.(no i v #108 Duke University Libraries Orders, no. 13 Conf Pam q#108 I Person* dosiring to have more than one male adiflt o« heir stock f-uma'uuder the provisions of the law allowing one person k eac heTofe.ttlo.will be required to make affidavit that such numb, ol persons H absolutely necessary to take proper care ot ilia stock. I II Enrollments for particular regiments, squadrons, baahons and companies in service on the 16th of April 1862, may be ma. by officers de a edio he pur^se by the Com* leneral of ad „,„,,.„ or aa^myintheneldfbut such officers must report to the Co hmndant o Oonscripte in their respective Slates, receive insti lotions fri him, and wsemble their conscript at such points as he Wy dcsigna* Co enrolled without reporting to suofa commandant, wiU be deem to - Sued for general service, and shall at an., time be transferred, ..pplieati.m, oron the application, of commandants ol c|rps needisfconsenpts, l.i BUch eorp.-. / Jier cent. profit thereon, and that he will nil by any arrangement, shif or con- trivance, evade the law, or receive a greater price or rewai.1 than it allows. Where application is made to exempt superintendents ai 1 opera- tives hi wool ud en 1 1 on factories and paper mills, and stipoi inien oils and ling inv. 'lines, shoemakers, tanners, blM^smith**. ,rA£ >-. or unit wi it tg i . but in ihe employment of some com^my or establishment, the president or some director, if the company be incorporate, if cot, the proprietor of the business, or if i here be a firm, soma parto-r there- in, shall make oai It in writing that the said superintendents, operatives, managers or mechanics, as the case may be, are skilled and aotially cni- 1 vocations; that they are habitually worklOt for the public; that they arc absolutely necessary for the successful prosecution of the buei toss of the concern; that the product! thereof shal not be sold, or exchanged, or bartered, during the said exemption, fjl a price aud Jtion. to hiiv time .ne pi exceeding the oost of production and feventy-five per cent, profit there- on ; that no shift, contrivance or arrangement shall be made to evade the law, or to secure a larger return or profit than it allows; and that ex- emption is not sought for a larger number of persons than is absolutely n-y tor the successful prosecutions of the business of the concern. The foregoing affidavits shall be made before some Justice of the Peace or other person authorized by law to administer oaths, and if such Justice or other person be not personally known to the enrolling otlicer to be what he purports to be, his official character and his right to ad- minister oat: s must ue certified by the Clerk of some court of record. under the seal of his court. * , Tile affidavits shall be returned nmandaul of I on-cripls, and exemptions shall be grained by the enrolling officer. If, however, h su-pect false swearing or inislakJBie shall refuse the xempt refer 1 , li.r hi.st enrolling the names of parties Ore Commandant ConsCI shall dispose of it . II the enrolling offic to suspect false s wcirin«TJk-«staUe to %<»1r. "■" ;i ' ,;i ' , hi the law all. root by . ,1c. me enrollment ujuu the said atfidaviUfJB Details. V. Citizen employees and mechanics who are employed in establish- ments of the government, or by contractors with the (jovernmetil in (he manufacture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other miinili war, saddles, harness and army supplies, will be enrolled and returned to their work : provided the Chief of the Ordnance lieaureau, or some ord- nance officer authorized by him for the purpose, shall certify that the number of operatives required by the officer in charge of such establish- ment, or by such contractor for government work, is reasonable, and not excessive. Such certificate will be presented to the enrolling officer, who will thereupon make the detail of the men specified for a period ant ex- ceeding sixty days, and return the certificate to the Commandant of Con- scripts At the expiration of such detail, the officer In charge of the government shop, or the contractor, in whose employment sai 1 conscripts are. shall cause said certificate to be renewed, or return the eonscripis to the nearest camp of instruction. If the certificate be not renewed, or ihe conscripts be not relumed, no-other detail shall he granted to Such eetab' lishment or contractor. In all cases of details for contractors, the requesting the detail shall make affidavit that the persons so detailed will not be employed on any other than government work, which affidavit shall be returned to the Commandant of Conscripts; and if it be found that at any time suoh detailed conscripts are employed by said contract- ors upon work for private individuals, Ihe detail shall be cancelled by the Commandant of Conscripts. Para ;n»ph '. Qenara! ' Volunteering. VI. All persons liable to conscription may. before enrollment, vol- unteer in companies in service on the liitb of April, lSiiJ. But after en- rollment, they cannot volunteer, nor can they at any time volunteer in companies received into service since the 16th of April, 1862. VII All persons subject to enrollment for military service, may be enrolled wherever found, whether within the State or oounty of their resi- dence, according to an act of Congress, approved Sept. 1!7, 1862. J. P. FLEWELLEN, Major & Com'dt Conscripts. -T-Vf { Hollinger Corp. P H8.5