Ceyt f fffnt, ±ites Duke University Libraries (Report of the Conf Pam #429 DTTD25flODX MKSSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Februaiy 16, 1864. To the House of Representatives : In response to your resolution of the 5th instant, I herewith trans- mit a communication from the Secretary of War, conveying the in- formation asked for, relative to the hospitals in and near the city of Richmond, and to the surgeons and assistant surgeons attached to them. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION^ OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States of America, ^ War Department, v Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 1814. ) To the President of the Confederate States : Sir : I have received the following resolution of the House of Rep- resentatives, referred by your Excellency to this Department : " Resolved, That.the President be requested to communicate to this House the distribution of the hospitals in and near the city of Rich- mond, among the several States, and the names and places from which appointed, of the several surgeons in charge of each hospital, and their assistant surgeons.'' In response, I have the honor to transmit a report from the Surgeon General, with enclosures, conveying the information called for by the House. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. Confederate States of America, i Executive Department, > Richmond, Va., Feb. 9, 1864. ) To the Honoiable Secretary of War : Sir : I have the honor, by direction of the President, to foward for your attention, and the proper action, the following copy of a resolu- tion of the House of Representatives, of the 5th instant ■ '* llesolvcd, That the President be requested to communicate to the House the distribution of the hospitals, in and near the city of Rich- mond, among the several States, and the names and places from "which appointed, of the several surgeons in charge of each hospital, and their assistant surgeons." Very respectfully, your obedient servant, BURTON N. HARRISON, Private Secretary. [endorsed.] , Surgeon General: For early response. JAMES A. SEDDON, Feb. 10, 1864. Secretary of War . Surgeon General's Office, ) February 11, 1864. 5 Respectfully referred to Surgeon Carrington, medical director, for report as to the distribution of the hospitals among the several States, and the names of the surgeons in the charge, and their assistants. S. P. MOORE, Surgeon General. Medical Director's Office, > February 13, 1864. \ Respectfully returned, with the reports called for, and an explana- tory communication. WM. A. CARRINGTON, Medical Director. Surgeon General's Office, February 15, 1864. Respectfully returned to the Secretary of War, with the informa- O. n - I 9- tion called for enclosed within. A large number of medical officers, p,j^ (just one-half,) it will be perceived, are from the State in which their a 4 3, hospitals are situated. It may be proper to explain, that this feature prevails in the general hospitals in other States. For instance, iu North Carolina, there are twenty-six medical officers on duty in the general hospitals, of whom eighteen are from North Carolina, three from Georgia, two from Virginia, and one each from Alabama, Lou- isiana and South Carolina. In the general ho^tpitals in South Car- olina, of the thirty-three raelical officers, twenty-one are from South Carolina, four from Georgia, three from Florida, three from Virginia, one from Mississippi, and one from Texas. S. P. jMOORE, Sugeo7i General. REPORT OF THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE GENE- RAL HOSPITALS IN AND AROUND RICHMOND. Medical Director's Office, > Richmond, Va., February 13, 1864. ) Sir: I respectfully forward the required report, of the apportion- ment of the general hospitals in and around Richmond^ (see enclosure No, 1.) It will be observed that it also contains the number of sick and wounded now in hospital from each State, and the capacity of the hospital or division assigned to the State. This apportionment is not constant, and has required and will require frequent changes : first, from the varying numbers in the hospitals, requiring permanent or temporary closure of some of the hospitals. By enclosure No. 2 it will be seen that on January 31, 1863, there were 5,925 in these hospitals; which, on February 28th, had diminished to 1,142; and by June 3(lth had increased to lG,5i)2, to again gradually diminish to the present number, 2,900, of which 1,191 are Federal prisoners, the united capacity of the hospitals being 11,(.)