Cataloged Pamphlet Colkciion Duke University Library :» Yvv-a^. .J. X BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF MANCHESTER ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No XLVIII, cr MANCHESTER, VIRGINIA. REVISED MAY ^ A. L §864, R. A. M. 2M, A. D. 1864. RICHMOND : CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER. 1865. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. MEETING OF THE CHAPTER. The Stated Convocations of this Chapter shall be held at the Masons' Hall, in the town of Man- chester, the first Thursday on or before the Full Moon in every month. ARTICLE II. ELECTION" OF OFFICERS. § 1. The officers of the Chapter shall be elected by ballot annually, at the stated convocation in June, but should any casualty prevent an election at that time, the officers for the time being shall retain their several stations till their successors be duly elected, which shall take place at the next called or stated convocation thereafter. § 2. The installation of the* officers present shall immediately follow the election ; such as may be absent shall be installed at the first subsequent meeting which they may attend. § 3. Before the election of officers takes place, the list of delinquents shall be called over; and 4 BY-LAWS OF MANCHESTER no member who may be in arrears to the Chapter to the amount of three dollars, shall be entitled to hold an office, ballot or vote, in any case whatever. ARTICLE III. THE DUTIES OF OFFICERS. § 1. The M. E. High Priest, or in his absence the E. King or E. Scribe may convoke a Chapter when necessary. He shall cause the third section of the sixth article of these By-Laws to be read immediately after the opening of the Chapter; also, the third section of the fourth article previous to any balloting ; and the proceedings of the last stated and all intervening meetings immediately after the opening of all stated meetings. § 2. The Secretary shall, keep a true record of all the proceedings of the Chapter, and all Lodges held under its authority, and shall report to the Grand Secretary all rejections, expulsions, suspen- sions and deaths as they may occur, and all remo- vals annually. He shall also make the grand annual return to the Grand Chapter. § 3. The Treasurer shall keep a regular book of accounts, and receive all moneys which may be paid to the Chapter. He shall deliver to the Stand- ing Committee a semi-annual statement of all ac- counts, and of the funds of the Chapter previous to the stated convocations in June and December. § 4. The Treasurer shall pay no moneys except ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. 5 by the order of the Chapter, signed by the M. E. High Priest, unless in cases of charity, and then only to the order of the Standing Committee. § 5. -It shall be the duty of the Janitor to take charge of' the jewels, furniture, &c, belonging to the Chapter, to place the same in due form and proper .order, to see that they be again restored in safety, to notify every member within the town of all meetings, and tile the Chapter ; for the faithful discharge of said duties he shall receive five dollars for each meeting. § 6. The Steward shall provide such refresh- ments as the M. E. High Priest or presiding officer may direct ; provided, that the expenses of the Chapter for any one meeting (except the Janitor's and Steward's fees,) shall not exceed fifteen dol- lars ; and provided that this law shall not interfere with the right of individuals to furnish such refresh- ments as they may think proper ; and for the dis- charge of this duty, the Steward shall receive one dollar. ARTICLE IV. PETITION AND ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES. § 1. All applications for membership, exaltation, or for any other degree which can be conferred under the authority of this Chapter, shall be in writing, signed by the petitioner, and must be seconded by two or more members, and lie over 6 BY-LAWS OF MANCHESTER until the next meeting, whether stated or special, (cases of emergency excepted,) when the ballot shall be taken, and if he be received unanimously, he shall then receive the benefit of such admission, exaltation or other degree, as may conform to his request. § 2. Every member who recommends a candidate for membership, exaltation, or any other degree, shall deposit five dollars in the hands of the Treasurer, the said five dollars to be returned if the candidate be rejected ; if he be received, it shall be considered as a part of his fee ; but if he be received, and does not apply for the benefit of said petition within the course of three stated meet- ings, it shall be forfeited to the use of the Chapter, and his election declared void. § 3. No member or visiting Companion shall make known the member or members rejecting a candidate, under the penalty of expulsion if a mem- ber, and if a visitor, of never again being allowed to enter this Chapter. ARTICLE V. DUES AND FEES. § 1. Every member, except the Secretary, Treas- urer, Chaplain, Janitor, and Steward, shall pay at each stated meeting the sum of twenty-five