George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2015 littps:// ASSEMBLY SKETCH BOOK, SESSION 1883. NORTH CAROLINA. BY J. S. TOMLINSON. vox-.xj:m:h: s. RALEIGH, N. C. : Edwards, Broughton & Co., Steam Printers and Binders. 1883. PREFACE. The reader will find that the sketches in this little volume are arranged numerically by districts for the Senate and alphabetically by counties for the House of Representa- tives. The subject matter was prapared for the printer in such haste, in less than one Aveek, that there ma\- be some errors ; I have, however, endeavored to get correct data and state nothing but facts. J. S. T. Raleigh, A'. C, March id, 1883. ASSEMBLY SKETCH-BOOK. SESSION 188 3. SENATE. First District. JAMES MONROE WOODHOUSE, POPLAR BRANCH, CURRITUCK COUNTY, N. C, Was born in Currituck county on the 14th day of Decem- ber, 1835, and is forty-eight years old. He received a com- mon school education, studied no profession, and is a farmer by occupation. In 1867 he was appointed a justice of the peace for his county, and has held that position ever since. In 1861 he was commissioned Colonel of the militia of Cur- rituc^v county, and after the fall of Roanoke Island in 1862, was for some time in active service with his command. After the war, returned to his duties on the farm and was successful. In 1868, was elected county commissioner. Was elected by the Democratic party as a member of the House of Representatives in the years of 1870-'72, 1874 and again in 1878. Was never beaten, and having a deep seat in the affections of his people he can't be beat. In 1859, the Col- onel was united in matrimony with Miss Sarah M. Gallop, of his own county, and has six children living. He is one of the most popular men in his county, and the man has yet to come who can carr}^ a larger vote than he can. As a representative of his people, he is ever watchful of their interests. Courteous, manly, dignified in his manners, and to his friends true, tried and c onfiding — to every one liberal to a fault — he is well known and liked by all who know him. He was a member in the House in 1879 and in the Senate in 1881, and his people still recognizing his worth returned him to the present Senate. His wife died March 26th, 1881. Fle serves on committee of Finance and is chairman of committee on Salaries and Fees and joint com- mittee on Fish Interest. \ 2 W. W. SPEIGHT, SUNBURRY, GATES COUNTY, N. C, Son of John W. Speight, and was born in Gates county Jul}' 27, 1831. Educated at common schools. Married Miss Rebecca, daughter of Henry Hofier, June 28th, 1857, and has seven children living and one dead. Was in the war about three years, Company C, 52d N. C. Infantry, Hill's Corps. Was captured at Farmville, April 6th, 1865. Was elected on the Repuplican ticket over the former Senator, W. H. Manning, by 193 votes. Committees: Propositions and Grievances and Public Printing. Second District. WILLIAM WEYMOUTH THOMAS CAHO. STONEWALL, PAMLICO COUNTY, N. C. Born in Prince George county, Maryland, July 31st, 1847. He represents the Second Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Martin, Pamlico, Tyr- rell and Washington. Was elected by a majority of 527, leading his ticket, Democratic in politics, and twice elected to fill this position ; the first time, in 1876, then leading his ticket by several hundred votes ; has been Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee for eight years, and also member of the Congressional Executive Committee for several years ; has held the office of Coroner in his county several times; was educated in a common school; twice married, first to Miss Fannie Augusta Hogan, of Thomasville, Davidson county, N, C, by whom he has one child — a daughter — now living, just eleven years old. Married the second time to Miss Apple F. Reddett, of Beau- fort county, N. C. Served in war of the States in company " C," 68th Regiment, N. C. Troops. Obtained license to practice law in Jurie,1878. Chairman of the Senate branch of the Joint Select Committee on Redistricting the State, and served on the Judiciary Committee, the Committee on Privileges and Elections and on Military Affairs. Mr. Caho is a gentleman of pleasant addrpss, and good practical common sense, and the best of all, he knows how to properly use his fund of knowledge. He is editor and proprietor of the Pamlico Enterprise, and a faithful Demo- crat, and did much in Eastern Carolina towards holding the party together, and is making an efficient and valuable member. 3 THEODOUE W. POOLE, WILLIAMSTON, MARTIN COUNTY, N. C, Is one of the two Representatives of the second Senatorial District, (composed of the counties of Martin, Beaufort, Washington, Tyrrell, Pamlico, Hyde and Dare) was born on the 22nd day of November, 1844. His father was the Rev. William G. Poole, of the Methodist Protestant church. He was educated in the city of Baltimore. When the war be- tween the North and South commenced he was living in Elizabeth City, N. C, and on the 4th of May, 1861, volun- teered in Martin's company which was placed in the 17th N. C. regiment, and ordered to Oregon Inlet. Remained a short time at Oregon Inlet, then was traosfered to the 8th N. C. Regiment commanded by Col. Shaw of Currituck co., which was stationed at Roanoke Island. Was captured at Roanoke Island by General Burnside, and placed on parole. After being exchanged he joined the Second N. C. Battalion (Col. Green's) and was stationed at Drury Bluff near Rich- mond. In the latter part of 1862, was transfered to Com- pany C, First Maryland Calvary commanded by Col. Brown. The First Maryland Calvary was in Gen J. E. B.v. Stewart's command, and operated with Lee and Jackson in Virginia. Was engaged in the battles of Winchester, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Brandy Station, Manassa, Trevillian Sta- tion, Gettysburg and in fact all the general engagements in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania between Lee's army and the army of the Potomac. Was captured at Chambers- burg, Pa., when that place was destroyed by the Confed- erates, and taken to Camp Chase near Columbus, Ohio, and kept in the military prison, until a short time before the sur= render of Lee at Appomattox, was released on parole. In 1867, went West, and settled at Omaha, Nebraska, then crossed the plains and settled at Cheyenne— a new town then just started at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming Territory— on the Union Pacific Railroad. Was one of the first settlers of Cheyenne. In ■ 1868, was elected a member of the City Council of Cheyenne by the 4 Democratic party by a handsome majority. In 1869, was elected Senator in the "Wyoming Legislature by the Dem- ocratic Party. Came back to North Carolina on Jan. 1st, 1870, and married Susan E Staton, daughter of McGilvery M. Staton on the 1st of February, 1870. After being mar- ried, traveled extensively through the Northern and Wes- tern states. Lived three years in Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah, during which time traveled extensively through the Rocky Mountains. In 1873, removed to Denver, Colorado, where he engaged in the Real Es^^ate business. In 1876, re- turned to his old home in North Carolina, satisfied of the fact that there is no better place than the good "Old North State." Has two children, both girls, one 9, and the other 11 years old. He is in politics — a red hot democrat. Was elected to the present Senate over a Liberal by a majority of 500 in a district that heretofore has been very close. On the committees of Internal Improvements, Finance, Claims, and Public Buildings and Grounds. He is now a Druggist by occupation. He has made an active and energetic member, and his strong efforts in be- half of every worthy measure have been earnest and un- ceasing. Tliird District. GEORGE ALLEM MEBANE, WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY, N. 0. He was ushered into existence on that national and pa- triotic day, July 4th, 1850, at Hermitage, in Bertie county. He is son of Alien Mebane. Was educated at the common schools of Pennsylvania. Was elected Senator in 1876, was census enumerator in 1880, and re-elected to the pres- ent Senate by a Republican majority of 1,200. Married Miss Jennie Mills Saaderlin, daughter of Robert Sanderlin, February 11th, 1877, and has three children. Served in the war as waiter in Company A, 85th New York Regiment of Yclunteers. Serves on committees of Education and Cor- O ' pcratioDS. For the past two years he has been connected with the Carolina Enterprise, as one of its editors. Foui'tli District. J. J. GOODWIN, HALIFAX, X. C. ^Ir. Goodwin is an " out and out " RepubMcan, and comes from an "out and out'' Republican county, where his party has been in power ever since the war. He is a very careful and attentive member, and while he watches closely the good of his party, he does not forget the general good of the State. But to Mr. Goodwin's credit v^'e will say that he is a man of independence, and has several times dur- ing this session " put his foot on " measures that other members less inclined to " tote fair " advocated in strong terms. Fiftii District. EOBEET R, GRAY. TARBORO, EDGECOMBE COUXTY, ^'. C. Born on the Poke Island farm in Edgecombe countv, May 28th, 1851 Son of Sandy and Bythia Battle. Re- ceived his education to some extent by attending night schools. Entered St. Augustine Normal School, at Raleigh, in 1872, but not having the funds to complete a thorough course left school in 1874. He taught school from 1873 to 1877= Farmed in 1S7S, but failing to find this profitable resumed teaching. Clerked in mercantile business at Kill- Ciuick in 1S30. Married Katie Smith, daughter of Edmond Folks, Dec. 7th, 1881. Elected by oOo Republican majority, Serves on committees : Salaries and Claims. His present occupation is that of a farmer. Sixth District. JOHN KING, FALKLAXD. PITT COUXTY, X. C. Born in the county of Pitt in the year 1830 ; son of John King, and was educated at a neighborhood school ; married and has seven children living, five boys and two girls ; was 6 a Justice of the Peace before the war, hence was on the bench when the old County Court system was in vogue. Held the position of Overseer of the State Grange, 1881-'2, and at one time was Assessor of Tax in Kind. Politics — Whig before the war, Democrat since; was elected to the House of Representatives by a majority of 311 votes. Was raised to the plow and clerking in a dry goods store ; has steadily followed farming, and at intervals engaged in merchandise, and has succeeded well at both. Is member of the following committees: Banks and Currency, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Engrossed Bills, and joint committee on Fish Interest. Seyenth District. JAMES S. BATTLE. ROCKY MOUNT, NASH COUNTY, N. C. Born May 30th, 1846, at Tarboro. Edgecombe county, N. C; son of William S. Battle; educated at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Mr. Battle, though quite young, has held prominent prositions before. He is a Dem- ocrat, true blue. In 1876 he was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention which convened at St. Louis, and in 1881, he represented the 7th Senatorial District, the same position which he occupies now with his colleague, Mr. Farmer. He married Miss Johnnie Soinerville, October 28th, 1868, (daughter of J. B. Somerville,) and is the father of five children. He is a gentleman of fine abilities and one of the handsomest men in that body. He enlisted in company G, 3d North Carolina Cavalry. Was soon pro- moted and served on the staff of Gen. W. R. Cox, as Aid-de- Camp, and was paroled at Appomattox C. H., he having surrendered with General Lee. He is Chairman of com- mittee on Propositions and Grievances, second on the Fi- nance committee, and second on the committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. By occupation he is a merchant and Manufacturer. Mr. Battle is a worthy gentleman and a good member. W. W. FARMER. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C. Son of John Farmer, and was born February 15th, 184G, in the county of Nash. Educated at Wilson, and married 7 Miss Bettie Hart on the 9tli of November, 1372. This is his first Legislative experience. He was elected on the Demo- cratic ticket by a majority of 401 votes, makes an excellent record as an active worker, and is alvfa3's found at his post. Good farmers generally make good legislators, and he is an acki30wdedged success as a farmer and as a legislator. Eig-Iitli District. WILLIAM E. CLAEKE. XEWBERXE, CR.WEX COUXTY, X. C. Was born in Raleigh, March 7th, 1850. He is a son of Judge W. J. and Mrs. >dary Bayard Clarke. His mother is one of North Carolina's best female writers. He \vas edu- cated at Davidson College, Was not old enough to enter service during the war, but near the close he was connected with tlie Quartermaster's Department. In the year 1886 he, with his father's family, left Raleigh and moved to John- ston county, and after residing there two years took up his abode in Newberne. For three years he was a teacher in the Nev^^ York Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. This was Yery complimentary for a gentleman of his age to receive a position as teacher in such an institution. While connected with this institution he was also engaged in reading law. In 1873 he graduated at Columbia College, a noted and very high grade law school, after which he returned to New- berne, and has been practicing at that place and Goldsboro ever since. The Republican party, recognizino: his ability, elected him to represent Craven county in the House of Rep- resentatives of the General Assembly for the session of 1876-'77, and feeling that the honor vras worthily bestowed, reelected him to the same positioiTin 1879. He was elected to the Senate in 1880 and again to the same position in the present General Assembly. He serves on committees : In- ternal Improvements, Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, and Railroad Commission. Xiutli District. JOHN N. WHITFOED, IvEWBERXE, X. C. Born May 4tb, ISoo, near Yanceboro. in Craven county. He attended South Lowell school, in Orange county, two 8 years. The greater part of his education, however, was re- ceived between the plow handles, and by studying at night and reciting to private teachers. He volunteered and en- tered the Confederate service the next day after Lincoln is- sued his proclamation for troops from North Carolina to protect the Union. He was in command of the battery which did the fighting at the battle of Newberne, March 4th, 1862, at which time he was fully initiated into the ser- vice of war. From Newberne he went to Old Brunswick Point, and from there to Kinston, where he was put in charge of the secret service, and made Major over three companies. Then his battalion w^as increased to eight com- panies, and he promoted to Lieutenant-ColoneL This com- mand was on the frontier from the Trent to the Roanoke river, and was continually skirmishing with the enemy. He was wounded at Rainbow Bend, on the Roanoke river (one arm broke), but continued in charge, and stayed right with his men all the time, and never showed a disposition at any fight to take advantage of his position and get out of reach of the enemy, but was ever ready and willing to push forward. He was in fight at Kinston, Wise's Fork, Bentons- ville and several others. He surrendered at Newberne two days after Johnson, and was perhaps the last com- mand in the State to lay down the arms which had been used so faithfully, and many times effectively, for the pro- tection of our glorious old commonwealth. He married Miss Mary E. Williamson, November 28th, 1861, who died during the present session, February 6th, 1883. Has six children, three of whom are dead. He serves on committees of Printing, Engrossed Bills, Joint Committee on Asylums, and is chairman of Joint Commit- tee on Appointment of Justices of the Peace. He is a faithful and strong Democrat, and makes a good member. Tenth District. WILLIAM T. DOETCH, GOLDSBORO, WAYNE COUNTY, N. C. Born in Nash county, August 23rd, 1824. Educated at Bingham school. At the age of 17 commenced the study of law with the late Hon. B. F. Moore. Obtained county court license at 19 years of age; Superior Court license at 20. Elected County Attorney of Nash at 20 years of age, 9 and re-elected. Moved to Goldsboro in 1849. Elected County Attorney of Wayne. Elected to the Legislature from Wayne 1852, and continuously (except one session) until 1861. Elected Speaker of the House in 1860. Elected to the Confederate Senate in 1861, and served in that body during the war. Has held no office since the close of the war until 1879. He served in the Senate then, and again in 1881. Has devoted his attention since the close of the war to farming and the practice of law, doing probably the largest and most lucrative practice in the State. Tendered the office of Judge of the Superior Court by Governor Ellis in 1859, and declined. He is chairman of the Judiciary committee, and as such, had many arduous duties to per- form during the present session. When the Code Commission was established, in ISSl, he was made one of the three members of that Commission, whose duty it was to revise and consolidate all the laws of the State and so arrange them that they could be published in convenient shape. In this arduous work he spent much time, and the general approval which the Code has met at hands of this Legislature, shows that he and the other Com- missioners, Messrs. John Manning and John S. Henderson, did their work well. He very seldom makes a speech in the Senate, but when he does speak, he always receives the attention of all within the range of his voice, for his argu- ments are always pointed and conclusive, and the force of which are always shown when the vote is taken. He is a man of fine personal appearance, excellent education, and of superior legal ability. These, combined v;ith his other good qualities of head and heart, have won for him the es- teem of all the members, and has given him quite an envi- able influence in the Senate Chamber. EDWAEB J. HILL, KENA^'SVILLE, DUPLIN COUNTY, N. C. Born September 6th, 1857, near Faison, N. C. Son of Wm. E. Hill ; educated at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill ; a Democrat, and was elected by a majority of niiieteen hundred votes. Been an active and judicious member, ever watchful of the interests of his constituenc3\ ^ It seems to be the policy of the Democratic party to put for- ward young men, and in the selection of Mr. Hill they have 10 promoted a young man that promises to be an honor to Eastern Carolina, as well as his native county. He is the only graduate of the Universit}^ under the recent organiza- tion that has held a seat in this body. He serves on the fol- lowing committees : Code, Education, Magistrates, Library and Military. Mr. Hill is the youngest man in the Senate, and is a worthy and good Senator. Eleyeiith District. FREDERICK B. LOETIM, KINSTON, LSNOIR COUNTY, N. C, Born September 16th, 1855, in the town of Kinston, N. C, son of Elijah P. Loftin. Educated at Kinston, N. C. He is a Republican and was elected by a majority of 38 votes. Is a lawyer by profession — read law under A. J. Loftin in the town of Kinston, and attended Judge Pearson's law school, and at June term of Supreme Court, 1877, obtained his license to practice law and engaged in the practice of his profession to the date of his election to the Senate. Serves on the following committees: Claims, Insurance, Judiciary and joint committee on the Appointment of Jus- tices of the Peace. Twelfth District. HEMRY EFHEAIM SOOTT, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N. C. Born in Geagua county, Oliio, October 24th, 1846. Was educated in Ripon, Wisconsin. During the war he served with Sheridan's army in the Shenandoah Valley as Master of Transportation. Moved to North Carolina in August, 1865, and located at Wilmington, where