God take him away ! Little things are taken away in a little time. So the word is ti- led in the fecond Phi me ( v. 1 2. ) If his wrath be kindled but a little, or bur,^ a little thing • if the wrath of Chrift be kindled only To farre that you fee but a fparke of it, b'.effed are they that trufi m him ; There is no fending before the leaft wrath of the great Cod, by the greateft of the fons o" men. We tMnf!ate,//f would foone take me away, or he would doe »r in a little time, my mine needs not belong in working, he would Ch:-p. 32. An Expofitlon upon the Bocl^ of Jo b. Verf. 22. 135 would rid his hands of me prefently ; co take ot march a man a- Sftfjt, no:es three things. Firif , A violent death, or a violence in death. • Secondly, A fpeedy or iuclden death, a quick dispatch. When i he fire was kindled and the word fent out againft Korah, 'Da- than, and Abiram, their maker fcone took them away ; he bid the earth open, and it tooke them away in the tvyinckUng of an eye ; they went downe quick into hell. It is fayd of a wicked man in this boDke ( Chap: 27. 21. J 7 he Eafi wind, carrieth hint away ; there alfo this word is ukd, that isj judgement like lome fierce impetuous winie, jhall blow him from rns ftanding, and blaft all his glory. ^ome give the fence by the erf eel: of fire, My Maker would $ mt ^ ui foone burne combu - againe Fire or name rneth up (as a thing that is taken up ) into Uquan&o Cuni- the aire, and that which is burned in the fire may be fayd to be tut hoc verbum taken up with it. Thus alio 'tis translated ( 2 Sam: 5. 20, a jlamma,qu<* 21. J 'David came unto Baal-fera^tm, and David [mote them inftibiimi tolli- there, &c. and there they left their Images* and David and his men m ' Merc: burnt them ; we put in the margin, and David and his men tooke them away ; which is the translation here in Job. Eit-her of the readings is cleare and full to the purpofe 3 God hath fire, he hath hell-fire unquenchable for finners, their maker can- quickly con- fume and burne them up. ( Ifa: 27. 4. ) ffao would fet the briars and thorns in battell aga.iv ft me , / would paffe through them and burne them up together. How quickly can the Lord burne wicked men, who like briars and thorns fcracch and teare the innocent ? wicked men can no more (land before the wrath of God , then briars and thorns can ftand before a flaming fire. That's a good reading ; ours comes to the fame fence, my Maker woulU foone take me away. • Hence obferve. Firft, ;d gave up the gh'jft. Thus his Maker tooke him foone away, for taking that glory to himfelfe. O take heed of entertaining flatteries when given,vve fhould put them back from us, as we would a poylonoKS cup. High commendations of Ser~ mens given to the Preacher, may have a fad confequence. When men give much glory to mentis hard for men to give the glory back, cgaine to God. Herod was io pleafed and tickled with the glory which the people gave him, that he could not part with it, and fo ' loll himfelfe. Becaufe he forgat that he was a worme, he was de- stroyed by wormes. The tranllation given us by the Septuagint of t&i 'tyX writ tms cexc m 3°b> complyes fully with that dreadfull example in (fev7ct/,etm$ the Acts; I know not how to give flattering titles, for in fo doing the tine* edent. wormes or moths will eate me up. The words ©f Elihn thus ren- 8ept: jj-gj jjj j b are a chreatniiig all ertion, That the wormes fhall eate thole that give flatteries;and the judgement which fell upon He- rod, is an example threatning all thole that receive flattering ti- tiles , with that dreadfull doome of being eaten up bj wormes. Anddouklefie,ifnotthat, yet either fome other corporal and vifible judgement, of^- which is much worfe) fome fpirituall and invihble judgement, will overtake thole who love either to flat- ter others, or to be flattered themfelves. And as that example ili ewes how dangerous it is to receive flatteries ; fo to give flat- teries, hath in it a double danger. Firft , It is dangerous to others. When Parahtes flatter Prin- ces, vthen Minillers flatter the people, how doth it entnare their foules? 'Tis hell and death to flatter flnners, and not todeale plainly with them ; to give lenitives inftdad of corofives ; to give ©vie where: vineger fhould be given^to heale the hurt of the foule decekfully>is the greatefl hurt and wounding to the foule. Flat- teries are thofe pillows Ipoken of in the Prophet (£*,d^.- 13.18.) fowed to the Arme-holes or elbowes of wicked men, upon which many fleepe without feare, till they dye without hope j yea ihefe flatte- Chap. 32. An Expo ft ion upon the Book^rf Job. Verf. 22. 137 flatteries as well as any falfities and errors of doftrine , whether refpe&ing faith or worlhip, are that mtempered morter, of and againfl which the Prophet fpeakes in the fame Chapter {v. 10, 15.) wherewith fome daubed that wall of vaine confidence which others built, while they (educed the people, fay ing, peace, and there was no peace. How often doe the true Prophets warne the people againlt thefe Batteries of the falfe Prophets. And how fadly doth the Prophet Jeremy bewaile them {Lam: 2. 14. ) Thy Prophets have feene vawe and foolifh things for thee, and they have not difcovered thine iniquity, to turne away thy capttvity ; but have fcene for thee falje burdens, and cmfes of banishment ; that is, the vilions- which they have feene, they pretend, at lead, to have had from God, but they are their owne dreames"and brain-fick phan- fies, and fothe caufeefthy banishment ;they have undone thee with thefe deceits, foothing thee up in thole thy fins, which pro- cured thy banifhment, and caufed the Lord to thruft thee out, and fend thee farre away from thine owne Land. They have fed, yea,filled thee with falie hopes, till thy condition was hope- lcfle.How many thoufands have been deftroyed by flatteries both for here and for ever. And if flattery be fo dangerous to the re* ceiver , then Secondly , It mufl: needs be much more dangerous to the gi- ver. It is no fmall fin to palliate or cover the fins of others ; But M>» ^' e fif- it is a farre greater fin to commend the fins af others, or to com- ~* e J' ™ yt ~ , mend others in their fin. And we may take the meafure of this ]J crc: m ' fin by the punifhment of it. When we heare the Lord threat- ning flatterers with luddaine deftrucHon, doth it not proclaime to all the world, that their fin is full of provocation ? The Lord beares long with many forts of finners , but not with tinners of this fort. My maker wmld foone take me away. Whence note, Secondly. .God can make quiche dijfatch with [inner s. As the grace of God towards finners, fo his wrath na^s no Nsfat tarda longtime in preparations. When we defigne great actions, w« molmim fpi- mult take time to fit our felves. Princes muft have time to fet ritus . f an ®* out an Army or a Navy, when they would either defend them- smia ' felves againfl, or revenge themfelves upon their enemies; But God can prefently proceed to action , yea to execution. He that T made 138 Chap. 33. An Exception upon the Bool^of Job. Verf.23. made all vvich a word fpeaking, can deftroy the wicked as foone as fpeake the word ; he can doe it in the twinkling of an eye, with the turning of a hand. My Maker would foone take me away. Thirdly % Becauie Ehhu, being about to fpeake in that great catrfej fees Ged before him, and God in his judgements* in cafe he fhould fpeake or doe amiile. Note , Thirdly.. They that doe or fpeake evil I , have reafon to sxfett evil I at the hand of God. If I fhonld flatter ( faith Eli ha ) my Maker would foone take me apay, I have reafon to feare he will ; noc that God takes away .every finner as foone as he fins, ( God rarely ufeth Martiall Law,, or executes men upon the place, we fhould live and walke more by fence then by faith if he fhould doe fo ) but any (inner may expect ir. God ( I fay ) is very patient and long-furtering,he doth not often take Tinners away, either in the act, or immediately af- ter the a& of fin. Yet there is no finner but hath caufe to feare, left as foone as he hath done any evill , God fhould make him feele evill, and infhntiy take him away. David prayeth (Pfal: 28. 3 . J 'Draw me not away with the wicked^ and with the workers of iniquity . There is a two-fold drawing away with the workers of iniquity. Firh\ to doe as they doe ; that is, wickedly. Thus many are drawne away with the workers of iniquity;and 'tis a good and mofl necefiary part of prayer,to beg that God would not thus draw us away with the workers of iniquity, that is, that he would not fufter the workers of iniquity to draw us away into their lewd and finfull courfes. Secondly, there is a drawing away to punitfi- ment, and execution. In that fence ( I conceive ) David prayed, Lord draw me not away with the workers of iniquity , who are ta- ken away by fome fudden 'ftroake of judgement ; though I may have provoked thee, yet let not forth thy wrath upon me, as thou fomdjlhes doeft upon the workers of iniquity : doe not draw me out ascattelloutofthepatture where they have been fed and fatted, for the {laughter. Every worker of iniquity is in danger of prefent death, and may looke that God will be a fwift witnefs a- sainfthim : though moft are reprieved, yet no man is fure of that, Againe," Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 22. 139 Againe , In that Elihu reprefents God to himfelfe ready to take him away , in cafe of flattery and prevarication in that caufe.. Note, Fourthly. It is good for us to over-awe our joules with the remembrance of the judgements and t err ours *f God. 'Tis profitable fometimes to converfe with the threatnings, as well as with the promiies ; 'tis profitable to remember what God is able to do againft us, as well as to remember what God is able to do for us;Even believers iliould goe into the dreadfull treafu- ries of wrathjinto the thunders & lightnings of divine dilpleafure, as well as into the delightfull treafuries of mercy,of love & com- panion ; it is good for a good man to thinke God may take me away,as well as to thinke God wUI fave and deliver me ; we {jeed even thefe meditations of God , to keepe downe our cor- ruptions, and to fright our lufts. Though it be the mo-e Gopel way to make ufe of love, yet the Gofpel it felfe teacheth us to make ufe of wrath, ( 2 Con 5 . 1 1 . ) Knowing the terrour of the Lord we perfwade men. Laftly, Note. When we goe About any great worke-, when we are either tofpeal^ or dee in any weighty matter , it is good for us tofet Cod he- fore our eyesy to thwkj cf and remember our Maimer. As in great undertakings we (Wild remember our Maker, waiting for and depending upon his afififtance, ftrength, and blef- fing, in what we doe or goe about ; fo we (hould remember him to keepe our hearts right. And to remember ferioufly, believing- ly and fpiritually, that God beholds and leeth us in all our wayes and workes, and that according to the frame of our hearts , and the way that we take in every action, fuch will the reward and the if) iie be, cannot but have a mighty command, and an anfwe- rable effect upon us. We can hardly doe amiffe with God in our eye. And therefore as it is fayd of a wicked man ( Pfal: 10. 4. ) that through the pride of his countenance he will not feeke after God y God is not in all his thoughts. So T)avid faid of himfelfe ( though in that Pfalme he fpeakes chiefely as a type of Chrift ) and fo in proportion or as to finceriry every codly man faith like David, T^ 2 Pfal: • — — 140 Chap. 32. AnExpofitlon upon the Btol^ of J o b. Verf.22. Pfal: 1 6. 8. ) I have fet the Lord alivaj/es before me .- becaufe he is at my right hand, therefore Ifhall not be moved ; that is, as I ihaJl not be utterly overthrown^ by any evili of trouble, i o I fhall nor be overcome by any evill of temptation : or I fhall not be. mo- ved either in a way of difcouragement by the troubles I meete with j or in a way of enticement by the temptations I meete with. How ftedfaft, how immoveable are they in the worke of the Lord , how doe' they keepe oft from every evil I worke, who fet the Lord alwayes before them, and have him at their right hand ! Could we but fet the Lord before us, either in his mercies or in his terrors , we fhould not be moved from doing our duty in whatfoever we are called to doe. Thus farre Ellhu hath drawne eut his fpeech , in a way of pre- face, preparing himfelfe for his great undertaking with Job ; He hatruiow fully fhewed the grounds why he undertooke to deale witnhim , and what method he would ufe in that undertaking. In the next Chapter, and fo forward to the end of the 37th } V ve. have what he fayd, and how he mannaged the whole matter* JOB: Chap. 3 3 , Verf. i. 141 Job., Chap 33. Verf i 9 2, 3. wherefore^ Jobj I pray thee D 'heare my fpeechcs, and hearken to all my words. Beheld now I have opened my mouthy my tongue hath J pollen in my mouth. My words f)aU be of the uprightnejfe of my heart: and my lips full utter knowledge clearely. Lihu having fpent the whole former Chap- ter in prefacing to Jobs friends, directs his fpeech now to Job himfelfe ; yet not without a renewed Preface, as will appeare in open- ing this Chapter. Wherein we may take no- tice of foure heads of his difcourie. Firft, We have his Preface in the ieven former verfes of the Chapter. Secondly , A proposition of the matter to be debated, or of the things that Elihtt had obferved in Job's fpeech about this Contreverfie, from the 7th verfe to the 1 2^. Thirdly , We have his confutation of what Job had affirmed, from the 1 2^ verfe to the 3 ith. Laftly , We have his conclusion, exciting Job to make anfwer to what he had fpoken, elfe to heare him fpeaking, further in rhe three laft verfes of the Chapter. Elihtt in his Preface, moves Job about two things ; Firft, to at- tend what he was about to fay. Secondly , To make reply to and anfwer what he Should fay. Rlihtt moves Job to the former duty feverall wayes. Firft , By a mild Entreaty and fweet Insinuation in the firft' verfe ; Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, heare my fteeches, anl hearken to my words. As if he had fayd,/dW not come authoritatively andri- p*ZjZ@&^&"'%5fT? J 6fS ^^>md J Y/^Cj t ■"" Jf^-3^1 f^wffr e=^ =aK~ 51 4^ .Chap. 33. -A'* Expofition upwdpe Book^of Jo b. Verf. i. goroufly upon thee , to command, or demand, thy at tent ion y bat as a faithfull friend I defire thee to attend unto my fpeechy and hearken to my voice, , Secondly , He moves him to heare, by profeffing his own rea-- dinetle ana preraredndTe to fpeak, in the 2d verfe ; Behold now I haze c] ened my mouthy my tongue hath fpoken in my mouth ; that is, I have been ( as it were) tuning my inltrument, and fitting my lelfe for difcourfe, let me not looie my labour nor my ftudy. Thirdly , He moves him to attend from the finceriry and gra- 'cious Ingenuity of his heart in that which he had to fay to him. Tins he layeth before him in the 3d verfe ; My words fhall be of the uprigktneffe of my hearty and my lips fhall utter knowledge clearely. What better Encouragement to heare ! And Fourthly, Elihu moves him to heare from the Confideration of hispreient Race, as a man, not only made by God, but by him inftructed for the work which he had undertaken, the former of which is Expreft, the latter Implyed in the 4th verfe ; The Spirit of God hath made me y anil the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Thus Elihu Calls our fob to heare. And Secondly , As he invites him to heare what he had to fay , fo he provokes him to anfwer what he fhould fay, verf. ^ . If thou canft anfwer me, fet thy words in order before me y fiand up. As if he had laid, Be not difcouraged, take heart man, doe thy beft to defend thy felfe, and make good thy owne caufe againft what I ihall fay ; Spare me not ; Doe thy beft, thy utmoft. Having thus encouraged him in General to anfwer, he pro- ceeds to give him two fpeciall Motives. Fir ft , From their Common ftate or Condition, in the 6th verfe ; Behold, I am according to thywifh in Godsfiead ; I alfoam < formed out of the clay. As if he had fayd ; Tou have often defired God to plead withy or that Cjod wsuld heare your plea ; now eonjidery I am in Gedsfleady though a man tike. your felfe^ Secondly , He encourageth him from the tendernefle of bis fpirii toward him, refpe&ing his prefent Condi' ion, promising to deal with, or treate him fairely, gently, in the 7th verfe ; Behold, my terror frail not make thee afraidy neither fhall my hand be hea- vy upon thee. Thar favour fob h d asked of God, in the 9th Chapter ; Let not thy terror make me afraid. Now faith £lih u > that which thou didlt fear from God,thou needeft not at all feare in Chap. 23. An Expofition upon the Bool^ of Jo B. Verf. 1. 143 in dealing with me , My terror [kail mt make the afraid, &c. Thus Elihu begins with job, rh.u he might lead him to receive f.urely, or anfvwjr fully what he had to lay. The three firft verfes of rhe Chapter" Comaine rhe fird pare of the Preface, wherein Elihtt excites and calls forth fobs atten- tion by thofe foil re Conliderations^ilready dillinitly propofed, the firft whereof is layd dewne, x Verf. 1. Wherefore, Job, Ifraytl.ee, hear e my fpeeches, and hearken to nil my words. Eliht* begins very mildly, tweedy, infinuatingly , even en- treatingly, and befeechingly, wherefore I fray thee. The word which we rranflate, I fray thee , is in the Hebrew *U adhortM- language a monafyllable adverb of obiecration or exhortation. / X(i vei e ^ci- pray thee. - tantUtumeti- ' ' am objecranttt. Hence note. 'Tis good to ufe gemleneffe towards thofe with whom we have to deale, efpecially with thofe who are either outwardly affli- Ued, or troubled in fpirit. Entreaties have great power ; and therefore though the Pro- phets and Apoftles fpeake fometimes in a threatning way, and command attention upon utmoft peril, yet for the moft part they befpeake it with Entreaties, ( 2 (far: 5. 20. ) Now then we as Embaffadors forChrift, as though God did befeech you by us, we fray you inChrifls fiead be ye reconciled to Cjod. The Apoftfes went about a begging, as it were, with this meilage, with the. beft meflage that ever was carried forth to the world, Reconciliation unto God ; we fray you. And againe ( 2 Cor: 6.1. ) We then m workers together with him, befeech you alfo that you receive not the grace of God in vaine \ that is, the doctrine of the Gofpel hold- ing forth the grace and favour of God freely in Jefus Chrift, ( 1 Tktf: 4. 1.) Furthermore, we befeech you brethren, that as ye have received of m how ye ought to walke and to fleafe God, fa ye would abound more and more. As he did. befeech them not to receive the grace of God in vaine , fo he did befeech them to a grogrefs in & an Improvement of that grace. Again(iT/jf/- 2. 7. ) JVC 144 Chap. 33. -/*« Expofition upon the Booi^ of J o b. Verf.i. Vy'cwerc ncntle among you,, even as a Tfyrfe cherljketh her C hil- ar en ; how tender is a nurie to the infant hanging at her breaifc, oj; dandled on her knee. Speal^ye Comfortably toferstfalem, was the Lords direction when fhe was in her warfare ; that is , in a troubled and afflicted condition. ( I fa. 40. 2. ) The Hebrew is, Speal^ to her heart ; fpeak iuqp words as may revive her heart, and adde frefh fpirits and life to her. The Apoftles rule for the refloring of thole that are fallen, is, that they fhould be kindly treate.d ( Gal: 6. 1. ) Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fa-Alt, ye that areffiritus.ll reftorc fitch an one mth the f pint ofmeekneffe. Ic is a great poynt of holy skill fo to order a reproofe as not to provoke ; io to fpeak as to fpeak open , or pick the lock of the heart ; Affectionate Entreaties are bletTed pick-locks, which doe mt ftraine the wards, but effectually lift up the holders and fhoote the bolt of the heart, caufing it to ftand wide open to re- ceive and take in the truth of promifes, counfels and reproofes. Me eke words meeken the Jpirit. 'Tis hard to refufe what we perceive fpoken in love ; and if any thing will foften a hard heart, toft language is moft likely to doe it. When Abigail came out and met David upon his way, hot upon revenge, yea having ( up- on the matter ) fvvorn revenge againft Nabal and his houfe , yet her Entreaties and mild words overcame that mighty warriour, at leaft, took orf the edge of his fpirit, and of all his party, ( 1 Sam: 25. 33. ) Nor did he only accept of or fubmit to her counfel, but gave thanks both to God and her for it ; Bleffed be the Lord, and bieffed be thy advice, which haft kept me this day from fhedding blood. Gentle words, like gentle raine, foake deep, and make the foule, like a fruitfull tree, bud and bloffome. For as paflipn in the fpeaker, begets paflton in the hearer, and heate brings forth heate, fo kinde and kindly words, are not only moft ufefull, but moft powerfull. There is a rebuking, and that Cut- tingly, or a fpeaking of cutting words, ufefull in fome cafes, then efpecially, when finners have not only done evill, but are fetled and refolved in it. But in cafe of affliction, fpecially of inward affliction, or trouble of fpirit , foft words are beft and doe beft. Heare, J pray thee, faith Elihu. 8. ) Then fay d I loe I come ; / delight to doe thy will my God. And in reference to this he had fayd before ( v.- 6. )' Sacri- fice and offering thou didft not defreyburnt-offering and Jin-offering haft thou not required ; that is, for themfelves, or comparatively to that, which in the volume of thy booke is written-ofme, that I fhould doe. Which clearely expounds and is almort the fame in termes with that of Samuel; To obey is better then facrifice, and to hearken, then the fat of Rams. Thus Elihu prelferh job to hearken zo all his words obedientially, or to hearken with apur- pofecoobey. Take a few Confiderations, why we fhould both heare and hearken to, that is , obey, the whole mind of Gorf, all thofe words which have the (tamp of divine authority upon them. Firft , All the words of God are alike holy and true, pure and precious. Though fome truths are more neceflary to be knowne and believed then others, yet all are neceffary ; nor can we be difcharged from the duty of hearing and obeying any one of them, if called. * Secondly , There is a like or the fame power and authority in all the words of God ; fo that to negleft or flight any one word, is to put a flight upon the authority of God himfelfe. There is but one Law- giver and word-fender. Thirdly , Not to fubmit to any one word ( though it be fttp- pofed we hearken to all others ) drawes upon us the guilt of non-fubmilTion or difobedience to the whole word of God. That's the Apoftles conclufion ( James ^. 1 2. ver. ) whofoever fhall keepe the whole Law y and yet offend in one poynt, he is guilty of all ; for though in many things we offend all, yet there is a Go- fpel-fence wherein we are faid to keep the whole Law of God, And fo the Apoftles meaning is, that whofoever fhall give him- felfe a loofe or a liberty, whofoever {lull difpence or indulge himfelfe in breaking any one Command of God, he breakes all, V 2 that i-4<3 Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Beol^of Job. Verf. :. that is, he declares himfelfe ready to break ali, if he had a li! e occafion or temptation. Foutthly , We would have all our words hearkened toby Gov.-, we would have God grant all our Petitions , all our requeil?, and iupplications, and fhail not we hearken to and obey all the precepts of God ? Shall, we not receive and believe all his pro- miles and threatnings ? Eifchly, As we defue God would, ibGod hath promiied to heare all our words, even all the requefts of his people which are according to his will. Chrift lpeakes without redaction ( Math: 21. 22. ) All things whatsoever ye atl^e in mj name, believing ye frail receive. And againe (John 14. 1 3, 14. ) ffhatfoeveryejhall askj in my name, that will I doe, &c. Nor are there any reftricti- ons upon the promifes of God in granting and doing what we aske, but only thefe two ; Firft, that we ifkexight things; Se- condly, that we aske aright. Now if the Lord hath promiied to hearken to all our words, not to this or that, but to ali our words which are according to his will, .(. we have no liberty to aske be- yond the will. of God, beyond the rule of Scripture, nor can we aske any thing beyond that, but it is ro our hurt and damage* now if God ( I fay ) will hearken to all our words ) fhould nor we hearken to all his ? Laflly, The condition upon which God hath promiied to heare all our words, is, that we lliould be ready ro heare and hearken. to all his words,(i John 3. 22. ) F/hatfoever i$e as\e we receive, ■ bfcaufe we k,eet>e his Command.emer.ts, and doe the things that pfeafe him. It were not confidence, but higheft and moll hatefull impu- dence, to expect that God fhouldpleafe us by giving us what we aske, while we refufe ( which is the condition of that-prc- mife ) to doe the things that pleafe him. Thus Slibu would have Job hearken to all his words, he being about to fpeake, not his owne, but the words of God. And that Job might not delay the. opening of his eare to heare, EUhn tells him further in the next verfe, that himfelfe had already opened his mouth to fpeake. Verf.. 2. Behold now I have opened my .mouthy my tongue hath fpoken in my month. Thisphrafe of 'opting the month, imports foure things. Firft- Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bosl^of jo B. Verf. 2. 149 Firit , That a man hath been long filent ; they that are full of tafke, and fpeake out of ieaion, may be laid to have their mouth- al.vaves open, rather then at any time to open their mouthes. V^xblib* proielVed in the forme; - Chapter that he had waited as a Difcipletoheare and to learne,- and had waited with utmoft patience ; therefore he might well lay, Behsld w / have opened my mouthyznd taken upon me to fpeake. So ( Chap: 3. 1-. ) after J uctingly, or exhortingly, reprovingly, or Comfortably, vve fhotild alwayes labour to divide the word of God, and what we fpeake from it aright , giving every one his proper part and portion. Then a man opens his mouth to fpeake, whtta ifo Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Book^of ] o B. Verf. 2. when he Connders how to fore his fpeech according to the ftate of things and perlbns before him. •Fourthly , Coniideration is to be hacj of the end or tendency of fpeech, what cur ayme and mark is ; we lay, a fooles boh is (ootie [hot, he Confide rs not his ayme and mark in fpeaking ; he that opens his mouth, locks to his mark, and drives a deligne, or hath a purpofe in every word that paileth from him. 'Indg videtur Thirdly, This phraie of opening the mouth, notes liberty of diet DlK /»- fpeech, or boldneiie in fpeaking ; when a man doth not fpeake in. \ejfi Si ^ ls throat, as untaught children doe, nor in his belly, or in a bot- iresinjiati'tur- 1 ^' as Witches and Sorcerers are fayd to doe, that peepe and gejeant <&fpi- mutter ( Ifa: 8. 1 o. ) When a man ( I fay ) do h not fpeak any ritu* immundus of thefe covert wayes, but freely and liberally, then indeed he ex illorumyen- p e ns his mouth to fpeake. We have that Expreflion in the pro- ' >,: " eJp and they [ball know that I am the Lord j That is, I will give thee boldneiie, and liberty of fpeech : time was when thou didft not dare to fpeake a word for God, or -of God, of his praife, name and worfhip, or if thou didft it was but in a Corner, or whifperd in fecret ; but the time fhall come when I will give thee the opening of the mouth ;thou {halt fpeak my truth and praifes boldly : and the Enemy (hall know that I the Lord have procured thee this liberty .'Tis a grear mercy when God gives his people the opening of the mouth, or liberty, of fpeech, to fpeak boldly, no man hindring, no nor fo much as dif- couraging them. The Prophet makes that the character of an e- vill time, when the prudent keep filence, ( Amos %. 1 3.) As in evill or calamitous times, it becomes the Godly prudent to be wil- lingly filent , adoring the juftice of Gods fevereft difpenfations towards ihem with patience and without murmuring at his hand. So in fome evill limes they are forced to keepe filence,(rnough as David fpake, Pfah 39.2. ) their forrows be ftirred ) either left by fpeaking, even nothing but truth and reafon,they draw fur- ther forrows upon themfelves ; or becaufe they fee it but loft hr bour to fpeake to a people obftinate and refolved on their way. Fourthly , This phrafe of opening the mouth to fpeake, notes the things fpoken to be of very great worth, fuch as have been long concocted and digeftecl, and at laft ready to be brought forth Chap. 33. An Expedition upon the Book^ of Job. Verf. 2. 151 forth,as out of the treafury of an honeft and underftanding heart. Os aperire eft The heart is the treafury of words, there they are ftoredup: bene difiujfa et and from thence itfued forth; as Chrift faith, Oat of : the a ^ Hn ~ habere ^cen- dance of the heart the month fycakcth. As there is a ftock of evill da. Bold: words iathe hearts of evill men, foot good and gracious words in the hearrs of Godly men, and when they open their mouthes ( according to this notion ) it is to bring forth the trealures, and riches of their hearts,to bring forth the gold and filver and preci- ous things ftored up there ; all thefe are very ufefull interpreta- tions of this phrafe ; and I might give diftinct obfervations from them, but it may fuffice to have named them. I fhall only adde that the.laft is conceived by fome to be chiefely intended in the latter branch of this verfe. My tongue hath fpoken in my mouth. This feems a ftrange ExprelTion ; where fhould the tongue fpeak but in the mouth ? when the tongue is oat of the mouth, can it fpeak?as the mouth cannot fpeak without the tongue,fo the tengue cannot fpeak out of the mouth : why then doth he fay ; tJMy tongue h^th fpoken in my mouth f The Hebrewis,/» myfalate,thz palate being a part of the mouth, and one fpeciall Inftrument offpeech ( Naturalifts reckon five, The Up, the twgue,the teeth jhe palate,&the throat)Yispuz for all; but there is more in it then fo,for every man fpeaks in his mouth, Pa j atum #* or by the palate which is the heaven, roofe or ciellng of the mouth, £? "7 ^ Therefore when £/*/>/* faith, My tongue hath fpoken in my mouth, Prsmeditata or in my palate; The palate may be confidered as the inftru- ex quaji inteVt. ment of tafting as well as of fpeaking. We fay iiich a thing is ve- genii* me* ry favory to the palate ; And we call that Palate wine, which \ z Pf att> P ra 8 u ' cjuicke and lively, briske and pleafant to the raft. Thus when E-^tF^gf*' hhn faith here, My tongue hath fpoken in my mouth or pabate ; Benejhpui/ver. His meaning is ; I have uttered only that which I have wel con- ba mea ante- fidered, what my tongue hath fpoken to you, I have tafted my 1 uam iUa e ff e " felfe ; I have put every word to my palate ; For as a man that [r^rl^f'* that tafteth wine or any other fapid thing, muft have it upon his^/'S^f* palate, before he can make a Judgement, whether it be fvveet or derem. Bold: fnarpe, quick or flat : fo faith Elihu, my mouth hath fpoken in Mmfiiuarrer- my palate, I tafted my words before I fpake them. badiommjed Hence W ' /sJfc "" ho. Aquin: I 5 a Chap. 33. An Evpofitiox upon the Beot^ of J o B. Yerf.}: Hence note. fvdictews a;:d wife men will tas~i and try what they intend t$ fpeake before they m\e< ir. The fpeaker prefects hi; words to [he raft of the hearer ; For as this Scripture hath it at the jd verfe of the ne*t Chapter, The eare tryeth words, a< the month t aft eth meat; now he thac ventures his words to the raft and cenfure of others, had need take a tart of them before he doth it. CM) tongue hath [poken in my month. Secondly, From the fcope of E/lhn in adding this, namely, to gaine attention, Note. There ir great reafon we fhould hear e that carefully, which the fpeaker hath prepared with care. They who regard not what they fpeake, deferve no regard when they fpeake ; but a weighing fpeaker, fhould have a weigh- ing hearer.And-wrnt any mans tongue(in the fence c&Elihu) hath fvoken in his mouthy that we fhould heare,not only wich our eare, but with our heart. This a ftrong argument to quicken attenti- on, yet. £//'/># gives in another, and a Wronger in the next verfe. Verf. 5. My words (had be of the uprightneffe of my heart, my hps (hall utter knowledge clearly. In the former verfe Elihu called for an open eare, becaufc he opened his mouth, and was about to fpeak, or had fpoken what he had well tailed. In this verfe he prefleth the fame duty," by pro- fefling all maimer of Ingenuity and Integrity in what, he was a- bout to fpeake. He would fpeake not only ferioufly, but honeft- ly, not only from his underfhnding, but his confeience. My words fhatt be of the uprightneffe of my heart, &c. The meaning n> not/hat the uprightneffe of his heart fhould be the fubjeci upon which he would treat, though that be a blef- itd and moft ufefuil fubjeci, yet it was not the poynt he intend- ed to difcuflfe : -but when he faith, C%€y words fhall be ef the up- rightneffe of my heart, his meaning is, my words fball flow from the Chap. 33. An Expofttion upon the Book^'of Job. Verf. 3. 153 the uprightnefle of my hearr, I will fpeake in the uprightnefle of my heart, or according ro the uprightnefle of my heart,my words fhall be upright as my heart is ; the plain truth is this, / willjpe«l^gi nee ,t etahf- truth plaint}) fie ffetl^ as I think?, you may fee the Image of my que 'ullo fuco heart itpon every word, I will fpeake without daw bin* , without proferam b. Vcrf. 3. I 55 {peak that as a truth, or a Comfort to others , which we have not found in our felves, that is, have not felt the operation of it up- on our owne' hearts. How are they to be lamented, who fpeak of the things of God as a Stage-player, who a&s the part of, or Per- fonates a Prince, being tymfelfe but a poore plebeian. It is bad to fpeak without our hearts, or coldly, but 'tis worfe to fpeak what was never in our hearts, or hypocritically. Thirdly , Not.a few fpeak quite againft their hearts ; thefe are at fartheft difhnce from fpeaking in the uprighmefle of their heart ; they fpeak with a falfe and malicious heart ,• they fpeak with a deceitful and double heart, with a heart and a heart.There are three waves wherein men fpeak againft their owne hearts and Coniciences. • Firft , In the profeifion which they make of themfelves, (.Rev.- 2. 9. ) Chrift writing to the Church of Smyrna, faith, I kjim thy fcth dnd patience, -&c. and the Blafphemy of thenu who [ay they afe J ewes and are not , bat lye, &c. And fo at the oth verfe of the 3d Chapter , Which fay they are Jewes and are not, but doe lye. We are not to underftand it ftrictly, that they •profeflfed themfelves to be of the Nation of the Jewes, the Chil- dren of Abraham. A Jew there is, any one that holdeth out a profeifion of the faith of Ch;ift. Old Teftament words are often applyed to the New Teftament, or Gofpel ftate ; they- fay they are Jewes y that is, true believers, but they are nor, and doe lye j to lye, is to gos againft a mnns mind, againft his Confcience ; they make a great pTofelfion of godlinefle and holineflfe,of Chrift and his waves, and they fye-at every word ; for indeed they are the Synagogue of Satan. Thus -at this day fome make profeifion before rhe Church of God, and by fuch profeifion get admittance into the Church of God, who yet belong to the Synagogue of Sa- tan. The Apoftle John fpeakes of fuch, ( 1 Ep: Joh: 2. 19. ) They went out from ut, but they were not ejus ; that is, they were rot truly of us, though they once defrred to come in and joyne themfelves to us, and for a time walked with us. Secondly , The tongue fpeaks againft the, heart many times in the promifes which men make to others of what they will doe, O what Courtehes and friendships will fome men profeffe ! they will tell you aloud how they love you, and how much they are your fervants, while there is nothing in their hearts, but deceit X 2 'and igr6 Chap. 33. AnExpofition upon the Bsck. of J b. Verf.j. and guile, yea polfibly nothing but wrath and revenge to death. Thus Ifhmael went out reeep'ng all along ai he went ( Jer: 41.6.) and fayd, Come to Gedaliah, tlfe {on of Ahikam, yet tie invited them into the City as poore birds into a fnare, to deftroy them prefently ; He was feemingly troubled a: their affliction and wept, but his were Crocodiles tears , he murthered them as foone as he had them in his power. Thirdly , Some fpeake again!* their hearts doctrinally or in ■ the Doctrines which they propound and. teach. There are three- forts who (peak amille doctrinally. Firft,#Some fpeak than which is not right in the uprightneOe of their hearts ; or, I may fay, they fpeak that which is falie with a ; true heart ; that is , -they think it to be a truth which they ut- ter, when 'tis .an- error, and will be found io at hft. When ever we fee different opinions ttirly maintained among honeft and god- ly men, ( which though it be a very fad light, yet it is too often leene,inthat cafe I fay) one iide-alwayes fpeaks'that which is falie with a true heart, and utters error uprightly. The truth is, fome men defend an error with better and more honeft hearts r * then fome others defend the "trurh. For Secondly, There are fuch as fpeak right without any up- rightneile of heart, or they fpeak truth with a falie heart; this El'ihtt fpecially profeiieth againii ; he would not only fpeak thac which was right, but with uprightnefie. The Apoftle found fe- verai teachers of this fecond fore ( VIM: 1. 16, 17, 18. ) Some preach Chrift, that is, the Gofrel, yea rhe truth of Chrift in the Gofpel, (elfe the Apoftle would not-have rejoyced in it, -as he profeiieth he did at the 1,8th verfc, / therein doe rejoyce, yea and will rejoice) Yet theie men did not preach in the uprightndfe of their own hearts ■ for, iaith he, Some Preach Chrift ont m of en- vy and flrife^and fome out ofg*>d mil, (they preached Chrift, pure Gofpel, ye: no: with pure hearts, for,he adds,they did it ) fuppo- jing to adde sffl'clion to my bonds ; They preacht to oppofe the Apoftles more then to fet up Chrift , and though they preached the truth, yet they did it more in pretence then in trnth ; as 'tis fayd at the iSdvverfe. The fame Apoftle fpeakes of others, ( 2 Cor: 1 1 . 1 3, 14. ) who preached what was true for the mat- ter, and yet he calls xhtmfalfe Apoflles, deceit fall workers, tranf* firming th.emfelves into the Apoftles of Chrift) and no marvel/, for &na* Cbap.-3 3- -d- n Expofition upon the Bosj^of] o b. Verf. 3. 157 Satan himfelfe u tr uniformed Into an A;: gel of light. They formed _ an i imped themfelves into Angels of light, and tooke up the 1 doctrine of the fiithfull Apoitles of Jefus Chriit in iome things, yet they aid ic not intheuprightneile of their hearts , but that/ they rhight Weaken the eitimadon of the true Apoftles in the hearts 01 t&e people, and let up themfelves there , that fo in 0- ther things they might with greater efficacy or more effectually, mil-lead them or draw them into error. Thus fome are found fpeaking iy§s in the truth of their hearts , and orhers fpeaking truth in tne falfenefle of their hearts. Thirdly, Many fpeak [hat which is faife with a false heart ; This is the height of vvickednefle. The Apoftle p; onhefieth of fuch ( 1 Tim: 4. 2. J Who frail {peak* //« in hypccrif.e : the mat- ter they fpeak is a lye,and they fpeak it with a Safe and falfe heart too. And therefore he faith of thefe in the fame verfe, Their co'fciences are [eared with a hot iron ; that is, they are infencible both of the miichiefe they doe, and of the.'mifery they muft fuffer. Elihu profeffeth himfelfe to be none of all thefe ; He fpake that which was right and true in the uprightnefle and truth of his heart. Such a one" the Apcftle direete the Gofpel Deacon to be, ( 1 Tim: 3.9. ) Holding the my fiery of faith in a pure Confer- ence, which is the fame with an upright heart. And he tells us (1 Thef: 2.4, 5. ) That himfelfe did not ufe any guile in the miniftration of the Gofpel; He had truth on his fide, and he had truth in his heart, as he alio profefied to his Brethren the Jewes t ( Rom: 9. 1, 2. ) I fpeakjhe truth in Chrifi, I lye not , my Confci-> ence aljs bearing me witneffe in the holy Ghofi, &c. And againe, ( 2 Cor: 2. 1 7. ) We are not of thofe that Corrupt the truth ; vh fpeal^ f he truth , and. fpeak^ it truly. He is a better fpeaker that fpeaks with an upright heart, then he that fpeakes with an elo- quent rongue , He is the happy fpeaker, who fpeakes more with his heart then with his tongue, that cm lay with Elihu to Job, My words fhall be qf the upnghtneffe of my heart. Words fpokerx of that fubjecl, and words flowing from that fubjeil, are lovely words. Of this latter fort fakh Elihu to Job, My -words fhall be, ^/ind my lips frail Utter" know I edge clearly. Jeb had charged his tnree friends X &*$• T 3- 4- J ^x they_ '•ve re * An Expfjitint upon xhe Book^of J o b. Verf. ? m^bMim^f^^^ ' 1 ^' This£/;A " eng^geth againft, while he faith, pofberat, q™d **/*& M l ***" knowledge clearly. e Jhnt fabrics The word here cranflated Q**ftfi is rendered two waves. twtestnenAaciu JFfrft, As an Adje&ive. % a J e '*lt Secondly, As an Adverb. fememTm ll M ' n > ren( ^ er irts an Adjective , A*/ % /£*// utter chart bia mea puram hw ledge, or diftinft knowledge ; cleare as to the matter ; pure, foqueztnr. a- plaine, without any adulteration, deceit, or guile, as no trie man- qum: Rer> So the word is often u'fed, I might give ycu Hianv Scrip- p/«5- tUr f/°[ ic -T h f P i P k f r l*4i%»>* perfonof anftC/p.^S- cuum, afucoa, 2 " ) ^ ait "' & e " At " ntade-meapoliflcedpaft, the Hebrew is, a pure liemmfincerumP J ffii a glittering, fhining (haft. (Jer: 5. 