PERKINS LIBRARY Dulce University Kare Dooks / ' / # v. ' vm^manFsmn^mmm ■ ... ■■ _ u • , j ■»' . ' . ■f .- y «*" ' — *-T«"-^ L A W S OF (. E K G I A , PASSED IN \ • I E H B fi 11 , I S 6 J , AM) KKBRlTlRV 41D M\RIH, I8M. I m : A CTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ■ THE STATE OF GEORGIA, PASSED IN MILLEDGEVILLE, AT AS ANNUAL SESSION I IN MYEMBER, 18G1 : ALSO, • EXTRA SESSION OF 1865, IT MAfOX. II Ml I M||| |> H\ U1HOKITV MILLEDGEVILLE . BOCOHTOy, SISMtT, BARNE8 * MOOBX, DTAT1 PRINTERS ■?. TABLE OF TITLES, DIVISIONS, &C. PART I. PIUL3C LAWS Title I.— APPROPRIATIONS. « II— BANKS. - III.— DISTILLATION. - IV.— INSURANCE COMPANIES. » V.— JUDICIARY. « VI.— RELIEF. » VII.— REVENUE. •< VIIL— STATE DEFENCE. » IX.— TAXES. PART II. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS. ITIES. •■ II— COUNTY LINES. " III.— ROADS. STATUTES OF GKORGIA, PASSED J1V Till'. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1864. PART I.— PI BLIC LAWS. TITLE I. Al'PKOPKlATIONN. s [. . On«; million dollars fur Military Kund. 10. Guard of State Magazine. Military Store Keeper. ropayBei irding Clerk of Executive 1 department, 13. Stationery for Executive D meet. 10. To pay S< cretarj of State for fuel, i othei oontiogi i • >0. Support of State Lunatit Asylum. '.M . [neututefor Blind. ■.'■.'. To M. J. Whitlock for be< I foi <:.». M ilil I Lute . To .1 . S. Inniao, for lard for State Military Institute. ..; ( lovertat.r may issui Stal notes i" n, ri i any deficiency. How ami when redeemable. ite Treasury notes and changi tn be b 11 in d =' u redeemed, everj ; n o mom I..-. Govemoi i" dnra warrrata in favoi . rer foi ajnounl burn* .:, One and a lia if millions appropriated fo| expoi ' on, lo |>i . army supplies; pay interest on foreign H ate ' ■ - iu!i\ pur- • tela, Jim! il .. iiiiiun for payment. General power. .1 !': .;. ofni nil. TjilHin <■! 1! • I! to pay s. t r \\ l. Griei •iml l» l(«-u
  • orgia, That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appropriated, to the respective persons and objects. here- inafter mentioned, to-wit : The sum of four thousand dollars to *o«7oi " T ^i s £ xce ]i enC y the Governor, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five; and the further sum of throe thousand dollars each, to the Secretary of State, Comptroller General, and s o'";thc State Treasurer, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five ; ■Trre..'|. ant | |j ie sum of twenty-five hundred dollars each to the Secreta- ries of the Executive Department, (not exceeding two) for the 2L year eighteen hundred and sixty-five; and the sum of six hundred Mutragrr. dollars to pay the Messenger of the Executive Department, for / the year eighteen hundred and sixty-live; and trie sum of one thousand dollars to the State Librarian, as his salary for the year Jiteen hundred and sixty-five; and th" sum of two hundred Mytmi and twenty-five dollars to each, the States Attorney, and the So- kn.™™ Hcitors General, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five; nor ./and the sum of one thousand dollars to ; he Reporter of the de- "'cisions of the Supreme Court, as his salary for the yey'r eighteen f7pprr,pri«tirn niin ^ rp ^ ail( ^ sixty-five ■ ; and the fui tber sum of twelve hundred. ' slVm^coa'/doll.-iis be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the Clerk Md , i!d"wt e ix' 0I *t ;ne Supreme Court for stationery and advertising notices of the meeting of the said Court in the year eighteen hundred and sixty- aodge. „(■ ' 1 * sion of the General Assembly ; and the sum of five dollars for every twenty miles of travel, going to, and returning from, the *»?•<«. seat of Government, the distance to be computed by the nearest route usually traveled ; and the sum of six dollars each, per day,r«yof um» be paid to the members of the General Assembly, during the pres- ent session, and five dollars for every twenty miles of travel, going to, and returning from the Capitol, under the same rules which' '*"**' apply to the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives; Provided, that no member of the General As- sembly shall receive pay for the time he may be absent, unless Pr<>T>««. his absence was caused by the sickness of himself or his family, or he had leave of absence granted by the Senate or House for satis- factory reasons* 4. SiV. IV. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Senate be paid the sum of eighty-seven fitly-one hundredths dol-.s.»«e. lars per day for the present session ; and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, to be paid one hundred dollars per day for the present session, out of which sums they shall pay all their assis- s and sub-clerks; Provided, that no warrant shall issue iu fa-p^...-.. vor of either, until His Excellency the Governor, shall have satis- factory evidence that they have carefully marked and filed away all reports of standing committees, and all papers of importance con- nected with either House; and the sum of one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, each, to the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk or the House of esentatives, to defray the contingent expenses of their re- conunr** spective offices at the present session of the General Assembly ;s2£eu£«i And that the sum of twelve dollars per diem, be appropriated to pay the Clerks of the standing committees of the Senate, and»*^t»ndi»g House of Representatives ; Provided, that the Auditing Committee of either the Senate or House shall not be authorized to audit said Clerks' accounts for any greater number of days, than shall be cer- tified to by the Chairman of the committee to which he was Clerk. 5. Sbc V. Beit Jnrther' enacted, That the sum of six dollars per Pty „, w day be paid to each of the 1 >. tor Keepers and Messengers of the SuLI^T* Setiate and House of Representatives, at the present session of the General Assembly ; and the same mileage to each of said M "* ,r ' Door-keepers and Messengers, as is paid to the members of the < reneral Assembly ; and the sum of fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, ia hereby appropriated for cleaning, lightings, : .. and keeping in order the chandaliers of the Senate Chamber and Representative Hall, during the present session of the General ■embly. fl. Skc. VI. Be it furthei ■< . That in ali where the PUBLIC LAWS.— Appropriations. ! mid H" i tnl Association— Soldiers Families P ^.General Assembly directs the performance of any service or 1-aW. rd for which no provision is made for compensation, the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for such sum or sums, a* in his judgment may be a just compensation. 7. Sec. VII. lie it 'further enacted, That the various sums of tkc ■ • "* annual salaries of all the officers of* this Stale, whose salaries arc fixed by law, be, and the same are hereby appropriated annually. to pay said salaries until they are otherwise altered by law. B. Sec. VIII. Be /t Jurther exacted, That the Treasurer be au- thorized to pay from time to time, to the QuKcers of the Govern- ment, whose salaries are appropriated by this aet, seventy-five pe; . -cent of the amount, tor which service has been actually rendered at the date of such payment, taking receipts from said officers for the same, which receipts shall be his vouchers, and are hereby declared offsets to the extent of such payments, to executive war- rants drawn at the end of the quarter for such officers salaries. 9. IX. And be it farihir enacted, That the Treasurer be author- ized and required to pay the members and officers of this General »«»' '" ': Assembly, and the warrantsdrawn on the. Treasury, for the salaries of t anriall other civil officers of the State, for the political year eighteen pvj'S hundred and sixty-five, in State Treasury notes, of the class issued -tls" under aet of fourteenth of December, eighteen hundred and sixty- one. 10. ^f.c. X. fie it further enacted, That the sum of five hundred Thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the; Georgia Relief and Hospital Association,: to be drawn and ex- u peaded according to an act entitled "An act to appropriate funds t<» the uses of the Georgia Relief arid Hospital Association," asaetited to December twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. il. SEC. XI. lie it further en ictrd, That the sum of six millions of dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the ifo ;; a D ;sann' is hereby appropriated, for the support of the indigent \}^t a% widows, and orphans ot soldiers, and indigent families of soldiers who may be in the public service, and for the support of indigent soldiers, who may \>>- disabled by wounds or disease in the service of this State, or the Confederate States, for and during the year 1865, and of indigent exiles and refugees of this State,* who are poor and destitute ; Provided, that the fund appropriated for this .purpose, shall be distributed as is [described by law for the past year, till further legislation on this subject: and provided further, that the .Justices of the Inferior Court of each county, in their re- turns shall include the indigent exiles and refugees from other '"' counties in this State, who have fled from the enemy, and are des- titute of the means of support ; and -provided further, that the In- ferior Courts may purchase corn or other necessaries of life in such ,, counties as they may deem proper; and the Quartermaster Gen- eral is instructed to net transpoitation for the same, upon the »• same terms as general freight is transported. 12. SEC XII, And be it further enacted, That the sum of eight (1U- PUBLIC LAWS.— Appkopriattons. Publ'u- ]),-li; — Sniniy nl' S:i!.rr'.nl.'i,.l.i.! ..< the fieoigift Military Institute— MilitH J i hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessa- A , )t>TnpTi .. ry,. be appropriated and set apart, for the purpose of .enabling His ' Excellency the Governor, to purchase such quantity of corn as; may be necessary; to provide bread for such persons m th'e coun-^;;™"'''' ties which may have been, or may hereafter be, oyerrun by the enemy, and such other counties as may be destitute, and certified to be so by tlie Inferior Courts, for com for the indigent poor, by drought or wet weather, which the Governor is hereby authorized to have purchased ; ami he is authorized to have said corn con-,,,, veyed to such places as he may think proper, for the convenience""'" ol said persons, which corn shall be furnished gratis to those una- ble to pay for it, ami sUch persons as are able'to pay for the same shall be required to do so, and the money re'reived for tsid coin, from such persons, shall be paid into the Treasury. VS. Sec- XIII. Be if 'further enacted, That the sum of one million to >»y p»M two hundred and eighty-nine thousand live hundred arid seventy-six i^-;* .c.J dollars, or so" much thereof as mav be necessary, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay any portion ol the public debt which may become due within the present political year; and to pay the interest on State bonds, as may be issued by authority of ■my law paised during the present session ol the General Assembly. the same to be paid out oi any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated. 141 Sec. XIV. Bi if further enacted, Thai the sum of three s »-.t of sJ thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the salary <>f the Superintendent of the Georgia Military Institute; and the sum of'"" v one thousand eight hundred dollars each, to nay the salaries of the 1'rofessois. 1"). Sec. XV. Brit further enacted .That i he sum ol due million ol dollars, and the balance of the same fund undrawn, -or mi mu.-.h thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby appropr I as a Military Fund for the yen- eighteen hundred an I sixty five, to be drawn from the Treasury on warrants of the Governor, from time to time, as the same may Ire required, to defray the ir military purposes, or for other necessary expenses or payments srrow in a <5ut of military op 'rations, or the movements Of troops LB. Sec. XVI. Be it* farther unacted i That the sun. dred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary isappropri to* pay the Guards at the State Magazine at Milledgfeville, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five ; an d the sum ol nine hundred J dollars, in pay the Military Store Keeper in the city ofMilledgeville. 17. Sec. XVlf. 11 it' further enacted, That the sum of twenty- e hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay the Itecording t !lerk of the Executive Department for I eighteen hundred and sixty -fi 18. Sec.'XVUI. Bt U further enacted, That the sum m - thousand dollars, be. and the same is hereby appropriated, for tin purchase of stationery for the use of the Executive Department. PUBLIC LAWS.— AiTKori;i.iTiON.<. it!.-. Aayluin — li*titufi«.u lor tlie Mind— State Treasury Note*. T.,,. T Be I : >- Sec. XIX. />V it farthei enacted, That the sum of nine thousand fatOiiM^aud thirteen dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to the Secretary of State, to pay for fuel, lights, and other contingencies provided by him for the General Assembly, as per account ten-" dered the Finance Committee, to he drawn on the wan ants of the Governor, and paid out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated. 2v ij,i, s Act, (he Governor be, and he is hereby authorized, to issue deiri.iuy. ' Treasury notes, making the notes hereafter to be issued payable the twenty-fifth December, eighteen hundred and sixty-live, and •hen' '." redeemable ii^ Confederate Treasury notes, if presented within ou ''',"' three months from maturity, and receivable for Taxes and public dues before and after maturity. 24. SEC XXIV. further enacted, That the State Treas- uryn«to«»ii.jurer be authorized to burn every two mouths, or oltener if neces- »o b* buniwisary, m the presence of the Governor or other person appointed £*rj ioo'' by him, the State Treasury notes due on the twenty-fifth Decem- ber eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and redeemed by him ; and also B.uch State Change Bills redeemed at the Treasury, which may be unfit for circulation ; and that for the purpose of meeting the charges of the Comptroller General against the Treasurer for these '•..Timor ,„ Treasury notes and Change Bills, the Governor is hereby authorized to"fwr™i an ^ required to draw his warrant ou the Treasury, in favor of the Z^ M fcf. r n «t Treasurer, for the amount thus burned. o™ an* ft- 25. Sec. XXV. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one ■ w"rS' aU( ' a ' ia '* m ^l-' ons of dollars be, and the same is hereby appropri- ^^p^ated, to bo used in the exportation of cotton and other produce, ^/"uppfi^fer the purpose of paying for soldiers clothing, Blankets and other £ Ti fo«"n supplies necessary to be imported for the State ; and for the pur- **ted«*t. pose of accumulating exchange in Europe to pay the interest on the sterling debt of the State; and to meet the further demands of PUBLIC LAWS.— ArraoMM vrioxs. J{«v. Wm. Flinu, rUr.-qi'ttin— District Aids-de-Camp — Oik in Treasurer's oflii- fless, and promote the success of the enterprise and the interest of the State in connection with if. 2G. SEC. XXVI. And be it furf/trr enacted, That the sum of five£& dollars per day be paid to each, the messengers of the Senate and House of Representatives, for. negro hire during the present sec- tion. 27. Pec. XXYJI. And be it further enacted, That the sum of two £ hl| p'''" , J •J Mini." > ' hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, s«* as compensation to the Hew W. Flinn, Chrfplain of the Semite and House ; and the sum of one hundred dollars to Iverson L. Hunter. r, *»»tH for his services as page to this House. 2S.'Sec. XXVIII. Be it further enacted, That, the sum of seven- *i< tin ii * i i ii -i tiont»p»» S. ty-eight dollars each. be. and the same is hereby appropriated, tor. ri pay tb> Hon. S. T.'»Player, Representative from the county of d. u >•■ * j i • son for •t-!! ; W. L. 6 rice Senator from the twenty third District, and Daniel Henderson, '. ! itative from Worth county, for'"" their services and mi attending the late. called session, of the General Assembly. 29. Sac. XXIX. Be it* further 'enacted ','That the amount of seen ';\,\ '\ 9J dollars per day, be paid the Diptrict Aida^De-Camp, out of the d,: ' r * m '- fund appropriated for military purposes, for every day that they arc or have been on legitimate military duty, under orders from the Governor: ' HO. Sec. XXX. Ami he it further enacted* That the sum •>! t.weu- p«j s{\g«£ in TrCt-» r ty-fivt hundred dollars be. and the same is hereby appropriated, to « • pay the Clerk in the Treasurer's office. Sso. XXXI. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to November iSth, 1^04. (N#. 2.) An act in authorize and requirt the Trcaturef of tins State, to muke cer- tain advance* and-for other piirposis. 31. Section, I. The. General Assembly of the State of Georgia do A4nm . m hf ', That the Treasurer of this State be, and be,» hereby All- JKET ,. thoracd and required, to make advances to any of the members™;;^, sod officers of this Genera] Assembly, in no case to 1 I the per.; diem pay and mileage of any member oi the same. 32. Sec. II Be ii nmactcd, That the State Treasurer further authorized and required, to pay tho mcaaberB and officers of 1 2 PUBLIC LAWS-— Banks'.— Distillation. J5ank of tile I'.juti- State — A«t to prevent the unnecessary consumption of grain auiei.d**l. General As tiiis General Assembly, and the warrants drawn on the Treasury £to& "i'Ubr the salaries of the other civil officers of the State, for the politi- »ute W tS ft b2cal year IS65, in State Treasury notes of the class issued under act KfJ"SSJ:of 14th December 186*1, Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 17th, 186*4. TITLE II. BANKS. Sic: !. ^Bank of the Empire Slate," lVlioved from penalties imposed by lavr lor R«t nik iug reports. (No. SI) An Art for the rel uf of the Bank of the Empire State, establisf led at Home Georgia. Whereas, The enemy having unexpectedly taken possession of Rome, in the month of' May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ami thereby the hooks and papers of the Bank of the Empire State having fallen into their hands; and whereas, on the fourth day of ' June eighteen hundred and sixty-four, tiie Governor called for the report from the different* Banks,'. and in consequence of the Presi- dent and Cashier of said Bank being unable to recover the books and papers of said Bank from the enemy, they have been unable to make a report to the Governor as required by law. 1. Skcitox, 1. The Gcnefal Assembly of the State of Gjovgia do iv .,, , ,,,^7^/r/, That the Bank of the Empire State be relieved from all ^'^pniiis and penalties imposed upon Banks for not making their re- in B n wjwS" torus to the Governor when called upon to do so: and that said Bank be in future relieved said penalties until it recovers its books and papers, or until they again cornmenee' business. Sr.c. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 18th, iS(U. TITLE II DISTILLATION. Skc. 1. Moving" lager»beer'allovred. I " 1. Persons indicted for making lager 4 beor I relieved, on paying cost. (No: 4.) An Act to amend An Act to alter and amend an Act, to 'prevent the unnecessary consumption of Grain by Distillers and Manufacturers of Spirituous Liquors in this State, Approved November 22d, 1862, and amended April 11th, 1SG8; and to suspend and dismiss all prose- cutions for Brewing Las;er Beer under and by virtue of said act. Whereas, In the first section of said amended Act of April 1 1th, PUBLIC LAWS. — Insurance Com v'a sies. Merchants Insurance Company of Columbus. 1863, it. is declared that it shall not bo lawful for any person or per- sons to make or cause to he made within this State, any "Whiskey, Alcohol, or other Spirituous or Malt Liquors : And whereas, it hus been held, that under said section, the brewing and making of Lager Beer and other innocent beverages was illegal, and many persons in various parts of this State, have been arrested and indicted for tjie same, for remedy whereof'. 1. Section, I. />V it enacted. That the 1st section of the above recit "* ki, {* '« ed Act be, and the same is hereby amended, by inserting the worts »*«*■ except Lager Beer, after the words Malt Liquors, so as to read,as follows, or other Spirituous or Malt Liquors except Lager Beer. 2. "Sec. II. That all persons in this State, are hereby released and p c „ 011 , ,„ relieved from the penalties incurred by the violation of said Acta^'J},, £j, for brewing I.agei -Beer ; and all prosecutions instituted by officers J^^ii*/ of this State, for violating said Acts by brewing Lager Beer in this State, are hereby directed to be settled, upon the payment of the costs which have accrued on the same, bv the defendant or de- fendants. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws Assented to Nov. 14, I' 564. TITLE IV. INSURANCE COMPANIES. s*< . 1. Capital Stock of •' Merchants A- Iu-| surancc Company. 2. Cotnpaoy incorporated. Regulations t >r subscriptions. : S ■■a- of Company. General POW- CI-'. fton of Piesideat and Directors < Mficers ejected annually. • '.'. igibility nwtricted. i. l',.\T"r of President and Directors I'd appoint officers aud li'l vacau - ' To a -II atoek ol delinquent Stoek-holdcra. Regulate dividends and trausfers <>i stock. Distribu- tion of net profits. 7. Miv * i»k<* n-<>, marine and inland risks of insurance. When contracts binding. Power to rec« ive depos its, borrow and loan money, dii count netes,,&u. Issuing bank bin** prohibited. 8 Liability ofCpmpanj rtoi :. bold PI"S. ''. Limitation of ( "i (No. -3.) An Act to incorporate tin Insurance Company in tit rify of Columbus, * to^bc called the •* Merchants' Tnsurance Company of Columbus Geor- 1. SECTION I. Be it enact^i, <$c, That there shall he established in the city of Columbus, an Insurance Company, the capital stock of which shall be Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the priv- ilege of increasing said capital to < >ue Million, upon the terms here- in prescribed. 2. Sec II. Be it further enacted, That J. V. Winter, E. Barnard, W. H. Hughes, W. W. Garrard, J. F. Btzeman, s. Rothchildt, ...:', • . . 14 PUBLIC LAWS.— Insurance Companies. Merchants Insurance Company of Columbus. Hanserd, W. A. Bedel, W. H. Young, T.,S. Spear, D. F. Wilcox, and J. B. Hill, or any five of them, are hereby appointed Com-rais- siouers, whose duty it shall be after advertising for ten days in ono of the city papers, of the time and place of subscribing, at any time. „ . ~ before the first of January, Eighteen Hundred and sixty-five, to ?-»r , ' Kr:i " °P en * n * ne c ^y of Columbiisa Book, and receive subscriptions for stock in said Company, whioh book shall be by them kept open, until the sum of Two Hundred and fifty Thousand Dqllars of stock is subscribed for ; each subscriber shall at the time pay to the Commissioners, twenty-five Dollars upon every share subscribed for, and no person shall be allowed to subscribe for more than two hundred and fifty shares of said stock, but this shall not prevent any person after the organization of said Company, from owning more than two hundred and fifty shares by purchase or otherwise. 3. Sec III. Be it further enacted, That those who shall become- subscribers for said stock as above mentioned, their successors and assigns shall be, and they are hereby created and made, a body corporate by the name and style of " Merchants' Insurance Com- pany of Columbus, Georgia," and by that name shall be, and are hereby made capable in law to have, purchase, receive} possess, , enjoy and retain, and sell all kinds of property which may be ne- cessary to conduct the business of the corporation ; to sue and be sued, to make and use a comnron Seal, and break, alter and renew «ii. ne "" ! '" the same at pleasure ; to ordain, establish and put into execution, sucli by-laws, rules and regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation, not contrary to the laws and constitution of this State or of the Confederate States; and generally to do all acts and things, as shall appertain to ©r be necessary for the carrying into effect, the objects and purpo- ses of said corporation. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further caudal, That said Commissioners shall immediately after as much as two Hundred and fifty thousand Dol- lars of the stock of said corporation shall have been subscribed for, gsedion «i and twenty-five dollars per share paid to them, call a meeting of £irecto». & the stockholders, and they, the stock-holders, shall proceed to or- ganize said corporation by the election of not less than five, nor more than eleven Directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum;, and the said Directors shall elect one of their members as President, after which said Commissioners shall turn over said books of subscription and money paid in, to said President and Di- rectors ; aud said President and Directors shall, annually, on the first day of January in each succeeding year, call a meeting of the stock-holders, first ^giving them thirty days' notice thereof in one of the city papers, (except said first day shall come on a Sunday, when the meeting shall be on the second day of January,) at which time the stock-holders shall elect Directors forth ensuing year; S" wMiry! ar.d the Directors shall elect a President, and said officers .shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are duly electtd. 5. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That the President and Direc- PUBLIC LAWS. — Insurance Companies. i$ Merchants Insurance Company of Cehinkoa. tors shall be elected from stock-holders in wi"ifCompany, ami f no person shall be eligible as a Director, except he owns in his own BUtlMIk , . right fifty shares of the stock of said Company ; and further, that ,triot< ^ there shall be one vote for each share, and that absent stock-hold- en may vote by proxy. C. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That said President and Direc- tors shall have power to appoint and remove at pleasure, all ofti- &*"*»« * cers or agents of said corporation, to prescribe their duties, take 01 '^ "' from them their bonds for their faithful performance thereof; tOT«.ppoi.t fill vacancies that may occur in their board, and appoint a Presi- m^SSL dent protem, in the absence of the President; and further, that said President and Directors shall have power, from time to time, to call for the payment of unpaid stock, in such sums as they m;:v deem proper, and said stock shall be considered and held asiler- sonal property ; and upon the neglect or refusal of any stoek-hoU- er to pay the instalment on his stock as called for by the Presi-«"i™ k t dent and Directors, then upon ten days' notice being given in one" 00 ' "■ of the city papers, said board may sell said stock at, public outcry, • and said delinquent stock-holder shall still be liable for the balance due or which may become due oyhim to said corporation, and rnay be sued therefor in auy Court having jurisdiction; and said Presi- dent, and Directors shall have further power to make dividends . )ni i «.■«..!*.. jw- r ii l l i /■ ii ,. wwwwinfl) oiiu ideas »\\o,.u,, t;(k , fir . against nil the hazards of ocean or inland navigation and tnmpw£52* ££ tation of any kind, as it may determine ; audsai.I corporation *iiall°V ,:,ur " J1 ""- be liable to make good and pay to the several persons who mav insure in said corporation, for the losses they may sustain in aJ-uv,, rou . cordance only with the terms of the contract, of policy issued byS,<" e said corporation ; and no policy or other contract of said corpora- tion shall be binding, except it is signed by the President and .Sec- retary of said corporation; and said corporation shall have power to receive 'money op deposit, to loan and borrow money, to take and give such securities therefor as may be considered best, to in- vest its money, and transfer its property at pleasure, to purchase^"^™' and discount notes and bills of exchange, and do all other acts that*"' 1 ^'^ itxgay deem advisable for the safekeeping and secure investment ™"°* T ' notM » of its funds, Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be con-*""' strued to authorize said corporation to make any note or bill to circulate as a bank bill, or to issue any security to be circulated i..,.i n< u* as money ; andit is/urthcr enacted, That said corporation shall haVo^! ,pro PUBLIC LAWS.— JcD'rciART. LikbiKtv CuHzpasr Sessions of die Supreme Cpnrt during invasion. power and authoriiy to make re-insurance of any risk that maybe taken by them. S. Sec. VI1J. Ik it -farther enacted, That said Company shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property ; and the •r Rock- stock-holders shall be liable to the extent of double the amount of their respective stocks for the debts of the Company, in proportion to the number of shares held by each. 9. Sec. IX. Be h- further enacted, That this Charter and all the privileges' and powers herein granted, shall continue in force for the term of thirty years from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-live. Assented to November 14th, ISOf. ittnfiom ■; TITLE V PirscWS JUDICIARY. Sec 1 Xdjoiirrimeul of Supreme Court an-. " :i In certain cases, orders as Igsewioul tborized, may. issue iu'va'cafion. •' -.' 30 days pu Wished nol ice required. I " - A Writ* Oi error, how returned. (So. 6.) An Act to regulate thehesuons of the Supreme Court (faring the present invasion by the public enemy. Whereas, The public enemy is now in possession of the ciiyof Atlanta, is advancing towards the city of Macon, and probably Milledgeville, and these places may by possibility during the exist- ing invasion, be placed within the enemy's lines : And ichcrcax, it is expedient and desirable, that the Supreme Court of this State should not be prevented from holding its ses- sions for the due administration of the laws of the State, by reason that the enemy is in possession of the three places to which its sit- tings arc noweonliued bylaw. 1. Section I. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the Stale of Georgia, That the Supreme Court may adjourn its present sessiou, to such times and such places during the present invasion £K«£» , * > of the State, by the army of the United States, as said Court may ST iUth " r ' deem* best for the interest of the people of this State; and that such adjourned sessions may also, be in like manner adjourned, so long as'the business of the State requires it, and the invasion con- tinues. 2. Sec II. Be if frrtlicr enacted. That thirty days notice of the ao a* b. place and time to which the Court shall be adjourned, shall be "*^** e " published by the Clerk of said Court, in one or more of the ga- zettes of this State. PUBLIC LAWS.— Relief. VVarehonse men oi this Stale. oi Sec. 111. Be itfurljier em<:ted x That if from any overruling cause, the members of said Court should be prevented from a sscm- '««**" M n er . 'bting at the time and place designated by them, at the close of any"? Vh"SiTu" session of the Court, then' the members of said Court, may in va"-™*at'™ Bi * cation, by their order, continue the session of said Court/to some ether time and place, upon giving similar notice of said order in saia gazettes. 4. Sec. IV. Beit further enacttiit, That any new writs of error .-.rising out ol the Superior Courts of this State, Juring the ct « r . nuuance of such adjournment, may be returned to either of? said tuned!*"* sessions, as of the Miiledgeville November term, 1S64, adjourned as aforesaid, upon the usual proceedings being had, and notice given as required by law and the rules of Court. Sec V. (Repeals all conflicting laws.)'* Assented to i\ov. I Sib, 1&64. * For chants in Hie Code, sec Appkniijx, in frlx'wh Compiler j« r*n uired to include all - since il - r loj tion. TITLE VI. i liELIEF. Si WnfchuB'f -mei itdxeaon cotton 6loi««I in certain 'case?, and on cer- lain coiitli (No. 7.) An net, fir fhe rtUefuf warehouse men In this Stale and for other hur- poses. WherSas, several warehouse men in this State, under the di- rection of the Comptroller General of this State, have given in the i, umber of bales of cotton in storage in their respective warehouses; iK/fas, several warehouses have been consumed by fire be- rrMn,l,: "' fore the parties owning said warehouses could ascertain the owners of the cotton stored with them, thus becoming liable for the taxes of the same ; therefore, , 1. Section I. Be it enacted, That whenever ni.v warehouse man in this State, has made a return of the number of bales of cotton on Wtreh « u «- storage in his warehouse, and owned and possessed by individuals""" 1 »»"• other than himself, and has thereby become liable for the taxes on "ttoIT'lurpj the same, and said cotton has been burned, that said warehouse "V '"nV"' man shall only be liable for the amount of taxes collected upon the*^n»."" d '' same ; and the Tax Collectors of their respective counties, are au- thorized to receive and receipt for the same, in lieu of the taxes as- sessed, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand- ing- Approved Nov. IStli, 1S6-1. 18 PUBLIC LAWS.— Revenue. Revenue for ei^lif***-!! hundred nud sixty-live. TITLE VII. REVENUE. SBf . 1 ■ P«T rent, of lax for 1865. " • -2. $-21HH) exempt in certain cases, provi- ded taxabie property dues wot ex- ceed $10,000. ' 3. Comnii.-*iou8 <. 1. Eutird white mae population be- tween Lfi ami '>"> years ofnge made Bubject to Governors eall. " •-'. Volunteers may be, accepted. ■" :*. Police regulations may be prescribed by GoVerrior. " 4. Governor to upnfer with Coufeder , Btteuts to be voluntary ate General in command. (No. 9.) An act to antlibrizc a Uvy en masse, oj the population of Georgia for the protection of its liberty and independence. Whekeas, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State' of Georgia, in General Assembly convened, have learned from a communication from His Excellency the Governor, that a large hostile force of the foe, whose presence has so long desecrated the- soil of Georgia, lias left Atlanta under the leadership of a General, whose past history is but a recital of every violation of civilized Pr warfare, and a repetition of every o.utrage Which links barbarism with the coarsest instincts of brutal nature, with the apparent in- tention of penetrating the heart of our noble old commonwealth ; ind whereas, in such an emergency it becomes a people who are led to die freenjen father than to live slaves, to meenmat and offer on the altar of a common country, all the resources in , and money, which GrotJ, in hia benevolence and wisdom, has placed at their disposal^ for the vindication of their rights, their liberties and their honor; therefore, finding in the history of the • nothing to appall us, but on the contrary, every incentive to is forward to the achievement of a glorious in- dependence by sundering the ties which once bound us to a near friendship to our vindictive foe : 1. Section I. Be itenacted, That the Governor be, and be is i 20 PUBLIC LAWS.— State Defence. A levy en masie of whole male population authorized. Entire white hereby authorized, during the emergency now arising out of the. "o*i'i£w?en present invasion of the interior of our State by the armies of our l s f *if t K J^i barbaric foes, to summon to arms in the field, the entire white o^ior' 1 . male population of the State, now residing or domiciled in the ** u - State, physically capable of bearing arms, between the ages of sixteen and fifty-five ; and to compel their attendance, for the pro- tection of our soil and the defence of our liberties. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted; That the Governor be authorized veicnte«rt to accept volunteers, in such numbers and such organizations, and ^"ted. * c for such time, as in his discretion he may deem wise and prudent, during the present emergency, conforming as closely as circum- stances will permit, to the existing militia organization of the State. p«Kee re g u- 3. Sec. III. Be it farther enacted, That .the Governor be authori- upmcribrS zed, during this emergency, to make such arrangements for police > ky Governc ' '• regulations in the different counties of this State, as in his judg- ment, the public safety may demand. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be request- Governor toed and authorized, to confer with the General commanding the c^ntVderttV'Confe'derate forces in Georgia, to the end- that no detriment shall command. '" ensue to the due anfi necessary execution of Confederate and State laws, and the proper maintainance of the necessary interests of the State and Confederate Government; and that no one shall be relieved from duty under this Act, except for the purposes herein specified, during this emergency ; so that the whole physical force which both governments can bring to the field, may be employed alike and in common, for the defence of State and Confederate in- dependence. 5. Sec. V. And belt further enacted. That the persons called out ' «d ^Article' under this Act, shall be subject, after said call, to all the rules £™* r to and articles of war of the Confederate States; and on failure to report, shall be subject to the pains and penalties of the crime of desertion. G. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That the powers conferred '■ coTJrnor' i n upon His Excellency the Governor by this act, shall continue in. rorce f 0t 40 ^^ f or t}]e p er j j_ f forty days, and no longer, from and after the forces are called out under it. 7. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That whereas] the Constitutions' EiuitmcDt nas defined the co-ordinate branches of the government, to-wit ; the "I^HTs'e Executive, Judicial and Legislative, and the powers of each ; ami ^l() years, and none others, .ire liable to military ser- vice ; and a conscript in the reserve forces, who, since the passage of that act, has at tamed to the age of 50 years, may, H" still held tor service, be discharged by habeas corpus. — Macon, March Term 1865. Parker vs Kaughman— Clark vslJrady : Habeas Corpus.— 1. The power of Congress to raise armies by conscription i s not restricted to men able for active service in the field, but extends to such also as. though unable for that service, are capable of performing the duties of "pro- vost or hospital guard, or clerks, orclerks' guards, agents, employees or laborers in the com- missary, quartermaster or ordinance departments, or of clerks or employees of navy agents, of the duties requisite in the execution of the enrollment Acts, or other similar duties." TheCth section of the Act of Feb. 17. 18134, entitled "An Act to Organize Forces to Serve During the War.' is therefore constitutional 2. In executing that section of th« Act, it is necessary that the report of the Hoard of Sur- geons should specify tho particular duty for whk-h each man is capable. A report in general, terms, that the conscript is fit for light duty, is not sufficient. In administering tho military statutes of the country, a strict conformity to their provisions is requisite. — Macon, March, r«7*jl865. Brock vs. McClasky— McLnne vs. Collins: Habeas Corpus.— Soldiers belonging to the f.loi federate States Reserves, who are arrested for/felony, by the civil authorities of the State, and admitted to bail, are liable to be ordered back to their command while going at large, and to be put again on duty. Those cases are controlled in principle by the case of Alfred vs. Ir- win, decided at MilledgeviTlej in November last.— Macon, March Trim 1865. Smith vs. Brooks : Since the passage oft he Act of Congress, entitled, "An Act to put an oud to the exemption from military service nfthose who have heretofore furnished substitutes," it fo-lows, that one who lias put in a substitute is not entitled to his discharge from the custody of the Enrolling Officers. on iliat ground — Mittedfreville, Nov. Term 1864. !>.*>- vs. A minor below the age of 17 years, not liable to military service, and wRo has volunteered into service, is notwithstanding, entitled to his discharge upon application by habeas corpus. lie is incapable, of giving his oonsrnt to a contract bv which he would bo bound— MtlUdgcrilJc, Nov. Tei * 1,864. Afltdey X8. Starr— \ contractor to furnish the Confederate»StateH with arms, -is not exempt by reason tl ■ • nrollment as a <■< nscript. — Milhdgeville.. Nov. Teem 1864. Anderson i 5 s was enrolled, as-a cnscrlpf, and detailed to oversee his own planta- tion and negi • detail was subsequently revoked. S. was 'elected, commissioned and qaalifi - Being ordered to report to the Carpp of Inst motion, prepara- tory to assignment lo duty and in Us tt ring into service, he sued out a writ ot habeas corpus to be discharged— Held, that his election tofhe rjffiee of Just ice of the Peace entitled him to a dis- charge, and that tne Enrolling Oficei had no right to detain him under the circu'msti March Tcr'ni,lt TITLE SX. TAXES. mated by ni t ii i in pure hi of property. 2 Property relieved from tax when de stroyedby the enemy or by order of commandii g General. foj collecting tax. 4. Inferior Court in each county tball 6x valuation of sla\ i- betn een •- . \ aluatton to ed on minutes and copy w ni to < otnptrofli eval. 5. C .idate and ;. iveragc value of different age,. A. e and notify Tax Receivers. Mi W valued. Tax payer* to tetorn a listof slaves by agPM ami sexes. f Cnsound or crippli not m eluded, and how valued Additional oath iu cases ofui ('••mp. Gen. shall send printed coP3 and blank schedule! Infcrioi Court printed copy of act 22 PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. .Property deutniyer] \,y the public enemy— Time for collection of Taxes extended— Tax o. Sec. IT. Be it further enacted, That on or immediately after Cltmp G „ nl the first Monday in March, in each and every year, the Comptroller S^SftJ General shall examine the returns of the Justices of the Inferior "J^-j Lifts, assessing the value on slaves according to age, as directed *■«; this'Aot; and alter noting and consolidating all the returns t« aSffy ived for each age. shall ascertain the average value through- cut the State, placed upon each age, as is hereinbefore enumera- ted; and shall embrace; a Statement of such valuation in his annual circular to the Receivers of Tax returns, with the average value throughout the State so ascertained, which shall be deemed and held to be the value of each sound slave in this State, of the different ages named ; except as to mechanics, all body servants, ^''^^f i lath men or seamstresses! In all case-, where any slave shall be a mechanic" following his trade, an additional value of fifty per cent, shall be placed upon the same by the Receiver of Tax Re- turns 7. Sec! IV. Be U fufyher enacted, That all persons, hereafter ^ in returning slaves for taxation, be requested tO; furnish the Re- ^ rj»««^ I ver of Tax Returns with a list containing the ages of his, her,^-. J ..r their slaves and their sexes, when any portion of this Act Te- res the distinction to be made ; and that the Receiver of Tax Returns be, and he is hereby directed to place such valuation up- on the same, as is furnished' him by the Comptroller General, in npliance with :h ; - Act ; except such a- shaniei following PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. Equalization of Tax on Slaves. their trade; upon which he shall place;):) additional value ofriity per cent. S. Sec. V. Be 'd further enacted, That Receivers of Tax I'. - turns, in assessing the value as directed in the foresroins; section, iTDMOBd orShall not include any unsound or crippled slaves in such valuation. « r it?idBde" if objected to by owner, agent, or person making the return: ^l hcw V81 ' but such owner, agent, or person making said return, shall be permitted or he requested to swear to the unsoundness or deform- ity of said slave or slaves, and also swear to their true value. 9. VI. Be it further enacted, That in case any tax payer shai' have in his, her or their schedule of slaves, any unsound or de"- formed slave or slaves, which he, she or they object to being valued at the regular valuation, he, she or they shall be required Addition.] to take, in addition to the usual oath, the following oath, viz : ^Jo^You do further swear (or affirm, as the cage niay be.) that the lrf,Te5 - slave (or slaves) that you now object to being valued as other slaves are valued, is (or are) unsound in health or deformed, and is (or are) not worth as much as other slaves of like age, and that said slave (or slaves) is (or are) not worth more than the valuation ' placed upon the same. 10. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, .That it shall be ths duty o; c°jjp- e g«) : the Comptroller General, on or before the fifteenth of January in n^'y^; each and every year, to have printed, and he shall send to the pj: int ^ t c 3 Justices of the Inferior Courts, in the form of a circular, a copy ki»nk sohed-of this Act, together with a blank and schedule to befilled up and signed by the Justices of the Inferior Court, and return to ths Comptroller General's office, showing the assessment of valuation by the said Justices, according to the herein enumerated ages of slaves. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. ■ • Approved Nov. ISth, 1864. 1'ART 'II. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS. Tin.i; I.— CITIES. II.— COUNTY LINES. III.— ROADS. ) PART II LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS. TITLE I. CITIES. 1 Mayor'and Council i>f Columbus an-j " 3. Erecting of Market House in City <>t (homed lo increase license rates of] Columbus, autDori&ed. s Proviso. - retaihaz liquors; running Drays, Ex- " t. Sales of "produce by retail, except si press vrasfons", and practicing profes-l Market House within market borfrs, -.■ins in said City. may be prohibited by Mayor] and - Elections of Marshal, Dept. Marshal Counbil. &£, held like the Mayor's. I " ."■. Applies only to usual retail dealfrn (No. 14.) An' Act to amend (he C/turfer.'of tjve City of Columbus\ a ml t>> chaitgt the place r.f holding election* for certain city officers in said (titij, I. Section I. Bc\h 'enacted joy tjie Gencral^Assembly . of* the Sta't (if\\U„t »*- ticorgiai That the Mayor' and Council of the city of Columbus; ';:; ,\, 1 „" , ai ,. shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, 10 in- crease the price for any license, to retail spirituous liquors : to run^ninfii-^ any drays or express wagons ; or for the practice of tfny profession ;;;';;,'., or pursuit, for which a license is now required by the ordinances el -.lid ciiv. to such sums as in their discretion may be.proj>er and :,.,,:*„ •"';"; just. -.'. Sec. II. Beit further evicted, That the elections for Marshal, KhiaS , *^i mty Marshal. Sextcn and Clerk of Council of said city of Col- 2X „,,$•£ umbus, shall be held at the same place, and in the same manner, , ^,',; k ," *" iie election for Mayor of said city is now held. This act shall 01 . . e efteel from date of its passage. . III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assentecl to Nov. Wh, LS64. , • (No. 15.) An. Act to aulhorizt tin May ij and Council of the City of Columbus to ' a Market Houet in oiteof the streets of said City ; and to pa* ordiham es to establish ■ ,-\Pi ji i 1 / c.n«.fi. city, except at the Market House, until after the usual market hours ; and to impose such penalties upon offenders, as upon other offenders against the ordinances of said city. 5. Sec. III.. Be ii further enacted, That no person shall be pun- ^ pp )iT.i n f n r£ ished for any violation of an ordinance passed under and by virtue of the second section of this Act, except such persons as shall usually bring marketable articles for sale in said city by retail at the Market House ; and that this act take effect from and immedi- ately after its passage. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Nov. 17th, ISGo. , tail dftlfl's. TITLE. II. COUNTY LINES. County line between Muscngss. anrijSfiC. 2, Lots iu Paulding add QliaUftlioochee defiueS,, ed to Carrqlj. (No. 1G.) An Act to df/iiir the line between the counties of Muscogee and Chatta- hoochee. 1. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of county line Georgia, That the line between the counties of Muscogee and bogeea £i Chattahoochee shall be defined to be, the center of the Upatoie cne« d.tiue.i. Creek, from the Chattahoochee River up said creek to the origin- al line of Talbot county, except lots of land numbers eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, one hundred and one hun- dred and two, and parts of lots eighty-six and one hundred and three, formerly owwed by John W. Woolfolk deceased. Sec. II Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Nov. ISth, 1SG4. (No. 17.) An Act to add certain lots of land therein named, in the connltj of Fqndd- ing to the county of Carroll and for other purposes. 2. Sec. I. Be h enacted, That lots of land numbers sixteen and seventeen (10 17,) one hundred and forty-eight and one hundred LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS.— Roads. 