DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %^om GIFT OF Mrs. V.\ L. ^.ricsom ( 'OlSQ-KTi: OThII ; ATl^ INTERSPERR} 1» WITH ■n ; : I I N l»OKTItY'AKI),IS^i»ll(i3£— AT OXCK \ OP ^ TH^lSr)< K ... ... TO PLltiVSi: AM) VAT.rAllLE INi '! ^ 1 i D^WELL CAj-CrLVTED [O MAJKK 4?FlNEj,M0RAL^Ml»RE!=*^f0X. ]\\ Vw c -> g i '^^9f ^ ^ \ '^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year J86i, by WASIIIN'GTON BAIRD, 4b6 Clerk'9 ofBco of the District Court of the Confederate States, ■^^— - ^for thie Southern District of Georgia. "**«t,£^- • * INTRODUCTION. <-c^il- Ix presenting to the Public this Klem^ntarj work for the use of the Families and Schools of our rising and glorious Confederacy, it istke dutj of the Author to make the following explanatory and apologetic stntenaents. Nothing was farther from his mind than the thought of preparing such a work.^ The suggestions of friends, the extreme necessities of our beleaguered Confederacj^, and the great importance of providing lln immediate supply of such works on our own 'ijeil, have led to this attempt. In the preparation of the work, the Author jias deviated from all other plans. And yet this was not done from disrespect of any other authors, nor Irom any desire to innovate. Adaptation to our wants, as a people^ and the securing of the hi-ghest good to the children and youth of our couniiy, wei;p his only motives. Any great variety of suitable school books cannot, at once, be prepared and published. "Few jvkd good," should be our .motto. The fact alspgig, that under the old dynasty, wo had "series" after " series" 0' j'i je ji jo j^ jy ka ke ki ko kii be by me me by it on an ox he at it it LES by me SON IL ox on it la le li lo lu ly al el il ol ul ma me mi mo mu my aiii em im om urn na ne ni no nu ^^y ail en in on im pa pe pi po pu vy ap ep ^P op i. ra re ri ro ru ^y ar or . ir or ur uz so I a;"a in it is go to it am I so? is it in ? it to go / LESSON III. sa ' se si so au sy as es is OS us ys ta t« ti to tu ty at et it ot ut va .ve vi vo vu vy . av iv ov uv wa we wi wo ax ex ix ox ux ya ye yo za ze zi zo za zy az ez iz oz uz as it is so be it up to it . sit by us by m sit * to go at SO do we we ^.0 go do it so s@^ tb C OS lie i^i'^% %o go Iq fe it ; agw npw ^9 it c?r |9b^ » ^j^ jit -'a^ii:- i M wa H'^*^'""''"^'^ ^^v^ SPELLING BOOK. LESSON IV. Words a7id Syllahlee of Three iMiers. bad bag cab ban bap bat cad dag dab can cap cat dad fag gab dan dap fat gad K^S nab fan gap hat had hag pab man hap mat mad nag rab ])an map pat pad rag sal) ran sap rat sad- tag tab tan tap sat I am to be lip he is to go in an ox is by me up I i ^irn to be in he is to go by me is an ox if wc do go np I is it my ■ cat, pa' i^ m}^ cap •, it is so ! LESSON y. bam lax ben bed bet bin cam tax den fed get din dam wax fen led let fin bam bex hen ned met gin jam clex men red net pin ram sex pen wed pet sin yam vex ten zed yet win The cat has ^pt < a rat, The heft sits by the tree, How very nice and fat ; The chick-ens too von see: The dog lies on the ha}^, The bird sits on the limb, The pup-pies by him stay. And sings its pret-ty hymn. LESSON YI. bla ble bli bio blu bly fla fie • fli flo flu fly gla-' pla rha gle pie rhe gli rhi glo plo • rho glu plu rhu rhy sla sle sli slo sill sly trft tre tri tro trii try 10 THE CONFEDERATE •Here is my lit-tle box, The pig is in his pen, And there the old fat ox ; See, too, the lit-tle wren ; O ! my old map is wet, Now I've got a fire bug, A new one I will get. I'll put him in the jug. bry cry dry fry gry . , pry try . The bee is on the wing, Be-ware his cru-el sting ; The wasp now makes his nest, Now ope this i-ron box, He is a hor-rid pest. And see my pret-ty fox. LESSOK YIII. LESSON VII. bra bre bri bro bru era dra fra ere dre fre' cri dri fri cro dro fro- cru dru fru gra pra tra gre pre tre gri pri tri gro pro tro gru pru tru The old man wears a wig. And feeds his fat- ted pig ; pha phe phi pho phu phy sha she shi sho shu shy bug , dug hug jug mug rug bot cot dot hot mot sot bit fit hit kit pit sit dip hip lip rip -sip tip bob cob fob job rob sob The cat has shut her eye, Tl:|e ox now eats his corn, Now I can eat a pie ; A fly sits on his horn ; I see the old fat ox, O ! put a- way the map. Here lies my pret-ty fox-. Now let us take a nap. * LESSON IX. bog dog cog fog gog log bud cud dud hud mud rud big fig gig hig rig wig bum gum hum mum rum sum bub cub • dub hub rub tub bun dun fun gun run tun bar car far gar mar tar SPELLING BOOX. 11 Tbe dog bas got bis meat, Tbe cat is on tbe log, Come now and see bim eat ; Sbe biss-es at tbe dog ; ! see tbe pret-ty boy, Tbe fisb swim in tbe sea, lie bas a nice new toy. A £sb-er I would be. LESSON X. bay )ay lew bod day ray jew cod gay say mew bod bay way new nod lay dew pew rod may few tew sod fop bib bop fib mop nib pop rib sop sib top tib spa spe spi Th« bce-tle now I spy, And see its lit-tle eye ; It sits upon the flow-cr, "VVi^h-in the sha-4y bow-er. spo spu . spy I feed my pet on rice, And keep him from the mice; "\Vith-in his cage he sleeps, Or thro' its bars he peeps. di al ty ro be ro la va pi ca so da so fa ba lo The rain The win- The bird AndO! LESSON XI. Easy Words df Two Syllahl&s. ga la po em pu ny fi at la va po et ba zy fu. ry ru in da el la zy to ry vi al na vy la dy ca to real mazy zany lu cy ri ot bo ny si zy ro sy bi as po nj ti dy fu el di et do zy li my fu my is fall-ing fast, ter days are past ; s are on the wing, how nice they sing. The calrcs now crop the grass, And scam-per as we pass ; The lambs I love to see, And near them ever be. LESSON XII. bid did hid lid mid boy coy joy roy toy bon con don mon pen die fie bic lie pie tiX mix pix rix six ace age alo ape ate 12 THE CONFEDERATE lag hern caw maw cue elk sag ' gem daw saw due ell tag cup law taw hue elm wag sup paw raw rue end The e -vil way of 1 sin But take the up- ward track, ! neve r once he -gin ) -And ne'er from it turn back, Lest then you on-ward go Then Heav-en will be your home To pain and end-less wo ; For end-leas years to come. LESSOX XIII - Words of Four Letters. bane vane bale cope bone dire cane wane gale hope cone. fire fane cave bale lope lone hire lane li'ave kale mope tone mire mane lave male pope dive sire pane nave sale rope hive tire sane save tale tope rive wire To all be k'nd and true, No e vil ev-er et-ly in thesprin.2j But rose s red ar id white—- The woods with ; music ring. They are my chi ef de-light. LKSSON XVI. bold best bate bolt ball crab cold lest date colt call drab fold nest iiite dolt fall grab gold rest gate jolt gall blab hold test hate malt hall slab mold vest mate halt pall stab sold west , rate roll tall crag told zest sate toll wall draff 0, come>ind see my top, How it does ppin and hop I And then it linm^, you see, Like the prct-ty bee ! It is no com-mon toy, 9 It fills me full of joy ! "We must either advance learning, we are losing. ^ Idleness and want aro dwgll together* And now it is my wish, To catch a 1 it-tie fish ; I'll take my pole and hook Down to the flow-ing brook, I'll catch the lit-tle sin-ner, Andbringhim home for dinner. or e;o backward. If we are not twin sinters^ and they alwayo 14 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON XVII. THE SNAIL AND THE SHIP. The snail lives in its shell, I found it in the dell ; For house it ean-not lack, It bears one on its back. The ships sail on the sea, And there I like to be, When high the wind doth rave, And mount the foam-ing wave. Words of Tu:o SylldbleSy Accented on the First. CO pal do tal lo cal to tal ho ral vo cal fatal na tal vi tal fi nal pe nal ve nal re gal le gal mo dal na sal pa pal po lar so lar fa vor* toper focal sa vor fe ver lu nar Ko man hu man pa gan Si mon ni tre so ber ca per su ral sy ren ci der la ver viper caper paper pi per vo ter ro ver am ber up per under o ver o ral po ker to ken bo lus Be ev-ei" good and true, Mind what jou say and do ; God's word would make you wise, Do not its truth de-spise. Learn some-thing ev-e-ry day, And ev-er watch and pray ; To run in ways of sin 1 ncv-er once be-gin. HOW I LOVE. How [ love my tender mother, How I love my father dear; How I love my little brother. And my gentle sis^r here : They are all both kind and true, And they dearly love mc too. Be my neighbor proud or lowly, He shall my affection share; Be he sinful, be he holy, He may claim my earnest prayer; Let me not unfeeling prove. Nor myself too dearly lore. SPELLING BOOK. 15 But of all afFcctioD given, God on high demands the most ; God the Father in the heaven, God the Son; and Holy Ghost : Three in one, and One in three, Be thou all in all to me. LESSON XVIIL band bamc bate bank band came date hank land dame late lank mand game mote rank pand lame note sank rand name pote tank sand same rote , bulk ripe tame Eote bulk type fame A SECRET, vote sulk THE LITTLE NESTS. There is a se-cret I would like The lit-tle girh to know ; But I won't tell a sin-gle boy — They rob the birds' nests so. "We have four pret-ty lit-tle nests, We watch them with great care j Full fif-ty eggs are in this tree — Don't tell the boys they're there ! Joe Thomp-son rob-bed the ne«ts, last year, And year be-fore, Tom Brown ; I'll tell it, loud as I can sing, To cv-c-ry one in town. LESSON XIX. STEALING. " Docs Ilar-ry Flint steal apples ? " '^ No ! nor any thing else. lie would as soon cut off his own right hand as to steal. When he was a child his moth-cr taught him this les-son : "In God's sight, it is a sin, To steal a.pen.ny or a pin." 16 THE CONFEDERATE He has re-nicm-be:*-ed that les-son to this day. In-deed, he nev-er will fur-got it. He acts on that prin-ci-pl« in all that he docs ; and eve-ry bod-y hon-ors him for it." "Well, then, I want to em-ploy him/' said Mr. Wil- pou. " But, as for Tom Sands, I would not let him coin£ in-side of my door, he is such a liar and thief. '^ ■ Words of Five Letters. block "brays barns bangs barks clock frays earns • fangs harks flock grays darns gangs larks smock sla3'S tarns hangs marks stock sta>s yarns pnngs parks crock swa3's farms tangs bakes frock prays harms bores cakes "\vhelp quays brags cores lakes yelps plays crags LESSON sores XX. makes BE "WISE AND GOOD. Oh ! no, I'll nev-er be a fool, For I will mind my books and school ; I'll learn of duty all 1 can, /Vnd strive to be. a use-ful man. •31y fel-low pu-pils I will love, And try to be like those a-bovo. caves bites bines holes bends laves cites . dines - moles lends waves kites fmes poles sends fades mites mines soles sakes lades rites lines lobes wakes rades bides pines robes pants gales hides sines notes rants sales rides tines votes hills darts nests vines hopes mills parts pests ^^ines ropes pills TIME. Chll-dren sol-dom thiftk of the value of time. But it is far bet'ter than gold. They should be care-ful to ira* SPELLING BOOK. 17 prove it as it flics. The dnys of youth \vill soon pass a-wny ; and tlicy will ncv-er re-turn Those wno are i-dle in youth will regret it very much when they are old. Let all child-rcn, then, take warii-intr ; ini-prtn'c all their time, and do all their du-ty. Thus they w'ill be both use-ful and hap-py. LESSON XXL carts falls binds books feels darts balls liuds cooks heels harts calls hinds nook.:! keels,, malts galls kinds looks reels j)arts malls minds rooks deeds tarts palls winds hooks feeds cents wasps bolts cools* boots rents wands colts fools coots panes warts dolts boons hoots vanes warps jolts moons roots "We love the lit-tle girls and boja, Hear bow the li'.-tle lark And give thera pret-t^y toys. Flies \ip when it is dark ! Tlie kit-tens go to bed. He ris-es up on high "When they, on milk, are fed. To car-rol in the sk}', The bird is on the tree, Then down he cotr.es, rou see, And chirps its note for me. And siis be-nwith the tree. *' Sprint^ is com-ing, Spring is com-ing," said lit-tle An-nie, "for now the lit-tle snow-drops and the vi-o lots are be-gin-uing to peep through the green leaves. 0,h©w glad 1 am; for soon the air will be iill-ed with sweet per- fume, and wc shall have .so nia-ny pret-ty flow-ers. The mea-dows, then, will be cov-er-ed with fresh grass. The lit-tle lambs will de-light us with their sports, and the birds will fill the for-cst witli their cheerful notes. ~ 0, how de-light- ful Spring is! . MARINERS-. How cheer-y are the mar-i-ncrs, Those 'lov-er§ of the sea 1 Tl^cir hearts aro like the crc."jt*ed wcreei As bov.nd-iug aad as frnc. 18 THE CONFEDERATE XXII. brave blame blade bride spoke crave flame glade chide smoke grave frame shade bribe scope shave shame grade tribe slope slave shape sjiade glide grope stave grape trade slide trope brake plate shine drove grace flake state swine grove :)lace Drace shake stake twine stove snake drake brine snore mange spake quake trine store range AGAINST QUARRELING AND FIGHTING. Xet dogs de-light to bark and bite, For 'tis their na-ture to ; Let bearg and li-ons growl and fight, For God hath made them so. But, ehild-ron, you should nev-er let Your an-gry pas-sions rise ; Your lit-tle hands were ney-er made To tear each other's eyes. What-ev-er brawls dis-turb the street, There should be peace at home ; AVhere sis-tors dwell and brotk-crs meet, Quar-rels should ncT-er come. LESSON XXIII. HANDS. '' I have a pair of ti-ny hands. They're Ht-tle bits of things ; But moth-cr says, that they were made To serve the '' king of kings." bland blank crack bring clung grand crank track cling flung brand drank smack fling brick stand flank slack swing stick stamp frank stack brink trick cramp prank quack think click SPELLING BOOK. 19 speck small bless flush blend check stall clreps , crush spend smell crawl chess stock bench spell yawl press clock wench THE LITTLE SPARROW. Glad to seo you, little bird, 'Twas your littlo chirp I heard; "What did you in-tend to say ? " Give mc some-thing this cold day.'' That I will, and plen-ty too; All these crumbs I sav-ed for you; Don't be fright-en-ed, here's a treat— I will wait and sec you eat. LESSON XXIV. MY LITTLE BODY. My lit-tle body's very weak, A fall or blow my bones might break j The wa-ter soon might stop my breath, The fire might close my eyes in death. But God can keep me by his care, To Him I'll say this lit-tle pray-er: " 0, God ! from harm my body keep. Both when I wake and when I sleep." Wor ds of Two Sf/UahleSj Accented on the Second, a bate be gin de base ra zee re tire ► a bide be tide de vote re bate se date a bode be lie de cade re late so lace a rise be dim de hide re print se cede a rose be mire dc nude re mark se cure a dore be side de fame re fine se rene ■ a maze dc ride de rive re lume se Crete a base de note de port re clinc se vere a like dc sire dc fy re bukc se ducc « live de pose *de nj re viVe se elude 20 THE CONFEDERATE THE MODEL BOY. Wil-liniii is a good boy. See liim yonder in the field louk-ing af-ter his fiith-er's sheep. He has a l!t-tle box in his hand full of salt. Tlie sheep love to sec hiiii, for he al-ways has some-thing fur them. Now he i.s put-ting salt on a board. See how they come nin-ning to liim. They are glad to get it^ and it is very good for them. Wlien the sliccp .^trny off from home, he and the boy Ned i:tt on their po-nios and hunt them up. Wil-liam loves his moth-er, and al-wiiys docs as she bids hiiij. When she sends him on an errand, he hev-er plays by the v^ay. AVhen he goes to school, he tries to learn all 1-is lessons well ; and when he is at home, he is al-Y?ays try-ing to do some-thing use-ful. Eve-rybody loves him; Jind he will be a great and a good man some day. PLAY. Let your sports be gay, but kind -, Thus the bod-y helps. the mind ; Earn-est phiys, if not too long, Make both mind and bod-y strong. ^ DUTIES. Love God, who all your bless-ings gives, With all your heart and mind ; And love your neigh-bor as your-self, ]Je ev-er faitli-ful, just and kind. Deal with an-other as you'd havn. An-other deal with you; " What you're un-will-ing to re-ceive, Be sure you nev-«r do. LESSO.^ XXV. DIPHTHONGS AND DIGRAPHS. A diphthong is a union of two vowels, both of which are sounded. As oil, hud, j^j-oiuL A digraph is the union ot two vowels, of which only one 15 fiQund$d. Aa sen, p«?ach; rgndi The digraphs or* merkod with Mmt SPELLING BOOK. 21 DIPHTII0NQ3. i DIGRAPHS. oil our bound j oar load coach boil sour hound soar goad poach coil awl sound roar road roach Toil owl growl' earn toad mails moil bout prowl learn cdat pa?'ls soil lout ounce yearn goat sae'ls GOD OUR MAKKR. In six dajs God made the world, nnd all that is in it. He made the sun to give light by day, and the moon and 8tars to shine by night. The grass, the plants and the trees were made to a-dovn the earth, and give food to man and beast. He made man in his Oivn im-age, and placed him over all that He had made upon the earth. When He had made all things He said they were very good. We ought, then, to love God for what He had done for UH. And .we ought nev-er to do any thing bad iu this good world which He has made for our use. LESSON XXYI. EVENING. The day-light fades. The evening shades Are gathering round my head ; Father above, 1 own the love That smooths and guards my bod. "While Thou art near, I need not fear The gloom of mid-night's hour ; Dear Savior still, From every ill, Defend me, loith Thy 'power » Pardon my sin, And enter in, And sanctify my heart, Spirit Divine ; Oh ! make me thine, And ne'er from mc depart. aa TBI comitoztixn — ■ ■ i—w earryifli^wr^Tw In the following words, the vowel a of the digraph ea has no sound ; and the e has the short sound of that letter, as in 7a€L feath er weath er health y wealth y meas ure trerts ure pleas ant pleas lire jeal ous zeal ous bread breath earl ear nest head death pearl ear ly lead earth earn earth ly read dearth- learn earth en stead sweat yearn heav en tread threat cleanse leav en dread health dreamt clean ly spread wealth meant search ing dead stealth realm heav y thread breadth breast leath er To God all hon-or give, Ami to IJis glo-ry live. Be love-lj iu His eyes, And tben to Him a-iise. Those wlio the Svi-vior love, Shall reii'U with llim a-boY«. From Yrays of sin now eenso, And make witli God your peace. [Man's body, tho' it dies, Tet it a-gain shall rise. Of all your. words take caro, And nov-er lie nor swear. EARLY PIETY. Happy the child, whose tender years Receive instruction vrell, Who hates the sinner's path, and fears The road that leads to hell, " GOOD NIGHT." At night my mother comes up stairs. She comes to hear us say our prayers ; And while I'm sitting on her knee. She always kiss-es little me. Before she took away the light, She tucked the blank«ts close and tight; And round about my sleepy head, She drew the curtains of the bed. I saw her walk across the floor, And sofdy close the nurse-ry door, And then I called, with all my might, ^' Good night, dear mamma, good night." &j^Ei:ir.iK& sdOKi 23 4jfcxmr c. apricot, there grows a bloom and beauty more ex?//<"?• in the breast, and fuller all over." Dr. Parr, who was regarded as a walking library, in his day, was. thus accosted by a conceited Sophomore : — " Doctor, an idea has struck me. Suppose you and I make a hook." " That is right," snid the Doctor. " Lot me put into it all that I know, and you put in all that you (L) not know, and we shall make a book tliat Jonah's wbale could not swallow." Words of 7.\co Syllcthles^ Acccnied on the First. fin ish fun nel fit fal ga?mt let g03 ling growl cr bast €n home \j her ring Kieek ness life long nu bile name less paint er pre script pom pons rai ment rea son aap less sky light sleep er spon dee fur nish fore bead flax en gal Ion gras sj glow ing hire ling bol ster bope less mo?/rn ing lap wing nee die no do us pal ace plain tiff pew ter rain y reap er su«t or sboid dcr slut tieb flip pant fore most gran ite gal lop gruni ble gloom y hope ful jail or honie spun mu sic latb er notli ing neat ness pan tile pick et pba sis ran cid iT)ll ei' se rous sbip ment speecb less spike nard spot less for mcr fop pisli grit ty gos sip grant ed beal ing hot spur leak y bind ranee mea sle« Ian tern ni trous pat ent pas turc pock et pban torn read er row el si pbon sneak ing spon sor spoil er BPELLING BOOK. 59 * LESSON LII. THE ROSE. . . >r F, N T A L B K A T" T Y . The Ivosc, the sweetly bloomiog rose, E*er I'roin the tree 'tis torn, Is like the charm which beauty shows, In life's exulting- morn. But oh I how soon its sweets arc gcjnc, IIow .S0051 it withering: lies : 80 when the eve of life comes on, Sweet beauty fades and dies. Then since tlio fairest form that's made Soon withering we shall find, Let us posHess what ne'er can fade, The beauties of the mind. Words of Tko iSyllahles^ Accented on Hie First. gar den hunt er grif fm Ian cet gar 11 er huntsman glim mcr lem on gar glc hur die ham mer ]es son gen der in come ham let lim ber gun tie in most hin der lim pid gid dj in cest hun ter • lim ner g»g gltJ in dex hur ry lev er giv er jar gon ker sey low Ij ham j>er jest er kin dred loy al hap pen Jus tico kins man lum ber bar per jum blc lin den lus tre help er jun to lis ten mas ter hid den kcr nel liv er mat ter bin der kit ten liv id man ly HOW TO LRAEN A LESSON. An easy lesson may appear, At first, too hard for me, Although to others very clear, And simple as can be. 60 THE CONFEDERATE If with good will I try to learu. Soon I shall find it plain ; But if in haste I from it turn, Hard it will still remain. It will not do to think or say, •'Tis of no use to try ; To give it up is not the way, Nor yet to fret or cry. The way to make that lesson plain, Which now too hard I find, Is hut to try^ and try again, AVith all my heart and mind. ' LESSON LIII. THE FIRMAMENT OF HIS POWER. The spacious firmament on high. With all the blue, ethereal sky, And spangled Heavens, a shining fram«, Their great Original proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his. Creator's power display. And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous U\U\, And nightly to the listening earth, llepeats the slory of her birth. While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. What tho' in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball; What tho' no real voice nor sound Amidst those radiant orbs be found f / S1*ELLING BOOK. 61 In reason's car they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; Forever singing as they shine, " The hand that made us is divin«.*' * '[Addison. Words of Tioo Sylkibles^ Ac^enkd on the Second. de bate con fuse con sole ap prize re late ob late im pale ap proach ere ate be rate iiar rate ap pulse se date be late re tarn ap ply col late in flate re mmw a right pro bate sur yey tie tarn a rise con nato in lay pro claiin a venge a base mis lay de cry a wake de lay de cay do mam a ward A buse por tray ob tain a way a 1 cade astray appease awoke ar cade es teem ap pe«r a wry pa rade re deeni ap pend ba sUaw pre pare ca recn ap plaud be spice ac case de claim ap plause be spread re fuse con dole ap ply bias pheme pro fuse pa role ap praise block ade There is no '^ card" that so certainly leads to fortune as the ^' spaded' when well employed in the field or garden. A wag, down 'East, wrote over the door of a school- hou«e : '' The New England Whaling Institution." The poor man who was overwhelmed by astonishment has not yet been dug out. An Irishman's prescription for making cannon wa;^ : 'Take a long //o/< and pour melted brass rou.nd it." LESSON LIY. WOMAN. Kot she with traitorous kiss the Savior stnn^', Not she denied him with unholy tougue; She, when Apostles shrank, was stcvdfaat, brave, liast at the cross, and earliest at the graT©. 