1 1. J He made bright <& ab omni his arrows, there this word is ufed. It is appiyed alfo to Chiefe ZndJfT men ( x Chro>1: 7-4 8 - ^ The f e ™ ere cho )' ce men * P UFe m en. So faith gatererrt. &&*( My lips fhall fitter cleare fhining pure knowledge. ) Merc: Hence note, •We fhotild fiea\cleare truth. Truth -without mixture , truth well winnowed, doctrine well refined. The comviAndement of the Lord is a pure word, ( Pfal: 19 B.) There's not any drofs at all in it,'tis like filver tryed feven times in the fire ( Pfal: 1 2. 6. ) The Prophet among other ble.Tings which God promifeth to his Church and people,hath this(//*: 20. 24. ) The Oxen likjmfe and the jouxg Affes that eare the ground fkall eate clear.e.Provender,free from the fir aw, and chaff, duji and darnel. But may we not here renew the Apoftles queftion, ( 1 Cor: y. 9, 10. ) Doth God take care for oxen ? or faith he it altogether for our fakes ? for our fakes no doubt it is written ; . That the mouth of the oxe treading out the eorne, jhould not be mu^d'd, was written for the Minilters fake, to affure them, that while they labour in the Gofpel to feed fouls,their bodies fhould be fed. And that the oxen and young affes fhall eate cleanepra- ver.der, was written for the peoples fake, to affure them , that Chrirt would fend them fuch Minifters as fhould feed them with pure holy wholefome doctrine, not with the charfe of unwritten traditions, nor with the mixtures of humane inventions. They fhould be taught cleare knowledge, as Elihu here ijpeaketh. This mercy was alfo prophecied ( Zeph: 3 . 9. ) Then will I turxc to the people a pure language ,or a (flean lip .• it is this wordy that fe, what Chap. 33. An Expofttion upon the Bsol^ of Jo b. Verf. 3. 159 what they fpeak, {"hall be pure truth. Their language (hall be,nor. only Grammatically pure, proper and genuine,' but Theological- ly pure, without any tincture of-error in it. Secondly , As the word is taken ( according to our tranflati- on ) Adverbially. Note. ff'e ought to fpeake truth clearly. Some fpeake cleare truths, who. yet doe not {peak them clear- ly. They fpeak great truths, yet obfcure them in their own way of expreifions ; they who wrap up found doctrine in hard un- couth words, or deliver it man unneceflary multitude of words, doe rather puzzle and confound their Auditors, then enforme or inftrutt them. And they who fpeak not knowledge clearly, are like thofe who mud the waters, or raife a duft in the ayre , which will not let others fee diftinctly -what they hold or put in ei- ther. Speaking in darke words and ftrange notions, is like fpeak- ing in a ftrange language. They only fpeak profitably, who fpeak clearly. We commonly fay, 7 'mthfeekes no corners, truth would . not be hid. What are obfcure and ambiguous words, words of a doubtfull conftru&ion and interpretation, but csrners, wherein many tjjde truth, while they pretend to fpeak and publifh it, Such fpeakers as wel as they who fpeak in an unknowne language, are Barbarians to their hearers. And therefore as the Apoftle in reference to an unknowne tongue ,4 olhould we fay in reference to any covert or obfcure way of fpeaking in our ovvne % mother tongue, We had rather fpeak^fve words that others may be edified, . then ten thouf and words in hard and ftrange expreffions. Though we fpeak in a knowne language, yet doubtfull words hinder edifying as much as ari*inknowne language doth \ yea fuch are as a forrei- ner to their hearers , while they fpeak in their owne Country tongue : 'Tis a fpeciall gift of God, to fpeak knowledge clearly. The Apoftle hath left that excellent advice with all who are cal- led to (peak the great things of eternall life, ( 1 Vet. 4. u. ) If any man fpeake ( that is, if he fpeak about^the things ©f God, di- vine things ) let hlmfpeakju the Oracles of God. What are they ?■ The oracles of God are the knowne word of God. But how are thofe oracles to be knowne ? Surely as Godfpake them, plainly and clearly; The oracles 6fGcd were fpoken without ambigui- ty i6o Chap, j j. -4» E.vpojitioit .upon the Boc]^ of Jo b. Verf.j, ty, therefore let no man fpeake them as the orades of the devil were i'poken, or as the devill ipake his oracles, that is, ambi°u- oufly and doubtfully • The devill of old gave out all his anfwers and oracles doubtfully and darkly to his darke and blinded vo- taries 3 what he fayd might beare leverall Conftrucfcions. And he fpake fo on purpofe, that whatfoever the event or ilfue proved to httTrn Vkhm ^ he ( tnou S h the father of ty es ) mi o hc have the reputation of penetrans mag- lpeaking truth. The Devils oracle gave Croefus fuch an anfwer as nam pervertet he might Interpret either of a great fuccefle, or of a great over- run ra throw, when he a^ked counfel about his warres. And when Saul came to Enquire- of the Witch of Endor, that is, of the Devill, ( i Sam: 28. 1 1. J he gave him a doubtfull refolve ; Tomorrow fait thou and thy Sons be with me ( v.ip. ) Which ambiguous an- fwer might be underftood as of the next day following, \o indefi- nitely of any day neere approaching. Satan loves not to fpeake knowledge ciearely. But the fervants and meflengers of Chrift, muft ' ufe~ great plainnefs of fpeech while they are treating of and giving out the mind of God to his people ,• and be carefull that as the do&rine is found which they deliver, fo there may be a clearnefs in their delivering of it. Their lips ( as Elihn en~ ^aged his fhould ) ought to utter knew/edge clarelj. job, Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Booh^of Job. Verf. 4. 161 JOB. Chap. 33. Verf. 4, 5,6,7. the Spirit of God hath formed me, and the breath of V the Almighty hath given me life, If^thou canft anjher me, fet^thy words in order he- . fore me, ft and up. Behold^ I am according to thy wifij in Gods ftead: I aljo am formed out of the clay. Behold, my terror JIj all not make thee afraid, neither fhaU my hand he heavie upon thee, IN thefe fcure verfes, Elihtt ftill profecutes a difcreete pre- fatory insinuation both of. himfelfe and of his intended dif- coutfe into the heart of Job, that both might find yvellc|jm£, and good entertainmentthere. Elihu ha as they are • here ufed, for an argument of perfwanorh - ^ Firft , Confider the "fe^ £shin aflertion ; The [pirit of God hath made we, &c. The word "doth not fignifie barely to make , \! ./ Ja * or to clap up a worke any how , but to make with art , to make ^i^rj^oy skilfully, to compote and fafhion a thing with exa&eft grace, e i a boratam a- comelinefs, and beauty. Thus are we made by the Spirit of B. Verf. 4. J 6 3 holy ) worlds, (Eph: i. 10. ) fowe are his workmanlliip crea- ted to common and naturall workes. We have heard of that di- vine confutation or relblution rather ( Gen: 1 . 26. J Let us make man .- The Father made man, and the Son made man, and the ho- ly Spirit made man ; The Father by the Son , through the holy Spirit made man. What a glorious, what a mighty power is put forth for the production of luch a poore creature as man is ! And this is tine, not only of the hrftman in his -creation, but of every man lince the creation, there is a concurrence of a divine power and workmanfhip in the fetting up of man as man. ( Pfal: ico. 3. ) it ts he that made m\ and not we our pelves i God doth not only make us holy men , but he makes us men. Hence David ( Pfal: 1 3. 9-14. ) I am fearefully^ and wonder- fnllyfh'ade . He lpcaks there of the frame of his body, though r^^r K.^|Ja «3|r^j- r pK> in reference to the admirable frame of th flieW c"Smttre which is fee up in the foule ; fo, indeed we are fearefully and wonderfully made. ( If*: 27. 1 1 . ) This is a pes- pie of no under ft and? ng ( But did God ever make a people without f naturall undemanding ? Surely no, but they were a people with- out fpirituall undemanding, they did -not understand what the mind, and meaning of God was, and what their owne duc^was; Such are a people of no understanding, how wife foever they are in their owne eyes, or in the eyes of the w&ldV what followeth ) Therefore he that made them will not have^mercy on them y and he that formed them mil (hew them no favour ; That is, God who made and formed them, both in their naturall capacity as men, as alfbjn $feir civill and fpirituall capacity as a Church and Na- tion, oTas a' Nationall Church ( understanding it of the Jesves ) will not have mercy on them, will not favour them. We read the fame Church at once looking roGod as their maker and moft earnefily moving and imploring his pity upon the fame account. ( J fa: 64. 8 , 9. J But now O Lord, thou art our father, we are the clay, arid ihon om -potter, and we all are the work, of thy hand ■ As if they had iayd, Thou O Lord, haft moulded us as thy creatures, and fafhicned us as thy Church, when we were but a rude malTe or heape without forme or comelinefs, therefore doe notmarre thy owne worke, doe not breake the vetfels of thine owne ma- king , or as it followeth in the fame Chapter, Be not wroth very fore O Lord, neither remember iniquity for ever y behold^ we befeech thee, we are all thy people. Y -j. ■• Hence 104 Chap. 3 3. An Exfofttion upon the Baok^of J 6 b. Verf.4. Hence confider. Firft, That, we owe not, only our well-being, but our very being unto God. And therefore Secondly , No man ought to looke upon himfelfe as his ©wne ; So the Apoftle argues ( 1 Cor: 6.19.) Know ye not that ■ yonr body is the temple of the holy (jhost^ which is in yoH y which }c have of God^andye are not your owne ; No manis his owne,be is Gods, who bach made him. Saints and believers efpecially are not their own in that repie£t;as alio becaufe their bodies are the tern- ■fie oj the holy Ghoft • that is, the holy Ghoft hath fanitiried them for himielfe,fo: his peculiar fervice,and for his habitation.Now as - the bodyes of Saints are the temple of the holy Ghoft, becaufe he doth fan&ihe them ; io they are the temple of the holy Ghoft, becaufe he hath reared them up, arid built them. That confide- ration fhould urge us to duty ; our bodies are temples built, as well as temples iancli'ed by the holy Ghoft ; Xndmerefo(Bwe are not our owne at all, nor in any refpe£t ; and if we are not oar owne at all, but the Lords, then we ought to be alwaves for the Lord. ; I Hence , Thirdly , Hath the Spirit ofGed made us ? ( as Elihu faith ) then let the Spirit ufe us ; how fad is it,tbat when the Spi- rit of God hath made our bodies and foules, we fhould let the wicked fpirit ufe either ( as he doth both the bodies and foules of earn:;!! men ) to his bate Cervices. The evill fpirit did nei- ther make your bodies nor your foules, why fhould he have the command of either ? Therefore as ymr members have been -wea-r pons ofunrighteoufnejje t9jtn y fo let them be injirnments ef right e- otifnejfe unto God. Seeing the holy Spirit hath made us',1ecnot ihe evill fpirit ufe fo much as a little finger of us ; for, he hath not made not only fo much as a little finger of our hand, but fomuch as the leaft haire of our heads ( as Chrift faith we our felves can- not, Math: 5. 36. ) white or bUcke. And therefore let not the evill fpirit make ufe of one haire of our heads white or black, as a.flagge of pride and vanity, or to be an occafton of fin to others. He that maketh the houfe ought to have the poflfeflionand fervice of it, either to dwell in it himfelfe, or to receive rent and pror fit from him that dwells in it. The fpirit having made us, fhould not only have the rent and revenue, but the full poflelTion of us for ever. That which is of God (hould be for God, for him al- wayes, and only for him. Se~ Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 4. 16 5 Secondly , In that the making of man is attributed to the Spiiic. Obferve. The Spirit of God is God. The holy Ghoft is not only a power of God, or a word gone cut from God, but the holy Ghoft is God. This is cleare from • the efficiency of the holy Spirit ; The Spirit of God hath made me. The work of creation is attributable to none but God. That povyerwhichat.hr ft fet up man in his creation, continueth him to this day ; this power and great prerogative is given to the Spirit ; therefore the Spirit is God. ( Pfal: 33. 6. ) By the n word of the Lord ( his fubftanciall Word or Son ) were the heavens tnade y and aU the hoft of them, by the breath ( or Spirit ) of his month ; that is, Jehovah by his Etemall Son and Spirit made all things. The heavens and their hoft, are there exprefled by a Sy- necdoche of the part, for the whole creation, or, for all creatures both in heaven and in earth. Againe ( Pfal.-.ioq. 30. J Thoufend- eft forth thy Spirit , they are created; The Spirit of God creates every day ; what is it that continueth things in their created be- ing, but providence ? That's a true axiome in Divinity ; Provi- j dence is creation continued; Now the Spirit of God who created at flrft, creates to this day ; Thou fexdeft forth thy * Spirit > they are created. The work of creation was hnii~hed in. th z firft fix dayes ef the world , but the work of creation is renewed every day, and fo continued to the end of the world. SuccelTive provider*- tiall creation as well as originall creation is alcribed to. the Spirit. The Scripture is full of arguments to prove that the holy Ghoft is God ; Which ( becauie this fundamental! truth is blaf- phemouily fpoken againft ) I fball a lictle touch upon. Firft , As the Spirit createth and makes the natural! man con- fining of body and foule,fo he regenerateth.( which is a greater creation ) the whole into a fpirituall man ; therefore he is God. ( John 3. 5. ) Except ama-n be borne a game ofivater, and of the Spirit ( that is, of the Spirit who is as water ) he cannot enter into the hingdomeofGod. The. holy Ghoft is a\fo-ca\['d,Tbefanflifier; fanctifi cation is regeneration inprogrefs, and motion ; regenera- tion is fan&ifkaiiori begun , arid fanclihcation is regeneration 1 per- 166 Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Book^of J b. Verf. 4 perfecting from day to day.' ( 1 Ihef: 2. 1 3. ) We are bound to give ths.*k>to Cjod for you, brethren, beloved of the Lard, becaufe Cjod hath from the begir.nirg chofen you to falvation, through fax- Itipcationof the Spirit, and belief e cf the truth. And the Apollle Peter writes to the Eleft ( 1 Pet: 1. 2. ) according to the fore- knowledge of God the father, through fanUification of the Spirit. Now, who can doe chefe great things but God ? who can regene- rate, or give a new nature, who can fanctifie or perfect that new nature but God alone ? Men and Angels muft let thefe workes a- lone for ever, or ( as we tranllare, Vjal: 49.. 8. ) thefe acts ceafe _for ever from men and Angels , as much as the redemption of ' man from the grave, or from hell, from corruption, or condem- nation. Secondly , The Spirit is omnifcient , He hnovteth all things^ ( 1 Cor: 1 . 1 2. 2 10. 19. ) The Spirit knoweth all things, yea the deep thmgs of God. He is not only acquainted with, and privie to the furface and ouriide of things, but he fearcheth things to the bottom of them. Nor doth he fearch only the deepe or bottome things of common men, or of thechiefeft of men,Kings and Prin- ces, ( whole hearts are ufually as much deeper then other mens, . as their perfons and places are higher ) but the Spirit fearcheth the deep things, the bottome things of God, the things of God that lye loweft, and mod out of fight, ,the Spirit underttandeth ; therefore the Spirit is God. For ( as the Apoftle argueth, 1 Cor: z. II.) T>{o man knoweth the things of a man , fave thefpirit of a man that is in him ; even fo the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God, or, he that is God ; if the fpirit that is in man, were no: man, or the intelle£tuall power in man,it could ne- ver know the things of man ; and if the Spirir of God were not God,he could never fearch and know the deep,the deepeft things of God. Thirdly , As the Spirit of God knoweth all things, as he fear- cheth the deep things,even all the fecrets, and mylieries of G©d; fo he teacheth all things, even all thofe fecrets and myfteries of God,which 'tis needful or ufeful for man to know .The Spirit is a teacher, and he teacheth effectually iff oh: 1 6. 1 3 .) when the Spi- rit of truth is come^ he mil guide you into all truth : for he fhall not fyeakjf h'mfefr (that is, he (hall not teach you a private do- ctrine, or that which is contrary to what ye have learned of me ) but Chap. 33. An Expofltion upon the Boo)^ of Job. Verf. 4. 16 7 £#£ whatfoever he flail heare y that flail hejpeake , and he mil flew yea things to come. Which laft words are A fourth argument that he is God. As the Spirit teacheth, fo he forerelleth all things ( 1 %im: 4. 1. ) Nov? the Spirit fpeaketh exprejfely, that in the latter times fome flail depart from the fan /;, ghing heed to feducina fpirtts and doUrmes of devills. The Spirit of God clea;ly forefeeth and infallibly foreteileth what ("hall be, bdbre.it is, therefore he is God. The Lord by his holy Prophet ( I fa- 41 . 23.) challenged all the falfe Idol gods of the Heathen to give that proofe of their Divinity ^ Shew the things that are to come hereafter ', that wc may know that ye are Gods. As if he had fayd, Doe that and we will yield the caufe.Men and Devills may gueile at, but none can indeed (hew things to come but God. Fifthly , The Spirit appoints to himfelfe officers and minifters in the Church, therefore he is God t ( Acts 13.2.) The holy Ghoft faid) feparate ms Bamako* and Saul for the work whereanto I have called them. Sixthly , The holy Ghoft furniiheth thofe Officers whom he calleth with power and gifts, as he pleafeth, that they may be fie for the work or miniftery of the Goff)el ( 1 Cor: 12.8. 1 1 . ) To one is given by the Spirit, the word ofwifdome, to another the word of knowledge by the fame Spirit % &c. But all thefe -worheth that me and the felfe-fawe Spirit y divi ding to every manfeverally as he -will. Now, who can give wifdome and knowledge, who can give them prerogatively, following in this diftribuuon, or divihon of gifts, no rule, no r giving any o:her reafon of it but his owne will, ex- cept God only ? Seventhly , The holy Ghoft is finned againft ; therefore he is God. Some, polTibly may object and fay, This is not a convincing or demonftrative argument, that the holy Ghoft is God 7 , becaufe he is finned againft ; For man may fin againft man. All fecond tabk'fins are fins againft our Neighbour ; and the Apoftle tells the Corinthians ( 1 Ep: 8. 12.) that while they ufed their lawfull liberty in eating with offence, they finned againft the Brethren. I anfwer, Whofoever is properly finned againft is God, becaufe God is the Law-giver. And, though many actions of men are di- rect wrongs to man , yet in every wrong done to man,God alfo is wronged, and, mfttict, fence,he only is finned againft by man. For ihcreafon why any action ia&wr,cing to man , is. becaufe it is againft „■ 168 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon .the Boo\^ of J B. Verf.4. againft fome Law of God. And it to be finned againftin ftri<5t fence, be proper zq God only ; then the argument ftands good, t'hu the Holy Spirit is God, btcauie he is finned againft ; eipeci- ally, it we confider, that there is fucban Emphafis put upon fin- ding againft the holy Ghoft in the holy Scripture ( more if porta- ble then upon finning againft the Father i or the Son ) (Math- 12. 3 1 . J Wherefore, 1 fay mto you ( faith Chritf: ) All manner of fin and blafphemy pall be forgiven nine men, bat the blafphemy again ft the holy Ghoft fkalLnot be forgiven unto men ; As if he had laid, Though you fin againft the Father, and the Son, it ihall be forgi- ven you, but if you fin againflT the holy Ghoft it fhall not be for- given ^either in this world or in the world to come ; that is, it {hall never be forgiven. Seeing then there is more in finning a- gainft the holy Ghoft then againft the Father, or the Son, who are God, the holy Ghoft muft needs be God. For though there is no degree or graduall difference in the deity, each perfon being coeternall, coequall, and confubftantiall ; yet the Scripture attri- butes more in that cafe, as to the poynt of finning againft the ho- ly Ghoft, then to finning againft the Father, or the Son ; there- fore certainly the holy Ghoft is God. Laftly , The holy Ghoft is the object of divine worfiiip ; are nor. we baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and holy Ghost ? Is the Father, and the Son God, and the holy Ghoft not God, who is joyned with them in the fame honour ? Shall a creature come in competition with God ? And doth nor the Scripture or word of God, direct us to pray for grace from the Spirit as well as from the Father or the Son ? ( 2 Cor: 1 3.1 3. Rev: 1 . 4. ) Thus we fee how full the Scripture is in giving the glory of the fame workes upon us, and of the fame worship from us to the Spirit, as to the Father and the Son : And therefore from all thefe pre- tnifes we may conclude , That the Holy-Ghoft with the Father and the Son, is God bleifed and to be glorified for evermore. The Spirit of God hath made me, */Ind the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Spiriw ex ore The words carry an allufion ( as Interpreters generally agree ) egregiens,hali- to that of ^/W defcribing the creation of man ( Gen: 2. 7. J ^ ^TlieT V* n * ti)e Lerd G ° d f orm ^ dma " °' m °f ttie Ju & °f the earth J *»* ™$ca?halitm, breathed into his mftrills the breath of life } and man became a li- J*r me';onymi- Vtng Chap. 33. An E.vpojition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 4. 16 $ ving foule. £//£#fpeakes neere in the fame forme, fully to the<«n ejfeQi y ani,, fomeerfeft; Ihe breath of the Almighty hath given me life, or,'""" 5 P ey J>' enlivened me ; As if he had fayd, That foule which the Lord hath ZembruM breathed into me, hath made me live. The foule of man may be ?&. - m De u t: * called the breath of the Almighty , becaufe the Almighty is ex- 10. i<5. prefled infufmg it into man at firti by breathing. And therefore the word Nejkamah, which properly iignifies the breath, doth al- fo by aMetonymie of the effect iigrihe the foule it felfe which cauieth breathing. Thus our tranflaters render it (Ift: 57. \6.) I ( faith the Lord ) will not contend for ever , neither wit I, I be al- wayes wroth, for thefpiritfhjjU&Afade before mc^a; d the foule s which I have made. As the foule <9pb was breathed in by God, fo the foule is that by which man WRies. Breath and foule come and goe together. Some comparing the originall word ( Shamaijm) for the heavens, with this word ( Nefhamah ) which here we tranfiate breath, take notice of their neere affinity, intimating that the foule of man is of a heavenly pedegree, or comes from heaven ; yea the latine word ( mens ) i^gnif) ing the mind, is of the fame conforunt letters with the Hebrew Nefhamah, and, as fome conceive, is derived from it. So then, I take thefe words, The breath of the Almighty, as a defcription of that part of man which i^oxofedto his body ; The Spirit of God hath made me ; that is, hath let me up as a man, in humane fhape, And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life ; that is, this foule which the Almighty nath breathed into , me, hath made me a living man , ready for any humane act, or ( as Mofes fpeakes ) god breathing into my noflrills the breath of life, I became a Uvingfsule. Hence obferve. Firlf , The foule of man florveth immediately from God;. 'Tis the breath of God ; not thatGdd liveth by breathing ; the way of his life is infinitely above our apprehenfion ; But 'tis cleare in Scripture, That the Almighty breathed into man the powers of life. And therefore. he is called ( by way of Eminence) The father offpirits, ( Hcb: 1 2. c,. ) For though the Almighty is rightly entituled the Father of the whole man, though both body and foule are the worke of God, yet he is in a further fence, the father of our fpirits, or foules, then of our bodyes . And here 2 Solo- i 7 o Chap. £3. An Exfofition ufon the BobJ^of Job. Verf.4 # Solomon fhewing how man is difpofed of when thefe two are fepa- ratedby cknh y (mh\Eccl:i 2.7. ) Then [hall the dujl (thatis,the body ) returr.e to the earth as It vcas^ a-dthe fp.rit ( chat is, the foule ) [halt retarne to God who gave it. Th* body is the gift of God, but the body is not the breath of God , it .is no: iuch an immediate gift of God as the ibuleis; when the body of man was made at firft, God tooke the dull of the earth and formed his body out of it, but when he gave him a ibule, he breathed that from himfelfe ; it was an immediate effe&of Gods power, not dealing wich, nor working upon any prat-exifting matter. The fpiiit or foule of man is purely of G^d 3 foU\y of God. And hence we may inferre. Firft , Then the foule is not a v^Kr, ariling from the crafis or temperament of the body, as the life of a beaft is. Secondly , Then the foule of man is not traduced from the parents in generation, as many learned men affirme, efpecialIy,to eafe themfelvesof thofe difficulties about the conveyance of ori- ginal! fin or defilement into the foule. Thirdly, We may hence alfo inferre, then the foule is not corruptible ; it is an immortall fubftance. How can that be cor- ruptible or mortall, which hath its rife ( as I may fay ) immedi- ately from God,or is breathed in by the Almighty, who is alto- gether incorruptible and immortal. And whereas there is a two- fold incorruptibility ; Firft, by divine ordination, that is, God appoynts fuch a thing fhall not corrupr,and therefore it doth not ; fo the body of man in it's firft creation was incorruptible , for though it were in it felfe corruptible, being made out of the earth, yet by the appoyntment of God, if man had continued in his integrity he had not dyed. And therefore it is laid, By fin came death ; yea doubtlelfe if God fnould command and ap- poynt the meaneft worme that moves upon the earth to live for ever, or the moft fading flower that groweth out of the earth to flourifh for ever, both the one and the other would doe fo. Se- condly, there is an incorruptibility in fome things, not meerely by a law or appoyntment of God, but as from that intrinfecall : nature, which God hath beftowed upon them, and implanted in them. Thus the Angels are immortall, r hey have an incorruptible nature, and likewife the foule of man, being breached from the Almighty, is in it's owne nature incorruptible, ; it hath naturally no f clay ; As irJlHPflrc wl,the Ghap. 33. An Expofition tfpon the BooJ^of J**o B. Verf. 4. 171 no feedes of dhTolution in it, becaufe no contrariety, no contrary qualities in it, as all bodyes or corporeall fubfbnces have. I know the Apoitle faith ( 1 Tim: 6. \6. ) God only hath immortality ; it's true, he only hath it in himfelfe independently, originally ; but he derives and gives it as a talent to fome creatures in a way of dependance upon himfelfe. Secondly, Obferve. The fotile brings in the life of the body , The life of man. What is the body without the foule, but a lumpe of clay ; As foone as ever the foule departs, life departs, man dyeth -comes a putrifying carkalTe ; yet fuch is the folly of that all their care is for the life of the body, which is ( dying life, they utterly neglect the foule, which , as i of the body, fo it felfe never dyeth. The foule is the body is but the Cabinet, the ioule is the kernel, the body is buc the fhell. Will you be follicitous, about a Cabinet, and a fhell, and flight the Jewel, or throw away the kernel ? Will .you take care of that which liveth, the body, and will you not take care cf that which holds your life, the foule ? Againe , Note. Life u the gift of God. - If the foule which is the caufe of life in man, be of God, then the life of man is of God alio. The caufe of the caufe is the caufe of the effeft or thing caufed. But we need not argue it from Logick rules, Scripture teftiirony being fo aboundant in this thing. ( Atts 17. 25 . ) He gheth to all, life and breath, and all th:ngs. And (v.iS.)In him we live and move and have our be- ing. Spiriruall and eternall life,arethe gift of God, fo alfo is naturall life. And if fo, Then Firrt , Live to God « Secondly , Seeing God gives us life, we fhould be willing to give our lives to God. Yea Thirdly, We fnoufd therefore be ready to give up, or rather to lay dovvne our lives for God. And as we fhould give up our lives to God when he calls for them by natural death,fo we fhould give up our lives for God, when he calls us to beare witnefs to his name and truth by violent death. I fliall yet take notice of one thing further, before I pafTe from Z. 2 this 172 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of Job. Verf.^. this yerfe ; The Spirit ef God hath made me, and the heath of the ^Almivhty hath given me life. Some, upon good g-ounds, referre the firftclau'.e ; The Spi- Gcdhath made me, to the creation both of ibtile and body ; .::xi the lecond or lancer chufe , the breath of the Almighty hath ■ '■: en me life, to th.it quickning which we receive by the Spirit to the duties whe'reinto we are called in this lire. The breath of the Almighty harh given me life ; that is, hath firred and prepared me for the feverall offices and fervices of life. As if Elihu had fayd , The Spirit of God hath not only made me a matt, tan for worke, yea the Spirit of God hath quicknedme to the rkj and bufmeffe 1 am come about. Thus, life imports Ffpirituall life in the being of it, but all. the furniture, and abilities of a Ipirituall life. The Septuagtnt ren- men <# *-"■»- der~H p-oiethon made.by Elihu expreiTely,to this lence , hold- TTtTT W 'i n S 0Uta faong affurance which Elihu had, that God had both c'shiratw ca ^ e< ^ an ^ prepared him for the fervice he was come about omnipstentis . an d engaged in. The Spirit of God hath mads me, and the breath eft qu^ docet of the Almighty hath inflrucledmt. Another of the Greek Inter- me. Sept: prfcters ipeaks as much ; I am not ignorant, that of -my felfe I am H.wd me met a y > e t0 ^ oe ^ ff)i^g- y y H t / have received this pwer from God ; As if fed tZobunc E! ' hu had faid ' lhe S P irit °f the Almi g ht J iyAth qnickned me to pritientia fin- f h is works I &m n °w upon, and taught me what both to fay and doe fum me ac:.e~ in thy cafe, O fob. pijft. Nicet: Hence note. Gedgiveth not only the life ef nature unto men, but he fits them for all the duties, and fervices of this life. We, indeed, are fcarcely to be reckoned among the living, if we have no more but a natural I life ; what is it to be able to ea:e and drinke, to heare, and fee, and fpeake ; unlefle we have mo r e then this, we deferve not to be numbred or written among the Jiving ; we are upon the matter, but dead lumps, and clods of clay, IrW-the. breath of the Almighty thar quickens- us and fu- peradds ability to doe good, that frames, failiions and fits us for every good wo"d, and wo"ke ; This is the life of man • when a man is fitted for duty, and fervice, when he is furniflied for im- ploymenr, to ftnd God, and his Brethren in fome ftead while he is ia this world, trkn.he lives. The motions, impulfes and influ- enceSj. Chap. 33. An Exfofttwi upon the Boel^of J o b. Verf. 4*. 173 ences, the teachings and guidings of the Spirit of God, are the life of our lives. We can doe nothing of our ielves, till the Al- mighty beftows a new life upon us ; and as we can doe n jthing ac all in fpirkualls,till he gives us a new life, To we can do nothing to purpoie till the Spirit acts & ilirres up that life in us. It is the Spirit who htit beftows;Secondly,encreaieth;Thirdly,excites our ipiricuall life, & puts the new creature into motion. All our good thoughts and holy actings, all our uprightneiie and fmcerity, all our itrength and ability flow from the Spirit ; until! the holy Spi- rit workes in us,we fit Hill j and when the Spirit worketh, we muft not fit ftill ; /( faith the Apoftle, Rom: 1 5. 18. ) will not dare to jpeak^of any ofthofe things, which Chrifihath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient by word, and deed • As if he had iayd, My ovpne workes are not worth the naming, I will not fo much as mention any thing that £hrifl hath not wrought in me by the Spi- rit ; That was a mighty worke which he was enabled to doe, to make the Gentiles obedient in word, and deed. Chrift did not leave him to doe it in his owne power. The breath of the Almighty enabled him ; and fo he doth all thofe that are able and willing, ready for and fucceffefull in any fuch holy worke. Let us therefore afcribe all to his working and quickening ; let us fet down our feverall Items of receit in our account-books, confefling that we have nothing of our own. This gift,thac grace, that ability to doe, to fpeake, to fuffer,t© a£t, we have received from him. Let the whole Inventory of our foules riches , have Gods name written upon it , and afcribed to his praife alone. And if we thus uncloath our felves, by giving God the g'ory of all, we fhall loofe nothing by it, for God will apparrell and fur- nifh us, deck and adorne us better every, day. The poorer we are in our felves, the richerwill he make us. To be thus diminilVt is thebeftwayto ourencreafe. 'Tis the breath of the Almighty that teacheth us, and if we can but humbly enough, that is, heatr tily acknowledge it, we ■fhall be taught and learne enough.. So much of thefe words as they are a direct atfertion; I foall confider them a little in their connexion, and reference borh to what went before, and to 'hat which follows after ; which was the fecond contention of this verfe at flrft propofed, Firft , This verie may be connected with the three former verfes, and then the fence appeareth thus"; As iiElihtt had fayd, Q <7 t Chap. 33. y& Jixf option upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 4 0j how fha.lt thou co-ntend rmhhcrfes ) Elihtt was riuy o r ed and refolved to bring cu: his greatelf ftrength, his horfemen to the bfttaile, and therefore wifheth 'job doe fo too. Thus he gives him f aire warning, // ths/4 canft, anfver me ; doe thy utmolt, I am ready for thee. Fourthly, While Elihu faith, If thou canft, anfwerme, fet thy yvordiin order before me, ft and uc. We may take his words as ,1 gentle and fweete invitation to the worke ; As if he had fayd,//' thou hafl fpirits enow left to h»ld difcourfe with me, or to reply mm me, come friend, (pare me not, fst thy words in ordsr befsre me, I will not^ be a terror to thee. Or there may be this condescending fence 'in th^fe wo"ds of Elihu ; T)oe not thinly ( O Job ) becaufe. J beg'n to fpcal^jhat therefore I mcane to fpea\all,or to have all the difcourfe my felfc ; affure thy felfe, 1 'have no purpofe to hinder thee in any dcfer.ee wh ch thou arrt able to make for thy felfe : No,though I am come ;v ih my beft preparations to urge thee, and reply upon thee, as to all thai hath paft between thee and thy fr'tends, jet I am a; wJl'.g that thou (hoy/deft anfwer, at I am ready prepared and prcfi to 'vcake ; thou hafl free leave to make thy Apoloqje, to fay what thru canft for thy felfe, I intend not to impofe upon thee, nor by any Authority to compeR thee to fiand to my fentence, as if I •were thy Mafter, or would Lord it over thee ; Doe and fpeake thy heft for thy owne vindication, I am ready to receive it from thee, and give thee a f aire account of my thoughts about it. If thou canft y *nfw:r me, Set thy words in order before me. ' *Tis a metaphorical fpeech, often and moft properly ufed for "py A a the 178 Chap. 33. An Expefition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf.y. the marfhalling of an Army ; and fo is elegantly applyerd here in this ,rmtter of controveriie, or polemicall difeourfe. Set thy words, thy reafons,. thy arguments , as it were in battaile aray againft me ; we had the word in the former Chapter at the 14^ verfe. It is applyed al to the exa£tnefs of the heart in prayer, no: an affected exactness or curiohty about words, or to word ic wkn God, but it notes exa&riefs or ipirituallneis rather in me- ditating and diff ofing the (irongeft Scripture reafonings v to pre- vaile with God in prayer. Prayer is, as it were, a battaile fought in heaven, not in wroth or revenge, but with faith and holy lub- miiTiort. Thus did Jacob when he wraftled with the Angel, ( Gen: 32. ) And thus 'David 1 peaks ( Pfal: 5. 3. ) In the morr. ■■• %rig I mil direct my prayer unto thee,, and mil Isokjtp, or,/ will mar- (kall mj prayer, 1 will bring up petition after petition, pleading after pleading, even till I am become like Jacob a Prince with God, till I have won the field, and got the day. Thus the word is applyed by a metaphor both to difputations with men, and Am- plications to God. Further, we may take the meaning plainly without any ftraine of rhetorique , Set thy words in order before me. Methode is good in every thing, either an expreile or a covert methode. Sometimes 'tis the beft of art to cover it , m fpeaking there h a fpeciall ufe of methode ; for, though, as one laid very well Cfpeaking of thofe who are morecuiious about methode, then ferious about matter) Alethode never converted any man ; yet methode and the ordering of words, is very ufe- full. Our fpeeches fhould not be heaps of words , but words bound up, not a throng of words, but words fet in aray, o", as it were, in ranke and file. The Prophet ( Joel 2.5. ) defer ibes a terrible Judgement of God by aftrong people fit in battaile aray. In purfuance of which fence , Mr Brouohton renders the next words, not ( as we Jfiahd up, but fiand to it, as Commanders fay to their Souldiers,y?f f/?/ words in order before me , ft and up. Novv,in that: Elihu when he was thus bent to (peak, and was fo full of matter to fpeak,that as he tells us in the former chapter, He was like bottles of wine, and that he could not hold, yet gave Jolt faire law, and bid's him anfwer, if he could. Note Firft. In all matters of difference we (J-ould be as willing to heart what others can ayfver,as we are dejirons that others fhoM heare what we can cbjetl. If thou canft, anfwer me. It is good to fpeak in a right caufe, efpecialiy to fpeak rightly, and it is very good to iearne what can be anfwered. Note. Secondly , Elihu looking upon Job as a man in a weake con- dition, fpeaks incouragingly,y?ds flead, will not. ( as thou* haft vrayed God mould not At the hearing of thy cafe J be terrible nor dreadfullto thee ; / doubt not but to carry the matter with thee to thy hearts content. I am according to thy mfh. Hence note. Wee fhould labour as much as \n us he th to an fiver the de fires andwifkes of others mall things [awfully cfpecia'ly when they are weal^And labouring under fore burthens of affliction and infirmity. Ic is not good to be croffe-grain'd at any time to our brethren, much Idle at fuch a time ; fome love ( as it were ) to lie thwart in every buiineile, nor is any thing more deiireable to them, then to oppole another mans deiire. The iweetnelle and ingenuity of thefe words, / Am according to your wifh, in what I fafely may, is feldome heard among brethren. Some indeed are too forward to be according to the with of others in things that a r e finfull. When theeves and murderers fay to them, Come, come with us^ let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk? privily for the innocent without caufe,&c. C aft tn your lot among us, let us all have -one pxrfe; They fay, we are according to your wilh, we will goe with you. When the prophane iay,co:ne run with us into all excelfe of riot, to drunkennefs and uncleannejs, they anfwer,we are according to your wilh, we are for you. It is good to lie croile to the finfull defires of men ; but to comply with their honert defires, and :o aniwer every good wilh of their ioules , is a great part of our goodnefle, and of our fulfilling the law of love : we fhould ftrive in that fence, to fall in with every ones wilh, and to become all things to all men, both for their edification and confolation; Behold, I am according to thy wifio. Secondly , Thefe words are rendred 'ffricrly out of the Ori- X^^fecun- ginal.thus, , / Am according to thy mouth, or meafure ; I am in the dum os tuum. fame condition and ftate as thou art. Thus alio they are words i*e.Jicuttu» of encouragement to J*£,afturing him that he fhould not be over- power 'd, nor borne downe by force. This forme of fpeaking is. ufed frequently in Scripture, to note the futablenefle or propor^ tion of things. The Israelites ( Exod: 16. 21.) gathered Manna every morning. Every man According to his eating, The Hebrew y uxt a os efa-e is'yfui. Heb: i §2 Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Book^of J b. Verf. &- is, i£*wnf of.e did gather to the month of his eating, that is, accord- ing co :he meafure of ftis eating, fuch was the meafure of his ga~ .ihering. The Na&arttc was to offer according to the vow which Ivt Heb' ^^ ^ w*& ( Numb: 6. 21.) The Hebrew is, according to the month Juxta os'fer- °fk& w*. Agahie 'tis faid ( '~Nun;b.- 7. 5 . ) Mofes Wis to give vitij. Heb; the offerings of the Princes of Ifrael to the LeV ices, to every man accordlngto his fcrvice, or, according to the mouth (that is, the condition and degree ) of his fervice. Once more, Solomon ( Trov: 22,6. ) preffing the good and genuine education of chil- 8upey os r?> dren, exprelfeth it thus ; Train up a child in the way that he fkoM fi«f. Heb: g oe ; The Original upon the month of his way ; that is , in fiich a way as is no: only good and hbnelf in it felfe, but moft proper and congenial 1 to the fpirit, difpofition, and capacity of the child. As children are to be ted withiuch meates, fo to be taught in fuch a manner as they can mod: eafily and profitably di- geft. After this manner, or to this fence , Ehhu fpeakes to Job, Stand up,- 1 am recording to thy mouth or meafure ; As i;" he had faid ; CJod indeed is infinitely above thy meafure, But 1, -who am come to deale with thee in Gods flead, am according to thy mouth or meafure, therefore take courage ; one man is like another, the mea- fure of one man is the meafure of another . There are I grant, feve- rali differences among men, both as to civils and Ipiricuallsr • there are feverall graduall and perfonall dirferencesjbnc no fpeci- ficali difference among men ; every man is according tos the mouth or meafure of any o'her man : in that God only tranfeends the meafure of all men : My thoughts are not as your thmghts, nor my wayes as your wayes • but lochias the heavens are h gh above the earth., fo my thoughts are above your thoughts, and my wayes above your wayes % faith the Lord ( 7 fa. 5 5. 