he still resides. He is quite a young man yet but owns a great deal of property in Wilmington, he being one of the largest tax payers in the city. He was appointed magistrate under the provis- ional goverment soon after the war and has been one ever since. He has had charge of the poor, sick and insane of New Hanover county for nine years. As an evidence of his popularity with his party. Republican, we will state that he was elected to the House of Representatives without op- position in 1879, was sent to the Senate in 1881, and re- 11 turned again this term. He serves on seyeral committees and takes considerable interest in the discussion and con- sideration of measures that come heiore the Senate. Thirteenth District. E, H. LYON, ELIZABETHTOWX, BLADEX COUXTY, X. C. Mr. Lyon v\'as born in Bladen county, and married Miss Sallie Lucas, of the same county. He has two children. He has been a Democrat up to the late election, at which time he ran as a Liberal and elected on that ticket. The greater part of his votes and his affiliation has been with the Republican part}' during this session. Fonrteeiith D [strict, EBWIF T. BOYSm. CLIXTOX. SAMPSOX' COUXTY, X. C. Born in Clinton, December 27th, 1S5L AVas educated at Trinity College, Randolph county, ]S[. C. After taking a thorough course in law, he received license to practice in 1876. As a lavryer he has succeeded well, for he is a close student and a practical thinker and always studies his cases well, and then has the natural ability to argue his points in an effective manner. Notwitnstanding the fact he is a young man, he i^as been Mayor of Clinton two terms and Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee three terms, and was a member of the House in ISSl : and the people of Sampson, justly recognizing his worth, re- turned him to the Legislature as Senator by 526 majority. He married Miss Katie G. Bizzell, daughter of Dr. Henrv A. and Celestial P. Bizzeil, December 2S[h, 1S76— his 22nd birth-day — and has two children, one three years old, the other one year old. He serves on Committees : Judiciary, Insane Asylum, Redistricting the State and Railroad Com- mission. He is a quiet but one of the best and most active and influential members of the Senate. rifteeiitli District. NEILL A. McLEAN. LU-MBERTOX, R03ES0X COUXTY, X". C. Son of Xeill A. McLean, and was born near Red Springs, in Robeson county, November 9th, 1355. Educated at Bing- 12 ham's School. Read law under his father and at the Uni- versity of North Carolina under the late Hon. W. H. Battle, and obtained license to practice at Jane term, 1878. Mar- ried February 19tb, 1880, Miss Lizzie Townseud, daugiiter of Richard Townsend ; has one child, a daughter. This is his first legislative experience, and has exhibited marked ability; can always be found in his place in the Senate; a vigilant member and a zealous Democrat. He was elected by about 400 majority. Serves on committees : Judiciary, Corporations, Propositions and Grievances, and Banks and Currency. THOMAS EEMTEESS TOOM, FAIR BLUFF, COLUMBUS COUNTY, N. C. Born June 10th, 1840, near Whiteville, Columbus county. Son of Anthony Fentress Toon. Educated at Wake Forest College. Held the office of County School Examiner, Mayor of the town of Fair Bluff, and represented his county in the House of Commons prior to his election to the Senate. Married January 24th, 1866, Miss Carrie E. Smith, daughter of Alva Smith, of Fair Bluff. Father of five children, two boys and three girls. Served during the entire war ; en- listed in Company K, Twentieth N. C. Regiment, Command Army Northern Virginia, Jackson's Corps; was w^ounded at Cold Harbor, Chancellorsvilie, Spotsylvania C. H. and at Cold Harbor ; held the following offices : Brevet-Brigadier General, Colonel, Captain, First Lieutenant. Is on tlie com- mittee on Insane Asylum, Insurance, and is chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. A true Democrat, always at his post, and faithful to the trust his constituents have confided to him. Sixteenth District. D. MORRISON. JOHNSVILLE, HARNETT COUNTY, N. C. Was born June 8th, 1823, in Moore county. His educa- tion was limited to the common schools of the community. Married Miss Sarah C. Arnold. Had eight children — only three living. Had the misfortune of losing four children in one week during December, 1882, and then one more in 13 Januar}^ of 1883. He was in the war two and a half years, Company D, Third Regiment N. G. Cavalry. By occupation he is a turpentine operator and farmer. Was elected by a Democratic majority of 205 votes. Seyeiiteeiith District. WILLIAM EICHARDSON. SELMA, JOHNSTON COUNTY, X. C. Was born in Johnston county July 31st, 1842, and is son of Mr. Lunsford Richardson. Received his education at Chapel Hill. Married Miss Mary E. Atkinson, daughter of Elijah iVtkinson, June 6th, 1866, and has seven children. He served in the war from February 2d, 1862, until the close. Was Lieutenant of Co. C, 5th N. C. Regiment, in Robert D. Johnson's Bi'igade, Army Northern Virginia. He is a Democrat, and was elected by 123 majority. Com- mittees : Engrossed Bills, Penal Institutions, and Agricul- ture. He is a farmer and has devoted much time and en- ergy in that direction with good results. He has never been an office seeker, but his people saw fit to send him to the Senate this tiaie, and we see no reason why they should ever regret it. Eigliteentli District. THOMAS E. PUBNELLL. RALEIGH, N. C. Born August 10th, 1846, at Wilmington, X. C, son of Thomas R. Purnell, of Baltimore, Md. Educated at Hills- boro Militarv Academy and Trinity College. Married Nov. 16th, 1870, Miss Adelia E, Zovely, daughter of Dr. A. T. Zovely, of Salem, N. C, and is the father of four children. Politically he is a Republican and filled several prominent oSices prior to his election to the Senate this time, to wit: Captain Topographical Engineers, C. S. A.; State Libra = rian ; member House of Represntatives in 1876-'77j and during the war, at one time, he w^as Master's Mate, in the C. S. Navy, and but recenil}^ he was U. S. Commissioner. Senator Purnell is on the following committees, viz: Code, Privileges and Elections, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution and Rules. 14 Mneteenth District* HAWKINS W. CARTER. WARRENTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. C. Was born in Warren county March 23d, 1842, of free pa« rents. Married Feb. 7th, 18~, to Miss Nannie Boyd of Warren county. He is a farmer by occupation. In public life he first appeared as a member of the House of Repre- sentatives in 1874 ; was elected by 800 majority. Was elected to the House in 1879 by about 1,000 majority. During the y^sly he served as as an attendant for Captain Jones in the 46th Regiment. Elected to his present seat in the Senate by a large majority. Committees : Agriculture, and Deaf, Dumb and Blind. ■ Tweiitietli District. ISAAC E. STRAYHORN. HILLSBORO, ORANGE COUNTY, N. C. Born at Hillsboro, August 7th, 1845, and is son of Wm. F. Strayhorn, who was member of the House in 1856-57. He was educated at Chapel Hill, and graduated with the class of 1868. Served in the war as Drill Master in 1861, and as Sergeant of company H, 40th Regiment N. C. State Troops. He is a Republican in politics and is distinguished in his section as being the only white man in Hillsboro w4io voted for Grant in 1868. Notwithstanding he is from a Democratic district, he was elected by 170 majority. He is a very fairminded gentleman, and takes much interest in all legislation which comes up. Committee : Judiciary, Ed- ucation, Corporations, Internal Improvements, Penal Insti- tutions and Appointment of Justices of the Peace. In the event that the Railroad Commission Bill had become law— which was thoroughly canvassed this session — Mr. Stray- horn would, without doubt, liave been the Republican mem- ber of that commission. C. H. E. EVAHS. MILTON, N. C. He went to Yorkville, S. C, in 1829, to learn the printiiig business. His first newspaper experience was in Virginia, 15 where he edited a paper for C. P. Green — during which time he wrote one article at the instance of the proprietor which caused a street difhculty — and the accidental killing of a man who was trying to keep the peace, caused Mr. Ev- ans to have business outside of the State. His grandfather was a native of Wales and located in Virginia when he came to America, and was under Gen. Washinjiton durino- the Revolutionary war, and took part in the battle of Guil- ford Court House. Mr. Evans' father was captain of a cav- alry company in tlie war of 1812. Mr. Evans has in his veins on his father's side the blood of the Bonapartes and on his mother's side the blood of Mary Queen of Scotts, but of this he says he cares but little so that iie continues to have sufficient blood of some kind to keep him going until he wants to die. For many years Mr. Evans has been con- ducting the Milton Chronicle, which paper has become a household word in all of that section, and he has long had charge of the noted fool killer, " Jesse Holmes." lie is known with all newspaper men throughout the State as " Father Evans." It was in opposition to Mr. Evans' wishes to come to the Senate, but his people demanded and he obeyed, and has made a good member. We could write a book about him, but the many good things which could be said will have [o remain unsung. Twenty-first District, . EEHJAMIH H. COZAET, OXFORD, GRANVILLE COUNTY. Was born March 4th, 1839, in tlie county of Granville, son of Allen -Cozart, was educated at Tar River Academy, married Rebecca F. Rogers, daughter of Thomas J. Rogers, of Beaver Dam Creek, March 2d, 1864. Father of nine children, four of whom are dead. Senator Cozart held sev- eral offices of trust prior to his election to the General As- sembly, as follows, to wit : Clerk of Sui)erior Court of Gran- ville, Mayor of the town of Oxford, Director of the Oxford and Henderson Railroad, and Treasurer of the Oxford Male and Female Acrdemy. In politics he is a Republican of the radical type. With two opponents in the field, he was elected to the Senate by a majority of 221 votes. He be- longed to Com. E , 14th C. Negiment, attached to D. H. Hill's command. 16 Twenty -Second District. THOMAS B. WOMACK, PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, Born February 12th, 1855, at Pittsboro. After receiving an academic education lie entered a store as clerk in 1870. After serving in this capacity for some time he concluded to study law, and in 1874 he fully determined to make this his profession. After two years study, under the great legal preceptor, Hon. John Manning, he was licensed by the Supreme Court, at its June term in 1876. He was elected Solicitor of Inferior Court in 1878, re-elected in 1880, and again in 1882. His continual re-election shows that he was very acceptable before his people and that he performed his duties faithfully. The good citizens of Chatham, recogniz- ing his ability and worthiness, placed in his hands a greater trust by electing him to the Senate, which caused him to resign the position of Solicitor on the 5th of October, 1882. He married Miss Susie Taylor, daughter of ex-SheriflP Tay- lor, November 30th, 1881. He occupies his present seat in the Senate by a Democratic majority vote of 459 over Dr. G. K. Foust, the Liberal champion of that county. Mr. Womack is a bright and energetic young man and has done much good this session, reflecting much credit upon a worthy sire, the Hon. John A. Womack, who was the Dem- ocratic candidate for Secretary of State in the dark days of 1875. He serves on committees: Judiciary, Propositions and Grievances, and Redistricting the State, and is chair- man of the Committee on Joint Rules. Twenty-Third District. HUGH REID SCOTT, WENTWORTH, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N. C. He was born in Rockingham county, and is now 27 years old. He is a son of VViliiam Scott and a nephew of Gov. D. S. Reid. Was educated at Wake Forest College and graduated there in 1875 in the degree of Master of Arts, receiving one of the two honors conferred upon his class. Went at once as a law student to Chief Justice Pearson, and received his license in the last class that Judge Pearson ex- amined, which was in June, 1877. Since then has been in the firm of Mebane & Scott, engaged in the practice of the 17 law at Wentworth. Has served as Solicitor of the Inferior Court. He was first elected to the Senate for the session of 1881 and served the people of his district in a faithful man- ner — so much so that he was returned to the present session. Mr. Scott is a firm Democrat, a ready thinker, a practical reasoner and a good debater, and, being active and willing, does good service as a Senator. Twenty -Fourth District. J. T. MOEEHEAD, GREEXSBORO, GUILFORD COUXTY, N. C. Born in 1838, at Greensboro, N. C, son of J. T. Morehead. Educated at Rev. Dr. Alex. Wilson's school and at the Uni- versity of North Carolina. Was a Colonel in the Confed- erate States Army, member of the House of Commons, 1866-67, Senator and President of the Senate 1872, and again elected to the Senate in 1874. Served in the late war from April, 1861, until the surrender, in the 27th, 45th and 53d regiments. Was wounded at Gettysburg, Fisher's Hill, and at Hare's Hill on the 25th of March, 1865, and cap- tured. He is a Democrat and was elected by a majority of 290 votes, is chairman of Senate branch of committee on the Code and on Penal Institutions. Mr. Morehead is a gentleman of marked ability, of most excellent judgment and of fine personal appearance. Twenty-Fifth District, JULIUS C. BLACK, CARTHAGE, MOORE COUNTY, N. C. Born August 18th, 1854. at Long's Mills, Randolph county, N. C . son of Dr. Thomas Black. Graduated at Trinity Col- lege June, 1874 ; read law under Judge Pearson, and ob- tained license June term, 1877; since that time has been engaged in the practice of law in co-partnership with Jas. D. Mclver, Solicitor of 4ti) Judicial District, under the firm name of Mclver & Black. He is a Democrat and was elected by 227 majority. On the following committees, viz : Judiciar}^, Privileges and Elections, Salaries and Fees, Banks and Currency, and Enrolled Bills. Mr. Black does not make many speeches, but considers questions well before he votes. He is a careful, safe and worthy Senator. 2 18 Twenty -Sixth District. GEORGE ALEXANDER GRAHAM, WADESVILLE, N. C, Born in Montgomery county, April 1st, 1830. School ad- vantages limited. In his early boyhood he served an ap- prenticeship as house carpenter. Moved to Mississippi in the year 1857. Volunteered and joined the Confederate service as a private member in company G, Grenada Rifles, of Grenada, Miss. His company joined the 15th Mississippi regiment at Corinth, from thence was ordered to Knoxville, East Tennessee. At this place he joined Gen. ZollicofFer's brigade. Was in the memorable Cumberland Gap Cam- paign. Was with General Zollicoffer when he fell at Mill Springs, Ky. After this battle he returned to Corinth. After the battle of Shiloh, was transferred to Gen. Brecken- ridge's disvision. Was at the first bombardment of Vicks- burg. Was discharged from service on account of hemor- rhage of the lungs. He returned then to Montgomery county, the place of his nativity ; but as soon as his health would permit he again joined the service in North Carolina, and continued with the army until the surrender in 1865. He married Mary Jane Andrews, by whom he has six chil- dren. He was a candidate for the Legislature in 1865, but was defeated by a small majority. Was nominated by his party as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1868 and elected by 235 majority. Was elected to the Leg- islature of 1869-'70 by 400 majority, and elected to the Senate in 1879 by 317 majority. He has served in his county as justice of the peace for ten years. Gov. Holden appointed him in 1869 as one of the Trustees of the State University, and at the same time was appointed as the State's proxy for the Western Railroad. His Republican friends desiring that he should serve them again sent him to the present Senate. Twenty -Seventh District. JAMES F. PAYNE, MONROE, N. C. Born 23rd September, 1848, in Westmoreland county, Va. Parents, James Harvey and Fairinda Payne. Edu- cated at Washington College, Virginia ; graduated in 1868. In 1869 studied law at Washington College under Hon. 19 John W. Brockenbrough ; completed the course in one year, and obtained the degree of Bachelor of Law. In 1870 ob= tained his license to practice in the courts of Virginia, and for some time conducted the practice of his profession in the county of Rockbridge, Va. Moved to North Carolina in 1873. On 12th November, 1874, married Miss Emily MacRae, only daughter and child of Alexander MacRae, of Argjde, Robeson county, N. C. In December, 1874, located permanently in the tovvm of Monroe, Union county, N. i\, and resumed the practice of his profession, having obtained his license from the Supreme Court of North Carolina in January, 1875. Was elected by a large vote in his district, without, opposition. Is Chairman of Senate Committee on Insurance and Joint Senate Committee on Railroad Com- mission. Serves also on the following committees : Finance, Penal Institutions and the Code Commission. Mr. Payne stands well in his profession— the large practice which he has being an evidence of his ability and thorough knowh edge in the legal profession. As a Senator he has been faithful and constant, ever read}^ and active in debates which arise from time to time. Notwithstanding the fact that this is his first legislative experience, he has thus far acquitted himself with credit to his constituency and State at large. Twenty. Eiglitli District. SAMUEL J. PEMIBEETON, ALBEMARLE, STAXLY COU^^TY, X= C. He is a son of David S. Pemberton, and was born at Mi, Gilead, Montgomery county, July 12th, 1849. Was edu- cated at Edinboro Academy, in Montgomery county. Mar- ried Miss Pattie F. Hearne, daughter of Eben Hearne, Esq., of Stanly county, July 6th, 1871, and has^two sweet little chil- dren, one daughter, little Carrie xA.she, and one son, Henry Forest. He was elected Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial District in August, 1874, as the nominee of the Democratic party, over A. R. McDonald, Republican ; and elected to his present seat over Dr. Solomon Furr, Liberal Democrat, by 1,190 votes. He serves on the Judiciary committee, and Deaf, Dumb and Blind committee, and is chairman of committee on Education, and chairman of Senate branch of committee on Enrolled Bills. He is dark haired, black eyed, handsome 20 man, of the most genial temperament and winning man- ners. He possesses an inexhaustible fund of humor, is en- dowed with excellent judgment, and a brilliant intellect, and bids fair to be a man of considerable promirence some day. Twenty -Hinlli District. SYD. B. ALEXANDER, CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N, C. Was born at Rosedale, in Mecklenburg count}^, nine miles from Charlotte, December 8th, 1840. Graduated at the University of North Carolina with the class of June, 1860. He entered the Confederate service as a private in Company B, 1st Regiment N. C. State Troops, on the 15th of April, 1861. His compaoy was the well and favora.bly known " Hornet's Nest Riflemen." He served with the 28th Regiment from September, 1861, to April, 1862. He was then elected 1st Lieutenant of Company K, 42d Regiment, and in June was elected Captain of the same Company, and served in Virginia until December, 1864, when Hoke's Di- vision was ordered to North Carolina. During the hitter part of the war he served as Inspector General of Hoke's Division. After the hostilities between the States ceased he settled down to farming, and to day is one of the most suc- cessful farmers in Mecklenburg county. In this occupation he takes much interest, and is one of the few model farm- ers of Western Carolina. In 1876 he was elected a mem- ber of the Executive Committee of the State Grange Pat- rons of Husbandry, and in 1877 was elected Master of the State Grange, and ex officio member of the State Board of Agriculture. He was married in June, 1872, to Miss Nich- olson, of Halifax county, N. C. He was elected to the Senate in 1879, without opposition, and as a token of the faithful manner in which he served the people of Mecklenburg, he is here again as their Sena- tor. He is one of the most substantial and trust worthy Democrats, and one of the best representatives of the farm- ing interest. He is chairman of committee on Finance, and his experience and practical knowledge of financial matters makes him a valuable member in the consideration of all measures in which dollars and cents are counted. TMrtietli DisMot. JABIES GRAHAM EAMSAY, 3IT. VERXOX, ROWAX COrXTY, 2>. C. Sod of Dr. Ramsav, and was born in Iredell countv, March 1st, 1823. Married Miss Sarah J. Foster, of Davie county, September 30th, 1846, and has six sons and one daughter living. He settled in Rowan county in 1843. He was State Senator four lerms, from 1856 to 1863 ; was elected to the Second Confederate Congress in 1863. On Board of Internal Improvements during Governor Worth's terra; Republican Elector in 1872, and again in 1880. Elected to his present seat over his Democratic opponent by 123 votes. He held the ofnce of Prf-sident of the Board of Directors of the Insane Asylum in 1S76: was Collector of Internal Revei.ue in the sixth district for one month in 1874, was President of the Rowan county Medical Society for two years since the war. Pie is by profession a practicing phy- sician, liaving graduated at the Jeffersonian Medical Col- lege, of Pa., in 1848. and is the author of several literary, medical and other addresses, some of which have been pub- lished. TMrtj-First District. MAESHALL H. PimiX, LEXIXCiTON, DAVIDS OX COUXTY, X= C. Born December 22d5 1835, son of Joseph Pinnix; edu- cated at Chapel Hill. Married December 22d, 1875, Miss H. C. Baxter, daughter of Dr. O. F. Baxter, of Norfolk, Va., is tlie father of three children, all boys — fine fellows. Held the following offices prior to his election to this Senate: Clerk in the General Assembly, Sub U. S. Marshal, member of Plouse of Representatives during session of 1874-75 and 1876-'77, is a Trustee of the University of Xorth Carolina, and was Mayor of the town of Lexington. Served in the war in the Quartermaster's Department. Is an unflinching Democrat and a man of undoubted ability, affable, pleasant maimers, and of striking personal appearance; is serving on the following committees : Judiciary, Congressional Dis- tricts, Judicial Districts, and Chairman of committee Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution ; was excused from serving on Code, comm^itiee of Internal Improvements and Railroad Commission. 