62 N THE CONFEDERATE PROTERBS, A lazy niau loves a willing horse. A little pot is soon hot. All the fat's in the fire. A man may buy gold too dear. An honest man's word is as good as his bond. An idle brain is the devil's work-shop. An oak is not felled with one blow. A pitcher often to the well, but broken at last. A rolling stone gathers no moss. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. A rotten sheep infects the whole flock. A single fact outweighs a ship load of thcor}'. A small pack befits a small peddler. A spur in the head is worth two in the heel. A wager is a fool's argument. A willing mind makes a light foot. A word before is worth two behind. Besfirars hare no ri():ht to be choosers. Bo alow to promise, hut quick to perform. Better to round than fall into the ditch. Better ride an ass that carries than a horse that throws. Birds of the feather flock together. Borrowed irarmentB never fit well. Wcn-ds of Thred SijIMks, Accented on the Third. ad ver tise- ku per vise bar ri ea'de nn dor mine eireum vent un der go cir cum volvc dis es teem dis u nite d«b o nnir dom i neer dis r« pute de com pose dis em bark dis ap pear die in t©r dis a grce o ver leap o ver top ap per taui in ter leave in ter vene un der went un der sell o ver hang ap pre hend »ar e nose *auc tion eer com mi nutc com pre hend con de scend con tra vene coun ter act coun ter cliarge coun ter charm coun ter mand coun ter march coun ter mine coun ter poise coun ter vail c^ur te san de com pose SPELLING BOOK. 63 in com mode co in cide dcv o tee ab sen tee co a lesce dis en gage # an te cede co ag ment ' dis cm bark an te pone co ex ist dis o bey con tra vene col on ade dis re gard LESSON hY. Til 15 CHICKENS. At night, the chickens sleep under the wings of the old hen. In the morning, thej are out very early, and they run about the grounds very actively, picking up seeds, bugs and worms for breakfast. Thomas, looking at them one morning, said to littlo Marj : » See, sister, how the chickens trip, So busy in the morn ; Look how their heads ttey dip and dip, To pick the scattered corn. Dear sister, shall we shut our eyes, And to the light be blind ; Nor think of Him who food supplies To us and all mankind 7 Whether our wanta be great or small, Or rich or poor our fare, To Heaven above, we ewe for all, The voice of praise and prayer. Words of Ti>'o /SijUahles, Accented on the &con^iitd en joy be s:in re cite . a void be gird polite de void be gone in cit« de vour be grim ar ray ca ix)use be guile a way es pouse be gun nn say a mount be have dis may sur mount be bend o bey en dow be held de ny a vow be best re ply al low be hind sup ply re boil be hold jm ply tur moil be- half corn ply be wray be hoof be tray as tray be lie af frav ca reer be 1/ef EXERCISiiL Exercise iu the open air is essential to health and enjoy- ment. Without it the body becomes feeble, the countenance pale and dejected, the spirits depressed and gloomy. On the contrary, suitable exercise regularly taken, creates a healthy appetite, invigorates the powers of digestion, produces sound and refreshing eleep, causes freshness of complexion and cheerfulness of spirits, "wards off disease, and tends to preserve the vigor of both the body and the mind to an advanced age. LESSON LVT. THE WICKED BOY. Marry Blount had a very kind and good mother. She did all for him that a mother could do, but he was very unkind and wicked. Ho would do nothing that she wished him to do ; but he did all he could to vex her. lie would let the hogs into the garden, turn the calves in with the cows, break up the nests of her hens, and cut the bark off her shade trees. He would lie, swear, get drunk, steal, fight, and do everything that was vile. His mother sent him to school, but he did not like to SPELLING BOOK. 65 go. ' He would play by the way, or go oflf into tlie woods, and stay till the school wa.s out. But he could uot be idle there. He spent his time in killing lizzaids, bees, bugs and young birds. To take life was his delight. At home it was tlie same way. He threw hi» little sister's pet kitten into the fire and burnt it to death. Her charming little canary bird he fed on poison berries and killed it. He soon became so bad that everybody despised him. So he could not stay at home. At last he ran away. He went to a distant town to get something to do; but^ his bad name followed him, and no body would employ him. He became a beggar and had to lie out in the gtreets. Soon he was caught robbing a store, and was put in jail. 'J'here he killed one of his fellow-prisoners. Jin was huny as a murJerer — deeply lamenting all his folly and wicked- ne8v«< when it was too late ! How true it is that " a bad beginning makes a bavl end ? " '' Evil days the wicked:' Words of Two Si/lhiMes, Acceiiied on the Fir.y my patience never failing. When I hear them telling lies, Talking foolish, cursing, swearing. First I'll try to make them wise, Or I'll soon go out of hearing. I will no one e'er offend. Nor be easily offended; What's amiss I'll strive to mend, I5ut endure what can't be mended. Words of Three ^Syllables, Accented mi the Secomi. con sump tive con tern plate con ten cler oon tent less con tex ture con tin gent con tin uc con tracted oon trib ute con vcr gent con ver sant con vex ly con vey ance con vul give CO part ner de fi ance de liv cr de 111 sire de n"ier it de mol ish d€ mon stratc de mul cent de mure ly de part nient de part iire de sert er de spond ent des pot ic de strue tive de tacb mcnt dis tur ber ex cen trio e clip tic ef fee tive e lev en e la sive em bla zon en a ble en am el en am or en clo sure en com pass en coun ter en cour age en croach ment 68 THE CONFEDERATE cor rect ive ere a tive ere den da ere den tial cyl in dric de cep tive de ci plier de CO rum de ere tal de due tive de feet ive de fen sive de tain der de ter mine de trun cate de vas tato de vel ope dis ered it dis cum ber dis GOV er dis cur sive dis fig ure dis her it dis 7ion est en cum ber en dam age en deav or en gage ment en large ment en joy ment en light en en li ven e nor mous en rol ment en tan gle en vi ron LESSON LA^III. MAXIMS. Uooii luaniiers are not onlj a passport Into socictij, but into Uie lieavts of those with whom we associate. Any action may produce effects over which human |)Ower has no control ; nor can human sagacity foresee the end of their bearing. If a kind word or two will render a man bappy, said a- French king, he must be a wretch iodeed who would not kI^'Hv bestow them. ft is a maxim in the schools That a ra tus per ad ven ture ef flo res cen.t in con clu sive in con pis tent bas ti ua do ac ci den tal an i mad \'fert in ci den tal in con des ceuce man u fac ture af fi da vit dis a vow al in stru men tal raon u men tal met a phys ics dis con tent meut met a mor phose mis in ter pret cir cum ja cent dis a gree ment dis en tan gle in ef fee tive pes ti len tial . prov i den tial su per struc ture ar mat ic e nis: mat ic e go tis tic re con sid er over bur den Lyp crit ic his tri on ic com pli men tal el e men tal LESSON LXIX. JEWELS. Some ladies are fond of showing jewels made of diamonds and gold. A Roman lady once had two sons whom she had reared with great care. She valued them above all price. While ladies of fashion were dis-play-ing their fine clothes and costly jewels abroad, she was at home training np her sons in the way they should go. SPELLING BOOK. 86 When asked where and what her jewels were, sho presented her noble sons and said : ^' These are my jewels." Children, you little know the value of such mothers. You should honor them highly, and strive to become jewels such as Home never produced — at once the joy of your parents and the honor and glory of your country. THE LORD'S PJRA\KR>^3(f*v Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come. Thy will bg done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen ! Words of Three Syllahles Accenkd on the First. cii mu late cu ra live cu ri ous cur ri cle cur so ry cur ya ted cur va ture cur vi ty cus torn er cus to dy cu ti cle cyn ic al dan ger ous de cen cy dec o rate del i cate . def in ite del e gate del i cate dem a gogue dem i god dem o crat det ri ment dif fer cnt dif fi cult dif flu ent dis ere pant ear nest ly earth i ness ea si ly ea si ness eas ter ly eat a ble eb o ny ec sta cv ed u cate ef 11 gy e go tisni eg l^n tine e go tise ef flu ent el e vate el o quence em a nate eq ua ble e qual izc e qui no^ er e mite es cu lent es tim ate cs ti val eth ic al cu lo gy eu pho ny e ven ing ev er g]*een cv i dent e vil ness ev i tate ex ca vate ex e crate ex e cute ex i gence ex or cise ex pe dite ex pie tive 86 THE CONFEDERATE dep u rate ed i fy ex quis ite dep u ty ed i ble ex u date der o gate en ter prise eye "wit ness des o late ep i cure fab u lest des pe rate ep i logue fab u lous des ti ny ep i thet fac ul ty des ti tute ep i taph fal la cy LESSON LXX. PROVERBS.- The comforter's head never aches. The covetous man is his own tormentor. The crow thinks her young one'^ the fairest. The eye of the master does more than his hands. The faulty stands on his guard. The foremost dog catches the hare. The ma« of threatened life lives long. The gray mare is the better horse. THE WISE CHOICE. - . King Sol-o-mon of old A hap-py choice had made ; 'Twas not for lifcj 'twas not for gold, Nor lion-or that he pray-ed. He chose that bet-ter part, That leads to heav-en-ly joys — A wise and under-stand-ing heart, And God ap-prov-ed the choice. If this is what we seek, We can-not ask a-miss ; The young-est, poor-est child may speak, And ask the Lord for this. SPELLING BOOK. 87 Woi'ds of Two Si/Uahles, Accented on the First^ in which Ow have t/ie long sound o/'o, as in note. bar row ill low cal low tal low *el bow hoi low bel low min now hal low fel low yar row Ibl low far row mead ow mal low shad ow bur row har row win dow nar row mor row spar row win ow wid ow swal low fur row ar row wil low yel low mel low ful low sor row Words of Tv'o /Syllables^ Accented on the Fiist^ in which . A sounds as in fall. daugh ter saw pit flaw y slaugh ter au ger plan dit wa ter law yer braw ny au thor au tumu maud Hq pal sy draw er< pal try saw yer want ing draw ing sau cer faal ty gau dy draw ers mawk ish mau ger al ter fal ter pal ter wal nut quar ter haw thorn al most cau sey pan per sau cy taw ny drawl ing LESSON LXXI. t.IVE FOR SOMETHING. Live for something, be not idle, Iiook ahout thee for employ ; Sit not down to useless dreamiog, Lfibor is the sweetest joy. Folded hands are ever weary, Selfish hearts are never gay; Life for thee hath many duties, Antive be, then, while you may. Scatter blessings in .thy pathway. Gentle words and cheering smiles Botter are than gold and silver, With their grief-dispelling wiles. 88 THE CONFEDERATE As the pleasant sunshine falleth, Ev-tir on the grateful earth, So let sympathy and kindness Gladden well the darkened hearth. Hearts there are oppressed and weary ; Drop the tear of sympathy, Whisper words of hope and comfort, Give, and thy reward shall be Joy to thy soul, returning From this perfect fountain head ; Freely as thou givest Shall the grateful light be shed. Words of Four SyUahles^ Accented on the Fir.^t. ac cu ra cy am i ca ble am or ous 1}^ ac cu rate ness ad di to rj am pli fi er cu li na ry mo ment a ry nu ga to ry nu mer a ry a mi a ble es ti ma ble an cil la ry an i ma live bre vi a ry del i ca cy con tu ma cy an nu la ry an te cliam ber ob sti na cy ex i gen cy a pi a ry ap o plex y feu da to ry car i ca ture col or a ble nee es sa ry ex eel len cy com pe ten cy con ti nen cy cor ol la ry cor ri gi ble cov et ous ness dec re to ry die tion a ry drom c da ry im po ten cy med ul la ry par cc na ry im i ta ble cer e mo ny cu mu la tive ali mo ny an ti mo ny mat ri mo ny Aon or a ry sec on da ry preb en da ry bal i?c a r}^ ac tu a ry lu min a ry mo men ta ry mod er ate ly ap pe ten cy sed en ta ry mil i ta ry ar bi tra ry foi'ui u la ry fo^' tu nate ly lit er a vy pul mo na ry em is sa ry mis eel la ny dif fi dent 1}^ dif fi cul ty dil i gent ly ad e quate ly an swer a ble sal u ta ry dil a to ry cap il la ry man da .to ry SPELLING BOOK. # 89 LESSON LXXII. WEALTH AND TOYERTY. Can he who with the tide of fortune sails, More pleasures from the sweets of nature share ; Do zephyrs waft him more ambrosial gales, Or do his groves a gayer livery wear? To me the heavens unveil as pure a sky, To me the flowers as rich a bloom disclose, The morning beams as radiant to mine eye, .And darkness guides me to as sweet repose. If luxury their lavish dainties piles, And still attends upon their stated hours. Doth health reward them with her open smiles, Or exercise enlarge their feeble powers ? 'Tis not in richest mines of Indian gold That man this jewel, happiness, can find ; If his unfeeling breast, to virtue cold, * Denies her ciitrance to his ruthless mind. Wealth, pomp and honor are but guady toy>:, Alas ! how poor the pleasures they impart ; Virtue's the sacred source of all the joys That claim a lasting mansion in the heart. TREASUKES. Lay not up treasures for yourselves upon earth, where moth and rust do corrupt, and whcix; thieves break through and steal. But lay up for youi selves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal ; for where your treasure is there will your heart be also. — Bible. Words of Six Syllables , Accented on t}\e Fourth, ac cep ti bil i ty com pat i bil i iy in vol u bil i ty ac count a bil i ty en cy clo pe di a e jac u la to ry a mi a bil i ty in com pre hen si ble in sen si bil i ty ex tern po ra ne ous re sis ti bil i iy im prob a bil i ty a pol get ic al un pop u lar i ty an te me rid i au 9.i) % THE CONFEDERATE ap pli ca bil i ty in flam ma bil i ty iiu mu ta bil i ty a poo a lyp ti cal in com pre hon si ble in cred i bil i ty ma te ri al i ty ir reg u lar i ty an ti gcor bn ti cal dis ad van ta geous de fen si bil i ty im pos si bil i ty in fal li bil i ty nial le a bil i ty in tan gi bil i ty in fu si bil i ty in fo ri or i ty a tiath e mat i cal ec cle si as ti cal per cep ti bil i ty ac cus torn a ri ly an te ri or i ty il le gi bil i ty in ca pa bil i ty am bi dex ter i ty di vis i bil i ty in flex i bil i ty do struc ti bil i ty un phil o sopli ic al il lib er al i ty im per son al i ty con ge ni al i ty 'in fran gi bil'i ty gu bcr na to ri al u ni ver sal i ty in hos pi tal i ty com pres si bil i ty ir rec on ci la ble im pres si bil i ty LESSON LXXIII. PROVERBS. The dime is ill saved that shames its master. The hasty hand catches frogs for fish. The highest branch is not the safest roost. Fly pleasure and it will follow you. Forgive any one sooner than yourself. Faint heart never won fair lady. Fools tie knots and wise men loose them. Plenty of thistles, plenty of prickles. Give a dog an ill name and hang him. Give a fool rope and he hangs himself. THE ROSE. How fair is the rose ! what a beautiful flower I The glory of April and May ! Bnt the leaves — how soon do they fade in the bower 1 See I they wither and die in a day. But the rose has one powerful virtue to boast, Above other flowers of the field ; When the leaves are all dead, and the colors are lost, Still how sweet a perfume it will yield ! So frail is thtj youth and the beauty of men, Though they bloom and look gay like the rose ; But allour fond care to preserve them is vain, Time kills them as fast as he goes. SPELLING BOOK. 91 Then I'll oot be proud of my youth or my beauty, Since both of them wither aud fade; But gain a good name by well doing my duty, This will scent like a rose when I'm dead. X Words of Thi a muse meat a rnu sivc a mass meiit a na nan ap preu tice ap prov al *ap prove ment a quat io arch bish o ar*ina dr. ar men t,al ar rai^n ment ar range ment ar rear Fvge nr ri val au ro ra au then tic a ven ger back sli der be diz zeri be drag glo be gin ccr be hold er be la bor be la ted be lea giier be liev er pi den ta.' bo tan ic bra va do • III men e cov er or get fr.l ee Syllables^ A ccen at tor ney en ven om en vi ron en cum bcr pre sump tive re dan dant pro cure ment com mit ment com min gle ere a tive pe ru sal in vec tive im pul sive de liv er de duce ment hor rif ic ho mer ic en ti tie e rup tive er rat ic es tab lish e ter nal c van id e va sive e vent ful ex act ivo ex am ine ex am pie ex clu sive ex car nate ex cep tive ex cheq uer ex cite ment ted Of) tJie fSecond, ex ot ic ex pec tance ex plo sive ex po sure ex pound er ex prcs sive ex pro brate ex pul sive ex sic cate ex tal ic ex ter nal ex tin guish ex tir pate ex treme ]j ex ult ant' for get ful for giv ing ge nor ic ge ne va ig no ble ex pie tive es cape ment re fu sal . in tend ant neg lect fnl pro due tive pre ten der im prcs sive per sua sive sub mis sive mo men to us pro grcs sive re ten tive 92 THE CONFEDERATE fi, nan cial ex clu'sive se lee ted sa tan ic ex ere tive of fen sive for got ten ex cur sive re ver sivo be sot ted ex em plar per spec live a ver ment ex bib it pro trii sive LESSON LXXIY. THE OWL AND THE MOUSE. A. FAULK. An owl was caught in a snare. In tliis sad conditioti he entreated a mouse to gnaw ofl' the cords and liberate him. The mouse refused to do so, unless the owl would first solemnly promise never again to kill mice. The owl was liberated on that condition. Not long- afterwards he caught a hat in an old barn, and%\as about*to devour it. But being struck with its resemblance to the mouse, he hesitated about killing it. At length he con- cluded to devour it as a bird, and not as a mouse. itORAL. I'he principle with many persons is, '* Change the name &bd you may do what you like." Thus murder is defended as duelling. Theft and robbery arc lauded under the name of '^ sharj) tradiiuj ! "' Do wicked men hate religion and desire to make it odious '{ They give it the name hypocrisy or priestcraft, and then they spit at it all their venom, and pile upon it all their abuse ! Words of Two Syllables, Accented on, the First, -iiieddk of ivhich TH have their asperate sound. an ther au tbor tbirs ty diph tlioiig e ther meth od tbim ble triph thong, etb ics pan ther thick et ■ tbin^ly ze nitb length y tbrif ty tlior'ougb tbe sis Tburs day throt tie tbros tie "* tlmn der think er . sab bath . ja ciiitU an them d^ath less tbou sand tilth y Sl^ELLING BOOK. 93 Words of Three hles^ Accented have the aspei a can thus ca thar tic me theg liii me thod ic -pan the on aU'tben tic syn tliet ic ca the dral pa'thet ic \\ re thra ath let ic nn think ins: en throne ment de' throne ment tho rac ic un thrif tv WW thwart ed nn thank ful cath p lie plcth o ric SylUdfles^ and Words of Four Sylla- on the Fird and Second ., in which TH •ate sound. am a ranth am e thyst math e sis ayii the sis up a thy Icth ar gy lab V rinth liy a cinth cp i thet ap o the^/m en thusiasm me thod i cal a rith me tic CO rin thi an li thot o my ca tholi con hy poth e sis my thol o gy or thog ra phy li thog ra phy lt:sson lxxv ther mom e ter can thar i des phi Ian thro py the ol o gy an tith e sis an tip a thy a nath e ma mis an thro py the oc ra cy the od o lite me thod i cal e the re al the ri a cal aii then ti cate au thor i ty le vi a than hy potli e cate un truth iul ncss un think ing ly ath let i cal FLOWERS. . Yes J floTvcrs have toDes— God gave to each A- language ot* its own, And bade the simple blossom teach, Where'er its seeds are sown ; Ttis voice is on the mountain height.- And by the river's side, Where flowers bljish iu glowing light, III loneliness or pride ; Wo feel all o'er the blooming sod, It is the language of our God. 94 THE CONFEDERATE PROVERBS. Silence seldom does any harm. Sit in your. place and none will make you rise. Speak the truth and shame the devil. Short reckonings make long friends- Sloth is the mother of poverty. Speech is the gift of all — thought of few. Such is the tree, such the fruit. Soon ripe, soon rotten. Soon well, soon ili. Take care of the dimes — dollars then are safe. Take heed and surely speed. Tell me your companions — that is enough , Temperance is the best physic. That is weir spoken that is well takfcn. That's placing the cart before the horse. The blind man's wife needs no painting. The cobbler's wife is the worst shod. Words of Different Accent. Many words, alike in spelling, are distinguished only by the accent. In the following lesson, the nouns and adjec- tives of the first and third columns have the accent on the first syllable. The verbs, in the second and fonrtb columns, have it on the second : affix accent abstract' compound collect conduct confine conserve conflict concert convict digest extract export affix absent absent accent abstract . augment" cement augiiient cemeut compound collect colleague convert ' cono;:.gue conver.t conduct conduct conduct confine consort conijort conserve contract contract conflict contest conlcet concert converse . converse convict digest convoy ferment corrvoy ferment extract export import frequent • import freq J.ent SPELLING BOOK. 96 impress impress gallant gallant incense incense insult insult concrete .concrete attribute attribute record record rebel rebel refuse refuse subject subject survey survey surname surname transfer transfer torment torment transport transport upcast upcast LESSON ftXXVI. THE CONFLICT ENDED. Servant of God, well done ! Rest from thy loved employ ; The battle fought, the victory >yon, Enter thy Master's joy. His sword was in his hand, Still warm with recent fight, Ready, that moment, at command, Thro' rock and steel to smite. Oft with its fiery edge His arm had quelled the foe,* And laid, resistless in its course, The demon armies low. • At midnight came the cry, *' Come, take a higher sphere ; '' . He woke and saw his Captajn nigh, Then strong in faith and pruyier. His spirit with a bound, Left its encumbering clay ; His tent, at sunrise, on the ground, An empty ruin lay I Servant of God, well done ! Praise be thy new employ; And while Qternal ages run. Rest in thy Savior's joy I 96 THE CONFEDERATE Words of Thi a bate ment en rol-ment en large meut en tan gle in her it de tile ment *in duce ment ^n camp ment de cep tive CO part ner pre fer ment con fine ment ac quil tal e quip ment af firm ance de ter gent di min ish de ben ture dis cred it do mes tic do min ion de mer it cos met ic en deav or in form ant , a bu sive as sio-n ment -ee Syllables^ Accented on the Second, con clu sive en slave ment de fi ant em bar go cm bar rass em bit ter ac knowl edge op po nent op po^er ab sor bent of fen sive ab j are ment as sua sive ac cus tom ac cou tre CO e qua! CO e-val con tent ment sub mis sive sub ver sive re fine ment re li ancG re cum bent so cern ment se due tive de liv er de struc tive de throne ment •re ten tive ro man4ic tor men tor en coun ter sur ren der fo ren sic for bid ding sple net ic spe cif ic pe dan tic se ques ter sub scri ber de liv er en rap turc en force ment in for mal pre fer ment pro lif ic pros pec tive tri um phant re bel lious re plev in oc cur rence ac cred it a mal gam ad mon i'sh LESSON LXXAai. GOD'S PRESENCE AND GLORY. God came from Teman, and the Holy Oue from Mount Paran. J>clah. His glory coA^ered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise. His brightness was as the light. He had horns coming out of his hand, and there was the hiding out of His power. Before Him went ihe pesfilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet. He stood and measured the earth ; He beheld and drove asunder SPELLING BOOIT. 