8, p. ) But the wayes of one man are like the wayes of other men,- and the thoughts of one man are like the thoughts of other men : There is no fuch tranf- cendency among men ; They are all ( as men ) of one meafure, that is, not only finite, but they are all fhort and narrow^ even they who carry the greateft length and breadth among the fons of men. If we confider man with man, as to his finfull condition, fo one man is perfectly like another ; one man is of the fame mea- fure with another ; as Sdomon expreflfeth it ( Prov: 27. 1 9. J As in water face anfvers face,fs> the heart of man to man. If man look downe into the water,that face which he feeth in the water is like that Chap. 33. An Expofition ufpn the Bool^ of Job. Verf. 6. 183 that face yvhich teeth the water. Thus the hearts of the children of men anfwer one another, heart anfvvers heart, as face anlwers face : And as man anfwers man fully, as uo naturall linfulnefie, fo UiofUy as to n.iturall abilities , as for thole which are acquired, chough the difference may be fo great that one. man may be clearly difcerned to excell another, yet that man who excelis moft, doth not exceed man ; and therefore may be cornpalied by man. It isiaid ( Rev; 21. 17. ) That the wall of the nzsvjeru- falem was meafured according to the meafure of a manjhat is^ of the Angel. There is one meafure of an Angel, and there is another meafure of a man ; Angels have a "meafure above men ; why then doth he fay according to the meafure of a man,that is, of the An- gel ? I anfwer, he fpeakes io becaufe the Angel appeared in the fhape of a man, to doe that worke. Now as the meafure ( that is, the Ability ) of an Angel is above mans ; So God hath a meafure infinitely above both men and Angels. But men are of a mea- fure. / am according to thy mouth or meafure. Hence note. Firft , CMan and man are of a meafure. Let us not make a God of any man, no nor an Angel. The A- poftle Jude reproves thofe who had the perfons of men in admira- tion. Men will be Iefle to us then was expected, if we expect too much from them , or more from them, then is meete. For though one man may have a little more height and largenefle of parts and gifts, in that which is either acquired or infufed, then his neighbour, yet what man is there in the world , -but hath his match, & fhall finde his meafure in fome other men ; yea,though fome men exceedingly out-goe others, yet their equalls may be found among men, no man out-goes all men. The beli of men have but the meafure of a man. Secondly , Take this Caution from it ; Let no man make a god of hmfelfe^ or lool^ufsn himfelfe as if he were in his meafure beyond a,\l other men. We are very apt to doe To. And if we have but little more then fome others, we are ready to thinke we have more then all others , or to look upon our felves as if we tranf' cended the meafure of mankinde, and fo fwell prefendy with pride and felfe- conceit ; then which toothing is more uncomely or unmanly." Not a few efteeme themfelves fo imparaleU'd in the : parts ; 184 Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Boo\ j/Job. Verf.o, parts and beauty of their bodies^that they defpfe ocher3,and ma- ny doe it in reference tti the endowments and abilities of choir rrtirids ; they have fuch a vjuiekneffe of Cffiderffoncling , fi ftrenr/h ct memory, iV.ch a Buetacy of fpeeeb, fuch *depth of rea- fon, fuch povvtr of arguing, as they fuppofe none can match then 1 or meafure wit h them. All fuch have forgotten that they are but men! Therefor? as no man should admire anorhetj fo ie: hi. rhinke highly of himfelfe , let him rather thinke that though pof- ilbly there are feme below him, yet there maybe many, yea a great many more above him , and enow that are upon the kvell with him. / am according to thy rvif}: or meafure, Elihu. U.4. In Gods (lead. fro Aeo ; wa But how came Elihu to be in Gods ftead ? had he a Com deum. fion from God to undertake Job ? was he, as I may fay, Gods Delegate or Ambaflador ? did God fend him out upon this er- rand ? if not, why did he take fo much to himfelfe, as to fay, lam According to thy wifh in Cjods (lead f Non quodfcdei I cannot fay, that Elihu had any formall CommiiTion to come locoilliaut ds- out, and appeare in Gods ftead, as an Atturny appeares in ftead , um mjuturum of ^ s client, or as an AmbaiTador in the ftead of his Prince ; Buc Td moddeT doubrLMle Elhm had an equivalent or virtuall Comm'.fion, even a panes & caw mighty impreffion upon his fpirit, by the Spirit ofGod to doe fo ; fan Jit contra his heart was drawne out fecretly, but ftrongly to ftand up and iVumJefenfr undertake for God, towards the determination of this long con- rus.Vtqmail t j nuec | ^if^ue. / am ( faith he ) m Gods ftead or place ; in that tiHfmaie(ia.tem P^ ce which if God himfelfe fhould fu?ply,he would be a dread congredi xere- and a terrour to thee. Buc I a man of like paffions as thy felfe, b.nur, offer •« fa and being here in Gods behalfe, and by his authority, in his name Jobo dei loco anc j f or m \ s glory to {peak unto thee,I fhall yet fpeak according to jUi fitwrvnu t ^ emea f ure fa man, and rhei-efore, thou needeft nor feare thac Ego i'uxta os my terrcur fhould make thee afraid, / am in Gods ftead. tuum dec i.e. rj- M ™ t^ a pro deo.tft e- V , ° . , , r ;• c ^ , a ,, n , nim datixmfa- 7h c J who ffeal^to others about the things of God, fhould fpeak^ •vorv. Bold: ai God) or as pit in Cjods place and (lead. 'lis enough to make all the Minifters of jChrift tremble and cry out in the Apoftles words, Who it {efficient for thefe things .? to Chap. 33. An Expo/it Ion upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 6. 1S5 to remember that when they fpeake to men, they fpeake in Gods ftead. We ( faith the lame Apoiile, 2 for: 5 .20. ) are Ambaffa- dorsfcr Christy as though God did befcech you by us, we praj ytu in Chrifts ftead, be jee reconciled to God. Thus fpake he vvn ■:> had indeed an immediate call and commiifion from God; and they who have not fuch an immediate call and commufion as he had, yet fpeaking of or about the things of God ; 2nd coming in the" name of God, they fhould fpeake as placed in Gods liead. And if the Micilters of Chrilt ought to fpeake as in Gods itead, then furely they that heare, fhould heare them as fpeaking in Gods ftezd. The Apoftle telHties of the Gdathlans ( Ga|:4.i4.) My temptation which was tn my fiejh ye defpifed net, nor rejected, but received me as an Angel of God , even as Christ Jefns. Ye received me not only as an Angel or melTenger of Chriit , but as if Chrift had been there in perfon , fo did ye receive me. He. gives the fame teftimony of the Thefj'alomans ( 1 Thef: 2. 13.) F«r this caufe alfn thanke we God without ce^ng, because when )e received the word of God, which ye heard of us, ye receded it not as the word of man, but ( as it is in truth ) the word of God, which effectually worketh alfo in you that beleeve. I doe not fay, that what every man fpeaketh about the things of God, is p.-efen'Iyto be taken for the word of God, or.as if God fpake it. But if cha: be his fcope and purpofe, it that be his Theame and his bufinefle, if tbat be the fubject matter and iubltance of his fpeech, Then he { as to the body of his fpeech ) is to be lookt upon as uttering the vvo-d and minde of God in Gods (lead. 'Tis a very great means ' ro advance our pro'Tt in heariog the word, when they who fpeak ic are lookt upon as fpeaking in Gods (lead, and not bringing an errand of their owne. Before I palfe from tbisfirft claufe of the verfe, I i"hal! briefe!',- : men two other readings and interpretations of it. Firif, thus ; Behold, I am, as it thy mouth were to CJod ; that is, £ece ego quafi thou needed not as thou haii wished togoe 0: addrerie to God ^ os tu " m fcimfelfe for the laying open of thy caufe,the matter may be done a ~ uf "" ' gc ' between me and thee, even as if thou hadft fpoken to God him- felfe. Secondly, Some render "thofe latter words not in Gods ftead as we, But, in refpeil of God. As if he had faid,In refpeft ot God, I ftand in ihe fame proportion, or upon the fame terms with thy B b felfe, i.86 Chap. 33. An Expoftion upon the Bool^of Job. Verf.6. felfe, for he is the God of us both, nor did God make me of any better or more excellent matter then thou art made of; which- he fully expretfeth in the clofe of the verfe, as it followeth. / alfo am formed eut of the Clay. Thefe words are another argument ( as was iliewed when I gave the profpett of the whole Context ) why 'job fhould heare Slihff: I am in Gods ftead indeed, but I am a ppore creature, moulded out of the duft, made up of earth, as thou art ; I alfo ant formed out of the Clay ; therefore ftand up, anfwer me, and feare not ; anfwer me and fpare nor. The higheft and holyeft that ever difpenced themindeof God, in Gods ftead, to his Church and people here on earth, were made of earth , and were formed . out of Clay. The Apoftle makes that humble confelfion of him- fejfe and fellow-Apoftles ( 2 Cor: 4. 6. ) We have this treafure in earthen veffels, t hay he excellency of the power might be of God.. The vveaknefs of the inftrument lifts up the glory of the fuperior agent. They who by commiffionare the MiniftersofGod, and fo in Gods ftead, are yet bur, as other men, in their naturall ftru&ureand conftitution. ( Acts 10. 26. ) when Cornelius gave too much reipeft, a kinde of Adoration to Peter, he forbad him, faying, Stand up, I alfo am a man. As if he had faid with Ellhu, I am formed out of the clay as well as thee. There is a refpeft due to the perfons of men, and much more to the Meflengers of God, yet too much may foone be given ; I will none of that,faith Peter ; / alfo am a man. So Paul and Barnabas ( A6ts 14. 15.) when the people were fo hightned in their ignorant refpecls, that they would have facririced to them, as Gods, They rent their cloathes ( as in cafe of blafphemy ) and ran in among the people, crying out and faying, Sirs, tvhy doe ye thefe things ? We alp are men fub jell: to likepaffio"s with you, See. ^HWip I am a ' l "° \_f orfne ^ ] or as the Hebrew fignifies, Cut out of the Excifm. Clay. As the potter cuts off a rude lump ©f*day from the whole mafle of clay before him, to make a veflel of it ; fo man is cut out of that mafle of mankinde ; for though the birth and originall cf cnan is now by ano'her way, then the firft mans was, yet we may all look upon our felves as having the fame originall ; we are cut out of the clay, and fermed out of the duft. Hence Chap. 33. An Expo fit ion upon the Bool^of J v o B, Verf. 6. »&7 Hence note. For the matter all men have one origin all. I alfo am formed out of Clay, I have heretofore met with this poynt, and therefore paffe -it here. • Secondly , From the fcope of Ellhtt, Note. 7 he conff deration of our common condition, jhouldfit us with cowt- ^ paffion one to another ; much more fkonld It keep hs from it*~ Wb fulti&Lever one another. Elihu ufed this exprelfion , to aflure Job that he would deale very tenderly with him ; What, doft thou think, that I who am a piec^^fclay willinfult over thee, svho art as good a piece of clay^PI ? why fhould one earthen veflel daih hard upon ano- ther ? When we are tempted to pride in our felves, let us re- member that we are clay , when we are provoked to anger a- gainft our brethren , or to any harfh and rigorous dealing witfe them , let us remember that we alfo are clay, that our pedigree and our ftock is from the duft as well as others. If our feet be but a little fouled , we think our felves^fomewhat humbled by it, if but a little dirt flick to our fhoes, or hang about our cloaths, we are fomewhat afhamed of our felves, yet the truth is, we are all duft, all clay, all mire, we are nothing as to ourbodyes, but a little living duft and breathing clay, why then fnould we be lifted up in high thoughts of our felves ? I might hence alfo give a third note ; Tis a common Thcame, but of important ufefui- neife. CM<*n is a very fralle creature , he it clay. But having had occafion to fpeak to this alfo heretofore,! fhall hot ftay upon it. Only coniider, that, as man is clay, fo he is re- turning to clay, yea turning into clay. We are but a little well compacted and compounded duft, and we fhall ere long crumble into duft. We are every day going back, and fnall fhorrly be gone, back to what at firft we were. Thefe confederations fhould wither and nip the buddings of felfe-conhdence, and bring down the height of mans fpirit ; / alfo am formed cut of the tlay, B b 2 We i#*$ Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Beok. of J B. Verf.7. We may cake notice of one thing farther, Elihu fpeaking here of bis own naturall formation, gives it in this ftile ; I alfo am for- med out of the clay. This is a peculiar Scripture-expreffion , or the proper phraie of the holy'Ghoii, nor of a heathen Author, Poet,, or Orator. They at belt had only iome rude notions about this myltery of mans original, His formation by the power of God out of the earth. Which may enforme us, that the Saints and people of God in thofe elder and darker times, were famili- 9 ent V enm . arly acquainted widi the. doctrine of the creation, and knew well homin^UBa ^ QVV CG *P^ate in a Scripture language, though they had not then ? a deo plajma- the written word or Scriptures ; For 'tis a question whether thggfr tione & ex tranfactions were before the giving of the Law or after ; Hov^^ tcYYjfornauone V er, they were verfed in Scripture truths, and in thofe formes of mjteriumptni- f h , ^ God h[s j d h j forefathers.- tut tgnorarunt. f. , ' . \ r r ir r 1 c t > - a Bold; Here.s Scnpt-ure phraie, / aljo am permed cut of the claj^Ana therefore Elihtt\ as fencible. of arjothers frailty by the exf^tnce which he had of his own , fub'joynes this Aiiurnnce of his refpeft to 'job's weaknels in what he Jliould further fay, Verf.7. Behold, my terror (I? all not make thee afraid , neither fhdll my hand be heazie upon thee. Elihu had given Job much fecurity already that he would deale fairely with him ; and here he gives him a promiie for it ; Asi£ he had laid ; I give thee my hand, I plight thee my truth y that my terrwjhall not makj thee afraid, nor [hall my hand be heavie upon Virmtamen thee. The vulgar translation reads, my miracles ( or what 1 will niraculum doe in any ftrange. and unufuall way ) fball net t err' fie thee. In-- mewn te non nefs, that they had rather f larve then worke, and when ( accord- w inairveru. ing to the propriety of this next in the Proverbs ) their mmt ^i^'j. it r e r u _ biweth to them, that they would take paines to gee a little bread p S ./ eum os j- u . to eate, they had rather endure the burthen of hunger, then the urn. Mont: burthen of labour ; But I inftance this place only for that word which fignihes ^burthen, or to burthen. Thofe dreadfull Pro- phecies which mere published againft any people in Scripture, are called Burthens, 7 he Burthen of Ttuma ; the burthen 9} 'Da- ma feus \the burthen ofBnbyhn ; that is, a prophecy which had a burthen of calamity in it, able to break the backs of the ftrongeft Nations. So faith Elihu accor<^j0| to this tranilation ; My bur- then fhall not be heavie upon thee. Others render it thus, My Eloquence (hall not be heavie upon Ehqusmismea thee • that's farre from the text ; yet there is a truth in the thing ; non erit tibi As if Elihu had faid , Though 1 am about to fpeake, and have g Y ™». Vulg? much to fpeake, yet I would not ipeak fuch words, nor fo many ( I hope ) as fhall be burthenfome to thee. I would not burthen thee with Eloquence ; that is, either with affected Eloquence, or the oyer-flowings of Eloquence. Multiplicity of exprelfion is very burthenfome ; nor is any thing in fpeech more grievous to a wife man, then an unneceffary heape of words. They who have a fluency of fpeech , are ulually more pleated to heare them- felves fpeak, then others are to heare them. Elihu ( according to this reading ) fpake difcreetly, and to the purpofe, while he tbus CCgigeth to fob ; I will not burthen thee with my Eloquence. But I paiVe that alio. We tranfiate fully and clearly to the text ; My hand fhall not ^w \*-y be heavie upon thee. The hand is taken two wives ; properly,and xoxama. i. e. iir properly; it is not to be taken properly here; we cannot fuf- mama ptyajut pe6t Elihu of any fuch rude behaviour, that he would lay a vio- A f e pbJJt addi- lent hand on Job. Improperly the hand Ggnifies any act of a man tlUxm f lxe Ker. towards man ; fo a mans woros may be his hand ; A mam hand Dru f. may be heavie on him, whom he never touched or came neere, yea, a mans hand may be heavie upon him whom he never faw. Our Ip2 Chap. 33. An Expofnion upon the B t ook^ of J o b. Verf.7. Our bond is heavie upon o:hers, not only by outward violence upon the body, but by any preifure upon the mind or inward man ; our vexing or troubling another, whether by doing or lay- ing that which afflicts him , is the laying of a heavie hand upon him. That's the meaning oiEl.lm ; My hand fall not fo-heavje upon thee ; that is, I will doe nothing, nor will I fay any thing, which (in it ielfe ) lhall be grievous and vexatious to thee. We r'nde David complaining ( Pfal: 32.4. ) that the hand of God was heavie upon him day and night ; that is, God appeared as difpleafed with him, he could not get evidence of his love in the pardon of his fin ; This pretTed his foule like an intollerable bur- then. Great afflictions of any kinde are a heavie hand upon us. Ellhu whofaw the heavie hand of God upon Job already, giveth him this comfortable promlfe, That he would no: adde griefe to his forrow ; My hand fhall not ke heavie upon thee ; Iknow thou half thy load already. Thefe lata| words are of the fame gene- ral! importance with the former ; And we may Note further from them. Meehnefs and gentle dealing becomes us while we would reduce others from their error , or reprove them for it. My hand fhall not be heavie upon thee. The ApofHe called God to record concerning the Corinthians ( 2 Cor: 1.23, 24. ) that it was to fpare them that he 1yd not come as then to Corinth. As if he had fayd, I was lo:h to lay fo heavie a hand upon you, or deale with fuch feverity, as your cafe required. And yet he adds, what feverity ibever I or others ("hall ufe towards you, we fhall ufe it, Not for that we have dominion over your faith^ but as helpers of your Joy. We fhall not come with Lordly power upon you,we purpofe not to carry it by meera authority and command, but of entreaty and love ; we will nqjjU Lord it over your confidences, but only regulate them, that your comforts may flow in more freely. Hard words are oftentimes more preiTmg then the hardeft blowes. Words may weigh much more upon the fpirit , then a heavie burthen up*n the backe. I grant a heavie hand muff be layd upon fome, there is no other way to deale with them. The word is a hammer and a fire. But as I intimated before, we mult diftinguifh of perfons and of caufes, and accordingly lay our hand. God hath not made his Mimfters Chap. 33. An Exprftion upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 8. 1^3 Minifters Lyons to fcare»his {lock, nor Bulls to gore them, buc Shepheards to feed them and watch over them. And efpecialiy when the hand of God is upon any, our hand fhould not. For conclufion, take here the laws of a ju(l difputation. Elih* in this Preface ( I have yet gone no farther ) gives Job free leave to anfwer, and let himfelfe to the battaile with him, and promi- i'eth to deale with him in the faireft and in the meeteft way he could wifh or defire. It is the obiervation of a moderne Expor- ter upon this place, confidering the equanimity and gentleneife vvirh which Elihn engaged himfelfe to mannage this difpute. If fitch a fpirit ( faith he ) could, be found, as here Ellhu profejjeth Levmernt, in this coxtr over fie with Job, how foone might all our controverfies be ended • but we fee mo ft men every where magifierially impofing fine upon another , yea magi fir ati catty. If they cannot imfofe mage- fteriaHy, and make others believe what they fay, becaufe they (ay it, then they will impofe magi fir atic ally, the Magifirates fword jhall make way ,if firength of argument cannot. And (faith he) when they have diluted a while and anfwer is made, they will not receive an- fiver, but tell ofpriftns, $f fword and fire. Thus he taxed the Po- pifh Magistrates. of thole times, who layed indeed a moft heavie hand upon all who fubmitted not to the Babylonilh yoke. And it were well if there were not fomething of fuch a fpirit, a bitter fpirit, an impoling fpirit, a fpirit of dominion over the faith of 0- thers remaining at this day ; but that we could with fweetnefs and gentlenefs treat about our dirTerencies, and fay as this man did ( though a man full of 2eale for truth ) to our diffenters, we will not terrifie you with the Magifirates fvvord, nor will we deale by fubtlene'fs • we will not perfwade you by bonds and pri- fons; Our terror Jhall not make you afraid, nor our hand be heavie upon you, neither will we provoke other hands to be heavie on yon ; we will carry all things fairely, amicably, Chriftianly, waiting in the ufe of proper meanes, counfels, convictions, and prayers, till God ("hall make way into every mans fpirit to receive the truth. Thus farre Ehhn hath ( like a fubtle Orator ) prefac'd it with HaSenus exor- Job, to ipfepare him for an attentive hearing, for a candid con- dim & uim ftrutUon of, and a ready condifcemion to what he had ready to $ V0 M ,U9 ' propofej and fay. C c JOB, 194 Chap. $3. An Exception upon the Bool^ of J o B. Verf.8. - JOB. Chap. 33. Verf. 8, 9, io 3 1 1 . Surely thou haft fpoken in my hearings and I have heard the voyce of thy words r fay ing^ lam clean without tranfgreffionj lam innocent ^nei- ther is there iniquity in me, Behold^ he findeth occasions againft me 3 he count eth me for hk enemy. He putteth my feet in the flock* > he marl^eth all my paths* ELihts having ended his fweet ingenuous and iniinuating Pre- face, tails roundly to his bufinefs, and begins a very fharp charge. Bitter pills will hardly downe, unlefle guilded over and wrapped in fugar ; nor will any mans llomack receive and di- gefl them, unleife well prepared. Ehbu was wile enough to confider this ; He knew well, what he had to fay,and with whom to doe, and therefore layd his bufinefs accordingly. In this charge ( to give a briefe of the parts of it ) Elihu tells Job ; firft, he had heard him fpeak ( v.- 8. ) Secondly, he tells him what he hath heard him fpeak : And that may fall under thefe two heads;Firft, that he had heard him juftifying himfelfe,(^.-p.) ... I have heard thee, faying^ I am cleane without tranfgreffim^ I am innocent^ neither k there iniquity in me. Secondly, He had heard him unduely reflecting upon God, and that two wayes ; Firft, as over-feverely obferving him , as it were, to gather up matter a- gainft him, in the beginning of the iotHverfe, and in the latter end of the nth. Behold, he findeth occafwn again/I me^andmark^ eth all my paths. That's one reflection, and a very fore one upon God. Secondly, E//^chargeth him with reflecting upon God,. as over-feverely dealing with him. That we have ( v.- 10th and 1 ith ) He comteth me for hit enemy y he putteth my feet i» the flocks, &c. Thefe things ( faith Elihu ) I have heard thee* fay- ing ^ And having fayd all this , he had indeed fayd enough to make him blame- worthy. Verf. 8„. Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Booj^of J\> b. Verf. 8. 195 Vcrf. 8. Surely thou haft fpoken In my hearing, and I have heard the voyce of thy words, faying. There is nothing difficult in this verfe. That which we ren- der, Thou haft ftckjn in my hearing, is in the text ; Thou haft fpo- ken in mine eare ; that is, / have not gathered up what 1 bring a- gainft thee upon uncertalne report s, But have been an eare-witneffe of them. I have been one of thine hearers, 1 have' flood by thee at- tentively, while thou haft been complaining fo bitterly. Surely thou, haft fpoken in mine eare, fj4nd I have heard the voyce of thy words, faying. Thus and thus, as it followeth in the next words. As if Elihu ■hacyayd ; O Job , while I conftder thy prefent fuffer'mg condition, I deny not that thy affliction is great, and thy croffe heavle ; / deny not that thy afflictions are many, and of long continuance ; / deny not that in the debate held with thy friends , thou haft /pollen many things well, and haft inft fled upon very profitable and remarkable truths-, nevertheleffe, I cannot d : ffemblemy dlflike of fome things thou haft fpoken, and muft tell thee plainly wherein either through paffion , or want of information , thou haft been much nnftaken. And yet thou fhalt fee that I will not Impofe my fenfe upon thy words, nor ftraln nor torture them by undue and odious Inferences to thy dlfadvantage ; But fhall recollect and fairly reprefent fome paffages which have fallen from thee, and fhew thee the error of them. I know thou can ft not deny that thou haft fayd the things which I am offended with ; and I believe when thou haft heard me a while, and tonfidered better of them, thou wilt not undertake to defend them. Surely thou haft fpoken 'in my hearing, and I have heard the voyce of thy words, faying, 1 am cleane, &c. Firtt , In that Elihu coming to charge Job about what he had fpoken, profefletn he had been a ferious hearer of him , while he was fpcaking. Obferve. What we object Again ft others, wefhould have good evidence and proof e of it our felves. There are two infallible witneffes>or they may be fo;Firfr,eye- witneffes, fuch as have feene that which they fay ; the witnefs of C c 2 the ig6 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of Job. Verf.8. the eye is fureft as to what is done. Secondly, Eare-witneffes, and they are the fureft as to what is fpoken.We fhould not take up ao cufaiions by hear -e- fay } but be able to fay > me have heard the accufed fay it. Thus faid £///;«, I have not taken up this matter -by the way, from thofe I met with , But I have been upon trie place my felfe ; I Hood by thee and heard while theie words dropped from Ay mouth. Many report what they never heard, they report up- on report ; as thofe accufers in the Prophet, (Jer: 20. 10. ) Re- ( fay they ) and we will report it. They cannot fay, as Eliku, You have fpoken it in our hearing, and we have heard the voyce or vour words , but we heare you have fpoken it ; or you are fa- med for fpeaking it. How many tranfgrefs the rules of charity, and break the bonds not only of civill friendfhip, but of Chrifti- an love, upon reports of what others report. 'Tis dangerous to report more of others,then we have heard them fay,r.ill(at leaft) we are fure the reporters heard them fay it. Againe , When Elihu faith , Thou, haft fpoken in my hearing ar.d I have heard the voyce of thy words ; He would convince Job to the utmoft. Hence nore. To accufe or condemne any man out of his owne mouth , musb needs flop his mouth. Or , To be condemned out of our owne msuthy is an unanfwerable condemnation. When our owne fayings are brought againft us, what have we to fay ? Chrift told the evill and unprofitable fervant, who would needs put in a plea for his idlenefs, and excufe himfelfe for hide- ing his Lords talent in a napkin(that is,for not ufing or improving his gift) (Lukj 19. 22. ) Out of thine owne mouth will I judge thee, thou wielded fervant ; I will goe no further then thy owne words. And we fee, as that evill fervant had done nothing before, fo then he could fay nothing, becaufe judged out of his owne mouth. When the offenders tongue condemneth him, who can acquit him ? ( Pfal: 64. 8. ) So they fhall make their owne tongue to fall upon themfelves. The tongues of fome men have fallen up- on them, and crufht them like a mountaine, and they have been preffed downe, yea irrecoverably oppreffed with the weight of their owne words. The ApoftleJW* tells us what the Lord will do when he comes to Judgement,in that great and folemne day of his Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 9. i?7 his fecond Appearing, ( v: 1 5. J He fhall convince all that are ungodly, of all their ungodly deeds , which they have ungodly cent' muted, and of all their hard fpeeches, which ungodly Jinners have fp»ken againjl him. He fhall fay to them , are not thele youc words ? can you deny them ? or have you any plea for them ? Have you not fpoken thele things in my hearing ? And have I not heard the voyce of your words , fpeaking thus and thus re- proachfully of my waves, ordinances, and fervants ? This is like wounding a man with his own weapon, 'tis like the act of David in cutting off the head of Cjoliah with his owne fword. He that is condemned by his owne laying, dyeth by his own fword. David faith of fychophants and flanderers ( Pfal: 55. 21. ) Their words ivere fmoother then oyle, yet were they drawne [words. Such draw thefe 1 words with an intent to wound other mens reputation or good name, but they ofteneft wound their owne ; And as their words who flander others, rebound upon themfelves, and turne to their owne difgrace, fo alfc doe theirs for the moft pare, who are much in commending or podTibly only ( which was Jobs cafe ) in vindicating themfelves. Surely thou haft fpokjn in my hear- ing, &c. But what had Elihu heard Job fpeake ? the next words are an anfwer, or declare the matter of his fpeech ; and in them, as was faid before in opening the Context ; Elihu ftrft chargeth him Wuh- an over-2eale in juftifying himfeife, / have heard the voyce of thy- words, faying ; Verf. 9. Iamcleane without franfgreffion, 1 am innocent y nei~ ther is there iniquity in me. This thou haft fayd, and this I charge upon thee as a great ini- quity. For the clearing of thefe words, I fhall doe thefe foure things, becaufe upon this charge the whole difcourfe of Elihu throughout the Chapter depends. Firft , I fhall give the fence and explication of the words as here expreffed by Elihu, and fome briefe notes from them. Secondly , I ftiall fhew what matter of accufation, or of fault there is in thefe words oljob, as brought by Elihu in charge a- gainft him, or how finfull a thing it is for any man to fay he is without fin. Thirdly , I fhall enquire what ground Job had given Elih* to. charge him with faying thefe things* Fourth- 198 Chap. 33. An Expgfition upon the Booj^of J b. Verf. $/ Fourchly , ( which followeth upon the third ) I (hall inquire whether Elihu dealt rightly and tairely with Job, in bringi ng thi lore and levere charge againft him. Firii , To open the words, as they are anaflertion, Thou haft fayd, /. *.m c leave without tra*fgrcJfion y [am innocent^ neither ic there iniquity in me. Some diftinguifh the three terms uied in the text, as a deniall of three feverall forts of fin. Firft, That, by. being cleane without tranfgrcjjion, he intends his freedome from fins againft fobriety, or that he had not finn'd 2gainft himfelfe. Seconcly, that,i/ being innocent, his meaning is, he nad not done impioufly againft God. Thirdly, that, byHtaving no iniquity in him y he cleares himfelfe of wrong done to man. Thefe three ibrts of fin, containe fin in the whole latitude of it. All fin is either againft our felves, ftrictly called intemperance, or againft God, ftri&ly called impiety, or againft man , ftrictly called unrighte- ournetfe. But though thi? hath a truth in it, as to the diftinftion of fins, yet it may be over-nice to conclude Elihu had fuch a di- ftincl refpect in thefe diftincl: expreffions ; And it may be que- ftioned whether the words will beare it quite rhoiovv. There- fore I pafl'e from it and leave it to the readers Judgement. Further as to the verfe in generall, we may take notice, that the fame thing is fayd foure times ; twice affirmatively, / am cleane ', I am innocent ; And twice negatively, / am without tranf- greJJion t There is no iniquity in me. I am cleane without tranfgrejfton. The word which we render cleane, impfyeth the cleaneft of cleannelfe ; 'tis rightly oppofed to the word tranfgrejfion, which figniheih, a defection or turning orf from God. Every fin in the nau>re of it, is a defection from God ; bat fome fins are an in- tended or refolved defection from him. Some even throw orT the foveraignty of God over them, and his power to command them, not being willing to fubmit their backs to his burden, nor their necks to his yoke. Thefe are juftly called fons of Belial, they not only tranfgreffe the Law. but threw off the yoke of Chrift from their necks, and his burden from their fhoulders , and fay ( like them, Luke 19. 14. ) We will not have this man reigne over us. So then, when Job fayd, / am cleane without tranfgrejfion, he may be very well underftood thus • Thcugh 1 have many failings, yet Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bool^ of Job. Verf. 9. 199 / am free from defection, though I have many weaknejfes , jet I am free from rebellion and ebfiinacy . J fiill rctaine an entire love te God and am ready to fubmit to his mil , thmgh I often find my hearty through corruption, riftng up again ft my duty ; / am tur- neJmJWe through the ftrength of temptations, but I turne not afide through the bent of my affections. This doubtlefie or fomewhat like this was JtVs fence when ever he fayd, / am cleane witho;^ tranfgrejfion. Hence note. Firft , Tranfgrejfion is a pollution, or, Sin is a defilement. If once men ftcp over or befides the line and rule of holinefle the Law of Ged (which to doe is tranfgreffion) they become un- holy. Job fuppofed himfelfe uncleane, if guilty of tranfgreflion. Sin is an uncleane thing , anditmaketh man uncleane. This the Church confeffed ( Ifa; 64.6. ) We all are as an unclean thing, or perfon- As if they had faid,Time was,when there was a choice people among u?, who kept themfelves pure from common de- filements ; But now the contagion and corruption is lo epidemi- call and univerfal, that the whole body of our people lookes like a lump of filthineiTe and uncleannefle. We are over-fpread with- a loathfome Leprofie from head to foote, from top to toe. Ho- linefle keeps us faire, and righteoufaeffe fweet. Secondly, Note._ tA fi'^ e ffi e ftrf on M * cleane per fin. When we arrive at perfect freedome from fin , we fhali be cleane indeed, perfe&ly cleane. And according to the degree or proportion of our freedome from fin in this world,is our clean- nefle in this unclean* wo- id. Secondly , Thou baft faid , / am innocent ; fo we read ; There are two fignih" cations given by the learned, which are of very ufe- full confederation for "the clearing up of this t^xc. Firft, the He- *p a rpfi brew word which we tranflate innocent, is derived from a roote TegereZrpre- which fisnifieth to hide, to cover, or protect ; And that two t ^ ere ««& wayes ; Firft, to protect actively, or to defend others ; Secondly, '' n P mt "j >" It notes protection patfively , or to be protected by another. J '"$ ™™ Some conceive that Ehhu here intended it of Job in an active v emo Ggnifieation, whereas vve lay, / am innocent, . they fay, / protell, aud- zoo Chap. 33. An Expofuion upon the Book, of J b. Verf.y. and fo referre to him, as a Magiftrare I have prote&ed the op- preyed, I have protected thofe whom the Tons of violence have pfofecured. Indeed Job fpeaks his practice much in that ( fliap: 19. 12. ) I delivered the force that crycd, and the fathcrlefsjond him that had none to helpe him ; The blejjing of him that wajyfadj te per'tjh came upon me, and I caufed the widdows heart to pug for jty. Job had been a great Protector of the poore ; And by this word the Hebrews expreife an haven or harbour for Ships ; Be- caufe harbours or havens are places of protection to Ships ; Firft, they are places of protection to Ships from winds and ftorms, they are fafe places from rocks, fhelfs and fands ; a Ship in harbour is under protection from the dangers of the Sea. Secondly, A Ship in harbour is under protection from enemies and Pirats ; while fhee is abroad at Sea, if enemies come ihee mult fhift for her felfe, (bee muft run or fight, but in the har- bour Trie is under the protection of the State or Country where {lie arriveth. Thus all Magiftrates are or (Kould be, a juft Ma- giftrace is a good harbour for all that are in danger of the winds and ftormes, of the rocks and rage of wicked men. Good Go- vernours are an harbour, and oppreflbrs like ftorms and rocks. That's one fence of the word in the active fignirication. And ta- king it in this fence Job afferts highly for his owne honour, while be faith, I have been a prore6tour of the oppreiTed, I have been a harbour or a haven to the weather-beaten poore. j Secondly , Others take this protection paflively, / have been protected. Job was once protected from all outward evill, from the invafion of devills and evill men. God made fuch an hedge a- bout him, that Satan could not touch him. But the fence given of this protection here intended is fpirituall, / have been protected from the evill of the world, or from the evill world, I have been kept from that pollution and corruption, which ( as the Apoftle Peter fpeaks ) is in the world through lufi. And that is a bleifed, yea the beft part of a Saints protection, he is kept through the power of God through faith unto (alvation ; He is not given up to the de- filements and apoftacy of times or places, the Lord preferves his fpirit and his wayes pure and deane. Our tranflation, / am inne- cent, compared with this, I have been kept or protected from Jin, The one is a very good expofition and illuftration of the other ; Tor innocency is ourfafety, And integrity our fcft keeper. Inneeency ts Chap. 33. An Expofnion upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 9. 201 is our fair e haven, and fafefi harbour. When the windes are high- eft, and the Seas moft rough and angry, there, if any where, we may fhelter and anchor our ielves from the ftorme and tempeft. Thus David prayed ( Pfal: 25. 21. ) Let integrity and upright' ?.-tfs prcfervc me ; that is, let me be preferved in mine integrity and uprightnefs. And that he had been fo preferved, he tells us (P/!'4 1 . 1 z.) As for me thou upholdeft me in mine integrity .He that can fay, lam innocent ■, fhall have caufe to fay,/ am protected • the innocent perfonis under'covert ;God proteð the innocent, yea maketh innocency their protection. Man is never fo well lliel- ter'd, as by the righteoufnefs of Chri(t,and by his own innocency. • "lis guilt which leaves our breaft naked to every dart and thruft. Againe to come a little nearer to our tranilation ( though this be very fignificant )I am innocent • 'Tis a negative, I have done no hurt, or I have no guilt upon me. The Rabbins tell us, "Sp «* Rahi- the word cometh from a rcote which fignifieth to wafh, and fo wty ver %L u the Chaldee Paraphrase renders, I am wajhed ; Others thus, lam ^ feS& brtijhed or corned \ Mr Broughton, I am neat, like a man that hath T e Uer» 43 fe put on his apparrell decently ; fome are in a flovenly habit, or muvdare. their cloaths are foule ; but Job could fay as to his better part Lotufgo. e and fpirituall cloathing, / am innocent, walliad, brufhed, como'd . £ a *8 : - I have no filth in my skirts, norfouleneffe in my hands. I goe not qJ c . e 8 9 l un ' in the nafty habit of fin, but in the lovely, comely, beautifull drefle of Grace. Thus various is the fence of the word which we tranflate Innocent. Job's converfation was fo well ordered, that it had not a plight nor an haire ( common infirmities ex- cepted ) amiife or out of order. Our tranflation gives in bis mind fully, yet it is not unprofitable to take in this plenty and copioufnefs of elegant metaphors rifing out of the original words, here rendred, I am innocent. But if we take the word ftri&ly, then to be innocent, is to doe or to have done no hurt , to be riirmeleffe, and fo guiltleflfe of the hurt or harme of any. Hence note. Sin is an hurt full thing. It hurts, firft our felves ; Secondly, it hurts others in-whofe fight it is committed, either firft by the ill example given them, or, lecondly, by in Jury done to them; either firft in their credit, or, fecondly, in their eftates. Yea, thirdly, fin hurts God him- D d felfe ; II 202 Chap. 32. An Exfejition upon the Bool^ of J o B. Verily felfe ; Ic hurts God in his honour. Innocency is properly that which doth no hurt ; Innocent pcrfoos are harmelefTe perfons ; no man ever hurt himfelfe, or others, much lefle the name and honour of God, while he holdcth his innocency. Job's laft aflertion is 3 T^either is there iniquity in me. y\V,pravit&t Iniquity is that pravity either of fpirit or action which is eft repuudmi concrarv t0 a jj tnac r ighteouinefs orreclitude which the rule of VP J< <*• Gods word requireth. It comprehends both the irregularity of • our actions, and the irregularity of our thoughts or conceptions. 