22 Thirty -Second District, C. B. WATSON, WINSTON, FORSYTH COUNTY, N. C. Born in Stokes county, January 14th, 1844, son of Mr„ John Watson. Received no collegiate education. Married Miss A. E., daughter of Mr. W. P. Henley, November 14th, 1869, and has four children. Served in the war between three and four years. Was Sergeant of company K, 45th Regiment N. C. State Troops, was wounded at Williams- port, Md., and Spottsylvania G. H. In politics he is a Bour- bon Democrat, and his district gave him a majority of 1305 votes. He is on committees : Internal Improvements, the Code, Re-districting the State, Judiciary and several others. He is a fluent debater, a practical and hard working Sena= tor, and in every way represents his district with much credit to himself and constituency. Thirty -tliird District. JOHN ABAMS HAMPTOF, HAMPTONSVILLE, YADKIN COUNTY. Born at Hamptonville, Surry (now Yadkin) county, March 8th, 1836, is a son of Dr. John Hampton, who was a prac- ticing physician of that place for over fifty-seven years. Was educated in the common schools of the countr}^ and at Jonesville Academy in Yadkin county, under the manage- ment of Prof. W. L. VanEaton. Studied law in Yadkin- ville, N. C, under that learned and able lawyer, Hon. R. F. Armfield, was licensed by the Supreme Court in 1860 to practice his profession in all the courts of the State. Was a member of Company B, First Regiment N. C. State Troops, commanded by the much lamented Colonel M. S. Stokes, and our distinguished U. S. Senator, Lieutenant Colonel M, W. Ransom. Said company was raised and organized in Wilkes county, N. C, May"^3i, 1861, and was called the " Wilkes Valley Guards." Was promoted and commissioned 1st Lieutenant of the Company, and bravely bore his part in most of the hard fought battles of Lee's Army of North- ern Virginia, remained in the service of the Confederate States until September 9th, 1864. When he was discharged by the army medical board, for physical disability, was then appointed and commissioned by Gov. Vance Colonel of the 23 State troops of Wilkes count}-, X. C, and served in that ca- pacity until the close of the war. He was elected County Attorne^y for Yadkin county in the Spring of 1865 and served until the Fall of 1867, or until the County Courts were abolished. Was elected En- rolling and Engrossing Clerk by a joint vote of both houses of the Legislature at its session of iS65-'66, and reelected to the same position at the session of 1866-'67. He married December 2d, 1872, to Miss Cynthia Caroline Brown, daughter of Rev. W. G. Brown of Yadkin county, N. C.5 by whom he has five children, all living. He has been a consistent, earnest and energetic Democrat since the war. laborincr manfully to overcome the large Republican majority in his native county of Yadkin, which he did handsomely in the last election, carryingthe county by 163 majority, being the only Democratic candidate who did carry the county in said election. The Democratic Sena- torial Convention of the 33d District composed of the coun- ties of Surry and Yadkin, which assembled in Rockford, Surry county, on theSth of October, 1882, unanimously nom- inated him for the State Senate. He made an able and vigorous canvass of his district, and was elected by 254 ma- jority over Lacy J. Norman, Republican and Liberal of Surry county. Asa member of the Senate, he is prompt and faithful, al- ways at his post of duty, rarely, if ever, failing to respond when a vote is called for, is bold, independent and fearless in his votes upon all questions of interest to his constitu- en ts. He is appointed on the following committees: The Judiciary, Insane Asylum, Corporations, Claims, and joint committee on the Librarj'. TMrty-fonrtli I)istrict= JAMES DOTSON, ELM wo on, IREDELL COUXTY, X. C. Born on Buffalo creek in Cabarrus count}^ Son of Thos. J. Dotson. Educated at Coddle creek and Concord Acade- mies. Has been married twice; first to Miss M. 1. G-ay, of Iredell county in February, 1861, and the second time to Mrs. M. M. Eagle, of Newton county. Mo., in 1874. His last wife is cousin to the celebrated Rev. Dr. Munsey, of the M. E. Church South. He has six children. He has been serv- 24 ing the people of his community in some way or other ever since the war. Was Magistrate from 1868 to 1883, and a County Commissioner from 1878 to 1880. Was in the Confederate service during the late war nearly all the time; in Company B, Forty-second Regiment, Kirkland's Brigade, Hoke's Division. He holds his present seat by 543 Democratic majority. Is on committees: Privileges and Election, Insurance, and Agriculture. EOMULUS Z. LIHMEY, TAYLORSVILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. C. Was born in Rutherford county, on the 26th day of De- cember, 1842. Educated at York's Collegiate Institute and Taylorsville Baptist Institute. Mr. Linney was a Slate Senator in 1870-71, also in 1874-'75. In December, 1866, he married Miss Dorcas A. Stephenson, a daughter of Jas. F. Stephenson, Esq., of Alexander county. Served in the war betvv^een the States in company A, 7th regiment of N. C. State troops ; was wounded at Chancellorsville and dis- charged from service on account of permanent character of the wound. In politics Mr. Linney is a Democrat, and at the present session of the General Assembly he serves on the committee on the Code, Penal Institutions, Propositions and Grievances, and Finance. Mr. Linney is a lawyer by profession and is regarded as one of the best in the whole western part of the State. As a legislator, he has made his mark as a careful, conservative man, a good debater, and a sound logical reasoner. He is a bold, aggressive man when occasion requires, and it takes neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet to see that he is destined to rise to the highest places in the gift of the people. Th-rty-Fiftli District. EDWAEB FEAWCIS LOVILL, EOONE, ^VATAUGA COUNTY, N. C. Son of Wm. R. Lovill, and born in Surry county, Feb- ruary 10th, 1842. Was educated at East Bend, in Yadkin county. Married Miss Josephine L., daughter of Mr. R. E. Marion, February 15th, 1866, and has four children. Was in the war from May 4th, 1861, to April 9th, 1865. Was Captain of Company A, 28th Regiment N. C. State Troops, Lane's Brigade, Army of Xortliern Virginia. He was wounded three times — at the battle of Gett3^sburg, Reams' Station and Jones' Farm. He is a good and solid Democrat and was elected by 303 votes majority o%^er his competitor. Serves on committees : Agriculture, Banks and Currency, and the Deaf, Dumb and the Blind Asylum. He vvatches close the interest of his mountain country and every other measure that comes before tiie Senate. Tliii'ty-Slxtli District. J. R. NEILL, BALD CREEK, YANCEY COUNTY, N. C. Born iVpril 13th, 1S23, in old Buncombe, son of George C. NeilLhas a common school education, married twice and has four children, held several minor offices prior to his election to the Senate, to-wit: Clerk of Court of Equity and County Surveyor. Mr. Neill is a Democrat and was elected to the Senate by a large majority. He is an earnest and good man, a succespful farmer, has devoted special attention to fruit growing, has a large nursery and quantities of excel- lent fruit. Is on the committees of Agriculture, Claims, and Corporations. --^ BAETLETT ALEXANDER BERRY, 3I0RGANT0X, N. C, Yv' as born in Burke county February 1st, 1830. His edu- cational facilities were limited to the home country schools. Like many young men of the present day, he was not con- tent when he grew up to manhood until he took a trip West. At the age of 22 he lelt the "Gld North State " for the gold regions of California, and on his way to and from the " great State of the West," he touched at and rt-miained for some time at Blavana, Cuba, Panama, on the Isthnnus of Darieu, Aspinwall, New Orleans, and several other noted places. In the year 1856 he became convinced that the great places of the south and west, with all their attractions, could not furnish him a home with as much contentment as his native county, so lie returned and engaged in agricultural pursuits. Farming has been his chief occupation ever since he per- manently located, though much of his time has been de- voted to the manufacture of flour and lunnber. He now 26 has some good flouring and saw mills on his farm near Morganton. Soon after liis return from the West he became firmly convinced that there was one thing needed to com- plete his happiness, so on the 2d day of June, 1857, he led to the hy menial alter Miss Mira A. Hennessee, of Burke county. He has been identified with ths county affairs of Burke for a number of years. In August, I860, he was elected Sheriff of the county and served his people in that office for ten years. Been County Commissioner for some four or five years. Was elected to the House in 1879 and elected to the present Senate by 530 majority. Committees : Propositions and Grievances, Salaries and Fees, and Asy- lums, and is chairman of the committee on Agriculture. Thirty -Seyenth District. AMBROSE COSTHER, LINCOLNTON, LINCOLN COUNTY, N. C, Was born June 14th, 1825, near Dallas, Gaston county, N. C, son of Jacob Costner. Married March 18th, 1846, to Miss Catharine Quickel, daughter of Michael Quickel, and is the father of eight children, seven of wd:iom are living. Senator Costner has had much experience as a legislator, having served four terms in the House of Representatives at sessions 1858-'59, 1862-'63, 1863-'64, and represented his district in the Senate at the session 1874. He is modest and unassuming in his bearing, yet he is always four.d at his post and faithful in the discharge of his duties. He is a Democrat and w^as elected by about nine hundred ma- jority. He was educated at country schools at various points in his district. He held minor offices prior to his legisla- tive career, such as Justice of the Peace, and at one time he was Judge Advocate of a regimental court martial. He is by occupation a successful farmer and manufacturer. Tliirty-Eighth District. JAMES LANDEUM WEBB, SHELBY, CLEVELAND COUNTY, N. C. Born Nov. 12th, 1854, in Eutherford countv, N. G. Son of Rev. G. M. Webb. Educated at \¥ake Forest College. Was Mayor of the town of Shelbv for 1880-81. Married 27 February 14th, 1878, Miss K. L. Andrews, daughter of Dr. W. P. Andrews, Father of two children, a son and a daughter. A Democrat, and was elected by 670 majority. Is on Judiciary, Insurance, and is Chairman of Committee on Claims. He studied law at Judge Pearson's Law School, was admitted to the bar, and is now the senior partner of the law firm of Gidney and Webb, of Shelby, and is rapidly rising in his profession. He is recognized as a courteous and christian gentleman, and while onh^ 28 years of age, has already acquired the reputation of being a good speaker and a party leader. He was sub- elector in 1830, and ren- dered his party good service. TMrty-Xiiitli District. JOHM BAXTER EAVES, RUTHERFORDTOX, RUTHERFORD COUNTY, X. C. Born June 3d, 1838. Educated in Rutherford county under Mr. Frank I. Wilson. Was a merchant until 1862, opposed secession and voted against the Convention of 1861. Entered the Confederate service in March, 1862, as Captain and served until the surrender. Was wounded March 16th, 1865, at iVverysboro, N. C. Was elected Countv Court Clerk of Rutherford in 1865 and served till 1868. Elected State Senator as a Republican from Rutherford, Polk and Cieve^ land in April, 1S68. Was Assistant United States Assessor for four years. Elected State Senator in August, 1878, by 400 raajorit}^ reversing a majority of 400. Married Miss Johnnie Logan, daughter of Hon. G. W. Logan. February 20th, 1866. Has six children. His wife is a graduate of Salem Female College. Mr. E. is a nephew of Hon. John Baxter, of Knoxville, Tennessee, who is now a Judge of the United States Circuit Court: and is a nephew of ex-Gov. Elisha Baxter, of Arkansas. To show that the Rutherford- tonians have their faith closely pinned to him they returned him to tlie Senate for the session of 1881, and again for the present term. He is one of the best and most fair-minded Republicans in the Senate, and has many friends. Fortielli District. ISAAC NEWTON EBBS, LYXCH, MADISOX COUNTY, X. C. Born September 16th, 1850, in the county of Cocke, Ten- nessee. Son of Francis Marion Ebbs. His education was 28 limited to that average usually obtained in the common schools of this State. Married December 28tb, 1S79, the daughter of A4.dolphus Balding, and he is the father of two children. He has held the office of county commissioner of Madison and with that exception held no other until his election to the Senate. He is on the following committees, viz: Internal Improvements, Claims, and in several instances has served on various joint committees of conference. He is a Democrat of the old school. Forty -First District. W. W. JOHES, HEI^TDERSONVILLE, HENDERSON COUNTY, N. C. Senator Jones is brother to Col. Armstead Jones, a law- yer of prominence in Raleigh, and at one time practiced law here with his brother, the firm being Jones & Jones. He left Raleigh several years ago in search cf a more health- ful climate, and like many other eastern people, acted sensi- ble in going to Western Caroliiia instead of some Western State. Finding that in the transmontane country he could make a congenial home, enjoy good health and a lucrative practice as a lawyer, he at once located in Henderson ville, where the fresh and invigorating breezes come rushing down from the un.dulating slopes of hundreds of hillsides, purified from the spray and mist of the many playful brooks and dancing rills that skip and bounce over the rough and rugged rocks that fill tlie gentle ravines of those majestic mountains. While living in Raleigh, his ability and his fealty to party and principles caused him to be chosen as the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Comn:sittee of Wake county ; and the people of his adopted home, soon recognizing the same commendable qualities, honored him by sending him as their representative in the State Senate. Forty -Second District, M. C. EIMG, MURPHY, CHEROKEE COUNTY, N. C, Was born Feb. 5th, 1844, in t'ne county of Cherokee. His father was Johnson W. King. Educated at Murphy. 29 Married Miss Mary G. Baker, daughter of Jacob Baker, in 1863. He is the father of six children. He represented his county in the House of Representatives during the sessions of 1874-'75. Politically, he is a Denaocrat, and was elected by about nine hundred majority. He also has a war record. Entered the service at the age of 17, and served during the war as a member of Company A., 2nd Regiment N. C. Cav- alry. He is a member of the Committee on Education and Internal Improvements, and is Chairman of the Committee on Engrossed Bills, He has not made many speeches this session, but considers questions thoroughly, and always knows how to vote. House of Representatives. Alamance County. . THOMAS M. HOLT, HAW RIVER, N. C. Col. Thomas M. Holt is a gentleman of Stale reputation, and one who everybody knows to be earnestly and zealously devoted to every measure which would tend to the good of the old North State, and has labored unceasingly this entire session as well as many other sessions in the same capacity for the good of his constituents, and for every section of tiiis commonwealth. His labors have always been for the best interests of North Carolina, and the citizens of the State should always feel proud of him as one of her most ardent supporters of all measures tending to the development of our resources. Alexander Coiintj^ ROBERT F, MATHESON, TAYLORSVILLE, N. C. Born September 25th, 1832, in Iredell (bounty, N. C, son of William Matheson ; educated in the common schools of his county ; was clerk of the County Court from 1860 to 1868, and was a member of the General Assembly during the session of 1868-'69. Married Miss M. C. C. Carson, daughter of Rev. Alfred Carson, in September, 1859; father of seven children ; was a Whig before the war and a Dem- ocrat ever since ; he was elected by a majority of 115 votes. Serves on the following committees: Propositions and Grievances, Counties, Cities, Towns, &c., and on the com- mittee of Emigration, Mr. M. is a worthy gentleman and represents his district in a worthy manner. Alleghanj County. Elder ISAAC W. LANBEETH, ELK CREEK, N. C. Elder Isaac W. Landreth,son of Dr. Stephen Landreth, was born on Elk Creek, in Alleghany county, on the Gth. 31 day of Februar}^ 1838, and received his education at the common country school. Held the offices of Captain of Piney Cree^v Company, Major of the 96th Regiment of Militia, and as a justice of the peace ; served in the war four years, was captured at Gettysburg, Penn, July 3rd, 1863; was a private in company A, 26th regiment, N. G. Volun- teers, commanded by Zebulon B. Vance until he was elected Governor of North Carolina. After the close of the war, on the 16th day of November, 1865^ he was united in mar- riage to Miss Bettie M. Long, daughter of Emanuel Long, of Independence, Va. Eight children, five girls and three boys were born to them, all of whom, except one, a boy, are now living. Liberal Eepublican in politics, and was elected to the Legislature in 1882, b}^ a majority of 94 votes, and as a member served on committees: Railroads, Post Roads, and Turnpikes. Professed religion August 27th, 1866, and joined the Baptist church at Mount Carmel ; was licensed to preach April, 1869, and ordained July 17th, 1870. Has been Clerk: of the Mountain Union Association for ten years. Lives by farming; claims to be tied to no political party, but vo^es and advocates the liberties and rights of the laboring class, throwing party spirit aside and seeking to build up the good old North State, "the land of my nativ- ity — God bless her." Anson County* W. A. LILES, NVADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, N. C, Born in 1833, in Anson county. Educated at Gould's Fork Academy, in Anson county. Married twice; father of five children, a boy by his first wife and three boys and one girl by his second wife. During the war enlisted in 1861 in Company C, Anson Guards, Fourteenth N. C. Regi- ment, as Lieutenant; was promoted to a captaincy. Served throughout the war and was wounded several times. Aslie Countj', Dr. J. 0. WILCOX, STAQG'S CREEK, N. C= Dr. Wilcox has had right much experience in legislative bodies, and having learned the routine of all kinds of legis- lative work, knows how to present measures in the most fa- 32 vorable light. He is one of the leading and most promi- nent Kepublicans in the House, and looks well after the in- terest of his party. He' is a practicing physician by pro- fession, and is a very popular gentleman in his section of the State. Bertie County. T. E. SPELLER, WINDSOR, N. C. Born April 17th, 1853, in Bertie county. Went to school at St. Augustine Normal School, at Raleigh, four years. Been teaching school eight years. Single man. Republi- can in politics, and elected by 1000 majority. Serves on Committee on Corporations. Brimswick Coanty. WILLIAM GRISSETT, WALDEN, N. C. Born in Brunswick county Oct. 29th, 1829, Has no col- legiate education — only in common schools of the county. Married Miss Mary Hickman. Has seven children living. During the war he held the office of First Lieutenant in militia. Republican in politics, and elected by 80 majority. Committees, Agriculture and Mining, and Claims. He is a farmer by occupation. Was County Commissioner for two years. Bladeu County. JOHN NEWELL, CLARKESTON, N. C. Born in Wayne county in 1839, was elected to the House of Representatives in 1879, and again in 1881. Is a Republican, and is serving on the Committee on Emigra- tion, Never went to school a day in his life. What educa- tion he has attained was by applying himself during the spare moments from liis work. Was bound out when only seven months old. He has been County Commissioner four years and School Commissioner six years. This is his sec- ond term to the House of Representatives. Married Mary Mariah Pittman, February i6th, 1868, and has seven chil- dren—only three living. 