29 Road Commipsiiipera in Lincoln Comity. and forty-nine, and fractional lots, numbers one hundred and 8ix- Utt ty-one and one hundred and sixty-two, all in the first district and ggjj *** third section of original Cherokee, but now Paulding county Geor- * da, be added to the county of Carroll. Assented to Nov. 17th, 1864'. TITLE III. roads.; m t i Cei tain Roa • I ■ ,..:.:. Lincoln county'. (No; 10.) An "Actio rrpml an, Act entitled, art Act to 'alter end anveiuL the Road Laics of this State, in reference to.thetime % bf assembling of Road ( 'qinmissioneps to heaf and determine upon excuses rendered bydefavi- tas (tnd by overseers, so far as respects the cotbtty of Lincoln, Sec, I. Tin- General* Assembly of the State of Georgia' do enact, cerutn road That the above recited act be, and the same, is hereby repealed. «™'> r fiJ 1 county Assented to Nov. 14th. ISO 4. ( RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Or 1 THE STATE OF GEORGIA. AT AN ANNUAL SESSION IN L864. i No 1. No 2. No. 3. Wo. 4. No. b No. 6 - ii ional day of pra; Recommended. that G. S. four percent bonds, and certificates for produet i for tnx<' j . Mail nmte recommended. Mb Mai! route recommended. . State Treasurer authorized to count and No burn plinnge bill-J and Treasury notes. [Yeasurer authorized to reinov< X" money and paper'. Commutation of tux in kint (rmnendcd. :,- \, 8. Collection of taxes postpone overrun. 9. Passage of biLls on first reading a ized. 10. Respect k> the memory of the Hon. Jffferwn Adams. 11. Respect to the memory of the Hon. Simpson Reid 12. Respect to the memory of John II. .Johnson. 1 I. Mail route recommended. (No. 1.) . ! Resolution providing for tJic appointment of a joint Committee to mqh arrqng *c of a national day of Pray > . Wherkas, The President; of the Confederate 3 es lias issued his Proclamation setting apart Wednesday, the Iflth of November instant, as a day ol general religious ohservanci \nd whereas, it is proper that this General Assembly should respond publicly to the same ; Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate a?if importance to a place of safety ; and whereas, a large amount ofsute Tre»» change bills and State Treasury Notes of great bulk, and trouble- "^oc^'i some of transportation, are accumulated in the Treasury, *hanM rn bin, Therefore, resolved by the House of' Representative*, (he Senate < ojia/r-lliet. un ring, That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to count and burn, in the presence of any three or more honorable gentlemen, being Howc *"'**' Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the Superior or Inferior Court, Bank or County olrirers. at State House officers, such amount of said change Bills and Treasury Notes, as he may think proper ; and the eertilicate of the gentlemen bo witnessing said counting audburning, shall be the voucher of the Treasurerfor thtfiMM. , amount so destroyed, and entitle him to a warrant for said amount, on presentation to the Executive Department. Assented to November 18, 1804, (No 6 : ) Resolved by the General 'Assembly o'' the State <>/ Georgia, That John Jones, Treasurer, be and he is hereby authorized and "required,;?™* £3*£ m take such steps as he may deem necessary, to convey the public™?, pubE money and important paper* connected vrith his ollice, to some X"^. 1U RESOLUTIONS. Suspension of the collection of Taxes, in certain cases — Death of Hon. Jefferson Adame. I tices of the Inferior Courts, in counties where the provision crop* are short, or the provisions have been devoured and destroyed by the armies, as stated in the foregoing preamble, to such an extent as to subject the people to want and suffering, so much of the provis- ions of the tax in kind, as the Inferior Courts will certify to His Ex- cellency, to be absolutely necessary for the support of soldiers' fami- lies, refugees, exiles and the indigent poor, in their respective coun- ties, upon the payment by said Courts for the tax in kind, in money, and the cost of collecting the same. » 7Wlrt . oiu 2nd Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested i^feefonrardto forward a copy of these resolutions and preamble to the Sec- retary of War, and each of our Senators and representatives in Congress. Assented to November 18, 1S64. (No. 8.) Resolution to suspend the collection of Taxes, in certain cases. Resolved, &fc, That, in all such counties as have been overrun by the public enemy, and by reason whereof, the Receivers and cuiwticn rCollectors of Tax have not been able to complete their books, unieyoft- anc | t co llect the taxes of said counties, the ■ collection of taxes pocvefl in con- _ . . . _ to» •TttTun. jr, e 8llS pended for the present year, 1SG4, and until a reasonable time for the same to be done ; and that the Comptroller General be instructed not to enforce the Collectors in said counties to collect the same, until a reasonable time after they may have been freed from the enemy, for them to make their collections and returns. Assented to November 18th, 1SG4. (No. 9.) 1 Resolution to facilitate the business <*f' the present session. n«ne« er Resolved, That in the judgment of the General Assembly, in Sa e g h au'view of the invasion of the State, the emergency has arisen, iti utoriscd. y-hich the General Assembly may pass bills upon the first read- ing, under the Constitution. Assented to November 18, 1864. (No. 10.) Resolutions in relation to the death of the Honorable Jefferson Adams, late Senator from the 28//* District. Whereas, since the last session of the General Assembly, the • Honorable Jefferson Adams, late Senator from the 28th District, has been called away from time, to experience the solemn reali- ties of the future state : And, whereas, it is due to his memory, that this body should give expression to the sorrow it feels over their sad bereavement : Therefore be it RESOLUTIONS. 3S Death of Hon. Simpson Reid — Death of lion. John II. Johnson. Resolved by the Senate, That we have heard with profound re- . gret of the deatk of the Houorable Jefferson Adams, late Senator from the 2Sth District, and heartily sympathise with his sorrow- ing family over their sad bereavement. Resolved, That in (he death of the Honorable Jefferson Adams, this body is deeply impressed with the loss of his valuable coun-JlT^uolb* sels as a legislator, and his companionship as an honorable and "!*!£?,, &, courteous christian gentleman. . ,um - Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be signed by the President and Secretary of the Senate, and be transmitted to the family of the deceased. Adopted November S, 1S64. (No. II.) Resolutions in relation to the death of the Hon. Simpson Reid,tafc Senator from the 407 /» district. Whereas. Tt has been announced that the Hon. Simpson Keid departed this life on the day of May 1864 ; Rooked by the Senate, That it is with heartfelt sorrow, we haveKJISrk learned of the death of the Hon. Simpson Reid, Senator from the "hoTEE? 40th Senatorial district; That we tender our warmest sympathies 555, %£*£ to the family of the deceased, in their sad bereavement. midi1.) RetolvUoni in relation to the death of the Hon. John H. Johnson, laic Sen- a tor from (he 36th Senatorial district. Whereas, During the present Session of this General Assembly, the Hon. John II. Johnson, late Senator from the 86th Senatorial district, has been called from time, to experience the solemn reali- ties of the future state : And whereas, it is due to his memory that this body should give expression to the sorrow it feels over this sad ^bereavement ; therefore, be it deed by the Senate % That we have heard with profound regret R-oiuu th of the Hon. John H.Johnson, late Senator from the 36 th ■?•£?* district, and heartily sympathise with his sorrowing family in their sad bereavement R nlced Jmrther, That in the death of the Hon. John II. John- son, this body is deeply impressed with the loss of his valuable oounseli as i Legislator, aid companionship as an honorable and courteous gentleman, and his district a noble Representative, and a good and patriotic citizen. i •r Hi •• •on. 36 RESOLUTIONS. Mail Raute from Elberton to Hartwdl. Resolved further, That a copy of thete resolutions be transmitted " to the family of the deceased, by the Secretary of the Senate. Adopted November 17, 1865. (No. 13.) 1st. Resitted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That •«aS5Hh-our Senators and Representatives in Congress be, and they are ^wtieii^re. hereby requested to use their influence to have established a tri- t * mmnd * i weekly Mail route from Elberton by Webster place and Teaselyin Elbert county, by Bio to Hartwell, in Hart county. Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested to «i.'?.n\ to". forward a copy of this resolution to our Senators and Representa- tives in Congress, and urge upon them the necesiity of establish- ing said Mail route. Assented to November 17, 1S04. A T S OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, PASSED IN MACON, AT THE i\ February and March, IS(W < riBIIMirn ItT 41 TIIORITT. MILLEDGEV1LLE : BOtOHTON, NISBBT, F.AKNF.* * MOOtl, STATE PRINTKK* 1SG5. TABLE OF TITLES, DIVISIONS, AC. PART I. PUBLIC LAWS Title I.— APPROPRIATIONS. " II.— BANKS AND BANKING. «■ III.— CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. « IV.— COUNTY OFFICERS. « V.— DISTILLATION. '• VL— EDUCATION. " VII.— ELECTIONS. »' VIII.— EXECUTORS, ADMR'S, &C. " IX— INSURANCE COMPANIES. " X.— JUDICIARY. " XI.— MILITARY. " XII.— PENAL CODE. " XIII.— RELIEF. .« u XIV.— SOLDIERS AND SOLDIERS FAMILIES. " XV.— TAXES. I STATUTES OF GEORGIA, PASSED P»Y Till: E13EZTH^L 8EISSION OK TI11C , GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1865. P1RT I. — PIBLIC LAWS , TITLE I, APPROPRIATIONS, I l'/i v ni President nrii SperfkBr for extra Sec S --inn. tylileage PaynfMembers ' lor extnt- Session. Mileage; lYoviso. &. Pay of Secretarj of Senate, U)erk ol ll'inx- Pfovjso. Contingent >\ penses of Secretary oi Senate. Ctfn- tingenl expanses of Clerk of House. 3 Pay ol Messt'ng'er* and Doorkeepers. Mileage. For negro birfi. Clerks <'»f standing conimitt ea. Proviso. Page of Ho ■!. Ailaiiiciia] Salary to Snp'.l "f State Ln- Datia- Asylum. Additional loi sup| ■ i pauper patients. .'i. Additional for Institute for the 1 Blind. 6. To pay Sec'y "I State foi fuel, Station- ary ' - -mil. 7 M ilitai y i nod (increased! 8, Salary ol Book -Ke«per and S:i!<-«maij ml Tauuei ol Miinr. s 1 Mi Sec. 11 Sec. 1.' Sac ia Bl c 14 15. Sec, lf>. s,.p i; Set ! * To Ji -- e I Mid for travelling expenm - Committee on Penitentiary. Ulerk ol committee. . To pay balance due Quar. Mat department for puroliaae of spun yarns. . To pay Secretaries Ex. Dipt for i i- penaps of extra Session. To |>sy expenses of Adj. Beu'l;hia Assistant, and Ulerk, .11 Macon Chaplain of Beuate, Expenses ot Treasui er, S» > "y of State, ami Coaip. G< n'l r* i extra 8» ssion Foregoing sppropriationa to tic in Confederate notes. To li. B. Knight, as Cledl 6T Military con iiiitic-. 1863. For littiup up Halls for r-xtra v [tepaire ol Stale House and Ei M bioll . (No. 19.) An A. time' he may be absent, unless his absence was caused by the sick- ness of himself or family, or he bad leave of absence granted by the Senate or House of Representatives, for satisfactory reason, or after a member shall have obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session. Payofsiscn* 2. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of th« "^ ° fS -" at< ' Senate be paid four hundred and thirty-seven 50- LOO dollars per iiw of day, for the present session ; and the Clerk of the House of Repre- sentatives be paid five hundred dollars per day, for the present ses- sion ; out of which sums they shall pay all their assistants and sub rroTiao. Clerks; Provided, That no warrant shall be issued in favor of ei- ther, until His Excellency the Governor shall have satisfactory ev- idence, that they have carefully marked and filed away all reports of standing committees, and all other papers of importance connec- ted with either House; and the sum of three hundred dollars, or contingent so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to secretary of the Secretary of the Senate, to defray the contingent expenses of his office during the present extraordinary session of the General expem^r'uf Assembly ; and the sum of eight hundred dollars is hereby appro- uoLw. priated to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, to defray the contingent expenses of his office, during the present extraordinary , session of the General Assembly. . Pay of mps- 3. Sec. III. And be it fart tier % enacted, That the sum of thirty DoTkee P ers d dollars each, per day, is hereby appropriated to pay the Messen- ger and Door-Keeper of the Senate and House of Representatives uiieaft at the present session, and the sum of five dollars for every twenty miles of travel, in going to and returning from the city of Macon, the distance to be computed by the nearest route usually travelled, and the sum of ten dollars p<5r day, be paid the Messengers and Doorkeepers of the Senate and House of Representatives, to pay kot ^ negro ^ e lie g ro hire of their respective houses ; and the sum of twenty- five dollars per diem, each, be appropriated to pay the clerks of the aerks of Finance and Judiciary, and Military committees of the Senate du- tLmmuU* ring the present Session ; Provided, That they be paid for the days Proviso actually employed, which days shall be certified to by the Chair- man of the respective committees ; And the sum of twenty dollars BXe. -per diem be paid to the page of the House of Representatives, Iver- PUBLIC LAWS.— Appropriations. 43 Lunatic Anylu m — Institution for the Blind — Military Fund— Book Keeper of tlie Penitentiary. i.. i station at sxtra ff«ii"" soa L. Hunter, as his compensation for liis services during the present session of the General Assembly. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the sum of fifteen hun- dred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, in additional Additional to the salary now fixed by law, to pay the Superintendent and res- " "sur" &«• ident Physician of the Lunatic Asylum for the year 1865 ; and that""' the sum often thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appro- priated, in addition to the sum now allowed by law, to pay fchen»ra»sdp»s Trustees, Treasurer, sub-officers, Attendants and servants hire, oi'^^j^' the Lunatic Asylum, for the year 1S6-5 ; and that the sum of fifty ** thousand dollars, in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated, is AddiHonaifor . , Lit,' eappnrt ot hereby appropriated for the support of the pauper patients in the p«"»r* pa- Lunatic Asylum,, for the year 1S65. • 5. Sec. V. And br it jurt her enacted, That the sum of six thou- Addition*] sand dollars, in addition to the sums already appropriated, is here- for the Blind, by appropriated for the support of the Institution for the Blind, for the year 1S65. 6. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That the sum of four thou- T)piy s% .,. v sand eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neeetsa- fi[J™$J ry, is hereby appropriated to pay tor stationery, fuel, and lights £ furnished by the Secretary of State, during the present extraordi- nary session of the General Assembly. 7. Sec. VII. And be it ft rt Iter enacted, That the sum of three millions dollars*", or so much thereof' as may be necessary, be ap-»c*M*d. " propriated as a Military Fund for the year 1865, which shall be applied solely to the payment Cov subsistence, clothing and trans- portation, and Medical supplies, for Soldiers in the field. -v Sec. VIII. And- he if) icted, That the sum of twenty- five hundred dollars, be, and is hereby appropriated, to pay they'd s«icT' salary of the Book-keeper and Salesman of the Penitentiary, for SSLiy. the year 1865 ; arid the sum of two thousand live hundred, dollars nwi umvr to pay the salary of the head tanner of the Penitentiary for the" year 1SG5. 9. i>\:c. IX. Be it farther* enacted, That the sum of twenty-seven r ] )u dollars be appropriated to pay .lessee Oslin, Messenger of the House'of' Representatives, - for his expenses on a trip to Milledge- ville from this place add back again, to get Laws and Journals for the use of the House of Representatives, 10. SeC. X. 'And' be u further enacted, That the sum of two hun- dred dollars is hereby appropriated to pay C. W. Mabry, James Polk, T. KirUy, D. If. Walker, and J. M. Smith, committee ap-^SUSU pointed to visit Milledgeville to make a report upon tha condition of the State Penitentiary ; also, the further sum of eighty doll Co ™' for the pay of the Clerk of said committee. 1 1. Si p. XL And (h it further enacted,' Thai the sum of tweot] one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen dollars, be, and the same; • i.n henby appropriated, the balance doe the Quarterma ' ".'.'j'' al'8 Department for spun yarns, purchased and distributed to the;, './;,"£* families of soldiers, under a resolution of the General Assembly, \ 4* PUBLIC LAWS.— Appropkutions. .St.tte Honee Offipfrs. — Repairs on State House and Executive Mauui^u. directing such purchase and distribution, For which' no appropria- tion has been made. _ . « 12. Sec. XII. And he it further enacted, That the sum of seven £2**^ ^ -hundred dollars, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to each, p.ii f e.«.f f.x- the Secretaries, (two in number,) and the Recording Clerk of the Executive 'Department, to pay their expenses, incurred by being required to come to Macon, during the present session cf the Gen- eral Assembly, ■r. «),rr,y,x. 18. Sec. XIII. Be it further enacted, That the sum offivehun- '■MnV o^a^red dollars be allowed the Adjutant and Inspector General; five ■£« £&[?££ hundred dollars to the Assistant Adjutant General, and five hun- mm"' 1 dred dollars to the Clerk of the Adjutant General, to defray their expenses during the present session of the General Assembly ; and the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated to pay the R«y. tautte. "Dr. Wills, Chaplain of the Senate, which shall be paid by the Treasurer, when an account shall be audited by one of the auditing committee of the Senate. emm f ^ Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the sum of seven bun- *ecm»ry' v < ^ ve( ^ dollars each, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be ap- c «V D oen! P ro ppiate(l to pay the expenses of of the Treasurer, Secretary of " " tra '™' State and Comptroller* General, while detained in the city of Ma- con, in attendance on the General Assembly. ■[•ngrfacap- $&• S EC « XV. Be it further enacted, That the several sums ap- to'o^STin ptopriated in the preceding sections of this bill, be paid in Confed- c»nffd.r«te erate Treasury Notes, except mileage due. to members of the Gen- MiiNg* ^i.eral Assembly, which shall be paid in eight per cent Georgia Treasury Notes, unless otherwise therein provided. j 10. .Sec. XVI. And be it further enacted, That the sum of fifty c'laht '». dollars, in Georgia Treasury Notes, be appropriated to R. B. itwy commit Knight, for services rendered as Clerk of the Conference commit- tee, on the bill to re-organize the Militia of the State of Georgia, passed 14th Dec'r J8G4, Which sum was appropriated but not drawn, and thereby reverted back to the Treasury". 17. Sec. XVII. And be it further enacted, Tiiat the sum of two rii'. '.'"Vx- thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appro- priated to defray expenses incurred in repairing and fitting up the Halls used> at the present session, and the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury, to pay for said expenses. IS. Sec. XVIII. And be it further enacted, That the sum of elev- en thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, Kerair. .f and the same is hereby appropriated, to par for repairs on State State Home T1 it-, . J Ii . 1 , l J . , l ■. «nd Ex. Mm- House and Lxecutive Mansion, made necessary by depredations on the same by the public enemy, and the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for said repairs. Assented to March 11th, I860. PUBLIC LAWS— Banks and Banking. 45 Stay Law re-ettadtod — Tirna for redemptioi of State Treasury &otes extended. TITLE II. BANKS AND BANKLWI. **c 1. Relief to Hank* extended, and MayiSec. 8. two Directors may transact bur- law re-enaatrd. 09m •' 5. Exceptions made •< 9. Two of the Pirectnra holding ov.-r 3, Ot forcd at-onoe. may order an . election for new Di 4. Time Attended for redemption ot rector*, New Directoraraay ohose* Mate Treasury N«>w*. President - |-.Paith ol the State pledged, \ ■■ L#, 6m. R, R. "and Hanking Co. anther- b. 1 reaeury certificates aut&onaed tor i/( ,l to „ 8 . ilH oorporata name in all certain Treasury Notes, suits and proceedings neoessary.t Sanction given to the removal of tin- «>r1ice of Central R, R. and Hunk ni>: Co. trom Savannah to Macon Shall remain in Maoon fbrthepres anL >se its business, in the meantime may loan on certain oondhiona. In Being notee prohibited. 11. Relief to Hanks extended. Slay law re enact ad. 12. or force at once. (No. -JO.) Aii Act tj$ continue in force the fourth section of an Act muted over the Governors veto, on the '30th day of November, 1S60, entitled an An. to provide against the forfeiture of the several bank charters of this State, on account of- non-specie "payment for. a given time, and for other purposes, passed in the year 1S57, and to suspend the pains and penalties impose,! upon the several banks and their officers im this Smite tor non-payment of sped,, and for other purposes j .and also an act to add a proviso Jo the fourth section of an Act entitled an Act for (he relief oj" the people and banks of this State, and Jpr other purpose** passed on the -iOth oj November, I860, ami to add an additional to - lion to said Ait, assented to December 20th, 18G0. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, fe, That the above recited Act, and the above recited parts of au Act, be, and the Mime are hereby re- Ba«kV» < SWs enacted; and shall remain in force during the continuance of the ^•-"•■'" *•' present war. "*■ ff. Sec. II. 11 it father enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to defendants who are nqt in the army of the Con-';":' federate States, when plaintiff's arc willing to take Confederate money. 8. Sec. III. fir- if further enacted, That this Act shall go into a u*+ . effect and be in force from and after its passage. Sf.c. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 9tn March, 1805. (No. 81.) ,4n An ta fiti ml the time fox the redemption of the State Trtamry Notes issued under an Act pem&d Dec* \2th, IStuJ, and amended March \lih, 1^64, and for other purposes. A. Section I. T% Gvnerml AmmMjf of the Slate of Georgia do 46 PUBLIC LAWS.— Banks and Banking. Treasury Certificates — Central Kaihoau anl Banking Company. Kme«xte*a-««wtf> That the time for the redemption of the State Treasury ?&n er of e it«S Notes issued under an Act passed December I2th, 1863, and ZSST"' amended March 17th, 1864, shall be extended to the 25th day of March, 18G6. 5. Sec. II. And be it farther enacted, That the good faith of the sutepWgla State is pledged for the redemption of said Treasury Notes, upon the terms mentioned in said Notes and the provisions of this amend- ed Act. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved March 9th, 1S65. (No. 22.) An Act to amend an Act of the fourteenth of December, eighteen hun- dred and till if -three, authorizing the Treasurer to issue Certificates of Deposits fur certain Treasury Notes. 6. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the injury above recited Act be so amended, as to authorize the Treasurer Huu.oriz.d to give Treasury Certificates in like manner, for the. Treasury Treasury "" Kotes authorized to be issued by Act of November, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-four, for the payment of the officers and Members of the General Assembly, and the other civil officers of the State. Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to 7th March, 1865. , . (No. 23.) An Act to alter and amend the Charter of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, to provide for the election oj Direc- reclors of said Company, and a President thereof for the present year, to change and establish the principal office of said Company, to fix the number of Directors necessary for a quorum to transact business, and for other purposes relating to said Company. Whereas, by reason of the proximity of the enemy to the city of Savannah, and their occupation of said city in the month «^ tl ^'iv- of "December last, it was not possible to hold an election for Di- u £ val , of „ the rectors of tiie said Company, on the first Monday in January last, office »t Gen- * "- ~ l J ' J 1 1 ttai gaii;v ad vvherebv the persons chosen as Directors and President, and elec- & Banking J L m tiil-f 1 "1 v^wiX Ma ^d for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, now, under said coa charter hold over : And, whereas, a majority of said Directors are still absent at Savannah : And, whereas, the books and effects of said Company have been removed to Macon for safety :• 7. Section I. Be it enacted, §t., That the removal of the as- sets, books and effects of said Company, from Savannah to Macon, sbaii rcmam is hereby sanctioned and made lawful ; and that the principal of- the Ma pr?stot'fice of said Company shall hereafter, and as long as Savannah is occupied by the enemy, be at the aforesaid city of Macon. 8. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That hereafter, and so Ion 0, as the enemy shall occupy Savannah, any two Directors of said Company, so now holding over as aforesaid, or who may be Two" Direc- tors may transact busi- ness. PUBLIC LAWS. — Banks and Banking. % 47 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. — R*H.-f to Ranks extended. hereafter elected, may constitute a quorum to transact business of the said Company. 9. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful avo or ti.« for any two of the Directors of said Company, now holding over ^S?m, as aforesaid, to order an election of Directors for the present year^Sfo?^ eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to. be held at the city of Macon, u,fectors - on sixty days public notice in one or more of the public gazettes of said city; and the persons so.elected shall hold office until the first Monday in January eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and until their successors are elected ; and the Directors, so elected., shall i^, J T' choose a President at any meeting at which a quorum of at least SlT" two Directors shall be present. \ JSev. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved March 2d, 1S66. (No. ii4.) An Act t<> authorize the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company to cfote up Us bunking business. 10. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgian do the «•■ seven per cent., and for a period not exceeding six months, any ■dentin 1 ljr J -i .,1 •t».ii condition*. surplus money on hand from deposits or other sources; Promded,i tm said Company shall have no power to issue notes, or do any other r '" act exclusively appertaining to the business of bauking. SKC 11. Repeals contfieting laws. Assented to March 9, 1SG5. (No. 25.) An Act to continue in forte the 4tth section of an Act, passed over the Governors veto, on the ZOth day of November, I860 t entitled "An to provide against the fotfeilurt of tht several Bank chart this Stifle, on accourU of non-specU payment, for a given time, and other purp ted in the year i857,and u> suspend the pains' and penalties imposed upon the several Hanks and their officers in this State, for non-payment of specie, and for other purposes ; am/ m on to add a proviso to the Uh section of an Act, entitled an Act ■ relief of the people and I 'his Stat othtr pur\ ted on the o')/// day oj Novembt . I - ; . ( » ; and to add an ado, 'ion to said Act, assented to Decembi r 20, 1 - 3 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the Stat bibsfc.'d. AS PUBLIC LAWS. — Concessional Districts — County Officers. Echols County attached t>> 1st Cougreaejonal I>i-trlct— -Kens of County Officers. Re«.f »• acl i That the before recited part of an Act, and also the before ""suy 1 ^ incited Act, be, and the same are hereby re-enacted and contin- tv-cBMtod. ned in force, for, an. TITLE IV. COUNTY OFFICERS. fee. i. Increase of lees lor Costs of County Officer*. ' H. Judgment ami fi. fa. for cost t« be for Confederate iiunpy. •■ 3, Not applicable to eaKe» before passage, of act. Sec. 4. Of force at once. ' i>. County Treasurers to be elected by the people. When, and for how Ion j. (No. 27.) i An Act to fix the fees of' Clerics. SheriJ's, Ordinaries and Jailors, in the several counties in this State, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, That the rates of fees of Clerks, "{Sheriffs, Ordinaries and Jailors, in the several counties in this of««uDtf c«- g^ e ^ an( j cj er k s anc j Sheriffs of City courts, shall be increased one hundred per cent, upou the rates now allowed by law, to be UCTWlU .'«•! for «•■ PUBLIC LAWS. -Distillation. 43 Certain persons rulicvetl from penalty lor distilling spirituous liquor*. paid in Confederate money; Provided that the fees prescribed by the act of 14th of December 1S63, shall be construed not as addi- tional, but as new fees. 2. Sec. II. Be it further evaded. That when judgment is en- Jud4tm „ lt fc tered for costs, said judgment shall recite that the money shall be"*tncZ£Si i*';d in confederate money ; and the tifa shall conform to said judg- erato nK "" T * ment. 3. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the be- Wto P1 ^£ fore recited act, shall not apply to casjs or costs which have ac- £*"«£•'•- crued before its passage. J. Si:c IV. Ik it farther enacted, That this act shall be in force fo from and after its passage ; and all laws and p'arts of laws con- 00 **- tlicting with this act, are hereby repealed. Approved March 11th, 18r)- r >. ■ (No. 2S.) An act to require County Treasurers to be elected by the: people. Section', I. Be it enacted, <\v.. That hereafter, the County o.«nt y usurers in the several counties of this State, shall be elected by £?£^a'by people for the term of two years ; the election to be held on the pwp1 '- first Wednesday in January eighteen hundred' and sixty-six ;forh?W ^"J and thereafter, on the day that other county officeis are elected. '. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March Sth, 1S65. TITLE T. DISTILLATION. illoru of liquor un [Sec. 2. Same relief on future itfiUttmcDTa. den w, relieved on Sec. 2. Of force at once. T.iyili;; co.-t. (No. 29.) > . 1 ' tics certain persons who have been guilty '' i!i- nrituous liejuors under a misapprelicnslqn of law. tie persons in this State, since the adjournment of ion of the General Assembly, have distilled spirituous n grain or other prohibited articles, under the belief, ; faith, that this General Assembly had passed a law on the ember^ 864, allowing beads of families to distil a ied quantity of grain into spirituous liquors ; and when ieved that said violation of law was committed under a mis- apprehension as to the passage of said Act : For remedv whereof, * 4 *•* PUBLIC LAWS.— Education. Teachers entitled to the benefit of the Pour School Fund. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, That in all cases where prosecution* have been commenced against any persons, since the adjournment SHj, M * jftof the last session of the General Assembly, for violating the dis- »™Ier ni S"tillation Acts of the State, and the quantity distilled is not shown £!££*• '« to be more than five gallons for each head of a family, and ten gal- f »yiB5 ««t j ons f or eac k additional ten of the game, the indictment in all sufth cases, shall be quashed, upon proof being submitted to the satis- faction of the presiding Judge, that the person so offending did not intend to violate said laws, and that he or they were acting under the belief that such a law had been passed. 2. Sec. II. Be it. farther enacted, That in all cases where indict- 9 rments may hereafter be found, the accused shall be entitled to like 'privileges, and the presiding Judge shall have like discretion as is declared and provided in the first section of this act. 3. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That all laws conflicting with at this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall be offeree from its passage. Assented to March 9th, 1S63. . c sme Teli •■ fnture in dictments ©f force ".if. TITLE VI. EDUCATION. Sec. 1. Same allowance to Tep.cbere of poor children, a6 for others in tomt branches. Sec. 2. Of force at once. (No. 30.) An Act to increase the fcr diem fay of Teachers entitled to tlte benefit of the Poor School Fund of this State. 1. Section I. Beit enacted, That the Educational Boards of the same ,u«w. several counties in this State, be, and they are hereby authorized, STX^to allow the Teachers of children entitled to the benefit of the- '"rtSSri fn Poor School Fund, the same per diem pay for teaching said chil- ^mebrwch.^j.^ as j s charged 'by them for teaching other children pursuing similar branches of study : Provided, said charge shall not exceed seventy-five cents per day. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted. That this act shall, take effect "'from and immediately after its passage ; and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act, be aqd the same are*; hereby repealed. Assented to March 3d, 1865. Of force PUBLIC LAWS— Election?. 51 Rotetnts of E lection, in the I rmy— Elections fm- Bounties- which have ,liee« overrun by the enemy i TITLE VJf. ELECTIONS, Se«. i. Time extended to receive electiou re- See. 2. Refugees from Counties overrun may tunn from the Army- hold elefitiontf for theirtCounty ou ' conditions. (No. 31.)' An. Act to extend the time for returns of elections in the Army. 1. Section I. Be it. enacted, if the same were held in the counties o{ their residence ; Provided, That the managers of said elections comply with existing laws as to returns of elections ; And provided further, That any voter at such election, may be required upon the challenge of any other person, to take an oath that he has not renounced, hnd still claims his citizenship in the county for which the election is being held. . Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 1 lth, 1S6-3. 52 5.— Executors, Administrators, Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees authorized to sell Confederate Bond*. TITLE VUI. EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, &C. Sec 1. Exr's.. Adtn'rs.. &c. authorized to selllSec, Confederate bonds in certain cases to pay taxes. " 2. Proceedings to obtain leave to sell. Sale may be private. •■ 3. Returns of sale to be made. '■ 4. May also be sold for distribution. •' 0. Exr's., Adm'rs., and Guardians, au- thorized to make annual returns ii any county to which they have lied from the enemy. Transcript to be recorded, where letters were taken out. G. Administrations in wrong counties le- galized in ceitain cases. /. Exr's.-, Adm'rs., &c, authorized te pay debts existing befoie the war in estate property on valuation oilSCt). 8. Appraisers to make valuation. l'r» viso. 9. Returns to be made. 10. Of force at once. (No. 33.) An act to authorize Executors, Administrators. Guardians- and Trustees to sell Confederate Bonds, under certain circumstances. Section, I. Be it enacted, That whenever any Administrator, ■M'sAdmr* Executor, Guardian or Trustee in this State, has not the money or *m t* u .i?r'the means of raising funds to pay the taxes of the estate which he fc1ndfi e u rB £r- represents, without selling property or collecting solvent debts p« 4 *u«r "contracted before the war„and is in possession of Confederate Bond* belonging to said estate, it may be lawful for him to sell a suffi- cient amount of said bonds to pay said tax, upon his complyieg with the provisions ef the succeeding sections of this Act. 2. Sec II. Be' it further enacted, That any Executor, Admiia- Proceedtn . istrator, Guardian or Trustee, wishing to sell Confederate Bonds u^wVu f° r * ne P ur P 08e specified, shall make application to the Ordinary, by petition in writing, for leave to do so ; and it shall be the duty of the Ordinary to grant such leave upon proof being made that' Hitch sale is necessary according to the spirit and intent of this act, s a ic m«y !,.• and for the best interest of the estate; and such sale may be rriTal " made privately, and without previous advertisement. 3. Sec III. And be it further enacted, That whenever any x\dmin- istrator, Guardian, Executor or Trustee shall sell any Confede- rate Bonds under the provisions'of this act, he shall in his next an- nual return, state the time of such sale, the price received and the name of the purchaser. 4. Sec. IV. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of this MaVniee be'act extended to Administrators and Executors, whet) nec- tTibtttion. ' 6 cssary to sell said bonds for distribution. Sec V.«Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 9th, 1805. Returns of ^ak to Vif PUBLIC LAWS. — Executors, Administrators, Ac. 68 AtiitiittJ it-turn* of Executor*), Administrators, &.(•., when their oituutiu me overran by the f-ni'iuy. (No. 34.) An Act to authorize Executors^ Administrators and Guardians, in those Counties overran by the public enemy, to make their annual returns in any county in this State, to which they may remote ; and for other pur- . poses. 5. Section I. Be it enacted, fyc., That whenever any county in this State is overrun by the public enemy, so that Kxecutors, Ad- . ., • • • /-t i • it- RxrtAdnu** nunistrators and Guardians, cannot make their annual returns, as»» d o«»rd.i- now required by law, it shall be lawful for such Executors, Ad-'* 1 *• ™*» i /-% ' ,. i • i i ««nual re- ministrators and Guardians, to make said returns in the countv to turn « iB «t which they may remove. And the Ordinary of such county i9£ hi(!ll fl d theJ hereby authorized to pass all orders that may be necessary to a f ">™ ^« «• full and complete administration of such estates; Provided, That •aid Executors, Administrators and Guardians, shall be requir- ed to have a transcript of the returns thus made, recorded in the Tr «iMri P tu county where Administration or Guardianship was taken but, wherThJfel whenever said courts may be re-opened ; failing thus to record a weri ,ak,a transcript of said returns, in the courts where Administration or Guardianship was taken out, said returns shall not be received as evidence in favor of the Executors, Administrators, or Guardians. Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to March 4th, 1865. (So. 30.) An Act to legalize Administrations made under letters granted from wrong counties, in certain cases. 6. Section I. The General Assembly of tlte, State of Georgia d<> en- That in all cases where letters of Administration have hereto- fore been granted from a county, which, at the time of granting Admiiut™. them, did not embrace the place where the deceased resided at tlje ro " ntl «. »•- r i • i ii i • i i- i c i • i tnl\u*Atu time of his death, but which did lormerly embrace it, and was, at °« rUln e * , «* the time of granting such letters, generally believed to embrace it still, the Administration made under such letters up to the (passage of this Act, shall be as valid in all respects as it would be if it had been made under letters granted from the proper county. Assented to March 4th, L865. (No. 3G.) An act to authoiizc Executors, Administrators and Trustees, to jwiy debts against the estates they Represent, contracted and owing before the mmencement of [he waf between the Confederate Stales and the I Til- led Si ales, out of property b< lotging to the estate, on a basis of valua- tion ef the same as in eighteen hundred and sixty, and for other purposes. 1. SECTION I. Be it trtactti, That Executors, Administrators and Trustees arc authorized and empowered to pay any debt 54 PUBLIC LAWS.— Executors, Administrators, &g. Executor*, Admin^i:(it<<-s Vc, ftutUorized to pfty debts contracted before Ibe war. Kxr- e Adniis against the estate they represent, contracted before thecommence- z*i "o 1 ; payment of the present war between the Confederate States and the ia ? bXre ih« United States, with property belonging to said estates, on a basis pr a ope* y 6 m* of valuation of the same as in eighteen hundred and sixty ; Proti- oi ^^ r p^ crec] itoi'.S" of estates shall fcgreeto receive property in pay- ment of their debts at such a valuation. 8. Sec. II. Be it farther enacted, That when the creditors of any estate shall agree to receive property in payment of their debts held by them against such estates, contracted before the present war, at a valuation as prescribed in the first section of this Act, and the Executor, Administrator or Trustee, shall believe it to be to the interest of the estate they represeut, to pay the same in , such a manner, the property shall be valued by three disinterested Appraisers to i 1 J , - be valid, and that the city of Macon shall hereafter be the resi-T^S" ca- dence of said corporation or such other place as the Board may«jniKa it designate. 2. SfiC. II. Be it 'further enacted. That five Directors shall here-Fire^ Dr- after constitute a quorum, each of whom shall be a stockholder mik*q»»ru» to the amount of fifty shares. 3. Sec. III. And V it further euaclcd, That this Act shall not be so construed as to disfranchise, or in any way affect any ^ock"^;^ holder who has remained loyal to the Confederacy, whether hetow* was at thf time of such re-organization within the enemy's lines, or not. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further , enacted by the authority aforesaid, Th at no person who owned stock in the original Company chartered for Savannah, shall he a member of the Company chartered by rutgT# m .„. this Act, until such person shall first signify, in writing, his desire %*&\*~ to be a member of the Company chartered by this Act. nor shall** 111 *- the property or effects of any person who was a member of the original Companies located at Savannah in any way be liable for the acts or doings of the Company chartered by this Act, until the ptockholtler S6 PUBLIC LAWS.— Insurance Companies. Home Insurance Company. - said person shall signify in writing his or her willingness to tfe a member of the Company chartered by this Act. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 4th, 1865. * (No. 3S.) • An Act to amend an Act to incorporate an Insurance Company called the "Home Insurance Conypany" approved 7th December, 1S03, and to sanction its re-organization. Whereas, the city of Savannah has, by the chances of war, become subject to the government of the United States of Amer- ica : And, whereas, a minority of the Directors of said Company have voluntarily remained in said city, and are transacting busi- FrmMft ness under said charter with the protection and seal of the United States of America : And, whereas, a portion of the stockholders of said corporation, who have remained loyal to the government of the Confederate States of America, did on the 14th and 15th days of February, 1865, after due notice being given, assemble at the city of Macon, and re-organize said Company : 5. Sec. I. Beit enacted by the General Axsaiibly of the Start of s«at< law- Georgia, That said re-organization shall be *> alid and of full effect, iSSr «r s»-and that all the acts of said re-organized Company shall be biud- iwiTedtf^'ing and obligatory so far as they comply with the provisions of said charter. 6. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall not be jj. le^i so construed as to disfranchise, or in any way affect, any stock- ». keduton- holder whe has remained loyal to the Confederacy, whether he was at the time of such re-organization within the enemy's lines, or not. 7. Sec. III. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person who owned stock in the original Companies chartered for Savannah, shall be a member for the Company chartered by 3Futur*j mom- . x v J k«reki^to bethis Act, until such person shall signify, in writing, his desire to wrivjug be a member of the Company chartered by this Act ; nor shall the property or effects of any person who was a member of the original companies, located at Savannah, in any way be liable for the acts and doings of the Company chartered by this act, until the said person shall signify, in writing, his or her willingness to- be a member of the Company chartered by this Act. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, 1865. TUBLIC LAWS.— Judiciary^ Jnries.- Special terms of the Superior Cour TITLE X. r>7 JUDICIARY, Sec (. Sec. Sec. Rec. foe. See, See, 6e«. 8ec. »*.) Ad act relative to Juris*. 1. Section I. Br it enacted §r., That whenerer from any cause, any of the Superior Courts of this State were not or cannot be IT"?"*" beld at any regular term or adjourned court, the Grand andJ^^SEfi Petit Jurors who were to serve thereat, shall be held and con- J^J'STIC •idered as legal and competent Jurors at the next Superior Court; id county ; provided that no new Juries have been drawn md summoned lot said succeeding court. •'. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That whenever a failure of ()il(ii , )ur , of Superior Court for any cause takes place, the Clerk thereof;';:";* ,;,''*„, shall by written notice at the Court House door, or in some otb< mode, require the attendance of the Grand and Petit Juries who «£; • ' are made liable to service by the first section of this Act, at the ■ext succeeding term of the Superior Court. Assented to March 7th 1505. (No. 40.) A* Act to authorize tfte Judge* of the Superior Courts of this Slated t+convene special terms of tht Superior Courts fir the trial oj crithinal • and dower. Section 1 The General Assembly do enact. Thai the Jadgi of the Superior Courts ofthil State, may, at any tunc in ra< convene a special term of the Superior Court in any county ol hjf i M PUBLIC LAWS.— Judiciary. Fifili Division of the Third Section and Fourth Article of the Constitution. Att<-r.ri»j circuit, for the trial ot any or all criminal cases, whenever ia his judgment, it may be necessary : Provided, That in such cases, the Notiw, i.w Judge shall cause a notice of the time of the holding of such spe- cial term, to be previously published by notice, posted at the Court house door of the county, and by publication in the gazette in which the Sheriffs sales of the county are published, for such length of time as the Judge may, in each case, determine to be necessary and proper. 4. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the Jurors drawn for the next succeeding regular term of the Court, shall be bound to at- tend as Jurors at such special term of the Court ; and such Jurors ffjJ M w" 1 shall also attend the next regular term unless the Judge shall, in his discretion, at such called term relieve them by drawing anoth- er panel for the next regular term; and all witnesses subpoenaed in all criminal cases, in said Court, shall be bound to attend said special term without further subpoena, unless the Court is conven- ed for the trial of some particular case or cases mentioned in the published notices, and then only the witnesses in the cases named shall be bound to attend. 5. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That aftej a special term of the Court has been convened upon notice published as aforesaid* the Court may adjourn over said special term to any other time, or cLr'Uv, rom t ,me to time, as the ends of justice and the necessity for a autaihized. speedy and fair trial may require ; and the parties 'and witnesses and Jurors shall take notice of such adjournment without further notice. G. Sec IV. Be it further c?iacted. ; That it shall be the duty of .Yuditesj? the Judges of the Superior Courts, to hold such special term, in hold on apnli ~> . . a . . i ' ;''', any county in their respective circuits, upon the application of the Inferior Court of such county. 7. Sec, VII. Be it further enacted, That such called Courts mav mavle dc! e8 decide all cases of dower, that may be brought to said special cal- cided. ] ec j Courts; Provided, the usual notices of application shall be giv- en or waived, and no objection offered. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved March 9th, 1SG5. (No 41.) An Act to carry into effect the Cth division of the 3d section and 4th ar- ticle of the Constitution oj the State of Georgia. office ci » r - S. Section I.' Be enacted, That whenever any Ordinary shall be hT &J Lurlli physically or mentally disabled from discharging the duties of his u 8 i"wV" B .'' er ' office, the vacancy shall be declared in the manner following.- 9. Sec. IX. Be it further enacted, That the Judges of the Supe- Pre<.m>:i,K«. nor Courts of this State shall, upon information received from the Justices of the Inferior Court, or any party in interest, either in term time or in vacation, cause a panel of special Jurors to be as- sembled, one of whom shall be a Physician ; and said special Jury shall determine and try the issue of capacity or incapacity, wheth- PUBLIC LAWS.— Judiciary. Persons on H >uds t'>r tne appearance of crirniiiaLs. — Deeds', Mortgage*, &c, required to be recorded. er physical or mental ; and the verdict of said Jury shall be final ; Provided, That ten days notice in writing, is first given to the Or- dinary to be affected by said verdict, and to his nearest relative if within the county; Jmd provided farther, That the Jury so empan- elled, shall be first sworn, as in all special Jury cases, 10. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That if the Jury find iwo^ of pacity, the office shall be vacant, and the proceedings shall be cer- ; .tified and transmitted to the Inferior Court, and such proceedings had as are now provided by law. 11. Sec. IV. This act shall go into effect from the time of ite.jwi passage ; and nil laws conflicting with it are hereby repealed. Assented to March 11th, 1SG-5. (No. 42.) i 4k Act to protect persons wluo are liable on bonds/or the appearance of criminals to answer for crimes, and to authorize and require the Judges , of the Superior Courts to conti when the persons charged with crime arc in the military service of the c'ountry. 12. Section I. Be it enacted, fa, That from and after the pas- sage of this act, when any person charged with crime in this State, c»«-« m p-'-jJ shall fail to appear at the court in any term of said court as requir-„ u, ed by his bond, and it shall be made to appear that the failure of-. such person is by reason of his being in the military service of the. 600 " country, it shall be the duty of the Judge presiding, to enter a con- tinuance in said ei 13. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, b>j the authority aforesaid, That no bond shall be forfeited by reason of the parties not appearing at the court, if it shall be made to appear that the party bound to ap- pear,' is in the military service of the country. 14. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That when any bond has heretofore been forfeited, and it shall be made to appear to the. court, that thefailure of the defendant to appear, resulted from his beiug absent in the military service of the country, or being a pris- oner in the hands of the public enemy, such judgment of forfeiture shall be set aside upon the payment of the costs incident to said forfeiture. Assented to March 6th, 1865. (No. 43.) An Act to authorizi and require tfu \ of Deeds, Mortgages and "titer instruments, that hart been beretojojre recorded, and when the rc- rdofthesann hoy been burned or destroyed ; and to authorize the recording of Deeds, U $ and ether instruments, in Counties in this State, which hai ' *nay hereafter be occupied by the- public enemy, and for other jrurposes. 16. Section I. The Genera/ A thi Stat enact, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Clerks t :,'\tt<1 to «l luat deett It Fee« lor it GO PUBLIC LAWS.— Jipiciary. Graining IftWA.— Worth county added \q the South- \Y eat eru Judicial Circuit of the Superior, Inferior, and Courts of Ordinary, are hereby au- ciwks rethorized and required, to record all Deeds, i>iortgages, and other 'cord instruments that were heretofore recorded in their Courts, respec- tively, when called on to do so, with all the' entries made on said Deeds, Mortgages, or other instruments when heretofore recorded, when the record of the same has been burned or destroyed ; and for said recording the same, the said Clerks shall be entitled to the same fees now allowed by law for recording of Deeds, Mort- gages and such other instruments. 16. Sec. II, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where Deeds, Mortgages or other instruments, entitled to record by the laws of this State, could not, and here- Tmu f.r*- after cannot be recorded withiu the time prescribed by law, by rea- ««rd in eoun- _ . ~ . . ,T . n , . J , 1 i. fen owniu son of the occupation -ot any county in this State by the public enemy, said Deeds, Mortgages, and other instruments, entitled to record by the laws of this State, may be recorded within the time prescribed by law, after the enemy has, or may hereafter remove Irom said county ; the time the enemy has, or may hereafter oc- cupy said county, to be counted out of the time prescribed by law. 16. Sec. 111. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, 1865. (No, 44-) An Act, to amend tlit law of evidence in relatiim to the gam'uig laws of this Stafe. 11. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That in all crim- inal prosecutions for presiding and dealing at a faro-table, or for .*** tf > Ti - playing and betting at the same, proof of the presiding and deal- ' >Ja - '" in£. and of the use of counters, or checks, upon the table, shall cast the onus of proof upon the defendent, and make a prima facie case against him ; and it shall devolve upon him to show that such checks or counters were not purchased with money, or other thing or things of value. Sec II. Repeals conflicting laws. , Assented to March 7 th. lS6f>". (No. 45.) An Act to .add the county of Worth to the South-Western Judicial Circuit, and to change the times of holding the Superior Court of said county. 18. Section I. From and after the passage of this Act, the ,w*rth«. U n- county of Worth shall be, and the same is hereby added to the ^Ir^-South-Westcrn Judicial Circuit. cSobw"! 19. Sec. II. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the times of holding the Superior Courts in said county shall be koMi^i for sn. changed ; and the times for holding the Superior Courts of said •h^d°M,d county sha 11 be the fourth Mondays of April and October; and f,x " J ' shall hold for one week. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 4th, 1865. PUBLIC LAWS— MiLiTAKi-.— Penal Code. 61 Rank of C'Humipy^uy nnd Quart«rninster GenernKf incif-aW'd.— Ki'« j,><*i>) »>t Inns, HoM*. &e. (No. 46.) An Act to extend the civil jurisdiction of the City Court of Augusta, to abolish the tax or Court fee, and to- make the fees of the ojict > $ of that. Court the same as in the Superior Courts 0/ this State. 21. Sec. I. The (lent ml Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, ( . iTi] jurit> That from and after the passage of this Act, the civil jurisdiction^;" " 01 . 1 O ' • ' * 1 1 j l -o art r of the City Court of Augusta shall he extended to the sum of *£§£*• M ten thousand dollars, exclusive of interest ; that the tax or Court fee now imposed by existing laws on suits brought in that Court^nrt r e ei shall be abolished, and the fees of she officers of that Court shall superior be the same as fixed by law, for the officers of the Superior Courts of this State. Sec; II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March Oth, L865. TITLE XI. MILITARY. Sti. 1. I\i7ik'>t Commissary and Qiiartejinaaber General of the Sta$<- raised to tLal »■! Col- onel -Ji«« er "*?- eral of the State ol Ceorina, shdl each have the rank arHl par op** *•»« , Colonel of Cavalry. «.rcoum 8 ior Sec'. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved March 9th, 1S65. TITLE XII. I'EVAL CODE. (No. IS.) tto'cothjH of I n't ■ Hotels and other luouscs oi fHibHc urfrr- . ipts <" checks for tin '■■■ quests in certain cotes, ami to makcp< '"'I a refusal •■> . 1. Section 1. Be it marred, ty-., That it shall be the duty ofthe rsoflnns, Hotels and ether houses of public entertainment. U2 PUBLIC LAWS.— Relief. Soldiers elected to civil offices. K.fpersof for travellers iu this State, t<* give receipts or cheeks for all hotel. *■» baggage of their guests delivered in such Inn, Hotel ©r house of iur without ditw rfc»r tt JjS ta 5£enttrttinment, when requested so to do by such guest; and ;';^ ! such keeper shall not make any additional charge for receipting lor, checking, or keeping such bagage so long as the owner remains a guest of the house. 2. Sec. II. Be it further cm/cted That if the keeper of any Inn, Hotel or other public house ol entertainment as aforesaid, shall vio- " 1 " 1 ' late any provision of the first section of this Act, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and on conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 9th, 130-5. TITLE XIII. RELIEF. Sec. 1. Three mouths given foj soldiers to Sec. 3. Marriages between first cousins jegM quality as ci\ii officers. Proviso. 2. On failure of regular election, lufr. Of may orier election on 3D days notice lied. Thres mouth, diars to q ,ll .18 civil officer.. (No. 49.) An Act for the relief of certain persons elected to civil offices in this State, and for other purposes 1 , 1. Section, I. Be it enacted Sjt., That no person elected to civil office in this State who may be in the military service of £**£ this State or cf the Confederate States, shall be deprived of the privilege of being qualified and of holding said office by reason of his inability to appear before the proper officer to be qualified, in consequence of his being in the army; any law, usage or cus- tom to the contrary notwithstanding: Prodded, said person shall appear and take the oath of office within three months after his election ; and provided further, that this Act shall not vacate any office which would not be vacated under existing laws by the ♦ failure of the person to appear and take the oath of office as pro- vided by law. ; 2. Sec. II. Be if. JurtJirrawctcd, That if from any cause the elec- tion for county officers should not be held in any county in this "«ur u de*- f State at the time prescribed by law, it shall be lawful for said c^rt mty or election to be held in such counties, in the manner, and at such ti'on'on % places as are perscribed by law ; provided, the Inferior Court of daj S notice. suc h Qounties shall give public notice thirty days before the day of holding said election. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, 1865. PUBLIC LAWS. — Soldiers and Soldiers Families. 6Jj ClothiDfj, kiow, hataor capB for sold it is from Georgia. (XoTaoo" An Act to legalize all marriages between first cousin^ which have been contracted since December 11///, 1303. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, That all first cousins who bare Marri»jei*^ heretofore married, since the 11th day of December, ISG3, are,Tmnf T,t > aereby relieved from any penalties they may have incurred un-^ 11 ""- eler the laws of this State, and that all such marriages are hereby declared legal. Skc. 11. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 11th, 1S65. TITLE XIV. SOLDIERS AND SOLDIERS FAMILIES. Sec. 1. t>unr. Mas. Gea'l of Slate required to h*sue clothing, show, blankets, A-c., ('> Georgia. Soldier* on re-qiiisition. Requisition bo«r made. Sec. I 1 . On wbat term* clothing, A: c, furnished to Soldier* in Hospital*. Sec. 8. Geo. Officers allowed to purchase cloth- iDjrun cooditidns. Sec. 4. Two Million." of Dollars additional, ap- propriated, for support of indigent soldiers and families. See. •">. How to be raised. Sec. 6. Justices of the Inferior Court to' pur- chase and distribute. • (No. 51.) • An Act to amend ait Act to appropriate money to "procure and furnish clothing, shoes, hats or caps, and blanlcts,for the soldiersj'rom Geor- gia, and to provide for raising the same. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, $1:, That the Quartermaster Gen- eral of this State, is hereby authorized and required to issue, or a , .,,„,.,„, . cause to be issued, clothing, shoes, hats, and blankets, to the sol-suie 8 *^,^'^ diersfrom Georgia, upon such requisitions as may be made by the ;,'£,[,'•/ oflicenj commanding the regiments, battalions or independent com-,^"* panics, of the same ; Provided, The said Quartermaster General " shall not comply with any requisition that may be made, unless accompanied by the certificate of the officer making the same,, stating the number of meu present in the regiment, battallion or sompany ; the number actually destitute, and that they have made efforts to draw from the Confederate Government, but failed to secure an adequate supply. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That in eases where Georgian, soldiers are absent from their commands in Hospitals, and are^i destitute of clothing, the Quartermaster General of this State, is^'^'V©* hereby authorized and required to issue, or cause to be issuetl to pl " these destitute soldiers, such articles of clothing as they may be destitute of; Provided, the said Quartermaster General shall not issue clothing to any such soldiers, unless they present him a de- scriptive list, showing the company, battalion or regiment to 64 PUBLIC LAWS.— Soldiers and Soldiers Families , "ctatMng for officers in the Army-$2,000.000 additional for snpport of indigent, suldiera -firtniBet? &?. "which they belong, accompanied by a certificate of the medieal officer in charge of the hospital, in which they are being treated, of their destitution of the articles called for. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved to March 11th, 1S65. (No. 52.) An act to allow officers from this State in the army of the Confederate States, when kith their command in the field, to purchase clothing from the Quartermaster General of this State. 3. Suction, Is Be it enacted, §v., That from and after the pas- sa*e of this Act, officers from the State of Georgia in the army of £;r E JiU* th? Confederate States when present with their commands in !ioth p i» r g cha onthe field, and not otherwise, may purchase at cost from the Quar- ■»«**■* termaster General, clothing, upon a requisition certifying that tlie same is necessary for their own use, and that they cannot obtain such clothing from the Confederate Government. Sec*. Ill Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 8th, 1S65. (No. 53.) An Act to make an appropriation of two millions of dollars in addition to tlie appropriations already made, /or the support of indigent famiiics of soldiers wlio are in the public service, and for the support of indigent soldiers who have been or may hereafter l>e disabled by wounds or dismsc in the Confederate or Stale service for the year lSb'5, and to fohat out tlie mode in which said money shall be raised, and for. other pur- poses. 4. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That, in an the income or profits of all persons and bodies cor- j*orate, engag d in the manufacture of cotton or woolen goods, ; in the tanning cni.I mleof leather and the maniifa lure and sale oj any arttel uuulc thereof; and the distillation and sale of alcohol or spirituous liquors; all cotton dealers ; all persons engaged in the manufacture of ■ > /< i tron, ar< i who may fail td trive in tfo purposes. ;C, PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. Income Tax Art. 1, SECTION I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That a-fi persons engaged in agriculture and tanning; ail persons and bodies corporate in this State; all persons making income by purchase and sale of any property, real or personal; all keepers of hotels, inns or tdflome «>r livery stables, express companies; railroad companies not e.\- ??Aprif om emi>t from taxation by their charter ; insurance companies, bro- J 364. to 1st I _ . mi ii i- xpru, 1865. \u>T6, and auctioneers; millers, coopers; all persons engaged >n the manufacture of sugar and syrup; all persons engaged in the manufacture and sale of salt ; all persons engaged in the sale of goods, wares aud merchandise, groceries and provisions ; all per- sons and bodies corporate engaged in the manufacture and sale of cotton or woolen goods ; in the tanning and sale of leather, and in the manufacture and sale of any article made thereof; and all persons engaged in the distillation and sale of alcohol or spirituous liquors ; and all cotton dealers; all persons engaged in the manu- facture of wooden ware', when they make a return of their taxable RHums un- property", shall make a return, under oath, of the net income -and deroath. p ro fits which he, she or they may have made, respectively, ia the sale, or manufacture and sale of any of the articles above enu- merated, and in the conducting of. any of the business aforesaid, Kotaxonie«fram the first day of April, 1SG4, to the first day of "April, 16(65, ^ofit 5 0p ou ct: ove'r and above ten per cent on the capital employed in his, her, capital em- . . , ployed. or their business. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That in all cases when the net in- mates of t»- comes and profits over and above the ten per cent, on the capital fito°V2&re 'gtpek, so excepted as aforesaid, are ten thousand dollars or less, the ronlin cbp- {ax shall be five dollars for every hundred dollars ; upon all sums over ten thousand dollars, nor more than fifteen thousand dol- lars, seven and a half dollars upon every hundred dollars; upou all sums over fifteen thousand dollars and not more than twenty thousand dollars, ten dollars upon every hundred dollars; upon all sums over twenty thousand dollars and not more than thirty thousand dollars, twelve and a half 'dollars upon every hun- dred dollars ; upon all sums over thirty thousand and not more than fifty thousand dollars, fifteen dollars upon every hundred dol- lars ; upon all sums over fifty, and not more than seventy-liv^ thousand dollars, seventeen dollars and fifty cents upon every hundred dollars ; upon ail sums over seventy-five thousand dollars, and not more than one hundred thousand dollars, twenty dollars upon every hundred dollars ; and upon all sums over one hundred thousand, twenty-five dollars upon every hundred dollars. 3. Sec. III.- And be it further enacted, That if any. person or bodies corporate embraced in any section of this act, shall fail or mat« ^roa: refuse to make a return of his, her or their profits, made or real- &£■'£? ""ized as aforesaid, he, she or they shall be deemed and held as hav- ' JSda • i n g made two millions of dollars profits, and shall be taxed accor- dingly. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That if any person or the offi- cers of any body corporate, whose duty it is to make the proper re- PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. 67 Prop >rty of S'>Llior j , dec, exm taxation, when if t. rTP.rnrl £•"? 000 in v»hie. turns required by the provisions of this act, shall make a false re-p^n, ^ turn, or shall enter and charge the profits in tho extension of cap-^ttrei^i' ital or stock, so as to defeat tlie object of this act, such person or officer or officers so offending shall be guilty of a high misde- meanor; and upon conviction thereof shall be taxed four-fold on the amount returned — one-half of which shall go to the person i»i>'rm*» *» who may inform against, and prosecute the person or officer or orh->»air. cers so offending; and said person or officer or officers so offending, shall also suffer the penalty prescribed by the laws of this State for false swearing. •3. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That before any receiver of tax- returns shall assess a tax of live hundred thousand dollars upon t) „ flnltcrgto any p'erson or body corporato for failure to make his or their re-^ firsl "^ turn, he shall notify the party or his or their agent in writing of his intention so to lax them, and that the persons so notified shall haw ten days from the service of such notice within which to n:;ik'' his or their return. . VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March li, 18 (No. 06.) An Act ft from taxation theproperty of alt resident widows having sons in the Confederate or Slate service; minors ami soldiers, in either the Confederate or State service of (his State, from taxation, w-hm t'ht sums do s not exceed two thousand dollars in value, on the first day ipril in each year, and for other purposes. o. Section I. Be it enacted, ^t., That the provisions of the Act Wi( , ow . t appioved December 12th, 186-% exempting from taxation two ^'^""'J^ thousand dollars of soldiers' and soldiers' widows, when their prop-;™?^ ™ ertv J >es not exceed in value two thousand dollars, shall apply to* Rl " e °!^- I 1 J pt*rty doc* all widows who have sons in the army, either of the State or^^ ^* Confederate Stair-. Approved March llth, 1805. (No. 56.) I .1 cribt the tax on Banking Corporations and all incorpora- ted Com Banking privileges in this State; Also to rrlure ilt, Hi,)', and other incorporated companies, from' a doubli tax, levied it p> a. :' ?. Section', I. 1 .■/»•// ry,-., That' the several iBankingpom- and all incorporated companies using Banking privileges , I °* P ^J* in v . are hereby subject and liable to pay such an adva^o- w r ,?,/;"',: J"/,* i tax upon their assets, real and personal property, as is laid ;. 1 ',' ,,'uV 1 "* property of the tax payers qf th The i;u "* u - returns of s;iid Banking or other incorporated companies using » *g PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. Taxes jwiid by hirers of nepoe*. in cerlaia cases.— Otith of Tax Payers. H«~i»d Banking privileges, to be. made to the Comptroller General on tSS&E&t® 16 1st of April in each and every year ; and the tax to be paid di- rectly to the State Tieasurer free of cost to the State, on the first of Ootober, in each and every year. In levying said taxes the Comptroller General shall levy the same tax upon said incorpora- tions, as is levied upon all other property of the tax-payers of this State. And whereas, by the 10th section of an Act, approved De- cember 14th I860, a tax was directed to be levied both upon the Assets and the Capital stock of these incorporations, thereby taxing both the indebtedness as well as their assets : For remedy whereof, Be it further enacted, That the several Banking Cor- porations, and all incorporated companies using Banking priv- ileges iii this State, upon the payment of the tax upon their c» V iui »t*ct Assets, be relieved from the tax on their Capital stock ; and where any of them have paid into the State Treasury the tax upon both their assets and Capital stock, his Excellency the Governor, i* M«a«T vo- hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for, and Eilftiw/ 61 refund the amount thus paid on the Capital stock by said incorpo- rations. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, 1865. {So. 57.) An Act to refund all taxes paid by hirers of negroes, on, the same, in cerfaiA cases. 8.' Section I. Be it evaded, fyc., That the Governor of the State •repaid of Georgia, is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer, to tltro/. e m« refund all taxes paid by hirers of negroes on the same, when sat- « fr£**; 'isfactory evidence is given to the Comptroller General of the Jw^ tby amount paid, and that the owner of said negroes or his agent, has paid the said taxes. Sec. II. All conflicting laws arc hereby repealed. Assented to March 4th, 1865. (No. 58.) An Act to repeal an Act entitled an. Act, to alter and change the oath y Tax-Payers in this Slate, assented to December the 14th 1 8(>;5. 9. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia di jl-vo «tii ofCTtatf, That the above recited Act, be, and the same is hereby re- •"•-^ pealed. Assented to March Gth, 1865. (No. 59.) An Act in prescribe the oath of Tax-Payers for the year 1SGJT. 10. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia da- pwet, That the Act assented to December 2nd, 1S63, (eighteen PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. «» 'I'm ibr thti polifieai year IS'O .— Time for erttlesnont \rith Tax Collectors extended.— Ta* Be*eiTtTt. hundred and sixty-three) entitled an Act to amend the oath a»*«o* °r o( Tax-Payers for the year 1864) (eighteen hundred and sixty- 1P " T four.) and for other purposes, be re-enacted, with an amendment, substituting the year 1865, (eighteen hundred and sixty-five,) for that of 1S64, (eighteen hundred aud sixty-four.) Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Mfcrch 7. 1 8G5. (No. GO.) Jbt Aft to Icnj '< it enacted \< .. That the Receivers of Tax irns who have nol been enabled to make their returns of taxa- J^TtVi VY ble property for the year 1864, have until thv first day of August next, to make their returns to the Comptroller General's office ; and on making such returns the Comptroller General is requested to give such Tax Receivers receipts that will enable them to drawi^T"".' the amounts of their commissions from Tax-Collectors, as prevideU by law. Aflteuted to March 7 th, 1866. 1 iii «erl*la ci «5* PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. D. H. B. Troup— Tax Col«* and upon the presentation of said verdict to the Justices of the w. court T n ferior Court, they shall Yelease him from the payment of the from county -*-" v ►'' • •« i4i i *»■ county tax specified therein. 17." Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That the C6mptroller Gen- J&JTie-eral, when notified by a certificate of the Clerk of the Superior ®^ Court, that said action is pending in his court, shall not issue exe- cution for the taxes so lost, until said action is determined against said Collector. .. 18. Sec IV. Be it further enacted, That the Attorney or Sohci- PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. ?J 30 , Compensation of Tux RtT.oiver? and Collector* inoreaKtid.