'Tis a departure from the way in which, and from the icope and mark, to which we iliould direct our whole courfe. Iniquity is an unequall an undue or crooked thing. It turneth others from their right, and is it felfe a continuall lwerving from it. So much for the opening of thefe words, as they are a proportion contain- ing a charge brought againft Job , / have heard the voyce of thy wordsyfayingy I am cleane from tranfgreffiony 1 am innocent y nei- ther is there iniquity in me. The fecond poynt propofed was, toconfider what matter of accufation there is ia thefe words. Matters of accufation arife ^from our evill deeds ; That v»e are net -cleane from tranfgrejji- on y that t>ce are not innocent •, that there is much iniquity in tis ; thefe are properly matter of accufation. But here Elihu makes it matter of accufation, that J^fayd, he was cleane from tranf- greflion, that he was innocent , .that there was no iniquity in him. And indeed, to be charged with the greateft tranfgreffi- en, is not more then this , to be charged with faying, we are cleane from tranfgreflion. To fay we have no fin, is very fin- full, to fay we are without iniquity, is a faying full of iniquity, ( 1 John 1. 8. ) If we fay we have no fin ( Here is Job faying fo, as Ehhu chargeth him ) we deceive our feives y and the truth is not in us. And ( v: 10. ) If any man fay , he hath no fniy hemaketh Cod a lyary and his word is not in him. Now what greater fin can there be, if we confider the force of thefe two verfes, then for any- man to fay he hath no fin ? How extreamly finfull this is, may be (hewed in foure things. Firft , It is extreame pride for any man to fay ; / have mjin ; What is pride ? but an over-reckoning of our felves. When we value Chap. 33. An Exfofitioti upon the Book^of J*o b. Verf. 9. 203 value'our felve?,'risbeft wdoeit at an under rate, and to fay lefle of cur felves ( if it may be ) then we are, as Paul did, who called himfelfe lefj'e then the leafi of all Saints ; Pride alwayes o- ver- reckons and cafts us up more then^te are worth. Some rec- kon their remporall and many more^Rir fpirituall eftates at many thouiands ( as I may fay ) when upon a true account they are worfe then nothing. So did the Church of Laodleea ( Rev: 3. •37.) Thon fayeft I am rich-, and encreafed mth goods ,and have need ofnothwgy and hnowefl not that thou art wretched, and mtferable^ and psore, and blind, and naked. They who are foule-blind, caiv- not fee either how bad they are, or what good they want ^ No- thing hinders the fight of our wants to much as a conceit that we are foil. Secondly , It is the greatefl deceit, even felfe-deceir, to fay Of fuppofe that we are ( in this fence ) cleane without tranfgref- fiofi ; fo faith that text of the Apoftle ( v: 8. ) He that [ahh he hath no fin, decelveth himfelfe. It is bad enough to deceive 0- thers, and woe to them that doe fo ; buthow bad is their condi- tion who deceive themfelves ! He is in an ill condition who is deceived by others; But if a man deceive himfelfe, where (ball he have his amends ? Selfe-admirers, and felfe-n\itterers,are the t "reared felfe -deceivers. And who or what fhall be true to that man, who is falfe to himfelf 3 Thirdly , It is a lye and the greateil lye, ( that's - snore then a bars deceit ) for it is fuch a lye as leaveth no truth at all in us. He that faidrhe hath no fin in him , hath no truth in him ; what hath he in bun then,but a lye ? Every fin is a lye, and he that faith he bath no fin in him, hath nothing of truth in him ; what hath he then in him, or what is he,but a lye ? ( v: 7.0. ) 7 he word of God is notJnhitn, which is the treafury of all truth • and there- tore he hath no truth in him, nor can have, till he hath repented of that lye. ' Fourthly, ( that ye may fee there is exceeding much in this charge ) To fay fo , Is blafphemj , and the hlgheft blafphemy ; Why? Becaufe it makes God a lyar, He that- faith he hath no fin, doth not only deceive himfelfe, but as much as in him lyeth, he makes God a lyar ( v: 10. ) To deceive with a lye, is the worft fort of deceivings '; and- what lye is worfe then,or fo bad as that which makes the C:od of truth' a lyar, and turhes the truth of D d 2 Gcd 204 Chap. 33. AnExpofition upon the Book^of J 1. Verf.9* God into a lye. Lay thefe. foure cqnfiderations together, and. then it will appeare how heavie . a charge is contained in thefe \vords,when Elihu faith he had heard Job fay, he was cleane with- out tranfgrejfioyi, he wasiinocent, and no in- quit y in him. Therefore, thirdly,Hfider a little further, what occafion had Job given Elihuio fay that he had fayd, / am cleane from tr an f- greffion, &C. I anfwer,. There are feverall paffages upon which Elihu might pitch this charge ; I will only name foure texts, out of which, poffibly this might arife. Firft, {Chap: 10. 7 J where Job fpeak- ing to God himfelfe faith ; Thou knoweft that I am not wickj ed. fie appealed to the knowledge of God himfelfe in the thing. The fecond may be collected from ( Chap: 16. 17. ) Not for any injuftice 'in my hand , alfo my prayer is pure. The third, from (Chap: 23. 10. ) But he know eth the vtay that I take, when he hath trjedme I fhall come forth as gold ; My foot hath held his fteps, his way have / kept and not declined. In the fourth place Elihn might take thofe words ( Chap: 27. 5. ) God forbid that I fhould juftific yow, till I die I will not remove my integrity from me. My right eoufnefs I hold f aft, and will not let it gee, my heart fhall not rep-roach me as long a* I live r All thefe are Jobs aflertions concerning his owne innocency, And thefe or fuch like paffages as thefe, Elihn ( 'tis likely ) being an attentive hearer, had ob? ferved and picked up as the matter of this firft pare of his charge, Job's felf-juftification. Fourthly , and laftly, let us confider whether Elihn did right- ly bring this charge againlf Job from thefe fayings ? or whether he dealt fo ingenuoufly with Job as he promifed, while from thefe or the like paflages he faith, Job had fayd, / am cleane with- out tranfgreffion, &c. For anfwer, firft, take notice that Elihn was not the firft that hid charged Job thus ; he had been thus charged by his three friends before. Zophar fayd ( Chap: 1 1 . 4. ) Thou haft fayd my doUrine is pure, and I am cleane in thine eyes ; that is, in the eyes of God. Eliphaz, feemes to fay as much ( Chap: 1 5. 14 .) what is man that he fhould be clean ? and he which is borne of a woman that he fhould be righteott*? While Eliphaz, put thefe queftion.^ he intimated that Job had made fuch affirmations. Blldad like- wife was upon the fame ftrain with him ( Chap: 2 5% 4. ) Ho* then Chap. 33. An Expoftlon upon the Bool^ of J B. Verf. p. 205 then can man be juftifiedmth Cjodfvr hove can he be cleane- that is borne of a woman ? We fee then, this was not the firft time by three, that Job had heard this charge, and had made anfwer for himfelfe. And as thefe charges, lb Job's anfwers have been 0- pened heretofore upon thole former paflages, and therefore I fhall not ftay much upon the poynt here. Yet becaafe El'ihu re- affumes this argument, yea makes it his ftrongeft argument a- gainft Job % I fhall a little coniider whether he did rightly, or no in this tiling. To cleare ( which we muft remember ) that Job's innoceacy had received a three-fold teftimony in this booke. Firft , He received a teftimony from God himfelfe, and thac a very notable and glorious one ( Chap: 1. 8. ) Haft thou conjir de-red my fervant Job, that there is none like him in the earthy a perfett and an upright man. Secondly , He received a further teftimony from the pen- man of this book, who having recorded the feverall afflictions of Job, and his behaviour under them, "repeats it twice (Chap: r. 21. Chap: 2, 10. ) In all this Job finned not , nor tharged God foolifhly. The teftimony which God gave him , referred to his former actions or converfation before his affliction, The tefti- mony which the writer gave him, referred fpecially to his latter words or fpeeches under his affliction. Befides thefe teftimonies which are not at all queftioned nor can be ; we find a third te- ftimony,.and that he gives of himfelfe. Now though Elihu did highly reverence the teftimony which God had given ( if we may fuppofe he had notice of it ) and would alfo the teftimony of the pen-man of the booke, had it then been written ; yet he que- ftioned the teftimony which Job gave of himfelfe. Now, that there was fome feverity in this charge upon that, fufpition, may appeare by eoniidering it in a few particulars . Firft , It muft be fiyd on Job's part, or in favour of him, ac- cording to truth, that he neve'r affirmed, he was not a finner. Nay we fhall find him more then once, twice, or thrice, confef- fing the finfulnefs of his nature, and the fins of his life. We find him alfo confeffing that notwithftanding all the righteoufnefs and integrity in him, yet he would owne none of it before God ; and that ifhefhould juftifie himfelfe, his owne cloaths would ab- horrehim. Therefore Job was far from faying he had no Hn in him, in a ftrict fence, . Se-- 2o6 Chap. 33. An Exfcfitlcn tit>on the Bool^rf J b. VerC 9. Secondly , Molt of thofe paflages wherein he fpeakes of him- felfe as cleane and righteous, may be underTtood of his imputa- nve cleannefs and righteoufnefs, as a perfon. juftified in the re- deemer, of whom he fpake with fuch a Gofpel fpirit and full aiTu- rance of fairh, that hemigk well aflert this of himfelfe, I kw» thatJ?eingitifiiped y I am cleane and without fin. It is no fault for a believer to fay, / am cleane without tranfgrefiion y thwugh free Grace yin the right eoufnefs ofjefus Chrift. Much of what Job fpake in this matter is to be taken that way. ' • Thirdly , When Job affirmes thefe things of himfelfe, we may % this in favour of him, he meanes it of great tranfgreTions. The words in the text note defection and vvilfull fwerving from the right way.. His friends charged him with hypocrifie , with oppreifion, with taking the pledge for nought, with (tripping the naked of their clothing. Thine iniquity is great (faid Eliphaz, ) and thy fin is infinite. Now faith Job, I am cleane^ I have no fuch tranfgrelfions. And he might well anfwer his friends charge of impiety againft God, and iniquity towards men, with a flat de- nial!, yea with an affirmation of the contrary ; There is no fuch iniquity in me, prove it if you can. He was unblameable in the fight of man. Fourthly, In favour of Job this maybe fayd ; what he fpake of himfelfe and of his owne righteoufnefs, was upon much provo- cation, or when his fpirit was heated by his friends, who fo con- fiantly urged thefe crimes againft him. In thefe heats he fpake highly of himfelfe, and though it doih not excufe any mans fin Tfvhen.bc hath fpoken finfully, to fay I was provoked ; yet it doth abate the greatnefs of the fin. Good Mofes ( who was the meek- eliman upon the earth ) when through provocation he fpake un- advisedly with his lips, felt the fmart of it, and God reckoned forely with him for it : Yet tofpeake amifle upon provocation, is not fo much amilTe, as to fpeake. fo in.cold blood, or unpro- voked. Fifthly , Elib: might have put 1 fairer interpretation and con- firrcHon upon thefe layings of Job ; He might have taken them in i he belt fence, as ^ob meant them, that he was righteous, cleane and innocent in all his tfanfaclions with men, and had nor wickedly at any time departed from God. And then diet had not been fuch matter of fault in what he faid, as was broughe r-'oinH him. Yet Chap. 33. An Exfofit'wn upon the Book^ of Job. Verf.'p. 207 Yet, in vindication of £///>#, it mult be granted, Job gave him occahon to rebuke and blame what he riaa laid, and that chiefly upon thefe three accounts. " * Firft , Becaufe he fpake many things of himfelfe which had an appearance of boaftirig, and fo of vaine fpeaking. A little tru- ly feyd of our felves, or in our owne commendation , may be thought tco much, how much more, when we fay much. Secondly , He fpake luch things as carri'd a (hew of over- boldnefs with God. He did not obferve his difhnce, as he ought, when he fo earneftly pretled for a hearing to plead his caufe before God ; efpecially, when he fo often complained of . the feverity of Gods proceedure with him , with which Elihu caxeth hfm directly in the two verfes following. Upon both thefe grounds Efihtt thought ( and was no doubt guided in it by the Spirit of God) to cut him to the quick, that Job might learne to fpeake more humbly of himfelfe, and more temperately to God. And therefore Thirdly , The Lord did righteoufly, yea and graciouOy. let out the fpiric of Elihu upon him in another way then his friends' before had done. He did not charge him with wickednefs in fa& , but dealt with him about the unwarinefs of his words. Job could not fay he had never fpoken fuch words, for fuch words he did fpeake , though he did not fpeake them as Elihu tooke them. When words are out they mult fhnd to the mercy of the hearers, and abide fuch a judgement as may, with truth be ■ made of them, though poifibly, befides the purpofe of the fpea- ker. A man ( in that cafe ) is not wronged, he fhould learne to fpeak more warily, and not give occasion of offence. Doubtlefle the Lord had a gracious intent upon J report themfelves. Our moft deliberate actions and fpeeches have fome tin&urc of the flefh, how much more thofe which palfe us in apallion. Though Job fpake what was true , yet he fpake more then was nneete. And they that heard him might take juft occafion of of- fence, not knowing his fpirk and the ftrain of his heart in fpeak- ing fo. The Apo.ftle James faith ( James 3 . 2. ) If any man of- fend, not. in wordy the fame is a perfeU man y and able alfo to bridle the whole bodj. He hath a mighty command over his fpirit, that can command his tongue ; especially when he is provoked. It is a reall part of perfection, not to orfend in word. This good man fpake many things well , yet all was not well fpoken. Againe , In that Job fpake thus , under the preflure of af- fliction. In times of affittion it is better to ke much in bewailing of Jin , then in making reports wherein -we have not Jinxed. There will no hurt come of that ; but while we are reporting our innocency, and good deeds, though what we fpeak be true, yet 'tis fubje& to conftru&ion, and layeth us open to reproofe. Laftly , We may learne from rhe dealing of JLlib* with Job y That • Ghap. 33. An Exfofiticn upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 10. %9 9 » That in all difputations, and matters of controverfie with others, we fhould take heed, that we fatten no uncharicable interpreta- tion upon the words of our adverfary, nor adde any thing of our owne to them, nor wreft them befides their grammaticall and genuine conftru&ion - yet even thole fpeeches which are true in fome refpecT, if they exceed the bounds of modetty, may freely be reprehended. For we ought not only to doe that which is good, and fpeake that which is true for the matter, but we ought to doe and lpeakeinagoodor becoming manner. Thus farre of the rlrft fault which Elihu found and reproved in J^, his over- confidence in faying he was not faulty, or in jutuTying himtelfe. In the two next verles, he blames him with reflecting over- boldly and unduely upon the dealings of God ; The particulars whereof were expretted before in opening the whole Context, and come now to be further opened. _ Verf. 10. Behold, he findetb- occasions againft me y and count- mt confrailio- eth me f&r his enemy. nes^.c.utcon- fringat et irrita Thefe words containe the firft part of the fecond charge. /*''y fflm ' 4 For the clearing of which I (hall firft explicate the words, & then ^uLa acona by way of obfervation, (hew what matter of charge or evill there tw,ut nihil af li in them. fequar eorum, turrit /* • n l Ucr i u,fro et Behold , he fmdeth occajions against me. injhtud.blztci 1 have heretofore fhewed the emphafis of that \yo:d,,Bcho!d; on ^ s Jxirfum And therefore, I patfe it here ; Behrfd, ne invenit. He ( thit is*, God ) fmdeth occajions againfi me^ or, ( flricliy p^ yy7\ cen- from the Hebrew ) hefindeth breaches. frattiones, con- ... . s . tritiones et qua- The verbe is tranftared Breaks (Pfil: 141. 5. ) It imports fi abolitions s. ftkh a breaking as is alfo a bringing to nought ( Pfal: 33. 10. ) Sunt qui red- 'Tis likewife applyed to the breaking of the heart by difcourage- *'""' *™/w- ments( Numb: 5 2. 7. ) And it is figniricantly enough tranflated J^j^Sf'i^ here, Hefindeth breaches against me • that is,iomething or other rii tranfpnfitl to make a breach upon me, fomething to comrlaine of againft me. ah) querelas. ' The word is rendred in thefe three fences ; Firft, An occafion • Radix KIJ Secondly, A Breach ; Thirdly ( as the Septuagint ) a crmp/aint '"-J* JJ-V-"* si- accptfation. We may joyne all three together ; for a complaint _J V e & T : ^ e or turn fecit. Merc: no, Chap. 33. An Exception ufon the Bool^of Job. Verf.10 pip-It. and siven to contention (which is alio Mr Brouahtons tranflation ) •-iff *IiT.e?I/r. 111 • 1 » 11 ' fl L I r I * " Sept: Behold, he pickjth a quarrcll agatnjt me ; though I give him no jult Qui querelas matter of offence , yet be either hndeth or maketh one. Thus amn, qu.trit jjiofi of the Hebrew writers carry it ; he nndeth occafions to at* e^ajienes mis his former courfe with me, to cart me off, ro lay his hand up- Bold: ^ nie, even to ruine and break me to pieces. qusfriutanfam *?& obfe.ve. me p&feruen* *o jceke occafions Againft Another is bard And uncharitAble d;. . dealing. Jofephs brethren were very fufpitious of this ( Gen: 43. 18. ) The men were AfrAid becaufe they were brottghi to Jefephs houfe, arid, they find) becaufc of the money thAt was found in our fackj mouth the firfi time, Are vee brought in that he may feehjecafic Agalnfl us • As if they had faid, we well perceive he would g^d|ffl b ly have Come matter to accufe us, and fo to detaine us upon tha^^ occafion. Thus faid the King of Ifrael ( 2 Kings 5. 7.) when Teaman came to him with a meffage from his Prince to delire him that he would heale him of his Leprcfie ; The King of //- rati began prefently to ftartle,and thought it was nothing -but a meere trick and a device to bring on fome further defigne,what ? faid he, Ami Cjod to kill andmAke alive, that this mAn is come to me, wherefore confider IprAy you, and fee how he feeketh a auar- rell Again fi me. They may be judged to watch for a difcourtefie who deiire courtefies of us beyond our power. This made, the King of Ifrael jealous, that the King of Syria being confident of future fuccetfe,by his former fuccenes againft Ifrael } \vzs by this device only feeking an ©ccafion to renew the war re. We have an eminent Scripture to thispurpofe ( Ban. 6. 4, 5. J Daniel being advanced high at Court, it drew a great deale of envie up- on him among the Princes and Prefidents ; and therefore they re- folved to try their utmoft to pull him down; And hereupon (faith the text ) they fought occafions againft Daniel concerning the kjng- dome ; that is, they enquired narrowly into his proceedings as to the mannagement of that great power and truft which the King had committed to him in civil! things, but they could find no oc- cafion Chap. 33. An ExfofitioH upon the Boo^f Job. Verf.ro. an cafion,n$r fault, for a f much as he was faith full. They could not pick a hole in his coate(as we fay) neither was there any error o: fault found in him. When this would not doe, then they would needs goe ano:her way to worke ( envie is reitietfe) and becaufe they were difappointed in their firft attempt about civilly they pro- ceeded to matters of religion ; Tfjenfaid thfe men m \hall not fide occasion agar,: ft this 'Darnel, except wefinde it in regard of the Law of his God. And we fee in the following parts of the Chap- ter, vvhac occafion they found againft him. This is hard deal- ing indeed , and ic-is quite contrary to the Law of Love in all the actings of it. The Apoftle aflures us ( 1 fir: i^.j. J Love beareth all things. Love hath ftrong fhoulders to beare wrongs and injuries, and Love beheveth *tt things ; not that a believer is a vaine credulous perfon,giving out his faith he knows not how, or to he knows not what jbuc he Believeth all things to the utmeft line of truth and reality,as alfo of appearance and probability ; he that loves is very willing to believe that things are meant as they are fpoken, and that they are intended as they are done. Thus he that loves much, believes all things, and further , charity hopeth all things ; it hopes the heft, and puts the fairelt interpretation that may be upon thofe things and doings which carry in them at leaft fome colour of fuipition ; this is the Genius of Cha- rity, the Character of Love. It beareth all things , ifbelievetb all things, it hopeth all *'iings. All which Hand in direct oppofition to ths; feeking of occafions againft our neighbour. And I fhall briefly ("hew how much fuch practices militate againft and con- tradict the royail Law of love, bv feveh fteps. Firft , 'Th againft the Law of love, to be ready to take an oc- caftan when it is given ; we fhould be very {low and backward, in cafe of offence, to embrace or admit what is orTered : though indeed, it is with the heart of man, Imeane with theflefh in his heart in thiipoynt of the Law, as i: is with the flefh ( that is, fin- full corruption ) in the heart, as to the whole-Law of God ; Of which the Apoftle faith ( Rom: 7. ?,. ) Sin talking occafionby the Commandment, wrought in me all manner of eoncupifcence. And againe ( v; i\. ) Sin taking cccajlon by the comman dement , decei- ved me, and by it flew me : Sin took occahon by the Law ; The Law gave fin no occaHon to work concupifcence in Paul. The Law is farre enough from being the caufe of fin, but it is ( by accident E e 2 not 212 Chap. 35. jin Exfefition upon the Book^of Job. Verf.io* not of it felfe ) the occafion of fin ; yea, fin prefently takes occa- fion when it hath not indeed the fhew of any juft occafion. The Law by ics prohibition, by the (fop and check which it juts upon the fteih, by the dilcoveries whxh it makes of the contrariety of our corruptions to the holinefb of it,doth many times provoke and irritate,yea enrage and enfiame them, but k affords not the leaii countenance or encouragement to our corruptions. Nowthis ( I lay) is the wickednels of the heart of man, with reipect to fin in- General!, that it takes occafion by the commandemenr,to bend it feife againfi the commandement:and io as to. any particular act a- gainll a brother, to take an occafion to doe him. a mifchiefe, is wickednels, and a worke of the fleih. Secondlyjt TsTinfull to ufe our Christian liberty, when it may be an occafion of fin, or the laying of a (tumbling block before others, though we ute it not with an intent or purpofe to make them (tumble or fall into fin. The Apofile earneftly cautions the Rowans to take heed of this ( Rom: 14. 1 3. ) Let U6 not there- fere judge one another any more ; but judge this rather, that no man put aftumbling blocks or an occafion t and ufe the other, yet he would not have them doe either with offence to weaker brethren : our %are fhould be, ei- ther firft to keepe our brother from falling, or to raife him up when fallen.Is it not then very finfull not to forbeare nhofe things ( which are no abfolute duties ) by which another may fall ? And- if it be fo finfull to doe many things which in themfelves are not finfull, when we know they may be an offence or occafion of fal- ling to others, though. we intend it not ; then how extreamly fin- full is it to do any thing with an intent to make them fall! This is properly the devills trade, and woe to thofe who take it out of his hand, or joyne partners with him in it. Thirdly , When any fhall defire and even hunger afrer an oc- cafion of accufing others , this is a very great height of wicked- nefl'e. The Apofile fpeakes of fuch ( 2 £or: 11. p, 1 2. ) where he tells us that he did forbeare his ov\m right , not receiving- maintenance for preaching the Gofpel ; when ( faith he, v: 9.) J. was frefent with, yon^d wanted, I was chargeable to no man*- But Chap. 33. An Expofitio* upon the Beol^of Job. Verf. 10. 2,13 But why ? he anfwers ( v: 12.) what I doe 1 will doe \that I may cut off occafon from them which defire occafion Somz did,it feems, defire an occafion to charge him with covetoufnefle and worldly mindedneiie,that he preached the Gofpel for filthy lucre \ there- fore, taith he, I will doe this, that I may cut orf occafion from them that defire occafion to charge me with. The heart of man is full of evil! defires, and this is one of the worft of them,to de- fire another might be found doing that, which might minifter an advantage to render him odious or blame-worthy. Fourthly , Which is yet higher, fome even purfue and nunc for occafions to calumniate and (lander their brethren. The good Prophet feremie had ftore of thefe ill neighbours ( Jer: 20. 10. J I have heard the defaming of many ; feare is on every fide \ report, fay they , and we will report fUj all my familiars watched for my halting^ faying, per adventure he mil be wticed , and we fhall pre- va/ie againft him, and we (kail take our revenge on him. As if he bad faid, How glad would not only mj open familiars, but clofc ene- mies be, of an occafion againft me, it would make them I e ape for joy tafecme halt. By his halting they meant his finning, his do- ing that which was uncomely, or not fuitable to his profemon ; they watched, they lay at catch for his halting, not to hold him up, but to caft him dovvne. They fayd, report, and wc will-report it j we will make fomething or other of ir, though in truth there be nothing. They had ( which may be a fifth ilep of this wicked- nelfe, a fecret hope that he would halt and give them occafion of infulting, Peradventure (fay they }he will be infixed, peradven- ture we fhall catch him w this mare ; this was their hope, and, if attained, their joy. Which makes a 6th frep of this wickednelfe , For fo David defcribes his enemies ( Pfal: 38. \6, 17. J They re-oyce when my foot flippeth ; for I am ready to halt, or ( as we put in the mar- gin ) for halting; There is a double halting, a halting by tratlf- greflion,and a halting by affliction ; that I conceive David chiefly (pake of in that place, becaufe he prefently adds in the clofe of the 17th \,(that is^God) jetketh occafons agamfl me. Hence note, Secondly. To charge the Lord with a wdlingneffe to breake with us, either nfon nooccafon, or to feeJjj an occajion that he may, is ex- ceeding jixfull) and dishonourable to his Majesiy, neere to Blajj'hcmy. ' How Chap. 33. An Expoftticn upon the Bool^ of J b. V erf. 10. 215 How finfull is k • that we who give the Lord lo rrllny occafi- ons againft us , that he needs not leek any, fliorJd yet fay he feekeih occafions againft us?The people of lfraeh\zi it appeares) intimated, at leaf I, that God had broken with them , or fought occalion to doe it ( this word is ufed in that text,7V«w£.- 14.34) while the Lord to fhew how ill he refented inch thoughts and jealoufies of him, tells them, According to the number of the dayes in which ye fearched the Land, even forty day es ( each day far aye are ) fhail ye bear e yaw iniquities, even forty yearcs, and ye frail know my breach of prom: fe, or ( as read in the margin ) my Altering of my pttrpofe. As if he had faid, Ye fhali know whether ~ r . ., I have iought occalion again! t you, whether I have truf traced confrdhiontm your hopes and endeavours, trfefe forty yeares in the wildernefs mew, fi did or no; ye fhallknow whether I have clone any thing to Ix-Qatepolfitjatine «- and entangle you, or whether all this hath not proceeded from ritatK * em > ™ n jour ovvne frovvardnefs and unbeiiefe. The Lord who fearched r s ^ a [, a iLcj ivo their hearts, andfawthe utmoft fcopeof their complaints, found »ritm,q.6.ri- this evill thought lying at the bottome of ail, that he Purely hzd dsbitu ut ego pn r them upon all tnofe difficulties, or brought them into thofe °? nia *$<*w- ftraites on purpofe tobreake with them. And therefore, he faith, J/^ " Te frail know my breath of promife ; Ye fhall fee one day, or at amasirrita fo- laft, whether I have kept covenant, and flood to my engagement dam, <& com- or you , whether I have fought an occafion againft you , or you mac injiituta have given me occafion to deale with you as I have done. So that im P^ l f m ' when the Lerd fayd, Te (hall k'^ovc my breach ofprawife-Jnis mean- erc * ing was, ye fhall know that I have kept my promile to you ex- actly, or to a tittle , and that ye only have taen the promife- breakers. 'Tis infinitely below the nature of God, to feeke occa- fions againft the creature ; And 'tis ftrange that the Jewes had any the remoteft fufpition of him as doing lo , after they had heard of thofe glorious ftiles and titles in which he pro- claimed his name ( Bxed: 34. 6. ) The Lord, the Lord Cjod, gracious and mercifully flow to an gtr, abundant in goodneffe and in truth, pardon ng iniquity , tranfgrejfion, and fm. What can be fpeld out of this name that fhould yeild the leaft fhaddowof a jealoufie , that the Lord would feeke occafions againft them. A good Prince defires to finde many good iuhje&s who deferve to be rewarded, but it troubles him to finde any who deferve to be punilhed, or whom he is necelfitated topunifh ; Now what is the 21(5 Chap. 33. An E.vf ofnion upon the BooJ^ of Jo b. Verf.ic, the goodnefle oi the moft benigne and gracious Princes in the world, to the gracioulhefle and benignity of God 1 JVgaine, his precious promifes evidence the unvvorthinefle of fuch a lurmife ; all which are full of mercy, and goodneife, and patience, and pardon, and tenderneife to poore Tinners : fo farre is the Lord from feeking occafions to charge any ©ne with what is nor, tint he leekes all the wayes and occafions he can to doe good, and to extend companion to thofe who have done amiife. He even la- bours to deliver poore loules from their dangers, and from their fins. How farre is he then from defiring to find them tripping and finning, or from urging fin hardly hardily or cauflefly upon them ? yea all the experiences of Saints bring in witnefs againft this blatphemeus apprehenfion. They will tell us from what they have found and felt, that when they have given the Lord occa- sion to deftroy them, when they have put a fword into his hand tofmite them, when by their unbeliefe, and pride, and neglect of knovvne duties, they have layd themfelves open to mine and deftruCtion, even then he hath held his hand and fpared them. Is it not then a great , a grofle fin, to charge the Lord, that he feekes occafions againft us ? Yea indeed ( as was touched be- fore ) the Lord needs not feek occafion againft any man, for as much as the beft of men give him too much occafion > and too often. He needs not ftand to fpy advantages againft us, we lay our felves too ©pen and naked to him continually. As in Fence- ing, when two that are very expert at that art are engaged, there is watching for an occafion or advantage to get the maftery ; but if an e>;pert Mafter of Defence be to deale with an ignorant fellow that knows not his poftures, nor how to ufe his weapon, he needs not feeke occafion, he may have him here and there and every where. It is fo with the beft of Saints, when they have to doe wirh God ; He needs not watch for an occafion where to hit, or fmite them, for they through their ignorance and folly, lay their naked breafts open to his ftroakes every day. Were he tecs invent not i n f5 n i ce j n mercy to cover our fins, and to pardon our trant- [ n '?? V^it. sreflions, we muft needs perilli under his juftice k nones, ocuii. » .' . . . 1 ., ."/»•• r >' *> TBfc* *0n vo- Againe , The word is rendred , Inprrwtiesy fay lings , or lejfer eat ea qu* pij fas 4 that's another translation of the text, and 'tis a ufefull one ; faaunt prater p or as : ^ e f 0rrner fuppofeth the Lord taking occafion,where none Za Tnimum'a at a ^ W,1S S wen 5 *"° tn ^ s fuppofeth him to take the leaft occafion. Jlco averfum y • As O'c. Coc: Chap. 33. An Expo ft ion upon the Booi^of Job. Verf. 10. 217 As if Eliht* fuppofed Job faying, Behold,he fetks out my little faults, Hu^Jtvit ke- my vacillations, my trippings, my finmblings , in a, word, my in fir- *** P arva ?"'" mities. We may take them two waves ; Fiift, for his youthful! ^ f^eata* fins, the Hips of his youth. Secondly, for his daylyfins, common- p ro p t er q U e, wt feldome fee the beam: in our owns. And it is an argument men have beames in their owne eye-, when they are i'o cuick-flghted in looking after motes in their b; ochers eye. I grant, it is a duty to be watchfull over one ano- ther as brethren, and to take notice, for right ends, of the leaf} faylings and faults of any. This is a duty if we doe it with a pur- pose to pray for them, that they may walke more circumlpeetly ; or that we may lovingly reprove, admoniih, and counfell them ; * as alfo that we may conlider our felves and our owne wayes , left we fall as they have done. Thus to take notice of the leaft fay- lings of others, is a great Gofpel duty. But to take notice of nwis faults , to cenfure or defame their peribns , to infuk over them, or accufe them , this is the fpiric of a Chato, who mocked at his fathers nakednefs. And thus to be critticall about the faults of others, argues that we are carelefs of our owne. Secondly , As to the particular cafe in the text, for which Job is tax'd by Elihtt , that he laid, thus of God. Obferve. To fay or think of the Lord that he takes aflnB and fever e notice of our infirmities to reckon with us nggedly for them is very Jin full. Such thoughts are a great derogation from the gosdnefte and mercy of God. The Lord doth not willingly fee the faults of his people ; Though he feeth them , yet he doth not willingly fee them ; he is glad when it is with his people,as it was at that time with Ifrael ( Numb: 23. 21.) He hath not beheld iniquity in Ja- cob, neither hath he feene perverfnefs in Ifrael. But was there nc Cm to be feene in Jacob ? Was Ifrael altogether innocent at that time ? Surely they, even they, and even then were a finfull pec- pie, and had their faults,neither few nor fmali, but becaufe there was no iniquity, no perverfnefs nor prevarication againft God fsund Chap. 33. An Exfofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 10. ?• 19 found among them at that time , therefore he over-looked all their ordinary faylings andtranfgrelfions. As the Lord is fo.holy and of fuch pure eyes that he cannot behold any fin, the lealt iniquity lo approve of it ( Halt'akj 1 . 1 3. J fo the Lord is fo gra- cious and lb hill of compalfion, that he doth Hot feverely rake no- tice ©f, nor look upon the lelfer tins of his people. 'DmuI ex- alts the name and glory of God ac large for this ( Pfal: 103. 8, 9, 10. J The Lord ts mercifull and gr^.lvu, jlow to anger, plente- ous in mercy , he will not dfytiyes chide. They are alwayes chide- ing, that are alwayes fpying faults in children, fervants or relati- ons; they who take notice of every little lault, l>»aU hnde chiding- worke enough in.a family. But the Lord will not alwayes chide ; neither will he keepe his ange;\ far ever ; He hath not dealt: with us After our (ins^ nor rewarded its accord- ng to our wish- ties : Like a* a father fiftieth his children, Jo the Lsrd pitt'eth them that feare him. A father doth not enquire into , much leile puaifti every neglect of his child. I will (fare them ( faith the Lord ) (Mal:^. 17. J as a father fpareth a fori that ferveth him. If a father feeth or is well perfwaded that his ion hath ahearr to ferve him, he will not curioufly fpy out the faults of his fervice, but faith to his child, It is well done , or at lead, I take that wdi which thou haft done. Yea the Lord is lo farre from a flrict inquiry after fuch faults, that he pafleth by great tranfgrefihons (Mlc: 7. 1 8. J Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth lme>Hty, and pafj'eth by the travfgrejjion of the remnant of his people ; he retaineth not his anger fer e&er, becaufe he dcl'ghteth in mercy. Though Afa (\ Kitsjs 15.14. ) wasnotthroighin the reformation; the high places were nor removed , yet the Lord did not charge this up- en him, for prefently it followeth in the facred Story ; 7<{everthe- leffe, the heart of Afa was perfect v'nh Xfod all his dayes. Yea, though Afa did fall into feveraH hns afterwards, imprifoning one of the Prophet*, and oppreHing fome of the people, and in hisficknefs feekirg to the Phyfitians, and not to the Lord, yet the Lord did nor charge thefc acls upon him \ He was fo farre from a ftricl inquiry alter his leiler fins, that he tooke no notice of thofe greater fins, but faith, His heart was perfect all his dayes. So In the cafe of Ttavld, the Lo-d would not fee many of his fins, he would not bIo r David , nor burden his owne memory witk them , but palled an Acl of Oblivion upon them for ever. F f 2 Sarah 220 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bool^ of J ». Verf.ro. Sarah ( Gen: 18.12. ( fpake very unhandfomely when the An- gel came to her and told her fhe lliould have a fon ; yet the Apoflle ( 1 Pet: 3 . 6. ) referring to that ftory, gives Sarah a ve- ry hi^h teitimony or commendation for one'good word that was mingled with a great many ill or undue ones, yea and actions too; for -fhe laughed; Nocwithf landing all which, Peter fets her as a patterns for all good women profefling the Gofpel to imi- tate: He would have them be in fub-jeclion unto their owne huf- bands ; even as Sarah obeyed^ Abraham calling him Lord, rvhoje daughters ye are ( faith he ) as long as ye doe that which is well. That one word which fhe fpake well, is recorded, yea reported to her praife, and all that were ill are buried in filence, forgot- ten and covered. The Lord hath refpeCt. to a little pure gold, though mingled with a great deale of drofs , and ownes a little good Corne, though a great deale of chaffe be in the fame floore or heape.- Surely then he will not bring our infirmities and flips to account againft us, while our hearts are upright with him. Thus you fee what matter of charge there was in thefe word?, when" Job fayd, God fought occafion again ft him , when he had gi- ven none, or that he had only given fome fmaller occafion, and yetGoddealt with him as an enemy. But did Job m ever fay, That God fought occafions againft him, . or tooke notice of his lefler fins fo feverely ? I anfwer , Though fome acquit Job wholly of this charge, and recriminate Elihu with this accufation as a flander , yet Job. had fpoken words v\hich might give occafion to charge him thus, ( as was ihewed alfo concerning thofe former fpeeches, I am cleane from tranfgrejfim, I am innocent , there is no iniquity in me) . though Job had not fpoken thefe or fiich like words, with that fcope and fpirit as Eli fat might feeme to alledge them ; yet he had given Elihu caute enough to fay fo,. while he fpake more of himfelfe then came to his fhare, eonfidering that he was a finfull man, and more, then did become him in his condition, being an affli&ed man. Upon both which accounts, it had better becom'd him to have been much in humbling himfelfe, rather then at all in juftifying himfelfe.Now as Job had fpoken words which might Secundum ve- k eare ouc £/,'/,# i n his farmer charge, fo we flnde feverall lpee- SSJ/fjol in ches or complaints concerning God, which may juftifie him in ftnfu quem im- this. As for inftance ( Chap: 14. 16, 17. ) Tor now thou num- penitinBihu, . brt&j Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 10. 221 breft ( itr nnmbring thon numb-reft ) my fteps ; dofl thou net watch over my fins ? As if he had fayd, thou watcheft me fo ftritUy, fo narrowly, that I cannot (in the leaft)ftep awry, but prefently I am obferved and fhall be fure to heare of it 5 Yea, my tranfgref- (tott isfealed up in a bag, and thotifoweft tip mine iniquity • that is, chou keepeft the memory of my fins,thou doft not paile them by, but haft them ready by tbee.Whenchalt- Jofieps wanton miftrefle difappoynted in her-lult , was refolved to ieeke an occafion of revenge,/fc* l*yd up hi* garment by her untill her Lord came home ( Gen: 39. \6. ) To lay up the evill deed of another, prefageth ill to him. And therefore when Elihu heard Job fpeaking thus, might he not fay, Job hath fayd, Godfeeketh occafions againft me, yea, ( which is more ) as it followeth in the verfc under hand ; cs4nd counteth me for his enemy. Thefe words having been infifted upon fomewhat largely from other paifages of this Booke ( Chap: i 3 . 24. & 1 9. 1 1 . & Chap." 30. at. In all which places Job fpake this complaint fometimes expreflely, alwayes Equivalently ) I fhaHnot here, ftay upon the explication of them, only for as much as Job having fayd, Thar, God took hold of fmall occafions given, or fought occafions not. given, is prefently charged further by Elihu, with laying, He counteth me for his enemy. From rhis Connection of the former with the latter part of the verfe. . Note. Tofeel^or take eafie occafions again si another ', is an argument that we beare no good will to him, or, It is a figne we lool^ tip- on a man as an enemy, when we are apt and ready to f^fke or take occafions againft him. There are two things which we are very-ready to doe towards thofe we beare no good will unto, or whom we account our ene- mies" Firft , to diminish the good which they doe, to fpeak . lightly of, and under- value their moft pray fe^-worthy deeds. ' Til will never fpake well either of perfons or actions. Secondly, , whom we love not as friends, efpecially whom we hate as ene- mies, we are prone to high ten their faults, and double their fay- lings ; we ( moftly ) look on the evill deeds of an enemy in a multiplying, or in a magnifying glafs - 3 we make one fault many, . and ! 