33 Beaufort County. E. S, SIMMOHS, WASHING-TOX, X. C. Young Simaions moved to Washington, N. C, in August, 1878. He soon won the confidence and esteem of all. He has always been a hard worker for the Democratic party in every campaign since he has been in Beaufort county. He was nominated for the Legislature at a time when it was thoQght almost impossible to carry the county for the Democratic party. It was said by his friends that he was leading a forlorn hope. He made a change in his county of 500 votes, for Beaufort couaty had not been Democratic for years. It is true she has had sometimes a Democrat in the Legislature of late years, but it must be remembered that he was secured by the vote of Pamlico count_y ; whereas, this year Pamlico voted independent of Beaufort, and young Simmons got 221 majority in B^^aufort proper, which here- tofore has given a large Republican vote. He had for his opponent Jno. B. Respess, a man of fine gifts as a speaker, and who is sometimes called the Vance of the Republican party, and it was admitted by Respess' friends that young Simmons was the only man with whom Respess ever canvassed who could handle him. Young Simmons is modest in his manners, never shoves himself in the w^ay. True as steel to his friends. A natural orator, though an unpretentious one, for he is never known in any body or assembly to have anything to say unless it is necessary. For his age, vvd:iich is 27, there is no man in the S:ate of North Carolina his superior as a speaker, de- bater, or a jury advocate. Buncombe Coimtj. CALVm M. McLOUD, ASI-IEVILLE, N. C. Born in Franklin, Macon count}^ February 9th, 1840. Learned the tanner's trade when quite young, and con- tinued to work at this business until he was twenty-one years old, and then enlisted in the Confederate army. Com- pany H, 16th North Carolina Regiment, as a private. Be- came Captain in said company in 1863, and was in com- mand of the Regiment for six months as Captain. Twice wounded, and at one time was left for dead on the field of 34 battle at Mechaniesville, June 20th, 1862. Located in Ashe- viile in September, 1865, and studied law under the Hon. J. L. Bailey, and received license in June, 1867. Formed a partnership with the late Hon. N. W. Woodfin in February, 1869, and continued as his partner until his death, in May, 1875. Was never in politics, but a born Democrat, and was nominated for the office he now holds by the people of his county during his absence on a Northern tour with his family, in September, 1882, and he received the unanimous support of the Democrats of the county. Serves on com- mittees: The Code, Judiciary, Public Printing, and chair- man of committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr. McLoud is one of the leading members of the House ; has taken an active part in every measure brought up, and has rendered invaluable service as a member. B. e, GUDGEE, LEICESTER, N.' C. Born March 18th, 1847, in Buncombe county. Has a com- mon school education. Married Miss Bessie Chandler, of Bell Creek, Minnesota ; one child. In the war about one year, in Co. C, 29th Regiment North Carolina State Troops. Was a prisoner in Camp Douglas, Ciiicago. Served on the fol- lowing committees: Engrossed Bills, Penal Institutions, and Railroads, Post Roads, &c. Is a Democrat, and was elected over Natt. Atkinson by 405 majority. Burke County. SAMUEL McDowell tate, MORGANTON, N. C. Born in Morganton, N. C, September 6th, 1830. Edu- cated at private schools in North Carolina and Pennsylva- nia. Appointed Captain of Company D, 6th Regiment, Regular Troops, May 20th, 1861. Promoted Major at " Seven Pines," May, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel at Gettysburg July 2d, 1863; commanded 6th Regiment to the close of the war. Wounded at Sharpsburg September, 1862, at Rappahamock Bridge November, 1863, at " Cedar Creek " October, 1864, and at Petersburg March 25th, 1865. Elected President of the Western North Carolina Rail- road June, 1865, and remained a director of the road for 35 private stockholders till its sale. Was removed from its Presidency by Provisional Governor Holden in August, 1865. Again elected President by Worth Board in August, 1866, and again removed by Holdeti's "Reconstruction" Board in 1868. After sale of road in 1875, was elected private stockholders' commissioner to organize the system and work the convict force on the road, as authorized by act of March, 1875, of which, as a member of that Legisla- ture, he was the author. Was a member of the House from^ Burke two terms previous to the present, and chairman of committee on Finance each term. After becoming mem- ber of the Legislature, resigned all connection with rail- roads, and sold his stock. Was a Justice of the Peace for twenty-five years. Delegate to every Democratic National Convention from 1860 to this time, save and except the " Greely " Convention. Serves on committees: Internal Im- provements, Railroad Commission, Rules, and is chairman of committee on Finance. Col. Tate is an old fashioned Jeffersonian Democrat, and a truer son to the Old North State never entered the State Capitol. He is a very quiet man, and ver}^ seldom joins in the many discussions that arise, but when he does speak, he receives the attention of his fellow members, for ail re- gard his opinions on any subject as being sound, logical, practical and worthy to be carefully considered. He is a very close and earnest worker, and his services on commit- tees and elsewhere are fully appreciated by all who know him. — CabaiTHs Connty. HAEVEY McAllister, MOUNT PLEASANT, N. C. Born September 8th, 1835, in the county of Gaston, N. C. Son of George W. McAllister. Educated in the county at large by observation and experience. Held the office of County Commissioner and Justice of the Peace. Married in June, 1862, Miss Fannie Cook, daughter of Matthew Cook, and is the father of eight children. Served in late war four years, Co. N, 8th N. C. Regiment, Clingman's Brigade, Hoke's Division, and was wounded at battle on Weldon railroad, near Petersburg, Va. Was 1st Lieutenant. A Democrat, elected by 554 majority. On committees : Propositions and Grievances, Banks and Currency, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylums, Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining, and Privileges and Elections. Occupation at home, mechanic and farmer= 36 Caldwell County. WILLIAM HORTON BOWER, LENOIR, N. C. Born June 6th, 1850, in Wilkes county, son of David E. Bower. Educated at Finley High School, Lenoir, Caldwell county, N. C. A Democrat and elected by 670 majority, and is serving on the following committees, viz: Judiciary, Internal Improvements, Privileges and Elections, and is chairman of committee on Public Library. Studied law in the office of CoL G. N. Folk, of Lenoir, and obtained a license to practice. Went to California in 1876, returned in the summer of 1880. He is six feet high, weighing 230 pounds, and has had enough of politics, according to his own declaration, to do him the balance of his life. He makes a good member, and looks well into every measure that comes before the House. Camden Countj . JOHN K. ABBOTT, SOUTH MILLS, N. C. Born January 3rd, 1831, in Camden county, N, C. Son of Joseph Abbott. Educated at Randolph Macon College, Virginia. Was a Justice of the Peace under the Canby Government and a Representative in the Lower House of the Legislature in 1876-77. Married December 20th, 1865, Miss E. Spence, daughter of Edward Spence. Father of six children, three boys and three girls. Served in the late war four years; belonged to Company A, Eighth Regiment N. C. Troops, attached to Clingman's Brigade, Hoke's Divis- ion. Is serving on the following committees: Chairman House branch of committee on Joint Rules, Engrossed Bills and Penal Institutions. Pie is an earnest worker and a faithful representative. Carteret County. LEMUEL H. HAEBY, NEWPORT, N. C. Born March I7th, 1853, in the county of Greene, North Carolina. Son of L. M. Hardy. Has a common school ed- ucation. Was a member of the school committee of his county. Married January 29th, 1873, Miss Bettie J. Harts- 37 field, daughter of P. T. Hartsfield. Is a Democrat and was elected by 77 majority. He is a vigilant and true Represent- ative. Is on the committee on Corporations, Deaf and Dumb and the Blind Asylum, State Debt, and on Fish and Fishing Interests. He is a successful and a minister of the Primitive Baptist denomination. [CasTrell Conntj-. JAMES W. FOE, ASHLAXD, X. C. Born in 1854. Educated at Jtfitrson Academy and at the High School at Statesville. Married Miss Emma Brown November 18th, 1880. He is a Republican, and was a del- egate to the Republican State Convention, which was held in Raleigh, June 14th, 1882. In 1881 was master of cere- monies of the third annual exposition of the Industrial As- sociation, held at Raleigh, and in 1882 was a marshal at the fourth annual exposition of the same Association, and is a teacher by occupation : has been employed as a teacher in public schools. Catawba County. MILES 0. SHEEEILL, ^'EWTOX, X. C. Born July 26th, 1844, near Sherrill's Ford, in Catawba county, and is son of Hiram Sherrill. He was educated at Catawba High School, was married May 1st, 1867, to Miss Sallie R. Bost, daughter of Captain J. M. Bost, who was killed at Petersburg, Ya., and has six children. Mr. Sherrill was a valiant member of company A, 12tli Regiment X. G. State Troops in the late war; was wounded at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House,Ya.5 in May, 1864, which necessitated the amputation of his right leg six inches above the knee. A Lieutenancy was tendered him in Captain Ray's com- pany of Ranger.s, in 1861, but he refused to leave his old company, of whicli he was Orderly Sergeant. Mr. Sherrill is a Democrat ; has filled the ofSce of Supe- rior Court Clerk 14 years since the war, and was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by a ma- joritv vote of 990. He has rendered efficient service on the 38 Finance, Educational and joint committee to Re-district the State, and as Chairman of Committee of Salaries and Fees. Mr. Sherriil has proven himself a good representative from a good county. Chatham County. D. H. MAESH, GULF, N. C. Born February loth, 1844, in Chatham county, N. C, near Chapel Hill. Left school in 1861 to go to the war ; joined company D, 3d Regiment N. C. Cavalry, and served nearly four years. Married Miss Fannie E. Muse, daughter of H. L. Muse; blessed with two children. A merchant. Democrat in pol- itics and elected by four hundred majority, and one hun- dred more than any other candidate. On committees of In- ternal Improvements, Finance, Immigration, and Public Printing, W. A. LAWREMCE, QOFF, N. C. Born July 6th, 1839, in Chatham county. Educated at the private and public schools of his county. Married Miss E. F. Mims, of Chatham county, July 6th, 1868. Has five children. Held the office of Lieutenant during the war. In politics a Democrat, and was elected by 267 majority. Served on committees of Corporations, Banks and Currency and Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. Cherokee Coiintj. EGBERT BRUCE, NOTLA, N. C. Born in Habbersham county, Georgia, September 15th,. 1826. Married Miss Catharine Cearley, of Wilkes county, N. C, by whom he has had nine children — five girls and four boys. Occupation, a farmer. Moved to North Caro- lina in 1872. Was elected to the House of Representatives in 1879 by 10 majority. Elected to present seat by 99 ma- jority. On Agriculture, and Salaries and Fees. 39 Chowan Coantj^ * E. H, SUTTOM, EDENTON, N. C. Born December 2d, 1849, in Perquimans county, N. G. Son of Willis Sutton, and educated at Charlotte and Eden- ton. Worked in the Government Printing Office at Wash- ington, D. C, at one time. Is married and has one child. Republican ; was elected by twenty-five majority, and is now serving on committee on Corporations. Clay County. JAMES S. AWBERSOM, HAYESVILLE, N. C. Was born Jan'y 6tli, 1835. Was Captain Company A, 29 tb Regiment N. C. Troops, during the war. Was a member of the House in 1870-71, 1872-'73-'74, also lS79--'80. He married Miss J. S. Ketron, June 6th, 1866. He serves on committees: Railroads, Propositions and Grievances, and Public Buildings, Cleveland County. LEWIS EBWARB POWERS, SHELBY, N, C. Born March 24th, 1841, near Norfolk, Va. Son of Lewis Austin Powers. Educated at Yadkin College. Married Sarah Mary EUitt, daughter of Rev. E. D. Elliott, October 23d, 1862. Father of six children, five living. Served in the late war four years, belonging to Company A, Twenty- first Regiment, N. C. Troops, attached to Jackson's com- mand ; was a Lieutenant for three years, and was wounded at Sharpsburg and at Liberty. Is a Democrat and was elected by 47 majority. Is on the committee on Insane Asylums, Engrossed Bills and Public Printing. Mr. Powers is a man of strong mind, a fluent speaker, and has done much for his party in Cleveland county. Coluin^us County. H. B. WILLIAMSON, ' CERRO GORDO, N. C. Born August 1st, 1842, in Columbus county. Educated at Warsaw. Married Miss Sarah E., daughter of William 40 Davis, of Smithville, N. C, by Rev. Arthur McKimmoD, and has two children. In the war four years, in Company C, North Carolina Regulars,, twelve months, then joined Company E, 36th Regiment, North Carolina Artillery, com- manded by Col. Wm. Lamb, of Norfolk, Virginia. Wounded at Fort Fisher. He enlisted as private and came out as First Lieutenant. A magistrate six years. Town commis- sioner, merchant, and dealer in naval stores. Farmer by oc- cupation. Serves on committees : Internal Improvement, Justices of the Peace, Counties, Towns, &c., Salaries and Fees, and Redistricting the State. Crayeii County. W, H. JOHNSON, NEWBERN, N. C. Born September 17th, 1831, at Newbern, N. C. Educated in common schools of the county. Married Sarah Ann Dare in 1882. No children. Has been a Deputy Sheriff for ten years. Is a Republican, and was elected by eight hundred votes. Is on the committee of Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. Cuml)erlaiid County. ED. P. POWERS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Born in Fayetteville September 4th, 1843. Educated at Donaldson Academy, Fayetteville, N. C. Married Miss Mar}^ A. Brown January 7th, 1864, and has two children. In politics a Liberal Republican since 1881. Was elected to the House by 101 majority. On the following committees, viz : Insane Asylum, Fish Interest, Military Affairs, and Cities, Towns and Townships. He is a butcher, and has held the following offices: City Marshal, School Committeeman, and Justice of the Peace, and served during the war in the First Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers. Currituck County. W. H. COWELL, SHAWS, N. C. Born December 5th, 1832, in Currituck county, son of J. T, CowelL Attended com.mon schools of community and 41 went one session to Wake Forest. Been married twice, first time to Miss Elizabeth Morgan and second to Miss Mattie DeFord. Has three children. Is a physician by profession and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania. Was in the Legislature during the session of IS-Sl, and returned to the present session. Serves on committees on Insane Asy- lum, Engrossed Bills, Ee-districting the iState, and as chair- man of committee on State Debt. Dare County. EPHEAIM H. EIGGS, BUXTOX. X. C. Born January 9th, lSo3, at Vandemere, Pamlico county, N. C, son of John R. Piggs. Educated at Beach Grove and Newport. Has held the office of Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner, Wreck Commissioner, and County Superin- tendent of Dare. Married July 4th, 1S78, Miss Terah L. Jennett, daughter of Wallace R. Jennett, and has two chil- dren. He is a Democrat, an active member, and has de- voted special attention to the fishing interests and to pilots. On committee of Education, Propositions and Grievances, Immigration, Public Library, Enrolled Bills, and is chair- man of committee on Fish Interests. Davidson Connty. JAMES F. BEALL, LIXWOOD. X. C. Born September 1st, 1S37, at Belmont, Davidson county, X. C. Son of Dr. B. L. Beall. Educated at Bingham and Wilson schooh and at the L^niversity of Virginia. Mcirried Miss C. M. Harper, of Lenoir, Caldwell county, X. C, daugh- ter of James Harper, Esq., January 29th, 1869, and they have two children. He served in the late war four years, enlisted as a private in Co. A, 21st Regiment X. C. Troops, was promoted to the rank of Major and was in command of the Regiment at the close of the war. Was wounded at Winchester in the second battle of Manassas, and at Fred- ericksburg. He is a Democrat and is serving on the fol- lowing committees Propositions and Grievances, Engrossed Bills, Enrolled Bills and Insane Asylums. Major Beall read mitdicine under his brother Dr. R. L. Beall of Lenoir, 42 and completed his course at the Medical College of New York and has since engaged in the practice of his profession, and in connection with that is a farmer. This is his first legislative experience. H. J. HARRIS, THOMASVILLE, N. C. Born March 8th, 1826, at Healing Springs, Davidson countjr, N. C, son of William H. Harris. Educated at Trin- ity College; was Justice of the Peace, Alderman and Treas- urer of the town of Thomasville, Married December 25th, 1848, a daughter of C. M. Lines, of New Haven, Conn. Father of seven children, five living. In politics was a Whig prior to the war, and is now a conservative Democrat; was elected to the House by two hundred and sixty-two majority. On the committees of Finance, Penal Institutions, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, Railroad Commission and Insurance. Served during the late war as Captain of company A, 10th Battalion, Heavy Artillery, in Maj. W. L. Young's command, under General Whiting, at Wilming- ton, N. C. Bayie County. PATRICK HENRY CAIM, SETTLE, IREDELL CO., N. C. Born August 28th, 1814, in Rowan county, son of Daniel Cain. Educated in common school by Peter S. Ney ; mar- ried a daughter of Tenison Cheshire of Davie count}^, Jan. 5th, 1842.