97 the nations, and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow ; His ways are everlasting. V ' I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction ; and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble. Was the Lord displeased against the rivers? Was thine anger against the rivers ? Was Thy wrath against the sea, that Thou didst ride upon Thy horses and Thy chariots of salvation ? Thy bow was made quite naked, according to the oaths of the tribes, even Thy word. Selah. The mountains saw Thee, and they trembled ; the deep uttered his voice, and lifted up his hands on high. The sun and the moon stood still in their habitations ; at the light of Thine arrows they went, and at (he shining of Thy glittering spear. Thou didst march through the land in indjf nation ; Thou didsi thresh the heathen in anger; Thou wentest forth for the salvation of Thy people, even for the salva- tion of Thine anointed. — Bible. \Vords terminating in IZE, Accented on the First Syllable, hot a nize bar bar ize gal van ize ro man ize clog ma tize fer til ize tyr an nize mor al ize em pha size mod ern ize mem or ize lo cal ize ster il ize civ il ize bas tard ize sub si dize det o nize gor mand ize her bo rize mag net ize stig ma tize the o rize jour nal ize can ter ize pat ron ize ox yd ize ju da ize can on ize ag o nize gar ga rize tan tal ize or gan ize chris tian ize au thor ize dram a tize bra tal ize col o nize i dol ize 3^ al ize gal van ize le gal ize pul ver ize mel o dize po lar ize fo cal ize vo cal ize sat ir ize OS tra cize tem por ize gen til ize scru ti nize ^Vo^€.— The terminations ing^ ed and atioiv should be added to each, of these words as they are spelled. . E 98 THE CONFEDERATE TROUT AND YOUTH. It is said that trout are often caught with hooks in their mouths, which they had carried oflf only a short time before ! . > This is not strange to those who reflect that juveniles of the human family will swallow the same lioolc a thousand times ! They do this also with the known fact before them, that " Canglii at last '' is always the death-knell report ! LESSON LXXVIII. EARLY DEVOTION. Early, my God, without delay, I haste to seek Thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints awory, Without Thy cheering grace. So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. I've seen Thy glory and Thy power, Thro' all Thy temple shine ! My God, repeat that heavenly hour,. That vision so divine. Not all the blessings of a feast Can please my soul so well, As when Thy richer grace I taste, And in Thy presence dwell. Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best pnssions move. Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As Thy forgiving love. Thus, till my last expiring day, I'll bless my God and King ; Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. • SPELLING BOOK. 99 Wbi'ds of Five Syllables,- Accented on the Third. ac a dem ic al hy dro ceph a lus in ca pac i tate im me chan i cal im mc mo ri al il le git i mate im mc thod ie al ap the sis el e men ta ry ep i log ic al ex com mu ni cate fii si bil i ty aph ris ti cal on er get i cal hy per crit i cal im mo bil i ty im ma te ri al ira mor tal i ty dis pro por tion ate im per cep ti ble am bi gu i ty en er get ic al e nig mat ic al met a plior ic al ac a do mi an am phi the a trc il le gal i ty an e mom e tor am ni a cal an e mog ra phy in ere du li ty par si mo ni ous gram i niv or ous cu ri OS i ty in ac ces si ble in sig nif i cant con tra ri e ty an ti typ i cal ar mat i cal ep j gram ma tist ep i sod ic al aph i Ian Iho py im mar ces si ble im per sua si ble im por tu ni ty im pro lif i cate al i men ta ry in ar tic u late na tion al i ty in can des cen cy in ef fi cient ly fu si bil i tv fri a bil i ty di a met ri cal in ter me di ate in cor rupt i ble in dis crim i nate im pro pri e ty in ex pe di ent in com pat i ble in de ci sive ly ho mo ge ne ous ac ri mo ni ous e qui pon der ate un ac cep ti ble in ad mis si ble in ter nun ti o par ti cip i al in ef fee tu al ef flo res cen cy in dis pen sa ble in ter cal a ry LESSON L^XIX. GRATITUDE. What shall I render to my Grod For all his kindness shown ? My feet shall visit Thine abode, My songs address Thy throne ! Among the saints that fill Thy house, xMy oiferings shall be paid ; There shall my zeal perform the vows My soul in anguish made. Now I am Thine, forever.Thine, x Nor shall my^ purpose move ', Thy hands have loosed my bonds of pain, And bound me with Thy love. 100 THE CONFEDERATE Various Mo7iosyUahles. stride guide sword gourd lewd shrewd crouch slouch grove strove pouch vouch sprite smite barge charge sheen screen quaff laugh burst worst launch craunch' stoop troop crump trump twist wrist dose gross loose goose snare square rough tough dodge podge trash splash meek sleek small scrawl clothe loathe Natural History is at once very pleasing and instruc- tive to children and youth. It treats of the entire animal kingdom, which you may know includes all the beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects and the auimaleulae, i&o small to be seen without the aid of the microscope. It is very delightful to see or to read about all the different animals, to learn their classifications, and become, acquainted with their size, their appearancCj their struc- ture, their disposition, their manner of life, and the uses which they may subserve in the world. In this little work I can give you only a few specimens ; but I hope you will take an interest in all of God's won- derful works, and get acquainted with as many of them as you can. Here is a very curious little creature, called the '' Red Owl." His eyes and his ears are very wonderful. And then the manner in'lvhich he doles out his notes is very queer. You need never be afraid of owls. They do not hurt people, nor do they forbode any evil to us when they oome about our houses. THE RED OWL. Owls are birds of prey, and the only birds of that sort that are nocturnal in their habits — that is, which sleep through the day, and move about and seek their prey at night. To enable them to find their way in the dark, and SPELLING BOOK. 101 see their prey — even down to small mice — their eyes are very large, and the pupil is extraordinarily large, so as to let in a great amount of what little light there may be shining in the night. At the same time, there is a circle, almost funnel-shaped, of light feathers, surrounding the eye, and so disposed as to throw light upon the eye. Then its ^ears are very large, (it is the only bird that has an external ear) and very sensitive. In some sorts of owls the ear has a lid, which opens at the will of the bird ; and so its sense of hearing is perhaps as important a help to it as its sight is in catching its prey in the dark. Besides these qualifications for the peculiar life they lead, their plumage is so downy that when they fly they make no noise, which enables them to pounce upon the little mouse or rabbit before the victim is aware of his danger. The red owl is known in this country as the little screech-owl. Did you never hear their querulous, melan- choly voice in the evening ? On moonlight nights they seem to take delight in making the country road lonesome by answering each other across the fields. They sleep in the day time in cedar, pine and other thick trees, and generally build in the hollows of trees, but sometimes in orchards. LESSON LXXX. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. A maiden once, well known to fame, With rosy cheek and beaming eye, When questioned whence her beauty came, Thus promptly made in rhyme reply : ^ '* O'er beauteous grounds IVe daily walked, Where buds and flowers their glories spread j With them, as friend to friend, Tve talked, And on their richest fragrance fed. " Where Nature grouped her magic bowers, And breathed Elysian sweets around, There have I sp^nt my leisure hours. And there my chief delight have found. 102 THE CONFEDERATE " My mind is- ever active, bright, True wisdom's teachings make me wise ; Each winged hour brings fresh delight, And thence both 'Health' and 'Beauty' rise." " Enough, enough/' her friend replied, '' The ample causes now I view ; My in-door life I'll lay aside. And your example I'll pursue." And now, ye Southern ladies fair, Would you to those attainments rise ? Live much in fresh and oj)en oiVy Eve^s ancient duties ne^er despise. — B. In the folloioing lists of Words ^ Monosyllables and Dissyllahles, the sound of H p7'ecec/e5 that of the W, Jiwen hwat. whale which whee die whi tish. what whisk white wash whi ting wharf whiff whip stock' whis per wheat whim whis key whis ker wheel whip wher ry whith er wheeze whin whet stone whis tie while why whith er whif fie . whine whiz wbit low whit tie white whelm. whig gisli whig gism wHt when whim per whin ny whelp whist whirl pool whirl wind whence whey whin yard whil bat where whig whip graft wharf age EXAMPLES POR CONFEDERATE LADIES. An English traveler, who has had opportunities of observation in the first circles in the various American States, North and South, expresses his astonishment at the indolence of American fine ladies. He says no English woman of rank, from the queen downward, would remain unemployed for half an hour, or sit in a rocking-chair, unless seriously ill. With hardly an exception, he says, they copy the business letters of SPELLING BOOK. IQS their husbands, fathers or brothers, attend minutely to the wants of the poor, taking part in their amusements and sympathizing with their sorrows, visit and superintend the schools, work in their gardens, see to their household concerns, look over the weekly accounts, and with all their occupations, by early hours keep up their acquaintance witli the literature and politics of the day, and cultivate the accomplishments of music and drawing, living lives of energy and usefulness, without ostentation or an idea that they arc doing more than their simple duty. LESSON LXXXI. WHO SHALL INHABIT? Who shall inhabit in Thy hill, O God of holiness '/ Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near His throne of grace ? The man who walks in pious ways, And works with righteous hands ; Who trusts his Maker's promised grace, And follows his commands. LOOK UPWARD. A man, whose memory was so short that he could not remember the eighth commandment, went one night to his neighbor's field to steal corn. He took his little son with him to hold the sacks, and assist in the intended robbery. Before entering the field he stood upon the fence, and looked in every direction round him to see if any person was watching them. Supposing that no one observed them, he got down and started toward the corn-heap. His son, who had been well taught in the Sabbath School, said to him : " Father, there is one way you did not look." '* What way V said he. " Why you forgot to look upward.'* Conscience smitten, and in terror at the thought of that all-penetrating eye that was upon him, he instantly with- drew from the field ; and, it is said, never afterwards was guilty of a like offense. ''Look upward" is a good motto. All persons should remember it 104 THE CONFEDERATE Words of. Four Syllables^ Accented on the Second, ad ven tu rous ir res o lute ma lev o lent ad ver si ty pre em i nent i tin er ant un gen er ous e mol u ment h}^ drog ra phy mag nan i mous dis par age ment ich nog ra phy im pos tu mate en courage ment im mac u late es tab lish ment im man a cle em bel lish ment im man i ty em bod i ment im me di ate en franchise ment il lau da ble im pros per ous il lit er ate im mor tal ize im mod er ate ve rac i ty ve nal i ty fe cun di ty 'fu ne re al im pose a ble im pres si ble om nip o tent mi nor i ty mel lif lu ent in car cer ate in an i mate im prov i dence im por tu nate in teg u ment as ton ish ment im pol i iut sym met ri cal som nif er ous vo lu min ous' mor tif er ous re lin quish ment im prob a ble im pris on ment in noc u ous ir rev er ent in cor po rate ar mig er ous ar mip o tent al tim e try ar tis ti cal LESSON LXXXII. THE EARTH. How goodly is the earth I Its mountain tops hehold Its rivers broad and strong, Its solemn forests old ; Behold the radiant isles, With which the ocean smiles ; Behold the seasons run, Obedient to the sun ; The gracious showers descend- Life springing without end ; Behold all these, and know How goodly is the earth. How goodly is the earth ! Yet if the earth be made So goodly, wherein all SPELLING BOOK, 105 That is shall droop and fade ; So i^oodlj, where is strife Ever 'twixt death and life ; Where trouble dims the eye, Where sin hath mastery ; , - How much more bright and fair Will be that region where The saints of God shall rest, Rejoicing, with the blest ; Where pain is not, nor death — '* The Paradise of G6d!'' •N. THE HUMBLE AND CONTRITE. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose nume is holy : I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. — Bible. Words of Four Syllables^ Accented on the Second. de nom i nate in firm a ry ac cip i ent ab dom i nal ab sur di ty- ac com mo date al lo di um fa ce tious ly fer men ta tive ap pro pri ate se ver i ty so lid i ty a per i tive fe roc i ty flu id i ty a pos tro phe ap pa rent ly an ti ci pate dis GOV er y pre var i cate an niihi late am mo ni ac am bil o quy am big u ous ad ver bi al am bas sa dor an nu i tant an tag o nist a nom a lous an thol o gy an tip o dal an tip o des an tiph o ny a poc a lypse ad ven tu rous af firm a tive ap par i tor ex ec u tive ec cen tri cal cen trip e tal cen trif u gal con sol i date be ro ic al liu mid i ty pa ter ni ty fer ment a ble fes tiv i ty fer til i ty flu id i tjr ap prox i mate neu trail ty. 106 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON LXXXIII. PPwAISE. I'll praise my Maker with my breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers ; , My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God; He made the sky, And earth and seas, with s,li their train : His truth forever stands secure ; He saves the oppressed, He feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. He knows His saints, He loves them well, But turns the wicked down to hell : Thy God, Zion, ever reigns ; Let every tongue, let every age, In this exalted work engage ; Praise Him in everlasting strains. ■ Various Monosyllahles. sweat cheese helm crawl threat squeeze whelm drawl scheme eight fitch switch theme weight * pitch tv/itch built surge snore clink guilt purge swore think tempt brief furl cheat dreamt thief churl wheat splint cease bourne flounce squint lease mourn trounce ounce snout drink didst pounce spout chink midst GOOD FOR EYIL. 1. Jnjustice, private injuries and a spirit of retaliation or revenge are the prolific sources of most evils found in human society. SPELLING BOOK. 107 2. Hence, as a most wise and beneficent provision, the rendering of evil for evil is divinely forbidden. " Recom- pense to no man evil for evil '^ is the divine command ; and it is binding upon all men. 3. Another injunction is : '' Be kindly afi"cctioned, one to another, with brotherly love ; in honor preferring one another.'' Again it is enjoined : " Bless them that curse vou; bless,. and curse not. If it be possible, as much s» lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.'' 4. " Avenge not yourselves ; but rather give place unto wrath ; for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." 5. "Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink ; for, in so doing, thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head." "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." 6. The known fact also is, that all men wish others to treat them justly, kindly and charitably. But the sum of the whole moral law is: "Whatsoever ye would that mea should do unto you, do ye even so to them." 7. If all persons would observe this simple and beautiful rule, what a peaceful and happy world would we soon have, instead of its being full of contention, strife, evil speaking, war and bloodshed, as it has always been ! Let all learn, then, to do as they would be done by. LESSON LXXXIV. ^^ SUBLI^^E THOUGHT. Above the crowd, On upward wings, could I but fly, I'd bathe in yon bright cloud, And seek the stars that gem the sky. 'Twere heaven indeed. Through fields of trackless light to soar, On nature's charms to feed. And nature's own great God adore. THE ZEBRA. The little readers of this book would be greatly delighted tp sec the JSebra. It is found only in the inferior of Afrioa, f 108 THE CONFEDERATE and is one of the wildest animals found on the globe. Few of them have ever been taken. It is a very beautiful animal. Its form is very much like that of the horse, except that it is much smaller. Its body is round, compact and fleshy; its limbs slender and handsome. Its hair is smooth and glossy. It is destitute of mane, and has only a tuft of long hair on the end of its tail. The whole body of the Zebra is covered with black and white stripes, which give it a very singular appearance. "When in the forests and deserts, they are always on the watch ; and their swiftness is such that it is exceedingly difficult to take them alive. In disposition, they are very vicious. To handle them is dangerous, to tame them scarcely possible. So you se^, children, that it is not every thing heaud'fiil that is good or useful; and so lon^ as you get nice little ponies, you need not desire this strange animal. con tern pla tive de clar a tive dis cour te sy contemptible declinable dispensary con tempt u ous de crep i tude dis pla cen cy con ter min ous de cum ben cy dis qual i f}^ con test a ble de ri va ble dis qui e tude con tig u ous de struc ti ble dog mat i cal con trac ti ble de light ful ly ex tat i cal con trib u tor de mo ni ac ef fee tu al con vex i ty de pop u late ef fern i nate CO op er ate di lu ci date ef fron te ry CO or di nate dis cern i ble e lee tri cat CO part ner ship dis ci pie ship e lu ci date cor po re al dis con so late e man ci pate cor rob or ant dis cour age ment en bar rass ment cru cif er ous dis cov er y em bel lish ment LESSON LXXXY. PEAR NO EVIL. I need not fear an evil day, While to my Heavenly King I pray ; For all my wants will be supplied By Him who ia my shield and guide. SPELLING BOOK. 109 I cannot in my .Bible find ""'One word of FoHnne being hind; But this I know that Jesus came To save me from eternal flame. I know that unto Him is given Almighty power in earth and heaven ; ' . I know no other God can be, Than He who showed such love for me. Let but His blessing crown my store, I need not look to chance for more, Or let Him take my wealth away, I yet will trust Him tho' He slay. I ask but to be made His own, I tremble at His wrath alone ; If I have grace His will to do, I must be safe and happy too. ART OF HAPPINESS. A good temper and a cheerful disposition are the prin- cipal ingredients of happiness. Almost every object has its bright and its dark side. He that habitually looks upon the unpleasant side will sour his temper and impair his happiness. On the contrary, he that looks upon the side which is bright and pleasing will improve his temper, increase his happiness, and become a channel of commu- nication by which the cheerfulness and enjoyment of all those around him will be enhanced. Words of Two Sf/Uahles, Accented on the First In this and the following lists of words, tion^ cion and .s?"on are pronounced as if written " i^hun : '' ac tion die tion ces sion fac tion fie tion fu' sion June tion lo tion man sion men tion cau tion.. mis sion na tion no tion pas sion pen sion por tion mo tion po tion see tion sta tion sue tion ten tion tor tion op tion frae tion func tion mix tion fiie tion stric tion sane tion spon sion aue tion ses sion flue tion vis ion 110 . THE CONFEDERATE . I — ■ ■ tm ,— — —^ — - - LESSON LXXXVI. DEPARTED FRIENDS. Friend after friend departs ; Who has not lost a friend ? * There is no union here of heaits,- That finds not here an end, Were this frail world our final rest, Living or dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time. Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime. Where life is not a breath — Nor life's affections transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and expire. There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Formed for" the good alone ; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere. Thus star by star declines. Till all are pass'd away, A morning high and higher shines. To pure and perfect day ; Nor sink those stars in empty night, But hide themselves in. heaven's own light. Words of Three Syllahles^ Accented on ^ the Second. Their terminations are pronounced as if written SHUN (yr ZHUN. ab rasion al lii sion in spec tion ac ces sion co he sion con cep tion ab lu tion col la tion cor rup tion ad di tion fru i tion de struc tjpn ad die tion ig ni tion in struc tion af flic tion il lu sion pro fu sion af fa sion in fu sion pro pul sion SfELLtN^ BOOK:.. Ill in fee tion in flic tion im mer sion in jec tion in June tion in tru sion in va sion oc ca sion ob la tion at ten tion con ten tion sal va tion pro vis ion re vis sion in cis ion in va sion per va sion per sua sion prQ Ven tion con ten tion ere a tion pri va tion vo ca tion ro ga tion suf fu sion sue ces sion sus pen sion LESSON LXXXVir. ANECDOTES. BECLOUDS D. A sprightly gentleman, whose name was Fowler y married a Miss Cloud. A friend, congratulating him on the occa- sion, expressed the hope that, though he had for several months been quite '^ beclouded," he would now have bright sunbhine before him the rest of his days. Another friend replied : " That is hoping against hope ; for the well known adage is, ^ When clouds turn, ^/owlcr/ look out for squalls.' " cog ni tion de cis ion di vis ion de tru sion col lis ion com mis sion com mo tion con di tion CO ac tion CO emp tion com pie tion com pul sion com pres sion de vo tion dis plo sion dis cus sion de lu sion af fee tion e lee tion as cen sion as per sion at ten tion dis per sion con cis ion CO er cion ad he sion dis mis sion re vul sion sub ver sion sub mer sion re ver sion pre emp tion re demp tion se ces sion con fes sion cor rec tion e vie tion e mis sion re mis sion per mis sion pro due tion pre die tion col lee tion con fee tion in fee tion in spec tion pre lee tion m ven tion sus pi cion im mis sion in cis ion di vis ion de flee tion du ra tion 112 THE CONFEDERATE LAUGHING. A gentleman walkino; along the street saw another person look that way and laugh. Feeling indignant, he, with much warmth, enquired : " Why do you laugh as I pass by ? " The other promptly retorted : " Why do you pass by as I laugh 1 " _ The tei^minations TIAN anclTiONyin the following words ^ are pronounced as if written CHUN : chris tian ' ad us tion con ges tion fas tian di ges tion ad mix tion bas tion com bus tion ex haus tion mix tion ex us tion sug ges tion ques tion in ges tion in di ges tion llie terminations in the Jolloiving words are pronounced like ZHUN : di vis ion pro vis ion in cis ion pre cis ion e lis ion de ris ion de cis ion col lis ion » ab scis ion re vis ion re scis ion con cis ion ex cis ion mis pris ion pre vis ion In spelling the following ivords ending in IC, the syllable AL should he added to each of them, aiwd then LY to that: GritiCj critical, critically : con ic clin ic ^ erit ic cu bic cyn ic log ic eth ic eth nic clas sic cans tic cen trie com ic lyr ic mys tic mu sic mag ic skep tic op tic pht^ds ic spher ic Stat ic sto ic styp tic top ic rus tic graph ic typ ic trag ic Words of Three Syllables in TION , Accented on the JSecond. sub trac tion re jec tion re ten tion dis trac tion sub jec tion ex ten sion se lee tion se lee tion ex pul sion ^is sec tion re gres i sion ex pan sion SPELLING BOOK. 118 ci ta tion vi bra tion stag na tion gra da tion dam na tion pros tra tion pul sa tion mi gra tion li ba tion pro ba tion ces sa tion plan ta tion po ta tion so lu tion o va tion lu na tion lux a tion di gres sion gy ra tion pol lu tion de mis sion de ser tion con ver s'ion con vie tion cor rep tion de due tion dis cur sion de tee tion pro tee lion pre ten sion pri va tion ex cus sion ex trac tion ex plo sion ex er tion can sa tion ear na tion per sua sion in tru sion ro ta tion sen sa tion djs mis sion e mul sion an tla tion cor ro sion tax a tion quo ta tion vex a tion sa na tion re fune tion ex ere tion LESSON LXXXVIIL THE WASP AND THE BEE. A wasp met a bee that was just buzzing by, And he said : little cousin, can you tell me why You are loved so much better by people than I ? My back shines as bright and as yellow as gold, And my shape is most elegant, too, to behold ; Yet no body likes me for that, I am told. "Ah, friend," said the bee, "that is all very true, But were I half as much mischief to do, Then people would love me no better than- you. " You have a lino shape, and a delicate wing. You are perfectly handsome, but then there's one thing They can never put up with, and that is your. sting. ** My coat is quite homely and plain, as you see, Yet no body ever is angry with n)e, Because I'm a useful and innocent bee." From this little lesson let people beware ; For if, like the wasp, they ill-natured are. They will never be loved, tho' they're ever so fair. 114 THE CONFEDERATE 111 the following lists of words, c^, a, ^^and si have the sound of SH : Wo7'd^ of Two Syllables^ Accented on the First. vi tiate so cial pre cious gen tian par tial Gre cian ^ an cient can tious ques tion vi cious cap tious spe cial mar tial nuo tial spe cies pa tient fie tious quo tient Words of Three SyllaUes^ Accented on the Second. as so ciate an nuu ciate in gra tiate dis so ciate no vi tiate in sa tiate ne go tiate e ma ciate sub stan tiate ex cru ciate con so ciate of fi ciate Words of Three Syllables^ ending in TIOUS and CIOUS, Accented on the Second. gra cious con science spa cious fac tious lus cious spe cious ter tian frac tious con scions H tro cious au da cious fal la cious pre CO cious sa ga cious fe ro cious te na cious vex a tious crus ta cious in fee tious sen ten tious am bi tious aus pi cious nu tri tious fla gi tious ma li cious - pro pi tious ca pa cious fa ce tious lo qua cious ra pa cious ve ra cious se qua cious vi va cious vo ra cious con ten tious li cen tious in can tious de li cious of fi cious sus pi cious per ni cious se di" tious LESSON LXXXIX. THAT LAZY BOY I 1. That lazy lad ! and what's his name ? I would not like tp tell ; But don't you think it is a shame That he can't read or spell? SPELLING BOOK. 115 2. He'd rather swing upon a gate, Or paddle iu a brook, Than take his pencil and his siatc^ Or try to read his book. 3. There, see I he's lounging down the street, His hat without a rim ; He'd rather drag than lift his feet — His face unwashed and grim. 4. He's lolling now against a post, But if you've seen him once, You'll know the lad among a host. For what he is — a dunce. f). Don't ask me what's the urchin's name, I do not choose to tell ; But this you'll know — it is the same As his who does not blush for shame, That he don't read or spell! "I'll lefyou down easy this time," as the horse said when he upset his master in the deep bog. " If you beat me I'll eall out the soldiery," said the drum. *' This is the day w^e celebrate," said the fat turkies to each other, on a bright Christmas morning. Words of Four Syllables^ Accented on the Third, cal e fac tion irn pli ca tioii en er va tion bal ne a tion sup pli ca tion cm u la tion cal ci na tion rep li ca tion am pu ta tion cap i ta tion vac il la tion ap pli ca tion cir cum cis ion mac er a tion an i ma tion cir cum spec tion sal i va tion nav i ga tion cog i ta tion . nav i ga tion ob li ga tion col li qua tion pec u la tion cor ru ga tion com hi na tion rad i ca tion im pre ca tion com men da tion prov o ca tion im pu ta tion com mu ta tion stim u la tion * ju di ca tion com pen sa tfon stip u la tion al lo cu tion ^ 116 THE CONFEDERATE rev e la tioii el o cu tion el e va tion em bar ca tion ex til la tion ex su da tion ex ul ta tion fab ri ca tion fee un da tion fer men ta tion fil i a tion em u la tion ed u ca tion eb ul li tion ex €1 ta tion flag el la tion flue tua tion bi fur ca tion cu'rmu la tion cir cu la tion ded i ca tion del e ga tion e Ion ga tion LESSON XO. SAYINGS. Dr. South says the author of a malevolent slander, and the person who listens to it, are equally guilty, and should both be hung; but with this difference — the one by the tongue, the other by the ear. No one can say, I will sin just so far and no farther. Sin is like a snow ball rolling down a hill — small at first, but increasing as it goes, till it becomes an overwhelming mountain. Punch says that "• Time is money ; " but it does not follow that a man is a very heavy capitalist who has a great deal of it on hand. con ca va tion con clam a tion con for ma tion con glo ba tion con tra ven tion con ver sa tion con vo lu tion con vo ca tion cor o na tion cor rus ca tion dec la ra tion •dec la ma tion dec o ra tion ded i ca tion dem on stra tion dep o si tion der i va tion des ti tu tion dis qui si tion dis ser ta tion dis si pa tion dom i na tion da pli ca tion com men da tion con se era tion cor o na tion ex pe di tion com pe ti tion con firm a tion com pli ca tion dem o li tion des \^ na tion ag i ta tion lam en ta tion mac u la tion lac er a tion mas ti ca tion_ nav i ga tion prop a ga tion com pu ta tion con cen tra tion con ster na tion ad ju ra tion ad ju va tion in flam ma tion ^ SPELLING BOOK. ^ 117 The worst of all feuds, collisions and heart burnings are those which pertain to the domcBtic circle. Those who value peace, comfort aud enjoyment should avoid them as they would death. As a preventive, Jioneij is the best prescription. Vinegar is dead I j/. Words of Four k^yllahlcs^ ending in tion^ Accented on the Third, ac cep ta tiou ab so lu tion ex plo ra tion ad ap ta tion af fir ma tiou, ex tij; pa tion ac cla ma tion an no ta tion ex ul ta tion ac cu ba tion ag gra va tion ex pli ca tion a cer va tion em en da tion ex po si tion am bu la tion in car na tion ex cla ma tion am pu ta tion en er va tion ex an tla tion am mu ni tion ex pi ra tion ex ce la tion an i ma tion ex cla ma tion ex hi bi tion an nex a tion ev o la tion ex hor ta tion ap pa ri tion em u la tion ex su cla tion ap pel la tion ev o lu tion im mo la tion ap pe ti tion ev o mi tion im per fee tion ap pli ca tioi'i ex al ta tion im pli ca tion ap po si tion ex e era tion im por ta tion ap pre hen sion ex pe di tion im po si tion ap pro ba tion ex pla na tion im pre ca tion ab ju ra tion * ex por ta tion im preg na tion ab ne ga tion ex po si tion in can ta tion ab o li tion ex pur ga tion in car na tion LESSON XCI. A CONTRAST. Some murmur when their sky is clear, And wholly bright to view. If one small speck of dark appear In their great heaven of blue ; And ftome with thankful love arc filled, If but one streak of light, One ray of God's good mercy, gild The darkness of their night. 118 THE CONFEDERATE In palaces are hearts that ask, In discontent and pride, Why life is such a dreary task, And all good things denied ; And hearts in poorest huts admire How love has, in their aid, w(Love that not even seems to tire,) • Such rich provision made. — Trench. In (lie following words ^^sion " are pronounced ZHUN, - , and " sia '' like zha : af fu sion ad he sion ef fu sion a bra sion dif fu sion oc ca sion con fu sion in tru sion ob tru sion per sua sion" am bro sia col lu sion CO he sion e va sion €x plo sion col lu sion e lu sion con clu sion il lu sion in va sion dis sua sion de tru sion am bro sial dif fu sion A FABLE. de lu sion e ro sion pro fu sion dis plo sion per va sion cor ro sion in va sion suf fu sion e ro sion pro tru sion se clu sion ex cln sion THE OWL AND THE EAGLE. An owl that had often heard of the keenness and strength of the eagle's eye sight, bantered that lord of the feathered tribes to swap eyes with her, .'^Mine,'' said she, '^ are larger than yours, and they are better also, for you can see with them in the night." *^ I decline the trade," said the eagle. ," Your nature leads you to seek your prey in the night ; mine, in the clear sunshine. A change of eyes would impel to a change both of n5,ture and of occupation; and that might prove fatal to us both." MORAL. Discontent and a restless anxiety for change of condition or occupation, are the enemies both of enjoyment and life. SPELLING BOOK. 119 CONUNDRU^f. , Why was Frederick, when leaving home on a journey for the recovery of his health, like a man who had fallen from a tree, and'was determined to go up again ? Becanse he was going to try another clhnc. Prentice says : " It is bad husbandry when a man harrows up his wife's feelings/' LESSON XCII. THE ROBIN. PURE C L D AY A T E R . T asked a sweet robin, one morning in May, Who sang in the apple tree over the way, What 'twas she was singing so sweetly about. For I'd tried a long time, but could not find out ; " Why I'm," she replied. " you cannot guess wrong, Don't you know I'm singing a temperance song ? " " Teetotal." — 0, that's the first word of the lay, And then don't you see how I twitter about ; 'Tis because I've just dipped my beak in the spring, And brushed the fair face of the lake with my wing ; •' Cold water, cold water," yes, that is my song. And I love to keep singing it all the day long. And now, my sweet Miss, won't you give me a crunib. For the dear little nestlings are waiting at home ? And one thing besides, since my story you've he?rd, . I hope you'll remember " the lay of the bird ; " And never forget while you list to my song, v All the birds to the cold Vater army belong." Hood's ifelodiee. In the following words of two syllables, accented on the first, the n of the last syllable has the sound of yu^ or is preceded by the sound of y : na ture mix ture pic ture sculp ture tor ture fea ture pos ture Scrip ture su ture cap ture Ice ture rup ture stricture texture jointure puncture nur ture stat ure ves ture mois ture rap ture struc ture tine ture June ture \ 120 THE CONFEDERATE G and k are always silent before ?i. The followijig words illustrate that fact : gnarl gnash gnar gnat gnaw knob knock knap knave knur knead knee kneel know knew knife knight knit knob knock knoll knot knout knurl gno mon gnos tics knap sack knap weed knock er knock ing knot ty knot grass knot less know ing know er knowl edge knit ting knight hood knav ish knuc kle knot ted kna ver y kna vish ly knight errant knot ti ly knot ti ness know ing ly know a ble LESSON XCIII. BIRDS. A light broke in upon my soul — It was the carol of a biiM ; It ceased and then it came again, The sweetest song ear ever heard. THE HOOPOO. Children arc fond of birds. I wish they could all see the one I am about to describe. But it is not found in this country. The hoopoo is quite a pretty and quite an innocent bird. It is nearly twelve inches long, and is about the size of a pigeon. Its bill is long and slender, and it curves gently toward its breast. It is of a red color about its head and neck, but it has bars of white and black across its wings. It has a crest of feathers on its head, which fall back upon its neck ; but when it becomes excited, they rise iji the form of a half circle above its head. Its tail consists of ten -feathers, several inches long, and they are so arranged that when it is closed it forms a narrow fan in shape at the end like the new moon — the longest feathers being at the edges. ^ The hoopoo belongs to Europe, but it goes to warmer ePKLLIKO BOOK. 121 cUraatea in the winter. It never makea a nest, but hides its egpjs in holes or crevices of the walls of houses or other buildings. Take it all together it i:; a rarp bird, and it is here described because it is so singular. 111 the following words ng' are heard, sharp and close, in both syllables : clan gor an g^r an gle dan gle an gry an gler an guish con go din gle fan gle din gle fun gus fin ger hun gry * in gle hunger . jan gler *jan gling jun gle , Ian guid Ian guish jingle longest mango Ion ger min gle man gler sin gle strong est young est The Rainbow is caused by the sun's rays passing thrx)ugh drops of water. The ra3's are thus divided into the seven diifereut colors; and these, meeting the eye at a certain angle as they are thrown off from the countless drops that fall during a shower, form that beautiful, many- colored arch. LESSON XCIY. MORNING SONG OF GLADNESS. As a bird in meadow fair, Or in lonely forest sings, , Till it fills the summoi' air, , And the greenwood sweetly rings ; • So my heart to Thee would raise, Oh ! my God, its soQg of praise, That the gloom of night is o'er. And I see the «un once more. If thou, Sun of Love, arise, All my heart with joy js stirred. And to greet Thee upward flies,- Gladsome as yon litde bird. 122 ^U2 Qomm^t^A's^ Shine thou in me clear and bright, Till I leai'Q to praise Thee right ; Guide me in the narrow wa}'^; "Let nie ne'er in darkness stray. lly Thy spirit strengthen me, In the faith that leads to Thee, Then an heir of liie on high. Fearless I may live and die. G is silent in the foUowino: words : sign re sign de sign im pregn as sign con dign ma lign in dign con sign be tiigri im pugn en sign Tlae vowels in the second syllable of the*following words are mute : ba con bea con bra zen hid den bid den box en black en 'boun den but ton bat ten beech en ba sin bla zon beat en bit ten cho sen beck on clo ven Words of two syllables, in which (h have the soft or vocal sound : fath er breth ren . lath er with er feath er whith er faV thing heath en fath om cloth ier ei ther South ern gath er North ern nei ther un wreathe lath er . broth er * thith er be neath ppth er moth er leath er be queath broth el wor thj oth er weath er LESSON XCY. THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL. There is a God who reigns above, Lord of heaven, nud earth, and seas; I fear his wrath, I ask his love, And with my lips I sing his praise. Bmumm moK^ • 123 -'.c x^w ij; r M e -w^ ' -i!> ' g a & * m v» s.x *j 5g «i T wa w g o •Thore is' a lawwliuili ile hafi writ, To teach iis all that we must do ; My soul to ilis commands submit, For they are hol}^, just find true. . There is a gospel of* rich orace, • Whence sinners all t.lieir comforts draw; Lord, I repent and seek Thy face, For I have often broke Thy law. There is nn hour v»'hen I must die, Nor do I know how soon 'twill come* A thousand children, young as I, Arc called to their eternj^l home. Let me improve the hours I have, Before the day of grace is fled; For there's no repentance in the grave, Nor pardom offered to the dead. SOUllCE OP. COLORS. The lovely colors, light and shade, Of every varied hue, All these our heavenly Father made. All praise to II im is due. A colorless world, what' would it be ! Light is the source of all color. Had light been made different from what it is, there would either have been no color, or the colors would have been different from those which we now see. Were there no light, perfect blackness would cover the whole face of nature. Light, as it comes to us from the sun, is irliitc. But when divided, it iS" found to consist of seven different colors. These are called red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Now, the reason why bodies have so many different appearances as regards color is this : I^odies that absorb' all the light which falls on them are Uach, just as all the world would be if there were no light. Others that reflect all the rays are wlu'tc. They do not divide the light at all. The black bodies swallow it whole; the white ones throw 124 tJIB CONriCDfiSATE it back whole. The light comes to our eyes from them just as it was before it fell upon them. That is the reason why they appear white. All other bodies divide thelight^ absorb most of the ra}"s, but throw back some of them. The body that appears red throws off the red rays. The blue body throws back the blue ruys. And so of al[ the rest. By this simple, and yet wonderful process, all the different colors are produced ! Truly God's ways of doing things are calculrUed to fill us with wonder and delight. Try now wbether, when you look at different objects, you can tell whtt each one does with the light that falls upon ■ it. Remember that each body appears to be of the same color with the light it reflects. LESSON XCVI. TPIE RAINBOW. Far up the blue sky a fair rainbow unrolled Its soft-tinted pinions of purple and gold ; 'Twas born in a moment, yet quick at its birth, * It had stretched to the uttermost ends of the earth; And fair as an angel, it floated as free, With a wing on the earth and a wing on the sea. /in the beginning of a sjdlable, in the following words, has the souqcI of the consonant y ; bill-ion is pronounced as if written hiU-yon^ and so in all the • other words : Sav iour min ion brill iant dis nn ion court ier pin ion bat tal ion p>e cul iar pav ior trillion pavilion behavior - jun ion pon iard fa mil iar ci vil ian cloth ier val iant ver mil ion se ragl io sen ior on ion com raun ion al ien ate bill ion bill iards mo dill ion val iant \j coll ier scull ion com pan ion bil ia ry fil ial runn ion o pin ion brill ian cy mill ion trunn ion re bell ion val iant ness SPELLING BOOK. 125 ANECDOTES. THE SCOTCHMEN Two elderly Scotchmen, full of dry liuiiior, were spending an evpning . together. One of them complained of a ringing in his head. The other promptly and earnestly enquired.- ''Do you know why it rings?" "No/' said his afHictcd companion, ''I do not." "Then," said he, " t will tell you ; it is because it is f.mpf>/ t " "And do you never have a ringing in your head," enquired "empty" head of the other. "No, never,'' said he. "And do j^ou know why that uV "No," said he. "Well, then, I will tell you," said the other. " It is because it is cracl-cd !" Cleopatra's decoction of diamonds, as a rare dish, was:} fairly exceeded in originality' and neatness of conception by the English sailor, wJio placed a ten pound note between two slices of bread and butter, and made his black-eyed Susan eat it as a sandwieh. LESSON XCVII. THE SLOTHFUL. As vinegar to the teeth, and ns smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him. Ef>aminondas, the Theban General, having found a sentinel asleep at his post, thrust him thro' with his sword and left him dead I AVheu others cast up that act to him as a feproach, he replied : " i Ir/t him an I found him ! " IHs meaning was that idlers, drones and sluggards .ire at once drad^ to all the ends of their being, and us useless to the world as dead people are. Man was made for activity and enterprise. Our first parents were placed in a magnificent garden — an inviting field of action — and they were required to ^' dress it and hep it." Alas I that any of their descendants should ever become* "creation's blank, creation's blot." Would wo fill our stations aright, we must be at once good, active and vseftd, 126 THE CONFEDERATE In this list of words c, s and t have the sound of sk when followed by i oi u: ra-ti-o, ra-she-o: cen. sure fis sure is sue pres sure spa eies in su lar con su lar sen su al as su ranee li cen ti ate pro pi ti ate e. maci ate vi ti a tion ap pre ci ate ton sure pre science pre sci ent tis sue spa ci ate pre sci ous as sure sa.ti ate gra ci afe en sure ra ti o gla ci al in sure gl^" ci ate cas si a corn men su rate men su ra tion con so ci ate in sa ti a ble ii du ci a ry an nun ci ate dis so ci ate in gra ti ate ne go ti a tor of fi ci ate ex pa ti ate ne g^o ti ate e nun ci ate as so ci a tion an nun ci a tion con so ci a tion e nun ci a tion pro pi ti a tion Kegard every day of your life as a page of your histor3\ Be careful, therefore, that nothing be written on it which, "at last, you would wish to have blotted out. Once entered, the record is made forever. LESSON XCVIII. FRUITS. Fruits stand prominent among our earthly blessings. They add, at once_, to substantial living and grateful enjoy- ment. They come early, pour forth their summer abundance, and not a i'evf of them abide with us tlirough the winter. What warm friends, what welcome visitors are they on cold winter evenings ! The only wonder is, that through our whole Confederacy, they have not been multiplied a thousand fold i Roll on, blessed dayj when they shall clusior round tlie dwellings of the poor, adorn the grounds and load the tables of all our substantial planters, and fii), with their profusion of luxuries the cellars of the wealthy and the greut, of what- BTer profesgion or calling, Men ftix public besefsf^tovf? *-vhc» introduce into eur SPELLING -BOOK. 127 ^ .. — ~ ^■■:-; -i jX:. , ^,. — *— country fine varieties, and supply tlicir fellow-citizens with grafted vines and trees of the most approved qualities. The South is the land of fruits as well as of flowers. Taking our whole Confederacy together, we can raise more kinds of fruits, and most of them better ones, than can be reared i^n the States farther North. Trees once procured, it requires but little labor to keep them in order. No yearly planting is required as in other crops. All the attention they require affords but a delight- ful occupation for leisure hours. Fruits, fruits ! let them, then, be everj'where foujid, everywhere enjoyed. Words of Five JStjUahles, Accented on the Third. circum an bi ent in do scri ba ble sub ter ra ne ous circuni locu tion aii i raal i iy cir cu la to ry cir cum vo lu tion in car nal i ty in ad ver tent ly Op por tu ni ty in ex cu sa ble mis eel la ne ous importuni ty in com pat i ble mi cros iJop i cal an ni ver sa ry mag is te ri al cos mo graph i cal im me mori al lit er a ri an by dro stat i cal im ma te ri al mat ri mo ni al an a tOm i cal un con sre ni al sen a to ri al as tro nora i cal un ad vi scd 1}^ min is te ri al in tro due to ry det ri men tal 13^ die ta to ri al in ter ja cen cy dis in gen u ous in se cu ri ty sue ce da ne ous in con so la ble in de struc ti ble par si mo ni ous ir respon si ble in tcl lee tu al pen i ten tia ry an ti mo ni al in ef li cicn cy per son al i ty in ter cal a ry in.co he rent ly pop u lar i ty in ac ces si ble par lia mcnt a ry pos si bi-1 i ty in ad ver ten cy pat ri mo ni al prob a bil i ty tes ta men ta ry mcr i to ri ous prod i gal i ty tel e graph i cal si mul ta 11c ous in si pid i ty LESSON XCIX. STAND FOR TUK lUGnT. Be firm, be bold, be strong, be true, And dare to stand alone ; Strive for the right, whatc'er ye do, Xhoug^i helpers there arc none> 128 THE CONFEDEKATE Nay, bend not to tlie swelling surge Of public sneer and wrong ; ^Twill bear tliec on to ruin'n verge, With current wild and strong. Stand for the right! tho' falsehood rail. And proud lips coldly sneer — A poisoned arrovf cannot wound A conscience pure and clear. Stand for the right ! and with clean hands Exalt the truth on high ; Thou'lt find warm, sy^mpathizi ng hearts Among the passers-by. Stand for the right! proclaim it loud, . Thou'lt find an answering tone In honest hearts, and thou'lt no more ]3e doomed to stand alone. TOO INQUISITIVE ANT) MISCHIEVOUS. A F ABLE. A monkey "Tsaw his master hide something in his garden. He marked the place with his eye, and, when he thought no one saw him, he went and raked away the covering to see what had been so carefully concealed. But instead of discovering a treasure, suddenly he found his paw caught in a trap, by which he was maimed for the rest of his life. MORAL. Nes'^er meddle with that which neither belongs to you, rior concerns you. Words of Four SijUahles^ Accented on tile Second. a bom i nate im per feet ly mi rac u Ions a nat o my per fid i ous im per ti nent a nal o goiis fas tid i ous im per son al a non y mons u nan i mous im pla ca ble bar bar i ty nn gen er ous im pos si ble be nev o lent as par a gus mu nif i eent am big n ous pre cip it ous im prov i dent pa dav er ous fira pLib i ou,3 non res i de^t SPELLING BOOK. 129 ca lum ni ate fruc tif er ous im mis ci bio ini ped i ment impa tient ly im pen i tent im per a tivc m gen ii ous in con gru ous sig nif i cant con com i tant miig nif i cent CO in ci dent in dem ni ty LESSON C. MAN. be nef i cent pre dom i nant ex trav a gant ha bil i ment im ped i ment im pet u ous Scarce less, at first, -than angels made, And then for him that ransom paid ! How majestic, god-like and grand, When all his noblest powers expand ! ERECT POSITION. , It is the gloi-y of man, that while the brute creation are prone — inclining to the earth — his Maker gave to him an erect position and a lofty countenance. Nor is the "human face divine " more worthy of admiration than the agile movements of the human I'mme, when its symmetry is complete and eveiy muscler plays well its part. And yet where can we look upon a crowd of human beings, without heing pained at beholding the curbed spines, the rounded shoulders, the sunken chests, the pro- jecting necks, the rigid muscles, and the awkward and slovenly movements of many a lord or lady of this lower creation ! The origin of most of these deformities, and the causes of these painful sights, arc found in the shameful neglect of p/(//.swV.