222 Chap. 33. An Expoftion upon ihe Booi^of J o B. Verf. 10 and a little one great. A true friend will fpeak the moft of what is well done, and the leaft he can, with truth,of what is ill ;He is lo farre from feeking occafions againft whom he loves, that he will hardly fee them, when findes them unfought. A noble ene- my will not feeke occafions againft a man, much lefie will acor- diall friend. It is no wonder when fob is taxed with faying, God fought occafions againft him, tbat he fhould alio fay, He cmnteth me for his enemy . From the matter of thefe words, Hecoxnteth me for his me- my y take thefe two notes. .Fir ft, Even good men when they are for ely grieved under the fi.jflifl.ing hand of God, are templed to have hard afprehenfions of God, at leafktofufpefl and f ear e that God is no friend to thenu. And this comes to patTe upon a double consideration ; Firft, Nature when pinched will fhew it felfe ; Now , man naturally, hath not only hard thoughts of God-, but an enmity again! t him. And when nature is pinched, all the corruptions working in man, worke this way, unlefs over-power'd and checkt by grace. Se- condly, when 'tis hard with us from the hand of God, then Satan takes his time to prompt us wich hard thoughts of God, and to foment" that enmity to the uttermoft, of which our corrupt nature hath fuch ftore.WharPwill Satan iay,'ZW> God love thee^andflarve thee ? What ? Doth God pretend kindnefs to thee, and deale thus with thee ? is God thy friend, who takes away thy friends ? is God thy friend, who leaves thee in the hand of enemies ? dothkkpkty thee, and yet keepe thee in thefe paines ? is this his kinonefs to his friend ? How can he fay he loves rhee ? And hail not thou caufe enough yet to fay , He counteth thee for his enemy. Thus Satan takes his time to provoke nature, which is forward enough of it ielfe to thinke and fpeake hardly of God, if at any time he is pleafed and fees it fit to deale hardly with us. And how great a combate hath many a gracious foule both with Satan and his owne heart, to get and keepe up good and honora- blethoughts of God in a fuftering condition, or under darke and ( to fenie ) difmal difpenfations. Secondly , Note. what- Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the lively of Job. Verf. 10. 223 What fever <-jad doth to or with a godly man , he jhould ■main- tain e good thoughts, and fyeakjpeu of God, or, when God dcales mojljtr icily ar.d fever el y with his people, they fkottld not lool^ upon it as an argument of Amy enmity cr ill will agdfftft them, or that he counteth them his enemies. Let us cake heed of fuch thoughts j l^rv/*/ profeffed (Ffal.-ji;. 1. ) Truly God is good to Ifrael, even to them that are of a elc.inc heart. He is good to them ( thic's Davids intent there) not only when he do[h them good, ( as to Outward things I meane, an i 10 fencible appearances, tor all is good in the illue to the Htael of God ;now, I lay, God is good 10 his people, not only when he in that fence doth them good ) but when he afflids them , and 1 a yeth many outward evills upon them. When,asit isfaid after in that Pfaime ( v. 14. ) He plaguerh them ( that wo:d imports ibreft troubles ) all the day long, and chafhneth them every r.-ior- ' wing ; when he gives them their breakfaft in fowre herbes, or with fevereft whippings, yet then,even then he is good to them, and meanes them no harme at all. Therefore how hardly foever God deals with us, let us not thinke he counts us enemies. The Temptation was ftrong upon David to take up hard thoughts ©f God in thac cafe, yea it prevailed fo farre upon him, that he con- cluded ( v. 1 3 . ) Verily I have cleanfed my heart in vaine, A"d wafted my hands in imocency. As if he had fayd, A man hath little priviledge from the word of outward eviils by his godli- nefs ; But the Temptation did not prevails long, he foone reco- vered himfelfe ( v. i 1 5 . j If I fay I will f>cakjhtfit,( that is, that T have cleanfed my heart in vaine ) Behold, I jhould offend aga'wfr the generation of thy ch'ldren • that is, I fhould wrong the whole kind or race of godly men throughout the world, as if hypo- crites, or as if God did not love them, or were not good to them, for who is there among all thy children whom either thou haft not or mayeft not chaften as much as thou hart chaltned me. As no man can know the love of God by that which is before him, -how profperous foever it is ; fo it is moft unfutable for any of the children of God, to thinke that God is not good to them, or doth not lcve them, becaufe of the evill that is before them, how adverfe or difafterous foever it is. For, God having loved his people in Chrift, he loves them for ever j when once he hath broken ' 224 cha P- 33- Ah Ex f°fi tlon u ? on f ^ e B°°\°f Job. Verf.12. broken the enmity in our hearts towards himfelfe, there is no- thin" lhall eve: Dc d° ne D y ^ m towards us,. which may lpeak us his enemies, o: him our enemy , though a Job in great affliction may fay, Hecounteth me for his enemy , And handles me like one too ; as it followeth. Verf. 11. Heputtetbmyfeetintbeftockes, he market h all my We had thefe words expreflely ( Chap: 1 3. 27. J there they have been opened already, Thou puttefl my feet alfo in the flocks, and, loskefl narrowly unto all my pathes. That which hath been faid as to the Generall fence and fcope of that text, may ferve for this ; And therefore I referre the reader thither. I fhall only adde two or three notes from the metaphor ; He put my feet in the flocks, that is, he prefl'eth me with very dole and fore afflictions. Hence Obferve. Firft , To be in affliction, ist» be in a painfull condition; there is little eafe in the flocks. No chaflning for the prefent feemeth to be joyous but grievous ( Heb: 1 2. iu J To be under a croffe is be under a burden. Secondly , afflictions keepe us under reflra'wt. He hath little liberty as well as little eafe that is in the flocks : afflictions hold us in, they are as aprifon to us. Afflictions are areftrainttwo waves ; Firft, to our corruptions ; yea, through the grace of God, afflictions are more then reftraints to corruption, they become the death of corruption , they are appoynted ( among other fer- vices ) for the mortifying of corruption, that it may not live in us, much more are they a reftraint to corruption, that it may not get out, nor worke in us as before. Many times, when a good man hath the world at will, his corruptions thinke. to have their will too ; and when he is at liberty,Iufts would grow licentious : Therefore God feeth it neceflfary to put his fervants in the flocks, that their lufts may be in the ftocks too. Thus he told the Church ( H0f.-2.tf. ) Behold, I will hedge up thy way with thortm, and make a wall that jhe fhall n$t find her paths. The thorne-hedge was as a ftocks to flop them that they {houldnot walk diforder- ly, nor ad inordinately as they had done. This courfe God takes with Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 11. 2zj with many, he puts them in the (locks, that he may keepe them from the wayes of In, or give check to fome unruly affection. Wh°.n wc need this difcipline, we may looke for ic , and 'tis a mercy to be under it. Will you not keep order ? ( i'aith God ) then you fhall to the ftocks. Secondly, afflictions are a reftrainc to our comforts, as well as to our corruptions. As Phis exprellion notes the taking of lulls fhort, fo the taking of us fhort as t© lawful! liberties and enjoyments. Sicknefs upon the body lowres all th.it this world hath,to us, and will not iurfer m to ufe much of ic, how much foeverof ic we pollelle. iManywe enough to eate, who never eace in pleafure , as J^fayd ('Cmp: 11. 25. ) And when in our profperity we runout and take unlawful! li- berty, God fends an affliction, as his frocks, to hold us from our lawful! liberties. When we have had vaine out-goings and ex- ceiies of fpirit, all going well with us and comfortably in the world, we may expect the flocks next, or that things fhould g&e ill with us, yec for our good. Thirdly, To be in the ftocks is a dilgracefull thing; it is not only apaine and a reftrainr, but ic is a reproach ; He that is in the ftocks, or in the pillory, is expofed to lliamc , every one poynts at him , and many revile him. Affliction as to the eye of the world, carrieth a difgrace #!rh it, or, at leaft, fubjecls the perfon afflicted to difgrace; And ic hath been fhewed from feverall paf- fagesof thisbooke, how Job's afflictions were interpreted to his difgrace ; and he Iookt upon , as I may fay, like a vagabond in the ftocks, chit God had brought him thither, and clapt him by the heeles for his mifdemeanoirs. Though afflictions diniinilTi no maris honour or efteeme with God, or with hi; people ( an afflicted Saint h a* precious and honorable in their eyes, as when in the greater! profperity ; The clouds of trouble cannot ec~ clipfe rhe glory of G - ace, no; render the gracious contemptible to thole who know them fuch' ) yec, ft ro the eye and opinion of worldly men they doe. Job fayd his afflictions were a wirnels a- gainfthim, as if all were not right with him , yea, as if he had been very unrighteous. The ftocks are a wicnefs againft a man, that furely he hath d#ne fome ill thing. Thus you fee there is paine in affliction, reftrainr in affliction , difgrace in affliction, efpecially in the opinion of the world, and therefore to be in af- fliction is to be as in the ftocks. He putteth my feet w theftockj. G 2 tie z*6 Chap. 33. An Expeftion upon the Book^of Job. Verf.n* He market h all my paths. Which fome eipound, as if when rhe Lord had let him out of the flocks, yet he was but like a prifoner with his keeper at his heels; He marketh all my paths. I have fpoken to this- alio be- fore ; I (hall now only Note. There is no flepp'wg cut of the eye or fight of God. He markes*all our paths , not only our open paths, but our fe- cret paths ; ncAftly what paths our feet walke in , but paths our hearts walke ifr He marketh what our thoughts are, what our fcope is, what our aymes and ends are. He marketh not only our day-paths , but our night-paths ; He watcheth all oar paths. Take this Caution from it ; As the Lord marks all our paths , [0 it will be our wifdome to markjour owne paths. If the Lords eye be foftrict. over all our wayes, fhall we be carelefle of our wayes ? If he look upon our walkings, {hall nor we look to our walkings ? There are many arguments (from love, from returns of thankfulnefs for received benefits ) which thould provoke the people of God to heed aad marke their own wayes ; but furely this ought to be a very cogent argument, becaufe God marks them, He marketh all our paths. Therefore as the Apoftle gives counieland admonition ( Eph: 5. 1 <$. ) See that ye walke clrcnmfpettly y not at ftoles but as wife. What our wifdome is, yea whether we have any wifdome, whether we are wife or fooles will be feene by our walkings. Some can talke and difcourfe ve- ry wifely, who yet walke very foolishly, and whofe whole courfe is folly. So much for the opening of this charge brought by Elihu a- gainft Job, his over-julUfying of himfelre, and his reflecting upon the goodneffe and love of God. Eli hi* proceeds yet further to deale with and refute him, as alfo to anfwer for God. Behold, in this thou art not jufi, &c. This I charge thee wit hand will prove it, thou haft fpoken finfully and unbecommingly of God and of thy felfe in all this. JOB, Chap. 33. An Exfofttion upon the BooJ^of Job. Verf. 12. 227 JOB. Chap. 33. Vcrf. I2> 13. Behold, in this thou art not jufi : I will anfwzr thee z That God is greater then man. Why doji thou jirive againfi him? for he givethnot account of any of his matters. IN thefe two verfes Eli fat gives the firft pare of his anfwer, wherein we may take notice of thefe five things ; Firft, He tells Job that he had erred and was miftaken, Beheld, in this thou art not jufi. Secondly, He flieweth him wherein he had been mi- ftaken, or what his error was ; In this thou art not juft , or, Eehold this, then are not jufi in it. Thirdly, Elihu lays downe the generall ground, upon which he intended to convince Job of his error and miftake, The greatnefTe of God , / will anfwer thee that God, is greater then man. "Fourthly , from that ground he drawes out a check or reproofe, in the beginning of the 1 3th verfe , why dofi thou Jirive again ft%im ? Fifthly and Iaftly, He gives a reafon of that reproofe, which arifeth alio out of the former ground, the unqueftionable Soveraignty of God ^ For he gheth not account of any of his matters. m Verf. 1 2. Behold, in this, thou art not jufi, Behold,ht calls for ferious attencibn, and diligent confiderati- on; Behold This • fo the Hebrew rendred ftricUy ; we render, Behold, in this tfau art not jufi • What is this ? what's the ante- cedent to this ? we may aflfigne the antecedent in three things, or make it three-fold, according to what Elihu hath layd flowne before in way of charge againft Job in the former Context ; Firft, This, that rhouhaft boafted thy felfe fomuch of thy innocency and integrity. Verf. ^h. Thou haft fpokjn in my hearing, and I have heard the 'voyce of thy words, faying,! am cleane without tranf- grejjion, &c. Behold, in this thou art not jufi. Secondly fin this, That is, in that thou haft complained fo G g 2 much 228 Chap. 33. An Exf option upon the BooJ^ of J o b. Verf.ia. much of the feverity of Gods dealings and proceedings vvich thee, ( 10. & 1 1. ) Behold, he findeth occafion agAir.fi me, and account- eth me for his enemy ; He putteth my feet in the flocks, he markjth all my paths y Behold, in this thou art not jufi. Hoc nomine ju- There is a third antecedent, which we may take r.p from fe- Jit*fKones,quod verall paflages in the former put of" the Booke ; and that is, be- deum in jts cau f e t h ou had f© often and fo- importunately defired to plead •TiKg^ 1 vvith God> and haft made fo many lLlite " for a hearin ? wkh hinv as if thou hadft fomevvhat to fay , which might acquit thy felfe and fhew reafon , why God lliould not deale thus with thee ; For though Job did.not defire to plead with God as having any intent toaccufe him of doing him wrong, yet he was therefore to be blamed, becaufe he defired to plead with him ; feeing it be- comes man to fubmit to the judgement of God without murmur- ing or complaining. So then Elihu had caufe to charge him with this ; God indeed paffed it by, as knowing it did not proceed ( as in the wicked ) from malice, but from weaknefs and ignorance, as Job alio himfelfe humbly confefled at laft.2k7W*/(thou haft too often called for Jtiftice ) i» this thou art r.ot jufi. Mr Brougbton renders, hoe here thou art n$un the right. Thefe words, in this, or here, may alio have a negative reference to what Job had been charged with before by his friends. As if Elihu had iayd j I doe not charge thee with fuch crimes as thy friends have loaded thee -with heretofore, I doe not burden thee with groffe impie- ty, nor with hypocrifie,l doe not tell thee thou hafi oppreffed the poore, or wronged the widdow and the father leffe , / have nothing of this fort to fay againfl thee. But in this or here, I have fomewhat to fay, wherein my judgement alfo is that thm art not jufi, nor in the right j for however thou art otherwife, or in other things upright and right e- om, however jufi thou hafi been in thy tranfaclions with men, and pure in, thy worfbip toward Cjod, yet in this I am fure, and 1 dare fay it openly and avowedly, thou art no wayes justifiable, much leffe jufi in that thou hafi cryed up thy owne innocency, andfpoken fo much f the hard dealings of God with thee ; yea, hafi been fo bold as to de- fire a day of hearing even before God himfelfe. Let this be the Que- ftion or matter under debate ; whether or no , Job fpeakjng thus highly of himfelfe, and thus boldly of God, hath done right or no ? Elihu undertakes the negative, he engageth to prove that Job had not done, well, or right, how innocent foever he w<* , in (peaking fo. Chap. 33. An Expofltion upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 12. 229 Co much of his own innocency, or ( how hardly foever God dealt wicb -him ) in making ib many complaints of his ieverity, Elihu undertakes to prove this negative ; and Job never durft undertake the affirmative, that he had done right or well in fpeaking or do- ing fo ; and therefore in the clofe of the bufinefs he fits dotvne convinced, that he had been too bold with God, and too forward injultifyinghimfelfe. His argument ( which runs through this whole difcourfe) to make good jhis negative allertion, may be formed up thus ; He that foeak.es much of his ownc righteoufneffe, and feemes to reflett upon the righteoufneffe of God, at leaft that God hath been over-rigs- yohs with him, is net juft, nor justifiable in this. But thou O Job haft fpokjn thus of thy felfe, and thus of (jod in the extremity ofthypaine, and in the anguifh of thy fpirit. Therefore in this thou art not juft, nor juftiftable. No man of underftanding can take thy part, or be an Advocate for thee in this matter ; As for me,T muft needs be and am refolved to be* an Advocate for God againft thee. The Major or firft propofition is not expreft in the text, the conelufion is given in the beginning of the i2thverfe,andthe afliimptionor 2d propofition, is collected from Job's owne mouth in feverall places of this Booke. Againe, befides the generall fcope of the words , and the ten- dency ofEhhu in this difpute, we miy conlider the manner of his fpeech, how he deales with Job ; Beholden this thou art not just.. In this manner of treating wirh Job, the fweetnefle of his fpirit, and likewife the boldnene of it are obfervable. Thefe two ver- tues or excellencies of an Advocate, fhew themfelves plainly in this one pailage ;. Behold, in this thou- art not juft. For conlider, Firft, He exprefleth his reproofe negatively, he doth not fay, Be- hold, in this thou art wicked, or thou haft impioufly blafphem'd the name of God, but he fpeakes at as4ow a rate, as may be, Be- hold,in this thou art not pift,or juftifiable, thou haft nor done right, or thou art not right ; there is a great good temper of fpirit, and a mixture of much meeknefle in fuch negative expreffions : it being much lefle to fay to a man, in this thou art not juft nor juftifiable, then to fay poiitively or dire&fy, in this thou art unjuft, and de- ferveft to be condemned. For though there be no difference in the thing between not being juft and being unjuft, yet there ps much more miidnefs in the wotdsjand a man takes leffe offence, when 1 ' ■ ■■ . ■•■ I ■ • <, .11 1 ,1 I ' ' ' " Chap. £$. An Exfrftion upon the BooJ^of J o B. Verf. 11. when told that he is not jttft, then in being told that he is unjuft. The imputing of a crime co a man, is more and worfe, then the denying him a vertue, or that he is vertuous. Hence note. We ought to temper our reproof cs with much gentleneffe and meeknejfe. We fliould not fpeake cutting words,if other words will ferve thetuine. Thus the Apoflle directs us ( Gal: 6. i. ) Brethren, if a man be overtaken with a fault, ye which are Jpirituall, reftore fttch a one with the jpirit of meehneffe, considering thy f elf e, left thott alfo be tempted ; deale as gently with a fallen brother, as thou wouldefl with a man whole bones are diQocated or broken ( fo much the metaphor there ufed imports ) There is a time indeed when we mnft rebuke ( as the Apoftle gives direction ( Tit: i . 1 3' ) fttrptyi or cuttingly ; we muft goe to the quicke,fW they may be found in the faith : but there is a great regard to be had to the ftare and fpirits of thofe with whom we have to deale. As it is our duty to receive the word with meeknefle (James 1.21. fome receive the Word proudly, riggidly, in the worft fence they can, yea they receive it rebellingly, now as We ought to receive the word with meeknefle ) fo 'tis good to fpeake the word with meeknefle, with as much meeknene and tenderneffe as the cafe will beare. Secondly, confider this manner of fpeaking, Beholden this thou art rstjuft, Ehhu tells him plainly of his faults,he reported them before, and here he applyed them home to his perfon ; Behold, in this, thou remembered thy owne words ; Thou canft not but take notice what thou haft fpoken ; now I tell thee, in this thing thott art not juft ; Elihu doth not fpeak doubtingly nor fearefully, nor doth he tell Job what the thoughts of others were upon the mat- ter, but he tells him directly, categorically,plainly from himfelfe, in this thou art not juft. Hence note. We are to hold out our conviSlions andreproofes with plalnneffe, and to lay our fnger upvn the zery fore j Behold, in this ( or that ) thou art not juft. We are to fpeake meekly, but not at randome, not uncertain- ly, Chap. 33. An Expofitton upon the Boof^ of Job. Verf. 12. 231 . « ' — 1 — — — ; 1 1- ly, not flatteringly ( Pro: 29. 25. ) A man that fiattereth his neighbour, fpreadeth a net for his feete ; he doth but intangle and inlnare him, in flead either of counfelling or comforting him. When a man is out,it is beft to tell him fo ; how elfe fhall he get !■ againe ? Flattering words are ininaring words; Behold, in this thou art not right. One of the Ancients fpeaking to this poynr, 7Yh}ore fuppli- tells us ; It is msrefinfnll to flatter thofe that doe evilly then to doe cio di 8 ms e ft evillour (elves. And, furely it argueth a more corrupt, mind, or a ? W,M M?*"* J . . , iir-ii 1 tes laudat\quam worier principle to dawbe tinners with the untempered niorter „ u/ ma /™- r . . of flattery, then to be dawbed with the mire of any particular (in chryfofl: or iniquity. A flatterer is a dawber and pillow-fovver ; A flatterer hath not a true fight of fin himfelfe, and he doth what he can to keepe others from the fight of it. It is fafer to make finners fmarc then itch. David invited a wounding rather then fuch a skinning of his fore ( Pfal: 141. 5 . ) Let the righteous fmitc me, it fhall be a kindnefsy ( that is, I will not only take it kindly, but fhall rind it a kindnefs ) and let him reprove me y and it fhall be an excellent cyle, which jhall breake my head ; that is, it fhalf be fo farre from hurt- ing that it fhall be ( through Grace ) a healing to me. No man had ever any caufe to repent, either the giving or receiving of a wife and feafonable reproofe. Beholdy in this thou art -not juft. But what is it, not to be juft ? I anfwer, not to be juft, is not to give every man his due ; yet Elihu intends it chiefly, of what Job had fpoken unduely to God ; Beholdy in this thou art not juft. Hence nore. They who doe not give God his right are unjufty as vpell as they vthe doe not give men their right. Yea not to give God his right, is by fo much the greater inju- ftice, then not to give man his right, by hew much God is greater then man ; looke how much God is higher and greater then man, by fo much is their fin higher and greater, who give not God his right, then theirs, who give not man his ri»hc. Many thinke they are very juft, very honeft men, becaufe they give! every man his due, they wrong, they defraud no man, not any neighbour, nota- ny brother with whom rhey deale : come and charge them if you can. "lis very good, fie more then moft men can truly fay of them- felves,, . ■.JU 232 Chap. 33. An Expojkim upon the BooJ^ of Jo b. Verf.: idves, when a man is able to fay he is juft to his neighbour, no man can challenge him of injultice. But many lay this, who take no noiice, how un, lift they are to God ; they are not ac all fenfi- ble, how.often tncy have denied God his right, nor how often they have done God-wrong ; they take no notice of this. They have tecond-table Juftice, but they have not tirft-table Juliice ; this is it that £/'/wchargethJ^ with. His friends charged him with fecond-table injultice, that he was an oppreffor, &c. but £- l)hn charged him with firft-table injuftice , that he had done wrong to God. Therefore, remember, not to give God his due feare, his due love, his due truft and fubmilfion ( chefeare his rights by the firft Commandement ) is to be unjult ; not to give God due worinip according to his will,is to be unjuft, becauie in fo doing you deny him his right in the fecond Commandement ; not to "fpeake or thinke reverently of the name, of the word, wayes, and ordinances of God, is to be unjuft to God , becaufe you deny him his right in the third Commandement. To breake the Sabboath, to fteale Gods time , and convert it to your owne private ule, to put it in your owne purfes, as many doe, this is fa- crikdge, this is to be unjuft to God , becaufe you give him not his right, nor that which is due to him by the fourth Commande- ment ; fo not to fubmit to the rod of God, not to be quiet under the chaftizings of God , not to take all well at Gods hand what- ever he doth with us, or to us, is to be unjuft to God, becaufe we then deny him the right of his foveraignty , and of that jui{ power which he hath over his creatures. Behold, in this thou art not juft. Wihu proceeds to give an accounr,diftindly, wherein this in- juftice lay. 7 will anfaer thee, or ( as Mr Broughton ) I mil tell thee , CJod is greater then man. •We render well , / will ax fiver thee, &c. There is a four- fold way ofanlwering; Firft, by information to a Qneftion propound- ed. Every Qneftion would have ananfwer. Secondly, by foluti- ©n of an objedtion made ; When anything is objected againft what is layd or held , then to untie the knot,is to anfwer. Third- ly, there is an anfweiing by confutation ofa falfe opinion or te- net -, Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 12. 233 net ; thus whole bookes that hold unfoiind or heterodox opini- ons, are to be anfvvered ; Fourthly, there is an anfwer by vvay of reproofe, or reprehension of faults or miftakes, either in fpeech or practice. Elihu his anfwer was of this hl\ fort. For he obfer- ving how Job had fpoken, and what his carriage and demeanour had been , gives him a reprehenfive aniwer , Behold, in this thou Art not jusl , I mil axfaer thee. And what was his aniwer ? even „ „ . , . this, God is greater then man ; or, / will anfwer thee, that God is ^ etretrehen more then man ; The roote of the word figniries to encreafe or dam, idq\ h*c grow Great ; but God is great, not by growth or encreafe, but \n plane infoluku- hiselfence and being. He who is infinite in greatnefs, can have no M«w*wf«»« addition to his greatnefs. God is the Great one, and he only is "j^^ma or *" great. All men and things put together, are not only little no- mu hn pani- things, buc lefle then nothing compared to the Great God. Fur- bus homme% ther, the word by which God is here expreft , notes the great ^py l - e « power of God,- the ftrength of God ; in oppofition to which the y* am P ll0T word by which man is here expreft, notes his weaknefs ana piti- ^ ' erc full frailty. And therefore M* Broughton translates ftritfly ac- cording to the propriety of the Oj»E>inall ; / mufl tell thee the pt- ijfa?;t is greater then the forroivfull man ; we fay barely, God, he, the puiffant, or the firong, the mighty God ; we fay, God is grea- ter then man, he, then forrowfftll man. There are three originall words, as I have fometime noted, wh : ch expretTe man ; ^idam, importing the matter of which man was made, earth ; Ish note- ing his bd\ perfection ; and Enosh, intimating that fad condition which was b: ought upon us by the fall ; Surely the puiffant is grea- ter then jerrowfull man. But is nor God greater then ( Ish) The wifelt and moil ac- compliilit, the molt perfect and mighcielt of men, as well as he is greater then ( Enosh ) forrowfull or miserable man ? I anfwer, the word Enosh is no: to be taken exclulively,as if when he faith, the pu/JJant is greater then the forrowfull man , he were not alfo greateT then the greatelt or itrongeftman ; but it notes, that all men, or man confidered in his beft eltate, is but weaknelle and wretchednefs, when put in the baliance with the great God, or tie puiffant. Lord what is man ( faith David, .one of the beft and greateft of men, a King, Pfal: 144. 5 J that thou takefl knrwledge effam ? or thefon of man that thou make ft account of htm f Now if it be even too much that God fhould make any account of man, H h then *34 Chap. 33. An Exfofition ufon the Book "/ I B. Verf.l 2. then what is any man in account to God ? O what man or Angel is abl*to caft up the account, how much the great God ts greater er more then man. The words are plaine, only there is fomewnat yet to be added or touched upon, to deare up further the icope tfElihu in fpeaking thus to Job, which Khali endeavour to deare ;rnd make out, when I have given a note or two from the words, as they are .a plaine proportion ; God it greater then man, ■ Hence Obferve. Firft , God is Great. He that is greater then the Greateft,is certainly great ; he that is higher then the highell, is high. This greatnefs of God is eve- ry where celebrated in Scripture. The Prophet {I fa: 12. <5. ) calls the inhabitant of Zion to cry out anifhom ;. why ? For great is the holy One of Ifrael in the midft of thee ; that is, the holy one ollfrad who is in the midft of thee, is both Great in himfelfe, and declares hisgrearnefs in thee. ( Mai: 1 . 14. ) I am a great King, faith the Lord of host's , and my name is dreadfull among the heathens. I need not ftay to||ye particular Scriptures to hold forth the attribute of Gods greatnefs, his greatnefs runs through all his attributes. Whatfoever God is, he is great in it • He is great in power ( Pfal: 56. 3. Pfal: 147. 5. ) he is great in all iorts of power, great in authoritative power, and great in execu- tative power. As God commandeth what he plealeth to be done, fo he can doe what he commandetrr. The power of man in doing is not alwayes commentate with his power in commanding ; but Gods is. He needs no helpe, much iefle any leave to execute what he willeth. Againe, God is great in wifdome, fee hath the compafle of all things in his understanding ; God is fo wife , that he is called the only wife God( 1 Tim? 1. 17. ) The wifdome of men and Angels is folly to his. God is great alio in his goodnes, fo great that Chrift himfelfe as man would not be called good, but told him that called him fo by way of rebuke, There is none go^d but one*, that is God ( Math: -19.17.) Holy TJavid brake out into the admiration of that goodnefs which God hath layd up, yea of that which he dayly worketh for man. How much more did he and ought we to admire that goodnefs which is not fo much in himfelfe as himfelfe ? ( Tfal: 3 1 . 19. ) O how great is thy good- Mffe, which thon haft layd ftp for them that feare thee , which thou workeft Chap. 33. An Exfofition upon the BooJ^of Job. Verf. 12. 235 wrkcftfor them that truft upon thee before the Jons of men. The goodnefle which God ails and puts forth for the creature, is a great goodnefle ( I fa: 63.7. Neh: 9. 25. ) but that goodnefle which is the goodnefle of his nature, is a goodnefle as great as God is, a goodnefle infinite in greatnefle. Againe, how often is God called great, yea admired for his greatnefle in mercy? When David ( 2 Sam: 24. 14. ) made choyce ft> fall into the hands of Ged j he gave this reafonofir, For his mercies are great. He is alfo great in wrath ; we read (2 Kings a 3.26 J ottbcfiercenejfe of hisgrjat wrath. And how great is his Love ? Firft, in redeeming us by Chrift ( Joh: 3. 16. ) God fa loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, &c. God loved us fo much in that gift, that no man could ever tell now much love he hath given us in ic. Secondly, His love is great in quickning us with Chrift (Eph: 2. 4. J God who is rich in mercy, for the great hove wherewith he hath loved us, even when we were dead in fins, hathquickned us together mth (fhrift. His love both in redeeming and quickning us is f© great, than while we are called to the greateft ftudy after the knowledge of, we are told we cannot know the greatnefle of it, ( Eph: 3 . 18. ) That you way know the Love of God which paffeth knowledge. I will not ftay upon this Attribute, the Greatnefle of Cod, onely take thefe five briefe inferences from it ; God is Great. Then Firft , God can doe great things, thegreatefi things, for us ; eve- ry thing is in working as it is iH being ; they that are but little, can doe but little ; God being great in his being,that is,in his power, in his wifdome, in his goodnefle, in his mercy, how eafily can he .doe great things | The Scripture is abundant in fhewing forth ttiQ great things which God hath done, and will doe, 2 Sam: 7. 22, 2 3 . fob 5. 9 . Pfah 71.19. ?fal:%6. I o. Tfal- 92.5. Vfal: 1 1 1 . 2. Tfal: 126.2, 3. Pfa/.- 136.7, 17. Joel 2. 21. The workes of God in all ages and in all places, have borne the ftamp of and • given reftimony to his excellent Greatnefle. We fay, There is nothing great to a great mmd, or to a man of a great fpirit. A Great ipirited m?n will overcome not only great difficulties, but feem- ing impoffibilities, yea he is glad to meete with greateft difficul- ties, becaufe they march the greatnefle of his mind. Then cer- tainly the Great God, doth nothing but great, and can doe the greateft things. 'Tis no matter how great rbe things are which H h 2 we /- 2}6 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of Job. Verf.rr we have need co be done for us, if we can buc intereft the Great God in the doing of them. God can doe great things in waves of mercy for his people , and he can doe great things in wayes of judgement againlt his enemies. Though his enemies be Great Oakes and Cedars,he can hew them downe (Amos a. 9. J Though his enemies be as great as the greaceft mountaines,he can remove and level them ; Who a>t thouiO great mount ame before Zoroba- bell, thou jhah become a flame ( Z.ech:'4. 7. ) that is, the great power of God, with Zrrobubell^cm overthrow or overturne thofe powers which oppofe eg (land in the way of his Church and.peo- ple, though they appeare as inseparable and immoveable as a Great Mountaine. Secondly , If God be Great, then he can pardon great tram- grelfioris ; you that are great finners feare not. Were not God a great God, the leaft of our fins could not be pardoned ; were not he gre.it in mercy, and great in goodnelTe, our hearts would fayle us, yea our faith could have no bottome to come to him for the pardon of our great fins ; But why fhould great fins difecurage us to aske their pardon of. God, who is great in mercy ? 'David ma^Je the greatnefle of his fin his argument to move the Lord to pardon it (Pfal: 25.11.) Pardon my fin for it is great • who could 1'peak thus, unlefle he had that upon his heart that he (pake to the great God, who is greater in nothing, and hath magnified his greatnefle in nothing more then inaels.of mercy toGreateft finners ? Thirdly,. If God be a great God ; then he mufl have great fervices and duties ; He muft have great praife ( Pfal: 48. ifj great is the Lord and greatly to be praifedthz melt have great love, we mull love him even with all our heart,and with all our might. He mud have great feare ( Pfal: 89. 7 J Great faith( Math: 1 ^. 28.) Great honour from all his people. When David was about to make great preparations for the building of the Temple, he' faith ( 1 Chren:tzp. 11.) Thine O Lord is oreatncfj'e, and thefower^ •and the glory ,&c. And when Solomon was*about to build the Tem- ple, he faith ( 2 Chron: 2. 5. )The houfe which 1 build is great , for great is our God above all Gods. We fee 'David prepared and Solomon builded in proportion to the God for whom the one pre- pared and the other built a houfe. Thus I may fay of all you doe for God or co God, let ic be the greateft your ftocke and ability can: Chap. 33. An Expo/: tion upon the Bool^of j B. Verf. I». 1^7 cm reach to, becaufe he is a great God. The Lord himfelfe ufeth that argument by the Prophet to urge his people to doe their u-t- moit in whatsoever they were called to doe ( Mai: 1, 14 J (fur- fed be the deceiver which hath a male In hisfloche , and vorveth and facrificeth to the Lord a corrupt thing ; ( that is, who when he is able to performe a greater fervice to the Lord,purs him orf with a lefler owz)for I am a great King^janh the Lordofhoftsy&c.Thzrz- fore take heed of putting me off with weake female fervices,I ex- pect a male, your be(t, that fervice which is molt fpirituall and maiculine. Fourthly , If God be great, then,they who are but little them- felves, having an intereft in God, may doe great things too. The leaft creature having an inrerefWn the great God, is as great, yea inrinireiy greater then the greateft in the world, who itand in their owne ftrength. Mofes faith (Dettt.- 4. 38. T>w:q. 1. ) that the prefence of God with Ifrael was fuch, that by it they o~ vercame Nations, greater and mightier then they ; their little™ nefle did not hinder them, becaufe the great God was with them in their workes and waves ; yea God loves to uie fmall inftru- mems,thac hii owne greatneile who is the efficient may appeare.. That quefiion which was twice put in the Prophet ( Amos 7. 2, 5, ) is very often put in that cafe ; By whomjhall Jacob r.rife ? far he is [mall. That which made it fo questionable whether faccb ihould rife, was his fimllnefs ;• And could we remember the Greatnefs of the God of Jacob^vz ihould either never make fuch queftions, oreahly anf.yer them. Fifthly, Seeing God is great, we ihould be al waves afcribing greatneiie to God, we ihould lift him up in his greatnefle. Thus Mojes exhorted others ( De-At: 32. 3. ) Becaufe I will publish the r*me of the Lord, afcribe ye greatneffc to our God. And David at once prophccieth the fame of others, andproniiferh it for feim- ielfe ( Pfal- 145. 6. ) Men Jhall fyeake of the might of thy terrible Alls, and /will declare thy grcatnejfe. Againe , Confider thefe words as they are expretfed compa- ratively, God is greater then max; As God is great,fo greater then- the greateft men. God is great above all Gods ; that is, above all the Kings and Princes of the earth. Now I know ( fayd Jeihro, Exod: 18. 1 1 . ) that God is greater then all Gods ( greater then Bharsah and his Egyptian Princes ) for in the th'wg wherein they dealt 2 ? 8 Chap. $ 3 . An Ex^ofition upon the Boo\^ of J o b. Verf. 1 2 dealt proudly he was above them. David challenged all the Gods on Gods behalfe (Pf*l-' '77.1 l.)Who is fo great a God as our God ? Let any man name him if he can ; He is a God above all Gods, that is, above the greateft powers in this world who are called Gods. Thus Chrift comforts believers with an alltirar.ee of fafety for ever ( John 10. 29. ) My father is greater then all, then the devill and all. Bucfome may fay , who knoweth not this that God is Great, or that he is greater then men or devills?Jo£ himfelfe fpake much of this fubjedt, yea his friends made it their bufinefle to exalt the greatnefle of God, as we may fee in feverall paflages of this Hooke. So that Elihu feemeth to fay no more here, then had been fayd already, and doth no more then hath been done already. Is not this then a cold way of arguing to tell Job that which he knew alreaity ? For a'rriwer to this I fhall ftay a while ( as was promifed ) be- fore I goe off from thefe words,to fhew why though for the mat- ter this is no more then hath been fayd already ; that, yet Elihu had reafon to bring this argument for the conviction of J*£, that God is greater then man ; for though the GreatnelTe of God hath been often fpoken of in the courfe of this difputation, between Job and his friends , yet neither Job nor his .friends did handle or improve it to that roynt, or in that extent , as here intended by Elihu, as may appeare by thefe following Confederations. Firft , When Elihu fpake of the greatnelTe of God, we are not to underftand this greatneffe abftractly or alone, but concreetely or in conjunction with his goodnefle and righteoumefle, with his mercy and faithfulnefle, &c. Job confefled the greatnefle of God,- but he feemed to intimate feverall things, to the difpa- ragement of the goodnefle, mercy, and righteoumefle of God. For though in his frequent complainings he did not queftion,yet he did much darken and ebfeure thefe Divine perfections. And therefore Ehhu fpeaking of the Grcatneffeoi God, urgeth it in conjunction with all his perfection?, and indeed they cannot be dif-joyned, except in notion or difcourfe. Secondly , Elihu inflfted fo much upon the greatnefle of God, tn hun ble Job, and to convince him ihat he had deneomifle, in bis bold appeales 10 him and complaints, about his dealing vich him. Elihu doth wifely to hold out the greatnefle and fove- rtignty Chap. 35. An Exfofit'wn upon the BooJ^ of J B. Verf. 12. 2; 9 raignty of God , for the keeping downs and repretficn of hfs unhumbkdfpirk. Thirdly , El'ihn mannagetn this argument for another end and 1 purpoiCj then his friends did*. They uied ic to prove Job was wic- jced or ha i done wickedly in the former paflages of his life ; He to fhew that Job ought to be patient under and quietly fubmic to the prefent providences of God. Fourthly , This argument which El'ihn brings from the great - neile of God, hath not at all the leile force in it, becaufe ground- ed upon lo common and generally received a principle, f he great- neffe of God ; yea, it hath therefore the greater force in it ; for what is more unreafonable then for man to intimate any thing which reflects upon God, or to complaint of what God doth ; when as God, by the common confent of all reafonable men, doth infinitely furpafle all men, both in greatnefle, and in righte- oufnefle, both in Juftice, and in goodnefle. When the greatnefle ofGod appeares in all thefe things, what can be more unreafo- nable then for man to infinuate any thing complainingly concern* ingGod. From the confederation of this f^ope which Sllku hzd. In arguing from the greatnefle of God ;. Note. We may Jpeak* and believe aright, that Cjod is great, and thai he is greater then man, and yet not anfwer it in our pracrife, nor be duly ajfecled with it. Elihvt did not at all queftion whether Job thought God grea- ter then himfelfe ; that was not the poynt in controverfie : but he faw this principle was not anfwered in J^prac~tife,or thac he did not demeane himfelfe iutably to the Greatnefle ofGod,which he had proclaimed to o:hers , and profefled himfelfe to believe. And thus it is with many,moft of all with thofe under great temp- tations and prefling afflictions. How apt are they to fpeake and act below, yea beiide thole principles which they believe and hold forrh in their profeffion. It is an eafie matter to fay, and in words to acknowledge what God hath revealed himfelfe to be, but O how hard is it to live and walke up to fuch fayings and ac- knowledgements ? Many tell us, God is greater then man, yet while they doe not fully fubject themfelves to God,they in e(£e I anfwer, though all agree ( and the teftimony of the Spirit of God is enough to continue ir, though all fhould not agree ) that the patience of Job was exceeding great, yet no man may fay (nor doth the Spirit of God, in Scripture, fay it) that his patience was perfect ; his patience was fuch as exceeded the mod , yea ( for ought that we know ) the belt of men, yet his was but the patience of a man, of a man compared about with the like paffi- ons as other men. His patience was fincere and without hypo- crite, but his patience was not compleare nor without infirmity ;■■ or his patience ( we may fay ) was perfect as ro the kind, but it was not perfect as to the degree. His patience deferred both commendation and imita- ion; yet he fhewed (at times) fuch impatience as deferved reproofe, and fhould not he imitated but mortified and avoyded. Good men doe not only act Jeffe in goodnefle fometimes, but ill and much amilfe. And while we fee talleft Cedars fayle ( they ilia 11 not utterly fall, Job did not ) Let himthatthinkethhefiandeth (that is, who hath a ftrong opinion of his owne Itrength ) take heed left he fall , ( as the Apoftle cau- tions him, 1 Cor: 10. 