^ Mr. Cain is now a widower and has seven chil- dren living, five sons and two daughters. He was Justice of the Peace, a member of the Special Court, a County Com- missioner eight years and Chairman of the Board for six. He was elected to the House of Representatives as an inde- pendent Democrat over the regular Democratic nominee by 286 majority. He serves on the committee on Insane Asy- lum and Counties, Cities, Towns, &c. He is a farmer and during the war served in the Home Guard for a while. Bapliii County. J. D. STANFORD, KENANSVILLE, N. C. Born in 1833, at Kenansville, N. C, son of A. T. Stan- ford. Educated at Columbia College, Washington, D. C. 43 Has been a member of the General Assembly in one or the other branch since 1858, and has filled the office of Solicitor of his county. He married in 1859 Miss Alice A. Spicer, daughter of John F. Spicer. He also served as Supervisor of Census for the 3d North Carolina District. Mr. Stanford is a gentleman of fine ability and of most excellent judg- ment, a true and zealous Democrat, always at his post, an untiring and faithful representative. - ^ . - Durham CoRiitje E. C, STRUDWICK, DURHAM, N. C. Mr. Strudwick, the Representative from Durham county, is a fine looking young man, a Democrat and works well for a new member in legislative harness. Edgecombe County. A. E. BEIBeEES, • ■ V TARBORO, N. C. Born October 1st, 1854, in Edgecombe county. Educated at St. Augustine Normal School. Occupation, school teacher. Filled the office of Magistrate; was a delegate to the Repub- lican State Convention in 1882. Is a Republican and was elected by 1,287 majority ; is serving on the committee on Internal Improvements. He is reading law^ under Fred. Nash, Esq., and proposes to adopt that profession. WILLIAM BELCHER, TARBORO, N. C. Born July olst, 1854, in Edgecombe county. Educated in the free schools in the county. Married Tempy Telfair, January 3d, 1879, has one child. His occupation is farm- ing; in ['Politics, Republican, and was elected by 761 major- ity; is on the committee on Cities, Towns, Townships, (fee. Forsytli County. GEO. W. WILSON, KERNERSVILLE, X. C. Born Jan. 10th, 1810, in Stokes county. Married Miss Julia Hastings, of Forsyth county. Has nine children. / / 44 Been Magistrate 35 years. Lived iu Henry county, Va., ten years, at which time he was captain of a militia regi- ment. He is a Democrat, and has never been anything else. Serves on committees, Agriculture, Corporations and Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Occupation, a farmer. Mr. Wilson is one of the fathers in the General Assem- bly, being the oldest man in the body. Fraiiltliu County. B. E, BULLOCK, Jr., FRANKLINTON, N. C. Born Oct. 8th, 1841, in Granville county. Attended school at the academies in Gi'anville. Married Miss Hen- rietta Flemming, May 10th, 1864. Has three children. Been Commissioner and Mayor of Franklinton, and for five years w^as U. S. Commissioner. Studied law under the late Judge Battle at the University, and got license to prac- tice in January, 1869. Republican in politics. Serves on Judiciary, Insane Asylum, Enrolled Bills, and Education. WILLIAM FAEMIEOLD GEEEH, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Born September 23, 1828, in Franklin county. Son of Wm. 0. Green. Atteiided school at Wake Poorest College in 1847 and 1848, from here he went to Jefferson College, Can- onsburg, Pa., where he graduated in June, 1850. Read law under Judges Nash and Bailey at Hillsboro and received county court license at the fall term of Supreme Court, and one year later received license to practice in Superior Courts of the State. Located m Louisburg and continued the prac- tice of his profession until hostilities broke oat between the States. He organized the Franklin Rifles and was elected captain of the company. Soon after going into service, he v/as promoted to Major in the 5th Regiment of North Caro- lina Troops, which Regiment became the 15th, after the reorganization of the State Troops, and he continued to serve in that capacity during the term for which the Regi- ment volunteered. AYas afterwards Colonel of the State troops until close of the war. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 1856 to 1862. Was Solicitor for Franklin county for four years. Married Miss Lou. F., 45 daughter of Col. David Williams, of Edgecombe county, o^ane 25lh, 1867. Has one child — a daughter. Was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1875. Was elector on the Presidential ticket for Metropolitan Congres- sional District 1880. Serves on committees, viz.: Judiciary, the Code, and chairman of com.mittee on Education. Since the war he has resided on his farm four miles from Frank- linton and devoted the most of his time to agricultural pur- suits. He is a firm and zealous member. Gaston Coniitye JAMES W. REID, LOWELL, N. C. Born June 25th, 1816, at Lincoln, (now Gaston count}^'. The son of William Reid, and educated at the common schools, and Hunter's Academy, and has been County Com- missioner. Was married to Miss Mary D. Ralcliford, daughter of John and Isabella Ratchford, January 12th, 1847. Nine children have blessed this union, but onh^ four are remaining to cheer their declining years. He served in the late war eight months, in Company H.,4th Regiment Senior Reserves, un- der Col. John F. Hoke. Was 1st Lieutenant and Captain. A Democrat in politics, and elected by 170 majority. Com- mitteeman on Deaf, Dumb and Blind, and Cities, Towns and Townships. Occupation, farmer and mechanic. (Jates Count JOHN JACOB GATLING, , - GATLINGTON, Js^. C. \¥as born near Reynoldson, Gates county, N. 0., January 18th, 1843, and is 40 years of age. He was educated at Reynoldson Academy, then known as Chowan College; studied no profession. Is a farmer by occupation. Left school at the age of eiglUeen years, and enhsted in the " State Guards," the first military company raised in the county, and among the first raised in the State. This com- pany was assigned to Company B," to the 5th Regiment, North Carolina State Troops, which enlisted, from the out- set, for the war, and was at first commanded by Col. D. K. McRae. On the 12th of May, 1862, he was promoted to the 46 position of Regimental Sergeant Major, by order of Col. Mc- Kay, and remained at the Colonel's headquarters, acting as secretary for him. In the early part of 1863 was promoted to be Second Lieutenant of Company G, of tlio 5th Kegi- ment, and as such commanded his company through some of the hottest battles of the war — the Captain, J. M. Taylor, being absent, wounded, and First Lieutenant a prisoner of war. In 1864 was made Acting Adjutant of the regiment, and in this capacity served until tiie 19th day of Septem- ber, 1864, wdien in the desperate and disastrous battle fought between General Jubal Early's army and that of General Phil. Sheridan, upon the bloody heights of Winchester, Ya., he was taken prisoner of war in company with some six hundred others. After his capture was taken to the Fort Delaware Military prison, and there kept nine months, until after the v/slv. He was engaged in all the great battles of the late war, in which his regiment took part, up to the date of his capture, except those of Cold Harbor and Mechanics- ville. Since the war he has held a good many important public positions. Was township clerk until 1875, when he resigned to accept the nomination to the House of Repre- sentatives, made vacant by the death of the Hon. R. H. Bal- lard, to which position he was elected without opposition. He was for some time one of the county examiners for teach- ers, has been Public Administrator for Gates county ever since that has been an office, and is now a Justice of the Peace. In 1876 he was nominated by the Democratic Con- vention for the House of Representatives, but declined. In 1878 was again nominated for the same position, accepted, and was elected over his Republican opponent by about 282 majority. Mr. Gatiing was married to Miss Emily G. Wil- ley, daughter of John Willey, Esq., deceased, on the 20th of November, 1870, and has now living four children, three boys and one girl. He was returned to the House in 1881, and again this session. He serves on several committees, and is a good member. Crraham County. GEORGE E. WALKER, . . ROBBINSVILLE, N. C. Bora April 2nd, 1855, in Cherokee county, N. C. Edu- cated in. the common schools of the county. Elected to the Legislature by 75 votes; is serviiig on committeos : Com* 47 merce, Education, Agriculture, Congressional Districts, Counties, Cities and Towns, Fish Interest, &c. Has never married. GrraiiYille County. ELIAS J. JEWEOTS, FRANKLINTOX, FRA^'KLIN COUNTY, N. C. Born February 23d, 1843, in the county of Granville, SOD of Jonathan Jenkins, has a common school education, married Miss Elizabeth A. Strother, daughter of J. L. Strother, in 1875, father of three children, was in the late v/ar about two years in Company A, 33d Regiment, North Carolina troops, was in the engagement at the Wilderness, Spottsyivania Court House, and various other engagements in the vicinity of Petersburg, Va. Politically speaking he has alwa^'^s been a Democrat until the last election w^hen he was elected as the Liberal candidate. Serves on committee on Pvailroads, Post Roads and Turnpikes, and Towns, Cities, &c. Is engaged in fanning and in manufacturing tobacuo. A. H. A. WILLIAMS, OXFORD, X, C. Archibald H. A. Williams was born in Franklin county October 22d, 1842. He is a son of the late Henry G. W^il- iiams, who was at one time Sheriff and also member of the Legislature from that county. He was rpased by his uncle, the late Hon. A. H. Arrington of Nash, after whom he is named. Mr. Williams was fitted for college at the Horner School of Oxford, and entered Emory and Henry College, Va., in 1860, but when the tocsin of war was sounded he enlisted in the 2d North Carolina volunteers as a private soldier, but was alterw^ards promoted to a lieutenancy and then to a cap'taincy in the 55th North Carolina regiment. He served witii this regiment during the war and surren- dered at Greensboro in 1865. Captain Williams lost three brothers during the war — Sol., who was Colonel of the 2d regiment, William T., Lieutenant-Colonel of the 32d regi- ment, and Thomas M., a private in the 32d regiment. He is also brother to Hon. H. G. Williams of W'ilson, Captain John A. Williams of Oxford and the late Samuel T. Wil- liams, who founded the Daily News of Raleigh. Captain Williams is the only man iri North Carolina who owns a 48 railroad. The people of Granville were anxious to have a railroad to connect them with the outside world. He took charge of that enterprise when there was little hope of his making it a success, but by indomitable energy and a won- derful financial ability, he brought order out of chaos and to-day the Oxford and Henderson railroad is in successful operation—a standing monument to his intelligence, ability and energy. He is also president of the Oxford and Hen- derson Telegraph Company, a corporation that paid its stockholders last year a 32 per cent, dividend. Capt. Wil- liams' seat in the present Legislature was contested, but the House of Representatives decided in his favor. He is a politician of no mean pretentions. His friends urged his name in the last congressional convention of his district, but after his nomination he arose in the convention and declined the use of his name in opposition to his friend General Cox. Captain Williams is a valuable oiember. Greene County. M. T. DIXOM, HOOKERTON, N. C. Born in 1828, in Greene county, N. C; son of Washing- ton Dixon. Educated in common schools of his native county. Was a Magistrate twenty-six years, and common school committeeman four 3/ears. Was married on the 4th day of May, 1854, to Miss Mary Harper, daughter of James Harper, of Greene county, N. C, and has four chil- dren. A Republican in politics. Is now serving on com- mittees : Agriculture, and Banks and Currency. By pro- fession a farmer. Criillford Comity* JAMES W, FORBIS, GREENSBORO, N. C. Was born io Guilford county, eight miles east of Greens- boro, the 29th of July, 1852. He is the son of John and Delanah Forbis, and great grandson of Col. Arthur Forbis, who was killed at Guilford Court House duriog the Revolu- tionary war, March the 15th, 1781. He was raised a farmer boy until he was twenty-one years old. He is the youngest of six children, three brothers and two^isters. Owing to his 49 father's death when he was only eighteen months old and the devastation and ruin caused by the war between the States, he was compelled to commence the great journey of life with a very limited education and a more limited purse. By hard work and economy, he accumulated a few hundred dollars, and with this, he and his brother, W. R. Forbis, whose estate was also limited, established in 1875 the first furniture store ever opened in Greensboro. By industry and economy they achieved success in their new enterprise, and soon found their hundreds increased to thousands. James, having had from early boyhood a burning desire to be an orator, in the fall of 1877, sold his interest in the fur- niture establishment to his brother William, and entered Chapel Hill, where he remained for two years — graduating in the school of Philosophy in June, 1879. He was a mem- ber of the " Di " Society, and was elected by his fellow members to represent that Society at the Commencement of 1879. He then returned to Greensboro and commenced the study of law under Judges Dick and Dillard, and was li- censed by the Supreme Court of North Carolina to practice law at the June term of 1880. He then went into the law office of Col. J. T. Morehead and practiced with him until January, 1882, when he opened an office and entered the practice alone in the city of Greensboro. He did some good work in the Hancock campaign of 1880, and made consid- erable reputation as an orator and debator. He continued to practice law, with marked success, until November the 7th, 1882, when, after a hot canvass, being opposed by a regular Liberal nominee, and an Independent Republican, and an Independent Democrat, he was elected to a seat in the lower house of the General Assembly, as a " died in the wool " Democrat, by a majority of 214. He made a bold fight during the canvass and w\as dubbed by the Greensboro Patriot and complimented by his friends as the ''game cock of the campaign." He was married to Miss Sallie J. Rees, of Greensboro, on the first day of January, 1883. He took his seat in the House of Representatives on the third day of January, 1883. He made a faithful and efficient repre- sentative, and was recognized as one of the leaders of the House among the young men. JOHN L. KING. GREENSBORO, N. C. Born Nov. 4th, 1847, at Oak Ridge, Guilford county. 4 50 Son of John King. Educated at New Garden, Yadkin county. Was married to Miss R. A. Benbow, the daughter of Jesse Benbow, in 1876. Was elected to the present Leg- islature by 361 votes majority on the Democratic ticket. On committees, Internal Improvements, Insane Asylum, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, and chairman of com- mittee on Banks and Currency. His occupation is that of manufacturer of plug tobacco. Halifax County. M. J. HEWLIH, BRINKLEYVILLE, N. C. Born November 25th, 1841, at Enfield, N. C, son of Bil- liard Hewlin, educated in Halifax county, was Justice of the Peace four years, Constable six years, School Committee- man two years, and Deputy Sheriff prior to his election to the House of Representatives. Married June 20th, 1876, a daughter of 0. P. Thrower, and is the father of two children. During the late war he served in the 12th regiment, North Carolina troops, six months. In politics a Republican, was elected by about 3,000 votes. He is on the committee on Insurance. JAMES M. PITTMAN, HALIFAX, N. C. Born October 2d, 1852. Educated at Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C. Occupation, teaching. Is a Republican, and is serving on the Committee on Engrossed Bills. Harnett County. DANIEL STEWART, TROYVILLE, N. C. Born February 13th, 1826, in the county of Cumberland, N. C. Son of Charles tStewart. Educated at Pleasant Hill, Johnston county, N. C. Has been a member of the school committee of his county, and married Miss Nancy Dixon, daughter of Patrick Dixon, April 18th, 1850. Father of nine children— only five living. A Democrat; elected by 168 majority. Is serving on the committees of Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining, Finance, and of Salaries and Fees. 51 Mr, Stewart is one of the best farmers and finest cotton growers in Eastern Carolina, and it is said that it was a boil of cotton from his farm that took the premium at the Vi- enna Fair. He is also a ver}^ popular man in his section. Haywood County. WILLIAM WILLIAMS STRINGFIELD, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Born May 7th, 1837, in Nashville, Tenn. Educated at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. Son of Rev. Thomas String- field. Is now serving his first term in the Legislature. Has been U. S. Commissioner three years. Is a Democrat in politics, and never voted any other ticket. Has often been elected a lay delegate to the Annual, and twice to the Gen- eral Conference M. E. Church South, 1874 and 1882. Was married January 2d, 1871, to Miss Maria M. Love, daugh=. ter of James R. Love, deceased, of Haywood county, N. C, by whom he has three boys and three girls. Served as pri- vate in 1st Tennessee Cavalry, as Captain in 31st Tennessee Infantry, and afterwards as Major and Lieut. Colonel of the " fighting end " of Thomas's N. C. " Legion and Highland- ers." Was in thirty-seven battles in Kentacky, Tennessee, Virginia and Maryland, but never Vv^ounded. Captured un- der last flag of truce at Knoxville, Tenn., on May 1st, 1865, and surrendered sword on the same street and within fort}' feet where he drew arms in 1861. He is one of those who always acts on his own judgment and when he makes up his mind to do a thing, he goes forv/ard and does it, and when he advances he knows no retreat, but burns the bridge behind him. Is a valuable member of society and a useful man in the General Assembly. Henderson County. B. F. POSEY, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Born in Buncombe Oct. 23rd, 1820. Educated princi- pally at old field schools. Married Miss Julia F. Davis, of Henderson county, July 1st, 1852. Two children living and tv/o dead. Merchant at Henderson ville. Was with the reserve corps on the coast of South Carolina during the war.^ He lived about twenty years in South Carolina, Democrat. Committees: Finance, Insurance, and Proposi- tions and Grievances. 