()0. A second cause for change in apportionment is the movement of troops from or to the department. This is very sensible on every movement, as all the troops are divided into brigades (sometimes divisions) by States. As an example, on the transfer of General Longstreet's corps, all the Texas and Arkansas troops, most of the Georgia and some of the Alabama troops left the State, requiring the closure of the hospitals assigned to those States. Enclosure No. 3 reports the names of the surgeons and assistant surgeons appointed to the hospitals and divis- ions of hospitals at which they are on duty. Every care has been taken to provide separate hospital accommodation for the probable number of sick and wounded from each State. Some adv.intages have been secured thereby, but a considerable increase in the expoi-.i-e has been caused to the Confederate States. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, , WILLIAM A, CARRINGTON, Medical Direct or. Surgeon General S, P, Moore, Richmond. STATEMENT OF HOSPITALS in and around Richmond, uyith the Medical Officers attached to each. HOSPITAI,. Medical Officers. Rank. Name. Remarks. State from wh'h app'd. 2d Division jrfurgeon, lAs'lSurg.'on, Ohimborazo 'Surgeon, McCaw, J. B. 1st Division I " Urowne, V. k\ !As't Surgeon, 'Baylor, J.C. Harrison, J P. Watson, J. C. Minge, John Habersliani, S E, Harrison, E. J. V'aidi^u, J.(J- Gordon, E. W. Small, E. H. Washington, W. Carltuu, G W. Ejijifs, E. C. Davis, AV. A. Craig, B. C. Chapujan, W. D Sliuiord, F. B. AViley, J. B. Kioman, W. C. Sea brook, E. M. ^d Division. Siirgnon, As't Surgoon. 4th Division 'Surgeon, As't Surgeon, <( oti" Division Surgeon. 'Virginia. Georgia jVirginia. A. As't Surgeon, IDunkley, C. L. BabcocK, S. E. Harper, R. .M. General Hospital No. 24.., burgeon, As't Surgeon, ,(ieorgia. j Virginia. Kentucky. Virginia. Maryland, 'South Carolina. (Virginia. Isioulh Carolina. Viri^inia. 2d Divison, .Jackson Hosp. Surgeon, 1st Division, Winder Hos Manson, O. F. Sherrod, J. W- Bellinger, A. N. Cabell, J. G. Hugh, W.D. I " 'Lane, A. G. ' " Tucker, D.U. ! '• Dudley, J. G. lAs't Surgeon, Ghent, 11. C. MurUoek, K. Biiden, .). A. Barron, VV. R. Meek, J. T. 'North Carolina. I " 'South Carolina. ■Virginia. 'Georgia. iLouisiana. 'Virginia. S<.'uih Carolina. (Alabama. jMaryland. iSouih Carolina. 1st Division, Jackson Hos.,'^"''S«"'^' jWellford, J. S. As t Surgeon, Thomley, James I Virginia. 1st Div'n, Howard's Grove, i'^^^'Seon, iTemple, T. F. i As't Surgeon, Richardson, AV , Virginia. 2d Div'n, Howard's Grove, '^"^g^""' ;Palmer, T. N. Louisiana Hospital Surgeon, Nichols. W. 0. 'As't Surgeon,, Young, H. >> . od Div'n, .lacks. Ill Hosp'l..! Surgeon, ;Serames, A. .1 . Florida. Louisiana. Louisiana. STATEMENT OF HOSPITALS— GoNTit^vRi^. Medical Officers. Hospital. Remarks. Rtink. 3d Div'ii. Jackson Ho.sp'l..;A.s't Surgeon. General Hospital No. 1 , Robertson Hospital Receiving and W.iy Hosp. General Hospital No 1.".., Small-pox Uo. Lonieiana .. . U73 ^387 Louisiana, 3d Div. Jackson, Ward— 2d Div. How- ard's Grove, 200 700 In operation. Texas, 24 50 Temporarily closed. Arkangos, o Ward— 2.1 Div. How- ard's Grove, 50 u f 46 No 4, General, 2(iO Officer's Hospital. Confederate or un- apportioned Gen- eral llospilals,... 7lNo. 1, General, J 26l Robertson, 1 125 Receiving and way, 85 No. 13, General, 325 21 800 200 Temporarily closed. In operation. II 11 193 Small-pox, 360 II II Federal prieonerg,. . 1,191 No. 21, General, 1300 II II NUMBERS lemaining in Hosjnials in Richmond, at the end of each month during ihe year 1863. 1863. January.. February, March...., April May. June. July. August September. October November.. i J December.. 5,9i'5 1,142 4,5'4i 9,42'J 15,825 16,502 15,950 11,167 7,877 8,408 9,604 8,495 pH8.5