cents. Should any member fail to comply with this regu- lation for twelve months, it shall be the duty of ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER- 7 the Secretary to summon him to appear at the next stated meeting to show cause why he should not for- feit his seat as a member ; and should he not comply with such summons at the end of six months, he shall thereby forfeit his membership. § 2. The fee for membership shall be five dollars, ■which must in all cases accompany the application ; but no member shall be charged with the fee who declares himself a member at the time of his ex- altation. § 3. The fee for the Royal Arch degree shall be one hundred dollars, but for the preparatory degrees thereto, consisting of the Mark, Past, Select, Royal, and Most Excellent Masters, it shall be fifty dollars, and the Royal Arch fifty dollars : which fees must in all cases be paid into the hands of the Treasurer before the degrees are con- ferred. § 4. Any member wishing to obtain a recom- mendation from this Chapter to the Grand Secre- tary for a Grand Chapter Diploma, shall first produce the Treasurer's receipt for all dues, upon the production of which, the Council may grant him a certificate to procure the same, or his appli- cation may be referred to the Chapter. § 5. The expenses attending any extraordinary or called meeting, shall be defrayed by the person or persons "for whose convenience or benefit the meeting may be called. 8 BY-LAWS OF MANCHESTER ARTICLE VI. GOVERNMENT AND ORDER. § 1. No ballot whatever shall be taken, unless there be at least seven members present. § 2. All subjects on which questions are to be taken, except such as are specially provided for, shall be decided by a majority; and in cases of an equal number of votes, the Most Excellent High Priest shall decide by virtue of his second vote. § 3. Proper order and decorum shall be main- tained during the meetings, and every member wishing to deliver his sentiments, shall address the Council in due form. § 4. Any Companion whose conduct is unma- sonic, immoral, or generally offensive to the Com- panions, shall, by vote of a majority of the members present, be excluhed from this Chapter until a reformation is believed to have taken place, and he is again unanimously received. § 5. No member shall be at liberty to withdraw after having taken his seat, without first obtaining permission from the proper officer. ARTICLE VII. WITHDRAWING AND FILLING VACANCIES. § 1. Any member wishing to withdraw from this Chapter, shall make the same known either in per- son, by proxey, or in writing ; but no one shall be ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. 9 permitted to withdraw until he has paid all dues, fees, &c. § 2. In case of death, removal, or resignation of any officer of this Chapter, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be filled at the next meeting after it shall have been notified of the fact. ARTICLE VIII. THE STANDING COMMITTEE. The Most Excellent High Priest, Excellent King, and Excellent Scribe, shall form a Standing Com- mittee, any two of whom may act, whose duty it shall be to examine the Secretary's and' Treasurer's books and accounts previous to the stated convoca- tions in June and December, and report to the Chapter the state of the funds at that time, and to which committee all applicants for charity shall be referred. ARTICLE IX. AMENDING THE BY-LAWS. § 1. Every proposition for the adoption of a new law, altering or abrogating an existing one, shall be made in writing at a stated meeting, and if seconded, shall be read and laid over until the next stated Chapter, when, if approved by two- thirds of the members present, it shall become a part of the By-Laws. § 2. All cases of emergency, and subjects not 10 BY-LAWS. herein specially provided for, shall be decided by a majority of the members present. § 3. Every member shall be furnished with a printed copy of these By-Laws at the expense of the Chapter. § 4. These laws shall go into operation from the passage thereof, and all laws heretofore passed, aie hereby repealed. LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS MANCHESTER ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. XL VIII. Most Excellent WM. BRADLEY, JOHN H. HATCHER, LEWIS ROGERS, Companion WM. L. HOLT, JOS. E. SEAWARD, " NATHAN EUBANKS, WM. WHITWOKTH, GEO. T. BLANTON, WM. W. WEISIGER, A. A. ALLEN, WM. E. DAY, A. J. SIMMONS, High Priest. King. Scribe. Treasurer. Secretary. Captain of the Host. Principal Sojourner. Royal Arch Captain. 3d , Master of Veils. 3d ) 2d U: lstj Steward and Janitor. MEMBERS. Most Excellent FRANCIS J. BOGGS, P. H. P. COMPANIONS. D. K. WEISIGER, Rev. J. P. WOODWARD, A. C. GIBBS, DOUGLAS BAIRD, W\I. WALSH, JAMES BIUGGS, CORNELL BRADLEY, THOS. J. ALLGOOD, WM. AMBERS, PETER S. COO ER, JOHN FORSYTH, WM. R. WEISIGER, H. A. PHILLIPS, ALEX. BAXTER, HEN BY FITZGERALD, Sr., HENRY FITZGEKALD, Jr., EVAN ALBRIGHT, THADEUS W. CROW, JOHN S. WHIT WORTH, N. A. BASS, BENJAMIN H. NASH. JOHN A. WILLIAMS, C. OGDEN, E. D. OGDEN, F. C. WEISIGER. 192?