-a/ traitiiiKj in our family circles and our institu- tions of learning. An erect position, with the chest expanded, the coun- tenance slightly elevated, and the weight of the body thus supported at ease over the feet, is at once the most hcalth/v I as well as the most du/nijied and graceful that can be occupied. Aiftl yet, with a little attention to training, in early life, how easily is this^acquired and ri)tained ! It should, therefore, bo the law of every family and every school, that dMren and youth itand ercctj iU crect^ walh 130 THE CONFEDERATE erect, and that every motor muscle Ks trained to easy and • graceful movements. How different, and bow vastly improved «. race of beings, w(?nld we^ soon be were these simple laws of nature strictly enforced! Parents and teachers have before them, in this department, a wide field for beneficent effort. BOASTING. A Kentuckian once boasted that he could dive deeper, stay down longer, and come up tlrkr than any other man on the globe. LESSON CI. I N N C ]^] N T 1' LAY. Abroad in the meadows to see the j-oung lambs Run sporting about by the side of their dams, With ileeces so clean and so whit^; Or a nest of young doves, in a large opan cage, AVhen thty play all in love, without auger or .rage, How mucli may we learn from the sight ! If we had been ductks, we might dabble in mud ; Or dogs, we might^play till it euded in bl^od, So foul and so iierce aie their natures ; But Thomas and William, and such pretty names, Should be cleanly and harmless as doves or as Iambs — Those lovely, sweet, innocent creatures. Not a thing that we do, not a word that we say, Should injure another, in jesfing or play, For he's still in earnest that's hurt! How rude are boys that throw pebbles and mire ! There's none but a madman will fling about tire, And tell you " 'Tis all but in sport." THE JJQG AND THE SMADO^y. A F A B L E . A dog, with, a large picoS of ilesh in his month, was crossing; a smooth and limpid strc:i;n,.on a clear sunny day. His shadow was so strongly depictod on the stream, that he took it for another dog equally hiden with a similar booty. His eager desires got the better of bis judgment. -Letting go his own, he plunged at the meat of the supposed other dog! He grasped but -a shadow I And, in the meautime, his own valued prize had sunk to the bottom. SPELLING BOOK. 181 MORAL. Look before you leap. Never let go the substance to grasp at shadows. A wasted morning- makes a sad and dark Evening. If there bo no sowing, there can be no gathering ; but if no gathering, there must be extreme want and wretch- edness. Words of Five Syllables^ Accented on the, Second. ac ce})t a ble ness irii me di nte \y in cal cu la ble ao com irio da ble im med i ca ble in can ta to ry iic com mo date Ij il lib er al ly men da ci ous ness accom pa nable il lini it a ble me thod i cal ly aecompani ment il lit er a cy ju rid i cal ly og gy dig ging leg gin gift nog gin wag gish bag ging leg god tar get wag ging geld ing 134 THE CONFEDERATE rag ged pig gin an trer drug got drug gist flog ging flog ged slirug ged shrugging gif ted cog ger hug ged hug ging gild in gil der cird er fog gy jaggy ]-ug ged tug ged log ged get tmg fkg ged jag ged gir die bi\ie: ser to" au ger snag ged gew gaw dog ged dog gish liog gish AVords in which cA have the sound of sh ; and i that of e long : brag ging swag ging tag ging chaise chan ere cham ade chara pai^n chi cane chev er il chev a lier chiv al ry chan de lier cap a pie cap u chin car bin ier can non ier brig a dier bom ba zine sub ma rine ti'ans ma rine.- mag a zine cav a lier cor de lier man da rin po lice ma rine fas cine cash ier fron tier der nier CURTIUS. VALOn AND I'ATIUOTISM. It is said that a feartiii torreut,'f rom beneath the surface, once burst up in the Forum of ancient Rome. The popu- lace became alarmed. The. Augurs were consulted. Their response was, that the breach never could be closed until the most precious things in Koine were thrown into it. ■ Upon hearing this, t^urtius, a noble-minded and heroic Koman, clad*in complete armor, and mounted on horseback, .leaped into the midst of it, declaring that there was nothing more valaable than valor ixnd patriotism. Tlie historians declare that the gulf immediately closed, and that Cuvtius was seen no more. There is many a moral breach in this our beloved Con- federacy, whose bitter and poisonous floods would over- whelm and- desolate our whole land ! Who and where are the self-sacriticing sons of the South that ore ready, as the embodiment of valor and christian patriotism, to achieve immortal honor by a similar piocedure ? SPELLiNO BOOK. 135 LESSON CIV. GOD'S PRAISE. Let every creafure join To praise the eternal God ; ■ Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin, And sound Ills name abroad. Thou sun with golden beams, And' moon with paler rays, Ye st'iiry lights, ye twinkling flames, Shine to your Maker's praise. ''^He built tliose worlds above, And fixed their wondrou!^ frame; By his command they stand or move, And ever speak His n^mc. THE MOON. This beautiful orb has no light of its own. It shines only by reflecting the light of the sun. That side of it which is turned tov/ard the* sun is bright; the other side is dark. The moon is a small body, chiefly made to give light upon the earth. The distance through it is only two thousand miles. Its distance from the earth is two hundred and forty thousand miles It completes its revolution round the earth, as its centre of motion, once in twenty-nine days and a half. The appearances of the moon are very different in the difl'erent parls of its orbit. These changes in appearance * are called its " j^A'tr.sr.s.'' The moon turns on its axis once each time it goes round the earth. Only one side of it is ever seen by us. When the moun passes between us and the sun, as it does once a month, its dark gide is turned toward us : then . it gives us no light. It seems as if it had gone out, or had ceased to oJvist. But in a day or two a little of its bright side is turned towards us, and it appears like .^a strip of gold an inch broad, tapered at the ends into two sharp horns. Then it is called new moon. 136 THE CONFEDERATE From tliat time, for two weeks, it shows more of .its bright side each night, till it apptjars round as a cart wheel. Then it is called full moon. From the day on which it is full until the next new moon, it seems to waste away again to nothing. Then it passes on, and begins again to enlarge as before. This is the way it does the whole year through, and from age to age. Now, though it a-pjycars as if it had W'astcd to nothing, and an entirely new moon had come into existence, it is not so. We have the same moon now that shone upon the Patriarchs before the flood. The moon, by its attraction, raises the tides in the ocean. But we do not know that it exerts any influence upon either the animal or the vegetable world. LESSON CV. GRATEFUL DEVOTION. How much is mercy Thy delight, Thoii ever blessed God ! How dear Thy servants in Thy sight, How precious is their blood ! How happy all Thy servants are, How great Thy grace to me ! My life which Thou hast made Thy care. Lord, I devote to Thee. The soft or open sound of ng is heard in the following words : .- bang bang- sing string bring sang song strong bung hung sung slung king ring . swing sling cling ling sprung spring clung pang tung sprang lungs Drong tiling ding rung 3ung dung strung stung flung wriwg gang wrong twang swang gong SPELLING BOOK. 13T Although no other letter comes between the g and the n in the following words, yet the}'' belong to different syllables; and therefore the sound proper of each, when separate, is retained : sig nal in dig nant des ig na tion sig ni fy in dig ni ty im preg na ble dig ni ty as sig na tiom sig nif i cant dig ni fy res ig na tion sig ni fi ca tion preg nant op pug nan cy lig num vi taj ira preg n ate re pug nant lig nif er ous 3reg nan cy re pug nan cy cog ni tion 3e nig nant • mag ni fy cog na tion be nig ni ty mng nif i cent ag ni tion ma lig ni ty cog ni zance ig ni tion ma lig nant rec og nize - cog nos ci ble "CONSIDER THJl LILIES." 1. Several important lessons might be learned from a proper consideration of the lily. It is the emblem of purity^ modesty and humility; and its teachings are at once pleasing and impressive. 2. In common with jnany other plants, it displays the wisdom, power, goodness and superintending care of the Creator. But it would seem that its chief mission into the world was to impress upon mankind the importance of that crowning christian grace — humilifi/. ^ ' 3. It teaches this lesson by the j'^odtion in which it grows, and the attitude which it assumes. It is ^^ the lilt/ of the vallrf/." It loves lonely places and lonely situations. The back-ground and the shade are its delight. 4. You do not find it on the mountain top, or showing forth its splendor from the lofty cliff. You must search for it in the most retired places. Its stalk is uncomely, and it grows without the slightest pretension. Its cliief beauty is in its flowers; but it, in a great measure, con- ceals its leaves. 5. It show^ its humility also by its attitudr as well as its position. When the lily is about to bloom, it hangs down its head as if it wished to PQOce^l its beauty and withdraw from observation, 138 " . THE OONFEDERATB G. The pink, the rose and the proud dahilia lift up their heads, 'and seem to covet attention and applause. '^Corne, -Bee how beautiful 1 am." Not*so the lily. It mates no such display. On the contrary, every feature indicates modesty and humilify. 7. Although '' Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these," the lily has neither pride nor vanity. Thus it shows how despicable ai* these c{ualities among the dwellers upon the earth. 8. From the fact that it makes no display, but conceals its beauty, it teaches us to seek suhdantial vsorth^ and not be captivated by beauty or external appearances alone. Quest ions."~J)Q,^Q,Y\hQ the lily, and state the several lessons it teaches? Notice that the sum of the whole is, tliat humility h the chief christian grace, and that worth h before beauty. LESSOxNl CVI. INFINITE EXCELLENCE. 1. could I speak the matchless worth ! could. I set the glories forth ! Which in my Saviour shine, I'd soar ai^d touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings, In notes almost divine. 2. I'd sing the precious blood he spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin and wrath divine; I'd sing his glorious righteousness. In which all- perfect heavenly dress My soul shall ever shine. 3. I'd sing the characters he bears. And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne ; In lofricst songs of sweetest praisCj 1 vfould to everlasting days ^loke rH hi§ glotiee l?nowni SPELLING BOOK. 139 4. Soon tlic delightful day will come, AYhen my dear Lord will call me home, And I shall see his face; Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in his grace. ^ CONSCIENCE. We cannot escape the company of our own conscience. By niulit and by day — in company or in solitude, it is always with us. He is wih-c, then, who, by always doing his duty, makes conscience a pleasant and cheering companion. But to the wicked, instead of being a bosom friend, it is a bosom fury. date and iiate in the following words are • pro^' nounced as if written ^^ shatc:^^ OS so oiate ex pa tiate an nun ciate dis so ciate ne go tiate li cen tiate con so ciate in gra tiato^ sub Stan tiate e ma ciate in sa tiate pro pi tiate In the following words ^t? is silent: who ?^;hoop whom so ever whose. wdioUj whole sale ivhom who ever whole some ivho]e who so ever whole some ness X, in the following words, takes the sound of gz ex ist ex is tence ex am ine ex act ex u ber ant ex am pie ex empt ^ex liib it ex or dium ex bort Vx or bi tant ex em plar ex ert ex ec u tor ex em phi ry exalt ex ec u trix ex em pli iy ex ude ex as per ate ex on cr ate ex haust ex ec u tive ex emp tion ex or bi lant exile ex ng ger ato ex ult tcx ot itt ex or bl tano© 140 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON CYII. FLOWERS. Foster the good, and thou shalfc tend the flower, Already sown on earth ; Eoster the beautiful, and every hour Thou call'st new flowers to birth. Ye are the scriptures of the earth, Sweet flowers, fair and frail ; " A sermon, speaks in every bud That woos the summer gale. There is a lesson in each flower, A story in eacli stream and bower ; On every herb on which we tread, Are written words, which rightly read, Would lead you from earth's fragrant sod, To hope, to holiness, and God. ANTIQU^ED WORDS. Living languages are constantly changing. Certain words and phrases cease to be used ; others come in their places! Words not now used are said to be antiquated. Many such words are now found in our translation of the sacred scriptures. The following are examples of that kind — with their meanings *attached : albeit although kerchiefs caps anon soon kine cows bewray * expose leasing lying cracknels cakes listeth Dleasetli, days-man umpire let linder fenced fortified peeled ^ smoothed holpen helped jjassion suffering liosen stockings blains blisters molten melted prevent go before carriages baggage advisement counsel unwittingly unawares implead to go to law seetlje boil (leal portion i5?i;i.trN0 moK^ Ul etrew twain wist straitly meat clean quick ravin bruit wax fray eschew scatter two know strictly food entirely living prey rumor become frighten avoid tache wench sad tale wot harness worship cuiinine: honest ensue instant trow iD button gin boiled number knew armor reverence skillful decent pursue earnest think "Four beasts," living ones. " Uppermost rooms," chief seats, "Do* you to wit," cause you to know. "Cast in the teeth," reproach or reprove. *' Chode with," quarreled or disputed. . "Living waters/' running or flowing. LESSON CVIII. THE TEMPTING CUP. Look not upon the wine when it Is red within the cup ! Stay not for pleasure when she fills Her tempting heaker up ! Tho' clear its depths, and rich its glow, A spell of madness lurks below. They say, ^tis pleasant on the lip, And merry on the Ijrain ; They say it stirs the sluggish hlood, And dulls the tooth of pain. Ay I but within the flowing deeps A stinging seipent, unseen^ sleeps. Its rosy lights will turn to fire, Its coolness change to thirst ; And, by its mirtli, within the brain A sleepless worm is nursed. There's not a bubble on the brim That docs not carry food for liim. u^ tHE COHFEt'SrtAT^ Tlien dasli the brimming. cup ftsido, - i\.nd spill its purple wine*; Take not its raadneys to thy lip — Let not its curse be thine. 'Tis red and rich — but grief and woe Are hid, in those ropy depths below. WiLf.TS. Words of Five ap pel la to ry sym met ri cal ly u nan i mous ly im meas ur a We im mod er ate ly de rog a to ry d'e lib er ate \y in con ti nen cy un con quer a ble un rea son a ble in com pe ten cy in or di nate ly com par a tive ly con tern po ra ry con ter min ous ly con tempt u ous ly com men su ra ble con tarn in a b!e in im i ta ble in yi o la ble in vul ner a ble in es ti ma ble in tol er a ble Syllables^ Accented on (lie Second. im pet u'ous ly un sea sou a ble pre em i ncnt ly dis pen sa to ry de lib er ate ly con sid er a biy ir ref ra ga ble com pul sa to ry com men da to ry con sec u tive ly iu ap pe ten cy re mu ner a tive pre fig u ra tive an nun ci a tive inflammableness in com par a bly in Sep a ra ble in ad e qua cy e rad i ca ble ex trav a gant ly iu ter mi ua ble in cu ri ous ly un rea son a ble in cal cu la ble im mod er ate ly un par don a ble pre sumpt u ous ly in of fi ca cy in ac cu ra cy ex ter min -a ble . ex tern po ra ry ' in el li gi ble ex clam ma to ry he red i ta ry in her i ta ble in vul ner a ble in su per a ble ae com pa ni ment il log i cal ly un com foi;t a ble un suf fer a ble un an swer a ble un so ci a ble fe ro ei ous ly im^er a tive ly im per ish a ble LESSON CIX. PRAISE AND CONFIDENCE. 1. Thro' all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. ^i^sstLij-re^ mm, S. My soul shall inako hor boast in Tlini, And celebrate His fume ; Come, m8gnify tho Lord with me, Witli me exalt His name. 3. The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just; Deliverance He affords to all Who on His succor trust. 4. O make but trial of His love, Expeyence shall decide, How blest are they, and only they. Who in His truth confide. T). Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear; Come, make His service your deli^iht, He'll make your wants his care. Chj in the following words, liav Christ chlo ride chasm . mon arch chrism an arch chyle Plu tarch chyme stom acli cliord chro mate choir an ar chy chrome an cho ret scheme arch i tect ache chrys o lite loch cat e chisin school cat e chist ar chives char ac ter an chor • in cho ate tro chee chol er ic cho ral al cliem ist cho rus al chem y cha OS lach ry nial i chor ol i garch Sep ul cher o chre e the sound of 7: o chre oiis sac cha rine brach i al cliol e ra ca chex y chor is tcr syn chro mism chron i cle chron i cler pa tri arch . eu cha rist och i my or ches tra scho las tic al pa ro chi al me chan ic al al chem ic al cha me le on cha lyb e ate a nach ro nism 144 THE CO^^rEBSEAtE e pooh tech nio al cbro nom e ter ech o arch i tect chi rog ra phy chron ic . • arch i trave chi* rog ra pher chem ist arch a ism chro nol o gy chris tian arch e type mo narch ic al Christ mas chrys a lid lo gom a chy schir rus scho li nm the om a chy schoon er scho li ast cho rog ra phy Bchol ar pol e march syn ec do che chol er mach i nate bron chot o my sched ule mon ar chy cat e chet ic al pas chal hep tar chy ich thy ol o gy LESSON ex. NATIONAL PRAYER FOR THE SOUTHERN CONFED- ERACY. {Tune — Amkrica.) God bless our sunoy land ! May Heaven's protecting hand Still guard our shore, From foes by land and sea; May we suc3essful be, From strife be ever free As ne'er before ! From Death, a nation's grief, ' O Lord, preserve our Chief :— • , Long may he live — His heart inspire and move With wisdom from above, And in a nation's love His power control. May just and, righteous laws Uphold the people's cause, And bless the South ; Land of the martyrs' grave. Home of the free and brave ! — On such a land we crave, God, thy smile. Wakd. ^mLhm& BOOE. 145 t. .* .y tn j '" iJ 'jC'tggy-.Jt»%j Rv r^iCry» a g w<^ * v " awcMjp» »^ tr^^ ■ M t j f ^K i^ vm.BUv ^: mm 99 In the following wordfl of two and three syllableg e before the d at the end is silent, and the d is prO' nouncedin connection with the preceding syllable: brib ed kill ed call ed warn cd saw ed ^^naw ed form cd sow ed soil ed coin ed coil ed sour ed pav ed roll ed seem ed mow ed fear ed' ra/s ed prazs ed liv ed oil ed . foil ed prowl ed pour ed us ed tir ed seal ed sav ed pain cd ple«s ed drain ed rain ed toil (?d boil cd growl ed frown ed con ven ed con vey ed com menc ed as sum -ed de priv ed sur viv ed de sir ed con spir ed de form ed sub serv ed • bap tiz ed blasphemed D, at the end of the following words, has the sound of t: fac ed ask ed im press ed dis miss ed lac ed fix ed perch ejX preach ed bas ed mix ed de press ed reach ed gra ced talk ed class ed in due ed pla ced ^valk ed cross ed re due ed rak ed work ed lash ed re lax ed quak ed wish ed bark ed em bark ed nurs ed class ed dash ed dis pers ed THE RAINBOW AND THE COVENANT. And (Jod blessed Noah and his sons^ and said unto them : Be fruitful and ninltiply and replenish the earth. Every thing that livoth shall be meat for yon; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, -which is the blood, thereof shall ye not eat. And surely your*blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man ; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. G 146 5?HB COKFfiDKHATE Attd G-od spake unto Noah and his sons with him, saying ; Behold I establish my covenant with you and your seed after you. And Grod said : this is the token of the covenant which I make between me ;iand you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual gene- rations. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between mc and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud : And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you, and every living creature of all flesh : and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And God said unto Noah : This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. — Bible. LESSON CXI. UNITED HEARTS. I saw two clouds at morning Tinged with the rising sun ; And in-tlie dawn they floated on. And mingled into one : I thought that morning cloud was blest, It moved so sweetly to the West. I saw two summer currents Flow smoothly to their meeting, And join their course with silent force, In peace each other greeting : (>alm was their course thro' banks of green, While dimpling eddies played between. Such be your gentle motion, Till life's last pulse shall beat ; • Like summer's beam and sumnaer's ptreani. Float on in joy to meet A calmer sea, where storms shall cease — A purer sky where all ;s peace. Moore. Si*»LHKa BOOK. U7 Woj^ds of Seven Syllahlesl Accented on the Fifth. per pen die u lar i ty im pen e tra bil i ty an ti trin i ta ri an , ir re sist i bil i ty in de struc ti bil i ty ini per cep ti bil i ty in el li gi bil i ty in com pat i bil i ty in di vis i bil i ty in di vid u al i ty im ma te ri al i ty • in com press i bil i ty in de fen si bil i ty in com bus ti bil i ty in con tes ti bil i ty in con form a bil i ty The Two following in Eight Syllahles have the Accent on the Sixth: un in tel li gi bil i ty in com pre hen si bil i ty THE SHOPKEEPER AND THE LAWYER. A shopkeeper, in a certain city, sent a servant to the office of a lawyer, requesting him to lend him a hook which was known to be in liis library. The reply was : ''I cannot lend the book, but if you will come to my o&ce you may read all day in it/' A short time after this, the lawyer, on a cold rainy morning, sent to borrow the shopkeeper's fire-bellows. The following answer was returned : " I cannot let the bellows go out of my shop ; but, as often as it suits your convc; nience, }'ou may come and blow all day with it." LESSON CXII. BEHOLD THE LOFTY SKY. Behold the lofty sky Declares its Maker, God, And all the starry worlds on high Proclaim Mis power abroad. The darkness and the light Still keep their course the same ; While night to-day, and day to-night, Divinely teach His name. In every diiferent land Their general voice is known ; They show the wonders of His hand| And orders from His throne. THE STARRY HEAVEN?. The blue canopy above us, bo thickly studded with stars, has, in all ages and countries, been contemplated with wonder and delight. To us, at the South, those brilliant orbs shine with captivating beauty. The children^ therefore, of our Southern Confederacy, should not only become well acquainted" with that delight- ful science — astronomy — which treats of them, but they should make the starry heavens a subject of frequent and delightful contemplation. I have already told you about the sun, the moon and the earth. I will now tell you about the stars. There are two kinds of stars. One kind consists of planets; the other of fixed stars. The word planet ^means a wanderer. This name is given to those orbs which revolve around the sun as their centre of motion, because they are constantly changing their places. Thore are eight principal planets. None of them has any light of its own. The earth is one of the planets ; and you know that it is a dark body. The names of tbc planets are : Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranius and Neptune. Each planet has two motions — one around its own axis, and the other a progressive motion in its orbit around the ^un. Each turn on its axis makes a day ; and a complete revolution in its orbit makes a year. The earth turns on its axis three hundred and sixty-five times, while it makes its yearly circuit round the sun ; and that is the reason why we have that number of days and nights in our year. Those planets which have larger orbits liave many more days in their year^.han we have in ours. All the larger planets which rcvolvo around the sun as their centre of motion are called 2)rimar7/ planets. Those which revolve round the primary are called secondnri/ planets or moons. The Earth has one moon, Jupiter four, Saturn seven. The use of the moon, you know, is to give light at night to the primary planet, by refl-ccting upon it the light of the sun. In another lesson 1 will tell you about the fixed stai's. SPELLING BOOK. 149 LESSON CXIII. WORTH OF THE BIBLE. The Bible ! the Bible ! More precious than gold, The hopes and the glories Its pages unfold ! It speaks of salvation, Wide opens the door; Its offers are free To the rich and the poor. The Bible! the Bible! Blest volume of truth ; How sweetly it smiles On the season of youth ! It bids us seek early The '^ pearl of great price," Ere the heart is enslaved In the bondage of vice. Anomalous Words. The following words vary from all the regular vowel sounds, as indicated modes of pronouncing the in the foregoing exercises : buoy c'hoir cough draught laugh one once rouge says said slough tough troiigU buoe kwire kof draft laf wun wuns roozhc sez sed sluff tutf trof hie cough J ron laugh ter ma ny neph ew pret ty waist coat ser geaut su gar wo nien a gain a gainst bat teau hik kup i urn laf tur m'en ne nev vu prife te wes kot sar jant shu gur wim miu a gen a genst bat to 150 THE CONFEDERATE any a pron bu sy bu si ness Col nel cup boArd flam beau haut boy hal le lu jah pal an quin en ne a purn biz.ze biz ness kur nel kub burd flam bo ho boe hal le lu ya pal an keen bu reau CO quette der nier e nough bu ro ko ket dern yare e nuf main tain men tane cbor is ter kwir is ter lieu ten ant lev ten ant port man teau port man to roq ue laur rok e lor belles let tres bel la tur Cyrus' Crown, — Cyrus, the Persian King, was accus- tomed to say that did men but know the cares he had to sustain, he thought no man would wish to wear his crown. Alexander's Tears. — The conquests of Alexander the Grreat could not satisfy him • for when he had con- quered the whole of the known world, he sat down and wept because he knew of no other world to conquer. LESSON CXIY. THE SKY-LARK. 1. Eternal minstrel, pilgrim of the sky, - Dost thou despise the earth where cares abound, Or, while thy wings aspire, are heart and eye Both with thy nest upon the dewy ground ? Thy nest which thou canst drop into at will, Those quivering wings composed, and music still. 2. To the last point of vision, and beyond. Mount, daring worbler ! the love prompted strain, ^Twixt thee and thine a never-failing bond Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain ! Yet inight'st thou seem, proud privilege to sing, Independent of the leafy spring. • 3. Leave to the nightingale the shad}' wood, A privacy of glorious light is thine, AYhence thou dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with rapture more divine! Type of the wise who soar, but never roam, True to the kindred points of heaven and home ! SPELLING BOOK. 151 Quotations Ad iDliuitum Ad valorem Alma mater Anglice Beau molide • Bona fide Bon mot Bon ton Caput mortuum Carte blanche Compos mentis Coup do main Cornu copia) En masse E pluribus ununi Ex officio Ex parte Fac simile Fille de chambrc Fortiter in re Habeas corpus In statu quo In to to Ipse dixit Ipso facto Literatim Lex talionis froin other Layiguages, without end according to value a cherishing mother in English the fashionable world in good faith a witty repartee the fashion the lifeless remains unconditional terms of sound mind a bold effort horn of plenty in a body one out of many by virtue of his office on one side exact likeness . a chambermaid firm in action you may have the body in the same state in the v/hole he said so by the thing itself letter for lettei' the law of revenge THE ARCHER AND HIS ARROW. A FABLE. An areher complained of his arrow because it did not hit the mark. '" If you had directed me right I should not have failed/' said the arrow. Moral. — We too often blame others when the fault is our own. 152 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON CXV. THE POOR OLD LYON. A FABLE, A noble old lyoii, worn down by age and disease, lay UDon the ground, groaning away tbe last remains of life. But now that he was thus prostrate, the ignobje beasts commenced their taunts, their insults and abuse. •The boar, with foaming rage, assailed hira with thrusts of his tusks. Next, came the bull, and gor.ed hira with liis liorns. The wolf growled and gnashed his teeth at Mm. Then came the ass, spiteful and insolent, and brayed at the old monarch of the forest in a most insulting man- ner. Having thus ascertained that his lionship was no longer able to resent an injury, or defend himself, he ven- tured near and hiched Mm on the forehead ! Ah! said, the dying lion, I thought it hard to-be insulted, in my last moments, by the brave; but to be thus treated by the meanest of beast^, this is past endurance— it is a double death ! Moral. — Only cowards insult fallen greatness. Only asses kick dead lions. The most painful of all deaths is to die by the .kick of an ass ! \ - Quotations from otJier Languages. [continued.] Memento mori ^ be mindful of death Mirabile dictu * wonderfal to be told Multam in parvo mucli in a little Maximum the greatest Minimum the least N^ plus ultra nothing beyond Non compos meMiti not of sound mind Pater patriae Father of his country Per annum by the year ' Per diem by the day Prima facie lirst sight, or face Pro bono publico for public good Pro tempore • for the time Quantum ' how much SPELLING BOOK. 153 Quantum sufficit enough Quid nunc what now Sang froid with indifference Sine die no day appointed Sine qua non a thing indispensable* Secumden arteni according to art Sanctum sanctorum the most holy place Summum bonum the highest good Sub rosa under the rose Utile dulci the useful with the pleasant Versus against Verbatim word for word Via* by way of Vice versa on the contrary Viva voce with the living voice Data truths admitted What is a flirt f A young lady of more beauty than sense J more accomplishments than grace of mind; more admirers than friends; more fools than wise men for attendants. LESSON CXVL NOW IS THE TIME- Remember thy Creator now. In these thy youthful days ; He will accept thine earliest vow, He loves thine earliest praise. Remember thy Creator now, Seek him while ho is near; For evil days will come, when thou Shalt find no comfort here. Remember thy Creator now, His willing servant be J * Then when thy head in death shall bow, He will remember the©^ 154 THE CONFEDERATE Almiglity God! our hearts iacline, Thy heavenly voice to hear ; Let all our future days be Thine, Devoted to Thy fear. Exercises in Spelling, Deriving and Combining Words. Base, basely, baseness; abase, abasement; debase, debasement. Beauty, beautiful, beauteous, beautifully, beautifulness, beauteousness, beautify. Bounty, bountiful, bountifully, bounteous, bounteous- ness, bountifulness. Form, formless, formation, formative ; inform, conform, informal, conformably, conformity, conformableness, non- conformist, reform, reformation, perform, performance, information. Govern, governor, governess, government, ungovernable. Honor, honorable, honorably, honorary ; 'dishonor, dis- honorable, dishonorably. Grace, graceful, gracefulness, gracefully ; ungraceful, disgraceful, disgracefully. Credit, creditable, creditably, creditor, accredit, incred- ible, incredibility, discredit, creed, credence, credibility. Cover, covering, coverlet, uncover, discover, discovery, discoverable, recover, recovery, irrecoverable, irrecoverably, irrecoverableness. Scribe, scribble, ascribe, ascription, describe, description, inscribe, inscription, proscribe, proscription, subscribe, subscription, conscript, conscription, superscribe, super- scription, descriptive, iudescribable, prescribe, prescription, prescriptive. Light, lightly, lightning, lightness, lightsome. Season, seasoning, unseasonable, unseasonably, unsea- sonable n ess. Venture, venturesome, venturous, venturcsomeness, per- adventure. Will, willing, willingly, willingness, unwilling, unwil- lingly, unwillingness. . Youth, youthful, youthfully, youthfulness. Note. — It is earnestly recommended that other similar exercises be frequently given to pupils in all our schools. SPELLING BOOK. 155 LESSON CXVII. V I C E OF N A T U R E . There seems a voice iu every gale, A tongue in every opening flower, • Which tellSj^O Ood, the wondrous talc * Of thy indulgence, love and power. The birds that rise on quivering wing, * Appear to hymn their Maker's praise, x\nd all the mingled sounds of spring To 'I'hee a general antliem raise. Mrs. Opie. ARTICULATION. By this is meant a clear, full and distinct utterance of the sound of each syllable of the words which wc pro- nounce. You need not be told that it is a prime quality, both of conversation and of public speaking. There is a charm about line articulation, which capti- vates every ear and delights every heart. But there is ii vulgarity about indistinct and slovenly utterances which is at once disgusting and painful to all persons of refined taste. noun< Thu.s to wrest away a /, And make it end in c. The word imagination is also pronounced 'mag'nation ! And you wonder what newly discovered "nation'' the speaker is about to describe. But should j'ou resent such an offense against ^'ears polite," the quack who uttered it will apply to you hiaters^ instead of blister, to draw upon your ill humors. Your neighbor b'leeves he owes you for makin' his mill w'eel, aod he 'sposes you 'avc no Ejections to 'ceivc the money now. A pompous wight, number three, 'nounces ph'los'phers fools, and threatens to icip them into their senses. A fourth saw a large 'sembly last night, and he and a gem'man talk'in pol'tics. A fifth fought in the mem'rable battle of 'Nassas. A sixth sicaa the river Mis'sipi in Jan'wary. A seventh has the 'eadache from }. How often do we hear the word '-perfect" pro- [iced as if written pe/^/ec ! It is robbery outright 156 THE CONFEDERATE heatin 'ot lioysters for yupper. An eighth thinks buflos omd hugly han'mals. A ninth took a 'slution of pep'mint for the 'sturbance of his stomach. A "tenth speaks by 'thority. Au eleventh prefers ^^tron'my to mathematics ! LESSON CXVIIL THE VICTORS. ^ I^ee them on their winding way, About their ranks the moon beams play ; Their lofty deeds and daring high, Blend with the notes of victory ; And waving arms and banners bright, Are glancing in the mellow light. Articulation. [continued.] In a previous lesson numerous examples were given of gross and ludicrous departures from the established laws of articulation. Verily such horrid butchery of our noble mother tongue is an iniquity to be punished by the judges. Not only does it greatly olfend the ear, but it makes one's flesh creep to think of such barbarity. AVemost sincerely hope that no youth of this Confederacy will ever be guilty of such outrages against propriety and refinement. We would, therefore, as the only sure preventive, urge upon all pupils, at the very commencement of their educa- tion, the great importance ef a clear and distinct utterance of every syllable in each lesson which they either spell or read. Form your organs of speech to proper utterances while they are tender and flexible. Learn the correct pronun- ciation of every word you spell or speak, and then confirm yourselves in it by daily practice. Examples in Ai'tictdation. armedst harmedst burnedst turnedst bonstest reastcst break est quakest fouledst howledst talkedst walkedst hunteth grunteth laughedst quaffedst drinketh thinketh snuigglest strugglest SPELLING BOOK. 167 grantedst hauntedst mangiest stranglest gain'st muzzlcdst rain'st puzzledst hedged nervedst wedged swervedst combedst thwarttidst ncstledst bristledcst baskest maskest humblest stumblest drivledst grovledst hurt'st dart'st blankets trinkets length strength rapp'st harpedyt crumple nipp'st carpedst rumple dipp'st swivels mumble ripp'st drivels stumble wharf d scarf d scraped draped whirlest rank'st curlest sink'st prancest thoughtest princes boughtest gackedst thwachedst wriukiedst twinkledst truckledst - wrongedst strength'nest length'neet LESSON CXIX. THE BEST GUIDE. How precious is the book Divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. THE TEN" COMMANDMENTS. The Ix)rd our Maker has given to us His holy law m the guide of our conduct. Some of His commands are intended to restrain men's passions, aod keep them from evil. Others are given to direct in the performance of duty. Taken all together, they tell us what we ought to do, and what we must not do. How thankful should we bo for such a law ! AVithout it, how could we know what is right .and what is wrong? 158 THE CONFEDERATE That law was delivered from the flaming summit of Mount Sinai, amidst the most wonderful displays of the power, majesty and glory of God. Children and all other persons should, then, have the most profound reverence for that holy law, and keep it constantly before their minds as the rule of life. It is found in the ]3ib1e, at the twentieth chapter of Exodus. You can there read each commandment just as it was at first given. But I will here give the substance of them in a much shorter form, and happy will it be for you if you obey them : 1. Thou shalt have no more Gods but me. 2. Before no idol bow thy knee. 3. Take not the name of God in vain. 4. Nor dare the Sabbath day profane. 5. Give both thy parents honor due. G. Take heed that thou no murder do. 7. Abstain from words and deeds unclean. 8. Nor steal, though thou art poor and 'mean. 9. Nor make a wilful lie, nor love it. 10. What is thy neighbor's do not covet. ■ Questions. — By whom was the Divine law given? Where? To whom ? How many commandments? What is the first ? The second ? The third, &c ? In what part of the Bible are they found ? LESSON CXX. BRIGHT SIDES. 1. Whate'er the grief that dims our eye, Whatever the cause of sorrow, We turn us to the weeping sky, And say, *' We'll smile to-morrow." 2. And when from those we love, we part, From hope, comfort borrow, And whisper to our aching; heart, '^ We'll meet again to-morrow.'' THE IBEX. 1. This is quite a pretty animal of the goat kind. My young readers would all like to see it. It is nimble like SPELLING BOOK, 159 the deer, but climbs like the goat. It frequents the highest mountains, and is found chiefly in the Alps, the Caucasian Mountains, and in the mountains of Abjsinia, in Africa. 2. The ibex is very shy. It retires from the haunts of mankind, and, like the chamois, it not only takes up its abode among the lofty and dreary fastnesses of the rocks, but it delights in the regions of perpetual snow ; and, like the reindeer, feeds principally upon the mosses and the leaves of the dwarf shrubbery found in such regions. 3. The horns of the ibex are of enormous size. They project backward from the upper part of the crown of the nead in nearly a straight direction, and then, toward the ends, curve over toward the back of the animal, extending sometimes more than tliree feet in length. 4. The color of the ibex changes with the seasons, from a reddish brown in summer to a brown gray in winter. This animal is hunted both for its flesh and its skin. But such is its shyness, its activity, and the extreme acutcness of its senses, both of hearing and of smell, that it is sel- dom taken b}^ the most skillful hunters. 5. When tamed, they become very familiar with their owners, but nothing can tempt them to come in sight of a stranger. The ibex is equally agile and strong, and when driven to desperation, it turns upon its pursuers, and by a plunge with its powerful horns hurls them over the most dangerous precipices. 6. Huntsrs when thus pursued have endeavored to make their horned enemy the victim by throwing themselves flat upon the edge of a precipice, and causing the ibex tp pitch headlong to immense depths below. But to their great surprise they have found that in going over it hurled itself upon its enormous horns in such a way as to escape unhurt. Questions. — What is said of the ibex 'f Where found ? Its haunts y Its horns? Its color? Hunted for what? Easily taken ? Tamed ? Fights ? Leap a precipice unhurt ? How ? 160 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON CXXI. NUiffiERS. Romansj hound in mental fetters, Instead of Jigures used their letters ; For one an I, for f.ve a V, But X for ten you always see. The L a note of fffi/ paid, And C a hundred always made ; D, richer, for five hundred stood, But M made his plump tlioushnd good. I, left of V. its value takes ; I, right, a greater value makes ; Just so, if found with X it be, So, too, the X with L or C. .ETXERS. . FIGURES. VALUES. I 1 one 11 2 two III 3 three IV 4 four V 5 five VI 6 six VII 7 seven VIII 8 eight IX 9 nine X 10 ten XI 11 elevren XII 12 twelve XIII 13 thirteen XIV 14 fourteen XV 15 fifteen XVI 16 sixteen XVII 17 seventeen XVIII 18 eighteen XTX 19 nineteen XX 20 twenty XXX 30 ^ thirty XL 40 forty L 50 fifty SPELLING BOOK. 161 LX 60 sixty LXX 70 seventy LXXX 80 eighty XC 90 ninety c 100 one hundred cc 200 two hundred ccc 300 three hundred CCGC 400 • four hundred 1) 500 five hundred DO 600 six hundred DCC 700 seven hundred BOCC 800 eight hwndred DCCCC 900 nine hundred M 1000 one thousand MDCCCLXIV. LESSON CXXII. ONE FAMILY. Come, let us join our friends above, Who have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of lovo, To joy celestial rise. Let saints below, in concert sing, With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King, In heaven and earth are one. One family, we dwell in Him ! One chur3h, above, beneath; Tho' now divided by the stream — The narrow stream of death. One army of the living God, To His command we bow ; Part of the host have cross'd the flood, And part are crossing now. E'en now to their eternal home Some happy spirits fly ; And we are to the margin come, And soon expect to die. 162 THE CONFEDERATE 0, Savior ! be our constant guide, Then when the wx)rd is given, Bid Jordan's narrow stream divide, And land us safe in heaven. C. Wesley. GRACEFULNESS. Be graceful in your manners. The same thing said or done delights or disgusts hearers and observers, just in proportion as it is accompanied or deserted by good manners. From your own observation, reflect what a disagreeable impression an awkward address, a slovenly figure, an ungraceful manner of speaking, whether, stammering, muttering or drawling, make upon you at first sight in .strangers, and how lasting is the prejudice thus created ;igainst them, PROVERBS. Provide for the worst ; the best will save itself. Procrastination is the thief of time. Praise the sea, but keep on land. Politics make strange bed fellows. Passion, like fever, leaves us weaker. People who live in gl^iss houses dread stones. Possession is nine points of the law. Promise little, but perform much. Pull hair by hair, the scalp grows bare. Quick resentment brings long repentance. Kaise no more spirits than you can conjure down, Respect your promises and others will respect you. Stop the leaks before the rain begins. Seek the devil and you are sure to find him. Time and Tide Wait for no man. Wishing seldom cures want. LESSON CXXIII. PRAISE FOR CREATION AND PROVIDENCE I sing the Almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad. And built the lofty skies. SPELLING BOOK. 168 • I sing the wisdom that ordained The sua to rule the day ; The moon shines full at His command, And all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food ; He formed the creatures with His word, And then pronounced them good. Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed, "VVher'er I turn my eye ! If I survey the ground 1 tread, Or gaze upon the sky ! THE FIXED STARS. At first sight the stars all appear alike, and you would suppose they were all of the same kind. It is not so. The fixed stars differ from the planets ; first, in shining by their own light ; secondly, by their having a flickering^ or flame-like appearance, while the planets shine with <4' steady light; and thirdly, in their retaining, at aiftimcSj the same position in regard to each other. They all seem to move from East to West, but they all go together. It is not so with the pjanets. They arc constantly changing their position, both as regards each other and the fixed stars. In consequence of the earth's turning on its axis, from West to East, we are carried forward under the heavenly bodies. That makes them appear to move toward the West; but fixed stars retain the same position toward each other as the letters on a show-bill or the spots on a bed-f(uilt do when drawn upon the caipet. The fixed stars are very numerous, and they are very distant from us. They may be immensely large bodies; but their great distance makes them appear very small. They shine by their own light. They are, therefore, suns. And wc infer that each one is a centre of a system of worlds like ours — they revolving round, and receiving from it light and heat as we do from the central orb of our solar system. If so, how immense must be the extent of the Creator's works ! 164 THE CONFEDERATE # The fixed stars are divided into classes. A few ^ the largest form the first class. The next in size form the second class, and so down to the seventh — -the smallest that can be seen without a telescope. Groups of stars are called constellations. A noted example of this kind is what we call the'" seven stars.^' There are very many constellations. Names have been given to them, and they are well known to astronomers and navigators. Truly, " the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handy work." LESSON CXXIV. SAYINGS. i,^uarrels would never last long, if the fault were on one side only. Learning, with virtue, is better than houses and lands. Difficulties are only the occasions for the development of talents. The laws of most nations punish crimes. Those of China u J' m^'i — they reward virtue. Refrain from bitter words. There is a difference of only one letter between words and swords. The credit that is gained by a lie lasts only till the truth comes out. It is better to correct one fault in ourselves than to find a hundred in our neighbors. Words of like ■proyiimciation^ hut different Orthography and Meaning: ark, a vessel led, did lead arc, of a circle lead, a metal bin, for corn plum, fruit been, has been plumb, a weight bell, to ring ring; 'a circle belle, a young lady wring, to twist but, a conjunction rude, rough butt, a large vessel rood, of land ■ bred, brought up rest, repose bread, food wrest, to force HfHUilSS EOOK, U& It. > ■ ^owfcmwM v m , ^jw»s ' ' -CT g ^y-K. - jm v ^ j ^ ^ t ne\\, to dispose of cell, a hut or cave gilt, with gold guilt, sin herd, a drove heard, did hear him, that man hymn, a sacred song hart, a deer heart, seat of life in, within inn, a tavern kill, to slay kiln, for brick all, every one awl, an instrument aught, anything ought, bound to do hall, a large room haul, to drag rang, did ring wrung, twisted ruff, a ruffle rough, uneven sent, did send cent, a coin sum, the whole some, a part sun, source of light son, a male child too, likewise two, twice one ball, a round body bawl, to cry aloud call, to name caul, part of the body cord, a small rope chord, in music naught, bad nought, nothing SPICES. Swift somewhere makes it a query whether churches are not dormitories for the living as well as the dead. Hannah Moore says the world contains but two evils — sin and bile. The Turks, notwithstanding the " conscientious moods'^ of their verbs, are said to be full of deception, and much given to lying. Beware of too much use of ^' indefinite tenses." LESSON CXXV. THE SABBATH DAY. Oil, welcome to the weary earth, The Sabbath resting comes, Gathering the sons of toil and care Back to their peaceful homes ; 166 THS COKFlBliBATl And like a portal to the skies, Opens the house of God, Where all who seek may conie and learn The way the Savior trod. But holier to the wanderer seems The Sabbath on the deep, When on and on, in ceaseless course, The toiling bark must keep. And not a trace of man appears Amid the wilderness Of waters — then it comes like dove Direct from heaven to bless. Words of like jyronunciation^ hut different Orthography and Meaning. cask, a barrel casque, armor dam, mother of beasts damn, to condemn- dram, of liquor drachm, a weight jam, to conserve jamb, of a door berry, a fruit bur}^, to inter lessen, to make less lesson, instruction succor, help sucker, a twig pensile, hanging pencil, a brash rigor, severity rigger, a mechanic alter, to change altar, for offering augur, a soothsayer auger, an instrument manner, form rap, a blow wrap, to fold tax, a rate tacks, small nails bow, to bend* bough, a branch flour, fine meal flow^er, a blossom foul, filthy fowl, a bird seller, a salesman cellar, roorn below^ cousin, a relation cozen, to cheat signet, of a seal cygnet, young swan sealing, fixing a seal ceiling, of a wall vial, a bottle viol, an instrument cannon, a gun canon, a rule choler, rage SF£LLIKC^ BOOK. 167 manor, lordship collar, of a garment pallet, a bed profit, gain pallette, painter's board prophet, foreteller mantle, garment assent, agreement mantel, chimney-piece ascent, steepness COMPLATSANCE. If we wish the good will and esteem of our acquaint- ances, our good breeding must be active, cheerful and winning. Answer in a pleasant and cheerful manner when spoken io. Do not sit while others stand. Do everything with an air of benevolent delight — not with a sour look and an indifferent manner as if you did it unwillingly. LESSON CXXVI. OYERDOING. A Chinese being asked how his countrymen would express the phrase " Overdoing a business," replied: ^'By a hunchback making a bow." THE MUSKET. A son of " Green Erin " being asked whether he had ever known anything about a certain musket that was in dispute, replied: Faith, yesj I've known it ever since it was SLj^istoL Words of like pronunciation^ hut different Orthography and Meaning. ere, before • blue, a color heir, inheritor blew^ did blow bare, naked bore, to make a hole bear, to suffer boar, a beast beet, a root bale, a package beat, to strike bail, surety- beer, a liquor bay, of the ocean bier, for the dead Bey, Turkish officer bow, to shoot with borne, carried beau, a gay fellow bourn, boundary !8 tn% soKttsnmA'm ■^■aap^c^f:^ coarse, not floe course, direction cote, a sheepfold coat, a garment fare, food fair, beautiful fain gladly feign, to pretend grate, for coals great, large hare, an animal Lair, of the head hue, color hew, to cut hole, a cavity whole, entire meat, food meet, to assemble mete, measure leaf, of a plant lief, willingly lone, single loan, lent mean, low mien, manner core, the heart corps, a body of soldiers deer, an animal dear, costly flee, to run away flea, an insect freeze, to congeal ^ frieze, in architecture frieze, coarse cloth heel, of the foot heal, to cure here, in this place hear, to hearken high, lofty hie, to hasten I, myself eye, organ of sight key, an instrument quay, a wharf leek, a root leak, to run out lyre, a harp liar, one who tells lies moan, to lament mown, cut down LESSON CXXVII. ANECDOTES. " A little hoy having often heard of the Green Mountains, and thinking it strange that they continued so long in that condition, enquired of his father how long it would be till those mountains were ripe, A splendid organ was once placed in a newly arecied church. A Quaker, who had heard its rich tones with j^reat delight, said to the pastor of the<;hurch: " Friend William, as it is thy wont to praise God by machinery, I rejoice with thee that thou hast ;?o fine an instrument wherewith to do so ! '^ SPELLING BOOK. 169 Words of like pronunciation^ hut different Orthography aiid Meaning, nave, of a wheel ore, metal knave, a dishonest man oar, a paddle new, not old knew, did know pare, to cut off pair, a couple pear, a fruit place, situation plaice, a fish raze, to demolish raise, to lift up rain, falling drops reign, to rule rein, of a bridle sale, selling sail, of a ship seen, beheld scene, of a play- see, to behold sea, the ocean slow, tardy- sloe, a fruit sole, of the foot soul, the spirit stile, steps style, language strait, narrow straight, not crooked slay, to kill sley, of a loom sleigh, a vehicle vane, a weather guide vain, worthless vein, for the blood week, seven days weak, feeble H pane, of glass pain, suffering peace, quietude piece, a part peer, a nobleman pier, a column pray, to beseech prey, plunder plate, a dish plait, a fold rye, corn wry, crooked rite, ceremony write, to form "letters Wright, a workman sow, to scatter sew, with a needle slight, to despise sleight, dexterity- sore, an ulcer ' soar, to rise steel, a metal steal, to pilfer tale, a story tail, the end toe, of the foot tow, to drag vale, a valley veil, a covering waste, to spend waist, of the body you, yourself yew, a tree 170 THE CONFEDERATE LESSON CXXYIII. THE RAINBOW. Triumplial areh, that fill'st the sky, When storms prepare to part, I ask not proud philosophy To tell me what thou art. Still seem as to my childhood's sight, A midway station given, For happy spirits to alight, Betwixt the earth and heaven. Words which nearly Teser)ible each other in Sound^ hut differ both in their Orthography and their Meaning ; ait, atmosphere are, plural of is accept, to receive except, to take out affect, to move effect, to perform accede, to agree exceed, to surjDass acre, a piece of land achor, a scald head access, approach excess, what is over allusion, reference ilhisioD, deception elusion, escape ♦ acts, deeds axe, a tool assay, to test essay j' attempt affusion, pouring on effusion, pouring out allowed, permitted aloud, with a noise errand, a message elicit, to draw out illicit, unlawful earn, to deserve urn, vessel for remains emerge, to come out immerge, to plunge fat, obese vat, a tub gesture, motion jester, a joker harsh, severe hash, fine meat idle, not busy idol, a false god impostor, a deceiver imposture, deception naughty, bad knotty, full of knots ingenuous, frank ingenious, having skill morse, the sea horse moss, lichen line, a cord loin, part of the body SPELLING BOOK. 171 errant, wandering loom, for weaving addition, act of adding loam, earth edition, act of publishing medal, a coin ballad, a song meddle, to interpose ballot, a vote pint, half a quart creak, to make a noise point, sharp end creek, a stream radish, a root clothes, garments reddish, slightly red close, the end since, after, in time consort, husband or wife sense, faculty or feeling concert, harmony tenor, course continued descent, falling tenure, holding- dissent, to disagree talents, endowments decease, death talons, claws disease, sickness valley, space between hills dost, thou dost value, worth of a thing dust, fine powder LESSON CXXIX. ANECDOTES. A gentleman, whose name was " Rice,*' married a lady by the name of " Bacon/' An editor having announced their marriage, thus gave vent to his rljyme : "What strange, fantastic, airy whims. By different folks are taken ; She sups upon a dish of "Rice," While he prefers the " Bacon." They tell of a man down East, who is so much opposed to capital punishment that he refuses to hang his gate. A Western farmer, it is said, declines raising poultry, ipst he should get " hen-pecked." TABLES OF SUFFIXES. Primitive words are those which cannot be reduced to any simpler form in our language : Teach, icrite, learn. Suffixes are letters or syllables appended .to certain words to vary their force, form and signification. 172 THE CONFEDERATE FuL, at the end of a word, means full of, or abounding in: Mirtb, mirthful; health, healthful; hurt, hurtful; hate, hateful ; guile, guileful ; right^ rightful ; care, careful. Less, the opposite of /w?, denotes destitution ov want : Art, artless; guilt, guiltless; sense, senseless; track,' trackless. IsH denotes likeness^ or somewhat like : Brute, brutish ; white, whitish ; clown, clownish; boor, boorish. En, as a suffix, implies made of or to make : Hard, harden ; soft, soften ; Wack, blacken ; oak, oaken ; beech, beechen ; gold, golden ; flax, flaxen. REJOICE IN THE LORD. Although the fig tree sh^ll not blossom, neither shall there be fruit in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat ; the flock shall be cut ofi' from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet will I rejoice in the Lord ; I will joy in the God of my salvation. Bible. LESSON CXXX. MAY, FLORA AND SPRING. Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, youth and warm desire ; Woods and groves are of thy dressing. Hill and dale do boast thy blessing. How Flora decks the fields, With all her tapestry ! and the choristers Of every grove chaunt carols ! mirth is come To visit mortals. Everything is blythe, Jocund and jovial. Come, gentle spring, ethereal mildness, come, And from the bosom of yon dropping cloud, * While music wakes around, veird in a shower Of shadowing roses, on our plains descend. Tables of Suffixes, Er, ok, 1ST, STER, EE and ESS mean the person who, or the thing which. Ess is used to denote females only : SPELLING BOOK. 173 Vend, vender; visit, visiter; team, teamster; priest, priestess ; lion, Honest j art, artist; grant, grantor, grantee ; debt, debtor. Ly denotes like, or in a manner: Man, manly; wise, wisely; king, kingly; deaf, deafly ; mean, rneanly ; scholar, scliolarly; grave, gravely. Ed denotes what is done to a person or thing : Wound, wounded; sound, sounded; fold, folded; call, called; delight, delighted ; end, ended. Ness denotes the abstract quality of, or the state of: Good^ goodness; bad, badness; white, whiteness; rude, rudeness ; blue, blueness ; swift, swiftness. Ble, able and ible denote capacity uf, or fitness, or worthiness of : Value, valuable ; blame, blameable; com- mend, commendable ;. dcf^ire, desirable ; warrant, warrant- able; resist, resistible'; contempt, contemptible. Ic, AL and ICAL denote j^^rtaining to, relating to, or like: Angel, angelical ; method, methodical ; prophet, pro- pketic, prophetical ; poet, poetic, poetical ; synod, synodic, synodical. LESSON CXXXI. FILIAL DEVOTION. Some feelings are to mortals given, With less of earth in them than heaven ; And if there be a human tear. From passion's dross refined and clear, A tear so limpid and so meek. It would not stain an angel's cheek, 'Tis that which pious fathers shed Upon a duteous daughter's head. Tahles of Suffijxes. Ion and ment express the state o/, the act of, or result of: Relate, relation ; create, creation ; conclude, conclu- sion; state, statement; reduce, reduction; amend, amend- ment; subject, subjection; atone, atonement. IZE signifies to make^ to cause, or to assimilate : Brute, brutalize; legal, legalize; Pagan, Paganize; christian, christianize ; idol, idolize ; signal, signalize ; canon, canonize. 174 THE CONFEDEKATE Fy signifies to make or become: Amplify, to make ample ; fructify, to make fruitful ; classify, to form into classes ; verify, to make known the truth. Note. — Ing and ation are often added to words ending in FY ; the former denoting continuance^ and the latter the act of, 01' sitate of: Amplify, amplifying, amplification; multiply, multiplying, multiplication ; rectify, rectifying, rectification ; solidify, solidifying, solidification. LESSON CXXXI. FILIAL DEVOTION. Some feelings are to mortals given, With less of earth in them than heaven; An4 if there he a human tear, From passions dross refined and clear, A tear so limpid and so me^k. It would not stain an angel's cheek, 'Tis that which pious fathers shed Upon a duteous daughter's head. Tables of Suffixes. Ion and ment express the state of the act of or result of: Kelate, relation ; create, creation ; conclude, con- clusion; state, statement; reduce, reduction; amend, amendment; subject, subjection; atone, atonement. IzE signifies to make, to cause, or to assimilate : Brute, brutalize ; legal, legalize ; Pagan, Paganize ; Christian, Christianize ; idol, idolize ; signal, signalize ; canon, can- onize. Fy signifiesl^^o make, or become:. Amplify, to make ample; fructify, to make fruitful; classify, to form into classes ; verify, to make known the truth. Note. — Inq and ation are often added to words ending in F¥ — the former denoting continuance., and the latter the act of or state of : Amplify, amplifying, amplification ; multiply, multiplying, multiplification ; rectify, rectifying, rectification; solidify, solidifying, solidification. Ance, ence, ancy, enoy denote the act x)f state of or the thing ivhich, or person who: Annoy, annoyance; abhor, abhorrence; disturb, disturbance; emerge, emergency; connive, connivance; expect, expectancy. Si^ELLINa BOOK. 175 Note. — Ant and ent commonly denote the person whoj or the tJiinff which : Defendant, one who defends ; depend- ent, one who depends upon something else ; absorbent, that which absorbs ; corroborant, that which corroborates. TiVE and sivE imply tendency to, ov nature of: Res- torative, tending to restore; abusive, having the nature of abuse ; creative, power or tendency to create ; expansive, tending to expand. Cry, TORY and sory denote nature ofjylace of , power of: Prohibitory, power of prohibiting- laudatory, tend- ing to, or having the nature of laudation or praise ; deposi- tory, place of depositing ; dispensatory, place of dispensing ; observatory, place of watch or observation. The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merry man. LESSON CXXXII. GOD'S KINGDOM. 1. The Lord Jehovah reigns, And royal state maintains. His head with awful glories cro^ LW; Arrayed in robes of light, Begirt with sovereign might, And rays of majesty around. 2. Uphold by Thy commands, The world securely stands. And skies and stars obey Thy word; Thy throne was fixed on high Ere stars adorned the sky ; Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord ! SOLITUDE. sacred solitude ! Divine retreat ! Choice of the prudent! envy of the great! By the pure stream, or in the waving shade, We court fair wisdom, that celestial maid : The genuine offspring of her loved embrace — Strangers on earth — are innocence and peace. 176 THE CONFEDERATE Tables of Suffixes. Cy and ity denote state or condition, quality or capa- city : Solid, solidity ; calid, calidity ; able, ability ; ductile, ductility ; sterile; sterility ; accurate, accuracy ; conipetent, competency; urgent, urgency. Ous denotes like, partaking of, or full of: Peril, peril- ous; danger, dangerous; fury, furious; ruin, ruinous; venom, venomous ; valor, valorous ; pomp, pompqus, BiLiTY and bleness denote the property or quality of, capacity, susceptibility or fitness : Compress, compressi- bility ; cliange, changeableness ; conform, conformability ; diffuse, diifusableness ; desire, desirableness. Hood, ship and age denote office, state, rank or condi- tion: Man, manhood; boy, boyhood ; friend, friendship ; scholar, scholarship; lord, lordship; pupil,'pupilage; vas- sal, vassalage ; waste, wastage ; cord, cordage. READING. Boys ! read something useful every day — something to reflect upon and talk about while you are at work, or as you pass along the road. Be observant. Notice every- thing. C^MtYyCrse with the wise and the good. Store your minds early in youth with wredom. Crowd in a little every day. Neglect not th«* Bible. It is the only true chart of life. The ways of that wisdom which it teaches are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. LESSON CXXXIII. SLANDER. A whisper woke the air — ' A soft, light tone and low, Yet barbed with shame and woe — Now might it only perish there, Nor farther go I Ah, me ! a quick and eager ear Caught up the little meaning sound ! Another voice has breathed it clear, An.d so it wanders round From ear to lip — from lip to ear — Until it reached a gentle heart. And that — it hroke ! SPELLING BOOK. 177 Tables of Prefixes. Prefixes are letters, syllables or words placed hefore other words to vary their form, and change or modify their signification: -Place, m^sp]ace; true, .,;^true; believe, ai*beiieve; form, conform. ' Un is negative, and denotes not, or the opposite of, that which was before affirmed: Like, unlike; able, unable: wilhng, unwilling; pleasant, unpleasant. Mis means ivrong, erroneous or ill : Use, misuse ; spend, misspend; rule, misrule; lay, mislay; take, mistake name, misuame. ' Pre denotes before: Suppose, presuppose; engao-e pre-engage; conceive, preconceive; meditate, premeditare- examine, pre-examine; dispose, predisposed. ' Re implies again, back or repetition : AVrite, rewrite • compose, recompose; unite; reunite; construct, recon- struct ; place, replace ; iraburse, reimburse. E, EX, EF and EC are the same. They mean out, out of from : Educe [from duco I lead and c out] means to lead or draw out; elope, to run away; expel, to drive away; effuse, to pour out; extirpate, to rcot out ; eclectic, chosen out ; extract, to draw out. Im, in, il and m have the same meaning—that of destitution or want: Proper, improper; pure, impure- secure, insecure; complete, incomplete; legal, illerral- logical, illogical; regular, irregular ; resistible, irresisti'ble' 1)1, Dis and DIE have the same meaning— o8.s?