— Tax-PM>erx relieved in certain cases, u*r General of the Circuit it) which said suit i.i instituted, shall Attoneyfc receive written notice of the same at least twenty days before the gJJttai Hitting of the Court to which it is returned ; and it shall be his jjgjift. <.'nry to appear and represent the State in said cause. daj '* ■" rt,B * .19. Skc. V. Ajkd be if further enacted* That the provisions of this Act shall apply to all receivers of public money. Skc. VI. Repeal* conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, 1S65. (No. 05.) Am Ad to increase the compensation of Receiver* of Tax-Return* and • Tax-Collectors, for (he year 1805, and thereafter, vnlil altered by law. ^0. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do Ttx ^^^ enehrt, That the Comptroller General hereafter, in allowing com- ,"*"*,{£}" missions to Receivers of Tax-Returns, and Tax-Col lectors, shall "** ir ? ?»** separate the income and General Mate Tax, and treat the same as™ 1 ^™^ two distinct Taxes ; and that the Receivers of Tax-Returns and "ui. 6 t«. Tax-Collectors, shall be allowed the same commissions on each Tax, t,bat they are now allowed by law for the collection of Taxes ; Provided, That where either the general State Tax, or the Income Tax, exceeds, each, $150,000, the Receivers and Collectors shall each receive one-fourth of one per cent commissions, on such ex- ocas, over and above the commissions now allowed by law. Assented to March'ith, IS65. (No. 66.) A". Act I" relieve, Tax-papers from Stair and county taxes, for the year I 8o 1, t/i certain i •i\. Section I. The Grncnd Assembly of the State of Georgia do e» •, That all State and cotinty'taxes for the' year 1864, which SKm*- have been paid on property destroyed or rendered valueless by p, ir p I , '^ 4] ,w the public enemy, or by any casualty of war, shall be refunded. — "i'vi.-!!' t 'm Every applicant lor the benefit of this section of this net, shall pre- p;""^'^^* • to the Inferior. Court oi the comity where the property was by rDCU " given in, a sworn schedule of such property so destroyed or ren- dered valueless, with the amount of tax paid thereon to the State and to the county respectively, and the Court shall examine into the correctness of said schedule by comparison with the Tax-Re? reiver"* books, and by evidence touching the alleged destruction or mi^ruu worthlessness of the property, resulting from the cauiea aforesaid, and shall decide thereen. — If the decision is adverse, the applica- tion shall be dismissed ; if favorable, the applicant shail be entitled i<> i certificate signed by as many as three members of the Court, stating the amount ol ia\ to he refunded by the county ; which certificate shall entitle the applicant to receive the said amount from the county Treasury ; and the s.iid schedule endorsed 1 with the approval of three members of the Court, may be presented to the ■ ptroller General and the Governor for their revision. II it is. PUBLIC LAWS.— Taxes. T»x Payer* reHesed fowi U>e payment of State en. I County ?«*«» for I*j4, In ctrtttb **.«*•*. affirmed by them, the Governor shall draw his warrant on the Treasury of the State, in favor of the applicant, for the amouat to be refunded by the State. 22. Sec. II. All State and county taxes for the year 1S64, which remain yet unpaid, shall be subject to deduction on account at' wid" dedn*.%tesea from the public enemy or from any casualty of war. aeeor- £22 oTpr^'ding to the following inles : Each tax-payers list of taxable prop- S^rf 1 * 3 bjr erty as appealing on the books uf the Tax-Receiver, shall be re- formed by discarding therefrom all property which has been de- stroyed or rendered wholly valueless by the public enemy, or by ■ any casualty of war ; and further reformed by deducting from the aggregate taxable value thus left, the amount of damage whieh the tax-payer has sustained from the public enemy, or irom any casuahv of war, in partial injuries to taxable property, and in par- tial injuries to, or destruction of now, taxable property; and he shall pay taxes according to the return as thus corrected. — The es- timate of damage shall be made on the basis of prices as they -were. in Confederate currency on. the 1st April, 19G4 ; — Every applicant for the benefit of this section of this act, shall present to the Infe- ■l*V'1*££*. rior Court of the county where the return of his taxable property is to be corrected, a sworn schedule of the property destroyed, rendered valueless or partially injured; and the Court shall make examination into the correctness of said schedule, and shall nriaRe a careful estimate of losses aud injuries, and of the amount of dam- age resulting therefrom. If the decision rejects the entire sched- ule, the application shall be dismissed, but whatever part thereof may be approved by as many as three members of the Court, shall be endorsed accordingly, and presented to the Comptroller Gen- eral and the Governor for their approval ; — Whatever part may be approved by them, shall be so endorsed by them, and shall be. deducted by the Tax-Col lector from the Tax-payers aggregate of taxable value appearing on the books of the Receiver. 2;]. Sec. III. If after correcting the return of taxable property i-Artie. m.i-iu t ]i e manner prescribed in the 2d section of this Act, the tax Me ■<* pay . *■ bewhoi.fitil] due is more than the Tax-payer can pay, 1 without selling ty or partit!- ,',. ■ <> it ■v relieved' g uc h of his propertv as is exempt from sale under execution in o*i Proper * i • P wfmade favor of ordinary creditors, he shall be bound to pay only so much thereof as can be paid by other resources; his inability to pay the whole, and the part which he is able to pay, shall be verified j«rer. cnurtby his own oath or other proof, and shall be approved by three Justices of 'the Inferior Court, who shall furnish a certificate in accordance with their decision ; and this certificate shall be tho the rule of settlement for the Tax Collector. Eeespd 21. Sec. IV. Special sessions of the Inferior Court shall be ^<£d m " held weekly, and from day to day, until all applications under thi9 act are determined; Trovubd, that the property exempted from taxation by the several sections of this Act, shall include all slaves who have escaped to the public enemy. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 3d, 1865. ( i\h;t u. LOCAL A.\D PRIVATE LAWS, Titles I.— CITIES AND TOWNS. '« II.— COIti ORATIONS, ii 1 1 r.— COUNTY LINKS, " IV.— It .-LIEF. •• Y.— TANKS. - L PART II LOCAL AND PRIYATE LAWS. TITLE I. ClTtBS AND TOWN'S. 1. Tbe Act incorporating fort Valley amended. Commission*'* Invested with full power to ieguiate retail oi liquor*. Power given to control li cciiM's and impose penalties. J. Aldermen of Mill.-dijc.ville in future elected by general ticket. 3 Corporate limits of the town of lVm changed. 4. Tlie town of Reynolds in Taylor coun- ty incorporated: Commissioners. 5. Fire Commissioners to l>e elected an nually. Qualification of voters. Sn . «;. Oall of Ci n.iT,i.-.-ic.ners. " 7 T'owt if of ConiunnHioiiei'S. " 8. Street duty to be done, and who liable. ' 9. I/miited taxes may be imposed. • 10. Charter of Sparta so amended is to pive ComtniMiooera power to refuse retad Ueonsea. ' 1 1'. Legalises election of town Commis- si a of Madison. (No. 67.) An Ad to niter and amend an act incorporating the fount of Fori Valley w the county of Houston, so as to invest the Commissioner* rv" said town with full power to regulate or prohibit thr retail of spir- ituous liquors within the corporate limits of the same. 1. Section I. Be it etuutpd, 4*., That from and after the pas-^ of this Act, the act incorporating the town bf Fort \ alli'v-.v;,^,!^ m the county of Houston, shall be so amended as to invest the „.*«,/. 1'uU newer and authority in the Commissioners etect, and thfir ,,,„„;,. „ r successors in office, to pass any ordinance regulating the retail -t w poW ►•uirituous liquors within the'eorporate limits oi said town ; and :.,.„..,„,, n , that they have power to grant, or withhold license, and to charge ^ ■ ^ I'sumsfor the granting thereof, as to them shall be deemed to 7on r trSf»- i. and proper, and to impose such penalties for violations ^.p,"^.. liferent, as sh 'ill not be inconsistent with the Constitution and •?* laws of this State. Safe. II. Repeals conflicting. laws. Assented :<> March 7, li (No. 6S.) An An to amend the Charter and corporat't laws of the City oj Mil- l,,j,. • . in the, " CtMg Aldrim-v Section I. Tin General Assembly do enact, That from •'"" 1 *l ter the passage of this Act, in all hi tu re elections of A'dtrmtL- !or the City of Milledgevflle, tbe same shall be elettcd by gen- eral ticket, and not b is now done; and thai the qu lication of voters shall remain as now existing. Bsc. 11. Etepeala conflicting la. Assented to Mare h 7th. 186 ■MS III inri) ••». (No. 70.) An act to incorporate (he town of Reynolds in the County of Taylor, And for other purpose*. 4. 'Section, I. The General Assembly do enact, That that the .town of Reynolds in the County of Taylor, be, and the same is 1 lit \i\vrn or * it i i • • i i i ReyjHndi, i U hereby incorporated, and that the corporate limits shall extend sa ty in»^r. H to embrace lot of land no -274, upon which said town is situated ;. and that Bryant Ingram, Alfred Coleman, H. H. Long, Henry CoBKiwien - Hodges a\n d W. II. Christopher, be, and they are hereby appoint- ed a Board of Commissioners for said town, who shall hold their office until the first Monday in January ]S66, and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified. 5. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That on the first Monday in ^^-^ January of each year, all the citizens who shall be entitled to yote •,"unn7ii ed l° r members of the Legislature, residing in said town, shall be en- ^Tr ' T H amend the. Charier of the town nf Spuria, in und Staid 10. Srccnox I. Be ie enacted by tht General Assembly of the *****? » f Slate of' Georgia, That the Charter of the town ofSftferta, in said ■""««•<'' »• L J »l 11 ii , ■ ^ »•> give Com- itate, be, and the same is hereby so amemded, as to give to Com-BbAmd missioners ot said town, the power to refuse to grant license for^wWtui the retail of spirituous liquors, within the corporate limits of Mid Sec. 1L Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 7th, iS<>">. (No. 72.) An act to legalize the election of Commissioner* fur the town of Madison, 'held on the tenth day oj ' 'December, in the .year eighteen hundred and sixty four. 11. Sec. I. The General Assembly do, enact as follows; The el€C*£,e«M«M juon of live Commissioners for the town of Madison, in this State, t e ( |'!"!i '(">.*.' keld on tlif tenth day of December, tn the year eighteen hundred EJUSS** * «yrid sixty-four, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-live, shall be a£ valid in all respects, as if the same had been' held according to the provisions of the amended Charter o/'said town. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 4th; IS65. TITLE II. CORPORATIONS. f'*< 1 M ttropolitaa Telegraph Company in ! " 5. Liability oil gtock holders. rorporated. *' 6. Officers ami employees, exempt tVum - • (rom.Maoon by way oi Milledgfe military, patrol and Jury duty. rille, 8parta &.C., to Augosta. ( •• 7. Entitled to privileges of Act of z9tb ol Capital stock may \■ " • ^ '-' employment. 7. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That said Company shall be prilu?i> oi entitled to the privileges, and subject to all the restrictions pro- >r f ,* 9 iM7 01 vided for by an Act to authorize the construction of the Magnetic "Telegraph, approved on the twenty-ninth of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven ; Provided, that the charter herein grant- ed shall not be so construed as to interfere with the chartered rights of other Telegraph Companies. 8. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall go into effect from and immediately after its passage; and that the char- Mroiteifotiofter herein granted, shall be in full force and effect for the period Charter. 3 ,. .... , D * of thirty years. Assented to March 4th, 180-3. I>eor. »u condition Of for « LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS.— Co usrr Loses. 79 liur-i Lw-twocn Coweta aad Heard obaa^ed. — Randolph ami Calheua.— Wayse ai>a Pierwe- TITLE III. COUNTY LINKS. .Sec. l.Reeetahiishex County Jice between CoW-iSec 5. County line between Ciiailahooctx-* eta and Heard. and Stewaii changed. " 2. Repeals Act of 18th' Dec. 1863, c hang- " G. Residence of Snm'l Hart, included ia iug County line between Randolph Warren county, and Cnl'inuu. , " ~. Repeals Act of Deo. SOth, 1860, chang " 3. County line between Wayne & Pierce ing County lines, as to certain lots m changed. Co •1 County line between Meriwether. and " S Change of Coi •• ru- Coweta ••ii>in r fi i. :i- to resideni l«-ki and Telfair. it. v. inn (No. 7 4.) An Act to repeal an act, entitled, " An Act i the lines between the counties of Marion and Taylor, and ike county lines »f ( '•oiceta and fliariL" assented/ to December (ioenty-sevcnth,(Q7,) eighteen hundred. and fifty-seven, f^l S-"i7,^ so fat as relates to the Vhtc between CoWetU and Heard. 1. Section I. The General Assemlfly do enact, That all that por- ,';;, " tion of the above recited Act which changes the county line bo- tween Coweta and Heard. 1><\ an d the same is hereby repealed. M *l* , ''* rd - Assented to March 4th, l^(>- r >. (No. 7-3.) An Act to repeal a. t* ■" / 3, Section I. 7 i I mbhjdocnict. That fr.oni and im- mediately after the passage ol this act, the line between the < , " , m- ;_,;^ *•* ties ofWayue and Pierce, shall be so altered, is^to ii land numbers 277 and 222, the property of James S. yeoman andoa \fliirh said feomans now resides, in the county ol I any law, usage or custom to the contrary i tamling. n ted to March 1th, IS < 8t LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS.— County Line*?, Merrivrether *n An Act to change the line between ihr counties <>/ Chetttahoocliet and Stew- ar i — an( f. ( ,lso to Syze- more; lot number fourteen (ti,) including the residence of E. O. Brown; and lot number one hundred arid four (L04,) including the residence df Ross Lowe, each ofs'aid lots of land lying adjoin- ing the county line of Chattahoochee. 6. Sec' II. And br it further* enacted, That the county line be- R,,irtn U ,T ortween Glasscock and Warren, be changed, so as to include the resr ineta4«i *i»idence and premises of Samuel Hart, in Warren county, warm.*.™ g ^ ^ Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March 1, IS65. (No. 79*) An, Act to repeal so muck of the first, section of an, net, entitled, An Ail to change the line bdirceu certain counties therein mentioned, and for other fur [loses, assented to December 20th, 1SG0, as relates to lots of land numbers 111 and 115, in the ■ fourth district, of originally Let county. 7. .Section 1. BeU' enacted by, the Gch rat Assembly of the Stale oj ^t Georgia, That so much of the first section of the above recited .iV""' Act.lis relates to lots of land numbers 114 and 115, in the 4th dis- :,To lJ ccfe trict of originally Lee county, be, and the same is hereby ^repealed. Ll!. ,flt c"i"»ty. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to March, 11th ISOo. *f Dec i . LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS.— Belief. SL Exiles from Uie of city of Atlanta. (No. SO.) An Act to change ih< line between tfe counties of PulaSki and Tdjdir. S. Section I. Be it. enacted, That from and after the passage of this act, the lino between the counties oi Pulaski and Telfair, be L'^y \\°U §6 ehanged, a# to add lot, ot land number two hundred and forty- lukiwfc one, (241,) in the fourteenth (14) district, oMVl far county, to the ' county ot Pulaski, it being the residence and premises of . lames Humphrey-. Sec 11. Repeals conflicting lawp. Assented to March 4th. ISlio. TITLE IV. ItELIEF. r-'Sec. :t. i: ■ I t lourt of ,-il . ; ■!,.,% iding l'»"i ■ i these < \\i< ■»■ fer for At lanl R< triciii>n on tunounl Ip be„drawn I ■■ i- mtinuer) for pre- ■ ■- 1 i ; • * iu i! -.■-■ (No. SI.) An Act to provide for the nvuporl an*} main/.' nana •>/ certain cjcil'tsjrom ■ i!>j of, Atlanta, and for other yuryous. Wiieiika.s, After th* 1 occupation of the city of Atlanta, by the federal army, by an inhuman order of General Sherman, the 1 in- habUautsbf said city were driven from their homes, many of whom,, were the widows, wives and children ot soldiers in indigent cir- cumstances, without an y means ol subsistence; And. whereas; l>v or- der of II. the Governor* said persons thus exijed from home, taken to the I Dawson, in Terrell county, by the Quat al, who id to be estab- lished and cabins to be erected for their shelter, a . o be provided for their support, their nci so , not t<> udmii " : delay i 1. Sectio: I. II tin refme > nnctcd, A' •■ ' tiou of the rtermaster General. no relation to the expenditures made for the beiieht. supporl and maintenance i>l hereby rati- ii • • *i i tied and approved; and said Quartet ' ntitled to ;i credit for the same. 2. Sei . II. I> itfiit I er- ..I is hi reby authorized to col tiuue to provide 1-t thee ipporl and 82 LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS.— Taxes. Citizens and Tax-payers of Marietta, . s ? m»pro. maintenance of said exiles, or such of them as are unable by their 'inunucd r«r labor to support themselves and families, for the balance of the prese«t yew p reset]t y ear . au( \ 8na l] have power and authority to draw on the Si h0B funds of his department, for that purpose; and shall keep correct Report to be accounts of the receipts and expenditures of said exile camp, and Smfai' "t^make report thereof to the Governor, whose duty it shall be to lay the same before the General Assembly at the next annual session. 3. Sec. III. Be k further enocled x That it shall be the duty of .telol the Inferior Court of the county of Terrell, in making their re- of T»rre°ii r ' turns to the Governor, of soldiers' families entitled to participate braced"' in the appropriation made for their support, to include those be- """' longing to said exile camp; and the aggregate amount due them shall be paid over to the Quartermaster General, and make a part Kcitriotum of the fund for the support of said exiles ; an J if the same, together £™« '•'<' h|j with what they can procure or make by their own labor, shall be sufficient for their support, then they shall not be entitled to draw any thing further from the Quartermaster General. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved March 11th, -186-3. TITLE V. TAXES. Sec. 1. City taxation iu Marietta 1 , li nited duringthe war. (No..S2.) An Acl to limit, the Tax to be imposed upon the citizens and Tax-pat/crs ofthteitij of Marietta, in said State. 1 Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That from and af- ,t, *jaL ter the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for the Mayor and "\". iri d« Council of the city of Marietta in said State, to levy and collect a £*. war. tax Qn the citizens an d tax-payers of said city, exceeding one-for- tieth of one per cent., and that this Act shall continue and be m force only for and during the ptesent war. Assented to March 4th, 1865. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, OF TItE STAT E OF GEORGIA, (VDOrUED AT THE CALLED SESSION OK THE GEXERAT. ASSEMBLY^ HEED AT MACON, IX FEBRUARY AM) MARCH, 1865. NO. 1 I Hon uf Military lo Civil au- 2so. i iio- No. 15. purpose to pro3eente the No. war. Army to be informed, nesiiu^ •■ pealoi < No. E. Reap ry of Maj. GenTNq, W. li. T. Walk . for giving in Tax in cer- tain sections. fcjo; 1'' Thank; I > .Militia and State Line for No. Sen Gov. requested to make arrangements No. tb different Rail Roads to trans-] pOrt corn on state trains. No. immenda construction of Rail Road between Albany and Thonrasyille. No. of Taxes in No iinvneudstliat certificates for jn-op ivernment aj No. ■■;' Tai-in-ki :■]. not furiii>li Nov. 1863 : ■ Joint Committee appointed toexamin Penitentiary. fi iv authorized to sell all surplus ma- terials about Penitentiary, to pay debts and make repairs. Committee appointed to investigate charges against state Commissary General's Dep't. Also, to examine Qu&r. Master Gen'ls Dept. Establishment of picket line, to pie vent escape of slaves. State Treasurer authorized to rent an office in Mann. In reference to pay of Members and Officers of Gen'l Assembly. Officers of Gen'l Assembly ajlovred tj purchase cotton cards. " Requesting suspension of order to re- move iron from Macon & Brunswick R K. Distribution of educational fund of 1884 Appropriation for support ol children of Union Soi iety Chath ISO Mail nmte recomirti urnisheJ ch on or mil'- (No. 14.) - ' '' ;< 'of' the St < \lve, 1 rh. I • (No;lS.) A I •' .1 i!a: iimi for returning; th To i m Whereas, In many sections of this State, persons have been preveoted from giving in their Taxes ibr the year eighteen hun- dred and six y-four, by reason of the public enemy overrunning or threatening ;ionsof the State, or by reason «of such per* sons having been driven from their homes by the proximity ot the enemy ; Therefore, iked Inj the General Assembly, That in all c . where persons have been prevented from giving in their Taxes for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, by reason of the public Jfi&^S* enemy overrunning or threatening the sections of country where such persons reside; or where such persons have been driven I their homes by reason of the proximity of the Public enemy, it shall be lawful for all persons - h to give in the for the year L864, within the same time that shall be allow, d for giving in o return of the Taxes for the pn and *C RESOLUTIONS. Thanks to Georgia Militia and Georgia Skate Line.— Trains of Western t Atlantic Kailroaii. pr.^t7 tortin all cases, where such persons have, had property lost or destroy- *»t u«b°e ed ed by the public enemy, or by any casualty of war, since the first of April 1864, such persons shall not be bonnd to give such lost or destroyed property ; and the act entitled an act to exempt certain . lands from taxation, assented to November 30, 1S63, shall apply to all persons who have been driven from their homes by the public enemy during the year 1864. Assented to March 11, 1SG5. (No. 19.) Resolution of tltarJis to the Georgia Militia and Georgia State Linr for gallant conduct. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General As- Tccoer of scmbbj met, That the thanks of the State are due, and are hereby S„d ht tendered, to General G. W. Smith, and to the /Officers and men $£' )or at g e a:- composing the first Division of Georgia Militia ; and to the officers ; JD t *?<*•'• an( j men. of the Georgia State Line, for their conspicuous gallant- rv at Griswoldville in this State ; and especially, for their unselfish patriotism in leaving their State, and meowing the enemy in the memorable and well-fought battle-field al Buney Hill in South Carolina. The State with pride records thi's gallant conduct of her Militia, and feels assured that when, an* emergency. again>atis'e'8, State lines will be forgotten by her Militia, and a patriotism ex- hibited which knows nothing but our whole country^ Conj resoiu- Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested to ftJnf.b'ed 6 transmit a copy of these resolutions to General G. W.Smith, witli sm«h°' a mVa request that they be read to all the troops under his command. ki(t *" :,wl Approved March 9, 18G5. (No 20.) Resolution relative to running the trains of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road bSi certain other Rail Roads, for the purpose of shipping com and other supplies for the benefit of the people <>J this State. > Resolved, That the Governor be requested to instruct the Super- intendent of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road, to confer with fc.