52 Hertford County. GEO. H. MITCHELL, WINTON, N. C. Mr. Mitchell is a Republican and is a very popular man in his section — even with many Democrats, for he is now Mayor of his town where there are no other white Repub- licans. He is a man of considerable business interest and is now conducting two farms in Hertford county and two in Bertie county. Hyde County. J. B. BATJM, FAIRFIELD, N. C. Born May 30th, 1842, in Hyde county. Educated at com- mon schools of Hyde county. Was a member of the Sixty- sixth Regiment of North Carolina Rangers during the war. Democrat, and never voted any other ticket, and was elected by a majority of 101 votes. Always refused offices, but was forced by his friends to come to the House, and thinks he is now sufficiently amused in public life. Serves on Propo- sitions and Grievances, Internal Improvements, Post Roads and Turnpikes. — - — - Iredell County. AUGUSTUS C. TOMLIN, CLIN, N. 0. Was born March 29, 1832, in Iredell county, and is now living on the old homestead of his father, the late Notley D. Tomlin. Was educated at the schools of the community. Married Miss Margaret A. Alexander, daughter of Mr. J. F. Alexander, of Statesville. Has two children. Has been County Commissioner four years. Serves on committee of Internal Improvements, and several others. He is a steady, quiet and useful member. A. LEAZAR, MOORESVILLE, N. C. Born March 27th, 1843, in the county of Rowan, son of John Leazar, educated at Davidson College and graduated with first honors at the age of 17 in 1860. He is a true Democrat, and was elected to the House by 423 majority over the Republican candidate, Judge D. M. Furches. Is serving on the committees of Finance, Education, Insane 53 Asylums, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum, and on the com- mittee to Redistrict the State. He served four years during the late war in Co. G, 42d North Carolina Eegiment. He is a gentleman of fine education, and makes a good member. Jacksou Connty, J. M. CANDLER, WEBSTER, X. C. Born August 31st, 1346, in Buncombe county. Son of Ct. W. Candler. Educated at Sand Hill .Academy; read medicine under Dr. D. M. Gudger, and attended lectures at the Philadelphia Medical University, and began to practice medicine in 1S68. Is a Republican, and was elected by a majority of 207 votes. Starves on two committees, Insane Asylunis. and Counties, Towns and Cities. Married Miss Mary E. Mahoney June 23d, 1S6S. She is a daughter of Rev James Mahoney, and they have four children. Jolmstoii Connty. H. M. JOHNSON, ROME, X. C. Born January 2Sth, 1S37. in the county of Johnston, X. C. Son of Allen Johnson. Common school education, and by tlie bVht of his own pine torch. ^larried three times. First to Miss Xancy Ann Beasle}* ; second, Miss Charlotte Ann Peacock, and third. Miss Edith Ann Allen : is the father of ten children. Served a portion of the time dur- ing the war as Second Lieutenant in the militia. Is a Dem- ocrat ; was elected by 141 majority. A good farmer, and an active, working member on the following committees: Pe- nal Institutions. Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Agricultural and Mechanics and Mining. JESSE BROWN, SELMA, X. C. Born January ISth. 1825. Son of Thomas Brown. Married a daughter of Jesse Sterling March 16th, 1S4S, and was mar- ried a second time to a daughter of M. Penney March 13th, 1872. Has five sons and seven daughters. On committees on Corporations and Propositions and Grievances, 54 Jones County. EBWIN RANDOLPH PAGE, TRENTON, N. C. Born September 19th, 1846, at West Point, Va. Son of Dr. R. F. Page. Educated at Hilisboro Military Institute and at Annapolis Naval School. Went to sea and visited all the principal ports of Europe. Held the following offices : Postmaster at Kinston, N. C, conductor on Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, and Deputy Collector at Large in Second Dis- trict North Carolina, Married November 8th, 1871, Miss 0. E. McDaniel, only daughter of Nathan McDaniel. During the war he ran away from Hilisboro School and joined Com- pany K, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry ; was wounded in the vicinity of Sharpsburg, Md. Surrendered at Greens- boro, N. C, with one dollar and thirteen cents in his pocket, whicli was tied up in horse hair taken from the tail of a horse that was killed under him at Bentonsville, Johnston county, N. C. At one time during the war he acted as courier to General Wade Hampton. He is a Republican and was elected by 664 majority. Serves on Finance Com- mittee, Military Afif^iirs, Rules, Railroad Commission, In- ternal Improvements, Agriculture and Insane Asylum. He is a jovial, whole-souled and good fellow, and one everybody likes. Lenoir County. DEMPSEY WOOD, LA GRANGE, N. C, Born in 1848, in Lenoir county. Son of James Wood. Educated at Greensboro, N. C. Married Miss Elmira Wood, daughter of Jesse Wood, May 11th, 1876, and is the father of three children. A Democrat, elected by 140 majority, and is serving on the following committees : Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining, Education, Internal Improvements, and on Congressional Districts. Lincoln County. W. L. CROUSE, GROUSE, N. C. Was born July 29th, 1849, at his present home; the son of David Crouse, and was educated at Catawba High School, and was married to Miss Stowe, daughter of S. D. Stowe, of 55 York county, S. C, on June 10th, 1871; three children have blessed their union. Was elected to the present Leg- islature on the Democratic ticket by one hundred and eighty-one majority. Is now serving on the following com- mittees, viz: Militia, Penal Institutions, Internal Improve- ments, and joint Railroad Commission. Studied medicine under Dr. U. L. Brown, of Lincolnton ; afterwards attended and graduated in Medicine at the Washington University of Maryland, (1870-71-72-73,) and since then has been continuously in practice of his pro- fession and farming. McDowell County. J. C. McGUEEY, MARION, N. C. Born September loth, 1837, in Burke county, N. C. Edu- cated at Marion and county schools. Was married to Miss Maggie Mclnturff, of Tennessee, in October, 1867, and has two children. Is a Democrat. AYas two years the County Treasurer. Was Magistrate during the war. Was elected to the present Legislature by one hundred and five major- ity. Is nov7 serving on the following committees, viz: Corporations, Redistricting the State, Cities and Towns, &c. Was raised a farmer, but is now a successful mer- chant. Look well after the interest of those who sent him here. Macon County. ' J. E. EAY, FRANKLIN, N. C. Born in 1855 in the county of Macon, N. C. Son of John Ray. Educated at Franklin, and was elected to the House of Representatives in 1881. Is on the following commit- tees, viz: Corporations, chairman of committee on Military Affairs, and chairman of committee on Railroads, Post Roads and Turnpikes. jNIr. Ray is a young man and is very ambitious to make his mark in life. Madison County. DAVID STEALEY BALL, STOCK, N. C. Born on Jack's Creek, in Yancey county, N. C, August 31st, 1843, son of Melmoth Ball, educated at Mars Hill Col- 56 lege, in Madison county, a naember of the board of County Commissioners of Madison county for the years 1879-80. Married a daughter of E. B. Holcombe August 25th, 1866. Has no children. Served in the war of the Confederate States for four years and one month in Lee's command, Company B, 16th North Carolina, and held the office of Second Lieutenant. Republican in politics and elected to the Legislature in 1882 by a majority of 164 votes, and at this session served on committees: Salaries and Fees, and Propositions and Grievances. Occupation, a farmer. Martin County. DENNISOM WORTHINGTON, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Born October 6th, 1843, in Murfreesboro, Hertford county. Educated in North Carolina and Maryland. Went into the war at first in 8th Regiment N. C. Troops, and afterwards assigned to the charge of signal and mounted scouts on the peninsula below Richmond. Was wounded there and cap- tured May 6th, 1864, and held as hostage until March, 1865, and surrendered at Warrenton, N. C, after the fall of Ap- pomattox. Read law under Hon. J. J. Yates, and Martin, Baker and Hinton of Norfolk, Va., and received license to practice in the courts of Virginia in 1869. Now located at Williamston and practicing his profession under- the law firm of Moore and Worthington. Married Miss Julia, daughter of Col. S. J. Wheeler, of Bertie county, November 17th, 187L Been Solicitor and Judge of the Inferior Court, was member of the Legislature of 1881, at which session he was chairnian of committee on the Appointment of Justices of the Peace. He serves on committees: Judiciary, Fish Interests, and Enrolled Bills. He is Speaker pro tern, of the House of Representatives, chairman of the joint committee to Redistrict the State, chairman of committee on Rules, chairman of committee on Military Affairs, and member of the Code committee. Mr. Worthington has taken a very prominent stand in this General Assembly, and is a leading and influential member. 57 Mecklenburg Conntj. T. T. SANDIFER, PAW CREEK, N. C. ^ Born October _20th, 1818, in Chester county, South Caro- lina, son of Philip Sandifer, educated at Ebenezer Academy, at Mount Pleasant, S. C, and at Yorkville iVcademy, was for four years a member of the board of County Commis- sioners of Mecklenburg, married twice, first to Miss Ann M. Wilson in 1840, and to Miss Lizzie Graham in 1866. He is the father of three children by his first wife and eight by the second wife. He is a Democrat and was elected by over 400 majority, by profession is a physician, commenced prac- ticing medicine in 1838 and continued to do so until 1868, and since that time has devoted his attention to farming. Is on the committees on Insane Asylum and Agriculture. J. S. MYERS, CHARLOTTE. X. C. Born November 1st, 1847, in Mecklenburg county, N. C. He is son of W. R. and S. C. Myers and is a self-made man, possessed of an active and strong mind and educated him- self by close application to study with but little assistance from teachers. Married Miss Mary M. Rawlinson of Rock Hill, S, C, December 22d, 1870, and has four living children — two sons and two daughters. Is serving on the committees of Agriculture, Immigration, and Penal Institutions. He is a true Democrat and a vigilant representative and by occupation a farmer. WILLIAM H. BAILEY, CHARLOTTE, X. C. Mr. Bailey has taken much interest in matters of legisla- tion and has let nothing escape his notice. He is a man of fine education and legal attainments and well posted in parliamentary usages. Pie is a fluent and ready speaker, and has let but few questions pass without expressing his views upon them. He serves on several leading committees and is an active worker. 58 Mitchell County. H. LIMEBACK, LINEBACK, N. C. Born in 1849, in the county of Ashe, N. C, has a limited education acquired by personal application, not having any school advantages, is a Republican, was connected with the Federal army during two years of the war, belonged to Company C, 13th Regiment, Tennessee cavalry, is a married man, has five children, was a member of the board of County Commissioners for two years, serves on the committee on Corporations in the House. Montgomeiy County. A. L. HENDERSON, ELDORADO, N. C. Born April 28th, 1830, in Montgomery county. Educated in the common schools of the county. Married in 1850 Miss Piety Harris. Father of nine children, eight of them living. Was County Treasurer two years. In politics a Republican, and was elected by 75 majority. Occupation a blacksmith, serves on the Committees of Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, and Railroads, Post Roads, Turnpikes, &c. Moore County. HECTOR TUEHER, CAMERON, N. C. Dr. Turner is a good physician and farmer at home, and peforms his duties here faithfully. He is about sixty years old and a man of family. He is a strong Democrat and looks well to the interest of his party. He served in the House two years ago. ]^asli County. B. H. BUNN, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Mr. Bunn is a practicing attorney by profession, and in point of ability stands well up towards the head of the class. His labors in the present session of the House have been very valuable. He is on several of the leading committees 59 and always takes a prominent part in commiLtee work and is ever ready when questions of any kind come before tiie House. He is a thorough and practical reasoner, a good debater, and in every way has rendered himself very efficient. He is a gentleman of very fine personal appearance, aft'abie manners^ and has many friends. 'Nev,- Haiioyer Count} . WILLIABI MENEY WADDELL, ^VILMINGTON, X. C. Born May 14th, 1847. Never went to school, but has re- ceived a very fair family education. Not married. Been Janitor, with rank of Captain, at City Hall in Wilmington, for two terms. Been Superintendent of City Improvement for one year. His first term in the Legislature was in 1879, Was here again in 1881 and returned to this session by a large vote, about 1,100. He has been member of School Committees for some time, and (-hairman of the Board. He now serves on committee on Insane Asylum. EUSTACE E. GEEEN, * W^ILMINGTON, C. Born February 3d, 1845, at Wilmington, N. C. Was educated at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, and held the following offices: Clerk of Court, County Examiner of Pub- lic Schools and Principal of a Graded School. Married Georgie Cherry, daughter of Henry Cherry, July 2d, 1879. Father of one child. A Republican. On following com- mittees, viz: Propositions and Grievances, Penal Institutions and Education. Northampton County. - WILEY BAKER, DOGW^OOD, C. Born February 14th, 1850, in Halifax county. Educated in the common schools of the county. In politics a Repub- lican, held the office of Constable, Overseer of Roads and a School committeman. Serves on the committee on Deaf, Dumb and Blind. 60 R. B. PEEBLES, JACKSON, N. O. Mr. Peebles was born July 21st, 1841, in Northampton county, N. C. Educated at Chapel Hill, N. C. -Obtained license to practice law at June term, 1866. Married to Miss Maggie Cameron, daughter of Paul C. Cameron, of Hills- boro, N. C. Served on the following committees: Chair- main of Corporations and Judiciary, on Committee on Edu- cation, Agriculture and Commerce, Library, Public Build- ings, The Code, Rules, (fee. Was a member of the Legisla- ture in 1866-'67, and filled with much credit to himself the office of County Attorney, Trustee of the University, com- missioner to represent North Carolina at the Yorktown cel- ebration, Lieutenant in Company E, 56th N. C. Regiment, Adjutant 35th N. C. Regiment, Assistant Adjutant General Ramsour's Brigade. Mr. Peebles is one of the best men in his section of the State, and the interest of his people while in his care would never suffer. The members of the House had become very much attached to him, and it was with much reluctance that he was voted out to make a place for his contestant, George H. Parker. Onslow Couutje C. THOMPSON, M. D. JACKSONVILLE, N. C. Born February 8th, 1855, at Haw Branch, Onslow county, and is son of Frank Thompson, Sr. He was educated at Randolph Macon College, University of Virginia and Uni- versity of Louisiana. Was married to Miss Florence G. Kent, daughter of Charles E. Kent, of Amherst C. H., Va., December 5th, 18S2. Dr. Thompson is a Democrat and a practicing physician. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by a majority of 241. He is chairman of House branch on Enrolled Bills and is on the committee on Internal Improvements, Re-districting the State and Insane Asylums. He is a young, vigorous mem- ber, and lets nothing concerning the East pass unnoticed. Orange County. JAMES A. CHEEK, HILLSBORO, N. C. Born July 21st, 1842, in Orange county, is the son of James Cheek, was educated in Orange county and married 61 Miss Rosa F,, daughter of Mr. John Cheek, has three chil- dren. He served in the Confederate army in Company D. 1st Regiment North Carolina State troops, held the office of " low private in the rear rank,'"' and was discharged from service on account of bad health. In politics he is an In- dependert Democrat, and in voting on measures casts his votes according to his convictions of right and wrong. Was elected b}' seven majority — overruling a regular Democratic majority of 800 votes. The main issues he advocated in the campaign were his opposition to the present system of county government and opposition to all stock laws with- out first submitting the question to the qualified voters of the territory asking tbe law, and opposition to prohibition. By occupation he is a liquor dealer. Pamlico County. R. D. McCotter, PAMLICO. X. C. Born May 1st, 1836, near Pamlico, Pamlico co.: his father's name is Richard McCotter. He was educated partly at the University of North Carolina, but graduated at Trinity College. Served in the la^e war in the capacity of Lieuten- ant in company F, 46th Regiment, under Col. W. L. Saun- ders and was with General Lee at the surrender. Mr. McCotter has served his people as County Commis- sioner, County Examiner, and County Superintendent of Public Instruction, and was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by a majority of 187. He is a Democrat and popular with his people. He lias served on the committees on Propositions and Grievances, on Bank- ing, and on Education, and has made a good representative. Pasciuotank County. NOAH R. NEWBY, VIXOXTOX, X. C. Born June loth. 1S57, in Perquimans county, N. C. Educated at Hampton College, Va.: closed his college course in 1879, and since that time has been teaching. In politics a Republican and was elected to the House by 217 majority; is serving on the committees on Education and Fish In- terests. 62 Fender County^ E. B. FEAYSER, POINT CASWELL, N. C. Mr. Frayser is a lawyer by profession, and is an old gen« tieman of active naind and clear judgment and firm con- victions. He is a Republican in politics but voted for Hon. M. W. Ransom for United States Senator. PerqulMans County* FEAHCIS ¥IX0M, Jr., WINDFALL, N. C. Born December 8d, 1852, in the county of Perquimans, N. C. Educated at a neighborhood academy. Held the office of Magistrate for two years. A Republican in politics and a farmer. Is serving on the committee on Propositions and Grievances. He now lives with his grandfather, Fran- cis Nixon, Sr., w^ho is a ver}' large land owner in that county. Person County, W. F. EEA»E, MOUNT TIRZAH, N. C. Mr. Reade is quite an old man but has an active mind and makes a good member. He is a brother of Judge E. G. Reade. He is Republican in politics but votes ac- cording to his convictions regardless of politics. Pitt County. CALVIN STOKES, JOHNSON'S MILLS, N. C. Born March 18th, 1839, in Pitt county, N. C. Son of Thomas Stokes. Educated at the public schools. Has been Justice of the Peace. Was married August 15th, 1860, to Margaret A. Witherington, daughter of Reuben Withering- ton, by v^bom be had two children. Served in the late war six months as a member of the Bridge Guards, commanded by G. W. Cox. Was Sergeant in same and acted his part well. Was elected to the present Legislature by a majority of 204 votes on the Greer^back ticket. By occupation a farmer. He is now serving on the following committees : Engrossed Bills and Immigration. 63 L. J, BABRETT, FARMYILLE, X. C. Born June 13th, 1S39, in the county of Pitt. Son of Josiah Barrett. Educated at Horner's school at Oxford, X. C. Wa!5 a member of the House of Representatives during the sessions of lS74-'7o. Married November 25th, 1868, to Miss Juiia M. By num . daughter of Alien Bynum. Served four years in the late war, vras Lieutenant of Co. E, 27th Eeg't. X. C. Troo[ s. and was Captain of Co. H, 7th Eeg't. C. S. Cavalry, Hampton's Division, was engaged at Plymouth, Xewbern and in various engagements in tlie vicinity of Petersburg, Va. A Democrat, elected by 300 majority, and is on the committees of Finance, xlgriculture, Mechatjics and Mining, and Salaries and Fees. Polk Coniity. T. C. BEADLEY, MILL ^PRIXGS, X. C. Born in Rutherford county, December 17ih, 1S38. At- tended school at Gold Hill Academy, in Rutherford county, Married Z\Ii5£ Jennie Flampton, ot Polk county, in 1865. He has six children : served in the first company that left Rutherford county during the war — company G, 16th Reg- iment. Been Deputy Sheriff for two years, and Deputy Marshal in the Revenue service. Republican in politics. On committees on Penal Institutions, and Banks and Currency. Eandolpli ConiitT, BUEWELL STEED, HILL'S STORE. C. Born in 1836, in Randolph county. Married Miss Elmira Hopkins in October. 