<7?,:/er sepa ration, dwision: Join, disjoin; agree, disagree;' robe, disrobe; fuse, diffuse; divide, [video I see, and di ^Hun. der] separate into parts; differ [/ero, I bear or carry, and di or dis asunder] to be wide apart, or very unlike • use disuse; like, dislike; form, difform. ' ' A narrow-minded person has not a single thought beyond he little sphere of his own vision. The snail, says the Hindoo, sees nothing but his own shell, and thinks it the grandest palace in the universe. H * 178 THE COSTFEDERATE LESSON GXXXIV. HONEY AND FLIES. A TABLE. Honey was poured out in a wide dish. Flies were enticed by it. But having lit Kpon it, they sank down into it, became entangled, and could no more escape. "■ How cruel," said one of them, " is this flattering sweet I It first enticesy then kills." So with all sinful pleasures. Tables of Prefixes. Col, com, con, co, cor, arc only different forms of con, together ; and they mean ^cith, together, Jointure, tmion : Heir, coheir; press, compress ; mingle, commin- gle ; locate, collocate; migrate, commigrate ;^ relative, cor- relative; partner, co-partner. ' Ad means to, and from it are formed AC, af, al, an, ap, AS, at, all of which mean to : Adjoin, admit, affix, ally, annex, affy, anoint, appoint, assent, assort, attune, attach, accept, accrue, accord. In takes the form of IIM, IL, IR, the general meaning of whieh is in or upon: Press, impress; come, income; impose, imprint, insult, induce, iufuse, inflame, inhale, iilude, illume, irrode. N'ote. — In sometimes implies negation: Irregular, not regular ; irresistible, not to be resisted. Bi means two or double : Biform, bicornous, bisect, biangular, bicorporal, bimanous, biennial, biped, bivalve. Inter means between : Intermix, interleave, interlink, intervene, interweave, intermarry, interline, intermeddle, intercept, interchange, interjacent. Trans and ultra mean over or beyond : Transalpine, transmarine, transatlantic, translucent, transgress, trans- pose, transmit, transcend, transform, translate, ultra mun- dane, ultra mural, ultra marine. Unsafe. — A sea-captaia declared in relation to a fa«t sailing belle of the upper ten grade, who was glittering with gorgeous silks and costly jewelry, '^ It is an unsafe vessel where the rigging is worth more than the hull.'' SPELLING BOOK. 170 LESSON CXXXV. SLEEP. Oh ! liglitly, lightly tread ! A holy thing is sleep, On the worn spirit shed. And eyes that wake to weep ! ^ Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep ! He, like the world, his ready visit pays Where fortune smiles; the wretched he forsakes; s Swif c on his downy pinion flies from woe, And lights on lids unsullied with a tear. Tables of Prefixes. Pro means he/ore, forth or forward : Procure, proceed produce, provide, provoke, progression, propelling, pro- genitor. Per means through, hj/, thoroughh/j or ly means of: Perchance, per day, pervade, perform, perfect, permit, per- suade, perjure, perforate, persecute. Mono means one : Monocular, monogram, monosyllable monochromatic, monomania, monologue. PoiA' means mani/ : Polysyllable, polyglot, polytheism, polyanthus, polypede, polymorphous. Omni, pan and panto mean all: Omniscient, omni- present, omnipotent, omnivorous, omniferous, panoply, pantomime. Uni means mie : Uniform, univalve, univocal, universe, unison, unanimous. MuLTi means many : Multiform, multiangular, multi- nominal, multifarious, multilateral. Equi means equal : Equidistant, equiangular, equinox, equiponderate, equivocal, equiform, eq*uivalent. Anti means against: Antichrist, antifebrile, antipodes, anticontagious, antimonarchical. Em and en mean in or into. They also intensify: Embitter, enhance, enrich, entrap, enmesh, enwrap, entan» gle, ensure, enchain, embolden, empower, ensnare. Demi, hemi and semi mean half: Demigod, den\^ 180 TSS OOKFBBEBATE man, demidevil, hemisphere, semitone, semilunar, semi- circle, semiannual. Tri means three : Triangle, triform, tripod, triennial. Not a Dust Hole. — A gentleman opened his snuff- box, and, holding it out to his friend, politely invited him to take a pinch of snuff. To this the other replied : '^ No, I thank you, sir ; my Maker never made my nose for a dnst hoUj or he would not have turned it wrong end up. LESSON OXXXVI. THE SOLDIER. How beautiful in death The warrior's corse appears, Embalm'd by fond affection's breath, And bathed in woman's tears. Give me the death of those Who for their country die ; And oh ! be mine like their repose, When cold and low they lie I Their loveliest mother earth Enshrines the fallen brave, In her sweet lap who gave them birth, They find their tranquil grave. Tables of Prefixes. Super, supra and sur mean over, hei/ond^ upon : Superhuman, superabound, supervene, supervise, .super- scribe, surpass, surmount^ surcharge, survive, supravulgar, superangelic, superfine, surcingle, surtout, superadd. Sub and subter mean binder : These change into sue, swp and suf, but retain the meaning of mh : Submit, submarine, subastral, sublunary^ subterrene, subside, suc- cumb, succor, support, suppose, subjugate, subterfluent. Ob means hefore or opposite. It changes also into oc. ofy op and OS ; Object, oppose, occur, offer, oblige, oppugn, obligate, ostend, ostensible. Betro means hack : Ketrospect, retrograde. SPELLING BOOK. 181 Bene means well: Benevolent, beneficent, benefit, bene- factor. Mal and male mean had : Maltreat, malpractice, mal- content, maladminister, malformation. De means doivn, off, from: Depress, derive, depose, denude, derange, decamp, dethrone. CiRCUM means round : Circumvolve, circumfluent, circumscribe, circumpolar, circumspection, circumambient, circumference. Ante means before : Antedate, antecede, antemeridian, antemundane, antecedent. Post means after : Postpone, postscript, postmeridian, posterior, postdiluvian, postmortem. Philip, king of Macedon, when wrestling at the Olympic games, fell down in the sand. Having arisen, he beheld the print of his body in the place where he had fallen, and •exclaimed : " 0, how small a portion of earth will hold vs when we are dead, who are ambitiously striving after the whole world while we are living ! " LESSON CXXXVII. DEFECTIVE EDUCATION. "past wrecks give fearful warnings." The defects of early education are a species of '' fretting leprosy,'^ which cleaves to its subjects to the day of their death. Even when those defects are not of the most glaring character, still they are like the blighting East wind let in upon all the fair pastures of life. To persons in prominent public stations-, they occasion *' deaths oft'^; and, at the same time, inflict the deepest mortification upon all their admirers and friends. Take the following examples as specimens : A pursy old gentleman, who had spelled '' dimes and dollars " more frequently than any other words in the English language, proposed to a brilliant assemblage at a Governor's levee, that they should drink a toast to " The three R R ^." On being asked for an explanation, he replied he meant, '^ ReadiUy Eitm, and Ekhmetic." A man of mark for means and influence in his own neighborhood, informed his factors that "weynd^' and 132 'fHB OONFEDERATl ^' weothur " permitting, he would visit them the next week. A waggish member of the firm, on receipt of his letter, remarked : " Our old friend must recently have acquired some prodigious electrical influences, for he has raised one of the most awful spells of weather I have ever wit- nessed/' A lady who had exchanged a swamp plantation for a palace in a city, informed her friends that since she " had came " to reside in the city, she had taken quite a '^ lika- tion " to literature. A good old lady, who kept a public house in a certain villao^e, having learned that an eclipse of the sun would be " visible " at that place, the next day, went earnestly to work, preparing for the reception of a great crowd. In- quiry for the cause of all that, was made by her neigh- bors. Her reply was, that the Eclijyse was coming to town to-morrow — everybody would be there to see it, and she must prepare to accommodate as many as she could ! A miss in her advanced " teens/' who boasted of spend- ing most of her time in "readin and writin,'' was asked which she mostly wrote, poetry or prose : '^ O, na-ra one," said she, " I write small hand ! " A French clergyman having laid down the law of duty, strono-ly urged upon his congregation compliance with it on the ground of the relation subsisting between them ; viz : that he was their shepherd, and they were his <•' muttons." An Englishman comforted his people under sore trials by telling them that the '* harm of the Lord " was around them for protection. Another read of the ^^ Angle of the church," instead of the Angel. And still another informed his auditors that he would read for their edification a portion of the Pefsams " — that is the psalms ! TiESSON CXXXVIII. BLISS FROM SORROW. What bliss is born of sorrow ? 'Tis never sent in vain — The Heavenly surgeon maims to save. He gives no needless pain. SPELLING BOOK, 188 DEFECTIVE EDUCATION". [continued,] A young lady of fine personal appearance, but who had more of Juno than Minerva in her composition, on bein<>" asked; in the midst of a brilliant literary circle, if she had ever road the ^* Last of the Mohegans," with a captivating lisp on her tongue, promptly replied : '' No, sir, I never got that yet ; but I read the first some time ago." Many an Englishman calls for " ot hoysters." instead of hot oysters. A planter says of his low lands : *' They are very prol- ifiss" — meaning prolific. A man of great wealth ordered a "statute^' of Wash- ington to adorn his grounds. Another denounced his factors because when he ordered a carn'a(/e, they bought "for him a " ve-hick-kle " -, and declared that no such "critter" should come upon his premises. - A certain lady has procured a portion of the *' saliva " of Mount Vesuvius for her cabinet. She is very anxious also to visit the '^ Niagara Springs." " Which do you admire most, Ctcsar or Pompey ? " said a literary savau to his domestic beauty. " That," said she, " depends on the use one has for them. Cassar is the best field hand ; but Pompey is the best cook." On receipt of this response, the learned gentleman, without wailing to witness the prowess of Cajsar as Field Marshal, or test the culinary skill of Pompey, made his own desert and left for parts unknown. The Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives, in the Legislature of one of the States, declared that if they should so disgrace humanity as to pass a bill that was then up for consideration, he would forsake civilized society and take up his abode among the " Ah-ro-ghines.'* A fashionable lady declared that she had seen the wounded General carried ofi" upon an '^ avalanche," and she heard his groans " visibli/y quite visibJi/ !" The friends of a Governor elect of one of the States beyond the line, advised him to procure, as part of hie outfit, a fino library — named many standard works, and 184 THE CONFEDERATE then '^ miscellaneous '* books. He replied that the first named sets of books he would procure; but as lor Miss Lany's, she might keep her's till doomsday, for he never would have in his library a book ^' icrote hy a woman," LESSON CXXXIX. STEADFAST HOPE. While floating on life's troubled sea, By storms and tempests driven, Hope, with her radiant finger points, To brighter scenes in H«aven. She bids the storms of life to cease, The troubled breast be calm ; And in the wounded breast she pours Religion s healing balm. Her hallowed influence cheers life's hours, Of sadness and of gloom -, v^}\Q guides us through this vale of tears, To joys beyond the tomb. DEFECTIVE EDUCATION. [concluded.] The preceding lessons on this subject present numerous examples of the ludicrous lights, and the utterly prostrated positions, in which certain persons have been placed — not from any mental or moral defects, but solely from the want of education. They knew no better ; and, therefore, they were to be pitied. But even pity, in such case, is no relief. It is but the testimony of the heart to ih.Q lamented fact of their ignorance, and the deep mortification it gives to their friends. Then, *' No such pity e'er demand. But boldly on your merit stand." Ignorance on the part -of most children and youth in our day and country, is a sin — a grievous sin against God and man — against the highest interests also of themselves and their country. SPELLING BOOK. 185 Even now, such examples are tlie rare exception, not the rule. Better days for our Confederacy are at hand. The ignorant, from this period onward, will be a small and an obscui*e minority. Be not ye found among them. Nor is it a vain boast to say, what, from personal acquaintance I know to be the fact, that the Confederate States abound in highly educated, refined and noble- minded citizens. Our Orators, Stiitcsmen, Judges, Generals, and other professional men, would do honor to any country. Our enemies themselves also being judges, it is an admitted fact, that in matronly dignity, elevated sentiments and refined taste, the ladies of this Confederacy are ^' chief among the highest.'' Emulate, then, these noble examples ; and avoid the solitary wrecks to which I have pointed. Be men that are Tiien ; women that are icomen — not iiretenders to the name. Be worthy of )'0ur country and jour expected destiny. Let your unremitting effort also be, to make your country — your orcn '^ sunny South," — the model country of the world — '' The land of all the lands the best/' 186 THg CONFEDERATE ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. A. A. 8. Fellow of tlie American Academy. A. B. Bachelor of Arts. Abp. Archbifhop. Acet. Account. A. D. Aiiuo Domini, the year of our Lord. Ala. Alabama. A. M. Master of Art§; be- fore noon; ill the year of the world. Apr. April. Ally. Aitoriiey. Aug. August. Bart. Baronet. B. D. Bachelor of Divi- iiity. B. V. Blessed Virgin. Bbl. Barrel. *C. Centum, a hundred. Cant. Canticles. Capt. Captain. Chap. Chapter. €ol. Colonel. Co. Company. Com.Commissioner.Com- modore. Cr. Credit, Owl. Hundred weight. Chron. Chronicles. Cor. Corinthianar Conn, or Ct. Connecticut. O. 8. Keeper of the Seal. C S. A. Confederete States of America. C. P. S. Keeper of the Privy Seal. C. A. S. Fellow of the Conn«cticut Academy CI. Clerk, Clergyman. Cons. Constable. Gent. Gentleman. • Geo. George, Georgia. Gov. Governor. G. R. George, the King [of England ] H. S. S. Fellow of the Historical Society. Heb. Hebrews. Hon. Honorable. Hund. Hundred. H. B. M. His or Her Bri- tannic Majeiity. H. C. M. His most Chris- tian or Catliolic King [of France and Spain.] Hhd. Hog.shead. Ibid, in the same place. i. e. that is (ide?t.) id. the same. Ind. Indiana. Inst. Instant. Is. Isaiah. Jan. January. Ja. James. Jac. Jacob. Josh, Joshua. Jun. Junior. K. King. Km. Kingdom. Kt. Knight. K. C. B. Knight Comman- der of the Order of the Bath. K. G. C. Knight of the Grand Cross. K. G, Knight of the Garter. L. C. Lower Canada. L. or lid. Lord or Lady. Lev. Leviticus. Lieut. Lieutenant. Nov. November, N. S. New Style. N. W, T. North Western Territory. N. Y. New York. Obj. Objection. Ob. Obedient. Oct. October. O. S. Old. Style. Pari. Parliament. Pa. Penn. Pennsylvania. Per. by ; as, per yard^ by the yard. Per Cent, by the Hun- dred.' Pet. Peter, Phil. Philip, Philipiaus, Philom. A lover of learn- ing. P. M. Post Master, After- noon. P. O. Post Office. P. S. Postscript. Ps. Psalm. Pres. President. Prof Professor. Q. Question, Queen. q. d , as if he should say* q. 1., fts much as you please. q. s. a sufficient quantity. Regr. Register. Rep. Representative. Rev. Reverend, Revela- tion. Rt. Hon. Right Honora- ble. R. I. Rhode Island. S. South, Shilling. S. C. South Carolina. St. Saini. SPELLING BOOK. 187 Clsr Cents. I). D. Doctor of Divinity. Dea. Deacon. Dec. December. Del. Delaware. Dept. Deputy. Deut. Deuteronomy Do. Ditto, the same. Dr. Doctor, or Del)tor' Fi. East. Kccl. Ecclesiaslicus. Ed. Edition, Editor. E. G. for example. Eng. England, English. Eph. Ephesians. Esa. P'saias. Ep. Epistle. Esq., FJsquire. Etc., and so forth, et cnc- tera. Ex. Exodus, Example. Eir. Executor. Feb. February. Fr. France, French, Frances. F. R. S. Fellow of the Royal Society, (Eng-) Gal. Galatians. Gen. General. Lend. London.^ Lon. Longitude. Ldp. Lordship. Lat. Latitude. Lou. Louisiana. LI/. D. Doctor of Laws. lbs. Pounds. J L. S. Place of the Seal. M. Marquis, Meridian. Maj. Major. Mass. Massachusetts Math. Mathematics. M. B. Bachelor of Pbysie or Medicine. Matt. Matthew. ■ M. D. Doctor of Physic. Md. Maryland. Me. Maine. Mr. Master, Sir. Messrs. Gentlemen, Sirs. MS. Manuscript. MSS, Manuscripts. Mrs. Mistress. N. North. N. B. Take Notice. N. C. North Carolina. N. H. New Hampshire. N. J. New Jersey. No. Number. Sect. Section. Sen. Senator, Senior. Sept. September. Servt. Servant. S.T. P. Professor of The- ology. S. T. b, Doctor of Divi- nity. ss. to wit, namely. Surg. Surgeon. Tenn. Tennessee. Thco. Theophilus. Thess. Thessalonians Tho. Thomas. U. C. Upper Canada. Ult. the last, or the last month. U. S. A. United States of America. V. Vide, See. Va. yirginia. viz. to wit, namely. Vt. Vermont. Wt. Weight. Wm. William. Wp. Wov.ship. Yd. Yard. & And. &c., And so forth. PUNCTUATION. Punctuarion is the division of a composition into sentences or parts of a aentence by points, to mark the pauses to be obsei^ed in reading, and show the connection of the several parts or clauses. » The comma (,) indicates a pause of the length of a monosyrlable, or the time of pronouncing one. The semicoloH { ; ) indicates a pause of two mono- syllables ; a colon ( : ) of three ; a period { . ) four. The period is placed at the close of a sentence. The interrogation point (?) denotes that a question is asked, as, tMa( do you see ? An exclamation point ( ! ) denotes wonder, astonishment, or other emotion, expressed by the foregoing words. A parenthesis ( ) includes words not neticssary in the sentence, and which are to be uttered in a lower tone of voice. Brackets or hooks [ ] are sometimes used for nearly tlic same purpose ae the parenthesis, or to include some explanation. 188 THE CONFEDERATE A dash ( — ) denotes a sudden stdp or a change of subject, and requires a pause, but of no definite length. Vie A caret { a ) showp the omission of a word or letter, thus, give me book. A An apostrophe (') denotes the omission of a letter or tellers, thu.*, lovM, tho^t. ' A quotation is indicated by these points, " '' placed at llie'beginning and end of the passage. The index { \Iir* ) points to a passage which is to be particularly noticed. The paragraph { H ) denotes the beginning of a new subject. Tlie star or asterisk (*), the dagger (t) and other marks (j. §. II), and sometimes letters aud figures, are used to refer tJie reader to notes in the margin. The diaresis ( •• ) denotes that the vowel under it is not coiwiecled with the preceding vowel. CAPITAL LErrERS. A capital letter should be used at the beginning of a book, chapter, section, sentence and jiote.' It should begin all proper names of persons, cities, town?, villages, seas, rivers, mountains, lakes, ships, &c. It should begin every line of poetry, a quotation, and often an important word. The napie or appellation of God, Jehovah, Christ, Messiah, &c., should begin with a capital. The pronoun I aud interjection O are always capitals. SPELLINa BOOK. 189 TESTIMONIALS IN FAYOR OF THIS WORK. While on a visit to his highly valued iViend, Col. W. Perroneau Finley, late President of CharleBton College, whose judgment and lasie in literature, and whose zeal in the cause of education are well known, the Author re(|uesled of him a review tuid criticism of tlic manuscripts of The Coniederate Spelling Book, before committing it to.press. That service he rendered in connection with liis friend and pastor, the Rev. John R. Dow, of Aiken, S. C, and the following paper was returned as their opining of its merits : Aiken, S. C, Get. 27, iy63. The Rev. Washington Baird, being about to publish, for the use of schools in the Confederate Slates, a Spelling Book, interspersed with Reading Lessons in prose and poetry, &c., and 'having explained to us the system on which it has been prepared, and having submitted many portions of the m.inuscripts containing lessons adapted to the various stages of a pupil's progress, we lake pleasurc'in now expressing our opinion of the merits of his work. We consider this book of Mr. Baird's, not only a great desideratum in our schools, but, as the title page asserts, well calculated to please and instruct the young; and while it imparls usefj^l information, its tendency is to produce correct moral impressions. It has also the special merit of beingifcdapted to our Southern latitude, and in accordance with the views and sentiments of the people of the Con.federale States. We also think it a valuable acq^uisitioh as a family book for the. instruction aJid training of children during their elementary «ourse ; and we have no hesitation in recommending it to the patronage of all who are con- cerned or interested, either professionally or otherwise, in the training of ihe young and rising generation, ^^'e really think, also, that Mr. Baird deserves the gratitude of the Southern people for this elaborate, well-timed and patriotic contribution to tlie menial and moral furniture of our schools, and the educa- tional resources of our country. W. PERRONEAU FINLEY, JOHN R. DOW. The following persons, distinguished for their position, their attainments, and their profound interest in the cause of education, have also united in their commendation of this work to the confidence and patronage of the 190 THE CONFEDERATE public— some of them from a thorough examination of the manuscripts, and all of them from accurate knowledge of its character, designs and merits. J. L. REYNOLDS, D. D., Prof, of Roman Literature in South Carolina College, and Editor of the Confederate Baptist, Columbia, S. C. JAMES C. FURMAN, D. D., President of the Furraan University, GreenTille, S. C. JAMES P. BOYCE, D. D., Prof, of Theology in said University. „ A. M. SHIPP, D. D., President of Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. DAVID DUNCAN, JAMES H. CARLISLE, WARREN Dv PRE, Professors in said College. CoL. JAMES FARROW, Member of the Confederate Congress from South Carolina, 1 JOSEPH. R. WILSON, D. D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Augusta, Ga., Hon. E. a. NISBET, Col. AVASHINGTON POE, Rev.davjd wills, Macon, Ga. Hon. G. E. THOMAS, S. H. HIGGINS, D. D., Columbus, Ga. W. STATES LEE, Esq., • Rev. C. P. B. MARTIN, Princi|)pls of High Schools, Columbus, Ga. Rev. WILLIAM TLINN, F Milledgeville, Ga. S. K. TALMAGE, D. D., President of Oglethorpe University, Ga. Rev. R. C. SMITH, Rbv. C. W.-LANE, Professors in gaid Institution. Hon. JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor of the Stat© of Georgia. ~3^ a-TJfE&T 3E=»-0":OXj>ISSS3:S333. MA 01^, f^ si ^, A YOUTH 0^ BiilLLlANT TALE:m ^i, WHO WAS RUINED BY BAD LUCK! UV THK AlTIIOil Of "GEORGIA SCENES^' Price $5.00. FROM JHE POETJ^OLIO W AN ABMY CHAPLAIN. I EI UEV. JOS. CE0S3, D. D., JX Foril JWoKS—FinST AKJ)> SECO^'D BOOKS SvW r:EM>Y. Price f^io.OO fox* tliG Two Sool^.s. [■■DUI^rCAlsi AIR:-i OR, CAPTUUKD IN K80APlNCr. A STOBY. OF ONE OF MOEGIAN'S MEN! 1!Y JlPtS. JANE T. H. CROSS. Price Sl.OO. m M A MILITARY CATECHIfsM, Hv M.w. J. M. JilClIAKDSON, C. 9. A. I NKIililK NORTON By Ei:v. E. W. WARRt-N. j BRITISH P ARTl Z AN \ ... \\\ Mi?^ MOKAGNK, of S. 0. } BURKE'.S PICTURE PR13CER V.s IlnA-. J. "\V. BITRKE^ ' J^'^Due notice of prices of Books now in Press \yill be given.' 1 Any Book mentioned above will be sent Freo of Postage, on ; ceceipto^f amount specified. A liberal discount to tliO Trade. ADDRESS— BURKE, BOYKiN &, CO., ~