^ f, ,y e -the Superintendents of the Montgomery and West Point Rail Road, EVv^'of the Atlanta and West Point Rail Road, of the South Western R^'j^ Rail Road, the Central Rail Road, the Georgia Rail Road and the Et« co cTr 9 on Macon and Western Rail Road, with the view to running one of his trains upon each of said Roads to transport corn purchased, or to be purchased under the act of the last annual session of -the General Assembly of this State, for the use of the families of indi- gent soldiers- and other suffering poor, who are beneficiaries of said corn, so ordered to be purchased and appropriated. Resolved, That at the earliest practicable day, said Superintend- ent be instructed to have one of said trains run from Montgomery RESOLUTIONS. $7 Railroad to connect Albany and Thimasvifle, \J ■ to Atlanta, one from Albany to Atlanta and one from Albany to 0n w h « Eatonton, for the purpose of accomplishing the objects set forth in™"* 1 '" the first of these Resolutions. Resolved, That supplies of private individuals, whiclmre intend- ed for family use and not tor sale ur speculation,' such; as corn, «£»«*"r Hour, bacon, bird, molasses and pens, shall be transported on said «^"(^ rt fVn • trains at such a schedule of freights as are charged by said Roads' 1 ""' respectively ; the State to be under such stipulations, as to loss and damage of freight, as the published regulations of said Roads impose upon shippers ; said freights to be paid at the point of des- I ination upon delivery. Resolved further ; That the number of trips*made by each of said trains, and the periods of running the sume, shall be left to the dis- cretion of the Superintendent of the Western and Atlantic Rail *,«,•*«. Road and the Governor, who are requested to continue the run-a,^ 1 , 1 -'^ ning of said trains until the objects set forth in these Resolutions'" StH '"" ;,r.e accomplished, and no loiiger. Provided, that the State shall be liable only for such injuries U> freights as may result from de- fect in the trains of the State, or fault of the State Agents, and not for such injuries as may be caused by defects in the Roads on which the State trains may be run. Resolved -further, That His Excellency the Governor, be author- ized and empowered to have removed, if practicable, one of the state «(!■« Engines belonging to the State Road now lying idle, to Rome, w«eT- Georgia, for the purpose of transporting .supplies to the destitute citizens of Cherokee Georgia. Approved March 8th, 1^6-5. (Nolsi.) A Rcsbhuion in relation to the building ofa Railroad (o connect Al- bany and Thomasuillc for Military purposes. Whereas, since the fall of Savannah, it is a matier of press- military necessity for the transportation of troops and SUft- !•,.„„«. plias from South-Western Georgia and Florida, that there should be Railroad communication between Albany and Thomasville, bL^Sa the ttrmt ni of.jhe South-Western aud Atlantic and Gulf Rail- 1 ' 1 "'"- ' roads; the distance between said places bring -"»•"» miles, and through a level and productive country, there being but little lo be dune on said route: Ami. w> the existing p.u.y is unable without assistance from the Confederate Gov« eminent, to furnish the necessary labor and meterial for building said road : For remedy whereof, T/i General Assembly of the State of Georgia do resolve, 1st, That our Senators and Representatives in the Confederate C< se be requested to urge upon the Confederate Government i military necessity for building said roadj and the importance < ting assistance to said Company, by allowing details to con- tractors who will furnish a sufficient I -arv number 8$ RESOLUTIONS: Collection of Taxes tuiapetfded in certain cases.— C. S. Certificates - Indigeut Soldiers Families. hands for the building of said road; and that the Confederate , • Government may furnish such supplies of iron as may be prac- ticable for the completion of said road. copy resoiu. 2d. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to our tioua to be o ^ i i~» j + • /^* forwarded. Senators and Representatives m Congress. Approved March 9th, 1865. (No. 22.) Resolution to sitspeM'd the collection of Tuxes, in certain cane*. Resolved, That, in all such counties as have been overrun by the public enemy, and by reason whereof the Receive] and Col- Tosuspemi lector of Taxes have not been able to complete their Books, and *'t£tesin u to collect the taxes of said counties, the collection of Taxes be 1 case8 suspended for the present year 186i, and until a reasonable time for the same to be done ; and that the Comptroller General be in- structed not to enforce the Collectors in said counties to collect the same until a reasonable time after they may have JLeen freed from the enemy, for them to make their collections ami returns. \ Assented to. Nov. !3tb, 1S64-. (No. S3;.) Resolved by the, Gmeral Assembly of the Stat* of Georgia. That justice to the people requires that the Confederate Government thatcertifi, receive in payment of ail public dues and taxes, the certificates cates tor pro- • i • " , . ... , r. petty iuipiee- given by its agents, to persons whose property is impressed itir ment'alems public use. As the property taken by the Government from the be received '. . . . . . . , . . . •. ' ; forux. , citizen, is the means with which the citizen must pa}' his tax, the Government is bound in good faith to receive in payment of taxes, ' including tax in kind, any sort of evidence of debt which it gives- for the property taken from the citizen, by its agents. Resolved, That our Representatives and Senators in Congress be requested to use all their influence to procure the passage of an act in conformity to this resolution, and that a copy be for ward - aStoH?" e & °y tne Governor to our Senators and Representatives, and one » {brwwded. to tne President of the Confederate States. Approved March 1 1, 1S65. (No. 24.) A Resolution requesting the action of Congress for the relief of indi- gent Soldiers families. Whereas, in many counties in this State, many families have been left destitute of the means of support, by the absence of the male laboring portion of said families being in the Army of the Confederate States: And, uhcrcas, in many counties in this State, the supply of provisions has been destroyed by the public enemy or consumed by our own cavalry: » RESOLUTIONS. 89 Dial nbfltion of Com to eertaln*count.i<=>3. — Imported ("..(tun Cftrdsj. Therefore resolved by tlu S and House <>f Representatives, That our Senators and Representatives in Coharess be reuuested to tak.e 1! ',"i"- - ' ; - such measures as will cause the Collectors of the Tax in Kind for 1 " u ? d ln the Confederate Government, f<> release to t he Justices of the In-"^ r >" tenor Court o! the counties of tin* State, upon their application, so much of the Tax iu Kind of the eoiihty in which the Justices making application reside, as will, in their (the said Justices') opinion, be necessary for the support of the destitute or indigent soldiers families of their county, upon the payment of the sched- ule prices for the 'Tax in Mind released to said Justices of the In- ferior Court. Resolved, That His Bxcellency.the Governor cause a copy of ,, , . , ; , .. , T , , L ',, Copy r these resolutions to be sent to the Secretary ot Yvar and our Sen-'-"- toS ators and Representatives in Congress, and respectfully call their ' r attention to the importance and necessity of thus relieving the destitute and indigent families of soldiers. • Approved March I I. L&6o. 4 I A Resolution, rclai distribnt ' >j.< rtdm rvuii tits. Whereas, Bytheaci entitled an acf for the relieWof the peo- ple iu certain counties therein mentioned, and lis* other purposes, approved November 26thi ISG'i, certain amounts'of corn were ap- propriated for the relief of the several counties 'there frf named : And, whereas, sonie of the counties named in saiu bill, have riot re- ceived the amount ol corn so ypproprfated for iheni : Tfu I bo ihe. G rami Asscmblm That where ai •w countv has not received the amount ol curn t receive the same: a I I, ill-, where the corn cannot be delivered to any county so situated, an "■■ ^ ?. r i ^i ' i i m i ' amount ol money equivalent to the corn due suoh%Tounty under s.iid Act,* shall be paid over tp said county. • Assented to March 1 1th, LSG5. (No, ■:'■■>.) A /,'- ition in refcrenci to the distribution g ' llu fmjiot^d Cotton Card*. Resolved 1. By ike (i aural Assembly, That the Governor diatrib- ute the imported Cotton Cards among tjjflfse^raldcounties, taking B basis Ol Mich distribution, the number of faulfji s in each coun- ty ; and also taking into consideration, 411 estimating the pro rata share of each county, the amount of said Cards* that have been heretofore distributed to the heads of families of any county, so to do justice as far as possible, to the citi/ens 0/ every county, in this rcsp.ct. When the pio rata shares oWtUp • eral counl shall be ascertained by the Governor, epon the oasis and principle W RESOLUTIONS. Penitentiary. aforesaid, which he may do according to the best data and means upr. court t 8 of information in his possession, the Governor shall order the In- t??£riv« «nd feHor Courts of each eounty to appoint some fit and proper agent, to receive and sell the Cards to the citizens of their respective counties, stawprife B e *' farther Resolved', That the Governor shall fix a price at' Low fired, which said Cards are received from the State, sufficient to cover all expenses, transportation, etc.; which shall be refunded to the State by the agents when the sales are" made. bmuMUMAoe ^ it further Resolved, That said agent shall have such commis- ff A|«»t. fe.-sions on the sales' as may be agreed on between him and the Infe- rior Court; and the Court shall fix the price at which said Cards shall be sold by the ageiat so as to cover said commissions and ne- cessary expenses, and no higher. Be it father Reunited, That, said agents shall sell said Cards to iui e6 Hi i. the heads %f families most destitute and needy; in this respect in t in Md""«p- no case s hall such agent sell more than one pair to any head of a 1 T family, until every other head of a family has been supplied with one pair. Assented% Mgrch Sth, IS6-3. * (No. 27.V A Resolution poMti»g a joint committee to examine the condition oj the Penitentiary, and report thereon. Resolved, That a joint committee of two on the part of the Sen- Jolut Ccirr,- j I i o r> t~i u.\x\.-^ vv incite, and three on the part or the House of Representatives, be an- ted to PXrnni- . . , . ..... l . ,\. . . IT.- . . « me ivniten- pointed to visit M^iedgev iile, and examine tlie Penitentiary, in or- der to form a corr^gt opinion as to the policy of rebuilding, or abolishing the Penrtent^ry system ; and to report as soon as prac- ticable. Approved TBebruary 24th, 1SG5. (No. 28.) 1st. Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be, and he is aov«u.,r «.,- hereby authorized, to sell at public outcry, or in such other way itii r ai I',',,-. as W 'M hi his judgment be for the best interest of the State, all the I;;,,. surplus brick, afid sqrap iron, and other material in the Penitentia- Ibom a iw IT' belonging to the Stat*; arid to use the money raised in pay- ld ment of the debts now due by the Penitentiary, and in making such repairs as may ifc" necessary to afford accomodation, and work shops for the cojyricts now there, and such as may hereafter be re- ceived under sentei^es of any of the Superior Courts of this State. 2d. Resolved, That the repairs and improvements recommended, -and such others as the Governor may hereafter find necessary for the successful operation of the Penitentiary, be made. And that the abolition of the l^nitentiary system be left to the sound dis- cretion and wisdom of future Legislation. Assented to March 4th, lgG5. p»; r* RESOLUTIONS. 91 Committee to invest igrti y Oeneral and Quartern (No. 39.) Resolutions appointing n joint, committee o/bofft branches of the (ifiicral Assembly, to investigate the affairs of the Commissary ■ General u Quartermaster General of this iState. Whereas; The following charges have been made against the Commissary General, to-wit : "Selling 765 sacks Liverpool salt, that had been seized from the people of Georgia, for the relief of soldiers' families, to his own " purchasing Commissary at $30 per sack, when it was worth on ttie market SI 00 per sack ;— Selling 175 barrells molasses at 90 cents per gallon, when worth SI 90 to the same party, and two hundred barrels of the said molasses were sold in a very short time lor SI 90 per gallon; — Selling to the same, 20,000 lbs. soap at 2S that was worth at least $1 00;— the greatest waste and extrava- gance; the immense losses by some of the .storekeepers, after hjM^feElr?' 5 fog been allowed regular wastage j— Sale pf Commissary stores to^ State officers and others to an immense amount at merely nominal prices ; the Commissary General drawing any amount of store, for his own individual purposes, at the smallest kind of prices. (Bombproof.) Having Assistant Commissaries, -Clerks and. Agents, numbering from ;3-"> to 40, and nearly all within the con- script age; and that ten persons could do all the business ol the Department, putting the State to an annual expense oT $100,000, with no troops to feed; That the Commissary Gfen'l spends near- ill of his time in Atlanta, and does not give his personal- atten- tion to the Department ; That this Department costs the State of rgia, Iwice as much and more, than any Confederate Depart- ment employing the same number, and not half the work dune — How % checks have been drawn of the State money for individual purposes.;' ?ned) <;. ( '. NOKToX. romissary Gen'l of Georgia, has requested an investigation ol me. '/' be it Resolved, That a Committee ol three from Che,* »e ihid two from the Senate, be appointed to examine I • ; .s and papers of the Commissary Gen'l, with authority t<> Beud for persons and papers, and reporl the result ot said mv< to the next General Assembly, and the members of said com-»'"""' ,l " ,; ' mittee, receive the same per diem pay and milage, ol members ol the General Assembly. Ibeitfurtl ■ /. That said committee have full power to Hive rs, connected with tl . together with the Books, papers, m ind conduct *m of all connected with said office. d to .March S. I = A RESOLUTIONS. Establishing Df h l-i.-k.-i Line, &c— Treasurer authorial to feut au office in Macon. (No. 30.) Resolution, in relation to the e*tablish*ment ofapubt lifte, fyc. Wkr.REAi, a great many slaves are coiistantly escaping to the enemy id Savannah, from the counties especially through which the Army of the enemy passed ; and whereas, the Confederate States Government have removed the military force heretofore stationed above Savannah, thus leaving the way to the enemy open to the unobstructed escape of the slaves : Resolved, That the Governor of this State be authorized and re- men a t b o t e pi,k- quired to establish a line of mounted pickets, of such number and *t line, to - present p.* State Treai urer authoi ized to rent an office iu Micjn. at such points, as he may deem sufficient for the purpose of arrest- jijfr or .lares j n g an< j preventing the escape of slaves to the enemy. Resolved further, That the Governor bp, and he is hereby author- ized, to organize a Battalion of cavalry, for the purpose above mentioned, to be composed of such men in this State, as will vol- unteer to mount and equip themselves for the purpose. Asfcnted to March 11 th, 1S65. (No. 31,) Resolved by the General Assembly That the Treasurer be author- ized to rent iu the city of Macon,' a suitable office in which to trans- mit the business of his office, and to deposit the funds of the State which he may receive during the present session. Assented to Fob. 2Sttj, 1 §65. (No. 32.) Whereas, under the Statue of Georgia, fixing the per diem pay of members of the Legislature at six dollars per day. it was intend- ed that each member should receive the same in gold or silver coin, or its equivalent in paper money at par; And whereas, it^'is* represented that the gold and silver is' not in the Treasury to pay the members : Be it therefore Resolved, That we the members release tivo dollars 8 of our per diem pay, and receive the other one dollar in gold or silver, or its equivalent in Treasury notes ot the State of Georgia, or its equivalent in the new issue of Confederate money ; it to be estimated at the rate of thirty to one. Resolved farther, that the officers of this General Assembly be requested to relinquish five-sixths of the amount appropriated for their pay, and receive the other one-sixth, in gold or silver, or its equivalent in Georgia Treasury Notes, or its equivalent in the new issue of the Confederate money; it to be estimated at the rate of thirty to one. . Assented to March 4th, 1865. la referene to pay ol members and offieern •f General Assymbly RESOLUTIONS. 93 Cotten'CarcLi.— Trori ot Maoon te Brunswick Railroad. — Diptrihnttaii ■ Assented to March 6th, \ < 0'>. (No. 34.) Resolution requesting t/ie cftUkorities to msjoend the- order to take the iron from the Macon \ Brunswick Rail Road. The Macon & Brunswick Rail Read haying become by reason of the location, and the injuries inflicted by the public enemy upon two other Rail Roads terminating at this place, ofeuch importance ^ ■ to the City and the country, that in the judgment of this General Assembly, the removal of-its iron as is ordered, would cause loss io the public interest, great inconvenience to th.e citizens, and suil- • ■riiiu to the destituteand dependent in this City and neighborhood, a-ud'could be justitied»only* the Orphan children of the Union Society; and that he draw his g£J°&?' tv warrant in favor of Honorable Thomas Purse, who is the authorized s". i rt V lT " f i,n agent for said Institution. Assented to March 11th, 1S6-5. (No. 37.)' A Resolution asking our Senators and Representatives in Congress to "use their influence to have a mail route established from. Quitman, in Bro@Jcs county, through the county of Colquitt, to the city of Albany in Do ugh e rty coun ty . Whereas, the people of Colquitt county, in this State, are al- most altogether deprived of mail facilities, there being but one .short mail route about six miles long in said county: Therefore be it resolved, That our Senators and Representatives ttaii t.,uu- m Congress be instructed to use their influence to procure the es- ;.fi '"""' : tablishment of a mail route from Quitman, in Brooks county, by the way of Tallokas in said county, James Robinson's and the town of Moultrie in Colquitt county, to the city of Albany, in Dougherty county, in this State. And be it further resolved, That the Governor of this State be requested -to furnish our Senators and Representatives in Congress with a eppy of these resolutions. Assented to March 11, 18G5. (No, 38.)' Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be, and he is here- by authorized and requested to purchase, and cause to be sent by jteHJurt c,r mail, as soon as published, one copy of Waters' Pamphlet of the totaniiir Public Laws of the late regular and present called session, to . 1 n,Ii each member of this General Assembly; one copy to each Judge of the Supreme and Superior Courts; one copy to each of the . Clerks of the Supreme, Superior and Inferior Courts, and one to be p.i.i copy to each Ordinary and 'Attorney and Solicitor General ; and l^yZi'; 1 "that the Governor pay for the same at five dollars per copy out of the Contingent Fund; Provided, the same be • published and Ikovisu. mailed within fifteen days after the adjournment of the Legisla- ture. Assented to March 7, 1865. _.»all APPENDIX. CHANGES I x t h ; : CODE OF GEORGIA. TABLE OF TITLES. TITLE I.— CORPORATIONS. 1 [.—DIVORCES, ill— EDUCATION. IV.— ELECTIONS. V.— KXIIS.. ADMRS., &C. . VI.— INCORPORATE >$$. VII.— JUDICIARY. VIII.— MARRIAGES. IX.— MILITIA. X.— PENAL CODE. XL- ROADS. XII.— SLAVES. XI II.— TAXES. APPENDIX CHANGES IN A Resolution directing iltc Compiler of the .Jets -passed at this Session* to annex to his compilation, a iwmoran.jliim, shoicing tin changes made in the Code of GeSrgut: Resolved bij the (.xeueral Assembly, That the Compiler of the. Acts passed at this Session, be required to annex a, full memorandum to the compilation, showing the changes made in the revised Code of Georgia, by any acts pas- sed by any .subsequent Legislature, since the adoption of the Code. Assented to March 0; 1 80S. Pursuant to the requirement in fclie e>rVgnhig Resolution, I have made strict < xamiuution,for all chan getjin the Code, either by amendment 01 repeal, Mti hilsl thus suspended, as' well us since, various changes were, and have been made. It is probable that iua few instances alterations or changes by gen- era) legislation, have been wa\le without any reference in the Acts, to the Sections changed. Only such are embraced, in this Appendix, where the Sections changed, are specified by number or otherwise. For easy reference, these various.subject,'ijfiutters of legislation have been classified under appropriate heads. In every case, the whole Act chaiigicg any ■<< : of thi I .'ode is.given with such notes as will explain hew | the law now stands. ' COMPILE!! TITLE !. COKPORATIOXS. An Act to amend the 1630M section of the retired Code afthor/rmi anil jor biker purposes. Section I. T7»e Genetat Assembly oftlu Stat.' of Georgia d<> mart. That, that portion of the second paragraph which follows the worded ''location' 1 shall be stricken out, and the remainder of said para-™".^; eraph shall be as follows : The Clerk of said Court, shall ntace be-i"^? '•'"* lore the Judge ot the Superior Court of the county, afihe next;":"' terra after the expiration of said advertisement, 4 Copy of said dec- laration,ni)d affidavit, and certificate of publication: and if ihe p,»... Court be satisfied that the application is legitimately within the purview and intention of this Code, it shall pass an order declar- ing the said application granted, and a certified copy of said dec- laration, affidavit, certificate of publication and order, shall be held and received as evidence ol the charter of Said corporation in any Court in this State. SEC II' Be it further enacted, That, in any. cases in which par- ties have made efforts to obtain a charter under said section of the A Code, that they be allowed to have such declaration, affidavit and certificate filed, and such order taken at the next term of the Supe- rior Court of their respective counties, succeeding the passage of this Act. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall g. \ct amendatory of the 9488 and 2490 sections of the Code of Geor- Sec. L Tke s General Assembly of Georgia do enact* That it shall and may be optional with Executors ami Administrators, in mak-|£ " ** ing their returns, to attach copies of their vouchers, as provided in Mn, »* < A the aforesaid section; or to file with said returns the original vouchers, with the Ordinary, which shall remain in said Ordina- ry's office, for the space ol thirty days, and after remaining said tiirle, shall be recorded with said return, and when so recorded, shall be returned to Said Executor or Administrator on demand for the same. Skc. II. Be UJurlher enacted. That this act shall go into effect ^J^cuC immediately after its a^uoval by the Governor.* mc4-t<*j. ;. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to April ISth, 1SG0. "Tii<- ' led, made it compulsory on Kxr'*, Adtn're, &.c, to allow .lieir vouchers to i.r\'s Office. Tide amendment nakes it optional, whether the vouchers shall tp i ornot. and gives the privilege of withdrawing than Sfi!!. all von -h''n: inu»t be full and explicit as required by the irded. TITLE VI. INCORPORATIONS. In A:: to so a Co Ic of Georgia thai the provisions of tons 1792 amd 4793 t pty to, and be o) m the City of Columbn . allowing judgment entered a* in case of appeal* Section- I. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of his Act. thai all the provisions of sections 1792 and 4793, of the££ £*c! Code of Georgia, apply to, and be of force in the City ofCotumbot, vmtmi * Provided, that in all case-s where judgment i9 given against the tenant, it sh:tl! be entered as incase of appeal.* Bfec. II. Kopeals conflicting laws. Absented to March 7th, 181 o thxripht* if landlords . »• :« (afl to pay or \" M^rpnrreivioti, and the remedial Is 'twb (MW. 1$% CHANGES IN CODE.— Jiimcury. - 4* w£ V&Btcslti Code repeiled.— Sen. 9017 rc-pe»';ed in part.-Htoos. 28», '0.40, B51S and Ml * TITLK VII. JUDICIARY. .4a Act to repeal the third and twelfth section* of the Code of Georgia? relative to thr construction of statutes. SECTION I. 'lite General Assembly of the State of Georgia do SLj"ic*«*tt«c*i That from and after the passage of this Act, the third and **••»)<*. twelfth sections of the Code of Georgia be, and the same are here- by repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec, 14th, 1863. "The third section ofthe Code, repealed by (he foregoing Act, provided that all Acts passed 1)3' the General Assembly, unless otherwise declared in Bach Acts, should take effect from the tirrt day of July next succeeding their passage. The twelfth section, also hereby repealed, provided that the repeal of a repealing Act ohall not' be construed to revive the former Act, unless Mich appears to have been manifestly the intention of the General Assembly. An Act, to repeal that portion of the tiro thousand (wo hundred and eigh- ty-seventh section of the Code of Georgia, an prohibits the creation of trusts for male persons of sane mind. SECTION 1. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That from *ec. Jan «• and after the passage of this Act, that portion ofthe two thousand £rt W in two hundred and eighty-seventh (22S7) section of the Code of Georgia, as prohibits the creation of trusts, express or implied, in any property, for any male person of sane mind, be, and the sftaie is hereby repealed.* Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 14th, 1963. "^Trusts for male persons of sane mind may now be rivaled. An Ad, to repeal so much ofthe 2501),//, 2510th, 2512th and. 3618$ sections ofthe Code of Georgia*, as requires three months' notice to be o-iven in a public Gazette of an application for titles upon bonds of de- ceased persons, and to provide for the trial of such cases, when objec- tions arc filed, and to provide for the payment of costs in such cases. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That from and after rttuei. f -the passage of this Act, so much of the 2509, 2510, 2512, and """* 3618, sections ofthe Code of Georgia, as requires notice to be giv- en to all persons concerned, by publication in a Gazette, of appli- cation for an order requiring titles to be made by the legal repre- sentatives of a deceased person, be, and the same is hereby repeal- ed. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That fifteen days' notice in wri- £?%»••£" ting to the Administrator or Executor, and heirs at law of the de- **■ ceased, if to be found in this State ; and if non-residents, by publi- cation in one ofthe Gazettes of this State for 30 days, shall be CHANGES IN CODE.— JtTDicunr. I if 4-">!>.2d $««"!. o f the Cod« Braeoded. deemed sufficient notice to authorize the granting of an order for the execution of titles, when no objection is filed by the legal rep- lesentative of said estate, or heir at law. Sec. III. Be if further enacted, That when objections in writing,, are filed in the ofliee of said Ordinary, it shall be the duty of the'"" 11 Ordinary to hear evidence, as to the fact, whether the condition of said bond has been complied with by the payment of the purchase money or not, aud to grant an order requiring said titles to be made or not, as ke may think the principles of justice may require : and either party beihg dissatisfied with the decision, may appea»^ p . ,. to the Superior Court upon .the same terms as appeals are granted f^irM*"* 4 in other cases. 8,EC. IV. Be it further entscied, That whenever the party making said bond shall have died before the time at which said titles were c-t. b.* to be made, and before the purchase money became due, the cost*"'' 1 '' of said proceeding shall bo paid by the representatire of said es- tate ; but if the time tor making 1 said titles and the payment of said money elapse before the death of the obligor, then the eoits shall be paid by the applicant. Sfcp". V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 14th, 1863. An Act to amend the fokr thousand Jice hundred and ninety-second section ■ot'thi Code o/'GwtgtUi Section- I. The General Assembly do enact, That from and imme- diately after the passage of this Act, the four thousand five hun- dreil and nine! \ -second section of the Code of Georgia, be, and same is hereby amended as follows: by inserting therein im- mediately after the words " unless the defendant be in jail," the words, "or otherwise in the sound discretion of the Court."* Assented to April 1 8th, l s <>::. An Art to Amend (he 4563 section of the Cod< oj Georgia. >\- imx 1. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact. That from .unl immediately alter the passage of this Act, the four thousand*-^ hundred and ninety-second section of the Code of Georgia, be.«-» d *- and the same is hereby amended as follows : immediately after the words in said section, '" ready for trial," insert the words " e.xeept in those oases wliere the defendant is entitled by law to demsnd i erial.' Assented to April IBth, 1863. The ofcaea M Mnaded by two fbregaiiig Acta will read n- Pellowi 'Tbe eaj« <•» i«» rntmnol docket shall b<- bulled in the or der in wlncb they stand oath* docket, unk* Utt Men- ,i»nt t othenriee in the eoand discretion ot the Conrt , and the Sute (hall t>< reqny ^1 it . , annonnc" ready for trial, except In thoee OUee where Ui- .MerjiVant » *»ti t>j hv law to demand • trial] and in «U eaeei in which »he defendant rannc* acconhc* to taw .i-maii.i atrial, »< mtiaaaora tksll not be granteJ lothe S*ate, eirepi upon ar«a*ouatw >K» Cert -. its CHANGES IN CODE.— Marriages. 8ee 2720 repealed— Sees. 1752, 2134 and 8147 repealed. A« Act w repeal section 2729 of the Code of Georgia, relative to the ef- fect of acceptances of bills and orders. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Gem giaelo errtret, That said section be repealed.* Assented to Nov. 17, 1S'64. 1$U. 2739 n S**. 17M M»ended. °The section repealed is as follow*: "An ordinary acceptance does not raise a pre>V!TBption of funds in the hands of the acceptor, but the onus is ou the drawer to show funds in his bauds.' ' An Act to amend the one thousand, seven hundred and fifty -second (1752) f, section of the Code of Georgia. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That in all eases where a bastard has died intestate, without heirs, and his property has not been escheated, or may hereafter die in- testate, leaving no widow or lineal descendant, or illegitimate broth- er or sister, or descendant of a brother or sister, or mother ; oi brother, or sister of legitimate blood, or descendant of such broth- er or sister ; then, and in that case, the brothers and sisters of the mother of such bastard, or their descendants, or the maternal grandeparents, of such bastard, may inherit the estate of such bas- tard ; and said estate shall be divided among said persons, in ac- cordance with the degrees of consanguinity ..prescribed in the laws of distribution of other estates. , Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws.* Assented to March 4th, 1SG-5. °The rule of inheritance, .in ca?e of bastard children, i> not changed by theab'ove Act, in the least particular, from the rule in the Cod?, but the line of inheritance ia only enlarged or length- ened beyond a point not provided for in the Code. An Act to amend sections two thbusaml o/>r hundred and thirty-four, and three thousand one hundred and forty-seven, of the Code of Giorgio, re- lating to the remedies in favor of sureties. Sec. I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That the remedy provided by said section two thousand one hun- dred and thirty-four, shall be applicable to cases where the debt is not due, as well as to those where it is due ; and the words " principal or" shall be stricken from division or paragraph num- ber three, of the said section, three .thousand one hundred and for- ty-seven, d Assented to Nov. 17, 1SG1. d Sec. 2134 allows a surety, guarantor or eadorsor to hold his principal to bail, by making the oath thorein prescribed. This Act allows it done, whether the debt is due or not dve, ou proper oath made. Sec. 3147 authorizes the writ of ne-exraf in certain cafes. This Act allows it in favor of one surety against his ro surety, the word '• principal" being stricken out, as bail is the reo|Mry in that case. CHANGES IN CODE.— Militia.— Penal Code. 103 See. I&W repealed— Certain Seotion* of the Cod* relative to the Militia repealed. TITLE VIII. MARRIAGES. An Act to repeal paragraph 1(>58, of part second, tide second, chapter first, article first, section first of the revised Code of Georgia, and to le- . gah ze me triages in violation of the same. Wiiekkas, by the above cited paragraph of the revised Code of Georgia, all inarriages, not solemnized in conformity with the oth- er provisions of said Code, are declared to be invalid ; and iv/u rcas, p rcamb i„. said innovation upon the law, as it stood before the adoption of paid revised Code, will have the effect of giving rise to perplexing questions of legitimacy of children, and rights of property, and to domestic unhappiness. Therefore, Sivtion' I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia d) en- act, That from and after the passage of this Act, paragraph 1658 \£i?;T#U* •I' part second, title second, chapter lirst ? article first, section first r * l> " al •f the revised Code of Georgia be repealed. Sic II. And be it' further enacted. That all marria ares heretofore, .. J ' , • l * Lnual\a« mar- solemnized, not in conformity with (he provisions of said Act shall n»*p.»ot.ei- ' J 1 , , /> emni«ed ac- excuse any Ordinary, Judge, Justioe or Minister of this Gospel, for ^'"b'j- any non-performahce uf duty as r-quiredin said paragraph 1668, of said part, title, chapter and seel ion of said Code.* Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dee. 14th, 18(55. Paragraph 1658 ol Co l< hereby repealed, provides i"i obtaining licence, nml pnlilicntionof the banns qf marriage in a neighboring church, in the presence of the congregation, tor at leant three Sabbath days prior to the solemnization. The repeal of this sect iou of the Code does not nse with license. ;i* would seem by the repeal of the whole section, us other sections pro- \ ide for license, nml i; w i- mapifi stly designed t<> r< peaj onlj the yavt rel'ci ting to pt,cuiiou it lm n i> TITLE IX. MILITIA. An Act to repeal sections nine hundred and eighty-six, nine hundred and eighty-seven, nim hundred and eighty-eight, nine hundred and eighty- nine, nim hundred and ninety, nine hundred and nim (if-two, and nine hundred and ninety-thru of the Code <<} Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative^ That from and after the passage of this Act, sections nine hundred and eighty-six, nine hundred and eight \-si\ en, nine hundred and*£»£ eighty-eight, nine hundred and eighty-nine, nine hundred ami nine- ty, nine hundred and ninety-two, and nine hundred and ninety- three of the Code of Georgia, be, and the same are hereby repeal- ed.* Sec II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to April isth. 1 5 * The sections repealed have sole i militia dutj ■ •• muMer. The A ■ CHANGE* IN CODE.— Pkxal Com:, Se«. 44.j!.» rejet)''.|.— Fa'ngraph 1855th of Code amended. — H»-*. J7tf8 anwid-ed. TITLE X, PENAL CODE. An Act (9 rrpr.ii/ section 4 459 o/ /Ae Revised Code of Grorgia,4tu4 (.• substitute another in Utu thereof. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That from awtnpeciedttiid after the passage of this Act, section 4£59 of the revised Cotio of Georgia, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. II. Be u farther uiacud, That the common law be revived and declared of full force and effect, as if said section of the Cods ? ^ ! i e »*»nd na ^ n °fc been adopted, and that any person or persons charged «* '*£!"" '""with the offences known to the common law as forestalling, regra- ting or engrossing, may be iudictcd in any Superior or Corpora- tion Court having jurisdiction thereof, and who may be fooe4 guilty, shall be punished by fine not exceeding the value of the. goods so forestalled, regrated or engrossed, and punished in the common jail not exceeding six months. It is hereby made the d«- ^"i'^'oity of the Judges of the above named Courts to give this sectiouii Z^'* 1 special charge to their respective Grand Juries at the opening of the several terms thereof. t Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 5th, 1SC3. t Sec. 4450 of (.'ode aboliphed the offence < f forest aUinj, '(•(■instates and makes them indictable. rating and engrossing. This Act i* . i. > An Act to amend the 1855/A paragraph of the Revised Code of Geogia. Sec. I. The Gmeral Assembly of Georgia do enact, That from and after the passage of this Act, if any person shall violate the provi- K& p s£sioDS of the one thousand eight hundred and fifty-fith (185-5) para- Bf c " de graph of the revised Code of Georgia, he, she, or they shall be punished by fine, at the discretion of the Court.t Sec II. Repeals conflicting- laws. Assented to Dec. 12th, 1863; * Sec. IS55 of Code provides, that each owner shall keep hie slaves on hi* own premises, «r within his control. ."Shall not permit them to labor or transact business for themselves, ex«ept cu holiday*, or on bis own premises. Xor to rent any house, room, store or land on tielF •w» H«eount- "This Aet. simply prescribes thepenalty, which was neglected in the Code. I nil •■■ ■/ ,i An Act to amend section 4,708 Ju? the Code of Georgia. Whereas, The Cede of Georgia, in enumerating the criiKies committed by slaves, and fixing the punishment for the same, does not embrace the crime of burglary. Sec. I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enuct, That the crime of burglary be included in, and made a part of section 4,708 of said Code, which section enumerates the crimes committed by slaves, whUk CHANGE I.\ I'ODK.- Roans. It* .S-. i..\~< tan 9* -f-'i -S" ''11 am^wi.'rt. — S*«. 21 :M arpenl-M. shall be punished, in the discretion of the Court, either by death or such other punishmeui .is the Court may prescribe. Assented to April IS, (§03. -4/t j&7 /() (HilfU'J the A'-W 'ii'ii sic! inn <■! tilt t Itxfc c»/' Georgia. Sec. I. 77/ r General Assembly of Georgia do enacts That from af- ter the passage of this Act, section four thousand three hundreds-- t»i7«r and seventeen (4-! I?) of the Code of Georgia, be amended by .«" * adding "Railroad oar" alter the word '•hut," and that the *am« ga into effect on the 25th day of April, 1^<>*. SjEC. II. Repeals conflicting laws.// Assented to April LStlr, l s 1 1) of the ("ode of (Jeorgia, be altered, so as to read as fallows to-wit : "provided tie public road overseer, having charge of them respectfully, are paid two dollars and fifty cents per day, for each hand so Liable." 4 Sac. 11. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 1 >ec. olh, LS63. 4 •See 611 of( >de provided, that laborer* on any li if incorporated liail.Koada, I tble • road duty, '-itiilil >•« relieved by paring to overseer one dollar per hand far eaea day ' Act raieea amount to be paid, to $1..jU per day, lobe expend) An Act to repeal thr six hundred and thirty third sei "<>// a/ the Qodeof Qtorgia, relative 1 ' ommissioners. Ssctiom I. The General AeeemfUu of the State of Georrria do That the six hundred and thirty-third (633) section ol 'the t 'odf •■•••• "• of Georgia be, and the same is hereby repealed, any law custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. 1 Assented to Nov. 28tjl, iSG.'t. ■ptad K>i«'i Coma - ■nkt* aud other ..,b.J JuiT and toi tw.i .•.-,•» -*aid*, a titer had«etr*J m • 1(K> CHANGES IN CODE.— Slaves.— Taxes. 8*c, ia<"ti repealed. — Be*. 7S6 ameudod — Third clause ?;5v»Ui &k*e. amended. lift. Cuuo pealed Preua ':;■■ TITLE XII. '' SLAVES. An Ad to repeal the. 1376/A section of the Code of Georgia* Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That sec- tion 1376 of the Code of Georgia, which reads as follows : "It shall be unlawful for any church, society, or other body, or any persons, to grant any license or other authority to any slave or free person of color to preach or exhort, or otherwise officiate in church mat- ters, " be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. II. And that the law in reference to licensing slaves and 8 free persons of color to preach, existing before the adoption of the Code, is hereby re-enacted.* Assented to April ISth, 1S6;J. 'Vjv the statute hereby revival, see T. R. R. Cobb's New Digesf.Vp. 1003'anif 1086, •title Jan. TAXES. An Act to amend the seven hundred and eighth- sixth section of the Code «f Georgia relative to taxing Defaulters. SECTION I. The General Assembly of this State do mart, That the seven hundred and eighty-sixth (7Su)' section of the Code of Geor- gia, be so amended as to provide, That if any person shall fail to make a return of taxable property, in whole or in part, under the tax acts in force in this State, such persons so in default, shall be double taxed for the first years default, for the second years default fourfold, and increasing in the same ratio each year, until a return is made. ' " -. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 7th. 1863. ["he S.jotion amend -1 p 'd.vided only dunb' e taxation on Beo.ejvec8 a*M*sin«nt'. An Actio amend the third clause of (he (7:39/7/) seven handled veu hun- dred and thirty-ninth section of the Code of Georgia, be amended by inserting the word "male" between the words "white" and "persons ;" thereby making said clause read, "every free white male person between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, twenty- five cents." Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to April 16th, 1863. The clause amanded, is the one assessing specific or poll lax, ami simply makeS the tax im- posable on free wbite niak persons between certain ages, and not on all free. white persons'. which would include females. INDEX TO LAWS OF BOTH SESSIONS. ADMINISTRATORS. See Exr's, Admr's. Ac, in l,idr.i. ADVANCES BY TREASURER; To Gov't Officers, '• Members o! Gen'l Assem- bly, &c, i •• In what funds paid, APPROPRIATIONS. To pay salary of Governor, :• " salary of State House officers, •• pay salary Messenger of Ex. DepLi ••• pay salary

    EDUCATION. Increased per diem to teachers of poor children, ECHOLS COUNTY. Attached to 1st Con. Dist,, ELECTIONS. Time extended for returns from Army, Refugees may elect in certain cases, County Treasurers elected by the people, n EftECUTIVK MANSION. For repairs of, 9 EXRS. AD'Mirs., AC. 9 May sell C. S. bonds to. pay Taxes, Proceedings, Also, may sell to make distri- bution, ' Refugees, how to make returns. Administration in wrong cos. legalized, Authorized to pay old debts in property, Appraisement in such case's, Returns, how made, 88 EXTRA SESSION. Pay of Members and officers at, n '« of Secy's Ex. Dept., «« Adj. X Ins. Gen'l, his As- sistanl and Clerk, •' Chaplain of Senate. •• State Bouse < >ffia In what funds paid, Refitting halls for. IKES. ( If county officers increas In what funds paid, When applicable, 2S 79 70 79 30 30 -0 4W 19 49 u; .")0 50 ik 61 49 1 1 52 52 53 \ 4i II 14 A] 11 If 4!) }:» 1" 8] / 10 INDEX. FORT VALLEY. Charter of amended, GEO. MIL'TY. INSTITUTE. To pay salary Sup't of, " " Professors of, GEO. REL'F & HOSPITAL ASSO CIATION. $•500,000 appropriated to, i GEORGIA P. P. & P/NK. CO. See Banks. GPICE, \V. L. Pay of, as member, HOME INSURANCE CO. Charter of, amended, Re-organized at 'Macon* HOTELS. Keepers of, to give checks for baggage, 01 No additional charge, 7-5' 9j 9- 1 1 Ordinary, Office of, may be vacated, Proceedings, Practice. Criminal cases of soldiers iii service to be continued, Bonds not to be forfeited, Judgment of forfeiture to be set aside, Onus of proof in gaming cases, Record ot lost deeds, &c, au- 5S 59 .58 59 59 59 59 00 56 56 Penally for refusal, 1NMAN, J. S. To pav for lard for Mil. Ins INSTITUTE FOR BLIND. $12,000 for support of, $6,000 additional, INSURANCE COMPANIES. Mcrchhv.ts Insurance Co. of Columbus. | Incorporated, 13 16 thorized, 59 60 Jurisdiction, Worth co. added to South- western circuit, 60 Sup'r Courts changed, 60 j Jurisdiction ot City Court of 62; Augusta extended, 61 62j Fees regulated, 6 J 62 KNIGHT, R. B. Pay of, as Clerk in IsOI. 44 10JL1NCOLN CO. Road laws of. amended. 29 10JMADISON. 43! Election of town Cominrs. le- galized, MARIETTA. City taxation in, limited, ■.Southern Insurance and Trust Co. MARRIAGES 83 -10 Charter of, amended, 55 56 Re-organized at Macon, 55 i. Home Insurance Co. ■Charter of, amended, Hve-organized at Macon, ■gDICIARY. Si: prune Court. \ fiSAdjcurnment of, authorized, ■^Published notice of time and place requited, ■■Orders may issue in vacation, Writs of error, -how returned, Superior Courts. KJurors drawn for one Court not held, competent for next, ' Notice bv Clerk, ^Special Sessions of, authorized; Notice by Judge, 58 Attendance of Jurors, 5S Adjournment ofspecial Sessions, 58 t Inferior Courts may apply, 58 Dower cases triable, 58 Between first cousins legalized, 63 MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO. ! ' OF COLUMBUS. 56i Incorporated. 13 16 50 METROPOLITAN TELEGRAPH CO. v Incorporated. ?? 78 16MILITARY. Rank of Commissary Gen'l 16 raised, 01 ] Rank of Quar. Mas. Gen'l raised, 61 MILITARY FUND. • $1,000,000 for 1865, 9 $3,000,000 " 43 57 j How applied, 43 $7 MILITARY STORE-KEEPER. 57| Pay of, at Milledgeville. 9 MILITIA. See State Defence. MILLEDGEVILLE. Charter amended, as to elec- tion of Aldermen, * 75 INDEX. I* PENAL CODE. Keepers of Hotels, Ac, to give checks for baggage, 61 Gj No additional charge, 61 Penalty for refusal, 62 Onus of proof in gaming cases, 60 PENITENTIARY. Salary Book- keeper of, Head tanner of, Pay of committee to visit, Clerk of committee. PERKY. Corporate limits of changed, PLAYEK, S. T. Pay of, as member, PRINTING FUND. For 1865, PUBLIC DEBT. Appn. to pay, QUAH rERMASTER GENERAl Rank raised, KE< ■ CLERK. To pay of, in Ex. Dept., RELIEF. Warehousmen relieved of Tax- es in certain cases, Property destroyed by war re-, lieved from tax, Of Soldiers, elected to civil of- f; :es, < i; i>ins marrying, < >f Atlanta exiles, v I revenue: Per <•< nt of tax for l B66j pt in certain oal i, LS Commissions of Tax-Receivers ( lollectors, REYNOL1 Town of, in ed, J&ALARI] Of Governor for I g » ►f Se sretary of State, of Comptroller General, < )f State Treasurer, < \{ Secretaries Ex. Dept Of! er to Ex. 1 Vpt.. State Librarian, <)! Atty. and Sols.Gen'1, < n Reporter of Supreme Court. Of Judges uf Supreme Court. i)f J Igea of Superior Courts, Of Supt. Geo. Mil. Institute, 9 Of Guard at State .Magazine, Of Mil. Store-keeper at Mil- ledgeville, *> Of Recording Clerk of Ex. Dept.. 9 Of Clerk in Treasurer's office, 11 Of Supt. State Asylum, 13 SECRET ARY OF STATE. 4;: His salary for 180 "», 6 1J To pay for fuel, lights, &c, fo* 43 (Jen. Assembly, 10 Fuel, lights, &c, at extra session, 43 76 SLAVES. Tax on, how equalized, -- i J SOLDIERS. .000.000 appropriated toin- 6 . digent families of, Who included, Ini'i', Courts maypurchase'eorn for, ' 8 Quar. Master to furnish Era • portation. S Quar. Mas. Gen'] to ; .-n- cloth- 9 01 I G2 63 8 2 LS ing, shoes, &o%, 03 Requisition, how in; de, Soldiers in Hospitals entitled, ( officers allowed to pun clothing, VJ.M00.000 addition,!] for indfl gent, d Aint., bow Raised, 64 How distributed, * f m Relief of, elected to civil SPARTA. Charter of, amended • titil lice > 7 I- i" STATE DEFENCE. Lev; ' 1 7o Of what cl :■•<, Volenti 6 Gov, to prescrib . c> lati< 61 6 mander, 6 < ' S. rules and 6 to govern. 6 Go\ 6 daye, 6 Exemption of [.» ! 6 Judicial I »• . :J0 ■20 112. STATEllOUSE. For repairs of, INDEX. STATE HOUSE CLOCK. For repairing and winding, for 1665, State lunatic asylum. For support of, in 1SC-V $50,000 additional Tor pauper patieuts, Salarv Supt. of, increased, Pay "of Trustees, Treasurer, sub-officers, &c., increased, 4:J STATE MAGAZINE. To pay Guards of, . •• STATIONERY. To purchase of. fur Ex. Dept. 9 STAY LAW. Ke-euacted, Exceptions, TAXES. Income tax, how estimated. Comp.Genl. to remit in certain cases, Property relieved from, when destroyed by the enemy, 20 Time extended for collection of, 22 On slaves* how equalized, 22 24 Income tax Act for 1S65, 05 0? 1 "Widows with sous in Army, 44] relieved in part, 07 On Banks, Ac, 67 08 Refunded to hirers of negroes <;• in certain cases, 08 Oath of Tax-payers, 6S 0u tax in certain sections. Thanks to Militia and State Line. Gov. requested to make arrangements to transport corn on State L'«rt on different ■ Road*. 22. RecomYneuds construction of Rail Road be tween Albany ami ThomasviDe. *2 - J. To suspend the collection of taxes in certain casea. 23. Recommends that certificates for produce igiprecsed be i eceived for taxes. 24. t'.'ecoiiJiiHiids release of Tax in Kind in conn ties nverrun. 'S> Corn, or money in Hen, to be famished to coun- ties not supplied under Act of Nov., 1863. 26. Distribution of imported Cotton Card*. '27. Joint Committee to examine the Penitenti- ary. 28. Gov. authorized to sell surplus material about Penitentiary. "'?>. Committee appointed to investigate Quar- termaster and Commissary Depts. 30. Establishment of picket line. 31. State Treasurer authorized to rent au office in Macon. 32. In reference to pay of Members and Officers of Gen. Assembly. 33. Officers of Gan. Assembly allowed to pur- chase Cotton Cards. 34. Requesting suspension of order to remove iron from Macon dt Brunswick R.R. 35. Distribution of Educational fund of 1864. 30. Appropriation for orphan children of Uuion Society, Chatham Co. 37, Mail Route recommended, 38. Waters' Pamphlet to be furnished Civil Offi- cers. i (•*•'• ft • V I \ 1 \t