1876. Occupation is that of a farmer. Been Justice of the Peace and County Commissioner. Dem- ocrat in politics. Serves on committees of Corporation, Ag- riculture, and Salaries and Fees. MAEMADUEE SWAIN ROBINS, ASHEEORO. X. C. Born August 31st, 1827, in Randolph county. X. C. Son of John Robbins. Educated at Chapel Hilh Married Miss 64 Annie E. Moring, daughter of W. H. Moring, July 24th, 1878. One or two children living. A Democrat in poli- tics, and elected to the Legislature by three hundred and fifty-seven majority, and now serving as committeeman on Judiciary, the Code, Redistrieting the State, &c. An attor- ney by profession, having obtained license in 1856. Richmond County. H. H. COVINGTON, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Born October 27th, 1842, in the county of Richmond, N. C. Educated in the common schools of the county. Mar- ried Miss Teresa Hawkins, of Richmond count}^, and has five children. Held the office of overseer of road. A Re- publican in politics and elected by 389 votes. Serving on the committee of Internal Improvements and of Claims. A farmer b}^ occupation. Robeson County. . 0. S. HAYES, PATES, N. C. Farmer, merchant and turpentine operator. Born Jan. 26th, 1843, in Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio, son of H. I. Hayes, and educated at Toledo, Ohio. Member of the Convention of 1868. Also Senator in 1868-'69. Member of Company E, 100th Ohio Regiment, 23rd Corps, Schofield's Command. Adjutant and Captain in the 128th Ohio Regi- ment. Was elected to the present Legislature by over one hundred majority, and is now serving on committees. Agri- culture, Convict Labor, Finance, Insane Asylum, Internal Improvements, &c. Not married. EDWARD K. PROCTOR, LUMBERTON, N. C. Born in New Kent county, Va., Jan. 8th, 1825. Educated at Roslyn, Staten Island, N. Y. Married first to Miss An- nie Reid, of Boston ; the second time, to Miss Annie E. Sumter, of Robeson county. Has two children. Came to North Carolina in 1859, and, after living one year in Wil- mington, located in Lumberton. He is son of William and 65 Mary Proctor, vrho came from England. He was member of the House in 1868-69. He serves on committees of Corporations, and Propositions and Grievances. EocMugliam Couuly. PEYOE REYNOLDS, LEAIvSVILLE, X. C. Born February 17th, 182-4. in Franklin county, Alabama. Son of Pryor Reynolds. Educated at private schools, and was Private Secretary to Governor Morehead in 1S1:1-'1:4, County Commissioner, &e. Was married to Miss E. C. Jones, daughter of Col. Man- son Jones, August 12th, 1850 ; has five children living out of the seven born to them. He served in the Army of Northern Virginia from March, 1863, to April 9th, 1865, in the 45th North Carolina Regiment, Daniel's Brigade, Rhodes' Division, as Quartermaster. Was elected without a canvass to the Legislature by 41 majority on the Democratic ticket. Lived in New York in the capacity of salesman in 1847. Engaged extensively prior and since the war in mercantile pursuits, chiefly in the tobacco trade, as manufacturer and raiser. Also engaged largely in steam saw mills, of the well known firm of Reynolds, Haughton & Millner. - ' JAMES D. GLENN, LEAKSVILLE, X. C. Was born at the residence of his grandfather, Col. J. R. Dodge, in Yadkin county, X. C, on the 20th of October, 1852. His father. Captain Chalmers Glenn, having been killed in the battle of Boonsboro, Maryland, he was adopted and raised by his uncle, Dr. E. T. Broadnax, of Rocking- ham county. He entered the Virginia Military Institute in 1867, and graduated at that institution in July, 1871. Although educated as a civil engineer, he preferred farm- ing to any other occupation, and has followed that since 1871. He was married in June, 1877, to Miss Mary W. Broadnax, youngest daughter of Dr. John G. Broadnax, of Rockingham county. They have had two children, but both died. He was nominated by the Democratic Conven- tion of his county, and elected to the House of Representa- tives in 1880, and again renominated and elected in 1882. 5 66 He is chairman of the comaiittee on Internal Improve- ments of the present House, and upon the committees of Finance, Military Affairs, Agriculture, Convict Labor, and of Library. Mr. Glenn was elected Captain of Co. H, 3d Kegiment, North Carolina State Guard, in August, 1881, and Lieuten- ant-Colonel of the 3d Kegiment in December, 1882. Mr. Glenn is a man of fine personal appearance, pleasing manners, sound judgment, and while he is bold and fear- less in the discharge of his duties, he never overleaps the bounds of strict propriety on any question. He is very popular, and deservedly so, for he is a worthy gentleman. Kowan County. LEE S. OVERMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. Was born in Salisbury on the 3d day of January, 1854 ; ^was graduated from Trinity College in 1874, receiving the degree of A. B., and three years later the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater. In June, 1876, he commenced the study of law under Col. J. M. McCorkle, of Salisbury, and in the campaign of 1876, took a very active part. On the 31st of January, 1877, he was appointed by Governor Vance his confidential clerk, and on the 1st of January, 1879, he received the appointment of Private Sec- retary. While in Raleigh he pursued the study of his pro- fession under Richard H. Battle, Jr., Esq., and at the Janu- ary term, 1878, of the Supreme Court, received license and was admitted to the bar. Resigned office of Private Secretary January 1st, 1881, and returned to Salisbury to practice his profession. Was elected to his present seat in the House over G. A. Bingham, a Liberal candidate. He serves on various committees, and is a hardworking and good mem- ber, and his good qualities and manly deportment are only equaled by his gentlemanly bearing and good looks. He serves on Judiciary and The Code committees, and is chair- main of committee on Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. Kutlierford County. G. B. PRUITT, WEBB FORD, N. C. Born in the county of Cleveland, son of John Pruitt. Educated in the common schools of his county; was Rail- road agent at Piulherfordton ; married Miss Margaret Spur- lin, daughter of I. J. Spurlin, in June, 1870, and is the father of five children. Was elected as a Liberal Democrat by a majority of 154, and is on the committee of Proposi- tions and Grievances. Saiiipsoa County. WILLIAM S, MATHEWS. SIX RUNS, X. C. Born May 14th, 1823, in Sampson county.. Married Miss S, G. James Nov. 22nd, 1854, and has seven children, four dead. Served only in militia during the war. Was Magis- trate for eleven years, and Gounty Gommissioner for two J ears. Mr. Mathews is a farmer by occupation, and asked me not to say that he was the most successful one in the State : and also said we must not tell the public that there were only 14 sensible men in the House the night of the Peebles- Parker contest, and to not let it be known, but always keep it a secret, that this Legislature is the biggest set of foos ever assembled in Raleigh. C, H. WILLIAMS, HUXTLEY, X. C. Born Xov. 2Sth, 1850, in Sampson county, I\. G., the son of John G. Williams. He was educated in Sampson countv, N. C. Marrid Miss Flora A. McDonald, daughter of Z. W. McDonald, Nov. 24th, 1870, and is blessed with two children. A Democrat in politics, and a member of committees on Finance, Propositions and Grievances, Immigration, and chairman of Insurance, A Justice of the Peace, and elected by five hundred and ninety-eight majority to the House. Stanly County. D. N, BENNETT, XORWOOD, N, C. Born August 20th, 1848, in Ghesterfield county, S. C. Ed- ucated prin'cipally at the Wadesboro Institution. Married Miss A. G. Dunlap, daughter of B, J. Dunlap, of N. G., and has five children— three sons and two daughters. Politi- 68 cally a Democrat of the first water, in other words a true blue of the Old Hickory persuasion, and was elected by 210 ma- jority. Serves on the committees of Finance, Insane Asy- lums, Education, and Appointment of Justices of the Peace. As an evidence of Mr. Bennett's faithful discharge of duty, we can say that during the session, he has not missed a sol- itary vote. This can be said of but a few members. Stokes County. JOHN Z, PHILLIPS, DALTON, N. 0. Born May 19th, 1846, in Yadkin county. Son of Matthew Phillips. Educated at Wake Forest College and graduated there in 1875. Attended Pearson's Law School, and ob- tained his license in 1877, and has continued the practice of law since that time in the courts adjacent to his county. He held at one time the ofiSce of Superintendent of Public Schools of the couoty of Stokes. In politics is a Democrat, Is on the following committees: Judiciary, Education, Pe- nal Institutions, and Propositions and Grievances. During the war about one year he served with the Junior Reserves, Co. C, 3d Regiment N. C. State Troops attached to Hardie's Corps. Surry County. WINSTON FULTON, MOUNT AIRY, N. 0. Born in Stokes county April 4th, 1821. Moved into Surry county in 1845, and married March 4tb, 1847; lost his wife on June 11th, 1875. He is the father of nine children, all living. In politics a Whig before the war and a Democrat since. Is a farmer by occupation and is also engagsd in the manufacture of tobacco, cotton yarn and sheeting. Mr. Fulton, like all other successful farmers and business men, makes a worthy member, for when a man knows how and can manage his own affairs to advantage, he has the right kind of education to manage the atiairs of others. 69 Swam Conntr. A. H. HAYES, CHARLESTON, X. C. Born January 22d, 1848, in Murphy, Cherokee county, where his father, G. W. Ha^^es, resided and where he was educated. He was married to Miss M. E. Leatherwood of Cherokee county, November -ith, 1869, and has five children. Mr. Hayes is a Democrat and a farmer, and was elected by a majority of 101 to fill the seat he now occupies in the House cf Representatiyes. He has seryed on several im- portant committees and is faithful to his people. Transylvania Connty. BOEERT HAMILTON, BREVARD, X. a Born May loth, 1817, in Buncombe county. Received a limited education from the country schools. Was married to Miss R. A. Neill, daughter of Geo. G Xeill, July 2d, 1810, and has nine children living. Mr. Hamilton was elected Sheriff by the Justices of the Peace at the organization of Transylvania county 20th May, 1861, was re-elected in 1862, and has since served his county in the capacity of Justice of the Peace and Chairman of County Court. He is a Republican, was a Union man dur- ing the late war, and did not serve in the army. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by a majority of 57, and has served on Finance, Salaries and Fees, and Agricultural Committees. Tyrreil County. rEEDEEICK C, PATEICE, LEOXA, X. C. Born September IQth, 1849, in Tyrrell county, X. C, son of F. F. Patrick. Educated at the primary schools of the county ; held the offices of County Commissioner and Jus- tice of the Peace : married Martha L. Liverman, daughter of Hardy H. Liverman, March 20th, 1873; father of six children, only three living. Is a Democrat — was elected by 137 majority. Is serving on the committees on Claims, Counties, Cities. Towns^ &c., and Penal Institutions. 70 Union County. JAMES HOUSTOF, STOUT, N, C. Born November 28th, 1817, in Mecklenburg county, now Union ; married Miss Martha E. Walkup, of Union county ; has six children living ; was in the Senior Reserves six months during the war, and was Captain. Democrat in politics, and serves on committees of Penal Institutions^ Banks and Currency, State Debt, and Salaries and Fees. Yanee Countjo H, E. EATOH, WILLIAMSBORO, N. C. Born in 1847, in Granville county, N. C; no educational advantages ; held the office of school committeeman, mar- ried in 1867, and has six children. A Republican ; occu- pation, farming. Serves on the committee on Propositions and Grievances. Wake County. E. M, BLEDSOE, RALEIGH, N. C. Born in Raleigh August 3d, 1850, educated at schools conducted by Mrs. C. P. Spencer, at Chapel Hill, and at the University of the State, married Miss Annie, daughter of Laurence Hinton, September 3d, 1873, and has four children. Was a migistrate for three years, is a Republican and was elected by a large majority, is serving on committees on Proposition and Grievances, Penal Institutions, and Claims. He is engaged in farming. J. 0. HAREISOM, NEW LIGHT, N. C. Mr. Harrison is a Republican in politics and by occupa- tion is a farmer. This is the first term he has ever served in the General Assembly. J, A. TEMPLE, RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. Temple is a farmer by occupation and has been in public life but little more than serving as Magistrate. Thi& is the first time he has been in the General Assembly, la politics he is a Republican. I 71 JAMES H. HAEEIS, RALEIGH, X. C. Born in Granville county about 1S30, self-educated, mar- ried Isabella Hinton, no children. Member of the Consti- tutional Convention in 1S68, in the House in 1869, in the Senate in 1872, and again in the House the present session, has been a member of the Board of Aldermen several years, was director for the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind for four years, was United States Deputy Collector in 1872. On committee on Internal Improvements, Rail- roads, &c. He is one of the leading members of the Re- publican party, and for the chances generally afforded col- ored men, is well posted in political matters and a good speaker. TTarren County. J. H- MONTGOMERY, WARPvENTOX, X. C. Born January 15th, 1854, in the count}' of Warren, N. C. Educated at Tupper's School, Raleigh, N, C. School teacher by profession, and a Republican in politics. Elected to the House by 1,200 votes, and is serving on the committee for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution. ENOOH H. LEAEY, MACIvEY'S FERRY, X'. C. Born January 13th, 1837, at Holy Neck, Washington county, X. C. Son of Harmond Leary. Not educated much. Yet he was a County Commissioner for eight yeai;3. Father of five children, four living. ^Tarried a daughter of John S. Woodley, December 22nd, 1872. He is a Republi- can, and was elected to the House by 296 majority. He is on the committee on Claims, and on committee to appoint Justices of the Peace. He served during the late war in the Federal army, and was Third Sergeant in Co. L, and was wounded at Warsaw, N. C. ITataiigra County. WALTSU W. LENOIR, SHULL'S MILLS, X. C. Born March 13th, 1823, at Fort Defiance, Caldwell county, N. C. Son of Thomas Lenoir, and educated at Bingham's 72 School, and at the State University. Was at one time chair- man of the Board of Commissioners of Watauga county. Married June 10th, 1856, Miss Cornelia J. Christian ; had one child, which lived only six months. Mr. Lenoir is a Democrat, and was elected by 157 majarity. He is on the following committees : Claims, Finance, Mechanics and Mining, Select Committee on Internal Revenue and Tariff, and chairman of the co^amittee on Agriculture. During the late war he was Captain of Company A,37ih North Car- olina Regiment, and with A. P. Hill's Division. Entered the service in December, 1861, and continued in it until dis- abled by the loss of a leg at Ox Hill, Virginia, September 1st, 1862. Col. Lenoir is one of the most practical thinkers and ready workers from the West. Watauga did well to send such a valuable man, and his course here has reflected much credit upon himself and constituents. Wayue County. ' JOHH B. FERSOM, FREMONT, N. C. Born September 9th, 1829, in Greene county, N. C. Son of Thomas Person. Educated in the common schools o^' the county, and has held the office of Magistrate. Was married to Miss Patience Lancaster, daughter of Bryant Lancaster, in 1870 and blessed with six children. He served four years in the war, Co. D, 2d N. C. Cavalry, held the place of Orderly Sergeant and second Lieutenant. Wounded twice. Elected as Independent Democrat by 174 majority, and is serving on committees on Railroads and Corporations. Was once Colonel of Militia. JOHM E. SMITH, GOLDSBORO, N. C. John R. Smith, son of William Smith, was born in Wayne county, July 7th, 1837. Educated at Goldsboro. Married Miss Amelia A. Hamilton of Wayne county, from which union nine children v/ere born. Four of which are dead. Held the office of County Surve3^or of his county for two years, and that of Tax Collector eight years, Justice of the Peace one term ; Postmaster at Goldsboro for three years, which position he resigned when elected to the Legislature. 73 A member of ihe committee on Finance, State Debt, and Privileges and Elections. Republican in politics. In Mr. Smith is illustrated what a man can, by application, make of himself: for he had no education before he was twenty-one years of age, and could not write at the age of twenty -two, and since then he has obtained a fair education, worked hard and managed well, and is to-day living in easy circumstances. Wilkes CoTiiit;y. J. a. A. BRYAN. TRAP HILL. _>'. C. Was born October 10th, 1833, at Trap Hill, X. C, son of Thomas Bryan, and was educated at Hillsville, Ya. Was married to Martha A. Bryan, daughter of John Bryan, on January 12th, ISdI : seven children have been born to them, six of whom are living. Served in the war three years in company H, 10th Regiment Tennessee U. S. Vol- unteers, Army of the Cumberland, and was wounded at Franklin, Tennessee. Was elected to the present Legislature as a Republican by four hundred and eighty-nine majority, and is now serving on committees on Joint Rules, and Prop- ositions and Grievances. He has held the office of Magistrate, Trustee of Trap Hill Seminary, delegate to all the Constitutional Conventions since the war. A representative in General Assemblys of 1876 to 1883. Was Colonel, Major-General of Militia, and Lieutenant-Colonel of 1st North Carolina Reg't, under CoL W. J. Clark; was Inspector General for Xorth Carolina of the army of the Boys in Blue, and ranked as Colonel. He was also firs: Lieutenant, company H, 1 0th Regiment Ten- nessee C S. Volunteers, subsequently Captain of the same company ; w^as also appointed Assessor of Internal Revenue for the 6th District ; also Division Deputy Collector Inter- nal Revenue 6th District. X. C. TTilsou Connty. J. L. EAILEY, TOISXOT, >L C. Bern June 23d, 1S50, in Edgecombe county. X. C. The son of M. Burt Bailey, and educated in the common schools 74 of the county. Married Miss Emma Braswell, daughter of C. S. Brasweil, February 16th, 1881. A merchant and far- mer; Mayor of Toisnot for two terms, and is a member of committees on Propositions and Grievances, Railroads and Turnpikes, Insurance, Salaries and Fees, &c. A Democrat, and elected by 498 majority. Tadkin County. ALFRED E. HOLTON, YADKINVILLE, N, C. Born October 29th, 1852, in Iredell county, N. C, son of Rev. Q. Holton; attended school at Springfield High School, in Guilford county and several schools in the country; he is now serving his second term as a member of the House of Representatives. He obtained license to practice law at June term of Supreme Court in 1874. Republican in politics and is now serving as committeeman on Judiciary, Privileges and Elections, the Code, and Finance. He is an active worker for the good of his party, and though young he deserves credit for the successful manner in which he has worked himself up in life. Taucey County. JAMES A. BYRD, RAMSEYTOWN, N. C. Born November 18th, 1846, in Yancey couunty, N. C.,son of C. R. Byrd ; was educated at Burnsville, Yancey county, N. C; married Miss Mary V. Parsons, of Yancey county, March 2d, 1871; has three children. Is a Democrat and was