12. J for even the impatient complaints of Job in his iurrerings(like thofe furferings of the Ifraelites for their fins fpoken of in the former verfes of that Chapter) fell from him for an enfample ( or type ) and are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Thus you fee the reafon why Elihu tooke up this common prin- Hu ' 'Defendant. Striving is taken in this fence and joyned with war- ring in the description of that conreft which Jephtah had vvkh the King of the Children of Amman ( Judg: 1 1..45. ) And now art ihm any thw% better then Balakjhe [on &f Zer> and fo the text might well enough be rendred here out of the originall, he anfwereth not. W-Broughton faith, He mil not fpeake for all hi* dealings. If If any man demand of God a rea r on of his doings , he may chufe whether he will give it him or no : He will not be brought to a reckoning:Htf will not Joe needeth nvt to anfwer, or give an account Of any $fhu matters, or, of any of his words. IT lift ^7D "Hs frequent in rhe Hebrew to exprefle matters or things, by this word, which in ftriimefs fignifieth but a word. (Chap: 19. it.) Seeing the root of the. matter (the text is the root of the word ) Chap. 3 3- An Expofimn upon the Booi^of ] o s. Verf. 13. 24 <> word ) is found, in me . So here, He giveth not account of any of his words cr matters. Agiine, The originall faith, Hegiveth not ac- count of all his matters. We tranflate full and right to che fence, when we lay, H* giveth not account of any of his matters , For the incasing of Elihu is not that God giveth an account of fome ( though that be a truth ) but not indeed of all his matters, he hach fome referved cafes and counfels , but his meaning is, thac he is not oblidg'd to give any man an account of lb much as of any of his matters. And then, that univerVall is to be ta^en diftribu- tively, A'lfor any. So we render it ( Pfak 147. 20 J where the ^ j 1 Pialmift lhewing the fpeciall priviledges of Cods people, faith, ^ '^ ' He hath not dealt fo with all nations ; We tranflate more empha- tically, He hath not dealt fo with any nation. God was fo far from giving rhe lame priviledge to all nations , which he gave to his Jfraely that he gave not the fame to any nation. As if he had fayd, Cjodhath honoured his peculiar people with peculiar favour /, goe en- quire and fear ch all the nations of the world , and ye (hall not pic^e out a people up 3 n whom Cjod hath befiowed fuch rich and precious mercies, at he hath upon his Ifrael. And to this day the Ifrael of God in every nation enjoy fuch fpirituall priviledges and mercies as the Nations with whom they are civilly mingled know not of. But, to the poynt ; Thus here, Hegiveth not account of all; that is, nut of any of his mutters. Moft of theGreeke tranflaters render (according ro the ftricl- m .,■ . -netfe of the letter ) nor matters but words ; why doll thonfirive ?£' jJV „ .'£" • lit r 1 1 • 1 r J 11 vocas in With him ? for his wards arejuch at towh ch none can anjwer. As judicium ? om* if the meaning ©f Elihu were ; when God fpeakes, no man is able nesenimfermo- to reply upon him, or contradict him. Hisfajings are indeed irre- "f* */** fim* fragable. Thus they glofle their tranftation ; why dift thou call 'fjjfa&Vth him into Judgement, or fir ive -with him ? for all his fpeeches are fuch non ^/j^ ' at cannot be contradfted. IfGodoppofe, who can anfwer, andifTheod: God anfwer, who can oppofe him ? That's agoid fence, though Gra-ciin prima not a good tranflation. perfona "Hpl Some others interpret the latter part of the verfe as contain- verl>l / mets ^ in* Job's anfwer to the queftion put by Elihu in the firii part of it ; ms 'legimv* " Why dofi thoufirive with God ? (faith Elihu) To which Job is fup- VDD"t -verba pofed, replying, Becaufe he gives me not an account of my matters ; f mi 5 quq/iEli- God doth not anfwer to my words, and hereibre pardon me if I hu f ,/ ~ f ,* ; complains or ftrive with him : Ihope while I am thus unanfweredS^^. l * e ~ you eoaufw es can' tendere dicens, 346 Chap. 33. An Expojition upon the Boo]^of ] B. Verf. 13. quia omnibus y OU will hold me excufed if I move againe and againe, yea, even nSi refoo S ^ ve for an nnlwer - ^ ut t ' ie grammar of the text is againft this dzt <&c. " reading, the words being plainly in the third perfon, his matters. Bold: n °t in the lirft, my matters ; and 'tis too great a bpldnelTe with the text, to make iuch a change in the transition. Beiides 'tis more agreeable to the fcope of the.phce* to take the latter part of the ver.e as a reafon given by Ellim-, why Job lhould nor ftrive with God, then to rake it as a reafon given by Job why he did. * I find a learned tranflater among the Modernes,who raking the latter part of the verfe as a reafon given by Job of his ftnving %.w oher- wuhGodfpokenoi in the firff, yet keepes to the third perfon ; cuod'de ' m^ ^7 ^°fi t ^ )9fi fi r '' ve w,t ^ ^ im '• B eca *f e he will not give an anfwer btu rebut (uii ( or an recount J of all his matters. As iiElihu had fayd, I plainly non re/lvndeat. perceive the caufe why thou ( O Job ) art fo twqmety ami ftill per- . Jun: (ifteft ftr-vmg with Ged, '7 is even because he doth »oi anfwer thy fo often repeated defre^ to fptmmon thy appearance before him, and then to give thee an account of his proceedings with thee.But conjiderjnan? art thoH well in thy wits ? Iznoweft thou what thou doft, or jay eft ? ■wilt thoH a poore narrow-hearted creature take it ill at the hands of the great God, and as it were ftrive w'th him, bt caufe he doth not render a reafon of all his matters , a/J expand all his doings unto thee? The argument may be formed thus. Tie is not jnft or right who /trivet h with God, becanfe God doth not give him a reafon of all his actions and adminift rat ions. But thou feetneft to ftrive with Cjod, becaufe he hath not given thee an account or reafon of his admin ftrations towards thee • there- fore thou art not just . This is a faire and proper fence ; yet I frail keepe to our read- ing, and make this latter part of ihe verfe, as a ground 0: reafon ^iven by Elihu why Job ought not to ftrive with Cod, as thofe two other readings make it a reafon why he did ; As if Elihuhxd fayd, why dofl thou ftrive again ft him ? Conhder as God is greater then man,io he is ablblute in his greatnefle, or his is 3 foveraigne Orearnefle. For he vkiefl) not account of any of his matters. This I conceive the beft and cleareft rendring of thefe words, whuh thus underftood yeilds us feverall ufefuli ©bfervations ; Fiiftjiiron the whoie maiter, thus r Graciom Chap. 32. An Exfofition upon the Book^ of Job. Verf. 13. 247 4^- — -— + Gracious men doe not alwayes hold out the fame gr'acioHt frame of fpirlt. There was a time when fob was far from ftriving with God, far from doing or fpeaking any thing which had the leaf): ihadow or favour of ir. Time was, when fob was altogether for , and in fubmiiting to God ; Let God doe what he will with him, he had not a word to fay again!) him. After all the fad reports and mef- iages which were brought to him of the devaluation of his whole eftate in the field, yea of the difafterous death of all his children in one day, and at once ; did fob Drive with God ? did he utter one word of complaint, or fo much as of any diifatiffacVion ? No, - not one, but gave Glory by this confeffionjTA* Lord hath given, And the Lord hath taken , bleffed be rfje name of the Lord. Was not here a deare yeilding of himfelfe up to God , to doe what he would with him ? Did he not freely lay himfelfe low, when God had layed him ar the loweft ? who ever heard or read of a more perfect worke of patience in ameere mortall man ? Yet in the procefs of the bufinefs , fob did not onty fpeak fuch words as carried a fhadow of ftriving with God, but were reall Drivings and uncomely pleadings with him. His heart did not retaine that firft fweet fubmilfive frame throughout the affliction, which ap- peared to admiration at the beginning of it. The Date of grace abideth alwayes, 'tis not (as fome affirme) lofeable ; 'tis nof, like rhe beft things of this world periihing. But though a Date of Grace abideth alwayes, yet every mans grace ( if any mans) doth not alwayes abide in the fame ftate. A true frame of' grace ("hall never be deftroyed,but the heart of a gracious man doth not al- wayes continue in the fame frame. The heare of grace may be cooled, the bight of it abated, the flfrength of it weakned,and-rhe beauty of it faded. He that a while agoe walked and acted very humbly, may upon another temptation act very proudly,and Waljce as if he Were above all his brethren. He that one while hath act- ed very felf-denyingly, mayatanother.time act very felf-feek- ingly. He that hath acted very lovingly, ( the very law of love being Damped upon his words and workes ) may at another time act very unlovely and lovelefly, and doe things which are very much befide and below, yea contrary to the fulfilling of that roy- all Law ; He may be fo far from bearing his brothers burden, (which- 24B Chap. 33. An Exfofition upon the BooJ^ of Jo b. Verf.13. + ( which is the fulfilling of chat law of Chrift, Gal: 6. ir) chat he may be a burden to his brother.And while at one time you might have done and fpoken almoft what you would to him,and he could b^are it, at another time, doe what you can, or fpeake what you can, he is offended. -Such changes and varieties are found upon rhe moft gracious frames of ipirit, which - the bell of Saints have in this world : We have only this to hold to, the ftare of grace is unchangeable, and we are waiting for fuch. a frame of grace as lhall never change. That gracious frame in which the hand of God will ^Qt us up in the day of our refurrection to glory, fhall never change, nor decline a haires breadth to all eternity. We fhall be as pure, and as holy, and as fpiriruall,and as heavenly, and as meeke, and as full of the praile of God for ever, as ever. As full to eternity as in the very firft moment in which that glorious frame final! be fet up. But in this life to how great a degree of grace foever we attaine , we feldome retaine the fame degree, but are flowing and ebbing like the water, waxing and warning like the Moone. Job was found ftriving with God, who a little before had fo humbly fubmitted and was fo fully refigned unto him. Secondly, Obferve. 'There is a fflrh in man very apt tofirive with God. Doe ye thinke ( faith the Apoftle, Jm.* 4. 5. ) that the Scrip- ture faith in vaine, Thejpirit that drvelleth in us, lufteth to envie, or (as the margin hath it) enviottjly>{urz\y no ; the Scripture doth not fpeake this in vaine, and if any thinke it doth, their thoughts are vaine. Now, as there are hidings in men to envie againft their brethren,becaufe of the gifts and good things of God which rhey enjoyjfo there are luftings in men to difcontent againft God, becaufe of the evills which themfelves fufTer.When God feemes to contend with us, we really fall to contending with God. The waters of Meribah will be an everlafting winefs of this ; of which Mofes fayd ( Numb: 20. 1 3. ) This, is the water of Meribah, be- came the children of Tfraelfirove with the Lord, e.r,d he was fancli- .fiedinthem. The Apoftle doth more then intimate this readinefs of man to ftrive with God, while by a vehement expoftulation he -checks it, and reproves all men fo: it. ( 1 Cor: 10. 22. ) Dee we provoke the Lord to jealoufie? areweftronger then he ? They pre- fume Chap. 33. Ah Bxpoftion upon the BooJ^'ef Jos. Verf. 13. 249 fume much upon their ftrength, who are forward to ftrive, they efpecially who provoke and challenge ochers to ftrive with inem. There is a fpirit in man which flouts it with God, even to a pro- vocation of ftrife with him. • But you will fay, When may we be fayd to ftrive with God ? I anfvver, we doe it thefe foure wayes. Firft , Man ftriveth with God by difobeying his commands ; that's a ftrife with his holinefs. The lawes of God beare the imageor ftampeofhisholinefs. Alldifobedience is an unanfwe- rablenefs to the Law, wilfull diibbedience is a making voyd the Law. He that is refolved to fin, wilTieth there were no Law to ftop him from finning, or to punifh him when he hath finned. What greater ftrife can be railed againft the Law-giver, then to wiih he had given no fuch Law ? Secondly , Mefl ftrive with God, by not believing or diftruft- ing his promifes. That's a ftrife with his faitkfulnefs, or with his power. Unbeliefe is one of the worft wayes, if not the worft of all the wayes of ftriving with God. The reafon why that place at the rock in Horeb was called Meribah ( Exod: 17. 7. ) was- be- caufe the people did not believe. They thought they muft dye with thirft in the wildernefc when they law no water. They fell to this fin againe a fecond time upon the like occafion, while they abode in Kadefh ( Numb: 20. 1, 2, 3. ) And as the people ftrove there with God by their rebellious unbeliefe, fo alfo did Mofes and Aaron by their unbeliefe, that God would give water to inch retells, as it follows in the fame Chapter ( v. 10, 11, 12. ) There is no fin fo often, or fo properly called a provocation as unbeliefe is. Yea by unbeliefe we ftrive fo much with God, that we are fayd to weary him ( Ifa: 7. 1 3. ) O how doe they weary God, who either thinke him fo weake that he cannot, or fo • unfaithfuli that he will not make good his word, or performe his promifes! The firft of cheie is alvvayes in unbeliefe, the latter often. Thirdly , We ftrive wi'h God by not bearing his hand, or by our impatience under the crols which his hand layeth upon us : while we cjuarrell with the rod, we quarrell wirh God whocha- fteneth us with it. This was the moft fpeciall way in which Job ftrove with God ; and the finfulnefs of it,hath been feverall times • toucht upon in this booke. K k Fourthly, ' -#.*. 2^0 Chap. 3;. An Exception upon the Book, of Job. Verf.13' Feurtbly,any murmuring word about,yeaany difcotented thought with our owne condition, though not vented by words, rhough it be kept in, and lye clofe in the bofome, is a ftriving with God. And lb likewife is any tumulruating thought about his provi- dences towards others, and his (bring of arfaires in the world. * Now as there is fuch a finfuli principle in man ta ftrive with Cod ; fo confidering, as hath been fhewed, how many wayes it wo: kes ( and many more wayes of its working might be fhewed, this, I fay, being confidered ) we may be found ftriving with God before we thinke otic, yea while we oppofe the very thought of it. Therefore ( zi'GamaUel warned the J ewes ^ faying (Ails 5. 39. ) Take heed, what ye doe, left haply ye be found even to fight againft God ; Thofe J ewes did not thinke their oppoiing the Mef- i'engers and Minifters of Chrift, was a fighting againft God ; But Gamaliel told them piainelyit was. So in many other cafes, we may do & fay that which brings us under the fame charge of dri- ving with or againft God , though we have no purpole ( as Job bad not ) to ftrive withhim. Againe, As this text fhevveth us Jeb ftriving with God, fo it fheweth us Eliktt ftrivirtg with or queftioning Job about it. This cjueftion or exportation-, why Aoft thm ftrive with him ? was a. but the finful— neffe of it. Hence note. To ftrive with God ( in any of thofe wayes before defer ibed ) k a fin exceed'ingJmfu'U !, How. Chap. 33. An Expofttion upon the Boo'^of Job, Verf. 1 3. i%\ How extreamly f.nfull it is for man to ftrive with God, ap- peares by all the relative duties of man to God : Every fervnnt: and fon of God, is bound, firft, to fubmit to God ; is it not ex- ceeding finfull to ftrive where we ought to fubmit ? Secondly, Every godly man by thefts relation? to God, is bound ro be con- tent with ( which is more then barely te fubmit to ) all his deal- ings ; Doe not they fin, who inftead of being content, ftrive with God becaufe he dealesib with them ? Thirdly, Man oughr, not only to be content, but to be well-pleafed with what God do:h ; How^arre are they departed f;om a well-pleafednetle with God, who ftrive againft him, which is an act of high difpleafure e It is fayd of 'David ( 1 Sam: 3. 7,6. ) Jthatfoever the King di& pleafcd all the people. The people did not fay to David their King , doe what you vvill,we will be pleaied with it ; But David was lb gra- cious a Prince, fogood a King, that he did nothing that was juit* ly difpleaiing to th$jf»eople. 'Tis-moie then comes to the fhare of a.man, though a King to fay, Let him doe what he will, we will be pleafed with it, but 'tis certainly our duty to fay to God, Doe what you will, doe your pleafure with us , and to us , we will ( through grace ) be pleaied with it. Is k not very hnfuil to -ftrive with him about any thing he doth , in and with all whale doing we ought to acquieffe, and be well pleafed ? Fifthly , Thefe words, why do ft thon ftrive with him ? impoii: •a high preiumption in thofe who doe fo. Hence c'bferve. Striving with God is a preempt mm (in. The Prophet faith, ( Ifa: 45. 9. ) Woe nnto him that ftriveth With his maker . Let the potfherd ftrive with the potjherds of the earth : Shall the clay fay to him that fafhteneth /A, what makjft thou f or thy w>rk^ he hath no hands ? When the Prophet faith, Let the potfherd ftrive with the pstjhcrds of the earth ; his meaning is, let man ftrive with .man, but let not any man prefume to ftrive with his maker ♦, for then the potfherd itriveth vvich the potter. In all which he doth not encoirage man to ftrive with man, ( though his match ) but fheweth how infurferable a boldnefs it is for any man ( how"m%chlefle foever among men ) to ftriye with God. The King oijudah having lent a challenge ro the King of fftacl^ He returned this afifwer ( 2^/^14. 5;. ) The thrftle K k 2. that 252 Chap. 33. An Exptfitton upon the Bool^of Jo*. Verf. 13.. that was in Lebanon fent to the Cedar that was in Lebanon, &c. As it he had iayd, What a prefumption is it for a thifUe toequall e with a Cedar ? and therefore he advileth (v. 10.) Thou. ited [mitten Edam, and thy heart hath lifted thee up : glory -> , 1 and tarry at horde ; for why (honldefi then meddle to thy hurt, that ihm\ ikon/deft fall , thou and Jndah with thee ? As if he had. i.iyd, 1 lion canft get nothing by medling with me but blowes, and rnolt probably, thine owne mine toboote. Now if an earthly. Karig ihall look upon it as a preemption for another King his. equall indignity to contend with him, how much more may the God of heaven, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, count . it an high preemption for any. nun, though the greateft King on ©arch, to flrive with him ? : Sixthly , We ufe to fay to thofe who acl: foolifhly, Why doe you thus ? -And therefore when £//7w-faich to J oh, why do]} than- firhe againfi him f ■ We learne. Striving with (jod is afoolifh and a most irrationaH thing. Sinners are fooles, all fin is folly, irrationallky isftampt uporj every fin. Striving with God is a hn fo eminently fooliih as may- carry away the bell, for foolillinefle, from all . other fins. I will give you three things, to fhew why it niklt needs be fo. Firfl, We cannot helpe our felves by driving with God* Chrift argues the folly of inordinate cares from this ground ( Math: 6. 27. ) Which of yon by taking thought can addt one cu- bit wto his fiat tire ? It is not mans care, but the prelence and blelfing of God which encreafeth both the ltarure of man and his eftate. Cares may breake our fleepe, yea breake our hearts, but they cannot fill our puries, nor heighten our perfons, either in a naturall or in a civill notion. Is it not then a foolifh thing to take inordinate care ? is it not greater folly to If rive with- God ? Seeing as by caring you cannot get any of the good things »f the world, fo by ftriving with God, you cannot get orf any of thofe evills which he layeth upon you. Secondly, Is it nor a very foo- lifh thing to lirive with God, leeing we are fofarre from helping our felves out of trouble by ir, that we doq^ur increafe our trou- ble, and the more entangle our felves by it ? What doe we by ftrugliag but ftraiten the. bonds of our affliction, and get weari- nefle-> __. — — — — ' Chap. 33. --dti Expojttion tipon the Bool^of Job. Verf. 13. 253 nefle, in ftead of expe&ed eafe ? [ill we are quiet wichGod, how can we hope that he fhould fend us quietnefs ? Thirdly, It is a fooiilh thing to (frive wkh God, becaufe by driving with him in reference to any mifery that is upon us , we hinder our felves from taking comfort in any remaining mercy. Though God takes away many mercies, yet while life remaineth there is fomewhat of mercy rtrm lining. When Job was. (tripped to his skin , yet he had tomewhai. left, which was aground of his blelling God. The crreateft Iooie s hive omewhat left, they eicape at lealt ( as Jet? fayd he aid at Wt.r(f, Chap: 19. ao. J with the skin of their teeth. But while we (f ■ ive with ^od about the mercies we have lo(t, we loofe the comfoi t ot all the mercies we (fill enjoy. And is it noc extreame folly ro deprive our felves of what we have by com- plaining aboiK wha r we have noc ?. Why do ft thon firive ? Thus much from the emphafis of the former part of the verfe,as 'tis put into a chideing or reproving queft ion, Why daft thou firive againfi him f Fiom the latter branch. JJe glveth not account of any of his matters, Obferve. Firft , The power and dominion of God is abfdute. God is not fubjeet to any reckonings with man whatsoever. he doth. He that may doe what he will, and can doe notning but - what is right, neither may nor can be bought to any account for what he hath done. He that is unaccountable is abiolutt in power. Further , God needs not give man any account, u^on thefe three grounds. Ftrft,He owerhnoman any thing; He hath re- ceived nothing of us, and if a man ha h nor received, he needeth; »ot account. They that have any v\\\ f om men, are todve ac- count. But what hath God r eceived fr >m man ? Man receive* hi ? all from God. Why then fl: ould God give any account ? - Secondly , Confider, the Lo d ha r h wronged no man, no- ci he. He is in'nirely juft and righteous in HI hi* vytyas \ i no only doth iuft rhings, but thing> are iuft • becaufe he doth h n) . "Why fhould he give an account of any of hi* m.irrers,^v ; r> a ■' the r doth nor can doe any matter which is un uft. If we en v and were fully allured of a man ( in wh©fe hands we have » muck)' ■ - • — --■ --"- -•' • - - , i i „ 1. jtm^'..T ' ' ".. f i '• »■ ' ^ - *54 Chap. 33. ^ E xf option Hfonihe Book^of J o B. Verf. i? # much ) that he were fo juft, that he would not ( though he had ■ opportunity ) deceive us of a farthing, we would never call him to an account. As it is fayd of thofe treasurers in the ftory of the Kim>s ( 2 Kifi^s 12'. 15...) They reckoned, not with the men bite tvhofe hand they delivered the mo?;ej to be beftowed on workmen , for they dealt faithfully. An example hardly to be parallel'd in an age by the ions of men. Many are more delirous of trufts,then carefull to difcharge them ;They love to have much treafure paile through their hands, that ibme of it may, in pallage, Hip into their owne pockets and purfes.Juftice and fauhuilnet's are rare Jewels among men, and therefore it is but need they fhould have a check upon them, and be called to an account. But the hdlyGod is altoge* ther juft and faichful^therefore to what purpole ihould he be cal- led to an account. Let us reft quiet in this acknowledgement, That he whofe will is the higheft reafon,can doe nothing without reafon. Man was created under God, and then he returnes to the order of his creation, when he prefers the judgement of God, even when he doth not underftand k, before his owne. Thirdly ^ There is no man, no nor Angel, that hath any au- thority to call God to an account. They that are accountable to rt™ndim& oc ^ ers > are unc ^ er *hei r power, either as being in degree above ed condition* £ bem,or as having made a compact & covenant with them(though grdinem redit, their equalls ) to give them an account. But who ll-.aH call God tptandofbi u ' the moft high over all the earth. ( Pfal . 8 3 . 1 8 . ) Againe, This is as true if we refpect the private or perfonaU eftate of any man. If God makes a man poor in eftate or dcfpifed in the World ; if he imke him fick or weak in body, he mull not fayunquietly, why doth God thus ? If he taketh away our Rela- tions, if he empty our families we muft not ftrive with him.When old Sly had received one of the faddeft meflages that ever was fentman. It is the Lord ffaidhe) let him doe what Jeemeih him good ( 1 Sam. 3. 18. ) So T>avid ( Pfal. jp. 9. ) .1 was dumb, I opened not my mouth, becaufe thou did ft it (Pfal. 62. I.) Truly my foul waiteth patiently upon God. The word is, my foulisfiUnt before God. And (Pfal. 42. 5.) Ho.v doth David chide his foul for making a noyfe ? why art thou difquieted O my foul, hope thou in God. Bur you will fay, May we not at all ftrive ? what ever God doth in the World, or with us, miiil we fit downe under it, or reft latisrled in it, and fay nothing ? Ianfwer, Firft, we may and ought to be very fenfible of all the dealings of God. But we muft not be unquiet under any of them. It is one thing to feele the fmart, and another thing to difpute the rod. Some are under a kind of Stoicall ftupidity; they doe not; ftrive with God, becaufe they doe not mind what God do:h, they are not fenfible. Others are flout, fturdy, and proud fpirited,they care not for the croffe, they (light and defpife rebukes. Thus or upon thefe grounds not to ftrive with God is as bad, if not worfe then that ftriving with him which this poynt diftwades and difap- proves. We may, yea we ought to take notice of every ftroak we receive from God. L 1 Secondly a $3 Chap. 53. An Exfofition upon the Book of J ». Verfllf, Secondly, As we fhould be fenfible of the hand of God at any- time upon us, fo we may pray for the removing of his hand j "lis no: a finfull but a gracious a&, to ftrive with God by prayer for deliverance out of trouble. Thirdly, A man under the.Rod may ufe means to get it off,and free himfelte from it, even wjiife he is quiet under it. So then,the quietnefle of mind in our afflicted condition here intended and prefled,is oppofed only,firft,to fretting and repining.Secondly, to vexing and tumultuating. Thirdly, to diftra&ing. cares. Fourth- ly, to defponding fears. Fifthly, to killing forrows. Sixthly, to uncompofednefle of fpirit for our callings. Seventhly, to hard thoughts of God. Eighthly, to the ufing of any unlawfull meanes to help or refcue our felves out of the hand of evill. And that we may be preferved from all thefe ftrivings againft God, and unquiemefle of fpirit under any of his faddeft and dark- eft difpenfations, which will certainly run us upon fome of,if not all thofe eight moft dangerous rocks, laft mentioned, Let me lay down a few confederations, why we ifhould not ftrive with God in fuch a manner : And prefcribe fome prefervatives to keep us at the greateft diftance from it. Firft, Confider, to ftrive with God dishonours God and dar- kens his glory;for hereby we call his wifdomeand goodnelfe, yea his truth and faithfulnefle to. us in queftion. What can be done more difhonourable to God then this?God refented it as a great difhonour,that Mofes and Aaron did not fanclifie />«w(thac is,give glory to his name) before the children of Ifrael (Num: 10.12. )ind therefore told thtm y Te jhall not bring the ■ children of Ifrael into the land which J have given them. As if he had fayd, Ye have not honoured me as ye ought in this thing, and therefore I will not honour you in that. But what is it, that Mofes and Aaron did not janftifieGod in ? it was ( faith the text ) in not believing. And what is that ( at beft ) but a ftriving with God, as to the truth •£ his word and his faithfulnefle in fulfilling it. ? Secondly, Such ftriving with God hinders the exercifeof grace, and ftops the worke of the new creature. He that ftriveth with God by way of murmuring, can never ftrive with God by graying and believing. Thirdly , Such ftrivings with God are the exercifings of our kfts and corruptions. Then is the time fox anger and difcontenr, Chap. 33. An Expojition upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 12. -259 or any evill affection 1 come forth and a£t their parr. Fourthly, Striving with God is an argument that fin hath much ftrength in us , and that corruption hath got a mighty hand over us. Fifthly , Striving with God layeth us open to all the tempta- tions of Satan, to all the fiery darts of the Devill. Our ihield is gone, when once we ftrive with Goa, who is our fhield in all Sa- tan* drivings and aiV Fifthly, Know, afflictions are the portion of the people of God in this life. Theyare the corrections of a father, andthe'e is m> fon but hath his correction, or may b.ve it. And fhall wa' ftrive with God for fending us our portion, our fon-like, child-like portion r * Sixthly, I would fay this to believers , Why will :ye '.ftrive ■ with Chap. 33. An Expoftlon nfon the Bool^ of Job. Verf. 13. 261 i~ with God about any of your affli&JKis ? they are for your good and benefit. And will ye ftrive with God , becaufe he is doing you good ?• let your afflictions be never fo fad, never fo fore , and to fence never fobad, yet God is doing you good by them ; be not angry with your ©wne good ? Laftly , Why.doe we ftrive with God under our afflictions • He lovCth us as' much under affliction, as in a profperous conditi- on. God is tender to his in their troubles, and fhall they.be harfh to him, when he is fo tender towards them ? A parent that hath but nature, will tender his child moft when' ficj< and weak , and will not God ? Let us take heed we be not found ftriving with, ©r having bard thoughts of God while the bowels of his moft tender companions are moving towards us. To fhut up this whole poynt. As Chrift when he faw his Dif- ciples in danger to be carried away with the feare of man , faith •to them ( Luke 12. 4, 5. ) Be not afraid of them that can k}U the body y and after that have no more that they can die ; But I mil ferervame you, whom ywfball feare • feare him, which after pe Joath killed hath foiver to cajl into hell , yea 1 fay unto you, feare him. Now,a$ becaufe men are apt to feare, yea moftly to feare that which they fhould not, Chrift fheweth them whom to feare, So ( as hath been (hewed ) becaufe men are very apt to ftrive, but they commonly ftrive with thofe, and about thofe things, which they fhould not. Therefore I wiH tell you with whom and with what ye fhould ftrive. If ye will needs be ftriving, pray Firft, Strive with the fin in your owne bofomes, ftrive with- your owne lufts and corruption?. One of the great Gofpel du- ties which we are called to, is to mortifie our earthly members. To ftrive with all inordinate affections, with pride, wuh envie, with love of the world, and with uncharitablenefle to the death, is our duty, if ye will needs ftrive, ftrive with thefe. Secondly , If you will needs be ftriving, then ftrive with the * fins of others in a gracious and zealous manner, as Nehemlah did, who contended with the Nobles for their prophanation of the Sabbath, and their unlasvfull marriages ( Nth: 13.1y.dri5. ) we fhould ftrive with ons another to hinder that which is evill. Gideon broke downe Baals altar , he ftrove with Baal^apd was therefore firnamed femhbaal (Judg: 6. 3 2.) So let us^Tve with the corrupt pra&ieesjcourfes, and cuftomes of the times, we live is, 262 Chap. 55. An Exfofition upon the BooJ^ of J B. Verf.13* in, not d illy and comply wujfcthem as many doe. The Apoftle faith ( Heb: 1 2. 4. ) Ye have not jet rejijled unto bloody ftriving aga'wfifin. That is^eicher the fin of others, or the fin which o- thers would force you to. Though we ihould ftrive againft our owne fins efpecially, yer 'tis good to ftrive againft fin in whom- foever we fee it. Thirdly , If you will be ftriving, then ftrive with Satan, The Adverfary ; Submit to God , and rejifi the Devill, containe the whole duty of man, ( James 4. 7. ) Our bufineffe is not to ftrive with God, but to^fubmit to him ; And our bufineffe is not tofub- mit to the Devill, but t© ftrive with him. How doe moft run a contrary courie ? They refift God , and fubmit to the Devill. O fad ! Here's a threefold bleffed ft'rife ; Firft, Strive with the lufts and corruptions of your owne heart? ; Secondly , Strive with the fins of others, and their foliicitations of you to fin:f hird!y,Strive with the Devill and his temptations. Doe nor ftrive with*God, why fhould we ftrive with God at any time., or in any thing, whom at all times, and in all things, we ought to ferve, honour and obey ? So much of this chideing queftion, in which Elihtt reproves Job , and he had given but too much occasion for it.* Why dofi thon ftrive with him % hcgiwth not account tf any of his matters. « — - - JOB, Chap. 33. An Exfofttion ttfen the Bool^of Job. Verf. 14. 263 JOB. Chap. 33. Verf. 14. Tor Godf^eaketh once^ys^ tmce^yet vtanpcrcciveth it not. ^ I N this verfe and the context following,E///># begins his fecond anfwe'r to J^which is alio continued to the end of the Chap- ter. His anfwcc is layd downe. Firft , In generalise the 14th verfe. Secondly , In particulars by wayof inftance, from the 1 5 verfe to the 29th.. Thirdly, He fummes up or .recapitulates the whole of his difcourfe, in the 29th and 30th verfes. Fourthly, Concludes, ferioufly inviting Jok-zo anfwer what he had fayd, as alio, what he had yet to fay, verf- 31, 22, 33. This 14th verfe hath fonie difficulty in it j And though the erode and various thoughts ofjnterpreters about it have made it more difficult , yet there is one thing wherein all Center and agree ; That, Elthu in this 14th verfe and fo forward propounds certaine wayes by which God is pleafed to reveale a/id manifeft himfelfe unto man. Firffyo humble and bring man to a true fence of himfelfe ; Secondly, to worke in him an acknowledgement of his great goodneffe and righteoufnefle in all his dealings with the children of men. For having fayd at the r3 c h verfe, God gives not Account of any of his mutters j He is above all reckonings > and dajj.es of Audit ( having thus, I fay, afferted the abfolute fo- veraignty of God over man ) he adds, to mittigate and allay the. feemingfeverky of this aflertion, That although .God be fo high . and great,that he is not at all obliged to give any account of him«» ^ felfe or of his wayes to the creature, nor will allow any man to rationem red- be fobold as to ft.ive with him about, orqueftionany of his mat- dere tenemr. ters, yet he is pleafed freely and gracioufly to condefcend unto la nto tamen- man many wayes ; and not only once but ofcen; not only often in amo * enos co p- one way, but by feve rail wayes to give him ckare mlim ^<^^pi^ U hd%ora what his will is, whit he requires of him, and calk unto him for, forum rationes if man had but will and underftanding to perceive \vjor be jpeakj attire digne- tth once, yea, twlce^ yet man perceivetb It not. So then, manjiath ' ur > et fi^ mn ' no reafon.to complaine ( as Job fometinjes had done, and many-f^-J^ r^vatr others 2^4 Chap. 3 3- "*■ ExpJfc*" H ? on d'- B #>k. f'J-° *• Verf. 14. others in like diftrefles doe ) that he is in the darke, and doth nor perceive the minde of God towards him, -why he is fo af- flicted, and why God contended with him ; for God doth give touches, hints , and admonitions , ibmetimes more privately, ibmetimes more openly, and if man doth noj^erceive them, it is his owne faulr. • Verf. 14. Forhefteakethonce, yea tmce,.yet man pdYceivcth it not. We render the flrft word of this verfe by that caufail parti-: cle, For ; yet becaufe the text doth not ftrictly carry a reafon in it of what was fayd before, but is rather an explication or an ac- -comtmdation of it ; therefore fome begin the verfe, not with that caufall particle For , but with an adverb of time , when. So Mr Broughton , When the omnipotent fpea\eth once, &c. And the reafon of it is, becaufe we find another adverb of time anfwering this at the 1 6th verfe, When Godfpeaketh once or twice , and man terceiveth it not, &C. then he openeth the ears of men , and fealeth their infimttwn . Ks'iiEllhn had fayd ; If (peaking will not doe it, fomewhat elfe frail ; or when god having fpoken once or twice , yet findes man unattentive andunfencible, he takes' another courfe ; then he openeth the ears of men, and fealeth up their wftruttion. If they under fiand not his meaning by dreams and vifions, he will awaken them to purpofe. We fay, For God [peaketh. As if here a reafon were given why God (hould not be called at all ( as being fo great he ought not) to give man an account of any of his matters, forhefpeaket h once or twice, he is aforehand with man. For God fp'eaketh. . To fpeake, 'in ftri& fence, as fpeaking is the forming up of words by an articulate voyce, is proper to man ; yet in Scripture God is fayd to fpeake , when or howfoever he maketh knowne his mind to man. Which h^alwayes doth in fuch a way,as is moft fuitable to his owne greatnefle, with refpeft to mans weaknefle. When God giveth us any intimation of his owne will, and of our tiuty, of what he will doe lor us,or of what he would have us doe, then Chap. 33. An Expofitie-n upon the Booj^of Job. Verf. 14. 16% then he' is feyd to fpeake to us. ( Belt: 1 . i \ ) God veh at fundry timet ar.dm divers manners [pake in time pajh unto the fathers ley the Prophets, hath in thefe laft dayes[p«^en to m 4p lw. Son, God fpake to the old fathers, as at many times, or by many parts, fo in divers wayes and manners ; he delivered his mind unto the peo- ple ufually by the Prophets, and to the Prophets in dreames and Dtfl umwitu virions. The fpeaking of God was either immediate from him-^ c ^ "^JJ!J' felfe in thofe dreames and vifions to the Prophets, or mediate by e ft,etftwnfm- the Prophets. And though now God doth no: fpeake to us im- per ipfg et /im- mediately as he did to the Prophets before Chrift came in the l mtiar utfeps flefh, and to the Apoftles after he was come in the flefh, yet All ^ / |£ the Propheticall and Apart olicall writings are the fpeakings ^ i e yt qmwm God to us, befides what he dayly fpeaketh to us ( anfwerable to tandem mio . what is written ) both inwardly by rhe workings of his Spirit, and admonectt. ■ outwardly by the workes of his providence. For he Jj>e*keth Merc: once, &c. 1 Hence note. . In what way foever Godrevealeshu minde unto man, he $eakM nnto hm. Every manifeftation of the will of God to us is a Sermon • what, man fpeaketh to us according to the word of God, is to be received as the word of God. For as God fpeaketh to us, though f not formally, yet expreflely in the holy Scriptures, which are his word, fo he fpeaketh to us vertually, though not expreffely by his works. And that, Firft,by his workes of creation ; by them God is continually opening and manifefting himfelfe to man in his wif- dome, power, and goodnelfe. He fpeaketh to us , Secondly, by his works of providence, whether firft they be works of mercy ( every mercy hath a voyce in it, every blefting a fpeech ) or fe- condly, whether they -be works of judgement (Micah 6. g.J The Lords voyce cryeth unto the Que, and the man of jvif dome [kail fee thy name ; heare ye the rod, axd who hath appointed it. Sickneffes and lotles, the erodes- and troubles that we meet with in the world, cry aloud to us , efpecially when rhey make us ( as they often doe) cry aloud. As the heavens declare the glory of God, *nd the firmament fkeweth his handy rvorkf , day unto day utter eth fpeech, and night mto night [hevteth knowledge ( PfaJ: 19. 1,2.) fo thofe things that are done and acl:ed night and day, utter the M m minti %66 Chap. 33. 'jfn Exfofition upon the Bool^of J o B. Vcrf. 14,. mind and fpeak out the heart of God unto man. For God fpeaketh once , yea twice. HHfcO in urn The. Hebrew is, in once, that is, for one Tarne or Time, or by. DV*2!3 on2 nieanes or way. The word »ncc r hath a threefold hgmiicaii-- nHK /«■«»« on in Scripture, all which are applyahle to the text in hand. wfcfr Firft, Once, is as much as furely, certainly, verily, irrevoca- bly. Thus ( Pfal: 89. 3 S» J O ace h ave If" ™* by my holineffe, that I will not He unto David ; That is , I. have iiirely fworne, , certainly fworne, irrevocably fworne , my word, yea. my oath is out, and ic is immutable .