er i? aa 6 Duke University Libraries Statement of di Conf Pam #480 DTIDblDElS STATEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION To tin- s Hernando i;; Hill-boro' iioue. .. U j Holmes ! ir, .rack^on \ 875 (X) Ki .Icfforson 17 iLaFayette uoni', .. IH 'i Leon 1 \):a SC )<.i } I A-vy ?,Or}.j 5;! ■M I-il)*rty n>;i)c. . . V ; Madison. .» 2,700- 00 a2 i Manatee, '£) ! Marion *J 25 OranL'e 70 00 vMi Polk none. . . 27 i Putnam 4.\!(i IK) 28 Santa Kosa •Z< iSt. .lohns 31 ;SumptiT 117 00 :il Suwanne:.' 1.C60 CO .{2 ITavlor :J3 Volusia ■■U Wakiilla 3'} Walt :«; Wnohinston IvNile? from St. Autrn-^tiue. |{i;rui.'ec8 at (ireeiivillf, Ala Kclu'.'ces at Montgonii'ry,Ala Frrn.mdez , ExpynsoB of a.i^cnte Osaaburjiti for s.ilt eiackt<> <'atli:irin\n tola F. Oliveri; Trustees. Neill Heni-y, Truste 7 Report to and rece' funds from Jiidi? Probate of E bia county. 21,001 50| 11,741 .3,().3:i 13,2JS 18li.»as »4n!J!2!tl.443 40 1,453 30-50' 569 [Warrants drawn by the Comptroller from Nov. Ist, };l91..505.a3l 18(«, to Oct. 31«>t. l.S«4, as per report of this year. . .|263,701.< Warrants drawn from 1st to ].">th November (incln- I 7,150.371 sive) since the report was made 34,90l| Warrants dr.nvn bv the C'onipi roller under act of Dt!C. 5tli, is/w. as iv.^r n'port of Nov. 2d, 1S('l"cf : ! since Nov. 1, ],S(i3 $298,602.1 Amount returned to the treasury as per Comptroller I Deduct: Report Nov. 2<1, IWW ." $8,505.10 jAmotmt of Warrants drawn under act of Dec. 5th, Amount returned «inec Nov. 2d. ls(U, nnd | 18(i2. included In report of this year, and a part of reported by Comptroller this year 3,.521.16— 12,026.26, above amount of |;2,,, »., . Private Secretary to the GovernorJ KXECI Trvr, T.-illahi-sec, Nov. 17th. 1S64. * penmalipe* pH8.5