elected by a majority of 115 votes, and is now serving on committees of Internal Improvements, State Debt, and Claims. Has been Treasurer of Yance}^ county four years, and Justice of the Peace eight years. Officers of the General Assembly. JAMES LOWEIE ROBINSON, President, FRANKLIN, MACON COUNTY, N. C, Was born in Franklin, Macon county, September 17tb, 1838. His father, James Robinson, came to North Carolina from Tennessee, was a merchant of note and character, and died in the village that was the birth place of his son, June, 1843. His early training w^as only what the common schools of his county and the village academy afforded, and a year at Emory and Henry College was added to his education by his own hard earned wages and the kind assistance of a friend and relative. When armed men sprang up in every hamlet of North Carolina, at the call of her authorities, he volunteered as a private foot soldier in Company H, 16th North Carolina troops, and became Quartermaster Sergeant in same regiment. At the re-organization he was elected Captain of the company of which he was a soldier and its triumphs became a part of his history. Wounded at the battle of Seven Pines, he led his men over the fields of Manassas when it was baptized with blood a second time. Participating in the engagement at Chantilly farm he w^as present at the terrible struggle that decided the Maryland campaign at Sharpsburg. When he had laid aside his sword and returned to peaceful vocations, his people recog- nized in him the deliberate courage and, solid qualities of mind that are valuable in civil employments, and chose him to be their commoner in 1868. He was returned with- out opposition in 1870. No marks of confidence could have bestowed greater honor on him. He had been one of a bold and true minority that had w^ithstood the seductions of a reckless and extravagant administration, and had rendered success for the Democracy possible. When chosen a repre- sentative in 1872, he was almost by common consent ele- vated to the highest honor of the body of which he was a member, and when the Speaker's baton was again tendered him in 1874, it came as a palm of merit that he had no right to put aside. The retribution in the history of North 76 Caroliim came in 1876. The ruins were restored. The counties bearing names conspicuously North Carolinian, and composing his Senatorial District, called him to serve them in the Upper Chamber of the State's councils. He came without opposition, and was chosen President of that dis- tinguished body. Long experience and great familiarity with the duties of a presiding ofBcer over a deliberative body made it eminently fit that he be chosen to fill this high position. His conduct of the business of the Senate from the assembling of the Legislature until the qualifica- tion of Lieutenant-Governor Jarvis, added to his growing reputation as a legislator and parliamentarian. No man ever had more loyal constituents, and no people ever had a more faithful servant. Kis Senatorial services were en- dorsed by a re-election unsought, and to which no opposi- tion was offered. He was elected President of the Senate February 5th, and served in that capacity with great ac- ceptability to the whole Senate. He having been elected Lieutenant-Governor by a popu- lar vote of the State in 1880, was by virtue of that election President of the Senate for the session of 1881. His ser- vices as presiding officer then, as well as during the present term, were impartial, prompt, and worthy this true son of Carolina. His value to the State is not limited to the proper government of the Senate, but his suggestions and ideas are many times put into bills or adopted by others. We will refer to only one instance of this kind — the plan of eight normal schools for the State originated with him, and was suggested to the Board of Education, and afterwards became a Jaw, and stands to-day a lasting monument to his credit, and the credit of the Legislature which established it. mWT M. EURMAW, Secretary, ASHEVILLE, N. C. He is a gentleman of fine personal appearance, affable manners, and possesses qualities of head and heart that win friends wherever he goes. He is a native of Franklin county, but for many years has been conducting the Citizen at Asheville. He was elected Secretary of the Senate for the session of 1876-77, and held that position continuously ever since, and a better officer could not be found in the State. 77 C, H. AEMFIELB, Engrossing Clerk, STATESVILLE, X. C, Was born February 7th, 1860, and is son of Hon. R, F. Armfield, now member of Congress. He received his edu- cation at Trinity College, and graduated in June, 1880. He studied law and obtained license to practice in June, 188i, and practices his profession at Statesville. W. H. BLEDSOE, Beading Clerk, RALEIGH, C, Is a lawyer by profession, and practices at the bar of Ealeigh and surrounding counties. W. V. CLIFTON, Sergeant at Arms, RALEIGH, ^s". C, Is a native of Franklin county, was born in the year 1840* He served four years in the Confederate service, and was in the prison at Point Lookout. After the war he served two years as Deputy Sheriff of Franklin county, since which time he has been living in Wake and engaged at farming. He was married in 1866, and has two children, one boy and one girl. — D. McE. MATHESOH, Assistant Door Keeper, TAYLORSVILLE, N. C. Born May 17th, 1842, in Iredell county. Had a common school education obtained principally at Taylorsville i\.cad- emy and at Elk Shoal Academy; has been a Magistrate since 1869; was County School Examiner in 1874-75; Tax Collector for Alexander county in 1877; Census Enumerator in 1880 ; County Superin'dent of Public Schools in 1881-2 ; and Assistant Doorkeeper of Senate 1881. Married January 29th, 1874, Miss M. C. Miller, daughter of Thomas Miller. Mrs. Matheson died a few months after her marriage. \^ol- unteered early in 1861, and was enlisted in company G, of the 38th regiment N. C. troops, under Col. Wm, F. Hoke, Pender's brigade, and was wounded at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26th, 1862. PAGES : E. G. Clifton, Raleigh, N. C. Henry W. Miller, Raleigh, N. C. William Rosenthal, Raleigh, N. C. Sterling Manly, Raleigh, N. C. Marcus Erwin, Asheville, N. C. 78 House of Representatives. GEOEGE M. BOSE, Speaker, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. Mr. Rose was born in Fayetteville, Cumberland county, in 1846. Entered Davidson College in 1861, and remained there two years, when he entered the Virginia Military In- stitute. Before he was seventeen years of age, he joined the army, becoming Adjutant of the 66th North Carolina Troops, Col. A. D. Moore, Commanding, forming a part of Kirkland's Brigade in Hoke's Division. Capt. Rose served gallantly with that command until the end of the war. When peace was restored, he applied himself to the com- pletion of his education, which had been interrupted by the call of duty to fight in defense of his country. He en- tered Chapel Hill in 1865, and graduated in 1867, deliver- ing the salutatory of his class. Having chosen the law as his profession, Mr. Rose obtained his license at January term, 1868, and located at Fayetteville, where he soon laid the foundation of his present lucrative practice. His first public service Vvas in the House of Representatives in 1876-'77, when as a leading member of the Judiciary com- mittee, he gained a reputation for judgment, discrimination and legal attainments. He was again elected to the House in 1880, and enhanced his reputation as a debater and a careful, prudent manager on the Democratic side of the House. He took a prominent part in the proceedings of the session He was Speaker, pro tern., of the House last session and discharged the duties of the Chair in the ab- sence of Speaker Cook with great acceptability. Mr. Rose has displayed marked executive ability during this session, and this, together with his ripe judgment, comprehensive intellect, natural gifts, universal courtesy, and moderation in his bearing, rendered him eminently fit for the responsi- ble and honored position he filled. JOHN D. CAMERON, Principal Clerk, ASHEVILLE, N. C. He is a native of Cumberland county; was educated at Chapel Hill, graduating in 1841. He lived for a long time in Orange county and conducted the Hillsboro Recorder, but is now connected with the Asheville Citizen. He has held the office of Principal Clerk of the House for six terms. 79 W. J. BAEEETT, Engrossing Clerk, He was born in Gains ville, Ga. Major Barrett was a brave soldier during the war, and at the second battle of Manassas received a wound which will render him a cripple for life. He is a verv positive man and is never afraid to express an opinion, but has many Vvarm and true friends. JAMES MILTON BROWH, Enrolling Clerk, TROY, M0XTC40MERY COU^'TY, X. C. Born in the county of Randolph. Son of John Randolph Brown. Educated and graduated at Trinity College, class 75, first honors, and at Judge Pearson's Law School, located in the county of Montgomery, in 1878, and began the prac- tice of law. Was elected Mayor of the town of Troy. Was forced to lead a forlorn hope for the sake of Democracy in the 26th Senatorial District; made a change of 350 votes in his own county, Montgomery, but was defeated by the large negro vote given in Richmond county. Has been chairman of the Democratic Executive committee ever since he has resided in the county. Mr. Brown is a yotmg man. unmarried. [Marriageable young ladies will make a note of this.] ' WILLIAM GEAY BUEKHEAB, Eeading Clerk, InEWTO^', c. Born March 6th, 1856, at Chapel Hill, N. C., son of L. S. Burkhead, D. D.; educated at Trinit}^ College, N. C, and graduated June 10th, 1876. Married October 22d, 1879, to Miss Dixie Gayle, of Raleigh, N. C, daughter of Captain J. B. Gayle and is blessed with one child. A Democrat in politics ; an excellent ofScer and gives universal satisfaction as a reader. D. R. JULIAN, Principal Doorkeeper, SALISBURY, C, Born June 5th, 1850, in Rowan county, son of William Julian. Educated in his native county: married Miss H. R. E. Culverhouse, daughter of Hugh Culverhouse, on 80 April 24th, 1872, and is jubilant over four little Julians. Has held the office of City Treasurer of Salisbury and Com- issioner. J. F. MOSTON, Assistant Doorkeeper, MARION, N. C. Mr. Norton was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines at which time he lost one leg. He has held the position he now has continuously since the session of 1874-75. PAGES. E. B. Allison, Statesville, N. C. John Julian, Salisbury, N. C. J. S. Higgs, Raleigh, N. C. C. C. Herby, Raleigh, N. C. Alfie H. Marsh, Raleigh, N. C. W. J. Newsom, Raleigh, N. 0, Government of North Carolina. EXECUTITE DEPABT^IEXTe Thomas J. Jarvis, of Pitt, Governor. G. L. Dudley, of Xew Hanover, Private Secretary. Joseph E. To^is, of Perquimans, Clerk. James L. Robinson', of Macon, Lieutenant-Governor, William L. Sattnuers, of Wake, JSecretary of State. W. P. Batchelor, of vrake. Chief Clerk. William P. Roberts, of Gates, Auditor. C. E. Cross, of Gates, Chief Clerk, John M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald W, Bain, of Wake, Chief Clerk. Hal. M. Woxth, of Randolph, Teller. H. M. CoTVAN, of Chatham, Assistant Clerk. John C. Scarborough, of Johnston, Superintendent of Public Instruction. John Devereux, of Wake, Clerk. Thomas S. Kenan, of Wilson, Attorney-General. Johnstone Jones, of Buncombe. Adjutant-General. SHERvrooD Hawood, of Wake, State Librarian. Charles M. Roberts, of Vance, Keeper of the Capitol. DEPAETm^NT OF AGRICtLTUEE. Montford IMcGehee. of Person, Commissioner. Charles W. Dabney, Ph. D , Chemist in charge of the Experiment Station. S, G. W^orth, Superintendent Fish and Fisheries, W. C. Kerr, State Geologist. W. B. Phillips, Assistant Geologist. The Agricultural Department is under the control of the following named Board: His Excellency Thomas J. Jarvis, Governor, ez-officio Chairman; Col. Thomas ^I, Holt, President State Agricultural Society ; W^illis R, Williams, Esq,, Master State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry ; Hon, Kemp P. Battle. LL. D., Pres- ident State University, and Prof. W. C. Kerr, State (geologist, ex-officio members; and Captain James R. Thigpen, of Edgecombe, and Major Jonathan Evans, of Cumberland. STATE BOAED OF EDUCATIOy. The Governor fwho is ex-officio Chairman), Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Attorney- General constitute this Board. PEXAL AND CHAEITABLE lySTITUTIOXS. The Xorth Carolina State Penitentiary, (Raleigh}.— W. J. Hicks, Architect and Warden. The Xorth Carolina Insane Asylum, (Raleigh).— Eugene Grissom, M.D., Super- intendent; F. T. Fuller, M. D.. Assistant Physician. The Western Xorth Carolina Insane Asylum, (Morganton\— P, L. Murphy, M. D, Superintendent; W. D. Hilliard, M, D,. Assistant Physician. The Eastern "N'orth Carolina Insane Asylum, (Goldsboro) for Colored Patients. J. D. Roberts, M. D., Superintendent. The North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, (Ral- eigh).— Prof. W, J. Young. Principal. A branch of this Institution is also located at Raleigh for colored pupils, and is controlled by the same officers. 6 82 STATE AGRICULTUEAL SOCIETY. President— Col. Thornas M. Holt, Alamance county. Secretary— T. C. Williams. Office, Raleigh. The Aanual Fair of this Society is held at its grounds, at Raleigh, about the middle of October. THE SUPREME COURT. William N. H. Smith, of Wake, Chief Justice; Thomas S. Ashe, of Anson, and Thomas Ruffin, of Orange, Associate Justices. William H. Bagley, of Wake, Clerk. Thomas S. Kenan, Attorney-General, ex-ofjicio Reporter. R. H. Bradley, of Wake, Marshal and Librarian. THE SUPERIOR COURTS, Judges. Jas. E. Shepherd, of Beaufort, 1st Dist. Fred. Philips, of Edgecombe, 2d " A. A. McKoy, of Sampson, 3d " Jas. C. MacHae,of Cumberland, 4th " John A. Gilmer, of Guilford, 5th " W. M. Shipp, of Mecklenburg, 6th " Jesse F. Graves, of Surry, 7th " Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke, 8th " J. C. L. Gudger, of Haywood, 9th " Solicitors. Jno. H. Blount, of Perquimans, 1st Dist. John H. Collins, of Halifax, 2d " Swift Galloway, of Wayne, 3d " James D. Mclver, of Moore, 4lh '* Fred. N. Strudwick, of Orange, 5th " F. I, Osborne, of Mecklenburg, (ith " Joseph Dobson, of Forsyth, 7th " Joseph S. Adams, of Iredell, 8th " G. S. Ferguson, of Haywood, 9th " The Legislature. SENATORS, Alexander, S. B. (D) Charlotte. Battle, James S. (D; Rocky Mount. Eerry, B. A. (D) Morgan ton. Black, J. C. (D) Carthage. Boykin, E. T. (D) Clinton. (^aho, W, T. (D) Stonewall, Carter, H. W. (R), Col'd Warrenton. Clarke, W. E. (R) Newbern. ' ostner, A. (D) Lincolnton. Cozart, B. H. (R) Oxford. Dortch, W. T. (D) Goldsboro. Dotson, J. F. (D) Oak Forest. Eaves, J. B. (R) Rutherford ton. Ebbs, I. N. (D) Lynch. Evans, C. N. B. (D) Milton. Farmer, W. W. (D) Wilson. Goodwin, J. J. (R) Halifax. Graham, G. A. (R) Wadesville. Gray, R. R. (R), Col'd Tarboro. Hampton, J. A. (D) Hamptonville. Hill, E. J. (D) Kenansville. Jones, W. W. (D) Hendersonville. King, M. C. (D) Murphy. King, John (D) Falkland. Linney, R. Z. (D) Taylorsville. I Loftin, F. B. (R) Kinston. Lovill, E. F. (L) Booue. I>yon, R. H. (Liberal). ..Elizabethtown. McLean, N. A. (D) Lumberton. Mebane, Geo. A. (R), Col'd Windsor. Morehead, J. T. (D) Greensboro. Morrison, D. (D) Johnsonville. Neill, J. R. (D) Bald Creek. Payne, J. F. (D) Monroe. Pemberton, S. J. (D) Albemarle. Pinnix, M. H. (D) Lexington. Poole, T. W. (D) Williamston. Purnell, T. R. (R) Raleigh. Ramsay, J. G. (R) Mount Vernon. Richardson, William (D) Selma. ;-^cott, H. E.(R) Wilmington. Scott. H. R. (D) .....Wentworth. Speight, W. W. (R) Sunsburv. Strayhorn. I. R. (R) HiHsboro. Toon, T. F. (D) Fair BJutr. Watson, C. B. (D) AVinston. Webb, J. L. (D) Shelby. Whitford, J. N. (D) Newbern. Womack, T. B. (D) Pittsboro. Woodhouse, J. M. (D)... Poplar Branch. S3 BEPEESEKTATITES. Post Office. Post Office. Abbott, J. K. (D) ,. ..South Mills. Anderson, J. S. (D) Ha^-esville. Bailey, W. H. (Dj Lharlotte. Bailev, J. L. (D) roisnot. Baker. Wiley (R) tui d Dogwood. . Ball, D. 8. (R) Stock. • Barrett. L. J. (Dj . Greenville. Baum, J. B, (D;..... Stencil House. Beall, J. F. (D; Linwood. Belcher, ^Vm. (R) Cord Tarboro. Bennett, D. N. (D) Norwood. Bledsoe. E. M. (RO Raleigh. Bower, W. H. (D) Cillej-. Bradley, T. C. (R) Mills Springs. Brldgers, A. R. (R) Col'd Tarboro. Brown. Jesse (D).. Selma. Bruce. R. (Rj Koltla. , Brvan. J. Q. A. (R) Trap Hill. ^ Bullock. B. F.. Jr. (R; Franklinton. Bunn, B. H. 'Dj _ Rocky Mwunt. Bvrd, J. F. (D) Ramsevto-wn. ^ Cain, P. K. iR) Moeksville. Candler, J. M. (R) Webster. ^ Covington, H. H. (H) Rockingbain. Cheek. James A. (Rj Hihsboro, Crouse, W. L. (D) Grouse. Cowell, W. H. (D) Bailey. --.Dixon, W. T. (R) Hookerton. - Eaton, H. B. (R) Col'd... Williamsboro. Forbis. James W. (D) Greensboro. Frayser, R. B. (R) Point Caswell. Fulton, Winston iD' Mount Airy. (-latling. John J. (D) Gatlin^ton. Glenn, James D. (D).. Leaksville. Green. W. F. (Dj Franklinton. . r^reen. E. E. (R) CoTd Wilmington. — Gn.ssett, W. M. (Rj Walden. (4udger, B. G. (Dj Leicester. ^ Hamilton. R. (R) Brevard. Hardy, L. H. (Dl Xewpnrt. Harris. H. J. (D) Thornasville. . — Harris, James H. (R) Col'd Ralei^rh. — Harrison, J. O. (R) New Lisi'ht. Hayes, O. S. (R) Pate<. Hayes, A. H. (Dj Charleston. t- Henderson, A. L. (R) Eldorado. i-,Hewlin, H. J. (R) Col'd. ..Brinkleyville. Holt, Thomas M. (Dj Haw River. — Holton, A. E. (R) Yadkinville. Houston, James (D) Stout. — Jenkins, E. J. (R i Franklinton. ^Johnson, W. H. (R) Col'd Newbern. Johnson, H. M. (Dj Rome. King, J. L. TDj Greensboro. Landreth, Isaac W. (Rj Elk Creek. Lawrence, W. A. (Dj GofT. Leary, E. H. (R^ Mackey's Ferry. Leazar, A. (D) Mooresville. Lenoir, W. W. (Dj Shull's Mills. Liles, W, A. (D) Wadesboro. Lineback, H. (Rj Lineback. McAllister, H. C. (Di.. .Mount Pleasant. McCotter, R. D. (Dj ....Pamlico. McCurry. J. C. (Dj Marion. McLoud, C. M. (Dj Asheville. M rsh, D. H. (Dj Gulf. Matheson, R. P. (Di Tavlorsville. I\=athews, W. S. (D) Six Runs. Mitcbell, Geo. H. (Rj Winton. Montgomery, (Rj coi'd Warrenton. Myers, J. .S. (Dj Charlotte. Xewby, N. R. (Rj Col'd Xixonville. Xewell, .John iR) Col'd Clarksville. Nixon, Francis Jr. (R) Winfall. Overman. L. S. (Dj Salisburv. Page. E. R. (R) Trenton. Patrick, F. C. (D) Leona. , ^Peebles, R. B. (i)j Jackson. Perso , John B. (Rj Tremont. Phillips. John Y. (Dj Dalton. Pittman, James M. (Rj Col'd. ..Halifax. Poe, J. W. (Rj cord Ashland. Posey, B. F. (Dj.... Hendersonville. Powers. L. E. (Dj Shelbv. Powers, E. P. (R) Fayetteville. Proctor, E. K. (Rj Lumberton. Pruitt, G. B. (Rt Webb Ford. Ray, J. F. (Dj Franklin. Reid. J. W. (Dj Lowell. Reade, W. F. (Rj Mount Tirzah. Reynolds, Pryor (Dj Leaksville. Riiigs. K. H. (Dj Buxton. Bobbins, M. S. (Dj ..Asheboro. tRose, G. M. (Dj Fayetteville. Sandifer, T. T. (Dj Paw Creek. sherrill,M. O. (Dj Newton. Simmons. E.S. (Dj Washington. Smith, J. R. (R^ Goldsboro. Speller, T. R. (Ri Col'd Windsor. S^'^nford. J. D. (D; Kenansville. Steed. B. W. (D) Hill's Store. Stewart, Daniel (Dj ....Troy ville. Stokes. Calvin (R) Johnson's Mills. Strinsfield, W. W.(Dj Wavnesville. Strudwick. R. C. (D) Durham. Sutton, E. H. (R) Col'd ..Edenton. Tate. S. McD. (Dj Morgauton. Temple, J, A. (R) Raleigh. I Thompson, (\ (D) Jacksonville. Tomlin, A. C. (Dj..... Olin. Turner. H. (D) Cameron. Waddell. W. H. (R) Col.. ..Wilmington. Walker, Geo. B. (D) Robbinsville. Williams, A. H. A. (D) Oxford. Williams, C. H. I'Dj Dismal. Williamson, H. D. (Dj Cerro Gordo Wilcox, J. O. (Rj Stagg's Creek Wilson, G. W. (Dj Kernersville. Wood, Dempsey (D) Kinston WorThingtnn. D. "^TO Wi iliarnston" * Was displaced by vote of the on Feb. 27th, 1S83, at which time Geo' H. Parker, contestant, was seated, t Was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. -7^ 84 L. ALDERMAN, Fhotogmpher, Over Williams' Book Store, I°'a,3retteT7-ille Street. I only ask that you mA call and see my Before having work done elsewhere. S. L. ALDEEMAN, RALEIGH, N. C.