$. That which God (in this fence ) once, faith, it is alwayes fayd,.or 'tis fayd for ever j, how. much more that which he fwarethPThus the Apoftle argueth(ii/^.-6.i7,i8.^ ; God willing more abundantly (or more then needed as to him and the truth of the.thing in it ielf)^ fhew unto the heires of promife the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath, that by .tveo intr mutable things, in which it is impoffiblefor God to lye ( namely, his promife and his oath) we might have firing conflation, &c. In like no ion we may expound that once, which we finde (Heb: 9.27;) Andai it is anointed unto men once to die ( or to dye once ) and after thafcometh the judgement. Some referre, 0/rr* , to dye, as if the meaning were,it is appointed unto men to dye once , that is, menmuft expect to dye a naturall death, which happens but once, and once ( at leaft equivalent^ ) will and muft happen to all men., Others referre the onee to appoint ed.'m the fence of this prefenc expofition ; It is appointed once j that is, God hath certainly and firmly appointed eftablifhed and decreed this thing , he hath ra- tified it in heaven, that men mutt dye ; This ftatute is irrevoca- ble ; The thing is appointed, and there is no reverfing or revok- ing of that appointment. This is a good fence, and futable enough to the fcope of Ehhu ; God fpeaketh once , that is, what he fpeak- eth is a fure and certain word, an infallible word j. the word [(tied for ever in heaven { Pfal: up, 89.) his promife is not only fure but mofl fure. As the Apoftle ipeakes ( 2 Pet: 1 . 1 8, 19. ) And this voyce wheh came from heaven we heard when we were with, him in the holy Mount . we have alfo a more fure ( the Compara- tive imports the Superlative, a most furejwerd of prophecy, where- unto ye doe well that ye take heed, as unto a light that fhineth in a dark,e place, mull the day dawne And the day-flarre arife in your hearts. Chap. 33. An Sxpoftion upon the BooJ^of Job. Verf. 14. 167 hum e!h 'hearts. As the whole prophecicall, To the whole hiitoricall and dofrrinall word of God is mod fure, being once fpoken it is fpo- ken for ever, And written as with a fen of iron, and the point of a "Diamond, and that upon a rocke which cannot be removed. That which was vaine-glorioufly, arid beyond the line of man , fayd of the Law of the Medes and Perjians, ( Dan: 6. 8. ) is only true of the word of God, it altereth nor. Secondly , This once fpeaking, notes the fpeaking of a thing Semel tofuiu* fofuficimly or full), thar there is enough fayd at once, and fo no %™t^ot more needs be fayd. The vulgar tranflati&n takes up this fence, «Jf«. vulg., God hath fpoken one f(that is,he hath fpoken fully offfu Anciently for JJw5 quodfuf- mans inftrucrlion and admonition at once , and therefore he trari- fit 'tenter faQum ilates the latter part of the verfc, thus ; And he doth not repeate c fi ^erarefu- it the fecend time. That which is done at once fufficiendy , needs Jfjf" not/be done a fecond time ; This is a truth ; There is a fufficien- cy and afullneife in the word of God once fpoken, there needs nothing to be added ; or as orhers expound this trandation, When once God fpeakes,that is,refolves and determines a thing, . he doth not ( as man who often repents of what he hath purpo- fed ) oring it into a fecond consideration, for he cannot erre, and therefore he needs decree but once. But though this be a truth, yet I doe not conceive it to be the meaning of this place, becaufe it doth not well agree with what goes before, and Iefle with that which followerh at the 20th verle ; Loe all thefe things worketh Cod oftentimes, or ( as our Margin hath it ) twice and thrice with man. And therefore here Elihu rather intimates the variety of thole wayes by which God reveales himfelfe to man, then the luf- ficiency of any one of them. For though we grant any one of them fuflfkient, yet God out of his abundant goodnelfe is pleafed to reveale himfelfe more waves then one, and more times then once. Thirdly , This once, may be ta"ken excluf ively ; fo in Scripture, once 'vior.ee and »0 ww^w/o* and nor againe ; or as we fay, once for all, and fo it is oppo'ed to the repeating and acting over of the lame thing. Thus slbifha iayd to David ( 1 Sam: 26. S.) God hath delivered thine enemy into thme hand this day , now therefore let me fmite him, / pray thee, with the fpeare, even to the earth at once, and I will not f mite Ivm the fecond time. Once fmiting is there oppofed to fmiting more then once j As if he had fayd, I M m i will i6ft Chap. 33. An Expfition upm the Bool^of j o b. Verf.14. will pay him home,o: riifpatch him at once,there will be no need to fetch another blow. Thus when the Afoille had fayd in the E'-dirle to \hz Hebrews (Chap: 9. 27.) It u appointed -Ant men or.ee to dye, and after this the judgement, prefemly he addeda, Sc Q-.njt was once offered to bearc the fins of many ; there al'o or.ee is oppofed to twice, or a fecond time, excluding ail repetition of the facrifke of Chrift. As 'tis fayd ( Heb: 10. 10. ) By the which will we are fantlifedjhrough the offering of the body 'of jef as C hrifl once for all. And therefore the fame Apoltte in the lame Chap- ter ( v. 26.) territieth Apolhtes with this dreadfull doome ; // we fin wi/fti/ljUfier that **» have received the knowledge of the t'rsth, there remaineth no more faery fee for fins ;that is, neither wHi Chrillgiveuphimfelfe tobe a facrifice againe for fuch as have (after light received about ir,and fome feeming clofings with it ) caft off that his facihee , nor can- any other iacrihee be given. In this fence al.o iometimes God fpeakes, once , He fpeakes once and will fpeake no more, once and not a fecond time ; though we have a twice here in the text, yet, I fay, in fome cafes atid unto fome perfons, God ipeaketh once and will not fpeake againe. Whence take this obfervation or Admonition rather. - It is dangerous ref fifing the fir ft- call, the fh fl Word of God. Poffibly, you may never heare more of him or from htm, once may be all. God may fpeak in thy cafe, not only once, that is firmly and certainly, not only once that is fuflrkiencly,but once (that is exclu- fiveIy,once) and no more forever. That moving caution of the ApofUe is grounded upon fuch a fad poH^billity as this(//^. 5.7.) wh re fore as the holy Cjhoft faith, to day if ye will heare his voyce, harden not your hearts • and again (verfi 13.) Exhort one ano- ther day ly, while it is ca\led,to day, left any of you be hardened through the deceit fullneffe of ftn. As if it had been laid ; heare to day,hear this hour of the day, for you know not, firft, whether there will be a morrow or another day for you ; fecondly,lf you have a mor- row,yet you know not whether you fhall have a word to morrow; both time and feafon, dayes and opportunities are in the hand of God ; and he that neglects the feafon of one day, harh noaflu- rance of another day,much leflfe of a feafon with the day. Who laicws whether the cock ihall crow twice or no ? polfibly the cock Chap. 33. An Expoftion upon the BooJ^ of Job. Verf. 14. 169 cock may crow but once ; in what a condition had Peter been if it had been fa wirh him, for after he had ( as Chrili notwithftand- ing all hi< confidence to the contrary, rold him {Marl^iq. 30.) cL-nycd his Matter thrice/he never called to mind the words of Ch.ift, nor had any thought of humbling himfelf for what he had dene, till ( as 'tis iaid, zerf-ji.) The fecond time the fickjrew. Every one hath not a promife ( as Peter equivalently had ) that the cock fhall crow twice, or that God will aftoard him meanes a fecond time to awaken him out of his fin. That which the Lord fpake of afflictions (hew the fullnefle of it, may alfo be ful lolled concerning his warnings and admonitions (Nabumi.y.) I will make an Htter end, affliction ftall not rife up the fecond time : We ihould hear at firft i peaking, left it. fliould prove that when the Lord hath fpoken once, he fhould make an utter end, and fay, inftruction and admonition ("hall not rife up a fecond time. And to be fure, as Abraham after he had interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah feverall times, faid atlaft ( Gen, 18.52.) let not the Lord be angry , and I willfpea^et but this once. So the Lord when he hath fpoken oft to feelers and is not heard growes fo angry, that he comes at laft and faith, I will fpeak yet but this once. God will at lafl: come to his, but once mo re to all men ; and with fome he is at his once at firft and no more for ever. There is a time when every man fhall hear his laft word, and God will fpeak but that once ; and fomtimes k is but once in all that God will fpeak. Therefore take heed, it is dangerous deferring* if God fpeaks onee,if he call & knock once,it is bur fin & folly too, that we doe not hea ken to, and open at his firft call and knock, . though the Lord doth (I gran:) ufually and moftly exe-cife much patience towards finners, calling and knocking once and againe,as it follovveth in the text, He fpeahjth once, Tea twice, or a fccor.d tipie. Severall of the Jewish writers interpret this twice -ot the two forts or waves of divine revelation which are fpoken ot in the fol- lowing parts of this context ; God fpeaks to man by vifionsand dreams, and God fpeaks to man by difeafes and ficknefies, as we fhall fee afterward. But I rather take it more generally, 10: only as to the divers manner and difiinef waves oi his fpeaking, but as to the divers times, or reiteration of his fpeaking; he fpc.iknb C9HC- 270 Chap. $ 3. An EvpoJitioH upon the Beol^of Jo b. Verf. 14. iiKf, r« trrcc : As he fpeaks Overall waves, fo feverall times, twlci o:'rhrice,poilibly,in the fame way; twice by vihons, twice by dreams, .twice by iicknefles,and often by his Minifters j He/peal^ Iniiubusetfc: ct ' ;}0 " ce i x tabus. i.e. his ^ „ ';L , ; /?<* twice, qi'.oduno verbo rf/funrD^oyB j iliall-conhder this m« three waves, and give a brief nous tfur feeunao i. e. c ttemm femel i- * rom eacn • tenmq; loqui- Firft, coniider tvcicc as to number ; twice ftricUy xaken is mo.e. iur deus um then once. One is no number, but tsvo is. admonition? nonfemperi-on- Hence note. tentus.Dtui. Cjodis fo gracious that he fpeak^once and djraine, ones and a fecond time to [inner s. Who is there among us that ha(h not had experience of Gods 'fpeaking to him more then once ? And that not only with refpect to the various wayes of fpeaking, but with refpect to vaiious times of fpeaking. He fpeakes more then once by his word, more then once by his workes, whether of judgment, or of mercy .Some -Tinners are confumed in a moment or^at once, fas it is faid of O- rahJDathan^nd Abiram with their confederates(7Viw*£. 1 6.2 1 .) others dye of a lingring confumption. God waitethtobe graci- ous, and therefore he rarely fpeaketh his all or iiriketh his all at once. He gives precept upon precept,line upon line,he fends for- row upon forrow, crolVe upon crofle, that finners may at laft re- member themfelves, returne and live. Secondly, As twice notes a number, fo it may be confidered ^s a fmall number, yea .as the fmalleft number ; twice or two is the firft number, the rirftftep into number. They that doe a thing more then once cannot do it lefle then twice, nor can that number which is more then one be leffe then two. When the woman in •the book of Kings told the Prophet ( 1 Kings ij. 12. ) I am going to gather twofiickj. Her meaning was,a very few fticks,on- Jy enow to make a little fire to bake a Cake with. And when the Spirit of God would fhevv how few, comparatively to the rout of the World, they are and will be that bear witnefle to the truths of Jef*Chrin\ he calleth them two Witnefles ( Rev. n. 2. ) they are a number,yet exprert by the left number, that we fhould not have our eyes upon the multitude, or think, that is not the truth Chap. 35. An Expjiticn upon the Eeol^cf Jo B. Verf. 14. 271 truth which is no: followed by great numbers, or ihe mcft of the World. The traine of Chriil is noc large, nor are his wayes throng'd, few there be chat rind them. As they whrm he calls • forch cob^ eminently his witnefles are not many, therefore called :.vo ; fp they that receive their witnefr>are not many ; The world wonders after the b-MJi \ Thus as two or twice imply a (mall num- ber ; 10 m Scripture language,that which is done more then twice is tuppoied done often or many times ( 2 Kings 6. 10. ) When the Prophet had told the King of Ifrael where the forces of the King of Affyrla would come, and by that meanes defeated him of his putpofe ; it is faid, And the King of Ifrael fent unto the place which the man of God told him, and warned hint of andfaved hint- felf there, not once, nor twice ; that is, many times, which made the King of Syria wonder how it came to pafl'e that he was fo often defeated ; he thought he had laid his plots fo wifely and clofely that cjie King of Ifrael could not efcape, but he faved himfelf noc once, nor twice ; more then twice is many, but bare twice is the narroweft compaffe of number imaginable. Hence note. t God hath not given ur-any ground to prefume upon frequent warnings or Jpeakings. Though he fpeake more then once, yet it may be but twice, polfibly but twice preeiiely,. probably but twice rertrainedly ta- ken. The Lord would not have us build upon the hope of future fpeakings,to the neglect of what is prefently fpoken.Though God be very patient and long-furfering to finfull men, yet he hath not given any man, the leal* occafion, no not by a promife of fpeaking a fecond day, to continue one day much lelfe to continue long in fin. When God fpake ( as I may fay ) at the largeft rate of his patience to Tinners, he fayd ( Gen. 6. 2. ) tJMj fplrlt fhaH not al- raayes ftrive with man ; natalwayes , that is, though it ftrive long, yet it fhall not ftrive very long, and that he may know it, I will give him a day, jet his day es fhall be an hundred and twenty yeares. This was lomewhat a long day indeed ; But remember this hun- dred and twenty yeares,was all the time that was granted to all the men of that world, there was not fo much granted to every particular man of that world, po-fibly the Spirit of God did noc ftrive a day longer with many a one among them. Therefore take heed. 272 Chap. 33. An Exposition upon \he Booi^of J o b. Verf. 14. heed of prefuming. When rhe Lord fpeaketb once, doe not fry, I will ftay till he lpe?.kes a fecond time, and if he condefcend re fpeake twice, doe not believe that he will alwayes fpeake. Thirdly , Twice, may be r ^ ere * s a ^ ecGn< ^ rendring of the text in the fame te- dke iKendito- nour > giving a genuine fence of that word, which is very profita- eulos profit, ble and proper enough to the fcope of the $hce,Godfp.eaketh once, enimadvertir, and he doth not confder upon it a fecond time ; That is, when God n f; . fpeaks or decrees to give forth any thin£;,he doth not take it into. kernel loquitur r r , ..* • ° • J 1 1 ? ' . L _ , deu* ex ficundo coniideration againe or review and bnngit about upon fecond illud non conft- thoughts, as men often. doe ; yea it is their duty ( though it be a. icrat, Scult: duty anting from their frailty ) fo to doe. Men ought to conlider often and review their owne words as well as their works. But ( faith Elihu, according to this reading ) God fpeaks once, and doth net cenfider of it againe ; for. he hath the meafure and compaffe of all things fo fully inhimfelfe , that he needs not turne backe his. thoughts upon.any of his determinations, as if there could be a miftake, or any error in them. This is a very glorious truth, high- ly advancing the name of God above every name among the beft ef the children of men. And. it arifeth clearely from the text, leaving out the fuppliment which we make of the word man. Yet according to the opinion of the moft and beft expofiters, yea according co the cleared fcope and tendency of the text, that, word Chap. 33. An Expofttion upon the Book^of Job. Verf. 14. 275 word man is rather to be fupplyed, Godfpeaketh once, yea twice, z/ini man perceiveth it not. 3 Tis common in Scripture to leave fuch words unexprefied, as muft neceliarily be underftood. And therefore I fhall only inlift upon our owne tranflation. Yet before I proceed to that,t iliall touch upon another read- ing of theie words,as referring unto man,which doth not fo much Carry areproofe of mans dullneffe , as a commendation of Gods goodnefle, thus; Cjodfpeaks once, yea twice, if man perceiveth it Loquitur dew not. As if he had fayd, If man befo weake and darke, fo dull andfemel et dua- flow of apprehenfwn, as not to perceive Gods minde at his fir ft fpeal^- ^ {"vicibuf ) inq. yet Gcd is ufually fo gracious and condescending as to fpeake „ e "™'l utnon •/ J , j . / j j & 1 v conjiaeravit e- tmce,er ajecond time, even to that man-. This reading doth ex- a m. Pifce ceedingly exalt and fet forth the goodnefle and gracioufnefle of God ,• and we have frequent experience of it , that when God fpeakes once, and findes creatures dull of hearing , he fpeakes a fecond time. Our reading gives in thefe words as a charge of mans darknsfle and flownefle to apprehend the meaning of God fpeakwg to us .either in his word or works. God fpeak.es once, yea twice, Tet man perceiveth it not. The Hebrew is, man feeth it not. There is an eye in the under- HJ "YliZT 87 ftanding, the mind of man heholdeth the fence of words, even as Nonvideritil- his bodily eye beholdeth the colours, and dimenfions of any lui \ f c S hoi ?° materiall object Yet the eye of mans mind is fo bleared and miturfverbo'. dim- lighted that though God fpeak once, yea twice, he feeth, he hoc INtf Elih* perceiveth it not. That is, he doth hot clearly perceive it. Elihu utitur fexies makes ufe of this word fix times, Job thrice, Zophar once, in all l&twZpjkm which places, they intend an exaft obfervation and through ipecu-^^^ j*/f lation of the matter which they rreate up»n, either in the affirma- g °ns et °dara tive or in the negative ; here as a rebuke to man Elihu makes Jignificarifpe- ufe of ic in the negative, man perceiveth it not. adatio et ebfer- vstio curiofi. Hecce note. Goc. Man of himfe If cannot perceive the mind of Godin fpiritnali fpeakings,or Cjodfpeaking about fpirituall things . The propheticall Sermons are called vifions ; The vifon oflfa- N n 2 iah x 176 Chap. 35. An Exptftion upn the Bool^of Job. Verf.14 -h iahthefonof Amos, which he [aw ( Iia. 1. 1.) yet when they preached them to the people, many of them faw nothing ; their vifions were to the people as parables or darke fayings. Man in generall falls under a twofold confederation ; firft,as unconverted orcarnall; and in that ftate he perceiveth not at all, when God fpeaks once and twice, yea thrice, he perceiveth nothing. And that proceeds from a double ground. Firft, from the naturall pravity of his heart, and the blindnefle of his mind. Of fuch the Aportle faith ( Eph. 4. 1 tf. ) They have their underftanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God- through the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindnefje of their heart. And hence he concludes ( 1 Qr. 2. 14.) The na- turall man receiveth not the things of the Sfirit of God, for they are foollfhnejfetohim/jeither can he know them, becaufe they arefpiritu- dly difcerued; fpirituall objects muft have a fpirituall eye to fee them. Secondly, this comes to pafle fometimes from the judgment o£ God upon carmll men ; who as in mercy he caufeth the blind to fee, fo in wrath he ftriketh thofe*that have no mind to fee with greater blindnefle, and punifheth their former rebellion and ob- iUnacy againft the word received with an impotency to perceive it. Yea God doth not only leave fuch in the blindnefle ©f their mind and dullnefle of their understanding, but gives them up tc it. The Prophet Ifaiakwzs a Gofpel Preacher, he held out the light clearly, yet his hearers were under fuch a docme, that the very light which he held out blinded them ; fo that the more he fpake the lefle they perceived ( Ifa. 6.10.) And he fold, go and teH this people, hear ye indeed, but underftand not j and fee ye indeed, but perceive not : make the heart of this people fat, and make their sares heavy, and Jhut their eyes ; -lefl they fee with their eyes ', and hear with their eares, and under ft and with their hearts, and convert^ and be healed. This is a dreadfull Scripture ; The Lord is highly provoked indeed, when he judicially fihuts up trie eyes of men, and hardens their hearts againft his ownmeflages, not that he in- fufeth any hardnefs or inftilleth any ignorance into them;but gives them up to that ignorance hardnefle and darknefle which already poflefleth them. And then though God fpeak once or twice, or a hundred times, they perceive it not .• They that harden their Hearts, fhall have them hardened by that which is 'the ordinary meases Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Booi^ of Jo B. Verf. 14. 277 tneanes to ioften and melc them j and they that fhut their eyes againftariy truth, are in danger of having them fluit againft all truth^evenby that means which ufually openeth eyes. Thus we fee th.it this firlHort of men, meere carnall men, cannot fee ot perceive when God fpeaketh, and why it is fo. Secondly, ( which I conceive rather to be the meaning of £//- hu here ) Man may be conhdered in his fpirituall ftate. That is, as convened and renewed in fpirit, by the mighty working of the Spirit. Now to meninthiseftate God fpeakesonce, yea twice, and they perceive it mt. They that are fpirituall doe nor alwayes perceive fpirituall things. For Firft, tbey have much corruption in them. Though they are renewed, yet they are renewed but in part ; we fee in part and but darkly, yea fometimes Saints can hardly fee at all,efpecially as. to fome difpenfations and manifeftations of God I he may fpeak - once, yea twice and thrice to theminfuch a thing, or tofucha purpofe, and they take little or no notice of it. He may poynt un- to them by fuch providences, and by fuch Sermons, and yet they look upon themfelves as un-concerned, not making any home-ap- plication of what they outwardly hear or fee, yea feele and fmarc under ; and all this by reafon of fome prevailing corruption. Secondly,this may proceed from their negligence and flothfull- neife ; good men are not alwayes carefull as they fhould, much 4effe criticall and wifely curious to obferve every* providence of God, and to confider why or for what end fuch or fuch a word is fent to them. As carnall men thruft the word from them,f© godly men faile much at all times, and at fome times wholly negled to lay the word to heart. They doe not compare themfelves, that is, their lives and confeiences, their thoughts and wayes with the word, and then no wonder if they perceive not what is fpoken to rhem. Even a J^maybehindredby his own indulgence from perceiving what God faith unto him. The Prophet complained of the people of God for not ftriving to take hold of him. ( Ifa. 64* 7 . ) There is none that calltth upon thy name, that ftirreth ftp him* [elf to take hold on thee. And may we not complaine that few ftirre up themfelves either to take hold of the word of God, or that the word may take hold of them ? Paul exhorted Timothy ( 2 Tim. 1.6.} to ftir up the Gift of God that was in him. They that have received both gifts and grace may be much wanting to themfelves in 278 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of J b. Verf.14 in ftirring them up. Though we deny mans naturall power, yec perfons converted have a fpirituall power, which they often neg- lect to ftir up. When the fervants or" Benhadad ( 1 Kings 10. 32,3 3. ) came to Ahab u-on that meiiage to beg his life, it is laid, 7 he men did dilli gently observe whether, any thing would come from him that they might take hold oi, and urge it in favour of their Mafter ; and as toon as Ahab had dropt that word, he is my Brother^ foon as they had that word y they did hajfily catch it and applyed it lor their prefentpurpoi'e.So they that are godly fhould ebferve what is fpoken unto them, what corruption is fmitten by the word or by the rod of God, and asfoone as ever fuch a word is fpoken, they fhould take it up and apply it to themfelves. Thirdly, thofe many lulls that are in the heart of a godly man, not yet fully mortified, as fecret pride, felf-love, and unoelief, thefe hinder him from underftanding the mind of God. And there- fore we are counfelled by the Apoftle James ( £hap. 1. 21. J to lay aftde ( that i?, to get fubdued and mortified^ all flthinejfe And frperfluity ofnattghtineffe, and ( fo ) receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able tofave our foals. As if he had faid, we can neither perceive nor receive the word favingly, unlefle our luftsare caft out and catt off. How much any mm neglects this duty of mortifying his lufts, by fo much is he rendred both unable to perceive the word, and unfit to profit by it. Laftly, Mx.Brotighten renders the words thus, God fpeakj once, ■ yeatmce, and man will not mark it. We fay, man perceiveth it not; he faith, man will not markjt. As our reading fhews the weaknefs and imperfections, or the negligence and flothfullnelle of man, when he doth not perceive what God fpeaketh ; fo his fheweth the obftmacy of man. The will 'of man is as perverfe,as hisundep- ftanding is blind. Man hath nor only a wound or aweakneffe in his will unto that which is good,but he hath a rebellion in his will againft that which is good, and that not byfomeoccafionalldif- guft or fudden guft of paffion, but he is naturally fetand refolved againft that which is good. Man will not w^what God fpeaketh in his word and works. Chrift upbraids the Jews ( Joh. 5.40. ) Ye will not come unta me that ye may have life ; he chargeth the fault upon their wills. 'Tis certaine man hath a will not to come to Chrififor life ; yet that is a forced and farre fetcht inference which fome make from it, that man hath therefore power aad will Chap. 33. An Exf option upon the Eool^of Job.. Verf. 14. 279 ■will to come. Sure enough nun hath a will not to come, he hath not only an imbillity,but an enmity and an oppofition in his will againft Chrifbhe will not come to Chrift that he may be faved,buc would take up his fal vation fomewhere elfe ; he would be his own Saviour,or let any one Hive him, rather then be faved by Chrift ;. • all things considered, efpecially this, that he mutt deny himfelf, . and neither be found trufting to his own righteoufnelfe,nor acting any unnighteoufnefte, if he defires to be faved by Chrift. And as there is a refiftance in the will of man againft the true difpenfatioa of Golpell gtace j fo againft any other difpenfation whereby God f^eaketh to him. The unchanged will of man rifeth up againft the will of God manifefted in his works, as much as againft his will manifefted in his word ( I fa. 26. ii.«) Lord y when thy hand is lifted up they will not fee. If his hand be lifted up in publick judg- ments they will not fee it, if in family or perfonall judgments and afflictions they will not fee it, but fhut their eyes and hoodwink their own underftandings. Yea, they are oftentimes fo wilfully, or rather fo madly blind, that they had rather fay it is the hand of blind Fortune ,then the hand of the Allmighty and All-feeing God. Novo who is fo blind as they that will not fee ? Till this rebellion againft the holy will of God with which the will of man is filled be caft out and fubdued, let him fpeake once, yea twice, let him. fpeake by word or works, by promifes or by threatnings, by good * or evill, yet man will not mark it.Thus much in generall of Gods revealing himfelf to man ; In the next words we have the diftinft. wayes fet downe by and in which he revealeth himfelf: In dreame &c. JOB, J So Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the B^of J o b. Verf. t■^ ^ JOB. Chap. 33. Verf. 15,16,17,18. />/ rf dream, in a virion of the night, wh«n deep /Jeep fah'eth upon men, in /lumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and/ealeth their in- ftru&ion. That he may withdraw man from his purpofe, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back, hk foule from the pit , and his life from periling by the /word. ELihtt having faid in the former verfe, that, Godfpeaketh once, yea twice , yet man perceiveth it not ; proceeds to give in- ftance of thole feverall waves by which God fpeaketh to man. His firft Inftance is given ( v. 1 %. ) where he brings in God fpeaking to man in dreams and vifions. And as he (hews us God fpeaking in dreams and vifions, fo he fets downe hisaymes or endsin doing fo, and they are three-fold. Firft , God airhes at mans inftru&ioh ( v. 16.) Then he openeth the ears of men, and fealeth their infirntt'ton . The fecond aimeofGod infuch difpenfations, is repentance and humiliation ( v. 17. ) That he may withdraw man from hi* purpofe, and hide pride from man. The third and laft end here expreft why God fpeaks by dreams and vifions, is mans falvation ( v. 1 8. ) He keepeth backhts foule from the pit) andhu life from periling by thefword. Thefe are the parts and fpecialties considerable in this context. Verf. f$. In a dream, in avijion of the night, &C. Crm pinguu Thetoote of the word rendred a dreame, Cgnifieth that which grojjitftcxra- j s thick, gr«iTe or fat, and by a metaphor a dreame, becaufe Ki't'fn- Yearns are naturally caufed by grofs and thick vapours, arifing im quem fom~h° m c ^ e ft° mac k & fuming up into the head. Sleep is caufed im- nia 'cenfequun- mediately by vapours and dreams are our work in fleep. A dream »«r» u an Imagination which the minde frames and formes, or which is formed and framed in the minde while wefleepe * or,A dream is the wcrke of the foule , while the body is afleep. Sleepe is the binding up Chap. 33. An Exfofition upon the > Bool^of J q b. Verf. i?. afci up of the outward fences, hearing, feeing, feeling, &c. yet then the inward fences,phantafie and memory are at liberty and free to worke. The phantafie is very quick and nimble, when the body lieth as a logge and ftirres not. The phantafie ( as we fay) builds CaiUes jri the ayre, and makes ftrange Chimera's in the braine by day, much more by night. In Dreams, there is an image of things or pcrfons reprefented to us. When Pkaroah dreamed^ he fawfe- ren leane ksne> and [even thin ears, af alfofeven fat kwe and [even, full ears of cor no. 'jacob faw a ladder in his dreame reaching up to heaven, and the Angels of God attending and defcending. jofeph faW his brethrens ftieaves doing obey fance to his Iheafe* he law alio the Sun and Moone and eleven Starrs, doing obey- fance to him. Nebuchadnezzar dreaming faw an Image with the head of gold, with fhoulders and breaft of filver , with belly and thighs of brafs, and leggs of Iron, dreames of faifhood, for he is the father and former of lyes • or, Secondly, they are" filthy defiling dreames ; for he is an uncleana fpirit, and the. feweller of all filthy fires and uncleanneifes, whe- ther cofporall orfpirituall. Thirdly , There are divine dreames, fo called , Firft, becaufe immediately fent by God ; Secondly, becaufe the fubjeft matter of them is divine and heavenly, or fome manifeftatioirof the holy will of God to man. There are five fpeciall Meffages upon which dreames are fent from God. , Firft , To reprove or admonilTi ; Thus God dealt with AbU •melech in a dreame , that he fhould not meddle with Sarah, ( Gen: 2&. 3. ) and with Laban, that he fhould not hurt Jacob, saor hinder him in his journey back to his fathers houfe ( Gen: 3 x A 24) Chap. 33. <4' ri Expoftion upon the Booi^of Jo s. Vcrf. 15. 183 24. ) whereupon Jacob cold him , 6W rebuked, thee yefler night. That dream of Pilates wife (Math: 27. 19. ^ was fenc to admo- nish Pilate about giving judgement againft Chrift. Secondly , God fends dreams to instruct, and informe ; There are teaching dreams, that of Jefeph ( Math:' 1 . 2 1 . ) was not onlf to lliew him what to doe about Mary his efpoufed wife , but te inftrucfc himpbout that ^reat myftery of God manifefted in the flefh, to fave Ml man. Thirdly , Dreams are fent for fupport and confolarion in a time of trouble ( Gen: 28. 12. ) God comforted Jacob by that, dream, when he was in a defolac-e condition, and allured him of his prefence. Fourthly, Some dreams are fent of God upon a fad meflage fo afflict and terrific ; Job bemoaned his fufTerings and iorrovvs by fuch dreames ( Chap: 7.13, 14 J when I fay mj bed {hall com- fort me, my couch fha/l eafe my complaint , then thou fear eft me with dreames, and terrifiefi me with vifions. Fifthly, God forelheweth what fhall come to pafle, he reveals his own counfels, as to future providences, by dreames and vifi- ons. The feven years of famine were revealed to Pharoah in a dreame. And the great things of the Church, and of the world too, were revealed to "Daniel in a dreame, and in vifions of his head upon his bed ( Dan-. 7. 1. ) The meifage of the dreame in theftext ttas for instruction and admonition, as will appeare at the fixteentn verfe ; God fpeaketh in a dream ; and further In a vifion of the night. Some take vifion here as a fecpr.d way of divine revelation. And 'tis true,the Scripture fpeakesof dreams and vifions diftinft- ly (Numb: 12. 6. ) Ochers make vihons to be only appurte- nances to dreams ; For though there have been vifions without dreams, yet dreams are feldome, if at all, without lome kind of vifion. This feemes the intendment of this text, In a dream, in a vijion of the night ; That is , in a dream with a vifion of the nighr, as making the vifion to be nothing elfe, but either a reprefentati- on of the matter dreamed of, or of the manner wherein it was re- presented to the dreamer. And I conceive, that Elihu in this verfe is fpeaking only of one, not of two wi^es of Gods revealing himfelfe to man ; or rather of one then two, Yec whether we O z take 284 Chap. 33. An Expefition upon the Bool^of J o B. Verf.iy, cake the viiion diftincUy from or joyntly with the dream, the icope oiE/ihu in this text is equally anfwered and fulfilled. Furrier, Elihu doth not only report the way of Gods difcc- vering Bmiielfe, that is, in a dream, in a yiiien , but he declares the time or feafon of thefe dreams and vifions, or of thefe vifions in a dream; that is, the night, and the night confidered under this divifion. • ~- Firft , when deep fleep falleth upon men. » Secondly , When they have their /lumberings- upon their bed - r that is ( as I -apprehend ) at the beginning of the night, and break of day ( for thole are the llumbring times of the night ) or in the middle of the night or midnight, for then ufually men are fallen into and abide in a deep fleep,or as we render, Then Deep Jleep falleth upon men. Some fleep.?, as we may fay,are but Lhallow fleeps,flight deeps, in comparifon of other ; Deep fleep is that which we call, Dead fleep. The word here ufed by £lihu } notes the ftrongeft and the foundefl fleep, and therefore 'tis fitly diftinguiihed from flttm- berings upon the bed. -t»wKi t j uf There are three words in the Hebrew which fignifie fleep ; et quam njtfJ whereof the firft fignifiesyk^ in general! ; the kccmd,deep fleep ; at r\W pita the third , any flight fleep , which we here tranflate (lumbering. eft quam Ordinary fleeping is more then flumbring , and a deen fleep, CS^p more then ordinary fleep ; we commonly fay., fuch a man is f aft afleepy he is, as it were, bound hand and foote. Sleep is the bind- ing of the fenfes, and fo, by confequence the binding of all the members of thebody . We often finde this dirtindion in- Scrip- ture ( Pfal: 1 3 2. 4. ) I will not %ive fleep to mine eyes , nor /lum- ber to my eye-lids ; that is, I will not only not give my felfe to fall afleep,but I wil not f® much as(according to our manner of fpeak- ing in that matter ) forget my felfe. We find the fame diftinftion (Pf: 1 2 1 .^..)Behold ) he that kjepeth lflraelfloa.il neither fl'umber nor OJ aKeuen- ft ee P' ^ e words are a defcription of the exacl: watchfulnefle of do Jlmphciter God over his people,he that doth not fo much atftumberjnz that reidituriormi- never lays his eyes together, he that doth not only not take a nap re ; Grace* efl ( as we fay ) but not fo much as once nod ( to fo little the He- M&tyt pro- ^rew word may be drawne downe, which is likewife the impor- Mnw^orwiwT tance °^ c ^ e Greek word, he , I fay , that doth not fo much as BoW: ' nod ) Chap. 53. An Expedition upon the Boo]^ cf Job. Verf. 15. 285 nod ) is farre from fleepe, furihefl: of all from deep fleep. In both thefe degrees of fleep , the Lord fpeakes by Dreames, firft, in deep fleep • Secondly, in flumbrings . Some conceive than Slihu intended by thefe different word?, to fee forth two forts of dreams ; Firfl, thole dreams which men have when extraordinary deep fleep falls upon them ; luch as that fpoken of ( G«n: 2. 2 1 . ) God commanded a deep jleep to fall on t^Idam, when he tooke the rib out of his fide and formed the. woman. We read alfo( Gen: 15.12. ) that a deep fleep fell on Abraham when God revealed to him what thould become of his pofterity, and how they fhould be in Egypt, and there much opprefled foure hundred yeares, &c. It is laid alio ( « Sam: 26. 12, ) A deep fleep from the Lord was fallen upon them ; that is, up- on SahI, and his guards,who lay round about him. And that might be called a deep from the Lordjboth becaufe it was a fleep which the Lord fenr, and becaufe it was an extream deep fleep. Se- cen dly, there are dreams in ordinary fleep, or in very flumbjings or noddings upon the bed, we may call them waking dreames. Thus Elihu (heweth God taking feverall times or feafons for the revealing of himfelfe in dreams ; fometimes in deep fleep, and often in the leaft and flighted fleeps, called flumbrings. I fhall not here infift upon or difcourfe the way of Gods rnani-. fefting htmfelte to the-Ancienrs,by dreams & vifions, but referre tRe Reader to what hath already been done upon the 4th Chap- ter at the 1 2th and 1 3 th verfes ; where Eliphaz, fpeaks almoft in the fame'manner as Elihu here about vifions ; And, indeed there is a very great. Confent between their two parts in this booke, that of Eliphaz,, and this of Elihu ; They were both holy and pro- phetical! men, both of them had the fame defigne in fpeaking a- bout dreams and vifions , namely, to convince and humble Job; and both of them exprefle themfelves in terms of a very neere Cognation. So that if the reader pleafe to Confute that place ( Job 4. 1 2, 1 2. J he will find thefe words farther cleared, as to the nature and feverall kinds of vifions. An prellion upon the mind of man. Common experience teacheth us how dreams iftick, and how thofe apprehenfions which we have in our fleep dwell & abide with.us when awake.Fourthly,I conceive the Lorddoth this chiefly that he may frieyv his divine skill m tea- ching & inffructing man,orthat he hath a peculiar art in teaching; he teaches fo,as none of the matters of learning were ever able to teach and inffrucT their Schollars. There was never any man could teach another when he was afleep ; they that are taught mud at left be awake, yea they muft not only be awake but watchfull ; but now God is fuch a teacher, fuch an inlfrucTor, that when we are afleep be can convay inffruclion and teach us his leflbiis ; this ( I fay ) doth wonderfully magnifie the divine skill and power of God, who is able to make us heare and underftand doctrine even when we are afleep and cannot heare. There may be alfo a fifth confederation moving God to this. Poflibly- God would hereby allure us, that the foul is a diftincl: eflence, and hath its diftinft operations from the body ; and that even death it felf cannot de- prive trie foul of man of its working. For what is fleep but a kind ©f death ? fleep is a fkort deaths and death is alon^ fleepe. Now when the body is ( upon the matter ) laid afide, the foul can goe to work ; when the body lyes like a block and ftirs not, the foul can beiur it f elf about many matters, and run its thoughts to the utmoft ends of the earth, yea and raife them up to the higheft heavens, in blefled intercourfes with God himfelf. There's no need to prove the matter of fa£t that 'tis foj what night,\vith refe- rence to Tome or other,dothnot utter this poynt of knowledg?nor need I flay to prove that this is, if not a demonftrative, yet a very probabletrgument of the diftincl fubflantiallity of the foul from the body, namely its operations when the body ( with all its pro- per and peculiar faculties and powers ) is a fleepe, and contri- butes Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book^of Job. Vcrf. 15. 287 butes nothing to thofe operations. For though it be granted that fome i.-ratiomll creatures (who have no immor tall part, nor any tiling fubftantiall in them diftinct from their bodies, though it be granted I fay, that thefe ) may have dreames ; yet their dreams eiiffer as much from thofe of men, as themfelves doe. Secondly No:e, The revelation of the mmd sf God by dreams and vifions, rv M much, yea mofl ufed in thofe ancient times, when God had not [9 fully revealed his mivd by Scrip we or his mind in the Scripture, then hefpake often in dreams and vifionspnd hence the old Prophets were called feers. The Apoftle reports,<3od fpeaking at fundry times, and in di- vers manners in times paft,unto the fathers by the Prophets, ( Heb. i.t. ) The Greek text hath two very figniHcant words, nzMwM £ rhe former mofl properly implying how God gave out his mind in mtMS****' divers meafures, or how he parcelled it out, the other implying the feverall wayes in which he gave it out. As the meafures were various, fometimes more fometimes letTe ofhis mind about di- vine matters and myfteries being difperfed,fo the wayes manners and formes of this difpenfation were very various ; yet the nioft ufuall way wasby dreams and vifions ( Numb. 12.6. ) If there be a Prophet among yon ( faith the Lord ) / the Lord mil mahs my felf known unto him in a vifion, and fpeakjo him in a dreame. Yea we find that in thefirftdayesoftheGofpel, dreames and vifions were frequent. The Apoftle falling into a trance h vifion ( Ails io. # io. ) He favo heaven opened and a certain vej defcend, crc. And when Chrift would have the Apoftle Paul c ry the Gofpell into Macedonia, a vifion appeared to him in t night ( ARs 1 6.9. ) There flood a man of Macedonia, and pray him, faying, come over to Macedonia and help us. The fame Ap "file faith X 2 C ?