Duke University Libraries An act to provi Conf Pam #294 DTT117flbED MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., March 5, 1863. 2b the Senate and House of Representatives : I herewith enclose, for your information, a copy of an ace of the Legislature of South Carolina, offering a guaranty by that State of the bonds of the Confederate States, to which I invite your special at- tention. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/acttoprovideforgOOsout [Copy.] THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. At a General Assembly begun and holden at Columbia, on the fourth Monday in November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and thence continued by divers adjournments to the eighteenth day of December, in the same year — An Ad to provide for a gunranfy by the State of the Bonds of the Con- federate States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of .Represe7itntires nov) met and sitting in General AssewMy, and bx) the authority of the. same. That the Governor of the State, for the time being, be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to endorse the guarantee of the State upon the bonds of the Confederate Stated of America, upon the application of the government of tlie said Confederate States, to an amount equal to the proportionate share of the State of South Carolina, of the sura of two hundred millions of dollars in the .ratio of the represon ration of said State in the House of Representatives of the Coiifede- , rate Congress, thereby pledging the faith and the funds of the State for the payment of the principal of the said bonds, and the interest to accrue thereon : Proinded, That such of the bonds, as shall be sold within the Confederate States, shall be disposed of to the highest bidder : And provided further. That in the sale, whether in this country or abroad, of these bonds, this State and the citizens thereof shall have the right to purchase the bonds under its guaran- tee, in preference to all purchasers at equal bids. In the Senate House, the eighteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty-seventh year of the sovereignty of the indepen- dence of the Stale of South Carolina. W. D. PORTER, President of the Senate. A. P. ALDRICH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, ) Columbia, S. C, Dec. 27, 1862. S 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of an act, entitled "An act to provide for a guaranty by the State of the bonds of the Confederate States," ratified the ISth day of December, A. D,, 1862, and now on file at this office. Given under my hand and seal of the State. WM. R. IIUNTT, Deputy Secrttary of State. =>/5 9v P6Rmalip6« pH8.5