Duke University Libraries Communication f Conf Pam #402 MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Feb. 17, 1863. To ilie Senate and House of Representatives : I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, asking for an appropriation to meet a claim of the State of North Carolina for reimbursement of sums expended upon clothing, etc., for troops of that State in the Confederate service. I recommend an- appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF WAR. CONFKDKRATF. StaTES OK A.MKFllCA, j War Department, \ Richmond, Va., Feb. 4, 1863. ) To the President of the Confederate States : In a settlement by the Second Auditor of the account of the State of North Carolina for clothing, camp and garrison equipage furnished the troops during six months, ending 3'.)th June, 1862, the Confederate States were found to be indebted $1,259,495 28. The Governor and Treasurer of North Carolina express great an.xietj for the immediate settlement of this claim. This Department recognizes the debt as due, and desires an appropriation from Congress for its payment. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, (Signed,) . JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. COMMUNICATION FROM SECOND AUDITOR. Treasury Department, ) Second Audilor's Office, Feb. 5, 18G3. S Hon. J. A. Campbell, Assistant Secretary of l,ur: Sir : In compliance with your request of this morning to send you " such a statement of the account of the &tatc of North Curolina as will enable you to send to the President for a message to Congress to make an appropriation," T have to state that on the 16th of January, there was found due said State, upon audits in this office, the sum of $1,289, -195 28 for clothing furnished by said State for her troops in the Confederate service, under the provisions of the first section of act No. 256, August 30, 1861, and the regulations of the War De- partment under said act. The amount thus found due was properly payable out of the general appropriation for *' pay of officers and privates, volunteers and militia, and quartermasters supplies of all kinds;" and the certificate of the accounting officers called for a requisition accordingly, (payable to the agent of the State, Captain W. B. Gulick,) which requisition, I understand, has not been issued because the appropriation is exhausted. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, (Signed,) W. H. S. TAYLOR, Auditor. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Duke University Libraries littp://www.archive.org/details/communicationfro22conf' pH8.5