cx ni n Duke Universriy Libraries (Circular : Conf Pam q#16 DT1113fl55 + ENROLLING OFF 9f* Cmur^l IPht, m^\ €. May 2, 1864. In compliance with paraoinpli iV, Circular Xo. 10 0. 0. Kuleigh, N. C, County Enrolling Oiiiccrs, and Offi<>ers of the Home Guard, will cause \o be enrolled and ordered to appear at the following named times and places oil white male persons be.tween the ages of 17 and 50 (except those heretofore oxom|>t, l>y authority of the Legislature or Governor of this State) foriinal enrollment and ex- aminaiion. « Burke Co. lOOlh Heo-'t at Morganton Mav IT, ly, ID, 20 Caldwell, 1)5 Alexaiider, 94 Lenoii TaNd^fsviU Wiik es. Ashe, Alleghany, Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Iredell, 1)2 0.3 5)7 J)0 7:^ 74 75 77 78 7!) -' Wilkesboro' ^"' JellR^-s(m, '\Srr5ioh. ne;iTGai> ^•\*U'',Mt.tlii^ y^^'' Dobiojv- - >" YadlJfuvilh V" (Jli 3. 24. 25, 26. 8,30, :Vl.lsl June. X 4, 6,^. 8. 1), 10, 11. 13, 14, 15. 10 Ti, 18. 20. 21. 22 27 i, 2d.'-lt)i Julv *•' > .) u Separate roils will be k^jft of {nf^C! and from 45 to 50, iind on^onivfr^il^ roijuired to rejsort on the-fipK?l; dav of enrollmenl. , The County En. OlTicers and ( also enroll and order to aj^pear (VfJIhe poinlment for c/icli Eegiment, aU Imfu' fr^ the ages of 18 and 50 Ibr enrollment an m 7, 8, ^1.12. K;, 14 jlih 18. 10,20 /rl2. 24. 25. 2() 18, I'rom 18 to 45 Uegiment will be each su^'ceedinsr ers /j\ fli)nie' (iiiard will f of- the last ap- '>ixt^ of color l)elween iii]*i(io)i. L/evf. ii- hn. Oj^icr m Con'fl Disfr/rf, \. C. EPICAL ISIOTICE. The ^Medical Exanuning lioanl lor ^he 0th Cong! District will attend al the above named times a?fd places for the examinalion of all between tlie ages of 17 and '50, nM order that all should at- tend promi^tly on Ihe davs set apart f-r their examination. ( iHurinoii h.r. liiuml \)(!t CoH'fl TJhfrkl. 0^> r 4 1 Oi—^ w •■y. pH8.5