- 12.1,2.) / will come to vifions and revelation $fthe Lord, whether in the body I cannot tell, or out of the boky cannot tell. Pauls foul Was wrapt up in fuch high and intimate con- venes with God, that he even forgot how it was with his body,or had little to doe with it. Which fuites well with that defcripti- on which the Apoftle John gave of himfelf,when he had the whole mind of God concerning the ftate of his Church to the end of the world, revealed to him in feverall Virions, . / (faith he. .to. 1 . 1 o.) *88 Chap. 33. An Expoftion upon the Book^of J b. Verf. 15, yea* in thefpirit on the Lords day, &c. That's is a famous proniil'e, which was firfT reported by the Prophet Joe! ( Cfo*p: 2. 28. ) and after repeated by the Apollle Peter (Arts 2. 17. ) / mil voter* out my Spint upon allflefh, &c. and yoter young men pall fee vifions, and jour old men frail dream dreams. Thus it is every where clear in Scripture, that dreames and virions were frequent both in the Old leitament times* and in* the beginning of the Newj But now in thefe lafl dayes ( as the Apoftle faith Heb. 1. 2,3. palling fiom thofe tormer waves of Revelation described in t+ie riiMvcrfe ) God hav'mgfpo\en to t>.< 'by his Son, whom he hath ap- .pointedheir of all things, by whom alfo he made the Worlds, who is I alfo ] the brightneffe of his glory ■> a*d the exprefje Image of -his pcrfon : God I fay having fpeken to hs by his So»,and we having now a clearer manifeftation of the mind of God then the old fathers had, the Son who once fpake to us in perfon on earth,ftill fpeak- ing to us in the Gofpeli everyday ; therefore now for any to look after dreams and virions, or virible apparitions for the revealing of the mind of God, is to goe backward to the old ftate of the Jew- ish Church, or to the infancy of the Gofpeli Church, while the Canon or Rule of the Scripture as to all matters of faith and holy life was not fully finiftied and compleated. And though we ought to be farre from limiting God,yet he hath limited us from looking after any wifdome mthe knowledge of his will above that which is written ( 1 Or. 4. 6. ) The Apoftle alio teftifying by the Spirit of God, that the Scripture isiuffrcient to make every man wife tofahation and the man of God perfect ,t hroMghly fumifhcd m- to all good workj ( that good work efpecially of helping others to falvation) iTim. 3. 15. 17. Arfanikus vo- Luther obferving how many were deluded in his time by «£w w/^ 1 ^ rcames anc * virions, vvhich they falfely attributed to God, as the ieus cent fen- immediate Author of them ; earneftly prayed about two things :• fuTRfiripwr* ; Firft, that God would give him a found underftanding of his mind et patlum feci revealed in the Scriptures. Secondly, that he would nor fend him roCT ^ nm ,° ^.dreames or virions, yea, faith he,I even contracted with God that fanes velfom- ^ e VY0U ^ not. And doubtlefle he did this upon a double ground, ma tnitteret. Firfl, to oppofe the wild opinions and practices of thofe,who had Liith. loci nothing to pretend for them but dreames and virions. • Secondly, C fctf £Juartae t0 advance the honour of the Written word in its fufficiency, not c s * only Chap. 33. An Exfofttion upon the Bw'^of Jo b. Verf. i«j. 289 only without the help of any humane tradition, but without any further divine revelation. And therefore though God fhould pleafe to fpeak to us now by dreames and virions, yet that were only (as the Apoftle fpeaks about his adding of an oath to his pro- mile ( Heb. 6. 17. ) tofhew that he is ( ex abundant i ) more abundantly willing to fatisfie our weaknefle by fuch a condifcenti- on, then that there is a neceflity of it, with refpedt to any de- ficiency of the Scriptures fullnefle. And hence it is, that if men (hall profefle they have received any thing from God by dreams or vifions, concerning what is either to be beleeved or done, the matter of thofe dreams muft be examined and weighed at the ballance of the Scriptures, and is no further to be credited then as 'tis found agreeable thereunto. It cannot bedenyed but that men may make profitable wfe of their dreames at this day ; they may fee much of themfelves whentheireyesarefhutupbyfleepe. Evill men may fee their lufts at worke in the night, and find out what luft is moft working and wakefull in them. What is fard in Hiftory of the ancient Per- fian Kings, that they were feldome feen in the day, but came to view in the night, is true of a mans fpeciall fin,or of that fin which reignesand Kings it in him. What ugly apparitions of luft hath many a man in his nightly dreams, efpecially of thofe filthy lufts which are moft proper to the night ? Thus alfo good men have fonietimes a clearer fight of their graces in the night by dreames, then in the duties of the day. What holy frames of heart? what lively actings of grace? what ftveet and ravifhing communion with God have many godly men found and felt in dreames ? That may at left, be fomewhat of Davids meaning, when he faid (Pj*l. 16. 1 7. ) My nines, a/fo inftruvl me in the night fea- frn. Laftly,Thougb we cannot make any certaine cortclufions,either what w.e are, or what we are to doe from dreamesjyet from them they who are wife and watchfuli may fometimes gather ftrong con- jectures about both ot either . To make dreames the rule or War- rant of what we doe is extreamly dangerous, yet that we maj have hints what^o do in a dreame, I nothing doubt, nor can there be any danger Inir, while the matter hinted is confortant to the rule of the word, both as that which is lawfull to be done, and lawful! for us (all circumftances confidered ) to doe. Other- P p wife ayo Chap. 35. AnExjofa'ion upon the Boot^ of J b. Verf. 16. wife, whatfoever we may think our felvcs warned or warranted to doe by dreames,is but a'mock or trick put upon us by the Devill, or a deceit of our own foolifh felfiOi hearts. Thus we have feene the firft way of Gods fpeakmg to men of o\d>by dreames andvijions of the night • what work God is pleafed ro make with and in man by fuch ipeakings, will appeare dilttnetly in the three following verfes. Vcrf. \6. Then he opeseth the ears ofmcn> andfealeth tkert infirutlien . In this verfe Elihu gives us the firft of thofe gracious defignes ©r purpofes of God in fending dreams or vifions of the night ; then he openeth the ears oj men. There is a twofold eare of man, firft, externall, that organ of hearing placed in the head.Secondly^ internal!, that power of hearing- feated in the heart. God can un- cover or open both. There are but few who have their outward eare ftopt, we rarely meet with a deaf man. But we every where meete with and fp^ak to thofe who are internally deafe. The Lord openeth this inward eare, and he only is able to doe it. Cjod opened the heart ( or internall eare ) of Lydia to attend to the things: which were [pekjn of Paul fA£Vs 16.14.) The Septuagint render JJSwVsea'" ^ s P^ aee °* 3°^ expreflfely fo. Then he openeth the mind of men. Their tranflation comes dole to the fence, though not to the let- S^n^c ter of the Original!. ^ loquendiformu- Further,the Hebrew is ( as we put in the Margin) He reveal- hmnstam efts eth or uncover eth the eares of men. This revealing or uncovering putant «j he- f t h e eare> f a y fome,noteth only private fpeaking, and' is a hmi- fuV r £ne C °vui ^ tu< ^ e ta ^ en ^ rom a common cuftome amon^ men,who when they cum amiquis would convey their mind fecretly to a friend that ftands by, put feculis prolix- their head near to his eare,and take up the brim of his hat, or put amalerent c 0- by his haire (if long) that they may whifper in his eare. Thus mam, eaq; auy m a (j reame God whifpersand fpeaks Glently untojiien. This l^Kamm feems t0 have a fu tableneffe with that (Chap. 4. 1 2, 1 3 . ) where Eliphati fpake of aching brought fecretly to him, or that was whif- peredor ftoln into him. But I conceive there- is mr-re in this place then the intendment ofafecret and private conveyance of the mind of God unto man in a virion or dreame. imd tberefoie this opening ©f the eare imports the removing A0T7^< V«f tti- Chap. 33. An Exfofttion ttpo* the Book^of Job. Verf. 16*. 271 er taking away of that ( wkatfoever it is ) which hinders the ef- difuii in itis- fetfuall hearing or obeying of ihofe meifages which God lends t© Jr 1 ?^" in men. When God frake in a dream, he did more then.fpeak, bsv!v:fi?!!*^ open a the ear,yea,he gave an eare to hear : -This poweriull work dsfiuer.tes co- ot God upon the heart is elegantly exprefled by opening the eare, piilos et in a- becaufe when the ears are ftopt, we cannot hear, till that which i*nu awes u- ftops them is pltickt out or taken away ; fo that here we have c, . w ™ mvr /. fpeaking wi[hetfe<5t, or the clcareand penetrating power of the /j£san§:" Spirit of God ivveerly and* prevailingly inftnuating his mind cim'kias au- 60 -mai. God fpeaks fo as he will be heard. rem veliit et aimonuity £ r. Hence Obferve. Horat. Fi: ft , The eare of man is naturally ftopt againft the teachings of Loquuw et «u- Gccl. Hrefic*. Auremrtveure There are many things which ft op the earesofman, or man t*/ aperirs eft hath' many eare ftoppers. I will name leven, all which God re- injinujre ah- moves and cakes away when he effectually reveals his mind ta^.J^. .*! man. Firft, the eare of man is ftopt with ignorance, that s a thick j ni j m i S \hi(ibm vaile or covering upon the eare, and keeps out the mind of God reponendumftt. I'll it be removed. And, Secondly,Unbelief is another ear-ftop- Ctaricrem et per ; till the Lord removeth that we canno: hear. Thirdly, Im- P^Mumwrm penitency or hardnefle of heart ftops the eare,there are a number ^S^^X of Scriptures I might give for each of thefe. Fourthly, the love of x in* denom. any particular fin is an eare-ihutcer or an «are-ftopper, and the Coc: Lord removes that, when he opens the eare. Fifthly, Prejudices ftop the eare, prejudices fomtimcs againft the perion fpeaking, fomtinie againft the word fpoken. That man will never hear a word to purpofe , who hath a prejudice againft the perfon, or a prejudice againft the word, either a prejudice againft the man, or againft the matter. Sixthly, Pride ftops the eare too, the proud man will not hearken, therefore God humhles and brings down the fpirit that the word may be heard. Seventhly, and laitly, the' World is a great ear-ftopper, that locks up the eare againft the word; the world in the profits of it, and the world in the plea- sures of it, and the world in the cares of ir, and the world in the fears of it, the world by or in every one of thefe ftops the eare, and by thefe the ears of all men naturally are flopped, fo that they are as it is faid ( PfaU 5 8.4. y-tfo the d'eafe adder /hat ftops her eare y and mil not hear the.iojce of the charmer^charme he never fo wifely. P p 2 Till 25)2 Chap. 33. An Expy.tion ufon the Bnol^of J o b. Veri.io'. Till all thefe Hoppers are removed, and the eare opened,there is no receiving of the word.. Secondly Obferve. Cod is able to open and mtockjhc e are of man. Though it hath never fo many floppies in it, he can pull them our,neverfo many locks upon it, though all the feven fpoken of, and ieven more obftruc* the ear, yet be can open them all, and make a free and uncontroulable pafiage for his word inco the re- moteft and clofeft chambers of the foul. God can fpeakloud enough, not only to make the deafe, but the dead hear his voyce. Verily, verily I fay mto yon ( faith Chrift, Job. f. 25. ) the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead {hall hear the voyce of the Son of God. and the 'j that hear fhall 'live. By the dead he means no: thofe who are corporally, but fpiritually dead, that is, dead in fins and trelpalfes, and in danger of eternall death for their fins and trefpaffes, even thefe heard the voyce of the Son of God then fpeaking perfonally, and heard it afterwards minifterially, in the difpenlationoftheGofpell, and that voyce revived them, not only by giying them the comfort of that naturall life which they hid before, but by bringing in a new fpiritualL life which before they had not. Then the incernail eare is opened to purpofe when thofe internall or myftically darke graves of (in are opened, and the foul comes forth into the light of life. Yet more diliindly. God may be faid to, uncover or open the eares of men, when he doth thefe four things. Firft, When he makes us not only to heare but to attend, not only to heare but to hearken ; or not only to heare but to give eare. Mjwy give the word of God the heanng,but they doe- not give eare to the wcrdofGod. Secondly,God opens the ear when he makes us not only attend,, but underftand, or when he takes the vaile off from our minds. The Apoftle faith of the Jewes ( 2 Cor: 3. 14, ) The vaile re~ maineth Hpon them ttntaken away to this day in the reading of- the old Teflament ( and it doth fo ftill ) fo that as they could not, fo yet they cannot, hoo\e to the end of that which u abolffhed ; that is*, to Chrift, who was the end or fcope ar which the wnole Ceremo- aiall Law ( now aboli(hed ) did then ayme. When once the eire is divinely opened,then tbe vaile of ignorance and fpirituall blind- nefle. Chap. 33. An Exfofition upon the Book^ of Job. Verf. 16. 293 nefl'e is taken oft" from the mind,borh as to that greateft truth,and all other nccelVary truths. The opened eare is an underftanding eare. Thirdly , God openeth the eare when he caufeth us to believe what we perceive and underitand. As faith lets the whole foule aworke for God, fo faith is the great worke of God upon the foule. When the eare is opened, truth is not only knowne , but favingly believed. Fourthly T This opening of the eare maketh the foule obedi- ent ; Jefus Chrift in that great prophecy of him ( Pfal. 40. 6. ) to ihew his ready obedience to his fathers command , faith, Mine eare haft thou opened ( or digged ) The eare of Chrift was never fhut in the leaft, either through ignorance or unbejiefe ; but he is tayd to have his eare opened, only to Chew his conftant preparednefs and readinefs for obedience. He came injo the world with an open eare to all the will of God ,• and therefore ic followeth in the 7th and 8th verfes f that Plalme, Then [aid /, lot I come, in the volume of thy (make it is written of me, I delight ta doe thy will, O my God, ye* thy law is within my heart. Chrift is brought in by another Prophet ipeaking to the fame poyntwith fome little variety, but with very great fignificancy of expretfi- on ( I fa: 50. 4, 5. ) He wakeneth morning by morning , he wak?— neth mine eare to heart as the learned; we uiuall-y fay, Sleep is in the eye, yet this prophecy intimates a deep in the eare, thou haft wakened mine eare. What we are to underftand by this wakened eare, is cleare in the next words of the fame prophecy, 7 he L&rd hath opened mine eare, that's the -word of Eliphaz,, and the confequence of opening the eare, fet downe in the Propher, is tfce fame now given in this poynt, The Lard hath opened mine eare, and I was not rebellious. He dorh not fay, The Lord ope- ned mine eare, and I hear ; , bur, I was not rebellious ; that is, I gave up my felfe to obey the wo-d o- command , which I heard. The fame P-o^her ( I fa: 48. 8. ) defc r ibing rhe rebellion of the J ewes, puts this as the realon of ir, Tea thou hear deft not, ( that is, thou didft not attend )yea thou kyeweft not, that is, thou didft not underftand, yea thne eare vas not opened ; as if he had fayd, thine unopened eare was the caufe why thou diddeft neither attend,. nor underfbn^, nor obey the word fpoken to thee. So much of the firft gracious defigne of God ia Ipeaking to men by dreams • * and 2P4 Chap. 33. An Exfofixioit upon the Book^ of j o.b. Verf.16. and vihons of the night ; Then he oftueth the ears of men. The fe- cond is given in the latter part of the verfe. z/fnd fcaleth their InflruVtiw. tffV^Jigwvit The word iignihes not only to ftafe, but zoperfett or conclude. t$ciu lt There is a threefold ufe of fealcs and feaiing ; Firft, to diflin- guilh one thing from another ; Secondly, to keep things fafe and Tecret i Thirdly, feaiing is toconhrme and ratifies A Bond, Deed, or Evidence in writing, till it hath a Seale, is but a fcrip of paper of no force, but when once the Seale is put to it , then it is confirmed, then there is ftrength and force in it. A feale for- tifies *he writing, or maketh it authentick. Hefealeth their Injrruclion. ^D^ aradke The word here ufed figntfies both correction and Inftruclion, "R^ ymcivit anc j f G \ t ' ls rendred by fome here,H* openeth their cares, orfeaU l Thoram 'colli'- et ^ ^ e ' r c h*fti foment- Mr Brought™ takes that fenfe, And \m- gavit audivit, fri'nteth why they are chaftifed ; that is, (as himfelfe expounds it) conipuit xer- when he hath chaftifed them, he fealeth up the decree of their bis aut verbs- judgement ; or as another, He propofeth it unto them as firme ribw. and concluded, if they doe not repent and imprinteth in their mind the certainty of ir, as alfo the true caufe of it. We render Difciplinamec- f „ th fenfe of the m:d md f of [he ■ jj e f ea j et fy rum velut m- . / . a . , . , r . , 7 ' . prejfc MUo l ' Hir '»p«w* ; that is, upon the opening ot the eare there is a (onjignat. feaiing or a fetting home the word which is received. When the. Tygur: eare is opened to receive , God will make men hold what they have received. The feaiing of inftruition, fignifies the efficacy, fhrajis obfig- energy , or erfectuall working of God with the word, he ratifies mndt erudiuo- an( j con fj rmes ' K t0 tnc foule,he maketh his word as fure to them. "fKcaciter°cru- as a Sealed Bond, bo'h with refpect to the duty commanded, and dire fc: ut von the mercy promiled. And,indeed,we have as much need to have ioncedatur ei Inftrudtion fealed, as to have the eare opened ; for 'tis polfible qui emditur t j ie e3re m ^y be opened, we may heare and underhand, and in ^ nj "^., fome fenfe believe, yea obey, and yet not have the inftrudion mknonfenti- ''feakd. The inftruftion is then fealed, when we keepe what is re- rt. Cot: ceived,as the eare is opened when we'receive what is offered. Unlefie the indruclion be fealed, we heare and obey only for the prefent, not for the time to come, that is, we doe not retaine. and Chap. 33. An Expofitlon upon the Book, of J B. Verf. \6. 295 — — — — * ■ ■ ■■ and hide the word received for ufe and pradtife. Now, whether we take this fcaling in reference either to cor- rection or inftru&ion, it yeelds us matter of profitable meditati- on. Firft, As it referrs to correct ion. Note. God ajfureth finfull man that he [hall [mart for it y mlejfe he hearken and obey. It is as Cure that he (hall, as if he faw it under hand and feale ; Caftigotionem or as if the fentence were engraven upon his confeience, and eorumob/jgnatr fixt Defore his eyes. If the eare be not obedient toinftiuclion, uc/^*Jkat the back mufl fubmit to correction ; If the word will not doe it y the ^A'JlZl*! e rum rod mufi ; if teaching will not ferve the turne, chaining fhaU ; He n i/i a p^cato fealeth their correction. Every correction threatned is not certain- deftiterim, mn ly inflicted ; for Elthu faith afterward ( v. 26.) He [hall pray itx-fe*" acjifen- to God> and he will be favourable to him ; but the meaning is, mans tent,am ha ^ correction is fealed in cafe he proceeds on in his (in ; if he does r e ^ J^fJ! ii t g. not give proof that his eare is opened by his obedience to in- rat'objigmjfet. ftruction, there is no efcaping correction. The correction of thePifc: deareft children of God is fealed, if they heare and doe not. God Ve } xcai " ipfo- will not cocker his (kbborne children,nor fpoyle them by fparing ^iZntes^ilffs the rod ; He widl certainly meet with them one time or other,^,^,-,^ either by (icknefl'e, or poverty, or reproach ; the order the war- an nAipjomm- rant is fealed for their correction: infculpsm.- We may much more apply this to the wicked, ro rhe ungodly Bez: ' and rebellious, who though they have their outward ears open, yet their hearts remain fhutjlf the correction of the godly be lea- led in that cafe, to be fure, the deftru&ion of the wicked is ; they are fealed for death, yea they are fealed for hell ; the writ of their eternall Judgement is fealed. If Judgement mufl begin at the houfe of God, where [hall the ungodly and- the [inner appcare? what [hall the end of them "be that obey not the Go[pelofGod ? Further , Take it as we' render it, referring to instruction, He fealeth their infiruclion. Whence note. God is able tofet home his in(?ru£lions effectually upon thefoule. He can leave fuch an impreflion upon the heart, as- as (hall ne- ver be forgotten' nor worne out. He can make every?word flick •. And. 196 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bool^of J B. Verf. 17. And fo this is but a further illuftration of what was faid before ; he openeth their ears to receive the word, and then fealeth in- flection upon chem. The Apoflle fpeaking of fome pcrfons con- verted, who were the fruit of his miniftry, faith, Te are the feale of wine Apeftkfhip ( 1 Ccr: 9. 2, 2.) that is, ye confirme and ratine my minifiry, that it is of God, and that God is in it. Now as the conversion of finners, and the building up of Saints, is thefeaJe of our minfftry ; fo the fealing of induction upon the foule, is the converfion of finners, and the edification ofjiaints. WiSen a fin- tier is converted, his infiru&ion is fealed upon him, and wherva Saint is buiJt up and edified, and increafeth in the things of God, then infttu£tion is fealed upon him alfo. And untill we thus pro*- fit by 8 the word, we have the word, as I may fay, without a feaie, nothing fattens upon us. Thus much of the firft defigne of God in fending dreams and . vifions in thofe times , it was to open the ears of men , and to feale their Inftruction ; This being only a generall benefit aymed at by thofe meanes, we have thofe which are more fpeciall fee downe in the words which follow. Verf. 17. That he may withdraw man from his purpofe, and hide pride from man. „ This i7th V erfe containes two of thofe bleffedends or de- fignes of God in revealing himielfe to man by dreams and vifi- ons, or by vifions in a dream, of vvhich Elihu fpake in the two former verfes ; as then he takes an opportunity to open the ears of men, and feale their Inftrnttion , to faften and fix his word upon them, to make it ftickand ftay by them ; fo in all this hispur- pofe is ; That he may withdraw man from his purpefe. *ypr\ cufene The word rendred to withdraw, fi°mfles, to take off, or put ttitj xelmuta- awa y, t o remove or change for the better. ( //*■ 1 . 1 6. ) P.ut a* *$ »n melius. ^ ^ m yj j ^ our j -^ s . ^ -^ ^ QQ nQ more ey -j^ or ^ as ^ Lord fpeakes by another Prophet, ( Jer: 44. 4. ) doe not this abominable thing that I hate • we render the word in the other fenfe ( Job 27. a. ) Hi hath removed my Judgement farrefronu me. There is in man a kind of fettlednefs and refolvednefs upon his Chap. 33. An Exfofition up»n the Boo^of Jo 1. Verf. 17. 297 his purpofe, he will on ; but faiih Elihu , the Lord withdrawes him, he ftretcheth forth his hand, and pulf s him back ; He. with- drawetb tsfdam, the earthly man ; The proper name of the firft man, is the common name of all men. Man is earthly by nature, and fo are all his naturall purpofes. To draw an earthly man from that which is earthly, is no eahe matter ; only the power of God can doe it, He withdraaeth man From his pnrpofe. The word wfeich we render purpofe, properly fignifies a wrkj ; 4 „*J , * and fo it is tranflated not only elfewhere, but here by feverall In- terpreters. Mr. Broughton is exprefle, That the earthly man leave cjf to worthy and then by workj, he means an svill work^s by purpofe an evill purpole. The word nwj^fet alone nfually fignifies an evill work, as the word wife put alone is taken for a good wife ( Prov. 8.22.) He that findeth a wife, findeth good ; every one that findeth a wife doth not find good, (there are many bad wives ) only he that findeth a good wife findeth good. So on the Vt a msve» contrary, the word worke ftanding here alone implyeth a bzd homo opus> ft: work. And to withdraw man from his work, or from his purpofe, /""^^ «"'"»" is to withdraw him from his evill work or purpofe : The Septua- m f um ' lun '\ gint gives it clearly fo, that he may withdraw man from unrighte- ^"f^f **- otifneffe. And Mr. Broughton gloffing his own tranflation, laith, ^^ g ept f" that he leave off mans work^and do the worhjfGod. Againe, This terme work^ feemes oppofed to the thought or concupifcence of the inner man ; he whhdraweth man from his worl^y that.his hand may not effect what his heart hath contrived : that the bitter root may not bring forth evill and bitter fruit. Or if we follow our tranflation, the fence will be the fame ; Hevthh- draweth man from his ptirpofe, that is, he checks and ftops the in- ward motions and workings of mans heart, and fo keeps him from bringing it to perfection by an outward evill work. {Jdn. 1 . 15.) Then when lufl hath conceived, it brirgeth forth fw,and fin, when it isfinifhedy brings forth death ; God in great mercy takes man orT from his purpofe when he finds him upon an evill device o- pur- pofe; he crufheth the Cockatrice's egge that it may not be fntch- CLq ed, 298 Chap. 33. An Expefition upon the Bool^of J o ». \£erf. 17* ed, and deftroyeth the conception of thofe Babylonifh brats that they m.iyn-ver come to the birth. ( Miff. 2. 1. ) Woe to them that devlfe mi f chief oh their beds , when the morning is light they practice it,becaufe it is in the fower of their hand. The work begins at the heart, there 'tis plotted and contrived ; the he%t is the~ workhoufe of fin ; now the Lord withdraws man from his purpofe, and will not fufrer the inward work tQ be accomplished by, the. outward work. Further,vve may refer thefe words either to what is part, or to what is to come ; ibme tranflate preferring it to what is part ) Vt axertat /*>- that he may turn, or withdraw man from thofe things which he hath mimsi ab Us ^ one . t j, ac [^ f rom tno f e £ Wl \[ s t0 which he hath already fee his quMjecit.yu g. ^ n fi . t fa s i s £ Qnt j^y gi vm g man repentance, which is our being humbled for, and turning away from any evill already committed » Our tranflation refers it to what is intended to be done, for that's a purpofe. So the meaning is, God doth thefe things that he. may keep man from doing that evill or mifchief which he hath re- folved upon,or at leaft is forming and hammeringUn his thoughts. Abimelech had anevill purpofe for the matter ( though poifibly the purpofe of his heart was not evill, for he faid to God ( and God faid he fpake true^) in the integrity of 'my heart, and innvcen- cy of my hands liave Idne this, Gen. 20. 5, 6. (he was I lay a- bout an evill purpofe for the matter ) when he thought to take Abrams wife from him, but the Lord came to him in a dream,and • withdrew him from the eviH of his purpofe. Labav intended evill, or hard dealing to Jacob, but the Lord met him alfo in a dreame,and withdrewhim from his purpole,faying,( thou knowejl the peo- ple that they arefet on mifchiefe, they are bent to it,they have fuch a mind to it y that there's no turning them from it ; they will hear no reafon nor take any denyall, when the fit is on them. There is a fetting of the heart of man continually upon evill; the wind blovves that way, and no other way, the wind fits alwayes in that bad coj^r till God turneth it. There are two gracious acts of God, ffBcenof in Scripture, which doe exceedingly friew forth the finfullnefle of man ; every act of grace doth in its meafure aggravate the finfullnefle of man, and alwayes the-higher grace acteth, the more is the fnsfullnefle of man difcovered, efpecially ( I fay ) in this twofold act of grace. The former whereof con- fifts in drawing ; the latter in withdrawing ; there is a gracious act of God in drawing the finfull fons and daughters of men to that which is good. Man is drawne, Firft, into a ftate of grace or goodnefle, by this he is made good. He is drawn, Secondly, to acts of grace or goodnefle,by this he doth good. Of the former « Chrift fpeaks ( Joh. 6. 44. J No man can come to me, evcept the Father which hath [eat me draw him, that is, no man can beleeve, ( for by faith we come to Chrift J except he receive power from en high. God draweth the foul to Chrift, and that's a powerful! • act of divine drawing, though not a compul for yact: and as God muft draw man inco a ftate of grace,which is our union with Chrift by the Spirit in beleeving, fo he draweth him to the acting of his^ graces. Of this latter the Church fpeaketh to Chrift ( C ain - r -4-) Draw me, and I will run after thee. Thefe gracious drawings ftieiv that we are not only utterly unable, But averfe to the receiving grace, and fo becoming good, while we are in a ftate of nature ; as alio that we are very backward to doe that which is good, even when we are in a ftate of grace. Now as God acts very graciouily in drawing man to good, fo Secondly, in withdrawing him from evill, from thofe evill purpofes and evill practices, to which all men are fo eafily yet fo ftrongly carried. The Prophet (Jer. 2. IOO k — Chap. 22. An Expofttion upon the Bool^of J o b. Verf.17,, 22, 24. ) elegantly defcribes the exceeding forwardnefVe of that people to evill, while he compared! them to thefwift Dremodary y traverjingher wayes, and to the wild Affe in the Wildemeffe that fnaffeth ftp the wind at her plea/fire ( or the defre of her heart ) in her cccafwmvho canturn-her away ? As the wild Aile fee upon her pleafure,& in her occafion,when the hath a mind to it,will not be turn dawayjfuch is the hearc of man. That other Prophet ( /fa. 5. 1 8,) telleth us of thofe who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and. fm as it were with a cart rope 1 that is, they fee themfelves with all their might to doemifchief. When men are thus vainly bent upon vanity, 'tis a mighty work of God to withdraw them from their work. When, what men are purpoied to doe they are fatt- ened to it as with cords and cart-ropes, what but the^werof the great God can withdraw them from it ? Whence note Secondly, ZJnlejfe God did withdraw and fetch us off from fin y we fbonU ran on in it continual!). When man is in an evill way, he hath no mind to returne till God turneth him ; let come on't what will he will venture : 'Tis only, through grace that the heart either abftains or returns from evill. David faith ( Pfal. 18. 23. ) I have kept my f elf from mine iniquity. Davidkept himfelf from his iniquity,yet he was not his own keeper : It was by the power of God that he kept himfelf from that fin to which be was moft prone, even from riiat (in to* which his own corruptions and the Devills temptations were al- wayes drawing him. David had fome fpeciall iniquity to which his heart was inclined more then any other, and from that he kept himfelf, being himfelf kept by the power of God through faith •unto falvation. Of our felves we can neither keep our felves from doing iniquity, no: leave off doing that iniquity, which we have once done. How can man. withhold himfelf from fin , while fin hath fo great a hold of him, yea the Maftery over him ■? Thirdly Note. God is graciottfly pleafedboth to withdraw man from doing evill and to draw him to repentance when he hath done evill. Between thefe two the grace of God is daily working in and towards man, and it worketh for the effec-ting of both many waves, ¥ht\ Chap. 33. An Apportion upon the Bool^ of Job. Verf. 17. 101 Firft , by his word , and that in a fourfold confiderarion. Fir'ft, by the word of his command, he every where in Scripture fo?bids man to doe any evill, and bids him repent of every evill which he doth. Secondly,by the word of his threatnings;they are as thunderbolts to deterre'him. Thirdly, by the word of his pro- mifes, they are divine alluremenrs, fvveetly yet efte&ually to entice him. Fourthly, by the word of his perfwafions, they are full of taking arguments to convince and win him. Secondly,God withdravves marffrom fin, and drawes him to re- pentance when he hath finned, by his works : Firft,by his works of Judgment, they break him to thefe duties. Secondly,by his works of mercy, they melt him into thefe duties. Thirdly, God withdraws man from fin and drawes him to re- pentance by his patience and long-fuffering. ( Rom. 2.4. ) 2)?- fpifefi thou the riches of his goodnejje.and farbearance^and lono-fuffe- rwgjiot knowing that the goodness of God leadeth them to repentance. As if the Apoftle had faid, O man, if thou knoweft not the mean- ing of Gods patience towards thee, and that this is the meaning of it., thou knoweft nothing of the mind and meaning of God to- wards thee. Fourthly, The Lord withdraweth man from evill purpofes by feafonable counfells. David was going on in a very bad purpofe ( 1 Sam. 25.) and God ftirred up Abigail to meete him, and by good counfell to withdraw him from his purpofe : This David acknowledged (^^.32,33.) Bieffed be the Lord God of Ifrael, which fent thee this day to meet me. As if he had faid, / was fully purpofed to reyenge my felf upon Naball, and had not furely lefc a man of his houfealive by the morning light, if thou hadft not met me ; therefore blelfed be God who hath fent thee, and bief- fed be thy advice, and blefied be thou which haft kept me this day from coming to fhed bloud, and haft by thy good counfell withdravvne me from that evill purpofe. Liftly,confiderGod withdraweth man from his finfull purpofe, all or any of thefe wayes, by putting forth his mighty power with them.Fqr his word alone, his works alone, his patience alone, the counfell of man alone would not doe it, if God did not ftretch forth his own arme in and with thefe meanes for the doing of it. Nothing is any further efficacious then as God is with it. (Wtymb. 22.) Balaam was going on in his wicked purpofe, being fent for by 302 Chap. 3 3. *** E-xfofitioH u pon the Btct^of^o b. V erf. 17. by Bah-.l^to curfe the people of God : And though the Lord fent his Angeli to be an adveriary to*im in his way ( verf. 22 . )' fo that his Aiie turned out of the way into the held, yet Balaam went on in his purpofe, yea though the Angeli itanding between two walls cauied his Aile to turne To fuddcnly, that ihecrufnc Balaams foot againft the wall (verf. 25.) yet Balaam went on in his purpofe : Once more though the Angeli went further and {bod in a narrow way, where there was no way to turne to the right hand nor to the. left, fo^rut the poo: Aflc fell down under him ( -v. 27. ) and (peaking ( as tne Apoftle Peter exprefletb ir, 2 Epift. 2. ) with mans voyce rebuked themadnefeofthe Prophet; Yet fo mad he was that all thefe checks and warnings, could net withdraw him from his purpofe. And what the Lord did at than time to Balaam by an Angeli, that he doth by fome other means and providences to ftop many, from their evill purpofes, who yec ■ will not be ftopt. He fpeaks to them in the miniftry of his word, he fpeaks to them in his works ; he lpreads their way with rofes, he hedgeth up their way with thorns, he beftoweth fweet mercies • upon them,he fends fharp afflictions upon them,to withdraw them from their evill projects and purpofes, yet on they-goe like Ba- laam, unlelfe he fend more then an Angeli, even his holy Spirit to withdraw them. Laftly , Elihu reports it -as a fpeciall favour of God to with- -draw man from his purpofe. . Whence note. f It is a great mercy to be hinder d in firfuH parpafes and in- tendments, Difappointments are acls of grace, when we are acting againft grace ; If God ftop us from doing evill, not onely by his word, but by blowes, or by a hedge of thorns, yea if he ftop us by a drawn fword, it is a great mercy. Though God throw us to the "round ( as he did Saul, afterwards Paul, when he went wfth a bloody purpofe to vex and perfecute the Saints ( Acts 9. ) let us count our felves exalted , and rejoyce in it more then in any worldly exaltation. 'Tis a rich mercy to be kept from executing an evill purpofe , though by our owne poverty and outward mi- sery. The doing of that which is finfull, is worfe then any thing that can be done to us, or endured by us, as a ftop againft fin. Sin ■ hatk Chap. 33, An Expofition upon the Booi^of Jo s. Verf. 17. 303 hath death in it ; fin hath wrath in it ; fin hath hell in it ; fin hath Devill and all in it ; therefore to be kept from fin, let it be by what means it will, if by paines and pining lickneifes, if by re- proaches and difgraces, yea if by death, we havecaufe toblefle God. The greateft and foreft Judgement which God powres up- on finfull men, is to let them alone in or not to withdraw them from their fins. Tobefuffered togoeonand proper in fin, is the worft of fufferings, the laft of Judgements, the next Judge- ment to hell it felfe, and an infallible ligne of an heire of hefl. Thus the wrath of God waxed hot againft Ifrael when he gave them up to their owne hearts tufts, and they walked in their owne Coumel ( Pial: 81. n.) This was the'higheft revenge that God could take upon that finfull people. He fayd a little before, If* rael would none of me ; when God wooed them they were fo coy, they would have none of him ; and then, faid he, goe on, take your fill of fin ; I give you up to your owne hearts lufts.The Lord did not fay, I gave them up to the fword, to the famine ,or to the pcftilence, but to their owne hearts lufts, and to walke on in their ©wn way ; That ferfen or people may befure, God hath purpofed e-> vill against them^whom he will not withdraw from their, evill pnr- pofes. The feverity ofthe wrath of God againft the Gentiles is expreft and fumm'd up in this ( Rom: 1. 26, 28. ) He gave them up to vileaffettions; he gave them up to a reprobate mind, to dec ' , f things which were not convenient. A natural! man left to himfelft, willfoone doe fuch things as nature it felfe abhrreth and blufheth *t. The fame dreadfull doome is denounced (Rev: 22. 11. ) He that is tinjfifty let him be unjuftftill ; and he that is filthy , led him be filthy fill. I will not withdraw him from his way , let him goe on and perilli, let him goe on and fink downe to the pit of perdition for ever. As St John in the Revelation foretelling the Church, given up or left to ( not in ) great fufferings of all forts ; Here is the patience ofthe Saints. So when we fee The world given up and left in great finntngs of any fort, efpecially if to finnings of all forts, we may truely and fadly fay, Here is the wrath of God, •'Tis therefore a great mercy, if God will any way withdraw man from his finfuir waves andpurpofes, efpecially when he taketb . ftrch gentle waves, as dreams and vifions, counfels and inftru&i- bns, no withdraw man from hispurpofe^ and ( as it followeth in this verfe ) t§ hid* . 304 Chap. 33. An Expofitlon upon the Book^of J b. Verf. 17. hide pride from man. nDD texit 0- The word which we render to hide, is to hide by carting a co- P n™fo a i p° d vering, a vayle, a garment, or any other thing, over what we de- quo rJas *" ire l ^ouW be hid , ( Prov: 12.23.)^? prudent: man concealer h knowledge ; it is this word ; he doth not pretend to know fo muck as he knoweth ; ne puts a vayle upon his own abilities, ( zsMe- fes upon his face when there was fuch a Chining beauty imprinted there ) rather then reveales them unneceffarily or uncalled, *Tu the fool! Jh man, or he that hath but afbew of wlfdome, who loves and affetts to befhcwlng it. But to the text. The word is ufed al- io, to note that gracious a& of God, his pardoning the fin of man. ( Pfal: 32. 1. ) B/eJfed is the man whofe tranfgreffton is jnr given y and who fe fin is covered, God covers our fins in the riches of his grace, by the perfect righteouinefle of Jefas Chrift. . Now there are cwo w.iyes by which God hideth pride from man, Firft, by pardoning it ; Secondly , preventing it. Here to hide pride from man, properly, is not to pardon it when a6\ed, but to prevent or keep man from the acting of it j God indeed hides the pride- of man by pardoning it ( and that's a high ad of grace) and he hideth pride from man by keeping man from doing proud- ly, or from ihewing his pride in his doings. JTVi (iiperbia ^ e vvorc * renc ^ re ^ f Tl ^ e > fignifies Eminency, or Excellency, txceVemia. becaufe men are ufually proud of that wherein they are eminent and excell ; rhere lyes rhe remptation to pride. And therefore as a man fhould turne away his eyes from a beautiful! harlot, left fhe fnould enfnare him, fo God hides mans owne beauties, emi- nencies, and excellencies, even his beft workes from him, left he lliould be proud of them, and fo goe a whoring after them : or as God did with the body of Mofes, he not only buryed him , but hid him ( for 'tis 'fayd, ( Vent: 34. 6. ) No man knoweth of his fepulcher to thi^day) and 'tis well conceived that the reafon why God hid his fepulcher, was, left the people of Ifrael ftiould be drawne afide to fome undue ©r fuperftitious veneration of him. So God hideth ( by fome meanes or other ) that which is moft eminent in us, from us,left it fhould draw us afide to fome undue eftimation of it, and fo prove but matter or fewel for pride to fcindle upon.Thus the Lord hideth pride ftom us,when he Jiide-th that from us, which ( considering our corruption ) may probably make us proud. Ana Chap. 33. An Expofition up»n the Boo'^of J B. Verf. 17. 305 And the originall word here ufed to fignifie the man from ~2*